v% NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. !.»¦? iV ¦ i'-i YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The Rev. Ezra Stiles, S.T.D., LL.D. President Yale College, 1777-1795. Son of the Rev. Isaac Stiles. Born in North Haven Nov. 29, 1727, Died in New Haven May 12, 1795. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. H fIDcmorial. PUBLISHED BY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COMMITTEE. COMPILED BY SHELDON B. THORPE. |UNE I, 1901. ^ ^S- INTRODUCTION. The Town of North Haven, at its annual meeting, in October, 1897, appointed a committee to consider the advisability of recog nizing in a public manner the aiTival of the twentieth century. This committee vv^as chosen as follows : R„„„... '._. -TON. Chairman Twentieth Century Committee. Ex-Member General Assembly. Assistant Dairy Commissioner State of Connecticut. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. District No. i — Joseph E. Bishop (Resigned). — Robert N. Barnes. — Robert O. Eaton. — Sheldon B. Thorpe. — Jared B. Bassett. — Frederic E. Jacobs. — Joseph Pierpont. — George B. Todd. The following year they reported that no special interest was being felt anywhere. The report was accepted, and the com mittee continued. Dtiring the summer of 1900 the members orga;nized tempo rarily, adding others to their number, until a working force of thirty had been secured. Permanent organization was then effected, and the sub-committees arranged as follows : Robert O. Eaton, President. L. P. Tuttle, Secretary. Joseph Pierpont, Treasurer. Sheldon B. Thorpe, Historian. SUB-COMMI' On Literary Exercises. ' Edward L. Linsley, Edgar A. Hemmingway, L. P. Tuttle, Hobart Blakeslee, George J. Merz. On Printing and Publication. Sheldon B. Thorpe, Romanta T. Linsley, George H. Cooper, Michael E. Burke, Robert N. Barnes. On Finance. Joseph Pierpont, Henry D. Todd, Frank L. Stiles, A. B. Brockett, D. Walter Patten. W. E. Dickerman, On Collation. TTEE3. On Reception of Guests. Hubert F. Potter, Clarence N. Frost, Herbert P. Smith, Dr. R. B. Goodyear, George B. Todd. On Music. Anson B. Clinton, Frederic H. Stiles, C. D. Robinson, Isaac E. Mansfield, David L. Clinton. On Amusements and Parade. ^ Solomon F. Linsley, Frederic E. Jacobs, Jared B. Bassett, N. H. Marks, W. B. Roberts. Staff of Ladies and Assistants. 1 Died October i8, igoo. Succeeded by the Rev. William Lusk. 2 Djed March 13, 1901. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 5 A plan was proposed which provided for a commemoration of the opening of the century, and also for the observance of an "Old Home Week," in which the town could call home from abroad her sons and daughters for a reunion which should be notable. This project was adopted by the town at its annual meeting in 1900, and an appropriation made to be used, if necessary, into carrying its provisions into effect. The following general outline was agreed upon : Twentieth Century. Sunday, December 30, 1900. — Special service in the Congrega tional, Episcopal and Baptist Churches at 11 o'clock a. m. Sermons to be published in the Town Souvenir. Sunday Evening, December 30, 1900. — Praise Service of Old Time Music in Congregational Church. ¦'Monday Evening, December 31, 1900. — Musical or Dramatic Entertainment in Memorial Hall. Admission. Monday Evening, December 31, 1900. — 12 o'clock m. Cannon salute and ringing of bells. Old Home Week. Tuesday, June 4, 1901. — Dramatic or Musical Entertainment in Memorial Hall, in evening. Admission. Thursday, June 6, 1901. — Public Celebration. Sunrise — Salute. 9 a. m. — Civic Procession. II a. m. — Historical Address in Congregational Church and issue of Souvenir Volume, 12.30 p. m.^ — Dinner in Memorial Hall. 2 p. m. — Public meeting in Congregational Church. Sunset — Salute. The preparation of this volume was early determined upon as a brief memorial of the town at the close of the 19th century. 3 Postponed to Februaiy 15, 1901. O NORTH HAVEN I.\ THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. It is dedicated to the coming generations in North Haven. If at the opening of the next century some of its copies should still be found in the homes of this people, it will not have been issued in vain. It is by no means the ideal century record, but space and expense have forbidden a more extended work, and much has necessarily been omitted of equal value with that published. Its preparation has been a work of pleasure, because of the hearty co-operation of all concerned. Its illustrations of scenes and buildings are mainly taken from photographs by Sheldon B. Thorpe, Edward Heaton and Herbert Smith. The portrait work is that of New Haven artists. It is due to the Hartford Engraving Co., which has done the entire engraving work of the volume, to say that in strong com petition with New York and Boston parties, it secured the con tract. The printing and binding have been entrusted to The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., of New Haven, who have acquitted them selves most creditably. May this volume prove the first of a "century series." Twentieth Century Committee. North Haven, Conn., June i, 1901. Note. — The following changes not otherwise noted on page 4, were made during the sessions of the general committee: Mr. George J. Merz, transferred to Committee on Reception. Mr. D. Walter Patten, transferred to Committee on Reception. Mr. Herbert P. Smith, transferred to Committee on Parade to fill vacancy occasioned by death of S. F. Linsley. Mr. Marcus D. Marks, appointed to Committee on Finance. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TOWN OF NORTH HAVEN. OFFICERS ELECTED BY BALLOT OCTOBER (, 1900. TOWN CLERK. L. PEET TUTTLE. SELECTMEN. D. WALTER PATTEN, CLARENCE N. FROST, ERNEST R. BROCKETT. BOARD OF RELIEF. CHARLES H. THORPE, NATHAN H. MARKS, HOBART BLAKESLEE. ASSESSORS. LEWIS L FOWLER, FREDERIC E. JACOBS. REGISTRARS. E. D. S. GOODYEAR, LUZERNE A. BROCKETT. CONSTABLES. REUBEN HARRISON, HENRY F. CORF, SAMUEL BANNELL, WILBUR E. BEACH, CHARLES L. ROSE, ANDREW HALLORAN, ALPHEUS J. LARKINS. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CKNTtJRY. D. Walter Patten. [See page 133.] NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CKNTURY. William E. Dickerman. Ex-Chairman Republican Town Committee. Member General Assembly, igoi. Clarence N. Frost. Selectman. L. Peet Tuttle, Town Clerk. Ernkst R. Brocketi'. Selectman. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. BOARD OF EDUCATION. JULIAN W. TUTTLE, GEORGE H. COOPER, O. SHERWOOD TODD. AGENTS TOWN DEPOSIT FUND. ROBERT W. SMITH, JOSEPH PIERPONT, SHELDON B. THORPE. TREASURER. ROMANTA T. LINSLEY. AUDITORS. SHELDON B. THORPE, ISAAC E. MANSFIELD. COLLECTOR OF TAXES. LEWIS I. FOWLER. GRAND JURORS. GEORGE J. MERZ, PER A. OLSEN, WILLIAM B. ROBERTS, WILBUR A. LANE, LUZERNE A. BROCKETT, FREDERIC E. JACOBS. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE SELECTMEN. MEASURERS OF WOOD. JOSEPH PIERPONT, WILLIAM P. LEETE, SHELDON B. THORPE, ANDREW F. AUSTIN. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Nathan H. Marks. Veteran of the Civil War, Jlember of Board of Relief. Lewis I. Fowler. Tax Collector. Assessor. Hobart Blakeslee. Ex-Selectman. Member of Board of Relief. Frederic E. Jacobs. Ex-Selectman.Assessor. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. WEIGHERS. MARCUS S. DOOLITTLE, DAVID L. CLINTON, GEORGE W. DAINS, FRANK L. STILES POUND KEEPER. WILLIAM H. TODD. SEALER. FREDERIC L. MANSFIELD. GAUGERS. MARCUS S. DOOLITTLE, FRANK R. CLINTON, WILLARD A. ROBINSON. HAYWARDS. CHARLES M. BARNES, C. H. THORPE, WILSON E. GOODSELL. PACKERS. JARED B. BASSETT, HENRY H. ROBINSON. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 13 ROMANTA T. LiNSLKY. Ex-Town Agent and Selectman. Town Treasurer. n Georgia J. Mehz. W. M. Corinthian Lodge, F. & A. M. Grand Juror. Station Agent N. Y., N, H. & H. R. R. Isaac E. Mansfield. Ex-Selectman. Auditor. William B. Roberts. Grand Juror. THE PRAISE SERVICE. The following order of exercises for the Union Praise Service was listened to by one of the largest audiences ever assembled in the Congregational Church. The other places of worship were closed that evening. UNION PRAISE SERVICE in the Congregational Church by the CONG., EPISCOPAL AND BAPTIST SOCIETIES, Sunday Evening, December jo, ipbo, at /.jo o'clock. Frederic IT. Stiles, Director. A. B. Clinton, Organist. programme. , Voluntary. — Instrumental. Invocation, . . . The Rev. Charles W. Jackson. Hymn 142. — "Old Hundred." Devotional Services, The Rev. Louis A. Parsons. Gregorian Chant. — "Bonum Est." Plymnary, Page 501. Introductory, . . The Rev. William G. Lathrop. Hymn 515. — "Ortonville," (Hned out). Hymnary, Page 25b. Hymn 324. — "China." Hymn 125. — "Geneva," Hymn 129. — "Dundee." Tlymnary, Page 65. Hymn 597. — "Balerma." Hymnary, Page 65. Hymn 320. — "Coronation." Hymnary, Page 162. Gloria in Excelsis. — Buck. Hymn 377. — "Lenox." Hymnary, Page 189. Hymn 770. — "Boylston." Anthem (Modern). — "Praise Ye The Father." — Gounod. The Church will be open at 6.30 o'clock p. m. The public made welcome. Seats free. Photo by Heaton. Interior Congregational Church. l6 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. It would be difificult to say which selection pleased the audi ence best. Each number was chosen after careful consideration, and stood out distinct in the progress of church music. The listeners were carried along, step by step, from the simple Gregorian chant of our fathers to the florid music of the present day. The earlier named hymns on the programme — "China," "Dundee," "Geneva," "Ortonville" — were sung without accom- Frederic H. Stiles. Musical Director and Organist Congregational Church. paniment. The latter tune attracted special attention because of its novelty, it being "lined out," as in the days when hymn and tune_books were scarce; that is, the Rev. Mr. Lathrop first read a line, which was sung by the choir, then another line read and sung until the hymn was finished. The words used were the well known lines, beginning: "Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow." NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 17 The singing of the hymn "Coronation" aroused the audience to the highest fervor. Along the gallery-front of the church were displayed in groups the flags of the leading nations of the world, and as the volume of sound swelled up "Let every kindred, every tribe • = On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all," these colors seemed to ripple in the breeze as if echoing assent to the homage of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The drilling of the large chorus was done by Frederic H. Stiles, to whose taste and efficiency the service owed its wonderful success. Anson B Clinton. Ex-Member General Assembly. Organist, ^ind dealer in musical instruments. i8 north HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. The following persons assisted : Anson B. Clinton, Organist. Tenors. David L, Clinton, Edgar Stiles, Le Roy Stiles, Frank C. Squires. Basses. Theophilus Eaton, Edvfard Heaton, Eugene Frisley, Leslie Munson, Ellsworth Smith, Mr. Sperry. Sopranos. Miss Bessie Ives, Miss Glenna Bigelow, Mrs. Anson B. Clinton, Mrs. Frank North, Mrs. Florence Blakslee, Mrs. A. E. Swift Altos. Miss Charlotte Barnes, Mrs. Theophilus Eaton, Miss Emily Pierce, Miss Martha Smith, Miss Ruth Smith, Miss Leila Stiles.Orchestra. H. Wilson Clinton, Isaac E. Mansfield, Dwight Robinson, Irving Mansfield. SERMON preached in the NORTH HAVEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, BY The Rev. William G. Lathrop^ December 30, 1900, at 11 a. m. Text. Psalm 145:4. "One generation shall laud thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." One hundred years ago day after to-morrow, the Rev. Ben jamin Trumbull, D.D., then pastor of this Church, delivered in the old meeting house upon the green what he was pleased to call a century sermon. To-day we are summoned to enter into the inheritance of the saints, here to recount the blessings of God, here to declare his mighty acts foT the generation following. So let us review briefly the century which is closing, a task altogether too large to be adequately accompHshed in the time at our dis posal. First let me speak of the Church : and fittingly so of the oldest organization in town (First Ecclesiastical Society, organized 1716. First actioii recorded, November 2, 1716. Congregational Church organized, April or May, 1718. Incorporated, November 29, 1897), an organization which pre.cedes by 68 years the incor poration of the town, and with only one companion, the Epis copal Church, of course with the Ecclesiastical Societies connected with them, the only local organization of any kind that spans the entire century. Dr. Trumbull preached his century sermon in the second building owned by the Society. It meas ured 65 feet by 45-I and stood about half way between the flag stafif and the south line of the old burying ground, or a hundred and fifty feet south and half as much west of the center of the green ; about in front of the road which runs at the north of this building. The century has seen the erection and extension of the NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Photo by Heaton, CoNGRKGATIONAL ChURCH (THIKIJ BUILDING). Ekected 1835. brick edifice in which we are now assembled, used for the first time, July i, 1835. Its dimensions were 62 feet by 45, extended in 1871, 16 feet, with an addition of 18 feet for organ and choir. At this time, too, the basement was fitted for the use of the Sun day School. The chapel formerly used for a schoolhouse, 70 feet south of this building, has been owned by the Ecclesiastical Society since it was transferred to it by Mr. Reynolds, November 26, 1892. In the Spring of 1894 the commodious parsonage was erected at a cost with the land of $5,000. This meeting house is the third which has been owned by the Society ; the first serving as a place of worship for 21 years. This stood 10 rods to the north of the second edifice, being located near the southwest corner of the old burying ground. The second building, the loca tion of which has been given, was in use from May, 1742, til! June 28, 1835 — 93 years. Undoubtedly the opening century will see the erection of a fourth meeting house, more commodious, if no larger, than our present pne, this having served lis for 65 and a half years. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 21 The membership of the Church has fluctuated between quite wide liniits. It was 137 in 1760, at the beginning of Dr. Trum bull's pastorate, probably falling materially below one hundred in 1820, when he closed his work. Under Mr. Boardman and Dr. Griggs the Church revived and gained the strength which it has since never lost. Of the fotir years of largest accessions, three fall within this period, 63 in 1821, 159 in 1831, and 130 in 1840. The Rev. William G. Lathrop. Pastor Congregational Church, 1893-igoi. Resigned April i, igor. Installed Pastor Congregational Church in Shelton, Conn., April 4, igoi. To the quickening of the, life of the Church under these able leaders we owe this meeting house. Of the army, 354 strong, received in the decade 1831-40, only 12 remain upon our roll. As far as is known 5 others are living. These alone can tell the story of those stirring years. After the large additions in 1840 probably the membership of the Church reached the highest figure in its history, approaching, if not exceeding, 400. We may 22 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. not conclude, however, that its work is complete, for except the decade mentioned, 1831-40, no other has seen a larger number received into the Church than the decade just closing ; two of the ten years during which the additions have exceeded 35 having fallen within this period. Of the years of special blessing, Mr. Reynolds wrote toward the close of his ministry: "Few- Churches, it is believed, have experienced more or greater sea sons of refreshing than have been enjoyed by this Church since the beginning of' the century." The years when more than 35 were received are, 1821, 1831, 1840, 1837 — 39 received, 1858 — 52, 1868—65, 1876—51, 1880—38, 1895—36, 1896—36. Altogether there have been 1240 entries of those received since 1800, of whom 669 were added in the ten years just referred to. The present membership is 302. Of the 16 names mentioned by Dr. Trum bull as the earliest settlers of the town, 1 1 are still found upon our roll; Barnes, Bishop, Blakeslee, Bradley, Brockett, Cooper, Eaton, Jacobs, Thorpe, Todd, Tuttle. Of the 38 family names mentioned by him as constituting the Church in 1760, 18 still are found upon our roll ; those already mentioned and Bassett, Frost, Goodyear, Mansfield, Pierpont, Sackett, Smith. During the first five decades the number received varied from 28 in 181 1-20 to 354 in 1831-40. In the last five decades the extremes have been 100 in 1861-70, and 136 in 1851-60, and the same number 1891-1900. The number i-eceived in the two half centuries is nearly the same, 629 the first half, 611 the second. This steady, persistent, regular growth of the later years is far more healthful and desirable than the spasmodic action of the earlier time. The same healthy condition appears to prevail in the varied activity of the Church, no abnormal growth, nor fatal losses. The Church has had an active and an honorable part in the development of the Sunday School, one being formed here in 1825, and since maintaining its activity. Undoubtedly much is due the Sunday School for the more healthful conditions pre vailing in these later years. The Church has had since 1821 for mal connection with the missionary movement of the century. There are now connected with the Church a Ladies' Benevolent Society, a Sunday School, a Society of Christian Endeavor, a Circle of King's Daughters, and among the younger members of the congregation a Circle of King's Daughters and Sons. NORTH Haven in the nineteenth century. 23 In the words of the able historian of the town, Mr. S. B. Thorpe : "One will search in vain for anything startling or sen sational in the history of this ancient Church. Its record appears singularly free from those internal dissensions wont to harass the early Churches. It has sought rather to keep quietly the faith of its founders, than to found new faiths for its followers. The last quarter century has brought about more changes in its policy than occurred in all its former history. Among the more radical of these may be mentioned the recommendation that its constitu ency as well as applicants for membership abstain from the use of intoxicating Hquors ; the privilege granted its female members to vote in the Church meetings ; the use of unfermented wine at the Lord's Supper ; the restriction to a five years official term of its deacons (unless re-elected) ; and the abolition of the afternoon service." (North Haven Annals, pp. 376, 377.) To this catalogue of Mr. Thorpe's, written in 1892, we may add: the election of two additional deacons, making four in all, May 15, 1895; the revision of the covenant and confession of faith, January 21, 1897, neither having been materially changed since the organiza tion of the Church ; the incorporation of the Church, November 29, 1897, together with its more complete organization by the adoption of a full set of rules for its government, December ¦ 1-5, 1897; the adoption of a new and more complete hymnal, first used, September 4, 1898 ; and finally in this closing year of the century the payment of the debt incurred at the building of the parsonage. Thus has' God blessed his servants as they have endeavored to let their light shine. W^ell has been maintained the succession of the saints ; the family of God has been full of prevailing Hfe and power. With a membership nearly or quite three times as large as at the beginning of the century, although the population of the town is less than twice as large, with a plant worth $20,000, four times as much as was that of 1800, the Church may surely face courageously the opening years assured that the Lord Jehovah our Guide in the past will still lead us in green pastures and by still waters. God grant it ! This is the good seed of the kingdom taking- root in this com munity, bearing fruit for the blessing of the town and for the re- 24 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. demption of the world. What of the surrounding vineyard ? Of the town itself little need here be said. It has remained through the century much as it was at the beginning, largely a settlement of farmers. Until recently the stream of immigration from ELirope had touched the town but lightly: the stream that has poured nearly ten millions upon the land in the last twenty years ; the stream which has made half of New Haven, three-fourths of New Britain of foreign birth or parentage. Now, however, in increasing numbers those whO' understand how to live more economically are displacing the native stock upon the farms This change is likely to continue, immigrants occupying the farms in the outlying districts, with the residential portions of the town more thickly built. The changes which the nation at large has seen in these stir ring years of growth and of activity have affected the life of the quieter towns. Many pioneers have gone from here to other States. The quota sent to the War of '6i-'65, the veterans still remaining among us, the knowledge that so soon we have repre sentatives in the Philippines show that North Haven has been in close touch with national movements. The people have ever been here whom we could help and save. They will be here. North Haven is not a dying town. For the sake of those who are coming among us, for the sake of those who will come, we must gird up our loins, be faithful and strong. We may ponder and pray how best to bring to the light, how most effectively to save from ignorance, sin and death, those who come to dwell among us from other lands, of other tongues. This problem pressing hard upon some communities will appeal to us more and more imperatively in the coming days. Our fathers in the name of God entered in and possessed the land. We must lead to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world, for our own salvation as well as for theirs, those whom we have invited to enter with us into this goo'dly heritage. This goodly heritage ! We cultivate our bit of a larger vine yard. The line of settlements along the Atlantic Coast of a hun dred years agO' has become a mighty empire girdling half the globe. Dr. Trumbull remarked that the population of the United States in 1800 was six millions, a liberal estimate ; more NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 25 nearly 5,300,000. Philadelphia with 66,000, and New York with 60,000 were the largest and richest cities on the Western hemi sphere. He ventured a prediction, basing his calculation upon the fact that the population had doubled once in 25 years, that in 1900 the population would be 96,000,000. The increase has not been at the rate accepted by Dr. Trumbull, for we are but 75,000,- 000. But whate-wr may have been prophesied as to our growth in numbers, the extension of territory over which the stars and stripes should wave could not have been dreamed of. Beginning the century with Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee added to the original 13 states, embracing only the territory east of the Missis sippi and north of Florida, about 825,000 square miles, the national domain has expanded to our present 45 states, with the territories of New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Indian Ter ritory, with the District of Columbia, together with Alaska, Hawaii, the PhiHppines and Porto Rico, over 3,600,000 square miles ; one-fourteenth of the land surface of the globe ; four times as large territorially, and including our island possessions, 15 times as many people, as a hundred years ago. In these days of debate and conflict over the latest addition to our. opportunity and responsibility we may not forget that it was urged that Jefferson exceeded his authority in the purchase of Louisiana, that Texas was at first refused admission into the Union, that Daniel Webster is reported to have said, apropos of the claim to Washington and Oregon, that if it would cost one penny or the raising of his right hand to retain this territory he would not authorize the expenditure nor make the exertion. There have been ever those who shrank from the enlarged duty and the increased responsibility incLirred in these SLiccessive ad ditions to our domain. But argue as we may, the fact remains that thus has the territory extended over which our flag now flies : over the fairest land the sun shines upon, over a realm the most extended and best fitted to sustain a large and wealthy pop ulation of any now owning one government. And with this growth in territory and in population has come, too, an increase in wealth, the most marvellous the world has ever seen, until now we are the richest nation on the face of the globe. In 1800 our national wealth was estimated at two thousand mil- 26 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. lions ; now it is a hundred thousand millions, a gain of fifty-fold. And the increment is continuing at a rate which is beyond all precedent. Our manrifacturers and our traders are levying tri bute in growing measLire upon all the nations of the earth. Thus has God enlarged our borders and filled the land with the finest of the wheat. But with these additions to our posses sions comes increased obligation. To whoitisoever much is given, of him shall much be required. In accepting the gift we declare our duty. And men, other nations, are calling us to account, and even as God, will hold us responsible. To hide our talent in a napkin means shame and loss. I say other nations are holding lis to an account. When the century opened the colonies were struggling tO' their feet. The experiment of a people governing themselves was looked upon with fear and with suspicion. It took the second defeat of 1812-15 to bring England to some reasonably adequate idea of what the Revolutionary War meant. It was only after the Mexi can War of 1846-47 that the Republic came to be honored on its own continent. The Civil War of 1861-65 revealed to the world power and resource of which there had been little thought. While the Spanish War of 1898 showed all the nations of earth that the United States had a sufficient reason for its existence and possessed ability of which no one had dreamed. From being of such Httle consequence among the nations as to be reckoned hardly worthy of a place among them at the beginning of the century we have come to occupy a position among the very foremost powers, to take a place in the world's action worthy of the most exalted and strongest peoples. Into the life of the world we have entered, for better or for worse, for the blessing of the world by means of the power God has given us, or for the condemnation of ourselves, our loss and overthrow. And into such a world at such a time! Well has Bishop A. C. Coxe, of the Episcopal communion, written : "We are living, we are dwelling In a grand and awful time ; • In an age on ages telling, To be living is sublime. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 27 Worlds are charging — heaven beholding ; Thou hast but an hour to fight ; Love's pure banner now unfolding. On — right onward for the right. From the crimes that men are crushing. War's dire curse and slavery's wrong, To deliver him, now rushing. Arm thee well — be strong — be strong. Fear not ! spurn the wordling's laughter ; Friendship's favor trample thou ; Thou shalt find a long hereafter To be more than tempts thee now. Oh ! let all the soul within you, For the truth's sake go abroad ! Strike ! let every nerve and sinew Tell on ages — tell for God.'' The sun has never shone upon a century more full of promise than that which begins the day after to-morrow. Never before have 'the forces of the kingdom had such momentum or such power. No century can show such triumphs of the cross as the one just closing. It has seen the foreign mission movement starting with perhaps 7 societies, 170 missionaries, with an in come of $250,000, reach a maximum of 200 organizations, 13,000 laborers, with 71,000 native helpers and an income of seventeen millions ; with a record of a larger number rescued from the dark ness of idolatry, paganism or savagery (1,300,000) than the dis ciples could count as converts at the close of the first century of Christianity. Under the auspices of these consecrated and able workers it has come about that the Bible, which in 1800 had been translated into 34 languages and dialects, is now available in 411 different tongues. At the beginning of the century two historic missionary meetings were held : "One with an attendance of 12 in Widow Wallis' back parlor, the other with an attendance of 5 under the haystack at Williams' College." Last year 15,000 ¦crowded day after day for eleven days, one of New York's finest halls that they might hear the latest news from the front. At the 28 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. beginning of the century an honorable Senator in Massachusetts' upper house opposed the granting of a charter to a foreign mis sionary society on the ground that we did not have enough religion at home to justify the exportation of any. At the close of the century our most honorable statesmen, William McKinley, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, Benjamin Harrison, offer convincing testimony to the value of missionary work, and in the strongest terms urge its wider extension. And this wonderful expansion in mission effort has been backed by a still more wonderful growth at home. In 1800, 365,000 Protestant evangelical communicants were enrolled in the United States; now the number is 17,800,000. Besides these there are 10,000,000 Romanists and 1,000,000 Jews and others. Here is an increase of fifty-fold in evangelical membership, while the population has increased but fourteen times. The ratio of communicants to population has increased from i in 14^ in 1800 to I in 4^ in 1900 — this of the evangelical Protestants alone. This gain has been well sustained even to the century's close. The number of additions to the various Churches the last decade is the largest of any of our