\'V**»W »Y|mf UN'VERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 06742 1900 >» ,- V 4.* ***r" SSL » | "V v' .' ..." rv YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Edith and Maude Wetmore in memory of their father, George Peabody Wetmore, B.A. 1867 GOVERNOR OF THE STATE UF i LLODE TSLAIii' ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND FOR THE YEAR 1865. Wf,,, PROVIDENCE: PROVIDENCE PRESS COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1 866. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS. Adjutant General's Office, ) Providence, May, 1866. ) His Excellency James Y. Smith : Governor and Commander-in-Chief: Governor : — I have the honor to transmit herewith the Annual Report of this Department for the year 1865, with the Catalogue ordered by the Honor able General Assembly at its January Session. With the highest respect, Your Excellency's Obedient Servant, H. CRANDALL, Colonel and A. D. C. Acting Adjutant General. ANNUAL REPORT. With the capture of Fort Fisher, the triumphant sweep of General Sher man's army through North and South Carolina, the evacuation of Charleston, and the surrender of the Northern Army of Virginia under General Lee, an unjustifiable and wicked rebellion was brought to a close. The joy that this event awakened in every loyal State was shared by the people of Rhode Island. The brightness of the morning of a new dispensation of Freedom was indeed early clouded by the foul assassination of President Lincoln, but this dark deed, which sent a thrill of horror through the land, and which no where awakened more intense indignation than in this State, served only to endear more strongly to every patriotic heart the sacred principles of human rights, and to deepen the determination to restore the Union at whatever cost. In the bloody drama over which the curtain of peace is now happily drawn, Rhode Island acted an important part. The previous Reports of this Depart ment exhibit the work and changes of preceding years. They show how bravely our Regiments and Batteries sustained themselves on long and weari some marches, in sieges, skirmishes, and in the hard fought battles comprised in their varied experiences. Whether under Burnside, Hunter, Sherman, Gillmore, McClellan, Hooker, Meade, Sheridan or Grant, they proved them selves worthy of the State they represented; and both in camp and on the march, by the respect paid to private property, and by their general soldierly conduct, gained the good will and secured the warm commendation of all classes where the armies operated. It is with justifiable pride that these facts are stated. The wounded and broken in health, returned once more to their homes, receive, as they deserve, the friendly consideration of those in whose behalf they gallantly exposed their lives ; while fallen patriots, sleeping the deep sleep on numerous fields of sacrifice, or resting in honored graves among kindred and friends, are sincerely mourned. The names of Slocum, Ballou, Tower, 6 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. Prescott, Pierce, Stevens, Rodman, Ives,* Babbitt, Curtis, Sayles, Shaw, Turner, Kelly, Hunt, Nicholai, Chedell, Tillinghast, Church, Ainsworth, Gove, Peckham, Gleason, Perry, and many other officers who fell in the dis charge of a sacred duty, will ever be held in honored remembrance ; nor will the long list of rank and file, who nobly laid down their lives to sustain the best form of government the world ever saw, be forgotten by their grateful fellow citizens. Such a contribution to the support of constitutional law and the integrity of the Union speaks more emphatically than words can declare the spirit of the people of Rhode Island. The year covered by this Report has witnessed the return and disbanding of the troops sent into the field by the State. The appropriate order issued through this Department by your Excellency, directing salutes to be fired, escorts to be detailed, and collations to be jirovided for their refreshment, was carried thoroughly into effect. Each regiment and battery, or part thereof, was welcomed as it returned, in a manner becoming the character of the State, and justly expressive of the feelings of our citizens. The appearance of these war-worn veterans, as they marched under escort through our streets, awakened emotions not easily suppressed, and the warmth with 'which they were greeted gave assurance that through all the vicissitudes of four years of intestine war they had been tenderly remembered. In compliance with a resolution of the General Assembly passed at the Session in January last, I have caused to be prepared and printed a Register of Rhode Island officers and soldiers who served in the United States Army and Navy from 1861 to 1866. To each Regiment, Battalion and Battery sent into the field, is prefixed a historical sketch of its organization and the services it rendered. These sketches give a, desirable completeness to the Register, and will be found of great value to the student of history, and of special interest to the friends of those whose brave deeds they commemorate. They were prepared by Rev. Edwin M. Stqne, whose active interest in the Rhode Island troops, extensive correspondence with officers and enlisted men dur ing the entire war, and familiarity with the movements of the respective armies with which our Regiments and Batteries were connected, peculiarly qualified him for the work. The records of this Pepartment were in many particulars too meagre to furnish the necessary materials, and to supply the deficiency, as far as possible, recourse was had to diaries kept by officers and privates engaged in the actions described, official reports addressed to brigade or division com manders, and published correspondence from the army. The labor bestowed * Lieutenant Robert Hale Ives, Jr., was commissioned August 19th, 1862, First Lieutenant (Adjt.) in the Providence Horse Guards, with permission to enter active service as Volunteer Aide on the Staff of Briga dier General Rodman. He joined General Rodman September 3d, 1862, then commanding a Division in the Ninth Corps of the army of the Potomac ; served in the campaign in Maryland till the battle of Antie- tam, September 17th, when he fell mortally wounded by the side of his General. He died September 27th, at Hagerstown, Md., aged twenty-five years and six months. ADJUTANT GENERALS REPORT. 7 on these sketches has been very great, several days being often devoted to gathering and authenticating facts embodied in a single paragraph. Had a full and detailed history of each Regiment and Battery been written, it would have swelled the Register to an additional volume. But though the resolution of the General Assembly did not contemplate a work so extensive, and only authorized " a brief and concise account of the services rendered by each Regi ment, Battalion, and Battery of Artillery," yet, by judicious compression, it is believed all material facts useful for future reference, have been preserved. For the skillful and very acceptable manner in which Mr. Stone has performed the task assigned him, I avail ofthe present opportunity to express my thanks. I also take pleasure in acknowledging my obligations to the clerks and assist ants in this office, for the faithfulness with which they have discharged their respective duties. To the Adjutants General of the loyal States, I would likewise make respectful acknowledgments for courtesies received. Since I have been in charge of this Department, the office has been much frequented by discharged soldiers to obtain certified copies of their enlistments, or of their discharge papers which had been lost, and often were of great im portance to them ; and by others to seek counsel in regard to obtaining pen sions, back pay, or bounties still due. This last class was referred to the ap propriate officers having such matters in charge. A large number of parents, wives and other relatives of enlisted men, have in like manner resorted to the office to gain information of such as were sick or had died in hospitals, or had been mustered out of service at the posts of their respective regiments, and had not since been heard from. For these classes, numbering upwards of two thousand persons, many letters have been written, and all possible pains taken to obtain for them the particulars sought. These services, which have been freely rendered, have engrossed much of the time of the chief clerk, and have been of great value to the parties assisted. The quota of Rhode Island under all calls made by the President of the United States during the continuance of the war, was 23,778. Of the gallant men thus furnished by the State, 13,338 were placed in the Army and Navy during the administration of your Excellency. The residue, being 10,440, entered the service under the administrations of your predecessors, Governor William Sprague and Governor William C. Cozzens. It is a fact in the highest degree creditable to the State, that the number of men sent into the field was in excess of all liable under the law to do military duty. But one State in the Union has furnished to the General Government so large a force in pro portion to population. There was a time during the latter period of the war, when the repeated calls of the President for additional forces seemed to render a draft inevitable, but the energy with which your Excellency devoted your self to insure enlistments prevented the necessity of a measure repulsive to the feelings of the great body of the people, and preserved the reputation of the State for patriotism and true loyalty. 8 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. The liberality displayed by the State and by the cities and towns in expendi tures to meet the exigencies of the war, and the cheerfulness with which the people have submitted to heavy taxation for that purpose, form an honorable page in their history. The following abstract will, in this connection, be read with interest and patriotic pride. Abstract of Meport of Town Treasurers, showing Expenditures Incurred for War Purposes by the Cities and Towns of the Slate of Rhode Island. CITY OR TOWN. Providence . Bristol Barrington Warwick Little Compton . . . Jamestown Warren North Kingstown . Westerly New Shoreham . . . Tiverton Glocester North Providence . Newport Portsmouth Cumberland West Greenwich. . Charlestown East Greenwich . . . East Providence . . Pawtucket Foster Scituate Hopkinton South Kingstown. Richmond Middletown Smithfield Burrillville Johnston Cranston Exeter Coventry 3 B P £ a .2 H P.+3 3-3 $18,350 00 21,070 00 3,510 00 94,214 52 11,511 00 780 00 10,902 50 29,375 00 29,663 20 3,093 61 34,454 33 7,995 00 36,650 00 93,086 45 19,000 00 16,000 00 10,735 00 6,520 00 6,300 00 9,050 00 13,250 00 24,660 00 54,297 12; 16,118 00! 57,301 14 20,085 00J 16,358 00 27,600 00 39,717 02 17,065 00 11,285 00 12,470 00 48,301 71 si. » EH &.S 20,332 18 1,697 45 280 00 439 23 8 50 1,466 26 111 33 250 00 300 00 567 05 175 00 435 72 30 41 1,638 37 45 00 748 90 295 25 161 00 995 00 370 00 476 00 486 79 2,237 70 462 00 76 72 2,443 23 883 75 799 42 2,069 00 1,250 00 o 1» "eg J S O j; h d $391,014 42 7,861 30 126 00 28,183 26 3 3,125 00 420 00 5,786 13 6,613 33 81,234 35 4,861 00 65,350 22 624 00 9,921 15 1,534 98 35,077 25 82 41 4,762 97 3,423 10 3,069 25 200 00 35,193 62 2,132 00 16,515 52 48,716 50 1,030 27 600 00 $429,696 60 30,628 75 4,044 11 122,397 78 11,950 23 788 50 15,656 80 29,906 33 35,699 33 3,393 61 35,021 38 14,783 33 118.877 10 98,383 17 19,030 41 82,988 59 10,780 00 7,892 90 16,766 40 10,745 98 49,322 25 25,112 41 59,744 89 20,027 89 62,608 09 20.547 20 16.634 72 65,236 75 43,621 04 34,379 94 60,001 50 15,569 27 50,051 71 < a^ ¦ *= h za ,— i ^ the joys or sorrows of hundreds of families in Rhode Island ; added to which were earnest re quests for my personal application for the removal of wounded to their homes, and the disinterment of the deceased, such will convey but an imperfect impression of the duties which were crowded into the daily routine of this office. In reviewing the years thus intrusted with the interests of Rhode Island soldiers, I can but imperfectly present, within the limits 0f a brief communication, the varied phases of daily experience, the hopes and fears, the sunshine and the shadow of a work such as the events of the war have necessarily created and enlarged- I have made but brief reference to details, not referring to the thousands of letters on file, which testify to the yearly clerical work of this Department, nor to the large number of appli cants who had technically no claims either upon the State or General Government, and whose necessities I have supplied from my private purse. The duties have been perplexing and arduous, such as required constant discrimination, attention and solicitude, and the appeals from the un- ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 17 fortunate such as I could not resist. In closing, I would simply express the hopo that I have been as successful as my endeavor has been earnest, to faithfully perform tho responsibilities confided. I have tho honor to bo, very rospoctfully, Your Excellency's obedient servant, J. H. ALMY, Col. and A. D. C. New York, February 1st, 1866. COLONEL CORSON'S REPORT. Office Rhode Island State Military Agent, Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1866. Col. H. Crandall, Act'g Adjt. General State of Rhode Island. Sir. 1 have tho honor to mako the following report of the work of tho Rhode Island Agency. In the early part of tho war, as far back as May, 1861, large numb3i-s of troops arrived in this city on their way to defend the national capital. Many of them in their haste left their homes unprepared for a long journey. Tho citizens were very prompt in furnishing them with little comforts, such as food and medicine, and in a very short time our famous Volunteer Refreshment Saloons were establishd, committees organized, and a system adopted, by which every soldier going to or returning from the seat of war was provided with a good and substantial meal. Being- connected with one of these organizations, many special cases of want c.ime to my notice. In a short time, many of those who had volunteered to defend the flag, and who had been called into active service returned hero sick or wounded, and requiring much ten der care and attention. It soon became evident that Philadelphia was to be made a, general depot for the sick and wounded of the Army of the Potomac. In the confusion attendant upon the opening of the war, there were many little attentions necessary to their comfort which the soldiers could not receive, owing to tho crowded condition of our government hospitals, and many little articles which they craved could not be furnished them by the authorities in charge. Knowing tho great anxiety of those at home to learn the whereabouts and bear of the welfare of those who had enlisted, I visited the men belonging to the Eastern States, obtained their names, condition and other matters of interest, whioh I forwarded to the governors of their respective states, in order that their friends might be apprised of their condition as soon as pos sible. I collected some stores and small amounts of money to supply special cases of want, but these soon became so numerous that I found it would require all the time and care of several persons to give them proper attention. Having been authorized by the governors of several other states to look after their soldiers, I also received authority from His Excellency Governor Sprague in November, 1862, to look after the wants ofthe sick and wounded soldiers belonging to Rhode Island in Philadelphia hospitals, as well as those passing through said city ; since then I have been sending regular reports to the Executive Department. In order that the people of Rhode Island may know that the interests of their soldiers in the field and hospitals have not been neglected by those in authority, I desire to make this report a mere outline of what has been done through this agency. My principal duty has been to visit the men in the hospitals in this city, to ascertain their names, company, regiment, resi dence, disease and condition, with' their wants, if any, to keep a record of the former, to report their state, and to supply the latter either from the Sanitary or Christian Commission, or from the funds placed in my hands for that purpose. The hospitals in this city numbered about twenty, containing twenty-five thousand beds. To visit these daily, and to pay proper attention to the worst cases, required the entire time of myself and several assistants . Though the number of Rhode Island soldiers was small, they were scattered through all the hospitals. I endeavored to have each man visited by myself or assistants, to have his case specialty inquired into and his real condition noted, so that his friends at home might learn his true state of 3 18 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. health, and his general welfare. To these men lying sick and wounded on hospital beds, far away from home and friends, a visit from me, authorized by the Governor of their state, to fur nish them with those little articles so necessary to their comfort, was a blessing which they could fully appreciate. For a time they forgot their suffering, and felt very grateful to know that those at home had neither neglected nor forgotten them. Copies of these lists obtained with so great labor were kept in my office, which place was a general headquarters for the soldiers, where they could find the location of their friends and comrades in other hospitals in the city. Among other articles, I furnished them with car tickets by which they were enabled to visit the different hospitals and the various places of interest to strangers in the city. For their better information I also published a little book, "The Soldier's Guide in Philadelphia," which contains a list of all the government hospitals with directions how to reach them, a plan of the streets of the city, time tables of the rail roads from the city, a list of military offices, instructions in regard to back pay, pensions, bounty &c, &c, with a great many other matters of interest to the men. I distributed these freely in the hospitals, and I have reason to believe that they were of very great service to soldiers in protecting them from a certain class of men known as sharpers. In addition to the other duties of a State Military Agent, such as the collection of back pay, bounty, &c, that of answering letters of inquiry from a distance forms no small part of his labor. I found it a cause for great satisfaction to be able to furnish information concern ing those who had not been heard from after general engagements, and particularly so when that information was favorable. The warm expressions of gratitude received in answers to let ters containing information concerning an absent husband, son or brother, are evidences of the value of such an agency. Besides visiting the hospitals of this Department, which includes those of Chester, White Hall, York, and Beverly, N. J., I felt it to be my duty to visit some of the battle fields immediately after severe engagements. At first I took stores with me, but after the establishment of the two great Commisions, I have been able to procure from either of them whatever they had to give to the sick and wounded on the field. I reached the field of Antietam before the wounded were removed to the hospitals, and being accompanied by several ladies, and provided with stores, was able to be of great service to many who were badly wounded, men who were found lying around in fence corners, out houses, sheds, barns, &c. We remained there about ten days, having rented a room in the town of Sharpsburg, and being furnished by the medical officers with an ambulance, we were able to visit and take stores to nearly all the field hospitals. The locations of many of the graves of those who had fallen were noted, and this precaution afterwards proved of great service to those who had come to seek the remains of their friends. On my several visits to the Peninsula, as well as at Antietam and Gettysburg, I have given my attention to shipping the wounded North, and I endeavored to make the few to whom I could attend as comfortable as possible with the limited means at my command. After all terrible battles, much intense suffering is caused by the transportation of badly wounded men in crowded oars, yet so accustomed do these brave fellows become to enduring pain that they bear it all without a murmur. From the Peninsula and from Belle Plain, the transportation was much more comfortable than in cars, for though the vessels were sometimes unavoidably crowded, they had not that jolting motion so peculiarly painful to wounded men. By tran sports they were carried direct to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and they received attentions on the boats which it was impossible to give them on the cars. I visited Fredericksburg after the battle of Chancellprsville, and again during the battle of the Wilderness, On the latter visit, I witnessed more suffering than at any other time during the war, excepting with our returned prisoners at Annapolis, Md. The fighting was going on about five miles from the town, the roads were almost impassable owing to the rain which had been falling for several days. The wounded were sent from the field over the terribly rough roads, in ambulances and army wagons to Fredericksburg, thence they were sent to Belle Plain nine miles further on, and from that place they were forwarded to Washington in transports. Upon my arrival at Belle Plain, I found that large numbers of wounded men were being shipped, and after accompanying some of the steamers back to Washington to render any aid in my power, I returned to Fredericksburg. Here I found every available hole and corner filled with wounded men. Every private house, storehouse, bank, church, and in fact any building of any kind, was taken for the wounded. Some of those who died were buried in flower gar- 19 dens, some in grave yards, some in vacant town lots, which were soon converted into cemeteries Almost fifteen thousand men were distributed through tho town, and overy one rendered all possible aid. but for several days wo were sadly in want of all kinds of storos, as the dreadful condition of the roads had prevented trains from coming up. It was indeed a terrible sight, and made one's heart sick to witness and not be able to relievo such dreadful suffering. The road from Belle Plain to Fredericksburg was lined with wounded men, who, in their great anxiety to roach the transports, had attempted to walk to Belle Plain ; many of them of course became exhausted and sunk down by the wayside. I called the attention of the Commissions to this, and got them to establish a depot at Whito Oak Church about half way between tho two places, where thousands were refreshed with coffee and tea, and had their wounds dressed. To make room for the very badly wounded cases, the convalescents were sent from Washington to this city , completely filling our hospitals. About this time, arrangements were made with tho rebel authorities to exchange several thousands of our prisoners. As soon as I leaxnod tho time of their expected arrival, I sont two of my assistants to Annapolis to await the vessels, with instructions to visit them, and furnish the men any articles they might be in need of, and also to obtain the names of tho soldiers to report to their states. On learning of their arrival at Annapolis, I went there myself. Having visited that city several times before upon similar occasions, I thought I was prepared to see the worst ; but upon beholding these poor boys from Andersonville, my heart sunk within me, my lips parched, and my very soul uttered a silent but indignant protest. Never before had I seen human beings in such a condition. Here were men made in God's own image, so worn and wasted by disease and want, that they were unable to move their limbs. Covered with filth, their bodies alive with vermin, with gaping wounds that had nover been cleansed or dressed ; filled with maggots, fairly eaten up alive, sometimes with these festering sores covering the whole of one limb ; with pallid, sunken cheeks, the skin drawn tightly over the bones ; with eyes that had lost their Hght, and souls from Which every spark of intelligence had forever fled ; crazed, idiotic, dead in life, with all that makes existence worth having ; forgotten, or remem bered only as in a dream, as a thing long passed away ; maimed, distorted, half rotten, unable to speak, or mumbling inarticulate words of senseless import. So accustomed to brutal treatment had these men become, that, as I passed from bed to hod, offering each some little word of encouragement and cheer, or giving them some article of comfort which, in their miserable con dition, they could enjoy, they cried like little children, sobbing out their thanks for the kindness in broken words and heartfelt expressions of gratitude. And indeed, they were just like chil dren. All the stern dignity of the'v manhood was gonD. and with their waste 1, feeble holies seemed to come that feeling of dependence, that consciousness of uttor helplessness which eliir- aracterizes a child. But few persons in the Noi th would believe the reports which were pub lished regarding the treatment of these brave men, and although photographs were tikon of by no means the worst cases, persons Were still incredulous, doubting that matters were so bad as represented. The Wirz trial has proved these tales of horror to be authentic, although many who could give the most te±rible testimony from their own experience are forever at rest, and can give it alone to Him that judgeth righteously. I am not able to tell the exact number of Rhode Island men visited and relieved since the establishment of this agency. To the credit of Philadelphia be it said, that every Union soldier passing through the city, to or from the seat of war, has received a hearty welcome at our Vol unteer Refreshment Saloons, and has been furnished with a good meal free of expense. To one good old man, Mr. B. S. Brown, is due the credit of the origin of these institutions, whioh have done so much for the good name of this "city of brotherly love." My lists show the following number of Rhode Island men in hospitals here at the times stated, with the disposition made of some of them. No. of men in hospital May 1863, 126 ; do. in June 1863, 147 ; do. in Sept. 1863, 128 ; do. in April 1864, 120. Of the 126 in hospital from Oct. 1864, to Jan. 1865, 32 were returned to duty; 7 deserted ; 5 were discharged and 7 were transferred. Of the last who were in hospital between April and July 1865, 22 returned to duty ; 18 were fl:scharged; 21 were transferred; 7 were mustered out; 4 died; 3 deserted; total, 75. 20 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. It has been through the kindness and liberality of His Excellency Gov. Smith, that I havo been able to relieve many of the pressing wants of the Rhode Island soldiers. Ho has through out taken the greatest intorest in their welfare, and, without waiting for any appropriation from the State, he authorized me to draw the necessary funds from his private purse. In closing this report, I desire to speak of the kmdness I have received at the hands of the officers of this department, and particularly from those of tho medical branch. To Dr. John Campbell, Col. U. S. A. Medical Director, and Dr. Robert S. Kenderdine, Col. U. S. V., Medical Director of transportation, I am under great obligations for the valuable aid they have rendered me on all occasions. I have the honor to remain your very obedient servant. ROBERT 14. CORSON. State Military Agent. I have to report that during the past year, the Sarsfield Guards and Scituate Rifles were disbanded, having failed to hold elections. The company of Na tional Cadets, also, surrendered its charter. This company was organized in 1798. Its charter members were Geo. R. Burrill, John Martin, Jr., Philip Crapo, Caleb Bowers, William Blodget, Jr., Geo. W. Cushing, Silvester G. Whipple, Nathaniel Searle, Joseph Thompson, Wjuliam R. Wilder, Henry Barton, William R. Williams, Henry Rice, Jr., Edward Aborn, William H. Smith, Araunah Tingley, John Shove, Edward Carrington, Thomas Thompson, Nathaniel G. Olney, Amasa Mason, Silvanus G. Martin, Benjamin Hoppin, Jr., Asa Ames, Paul Allen, Jr., Joseph J. Todd, Christopher Rhodes, Peleg Aborn, Augustus Larned, John Kinnicutt, John R. Balch, John P. Langford, Nicholas Cooke, Jr., Samuel 'Brown. These names will be recognized as among those of some of the prominent citizens of Providence, and who, in the very commencement of the existence of the company, gave to the Cadets a high character. In the war of 1812, it was conspicuous for services rendered as a Home Guard. When, after the return of peace, President Monroe visited Providence, the Cadets performed escort duty. It is mucli to be regretted, at a time, when the most active military spirit is found in chartered companies, that a company of such honorable ante cedents should have disappeared from among our military organizations. Within the year, the Smithfield Union Guards and the Newport Light Artillery, have received charters, and the Newport City Guards and the Battalion Rhode Island Guards, have been organized under the State militia law. Concerning the present condition of the militia in this State, and the importance of legislative measures to increase its efficiency, I will only say, in brief, that we are admonished by the history of the past four years of the necessity of maintaining a healthy public sentiment in relation to this arm of public defence, and Of cherishing by the State an organization upon which, in a sudden emergency, the community can rely for security. In concluding this Report, permit me to congratulate your Excellency on the successful termination of a war that has carried mourning into hundreds of family circles in our State. The three years of your administration have ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 21 covered some of the darkest days of our Nation's struggle. Yet at no time did you lose faith in the power of principle to conquer ; and when some hearts in our land faltered, and men were almost ready to compromise with treason for the sake of peace, your Excellency stood firm, and by the influence of your pri vate words and public acts, re-inspired the hope of many. Your path of duty was sometimes beset, with no ordinary difficulties, but these, by a wise foresight and prompt, energetic action, were removed, and the work that engrossed your sympathies went steadily on. In relinquishing, as you are soon to do, the cares and burdens of public life, you carry with you into your retirement the pleas ant consciousness that your sacrifices and services are appreciated, that you possess the undiminished confidence of the people, and that in resigning the trusts of the State into the hands of your successor, you can cordially welcome him to the highest honors in the gift of a free people, as one whose military services and moral virtues have, in an extraordinary degree, endeared him to his fellow citizens. Thanking your Excellency for your personal kindness in my official relations to you, and for the interest you have shown in the preparation of the volume that records the honorable names and martial achievements of so many thous ands of the sons of Rhode Island, and with sincere wishes for your continued health and happiness, I am, very respectfully, your Excellency's ob'dt serv't, H. CRANDALL, Colonel A. D. C, Acting Adjutant General. ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. 23 ABSTRACT OF THE ENROLLED MILITIA RHODE ISLAND, 1865. Names of Towns. No. Enrolled. No. Brigade. Names of Towns. No. Enrolled. No. Brigade. Neuport County. 1st Brigade. Washington County. 3d Brigade. City of Newport, 1,529 North Kingstown, 525 Portsmouth, 243 South Kingstown, 765 Tiverton, 300 Exeter, 213 Little Compton, 166 Richmond, 259 Jamestown, 39 Hopkinton, 382 Middletown, 176 Total, 2,453 Westerly, 422 Charlestown, 151 Total, 2,717 Providence County. 2d Brigade. City of Providence, 6,505 Kent County. ith Brigade. North Providence, 1,326 Coventry, 457 Cranston, 654 Warwick, 1,130 Burrillvnle, 429 East Greenwich, 381 Johnston, 238 West Greenwich, 171 Total, 2,139 Foster, 263 Scituate, 564 Bristol County. 5th Brigade. Glocester, 293 Bristol, 673 East Providence, 201 Warren, 287 Smithfield, 1,306 Barrington, 120 Total, 1,080 Pawtucket,Cumberland, 681643 Total, 13,105 21,494 RECAPITULATION. Brigade. County. Number. First Brigade, Newport County, - 2,453 Second Brigade, - Providence County, 13,105 Third Brigade, - Washington, County, 2,717 Fourth Brigade, . Kent County, 2,139 Fifth Brigade, Bristol County, Total, 1,080 21,494 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, &c. Adjutant General's Office, ) Providence, February 24, 1866. j I certifv that the ahove abstract is correct, as appears from the annual returns on file in this office. (Signed,) H. CRANDALL, Col. A. D. C, Acting Adjutant General. ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. to Date of Names. Office. Rank. Commission. Residence. Remarks, James Y. Smith, Governor, Inaugurated May 30, 1865. Providence. Albert S. Gallup, Aid to the Governor, Colonel, tt a Elmwood. Robert Manton, (< ( C (( it a tt Providence. Rowland R. Hazard, Jr. << < t tt a a a Newport. Charles E. Bailey, t( t t a a it a Providence. Amos D. Smith, 3d ti ( t a a tt a (< Elisha Dyer, Jr. it ( t tt a a if it John H. Almy, t( t t tt it tc a New York. Charles A. Nichols, a i t it ti a a it James B. M. Grosvenor, a t i a tt tt a N. Providence. Samuel P. Sanford, a t l it tt a a Providence. Henri e Crandall, (t i t a tt Sept. 26, " c Acting Adjutant General since Sept. 26, 1865 GENERAL OFFICERS. Edward C. Mauran, Adjutant General, Brig'r General, Mar. 26, 1864. Providence. Augustus Hoppin, David Duncan, Assistant Adjutant General, i, ti o Captain, " 28, " " 29, " tt Resi'dJuly 10, '65,accept'dtodateJulyl5,'65. William W. Chapin, it n it it July 20, 1865. , i Dewitt C. Remington, Quartermaster General, Brig'r General, Mar. 26, 1864. Burrillville. John McCloy, Ass't Quartermaster General, Captain, Oct. 11, " Providence. Jabez C. Knight, Paymaster General, Colonel, Mar. 28, " f t Orray T. Knight, Assistant Paymaster General, Captain, " 29, " i. William A. Knight, tt 4i li t( Apr. 20, " " William Gilpin, Commissary General, Colonel, Mar. 26, " Newport. Henrie Crandall, Ass't Commissary General, Captain, " 29, " Providence. Resigned Sept, 25, 1865. Howard W. King, Surgeon General, Colonel, " 26, " ,« William H. Traver, Assistant Surgeon General, ; Captain, Dec. 13, 1865. ,( Thomas K. King, Judge Advocate General, Colonel, Feb. 7, " Pawtucket. Nathaniel T. Sanders, Ass't Judge Advocate Gen'l, Captain, Sept. 19, " Warren. 0 . Erastus Lester, «* .. aH>2!HOR2! Hsd> t-1 S3 PihiOH DIVISION OFFICERS Olney Arnold, Alfred H. Littlefield, Lucius B. Darling, James Davis, Daniel S. Dexter, *¦ Lloyd Morton, . Stephen R. Bucklin, Major General. Division Inspector. Division Quartermaster. Division Paymaster. Division Commissary. Division Surgeon. Aid-de-Camp. Major General. Colonel.Major. Mar. 26, 1864. May 4, 21. Pawtucket. Nathaniel Church, Amasa Gray, Jr. George T. S. White, BRIGADE OFFICERS, FIRST B R I G A D E .-N e wp o rt County Brigadier General. Brigadier General. Brigade Surgeon. Brig. General. Captain. May 5, 1864. Sept. 20, " Aug. 31, " Little Compton. BRIGADE OFFICERS, SECOND B R I G A D E .— P r o v i d en c e Co u n t y . William W. Paine, George T. Paine, George B. Day James M. Ripley, Frank R. Dennis, Elisha C. Clarke, Brigadier General. Brigade Major and Inspector. Brigade Quartermaster. Brigade Judge Advocate. Aid-de-Camp. Brig'r General. Major. Captain. July 4, 1864. Apr. 11, " Sept. 9, " " 12, 1865. " 26, 1864. Providence. Resigned Sept. 21, 1865 ; allowed Nov. 4, '65. BRIGADE OFFICERS IN COMMISSION THIRD BRIGADE.— Washington County. 1 Brig. General. |May 21, 1866. [Kingston, ] [Brigadier General. >2 2Pi fedH ?dO63 William Bodfish, William A. Champlin, John Greene, William T. Barton, Alfred B. Gardner, BRIGADE OFFICERS, FOURTH BRIGADE.— Kent County. Brigadier General. Brig. Major and Inspector. Brigade Quartermaster. Brig. General. |May 5, 1864. Major. Sept. 12, 1864. Captain. | " " E. Greenwich. Resigned, and allowed August 1, 1865. Resigned July 3, '65; allowed Aug. 9, 1865. Vacant, reason, resign, of Brig. Gen. Bodfish. BRIGADE OFFICERS FIFTH BRIGADE.— Bristol County. iBrigadier General. Brig. General. April 25, 1864. Warren. |Brig. Major and Inspector. Major. June 9, " ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. CONTINUED. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES — NEWPORT ARTILLERY.— Chartered, 1741. 10 Officers. 69 Men. Total, 79. Date of Names. Office. Rank. Commission. Residence. Remarks. John Hare Powell, Colonel. Colonel. April 25, 1865. Newport. Augustus P. Sherman, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. ft it William H. Fludder, Major. Major. It it Thomas S. Burdick, Captain. Captain. Charles C. Clarke, Adjutant. Lieutenant. Ivory W . B. Marsh, Quartermaster. John Eldred, Paymaster. Frederic W. Rhinelander, Commissary. Henry E. Turner, Surgeon. tt t John R. Caswell, Assistant Surgeon. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. FIRST LIGHT INFANTRY, PROVIDENCE. — Chartered 1818. 6 Officers. 270 Men. Total, 276. Names. Office. Rank. Date of Commission. Residence. William W. Brown, Luther C. Weaver, Charles R. Dennis, Henry J. Steere, Cornelius Draper, Francis J. Sheldon, Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Third Lieutenant. Fourth Lieutenant. Quartermaster. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. 3d Lieutenant. 4th Lieutenant. Lieutenant. April 24, 1865. tt it it tt ii ti Providence. a tttt to H z H O Wawfed >ZD fedpi•*o fed-d PROVIDENCE ARTILLERY.— Chartered 1775. 11 Officers, 72 Men, Total, 83. Date of Names. Office. Rank. Commission. Residence. Nicholas Van Slyck, Colonel. Colonel. April 24, 1865. Providence. James R. Holden, Lieut. Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. tt if a Nicholas Underwood, Major. Major. it tt a John D. Eldridge, Captain. Captain. tt tt u George H. Burnham, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. it it it Henry A. Arnold, Adjutant. Lieutenant, ti. tt " Charles H. Spink, Quartermaster. Lieutenant. tt tt a Martin S. Budlong, Paymaster. Lieutenant. t tt a William B. Blanding. Commissary. Lieutenant. ti a a Fenner H. Peckham, Surgeon. Lieutenant. a it n N. Bonaparte Kenyon, Ass't. Surgeon. Lieutenant. H it tt PROVIDENCE MARINE CORPS OF ARTILLERY.— Chartered 1801. 6 Officers, 288 Men, Total, 294. George H. Smith, Lieut. Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. April 24, 1865. Providence. Gilbert H. Hagan, First Major. Major. " " (C George W. Payton, Second Major. Major. "¦ " tt Charles H. Allen, Captain. Captain. ti a tt James T. Murray, First Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Cl ll ft Edward L. Godfrey, Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant. " " tt a>H api% pi fed> fedPi>-dofed BRISTOL TRAIN OF ARTILLERY.— Chartered 1794. 7 Officers, 63 Men, Total, 70. Thomas F. Usher, Colonel. Colonel. April 6, 1865. Bristol. James Coggeshall, Lieut. Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. " a Alonzo Pierce, Major. Major. tt a tt Joseph B. Burgess, Captain Captain. it a tt Edward Lander, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. a it tt Edmund Horton, Adjutant. Lieutenant. ,( tt it Samuel J. Smith, Paymaster. Lieutenant. tt tt it to ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. CONTINUED. tooo FIRST BRIGADE. 3 Officers. 65 Men. Total, 68. NEWPORT LIGHT INFANTRY.— Organized June 23, 1865. Names. Office. Rank. Date of Commission. Residence. Remarks. William S. Brownell, William C. Langley, Jr., George E. Vernon, Jr., Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. Nov. 28, 1865. it it it a Newport, nu Original commissions, dated June 23, 1865. declared vacant, not having been accepted within 20 days. J. Lippitt Snow, Augustus O. Bourne, Dexter B. Lewis, SECOND BRIGADE. 94 Officers. 1,506 Men. Total, 1600. PROVIDENCE HORSE GUARDS.— Chartered 1842. 14 Officers. 192 Men. Total, 206. Date of Names. Office. Rank. Commission. Residence. Frederick Miller, Colonel. Colonel. April 17, 1865. Providence. Henry Waterman, Lieutenant Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. ' Albert G. Utley, Major. Major. i Charles H. Sprague, Adjutant. Lieutenant. t Sylvanus Burgess, Quartermaster. tt t Charles F. Taylor, Paymaster. tt t James B. Tallman, Commissary. a t Washington Hoppin, Surgeon. it a COMPANY A. Captain.First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Providence. a H>SSi-da pjSSPi fed>tr1 fedPihj O fed COMPANY B. Stephen Brownell; John H. Joslin, George B. Earle, Captain.First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Providence. MECHANIC RIFLES, PROVIDENCE.— Chartered 1854. 11 Officers. 149 Men. Total, 160. Stephen C. Arnold, Colonel. Colonel. April 17, 1865. Providence. Charles N. Harrington, Lieutenant Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. it a tt Eben Burlingame, Major. Major. u ti " Edmund W. Angeli, Captain, Captain. Aug. 18, " tt Albert C. Cushing, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. April 17, ' tt Earl C. Harris, Adjutant. (C u ti a Lloyd B. Simmons, Quartermaster. *' Sept. 4, " ti Henry T. Stone, Paymaster. a April 17, " a John W. Field, 2d, Commissary. a tt It a Thomas G. Potter, Surgeon. tt ti it a John T. Blake, Assistant Surgeon. " ti tt tt WOONSOCKET GUARD S . — Chartered 1842." 10 Officers. 160 Men.. Total, 170. Elias M. Jenckes, Colonel. Colonel. April 17, 1865.. Woon socket. Charles H. Greene, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. ft ii ti Austin J. Scott, Major. Major. it ti tt Edwin A. Pierce, Captain. Captain. it tt a Albert A. Sweet, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. it tt " William E. Coe, Adjutant. ti June 22' " u Frederic A. Weber, Paymaster. a April 17, " tt Reuben 0. Cook, Commissary. " a a tt George W. Jenckes, Surgeon. , a it tt t-t Stephen Augustus Clarke, Assistant Surgeon, i ti tt a WOONSOCKET LIGHT ARTILLERY. — Organized April 26, 1864. 3 Officers. 135 Men. Total, 138. George H. Grant, Ezra M. Stockwell, Henry J. White, Captain. First Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 1st Lieutenant. Dec. 30, 1865. Woonsocket. >aci>Si HoPiSSPifed > fedPi?dcfed to CO ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. CONTINUED. WOONSOCKET CAVALRY. — Organized May 21, 1864. 63 Men. No Officers in Commission — 1865. COo Names. UNION GUARDS, CENTRAL FALLS.— Organized May 21, 1864. 4 Officers. 110 Men. Total, 114. Office. Rank. Date of Commission. Residence. Remarks. Lysander Flagg, James N. Woodward, David L. Fales, Edward L. Freeman, Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Third Lieutenant. Captain.1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. 3d Lieutenant. May 8, 1865. Central Falls. PAWTUCKET LIGHT GUARD .— Chartered 1865. 15 Officers. 141 Men. Total, 156. Horace Daniels, Colonel. Colonel. April 17, 1865. Pawtucket. Robert Fessenden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. Aug. 1, " Valley Palls. Henry C. Brown, Major. Major. April 17, " Pawtucket. Pardon E. Tillinghast, Adjutant. Lieutenant. d a a George W. Barry, Quartermaster. a a a Central Falls. James M. Crawford, Paymaster. '• tt a Pawtucket. S. Adolphus Davis, Commissary. " tt tt a James S. Wheaton, Surgeon. " tt tt tt Augustine A. Mann, Assistant Surgeon. it it tt Central Falls. >siH aPiSiPifed i> Pi"dofedH PAWTUCKET LIGHT GUAR D.— C 0 M P A N Y A . Robert McCloy, Oliver H. Perry, Edward Taft, Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Pawtucket. COMPANY H Edmund Crocker, William C. Benedict, Charles F. Pierce, Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain . 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Pawtucket. NORTH PROVIDENCE AND PAWTUCKET CAVALRY C 0 M P A N Y , - Organized 4*0 26,1864. 2 Officers, 50 Men, Total, 52. William Coupee, Obadiah Brown, Captain . Second Lieutenant. Captain. 2d Lieutenant. Dec. 18,, 1865. (Pawtucket. " " N. Providence TOWER LIGHT BATTERY -PAWTUCKET.- Assigned to Pawtucket Light Guard—Organized May 23, 1864. 4 Officers, 79 Men, Total, 83. Gilbert B. Dana, George W. Newell, Ansel L. Sweet, William H. Phillips, Captain. First Lieutenant. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Captain. 1st Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Jan. 30, 1866. Pawtucket. WOONSOCKET RIFLES. — Organized June 16, 1865. No Officers in Commission 1865. 73 Men. SMITHFIELD RIELE COMPANY.- Organized April 8. 1865. No Officers in Commission 1865. 54 Men. >s-id> Si i-3O Pi Pi > Pi "d fedH SPRAGUEVILLE LIGHT INFANTRY. — CRANSTON 2 Officers, 70 Men, Total, 72. — Organized May 27, 1865. Charles O. Bennett, Daniel C. Potter, Captain.Second Lieutenant. Captain. Dec. 1, 1865. 2d Lieutenant. Cranston. CO ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA. CONTINUED. Co to Michael Costello, Michael McCarty, William Kelly, Peter Lynn, Matthew, Curran, Patrick Barry, RHODE. ISLAND GUARDS, PROVIDENCE. 12 Officers, 230 Men, Total, 242. Names. Offiee. Rank. Date of Commission. Residence. Remarks. Joseph Pollard, Michael O'Byrne, John P. Cooney, Frank Johnson, Major. Adjutant. . . Quartermaster. Assistant Surgeon. Major. Lieutenant.Lieutenant.Lieutenant. Oct. 13, 1865. " 16, " ti tt tt ti Providence. Captain. Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. I Captain. First Lieutenant. COMPANY A. Captain. Sept. 4, 1865. Providence. COMPANY B. Captain. Aug. 14, 1865. IPawtucket. 1st Lieutenant. " " 2nd Lieutenant. " " I " COMPANY C. iCaptain. I Sept. 27, 1865. [Central FaUs. |lst Lieutenant. | " " [Valley Falls. COMPANY D. No Officers in Commission. H> Si Si Pi PiO James O'Reilley, William J. Lalby, i Captain. Second Lieutenant. COMPANY E. ICaptain. |Aug. 21, 1865. iWoonsocket. l2nd Lieutenant. I " " " Henry P. Card, William H. Chapman, Walter R. Lewis, James McDonald, J. Howard Morgan, Horace Swan, Benjamin F. Arnold, George G. Stillman, A. N. Lewis, Amos R. Collins, Alva A. Crandall, THIRD BRIGADE. 22 Officers. 135 Men. Total 157. WESTERLY RIFLES. — Chartered 1854. 11 Officers. 93 Men. Total 104. Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captain. Lieutenant. Adjutant. Quartermaster. Paymaster. Commissary.Surgeon. Assistant Surgeon. Colonel.Lieut Colonel. Major. C.iptain. Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Lieutenant.Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Westerly. PETTAQUAMSCUTTS INFANTRY, KINGSTON .— (bartered 1861. 11 Officers. 42 Men. Total, 53. Elisha C. Clarke, Colonel. Colonel. April 17. 1865. Kingston. Jabez S. Perkins, Lieutenant Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. ( tt it n William C. Clarke, Major. Major. i if ti n George P. Rose, Captain. Captain. i ti u it Silas Sherman, Jr., Lieutenant. Lieutenant. t n u ti John H. Tefft, Adjutant. Lieutenant. t tt tt tt John F. Adams, Quartermaster. Lieutenant. t tt tt n Alonzo A. Green man, Paymaster. Lieutenant. t t i n Benjamin it. Palmer, Commissary. Lieutenant. t tt n a Thomas A. Hazard, Surgeon. Lieutenant. t tt tt it James M. Aldrich, Assistant Surgeon. Lieutenant. t it (t it c > 2 apisi pi fed p)?dc FOURTH BRIGADE. 30 Officers. 239 Men. Total, 269. CoCo ROSTER OF THE RHODE ISLAND MILITIA CONTINUED. Co KENTISH- ARTILLERY, APPONAUG. — Chartered 1797 7 Officers. 47 Men. Total, 54. Date of Names. Office. Rank. Commission. Residence. Stephen T. Arnold, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. April 26, 1805. Apponaug. Beriah G. Browning, Major. Major. t. if Caleb Westcott, Captain. Captain. John G. Browning, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Joseph T. Pollock, Quartermaster. tt " " John F. Pettis, Paymaster. William F. Hill, Commissary. it ft ft " KENTISH GUARDS, 11 Officers. EAST GREENWICH. 57 Men. Total, 68. • Chartered 1774. Lyman Himes, Colonel. Colonel. April 26, 1865. E. Greenwich. Edwin H. Gardiner, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. " " c Thomas Foy, Major. Major. tt tt Christopher A. Shippee, Captain. Captain. George L Nason, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Thomas J. Tilley, Adjutant. it Willett A. Hopkins, Quartermaster. Egbert H. Fiske, Paymaster. Albert M. Pearce, Commissary. Lucius M. Wheeler, Surgeon. William P. Vaughn, Assistant Surgeon. SEMINARY GUARDS, EAST G R E E N W I C H. — Chartered Oct. 1TM, 1864. 5 Officers. 78 Men. Total, 83. Samuel W. K. Allen, George B. Reynolds, Darius Baker, B. E. Phinney, Benjamin F. Chase, Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel. Major. Captain.Lieutenant. Colonel. Lieut-Colonel. Major. Captain. Lieutenant. April 17, 1865. Wash'ton Villa. d> Si OpisiPifed >t-1 fed PihdCfedH WEST GREENWICH CADETS 7 Officers. 57 Men. — Chartered Oct. 11th, 1864. Total, 64. Amos R. Sweet, Colonel. Colonel. April 17, 1865. W. Greenwich. William F. Miller, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lieut.-Colonel. ft ti Solomon Myrick, Major. Major. it ti Henry T. Whitman, Captain. Captain. tt ft George W. Whitman, Lieutenant. Lieutenant. it tt John A. Hall, Adjutant. u I tt Pardon Hopkins, Quartermaster. « ll it FIFTH BRIGADE. 8 Officers. 84 Men. Total, 92. WARREN ARTILLERY. 8 Officers. 84 Men. Total, 92. James M. Wheaton, Lieutenant Colonel. Lieut. Colon Samuel B. Cole, Captain. Captain. Joseph B. Child, Jr., Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Nathaniel W. Gushee, Adjutant. " Charles E. Phinney, Quartermaster. n William B. Church, Paymaster. Charles F. Sparks, Commissary. a Joseph M. Merchant, Surgeon. " April 24, 1865. Warren RECAPITULATION. Brigades. Counties. Officers. Men. Total. First Brigade, Newport County. 3 65 68 Second Brigade, Providence County. 77 1506 1583 Third Brigade, Washington County. 22 135 157 Fourth Brigade, Kent Countv. 30 239 269 Fifth Brigade, Bristol County. 8 84 92 Independent Companies, . 40 762 802 180 2791 2971 cH>ZHOPiSipifed > fed Pi ¦d3 CO 36 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. LIST OE ADJUTANTS-GENERAL OF THE LOYAL STATES, 1865. John L. Hodson, Natt Head, Peter T. Washburn, William Schouler, Edward C. Mauran, Horace J. Morse,* William Irvine, R. T. Stockton, Jr., A. L. Russell, None Elected, Nicholas Brewer, Francis H. Pierpont, John Boyle, John P.. Grey, I. M. Haynie, Lazarus Noble, B. R. Cowen, John Robertson, Augustus Gaylord, N. B. Baker, George S. Evans, Horatio P. Van Cleve, T. J. Anderson, Maine,New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky,Missouri, Illinois,Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin,Iowa, California, Minnesota,Kansas, POST OFFICE ADDRESS. Augusta. Concord. Woodstock. Boston. Providence.Hartford.Albany. Trenton.Harrisburg. Wilmington. Annapolis. Wheeling. Frankfort. St. Louis. Springfield. Indianapolis.Columbus. Detroit.Madison.Iowa City. Sacramento. St. Paul. Topeka. * Charles F. Stanton, Jr., for 1S66. OFFICIAL REGISTER OF Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers WHO SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY AND NAVY, FROM 1861 TO 1866. PTJBLISHED BY OBDER OF THE G E If E E A L ASSEMBLY, JANUARY SESSION. 186 6. Qo Z^-^5 RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. JANUARY SESSION, 1866. Resolutions for preparing and printing a Catalogue of Officers and Privates who served in the Army and Navy of the "United States from Rhode Island : Resolved, That tho Acting Adjutant General bo and he hereby is authorized and directod to cause to be prepared a Catalogue of all Officers and Privates who have served in tho Army and Navy of the United States Government during the late Rebellion, from Rhode Island, and to cause one thousand copies of the same to be printod for the use of the Stato. A true copy, Witness : (Signed) JOHN R. BARTLETT, Secretary of State. Resolved, That the Acting Adjutant General is hereby directed to prefix to the Catalogue order ed by this General Assembly of each Regiment and Battalion of Cavalry or Infantry, and each Regiment and Battery of Artillery that served in the Army of the United States during the late Rebellion, from Rhode Island, a, brief and concise account of the services rendered by said Regiment, Battalion or Battery. Resolved, That a Joint Committee of one on the part of the Senate, and one on the part of the House of Representatives, be appointed to superintend the preparation and publication of said Catalogue. Said Committee are hereby authorized to employ, at the expense of the State, such assistance in the preparation of said Catalogue as they may deem necessary, and said Catalogue shall briefly mention the facts in regard to promotions, wounds, deaths, desertions, dismissals and discharges. In accordance with the foregoing resolution, T. K. King was appointed on the part of the Senate, and Lycurgus Sayles, on behalf of the House. A true copy, Witness : (Signed) DESMOND FITZ-GERALD, Deputy Secretary of State. NOTE TO THE READER. In several instances, persons evidently the same appear on the Muster-in and Muster-out rolls under different names. No means of determining which is correct are at hand. This will ac count for seeming errors of the press. Great pains have been taken in transcribing the records to secure accuracy. Should errors or omissions of names, residences, dates of muster, promo tions, or final discharges be found, the persons concerned are requested to report the same to this Department. The following errata were prepared while the work was passing through the press, mostly from information obtained from official and other reliable sources Outsido of this office. ERRATA. PAGE. 101 Corporal GustaVe A. Perseche, mustered out August 1, 1864. 102 Private-Lewis E. Angeli, mustered in August 1, 1861. " James Dyer, mustered out August 1, 1864'. 103 " James Moran, mustered out June 23, 1865. 104 " William Robertson, wounded June 18, 1864. 105 " William Wilson, mustered out June 20, 1865. 125 For John E. Grohan, read John E. Drohan. 167 " Thomas Docklin, read Thomas Locklin. 169 " Isaac Parteldn, read Isaac Partelow. " James M. Pendletow, 2d, read James M. Pendleton, 2d. 262 Privato Thomas Mulvey, reported prisoner of war when regiment was mustered out. 308 Date of muster October 1, 1862. g3Q | For Eleventh, read Twelfth. 505 For W. T. Sherman, read T. W. Sherman. 583 For passing harmlessly over, read passed harmlessly over. 721 Battery C was assigned to Porter's division while near Fort Corcoran, instead of at Miner's Hill. First Regiment Rhode Island Detached Militia * On the 12th day of April, 1861, rebellion against the government of the United States assumed a positive form by the bombardment of Fort Sumter, then occupied by a single company under the command of Major Robert Anderson, who bravely maintained his position upwards of thirty hours, when, overpowered by raging flames within the fort and an overwhelming assaulting force, lie was compelled to surrender. On the 15th of the same month, the President of the United States made a call upon the States for seventy-five thousand men to serve three months in suppressing this outbreak of treason ; and on the day following, in response to this call, an order was issued by Governor Sprague for an immediate organization of the First Regiment.. Great activity prevailed in the Adjutant General's and Quartermaster Gen eral's Departments, and among our citizens generally, and in a few days the organization was completed. The Regiment proceeded to Washington in two detachments ; the first, under Colonel Ambrose E. Burnside, leaving Provi dence April 20th, and the second, under Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph S. Pit man, on the 24th. On the 19th, the day before the embarkation of the first detachment, a beautiful national flag was presented to the Regiment by the ladies of Providence, which waved over its marching column during the campaign, and at the battle of Bull Run was perforated by eleven rebel bullets. A set of regimental colors for the Regiment was procured and forwarded by natives and citizens of Rhode Island, resident in California. They were sent to the care of Mayor Cranston, of Newport, and were presented by him to Colonel Burnside, with appropriate ceremonies, at a public meeting in that city, October 29th, 1861, who in turn presented them to the members of Company F, the color company of the Regiment, for preservation as a part of its history. Both detachments left their encampment in Providence with the warm benedictions of the immense throngs that lined the streets and crowded the wharves and shipping to witness their departure. On arriving in Washington, quarters were provided for a short time at the Patent Office, and subsequently * In preparing these- sketches of the several regiments and batteries, besides the official records, use has been made of " Rhode Island in the^Rebellion," an authentic work of great value. 2 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. the Regiment was established at Camp Sprague, a beautiful grove with ample parade ground, in the vicinity of the city, where the time was devoted to improvement in discipline and drill. The encampment was planned by Lieut. Henry A. DeWitt, of the Engineers. The huts were built under the super intendence of Colonel William Goddard and Lieutenant William R. Walker. These accommodations added greatly to the comfort and health of the men, a point that Colonel Burnside kept constantly in view. On the 9th of June, a company of Carbineers, to act as skirmishers, consisting of seventy-three privates was organized, of which Francis W. Goddard was commissioned Cap tain. The other officers were Walter B. Manton, Lieutenant, and Sergeants John B. Campbell, George O. Gorton, Robert H. Deming, Louis T. Hall, and Peleg E. Bryant. They were armed with Burnside rifles, and drilled by Lieutenant Henry. T. Sisson, Paymaster of the Regiment. Previous to their organization as a separate corps, they were drilled by Lieutenant Charles E. Patterson, of the 4th U. S. Infantry. James Allen, of the Light Battery, and William H. Helme, of Company C, were authorized to act as asronauts in connexion with the movements of the Regiment. An accident to their two balloons frustrated their plans for serial reconnoisances. The interest felt in the Regiment by friends at home did not expend itself in impassioned farewells at its departure, but followed it through its entire absence, and almost daily, packages and boxes were, received in camp, as tokens of kindly remembrance. A cargo of ice, the gift of forty-four citizens and firms in Providence, was sent in May to the Regiment by the schooner Sea Gull, Captain Howland, Messrs. Earl Carpenter & Sons and the Provi dence Ice Company being among the principal contributors. The vessel arrived at Washington May 27th, and the welcome contribution was gratefully acknowledged by Colonel Burnside in behalf of the Regiment, as was also a donation of five hundred copies of the New Testament and Psalms from the Rhode Island Bible Society, and numerous other gifts from generous friends. The enterprise was inaugurated by Mr. John Kendrick, and was carried forward to its final success by the persistent labors of himself and Mr. Earl C. Potter. They, with twelve other gentlemen, accompanied the vessel as a guard, and rendered efficient aid in the distribution ofthe cargo. They were Rev. S. W. Field, E. L. Wolcott, L. T. Downes, A. E. Bradley, E. S. Allen, J. A. Winsor, O. W. Frieze, J. A. Howland, H. S. Harris, and H. J. Smith, of Providence, P. W. Lippitt, of Woonsocket, and William Town of Pawtucket. The evening services at dress parade, conducted by the two chaplains, Protestant and Catholic, were highly impressive, and were frequently attended by President Lincoln and family, cabinet officers, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives and senators in congress, and other distinguished persons. The Sunday services were no less attractive and profitable ; while week-day evening meetings, inaugurated mainly through the exertions of Lieutenant Prescott, contributed largely to preserve the religious habits of men surround ed by influences not always favorable to Christian thought or life. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. 6 As troops continued to arrive in Washington, and the aspect of affairs assumed an increasingly serious hue, Union forces were thrown across the Potomac, and fortifications were erected on the heights stretching from George town to Alexandria. For convenience in crossing the river, new ferries were established, and old ones were guarded and worked. In this duty, a detail of twenty-six men from the First Regiment, under Ensign Levi Tower, partici pated ; and when, on the day ofthe funeral of Colonel Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, an alarm of an engagement progressing on the Virginia side of the Potomac was raised, the Regiment was instantly in line, ready to march on the moment of receiving orders. The alarm proved, however, to be with out foundation, and quietness soon again reigned in camp. On the 10th of June, the Regiment marched on an expedition towards Harper's Ferry, preceded, the day before by the Battery attached to it, to join other forces under General Patterson, for the purpose of dislodging the rebels under General Joseph E. Johnston, then holding that place. The expedition was accompanied to Greencastle by ex-Governor Dyer, of Providence, who rendered timely and efficient service. The regiment was here joined by Governor Sprague, accompanied by his Aid-de-Camp, Colonel John A. Gardner. It advanced to Williamsport, in the State of Maryland, but the evacuation of Harper's Ferry by General Johnston rendered the further prosecution of the campaign unnecessary, and in obedience to orders received from Washington, the Regiment returned to that city, and on the 20th June was established once more at Camp Sprague. The excessive heat and clouds of dust rendered ths marching on this expedition exceedingly fatiguing, but the discomforts were borne with cheerfulness. It was on this occasion that the Regiment made a march of thirty-three miles in a single day, and " in half an hour from the time the head of the column arrived at the encampment, every straggler had found his proper place in his company bivouac." The rebels had been gradually accumulating at Manassas, threatening Washington ; and early in July, Union forces had been collected in and around the National Capital in sufficient numbers to authorize an aggressive move- ' ment. On the 16th, the army, consisting of thirty-five thousand men, with eleven batteries of artillery and four companies of cavalry, began to move. Colonel Burnside had been appointed to the command of a brigade, compris ing four regiments of infantry, including the First Rhode Island, and one battery. On the 21st, the contending forces met at Bull Run, and fought the first bloody battle of the war. It was honorable to the patriotism of the First Rhode Island, that, notwithstanding but a few days of its term of service remained, officers and men marched to the field with the same alacrity that they first answered to the call of their country. The enlarged command of Colonel Burnside, and the absence of Lieutenant-Colonel Pitman on detached duty at Providence, devolved the command of the Regiment on Major Joseph P. Balch. In the order of battle, the Regiment was intended to be held as a 4 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. reserve, but in the exigencies of the fight it gallantly moved to the front and dealt back with vigor the heavy blows that fell so fatally upon many of its own members. Through the entire battle, which terminated so disastrously to the Union arms, and covered with a dark cloud the bright hopes with which the whole army had been inspired, the Regiment was found promptly wherever most needed, and amidst all the panic of defeat, and the confusion of retreat, which demoralized so many of the regiments, the First Rhode Island main tained a soldierly calmness and preserved its ranks unbroken until it reached once more the camp from which it went out with buoyant spirits a few days before. In the perils of this battle Governor Sprague shared, having attached himself to Burnside's brigade as a volunteer. He was present in the thickest of the fight, and had a horse shot under him. , Chaplain Augustus Woodbury, besides performing with great acceptance the duties of his sacred office, rendered active and valuable service on the field during the battle, as Aide to Colonel Burnside. Rev. Thomas Quinn, the Catholic Assistant Chaplain, was there, encouraging the men by his presence and his words. The noble Lieutenant Henry A. Prescott fell, leading on his men. Surgeon Francis L. Wheaton, having been appointed surgeon in the Second Regiment R. I. Volunteers, was succeeded by Dr. Henry W. Rivers, who, with his assistant, Dr. George W. Carr, very faithfully attended to the needs of the wounded. The record of those killed, wounded, or taken prisoners, will be found on the muster roll annexed. The term of service having expired, and Washington being no longer considered in danger, the Regiment broke camp and left for home Thursday at midnight, July 25th, and reached Providence Sunday morning, 28th, bringing the sick and the wounded that did not fall into the hands of the enemy. It was received with military honors, and with a civic welcome that showed how deeply its patriotic services were appreciated. An - ample collation was provided at Railroad Hall, and earnest, appropriate addresses were made by Hon. Samuel G. Arnold and Bishop Thomas M. Clark. The Regiment was mustered out of the service of the United States and disbanded August 2nd, having gained by brave endurance of fatigue, hardship and peril, and by gallantry upon the battle field, the grateful regard of the citizens of the State. The General Assembly recognized the patriotic services of Colonel Burnside and of the Regiment by a suitable resolution of thanks, passed at a special session held in August, 1861. The Providence American Brass Band, which accompanied the Regiment throughout the campaign, inspiring it on the march, and assisting in caring for the wounded on the field of battle, received a public welcome in the Church of the Ministry at Large, on the 10th of August, in the presence of an audience crowding the house to its utmost capacity, at which addresses were made by Rev. Edwin M. Stone and Hon. William M. Rodman. - FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. O In closing this sketch of the First Rhode Island Regiment, it seems fitting that a brief notice of its distinguished commander should be given. Colonel Ambrose Everett Burnside is of Scotch descent, and was born at Liberty, Union county, Indiana, May 23d, 1824. After completing his elementary education, he entered the West Point Military Academy, and graduated with distinction in the Artillery, in 1 847. The following year, he received a full second lieutenancy, and was attached to the third regiment of artillery. The Mexican war was at this time in active operation, and soon after grad uating Lieutenant Burnside joined General Scott. On the proclamation of peace, he was ordered to Fort Adams, Newport, R. I., where he remained until the spring of 1849, when he was ordered to join Bragg, in New Mexico, and received the appointment of first lieutenant in the famous battery of that officer. In the new service to which he was called, he gained reputation for coolness and bravery. In the winter of 1850-'51, he filled the office of quar termaster of the boundary commission, and in the following September, with an escort of only three men, made a perilous journey to Washington, as bearer of despatches, — an enterprise accomplished in seventeen days, for which he received the thanks of the War Department. Returning from his service in New Mexico to Newport, he was married April 27th, 1852, to Miss Mary Bishop, of Providence. Soon after, he resigned his commission, and removed to Bristol, R. I., where he engaged in the manufacture of a breech-loading rifle of his own invention. Failing to obtain a government contract which he had reason to expect, and meeting with other embarrassments, he was com pelled to give up the business entirely. In 1858 he went to Chicago, and was appointed cashier in the land department of the Illinois Central Railroad. Subsequently, he was made treasurer of the railroad company, and took up his residence in New York. While residing in Bristol, Colonel Burnside was chosen Major General of the Rhode Island State Militia, and by his urbane manners and soldierly qualities obtained a wide popularity, and when the Rebellion broke out, he was at once selected as the most suitable officer to lead the First Rhode Island Regiment to the defence of Washington. The call of Governor Sprague was promptly responded to. Moved by the purest patriotism, he left his business, and in an hour after receiving the despatch notifying him of his appointment, he was on his way to Providence, where he was received with the warmest enthusiasm. Immediately on his arrival at Washington, he was tendered the commission of brigadier general, which, from a sense of duty to his Regiment and the State, he declined ; but afterwards, before the army advanced into Virginia, he was urged to take the command of a brigade, including the First and Second Rhode Island regiments, as already mentioned, which he did. The. gallantry and military skill displayed by Colonel Burnside, as commander of the brigade, in the battle of Bull Run, attracted the attention ofthe general government, and August 6th, 1861, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier 6 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. general. Besides the acknowledgment of his services by his adopted State, before referred to, Brown University » at its commencement in September, 1861, conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts, and the Phi Beta Kappa Society elected him an honorary member of that body. When, in the autumn of 1861, the North Carolina expedition was projected, General Burnside was placed in command. With characteristic energy, he organized the enterprise at Annapolis, Maryland, and early in January, 1862, the expedition set sail for Roanoke Island, the stronghold of the rebels in that quarter. The weather during the voyage, was heavy, and on approaching Hatteras Inlet the fleet encountered a furious hurricane, which threatened speedy destruction. Three vessels were stranded and one foundered; but providentially only two or three lives were lost by the accidental swamping of a life boat. Amidst all the perils and excitement of the hour, General Burn side rose superior to circumstances, and by the promptness of his action, and calmness of his manner, imparted confidence and courage to his men. At length the victory over the elements was complete, and the Federal forces effected a landing. On the 7th and 8th of February, the battle of Roanoke Island was fought, and the rebels were totally defeated, with the loss of six forts and batteries, forty cannon, upwards of two thousand prisoners of war, and three thousand stands of arms. Shortly after, Commodore Goldsborough sent a fleet of gunboats up the Pasquotauk and Chowan rivers, and Elizabeth City, Hartford, Edenton and Plymouth fell into the hands of the Union troops. On the 14th of March, Newbern was captured, after a hard-contested battle of four hours. Here, the 4th Rhode Island Regiment won laurels by a fierce bayonet charge, which decided the contest. On the 23d March, possession was taken of Morehead City. April 26th, after a bombardment of ten hours, Fort Macon surrendered, and to the 5th Rhode Island Regiment was assigned the honor of taking possession. The successes of General Burnside were received in Rhode Island with the liveliest demonstrations of joy. The General Assembly voted him an elegant sword in testimony of the appreciation of his eminent services, which was presented to him at Newbern, June 20th, with appropriate ceremonies, in the presence of 16,000 troops. The General continued to operate in North Carolina, until the latter part of June, when, for the purpose of co-operating with General McClellan, who was about td withdraw from the Peninsula, he set out with 7,000 men for Newport News, where he was joined by a division from Hilton Head under the command of General Isaac I. Stevens, and pro ceeded to Fredericksburg, to take the place of General McDowell, who had been sent to the aid of Pope. After the defeat of Pope in the second battle of Bull Run, General Burnside, with his Ninth Corps, joined McClellan to drive Lee out of Maryland. He entered Frederick City, September 12th, and was enthusiastically received. On the 14th he fought the successful battle of South Mountain, and on the 17th, fought again at Antietam Bridge, beating FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. j back, the enemy at every point, and crowning the day with one of the most brilliant achievements of the war. On the 7th November, General Burnside succeeded General McClellan in the command of the army of the Potomac. On the 13th December the battle of Fredericksburg took place, and though unsuccessful, " the attempt was not an error, nor the failure other than an ac cident."* The position of General Burnside was one of great trial and per plexity. But amidst all the vexations and disappointments to which he was subjected, he bore himself with characteristic equanimity. On the 26th Janu ary, 1863, for reasons honorable to himself, General Burnside was relieved, at his own request, from his unsought and undesired position, and was soon after assigned to the command ofthe Department of Ohio. During his administra tion of the affairs of this d?partment, he arrested and tried by court martial Mr. C. C. Vallandigham, for uttering treasonable sentiments against the Government. The prisoner was found guilty and was sent across the lines to his sympathizing friends at the South. While engaged in important mili tary operations in Tennessee, which resulted in the capture of Knoxville, Cumberland Gap, and all important points in East Tennessee, General Burnside proposed to the authorities at Washington a plan of movements substantially such as were afterwards adopted by General Sherman, arid which, had they been sanctioned, would probably have precipitated ths downfall of the rebellion by at least a year. During the campaign, he gained the battles of Blue Spring and Campbell's Station, and resisted the siege of Knoxville. After retiring from the duties of the Department, he returned to the East. Early in 1834, General Burnside completed the re-organizatiori ofthe Ninth Corps, and joined General Grant in the final movement of the army of the Potomac towards Richmond. By a forced march, he arrived on the field on the first day of tlu battle of the Wilderness, in season to strengthen the General. Seeing the advantage of consolidating the 9th Corps with the Army ofthe Potomac, and willing to relieve General Grant from any embarrassment in relation to the command, General Burnside generously waived his rank, and subordinated himself to General Meade. On the 16th June, the 9th Corps was in position before Petersburg, and on the following day carried the enemy's works in its front. On the 18th, it participated in a still more sanguinary fight, and the line of the Corps was pushed to within one hundred yards of the rebel defences. The most marked feature of the siege was the mining of the enemy's works. The plan was proposed by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pleasants, ofthe 48th Pennsylvania regiment of volunteers, an experi enced miner, approved by General Burnside, and finally authorized by General Meade. General Burnside's arrangements were judiciously made to insure success, but owing to a reversing of the programme at the last moment by General Meade, and other unavoidable causes which delayed the springing of * President Lincoln's address to the army. 8 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. the mine beyond the appointed time, and the want of sufficient support, after the assaulting force of the Ninth Corps had all been put in, the enterprise failed. Of course, great disappointment was felt, and by no one more keenly than by General Burnside ; but he had the satisfaction, in the midst of his sorrow, of knowing that no fault justly lay at his door. A Military Court of Inquiry, composed of officers personally interested in the results of an inves tigation, did indeed censure him for not doing what the testimony shows to have been an impossible thing ; but the Congressional Committee on the Con duct of the War, after a careful examination of the subject, exonerated him entirely from blame. They say in their report, that the disastrous result of the assault " is mainly attributable to the fact that the plans and suggestions of the general [Burnside] who had devoted his attention for so long a time to the subject, who had carried out to a successful , completion the project of mining the enemy's works, and who had carefully selected and drilled his troops for the purpose of securing whatever advantages might be attainable from the explosion of the mine, should have been so entirely disregarded by a general [Meade] who had evinced no faith in tho successful prosecution of that work, had aided it by no countenance or open approval, and had assumed the entire direction and control only when it was completed, and the time had come for reaping any advantages that might be derived from it." This opinion will be endorsed by every impartial student of history. After this unsuccessful assault, General Burnside tendered his resignation to General Grant, who refused to accept it, and gave him twenty days leave of absence, which he improved in visiting his home and friends in the East, where he received from all quarters the most gratifying tokens of unabated confidence and esteem. In the course of the subsequent winter he repeatedly tendered his resignation to the President, who as repeatedly refused to accept it. He however did no further military duty, though his voice and influence were constantly employed in behalf of the army and the government ; and April 15th, 1865, he again tendered his resignation, which was accepted. Since then he has been actively engaged in business. No commander ever endeared himself more to his men than did General Burnside. His exact justice secured their unlimited confidence, his kindness of heart won their love. Their comfort and welfare were constantly in his thoughts, and the humblest private felt sure that his petition would not be rejected without due consideration. Unselfish and unambitious of popular applause ; frank, generous, and manly in all the qualities of life ; a patriot and Christian in his spirit ; the years devoted to the suppression of the Rebellion were marked by entire consecration to the interests of his country. First Regiment Rhode Island Detached Militia. FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND RANK. Col. nel. Ambrose E . Burnside, Lieut.-Colonel. Joseph S. Pitman, 1st Major. John S. Slocum, 2d Major. Joseph P Balch, William Goddard, Surgeon. (Major.) Francis L. Wheaton, Asst. Surgeon. Henry W. Rivers, 2d Asst. Surgeon. George W. Carr, Sd Asst. Surgeon. James Harris, Adjutant. ( 1st Lieut. ) Charles H. Merriman, Quartermaster. (1st Lt.) Cyrus G. Dyer, 1st Commissary, (1st Lt.) William Lloyd Bowers, 2d Commissary (1st Lt.) Alyan Cole, Paymaster. (1st Lt.) Henry T. Sisson, 2 RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R.I. iMay 2, 1861. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Portsmouth Grove, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. June 27, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. May 2, 1861. REMARKS. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861 ; Brigadier General, Aug. 6, 1861 ; Major General, March 18 1862; commanding Department N. Caro lina; commanding Ninth Army Corps ; commanding Army of the Potomac ; commanding Department of the Ohio; resigned April 15, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Resigned May 8, 1861 ; Colonel 2d R. I. Volunteers June 1, 1861. Promoted 1st Major June 27, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61 . Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Surgeon 2d Reg't R. I. Vols. June 6, 1861. Promoted to Surgeon June 7, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 2, '61 . Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Prisoner battle of Bull Run, July 21> 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861- Promoted to Captain 2d Regiment, June 1, 1861. Promoted to Quartermaster, to rank as Capt. June 5, 1861 ; prisoner at battle Bull Run, July 24, 1861; ex changed and mustered out of ser vice January 20, 1862 ; Ensign IT. S. Navy. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. 10 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND DETACHED MILITIA. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Chaplain. (Capt.) Augustus Woodbury, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Asst. Chaplain. Thomas Quinn, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861 . Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Engineer. (2d Lt.) Henry A. De Witt, Providence, R. I. May 31, 1861- Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Sergeant Majors. John P. Shaw, John S. Engs, Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. if ay 2, 1861. Appointed Lieut, in 2d Reg't R. I. Vols., and transferred June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1862. Quartermaster Sergeant. Elias M. Jenks, Woonsocket, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Commissary Sergeant. William L. Hunter, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Ordnance Sergeant. James W. Lyon, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. Hospital Steward. James H. Taylor, Newport, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 2, 1861. BAND NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Chief Musician. Joseph C. Greene, Providence, R. I. Chief of Drum Corps. .Benjamin G. West, Providence, R. I. Privates. Dickerson, Alfred E. Providence, R. I. Dunbar, William L. it tt Dana, Henry L. Pawtucket, " Fenner, Thomas P. Providence, " Harrington, John C. t tt tt tt Coleman, George Y. ft ft Honorably discharged May 31, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Cates, William L. Oxford, Maine, tt ff Mustered out of service Aug. 1 1861. Colvin, James M. Mendon, Mass. tt ff n ft tt Caffrey, Frank, Ireland, tt tt tt tt a Cook, Henry L. Smithfield, lt. I. tt ff n tt it Clemence, George B. Southbridge, Mass. tl ff a «« tt Dodge, Barney J. Smithfield, li. I. ft «' it ft tt Duprez, Joseph Waterloo, C. E. tt tf I. Providence, R. I. Foster, R. I. Providence, R. I. n n it t, it it Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Central Falls, R. I. Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. uate, R. I. | June 6, 1861. Jan. 27, 1862, Oct. 6,1861. " 25, 1862. ' 6, 1861. Nov. 14, 1862. Oct. 6, 1861. June 6, " * July 8, 1863. June 6, 1861, Dec. 2, 1861. June 6, 1861. June 6, 1801. Dec. 20, " June 6, " Sept. 1, 1862. June 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. ft tt Sept. 28, " June 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. tt tt June 6, 1861. Oct. 28, 1862. Jan. 21, " June 6, 1861. Disch'd Dec. 20/63, on Surg, certifi'e. Transferred to Co. I, Mar. 1, 1862. Serg't Nov. 1, 1862; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 15, 1864. Deserted July 1, 1863. Died Aug. il, 1862, at Harrison's Landing, Va., of typhoid fever. Disch'd Aug. 28/62, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; in Hospital Sept. 1864. Serg't ; wounded in arm at battle of Wilderness May 5, '64 ; arm ampu tated. Deserted Oct. 19, 1863. Serg't mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Killed at battle Salem Heights, May 8, 1863. Disch'd Mar. 8, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; slightly wounded in hand near Williamsport, July 12, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 17/64. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd Apr. 1, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Missing at battle Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62 ; died in Richmond, Va. Mustered out of service June 17, '64, Missing at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted Dec. 14, 1861, Wounded in leg at battle of Wilder ness, May 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Ser'gt ; disch'd Sept. 10, '62, on Surg. certificate. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; disch'd July 26, '62, on Surg. certificate. Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond, June 25, '62; wounded in head battle Salem Heights May 3/63 ; trans, to Co. A, new organ'n. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; disch'd June 13, '62, on Surg. certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, '64, Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; disch'd June 13. '62, on Surg. certificate. Corp. Nov. 1, 1862 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd Dec. 31/62, on Surg, certifi'e, Deserted Feb. 11, 1812. Discharged. Wounded at battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862 ; discharged Dec. 20, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. June 6, 1861. Transferred to V.R. C. Dec. 10, 1863. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 55 NAME AND RANK. Riley, Peter Rodgers, Edwin M. Sprague, Albert A. Shippee, David G. Stewart, Charles Smith, Franklin Stewart, Martin Summerville, James Sweney, John J. Schroendt, Basil Sullivan, Michael 0. Shoope, George Sarle, Zephaniah A. Tanner, Job Vickery, Willard W. Wiesling, Henry Webb, John Wade, Barton J. Wade, George D. Yeaw, Isaac H. RESIDENCE. Arkwright, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 18, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1861. June 6, 1861. Jan. 1, 1862. June 6, 1861. (C ii Dec. 9, 1802. June 6, 1861. Nov. 14, 1862 Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862. Aug. 1, 1861. Nov. 14, 1862. June 6, 1861. REMARKS. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1863 ; wounded in foot at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; in hospital April 1, 1865. Sergt. Oct. 12, 1861 ; discharged Dec. 20, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Transf. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; discharged Oct. 27, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Re-enlisted Dec. 21, 1863 ; wounded in shoulder at battle Wilderness, May 18, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, new org. Disch. Oct. 5, '61, on Surg, certificate. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Disch. Mar. 8, 1863, on Surg, certif. " April 1, 1862, " July 5, 1862, Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Died July 16, 1864, from wounds in both thighs, at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Sick in hospital May 2, 1864. Wounded in side at Battle Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 1, 1864. Trans, to Battery C, 1st L. Artillery, Dec. 10, 1863. Deserted Dec. 11, 1862. 56 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. Captains, Nelson Viall, Otis P. G. Clarke, Thomas Foy, 1st Lieutenants. Edward Stanley, Edward A. Russell, James Lawless, Amos M. Bowen, 2c? Lieutenants. Edwin K. Shearman, John M.Duffy, James Lawless, J. Henry Tate, Charles J. Tinkham, George L. Nason, Sergeants. Nicholas Underwood, Harrison Hyer, Charles Morgan, Caleb B. Kent, James Lawless, Corporals. Ichabod B. Burt, Edmund F. Prentiss, Geo. W. Seamans, Jr. Joseph B. Curtis, Richard M. Grant, William W. Anness, Richmond J. Stone, Thos. O. H. Carpenter. Musicians. Ransolier Hurd, William Holman, Wagoner. George Hubbard, Privates. Angeli, Henry Adams, Daniel E. AngeU, George W. Aldrich, Charles Aldrich Robert Alger, Matthew Bean, Charles Booth, Oliver W. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. E. Greenwich, R. I. July 24, 1862 June 5, 1861. .Major, July 22, 1861. Honorably discharged July 21, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Newport, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. Feb. 16, 1863. 'June 6, 1801. March 29, '63 E. Greenwich, R. I.' June 28, 1803 Providence, R. I. |june 5, 1861. Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cranston, R. I. S. Providence, R. I. Harmony, Maine. Abington, Mass. Attleboro, Mass. j Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, R. I. a ll Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. Captain Co. E, Oct. 25, 1861. Captain Co. A, Oct. 10, 1862. Disch'd Jan. l7, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 1st Lieut. Co. E, July 22, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. B, Nov. 13, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. C, Oct. 10, 1862. 1st Lieut, and Quarterm'rFeb. 22, '63. Transferred to Co. D. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. 2d Lieut. Co. H, Nov. 1, 1861. 1st Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1861 ; mustered out uf service June 17, 1864. Disch'd Aug. 8, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Died July 25, '63, of wounds received July 12, before Williamsport, Md. 2d Lieut. Co. C, Dec. 18, 1861. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, '61; prisoner at Richmond; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. K, June 3, 1863. Disch'd Jan. 17, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Disch'd June 7, '63, on Surg, certifi'e, Killed May 5/64, at battle Wilderness. Color Sergeant, July 24, '62; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Sergeant, Ian. 1, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Died of wounds received at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Disch'd Aug. 26, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd Feb. 28, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. _ Deserted June 6, 1861. Wound'd battle Salem Heigh ts,May 3, '63 ; must'd out service Ju'e 17, '64. Deserted Jan. 25, 1862. Mustered out of service June 1 7, '64. Transfe'd to V. R. O, March lo, '64. Died May 14, 63, of wounds received battle of Salem Heights, May 3, '63. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21/61; prisoner at Richmond; released from Salisbury, N. O, May 22, '62; disc'd Sept. 23, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 57 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Blair, John Brennan, John J, Boyden, Lewis Brown, Charles H. Boyle, John Breyman, William H. Barry, Stephen Booth, Thomas Brown, Peter Broadhurst, Andrew Cole .Alfred C. Capron, Frederic L. Collins, Michael Collins, Michael, 2d. Crossley, William J. Crossley, Thomas Doran, Thomas Donelly, John Damon, John F. Donnely, Hugh C. Eagan, Michael Fuller, Clifford A. Fuller, Chauncey Farrell, John Fuller, Hiram Gordon, Eben Greene, Robert H. Greene Joshua H. Goff, Alfred H. Greenhalgh, Andrew Hinds, William H. Heinau, Frederick Horton, Horace D. Heine, August Heatly, Andrew Holman, George Hazlehurst, Edward Holland, James Hans, Peter Henry, Frank Horton, Harris H. Harris Almon D. Ivanoff, James Judge, James Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. Providence, R, I. S. Providence, R. I Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I N. Reading, Mass. Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Voluntown, Conn. Providence, R. I. Germany, Germany, Providence, R. I. Maine,Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Centreville, R. I. Prussia, Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5. 1861. June 6, 1861. ft ii Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 28, 1862 June 6, 1861. June 5, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862 Aug. 22, 1862 Dec. 17, 1861 June 6, 1861. Dec. 7, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 24, 1862 Oct. 2, " June 5, 1861. Nov. 15, 1861. June 5, 1861. if July 8, 1863. Nov, 17, 1862 July 9, 1863. Dec. 9, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. Jan. 14, 1862. Jan. 3, 1862. Oct. 30, " Jan. 4, " July, 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. REMARKS. Killed May 4, '64, battle Wilderness. Missing bat. Salem Hi'lits, May 3, '63. Disch'd Dec. 20, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Disch'd Jan. 19/ 63, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service July 17, '64. Disch'd Oct. 13, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted Sept. 1, 1862. Deserted Sept. 29, 1802. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Died June 5, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va., of gunshot wounds. Wounded in shoulder at battle Wil derness, May 12, '64 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1804. Corp. ; wounded battle Salem Heights, May 3, '63 ; wounded in thigh battle Wilderness, May 5, 1864; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd Dee. 29, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded and prisoner at Richmond Hospital, released from Salisbury, N. O, May 23, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd July 1, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted July 1, 1863. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 1 7, '64. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '01 ; discharged July 28, '62, on Surgeon's certificate. Disch'd Apr. 4, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Died June 5, 1864, from wounds Transfed to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd Sep. 28, '63, on Surg. cert. Mustered out of service June 1 7, 1864. First Serg't; mustered out of service June 16, 1864. Woimd'd at battle Salem Heights,May 3, 1863, trans, to V. R. O, Marcli 7, 1864. Disch'd July 23, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Trans, to Battery C, 1st. Lt. Artillery, Nov. 15, 1863. Wounded May 3, 1863, at battle Sa lem Heights, Va. Wounded in knee at battle of Wilder ness, May 5, 64 ; leg since ampu tated; trans, to Co. A, new organ'n. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61; wounded in ankle at battle of Wilderness, May 5, '64 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd July 1, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Absent, sick. Discharged. Deserted Dec. ll, 1863. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861; sent to Hospital at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 15, 1862. 58 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME- AND RANK. Jordan, Charles H. Kelly, James Kronke, John Kellogg, Edwin D. King, Lemuel B. Knott, James Kelley, William Kelly, Mark Love, James Landy, Thomas Lamb, Henry Littlefield, Arsanius Lines, Nelson Lavin, Martin Logan, Burnett Lowther, George Lewis, John Murphy, Patrick J. Miller, Percy - Morgan, James McKern, S. McLane, Andrew McCrune, Charles Mahan, John McKackney, James W. McQuade, Richard McQueen, Patrick Meagher, Miciiael Myer, Charles McLaughlin, Andrew RESIDENCE. McCabe, James Murray, Peleg F. Mace, Joseph Neenan, John Noon, Michael Nutting, Olney E. Potter, Benjamin G. Peters, John Pheny, Dennis Powers, Charles Powers, Richard Picket, Michael Percival, George H. Riley, Edward O. Providence, Ti. I. it ti Germany, Providence, R. I. Allendale, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, R. I. Hebron, Mass. Cork, Ireland, Providence, R. I. Cork, Ireland, Providence, R. I it tt Olneyville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Georgiaville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Odenson, Denmark Providence, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. July 8, 1863. Nov. 16, 1861. June 5, " Aug. 1, " June 5, " Nov. 14, 1862 Aug. 1, 1801. ¦' 22, 1862. June 28, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. June 5, 1861. Dec. 18, " June 5, " Dec. 20, " June 5, 1862. Sept. 22, " June 5, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. June 5, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. June 5, 1861. Sept. 22,1862. June 5, 1861. Sept. 6, 1862. June 6, 1861. " 28, " " 28, " Aug. 1, " Sept. 22, 1862 June 5, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. Dec. 24, 1861 June 5, 1861, Aug. 24, 1862. June 5, 1861, June 6, 1861. Disch'd Dec. 7, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at bat. Salem Heights May ¦3, '63 ; Deserted May 20, 1863. Trans, to Battery C, 1st Lt. Art. Nov 15, 1863. Corp. Dec. 23, '63; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch'd June 6, 61, on Surg, certifi'e Transfe'd to V. R. C, July 1, 1863. Disch'd Jan. 23, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864 Trans, to V. R. O, Dec. 15, 1863. 2d U. S. Art. Oct. 24, 1862. Wounded at bat. Salem Heights May 3, '63 ; trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 20, '63. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wounded at bat. Salem Heights May 3, '63 ; trans, to V. R. C. Dec. 31, '63. Corp. Feb. 1, '62 ; deserted Mar. 30/62. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Killed May 5, '64, at battle Wilderness. Corp. ; wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; mustered out cf service June 17, 1864. Corp. ; mustered out of service June 17. 1864. Trans, to V. R. C, Nov. 20, 1863. Killed May 3, 1863, at battle Salem Heights. Trans, to V. R. O, May 9, 1862. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Absent in Portsmouth Grove Hospi tal, Sept. 1, 1862. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Deserted June 6. 1861. Serg't; mustered out of service June 17, 1861. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Richmond ; died Nov. 15, 1863. Disch'd Aug. 1, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. " March 27, 1862, " Wounded at battle Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Prisoner at Richmond July 24, 1864; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Corp. Dec. 23, 1862 ; wounded at bat tle Salem Heights May 3, 1863; trans, to V. R. O, Oct. 12, 1863. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864, Killed July 3, 1863, at battle of Get tysburg, Pa. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; transferred to V. R. C, Sept. 30, 1863. Disch'd Ju'e. 29/63, on Surg, certifi'e- Wounded in head at battle Wilder ness, May 10, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Musician ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 59 NAME AND RANK. Roach, David Russell, James Remington, George T. Riley, Sylvester Simmons, Christopher Stone, Richmond J. Snow, Thomas Sweet, Willard J. Stalker, Archibald Sherbourn, Leander Salisbury, Christopher Shaw, Benjamin Silaway, William Skinner, Zopher Trainer, John Thompson, William - Tredwell, James Taft, Henry Thornton, William Taylor, John H. Tourtellott, Ethan A, Tucker, Daniel L. Vanderneider, William Watson, Silas W. Walker, Samuel Wholley, William Woods, Edward RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. FaU River, Mass. Cranston, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Valley Falls, R. I. Canada, Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Bremen, Germany. Providence, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 1861. Aug. 16, 1862. June 5, 1861. Aug. 20, 1861, June 5, 1861. Oct. 2/1862. June 5, 1861, June 0, 1861. Sept. 6, 1862. June 6, 1861. July, 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 22, 1862. July 8, 1863, July 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. Sept. 6, 1862. July, 5, 1861. July 28, 1861. June 5, 1861. July 6, 1863. June 5, 1861. Dec. 4, 1861. REMARKS. Deserted Sept. 4, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. May 3, 1864, to accept commis sion of 2dLt. Co. B, 3d R. I. II. A. Trans, to Western Gunboat Flotilla, Feb. 14, 1862. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Sergt. Jan. 1, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans; to U. S. N., March 7, 1864. Disch'd March 24, '62, on Surg. cert. Corporal Dec. 23, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. June 6, 1861, (worthless.) Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch. June 6, 1864, (worthless.) Trans, to V. R, C, Dec. 15, 1863. Corporal ; Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged March 7, 1863, on /Bur geon's certificate. Appointed Master's Mate U. S. Navy, Dec. 7, 1861. Sergeant ; died May 11, '63, of wounds received at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863. Died April 17, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862 ; disch'd Dec.30,'62, on Surgeon's certificate. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63, trans, to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Jan. 25, 1862. Mustered out of service July 17,1864. Deserted Sept, 1, 1862. 60 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY D. NAME AND RANK. Captains. William H. P. Steere, Edward H. Sears, Stephen H. Brown, 1st Lieutenants. Edward H. Sears, James Aborn, William Ames,J Henry C. Jenckes, Elisha H. Rhodes, Charles J. Tinkham, 2d Lieutenants. William Ames, Adin B. Capron, Elisha H. Rhodes, Charles J. Tinkham, Sergeants. John B. Lincoln, Levi F. Carr, Aug. H. Cunningham, Samuel J. English, John F. Bowen, Corporals. Charles R. Kruger, Edward R. Ferguson, David Cook, Frederick W. Swain, Charles J. Tinkham, Francis E. Kelley, James G. Cummings, Elisha H. Rhodes, Musicians. George F. Dickerson, Jeremiah S. Potter, Bernard M. Hall, Wagoner. Charles A. Morgan, Privates. Aborn, William W. Arnold, Edward W. Arnold, Fred A. Alden, Charles Atwood, George B. Anderson, Lindsay Providence, R. I. ,f tt Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Valley Falls, R. I. Providence, R. I. Kingston, R. I. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. June 5,1861. July, 1861. Sept. 28, 1861 June 5, 1861. June 6, 1861. Nov. 1, 1861. April 15, 1863, Dec. 22, 1863. June 6, 1861, March 29, '63 June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1861. June 5, 1861. Nov. 20, 1862. June, 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, July 22, 1861. Resigned Oct. 28, 1861. Major June 9, 1864; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Captain Co. D, July 22, 1861. Regimental Quartermaster. Captain Co. G, Nov. 1, 1862, Maj. March 2.'63 ; Lt. Col. June 6/64, Adjutant, Nov. 6, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864! 1st Lieutenant Co. D, Oct. 25, 1861. 1st Lieutenant Co. E, July 24, 1862. 1st Lieutenant Co. D, April 4, 1863. Transferred from Co. C ; 1st Lieut. Co. D, Dec. 14, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd June 8, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Hospital Steward. Transferred to Co. H, Sept. 6, 1861. 2d Lieut. Co. G, Nov. 13, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17,1864. Sergeant July 1/62; discharged Sept 27, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Discharged Dec. 11, 1861, to receive an appointment in the U. S. Navy. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly battle before Rich mond, June 25/62; wounded in left hip, battle Wilderness, May 7, '64; died May 15, 1864, of wounds. 2d Lieut Co. C, Feb. 22, 1863. Deserted Oct. 6, 1862. Disch. May 30, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Sergeant Major ; transferred to N. C. Staff March 1, 1862. Disch'd July 12, '61, on Surg certifi'e. Drum Major July 24, 1862; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Prisoner in Richmond Hospital; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Transferred to V. R. C. July 1, 1863. Wounded slightly battle before Rich mond June 25,1862;dischargedDec. 23, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Deserted Dec 20, 1862. Missing after battle Bull Run; prisoner in Richmond ; died ; date of death unknown. Mustered out of service Aug. 1,1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 61 NAME AND RANK. Bronson, James M. Briscoe, Thomas Butts, Lucius J. Braley, Benjamin T. Besse, Benjamin W. Besse, Lothrop A. Bartlett, Reuben Brailey, Timothy J. Babcock, William M. Brown, Francis J. Babcock, J. H. Bates, Stephen A. Blackman, Benjamin Chace, Louis W. Conners, Thomas Carter, Hiram A. Cragin, Charles C. Crawford, Robert C. Deane, John E. Dugan, James Durfee, Samuel B. Eddy, Samuel T. Friery, John Fitzpatrick, James Fisher, Francis Geavlin, Lawrence A. Gordon, George Gardner, Ezekiel C. Griffin, John Gunn, George G. Gardner, Robert E. Gardiner, Nicholas E. Giles, Charles O. Griffin, Charles B. Hayden, Louis F. Howard, John Henley, Charles W. Hubbard, Lewis E. Henshaw, Edwin B. Hubbard, Benjamin T. Hall, Royal F. Hammett, Chas. D. ,Jr. Hull, Samuel F. Ingraham, John B. Johnson, Cyrus W. RESIDENCE. N. Providence, R. I England,Providence, R. I. N. Providence, R. I Providence, R. I. N. Providence, R. I Providence, R. I. Bellingham, Mass. Providence, R. I. it tt Olneyville, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Meath Co. Ireland, Leitrim, Ireland, England, Providence, R. I. Scotland, Providence, R. I. New Brunswick, Providence, R. 1. DATE OF MUSTER. Canada, Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. July 8, 1863. June 6, 1861, REMARKS. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Nov. 30, 1861 June 6, 1801. Aug. 1, 1801. Dec. 19, " June 6, " Oct. 1, " June 6, " Oct. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. Sept. 14, 1863 Oct. 13, 1862. Aug. 12, 1863 June 6, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863 June 6, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863 Sept. 1, 1862. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. tt tl Julv 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. tt tt Oct. 29, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 6, 1862. Nov. 19, 1863. iJune 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Disch'd Aug. 6, '62, on Surg, certifi'e- Deserted Sept. 26, 1863. Discharged Aug. 5, 1861, (worthless.) Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to U. S. Navy, Feb. 14, '62. Wounded at battle Bull Run; prison er at Richmond ; released from Salisbury, N. O, May 22, '02; mus tered nut of service June 17, 1864. Killed July 21, 1861, battle Bull Run. Transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Disc'd July 29, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded bat. Salem Heights, May 3, '63; trans. Co. B, new organization. Disc'd Aug. 5, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Disc'd Feb. 11, '63, on Surg, certific'e. Corp. ; must'd out service Ju'e 17, '64. Disc'd Dec. 8, '63, to accept commis'n as Capt. 14th R. I. H. A., (col'd.) Transferred to V. R. O, July 1, 1863. Missing in action battle of Wilderness, since May 12, 1864. Kill'd May 12, '64, at bat. Wilderness. Sergeant ; wounded slightly before Richmond, June 25, 1862 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged Oct. 8, 1861, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred to Co. B, new organiza'n. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Trans, to U. S. Navy April 18, 1864. Discharged Sept. 25, 1862, on Sur geon's certificate. Prisoner of war ; exchanged. Trans, to V. R. O, Sept. 1, 1863. Deserted Sept. 26, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly, at battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862; disch. May 29, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Disch. Sept. 25, 1861, on Surg, certif. Disch. July 13, 1861, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Battery A, July 2, 1861. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. tt n it Trans, to Battery G, 1st R. I. L. A., Dec. 9, 1863. Prisoner at Richmond ; released and returned to Regiment Aug. 7, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C, Dec. 15, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; missing at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch. April 11, 1864, to accept com mission 2d Lieut, in 3d R. I. Cav. Trans, to V. R. O, Nov. 15, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Discharged March 26, 1862, on Sur geon's certificate. 62 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Joyce, William Kerner, Emil C. Kibby, Henry H. Karam, Lewis Knight, Alonzo H. Kenyon, Joel B. Ladd, Henry B. Larke, Edward Lewis, Charles L. Martin, Hollis H. Mercer, Edward Martin, Josiah H. McNamara, Joseph Markham, T. W. D. Meely, Michael Mason, Henry T. Mosely, Albert Mosely, James Mosher, Charles D. E Nichols, Charles S. Northup, George H. Patt, Jenckes Parker, Thomas Preston, Edward Peck, Noah A. Potter, George E. Penno, Thomas H. Peabody, Nathan E. Phillips, George F. Pullen, John H. Pierce, William C. Richardson, William A. Reinhardt, Rodolph Reynolds, William E. Rounds, Ezra Sanford, William H. Shaw, Leander R. Skuce, Charles RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Germany, Providence, R. I. England,Hopkinton, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Italy, Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Ireland,Providence, R. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Providence, R. I. tt it Hopkinton, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Canada, Barrington, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Valley FaUs, R. I. Burrillville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Denmark, Providence, R. I. Glocester, li. I. Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. DATE OF MUSTEK. June 6. 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 19, 1863 June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861., Oct. 7, 1362. June 6, 1861. tl It Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. July 8, 1863. June 0, 1861. Discharged Aug. 16, 1862, on Sur geon's certificate. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; wounded slightly in the shoulder at bat. of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; sick in Hosp'l. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Aug. 27, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly in leg, before Pe tersburg, June 18, 1864; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch. Aug. 5, 1861, on Surg, certi'e. Trans, to Battery G, 1st R. I. L. A., Dec. 9, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Sergeant; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded in hand at bat. Wilderness, May 10, 1864; prisoner at Snicker's Gap, Va., July. 20, 1864; trans, to Co. B, new org'n July 31, 1864. Deserted April 16, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Wounded slightly at bat. before Rich mond, June 25, 1862; disch. Aug. 13, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Sergeant ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. n tt u Wounded in left arm at battle of Wilderness, May 7, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Dishonorably disc'd Nov. 6, 1861. lie-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; wounded at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; transferred to Co, B, new organization. Deserted Sept. 17, 1863. Corporal ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, '63; died of wounds June 9, 1863. Wounded in thigh at battle of Wilder ness, May 10, 1864; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Discharged June 5, 1864, on Sur geon's certificate. Mustered out of servica June 17, 1864. Discharged Sept. 10, 1862, on Sur geon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. " " Aug. 1, "¦ " " j une 17, " Transfe'd to Co. D, new organization. Died May 11, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. Corporal Jan 17, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Discharged Sept. 10, 1862, ou Sur geon's certificate. Killed July 21, 1861, at battle Bull Run, Va. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 68 NAME AND RANK. Smith, George L. Sherman, William A. Smith, Thorndike J. Seavey, Elbridge G. Smith, George H. Smith, Marvin Spring, Edson F. Simpson, Arthur Spencer, Henry F. Simmons, Geo. Abbott Stetson, Albert Spink, George W. Taylor, Joseph R. Teirey, I. Taylor, Alexander T. Tibbitts, H. Turner, Sidney M. Tourtellott, Newton Turner, William A. Tiffany, John C. Vicory, Samuel T. Vaughn, John Webb, William C. West, John H. Wade, James A. Wilson, Joseph Warren, Joseph T. West, Albert R. Wilcox, Caleb Whipple, Ethan, Jr. Young, James A. RESIDENCE. Barrington, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Chepachet, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Valley Falls, R. I. Ireland, Providence, R. I. Dighton, Mass. Providence, R. I. it it Westerly, R. I. Providence, R. I. Thompson, Conn. Providence, R. I. Barrington, R. I. Pawtuxet, R. I. New York, N Y. Barrington, R. I. Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R.I. Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 6, 1861. Nov. 16, " June 6, " Dec. 17, " June 6, " Aug. 6, 1862. June 6, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 14, 1862. June 6, 1861. Nov. 19, 1863. " 26, 1861 " 19, 1863 June 6, 1861. Oct. 7, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 14, " Nov. 20, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 8, " July 8, 1863. Nov. 12, 1861. Jan. 4, 1862. Sept. 1, " Sept. 1, 1862. June 6, 1861. REMARKS. Discharged March 16, 1862, to accept commission in 3d R. I. H. A. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Sergeant Major Feb, 22, 1863. Deserted Oct. 6, 1862. Died June 10, 1864, of wounds receiv ed in action. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Corp.; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Corp.; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Killed at battle Bull Run, July 21/61. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. In U. S. Hospital May 2, 1864. Disch'd Feb. 2, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Disch'd Dec. 3, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Trans, to V. R. O, April li), 1864. Mustered out of service June 1 7, '64. " Aug. 1, " Discharged March 21, 1862. Deserted Dec. 20, 1862 Serg't; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; killed in action May 8, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. 2d Lieut. 3d R. I. Cav. June 24, 1864. Trans, to U. S. Navy, April 10, 1864. " Co. B, new organization. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Wounded at battle Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Wounded in shoulder at battle Wilder ness, May 7, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Disch'd May 3, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. 64 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY E. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Isaac P. Rodman, Edward Stanley, Joseph Mclntyre, 1st Lieutenants. S. B. M. Read, Edwin K. Shearman, William G. Turner, Adin B. Capron, William J. Bradford, 2d Lieutenants. Isaac M. Church, Thoinas H. Carr, George Clendennin, Jr Charles A. Waldron, Aaron W. Clarke, Sergeants. James A. Ward, Daniel Katon, John H. Holland, Nicholas F. Dixon, Edward Yost, Anthony Dixon, Corporals. Patrick Lyons, Edward A. Gavitt, Henry C. Dixon, John B. Rodman, William E. Smith, Abner 0. Shearman, Stephen Holland, Esek B. Smith, Paul Vlsser, Musicians. Patrick Shields, Jeremiah Holland, James McCabe, Wagoner. William M. Hathaway, Privates. Allen, John Adams, Benjamin B. Brothers, Edward Brown, Charles T. Brennan, William RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Newport, R. I, Woonsocket, R. I. Bristol, R, I. S. Kingstown, R. I. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Bristol, R. I. Cumberland R. I. Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 6, 1861. April 1, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 26, 1863. Mar. 20, 1863 June 6, 1861. March 20, '63. June 8, 1861. June 6, 1861. Johnston, R. I. S. Kingsjown, R. I July 29, 1861 June 7, 1861. June 6, 1861. Putnam, Conn. S Kingstown, R. I. Aug. 1, June 6, 1861. 1861. REMARKS. Lt. Col. 4th R. I. Vols., Oct. 25, 1861. Wounded battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862; resigned Feb. 9, 1863. Killed May 5, 1864, battle Wilderness. Captain Co. I, July 22, 1861. Captain Co. K, Nov. 28, 1861. From 2dLt. Co. K, Nov. 28, 1861; in Co. G. Discharged Oct. 14, 1863, to accept an appointment in TJ. S. Signal Corps. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Prisoner at Richmond after battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant Co. H, Sept. 28, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. H, Jan. 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, July 24, 1862. st Lieutenant Co. A, Feb. 22, 1863. Wounded in face bat. Wilderness, May 6/64 ; must'd out serv'e Ju'e 17, '64. Disch'd March 3, '62, on Surg, certfi'e. Discharged by request of friends. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. tt tt it Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Disch'd Aug. 6, '62 on Surg, certifi'e. 2d Lieutenant Co. A, June 3, 1863. Disch'd Feb. 3, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21/61; 2d Lieutenant Co. G, May 21, 1863. Deserted July 29, 1861. Deserted Nov. 10, 1861. Disc'd Feb. 24, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Killed July 21, 1861, battle Bull Run. Prisoner at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; died at Richmond Hospital. Sergeant; killed May 8, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Deserted Sept. 17, 1861. Disch'd Nov. 15/62, on Surg, certfi'e. " June 7, 1861, (worthless.) Dishonorably discharged July 8, 1861. Wounded slightly in hand battle Wil derness, May 12, 1864; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted July 12, 1861. In Hospital. 2d Lieutenant Co. H, Nov. 1, 1862. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May ,, 3/63; must'd out service Ju'e 1 7/64, SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 65 NAME AND RANK. Brayman, John G. Bowman, Charles Barker, William J. Babcock, William J. Blaisdell, Joel R. Burdick, Samuel Clark, John Cook, Charles R. Cramb, Lee L. Clemmens, Stephen Clabby. Richard Core, Philip Cook, Albert H. Clarke, George W. Carpenter, Charles N. Conn, James H. Dockray, James P. Duffy, Edward Dickens, Horatio N. Degnan, Thomas Dickens, Ira L. Doharty, Andrew J. Dervin, John Dagnan, John Fagan, James Fox, Russell Faigan, Frank Flaherty, Thomas Flier, John H. Godfrey, Isaac W. Grant, George A. Griblo, Joseph Goff, Joseph G. Galliger, Patrick Gavitt, William J. Grinnell, John G. Grinnell, Benjamin F. Holland, Charles W. Holland, George F. Heintman, William Hunt, job H. Hamilton, Andrew Holland, Thomas F. Hielman, Frederick Hunt, Jonathan Hicks, Charles W. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. S. Kingstown, li. I.'june 6, 1861 Providence, R. I. Norwich, Conn. N. I'rovidence, li. I. S. Kingstown, R. [N. Kingstown, li. IN. Providence, R. S. Kingstown, R. June 19, 1861 Aug. 1, 1861. JuneO, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862. June 6, 1861. Feb. 4, 1862. I/June 6, 1801. N. Providence, R. Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. Providence, li. I. S. Kingstown, R. Johnston, R. I. S. Kingstown, Ii. Richmond, R. I. Johnston, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Hopkinton, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. Richmond, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Providence, li. I. France,S. Kingstown, R. Providence, R I. S. Kingstown, R. N. Kingstown, li. I. it tt it ,( Germany,N. Kingstown, R. I. Ireland, S. Kingstown, R. I. Providence, R. I. N. Kingstown, R. Taunton, Mass. Nov. 21, 1801 June 6, " June 12, 1861 June 7, " " 6, " Nov. 21, 1861 June 6, " Jan. 22, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 14, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Nov. 20, 1861 July 12, 1863 June 6, 1861. Nov. 14, 1861. June 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 12, 1861 July 9, 1863. June 9, 1861. June 13, 1861 June 6, 1861. June 11, 1861. REMARKS. Disc'd Sept. 16, '62, on Surg, certifi'e- Dischg'd Aug. 31, 1861 ; (worthless.) Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Sergeant; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. 15, new organization. Has not taken the oath ; transferred to 1st Regiment R. I. M. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1863 ; wounded in arm bat. Wilderness, May 5, '04; trans, to Co. B, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Richmond ; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Disch'd Dec. 0, 02, on Surg, certifi'e. Not accepted on account of blindness. Disc'd Dec. 30, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Transferred to Battery A, 1st R. I. L. A., July 13, 1861. Disch'd June 18, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at ba.ile Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; discharged Sept. 18, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Disch'd Dec. 30, '03, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1801; discharged Nov. 15, 1802 on Surgeon's certificate. Deserted Aug. 31, 1802. Disch. Mar. 27, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. Discharged Mar. 7, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Discharged June 7, 1861, (worthless.) Discharged June 9, 1861, (worthless ) Disch'd Jan. 17, '04, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Deserted Nov. 18, 1861. Deserted Dec. 4, 1862. Disch'd Feb. 15, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Corp ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted July 29, 1861. Disch'd Jan. 28, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch'dNov. 1,'62, on Surg, certifi'e. Absent without leave. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Corp., re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; wound ed at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. Aug. 5, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Mustered out of service June 1 7, '64. Deserted Aug. 10, 1863. Died Nov. 4, 1802, atHagerstown, Md. Wounded in arm at bat. Wilderness, May 12, '64; trans, to Co. B, new or. 1st Sergt. ; missing in action at battle of Wilderness May 5/ 64 ; wounded badly in leg, taken prisoner and subsequently exchanged. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Discharged June 12, '61, (worthless.) Disch'd Aug. 31/ 61, on Surg. cert. 66 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Higgins, James High, Arthur Jacques, Henry L. Jeanneret, Numa Kendall, Charles H. Kilburn, Frank P. Lockwood, Stephen D Leach, William McMahon, Peter McDonnougii, Peter Mayer, Charles McConnell, John Megravel, Henry McWilliams, William Murphy, Patrick J. McLod, Murdock Maxfield, George H. Manchester, James D. Maxfield, George W. Murphy, Henry Ncwbert, Ambrose A. Northup, William 11. Northup, John Negraville, Henri Nichols, William II. Nichols, Peter C. O'Neil, John Oatley, James T. Pilkington, Joseph Pachye, Theodore Quinlan, Jeremiah Rourke, John Rogers, Joseph Rathbun, Jeremiah K. Rodman, Isaac, C. Rodman, George Ressler, Charles H, Ryan, Thomas A. Reddy, Thomas Robbins, Richard Records, William H. Raynor, James J. Russell, Thomas Rathbun, Jason P. Smith, Warren Sherman, James A. Smith, John A., Jr. Slocum, John H. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Cumberland, R. I. ,Nov. 25, 1861 N. Providence, R. I. June 6, 1861. S. Kingstown, li. I.j " I France, :July 9, 1863. Providence, R. I. Nov. 20, 1861 :: ;: :; «¦ :; June 15, 1861 Warwick, R. I. Johnston, R. I. Aug. 1, 1861. jOct. 14, " Germany, ; July 8, 1863. S. Kingstown, R. I, June 6, 18CJ . France, jJuly 8, 1863. Providence, R. I. Oct. 15, 1861. Johnston, R. I. ;july, 12, 1861 Bristol, li. I. jNov. 15, 1861 " " [Nov. 18, 1861 Kings Co., Ireland, Belfast, Maine, S. Kingstown, R. Richmond, R. I. France, S. Kingstown, R, Ireland,S. Kingstown, R. it ii Germany,S. Kingstown, R. Coventry, R. I. Cuba, S. Kingstown, R. Sept. 5, 1862. Aug. 21, 1862. Oct. 28, 1862. June 6, 1801. July 8, 1868. June 6, 1861. << ii July 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. ll It July 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. July 10„ 1863 June 6, 1861. Westerly, R I. Providence, R. I Brewster, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Exeter, li. I. S. Kingstown, R. I Richmond, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I Richmond, R. I. Mar. 23, Sept. 23 June 6, Oct. 28, June 6, 1864 , 1862. 1861. 1862. 1861. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64, Wounded bat. Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; died at Richmond, Va., a prisoner. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Disch'd Mar. 27, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded in hand at battle Wilderness May 5, 1861 ; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Transfe'd to Co. B, new organization. Wounded in head at bat. Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Deserted "Oct. 21, 1863. Trans, to Battery A, 1st Lt. Artillery, June 20, 1861. Wounded in hand at battle near Get tysburg, July 3, 1863; transferred to Co. B; new organization. Deserted Nov. 17, 1801. Transfe'd to V. R. O, Nov. 15, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; killed May ";, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Transferred to U. S. N. Mar. 13, '64. Wounded in arm at battle Wilderness, May 5, 1864; transferred to Co. B, new organization. Deserted July 1, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted July 2, 1861. Trans, to Co. B new organization. Killed July 21, '61, at battle Bull Run. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Desetred Sept. 6, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted Nov. 17, 1861. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Missing in action May 8, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Deserted Sept. 18, 1863/ Wounded in shoulder at battle of Wilderness, May 1 2, '64 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21/61; prisoner at Richmond ; since died. Corporal, Aug. 2, 1862 ; wounded in neck, at battle Wilderness, May 5, 1864 ; in hospital July 1, 1864. Mustered out ot service June 17,1864. Deserted Nov. 10, 1861. Deserted July 2, 1861. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Died March 28, 1863. Corporal ; discharged. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered oat of service Aug. 1, 1864. Deserted Dec. 4, 1862. Trans, to Co. B, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; killed May 12, 1864, at battle of Wilderness, Va. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 67 NAME AND RANK. Stanley, James Slocum, Samuel Shippee, Rufus Stone, Albert, Jr. Steadman, Oliver L. Skelley, Daniel Simms, Thomas N. Thomas, George W., Jr Tillson, James S. Tommany, Peter Taylor, Amos W. Viall, Horace T. Wright, Charles RESIDENCE. S. Kingstown, R. I, Bristol, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I. Ayrshire, Scotland. S. Kingstown, R. I N. " Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I E. Providence, R. I S. Kingstown, R. I Warner, James A. Wilson, Napoleon B. Whitford James M. Whitford, Elisha J. Whaley, John P. Whitford, John R. Warren, Wallace F. Bristol, R. I. Williams, Charles Mystic, Conn. Woodmansie, Perry W.'Richmond, Ii. I. Wright, James B. " " Wyatt, Charles A. jNewport, R. I. Ward, John A. [Providence, Ii. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 15, 1862. June 6, 1861. Oct. 14, 1861. June 6, 1861. fi it Sept. 25, 1862. June 6, 1861. il it Sept. 22, 1862, June 0, 1861. Ci .< Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Disch. June 26, '02, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted May 23, 1863. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; discharged Aug. 18, 1803, on Surgeon's certificate. Disch. June 26, 1862, on Surg, certif. Disch. Sept 30, '01, on Surg, certif. Dishonorably disch. June 19, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Nov. 30, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of service, June 17, 1864. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. ii ii ii Disch. Aug. 24, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted Dec. 1, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Jan. 9, 1863, on Surg, certifi'e. Discharged April 1862. Disch. Oct. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Disch. Dec. 31, '62, on Surg, certif. Corp.; trans to V. Ii. C, Sept. 1, '63. Trans, to U. S. Navy, April 13, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; trans, to Co. I, new organization. Deserted Sept. 17, 1863. Corp ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 1, '63. Trans, to Co. C. new organization. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 79 NAME AND RANK. Gardiner, Jeffrey H. Glenwright, John Gorton, Martin V. B. Gerrard, John Greene, Ezra Graham, John H. Gardiner, George A. Greene, William W. Greene, Daniel Groves, Peleg D. Greene, Nathaniel C. Grey, John Hadley, Ambrose Hennessey, Thomas Hathaway, James B. Heavey, Patrick Holmes. Albert C. Holden, John Hiding, Aldrich J. Hawes, James Jerard, John Johnson, Russel B. Jennison, George A. Johnson, James G. Kingman, Cassander Knaff, S. Louis Kalane, James Knight, Christopher N. Kenyon, Lowell H. King, James A. Knight, William H. Lapham, Alphonso Lewis, Thomas Lundy, John Mathewson, George H. McNiff, James ' Mizer, John Moran, James Murphy, John Moffitt, Leonard P. McCann, John McDonald, John McAvoy, Michael McArley, Bartholomew McCabe, Michael McGetrick, Patrick Nicholas, Cyril H- Nagle, Charles RESIDENCE. Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. L Warwick, R. I. Albany, N. Y. E. Greenwich, R. I Exeter, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Warwick, Ii. I. Providence, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Bristol, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Cranston, R. I. Warwick, R. I, Cumberland, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I Warwick, R. I. 11 .1 Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Ireland, E. Greenwich, R. I. Derry, Ireland, Cape Clear, Ireland, Providence, R. I. E, Greenwich, R. I. Coventry, R. J DATE OF MUSTER. June 6, 1861. June 5, 1861. Dec. 13, 1802 Feb. 19, 1862. July 9, 1863. June, 0, 1861. Sept. ll, 1862 June 19, 1861. Aug. 27, 1862. June 0,1801. Dec. 6, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 21, 1861 June 6, 1861. tt it Aug. 22, 1862. June 5, 1861. Nov. 16, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 16, 1862 June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. Dec. 27, 1861. June 6, 1861 . it ft July, 16, 1862. Dec. 27, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. Aug. 29, 1863. July 10, 1863. Nov. 16, 1861, Sept. 4, 1862, June 5, 1861 , REMARKS. Mustered out of service June 17/64. Disch. April 4, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Disch. Jan. 29, '63 on Surg, certif. Disch. Aug. 1862, on Surg, certif. Disch, Aug. 9, '62, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. (died at Camp.Sumter, Aug. 1864.) 2d Lt. 6th Reg. R. I. V. March 2/63. Disch. Feb. 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1803; wounded in leg at battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, new org. Died Feb. 5, 1862. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Died Oct. 23, 1863. Deserted Oct. 12, 1862. Deserted Feb. 3, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Trans, to Co, C, new organization. n n u Dropped from Rolls, Aug., 1862. Wounded in groin at battle of Wilder ness, May 5, 1804 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. 2d Lt. 3d li. I, Cavalry, Nov. 14, '63. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to V. R C, Feb. 15, 1864. Corporal ; wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wounded in foot at battle of Wilder ness, May 5, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new organization ; wounded at battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; since died. Re-enlisted Jan. 26, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Deserted July 2, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 26, 1864; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded in breast, May 5, 1864, at battle of Wilderness ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Jan. 11, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. G, Nov. 1, 1863. Disch. Aug. 17, 1864, on Surg, certif. March 14, 1863, Honorably discharged June 19, 1861. 1st Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to U. S. Navy, April 11, 1864. 80 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Nicholas, Lyman Naff', Stanislaus Nicholas, Daniel W. Pickford, John N. Phillips, John Potter, William II. Ryan, John Remark, William Ray, Thomas Robertson, George Rogers, Christopher T Rose, James T. Sherman, Benjamin W Smith, William Simmons, John B. Sherman, George H. Skinner, Joseph G. Salisbury, Otis H. Stanley, Peter J. Stephenson, David R. Sweet, Samuel P. Jr. Sweet, Benoni Thompson, Edmund M. Thompson, William Thompson, Edward A. Thomas, William Tourjee, Jeremiah Veatch, Charles Von Berger, Henry Williams, Leonard Warburton, Thomas Woodmansie, Thos. T. Wilson, John A. Wilson, William Wright, James J. RESIDENCE. Warwick, R. I. Aayan, Switz'd, Warwick, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I, Germany, Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Coventry, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I, Coventry, R. I. Scotland, Warwick, R. I. Coventry, " Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. i. u E. Greenwich, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich, R, I. a it Smithfield, R. I. E, Greenwich, R. I. Granville, Ind. Prussia,Providence, R. I. W.Greenwich, R. I Cranston, R. I. 11 ii Portland, Maine, DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 1861. July 7, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 10, 1863, June 6, 1861. Jan. 1, 1862. July 10, 1863. June 0, 1861. Aug. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. " 5, " Aug. 10, 1863 June 5, 1861. Feb. 8, 1862. June 6, 1861. Aug. 25, 1862. June 19, 1861. 19. 6, Oct. 21, 1862. June 6, 1861. Sept. 2, 1862. June 5, 1861. Sept. 2, 1862. July 10, 1863. Oct. 21, 1862. Sept. 13, 1862 June 5, 1861. Sept. 8, 1862. " 15, " Aug. 30, " Disch'd June 19, '61, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corp.; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch'd Dec. 3, '62, on Surg, certifi'e Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 9, 1862. Wound, in leg at battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Disch. Nov. 5. '62, on Surg, certificate. Corp. ; wound'd battle Salem Hen's, May 3, 1863 ; killed May 6, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Trans, to U. S. N., March 25, 1864. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Corp. ; severely wounded at battle near Williamsport, July 12, 1863 ; trans, to V R. C, Jan. 25, 1864. Disch. Dec. 12, '62, on Surg, certif. Corporal; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Died Sept. 16, 1861. Sergt.; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; trans. to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to V.R. C, 1864. Wounded July 3, 1863, (Gettysburg.) Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, '63 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Aug. 21, 1863. Disch. March 14, '63, on Surg, certif. Wounded in wrist at battle Wilderness May 5, 1864; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Sergt.; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Killed June 2, 1864, (gunshot wound.) Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded May 6, 1864, in leg at battle of Wilderness. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 81 COMPANY I. NAME AND RANK. Captains. S. James Smith, S. B. M. Read, John R. Waterhouse, 1st Lieutenants. Stephen H. Brown, Henry C. Jenckes, B. B. Manchester, John R. Waterhouse, Stephen West, Jr. Samuel B. Russell, 2d Lieutenants. Henry C. Cook, Henry C. Jenckes, John It. Waterhouse, Clarke E. Bates, John M. Turner, Sergeants. John R. Waterhouse, Albert W. Chappell, Napoleon A. Vaslett, Edward A. Russell, Adin B. Capron, Corporals. Henry A. Green, Horatio B. Snow, Thomas J. Kelley, John Ford, Bradford Chamberliin, Charles H. Hawkins, George B. Hutchinson. William II. Jillson, Musicians. George F. Kenyon, Wagoner. William H. Aldrich, Pti v cit as Aldrich, William W. Arnold, Leander A. Adams, Hiram Arnold, Elisha Austin, David C. Angel, Lewis E. RESIDENCE. Providence, Ii. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Woonsocket, li. I. Providence, " Smithfield,Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Providence, " Providence, '* Woonsocket " Greenville, " ii u Slatersville, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Scituate, " Woonsocket, " ii ii Smithfield, " Scituate, " Greenville, " DATE OF MUSTER. June 6, 1861. June 28, 1863 June 6, 1861 . Nov. 1, 1861. May 19, 1863. June 28, 1863 Mar. 20, 1864. June 6, 1861. Aug. 7, 1861. Mar. 23, 1863. Sept. 28, 1863. June 6, 1861. 11 July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. l( li it J I tl it Aug. 1, 1862. Killed July 21, '61, at battle Bull Run. Lieut. Col. March 2:J, 1863. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Captain Co. D, Sept. 28, 1861. Transfe'd to Co. D. Trans, from Co. F.Nov. 1, 1862; re signed Jan. 11, 1863. Captain Co. I, June 3, 1863. Trans, to Co. F, March 1, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded at Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; 1st Lieut. U.S. A.; Capt. 16th U. S. Infantry. 1st Lieut. Co, I, Nov. 1, 1861. Feb. 22, 1803. Died July 18, 1803, of wounds ree'd in action Salem Heights, May 3, '63. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. I, October 28, 1861. Disch. July 25, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Mar. 25, '62, " " Sergeant Major. Sergeant Major, July 22, 1861. Sergeant, Oct. 31, 1861 ; 1st Sergeant, July 25, 1862 ; killed May 3, 1863, at battle Salem Heights. Transferred to Battery A, 1st lt. I. L. A., July 14, 1801, as bugler. Killed July 21, '61, at battle Bull Run. ii ii ii Sergeant ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; killed May 12, '64, battle Wilderness, Sergeant, May 25, 1862 ; discharged March 6, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Disc'd Oct. 13, '61, on Surg, certifi'e. " April 7, '62, Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. Sept. 15, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Wounded in abdomen at battle Wil derness, May 6, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Killed May 3, '63, bat. Salem Heights. Corporal, Nov. 1, '61 ; discharged Jan. 29, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; re-enlisted Dee. 26, '63; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. 82 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Bailey, Frederic A. Baker, Thomas II. Ball, Albert, Braipshaw, John Brophey, James H. Ball, Nahum Ballou, Silas G. Ballou, Horatio N. Boylston, James E. Brown, Clarke H. Colvin, Albert H. Colvin, Darius Carpenter, Rudolph 0. Colvin, Matthew L. Clifford, Edward Chenery, George H. Cory, Charles W. Carroll, Patrick Cook, Lowell C. Colvin, Charles E. Donnely, Thomas, Donnovan, John Davis, Albert F. Durfee, Nathan L, Engley, Eton E. Farnum, Charles W. Jr, Fennell, Daniel Farris, Samuel Green, William H. Greene, George W. Gannon, Patrick Gorton, Edward Gravlin, Peter Gorton, Nathan D. Green, Albert Holroyd, George S. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Burrillville, R. I. Providence, It. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Lonsdale, R. I. Georgiaville, It. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Central Falls, lt. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R I. Franklin, Mass. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Scituate, It. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. N. Blackstone, Ms. Greenville, R. I. N. Situate, R. I. Woonsocket, lt. I. Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. I, Uxbridge, Mass. Glocester, li. I, Woonsocket, R. I, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I, Glocester, R. I, Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Cumberland, R.I. Pawtuxet, R. I. Uxbridge, Mass. June C, 1861. Dec. 23, 1861 June 6, 1861. Feb. 17, 1862, June 6, 1861, Aug. 21, 1861. June 6, 1861, ii tl Aug. 6, 1862. June 6, 1861. Dec. 31, 1861 June 6, 1861. Aug, 21, 1862, June 6,' 1861. Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 1, 1861. it et June 6, 1861. (( It a tt it n tt ti Aug. 1, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 21, 1861 June 6, 1861. Feb. 18, 1864. June 6, 1861. Prisoner Bull liun,July 21, '61 ; releas ed from Salisbury N. O, May 22, '62 ; must'd out service June 5, '64. Corp., Mar. 25, '62 ; died July 24, '62. Wounded at Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ¦ mu-tered out service June 17, 1864. Corporal, Oct. 31, '61; wounded bat. before Richmond, Ju'e 25, '62; dis charged Sept. 25, '62 on Surg, cert. Wounded slightly in groin at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; trans ferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17/64. Wagoner, Dec. 1, 1861 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Transferred from Co. 11 ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1868 ; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Taken prisoner Sept. 16, '63 ; exchang ed ; must'd out service, Dec. 13, '64. Wounded bat. Salem Heights, May 3, '63; must'd out service June 17, '64. Disch. Dec. 24, '62, un Surg. cert. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle Salem Heights, May 3, 63; trans, to Co. C, new organi'n. Corporal, May 1 5, '62 ; discharged Feb 25, 1803, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; Com'y Serg. Sept. 25, '63. Corporal ; wounded slightly shoulder, May 0, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corporal ; wounded slightly shoulder bat. Wilderness, May 5, '64 ; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly in ankle at battle of Wilderness, May 8, 1864 ; muster ed out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. Aug. 5, 1861, on Surg, certif. Killed May 3, 1863, at battle Salem Heights. Corp. ; died Aug. 30, 1862, at Chester Pa., of fever. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Dec. 11, 1862. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, '61; prisoner at Richmond; dis charged July 16, '62, on Surg. cert. Deserted Dec. 11, 1862. Discharged June 13, 1861, (worthless.) Corp. ; discharged Aug. 31, 1861, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co. F, ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; killed May 18, 1864, at battle of Wilderness. Wounded slightly at battle of Freder icksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; trans. to Co. C, new organization. Trans, from Co. H. ; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; trans, to Co. C, new org'n. Discharged July 22, 1862, on Surg. certificate. Trans, fo Co. C, new organization... Discharged July 20, 1862. Wounded at battle Salem' Heights May 3, 1863 ; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 83 NAME AND RANK. Haswell, Joseph L, Slatersville, R. I RESIDENCE. Higgins, Richard Hopkins, George L. Haley, Hugh Horton, Thomas W. Knight, Allen S. Leary, John Lee, James Lewis, Thomas W. D. Leach, James D. Lesage, Lewis Lawrence, Benjamin F Loomis, John F. Losscr, Jarvis lt. Moffit, James Mason, Bradford C. Mowry, Orin S. Mansfield, Thomas Marsh, Eugene II. Muller, Theodore Martin, James Munson, William Mowry, Albert A. Malone, John J. McKenna, James Mowry, William W. McGahen, Bernard Needam, J. W. Potter, Ashael S. Potter, James W. Perkins, Charles E. i | | Perry, William H. lift Parker, Edward A. , i , Prue, David .. ,. ,, f, Parkhurst, Albert B. Phillips, Joseph A. « ,. \ \ Perseche, Gustave A. . I I I P«ya, Nelson E. Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Glocester, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. ii it Jamestown, R. I. Providence, R. I. n n Central Falls, R. I. Woonsocket, It. I. Providence, R. I. England, Franklin, Mass. Germanv, Albion, R. I. Canada,Slatersville, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Slatersville, R. I. Providence, R. I. N. Scituate, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Smithfield, Ii. I. - Pawtucket, li. I. Scituate, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Georgiaville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, li. I. DATE OF MUSTER. JuneO, 1801. Jan. 27, 1802. June 6, 1861. June G, 1861. Aug. 0, 1862. June 0, 1861. Dec. 25, 1861. Junefi, 1861. Oct. 15, 1861. June 6. 1861. Oct. 11, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862 Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Nov. 18, 1801 July 10, 1803. June 0, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 10, 1861, June 6, 1861. it ft July 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. (( tt June 6, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864- Trans, from Co. B, Mar. 1, '62; re-eir listed Feb. 24, 1864; trans, to Co- C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864 Wounded at battle Bull Run July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Richmond ; re leased from Salisburv.N C, May 22, 1862 ; trans, to V.R.C., Jan. 15, '64. Corp. March 25, 1802; mustered out of service June 17, 1861. Deserted Dec. 11, 18G2. Wounded at battle Salem Heights May 3, 1803; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; wounded slightly in neck at battle of Wilder ness May 5, 1864; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Discharged Aug. 5, '61, on Surg. cert. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. ii ii ii Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, June 17, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; discharged Jan. 5, 1804, on Surgeon's certificate. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization . Wounded slightly in head at battle of Wilderness, May 12, '64; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded dangerously in thigh at bat tle of Wilderness, May 12, 1864 ; died May 15, 1864, in hospital. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Sept. 10, 1802. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wojnded at battle near Winchester, Va., Kept. 19, 1864 ; transferred to Co C, new organization. Corp. July 29, 1862 ; Sergt. ; muster ed out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Corp.; Sergt.; re-enlisted Dec. 26/63; wounded slightly in head at battle of Wilderness, May 6, 1864 ; trans. to Co. C, new organization. Corp.; Serg.; re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; trans, to Co. C. new organization. Disch. Oct 20, '62, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Killed May 18, '64, battle Wilderness. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Disch. June 13, 1861, (worthless.) 84 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. SAME AND RANK. Perry, George Reed, William H. Robertson, William Riley, James O. Raid, George Randall, John B. Riley, Edward 0. Simmons, George N. Streeter, Joseph W. Smith, William F. ' Sullivan, Daniel Schaa, John Small, Robert W. Schmidt, Charles Stone, Albert H. Saunders, H. A. Sheldon, Charles M. Sault, Peter Smith, John K. Steere, Jesse Smith, William L. Steere, James F. Tubbs, Albert Taylor, George G. Turner, John M. Thurston, Benjamin R Traverse, Augustus Tucker, Leander S. Teller, Victor Thornton, Jesse B. Touir, Christian Thorpe, Elias H. Tayer, Henry C. Vose, 0- F. Wood, Joseph M. Wood, Thomas C. Whipple, M. E. Willis, William Wilcox, George W. Walling, Benjamin G. Wales, Henry T Wight, Samuel Woonsocket, R. I. Slatersville, R. I. Scotland, France, Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, It. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, Ii. I. Germany, Woonsocket, R. I. Germany,Scituate, R. I. Ireland, Cranston, R. I. Woonsocket, lt. I. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Georgiaville, It. I. Uxbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. ii ii Canada, Mendon, Mass. Prussia,Providence, R, I. Germany, Glocester, R. I. Mendon, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. ii ii N. Kingstown, R. I Mendon, Mass. N. Providence, R. I, Bellingham, Mass. N. Scituate, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1861. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. Aug. 10, 1862 July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. Oct. 13, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Mar. 17, 1864. Aug. 21, 1862. Aug. 12, 1863. June 6, 1861. 'July 10, 1863. Nov. 19, 1861. Aug. 27, 1863. June 14, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Oct. 1, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 6, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. Aug. 8, 1863. June 6, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863. Dec. 24, 1861. July 10, 1863. June 6. 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. June 6, 1861. Nov. 19, 1861. July 9, 1863. July 10, 1863. June 6, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 6, 1861. REMARKS. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Disch. Feb. 1, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization! Wounded at battle of Salem Heights May 3, 1863 ; trans, to V. R. fj.| Oct. 12, '63; mustered out of ser vice, July 13, 1865. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; discharged Jan. 1, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred to Co. C, Nov. 1, 1862. " new organiza'n. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to V. It. C, April 18, 1864; mustered out of service July 8, '65! Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Quartermaster Sergeant, July 28, '62. Transfe'd to Co. C, new organization. Died July 15, 1862, at Portsmouth Grove Hospital of typhoid fever. Transferred to Battery G, IstR. LL. A., Dec. 9, 1863. Disch. Aug. 5, '61, on Surg, certif. Corporal; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863; transferred to Co. C, new organization. Discharged June 17, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Deserted Aug. 8, 1861. Disch. Oct. 19, 1862. on Surg, certif. Commissary Sergt. July 24, 1862. Trans, to Co. C. new organization. Trans, to Battery G, 1st. lt. I. L. A., Dec 9, 1861. Undergoing sentence of Gen. Court Martial, at Fort Jefferson, Fla. Deserted Sept. 16, 1863. Trans, to U."S. Navy, April 15, 1864. Deserted Dec. 5, 1863. Disch. Dec. 5, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. DiedDec.l2/63,at Br'ndy Station Va. Sergeant; wounded at (battle Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; re-enlisted Feb. 20, 1864 ; wounded severely in left shoulder at Brightwood Md., ' July 12, 1864 ; trans to Co. C, new organization. Trans, to Co. C, new organization. Killed March 12, 1862, (accidental explosion of a shell.) Wounded slightly at battle of Wilder ness, May 6, 1864; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Corporal, Oct. 31, 1861 ; sergeant; died May 15, 1863, of wounds ree'd at bat. of Salem Heights May 3/63, SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 85 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Winsor, Pitts, S. Weeks, Charles W. Worril, John F. Werner, George Wood, Charles C. Scituate, R. I. Slatersville, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Germany, Jan. 29, 1862. June 6, 1861. tl tf July 10, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights. May 3, 1863 ; died May 20, 1863, of wounds. Re-enlisted, Dec. 26, 1863 ; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Discharged June 13, 1861, (worthless.) Deserted Aug. 27, 1863. Trans, to V. R. C, March 15, 1864. 86 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY K. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Charles W. Turner, Edwin K. Sherman, John P. Shaw, 1st Lieutenants. Otis P. G. Clarke, Samuel J. Smith, John P. Shaw, William L. Wheaton, 2d Lieutenants. Samuel J. Smith, William G. Turner, John G. Beveridge, Obed H. Gifford, Stephen West, Jr. Edmund F. Prentiss, Sergeants. Obed H. Gifford, John Hamilton, William G. Turner, James W. Dennis, Jr. William T. Lawton, Corporals. John Hodgson, Ebenezer J. Blake, Henry T. Blanchard, Henry Reinwald, Timothy C. Sullivan, John H. Murphy, Samuel Wormwood, John W. Hunt, Musicians. John F. Leach, James Shelley, Hugh Crowley, Wagoner. Joseph W. Wade, Privates. AngeU, William H. AUsop, John Briggs, Charles E. Bierwanger, John Brown, William RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Cincinnati, Ohio, Newport, lt. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, It. I. Newport, lt. I, Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Newport, R. I. Maine, Greenwich, R. I. Providence, R. I. Illinois, Lonsdale, R. I. Maine, Smithfield, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I, Providence, R. I. it a Newport, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 1861. June 6, 1861, July, 1861. June 5, 1861. June 28, 1863. June 5, 1861. REMARKS. Nov. 4, 1861. June 18, 1861. [June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. 'March 6, 1862. June 5, 1861, Resigned, Nov. 28, 1861. Died July 12, 1862, at Bellevue Hos pital, N. Y. KiU'dMay 12, '64, at bat. Wilderness. Captain Co. C, July 22, 1861. Adjutant.Captain Co. K, July 24, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. 1st Lieut. Co. K, July 22, 1861. " E, Nov. 28, 1861. Transferred to Co. H, July 24, 1862 " G, Nov. 1, 1862. 1st Lieut. Co. I, June 3, 1863. " A, Oct. 30, 1863. 2d Lieut. Co. K, July 24, 1862. Disch. Aug. 5, '61, on Surg. cert. 2d Lieut. Co. K, July 22, 1861. Disch. Jan. 21, 1863. Wounded at battle of Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; trans, to V. lt. C, Aug. 29, 1863. Mustered out of service June 1 7, 1864. 1st. Sergeant, July 22, 1861 ; died Feb. 16, 1865, at Annapolis, Md., of Pneumonia. Corporal ; Sergt. ; killed May 6, '64, at battle of the Wilderness. Disch. 1862, on Surg, certificate.' Wounded bat. Bull Kun, July 21, '61; prisoner at Richmond ; discharged Dec. 18, 1861, on Surg, certificate. Corporal ; Sergeant, Nov. 30, 1861 ; mustered out of service June 17/ 64. Prisoner of war, released ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Died April 11, 1863. Trans, to battery A, IstR. I. Lt. Art. June 20, 1861. Prisoner at Richmond; trans, to Co. C, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Feb. 4, 1862, (2d time.) Prisoner at Richmond, July 24, 1864; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch. Sept. 21, '63, on Surg, certif. Disch. June 18, 1861, (worthless.) Deserted Jan. 20, 1862. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861; discharged Jan. 20, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 87 NAME AND RANK. Belden, Leonard C. Baker, William J. Braman, George W. Baker, Darius Bolton, Peter Barry, John Bucklin, William N. Brown Charles Benton, John D. Bartlett, Jencks Cooney, James Corcoran, Dennui Corbett, William Clarke, Augustus M. Callahan, James Courtney, John Chambers, Thomas Callahan, John Connor, Lawrence Cobb, William M. Collins, Thomas Conly, John J. Crandall, James S. Chase, Zaccheus Dimond, William Dow, James P. Downey, John J. Devlin, John Finn, Martin Flinn, Samuel J. Foster, John Fales, Thomas H. B. Graham, John Gould,, Charles H. Graves, Samuel W. Gladding, Harrison Greenman, Edward Howard, Oliver H. P. Harrop, Walter Hollis, James B. Hall, Bernard M. Hunt, William H. Han ley, James RESIDENCE. E. Douglas, Mass. Newport, R. I. Providence, lt. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Newport, It. I. Providence, R. I. ii .1 Olneyville, R. I. jNewport, R. I. Valley Falls, R. I. Newport, Ii. I. Providence, li. I. New York, N. Y. Newport, li. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Newport, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, It. I. Olneyville, R.I. Providence, li. I. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Apponaug, li. I. Providence, R. I. Fall, River, Mass. England, Olneyville, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Olneyville, li. I. DATE OP MUSTER. June 5, 1861. Oct. 15, 1862. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. tl tl Oct. 23, 1861. June 5, 1861. Jan. 20, 1862. June, 5, 1861. lune 6, 1861. June 5, 1861. Jan. 16, 1863. June 6, 1801. Feb. 14, 1802 Aug. 1, 1801. Jan. 16, 1862. June 5, 1861. Oct. 27, 1861. June 5, 1861. ll tl Jan. 19, 1863. Oct. 17, 1862. July, 15, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. JuneS, 1861. July 9, 1863. Dec. 10, 1861. June 5, 1861. ll it Jan. 19, 1862. REMARKS. Corporal, Nov. 12, 1861; deserted Sept. 1, 1802. Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded at battle Wilderness, May 6,1864; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly at bat. before Rich mond, June 25, 1862; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21/61; prisoner at Richmond; released from Salisbury, N. O, May 22, 1862; disch. Sept. 12, '62, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Wounded slightly at bat. before Rich mond, June 25, 1862 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1 864. 1st Sergeant, Sept. 25, 1861 ; disch Jan. 27, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. u ii u Deserted Aug. 12, 1861. Disch. March 4. 1863, on Surg, certif. Disch. March 13, '63, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Battery C, 1st R. 1. L. A., Jan. 28, 1864. Wounded battle Bull Run, July 21 ,'61; wounded bat. Salem Heights, May 3, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to V. It. O, March 15, 1864. Deserted Aug. 4, 1862. Deserted March 20, 1862. Disch. April 12, 1864, on Surg. cert. Deserted Feb. 26, 1863. Deserted March 20, 1862. Disch. Sept., 25/62, on Surg, certifi'e. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Disch. Nov. 6, '62, on Surg, certifi'e. Aug, 5, '61, " July 26, '62, Deserted Nov. 18, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Deserted May 8, 1863. " Dec. 6, 1862. Corporal ; killed May 3, 1863, at bat. Salem Heights. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Disch. June 23, '63, on Surg, certif. Wounded Bull Run, July 21/61 ; pris oner Richmond, July 24/61 ; releas ed from Salisbury, N.C.,May 22/62; killed May 12, '64, bat. Wildernes. Disch. Mar 4, '63, on Surg, certifi'e. Deserted Nov. 27, 1861. Corporal ; disch'd on Surg, certificate. Wounded severelyin left eyeat Bright- wood, Md., July 12, '64 ; transfe'd to Co. A, new organization. Deserted March 21, 1862. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Wounded slightly at battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization. 88 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Hathaway, Augustus J. Providence, It. I. Hathaway, Charles W. Fall River, Mass. Higgins, John Hilton, John J. Hopkins, William Hathaway, James H. Hincs, Henry F. Hurlbert, Augustus Island, Patrick Janitzky, Theodore Jones, Thomas E. Johnson, Edward Keene, Simon W. Kilroy, Patrick Lee, Peter McCabe, John Mowry, Daniel Mclver, Peter Markland, George Morse, Edward T. Moran, John Moran, Michael McCann, William Myers, Lewis McGinley, William Murphy, John H. Moran, John H. Mclntire, Matthew Mullen, Patrick J. Merrick, Henry McCaffry, John McKoy, Thomas McCoy, James Nicholson, John C. Newman, David A. Nichols, Charles Nickerson, Elijah Northup, Gardiner O'Hearn, Morris O'Sullivan, Timothy Perry, Samuel T. Peckham, Henry E. Randall, William H. Roenan, John Olneyville, R. I. Worcester, Mass. Central Falls, Ii. I. Providence, li. 1. Smithfield; " Olneyville, li. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, It. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Canada,Providence, R. I. Dublin, Ireland, Newport, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket. It. I. Providence, li. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, It. I Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Perryville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 1861. June 0, 1861. Feb. 26, 1862. June 18, 1861. Oct. 18, 1861. Oct. 29, 1861. June 5, 1801. Jan. 20, 1863. June 5, 1861. June 18, 1861, Oct. 16, 1801. June 5, 1861. July 8, 1863. June 5, 1861. Aug. 15, 1863. June 5, 1861. June 5, 1861. April 1,1864. June 5, 1861. June 18, 1861. Jan. 12, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. March 1, '62. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Nov. 27, 1861 Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Corporal; ro-enlisted Dec. 26,1863; trans, to Co. A, new organization. ' Attached to Batterv A, 1st R. I. L A July 7, 1861. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864 ii ii '„ Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Wounded at Bull Run, July 21, 1861; prisoner at Ricunond; discharged Sept. 1 2, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Disc'd Mar. 25, '62 on Surg, certif. Died May 29, 1862, at Washington, D. O, of typhoid fever. Disch. May 2, '62 on Surg, certif. Corp., July 1, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Disch. Sept. 10, '62, on Surg, certif. Wounded bat. Bull Run, July 21, '61; disch. Apr. 2, '62, on Surg, certif. Deserted Aug. 2J, 1863. Wounded at battle of BuH Run July 21, 1861 ; prisoner at Richmond July 24, 1861 ; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Died Dec. 18, '63, at Washing'n, D. C. Mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Sept. 24, 1863. Kiiled July 21, '61 , at battle Bull Run. Missing bat. Wilderness May 12. '64, Missing bat. Wilderness May li, '6t; trans, to Co. A, new organization. Wounded at battle Bull Run, July 2 1 , 1 861 ; died July 3 1 , '6 1 , at Rich mond, Va. Deserted Nov. 2G, 1 SG3. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Wounded in thigh at battle Wilder ness, May 6, 186 1; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Aug. 4, 1862. ' Killed July 21, '6 1 , at battle Bull Run, Deserted March 20, 1863. Disch. Mar. 25, 1862, on Surg, certif. Discharged. Wounded battle before Richmond, June 25, 1862; discharged March 1 4, 1863 on Surgeon's certificate. Killed July 21, 1861, battle Bull Bun. Died May 14, 1862, at Washington, D. C, of Typhoid fever. Disch. Aug. 6, 1861, (worthless.) Wounded slightly in hand at Freder icksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 ; transferred to V. li. C, March 2, 1864; mus tered out of service June 17, 1864. Re-enlisted March 4, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863. Corp.; re-enlisted Dec. 26, '63 ; killed May 12, 1864, at battle Wilderness. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Killed June 25, '62, at bat. Fair Oaks. Transferred to U. S. N. April 12, '64. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 89 NAME AND RANK. Riley, John Randall, Serel Reynolds, Hazard A. Randall, Henry C. Randall, Isaac C. Redmond, Peter J. Smith, Israel Smith, Duffle Steel, Alexander Sheldon, Walter M. Sampson, Alonzo S chaffer, John Smith, John Schneider, Heinrich Stacy, James C. Straus, John Sullivan, John Shane, Robert Slocum, William P. Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Timothy C. Smith, Anson J. Thurston, James F. Tuligg, Hemiel Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Fred. Tierney, Andrew Taylor, James Thurber, William B. Tanner, Job Vincent, Douglass Verdeman, Albert Vogel, Hermann Vatelacaici, Joseph Woodworth, James T. Watson, Thomas G. Ware, George E. West, Lorin S. H. West, Marshall M. Wilkins, Daniel Williams, John R. Young, Thomas E. 12 RESIDENCE. Valley Falls, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, lt. I. Olneyville, R. I. New York, N. Y. Smithfield, lt. I. England, Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Ireland, Germany,Newport, R. I. Germany,Newport, R. I. Portsmouth, R. I. Newport, R. I. Germany, Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Provi lence, R. I. Canada,Germany, k Italy,Providence, R. I. ti Pawtucket, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, R. I. Germantown, Pa. Newport, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. June 5, 1801. Nov. 27, 1861 June 5, 1861. Dec. 2, 1861. Dec. 16, 1861. Jan. 19, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. Aug. 15, 1863. June 5, 1861. July 9, 1863. July 10, 1863. June 5, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 12, 1863. June 5, 1861. Oct. 17, 1861. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Julv 9, 1863. July 10, 1863. lu'ly 9, 1863. July 8, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. July 9, 1863. June 5, 1861. July 8, 1863. June 5, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. REMARKS. Prisoner in Richmond, badly wound'd, probably dead. Deserted March 21, 1862. Sergt. ; wounded at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861 ; mustered out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Discharged Nov. 5, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; transferred to Co. A, new organization. Trans, to Co A, new organization. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, '04 Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Mustered out of service June 17, '64. Killed July 21, 1861, at battle Bull Run. Disch'd Sept. 29, '61, on Surg, ceitif. Deserted Dec. 5, 1863. Deserted Aug. 21, 1863. Corp. ; wounded under lip May 6, '64, at battle Wilderness; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Deserted Dec. 5, 1863. Wounded in leg May 6, 1864, at bat. Wilderness; inusteied out of ser vice June 17, 1864. Killed June 25, 1862, at battle Fair Oaks. Corp. ; discharged March 25, 1862, on burgeon's certificate. Disch. June 18, 1861, (worthless.) Corporal ; wounded battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861, lost fore arm ; re- enlisted ; trans, to Co. A, new org. Re-enlisted Dec. 26, 1863 ; killed June 3, 1864, at battle Cold Harbor. Trans. to.V. R. O, Aug. 1, '63. Deserted Oct. 19, 1863. Deserted Nov. 1, 1861. Deserted Sept. 18, 1863. Deserted Nov. 15, 1861. Corporal, Nov. 30, 1861; Sergeant; kill'd May 12/64, at bat. Wilderness. Disch'd June 18, '61, (worthless.) Corporal, April 1, '62; transferred to Co. B, new organization; died July 16, 1864, of wounds received May 6, 1864, at battle Wilderness. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Deserted Aug. 26, 1863. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Discharged Dec. 20, 1862, Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Disch. July 3, '61, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. A, new organization. Corporal; Sergeant; mustered out of service June 17, 1864. Disch. Sept. 29, '61, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1864. Disch. April 23, 1862, on Surg, certif. 90 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Privates. Allen, Edmund S. Bristol, R. I. Sept. 30, 1862. Never reported to the Regiment. Albert, Charles Oct. 13, " " >t a Antoine, Gilson " 18, " a n a Barnard, Pierre Glocester, R. I. " 1, " tt ft it BlackweU, Joseph T. „ 14) i, a it " Burnett, Prindel T. Nov. 13, '' a a u Baxter, Hugh Cumberland, R. I. " 22, " a it it Canple, Frederick Feb. 17, " a a tt Cave, Charles a a ti Capron, Charles " it ti Charles, Louisse S. Kingstown, R. I. Sept. 29, " u tt 't Corcoran, Dennis Westerly, R. I. Oct. 1, " a ti a Cole, James " " it Cusack, Barnard Ireland, Nov. 12, 1864. Veteran Recruit. Dagnaus, John Oct. 15, 1861. Never reported to the Regiment. Davis, Charles A. Providence, R. I. Sept. 22, 1862. a " li Dolson, William Boston, Mass. Oct. 26, " a a '¦ Doyle, James ii 7 ii a ii it Diesso, Louis " ig' " ii it a Dean, Charles New York, N, Y, Dec. 12, " H a n Derrossier, Eugene July 12, 1864. Fisher, John Aug. 29, 1862. it it a Garibaldi, Carlo tt u u Gomly, Peter Providence, R. I. Sept. 11, " (' a a Gland, John k ii tl tt tt it ii Griffin, George ii n " 23, " tt a a Golden, John Glocester, R. I. Oct. 1, " tt n it Gomly, David L. " 9, " tt a (. Grady, Thomas a 2, " a a ll Gennam, James Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 21, " it n " Hendria, George " 16, 1861. ^ ti tt Hannibal, Rangnis Newport, R. I. Sept. 10, 1862. ii << " Hall, John Aug. 27, " ti n li Hoit, Edward New York, N. Y. Sept. 22, " " it tt Holden, William Oct. 7, " tt >i tl Hallows, Richard " 29, " ii it tt Harding, Henry " 28, " it t tt Horton, William H. tt , ti It Hanson, James H. Nov. 26, 1864. it tt ii Jackson, Henry Oct. 8, 1862. it tt a Jones, Thomas tl a n Johnson, Edward Providence, R. I. Sept. 11,1862. it a u Johnson, John C, Middletown, Conn. Oct. 24, " it n a Kelley, Thomas Jan. 4, " it a it Keaher, Patrick Feb. 17, " tt tt tt Kent, John Sept. 23, " it a tt Kennedy, William Oct. 9, " it it u Kennedy, John Nov. 13, " tt a u Kelley, Joseph New London, Conn. Dec. " " it tt tt Lyons, John W. Oct. 12, 1861. tt a i. Lisage, Jones " 15, " tt tt « Lynch, Patrick Feb. 17, 1862. tt a « Earned, George F. Sept. 23, " fi a ti Lovett, Charles S. Kingstown, R, I. Oct. 26, " it ti U Lawless, David Nov. 3, " tt it it Levi, John Salem, Mass. Dec. 1, " ft it it Lawler, Patrick Newport, R. I. Jan. 9, 1863. tt ti a SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 91 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. McKoy, Thomas Oct. 12, 1861. Never reported to the Regiment. Martin, Olvin ii If ti ii 11 McDonnels, Bernard Nov. 20, 1861. 11 11 11 Martin, Calvin Dec. 16, 1861. 11 11 I, Murry, William Providence, R. I. Sept. 10, 1862. 11 11 11 Malcolm, Hugh Cranston, " u 2> « Died Sept. 30, 1862, on route for Wash ington, D. C. Miller, Daniel " 20, " Never reported to the Regiment. Mullen, WiUiam S.Kingstown," Aug. 26, 1862. t tt Milner, James Newport, " Oct. 29, " t tt Murphy, Daniel " 3, " t tt Monroe, Samuel ¦ t 2, " t it Mussell, Frederick " 9J " i a McElroy, James 11 14j ¦¦ t tt McCoy, Thomas i a Muldoon, James Nov. 18, 1862. i a Milton, Allen Plymouth, Conn. Feb. 26, 1863. ( t< tt Monag-han, Edward England, Dec. 22, 1864. Nelson, Charles E. Oct. 29, 1862. Transferred to V. R. C, July 21, 1863 mustered out of service Oct. 23, 1865 Nielson, Charles E. 11 11 Never reported to the Regiment. Nichols, Andrew A. t a tt O'Donnell, Patrick Oct. 15, 1861. i a tt Ray, William Providence, R. I. Sept. 11, 1862. i a it Riley, Bernard Oct. 3, " t n a Riley, John " 8, " t ti a Rivers, Andrew Woonsocket, " Feb. 3, 1863. t ti ti Smith, John Sept. 23, 1862. i a n Schmidt, Charles " 20, " i li if Strong, George Oct. 1, 1862. t It It Sullivan, Charles ft il t it tt Sullivan, Thomas U tt I tt ll Smith, Louis P. " 1, " I It It Schmidt, John tt tt t tt it Spencer, William D. ¦ < t tt ft Sample, William I ti tt Stagers, Michael Taunton, Mass. Dec.- 13, 1862. I It ii Stetson, George A. Pawtucket, R. I. June 6, 1861. Transferred from Battery A, R. I. L, A Tobey, William Westerly, " Oct. 1, 1862. Never reported to the Regiment. Thailn, Charles " 9, " i ii te Tiernan, William t tt tt Taniey, Jeremiah " 30, " t it a Toomy, James Troy, N. Y. Jan. 26, 1863. t a tt Vigelus, Alexander Oct. 11, 1862. i tt a Williams, William " 15, 1861. t tt tt Walsh, Patrick Dee. 26, " i n it Wilson, Edward H. Sept. 22, 1862. i it tt Walsh, William " 23, " i a ii Warren, Henry C. Providence, R. I. " 26, " i n n Wilson, James Westerly, " Oct. 1, " t tt it Wiese, Adams " 8, " t tt tt Wilbur, Charles " 9, " i ti tt Whalan, Patrick " 27, " t tt tt Second Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers. (EE-OEGANIZED.) FIELD AND STAFF DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Lieut. Colonel. ' Elisha H. Rhodes, Providence, R. I. Feb. 6, 1865. Breveted Colonel, April 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va. ; mustered Major. out of service July 13, 1865. Henry H. Young, ii ii Nov. 14, 1864. Acting A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Sheri dan, as chief of scouts; breveted Lieut. Col., March 13, 1865, for gal lant and meritorious services ; mus Adjutant. tered out of service Aug. 19, 1865. Thorndike J . Smith, Chepachet, " Dec. 29, 1864. Trans, from old organization; brevet'd Capt. to date Aug. 1, 1864; mus Quartermaster. tered out of service July 13, 1865, Robert W. Small, Woonsocket, " Sept. 23, 1864. Trans, from old organization; mus Surgeon. tered out of service July 13, 1865. William F. Smith, Mar. 18, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, '65. Assistant Surgeon. William F. Smith, " 24, 1864. Trans, from old organization; Sur Sergeant Majors. geon, Mareh 10, 1865. James McKay, Warwick, " Dec. 26, 1863. 2d Lieut. Co. D, Jan. 31, 1865. Benoni Sweet, ii it tt it Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Quartermaster Sergeant. Thomas E. Jones, Providence, " Jan. 20, " u it ti Commissary Sergeants. George H. Chenery, ii ii Dec. 31, " Trans, from old organization ; mus tered out of service Jan. 1, 1865. Warren W. Burton, ii n Sept. 10, 1862. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865, John F. Bowen, tt tt Apr. 1, 1865. 2d Lieut. June 15, 1865. Hospital Steward. Jarvis R. Losser, Aug. 20, 1862. Trans, from Co. C ; mustered out of Principal Musician. service June 20, 1865. Bernard M. Hall, Kingston, " Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS (RE-OEGANIZED). 93 COMPANY A NAME AND RANK. Captains. Henry H. Young, Geo. F. Easterbrooks, 1st Lieutenants. Edmund F. Prentiss, Charles W. Gleason, Jeremiah H. Tourjee, 2d Lieutenant. William 11. Perry, Sergeants. William H. Bullock, Peter Wheelan, Charles Stewart, Silas T. Watson, James McKay, Corporals. Warren C. Lawton, Andrew J. Aldrich, Patrick Campbell, Edwin D. Kellog, Thomas E. Jones, John Burke, Oliver W. Booth, James H. Coyle, James H. Hathaway, Musician. James Shelly, Wagoner. George W. Bates, RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Warwick, R. 1. Somerset, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Ann Arbor, Mich. Providence, R. I. Portland, Maine, Providence, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. Nova Scotia. Warwick, R. I. DATE OP MUSTER, Dec. 10, 1864. Nov. 15, 1863. Nov. 5, 1864. March 29, '65. Nov. 8, 1864. Dec. 26, 1863, Jan. 26, 1864. Dec. 26, 1863 Oct. 15, 1861. Nov. 15, 1861 Jan. 20, 1863. Aug. 12, 1863 Dec. 26, 1868 Feb. 26, 1862. Nov. 4, 1861. Dec. 26, 1863 REMARKS. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; Major Oct. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization; disch. Oct. 31, '64, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. A, old organization, Nov. 6, 1864 ; breveted Captain to date from Sept. 19, '64 ; Capt. Co. G, Jan. 31, 1865. Resigned and honorably discharged June 14, 1865. First Lieut. Co. F, Jan. 31, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; 2d Lieut. Co. C, Dec. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; in Slatterlee Hospital, Phila. Pa. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; 1st Sergt. Oct. 1, 1864; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; Sergeant Major Nov. 8, 1864. Transi from Co. A, old organization ; Sergt. Nov, 8, 1864; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization; wounded hat. Wilderness, May 5, '64; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of service Oct. 19, '64. Trans, irom Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of service Nov. 16,'64. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 23, 1864. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; wounded severely May 12, 1864 ; " in arm and leg Apr. 6, '65, at Petersburg, Va. ; died of wounds April 31, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization, wounded slightly in shoulder April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va, ; mus tered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; Sergt. ; wounded severely in shoul der, April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, 1 Va. ; died May 2, 1865, of wounds. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; mustered out of service Feb. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; mustered out of service Nov. 5, '64. Trans, from (Jo. A, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. 94 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Privates. Alexander, Herman Anderson, Henry Arnold, Nathan Abbott, Albert H. Angeli, William H. Bellows, Josiah W. Benno, Nicola Boynton, George Brown, Lawrence Barton, Joseph Bergdolt, Charles Burns, Samuel Brady, Francis R. Crosley, Robert Crocker, Charles E. Carby, William S. Crosely, John J. Calligan, James Cassidy, Thomas Clark, Michael Chace, Zaccheus Cusack, Bernard Deitz, George Dans, Thomas Doyle, James Denico, John Danun, John F. Dennison, Charles W. Donnelly, John Eagan, Michael Fanning, John Frounshaling, Samuel RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Germany, England, Providence, R. I. Scituate, " Greenville, " Warwick, " Gibraltar, Prussia, New Brunswick, Halifax, N. S. Boston, Mass. Dublin, Ireland, Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Providence, " New London, Conn Newport, R. I. Ireland,Germany,Cavanaugh,Ireland, Ireland,Scituate, R. I. N. Reading, Mass. Canada West, Providence, R. I. n ti N. Providence, R. I. Prussia, July 8, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization' absent sick. j " " Transf. from Co. A, old organization • prisoner of war, July 30, '64; return ed ;mustered out service July 13, '65. July 10, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization- mustered out service July 13, 1865 July 9, 1863. Corp'l; trans, from Co. A, oid org'n ¦ mustered out service July 13, I865! Aug. 7, 1861. Transf. from Co. K, old organization- prisoner July 24, '64; exchan'dDec! 15, 64; m ust'd out serv'e Jan. 29, '60. Oct. 24, 1861. Transf. from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of service Nov.' 4,1864! July 9, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865! July 8, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization; absent sick. July 14, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization' deserted July, 1864. Oct. 13,1862. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; died Sept. 27, '64, of wounds receiv ed in action. Dec. 25, 1862. Transf. from Co. B, old organization , absent sick. Aug. 4, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization ; deserted June 16, 1865. Nov. 29, 1862. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; missing in action since May 8, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1866. July 8, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization; prisoner since Nov. 6, 1863. Sept. 4,1862. Transf. irom Co. A, old organization; m ustered out of service June 1, 1865. Dec. 26, 1863. Transf. from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Sept. 29, 1862. Trinsf from Co. A, old organization; died A ug. 27, '64, Camp Sumter,S, C. Mar. 10, 1864, Transf, from Co. B, old organization; on furlough. , Dec. 2, 1862. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; absent sick. Dec. 26, 1863. Transf. from Co. K, old organization ; Corp'l ; must'd out serv. July 13, '65. Nov. 12, 1864. Veteran; must'd out serv. July 13, '65.' July 8, 1863. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; Corp. ; must'd out serv. July 13, '65. Aug. 30, 1864. Transf. from Co. E,June 13, ,65; dis'd June 14, 1865, on Surg, certificate. July 8, 18C3. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; deserted Aug. 29, 1864. Sept. 24, 1862. Assigned from Co. C, 12th R.I. Vols.; - mustered out service July 13, 1865. Dec. 26, 1863. Transf. from Co. C, old prganization ; on furlough. July 10, 1863. Transf. from Co. B, old organization; absent sick. Aug. 22, 1862. Transf. from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out service June 20, 1866. Dec. 17, 1861. Transf. from Co. C, old organization; mustered out service Dec. 17, 1864. Aug. 29, 1864. Transfer'd from Co. E, June 20, 1865; mustered out'service July 15, 1865. July 8, 1863. Transf. from Co. B, old organization ; transferred to V. R. C, Dec. 27, '64; [ mustered out of service Oct. 10, '65. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORG ANIZED.) 95 NAME AND RANK. Foster, Charles E. Fuller, Hiram Galvin, Martin Gates, Aaron W. Goldsmith, John T. Henry, Thomas Hart, John Hopkins, James L. Headly, Andrew Holland, James Hanley, James Harrop, Walter Hathaway, Charles W. Horton, Horace D, Holman, William Joslin, Marcus M. Kelley, Mark Kehoe, Olney Livesey, Joseph Lowd, Matthew J. Lowcher, George McClarence, George Manchester, George R. Martin, Owen 2d, Mattison, Harrison G. McCanna, John Mott, Christian Morse, Frank D. Mah.in, John McQuade, Richard Megher, Michael Moran, John H. RESIDENCE. Waterbury, Vt. Glocester, R. I. Portsmouth, R. I, Ossipee, N. H, Cranston, R. I. Ireland,Providence, K. I. Olneyville, R. I. England,Fall River, Mass. Rehoboth, Mass, Abington, Mass. Providence, R. I. England, Providence, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. Warren, R. I. Providence, R. I, Scituate, R. I. a ii Germany, Providence, R. I. it it Cork, Ireland, tt ti Providence, R. I. D\TE OF MUSTER. Dec. 2, 1862. Oct. 2, 1862. Sept. 22, 1862. June 6, 1861. Nov. 4, 1862. Oct. 28, 1862. Oct. 16, 1862. Dec. 21, 1863, Dec. 9, 1861, Jan. 14, 1862, Jan. 19, 1862. July 9, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. June 17, 1862 June 5, 1861. Dec. 25, 1863 Nov. 14, 1862. Aug. 30, 1864. March 6, 1862. Dec. 25, 1863 Dec. 23, 1861. Feb, 24, 1862. Dec. 26, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. Dec. 26, 1863. Sept. 28, 1861. Sept. 1, 1862. Sept. 22, 1862. Sept. 22, 1862 Sept. 6, 1862. April 1, 1864. Trans, from Co B, old organization ; sick in hospital. Trans, from Co. C, old organization disch. June 22, '65, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. B, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization deserted June 6, 1864. Trans, from Co. A, old organization trans, to V. R. C , Jan. 6, 1865 mustered out of serv. July 27, 1865 Trans, from Co. B, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865 Trans, from Co. B, old organization mustered out. of serv. June 1, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization mustered out of serv. Dec. 27, 1864 Trans, from Co. < ', old organization mustered out of serv. Jan. 22, 1865 Trans, from Co. K, old organization mustered out of serv. Jan. 19, 1865 Trans, from Co. K, old organization absent, sick, in hospital. Trans, from Co. K, old organization mustered nut of serv. July 13, 1865 Trans, from Co. C, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865 Trans, from Co. C, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865 Trans, from Co. B, old organization trans, to V. R. C, Feb. 23, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization deserted Dec. 27, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, June 20, 1865 ; de serted June 20, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Mar. 25, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; wounded in head, April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Dec. 21, 1864. Tran6. from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Mar. 11,1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Dec. 27, 1864. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Oct. 19, 1864. Trans, from Co. B, old organization ; mustered out of serv. June 20, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; absent, sick, in hospital. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; mustered out of service July 24/65. 96 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Moran, Michael McGinley, William Noon, Michael Neenan, John O'Hearn, Maurice Peckham, Henry E. Peters, John Riley, Peter Randall, Isaac C. Redmond, Peter J. Sheldon, Henry E. Sully, Abraham Stewart, Martin Simmons, Christopher Salisbury, Christopher Sullivan, Timothy C. Smith, Duffie Trimmer, William H. Thornton, William Vanderheider, William Vincent, Douglas Vogle. Herman Vatelacaici, Joseph. Wilson, Eliot E. West, Lorin A. Watson, Thomas G. Wormwood, Samuel RESIDENCE. Dublin, Ireland, Cumberland, Eng. jBristol, R. I. i[Scituate, Providence, " Oderson, Denmark, Arkwright, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. New York, N. Y. Warwick, R. I. Providence, R. I. it ii Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Ireland, England,Windham, Conn. Providence, R. I. Bremen, Germany, Montreal, Canada, Germany,Italy, Warwick, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 15, 1863^ July 18, 1863. Sept. 8, 1862. '¦' 22, " Mar. 4, 1864. Aug. 1, 1861. July 9, 1863. Dec. 28, 1863. " 20, •' Jan. 19, 1863. Dee. 25, " Sept. 13, 1862. Jan. 1, 1862, Aug. 20, 1862. Sept. 6, 1862. Dec. 26,1862. Aug. 15, 1863. Nov. 13, 1861. Sept. 6, 1862. July 8, 1863. July 9, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863 July 8, 1863. July 9, 1863. June 5. 1861. Trans, from Co. K, old orgarn^atioir mustered out of service July 13, '65! Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; absent, sick in Hospital. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; prisoner: released: mustered out of service June 1, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; absent, on furlough. Trans, from Co. K, old organization' mustered out of service Dec. 27, '61. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; absent, sick in hospital. Trans, from Co. B, old organization; discharged, (date unknown.) Trans, from Co. K, old organization; died Mar. 18, .'65, at Johnston, R. I. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '60. Trans, from Co A, old organization; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Deserter from 11th li. I. V.; trans. from Co. A, old organization; mus tered out of service May 26, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, old organization; trans, to V. R. C, May 2, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization; wounded in shoulder April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; sick in hospital. Trans, from Co. C, old organization; mustered out of service Juno 20, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. A, oid organization; deserted Sept. 27, 1864. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of service June 27, '65. Trans, from Co. C,, old organization; sick in Hospital. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; deserted Feb. 3, '65, while on furl'h. Trans, from Co. K, old organization ; on furlough. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; died Dec. 27, '64, at Parks' Station, Va. Trans, from Co. A, old organization; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; mustered out of service July lo, '65. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; in Judiciary Square Hospital, Wash ington, D. C. Trans, from Co. K, old organization; mustered out of service June 30, '64. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 97 COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. Captain, Elisha H. Rhodes, David Small, 1st Lieutenants, Geo. F. Easterbrooks, David Small, Robert Robertson, Jr. 2d Lieutenants. David Small, Elisha Arnold,Sergeants, Robert Robertson, Jr. Horace T. Viall, Jotham Waterman, Edward Yost, John McCaffrey, Benjamin Blackman, Elisha J. Whitford, Francis B. Fisher, Corporals. Thomas Parker, John G. Grinnell, Musicians. Thomas Russell, James Flynn, Privates. Arnold, William A. Brown, Francis J. Brailey, Timothy I. Baker, Lewis W. Barstow, Samuel Beckwith, David Bacon, Charles R. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Bristol, Smithfield, Pawtucket, Smithfield, it Warren, Pawtucket, S. Kingstown Providence, R.I R.I. I 13 S. Kingstown, Cumberland, Providence, S. Kingstown, R. I. Cranston, " Latrim, Ireland, Jamestown, R. I. Providence, R. I. ii ti Warwick, R. I. Rochester, Mass. Philadelphia, Penn. DATE OF MUSTER, Jan. 26, 1864. Mar. 26, 1865. Sept. 23, 1864. Dec. 10, 1864. April 17,1865. Nov. 8, 1864, Dec. 16, 1864. Dec. 26, 1863. Dec. 25, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. ft i tt Oct. 12, 1861. Dec, 19, 1861. Dec. 25, 1863. July 10, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. Dec. 2, 1863. Oct. 28, 1862. Oct. 30, 1862. July 10, 1863. Nov. 30, 1861. July 9, 1863. Oct. 30, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred from old organization June 21, '64 ; breveted Major to date from Dee. 5, '64; Lieut. Col. Jan. 31, '65. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Captain Co. A, Dec. 5, 1864. Breveted Captain to date from Sept. 19, '64; Captain Co. B, Jan. 31, '65. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from old organization ; 1st Lieutenant Co. B, Nov. 29, 1864. Cashiered April 21, 1865 ; sentence of G. C. M. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; 1st Lieut. Co. B, March 26, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transt. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transft from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service Oct. 12, 1864. Transf. from Coi D, old organization ; mustered out service Dec. 20, 1864. Transf. from Co: E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; wounded Sept. 19, 1864, Winchester, Va. ; must'd out service July 18, '65. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; wounded Sept. 19, 1864, Winchester, Va. ; died Oct. 5, 1864, from wounds. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, old organization ; died July 7, 1864 ; De Camp Hos pital, David's Island, Ni Y. Harbor. Trans, from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Nov. 30, 1864. Trans, from Co. D, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; absent, in hospital. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; wounded at battle Wilderness, May 4, 1864 ; mustered out of service, July 15, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; discharged May 5, 1865. 98 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Bromby, Henry Burdick, Samuel Babcock, William J. Cooke, Charles R. Cunningham, Aug. N. Callihan, Timothy Crowell, George W. Crompton, Robert Cranshaw, Robert Crandall, John P. Dean, Simeon Drake, John Donnelly, Michael Dowd, William L. Dagnan, Thomas Friery, John Fitzpatrick, James Flynn, James Godfrey, Charles A. Gunn, George E. Grille, Joseph Greene, George N. Greene, Esbon A. Garbade, John Glover, Andrew Galligan, James Hall, Royal F. Hurlbert, Charles Handy, David A, Higgins, James Hamilton, Andrew J, RESIDENCE. Norwich, Conn. S. Kingstown, R. I. N. Providence, R. I. Providence, R, I. Cork, Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Hopkinton, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. it n Oswego, N. Y. Ireland,Rhode Island, Johnston, R. I. Meath Co., Ireland. Latrim, Ireland, ii 11 Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. France, Charlestown, R. I. Rhode Island, Germany,Greenwich, R. I. Providence, R. I. i, it Vermont, Pawtucket, R. I. Cumberland, " Ireland, DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 9, 1863. Dec. 25, 1863. June 5, 1861. Aug. 10, 1863 Dec. 26, 1863. Sept. 22, 1862. July 9, 1863. July 10, 1863. July 9, 1863. Dec. 13, 1862.' July 10, 1863. tt if Jan. 22, 1862. Sept. 14, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. Oct. 30, 1862. Dec. 26, 1863. Sept. 1, 1862. July, 10, 1863. it tt July 8, 1863. Aug. 15, 1863. Aug. 9, 1863. Oct. 30, 1862, Aug. 6, 1862. July 9, 1863. Dec. 26, 1868. Nov. 25, 1861. July 9, 1868. Trans, from Co. F, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865, Trans, from Co. E, old organization trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 16, 1864, mustered out of serv. Aug. 15, 1865 Trans, from Co. E, old organization ;' mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865! Trans, from Co. E, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1866 Trans, from Co. H, old organization, Sentenced by G. C. M. to serve two yrs. and one month, from July 6/64. Trans, from Co. F, old organization; absent, in hospital. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. June 20, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization; absent, in hospital. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1866, Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, old organization ; died June 16, '64, at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Trans, from Co. D, old organization; mustered out of serv, July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1866. Trans, from Co. F, old organization; musician. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; corporal Dec. 22, 1864; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, old organization; mustered out of serv. June 20, 1866. Trans, from Co. E, old organization; corporal, Nov. 20, 1864; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865, Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1866. Trans, from Co. F, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of serv. June 20, 1865, Trans, from Co. F, old organization absent, in hospital. Trans, from Co. D, old organization mustered out of serv. June 20, 1865, Transf. from Co. F, old organization transferred to V. B. C, Dec. 20, '64 mustered out of service July 31, 1866 Transf. from Co. F, old organization absent, sick in hospital. Transf. from Co; E, old organization mustered out service Nov. 21, 1864 Transf. from Co. E, old organization absent, sick in hospital. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 99 NAME AND RANK. Hall, Bernard M. Howard, John Johnston, Robert L. Joslin, Charles E. Jeanneret, Numa Kiernan, Michael Kenyon, Joel B. Knight, Samuel B. Kilburn,FrankP.Kendall, Charles H. Lyons, John W. Lewis, Charles L. Martin, Joseph McKay, Thomas 1st. McKay, Thomas 2d. McAlpine, Thomas McNamara, Joseph Marcee, Edward Meeley, Michael Mosely, Albert McWilliams, William McMahon, Peter McDonough, Patrick Manchester, James D, Murphy, Henry Negraville, Henri Northup, Perry A. Oatley, Thomas W, Patchye, Theodore Potter, George E. RESIDENCE. Kingston, R. I. Canada West, Smithfield, R. I. Cumberland, " France, Ireland, Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Hopkinton, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Ireland, Smithfield, R. I. New York, N. Y. Italy,Ireland, Philadelphia, Pa, Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Johnston, " Bristol, " Kings Co., Ireland, France,Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Germany, Smithfield, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Dec. 26, 1863. July 10, 1863. Jan. 26, 1864. Dec. 26, 1863. July 9, 1863. it it July 19, 1863. July 9, 1863. Nov. 4, 1861. Nov. 20, 1861 Oct. 12, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Oct. 12, 1861. July 10, 1863. Oct. 12, 1861. July 9, 1863. Oct. 7, 1862. Oct. 15, 1861. Aug. 1, 1861. Oct. 14, 1861. Dec, 25, 1863 Aug. 21, 1862 July 8, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863 it it July 8, 1863. July 9, 1863. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; principal musician, Sept. 1, 1864. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service Sept. 12, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; absent, sick in hospital. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; transferred to V. R. C, Nov. 30, '64 ; mustered out service July 25, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out of service July 7, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; Corporal Nov. 1, '64 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out of service Nov. 4, 1864. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service Nov. 21, 1864. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service Oct. 12, 1864. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service Dec. 12, 1864. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; prisoner at Richmond, July 24, '64 ; released Feb. 28, 1865 ; mustered out of service May 23, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of service Oct. 12, 1864. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; died July, '64, at Camp Sumter, S. C. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service Oct. 12, 1864. Transf. from Co- D, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; prisoner of war ; mustered out of ser vice Sept. 27, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; wounded face slightly, Mar. 25, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf, from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service Nov. 20, 1864. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service Nov. 21, 1864. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service Nov. 20, 1864. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; disch. May 15, '65, on Surg, certifi'e. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out of service June 1, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; transferred to V. R. O, Dec. 20, '64. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; Sergeant April 18, 1863 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865 100 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Reinhardt, Rodolph Rourke, John Robbins, Richard Richardson, George Sheay, John Simmons, Israel D. Sherman, James A. Stainburn, George Sherman, William A. Simmons, George A. Simpson, Arthur Smith, Marvin Shippee, Rufus Skelley, Daniel Tillson, James S. Wade, James A. Wilcox, Caleb Warren, Josiah S. Whipple, Ethan, Jr. Wright, Charles Wilson, Frank Young, George RESIDENCE. Denmark, Coventry, R. I. Brewster, Mass. Fairhaven, Conn. Canada,Providence, R. I. Richmond, " Yorkshire, Eng. Bristol, R. I. Dighton, Mass. Ireland, Smithfield, R. I. Bristol, " Ayrshire, Scotland, Providence, R. I. Olneyville, " Providence, " Bristol, " Providence, " S. Kingstown, R. I. Canada East, Lancashire, Eng, DATE OF MUSTER July 8, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. Mar. 23, 1864. July 9, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. June 6, 1861. Sept. 25, 1862. Nov. 16, 1861, Oct. 14, 1862. Sept. 22, 1862. Aug. 6, 1862. Dec. 25, 1863. Sept. 25, 1862. Sept. 22, 1862, Dec. 26, 1863. Sept. I, 1862. Nov. 12, 1861. Sept. 1, 1862. Dec. 25, 1863. July 9, 1863. Sept. 23, 1863, REMARKS. Transf. from Co. D, old organization transferred to V. R. C., Dec. 20 '64 Transf. from Co. E, old organization disch'd from hospital, date unknown Transf. from Co. E, old organization severely wounded in hand and thigh April 6, 1865, Petersburg, Va ; mus tered out of service May 31, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out of service July 7, 1865! Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service Aug. 29, 1865. Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; Corporal April 18,1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865! Transf. from Co. F, old organization ; mustered out service June 20, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service Nov. 14, 1864. Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865, Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; mustered out service June 20, 1865, Transf. from Co. D, old organization ; disch. May 15, '65, on Surg, certifi'e. Transf. from Co. E, old organization; Corporal ; wounded slightly in arm, April 2, '65, in assault on Petersburg; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co, E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transf. from Co. E, old organization ; mustered out service June 20, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization; 2d Lieut. 3d R. I. Cav. ; never disc'd for promotion ; wounded severely in abdomen, April 6, 1865, Petersburg, Va. ; died April 8, 1865. Transf. from Co. D, old organization; died June 8, 1865, in U. S, hospital. Transf. from Co. D, old organization; mustered out service Nov. 14, 1864, Transf. from Co, D, old organization ; wounded March 27, 1865, leg ampu. tated ; died April 5, 1865, at Wash* ington, D. C, in hospital. Transf. from Co, E, old organization ; mustered out service July 13, 1865,, Transf. from Co. E, old organization; absent in hospital. Transf. from Co. F, qld organization; mustered out service June 20, 186,5, SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 101 COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Charles E. Perkins, 1st" Lieutenants. Samuel B. Russell, Charles E. Perkins, William H. Bullock, 2ti Lieutenants. Charles E. Perkins, William H. Bullock, Sergeants. William H. Perry Charles E. Perkins, Elisha Arnold, John Lawrence, Benoni Sweet, Frank S. Halliday, Joseph M, Wood, Corporals. James A. King, Cassander Kingman, Jeremiah Tourjee, Charles H. Jordan, Thomas W. D, Lewis, Gustave A, Perseche, Theodore E. Muller, Thomas Brennan, Robert Binns, James Moffitt, RESIDENCE. Bristol, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Bristol, " Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Mendon, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Bristol, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Providence, R. I. Jamestown, R. I. Providence, R. I. Germany, England, Warwick, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 26, 1865. Mar. 20, 1864, Dec. 10, 1864 Apr. 14, 1865. Oct. 18, 1864. Dec. 14, 1864 Dec. 26, 1863 tt ii Dec. 25, 1863 Dec. 26, 1868 Dec. 21, 1863 Feb. 20, 1864 Dec. 26, 1863 Nov. 16, 1861 Dec. 26, 1863 July 7, 1863. Dec, 25, 1863. Aug. 1,1861. July 10, 1863. Dec. 25, 1863. lau. 26, 1864. Aug. 1, 1861. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; discharged by order of the War De partment, Sept. 24, 1864. Captain Co. C, Jan. 31, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. 1st Lieut. Co. C, Dec. 5, 1864. " Jan. 31, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; 2d Lieut. Co. A, Oct. 31, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; 2d Lieut. Co. C, Sept. 19, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; 2d Lieut. Co. B, Nov. 29, 1864. Trans. from Co. G, old organization; wounded Sept. 19, '64, at Winches ter, Va. ; trans, to V.R. C, Jan. 18, 1864 ; discharged Sept. 6, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; wounded severely in neck June 18, 1864, at Petersburg, Va. ; Sergeant Major March 29, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; 1st Lieut. Co. E, Sept. 13, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; wounded severely in shoulder at Brightwood, Md., July 12, '64 ; disch. Jan. 1, '65, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; Sergt. Dec. 16, 1864 ; died May 15, 1865 at Phila. Pa., in Hospital. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; mustered out of service Nov. 3, '64. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; 2d Lieut. Co. D, Nov. 29, 1864. Tran6. from Co. G, old organization ; Sergt. May 5, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; Sergt, Dec. 16,1864 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out Of service June 17, '64. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; Sergt. Apr. 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; Sergt. Jan. 1,1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; disch. Feb. 17, '65, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '64. 102 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Musicians. John Curry, Warwick, R. I. Dec. 26, 1863. Michael McAvoy, Providence, R. I. tt tt Giles E. Greene, Jr., Valley Falls, R. I, Dec. 25, 1863. Richard T. Higgins, Providence, R. I. Feb. 20, 1864. Privates. Angeli, Lewis E. Greenville, R. I. Aug. 1, 1864. Aldrich, Wilson Scituate, R. I. July 9, 1863. Asselen, Herman Germany, Aug. 12, 1863. Ballou, Horatio N. Woonsocket, R. I. Dec. 26, 1863. Blackman, Wheaton 0. Warwick, R. I, Aug. 1, 1863. Brophey, James H. Georgiaville, " Feb. 17, 1862. Burton, Warren W. Providence, R. I. Sept. 10, 1862. Carroll, Patrick Greenville, R. I. Aug. 21, 1862. Clarkson, John England, Oct. 16, 1862. Clifford, Rice Derby, Vt. Aug. 20, 1862. Cole, Ithamar 0. Foster, R. I. Apr. 1, 1862. Colvin, Matthew L, Scituate, R. I, Aug. 6, 1862. Connell, William London, England, July 14, 1863. Chaffee, Samuel Bristol, R. I. Oct. 24, 1861. Dyer, James Warwick, R. I. Aug. 1, 1861. Dias, Antonio Mexico, July 10, 1863. Durfee, Nathan L, Glocester, R. I. Aug. 1, 1861. Donovan, Henry Providence, R. I. Dec. 16, 1861. Frederick, Peter Holland, Aug. 8, 1863. Gannon, Patrick Providence, R. I. Dec. 16, 1861. Gorton, Edward Woonsocket, R. I, Dec. 26, 1863. REMARKS. Trans, from Co. H, old organization • mustered out of service July 13, '65! Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; prin, musician Sept. 1, 1864; mus tered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; sentenced to forfeit all pay and allow ances to Aug. 10, 1864, and $10 per month for 15 months. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of service July 18, '66! Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '64. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; died July 7, '64, in hosp. Washington, XJ. L/» Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; absent sick. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; Corp. ; wounded in leg Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service Aug. 15, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; disch. June 11, '65, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; Corp.; mustered out of service Feb. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; Commissary Sergt. Jan. 1, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; Corp. ; wounded severely April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; died Apr, 16,'65, in hospital at Annapolis, Md. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of service July 8, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; wounded in arm Apr. 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; discharged June 14, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; absent, sick in Hospital. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; trans, to V. R. O, Jan. 21, 1865; discharged July 3, 1865. Trans, from recruits, old organization; absent, sick in Hospital. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; captured July 31, '64, at Snicker's Gap, Va. ; mustered out of service March 26, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '65, Trans, from Co. H, old organization; deserted Nov. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '64. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; mustered out of service Dec. 6, '64. Trans, from Co. G, old organization; Corp'l Jan. 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of service Dec, 16, '64, Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of service July, 13, '65. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 1 03 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Gorton, Nathan D. Gralft, Yost Gray, John Greene, William W. Hadley, Ambrose Hatch, Solomon D. Johnson, Russell B. Jennison, George A. Jones, Pardon T. Kilpatrick, William Keating, Robert Knight, Christopher H. Lundy, John Lapham, Alphonso Larehariche, Jean Lewis, Thomas Lluddo, Thomas Loomis, John F. Losser, Jarvis R. McKenna, James McArthur, Thomas Monaghan, Edward McAdams, James Mansfield, Thomas McCann, John McDonald, John ' Monroe, Allen M. Munroe, William H. Moran, James Munson, William Murphy, John Cumberland, R. I. Germany,Providence, R. I. Exeter, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Scotland,Bristol, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Providence, R. I. Cumberland, R. I. France, Smithfield, R. I. Spain,Central Falls, R. I. Providence, R. I. England, ti Boston, Mass. England, Derry, Ireland, Cape Clear, Ireland, Bristol, R. I. ii ii Providence, R. I. England, Ireland, Feb. 18, 1864. July 9, 1863. Aug. 27, 1862. July 9, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863. Aug. 20, 1862. June 6, 1861. Aug. 22, 1862. July 9, 1863. Sept. 3, 1864. Aug. 1, 1861. Aug. 16, 1862, Jan. 25, 1864. July 9, 1863. Aug. 20, 1863. July 9, 1863. Aug. 13, 1863 Oct. 11, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862 Oct. 10, 1861. Aug. 11, 1863 Dec. 27, 1864. Dec. 16, 1861. July 9, 1863. Aug. 29, July 10, 1863. Dec. 25, 1863. Jan. 24, 1862. Jan. 25, 1864. July 9, 1863. July 9, 1863. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; deserted Aug. 10, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; disch. Mar. 18, '65, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. IT, old organization ; mustered out of service July 10, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; Prisoner of war, exchanged Dec. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Trans, from recruits, old organization ; Corp,; must'd out serv. July 13, '65. Disch. June 28, 1865, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '64. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of service July 15, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; prisoner of war July 24, '64, parol'd ; mustered out of service June 24, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; corporal ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. IT, old organization ; died of wounds Sept. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, old organization; prisoner of war July 20, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of service Oct. 20, '64. Trans, from N. C. staff, old organ., June 17, 1864 ; hospital steward. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Oct. 23, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; absent, sick, July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Dec. 27, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; in confinement at Fort Columbus, N. Y., July 13, 1865, for desertion. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; deserted Aug. 10, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; discharged July 3. 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization; on furlough July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, bid organization ; mustered out of service Jan. 24, '65. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; prisoner of war Nov. 1864, paroled ; mustered out of service Jan. 23, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; deserted Aug. 10, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; absent, sick, July 13, 1865. ] 04 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Naff, Stanislaus Needham, John W. Phillips, John Potter, James W. Proctor, Thomas B. Prue, David Perry, George Raid, George Russell, James Remark, William Robertson, George Robertson, William Ryan, John Rodman, Elisha Schaa, John Schmidt, Charles Sherman, George H. Simmons, George N. Smith, William T. Steere, Jesse Steere, James F. Thomas, William Thurston, Benjamin R. Veatch, Charles Vogel, Matthew Walling, Benjamin G. Warburton, Thomas Webber, Frank Weeks, Charles W. West, Leonard P. RESIDENCE. Aayan, Switzerland. Providence, R. I. Ireland, Scituate, R. I. Newport, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown, R. I. Germany, it Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. it n Glocester, R. I. Georgiaville, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Granville, Ind. Germany,N. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Canada West, Slatersville, R. I. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. July 7, 1863. July 8, 1863. July 10, 1863. July 9, 1863. Sept. 7, 1864. Dec. 26, 1863. Oct. 9, 1861. July, 9, 1863. Aug. 16, 1862. July 10, 1863. Aug. 8, 1863. July 9, 1863. Jan. 1, 1862. Aug. 27, 1864. Aug. 12, 1863. July 10, 1863. Feb. 8, 1862. Oct. 13, 1861. Mar. 17, 1864, Dec. 20, 1863. Aug. 1, 1861. Sept. 2, 1862. Aug. 20, 1862. Sept. 2,1862. Aug. 16, 1864. July 9, 1863. Sept. 15, 1862, July 10, 1863. Dec. 26, 1863, Dec. 25, 1863. REMARKS. Trans, from Co. H, old organization mustered out of serv. July 21, 1865 Trans, from Co. I, old organization mustered out of serv. May 14, 1865, Trans, from Co. H, old organization deserted Dec. 3, 1864. -Trans, from Co. I, old organization, Corporal ; mustered out of serv.' July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865, Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of serv. Oct. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; prisoner of war ; absent sick, July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, old organization ; mustered out of serv. June 14, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; absent sick, July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; wounded July 18, 1864, at Peters burg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; discharged from hospital Jan. 1, '65. Transferred from recruits old organ. ; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; prisoner of war ; mustered out of service June 8, 1865. Trans, from Co, I, old organization ; deserted Aug. 10, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; mustered out of serv, Feb. 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Oct. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; absent, sick in hospital, July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of service Oct. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, old organization; mustered out of service June 20, '65. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out service June 20, 1865. Transf. from Co. H, old organization ; deserted Aug. 10, 1864. Mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; trans, to V. R. C, May 8,1865; mustered out of serv. Sept. 19, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, old organization; deserted July 13, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; deserted Aug. 10, 1864; returned Dec. 20, 1864 ; deserted June 4, '65. Trans, from Co. G, old organization ; m ustered out of service July 13, 1865. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 105 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Willis, William N. Kingstown, B.I. July 10, 1863. Trans, from Co. I, old organization; on furlough July 13, 1865. Wilson, John Ki. Trans, to V. R. O, Jan. 3, 1865. Wilson, William Cranston, R. I. Sept. 8, 1862. Trans, from Co. H, old organization ; mustered out of serv. June 20, 1864. Wood, Thomas C. Cumberland, R. I. Nov. 16, 1861. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of serv. Dee. 21, 1864. Whipple, Marcus E. tt ti July 9, 1863. Trans, from Co. I, old organization ; mustered out of serv. July 13, 1865. Wright, James J. Portland, Me. Aug. 30, 1862. Transf. from Co. H, old organization; 1 mustered out of service June 20,1865. 14 106 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. — (RE-ORG ANIZED.) COMPANY D NAME AND HANK. Captain. Stephen Thurber, 1st. Lieutenant. Benjamin G. West, 2d Lieutenants. * Jeremiah H. Tourjee, James McKay, Edwin F. Steere, Orren S. Mowry, Frederic A. White, James Reading, Hiram N. Swift, Corporals. Lewis S. Gardiner, D. Edward Vallett, Peter Hackett, Albert Langley, George Mowry, David K. W. Briggs, Musicians. Daniel McKenna, George Tompson, Privates, Barber, Nelson Brown, Charles W. Brown, Edgar D. Brooks, William Ballou, George W. Barnes, Leander P, Brady, Patrick H. Brown, Frank A. Branagan, Peter Clarke, James Cobb, Charles B. Coombes, Charles Crawford, Francis D. Conroy, Dennis Cheek, George H. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. E. Greenwich, R. I Warwick, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, R. I. Wareham, Mass. Cranston, R. I. Johnston, R. I. Olneyville, R. I. Seekonk, R. I. Providence, R. I. Cumberland, R. I. Providence, R. I. St. Albans, Vt. Providence, R. I. Ireland,Fall River, Mass. Ireland,England, Hadley, Mass. Wrentham, Mass, Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Oct. 31, 1864. Dec. 16, 1864. Mar. 29, 1865. Oct. 31, 1864. England, DATE OF MUSTER. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. 1st Lieut. Co. A, March 25, 1865. Wounded April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service. Julv 13, 1865. ' Discharged June 2, 1865. Mustered out of service, July 13, 1865. it « ,( Wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service June 10, 1865. Dishonorably discharged by sentence of G. C. Martial, August 14, 1865; in confinement for 3 months. Mustered out of service July 13,1865. Died Jan. 12, 1865, of disease. Mustered out of service July 15, 1865, from hospital. Mustered out of service July 18, 1865. Sergeant, Feb. 14, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865, Mustered out of service July 13, 1865, Corp.; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service June 15, 1865. Corp. ; wounded April 2, '65, at Peters burg, Va. ; discharged June 6, '65. Mustered out of service June 30, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Corp. ; Sergt. ; mustered out of ser vice July 13, 1865. Wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service June 8, 1865. Absent, in arrest, awaiting sentence of G. C. Martial. Corp. ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 186);' tl •< , July 10,' " ,t t< 13j Newport, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Cranston, R. 1. New Bedford, Mass. Bristol, Maine, N. Providence, R. I. England, Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " u it Cavanagh, Ireland, Charlestown, Mass. Whiting,New Ipswich, N. H, Cranston, R. I. Newport, " N. Providence, R, I, Blackstone, Mass, Johnston, R, I. DATE OF MUSTEK. Sept li Kit .15 , 1864. nna it " tl n ll " •' >< a a a ,t tt tiit tt n a n it tt a ttatiii It n 'fr nttn a a a It a ti it tttt tt ti REMARKS, Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Wounded April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va, ; brevet Captain, April 6, 1865 ; mustered out service May 19, 1865. Wounded Apr, 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; brevet 1st Lieutenant, April 2, 1865 ; mustered out service June 20, 1865 . Killed April 6, 1865, near Petersburg. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26,1865. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Serg't ; must'd out service June 23, '65. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Died April 27, '65, hospital City Point. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Corp'l ; must'd out service June 20, '65. Mustered out of service June 20,1865. tt ii ii Corp'l ; must'd out service June 20, '65. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Serg't ; must'd out service June 20, '65. Deserted. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Wounded Apr. 6, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out service June 17, 1865. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Mustered out of service July 10, 1865. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Killed April 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Co. A. Wounded Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ; must'd out of serv. June 2, '65. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service May 23, 1865. Corporal ; wounded April 6, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ; transfe'd to Co, A. Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. 110 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Hart, Lewis B. Springfield, Mass. Sept. 15, 1864. Wou'd Apr. 6, '65, near Petersb'g, Va.; mustered oat service June 26, 1865! Holmes, George 0. Pawtuxet, R. I. tt tt Mustered out of service June 20,1865 Hopkins, Dudley Charlestown, R. I. tt tt u tt \t Horton, Albert P. Rehoboth, Mass. it tt it it (i Horton, Ariel P. Providence, R. I. te it Wounded April 6, 1865, near Peters burg, Va. ; Corporal ; mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Horr, Joseph H. Pawtucket, " tt tt Mustered out of service June 20, 1865 Hathaway, Edwin C. Warwick, " a te a n \( Kehoe, Olney Providence, " it ft Transferred to Co. A. Longstreet, William Morris Co., N. J. ft it Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Leach, Leander W. Cranston, R. I. it it " a tt Mitchell, John Providence, " tt a a a (( Mansell, James tt it it a Corp'l ; wounded April 6, '65, near Pe tersburg;' died April 8, '65, wounds. Monroe, George L. ii n it it Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. McDonough, James England, tt it a n u Mills, Alexander Canada, tt tt Corp'l ; killed April 2/65, Peters'g.Va. Murray, Andrew Ireland, tt te Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Miner, Lewis Woodstock, Vt. tt it tt tt u McQueeny, Patrick Ireland, it tt u a u McGinley, John Providence, R. I. tt n it ft u Matteson, Daniel Scituate, " tt tt tt a a Nye, Robert E. Providence, " it tt n it tt Place, Elisha Chesnut Hill, Conn. tt ti ft tt a Pierce, William A. Foster, R. I. tt it tt tt u Pierce, James R. Lonsdale, " a it a tt tt Pierce, William Jr. Foster, " tt tt Corp'l ; must'd out service June 20, '65. Randall, Herbert N. Providence, R. I. ti tt Mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Randall, John M. Coventry, " it it a tt a Ryan, Peter Providence, " it tt ft tt u Reilley, Peter New York, N. Y. a tt Disch. May 17, '65, on Surg, certificate. Railton, William Boston, Mass. tt tl Wou'd Apr. 6, '65, near Petersb'rfi,Va.; absent sick in hospital, July 13, '65. Sherman, Elisha S. Warwick, R. I. tt tt Wounded April 6, 1865, near Peters burg, Va. ; Corporal; mustered out of service June 20, 1865. Sherman, Gersham E. Exeter, t tt Mustered out of service Aug. 19, 1865. Shaw, James G. Providence, " t it Mustered out of service June 21, 1865. Sheldon, George G. Warwick, " t tt Mustered out of service June 20, 1865, Thayer, George M. Providence, " t n tt tt n Tifft, James B. Fall River, Mass. i tt tt tt a Taylor, Thomas R. Newport, R. I. i tt tt tt u Wells, Henry T. Plainfield, Conn. t it tt tt u Watson, George F. Cranston, R. I. t tt tt tt Wood, Calvin S. E. Providence, R. I. t tt tt tt it Wheelan, Bernard Woonsocket, " t tt tt n u Zuill, Henry England, tc tt Mustered out of service July 21, 1865. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) HI COMPANY F NAME AND RANK. Captain. John A. Jeffrey, ls( Lieutenants. Frank M. Gould, William H. Perry, Sergeants. Charles E. Turner, Thomas McKay, William H. Colvin, Lewis L. Sayles, Robert O'Neal, Corporals. - Frederic N. Devoll, Francis McTiemey, Samuel Ashton, William B. Greene, George E. Elliot, John Read, Stephen Shaw, Stephen Fhetteplace, Musicians. Peter Haley, John P. Sullivan, Wagoner, John Laney, Privates, Arnold, Silas Allen, George W. Buxton, Charles D. Burgess, Nathaniel Biere, Emuel Brackett, Edwin Bucklin, George H. Cahoone, Hiram G. Crandall, George R. Cahoone, Alonzo Chatman, John Coghill, Thomas Ai Dugan, Dennis, Drown, Willie N. Eaton, John H. Essex, John Farrar, Horace O. Fauls, James Fish, Clark W. Fay, James Glancey, James T. Gallagan, Andrew Goff, Patrick Gallear, John Gibson, Daniel RESIDENCE. Brooklyn, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Guernsey, Eng. Ireland, Coventry, R. I. jSmithfield, " Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. England, Coventry, R. I. iPortsmouth, N. H. Providence, R. I. ii ii Smithfield, " Providence( " Ireland, Uxbridge, Mass. Arlington, " E. Greenwich, R. I. Grafton, Mass. Cranston, R. I. Switzerland,Thompson, Conn. iProvidence, R. I. Scituate, " Apponaug, " ii it ;Smithfield, " Providence, " ii H Augusta, Maine, Providence, R. I. Coventry, " Woonsocket, " Providence " E. Greenwich, R. I Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " 'Portland, Maine, OF DATEMUSTER. Dec 10, 1864. tt a March 7 , 1865. Dec it tttf 10 1864. ttItii ft ll » It a ** ii ttft tt ft it tt it it tl tt it tt ii ii it it Dec 10, tt 1864. Dec tl tiCfifft (( 18, 10, 1864. ll tlItit fffttt tl a tt att tt ft ft tt tt tta ft it REMARKS. Wounded Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Discharged Feb. 28, 1865, by S. O. of War Department. Killed in action April 6, 1865, near Pe tersburg, Va. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Wounded April 6, '65, near Petersburg , Va.; absent sick, July 13, 1865. On furlough since July 8, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Died May 22, 1865, of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Aug. 5, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Dishonorably discharged May 22, '65. Mustered out of service May 31, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. tt ii it Musician ; mustered out July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service June 21, 1865. Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. On furlough July 13, 1865. Sergeant; wounded severely in arm April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Corporal ; mustered out July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service June 15, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Corp'l ; wounded Apr. 2, '65, at Peters burg ; died April 3, 1865, of wounds. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Died June 30, 1865, of typhoid fever. 112 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS.— (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Hopkins, William H. Hay, Robert Hay, Matthew, Harland, Thomas Hollihan, Peter Kenyon, Charles Kelley, Daniel Lindall, George A. Lavin, Thomas Lowell, George H. Lewis, William Moffitt, John P. Moffltt, George M. Miller, Prescott McGar, John Mowry, Charles F. McCarty, Benjamin McCabe, John Murray, William Major, William H. Madison, Robert Mullen, Thomas Mellville, Charles K. Maintein, Louis McElroy, Patrick Phillips, Owen Pettee, William N. Raife, John Roupe Joseph Russell, Samuel Runnells, William Shean, John Strange, Henry A. Trainor, Patrick Tingley, Willard F. Tillson, Horace Thomas, James A. Tucker, Thomas C. . Tupper, Charles R. West, Henry Ward, Edwin F. Wilkins, Nathan RESIDENCE. Scituate, R. I. Scotland, ti ii New York, N. Y. Ireland,Providence, R. I. Coventry, '' Ireland, Milton, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I. Killingly, Conn. Glocester, R. I. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " England, Providence, R. I. Hartford, Conn. Providence, R. I. Coventry, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Wrenthani) Mass. Providence, R. I. France, Providence, R. I. Griswold, Conn. Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Wrentham, Mass. Providence, R. I. tt tt New Bedford, Mass Providence, R. I. England, Portland, Maine, Worcester, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 10, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13 1865 ti it '„ •i it „ Deserted Dec. 10, 1864. On furlough July 13, 1865. Wounded April 2, '65, at Petersburg; mustered out service July 13, 1865* On furlough July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service June 29, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, '66. ii u u Wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Vai ; mustered out of service July 10, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13,1865. " " June 23, " " " July 13, " Died June 13, 1865, of typhoid fever, at Alexandria, "Va. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mortally wounded April 6, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., and died same day. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. June 25,1866. Wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; must'd out of serv. July 6, '65. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. u ti n Wounded Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ; disc. June 14, '65 onSurg.cer. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Died June 18, '65, in hospital at Fair fax Seminary, Va. Deserted Dec. 10, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Died Feb. 24, '65, in hospital near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out of service June 16, 1865. July 13, " ii i. ii « June 28,1866. Wounded Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ; must'd out of serv. June 9, '65. Wounded Apr. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va.; died Apr. 8, '65, at Burkes- ville, Va. Mustered out of service June 29, 1865. July 13, " SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 113 COMPANY G. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Charles W. Gleason, March 17, '65. Killed April 6, 1865, in action near 1st Lieutenant. Petersburg, Va. William V. Carr, Providence, R. I. Feb. 10, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. 2d Lieutenant. George B. Peck, Jr., Providence, R. I. Wounded April 6, 1865, near Peters burg, Va. ; resigned and honorably Sergeants. discharged June 30, 1865. George F. Oldenburg, Germany, Jan. 5, 1865. Wounded April 6, 1865, near Peters burg, Va. ; mustered out of service June 20, 1865. David G. Jones, England, Dec.l, 1864. On furlough July 13, 1865. Isaiah B. Monroe, Providence, R. I. Feb. 8, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13,1865. Stephen A. Barry, ti ii Jan. 20, 1865. Discharged. William A. Aymer, Nova Scotia, Jan. 17, 1865. tt Corporals. William L. Dayton, Lowell, Mass. Jan. 21, 1865. Deserted Feb. 21, 1865. Patrick Doherty, Ireland, Dec. 8, 1864. Discharged. James H. Waterman, Providence, R. I. Jan. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service July 5, 1865. Charles H. Fuller, Valley Falls, R. I. " 10, " « ,< 13> .1 Henry R. Miller, Warwick, R. I. Dec. 17, 1864. Wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. John McMillan, Pawtucket, R. I. Jan. 21, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. James Crichton, Scotland, " 11, " u ii n George S. Boutwell, Providence, R. I. " 20, " it it ft Musicians. Virginius H. Arnold, Warwick, R. I. " i8> " it ti ii William E, Young, Providence, R. I. Dec. §8, 1864, it n " Wagoner, Stephen T. Moore, Coventry, R. I. " 26, " it ti ti Privates. Amoo, Jan. 10, 1865, " " Sept. 1, 1865. Bailey, John Glasgow, Scotland. " 17, " Died Feb. 20, 1865, New Haven, Ct. Battey, Henry L. N. Oxford, Mass. " 5, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Briggs, Job S, Kingstown, R. I. " 20, " n it ii Brooks, Howard T, New York, N. Y. ,. 21, " tt n ii Burke Davis C. Providence, R. I. ti ft it Disch. Mar. 22,'65, on Surg, certificate. Cooney, James ii ti Dec. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Coyle, Patrick Ireland, Jan. 13, 1865. ii ti tt Conner, John tt " 10, " Deserted Feb. 6, 1865. Collins, Timothy ii " 13, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Clark, Elkanah Canton, Mass. « 14> .1 " " June 9, " Crocker, Joel F. Middleboro, Mass. " 18, " Sergt ; mustered out of service June 23, 1865. Devlin, John Pawtucket, R, I. " 5, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Donnally, Francis Ireland, " 9, " On furlough July 13, 1865. Donahue, John Providence, R. I. " 9, Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Eagan, John it tt Dec. 27, 1864. it u it Fitzgerald, Michael Woonsocket, " Jan. 9, 1865. ii ti it Forsyth, Matthew Belfast, Ireland, ., 17> ,t n it n Farley, James Ireland, ft tt tt Disch. Feb. 10 '65, on Surg, certif. Gillespie, James B. Watertown, Mass. " 11, " " April 13, " Glancey, John Providence, R. I. Nov. 11, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Goff, James ii ii Jan. 7, 1865. tt et tt Healy, John Scotland, ft It ti tl a Healy, Peter Ireland, Dec. 30, 1864. tt tt it 15 114 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Hall, Isaac B. Johnston, R. I. Jan. 19, 1865. Deserted June 13, 1865. Hayes, Michael Belfast, Maine, Dec. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service June 16, 1865. Jones, Idwall M. Wales, G. B. " 5, Diseh. Mar. 22, '65, on Surg, certif Jordan, Andrew Providence, R. I. Jan. 16, 1865. " Feb. 10, " Jordan, Edward Providence, R. I. Jan. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Johnson, Almon W. River Point, " " 11, " tt tt i, Jennison, Thomas L. Boston, Mass. " 19, " Mustered out of service Aug. 14, 1865. King, James K. Smithfield, R. I. " 10, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Kennedy, James Ireland, '' 18, " Corporal ; mustered out July 13, 1865] Lee, Darius R.I. tt 7> « Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Lee, Jerry Ireland, « 21j « Wounded April 6, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out June 8, 1865. Loring, Thomas Eastport, Maine, Dec. 15, 1864. Absent sick in hospital, July 13, 1865. Lincoln, William A. Providence, R. I. Jan. 11, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865 Lahey, John Worcester, Mass. " 18, " Deserted Jan. 23, 1865. Mitchell, William R. Coventry, R. I. Dec. 30 1864. Mustered out of service July 21, 1865. Moone, Burrill G. it tt Jan. 12, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Malone, James Worcester, Mass. " 9, " ft if ii Martin, John Ireland, ,t 17 ,t if ii n Monroe, William A. Brand's I.W'ks, R.I. " 21, " tt tt ii Monroe, Lewin C. Providence, R. I. ll ll On furlough July 13, 1865. O'Brien, John A. Ireland, Dec. 17, 1864. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865, Parent, Joseph A. Lawrence, Mass. Jan. 4, 1865. Wounded April 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out June 9, 1865. Perry, Horatio N. Valley Falls, R. I. " 13, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Parker, William C. Smithfield, " " 19, " it ti " u Phillips, Joseph Germany, " 16, " tt it tt Rourke, Patrick Ireland, " 3, " tt it ti Ryan, Patrick H. Providence, R. I. " 11, " tt tt a Robinson, Albert Worcester, Mass. " 21, " Deserted Feb. 1, 1865. Rockwood, Jotham C. Millford, " " 7,' " Disc'd Jan. 31, '65, on Surg, certificate. Stearns, Charles W. Douglas, " " 6, " Corporal ; mustered out July 13, 1865. Sayles, John Q. A. Scituate, " " 11, " Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Sullivan, John Ireland, ll it tt ii it Sullivan, James Boston, Mass. " 17, " tt tt u Smith, William New Havan, Conn. " 11, " Disc'd Jan. 31, '65, on Surg, certificate. Sullivan, Lawrence Ireland, " 16, " Disc'd Feb. 10, '65, on Surg, certificate. Smith, James Providence, R. I. u 2 it Killed April 2, '65, at Petersburg, Va, Slocum, Henry Warwick, " t, 21, « Died Feb. 4, '65, at New Haven, Conn. Sullivan, Timothy Ireland, " 26, " Died April 23, 1865, at City Point, Va, Spaulding, Thomas A. Haverhill, Mass. t. 14| t< Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Sagerson, Thomas Ireland, ,i 21, t< tt tt tt Sweeney, Daniel tt tt " 20, " tt tt ft Tucker, Walter A. Scituate, R. I. " 5, " Disc'd Jan. 31, '65, on Surg, certificate. Titus, James W. Danielsonville, Ct. " 11, " tt tt tt Tucker, Charles W. Oxford, Conn. Rejected by Board of Inspectors, April 27, 1865, at Fairhaven, Conn. Coffee, Eugene April 18, 1S65. Deserted June 21, 1865. Dow, Charles W. Lynn, Mass. " 11, " Deserted June 24, 1865. Durgan, Peter ( t tt Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Duff, Thomas li tf ii ii u Duke, Oliver Feb. 2, 1865. ii it n Dunham, Charles E. Smithfield, R. I. April 11, 1865. ti tt it Earle, John Somerset, Mass. Feb. 18, 1865. Died Mar. 7, 1865, New Haven, Conn. Ferguson, John t n ti Dolan, Peter u tt tt «t tt " If DeWolf, George H. n Li tl tt tt a 11 Duxbury, Luke n tf it it ti tf 11 "Davis, George tt tf tt te tt tt (1 Freeman, Patrick a tt it tt a u " Fogarty, David tt tt it a u it tl Greenlese, William u If ti tt tt a ti Glover, David it tt it a ti tf ll Green, Matthew » tt ti it tt a tt Hall, Robert ti ll tt it tt a tt Hall, Thomas »* tt it tt tt u " Harkness, Alexander tt It tt tt tt tt ll NINTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 173 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Hoyle, Daniel Lonsdale, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Hafferin, Michael tt tt ft n u a " Hollingsworth, John J. Manville, " tt n a t< u Jolly, James H. Smithfield, " tt a tt tf ft Jackson, James Lonsdale, " k tt " " " Londregan, Walter ft tt tt it tt u u McCourt, Neil tt it it a McDevitt, John tt tt u tt " " it McCormiek, Michael tt ft tt a tt tt ¦' Moninihan, Cornelius tt tt a tt it n u McKion, Michael tt ft ft tt a a ff McMullen, Hugh tt ft a ft a a n McCaffrey, John " tt tt ft a a " a North, John tt ft tt it ti " u O'Brien, James VaUeyFaUs, " tt ft tt " " Pollard, James Lonsdale, '• ii it tt a " Parker, James tt tt il tt ti tt u Parker, Thomas S. tt n tt ft tt 11 a Quinin, Thomas u tt it it te " tt Ritchy, Alexander it tt ft it it u u Rawson, Orrin G. tt tt tt tt it it u Rankin, William tt it tt tt tt n u Ryan, John tt tt it tl it it n Root, William J. tt et tt tt tt it n Schofield, John tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Smith, James tt tt tt tt il a a Smith, Patrick tt it tt it tt it . Pawtucket, " tt tt tt ff ff Welden, Henry H. Smithfield, " tt tt " tt ff 182 NINTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY I. NA^IE AND RANK. Captains. Samuel Pearce, 1st Lieutenants. George Lewis Cooke, William H. Surgens, 2d Lieutenants. William H. Surgens, Horace G. Barrus, Sergeants. Horace G. Barrus, Samuel B. Cole, Luther Cole, Jr., Charles H. Rounds, Haile Turner, Corporals. Jeremiah I. Greene, Jr., Caleb S. Carr, Frederic A.' Driscoll, G. L. C. "Wheaton, N. W. Sanders, Peleg Bosworth, Jr. , Isaac Gorham, J. A. Manchester, RESIDENCE. Warren, R. I. John W. Hubbard, Privates. Abbott, John P. Adams, A. J. Aldrich, J. W. Aldrich, A. C. Arnold, William A. Bullock, Robert H. , Jr. , Barnum, Isaac Bowen, Henry A. Booth, William Booth, John Bradshaw, William Brown, Mark B. Bullock, Charles H. Burr, Henry T. Buffington, John H. Bnrr, Norman G. Calland, Elijah Champlin, William Clifford, Thomas Clark, Thomas Collamore, Edwin J. Crowther, Robert Cnrran, Thomas R. Drown, Willard B. Drown, James B. FoUett, James F. Franklin, George C. Bristol, Warren, Bristol,Warren, Barrington,Warren, Barrington,Warren, Philadelphia,Warren, R. I. Pa. DATE OF MUSTER. SwanseyWarren, R. May 26, 1862 July 3, 1862. May 26, 1862 July 3, 1862. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Quartermaster; Major, July 3, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, July 3, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, July 3, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept 2, 1862. Sergeant, July 3, 1862 ; mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Drummer, July 6, 1862 ; mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. NINTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 183 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Gushee, N. W. Warren, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Guyott, George tt ft ff ff tt tt ft Horton, C. D. N. Swansey, Mass. ff ff tt tt tt Hunter, G. H. tt tt f f ff it it a Johnson, R. H. Warren, R. I. ff ff tt a tt Johnson, J. H. ft tt ff ff it tl tt Kelly, John tt ft ff ff tt it i ft Little, Wilson ft tt ff ff tf ff Marion, T. F. ft tt ff ff ft ff tt Martin, B. B. ff ff Corporal, July 3, 1862 ; mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Medhury, T. H. N. Swansey, Mass. ff ff Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Myers, William H. Warren, R. I. ff ff tc tt a Nichols, Galen F. tt tt ff ff it tt ft Peck, T. W. D. Rehoboth, Mass. ff ff tl tt tt Peck, James E. Warren, R. I. ff tt ft ff Cf Peck, Allen P. ft tt ff tt tt ft ft Price, Joseph tt tt tt tt it tt ti Roffee, E. J. Barrington, " tt tt tt tt tt Ryan, Matthew Warren, " It tt tt it tt Salisbury, John P. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Sheehan, Jeremiah tt ft tt tt tt tt tt Simonds, Joseph N. tt ft ll ft Died September, 1862, at Warren, R, I. Shurtleff, A. J. ff (c tt tt Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. Thompson, W. F. f f ff tl It fC ti tt Tompkins, W. S. f f ff ii it It tt ii Viall, James E. E. Providence, R. I. ff (f tt tt tt Walker, George W. Barrington, " tt tt tt tt tt Whipple, J. B. Warren, " It ft tt tt tt Wheaton, J. R. tt ft tl it ff ff ff Williams, William t f tt tl tl ft ff ff 184 NINTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY K. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. James R. Holden, Providence, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1862. lsi Lieutenant. i William H. Gardner, Kingston, " tt ft ct tt n " 2d Lieutenant. George H. Burnham, Providence, " ft ff tt ct tt Sergeants. Albert B.'Streeter, tt tt tt tf tt tt rt George H. Abbott, " " tt ff tt tt tt James F. Mowry, Kingston, " tt ft tt tt " George H. Allen, Providence, " tt tf tt tt if Ambrose L. Atwood, Crompton, " tt ft tt tt tt Corporals. William C. Clarke, Kingston, " tt tt tt tt ti Samuel B. T. Crandall, Providence, " tt ft " " ft Alonzo A. Greemnan, Kingston, " tt ft tt ft tt Daniel J. Viall, Providence, " tt ff tt tt tt David Briggs, Kingston, " tt ff tt tt tt George W. Allen, tt tt tt tt tt tt it Thomas Johnson, Providence, " tt ft tt tt it Privates. Ash, William Stonington, Ct. " ft tt tt tt Arnold, Sylvester B. Slocumville, R. I. ft ff Died Aug. 2, 1862, in hospital, acuto inflamation of kidneys. Butler, Job Providence, " " imkerly, Samuel ll it it tl if it tt Foster, James A. it tt tt it it tt tt Horr, Joseph H. tt tt tt tt tt tl tl Hickey, Michael ft it tt a tt tl tt Hayward, Joseph B. tt tl tt it ft it tt Horton, Theodore tl it tt tt te ti tt Henshaw, William H. tt ll tt ti il ti • I Horton, George W. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt James, Henry H. ti tt tt tt it tt It Kelly, Daniel tt ti tt tf tt tt It Lindsay, George W. it tt tt tt tt it tt Manchester, Thos. A. te (( tt tt tt it tt Nichols, Edward T. tt tt tt tt ft tt tt Price, Ellery W. tt tt a o tt tt it Russell, John tt tt tt et ti tt tt Simmons, William tt tt tt et it tt ee Sherman, Wm. H. 2d tt ll it it a tt a Sherman, Job W. it it tt it tt ti tt Sherman, Wm. H. 2d tt it te a it tt tt Sawyer, John tt it tt tt it it tt Sweetland, Nathan J. It tt tt tt tt it tt Sweet, Charles A. tt n tt it tt tt tt Tourtellott, Charles J. it tt tt tt tt tt tt Vallett, Gilbert P. ti te ti it tt tt it White, William H. tt tt il it tt tt f. Wellman, Henry A. a it tt it it tt tt Yarwood, Henry S. tt tt li tt ti tt a 198 TENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY F. DATE NAME AND RANK. BESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Benjamin W. Harris, Providence, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 1, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, " tt a tt tt tt <( Orville P. Jones, a " «« ti tt n if 2nd Lieutenant. n tt tt it a ti ff George W. Fairbanks, tt " tt tf tt a tf Sergeants- n it tt «t ti tt tt Joel Metcalf, Jr., it tt tt tt it tt ff Charles A. Barbour, it tl tt a tt tt ft Charles H. Worsley, a ft tt n ti tt it Charles G. Ingraham, " ti a a tt tt tt George T. Bowen, a tt it tt a it It 1 Corporals. " ff it tt tt it ff William E. Thurston, ff it tl a tt tt ff ' Samuel Whelden, ff " ti a tt tt u WiUiam W. Crandall, ft it tt tl tt tt it Charles E. Carnes, ff " tt tt tt tt tl Thomas H. Shannon, ft tt tt it a tt ll Andrew Greenhalgh, ff " tt it it ti tt James Ferguson. ft Ct tt it tt it tt William H. Luther, it tt tt it tt tt tt Privates. it it tt it tf ti *¦ It Buckley, John it it tt tl tt tt it Collins, James tt tt tt it tt tt tt Curran, James " it tt n ti it tl Capron, George N. a tt it ti n it it Carlin, Michael it u tt it ll Drugan, John it tt tt it tt a it Fay, Patrick it tl tt a tt it ll Field, Joseph tt it a ti tt it tt Goude, John ft it tt tt tt n It Gardiner, William D. ff it tt it a tt It Hanhy, James ff tt tt ti tt tt ft Hannifen, John tt fi it tt tt it tf Healy, Edward tt tt it it it tl ii Luther, George C. •t it it a tt tt " McDonald, John a tt it tf ti it ff McElroy, James tt tt tt it ti tt it Morgan, Samuel " it ti K tt tt tt Mullen, William ff tt tt tt tl tt, II Mullen, Peter .f tl it tt te n [f Niles, John " ft it tt tt li (f O'Hare Andrew tt it tt tt it li ff O'Hare, David tt tt it it it tt If O'Neil, Charles tt it tt tt tt tt ii Piatt, WiUiam it a tt a tt tt ll Paterson, Seamail tt tt tt it it tt It RaridaU, James W. ti tt a tt it it ii Ryan, Michael " it tt n it ti tt Rouch, John " tt tl te it it it Simons Joseph " tt et ee tt ¦ tt it Smith, Simon tt ti et hi it • tt a Sherman, Henry " tt tt a a ' tt it Taylor, Solomon Cf it tt it a " tt tt Tetlow, Charles E. ft it it n tt tt tt Welsh, James ft it tt a it it ll ZuiU, Henry it H tt tt it a f( TENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. .199 COMPANY G. * DATE NAME AND BANK. BESIDENCE. OF MUSTER REMARKS. Captain. A. Crawford Greene, Providence, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 1, 1862. 1st Lieutenant. James H. Allen, ft n a ff tf ff tf 2d Lieutenant. Eben Burlingame, tt it ft f< ff f< tt Sergeants. John B. Benson, tt a n « tf tt ft Phillip C. Gray, it a a it tc i William C. Thurston, n ft {t ff It If tt Charles P.. Northup, tt n li « fi tt a Franklin Cooley, " C it cc it tf t( Asahel H. Harris, N. Scituate, " tt n U fi it James A. Peekham, ff f< " it tt tf H Musician. John F. Parks, Providence, " It a ti fi a Privates. Adams, George M. it it (I n a tt it Atwood, John R. N. Scituate, " tt it ft ti " Aldrich, George F. ff » it " n tt tt Angeli, Thomas W. Providence, " it n ff tf n Brown, Henry R. ff ' ft tt t{ ff it " Brown, Greenleaf D. if cf tt u it *• it Brown, Henry N. N. Scituate, " It n ff ff n Brown, Isaac Tiverton, " tt it ff tt a Brown, Joseph E. Providence, " tt n it tt n Bnrlingame, Gustav. B. .( ' Robert S. Bentley, William Bitgood, John F. Brian, Elisha Briggs, Thomas B. Brown, George Henry Burdick, John K. Burdick, Joseph W. Burke, Patrick Cherry, Moses Cherry, William Clark, John B. Collins, Gid. Franklin Congdon, Oliver H. Cundall, Isaac Davis, Martin Vi Bi Donnelly, John Donahue, Barney Durfee, William C. Doyle, Michael Edwards, Nathan P; Farrell, Edmund Flanagan, Bernard Gardiner, George W. Gardner, Henry C. RESIDENCE. Hopkinton, R. I. Charlestown, " Exeter, N. H. N. Stonington, Ct. Hopkinton, R. I. W. Greenwich, R. I. Richmond, " Hopkinton, " Richmond, " Cranston, " Richmond, " Hopkinton, " N. Kingstown, R. I. Hopkinton, " Richmond, " Woonsocket, " Hopkinton, " Ireland,Hopkinton, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Trans, to Co. A, new org., Oct. 21, '64. KiHed in battle Spottsylvania C. H May 12, 1864. Discharged April 8, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Discharged March 3,1863, on Surg. certificate. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. ' Killed June 6, 1863, at Nicholasville, Ky., by boiler explosion. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion. Oct, '21, 1864, Deserted Seplj. 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. ' Wounded at battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; do. in leg, at Spott sylvania C. H., May 12, 1864; transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis' d Mar. 20, ' 63, on Surg, certificate. Died July 19, '63, at Mill Dale, Miss. Wounded slightly in leg at Fredericks burg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; do. slightly in leg at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. A. new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Aug. 30, 1863. Wounded severely battle Fredericks burg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; died May 19, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. Died Oct. 19, 1862, -at Pleasant Val ley, Md. Slightly wounded in face at Jackson, Miss., July 13, 1863; transferred to Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. ¦ Transferred to Co. -A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 16, '63, on Surg, certificate. ' Sept. 19, '64, " '' Deserted April 16, 1863. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly at battle Fredericks burg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; transferred to Co. A. new organ., Oct. 21, '64. Deserted Nov. 3,. 1862. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion. Oct. 21, 1864. Died Oct. 18, 1862, at Pleasant Valley, Md., pneumonia. . _ , Corporal ; wounded in arm Fredericks burg, Dec. 13, 1862; wounded hand Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864; transferred to V. R. C.,Mar. 15, '65 ; mustered out service Sept. 6, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 217 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Gardiner, John N. Sept. 6, 1862. Dis'd Dec. 7, '62, on Surg, certificate. Gates, Hazard R. Hopkinton, R. I. ii ti Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Godfrey, Henry H. tt n tt ft Dis'd July 28, '63, on Surg, certificate. Gorton, Joel B. it tt Slightly wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62; died at Camp Nelson, Ky. ; Sept. 21, 1864. Greene, John R. a tt tt tt Severely wounded (foot amputated) at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; dis'd Feh. 19, '63, on Surg, certificate. Greene, Jedediah it a tt tt Missing after battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; supposed killed. Greene, Charles B. tt tt it tt Died Oct. 5, 1862, at Frederick, Md. Greene, Harris R. Richmond, " ii it Dest'd June 30, '63, while on furlough. Hiscox, John T. Hopkinton, " tt it Wounded June 3, 1864, at battle of Bethesda Church, Va. ; trans, to Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Holdredge, Charles H. «< *i tt tt Wounded slightly battle Fredericks- 'burg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 , discharged March 3, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Hudson, Benjamin F. Providence, " it ft Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Hughes, James " il Drowned at Acquia Creek, Va., Feb, 9, 1863, (accidentally.) Jones, John P. tt it Sergeant Major. Kenyon, Aldrich C. Hopkinton, " it it Wounded June 3, '64, battle Bethesda Church, Va. ; transferred to Co. A., new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Kenyon, Thomas R. << << ii ¦< Died Aug. 21, 1863, on board steamer David Tatum, on Yazoo river. Kenyon, James G. ti it Died June 19, '64, from wounds rec'd near Petershurg, Va. Kenyon, Joseph J. Richmond, " tc ft Died Nov. 24, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Langworthy, Geo. W. Hopkinton, " tt it Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Larkin, Edward Richmond, " ft tt Slightly wounded at battle Fredericks burg, Va., Dec 13, '62 ; transfd Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Langworthy, Lucius C. Hopkinton, " it tt Disch'd Dec. 16, '62, Georgetown D. C. Lewis, John D. a it if tt Died Dec. 25, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Lewis, George H. tt it tt it Transferred to Co, A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. McGraw, George tt tt Deserted Aug. 28, 1862. McDonough, John Ireland, tt tt Wounded in side June 14, 1804, acci dentally ; transferred to Co, A, new organization Oct. 21, 1864. Mooney, Patrick J. a n Wounded battle Wilderness, May 18, 1864 ; wounded wrist battle N. Anna river, May 25, 1864 ; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 28, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Mulvey, Michael Cranston, " tt it Transferred to Co. C, Oct. 3, 1862. Miner, Edward a it Deserted June 8, 1863. Ney, James A. Richmond, " tt tt Transferred to V. R. O, April 28, '64. Nolan, Edward it tt Deserted June 8, 1863. Palmer, Elisha M.' Hopkinton, " tt tt Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Palmer, Henry C. it it tt tt Transferred to V. R. O, Aug. 29, '63. Perry, Albert P. Richmond, " tt tt Transferred to Co. A, new organiza Phillips, Reynolds C. a tt it tt tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Corporal; transferred to Co. A, new Phillips, Oliver it it organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Corporal ; wounded severely arm, June 3, '64, battle Bethesda Church, Va. ; died at Washington, D. O, July 20, 28 1864, of wounds received in action. 218 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Ruce, Westyce Richmond, Albert G. Roberts, Charles Shoothoff, John B. Saunders, Isaac N. Slocum, Horace Sunderland, William A. Taber, Edward S. Thomas, George A. Tourjee, Samuel W. Vincent, Charles G. Worden, Charles H. Weeden, Richard Wells, George C. Whitman, Stephen M. Wilson, Henry Wright, Pardon T. Weaver, Leander S. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Long Island, N. Y. Hopkinton, " Richmond, " Hopkinton, " Richmond, " Hopkinton, " Warwick, " Hopkinton, '* Ireland,Richmond, " it tt DATE OP MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Feb. 26, 1864 Sept. 6, 1862. tt tt a it a tt tt tt u it n it it it Deserted Sept. 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Aug. 27, 1862. Sergeant ; transferred Co. A, now organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Killed May 12, 1864, at battle of Spott sylvania, C. H., Va. Slightly wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; transferred to Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd April 16, '63, on Surg, certificate. Died April 14, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. Wagoner; wounded battle Fredericks- hurg. Va., Dec. 13, 1862; transfe'd Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. Deserted Oct. 24, 1862. Died Feb. 17, 1863, Fort Monroe, Va. Severely wounded battle Fredericks burg, Va., Deo. 13, 1862 ; discharged March 16, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Slightly wounded at battle Fredericks burg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; dispharged Jan. 12, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Slightly wounded at battle Fredericks burg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; transferred Co. A. new organization, Oct.21, '64. Transferred to Co. A, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded in head severely, July 4, '64, at Petersburg, Va. ; transferred Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Oct. 20, 1863. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 219 COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Theodore Winn, Peleg E. Peckham, 1st Lieutenants, William Hill, Joseph S. Manchester, Frederick Weigand, Winfield S. Chappell, 2d Lieutenants, George N. Stone, Joseph S. Manchester, William W. Webb, Sergeants. Darius J. Cole, John S. Nottage, Franklin Gunsolve, Jeremiah P. Beasley, Orren Harris, Corporals. Phillip True, George A. Swarts, Thomas B. Bennett, Charles H. Bishop, Charles E. Dennis, James A. Bowen, Thomas J. Higgins, Timothy Bridgehouse. Musician. Nehemiah Sheldon, Privates. Bitgood, Joseph H Brickley, James Billington, Daniel Brennan, Michael Bingham, Joseph A. Briggs, John Collins, James D. Collins, Patrick RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Shannock Mills, U.I. N. Providence," Bristol, " Worcester, Mass. S. Kingstown," Providence, R. I. tt tt Cranston, " Providence, " Coventry, " Providence, " Sept. 6, 1862. Aug. 1, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Oct. 26, 1864. May 4, 1863. April 30, 1863 Sept. 6, 1862. N. Providence, R. I Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Johnston, " Andover, Conn. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER, Resigned June 25, 1864. Breveted Major of volunteers, to date from July 80, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Resigned Oct. 26, 1862. July 26, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, July 31, 1864 ; hon. disch. for disability, Sept. 21,1864. Trans, to Co. C, new org. Oct. 21, '64. 1st Lieutenant Co. F, Jan. 7, 1863. " Co. B, March 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. K, Dec. 28, 1863. Killed May 13, 1864, at battle of Spott sylvania Court House Wounded in head May 13, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans. to Co. K, new organ. Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded in leg slightly, July 30, '64, at Petersburg, Va.; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. 1st Sergt.; wounded in head slightly, June 8, 1864, at Petersburg,- Va. ; trans, to Co. H, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Aug. 2, 1864, on Surg, certif. Deserted Sept. 10, 1862. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, battle Fred ericksburg, Va.; disch. May 10, '63, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, to Co.C, new organ., Oct.21,'64. Missing since Dec. 16, 1862; dropped as a deserter. Trans, to Co. C, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Dec. 9, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Died Sept. 15, 1863, at Camp Denni- son, Ohio, of typhoid fever. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Died Jan. 9, 1863, at Washington, D.C. Missing at battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 ; supposed to be dead. Trans, to Co. G, Nov. 20, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Nov. 12, 1862, on Surg, certif. " Sept. 16, " Wounded at battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 ; wounded in leg May 18, 1864, battle Spottsylvania Court House; deserted July 3, 1864., Wounded Dec. 13, at battle of Fred ericksburg; disch. April 10, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. 220 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS, NAME AND RANK. Collins, Edward F. Courtney, William Crayton, Samuel Crane, Thomas Case, Wiliiam S. Caswell, Alfred Carpenter, Richard Cornerfry, Thomas Casey, James Cox, William Cornell, Lewis E. Coyle, Joseph Dixon, John Y. C. Daniels, Herbert Dugan, Hugh Dean, Isaac N. Danforth, Ozias C. Dunn, Thomas Edwards, Robert Farnham, Edwin A, Fuller, Delmont E. Flemming, Thomas Ferry, James Foley, Dennis Follensbee, Nathan G. Fiske, Alfred Goodwin, Horton Grafton, Joseph D. Hay ward, Joshua S. Jillson, Stephen C. Johnson, John R. Kelly, John Kay, James Lane, John P. Laugherty, John Lynch, John Lamby, Peter Lanahan, Michael Mitchell, Gideon S. McGann, James RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. tt tt Woonsocket, R. I. tt tt N. Kingstown, R. I. Scituate, Johnston, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " N.Providence," Providence, '' Woonsocket, " Providence, " Glocester, " N.Providence, R.I Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " N. Providence, R. I Providence, " Cranston, " Boston, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MU8TER. Smithfield, Providence, " REMARKS. Sept. 6, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64, it .t ,< „> Disch. Mar. 5, '63, on Surg, certificate. Died Nov. 5, '63, at Lexington, Ky. Trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Died Sept. 22, 1863, at Lexington, Ky. Wounded June 21, 1864, in leg, at bat tle near Petersburg, Va. ; transferred to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21. 1864. ' Killed Dec. 13, '62, at bat. Fredericks burg, Va. Trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Oct. 26, 1862, on Surg, certif, Deserted Sept. 10, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21/64. Disch. Mar. 5, 1863, on Surg, certif, Deserted March 30, 1863. it tt 99 " Wounded May 13, 1864, slightly, in head, in battle at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. Discharged Oct. 16, 1863. Wounded June 3, 1864, in finger, at battle of Bethesda Church ;trans. to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. Died April 22, 1862, at Hampton, Va. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; wounded slightly in hand July 13, '63, at Jackson, Miss, ; trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct.21,'64. Sergt ; transferred to Co. C, new or ganization, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergt. ; wounded June 3, 1864, in hip, severely, at battle Bethesda Church; trans, to Co. K, new org., Oct. 21,'64. Missing since Sept. 16, 1862; dropped as deserter. Q. M. Sergt.; trans, to N. C. Staff, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Oct. 25, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 15, 1864. " " Oct. 4, 1863 ; mus tered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted March 30, 1863. Trans, from 12th R. I. V. ; died Sept, 28, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; disch. April 7, '63 on Surgeon's certificate. ' Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21/64. Died Dec. 25, 1862, at Washington, from wounds received Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg. Wounded May 13, 1864, in arm se verely, at battle Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. C, new organi zation, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted April 3, 1864. Disch. Dec. 5, 1863, on Surg, certif. Deserted April 19, 1863. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS, 221 NAME AND RANK. Mathewson, Cornelius McCaffrey, Patrick Mulvey, Thomas McCready, Daniel McLarvey, Daniel McLaughlin, Cornelius McGuinn, James McLeroy, William Marchant, Elisha A. Miller, Benjamin F. N Providence, R. I. ti tt Ireland, Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass Providence, R. I. Moran, Patrick Nye, Byron C. Norton, Sylvanus E. Neal, Horace Pearce, Holden Pierce, John F. Quinlin, Thomas Rowen, Thomas Remington Thomas J. Riley, John Hobley, George W. Stafford, Charles W. Steele, Daniel Sheridan, John Spencer, William H. Sayles, Henry E. Steere, John F. Smith, George A. B. Sanford, William Sexton, James Schwab, Jacob Thomas, David E. Whipple, John G. Weeden, James Williams, Cyrus D. Weaver, Stephen Whitcomb, Lyman Wright, Harris C. Willard, Nathan F. RESIDENCE. Sept. 6, 1862. N.Providence," Providence, Richmond, Burrillville, " Providence, " N.Providence," Providence, Glocester, Providence, N.Providence," Smithfield, " Providence, " N. Providence," tt tt it it Providence, " N. Providence," Providence, " Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Aug. Sept. DATE OF MUSTER. 10, 1864. 6, 1862. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21,' 64. Wounded Sept. 80, 1864, at bat. near Weldon Railroad ; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. May 12, 1862, Trans, to Co. C, new org., Ocl.21,'64 Wounded Dec. 12, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 5, 1863; mustered out of serv. June 28, 1866. Disch. June 20, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded May 18, 1864 ; slightly in hand at bat, of Spottsylvania Court House; trans, to Co. C, new organi zation, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergeant; wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62,at bat. Fredericksburg; wounded June 20, 1864, in hip ; transferred to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Wounded July 13, 1863; slightly in hand, at battle near Jackson, Miss. ; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Feb. 1,'65. Disch. Dec. 25, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded Dec, 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; wounded in shoul der severely, May 12, 1864, at battle Spottsylvania Court House; disch. Jan. 3, 1865, on Surg, certif. Wounded Oct 1, 1864, at battle near Weldon Railroad; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Octi 21, 1864. Died Aug. 15, 1863, at Covington, Ky. Deserted Sept. 10, 1862. Transi to Coi C, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Deserted Oct. 10, 1862. Trans, to V. R, C, Sept. 1, 1863. Deserted March 30, 1868. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Died Aug. 11, 1863, on steamer David Tatum, on Mississippi river. Deserted Sept. 10, 1862. Died Oct. 1, 1863, at Lexington, Ky., of .dysentery. Deserted April 9, 1863. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg; deserted July 23, 1863. Disch. Feb. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded severely, in wrist, July 1> 1864, before Petersburg, Va. ; trans. to Co. C, new organ., Oct. 21, 1864. Corporal; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 1, 1863. Disch. Feb. 10, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to V. R. C, March 1, 1864. Corporal; died of wounds received in action, May 17, 1864. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg: supposed to be dead. Disch. Dec. 19. 1863, on Surg, certif. 222 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. George E. Church, Providence, R. I. Sept, 6, 1862. Lieut. Col. Jan. 7, 1863. James N. Potter, April 30, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64, 1st Lieutenants, Charles S. Page, Bristol, " ff It Adjutant. James N. Potter, Captain Co. C, March 1, 1863. Henry Lincoln, Cranston> " It tl Resigned April -20, 1864. Daniel S. Remington) tl tl Trans, to Co. G, neworg,, Oct. 21,'64, 2d Lieutenantsi James N. Potter, tt tt 1st Lieut. Co. C. Henry Lincoln, " " March 1, 1863, James F. Merrill, Norway, it ft '• D, July 1, 1863. Sergeants. David B. Wescottj Medford, Mass. Sept. 6, 1862. Died Oct. 26, 1863, at Lexington, Ky. Joseph R. Brown, Coventry, R. I. tt tt Trans, to Co. C, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Henry L, Morse, tt ' tt a it Died April 12, 1864, Annapolis, Md. George T. Batcheldor, N. Providence, R. I. it a Wounded slightly in back May 18, 1864, at battle Spottsylvania Court House; trans, to -Co. C, new organ ization, Oct. 21, 1864. George G. Dunbrack, Halifax, N. S. it n Deserted April 1, 1863. Corporals. Moses H. Aldrich, Blackstone, Mass. it tt Wounded slightly in leg June 29,' 64, inactionnear Petersburg, Va.; trans. to Co. C, new orga'n, Oct. 21,1864. Orlando Smith, Winchester, N. H. tt it Wounded slightly in shoulder June 3, 1864, in battle at Bethesda Church; trans.toCo.C,neworg'n,Oct.21,'64. John H. Chace, Providence, R. I. tt it Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; . disch. April 1, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Abraham H. Hdwarth, Richmond, " tt it Wounded mortally Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; died Dec. 19, 1862, of wounds at Falmouth, Va. 1st Sergeant ; trans, to Co. C, new or Alonzo L. JenckeS) Smithfield,, " tt tt ganization, Oct. 21, 1864. Abel W. Willey, Johnston, " tt it Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 6, 1864; mus tered out of service, Sept. 4, 1865. Nelson Gardner, 8. Kingstown," tt t< Discharged Oct. 12, 1863. ~ Musicians. Albert A. Andrews, Cranstdn, " tt tt Trans, to Co. A, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Richard A. Winsor, Johnston, " tt tt tt t« " Wagoner. William A. Coman, Glocester, " it it Mortally wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Privates. battle of Fredericksburg. Adams, Sabine G. Bellingham, Mass. tt tt Died Jan. 20, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. Allen, John F. Seekonk, •« tt tt Wounded slightly in hand May 18, 1864, at battle of Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Arnold, Henry A. Johnston, R. I. Wounded slightly in shoulder Aug. 9, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Illi II II II II II SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 223 NAME AND RANK. Arnold, William C. Beebe, Henry W. Blackman, James A. Brown, John 1st. Brown, John 2nd. Brown, John T. Brownell, William Budlong, Benjamin Burgess, Benjamin W. Carroll, John Cady, Nell D. Carr, Alfred D. Chace, Burrows, Clarke, Moses Colvin, Nathan D. Converse, Martin J. Cook, Llyod M. Cutler, Samuel B. Dorrance, John Durfee, Gilbert Eddy, John H. Eldridge, James E. Gardiner, Joseph W. Gocathnais, George E Goldthwait, George E Greene, Daniel Greene, William H. Harrington, Albert Hatfield, Richard Holland, Charles W, Harrah, Matthew Keech, Benjamin A. Killian, John RESIDENCE. JohnBton, R. I. Smithfield, " Putnam. Conn. Dundee, Scotland, Galway, Ireland, Watertown, Mass. Middleboro, " Warwick, R. I. Glocester, " Newport, " Glocester, " N.Kingstown," Cranston, " Richmond, " Coventry, " Eastford, Conn. N. Providence, R. I Glocester, " Foster, " Glocester, " Natick, " E. Greenwich, " North/bridge, Mass, N. Kingstown, R. I, Providence, " Warwick, " Manchester, Eng. S. Kingstown, R. I. Ayreshire,Scotland, Smithfield, R. I. Ireland, DATE OP MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. REMARKS. Trans, to Co. C, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Deserted Jan. 28, 1863. Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863; mustered out of scrvico July 13, '65. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; disch. March 24, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Oct. 25, 1862, on Surg, certif. " March 8, 1863, " " Slightly wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; died Jan. 10, 1863, at Washington, of wounds. Wounded severely Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; supposed to have been killed. Sergt. ; trans, from Co. I, March 1 1 , 1863 ; trans, to Co. A, new organ ization, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Nov. 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Wounded slightly in neck June 3, '64, at battle of Bethesda Church ; trans. to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Mar. 21, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, '64. Died Sept, 26, 1864, at David's Island Hospital, N. Y. Slightly wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ;. disch. Oct. 12, 1863. Trans, to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Dec. 20, 1862, on Surg, certf. Died Acquia Creek ; date unknown. Killed Sept. 30, 1864, in battle near Weldon R. R. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; wounded severely in leg July 1, 1864, before Petersburg; trans, to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, '64. tt tt tt tt Trans, to V. R. C. March 15, 1864. ti tt it ft mustered out of service Sept. 4, ' 65. Severely wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; disch. Jan. 1863, on account of wounds received in action. Trans, to Co. A, as musician. Wounded slightly in leg Aug. 9, '64 ; trans, to Co. C, new org'n, Oct. 21, 1864. Died Nov. '19, 62, at Alexandria, Va. Wounded May, 1864, atbattle Wilder ness ; transferred to Co. C, new or ganization, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62, battle Fredericksburg ; transferred to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergt. ; wounded severely inhip, June 29, '64, before Petersburg; transfd Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. Wounded severely in wrist June 3, '64, battle near Bethesda Church ; disch'd Dec. 8, 1864, on Surg certificate. 224 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. .NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. Knight, Alfred S. Lawton, Alfred Lawton, Joseph S. C. Mattison, Calvin R. McDermont, John McDonald, John J. Mulvey, Michael Miller, Francis B. Neville, Edwin M. Oliver, Arthur Orcutt, Albert G. Page, Harlan A. Paine, Daniel W. Piatt, Thomas W. Potter, Francis W. Radigan, James J. Ratcliffe, Richard, Readan, Edward Robbins, Nathan Ef. Rourke, Peter Saunders, George A. Sayles, Lemuel C. Scouler, James Seaver, William H. Shippee, Justin Smith, William H. Spencer, Edwin C. Steere, Henry Steere, Horatio Sunderland, Fones S. Sweetland, Job R. Taft, Isaac J. Tuckerman, James F. Turner, James Turner, Thomas Scituate, R. I. Exeter, " Charleston, S. C. Coventry, R. I. Latrim, Ireland. Chepatchet, R. I. Cranston, R. I. E. Killingly, Ct. Wales, Stafford, Ct. Glocester, R. I. " (( Pawtucket, " Cranston, " Troy, N. Y. Manchester, Eng. Iceland,S. Dennis, Mass. Ireland,Glocester, R. I. ti tf Glasgow, Scotland, Providence, R. I. Foster, " Slatersville, " E. Greenwich, R. I, Glocester, " Smithfield, " Exeter, " Pawtucket, " Burrillville, " Voluntown, Conn. Manchester, Eng. Sept. 6, 1862. Died Dec. 13, 1862. Discharged Oct. 28, 1863. Wounded slightly in side June 3, 1864, battle Bethesda Church ; transferred Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. Dis'd April 2, '63, on Surg, certificate. Dis'd Mar. 14, '63, on Surg, certificate. Wounded June 14, 1864, in action near Cold Harbor, Va. ; transfe'd to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred from Co. A, Oct. 3, 1862 ; transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergeant ; wounded severely hip June 3, '64, at battle of Bethesda Church ; transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Dec. 9, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to V. R. O, Jan. 15, 1864 ; mustered out service June 30, 1865. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 23, '63, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; wounded severely in thigh, May 13, 1864, battle Spottsylvania C. House ; died wounds May 18,'64. Slightly wounded Dec. 13, 1862, battle Fredericksburg; desert'dApr. 1, '63. Mortally wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Died July 22, '63, on Big Black River, Miss. Deserted April 30, 1863. Dis'd Mar. 21, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to V. R. O, Sept. 1, '63; mustered out service Sept. 6, 1865. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 3, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to V. R. O, Jan. 15, '64. Dis'd Oct. 26, '62, on Surg, certificate. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, battle Fredericksburg; died Feb. 28, 1863, at Washington, of wounds. Corporal; transferred to Co. C, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Oct. 26, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Wounded in hand May 12, 1864, battle Spottsylvania Court House, transfd Co. C,new organization, Oct.21,'64. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 225 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Vallett, Jedediah S. Burrillville, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 15, '64; re-enlisted in V. R. C, Sept. 4, '64. Wood, Daniel Colchester, Ct. ti ff Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Williams, Edwin P. Dec. 13, 1863. Deserter from 12th R. I. V.; mus tered out of service Sept. 21, 1864. White, Elijah F. Providence, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Co. C, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Young, Emor BurriUviUe, " tt tt Trans, to Co. C, new org. Oct. 21, '64. 29 226 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY D. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Alfred M. Channell, 1st Lieutenants. William H. Joyce, , Albert L. Smith, James F. Merrill, 2d Lieutenants. Cyrus B. Hathaway, Fuller Dingley, Sergeants. John Sullivan, Henry Young, James F. Merrill, John L. Lowell, Edward Sanderson, Corporals. Elisha E. Thompson, Esek R. Darling, John H. D. Sprague, Albert A. Bolles, Henry C. Potter, Alvin L.Corey, Amos D. Shumway, George W. Congdon, Musicians. William P. Hopkins, Charles W. Hopkins, Wagoner. John Branagan, Privates. Beckford, George C. Beaumont, Ralph Bradbury John Brown, Marcus M. Brennan, John Bryden, Wilson Bullard, Dwight J. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Providence, " Pawtucket, " Norway, Pawtucket, " Newport, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Norway, New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Douglass, Mass. Burrillville, R. I. Pawtucket, " N.Providence,"Coventry, " Webster, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Noose Neck, " Burrillville, " Providence, " Burrillville, " Coventry, " Burrillville, " Smithfield, " Burrillville, " Greenfield, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER Sept. 6, 1862. April 30, 1863. Oct. 22, 1863. Sept. 6, 1862. June 30, 1863, Sept. 6, 1862. Dismissed the service by sentence of General Court Martial, Aug. 29. 1864. Captain Co. F. Died Aug. 31, 1863. Trans, to Co. I, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Resigned Jan. 13, 1863. Taken prisoner in skirmish near Jack son, Miss.; prisoner in Richmond; exchanged ; trans, to Co. D, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. 2d Lieutenant Co. K, Jan. 7, 1863. " " H, March 1, " ft if Q It ll Disch. Mar, 3, 1863, on Surg, certif. Deserted March 12, 1863. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; disch. Mar. 17, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg ; trans, to Co. I, new organ. Oct. 21, 1864. Sergt.; wounded slightly in head Juno 16, 1864, before Petersburg, Va,; wounded slightly in foot July 1, '64, at Petersburg, Va.; wounded in back slightly July 7, 1864, at Petersburg, Va.; trans, to Co. I, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergt.; 2d Lieut. Co. F, Mar. 1, 1863, Disch. Nov. 24, 1862, on Surg, certif, " Jan. 1, 1863, " Sergt.; trans, to Co. I, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergt.; died June 3, 1864, from wounds received in action near Bethesda Church, Va. Trans, to Co. I, new org. Oct. 21, '64. " A, " Slightly wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; trans, to Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. J, new organ. Oct. 21, '64. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg, Va,; disch. Aug. 6, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Trans, to Co. K, Oct. 14, 1862. Transferred to V. R. C April 28, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. July 19,1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 227 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Bullock, Allen E. N. Kingstown, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Wounded severely in side June 26, 1864, at Petersburg; disch. Jan. 6, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Chace, Joseph tt tt ff tt Trans, to Co. I, new organ. Oct. 21,'64. Case, William H. Providence, " tt it It ff Corp.; disch. March 3, 1863, on Sur geon's certificate. Carragan, Martin W. Portsmouth, " ff ff Wounded severely in ankle Jnne 3, *t ll 1864, at Bethesda Church; trans. If tt to Co. I, new organ., Oct. 21, 1864. Callagan, Timothy A. Boston, Mass. li it Deserted March 27, 1863. Caswell, Charles H. Lippitt, Mass. ft ft Disch. March 3, 1863, on Surg, certif. Dawley, Varnum H. Exeter, R. I. ft (f Trans, to Co. I, new organ. Oct. 21/64. Daggett, Seril N. Glocester, " ff tt Wounded severely Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; disch. Aug. 3, '64, on Surgeon's certificate. Danforth, George A. Providence, " tt ft Sergt.; Trans, to Co. I, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Denicoe, Frank Silver Spring," ti tt Wounded slightly in hand June 3, '64, at battle of Bethesda Church; in hospital July 81, 1864. Denicoe, Joseph N. Kingstown," tt tt Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; trans, to Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Donnelly, Patrick Providence, " ft tt Died June 30, 1863, at Lexington, Ky. Durfee, Albert G. Smithfield, " tl tt Disch. Feb. 23, 1868, on Surg, certif. Fagan, Patrick Burrillville, " tt ti Trans, to Co. I, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Frowley, John E. Attleboro, Mass. ii tt Disch. Mar. 17, 1868, on Surg, certif. Gorton, Burrill B. W.Greenwich, R. I. tl ll " Dec. 10, 1862, " " Harris, Jeremiah Burrillville, " tl it Deserted Sept. 18, 1862. Hackett, James Providence, " tt it Disch. Mar. 20, 1863, on Surg, certif. Harrington, Russell Burrillville, " tt tf " Nov. 30, 1862, " " Harrington, William Scituate, " tt it Sergt.; died Aug. 31, 1863, at Camp Nelson, Ky. Hayes, Samuel A. Fall River, Mass. it tt Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Holly, William A. N. Kingstown, R. I. n tt Wounded Sept. 80, 1864, at battle near Weldon Railroad; trans, to Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Humes, Charles H. Webster, Mass. tt tt Wounded June 6, '64, slightly in hand, at Cold Harbor ; trans, to Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Humes, Emory tt t< tt it Trans, to Co. I, new organ. Oct. 21/64. Hibbetts, Thomas ft tt Irons, Charles A. S. Johnston, R. I. it tt ti ti tt Johnson, William H. Boston, Mass. it it Trans, from Co. I, Jan. 29, '64 ; Sergt.; 1st Lieut. Co. E, Oct. 21, 1864. Joslin, Benjamin Burrillville, R. I. it ti Trans, to Co. 1, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Kerr, Michael Pawtucket, " tt tt Wounded severely Dec 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; disch. Feb. 1, '63. on account of wounds. Keogh, James tt tt a it Trans, to V. R. C, Aug. 6, 1864; mustered out of serv. Sept. 6, 1865. Locklin, Thomas Jr. N. Providence, R. I. Feb. 15, 1864. Trans, to Co. I, new organization. Lee, Cornelius Boston, Mass. Sept. 6, 1862. " org., Oct. 21, '64. McAdarus, James Portsmouth, R. I. ti tt Deserted March 27, 1863. McKenna, Uwen VaUeyFaUs, " tt tt Died May 18, 1864, from wounds rec'd in action near Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Mienz, John Providence, " tt it Deserted March 27, 1863. McQueeney, Bernard Boston, Mass. tt ti Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Murray, Frank Woonsocket, R. I. tt tt tt t. tt McNulty, Hugh Providence, " tt tt ti tt tt Nichols, Daniel Coventry, " tt tt tt tt it Nolan, Patrick Pawtucket, " tt n tt a a O'Brien, Timothy Boston, Mass. it it Prisoner of war ; captured near Cold Harbor, June 6, 1864 ; trans, to. Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. O'Neil, Patrick Johnston) R. I. it n Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. 228 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS.. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Paine, George C. Peirce, Christopher R. Burrillville, R. I. Coventry, " Sept. 6, 1862. tf ff Rafferty, Peter Sunderland, George B. Providence, " Exeter, " ff ff ff ff Sherman, Daniel B. E. Greenwich," ff ff Stanfield, William Steere, Benoni Taylor, Edwin Wilcox, Joseph P. Whipple, Olney Whipple, Albert H. Johnston, " Burrillville, " tt it Scotland, Conn. Burrillville, R. I. Providence, " ff If ff if f f tt tt tt ti it tt l tt Whitman, Squire F. Webb, William W. Wood, Frederick Coventry, " Providence, " N.Providefice," tt ft tt ft tt ,* itt REMARKS. Disch. Feb. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died July 9, 1863. at Mill, Dale, Miss. Deserted April 4, 1863. Wounded slightly in head and shoul der June 22, 1864, at Petersburg; trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64, Corp. ; died May 18, '64 from wounds received at Spottsylvania Court H. Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct 21, '64, Died Dec. 23, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Trans to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Disch. Mar, 11, 1863, on Surg, certif. Died Sept. 10, '63, at Nicholasville, Ky. Wounded in leg severely, June 3, '64, at Bethesda Church ; trans, to Co. I, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864.-. Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. 2d Lieut. Co. B, March 1,1863. Trans, to Co. I, new org., Oct. 21, '64. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS, 229 COMPANY E. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Thomas F. Tobey, Percy Daniels, Gustavus D. Bates, '1st Lieutenants. Percy Daniels, Peleg E. Peckham, William H. Johnson, 2d Lieutenants. George .A. Wilbur, Peleg E. Peckham, Gustavus D. Bates, Dexter L. Brownell, Henry Roberts, Alonzo Horton, Gustavus D. Bates, William A. Bisbee, Alpheus S. Perry, . Corporals. Decatur M. Boyden, RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. n it Thompson, Ct. Shannock Mills,R. I Boston, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Smithfield, " Keene, N. H. Cumberland, R. I. Thompson, Ct. Cumberland, R. I. VaUey FaUs, " Smithfield, " Sept. '6, 1862. April 30, 1863. Aug. 7, 1864. Resigned Nov. 2, 1864. Aaron A. Warfield, 'Charles C. Porter, Francis M. Borden, Andrew V. Howland, Esek Greene, •Charles H. Armstrong, Andrew J. Whitcomb, Privates. Alexander, Hartford Arnold, Daniel Arnold, Emory J, Bates, George A. Baker, WiUiam A. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Major Jan. 7, 1863. . Lieutenant Colonel, June 29, 1864. BeUingham, Mass. Thompson, Ct. Cumberland, R. I. BurriUviUe, " Cumberland, " Worcester, Mass. ¦ Cumberland, R. I. tt tt ft ft Scituate, " Coventry, " Sept. 6, 1862', April 30, 1863. Oct. .26, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Mar. ,22, 1863. June 30, 1863 Sept. 6, 1862 Captain Co. E, March 1, 1863. Captain Co. B, July 25, 1864. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62, Frede ricksburg, Va; 1st Lieutenant Co. K, Jan. 7, 1863. 1st Lieutenant Co. E, March 1, 1863. 1st Lieut. Co. K, May 23, 1863. Resigned April 20, 1864. Transferred to 5th Conn. Vols. Dis'd Oct. 26, '62, on Surg, certificate. 2d Lieutenant Co. E, March 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd.Feb. 16, '63, on Surg, certificate. Wounded Dec. 13, '62, slightly Fred ericksburg ; Sergeant ; wounded se verely side, May 6, 1864, Spottsyl vania Court House ; transferred to V. R. O, Sept. 30, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred ericksburg ; Sergeant ; wounded May 26, '64, N. Anna river; transferred 'to Co. E, new organ., Oct. 21, '64. 1st Sergeant ; wounded severely in leg June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church ; transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 2, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Sergeant ; transferred to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded sUghtly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred ericksburg ; discharged May 4, '63, on Surgeon's certificate. Wounded Sept. 30, 1864, near Weldon Railroad ; transferred to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Died June 3, '64, from wounds receiv- ' ed in action near Bethesda Church. Dis'd Jan. 4, '64, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; transferred to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred- ' ericksburg; transferredtoCo.E,new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded in knee June 3, 1.864, Beth esda Church ; transferred, to, Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. 230 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Blanchard, John E. Boyles, Charles Boyle, WiUiam Briggs, Irvin D. Butler, Timothy Brennan, Thomas Cahoone, Sylvester Campbell, Peter Childs, Jonathan Cornell, William A. Curran, Peter Drennan, Michael Darling, Patrick Dempster, John Dexter, Alonzo Donahue, John Eagan, WiUiam J. Essex, Richard GUI, WiUiam Grant, George S. Grant, Ira W. GiU, John Grant, Samuel Greene, Edward H. Greene, Thomas W. Greene, Wilber F. Grinnell, John W. Hagan, James Hall, Caleb Hartshorn, George H. Holbrook, Joseph H. Horan, John Hawkins, Lewis Johnson, William RESIDENCE. Warwick, R. I. Johnston, "' Ireland, " Cumberland, R. I. Providence, " Ireland, Exeter, R. I. Cumberland, " Ireland, N. Blackstone, Ms. Providence, R. I. VaUey Falls, " Providence, " W. Greenwich, R. I. Cumberland, " Valley FaUs, " ft tt England,E. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " W. Greenwich, R. I. Coventry, " Thompson, Conn. Boston, Mass. W. Greenwich, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Glocester, R. I. Cumberland, " ft it W.Greenwich" DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862, ff tt tl tl Aug. 17, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Nov. 12, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Oct. 6, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred- erickshurg; died Feb. 4, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred ericksburg ; transferred to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded sUghtly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred ericksburg ; wounded slightly in side Jackson, Miss., July 13, '63 ; transfd to Co. E, new organ., Oct. 21, '64. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Died Nov. 8, 1862. Dis'd Dec. 17, '62, on Surg, certificate. Dis'd Mar. 2, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Sept. 9, 1862. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, Fred ericksburg ; discharged Feb. 3, '63, on Surgeon's certificate. Died Dec. 13, '62, of wounds received at battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Wounded severely in both hips June 3, '64, at Bethesda Church ; transfd to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Sept. 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Died Sept. 23, 1863, at Hickman, Ky. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, Va. ; transferred to Co. E, now organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Dec. 9, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Died June 3, 1864, from wounds ree'd in action at Bethesda Church, Va. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 7, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to V. R. C, Nov. 15, '63; mustered out service June 16, 1865. Wounded severely in hip June 3, '64, at Bethesda Church; trans, to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864, Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 15, '64; mustered out service June 17, 1865. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded in thigh May 12, '64, Spott sylvania Court House ; transferred to Co. E,neworgan.,Oct. 21/64. Transferred to Co. E, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Died July 21, '63, near Jackson, MM. Trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, M. Deserted Sept. 19,. 1862. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, right arm amputated; aiscn. Jan. 10, 1863, on Surg, certif. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 231 NAME AND RANK. Joyeux, Auguste Keef, Patrick KeUey, Patrick Keith, George W. Langley, James M alone, John Maloy, Thomas McMullen, Patrick McCaslin, Thomas McLead, Murdock MuUen, John Murray, Adams Murray, Christopher Murray, Patrick Moore, John Pelan, Robert T, Perkins, Charles H. Prue, John Pierce, Henry F. Richmond, Preston B. Rice, Stephen Reiley, Phuip Sisson, Benjamin F. Slocum, Charles F. Snow, Paul Sprague, Gilbert F. Sprague, Henry C. Staples, Charles A. Staples Henry N. RESIDENCE. France, MillviUe, Mass. Blackstone, " Providence, R. I. Cumberland, " VaUey FaUs, " FaU River, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, " OlneyvUle, " Smithfield, " Cumberland, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cumberlandi " tt tt Scituate, " Savannah, Ga. Cumberland, R,I. W. Greenwich." Smithfield, " Coventry, " W.Greenwich," tt tt Cumberland, " DAT^ OF MUSTER. Sept. 17, 1863. 6, 1862. Wounded in hand May, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House; trans. to Co. E, new org'n, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. July 8, 1863, on Surg, certif. Died Dec. 13, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va. Wounded May 13, 1864, at Spottsyl vania Court House ; trans, to Co. E, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Dec. 9, 1862, on Surg, certif. Died Dec. 15, 1862, at Falmouth, Va. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Freder icksburg, Va., and died on bat. field. Disch. Dec. 20, 1862, on Surg, certif. Died Feb. 1, '63, at Windmill Pt., Md. Trans, to V. R. O, Oct. 17, 1863 ; mus tered out of service, June 2, 1865. Deserted Sept. 1862. June 7, 1863. Trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Wounded sUghtly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; disch, May 2, '63, on account of wounds. Wounded slightly in knee June 26, 1864, at Petersburg ; injured in skuli by falling tree Oct, 1, 1864 ; trans. to Co. E, new org'n Oct. 21, 1864. Mortally wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; died Dec. 16, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Wounded in arm June 3, 1864, at Be thesda Church ; trans, to Co. E, new organization Oct. 21, 1864. Corp. ; trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded in hand May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania C. H., Va. ; trans, to Co. E, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Wounded in thigh June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church ; disch. Jan. 4, '65, on Surg, certficate. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; do. in leg May 13, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, '64. Wounded in shoulder and thigh May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. E, new organ ization Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. Jan. 27, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg; disch. June 10, '63, on Surg. certificate. Corporal ; wounded May 13, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans. to Co. E, new org'n Oct. 21, 1864. Musician ; trans, to Co. E, new org'n Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Freder icksburg ; trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericks burg ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept.1,'63 ; musteredout of serv. July 7, 1865, 2132: SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Steere, Edward F. Cumberland, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Disch. Nov. 24, 1862, on Surg, certif Turner, Charles tt ct tt tt Trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, '64 Taylor, Charles N. Cranston, " tt tt Disch. Mar. 12, 1863, on Surg, certif! Taylor, Joseph Burrillville, " Trans, to Co. E, new org. Oct. 21, '64. TiUinghast, Ira A. Coventry, " Disch. Jan. 16, 1863, on Surg, certif WaUace, Henry Buffalo, N. Y. Deserted May 2, 1863. Waterman, John S. Pawtucket, R. I. Disch. Feb. 1, 1863, on Surg, certif. Weeks, Studley N.Providence," Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Freder icksburg; disch. Feb. 27, 1863, on Surg, certificate. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 233 COMPANY F. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER, REMARKS. Captains. Lyniifh M. Bennett, Coventry, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Resigned Jan. 7, 1863. William H. Joyce, Providence, " Jan. 7, 1863. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. 1st Lieutenants. George N. Stone, Trans, to Co. H, March 19, 1863. Albert A. Bolles, Pawtucket, " Aug. 2, 1864. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. 2d Lieutenants. Bridgman C. Root, Providence, " Sept. 6, 1862. Resigned Dec. 8, 1862. Albert A. Bolles, April 30, 1863. Acting Regimental A dj utan t since May 13, 1864 ; wounded slightly in foot May 18, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court Sergeants. House ; 1st Lieut. July 25, 1864. C. H. Kellen, Williniantic, Conn. Sept. 6, 1862. Wounded severely Dec, 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died Dec. 29, 1862, of wounds. Daniel Murphy, Boston, Mass. ft tt Deserted March 19, 1863. Joseph Rowe, Roxbury, " tt tt 1st Sergeant; trans, to Co. F, new oreanization, Oct. 21, 1864. M. A. Maynard, Worcester, " tt tf Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Albert M. Smith, Smithfield, R. I. tt tt Disch. Feb. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Corporals. Alfred Burney, tt tt Deserted Sept. 1862. B. B. Briggs, Exeter, " tt tt Died Nov. 20, 1862, at Alexandria, Va. John H. Rowley, N. Providence," tt ti Sergt. ; wounded Jan. 2, '64 ; wounded in hand slightly, July 30, '64, before Petersburg; trans, to Co. F, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. A. L. Smith, Pawtucket, " tt tt Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; 2nd Lieut. Co, I, March 1, 1863. Thomas E. Noyes, Worcester, Mass. tt .I Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Jonathan Linton Philadelphia, Pa. tt it Sergeant ; wounded in finger June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church ; trans. to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. John H.Dennison, N. Providence, R. I. tt tt Disch. March 31, 1863, on Surg, certif. John M. Devitt, Boston, Mass. tt tt Wounded June 3, 1864, at Cold Har bor ; died July 8, 1864, at Wash Musician. " ington, D. C. James E. Rowe, Roxbury, Mass. tt tt Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Wagoner. Samuel Curtis, Smithfield, R. I. ft tt Disch. June 30, 1863, on Surg, certif. Privates. Albro, Wanton L. Exeter, " tt tt Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Bassett, Nathan S. Pawtucket, " it a Corporal ; wounded in shoulder May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to V. R. C, Dec. 9, 1864 ; mustered out of service June Bates, James W. Exeter, " tt it 29, 1865. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; wounded in foot May 14, '64, at Wilderness ; wounded June 8, 1864, at Cold Harbor ; trans. Batty, Thomas to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. Woonsocket, " tt tt Wounded slightly, Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; disch. March 17, 30 1863, on Surg, certif. 234 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Browning, Charles O. Brown, A. G. Brown, J. F. Burgess, William R. Burke, James Buxton, George Booth, William J. Carr, Edward Carr, Clarke Carr, Jesse, Jr. Chase, Charles F. Cherry, Moses Chater, Joseph Denkin, Michael Dewey, Benjamin Dougherty, Frank E. Davis, George W. Eldred, John C. Fish, Ellery G. Fisher, George Foster, Alonzo C. Franklin, C. L. Goddard, Joseph Jr Greene, George Hall, George C. Hollis, Eben Hunt, Benjamin S. Keny on, Waite R. Kenyon, A. D. Knight, Thomas Lewis, Nathan B. Luther, John Mathewson, N. W. Money, Joseph Jr. McDavitt, John Melntyre, Andrew McKenna, Patrick McKenna, Charles RESIDENCE. N. Kingstown, R. I, Exeter, " tt tt Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Blackstone, " Warwick, " Exeter, " N. Kingstown," Cranston, " Exeter, " N. Kingstown," S. Kingstown," Johnston, " N. Kingstown," Dartmouth, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, " Exeter, " Cumberland, " N. Kingstown," >t it tt tt Richmond, " S. Kingstown," Pawtucket, " Exeter, " N.Kingstown, R. I. Exeter, " Providence, " Westerly, " Cranston, " DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. March 81, '64 Sept. 6, 1862. Sept. 10, 1862 Sept. 6, 1862. Nov. Sept. 13, 1863 6, 1862. Wounded in breast, May 18, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House; trans. to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. Died Feb. 3, '68, at Newport News Va Died Oct. 5, '62, at Washington, 1). C. 1st Sergt. ; 2nd Lieut. Co. — , March 20, 1865; trans, to Co. F, new ore, Oct. 21,1864. s' Deserted Sept., 1862, Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct, 21, '64. Veteran ; trans, to Co. F, new organi zation, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded slightly in leg, May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House ; trans, to Co. F, new organizalion, Oct. 21, 1864. Disch. March 12, '63, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Corp. ; trans, to Co. F, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Deserted Sept. 20, 1862. Died Dec. 3, 1862, at Falmouth, Va. Deserted March 27, 1863. Trans, to V. R. C, March 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. June 29, 1865. Deserted Sept. 1862. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64, .t tt tt Deserted March 18, 1863. Wounded slightly, Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg; disch. March 27, 1863, on Surg, certif. Disch. Dec. 9, 1862, on Surg, certif. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died May 26, '64, from wounds received in action at North Anna river. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Deserted 'Sept., 1862. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Wounded slightly inside, June 17, '64, at Petersburg; trans, to Co, F,new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Killed Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Wounded severely Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died Feb. 27, 1863, Wounded severely Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died Dec. 15, '62, of wounds. Corporal ; trans, to Co. F, new organi zation, Oct. 21, 1864. Wounded severely in back, arm and hip May 12, 186"4, at Spottsylvania Court House; trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 28, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice July 13, 1865. Killed Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Mortally wounded June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church ; died July 8, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct, 21, 64. Wounded Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericks burg. Trans, to Lt. Battery, U. S. Artillery, Oct. 15, 1864. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 235 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS. McClamric, Thomas Westerly, R. I. Sept. e , 1862. Disch. Mar. 17, 1863, on Surg, certif. O'Brien, John ll ff Deserted Sept. 1862. Potter, Benjamin N. Kingstown, R. I. ft ff Disch. Nov. 17, 1863, on Surg, certif. Pierce, George S. .. ff If ff Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Pierce, Thomas D. tt tt If ff Corp. ; trans, to Co. F, new organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Pierce, Horatio M. N. Providence," tt " Died Dec. 9, '62, at Falmouth, Va. Phillips, E. B. N. Kingstown," ti ti Died Jan. 9, '63, near Fredericksburg. Perkins, Palmer G. Exeter, " it fi Killed in battle June 3, 1864, at Be thesda Church. Pate, William Mansfield, Mass. it tt Died June 3, 1864, of wounds received in action at Bethesda Church, Va. Read, J. C. ft cC Deserted Sept. 1862. Rex, Henry Pawtucket, 11. 1. il it Wounded slightly in head June 3, '64, atBethesda Church; trans, to Co. F, new organization, Oct. 21, 1864. Read, Frank E. Attleboro, Mass. tf ti Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; died July 30, 1863, at Mill Dale, Miss., of chrohic diarr. Rose, George P. N. Kingstown, R. I. it a Trans, to V. R. C, Nov. 20, '63 ; died Sept. 16, '64, at N. Kingstown, R. I. Rhowarts, Charles Providence, " It tt Corp.; wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62, atFredericksburg; wounded severe ly in hip and arm May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House; trans. to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, 1864. Rowley, Robert N. Providence," tl tt Trans, to Co. F, new org., Oct. 21, '64. Russell, William H. Dartmouth, Mass. li tt Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 12, 1863 ; mustered out of ser vice June 26, 1865. Sangerson, William it tt Disch. Jan. 19, 1864, on Surg, certif. Sculley, Timothy Coventry, R. I. il " Deserted March 27, 1863. Spencer, John Exeter, " tl tt Died Sept. 17, 1863, at Camp Denni- son, Ohio. Straight, Potter P. tt Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; Corporal; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. v., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E- I. V., June 6, 1866! mustered out of service July 13, bo. Transferred from Co. B, 4th R. I; v., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out ot ser vice, June 9, 1865. _ Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. 1- v.. Oct. 21, 1864; transforredtoV.lt. C, Jan. 10, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 14, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE.ISEAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 257 NAME AND RANK. Dunn, Jamos S. Dunn, WiUiam Driscoll, John A. Donnelly, James Ennis, Lawrence Eckels, Edward Easterbrooks, Wm. H. Flood, John Flynn, Eugene Griffith, Joseph H. Howard, Michael Howard, George Hayes, John, Hamilton, Robert Hennessey, William' Kelley, Thomas Kelly, Joseph RESIDENCE. Woonsocket, E. I. ff ff Taunton, Mass. Woonsocket, E. I. England. Bristol, E. I. SlatersviUe, " LoweU, Mass. Providence, E. I. Newport, " Eochester, Mass. Cork, Ireland, Woonsocket, E. I. ft it SlatersviUe, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 2, 1862. ff ll Aug. 15, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. July 22, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt Nov. 13, 1862. April 9, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt tt tt Aug. 13, 1862 Oct. 30, 1861 Jan. 5, 1864, REMARKS. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June.6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1864. . Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; ¦ mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; ¦ mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E, I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.B, battaUon 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V-, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R, I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; ¦ mustered out of service, July 13, ' 65. ¦ Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R, I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, ' 65. 258 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. — (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Kiely, Michael Kinney, James Lord, Charles F, Lynch, Edward Murray, John J, Masterson, Patrick Myers, Abraham McSoley, Michael McNaUey, James Nickerson, Horace M. Ormes, Michael Potter, Henry M. Preston, George W. Pickering, Henry W. Pierce, WiUiam F. Riley, James E. J^egan, John RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Hopkinton, " York, Maine, Cranston, R, I. Woonsocket, " Leitrim, Ireland, Stockport, Eng. Woonsocket, R, I, ft ti ft ti Aug. 15, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. DATE OF MUSTER. Nov. 12, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Smithfield, " Washington, " Cumberland, " Woonsocket, " Newport, " Woonsocket, " Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt tt ft Sept. 10, 1862, Jan. 5, 1864. Oct. 30, 1862. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V. Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B,' battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V.j Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. bJ battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865.; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1866 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V. Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R., I. V., June 6, '66 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct, 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 21, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; wounded April 2, '65, at Petershurg, Va. ; transfd to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V. , June 6. '65; mustered out service July 21, 1865. Transferred from Go, E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, ¦battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, |65; mustered out of service July 13,'65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864, ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. "., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1866. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 259 NAME AND RANK. BandaU, Luther E. Eiordan, Patrick SuUivan, Martin Smith, Edwin M. Sheldon, Lowell BurriUviUe, " RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. SlatersviUo, " Smithfield, " Schofield, Joseph Slocum Charles F. Shippee, WiUiam J. Shay, Jeremiah Sheldon, David A. Sullivan, Daniel Smith, David C. Tayer, William T. Waterman, George G. Waterman, WiUiam A. Welsh, James Weldon, Henry Wiley, William A. WhitinsviUe, Mass Crompton, E. I. Bristol, " Carnew, Ireland, Johnston, R. I. Cork, Ireland, Middletown, R. I. Smithfield, " Johnston, " Providence, " SlatersviUe, " Providence, " Washington, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 15, 1862. Mar. 20, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 1, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 13, 1862. Feb. 1, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. tt ti tf tt It ti July 20. 1862. Nov. 3, 1862. July 25, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. Nov. 12, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 11, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, hattalion 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, B. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D. battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 , mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to V. E. C, Sept. 16, 1864; mustered out of service July 17, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th, E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co.B, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 : transferred to Co. B, battaUon 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. E, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th, B. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, 4th K. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice May 22, 1865. 260 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORG ANIZED.) COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Captain. James N. Potter, 1st Lieutenant. Winfield S. Chappell, Sergeants. Alonzo L. Jenckes, Benjamin F. Miller, Joseph E. Brown, Nathan G. Follensbee, Franklin Gunsolve, Corporals. Moses H. Aldrich, George T. Batcheldor, Orlando Smith, Thomas J. Higgins, Charles E. Dennis, Benjamin A. Wilson, William Fay, Musicians. Eichard A. Windsor, Nehemiah Sheldon, Privates. Allen, John F. Arnold, Henry A. Arnold, William C. S. Kingstown, E. I Smithfield, " Bristol, " Coventry, " Providence, " ¦t tt Blackstone, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. Winchester, N. H. Providence, R. I. it .i S. Kingstown," Westerly, Johnston, " N. Providence, R. I. Seekonk, Mass. Johnston, " DATE OF MUSTER. June 30, 18G4 Oct. 26, " Septt 6, 1862. tt tt tt K ft tt ft tt Transferred from Co. C. old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza- ' tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct 21, 1864; mustered outof service lune 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. E. Transferred from" Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out pf service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged May 17, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 15, 1865; mustered out of service June 29, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service May 28, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 21, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1865; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out ot service June 9, 1865. 'SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS.' — (RE-ORGANIZED.) 261 NAME AND RANK. Arnold, Benjamin F. Brown, John 2d, Brennan, Michael Bennett, Thomas B. Bany, David Clarke, Moses Cooke, Lloyd M. Carr, Alfred D. Courtney, William Collins, Edward F. Cornell, Lewis E. Carpenter, Richard Case, William S. Dean, Isaac N. Dugan, Hugh Daniels, Herbert Doherty, Bernard Eddy, John H. Eldridge, James E. Farnham, Edwin A. Policy, Dennis Plemming, Thomas RESIDENCE. Galway, Ireland, ' Johnston, R. I. Providence, " Eichmond, " N. Providence, R. I N. Kingstown, " Providence, " Johnston, " N. Kingstown, R. I. N.Providence," Providence, " Woonsocket, " Glocester, " Natick, " Glocester, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 15, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. Mar. 2, 1865. Sept.' 6, 1862. It it ¦ti ii It . it It tt ll tt Feb. 14, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. ft tt a it Transferred to Co. B, Battalion 7th B.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, Battalion' 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion ; deserted May 17, 1865; dis honorably discharged Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, Battalion, 7th R.I. V., June6,1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged Feb. 1, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. 262 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Gardner, Joseph W. Harrah, Matthew Harrington, Albert Holland, Charles W. Keech, Benjamin A. Lawton, Joseph S. C. Laniby, Peter Lan gland, Isaac Laugherty, John McDonald, John J. Miller, Francis M. Mulvey, Michael Merchant, Elisha A. Moran, Patrick McLaughlin, Cornelius McCready, Daniel McCaffrey, Patrick Matthewson, Cornelius Norton, Sylvester E. Nye, Byron C. Mulvey, Thomas RESIDENCE. E. Greenwich, R. I. Scotland, Warwick, R. I. S. Kingstown," Smithfield, " Charleston, S. C. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Chepachet, R. I. E. Killingly, Conn. Cranston, R. I. Providence, " tt tt Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. tt tt N.Providence,"Burrillville, " Richmond, " Ireland, DATE OF MOSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. tt it tt tt tt ti a tt a a n ti Feb. 17, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862, tt tt tt «t tt tt tt a ti n tt it a tt tt tt tt tt u u u tt Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; discharged May 25, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1866. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion. Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June '9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6,1865; mustered outof service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from'Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B. old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va.; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; discharged Mar, 4, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged Mar. 4, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred to V. R. C, June 23, 65; mustered out of service July 13, 66. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out ot service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; prisoner of war Feb., 1865; trans, to Co. B, batt. 7th R. I. V., Jane 6, 1865; mus tered out of service July 13, I860. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 263 NAME AND RANK. Oliver, Arthur Owen, Thomas T. Page, Harlan A. Paine, Daniel W. Quintain, Thomas Readan, Edward Riley, John Scouler, James Sherman, David P. Shippee, Justin Smith, William H. Smith, Edwin R. ' Spencer, Edwin C. Sheridan, John Steadman, William H. Taft, Isaac I. Thornley, Richard Tuckerman, James F. Turner, Thomas Wood, Daniel W. White, Elijah F. Whipple, John G. RESIDENCE, Wales, Warwick, R. I. Glocester, " tt tt Providence, " Ireland, Providence, R. I. Scotland, Foster, E. I. Slatersville, R. I. E. Greenwich," Providence, R. I. Burrillville, " Voluntown, Conn, England, Colchester, Conn. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Jan. 24, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. tt tt a it tt tt u a it a Mar. 9, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862, K tt Mar. 2.2, 1865. Sept, 0, 186§. ff t( Mar. 1, 1865, Sept. fl, 1862, Feb. 21, 186.5, Sept. 8, 188?, tt tt Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Jujy 13, 1865. Transferred from Co, C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co, C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1854 ; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va.; mus tered out of service June 9,. 1865. Transferred from Co, B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1894 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865, Transferred from Co, C, old organiza tion, Oct. 2,1, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V„ June a, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865, Transferred from Co, C, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1864 ; mustered out of servioe June 29, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1885, Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. J. V„ June 8, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1885, Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1884 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1884; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V„ June 6, 1885 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1885- Transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. J. V., June 8, 1885; mustered out of service July 13, 1885, Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1884 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1885. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1884 ; mustered out of servioe May 6, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oot. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1884 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of servioe June 9, 1865. 264 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS.^— .(RE-ORG ANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS.- Welden,. George W. Young, Emor Burrillville, R. I. Mar. 21,,1865. Sept; 6, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, Battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va.; mus tered out of- service June 9, 1865. SEVENTH RKGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 265 COMPANY D NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Edward P. Brown, Winthrop A Moore, 1st Lieutenants. Winthrop A. Moore, George B. Costello, 2d Lieutenants. Fuller Dingley, Merchant Wceden, Sergeants. John C. Herbert, Merchant Weeden, William T. Chase, Dennis Croning, Corporals. H. Rodgers, James McGahey, John S. CoggeshaU, John Shepley, WilliamE.Harrington, George L. Douglass, George Pitts, Waltham, Mass. Newport, R. I. Providence, " Ireland,Tiverton, E. I. Newport, " Providence, " Scituate, " Providence, " March 7, 1863. Juno 19, 1865. Oct. 1, 1864. Juno 28, 1865. June 30, 1863. June 27, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. a ti tt tt tt tt tt tt Aug. 15, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. ll ft Aug. 15, 1862. Transferred from Co. 'I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustored out of ser vice June 5, 1865. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; Captain Co. D, June 15, 1865. Brevet Captain, April 2, 1865; trans ferred from Co. B, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 15, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; honorably dis charged April 14, 1865. Mustered outof service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; deserted Feb. 9, '65. Transfd from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, '64 ; 2d Lieut. Co. D, June 15, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct, 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, '64; wounded Mar. 25, '65 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, 65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; wounded Mar. 29, '65, at Petersburg, Va. ; transfd to Co. D, battalion 7th E. I. V. , June 6, ' 65 ; mustered out of service July 13, 65. Transfd from Co. I, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21,' 64; must'd out service June 9,' 65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battaUon 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C. 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battaUon 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transfd from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, '64; must'd out service Ju'e 9, '65, 266 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Musician. Benjamin D. Hunt, Privates. Armstrong, John Arnold, John H. Bagley, John Brown, John H. Bentley, Allen W. Beaumont, John Briggs, Nathan Briggs, Edward C. Corey, John A. Coffee, Peter Coyle, Hugh Coggeshall, Thomas Coen, James Carroll, Thomas Duffy, Michael Dorman, WiUiam RESIDENCE. Burrillville, R. I. Ireland,Woonsocket, E. I. Cranston, " Providence, " Fiskevillo, " Albion,Coventry, " Somerset, Mass. Richmond, R, I. Providence, " Taunton, Mass. Tiverton, R. I. Providence, " FaU River, Mass. Crompton, R. I. Ireland, DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 16, 1864. June 10, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt Oct. 28, 1862. Aug, 5, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. ft tf Mar. 16, 1864. Aug. 16, 1862. Mar. 15, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 1, 1864, Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt Transfeired from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. B, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I, 4th R. I. \.' Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.D.' battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, '64 ; missing in action sinco July 30, 1864. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F. 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co.D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transfeired from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transfeired from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.D, battalion 7th R. I. V-, June 6. 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V. , June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I, 4th B. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I, 4th R. I. V.; Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, ¦battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; in hospital, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. L V, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '66. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; deserted Mar. 11, 63. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. v., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. 11, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out of service July 13, 65. SKVENTII REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. — (RE-ORGANIZED.) 267 NAME AND RANK. Dow, Byron D. Fieldson, Josoph Grinnell, Edson Gladding, Oliver H. P Grumley, James Greene, Daniel H. Holland, John Hanley, Thomas Hunt, Leonard A . Harkins, Charles HoUoy, WiUiam Hill, Albert H. Hill, Joseph Hunt, Daniel D. Hill, Jeremiah Kettle, Charles A. Lynch, Daniel Luther, John F. RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. Patterson, N. J. Tiverton, R. I. Newport, " SlatersviUe, " Providence, " Olneyville, " Providence, " N.Kingstown," Roxbury, Mass. Fali River, " Scituate, R. I. N.Kingstown," Washington, " Providence, " Providence, " Feb. 1, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt DATE OF MUSTER. Nov. 12, 1862. Oct. 30, 1861'. Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 2, 1862. April 11, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. It il July 1, 1862. Oct. 30, 1861. Mar. 11, 1864. April 11, 1865. Aug. 5, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co- F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21. 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., Juno 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice x\.pril 29, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V. June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th E. I. V., June 6, '65 ; mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co, C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865- Transferred from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Tr. from Co. 1, 4th R. I. V. , Oct. 2 1 , ' 64; tr. to Co. D, bat. 7th R. I. V., June 6,'65 ; must, out of serv. July 5, '65. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R, I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; died Mar. 19, '65, inHosp. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; woun'd Apr. 2, 1865, Pe tersburg, Va. ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mus tered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. 268 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (ltE-ORGANlZED.) NAME AND RANK. Longstreet, Frank Lake, Israel F. Jr. McGill, John McShane, Patrick McElhany, James Morris, Thomas Moody, John Moon, Oliver McQueeny, Terrence McHugh, Peter McCann, James Melarky, Charles McLaughlin, Charles Ormsbee, William W. OdeU, George W. Olsen, Henry Pitts, Joseph Prestwich, Thomas RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Ireland, Monaghan, 111. Ireland, tt Providence, R. I. Coventry, " Ireland, Providence, R. I. Slatersville, " Providence, " Richmond, " New York, N. Y. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. May 9, 1862. Mar. 8, 1865. " 9, 1864. Jan. 5, 1864. tt ll it ti Aug. 2, 1862. Mar. 9, 1864. Apr. 4, " Nov. 1, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Apr. 10, 1865, Jan. 5, 1364. " 22, 1863. Aug. 15, 1862. Jan. 5, 186'4. Transferred from Co. I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice May 13, 1865. Transferredto Co.D. batt- 7th R. I.V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt! 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; woun'd Apr. 2, '65, at Pe tersburg, Va. ; trans, to Co. D, bat. 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mus tered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D.hatt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; discharged Mar. 11, '65, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ;. trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V, Oct, 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of Bervice July 13, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to V. R. C, Apr, 12, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 14, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. Y-, Oct. 21, '64 ; confined in State Prison at Concord, N. H. , for two years ; mus tered out of service Jan. 9, 1866. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct, 21, '64 ; must'd out serv. June 9, 65. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D,batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 19, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 269 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Quinn, John Providenco, R. I. Jan. 5, 1864. Riloy, Peter tt a Aug. 7, 1862. Smith, Thomas E. Nowburyport,Mass> Mar. 14, 1864. Sullivan, Michael Warwick, R. I. Nov. 8, 1862. Sunderland, Wm. N. it tf Feb. 1, 1864. Searle, Franklin V. Charlostown, Mass. Jan. 5, 1864. TillinghaBt, Charles Et Centerville, R. I. Feb. 1, 1864, TravcrB, Thomas Ireland, Mar. 22, " Tiernan, John B. Boston, Mass. July 27, '• Thomas, Elisha Cranston, R. I. Aug. 28, 1862. Viall, William S. Rehoboth, Mass. Jan. 5, 1864. Wood, Henry W. Providence, R. I. tl tt Wood, Caleb G. Washington, " Aug. 14, 1862, Whitman, Reuben A. Phenix, " Jan. 5, 1864. Wilcox, Elijah R. Tiverton, " Aug. 15, 1862. Wilson, Joseph Trans, from Co. I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., Juno 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, '64; prisoner of war since July 30, 1863; died Jan. 29, 1865, Dan ville, Va. Trans, from Co. C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., Juno 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co- C, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1684; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th lt. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; died Mar. 21, '65, in Hosp. Transferred from Co. F, 4th E. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Wounded Apr. 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th E. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, 1865. 270 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) COxMPANY E. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Edwin L. Hunt, 1st Lieutenant. William H. Johnson, Sergeants, Charles E. Porter, Aai on A. Warfield, Esek Greene, William A. Bisbee, Corporals. Andrew V. Howland, Andrew J. Whitcomb, Emory J. Arnold, John Prue, Gilbert F. Sprague, Thomas J. Higgins, Musician. Henry C. Sprague, Privates. Bates, George A. Baker, William A, Blanchard, John E. Boyle, William Briggs, Irwin D. RESIDENCE. Seekonk, Mass. Worcester, " Thompson, Conn. Bellingham, Mass. Burrillville, R. I. Cumberland, " Burrillville, " Worcester, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. it tt W.Greenwich," Providence, " W.Greenwich,"Scituate, " Coventry, " Warwick, " Ireland, Cumberland, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 26, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. REMARKS. April 30, 1868. Transferred from Co. G, 7th R. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, 18C4- wounded April 2, 1865, at Peters burg, Va.; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R.I, V, old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865, Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V,, old organization, Oct. 21,.'64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co, E, 7th R I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V., old organization, l 'ct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1866. Transferred from Co. E, 7th E. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service July 17, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th E. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1866. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V,, old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V,, old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, 7th R. 1. V., old organization, Feb. 15, '65 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1866. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. Y, old organization, Oct, 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, I860. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I- V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865 Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. ",, old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus- , tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R. I. v., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service May 19, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th R, I. v., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 19, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEEIIS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 271 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTEK. Butler, Timothy Providence, lt. I. Sept. 6, 18G2. Brennan, Thomas Ireland, Aug. 17, 1864. Cornell, William A. Cumberland, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Connelly, Simon April G, 1805. Dexter, Alonzo VaUey Falls, " Sept. 6, 1862. Drennan, Michael Ireland, N'ov. 12, 1864. Eagan, William J. Providence, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Gill, William Cumberland, " tt CC Gill, John England, Oct. 6, 1864. Green, Thomas W. W. Greenwich, R,I, Sept. 6, 1862. Greene, Wilbur F. Coventry, " it te Hagau, James Boston, Mass, Cf If Hall, Caleb W.Greenwich. R.I. n a Hartshorn, George' H, Attleboro, Mass. u te Horan, John Cumberland, R. I. et ee Joyeux, Auguste France, Sept, 17, 1863. Keith, George W. Providence, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Murray, Christopher Cumberland, " a tt Moore, John Boston, Mass. n tt Perkins, Charles H. Cumberland, R. I. tt tt Pierce, Henry F. Scituate, " tt tt Transferred from Co. K, 7th R. I. V., old organization, Oct. 21, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, 7th It. I. V., old organization. Oot. 21, '01; trans ferred' to Co. D, bat. 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of ser vice July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864-; mustered out of service June 9. 1865. Transferred to Co. I), battalion 7th R, I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864: mustered out of service June 3, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service Juiy 13, 1865. Transferred from Co, E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; discharged Jan. 28, 1865, on Surgeon's cert.ficate, Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co, E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th It. I, V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service May 29, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service May 19, 1865. 272 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Reiley, Philip Richmond, Preston Sisson, Benjamin F. Staples, Charles A. Taylor, Joseph Turner, Charles Trainor, Michael B. RESIDENCE. Cumberland, R. I. Savannah, Ga. W Greenwich, R. I. Cumberland, " Burrillville, " Cumberland, " Ireland, DATE OP MUSTER. Sept 6, 1862. tt " tl " ll ff tl it Nov. 12 1864. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged Apr. 8, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza- tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. E, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; died at Ander- sonville, Ga., June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; died July 1, 1865, in Hospital, chronic diarr. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 273 COMPANY F. NAME AND RANK. Captain. William 11. Joyce, 1st Lieutenant, Albert A. Bolles, Sergeants. Joseph Rowe, John H. Rowley, William R. Burgess, Jesse Carr, Jr., Jonathan Linton, Corporals. John T. Wilcox, Thomas B. Pearce, Charles F. Chase, Nathan B. Lewis, Musician. James E. Rowe, Privates. Albro, Wanton L. Bates, James W. Browning, Charles 0. Buxton, George Booth, William Jr. 35 RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Roxbury, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. Providence, " Exeter, " Philadelphia, Pa. N". Kingstown, Ii. I. Jan. 7, 1868. Aug. 2, 1864. Sept. 6, 1802. Exeter, " Roxbury, Mass. Exeter, R. I, it ti N. Kingstown," Smithfield, " Providence, " DATE OE MUSTER. Mar. 31, 1864. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865 ; Major battal ion 7th R. I. V., July 24,' 1865, for gallant services during the war. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; wounded April 2, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ; died April 7, 1865, of wounds received in action. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, '64 ; 2d Lt. Mar. 28, '65 ; mustered outof service June 9, '65. Transferred from Go. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. 274 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Carr, Edward Clavin, Michael Davis, George W. Eldred, John C. Goddard, Joseph Jr. Gorton, Elisha Hall, George C. Hollis, Eben Kennedy, Timothy Kenyon, Waite R. Maynard,M. A. Mooney, Joseph Jr. Mclntyre, Andrew Noyes, Thomas E. Pearce, X3eorge S. Robinson, Levi Rex, Henry Rhowarts, Charles Rowley, Robert Sullivan, Timothy Taylor, John H. Tourjee, Charles S, RESIDENCE. Blackstone, Mass. Johnston, R. I. N. Kingstown," Cumberland, " Coventry, " N. Kingstown," Richmond, " Worcester, Mass. Exeter, R. I. Providence, " Worcester, Mass. N. Kingstown, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " N.Providence," Providence, " Warwick, " |N. Kingstown," DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Feb. 1, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. It li Nov. 13, 1863 Feb. 9, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. tt tt Feb. 14, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. tt It Feb. 24, 1865, Sept. 6, 1862, Feb. 13, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June G, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9,1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co, I), battalion 7th R. I. V., June6, 1805; mustered outof service June 0, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. I\ battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service June 15, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; died, date and place unknown. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7tnK. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service June 24, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct.. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outot service June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 275 NAME AND RANK. Welden, William Whitman, Thomas R. RESIDENCE. Providence, It. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Sept. 7, 1803. Transferred from Co. F, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. I), battalion 7th R. I, V., June 0, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, 1805. Feb. 17, 18G5. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R, I. V., June 6, 1805; mustered out of service June 27, 1805. 276 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) COMPANY G. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Caleb T. Bowen, 1st Lieutenant. Daniel S. Remington, 2d Lieutenant. George L. Kibby, Sergeants. John Main, Charles E. Groff, William N. Nottage, Hugh Mclnnis, Corporals. Andrew Sutherland, Marcus M. ColweU, Daniel W. Weeden, William R. Corey, John Oakley, Patrick Early, Russell W. Allen, Musician. Albert J. Smith, Privates. Andrews, James H. RESIDENCE. Wickford, R. I. Providence, " Newport, " Providence, " Richmond, " Newport, " Providence, " Jamestown, Conn. Wickford, R. I. Newport, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Groton, Conn. Glocester, R. I. DATE OP MUSTER. Arnold, Gilbert H. I Burrillville, " July 22, 1863. Sept. 26," Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 1, " Jan. 5, " Aug. 12, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. ft tt Aug. 7, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. tt it Jan. , Aug. 13, 1862, Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V. Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6,1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Captain Co. B, battalion 7th I?. I. V. June 8, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice March 15, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged Feb. 21, 1805, on Surceon's certificate. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6,1865; absent sick in Hospital, July 13/65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th H. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864: mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V, Oci. 2, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th li. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered outof service Aug. 25, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Tr. from Co. H, 4th R. I. V.,Oet.21,'64; disch. June 6, 1865, on Surg, certif. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V.; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Transferred from Co. F, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21. 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co, A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June6,1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co, D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. "., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANILED.) 277 NAME AND RANK. Albro, Daniel Barber, William Barbour, John F. Bassett, George E. Babcock, George M. Britner, Thomas Brayman, John Bradley, Abraham Briggs, Nathan 0. Cahoone, Gideon A. Clemence, George B. Carline, Patrick Casey, Patrick Cobb, Daniel H. Cook, Isaac B. Donnelly, Frank Donan, Frank Donovan, Richard RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. it ft Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 15, 1862. fi tt Jan 5, 1864. Aug. 7, 1802. May 15, " Jan. 5, 1864. REMARKS. Burrillville, " Glocester, " Cranston, " Burrillville, " Taunton, Mass. N. Bridgewater, Ms Moosup, Conn. Tiverton, R. I. Providence, " Wickford, " tt tt tt tt ft tt Jan. 5, 1864. tl tt tl ii Aug. 15, 1802 Jan. 5, 1804. it it it tt Transferred from Co. A, 4th li. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 7, 1805. Transferred from Co. II, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V„ June 0, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice May 15, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1805; muStered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. A, 4th It. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1 865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65, Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered outof service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. I), 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R, I. V., June 0, 1805 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I), 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; absent without leave July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th lt. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th it. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice May 31, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21 , 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferrrd to Co. G, battalion 7th -R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; wounded April 2, 1805, at Petersburg, Va. ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th li. I. V., June 6, 1865; absent sick in hospi tal July 13, 1805. 278 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Early, John Finnegan, Hugh Flanders, Orlando D. Freeborn, John P. Gilfoil, Patrick Gavitt, Reynolds II. C Gorman, Morris RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. Crompton, " Chelsea, Mass. Newport, R. I. Providence, " it tt .vlilford, Mass. Gordon, Henry W, Maple Roof, Hawkins, Robert H. Scituate, R. I. Hunt, William R. |N, Kingstown," Hudson, Robert Hubbard, William H. Hoxie, John W. Higgins, James H. Kelley, Malachi Kimball, Josiah H. Lacey, James Leary, John Leonard, George A. Warwick, Newport, Greenwich, Providence, Newport,Burrillville, Warwick, Bristol, Aug. 21, 1802, July 7, " Jan. 5, 1804. Aug. 15, 1802. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 7, 1802. Feb. 1, 1864. Aug. 7, 1802. Jan. 5, 1864. tt ff Aug. 15, 1862 Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 6, 1802. Aug. 7, " Feb. 1, " Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 9, " Jan. 5, " Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct, 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V. Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ¦ mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th U. I, V., Oct 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice July 5, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I, V. Oct. 21,1864; died March 3,1865, in hospital at Annapolis, Md. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co.G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R, I. V., Oct. 21,1804; mustered outof ser vice June 8, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R, 1 V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th K. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co.G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June6,1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th K. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 1, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. 11,4th li. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21,1804; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion7th lt. I. V., June 6,1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65, Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co.G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6,1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R, I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13,'65- SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (itE-ORGANIZED.) 279 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Lockwood, Thomas II. Glocester, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Maikham, James Jan. 5, 1864. Newport, " Mallett, Michael Boston, Mass. i Marvin, Patrick ! Providence, R. I. I Mitchell, Silas ;N. Shoreham, " Murdock.John S. Moran, James Moosup, Conn. Providence, R. I. McCarty, Jeremiah i Newport, Murphy, Patrick j Murphy, James ;N. Bedford, Mass. i Northup, John R. Wickford, R. I. Nason, William Potter, Philip J. Phillips, Andrew J. Quigley, Martin Rose, Daniel R. * Rigney, James , liourke, Walter Newport, " Glocester, " N. Kingstown," Smithfield, " Pawtucket, " Moosup, Conn. Providence, R. I. Sept. 18, 1802. Jan. 5, 1804. Aug. 6, 1802. Jan. 5, 1804. Aug. 11, 1802 Jan. 5, 1804. REMARKS. Aug. 10, 1802 Jan. 5, 1804. Aug. 7, 1802. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. 1), 4th It. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V.,June 6,1805; mustered out of service July 13,'G5. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1805 ; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 9,1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th It. I. V., Oct. 21, 18G4; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th K.I. V., June 0, 1805 ; mustered outof service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. 11, 4th R. I. V., Oct, 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 18G4; transferred to Co, G, battalion 7th R. I. V.,JuneO, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of ser vice June 28, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0,1805 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. A, 4th li. I. V., Oct. 21,1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V.,June0, 1805; mustered out of service Aug 21/05. Transferred from Co. II, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. G, 4th lt. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th It. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered outof service Julv 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th li. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804-; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V„ June 6, 1805 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, '05. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1804 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V.,June 6,1865; mustered out of service July i3, '65. Transferred from Co. 1). 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V. June 6, 1865 ; mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1865; absent on furlough July 13, 1805. 280 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Salisbury, George M. Shaw, George C. Smith, William H. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Pawtucket, R. I. [Jan. 5, 1864. Newport, Burrillville, " Smith, Thomas iProvidence, Smith, Darius Sweet, Herbert N. Sullivan, Timothy Sherman, George II. Spooner, Lovell F. Taylor, Edward E. 2d, Troutz, George Tompkins, Franklin P. Wall, William Watson, Elisha R, Wood, Horace B. Willis, Jeremiah Williams, John W. Whipple, William D. N. Kingstown," Smithfield, " Newport, Providence, " Coventry, Wickford, Jamestown, Conn. Providence, R. I. u tt tt n Feb. 1, Jan. 5, Aug. 7, 1802. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 15, 1862. tt tt Jan. 5, 1864. it u Aug. 6, 1802. Nov. 19," Jan. 5, 1864. ll ft Aug. 5, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V , Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, / battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered, out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65- Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V.. Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th lt. I. V., June 6, 1865 i mustered out of service Aug.21,'65, Transferred from Co. II, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13/65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R, I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; discharged June 24, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered outof service July 22, '65. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V, Oct 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 21, '65. Transferred from Co. D, 4th R. I. V, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R, I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 21, '66, Transferred from Co A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R.I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '66. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; absent in arrest July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, 4th R. I. V,, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. H, 4th R. I. »., Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of ser vice June 9, 1865. . SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORG ANIZED.) 281 COMPANY H. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. George N. Stone, Oct. 22, 1863. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of 1st Lieutenant. ¦ service June 9, 1805. James T. Phelps, Bristol, R. I. Jan. 1, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of Sergeants. service June 9, 1805. Jeremiah P. Beasley, Coventry, " Sept. 0, 1862. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. John W. Webster, S. Kingstown," tt ti Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Winfield S. Kilton. W.Greenwich," tt tt Transferred from Co. 11, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Thomas Keegan, Providence, " tt ti Tr. from Co. H, old org., Oct. 21, '64; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Matthew Donahue, S. Kingstown," tt tt Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion. Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of Corporals. service June 9, 1805. Isaac Y. Taylor, N. Kingstown," ft tt Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Daniel McFarland, Pawtucket, " tt tt Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Joseph Austin, Wa'rwick, " ¦f .< Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9. 1865. John T. Murphy, Westerly, " tt tt Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. William S. Quinlan, S. Kingstown," tt tt Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Alfred H. Knowles, tt tt it tt Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1805. William R. Northup, Providence, " n tt Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Isaac Blanchard, E. Greenwich," tt tt Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of Musicians. service June 9, 1805. William Kenneth, Scotland, tt ti Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Franklin B. Holland, S. Kingstown, R. I. tt ft Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered outof Wagoner. service June 5, 1805. Henry Gardiner, Westerly, " tt tt Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of Privates. service June 9, 1805. Ayers, Oliver L. Providence, " tt tt Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of 36 service June 23, 1805. 282 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Arnold, Reuben Aldrich, Charles W. Aldrich, Nathan E. Battie, Joseph Bicksell, Thomas W. Brayley, Martin Browning, George T, Briggs, George W. Barber, Gilbert M. Baacke, George E. Billington, Daniel R, Burdick, Welcome C. Briggs, Wanton S. Briggs, Lemuel A. Boss, Joseph A. Beggan, Bernard Conway, Patrick Covil, George W. Caswell, James D. Connor, Peter Dewhurst, Enoch E. Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Wrentham, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. E. Greenwich," it ti Hopkinton, " Warwick, " Hopkinton, " Providence, " N.Providence," Hopkinton, " Richmond, " S. Kingstown," Sept. 6, 1862. E. Greenwich," Natick, " S. Kingstown," tt tf England, tt tt Ci if " S, 1803. " 6, 1802. tt It tl ti Mar. 18, 1865 Sept. 6, 1862. Jan. 26, 1804. Sept. 0, 1862. tt it a n Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865 Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of serv. July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; trans, to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 transferred to V, R. (J., Jan. 15, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 24, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; discharged Apr. 16, 1805, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; deserted Jan. 23, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6,1865; mnstered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co, H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July i3, '65, Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 21, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out ot service June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 283 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Donahue, Martin S. Kingstown, R. I. Dexter, Henry R. Glocester, " Effinger. Julius New York, N. Y. Fitzgerald, Walter Westerly, E. I. Fuller, Joseph A. N.Providence," Foster, James A. Brooklyn, Conn. Gradwell, James Warwick, R. I. Gorton, Thomas E. Greenwich," Greene, George D. Warwick, " Gardiner, Charles W. Jamestown, " Griffin, Joseph H. Jr. Charlestown, " Gladding, Nathaniel W. Harvey, James G. Marlboro, N. H. Hall, James S. Westerly, R. I. Harvey, John Jr. S.Kingstown," Harvey, William B. S. Kingstown," Holland, George H. „ Holland, George A. ti il Holland, Beuben Jr., it tt Hopkins, George L. Providence, " Holloway, Elisha Hill; Baxter M. Providence, " Sept. 0, 1862. ti ll Aug. 22, 1803. Sept. 0, 1802. tt ii Jan. 7, 1805. Sept. 6, 1862. DATE OF MUSTER. ft ti tt it Feb. 9, 1865. July 8, 1803. Sept. 6, 1862. Mar 9, 1865. Jan. 25, ¦', Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Tr. from Co. G, old org., Oct.21, '04 ; tr. to Co. D, batt. 7th R. I. V.,June G/05; disch. June 24, 1805 on Surg, certif. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; trans, to Co D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, '05. Transferred from Co. II. old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of of service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1806. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Tr- from Co. G, old org.; d. in Hosp. Aug.20,'05, Cineinnati,0.,typ'dfev. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; Corporal Co. K, March 9, 1805. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1805; mustered out of service July 13, 1805. Transferred from Co. II, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to V. R. C; mustered out of service August 3, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G. old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864: mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1805. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, 1805. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1805 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1805. 284 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Knowles, Edward L. Knowles, John F. Kimball, James Keaton, Daniel R. Lovely, Alfred Lee, Frank Mowry, Benjamin Millard, James R. Morrissey, John Nichols, Albert Northup, William II. Potter, Franklin H. Potter, Jared J. Rathbone, George Sweet, Charles E. Smith, James Sweet, John B. Stone, Albert Taylor, James J. Terry, Morris Tefft, Samuel L. Wells, Benjamin E. N.Providence, R. E. Greenwich," Boston, Mass. S. Kingstown, R. Canada West, Providence, R. I. Warwick, " E. Greenwich," S. Kingstown," N. Providence," S. Kingstown," Richmond, " i E. Greenwich," ii Warwick, " Bristol, " S. Kingstown," Warwick, " N. Providence," i S. Kingstown," DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 0, 1862. ff if Aug. 23, 1864 Jan. 11, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. tt It Feb. 11, 1805. Sept. 0, 1862. Feb. 10, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th K. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Julv 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. II, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 0, 1805 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion, 7th R.I. V., June 6,1865 ; musteredout of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Feb. 1, 1805; mustered outof service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service Feb. 13, 1805. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct 21, 1864; mustered outof ' service lune 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. D, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service June 9, 1805. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 18G5. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1804; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out ot service, May 31, 1865. Transferred from Co. G,old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outot service .T""» 9 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORG ANIZED.) 285 COMPANY I. NAME AND RANK- Captain. Ethan A. Jencks, 1st Lieutenant. James F. Merrill, Sergeants. Arthur W. Dean, George A. Danforth, Dennis J. Scannell, John H. D. Sprague, Amos D. Shumway, Corporals. Charles D. Spooner, James A. Nicholas, Robert Hanning, Gideon W. Carter, Peleg G. Jones, Israel B. Arnold, Esok R. Darling, William H. Walker, Musicians. Joseph N. Morris, WiUiam P. Hopkins, Wagoner. Carder H. Sherman, RESIDENCE. Foster, R. I. Norway,Providence, R. I. tt tt Worcester, Mass. BurriUviUe, R. I. Webster, Mass. Newport, R. I. Cranston, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Bristol, " Warwick, " Burrillville, " E.Providence," Bristol, " Noose Neck, " S.Kingstown, " DATE OF MUSTER. April 30, 1863. Oct. 22, Sept. 6, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. I, old org'n, Oct. 21, 1864 ; Bvt. Major Apr. 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious conduct before Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 16, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co, I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. 286 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Pfi'i Burgess, John H. Bliss, Lewis S. Beckford, George C. Beaumont, Ralph Bradbury, John Branegan, John Brown, Marcus M. Chase, Joseph Claflin, WiUiam H. Card, James T. Clark, Erasmus D. Chaffee, Stephen B, Chaffee, Thomas D. Carrigan, Martin W. Dawley, Varnum H. Denicoe, Frank Denicoe, Joseph Deneco, John Folsom, William H. Fagan, Patrick RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Bristol, " Providence, " BurriUviUe, " Coventry, " Burrillville, " tt ti N.Kingstown," Portland, Me. Bristol, R. I. Newport, " Bristol, it n Portsmouth, " Exeter, " Silver Spring, " N.Kingstown," Scituate, " Worcester, Mass. BurriUviUe, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862 '24, Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21,1864; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct.21, 1864; mustered oiit of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferred to V. R. C, May 4, 1865; mustered out of service July 10, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21,1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered outof service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organisa tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to V. R. C, March 22, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. C, 12th R. I. v., May 2, 1865, to serve time lost by desertion ; transferred to Co. G, bat talion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865; mustered out of service July 13, M. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outo! service, June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 287 NAME AND RANK. Gibney, Chaiies P. •Hoard, James, Jr. Horton, Theodore Hill, Charles E. Hays, Samuel A. Humes, Emory Humes, Charles H. Holly, William A. Irons, Charles A. S. Joslyn, Benjamin Knight, Elisha C. Kelley, Owen Longworthy, George A. Lyons, Luke Lee, Cornelius Locklin, Thomas, Jr. Meigs, John R. McCann, Daniel A. McGarvey, John Murray, Frank RESIDENCE. Warwick, lt. 1. Bristol, " Providence, " Worcester, Mass. Fall River, " Webster, " tt tt N. Kingstown, R. I. Johnston, " BurriUviUe, " N.Kingstown, " New York State, Hopkinton, R. I. Providence, ••" Boston, Mass. N- Providence, B. I. Bristol, " Newport, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. t li I ii t tl t tl I ti t tl I tt Jan. 17, 1865 Sept. 6, 1862 Feb. 15, 1864 Sept. 6, 1862. tt ft it ft REMARKS. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; discharged May 4, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza- tion,Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 10, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service Juno 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered outof service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. ,21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferredto Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; discharged Mar. 21, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, May 19, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferredto V. R. O, Jan. 28, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 13, 1865. 288 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. MoNulty, Hugh McQueeney, Bernard Northup, William H. Niles, Nelson Nolan, Patrick Nichols, Daniel O'Neil, Patrick O'Brien, Timothy Pottor, John Pierce, Allen Robinson, James Ramiers, Frank T. Spencer, George A. Seymour, Joseph A. Sherman, Ezra H. Sunderland, George B Stanfield, William Thornton, Cyril P. Tanner, Richard D. Taylor, Edwin TJtton, Samuel N. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Bristol, R. I. Smithfield, " Pawtucket, " Coventry, " Johnston, " Boston, Mass. Bristol, R. I. tt tt Deposit, Mass. Bristol, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Exeter, « Johnston, " Smithfield, " Cranston, " Burrillville, " Charlestown, Mass DATE OF MUSTER. ft ft it ft it if ff tf tf if ft ff ft ti ft ti ff (t ti if tf ft Jan. 7, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862 Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, '65; sentenced by G. C. M., to three years hard labor at Tortugas, Fla. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, May 14, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; died at Smith- field, R. I., May 27, 1864. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of servioe June 9, 1S65. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21,1864; mustered out of service Juno 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, '64; died in hospital, June 14, 1864. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out oi service June 9, 1865. Transferredto Co. G, batt.7thR.I. v., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21,1864; died April lb, 1865, in hospital of, wounds. _ Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct, 21, 1864; mustered out ot service June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 289 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Wells, Perry G. Providence, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Whitford, Clark Bristol, " tt tt Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Winsemann, Henry tt tt tt ti Transferred from Co. I, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Whipple, Gilbert H. Providence, " tt it Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Whitman, Squire F. Coventry, " n it Transferred from Co D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Wood, Frederic N.Providence," tt tt Transferred from Co. D, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. 37 290 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) COMPANY K. NAME AND RANK. Captain. George A. Wilber, 2d Lieutenant. William W. Webb, Sergeants. Philander T. Bobbins, Charles F. Colvin, John S. Nottage, Alfred Fiske, Corporals. Charles P. Nye, George H. Potter, John Hackett, Joseph H. Griffin, Jr., Musician. WilUam A. Abbott, Wagoner. John A. Austin, Privates. Aylsworth, Albert H. Bigelow, Edward Bunn, James A. CoUins, Charles H. ColweU, George Cole, John H. Cobbin, WiUiam H. RESIDENCE. BurriUviUe, R. I. Providence, Foster,Scituate, Cranston, N.Providence,' Richmond, 1 1 Providenoe,Charlestown, Providence. Smithfield, Soituate,Woonsocket, Glocester,W. Mansfield, Mass. Johnston, R. I. Scituate, " DATE OF MUSTER. July 1, 1863. April 30," Sept. 6, 1862. tt tt tt tt a tt it it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt u it tt it tt Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza- tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864, ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; Sergt.; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transfd from private Co. H, March 9, '65; mustered out of serv. June 9, '65. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered outof service May 31, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, , 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9„ 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 291 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Fleming, David I. Gavitt, James W. Harrington, Wm. 0. Harkness, Henry A. ' Hawkins, George W. Harrington, Stephen A Jordan, John F. Jordan, William H. KeUey, Michael E. Knight, Jeremiah F. Kenyon, Abel B. Kenny, Steakley Lewis, Edward S. McHugh, Michael Pierce, Benjamin S. Pierce, Edwin 0. Potter,. Geo. Hazard Parker, Joseph < Rounds, Chester P. Roberts, Henry A. Searle, Henry E. Coventry, R. I. Foster, " Coventry, " Scituate, " April 6, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862. tt n Coventry, " Scituate, " W.Greenwich," Hopkinton, ' ' Richmond, " Scituate, " Richmond, " Cranston, " Foster, Warwick, " Scituate, " DATE OF MUSTER. it ft April 5, 1865. Sept. 6, 1862 tt tt tt tt tt it it a ti ff ft ft Transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. ' Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, old org'n, Oct. 21, '64 ; must, out of service June 9, '65. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; discharged Jan., 26, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of ' service June 9, 1865. ' Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V., June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferredto V. R. O, Jan. 28, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 13, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct.21, 1864; transferred to V. R. C-, May20, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 18, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; transferred to V. R. C, May 20, 1865. 292 SEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Simmons, Isaac Foster, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862. Shippee, Horace J. tt tt tt tt Smith, James T. N. Providence," It tt Smith, Joseph tt tt Nov. 4, 1863. Waterman, Albert G. Cranston, " Sept. 6, 1862. Williams, Olney D. N. Providence," (( tt Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza- tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion; Oct. 21, 1864 ; transferredto Co. G, battalion 7th R. I. V. , June 6, ' 65; mustered out of service July 13, '65. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza- lion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of servioe, June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, old organiza tion, Oct. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Eleventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers. It is a gratifying fact, in reviewing the history of the Rebellion, that the disappointment experienced throughout the country by the untoward events of 1862 did not destroy the public confidence in regard to the final success of our armies in vindicating constitutional freedom. And hence, when the President of the United States, on the 4th of August of that year, issued a call for 300,000 men to serve for a period of nine months, the people of Rhode Island responded promptly and with great unanimity. Two regiments were to be raised, the Eleventh and the Twelfth. "Camp Stevens" was established on the Dexter Training Ground in Providence, for the reception of recruits, and the charge of organizing the Eleventh was assigned to Captain A. C. Eddy. Eight hundred men, including two companies raised through the exertions of the Providence Young Men's Christian Association, were enlisted in that city ; two hundred were sent by North Providence, Smithfield, Pawtucket and Central Falls ; and on the 23d of September the ranks were filled. Colonel Edwin Metcalf was appointed to the command, and came to his new position with the prestige of military experience gained on a Southern field. From the ladies of Providence the Regiment received a national flag, bearing its name, and the motto " God and the Constitution." October 1st, it was mustered into service, on the 4th it performed escort duty at the funeral ceremonies of General Isaac. P. Rodman, in Providence, and on the evening of the 6th broke camp and departed for Washington, where it arrived on the evening of the 8th, and spent the night in the barracks near the depot. The next day it encamped on East Capitol Hill, and the following Saturday marched across Chain Bridge to near Fort Ethan Allen, and the next day made its second camp about a mile from that fortification. After a little more than a week spent there, the Regiment proceeded to Miner's Hill, where it established a camp. Here it was brigaded with the 40th Massachusetts, 141st New York, 22d Connecticut, a Virginia regiment, and a battery of light artillery. The brigade was commanded by General Robert Cowdin. Drills, parades and picket duties now made up the daily routine of regimental life, all tending to 294 ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. toughen the men for the more serious work of the front, which they hoped to see. Once only were they called to answer the long roll, when a midnight march to Mills' Cross Roads, accompanied by two regiments of the brigade, proved that the rebel cavalry whose approach had caused the alarm were not disposed at that time to measure strength. The monotony of the hours when off duty was broken by correspondence with home, and the enjoyment of the many, tokens of remembrance received from thoughtful friends. Colonel Metcalf having been appointed to the command of the Third Regiment of Heavy Artillery at Hilton Head, S.C., left in November for that field of duty, with the sincere regret of the Regiment, devolving its command on Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Pitman, who, during the entire nine months' ser vice, won to a rare degree the respect and confidence of the men. Daring the stay of the Regiment at Miner's Hill, a large and convenient log chapel was erected, in which religious services were held regularly on the Sabbath by the Chaplain, who also improved opportunities of secular days to promote the moral and spiritual welfare of his military parish. The desire to enter at an early day upon the active duties of a campaign was not to be gratified, and in place thereof the Regiment, January 14th, 1863, was assigned as a guard to the " Convalescent Camp," midway between Washington and Alexandria. This was an important but onerous work, sub jecting the officers and men to many disagreeable experiences, yet bringing to them no laurels. Still, orders were faithfully obeyed, and what was deemed an ill fortune was endured with commendable patience. On the 23d of January, Colonel Horatio Rogers, Jr., took command of the Regiment, and gave to the regimental encampment the name of " Camp Metcalf." Colonel Rogers remained less than a fortnight, when he departed to take command of the Second Rhode Island, and was succeeded by Colonel George E. Church, February 3d, companies C and K were ordered to " Camp Distribution," near Fairfax Seminary, for duty, and rejoined the Regiment March 18th. Spring wore on without much incident until April loth, when the Regiment pro ceeded to Alexandria, embarked on board the steamer "Hero," and sailed for Norfolk, Va., where it landed, and after a few hours delay took a train for Suffolk. This was an agreeable change, and gave promise of life more in accordance with military aspirations. At Suffolk the Eleventh was annexed to the brigade of General Terry, who commanded the western front of the defences. By an order of Colonel Church, the encampment received the name of "Camp Perry," in compliment to the regimental surgeon. Large details of the Regiment were at once made to work at night on fortifications whose exposed positions prevented all opera tions on their exterior by day, and a detail of several companies was made each night, to lie under arms in the batteries to repel an attack. May 3d, the Regiment was under arms all day as a reserve to a reconnoissance made in force beyond the Nansemond, but was not called to cross the river. May 16th, ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 295 it joined a large force sent out to take up the rails on the Norfolk & Peters burg and the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroads. It marched to the "Deserted House " on the South Quay Road, and remained until the evening of the 20th, when being attached to the third brigade, Colonel Farrar, 26th Michigan, commanding, it joined the division under command of General Corcoran, and marched toWindsor, where it encamped until the 22d, when it marched to the extreme front, three miles from Blackwater Bridge, throwing Company F as pickets one mile to the front, who were soon engaged by the enemy, and a brisk skirmish ensued which lasted until dark. On the afternoon of the 23d, com panies C, K and E, picketing the front, were attacked by six companies from a Mississippi regiment deployed as skirmishers. Company B was sent forward as a support, but soon deployed as skirmishers. The firing continued some hours, the enemy being driven steadily back, leaving their dead on the field. Several prisoners were captured. Obeying orders to fall back to Windsor, the picket companies acted as rear guard. On this expedition the Regiment was absent eleven days. June 12th the Regiment with a large force of infantry, cavalry and artillery, under the command of Brigadier General Corcoran, started on an expedition towards the Blackwater, and returned on the 18th, having suffered much from heat and excessive marching. Several times during the expedition it was in line of battle, but was not called into action. June 19th, it left Suffolk and proceeded to Norfolk, where it embarked on board the steamer Maple Leaf, and was conveyed to Yorktown. On the 22d, in company with many other regiments, the march was continued to Williamsburg, where the Eleventh was distributed among the forts and redoubts defending that place, while its companions continued their march up the Peninsula. The move ment was a diversion in favor of Hooker, who was at that time maneuvering to prevent Lee from entering Pennsylvania. June 30th, the Regiment was relieved from duty in the fortifications, retraced its steps to Yorktown, and reached its camp on the morning of July 1st. The term of service having expired, it embarked on board the propeller John Rice, for home July 2d, and reached Providence at noon on Monday the 6th. It was received with military honors by a regiment of State militia under Colonel Paine, and escorted to Exchange Place, where Governor Smith made a brief and hearty speech of welcome, to which Colonel Church replied in appropriate terms. The troops then repaired to Railroad Hall, and partook of a generous collation, prepared by L. H. Humphreys ; after which they marched to the Fall River Iron Works Company's building on South Main street, deposited their equipments and were dismissed. A few days after they were mustered out of service. The Regiment returned with 838 men and 38 officers, leaving 55 men in hospital, and 1 commissioned officer and 3 privates on detached service. During the nine months' absence, 7 deaths occurred. Eleventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, FIELD AND STAFF. DATE NAME AND HANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTEK. HEMAHKS. Colonels. Edwin Metcalf, Providence, R. I. Oct. 1, 1862. Colonel 3d R. I. H. A„ Nov. 11, '62. Horatio Rogers, Jr. it n Transferred from Maj. 3d R. I. H. A., Dec. 27, 1862 ; Col. 2nd R. I. V., Jan. 31, 1863. George E. Church, n it Transferred from Lt. Col. 7th E. I. V., Feb. 11, 1863; mustered out of ser Lieutenant Colonel. vice July 13, 1863. J. Talbot Pitman, tt a Oct. 1, 1862. Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Major. Nathan F. Moss, "Westerly, " Nov 5, 1862. n it tt Adjutant. Robert Fessenden, Cumberland, " Feb. 18, 1863. tt it a Quartermaster. Henry S. Olney, Scituate, " Oot. 1, 1862. it a n Surgeon. Thomas W. Perry, Providence, " a it it tt a Assistant Surgeons. George H. Taft, Charlton, Mass. it tt it " Joseph W. Grosvenor, Smithfield, R. I, it it it u Chaplain. • J. B. Gould, Newport, " " tl it u Sergeant Majors. John Pitman, Jr. Providence, " a 2nd Lieut. Co. K, April 5, 1863. Charles H. Scott, it tt " Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Quarter Master Sergeant. Samuel W. Tillinghast, W.Greenwich," tt !< (( « Commissary Sergeant. James Zimmerman, Providence, " tt i McCluer, William u if tl tt tf If Cf McDonald, John n ti ff ft if tt it Monahan, Michael ti tl tt ii - It tf tt Murray, Thomas F. ii li " ff ft It tl McCoy, Thomas it ff ff Cf tf It tt Orswell, John " ft tf It tf tt tt O'Donncll, James ii It tl tt CO Plunkett, Michael it tf Not on Oct. roll. Reynolds, Jobn 2nd, ti It it tt a tt u Riley, Michael u tt Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Reynolds, Michael n tt ft It Not on Oct. roll. Reiley, Owen ii ti tt u Mustered out of service July 13,1863. Reiley, Thomas ii it tt Cf Cf Cf If Roeske, Frederick ii it ft fC ff ff ff Reynolds, John M. u tc tc " If ft it Ryan, John Portsmouth, ff cc Cf tl tf tt Ryan, John 2nd, ii CC ti it ti Sherman, Thomas Providence, Cf tl tt tf it It Shader, William it ff It U fi tl It Sha w cross, James n If tt it Disch. July 4, 1863, on Surg, certif. Slaven, Hugh •i ft tt it Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Small, John ii tt it tt tt it « Smith, Patrick ti ll li tt ct tc ff Snell, Thomas ti tt It ft tt u tt Spencer, George n It il ll tt tt n Stewart, James tt ti ti ft et tt *t Sweeny, William n ti ft ff it «f " Sweeny, Joseph a tf " ff ff tc <' Taft, John tt It tt ff « ft lt Taylor, John D. W. a ti tt »' it tt tt Viall, Cassius tt it It ff tt tt a Walsh, Michael u tl tt ff ti it " Webber, Franz ii tt ft cc tt tt tt. Wiley, James ii ft tt ft it ii " Wolff, John ii it " tc it tl " ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 311 COMPANY H. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Nathan F. Moss, Westerly, R. I. Oct. 1, 1862. Major Nov. 5, 1862. Joel Metcalf, Jr., Providence, CC Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13 1863. 1st Lieutenants. Joel Metcalf, Jr., ii tt Oct. 1, 1862. Captain Dec. 27, 1862. Edwin H. Burlingame, Cranston, tt Feb. 16, 1863. Resigned March 20, 1863. Daniel Bush, Providence, ti Mustered out of service July 13 1863. 2d Lieutenants. William A. Champlin, ii il Oct. 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. D. Edward K. Thompson, ii ti Feb. 16, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13 1863. Sergeants. Edward K. Thompson, n li Oct. 1, 1862. 2nd Lieut. Jan. 29, 1863. George 0. Taylor, " tl n tt Mustered out of service July 13 1863. Michael L. Costello, ii ll tt tt ff tt ii Benjamin T. Marble, ii tt tt tt ft tt tt Charles H. Bartlett, 1 1 If ti " tt Cf tt Corporals. George N. Capron, ii It " tt tt tt tt Joseph Coville, ii It " tc tt tt a William M. Crandall, ii tl tc tt it it it Frederic Hawkins, " it " ft tt it it Arnold G. Horton, ii tl tt ct a a te John McEnnery, ii tt It tt a tt tt Christopher Weeden, ii a It tt tt tt it Horace L. Angeli, tt tt " tt tt a tt Musicians. George H. Bucklin, ti a tl ft tf tt a George W. Mathewson, Pawtucket, tt li tc ft tc ct Wagoner. Thomas Mulvey, Providence, te It tt ff ft it Privates. Agin, Patrick n it tl tt ff ff n Angeli, Frederic F. H. ii tt tt tt ft ft it Ballou, Henry H. ii it tt tt ff tc n Barry, Stephen A. ii it tt " It tt tt Bates, Judson A. it tt tt ft tl It tt Baxter, John ii tt tt tt tt it it Bidmead, Edward ii tt " tt Discharged March 10, 1863. Boyle, Hugh H. n " Cf ct Disch. Apr. 4, 1863, on Surg, certif. Branch, Joseph Buckley, John iiii att f f f f tt «t Mustered out of service July 13 1863. Burdick, Edward ff tt it it Campbell, David R. u it tf tt tc CC Carr, Michael u n if tt It f f Chace, Caleb B. ii n tt it ff ff Collins, Owen ii ct li ct ff Cf Cox, James u tt it it ff ff Crowell, George T. u tt ti ti ff fi Crowell, Theophilus u tt tl tt if tc Cummings, James n if tt tt it tt Curley, Michael ti if it ti a a Dean, William H. tt tf (t u ft tt Donnelly, Charles H, ti ti tt tt ti tt Donnelly Francis tf ,, tt it ll it Donohoe, Michael tt |( It tt It tt Field, Joseph tt tt It « tl tt 312 ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. F MUSTER. REMARKS. Fitten, Richard Providence, R. I. Oc t. 1, 1862. Deserted Dec. 22, 1862. Franklin, George W. ft t t.4j tt Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Galena. John tt it ' 1 1, " t tt (( Gallaghan, Thomas f f I f cc C cc lt Graham, Henry " tf * f f f t H a Graham, William' tt t f ft t fC (£ Hamilton, James f tc f ti tc Hazard, Dennis ff ' t tc t ti it Healey, Joseph ff f f If I tt It Hunter, "William M. tt f f ff it ti tl Landy, Edward N.Providence," t ff Corporal; mustered out July 13, 1863. Lane, Joseph M. Providence, ff f f f f Mustered out of service July 13, '63. Lothrop, James P. ft fC c f ff I Cf tt Luther, Alfred "W". cc CC f f ff <• tt it Magee, James it ff f c f c t It tt Mahan, Daniel tl CC f t tc I It It Mason, "William C. ct ff f c tc t tl Cf Masterson, John "W. tt ll i t f 1 t ff If McCann, John it It I c ff * ff fC McElroy, John 1st. tt It f f ff f ff IC McElroy, John 2d. *' ff f f ff f ff tt McDonnell, John fC ff c f fi t it cc McMahon, Cornelius if ff c f ff C ff cc Miller "William 0. ff ff c f ff f ff ff Miner, Hazard H. " tf f f ff f ft Cf Mitchell, John ff f C f f ff f ff tt Moore, George W. ff ff I t Cf I It tt Morris, Joseph W. f f ff f I ti I It tl Mullen, Peter if ff I I tc it ii u Northup, Gardner ff tt t t tt Died April 1, 1863. O'Brien, James ff tt I t tt Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. O'Hare, Andrew J. ff tt I t tf i a a O'Neal, John ff tt t t ti t it tc O'Neal William Cf tl t I it t tt it Peckham, Simeon f t tt t i tl i ft f* Randall, James W. tt et I C Cf f Cf >t Reed, Josiah tt (f c f It t (f ct Riley, Luke tt ff f t it f ff Cf Royle, John T. tt Cf t t It f (f ff Scott, James tf tl I t It ( ff ff Shoenck, Henry tf tt t I ff f fC il Short, John tt tt 1 t tt t tt , tl Simons, Albert G. tt It I t tt t li It Simons, Joseph R. tl tl 1 t tt : it tt Simmons, Isaac I. 11 tt t I tl t tt tt Smith, Job A. ll ti i t tt t it ti Smith, John W. ft It t t tl i tt it Smith, Simeon F. tt tc t I It t tt n Smith, Thomas tt tt t t ff t a a Smith, WiUiam E. tt it t f ff t it a Sulley, Abraham ll tf t f ff Deserted. Sullivan, Daniel ll Cf f c ce Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Tiernay, Michael W. It fi f t it ci it ft Thorp, John W, tt ff f t it n tt " Walsh, James It ff t t tt tt n tt Walsh, William F. It ft < c tt it n tf Weeden, Samuel It Cf c t tt Dis'd April 4, '63, on Surg, certificate. Young, Amos tt ft i tt Dis'd Feb. 14, 63, on Surg, certificate. ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 313 COMPANY I. NAME AND BANK. Captain. Joseph H. Kendrick, 1st Lieutenants. Albert C. Howard, Joseph T. Snow, 2d Lieutenants. Edwin H. Burhngame, Orville M. Remington, Sergeants. John B. Kelley, Orville M. Remington, Nathaniel W. Slocum, Fayette, P. Brown, Charles M. Smith, Corporals. Henry E. Simmons, John C. Thompson, John R. Read, Daniel R. Allen, George H. Sparhawk, John A. Reynolds, George S. Bowen, Edward C. Coggeshall, Musicians. Amos D. Smith, Hiram F. Matthews, Wagoner. Lafayette Burdick, Privates. Adams, George W. Angeli, Henry S. Anthony, Henry J. Armington, Eliphalet J. Ashley, Joseph J. Atwater, Edward W. Ballou, Charles 0. Barker, Alfred H. Barrett, Charles E. Bliss, Franklin S. Boyle, Nelson Brown, Alexander Capron, Edward H. Carpenter, Abraham A. Carpenter, J. Marshall Case, Dudley W. Chase, John H. Jr. Clarke, James F. Clarke, William B. Cooke, Frank G. Cooke, Henry Cranston, George H. Darling, George B. Darling, Samuel Davenport, Samuel C. Dexter, Benjamin Dmgwell, James Dingwell, Thomas 40 BESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " Providence, " Cranston, " Providence, " E. Providence," Providence, " Cranston, " Providence, " DATE OP MUSTER. Oct. 1, 1862. Mar. 10, 1863. Oct. 1, 1862. If. <( If '( ii 11 •i « ll (' « tf " IIII II II 11 «. «. '.( Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Captain Co. E Dec. 31, 1862. Transferred from Co. G ; mustered outof service July 13, 1863. 1st Lieut. Qo. H Jan, 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. 2d Lieut. March 3, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. u it u Died July 17, 1863, at Providence. Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. ii .1 ii tc Meyer, F. Hermann ti u tt tc tt tt ft Miller, Edward C. n ii ft ff ft ft tc Miller, George F. if ii tt fi ft ft ct Northup, Nathaniel C. ii u It If Cf Cf ft Patterson, John H. u n tt ff ft ft it Paull, Albert M. ii ii tt it ft tt it Peck, James D. n n ft tf a n tt Potter, William K. tt ii a ii tt tt it Remington, Edwin S. E.Providence," ti ti if ft tc Remington, George H. N. Providence," ft ff. tc tt ff Saunders, George A. Providence, " il ff ft ft tt Saunders, Robert fi ft il it a ft a Shaw, Henry B. ii n it f tt ft it Sherman, Remington ii ii " Cf ti ft ft Sherman, Charles A. n n a ff tt tt ff Shiere, Peter if fi tt ff ff ft tc Simmons, William E. ii ii tt tf tt n ti Smith, Arthur W. ii it tt ¦« if tt tl Stevens, Louis V. R. if ff tt fi li It t tt Sturdevant, Harvey ff ti n *f it ft It Sumner, James J. ii n tt Cf It it fl Sumner, Oliver tt ft if fi tt Talbot, George A. fi ft tt ff tt Thurber, Samuel ii n tt ft 2nd Lt. Fov. 3d, 1862; assign'd toCo. K. Tillinghast, George W. ii if a ff Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. Tingley, Hartford B. N.Providence," ii ff tt tf tt Tingley, Xenophon D. ii it ti ft a tt tt White, Thomas W. Providence, " n ff tt a " Wing, John Warwick, " tt ff a it tf Winsor, Sirrell Jr. Providence, " n ft tt tt ll Zerega, John T. >i n tt if it n u ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 315 COMPANY K. DATE NAME AND BANK. BESIDENCE. OF MUSTEB. REMARKS. Captain. William A. Mowry, Cranston, R. I. Oct. 1, 1862. Mustered out of service July 13, 1863. 1st Lieutenants. James T. Edwards, E. Greenwich," f f tl Resigned March 26, 1863. Samuol Thurber, Providence, " May 2, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, '63. 2d Lieutenants. William Stone, ii ft Oct. 1, 1862. 1st Lieut. Co. E, Jan. 9, 1863. Samuel Thurber, 1 1 1 1 Nov. 17," 1st Lieutenant April 14, 1863. John Pitman, Jr , May 8, 1863. Mustered out of service July 13, '63. Sergeants. William W.Thompson, ft it Oct. 1, 1862. ft n n John P. Pond, Lynn, Mass. ff CC tt tt tt Daniel J. Viall, Providence, R. I. ff ff guarding the approaches to the city, and contributing to calm the apprehensions of the ¦citizens. Here it remained until the 19th of July, when its services being no longer required, it set out for Providence. Previously to leaving Cincinnati, •General Burnside issued the following complimentary order : "On the departure of the Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, at the expiration of their term of enlistment, the commanding General wishes to express his regret at taking leave of soldiers, who, in their brief service, have become veterans. After passing through experiences of great hard ship and danger, they will return with the proud satisfaction that, in the ranks of their country's- defenders, the reputation of their State has not suffered at their hands.'' The Regiment arrived in Providence July 22nd, and was met by the Fourth Regiment State Militia, Col. Nelson Viall, and the Sixth, Col. James H. Armington. The national salute was fired by the Marine Artillery, under the direction of Major Henry Pierce. The line was then formed and the troops marched through several principal streets, (hailed on the way by enthu siastic welcomes,) to Exchange Place, where the regiments piled arms and marched to Howard Hall. Here, under the direction of Captain Henrie Crandall, Assistant Commissary General, Mr. L. H. Humphreys had spread a substantial collation for two thousand men. As the men, bronzed, muscular, and bearing the marks of thorough military training, filed in and took their TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 321 t places at the tables, the scene was picturesque and exciting. Colonel Browne and his officers were received by His Excellency, Governor Smith, Lieutenant Governor Padelford, Adjutant General Edward C. Mauran, Quartermaster General George L. Cooke, Major General Charles T. Robbins, Brigadier General Joseph P. Balch, and other gentlemen, and cordially welcomed home. After a prayer offered by Rev. Leonard Swain, D. D., Chaplain of the Sixth Regiment, Governor Smith spoke substantially as follows : " I am most happy to meet you, Colonel Browne, and welcome you and your officers and com mand to Rhode Island, after the arduous duties of the last nine months in which your Regiment (our 12th) has distinguished itself. I thank you in the name of the State for the noble defence of our National Government, made by your Regiment, and mourn with you those brave men who have not returned. I can assure you our confidence in the ability and patriotism of your Regiment has been unshaken." Colonel Browne in behalf of himself, his officers and men, expressed his thanks for the words of approbation that had been uttered, and for the generous welcome that had been extended to them. He adverted to some of the incidents that had diversified the experience of the regiment on the battle field, in camp, and on long and wearisome marches over wide expanses of country. He returned thanks for the kind remembrances and care of the State. " On every march," he said, "your contributions came to us, and if they increased the loads on our backs, they lightened the burdens on our hearts." In conclusion, Colonel Browne spoke of the encouraging prospects of military affairs, and predicted the re-union of " a mighty nation whose arms will be more a shield for every citizen than was ever Rome in her proud est days." The men were then dismissed, and on the following Wednesday, July 29th, were mustered out of service. The Regiment returned with nearly 800 men, 706 of whom on their arrival answered the roll-call for duty. During the term of nine months it travelled 3500 miles, 500 of which were on foot. 41 Twelfth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers. FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND BANK. BESIDENCE. DATE REMARKS. »» OP MUSTEB. Colonel. George H. Browne, Glocester, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of servioe July 29, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel. James Shaw Jr., Providence, " Jan. 5, 1863. ff ft ft Major. Cyrus G. Dyer, ft ff Oct. 17, 1862. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered out Adjutants. of service July 29, 1863. John Turner, Bristol, " Oct. 13, " Resigned Dec. 25, 1862. Oscar Lapham, Burrillville, " tf ff Capt. Co. K, March 24, 1863. Matthew N. Chappell, S.Kingstown," Nov. 4, " Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Quartermaster. John L. Clark, Cumberland, " Oct. 13, " ft tt tf Surgeon. Benoni Carpenter, Pawtucket, " " « ff ft ff Assistant Surgeons. Henry King, Apponaug, " " 20, " Resigned May 13, 1863. Samuel M. Fletcher, Dunstable, Mass. May 6, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Prosper K. Hutchinson, Coventry, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. Resigned April 14, 1863. Chaplain. Samuel W. Field, Providence, " tf ff Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergeant Majors. John P. Abbott, Warren, " ff ff 2nd Lieut. Co. C, Nov. 4. 1862. Charles H. Potter, Providence, " tf tf •« K, Dec. 22, 1862, for gallant conduct at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. William H. Lindsey, Woonsocket, " tf ft Disch. Jan, 21, 1863, to accept com mission in 48th N. Y. Vols. John F. Downes, Waterbury, Conn. tt tf Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Daniel R. Ballou, Smithfield, R. I. ft ft 2nd Lieut. Co. G, Nov. 20, 1862. Quarter Master Sergeant. Pardon E. Tillinghast, Pawtucket, " ft ft Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Commissary Sergeant. Amasa F. Eddy, Chepachet, " ff .f ft ff " Hospital Steward. Frank H. Carpenter, Pawtucket, " tt ft tt ff " TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 323 COMPANY A. NAME AND BANK. Captains. Edward S. Cheney, Chris. H. Alexander, 1st Lieutenants. Richard A. Briggs, J. Sanford Roberts, Chris. H. Alexander, Edward F. Bacon, 2d Lieutenants. J. Sanford Roberts, Edward F. Bacon, George Bucklin, Joseph C. Whiting, Jr., Sergeants. Edward F. Bacon, Joseph C. Whiting, Jr. George Achison, Jr., Aehael Potter, S. Wildes Coggeshall, Samuel N. Richmond, Corporals. John F. Pierce, Samuel N. Richmond, William Achison, George R. Greene, John B. Mason, William I. Spencer, John A. Tillinghast, Charles E. Colvin, WiUiam F. Nichols, Musicians. Enoch W. Lovell, Joseph H. Remington, .Wagoner. Isaac Fuller, Privates. Andrews, William A. Albro, George T. Anderson, David Achison, James Bailey, William Blanchard, Rufus R. Burdick, Orin R. Babson, Erastus W. Brown, Francis Brown, Thomas W. D. Brown, Benjamin F. BESIDENCE. Providonce, R. I. Smithfield, " E.Greenwich, " Pawtucket, E.Providence," Providenco, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " N.Kingstown," Providence, " N.Kingstown," Smithfield, " Brookfield, N. Y. Warren, R. I. E.Greenwich, " Exeter, " Cranston, " Providence, " N.Kingstown," Johnston, " Foster, " Smithfield, " Coventry, " Ireland,Smithfield, R. I. England,Warwick, R. I. Hopkinton, " Coventry, " Warwick, " Hopkinton, " Tiverton, DATE OF MUSTEB. Oct. 13, 1862. April '29, 1863. Oct. 16, 1862, Dec. 24, " Mar. 7, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. Dec. 25, " Oct. 13, " May 23, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. ii il " 13, " " 25, " " 13, " Resigned Jan. 17, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. KiirdatFreder'ksb'g,Va.,Decl3,'62. Resigned Jan. 17, 1863. Transferred from Co. E; Captain, April 17, 3863. Transferred from Co. E ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, Dec. 24, 1862. 1st Lieutenant Co. E, March 7, 1863. Transferred from Co. F, March 7, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Co. C. June 15, '63. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 24, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, May 23, 1863. _ Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly in foot Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, in action; mustered out of service July 29, '63. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. W'nded at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mus tered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly in hand Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mus tered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 324 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND BANK. Brown, George E. Buck, George W. Blanchard, Jeremiah Booth, William J. Cady, Charles T. Chace, WiUiam A. Chester, Albert L. Clark, Charles A. Cole, Alexander Custis, Frank Clark, Edward Carey, Benjamin F. Darling, Francis Duxbury, Aaron Douglass, John D. Dimmiek, Oliver W. Eccleston, John English, James Fleming, Richard Fletcher, Samuel M. Flanagan, Michael Franklin, Squire N. Howland, Chris. W. HaU, Stephen D. Henrys, Charles C. Hudson, William M. Harris, William S. Hopkins, William H. Jourdan, Job Johnson, Thomas M. Kellogg, William H. Leonard, Charles T. Lamson, John Myers, Samuel A. McDicken, Daniel McCormick, Patrick McGowan, Michael McGetric, John Nichols, George H. Nichols, Charles E. Nichols, William F. Northup, John J. Page, Charles H. Pierce, Charles S. Preston, Joseph W. Perkins, John RESIDENCE. Smithfield, R. I. Killingly, Conn. Cranston, R. I. Bristol,Providence, " Killingly, Conn. Hopkinton, R. I. Richmond, " Plainfield, Conn. Providence, R. I. Westerly, " S.Kingstown," E.Greenwich,"England, N.Providence, R. I Mansfield, Conn. Voluntown, " Ireland,Providence, R. I. Dunstilble, Mass. Ireland., Abington, Pa. E. Greenwich, R I. Hadfield, Conn. Uxbridge, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Scituate, " Foster,Coventry, E.Greenwich, Westerly, Scotland,W. Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Ireland, Hopkinton, R. I. E.Greenwich, " Boston, Mass. S. Kingstown, R. I. Glocester, " Franklin, Mass. Slatersville, R. I. Andover, Mass. DATE or MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. Wounded slightly in hand Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863 " « tt " " tf Wounded slightly in face and shoulder Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered out of service July 29, '63. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. March 6, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863, Dis'd Jan. 18, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. IstLieut. and Asst. Surgeon.May 6,'63. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. ff tt tf 2dLieut. 5thReg'tR.I. V.,Dec.27, '62. Wounded slightly in thigh Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; must. out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Dec. 17, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service, date unknown. ft ff tf Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service. Wounded slightly in shoulder Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mus tered out of service July 29, 1863. Missing at battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62. Transferred to Co. F, Oct. 22, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. March 17, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Captain, Jan. 1, 1863 ; mustered outof service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted May 18, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Dec. 9, '62, on Surg, certificate. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 325 NAME AND RANK. Pendleton, John P. Potts, John Remington, Henry A. Ragan, Patrick Rathbun, John Rounds, Ezra B. Reynolds, Jason B. Spink, George T. Slocum, Judson B. Sherman, Simon G. Sutcliffe, Roger W. Smith, Frederic H. Saunders, Joseph T. Salt, Thomas Spencer, James L. Thurber, Stephen I. Tinkham, Thomas Tenant, Ezra A. Tillinghast, Isaac Travers, Francis Vaughn, Albert A. Arery, Henry B. Wilder, Frank J. Wickes, William L. Wood, George W. Whiting, Samuel S. Whitman, Hiram Waterman, Elisha P. Whitman, Jasper P. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTEB. Westerly, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862 England, Pawtuxet, R. I. Ireland,Exeter, R. I. Foster, " Coventry, " N.Kingstown," Stonington, Conn. Providence, R. I. England, Newark, N. J. Charlestown, R. I. England, E. Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Harrisville, " N.Kingstown,"E.Greenwich," Ireland,E. Greenwich, R. I. N.Kingstown,"Foster, " E.Greenwich, " Warwick, " E.Greenwich," Warwick, " Johnston, " Natick, " Wounded severely in shoulder Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. March 27, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died March 12, '63, at Newport News, Va., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863, Wounded slightly in foot Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly inhand Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service, date unknown. Wounded slightly in hand Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. ft ft ff Wounded severely in side Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Jan. 28, 1863, at Camp near Fal mouth, Va., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded severely in shoulder and side Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, '63. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. tf ff ff Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, Va. ; disch. April 15, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded severely in thigh Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mus tered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Jan. 16, 1863, at Camp near Fal mouth, Va., of typhoid fever. Wounded severely in wrist Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; died Jan. 15, '63,atPortsmouth Grove Hosp.,R.I. Died Jan. 15, '63, of wounds, at Ports mouth Grove Hospital, R. I. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. -326 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTKERS. COMPANY B. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. Captains. James M. Longstreet, Providence, R. I. Oct. 13 1862. 1st Lieutenants. Oscar Lapham, Burrillville, " tt James M. Pendleton,2d, Westerly, " Dec 25 Albert W. Delanah, Cranston, " April 29 , 1863. 2d TAeutenants, Albert W. Delanah, Oct. 13, 1862. Fenner H. Peckham, Providence, " Mar, 7, 1863. Charles M. Winchester, .. tf June 8, it Sergeants, Charles M. Winchester, ft tf Oct. 13, 1862. William H. Dingwell, ft tt it ft John F. Downes, Waterbury, Conn. it " Charles. A. Potter, Providence, R. I. ti it Augustus Ball, N. Shoreham," ti It Corporals. John H. Tyler, Providence, " if tf Warren N. DeVolve, Warwick, " li '* John E. Kenyon, Providence, " " it Charles E. Glines, Boston, Mass. fl " John F, Loramore, Greenville, Conn. tc " Albert L. Suesman, Providence, R. I. tc " Thomas C. Webb, Warwick, " ii " Cyrus M. Thornton, Johnston, " ft tl Musicians, Joseph R. Dunham, New Bedford, Mass. ll " Alfred Parker, Coventry, R. I. ti ff Wagoner. Lewis A. W atson, Providence, " tt It Privates. Andrews, Charles H. tf ff " it Austin, Charles S. Kingstown," It " Baker, James M. «t ft It tt Borden, Julius Germany, it " Bunting, William England, tt " Bassett, Charles H. Providence, R. I. it li Ball, Theodore B. N. Shoreham," ii ti Bennett, Eli A. Foster, " tt tl Booth, William England, a ii Burrows, Frank Western Islands, " " Burgess, Clarence E. Providence, R. I. it a Brown, William H. H. N. Kingstown," tt it Card, George W. tf tf ti " Carpenter, William A. Pawtucket, " it it Chambers, Charles H. Providence, " t( u Chaffee, James H. it tf tt u Clarke, James Warwick, " tt " Mastered out of service July 29, 1863. Aide de Camp to D. R. Wright, Col. comd'g 1st Brig. Casey's Div; Adj't Dee. 27, 1862. Trans, from Co. K, Dec. 30, '62 ; act'g A. D. C, lo Gen. Nagle, Dee. 31, '62; died Mar. 11, '63, at Westerly, R. I., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieut. Co. B, April 17, 1863. Transferred from Co. I ; transferred to Co. G, May 27, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 2d Lieut. June 3, 1863. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. Sergeant Major March 21, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Transferred to Co. G, Jan. 2, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergt. ; must'd out of serv. July 29/68. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. Drum Major ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch. April 20, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded in cheek, Dec. 13, at Fred ericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1868. Disch. Jan. 3, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch. Mar. 28,' 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEEKS. 327 NAME AND RANK. Corey, Augustus Croson, Bernhard Champlin, Elisha W. Cook, Elisha Devlin, Charles H. Doyle, John Doherty, Daniel F. Downey, John Dunn, Thomas D. Fenner, Russell Francis, Lorenzo H. Francis, Lucius E. Gardner, John Gerrard, Richard • Gleason, William Gould, Joseph W. Gallagher, James Hall, Henry M. Hazard, William R. Henry, James Hicks, Allison P, Hunt, Hiram Hull, Charles Hull, Alfred G. Jepson, Edward M. Johnson, Zina W. King, Manuel King, William H. Kimball, Martin F. Kelly, John Knowles, Martin V. Knecht, John Luther, Edward M. Lynch, Michael Larava, Priest Mason, William McGee, William MeGee, Arthur McDonald, Patrick McGier, John F. McCaffrey, John McNulty, John Manchester, Theo, A. Mattison, Lewis J. Manchester, Geo. B. S. Minihan, James Nye, George L, Partly, Henry M. Perkins, Thomas K. Pray, Henry C, Proffit, James A. Pierce, Duty J, Bollard, John Richardson, George E. Richardson, Walter W. Scott, Elisha Scott Benjamin F. Smith, Albert A. Studley, James L. Suddard, William Thurber, Samuel P. RESIDENCE. N. Kingstown, R. I. Ireland,S. Kingstown, R. I. «t >f Charlestown, " Ireland, Providence, R. I. England,Providence, R. I. Johnston, " Vermont, Windham, Conn, Glastenbury, " England, Ireland, Middletown, R, I. Windham, Conn. Jamestown, R. I. S. Kingstown," Scotland, Providence, R. I. Danby, Vt. Portsmouth, N. H. Jamestown, R. I. Providence, " - Coventry, " Western Islands. Providence, R. I. Johnston, " Ireland, N. Kingstown, R, I Switzerland,Pawtucket, It. I. Providence, " Canada, England, Ireland, Providence, R. I. Ireland, ff Providence, R. I, Warwick, " Bristol, " Ireland, Providence, R. I. Canada, Bowdoinham, Me. Foster, R. I. Scituate, " Cranston, " Providence, " Johnston, " Providence, " England, Cranston, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. DATE OF MUSTER. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly in arm Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. REMARKS. In military prison, Cincinnati, O., July 17, '63, waiting sentence G. C. M. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. ff ft ft Wounded Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks burg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Nov, 26, 1862, at Fairfax Sem inary, Va , of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch. April 24, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Feb. 28, " Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 328 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Taylor, Isaac England, Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Tyler, Ebenezer C. Providence, R. I. ti it tt n u Wahler, Adelbert Germany, it tt Musician; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Woodbury, Charles H. Salem, Mass. tl tt Corporal ; mustered out ofservice July 29, 1863. Willett, Peter Canada, tt tt Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Young, William T. Cranston, R. I. it tt it if ti Yost, Charles Germany, tt tt tt it u ELEVENTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 329 COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP DATE MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Jame's H. Allen, Providence, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieutenants. Jules Macheret, Boston, Mass. ti (( Resigned Dec. 25, 1862. George F. Bicknell, Barrington, R. I. it il Transferred from Co. E, Dec. 30, '62; honorably discharged on account of disability, May 20, 1863. George Bucklin, Providence, " June 3, ISi;:; Transferred, from Co. A; mustered out 2d Lieutenants. of service July 29, 1863. Matthew N. Chappell, S.Kingstown, " Oct. 13, 1862. 1st Lieut. Co. G, Nov. 4, 1862. Daniel R, Ballou, Burrillville, " Nov 20," Transferred from Co. G, Dec. 30, 62 ; resigned April 25, 1863. John P. Abbott, Warren, " ff 4, " Capt. Co. D, Dec. 22, 1862. Beriah G. Browning, Providence, " Apr 19, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergeants. William Gainan, Montpelier, Vt. Oct. 13, 1862. ,f tt ft Isaac Gorham, Bristol, R. I. il ii ft ft ft Andrew C. Thompson, Providence, " tt tl tf ff ft Edwin Lowe, t f it tc tt ft ff tt Edmund May, tt it tl tt ft ft ft Corporals. John Gartland, ff tf tt tt ft .( ft Lucius P. Nichols, ff ft tt tt ff ft tt Luke J. Patt, tt ft tt «t ft ff ft Francis Martin, Ireland, ti (( ft ff tf Robert Richie, Providence, R. I. " tt tt tt tt Lorenzo Stow, tf ft <( • t Died Jan. 16, 1863, at camp near Fal mouth, Va., of typhoid fever. Beriah G. Browning, tf tt tt " 1st Sergeant Co. G, Jan. 1, 1863. Musicians. Thomas Kieman, Warwick, " tt «« Mustered out of service July 29, '63. Hiram Eddy, Glocester, " " tt tt tf tt Wagoner. Edward Reddy, Ireland, it tl tt ft tt Privates. Albro, Benjamin W. Greenwich, R. I. tt tl Disch. Feb. 11, '63, on Surg, certif. Atwood, Thomas N. Providence, " iC ft Died in hosp. at N. Y., date unknown. Bassett, William ff ft it tt Disch. Jan, 3, '63, on Surg, certif. Bolster, Adfur S. Johnston, " tt " Wagoner Oct. 27, 1862; mustered out Bailey, Thomas W. Providence, " ti tt of service July 29, 1863. Died Feb. 5, 1863, at camp near Fal mouth, Va. Barber, Matthew S. Hopkinton, " it tt Mustered out of service July 29, '63. Brennan, Hugh Ireland, it " Died Dec. 29, 1862, at Philadelphia. Barden, Newell S. Walpole, Mass. it li Mustered out of service July 29, '63. Burbage, Michael Ireland, tt ti ft tt tt Blanchard Joseph Bottomly, John Britton, George Britton, Henry Canada, ti tt Deserted Oct. 31, 1862. England, tl ll Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Springfield, Mass. Brimfield, " tttt tlti tt tt tt Bunn, George Buck, John H. Buck, George W. Cottan, William New Shoreham,R. I. " it tt tt Miller, James W. Seekonk, Mass. a a ii it ti Minahan, John Ireland, a tt ii tt ti Morris, Albert Canada; it tt ti it *t Moan, Arthur Ireland, tt ti it it " Mullen, John ,t it it it it ti McTwiggen, James Scotland, tt ti tt ti it Monroe, George F. Bristol, R. I. tt tt tt tt ti Murray, John Ireland, tt tt tt tt i* Naylor, Alfred England, tt tt tt tt ti Northup, Robert F. N. Kingstown, R, I. tc tt n tt " O'Brien, James Ireland, tt tt Severely wounded in leg Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. Mar. 28, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 331 NAME AND RANK. Pearce, Henry W. Potter, Emory G. Paine, Ebenezer A. J. Randall, Charles J. Reddy, William Ritchie, David L. Rice, Ephraim Jr. Seekell, ApoUos Jr., Smith, William R. Sullivan, Timothy Sutliff, James Tetroe, Peter Taylor, Elisha I. Trainer, Michael Tucker, William Taft, Peter Wilbur, Edward J. Welch, James Wyman, John K. Zuill, Henry RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Scituate, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Canada,Glocester, R. I. Providence, " Palmer, Mass. Ireland,England,Canada, " Johnston, R. I. Ireland,Glocester, R. I. Scituate, " Warwick, " Ireland,Montpelier, Vt. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. Diet! Jan. 21, 1863, at Camp near Fal mouth, Va. Dis'd July 11, '63, on Surg, certificate. Died July 2, '63, at Washington, D. C. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Corporal ; mustered out July 29, 1863. tt tt tt Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Feb. 24, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Mar. 25, '63, on Surg, certificate. Killed accidentaUy Oct. 23, 1862. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 332 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY D NAME AND RANK. Captains. George C. Alniy John P. Abbott, 1st Lieutenants. William H. King, George II. Tabor, 2d Lieutenants. George H. Tabor, Henry M. Tillinghast, Sergeants. Samuel Babcock, Henry 0. Bacheller, Randall Pullen, Edward V. Westcott, Henry L. Chace, Corporals. Sigourney B. Goffe, Eliab King, David S. Maberry, Alvin H. Payne, Daniel Brown, Edmund D. Slocum, Charles G. Burnett, John W. Thayer, Musicians. Bowen Westcott, James Pierson, Wagoner. Jefferson, O'Rielly, Privates. Anthony, George H, Ambruster, Adolphus Browne, George A, Browne, Lewis Burdick, Thomas E. Barton, William E. Barlow, William F. Ball, William Ball, George Ball, Noah Brown, Frederick Bosworth, Edward Brown, Otis L Bran Nathan Bran, Hiram Carr, William S. Caswell, John W. RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Warren, " Newport, " Providence, ' N. Shoreham, ' Newport, ' Middletown, " Newport, " Sandwich, Mass. Newport, R. I. N. Shoreham, " Newport, '' Portsmouth, " Brooklyn, N. Y. Newport, R. I. N.Providence," England,Newport, " Germany, Newport, R. I. Providence, " Newport, ¦' N. Shoreham, " N. Kingstown," Newport, " Tiverton, " W.Greenwich," Coventry, " Newport, " Oct. 13, 1862. Dec. 22," Oct. 13, " Dec. 25, " Oct. 13, " Dec. 12," Oct. 13, " tt tt it tt DATE OP MDSTER. Resigned Jan. 2, 1863. " June 15, " Transferred to Co. I, Dec. 30, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieut. Co. D, Dec. 25, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Feb. 27, 1863, at Newport News, Va., of typhoid fever. Disch. Mar. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif Wounded Dec 13, 1862, at Freder icksburg, Va. ; mustered out of ser vice July 29, 1863. 2d Lieut. Co. E, April 17, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergt. ; wounded slightly in chestDec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered out of service July 29, '63. Died in hospital at Point Lookout, Md. Sergt. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch Mar. 12, 1863, on Surg, certif. 14, " " Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergt. ; wounded slightly in leg Dec, 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered outof service July 29, '63, Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Jan. 20, '68, at Washington, D. C. Disch. April 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863, tt ti " Corp. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch. April 6, 1863, on Surg, certif, Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. tt tt " it tt " Died Jan. 5, 1863, near Falmouth, Va., of congestion of the brain. TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 333 NAME AND RANK. Conley, Daniel Chappell, Adolphus Clemmens, Stephen Carr, John T. Crimmen, lJatrick Cliamplin, Thomas D. Campbell, Thomas Doyle, William 0. Davis, John A. English, Michael Freeborn, George Freeborn, Orland Gillan, Patrick Garrick, Michael Grey, Albert Grey, Amasa Jr. Gould, Robert Gould, Frederick C. Harvey, Sylvester N. Hooper, John W. Howard, John Hudson, Henry J. Hall, Lewis N. Head, Henry P. Harper, James Harrington, John Killion, James H. Littlefield, Edward Littlefield, Ray Mulvey, John' McComb, Samuel Mitchell, David Mitchell, Jesse D. Mitchell, Peleg Minkler, William Melville, George Manchester, Sanford Manchester, James Milington, Thomas Moon, William Melville, James Noonan, James O'Connell, David Osgood, Samuel Preece, Thomas Payne, George Pierce, Luther P. Peckham, Leander Ramsden, John Sherman, Thomas N. Shoreham, R. I. Newport, '* Scituate, " Jamestown, " New York, N. Y, Newport, R. I. .. tt Ireland, Fall River, Mass. Ireland, Newport, R. I. RESIDENCE. Ireland, L. Compton, " it tt Middletown, " S. Kingstown, " it it Cambridge, Me. Newport, R. I. Belfast, Me. L. Compton, R. I. New Brunswick, Ireland, tt N. Shoreham, R. I. tt tt New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. N. Shoreham, " Newport, Providence, Tiverton, Newport, W.Greenwich,"Newport, " Ireland, Yonkers, N. Y. Troy, England, N. Shoreham, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Middletown, R. I. Providence, " Newport, '• DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. " 29, 13, " Died Dec. 25, 1862, at Baltimore, Md, of typhoid fever. Mustered out of servioe July 29. 1863. Disch. Mar. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. it ,i it .-," '. Parkhurst, Charles H. Ashford, " tt it Wounded in arm Dec. 13, '62, at Fred ericksburg, Va.; disch. Jan. 5, '68, on Surg, certif. . ¦ Rodgers, Abner L. Coventry, R. I. tt ti Mustered out of service July 29, low. Smith, Edward Tiverton, " tt it tt tt " Sheen, Dennis .f t. it a .' tt tt « / Smith, Thomas P. Johnston, " It ft ft tt " Sherman, William N. Tiverton, " tt it Wounded in arm Dec. 13, '62, at Fred ericksburg, Va.; mustered out ot service July 29, 1863. TWELTFH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 343 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Spencer, Nathaniel Foster, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sanderson, Humphrey tt tt ti tt Disch. Dec. 28, 1862, on Surff. certif. Shaw, David England, tl a Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Springer, Thomas Tiverton, R. I. il tt n tt tt Smith, James M. Johnston, " tt it tt tt ee Sherman, James A. Coventry, " it it tt it te Sherman, Charles E. it ' tf it ft it tt tt Sheldon, John tt tt " tt Died Feb. 25, 1863, at Phila., Pa. Smith, Edson B. Foster, " ll {t Disch. April 20, 1863, on Surg, certif. Sanford, George I. Tiverton, " tt tt Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Tew, Elisha G. - Warwick, " ee tt ti tt tt Taber, Lemuel W. N. Bedford, Mass. et " ft tl tt Tew, Browning G. S. Kingstown, R. I. .t tt tt tl li Turner, Charles P. England, tt ft tt ft tt Tibbitts, Horace W. Warwick, R. I. ft tt tt tt tt Tyler, Henry 0. tt tt ft ti n et tt Vickery, Robert M. Cranston, " fi u ft a tl Wilcox, Horatio N. Tiverton, " (t tt ft it tt Worden, William D. Charlestown, " tt it tl tt tt Walker, Henry Coventry, '" it n it tt tt Wood, John England, tt tt a tt ti Waite, Stephen C. Coventry, R. I, it n it n tt 344 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY H. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Oliver H. Perry, 1st Lieutenant. Arnold F. Salisbury, 2d Lieutenants. James A. Bowen, George H. Bucklin, Ja,mes A. Williams, James A. Williams, George E. Macomber, Arlow M. Whipple, Charles J. Sweet, John Cullens, Corporals. Peter Linn, Thomas J. Kennedy. Ansel L, Sweet, George A. Roberts, Jr., Jubal Blount, William S. Salisbury, Thomas Donnelly, John Trainor, Musicians. William H. Hamilton, Martin L. Baggett, Wagoner. Thomas Norris, Arnett, Henry Bryant, Perry R. Barry, John Bennett, Zephaniah Burns, Christopher Burns, Martin Butler, Job Brown, Herman Boss, Jonathan M. Bochne, Charles F. Bickerton, John Cahoone, Alonzo Copeland, Joseph Crandall, W. Oscar Cassidy, John H. Campbell, Thomas Card, George W. Carew, John Carry, Leander Cameron, Donald Darling, Albert RESIDENCE. Pawtucket, R. I. ff ti Providenoe, " ft ft Pawtucket, " N.Providence," Smithfield, " Cumberland, " Smithfield, " Newfoundland,^ S, Ireland,N.Providence,R.I.Attleboro, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. England, N. Providence, R. I. Canada,New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Ireland,E. Boston, Mass. England,Swansey, Mass. Ireland, Foster, R. I. Ireland,Providenoe, R. I. England, Germany, Richmond, R. L Germany, England, Vermont, England, N. Providence, R. I. Ireland, tt Charlestown, R. I. Ireland,England,Warwick, R. I. Cumberland, " June 3, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. DATE OE MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieut. Co. G, April 17, 1863. Transferred from Co. A ; 1st Lieut. Co. C, June 3, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 2d Lieutenant June 1, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Prisoner at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862 ; in camp of paroled pris oners, Annapolis, Md. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted October 21, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted October 21, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Mar. 10, '63, on Surg, certificate. Deserted October 21, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. « « " tt <( " Missing since battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 28, 1863. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Mustered out of service, July 29, 1863, TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLANU VOLUNTEERS.' 345 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DeWolf, George H. Dunwell, William S. Damon, Lucius Doyle, Dennis Doyle, James Devlin, Archibald Fuller, Albert Franklin, Cornelius Flannigan. Dennis Fiske, Charles Jr. Fowler, George Fisk, Isaac Gordon, James Glover, David tiaUighan, John Gregson, Thomas A. Godfrey, John Gardner, William H. Gardiner. Frederic A. Hughes, William Hopkins. Daniel A. Hackett, John Hibbert, William Jenckes. Jabez S. Kagin, Peter Kagin, Patrick Kerner, John Mathewson, Albert C. McVey, Felix Muldoon, Hugh . Miller, James W. Mc Winch. William A. Mullaley, John Miller, Samuel W. McCarty, Michael McCabe, John McNulty, John Mclntyre, John McComb, David Marchant, Amaziah Mitchell,StephenD.W,McCartan, John McCarthy, Patrick Murphy, John Niles, John C. Newman, George O'Donnell, Edward O'Neil, Patrick Patt,. George W. . Place, Edward B. Pomford, Adam Riley, Peter Ready, Patrick Ryan. Michael Salisbury, Andrew J. Smith, Thomas Stindell, Charles Simms, John Starrs, Patrick Salisbury, Alonzo F. Toomey, John U New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Canada, Ireland, tt Olneyville, R. I. Cumberland, " Ireland, tt Providence, R. I. Prussia, Holland, Pawtucket, R. I. Novia Seotiai Ireland, England, Yarmouth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Barrington, '¦ Providence, •' Pawtucket, " Ireland, England, N. Providence, R. ] N.Providence," Providence, " Scituate, " Lowell, Mass. Pennsylvania,Seekonk, Mass. Ireland, tt N. Providence. R. I. Providence, " Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Ireland,Harwich, Mass. Coventry, " Ireland, S. Kingstown, R. I. Halifax, N. S. Ireland, tt N. Providence, R. I. Killingly, Conn. England,New York, N. Y. England,Boston, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. England, Germany, Ireland, N. Providence, R. I. England, DATE OP MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS. Mustered out of sorvico July 29, 1863. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Deserted October 21, 1862. Mustered out of service Julv 29, 1863. Dis'd Dec. 22, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of sendee Julv 29, 1863. DiedFeb.21,'63,atNewportNews,Va. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly inarm Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Vl. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd July 11, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Dis'd July 11, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Jan. 16, '63, on Surg, certificate. tt tt tt Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis'd Feb. 18, '63, on Surg certificate. Deserted Dec. 19, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. Wounded slightly in leg Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Died Jan. 11, 1863, near Falmouth, Va. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. 346 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. Tattersall, Roger Taber, George Whipple, Edwin M. Williams, Edwin P. Whitmarsh, LeanderF. Whipple, Lowrey RESIDENCE. England,Coventry, R. I. N.Providence," Smithfield, " Warwick, DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 13, 1862. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Dis^d May 20, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Transferred to Co. C, 7th R. I. V, to serve out his time for desertion. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 347 COMPANY I. NAME AND RANK. Captain. George A. Spink,- ls( Lieutenants. Stephen M. Hopkins, William H. King, Munson H. Najac, 2d Lieutenants. Munson H. Najac, Fenner H. Peckham, John H. Weaver, Sergeants. John H. Weaver, Nathaniel B. Whipple, George W. Arnold, George Gilmore, Jonathan R. Weaver, Corporals. William Wilson, Lewis G. Arnold, Jr., Joseph P. Cornell, Elisha 0. Shearman, Allen H.. Bennett, John T. Strait, Samuel E. Weeden, Thomas McPeak, Musicians. George B. Tourjee, A. Frank Wahler, Privates. Anderson, James Ashton, Stephen Bateman, Nicholas S. Bailey, Samuel Berry, Lewis Blakely, Joseph Bovi-man, Charles E. Brady, Patrick Brayton, Benjamin Brown, William D. Bryant, John Bennett, Israel H. Carroll, Peter Casey, Michael RESIDENCE. Warwick, R. I. Burrillville,. " Newport, " Providence, " tt tt Warwick, " Scituate, Johnston, Scotland, Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Smithfield, R. I. Warwick, " Cranston, " Scituate, " E.. Greenwich," ft tt Ireland, Warwick, R. I. Germany,Scotland, Providence, R. I. tt tt Scotland,Canada, Ireland, Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Coventry, R. I. Warwick, " Cumberland, " Scituate, " Ireland, Oct. 13, 1862. tt ll Mar. 1, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862, Mar. 7, 1863. April 26," Oct. 13, 1862. t tt tt tt tt tt DATE OF MUSTER. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded in foot Dec. 13, '62, at Fred ericksburg, Va. ; foot amputated ; resigned Dec. 19, 1862; since died. Transferred from Co. D, Dec. 30, '62; transferred to Co. F, Mar. 7, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, April 26, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 2d Lieut. April 26, 1863. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. Died Dec. 5, 1862, at Fairfax Semina- ay, Va., of intermittent fever. Wounded slightly in foot Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; discharged July 11, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Mustered outof service July 29, 1863. Sergt. Jan. 21, 1863 ; trans, to Co. G. Wounded in eye Dec. 13, '62, at Fred ericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergt. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Sergt. Dec. 28, 1862 ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Wounded slightly in foot Dec. 13' '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; discharged Mar. 31, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Died May 1, '63, near Richmond, Ky. Transferred from Co. B ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Disch. July 11, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Corp. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Mustered out of service July 29, 18631. Wounded slightly in foot Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. 348 TWELFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Carroll, Hugh Ireland, Oct. 13, 1862. Wounded slightly in hand Dec. 13, '62, at Fredericksburg, Va.; mustered out of service July 29, 1863. Carroll, Joseph Portsmouth, R. I. «( ll Disch. July 6, 1865; see S. 0., 363 War Department, A. G. 0. Cavanaugh, Nicholas Scotland, It tt Mustered out of service July 29, 1863, Cady, John G, Warwick, R. I. tl ti Disch. Mar. 31, 1863, on Surg, certif Cady, Calvin L. " " a )))>i Glancey, William J. Graves, Abraham i Hawkins, Benoni Hutchinson, Robert A. Hunter, John B. Hall, Theodore A. G. Healy, Alonzo Hill, Ambrose B. Hunt, William H. Hubart, Caleb Ide, Daniel W. Ingraham, David Ingraham, Cyril Ingraham, Asa Jacob, Albert N. Kindred, Henry E. Loramore, Robert S. Lee, James Lovett, William P. Mott, James L, Miller, John Marsh, William W. RESIDENCE. Cranston, R. I. N. Bedford, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Exetor, " Fall River, Mass. Cumberland, R.I. Warwick, " Belleville, N. J. Cranston, R. I. Scotland, N. Bedford, Mass. Providence, R. I. Paris, N. Y. Seekonk, Mass. Temple, Me. Seekonk, Mass. N.Providence, R. I. Scituate, " Granby, Mass. Dover, N. H. Providence, R. I. Douglas, Mass. Boston, " Coventry, R. I. Cumberland, " Ellington, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 14, 1861. Aug. 19, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862. Dec. 18, 1864. " 14, 1861. Sept. 23, 1862. Dee. 14, 1861. Sept. 26, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861. Sept. 22, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861. Aug. 25, 1862 Dec. 14, 1861. Sept. 30, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861. Aug. 4, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861, Xot accounted for on the rolls. Transferred to navy Apr. 24, 1864. Taken prisoner June 18, 1863 : ex changed ; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; transferred to Troop C, new organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864. Corp. ; Sergt. ; transferred to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Transferred to Troop C, new organiz ation, Dec. 21, 1864. Disch. Nov. 30, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Troop C, new organiz ation, Dec. 21, 1864. Corp. ; Sergt. ; mustered outof service (Jet. 5, 1864. Transferred to Troop C, new organiz ation, Dec. 21, 1864. Disch. Feb 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Taken prisoner June 18, 1863 ; ex changed : re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; transferred to Troop C, new organ ization, Dee. 21, 1864. Disch. Feb. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Troop C, new organiz ation, Dec. 21, 1864. Taken prisoner Feb. 25, 1863 ; ex changed ; transferred to V. R. C. Sept. 9, 1863. Saddler; discharged Jan. 12, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to navy Apr. 29, 1864. Died at City Point, Aug. 2, 1864. Trans, from Troop D ; taken prisoner Oct. 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., June 29, 1864. Died Feb 2, 1864, in Hospital. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; transferred to Troop C, new org'n, Dec. 21, 1864. Corporal ; taken prisoner June 18, '63 ; exchanged ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corp. ; mustered out of service Oct. 11, 1864. Discharged June 10,1862. Mustered out of service Nov. 24, 1864. Discharged June 25, 1862. Corporal ; taken prisoner Feb. 28, 1863 ; exchanged ; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; trans, to Troop C, new or ganization, Dec. 21, 1864. Taken prisoner June 18, 1863 ; ex changed; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; trans, to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; transferred to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Disch. Jan. 5, 1863, on Surg, certif. Corporal ; taken prisoner March 17, 1863; exchanged; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; trans, to Troop C, new or ganization Dec. 21, 1864. Discharged June, 1862. Trans, to V. R. C, Feb. 15, 1864; mustered out of service June 8, '65. Corporal; wounded March 17,1863; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; trans, to Troop C, new org., Dec. 21, 1864. 378 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. May, John Ireland, Dec. 14, 1861. Deserted Dec. 25, 1863. Morse, Andrew Wareham, Mass. li tt Ke-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; transferred to Troop C, new organization, Dec 21, 1864. Discharged June 30, 1862. Mathewson, Elisha Coventry, R. I. ti it Murin, John Aug. 15, 1862. Taken prisoner June 12, 1863; ex changed ; deserted April 7, 1864. McLees, John Scotland, Dec. 14, 1861. Deserted June 22, 1862. Mulholland.Christoph'r Ireland, (C 'I Disch. May 18, 1863, on Surg, certif. Oliver, James Cumberland, R. I. Aug. 15, 1862. Trans, to troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Parmenter, Winslow B. " 8, " Trans, io Troop C, new organization Dec. 21, 1864. Pierce, Richard E. Swanzey, Mass. Dec. 14, 1861. In hospital Oct. 7, '62. Page, Barney Sept. 30, 1862. Deserted Feb. 4, 1863. Ray, Samuel Canada, " 27, 1864. Trans, to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Ray, David S. Swanzey, Mass. Dec. 14, 1861. Corporal ; Q. M. Sergeant ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Ray, Frank P. Wrentham, " ff tt Trumpeter ; mus'ered out of service Nov. 6, 1864. Steere, John Sept. 15, 1862. Trans, to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Steere, John H, Smithfield, R. I. Dec. 14, 1861. Discharged June 25, 1862. Shehan, Patrick Woonsocket, " Aug. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner Feb. 25, 1863; ex changed ; deserted April 15, 1863. Springer, Benjamin 0. Tiverton, <• Dec. 14, 1861. Transferred to Troop E. Sutherland, Hugh Cumberland, " Aug. 2, 1862. Taken prisoner June 18, 1863; ex changed; trans, to Troop C, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Taylor, John W. New York, N. Y. Dec. 14, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; transferred to Troop C, new organization, Dec, 21, 1864. Taylor, Samuel England, ff f. Discharged Oct. 9, 1862. Tallman, Peleg G. Providence, R. I. ff ft Not accounted for on the rolls, Tallman, Benjamin G. ff tt " 1, 1862 " 14, 1861 Oct. 10, 1862. Aug. 15, 1864 Mar. 12, 1862 Dec. 14, 1861 June 27, 1863 Dec. 17, 1861 .< 14j f, " 11, " June 30, 1863. Corporal ; taken prisoner June 18, 1863; exchanged; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; trans, to Troop B, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Disch. May 20, 1862, on Surg, certif. Bugler ; transferred to V. R. C, Nov, 7, 1863. Vet. Surg. Nov. 1, 1863. Transferred to V. R. C, Aug. 24, '63. Corporal ; discharged Dec. 15, 1862, on Surg, certificate. ' Taken prisoner Oct. 12, '63 ; trans, to Troop B, new org'n, Dec. 21, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 24, 1864, Deserted May, 1864. " Jan. 7, 1862. Bugler; trans, to Troop L, Apr. 20/62. Disch. July 14, 1863, on Surg, 'certif. Taken prisoner June 18, 1863 ; ex changed ; mustered out of service Dec. 19, 1864. Corp. ; taken prisoner June 18, 1863; exchanged ; transferred to Troop B, new organization, Dec. 21, 1864. Not accounted for on the rolls. Deserted April 2, 1863. Deserted June 20, 1862. Not accounted for on the rolls. Ue-en listed Jan. 0, 1864; transferred to Troop B, new organ. Dec. 21/64, Mustered out of service Nov. 16, 1864. Discharged Jan. 8, 1862. Not accounted for on the rolls. Deserted Oct., 1863. Taken prisoner Oct. 12, '63 ; deserted. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, I Washington, January 7th, 1864. j Special Orders No. 9. [extract.] 5. Companies I, K, L, and M, First Rhode Island Cavalry, are hereby permanently detached from tbat Regiment, and will be considered as New Hampshire Cavalry companies, they having been enrolled and mustered into service in that State. All future appointments of officers for the said companies will be made by the Governor of New Hampshire, by whom a proper numerical designation will be given to the force. By order of the Secretary of War, (Signed,) E. D. TOWNSEND, Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. Official, (Signed,) E. D. Townsend, Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. State of Rhode Island, &c. Adjutant General's Office, Providence. A true copy of the original order on file in this office. H. CRANDALL, Act'g Adjt. Gen'l First Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry. (RE-OBGANIZED.) FIELD AND STAFF NAME and rank. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Major, John Rogers, Newport, R. I. Mar. 23, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Assistant Surgeon. Albert Utter, Jan. 20, 1863. Transferred from Staff old organiza tion, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out Quartermaster Sergeant. of service Aug. 3, 1865. Charles E. Ellison, Roxbury, Mass. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from N. C. Staff old or ganization, Dec. 21,1864; mustered Commissary Sergeant, out of service. Aug. 3, 1865. Thomas A. Richards, Providence, R. I. ff tt Transferred from N. C. Staff, old or ganization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered Hospital Steward. out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Edward C. Capwell, Hopkinton, " Aug. 8, 1862. Transferred from N. C. Staff, old or ganization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered Veterinary Surgeon. out of service June 6, 1865.' Crawford A. Scranton, Sept. 18, 1862. Transferred from N. C. Staff, old or ganization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered Chief Trumpeter. out of service Aug. 3, 1865. William R.Kay, Nov. 1, " Transferred from N. C. Staff, old or ganization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. 400 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) TROOP A. NAME AND RANK. John Rogers, George W. Darling, 1st Lieutenant. Samuel C. Willis, 2nd Lieutenants. James M. Fales, Stephen H. Pickering, 1st Sergeants. William H. Tallman, Edward C. Martin, Quartermaster Sergeant. William H. Durfee, Commissary Sergeant. Henry C. Adams, Sergeants. Lyman Aylesworth, William Gardner, Maurice Crane, William F. Doherty, Charles R. Cross, Corporals. Charles W. Bowen, David A. Matthewson, Jasper Spencer, George B. Bennett, Daniel S. Cooke, RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Oxford, Mass. Warren, R. I. Providence, " Tiverton, " Baden, Germany, E. Greenwich, R L Milton, Mass. N. Kingstown, R. I. Pawtucket, " N.Providence," Levant, Maine, Chesterfield, N. H. Providence, R. I. S. Scituate, " E.Greenwich," ff ft Suffolk Co., Mass. Dec. 14, 1861. May 22, 1865. Nov. 1, 1864. March 7, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. DATE OF MUSTER. March 1,1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 10, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Transfd from Troop F, old organiza tion, Dec. 21, '64 ; Major, Nov. 7, '64. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 64; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war, Dec. 30, 1864; exchanged; mustered out of service Mar. 6, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; 2d Lieuten ant Troop C, Jan, 11, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec 21, 1864; 2d Lieuten ant Troop B, May 19, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; 1st Sergeant, June 6, 1865; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Deo. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Mar. 1, 1865. Transferred from Corporal Troop C ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 65. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered- out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Commissary Sergeant ; mustered out Aug. 3, '65. Transferred from Troop G, old organ- ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Feb, 5, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug- 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64 ; Sergeant, Apr. 1, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Sergt.; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ. ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Quartermas. ter Sergeant, June 6, 1865 ; muster- eiotrtrof servrce Aug- 3, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY.-^(RE-ORGANIZED.) 401 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. William Walsh, Ireland, i Jan. 5, 1864. German P. Thurber, Central Falls, R. I. ft • ff Farriers. Joseph L. Straight, E.Greenwich," Sept. 1, 1862. Charles H. Scott, Woonsocket, " Aug. 8, " Saddlers. Daniel F. Hackett, Boston, Mass. Jan. 5, 1864, Edmund R. Blake, Danville, N. H. ft tf Musicians. George H. Flint, Reading, Mass. tt ft John Tebo, - Manchaug, " tt ff Wagoner. James C. Luther, Johnston, R. I. ft tf Privates, Andrews, George A. Allan, Henry A. Mar. 16, 1865. April 5, " Angeli, John V. Bearse, Elijah Boyden, Vernon Burbani, Samuel H. Bradford, James H. Bennett, James England, Mar. 14," Feb. 4, " -April 5, " Feb. 21," April 13," Jan. 5, 1864. Baker, Clovis S. Brown, John Ireland, April 13, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Butman, Warren Franklin, Mass. Aug. 8, 1862. Curran, John Cooke, Henry N. Clark, Henry Oruble-, N. Y. Feb. 21, 1865. " 13," Jan. 5, 1864. Colvin, Lyman Coug-hlan, Patrick E. Greenwich, R. I. Feb. 27, 1865. Sept. 1, 1862. Crandall, William 0. Chace, Sylvester Douglas, Mass. Mar. 24, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Cook, Esbon 0. Coburn, Frank Providence, R. I. Mar, 14, 1865. Jan. 0, 1864. Copeland, Hiram W. Easton, Mass. Oct. 10, 1862. 51 REMARKS. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. / Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Absent sick, Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service July 8, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64 ; Corporal, June 6, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tf ft ft Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service July 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Bugler; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Bugler ; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. 402 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Curtis, James C. Corastock, Walter Collins, Alfred Doyle, Patrick Dicket, Charles Dalwigh, Geo. B. Von Dawley, James V. Jr. Draper, Theodore W. Everett, David Fenner, Alonzo B. Getty, Harvey Greene, Charles A. Grimley, James Greene, Charles E. Gray, James Grimley, James Jr. Gage, Alexander Harrington, Bradford J, Hiscox, Benjamin F. Hughs, Thomas Hall, David B, Harris, Aslon Hall, Calvin Harrington, Amos Hilchley, Charles B. Holliday, George Heimlich, Louis Von Howland, James H. Ide, George W. Jacques, George H. Joslin, Stephen Joslin, Lucius B. Trenton, N. J. Woonsocket, R. I. Ireland, Prussia, Providence, R. I. Coventry, " Warren, " Johnston, " Raynham, Mass. Nova Scotia, Prussia, Scituate, R. I. Woonsocket, Jan. 5, 1864 Aug. 5, 1862. Mar. 2, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. April 5, 1865. June 27, 1863. Feb. 25, 1865. Apr. 12, " Mar. 2, '< Apr. 10, " Feb. 25, " " 20, " Aug. 14, 1862. Feb. 27, 1865. Apr. 11," Jan. 5, 1864. April 11, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. March 4, 1862. Aug. 26," Sept. 18," Feb. 27, 1865. Sept. 18, 1862. Feb. 7. 1865. Sept. 24, 1862. April 11, 1865. June 27, 1863. April 8, 1865. Oct. 31, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864, Feb. 7, 1865, " 10, " Transferred from Troop G, old organi- zatioA, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service, July 26, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, '64 ; Sergeant April 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service, Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tf ft i ff ' li 3, " ff ft { tt Deserted June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service May 22, 1865. Corporal June 6, 1866 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service, Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; died Oct. 8, 1864, in prison, Danville, Va. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transfer ed from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, '64; Corporal June 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug; 3, 1865, Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21/64; CorporalJune 6, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, IBM- FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 403 NAME AND RANK. Lapham, George B. Latham, Charles F. Lewis, Lafayette Lovely, Charles Marah, John Maney, Jeremiah Mullen, Patrick Maroney, Edward MoEagan, John McCann, James Newell, George F. Niles, Nathaniel Nickerson, Charles W. Nichols, Robert Potter, George D. Perry, Theodore A. Parker, Patrick Phillips, Ansel P. Peck, William F. Phillips, Ferdinand H. Remington, Byron D. Kemington, William H. Rogers, David N. Smith, James Sullivan, James Sherman, Abel G. Seott, Matthew Sullivan, Patrick Springsteen, WilliamA. Spink, William R. Spencer, Vineum G. Shannon, Thomas Woonsocket, R. I. Schancey, Patrick Turner, Ezekiel T. Taylor, William Tarney, Patrick RESIDENCE. Worcester, Mass. Glocester, R. I. Cranston, R. I. Boston, Mass. Ireland, Providence, R. I. S.Kingstown,"Ireland,Warwick, R. I. Ireland,Woonsocket, R. I. Johnston, " E. Greenwich," Johnston, " Aug. 8, 1862. Mar. 16, 1865. Feb. 23," " 28, " Apr. 13," " 10, " Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 23, 1865. Apr. 11," " 10, " Dec. 14, 1861. Feb. 4, 1865. tt 7> ,< Mar. 16," Dec. 14, 1861. DATE OF MUSTER. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Doc. 21, '64; Farrier; mus tered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt ft Deserted June 30, 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, '64; pris. June 6, '65; must'd out of serv. July 28, '65. Musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. March 1, 1862. Feb. 8, 1865. Mar. 10," Feb. 13, " Apr. 12, " Feb. 6, 1864. " 14, 1865. April 13," " 12," Dec. 14, 1861. Feb. 21, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 25, 1865 Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Troop F, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1364 ; mustered out of service, March 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt * tt Absent sick in Portsmouth Grove Hospital Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Blacksmith ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Deserted July 10, 1865. tt tt tt Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service May 19, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musterect out of service June 6, 1865. Feb. 23, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mar. 1, 1862. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service March 1, 1865. Aug. 8, " Tr. from Troop G, old org., Dec. 21, I '64 ; must'd outof serv. June 6, '65. Mar. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Aug. 29, 1862. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. ; mus tered out of service June 6, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. 404 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE . OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Thurston, Eben R. Apr. 10, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Williams, John Mar. 13, " Deserted June 9, 1865. Westcott, Isaac Johnston, R. I. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; missing in action since Aug. 17, 1864. Wyart, Arthur D. Feb. 23, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865 Williams, James Mar. 22, " Transferred to Troop B. West, John Apr. 10, " Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1805. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 405 TKOOP B. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Allen Baker, Jr. 1st Lieutenant. John R. Umfreville, 2d Lieutenants. Hebron H. Steere, Edward C. Martin, 1st Sergeant. Anselm Walker, Q. M. Sergeant, Emmet R. Scouler, Commissary Sergeant. Charles T. Lee, Sergeants. Charles E. Stone, Jeremiah Murphy, George A. Kerapton, Adam Hurdis, Franklin B, Tefft, Corporals. Frank H. Sprague, Edward M. Brown, John Kavanaugh, Leverett C. Stevens, E. Pendleton Gardiner Thomas Pinkerton, Napoleon Seratius, RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. July 15, 1862. Warren, " bee. 6, 1864. Jan. 26, 1863. Baden, Germany, J<™e 9, 1865. Roxbury, Mass. Jan. 5, 1864. Blackstone, „ E, Greenwich, R. I Barre, Mass. Providence, R. I. Feb. 12, 1862, Uxbridge, Mass, Jan. 5, 1864 Johnston, R. I. Mar. 14 Richmond, " Jan, 5 Providence, " Willimantic, Conn, Northbridge, Mass Providence, R. I. Johnston, " Central Falls, " Mar. 8, 1862. Sept. 18," Mar. 14. 1864, Jan. 5, " Nov. 8, 1862. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; 1st Lieuten ant Troop C, May 19, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; 2d Lieuten ant Troop D, May 16, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; discharged May 18, 1865, on Surg, certif. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 12, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3. 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old org'n, Dec. 21, 1864 ; prisoner ; exchanged ; musteredout of service Mar. 19, '65. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64; prisoner; mus teredout of service July 10, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; died May 16, 1865, in Hospital at Annapolis, Md., of consumption. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. 406 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Farriers. John Fletcher, Thomas B. Gould, John Harrington, Saddler. Henry F. Steere, Musicians. Edwin H. Kimball, John Hickey, Wagoner. Louis Kimball, Privates. Atwood, Leonard W. Anderson, George Allan Henry A. Armington, Willard Angeli, George J. Austin, John H. Briggs, William E. Bowen, Charles W. Bolton, Joseph Bitgood, Charles H. Barber, Silas E. Briden, Samuel Brown, Samuel G. Jr. Baker, Charles H. Card, William Carpenter, Patrick Crossen, Henry Caldwell, James A. Caswell, George A. Clarke, Thomas C. Conner, George W. Clarke, George L. Creed, Philip Crowell, Joseph RESIDENCE. S. Providence, R. I Strathan, N. H. Boston, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. Lynn, Mass. Boston, " Coventry, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Providence, R. I. N. Shoreham, R. I. Boston, Mass. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, " Warwick, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. Oct. 10, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Oct. 29, 1862. Mar. 3, 1865. April 5, " Aug. 2, 1862. Mar. 29, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861. April 10,1865. Feb. 9, 1865. " 17, " April 12," Feb. 13," Mar. 24," April 12," Feb. 3, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861 Feb. 15, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 10, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 30, 1865, Dec. 14, 1861, Mar. 6, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; deserted July 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ- Izrtion, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war since Feb. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Transferred to Troop A. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Prisoner of war since Oct. 12, 1863 ; died' July 15, 1864, at Anderson ville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service June 14, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation ; prisoner of war ; died May 24, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Corporal, June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 3, 1865. Corporal June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E.old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service August 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war since Oct. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E,old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 407 NAME AND RANK. Cummins, James Decker, Thomas Doherty, Andrew Dooley, Thomas H. Donnally, Patrick R. Eldridge, Samuel P. Emerson, Orrin M. Elwood, Joseph Edwards, Edwin A. Eveleth, Francis Edwards, Sullivan M. Farrell, Martin Fox, David A. Freelove, Henry B. Foster, Jacob B. French, Samuel Gorton, Ray G. Gallagher, James Gavitte, Hazard P. Gardenes, James A. Jr, Gardner, Henry Hayward, George W. Hudson, Thomas Harrigan, Philip Hemphill, Joseph Hopkins, Nelson Jr. Hammond, Henry L. Me, Stephen R. Ireland, Bristol, R. I. Providencp, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. ct ft New Hampshire, Providence, R. I. RESIDENCE. Fall River, Mass. Germany, Warwick, R. I. Halifax, April 10, 1865 Providence, R. I. Jan. 5, 1864. DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. " 15, 1863. " 5, 1864. 1,186 Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 27, " Sept. 16, 1862. April 10, 1865. tt ft Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 13, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 6, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861 June 27, 1863 Mar. 30, 1865 Feb. 6, 1864. " 20, 1865. " 16, " April 13," " 10," Jan. 5, 1864. New Bedford, Mass. Providence, R. I. Foster, " James, Lewis Oct. 13, 1862. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 7, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861 Mar. 14, 1865 Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E,old organi zation Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service July 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop H,old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop 11, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Deserted July 22, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E.old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; absent in arrest Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war; died June 6, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; died Mar.12, 1864, at Richmond, Va. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation Dec. 21, 1864; Sergt. June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3,1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war ; died June 14, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. 408 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Jenkins, William Knight, William F. Kettle, George Kempton, Harrison W. Looby, Michael Louth, John Larding, Henry Matthewson, Wm.A.L. May, Thomas Mitchell, Leonard Miller, Charles Mulholland, Hugh McCabe, John Maine, Charles H. Mott, Charles B. Mulloney, James Nichols, James Newman, James Northup, Edmund Owen, Frederick A. Osborne, George Prew, Charles H. Potter, Charles H. Remington, William H Robinson, George H. Ross, James Rockil, George Read, Asa K. Spink, Darius C. Schofield, Charles W. Sullivan John Stone, George F. Sawyer, Lorenzo RESIDENCE. S. Providence, R. I W.Greenwich," Uxbridge, Mass. N.Providence, R. Providence, " VaUeyFaUs, " Pawtucket, " W.Greenwich,"Providence, " N. Kingstown," Providence, " E. Greenwich," Barre, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 14. .1861. Mar. 8, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861, Sent. 22,1862. Feb. 20, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 2, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 10, 1865. Mar. 14, 1864 Feb. 10, 1865. Jan. 20, 1862. Mar. 13, 1865 Feb. 20, 1865. Jan. 6, 1864. Aug. 15," Mar. 12, 1862. ' 30,1865. Feb. 16, •' Mar. 30, " Apr. 11, " Feb. 6, 1864. " 28, 1865. " 16, " Mar. 30, " , 2, " Dec. 14, 1861. Feb. 27, 1865. April 10, " Jan. 5, 1864. April 10, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Jan. 21, 1865. Mustered out of service June 15,1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war since Oct. 3, 1864. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Not accounted for on the rolls. Transferred from Troop E, old organi- tion, Dea. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of serviceAug. 3,1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 8, 1865. Mustered dut of service Aug. 3. 1865, Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war ; died June 13, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. it it tf Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Corp. May 14, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; prisoner of war ; died June 12, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866, " " July 19," Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; transferredto Troop A, June 5, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Died April 18, 1865, in Hospital at Baltimore, Md. Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; prisoner of war ; died June 27, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt " Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Corporal June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 3, 1865. Deserted June 27, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 409 NAME AND RANK. Rhippee, Isaac S. Tasker, Thomas J. Tillinghast, George H. Verguson, Charles M. Wisliard, William Willard, Hubbell H. Wilcox, Barber A. Wood, Emery A. Williams, James West, Francis S. 52 RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Worcester, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. April 13, 1865. Mar. 3, 1862. Feb. 13, 1865 " 7," Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 18, 1862. April 11, 1865. Mar. 15, " " 22," " 6," Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Jan. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 8, 1865. tt tt it Transferred from Troop H, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop E, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt tt Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service June 15, 1865. 410 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) TROOP C. NAME AND RANK. Captain. George N. Bliss, 1st Lieutenants. Joseph W. Dewey, Hebron H. Steere, 2d Lieutenant. William H. Tallman, 1st Sergeant. Charles E. Fox, Quartermaster Sergeant. Thomas A. Harris, Commissary Sergeant. Nathan Atwood, Sergeants. Otis H. Crossman, Stephen H. Pickering, Emmons D. Guild, William P. Lovett, Corporals. George F. Cummings, William W. Marsh, Albert N. Jacobs, Edward B. Myers, John A. Spaulding, Lyman Aylesworth, Samuel R. Greene, Lawrence Cronan, RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Hanover, N. H. Tiverton, R. I. Newport, " Canada,Warwick, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Wrentham, Mass. Boston, Auburn, " Ellington, " Dover, N. H. Bristol, R. I. Lonsdale, " N.Kingstown," Warwick, " England, Nov. 1, 1864. June 8, 1865. Jan. 20, " Aug. 14, 1862. Dec. 15, " Jan. 5, 1864. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 14, 1861 Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service May 20, 1865. Transfererd from Troop G, old organ. Dec. 21, 1864 ; disch. Feb. 28, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3. 1865. Transferred from Troop F, old organ ization, Doc 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service-Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; 2d Lt. Troop A, Jan. 31, 1865. Transferred from Troop G, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service April 1, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Sergt. May 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ. Dec 21, 1864 ; Sergt. May 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug, 3, '65. Transferred from Troop.C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Sergt, June 5, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of servioe Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Sergt. Troop A, April 1, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ. Dec. 21, 1864 ; Sergt. May 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 65. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; transferred to Troop D, June 1, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. — '(RE-ORGANIZED.) 41.1 NAME AND RANK. Farrier. Asa T. Hicks, Saddler. Daniel A. Smith, Musicians. Ethan S. Brown, Oliver S. Adams, Wagoner. Halsey Ballou, Privates. Adams, Fredrick P, Arnold, Almond 0. Barber, Stanton L. Booth, William Booth, Simpson Booth, John Barlow, William Bates, Willard H. Bliss, Charles C. Bond, Addison S. Brown, John S. Tiverton, R. I. Smithfield, " Reading, Mass, Cumberland, R. I. Bowes, Philip Burke, James Boyle, William Ball, Augustus Carpenter, Oscar N. Conway, Patrick Carter, Edward S. Carey, Foster H, Cavanagh, James Church, Benedict G. Colburn, Charles H. Cunningham, Patrick RESIDENCE. Jan. 6, 1864. ft tt Ireland, Warwick, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Brimfield, " Topsham, Vt. Smithfield, R. I. Lonsdale, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Cumberland? " Hopkinton, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Apr. 10, 1865. " 11, " ff 12j << " 3, " Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt Apr. 11, 1865. Aug. 14, 1862. Mar. 10, 1865. Apr. 11, " Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 21, 1865. Sept. 22, 1862, Aug. 12, " « 7) „ tt >i Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 29, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3,. 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner of war; died July 23, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt ft tt Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Corp. May 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out? of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64; Corporal, June 6, 1865; mustered out Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. 412 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. ColweU, Daniel T. Dexter, Raphael Donahue, Michael Diamond, James Draper, Alvin A. Dyer, John Earle, Thomas A. Eldridge, Ransom I. Field, Henry Field, James L. Ford, WiUiam B. FuUer, George H. FuUer, Manly J. Gavitt, Philetus 0. Graves, George A. Graves, Abraham Gay, Albert E. Hopkins, James R. Hartley, Thomas Hawkins, George C. Hunt, William H. Johnson, Welcome A. Kindred, Henry E. Lawson, Lewis Latham, WiUiam H. Leedham, John RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Ireland, S. Providence, R. Pawtucket, " Central FaUs, " Olneyville, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " ii 1 1 Coventry, " Providence, " Seekonk, Mass. AUendale, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, " Lonsdale, " DATE OF MUSTER. April 10, 1865 Jan. 5, 1864, March 8, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Oct. 25, 1862 Aug. 25, " Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 26, 1862, Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 23, 1862. Oct. 19, 1864. Jan. 5, March 3, 1865. Sept. 22, 1862. April 10, 1865. March 13, " April 11, " Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 30, 1865, Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865.' Mustered out of "service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; discharged Feb. 18, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 18ft5. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64 ; taken prisoner March, 1865; exchanged; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service May 30, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old,organ- ization, Dec 21, 1864 ; mustered out of servioe Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Corporal; mustered out of service June 6, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, '64; Corporal, Apr. 1, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21,' 64 ; Corporal, June 6, 1865 ; mustered out Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation. Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 413 NAME AND RANK. Loramore, Robert S. Lovell, Isaac B. Luther, Samuel 0. Leach, Owen L. Mattison, Amasa L. McCarty, John Morse, Andrew Moore, Francis E. Makee, WiUiam H. Miller, Herbert E. Monaghan, James Moshier, Joseph H. Myers, George W. Nye, George Nichols, Harrison G. Oliver, James Potter, James B. Packard, William J. Parmenter, Winslow B. Potter, Ashael S. Pearce, George M. Putnam, James L. Pierce, Duty J. Pray, John ReiUy, John 0. Ray, Samuel Reynolds, Clark RothweU, John W. Rowe, Joseph Rourke, John Riley, John RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Allendale, " Providence, " Scituate, " Wareham, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Providence, " Bristol, " W.Greenwich," Cumberland, " Bristol, Canada, Bristol, R. I. Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. Mar. 9, " Jan. 5, " April 12, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Aprilll,1865 Jan. 5, 1864 April 10, 1865 Jan. 5, 1864 Apr. 14, 1866 Aug. 4, 1862 Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 13, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 15, 1862. April 11, 1865 Mar. 9, " Aug. 8, 1862 April 10, 1865. Dec. 14,1861. April 10, 1865. " 11, " \l It Mar. 22, " Sept. 27, 1864. April 12, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861. Mar. 20, 1865. Sept. 20, 1862. April 6, 1865. REMARKS. Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Bugler; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Saddler; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi- zation,Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. .. ff ft Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered outof service, Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; deserted Nov. 28, 1862; returned Aug. 1, 1864; sentenced by G. C, M., to make good aU time lost by desertion. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. " " Sept. 29, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service, June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out service May 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. 414 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Shaw, Cornelius O. Swift, George G. Sheldon, Albert G. Steere, Dwight Spaulding, George H. Steere, John H. Sutherland, Hugh Searle, Albert E. Tallman, Benjamin G. Taylor, John W. Thurber, Frank A. Tourjee, WiUiam H. Talbot, William- B. WUson, Jahles Ward, Thomas Jr. Watson, Elhafian Webb, John S. WinterbottoTn, James Wood, Henry A. RESIDENCE. Richmond, R. I. Lonsdale, " Cumberland " Providence, " New York, N. Y. Central Falls,R.I. Warwick, " Pawtucket, " Smithfield, " Foster, " DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 3, 1862. Apr. 10, 1865 Jan. 5, 1864. Apr. 5, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Sept. 15, 1862. Aug. 2, ,f Apr. 13, 1865 Jan. 5, 1864. tt tt Apr. 12, 1865 Mar. 13, " 1 9, 1864, Apr. 8, 1865. Sept, 1, 1862. Augt 4, " Jan. 5, 1864. REMARKS. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. June 1, '65; must, outof serviceAug. 3,'65! Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1866. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out Of service Aug. 3) 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 415 TROOP D. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Willis C. Capron, 1st Lieutenant. Andrew G. Lorrimer, 2d Lieutenants. George W. Darling, Anselm, Walker, 1st Sergeant. Henry A. Carder, Quartermaster Sergeant. Elton P. Dotey, Sergeants. Freeman L. Fuller, Jeremiah Coughlan, Allen C. Sweeting, Isaac King, Hbrace H. Pierce, Philip B. Carroll, Corporals. Alfred P. Palmer, Nicholas Eagan, George H. Martin, Nathaniel T. Wilcox, Fairiers. Lawrence Gibney, Samuel Brown, Saddler. Lewis R, Whiting, RF.SIDENCE. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, " i tt a Roxbury, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I Wallingford, Vt. Sutton, Mass, Ireland,Valley Falls, R. I. * Sutton, Mass. Mendon, " Nova Scotia, N. Baltimore, N. Y. Westerly, R. I. Charlestown, Mass. Ireland, Newport, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Nov. 16, 1863 Dec. 2, 1864. Mar. 1, 1863. May 28, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 19, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861 Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 14, 1862. " 13," " 15," Jan. 5, 1864. tt tf Mar. 12, " REMARKS. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop B, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Capt. Troop A, May 15, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop TI, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; 1st Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 19, 1865. Mustered out of service Jan. 11, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D,old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop H, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; deserted July 25, 1865. ' Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864 ; Commissary Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; mustered out service' June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec, 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 16, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. 416 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) NAME AND RANK. Musicians. Owen Dooner, Philo S. White, Wagoner. Charles H. Legg, Privates. Angeli, William H. Armington, Hervey B. Atkinson, John Ashworth, Noah A. Ashworth, George Angeli, George J. Allen, Charles N. Ashley, James Bennett, William H. Browuell, Major W. Beckton, James C. Brown, Jerry H. Barnaby, James C. Bachelor, Charles H. Baker, Franklin O. Borden, Holden B. Baalam, James ColweU, Edward F. Cole, Henry T. Cantello, Stephen Capwell, Willard T. Cooke, Joseph W. Corcoran, James Card, William RESIDENCE. Jan. 5, 1864. Glocester, R. I. Masonville, " Scituate, " Newcastle, Del. England, Providence, R. I, Phenix, " Quidnick, " Fall River, Mass, Northampton, " Tiverton, R, I. Hebronville, Mass. Providence, R. I. Bradford, Mass. Sterling, Conn. Wrentham, Mass. Plainfield, Conn. DATE OF MUSTER. tl ft , April 10, 1865. July 26, 4862. Mar. 6, 1865. . Dec. 14, 1861. Mar. 31, 1865. Aug. 26, 1862. Nov. 15, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861, Aug. 19, 1862. " 29," " 15," April 13, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. April 7, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 27, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861, Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 5, 1862. April 4, 1865. Aug. 14, 1862 Transferred from Troop A, old organi- zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Trriop D,bld organi zation, Dec 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Train, from Troop A, old organ., Dec. 21, 1864 ; deserted June 5, 1865, Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865, Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; term of ser vice extended 1 year, 6 months, for desertion. Mustered out of service May 31, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; prisoner of war ; died Aug. 21, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Prisoner ; exch.; trans, from Troop D, old org.; must, out serv.Oct. 10, '64. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. . Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop A,, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; Corp.; mus tered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. G, 1866. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. ; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. ' Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of serviee Oct. 4, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec, 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 417 NAME AND RANK. Cronan, Lawrence Cooke, William H. Collins, James H. Callahan, Malachi Dunn, James Howling, William Durfee, Andrew Daly, James Eldridge James P. 0. Fish, Delos Felch, Edward M. Greene, Albert A. Gould, Charles E. Goddard, Abraham F. Gougenhorm, John Gilmartin, Richard Hackley, William Harvey, Andrew Hunt Caleb W. Hudson, Marinus W. Herrick, Amos H. Hopkins, George L. Herrick, William A. Joslin, James A. Johnson, James B. Jillson, Welcome R, Knowles, John M, Kelley, Edwin A. Kennedy, William 53 RESIDENCE. England, Dutchess, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Pascoag, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Newport, R. I. Canterbury, Mass. Douglas, " E. Douglas, " Holden, Germany,Fall River, Mass. Valley FaUs, R. I. Holland, Mass. Voluntown, Conn. Bellingham, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Cumberland, " Newport, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861 April 11,1865. ;l 6, " Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861 April 7, 1865. Dec. 14. 1861 April 11,1865, Jan. 5, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861, Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 27, 1865. Aug. 11, 1862 April 8, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861. April 5, 1865 Dec. 14, 1861. April 1, 1865. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 14, 1862 Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 14, 1862 April 12, 1865. Nov. 30, 1864. Apr. 10, 1865 REMARKS. Transferred from Troop C, June 1, 1865; Sergt.; Q. M. Sergt.; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Corp. April 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 8, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, as prisoner of war; died at Richmond, Va., Feb., 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt - tt Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old org'n, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner of war. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old org'n ; deserted June 25, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Mustered put of service July 22, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21,1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner of war; died Feb. 25, 1864, at Belle Island, Va. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old org'n, Dec. 21, 1864 ; deserted Apr. 18, '63; ret. Oct. 13, '64; sentenced to make good all time lost by desertion. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop C, old organ ization, as prisonerof war; died Aug. 1, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Jan. 15, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Tioop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; transferred to V. R. C. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out ot service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Deserted June 28, 1865. Sergt. Mar. 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Deserted June 25, 1865. 418 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED. ) NAME AND RANK. Kelley, Daniel Lynch, Michael C. Linahan, Thomas Lewis, Courtland Leonard, James M. McLear, John Miner, Stephen McDonald, Richard McNanney, Patrick McCoy, Edward Monroe, Samuel P. Miller, Seth B. Millington, James W. Moore, Patrick P. McGovern. George Mowry, Stephen G. O'Brien, James O'Rourke. James Oatley, Edward F. Peck, William Parker, George W. Pettis, John H. Potter, Harris 0. Presbury, James W. Peck, William F. Reilley, John B. Read, Nathan H. Rutherford, John Rankin, John Raynor John G. Rathbone, Jeremiah Ireland, RESIDENCE. Johnston, R. I. Ireland, Providence, R. I. N. Kingstown," Rhode Island, Johnston, R. I. Narragansett, " Providence, " Coventry, " Providence, " England,Scotland,Westerly, R. I. N. Kingstown," DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 25, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861. Mar. 3, 1865. Aug. 8, 1862. Apr. 12, 1865. " 16, " Aug. 29, 1862. Sept. 23, " " 26, " July 27, 1864. Mar. 28, " Apr. 7, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861, Apr. 11,1865. t. 12> « " 11, " Aug. 29, 1862. Apr. 10, 1865. Jan. 6, 1864. 16, 1862. Apr. 7, 1865. " 10, " Jan. 5, 1864. Apr. 10, 1865. Jan. 16,1862. Feb. 13, 1865. Apr. 10, " Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 6, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service May 18, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Deserted June 28, 1865. ft tt tt Transferred from Troop D, old org'n, Dec. 21, '64, as prisoner of war; died June 9, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Transferred from Troop D, old org'n, Dec. 21, 1864 ; deserted June 1, '65. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dee. 21, 1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferrer] from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; Corp.; mus tered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. • Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from troop A, old org'n, Dec. 21, '64, as prisoner of war; died July 31, '64, at Andersonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug 3, 1865i tt ft tt Deserted June 25, 1865. Transferred from Troop I, old organiz ation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Dec. 26, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt tt " Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Dec. 26, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Corp. June 7, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. ; mas tered out of service Aug. 3, 1866. Transferred from Troop D, old organ ization, Dec. 21,1864; musteredout of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organ ization, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner ot war; died July 31, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga., of chronic diarrhcea. ? ! II tl FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED.) 419 NAME AND RANK. Shaw, William Sunderlatod, William A Stewart, William Snow, George Stanton, Benjamin T. Smith, Edward H. Studley, Frederick A. Soule, Edward B. Smith, John M. Snow, Alfred Salisbury, William B. Towne, Allen W. Trainor, James Vandorne, James W. Wadkins, Albert J. Wilcox, Henry B. West, Hiram Weir, George West, George W. Wescott, Joseph Jr., Wilcox, Lyman Jr., Wright, Edward F. Watson, Joseph York, Isaac F. Young, Frank H. RESIDENCE. England, Riverpoint, R. I. Middletown, Va. E. Douglas, Mass. Worcester, " Stonington, Conn. Union, " Douglas, Mass. Hope Village, R. I. Warwick, * Cumberland, Westerly, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 5, 1864. Aug. 15, " Jan. 6, April 11, 1865 Aug. 7,1862. April 10, 1865 Aug. 15, 1862 Mar. 31,1865. Feb. 24, " April 4, " Jan. 5, 1864. Feb. 27, 1865. Mar. 13, " Jan. 5, 1864. July 29, 1862. Dec. 14, 1861 April 12, 1865. Dec. 14, 1861 April. 10. 1865. Aug. 6, 1862. April 10, 1865. it tt Aug. 15, 1862. Mar. 25, 1865. Transferred from Troop D,old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service Aug 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; mustered out of service June 8, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864; musteredout of service June 6,1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1804; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Deserted June 28, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; Corp. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop D,old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner of war; died June 15, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec 21, 1864, as prisoner of war ; died Aug. 31, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Mustered out of service July 19, 1865. Transferred from Troop D, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. tt it fi Transferred from Troop A, old organi zation, Dec. 21, 1864, as prisoner of war ; died Feb. 15, 1864, at Belle Island, Va. Mustered out of service Aug. 3, 1865. 420 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. (RE-ORGANIZED^ UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF' MUSTER. REMARKS. Privates. Blair, Joseph Feb. 13, 1865. Brabair, Theodore Mar. 2, 1865. Doxey, John " 25, " Heffring, Michael Feb. 21, " English, WiUiam « 2, " Kittredge, Hiram M. Mar. 21, " Kneeland, James Feb. 16, " Mahan, Michael " " McGuire, James tt a 1 McKenna, William Ireland, Aug. 8, 1864. Stewart, WiUiam. Rhode Island, " 15, " WiUiams, Barney Feb. 16, 1865. Seventh Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry. The Seventh Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry consisted of two compan ies. Company A, Captain Christopher Vaughn, was enlisted mostly in Providence. Company B, Captain Sanford S. Burr, was composed of students of Dartoiouth College, N. H., and of Norwich University, Vt., who offered themselves to Governor Sprague for the three months' service, and were accepted by him. The Student Company arrived in Providence June 19th, 1862, and went into camp on the Dexter Training Ground. On the 26th of June a handsome entertainment was given them at the Rooms of L. H. Humphreys & Co. Ex-Governor William W. Hoppin presided, and made an address of welcome, which was responded to by Captain Burr. Patriotic speeches were also made by Governor Sprague, Rev. Barnas Sears, D. D., President of Brown University, Rev. Samuel Caldwell, D. D., Professor Alexis Caswell, Professor James B. Angeli, Hon. Samuel Currey, and Mr. W. C. Flagg, of the junior class of Dartmouth College. The entertainment was happily conceived, and gave much gratification to all present. On the 24th of June the Squadron was mustered into the service of the United States, and on the 28th departed for Washington. Arriving there it quartered in " Camp Clark " at Gales' Wood, and afterwards occupied " Camp Sprague." While here the men and horses were exercised by inarches into the country, sometimes occupying the entire day. On the 25th of July the Squadron was transferred from General Wadsworth's command to that of General Sturgis, and removed to Alexandria, Va. It established for a few days " Camp Eddy " near Fairfax Seminary, and then marched to Winches ter, where a considerable force was stationed under General White. Its encampment was named " Camp Sigel," and until September the Squadron was constantly engaged in picket duty and scouting. In August privates J. H. Blodgett and Charles H. Manton, students of Dartmouth College, having ventured beyond the picket line, were taken prisoners. Lieutenant Angeli and forty men at once started in pursuit, and followed as far as Kearnstown without overtaking them. About the 20th of August, Surgeon Howard W. King arrived in camp and was warmly welcomed, the Squadron having never before been provided with a Medical Director. 422 SEVENTH SQUADRON RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. While at Winchester, the term of service being nearly expired, the officers and enlisted men agreed to remain until the rebels should be driven out of Maryland. On the 2d of September the Squadron was sent on a scouting expedition as far as Newtown and Middleburg, and took several rebel soldiers prisoners. Returning about 11 o'clock at night they found the town in a b.aze, and the troops rapidly evacuating. This measure had been rendered necessary, in the judgment of General White, by the disaster of General Pope at Bull Run, and by inability to hold the place against the large rebel force then advancing: upon it. Too late to save much of its camp equipage from the destruction then going on, it only remained for the Squadron to obey orders and join the other troops in their retreat to Harper's Ferry. Marching all that night and the next day, it reached its destination at 9 o'clock p. m. On the 5th of September it crossed the Potomac with the 32d Ohio Volunteers, on a pontoon bridge, and encamped in the woods on Maryland Heights, oppo site the Ferry, and with the 12th Illinois, 8th New York, and four companies of Maryland cavalry, forming the third brigade of Maryland home guards, Colonel Ford commanding. Picket duty filled up the time while they remained at this post. Harper's Ferry at this period was an important post, and Colonel Miles had under him for its defence a body of 11,000 men, a number sufficient to have held it against any force the rebels then had it in their power to bring against him. Notwithstanding, while the battle of Antietam was raging, and it was of almost vital importance that the place should be held at all hazards, Colonel Miles after a slight show of defence, and for reasons that his death will forever conceal, decided to surrender to the investing foe. He however gave the cavalry regiments permission to make an attempt to escape through the enemy's lines. This permission was successfully improved. Longstreet with 30,000 men, was marching to the support of Lee at Antietam. This body was to be passed before escape could be insured. By a well devised movement the beleaguered force not only shunned discovery, but to the con sternation of the enemy captured a train of more than one hundred wagons laden with rations and ammunition, together with upwards of one hundred men, and to that extent diminishing the efficiency of the rebel Corps. The Squadron pursued its way to Greencastle, Md., and on the 17th of September was in temper and condition to take part in the bloody struggle of Antietam, had it been called to that duty, With the departure of Lee from Maryland, the work of the Squadron closed. Setting out for, home, it reached Providence September 26th, and was quartered at the Silvey barracks. A few days after, it was complimented with a dinner at Humphreys' Rooms by invitation of Captain A. C. Eddy, with whom pleasant relations had previously existed. Though the campaign had been short, the services performed were creditable to the Squadron, to its commander Major Corliss, and to the State. The casualties of the three months appear on the catalogue. Seventh Sqpiadron Bhode Island Cavalry. FIELD AND STAFF NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Major. Augustus W. Corliss, Waltham, Mass. June 24, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 26, '62. Adjutant. Charles F. Tillinghast, Quartermaster. George A. Smith, Greenville, K. I. July 7," „ 17„ .. tt tt tf tf tt Sergeant Major. Charles E. Bush, June 24, " ti Quartermaster Sergeant. Rollins H. N. Carnes, Boston, Mass. ft ft li fl U Commissary Sergeant. C. S. Brown, tt tt It it ft Hospital Steward. C. S. Gill, tt tt tt tt te Veterinary Sergeant. A. W. White, tt tt ft ft ee 424 SEVENTH SQUADRON RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP A. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Christopher Vaughan, Smithfield, P. I. June 24, 1862. Mustered out of servico Sept. 26, 1862. 1st Lieutenant. John Angeli, July 17, " ft ft tt 2d Lieutenant. Samuel A. Lewis, Pawtucket, " June 24, 1862. tf tt f( Sergeants. Edwin C. Pomeroy, Providence, " " " tt tt tt Rollins H. N. Carnes, Boston, Mass. ft tt Q, M. Sergt. July 17, 1862. George A. Smith, Greenville, P. I. tt tt Quartermaster " " John Angeli, N.Providence," tt tt 1st Lieutenant " " Williani J. McCaU, tt tt tt tt Mustered out of servico Sept. 26, '62. John C. Bartlett, Biddeford, Maine, tt tt ft ft tt Corporals. William Rawstorne, Glocester, P. I. tt tt Sergt. ; Q. M. Sergt. ; mustered out of service Sept. 26, 1862. "William H. Nichols, Salem, Mass. ft ft Mustered out of service Sept 26, 1862, tt tt 'ft Marshall E. Hunter, Marlborough " tt tt Henry W. Taber, Brand'slr'n Works. tt tt tt tt tt Manly J. Fuller, Providence, P. I. ft tt tt tt tt Charles A. Phillips, Oxford, Mass. tt tt Sergeant July 17, 1862 ; mustered out of service Sept. 26, 1862. John H. Whiting, Wrentham, " tt tt Mustered out of serv. Sept. 25, 1862. Augustus Y. Thurston Providence, P. I. ft tt " " 26, " Musicians. Henry Fitts, E. Douglas, Mass. tt tt tt tt tt George S. Slayton, Woodstock, Vt. tt tt " " " Farriers. Patrick McDermott, Glocester, R. I. ft tt tt ft ff Isaac W. Songster, Philadelphia, Pa. July 12, " tt tt f Henry C. ColweU, Glocester, R. I. June 24, " n tt " Peter Carroll, Philadelphia, Pa. July 12, " tt it fi Saddler. Cyril Shaw, Providence, R. I. June 24, '' tt it fi Wagoner. Harris Havens, Centreville, " ft ft tt tt 1' Privates. Allen, Horace F. Pawtucket, " ft tt ii ft n Black, Alexander Taunton, Mass. tt tt tt ff " Broadbent, Francis MillviUe, tt tt tt if " Barnes, George F. Wrentham, " ft tt it ft " Cahill, John Ne wtonU. Falls,Ms. tt tt tt n " Cahill, Patrick H. Newton, Mass. ft tt ft tf " Carr, Owen Jr. Salem, " ft tt tt tt ii Chedell, Timothy B. Providence, R. I. t f tt it ti « ColweU, Henry C. Glocester, " ft tt tt ft " Chace, Henry M. Providence, " ft tt tt tf " Dewey, Luke Hanover, N. H. ft tt tt « " Dwyer, Thomas Central FaUs, R. I. tf ti u tt « Ferriss, Samuel Lonsdale, " tt ft ft ff « Fuller, Chaunoey Providence, " tt tt tt « 25, " Greene, John Taunton, Mass. - tf tt 26, " Gay, Jabez S. Attleboro, ft ft ti ff " Greene, Esbon A. CromptonMiUs,R. I. ft tt ¦ t « " Gardiner, Nicholas B. Crompton, " 1864- 1, ,asi' Trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 18b4. Deserted Dec. 10, 1862. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 441 KAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Williams, Charles New York, N. Y. Dec. 1, 1862. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24,1863; trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Whitten, Edwin D. Falmouth, Mass. tt if Deserted Dec. 18, 1862. Westley, John G. Boston, " it it Wounded severely July 2, 1863, at battle near Springfield Landing. Williams, George Scotland, Deserted Nov. 20, 1862. Wilson, James Troy, N. Y. tf tt " Dec. 16, " Whitney, Frank New Bedford, Mass. tt tt " " 15, " Welch, Michael Boston, it tt " " 16, " West, George W. Baton Eouge, La. Mar. 26, 1863. Trans, from 26th Conn Vols. 56 442 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TRQOP C. NAME AND RANK. Captain. William H. Stephens, 1st. Lieutenants. William J. McCaU, 2d Lieutenants. Walter M. Jackson, Welcome Fenner, 1st Sergeant. Sidney E. Child, Quartermaster Sergeant. Triscott Dinsmore, "V William B. Waterman, Sergeants. Gilbert A, Kenney, Frank Winsor, RESIDENCE. Woodstock, Vt. Providence, E. I. Woodstock, Conn. Lubec, Maine, Bolton, Mass. Providence, E. I. Utica, N. Y. Ammi M. True, I Bangor, Me. Edward J. Burns, I Providence, E. I. Boston, Mass. William W. Norton, Corporals. John McKelvey, Benjamin F. Chesley, George F. Foster, James Clark, James I. Thomas, Gustavus Brenner, Oscar Lavish, James M. Eogers, Wagoners. WiUiam A. Jencks, David H. Pickett, George Crumley, Farriers. Cornelius O. Wheeler, Pawtucket, E. I. Providence, " Lunenburg, Vt. York, Maine, New York, N. Y. CC ft New London, Conn, Lonsdale, E. 1. Barnet, Vt. Lonsdale, E. I. Carroll, N. H. DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 12, 1862, Taken prisoner March 14, Port Hudson, La. Eesigned August 11, 1863. 1863, at Appointed Adjutant. Taken prisoner July 2, '63, at Spring field Landing ; in Libby Prison Dee. 13, '63; escaped — ,'64; mustered out of service Dec. 30, 1864. Discharged. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. 1st Sergeant Troop G, April 1, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Taken prisoner Mar. 14, '63, near Port Hudson, La. ; disch'd Aug. 18/63. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; disch'd Sept. 27, '63, on Surg, certif. Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864- Sergeant Jan. 12, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864- Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24/63. Transfd to 1st La, Cav. Aug. 24/63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Claimed and given up Feb. 10, '63, as a deserter from 47th Mass. Vols. Deserted Dec. 15, 1862. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24/63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Troop I, Jan, 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24/63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop -, Jan. 14, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 443 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF DATE MUSTER. William C. Wheeler, CarroU, N. Y. Dec. 12, 1862. Saddler. John Roberts, Providence, lt. I. ¦. « 19j .. " 15, " Jan. 9, 1863. ft tc | cc Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d lt. I. Cav. Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Corporal Dec. 24, '62; transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, '64. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 16, 1862. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63. Deserted Feb. 10, 1863. Transfd Mar. 7, '63, from Co. E, 48th Mass. Vols. Deserted Jan. 4, 1863. " , Feb. 4, " Deserted Dec. 22 1862. Trans, to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63., Deserted Dec. 15, 1862. Deserted Feb. 6, 1863. Deserted Dec. 18, 1862. Transferred from Co. I, 48th Mass. Vols.; transferredto 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Co. K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 20, 1862. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E.I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 21, 1862. Deserted Dec. 18, 1862,. Deserted Feb. 4, 1863. Corporal, Dec. 24, 1862. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24. '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 25, 1862. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. .Transferred from Co. E, 48th Mass. Vols., Mar. 6, '63; transf. to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63; trans, to 3d R. I. Cavalry, Troop I, Jan. 14, '64. 444 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVAXRY. NAME AND RANK. Louise, Paul LagTange, Peter Lavisse, Lawrence Lavlette, Peter Latour. Eugene Little, Samuel B. McLaughlin, Edw. H. McLaughlin, George McLaughlin, John Miller, Joseph Murphy, James Murray, Eichard Munier, Jules Meagher, Edward Macabet, Henry Miller, George Meagan, John H. Noble, Harvey O'Neill, Charles O'Brien, John Pearsall, William Phillipe, Auguste Porter, James Quinn, James Eosmond, Harry Eenninger, Charles Eobertson, John W. Eoberts, Joseph Eoman, Charles Spencer, Lewis Smart, Eobert Snow, William Smith, James Smith, George Sherman, Clarence Smith, WiUiam Smith, Charles 0. Stanton, N. G. Stickney, Charles Taylor, Charles S. Taylor, Cyrus F. RESIDENCE. New York, N. Y. Canterbury, N. H. Charlestown, Mass. Providence, E. I. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Newton, Mass. New York, N. Y. France, Massachusetts, N. Providence, E. I. Providence, " Boston, Mass. [Providence, E. I. jPomfret Conn. Portsmouth, N. H. Millbury, Mass. Providence, E. I. Boston, Mass. New Haven, Conn. New York, N. Y. DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 12, 1862. March 4, Dec. 12, 1863 1862 Lynn, Mass. Providence, E. L Newberg, Vt. Scituate. E. I. Glocester, " March 4, 1863. Dec. 12, 1862. ff ff ff ff Dec. 12, 1862. Deserted Dec. 24, 1862. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 8, 1863. Deserted Dec. 28, 1862. Deserted Dec. 27, 1862. In Hospital. Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I. Cav alry, Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred tc 3d R. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 28, 1862. Deserted Dec. 17, 1862. Deserted Dec. 14. 1862. Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. Deserted Doc. 29, 1862. Deserted "Feb. 6, 1863. Deserted Dec. 16, 1862. Deserted Dec. 13, 1862. Deserted Jan. 5, 1863. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24. '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I Cav. airy, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Dec. 16, 1862. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863. Deserted Dec. 16, 1862. Deserted Dec. 19, 1862. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 8, 1863. Deserted Jan 9, 1863. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I. Cav alry, Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63; transferred to 3dR. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864, Deserted Jan. 9. 1863. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug, 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d R. I. Cav airy, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav airy, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Taken prisoner March 14, 1863, near Port Hudson ; paroled. Trans, to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, died Oct.. 23, '63, at New Iberia, La. Deserted Dec. 17, 1862. Trans, from Co. F, 48th Mass. Vols. trans, to 1st La. Cavalry ,Aug. 24/6; Deserted Dec. 14, 1862. Transferred from Co. G- Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d R. I. Cav. Troop 1, Jan. 14, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 445 NAME AND RANK. Thornton, John Taft, Francis M. Taylor, C. 0. Tatio, Clifford Viola, Francisco Viger, Martin Wood, George Wilson, Henry Waters, John F. WilUams, John Whitman, George H. Wilson, John F. Wagner, George Zernott, Robert RESIDENCE. Ireland,Burrillville, E. I. Scituate, " New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Burlington, Vt. Sweden,Sutton, Mass. Boston, " Eichmond, N. H. New York, N. Y. DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 4, 1863. Dec. 12 1862. Mar. 4, 1863 Dec. 12, 1862 Mar. 25, 1863 Dec. 12, 1862 Mar. 6, 1863 Dec. 13, 1862 " 21, " REMARKS. Transfd from Co. G, 48th Mass Vols. Deserted Fob. 4, 1863. " ~ Doc. 27, 1862. Not accounted on roll March 21, Deserted Jan. 9, 1863. '63. Taken prisoner Mar. l4, '63, near Port Hudson ; transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Co'. I, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug, 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Troop L, Jan.' 14, '64. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 63 ; transfd to 3d E. .1. Cav. Troop K, Jan. 14, '64. Transfd from Co. I, 48th Mass. Vols. Deserted Dec. 30,. 1862. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Troop K, Jan 14, 1864. 446 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP D. NAME AND RANK. Captain. George W. Beach, 1st Lieutenant. William. H.. H.Smith, 2d Lieutenant. Frank Hayes, 1st Sergeants, William A. Clark, Clinton W. Bond, Q. M. Sergeant, Charles H. Kennon, Commissai-y Sergeant George S. Eaton, Sergeants, Luigi Psaylas, William H. Swan, George Thomas, George Smith, William H. Fuller, Corporals. James Harris, John Pontis, John Smith, Philip Diehl, Edward White, George W. Morgan, George Taylor, Henry Campbell, Wagoners. William 11, Moore, Henry O'Neale, Harvey Williams, Farriers. William Myers, Robert W. Fulton, Saddler. Otto Kettch, Privates. Ariate, Charles Ardee, John Adam, Jules Armstrong, George Brown, Charles Balaten, Giacomo Bombardi, Giuseppe RESIDENCE. Boston, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Boston, Mass. IC If Providence, E. I. Helena, Ark. New York, N. Y. Providence, B. I. Philadelphia, Pa. It tt Boston, Mass. Hermon, Me. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Plattsburg, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Valley Falls, R. I. Chester, Vt. Newport, E. I. E. Cambridge, Ms. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. England,New York, N. Y. DATE or MUSTER. Dec . 24, 1862. ti u ti tt Dismissed, from service June 2, : . before Port Hudson, La. Trans.toTr. LSdE.I. Cav.,Jan.l4,'64, Trans, from Troop li, April 1, 1863. Deserted, Feb. 15, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d R. 1. Cav., Troop K Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 8, 1868. " Feb. 14, " •¦ 21, " Jan. 14, " Feb. 21, " Jan. 14, " Trans, to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d R. I. Cavalry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d K. I. Cavalry Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d It. I. Cavalry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 21, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d It. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 15, 1863. " 14, " " 1, " Killed July 2d, 1868, at battle Spring field Landing. Deserted Feb. 14, 1863. " 14, " SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 447 NAME AND RANK. Berri, Giuseppe Brannon, James Busson, Paul Becker, William Cole, John H. Colin, Louis Cothaus, John Calca, Luigi Casta, Peter Carter, Samuel B, Coss, Philip Cook, Charles S. Donahue, John Davis, James Devi, John Eisebraun, Goutiel Estieune, Charles Fuller, John Finnigan, Patrick Goulet, Kniile Grend, Jule Giosef, Tableine Goodenow, Wallace E. Green, Samuel Hardfield, Louis Howard, George Henry, John Hand, Joseph Johnson, Daniel Jordan, Patrick Kohne, Harry Koch, Charles Knipe, Charles A. Lynch, Luke Lee, John T. Londos, Angelo Londure, Pierre Maloncy, Thomas Miller, Boni Muchriff, John McGraw, James Monti, Francis Ogee, Prosper Pflugier, Christian Protasi, Gervasio Palmiere, Luigi Pilard, Louis Picca, Ricardo merman, Williams RESIDENCE. New Yoik, N. Y. Greenwich, E. I. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. N. Bedford, " New York, N. Y. Kent Co., It. I. New York, N. Y. Trenton, N. J. Boston, Mass. New Bedford, " New York, N. Y, CC Cc Trenton, N. J, Boston, Mass, DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 24, 1862. New York, N. Y. Brandon, Vt. Charlestown, Mass, New York, N. Y. Windsor, Vt. New York, N. Y. Blackstone, Mass. New York, N. Y. tt cc Charlestown, Mass. Woonsocket, E. I, Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. tc n it it tt it Olneyville, E. I. New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, " New York, " cc cc Philadelphia, Penn. Hoboken, N. Y. REMARKS. Deserted Feb. 14, 1863. it 18 „ 16, Deserted. Deserted Jan. 1, 1863. Trans, to Troop B, April 1, 1863. Deserted Dec. 25, 1862. Feb, 15, 1863. CC CC Trans, to 1st Ln. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d It. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 14, 1863, " Feb. " ff tt ¦" Jan. 15, " Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14. 1864. Deserted Jan. 14, 1863, Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1868; trans, to 3d B. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 14, 1863. Dec. 25, 1862. Trans, from Troop E ; wounded se verely July 2, 1863, at Springfield Landing. Deserted Dec. 25, 1862. " Jan. 15, 1863. " Feb. 19, " Jan. 14, " Trans, to'lst La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E, I. Cav,, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d lt. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Jan. 14, 1863. Feb. 16, 1863. <• 8, " Dec. 25, 1862. " - Feb. 16. 1863, a ti Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug, 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 16, 1863. " 21, " Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24,1863 trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864 trans, to V. E. C, April 6, 1864 mustered outof serv. Oct. 30, 1865. 448 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY, NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE 1? MUSTER. REMARKS. Perela, Baptista New York, N. Y. De C. 24, 1862. Quenet, Augustc ff If 4 ( tt Deserted Feb. 16, 1863. Eeictti, Luigi Italy, t tl tl CC Kyon, Frank New York, N. Y. ' t il Dec. 25, 1862. Eiley, Patrick n it t I It " Jan. 14, 1863. Swart, Martin Sinnott, James D. Nashua, N. H. Williamsburg, N. Y. ' I tt Taken prisoner at Port Hudson, La. Deserted Feb. 15, 1863. Shane, Adam New York, " ' t il Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863. Schmidt, Joseph Klizabethport, " ' 1 tt Deserted Feb. 15, 1863. Sheehan, Timothy Providence, K. I. ' I tt " Jan. 14, " Shannon, John New York, N. Y. t ll " '' Smith, John New Haven, Conn. ' i it " Dec. 30, 1862. Schmutz, Jacob New York, N. Y. t ti i " Feb. 4, 1863. Smith, George W. tt tl i ( tt " Jan. 14, " Smith, William I. t it tC ll Spinney, Nathaniel Elliott, Maine, Mi ir. 11, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d R. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Shaw, John Providence, E. I, De c. 24, 1862. Deserted Jan. 14, 1863. Thompson, Edward Boston, Mass. t cc CC CC Uffendale, William C. Brooklyn, N, Y, C iC Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d R. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Villa, Giovanni New York, " | " Deserted Feb. 20, 1863- Vannui, Luigi tt tt | t C n Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1868. Wilson, James Boston, Mass. " tl CC Cl trans, to 3d E. I., Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Wilson, Charles ! ' 1 It Deserted Dec. 25, 1862. White, James Westerly, li. I, 1 I ll •' Feb.. 18, 1863. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 449 TROOP E. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. Edwin A. Hardy, Boston, Mass. Jan. 15, 1863. Eesigned July 24, 1863. 1st Lieutenant. John D. Hanning, Brooklyn, N. Y. i i ti 2d Lieutenant. Caleb Brennan, Providence, R. I. ti ti Taken prisoner June 23, '63, at Bra 1st Sergeant. shear City. Charles Davenport, Baltimore, Md. ti «f Deserted March 6, 1863. .Quartermaster Sergeant, George H. Dalin, Brooklyn, N. Y. f f tt Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Commissary Sei'geant. 0 Jan. 14, 1864. William R. Crocker, Providence, E. I. tt ff Sergeants. Charles White, E. Newmarket, Md. ft ff Deserted March 26, 1863. George W. Stubbs, Gilsum, N. H. ff f f Augustus Crugher, New York, N. Y. ff f f Harry Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa. ff ll WiUiam H. Tabor, Hopkinton, E. I. tl tt Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Corporals. Jan. 14, 1864. John Fox, New York, N. Y. ii Deserted February 25, 1863. George Williams, Roxbury, Mass. It tl " March 6, " Thomas Vaughan, New York, N. Y. li tt " January 22, " John H. Hart, Chelsea, Mass. tt li Charles Gunlack, Williamsb'gh,N.Y. It If " February 25, " William Hausman, Jersey City, N. J. It li Sergeant; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Charles McGlansin, Carmill, Maine, It tt Deserted Feb. 25, 1863. Carlo Felice, New York, N. Y. tl ti Wagoners. John B. Randall, tt ff Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Leander A. Buffum, BurriUviUe, E. I. ff ff Transfd to V. E. C, Mar. 15, '64; mustered out of service Nov. 2, '65. John Glassey, Lonsdale, " It tl Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Farrier, Jan. 14, 1864. Charles Duvall, New York, N. Y. ff ll Deserted April 10, 1863. Saddler, * John Call, Philadelphia, Pa. tt tl Feb. 18, " Privates. Ackley, William Williamsb'gl^N.Y. tt tl " Mar. 6, " Bottner, Herman New York, N. Y. tt tt - " " 20, " Butler, Albert it tt " April 10. " Feb. 18^ " Baker, Charles It cc tt tl Bellecroix, Jules cc cc tl It " April 10, " " Mar. 26, " Brown, Thomas cc tt tt It Carver, Alfred Dumont, Alfred Brooklyn, " New York, " tt ti it tl 6, " " Feb. 21, " Drammer, John II cc fl It Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Troop L, DeBerague, Gustave CC if ,c Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav, Troop K, 57 Jan. 14, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND' CAVALRY. 451 NAME AND RANK. Pache, Henry Otto Ripley, Charles W. Rachke, William Rausin, Louis Storm, Peter Scharouski, Frederick Stanton, John Smith, Charles Smith, John Stellnach, Charles Swain, Frederick A. Schnieder Michael Turner, Chester L. Verchuien, Charles Vernex, Jacques Wentzel, WiUiam Wilhelm, Charles Wegand, Frederick Wood, Charles Winner, Louis Weston, Henry Wolf, WiUiam Zirengiger, William RESIDENCE. New York, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, " New York, " Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Jan. 15, 1863. DATE OF MUSTER. fftft f f f itt ff t Mauch Chunk Pa. New York, N. Y. REMARKS. Deserted March 20, 1863. " February 20, " Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Jan. 14, '64. Deserted February 26, 1863. 25, " " January 23, " Dead.Transfd to V. E. O, April 6, 1863. Deserted February 26, 1863. ff ff ff 25, " 2d Lieut. Co. G, January 24, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfdto3dE. I. Cav.Jan. 14, '64; appointed 2d Lieut. 1st La. Cav., Troop I. Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan 14, 1864. Deserted February 25, 1863. ff ff ff April 10, " " February 25, " SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 453 SAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Bender, John Baker, Francis liraun, John Carlson, Peter L. Drummont, John Fauser, Jacob Fauer, Francis Follena, Joseph Fuchs, Francis Felippe, Giuseppe Fischer, August Frensel, Otto Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany,Switzerland,France, Prussia, Prance, Germany, Fischer, Arialdo Gusnian, Theodor Gaudet, Louis Hoffman, Herman Heel, William Hansen, Hans Heyse, Henry Ikier, Julius Korn, Otto Kirchmayer, Ferdinand Kohl, John Klein, Frederick Killi, Sylvester Kleinan, John ¦ Koehler, Louis Lorens, William Loeflel, August Lnmberger, Theophile Lemann, Rudolph Lange, Ernest Metsinger, Peter Meyer, John Muller, Nicholaus Meyer, Emil Marsart, Antoni Monheim, Ferdinand Miller, William Marlot, Alexander Narmont, John L. Norret, Henry Pl'ilipps, Heinrich rezani, Louis Paris, John Prussia, Germany, France, New York, N. Y. Germany, Denmark, Germany, Prussia, Bavaria, Germany, Prussia, Germany, Prussia, Switzerland, Germany, ft France,Germany, Prussia,Germany, France, Sweden, New York, N. Y. Prussia, Italy, Mar. 10, Jan. 19, Mar. 17. Jan. Mar. 19, 12, Jan. 19, Jan. 19, 1863. (Transferred to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, I 1863 ; transferred to 3d lt. I. Cav., ! Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. (Deserted Feb. 9, 1863. Transferred to 1st La» Cav., Aug. 24, 1863; transferred to 3d lt. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 3d lt. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 9, 1803. Deserted Feb. 9, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Tr. to Trp. H, 3d E. I. Cav. Jan. 14/64. Deserted Feb. 9, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug, 24,1863; trans, to 3d It. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Corporal.Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d It. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 9, 1863, Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1868 ; trans, to 3d R, I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863; trans, to 3d R. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Died April 14, '63, at Baton Eouge.La. Deserted Feb. 9, 1863. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan, 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cavalrj', Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted Feb. 9, 1863. 454 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. Perinctsia, William Pittner, August Reichard, Carlo F. Eobeen, Emil Remlinger, Jean Smith, Richard Stumm, Charles Sard, Angelo Schnell, Herman Sarteim, Giacomo Schmidt, Adam Sanders, John Speppig, Jacob Sjoesten, Tino V, Schmaller, Charles Sander, George Smith, John Schulze, Henry Sell, John Teacher, Alfred Vogel, John Wallin Carl A. Wallin, Knut A. Weber, Otto Wyss, William Wahrens Eugene Weyhl, Henry Waller, Charles Wette, John Weinrich, George Walling, August Zbender, Christian RF.SIDENCE. Italy, Germany,Italy, France,Germany, Boston, Mass, Switzerland, Italy, Germany,Denmark, Germany, New York, N. Y. Germany, Sweden, New York, N. Y. Prussia, Switzerland, Germany, Prussia, Switzerland, Bavaria,Sweden, Germany,Switzerland, Cincinnati, O. Prussia, Switzerland, Germany, France, New York, N. Y. OF MO STER. Jtfn. tt 19, 1863. ' Feb. 3, 1863. Allen, William Camden,, N. J. ti tt ff Abberue, Benedict Germany, it u tt Bulderae, John Italy, tt n Blanc, Alphonse France, tt tt Mar. 17, 1863. Boldt, Henry Germany, tt tt Bine, Angelo Switzerland, tt tt Feb. 8, Bodain, Charles ti it Trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Brown, John Ireland, tt it Deserted Feb. 6, 1863. Campbell, James ,c tt tt n it Collier, Edward Cabellini, Louis Philadelphia, Pa. it n it tt Italy, tt it Corp. ;• transt to 1st La. Cav., Aug. ^ 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. 456 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. Coyne, Patrick Dachen, Eudolph Davis, Henry C. Davis, WiUiam Drumgold, John Dumont, Alexander Deglaine, JuHus Early, Michael Englehurst, Cornelius Eichner, Charles FarraU, George Glaire, John L. Gottburg, George Fisher, Charles, Hafner, Frederic Hartfield, Carl HaU, Patrick Hartman, Charles Henry, Henry Harmann, Charles Higgins, John Hayes, John Heinrich, Frederick Harris, John Kaus, Frank Kaus, John Lagrange, Emil Lemoine, Peter F. Langerman, Julius Luprecht, Ernest Einnane, Peter F. Lohman, Henry Lunes, Alfred Leavitt, George H. McDonald, WiUiam Meyer, Adolph Meyer, Charles RESIDENCE. Ireland, Germany,Nashua, N, B. Hartford, Conn. Norwalk, " France, DATE OP MUSTER. Jan. 24, 1863 Ireland, PhUadelphia, Pa. Germany, i Camden, N. J. I Germany, REMARKS. 28, " 24," Mar.Jan. 29, 1863. 24, 1863. New York, N. Y. Germany, I " France, Prussia, Ireland,New Haven, Conn. Germany, Philadelphia, Pa. Switzerland,France, New York, N. Y. Germany, New York, N. Y. Germany, France, Boston, Mass. NewRocheUe.N.Y. Germany, Trans, to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d It. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Discharged Nov. 13, 1863, at Fort Co lumbus, N. Y. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Shot by ord. Col.Eobinson,lst La Cav. Deserted. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d It. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Sergeant.Corporal; transfd to 1st La. Cav. 'Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted March 19, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Corporal ; transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d R. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted March 18, 1863. Sergeant April 20, '63 ; transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, '64. Deserted March 19, 1863. Transf d. to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d lt. I. Cav., Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted March 18, 1863. Jan. 24, " ' March 17, " Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted. c March 19, 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Sergeant; transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; transfd to 3d R. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted February 3, 1863. March 17, 1863. " 17, " " 19, " Feb. 3, " SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 457 NAME AND RANK. Muller, John Mull, Peter Martin, WiUiam O'Meara, John O'Brien, John Paepko, Albert Rabbie, Alfred RoginfouiUe, Louis Reindell, John Rutzer, William Schwartz, Julius Schmidt, Julius Smith, Charles Smith, George Smith, James Stephenson, John Swindles, Joseph Scroeder. Charles Stebbins, Henry Smith, WiUiam H. Taylor, Charles S. Tressman, John Thauner, Hugo, Vaughu, Patrick Valentine, George Vollman, Otto Western, William Weisenthal, Julius Webber, John RESIDENCE. Germany, Holland,New York, N. Y. Iroland, Germany, France, Jan. 24, 1863. Germany,England,Germany, a (Hungary, England, n Hudson, N. Y. England, Germany, Bangor Maine, New York, N. Y. Scituate, lt. I. Germany, Ireland, Switzerland,Germany, Concord, N. H. Germany, DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS. 28, 24, Desorted April 2, 1863. cc cc cc Sergeant ; deserted. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 63 , transfd to 3d It. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted March 15, 1863. 20, " " March 19, 1863. " Feb. 3, " i Transf d to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. 'Deserted February 3, 1863. iTransf d to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63. 1st Sergt. Feb. 4, '63 ; Sergt. Major. 'Transfd to Troop C. iCorporal ; transfd 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., ! Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted March 17. 1863. Transfd to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E, I. Cav. Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, 63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav., Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Deserted February 2, 1863, ff April 1, 1863, 458 SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP H. NAME AND RANK. Captain. George H. Getchell, 1st Lieutenants, Charles E. Brigham, Walter M. Jackson, Sergeants. Frank C. Ewins, Auguste G. BaUe, Thomas McCarty, George Shroilzer, Corporals, Arthur EoUer Andrew Greenhalph, John Stewart. Henry Schmidt, Privates. Ausbacher, Moritz Barbine, Stephen Bowers, Frank Bocher, Herman Budischine, Carl Beurd, George Cain, John Costley, Joseph Converse, George Diegel, Theodore Dupont George Dixey, Charles Eaton, Charles Fleming, WiUiam Franciscus, Franz Fitz Maurice, George Goertz, Charles Graff, John Hursler, Frederic Hiene, Charles E. Hartman, Leonard RESIDENCE. Salem, Mass, Massachusetts, New York, N. Y. Ireland, New York, N. Y. E. Providence, E. I, Ireland, New York, N. Y. DATE OP MUSTER. May 4, 1863. Germany,New York, N. Y. Newark, N. J. New York, N. Y. Natick, E. I. Plymouth, Mass. New York, N. Y. Johnston, E. I. Hartford, Conn. New York, N. Y. England,Germany) New York, N. Y. Germany,New York, N. Y. Adjutant, May 14, 1863. Died June 6, '63, at Port Hudson, La. Tr. to 1st La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63 ; tr. to Troop K, 3d E. I. Cav. Tr. to 1st La. Cav., Aug. 24, '63 ; tr. to 3dE. I. Cav., Troop I, Jan. 14/64. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d It. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Absent without leave. Transferred to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop I, Jan. 14, 1864. Absent without leave. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Absent without, leave. Died Aug. 15, ' 63, at Baton Eouge, La. Absent without leave. Trans, to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63. Absent without leave. Taken prisoner July 2, 1863, at Spring field Landing; trans, to 1st La. Cav alry, Aug. 24, 1863 ; trans, to 3d R. I. Cavalry, Troop D, Jan. 14, 1864 ; paroled April 9, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. SECOND REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 459 NAME AND RANK. Keuhl, Augusts Kessel, Frederic Keiusel, Theodore Kelley, WiUiam Loory, Louis Lynch, John Liernere, Louis Marrianie, Lucas Moon, Carl Masterson, John Miller, Charlos Morrison, John Ost, Carl Pecheur, Herman Rutlie, Charles Rollo, Eugene Sarti, Coconio Schroeder, Heinrich Stun, WiUiam Seest, Petey Stewart, James B. Schwartz. Theodore Thyseu, Charles A. Warren, John Weiler, Adam Weller, Sidnian Weude, Otto White, Patrick Wilderman, Emile Williamson, Henry Weiser, John Williams, Charles RESIDENCE. New York, N. Y. Germany, tc Ireland,New York, N. Y. Italy, New York, N. Y- Scotland,New York, N. Y- England,New York, N. Y- Italy, New York, N. Y. (f cc Germany,South Boston, Mass. Germany,Prussia,Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Providence, E. I. Germany,New York, N. Y- DATE OF MUSTER. May 4, 1863. REMARKS. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1364. Absent without leave. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Oct.27, 1864. Absent without leave. Trans, to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63. Transferred to 3d E. I. Cavalry, Troop L, Jan. 14, 1864. Absent without leave. Trans, to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 8d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3dE. I. Cav alry, Troop I, Jan, 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63 ; transferred to 3d E. I. Cav alry, Troop K, Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to 1st La. Cavalry, Aug. 24, '63; transferred to 3d E. I, Cav alry, Troop H, Sept. 19, 1864. Absent without leave. Transfd to 1st La. Cav- Aug, 24, '63 ; transfd to 3d E. I. Cav. Troop K, Jan, 14, 1864. Absent without leave. Absent without leave. tc cc cc Transfd to 1st La. Cav. Aug, 24, '63. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. NAME AND RANK. Privates. Coffie, Thomas Pulm, John Griffith, John Garnett, Richard Harris, Samuel P. Uncoln, Martin U. McGloin, Edward Beading, William H. Thomas, John Wade, John RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. June 20, 1863 July 1, " 3, " 13, June 27, " 13, " 18, July 1, " 13, REMARKS. Third Regiment Rhode Island Cavalry. The organization of the Third Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Cavalry was cotnmeaced July 1st, 1883, by Colonel Willard Sayles, (appointed to its command by the Governor,) under the authority of the Secretary of War. A camp was established for recruits at Mashapaug. August 18th the men collected there, 150 in number, were transferred to " Camp Meade," in Jamestown, on Conanicut Island, to which all subsequent recruits were sent. Recruiting offices were kept open in Providence, and Captain Andrew T. Bushee, formerly of the 1st New York Chasseurs, engaged actively in pro curing enlistments in the country. Recruiting for the Regiment was necessarily slow, but was ably and warmly sustained daring the entire period by his Excellency Gbvernor James Y. Smith, who used every effort to make it a regiment of good, able men, to furnish it with the best of horses, and to equip it in the best possible manner, so that it should be second to no regiment of cavalry in the Federal service. The First Battalion, Major Davis, with full ranks, embarked on board the Western Metropolis for New Orleans, December 31st, 1863, and was reported to Major General Banks, commanding Department of the Gulf, January 14th, 1864. On the passage two severe gales were experienced, and fourteen horses were lost. Gen. A. L. Lee, then Chief of Cavalry, visited the Battalion previous to its being disembarked, and gave it the compliment of reporting in the best condition he had ever seen in the Department, particularly the horses. The Battalion received on the second of February, an addition of two companies from the First Louisiana Cavalry, formerly the Second Rhode Island Cavalry, but transferred to this Regiment January 14th, 1864, by order of General Banks. Upon the organization of the cavalry of the Department, the Third was assigned to the Fifth Cavalry Brigade, Colonel Gooding commanding, and from that date (Feb. 25th,) served with it until that organization was aban doned four months thereafter. ' The Regiment crossed the Mississippi river March 3d, 1864, and began the march that was continued almost without cessation through the State of 462 THIED REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. Louisiana for the term of three months, and was known as the Red River Expedition. The course lay through Franklin, Alexandria and Natchitoches to Pleasant Hill and Mansfield, on the Shreveport road, wliere the first, third and fourth brigades of cavalry, with a large force of artillery, were thrown into confusion in a dense forest, where, encumbered by two brigade trains, little resistance could be offered. This mishap, with the river low and rapidly falling, and threatening soon to cut off supplies, determined the course of our army and placed it on the retreat. The fifth brigade, now assigned to General Franklin's Corps, was engaged April 9th, in the battle of Pleasant Hill. The Regiment was ordered to the extreme front on the left at 5 o'clock, A. M., and advanced at once three miles on the Texas road, capturing the enemy's advance pickets. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which the enemy repeatedly attempted to turn our flank, but was successfully foiled each time. The enemy was sheltered behind trees, and fought well. The ground was held firmly, however, by our men, who vied with each other in deeds of valor. At 4 o'clock, p. m., orders were received to join the brigade on the hill, and the covering regiment of infantry was ordered to relieve the Regiment. The loss was, wounded and left on the field, three ; wounded, two, and missing, two. The Regiment had the advance of the army from. Natchitoches to the Cane river, and was compelled to fight its way in good earnest. At the river, the army fought a good battle, completely discomfiting the enemy, who had estab lished himself in good position, and disputed the passage. The Regiment arrived at Alexandria, April 25th, where it found Lieu tenant Colonel Charles H. Parkhurst, with companies E, F and L. In obedi ence to orders from General Reynolds, these companies embarked on board the steamer Superior, Tuesday night, April 20th, and sailed the next morning. Nothing of particular interest occurred until they reached Tunica Bend, some thirty miles below the mouth of the Red River, when they were fired upon by the rebels from the easterly bank of the Mississippi, who had a six- pounder well supported by infantry. Tiiree shell and shot passed tlirough the cabin, and Corporal Logue, of Company F, received a severe gun shot wound in the right arm, badly shattering the bones. At the mouth of the Red River they took the convoy of a gunboat, and when they drew up for the night had a slight picket skirmish. The next day, Friday, they started a little in advance ofthe gunboat, and when they were about thirty miles below Alex andria, were again attacked by guerrillas with two pieces of artillery, and with cavalry and infantry. From the narrowness of the river they were exposed for some time to a most galling fire. The men were posted as well as the char acter of the vessel permitted, and succeeded in driving the rebels from their guns by a well directed fire of carbines. The gunboat was aground at the time and some distance below the transport, and could therefore render no assistance. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 463 After the Superior had got out of the range of the rebel artillery, the boat was run upon the easterly shore, and Lieutenant-Colonel Parkhurst put his men on shore and posted them dismounted, so as to prevent the rebels from cettint' a position where they could annoy them further, and awaited the arrival of the gunboat. When she made her appearance they embarked again, and proceeded under her convoy up the river, being several times fired into from the shore. They allowed no guerrilla to show his head upon the shore without paying bim the necessary leaden compliment, and reached their des tination April 22d. In this assault by the rebels, the companies lost two men killed and seventeen wounded. In his official account of the affair, Lieuten ant Colonel Parkhurst speaks in high commendation of the conduct of the officers and men under his command, and pays a cordial tribute of respect and admiration to Mrs. Charles H. Gordon and Mrs. Horace P. Lester, for their constant and unceasing attention and kindness to the Wounded and dying as they were brought into the saloon of the Superior. While at Alexandria, the Regiment served as the advance picket on the south side of the town, and was almost daily engaged with the enemy. May 1st, in a skirmish near Governor Moore's plantation, one man was killed and five were wounded. From Alexandria to Simmesport, the Regiment served as rear guard nearly all the time. It took part in the battles of Marksville Plain and Yellow Bayou, suffering a small loss in wounded and prisoners. Passing through Morganzia, Plaquemine and Donaldsonville, it reached Fort Banks just above and opposite New Orleans, on the 3d of June, 1864. Another detachment composed of companies G and H reported for duty in the field, May 8th, and was joined by the Regiment at Greenville, June 10th, 1864. A march of a thousand miles had been completed. The horses had been poorly fed and often suffered for water, numbers of the best ones had died by the road side from sheer exhaustion ; the Department had been drained of cavalry horses, and could not furnish the supply required to equip the Regi ment for the field. Accordingly, June 23d, the order was issued to turn over all cavalry horses, arms and equipments, and to report to the General Command ing Defences of New Orleans, for temporary service as infantry. The Reg iment received its new arms and began to drill with them cheerfully, making commendable progress. While at Camp Parapet, August 1st, the Colonel arrived with his Staff, Company M, and the Regimental Band, which aug mented the Regiment to twelve companies. In consequence of favorable in spection, reports in reference to the efficiency and discipline of the command that were made by authorized officers from Headquarters Military Division, West Mississippi, Headquarters Department of the Gulf, and Headquarters of the District, an order was issued on the 20th of September to remount the Regiment and move to Greenville for that purpose. Six companies were mounted and sent to the LaFourche District, September 27th, and the rest of the Regiment followed immediately afterwards ; one detachment being sta- 4.04 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. tioned at Donaldsonville, under Major Davis, who was active in search of guerrillas, and another at Napoleonville with the Headquarters of the Regiment. Detachments were also stationed at different periods, at Thibodaux, Camp Parapet, Plaquemine, Houma, Hermitage Plantation on the Mississippi river, and at other places. In October, companies D, K and L, were at the junction of the Mississippi river with the Bayou La Fourche. Major Burt was detached as Acting Assistant Inspector General on General Cameron's Staff, and Captain William A. James held the position of Assistant Inspector General of Cavalry for the District of La Fourche. From the close of September to the 1st of December, the portion of the Regiment stationed at Napoleonville was occupied in patrol duty and frequent expeditions in search of guerrillas. On the 9th of December Colonel Sayles went to Thibodaux to assume command of the fifth brigade, leaving Lieu tenant-Colonel Parkhurst in command of the post. Towards the close of the month he returned. Christmas was pleasantly spent in camp, and on the 31st of December a year of exhausting duties closed cold and stormy. The year 1865 opened as the preceding one had closed, and the weather continued cold with frequent rain storms through the entire month of January. On the 18th of January Lieutenant Albert Clapp, while out on a scouting party, was accidentally shot by a man on picket. On the 22d, a report reached camp that a party of rebels had crossed Grand Bayou, and the troops remained under arms all night, expecting a demonstration from them, but none was made. January 26th, Colonel Sayles with five companies started on a scouting expedition, and was absent eighteen days. January 31st, Captain Thomas W. Sayles with thirty men went in search of a band of guerrillas reported to be prowling in the vicinity, but did not succeed in discovering them. February 10th, a party of guerrillas attacked the cavalry pickets on the canal road, about two o'clock, A. m., and took one of them prisoner. Major Davis started immediately in pursuit, and returned in the evening having captured one man and a small signal cannon from a boat on Lake Verrett. On the 3d of June, the entire Regiment had concentrated at Napoleonville in expectation of joining the expedition' under General Sheridan to Texas, but the order was rescinded, and after remaining together for a short time employed in drilling and other duties, it was again scattered and was constantly engaged in scouting for guerrillas and bushwhackers, or in picket duty protecting plan tations, until mustered out of service at New Orleans, La., Nov. 29, 1865. The field of duty occupied by the Regiment was the entire State of Louisiana. Frequent and rapid inarches, the swampy nature of much of the country passed over, short rations when on expeditions longer than had been provided for, and exposure to a malarious climate, told severely on both men and horses. It was not a field or service attractive to men ambitious of military glory, but was none the less important as a feature of the great plan for subduing the rebellion ; and the part taken therein by the Third Rhode Island Cavalry, has given it a record honorable to itself and to the State it represented. Third Regiment Rhode Island Cayalry. FIELD AND STAFF NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Colonel. Willard Sayles, Providence, B. I. June IS, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel. Charles H. Parkhurst. Feh. 4, (' Majors. George K. Davis, Dec. 17, 1863. Edmund C. Burt, Feh. 4, 1864. Raymond H. Perry, Bristol, R. I. Oct. 1, " Adjutants. Livingston Scott, Aug. 24, 1863. Edward K. Thompson, Feh. 4, 1864. Quartermaster. Stafford Mowry, July 1, 1863. Surgeon. John C, Budlong, Nov. 16, " Assistant Surgeons. John C. Budlong, July 29, " Frank L. Taylor, Feh. 1, 1864. George A. Munro, June 18, " Lyman L. Swan, Smithfield, R. I. April 28, 1865. Sergeant Majors. George Henderson, Chicago, 111. Mar. 16, 1864. Peter M. Sullivan, Boston, Mass, Nov. 18,1862. Arnold D. Brown, Sept. 15, 1863. Albert Clapp, New Haven, Conn. n n Daniel E. Kelley, Scituate, R. I. tt a Quartermaster Sergeant. John McGuiness, "Woonsocket, " Aug. 1, " Commissary Sergeants. James M. Steere, Burrillville, " June 18, 1864. William 6. Foster, Providence, " Oct. 9 " Oscar E. Colhy, Burrillville, " March 30 " Hospital Stewards. Cyrus F. Taylor, Glocester, " Oot. 23, 1862. Mason G. Douglass, Newport, " Sept. 12, 1863. Samuel Qujnn, tt li Saddler Sergeant. ^orge J. Huddleston, Schodac, N. Y. Sept. 12," Chief Trumpeters. Daniel E. Kelley, Scituate, R. I. " 15, " AfelbertWahler, Germany , " 12, " REMARKS. Mustered out of servico Nov. 29, '65. Resigned and honorahly discharged May 26, 1865. Resigned and honorahly discharged Aug. 11, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Resigned and honorably discharged Oct. 25, 1865. Capt. Troop F, Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Discharged for disability April 6, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Surgeon Nov. 16, 1863. Resigned May 24, 1864. " April 2r>, 1865, on account of physical disability. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. 1st Lieutenant Troop A, June 8, 1865. DiedAug. 10, '65, of chronic diarrhoea. 2d Lieutenant Troop Iv, Jan. 13, '64. 1st " " I, Dec. 26, '64. Mustered but of service Nov. 29, '65. Transfd to Troop M, Nov. 1, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 8, 1865. " Nov. 29, " Mustered out of service Oct. 24, '65. Honorably discharged April 12, '65, to accept commission. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Sergt. Major Sept. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65 59 466 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND OAVAI RY. TROOP A. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Asa A Ellis, 1st Lieutenants. Orin A. Avery, James Mngill, George Henderson, 2d Lieutenant. Moses W. Collins, 1st Sergeant. Alfred Karlheimer, Quartermaster Sergeant. William C. Harris, Commissary Sergeant. Charles Kraramer, Sergeants. John Kenion, Alonzo B. Swee\ Thomas A. Schubert, "William McMillan, Byron H. Purrington, Corporals. Rupert Easson, Frederick Knapp, William Johnson, John Gavin, Russell J. Scott, Harrison Gladding, Benjamin Gorton, Farriers. Daniel B. Thurston, Robert Noonan, Saddler. George J. Huddleston, Musicians. Adelbert Wahler, Albert H. Bentley, Wagoner. J. Nelson Forbes, Privates. Barton, Lewis Brown, Matthias Burke, John Bentley, Albert II. Burnham, Daniel W. Burroughs, Charles Burgess, Henry Connerton, Patrick Cokely, Michael Corrigan, Thomas RESIDENCE Providence, R. I. Chicago, 111. Sweden,Germany,Warwick, R. I, Germany,Scotland,Swansey, Mass. Nova Scotia, Germany, Ireland, Dedham, Mass. Newport, R. I. Warwick, " Sehodae, N. Y. Germany, Coventry, R. I. Hardwick, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Ireland, Coventry, R. I. Woonsocket, " Milbury, Mass. England, Ireland, DATE OP MUSTER. Sept. 12, 1863. Aug. 10, " Mar. 25, 1864. July 22, 1865. Sept. 23, 1863. " 12, REMARKS. Resigned July 12, 1865. Capt. Troop B, March 24, 1864. Dismissed the service Mar. 30, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Honorably discharged Dec. 27, 1864. Deserted Oct. 18, 1865. 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 12/64. Q. M. S.; mustered outof service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Oct: 25, 1863. Wounded Aug. 16, 1864, near Mobile, Ala. ; trans, to V. R. C. ; mustered out of service Oct. 25, 1865. Deserted Oct. 6, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Disch. Aug. 5, 1864, on Surg, certif. Com. Sergt. ; wounded April 9, 1864; desert'dDec, 12, '64, while on fur'li. 1st Sergt. ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Sept. 20, 1863. Mustered out of service Jan. 24, 1866, to date Nov. 29, 1865. Sergt.; muster'd outof serv. Nov.29,65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Disch. July 12, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Saddler Sergt, ; trans, to N. C. Staff. Chie'f Musician Sept. 1, 1865; trans. to Non. Com. Staff. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died Oct. 20, 1864. at Napoleonville, La,, of typhoid fever. Deserted Sept. 27, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Musician Sept. 20, 1865. Trans, to V. R. C, Dec. 3, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. a u ti Deserted Sept. 20, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Pris.; ret. July 26, '64; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 467 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Callahan, Michael Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1863. Deserted Dec. 18, 1863. Carney, James ti ft Carroll, John Providence, R. I. tl tt Disch. Oct. 22, 1865, on Surg, certif. Castignetto, Petro Italy, it tt Deserted Sept. 25, 1804. Chapint, Dumas France, tt it " Aug. 12, 1865. Chace, Charles D. Swansey, Mass. ti tt Disch. Nov. 3, 1864, on Surg, certif. Dodge, John S. Fremont, Me. tt t-e Deserted (Jet. 10,1863. Douglas, Mason G. Newport, R. I. it ii Hospital Steward Aug. 81, 1864. Kasson, Rupert Corporal. Emery, Charles D. Baldwin, Me. it tt Transferred to V. R. C. Fib. 25, 1865; mustered out of service June 18,'65. Foley, Patrick Ireland, ti tt Mustered out of service May 24, 1865. Fitzgibbons. Thomas July 26, 1864. " " Nov. 29, " Forbes, J. Nelson flardwick, Mass. Sept. 12, 1863.1 "Wagoner. Fox, John Ireland, " " Deserted Dec. 13, 1863. Gorton, Benjamin Warwick, R. I. CC ll Corporal. Gladding, Harrison Newport, " It If (C Galvin, James Providence, " tt CC " July 29, 1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Gavin, John Ireland, Cc it Corporal. Grey, Thomas Brooklyn, N. Y. tt tl Died March 22, 1865, at Napoleon ville, La., of fever. Huddleston, George J. Sehodae, It tt Saddler, Aug. 31, 1864. Harris, William C. Baltimore, Md. ii It Quartermaster Sergeant. Hatch, John Welles, Me. it CC Deserted Oct. 25, 1863. Hawes, Edward Ireland, CC CC Transferred to V. R. C. May 16, '65 ; mustered out of serv. Oct. 26, 1865. Herring, Patrick New York, N. Y. tt tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Hilton, George Harrisburg, Pa. II ll Sergt. " " " Hoye, Michael Ireland, CC cc Mustered " " Jeffries, Edward Cincinnati, 0. II tt C CC CC Johnson, William Spain, tt .1 Corporal. Kemon, John Greece, tl ll Sergeant. Kimball, George E. Salem, Mass. ll tl Corporal July 27, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Kelley, James Ireland, ll tl Deserted Sept. 24, 1863. Kramer, Charles Germany, tl It Commissary Sergeant. Karlheimer, Alfred Sweden, ll ll 1st Sergeant. Knapp, Frederick Germany, tt ll Corporal. Kearney, James Providence, R. I. CC CC Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Lynch, Patrick Ireland, cc cc Veteran; Sergeant; mustered outof service Nov. 29, 1865. Lynch, Daniel (. cc tt Sergeant Dec. 11,1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Leary, Daniel T. <( CC tl Deserted Sept. 20, 1863. Lewen, John England, ll it Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. McElroy, John Providence, R. I. It ll Died Aug. 10, '64, at Memphis, Tenn. Mulharen, James Pawtucket, " It tl Taken prisoner March 30, 1864 ; ex changed July 22, 1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. McCabe, Michael Ireland, tt it Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Matterson, George H. Coventry, R. I. ti it Veteran; drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from New Orleans to New- York by shipwreck steamer North America. Martin, William Magher, Patrick Ireland, CC CC Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. " cc cc Wounded April 9, 1864, at Pleasant Hill, La. ; disch. Sept. 16, 1864, on Morris, John Morrais, Louis E. Cambridge, Ms. Canada, CC tl tt ft Surgeon's certificate. Mustered oui of service Nov. 29, '65. CC CC cc Mulvey, James Ireland, tt ll Corporal Dec. 12, 1864 ; mustered out Murphy, James a tt tl of service Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal July 27, 1865 ; mustered out McMillan, William Noonan, Robert Scotland, Boston, Mass. tt ll tt It of service Nov, 29, 1865. Sergeant. Farrier. 468 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Purrington, Byron H. Swansey, Mass. Sept. 12, 1863. Sergeant. Pine, Charles H. Brooklyn, N. Y. tt tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Quinn, Samuel Ireland, tt ti Hospital Steward April 12, 1865. Read, Louis England, it tt Taken prisoner; exch. July 27, 1864; mustered out of service July 5, '65. Rice, William T. Providence, K. I. tt a Mustered out of service Aug. 4, 1865. Riley, James Ireland, ti n In confinement at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Nov. 29, 1865. Robinson, Raymond Delaware, It cc Deserted Sept. 20, 1868. Rogers, Albert Bollington, Conn. CC CC Dec. 1, " Rush, Patrick Ireland, It ll Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Scott, Russell J. Dedham, Mass. " " Corporal. Sampson, Alonzo A. Smithfield, R. I, tl .1 Mustered out, of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sanderson, Humphrey England, ll ll Disch. Dec. 8, 1864, on Surg, certif. Santor, Francis Germany, it ll Died Aug. 30, 1864, at N. Orleans, La. Sheppard, John FaU River, Mass. It tl Deserted Oct. 12, 1863. Side, Joseph M. Canada, It tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sweet, Alonzo B. Exeter, R. I. It CC Sergeant. Schubert, Thomas A. Germany, CC tl tt Thurston, Daniel B. Tiverton, R. I. It tl Farrier. "Weigel, Christopher Germany, ll It Died Sept. 19, 1864, at N. Orleans, La. "Williams, Henry J. Fall River, Mass. It ll Corporal; mustered out of service New Orleans, La. ll It July 22, 1865. West, William H. Deserted Sept. 25, 1863. "Wahler, Adelbert Germany, ll tl Musician. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 469 TROOP B. NAME AND RANK. Captains. William C. Barney, Orin A. Avery, 1st. Lieutenants. George F. Bicknell, Joseph A. Rhodes, 2d Lieutenants. Joseph A. Rhodes, Oliver P. CoggeshaU, 1st Sergeant. Albert L. Raby, Quartermaster Sergeant. John S. Earle, Sergeants. William F. Holmes, John Fanning, John B. Bachellor, Corporals. Thomas "Welsh, William Burnett, Henry G. Atwood, WiUiam H. Read, John Murray, John Cassidy, Farriers. Richard Mayberry, Roger Malaney, Saddler. Montgomery St. Clair, Daniel E. Kelley, Martin Baggett, Wagoner, Thomas Bassett, Privates. Aldrich, Edgar E. Avery, Abner S. Arbuckle, Thomas Atwood, Henry G, Baggs, Nathan L. Baggett, Martin Baggett, Patrick Bassett, Thomas BatcheUor, John B. Braman, Wffliam "W RESIDENCE. "Warwick, R. I. Boston, Mass. E. Attleboro, Mass. Olneyville, R. I. cc cc Pawtucket, " Union City, Conn. Springfield, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Smithfield, " DanielsonviUe, Ct. South Hadley ,Mass. Bath, Maine, Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Olneyville, " New York, N. Y. Scituate, R. I. "Woonsocket, " OlneyviUe, " Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Bath, Maine, Smithfield, R. 1. Woonsocket, " OlneyviUe, Smithfield,Blackstone, DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 15, 1863. April 15, 1864 Sept. 30, 1863. Dec. 21, Sept. 15, Jan. 2, 1865. Sept. 15, 1863. REMARKS. Resigned Feb. 29, 1864, on account of disability. Absent in arrest, awaiting trial G. C. M., Oct. 2, 1865. Captain Troop C, Dec. 21, 1863. Captain Troop M, June 14, 1864. 1st Lieutenant Troop B, Dec. 21, '63. Resigned July 28, 1864, on account of disabiHty. Deserted June 18, 1864. 1st Sergeant, Dec. 26, 1864 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner May 17, 1864; ex changed July 27, 1864; mustered out of service May 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov 29, 1865. Mustered out of service Sept. 26, 1865. Died Oct. 14,'64,inhospitalN. Y.City. Dis'd Oct. 28, '64, on Surg, certificate. Musteredout of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Sept. 18, 1863. Chief Musician ; transferred to N. C. S. Deserted June 20, 1865. Dis'd July 14, '64, on Surg, certificate. Musician; mustered out Nov. 29, '65. Sergeant, May 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Transferred to V. R. C, April 28, 65 ; mustered out of service Oct. 10, '65. Corporal. Drowned Dec. 22, '64, on passage from New Orleans to New York, by ship wreck steamer North America. Musician."Wounded April 9, ' 64, at Pleasant Hul, La. ; discharged Jan. 21, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Wagoner. Sergeant. Deserted July 26, 1865. 470 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. Bradley, Patrick Brown, Arnold D. Brown, Pardon B. Burdick, John R. Burnett, William CaUahan, Michael Campbell, John Caloran, John Cassidy, John H. Chase, WUliam W. Chase, Theodore W. Chapman, James D. Clapp, Albert Cooke, Thomas Cooke, Rowland C. Darling, Warren Dennen, Charles O. Devine, William P. Donovan, William H. Earle, John S. FaHon, James Fanning, John Farnum, Phillips Felix, George Fitz, Henry Gifford, Welcome F. Glasheen, Edward Hackett, John Handley, Andrew M. Harper, Alexander Holmes, William F. Horton, Albert P. Holmes, Thomas S. Horan, John Horan, Patrick Jenks, Eleazor KeUey, Daniel E. Kenney, Thomas Kierney, Peter Kidder, George King, Paul Malaney, Roger Marshall, John Matteson, Daniel E. Mayberry, Richard McCormack, James McCurdy, John McCoullers, Charles McLaughlin, Thomas McLaughlin, Frank McMahon, John MiUer, Levi RESIDENCE. Boston, Mass. Woodstock, Conn. Brooklyn, " Hopkinton, R. I. South Hadley , Mass Providence, R. I. cc cc River Point, " Pawtucket, " Scituate, " CC tl Providence, " New Haven, Conn. Warwick, R. I. Mendon, Mass. Poland, Maine, Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Springfield, " Woonsocket, R. I, Pawtucket, " Providence, " Danielsonville, Ct. it tt Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Canaan, N. Y. Providence, R. I. cc c( Rehoboth, Mass. Uxbridge, " cc cc Pawtucket, R. I. Scituate, " Providence, " cc tt Mansfield, Mass. Olneyville, R. I. cc cc ascoag, " Jackson, Conn. Providence, R. I. Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Woonsocket, DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 15, 1863 Dec. Sept. 25, 1864 15, 1863 Taken prisoner ; exchanged July 25, 1864 ; mustered out Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant Major ; transferred to N. C. S. Died Oct. 29, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of fever. Corporal ; mustered out Nov. 29, '65. Corporal. Dis'd June 6, '64, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. REMARKS. Corporal June 1, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. May 24, '65. Sergeant Major ; transfd to N. C. S. Corporal; taken prisoner ; exchanged July 27, '64; deserted July 26, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. " " May 24, '65. 