history, approximating 4,000,000. And this increase, too, has been faster than the increase of popu lation; the ratio having increased from 100 communicants in 453 in 1890, to 100 communicants in 428 in 1900. In the last two decades the number of Protestant Churches has increased from 97,000 to 172,000, the number of ministers from 70,000 to 126,- 000, the number of communicants from 10,000,000 to nearly 18,000,000. And this is no empty array of figures. The gain on the part of the Church is more than nominal. The story of the religious movements of the century, of the development of the Sunday School, of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian As sociations, of the Christian Endeavor Society, Epworth League and kindred organizations of the young people, the planting and the strengthening of our magnificent educational institutions, our rescue agencies, hospitals and asylums, the widening and the deepening of the temperance movement — these all derive their strength from and prove the vitality of the Christian faith. It is admitted to-day by many of those best fitted to judge, that while NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 29 cleanliness of body, mind and of estate may be next to godliness, it comes next after, not necessarily leading up to it. When a man is redeemed he is reformed. Individual salvation must pre cede effective and enduring social betterment. Looking again, it may be noted that the amounts contributed for educational and benevolent purposes surpass all precedent. The total for '97 ^yas $42,000,000; for '98, $38,000,000; for '99, $63,000,000; and for 1900 the figures of last year will be ex ceeded, and the total will reach the highest sum ever recorded. This increase in gifts has far outrun the increase in wealth. In cluding the home expenses of the Protestant Churches alone, $90,000,000, the total offerings for charitable, educational and benevolent purposes will approximate $200,000,000, an increase of a hundred-fold over the offerings of a century ago; while the national wealth has increased but fifty-fold. Dr. Daniel Dorchester, our widely known and reliable relig ious statistician, has recently said : "There has never been so- much conscience, on so many subjects and among so many people as now. Public conscience prohibits more evils and enforces more obligations than ever before. No intelligent person standing in the light of the nineteenth century and beholding the great relig ious movements of the age can doubt that Christianity is advanc ing. Every year it is robing itself with more effulgence and pressing its blessed illumination upon new millions of earth's population." At the beginning of the century science and religion pursued parallel ways, mutually suspicious of each other. Then came a period of attack and conflict, each against the other, criticism and opposition. Now the end is near, the day of synthesis, of con struction, of positive upbuilding and advance to a lai-ger, saner, truer conception of God and of the universe. It is seen more and more clearly that God's revelation of himself in act and in word go hand in-hand ; only as science and religion work together can a complete or a satisfactory conception of the universe be ob tained. Men have learned that in picking a flower to pieces the flower itself is destroyed and its beauty and fragrance disappear. Criticism, negation, never can reach the stars or understand a universe. After the stupendous achievements of the century men are returning or they must return to the thought of old 30 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. when painters and sculptors prayed as they worked, when the monks were chemists and mathematicians and astronomers, when it was known and confessed of all that only the pLire in heart could read God's thoughts after him. In the larger movements of the life and thought of the cen tury we may find signs of largest promise. Man has drawn nearer his fellow. Space has been annihilatetl. In 1800 it took 8 weeks to cross the Atlantic in a sailing vessel. Now one can go from New York tO' Liverpo'ol in 6 days. It took five months, from October 3, 1842, to March 3, 1843, ^o^i" Marcus Whitman to ride from the Columbia River to Washington to save the Pacific Northwest to the Union. Now one can go from Boston to Seattle in 5 days. San Francisco is nearer New York than Boston was to Philadelphia. It took three days at utmost speed in 181 5 to carry the news of Waterloo to London. The guns of Dewey's fleet in the harbor of Manila were hardly cool before the result of the battle was known all over our land. Thus have the people of China, thus have the savages of the islands of the sea become our near neighbors. And as we have looked into the face even of savage and of barbarian we have discovered there the marks of a common humanity, the image of a common Father. From this recogni tion has come the end of slavery generally countenanced a hun dred years ago ; from this has dawned a larger liberty between man and man. We have come to think of other men even as they are as brothers, and to treat them so. The standing wrong of all the past centuries has been overcome and it is seen that governments exist for the sake of the governed, that rulers can not safely oppress their subjects, that one nation cannot right fully oppress another. But it remained for the closing years of the century to witness the largest fulfillment the world has yet known of the prophetic song of the angels at our SavioLir's birth — Peace, peace, peace on the earth. A movement has now fairly begun which contains the promise of the day when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. When the leading peoples of earth met at The Hague, May 18, 1899, to devise ways and means of bringing in a reign of equity and peace, the movement began which shall see the swords beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. JNOKTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 31 For the privilege of seeing the words of Psalmist reversed and the kings of the earth setting themselves, the rulers taking coun sel together that our daily prayer may be answered, that his king dom may come, that his will may be done on earth even as it is done in heaven ; for this we may well lift up our hearts and voices in gratitude and praise. This the crowning act of the century, its most spectacular and momentous achievement, is the most realistic and impressive action since Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, certifying to the brotherhood of man and the supremacy of the law of love. It is for us to note in this and in the other events of the cen tury the way the Lord directs, the path in which He would have us go, and like Israel of old it is for us to follow the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. His manifest provi dence, assured that even though the way leads through the wil derness, the end of faithful following, of consecrated service is the promised land, is an open and an abundant entrance into the rest and joy of our Lord. Residence of Herbert P. SiCiith. tl' i « _ Photo by Thorpe. View South Part of Green. The Old' Dr. Trumbull House. MEMBERSHIP OP THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH,* JANUARY I, 1901. Pastor. William G. Lathrop. Deacons. Albert A. Hyde, Robert N. Barnes, 1895- 189s- 1903 1904 F. H. Brockett, Aaron Bassett, 1895-1902 I 900-1 905 Clerk and Treasurer. F. H. Brockett, 1900-1902. Names included within brace are those of husband and wife. Names in italics indicate maiden name of woman. A Augur, Margaret "E.. Barnes Austin, Andrew F. ) Austin, Charlotte P. Stiles S B Bailey, Sarah Elizabeth Smith Barnard, Bertha J. Barnes, Charlotte L. Barnes, Lina Genevieve Barnes, Lucia M. Bower Barnes, Ella J. Shares Barrett, John B. ) Barrett, Adella A. Clough \ Bassett, Adeline J. Blakeslee Bassett, Elizabeth A. Brockett Bassett, George Eli ) Bassett, Mary Louise Bradley ) Bassett, Jared B. Bassett, Joel E. ) Bassett, Julia C. Thorpe 1 Bassett, Lorenzo N. Bassett, Lyman Bassett, Lyman F. ) Bassett, Emily J. Pierpont ) Bassett, MaryE. Beach, Caroline C. Jones Beach, Celona E. Beach, Joel E. W. ) Beach, Elsie D. Bawm ) Beach, Wilbur E. ) Beach. Kate Maria Hillyer ) Bishop, Ann E. Childs Bishop, Charlotte Thorpe. Blakeslee, Henry Merwin ) Blakeslee, Cornelia A. Andrews \ Blakeslee, Theodore M. Blakeslee, Wilbur D. 1 Blakeslee, Mary Alice Maynard i * Manual issued February, igor. 3 34 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Albert A. Hyde. Veteran of the Civil War. Deacon, Congregational Church. Robert N. Barnes. Undertaker.Deacon Congregational Church. Frederic H. Brockett. Cterk and 'I'reasurer Congregational Church. Deacon, Congregational Church. Aaron Bassett. Descendant of William Bassett, New Haven Colony, 1642. Deacon, Congregational Church. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 35 Blakeslee, Zerah T. ) Blakeslee, Eliza A Tuttle \ Bower, Stephen H. ) Bower. Caroline Osman f Bradley, Anna Rowe Bradley, Clara Edith Bradley, Frederic C. ) Bradley, Ellen A. Marks \ Brockett, Albert B. Brockett, Emma J. Brockett, Charlotte T. Bishop Brockett, Jennie Louise Brockett, Susan C. Heaton Bruce, Annie B. Bruce, Christine Bruce, Edward B. ) Bruce, Christine Kilgour S Bruce, Jennie Maud Bruce, Sarah J. Lounsbury Clinton, Burton D. Clinton, David L. ) Clinton, Fannie M. Vibbertt Clinton, Lucy A. Bishop Connie)', John ) Connley, Martha Saunders i Connley, Sarah M Cooper, George H. ) Cooper, Bessie L. Coe) Cooper, Homer L. ) Cooper, Alice E. Monson S Cooper, Marilla M. Cooper, Sarah J. White Cooper, Warren Crowell, Franklin N. ( Crowell, Maria A. Beers S D Desmond, Charles A. Desmond, Mary H. Desmond, Ralph O. [ Desmond, K. E. Marihtigh ) Dickerman, Robert E. Dickerman, Sarah E. B. Dickerman, William E. i Dickerman, Lillian Snow \ Doolittle, Isaac L. ) Doolittle, Emily A. Smith \ Doolittle, Nellie P. Clark Dunham, John J. / Dunham, Grace Mae Thomas ) E Eaton, Robert O. ) Eaton, Alice Granniss ) Eaton, Jesse O Eaton, Theophilus Eliot, Mary Wyllys Elliott, Whitney ) Elliott, Emma Benton ) Foote, CuUen B. ) Foote, Nancy M. Adams i Fowler, Bessie T. Fowler, Delia E. Clinton Fowler, Edward D. Fowler, Herbert I. Fowler, Lewis L ) Fowler, Marthena A. Thorpe ) Frost, Elinor A. Crowell. Frost, Fannie E Robinson Frost, Grace \. Scranton Frost, J. Henry ) Frost, Adeline Pierpont S G Gillette, Mary E. Brockett Goodsell, Jesse B. ] Goodsell, Charry E. Tucker \ Goodsell, Wilson E. )^ Goodsell, Fannie BeachS Goodyear, Julia Marks Goodyear, Robert B. H Heaton, Julius W. ) Heaton, Olivia Litis ley ) Hemingway, Edward M. \ Hemingway, Lucy A. Brockett i Hemingway, Frank W. ) Hemingway, Elfrida B. Heaton ) Hemingway, Genevieve 36 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Hemingway, Laura J. Hemingway, Willis B. ) Hemingway, Betsey B Huntley ) Howarth, Ellen C. Bradley Howarth, Gertrude L. Hyde, Ella R Hall Hyde, Lyman Munson ) Hyde, Elizabeth G. Hyde \ Hyde, William Albert J Jacobs, Dora E. Jacobs, Jesse B. Jacobs, Maria E. Mansfield L Lane, Wilbur A- Lathrop, William G. ) Lathrop, Helen Spicer ) Leete, Mary E. Lsbell Lehane, Jeremiah Linsley, Solomon F. } Linsley, Lucy A. Tracy S Lloyd, Mary Jane M Maginnes, Caroline Tuttle Mansfield, Fannie A. Birch Mansfield, Frederick L. Mansfield, Robert S. Mansfield, Zenas W. I Mansfield, Mary P. Bradley ) Marihugh, Emma G. . Marks, Julia A. Eaton Marks, Martha A. Cooper Merrick, Adeline R. Brockett Mgr^s, George J. ) Merz, Adelaide Hartley ) Miller, August B. Mix, Sarah Glover Photo m 1894. Residence of L. Peet Tuttle and Ka-ie L. Tuttle. Built in 1837 as a Parsonage for the Rev. Leverett Griggs, Pastor of the Congregational Church. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 37 Morse, Grace E. Morse, Herbert H. i Morse, Josephine M. Sturges \ Morse, May H. Mix Munson, Ezra G. ) Munson, Lilla B. Andrews ) Munson. James F. ) Munson, Hattie Bishop ) N Nettleton, Edwin ) Nettleton, Mary Ann Leete \ Nichols, Ellen H. Smith North, Frank B. ) North, Meta E. Unger ) o Orcutt, Payson B. \ Orcutt, Ellen A. Linsley S Page, % Tuttle, Charlotte E. Blakeslee^ Tuttle, Kate L. Tuttle, Leander Peet \ Tuttle, Emma G. Hurlburt f Tuttle, Louisa Maginnes Tuttle, Martha A. Judson Tyler. Jane E. Hull V Van Doren, William J. Vibbert, Margaret L. Clinton Vibbert, Stephen S. I Vibbert, Mary Louise Smith ) Warner, May J. Welch, May W Tuttle Parsonage of the First Ecclesiastical Society. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 39 NON RESIDENT. Alger, Edith Goodyear Barnes, John F. ) Barnes, Grace A. Blakeslee \ Barrett, Leon J. ) Barrett, Martha S. Hyde \ Burnham, Harriette A. Davis, 'Ei^'Cae.r Jacobs Dowd, Merritt C. Hill, Mary Clarissa Hyde Jacobs. Harriet Ann Lincoln Lawrence, Harriet D. Andrews Maynard, Nellie M. Owen, William M. Pierpont, Byard A. i Pierpont, Sarah A. Prescott \ Robinson. H. Burdette Smith, Fannie B. Richardson Smith, Mary A. Rogers Thorpe, Clifford B. Thorpe, Henry L. ) Thorpe, Minnie E. Todd^ Tuttle, Frances C. Van Doren, Emily M. Roberts Wright, Harriet A. Palmer SUMMARY. Males, Females, Total, 114 190 304 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Organized April 7, 1885. The Rev. William G. Lathrop, President. Miss Ina Gertrude Tuttle, Secretary and Treasurer. Active Members. Barnard, Miss Bertha J. Bassett, Mrs. George E. Bormann, Miss OttilHe M. Bradley, Miss Clara E. Bruce, Miss Christine Bruce, Miss Jennie M. Eliot, Miss Mary W. Gunn, Edward Howarth, Miss Gertrude Hyde, Mrs. Albert A. Hyde, William A. Jacobs, Miss Dora C. Lane, Edmund Leete, Miss Harriet L. Marihugh, Miss Emma G. Maynard, Miss Nellie M. Morse, Miss Grace E. Roberts, William B. Roberts, Mrs. William B. Roberts. Miss Eva J. Smith, Miss Edith B. Smith, Miss Ruth Smith, George Squires, Mrs. Frank C. Stiles, Miss Clifford R. Thorpe, Arthur B. Thorpe, Mrs. Arthur B. Thorpe, Miss Harriette L. Thorpe, Miss Ruby V. Associate Members. Blakeslee, George D. Howarth, Raymond Hyde, Everett H. Lane, Walter Leete, George H. Roberts, Miss Carrie Smith, CuUen Smith, Mrs. Alex. B. 4° NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF THE CONGRE- TIONAL CHURCH. Organized 182 1. Mrs. Henry M. Blakeslee, President. Miss Mary Wyllys Eliot, Secretary and Treasurer. Barrett, Mrs. John H. Barnes, Mrs. Robert N. Bassett, Mrs. Aaron Bassett, Mrs. George E. Bassett, Mrs. Joel E. Bishop, Mrs. Ann E. Blakeslee, Mrs. Zera T. Bower, Mrs. Stephen H. Bradley, Mrs. Frederic C. Brockett, Mrs. Frederic H. Clinton, Mrs. David L. Cooper, Mrs. George H. Doolittle, Mrs. Isaac L. Elliott, Mrs. Whitney Foote, Mrs. Cullen B. Fowler, Mrs. Lewis I. Fowler, Mrs. Willoughby E. Heaton, Mrs. Julius W. Hemingway, Mrs. Edward M. Lathrop, Mrs. William G. Lawrence, Mrs. Orrin Linsley, Mrs. Solomon F. Maginnis, Mrs. George B. Merz, Mrs. George J. Munson, Mrs. Ezra G. Nichols, Mrs. Ellen H. Orcutt, Mrs. Payson B. Reynolds, Mrs. John F. Scott, Mrs. Frances Shepherd, Mrs. Roswell J. Smith, Miss Catherine Smith, Mrs. Grace T. Smith, Mrs. Robert W. Smith, Mrs. Sarah N. Stevens, Mrs. Mariette Squires, Mrs. Cornelia Thorpe, Mrs. Elmina Thorpe, Mrs. Martha L. Thorpe, Mrs. Georgianna L. Thorpe, Mrs. Sheldon B. Todd, Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, Mrs. Charles N. Tuttle, Mrs. Harriett Tuttle, Miss Emerette L. Tuttle, Miss Kate L. KING'S DAUGHTERS, MIZPAH CIRCLE. Organized 1893. Mrs. William G. Lathrop, Leader. Miss Clara E. Bradley, Secretary. Mrs. Georgianna L. Thorpe, Treasurer. Augur, Mrs. Margaret E. Barnes, Miss Charlotte Barnes, Miss Genevieve Barnes, Mrs. Robert N. Bassett, Mrs. Benjamin S. Bidwell, Mrs. E. H. Bishop, Mrs. Ann E. Blakeslee, Miss Elizabeth Blakeslee, Mrs. Frederic W. Blakeslee, Mrs. Henry M. Cooper, Mrs'. Homer L. Dickerman, Mrs. William E. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 41 Dickerman, Miss Sarah E. B. Doolittle, Mrs. Isaac L. Eaton, Miss Cora A. Eaton, Mrs. Robert O. Fowler, Miss Bessie Frost, Mrs. Clarence N. Gillette, Mrs. Merton Goodsell, Mrs. Wilson E. Heaton, Mrs. Julius W. Hemingway, Mrs. Edgar Hemingway, Mrs. Frank W. Hemingway, Miss Genevieve Howarth, Miss Gertrude L. Jacobs, Miss Jane A. Lawrence, Mrs. Orrin C. Linsley, Mrs. Grace M. Mansfield, Mrs. Zenas W. Marks, Mrs. Nathan H. Merz, Mrs. George J. Morse, Mrs. Herbert H. Munson, Mrs. Ezra G. Munson, Mrs. James F. Nichols, Mrs. Ellen H. Orcutt, Mrs. Payson B. Reynolds, Mrs. John F. Richardson, Miss Minnie I. Shepherd, Miss Esther Shepherd, Miss Marguerite Shepherd, Mrs. Roswell J. Sherwood, Mrs. Clarence B. Smith, Miss Edith B. Smith, Mrs. Frank L. Smith, Miss Catherine Stevens, Mrs. William W. Squires, Mrs. Cornelia Squires, Mrs. Frank C. Thorpe, Mrs. Arthur B. Thorpe, Miss Harriette Thorpe, Mrs. Sheldon B. Turner, Mrs. Charles N. Tuttle, Miss Ina G. Tuttle, Mrs. Julian W. Tuttle, Miss May o. WiLLiAM G. Lathrop. HAPPY HOUR CIRCLE OF KING'S DAUGHTERS AND SONS. Marguerite Shepherd, Leader. Grace A. Dickerman, Secretary. Borghia, Ernest Munson, Charlotte Borghia, Joseph Nichols, Ralph Hyde, Florence North, Elsie Lathrop, Henry Reynolds, Marion Mansfield, Ethel Shepherd, Esther Mansfield, Genevieve Sweet, Archie ORDER OF SERVICE AND SERMON at UNION BAPTIST CHURCH, MONTOWESE, DECEMBER 30, 1900. ORDER OF SERVICE. Orchestra Music. Invocation. Responsive Reading. — Ps. 45. Anthem. — "Our Nation, O Lord." Scripture Reading. — Mk. IV. PrAyer.Hymn 502. — "How firm a foundation." Announcements. Sermon.Hymn 517. — "The Church's one foundation." Benediction. Sermon preached in Union Baptist Church, Montowese, De cember 30, 1900, by the Rev. Charles W. Jackson. So is the Kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed upon the earth; and .should sleep and rise night and day and the seed should spring up and grow, he knoweth not how. The earth beareth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. — Mk. IV, 26 28. In uttering a parable like this, Jesus did not mean to teach that men have nothing whatever to do in the way of promoting growth in themselves and others. He would not so encourage men in the vices of indolence, indifference and thoughtless security to which they are prone. But why speak a parable which even seems to look that way ? It would seem that it was to check NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 43 Vices of a different description to which some men are prone. Active, devoted laborers are tempted to exaggerate their own importance as instruments. They are apt in a busy-body spirit to interfere when it were wiser to stand still and see God work ; they are prone, too, to despondency if they see not immediate results ; and to impatience when they discover how slowly growth in the Kingdom goes on toward its final consummation. The Rev. Charles W. Jackson. Pastor Union Baptist Church, This despondence and impatience are decidedly present to-day, and I am glad of the occasion which the opening of the twentieth century affords for emphasizing the growth of Chris tianity or the Kingdom of God during the last one hundred years. And I am also grateful to the Celebration Committee for the prominence which they are giving to the religious element in the development of the century. It is our purpose this morning to touch but superficially and of necessity in so short a time, most briefly some of these features of Christian development. 44 NdRTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. I cannot see how it could ever be doubted that it has been a century of spiritual and religious growth. To become confirmed in this opinion one has only to step back into the chilly atmos phere of the eighteenth century and view its stagnant life. The warmth and fervor of the Reformation had departed, and religion had sunk into the icy lifelessness of mere human prudence. "The Anglican church had conquered Romanism. Puritanism had sunk deep into the hearts of the ignored people. The church had won the day and held the field, and the first thing it did was to repudiate its old relationships. It sought no wedlock with poverty such as Francis sought and Giotto painted in his great fresco. The church had become a vast machine for the patronage of morality and the promotion of her own officers. How admir able an investment is religion ! Such is the burden of their plead ing. Sure gauge of respectability here and comfort hereafter." An extract from one of Clarke's sermons may show the type of pulpit appeal to the people : "The principal point of wisdom in the conduct of human life is so to use the enjoyments of this present world as that they may not themselves shorten the period wherein 'tis allowed us to enjoy them. * * * * "We are not obliged to seek the Kingdom of God wholly or only in a total and absolute exclusion of all other desires (as some melancholy, well disposed persons may be apt to imagine), but only that we are to seek it chiefly and in the first place. * * * * w[q are reqtiired only to retrench our vain and foolish expenses ; not to sell all and give to the poor, but to be charitable out of the superfluity of our plenty, not tO' lay down our lives, or even the comfortable enjoyments of life, but to for sake the unreasonable and unfruitful pleasures of sin." A sleek, comfortable, prudent, kind of piety this, such as had not been baptized in the sacrificial spirit of the Cross, and which would have given a very poor account of itself if it had been exposed to the fires of martyrdom. But not only had the church forgotten its spiritual function, the whole social fabric of life was saturated with the licentiousness of a degraded existence. The Sabbath day was neglected, espe cially in the cities, and by the upper classes. Irreverence in God's house was a common fault. Cabinet councils were publicly held NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 45 on the Lord's day, as were theatrical shows (though not called "sacred concerts"). Card parties and other social functions were common on that day. Society seems to have been a sink of all vices and a sewer for all the baser passions. What can be said for the morality of communities where one hundred and sixty different crimes were punishable with death, and where capital punishment was inflicted as plays are presented in theatres pub licly and for money? In spite of this extreme stagnation and apparent death, the seed of the Kingdom of God was secure, and its germinal power was still vigorous. Again it asserted itself and demonstrated how little Christianity is dependent on earthly governments and humfn machines. The eighteenth century was saved from utter moral ruin and decay by a great revival of religion. The "Wesleyan movement" it was called in England, and contempo raneous with it the "Great Awakening," under Jonathan Edwards, in this country. Much has been said against revivals of religion in these later years. And they have been termed religious frenzies, but far better does it seem tO' incur the danger of the nervous phe- nomeha of a revival than to experience that religious lethargy and moral death of whole communities, so common in the early years of the eighteenth century. The religious change in the closing years of the eighteenth century was not the only thing for which these years were remarkable. It was accompanied by a great intellectual resusci tation. Goethe was its herald in Germany, Wordsworth and Southey in English poetry, Coleridge was reviving interest in philosophy, while Burns had sung his songs of love and nature, and Walter Scott had already appeared. While I have no doubt that this awakening was in the main due to Causes outside the domain of organized Christianity, the most discerning historians would not exclude altogether the revival spirit from its origins. A writer in the London Spectator, July 15, 1899, insists that: "Wesley and his co-workers produced not only a great moral, but also a great intellectual change in England." This period was also notable for its political agitation. The war of independence had wrought wonderful changes everywhere. 46 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. It had kindled the fires of liberty and created longings for free dom, which first found expression in France, and would have spread all over Europe but for the Reign of Terror. This revolu tionary movement, though it seemed tO' come from the disabilities of oppressed colonists and the unmatched wretchedness of the masses of Europe, had its distinctly religious element. For when cries of the masses for bread and the thunders of contending parties came before the true spirit of Christianity, Schleiermacher, one of its most discerning interpreters, unfolded more of its true meaning than had yet been seen, and proclaimed the true messag.e of the revolution — that Christianity was essentially social, and the church the brotherhood of man. Under the stimulus of these changes the Christianity of this century was born, and immedi ately addressed itself to the task of reorganizing its resources. In 1800 the Church Missionary Society was founded; in 1803, the Sunday School Unipn ; in 1804, the British and Foreign Bible Society. In 1812 the same spirit manifested itself in America in the organization of the American Board; in 1814, the General Missionary Convention of the Baptists; in 1815, the Tract Society; and in 1817, the Colonization Society. Nor should we overlook in these organizing movements those societies for the abolition of slavery, which have been of such immense mo'ment in the history of this country and are.so' distinctively religious in their origin. To- the Friends of Pennsylvania belongs the honor of the first society, founded 1774. But to Methodists we owe the strongest and greatest of these societies. In their conference of 1780 they declared that "slavery is contrary to the laws of God and man and nature, and hurtful tO' society ; contrary to the dic tates of conscience and pure religion." Taking all these things into account, it seems as if Christi anity, with prophetic foresight, was at the very beginning of the century anticipating the needs and development of the coming hundred years. At this period also there were signs that Christianity would have to return to its primitive Apostolic condition and depend on her own resources for the success of her projected undertak ings, and come to rely less and less on the support of the State and patronage of princes. The church began to appeal to her NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 47 own constituency, poor as well as rich, for voluntary offerings. In this country the great Protestant bodies had tO' provide means for the building of churches, for schools and other benefactions, as well as to defray ctirrent expenses of worship. And when it is remembered that most of these institutions have been estab lished during the past century, the amount of money freely con tributed indicates what can be achieved in the future. In the earlier ages the expenses of religion had been borne as an exact ing imposition, from which there was no relief. But there now began the development of true benevolence. Now the people gave to the support of Christianity instead of paying for its ministrations. The voluntary system cultivates the spirit of benevolence and makes every contributor conscious that he has a real part to play in the advancement of Christianity. Co-ordinate with these other evidences of the growth of the Kingdom of God was the consciousness of a mission to uplift man in his social condition. Some would ascribe the beginnings of this to the High Church movement and Cardinal Newman's self- sacrificing spirit. But I cannot see how a careful study of the question could fail to place it at an earlier date. The work of Robert Raikes for the dirty urchins of Sooty Alley was not simply to instruct them in the Scriptures, but to improve their social condition. Raikes was followed in his work of social redemption by the seventh Earl of Shaftsbury in his grand struggle in behalf of the poor, and especially in shortening the hours of child labor. Then came John Howard, Clarkson and Wilberforce, and other names of equal lustre. The work of these men was not under the patronage of the church ; indeed, it was often opposed by the church or treated with indifference ; but who will say that they were not inspired by the spirit of Christianity ? Great advance has been made since these early days by the church toward a grander social ideal. But still how far does she feel herself from the beatific vision of modem theology and of the wisest and best of her thinkers of every shade of faith. This feeling of imperfection and struggle toward the ideal is a true sign of the life of the seed and warrants a deeper hope than ever before that some day the kingdoms of the earth will be the King dom of Our Lord, and that their politics will be the politics of the Sermon on the Mount. 48 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. The church has not, however, contented herself with dreaming of a time when society should be relieved of all her present ills. She has lent herself to the succor of poor and needy who are suf fering under defective systems of present social life. London, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Paris, Vienna, New York, Boston, and other great communities are distinguished for their abundant philanthropies in the forms of hospitals, infirmaries, dispensaries, asylums, homes for the aged, lodging houses for the poor, shelters for waifs and neglected children, societies for inebriates, for the protection of animals, for the redemption of fallen women, and for other worthy purposes. In London fiv^ hundred charitable organizations spend $5,000,000 annually ; inNewYork the amount expended exceeds $4,000,000, and similar sums are devoted to benevolence in other communities, making in all a bewildering total. These benefactions call for extraordinary outlays in money, and must prove a serious drain on the resources of the pebple. Doubtless all of them, whether originating in the Old World or in the New, whether originating within the church or without, are indebted tO' Christianity for their existence. These are all significant signs of the growing strength of Christian feeling. But they pathetically demonstrate the sad failure of our political economy. They show us most plainly that our industrial system is not what it should be ; for if it were, much that is now lavished on charity would be spent on wages and the recipients woLild become more self-reliant by the change. Likewise they are signs of a troubled conscience, of an uneasy feeling that the evils of our age are largely the outgrowth of bungling methods and of a desire, if possible, to make atonement for the wrongs inflicted, and for the remedy of which neither within the church nor without has an adequate antidote yet been provided. What adds to the pathos of it all, is that there is an ever deepening consciousness of the relative failure of charity. There is no appreciable narrowing of the domain of poverty or material reduction of the number of beneficiaries or removal of the causes of want. There seems to be a consensus of opinion among philanthropists that the machine consumes too much fuel for the work it does. Mr. Carnegie, on being asked why he gave so much money. to libraries, replied : "I undertake to help the swimmers, not the NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 49 submerged tenth," and there is sound philosophy in that. While the church must never forget the submerged elements of society, and must go out in as tender love to them as to any others, she m.ust strive to help them swim, not "attempt the impossible — swim for them." It seems at present as though no schemes of beneficence would fully counteract the evils of the present indus trial system. Only a complete regeneration of all the avenues of life would effect such a reform. But the Christian spirit should not and will not neglect her duty of benevolence to the masses of humanity, and in the coming years must address herself to the task of reorganizing her institutions, sO' as to insure a greater amount of work from the amount expended. The great denoim- inations should come together and agree on some principle of co-operation in their benevolent work so that none of the worthy shO'Lild be neglected and none of the needy be pauperized by unwise lavishness. This should be the direct work of the church, and not treated as an obligation which the commonwealth owes the citizen. When such an impression as this gets abroad, as in imperial Rome, the number of indigents, who are shameless, increase, and the more imperious their demands become. Any sketch of the Christianity of the century, however imper fect, can never pass over the wondrous change which has taken place in understanding of the church with regard to the material sources of her faith. The Bible at the beginning of the century was regarded by the Protestant church as received from God almost without error, and inspired from cover to cover. But the unfolding of the Christian spirit has revealed the human element in its production. Worthy men had been moved to tell of their feelings, desires and ideals. And as they were human and erring, had imparted tO' this wondrous book their own characteristics. In fact, inspiration has entirely lost its former significance, and is now merely a way of saying that the Bible is a revelatiori of God. At the beginning of the century the Bible was believed to be true because it was inspired. To-day it is believed to be inspired because of its inherent worth. It is Truth that proves the inspiration, not inspiration the Truth. I know that there are many devout souls that feel afraid of the criticism of the Bible which has been sO' characteristic of the NORTH HAVF.N IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 51 later years of this century. But I believe it to be but the unfold ing of that Christian spirit which the book itself contains. We find in it sundry exhortations and divers explicit warnings, which are somewhat irrelevant if we are not to test the credentials of an alleged inspired man or book by the character of the teachings published. We read : "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follows not nor comes to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously, thou shalt not be afraid of him." Here, then, we have one claiming to be sent of God to be inspired, and yet he can be set aside if his testimony is false. When St. John writes: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world," and when St. Paul adds : "Prove all things," we have stifficient warrant for subjecting every alleged revelation to close and thorough scrutiny. It is interesting to note that St. John, in closing his Gospel, ¦does not ground its claim to be accepted on its inspiration, but on its truth, and that St. Luke, when he takes in hand tO' set forth in order a declaration of these things, reminds Theophilus of his eminent qualifications for the task, but, inspiration is not men tioned among them. Our Saviour likewise, in His controversies with the Jews, never assumes that whatever He says should be believed because He said it, but only and always because it is true. He challenges investigation, and expects that He will be finally judged by the same rule that He employs in judging others. This same principle is evolved from the findings of Higher Criticism. While it concedes that there is- an inspired revelation in the word of God, it impresses on us the necessity of search, of inquiry, that the divine may be discriminated from the human ; the true from the erroneous ; the essential from the adventitious ; the permanent from the evanescent. In pursuing these investigations critics may think they have reached some absurd conclusions and may lay down for themselves canons of ¦criticism distinctive of the supernatural; but, while these ex tremes are to be deplored, they do not invalidate or discredit the obHgation "to prove all things." We are told that this individual enquiry will unsettle faith and lead to alienation and divisions in the Christian world. Is it not o BOa p < fa NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 53 fair to ask : Has any other theory saved the world from this ? Has verbal inspiration saved the spectacle of sect and schisms, wrang ling parties and hostile camps? Has it protected the Scripture from reckless, irreverent, ridiculous and contradictory interpreta tions ? If it has not, where is its practical advantage ? An infal lible word which forbids serious search into the real truth of its position, calls for an infallible interpreter of that word, and the Church of Rome is the only place where one who has this for his foundation stone will be at rest. But how shall we know what is from God, and what from man, and what is binding on us, and what is not ? How know ? Set the imprecatory Psalms over against the Sermon on the Mount, and is it conceivable that the feeblest intellect should fail to detect the immeasurable distance between them or for one moment doubt which was atithoritative in human conduct ? Dis crimination is not a difficult task ; and under either hypothesis it is unavoidable. Though we may believe every word in the Bible has been dictated, that does not commend to us the conduct of Samson, Ahab, Judas and other kindred souls, we set these men aside just as we do' some hasty and violent expressions which have fallen fro'm the lips of some Bible saints, as not being for our imitation. Whether we like to do sOi or not, we must dis criminate if we are to be helped by the Scriptures. I believe it, then, to be one of the evidences of wondrous growth of Christianity during the past century that the Bible is no longer left as an unquestioned book, but by careful and thoughtful research has been found filled tO' the brim with warm human interest and with a life superior to the life of contempo raries because of a unique presence and immanence of a distinctly divine element. It will matter little what the critics lay aside of low" ethical worth or 1o whom they ascribe it as author, so long as they get at the Truth and give us something that will be of practical value for Christian living. For Truth is far better than fiction, and true living than any ecclesiastical theory of inspira tion. Unavoidably under such changing life outward expressions of man's religion have materially changed. A recent writer sums this change up entirely in the tendency toward humanism. Not 54 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. strictly speaking, the humanisfn of the Reformation, but the humanism of Christ. This humanism is essentially evangelical. While it regrets the hard, rigid and arid features of Augustinian- ism and its offspring Calvinism, it cherish-es the fundamental doctrines of Grace Jind finds the key tO' their meaning in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. It talks not at all about predestinations and reprobations. It does not dwell on Divine wrath ; feels that such preaching has been overdone ; it has no confidence in limited atonements or in anything "limited" that represents the Almighty, except His anger; it has little patience with the "schemes of redemption," presumptuously attribtited to His wisdom, and which not infrequently have fur nished evidence of man's folly ; but instead, it magnifies the love of God, beholds that love in the sacrifice of Christ, believes that through that love humanity is begotten again to love. While I am not oblivious to the fact that numbers still adhere to the cold rigidity of Calvinism and think more of God's wrath as a power for good than of His all-conquering love, still I believe the tide has turned and men are coming surely, if slowly, to believe in the Divine humanism of the Christ. Equipped as it is for the coming years, Christianity cannot stand still ; she must progress. Gradually she is approximating toward the sublime ideal. There is a power in the Divine seed ; it shall grow and spread until it shall become a kingdo^m on whose boundaries the sun shall never set, and against whose power the gates of Hell shall nevermore prevail. Yes, it is com ing! All signs point to its approach, and however the hearts of men may falter and fear, and however they may construe diffi culties into prophesies of dire disaster, the instructed ear cannot be deaf to the sweet promises sounding in the closing hours of the nineteenth century concerning the spiritual unfolding of Christianity in the twentieth. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 55 MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNION BAPTIST CHURCH, MONTOWESE, CONN. Organized June 12, 181 1. The Rev. Charles W. Jackson, Pastor. Deacons. William Todd, John L. Larkins. John L. Larkins, Clerk. John H. Beach, Treasurer. Ailing, Mrs. Susan Beach Bailey, Mrs. Merwin Barnes, Arthur S. Barnes Charles M. Barnes, Miss Floralind M. Barnes, Linus Barnes, Mrs. Mary E. Barnes, Reuben W. Beirnes, Willis Bigelow, Miss Grace L. Brockett, Mrs George Brockett, Mrs. Le Roy Brockett. Mrs. Maria Bunnell. Miss Harriett Railroad and Highway Bridge over the Muddy River. a< a HenmSo K aim o pq X north haven in the nineteenth century. 57 Cooper, Mrs. Ellsworth B. Dolby, Mrs. Isaac Eaton, Mrs. Theophilus Pitch, Mrs. Lucy Ann Foote, Miss Almira Foote, Miss Ella Foote, Mrs. Frank Foote, Henry M. Foote, Judson D. ) Foote, Louise Hill \ Foote, Miss Mary E. Foote, Mrs. Sybil Brockett Froelich, William Gates, John ) Gates, Grace Augur S Jackson, Miss Annie E. Jackson, Charles W. Judd, Truman O. ) Judd, Amanda Robinson i Judd, John B. ) Judd, Grace Culver ) Kober, Miss Nellie Laramore, Charles F. ) Laramore, Lulu Payne ) Laramore, Miss Minnie T. Larkins*^ Mrs. John L. Larkins, Miss Estella M. I Linsley, Mrs. Etta Gates Noble, Garry L \ Noble, Margaret Head) Palmer, Alonzo H. Palmer, Mrs. Francis Palmer, Merwin E. Palmer, Elsie Leete ' Payne, Miss Mary A. Perry, Nathaniel i Perry, Lydia Durkee \ Rice, Mrs. George Robinson, Charles D. Robinson, M.a.ry Judd) Robinson, Mrs. Ellsworth Robinson, Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Herman Robinson, MisS Nellie E. Robinson, Raymond S..; Robinson, Willard A. j Robinson, Georgia Lombard i Robinson, Willianl ¦ , ) Robinson, Eliza Chapman ' Sackett, Miss MargWret V. Todd. Miss Rosa ' Todd, Mrs. William Tucker, Mrs. Dennis W. LADIES' AID SOCIETY. Union Baptist Church, Montowese. Mrs. Theophilus Eaton, President. Miss Mary Foote, Secretary. Miss Stella Larkins, Treasurer. Barnes, Miss Flora Barnes, Mrs. Mary Brockett, Mrs. Maria Cooper, Mrs. Edith A. Cooper, Mrs. George H. Dolby, Mrs. I. E. Foote, Miss Almira Foote, Miss Ella Foote, Mrs. Judson D. Hemingway, Mrs. Edgar A. Hemingway, Miss Genevieve Jackson, Miss Annie Jackson, Mrs. Olivia Kober, Mrs. Louisa Kober, Miss Nellie Laramore, Mrs. Lulu Larkins, Mrs. John L. Mayer, Mrs. S. E. Merrick, Mrs. Adeline Pardee, Mrs. Edwin H. S8 north, HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Pardee, Mrs. Louise Pardee, Mrs. L. H. Payne, Miss Mary Perry, Mrs. L. J. Rice, Mrs. G. J. Robinson, Mrs. H. M. Robinson, Miss Nellie Robinson, Mrs. Willard A. Sackett, Mrs. Samuel Schneider, Mrs. Martha Smith, Mrs. Frank L. Storrs, Mrs. Hector W. Todd, Miss Carrie Todd, Miss Rosa Todd, Mrs. William P. WORKERS' MISSION BAND OF UNION BAPTIST CHURCH. Senior Division. George Kober, President. Miss Mary Eaton, Secretary. Miss Maude Bottume, Treasurer. Beach, Ada Foote, Ernest Benson, Bertha Brockett, Florence Cooper, Ethel Foote, Charlotte Foote, Florence Frederick, Annie Frederick, Harriett Glover, Bertha ^ W^- Residence of E. H. Pardee. north haven in THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 59 Gritzbach, Albert Hemingway, Ruth Kober, August Perry, Adelbert Payne, Burton Robinson, Glenford Robinson, Robert Saxton, Leroy Small, Irving Storrs, Bessie Talmadge, Edith Turner, Frank Wallace, Charles Wallace, Daisy Wallace, Rosie Junior Division. Harry Cooper, Secretary. Beach, Arthur Benson, Agnes Bottume, Gladys Brockett, Olive Brockett, Romeyne Cartier, Edmund Fish^ Hattie Hemingway, Heaton Hemingway, Lila Hemingwajf, Paul Hemingway, Ralph Kober, William McLeod, Ina Payne, Walter Saxton, Frederic Shea, Arthur Shea, Harold Small, Grace Small, Harold Wallace, Angel U.MON Mission Chapel, Clintunville. UNION MISSION CHAPEL, CLINTONVILLE. Erected by subscription, i88g. Site donated by George S. Vibbert. Cost of building, $1,000.00. Religious service Sunday evenings. Affairs controlled by an Executive Committee. O. Sherwood Todd, Chairman. Edwin B. Stevens, Secretary. Ernest H. Rich:ardson, Treasurer. The meetings held are undenominational, the desk being sup plied by clergymen and laymen from surrounding churches. )»Qa m X H O O SERMON preached i.v ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, North Haven, Conn., December 30, igoo, KY The Rev. Louis A. Parsons, Rector. ' ' And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee."— Deut viii:2. This command of Moses, the man of God, comes at a time when it is needful that Israel remember the past. The forty years of probation in the wilderness have drawn to a close — years, designed, as Moses tells them, to humble them, to prove them, to knO'W what was in their heart, whether they would keep God's commandments or no. These years have been marked by much suffering and sore trial, as indeed all periods of probation must necessarily be. Many a dreadful experience has seemed at the time of its happening to signal the destruction of God's chosen people, but out of every such apparent disaster has come a mighty and marvelous deliverance. Each perilous ex perience has but served to manifest "the mighty hand and the stretched out arm," whereby the Lord their God has protected and preserved them that have trusted in Him and kept His Com mandments. And so these years have served in the first place as a great test by which God has proven the hearts of those whose loyalty and obedience has fitted them for participation in a wider fulfil ment of His purposes in the Promised Land. But the years have served yet another purpose^ — they have served to reveal the nature and the will of God. "And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hast led thee," — remember it as a God-given opportunity of proving your fitness to share the privileges and responsibilities of a larger. 