1st Sergeant Sept. 15, '63; 1st Lieut. Troop M June 8, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. cc cc cc Q. M. Sergeant Sept. 15, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Sergeant. Deserted Dec. 13, 1863. Died Mar. 22, '64, at New Orleans, La. Deserted Feb. 13, 1864. Corporal Nov. 19, '64 ; deserted July 26, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Corporal Dec. 26, '64 ; Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 9, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice Nov. 29, 1865. Mustered out of servico, Nov. 29, '65. Deserted Dec. 13, 1863. Sergeant. Dis'd April 27, '64, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Jan. 5, 1865. Died Oct. 14, '64, at New Orleans, La., of fever. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Sergeant June 1, '64 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Musician Aug. 31, 1864. Dis'd Juno 5, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Nov, 29, '65. Deserted Dec. 30, 1863. Deserted Feb. 7, 1865. Farrier.. Dis'd May 29, '65, on Surg, certificate. Died Oct. 31, '64, at Napoleonville, La., of fever. Farrier.Corporal ; Sergeant June 1, '64 ; died July 1, 1865, at Napoleonville, La. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Killed May 1, '64, in action at Alex andria, La. Died Sept. 10, 1864, at New Orleans, La. , of fever. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Deserted Sept. 16, 1863. Transfd to V. R. C. June 4, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 14, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 471 NAME AND RANK- RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Miner, Joseph St. Albans, Vt. Sept. 15, 1863. Dis'd Mar. 29, '65, on Surg, certificate. Murray, John Providence, R. I. cc cc Corporal. Nickle Robert Pawtucket, " cc cc Mustered out of service May 24, '65. Peck, Andrew J. Providence, " cc cc Dis'd April 5, '64, on Surg, certificate. Peck, Allen G. cc tt tt tl Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Read, William H. Blackstone Mass. ti it Corporal. Rice, Santa Anna E. KiUingly, Conn. il tt Taken prisoner April 5, '64, at Natch itoches, La. ; exchanged July 22, '64 ; died Oct. 7, 1864, at Napoleon- viUe, La., of fever. Read, Alonzo S. Little Compton,R.I. tt ti Taken prisoner ; exchanged July 27, '64 ; died Sept. 11, '64, at New Or leans, La., of dysentery. Rhodes, Augustus S. Fall River, Mass. tl ll Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Riley, John New York, N. Y. ll It Deserted Sept. 18, 1863. Roberts, WiUiam H. Providence, R. 1. ll ll Wounded April 9, '64, at Pleasant Hill, La. ; discharged Sept. 14, '64, on Surg, certificate. Raby, Albert L. Union City, Conn. tl tl 1st Sergeant. Rice, Wuliam H. New Haven, " ll ll Transf d to V. R. C. Feb. 29, 64; dis'd June 28, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Smith, William B. Brookhaven, " tt ll Deserted Dec. 29, 1863. Smith, Bernard New York, N. Y. tl ll Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Spaulding, George Smithfield, R. I. tl tt Deserted Sept. 16, 1863. Sammis, Cornelius M. Centreport, N. Y. tt It Mustered out of servioe May 24, '65. St. Clair, Montgomery New York, " il cc Saddler. Taft, George F. Boston, Mass. Taken prisoner; exchanged July 25, 1864 ; mustered out of service Nov. cc cc 29, 1865. Tanner, Silas A. Greenwich, R. I. cc ii Mustered out of service May 24, '65. Tanner, George T. Providence, •• It It " " Nov. 29, '65. Welsh, Thomas Danielsonvine, Ct. tl ll Corporal. 472 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP C. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. George R. Davis, Springfield, Mass. Oct. 13, 1863. Major Dec. 14, 1863. George F. Bicknell, E. Attleboro, " Dec. 21, " Resigned June 29, 1865. 1st Lieutenants. Elisha W. Cross, Wakefield, R. I. Oct. 28, " Discharged May 23, 1865. William Frankland, Providence, " July 10, 1865. Mustered outof service Nov. 29, 1865. 2d Lieutenants. Edward K. Thompson, Oct. 13, 1863. 1st Lt. Dec. 23, '63 ; Adjt. Jan. 2, '64. William A. Tefft, Wakefield, " Dec. 28, " Dismissed the U. S. service Dec. 21, 1st Sergeant. 1864. William Wilson, Providence, " Oct. 13, " 2d Lieut. Troop H, Den. 26, 1864. Commissary Sergeant. Patrick Creedon, it it n it 1st Sergt. Apr, 22, '65 ; taken prisoner May 14, 1864, at Alexandria; ex changed July 26, '64 ; mustered out Sergeants. of service Nov. 29, 1865. Dennis Sheen, Stone Bridge, " n tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. John A. Ellis, Providence, " Absent awaiting sentence of G. C. M., Nov. 29, 1865. Francis A. Burcham, Elizabethport, N. J. tt ti Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Arthur E. Gilligan, Ind'nOrchard,Mass. tl cc Pris.; ex.; must, outof serv.July 31/65. Arnold A. Jenckes, Cumberland, R, I. cc cc Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Corporals. Irving Gaskill, tt tt It tt CC fc (C Frank P. Chace, Providence, " ll tl Pris.; pa.; must, out of serv. Aug. 1, '65. James E. Boyce, cc cc tl tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Charles Dorrington, Cumberland, " tt tl Disch. Apr. 23, 1865, on Surg, certif. Alonzo D. Fenner, Providence, " tl ll Wounded and taken prisoner Apr. 9, 1864, at Pleasant Hill, La. ; paroled ; Farriers. mustered out of service Aug. 1, '65. Otis H. Getchell, cc cc tt tt Disch. Jan. 30, 1865, on Surg, certif. George H. Haswell, It tl tt tt Taken prisoner; exchanged July 25, Saddler. 1864 ; trans, to navy, Sept. 1, 1864. Henry C. Perry, It tt tt tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Musicians. John Badenoch, Cumberland, " tl tt u tt u Theodore H. Foster, Providence, " tl cc cc cc cc Wagoner. Nicholas B. Gardner, Georgiaville, " tt tl CC tf ft Privates. Arnett, Henry Providence, " ll tt It ,t U Burrows, Simeon A. Cranston, " ll cc Taken prisoner May 15, 1864, at Sul phur Springs, La. ; died July, 1864, at Tyler, Texas. Burchard, Charles Cumberland, " It It Deserted Aug. 2, 1865. Sergeant. Burcham, Francis A. Elizabethport, N. J. ll ll Boyce, James E. Providence, R. I. It ll Corporal. Beines, Joseph cc cc CC CC Deserted Dec. 31, 1863. Bryant, Francis Disch. Aug. 3, 1864, on Surg, certif. Bowen, Frank " cc CC CC Died Sept. 17/64, at Camp Farapet.La. Badeuoch, John Cumberland, " cc (c Musician, Bates, Frank Providence, " CC CC Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Chace, Frank P. CC tt cc CC Corporal. Creedon, Patrick it it cc it Commissary Sergeant, Crapeau, Edward it tt tt tl Prisoner of war Nov. 22, 1864, Chapman, Charles it it It tl Deserted Oct. 3, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 473 NAME AND RANK. Doen, John Desse, Desire Dorrington, Charles Dryer, Rudolph L. Ellis, John A. Everest, James B. Edwards, Edwin Fenner, Alonzo D. Fenner, Russell Farnsworth, Joseph W. Foster, Theodore II. Grover, Stephen A. Greenhalgh, John Gilligan, Arthur E. Galligan, Bernard Gardiner, Nicholas B. Gaskill, Irving Glover, Thomas G. Getehell, Otis H. Harrington, Daniel Haswell, George H. Hopler, Joseph M. Howard, Frank Hoel, Welcome S. Jenckes, Arnold A. Keyes, Henry W. Knight, Charles H. Lovely, George H. Lovely, Judson A. Limke, William Livermore, Bufus Lemon, Francis E. Mahar, Patrick Mowry, Augustus McCaugh, Bernard McCai thy, Matthew McCabe, James McDonnough, Bernard Nolan, John Noonan, Morris rjortan, John C. O'Brien, Thomas O'Gowen, John Pollard, John Peck, George W. Pease, Lyman Perry, Henry C. Robinson, George Ryan, James Smith, David K. Smith, Thomas 60 RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. t. it Cumberland, " Providence, " Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. CC cc Massachusetts,Providence, R. I. Ind'nOrchard,Mass. Providence, R. I. Georgiaville, " Cumberland, " Providence, " Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I, CC Cl Cumberland, " Ludlow, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Massachusetts, cc Providence, R. I. Groton Junct.,Mass Ludlow, " Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Massachusetts, cc Providence, R. I. Greenwich, " Providence, " Ludlow, Mass. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Oct. 13, 1863. ! Deserted Dec. 13, 1863. June 24, 1864. "' " iCorpornl. " " Taken prisoner; exchanged July 25, ; 1864; Corporal, March 17, 1865; Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 17, '65 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant.Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Transferred to V. R. C. Aug. 24, '64 ; disch. from V. R. C. Feb. 9, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Corporal. Disch. May, 30, 1864, on Surg, certif. Discharged Feb. 29, 1864. Musician. Prisoner; paroled; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Deserted Nov. 15, 1863. Sergeant.Shot on picket, May 17, '65, at Terre Bonne Station, La. Wagoner.Corporal.Sergt. ; 2d Lt. Troop I, Mar. 24, 1864. Farrier. Mustered out of service Nov 29, 1865. Farrier. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Oct. 29, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Oct. 3, 1864. Disch. Jan. 30, 1865, on Surg, certif. May, 1864, " Deserted Dec. 13, 1863. Sergt. ; 2d Ll. Troop L, Mar. 25, 1864. Mustered out of service June 21, 1865. Deserted Dec. 22, 1863. Sergt. ; died April 12, 1864, at Alex andria, La. Trans, to Navy Aug. 25, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Prisoner ; paroled ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Disch. June 18, 1865, on Surg, certif. Discharged Feb. 29, 1864. tt ti Deserted June 14, 1864. Taken prisoner; exchanged July 25, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Taken prisoner ; exchanged July 25, 1864 ; deserted Jan. 17, 1865. Died Dec. 24, 1864, in New York City. Drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from N. Orleans to N. York, by ship wreck, steamer North America. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Veteran ; Saddler. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. cc tt tt Absent sick, since Sept. 16, 1864. Died Dec. 15, 1864, atN. Orleans, La., of pleuro pneumonia. 474 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Smith, James Providence, R. I. Oct. 13, 1863. Taken prisoner;, exchanged July 25 1864 ; deserted Jan. 15, 1865. Shattuck, Charles H. Massachusetts, tt tl Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Simons, Charles Ludlow, Mass. tt tl CC C. it Staples, Joseph H. Cumberland, R. I. if tt Studley, William Ludlow, Mass. tt it Apprehended as a deserter from 2d Mass. Battery, Dec. 14, 1863. Sherman, Simon G. Providence, It. I. tt it Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Snow, William P. Boston, Mass. tl cc Deserted Oct. 1863. Sheen, Dennis Stone Bridge, R. I. tl tf Veteran ; Sergeant. Stafford, Henry Long Island, N. Y. " " Absent sick Nov. 29, 1865. Slocum, George B. Greenwich, R. I. tl 1 1 Deserted Feb. 27, 1864. Tanner, Nicholas D. Providence, " tt tt Trans, to 19th Penn. Cavalry. Wilson, William cc >c It ll Veteran ; 1st Sergeant. Wilson, William M. tl it tt ll Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Wetherbee, Albert Massachusetts, tl tl Discharged Feb. 29, 1864. Williams, William C, n It tl Died Oct. 17, 1864, at N. Orleans, La. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 475 TROOP D. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Andrew T. Bushee, 1st Lieutenant. Thomas W. Sayles, 2d Lieutenant. Jonathan W. Pratt, Is* Sergeant. John N. Parker, August Cohen, Commissary Sergeant. Edwin W. Wheelock, Sergeants. Thomas L. Borden, WiUiam G. Crandall, Edwin Carroll, Matthias Gannon, Hail C. Gore, Corporals, Hiram F. Chase, WiUiam Chase, James H. Paine, Michael Dorrington, Hiram Wiggins, James H. Zimmerman Musician. Edward I. Bowen, Privates. Beder, James Borden, Thomas L. Bowen, Edward J. Breshin, Michael Brady, John Burchard, Joseph H. Banks, Henry Briggs, James P. Brown, Leander W. Brown, Welcome Cady, Joel E., Jr. Cain, Philip Crandall, William G. Carroll, Edwin Chase, Hiram F. Chase, WilUam Cohen, August Cooke, Henry Curtis, Francis RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. cc cc S. Providence," Ashford, Conn. New York, N. Y. Mendon, Mass. Fall Rivor, Mass. Newport, R. I. Providence, " Boston, Mass. Ware, N. H. Harwich, Mass. Portland, Maine, Glocester, R. I. Woonsocket, " Newburyport.Mass, New York, N. Y. Pawtucket, R. I, Providence, " FaU River, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Worcester, Mass. Dundee, Scotland, Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Scituate, " Uxbridge, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Ireland, Newport, R. I. Providence, " Harwich, Mass. Portland, Maine, New York, N. Y. Booneville, N. Y. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 17, 1863. 19, " 17, " REMARKS. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Captain Troop H, Dec. 26, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died April 15, '65, at Slatersville, R. I. Deserted Sept. 15, 1865. 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Dis'd June 19, '65, on Surg, certificate. Prisoner of war May 23, '64 ; paroled Feb. 28, 1865 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 9, 1865. Veteran; mustered out Nov. 29, 1865. Died Aug. 14, '65, at Napoleonville, La. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant; mustered out Nov. 29, '65. Sergeant, May 28, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant; Commissary Sergeant; trans ferred to V. R. C, Jan. 23, 1865 ; discharged Oct. 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865 Transferred to Co. G, 24th Regiment V. R. C, June 25, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 26, 1865. Sergeant. Musician.Absent sick in hospital, Nov. 29, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Musician ; mustered out Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal, June 1, 1865 ; deserted July 10, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Farrier; mustered out Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal ; died Nov. 26, 1864, at Na poleonville, La., of typhoid fever. Sergeant.Corporal. Quartermaster Sergeant. Mustered outof service Nov. 29, 1865. 476 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. Connally, John Dorrington, Michael Dailey, John P. Dorrington, William Duval, William H. Dorr, James B. Devlin, John Fountain, Peter Gannon, Matthias Gilroy, Peter Gore, Hail C. Graff, John Harrington, George Henry, Frank Holmes, William H. Holmes, Thomas H. Hoar, Isaac H. RESIDENCE. Burrillville, R. I. Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Dublin, Ireland, Baltimore, Md. Providence, R. I. St. Johns, N. B. Manchester, N. H. Boston, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. REMARKS. jWare, N. H. [New York, N. Y. j Killingly, Conn. Providence, R.I. Iice cc Cumberland, " | Bristol, Johnson, James K. Joslin, MitcheU, Mansfield, Conn. Chepachet, R. I. Johnson, Walter H. IJamestown, N. Y. Kennedy, Francis W. ! Woonsocket, R. I. Kelley, John Providence, " Kain, John Kearney, Philip Lane, Alonzo D. Llufrio, Washington B, McClarance, James H. Martin, Richard Mattison, Russell A. Megan, Patrick Merryshaw, Paul Moody, Henry S. Mooney, John Mowry Albert N. Murphy, Edward J. McLaughlin, William Osborne, Harney G. Parazo, Joseph Peck, James B. Parker, John N. Paine, James H. Pike, Henry Pollard, Robert Quinlan, John Robbins. Herbert New York, N. Y. Wickford, R. I. Providence, " ; Scituate, ' ' Providence, " 'Cumberland, " Providence, " Worcester, Mass. Thompson, Conn. Woonsocket, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Oxford, Conn. Colesets, Vt. Boston, Mass. Ashford, Conn. Glocester, R. I. Berks Co., Pa. Pawtucket, R. I. Kerry, Ireland. Plymouth, Mass. Mar. Dec. « 2, " 17, " 17, 1863. Wounded May 23, '64,at Grand Levee, La. ; died May 24, 1864, of wounds. Corporal. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Mustered out of service July 21, 1865. Transferred to V. R. C, Jan. 22, 1864. Died Nov. 30, 1864, at DonaldsonviUe. La., of chronic diarrhoea. Deserted Sept. 19, 1864. Sergeant. Corporal; died July 19, 1864, at Fort Parapet, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Sergeant. Transfd from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64, transfd to Troop L Mar. 17, '65. Prisoner of war ; returned to regi ment ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Mar. 15, 1865. Drowned in Mississippi River Nov. 13, 1865. Died April 21/64, on hospital steamer, on passage from Grand Ecore, Miss., to Alexandria, La. Died May 15, 1864, atNew Orleans,La. Transfd to V. R. O, June 22, '64; mustered out of service Oct. 26, '65. Veterinary Surgeon ; died Oct. 19, 1864, of fever. Corporal ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner May 23, '64, at Grand Levee, La. ; returned to regiment Nov. 1, '64 ; deserted July 1, '65. Dis'd June 16, 1864, from hospital. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Deserted Dec. 30, 1863. Transfd to V. R. C. ; died Sept. 17, '64, at Central Park Hosp., N. Y. Musician; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65, 20, " 17, " Saddler ; deserted July 1, 1864. Deserted Jan. 28, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 23, '65. Deserted Mar. 18, 1865. Mustered out of service May 31, '65. Absent sick. Transfd to V. R. C. Jan. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Deserted Mar. 15, 1865. 1st Sergeant Corporal. Died Jan. 11, 1865, at Napoleonville, La., from debility. Deserted Mar. 15, 1865. Absent sick. Corporal; mustered out of servico Nov. 29, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 477 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Roberts, Henry H. Scituate, R. I. Dec. 17, 1863. Discharged Mar. 26, 1865. Roberts, Henry H. Roscommon, Irel'd, cc cc Discharged May 26, 1865. Regan, Andrew cc cc It ll Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Sheehan, Timothy Cumberland, R. I. ll tt Transfd to V. R. C. Dec. 23, 1864. ScanneU, Michael Worcester, Mass. It tl Drowned Dec. 22, '64, on passage from New Orleans to New York by ship wreck of steamer North America. Sherrett, John H. Staten Island, N.Y. tl ll Deserted July 10, 1865. Steel, WiUiam Lowell, Mass. ll tl Died Oct. 20, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of congestive chills. Smith, Charles E. Southbridge, Mass. ll cc Corporal Oct. 5, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Smith, Francis Warwick, R. I. cc cc Died Sept. 9, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Taylor, George E. Seekonk, Mass. cc ii Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Wells, Amos J. Foster, R. I. ll tl Absent sick, Nov. 29, 1865. Whitily, John B. Hopkinton, " tt tt Transfd to V. R. C, April 28, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 10, '65. West, Thomas C. Providence, " It .1 Prisoner of war ; exchanged July 25, 1864 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Wheelock, Edwin W. Mendon, Mass. It t Commissary Sergeant. Wardle, WiUiam Providence, R. I. tl I Dis'd April 5, '64, on Surg, certificate Willett, Joseph St. Albans, Vt. ll I Deserted Oct. 12, 1864. Wallace, John Providence, R. I. ti ' Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Wiggins, Hiram Newburyport, Mass. tt I Corporal. Welsh, Thomas Providence, R. I. tt ' Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Zimmerman, James H. New York, N. Y. ll ll Corporal. 478 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP E NAME AND RANK. Captain. Cha's Howard Gordon. 1st Lieutenants. Amos G. Thomas, Charles H. Scott, 2d Lieutenants. Henry S. Benjamin, James H. Riley, 1st Sergeant. John W. Anderson, Quartermaster Sergeant. Henry B. Sheaver, Commissary Sergeant. Thomas A. Gregson, Sergeants. John S. Bloomer, Arthur W. Russell, George E. Wright, Henry S. Keith, Horace P. Lester, Corporals. Theodore A. Horton, William H. Merrill, Leander S. Clarke, Marcellus Tillinghast, Woodbury C. Lang, Samuel B. Raymond, Daniel B. McKenna, Musician. James Raferty, Privates. Anderson, John W. Brown, William A. Bloomer, John S. Beavins, William A. Baggom, Thomas Briggs, Samuel Brewer, Justin S. Burns, Edward J. Burns, Edward Buffington,Nathanlel E Baker, Henry M. Bryant, Homer Carolin, Thomas Clark, Leander S. Clark, John W. Coyle, Patrick RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Springfield, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Jan. 9, 1864. Dismissed the U. S. service by sen tence of Gen. Court Mar. Dec. 14,'64. Dec. 8, 1863. jDischarged May 20, 1866. July 1, 1865. Mastered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Jan. 9, 1864. jcaptain Troop K, March 25, 1864. Mar. 28, 1864. 'Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Pawtucket, R. I. Jan. 9, 1864. Olneyville, " i " Pawtucket, " Providence, " i " " Wilton, N. H. | " " Springfield, Mass. ; " " Providence, R. I. Westerly, " Oakville, N. Y. Limerick, Me. Plymouth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Westerly, " Providence, " Coventry, " Leverett, Mass. Providence, K. I. Pawtucket, " cc lt Providence, " Plymouth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Westerly, " Philadelphia, Pa. Pawtucket, R. I. ! Wounded May 1, 1864, near Alexan dria, La.; discharged Dec. 10, 1864, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. | Prisoner of war ; paroled April 22, '65; mustered out of service July 10/65. 1st Sergeant Aug. 31, 1864; Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865; Disch. June 19, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Wounded April 23, '64, on Bed River, La.; died April 24, '64,from wounds. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Sergeant Dec. 31, 1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Wounded slightly on Bed River, La.; mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Wounded slightly April 23, 1864, on Red River, La.; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Prisoner of war; paroled; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Prisoner of war , paroled Apr. 28, '65 ; mustered out of service May 27, '65. Trans, from Troop L; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1866. 1st Sergeant. Died April 1,1865, at Vicksburg, Miss. Sergeant May 1, 1864. Prisoner of war; died at Vicksbu'g, Miss., ot chronic bronchitis. Deserted Jan. 21, 1864. Aug. 14, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct 27, 1865. " " Nov. 29, " Deserted June 23, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 17, 1865. Disch. Mar. 16, 1864, from Hospital. ti It " Died Oct. 15, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Corporal. Deserted March 3, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 479 NAME AND RANK. Colwell, Patrick Commerford, Peter Dowling, Patrick Eddy, George W. Eaton, Charles Easton, Henry S. Fitts, Henry W. Fonester, Thomas Field, John Gregson, Thomas A. Gordon, James Gifford, Oscar S. Gavin, James H. Higgins, Thomas Horton, Theodore A. Harney, David Jenkins, John Kenyon, Joseph Keith, Henry S. Kitridge, Martin Kerner, John Kenney, James H. Little, Robert Lanman, William W. Lester, Horace P. Lee, Francis Lang, Woodbury C. Merrill, William H. Mitchell, James M. Mallon, Barney Moffit, Leonard T, Mattison, Patrick Mills, Charles A. McKay, James McKenna, Daniel B. McAdams, James McCabe, Peter McMinnemee, Michael McKee, Patrick McMannus, James McDonald, William J. McArthur, John Nye, Benjamin F. Needham, Charles M. RESIDENCE. OlneyviUe, R. I. Providence, " S.Providence', " Woonsocket, " Sterling, Conn. Providence, R. I. Bristol, " VaUeyFaUs, " Pawtucket, R. I. cc cc Olneyville, " Providence, " N, Providence," Woonsocket, " Providence, " FaU River, Mass. Bangor, Me. Newport, R. I. Springfield, Mass. Providence, R. I. Crompton, " Plymouth, Mass. Fredonia, N. Y. Pawtucket, It. I. Limerick, Me. Providence,' R. I. Warwick, " N.Providence,' Providence, ' Attleboro, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. E.Providence," Pawtucket, " N. Providence," Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 9, 1864. Springfield, Mass. REMARKS. Wounded Apr. 30, 1864, near Alexand" riii, La.; trans, to V.R.C. Nov. 15/64- Died May 4, 1864, at Napoleonville' La., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of servico Nov. 29, 1865. ft .1 cc Deserted March 21, 1864. Mustered outof service Nov. 29, 1865. Saddler April 22,1865; musteredout of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died Oct. 25, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Commissary Sergeant. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. tc Cl cc Prisoner of war ; paroled ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service July 10, 1865. Corporal.Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Prisoner of war ; paroled Apr. 6, '65 ; muster'd out of service June 26,1865. Nov. 29, " Sergeant. Died Nov. 24, 1864, at Napoleonville, La., of consumption, Disch. Apr. 11, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Deserted Aug. 14, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal.Taken prisoner May 18, 1864, near Simsport, La.; returned Dec. 10, '64; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '65. Died Dec. 24. 1864, at Napoleonville, La., of anasarca. Corp. ; drowned May 23, '64, in Miss. river, near Morganzia, La. Saddler; drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from New Orleans to New York, by shipwreck, steamer North America. Disch. June 19, 1865, on Surg, certif. Corp.; muster'd out of ser. Nov. 29, '65. « Died Sept. 17, 1864, at New Orleans, Privates. La., of dysentery. AngeU, Smith A. Coventry, " It It Died March 29, 1864, at Jamestown, R, I., of diphtheria. Alexander, Smith A. Cumberland, " it ll Died Sept. 23, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of diarrhoea. Ash, William F. Stonington, Conn. tt tt Sergeant. Brailey, George R. Cumberland, R. I. tt tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29. 1865. Bullock, James P. Warren, " tt tl cc cc cc Brayman, Henry F. Coventry, " tt tt CC CC « Bromley, John Bristol, tl tt Corporal. Broadbent, WiUiam H. Providence, " ll tt Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Briggs, William H. Pawtucket, " tt ll cc cc cc Benedict, Joseph B. CC tt It cc Died Dec. 10, 1864, at Napoleonville, La., of chronic diarrhoea. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 485 NAME AND RANK. Burdick, WiUiam H. Barker, George Burns, Patrick Corey, Michael Carey, John H. Carpenter, James D. Crosson, WiUiam F. Cobb, WiUiam M. Chine, James Cragin, Samuel Currie, William H. Cooke, Joseph Clarke, Richard A. Chaflee, WiUiam H. Dean, Stephen E. Drake, Miixworth D. Dolan, Patrick Dodge, John T. Finley, Anthony Fiske, WilUam A. Flomming, Richard Fish, John B. Fox, WiUiam Gardner, Nicholas E. Greene, Charles D. Hart, Patrick Holmes, Samuel N. Hewitt, George Hawkins, WiUiam F. Jenkins, Joseph King, George H. Leach, John A. Morrison, John Mulholland, Frank Matteson, Calvin K. Murray, Charles MoGough, Thomas Mosher, Albert S. McNulty, Patrick Maxwell, John S. McFadden, Daniel Manchester, Thomas Morris, John Neland, Jolm Nelligan, Henry P. O'Sulliyan, Patrick O'Sullivan, Daniel Powers, George A. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Greenwich, R. I. Spencer, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Westerly, " VaUeyFaUs, " Westerly, " Providence, " Worcester," Mass, Whiting, Westerly, R. I. Cascoe, Maine, Cumberland, R. I. Providence, " S.Providence," Providence, " BurriUviUe, ' Providence, ' E.Greenwich,'Pawtucket, ' Ashaway, ' Providence, ' Plymouth, Mass. Providence, R. I. Westerly, " Coventry, " Bristol, Springfield, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Coventry, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " cc ,, Providence, " n n Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. N, Providence, R. I. Stonington, Conn. Mar. 14, 1864. 17, 22,25, 19, 24, 17,14, REMARKS. 2d Lieutenant 108th U. S. C. Infantry, to rank from June 14, 1864. Deserted March 28, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 5, 1865. Mustered out of service July 12, 1865. Transferred to Navy, Aug. 25, 1864. Deserted July 14, 1865. Deserted April 27, 1804. Corporal. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Mustered out of service July 10, 1865. Sergeant ; honorably discharged to ac cept commission as 2d Lieutenant 11th U. S.C.Art.,(H'y) Sept. 22/64. Died Sept. 11, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of hemorrhage of bowels. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865 . Drowned Dec. 22, '64, on passage from New Orleans to New York, by ship wreck of steamer North America. Mustered out of servico Nov- 29, 1865. Corporal.Drowned Dec. 22, ' 64, on passage from New Orleans to New York, by ship wreck of steamer North America. Died June 22, 1865, at Napoleonville, La-, of acute diarrhoea. Musteredout of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant.Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted July 14, 1865. Died Sept. 19, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of dysentery. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Honorably discharged June 7, 1864, to accept commission in U. S. C. T. Died Aug. 12, 1865, at NapoleonviUe, La., of dysentery. Mustered out of service Oct. 7, 1865. Died Sept. 5, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of dysentery. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Dis'd April 28/65, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1866. Farrier. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Dis'd Dec. 10, '64, on Surg, certificate. Corporal. cc Transferred to Navy Aug. 25, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal.Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sergeant. Deserted March 25, 1864. Corporal, July 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Corporal, Dec. — , 1864 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died June 30, 1864, at Greenville, La., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died July 27, 1864, at Greenville, La. of acute diarrhoea. 486 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Preston, John N. Pawtucket, R. I. Nov. 14, 1864. Mustered out of servico Nov. 29, 1865. Pearce, Samuel C. Newport, " a a ll Pine, Henry S. Providence, " Absent sick, Nov. 29, 1865. Pierce, Benjamin F. Portsmouth, N. H. Deserted Aug. 20, 1865. Parritt, Samuel Pawtucket, R. I. Sergeant, July 4, 1865; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Pettis, George A. Providence, " " , " Died Oct. 19, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of neuralgia of heart. Reynolds, Michael cc cc Absent sick, Nov. 29, 1865. ReiUey, Charles cc cc Sergeant. Renaud, Alphonse CC .i cc Stone, John ti if Deserted April 1, 1864. Sherman, WiUiam C. tt ti Quartermaster Sergeant. Smith, Franklin S.Kingstown, " Died Nov. '26, 1864, at Napploonvillo, La., of dysentery. Winterbottom, Wm. Bristol, " Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. White, Thomas W. Providence, " Corporal. White, Charles S. cc cc Mustered out of service Nov. 8, 1865. Watson, Samuel D. tt tt Deserted March 25, 1864. WiUiams,Coddington B Stonington, Conn. Commissary Sergeant. Warburton, James Providence, R. I. Wagoner. Walker, William H. Barrington, " Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. WorreU, John F. cc cc '„ WeUs, John B. Westerly, " Corporal. Wallace, Thomas D. Providence, " Deserted March 18, 1864. Woodward, Nathan B. Warren, Dis'd Oct. 4, '64, on Surg, certificate. Whipple, Willard, Jr. Cumberland, " Absent sick, Nov. 29, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 487 TROOP H. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Henry C. Fitts, Thomas W. Sayles, 1st Lieutenant. William J. McCall, 2d lieutenants. Elisha G. Lawton, Xavier Weise, William Wilson, Is* Sergeant. Jacob H. Hersey, Quartermaster Sergeant. Charles A. Andrews, Commissary Sergeant. Edwin F. Andrews, Sei-geants. Andrew J. Hersey, James McTwiggen, Ezra A. Tennant, James T. Rose, Robert Sierler, Corporals. Thomas M. Magee, James R. Spear, William H. Wilcox, Charles H. Symonds, Henry B. Thayer, Austin Ballou, Fairier. Nelson, Jefferson, Musicians. Myron L. Simpson, Privates. Anderson, John Brown, Walter G. Buckley, James Budlong, William H. Best, Henry Boss, Jonathan M. Brown, Calvin M. Barnes, Norman K. Brown, Joseph D. Jr. Cassidy, Michael Cornell, Joseph Carroll, Peter Croak, James Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Boston, Mass. E. Douglas, Boston, Centredale, R. I. E. Greenwich," Providence, " E. Douglas, Mass. Philadelphia, Penn E. Douglas, Mass. Springfield) Milford, E. Douglas, " Fairfield, Vt. Providence, R. I. Apponaug, " Coventry, " Smithfield, " Millbury, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. CC CC Pawtucket, " Providence, " Brooklyn N. Y. Worcester Mass. April 15, 1864. Jan. 21, 1865. April 15, 1864. Jan. 24, 1865. April 15, 1864 Died Dec. 19, 1864, at Donaldsonville, La., of small pox. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Resigned April 15, 1864. Not mustered. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Sept. 20," April 15," Sept. 20," April 15," Oct. 1, " April 15," Drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from N. Orleans to N. York, by ship wreck of steamer North America. 2d Lieut. Sept. 3, 1865 ; not mustered ; must'd out of service Nov. 29, 1866. Prisoner; paroled Ap. 22, '65; mus tered out oi service July 15, 1865. Drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from N. Orleans to N. York, by ship wreck of steamer North America. Deserted July 11, 1865. Drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from N. Orleans to N. York, by ship wreck of steamer North America. Died April 18, '64, at Jamestown, R. I. Mustered out of service July 28, 1865. Nov. 29, " Deserted July 11,1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted April 27, 1865. June 27, 1864. Prisoner of war ; deserted Oct. 20, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died Sept. 21, 1865,atGreenville,La., of sun stroke. Died April 20, '64, at Jamestown, R. I. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Deserted July 11, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. 488 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. Carr, Isaac Colby, Oscar E. Clarke, James Cray ton, Patrick Chace, Edward D. Clark, Philip H. Carey, John Carrington, David W. Conant, Jauies M. Cain, John Drown, William A. Devine, Bartholomew Day, Elisha H. Dunbar, Edward F. Dunply, Lawrence Elder, John II. Fischer. Arialdo Fitzgibbons, John Gorman, Timothy Gould, Daniel E, Gardner, William H. Gill, Thomas Garner, Joseph S. Geavey, George W. Hays, Joseph W. Holman, Samuel Howard, George H. Hough, Joseph Higgins, Maurice Ingraham, David Jameson, Charles Kelley, Thomas Keith, Oscar P. Klein, Charles Mowry, George W. McAle, Richard Millard, Benjamin F. McGettrick, John McLeod, John G. McKenna, Owen McNulty, John McGovern, John McGlocklin, George Peno, Julius RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Burrillville, " Baltimore, Md. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Canada, Warwick, R. I. Portland, Me. Pittsfield, Mass. Barrington, R. I. Providence, " Springfield, Mass. Ireland, Springfield, Mass. Prussia, Providence, R. I. N. Shoreham," E. Douglas, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Springfield, Mass. Boylston, " BurriUviUe, R. I. New York, N. Y. Berne, " Smithfield, R. I. Windham, Conn. Worcester, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Westerly, " Springfield, Mass. Cranstoh, R. I. Scituate, " Ireland, N. Shoreham, R. I, E. Greenwich," N.Providence," Providence, " Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " Canada, Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. April 15, 1864, Sept. 20," April 15," Sept. 20," April 15," Oct. 1, " April 15,1864. Nov. 28, 1862. April 15, 1864. t-t il il it Sept 20," Apri Dec. 15," 26, 1862. Apri u 15,1864. a li a ll it tt Sept. tt 20," Apr. 15," ft cc fi Cc " cc ii cc ft Nov. 20, 1862. ApriSept.Apr. cc 15, 1864. 2," 15," it " n ii if it tt Sept tt 9, " Died Nov. 8, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of disease. Regimental Commissary Sergeant. Taken prisoner ; returned to reg't ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, '65, Mustered out of service No. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner; returned to reg't; deserted Aug. 13, 1865. Deserted April 20, 1864. Oct. 16, 1865. Deserted July 11, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 ; taken prisoner ; paroled ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died Dec. 3, 1864, at Donaldsonville, La., of disease. Died Oct. 18, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of lockjaw. Deserted Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Died Oct. 15, 1864, at Donaldsonville, La., of congestive chills. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Trans, from Troop F, 2d R. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864; mustered outof ser vice Nov. 29, 1865. Disch. March 28, 1865, on Surg. cert. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner ; returned ; died May 25, 1865, at New Orleans, La.; of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted April 20, 1864. Taken prisoner; paroled; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Taken prisoner ; paroled ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from New Orleans to New York, by shipwreck steamer North America. Taken prisoner; exchanged; died Jan. 25, 1865, at Bayou Goula, La, of wounds. Deserted April 20, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. ,C CC CC , Trans, from 2d R. I. Cav., Aug. 22/64 ; discharged Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Nov. 26, 1864, on Surg, certif. Deserted Oct. 7, 1864. Died April 20, 1864, at Jamestown, R.I. Corporal March 14, 1865; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner ; paroled ; mustered out of service Aug. 1, 1865. Deserted April 20, 1864. Taken prisoner; exchanged April 22, 1865 ; must'd out of serv. July 15/65. Died Oct. 26, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of congestive chills. Deserted July 6, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 489 NAME AND RANK. Peno, August Penn, George R. Richardson, William H. Rhodes, Frank W. Riley, James 0. Smith, Charles II. Suhultz, Henry Stoddard, Harding W. Sweetland, Edward R. Salisbury, Daniel L. Slater, Albert H. - Stewart, James B. Taft, Abbot E. Taplin, William Tanner, George H. Tucker, Napoleon B. Teppor, William Tattersall, Roger Taber, William H, Tracy, William H. Terney, Charles Thomas, Bennett W. Thomas, David L. Thompson, Arthur H. Watson, Christopher A Walker, William H. Wood, Hiram B. Walbridge, George A. RESIDENCE. Waltron, Jesse. Pawtucket, It. I. Springfield, Mass. Ashburnham, " Providence, R. I. Cumberland, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Barrington, " Warwick, " CC ll S. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. N. Shoreham, " Scituate, " Bristol, " Pawtucket, " Hopkinton, " Pawtucket, " Norwich, Conn. E, Douglas, Mass. CC CC Providence, R. I. S. Kingstown," E.Providence," Providence, " Burrillville, " Philadelphia, Penn DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 13, 1864 Apr. 15, " Sept. 13, " Apr. 15, " li tt Jan. 27, 1863. Apr. 15, 1864. If il Oct. 18, 1862. Apr. Jan. 15, 31, 1864. 1863. Apr. 15, 1864. It CC tt Oct. Apr, 1, 15, ti If tt tc ll «t Sept .20 t Mustered out of servico Oct. 27, 1865. •' Jan. 13,1866. " " Nov. 29, 1865. Taken prisoner ; exchanged ; disch. March 25, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865, Died Aug, 9, 1864, at N. Orleans, La. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64; deserted Sept. 23, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. CC CC CC Mustered out of service Nov. 29,1865. Deserted March 1, 1865. Trans, from Troop L, Jan. 23, 1865 ; deserted. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Trans, from Troop L, Jan 17, 1865 ; deserted. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Deserted Sept. 16, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. " Aug. 1, " Deserted Oct. 7, 1864, Mustered out of service May 23, 1865. Corporal ; drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passage from New Orleans to New York,by shipwr'k steam. N.America. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Wounded Jan. 22, 1865, near Bayou Goula, La.; discharged May 9, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Corporal June 11, 1865 ; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. 62 490 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP I. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Raymond H. Perry, Edwin C. Pomeroy, 1st Lieutenants. Edwin C. Pomeroy, Albert Clapp, 2d Lieutenant, Thomas G. Glover, 1st Sergeant. Peter M. SuUivan, Quartermaster Sergeant. Charles P. Renninger, Commissary Sergeant. Edward S. Thompson, Sergeants. Elisha S. Clarke, William G. Foster, John H. Hawkins, Charles H. Herbert, James M. Lewis, Corporals. Asa A. Aldrich, Joseph A. Curtis, George F. Foster, William C. Freelove, William Myers, Henry O'Neil, Nathaniel Spinney, James J. Thomas, Farrier. William C. Wheeler, Saddler. Martin C. Cushman, Musicians. John Froelich, RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Bristol, R. I. Providence, R. I. New Haven, Conn. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Salem, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Prqvidonce, " Pawtucket, " Cumberland, " Rehoboth, Mass. Johnston, R. I. Burrillville, " Providence, " Newport, " CC Cl VaUey Falls, " Elliot, Me. York, " Carroll, N. H. Smithfield, R. I. New York, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1863. Nov. 1, 1864. Dec. 3, 1863. Apr. 29, 1864 Nov. 18, 1862 Dec. 9, 1862. Nov. 24, " Oct. 29, " Nov. 14, " " 10, " Oct. 7, " '-' 25, " Nov. 17, " " 19, " Dec. 22, " " 13, " Mar. 11, 1863. Nov. 3, 1862. Dec. 11, " Oct. 29, " Jan. 13, 1863. Major Sept. 17, 1864. " S, 1865; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Capt. Troop I, Oct. 17, 1864. Accidentally Itjilled Jan. 18, '65, whilo on scouting expedition, near Bayou Pierpa, La. Mustered out of servioe Nov. 29, 1865, Transferred from 1st La. Cavalry, Jan. 14, 1864; 1st Lt. July 3, 1865; not mustered ; Sergt. Major July 17, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service June 12, '65 Transferred from 1st La. Cav. , Jan. 14. 1864; prisoner; exchanged July 25 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct 20, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 25, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 Com. Serg't. N. C. S., Nov. 1, 1864 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 died July 31, '64, at N. Orleans, La. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, ' " ' mustered out of service Oct. 28, '65, Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 9, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan, 14, '64 mustered out of. service Oct. 5, 1865 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 musteredout of service Oct. 24, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 16, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, ' transferred to Navy Aug. 25, 1864 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 deserted Feb. 20, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 Sergeant. ; mnstered out of servioe Nov. 12, 1865. Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864 ; drowned Oct. 7, '65, in Bayou La Fourche, La. Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864 ; prisoner. Trans, from 1st La. Cay., Jan. 14, '64; mustered out of service Nov. 9, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cay., Jan. 14, '64; mustered out of service Oct. 24, '65. Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan' 14, 1864; transferred to Troop K. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 491 NAME AND RANK. Charles Schmidt, Wagoner. MorriU Lund, Privates. Brenno, Alexander Betancourt, Manuel Brown, WiUiam Bernard, Dosite BeU, John Brown, Henry Corden, Thomas Coyne, Patrick CasweU, Edward F. Clark, JohnS. . Clarke, WilUam A. Campbell, Neil Grossman, Henry Crassy, David B. Cannody, William Cavanaugh, Patrick Cramley, Thomas CampboU, Alexander Cooke, Seth B. Crumley, George Cammel, Frederic Costley, Joseph Davis, Henry C. Dinsmore, Trescott EUis, Stillman W, Evans, James Early, Michael RESIDENCE. Hungary, Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " Cadiz, Spain, Elmira, N. Y. San Jude, Canada, Canaan, Vt. Elmira, N. Y, New York," Ireland, Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. L E. Providence," N. Milford, Me. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Lonsdale, " Rutland, Vt, Providence, R. I. Lonsdale, " Smithfield, " Natick,Nashua, N. H. Lubec, Maine, Providence, R. I. N.Providence," Ireland, DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 28, 1863. Oct. 29, 1862. ti tf March 6, 1863. Oct. 15, 1862. " 11, " " 27, " Sept. 10, " Mar. 10, 1863 Jan. 1, " Nov. 18, 1862 JDec. 15, " Nov. 14, " " 17, " Nov. 5, 1862. " 10, " Oct. 30, " Nov. 18, " Oct. — , " <• 21, " Nov. 17, " Oct, 29, " Nov. 13, " Jan. 23, 1863. Nov. 1, 1862. " 9, " " 22, " Jan. 17, 1863. REMARKS. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64- mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64; died Apr. 17/64, at Grand Ecore, La. Trans, from Troop A, 2d R. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864 ; died July 7, 1864, at N. Orleans, La., of small pox. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered outof service Nov. 29, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Sept. 10, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of servico Oct. 5, i865 Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan 14/ 64; Sergt.; mustered out of serv Oct. 24, 1864. Died July 28, 1864, at New Orleans, La. Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864 ; absent sick. Transferred from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864; drowned Dec 14, 1864, near Simsport, La. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 ; corp.; must, outof serv. Oct. 17, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Sept. 8, '64. Transferred from Troop D, 2d R. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 27, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 ; transferred to navy Aug. 25, 1864. Transferred from 1st La. Cavalry, Jan. 14, 1864 ; discharged. Transferred from 1st La. Cavalry, Jan. 14, 1864; Corporal; Sergeant; mus tered out of service Oct. 25, 1865. Transferred from 1st La. Cavalry, Jan. 14, 1864; deserted May 10, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, 64 mustered out of service Nov. 17, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 10, 1865 mustered outot service Oct. 26, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of servico Oct. 20, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, 64 mustered out of service Nov. 16, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan, 14, '64 prisoner ; exchanged July 25, 1864 died Aug. 14, '65, Napoleonville, La. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of servico Nov. 13, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 deserted Feb. 21, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 died Nov. 28/64, NapoleonviUe, La Tr. fr'm lstLa.Cav.Jan.14, '64; Corp, died July 19, '65, Napoleonville, La Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, 64 mustered out of service Nov. 21, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 died Aug. 29, 1864, at Camp Para pet, La., of fever. 492 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Fuller, John Boston, Mass. Dec. 23, 1862 Fisher, August Goodenough, WaUis E. Brandon, Vt. " 18, " Gamett, Richard Germany, " 12, " Goodman, David B. Providence, R. I. Oct. 29, " Herimuler, George HewHtt, Jacob G. Westerly, ti il Harris, John Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 6, 1863. HaU, James Boston, Mass. Mar. 24, " Hardfelt, Louis New York, N. Y. Dec. 18; 1862. Hayden, Richard Providence, R. I. Oct. 20, " Hardfield, Charles New York, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1863. Haney Edward Arctic, R. I. Oct. 16, 1862. Jones, John New York, N. Y. Nov. 24, " Jenckes, WiUiam A. Lonsdale, R. I. Oct. 30, " KeUey, Frank V. Kennedy, Michael Providence, " Salem, Mass. Nov. 10, •' March 4, 1863. Lee, John F. Boston, " Doc. 15, 1862. Lowe, WiUiam New York, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1863. Linnane, Peter F. it n " 20, " Law, George Cumberland, R. I. Oct. 13, 1862. Millard, Edwin A. Boston, Mass. " 20, " McCahay, James Providence, R. I. cc 1?) c, MitcheU, Charles J. New York, N. Y. Jan. 9, 1863. McCarthy, John Cranston, R. I. Oct. 16, 1862. Morse, Charles Fairhaven, Mass. Nov. 8, " McCohnie, Hugh New York, N. Y. Fob. 26, 1863. Mason, Samuel Coventry, R. I. Oct. 24, 1862. Moore, Thomas Providence, " June 27, " Morris, Owen Bristol, Oct. 29, " Maloney, WiUiam H." WarreD, " " 13, " Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Sept. 8, '64: died Sept. 10, '64, at N. Orleans, La! Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 Corp.; Sergt.; mustered out of serv, Oct. 5, '65 ; lost at sea Oct. 20, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, 64 deserted July 1, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered outof service Sept. 17 '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Sept. 8, '64, Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan, 14, '64 deserted Aug. 2, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 deserted May 14, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 deserted June 10, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '61 mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, ' absent sick. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, ' musteredout of service Nov. 29, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 drowned Dec. 22, 1864, on passago from N. Orleans to N . York, by ship wreck steamer North America. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 22, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 24, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 prisoner ; exchanged July 25, 1864 deserted Jan. 14, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 trans, to V. R. C, June 11, 1864 mustered out of service Aug. 14, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 deserted May 25, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 14, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 24, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, ' mustered out of service Oct. 19, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 5, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 trans, to Troop K, July 27, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 Corp.; Sergt ; mustered out of serv. Oct. 5, '65 ; lost at sea Oct. 20, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 9, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 deserted to the enemy. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 23, 65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14/64 Sergeant; musteredout Nov. 29, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan- 14, '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 Sergeant ; prisoner; exchanged July 25, 1864; mustered out Oct. 14/65. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. 493 NAME AND RANK. McCarty, Thomas McKenna, Charles Nute, John F. Nolon, Lawrence O'Brien, John O'Mara, John Phillips, August Pritchard, Samuel Perkins, Albert H. Prior, Thomas Rogers, James M. Rosmond, Harry Ryan, Thomas Roman, Charles Rowe, Charles Schroedcr, Henry Smith, William Sullivan, John Smith, James Spencer, Louis F. Snow,, WiUiam Scott, James Tucker, Charles A, Taylor, Cyrus F. Uffendale, Wffiiam C. "Valentine, Richard Verden, Robert RESIDENCE. Ireland, Cumberland, R. I. Roxbury, Mass. Providenco, R. I. New York, N. Y. Ireland, Gloucester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " New London, Conn Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Exeter, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pomfret, Conn. Millbury, Mass. Cranston, R. I- Providence, ' ' Glocester, " Brooklyn, N. Y. Westerly, R. I. Coventry, " DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 12, " Oct. 5. " Jan. 14, 1863 Oct. 16, 1862 Dec. 3, 1862. Nov 1, 14, REMARKS. Wilson, James Providence, " Dec 16, Williams, Charles New York, N. Y. Nov 11, Windsor, Frank Utica, ' ' cc 5, Waters, John F. Sutton, Mass. Dec. 4, Fob. 27, 1863. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 ; Sergeant; musteredout Nov. 29, '65. Oct. 20, 1862. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 ; killed Feb. 8, 1864, by fall from his horse. Mar. 24, 1863. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 musteredout of service Nov. 29, '65 Oct. 25,- 1862. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 23, '65 Nov. 19, . " Trans, from 1st La, Cav. Jan. 14, '64 prisoner; deserted Jan. 14, 1865. Jan. 8, 1863. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Sept. 10, '64 Nov. 12, 1862. Trans, from Troop L, July 29, 1864 mustered out of service Nov. 11. '65 i <> Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Nov. 9, '65 " 15, " Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 Sergeant; mustered out Oct. 25, '65 Oct. 13, " Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14/64 mustered out of service Oct. 5, '65 29, " Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 24, '65 28, " Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 died Sept. 2, 1865, at Napoleonville, La., of disease. Trans, from Troop L. July 29, 1864, Deserted Aug. 19, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 ; trans, to Troop K, July 27, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav. Jan. 14, '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 11, '65 ; Sergt.; lost at sea Oct. 20, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64; mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 : mustered out of service Oct. 25, '65. Trans, from Troop L, Aug. 31, 1864 ; prisoner; deserted Jan. 14, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64; mustered out of service Oct. 22, '65. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64; Hospital Steward; transferred to N. C. S., July 1, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64; mustered out of service Nov. 29, '65.. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 ; mustered out pf service Sept. 10, '65. Transferred from Troop A, 2d R. I. Cav., Jan. 14, 1864; mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1865. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 mustered out of service Oct.[20, '65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 prisoner; exchanged July 25, 1864 mustered out of service Nov. 9/65 Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 deserted July 1, 1864. Trans, from 1st La. Cav., Jan. 14, '64 died July 20, '64, at Alexandria, La. Oct. Dec.Oct. 7, 15, 23, 6, 29,25, 494 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND CAVALRY. TROOP K. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Henry S. Benjamin, 2d Lieutenant. Arnold D.Brown, Is* Sergeant. William H. Swan, Quartermaster Sergeant. George H. Dabin, Commissary Sergeant. George H. Whitman, Sergeants. August Walling, Julius Langerman, William Stein, Corporals. Severin Loefner, Henry Schmidt, Frederic Holfner, Otto Korn, Arthur Roller) Joseph Portenschalg, George Weimich, Musician. John Froelich, Privates, Ambacher, Mintz Ariste, Charles Anton, Maisael, Bucher, Jacob Brucker, Francis Bayer, John Bender, John Branden, Samuel Balcom, DeForest Bachle, Augustus B. Barth, John Billings, Charles E. Corbelina, Louis Carslon, Petro Lars Cary, John DeConques, Joseph C. Springfield, Mass. Rehoboth, " Providence, Ii. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. Richmond, N. H, Paris, France, Magdeburg.Prussia, New York, N. Y. Baden, Germany, New York, N. Y. Baden, Germany, cc cc New York, N. Y. Vienna, Austria, Baden, Germany, New York, N. Y. RESIDENCE. Germany,Burrillville, R. I. New York, N. Y. Baden, Germany, Gotthenburg, Swed. E. Douglas, Mass. New York, N. Y. Germany, Providence, R. I. Italy, Heslingburg, Swed. Bristol, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 28, 1864 Feb. 6," Nov. 18, 1862. Jan. 6, 1863. Dec. 11. 1862. Jan. 13,1863. „ 17ct. 22, 1861, Disch. Nov. 29, 1864, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 517 NAME AND RANK. Church, Albert C, Cotton, Thomas Callahan, John Cole, Charles C. Canic, Daniel Chadwick, Evllyn C. Calvert, William Chadwick, John W. Carroll, Hugh Carpenter, John F. Cahoone, Horace Christy, James Coggeshall, Oliver P. Crasson, William F. Cooke, Daniel Caldwell, James Corcoran, Thomas Dempsey, Francis Dyer, Samuel I. Dunham, William Diggle, Daniel Driscol, Timothy Dodge, George A. Desmond, Patrick Dyer, Patrick Dailey, Thomas Druggan, Edward Delany, Matthew Dunn, John Edwards,' James Eldredge, George S. Eddy, Charles H. Eddy, Albert Edwards, George H. Fiske, Samuel A. Fallow, John Pagan, Patrick Flynn, Lawrence Eleinining, Thomas Fay, George Galligan, Peter Greenhalch, William J. Gray, George E. Gannon, Patrick Gardiner, Authur G. Green, Arthur RESIDENCE. Exeter, R. I. S. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. E.Providence," Fall River, Mass. Hopkinton, R. I. Pawtucket, " N.Providence,"Clayville, Providence, " ti tt Boston, Mass. S. Kingstown, R. I. N.Attleboro, Mass. Quincy, " S. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " Easton, Penn. Pawtucket, R. I. Charlestown, Mass. Fall River, " Ireland,Fall River, Mass. New Bedford, " Woonsocket, R. I. Ireland,Providence, R. I. j Glocester, New York, N. Y. Pawtuxet, R. I. Peacedale, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Westboro, Mass. N. Providence, R.I. Providence, " Cranston, Johnston, DATE OP MUSTER. Aug. 21, 1861 " 20, " Jan. 18, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861 „ 14 „ '• 20," Nov. 15, 1864. Sept. 12, 1861. Dec. 12, 1864. Aug. 20, 1861. Jan. 31, 1S62. Aug. 20, 1861 Feb. 17, 1862. Mar. 22, " Aug. 20, 1861, " 21," Feb. 18, 1862. Mar. 12, " Aug. 14, 1861 IJuly 25, 1864 Aug. 20, 1861 Feb. 24, 1862. Aug. 26, 1864 " 20, 1861 Feb. 6. 1862 Aug. 20, 1861 Jan. 15. 1862. Oct. 12, 1861. Aug. 20," Mar. 10, 1862. " 10," Aug. 20, 1861. Jan. 18, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. :' 20," Jan. 10, 1862. • 21," ' 22 " Aug. 20, 1861. REMARKS. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Trans, to Co. F, Jan. 1, 1862. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. He-enlisted Feb, 9, 1864; mustered outof service Aug. 81, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864, on detached servico Mar. '65, at Poco taligo, S. C. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Sept. 22, '64. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Mustered out of service Jan. 31, '65. Disch. Jan. 25, 1862, on Surg, certif. " June 7, 1863, " Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Re-enlisted March 21, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of serv. April 16, '65. Corpoial; mustered out of service Aug. 81, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Died Nov. 20, 1862, of chronic diar rhoea, at Port Roval, S. C. Trans, from Co. K, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 6, '65. Mustered out of service Mar. 21, 1805. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Discharged Aug. 4, 1865. Deserted Aug. 23, 1861. Trans, from' Co. I, Aug. 22,1864; mustered out of service Mar. 21, '65. Mustered out of seryice March 11, '65. Died Dec. 1, 1864, at Beaufort, S. C, of congestive fever. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Wounded in action on Coosaw river, near Port Royal Ferry, Apr. 9, '63 ; mustered out of service Feb. 6, '65. Trans, to Co. C, Oct. 22, 1862. Disch. Aug. 1, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. IS, Aug. 22, 1864 ; on detached service March, 1865, at Pocotaligo, S. C. Commissary Sergeant Oct. 12, 1861. Killed in action Apr. 9, 1863, near Port Royal Ferry, S. C. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864 ; mustered out of service Mar. 21, '65. Disch Mar. 27, 1863, on Surg, certif. Cor. ; must, out of serv. Aug. 31, 64. Wounded in action on Coosaw river, April 9, 1863 ; mustered out of ser vice Jan. 18, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Killed in action on Coosaw river, near Port Royal ferry, April 9, 1863. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Jan. 10, '65. Trans, to Co. E, April 1, 1862. " from Co. E. Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 186.4. 518 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Gardiner, George W. Gould, Frank H. Gunter, Daniel Horr, Abner Harrington, David T. Healey, Timothy Horton, Edwin R. M. Hewitt, Giles C. Hopkins, James Hood, Charles Hyde, John Hanes, James E. Hammond, Stephan H. Horton, Francis W. Humphray, George Ide, Almond D. Jacob, Zachariah Jacobs, John P. Kimball, Peter Kaufman, Philip Kennedy, James Keach, George H. Kennedy, Patrick Keach, Andrew 0. Kilfoil, James RESIDENCE. Olneyville, K. I. Providence, " cc it Phenix, Fall River, Mass. Rehoboth, Providence, R. I. Olneyville, •' Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. cc cc New Bedford, Mass Rehoboth, " Foster, R. I. E.Providence," Cumberland, " Providence, " CC CC So. Scituate, " Olneyville, " Woonsocket, " Luther, George H. IN. Providence," Lovett, Christopher Declare, Francis Lamb, John Lewis, Willis Mann, Gilbert Muffin, Thomas Mann, Daniel Moore, Albert A. McKnight, James Moon, Horatio N. Muldoon, Charles Miner, John B. McGenkin, Hugh McKensie, Alex. R. McQuillin, Alexander Matteson, Charles N. McQuillin, Francis Needham, Mass. Westerly, R. I. Barrington, " Glocester, " N.Providence," Glocester. " Waitsfield, Vt. Burrillville, R. I. Central Falls, " Providence, " Groton, Conn. Providence, R. I. it tt England,Coventry, R. I. Pawtucket, " DATE OP MUSTER. Feb. 19, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861 Feb. 13, 1862. Sept. 13, 1861 Aug. 20, " April 8, 1864. Mar. 12, 1862. April 1, " Aug. 20, 1861. Jan. 3, 1865. Mar. 12, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862. July 16, 1864. Feb. 18, 1862. " 16, 1864. Aug. 20, 1861 Mar. 14,1862. Aug. 20, 1861. July 7, 1864. Mar. 16, 1862. Jan. 9, " Aug. 20, 1861. Jan. 13, 1862. Mar. 13, " Aug. 20, 1861. (( tt April 1, 1864. Feb. 18, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861 Sep . 5, " Aug. 21," Feb. 18, 1862. Jan, 23, " Sept. 3, 1861." Aug. 14," Jan. 17, 1862. Nov. 11, 1864 Mar. 11, 1862 Dec. 12, 1864 Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Mar. 21, '65. Corp. June 1, 1862 ; Hospital Steward Dec. 1, 1862. Died Oct. 29, '64, at Hilton Head, S. C. Mustered out of service Aug. 31. 1864 Died Apr. 20, '62, atHilton Head', S. C. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 9, '64. Died Jan. 17, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C. Trans, from Co. E. Aug. 22, '64 ; disch. June 15, '65, order War Department. Re-enlisted March 21, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864 ; mustered outof service Apr. 16, '65. Killed in action on Coosaw river near Port Royal ferry, S. C, Apr. 'J, '63. Re-enlisted Mar. 2) . 1 864 ; taken pris oner in Fla.,' Aug. 17, 1864 ; mus tered out of service July 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; wounded and prisoner at Gaiiisville, Fla., Aug. 17, 1864; released ; musteredout of service Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864 ; taken pris., in Fla., Aug. 17, 1864 ; died March 23, 1865 at Annapolis, Md. Disch. Dec. 19, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb, 9, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 28, 1865. March 21, " Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of serviceman. 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; taken pHs., in Fla., Aug. 17, 1864; released; mustered outof service Aug. 31, '64. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Jan. 18, '65. Mustered out of service Mar. 21, 1865. " " Aug. 31,1864. Disch. July 12, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans.. from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out bf service Feb. 18, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864 ; on detached service Mar. 1865, at Po cotaligo, S. C. Trans, from Co. H ; Wagoner . disch. Sept. 28, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Died June 4, '62, at Hilton Head, 8. C. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Jan. 13, 6o. Trans, from Co. H; Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 3, 1861. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Aug. 6, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 21,186o. Died Aug. 5, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C, of chronic diarrhoea. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 519 NAME AND RANK. Martin, James T. Moran, Timottfy McQuade, Felix Means, Alfred R. Murphy, Dennis E. Medbury, James M. Maguire, Edward P. Norton, Thomas Nollen, Christian Nichols, Charles W. Nickerson, Henry 0. Neill, James Off, George Oakes, Peter M. O'Connor, Jeremiah O'Sullivan, James O'Brien, Jeremiah Fenno, Benjamin L. Phelan, Thomas Pashley, George Power, James R. Pearse, James T. Perry, Andrew1 J. Phetteplace, Hiram Prew, Mitchell Powers, William H. Quigley, Patrick Randall, Alvan F. Rico, George Eeilly, Edward Roberts, George A. Randall, George W. Jr. Randall, James H. Rounds, Charles H. Rose, Benjamin H. Rodgers, Marshall P. Salisbury, William H. Shuce, John Saunders, Barton W. Saunders, Nathan H. Simmons, Russell A. Straight, Joseph C. Sherman, Manley J. Saxon, WiUiam Stoddard, George W. Smith, William H. RESIDENCE. Groton, Conn. Woonsocket, R. I. Boston, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Boston, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Central Falls, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Lancaster, Penn. Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Greenville, R. I. Westerly, " New London, Conn Bristol, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, " N.Providence," Warren, Mass. Fall River, " Olneyville, R. I. Cumberland, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Westerly, " Providence, " n a S. Kingstown," Weymouth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, " tt tt Westerly, " Foster, " N.Providerice," Pawtucket, " New Bedford, Mass. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. DATE OP MUSTER. Sept. 5, 1861. Aug. 14," Feb. 22, 1862. " 18, " Mar. 22, " Aug. 2, 1864. Jan. 12, 1862. Mar. 21, 1864 Aug. 20, 1861 Jan'. 22, 1862. Mar. 14, " Sept. 29," Aug. 20, 1861 " 21," Sept. 7, " Aug. 14," Mar. 13, 1862 Aug. 20, 1861. " 14, " Feb. 25, 1862. Mar. 16, " Nov. 30, 1864. Aug. 20, 1861, Jan. 31, 1862. Mar. 15, " Jan. 30, " " 20, " Aug. 20, 1861. Feb. 16, 1864. Aug. 21, 1862. Dec. 12, 1864. Aug. 20, 1862. Feb. 14, " Dec. 12, 1864. Aug. 20, 1861. Nov. 11, 1864. Feb. 5, 1862. " 10, " Mar. 5, " Dec. 12, 1864, Jan. 28, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861 t, gi, « REMARKS. Trans, from Co. H ; trans, to V. R. C, July 15, 1863. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. died Mar. 19, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C. Disch. July 14, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered out of service Apr. 16, '65. Disch. Maj- 24, 1865, on Surg, certif. " Dec. 11, 1862, " Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864 ; mustered out of service Jan. 31, '65. Mar. 21, '65. Tr. from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864 ; disch. May 10, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Transferred from Co. H; re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Transferred from Co. I ; died July 26, 1865, at Hilton, Head, S. C. Severely wounded by explosion of a cannon, on gunboat Washington, Dec. 21, 1862; mustered out of ser vice March 21, 1865. Transferred to Co. C. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Mar. 11, 1865. Disch. May 13, 1863, on Surg, certif. Corp. Jan. 1, '62; disch. July 14, '62. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64; mus tered out of service Jan. 31, 1865. Killed in action Aug. 17, '64, at Gaines ville, Fla. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64 ; mus tered out of service Jan. 31, 1865. Mustered out of service Jan. 31, 1865. Corp. ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64 ; killed in action Dec. 27, 1864, atDe Vaux Neck. Discharged June 15, 1865. Disch. Jan 16, 1863, on Surg, oertif. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Died May 23, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C. Transferred to Co. C. Mustered out of service Feb. 14, 1865. On detached service March 1865, at Pocotaligo, S. C. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Trans, to Co. B. ke-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Apr. 14, 1864, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64; mus tered out of service Jan. 31, 1865. Wounded in action on Coosaw river, near Port Royal Ferry, S. C, Apr. 9, '63 ; re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. 520 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Stalker, Charles D. Sisson, James F. Smith, George W. Stephens, Alonzo Smith, Lyman R. Sullivan, Thomas Sisson, Dudley F. Sweet, Jesse B. Smith, Abner Sweet, Thomas P. Snell, Albert H. Saunders, Asa B. Stewart, Bennett P. Stevens, Tho's W. D. Thatcher, William 0. Touge, Henry F. Turner, George M. Thornton, Waterman Tyler, Martin A. Tingley, Elias Tibbetts, Joshua Valentine, James Valleley, Edward J. Wigfall, Walter C. Welch, John Williams, Alfred S. C. Williams, Alonzo Whipple, Roderick D. Weston, Silas Whipple, George A. Warner, John B. Woodmancy, James A Wallin, David Woodmancy, Henry H Williams, Henry E. Warner, Lewis Wright, Reuben P. Wing, Joseph B. Wheaton, Joseph H. Wing, Jashut Welden, George W. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. tl cc Glocester, R. I. Johnston, " Cumberland, " Stonington, Conn. Glocester, R. I. Providence, " 1C CC Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. tt tt Glocester, " Providence, " Ipswich, Mass. Providence, R. I. Johnston, " Scituate, " Pawtucket, " Westerly, " N. Shoreham, " Providence, " a n N. Scituate, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " N.Providence," Worcester Mass, Richmondj R. I, Pawtuxet, " Richmond. " Slatersville, " Providence, " New Bedford, Mass Swansey, " Smithfield, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 5, 1861. Aug. 21, 1861. Feb. 22, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. " 20," Feb. 19, 1864. " 1, 1862. " 29, 1864. Aug. 20, 1861. Feb. 23, 1864. " 3, 1862. " 23, 1864. Aug. 20. 1861. Dec. 17. 1864. Aug. 20, 1861. Oct. 1, " Aug. 20, " " 21, " Mar. 11, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. July 25, 1864. Feb. 11, 1862. Dec. 31, 1861. Aug. 20," tl tt Sept. 5, " Aug. 20," Sept. 7, " Aug. 20," Sept, 5, " Mar, 29, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861. Mar. 21, 1862. Aug. 20, 1861. Mar. 4, 1862. Feb. 12, " cc 21," Mar. 10," Feb. 22," Aug. 22," Corp. ; re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864 ; taken prisoner in Fla. May 6, '64; died in prison at Florence, S.{J.,Feb.l3, '65, Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Died of wounds ree'd in action near Port Royal Ferry, S. C, Apr. 13,'63. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Killed in action near Port Royal Ferry S. C, April 9, 1863. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864 ; disch. Oct. 26, '64, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; disch, June 27. 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. " to " C. " from " E, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Feb. 6, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864; died Sept. 30, '64, at H'n. Head.S.C. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Disch. Feb. 17, 1862, on Surg, certif, Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Sergeant; mustered out of service Aug, 31, 1804. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Mar. 21, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. Discharged June 15, 1865. Mustered out of service Feb. 11, '65. Died of wounds ree'd in action near Port Royal Ferry, S.C. Apr.15, '63. Trans, to Signal Corps, Oct. 18, 1863. Disch. Apr. 4, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Signal Corps, Oct. 13, 1863. Trans, from Co. H ; Corp. May 4, '62; re-enlisted Feb. 9,1864; 2d Lieut. July 6, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Trans, from Co. H; disch. Mar. 17, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered outof sei vice Aug. 31,1864. Trans, from Co. H ; re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864 ; died March 27, 1864, in R. I. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; mustered outof serv. Apr. 16, '65. Disch. Feb. 17, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Wounded in action near Port Royal Ferry, S. C, Apr. 9, 1863 ; muster'd out of service March 11, 1865. Wounded in action near Port Royal Ferrv, S. C, Apr. 9, 1863 ; re-enlist ed Feb. 14, 1864; died Feb. 6, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864, ' " March 21, '64 ; taken pris oner in Florida, Aug. 17, 1864. Trans, from Co. E, Aug. 22, 1864. .i .< " discharged May 10, 1865, on Sur geon's certificate. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 521 COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Lebbeus C. Tourtellott, Albert E. Greene, Augustus W. Colwell, 1st Lieutenants, Albert E. Greene, Goorgo 0. Eddy, Frederick Metcalf, John E. Burroughs, George W. Greene, Edwin W. Keene, William H. Bean, 2d Lieutenants. George 0. Eddy, George W. Greene, Charles H. Aldrich, William W- Hanscomb, George T. Remington, Charles H- Williams, John B. Batchellor, George S. Read, WiUiam H. Bean, Woonsocket, R. I. Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " George W. Greene, E. S. Bartholomew, John T. Newcomb, John B. Batchellor, Xavier D. Fisher, George J. Hill, James M. Jacques, John Hackett, Oratus S. Bowen, Albert B. Clark, Corporals. Alonzo M. Fuller, Nathan P. Vibberts, James Batchellor, Richard Irwin, George W. S. Davis, 66 RESIDENCE Woonsocket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " CC c, Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " cc cc cc cc Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " N.Providencc,"Warwick, " DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1861 Jan. 1, 1863. Nov. 28, 1862. Oct. 9, 1861. Mar. 31, 1863. May 27, 1864. Feb. 14, " Jan. 21, 1863. Feb. 14, 1864. July 18, 1865. Oct. 9, 1861. June 6, 1863. July 30, 1864. Feb. 10, " Sept. 1, 1863. March 7, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. tt tt Feb. 17, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 3, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 25, 1864. Oot. 5, 1861 Jan. 24, 1864 Feb. 7, 1864. Resigned Sept. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. H, Oct. 6, 1864 ; Major, April 21, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 ; Captain Co. B, Jan. 1, 1863. Resigned March 27, 1864. Died Aug. 27, 1864, Beaufort, S. C. Transferred from Co. H, Oct. 6, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. H, Oct. 6, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 15, '65. Adjutant, Oct. 6, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. 1st Lieutenant Co. B, March 11, 1862. 1st Lieutenant Co. B, Jan. 21, 1863. Resigned May 2, 1863. 1st Lieutenant Co. D, April 9, 1864. Mustered out of servico Oot. 5. 1864. Transferred from Co. F, Oct. 6, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Resigned April 25, 1863, Transferred from Co. G, Oct. 22, '63 ; mustered out of sprvioe Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. H, Oct. 6, 1864 ; 1st Lieutenant Co. B, July 1, 1865. 2d Lieutenant Co. B, July 8, 1862. Sergeant Major, Oct 7, 1861. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64.; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. 2d Lieutenant Co. B, July 8, 1862. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Killed April 14, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga., by explosion of a shell. 1st Sergeant ; trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64; mustered out Aug. 21, '65. Sergeant, July 8,1862; 2d Lieutenant Feb. 3, 1864; assigned to Co. F. Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. 2d Lieutenant Co. E, May 21, 1863. Sergeant; discharged Aug. 4, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Taken prisoner at James Island, June 16, 1862; returned; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. F ; Sergt. ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. 522 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. George H. Hall, Albert B. Clark, Ira B. Sherman, Henry S. Jennison, Edgar E. Stearns, James Greenup, George S.Read, Peter B. Balcom, ' Newell T. Esty, Edgar A. Whittaker, Wagoner. John Hermester, Privates. Allen, Byron Arnold, Philetus H. Allen, Napoleon Alexander, Bradford Alexander, Levi N. Arnold, Daniel L. Appleby, Silas H. Arnold, Albert A. Balcom, Peter B. Barnes, Alfred Ballou, Horaoe A, Byron, Thomas Barnes, Nelson M. Brayton, Charles E. Bond, Emery F, Bates, Charles A. Booker, James H. Burlingame, George L. Bowen, Horace Bedor, Jacob A. Briggs, George A. Blackwood, William J. Bucklin, George E. Boyden, Winslow Barnes, Theodore M. Bell, Thomas Barrett, Robert J. Brown, Levi H. Bryant, Albert F. Bennett, Edward C. Woonsocket, R. I. cc cc CC It Slatersville, '-' Blackstone, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. CC tl Blackstone, ' Mass . Woonsocket, R. I. RESIDENCE. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. Oct. Apponaug, " Cumberland, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Central Falls," Woonsocket, " Cumberland, " Blackstone, Mass. E. Greenwich, R, I Woonsocket, " Crompton, '< Woonsocket, " Cranston, " Bellingham, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, " Foster, " Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. N. Bridgewater, Ms. Woonsocket, R. I. DATE OP MUSTER. 25, 1864. 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1864. Aug. 2, 1862. Feb. 17, 1864. Feb. 3, 1862. Dec. 6, 1861. ¦ t 31 ft Aug. 29,' 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Jan. 24, 1864. Oct, 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1864 Qot. 6, 1861- Jan. 24, 1864. Aug, 4, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Feb. 3, 1862. Sept. 7, " Feb. 6, " Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 3, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 26, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 28, 1864. " 1862. Mar. 27, " Oct. 5, 1861 Mar. 21, 1862 Jan. 16, " Deserted Feb. 25, 1863. Sergeant; 2d Lieut. Co. E, May 21, '63. Sergeant ; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864. Sergeant ; 2d Lieut. Co. G, Juno 3, '63. Wounded June 16, '62, James Island, S. C; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864. Sergeant, March, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, Veteran ; transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864 ; Sergeant, July 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27,' 65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of servioe Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred from Co. F, Sept 15, '64 mustered out of serviceAug. '27, 65 Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864 Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864, Died of wounds received James Island, S. O, June 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Corporal ; mustered out Oot. 5, 1864. Corporal; wounded June 16, 1862, at James Island, S. C. ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Transfd to Co. C, Jan. 16, 1862. Transfd from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; dis'd April 4, '65, on Surg, certif. Act'g Asst. Hosp. Steward, since Mar. '62 ; must'd out of serv.Oot. 5, '64. Transfd from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transfd to Co. H, Oct- 23, 1861. Corporal ; transfd from Co, F, Sept. 15, '64 ; mustered out Jan. 29, '65. Transfd to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Corporal; transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; mustered out Feb. 7, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 3, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, Transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Dis'd Deo. 1, '61, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transfd to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Transfd from Co. H Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of service April 12, '65. Dis'd Sept. 7, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of service April 12, '65. Re-enlisted Feb. 30, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 523 NAME AND RANK. Butts, Samuel A. Broadhurst, Stephen F. Boyle, Patrick Bcnn, Henry Buffum, Nelson M. Bruce, Hugh Bushee, Samuel F. M. Bennett, Almon G. Jr. Cates, Albion M. Collins, William T. Cates, William L. Case, Nathaniel N. Capwoll, James Cleary, John Cole, James M. Cavanagh, Thomas Clark, Frank E. Card, John M. Cole, Edgar A. Cortrell, William T. Comstock, Frederic N Conboy, Henry Colwell, ' Thomas Comfort, Joseph Congdon, Albert Cook, George H. Cook, Foster M. Carpenter, John N. Cook, Barton F. Crowell, Eleazer W. Coyle, William H. Carr, Thomas Coe, Andrew B. Clarey, Stephen Crosby, Daniel Collins, John Crosby, David F. Colvin, David Crosby, Elisha H. RESIDENCE. N.Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Providence, " Wrentham, Mass. Slatersville, R. I. Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " Warwick, '' Blackstone, Mass. Kingston, R. I. Ipswich, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Providence, " Westerly, " Blackstone, Mass. Fall River, " Woonsocket, R. I. it n Providence, " Woonsocket, " Foster, " Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Bellingham, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Woonsocket, " Providence, " Peacedale, " Woonsocket, " DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 23, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 25, 1864. " 24, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861, Jan. 29, 1864, Oct. 5, 1861, Dec. 28, 1864, Aug. 11, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1864. Feb. Jan.Oct. Jan. Feb.Dec.Jan. 5, 1862 23, 1864. 5, 1861 24, 1864 10, 1862 23, 1864. 17, 1861 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861 Jan.Oct. Jan. 28, 1862 5, 1861 10, 1862. 24, 1864. Sept. 9, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. tfeb. 17, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 22, 1862. Aug. 6, " ' Mar. 17, " Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Feb. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Musteredout of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transfd to Co. H, as wagoner Sept. 13, 1861. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; killed in Fort Putnam by sharp shooters in Ft. Sumter Oct. 19, '64. Dis'd May 26, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864; deserted April 7, 1864. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, ' 65 . Transfd to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of serviceAug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred to Co. H. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transfd to Co. C Jan. 29, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864; deserted June 28, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; Corporal July 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 3, 1861. Transfd from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; discharged July 7, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transfd from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864 ; musteredout of service Mar. 17, '65. Transfd to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transfd from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864 ; musteredout of service April 12, '65. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864 ; drowned July 20, '64, in Port Royal Harbor. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Transfd to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, '64; killed Aug. 4, '64, at Fort Welles, Hilton Head, S.C., by premature disch.of cannon. 524 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Darling, Marcus M. Drury, James Doherty, Thomas Doran, Joseph Dorsey, Francis Dalton, Michael Decker, George W. Drummond, Wm. W. Davis, Thomas B. Davis, George W. S. Davis, William Doran, Michael DonneUy, Patrick, Eddy, Charles H. Early, John Eddy, Edward Ennis, John Farrell, Lawrence Flagg, Ira Farrer, James Jr. Fraley, John Fairer, Daniel Follensbee, George H. Farrer, William Fiske, Albert W. Fiske, Emery Forbes, James B. Fuller, Alonzo N. Fuller, Richard Fuller, Albert Farrell, Edward Gallaghan, Barney Glancey, Michael Gibbins, Michael I. Garvy, John Grinnell, James E. RESIDENCE. Uxbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Natick,Woonsocket, " Newport, " Warwick, " Central Falls, " Westerly, " Providence, " W. Hampton, Mass Smithfield, R. I. Northbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. Newport, " Allendale, " Woonsocket, . " Providence, " Cranston, " Mendon, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Woonsocket, Cumberland, Providence, Lonsdale,Providence, Newport, Fall River, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 7, 1862. June 20, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1864. Feb. 3, 1862. Jan. 24, 1864. Mar. 22, 1862. Oct. 5. 1861. Jan. 25, 1864. Feb. 7, " Jan. 24, 1862. Nov. 10, 1864. Jan. 28, 1862. Jan. 25, 1864. Feb. 7, " Sept. 30, 1862, Feb. 14, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861 Aug. 6, 1802 Oct. . 5, 1861 Jan. 7, 1862. Aug. 6, " Feb. 7, " Aug. 12, " Feb. 27, " Aug. 30, " July 23, 1864, Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 16, 1864 Dec. 11, 1861 « 12] « Feb. 14, 1862 Mar. 27, " Dec. 9, 1861 REMARKS. Transfd to Co. L Sept. 12, 1864. Transfd from Co. F Sept. 15, '64; Cor poral ; mustered out Jan. 20, 1865. Killed June 16, '62, in battle at James Island, S. C. Transferred from Co. K, Sept, 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65, Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64; Corporal July 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 mustered out of service April 12, '65! Mustered out of servico Oct. 6, 1864 Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 16, '64 Corporal ; Sergeant Nov. 1, 1864 mustered outof serviceAug. 27, '65. Died July 25, 1862, of wounds received at battle of James Island, S. C. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 ; musteredout of service April 12, '66. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 65. Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64 ; Corporal March 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Killed Sept. 16, '64, by premature dis charge of cannon Hilton Head, S. C. Transferred from Co. G, Sept 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64; corp. Mar. 1, 1865; must, our Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; Corporal June 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Died Oct. 11, 1863, at Morris Island. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15 '64 mustered out of service Feb. 7> 66 Transferred to Co. L. Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service. Sergeant ; tran. to Co. M. Sept. 12, '64. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, 64 mustered outof service Aug. 27,'66 Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 mustered out of servico Dec 11, '64 Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 mustered out of service Dec. 12, '64 Killed April 14, '62, at Fort Pulaski by accidental explosion of shell. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '04 mustered out of service April 12, 65 Transferred from Co. G.'Sept, 12, '64 Corporal March 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 525 NAME AND RANK. Gabriel, Victor Gaffney, Daniel Gorton, John A. Gilbert, Antoine Gorton, Burrill Gardiner, Charles M. Greene, William Gillan, Timothy Garret, Christopher Glynn, Patrick Higgins, John Hughes, James Halliwell, William Hobson, James B. Hall, George H. Hill, William Hopkins, Alfred J. Harrington, Jeremiah Halton, Joseph Hathaway, Henry W. Hayward, Joseph I. Howland, Amasa W. Havens, James D. Havens, Abijah B. Haskins, James C. Hunt, Thomas Hanway, John Hill, Robert Hannon, Patrick Hodges, William W. llulloway, Samuel L. Hodges, John H. Haslane, Adam Hopkins, Francis A. Hart, Rensselaer B. S. Hall, John C. RESIDENCE. Bristol, R. I. Providence, " Waonsocket, " Providence, " Johnston, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Slatersville, R. I. Woonsocket, " Smithfield, " Woonsocket, " Providence, *' Woonsocket, " cc cc FaU River, Mass. Boston, " Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, " it a Providence, " Woonsocket, " E. Greenwich," Woonsocket, " Providence, '¦ Smithfield, " Westerly, " Smithfield, " Cranston, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Warwick, " DATE OP MUSTER. April 3, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. tt tt Jan. 9, 1862. Aug. 26, 1864, May 23, " Jan. 4, 1862, Oct. 5, 1861, Feb. 14, 1862. Mar. 4, Oct. 5, 1861, Nov. 28, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861 Aug. 22, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 9, " Aug. 20, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 14, 1862. Feb. 5, " Dec. 12, 1861. Oct. .5, " Aug. 23, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 18, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 10, '1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 3, 1862. Sept. 6, " Mar. 26, " Oct. 5, 1861. REMARKS. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64. mustered out of service Aug. 4, '65, Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Killed April 14, 1862, at Fort Pulaski by accidental explosion of shoU. Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865 Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 mustered out of service Aug; 27, '65. Dis'd Aug. 19, '62, on Surg, certificate Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, 64 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Aug. 27. '65 Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 mustered outof service April 12 '65. Wounded severely, Juno 16, 1862, at James Island, S, C. ; discharged Sept. 24, 1862, on account of wounds. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 ; discharged July 7, 1865. Corporal ; deserted Feh. 25, 1863. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; discharged July 7, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Transferred from Co, H, Sept. 15, '64 ; mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65c Corporal Co. B ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 ; mustered out of service Dec. 11, 64. Died Nov. 18, '63, Morris Island, S. C. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; deserted June 9, 1865. Deserted Oct. 5, 1861. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; musteredout of service Aug. 27, '65. Wounded June 16, 1862, at James' Island, S. C. ; disch. Sept. 10, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Disch. Oct. 28, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; Sergeant July 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Sergeant Co. B ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Auj. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. II, Sept. 15, 1864; Corporal ; mustered out of service April 12, 1865. Trans, to Co. F, Oct. 2, 1861. 526 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. Hibbert, Thomas Irons, Edwin A. Ingoldsby, Hugh Inman, Alfred A. Joslin, Edwin Jenckes, Taylor A. Jillson, Augustus F. Jagneth, George W. Jordan, James Keach, George L. Kane, Patrick Keach, Rufus M. Kelley, Thomas Kelly, Arnold C. Kinnicum, Charles G. Kenlock, James Kendnck, Jeremiah Luther, Edwin G. Linton, Robert Larkin, Charles A. Luther, Joseph T. Lowney, John Langley, George Lake, John Langley, Pardon Monroe, John H. Maden, Henry Malone, Dennis Maple, Frank Manchester, Charles H. McCarty, Patrick Manchester, William A. McConty, Eugene McSoley, Patrick Main, Charles H. Oct. 5, 1861. Glocester, R. I. Woonsocket, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Cumberland, " Woonsocket, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Northbridge, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Warwick, " McGone, Peter Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Richmond, Providence, Newport, Woonsocket, Providence,Woonsocket, Providence, Woonsocket, Tiverton, Providence, " N. Bedford, Mass. Dorchester, " Woonsocket, R. I. Richmond, " Pawtucket, " Mar. 19, 1862. Sept. 30," Dec. 13. 1861. Sept.: 19, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 28, 1862. Jan. 29, 1864. Aug. 23, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. July 21, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 26, 1864 Jan. 15, 1862. ;< 21," Feb. 5," Jan. 13," Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 3, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 9, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862 Dec. 5, 1861. Apr. 3, 1862. Mar. 19, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 21, 1862. Dec. 5, 1861. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Sergeant March 1,1865; musteredout ot ser vice Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1804; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Wounded and taken prisoner June 16, 1862, at James' Island; returned to regiment; mastered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. April 12, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Died in New York Aus. 18, 1862. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Jan. 29, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. Jan. 20, 1865. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 16, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Deserted July 30, 1863. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Killed April 14, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, by accidental explosion of a shell. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Jan. 20, '65. Trans, to V. li. C, July 15, 1863. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered -out of serv. Jan. 20, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27/65, Trans to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864; killed Sept. 30, 1864, at Fort Grey, M. I., by premature disch, of gun. Disch. May 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 16, 1864; Corporal July 1, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, J865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, -1864; trans, to Co. C. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; Sergeant; mustered out of service April 12, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; Corporal ; mustered out of service April 12, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; Corporal; mustered out ot service April 12, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, oo. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 527 NAME AND RANK. McAllen, Arthur J. MeManus, Thomas McQuiggan, John Miett, Oliver Muldoon, James McQuestion, James J. Miett, William Murphy, John McGuire, Dennis Marshall, Joseph H. Morgan, Charles McCool, John McGuire, James Mowry, Manton B. Maher, Jeremiah Moran, Michael McAlIan, Bernard Mulheim, William Mason, Michael H. Miller, Edward C. Munger, Peter McNamara, Michael Nichols, Abner C. Nickerson, Isaac O'Neil, Michael O'Connell, Patrick Potter, Israel A. Paine, George F. Perry, David Payne, Nelson M. Paine, Moses A. Penno, Benjamin L, Pratt, William H. Potter, Caleb A. Paine, Addington D. Parker, Hiram R. Pitts, John C. Phillips, Charles W. RESIDENCE. Central Falls, R. I. Ireland, Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Ireland, Pawtucket, R. I. Woonsocket, " Providence, " Cranston, " Richmond, " Northbridge, Mass Providence R^. I. Webster, Mass. Ireland,Pawtucket, R. I. Philadelphia, Penn Burrillville, R. I. Warwick, " Westerly, " Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Willimantic, Conn. Yarmouth, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cambridgep't,Mass, Cranston, R. I. Greenville, " Woonsocket. " Burrillville, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Dighton, Mass. Cranston, R. I. Woonsocket, " Smithfield, " CC CC Pawtucket, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 29, 1862. Aug. 8, 1864. Dec. 4, 1861. Oct. 5, " Aug. 17, 1864. Dec. 6, 1861. Oct. 5, " l>cc. 27, 1864. Jan. 24," Mar. 21, 1862, Jan. 3, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 2, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. " 4, 1864. " 5, 1861. April 2, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1862 Feb. 18," Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 6, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862, Mar. 4, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 31, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 5, 1862. " 29,1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1862. Feb. 7, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 14, 1864. Jan. 16, 1862. " 15," REMARKS. Rc-enlUted Feb. 17, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. II, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Dec. 4, '64. Disch. May 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. M,Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5,1864. " Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. April 12, '65. Wounded April 14, 1862, at Fort Pu laski, Ga., by accidental explosion of shell ; died from same about May 29, 1862. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; killed Sepi. 30, 1864, at Fort Grey, by premature disch. of gun. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. April 12, '65. Died July 5, '63, at Hilton Heart. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865', Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered outof serv. Sept. 15, '65. Trans, lrom Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of serv. April 12, '65. Trans, to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Jan. 29, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64 ; mus tered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Disch. Mar. 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Mar. 17,. 1865. Re-enlis.Jan.29,'64; mus.nutA'g.27,'65. Transferred from Co. L; sergeant; discharged July 7, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Taken prisoner Dec, 4, 1863, in Fla. ; transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; deserted Aug. 17, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1865. Wounded slightly June 16, 1862, at James Island, S. C; re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; discharged June 5, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Trans. from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64; disch. July 81, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Corp. ; trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; mustered out of service Feb. 7, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. " " Aug. 27, 1865, Disch. May 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64 ; mus tered out of service Jan. 20, 1865. 528 THIRD REOIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Quinn, Peter Read, George S. Reed, Henry F. Roberts, John H, Remlinger, John Richardson, Charles R Reagan, Franois Ruby, Albert L, Ryan, Michael W. Riley, Patrick Ryan, Edward Ryan, Timothy Salmon, Peter Smitherust, Amos Shaw, Jonathan Simmons, James A, Salley, Uriah Stone, Daniel J. Salley, Edwin Sullivan, Patrick Stewart, John E. Stone, Clarke Sanborn, Lewis C. Sullivan, John Sweet, Charles N. Sonner, Christopher Sweet, Isaac M. Saunders, Barton W. Simmons, Levi Sanborn, Stephen H. Smith, James H. Smith, Charles II. Tully, Michael Thayer, Henry T, Tinkham, Sylvanus Thibodeau, Joseph C. Taggard, Matthew H. Tremont, William Twitchell, George M. Tourjee, George W. Taft, William N. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Scituate, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Manville, " Woonsocket, •' Providence, " Valley Falls, " Woonsocket, " Foster, <' Smithfield, " Cumberland, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Northbridge, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I. Northbridge, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Manville, " Smithfield, " Woonsocket, " Smithfield, " Wickford, Taunton, Mass. Middleboro, " Cumberland, R. I. S. Danvers, Mass. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. N. Kingstown," Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 11,1861, Oct, 5, " (C cc Sept. 8, 1862. April 3, " Oct. 5, 1861, Dec. 11, " Oct. 5, " Dec. 13, " Jan. 27, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. 11 It Feb. 9, 1862. Aug. 20," Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 6, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 21, 1864 Oct. 6, 1861, Feb. 16, 1864. Jan. 28, 1862. Feb. 15, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 7. " Jan. 24, 1862. " 1864. 1862. Nov. 11, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. cc cc Dec. 3, " Oct. 5, " Aug. 21, 1862. Dec. 10, 1861. Oct. 5, " Jan. 81, 1862. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Dec. 12, 1864. Corporal . Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service April 12, 1865. Corporal ; must'd out serv. Oct. 5, '64. Trans, from Co. II, Sept. 15, '64 ; mus tered out of service Dec. 11, 1864. Disch, Oct. 28, 1862, on Surg, certf. Trans, from Co. II, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Deserted July 30, 1863. Transferred to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861, Disch. Nov. 26, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. cc cc ic Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; mus- out of service Feb. 6, 1865. Corp. ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. " Oct. 5. 1864. Trans. from Co. F, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1866. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; died from wounds received by accidental dis charge of cannon, at Fort Welles, Hilton Head, S. C, Aug. 8, 1864. Trans, from Co, H, Sept. 15, '64 ; mus tered out of service Mar. 17, 1865 Corporal; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864; corporal; transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, '64. Trans, from Co. G, Sept, 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865, Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Tr. from Co. A ; must'd out Aug.27,'65, Disch. Apr. 3, 1864, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Wounded May 15, 1862, at Fort Pu laski, S. C. ; mustered outof service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. D, Sept. 6, 1861, Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred to Co. C, Sept. 7, 1864 from Co. G, Sept. 12/ 64; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Wounded June 16, 1862, at James Island, S. C. ; re-enlisted Jan. 2.1, '64 ; trans, to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred from Co. H, Sept. 15, 64; discharged July 7, 1865. Corp. ; must'd out of serv. Oct. 5, 64. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 529 NAME AND RANK. Taylor, Charles W. Thornton, Henry F. Town, John F. Taylor, Peter Vickery, Henry Wales, William v Wade, John Whitcomb, Erastus D White, David A. Wilcox, John W. Whitaker, Silas Wright, James H. Williams, Caleb 67 RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. Valley Fails, " Woonsocket, Ashaway, Providence, Woonsocket,Warwick, Manville, Pawtucket, Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, DATE OF MOSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 4, " Aug. 16, 1862. Feb. 10, " Oct. 5,1861. Feb. 14, 1862 cc A tl Dec. 10, 1861 Mar. 18, 1864 Nov. 21," REMARKS. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, '64; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. " from Co. G, " " mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Disch. April 3, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. Q, Jan. ]6, 1862. Trans, from Co. F, Sept. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of service Feb. 14, '65. Disch. Sept. 80, 1862, on account of wounds. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 15, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 27/65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of seryice Aug. 27, '65. 530 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Charles W. H. Day, Charles R. Brayton, Martin S. James, 1st Lieutenants. Asa A. Ellis, William A. Sabin, John F. Wyman, John Morrow, Jr. Henry H. Metcalf, Edward E. Carpenter, 2d Lieutenants. John Morrow, Jr. William A. Sabin, Charles B. Oakes, John F. Wyman, Edward E. Carpenter, George F. Seaver, A. Allen Babcock, Benjamin F. Manton, William S. Bailey, 1st Sergeant. Edward E. Carpenter, Quartermaster Sergeant. William A. Burr, Sergeants. Charles H'. Aldrich, William H. Sherman, James Monroe, John Wright, John D. Wingate, Louis Englehardt, Corporals. Robert S. Waterman, William H. Northup, William S. Bailey, Daniel C. Congdon, John F. Wyman, Musicians. George 0. Johnson, William A. Hendrick, Artificer. Daniel C. Kenyon, Wagoner. Charles B. Oakes, Privates. Abbey, Edwin F. RESIDENCE. Providence, It. I. Camden, Maine, Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Camden, Maine, Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Newport, " Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Kingston, " Providence, " Bristol, " Providence, " n n N. Kingstown," Newport, " Warren, Pa. Camden, Maine, Providence, R, I. Exeter, " Richmond, " Providence, " Johnston, " DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1861, Nov. 28, 1862. :' 20,1863. Oct. 9, 1861. Aug. 12, 1863. Mar. 29, 1865. " 15, 1862. April 24, 1863. May, 13, 1865. Oct. 9, 1861. Aug. 12, 1863. Nov. 20, 1864. Mar. 28, 1865. ' 1, 1864. Feb. 15, " Mar. 29, 1865. Oct. 5, 1861. Major Nov. 28, 1862. Lieut. Col. Oct. 22, 1863. Mustered out of service June 9,1865. Resigned June 25, 1863. Mustered out of service Mar. 17,1865. " June 9, " Resigned and dis. disch., Sept. 28, '63. Trans, from Co. L ; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865, 1st Lieut. Mar. 11, 1862. Julv 30, 1863. Resigned Jan. 19, 1864. 1st Lieut. March 22, 1865. May 4, 1865. Resigned and hon. disch. Oct. 28, '63. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Dismissed Aug. 25, 1864. Mustered out of service June 9, 1866. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; 2d Lieut. March 22. 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5,1864. 2d Lieut. Co. B, Nov. 28, 1862. Transferred to Co. G, Nov. 31, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Not on roll Dec. 1861 . Discharged Dec. 26, 1862, to receive appointment in navy. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Artificer ; must, out serv. Aug. 22/ 64. Sergt. ; re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mus tered out of service June. 9, 1865. Sergt.; re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; 2d Lieut. March 22, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; Sergt.; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. 1st Sergt. ; re enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 6, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. " Aug, 22, » Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. July 30, 1863, Trans, from Co. D, Dec. 1, '61 ; mus tered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 531 NAME AND RANK. Abbott, James A. Aldrich, Isaac Ballou, Horace A. Brownell, David L. Brayton, Benjamin F. Bell, Thomas Burdick, Franklin Brownell, William T. Barber, Cornelius Brophy, William F. Broderick, Michael Brewster, James H. Braaian, George Brown. Albert G. Barber, Gideon M. Barlow; Henry Burgess, Joseph R. 2d Barnes, Stephen H. Burr, William A. Brown, William T. Carney, James ColweU, Thomas Carson, Samuel Corey, Paris H. Carpenter, Albert F. Coleman, William G. Crandall, William W. Clark, Moses F. Curran, James Conley, Martin I. Clifford, Patrick Cory, Elnathan Cornell, John F. Capper, James Congdon, Henry R. Crowley, Peter Caswell, Benjamin Uyer, Charles F. Dermont, John C. Newport, R. I. Woonsocket, " L. Compton, " Tiverton, " Providence, " Hopkinton, " N.Providence," Warwick, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Middletown, " Richmond, " Providence, " RESIDENCE. Lonsdale, " Fulton, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. Middletown, R. I. Milford, Mass. N.Providence, R. I. N. Bedford, Mass. Charlestown, R. I. Bristol, Providence, " Newport, " DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 6, 1862. Sept. 2, " Oct. 5, 1861. It tt Jan. 28, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 21, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Oct. 5, 1861. Nov. 23, " Dec. 19, " Oct. 5, " Aug. 11, 1862 Oct, 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864 Dec. 16, 1861 Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. " 31,1864. Feb. 27, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 6, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 27, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. ll tt Jan. 1, 1862. Aug. 11," Oct. 5, 1861. REMARKS. Corp.; trans, from Co. G; re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of ser vice Juno 9, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Jan. 16, 1862; re- enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Died July 14, 1862, at Hilton Head, S. C, of typhoid fever. Trans, from Co. B, Jan. 29, '64 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 22, 1864. Not on last roll. Sergeant; re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered outof service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. A, Oct 22, 1861 ; re- enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, April 23, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Disch. Feb. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. M, April 23, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Disch. Sept. 8, 1863, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; Corporal; mustered outof service June 9, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, '64; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Sergt.; must'd out of serv. Dee. 1, '64. Re-enlisted Jan. 20,1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, Jan. 14, 1862; Sergeant. (See Sergeants.) Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Jan. 29,1864; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Mustered out of service Dec. 17, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. L, Jan. 29, 1864 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. " " June 9, 1805. Trans, from Co. E, Apr. 23, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; corp.; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, Apr. 23, 1864 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 7, 1864 ; mus tered outof service Jan. 27, 1865. , Musteredout of service Aug. 22, 1864. Trans, to Signal Corps, Oct. 13, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. 532 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Dexter, George It. Downie, William Dewick, Joseph H. Duffy, Michael Donahue, Charles Dennis, William II. Egan, Robert Egan, Patrick Eddy, Charles H. Flinn, Gilbert Ford, George W. Farnurn, William Go.ulden, Patrick Garlin, Henry C. Granger, Jonathan T. Gardiner, Charles S. Godfrey, Joseph S. Growney, John Guild, Allen W. Harris, Abraham Hussey, Thomas S. Harrington, James M. Harris, James Hughes, James Halton, Joseph Hanley, Andrew Hammond, Amasa Howland, Charles A. Hogan, Jeremiah F. Henrys, William Handley, Patrick Hargraves, Thomas Johnson, Richard F. Jackson, Andrew S. King, John F. King, Thomas Lawton, George C. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Newport, " Providence, " ¦ c cc N. Kingstown," Providence, " Swamscott, Mass. Hopkinton, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Fall River, " Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Providence, '" Glocester, " E. Greenwich," Boston, Mass. Blackstone, " Ireland, Lonsdale, R. I. N. Bridgewater, Ms. Camden, Me. Providence, R. I. Newport, DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 4, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. ii ll Dec. 20, " Oct. 5, " Dec. 2, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 20, " Nov. 18, 1864, Jan. 29, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 5, 1864. Jan. 4, 1862. Dec. 21, 1861 Oct. 5," Jan. 12, 1863. Aug. 14, 1862. Jan. 19, 1863. Oct. 6, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Aug. 11, 1862. Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 6, 1864. Dec. 24, 1861. Sept. 6, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5. 1861. Dec. 14, " Feb. 10, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Died Dec. 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug, 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of servioe June 9, 1865. Re enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; died Feb. 9, 1865, in Virginia, of heart disease. ' Mustered out of service Aug. 22, 1864. Trans, from Co. A, Oct. 22, 1862; trans to Co. G. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Disch. Nov. 11, 1863, on Surg, certif. " " 29, 1862, by sentence of General Court Martial. Re-enlisted, Jan. 20, 1864; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. M, Jan. 29,1864; Sergeant; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Artificer ; discharged June 4, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Trans, from Co. I, Apr. 23, 1864 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. Taken prisoner Dec. 4, 1863, on Kia- wah Island, S. C, and paroled; mustered out of service Jan. 29, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864; veteran recruit ; mustered Nov. 23, 1864, for one year; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Corp ; must'd out of serv. June 9, '65. 2d Lieut.May 4, 1865 ; never must'd as such; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Wounded and taken prisoner in action at Morris Island, S. C; died of wounds received at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1804. Mustered out of service Aug. 22, '64. Trans, from Co. B, Jan. 29, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, '65. CC CC cc Trans, from Co. K.April 23,1864; mustered out of service July 20, '65. Disch. Mar. 18, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. M, April 30, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Disch. Apr. 25, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 22, '64. Trans, from Co. M, April 23, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Corp.; 2d Lieut. Co. M, April 15, '63. Re-enlisted Jan. 20,1864; Corporal; mustered out of service June 9, '66. CC CC « Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; must'd out of service June 9, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 533 NAME AND RANK. Lake, Thomas Lawton, George" B. Laboo, Isaac McGrath, James McAvey, James McCarty, Patrick McKenna, Patrick Mee, Peter Messner, Albert Manchester, James M. McDermott, John Mulligan, John McKay, Charles Murphy, Thomas Moon, Warren McNiff, James Mitchell, Warren R. McCormi k, Michael Manton, Benjamin F. Mead, John Mack, John Marsh, Olney Mullihan, Sanford Mullihan, James P. McFarland, Henry Mowry, William II. H Ncwbert, John C. Oakes, Charles B. O'Brien, Patrick Oluey, Daniel S. O'Hare, Andrew I. O'Hare, Daniel B. Peckham, John H. Pike, John E. Peckham, George W. Pray, Charles Pray, Cyrus RESIDENCE. Tiverton, R. I. Exeter, " Providence, " Tiverton, Warren, Providence, Worcester, Mass. Ireland, Johnston, R. I. Abington, Mass. Johnston, R. I. Smithfield, " Warren, Pa. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " Providence, " Springfield, Mass. Providence, R. I. Middletown, " Lebanon, N. HJ Middletown, R. I. Chepacbet, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 29, 1804. Oct. 5,1861. April 5, 1862. Sept. 8, 1864. Dec. 17, 1861 Jan. 29, 1864. " 1, 1862. Dec. 31, 1861 Oct. 5, " Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Feb. 15, 1862. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 15, 1864. Aug. 16, 1862 March 8," Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 30, " " 5, " " 26, " Oct. 5, " Mar. 11, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 23, 1864. Aug. 11, 1862 Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Trans, from Co. M, Jan. 29, 1864 ; Artificer ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Ro-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865, Disch. June 7, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 12, 1865. Re-enlistcd Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Jan. 29, 1864 ; deserted April 7, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865, Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Disch. March 4, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. I, Jan. 29, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Corporal; wounded Feb. 20. 1864; mustered out of serv. Feb, 15, 1865. Trans, from Co. I, Jan. 29, 1864; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. 2nd Lieut. Feb. 3, 1864; assigned to this company Feb. 29, 1864. Trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, 1864; Corporal October 25, 1864 ; mus tered out of service March 17, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Deserted Feb. 10, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; Corporal; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; Corporal ; musteredout of serv. June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Sept. 7, 1864; mustered out of serv. Dec. 7, 1864. Mustered out of service Dec. 26, 1864. Trans, from Co. G; Wagoner (see Wagoner.) Co C. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Disch. at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1861. Veteran ; mustered out of service June 3, 1865. Musteredout of service June 9, 1865. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. L, Apr. 23, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Not accounted for on the rolls. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. 534 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Penno, Benjamin L. Remington, Cyrus W. Reynolds, Franklin M, Rouke, Patrick Robinson, Charles H. Rice, John Ryan, Thomas Rose, Benjamin N. Riley, James Ryan, Thomas W. Smith, William P. Stewart, John Sleeper, Levant Sherman, Sylvester Smith, Isaac B. Sullivan, Morty Searles, Nathan B. Savoy, Abraham Smith, Abner P. Stowe, Mortimer M. Schenicy, David Smith, Henry M. Shenin, Daniel Sullivan, Daniel B. Thibodeau, Joseph C. Taft, Charles B. Thayer, Ziba C. Thayer, Henry T. Taylor, Charles E. Trainor, William Whitcomb, Erastus D. Worden, Benjamin F. Walker. Ailing H. Wade, Charles A. Warner, Samuel M. Worden, William H. RESIDENCE. Coventry, R. I. Bridgewater, Mass. Providence, R. I. Clinton, Mass. Providence, R. I. Scotland, N. Kingstown, R.l. Providence, " cc cc Newport, " tt it Providence, " Middletown, " Johnston, " Providence, " CC tt Rindge, N. II. Providence, R. I. Glocester, " Providence, " it ti Cumberland, " Providence, " Charlestown, Mass. Taunton, " Newport, R. I. Johnston, " Woonsocket, " Hopkinton, " W. Boylston, Mass. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Hopkinton, Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. " 4, 1862. Mar. 19, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 23, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 20, " Jan. 1, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 20, 1863 Oct. 5, 1801. ti tl Aug. 20, 1862. Jan. 4, '" Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Dec. 17, 1861. Feb. 27, 1864. Dec. 21, 1861. Jan. 4, 1862. ' 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 29 1864. Dec. 3, 1861. Oct. 5, " Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 27, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Trans, from Co. A; trans, to Co G Jan. 1, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; Artificer' mustered out of serv. June 9, 1865! Trans, from Co. L, Jan. 29, 1864; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, April 23, 1864' deserted Oct. 24, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan; 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. " from Co. A ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Corp. ; re-enlisted Jan. 20, '64; sergl. ; mustered out oi service June 9, '65. Sergeant; discharged Dec. 26, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. K, Jan. 29, '64; deserted April 7, 1864. Transferred from Co. A ; discharged July 14, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co. L, Jan. 29/64; corp. ; mustered out of service June 9, '65. Mustered out of service Dec 17, 1864. Trans, from Co. K, Apr. 23, '64 ; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted' Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, Jan. 29, '64 ; deserted April 7, 1864. Transferred from Co. G; wagoner; re enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Vet. ; must'd outof serv. June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Sept. 7, '64; mus tered out of service Dec. 7, 1864. Tiansferred to Co. G, Jan. 1, 1862. Trans, from Co. E, Apr. 23, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. B ; taken prisoner Dec. 4, 1863, at Kiawah Island and paroled; must'd out serv.' Jan. 29/65. Disch. Oct. 6, 1861, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. M, April 23, 1864 ; deserted Aug. 4, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. E, Jan. 29, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Died Nov. 1, 1861, at sea, on board transport Cahawba, of fever. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 535 NAME AND RANK. Wood, George G. Welsh, Patrick Wyman, Francis 0. Warfield, Henry H. Young, Benjamin E. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. CC ll E. Cambridge, Mass. Newport, R. I. Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. REMARKS. Transferred from Co.-E, Jan. 29, '64 ; corporal ; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service June 9, 1865. Trans, from Co. L, Jan. 29, '64; mus tered out of service June 9, 1865. Died Oct. 8, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, New York : run over by gun car riage. Corporal ; mustered out of service Aug. 22, 1864. 536 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY D NAME AND RANK. Captains. Richard G. Shaw, George L. Smith, John M. Barker, 1st Lieutenants. George Carpenter, Horatio Rogers, Jr. John M. Barker, WilUam W. Hanscomb, Fred'k A. Wilcoxson, A. Richmond Rawson, Latham T. Babcock, James Bible, 2d Lieutenant. A. Richmond Rawson, Charles G. Strahan, Edward F. Curtis, James H. Clark, James A. Seaver, Albert B. Clarke, Charles E. Andrews, John M. Barker, Latham T. Babcock, William Dingavan, John Hackett, 1st Sergeant. Joseph Honcroft, Sergeants. Charles CampbeU, Latham T. Babcock, Alonzo M. Fuller, Joseph Slaiger, James C. Haskins, Benjamin F. Davis, Daniel Deasey, Corporals. Thomas 0. Nickerson, George G. Purvier, John Barr, Charles W. Ruder, Providence, R. I. Barrington, " Providence, " Seekonk, Mass. Providence, R. I. CC It Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " Providence, " RESIDENCE. Cranston, " Westerly, " Woonsocket, " Cranston, " Providence, " Cranston, " Smithfield, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Sedgwick, Maine. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. date 01? MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1861. Jan. 29, 1864. " 16, " Oct. 9, 1861. Nov. 28, 1862. Apr. 25, 1864. Feb. 14, " Mar. 23, 1862. Apr. 22, 1864. Feb. 14, " Oct. 9, 1861. June 9, 1863. Feb. 14, 1864. June 11, 1863. " 21, 1865. Apr. 19, 1864. Feb. 15, " Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 4, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 30, 1862. Oct. 5, 18,61. Jan. 28, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Feb. 6, 1862 Dec. 6, 1861 Oct. 5, Resigned Jan. 13, 1864 ; Major 14th R. I. H. A., colored. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65, Died June 28, 1862, at Fort Seward, Bav Point, S. C, of typhoid fever, Captain Co. H, Oct. 9, 1861. Captain Co. M, Dec. 20, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864 Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service May 15, '65. Transf d to 14th R. I. H. A., Jan. 3, '64, Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1861 Transfd from Co. L, March 20, 1865 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 1st Lieutenant March 11, 1862. Captain Co. I, Oct. 2, 1861. 1st Lieutenant Co. A, May 21, 1863. Resigned Jan. 28, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 11, 1864, Transfd from Co. M, Fob. 24, 1865 mustered out of service May 23, '65. 1st Lieutenant Aug. 23, 1865; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865, Transfd from Co. L ; 1st Lieutenant Nov. 28, 1862. 1st Lieutenant April 9, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Oct. 6, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 1st Lieutenant June 22, '65; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864 Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, I860 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. 1st Sergeant ; 2d Lieut. Jan. 21, '63, Transfd from Co. M; mustered out of service July 12, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 25,'64; musteredout of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, '64'; transfd to Co. B Sept- 12, 1864. 1st Sergeant Feb. 20, 1863 ; mustered of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of servioe Aug. 27, 65. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 S mustered out of service Aug- 27, '65, Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; Sergeant March 18, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Dis'dMar. 11, '63, on Surg, certificate. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 537 NAME AND RANK. John Powers, Daniel Yeaw, Samuel Adams, Edward DiUen, Royal J. Packard, James Burke, Ellis P. Pierce, Stephen Ridor, Edward W. Hamilton. Charles F. Sisson, Frederic J. McCarty, JameB Clarke, John S. Newcome, Charles Beale, Thomas W. Burdick, Charles U. Sweet, James L. Keating, Musician. James H. Elsbree, Privates. Abbey, Edwin T. Allen, Napoleon Allen, Simeon Andrews, Aaron Andrews, James Anderson, Archibald Atwood, Albert Andrews, John Adams, Charles S. Alexander, Bradford Alexander, James H. Bosworth, Gardner D. Bond, Emery F. Brown, Alfred B. Burlingame, George L. • Boardman, Robert S. Bailey, John H. Ballou, George 0. Becker, Frank Burton, WiUiam G. Beoor, John RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Northboro, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " S. Attleboro, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, " Portsmouth, " Pawtucket, " cc cc Foxboro, Mass. Westerly, R. I. Northbridge, Mass. Grafton,Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Cumberland, " N.Providence," n tt Pawtucket, " Attleboro, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. VaUey Falls, « Rehoboth, Mass. Smithfield, R, I. Boston, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Boston, Mass. Cranston, R. I Hopkinton, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Jan. 21, 1862, Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 7, Oct. 5, Jan. 3, 1863. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 24, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. tl tl tt tt Feb. 3, 1862. " 8, " Jan. 24, " Oct. 5, 1861. Oct. 5, " tt tt Aug. 2. 1862. Sept. 8, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 21, 1864. Feb. 15, 1862, Oct. 5, 1861. July 22, 1864. Dec. 7, 1861. " 4, " " 31 " Aug. 4,' 1862. " 13, " Sept. 1, " Feb. 22, " Sept. 6, " April 3. " Oct. 5, 1861. April 1, 1862. Dec. 4, 1861, Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; sick in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. Dis'd Sept. 1,'64, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Sergeant Feb. 18, '63; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; musteredout of service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Sergeant; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. M ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Dis'd June 23, '63, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant Feb. 24, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 28, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; Sergeant March 18, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; Sergeant March 18, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred to Co. C, Dec. 1, 1861. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, '65 Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered outof service July 12, '65 Dis'd May 26, '63. on Surg, certificate Transferred from' Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Aug 27, '65. Dis'd Sept. 20, '62, on Surg, certificate Dis'd June 14, '65, Hilton Head, S. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, '65 Corporal ; trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24 '65; mustered out service July 12/65 Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, '65 Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12. 1864 Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, '65 Corporal; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864 Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864 Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered put of service April 1 2, ' 65. 538 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Boulet, Peter • Blaisdell, Jeremiah A. Blair, LoweU Booth, William Burlingame, James E. Bowen, Esek Black, Edward Briggs, Lyman Branaghan, James Bullock, John S. Butts, Samuel A. Boyle, Patrick Barry, John Bruce, Hugh Burton, William G. Cunningham, Thomas Cookson, William J. Corcoran, John Carey, Walter Coleman, Charles W. Carpenter, Joseph Coe, Andrew B. Clark, Elijah Cotton, George Carroll, Thomas I. Card, John M. CaUahan, Peter Crothers, William CaUahan, John Corey, Amos C. Colvin, David ConnoUy, Patrick Curran, William Cobb, Josiah C. Coy, George W. Cogans, Timothy Creighton, John CarroU, Frank Chace, Benjamin Crompton, R. I. East Weir, N. H. Providence, R. I. RESIDENCE. Smithfield, " " . " New York, N. Y. Bristol, R. I. N.Providence," Providence, " Pawtucket, " tt tt Hopkinton, " Cumberland, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Warwick, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Westerly, Pawtucket, " Johnston, " Pawtucket, " Richmond, " Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Burrillville, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Warren, " Valley Falls, « DATE OF MUSTER. Dec.19, 1864. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Oct. '5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864 Mar. 13, 1862. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65; mustered out of service Apr. 12, '65'. Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 6. 1864. Aug. 23, 1864. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 ;' mustered out of service July 12, '65. Oct. 5, 1861. Deserted Oct. 12, 1861. Aug. 9, 1862. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Jan. 3, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865, Oct. 5, 1861. Transferred to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. ' " Died Jan. 18, '62, Hilton Head, S.C, Mar. 18, 1862. Re-enUsted Feb. 23, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Dec. 5, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. " 6, " Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. " 7, " Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. April 1, 1862. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service April 12, '65 Jan. 4, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1866 Aug. 30, 1862. Dis'd Mar. 23, '63, on Surg, certificate. Feb. 7, " Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Feb. 3, 1862. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Aug. 30, " Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864 transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, '65 " 6, " Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service July 12, 65 [Oct. 5, 1861. Transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864 transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Aug. 27/65. ¦' " Mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Aug. 28, 1862. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of servico July 12, '65. Feb. 20, " Re-enlisted Feb. 23, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Aug. 29, " Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Oct. 5, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; deserted April 7, 1864. Nov. 10, 1864. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mar. 17, 1862. Transferred from Co.L, Feb. 24/65: mustered outof service April 12, '65 Aug. 20, " Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Sept. 10, " Transferred from Co. M; mustered out , of service July 12, '65. Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, 65. mustered out of service July 12, 65. Mar. 18, " Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 mustered out of service Apr. 12, 65 Dec. 3, 1861. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Aug. 5, 1862. Transferred from Co. M, Feb. 24, 65 1 mustered out of service Oct. 2, 65, Dec. 5, 1861. Transferred to Co. K. " 7, " Died March 25, 1862, at Bay Point Fort Seward, S. C, of heart THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 539 NAME AND RANK. Corson, Stephen F. Cottrell, William T. Day, Michael Devlin, Archibald Dillon, Edward Dee, Thomas Dalton, Thomas E. Duffy, John Dickerman, Charles Davis, Richard M. Dickens, George W. Devlin, John Earle, James N. Elwell, Noel Earle, Joshua Fiske, Emery Forbes, James Franklin, Leonidas Farley, James Fuller, Sidney A. Fuller, Holraan Feeny, Michael Farrell, Patrick C. Fuller, James B. Flynn, Timothy Fuller, Martin V. B. Farrer, James Jr. Greene, Elisha G. Gillan, Timothy Grant, Samuel Gleason, William N. Gifford, Oscar F. Gottlieb, George Garretty, James Greenwood, Jonathan Glancy, John Goffe, Charles H. Gorman, John Grimes, John Bridgton, Maino. Fall River, Mass. N. Providence, R. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Richmond, " Burrillville, " Ireland, Pawtucket, It. I. Waldo, Maine, RESIDENCE. Mendon, Mass. Blackstone, „ Smithfield, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I, Central Falls, " Boston, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Hopkinton, Johnston, N.Providence,"Smithfield, " Exeter, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 25, 1862. Dec. 9, 1861. Oct. 5, 1864. Mar. 29, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 21, 1862. July 10, 1863. Mar. 29, 1862. Dec. 5, 1864. " 30." Sept.O, " Nov. 15, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 27, 1862. Aug. 12." Feb. 27, " Nov. 7, " Mar. 18, " Apr. 15, 1864 Feb. 17, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 1, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861, Aug. 6, 1862. Mar. 9, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 17, 1862. Aug. 23, 1864 April 3, 1862. Sept. 6, " Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 5, " REMARKS. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, '05 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of serviceAug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Corp. ; re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; trans. to Co. L,. Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; sick since May 11, 1865, in General Hos pital at Hilton Head, S. C. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered outof service Apr. 12, '65 Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65 Mustered out of service Aug. 27. 1865 " " July 12, " Aug. 27, " Corp., April 5, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Died June 15, 1862, at Fort Seward, Bay Point, S. C. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12. '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; died May 24, 1865, at Fort Johnson, S. C, from accident while firing a salute. Re-enlisted Feb. 28, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustertd out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to V. R. C, July 15, 1863. Trans, from Co. L. Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Discharged. Disch. Dec. 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service July 12, '65 Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered outof service Apr. 12, '65 Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service July 12, '65 " Oct. 5, 1864, Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Deserted April 24, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Transferred to Co. K. 540 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Hannaway, Terence Horr, Frederic A. Hopkins, Francis A. Hanes, James E. Hughes, Peter Hale, Roger Havens, Abijah B, Hill, Daniel B. Holley, Albert Harding, Martin Holley, Albert Jr. Handley, Patrick Inman, Dexter Irons, Edwin A. Irons, Welcome C. Jackson, Samuel Jefferson, Cyrus Jordan, James Jefferson, George Jillson, Augustus F. Jefferson, James Kelly, Thomas King, Isaac King, Joseph Kelly, Arnold C. Kelley, Patrick Kenlock, James Kirk, Samuel Keach, Rufus M. Langley, Albert Lewin, John M. Luther, Eber Lynn, George F. Leonard, Charles Lawton, Thomas J. Murray, George W. McGuire, Dennis McElroy, Edward McKenney, Michael RESIDENCE. Pawtucket, R. I. N. Kingstown," Woonsocket, " Providence, " Central Falls, " Smithfield, " VaUeyFaUs, " Providence, " Burrillville, " Glocester, " Attleboro, Mass. Douglas, " Providence, R. I. Douglas, Mass. Cumberland, It. I. Douglas, Mass. Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Lonsdale, " Cumberland, " Smithfield, " Providence, " Taunton, Mass. N. Providence, R. I. Dover, N. H. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " Valley Falls, " DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Mar. 11," Sept. 6, " Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 9, 1862. Dec. 17, 1864. Aug. 23, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. April 1, 1862. Aug. 25, 1864. Mar. 25, 1862. Sept. 5, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 26, 1862. April 29, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 28, 1862. Oct. 5,1861. Sept. 19. 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 31, 1862. Nov. 4, 1863. Dec. 5, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862 Oct. 5,' 1861. Sept. 8, 1862. Dec. 5, 1861. Aug. 23, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 13, 1862. " 24," Aug. 14, " Nov. 10, 1864. Jan. 15, 1862. Mar. 24, " Oct. 5, 1861. July 7,1864. Oct. 6, 1861. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, '65 ; mus tered out of seryice July 12, 1865. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Apr. 12, '65.' Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1866; musteredout of service July 12/65,' " Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12/65! Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; m ustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, 1865. " Oct, 5, 1864. Disch. May 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Go. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mus'.eredout of service Apr. 12/65, Trans, from Co. C, Feb. 24, '65; sick in Gen. hosp. at Hilton Head, S. 0. Disch. Sept. 20, 1862, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted, Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. M, Sept. 8, 1863. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1866, Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65; mus tered out of service July 12, 1865. Died Oct. 28, 1863, at New York City. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; musteredout of service Aug.27, '65, Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered outof service Apr. 12, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Attached to Invalid Corps, per S. 0. 668, head. qrs. Dept. of the South, Dec. 7, 1863. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, '65 ; mus tered out of service July 12, 1865. Wounded in action at Morris Island, S. C; disch. Mar. 16, 1864, on Surg. t 'P V 1 1 ll PfL^P Trans, froni Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Disch. Sept. 20,1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered outof serv. Aug. 27/65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb, 24, '65; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; muster'd out of service Aug. 27, 65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; muster'd out of service Aug.27, 65. Disch. Apr. 29, 1864, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864. " " M, i Feb. 24, 1865; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 541 NAME AND RANK. McCarty, Thomas McCaudrew, Francis Meader, Morrill Man, George W. Monaghan, Michael McSally, John M. Monagan, John M. Martin, Elhanan Merrick, John McManus, Thomas Muldoon, James Murphy, Patrick Morris, Thomas McCaughey, Frank Murphy, John J. McNally, James McAllan, William Mason, Alonzo McGahan, James McCabe, John Morrissey, Michael McParlan, Thomas Newcome, John T. Nickerson, Dean Newman, Caleb R. Nickerson, Dean Jr. Nickerson, Henry Nickerson, John Nickerson. Isaac Newhall, James M. Nickerson, John Nickerson, Wiliiam F. Nickerson, Thomas O. Newton, Elisha P. O'Brien, James O'Connor, William Patterson, Richard Phillips, Charles A. Paine, George F. Pierce, Charles M. Palmer, Ephraim N. Pratt, William RESIDENCE. Pawtucket,R. I. Taunton, Mass. Central Falls, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Johnston, R. I. Providence, " Pawtucket, " Taunton, Mass. Providence, R, I. Blackstone, Mass, Providence, R. I. Central Falls, " Blackstone, Mass. Westerly, R. I. Pawtucket, " Holden, Mass. S. Attleboro," Yarmouth " Mendon, " Pawtucket, R. I. Hopkinton, " Providence, " Lynn, Mass. Greenville, R. I. Hopkinton, " Fall River, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 27, 1864. Jan. 2, 1865. Sept. 9, 1862. Jan. 2, 1865. Aug. 20, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 30, 1862. Sept. 9, 1864. ;< 8, 1862. Aug. 8, 1864. " 17," Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 20, 1862, " 29, " Oct. 5, 1861. Sept. 23, 1863. Feb. 22, 1862. Nov. 10, 1864 Mar. 14, 1862 Dec. 8, 1864. Mar. 4, 1862. Nov. 16," Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 2, 1864. " 13, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862 Feb. 16, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 19, 1862. Aug. 31,1863. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 31, 1862. " 16, " Oct. 5, 1861. Nov. 24, 1862. Mar. 18, " Jan, 18, " Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 1, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of serv. July 12, '65. Disch. Doc. 21, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Au$;. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. H, Feb. 24, 1865 ; muster'd outof service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; muster'd out of service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; muster'd out of service Julv 12, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865. mustered out of service July 12, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered outof service Aug. 27/65. Disch. May 9, 1863, on Sure, certif. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Killed Mar. 9, 1864, at Fort Pulaski, Ga. by shell from rebel battery. Trans, from Co. M, Feb 24, "1865; mustered outof service Aug. 27, '65. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Sergeant; re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Apr, 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. F, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct, 5, 1864. Wounded in leg Nov. 10, '63, by shot from James Island, S. C. ; died Nov. 30, 1863, of wounds. Trans, to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. May 27, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Oct. 28, 1862, Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. cC CC CC Deserted Apr. 24, 1862. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Disch. Oct. 7, 1861, minor. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of sei vice Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65, Re-enlisted Jan. 25,1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Dec. 3, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Apr. 12, '65. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. 542 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF DATE MUSTER. Peck, Horatio N . Aug 2, 1864. Pierce, Ellis P. Quinn, James H. So. Attleboro, Mass. Concord, N. H. Oct.Apr. 5, 1861. 16, 1864. Reynolds, Henry C. Smithfield, R. I. Oct. 5, 1861. Ryder, Stephen Riley, Thomas it a Jan. 23, 1863. Rice, Benjamin Roach, James Providence, " Oct. Feb. 5, 1861. 1, 1862. Rice, WiUiam H. Roberts, John H. Scituate, Oct. Sept 5, 1861 8, 1862. Rogers, Henry B. Ryan, Thomas Pawtucket, " Oct.Aug 5, 1861. 23, 1864. Rose, Harford B. Cumberland, " Oct. 5, 1861. Rouse, Charles H. Pawtucket, " n tt Richardson, James Apr. 18, 1864. Russell, James Smith, George H. Cranston, " Smithfield, " Oct. Aug. 5, 1861. 29, 1862. Sherman, George H. Pawtucket, " tc 14, " Smitherust, Amos VaUey FaUs, " " 20, " Sanderson, David Sanborn, Stephen H. Central Falls, " Smithfield, " Oct. Aug. 5, 1861. 20, 1862. Shippey, Samuel C. N. Scituate, " Oct. 5, 1861. Smith, Charles H. - Simmons, Isaac S. Sanford, Joseph M. Warren, " Newport, " " tt Smith, Nathan N.Kingstown," ( t tt Sullivan, Timothy Dec. 27, 1864. Soule, Edwin Central Falls," Oct. 5. 1S61. Shield, John Dec. 27, 1864. Stafford, WilUam J. Smith, Thomas Stanton, John Smith, Charles H. N.Providence,"Providence, " Smithfield, " Oct. Jan Oct. Oct. 5, 1861. 2, 1865. 5, 1861. 5, 1861. Stowe, Walter Thurber, Charles H. Tillinghast, William C. Milford, Mass. Attleboro, " Richmond, R. I. Feb.AugMar. 26, 1862. 14, " 29, " Town, John F. Woonsocket, " Aug 16, " Tence, George H. Bristol, " Oct. 5, 1861. Trans, from Co. F, Feb, 24, 1865; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Disch. Sept. 14, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65! Prisoner at Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 17 1864; released Mar. 3,1865; mus tered out of service Mar. 14, 1865. Trans, to Cb. L, Sept. 12, 1864. Killed May 2, 1865, by premature ex plosion of gun, Fort Johnson, S. C. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12/65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; kiUed May 2/65, at Fort Johnson,S. C, by premature discharge of gun. Wounded in action, Morris Island S. C. ; deserted Oct. 3, 1863. Corporal; re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; trans, to Corp., Co. A, Sept. 12, '64. Transfd from Co. M, F'eb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service July 12, '65. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of servico July 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of service, July 12, '65. Wounded in action, Morris Island, S. C. ; dis'dNov. 7, '63, on Surg, certif. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; Corporal March 8, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; deserted April 7, 1864. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of service Aug. 27, '65, Corporal; re-enlisted Jan. 28, 1864; trans, to Corp. Co. A, Sept. 12, '64. Transfd from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered outof service Aug. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wagoner ; trans, from Co. B, Sept. 6, '61; deserted July 30, 1863. Died Nov. 9, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C. Disch. Dec. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Killed July 25, 1863, in action Morris Island, S. C. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of serv. July 12, '65. Disch. Oct. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 543 NAME AND RANK. Thompson, Josiah W. Thurber, German P. Thapan, Thomas Tooney, Francis Trim, William Tanner, Thomas B. Tillinghast, Thomas H. Vickery, Obadiah Warner, Henry B. Warner, James T. Wilbur, Christopher K. Westcott, Edwin Whittington, Geo.B.C. Wright, James H. Whittington, Eugene Yeager, Charles RESIDENCE. Plympton, Mass. Hopkinton, R. I. Richmond, " Pawtucket, " Central FaUs," Smithfield, " Cumberland, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 17, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 2, 1865. Oct. 5, 1861. it ti April 4, 1862. Mar. 26," Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 2, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 18, 1862. Feb. 6, " " 26, " Dec. 18, 1864. Feb. 26, " ' 28, 1862. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; Corporal March 18, 1865 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27. 1865. Disch. on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1865. Disch. Oct. 7, 1861, minor. Disch. on Surg, certif. Died of wounds received in action at Morris Island, Aug. 21, 1863. Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865; mustered out of serv. Apr. 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 ; mustered out of serv. July 12, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65 Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65 Trans, from Co. L, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65 Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. Trans, from Co. M, Feb. 24, 1865 mustered out of serv. Aug. 27, '65. 544 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY E. NAME AND RANK. Captains. James E. Bailey, Gustave Von Knoring, Peter G. Turner, 1st Lieutenants. John D. Eldridge, Charles H. Spink, Martin S. James, Ferdinand Tisdale, Edwin W. Keene, 2a' Lieutenants. Charles H. Spink, Edwin W. Keene, Robert Elliot, E. S. Bartholomew, Osceola A. Thompson, Albert B. Clark, 1st Sergeant. Osceola A. Thompson, Sergeants. James H. Clark, Robert FitzSimmons, James A- Seaver, William H. H. Conden Corporals. Isaac Bishop, William Ford, John D. Waite, Charles W. Weeden, Gideon C. Bennett, Joseph A. Arnold, Albert Luther, George F. Sweet, Musicians. Samuel A. Cooley, Edward R, Rich, Wagoners. William Talbot, Privates. Allen, Thomas Brophy, William F. Brown, Horatio R. Bennon, Lawrence H. Barbour, James D. Beach, Thomas Butman, William H. Beaumont, Samuel RESIDENCE. N. Providence, R. I. Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, Woonsocket, " Providence, " Centredale, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Smithfield, " Providence, " cc tt Pawtucket, " Providence, " Coventry, " Providence, " West Bath, Maine, Providence, R. I. Pawtuxet, " Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Valley Falls, " Smithfield, " Fall River, " Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 1,1863. May 8, " Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 1, 1863. July 1, 1862. Feb. 14, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861. Apr. 19, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861 DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 25, 1862. Aug. 20," Feb. 25, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 22, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Feb. 6, 1862. Jan. 28, " Major Jan. 1, 1863. designed April 30, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Captain Co. L, Feb. 11, 1862. Resigned Sept. 5, 1862. Captain Co. C, Nov. 2, 1863. Resigned June 22, 1863. Trans, to Co. H, Aug. 22, 1864. 1st Lieut. Mar. 11, 1862. Feb. 3, 1864. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James' Island, S. C. 1st Lieut. Co. L, Jan. 21, 1863. Transferred to Co. M. 2d Lieut. July 8, 1862. Co. D, May 14, 1863. 14th R. I. H. A., Sept. 21/68; resigned March 1, 1864. 2d Lieut. Feb. 3, 1864 ; assigned to Co.D. Deserted Aug, 24, 1861. Sergt.; re-enlisted Jan. 28, '64; trans. to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 81, 1864. 21 Lieut. 14th R. I. H. A., Oct. 16, '63. Died Nov. 15,1861,ntPawtueket,lt.I. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Sergt. Aug. 9, 1862 ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Wounded June 16, '62, James' Island, S. C. ; must'd out serv. Aug. 31 , '64. Corp. ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Disch. Sept. 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. A, April 1, 1862 ; disch. July 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. C. " " A, Aug. 22, 1864. Deserted Sept. 28, 1862. Died Dec. 10,'63,atMorris'Isl'd,S.C. Corp. ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22,1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 545 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Boyce, George H. Browh, Thomas Cole, Ira E. Carey, Michael CaUahan, John Cranston, George S. Calvert, William Church, Albert C. Caswell, George B. Chaffee, Jonathan Crnwley, James Chaffee, Willard Curran, James Cooper, William H. Daniels, Robert liunham, William Driscoll, Timothy Elliott, Robert Edwards, George H. Edwards, James S. Fitz-Sinunons, John Gorman, John Gannon, Patrick Gray, George E. Gardiner, Arthur G. Henry, James A. Hewitt, Giles C. Hickes, George W. Harker, Thomas M. Harker, George A. Batten, Thomas Hjndman, Samuel Johnson, Samuel B. Keene, Edwin W. Kimball, Martin F. Kimball, Peter Kenedy, Terence Kilfoil, James Lambe, John Lovett, Christopher Monroe, Charles H. Mann, Gilbert Mann, Irwin F, Mann, Albert Mann, Daniel Mallay, James Mowry, John Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Foster, " New York, N. V. Providence, R. I. N. Kingstown," South bridge, Masi Exeter, R. I. Greenwich, Mass. Rehoboth, " Arctic, 11. I. Rehoboth, Mass. Ulackstone, " Newport, R. I. Providence, " Cranston, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Glocester, •' tt it Providence, " Cranston, " Exeter, " Providence, " Tiverton, " New York, N. Y. it tt Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " N. Providence," Providence, " n n Cumberland, " Burrillville, " Woonsocket, " N.Providence," Needham, Mass. Providence, R. I. Glocester, " Smithfield, " Glocester, " Providence, Aug. 21, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Feb. 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861. " 25,1864. Jan. 18, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Feb. 5, 1862. " 3, " Aug. 21, 1861. Feb. 5, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. tt ll Ct tf Jan. 21, 1862. C: JQ C< " 22," Aug. 21, 1861 April 8, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 16, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 9, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 13, 1862. Aug, 21, 1861. April 1, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861. " 25, 1864. " 21,1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864 Ro-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Cl cc cc Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Killed Aug. 19, 1864, while on way North to be mustered outof service. Killed June 16, 1862, in action, at James Island, S. C. Re-enlisted Feb, 27, 1864; trans, to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Corporal; re-enlisted Feb. 5, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered outof service Aug. 31, '64. Re-enlisted Jan. 28, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Corp.; 1st Sergeant ; re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864; 2d Lieut. Apr. 9, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 28, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered outof service Aug. 31, 1864. Re-enli«ted Jan. 29, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 81, '64. Trans, from Co. A, April 1, 1862; killed June 16, 1862, in action at James' Island, S. C. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25,1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22,1864. Died Aug. 11, '62, at Hilton Head,S.C. Deserted Sept. 10, 1861. tt ll a Disch. July 21, 1863, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Corp. Nov., 1861 ; Sergt.; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Sergeant; 2d Lieut. Nov. 28, 1862. Disch. June 19, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Died Sept. 10, '62, at Hilton Head.S.C. Wounded July 16, 1864, in action ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Died Dec. 31, 1861, at Hilton Head, S. C, of disease of heart. Veteran ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22/64. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Mar. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif. " July 16, 1862, 546 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. McCormick, James McKnight, James McEntree, James McCann. James McGrath, William Muldoon, Charles Mulligan, John Noon, John Norton, Thomas Nichols, Charles W. Neill, James Oakes, Peter M. O'Conner, John Peckham, Fenner H.Jr Powley, Henry Powley, William D. Powers, William H. Powley, Samuel Pratt, Theodore Phetteplace, Hiram Riley, Peter Robbins, John M. Ryan, John F. Rico, George Skinner, Edmund Sweet, Jesse B. Seaver, William H. Sweet, Thomas P. Simmons, George C. Saunders, Asa B. Stephens,ThomasW.DSullivan, Thomas Smith, William H. Saxon, William Salsteene, Noah H. Simmons, Russell A. Sayles, Benjamin L. Springer, William H. Sisson, James F. Stephens, Alonzo Stephens, Caspar Sweeney, John Sisson, Richard F. Sweet, Samuel S. Thornton, Waterman Tingley, Elias RESIDENCE. Baltimore, Md. Burrillville, R. I. Providence, " Westerly, " Providence, Cumberland, " Taunton, Mass. Central Fells, " Providence, R. I. Worcester, Mass. Lonsdale, R. I. Providence, " Warren, Providence, Smithfield,Providence, N. Kingstown, Providence, ' Cumberland, ' Pawtucket, ' Glocester, ' Providence, ' Glocester, " Cumberland, " Boston, Mass. New Bedford, Mass Providence, R. I. Foster, " Smithfield, Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Glocester, R. I. Boston, Mass. Cbepachet, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Glocester, R. I. Johnston, " Pawtucket, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 21, 1861 June 1862. Jan. 25, 1862. " 23," " 15," Aug. 21, 1861. Mar. 21, 1864. Jan. 22, 1862. Sept. 29," Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 20, 1862. Nov. 6, 1861. Aug. 21," Jan. 30, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861 Jan. 31, 1862. Aug.' 21, 1861 Feb. 9, 1862. " 16, 1864 Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 29, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 23, 1864. Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 19, 1864 Aug. 21, 1861 Jan. 28, 1862 Aug. 21, 1861 Feb. 10, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Jan. 28, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861. Deserted Sept. 16, 1861. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action at James' Island, S. C; re-enlisted Jan. 25, '64 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, '64. Corporal , 2d Lt. Co. K, Mar. 2, 1683. Trans, from 5th Conn. Vols., Oct. 2, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aus' 31, 1864. ' Wounded in leg Feb. 2, 1864, (leg am putated) at-Battery Barton, S. C. ; disch. July 9, 1864." on. Surg, certif! Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-onlisted Jan, 29, 1864; transferred to Co: A. Aug. 22. 1864. Disch. May 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. Detached as hosp. steward, Dec. 1/61; 2d Lt. 12th R. I. V, Dec. 31, 1862. Corp. ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Sergt.; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Wounded July 4, 1864, while firing salute ; niustered outof service Aug. 31, 1864. Corp.; must'd out of serv. Aug. 31, '64. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Deserted Dec. 10, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Disch. Mar. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. May 10, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22. 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 22, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. Disch. Sept. 20, 1862, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Jan. 29,1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Mar. 31, 1863, on Surg, certif. Corporal ; re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Died Aug. 28, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 80, 1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22. 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug; 22, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 547 NAME AND RANK. Tillinghast, Nicholas Troute, George Turnbull, Thomas W. Tonge, Henry F. Trainor, William Warner, Samuel M. Weldon, Silas H. Wood, George G. Wing, Jashub Welden, George W. RESIDENCE. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Ipswich, Mass. Johnston, R. I. Providence, " Seekonk, Mass. Providence, li. I. Smithfield, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 21, 1861. Oct.l, " Feb. 9, 1862. Aug. 21, 1861, Feb. 20, 1862. " 22," Aug. 22," REMARKS. Mustered outof service Aug. 31, 1864. Disch. Aug. 27, 1861, on Surg, certif. Died Nov. 4, 1861, at sea, on board U. S. Transport Cahawba. Transferred to Co. A, Aug 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 27, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, Apr. 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Disch. Sept. 16, 1861, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; trans, to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. 548 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY F. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Pardon Mason David B. Churchill, 1st Lieutenants. Isaac M. Potter, A. W. ColweU, Horatio N. Perry, James Bible, David R. Irwin, 2d Lieutenants. Ferdinand Tisdale, John Aigan, James Bible, John Hackett, WiUiam C. Barney, Horace W. Love, Charles H. WilUams. 1st Sergeant. James Bible, Sergeants. Robert Slattery, William Bradley, Robert Nevins, Corporals. John Cameron, John Marley, Cornelius C. O'SulUvan John O'Brien, John H. Munroe, Musicians. Thomas Brennan, James Gleary, Wagoner. Thomas Ramsey, Privates. Arnold, Philetus H. AUsworth, Josiah Arnold, Thatcher, AngeU, Edwin Booker, James H. Briggs, George A. RESIDENCE Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Woonsocket, " Warwick, " Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Somerville, Mass. Apponaug, R. L DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1861 May 1, 1863. Oct. 9, 1861 Nov. 28, 1862 May 8, 1863. Oct. 9, 1861 Feb. 15, 1864. Oct. 9, 1861. Feh. 15, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. ll ll Feb. 3, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. ti tt - Glocester, Pawtucket, Jan. 27, 1862. Feb. 3, " Resigned April 29, 1863. Musteredout of service Oct. 5, 1864. Disch. Nov. 15, 1862, for disability. Captain Co. H, Nov. 28, 1862. Captain Co. K, Jan. 15, 1864. Trans, to Co. L, Oct. 6, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. 1st Lieut. Co. E, June 20, 1862. Capt. Co. K, 5th R. I. V. Nov. 20, '62. 1st Lieut. Co. F, Feb. 3, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Oct. 6, 1864. 1st Lieut. Co. H, March 11, 1862. Resigned June 12, 1863. Trans, to Co. B, Oct. 6, 1864. 2nd Lieut. Co. F, Nov. 28, 1862. 2nd Lieut. Feb. 3, 1864; assigned to Co. L, March 6, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. K. Sergt. July 1, 1862 ; wounded Juno 16, 1862, in action James' Island, S. C. ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action James' Island, S. C. ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action on James' Island, S. C. ; Sergt. Jan. 1, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 4, 1864; Sergeant Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action on James' Island, S. C; re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Jan. 1, 1862. Dis'd May 9/63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B. Sept. 15, 1864. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action or. James' Island, S. C. ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 549 NAME AND RANK. Humes, Michael Burroughs, WiUiam Bowen, Horace Burns, Patrick Brennon, Timothy Barney, Daniel H. Bucklin, George E. Bates, Frederic I. Conoley, Peter Cavanaugh, Thomas A Cotton, Thomas Curran, John Coleman, Patrick Connors, Dennis Cook, George H. Cushman, CorneHus Carpenter, John N. Cook, James M. Connoly,' James Duffy, John Duffy, Hugh Darcy, John Dillon, Patrick Dolan, Thomas Davis, George, W. S. DunweU, George S. Drury, James Esten, Joel Early, John FoUansbce, George H. Fiske, Albert W. %nn, Thomas Falvey, Daniel Farrell, Edward Goff, John 1 Gardiner Charles M. Gregory, James Gallighan, Charles Gibney, Bernard Gilligan, Patrick H. Gaftany, Daniel RESIDENCE. Cranston, R. I. Warwick, " Foster, " Warwick, " Blackstone, Mass. Providence R. I. Warwick, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Foster, Providence, ' Pawtucket, ' E.Greenwich/ Warwick, " Coventry, " Aquidneck, " Blackstone Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I, Providence, " Warwick, " Seekonk, " Providence, " Burrillville, " W. Hampton, Mass. Providence, R. I. Cranston, " Providence, " Cumberland, •' Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 6, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 6, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861 July 25, 1864. Jan. 25, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Sept. 9, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 6, 1862. Jan. 6, " " 20, " cc 7j ll Feb. 11, " Jan. 7, " Feb. 7, " Aug. 22, " Feb. 16, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. May 23, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Died July 17, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C. " Aug. 12, 1862, at Hilton Head, S. C, of wounds. Corporal ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corporal ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. A. Re-enlisted Jan. 26, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Deserted Feb. 27, 1864. Killed July 3, 1864, in action James' Island, S. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; Corporal; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred from Co. A, Jan. 1, '62; Sergeant Feb. 21, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action James' Island, S. C. ; disch. Sept. 6, 1S62, on Surg, certif. Deserted Feb. 25, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Jan. 25, 1865. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; discharged Jan. 15, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Deserted Feb. 27, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; discharged Feb, 10, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 7, 1864; Corporal; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd May 15, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd May 29, '64, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Feb. 7, 1864 ; transfd to Co. li, Sept. 15, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Deserted. Dis'dMar. 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct.. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, '64; transfd to Co. }'., Sept. 15, 1864. 550 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Galligan, Patrick Galligan, Patrick H. Gilligan, John Hibberd, Henry Holland, Dennis Hanaway, Francis Huffernan, Thomas Hobson, James B. Harrington, Jeremiah Hughs, Thomas Hobert, Wuliam Healey, John Hill, WilUam Hall, John C. Huthes, Thomas Kelley, Edmund Kelley, James Kelley, Patrick Kendiick, Jeremiah King, Michael Kennedy, Patrick Knight, Jeremiah Keech, George L. Kane, Patrick Laughtrine, Arthur Lanahan, Daniel Lake, John Lackey, William Lowney, John McCabe, James Medbury, James M. Mcllrath, Jay McGinnis, Michael McCarty, Timothy McKennan, Francis McClarence, John Murphy, Timothy Manchester, Charles H. Mason, Michael H. Murphy, Dennis Malone, Dennis Mead, Garrett Martin, Charles McCabe, Henry McNally, Patrick Mowry, Edwin Newman, Caleb R. O'Brien, James C. O'Neil, Patrick O'Neil, James. O'DonneU, James Peck, Horatio N. Purcell, William Providence, R. I. Westerly, " Providence, " cc cc Blackstone, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. cc cc Warwick, " Blackstone, Mass. Warwick, R. I. cc cc Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Coventry, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Northbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. CC it Newport, " Uxbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. E.Greenwich," N.Kingstown," Warwick, " Providence, " Blackstone, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I. Providence, " Tiverton, " Warwick, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Smithfield, " Providence, " cc c. cc cc Georgiaville, " Pawtucket, " Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. Oct. 22, 1862. 20, " 5, 1861. Feb. Jan. cc Oct. cc Jan. Oct. Aug. Oct. 13, 1862. 29, " 7, " 5, 1861. tf 13, 1862, 21, " 5, 1861. 2, 1864. 5, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862. Oct. Jan. 29, " 6, 1861. 9, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861, Aug. Feb.Oct. Aug.Oct. 2, 1864. 13, 1862. 5, 1861. 2, 1864. 5, 1861. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. Serg.; disch. Sept. 20/62, on Surg. cer. Discharged " " 'c Dis'd May 26, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. cc cc cc Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; discharged Sept. 1, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; transf d to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transfd from Co. B; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corporal; Sergeant Dec. 10, 1863; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Died Aug. 4, ' 63, at Hilton Head, S. C. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enUsted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of Bervice Oct. 5, 1864. cc cc cc Dis'd May 15, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. cc cc cc Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transfd to Co. I, Nov. 9, 1861. Wounded June 16, '62, action James Island, S. C. ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd May 15, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. A. Corporal; re-enUsted Jan. 20, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate, Deserted Aug. 22, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 8, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1364. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Dis'd Nov. 9, '61, on Surg, certificate. Wagoner; deserted Aug. 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Deserted Aug. 1, 1862. Dis'd Nov. 9, '61, on Surg, certificate. Mnstered out of servioe Oct. 5, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864, THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 551 NAME AND RANK. Potter, Caleb A. Phillips, Charles W. Eeynolds, Bernard Ky'an, Cornelius Sheehan, Patrick Shea, Patrick Sullivan, Patrick Smith, James Stevenson, Daniel Smith, David Simmons, James Tibbctts, Joshua W. White, David E. Wells, B. Stephen Young, John RESIDENCE. Cranston, R. I. Pawtucket, " Blackstone, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Providence, " BeUingham, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Warwick, •' Providence, " N. Bridgewater, Ms. Foster, R. I. Pawtucket, " Greenwich, ' ' Providence, " DATE OP MUSTER. Feb. 7, 1862. Jan. 15, " Oct. 5, 1861. Fob. 16, 1864. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 17, 1862! :l 28, " Fob. 6, " July 26, 1864. Feb. 14, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 21, 1862. Corporal; trans, to Co; B, Sept. 15, '64. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Corporal March 6, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct.. 5, 1864. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Died July 26, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. A. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. 552 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY G. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. John H. Gould, Cranston, R- I. Oct. 9, 1861. Resigned March 6, 1864. Osceola A. Thompson, April 26, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 6,1864. 1st Lieutenants. Jabez E. Blanding, Providence, " Oct. 9, 1861. Wounded severely in arm and chest Oct. 22, 1862, on steamer Planter, in action near Charleston railroad ; re signed Aug. 21, 1863. Michael J. Higgins, Trans, to Co. M, Oct. 6, 1864. Henry S. Olney, Scituate, Resigned Aug. 6, 1862. George L. Smith, Jan. 1, 1863. Captain Co. D, Jan. 15, 1864. 2d. Lieutenants. William H. Hamner, Oct. 9, 1861. 1st Lieut. Co. I, May 1, 1863. Michael J. Higgins, June 6 , 1863. " Feb. 3, 1864. Jabez B. Blanding, Providence, " Oct. 9, 1861. David R. Irwin, Co. F, May 1, 1863. George S. Read, Sept. 1 ,1863 Trans, to Co. B, Oct. 22, 1863. Thomas Fidler, cc cc Mar. 18, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. 1st Sergeant. David R. Irwin, tt tl Oct. 5, 1861. 2d Lieut. Nov. 28, 1862. Sergeants. Thomas Fidler, It tt ft tl 1st Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. Feb. 3, 1864. Abram H. Vaughan, Swansey, Mass. " " Mustered out of service Oct.1 5, 1864. Alpheus S. Perry, E. Greenwich, R. I. tt tt Disch. June 1, 1862, on Surg, certif. Warren N. DeVolve, Warwick, " " li CC C. CC Corporals. Robert Jardine, Providence, " tt It Sergt.; re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; 1st Sergt. April 7, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. David P. Sherman, Pawtucket, " tl it Sergt. ; must, out of serv. Oct. 5, 1864. Alfred H. Sherman, Providence, " tt ft Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. John A. Abbott, Newport, •' ll ft Trans, to Co. C. Xavi^r D. Fisher, Woonsocket, " tl Ct Re-enlisted Jan. 29, '64; Sergt.; tr. to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. William L. Briggs, Providence, " it tc Mustered outof service Oct. 5, 1864. James B. Hudson, CC ll " tl Robert Linton, It It it tl Musicians. William H. Card, Arctic, " tt ti cc tt a George W. Gardiner, Centreville, " fi it tt n it Privates. AngeU, Philetus Scituate, lt it Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Barnes, George E. Greenwich, " ii it Trans, to V. K. C, Dec. 29, 1863. Barnes, Alfred « ll it Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Byron, Thomas Crompton, " tt tt Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5)1864. Byron, James C. Providence, " it cc Bennett, Philetus H. Apponaug, " tt it Sergt.; must, out of serv. Oct. 5/64. Baker, William H. Warwick, " tt tf Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Brown, Andrew Providence, " et It Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Bresline, Morris CC -It te tt Disch. Nov. 12, 1862, on Surg, certif. Burr, William A. tt tt te It Transferred to Co. C, Jan. 14, 1862. Brayton, Charles E. Cranston, " tt " Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co, B, Sept. 12, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 553 NAME AND RANK. Burns, John Case, Nathaniel N. Cornell, Henry C. Clark, Moses T. Curtis, James C. Chandler, Thomas Dougherty, John Palton, Thomas E. Dougherty, Peter Dalton, Michael Dyer, Edward T. Davis, Thomas B, Damon, Charles S. Damon, George D. Damon, William C. Evans, Raymond li. Elvin, William Eddy, Charles W. Eddy, John L. Fleming, John Flagg, Ira Finn, John Gould, Frank M. Grinnell, James E. Golden, Daniel Gardiner, John C. Gardiner, John C. Garland, Henry C. Gilmore, Daniel Hazard, William Uannon, Patrick Hallowell, John H. Hunt, Samuel Holloway, Samuel L. Haslaue, Adam Hanley, James Hopkins, George L. Holme, William Holloway, William E. llanway, John Hackett, Edward Jordan, Winchester Jordan, Daniel Jones, Irwin A. Johnson, Joseph W. Irwin, Richard Kelley, Thomas Binnicum, Charles 70 RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Kingston, " Providence, " CC cc E. Greenwich, " Providence, " Warwick, " Newport, " Providence, " tt it n n Warwick, " cc tf Providence, " Eellingham, Mass. Providence, R. I. Newport, " Warwick, " Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warwick, Providence, Warwick, " Westerly, " Cranston, " E.Greenwich,"Foster, " Providence, " Westerly, " E. Greenwich," Warwick, " E.Greenwich, " N.Providence," ft n Warwick, DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 15, 1862. Oct. 6, 1861. July 10, 1863, Oct. 5, 1861. tl ti a a Feb. 11, 1862. u a ft tl Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 6, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 26, 1862. Dec. 9, 1861. " 7," Oct, 5, " Jan. 30, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. it tl tt li Feb. 18, 1862. Dec. 30, 1861. Oct. 5, " Feb. 10, 1862. Mar. 3, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 4, " Oct. 5, " Feb. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 10, " Dec. 3, " Oct. 5, " REMARKS. Deserted Sept. 4, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. tt u n Disch. Nov. 9, 1861, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Nov. 9, 1861, on Surg, certif. Trans to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Corporal July 1, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25,1864; transferred to Co. li, Sept. 12, 1864. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. C, Jan. 1, 1862 ; re enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12,1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. 1st S. C. V6\s. July 1, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Killed Feb. 8, 1862, at Daufuskie Island, S. C, by lightning. Disch. Nov. 9, 1861, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 18, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Dec. 18, 1802, on Surg, certf. Re-enlisted Feb. 10, 1864 ; Trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. M ; re-enlisted March 3, 1864 ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12/64. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. T)ec. 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. " May 31, 1863, Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Died April 21, 1862, at Daufuskie Island, S. C. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. it n u Disch. Nov. 9, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, New York. Trans, from Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. 554 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Kenyon, Isaac C. Leonard, Abiel L. Linton, Robert Lake, Martin V. B. Lake, George W. Munroe, Thomas McCool, John Murray, Thomas Migan, Michael Messier, Arnold Moran, Michael McArthur, John McCanna, Frank Oakes, Charles B. O'Neil, Michael Pettis, Benjamin F, Pearce, James T. Porter, James Penno, Benjamin L, Perry, James E, Reed, Henry F. Richardson, James Sherman, William H. Stewart, Silas H, Sheldon, Hiram Sanford, Joseph M. Sonner, Christopher Sheen, Michael Tourjee, George W. Taft, Charles Tanner, John H, Taggart, Matthew H. Tinkham, Sylvanus Tuliey, Michael Taylor, Charles W. Taylor, Peter Vickery, Henry Wade, John Wilson, John Wardell, Thomas E. Yeaw, Daniel Warwick, R. I. Providence, " RESIDENCE. Central FaUs, " Pawtucket, " Warwick, " Providence, " Pawtucket, Scotland, Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Burrillville, " Newport, " E. Greenwich," Providence, " N.Kingstown," Providence, " S. Danvers, Mass, Middleboro, " Wickford, R. I. Newport, " Ashaway, " Providence, " Warwick, " Providence, " CC CC Northboro, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 10, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861, Feb. 12, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 4, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 13, 1862. Mar. 10, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 24, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. April 18, 1864, Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 10, 1862. Oct, 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864- Died Sept. 1,1862, at Providence, R.I. Corp. ; re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; trans- to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. cc cc cc Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Sept. 24, 1862, on Surg, certif. Died April 8, '62, at Daufuskie Island, S. C. Deserted Dec. 5, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Nov. 9, 1861,atFort Hamilton, N. Y. Deserted Oct. 1, 1861. Trans, to Co. C, Jan. 14, 1862. Re-enlisted Mar. 5, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. May 31, 1863, on Surg, certif. Corp. July 1/63; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. C, Jan. 1, '62; re-en listed Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. C, Nov. 81, 1861 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5/64. Died July 30. '63, at Fort Pulaski, Ga. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, to Co. C. Corp. Oct. 18, 1863; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan." 24, 1864: transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. C, Jan. 1, 1862 ; re-en- listed Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re enlisted Feb. 11, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co, B, Sept. 12, 186,4. Mustered out of service Oct, 5, 1864. Corp. July 1, 1863 ; mustered out ot service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. L, Sept. 12, 1864. . THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 555 COMPANY H. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Horatio Rogers, Jr., Providence, R. I. Oct. 9, 1861. Major Aug. 18, 1862. Augustus W. ColweU, Pawtucket, •' Nov. 28, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, Oct. 6, 1864. 1st Lieutenants. Charles R. Brayton, Warwick, " Oct. 9, 1861. Captain Co. C, Nov. 28, 1862. Clarence T. Gardner, Pawtucket, " Jan. 21, 1863. Resigned Oct. 24, 1863. Edwin W. Keene, Providence, " Feb. 14, 1864. Transferred from Co. E, Aug. 22, '64; transferred to Co. B, Oct. 6, 1864. WilUam C. Barney, Warwick, " Resigned June 25, 1863. John E. Burroughs, li te Transferredto Co. B, Oct. 6, 1864. 2d Lieutenants. John E. Burroughs, 1st Lieutenant Feb. 3, 1864. Clarence T. Gardner., Pawtucket, " Jan. 21, 1863. Frederic S. Brown, Providence, " Resigned July 6, 1862. Thomas H. Carrique, cc cc Discharged to accept appointment as 1st Lieutenant Sig. Corps U. S. A. Wiliam H. Bean, cc cc March 7, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Oct. 6, 1864. 1st Sergeant. Clarence T. Gardner, Pawtucket, " Oct. 5, 1861. 2nd Lieutenant July 8, 1862. Sergeants. WiUiam H. PhiUips, cc cc tl tt Disch. Aug. 8, 1862, on Surg, certif. F. C. W. Hiepe, cc cc it ft Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864 ; Hospital Steward N. C. Staff, Sept. 17, 1864. James H. Elliott, New York, N. Y. et ti Disch. Nov. 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. John E. Burroughs, Providence, R. I. it a 1st Sergeant; 2nd Lieutenant Nov. Corporals. 28, 1862. David S. Clarke, Walpole, Mass. tt tt Sergeant ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Andrew J. Herbert, New Ipswich, N. H. it a Sergeant. ; deserted June 8, 1863. William H. Bean, Providence, R. I. Mar. 5, 1862. 1st Sergeant ; 2nd Lieutenant Feb. 3, 1864. Patrick Glynn, Boston, Mass. « « Oct. 5, " Mar. 14, 1862. '-' 26, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 12, " Oct. 5, " Mar. 19, 1862. Dec. 13, 1861. Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred from Co. G ; wounded June 16, 1862, in action on James' Island, S. C. ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 5, 1864. Killed April 11, '62, at bombardment of Fort Pulaski, Ga. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action James' Island, S. C. ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Co. A. cc cc Died July 22, ' 62,Regimental Hospital. Transferred from Co. B, Oct. 22, '61 ; mustered out of servico Oct. 5, '64. Transferred from Co. B, Oct. 23, '61; dis'd Apr. 25, '62,on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864 ; transferred to Co, B, Sept. 15, 1864. Prisoner June 16, '62, in action James Island, S. C. ; returned Feb. 6, '63 ; Corporal ; mustered out Oct. 5, '64. Transferred from Co. B ; wagoner ; mustered out of service Oot. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans. fromCo. I; desertedFeb. 26, '63. Corporal.Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. Corporal, Aug. 6, 1862; musteredout of servico Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd May 9, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Killed Aug. 18, 1863, in action Morris Island, S. C Trans, from Co. D ; taken prisoner June 16, 62, in action James Island, S. C. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Deserted Oct. 12,.1861. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 31, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 16, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Corporal ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15, '64. Dis'd April 25/62, onSurg. certificate. Corporal; Sergeant; re-enUsted Jan. 25, '64; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15, '64. Deserted Dec. 5, 1861. Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Died Feb. 3/64, at Morrislsland, S. C, of wounds received in action. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Corporal; re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. I ; desertedFeb. 26/63. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 557 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Kelley, James Lamb, John Love, Roger W. Mulbeine, William Miller, Edward, C. Mowry, WiUiam H. H. Martin, Elhanan Manchester, AVilUam A. Madden, Henry Mowrin, Albert N. Mahon, Patrick Mason, Henry W. McAUan, Bernard Martin, James Marshall, Joseph M. Moore, Abbott A. Main, Charles H. Miner, John B. McNamara, Michael MerriU, George Maguire, James McLay, George W. MoGore, Peter McCarty, Eugene McQuade, Owen McQuestion, James J. McQuiggan, John Nailan, Peter Neeley, Peter NoUcr, Christian Oullahan, James Paino, Augustus S. Phillips, Charles H. Peterson, John G. ¦ Peck, Foster S. Quinn, Peter Beagan, Francis Bice, Benjamin C. Eice, WiUiam H. Remlmger, John Eobbins, Joseph A. Eyan, Edward Eyan, Michael W. Stalker, Charles D. Stone, Clark Sanford, WiUiam Shaw, Clark G. Spooner, William A. Sullivan, John Providence, R. I. Wickford, " Providence, " Burrillville, " Westerly, " Smithfield, " Johnston, " New Bedford, Mass. Woonsocket, It. I. Sandwich, C. W. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, R. I. Waitsfield, Vt. Richmond, R. I. Groton, Conn. Pawtucket, R. I. Scituate, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Dorchester, Mass. OlneyviUe, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Newport, " Pawtucket, " Millvillc, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. VaUey Falls, " N.Providence,"Providence, " cc tt Central Falls," Providence, " Manville, " Providence, " tt a u a Fall River, Mass. S. Providence, R. I. Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. April 3, 1862, Aug. 13, " Feb. 18, " Dec. 5, 1861, Sept. 9, 1864. April 3, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 24, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. April 2, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 21, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 6, 1862, Dec. 10, 1861, Jan. 2, 1862. Oct. 9, 1861, Dec. 5, " Mar. 19, 1862, Oct. 5, 1861 Dej. 6, " « 4) « Oct. 5, " Dec. 5, " Mar. 19, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861 Mar. 28, 1862. Dec. 11, 1861 ti It Oct. 5, " Apr. 3, 1862 Oct. 5, 1861 Dec. 13, " Oct. 5, " Feb. 15, 1862. Dec. 21, 1861. Oct. 5, " Dec 2, " " 7, " REMARKS. Transferred from Co. I, Oct. 23, 1861 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Dis'd April 25, '62, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant Major, July 1, 1864. Transferred from Co. B, Oct. 23, '61 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, Sept. 7, 1864. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Sergeant; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15, '64. Transferred from Co. B ; discharged March 31, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Wounded June 16, 1862 action James Island S. C. ; mustered out Oct. 5/64. Transferred to Co. K, Oct. 23, 1861. Transferredto Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. A. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transferred to Co. A. Corporal ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15, '64. Transferred to Co. A. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Corporal; discharged Nov. 23, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Re-enlistod Jan. 30, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Sergeant ; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 15/64. Transfd from Co. K, Oct. 23, 1861 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Re-enlistcd Jan. 25, 1864 ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Died at Hilton Head. S. C, from wounds rec' d action James Isl' d,S. C. Transfd from Co. G. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1361. Missing since battle James Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Discharged July 16, 1862. cc cc cc Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corporal; died Oct. 12, 1863, at Mor ris Island, S. C. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. It ii It Transfd from Co. D, Oct. 23, 1861; mustered out of servico Oct. 5, '64. Transfd from Co. D, Oct. 23, 1861 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Discharged April 25, 1862. Transfd from Co. B, Oct. 23, 1861 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864 ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Transfd to Co. A. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Dis'd Feb. 25, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. I; enlisted in 3d U. S. ArtiUery, Nov. 11, 1862. Corporal ; mustered out Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 28, 1864; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. 558 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Thornton, Martin G. Smithfield, R. I. Oct. 5, 1861. Died Sept. 26/63, at Hilton Head, S. C. Thornton, Henry F. VaUey Falls, " Dec. 4, " Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Tremont, WilUam New York, N. Y. Aug. 21, 1862. Transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Trainer, Peter Providence, R. I. Dec. 4, 1861. Discharged March 31, 1862. Weehossey, Frank CC CC Oct. 5, " Deserted Feb. 26, 1863. WiUiams, John It tt Mustered out of servico Oct. 5, 1864 Warner, John B. ll tl Transfd to Co. A. WiUiams, Alonzo N. Scituate, " ll tl cc cc ,c Weston, Silas Providence, " tt it CC CC CC Waite, Abel tt tt Welsh, Harry cc tl tt tt Transf d from Co. I; died Nov. 9, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C. Whitaker, Edgar A. Pawtucket, " Dec. 12, " Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Whitaker, Silas cc cc Dec. 10, " Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; Corporal; Sergeant; transfd to Co. B, Sept. 15, 1864. Williams, John Oct. 5, " Young, Henry F. CC li THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 559 COMPANY I. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Hugh Hammell, OlneyviUe, R. I. Aug. 14, 1861. Discharged from service March 6, '62. Charles G. Strahan, Providence, " Oct. 9, " Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. 1st Lieutenants. Jeremiah Lanahan, It cc ti ti Captain Co. L, July 8, 1862. WiUiam H. Hamner, May 8, 1863. Captain Co. A, June 3, 1863. Eben W. Waterhouse, tt tt July 1, " Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Peter G. Turner, May 30, 1862. Captain Co. E, May 1, 1863. 2d Lieutenants. Jeremiah Lanahan CC CC 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 9, 1861. Petor G. Turner, Newport, !' 1st Lieutenant, May 20, 1862. James McGinty, Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Eben W. Waterhouse, Providence, " 1st Lieutenant June 29, 1863. 1st Sergeant. Dennis, Hynes, Sergeants. Martin Heoney, Woonsocket, " Aug. 14, 1861. Dis'd Nov. 20, '62, on Surg, certificate. Providence, " tt tt Killed June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. James McGinty, Centredale, " tt it 1st Sergeant; 2d Lieut. Jan. 21, 1863. George H. Adams, Providence, " Jan. 20, 1862. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. James McElroy, River Point, " Aug. 14, 1861. Discharged Dec. 27, 1862. Corporals. John McFadden, Providence, " tt tt Sergeant; mustered out Aug. 31, '64. Patrick I. Ryan, CC ll tt ti Sergeant; discharged Jan. 28, '64, on Musician. Surgeon's certificate. John Kendrick, FaU River, Mass. tt tt Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Artificer. Michael McEvoy, CC It tt it CC CC It Wagoners. Henry McElroy. Providence, R. I. tt a It a il Privates. Auingham, John E. Abington, Mass. tt n ll tt tt Brooks, Henry BurriUviUe, R. I. April 3,1862. Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Blair, William Fitchburg, Mass. Mar. 22, " Bierd, John Slatersville, R. I. " 26, " CC CC It Butler, John S. Boston, Mass. Aug. 14, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Burk, Patrick Providence, R. I. " " Died Aug. 28,'62,at Hilton Head, S. C. Burns, Thomas E.Greenwich/' CC ll Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Braherry, Martin Providence, " tt tt Mustered out of service Aug. 31. '64. Briggs, James P. W.Greenwich," tt ll Dis'd Oct. 1, '62, on Surg, certificate. Briggs, WilUam H. Scituate, " tl ll Dis'd Sept. 20, '62, on Surg, certificate. Brophy, William Providence, " tt tt Died of wounds received action James Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Boss, Edmund T. Johnston, " April 3, 1862. Dis'd Juno 3, '64, on Surg, certificate. Brayton, Walter Swanzey, Mass. Mar. 26, " Transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Broderick, Michael Boston, " 19, " Re-enlisted March 21, '64 ; transferred to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Carrigan, Edward Aug. 14, 1861. Deserted at Camp Ames, R. I. Carroll, Henry Fall River, Mass. cc cc Died Nov. 30, '61, at HiltonHead.S.C. Carroll, John Taunton, " cc cc Ro-enlisted Jan 31, 1864; Corporal. Cannon, Michael Olneyvillo, R. I. tt tt Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Currie, Daniel Fall River, Mass. tt cc Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Courtney, Timothy it it CC CC Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. 560 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Conalty, Andrew Campbell, Edward Coyle, John Cunningham, James Clifford, Patrick Donohoe, James DriscoU, William Doyle, Michael Desmond, Patrick, 1st Desmond, Patrick, 2d Donavan, Timothy Drennan, John Dolan, Patrick Dempsey, Francis Druggan, Edward Doyle, John Flannery, Joseph Fagan, Patrick Gormly, Michael Gardiner, George W. Grcenalch, James Godfrey, Joseph S. Galligan, Peter Holland, Daniel Harrington, Alfred Hayes, Quinlan Hood, Charles Healey, James Hubbard, James Hanly, Timothy Healey, Timothy Jones, Joseph Kerr, James Kennedy, James Kelly, James Kelley, Edward Kelley Timothy KeUey, Thomas Kallaher, Patrick Lenehan, Daniel Lynch, Patrick Loughrey, Michael Lane, Alfred Love, Horace McQuade, Felix Mead, John Masterson, John D. Maher, Patrick Murphy, Thomas McAnany, Michael McCarty, Dennis RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Taunton, Mass. Providence, R. I. CC CC CC cc Milford, Mass. Boston, " FaU River, " Peacedale, R. I. .uincy, Mass. New Bedford, " New York, N. Y. Canton, Mass. Peacedale, R. I. Providence, " Olneyville, " Fall River, Mass. Taunton, " Fall River, " Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Boston, " FaU River, " OlneyviUe, R. I. Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Abington, Mass. Providence, R- I. Fall River, Mass. cc cc It it Providence, R. I. FaU River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Centredale, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Abington, " Providence, It. I. Aug. 14, 1861. Mar. 4, 1862. April 2, " Aug. 14, 1861. Mar. 22, 1862. Feb. 24, " Aug. 14, 1861 Mar. 10, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Feb. 19, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Mar. 3, 1862 Aug. 14, 1861 Feb. 16, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. April 1, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Feb. 25, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861 Sept. 13, " Mar. 8, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Mar. 14, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861 Feb.Aug. 23, 16, 14, 1862 1861 Jan. cc Feb.Mar. Aug. 18, 1862 7, " 22, " 14, 1861 Musteredout of serviceAug. 31, 1864. Sergeant; mustered out Aug. 31, '64. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. cc ,C ,| Re-enlisted March 6, 1864; transfd to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Deserted at Camp Ames, R. I. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864; transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Corporal Nov. 1, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. cc cc cc Deserted at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Corporal ; Sergeant ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Wounded Aug. 28, 1863 at Morris Island, S. 0. ; dischargSd June 17, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Discharged Nov. 9, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Rc-enlisted March 5, 1864 ; transfd to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 31,1864; transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of serviceAug. 31, 1864. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864, Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Musteredout of service Aug. 31, 1864. Discharged July 27, 1862, at Hilton Head, S. C. Dis'd Feb. 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Dis'd Oct. 27, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Transfd to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. CC CC ll Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 31, '64. Died Dec. 18/63, atMorris Island, S.C. Transf dfrom Co. F ; discharged Nov. 9,, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Corporal ; mustered out Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Deserted July, 1863. 2d Lieutenant Co. F, July 8, 1862. Rc-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A. Transfd to Co. C, Aug. 22, 1864. Corporal Nov. 1, 1861; Sergeant; mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Dis'd April 1, '63, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 561 NAME AND RANK. McDonald, John McCabe, Patrick Murray, Bernard Munally, John Murray, Michael Martin, Owen McGenkin, Hugh McLaughlin, Edward MullaUy, Patrick McCann, Daniel McNiff, James Moran, Timothy Moriarty, John Murphy, John Mahon, Robert Mahon, Peter Murphy, Dennis E. Northup, James H. O'Neille, Thomas O'Brien, John O'Sullivan, James Phelan, Thomas Perry, Hiram Sullivan, Thomas SuUivan, John D. Sullivan, John Shaw, Clark G. Sheriden, James Siegel, Morris Slattery, Dennis Sermott, Peter Smythe, George T. Thornton, John White, William Walsh, James Woolly, John Walsh, Henry Woodmancy, James Woodmancy, Henry H. RESIDENCE. Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, ¦' Olneyville, " Woonsocket, " Philadelphia, Pa. Providence, R. I, Woonsocket, " FaU River, Mass. Olneyville, R. I. Providence, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Richmond, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Boston, " Fall River, " GreenviUe, R. I. Providence, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Uxbridge, Mass. Providence, R. I. River Point, " Providence, " Richmond, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 14, 1861 Mar. 22, 1862. it ty-t it Aug. 14 1861 Mar. 13, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861 Mar. 1, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Feb. 21, 1862. Aug. 14, 1861. Mar. 29, 1862. " 21, " REMARKS. Mustered out of service Aug. 31,1864. Dis'd Dec. 5, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Died Nov. 6, 1862, at Port Royal, S. C, of fever. Musteredout of servico Aug. 31, 1864. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 31, '64. Deserted at Camp Ames, R. I. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. Enlisted 'in Light Co. E, 3d U. S. Ar tillery, Nov. 17, 1862. Re-cnlisted Jan. 29, 1864, and transf d to Co. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, '64, and transfd to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Corporal Nov. 1, 1861; Sergeant; re- enlisted Jan. 31, 1864; transf d to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. CC CC cC Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Transferred to Co. A. Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Dec. 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Corporal; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Deserted June 25, 1862. Re-enlisted Feb. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. A. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864 ; transferred to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Disch. Aug. 1861, on Surg, certif. Corporal Nov. 1, 1861 ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Corporal ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Deserted at Camp Ames, R. I. Transferred to Co. H. Wounded June 16, 1862, in action James Island, S. C. ; mustered out of service Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Deserted at Camp Ames, R. I. Disch. Nov. 9, 1861, on Surg, certif. " Mar. 11, 1863, " Aug. 1861, " Enlisted in 3d U.S. Art. Nov. 15/62. Desert' d before leav'gProvidence, R.I. Mustered out of service Aug. 31, '64. Transferred to Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861. to Co. A, Aug. 22, 1864. Re-enlisted Mar. 24, 1864 ; transferred to, Co. A, Aug. 22, '64. 71 562 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY K. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE, DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Alexander Annon, New York, N. Y. Oct. 9, 1861. Resigned March 1, 1862. William E. Peck, Feb. 15, " George Metcalf, Providence, R. I. July 8,1862. Major Nov. 2, 1863. Horatio N. Perry, cc ' cc Jan. 28, 1864. Resigned July 30, 1864. 1st Lieutenants. James L. Ricbardson, CC CC Oct. 5, 1861. Ad'jt. Mar. 11, 1862; resigned Dec. 30, 1862. Walter Wheeler, Jr. Jan. 21, 1863. Resigned July 1, 1863. Josiah W. Robinson, Aug. 31, " Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. George Metcalf, CC tt Captain July 8, 1862. David B. Churchill, it ft " Co. F, May 1,1863. Levi F. Goodwin, May 23, " Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. 2d Lieutenants. George Metcalf, tt tt Oct. 5, 1861. 1st Lieut. May 20, 1862. Walter Wheeler, Jr. Pawtucket, " " Jan. 21, 1863. James McEntee, Mar. 27, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. David B. Churchill. 1st Lieut. July 8, 1862. Josiah W. Robinson, CC tl Aug. 22, 1863. Frederic Metcalf, CC CC Oct. 1, 1861. " Co. B, May 6, 1864. William R, Andrews, ll It Trans, from Co. A; mustered out of 1st Sergeants. service Oct. 5, 1864. Walter Wheeler, Jr. Pawtucket, " Oct. 5, " 2d Lieut. July 8, 1862. James M. Jacques, Providence, " Feb. 3, 1862. Re-enlisted F'eb. 3, 1864; transferred Sergeants. to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Michael McCarty, Pawtucket, " Oct. S, 1861. 2d Lieut. 14th R. I. H. A., (col'd) Sept. 21, 1863. Jeremiah Sullivan, Providence, •' «( tl Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. James Lynch, Pawtucket, " tt ti Deserted June 4, 1863. Robert Nevins, Providence, " ft it Trans, from Co. F ; 2d Lieut. Co, L, Corporals, June 5, 1862. James L. Keating, Grafton, Mass. tt fi Sergt. ; re-enlisted Jan. 23, '64 ; trans. to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. George L. Goff, Rehoboth, " ft a Sergt. July 8, 1862 ; mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Owen Goodwin, Pawtucket, R. I. a n Sergt. Oct. 1, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 15, 1864. William Cady, '( cc tt a Mustered outof service Oct. 5, 1864. Michael Nelligan, Providence, " tt tt Discharged (underage,) Joseph Doran, Lucas Co., Ohio, tt tt Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred Musicians. to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Peter Harvey, Cranston, R, I. tl ti Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. John Cahil, Woonsocket, " ft a Disch. June 17, '62, by sen. G. C. M. Wagoner. Patrick Gormley, Providence, '¦ a tt Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Privates. Aylsworth, James tt it tt tt See James E. Elsworth ; probably same man. Agan, William ct cc Jan. 18, 1862. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Agan, Daniel .c .< tt it .C H « Adams, Richard tt It Feb. 3, " Trans, to Co. V. R. C, Dec. 15, 1863. Buckley, William Pawtucket, " Oct. 5, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct, 5, 1864. Barber, Miles Warwick, " u it cc cc « Bowen, Oratus S. Providence, " a tt Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; Sergeant; trans, to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Burgess, Joseph Pawtucket, " ti tt Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Butterworth. James Warwick, " it tt CC Ci " THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 563 NAME AND RANK. Boyle, Patrick Burdick, Thomas W. Black, Edward Connelly, Peter Carpenter, Frank Conners, Jeremiah Cleary, John Cahill, Richard Creighton, Patrick Creighton, Bartlett Cunningham, Michael Connelly, Thomas Connolly, Patrick Carroll, Frank Callahan, Peter Campbell, James Cornell, John F. .Creighton, John Chatterton, George Carroll, Thomas J. Dougherty, John J. Devlin, Archibald Devlin, Patrick Dorrick, Patrick Ennis, John Elsworth, James E. Eldridge, Charles Fullen, Dennis Farrell, Edward Farley, John Farley, Thomas Freeman. Edwin D. Fitz-Patrick, James Gaffhey, Francis Glancey, John Greene, John Gavin, John Grimes, John Garrett, Christopher Gilbert, Antoine Garretty, James Hughes, Peter Hemmingway, Terence Hammond, Amasa Healey, Michael Higgins, Michael Heagney, Owen Jayne, John S. Jennett, Joseph Kltke, Samuel RESIDENCE. Pawtucket,R. I. Westerly, " Smithfield, " Pawtucket, " Taunton, Mass. Danielsonville, Ct. Woonsocket, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. CC CC Taunton, " Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Central Falls, " N. Bedford, Mass. Providence, R. I. n n Lowell, Mass. Pawtucket, Olneyville, " Northbridge, Mass. Taunton, Pawtucket, R. I. ft IC Allendale, " Providence, " Pawtucket, Woonsocket,Providence. Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 8, 1862. Aug. 9, " Oct. 5, 1861. Pawtucket, " Glocester, " Providence, " Rehoboth, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Olneyville, " DATE OF MDSTER. Sept. 10, 1862 Dec. 5, 1861. Aug. 29, 1862. Jan. 24," " 27,"' Aug. 5," Sept. 6, " Aug. 28," Oct. 5, 1861. Mar. 29, 1864 Oct. 5, 1861. Feb. 3, 1862. " 13," Oct. 5, 1861. Aug. 22, 1863, Oct. 5, 1861. tt tf Sept. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. tl it Dec. 6, " Feb. 14, 1862 Jan, 9, " Sept. 6, " Aug. 9," Sept. 6," Feb. 7," Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 22, 1862. Dec. 6, 1861. REMARKS. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864 ; Corporal ; trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Disch. June 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out of Oct. 6, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Trans, from Co. D ; died at Hilton Head, S. C, from wounds received in action James Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. ii K it C, 7, " M, 12, " 2d Lt. 14th R . I. H. A.,(cl'd ) Oct. 6, '63. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Corporal July 16, '62; n.ustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlistcd Feb. 14, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corp. Mar. 20, '62; Sergt. Jan. 1, '63; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. CC cc cc Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted ; Princip'l Musician ; trans. to N. C. Staff. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1804. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. cc cc CC Trans, from Co. D ; died Mar. 7, '64, at Fort Pulaski, Ga. Re-enlisted Feb. 14, 1864 ; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 25, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864, Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 27, 1864 ; transferred to Co. O, Apr. 23, 1864. Disch. July 18, 1862, on Surg! certif. Corp. ; Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. Co. G, May 21, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Art. Nov. 15, '62. Disch. May 26, 1863, on Surg, certif Wounded at Morris Island, S. C. ; no further account received. 564 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Ketchum, Alfred S. Kiernan, William Logue, Michael Leahey, Daniel LaBonte, Mitchell, Lehan, Jeremiah McCaughey, Frank Morris, Thomas McGuinness, John McQuade, Patrick E. McQuade, Owen McManus, Philip McCabe, Thomas McAlier, James Malough, Daniel Moiner, Thomas McCahey, Patrick McGuire, Dennis Mullen, John McAlice, Archibald Morris, Benjamin Money, Richard McQuillion, Alexander Mason, Henry W. McVicker, John McNally, James McKenna, John McMaugh, Stephen McGuire, Thomas W. Mellon, Hugh Melville, Thomas D. Nolan, Patrick O'Brien, Richard O'Brien, John G'Brien, John 2d, O'Brien, James O'Brien, Patrick O'Reilly, John Savoy, Abraham Sullivan, Patrick Stewart, Charles Sopher, George C. Sweetland, George Smith Henry M. Smith, James Smith, Robert E. Thackeray, George Taylor, Charles H. Taft, Francis H. Vickery, Isaac Walsh, Michael Whipple, Calvin RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I, Raynham, Mass. Worcester, " Providence, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Canton, Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Pawtucket, " Cranston, " Providence, " Cranston, Pawtucket, " CC CC Taunton, Mass. Worcester, " Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Valley Falls, " Providence, " (C tl Olneyville, " Woonsocket, " CC ll Providence, " Warwick, " Nova Scotia^ Huntington, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Glocester, " Norwich, Conn. Fall River, Mass. N. Stonington, Ct. Providence, R. I. Scituate, ' Pawtucket, ' Lowell, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 8, 1862. Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 5, " Aug. 29, 1862. " 20, " tt tt Jan. 11, " Oct. 5, 1861. Dec. 3," Sept. 23, 1863. Dec. 4, 1861,. Jan. 30, 1862. Feb. 3, " Jan. 4, " Feb. 3, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 20, 1862. Aug. 31, 1863. Jan. 18, 1862. Feb. 1, " Jan. 7, " Oct. 5, 1861. Jan. 8, 1862. Feb. 5, " " 6. " Jan. 27, " Oct. 5, 1861. tt tt Jan. 31, 1862. " 20," Oct. 5,1861. Jan. 7, 1862. REMARKS. Died Jan. 10, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Corp. July 22, '62; Sergt. Oct. 1, '63; musteredout of service Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. CC cC (( Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Disch. Mar 26, 1863, on Sura;, certif. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. " H, Oct. 23, 1861. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corp. Jan. 1, 1863; mustered outof service Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5. 1864. ct CC cc Disch. Sept. 25, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Corp., Oct. 1, 1862; mustered outof service Oct. 5, 1864. Trans, from Co. H, Oct. 23, 1861 ; Sergt. ; trans, to Signal Corps Oct, 13, 1863. Trans, to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. CC ll cc Died November 10, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864, Disch. Sept. 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864.. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Disch. June 17, '62, by sen. G. C. M. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 29,1864; transferred to Co. C, Jan. 29, 1864. Corp. ; mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. .c cc " Prisoner of war; transferredto Co. M. Sept. 12, 1864; exchanged Dec. '64. Re-enlisted Feb. 27, 1864 ; transferred to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Deserted Aug. 22, 1863. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 17, 1862. Wounded in action Feb. 20, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 5, '64. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 17, 1863. Died at David's Island, N. Y., from wounds ree'd on James' Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. Disch. July 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. M, Sept. 12, 1864. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 565 COMPANY L. NAME AND RANK. Captains. John D. Eldridge, Jeremiah Lanahan, 1st Lieutenants. A. Augustus Wightman Henry H. Metcalf, Rowland L. Dodge, Charles A. Rosander, Osceola A. Thompson, Edward F. Curtis, James Bible, 2nd Lieutenants. Albert G. Evans, Robert Nevins, John Dolan, Eowland L. Dodge, Eobert Slattery, Frederic A. Dockray, Walter B. Manton, Henry H. Metcalf, Frederic A. Wilcoxson, WiUiam Fullerton, 1st Sergeant. George W. J ohnson, Quartermaster Sergeant. Frederic A. Wilcoxson, Providence R. I. Barrington, Providence, Sylvester Marvel, Henry H. Metcalf, James W. Slocum, Charles E. Andrews, John J. Field, Charles F. Sinclair, Corporals. Herbert A. Lewis, Albert S. Weaver, James Burke, Henry S. AngeU, Daniel Yeaw, Dennis H. Arnold, Edward DiUon, WiUiam A. Jay, John Barr, RESIDENCE. Blackstone, Mass. Providence, R. I. Derby, Conn. Hingham, Mass. N Keeno, N. H. Derby, Conn. Pawtucket, R. I. cc cc Pawtuxet, " Providence, " W. KiUingly, Ct. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Middletown, " Providence, " Scituate, " Northboro, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Pawtucket, " Nantucket, Mass. Providence, R. I. July 9, 1862. Jan. 8, " Apr. 24, 1863. Feb. 14, 1864. Jan. 5, 1862. " 21, 1863. June 4, " Feb. 14, 1864. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 6, 1864. May 9, 1863. Mar. 18, 1864. Feb. 14, 1862. Resigned July 7, 1862. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Resigned Jan. 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. C. Transferred to Co. A, Mar. 17, 1865. Resigned Feb. 7, 1863. Captain Co. G, March 21, 1864. Mustered out of service Sept., 17, 1864. Transferred to Co. D, Mar. 20, 1865. Resigned July, 1862. " Feb. 13, 1863. " Mar. 30, 1863. From Bat, B, 1st R. I. L. A., March 2, 1863 ; 1st Lieutenant Feb. 3/64. Mustered outof service Mar. 17, '65. Resigned June 12, 1862. Died Oct. 25, 1862, at Hilton Head, S. C, of fever. 1st Lieutenant April 15, 1863. 1st Lieutenant Co. M, Feb. 3, 1864 ; acting Regimental Quartermaster March 24, 1864. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Dis'd Dec. 27, '62, on Surg, certificate. 2d Lieutenant May 1, 1863. Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. 2nd Lieutenant Nov. 28, 1862. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; promoted to Q. M. Sergeant and transferred to N. C. Staff March 1, 1864. Dis'd July 18, '62, on Surg, certificate. Dis'd Sept. 7, 1863, at Hilton Head, S. C, per order Sec. of War. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Transferred to Signal Corps, U. S. A., Oct. 13, 1863. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Died Dec 15, '62, at Hilton Head, S. C. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24/1865. Dis'd Sept. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864. trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 13, '62, on Surg, certificate; Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. 566 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Arnold A. Wilkinson, Andrew J. Chace, William H. Calvert, George G. Brown, Reuben Sutton, George W. Bradford, Charles E. Miner, Samuel N. Knapp, Cumberland, R. I. HalloweU, Maine, New York, N. Y. Sedgwick, Maine, Weymouth, Mass. Bangor, Maine, New York, N. Y. Attleboro, Mass. Feb. ttft ttIt ttit 14, 1862. tt«( it ll Musician. Benjamin G. West, Providence, R. I. It <¦ Artificer. WuHani W. Gorton, Privates. Alexander, Andrew J. Alexander, Levi N. Warwick, " Smithfield, " Providence, " it tt 3, tt It Allen, Napoleon Cumberland, " Aug 2, ll Addington, Henry F. Anderson, Archibald Appleby, Silas H. Providence, " Woonsocket, " Feb. Dec. ti 14, 21,31, tt 1864.1861. Aborn, John S. Andrews, Aaron Cranston, " N.Providence," Feb. Sept 14, 8, 1862. tt Alexander, James H. Valley Falls, " Dec. 4, 1861. Beach, Daniel F. Boulet, Peter Bond, Emery F. Hartford, Conn. Feb.Dec. Aug. 19, i, 1862.1864.1862. Bowen, Francis Rehoboth, Mass. Feb. 14, " Burlingame, George L. Smithfield, R. I. Sept 7, It Bailey, John H. cc cc " 6, tt Brown, Samuel S. Westerly, " Dec. 7, " Barry, John Pawtucket, " it 6, 1861. Brayton, Joseph R. Boardman, Robert S. Tiverton, " Boston, Mass. Feb. it 14, 22, 1862. Brayton, Luther E. Bosworth, Gardiner D. Warwick, R. I. Rehoboth, Mass. it Dec. 14, 31, it 1861. Baten, John W. Brown, WiUiam S. Brown, AHred B. Burton, WiUiam G. Barber, William J. Brett, James Brown, Henry Baker, Charles H. Coombs, John H. Cole, Edgar A. Scituate, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, " Hopkinton, " S.Kingstown, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Harpwell, Maine, Blackstone, Mass. Feb. it Apr.Feb. ttttti Dec. 14, 13, 1, 14, 17, Ifif 62. ( I I tIt 61. CalUgan, James Coe, Andrew B. Providence, R. I. Feb. Aug 14, 6, 1862. Corson, Stephen F. Bridgeton, Maine. Feb. 14, it Colvin, David Woonsocket, R. I. Aug. 20, 1 Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Dis'd July 29, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Re-enlisted Feb. 6, 1864. \ Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Dis'd July 16, 1862, on Surg, certif. Sergt.; must, outof serv. Mar. 17,65. Dis'd Feb. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Dis'd April 29, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Feb. 2, '65, Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 19,''62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 25, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Jan. 10, '65, Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865, Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D. Feb. 24, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12/64. mustered out of service Dec. 15, '64. Dis'd Dec: 1, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Corporal ; Sergeant ; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Corporal ; Sergeant ;. mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64; mustered out of service Dec. 15, '64. Dis'd July 16, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Mustered out of servico March 17, '65. Transferred from'Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Mar. 17. '65. Mustered out of service Mar. 17. 1865. Dis'd Dec. 8, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. cc cc rt Welles, Hilton Head, 8. C, Sept. 16, 1864 ; died from effects of same, Oct. 10, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan, 31, 1864; transferred to Co. D. Feb. 24. 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864; transferred to Co. D, Feb,. 24, 1865. Trans, from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64; trans ferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from. Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864; transferred to Co. D,Feb. 24, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of serv. Dec. 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864 ; transferred to Co.' D, Feb. 24, 1865. Disch. July 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. cc cc '•' Transferred to Co, D. Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. tt n " Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Trans, to Signal Corps, U. S. A.,Feb. 29, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864 ; trans, to Co, D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17,1865. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Sergt.; mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 569 NAME AND RANK. Medbury, James M. Morrissey, Michael Martin, Jefferson Miliken, Horatio N. Nickerson, Isaac Nickerson, Dean Jr. OsweU, Albert Oakley, John C. Pratt, WilUam Place, WiUiam K. Potter, Israel A. Powers, John Palmer, Ephraim N Pike, John C. Patterson, Richard Purvier, George Ci. PhiUips, Charles A. Perry, Havard C. Porter, James H. Quinn, James H. Reynolds, Edwin F. Richards, Irvin Roberts, John H. Reynolds, Franklin M. Ryder, Stephen Roach, James Ryan, John Ryan, James Sheppard, Francis Stowe, Mortimer M. Salsbury, Charles P. Sweet, EUas Salisbury, David J. Salmon, Peter Smitherust, Amos Smith, John Sweet, Isaac M. Sanborn, Stephen H. Sanford, Joseph C. Sherman, George Smith, George H. 72 RESIDENCE. Barrington, R. I. Westerly, , " Boston, Mass. Block Island, R. I. Yarmouth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Tiverton. " Smithfield, " Fall River, Mass. Foster, R. I. Cranston, " Providence, " Hopkinton, " Lebanon, N. H. Providence, R. I. Sedgwick, Maine. Lynn, Mass. Cumberland, R. I. Maehias, Maine. Concord, N. H. Bridgewater, Mass. Byfield, Scituate, R. I. Bridgewater, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Canton, Mass. Rindge, N. H. Brooklyn, Conn. Providence, R. I. . Coventry, " Providence, " VaUey FaUs, " Providence, " Northbridge, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Smithfield, " Feb. 14, 1862. Mar. 4, " Feb. 14, " Aug. 14, " " 13, " Feb. 14, " dati: of muster. Mar. 18, Feb. 14, Apr. 16, 1864. Feb. 14, 1862. tt it Sept. 8, " Feb. 14, " Jan. 23, 1863. Feb. 14, 1862. " 9, Aug. 20, Feb. 14, Jan. 24, Aug. 20, Feb. 14, Aug. 14, " 29, Disch. July 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. 1), Sept. 12, 1864 mustered out of sorv. Mar. 17,1865 Disch. April 29, 1862, on Surg, certif 2d Lieut. 14th R. I. H. A., Oct. 6, '63. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. B. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865 Corporal; mustered out Mar. 17, '65 Enlisted in 1st U. S. Art., Nov. 11/62 Re-enlisted Fob. 8, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, Fob. 24, 1865. Dis'd Apr. 29, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfeired from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64; prisoner of war since Dec. 4, 1863 ; dropped from rolls March 17, 1865, expiration of term of service. Re-enlisted Jan. 24, 1864; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Transferred from Co. D. Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D, Fob. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 27, 1864; transferred to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 1, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-cnlisted Feb. 5, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd Mar. 11, '63, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; mustered out Mar. 17, '65. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Deserted Oct. 13, 1862. Transferred from Co. B, Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864, and trans ferred to Co. C. Transferred from Co. D, Sept. 12, '64 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enHsted Feb. 2, 1864 ; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Died Dec. 24, '62, Hilton Head, S. C. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864, and trans ferred to Co. C. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. cc ,c cc Corporal; mustered out Mar. 17. '65. Trans- from Co. B, Sept, 12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Transfd from Co. B. Sept. 12, 1864 ; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 23, 1864. Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Jan. 23, '65. Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, '65. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 ; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. 570 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. SuUivan, Daniel D. Scott, Walter N. Smith, Joseph H. Smith, Alonzo Salisbury, William W. Tillinghast, John Thornton, Josiah; Jr. Town, John F. Templeton, Isaac Tillinghast, Thomas H. Wheland, Garrett Wright, James H. Westcott, Edwin Whiting, Alden B. Wade, WiUiam H. Wvman, Francis 0. Wait, William P. Webb, James RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Newbury; Vt. New Shoreham,R.I. Charlestown, Mass. Providence, R. I. Exeter, N. H. Providence, R. I. Woonsocket, " Antrim,' N. H. Richmond, R. I. Providence, " CC ll Cumberland, " Abington, MaBS. N. 1 iri dge water, ' ' E.Cambridge, " New London, Conn. Danville, Maine. DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 14, 1862. Aug. 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 26, Feb. 14, " Mar. 18, 1864. Fob. 14, 1862. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Corporal; mustered out Mar. 17,1865. Mustered out of service Alar. 17. 1865. Corporal ; musteredout Mar. 17, 1865, Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Enlisted in3dU. S. Art'y, Nov. 3/62. Transfd from Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864; transf d to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 7, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, '65. Dis'd Sept. 23, '62, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; mustered out Feb. 17|'65. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, '64 ; tr. to Co. C. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 24, '62, on Surg, certificate. THIRD .REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 571 COMPANY M. DATE • NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains. Joseph J. Comstoek, Jr. Mar. 11, 1862. Major 14th R. I. H. A., (col'd) Sept. 16, 1863. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24. 1865. John M. Barker, Jan. 16, 1804. 1st Lieutenants. John Frieze, Providence, R. I. Mar. 17 1862. Major Sept. 16, 1862. Henry Holbrook, April 3, 1863. Wounded at Morris Island, S. C, Aug. 19, 1863; died from effect s of same Aug. 21, 1863. Frederic A. Wilcoxson, Feb. 14, 1864. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. G. W. Von Knoring, Mar. 17, 1862. Captain Co. E, Dec. 26, 1862. George 0. Gorton, Nov. 28, " Mustered out of service Oct. 5, 1864. Michael J. Higgins, Feb. 17, 1864. Mar. 17, 1865. 2d TJeutenants. George 0. Gorton, Feb. 3, 1862. Adjutant Nov. 1,1862; IstLieut. Nov. 28, 1862. Levi'F. Goodwin, 1st Lt. Co. K, to date May 1, 1863. Albert B. Clarke, Trans, from Co. E ; transferred to Co. 1), Feb. 24, 1865. John M. Barker, Mar. 17, " Trans, to Co. D. Horatio N. Perry, 1st Lieut. Co. F, Nov. 28, 1862. Henry Holbrook, IstLieut. April 3,1863. Andrew S. Jackson, Apr. 15, 1863. Resigned July 2, 1863. Welcome C. Irons, Glocester, " Oct. 1, " Mustered out of service Oct. 6, 1864. John Haekctt, Woonsocket, " Feb. 15, 1864. Trans, from Co. F, Oct. 6, '64; trans. 1st Sergeant. to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Henry Holbrook, Worcester, Mass. Mar. 17, 1862. 2d Lieut. Nov. 28, 1862. Quartermaster Sergeant. William H. Allen, New York, N. Y. tl tl Disch . July 2, 1862, on Surg, certif. Sergeants. , Clark M. Corey, Boston, Mass. Mustered out of service March 17, 1865. James R. Moriarty, New Bedford," ' Re-enlisted Feb. 1, '64 ; deserted April 7, 1864. William W. Ilanscomb, Boston, " It it 2d Lieut. Cq. B, May 21, 1863. Alonzo M. Fuller, Smithfield, R. I. Aug. 30, " Trans, from Co. B/Sept. 12, 1864 ; prisoner of war Aug. 17, 1864 ; Re joined May 25, 1865 ; tr. to Co. D. Charles H. Adams, Jr. Boston, Mass. Mar. 17, « Deserted Mar 18, '62, at Prov., R. I. Orlando Fales, Taunton, " it a Disch. July 16, 1862, on Surg, certif. Myron J. Newton, Worcester," n ti Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Corporals. Charles H. Smith, Jersey City, N. J. tt it Sergeant. James 8. Howard, New Bedford, Mass- it il Disch. May 6, 1862, on Surg, certif. Abel Knowlton, Boston, " tt it Enlisted in 3d U. S. Art., Nov. 13/62. Thomas W. Burdick, Westerly, R. I. ti n Trans, from Co.K, Sept. 12, '64 ; trans. to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Charles U. Sweet; Northbridge, Mass. Jan. 24, " Trans, from Co. B, Sept. 12,1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. F.rastus Hoxie, N. Kingstown, R. I. Mar. 17, " Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. James Campbell, ' Cc-ntrai Fells, " Jan. 24, " Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out .of service Feb. 9, '65. William Greene,-' Lynn. Mass. Mar. 17, " Disch. Mar. 13, 1863, on Surg, certif. James L. Keating, Grafton, " Jan. 24, " Trans, from Co. K. Sept. 12, 1864 trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. John C. Farrell, Boston, '' Mar. 17, " Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. 572 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. James S. Corliss, J. Nelson Bogman, William Brown, John Mowatt, William Farr, Musician. Walter H. Wild, A rtificer. William Sisson, Jr. . Privates. Atwood, Albert Abby, Charles Allen, Robert N. Agan, William Agan, Daniel Anthony, Peleg Batchelder, Fred. A. P. Babcock, A. Allen Briggs, Jacob Boyle, Patrick Bunker, George F. Burlingame, James E. Beal, Charles Britton, Jeffrey Briggs, Daniel B. Balcobn, John A. Brownell, Josiah F. Brayman, George Black, Edward Blair, Lowell Burgess, Joseph Crayan, Thomas CaUahan, John Crayan, Michael Chandler, Thomas Clark, Benjamin Creighton, John Carroll, John M. Callahan, P^ter Cunliff, William E. Carroll, Thomas J. Campbell, John Connelly, Patrick • Carrique, Thomas II. Davis, Charles R. Devlin, Archibald Dnwson, Thomas A. RESIDENCE. Boston, Mass. Brookline, " Boston, Lawrence, " Jamaica, Vt. Brookline, Mass.. Portsmouth, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Mendon, " New Bedford, " Providence, li. I. N. Providence," Leominster, Mass. New York, N. Y. Foster, R. I. Ireland, N.Bridgewater, Ms Pascoag, R. I. Foxboro, Mass. Dec. 30, 1861. Mar. 17, 1862 R. I. Boston, Foster, Bristol, " Westport, Mass. Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " East Weir, N. H. Pawtucket, R. I. Lynn, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Cranston, " Providence, " Abington, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " »C CC N.Providence," Worcester, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Jan. 18, Mar. 17, " Nov. 3, 1864. Mar. 17, 1862 Aug. 23, 1864 Mar. 17, 1862 Aug. 9," Mar. 17, " Nov. 3, 1864. Mar. 17, 1862. Nov. 10, 1864, Mar. 17, 1862 Aug. 6, " Mar. 17, " Aug. 29, " Mar. 17, " Aug. 28, " Mar. 17, " Sept. 10, " Mar. 17, " " 29, 1864. " 17,1862. Disch. May 6, 1862, on Surg, certif. Wounded severely Oct. 22, 1862, in action Pocotaligo, S. C. ; died Oct. 25, 1862, from wounds. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 29, 1864; deserted April 7, 1864. Disch. Oct. 10, 1862, on Surg, certif. toacceptcommission Feb.7/63. 2d Lieut. 5th R. I. V, Dec. 25, 1862. Re-enlisted Sept. 16, 1864; trans, to Co. 1), Feb. 24, 1865. Killed Aug. 30, 1863, in action Morris Island, S. C, bv explosion of (run. F.nlisted in 3d U.S. Art., Nov. 14, '63. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 18G4; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Deserted March, 1862. Disch. May. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Quartermaster Sergt. May 13, 1863. Disch. May. 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered nut of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Corp. ; re-enlisted Feb. 16, 1864 ; trans. to Co. 1), Feb. 24, 1865. Musteredout of service Mar. 17, 18G5. Died May 19, 1862, of typhoid fever, Disch. Jun. 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. " May 6, 1862, Re-enlisted Feb. 27, 1864; transferred to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12,1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Sergeant ; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Trans, to Co.D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17,1865. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. n " Mar. 17/65. Transferred from Co. K, Sept.12, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Corporal; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept.12, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Corporal; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Art., Nov. 14, 62. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 18b4; trans to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1866. 2d Lieut. Co. II, Jan. 19, 1863. Corp. ; Sergt. ; mustered out of ser vice Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Disch. Aug. 9, 1862, on Surg, cerhi. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 573 NAME AND RANK. Damon, George I). Downs, Frank Dalton, Thomas E. Dresser, Ephraim Damon, William C. Dorrick, Patrick Davis, William Damon, Charles S. Eddy, Job R. Eddy, John L. Earle, James H. Frowley, Henry Fuller, Holman Fish, Joseph II. Farrar, Henry R. Goodwin, George F\ ¦Goff, 11. A. Gifford, Oscar F. Goff, George 0. Gardiner, John C. Greene, Albert D. Garretty, James Gibson, George Glancey, John Gardiner, William A. Gifford , George W. Gardiner, Lorenzo T. Granger, Jonathan T. Glines, Charles E. Hooper, Peter Hopkins, Henry W. Heaton, Goorge S. Hopkins, George L. Hazen, George E. Hughes, Peter Horton, WiUiam A. Hannaway, Terence Harvey, Daniel N. Harrison, John A. Harvey, WilUam J. Hogan, Jeremiah Hare, George M. Haslan, Adam Howe, Martin S. Harrington, Jared A. Jordon, Charles C. Johnson, Joseph W. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Jamaica Plains, Ms Wilton, Maine, Providence, H. I. OlneyviUe, " Westport, Mass. Providence, R. I. Foster, " Bellingham, Mass. Schuyler, N. Y. Fall River, Mass. Boston, " Fall River, Scituate, R. I. Reading, Mass. Rehoboth, " Smithfield, R. I. Rehoboth, Mass. Providence, R. I. Westerly, " Providence, " Boston, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Dartmouth, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Swamscott, Mass. Boston, " Saco, Maine, Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Foster, R. I. Roxbury, Mass. Westerly, R. I. Pawtucket, " S.Kingstown, " Roxbury, Mass. S. Kingstown, R. I. Boston, Mass. Cranston, R. I. Milford, Mass. Foster, R. I. Hopkinton, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 11, 1862. Mar. 17, " July 10, 1863. Mar. 17, 1862 Feb. 11," Mar. 17,' Mar. 17, ' Aug. 23, 1864 Mar. 17, 1862. Sept. 6, " Mar. 17, " Sept. 8, " Mar. 17, " ll H " 19, " 20, 17, Aug. 9, Mar. 17, Sept. 6, Mar. 17, Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. CC CC CC Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Disch. Mar. 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Disch. May. 6, 1862, on Surg, certf. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered outof service Mar. 17, '65. CC .( Cl Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Disch. May 6, 1862, on Surg, certif. " ' 13, Re-enlisted Feb. 18, 1864; trans, to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Died Aug. 25, 1863, from wounds ree'd in action at Morris Island, S. C. Mustered outof service Mar. 17, 1865. Died July 24, 1862, of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1805. Transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Disch. Oct. 4, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. n n i, Corporal; rc-enlisted Jan. 29, '64; and transferred to Co. C. Dis'd July 16, '62, on Surg, certificate. Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate Dis'd July 16, '62, on Surg, certificate Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865 Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Dec. 4, '64. Sergeant; mustered out March 17, '65 Transferred frormCo. K, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865 Mustered out of servioe March 17, '65 Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865 Wounded July 18, 1863, action Morris Island, S. C. ; mustered out of ser vice Mar. 17, 1865. Deserted Sept. 13, 1863. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Wounded severely in leg and side Feb. 20, 1864 ; re-enlisted March 6, 1864, and transferred to Co. C. Dis'd Apr. 19, '64, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. G, April 5, 1862. Died Nov. 2i/C3,atMorrisIsland,S.C. Dis'd July 16, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 ; mustered out of service Dec. 10, '64. 574 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Johnson, Richard F. Jordan, E. B. Kerr, Henry A. King, Isaac Keenan, WilUam A. Kiernan, William Kilburn, Joseph H. Lake, Thomas Lake, George W. Lawrence, Henry C. Lehan, Jeremiah Mitchell, Thomas McVicker, John Mathewson, James A. McKenna, John Morris, Henry J. McMaugh, Stephen Mellon, Hugh McDonald, John McElroy, Edward Mowry, Elisha McParlan, Thomas Mace, George W. McCabe, John Miller, Rufus Mason, Alonzo Morris, Thomas Moore, Robert McMan'us, Thomas Murphy, Patrick Muldoon, James McDonald, Michael Munroe, Thomas McNally, James Murray, James P. McQuade, Patrick E. McDonald, John 2d McGuire, Thomas W. Markey, John McCaughey, Frank Nichols, Moses E. Nolan, Patrick Olney, Daniel S. O'Brien, James Osgood, Samuel A. RESIDENCE. N. Bridgewater, Ms. E. Randolph, " Boston, " Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Tiverton, R. I. Providence, " Groton, Mass. Providence, R. I. N.Bridgewater, Ms, Providence, R. I. Central Falls, " Providence, ' ' Boston, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Natick, Mass. Providence, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Boston, " Westerly, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. VaUey Falls, Providence, N. Reading, Mass, Olneyville, R. I. Smithfield, R. I. Providence, " Woburn, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 17, 1862. Nov. 4, 1863. Mar. 17, 1862. tt tt July 7, Mar. 17, Nov. 16, Mar. 17, Dec. 8, Mar. 17, Nov. 10, Aug. 20, 1864.1862.1864.1862. 1864.1862. 1864.1802. Mar. 17, " Aug. 8, 1864. Mar. 17, 1862, Aug. 17, 1864 Mar. 17, 1862, Sept. 23, 1863. Mar. 17, 1862. Jan. 11, " Mar. 24, " Jan. 30, " Mar. 19, " Aug. 29, " Mar. 17, " Feb. 3, " Mar. 17, 1862 Aug. 31, 1863 Mar. 17, 1862. REMARKS. Re-enUsted Feb. 27, 1864 ; transferred to Co, C, April 23, 1864. Deserted March 18, 1862. Corporal; mnstered but March 17, '65\ Transferred to Co. D, Feh. 24, 1866. Re-ehUsted Feb. 29, 1S64; Commissary Sergeant, Nov 1, 1864. Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 29/64,and transferred to Co. C. Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64;. mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Dee. 5, '64. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Dec. 3, '64. Enlisted in 3dU. S. Art'y, Nov. 13, '62. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864 ; died Nov. Nov. 10, 1864, at Ander- sonvUle, Ga. \ Dis'd July. 16, '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Dec. 4, '64. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865: Transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transf d to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Died Aug. 10, 1862, of typhoid fever. Transfd tq Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 1, '64, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Deserted Mar. 18, 1862. Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65. Transfd from Co. B, Sept. 12, 1864 ; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1866. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transfd from Co. G, Sept 12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 9; '65. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd'May — , '62, on Surg, certificate. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of service Jan. 11, '65. Deserted Aug. 12, 1862. Transfd from Co. K; mustered out ¦ of service Feb. 9, 1865. Deserted Aug. 12, 1862. Transfd from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; transfd to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Transfd from Co. K, Sept.^12, 1864; mustered out of service Feb. 9, 65. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Transferred from Co. K, Sept. 12, '64; transferred to Co. D,Feb. 24, 1865. Dis'd May 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. THIRD, REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY . ARTILLERY. 575 NAME AND RANK. O'Brien, Patrick O'ReiUey, John O'Brien, Thomas O'Brien, William Perkins, Albert W. Perry, James E. Packard, Benjamin Porter, James Pierce, Charles L. Patterson, Edward A. Pierce, Alfred J. Pratt, Phineas M. Perkins, Isaac H. Ringolds, Frederic Ryan, Thomas Richardson, James Roach, Patrick Ring, Alfred G. H. Robbins, Tarbell W. Reiley, Peter Sawyer, Elbridge Sisson, Charles F. Swain, Theron L. Salisbury, Fenner Spooner, Samuel T. Sullivan, Timothy Shield, John Stevens, Elijah Sanford, Joseph M. Sonner, Christopher Smith, William R. Sweetland, George Sherman, William M. Shattuck, Charles M. Stoddard, William Sullivan, James R. Sawyer, Albert Staniels, Dwight P. Sutherland, Joseph Smith, Charles H. Studley, Henry Jr. Spear, Seth A. Scott, Timothy A. Simpson, George Tibbetts, Thomas W. Thompson, John 0. RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Saugus, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. N.Bridgewater, Ms. Providence, R. I. Westerly, S. Danvers, Mass. Franklin, " Fall River, " Saugus, " Bridgewater, " Boston, " Pittsfield, N. H. Mason. " Woonsocket, R. I. Saco, Maine, Portsmouth, R. I. Abington, Mass. Scituate, R. I. Fair Haven, Mass. Boston, " Newport, R. I. E.Greenwich, " Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Boston, " Hanover, " Providence, R. I. Saco, Maine, Boston, Mass. Pawtucket, R I. S. Milford, Mass. Boston, " Providence, R. I. Lynn, Mass. Lowell, " Jan. 18, 1862. Feb. 1, Mar. 17, " " 31, " « 17j u Jan. 24, " Mar. 17, " " 10, " « 1?) c, DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. Apr.Mar. 23, 1864 18, " 17, 1862 Dec. 27, 1864. fl tl Mar. 17, 1862. Transferred froraCo. K, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Feb. 9, 1865 Transferred from Co. K, Sept.. 12, '64 mustered out of service Fob. 9, 1865 Dis'd May 9, '63, on Surg, certificate Dis'd July 16, '62, on Surg, certificate Mustered out of service March 17, '65 Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Feb. 9, '65 Mustered out of service March 17, '65 Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 mustered out of service Mar. 17, '65 Mustered out of service March 17. '65 Enlisted in 3d U. S. A., Nov. 14, '62, Transferred from Co. C, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1365 Transferred from Co. G, Sept. 12, '64 transferred to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865 Dis'd Feb. 10, '63, on Surg, certificate In Finlev Hospital, Washington, D C, June 1, 1864. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Wounded in leg Sept. 11, 1863, by ex plosion of torpedo in Fort Wagner, Morris Island; leg amputated; dis'd June 24, 1864, on Surg, certificate. Corporal ; enlisted in 3d U. S. Artille ry, Nov. 14, 1862. Corporal ; re-enlisted March 28, 1864; transferred to Co. D. Mustered out of service March 17, '65. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. tt it ft Enlisted in 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 14, 1862. Trans, from Co. G, Sept. 12, 1864 ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24. 1865. Trans, from Co. G, Sept 12, 1864. Mustered outof service Mar. 17, 1865. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Feb. 14, 1865. Corporal; Sergeant; mustered out of service March 17, 1865. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 14, 1862. Mustered out of serv. Mar. 17, 1865. Deserted Mar. 18, 1862, at New York. Enlisted in 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 14, 1862. Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. cc tl il Re-enlisted Feb. 16, 1864 ; Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Disch. Oct. 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. " May, 1862, Mustered out of service Mar. 17,1865. Disch. July 16, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Mar. 17,1865. 576 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Thompson, Josiah W./ Plympton, Mass. Mar. 17, 1862. Wounded in action James Island, Oct. 25, 1862 ; re-enlisted Feb. 26, 1864; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Thomas, James Duxbury, " cc cc Disch. Mar. 15, 1863, on Surg, certif. Taft, Hufus A. S. Milford, " it ll Mustered out of service Mar. 17, 1865. Whipple, Charles Providence, R. I. It tl •i n t. Whittington, Eugene " a it Feb. 26, 1864. Trans, to Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Whittington, Geo. B.C. it it Mar. 17, 1862. Re-enlisted Feb. 28, 1864 ; transferred to Co. I), Feb. 24, 1865. Warner, Henry B. Aug. 2, 1864. Trans, to D, Feb. 24, 1865. Wilbur, Christopher K. Smithfield, " Mar. 17, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864; transferred Co. D, Feb. 24, 1865. Whipple, Calvin Lowell, Mass. Trans, from Co. K, Sept. 12, 1864; mustered out of serv. Jan. 7, 1865. Williams, John G. Bath, Maine, CC it Enlisted in 3d U. S. Art. Nov. 14, '62. Walker, Ailing H. W. Boylston, Mass. It tt Re-cnlisted FY'b. 27, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C, April 23, 1864. Weaver, Charles E. Boston, " tt It Deserted March 18, 1862, at N. York. Williams, Charles A. Dighton, " It tt Musteredout of service Mar. 17,1865. Ycager, Charles Boston, " it cc Re-enlisted Feb. 29, 1864; trans, to Co., D Feb. 24, 1865. THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY AHTII.LERY. 577 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Allen, Andrew July 26, 1864. Arnold, James H. Exeter, R. I. Mar. 21, 1862. Discb. at N. Y., for disability ; never reported to the regiment. Bradley, Benjamin F. Dec. 14, 1861. Deserted. Hell, H. E. Georgia, Jan. 11, 1862. " at Providence, R. I. Beckwith, James W. Connecticut, July 29, 1864. Boozan, Richard Ireland, Aug. 23," Bohning, Christian April 13, 1865 Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Courtney, Eugene D. Providence, R. I. Sept. 6, 1862 Deserted. Clemmons, John Ireland, July 13, 1864. Cuoney, Patrick 1C " 15," Clemence, Zachary T. April 13,1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Cobb, Wallace A. " " cc cc CC Dow, Tristam S. Smithfield, R. I. Sept. 21, 1862. Convalescent Camp at Virginia. liouglass, James Providence, " Jan. 20, 1868. Deserted. Devlin, Charles B. c. .c Mar. 17, 1864. Dailey, George Kentucky, Aug. 19, " Fitzgerald, Daniel Jan. 3, 1862. cc Fox, Charles Providence, R. I. Sept. 4, " " at N. Y. on the way. Fleming, Thomas July 20, 1864. Franklin, Charles New York, N. Y. Nov. 23, " Fuller, Dennis Ireland, Dec. 31, " Discharged Jan. 26, 1865. for disability. Furlong, James Mar. 31, 1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Hains, Joseph Dec. 16, 1861. Deserted. Hall, Joseph Plainfield, Conn. Feb. 18, 1862. Left at N. Y., accidentally. Howard, John C. Providence, R. I. " 17, 1864. Hogan, Thomas Ireland, July 27, " Hanley, John Dec. 8, " Disch. Jan. 9, 1865, for disability. Johnson, Andrew " 16, 1861. Deserted. Kellehan, John Jan. 1, 1862. cc King, Isaac Scituate, II. I. April 1, " CC Kimball, John Woodstock, Vt. Nov. 4, 1864. Karney, John Dec. 7, " Disch. Jan. 9, 1865, for disability. Kennedy, William Apr. 12, 1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Largervire, Andrew Canada, Mar. 6, 1862. Deserted at N. Y., on the way. Lock, Thomas Providence, R.I. Sept. 6, " Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Moore, Samuel T. Exeter, " Mar. 21," u McGaughey, Joseph Providence, " Feb. 19, 1864. McCann, Jeremiah Ireland, July 21, " McSoley, James Rhode Island, " 22, " Norris, John New York, N. Y. " 26, " Remington, C. A. Providence, R. I. Feb. 19, 1862. u Smith, C. P. Willimantic, Conn. Jan. 22, " u Snay, David Canada, July 27, 1864. Dish. Sept. 6, 1864, for disability. Snay, George H. cc (l it " Aug. 31, " " Starkweather, Wm. R. Mar. 27, 1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Tobins, William H. Providence, R. I. Sept. 8, 1862. Deserted at N. Y. Tyral, John Ireland, July 28, 1864. Warner, James England, " 23," 73 578 THIRD REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. BAND DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Band Master. William F. Marshall, Aug. 15, 1861. Musicians. . Arnold, Nelson H. ' 1 " Booth, Samuel C ll Buckley, Thomas I it Discharged September '. , 1862. Buckley, John I tt it cc tl Bedford, James i I tl Burroughs, Joseph I t It Cavanagh, John I It Doran, James t tl cc c. ft Featberstone, Thomas I tt tl tt tf Greene, Albert C. i tt tt ti ll McNamara, Peter I It tt li tt Roe, John I It Smith, John P. I ll , It ti ti Sieler, Robert I tl 'I ii ti Sliawcross, Wright - I ti it ll tt Shea, John I cc Shea, Daniel c cc It tt a Walsh, William A. c it It Cl li Walsh, Richard t it ll tt tt Waterhouse, Giles t it Walker, John t ft tl ll tt Whitworth, Thomas t it Fifth Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery. The Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers was organized at "Camp Greene," in October, 1861, from which it was transferred to " Camp Slocum," on the Dexter Training Ground in Providence. It was enlisted as a Battalion under autliority received by General Burnside from the War Department, as a part of his " Coast Division," with the ultimate design of being made a full regi ment. In about seven weeks five companies were (illed, and on the 27th of December, after being reviewed by Governor Sprague, the battalion departed for Annapolis, Md., to join the expedition to North Carolina. On Thursday, January 9th, 1862, the Fifth embarked on board the transport Kitty Simpson for Fortress Monroe, and there joined the fleet destined to Hatteras Inlet. In common with the entire fleet, the ship experienced severe weather on the voyage, and on reaching the Inlet encountered great peril in crossing the bar. The Fifth made a part of the third brigade under General Parke, and while lying inside the bar was transferred from the transport to the Steamer S. R. Spaulding, General Burnside's head quarters. On the 6th of February, a detachment of the battalion, under Lieutenant Andrews of the 9th New York, acting as Aide to General Burnside, made a boat reconnoissance for a suitable place to land. While thus engaged, Charles Viall of Providence was wounded, thus giving to Rhode Island the honor of having shed the first blood in the expedition. On the 7th of February, a landing was effected and the battle of Roanoke Island was fought. In this battle the Fifth was brought under a heavy fire, but fortunately suffered no casualty. In the battle of Newbern, March 14th following, it took a conspicuous and gallant part, losing four men killed and seven wounded. Among the former was Lieutenant Henry It. Pierce, who fell shot through the breast while enthusiastically ' encouraging his men to action. Lieutenant Pierce had been Principal of the High School in Woonsocket, R. I., and abandoned the profession of teaching from a sense of duty. In his short military career he proved himself a good soldier. His remains were brought to the place of his former labors, and April 29th were deposited in Oak Hill Cemetery with military honors. 580 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. After the battle of Newbern, the Fifth had its camp at Newport City, and for a time was engaged in guarding a par.t of the railroad leading from that place to Beaufort, and in repairing the damage done to it by the retreating enemv. It also rebuilt a bridge 180 feet long, destroyed by the rebels. In the bombard ment of Fort Macon, April 26th, the Fifth took part, and on the surrender was assigned tlie honor of taking possession. The interest of the occasion was enhanced by the formal reception of two beautiful colors inscribed with the names of " Roanoke" and " Newbern," both gifts of ladies of Providence. On entering the fort, General Burnside leading the column, the battalion ascended to the ramparts, and marching once round, planted the national ensign in the sight of surrounding thousands, while Captain Joe Greene pealed forth from his bugle " The Star Spangled Banner" and " The Red, White and Blue." In May, after the fall of Fort Macon, the camp of the Fifth was on Bogue Banks near by, where it remained until General Burnside was called to the aid. of General McClellan on the Peninsula, when it went to Beaufort, where Major Wright, who resigned July 25th, became military commandant, and Lieutenant William W. Douglas was appointed Provost Marshal of the Dis trict, the duties of which office were discharged with firmness and excellent judgment. In the imposing pageant of the sword presentation, which occurred at Newbern June 20th, mentioned at pages 6 and 119, the Fifth participated with "the Fourth in performing escort duty. The presentation address of General Mauran, and the reply of General Burnside were befitting the occa sion, and a rainbow spanning the heavens at the moment formed a gorgeous triumphal arch over the uncovered head of the hero. The battalion having attained the proportions of a regiment, Colonel Henry T. Sisson, promoted from Major of the Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, arrived at Beaufort and took command January 9th, 1863. In, March, a plan of the rebels to re-capture Newbern was foiled. Shortly after, Lieutenant-Colonel Job Arnold, who had been identified with the regiment from its organization, left it to join the Seventh Rhode Island. By his soldierly and genial qualities he had greatly endeared himself to both officers and men.. Before leaving, the officers of the line presented him with an elegant sash and field glass, as slight tokens of their regard. An affectionate note signed by every non-commissioned officer and private in the regiment was also addressed to him, giving assurance of their best wishes for his future success and welfare. The health of Chaplain Noyes failing, he resigned August 15th, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Henry S. White, whose watchful care for the men made him particularly acceptable as their spiritual adviser. While on a visit to Rhode Island in May, 1863, he obtained contributions of money amounting to nearly fifteen hundred dollars, besides numerous miscellaneous donations of artieles convenient for camp and hospital use. With the money a varied cargo, in cluding one hundred tons of ice, was purchased and conveyed to Newbern FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 581 for the comfort of the regiment. Rahl's Mills, Kmston, Whitehall, Tarboro and Goldsboro are representative names of military operations subsequent to the capture of Fort Macon. Among the military adventures of the Fifth, the raising of the siege of Little Washington, N. C, must ever occupy the most prominent place as a hazardous and brilliant achievement. Immediately after the capture of New bern, it was occupied by the national forces. Early in April, 1863, informa tion reached Newbern that Major General Foster, commanding this depart ment, who had gone to Little Washington to inspect tlie garrison and defences there, was closely besieged by the enemy. He had with him for the defence of the city the 27th and 44th Regiments Massachusetts Volunteers, one company of the 3d New York Cavalry, and the gunboats Louisiana, Ceres and Commodore Hull. An expedition under the com'mand of Brig adier General Spinola was immediately sent to his relief, but returned unsuc cessful. Another, under the same officer, penetrated to Blunt's Creek, but meet ing the enemy strongly fortified, likewise returned without effecting its purpose. Colonel Sisson on Friday, 10th April, received orders from Brigadier General Palmer to proceed with his command to Little Washington by water. General Palmer signified his intention to take command of the expedition, and Lieutenant Colonel Southard Hoffman, Assistant Adjutant General to General Foster, determined to accompany it. Accordingly about 1 o'clock, P. M., the regiment embarked on board the steamer Escort, Captain Wall, and started from New bern, and the next morning arrived in Pamlico River, and anchored a short dis tance from Manly Point, ten miles below the city of Little Washington. Here was found a fleet of five gunboats and some transports loaded witli provisions, ammunition and forage, being prevented from ascending the river by a blockade which the enemy had established at Hill's Point, and three formidable batteries, — one at Hill's Point, another at Swan's Point nearly opposite, and another at Rodman's Point, commanding the river and the citv. The blockade consisted of a triple row of piles extending across the river, with the exception of a passage about one hundred feet wide, and four hun dred feet from the shore, directly under the guns of the battery. To increase the difficulty in finding the crooked channel, the enemy had removed all the buoys in the river. Saturday was passed in loading with provisions and ammunition from off the transports, and in piling bales of hay on deck so as to protect the engine and boilers from shot and shell. On Sunday morning, in accordance with orders from General Palmer, the expedition got under way, and slowly approached the opening in the blockade and the Hill's Point battery. A fog had arisen about daybreak, and soon became so dense as to prevent further progress, and the steamer was ordered to return to its anchorage. When the fog lifted, the gunboats commenced bombarding the battery at long range, but with no visible effect. Monday morning, fifty vol unteers from the regiment were sent on shore under command of Captain 582 FIFTH REOIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. William W. Douglas and Lieutenant Dutee Johnson. Their landing was covered by the gunboat Valley City, and was effected a short distance below Blunt's Creek. The reconnoissance was conducted with success and credit to the commanding officers and the men who were engaged in it. They dis covered three batteries on the west bank of the creek, commanding its passage and preventing approach to Little Washington by land. In consideration of the previous attempts to reach Little Washington, and of the situation of General Foster and the men composing his garrison, Colonel Sisson deemed it his duty to offer the services of his command to attempt the passage of the blockade. Accordingly he dispatched Major Jameson to Gen eral Palmer, who was on board the Southfield, to volunteer the regiment for such an expedition. He reported to General Palmer, who did not feel warranted in ordering an enterprise of this nature, as it was not possible for him to accompany it, and as the attempt of Sunday morning assured him of the extreme peril with which it would be attended, but allowed the Colonel to make the trial, if in his judgment it were practicable, and offered him tlie assistance of the gunboats if he determined to go. After further deliberation, and a consultation with Lieutenant Colonel Tew and Major Jameson, he decided that the object of the expedition was of sufficient importance to demand the risk he proposed to assume. At 8 o'clock, therefore, on Monday, the Escort again weighed anchor and started for Little Washington. The officers and men not on duty were placed below by per emptory orders, so as to insure their safety as far as possible. Lieutenant Col onel Tew and Major Jameson remained on deck with Colonel Sisson, together with the officer of the day, Captain Henry B. Landers, the officer ofthe guard, Lieutenant Thomas Allen, and a company of sharpshooters who volunteered for that purpose under command of Captain J. M. Potter. The pilot steered safely through the passage in the blockade, grazing only once on the piles. Just as he had cleared the obstructions, the battery opened upon the Escort a terrific fire from a distance of about four hundred yards. The progress was very slow, owing to the shallowness of the water and the extreme crookedness of the channel. The gunboats engaged the battery and distracted their attention somewhat, but did not pass above the blockade. The shots from the enemy, as had been anticipated, were thrown very mucli at random on account of the darkness, and the Escort passed by unhurt. The battery on the opposite shore at Swan's Point attempted to make its respects, but succeeding in paying only an empty compliment. As the channel became wider and deeper, the Captain of the Escort crowded on all steam and soon passed over the six or eight miles separating it from Rodman's Point. Here the navigation became more intricate, and' the steamer was twice obliged to stop completely in order to be certain of her situation. The enemy at fort Rodman were prepared to greet the Escort warmly, as the previous firing below had warned them of her approach. The channel FIFTH RKGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 583 lay close to the bank, and their guns opened on her at about three hundred yards distance. Although they were better aimed than before, the shots pass ing harmlessly over, only a few striking the boat and lodging in the hay. The shore was lined with sharpshooters, who fired upon the steamer with no effect except to provoke a few answering shots. Another mile passed at full speed brought the Escort to the wharf at Little Washington without injury to any one on board. The passage of the blockade with a large unarmed steamer convinced the enemy of its inefficiency ; and despairing of tlieir attempt to starve out the garrison, they evacuated their works Tuesday night, 14th April, and left General Foster in undisputed possession of the post. In his official report of the expedition, Colonel Sisson says, " I would speak particularly of Lieutenant Colonel Tew and Major Jameson, whose advice and support materially aided me in the conception and undertaking of our expedition, and of Captain William W. Douglas, who, during the reconnoissance of Monday morning, displayed great coolness and bravery in proceeding in company with Sergeant Major J. J. Hatlinger, in advance of his men, directly under the enemy's guns, to prepare an accurate sketch of their position. Captains H. B. Landers and Isaac M. Potter, Lieutenant Thomas Allen, and Sergeants Mott and Conger were at their posts on deck during the night, and ably performed their respective duties." The Massachusetts 44th, the garrison of the post, felt deeply the impor tant service thus rendered, and on the 25th of April, Colonel Francis L. Lee communicated to Colonel Sisson a series of resolutions thanking him and his regiment for an act of valor that raised the siege, and subsequently presented the Fifth with a set of colors. At a later elate, while on a visit to Boston, Colonel Sisson received from the lady friends of tlie Massachusetts 44th an elegant sword, sash and belt, together with two massive pieces of silver, in token of their appreciation of his services. The General Assembly of Rhode Island, at its May session in 1863, passed a resolution of thanks to Colonel Sisson and the officers and men of the regiment for the gallantry and heroism displayed in raising the siege here related. Almost immediately on landing at Little Washington, the regiment was assigned positions in the trenches and forts on the right of the line of defence, where it remained until the enemy abandoned the siege as hopeless. April 16th, Lieutenant-Colonel Tew, with companies D, E, G, H and I, was detailed to take possession of Rodman's Point, and on the 22d the residue of the regi ment returned to Newbern, followed on the 24th by the companies left behind. During several months in the early part of 1864, company A had been stationed at Croatan, N. C. This place is situated on the line of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, twelve miles south of Newbern, about half a mile east of Boyce's Creek, and six miles from Havelock, going south. Croatan is an isolated place, and exceedingly difficult of access except by rail road, and had been held since the capture of Newbern simply to prevent 584 FIFTH RKGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. guerrillas from tearing up the railroad track and cutting the telegraph wires. About 7 1-2 o'clock on the morning of the 5th instant, the enemy appeared in considerable force at Croatan, having effected the crossing of Boyce's Creek at a point above our pickets. Arriving at the Station, they immediately surrounded the force stationed there in preparation for an attack, and to prevent the pos sibility of any escaping. In the meantime Captain Aigan collected his men, and threw his entire command into the fort at that place, which had one small gun, a six pounder howitzer, and opened a vigorous fire on the enemy. A des perate fight ensued, lasting one hour and a half, when, at 12 o'clock, M., the enemy demanded an unconditional surrender. This was refused by Captain Aigan. Subsequently, however, seeing he could maintain his position but a short time, and the ammunition for the field piece being exhausted, he agreed at 3 o'clock p. M., to a conditional surrender. The force brought against Captain Aigan, as stated to him by the rebel General Dearing, was at least 1600 men. During the fight. 184 rounds were fired from the single cannon with which the fort was defended, and the rifles of the men became so hot that they had to be held by the slings. This determined defence excited the admiration even of the enemy, and drew from their General remarks complimentary to the bravery of the Union commander. Fortunately not one Of Captain Aigan's command was killed and but one wounded. The loss of the enemy was not less than twenty killed and wounded. The rebels violated the terms of capitulation in every particular but one, and that was, that the little garrison should march out with the honors of war. This was done to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." The men and officers were afterwards shamefully robbed of their private property. Captain Aigan and Chaplain W hite, (who had been on a visit to the post,) were permitted at first to retain their swords, but in less than an hour they were taken away by General Dearing's order. The Chaplain found it difficult to retain his spurs and gauntlets, and his horse that had been shot in action was stripped of all the accoutrements, including the Chaplain's blanket, while officers high in rank insisted that Captain Aigan should give up his dress coat. The treatment of the prisoners on the march, and in the prisons at Kinston, Macon and Andersonville, was inhuman in the extreme. Of the fifty-one captured, thirty-two died in prison, seven died elsewhere, and one was shot in attempting to escape. Captain Aigan was taken to Charleston with other officers to be placed under fire, and was moved thence to Columbia, S. C. After several attempts to escape he finally succeeded February 14th, 1865, and on the 19th of the same month came within the Federal lines. January 26th, 1865, he was promoted to be Major "for gallant services during the war." Chaplain White and Lieutenant William H. Durfee were exchanged in 1864. The former spent a short time at the North to recuperate, and returned to duty with the regiment at Newbern, November 30th. After the return of the regiment, it re-occupied its old Camp (Camp An thony.) One Company (F,) having for some two or three months garrisoned fort Rowan, resumed its duties at that fort. From this time detachments FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 585 from the 5th were frequently sent by order of General Foster to Deep Gully and Batcheldor's Creek to re-enforce the picket guard ; but no engagement or skirmish of note occurred at any time. General Foster, pleased with the manner in which fort Rowan was garrisoned, ordered, towards the latter part of May, that Colonel Sisson should garrison, in addition to fort Rowan, fort Totten, the largest fort about Newbern and not wholly completed at that time. Besides the regular duty, the Fifth did a large amount of work in perfecting this fortification. Soon after, Colonel Sisson's command was extended to the forts on the south side of the Trent, all of which tho Fifth contributed largely to put in a state of defence. From this time till it was mus tered out, the regiment constantly furnished from fifty to a hundred detailed and detached non-commissioned officers and privates for various kinds of duty, as clerks, store keepers, wagoners, &c, in the various departments of the ser vice. At the siege of Newbern, in February 1864, Colonel Sisson's command, with the Fifth as the principal part of it, constituted the right centre division of the defence. On the 3d of February, at midnight, the rebels succeeded in cutting out and sinking a gunboat lying in the Neuse river between forts Ste phenson and Anderson. Among the prisoners were Acting Assistant Paymaster Edward H. Sears, and Henry Earle, Paymaster's Clerk, both of Providence. May 1st, company C, Captain Douglas, and company E, Captain Hopkins, who had been stationed at Little Washington with the force under General Harlan, withdrew from that place, leaving it in flames, and returned to New- hern. For some months Colonel Tew had the immediate command of fort Totten, being next in command to Colonel Sisson. Major Jameson who had had temporary command of fort Totten was subsequently removed to fort Rowan. During the remainder of the time while Colonel Sisson commanded the Fifth, nothing unusual occurred except the attack of the rebels in May 18G4, already related. The regiment did constant duty of the most varied kind. It was a matter of remark that if a detail was to be made for any difficult work the Fifth was sure to be called upon. On the departure of Colonel Sisson, Colonel Tew took command of the regiment. The regiment was now succeeded at forts Totten and Rowan by the 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. The Fifth was assigned to forts Spinola, Gaston and Amory on the south side of the Trent, and forts Anderson and Chase on the north side of the Neuse, the whole under command of Colonel Tew. This was effected as soon as the former subordinate commanders of the forts on the north side of the Neuse could turn over their commands and invoice Government property. Fort Anderson was perhaps the most important post about Newbern, as rebels and refugees were constantly coming in at that point, and many difficult ques tions had to be decided in the course of a week. Captain Robinson had immediate eommand of the fort. The headquarters of the regiment were established in the city, except during the prevalence of the yellow fever, when 74 586 EIFTH REGIMENT ItHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. they were temporarily removed to fort Spinola. Being stationed outside the city, the regiment did not suffer greatly from that terrible epidemic, the mortality from which in the city was frightful. Lieutenant Turner, who died at regimental headquarters, was the first victim. The regiment lost about ten by this disease, which was a very small number considering that for weeks the number of deaths was fifty per day. About the 1st of March Colonel Tew was placed in command of the forts about Newbern which were now garrisoned by the Fifth and detachments from other regiments, which disposition of troops continued until after the surrender of Lee. During the forward movement from Newbern, the regiment in addition to its other duties furnished the pro vost guard for the city, patrols for picking up deserters and stragglers, guards for conveying convalescents and others to the front, a guard for the trains run ning to Goldsboro and afterwards to Raleigh, a picket guard for precaution against incursions by guerrilla bands, and performed various other kinds of duty in the city, at outposts and at the front. Many times a large percentage of the men was sick in hospital or in quarters, from the effects of the severe duty imposed upon them. Although during this period the regiment did not go to the front, the officers and men would willingly have exchanged places with any regiment in the field, and even went so far as to ask the Commanding General to be sent there. But the experience of the regiment in the care of fortifica tions and the use of heavy guns, as well as the general work pertaining to garrison duty, caused it to be detained at Newbern. Although made up in part of substitutes and recruits from different parts of the country, the regiment in point of discipline and character was equal to any about Newbern. From the several commanding generals under whom it served, its prompt performance of duty and general conduct elicited expressions of praise. The regiment was mustered out of service at Newbern, June 26th, 1865, and set out immediately for home, under the command of Colonel George W. Tew. It arrived in the steamer Nansit, between eleven and twelve o'clock on the morning of July 4th, amid the joyous demonstrations of the national holiday. As soon as its arrival was announced, companies A and B of the Mechanic Rifles, under Lieutenant-Colonel Harrington, were detached from the line of the city procession then moving, to escort the returning veterans to the position that had been previously assigned them in the line, which duty was handsomely performed. On the march they were warmly cheered. After the procession was dismissed the regiment marched to Howard Hall, where a bountiful collation had been provided. His Excellency Governor Smith and a large number of officers and citizens were on the platform. After the men had taken their places at the tables, the Governor made an address of welcome. In behalf of the people he thanked them for the gallant part they had borne in the great struggle which terminated in the overthrow of treason. Their services would ever be held in grateful remembrance by the State. He FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 587 then introduced Ex-Governor Hoppin, who in a few earnest words expressed the appreciation by the people of the labors and privations they had undergone to vindicate the national flag. General Burnside was then introduced, and as he came forward was greeted with prolonged cheers. He addressed the men as old comrades in arms, and said he was glad to welcome them home and join in a popular ovation to their patriotism and gallant deeds. The regi ment joined his expedition to North Carolina, and with him entered upon its career of duty. It soon made a noble record, and won his regard by the soldierly qualities it exhibited. He said he was proud of them as comrades, and should ever carry with him the remembrance of their honorable career. They had now returned to the walks of peace, and he had no doubt all would exhibit in the future a record as fair and noble as it had been in the past. At the close of the collation the troops resumed their arms, and were soon after dismissed. Fifth Regiment fthode Island Heavy Artillery. FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND RANK. Colonels. Henry T. Sisson, George W. Tew, Lieut. Colonels. Job Arnold, George W. Tew, Majors. John Wright, George W. Tew, Thorndike C. Jameson. Adjutants. Charles H. Chapman, James M. Wheaton, Charles F. Gladding, Christ. W. Howland, Benj. F. Underwood, Quartermasters. Munro H. Gladding, William M. Prouty, Charles E. Lawton, Charles F. Gladding, Surgeons. Ephraim L. Warren, Albert Potter, Jerome B. Greene, Assistant Surgeons. Albert Potter, Jerome B. Greene, Chaplains. Mc Walter B. Noyes, Henry S. White, RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Newport, •' Providence, " Newport, " Providence, " Newport, " Providence, " Newport, " Warren, Providence, " E.Greenwich," Westerly, '' Providence, " Warren, DATE OF MUSTER. Nov. 5, 1862. Not mustered. Jan. 7, 1863. Mar. 2, Dec. 16, 1861. Mar. 2, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861, June 9, 1862. Feb. 14, 1863. Jan. 1, 1865. " 27, " Dec. 16, 1861. Feb. 14, 1863. Jan. 1, 1864. Dec. 5, Dec. 10, 1862. Dec. 4, 1863. Jan. 18, 1865. Oct. 10, 1861. June 17, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861. Jan. 7, 1863. Honorably discharged the service on account of disability, Oct. 5, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Lieut.