62 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. happier Hfe,— remember it, too, as the blessed disclosure of God's love and mighty purpose for His people — "and He hum bled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knowest not, neither did thy fathers know ; that He might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live." It is well to remember the past — profitable to look back over the years that have gone for the lessons they teach us. St. John's Church and Rectory. "Distance," we say, "lends enchantment to the view." Yes, it lends enchantment because it lends perspective. To see the beauty of a landscape we must see it from a distance. At close ¦quarters we lose the effect, because we lose the proportions. Btit once let the distance of a mile or more intervene, and we begin to see things in their true perspective. Just so the distance of years is necessar}' to a true estimate of life. Its events are then seen in their relative importance and NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 63 true meaning. Each experience, at the time so painful, and seemingly disastrous, now assumes a widely different aspect, be cause seen in its relations to the whole. Life's perspective is gained and its troubles become blessings. "It is good," says the Psalmist, as he looks back over his life, "it is good that I have been afflicted" — good, because, as he reviews his life, and sees it in its true perspective, he perceives a school of discipline whose long succession of apparent disasters and misfortunes are seen The Rev. Louis A. Parsons. Rector St. John's Churcli. to have been blessed opportunities. of spiritual growth. "It is good that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes ?" The true object of life is Character. And all life's various vicissitudes, when seen in their continuity, become stepping stones to nobler spiritual achievements and the Christlike Char acter. The all important thing, however, is that we regard and ac cept them as such— that we bear our prosperities with Christlike 64 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. humility, our adversities with Christlike patience and faith. And so whate'er may be our earthly lot, we may each succeeding year look back upon the many that are gone with the deepest sense of gratitude, not because they have brought us wealth, but because they have brought us character; not because they have brought us fame, but because they have brought us peace; not because they have brought us nearer the attainment of some earthly ambition, but because they have brought us nearer Jesus. "I do not ask, O Lord, that life may be a pleasant road ; I do not ask that thou wouldst take from me aught of its load. I do not ask that flowers should always spring beneath my feet ; I know too well the poison of the sting of things too sweet. For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I plead ; Lead me aright, Though strength should falter, and though Heart should bleed. Through peace to light. I do not ask, O Lord, that Thou shouldst shed full radiance here ; Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread without a fear. I do not ask my cross to understand my way to see ; Better in darkness just to feel Thy Hand and follow Thee. Joy is like restless day ; but peace divine, like quiet night. ' Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shalt shine, through peace to light." And then, if the years reveal to us the meaning and purpose of life — they just as truly reveal tO' us the nature and designs of God. ThrO'Ugh all the years there shines that continual mani festation of God's love and purpose for His children. Whether it be time of peace or time of war ; long stretches of prosperity, or decades of disaster; great epochs of progress, or sad epochs of retrogression — through all alike the divine purpose unceasingly unfolds itself. Time was when men took a partialistic view of God's government of the world — when they thought that He cared and legislated for some and not for others. But that day is past, thank God, and to-day such partialistic view is impossible — impossible, because to-day anything like a partialistic view of His love is incredible. To-day, we are certain that He loves all men, irrespective of race, generation, color or conditions — loves them with an affection divine and impartial. And we know, too, to-day, that all things come from God, and because we know this, we are confident that He is present in our sorrows NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 65 just as truly as in our joys, in time of adversity just as really as in season of prosperity. Even the sins of mankind serve to manifest the inexorable righteousness of God, and the punishments which they entail are but the evidence of His infinite love. Men are making history whenever they think, feel, and act ; and history is the revelation of God's purpose, because it is the manifestation of man's nature and destiny. Human life in, all its phases and conditions is the disclosure of human character and its issues. And so the years are all consecutive chapters in that great and glorious Book of Revelation, which all mankind is unconsciously writing by thought and deed — the great spiritual history of the race in which we see the key to all other histories, and without whose light they are all delusive and insufficient. It is God's great purpose shining through the years which imparts to them the unity of one sublime movement of life and love, and the fathomless significance of the working out of a will which overlooks no detail however slight, and forgets no life however obscure and insignificant. Surely the years are all divine because they come from God. As a poet has said : — A mighty Hand from an exhaustless urn Pours forth the never-ending flood of years Among the Nations. How the rushing waves Bears all before them, on their foremost edge. And there alone is life. Tlie present there Tosses and foams, and fills the air with roar Of mingled noises * * * * * * * * Beyond That belt of darkness, still the years roll on More gently, but with not less mighty sweep, They gather up again and softly bear All the sweet lives that late were overwhelmed And lost to sight, all that is there was good. Noble and truly _great, and worthy of love — The lives of infants and ingenious youths. Sages and saintly women who have made Their households happy ; all are raised and borne By that great current in its O'Uward sweep. Wandering and rippling with caressing waves Around green islands with its breath Of flowers that never wither." Photo by Thorpe. Old Cemetery. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 67 "And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee." When these words were first spoken the Children of Israel stood on the brink of Jordan — upon the very threshold of the Promised Land. One era in their progress has closed, another is opening tip before them. Behind them lie the forty years of trial in the wilderness, before them stretches the future of glori ous promise. And it is atlhis very point of transition that Moses bids them remember the past— remember all the way which the Lord thus has led them. In their eagerness to enter upon this new period of their career — to acquire its privileges and taste its blessings — their dis position, doLibtless, was to forget the past and the lessons which its experience had brought them, and rush blindly into the future. But nO', there must be a pause — a recollection of the past — a summing up of its lessons. Experience is a good teacher, and the past with its experiences must ever be the storehouse of principles which shall guide the future of these men of Israel. We find ourselves to-day, my friends, in a somewhat similar situation. We are standing upon the threshold, not only of a new year, but of a new century. Behind us lie one hundred years of mighty achievement in every department of human life and thought. For the world at large it has been a century of remarkable progress. For our nation in particular it has been a period of most rapid development. But it is not my purpose this morn ing to go back over these years and review in detail the events, discoveries and products that have marked its progress and made it great. The newspapers and magazines have done all this with a thoroughness which leaves nothing to be said. Nor doi I pro pose to prognosticate the future that lies wrapped in the century before us. My purpose is simply to apply to the years of this passing century what I have already said of the years in general — that their significance lies, not in their record of great achieve ments and material progress, but in their disclosure of life's meaning and purpose, and their manifestation of the nature and design of God. It is this, indeed, which gives to the years their true value and significance. Then let us profit by it. And as Photo by Thoi-pe. *^ Residence of the Late Rev. William T. Reynolds, Pastor of the Congregational Church, 1863-1893. Pastor Emeritus, 1893-1899. (Site of the Nathaniel Thorpe Place, 1680.) NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 69 we Stand ready to enter upon another century's career let us pause a moment — remember the past — recall its lessons. Let us see in each event and crisis, in every prosperity and adversity of the past — a stepping stone to greater spiritual attainment. And in every such experience, let us note, where men have been true to their highest ideals, and governed by the best and noblest motives, the inevitable outcome has been an acquisition of char acter which is always the greatest strength and power that we can possess. And let us perceive, too, as we review the years, the light of God's love and purpose shining through them. It is this ever growing manifestation of the all-embracing love of God and the gradual fulfilment of His mighty purpose that give to the years a unity and significance truly divine. God is the Father of every human life, however insignificant or obscure, and His desire and purpose is that every human life shall know His love, and come to the knowledge and like ness of Jesus Christ. May these facts and principles guide us as we enter upon this Twentieth Century which is opening before us. May it be a century of spiritual perception and progress, and may its years witness to all ever widening and deepening sense of the Fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of men — and so to the hastening of that day when the kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. 70 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ST. JOHN'S (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH. Officers of the Parish, January i, 1901. The Rev. Louis A. Parsons, Rector. Hubert F. Potter, Senior Warden. Frank L. Stiles, Junior Warden. Vestrymen. Hobart Bl.akeslee, Joseph Pierpont, Edwin H. Pardee, Herbert P. Smith, Charles W. Dudley. Harry C. Beers, Clerk. Romanta T. Linsley, Treasurer. Compiled by R. T. Linsley. St. John's Church was one hundred forty-two years old April 24, 1901. It was organized as a parish church of the Church of England, in 1759. A society, in some form, had existed from 1722 to 1759. The first confirmation, one of the earliest in this country, was in 1786, by Bishop Seabury, the first Bishop of Connecticut and of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The next was by the same Bishop in 1795. Thirty-two persons were confirmed by him. In 181 1 thirty-seven persons were confirmed by Bishop Jarvis, the second Bishop of Connecticut. Between 1821 and 1845, during the Episcopate of Bishop Brownell, the third Bishop of Con necticut, sixty-three were confirmed. Between 1852 and 1897, under the Episcopate of Bishop Williams, the fourth Bishop of Connecticut, two hundred forty-one were confirmed. Between 1898 and 1901, during the present Episcopate of Bishop Brew ster, twenty-one have been confirmed. Total number confirmed, three hundred ninety-four. The number of Episcopal families in 1801 was forty-one. The Grand List of the Episcopal Society in 1801 was $4,548. In 1817 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CEN'l'URY. 71 there were forty-two families and thirty registered communicants. In 1830 thirty families and forty registered communicants. In 1840 forty-four families and forty registered communicants. In 1859 St. John's Church celebrated its one hundredth anniversary. In that year there were fifty-five families and seventy-two regis tered communicants. In 1870 there were sixty-two families and one hundred registered communicants. In 1880 seventy-six families and one hundred twenty-eight registered communicants. In 1901 there are one hundred four families, and parts of families, and two hundred eighteen registered communicants. Hubert F. Potter. Ex-Selectman. Chairman State Dairymen's Association. Warden St. John's Church. Joseph Pierpont. Ex~]\leinber General Assembly. 'I'reasurer Bradley Library. Vestryman St. John's Church, Between 1759 and 1857 thirty Episcopal clergymen officiated here, at different times, and each only part of the time. No clergyman resided here before 1833 ; and no one was elected rector of the parish, with residence here and services every Sun day, before 1857. Between that date and 1899 there were nine 72 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. rectorships. They were short, except two — the rectorship of the Rev. E. L. Whitcombe, seven years and four months, between 1869 and 1877, during which thirty-five persons were baptized, forty were confirmed, and the offerings greatly increased ; and the rectorship of the Rev. William Lusk, nineteen years, between The Rev. William Lusk. Rector St. John*s Church i88o-i8gg. 1880 and 1899, during which one hundred six persons were baptized, one hundred thirty confirmed, and a number were wait ing for confirmation at the close of- the rectorship. This period,^ between 1880 and 1899, is the period of greatest fid-vance in the history of St. John's Church, in the number of families, baptisms, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 73 confirmations and registered communicants ; and in church music, organized work, and in the offerings and wealth of the people. During this period the endowment fund of the parish reached the sum of $18,000. The present rectorship, beginning in 1899, is the tenth. Herbert P. Smith. Vestryman St. John's Church. Evelyn Blakeslee. Warden St. John's Church fifty years. Trial Justice Local Town Court. Member General Assembly, 1851. Ex-Selectman and Town Agent. Died 1888. 74 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINET-EENTH CENTURY. REGISTERED COMMUNICANTS, 1901. Resident. Allen, Franklin Allen, Hobart B, Allen, David F. Allen, Hiram Allen, Margaret Bailey, Samuel Bailey, Marina S, Bailey, Frederic E. Bassett, Herbert L Bassett, Frances S. Beach, M, Elizabeth, Beach, Nettie A. Beers, Harry C. Bigelo-w, Lucy A. Bigelow, Glenna M, Bishop, Joseph E. Bishop, Margaret S, Bishop, Walter H, Bishop, Kitty L, Bishop, Lucy M. Bishop, Edwin S. Bishop, Mary A. Bishop, Clarissa M, Blakeslee, Hobart Blakeslee, Elnora M. Blakeslee, Arthur A, Blakeslee, George N. Blakeslee, John H. Blakeslee, Etta A, Blakeslee, Ruby A, Blakeslee, Florence G. Blakeslee, Philip C, Blakeslee, Donald G. Blakeslee, Lucy L. Blakeslee, Minnie A. Blakeslee, Sina Bradley, Elizabeth L. Bradley, Eva S. Brockett, S. Roena Brockett, Edith L. Buckingham, Henry W. Buckingham, Henrietta A. Butler, Margaret J. Cade, Charles T. Cade, Fannie Clmton, George W. Clinton, Frances A. Clinton, Grace A. Clinton, Friend Clinton, Helen G. Clinton, Evelyn B. Clinton, Florence A. Clinton, Elbert G. Clinton, Ella J. Clinton, Robert J. Clinton, H. Matilda Clinton, Bessie E. Clinton, Anson B. Clinton, Mary C. Clinton, H. Wilson Clinton, Emily B. Clinton, Eliza J. Crampton, Hannah E. Davis, Emma J. Divine, Hervey O. Divine, Eliza A. Doolittle, Mary A. DuBois, Catherine L. Dudley, Charles W. Dudley, Flora E. Dudley, Edmund J. Dudley, Phoebe J. Fowler, Maltby Gabaree, Julia A. Gilbert, Stephen G. Gilbert, Celia L. Goodyear, Ellen M. Goodyear, Anna L. Goodyear, Robert W, Goodyear, Sarah A. Goodyear, Mary B, Harrison, Reuben Harrison, Jennie A, Harrison, Burdett Photo by Thorpe. ViEW NORTHWEST CoRNER OF GreEN. The house on the left was built by Dr. Joseph Foote, 1794. Later it became the residence of the Rev. Orson Cowles. It is now owned by Frank L. Stiles. The building in the centre is the old tavern once owned by Jesse Andrews. 76 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Heaton, Charles L. Heaton, Edward L. L. Hipelius, Ida E. Hitchcock, Sarah E. Hull, John W. Hull, John S. Hull, Martha J. Hull, Minnie D. Hull, Marietta R. Hull, Edward P. Hull, Carry E. Hull, Harriet A. Keigwin, Henry C. Keigwin, Clara E, Keigwin, Herbert A. Keigwin, Clarence H. Keigwin, Flora Laverty, Isabella Laverty, Birdie M. Leete, William P. Leete, Mary E. Leete, Cynthia M. Linsley, Romanta T. Linsley, Angeline B. Lord, Austin B. Lusk, The Rev. William Lusk, Clara H. McCabe, Howard E. Maginness, Carrie E. Mansfield, Polly C. Mansfield, Isaac E. Mansfield, Mary D. Mansfield, Josephine M. Marks, Marcus D. Marks, S. Elizabeth Moulton, Mabel B. Munson, George O. Munson, Ellen F. Munson, Lucy T. Parsons, The Rev. Louis A, Parsons, Edwin A. Parsons, Mary I. Pardee, Edwin H. Pardee, Elizabeth M. Pardee, Louisa L. Pierpont, Joseph Pierpont, Hattie B. Pierpont, Richards B. Pierpont, Harriet R. Potter, Hubert F. Potter, Catharine A. Potter, Walter F. Potter, Martha E. Potter, Emma A. Potter, Mattie E. Pratt, Charles C. Priesley, Leonard Redfield, Ida L. Redfield, Fannie M. Redfield, Ethel F. Rice, Walter W. Rice, Esther S. Sexton, Margaret E. Shepherd, Sarah M. Smith, Herbert P. Smith, Mary J. Smith, M. Grace Smith, Ellsworth J. Smith, Herbert W. Smith, Martha J. Smith, Susan A. Smith, Walter E. Stiles, Frances E. Stiles, Ezra L. Stiles, Ellen M. Stiles, Frank L. Stiles, Mary A. Stiles, William L. Stiles, Lizzie E. Stiles. Frederic H. Stiles. Ellen G. Stiles. Leila B. Stiles, Alice M. Stiles, Edgar H. Stiles, Leroy I. Stiles, George W. Stiles, Mary E. Stiles, Flora E. Stiles, Rosabelle C. Thomlinson, John A. Thomlinson, Fanny M. Thomlifison, Matthew H. Pnoto by Smith. ViEW OF GrEEN, IQOI. This tract— eight acres— was donated by the Rev. James Pierpont, 1714. The first meeting house was built upon it, 1718. The cdmetery was laid out, 1720. The second meeting house was built upon it, 1739-1742. In the extreme right-hand corner is the site of the Revs. Wetmore and Stiles' parsonage, 1718-1760, now owned by Henry D. Todd. 78 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Thorpe, Rufus Thorpe, Emily L. Todd, Martha A. Todd, Oliver S. Todd, Emma L. Todd, Anna E. Todd, Lina F. Todd, Amanda F. Tuttle, H. Louise Tuttle, Angelina M. Non-resident. Austin, Mary E. Brockett, Grace C. Brockett, Walter D. Brockett, Frank L. Brockett, Grace G. Brockett, Melissa Blakeslee, Catharine A. Blakeslee, Fannie J. Cheney, Susan B. Clark, Herman D. Clark, Ida F. Divine, John H. Divine, Alice E. Devine, Lucy A. Forbes, Nathaniel D., Jr. Forbes, Edwin L. Forbes, Rubert W. Hoadley, Alice E. Johnson, Anna C. Laverty, John J. Laverty, William Lucas, Le Etta J. Mansfield, Caroline M. Marks, Mabel S. Mansfield, Celia A. Palmer, Mary B. Pierpont, George R. Pierpont, Anna B. Pierpont, Anna I. Terrell, Harriet A. Trowbridge, May C. Warner, Helen S. Summary. Total number of registered communicants, 218 Resident, 75 males. Ill females. Total, 186 Non-resident, 10 males. 22 females. Total, 32 THE LADIES' GUILD OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Organized October 11, 1877. Mrs. Reuben Harrison, President. Mrs. Harriett R. Pierpont, Secretary and Treasurer. Bailey, Mrs. Samuel Bassett, Mrs. Herbert I. Bigelow, Miss Lucy A. Blakslee, Mrs. Hobart Bradley, Mrs, Charles Brockett, Mrs. Albert Clinton, Mrs. Isaac DuBois, Mrs. W. R. Dudley, Mrs. Charles Gilbert, Mrs. Stephen G, Goodyear, Mrs, E. D, S. Goodyear, Miss Mary Hull, Mrs. John Mansfield, Mrs. Isaac E. Mansfield, Mrs. Irving Pardee, Mrs. Louisa Pierpont, Mrs. Joseph Shepherd, Mrs. Sarah Smith, Mrs. Herbert P. Stiles, Mrs. Frances Stiles, Mrs. Ellen M. Thomlinson, Mrs, John A. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 79 MEMBERSHIP. OF DAUGHTERS OF THE KING. St. Jolin's Chtircli. Organized May 17, 1892. Mrs. William S. Stiles, President. Mrs. William P.' Leete, Secretary. Mrs. Herbert I. Bassett, Treasurer. Austin, Mrs. Ellsworth A, Bigelow, Miss Lucy A, Blakeslee, Mrs. Florence Blakeslee, Mrs. John H. Blakeslee, Mrs. Whitney Bradley, Mrs. Charles W. Cheney, Miss Susan B, Clinton, Mrs. Anson B. Doolittle, Mrs, Mary A, B. Dudley, Mrs. Charles Dudley, Mrs,, Edward J, Gabaree, Mrs. Joseph Goodyear, Miss Anna L, Gilbert, Mrs, Stephen G, Harrison, Mrs, Reuben Hull, Mrs, John S, Laverty, Miss Lucas, Mrs, Willis Lusk, Mrs. William Mansfield, Mrs, Isaac E, Maginnis, Miss Caroline Pardee, Mrs, Edwin H. Pierpont, Mrs, Joseph Potter, Mrs, Hubert F, Redfield, Mrs, Ida L, Rice, Mrs, Wallace W, Smith, Mrs. Herbert P, Stiles, Mrs, Ellen M, Stiles, Mrs, Frank L, Thomlinson, Mrs, John A, Todd, Mrs, O. Sherwood CHAPTER 125 1, BROTHERHOOD OF SAINT ANDREW. The Rev, Louis A. Parsons, Ex-oMcio. Herbert William Smith, Director. Harry Croswell Beers, Secretary. Edward Lee Heaton, Treasurer. Smith, Walter Devine, Hervey O. Smith, Ellsworth Johnson Tomlinson, Matthew Henry Photo by Heatou. Residence of the Late Edward L. Linsley. north haven IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 8l PARISHIONERS OF ST. MARY'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH, HAMDEN. Organized 1854. The Rev. William J. Dullard, Pastor. RESIDENT IN NORTH HAVEN. Barber, Joseph Beauchamp, Joseph Barber, Mrs. Joseph Barber, Miss Alice Barber, Miss Ellen Barber, Frederic Barber, Miss Julia Beauchamp, Mrs. Joseph Beauchamp, Miss Edna Beauchamp, Frederic Beauchamp, George Beauchamp, Isaac ,^-.. ^ vi ':^iHb^r*r/rl Catholic Church, Hamden, Conn 82 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Burke, Michael E. Burke, Mrs. Michael E. Burke, Mrs. Michael Burke, Miss Florence Cummings, Mrs. Dennis Cummings, John Cummings, Miss Mary Drinkwine, Arthur Drinkwine, WiUiam Drinkwine, Mrs. William Drinkwine, Michael E. Drinkwine, Mrs. Michael E. Drinkwine, Eli Drinkwine, Mrs. Eli Drinkwine, Miss Laura Drinkwine, Luke Drinkwine, Michael Drinkwine, Mrs. Michael Dumond, Mrs, Ellen Dumond, Miss Emma Dumond, Frederic Dumond, Joseph Halligan, James Halligan, John Halligan, Mrs, John Halligan, Patrick Halligan, Mrs, Patrick Halligan, William Halligan, Mrs, William Halloran, Andrew Halloran, Mrs, Andrew Higgins, James Higgins, Mrs. James Higgins, Miss Annie Kennedy, Daniel Kennedy, Miss Annie Kennedy, Miss Margaret Lehane, Mrs, Jeremiah Lehane, Miss Nora Leonard, Thomas Leonard, Mrs, Thomas Lynch, Thomas Lynch, Mrs, Thomas Moran, Miss Mary Moran, Thomas Moran, Mrs, Thomas Moran, Thomas Monahan, Philip Monahan, Mrs, Philip Nielson, Walford Neilson, Mrs, Walford Rice, Edward Rice, Mrs, Edward Rice, Miss Margaret Rowan, Mrs, Joseph Roarke, Peter Roarke, Mrs, Peter Roarke, John Roarke, Peta Roarke, Miss Kate Roarke, Eliza Roarke, Agnes Ward, Mrs, Ann Ward, Thomas NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 83 BUILDING STATISTICS. Compiled by Solomon F. Linsley, Contractor. The following list comprises residences which have been erected in the town during the last half century. District No. i. Chnton, Merrit, 1853 Patten, D, Walter, , , I8SS Bassett, Lyman, i860 Clinton, Robert J,, 1861 Blakslee, Zera T„ , 1866 Fowler, Lewis L, 1867 Beman, Wesley, , , , 1867 Smith, Alonzo G., , . . 1869 Blakeslee, Hobart, 1871 Redfield, Charles, , , 1872 Hyde, L, Munson, , , 187s Orcutt, Payson B,, 187s Vibbert, George S., 1877 Clinton, Andrew G,, 1886 Smith, Stephen, 1888 Fallert Brewing Co,, 1884 Sherwood, Clarence, 1898 DiSTRCT No. 2, ¦Corf, Henry P„ 1851 McGann, Edward, . 1852 Austin, Andrew F., i8S7 Brockett, John E., 1858 Palmer, George, . i8S9 Readings, George, . i8S9 Condon, Edward, i860 Olsen, Per A., 1863 Delamater, Louis, 1867 Jacobs, C. M., 1869 Marks, Nathan H., 1872 Barnes, Robert N., 1876 Ball, Edwin, 1876 Bailey, Sarah, . 1879 Barnes, Lucia B., 1882 Gerwig, George, 1882 Kehoe, Maria, 1889 Olson, John A., , 1893 Munson, George, . . , 1894 Brockett, Albert B„ . 1897 Robinson, George, . . . 1898 District No. 3. Sackett, Samuel Mrs., . . 1857 Hemingway, Merwin, . 1857 Brockett, Luzerne A., . , i8s7 Foote, Henry, . . . . i860 Lieut, Solomon F, Linsley, Veteran of the Civil War, Member Po^t 17, G. A. R. Builder and Contractor. Died March 13, igoi. 'Haixoj -^ .t«aanH ^o aoNiaatsa'^ i 1 Vy^^W A t« o g S> 86 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Saxton, Charles, , , 1861 Culver, John, . 1861 Frost, J, Henry, 1861 Robinson, Julia, . 1866 Shea, James O., . 1867 Robinson, Willard, 1867 Brocksieper, F, W,, 1868 Potter, Hubert F„ 1869 Foote, Frank, . . i86g Babb, Frederic, . 1869 Cody, Mrs, (2), 1870 Hemingway, Louis, 1870 Barnes, George, 1870 Tucker, Dennis W., 1871 Uhl, Louis, . 1872 Palmer, John F., . 1872 Bigelow, Irving, . 1872 Talmadge, George H., . 1872 Hoadley, John, . . 1872 Moulthrop, Sherman (heirs), 1872 Eaton Brothers, , , , 1872 Davis, Richard, , 1873 Lehr, Gottfried, , 1873 Schmidt, Caroline, , , , 1873 Barnes, Mary R 1874 Payne, Charles, . 1875 Scott, Frances, 1875 Feldstein, Abram, . . 1876 Kober, George, , 1876 Feldstein, Morris, , , 1876 Frost, Irving, , , , . 1876 Scherb, Adam, 1876 Uhl, Adam, , , 1877 Bigelow, Irving, , , . 1877 Brown, Phebe, , 1878 Schneider, Edward, , 1879 Schultz, Julius, . , , , 1880 Foote, Judson, , 1882 Fitch, Mrs,, , . 1883 Larkins, A. J,, , , , 1885 Schauer, Frederic, , 1887 Post Office Building, . , 1888 "The Hermitage," , , 1889 Frost, John, , , , , 1889 Residence of Robert N. Barnes. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 87 ^1 l^i Residence of Charles H. Thorpe. Residence of Romanta T. Linsley. Photo by Thorpe. Residence of Dr. R. B. Goodyear. a 1 ¦o M P •M> t3 rw 9° NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, Munson, James, - . 1853 St, John's Church Rectory, r8. Blakeslee, Henry M„ . 1856 liine. Nelson W„ . . , 1856 Bradley, Rowe S, (heirs), 1858 Carlson, Alfred i860 Spencer, E. A., . . i860 Smith, Herbert P., , i860 Bailey, Samuel, , , i860 Barnard, Jarnes F,, , 1866 Heaton, Julius W., . 1869 Frost, Alva, 1870 Dumond, Mrs, Ellen, , , 1870 Linsley, Romanta T,, . . 1870 .Stiles, Frank L., , 1870 Goodyear, Dr, R. B 1871 Robinson, Henry H., . . 1871 Thorpe, Sheldon B 1871 Brockett, Frederic H,, . , 1871 Thorpe, Rufus, , , , : 1872 Stiles, George W 1872 Higgins, James, , 1872 Brocksieper, F, W,, , , , 1889 Robinson, Nellie, 1890 Brockett, Maria L,, . 1892 Hemingway, Edgar, . 1894 Hemingway, Robert, , , . 1894 "The Summerdale," . 189s Wisner, Henry, 189s Shea, James O,, , , , 1895 Frost, Clarence N., , . 1896 Potter, H, F., . . . . 1896 Judd, Benise F,, , , . 1896 Pardee, Edwin H., • 1897 Hemingway, Frank, 1898 Beach, Wilbur E,, . . . . 1898 .Anderson, J. P., , 1898 Foote, Sybil A,, , 1898 Montowese Brick Co., , 1900 Storrs, Hector W,, , , 1900 District No, 4, Lord, Dr, Austin, . 1851 Dickerman, William E., . i8si Photo by Thorpe. Residence of Sheldon B. Thorpe. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 9I Photo by Heaton, RESIDENCE OF SOLOMON F, LiNSLEY. Residence of Gen. E. D. S. Goodyear. 92 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Todd, Mrs. Louisa, 1872 Page, Mrs. Augustus, 1872 Burke, Michael, , • 1873 Fowler, Maltby, 1873 Smith, H. P., , . . 1874 Smith, Mrs, Caroline, 187s Bradley, Charles W„ 1875 Forent, Joseph, 1876 Blakeslee, Julius, , . 1876 Munson, L. M., 1876 Thorpe, Frank S., . 1876 Thorpe, Charles H., 1878 Keigwin, Henry C, 1878 Pardee, George W., 1883 Halligan, Patrick, 188s Linsley, Solomon F., 1884 Hyde, Albert A., 1888 Dumond, Mrs. Ellen, 1888 Avigni, Andrew, . 1888 Drinkwine, Eli, 1889 Burke, Michael E., 1889 Rice, Edward, , 1889 Blakeslee, Arthur E., ;. 1890 Avigni, Paolo, , , . , 1890 Leete, William P., , . 1893 Leete, Mrs. Mary, , , 1892 Todd, Mrs, Amanda, , , 1892 Thorpe, Henry L,, , 1893 Goodyear, Gen, E, D, S., , 1893 Stiles, William S., . . 1893 Cong, Church Parsonage, , 1894 Vibbert, Albert N,, , 1895 Beauchamp, Joseph, , , , 1896 Neilson, Walford, , , 1896 Squires, Frank N,, . . , 1896 Reise, Caroline, , 1897 Gabarre, Joseph, , , , 1897 Beers, Harry C, , , , 1898 Munson, Ezra G,, , , , i8g8 Halligan, William, , , 1898 Dickerman, William E., . 1900 Stiles, Frank L., . , . igoo Stiles Brick Co,, The (10), 1874-1900 Residence of Frank L. Stiles, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Q3 Photo by Heaton. RESIDENCE OF WiLLIAM P. LeETE. Photo by Gillette. RESIDENCE OF MeKTON GiLLETTE. 94 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, District No. 6. Howarth, Alfred A,, , 1872 Foster, Emanuel P,, , , 1851 Lynch, Thomas, . , , 1872 Bradley, Andrew, . . , 1868 Mansfield, Isaac E,, , . 187s Jacobs, Frederic E,, , 1870 Smith, Charles B., , 1876 Hitchcock, A. H,, , , , 1870 Bassett, Herbert I,, , . 1879 Monahan, Philip, , 1872 Mansfield, Edwin L,, 1882 Anderson, Mr., , , , 1870 Brockett, Frederic H., . 188s Buckingham, Henry, , , 1889 Lehane, Jeremiah, , 1887 Barker, David O,, , , , 1899 Brockett, Ernest R., . , 1889 Goodsell, Wilson E,, . 1890 District No, 7. Shepherd, Mrs. Sarah, . 1890 Smith, James E,, . , , 1856 Thomlinson, J, A,, , , 1891 Kennedy, Daniel, i860 Mansfield, William L., • 1893 Smith, George W, (estate), 1861 Whitehead, Levi, , , , 1894 Tuttle, Amos (estate), . , 1863 Blakeslee, Frederic W., 1895 Stiles, Frank L,, , , , 18&7 Dudley, Edward J,, , , 1896 Gillette, Merton, 1867 Dudley, Charles W,, . . 1896 Smith Brothers, , , , 1868 Stiles, Frank L,, , , . 