-Col. 7th R. I. V., Mar. 2, 1863. Colonel Oct. 14, 1864. Appointed from Capt. 2d R. I. V., Nov. 7, 1861 ; resigned Aug. 25,'62. Lieutenant-Colonel March 2, 1863. Dismissed the service Feb. 2, 1865. Resigned May 10, 1862. Trans, to Co. F, Feb. 28, 1864. Trans, from Co. F, Feb. 28,1864; Quartermaster Jan. 1, 1865. Trans, to Co. A, Feb. 10, 1865. Trans, from Co. H, Feb. 11, 1865; mustered out of service June 26,'65. Died Nov. 2, 1862, at Beaufort, N. C, in Hospital. Died Jan. 1, 1864, at Newbern, N. C. " of apoplexy, Dec. 20, 1864, at Newbern, N. C. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Appointed Dec. 10, 1862 ; honorably discharged on account of disability Nov. 7, 1863. Mustered oul of service Dec. 22, 1864. " June 26, 1865. Surgeon Dec. 5. 1863. Appointed May 25, 1863; Surgeon Jan. 11, 1865. Resigned Aug. 16, 1862. Appointed Jan. 22, 1863 ; taken pris oner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C.; exchanged ; mustered out of service Dec. 22, 1864. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 589 NAME AND RANK. Sergeant Majors. Joseph C. Hatlinger, Joshua C. Drown, Jr. Patrick Hayes, Quartermaster Sergeants. William M. Prouty, Lewis T. Hall, Commissary Sergeants. Joseph P. Sisson, Charles E. Beers, Richard A. Brown, Hospital Stewards. Charles F. Gladding, John K. Burlingame, RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Warren, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warren, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 12, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861. Aug. 15, 1862. Dec. 1, " 16, 1861. Aug. 11, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861. Aug. 14, 1862. REMARKS. Discharged to accept appointment in 2d N. C. V., July 17, 1863. 2d Lieut. Dec. 5, 1864 ; declined com mission ; mustered out of service Dec. 23, 1864. Mustered outof service June 26, 1865. 1st Lt. and Quartermaster Feb. 14,'63. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. June 1, 1863, on Surg, certif. 2d Lieutenant Co. G, Feb. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65 . 1st Lieutenant Co. F, Feb. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. 590 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY A. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Jonathan M. Wheeler, James Gregg, John Aigan, 1st Lieutenants. Daniel S. Remington, Dutee W. Johnson, Christ. W. Howland, 2d Lieutenants. Levi. F. Goodwin, William H. Durfee, Jr. Silas T. Burbank, Robert S. Brownell, Edward F. Angeli, Allen F. Cameron, Benj. F. Underwood, Charles Perriga, Joshua C. Drown, Jr. Corporals. James MoEwan, Richard Arnold, Caleb W. Colvin, Samuol R. Eddy, Privates. Adams, Sabin Augustus, Loudon, Augustus, Alfred Bane, Frederick Briggs, Jonathan Bourn, George O. Bishop, Benjamin Briggs, George E. Barney, Caleb H. Brady, James RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. n it Pawtucket, " Providence, " Bristol, Providence, " Newport, " Providence, " S.Kingstown,"S. Scituate, " Westerly, " Elinira, N. Y. Wan-en, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, " Blackstone, Mass. Warwick, R. I. Milford, Mass. Morehead, N. C. Somerset, Mass. Foster, R. I. Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Deo. 27, 1861 Feb. 14, 1863. " 11, 1864. " 14, 1863. Dec. 5, 1864. Feb. 19, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861. " 15, 1862. " 16, 1861, Sept. 10, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861. Nov. 11, 1863. it t, July 9, " :' 29, " Dec. 16, 1861. " 27, " Resigned Aug. 4, 1862. Honorably discharged on account of disability, Dec. 21, 1863. Taken prisoner at Croatan, N. C, May 5, '64; escaped from prison, Feb. 19, '65 ; mustered out June 26, '65. Resigned Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered out of service Dec. 22, 1864. Transfd from Adjutant Feb. 10, '65; mustered out of service Juno 26, '65. Resigned Aug. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner, May 5, '64, at Croa tan, N. C. ; exchanged ; mustered out of service Mar. 15, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 12, '62, on Surg, certificate. Wounded Mar. 14, 1862; discharged Dec. 11, 1862, on Surg, certificate. 1st Lieutenant Co. G, Feb. 14, 1863. Discharged June 25, 1864, to accept commission as 1st Lieutenant, 11th U. S. (colored) Heavy Artillery. 2d Lieut. Co. H, Dec. 6, 1864, (not must'd); IstLieut. Co.H, Jan. 1, '65. Died April 2, '62, at Providence, R. I., from wounds received at battle of Newbern, N. C. Sergeant Major July 18, 1863. Sergt. May 1, '62 ; transfd to Co. K. Dis'd Aug. 12, '62, on Surg, certificate. Discharged Jan. 10, 1863. Sergeant ; taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Nov. 19, '64, in prison at Mellen, Ga., of chronic diarrhoea. Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. u it it Taken prisoner, May 5, '64, at Croa tan, N. C; died Aug., 2, '64, at An dersonville, Ga. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64; taken pris oner, May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. , exchanged Mar. 1, '65; mus tered out of service, June 26, 1865. Wagoner; mustered out Dec. 16, '64. Dis'd Jan. 13, '64, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; Sergeant; discharged Jan. 14, '64,to receive Commission in U. S. C. T. Taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Dec. 1, '64, of chronic diarrhoea, on. steamer Baltic, on pas sage from Savannah to Annapolis, Md. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 591 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Ballou, Dennis G. Boss, Edward F. Burgess, Benjamin K. Brewer, William Bently, Benjamin Clark, Frank S. Connolly, John Collins, Thomas Copeland, Charles Colvin, Edward 0. Campbell, David Caswell, William F. Chace, Charles F. Curtis, Charles F. Champlin, John B. Delaney, Charles Drown, Joshua C. Doyle, James Doolittle, George L. Eaton, Amos Eddy, James M. Farrell, Patrick Fee, Arthur Fenton, Herbert George, John Gray, Owen Gray, Michael Goudy,John Slatersville, R. I. Newport, " Providence, " Warwick, Hadley, Mass. Blackstone, " Warren, R. I. Newport, " Warren , New York, N. Y. Warren, R. I. Olneyville, " Providence, " Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. tt tt Olneyville, " Providence, " Woonsocket, " Dec. 16, 1861. " 23, " Aug 30, 1862. July 13, 18G3. " 9, " Aug. 1, " July 14, " Dec. 27, 1861. " 16, " tt tt " 23, " tl tt Sept. 1, 1862, July 27, 1863. " 9, " Dec. 16, 1861. Aug. 15, 1862 Dec. 20, 1861 Aug. 21, 1862 Dec. 16, 1861 " 20, " " 1.6, " " 19, " July 10, 1863. Dec. 23, 1861 ' li 1 1 July 10, 1863. Taken prisoner at Plymouth, N. C. ; died Oct. 10, 1864, in prison, at Charleston, S. C. Died March 18, '62, of wounds received in battle of Newbern, N. C. Transfd to Co. G, . 19,Aug. 1863. Transfd to the Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Takon prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; returned Jan. 20, '65 ; mus tered out of servico June 26, 1865. Taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; paroled ; absent sick in hos pital, June 26, 1865. , Taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; exchanged Dec. 3, ' 64 ; mus tered out of service June 26, 1865. Taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; died July, '64, at Anderson ville, Ga. Died Oct. 27, 1862. Corporal; re-enlisted Jan. 4,1864; taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug., '64, at An dersonville, Ga. Died Sept. 16, 1862, in hospital, at Beaufort, N. C. Died Dec 12, 1862. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864; at Cro atan, N. C. ; escaped Dec., '64; died in Warren, R. I., Jan. 19, 1865, of diarrhoea and typhoid fever. Deserted Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, I860. Re-enlisted Mar. 1, 1864; taken pris oner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; died at Andersonville, Ga., Feb. 22, 1865. Dis'd July 7. '63, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, ' 64 ; taken pris oner at Croatan, N. C May 5, 1864; died July, 1864, at Anderson ville, Ga. Taken prisoner May 5, ' 64, at Croatan, ' N. C. ; died July, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64; taken pris oner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Aug., '64, at Andersonville, Ga. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64; taken pris oner May 5, '64, at Croatan-, N. C. ; exchanged; died Dec. 30, '64, at Annapolis, Md.-,of chronic diarrhoea. Mustered out of service, Nov. 21, '64 ; died on passage from Newbern, N. C., to Fortress Monroe. Taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croatan, N. C ; died Nov. 9, 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Corp. ; discharged May 11, 1864, on Surgeon's certificate. Corp. ; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. Disch. Sept. 12, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Dec. 31, '64. Taken prisoner May, 5, 1864, at Cro atan, N. C. ; died June 7, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. 592 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLKRY. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Garvey, William ¦ July 10, 1863. Taken prisoner May 6. 1864, at Cro- aton, N. C. ; died July 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Hanley, Thomas Providence, R. I. Dec. 16, 1861. Corp. ; Sergt. ; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Sept. 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Hopkins, John 0. Glocester, " tl ll Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Higgins, Charles Olneyville, '' tt tl " Feb. 7, 1863, " Hackett, Edward Providence, " it il Mustered out of service Dec. 31,1864. Heath, James O. Portsmouth, " ll ll Deserted June 25, 1863. Hampstead, John Providence, " (( tt Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died July 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Hawkins, Daniel F. Newport, '" " 23, " Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; taken pris oner Miy 5,1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Sept. '64, at Andersonville, Ga. Hornby, John Johnston, " " 27," Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died St-pt. 1864, at Flor ence, S. C. Hall, Lewis T. Warren, Aug. 15, 1862. Quartermaster Sergeant. Hiscox, Sylvester H. .* n " 21," : Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N: C. ;' exchanged Nov. 30, '64; mustered out of service July 17, '65. Harvey, William " 1, 1863. Deserted Sept. 1863. Holmes, William July 28, " Jan. 1865. Johnson, Andrew J. Aug. 9," Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N C. ; died Aug. 1864 at An dersonville, Ga. Johnson, Daniel B. Warwick, " Dec. 21, 1861. Disch. Jan. 30, 1863. on Surg, certif. Kennedy, Michael Aug. 9, 1863. Sergt. ; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Oct. 4, 1864 at Charleston, S. C. King, George W. Glocester, " Dec. 21. 1861. Disch. on Surgeon's certificate. Kelcghan, Cornelius Aug. 6, 1863. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Kebena, Charles Oct. 10, " Dfserted from Fort Totten. Linahan, Daniel Fall River, Mass. Dec. 16, 1861. Disch. May 5, 1863, on Surg, certif. Lee, Cornelius Johnston, R. I. He-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; taken pris oner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. 0. ; died A ug. '64, at Andersonville, Ga. Leach, John B. Providence, " " 26." Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Livingston, John ' 16, " Trans, from Co. K, Aug. 2, 1862; musician ; re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 ; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro- aton, N C. ; died Sept., 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Lillibridge, William H. Lual Neck, Md. Jan. 17, 1862. Corporal ; taken prisoner May 5, '64, at Croaton N. C. ; (lied Aug., 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Lawrence, James Aug. 4, 1863. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro aton, N. C. ; exchanged Dec. 3, 1864 ; mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. Lewis, Edward July 9, " Taken prisoner Mav 5,,1864, at Cro aton, N. C. ; died 1864, at Anderson ville, Ga. Melville, David S. Factory, R. 1. Dec. 21, 1861. Deserted. McLaughlin, James n 24, " Died Mareh 30, 1862, of wounds re ceived at Newbern, N. C. Mann, James F. Fall River, Mass. '• 16, " Wounded at battle of Newbern ; mus tered out of service Nov. 17, 1864. Manchester, Samuel G. Cranston, R. I. It it Disch. Nov. 26, 1862. Murray, Patrick Providence. " it ti Sept. 13, " on Surg, certit. Mullen, Terence tt n " 20, " " Nov. 26, " Melville, Thomas H. Newport, " " 23, " " Feb. 5, 1863. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 593 NAME AND RANK. Melville, Peter D. McQuade, Edward Montgomery, George Matthews, James Moral), Michael Moore, John Nickerson, John O'Niel, Cornelius O'Leary, Patrick Peck, Hezekiah M. Peck, James E. Bice, Charles itiiihinin, Henry Reynolds, William Biley, Michael Ryan, John Slioales, John Sanders, Charles Seymour, Henry Smith, Palmer Smith, Thomas E. Slocum, Charles A. Sisson, Charles S. Sisson, Shubael B. Smith, Franklin Sullivan, Jerry Steere, Francis E, Snoblc, Jacob Sears, John S. Schmidt, Thubi 'Iliomas, John RESIDENCE. Newport, R. I. New York, N. Y. Dennis, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warren, " tt a Sheffield, Mass. Olneyville, R. I. Cumberland, " N.Providence,"Kingstown, " Warren, " it it Providence, " Slatersville, " Glocester, " Philadelphia, Penn DATE OF MUSTER. Vallet, Orren Met, William H. Glocester, R. I. Dec. 21, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; exchanged Deo. 10, 18G4 ; mustered out of serv. June 26, '65. Jan. 18, 1862. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Aug. 3, 1863. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro atan, N. C. ; killed while attempting to escape from prison, 1804. July 9, " Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro atan, N. C. ; exchanged ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Oct. 10, " Deserted from Fort Totten. " « ¦< tl <( Dec. 16, 1861. Corporal ; mustered out of service Dec. 23. 1864. " Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. " 25, " Died Mar. 15, 1862, of wounds re ceived at battle of Newbern, N. C. Sept. 8, 1862. Disch. Aug. 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Died Nov. 7, 1862. Oct. 10, 1863. Deserted from Fort Totten. " " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Dec. 21, 1861 Corporal; disch. May 28, 1863, on Surg, certif. " 16, "' Corporal ; taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Sept.. 1864, at Charleston, S. C. " 27, " Deserted. Oct. 10, 1863. " at Fort Totten. Aug. 3, " Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro atan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. July 29, " Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Cro atan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Dec. 16, 1861. Disch. Feb. 7, 1863. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. " Corp.; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64; taken prison May 5, 1864, at Croatan, N. C. ; died Sept. 20, 1864, at Ander sonville, Ga. Aug. 21, 1862. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug. 18, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. " 28, " Trans, to Co. E, Feb. 19, 1863. Sept. 6, " Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; exchanged : mustered out of service July 21, 1865. Dec. 16, 1861. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. " Mustered out of service Dec. 16, 1864. Jan. 1, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 ; Corporal ; mustered out of service June 26 '65. Aug. 1, 1863. Disch. Nov. 21,1863, on Surg, certif. Oct. 10, " Deserted Oct. 25, 1864. July 29, " Taken prisoner May 5, 1864. at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864 at An dersonville, Ga. Dec. 16, 1861. Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. " Be-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 ; taken pris oner May 5, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. 594 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Wicks, Stephen Wicks, Franklin Waterman, Charles B. White James P. Wood, Thomas Willard, David H. Wallace, William Wilson, Jerry Wilson, WilUam Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I, Johnston, " Woonsocket, " RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 21, 1861. " 16. " " 27,' " July 9, 1863. Sept. 18, " July 13, " " "10, " Oct. " Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; taken pris oner May 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864 ; taken pris oner May 5, 1864; died 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Disch. Aug. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif. 28, 1862, " Deserted Sept. 1863. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; exchanged Nov. 27, '64; 1st Sergt. ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died Aug. 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. Taken prisoner May 5, 1864, at Croa tan, N. C. ; died July 1864, at An dersonville, Ga. In confinement at Newbern, N. C, June 26, 1865. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 595 COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Captains. Allen G. Wright, Isaac M. Potter, Bristol, R. I. Providence, " 1st Lieutenants. William W. Hall, Thomas Allen, Christopher T. Pearce, n n Williamsport, Md. Providence, R. I. 2d Lieutenants William W. Douglas, Benjamin S. Hall, George II. Pierce, Henry B. Bateman, George F. Turner, Levi L. Burdon, w It it a Newport, " Sergeants. James Gregg, Charles E. Douglas, John H. Robinson, Lorenzo V. Ludwig, Providence, " a tt Newport, " Bristol, Samuel W. Burbank, Providence, " Corporals. William E. Adams, n a Richard E. Barden, Henry F. Card, Scituate, " Bristol, Leonard B. Barrus, William L. Collins. George J. Smith, Adam Scott, James Norris, Musicians. George Alger, James Mclntyre, Privates. Austen, John Adams, John Anderson, Thomas Austin, Charles H. Aylesworth, William Brannegan, Daniel Baggott, John Bell, Archibald Brjghtman, Francis T. Bullock, James F. Blackmar, Henry Providence, " Nashua, N. H. Providence, R. I. Bristol, N. Kingstown," Coventry, " Cranston, " Olneyville, " Providence, " Bristol, " Foster, DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 16, 1861. Nov. 20, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861. Feb. 14, 1862 Dec. 1, 1864. Dec. 14, 1861. Jan. 7, 1862. Nov. 22, 1862. May 21, 1863. Feb. 15, 1864. Dec. 16, 1861 July 9, 1863. Aug. 5, " Sept. 8, " Nov. 28, " ' Aug. 25," Dec. 16, 1861. Resigned Jan. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Resigned Aug. 2, 1862. Dismissed the service Nov. 28, 1864. Mustered outof service June 26, 1866. 1st Lieut. Co. D, June 7, 1863. Captain Co. H, Dec. 13, 1862. 1st Lieut. Co. C, May 21, 1863. Trans, to Co. G, Feb. 15, 1864. " H, Mar. 1, 1863. " from Co. F; resigned on account of disability, Sept. 30, 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. C, June 9, 1862. " F, Feb. 14, 1863. Capt. Co. G, Feb. 14, 1863. Died April 24, 1862, of typhoid fever at Fort Macon, N. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Sergt. Jan. 2,1864; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. 2d Lieut, commission revoked. Sergt. Jan. 2, 1864; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service Nov. 21, 1864. Disch. May 5, 1863, on Surg, ceriif. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Sergt. June 27, 1862; not accounted for on rolls. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. May 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Corp.; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mus tered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service May 24, 1865. " " June 26," Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp. June 26. 1862 ; discharged Sept. 12, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Disch. July 5, 1864, on Surg, certif. Wagoner ; mustered out of service Jan. 1, 1865. Discharged. 596 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Brayley, Isaac Brown, John Brahee, George Brown, John Coyle, Patrick Cahill, Thomas F. Clough, Robert Congerelt, John Cumerford, Henry Clarke, James Cullin, Hugh Cornell, Charles H. Corbett, William Dillon, William H. Derwin, Owen Donagan, Edward Donelly, Robert Donovan, Thomas Davis, John Denison, Jeremiah Easterbrooks, Wm. H. Farnsworth, Robert Farnsworth, David Fish, Eugene A. Flood, John Franklin, John Frazier, Thomas Ferrent, Peter Gavin, Patrick Greene, Jeremiah Grimshaw, John Gardener, Francis C. Grant, William Hanz, Lawrence Held. Jacob Hassett, William Handy, Mark A. Hanley, Daniel Harrington, James Hazard, Albert Hilton, Jonathan Hopkins, George W. Hustie, William A. Jones, Peter J. Johnson, James Kelley, Michael Kennedy, Alexander RESIDENCE. Bristol, R. I. Providencp, " Bristol, " Providence, Crompton, Stoughton, Mass. Bristol, R. I. Olneyville, " Scituate, " Milford, Mass. Boston, " Bristol, R. I. Providence " Bristol, " Providence, " Fall River, Mass. E. Greenwich, R. I. Bristol. " Foster, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I, Foster, " Dec. 16, 1861 July 9, 1863. tt il Jan. 4, 1864. Dec. 16, 1861 July 9,1863. " 10, ' Aug. 1, ' July 8, ' " 27, ' Sept. 15, ' Dec. 16, 1861 Sept. 24, 1863 Dec. 16, 1861 n n July 8, 1863 it it Aug. 28, " Dec. 16, 1861 DATE OP MUSTER. July 9, 1863 Dec. 16, 1861 April 2, 1863. Aug. 5, " " 22, " July 8, " Dec. 16, 1861 it n July 8, 1863, Aug. 5, " Dec. 16, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Drowned Aug. 5, 1863, Newbern, N .C. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Drowned Aug. 15,1863, while bathing in Neuse River, N. C. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp.; re-enlisted Jan. 2. 1864; mus tered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. <> .i .i Disch. by trans, to navy, Sept. 27, '64. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864 ; deserted Nov. 23,1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1 865. Mustered out of service Nov. 21, 1864. a a n Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re- enlisted Jan. 2, '64; Sergeant, Jan. 23, '64 ; mustered out June 26, '65. Discharged. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864; died Nov. 26, '64, in hospital, Soldiers' Depot, N. Y. City, hemorrhage of lungs. Dis'd Mar. 26, '63, on. Surg, certificate. Ds'd June 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864; mustered out of service Juno 26, 1 865. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Sergeant; musteredout June 26, 1865. Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865; musteredout of service June 26, 1865. Not accounted for on rolls. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Absent sick in hospital, June 26, 1869/ Corporal, Jan. 2, '64; re-enlisted Mar. 1, '64 ; mustered out June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 2. 1864; musteredout of service June 26, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Discharged.Died March 15, 1862, of wounds roe'd at battle of Newbern, N. C. , Transferred from Co. E ; musician ; re- enlisted Jan. 2, '64; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865, Deserted Aug. 6, 1864. Discharged,Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 597 SAME AND RANK. Kinder, William Lang, Thomas Lawton, William J. LeValley, Cromwell Lindsay, John P. Lindsay, William F. Lowrey, James Liscomb, Byron D. Lake, Jonathan Lynch, William Livingston, Oscar R. Meyer, Henry Murphy, Daniel McDermott, Michael McGann, Patrick Meiggs, Edward M. Mitchell, John C. Murphy, Lawrence MeKeough, John Barton, George Norman, Henry O'Brien, Jeremiah O'Shea, Jeremiah Owens, Hugh O'Brien, James O'Connell, Thomas O'Brien, John Powers, James Perkins, Horace Eedfern, Joseph P.emington, George W Eidgeway, George Boss, George D. Riley, James Savage, William Shawcross, David Sherman, Henry F. Smith, Owen Simpkins, Thomas Sisson, Gardiner W. Smith, Samuel Tallman, WiUiam F Twy, WilUam RESIDENCE. Bristol, R. I. Olneyville, " Bristol, " Warwick, " Bristol, " Olneyville, Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Bristol, E.Greenwich,: Providence,Johnston, Bristol, Milford, Mass. OlneyviUe, R. I. Providence, " Olneyville, " Foster, " Bristol, " W. Greenwich," Bristol, Wickford, Providence,Bristol, Providence, " Olneyville, " DATE 01? MUSTER. Dec. 16, 1861. << (( tc il tt " tt It a it ti It tt Sept 3, 1863. 10, " July 14, " 8, " Dec. 16, 1861. It ti n tt n a i afia July 27, " " 9 " Doc. 16,' 1861 July 27, 1863 Sept. 5, " Oct. 23, " Dec. 16, 1861 Sept. 11, 1863 Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 1, 1863. July 28, " Dec. 16, 1861. July 29, 1863, Sept.12, 1862. " 7, 1863. Mustered out of service Nov. 29, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; musteredout of service Juno 26, 1865. Died Aug. 28, 1862, atNewbern.N. C, of typhoid fever. Dis'd Sept. 12, '62, on Surg, certificate Dis'd July 6, '64, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corporal; discharged April 15, 1863> on Surgeon's certificate. Died Nov. 3, 1863, at Newborn, N. C. Transferred to V. R. C, Nov. 22, '63. Mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. Sergeant; honorably disch'd to accept commission in U. S. C.T.,May 20,'64. Deserted Sept. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, '64; Corporal, Sept. 1, 1864 ; mustered out June 26, '65. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Sept. 14, 1863. Deserted July 5, 1864. Re-enlisted Mar. 1 , ' 64 ; dishonorably discharged and confined at hard la bor for three years in State Prison, Concord, N. H., June 16, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Rc-enlisted March 1, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. In confinement May 1, 1865, at Fort Macon, N. O; released Feb. 2, 1866. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Discharged July 23, 1865, from Ports mouth Grove Hospital. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; deserted Nov. 23, 1864, while on furlough. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Mustered out of service Nov. 21, '64. Re-enlisted March 1, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Dis'd June 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Oct. 20, 1863. In confinement at Fort Macon, June, 64; deserted from same Junel2,'65. Discharged.Mustered out of service Nov. 21, 1864. Corporal June 26, 1862 ; mustered out of service Nov. 21, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; Corporal April 22, 1864 ; mustered out of ser vice June 26, 1865. Dis'd Aug. 28, '62, on Surg, certificate. Corporal Jan. 2, '64 ; re-enlisted Mar. 1, '64; mustered out June 26, '65. Died April 25, 1864, at Newbern, N. C, of typhoid fever. Deserted Aug. 5, 1863. Mustered -out of service June 26, 1865, 598 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Warner, Chester •Wilkinson, George E. Wilmarth, Horace Whitney, Moses G. Wharton, George Atkinson, Esek Atkinson, Irvin RESIDENCE. Burrillville, R. I. Bristol, DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 16, 1861. Oct. 19, 1862. " 11, " Dec. 19, 1861. July 27, 1863. REMARKS. Discharged. Corporal Jan. 2, '64 ; re-enlisted Mar. 1, '64 ; mustered out June 26, '65. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered outof service June 26, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 18, '62, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Sept. 19, 1863. COLORED UNDER-COOK3. Newbern, N. C. I Feb. 1, 1865. [ Mustered out of service Juno 26, '65. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 599 COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. Captains. James M. Eddy, William W. Douglas, 1st Lieutenants. John E. Snow, Leander A.Davis, George H. Pierce, Henry B. Bateman, 2d Lieutenants. Leander A. Davis, George G. Hopkins, James Gregg, Christopher T. Pearce Sergeants. Henry B. Landers, William H. Durfee, William F. Tansey, Amos B. Sherman, Walter H. Luther, Corporals. Nathan H. Gleason, Thomas Hill, Thomas L. Boyden, Peter Cornell, George H. Chase, John Radakin, Edward F. Babbitt, Franklin E. Wilmarth, Musicians. George H. Gladding. George W. Hoxie, Privates. Allen, George E. •Allen, John M. Austen, George P. Albert, Henry Alonzo, Frank Adamson, John S. Austin, James N. Aborn, Joseph R. Blake, Richard Bicknell, James L. Boylan, James Bray, William Bullock, Horace Boyle, Edward RESIDENCE. Chepachet, R. I. Providence, " Newport, " Providence, " tt tt n it Newport, " t( (l Fall River, Mass. Newport, R. I. Warren, " Warwick, " Fall River, Mass. n n n a n it Olneyville, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Bristol, R. I. Newport, " Charlestown, " Newport, " a a Westerly, " Cranston, " Lippitt. " Cranston, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warwick, " Natick, " Providence, " Dec. 10, 1861 Feb. 19, 1863. May 21, " Jan. 16, 1865 Dec. 16, 1861. Feb. 14, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861. DATE OE MUSTER. July 27, 1863. " 8, " 1864. Oct.Nov.Oct. Dec. 25, 11. 25, 16, 1861. Resigned Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered out of service Dec. 20, 1864. Resigned Jan. 14, 1863. April 4, " Trans, to Co. E, Feb. 7, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. 1st Lieut. Co. C, Feb. 20, 1863. 1st " Co. E. June 7, 1862. Capt. Co. A, Feb. 14, 1863. 1st Lieut. Co. B, Dec. 1, 1864. 2nd Lieut, Co. E, Feb. 23, 1862. " A, " 19, 1863. Hon. disch. to accept commission in U. S. C. T., March 15, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; died Oct. 9, 1864, at Newport, R. I. 1st Lieut. Co. D, Feb. 14. 1863. Sergt. Feb. 18, 1863 ; mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Disch. June 24, 1863, on Surg, certif, " Mar. 26, " " " Trans, to V. K. C, Mar. 2, 1864 Sergt. Feb. 18,1863; mustered outof service Nov. 20, 1864. Sergt. June 7, 1862; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service Dec. 23, 1864. Sergt. ; trans, to Co. K. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp. ; mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Wagoner; died Oct. 10, 1864, at New bern, N. C, of yellow fever. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Dec. 30, 1863. " Oct. " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp. ; mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Corp ; mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864 ; Corp. June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Aug. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. 600 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Bannister, Wilson Bradbury, Samuel Burns, Thomas Brown, Cyrus B. Brussels, Thomas Bolt, William Burns, James Bassett, Franklin E. Campbell, Thomas Clark, Charles C. Calder, Charles Curren, Bartholomew Carr, John Crolley, James D. Carroll, Edward Conner, George Doyle, Patrick Drown, Benjamin F. Drown, Joshua C. Darling, Nelson Dean, George B. Daily, John . Day, George Eliott, Thomas, Jr. East, John H. Emerson, John G. Frazier, Robert Foster, John Fitz-Simmons, Martin Fort, Irvine A. Fielding, Philip Gallagher. John M. Green, John Gorton, Charles A. Harrington, Mark Hanly, James Hazard, John Hastie, William Harney, James Horton, John .Johnson, James C. Jackson, James Kelly, John Kranz, Marcus King, Nelson Keegan, Patrick Leonard, Benjamin F. Lynch, Martin Mahoney, John Murphy, Jeremiah T. Murphy, Jeremiah Melville, Thomas D. RESIDENCE. Fall River, Mass. Massachusetts, Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Johnston, " Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Warren, " Chepachet, " Tiverton, " Brooklyn, N, Y. Whitinsville, Mass. Fall River, " Seekonk, R. I. Providence, " Exeter, " Cranston, " Fall River, Mass. t, tt Providence, R. I. Fall River, Mass. Warren, R. I. Providence, " Springfield, Mass. Warren, R. I. Providence, " Chepachet, " Newport,Fall River, Mass. DATE OP MUSTER. Oct. 9, 1862. u (< Dec. 16, 1861. n n July 29, 1863. Aug. 22, 1864 Dec. 16, 1861. July 29, I860. tt tl " 8, •' " 28 " Dec. 16,' 1861. July 8, 1863. " 28 " Sept. 10', 1862. Aug. 4, 1863. Nov. 11, 1864 Dec. 16, 1861. July 8, 1863. Oct. 25, 1864. Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 8, 1863. July 29, " Dec. 16, 1861. July 28, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861. Aug. 16, 1862. Dec. 16, 1861. Aug. 4, 1863. Dec. 16, 1861 Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. tt n ti Disch. June 4, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864 Oct. 31, ¦< Deserted Feb., 1864. Corp. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865 Trans, to Co. E, Sept. 8, 1862. Died June 4, 1862, at Newbern, N. C. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Mar. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. toaccept commission in N.C.V. " April 24, 1864, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Disch. Dec. 9, 1863, on Surg, certif. Wounded in right shoulder Dec. 16, 1862, at Whitehall, N. O; Corporal ; mustered out of service Dec. 23, '64. Sergeant V.o. A, Feb. 4, 1863. Re-enlisted Feb. 18, 1864; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Apr. 4, 1862, at Newport, N. C, of typhoid fever. Deserted Sept. 1863 ; returned Dec. 2, 1863 ; shot Aug. 14, '64,fordesert'n. Deserted Oct. 13, 1863. May 1, 1863. Corporal; Sergt June 1,1865; mus tered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Oct. 19, 1862, at Newbern, N. C. Disch. Mar. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. " May 7, " Mustered out of service Nov. 20, '64. Died Sept. 10, 1864, at Newbern, N.C. Corp.; re-enlisted Feb. 18, 1864 ; died May 28, 1864, at Newbern, N. C. Died Oct. 14, 1864, at Newbern, N. C, of yellow fever. Mustered out of service June 26,1865. " Nov. 20, 1864. tt tt n Corp.; mustered " Trans, to Co. B, Aug. 28, 1862. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp. Jan. 1, 1865; Sergt. June 1, '65; mustered out of service June 26, '64. Nov. 20, '65. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. June 25, 1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 18, 1864; Corp. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Mar. 25 1863, on Surg, certif. " Sept. 13, 1862, Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service Nov. 20, 1864. Corporal June 1, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Oct. 6, '03, at Washington, N.C. Deserted Sept. 6, 1862. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 001 NAME AND RANK. Manchester, H. C. McCarty, Michael Merchant, Curtis Moran, Thomas Morgan, Charles Murphy, Thomas McGowan, Martin Martin, John Nyland, Luke O'Leary, Timothy Place, Samuel G. Place, William K. Potter, George W. S. Peckham, Charles H. Phillips, Thomas Pratt, James Rouke, Patrick Ryan, James Smith, Michael Stevenson, Charles Sullivan, John Shea, Daniel Sanford, William A. Sheedy, Thomas Smith, James Sullivan, Patrick Simmons, James Tripp, John Thacker, John F. Tibbitts, John G. Wardwell, George A. Whitford, Charles H. Wilton, Frank H. Wilmarth, Andrew Welch, Patrick Williamson, John Williams, John Whitaker, John Warner, David E. Jr. Weidman, Joseph Davis, Henry Lang, George ~~7 « July 29, 1863, Aug. 15, 1864. July 29, 1863. Aug. 13, 1862. June 11, Aug. 15, June 5, Aug. 12, " 6, " 5, July 29, 1863. May 16, 1862. July 19, " REMARKS. Transfd from Co. K ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of servico May 19, 1865. " Juno 26, « Deserted Sept., 1863. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Corporal; deserted May 7, 1864. Transoferrd to Co. G. Mustered out. of service Juno 26, 1865. Dis'd June 20, '65, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant; mustered out May 19, 1865. Not accounted for on Rolls. Deserted Aug. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corporal' June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. July 11. 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 2C 1865. May 19, " Deserted Sept. 1863. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Deserted May 21, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. May 19, " Died Dec. 10,1862, at Newbern, N. C, of jaundice. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. tt it tt Corporal; Sergt. Major Jan. 1,1865; trans, to Non-Commissioned Staff. Disch. May 11, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Corporal; Sergeant Feb. 16, '65 ; mus tered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted July 23, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Jan. 30, " Mar. 1, " " Transferred to Co. G, Nov. 21, 1862. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Nov. 10, 1863, at Newbern, N. C, of congestive fever. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Sept. 3, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from Co. K ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. June 1, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. it t. ti Trans, from Co. K ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted May 15, 1864. Corp. June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Sick in hospital June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 5, 1865. Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26.1865. Disch. Feb. 27, 1863, on Surg, certi'. Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service May 15, 1865. Disch. Jan. 6, 1863, on Surg, certif. 610 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. Penno, William A. Reynolds, John Reitliel, Louis Robinson, Thomas M. Reichwein, George Ryan, Patrick Providence, R. I. Attleboro, Mass. Providence, R. I. Coventry, " Portsmouth, " Olneyville, " Aug. 5, 1862. June 10, " Aug. 30, " " 16, " Sept. 6, " " 9, " Ryan, John Ryan, William Randall, Robert B. Johnston, " July 29, 1863. Aug. 6, " " 19,1864. Spencer, Henry Sweet, Randall B. Sullivan, Cornelius Sweet, James L. Sullivan, James Shelby, James Sullivan, Dennis Thornton, Richard B. Cranston, " Providence. " tt it Norwich, Conn. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. " 5, 1862. tt tt " 18, " « 14) .. July 26, " " 29, 1863. ft il Aug. 18, 1864. Tate, John W. Wilhelm, Gustav tt tt it n " 12, 1862, " 16, " Wilson, Buchan Wrentham, Mass. June 7, " Wright, Thomas Providence, R. I. " 3, " Wilson, George Williams, Henry Walsh, Michael Young, Charles July 29, 1863. " 29, " COLORED UNDER-CO Lewis, Noah McPherson, George Newbern, N. C. ft it lOct. 31, 1863. 1 " " Disch. Mar. 2, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 10, 1865. . " . 26, " Corp. June 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Trans, from Co. K; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1866. Disch. Nov. 28, 1862, on Surg, certif. Deserted March 1, 1863. " Sept. 10, " Mustered out Of service June 26, 1865. Transferred from Co. K; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corp. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Oct. 26, 1863, at Newbern, N.C, of congestive fever. Died Oct. 30, 1862, at Newbern, N.C, of consumption. Deserted Sept., 1863. Transferred to navy, Sept. 27, 1864, Disch. Nov. 23, 1863, on Surg, certif. Deserted Dec. 1, 1863. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 611 COMPANY G. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. Captains. Jonathan M. Wheeler, John H. Robinson, Newport, R. I. 1st Lieutenants. William K. Landers, Edward F. AngeU, ' S. Scituate, " 2d Lieutenants. George F. Turner, Charles E. Beers, Providence, " Henry H. Bateman, Newport, " Sergeants. JohnB. Landers, Falmouth, Mass. Henry B. Bateman, Newport, R, I. Pardon P. Vaughn, Providence, " WiUiam W. Wales, Newport, " Charles M. Griffing, New York, N. Y. Corporals. Richard A. Brown, Smithfield, R. I. Peter Coyle, New York, N, Y. Robert Vinton, Ireland, Edward Meader, Hudson, N. Y. John H. Vandenberg, tt tt Peter Gleason, Ireland, Michael Ryan, tt William H. Harris, Providence, R. I. Timothy McCarty, LoweU, Mass. Musician, Daniel T. Haines, Providence, R. I. Wagoner. Benjamin N. Burgess, tt tt Privates. Aylesworth, Henry P. Killingly, Conn. Anderson, Robert Abstein, John Bral'ey, Samuel Fairfield, Vt. Bushing, Frederick Germany, Bammon, Martin tt Boyed, Samuel E. New York, N. Y- Britton, Charles Springfield, Burgess, Benjamin M. Providence, R. I. Burgess, William Brown, John Black, WiUiam Bradford, Oliver Brink, John Connelly, John Boston, Mass. Clark, David Collins, Peter Chaee, John C. Taunton, Mass. DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 13, 1863. Mar. 28, 1863. Feb. 14, 1863. May 21, " Oct. 16, 1S62. July 29, 1863. Oct. 16, 1862. July 9, 1863, " 10, " Aug. 6, " July 8, " Aug 5, " Oct. 16, 1862, July 26, 1864, Aug. 3, 1863 Sept. 7, 1864 Resigned and hon'y dis'd Jan. 26, '63. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Captain Co. F. Feb. 14, 1863. Transferred to Co. H, June 15, 1865. Transferred to Co. B. Honorably discharged Dec. 21, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate, Transferred from Co. B, Feb. 15, '64 ; 1st Lieutenant Co. C, Jan. 1, 1865. 2d Lieutenant Co. I, April 10, 1863. 2d Lieutenant Co. B, May 21, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Dischar'd July 15, '65. from hospital. Discharged July 8, 1865. Commissary Sergeant, May 28, 1863. Deserted April 9, 1863. Sergeant; discharged July 15, 1865, from hospital. Deserted March 17, 1863. tt tt tt Transferred to Marine Corps, April 26, 1865, from which he had deserted. Absent in hospital June 20, 1865. Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Mustered out of service May 31, 1865. Deserted Aug. 5, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Dis'd Apr. 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Deserted March 17, 1863. Transferred from Co. A, Feb. 19, '63 ; wagoner- Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 12, '64, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Dec. 4, 1863. Mustered out of service July 22, '65. Transferred to Navy, May 17, 1864. Transferred from Co. F ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Sept. — , 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. 612 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Collins, Thomas Collis, Peter Carpenter, James Connor, Martin Doherty, Daniel Doherty, Philip Dose, Louis Duniven, Dennis "Dawson, Christopher Flynn, James Flanigan, John Greene, Albert C. Gerzhein, George Hart, Joseph M. Harris, William Haines, Daniel T. Howard, Henry Harrison, Joseph Ivars, Daniel , Johnson, Charles Jackson, John S. Josey, Anthony Jennerson, Charles Kenyon, Joseph Keenan, Michael Kelley, John S. Moore, William McDermott, Thomas McGill, William McCabe, Peter McCabe, John McCaffrey, John Mahoney, Jeremiah Mung, Henry McGee, Jonas G, Neil, John Nilsien, Nils O'Brien, Thomas O'Brien, Michael Page, Oliver Pierce, Christopher T. Perry, Martin H. Palmer, John Rose, John Ryan, William Riley, Joseph Riley, Frederick Roland, George Rouke, Hugh Rushton, James Shippy, Thomas Smith, John P. Seator, Christian Smith, WiUiam Smith, George Tracy, Christopher RESIDENCE. Ireland, Portsmouth, R. I. Germany,Providence, R. I. Ireland,Portland, Maine. Westerly, R. I. Ireland, Roxbury, Mass. Ireland, Boston, Mass, Woonsocket, R. I. Taunton, Mass. Fairfield, Vt. Providence, R. I. England, DATE OF MUSTER. Foster, R. I. Canterbury, Conn. Germany, Ireland, July 8, 1863. Aug. 3, " July 31, " Aug. 5, " Sept. 12, 1864. Oct. 16, 1862. July 8, 1863. " 31, " Aug. 5, " July 29, " Oct. 16, 1862. ll tt Sept. 29, 1864 Aug. 4, 1863 Oct. 16, 1862 July 9, 1863. ft Q| ff Oct. 16,' 1862 July 9, 1863 Aug. 3, " July 26, 1864 Oct. 16, 1862 July 28, 1863. ¦'" 29, ' Oct. 16, 1862 Aug. 5, 1863, \l Q ff Sept. 7,' 1864. July 31, 1863. Aug. 4, " ¦" 1, " July 29, " Oct. 16, 1862 tt ft Aug. 8, 1868. ft Q ff Oct. 16* 1862. July 29, 1863. Aug. 3, " " 8 " July 9', " " 29, " (( Ql tt Oct. 16,' 1862. July 31, 1863 Aug. 5, " Oct. 16, 1862 Deserted May 21, 1864. Deserted Sept. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Dis'd May 31, '64, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. tt ti it Deserted March II, 1864. Absent in confinement, June 26, 1865 ; released Feb. 2, 1866; musteredout of service. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Deserted Sept. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. ft ft tt Discharged July 15, '65, from hospital. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Transferred from Co. F; appointed musician. Deserted Aug. 23, 1863. " Jan. 17, 1864. Died May 26, 1 863, at Newbern, N.C. Died March 7, 1865, at Philadelphia, Penn., of consumption. Corporal; mustered out June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Discharged July 15, '65, from hospital. Dis'd Aug. 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. Musteredout of service June 26, 1866. Corporal Dec. 30, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Aug. 17, 1863. 5, " " June 23, " Mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. Deserted March 22, 1863. Dis'd March 3,'63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Corporal ; transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Sept. 3, 1863. tt t< ti Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. 2d Lieutenant Feb. 14, 1863. Deserted Nov. 12, 1863. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Deserted Nov. 8, 1863. Died Jan. 24, 1865, at Newbern, N. C, of bronchitis. Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. " " " Jan. 2, 1864. " " " June 26, 1865. tt tt tt ft a Died Dec. 19, 1862, from wounds re ceived at Whitehall, N. C. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Died Sept. 28, 1864, at Newbern, N. C, of fever. Died Sept. 29, 1864, at Newbern, N. C, of fever. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 613 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Thompson, John C. July 9, 1863. Mustered outof sorvice June 26, 1865. Vath, George Germany, Oct. 16, 1862. Corporal Feb. 16,1865; musteredout of sorvice Juno 26, 1865. WaUace, James Ireland, tt tt Dis'd Aug. 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. White, Emery Lisbon, Conn. tt tt Died Juno 19, 1863, at Newbern, N. C. Wilson, George Providence, R. I. July 29, 1863. Deserted Sept , 1863. WUUams, John, 1st ff ff Died July 30, 1864, at Newbern, N. C, of typhoid fever. Williams, John, 2d Aug. 5, " Transferred to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Williamson, Thomas July 9, " Mustered out of servico June 26, 1865. White, Charles " 31, " .t ii it West, Louis J. « 27, " ff it u Bess, Luke Rough, Cassar COLORED UNDER-COOKS. I Jan. 20, 1865. I " « 21 ,t | « 614 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY H. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Benjamin L. HaU, Henry B. Landers, 1st Lieutenants. Emenlius De Meulen, Henry P. Williams, Benj. F. Underwood., Edward F. AngeU, 2d Lieutenants. Joseph Mclntyre, George F. Turner, Sergeants. Charles Morton, Herbert D. Leavitt, Lawrence Flanagan, Francis Adams, Jonathan Davison, George W. S. Potter, William B. Mott, Corporals. George Welch, George W. Potter, Charles Nelson, George W. Conger, John Reddington, George Phetteplace, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Musicians. John B. Wallace, Charles H. Everett, Gustavus A. Messner, Wagoners. Richard R. King, Joseph Briggs, Privates. Adams, Edward Anderson, Louis Arnold, Stephen G. Andrews, Luther Arnold, Charles Arnhein, Max Brayman, Edward Burchard, Davis A. Bernhard, Frederick Buttengagen,FrederickBudderhagen, Adolph Blumhoff, August Brown, Thomas Bergman, WiUiam Burger, Robert RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Newport, " E.Providence," Woonsocket, " Westerly, " S. Scituate, " Pawtucket, " New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Attleboro, " Ackron, Ohio, Newport, R. I. Providence, " Brooklyn, Nf. Y- Groton, Vt. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y- Galesville, 111. Providence, " New York, N. Y. W. Medway, Mass. Providence, R. I. Scituate, R. I. Dedham, Mass. Boston, New York, N. Y. Warwick, R. I. Jackson, Penn. New York, N. Y. Pawtucket, R. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Germany, DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 14, 1863. Nov. 28, 1862. Feb. 14, 1863. Jan. 27, 1865. Feb. 14, 1863. Dec. 27, 1862. 16, 1861. 27, 1862. JulyDec. ff July 1863.1864. tt 1863. Dec. 27, 1862. REMARKS. Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service Dec. 22, 1864. Transferred to Co. E, Feb. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service Dec. 22, 1864, Appointed Adjutant Feb. 11, 1865. Transferred from Co. G, June 15, '65 mustered out of service, June 26, '65 Captain Co. E, 2d R. I. V. , Feb. 1 7, ' 63 Transferred from Co. B, March 1, '63 1st Lieutenant Co. E, Aug. 31, '64 Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 10, '63 ; honorably discharged Dec. 22, 1863, to accept commission as 2d Lieuten ant 14th R. I. Heavy Artillery. Transferred to V. R. C, Apr. 12, '64. Trans, from Co. F ; deserted July 5, '63. Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. I, Feb. 1 1, 1863. Sergeant, Feb. 13, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Dis'd Jan. 7, '83, on Surg, certificate. Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1883. Transferred from Co. D, Mar. 2, '63 ; dis'd May 29, ' 63,on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to Co. I, Feb. 12, 1863. . Dis'd June 17, '63, on Surg.certiflcate. Transferred to Co. K, Jan. 12, 1863. Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. n n it Deserted Dec 4, 1864. Mustered put of service June 26, '65. Dischar'd July 11, '65, from hospital. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to Co. K, Aug. 22, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Deserted Nov. 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. K, Jan. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, '65. Dis'd Jan. 7, '63, on Surg, certificate. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 615 NAME AND RANK. Bande, Adam Bray, Charles P. lirittner, Carl Bode, Henry F, Burns, John Bond, William Black, Edwin Bramer, Lewis Condon, James Costier, Joseph Coburn, Thomas H. Cassidy, Patrick Dolan, James Dow, Andrew Day, James Felser, Henry Flood, James Fish, Anthony Flanagan, Thomas Fisher, John C. Gartenman, John B. Greene, John Greatreaks, James W. Gross, Charles Gross, Anton Goes, William Harris, Albert B. Hartford, Solomon H. Harting, Ernest Hauser, George Hoppfelt, Frederic Hart, Robert Hatch, John Hyman, William M. Heyer, Frederick Horn, Henry Johnson, John B. Johnson, Alex. M. D. Jackson, George Jones, James Johnston, William H. Kevaney, Michael Kelly, James Krost, Henry Kenin, James Kramer, William Klein, Frank Klein, Henry Krausen, Gustav Kelley, Martin Lull, Samuel E, Ludwig, Ernest Loan, Anthony Lable, Richard Langerman, John Lower, Anton Marks, James S. McGahey, Barney Mahan, Barney Miller, Henry McDonald, Donald RESIDENCE. New York, N. Y. Anderson, Maine, New York, N. Y. St. Johns, N. B. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I, Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Valley Fads, R, I. Providence, " New York, N. Y. Scituate, R. I. Salem, Conn. Maine, New York, N. Y. E. Greenwich, R. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Albany, N. Y. New York, " St. Stephens, N. B. St. Johns, " Pawtucket, R. I. New York, N. Y. Nova Scotia. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 27, 1862. July 28, 1863. Dec. 27, 1862. Nov. 30, 1864. Dec. 27, 1862. July 81, 1868. " 9, " tt Q fi Dec. 27'. 1862. July 9, 1863. tt 27, " Dec. " 1862. Aug. 5, 1863. Dec. 20, 1864. " 27, 1862. July 8, 1863. " 16, " " 29," tt It Sept. 20, " Dec. 27, 1862. Aug. 4, " July 29„ 1863. " 8, " Dec. 27, 1862. Sick in hospital June 26, 1865, at New bern, N: C. Deserted April 30, 1864. Deserted Feb. 22, 1863. Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Transferred to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Deseited Jan. 18, 1863. Transferred to Co. I Jan. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. it tt it Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Dec. 11, 1864, to the enemy. Mustered outof service June 26, 1865. 28, " 26, " Sergeant; mustered outof service June 26, 1865. Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1868. " E, April 1, " Deserted to the enemy Oct. 16, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865 K tt tt Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1868. ti it tt Sergt. June 2, 1864; mustered outof service June 26, 1865. Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Mar. 19, " Disch. June 1, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Co. 1, Jan. 12, 1863. Deserted Aug. 8, 1863. Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service August 15, 1865. Disch. Aug. 7, 1868, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service July 21, 1865. Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. ti ti ti Sergt. Aug. 5, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted May 23, 1863. " to the enemy Dec. 11, 1864. Trans, to Co. I, Jan 12, 1863. Deserted Sept., 1863. " to the enemy Dec. 11, 1864. Transferred to navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Deserted to the enemy Dec. 17, 1864. Mustered out of service July 21, 1865. Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. Corp. June 20, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Sergt. ; deserted March, 1864. Deserted to the enemy Dec. 11, 1864, Disch. Oct. 29, 1863. Trans, to Co. I, Jan. 12, 1863. tt it tl D, Feb. 19, " Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Trans, to Co, I, Jan. 12, 1863. 616 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. McCray, George H. Molinaire, James Murtaugh, Patrick Miller, Walter McManOs, William Miller, John H. Miller, John Madden,' James McElroy, Patrick Meiners, John Meyer, Henry Miller, John Meyer, John- Nailer, William Norman, Frank Owens, Peter Orr, Thomas Ott, Otto Parkhurst, John G. Parker, Benjamin Pickles, Henry Phalen, Robert Paulsen, Ludwig Richter, Frantz Ross, William Richter, Levin Ritter, Frantz Rudig, Joseph Rennock, James Rowley, Patrick Rowlands, Thomas Root, Byron Richardson, Thomas C Sweetman, John C. Schon, Louis Smith, John Sorensen, Oluf Schmidt, Louis Simons, Thomas E. Smith, Thomas J. Smith, Michael Schmidt, Charles Smith. John 2d, Schonbrun, Max Sehewieler, Herman Schuhs, John Smith, Daniel Schultz, William Sheffer, John Stahl, Frank Tongood, Sterry C. Tillan, August Underwood, Benj. F. St. Johns, N. B. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Olneyville, R. I. RESIDENCE. Dec. 27, 1862. Brooklyn, N. Y. tt it New York, " Blackstone, Mass. E. Brattleboro, Me. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. E. Cambridge, Ms. Providence, R. I. Philadelphia, Pa, New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Taunton, Mass. New York, N. Y. Foster, R. I. Westerly, DATE OP MUSTER. July 29, 1863. " 9, •• " 29, " " 10, " Dec. 27, 1862. Nov. 29, 1864. Dec. 27, 1862. July 29, 186C. Aug. 29, 1864, July 28, 1863. t< Transferred to Navy, Sept. 27, 1864. Smith, James Aug. 5, " it it it Sewell, Andrew it tr it it ti Stone, Henry July 29, " Corp.' June 21, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Simpson, Martin " 10, " Mustered out of service June 26,1865. Thompson, John " 31, " Deserted Sept. 2, 1863. Thompson, James " 8, " Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Taylor, George " 31, " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Weed, Matthew Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 27, 1862. Trans, from Co. H ; died Sept. 28/64, at Morehead City, N. C, of yellow fever. Walker, Thomas Genessee, N. Y. tt tf Transfer'd from Co. II ; transferred to Navy' Sept. 27, 1864. Willey, Henry Pawtucket, R. I. it tt Trans, from Co. H ; desert. May 5, '63. Willet, John C. New York, N. Y. tt tt " " mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Woods, John July 29, 1863. Deserted Oct. 7, 1863. Dyden, Esau Pate, Henry COLORED UNDER-COOKS. I April 4, 1865. I Mustered out of service June 26, '65. | " "| Deserted May 11, 1865. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 621 COMPANY K. NAME AND RANK. Captains. John Aigan, Emenlius De Meulen, 1st Lieutenants. Robert Thompson, Moses 0. Darling, 2d Lieutenant. William Sisson, Jr., Sergeants. Charles H. Smith, Chas, E.A.Mathewson, Thomas F. Spicer, George H. Gladding, James McEwan, Corporals. Benj. F. Underwood, Privates. Adams, Edward Arkwright, Charles Ali, Mouza Bunker, John Brown, Thomas Burke, John Benoist, Charles Burnhard, Frederic Bason, Alexander Balland, Andrew .Coaturee, George Caproni, Gaetano Cady, Calvin L. ¦ Doyle, James Dante, Antonio Duval,.Lucius 'Denckel, Eugene Espartero, Antonio Klinore, Louis Frost, Daniel Fogacci, Antonio Gigon, Paul Gomez, William Girod, Julius Gilbert, Alfred Geziner, John Gentil, Frederick Hoyt, William RESIDENCE. Pawtucket, R. I. Providence, " Portsmouth, " Attleboro, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Providence, R. I. Westerly, " Boston, Mass. Canada, Springfield. New York, N. Y. Springfield. Warwick, R. I. St. Johns, N. B. IBrooklyn, N. Y. DATE OF MUSTER. Feb. 14, 1863. Aug 25, it Dec. 25, H 1862. (( 16, 1861. Feb. 23, 1863. tt Dect 16, 1861. tl ii ft 27, 1862. " ti Feb. 23, 1863. July 18, it Feb. 23 ll Dec. 27, 1862. Feb. 23, 1863. Aug 5 tt July 28, " Aug 9, " July 8, tl Aug 29, tt it 1, it it 15, 1864. July 8, 1863. tt y, a n it a Feb. 23, it July 8, 9, it it Aug 5, ti July 27, 29, Aug 8, July 8, Feb. 23, Resigned June 20, 1863, on account of physical disability . Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Transferred to Co. E. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Disch. Nov. 28, 1864, on account of disability. Trans, from Co. D ; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864 ; must'd out serv. June 26,'65. 1st Sergt. June 13, 1865 ; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Jan. 23, 1866, while on fur lough. Trans, from Co.C ; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864; principal musician Sept. 14, 1864 ; must'd out serv. June 26, '65. Trans, from Co. A ; re-enlisted Jan. 2, 64; must'd out serv. June 26, '65. Trans, from Co. H, Sergt.; trans, to Co. A as Sergeant. Trans, from Co. H; disch. Aug. 26, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Deserted April 3, 1863. Sept. 23, " Corp. Aug. 21, 1863 ; Sergt. June 13, '65 ; must'd out of serv. July 22, '65. Trans, from Co. H ; desert. July 26/63. Disch. July 15, 1865, from Portsmouth Grove Hospital. Deserted Sept. 23, 1863. tl fl Corp. Dec. 5, '63 ; Sergt. June 13,'65; mustered outof service June 26, '65. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Trans, to Co. F. Trans, to Co. I, Sept. 7, 1863. Deserted Dec. 22, 1863. it it it Corporal June 13, 1865; mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Mustered out of service June 26,1865. Deserted Apr. 29, 1864. Mar. 15, 1863. April 29, 1864. Mustered out of service Juno 26, 1865. Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Deserted Apr. 29, 1864. Mustered out of service June 26, 1805. Deserted Mar. 1863. 622 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Johnson, Peter July 29, 1863. Deserted Dec. 17, 1863. Jenkins, William C. Warwick, R.I. Aug. 15, 1864. Trans, to Co. F. Kelly, Thomas Springfield. Nov. 15, 1862. Disch. May 26, 1864, on Surg, certif. Luther, Calvin Johnston, R. I. Feb. 28, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1806. Lambert, Joseph Syracuse, N. Y. ti tt Deserted Sept. 23, 1868. Lama, Julius July 29, " tt tt tt Longfield, Augustus i i. n Dec. 1, 1863. Lawrence, Michael " 28, " Mustered out of service June 26. 1865. Levally, Frederick Warwick, R. I. Aug. 15, 1864. Trans, to Co. F. Morton, Edgar B. Chicopee, Mass. Feb, 23, 1883. Disch. Aug: 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Moran, Thomas New York, N. Y. tt If Deserted Mar. 10, 1863. Maguire, John Lowell, Mass. tt tf tt it tt Marepal, Charles July 27, " " Sept. 23, 1863. Muller, Jacob tt tt it it tt Meyers, John " 9, " Mustered out of service June 26, '66. Molinaire, James New York, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1862. Trans, from Co. I ; Corp. ; Sergt. June 13, 1865; mustered out of ser vice June 26, 1865. Mass, Martinez July 27, 1863. Deserted Dec. 22, 1863. Monet, Theodore Aug. 5, " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Meyer, John July 9, ft .„ tt .t Miller, Henry " 8, " Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Muller, Joseph " 9, Disch. May 26, 1864, on Surg, certif. Matthew, Julius « ^l, " Deserted Dec. 22, 1863. Monti, Antonio " 9, " it tt Morini, Domenico " 8, " Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Navoo, Gustavus f. k Deserted May 1, 1864. O'Donnell, John ,i it Dec. 18, 1862. " Apr. 29, " O'Brien, John July 28, 1863. Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Porthos, Augustus " 31, " Deserted Sept. 23, 1868. Picqueux, Constant " 8, " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Piron, Matthew ft n " " May 24, " Papi, Charles tt n Trans, to Navy Sept. 27, 1864. Rae, Joseph 11 it Feb. 23, " Mustered out of service June 26, 1865. Holland, John July, 9, " Deserted Dec. 16, 1868. Reiszer, Henry ti tt Mustered o(it of service June 26, 1865. Randall, Robert B. Johnston, R- 1. Aug. 19, 1864. Transferred to Co. F. Scott, Robert New York,1 N. Y. Feb. 23, 1863. Deserted Apr. 29, 1864. Shea, Jeremiah New Haven, Conn-. ii ii " July 26, 1863. Sullivan, Michael Boston, Mass. ft it Aug. 14, " Stevens, Joseph F. it ' tt tf il Mustered out of service June 26,1866. Schultz, George July 9, " Disch. Aug. 1, 1864, on Surg, certif. Stein, Charles ii tt ti it it Steiner, George tt a Mustered out of service June 26, 1864. Smith, Jacob a ti Trans, to Navy Sent. 27, 1864. Sullivan, James " 29, " Deserted Dec. 1, 1863. Thornton, Richard B. Aug. 18, 1864. Trans, to Co. F. Vallett, John July 8, 1863, Disch. June 26, 1864, on Surg, certif. Wood, William it it Feb. 23, " Absent sick in hospital June 20, 1866. White, John Taunton, " it ' ,i Deserted Mar. 17, 1863. White, William July 8, " Sept. 23, " Wenner, John " 27, " Confined at Dry Tortugas, Fla., for desertion June 2.6, 1865. Ward, William Feb. 23, " Mustered out of service July 22, 1865. Henry, William Richardson, Henry COLORED UNDER-COOKS. I Oct. 28, '63. I Mustered out of service June 26, '65. FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. 623 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER, REMARKS. Adams, William H. Newport, R. I. Oct. 3, 1862. Adams, John " " " 1, " Adams, Francis Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 2, " Aylesworth, Cyrus Providence, R. I. Aug. 30, " Bavoon, Charles tt tt Sept. 8, " Briggs, Joseph Scituate, " « 24, " Boyden, John Newport, !' Oct. 7, " Bryan, Thomas tt tt " 15, " Brennan, Daniel New York, N. Y. Jan. 23, 1863. Baker, Anan S. Scituate, R. I. Sept. 16, " Clearkin, John Westerly, " Oct. 6, 1862. Craig, Abraham D. Newport, " " 3, " Cider, Christian it tt It 1 It ' Crowley, WilUam Scituate, " Sept. 13' " Clark, John Westerly, " Oct. 7, " Chapman, Charles Boston, Mass. Dec. 18, " Cash, Stephon New York, N. Y. Jan. 10, 1863. Coners, John Boston, Mass. " 20, " Dubs, Adolph Newport, • R.- I. Sept. 30, 1862. Daly, John S.Kingstown, " Oct. 8, " Duffy, Alexander Exeter, " " 15, " Donaldson, WiUiam Providence, R. I. Sept. 30, 1864. Dis'd Nov. 18, '64, on Surg, certificate. Erwin, John New York, N. Y. Jan. 23, 1863. Fount, Thomas Wan-en, R. I. Sept. 9, 1862. Freeman, Henry W. Newport, " Oct. 31, " Fairfield, Edward W. Boston, Mass. Jan. 20, 1863. Graham, John S. July 28, 1864. Dis'd Sept. 13, '64, on Surg, certificate. Greenup, Isaac W. Woonsocket, R. I. Sept. 20, " Died Dec. 24, '64, at New Haven, Ct. Hickey, Patrick Putnam, Conn. July 16, 1862. Deserted Sept. 6, 1862. Higgins, John Charleston, Oct. 12, " Henderson, Joseph C. Exeter, R. I. « 14> « Hughes, George Trenton, N. J. Jan. 14, 1863. Hanly, Daniel Ireland, " 2, 1864. Johnson, WiUiam Westerly, R. I. Oct. 7, 1862. King, Charles Providence, " Sept. 6, " Keenan, John Westerly, " Oct. 7, " Kane, Peter " 20, " Lang, Thomas Scotland, Jan. 2, 1864, McGuire, Thomas Newport, R. I, Oct. 30, 1862. Murphy, Owen tt ti *' 4, " Moriarty, Owen n n Sept. 27, " Muollen, Jacob ff if Oct, 10, " McCabe, John Murphy, John " 13, " Messner, Gustavus A, it it McMann, Joseph tt 11 Myers, Charles Philadelphia, Pa, Dec. 20, " May, John E. Boston, Mass. Jan. 20, 1863. Mahan, John Dec. 6, 1864. Dis'd Jan. 9, '65, on Surg, certificate. O'Brien, William Lee, " Aug. 6, 1802. Deserted Sept. 6, 1862. Purdy, David E. Albany, N. Y. June 5, " Polls, John Oneida Co., '" Jan. 20, 1863. Rogers, Moses Providence, R. I. Sept. 9, 1862. Riley, Isaac 11 11 tt tl Balph, Charles Scituate, " " 19, " Bassine, Eugene Newport, " Oct. 10, " 624 FIFTH REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND HEAVY ARTILLERY. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OE MUSTER. REMARKS. Ryer, Edward C. New York, N. Y. Jan. 21, 1863. Ratigan, Thomas Ireland, Sept. 13, 1864. Deserted Dec. 10, 1864. Robison, James England, " 23, " Oct. 27, " Snow, John J. Providence, R. I. July 19, 1862. Spencer, Sylvester Brewster, Mass. Oct. 8, " WaUace, Edward Providence, R: I. . Sept. 9, " Waters, John Newport, " " 28, " Wilson, Charles ti it " 30, " fourteenth Regiment R. I. Heavy Artillery. (COLORED.) Into the idea of raising a regiment of colored men, Governor Smith early entered. He communicated with the authorities at Washington on the sub ject, and on the 17th of June, 1863, was granted permission to enlist a colored company of heavy artillery. This was so spiritedly done that on the 4th of August, the permit was extended to a battalion, and on the 3d of September was again extended to a full regiment. In accomplishing this work many and peculiar difficulties occurred. But these, by the energy and perseverance of the Governor were successfully overcome. " Camp Smith " was established on the Dexter Training Ground, in Providence, and on the 28th of August the first company was mustered in. To Colonel Nelson Viall was assigned the duty of organizing and preparing the regiment for the field. A more judicious selection could not have been made. Colonel Viall had gained large experience in the Mexican War, had proved himself a brave and capable officer in the army of the Potomac, had faith (as many at th.e time had not,) in the capabilities of the colored man to make an efficient soldier, and entered heartily into the wishes of Governor Smith. He devoted himself untiringly to the work, and under his daily inspection the men made rapid progress in military evolutions. In the course of a few weeks a battalion of four companies was enlisted. In September these companies were transferred to Dutch Island, and established "Camp Bailey," in compliment to Colonel Charles E. Bailey, Aide-de-Camp and Private Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief, who had shown particular interest in the welfare of the men. The encampment on the Dexter Training Ground was still used to complete company organizations. November 19th, the Governor, accompanied by the Legislature and many other invited guests, visited Dutch Island, reviewed the troops, and presented to the regiment a stand of colors. To the presentation address made by Governor Smith, Colonel Viall, in behalf of his command, returned an appropriate reply. Addresses 79 626 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) were also made by Hon. Henry B. Anthony, Senator to Congress from Rhode Island, Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clark, D. D., Rev. Dr. Edward B. Hall, Rev. Dr. Barnas Sears, President of Brown University, and Rev. Dr. Leonard Swain. The regiment then broke into column and passed in review before the Governor, making a very gratifying appearance. On the 7th of December, the first battalion left the island under Major Joseph J. Comstock, Jr., and went into camp at " Camp Smith," in Provi dence, preparatory to proceeding to New Orleans to join General Banks, commanding the Department of the Gulf. Wednesday, December 9th, the colored ladies of Providence, through Mr. John T. Waugh, a colored native of Virginia, presented the battalion with a handsome silk flag, bearing appro priate emblems. Governor Smith, Lieutenant Governor Padelford, Major General Robbins, Adjutant General Mauran, Mayor Knight and a large con course of spectators were present at the interesting ceremony. December 19th the battalion left Providence and sailed from Newport on board the transport Cahawba for New Orleans, where it arrived December 30th. Without debarking, it proceeded to Passo Cavallo, Texas, wliere it arrived January 8th, 1864, and was assigned to garrison duty in Fort Esperanza, Matagorda Island. Here it was visited by Major General Dana, commanding the Union forces in Texas, who expressed himself highly gratified with its appearance. In a letter to Governor Smith he says: "I took them entirely by surprise by going over in a small boat, but they were ready. The soldier like conduct of the sentinels on post and of the main guard at the gate chal lenged my admiration. The "Assembly" was sounded, and in five minutes the whole battalion, four hundred strong, was in line, and I have never found a regiment, even on a Sunday morning inspection, in more perfect condition. Excellence is the proper term to apply to its condition and soldierly beai'ing. The drill was also most creditable. Such discipline and order reflect great credit on the company officers, and especially on the Major in command." On the 8th of January, 1864, the second battalion under the command of Captain Nelson Kenyon, sailed in the transport Daniel Webster for New Orleans, where it arrived February 3d, and Captain Kenyan went on shore to report to General Banks. In the course of the day he was ordered to report to General J. J. Reynolds, commanding the defences of New Orleans. On account of the measles which prevailed to some extent in the command, the battalion was ordered into camp at English Turn, where, March 7th, Major Richard G. Shaw assumed the command. From English Turn the battalion removed to Plaquemine, 160 miles above New Orleans, where Major Shaw became post commander, and Captain Kenyon resumed the immediate command of the battalion. Here it was engaged in putting the fort, which had been commenced by a former garrison, in a state of defence, and in guarding the town by a long line of pickets. This line of pickets extended as far as Indian Village, twelve miles back. Frequent skirmishes occurred between the bat- FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 627 talion and the guerrillas under the notorious Captain Scott of Plaquemine Parish. At one time they dashed upon the outposts and captured four or five men, whom they murdered as they retreated through Indian Village. Colonel Viall was appointed by the President Lieutenant-Colonel January 15th, 1864, and it had been intended that the third battalion should follow the first and second in February. For that purpose, the United States transport Daniel Webster was sent to Dutch Island to convey it to New Orleans ; but simultaneously with its arrival, February 24th, the small pox broke out among the troops, and they were detained until April 3d, when Lieutenant-Colonel Viall, with the battalion, sailed in the transport America for New Orleans, which place it reached on the 15th, and was ordered to Camp Parapet. Here Lieutenant-Colonel Viall assumed command of the post, and the immediate command of the battalion devolved on Captain Samuel Farnham. Immedi ately after encamping at Fort Parapet, fatigue parties were organized to work on the fortification, and for the next two months the battalion furnished details for the swamp and slashing on the right. In March, while the first battalion was still at Fort Esperanza, companies A, C and D were under arrest for refusing to accept the pay at that time offered by the government to the colored soldiers, viz. : ten dollars per month, three dollars of which might be in clothing. Enlisting as they did, with the understanding that their pay was to be the same as that of white troops, it is not surprising that they manifested indignation, and became technically insubordinate. In view of all the facts, their case warranted charitable judg ment. The ringleaders in the trouble were tried by general court martial, and sent to Fort Jefferson, Florida. During the montli of April the battalion, company A excepted, remained at Fort Esperanza. On the 16th of the month this company, under Captain Thomas W. Fry, moved to Aranzas Pass. The whole regiment being now in the Department of the Gulf, its designation was changed by general order April 19th, to the Eleventh U. &'. Hea'oy Artillery, (Colored.} On the 19th of May Major Comstock received orders to evacuate Fort Esperanza, first destroying what he could not bring away, and return to New Orleans. He accordingly dismantled the works, shipped the heavy ordnance, and embarking his men on board the transport steamer Clinton, reached New Orleans May 23d. The next day he reported to Lieutenant-Colonel Viall at Fort Parapet, wliere the first and third battalions were consolidated, and Lieu tenant Joseph C. Whiting, Jr., was appointed Post Adjutant. At Parapet Lieutenant-Colonel Viall, with the aid of sympathetic friends, established a school for the men under his command, which was placed in charge of Lieu tenant Martin S. Smith and Quartermaster Sergeant Hamblin, a colored man, who had passed a successful examination before a military board sitting at Mor- ganzia, for the position of second lieutenant. The men showed a great desire tolearn, and zealously improved the opportunity. June 30th, Lieutenant-Colonel 628 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) Viall was placed in immediate command of the fortifications on both sides of the river. This field work was commenced by the Confederates early in the rebellion, a tax of two millions of dollars having been levied upon the prin cipal merchants of New Orleans for the defences of the city. The first installment was paid and expended upon the Parapet running from the Mis sissippi river to the marshes of Lake Ponchartrain. It was abandoned on the occupation of New Orleans by General Butler, and the gun carriages and magazines were destroyed by fire. In this condition Lieutenant-Colonel Viall found the works when assigned to the command of them. The magazines were rebuilt, and. thirty heavy guns were mounted by his regiment. The line, of works was over two miles in length, and required constant labor to keep it in repair. Aside from the drill and fatigue duty, a very rigid system of guard duty was required of Lieutenant-Colonel Viall. All boats, luggers and sailing craft bound up or down the river were brought to at Fort Banks and inspected, to prevent contraband of war passing within the enemy's lines. A record of the same was required to be kept, as also of every team and its contents passing up on both sides of the river ; and of all these a report was to be made and forwarded to headquarters of the defences of New Orleans, with the Custom House permits allowing the same. Similar duties were required of the first battalion at Fort Jackson. Every steamer and sailing craft from above or below was brought to, and its papers were inspected before it was allowed to pass the forts. Before the first battalion arrived at Camp Parapet, Company I, of the third battalion, had been detached for duty on tlie Jackson and New Orleans Railroad. July 3d General T. W. Sherman ordered the first battalion to Fort Jackson, belo\^ New Orleans, to do garrison duty, and the regiment remained thus divided until mustered out of service. July 5th, Colonel J. Hale Sypher, of the United States Army, was appointed by the President to the command of the regiment, and made his headquarters with the second battalion at Plaquemine. He was much of the time engaged on a military commission in New Orleans. In August, the second battalion was visited at Plaquemine by the Inspector General of the Department of New Orleans, who reported to General Banks as follows : " I landed in camp about noon, and no one knew of my coming. The call was sounded, and notice sent to turn out for inspection. In five minutes lines were formed in thoir streets. I found every man fit for duty (not on guard or picket) at inspection ; also all of the officers. The arms and equipments were all in the very best of order. From this they marched up to the guns in double-quick time, and every man knew his place." August 16th, General Banks addressed a com plimentary letter to Major Shaw, commending the officers and men of his command for the good preservation of their arms, their excellent discipline and prompt execution of orders. October 24th, Lieutenant-Colonel Viall received from the Rhode Island Relief Association a box of hospital stores for FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 629 the use of his command. December 1st, Colonel Sypher was in command of the Camp of Instruction, at Greenville, Lieutenant-Colonel Viall was serving on general court martial at New Orleans, Major Fitzwater was engaged on a military commission at Brashear City, and Captain Henry K. Southwick was still on duty as Acting Inspector General of the District. Early in January, 1865, the Allotment Commissioner, Major Amsbury, visited the second battalion at Plaquemine, and paid up the troops to August 1st, preceding the first payment received by the men since their enlistment. Up to the opening of the new year, little had occurred at the post to vary the usual routine of garrison duty. February 16th, the entire regiment numbered 1,452 men. The effects of climate had seriously diminished its ranks. Up to the date last named, upwards of 300 men had died of disease. From July 1st previous, 70 men had died at Fort Jackson. Experience proved that while black men made, good and faithful soldiers, their power of endurance was not equal to that of the whites. In April the station of the first battal ion was transferred from Fort Jackson to Brashear City. The duties of the regiment at the several posts possessed few of the charms that give attraction and excitement to the movements of the field. The work was laborious and often disagreeable, but without the inspiration of glory was always patiently and faithfully performed. For this, impartial history will award just praise. From this last date until the following October, little occurred in the regiment requiring notice. At this time the war had closed, a reduction of the military force of the Union was almost daily taking place, and the further services of the regiment being unnecessary, it was mustered out at New Or leans, October 2d, 1865. On the 7th, it embarked on board the steamship North Star for New York, where , it arrived on the 15th. On landing, the regiment marched up Broadway preceded by a brass band and drum corps organized from its ranks, presenting one of the most imposing scenes that had been witnessed by the citizens of New York since the commencement of the return of soldiers from the field of war. Along the entire route, loud and enthusiastic exclamations of welcome and admiration went up from the crowds thronging the way. The ovation was complete. Leaving New York in the pro peller Doris, the regiment reached Portsmouth Grove at eight and a half o'clock, A. M., October 18th, and was received with a national salute fired by a detachment of the Newport Artillery under ( -olonel John Hare Powell. Saturday morning October 21st, the regiment made a visit to Providence. A salute was fired by the Marine Artillery. On landing, the column was formed on South Main street, and marched to City Hall, where, under the direction .of Acting Adjutant General Crandall, L. H. Humphreys had prepared a handsome and bountiful collation. As the men filed in, keeping step to " Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," as pealedforth by the band of Morris Brothers, Pell & Trowbridge's minstrels, and took their stand at the tables, the spectacle was exciting and inspiring. After the men had refreshed themselves, the 630 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) column was re-formed and marched to Exchange Place, where a dress parade took place in the presence of Governor Smith and Staff and an immense con course of spectators. This ended, the regiment broke into column of com panies and marching up Westminster street in review by the Governor at head quarters, and thence through several other principal streets, it embarked for the rendezvous at Portsmouth Grove. A few days after, the men Were scattered to their homes, having by their general good conduct as soldiers hon6red the State whose name they bore upon their regimental colors, and paying in this manner a gratifying tribute to the untiring energy and sound judgment of the Chief Executive by whom they were called into service. Fourteenth Regiment. R. I. Heavy Artillery, (COLORED.) FIELD AND STAFF NAME AND RANK.. RESIDENCE. Colonel. J. Hale Sypher, j Lancaster, Pa, Lieutenant Colonel, Nelson Viall, Majors. Joseph J. Com8tock, Jr Providence, E. I. Jersey City, N. J. Richard G. Shaw, Andrew J. Fitzwater, Surgeon. Benoni Carpenter, Assistant Surgeons. Joseph R. Draper, Horace McCorney, Sergeant Majors. Zebedee Howland, William Mercer, Quartermaster Sergeant. George W. Hamblin, Commissary Sergeant. Joseph G. Potter, Hospital Steward. John A. Field, Principal Musician. Charles J. Tossett, Providence, K. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Pawtncket, E, I. Providence, " Petersburg, Va. Providence, E. I. N. Kingstown," Providence, " Norwich, Conn. DATE OP MUSTEK. Aug. 11, 1864. Jan. 15, " Dec. 11, 1863. Jan. 31, 1864. Sept. 26, " " 5, 1863. Dec. 11, " 7, Aug. 28, Oct. 5, Aug. 28, Feb. 19, Sept. 14, 1864.1863 Brevet Brigadier General, October, '65; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865 ; Brevet Brig. General, Apr. 15, '66. Appointed from Captain 3d E. I. H. A., Oct. 3, 1863 ; honorably discharged July 25, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Appointed from Captain 3d E. I. H. A., Dec. 14, 1863; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Surgeon in charge of 28th Mass. Vols., Oct. lo, 1861 ; Surgeon 12th E. I. Vols., Oct. 5, 1862; Surgeon 14th E. I. H. A., (colored,) Sept. 5, 1863 ; Medical Director and Inspector of the District of Carrolton, La., June 18, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Assigned to Co. A, July 20, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 1, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd Feb. 28, 1865, sentence G. C. M. |Assigned to Co. D, Sept. 6, 1864. 632 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY A. SAME AND RANK. Captain. Thomas W. Fry, 1st Lieutenants. John B. Peircc, Charles H. Chase, ' 2d Lieutenants. Eowland E. Hazard, John E. Silcocks, Charles P. Gay, Charles D. Greene, 1st Sergeant. Moses F. Brown, Quartermaster Sergeants- George W. Hamblin, Charles Johnson, Sergeants. Leonard G. Phenix, Zebedee Howland, Melville Graham, John A. Jenkins, Cwporah. Charles Cooley, George Black, Thomas A. Allen, William L. Humbert, Benjamin C. Gardner, John B. Colburt, Edward B. Simmons, George E. Wilson, Musicians. John Easton, James F. Watson, Artijicers. Hiram Huntington, Jeremiah Nosa, Wagoner. Howard Edwards, privates. Allen, George E. Adams, George T. Alexander, Samuel Allen, Eobert B. Bolden, William H. Bond, Francis I. Brown, Francis J. RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Cranston, Providence, Newport, '¦ .1 it n it S, Kingstown, " a it Charlestown, " Providence, " Maine,Providence, E. I. Aug. 28, 1863 Sept. 21, " Oct. 7, " Nov. 9, " June 5, 1865. Oct. 10, 1863. July 12, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. DATE OF MUSTER. " 29, " " 28, " Apr. 25, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Acting Eegimental Quartermaster ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dismissed Dec. 3, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Resigned April 17, 1864. Appointed from Sergeant 3d R. I. Cav alry, July 12, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865, Eegimental Quartermaster Sergeant, Oct. 28, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergeant Major Nov. 5, 1863. Died Dec. 6, 1864, at Fort Jefferson, Florida. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Confined at hard labor for fifteen years at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Apr. 25, '64 ; sentence remitted Feb. 5, 1866. Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 5, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Died Aug. 22, ' 64, at Fort Jackson, La. Mustered out of servico October 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service October 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd Jan. 4, 1865, on Surg, certificate. Died Aug. 27, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid malarious fever. Died Oct. 9, 1864, at Fort Jack.-on, La., of typhoid malarious fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2,. 1865. Died Sept. 26, '64, at Fort Jackson, La. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Fourteenth Regiment R. I. Heavy Artillery, (COLOEED.) FIELD AND STAFF. NAME AND BANK. ¦ Colonel. J. Hale Sypher, Lieut. Colonel. Nelson Viall, Majors. Joseph J. ComstockJr. Richard G. Shaw, Andrew J. Fitzwater, Surgeon. Bcnoni, Carpenter, Assistant Surgeons. Joseph R. Draper, Horace McCorney, Sergeant Majors. Zebedee Howland, William Mercer, Quartermaster Sergeant. George W. Hamblin, Commissary Sergeant. Joseph G. Potter. Hospital Stewaid. John A. Field, Principal Musician. Charles J. Tossett, RESIDENCE. Lancaster, Pa. Providence, E. I. Jersey City, N. J. Providence, E. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Pawtucket, E. I. Providence, E. I. Petersburg, Va. Providence, E. I. N. Kingstown," Providence, " Norwich, Conn. DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 11, 1864 Jan. 15, 1864. Dec. 11, 1863. Jan. 31, 1864. Sept. 26, 1864, Sept. 5, 1863. Dec. 11, 1863. " 7, " Aug. 28, 1863. Oct. 5, 1863. Aug. 28, 1863. Feb. 19, 1864. Sept. 14. 1863. REMARKS. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865; Brevet Brig. Gen. Apr. 15, 1806. Appointed from Captain 3d E. I. H. A, Oct. 3, '63 ; honorably discharged July 25, 1865, on Surg, certif. Appointed from Captain 3d E. I. H. A, Dec. 14, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Surgeon in charge of 28th Mass Vols. Oct. 15, 1861 ; Surgeon 12th E. I. Vols. Oct. 5, 1862; Surgeon 14th E. I. H. A. (col'd,) Sept. 5, 1863.; Medical Director and Inspector of the District of Carrolton, La., June 18, 1864 ; mustered out of servi&e Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Assigned to Co. A, July 20, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Sept 1, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Feb. 28, 1865,sentence G. C. M. Assigned to Co. D, Sept. 6, 1864. 631 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. Hull, George C. Henry, Ellis Hcmenway, Fred. A. Henry, William Hyatt, William H. Houck, Robert Hector, William H. Irons, Eobert Johnson, Henry Jackson, William H. Jarvis, Samuel E. Johnson, George H. Johnson, Charles Johnson, George F. King, Randall Lane, John B. Laws, Leoni Lippitt, George Lecompt, James Lyons, Joseph Lent, Charles Lyons, Silas Lee, Augustus Mitchel, George MeSpaddin, Andrew Myers, Jacob Miller, James S. Myers, William Madison, James Miltier, Solomon Niles, Edward F. Niles, Simon Nicholas, Samuel Promt, Charles M. Post, James A. F. Page, William Potter, Frederic A. Preston, Robert M. Penner, John Potter, Joseph G. Palmer, David Peer, Henry Polk, James K. Potter, Samuel Pierce, George W. RESIDENCE. S.Kingstown, E. I. Maine, Boston, Mass. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Albany, " Worcester, Mass. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Newport, " Providence, " u it Newport, " Providence, " Maine, N. Kingstown, E. I Cranston, " Providence, " New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Maine , New York, N. Y. Maine,Providence, E. I. Cf it S. Kingstown," n tt Providence, " S. Kingstown," Providence, " N. Kingstown," New York, N. Y, n a Providence, K. I. S. Kingstown," New York, N. Y. Aug. 28, 1863. Mar. 5, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. 31, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. May 10, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. Apr. 28, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. July 20, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. " 31, " " 28, " Disch. Jan. 4, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Sept. 15, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 5, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., ot typhoid malarious fever. Died Oct. 17, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of remittent fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 21, 1865, at Brashear City, La., of dysentery. Corp.; Sergt.; died Oct. 23, '64, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive t'ever. Died Oct. 15, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of tubercules pulmonalis. Corporal to Jan. 1, 1S65; Q. M Sergt. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. it a it Corp. Jan. 1, 1864; sentenced to hard labor at Dry Tortugas for term of enlistment ; discharged without pay or allowances, per S. O.No^ 36, War Dept. A. G. O., dated Jan. 27, 1866. Died Sept. 13, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid malarious fever. Died Aug. 8, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid fever. Corp. Sept. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. April 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Jan. 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. from Lovell General Hospital, B. I., Feb. 16, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted.Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 24, '64, at N. Orleans, La. " Aug. 26, " Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Corp. Dec. 9, 1864 ; Sergt. Jan. 21,'65; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 13, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute diarrhoea. Corp. April 5, 1864 ; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died July 8, 18C4, at Fort Jackson, La., ot pneumonia. Disch. Nov. 9, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Commissary Sergeant Aug. 22, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Sept. 21, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergt. Sept. 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died at Providence, E. I., (date un known.) FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 635 NAME AND RANK. Paine, Valentine Quinn, James Rooms, John F. Robertson, Nathaniel Rierton, Robert Reynolds, William Kobinson, Joseph Reynolds, Edward Rooms, James Rhodes, Lamon Russell, Charles A. Roberts, John H. Stevens, Samuel B. Snyder, Charles Smith, William Smith, Samuel Smith, Isaac Simmons, James E. Sherwood, George H. Thompson, Anthony Thompson, Nathaniel Thompson, John Tillman, Charles Thomas, Thomas C. Thompson, Charles Tembroke, Samuel Telegrove, John Valentine, William White, Edward Weeden, Charles Weeden, York Warmsley, James Warmsley, Daniel West, John Williams, Edward Williams, Charles C. Watson, Richard Williams, John Wallace, George Weeks, Horace Wilkins, William E. RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. .1 N. Kingstown,' Providence, ' Maine,S. Kingstown, E Maine,Providence, E, I. N. Kingstown," S. New York, N. Y. n it Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Scrawlerburg, N. J. Providence, E. I. Newport, " New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. N. Kingstown," S. " Providence, N. Kingstown," Providence, " New York, N. Y. Maine, DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 31, 1863. t tt ' 28, " ( if May 10, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. May, 16, 1864. Aug. 28, 1863. May 10,1864 Died Sept. 24, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Shot Nov. 25, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., per sentence G. C. M. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt u (. Disch. Nov. 9, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out ofservice Oct. 2, 1865. tc cc cc Died Sept. 21, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute diarrhoea. Died Aug 25, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., congestive fever. Disch. Dec. 10, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. cc tf cc Corp. ; discharged May 3, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Corp. Apr. 1, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. In confinement at Tortugas, Fla., for mutiny, for term of enlistment, Apr. 22, 1864; sent, remitted Feb. 5, '66. Mustered out of servico Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Apr. 5, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Cl ll CC Died Aug. 13, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Died Apr. 2, 1864, at Fort Esperanza, Texas, of phthisis. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tc it u Died Oct. 25, 1863, at Providence, E. I. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 24, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid fever. Died Apr. 4, 1864, at Fort Esperanza, Texas, of remittent fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 26, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid mal. fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Jan. 14, 1864, at Fort Esperanza, Texas, of pneumonia. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 636 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY B. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Henry Simon, Phanuel E. Bishop, 1st Lieutenants. Phanuel E. Bishop, Charles H. Potter, Joseph C. Whiting, Jr. 2d Lieutenants. Daniel J. Viall, Henry B. Watson, Charles L. Stafford, Is* Sergeant. Joshua Jones, Quartermaster Sergeant. John Cajay, Sergeants. William F. Brewster, Charles A. Jackson, John Van Slyck, Thomas Howard, Corporals. Jeremiah May, Major Lamott, William P. Lyons, WiUiam H. Scudder, William H. Jones, John Brown, 1st Miles Grandy, Edward Debois, Musicians. Eobert Hollis, William Aldrich, Artijicers. George Mahoney, Chester H. Hallam, Privates. Allison, Joseph Allman, Benjamin Anderson, Cornelius Anderson, Lemuel Apes, Elias G. Baker, Charles Bane, Joseph Providence, E. I. RESIDENCE. New Orleans, La. Providence, E. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, " it tt Providence, E. I. N. Baltimore, N. Y. Flushing, " Cornwall, Conn. . Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Princeton, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. cc ft Providence, E. I. Montgomery, N. Y. Enfield, Conn. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Hartford, Conn. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Flushing, L. I. New York, N. Y. Chester, Conn. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Sept. 14, 1863. Dec. 1, 1864. Sept. 14, 1863. Jan. 27, 1865. Sept. 14, 1863. Mar. 10, 1865. Nov. 15, 1863. Sept. 14, DATE OF MUSTER. Died Oct. 6, '64, at New Orleans, La., of fever. Mustered out of service Oct 2, 1865. Captain Nov. 9, 1864. Transfd from 2d Lieut. Co. D, Jan. 27, '65; mustered out Oct. 2, '65. Acting Adjutant from date of muster to muster out ; mustered out of sor vice, Oct. 2, 1865. Eesigned for disability Oct. 19, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 1st Lieutenant Co. I, May 11, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 1st Sergeant, Sept. 14, 1863 ; deserted Aug. 23, 1865. Deserted Nov. 13, 1863. Corporal Aug. 21, 1865; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 186f/. Sergeant Dec. 9, 1863; sick Oct. 2, 1865, at Providence, E. I. Sergeant Jan. 9, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 31, 186.3 ; mus tered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd July 25, '65, on Surg, certificate. " Jan. 13, " Died Aug. 23, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typho. mala, fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Mar. 1, 1865, at Fort Jackson, La., of remittent fever. Dis'd Mar. 28, '64, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant Jan. 9, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal July 9, '64; died Sept. 3, '64, at Fort Jackson, La., of typho. mala, fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. .f ' .c cc Dis'd Aug. 15, '64, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Jan. 1, 1864. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 637 NAME AND RANK. Banks, Charles Benson, Benjamin Boardley, John W. Bayard, Jacob Brister, Abner W. Briggs, James Blake, James L. Brush, George Burko, Wilson, Bush, Henry Bush, William Butler, James M. Butler, John Brown, John, 2d Brown, Samuel Clayneal, William H. Cummings, WiUiam Davis, Abraham Davis, James Degroot, David Dickson, WiUiam Degrant, Charles Demond, Francis Dalson, William H. Dove, Isaiah Dubois, Hiram Dubois, James Ellis, Charles H. Everson, Peter Ford, John Forrest, Nathaniel Frishee, John Garrison, John George, Alfred Gillmore, WiUiam Helme, Charles Harden, James H. Hassan, Max Henry, Levi B. Hicks, Henry Hill, James Holmes, Nelson Howard, Henry Hunter, Henry Hutchinson, Mathias Jackson, Albert G. RESIDENCE. Orange, N. Y. Providence, E. I. N.Shoreham, " Flushing, L. I. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Cold Spring, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Bridgeport, Conn. Providence, E. I. Washington, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Orange Co., N. Y. Newark, N. J. Norwich, Conn. Bedford, Mass. Providence, E. I. Orange Co., N. Y. Trenton, N. J. New York, N. Y. Orange Co., " Brooklyn, " Ulster, Co., " Norwich, Conn. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. cc cc Little York, Penn. Harlem, N. Y. New York, " Lancaster, Pa. Newport, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. cc cc Taunton, Mass. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Ulster Co., N. Y. Providence, E. I. Hartford, Conn. I DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 14, 1863 Mustered out of servico Oct. 2, 1865. fC cc it Artificer Sept. 14, '63; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 25, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of diarrhoea. Died Aug. 23, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 31, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typho. mala, fever. Died Oct. 4, 1863, at Providence. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 4, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of small pox. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 17, 1864, at Fort Jackson, of phthisic. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 11, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute diarrhoea. In confinement Ship Island, Miss., for one year from Sept. 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. CC Cf tf Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 25, 1864, at New Orleans, of small pox. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. fC II ff Died Nov. 5, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of convulsions. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Oct. 5, 1864. Dis'd May 3, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Aug. 25, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Jan. 9, 1864; mustered out of service, Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Oct. 2, 1863; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Sept. 14, '63 ; Sergeant, June 9, 1864; 1st Sergeant, Oct. 14, '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, '65. Corporal, July 18, 1864; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 21, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhoid mala, fever. Died June 6, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of remittent fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. if cf ft tt tt ft Corporal, Jan. 6, 1864 ; died May 4, 1864, at Fort Esperanza, Texas, of dysentery. 638 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY.— (COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Jackson, William H. Mar. 24, 1864. Dis'd Nov. 3, 1864, at N. Orleans, La. Jackson, David Providence, E. I. Sept. 14, 1863. Died May 24, '64, Camp Parapet, La. Johnson, William H. Mar. 9, 1865. Jackson, Peter, 1st Brooklyn, N. Y. Sept. 14, 1863. Dis'd Dec. 10, '64, on Surg, certificate, Jackson, William H. Apr. 21, 1865. Musician ; mustered out Oct. 2, 1865. Jackson, Peter, 2d New York, " Sept. 14, 1863. Mustered out of servico Oct. 2, 1865. Jackson, Frederick Orange Co., " il tt It ¦! ft Jackson, Frederick G. Hartford, Conn. Sept. 14, 1863. Corporal, Jan. 9, '64; Sergeant, Oc)t. 4, 1864 ; mustered out Oct. 2, 1866. Jackson, CorneUus New York, N. Y. It tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Jackson, Theodore tt 11 tf fl Died Sept. 13, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of acute diarrhoea. Johnson, Jacob Kings Co., " tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Johnson, Scott, Providence, E. I. ll It tt f. cc Johnson, John New York, N. Y. tt tt cc Cf tc Johnson, Joseph u t. ti if it if tf Jones, George tt tt (« ft tt ft tt Jones, Seth Brooklyn, " It tt tt ft tt Jones, Cato Providence, E. I. tt it In confinement Fort Jackson, La., for two years from April 22, 1864. King, George New York, N, Y, ti tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1866, Low, Charles H. Providence, E. I. tt it Corporal, Aug. 20, 1863; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Lee, George W. tt tt " Corporal, Feb. 8, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Manderville. William Jersey City, N. J. it tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1866. Manning, MiUer New York, N. Y. n a it tt tt Martin, Thomas tt tt n It Died Sept. 12, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Merrick, John Providence, E. I. Died Jan. 28, 1864, at Portsmouth Grove, E. L, of phthisic. Moore, John H. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cl tt Mustered, out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Moore, Francis Moscow, tl tl tt tt tt Moore, James P. Eochester, " ll ti Deserted Nov. 4, 1863. ¦ Moore, James H. New York, " Ct It Dis'd Sept. 1, '65, on Surg, certificate. Moore, Lyman G. New Haven, Conn, it ti Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Moore, Richard New York, N. Y. tt ti Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Munsen, Theodore Newark, N. J. ti tl Corporal Jan. 9, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Nelson, William tt tt " Corporal Mar. 1, 1864; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Nichols, Alfred New York, N. Y, tf ft Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Norton, John Providence, E. I. ff ff tt tt f Paine, Philip tt tt ft ff ft cc ft Palmer, John D. tt t f tt ff Corporal Nov. 9, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1866. Paris, Alexander Norwich, Conn. tf ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1866. PhilUpB, Alexander Jersey City, N. J. ff It ft cc cc Peterson, Eobert New York, N. Y. ff .1 Deserted Jan. 1, 1864. Quash, Charles J. Colchester, Conn. ff ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Eay, Henry New York, N. Y. ff fl Corporal July 15, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Ehodes, John Providence, E. I. ff ff Bugler; died Sept. 8, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute diarrhoea. Eoberts, Harvey S. Hartford, Conn. ff tf Dis'd Jan. 4, '65, on Surg, certificate. Eobinson, Jacob New York, N. Y. ff ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Eoss, John F. Westfield, N. J. ff tf iC CC CC Simmons, Henry New York, N. Y. ff ff Ct C< CC Skinner, Washington Providence, E. I. It 1. Sergeant, Feb. 22, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct 2, 1865. Smith, Henry tt tt ff f > Dis'd Nov. 9, '64, on Surg, certificate. Smith, John H. Philadelphia, Pa. tf II Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Smith, William Providence, E. I. If ll " " " Stump, WiUiam H. New York, N. Y. f f ff If if cc Steward, Henry Philadelphia, Pa. fl tt tt " FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 639 NAME AND RANK. Somm'ersett, Levi Smith, Robert Simon, John A. Stafford, Charles H. Thompson, James Tuttle, Samuel Vandervere, George Wales, John Weeks, Nathaniel White, Edward Williams, Alfred Williams, Henry Williams, John WiUiams, Eichard Wilson, Aaron Wilson, George H. Wilson, Samuel H. Wright, Francis A. Williams, Michael Washington, George Young, Francis RESIDENCE. New York, N. Y. ff cf Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. tt tl Orange Co., N. Y. Jersey City, N. J. New York, N. Y. it ff Providence, E. I. tt ft Jersey City, N. J. New York, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Fishkill, N. Y. Brooklyn, " Providence, E. -I. Brooklyn, N. Y. DATE OF MUSTER. Sept. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. it ft tc Sergeant Jan. 9, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct 2, 1865. In confinement at Ship Island, Miss., for four months, Sept. 9, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Nov. 21, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La. , of congestive fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died April 18, 1864, at Matagorda Island, Texas, of dropsy. Dis'd Feb 25, '64, on Surg, certificate. Died Sept. 17, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of diarrhoea. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal Aug. 1, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 8, 1864, at Fort JackBon, La., of typhus fever. Corporal Oct. 9, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 31, 1864, at Fort Jackson, of typho. mal. fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 640 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY C. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captain. George Bucklin, Sept. 23, 1863. Hon. disch. the service Aug. 24, 1865. 1st Lieutenants. Charles H. Mumford, Resigned for disability, July 20, 1864. George W. Weeden, Providence, E. I. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Alfred H. Barker, Jr., n ft ,, 2d Lieutenants. George W. Weeden, Oct. 11, 1863. Acting Quartermaster of 1st battalion; 1st Lieutenant May 11, 1865. William Harrison, May 19, 1865. Mustered outof service Oct. 2, 1865. Walter Wheeler, Oct. 5, 1863. Eesigned Mar. 28, 1864, for disability. Alanson A. Williams, Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 1st Sergeant. John W. Pearson, New York, N. Y. Sept. 14, " ft ll Cl Quartermaster Sergeant. Benjamin H. Cornell, fC tc tt tt Disch. Mar. 28, 1864, on Surg, certif. Sergeants. Daniel D. Perry, Providence, E. I. Ct ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. William D. Harris, New York, N. Y. ft ff tt tt ci Solomon Johnson, tt tt ff ff tc ft tc William H. Addison, Providence, E. I. ff ff ct tt tc Corporals. Ishmael E. Lowe, Pawtuxet, " ff fl Died June 21, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of syphilis. Samuel Thompson, New York, N. Y. ff ff Sergt. Jan. 21,1864; 1st Sergt. Oct. 11, '64; must'd out of serv. Oct. 2,' 65. Elias Vanhorsen, Cornwall, " ff ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Pardon S. Sweet, Pawtuxet, E I. ff ff tt tt ft John H. Johnson, New York, N. Y. fl ff Sergt. Nov. 4, 1864 ; 1st Sergt. June 1, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. John II. Monroe, Providence, E. I. ff .1 Corp. Oct. 1, '64 ; Sergt. Dec. 13, '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Henry Clay, tt tt ff tt ft fc ft William Furgerson, tt tt ft ff Sergt. Dec. 13, 1863; mustered out of Musicians. service Oct. 2, 1865. Samuel Elsworth, Hudson, N. Y. ft ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Nathaniel Edwards, New York, " ff ff Died Sept. 1, 1864, at Fort Jackson, Artificers. La., of typhoid fever, Edward A. Squires, Huntington, L. I. ff ff Absent sick in Hospital. Thomas Holmes, Providence, E. I. ff tf Died Oct. 14, 1864, at New Orleans, Wagoner. La., of syphilis. William Allen, tt tt ff fl Disch. Dec. 10, 1864, on Surg, certif. Privates. Anderson, Henry tt t ft " Aug. 18," " •• Oct. 2," Died June 24, 1865, at Brashear City, La., of consumption. Died Jan. 15, '64, at New Orleans, La. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Sept. 23, 1863. Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; musteredout of service Oot. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt tf " Sept. 11," Died Nov. 28, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Nov. 9, 1864, at New Orleans, La,, of consumption. Died June 12, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 1, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 646 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. Johnson, George Jackson, Joseph, 2d Jackson, James M. Jackson, Lanson Jackson, Leonard Jackson, Lewis Jackson, Philo Jarvis, Lewis Johnson, 'Edward Johnson, Henry Johnson, Nathan Jones, Abraham Jones, George W. Jones, Mervin Kinsley, Henry Knore, Samuel Lawrence, John Lloyd, Charles Lunn, Amos A. Miller, Austin Moore, Henry Miller, Townsend Moore, Charles C. Nelson, George Norris, George Page, Poke Palmer, Oliver ParceUa, James Peters, John W. Pugsley, Daniel Eoss, James A. Roe, Isaac Eay, Kemp Einggold, Charles Eandall, Hannibal Eandall, Eichard Eeynolds, Albert Eobinson, WiUiam Eushmore, John Selsbie, Eobert Sayers, George A. Savage, George Seman, Elias Simons, John Simons, WilUam H. Smith, George Smith, George D. RESIDENCE. Canada,Providence, E. I. Westbury, N. Y. Jerusalem, " Montgomery, " Queens Co., " New Haven, Conn, Jerusalem, N. Y. Monmouth, N. J. Providence, E. I. Wayne Co., Mich. Flushing, N. Y. Jamaica, " Flushing, " Bronxville, " New Haven, Conn. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Crawford, " Providence, E. I. Berkshire, Mass. Newtown, N. Y. Buffalo, " Providence, E. I. Adams Co., Pa, Mississippi, Hartford, Conn, EUzabeth, N. J. Norwich, Conn, Eochester, N, Y. Connecticut,Duchess Co., N. Y. Morristown, N. J. Bridgeport, Conn. Prescott, " Sterling, " Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Elizabeth, N. J. New Haven, Conn. Flushing, N. Y. Norwich, Conn. Flushing, N. Y. Aug. 26, 1864. Sept. 22, 1863. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. July 28, 1864 Sept. 22, 1863 July 19, 1864 Sept. 22, 1863 July 22, 1864 Sept. 22, 1863 il li Aug. 26, 1864 Sept. 22, 1863 Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ft tt ,t Died Sept. 9, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Died July 7, 1864, at New Orleans, La. . of fever. Died Sept. 21, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of paratatis. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ft , ft tt Dis'd Sept. 1, '65, on Surg, certificate. Died Oct. 9, 1864. at Fort Jackson, La. , of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. .f tt tt Died April 5, 1864, at Pass Cavallo, Texas, of fever. Died Aug. 24, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Died Oct. 3, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of scrofula. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Nov. 21, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute diarrhoea. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2. 1865. Died Aug. 11, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of pneumonia. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 27, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of acute dysentery. Died June 24, 1865, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestion of lungs. Died Aug. 20, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of fever. Mustered out of servioe Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 29, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Deserted April 20, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Transferred from 29th Conn. Vols., Aug. 7, '64; mustered out Oct. 2, '65. Died Aug. 25, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of consumption. Died Oct. 31, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of enteritis. Died Dec. 29, '63, at N. Orleans, La, Deserted June 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 22, '64, at Fort Jackson, La. Died Sept. 21, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of consumption. Died Aug. 20, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of mala, fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 647 NAME AND RANK. Smith, Joshua Smith, Stephen Sommerset, Lemuel Squires, Leander Stephens, Ashael Sysco, William H. Semans, John J. Stephens, John Talbout, James H. Taylor, Prince A. Thompson, John H. Thorn, Floyd Teneycke. Cornelius H. Townsend, John Waples, Thomas Waters, Frederick Watson, WiUiam H. Weddington, James H. Welden, Stephen West, William H. Williams, Charles Webb, Joseph Williams, French Williams, Isaac Winslow, Robert Waite, Lafayette Woolsey, Austin Williams, Ebenezer Walker, Henry Warren, Charles H. Williamson, Abram W. RESIDENCE. Flushing, N. Y. Providence, E. I, New York, N. Y. Long Island, " Sheffield, Mass. Long Island, N. Y. Eensselear, " Duchess, ' ' Norwich, Conn. Providence, E. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, " Brooklyn, " Providence, E. I. Hartford, Conn. Hudson, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Stanford, N. Y. Salem, Conn. Providence, E. I. North Carolina, Salem, Conn. Gravesend, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Greenwich, " N. Brunswick, N. J. New York, N. Y. Columbia, " Camden, N. J. Sept. 22, 1863. DATE OF MUSTER. 29, ' 22, ' Aug. 17, 1864. Sept. 22, 1863, July 29, 1864, Sept. 22, 1863. REMARKS. Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oot. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 10, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. In confinement f or theft at Sh ip 1 slan d , Miss., for four mos, from Sept. 9, '65. Mustered out of servico Oct. 2, 1865. Dis'd Sept. 1, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Sept. 1, 1864; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. In confinement at Fort Jefferson, Fla., for one year from Feb. 31, 1865. Died Aug. 5, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of typhus fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 30, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Artificer; mustered out Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Sept. 1, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 7. 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of scrofula. Died Aug. 6, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Died Sept. 22, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of fits. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 5, 1864, at Fort Jackson, La., of congestive fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Nov. 21, '64; Sergeant, Feb. 21, 1865 ; mustered out Oct. 2, 1865. Djs'd Nov. 6, '64, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 648 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY E. NAME AND RANK. Captains. Nelson Kenyon, George W. Cole, 1st Lieutenants. William S. Dyer, John E. Wardlow, 2d Lieutenants. Warren N. DeVolve, William H. Currie, Herbert D. Leavitt, 1st Sergeant. Wnliam H. Still, Quartermaster Sergeant. William Holliday, Sergeants. Barney W. Holden, Willis Jones, Corporals. Benjamin F. Cooley, William S. Peterson, William Snowden, Albert Crowell, George 0. Morgan, Charles Parker, Thomas W. Jones, Musicians. George B. Hall, Cornelius King, Artificers. John Jackson, William H. Smith, Wagoner. Austin E. Elkey, Privates. Atwood, Alexander, Artist, Thomas W. Andrews, Martin P. Brown, Edward Burnett, John Brougham, Harrison Brunt, George Brooks, William Burch, John Barker, Benjamin Butler, Thomas Barker, David Burton, Thomas C. Barker, Elisha RESIDENCE. Coventry, E. I. Eeading, Penn. Columbia, Ohio, Schenectady, N. Y, Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y, (( ft Providence, ft. I. ti n Albany, N. Y, New Jersey, Jamaica, N. Y. Elizabethtown,N.J. Providence, E. I. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. N. Danbury, Conn. Providence, E. I. Ludlow, Mass. Providence, E. I. Schoharie, N. Y. Eye,Westchester, " Harrison, " Paris, " DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 10, 1863. 20, " 16, " N6v. 6, Oct. 5, " 19, 1864. Dec. 22, 1863 Oct. 5, Feb. 18, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. tl tt Feb. 7, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Feb. 8,1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Feb. 27, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Feb. 6, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Feb. 3, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Transferred to Co. G. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Hon. disch. Aug, 29, '65, for disability. " May 22, '64. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Promoted from IstfSergt, 5th R. I. H. A. ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. • Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Aug. 22, 1864, on Surg, certif. Died June 27, 1864, at Plaquemine, La. ; accidental shot wounds. Sergt. ; deserted June 16, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Aug. 22, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergt. July 7, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergt. Mar. 27, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 29, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died July 10, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of intermittent fever. Corp. Aug. 21, 1864; Sergt. Aug. 81, 1864 ; died Aug. 28, 1865, at Don aldsonville, La., of dysentery. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Mar. 27, 1864 ; mustered out of • service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2. 1865. it tt tt Corp. June 19, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. July 8, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 649 NAME AND RANK. Carl, Charles H. Cooper, Ridgeway W. Crawford, Hezekiah Castle, Charles Carman, Lionc Crooks, Silas .Carey, George Carey, James Csesar, William H. Cotton, George Clark, Richai d Cromwell, William U. Clayton, Charles L. Cambridge, William H. Dunkerson, Nelson Dickerson, Thomas Dailey, Amos Deyo, Charles DeMars, Geraldo Demon, John Elliott, Philip Fortune, John Freeman, Charles Frazier, John H. Freeman, James H. Frazier, Edward Frazier, Jerome Freeman, James D. Freeman, Andrew Fountain, William Grant, William A, Green, Charles Green, George Griffin, Joseph Gainor, John Gilmore, Walter F. Hasbrouck, Richard Hasbrouck, DeWitt C. Hicks, Richard Halcomb, Augustus M, Hardy, Charles H. Hickson, James Hill, Henry A. Hubbard, Henry Hubbard, David H. Irvin, Lewi9 Johnson, Frederick Jackson, Charles A. Jefferson, William A.P. Johnson, Charles Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, James Johnson, Ja-ob Johnson, William Johnson, George H. James, James Jones, Oliver 82 RESIDENCE. Westbury, N. Y. Philadelphia, Penn. Orange Co., N. Y. Philadelphia, Penn. Washington, N. Y, Sterling, Dover Plains, N. J. tt tt New York, N. Y. Lancaster, Pa. Stafford Co., Va. Bordentown, N. J. Providence, E. I. Johnston, " Malbury, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Fishkill, N. Y. Yorktown, Va. Providence, E. I. Pine Plains, N. Y. Providence, E. I. New York, N, Y. Pine Plains, " Glastenburg, " Sand Lake, " Louisville, Ky. Tarrytown, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Pleasant Val., N. Y. Harrison, " Charles Co., Md. Lancaster, Pa. Summitville, N. Y. Hyde Park, " Ft. Hamilton, " Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Old Fork, Farmington, Conn. Mercer, N. Y. Ypsilanti, Mich. Albanv, N. Y, Troy," Chatham, " Monmouth, N. J. Morristown, ¦' Stanford, N. Y. tt tt New York, " Oyster Bay, " Providence, E. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1863. Feb. 21.1865 Oct. 5, 1863. Aug. 8, 1864. Oct. 5, 1863, Feb. 25, 1864. Oct. 6, 1863. REMARKS. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Mar. 6, 1864, at English Turn, Ln., of phthisis. Died March 15, 1864, at English Turn, La., of phthisis. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ti tt it Disch. June 14, 1865, on Surg, certif. tt tt " tt Died Nov. 24, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of consumption. Died Feb. 8, 1865, at Plaquemine, La., of lung disease con traded in service. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt it it Deserted July 12. 1865. Died June 27, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of accidental shot wounds. Corp. June 12, 1865; Sergt. Sept. 12, 1865 ; must, out of serv. Oct. 2, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. June 20,1864, on Surg, certif. Died Sept. 9, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of congestive fever. Disch. June 14, 1865, on Surg, certif. Died June 6, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of congestive chills. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Absent sick Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. June 14, 1865, on Surg, certif. " Aug. 22, 1864, " Mustered but of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Aug. 22, 1864 ; Sergt. July 8,'65 ; mustered out of SHrvice Oct. 2, 1865. it tt tc Corp. Mar. 8, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 650 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY.— (COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. King, George Keil, Henry Kellman, James IL Lewis, John Larkins, Adam McClow, James McClow, Abner Mitchell, George Maxwell, Thomas Morgan, Henry A. Newby, Stephen A. H. Oliver, .Timothy F. Pierson, William Potter, William H. Kichardson, James W. Bay, John B. Eandall, James P. Eogers, Hiram Springs, William H. Smith, Henry T. Smith, Jacob Smith, Lemuel H. Sands, John Seymore, John C. Seymore, Alfred Seymore, James Seymore, William H. Searles, Elias Searles, Samuel Silvey, Edward Saunders, Gilbert Saunders, Aaron Seamans, Field Strong, Seth L. Seignior, John Spencer, Philip Stephens, Morgan Twist, William H. Treadwell, William H, Thomas, John Thomas, George A. Thomas, Henry Turner, Emery B. Tucker, David G. Thompson, Lorenzo Tierce, Simeon A. Taylor, Franklin Teabout, Jacob H. Van Brackle, Archibald Van Schoick, Warren Van Houter, Thos. J. Van Dom, Isaac H. Van Alstine, Wm. H. Voorse, Daniel Wilson, George H. RESIDENCE. Newtown, N. Y. Delaware, Pa. Schoharie, N. Y. Burlington, N. J. Bordentown, " Providence, Ii. 1. Hartford, Md. Albany, N. Y. Brooklyn, '' Hartford, Conn. Oyster Bay, N. Y. New York, " Warren Co. N. J. Norwich, Conn. Still Water, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Windsor, Conn. Hartford, Pa. Windsor, Conn. Middletown, " North Castle, N. Y. Yorkville, " Pottsville, Pa. Schuylkill, " Columbia, D. C. Allentown, N. J. Huntington, N. Y. New Haven, Conn, Farmington, " Providence, E. I. Queen's Co. N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Babylon, N. Y. Delaware Co., Md. New Jersey, Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Flushing, N. Y. Sandusky, 0. Harrison, N. Y. Salem, N. J. Schoharie, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Saratoga, N Y. New York, " New Jersey, Berkshire, Co., Ms. Lawrenceville, N. J. Baltimore, Md. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 5, 1863. Mar. 1 Oct. 5, 1864. 1868. Feb. 18, 1865. Oct. 5, 1863. Corp. Aug. 22, 1864 ; Sergt. June 14, '65 ; must, out of service Oct. 2, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died March 15, 1864, at English Turn, La., of phthisis. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865 Corp. Mar. 27, 1864 ; disch. Sept. 11, 1865, on Surgeon's certificate. Died Feb. 4„ 1864, at English Turn, La., of congestion of lungs. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. July 10, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865, Disch. Sept 29, 1864, on Surg, certif. Sergt. Mar. 8, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Absent sick. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Sept. 27, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. July 8, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Jan. 4, 1864, at Dutch Island, li. I , of pneumonia. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Sept. 12, 1866 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Nov. 29, 1863, at Dutch Island, E. I., of lung fever. Disch. Sept. 29, 1864, on Surg, certif. " Mar. .15, 1865, Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Sept. 6, 1865, at Donaldsonville, La., of dysentery. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt tt Corp. July 7, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ft ft cc Died July 8,1864, at Plaquemine, La., of intermittent fever. Corp. July 8, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. June 20, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 651 DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Wilson, Jeremiah Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 5, 1863. Mustered out of service Oct. 2,1865. Williams, Jonas Newark, N. J. it tt tf tt tt Williams, Alfred Providence, E. I. tt tt tt tt tt Williams, Philip tt it ct tt Musifcian June 1, 1865; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Watts, George E. Buffalo, N. Y. Died Sept. 7, 1865, at Camp Parapet, tt ct La., of dysentery. Waters, Richard Chatham, " tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Whipper, Thomas Colchester, Pa. tt tt tt u it Wooby, Samuel Allentown, N. J. f. tt tt tt tc 652 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY F. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Captains, George W. Cole, Oct. 20, 1863. Trans, to Co. E. Charles C. Cragin, Dec. 12, " " fro n Co. G ; mustered out of 1st Lieutenants, service Oct. 2, 1865. Caleb H. Barney, Providence, E. I. „ 2, " Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. William H. Chenery, tt tt " 21, " Promoted from Sergeant Co. D, 5th E. I. H. A ; mustered out of ser 2d Lieutenants. vice Oct. 2, 1865. Lester S. Hill, " 30, " Promoted from Corporal ] Bat. E, 1st E. I. L. A. ; mustered out of ser vice Oct. 2, 1865. John A. Eeynolds, " 23, " Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 1st Sergeant. George D. Kelley, Cf ct Oct. 20, 1863. tt tt tt Quartermaster Sergeant. David P. Brown, f. ff n ft tt it ti Sergeants. Thomas J. Steward, ff tl tt tt tt tt tt Major G. Price, tl It ct tf tt tt tt Corporals. George F. Boulding, It it tt tt In confinement at Fort Jefferson, Fla., since March 23, 1865. Lanson E. Hicks, it tl t. tt Died July 11, 1864, at Plaquemine, La., of typhoid mal. fever. Silas N. Johnson, it It tt tt Disch. Ma--. 20, 1864, on Surg, certif. Aaron Lewis, tl ll tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Eobert McKinnis, tl ll tt tt Sergt. Feb. 8, 1864 ; mustered out of Musicians. • service Oct. 2, 1865. Travers C. Babcock, it it tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Andrew Hamilton, it tl ft tt u tt ft Artificer. James Lewis,. tt It tt tt Absent sick ; sent to E. I., Sept, 19/65. Wagoner. Charles Johnson, ll tt tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ; Privates. Adams, Isaiah ft ff tt tt tt ft " Anderson, Andrew J. ft it tt tt tt ft tt Anderson, Lewis ff ft tt tt tt « it Anderson, William P. if ff tt tt Disch, Jan. 4, 1865, on Surg, certif. Armstrong, George tf ff tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2,1865. Bailey, Grant ft ft tt tc Deserted May 19, 1865. Bunyan, George W. tf ff tt tt " Jan. 17, 1864. Bates, Franklin ft ft tt tt Oct. 26, 1863. Berton, John ff ff tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Bond, Samuel tf ff tt tt Deserted Oct. 26, 1863. Brown, George, H. ff ff tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Brown, John E. ft ff tt it Corp. ; died Aug. 31, 1864, at Plaque mine, La., of congestive chills. Carter, William H. it It tc tt Died Mar. 13, 1864, at English Turn, La., of congestion of the lungs. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Champlin, Charles E. ll tt Crampton, Samuel A. H it Sergeant, Dec. 31, 1863 ; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Carroll, Dennis 11 (1 Died Jan. 5, 1864, at Dutch Island, E. I., of pneumonia. Coester, Emery E. II ft Dis'd Feb. 9, '65, on Surg, certificate. Coester, Wm. B. G. tl If Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Carpenter, George It II Dis'd May 11, '64, on Surg, certificate. Coystie, John If If Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Cables, Jesse If If Wagoner ; mustered out Oct. 2, 1865. Docket, John H. ff If Corporal, June 15, 1864 ; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Downs, Joseph Jan. 28, 1864. Corporal, June 15, 1864 ; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dean, Moses Dec. 31, 1863. Dis'd June 8, '65, on Surg, certificate. Debois, Thomas B. it *t Died July 16, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La. of acute dysentery. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 673 NAME AND RANK- Dewitt, WiUiam Dorsey, John H. Dennison, Asa Ennis, Alfred P. Earl, Peter Flemming, William J, Furguson, John H, Fields, Charles H, Francis, Charles L. Fletcher, David E. Fletcher, Roderick L. Gordon, George Gale, Samuel E. Gardner, Thomas E. Grager, David J. Good, Hazamiah Gibson, David Hill, John G. Bajrdj John Howell, Paul Henry, John Henson, Thomas H. Hawkins, George W. Hamilton, John Howard, David E. Humphrey, Eobert Hamlet, Edward E, Henderson, Harrison Jackson, Augustus B. Jackson, Henry Jackson, James M. Jackson, William Johnson, John Johnson, William L. Jones, David Jones, John E. Jones, William H. Jones, Randolph Kenney, John Kelley, Archy Lucas, William H, Lee, Adam Lee, Hezekiah Lewis Charles J. Livingston, William Miller, Benjamin Miller, John N. Mills, Charles Mann, William H. 85 RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. Doc. 31, 1863 Feb. 4, 1864. Dee. 31, 1863 Mar. Dec. 12, 1864 31, 1863 Feb. Dec. tt Jan.Dec. 19, 1864. 31, 1863. if 25, 1864. 13, 1863. REMARKS. Died June 24,' 65,at Camp Parapet, La., of congestive fever and dysentery. Mustered out of sorvice Oct. 2, 1865. tt t it Corporal, April 22, ' 64 ; Sergeant, June 17, '64; mustered out Oct. 2, '65. Mustered out of servico Octi 2, 1865. it it .t Corporal, Dec. 31, '63; Sergeant, A ug. 1, 1364; mustered out Oct. 2, 1865. Absent sick Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 5, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of consumption. Died July 1, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of consumption. Mustered out of servico Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 11, 1864, at Portsmouth Grove Hospital, E. I., of debility. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Died Aug. 23, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of intermittent fever. Mustered out of service Oct 2, 1865. Died Mar. 18, 1864, at Dutch Isl. E. I. Mustered out of service Oct. 2. 1865. Corp. July 6, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Regt. Q. M. S. Sept. 1, '65; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted June 11, 1865: Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died April 30, 1864, in Ehode Island, of bronchitis. Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. June 15, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Musician; mustered outof service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Mar. 17, 1864, at Dutch Island, E. I., of consumption. Deserted July 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. Dec. 31, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Corp. Dec. 31, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died July 21, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of remittent fever. Disch. May 6, 1865, on Surg, certif. Deserted March 30, 1864. Sergt.; died Aug. 1, '64,at Camp Par apet, La., of intermittent fever. 674 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OT MUSTER. Morton, Willis McGill, William Magruder, JohnF. Ormes, George M. Pell, John Peters, William Prince, William E. Page, John Payne, Lawrence Quail, Lee Eagg, James W. Bay, Thomas Eandle, Joseph B. Bichards, Edmund Eichardson, Benj. J. Roberts, Charles A. Salter, James Skanks, Thomas C. Skanks, George Shaffer, James H. Smith, Daniel H. Smith, David Smith, Amos Smith, Bristol Smith, John Smith, John 2d, Smith, John C. Simons, James Simms, James W. Siscoe, Bichard Siscoe, Thomas Schoolmaker, Moses Stinese, Samuel Sheekles, Bichard L. Sampson, William H. Sandford, James Seaton, George Susbury, Samuel B. Schuyler, George Scott, Michael S. Taylor, Ebenezer Taylor, Charles F. Tate, George W. Thompson, Henry Thompson, Frank Thompson, Darius Thompson, Harvey B. Thompson, James A. Thompson, John B. Thompson, Singlet' nH Terrill, John B. Turner, William H. Dec. 31, 1863, Died Nov. 6, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestion of brain. Died Feb. 9, 1865, at Camp Parapet, of consumption. Corp. July 6, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergt. ; died Nov. 1, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of diarrhoea. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. t. ti t, Deserted Mar. 30, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt tt Musician ; mustered outof service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died May 17, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of intermittent fever. ' Deserted July 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Feb. 1864, at Dutch Island, R. I., of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Feb. 9, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. u it tt Corporal Dec. 31, 1863; musteredout oi service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Aug. 27, 1864. Corporal Dec 31, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt it Died Aug. 19. 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of bilious fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal, Dec. 31, '63; Sergeant, June 15, 1864 ; mustered out Oct. 2, '65. Absent sick Died May 14, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of pneumonia. Died Aug. 25, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. ,t tt ' tt Dis'd May 13, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Feb. 26, 1864. Corporal, April 22, '64 ; Sergeant June 13, 1864; mustered out Oct. 2, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 675 NAME AND RANK. Van Horn, Winfield B. Waldron, Berry L. Wallace, Edmund S. Washington, George Washington, WiUiam Wheatly, Joshua White, Peter Wilson, Frank Winn, Abraham Williams, Edward Williams, George L. Williams, Theodore Winthrop, Ephraim Woods, WiUiam Wright, John Wells, Eobert WiUiamson, David D. Williamson, WiUiamH. Whitfield, George S. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted June 15, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Aug. 7, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of intermittent fover. Died Sept. 12, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of consumption. Died June 2, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. it it it Died May 2, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of intermittent fever. Died March 8, 1864, at Dutch Island, E. I., of variola. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. In confinement tor nine months, at Fort Pickens, Fla. ; mustered out of service March 6, 1866. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Jan. 22, '64, at Dutch Island, E. I. Corporal, Dec. 31, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergeant Dec. 31, 1863 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 676 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) COMPANY M. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS, Captain. " Henry K. Southwick, Mar. 24, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 1st Lieutenants. Warren Ealph, April 8, " ft ft u George A. 1'eirce, June, 2, " ft ft tt 2d Lieutenants. ' Frank Frost, Dec. 24, 1863. Hon. disch. June 14, 1865. Albert W. Delanah, Mar. 23, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Sergeants. Hannibal C. Bryan, Jan. 25, " Absent sick Oct. 2, 1865. Charles H. Corey, ti tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corporal. • " Amos G. Freeman, tt ll Died Aug. 4, 1864, at Camp Parapet, Musician. La., of typhoid fever. Sidney W. Johnson, tt If Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Privates. Adams, James Missouri, tt cc Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Ambrose, Harrison Woodstock, Va. (1 II tt it it Allen, Henry " 30, " Died Aug. 19, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of dysentery. Bailey, Andrew Mobile, Ala. " 25, " Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Barrett, Henry Schoharie, N. Y. tt tt Died Dec. 28, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Batties, Alfred E. F. Harrisburg, Penn. tt tt Deserted June 4, 1864. Bradford, Peter New York, N. Y. tt tt Sergt. Jan. 25, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Bradford, Alonzo. Ohio, tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Brown, Joseph B. Buffalo, N. Y. tt n tt tt u Brown, Nathan Washington, D. C. tt tt n t. tt Brown, Jesse W. Alexandria, Va. i. it it it it Brown, George W. it tt it n Died Jan. 16, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of dysentery. Burns, Hilery R. it tt tt tt Corp. May 1, 1865 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Burns, Sylvester Schenectady, N. Y. a n Sergt. Jan. 29, 1864; mustered outof service Oct. 2, 1865. Bulah, Joseph P. Albanv, " tt i. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Berley, Fletcher W. Washington, D. C. t< f. tt tt n Butler, Amos Mata moras, Mexico, tt tt it it tt Carlisle, Calvin Casey, Reuben D. North Carolina, tt tt tt tt u New York, N. Y. tt tt it ft « ¦ Casey, George n tt tt tt Disch. Mar. 19, 1864, on Surg, certif. Casey, William M. tt ti tt ft Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1866, Cartwright, George W. tt tt tt tt tt tt ft Clark, Ambrose Washington, D. C. tt tt u it tf Clarke, William H. Palmyra, N. Y. tt it Corp. Oct. 13, 1864; musteredout of service Oct. 2, 1865. Clay, William Pennsylvania, tt tt Died Sept. 3, 1864, at Ne* Orleans, La., of chronic diarrhoea. Cleggett, William F. Eochester, N. Y. tt tt Died Nov. 10, 1864, at Camri Parapet, La., of apoplexy. Clifford, John Virginia, tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Coroan, James M. Illinois, tt tt .t it « Congdon, James Windham, Conn. " " Died Nov. 22, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of diphtheria. Cortwright, John W. New York, N. Y. tt ft Corp. ; died Sept. 2, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La., of bilious fever. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 677 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OP MUSTER. REMARKS. Cortwright, Prime New York, N. Y. Jan. 25, 1864. Disch. Feb. 10, 1865, on Surg, certif. Cone, William A. Eockport, " a 11 Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Cross, Nelson Washington, J). C. 11 it Corp. Jan. 5, 1864; mustered out 'of service Oct. 2, 1865. Cummings, Thomas C. Tioga Co., N. Y. 11 tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Damn, Cnarles J. Seneca, " n tt ii it it Davis, Augustus E. I. Pennsylvania, ii n tt ft it Defforrest, James N. Syracuse, N. Y. a tt u tt it Biggs, John tt tt tt u Corp. Oct. 13, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dickerson, Joseph Pennsylvania, tt ti Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Dixion, Hezekiah Jr. Rochester, N. Y. a ti Killed while assaulting officer of the guard, April 30, 1864. Dorsey, Elijah New York, " it *( Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865, Dorsey, John H. Maryland, ii Died Aug. 1864, at New Orleans, La. Dunbar, Ambrose New York, N. Y. if u Mustered out of service Oct, 2, 1865. Elebeck, Henry N. Buffalo, " tt ti Ellis, George W. Covington, Ky. tt tt " " « Ellet, Henry. North Carolina, tt ti Fairfax, Thomas C. Virginia, ti tt Died Oct. 14, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., bilious remittent fever. Freeman, Elane C. Feb. 25, " Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Fletcher, Westin Ohio, Jan. 25, " Died June 15, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La. of typhus fever. Grayson, Joseph Virginia, if tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Garnett, Andrew If f. .4 Greer, Richard New Jersey, tt ,t Died June 17, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of typhoid fever. Gregor, Samuel D. New York, N. Y. tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865: Gibbs, Miles Canada, ft tt Disch. June 8, 1805, on Surg, certif. Griffin, Charles Lexington, Ky. tt .1 Died Oct. 16, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestive remittent fever. Griffin, Henry A. Massachusetts, tt tt Died Dec. 81, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of diarrhoea. Greene, George Canada, tt a Corp. May 1, 1865; mustered outof service Oct. 2, 1865. Go, Levi Pennsylvania, ... tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Hammer, Stephen F. Ithaca, N. Y. tt tt Deserted Dec. 7, 1864. Hampton, William W. Washington, D. C. ft . tt Sergeant Jan. 5, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Hall, Nathaniel Virginia, tt ti Died Sept? 4, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of typhoid fever. Harmon, James Pennsylvania, tt tt Disch. May 15, 1865, on Surg, certif. Hardiman, Alexander Tennessee, tt tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Howell, Edmund Warren Co., Mo. u ii tt tt ti Henderson, Henry Friendship, N. Y. tt tt tt n it Henry, James F. Bath, tt tt Died Aug. 7, 1864, at New Orleans, La., of diarrhoea. Herrell, Richard North Carolina, tt tt Disch. May 5, 1865. on Surg, certif. Ilill, Henry. C. Taunton, Mass. tt tt Died Sept. 21, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La. of mai. fever. Hbneycutt, Greenberry Ohio, tt tt Died July 24, 1804, at New Orleans, La., ot diarrhoea. flopkins, Thomas C. Virginia, ft fr Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Hovey, Joseph Hornbook, Theodore Connecticut, ff ff Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. New York, N. Y. ft ff Died Sept. 30, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of' malignant typhoid fever. Howard, James ll tt ff f f Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Howland, George Ontario, " ff ft Died Nov. 7, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestion of the brain. Herbert, Theodore Georgetown, I). C. ff ft Mustered out of service Oct. 2,1866. Itchison, William Kentucky, ff ff ti tt tf Jncksoh, Silas New York, N. Y. tf ft tt tt ft Jackson, Davist Pennsylvania, ft ff Corp. Jan. 25, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Jackson, Wilery R. it it ff fi Corp. Feb. 17, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. 678 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. — .(COLORED.) NAME AND RANK. Johns, Evans Johns, George Johnson, William H. Johnson, George A. Johnson, George H. Johnson, Thomas H. Johnson,. William Jones, Benjamin Jones, David Jones, James F. Jones, Bobert Jones, William A. Jones, William H. Kenney, William Lucas, James Lacey, Charles Lavender, Benjamin H Lee, Henry Lee, William A. Lemon, John H Lucas, Philip Mark, Williams Morrison, William A. Moore, George McGowan, Samuel Miller, James Moore, Charles H, Murray, William Myers, Aaron C. Newson, Charles Palmer, William Parker, James Parker, Joseph ll! Paine, Arthur Peck, William II. Peters, Abraham Poole, Fielding Pugsley, Alexander Eandall, Georga H. Rice, Daniel Boots, James Eoberson. John L. Eussells, WiUiam Scoggins, Nathaniel Scanks, Martin Smith, Anthony Smith, George M. Smith, James Smith, James B. Smith, Eobert Smith, William H. Terrell, Eobert RESIDENCE. Attleboro, N. Y. Kentucky, Maryland,Georgetown, D. C. Rochester, N. Y, New York, " Canada, Richmond, Ind. Fredericksburg, Va. Maryland,Ohio, Virginia, Fredericksburg, Va. Ohio, Albany, N. Y. Shenandoah, Va. South Carolina, Georgetown, D. C. Virginia,New York, N. Y. Pittsburg, Pa. Saratoga, N. Y. South Carolina, Dover, Del. Jackson, Tenn. Munroe Co. N. Y. Ohio, Virginia, tt New York, N. Y. Maryland, Georgetown, D. C. Virginia, New York, N. Y. it u Jackson, Co., Ind. Virginia, tt' tt Friendship, N. Y. New Jersey, Virginia,New York, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Virginia, New York, N. Y. Maryland, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1864. tt tt Jan. Feb Jan. DATE, OF MUSTER. 27, 25, 18. 25, Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Deserted Sept. 6, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. a it ii Disch. Apr. 11, 1864, on Surg, certif. " June 8, 1865, " Died Nov. 30, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of consumption. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 28, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of mal. intermittent fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt tt u Sergt. Jan 25, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 2, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of mal. typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died July 15, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of typhoid dysentery. Died Sept. 23, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestion ol the brain. Absent sick at muster out, Oct. 2, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Corp. ; died Oct. 12, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestive chills. In confinement at Ship Island, Miss. ; released Jan. 29, 1866. Died Dec. 31, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of diphtheria. Corp. July 3, 1864; Sergt. Jan. 1,'65; mustered out of service Oct, 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. it tt ii Corp. Jan. 25, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died June 26, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., of typhoid fever. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt ti it Died July 30, 1864, at Camp Parapet, La., ot congestion of brain. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. fi tt if Deserted June 2, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. tt ft tt , Corp. Feb. 17, 1864 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Q. M. Sergt. Feb 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2. 1865. Disch. Feb. 9, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. (f tt ii Disch, Dec. 26, 1864, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Disch. Feb. 9, 1865, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Died Oct. 17, 1.864, at Camp Parapet, La., of congestive chills. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT R. I. HEAVY ARTILLERY. (COLORED.) 679 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP DATE MUSTER. REMARKS. Valentine, William Ohio, Jan. 25, 1864. Disch. June 8, 1865, on Surg, certif. Wade, Horace G. Kentucky, tt n Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Washington, George it tt ti tt tt tt Watkins, Stephen L. New York, N. Y. " Died Apr. 12, '64, at sea, of epilepsy. Williams, Wilson Fredericksburg, Va. it tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2,1865. Wilson, William St. Louis, Mo. tt " Deserted June 25, 1864. Williams, Henry B. Pennsylvania, tt it Corporal Feb. 17, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Wentworth, George C. Concord, N. H. tt tt Disch. Sept. 21, 1864, on Surg, certif. Whitfield, Joseph H. Buffalo, N. Y. tt Died Feb. 29, 1864, at Dutch Island, R. I., of congestion of brain. Wilson, Harvey Ohio, " " MuGtered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. Witne, John Delaware, tt " it ti tt Wells, James M. Frankford, N. Y. tt Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864; mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. West, Charles Sussex, N. J. ti tt Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1865. White, Gaswag Maryland, it tt tt it ii Woods, Ananias Canada, tt ,t In confinement for de«ertion. Youter, James B. Kentucky, 11 it Died Jan. 23, 1865, at Camp Parapet, La. of dysentery. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS NAME AND RANK. Burns, John Bell, Henry Bright, Charles Cheney, William Chapman, Daniel Easton, David M. Easton, John Ferguson, Enoch Glover, William Gardner, Charles F. Gardner, Edward Gardner, Henry F. Hernandies, Charles Howard, Perry S. Hazzard, Eli Lambert, William Martin, Charles Mullen, William Niles, Charles B. Potter, Isaac E. Perry, William Rhodes, Andrew Kay, Joseph T. Eobinson, Thomas H. Scott, Winfield Spelman, Samuel Thomas, Frederick D. Valentine, James D. Wesley, Andrew RESIDENCE. Mar. 23, 1865. .. 27, " Feb. 13, " Apr. 13, " " 6, " Feb. 27, " Dec. 14, 1864. Feb. 16, 1865. Apr. 13, " fi tl Feb. 27, " Jan. 14, " DATE OF MUSTER. Mar. Apr. tt Jan. Feb.Apr. Feb. t f July Mar. Apr.Nov.Dec. 16,13, 6, 12, 27 REMARKS. ¦<¦¦ , 6, II 16, II 18, II 6, II 13, ll 3, It 25, 1864. 21, it 28, 1865. 13, tt 23, 1864. 14, 1863. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Deserted Feb. 20, 1865. Musteredout of service May 10, 1865. Died Feb. 23, 1865, at Key West, Fla., of typhoid fever. Deserted 'March 21, 1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Dis'd Feb. 10, '65, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Deserted Aug. 20, 1864. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. Dis'd Dec. 17, '64, on Surg, certificate. First Light Battery Rhode Island Volunteers, The assault upon Fort Sumpter, April 12th, 1861, sent a thrill of patriotic indignation through all the loyal States. In no one was this more visible than in Rhode Island, and when Governor Sprague tendered to the general gov ernment the services of 1,000 infantry and a battery of artillery, he but expressed the spirit of the people. It was under this state of feeling that the Marine Artillery was organized for three months' active service by Captain Charles H. Tompkins, who was appointed to the command and commissioned April 18th. Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, Lieutenant-Governor elect, having tendered his services to Governor Sprague, was appointed upon his Staff, with the rank of Colonel, and took the general command of the battery until after it reached the Capital of the United States. On the afternoon of April 18th, the battery embarked at Providence on board the steamer Empire State for Jersey City, taking with it over one hun dred horses, six field pieces, caissons, battery wagon and forge. As the steamer moved slowly from the wharf, cheers from the multitude assembled to witness the departure rent the air, to which response was made on board by the discharge of several guns. The Empire State reached Jersey City at 8 o'clock, a. m., April 19th, and the battery was transferred to the Kill Von Kull, and steamed away for Elizabethport. From thence, the battery pro ceeded to Easton, Pa., and encamped on the Fair Grounds. Here Colonel Arnold issued a patriotic address, in which he spoke of the great peril of the hour, and of the willing sacrifice that should be made to sustain the govern ment. "The Marine Artillery," he said, "will not forget that their late Commander, our gallant Governor, is hirnself in the field, and will watch with anxious and exultant eye the conduct of his late companions in arms." While at Easton, the battery exchanged its smooth-bore guns for the James rifled cannon, the first ever used in the service of the United States, and after devoting several days to drill, proceeded to Washington. It left Easton April 27th, and arrived in Philadelphia on Sunday morning, where it was hospitably entertained. It made its quarters at the Baltimore depot, and in the afternoon 86 682 FIRST LIGHT BATTERY RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. divine service was held by Rev. Dr. Howe. Monday the battery drilled at Point Breeze Park, and partook of a collation provided by the proprietors. April 30th it started again for Washington, via Perryville, touchino- at Annapolis. On the way up the Potomac the steamer got aground, and lay several hours before floating off. The passage up the Potomac was not "without peril. The rebels had already shown a disposition to obstruct the navigation of the river, which, by seizing commanding positions on the banks, could easily have been done. Fears were entertained of being fired into in passing Alex andria, which was then in the hands of secessionists. To avoid provokino an attack, the men of the battery and all appliances of war were concealed from view, and a few persons in citizen's dress, among them Mrs. Samuel G. Arnold, who joined her husband at Philadelphia, courageously promenaded the upper deck of the steamer, giving it the appearance of a mere passenger boat. The apprehended point of danger was passed without molestation, the intrepid human targets failing to draw the fire of treason. May 2nd, the battery landed at the Arsenal in Washington, and passed in review before the Presi dent at the Executive Mansion. It quartered for a few days at the Patent Office, where, on the Sabbath, Rev. Augustus Woodbury, Chaplain of the First Regiment, held divine service. On the 7th of May the battery was mustered into service by General McDowell, who also made an inspection and commended it highly for the completeness of its equipments. On the 15th it established its encampment at Camp Sprague, where the time was occupied in drills and the ordinary routine of duties. July 13th private James Sweeney was injured by the premature dis charge of a piece. May 22d the battery was inspected by Major Sherman ; 26th, President Lincoln visited the camp ; 27th, Lieutenant Reynolds was sent with a detachment to guard the bridge near Georgetown, and on the 31st another inspection by Major Sherman took place in connection with his own and a West Point battery. As mentioned on page 3, General Patterson had formed a plan for driving the rebels from Harper's Ferry. When he applied to General Scott for an increase of force, the veteran replied that he would send him " Colonel Burn- side's fine Rhode Island regiment, with its battery." June 9th, the battery started one day in advance of the regiment, and proceeded by way of Balti more, Harrisburg, Chambersburg and Greencastle to Willfamsport, Md., arriving there June 15th. Resting a few days, the first and second sections of the battery under Captain Tompkins crossed the Potomac and went into camp at Falling Waters. This was on Sunday, just one week after leaving Washington. About 4 1-2 o'clock Monday morning, Governor Sprague appeared in camp to order the return of the battery to Washington. As soon as possible the order was obeyed, and re-crossing the river it continued its retrograde march to Williamsport. The first regiment having received a sim-= ilar order had already gone, and the battery pushing on overtook it at Boons- FIRST LIGHT BATTERY RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. 683 boro. Pursuing the march, it camped June 18th near Frederick City, having marched thirty-eight miles that day over dusty mountainous roads and under a burning sun. The following morning it entered Frederick City with the reciment, and was hospitably entertained. Taking tlie cars for Washington, it arrived at Camp Sprague on the 20th, and for a short time was once more established in camp life. After remaining in Washington nearly a month, the battery was again ordered to join General Patterson, in anticipation of conflict with the rebels. This movement awakened expectations of battle that were doomed to disap pointment. July 1st, the battery started on its route by rail, and reached Hagerstown in thirty-seven hours. After resting a short time, it advanced to Williamsport and encamped for the night. Passing over the Potomac with a body of infantry to operate against the rebels, it marched to Martinsburg, Va., and encamped near the 12th and 28th New York Volunteers. Here it was attached to the brigade of General Thomas, an old and experienced commander. Soon after sunrise July 15th, General Patterson's grand column moved out of Martinsburg with the battery on the right, and marched to Bunker Hill, Va. When within nearly two miles of that place, about 700 rebel cavalry appeared approaching, but on discovering the Union forces turned at once and retreated. The battery fired a number of rounds, shelling the woods, freeing them from any lingering party of the enemy, and mortally wounding one officer and two privates, and slightly injuring a sergeant. The battery took possession of the vacated rebel camp, the fires of which were still burning. The battery remained at Bunker Hill two days, and on the third day at 3 o'clock, A. m., General Patterson's column commenced moving towards Charles town. From there, the battery marched, July 2d, to Harper's Ferry, arriv ing the same evening. Here, private Benjamin W. Foster, who had distin guished himself some time before by capturing a secession flag, was shot by the accidental discharge of a pistol in his own hands. From Harper's Ferry the battery proceeded to Sandy Hook, where it was relieved after the battle of Bull Run by battery A, Captain William H. Reynolds commanding. It was not the fault of the battery that its experience was mainly in marching and picket duty. These would readily have been exchanged for the sharper service of the field, but the campaign with General Patterson afforded no opportunity. The term of service having expired, the battery under the com mand of Lieutenant Remington, (Captain Tompkins being detained in Washington,) set out for home. It reached Providence July 31st, and the next morning was provided with a sumptuous breakfast at Railroad Hall. The escort duty was performed by the 1st Light Infantry Old Guard, under com mand of Colonel J. W. Taylor. A spirited address of welcome was made by Hon. Thomas A. Jenckes. Colonel Burnside also made a brief speech, which was received with enthusiastic applause. In a general order read to the line the same afternoon, he said : " It was with real regret that the Colonel com- 684 FIRST LIGHT BATTERY RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. manding, a few weeks ago, parted with the First Battery of Light Artillery, and it is now with the most cordial feeling that, yesterday, he welcomed its return. He regards with honest pride the effective service which the officers and men composing this company have rendered to the regiment, the State, and the country. Always ready at the call of duty, prompt and brave in the field, they have done credit to themselves and honor to their fellow-citizens, Though not permitted to participate in the recent dangers and duties of the battle-field, they have yet been active upon other scenes of service, and the Colonel commanding takes this opportunity to thank them for their efficiencv, fidelity and courage." August 6th the battery was mustered out of service. First Light Battery Rhode Island Volunteers. NAME AND RANK. Captain. Charles H. Tompkins, 1st Lieutenants. William H. Reynolds, Benj. F. Remington, Jr. Augustus M. Tower, Henry B. Brastow, Surgeon. Nathaniel Miller, Sergeant Major. Charles H. Pope, Quartermaster Sergeant. "Walter 0. Bartlett, Sergeants. Thomas F. Vaughn George C. Harkness, WiUiam W. Pearce, Edwin C. GaUup, Henrie Crandall, George C. DeMarini, Elisha Dyer, Jr. Corporals. Stephen W. Fisk, Frank G. Allen, James S. Davis, Jr. J. Henry Wilbur, Jr. Thomas Simpson, Edward P. Butts, Jr. Walter H. Wild, Eichmond Henshaw, William W. Pearce, Henry W. Brown, Calvin J. Adams, Benjamin F. Worsley, . Buglers. Gilbert G. Dana, George W. FuUer, Artificers. William Elsbree, William Batcheller, RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Providence, R. I. ,May 2, 1861. ft tt Scituate, Providence, " Smithfield, " Providenoe, " ft ft Brookline, Mass. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " Taunton, Mass. Providence, R. I. ft tt REMARKS. May 29, 1861. iNever must'd. ![May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. Resigned June 1, 1861 ; Captain Bat tery A,.R. I. L. A., June 1, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, June 1, 1861 ; muster ed out of service Aug. 6, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. Honorably discharged June 1, 1861, to accept commission as 1st Lieutenant Battery A, 1st Regi' I. R. I. L. A. Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. Resigned on account of physical disa bility, previous to muster. Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. 686 FIRST LIGHT BATTERY RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OP MUSTER. REMARKS. B. N. Whipple, Providence, R. I. May 2, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug 6,1861. James B. Peck, N.Providence," It tt ct ft " H. B. Gladding, Providence, " It It tt tt « C. H. Scrutton, Suffolk Co., Eng. it tt tt ti k Guidon. Joseph Watson, Newport, R. I. tt il It It " Privates. Adams, Charles H. Woonsocket, " tt ;t ft It tt Allen, Albert F. Pennsylvania, ii tt tt " Anthony, Edwin E. a tc tt (C 41 Arnold, William R. Providence, R. I. ti a it tl " Arnold, Walter Worcester, Mass. it ti It ll •* Adams, George Providence, R. I. tt tt tt tl " Brophley, \VUliam Queenstown, Ire'd, it tt tt 1 1 tt Bacon, Edward F. N. Providence, R. I. it a It ft tt Bradley, J. Manton Providence, " tt it tt tt " Barney, 1). S. Hartford, Conn. tt te it ft t< Blackington, Allen A. Attleboro, Mass. it tt tt tt it Blair, George W. Bath, Maine, li tt it tl ti Rogues, J. 0. Waldoboro, " tt tl tt ft " Bosworth, Joseph T. Swansey, Mass. te tt ti tt " Brown, Edwin F. Wurtemberg,Ger'y. tt it li tt " Beiswanger, William .f ft tt tt ti it u Bucklin, Otis P. Rehoboth, Mass. tt H n a u Budlong, Edward F. Newport, R. I. it tt tt n k Bloodgood, Hoi ace S. New York, N. Y. it ft it tt k Cowden, George W. Pawtucket, R. I. ft tt tt tf it Conway, Thomas Cork, Ireland, ti tt it it «t Comins, James Tipperary, " tt ti tt u " Crenim, Richard Cork, tt tt tt tt it Cokeley, Constantine Boston, Mass. tl tt it tt ti Conley, Matthew Smithfield, R. I. it it .c ti >t Daggett, Albert Springfield, Mass. It ti tt tt " Dore, Daniel C. Alton, N. H. tt tt it it " Dodge, Reuben D. Block Island, R. I. tt tl it it n Dyer, William S. Fredericksburg, Va. ti it it tl tf Earle, Daniel Olneyville, R. I. a tc tt it n Eldridge, Charles C. E. Greenwich," it tt tt it " Farhum, Charles P. Providence, " tt tt it tt tf Fiske, George E. Scituate, " it ti , it il tt Fitzgerald, Jeremiah Attleboro, Mass. ti ft i tt tt Fowler, Joseph G. Walthani, " tt ft tt •< tt Foster, Benjnmin W. Providence, R. I. li it tt (f K Garbanati, F. J. Philadelphia, Penn. tt it tt tf " Glover, Thomas G. Providence, R. I. ll It tt ft it Goddard, Edward ff ft it tt .tt tt tl Greene, George C. Coventry " tt It ti << tt Greene, Smith Providence, " it tt Disch. July 8, 1861, on Surg. certif.. Guild, C. E. Medway, Mass. il tl Mustered out of servico Aug. 6, 1861. Guild, II. A. Foxboro, '' it it *t (t f< Gray, Charles C. Little Oompton, EI. it tt t< tt tt Gilloughly, John Wurtemberg, Ger. ti tt tf ti it Grosvenor, James M. Providence, R. I. tt tt tt a n Hennessy, William Ireland, tl tt ii ti " Hagaden, Jacob Washington, N. Y. tt .t ft it " Hammond, George Providence, R. I. tt ft tt tt it Helwig, George W. Bavaria, Germany, tt It ft if tt Horton, John F. Providence, R. I. if tt ti ft u Hock, Christian ff ft tt tt tf ii a Irwin, John Cork Co., Ireland, te (t if ll tf Jordan, Henry P. Sterling, Conn. it il tt If " Kenney, Michael Co. Galway, Irel'd, ti it it it << Kenney, Patrick Roscommon, " tt ii ft if ( itiftt Cf Cf ffCl itil it a ti Cf ft(ttl fl II Ct ff.1 ii tl it tt Cftt tl tt il tt it Ittt Ct li tt Cf tt tt tttt tett it lllla ff Honorably disch. June 7, '61, to accept a commission in regular army, (17th Infantry.) Mustered out of service Aug. 6, 1861. Tenth Light Battery Rhode Island Volunteers. The Tenth Battery for three months' service was raised simultaneously with the ninth and tenth regiments of three months volunteers, and was recruited under the supervision of Captain Edwin C. Gallup. In May, it left Providence for Washington in three detachments, the first under Lieutenant Samuel A. Pearce, Jr., the second under Lieutenants Frank A. Rhodes and Amos D. Smith, Jr., and the third under Captain Gallup and Quartermaster Sergeant Asa Lyman. On reaching Washington, they proceeded to Tenally- town, and concentrated at " Camp Frieze." The battery lay here improving in its drill until June 23d, when, in obedience to orders, it moved forward to reenforce General Banks. It marched to Cloud's Mills, and there encamped, waiting further orders. In about a week they came, not to advance, but countermanding those originally given, and directing a return. It therefore countermarched and made its encampment near Fort Pennsylvania, the head quarters of the Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers. Here it remained until the expiration of its term of service, when it returned home in company with the Tenth, and shared the welcome that awaited their arrival. It was mustered out of service August 30, 1862. During its absence, it made a proficiency in artillery movements that excited the surprise and received the strong appro bation of military visitants from Washington. Though not sent to the front to engage in deadly conflict, the battery formed an important, arm of the defence of Washington at a time when it became necessary to withdraw troops more inured to the service from the fortifications around the city to reenforce the armies in the field. One death only occurred, and that by accident. Corporal James Flate was run over by a limber, and so badly injured that he died in four hours. He enlisted in New York as the battery passed tlirough that city. He was faithful in the discharge of his duty, and by his social qualities gained universal favor. 87 Tenth Light Battery Rhode Island Volunteers. DATE NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. OF MUSTER. lt EM AUKS. Captain. Edwin C. Gallup, Providence, R. I. May 26, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 30, 1862 1st Lieutenants. Samuel A. Pearce, Jr. tt ft ff ff tt tt ft Frank A. Rhodes, tt ff fC ff cc cc " 2d Lieutenants. Amos D. Smith, Jr., tt tt Cf ff Cf ft tc Henry Pearce, tf ff ff tt f C Cf Cf Hospital Steward. Charles W. Cady, ft ft It it tt i' cc 1st Sergeant. Amasa C. Tourtellott, tt tt tt tt tf (( Quartermaster Sergeant. Asa Lyman, tt tt ll ll CC li ff Sergeants. James S. Davis, Jr., 1 1 tt tt li tl ll Cf Henry W. Brown, „ Mar. 6, 1865. Aug. 13, 1861. Mar. 3, 1865. Aug. 13, 1861. 2, 1864. REMARKS. Wounded severely Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Re-enlisted Feb. 4, 1864; 1st Sergt.; 2d Lt. May 16, '65; not mustered; mustered out of service June 12, '65. Mustered outof service Aug. 12, 1864. " July 22, 1865. " Aug. 12, 1864. " " June 12, 1865. Wounded fatally Dec. 13, 1862, at bat. tie of F'redericksburg, Va.; died Feb. 24, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Trans, from Bat. A, Sept. 23, 1864 ; mustered out of service June 12, '65. Discharged May 2, 1862; Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Trans, to V. R. C, April 10, 1804. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Corp. ; mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Wounded Oct. 21, '61, at Ball's Bluff, Va. ; wounded in hand July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; musteredout of service Aug. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Missing at Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21, 1861 ; released from Salisbury, N. C, May 22, 1862 ; mustered out of ser vice Aug. 12, 1864. Died Nov. 8/64, at Washington, D. C. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Wounded Oct. 21, 1861, at battle of BalU's Bluff, Va. Transferred from Bat. A; muster'd out of service June 12, 1865. Wounded in ear July 2, '63, at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; re-enlisted Feb. 4, 1864 ; mustered out June 12, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Prisoner of war Aug. 25, 1864 ; trans ferred from Battery A, Sept. 23, 64 ; released, May, 1865 ; nfustered out of service June 12, 1865. Transferred from Battery A ; mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. (t a ti Re-enlisted Dec. 18, 1863 ; transferred to Navy, April 6, 1864. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 12, '64. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Re-enlisted Dec 18, 1863; mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Discharged Dec. 13, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Prisoner Nov. 23, 1862, near Warren ton, Va. ; returned ; mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Transferred from Battery A ; Corporal; mustered out of service June 12, '65. 718 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. McAUen, Arthur J. McGinnis, Arthur McGunnigle, James McDonald, Owen Nichols, George W. Nichols, Joseph S. Niles, Eobert S. Newell, John Niles, Eobert A. 0' Sullivan, Cornelius Openshaw, William E Pearce, William H. Perkins, Charles H. Perry, Nelson E. PeU, Jabesh Pearce, Harvey Phillips, Thomas W. Priestly, Francis T. Phetteplace, David Pearce, William W. Phillips, Albert A. Peckham, Israel II. Paine, Charles H. Preston, Henry A. Ehodes, John H. Eyan, Peter Eichards, Jobn H. EUey, Charles F. Eider, Charles I. Eemington, William B. Eamsden, John Eeynolds, William F. Stone. George H. Straight, Albert A. Steere, Thomas P. Slaiger, Frank Seamans, Ezekiel W. Sayles, Albert A. Smith, George Sprague, Charles G. RESIDENCE. Ireland, Pictou, N. S. Smithfield, E. L Coventry, " Eichmond, " Warwick, " Newport, " Eichmond, " Montreal, Canada, Eichmond, E. I. Foster, '" Port Jarvis, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Johnston, " Foster, " New Bedford, Mass Providence, E. I. Plainfield, Conn. Providence, E. I. Boston, Mass. Middletown, E. I. Nantucket, Mass. Providence, E. I. ManviUe, " Exeter, " Smithfield, " N.Providence," New Bedford, Macs. Cumberland, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 13, 186V " 31, 1864, " 13, 1861 " 6, 1862, " 5, 1864. " 7, 1862. Feb. 28, 1865. Aug. 13, 1861. Feb. 21, 1865. Oct. 5, 1864. Mar. 24, 1862. ' 4, 1865. Aug. 13, 1861. Feb. 17, 1865. Mar. 24, 1862. Aug. 13, 1S61. Mar. 19, 1862, Aug. 13, 1861, :' 6, 1862. :' 13, 1861. Feb. 27, 1862, Aug. 13, 1861. ' 14, 1862. ' 13, 1861. Dec. 20, 1862. Aug. 14, " Mar. 19, " Aug. 13, 1861. Mar. 7, 1865. Aug. 13; 1861. Feb. 13, 1865, Oct. 2, 1861, Aug. 4, 1862. " 13, 1861. " 8, 1862. " 12, 1864. Feb. 16, 1865. Aug. 13, 1861. Discharged Dec. 13, 1861. Transferred to Battery F. Re-enlisted. Dec. 22, 1863; mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Transferred from Battery A, Sept.. 23, 1864; mustered out Juno 12, 1866. Transferred from Battery A, Sept. 23, 1864 ; mustered out June 12, 1866. Transferred from Battery A, Sept. 23, 1864; musteredout June 12, 1866. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Juno 12, 1865. Transferred to Battery F. Mustered out of servico June 12, 1865. Ee-enlisted Dec. 20, '63 ; deserted Nov. 27, 1865, While on furlough. 'Mustered out of servico June 12, 1866. Missing; left at Arlington. Wounded in right leg July 2, '63, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; transfd to V. R. C. ; mustefed out Aug. 12, 1864. Ee-enlisted March 25, '64 ; Corporal; mustered out of service June 12 '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. " " " June 12, 1865. Died Dec. 15, 1862. Transfd from BatteryA, Sept. 23, '64; mustered outof service Feb. 28/65. Wounded in right log July 2, '63, at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Corporal; mustered out of serviceAug. 12, '64. Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64; mustered out of service June 12, '65. Sergeant; mustered out Aug. 12, '64. Deserted April 28, 1863. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23 '64 ; mustered out of service Oct. 2, '64. Ee-enlisted Dec. 20, 1863; prisoner of war Aug. 25, '64; released May 20, '65; Sergt.; must'd out June 12, '65. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. " " " June 12,, 1866. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62, at bat tle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch'd Feb. 18, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of sorvice June 12, 1865. Sergeant ; died November 19, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Transf dfrom Battery A, Sept. 23, '6i; mustered out of service June 23, '65. Ee-enlisted Dec. 20, 1863 ; wounded May 3, '64, at battle of Wilderness, Va. ; in U. S. General Hospital. Died Dec. 16,'62,atN.Providcnce,R.I. Transfd from Battery A; mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Wounded slightly in head July 2, '63, at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; re- enlisted Feb. 4, '64; mustered, out of service, June 12, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 719 NAME AND RANK. Scott, Lewis W. Sisson, John J. Skefer, Carl Sanford, Herbert D. Stephens, Charles Stone, Almanzo S. Sweet, James A. Smith. John Stenson, James Stacy, Herbert Stone, A. R. Sidders, Charles Tillinghast, James A. TaUman, W. living Tillinghast, McrriU Thompson, William Trcscott, John F. Thornton, John A, Tanner, WiUiam M. Taylor, William H. Thompson, James Taber, George Thayer, Ziba C. Thornton, James D, Van Name, Frank Vickery, Otis Wood, Charles W. Woodmancy, Clark L. Walker, Pardon S. Worthington, Chas. B. Weeks, Jerome Whipple, Albert J. Williams, Alanson A. Wilkinson, Robert Wood, William P. Walker, Joseph, Warren, Charles Wilder, Abel RESIDENCE. Middletown, E. I. .Exeter, " Boston, Mass. | Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. N. Providence, R. I Exeter, " Providenoo, " ii i( Franklin, Mass. Greenwich, R. I. W. Greenwich, ' ' N.Providence,"Coventry, " Massachusetts, Providence, R. I. Smithfield, " W.Greenwich," Cranston, " Providence, " DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 13, 1862 1861 Pawtucket, " Providenco, " W. Greenwich, ' ' Scituate, " Southbridge, Mass. Pomfret, Vt. Cumberland, R. I. Providence, " Jan. 3, 1863 [Aug. 13, 1861, jJuly 29, 1864 Mar. 7, " Aug. 13, 1861 Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 13, 1861 " 28, 1862 Jan. 2, 1863. Mar. 7, 1864 Oct. 2, 1861 Mar. 7, 1864. 'Oct. 2, 1861, July 27, 1864, I Aug. 13, 1861 " 4, 1862 " 13, 1861 June 6, " Aug. 13, " Apr. 12, 1864 Aug. 13, 1861 Mar. 14, 1865 Jan. 31, 1883 Mar. 10, 1862. Aug. 13, 1861 Troy, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Mar. 24, 1862, Aug. 13, 1861, Feb. 6, 1862, Mar. 8, 1865, Jan. 2, 1863 Aug. 13, 1861. Wounded severely Dec. 13, '62, at bat tle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; transfd to V. E. C, Sept. 1, '63; mustered out of sorvice Aug. 13, 1865. Wounded slightly Dec. 13, '62, at bat tle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; transfd to V. E. C, Aug. 1, 1863. Mustored out of servico June 1 2, 1 865. Died about 18th July '63, at White Plains, Va., of chronic diarrhoea. Transfd from Battery C ; mustered out of service Juno 12, 1865. Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 mustered out of service June 12, '65 Artificer; mustered out Aug. 12, 1864 Mustered out of service June 12, 1865 Transferred to Battery D. Jan., 1862 Transf dfrom BattcryA, Sept. 23, '64 mustered outof service Juno 12, '65 Dis'dMar. 27, '64, on Surg, certificate Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 mustered out of service June 12, '65 Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 mustered out of service June 12, '65 Mustered out of service Oct. 3, 1864 Transf dfrom Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 musteredout of service June 12, '65 Transf'dfrom Battory A, Sept. 23, '64: mustered out of service June 14/65 Corporal Oct. 1, '61 ; missing at bat tie of Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21/61 Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 mustered out of sorvice Juno 12, '65 Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64. mustered out of service June 12, '65 Dis'd Feb. 7, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865 Transf'dfrom Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 mustered out of service Oct. 2, '64. Ee-enlisted Dec. 18, 1863 ; mustered out of sorvice June. 12, 1865. Mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Corporal Oct. 1/61 ; Sergeant; mus tered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Corporal Oct- 1, '61 ; wounded severe ly July 2, 1863, at battle of Gettys burg, Pa.; wounded May 3, '64, at battle of Wilderness, Va. ; mustered out of service Aug. 12, 1864. Mustered out of service Oct. 2, 1864. Aug. 12, " Wounded slightly Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enlisted Dec. 18/63; hon. disch. to accept app't in TJ. S. C. T-, May 20 1864. Ee-enlisted Feb. 4, 1864; mustered out of service Aug. 26, 1865. Dis'.d Sept. 19, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 10, 1865. Deserted Jan. 17, 1863. Transf dfrom Battery A, Sept. 23/64; mustered out of service June 12, ' 65. 720 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. Wardlow, John E. Wells, William P. Whitford, John V. Walker, Benjamin W. Winsor, WiUiam W. WeUman, Henry A. White, William Wilbur, William B. Wagner, William Woodbury, Thomas WeUman, George A. Pawtucket, E. I. S. Kingstown, E. I. ti tt Coventry, " Scituate, " Cranston, " P. E. Island, N. B. Johnston, E. I. Providence, " Aug. 13, 1861. Aug. 13, 1861. Feb. 16, 1864. Aug. 15, 1862. Sept. 4, Oct. 3, 1864. Aug. 3, " Feb. 29, " Mar. 6, 1865. June 6, 1861. 1st Sergeant May 12, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 14th E. I. H. A., Oct. 16, 1863. Corporal ; wounded severely Dec. 1 3, '62, at battle of Fredericksburg, Va.; dis'dMar. 27,'63,on Surg. certificate. Trans, from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64 ; dis'd Oct. 10,'64,on Surg, certificate. Prisoner Aug. 25,'64; transferred from Battery A, Sept. 23, 1864 ; paroled ; mustered out of service June 12, '65: Pris. Aug. 25, '64 ; trans; from Bat.A, Sept. 23,'64; died Feb. 22,'65,on cars from Salisbury, N.C, of pneumonia. Prisoner Aug. 25, 1864 ; transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, 1864 ; paroled ; mustered out of service June 12, '65. Transferred to Battery F. Transferred from Battery A. Transfd from Battery A, Sept. 23, '64; mustered out of service June 12, 65. Mustered out of service June 12, 1865. Transferred from Battery A ; muster ed out of service June 12, 1865. First Kegiment Rhode Island Light Artillery. BATTERY C. Battery C was enlisted in Providence, and went into camp at " Camp Ames," on the Warwick road beyond Pawtuxet, where it was joined by Cap tain William B. Weeden, promoted from 2d Lieutenant of battery A. It remained there a short time exercising daily in drill, was mustered into the United States service August 25th 1861, and on the 31st of the same month took the cars at Providence for Washing-ton. It remained at Camp Sprague engaged in daily drill until October, when it crossed the Potomac, and encamped near Fort Corcoran, giving to its encampment the name of " Camp Randolph." From thence it removed to Hall's Hill, and again to Miner's Hill, where it was assigned to General Morell's brigade and became identified with Porter's division of the Army of the Potomac. Here it passed the winter, and on the 10th of March, 1862, moved with the grand army, first towards Manassas, and afterwards by transports from Alexandria to the Peninsula. Landing at Fortress Monroe March 24th, the battery took up its line of march for Yorktown by way of Hampton, Great Bethel, New Market Bridge and Harwood's Mills. On the 5th of April it had its first fighting experience in front of Fort Magruder, one of the defences of Yorktown. In this battle, which lasted from 10 o'clock a. m. until late in the afternoon, its associate batteries, Griffin's regular, and the third and fifth Massachusetts, were engaged. Griffin's battery sustained no loss. Battery C lost one man killed, and the third Massachusetts two killed and five wounded. Thus Rhode Island and Massachusetts share the honor of shedding the first blood in this preliminary engagement. The men of battery C stood up handsomely to the enemy's fire, and their conduct drew from General Porter high praise. After the abandonment of Yorktown by the rebels, the battery proceeded to West Point by water, thence to White House, and thence to the Chickahominy river, where it was immediately occupied in picket duty. May 27th it was present at the battle of Hanover Court House, but did not engage. At about 5 o'clock P. M. on that day, the column was reversed by command of General Porter to meet the enemy who had appeared in the rear. It halted in a field on the 91 722 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. right of White House, used as hospital head-quarters, where it was held in reserve, and at 9 o'clock bivouacked. Next day it took position towards Han over Court House to command the roads. On the 29th it made a reconnois- sance towards Ashland, returned to camp at 5 o'clock p. m., and at 7.30 com menced a march ot fifteen miles to Old Church, where it arrived a little past midnight. May 30th the battery marched in a drenching rain to New Brido-e, and the next day was stationed in position to command the passage. June 15th, four pieces under Lieutenants Waterman and Clark stationed, in intrench ments to the right of New Bridge, opened on a rebel battery intrenched to left of Price's house. Eight rounds of percussion shell and shrapnell were fired, several of which were seen to take effect. The advanced picket observed the same, and deserters reported that six rebels were killed or wounded. The rebels did not open fire again while our guns were in position. From this date until the 26th, it remained in camp on Gaines' Farm, doing picket duty at the bridges once every three days. On the 26th of June, the great seven days' contest opened with the battle of Mechanicsville, where the battery was under fire. On the 27th it fought at Games' Farm with a vigor and bravery that commanded admiration. But courage and skill could not withstand the supe rior numbers hurled against the right wing of the Federal army, and after repelling repeated charges, the battery was compelled to retire, losing severely in men and horses. Lieutenant Buckley, whose section was in position at the edge of the woods on General Martindale's right, had his horse shot. Three guns and three caissons were also lost ; one being mired and abandoned and the others left on the field for want of horses to bring them off. During the battle, the colors of a rebel regiment were struck to the ground by a case shot from one of the guns of Lieutenant Buckley's section, and were never raised again. After he retired, they were brought in by the second Maine regiment. Leaving this field of honorable disaster, the battery proceeded by Charles City Cross Roads to Turkey Bend on the James river, and July 1st engaged in the bloody battle of Malvern Hill. Captain Weeden having been appointed Chief of Artillery for the first division of Porter's corps, the battery was fought under the immediate command of Lieutenant Richard Waterman, who had two horses shot under him. Sergeant Peter Hunt's horse was also shot. In this battle four men were killed and eleven were wounded. Ten horses and one caisson were also lost. The total losses at Gaines' Farm and Malvern Hill were five men killed, twenty-one wounded, one who died while being removed, five missing, three 3-inch ordnance guns, carriages and limbers, two caissons, two caisson bodies and fifty horses with their equipments. In this last battle, as in that of June 27th, the men and officers conducted with great gallantry. July 21st Captain Weeden resigned, having acquired the reputation of a brave and able officer. On the 25th of the same month Lieutenant Waterman was promoted to be Captain ofthe battery, and received his commission in the field. When the army of the Potomac withdrew from the Peninsula, the battery with its corps joined General Pope and took part in the second battle of Bull FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 723 Run. Six hundred rounds of shell and case shot were expended in the action. The casualties were one man wounded, six horses killed, and two setts of horse equipments lost. Two caisson bodies were abandoned on the road, their axles having broken. After General Pope's defeat, General Morell ordered Captain Waterman to retire with the battery towards Alexandria to procure forage for the horses, they being in a very exhausted state. For five days they had been destitute of grain, and on entering the encampment at Fairfax Court House, three dropped dead from exhaustion. Unable to procure rations or forage at Fairfax Station, the battery moved to within five miles of Alex andria, where part of one day's ration of grain was obtained. It then moved into the city and encamped. September 3d, it marched to its old quarters on Miner's Hill, and on the 6th returned to Alexandria. September* 7th it moved into position near Fairfax Seminary, and on the 9th marched to Fort Corcoran and encamped. Here two guns were exchanged, and about twenty horses worn out in the severe service of the Peninsula were turned over to the government. On the 12th the battery marched with the army, for the field of Antietam, and during the battle of the 17th was in the reserve. On the 20th it took position on the bluffs commanding the ford near Shepherdstown, and during the day fired about five hundred rounds of case shot and shell at the enemy across the river. Moving again with the army October 30th, the battery marched to the neighborhood of Potomac Creek, Va., and took an honorable part in the attack upon Fredericksburg, December 11th, 12th and 13th. On the last day, one man and three horses were killed, and one horse was wounded. One gun was disabled by the breaking of an axletree. After the second attempt on Fred ericksburg, December 30th, the battery remained in winter quarters. Nothing further of moment occurred until the last of April, 1863, when General Hooker put the army of the Potomac in motion to meet and measure strength with the rebel army at Chancellorsville. Breaking camp April 27'th, the battery marched to near Stafford Court House, where it encamped until the next morning, when it moved to Mount Holly Church, over heavy roads. April 29th it crossed the Rappahannock river, a short distance below Kelly's Ford, on a pontoon bridge. April 30th it crossed the Rapidan river at Ely's Ford, and reached Chancellorsville at noon of the same day. The battle of May 2d and 3d was fierce and bloody, and on both days the battery moved in various directions over the field, at one time reconnoitering, and at another taking position commanding some important point. On the 2d, Captain Waterman, with Lieutenants Fiske and Lee and four pieces, moved down the road to the left of the centre of the Federal lines and went into position, where they remained until the 5th. Lieutenant Sackett's section took up position on the right of the road leading to Chancellorsville, near General French's headquarters. Here, May 3d, two men were killed and Lieutenant Sackett and two men were wounded. 724 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. The confident expectations of success with which General Hooker com menced the battle were doomed to be disappointed. General Lee commanded the rebels in person, and concentrating his strength upon a single point, suc ceeded in piercing Hooker's centre, and separating the right and left wings of his army. No men ever fought more bravely. But the breaking of the German regiments in General Schurz's division, the difficulty found in keeping open communication between the two portions of the Union army, the exhaus tion of rations and forage, and the supposed danger of having connection with the base of supplies broken by the rebels, together with other considerations, led General Hooker, after consultation with his principal officers, to order his army to fall back to its old position, which was accordingly done. In accord ance with the order, battery C re-crossed the Rappahannock at United States Ford, and May 6th, at about 1 o'clock, p. M., arrived at its old camp near Potomac Creek. While here, the battery, together with the 5th Massachu setts and several other batteries, Was formed into a " Volunteer Division of Artillery Reserve," under the immediate charge of Major John A. Tompkins. May 15th, the battery moved to a camp three miles nearer Falmouth, and on the 27th changed again to a more healthy locality four miles distant, in the direction of Belle Plain. The reduction of infantry in the corps rendered a corresponding reduction of artillery necessary, and at the last encampment one section of guns with equipments was turned in, and the battery was tempo rarily reduced to four guns. At this time Captain Waterman Was in command of the third brigade of the division of artillery reserve, and Lieutenant Royal H. Lee was Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade. From June 6th to the 14th, the battery was on picket two miles below Fredericksburg, and during the time Was temporarily attached to the Sixth Corps. This assignment was subsequently made permanent. June 15th it commenced a rapid march with the entire army to Gettysburg, Pa., where, under General Meade, (General Hooker having been relieved at Frederick, Md., June 28th,) a triumphant victory was obtained over Lee, July 1st, 2d and 3d. In this battle, Colonel Charles H. Tompkins commanded the Artil lery Brigade of the Sixth Corps, and met his responsibilities handsomely in the direction of forty-eight guns. Battery C was held in constant readiness for action, but was required only once to go to the front as a relief. It experienced no disaster. The return march to the line of the Rappahannock, commenced July 5th, was very severe on both men and horses. Fronl the 5th to the 25th of July fifteen horses died from exhaustion. Subsequently to this last date, the battery was assigned an important post near Cedar Mountain, and was active in all the movements successfully made by General Meade to frustrate Lee's attempt to flank him and gain his rear. In the battle of Rappahannock Station, November 7th, the battery fired one hundred and sixty rounds, and had two men wounded. At Mine Run, November 27th, it expended one hundred and fifty rounds of percussion, fuse and shrapnell shell. The casualties were FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 725 one man wounded and two horses killed. In the advance upon Mine Run, a section of the battery under Lieutenant Andrew T. McMillan was detailed to bring up the rear with the Second Brigade, First Division, Sixth Corps. The winter of 186B and '64 was passed at Hazle Run, with little incident to relieve the dulness of life in close quarters. On the morning of May 4th, 1861, the battery broke camp and joined in the forward movement of the entire army towards Richmond. For tlie succeeding twenty-seven days, it shared the fatigues and perils that beset the way to the Chickahominy. May 31st it arrived within five miles of Mechanicsville, and went into position in front. It fired ten rounds and had one man wounded by a rebel sharpshooter. June 3d it reported to Major General Smith commanding the 18th army corps, at Cold Harbor, and took position in breastworks within three hundred yards range of the rebel works. Here one man was killed by a rebel sharpshooter, and one was wounded. The battery remained at Cold Harbor until June 12th, when it moved towards the James river, which it crossed at Brandon on a pontoon of one hundred and eight boats, and encamped near Petersburg on the 17th. On the 19th it took position towards the right, and opened upon a rebel battery about 3000 yards distant. June 29th it marched to Reams' Station with the Sixth Corps to assist in tearing up the railroad, and the next day started back for camp, which it reached July 2d. In the beginning of July, General Early made a raid on Washington, and the Sixth Army Corps was withdrawn from before Petersburg for its protection. The battery broke camp at midnight July 9th, and on the 11th embarked at City Point on board the hospital steamer George Leary. It reached Wash ington about 11 o'clock on the night of the 12th, and went into camp at Fort Stevens. The prompt arrival of the Sixth Corps saved the Capital from the grasp of the rebel general, who, disappointed of his purpose, and conscious of the danger of his situation, made a hasty retreat. Pursuit, in which the battery joined, was immediate. Passing through Tennallytown, the battery marched to Poolesville, and thence to White's Ford on the Potomac, where it arrived on the 16th. Here it went into position on a high bank, and fired a few rounds at rebel cavalry on the other side of the river, who speedily retired. It then crossed the river and marched in the direction of Leesburg. Leaving the town on the left, the march was continued through Snicker's Gap to the Shenandoah, and there went into position. On the other side of the river the rebels were drawn up in line of battle, which provoked an engage ment. Two brigades of Union troops crossed over to assail them, but finding their strength inadequate to the task undertaken, they returned. In this affair the battery expended seventy-eight rounds of ammunition. Returning from this expedition, it crossed the Potomac at Chain Bridge July 23d, and encamped at Fort Gaines. An early return to share in the work before Petersburg was now anticipated, but the operations of the rebels on the Upper Potomac ren dered the re-call of the battery to that field necessary. For several weeks the battery was in incessant motion, now advancing and now retreating, as cir- 726 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. cumstances demanded. The heat was excessive, the dust thrown into clouds filled the atmosphere, and the marching was severe. These combined, greatly exhausted both men and horses. In the double battle at Cedar Creek, October 19th, which for fierceness and brilliancy has few parallels in American military history, the battery was hotly engaged, and suffered severely in men and horses. Lieutenant Reuben H. Rich and Sergeant George A. Perry were badly wounded. Corporal John Keating and thirteen privates were also wounded. Two guns were lost, but were subsequently recovered. In the battle of the morning, General Wright of the Sixth Corps commanded. The rebels fought with great impetuosity and drove the Union troops back four miles in great confusion, with the loss of 24 pieces of artillery, and many killed, wounded and taken prisoners. The day seemed lost, but General Sheridan, who had been absent at Winchester, arrived on the field about noon, re-formed his lines, and attacked the enemy with great vigor, recovering the artillery lost in the morning, and capturing an immense quantity of munitions of war. The Union loss was heavy, but the overwhelming victory of the after noon compensated for the defeat of the morning, and gave to the victors an imperishable renown. The total rebel loss in the two battles, in killed, wounded and missing, was estimated at 10,000 men. August 25th preceding the above named battle, forty-four men of the battery, whose three years term of service had expired, were mustered out near Harper's Ferry, and returned Nto Providence in charge of Lieutenant Rich, August 28th. A few days after, they were paid off. December 23d, by order of the War Department, the battery was consolidated with battery G. From that date it lost its identity as a distinct military organization, and the veterans and recruits of which it was composed shared thenceforth the dangers and honors of the battle-field under another designation and under another commander. Battery C fought in the hottest battles of the war in which the army of the Potomac engaged. Its losses in men and horses were severe. Its varied record bears testimony to the courage and ability of its successive commanders, and to the bravery of its other officers and men. By order of General Meade, the names of the following battles in which it had borne a meritorious part were directed to be inscribed upon its colors : Yorktown, Gettysburg, Hanover Court House, Rappahannock Station, Mechanicsville, Wilderness, Gaines' Mills, Spottsylvania, Malvern Hill, Cold Harbor, Second Bull Run, Petersburg, Antietam, Opequan, Fredericksburg, Fisher's Hill, Chancellorsville, Cedar Creek. First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery. BATTERY C. NAME AND BANK. Captains. William B. Weeden, Bichard Waterman, 1st Lieutenants. John G. Hazard, George E. Randolph, Frederic M. Sackett, Jacob H. Lamb, Charles H. Clark, Richard Waterman, William W. Buckley, Stephen W. Fiske, 2d Lieutenants. Frederic M. Sackett, Thomas F. Brown, Royal H. Lee, Reuben H. Rich, Charles H. Clark, Charles H. Wilcox, Andrew T. McMillan, 1st Sergeant. Peter Hunt, Quartermaster Sergeant. Amos C. Weeden, Sergeants. Charles H. Wilcox, Charles C. Eldridge, Reuben H. Rich, Edward Goddard, Edwin W. Stone, John E. Stearns, Corporals. William F. Neville, Leonard J. Whiting, RESIDENCE. Frovidence, R. I. Newport, " Providence, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Westerly, Providence, DATE OP MUSTER. Aug. 25, 1861. July 25, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. Nov. 11, 1863. Aug. 25, 1861. Dec. 4, 1862. May 1, 1863. Aug. 13, 1862 July 26, 1863 Aug. 25, 1861 Castine, Maine, REMARKS. Resigned July 22, 1862. Mustered out of service Sept. 2, 1864. Transferred to Battery A. Capt. Battery E, Sept. 28, 1861. Wounded in arm May 3, 1863, at bat tle of Chancellorsville, Va.; resigned Oct. 6, 1863. Trans, to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Resigned Aug. 25, 1862. Captain Battery C, July 25, 1862. " D, Oct. 30, " Mustered out of service Sept. 9, 1864. 1st Lieut. Aug. 13, 1862. " Battery B, Dec. 29, 1862. Resigned June 1, 1863. Wounded in side and thigh Oct. 19, 1864, at battle of Middletown, Va. ; trans, to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. 1st Lieut. July 25, 1862. Disch. April i0, 1863, on Surg, certif. Prisoner Aug. 15, 1864 ; mustered out of service Mar. 3, 1865. 2d Lieut. Battery A, Oct. 1, 1862. Trans, from Battery A ; 2d Lieut. 6th R. I. Vols., April 22, 1862. 2d Lieut. Aug. 13, 1862. 2d Lieut. 4th R. I. Vols., Oct. 1, 1862. 1st Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. April 23, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Company Clerk from July 5, 1862 ; mustered out of service Aug. 27/65. Deserted Feb. 25, 1863. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Lieut. 6th R. I. Vols; 2d Lieut. 1st R. I. Cavalry. 728 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Robert Crossley, John C. White, Andrew T. McMillan, Jeremiah Brayton, William S. Perrin, Alberto R. Davis, Augustus S. Hanna, Edwin W. Nichols, William Stearns, Musicians. John S. Coggeshall, John Fitz-Patrick, Artificers. Henry B. Pratt, Raymond N. Colvin, George A. Boyle, William R. Hunt, Charles Kimball, Calvin P. Pemberton, Privates. Alton, J. H. Ames, Eugene D. Allen, Henry Alden, S. D. Andrews, Martin Andrews, J. F. Agan, J. Austin, James E. Aldis, T. Aldrich, S. H. Almy, J. Buckley, Thomas Barnett, William IL Briggs, James Beebe, James 0. Brand. Obed E. Burns, Andrew Brogan, Edward Blanchard, Sheldon L. Borden, Charles J. Baker, Frederick A. Byron, Patrick Borden, Joseph F. Brooks, Frederic A. Bennett, Azariah Baker, Henry M. Bynner, George A. Providence, R. I. Warren,Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, RESIDENCE. Pawtucket, " N. Scituate, " Keene, N. H. Providence, R. I. Scituate, " Bradford, Mass. Mansfield, Conn. Pennsylvania, Coventry, R. I. Providence, " Natick, " Pawtucket, " Taunton, Mass. Coventry, R. I. Ireland, N.Providence, R Foster, " Coventry, " Pawtucket, " Providence, " Foster, " Manlin, N. Y. Connecticut, Providence, R. I. New York, N, Y. . I. DATE OP MUSTER. Aug. 25, 1861. June 23, 1863. Aug. 14, 1862. May 30, " Aug. 25, 1861. May 30, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. June 4, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. tl ll It It May 27, 1862. Aug. 8, Mar. Aug. Oct. May Aug. Nov. 25, 1861. 14, 1862 22, 1864 25, 1861. 14, 1862. 9, 30, " 25, 1861. 8, 1862. REMARKS. Sergt. ; must, out of serv. Aug. 27,' 64. Mustered outof service Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded slightly July 1, 1862, battle beforu Richmond, Va. ; Sergt.; 1st Lieut. 2d R. I. Vols., Mar. 2, 1863 ; declined commission ; 2d Lieut. Bat tery C. July 15, 1863. Deserted Jan. 15, 1862. Sergt. Mar. 25, 1862; 2d Lieut. Bat tery B, Nov 11, 1862. Disch. July 29, 1862, on Surg, certif. Sergt. ; killed May 3, 1863, at battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Disch. Dec. 5, 1862, on Surg, certif. Wounded slightly July 1, 1862, at bat tle before Richmond, Va. ; trans, to V.R. C., Nov. 16, 1868. Mustered outof serviceAug. 27, 1864. Discharged worthless Aug. 31, 1861. Trans, to Battery D, Sept. 28, 1861. Mustered out of service Aug. 27,1864. Disch. July 27, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. Sergt. ; must, out of serv. Aug. 27, '64. Trans, from Troop H, 1st R. I. Caval ry Sept. 3, 1863 ; deserted Nov. 26, 1863. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. Julv 4, '62. to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. " from 4th Mich. Vols. ; deserted Aug. 23, 1862. Trans, from Eth Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. " 4th Mich. Vols.; deserted Aug. 23, 1862. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat., July 4, '62. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864 ; Sergeant ; Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864., Transferred from 14th N. Y. Vols. ; returned to regiment. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. n a n Wounded June 27, 1862, at battle be fore Richmond, Va. ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded slightly Oct. 19, 1864, at battle of Middletown, Va. ; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Sick in hospital Aug., 1862. Trans, to Navy, Mar. 4, 1864. " Bat. G, Dec. 23, " Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. " Navy, Mar. 4, " from 25th N. Y. Vols.; wounded slightly June 27, 1862, Gaines' Hill, Va. ; returned to regiment. Disch. Jan. 26, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 729 NAME AND RANK. Bailey, James A. Barber, James A. Belmont, Charles H. Bennett, Nelson P. Connerton, James Call.".han, James Corcoran, John Charleswortli, William Collins, Thomas Clegg, Richard Culverson, John Clegg. J. Curley, Patrick Champlin, E. Cole, William Carpenter, Christopher Cross, Elisha W. Cooper, H. D. Cary, John Clarkin, Henry Coy, Thomas W. D. Charles, George N. Coy, John S. Downing, Henry Donohoe, Hugh Dyer, Charles O. Dean, Marshall Dodge, Ambrose A. Dennis, Arthur Dexter, Charles A. Dunham, \V. H. Fiske, John Freeborn, G. H. Field, Almon L. Flinn, M. Franklin, Warren P. Fegan. John Faulk, Frederic L. Foster, Martin Fenner, Earle Flanagan, John Griffin, John Gunning, W. Goulding, John Guhl, Carl 92 RESIDENCE. New York State. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Ireland, OlneyviUe, R. I. Pawtucket, " England, Michigan,Providence, R. I. Michigan, Taunton, Mass. Boston, " Coventry, R. I. Wakefield, " Cranston, Warwick, Westerly, Providence, Westerly, England, New York, N. Y. Smithfield, R. I. Wakefield, " Maine, Bristol, R. I. Providence, " Coventry, " Cranston, Pawtucket, N.Kingstown, " Providence, " Maine, Providence, R. I. Natick,Providence, " Boston, Mass. June 4, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861 Jan. 10, 1863. Aug. 25, 1861 Jan. 9, 1862. June 5, 1861. Aug. 25, " tt tt it tt May 30, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861 DATE OP MUSTER. June 24, 1863 Aug. 14, 1862 " 25, 1861 Feb. 23, 1864. Aug. 6, 1862. " 25, 1861 " 14, 1862 " 25, 1861, Jan. 2, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. ¦¦' 21, 1862. May 13, " Aug. 25, 1861. May 14, 1862, Aug. 25, 1861. Oct. 18, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861 June 25, 1863, Trans. irom*14th N.Y. Vols.; wounded June 27,'62,.battle Gaines' Hill, Va. Disch. Sept., 1861, on Surg, certificate. Deserted. Corporal ; deserted Aug. 22, 1862. Deserted. Trans, from Co. K, 2d K. I. Vols., Jan. 28, 1864 ; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864; transferred to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Sick in hospital, Aug., 1862. Deserted June 26, 1862. Trans, from 4th Mich. Vols.; returned to Regt. July 10, 1862. Deserted Aug. 22, 1862. Trans, from 4th Mich. Vols.; returned to Regt. July 10, 1862. Wounded slightly July 1,1862, at bat tle before Richmond, Va.; re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863 ; transferred to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat., July 4,' 62. " to Navy, Mar. 4, 1864. Q. M. Sergeant; transferredto Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Corporal; Sergeant May 1, 1862; dis charged July, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat., July 4, '62 " to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. it u a Mustered out of service Aug. 27,1864. Transferred to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Q. M. Sergeant; 1st Lt. 6th R. I. V., Dec. 10, 1862. Wounded severely July 1, 1862, battle Malvern Hill, Va. ; discharged Aug. 29, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Died March 22, 1862. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Disch. June 6, 1862, on Surg, certif. In hospital Dec. 31, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat., July 4, '62. Wounded slightly July 1, 1862, battle Malvern, Hill, Va. ; discharged. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat, Julv 4, '62. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864; wounded slightly Oct. 19, 1864, at battle of Middletown, Va.; transferred to Bat. G, Dec. 28, 1864. Disch. Dec. 4, 1862, on Surg, certif. " Nov. 25, " " Dec. 15, 1861, Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Disch. Feb. 14, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat, July 4, '62. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transf dfrom Troop G, 1st R. I. Cav., Sept. 3, 1863 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. 730 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Greene, William D. Griffiths, Esek A. Graham, B. Gavan, John Gilbert, A. Green, Smith Galvin, John Goff, Marshall Goff, John Harris, George W. HaU, Alvin E. Harrington, Timothy Hawkins, Oliver Heine, William Holden, George W. Hewitt, Henry Hall, John Henkel, Albert Howard, Charles A. Hopkins, Albert E. RESIDENCE. Coventry, R. I. Providence, '' Ireland. Cranston, R. I. Providence, " Richford, Vt. Providence, R- I. Ireland. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Michigan, Germany,Fall River, Mass. Providence, R. I. Harrington, Bruce Hawkins, Benjamin H. Heinau, Frederic Hathaway, J. F. Ham, George W. Haveron, John H. Hudson, Charles Holly, Richmond Irvin, William Jenkins, Charles Jencks, George B. Jordan, S. R. Johnson, Gershom P. Jordan, Jasper Jenkins, John Kennison, James D. Kelley, Frank A Keating, John King, George G. Johnston, " Germany,Providence, R I. Smithfield, ¦' Seekonk, Mass. Ireland,England, Pawtucket, R. I. Coventry, Providence, Ireland, New Hampshire, Ireland, Coventry, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Aug. 25, 1861. Nov. 5, 1862. Dec 24, 1861. Aug. 25, " June 30, 1863. Dec. 13, 1861. Aug. 25, " May 30, 1862. July 6, 1863. Aug. 25, 1861. Mar. 15, 1862 June 4, " Aug. 25, 1861. July 8, 1863 ;' 4, 1862 Aug. 25, 1861 " 4, 1862. May 20, " " 27, " Aug. 25, 1861 REMARKS. Jan. 11, 1862. July 1, 1863. Aug. 25, 1861. " 14, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 27, '64. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery July 4, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery July 4, 1862. Dis'd Mar. 9, '62, on Surg, certificate. 1st Sergt. ; mustered out Aug. 27, '64. Discharged June 15, 1862. Mustered out of service June 11, 1864. Missing after battle of Gaines Mills, June 27, 1862. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transfd to V. R. C, Jan. 21, 1864. Mustered out of serviceAug. 27, 1864. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Died Sept., ' 62, at Washington, D. C. Died Aug., '62, in hospital of disease. Transfd from 4th Mich. Vols; re turned to regiment June 10, 1862. Deserted July 24, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864 ; deserted Aug. 7, 1864. Transfd from Co. A, 2d R. I. V., Dec. 11, 1863; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transfd from 14th N. Y. Vols. ; in hospital Sept., 1863. Severely wounded July 1, '62, at bat tle Malvern Hill, Va. ; in hospital. Transfd from 2d R. I. V., Nov. 15/63; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery July 4, 1862. Mortally wounded June 27, 1862, at Gaines' Hill, Va. ; died July 1, '62, at Savage Station. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863; Sergeant; transfd to Battery G, Dec 23, '64. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Wounded severely July 1, '62, at Mal vern Hill, Va. ; prisoner of war at Richmond; exchanged; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. , Wounded and missing after battle of Gaines Hill, Va.. June 26, 1862. Corporal; wounded May 3, '63, battle Chancellorsville, Va. ; transfd to V. R. C, Nov. 15, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery July 4, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded in neck Nov. 7, '63, tattle Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Cor poral ; mustered out Aug. 27, 1864. Dis'd Jan. 28, '63, on Surg, certificate. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864, FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 731 NAME AND RANK. Kroncke, John Kenyon, George W. Knowles, Lindley M. Knight, Jeremiah J. Knight, Owen B. Kelley, James H. Lawler, John Lanphear, Thomas Lovely, A. Judson Lewis, Samuel E. Lawton. Nicholas E. Lewis, Jacob Lawton, Nicholas W. Lillibridge, Silas B. Lawton, William Luther, Alfred Leach, Edwin I. Laverty, Joseph Manning, John Meorfitt, Thomas Murray, Michael McNeal, Henry McCaffrey, John Murphy, James McVey, D. May, Patrick J. McDonald, James T. Malbone, Archibald Matteson, James A. Montgomery, Frank E. Moies, Frederic S. Mullen, Francis McVeigh, Hugh Murray, J. Mooney, John McCarty, Charles Mathewson, Charles E. McLaughlin, John H. Miller, Calvin D. Newton, G. L. RESIDENCE. Germany,Richmond, R. I. Providence, " Coventry, " Cranston, " Newport, '• Ireland, Providence, R. I. Worcester, Mass. Coventry, R. I. Warwick, " Exeter, " Warwick, " Exeter, " Providence, " Warren, " Scituate, " Worcester, Mass. Providence, R. I. .« ft Ireland, Providence, R. I. Hope Village, " Providence, " Newark, N. J. W. Greenwich, R. Scituate, " Moosup, Conn. Pawtucket, R. I. VaUeyFaUs, " Ireland, Cranston, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, " Providence, " July 8, 1863 Aug. 25, 1861 " 14, 1862. " 25, 1861. it n Jan. 2, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. Doc. 31. " Aug. 25, " " 15, 1862, " 25, 1861. " 15, 1862. " 25, 1861. DATE OP MUSTER. Dec. 26, " Aug. 25, " May 16, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. June 20, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. " 13, 1862. " 25, 1861. July 2, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. Oct. 15, 1862. Aug, 25, 1861. REMARKS. Transfd from 2d R. I. V. . Nov. IS, '63; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded June 27, '62, at Gaines' Hill, Va. ; discharged Jan. 16, 1863, on Surg, certificate. Dis'd Aug. 9, '64, on Surg, certificate. Sergeant; mustered out Aug. 27, '64. Transfd to V. R. C, Aug. 1, 1863. Deserted March 14, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863 ; killed Juno 3, 1864, Cold Harbor, Va. Wounded June 27, '62, battle Gaines' Mill, Va. ; in hospital Dec, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Wounded June 27, 1862, at Gaines' Mill. Va. ; Corporal ; mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Corporal; transferred to Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Mustered out of sorvice Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded June 27. 1862, (lost right arm,) at Gaines' Mill, Va. ; prisoner and exchanged ; discharged Oct. 25, 1862, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; transfd to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Deserted enroute to battery. Discharged for disability. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Artificer; discharged Jan. 28, 1863, on Surg, certif. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Disch. July 18, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. Wounded May 3, 1863, at Chancellors ville, Va., (lost a leg) ; disch. Aug. 6, 1864, on Surg, certif. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Sergt. ; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, '64. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863; wounded Oct. 19, 1864, at battle Middletown, Va. ; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, '64. Killed Dec. 13, 1862, at battle of Fred ericksburg, Va. Corporal; Sergeant Nov. 23, 1861; killed May 3, 1863. at battle of Chan cellorsville, Va. Missing July 1, 1862, at battle Malvern Hill, Va. ; since died. Killed Oct. 7, 1861, from injuries re ceived by being run over by caisson. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4,'62. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864 ; Sergeant ; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Deserted Aug. 23, 1862. Corporal; Sergeant Jan. 3, 1862; de serted June 20, 1862. Disch, July 15, 1862, on Surg, certif. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. 732 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Nicholas, Henry H. Nason, Henry O'Brien, Patrick O'Brien, Joseph Pfaffle, John Peckham, Orrin S. Parker, Gideon B. Patterson, L. E. Peck, John B. Patterson, W. B. Perry, George A. Potter, Daniel Potter, Andrew Place, Leander S. Pond, Frederic W. Potter, German Palsey, Virgil M. Quigley, James Rice, William H. Reynolds, John T. Riel, C. E. Ryan, Daniel Rice, Charles H. Reagan, John H. Ripley, Silas R. Ryan, Cornelius Ray, John T. Randall, Thomas H. Randall, Henry Swan, John J. E. Starbard, Simeon H. Stone, John, Jr. Smith, Edward Sullivan, Henry F. Searle, Richard W. Snell, Benjamin Stephens, Charles Simmons, William D. Shea, Dennis Sullivan, Patrick Short, WiUiam F. Sullivan, Morris Sullivan, John RESIDENCE. Warwick, R. I. Maine, Warwick, R. I. Pawtucket, " Coventry, " Providence, " Coventry, " Pawtucket, " Smithfield, Coventry, i, Foster,Providence,Olneyville, Pawtucket, Smithfield,Coventry, Richmond, Webster, Mass. Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, " N.Kingstown,"Ireland, E. Killingly, Conn. Providence, R. I. Milford, Mass. Danville, Maine, South Amboy,N. J. Westerly, R. I. Providence, " Smithfield, '¦ New York, N. Y. Woodstock, Conn. Chelsea, Mass. Smithfield, R. I. Pawtucket, " N.Providence," Warwick, " Aug. 6, 1862. " 25, 1861. July 21, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. Jan. 6, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861, DATE OP MUSTER. " 14, 1862. Ct tt " 25, 1861. " 6, 1862 " 25, 1861 May 14, 1862. Aug. 14, " " 25, 1861. Oct. 13, 1862 May 26, " Aug. 25, 1861. April 7, 1862. Dec. 23, 1861 June 3, 1863 Aug. 25, 1861 Oct. 24, 1864. Feb. 7, 1862. June 11, 1863. Aug. 4, 1862. July 29, 1864. Aug. 25, 1861. June 10, 1863. Aug. 6, 1862. " 25, 1861. " 8, 1862 Nov. 1, 1864. REMARKS. Trans, to Bat. G. Dec. 23, 1864. Wounded Nov. 30, 1863, (lost both legs,) battle Mine Run, Va. ; died Jan. 13, 1864. Died in Providence, R.I. , Aug. 13,'63. Mustered out ot service Aug. 27, 1864. Wounded in arm May 30, 1864 ; mus tered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864; trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. Wounded and missing June 27, 1862, at Gaines' Mill, Va. Trans, from 5th Mass. Bat. July 4, '62. Corporal ; re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863 ; 1st Sergeant; trans, to Bat. G, Dec, 23, 1864. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery, July 4, 1862. Re-enlisted Feb. 11, 1864; Sergeant; severely wounded Oct 19, 1864, at battle Middletown, Va. ; died Nov. 1, '64, from wounds, Baltimore, Md. Transferred to Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Dis'd Deo. 18, '62, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 27, 1864. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863 ; transferred to Battery G, Dec. 23, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863; Corporal; transfd to Battery G, Dec 23, '64. Transferred to Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Killed April 25, '62, at Yorktown, Va. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery, July 4, 1862. Wounded Oct. 19, 1864, at battle Mid dletown, Va. ; died Oct. 20, 1864. Transferredto Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Mustered out of service Aug. 27, 1864. Assigned to Battery G. Wounded slightly Oct. 19, '64, at bat tle Middletown, Va. ; transferred to Battery G, Dec 23, 1864. Transferred from 5th Mass. Battery, July 4, 1862. Corporal; mustered out Aug. 27, '64. Trans, from Co. A, 2d R. I. V., Dec. 11, '63; trans, to Bat'y G.Dec 23,'64. Died June 27, '62, at Gaines' Hill, Va. Transferred to Battery G, Dec. 23, '64. Discharged Oct. 31, 1361. Dis'd Dec. 9, '64, on Surg, certificate. Corporal ; discharged April 16, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate. Transferredto Battery G,Dec 23, '64. it n if Transferred to Battery B. Wounded slightly Nov. 7, 1863, battle Rappahannock Station, Va.; mus tered, out Aug. 27. '64. Transferred to Battery G, Dec 23, '64. Re-enlisted Feb. 17, 1864 ; Corporal ; trans, to Bat. G, Des. 23, 1864. Trans, to Bat. G, Dec. 23, 1864. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 733 NAME AND RANK. Stephens, William H. Sayles, Lewis L. Stearns, Levi R. Thompson, WilUam B, Terry, James Terry, David Tillinghast, Henry C. Tanner, Horace B. Thompson, Henry Tillinghast, Sylvester Tanner, Charles Tillinghasr, Mason W. Tiernay, Francis M. Thompson, William E Terrell, James Thursby, S. Thayer, Elisha D. Tucker, J. G. Testen, Henry E. Town, Samuel Thurber, Edwin I. VanValkenburgh, Pet'r Wolstenholme, Joseph Waddington, J. Wheeler, Benjamin P. Welsh, WiUiam Ward, Joseph L. Whipple, Henry J. Welsh, Patrick Wood, Silas W. Weston, Emmons B. Wilcox, S. W. Williams, Edward S. Warnecke, Charles West, B. Wood, Albert Wood, J. A. Walker, Edwin Wade, George D. Wiley, John A. Williams, John G. Wintar, Francis Whitney, George Watson, George H. Williams, Robert I. Young, George RESIDENCE. Newark, N. J. Smithfield, R. I. Northbridge, Conn. Pawtucket, R. I. England, W. Greenwich, R. I Providence, " Westerly, Ireland, Smithfield, R. I. Blackstone, Mass. Maine, Johnston, R. I. Providence, Westeily,England, Providence, R. I. Hopkinton, " Providence, " Scituate, " Boston, Mass. Seekonk, Mass. Foster, R. I. Scituate, Providence, N. Kingstown,' tt i Wakefield, Woonsocket, ' Providence, ' DATE OP MUSTER. Aug. 25, 1861 Jan. 1, 1862. Aug. 14, " " 25, 1861 " 13, 1862 Jan. 14, " Aug. 13, " " 25, 1861 Feb. 7, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861. June 11, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861, Sept. 4, " June 4, 1862. Aug. 25, 1861 it ti it „ it ti n 27 a Wounded Dec. 16, '62, at Whitehall, N. C. ; lost left arm ; discharged Sept. 18, 1868, on Surg, certificate. Musteredout of service July 7, 1865. " Oct. 28, 1864. Ee-enlisted Dec. 12, 1863 ; mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 28, 1864. Dis'd June 23, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. n ti n 7, " 27, " Discharged July 10, 1862. Musteredout of service June 27, 1865. Ee-enlisted Mar. 30, 1864; wounded slightly May 16, 1864, at battle of Drury's Bluff, Va. ; Sergeant ; mus tered out of service June 27, 1865. Dis'd. Tune 27, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. " April 5, " " June 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Dec. 12, 1863; Wagoner; mustered out of service June 27, '65. Died Oct. 30, 1863, at Newbern, N. C. Mustered out of service June 7, 1865. 27, " Dis'd July 1, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. " Oct. 28, 1864. " June 27, 1865. Wounded severely May 16, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; Corporal; mus tered out of service Oct. 28, 1864. Musteredout of service June 27, 1865. Ee-enlisted Dec. 12, '63; on detached service, Com. Departm't 18th Corps. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Ee-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864 ; in hospital May, 1865. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Dis'd Nov. 29, '61, on Surg, certificate. Corporal; mustered out June 27, '65. Mustered out of service Oct. 28, 1864. " June 27, 1865. Died Aug. 27, 1862, at Newbern, N. C, of chronic diarrhoea. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. (.- u if Re-enHsted Feb. 16, '64; killed in ac tion, May 12, '64, near Richmond, Va. K'lled May 16, 1864, action Drury's Bluff, Va. Mustered outof service Oct. 28, 1864. Transferred from Bat. A, Oct. 3, '61 ; disch. Feb. 20, 1862, on Surg, certif. Deserted May 6, 1865. 768 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND BANK. Estle, William B. Eddy, Ephraim R. Easterbrooks,Sylvester Fenner, Albert S. Ford, Robert T. Fitzgibbons, John Flagg, George E. Fairbanks, Joseph 0. Fay, Thomas S. Fuller, George E. Fish, Bennett J. Gage, George S. Gavitt, Janies L. Goff, Amasa R. Granger, Janies Godfrey, William Golden, Michael RESIDENCE. Providence, R. I. Warren, " Johnston, " Derran, N. H. Providence, R. I. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Rehoboth, Mass. Pawtucket, R. I. Westerly, " Providence, " Grinnell, Albert Tiverton, Grinnell, Benjamin H. Graham, Isaac Graham, Henry Jr. Hazard, Job Holt, Charles Hunt, John N. Hopkins, Elijah Haly, Mark Horton, T. Healey, William B. Holden, Edwin W. Handall, Chandler W. Hill, James Hall, Henry Hopkins, Stephen F. Hoxie, Leonard Higgins, John Hoyt, John Houghton, Janies 0. Hopkins, P. A. Horton, Alonzo C. Hart, Michael Harper, Edward W. No. Swanzey, Mass. Providence, R. I. S.Kingstown, " Seekonk, Mass. Warwick, It. I. Providence, " Richmond, " Thompson, Conn. Dorrville, R. I. Pawtucket, " Providence, " << ti Willimantic, Conn. New York, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1865 Oct. 29, 1861. Apr. 29, 1863 Mar. 28, 1865 April 4, 1862. Oct. 5, 1864. " 29, 1861. Mar. 31, 1865 July 9, 1862. Mar. 28, 1865 Oct. 29, 1861. Mar. 27, 1865 Oct. 29, 1861. Mar. 31, 1862 April 4, 1865. " 3, " Oct. 29, 1861. June 6, " Mar. 29, 1862. :' 30, 1865. Oct. 29, 1861. Sept. 22, 1864. Oct. 29, 1861. Dec. 2, 1864. Oct. 29, 1861. April 4, 1865. • 3, 1862. ' 5, 1865. Oct. 29, 1861. April 6, 1865. Mar. 9, 1862. ;' 23, 1865. Oct. 29, 1861. Mar. 23, 1865. July 19, 1862. Oct. 29, 1861. July 21, 1862. Oct. 30, 1861. Mustered out of service June 27,1865. " " Oct. 28, 1864. Severely wounded May 12, 1864, be tween Petersburg and Richmond, Va., (legamputat'd); died of wounds May 12, 1864. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Apr. 5, " Transferred from Bat. B; mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Disch. Oct. 16, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 27, 1865. il it n it " " 21, " Disch. May 17, 1862, on Surg, certif. Corporal; mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Re-enlisted Mar. 22, 1864 ; mustered out of service July 7, 1865 Killed Dec. 16, '62, at battle of White hall, N. C. Died June 28, '65, of chronic diarrhoea. Disch. May 17, 1P62, on Surg, certif. Deserted June 1,1865. Re-enlisted Feb. 16, 1864; wounded May 16, '64, at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; wounded Sept. 29, 1864, at battle of Chapin's Farm, Va. ; mustered out of service June 27, 1865. Mustered out of service Oct. 28, 1864. tt it " Mansfield, Mass. S. Kingstown, E. I. Providence, " ft Cf Boston, Mass. Maine, Westerly, E. I. Providence, " Coventry, " Providence, " tt tt Hampton, Maine, Crompton, E. I. Providence, " E.Greenwich," Providence, " Cranston, " Georgiaville, " Westerly. " Providence, " Westerly, " New York, N. Y. Pawtucket, E. I. Oct. 14 Feb. 24 Oct. 14 Feb. 10 Oct. 18 Jan. 17 Oct. 14 ' 12 -¦' 14 Feb. 17 Jan. 10 ' 7 Oct. 14 Jan. 17 ' 10 Dec. 16 Oct. 14 Feb. 27 Jan. 21 Nov. 24 Oct. 14 Nov. 17 Jan. 21 Oct. 14 DATE OE MUSTER. 1862.1865.1862.1865,1862. 1863.1862. 1863.1862, 1864. 1863. It 1862.1863. tt 1862.1865.1S63. 1863.1862.1864. 1863. 1862. July 28, 1863. Oct. 15, 1862 Mar. 2, 1865, Feb. 24, 1865. Oct. .14, 1862. it tt Jan. 5, 1863. " 21, " Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 20, 1865. Mar. 21, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 1, 1863. Feb. 23, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 17, 1863. Feb. 20, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 27, 1865. Nov. 6, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 21, 1805, Nov. 27, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 13, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Dec. 29, 1863 Mar. 2, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 19, 1863. Sept. 23, " REMARKS. Dis'd Dec. 19, '62, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Dis'd Mar. 9, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Doc. 16, 1862. Deserted Feb. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865, Deserted March 10, 1863. Deserted Feb. 6, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted April 6, 1863. Deserted Feb. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service Juno 28, 1865. Mustered out of service June 23, 1865 . Mustered out of service June 28, I860. Deserted Feb. 5, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted April 9, 1864. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Feb. 5, 1863. Deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. tt ft tt Deserted Oct. 23, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Transfd to V. E. C, April 17, 1864. Deserted Nov. 4, 1862. Dis'd Sept. 13, '64, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Oct. 20, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. tc tt it Dis'd June 9, '64, on Surg, certificate. Deserted Oct. 23, 1862. " Jan. 24, 1863. Feb. 2, " Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Sept. 19, 1864. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Veteran; mustered out June 28, '65. Deserted Dec. 31. 1862. Dis'd May 30, '64, on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865, Dis'd Mar. 9, '63, on Surg, certificate, Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Transfd to Navy May 5, 1864, Mustered out of service June 28, 1865, Transferred to Navy April 19, 1864. Deserted Nov, 2, 1862. Sentenced two years hard labor by G. C. M., July 8, 1865; released from confinement Nov. 12, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Feb. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 795 NAME AND RANK. McDonough, John McCabe, John Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Daniel Maurin, Patrick McGuire, Bernard Millard, Charles E. Murray, Michael McPartland, Matthew Murphy, Bartlett Merrills, Henry McAnery, James Mahon, Thomas Manter, William G. Martin, Thomas H. Merrill, Asa T. Mathey, Ernest A. McMann, William Mahon, William Nute, Edwin Nelson, John Newman, John C, Northup, Edwin Noyes, Isaac P. O'Neil, William O'Rourke, John O'Conners, Thomas Ochee, Hurbert Powers, John Phinney, Henry Potter, Hezekiah Packard, George W. Peck, Allen G. Pitts, George II. Pearsons, John Price, Ellery W. Peck, William Paul, Franklin E. Phillips, John Phillips, Henry A. Poyteren, Robert Philips, Luther A. Pratt, John M. Reid, William H. Eearey, James Ryan, John Eyan, John 2d, Eyan, Marvin Eyan, Cornelius Eeed, William Eandall, Job Eeid, Uriah H. Eiley, Sylvester Smith, Ashael Sweeney, Edward Sullivan, Dennis Stone, William H. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, li. I. E.Providence," Georgiaville, '' Providence, " Burrillville, Providence, Westerly, " it tt Providence, " Westerly, " Dover, N. H. Scituate, E. I. Providence, " * Scituate, " Providence, " New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Woonsocket, " Foster, " Crompton, '¦ Providence, " Richmond, Westerly, Providence, Boston, Mass. Providence, E. I. New York, N. Y. tt cc Providence, E. I. Cranston, " Providence, " S. Kingstown, " Providence, " it ti Manchester, N. H. Georgiaville, E. I. Nov. 13,1863. Jan. 20, " Nov. 30, " Feb. 24, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Dec. 4, 1863. Jan. 30, 1864. Feb. 20, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 28, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 27, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Mar. 21, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Dec. 31, " Oct. 14, " Feb. 23, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. / tt >( Jan. 20, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 22, 1865 " 10, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 23, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 24, 1865. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 24, 1865. Mar. 2, it ft Oct. 14, 1862, Dec. 16, " Oct. 14, " Feb. 18, 1865. Jan. 20, 1863. " 30, " Feb. 23, 1864. Oct. 14,1862. Feb. 18, 1864, Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 18, 1864. Oct. 30, 1862. Jan. 16, 1864, Deserted Nov. 26, 1863. " Feb. 3, 1863. Disch. Feb. 20, 1865, on Slirg. certif. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Discharged on Surg, certificate. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Disch. Jan. 5, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Sept. 12, " Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted from Camp Barry, Washing ton, D. C. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Died Feb. 13, 1863, near Fairfax Sta tion, Va. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Disch. Dec. 19, 1862, on Surg, certif. Deserted Nov. 14, 1862. April 9, 1864. " Nov. 2, 1862. " Jan. 26, 1863. Disch.. April 16, 1864, on Surg, certif. Veteran; mustered outof service June 28, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Jan. 31, 1863. Disch. Aug. 10, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Corporal ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865.' Disch. Mar. 16, 1864, on Surg, certif. Died April 24, 1864, near Alexandria, Va., of pneumonia. Q. M. Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. Battery E, Oct. 21, 1864. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Disch. May 15, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted March 18, 1864. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Died Mar. 1, 1863, at camp near Fair fax Station, Va. Trans, to V. E. C, Sept. 12, 1863. Deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Jail. 24, 1863. Nov. 2, 1802. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Feb. 3, 1863. tc ff Veteran; Corporal; mustered out. of service June 28, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. it it it Corporal ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Disch. Jan. 16, 1863, on Surg, certif. " Mar. 13, Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded severely April 2, 1865, at battle of Petersburg, Va. ; mustered out of service July 15, 1865. 796 FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. NAME AND RANK. Sampson, John A. Smith, Elisha Smith, James Smith, Thomas Sheffield, Josiah Simmons, Thomas E. Stafford, Levi Smith, John Spencer, Edward Snell, Otis P. Sullivan, Patrick Salas, Joseph Schanck, Aaron Stewart, William P. Smith, George H. Springer, William H. Stringer, Charles S. Seekel, Apollos Smith, Frederic A. Simmons, Paul Sprague, Charles Thornley, William H. Thompson, Richard Tasker, William H. Turner, Andrew Taft, John . Tracey, George E. True, Elias E. Taber, Otis Tracy, Francis Tweedale, Charles Taylor, Alfred M. Tully, John Trucksaes,Herm'nE.O. Tood, James W. Thompson, Eobert P. Tweedle, William B. Taylor, Eobert W. Touge, Eben Tschamer, Baptiste Vaslett, Charles Vaughn, Albert A. Varney, Henry C. Vaughn, Charles D. Vincent, Charles Vernon, George W. Venner, John F. Vallette, Gilbert P. White, Eeuben G. Woodward, Alden H. Wood, James Whitney, George Wilson, Charles Wilson, John Wilson, James Wilson, Charles, Weiner, T. Felix RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. Scituate, " Exeter, " Providence, " Dartmouth, N. H. Eichmond, R. I. New York, N. Y. Smithfield, B. I. New York, N. Y. tt tt Smithfield, E. I. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. u it S. Kingstown," Providence, " Westerly, " Providence, " N. Kingstown," Natick, " Providence, " Isalsbury, N. II. I New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Westerly, New York, N. Y. Westerly, E. I. Providence, " Westerly, " N.Kingstown," Woonsocket, " L. Compton, " Providence, " New York, N. Y. Providence, K. I. New Boston, N. H. Westfield, Mass. Providence, E. I. IN. Kingstown," Scituate, " New York, N. Y. Newport, E. I. Hartford, Conn. iN. Kingstown, E. I. DATE OF MUSTER. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 6, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 5, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 19, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 12, 1863. t, 17> ,. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 17, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. " 15, 1863 " 14, 1862 Feb. 9, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862 Feb. 5, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 16,. 1865 Oct. 14, 1862. Mar. 7, 1865 Oct. 14, 1862. Feb. 20, 1865 Oct. 14, 1862. Mar. 2, 1865 Jan. 17, 1863. " 15, 1864. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 7, Oct. 14, Feb. 5, Oct. 14, Mar. 2, Oct. 14, Feb. 23, Oct. 14, Feb. 23, 1863 1862 1864. 1862,1865. 1862.1865. 1862. 1864. Oct. Feb. Jan. Nov Mar. Oct. 28, 1865. 14, 1862. 23, 1864, 18, " 17, 1863. 11, " 8, 1865. 14, 1862. 23, " 14, " 15, " " 14, " Jan. 19, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Jan. 2, 1863. Oct. 14, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Disch. Aug. 7, 1863. Trans, from Bat. E ; disch. Mar. 25, 1863, on Surg, certif. Sergeant ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Disch. Nov. 25, 1863, on Surg, certif. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Sick in hospital at Washington, D. C, Jan. 20, 1863. Deserted Feb. 16, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Feb. 17, 1863. n t. 25, " Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Feb. 17, 1868. Mustered outof service June 28, 1865. Corporal ; absent sick. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Veteran ; Corporal ; Sergeant ; mus tered out of service June 28, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted April 19, 1864. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. tt ft tt Deserted May 4, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Died Nov. 1 8, '63, at Hope Village.E.I. Mustered outof service June 28, 1865. Farrier; died Sept. 1,1863, in Hospital near Fort Worth, Va. Deserted Dec. 20, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Feb. 1, 1863. Transferred from Battery G ; mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Sergeant; discharged March 4, 1864, by War Department. Absent sick since April 14, 1863. Deserted Dec. 19, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Oct. 22, 1862. Mustered out of service Aug. 22, 1 865. Deserted Nov. 22, 1862. Killed April 2, 1865, at battle of Pe tersburg, Va. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. Deserted Nov. 2, 1862. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. tt tt tt Deserted Feb. 3, 1863. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. it tt tt Dis'd Jan. 26, '63, on Surg, certificate. Mustered outof service June 28, 1865. tt tt tt Transferred from Battery C ; deserted Dec. 3, 1862. Deserted Feb. 6, 1863. " Nov. 2, 1862. Feb. 1863. Nov. 15, 1862. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 797 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Wellman, Henry A. Providence, E. I. Oct. 14, 1862. White, William H. tt tt Feb. 23, 1864. Veteran; mustered out June 28, 1865. WeUs, Albert Westerly, " Oct. 14, 1862. Mustered out of service Juno 28, 1865. Walden, Joseph, Jr. Feb. 20, 1865. ff ct .t Wilson, James, 2d S.Kingstown," Oct. 14, 1862. Deserted Oct. 19, 1862. Ward, George Boston, Mass. Dec. 17, " " Jan. 24, 1863. Wilson, James J. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1863. " 29, " Wilson, George Boston, Mass. Dec. 24, 1862. " Feb. 23, " Williams, George New York, N. Y. Jan. 19, 1863. " 27, " Wade, James Boston, Mass. Nov. 28, " Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. WiUiams, George A. Providence, E. I. Feb. 10, 1864. Dis'd May 30, '64, on Surg, certificate. Wilson, Charles, tt tt " 25, " Deserted June 11,1864. Ward, John " 24, 1865. Mustered out of service June 28, 1865. First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, UNASSIGNED RE.CRUITS. NAME AND RANK. Allen, Bichard Ashley, Charles Aden, John Bean, Asa L. Brown, Charles E. Bowen, Samuel Burton, John L, Buttini, Lewis Barsoli, Joseph Burton, Lewis Boyle, Hugh Brown, Andrew T. Brown, Augustus Conner, J. Conner, John Clark, Franklin Carson, William H. Cole, AngeU Clark, Daniel H. Cooke, John Cooke, John W. Dexter, Charles A. Duffee, John Doran, Andrew Dennison, Charles Donnelly, Joseph Dixon, James Early, John Flanigan, Charles Farrell, Fergus Frank, George French Henry C. Gerelds, Frederic L, Grows, Wilmarth Glaser, Otto Gillarth, John Garman, Joseph Haskins, Amos Hardacre, John B. Harron, Daniel Harksworth, John RESIDENCE. Providence, E. I. Cranston, •' Providence, " Moltenboro, N. H. Pawtucket, E. I. Baltimore, Md. Portland, Me. New York, N. Y. Providence, E. I. Germany, New York, N. Y. Taunton, Mass. Portland, Me. Pawtucket, E. I. Ohio,Ireland,New London, Conn. New York, N. Y. Suffield, Conn. N. Providence, E. I. New London, Conn, Westerly, E. L N.Providence," New York, N. Y. Tiverton, E. I. Glocester, " Boston, Mass. Lawrence, " Providence, E. I. N.Providence," Boston, Mass. Woonsocket, E. I. Pawtuxet, " DATE OF MUSTER. June 29, 1663 tl tt July 1, " Oct. 18, 1862 June 20, 1863 .< 24> ,< " 25, " ft tt " 26, " " 25, " July 1, " " 8, " " 3, " Jan. 21, " Juno 25, " tt ft " 29, " " 30, " July 1, " Jan. 21, " Apr. 11, " June 25, " ;< 27, " July 1, " June 29, " Dec. 8, 1864. June 26, 1863. ' 30, " Apr. 7, 1865. Aug. 13, 1862. Oct. 31, " Jan. 3, 1863. June 8, " . 24, " Dec. 16, 1862. June 25, 1863. July 1, " June 29, " REMARKS. Deserted. Deserted. FIRST REGIMENT RHODE ISLAND LIGHT ARTILLERY. 799 NAME AND RANK. RESIDENCE. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. Hardee, John H. Ohio, July 1, 1863. Jones, William New York, N. Y. June 26, " Jonecone, John it .1 " 25, " Kelly, John it it Jan. 10, " Kelley, Peter Boston, Mass. June 29, " Kenney, John New York, N. Y. Jan. 20, " Knight, Moses 0. Apr. 6, 1865. Mustered out of service May 26, 1865. Kessel, William July 1, 1863. Lanigan, John Canada, Dec. 31, 1862. Leggett, John W. Lancaster, Pa. Laughlin, James Canada, June 27, 1863. Lyon, Martin Newport, E. I. " 30, " Leonard, George H. Providence, " Nov. 30, 1864. Dis'd Dec. 16, '64, on Surg, certificate. MiUer, Charles New York, N. Y. Juno 4, 1863. Murphy, Robert " 23, " McKenzie, John Boston, Mass. " 25, " Mackney, John Pennsylvania, " 30, " Moulton, Samuel Massachusetts, " 29, " Martin Eudolph, ,c " 30, " Murphy, John Ehode Island, " 26, " McCabe, Hugh Bristol, E. I. July 1, " Moon, John H. Boston, Mass, tt tt MeUnot, Valentine London, England, " 7, " Morris, John J. Dec. 31, 1864. Dis'd Mar. 22, '65, on Surg, certificate. Parker WiUiam H. Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 1, 1863. Puccine, Charles Canada, June 30, " Pontis, Charles New York, N. Y. " 25, " Paine, Arnold I. Massachusetts, Aug. 27, 1864. Dis'd Oct. 22, '64, on Surg, certificate. EamseU, John Newport, E. I. June 25, 1863. Eolland, Otto Germany, July 7, " Rogers, James Feb. 28, 1865. Disch. April 13, 1865, on Surg, certif. St. John, Richard J. July 24, 1862. Smith, William Boston, Mass. Dec. 30, " Smith, David Somerset, " Jan. 2, 1863. Smith, John Boston, " June 1, " Spencer, Theophilus tt ct " 23, " Smith, Henry « " " 30, " Thompson, William Lawrence, " " 8, " Thornton, Thomas Boston, " " 24, " Tibbitts, John tc tt July 1, Thompston, William St. Johns, N, B, " " Vickery, Daniel B. Mar. 6, 1865. « ti tt Wilson, Thomas Boston, Mass, Dec. 30, 1862. Williams, Charles Baltimore, Md., Jan. 3, 1863. Walch, Christopher April 11, " White, George A, Waltham, Mass. lune 14, " Wadlers, Charles Sew Haven, Conn. " 27, " Ware, Robert Valley Falls, E. I. tt ll Ware, Frank tf ft " 26, " Walch, James it tt tt tt Williams, Henry Sew London, Conn. luly 1, Williams, James F. Mar. 30, 1865. Mustered out of service May 10, 1865. White, Franklin B. « 28, " tt tt tc Young, Henry ' Boston, Mass. ' June 25, 1863. Naval Recruits from Rhode Island.* Anderson, David Anglada, John Anty, Benjamin F. Anderson, Oliver An, Thomas Allen, Henry Byran, George Babcock, William H.H Bliven, Euggles Bullock, James W. Billington, James E. Bishop, Moses Brooks, George Bryant, Barney G. Banister, Charles Burkinshaw, George Brown, Joseph Brown, James Boyle, James Baker, Charles H. Briscoe, A. T. Bourn, ColweU S. Barber, Maury A. Butler, Morris Barron, William Bowen, Henry A. Burton, Charles A. Brownell, James Bowen, John E. Brightman, George W. Bolles, Elijah Brand, Obed E. Borden, George H. Barker, A. Judson Barber, Miles Beech, Thomas Barber, Joseph Bohannah, James Browne, William Bond, Eobert D. Boyle, George W, Badger, George C. Bishop, James Brimmer, WiUiam WHERE ENLISTED. 11 2 33 1 I 11 1 1 11 1 1 2 11 11 2 1 Providence, R. I Newport, " ft ., Providence, " f< t. Newport, " Providence, " Newport, Providence, Newport, f c Providence, cc Newport, CC Providence, Newport, Providence,Newport, Providence, WHEN ENLISTED. Aug. 26, 1864. Nov. 15, 1862. April 7, 1865. Jan. 1865. ' 1865. May 20, 1862. July 12, 1864. " 14, " " 15, " " 20, " " 23, " " 20, " *' 30, 1862. " 1, 1863 Aug. 15, 1864 " 17, " May 20, 1862. July 20, 1864. Aug. 11, " : 19, " -. 24, " Dec. 20, 1863. Sept. 7, 18C4. Aug. 31, " Sept. 8, " Feb. 1, 1863. Oct., 1864. " 22, 1864. Nov., " Dec,, Nov. 11, " Dec, tl ti Jan. 19, 1865. Mar. 7, Apr. 3, 6, " Sept. 26, 1863 Dec, 1864 Jan., 1865 Ee-enlisted Nov.l5,'63,for lyear. Dec.1,'64, for 2 years. Aug. 1, '63, for 1 year ; " '64, for 2 years. July 1, '64, " Aug.10,'64, for 3 years. Jan. '65, " Sept. 6, '64, Oct., '64, for 2 years. Dec. '64, for 3 years. *This list is necessarily incomplete, only partial returns having been made to the Adjutant General's Office. 101 802 NAVAL RECRUITS FROM RHODE ISLAND. NAMES. a i "WHERE ENLISTED. "WHEN REMARKS. 3 Providence, E. I. ENLISTED. Banks, George Jan. 1865. Bunn, Charles 3 u tt tt tl Bell, George 3 it a ti ii Bumm, Thomas 3 IC (t tt tt Briggs, Francis 3 tt « ti It Buckley, Joseph 3 tt tt li tt , Brown, Ezekiel B. 2 ti tt tt tt Brown, John 3 Boston, Mass. Sept. 22, 1862. Ee-enlisted Feb. '65, for 2 years. Bowser/Thomas 3 Providence, R. I. Feb. 1865. Burrows, Joseph 1 Newport, " June 12, 1862. June 12, '63, fori year. Baltey, Alden A. 1 tt tt Sept. 15, 1863. Becket, John W. 1 it tt May 20, 1862. Barker, Elisha P, 1 it it Jan. 26, 1863. " Jan. 26, '64. " Brundage, Henry J. 1 ct it Mar. 2, " Burns, Joseph 1 tt tt Dec. 1861. Boyd, W. A. G. 1 if tt May 4, 1863. Bennett, Joseph 1 ft tl " 23, " Brown, George 1 it it July 27, " Baldwin, William 1 ti it June 2, " Boardley, Benjamin F. 1 It tt Dec. 20, " Botas, John 1 New Bedford, Mass. Aug. 31, •' Brown, Andrew M. 1 Newport, K. I. Apr. 13, 1864. Chace, James E. 1 Providence, " July 14, " Carter, George 2 Newport, " " 6, " Coffin, Henry 2 a ti " 20, " Coltoon, William H. 1 tt ti •' 23) " Clarke, George 1 K it Aug. 9, < Colbert, Timothy 1 it a "11, " Courtney, John 3 CC If, "¦ 15, " Cassan, J. A. 1 Providence, " July 20, " • Cash, David 1 tl , . tc Aug. 8, " ¦ Coffin, Daniel II. 1 " ' " ft t< Carr, John M. 2 Newport, " "23, " Cano, James M. 1 a u Dec 12, 1863. Sept. 1, '64, for 3 yrs. Corcoran, Michael 3 it it Sept. 1864. Campear, Samuel D. 2 tt tt Oct. " Cooke, William H. 1 (C tl July 20, 1863. " Oct. '64, for 2 years. Caulfield, Orange S. 2 Providence, " Oct. 25, 1864. Carroll, Max 2 Newport, " Nov. .. " Crandall, Joseph 3 tt a ff ff Carroll, Richard 2 Providence, " « 7j .. Campbell, William H. 3 Newport, " Jan. 17, 1865; Curtis, Elias 2 a tt " 21, " • Crowell, Joseph 2 ti a Feb. " Chappell, William* 3 tt It Mar. 18, " Cozzens, John B. 3 tt tt Apr. 13, " Clark, Richard 3 Providence, " Jan. Cragin, Thomas 3 ft n tt It Cross, Richard 3 n a li If Crowning, William 3 tt tt ei tt Curtis, William H. 2 it tt tt tt Casey, Michael 3 f* tc H ct Crane, James 3 ti tt Feb. " - Connelly, Edward M. 3 ii tt n tt Carney, William Q tt a Mar. 1, '• Crosby, Morris 1 Newport, ic May 21, 1862. Champlin, William B. 1 Cf if Aug. 7, " Clark, Frederic A. 1 tt It " 6, 1863.' Carle, William 1 tl It Oct. 1, " Crandall, Edward M. 1 It tl Dec. 28, " Chambers, T. P. 1 *i tt Nov. 10, " Dorsey, William 1 tt ii July 20, 1864. Dugan, Thomas 1 It it Apr. 3. 1862. Ee-enlisted Aug. 15/64, for 3 yrs. Dickerson, Jeremiah 2 It It Aug. 18, 1864. Davis, John N. 2 It tt " 23, " Davis, William B. 2 Providence, " i, 24, " Dubois, William H. 1 tt « Sept. 3, " NAVAL RECRUITS EROM RHODE ISLAND. 803 i ^ WHEN NAMES. 5 < I WHERE ENLISTED. ENLISTED. REMARKS. Davis, William E. 2 Providence, E. 1. Sept 16, 1864. Davis, Robert 2 Newport, " .1 n Dixon, Theodore F. 3 Providence, " Dec 3, " Dunn, Bichard 2 Newport, " tt ti Dorsey, Elijah 1 " " June 6, 1863. Ee-enlisted Jan .17, '65, for 2 yrs. Dill, Leonard 2 tt n Feb. 1865. Dally, John 2 tt tf .1 27, " Dickerson, Danforth G. 2 Providence, " Jan. " Duross, James 3 ct it it .t Dana, Henry L. 1 Newport, " June 17, 1862. " June 17, '63, for 1 yr. Doherty, John H. 1 tt c Jan. 1, " Jan. 1, " " " Dougherty, Francis 1 tt tt June 11, 1863. Davis, William 1 tt tt " 6, " Dimond, Edward 1 it tc Nov. 25, 1862. Duncan, Peter H. 1 t. tt Goldsmith, Allen 3 tt if " 24, " Greene, James 3 tt ft " 27, " Greene, Albert C. 3 Newport, " Oct. — , " Garrison, Albert E. 2 Providence, " Nov. 28, " Graham, John 2 Newport, " Jan. 17, 1865. Gill, Eobert I. 1 it n May 3, 1862. Ee-enlisted May 1,'64,'for 1 year. Feb. —,'65, for 2 yrs. Galatzo, Pascal 1 New York, N. Y. " 27, " " Feb. 20,'65,for2yrs. Gifford, Obod H. 2 Newport, E. I. Feb. 28, 1865. Graham, John 2 .i if Mar. 27, " Glover, Thomas 3 Providence, " Dec. — , 1864. GiUespie, Peter 3 ft ff Jan. — , 1865. Grady, James 3 ( t ct Green, John 3 ti n tt ft Goldsmith, David E. 2 it if Feb. — , " Gregory, Patrick 3 tt ff ti it Garvey, Thomas 1 Newport, " Oct. 1, 1862. Glasser, George 1 i. * it Nov. 29, " Griven, James 2 Boston, Mass. July 22, " 804 NAVAI, RECRUITS FkOM RHODE ISLAND. a to WHEN NAMES. ^ < WHERE ENLISTED. REMARKS. 1 ENLISTED. Gladding, William 0. Newport, E. I. Nov. 5, 1862. Greene, David M. 1 ,. tt Oct. 23, 1863. Gamon, Michael 1 New York, N. Y. June 13, " Greene, Joseph S. . 1 Newport, E. I. Nov. 1, " Gibbon, James 3 Boston, Mass. May 8, 1862. Grant, Benjamin G. 1 Newport, E. I. " 27, 1864. Hughes, James 1 Providence, " July 16, " Holbrook, Cephas B. 1 1 1 tt Aug. 5, " Haynes, George 3 tt tt " 6, " Heron, James A. 3 it «» " 11, " Harrington, Dennis 1 Newport, June 5, 1863. Re-enlist' d Aug. 22, '64, for3 yra. Howland, Charles 3 • t .t Aug. 24, 1864. Hunter, Thomas 3 ii it Sept. 1, " Higgins, Hugh 1 tt tt Oct. 22, 1862 Sept. 1, '64, for 2 yrs. Holliday, Jamos, Jr. 2 tt ii Sept. 1, 1864. Hara, John 0. 3 it tt 1 1 il Hall, Charles 1 tt ti Dec. 9, 1863. Sept. 1, '64, for 3 yrs. Hammond, George H. 1 Providence, " Aug. 17, 1864. Hall, John 3 Newport, " Sept.—, " Hall worthy, E. E. 1 tt tt " 28, 1863. " Sept. — ,'64,forlyear. Hart, Henry 3 1 1 1 1 Oct. — , 1864. Hynes, John J. 3 a tt ft il Hopkins, Charles 1 tt tt " 20, 1862, Oct. 20,'63, fori yr. " Oct. — , '64, for3y'rs. Harris, Peter 3 Providence, " Nov. 10, 1864. Harris, Henry 2 Newport, " Jan. 4, 1865. Hardman, William 1 it tt " 25, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 17, '65, for 8 y'rs. Harris, John E. 2 ti it " 21,1865. Harwood, Henry H. 3 it tt tt tl Hudson, George A. 2 tt tt Feb. 18, « Herod, Moses H. 2 tt tt a tt Hudson. Theodore 2 tt tt t, 27, " Hogan, James 2 tt it Apr. 6, Hawkins, John 3 Providence, " Dec. 1864. Happersett, William H. 3 it tt Jan. 1865. Henry, Wiliiam 3 tt it tt ct Hilgert, Peter 1 Newport, " Nov. 29, 1862. Harris, James A. 3 Boston, Mass. Sept. 18, " Holland, John 1 Newport E. I. June 7, " Harrington, Moses H. 1 it tt " 6, 1863. Harris, William W. 1 it n Dec 29, " Hamond, Eoland 0. 1 ct tt Feb. 26, 1864. Irish, Joseph 1 tt tt June 2, 1862. Jaques, Stephen J. 1 Providence, " July 15, 1864. Jarvis, John 1 Newport, " Nov. 29, 1862. Nov, 29, '63, for 1 year. Sept. 1, '64, for 3 y'rs. Johnson, Cornelius 3 Providence, " Sept. 20, 1864. James, Walter 2 it ti Oct. 5, " Johnson, John 1st, 1 Newport, " Aug. 20, 1863. " Nov. 1864 for 3 years. Jenerson, Henry B. 2 Providence, " Dec. 1864. Jenners, George 3 Newport, " Jan, 24, 1865. Johnson, John F. 1 ic tt Aug. 24, 1863. Feb. 18, '65, for 2 y'rs. Johnston, Richard E. 2 it tt Feb. 1865. Johnston, James 2 tt it Apr. 13, " Jefferson, James 3 Providence, " Jan. " Jackson, Samuel 1 Boston, Mass. July 23, 1862. July 23, '63, fori year. Jansell, Thomas 1 tt tt " 18, " Johnson, William1 1 Newport, E. I. " 27, 1863. Johnson, John 2d, 1 tt it Jan. 29, " Johnson, Abraham 1 tt tf Dec. 20, " James, Franklin 1 n t f Apr. 23, 1864. Jones, John P. 1 tt ti May 26, " King, Charles E. 1 if tt July 7, " Kingsley, Walter B. 3 tc tt Sept. 1, " Kiernen, Thomas 1 Providence, " Aug. 31, " Kingsley, Charles 2 Newport, " Oct. " Kelley, William H. 2 ft tt Apr. 3, 1865. King, John 1 tt tt Mar. 10, 1864. Apr. 10, '65, for 2 y'rs NAVAL RECRUITS FROM RHODE ISLAND. 805 M CO 5 M WHEN NAMES. 3 , 1862. Kipplen, Peter 1 tt tt n u Kingsley, WilUam B. 1 ti ti Oct. 15, " Lincoln, Henry 2 it it Aug. 11, 18G4. Luther, Charles 1 Providence, " « 12j .t Lockwood, Stephen D. 1 tt f. " 22, " Lloyd, George 1 Newport, " Dec. 15, 1863. Lynch, Francis E. 2 Providence, " Sept. 17, 1864. Lee, William 3 it tt Oct. 6, 1864. Lennihan, James P. 3 Newport, " Nov. — , " Lindsey, George 1 tt c t May 20, 1862. Little, John 1 tt tt June 13, 1864. Lough, Charles 3 n it Jan. 24, 1865. Lee, John 3 tt tt Feb. — , " Lenehan, Timothy 1 tt 1 1 Apr. 25, 1862. Lloyd, Samuel 2 tt tt Feb. — , 1865. Leach, Thomas 2 tt it Mar. 13, " Lee, Eobert H. 2 it tt " 16, " Little, George I. 1 tt tt Jan. 25, 1864. Lawton, Benjamin 1 , tc 1 1 Apr, 13, " McMahon, Philip 1 Providence, " July 14, " McGrath, Michael i tt tt " 23, " McKough, James 1 tt tt " 27, " McMann, Frank A. 1 tt 1 1 " 28, " McQuaid, George 1 Newport, " 23, " Moran, Michael 1 it t. May 21, 1862. Merchant, Samuel 1 it it Aug. 15, 1864. Melville, David 2 it tt « ]7) « McDonald, Eobert 1 it tt " 19, 1862. McDonald, Thomas 1 New York, N. Y. June 6, 1863. Mellon, James 3 Providence, R. I. Aug. 17, 1864. Markham, Thos. W. D. 1 tt a " 18, " Marshall, James 2 Newport, ** Sept. 6, " Monahen, James P. 2 " '* tt >7 it Matthews, Howard J. 1 tt it July 8^ " McQueny, James 3 Providence, '' Oct. 17, " Mason, George C. 3 (•' it " 18, " Meekins, Joseph 3 Newport, " Nov. — , " Murphy, Edward B. 3 it tt tt .tt Marsh,' Martin 1 a a Oct. 22, 1863. Mathias, Henry 2 " " Jan. 1, 1865. Marshall, Thomas 2 tt it <: u> tt Murray, Daniel A. 1 it ft Apr. 16, 1864. Mowbray, John 1 it a July 11, 1863. Murphy, Dennis 3 tt tt Feb. 23, 1865. MuUens, Dennis 3 tt it CC ll MelviUe, Thomas H. 2 it «' Mar. 7, " Marsh, William H. 3 a n " 13, " Merritt, Benjamin 0 . 2 " " " 30, " Morrow, John 2 it tl Apr. 11, " Martin, William, 3 Providence, " Dec. — , 1864. Mordan, Noah W. 2 i<. a Jan. — , 1865. McCarty, John 3 it n it tt Moore, John F. 3 tt n Jan. — , 1865. Mellsop, William C. 3 n ti tt ft McGowen, John 3 ti tt " " Miskall, Joseph 3 it ti n tt Maguil, John 3 ft it " Morgan, Joseph 2 n n " Ee-enlisted Oct. 15, '63, for 1 yr. Sept. 6, '64, for 2 yrs. Jan. 4, '65, for 2 yrs. .. 13j i. .. 3- ., Apr. 25, '63, fori y'r; May 4, '64, fori y'r, Feb. — , ' 65, for 2 yrs. May 12, '63, fori y'r; Aug. 15, 64, for 2 yrs. Aug. 24, ' 64, for 3 yrs. Sept. 1, '64, for 3 yrs. Dec. — , '64, for 2 yrs. Jan. 21, '65, for 2 yrs. Feb.— ,'65, for 2 yrs. 806 NAVAL RECRUITS FROM RHODE ISLAND. W 5 WHEN NAMES. W «ij 2 WHERE ENLISTED. ENLISTED. REMARKS. McCarthy, John Providence, It. I. Jan. — , 1865. Mattison, Asa 2 tt u tt tt Morris, William 3 tt tt Feb. Merewether.George W. 3 it ii Mar. Marshall, William F. 1 Newport, " June 12. 1862. Ee-enlisted June 12, '63,for 1 year " 11, '64, " McManus, John 1 tt tt i, 7> i< tt 827, Eustis, George C. M, 1st Cavalry, May 1, " it 10,203, Eaton, Amos A, 5th Heavy ArtUlery, Oct. 1, " Scorbutus. 939, Freelove, Henry B. H, 1st Cavalry, May 7, " Diarrhoea. 4,538, Farrell, James F. A, 1st Light Artillery, Aug. 2, " tt 4,672, Fahey, John G, 2d Eegiment Volunteers, n 4 tt Typhus fever. 7,356, Fee, Arthur A, 5th Heavy Artillery, " 3l', " Scorbutus. 1,866, Goudy, John A ff ff tf June 12, " Chron. diarrhoea. 4,866, Gallagher, C. a', " " Aug. 6, " Dysentery. 5,561, Garvey, William A, " " " 13, " Anasarca. 8,308, Greene, Bichard B, 2d Eegiment Volunteers, Sept. 10, " Diarrhoea. 9,978, Greene, Daniel H, " " " 29, " tt 1,075, Henry, Thomas F, 1st Cavalry, May 13, " tt 2,656, Healy, Alonzo D, « " June 29, " Typhus fever. 2,746, Hunt, Caleb W. A, " " July 1, " Diarrhoea. 3,904, Hampstead, John A, 5th Heavy Artillery, " 24, " Scorbutus. 7,032, Hook, Anson Von G, 1st Cavalry, Aug. 27, " Diarrhoea. 11,843, Hawkins, Daniel F. A, 5th Heavy ArtiUery, Nov. 5, " Wounds. 12,016, Hanly, Thomas A, " " " 15, " Scorbutus. 1,962, Ide, Stephen E. H, 1st Cavalry, June 14, " Dysentery. 3,049, Johnson, Andrew I. A, 5th Heavy ArtiUery, July 8, " Diarrhoea. 2,968, KetteU, James B, 1st Cavalry, " 6, " tt 3,096, Kinney, J. B, 2d, " 10, " Chron. dysentery. 4,215, Lewis, Edward A, 5th Heavy Artillery, " 29. " Dysentery. 5,827, Lillibridge, Wm. H.* A, " " " Aug. 16, " Diarrhoea. 6,798, Lee, Cornelius A, " " " " 25, " " 7,849, Leach, L. D, F, 1st Cavalry, Sept. 5, " ft 11,688, Livingston, Johr4 A, 5th Heavy Artillery, Oct. 31, " " 1,750, Miner, Stephen D, 1st Cavalry, June 9, " Chron. diarrhoea. 7,393, McKay, Thomas, 2d F, 2d Eegiment Volunteers, Aug. 31, " Diarrhoea. 8,306, McKenna, John K, 3d Heavy Artillery, Sept. 10, " 1 1 3,192, Northup, Edmund H, 1st Cavalry, July 12, " it 7,904, Navoo, Gustavus K, 5th Heavy Artillery, Sept. 5, " n 607, Peterson, John E.* D, 1st Cavalry, Apr. 18, " ' Dysentery. 7,219, Eathbone, Jeremiah A, " Aug. 29, " Debilitas. 2,382, Sweet, Marcus W. D, " " June 23, " Diarrhoea. 2,563, Spink, Darius C. H, " " " 27, " it 2,859, Slocum, George T.* A, " " July 4, " Typhus fever. Names with a (*), denote Corporal ; with a (t), denote Sergeint ; with a ($) denote Musician. RECORD OF DECEASED RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS. 821 NO. OF GRAVE AND NAME. COMPANY AND REGIMENT. DIED. DISEASE. 4,158, Smith, Philip B. A, 1st Cavalry, July 28, 1864. Diarrhoea. 4,949, Stalord, J. A, 1st Battery, Aug, 7, " Scorbutus. 6,186, Sisson, Charles T. A, 5th Heavy Artillery, " 19, " Dysentery. 6,187, Seymour, Henry A, " (( tc Diarrhoea, 6,351, SuUivan, Jeremiah A, " " " " 21, " Chron. diarrhoea. 7,129, Sanders, Charles A, " « " 28, " Anasarca. 7,425, Slocum, Charles A.* A, " " " " 31, " tt 3,075, Turner, Charles E, 7th Eegiment Volunteers, July 9, " Diarrhoea. 8,522, Thomas, John A, 5th Heavy Artillery, Sept. 12, " Scorbutus. 19, Wright, Maurice A, 2d Cavalry, Mar. 7, " Eemittent fever. 1,788, West, Hiram A, 1st " June 10, " Chron. diarrhoea. 3,173, Wallace, WiUiam A, 5th Heavy Artillery, July 11, " tt tf 5,908, Wood, J. B. A, " " " Aug. 16, " ii it 6,222, West, J. A, 2d Cavalry, tt 21; „ tt tt 6,766, Wayne, S. A, 1st " 25, " Diarrhoea. 7,831, Wilson, Jerry A, 5th Heavy ArtiUery, Sept. 4, " Anasarca. 9,273, Whitham, Benjamin F, 1st Light Artillery, " 19, " tt Roll of Honor. The following are the names of those brave and heroic soldiers, who, in the service of their country, having been wounded upon the several battle-fields, died at Lovell General Hospital, U. S. A., Portsmouth Grove, Ehode Island, and are buried in the Hospital Cemetery at that place. MAINE. NAME OF SOLDIER. RANK . COMPANY AND REGIMENT. DATE OE DEATH. Anderson, Stillman Private, G, 11th infantry. July 12, 1862. Armstrong, William Corporal, B, 31st Feb. 19, 1865. Brown, F. M. Private, A, 7th Julv 12, 1862. Brown, William S. Bugler, 6th Battery. "" 16, 1864. Brown, Bradish B. Private, E, 31st Infantry. Aug. 29, " Colson, John A. it B, " Sept. 22, " Clary, Edward E. tt M, 1st Heavy Artillery. Julv 11, " Eaton, F. it E, 2d Infantry. " 7, 1862. Fogle, J. W. n G, 4th " " 7, " Gerald, George W. it C, 1st Cavalry. 1, 1863. Griffin, Thomas ii A, 1st Heavy Artillery. " 22, 1864. Gove, George Sergeant, I, 11th Infantry. Oct. 24, " Grey, Francis Private, C, 2d Cavalry. July 9, " Holmes, H. P. " I, 7th Infantry. " 14, 1862. Hughes, Martin Sergeant, C, 5th June 5, 1864. Joy, Granville W. Private, E, 17th " Aug. 18, " Mains, Hendry «« E, 32d " May 15, " Michaels, Zina it 1, 1st July 27, " Pouler, Joseph n A, 1st Heavy Artillery. " 14, " Pearson, F. tt H, 4th Infantry. Aug. 8, 1862. Eowe, E. ti H, 3d " Sept. 3, " Sweet, J. it D, 11th " July 7, " Taylor, J. W. tt G, 4th it n Tarbox, William S. n A, 32d Aug. 17, 1864. Tolman, Moses B. tt G, 1st Heavy Artillery. Julv 31, " Ward, Ebenezer " B, 81st Infantry. Sept. 9, " Bean, George P. Juan, Antonio Eobin, Augustus Sandoski, Frank Wentworth, John Burgess, E. D. Chamberlain, William Wheeler, E. A. NEW HAMPSHIEE. Private, K, 9th Infantry. A, 7th B, " B, 4th Heavy Artillery. E, 11th Infantry. VEEMONT. Private, D, 4th Infantry. I, 1st Cavalry. K, 4th Infantry. May 15, 1863. Apr. 24, 1865. Oct. 30, 1864. July 8, " Aug. 17, " Aug. 13, 1862. Apr, 28, 1865. Oct. 8, 1862. ROLL OF HONOR. 823 MASSACHUSETTS. NAME OF SOLDIER. RANK. COMPANY AND REGIMENT. DATE OF DEATU. Charles, James H. Private, 14th Artillery. June 26, 1864. Dickey, Madison Oorporal, L, 4th Cavalry. Dec. 1, " Fuller, Amos L. Private, E, 58th Infantry. Aug. 10, " Grobt, Henry tt C, 20th ' July 19, " Haskins, James D. Corporal, D, 27th . Sept. 26, 1865. Howe, Alfred W. Private, K, 57th t Jan. 7, 1864. Neil, John F. tt C, 56th • Nov. 24, " Sawtelle, Walter H. Corporal, F, 25th t July 26, " Smith, Frederic E. Private, H, 37th i Apr. 14, 1863. Wright, J. it B, 7th July 7, 1862. EHODE ISLAND. Good, Havaniah Private, L, 14th Heavy Art. (colored.) Oct. 11, 1864. Grimstaff, Greene u L, 3d Cavalry. May 25, 1865. Johnson, John " L, 14th Heavy Art. (colored.) Mar. 10, 1864. Merick, John tt CONNEC T It tt U JT1CUT, Jan. 26, " Colby, Henry Private, K, 2d Infantry. June 17, 1864. Jackson, Abram a F, 29th " (colored.) Oct. 24, " Jackson, John L. n G, " « 12j ,< Mills, Floyd u G, " " 20, " NEW - fOEK. Austin, Albert H. Private, H, 1st Battery, Sept. 19, 1864. Austin, William tt F, 169th Infantry, July 8, 1865. Burns, John tt I, 40th Oct. 18, 1862. Balch, A. tt A, 33d " July 15, " Beadle, 0. H. tt L. 56th " " 23, " Bishop, G. B. tt A, 100th Sept. 5, " Barnes, William H. n G, 56th Aug. 12, " Brown, James H. " B, 179th " June 29, 1864. Burnside, Frank " A. 16th Heavy Artillery, Aug. 9, " Bowditch, William " B, 158th Infantry, Oct. 13, " Broadheart, Abel tt F, 16th Heavy Artillery, " .19, " Bailey, Addison D. tt I, 12th Cavalry, May 18, 1865. Bowsit, Milner tt G, 47th Infantry, June 29, " Burlingame, Benjamin F. Cough, B. tt A, 47th Infantry, G, 94th July 9, " Dec. 5, 1862. Culver, George W. tt F, 49th Mar. 20, 1863. Cronin, Ambrose tt H, 2d Heavy Artillery, June 26, 1864. Clark, Charles H. tt A, 8th New York Artillery, tt 27, " Conklin, John t. K, 2d Heavv Artillery, July 15, " Chambers, Legrand Corporal, D, 24th Cavalry, " 25, " Coyne, Simon Private, L, 6th Infantry, Aug. 9, " Cowles, Nathan a G, 97th, " 10, " Curtis, Bichard J. tt A, 16th Heavy Artillery, Oct. 14, " Corn, George " E, 169th Infantry, " 21, " " 20, " " 25, " Curtis, James Coats, James tt G, " " M, 16th Heavy Artillery, Deland, Alvin S. n C, 9th Cavalry, July 17, " Debaune, Jeremiah n G, 109th Infantry, Aug. 19, " " 7, 1865. July 7, 1862. Aug. 14, ' " July 7, " Aug. 31, " " 20, 1864. July 5, " " 30, " Oct. 9, " Jan. 10, 1863. Denald, Charles Emery, M. A. Ellis, H. it tt Sergeant, C, 142d E, 93d G, 42d Fav, W. M. Ford, L. N. Grandy, Stephen K. Gaston, Theodore Private, ii tt it B, 85th, " G, 93d K, 118th A, 46th Gleason, Thomas Geohegan, John Hall, John Corporal, Private, A, 5th G, 16th Heavy Artillery, K, 10th Infantry, 824 ROLL OF HONOR. NEW YORK.— Continued. NAME OF SOLDIER. RANK. COMPANY AND REGIMENT. DATE OF DEATH. Harris, Albert Corporal, G, 52d Infantry, June 27, 1864. Hoard, Lorenzo Private, C, 142d Oct. 14, " Hoag, Judson tt G, 169th « 27j ., Ingraham, A. " F, 101st " Aug. 1, 1862. Kubner, A. it B, 74th July 25, " Laheon, William M. it A, 81st " 7, " Lake, George W. Unknown, K, 16th Heavy Artillery, Oct. 10, 1864. Lloyd, Charles Private, C, 22d Artillery, (col'd,) .< 27, " Lowell, Joseph • ti D, 142d Infantry, May 9, 1865. Loper, Luther M. Sergeant, G, 115th " July 5, " Letson, J. W. K. 81st . " " 7, 1862. Mason; L. Private, C,' 9th Oct. 8, " Morton, E. D. it G, " " Sept. 18, " Miller, T. n K, 49th July 7, " McGrath, James " E, 88th " June 29, 1864. Mackie, John W. " B, 51st " Sept. 11, " McKinney, Samuel ti K, 47th May 23,1865. Mallot, Victor Sergeant, G, 115th " 22, " Maha, William Private, D, 112th " ii 27, " Mclntire, John tt E, 3d June 23, " McCabe, Alexander it I, 3d " 28, " O'Haran, Patrick n A, 52d July 25, 1864. Partridge, William II. " H, 33d S. V., Aug. 8, 1862. Pedley, James n G, 76th Infantry, Julv 31, 1864. Phipps, Joseph 11 * E, 8th Heavy Artillery, Aug. 9, " Peck, Alpheus it K, 142d Infantry, June 15, 1865. Eobinson, J. " F, 88th July 8, 1862. Eoberts, George J. tt A, 44th " Feb. 1, 1863. Eeynolds, Leonard it C, 115th July 5, 1865. Sharp, Joseph tt E, 14th Heavy Artillery, Sept. 8, 1864. Smith, E. tt F, 105th Infantry, " 15, 1862. Shampine, P. n I, 60th " 22, " Sargant, Aaron " G, 98th Oct. 22, 1864. Sears, Benjamin tt G, 17th July 6, 1865. Tiffany, J. " H, 31st " Aug. 12, 1862. Tillson, Sylvester ti C, 109th " " 7, 1864. Vickery, Thomas W. n C, 24th Cavalry, June 30, " Vaughn, Robert Corporal, G, 134th Infantry, Aug. 2, 1863. Vinott, Fabien Private, B, 7th Heavy Artillery, July 6, 1864. Van Zandt, Jacob tt C, 16th " May 16, 1865. Van Valkinburg, Jacob tt K, 169th Infantry, July 29, " Wheeler, John E. tt A, 81st " 12, 1862. Williams, S. " A, 49th " " 6, " Wilcox, W. " I, 56th Aug. 24, " Walther, Philip Musician, B, 151st " 18, 1863. Westcott, Isaiah Private, F, 147th July 25, " Whitaker, Edward W. Sergeant, F, 10th Heavy Artillery, Aug. 2, 1864. Whitimore, Alonzo Private, K, 22d Cavalry, ., Dix, George ' A, 37th " Nov. 5, " Francis, John A, ' B, 38th " Oct. 12, " Fidgett, OsweU, t B, 36th " tt 14; 36 Lieutenant Eobert Hale Ives, Jr., mortally wounded 6 Number of Begiments, Battalions and Batteries sent into the field . . 9 Office services rendered to returned soldiers 7 Eeception of returned troops 6 Eegister of Ehode Island troops, prepared by order of the General Assembly 6 Eefreshrnents provided for Ehode Island troops by the "Union" and "Cooper" Saloons, Philadelphia 14 Eeports of Cities and Towns oil the influence of the war upon returned soldiers 12 — 14 Eeport of Colonel Almy , 15, 16 Eeport of Colonel Corson 16 Eoster of Ehode Island Militia; i 24 State quota of troops under all calls made by the President., 7 State, City and Town contributions to the War 8 Tabular Statement of Casualties in Ehode Island Begiments 10 Tabular Statement of names in Ehode Island Begiments and in the Naval Eecord 9, 10 The War of the Eebellion closed 5 The honored dead , , . 5, 6 CONTENTS OF THE REGISTER, Portrait of General Burnside . i i .... i ... , i. < , 2 Resolutions of the General Assembly : , 3 Note to the Eeader 4 Errata , 4 First Eegiment Ehode Island Detached Militia , . 1 — 37 Second Eegiment Rhode Island Volunteers i , 89 — 116 Fourth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers 117 — 162 Ninth Eegiment Ehode Island Volunteers 163 — 186 Tenth Eegiment Ehode Island Volunteers 187—205 Seventh Regiment Ehode Island Voluriteers 207—292 Eleventh Eegiment Ehode Island Volunteers 293—316 Twelfth Eegiment Ehode Island Volunteers 317—352 Hospital Guards, Ehode Island Volunteers ; 353 — 357 First Eegiment Ehode Island Cavalry 859 — 420 Seventh Squadron Ehode Island Cavalry i i 421 — 427 Second Eegiment Ehode Island Cavalry , 429 — 459 Third Eegiment Ehode Island Cavalry .... , i 461 — 503 Third Eegiment Ehode Island Heavy Artillery 505 — 578 Fifth Eegiment Ehode Island Heavy Artillery 579—624 Fourteenth Eegiment Ehode Island Heavy Artillery 625 — 679 First Light Battery Ehode Island Volunteers 681 — 687 Tenth Light Battery Ehode Island Volunteers i 689^-692 First Eegiment Ehode Island Light Artillery 693—799 Battery A, 694-705 Battery B 707—720 Battery C, , 721-733 Battery D, 735-746 Battery E 747-759 Battery F, 761-772 Battery G, 773—785 Battery H, 787—797 Naval Eecruits from Ehode Island '. 801—808 Officers of the Eegular Army from Ehode Island 809—811 Officers ofthe Volunteer Navy from Rhode Island 812—814 Captain Thomas Poy nton Ives, notice of i °12 Officers of the United States Navy from Rhode Island 815—816 Eecord of Deceased Soldiers 817—821 Boll of Honor 822-827 lll«of»«fflJ?JTY LIBRAflY ' „ ¦»'«li»IIIIII«1||||||||l I III I 3 9002 06742 1900 "V \* *$^K *** ... ft*. rt * y %• -