1897 Lane, Alfred A,, , , , i86g Marks, Marcus D,, , , 1898 Residence of Mrs. Sarah Shepherd, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 95 District No Cooper, Levi J,, , Beach, Joel P,, Van Doran, William Vittorio, James, Downs, A, L,, , , Shares, Daniel W,, Shares, Horace P,, Bailey, Charles, Todd, Sereno, , , Stiles, Frank L,, , Ives, George W, & Son, -A.bell, Oliver, Coon, William, Collett, Thomas, . Austin, F. E., . Wooding, Milo, Jensen, J, C, Bedell, S., ... Hurlburt, E. L., . Wright, Charles, i8si1854i8S71857 i8S71861i86s186918711872 1872188018811881188218821883188418851887 Terrell, W., Bruce, James, Reis, Crevye, Jephson, L., Oberlin, Gustave, Bassett, Charles, Spencer, B. F,, , Neilson, Milo, Vogel, William, Buell, C, Guernot, A., Benedict, Peterson, Christine, Iberson, Jeno C, , Gibbard, T,, , , , Downs, George T., Thompson, Soren, Duckert, Antons, , Cooper, Mary F., Mastrorio, Dominick Peterson, Caroline, 1890 1891 18931894189s189618961896 189618971898 1898 189818981898189918991899189919001900 Residence of William B, Roberts, 96 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, THE BRADLEY LIBRARY. Catalogue, 3,000 volumes. The Rev, William G, Lathrop, President. Mrs, Herbert P. Smith, Secretary. ' Joseph Pierpont, Treasurer. Miss Clara Bradley, Librarian. This institution was incorporated by the General Assembly of Connecticut at the January session, 1884. It derived its exist ence from the munificence of the Hon. Silas Leverius Bradley, a citizen of Auburn, N. Y., who devised the sum of one thousand dollars "to be used in the founding of a library association in my native town of North Haven, Conn." Mr. Bradley died April 17, 1883. A public meeting of the citizens was called September 5, same year, to take action tipon this bequest, at which time the photo by Thorpe. Memorial Hall. north haven in the nineteenth century. 97 following gentlemen were chosen to become the incorporators of the Bradley Library Association : The Rev. William Lusk, Jr. Maltby Fowler. The Rev. William T. Reynolds. Sheldon B. Thorpe. The Rev. Emerson S. Hill. Dr. Benjamin M. Page. Edward L. Linsley, The work of organization began immediately, and the library was opened to the public at the residence of Dr, Austin Lord, on Miss Clara E, Bradley. Librarian of the Bradley Library. October 2, 1884. It remained at that place until January i, 1887, when it was transferred to quarters provided free by the town in Memorial Hall. Upon the death of Mrs. Jane L. Bradley, in 1891 (widow cf the Hon. Silas L. Bradley), the library received a second legacy of one thousand dollars, and a valuable donation of books. Dur ing all the above period and up to October, 1893, this institution had been mainly supported by membership fees, but at the annual 7 98 north haven in the nineteenth century. town meeting, in the latter year, it was voted that upon condition of its being made free to the public, a grant of one hundred fifty dollars would be given it, with the implied understanding that so long as it continued free, the town would contribute to Isaac L. Stiles. Warden St. John's Church. Selectman.Member General Assembly. Died July i, 1895. its support. This provision, so much desired, the directors has tened to comply with, and on October 6, 1893, it was to all intents and purposes declared a free public, library. So satisfactory did this change prove, that at the annual town meeting, in 1894, the grant was raised to two hundred dollars. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 99 The library has received further bequests of one thousand dollars each from the Hon. Isaac L. Stiles, of North Haven, Conn., and Dr. Judson B. Andrews, of Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Judson Born North Haven April 25, 1834. Graduated from Yale College 1855. Member of Col, Ellsworth's Zouaves 1861. Enlisted 77th New York Vols, and made Cap- taui 1861. Fought under McClellan in the Peninsular Campaign. Resigned Commission 1862, Completed Medical studies, Yale College, 1863. B. Andrews. Enlisted 19th Connecticut Vols, and made As sistant Surgeon 186-?. Mustered out of Service 1865. Superintendent Buffalo, N. Y., State Hospital 1880. 33" Mason. Died at Buffalo, N. Y., August 3, 1894. (See 24th Report Buffalo Hospital, and Ameri can Journal of Insanity, July, 1892. The patronage is good. It is open Tuesday and Saturday, afternoon and evening. north haven in the nineteenth century. MONTOWESE LITERARY SOCIETY. Organized September 20, 1883. Mrs. Theophilus Eaton, President. Miss Cora Eaton, Secretary. Albert H. Zuber, Treasurer. Barnes, Miss Flora Beach, Harry W. Beach, Howard Beach, Miss Ada Beach, Miss Eva Bottome, Frank W. Bottome, Mark S. Button, Arthur Cooper, George H. Cooper, Mrs. George H. Cooper, Miss Marilla Eaton, Robert O. Eaton, Mrs. Robert O. Eaton, Theophilus Edwards, Ohver Hemingway, Miss Genevieve Jackson, The Rev. Charles W. Judd, Nelson Judd, Ross B. Meyer, Fulbert G. Pardee, Mrs. Edwin H. Payne, Herbert Payne, Miss Mary Robinson, Miss Nellie Schneider, Alex. Schneider, Miss Martha Shea, J. Edmond Shea, Mrs. J. Edmond Smith, Miss Ruth Storrs, Mrs. Irving H. Talmadge, Miss Bertha D. Talmadge, Miss Edith Uhl, Miss Aurora Uhl, Miss Edith Uhl, Miss Augusta Uhl, Miss Elizabeth Uhl, Louis Zuber, Miss Amanda Zuber, Erne§t Zuber, Frarik north haven in the nineteenth century. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Mrs. Charles N. Turner, President. Mrs. Payson B. Orcutt, Secretary. Mrs. Frederic H. Brockett, Treasurer. Baldwin, Miss Adella Bannell, Miss Anna Bannell, Mrs. Samuel Bassett, Mrs. Aaron Blakeslee, Mrs. Frederic W. Blakeslee, Mrs. Zera T. Bower, Mrs. Stephen H. Bradley, Mrs. Frederic C. Doolittle, Mrs. Mary A. B. Dunham, Mrs. John J. Eliot, Miss Mary W. Elliott, Mrs. Whitney Fowler, Mrs. Willoughby Howarth, Mrs. Alfred A. Howarth, Miss Gertrude L. Ives, Mrs. Sylvia A. Lathrop, Mrs. WiUiam G. Mansfield, Mrs. Frederic L. Maynard, Miss Nellie Morse, Mrs. Henry H. Shepherd, Mrs. Roswell J. Squires, Mrs. Cornelia Stevens, Mrs. Mariette Stevens, Mrs. William W. Sweet, Mrs. Herbert G. Thorpe, Mrs. Franklin S. Thorpe, Miss Harriett Todd, Mrs. George B. Todd, Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle, Miss Kate L. Vibbert, Mrs. Albert N. Vibbert, Mrs. George S. Warner, Mrs. Edmund C. Warner, Miss L. Jane West, Miss Cornelia B. 102 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. QUINNIPIAC COUNCIL, No. 77, O. U. A. M. Membership, January i, igoi. Charles W. Dudley, Councillor. Roswell J. Shepherd, Secretary. Joseph Pierpont, Treasurer. Marcus D. Marks, Inductor. Edmund J. Dudley, Examiner. Abel, E. Stiles Bassett, Lorenzo N. Bradley, Charles W. Blakeslee, Wilbur D. Blakeslee, Zerah T. Brownell, Charles A. Clinton, Edwin J. Crowell, Franklin N. Cheney, Harry P. Cade, Charles T. Dickerman, William E. Fowler, Lewis I. Gabaree, Joseph Hull, John S. Hull, Henry A. Keigwin, Henry C. Laverty, J. J. Laverty, William Linsley, Solomon F. Leete, William P. Leete, George H. Palmer, Elizur H. Robinson, Henry H. Rose, Charles L. Smith, Herbert P. Stiles, Vernon C. Stiles, William S. Stevens, Charles T. Thorpe, Rufus Todd, O. Sherwood Vandoran, Benjamin Vining, Frank A. Terrell, Henry C. Munson, Willard L. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 103 NORTH HAVEN LODGE, No. 61, A. O. U. W. Organized 1893. Membership, January i, igoi. Michael E. Burke, Past Master Workman. Walter M. Sexton, Master Workman. Oscar L Smith, Foreman. John S. Hull, Overseer. M.A.RCUS D. Marks, Recorder. Frederic H. Brockett, Receiver. Henry C. Keigwin, Financier. Ailing, Charles E. Avigne, Andrew Barber, Joseph Barcella, Baptisto Barnes, George F. Bartek, John Beauchamp, Joseph Blakeslee, Fred W. Blakeslee, John H. Blakeslee, Whitney T. Blakeslee, Wilbur D. Brewster, William J. Bruce, Edward Bruce, James Bruce, Lawrence Burns, David Case, George C. Cheney, Harry P. Clinton, Anson B. Clinton, David L. CUnton, Evelyn B. Chnton, Frederick L. Cook, Patrick Condon, Michael Conklin, Frank L. Michael E. Burke. I04 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Connley, John H. Corf, Henry F. Cummings, John P. Daggett, Henry C. Darrigan, Patrick H. Davis, Frank L. Deary, Lewis N. Decarli, Lewis Dickerman, William E. Drinkwine, Michael Dudley, Charles W. Dudley, Edmund J. Dumond, William H. Eaton, Robert O. Eaton, Theophilus Ehle, Ernest E. Gabaree, Joseph J. Gallivan, Daniel P. Gerwig, George H. Gillette, Merton A. Harrison, George N. Harrison, Reuben Hotchkiss, Delano S. Hyde, Albert A. Hyde, Lyman M. Jiuliani, John Kanningiesser, Jacob Keane, John Larkins, William O. Lathrop, William G. Leete, WilHam P. Maltby, Benjamin J. Mansfield, Frederick L. Mansfield, Zenas W. McCabe, Patrick McGinnis, John J. McKinnon, Norman Merz, George J. Moran, Thomas Morse, Herbert H. Murray, Edward Nelson, Walfrid Orcutt, Payson B. O'Shea, James E. Palmer, Elizur H. Patten, D. Walter Plumley, William H. Potter, Hubert F. Pritchard, William Redfield, Walter M. Richards, Eugene Rowan, Joseph Roberge, George Smith, Charles B. Smith, Frank L. Stevens, Ellsworth Schoepfer, Christian G. Thomlinson, John A. Thorpe, Henry L. Todd, John H. Todd,. George H. Tucker, William H. Vibbert, Albert N. Vibbert, George S. Vining, Frank A. Weinburg, Fritz White, George Wilson, Joseph Wilson, William Wustrock, Herman NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. I°5 MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITIZENS' BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Organized Marcus D. Arthur B. Charles W Barcella, Battisto Bassett, Benjamin S. Bassett, Herbert I. Beers, Harry C. Blakeslee, Arthur A. Blakeslee, Frederic W. Blakeslee, John H. Blakeslee, Wilbur D. Bradley, Homer S. Brockett, Frederic H. Cade, Charles F. Clinton, Evelyn B. Clinton, Robert J. Dickerman, William E. March i8, 1899. Marks, President Thorpe, Secretary. Dudley, Treasurer. Dudley, Edmund J. Fowler, Willoughby I Gabaree, Joseph J. Halloran, Andrew Hyde, Albert A. Hyde, Everett B. Harrison, Reuben Harrison, Elizur H. Keigwin, Henry C. Leete, William P. Leete, George H. Leonard, Thomas Mansfield, Zenas W. McGinnis, John J. Arthur D. Thorpe. Electrician New England Engineering Co. Marcus D. Marks. Chairman Republican Town Committee. io6 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. John F. Reynolds. McKinnon, Norman Merz, George J. North, Frank B. Pierpont, Joseph Reynolds, John F. Roarke, John F. Rose, WiUis E. Rowan, Joseph Shepherd, Roswell J. Sherwood, Clarence B. Smith, Alex. B. Smith, Charles B. Smith, Oscar L. Stevens, Edwin B. Stevens, William W. Stiles, William S. Squires, Frank C. Sweet, Herbert G. Thomlinson, John A. Todd, George H. Todd, John H. Todd, William H. Vibbert, Stephen S. Ceme'J'ery. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 107 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Grange No. 35. Organized 1885. Charles N. Turner, Master. Mrs. L. Peet Tuttle, Lecturer, Charles H. Thorpe, Secretary. Henry D. Todd, Treasurer. Names included within brace are those of husband and wife. Names in italics indicate maiden name of woman. Barker, Mrs David O. Barnard, Miss Bertha J. Barnard, James F. ) Barnard, Alice Cark ) Barnard, James H. Charles N. Turner. ¦ Master Grange No. 35, P. of H. Allen, D. Frederick Allen, Hobart B. Bailey, Walter M. ) Bailey, Sarah Smith ) Ball, Edwin L. 1 .Ball, Catherine J. Chipman j Bannell, Miss Anna M. Henry D. Todd. Veteran of the Civil War. Member G. A. R. Ex-Selectman and Town Agent. loS NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Barnes, Miss L. Genevieve Barnes, Robert N. ) Barnes, Ella Shares ) Bassett, Benjamin S. ) Bassett, Harriett Bannell) Bassett, Jared B. Beach. Miss Bessie L. Beach, John H. Beers, Harry C. Bigelow, Miss Glenna M. Bigelow, Miss Grace L. Bishop, Edwin Bishop, Erus Bishop, Joseph E. ) Bishop, Margaret Stuart ) Bishop, Miss Lucy M. Bishop, Walter H. ) Bishop, Kittie Sturges ) Blakeslee, Arthur A. ) Blakeslee, Flora Foot f Blakeslee, Arthur C. Blakeslee, George D. Blakeslee, George N. Blakeslee, Hobart ) Blakeslee, Elenora Allen ) Blakeslee, Mrs, John H. Blakeslee, Miss Ruby A. Blakeslee, Wilbur D. ) Blakeslee, Alice Maynard ) Blakeslee, Zera T. ) Blakeslee, Eliza Tuttle S Bormann, Miss Ottillie M. Bradley, Mrs. Charles W. Brockett, Albert B. ) Brockett, Edith Mansfield) Brockett, Ernest R. ) Brockett, Elizabeth Sanjord ) Brockett, Frederic H ) Brockett, Charlotte Bishop 1 Brockett, Hobart J. Brockett, Mrs. John E. Brockett, Luzerne A, Brockett, Miss G. May Brockett, Myron R. Brooker, Alfred W. ) Brooker, Inez Clinton ) Bruce, Edward B. Bruce, Lawrence W. Bunnell, Russell R. Button, Arthur Carlson, Alfred ) Carlson, Georgianna Olsen ) Carlson, A. Herbert Carlson, Harold Clark, Mrs. Charles ClintoH, Andrew D. ) Clinton, Lucy Bishop ) Clinton, Anson B. ) Clinton, Mary- Stiles ) Clinton, Bessie E. Clinton, Burton D. Clinton, D. Lawrence ) Clinton, Prances Vibbert) Clinton, Edwin J. ) Clinton, Eliza Arthur) Clinton, Elbert CUnton, EUzur Z. ) Clinton, Ella Palmer ) Clinton, Evelyn B. ) Clinton, Florence Redfield ) Clinton, Friend ) Clinton, Helen Clark ) CUnton, H. Wilson Clinton, Isaac B. ) Clinton, Grace Allen ) CUnton, Lovell E. Clinton, Robert J. Clinton, Mathilda Olsen Corf, Henry F. \ Corf, Stella Crowell ') Cook, George S. Culver, Benjamin A. Culver, Vivian W. Cummings, John T. Dickerman, Miss Grace L. Dickerman, Mrs. William E, Eaton, Miss Cora A. Eaton, Robert O. ) Eaton, Carrie Granniss ) Eaton, Theophilus ) Eaton, Bertha Robinson ) Frost, Mrs. Clarence N. Frost, G. Irving NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 109 Frost, John P. ) Frost, Julia Granniss ) Goodsell, Wilson E. ) Goodsell, Fannie Beach ) Goodyear, Miss Ethel A. iGoodyear, Dr. Robert B. ( Goodyear, Ellen Hotchkiss S Harrison, Burdette Harrison, Elizur H. Harrison, Harold S. Harrison, John C. Heaton, Edward L. Heaton, James Hemingway, Frank W. ) Hemingway, Elfrida Heaton ) Hemingway, Miss Genevieve Hemingway, Miss Laura J. Hull, Edward P. ) Hull, Carrie Rolf \ Hull, Henry A. Hull, Miss Minnie DeUght Humiston, Myron W. ) Humiston, Jessie Lane ) Jacobs, Frederic E. Jacobs, Miss Jane A. Jacobs, Miss Susan C. Jones, Daniel A. Keigwin, Clarence H. Keigwin, Henry C. Keigwin, Herbert A. Kennedy, Daniel Lane, Alfred A. Lane, Wilbur A. ) Lane, Belle Tuttle S Larkins, William O. ) Larkins, Emma Hubbell ) Leete, Miss Harriett L. Mansfield, Edwin S. Mansfield, Wilford B. Marks, Marcus D. 1 Marks, Sylvia Shepherd] Marks, Nathan H. ) Marks, Martha Cooper ) Marks, William H. Morse, Henry C. Munson, Frederic B. ]_ Munson, Sarah Mills \ North, Prank B. | North, Meta Unger S Olson, John W. Olson, Per. A. Olson, Hannah Anderson Orcutt, Payson B. Palmer, Elizur H. Palmer, Sarah Robinson Pardee, William E. Patten, D. Walter ) Patten, Erminie Emley S Potter, Hubert F. \ Potter, Catherine Brockett ) Potter, Walter P. Richardson, Ernest S. Richardson, Ervin H. Roarke, John P. Roarke, Miss Agnes B. Schneider, Miss Martha Sexton, Mrs. Walter M. Shepherd, Mrs. Franklin J. Sherman, Charles G. > Sherman, Adelia Excanbrock > Sherman, Guy A. Smith, Alexander B. \ Smith, Ada Goodyear ) Smith, Mrs. Emanuel Smith, Frank L. ) Smith, Martha Culver ) Smith, Herbert P. ) Smith, Mary Johnson ) Smith, Herbert W. Smith, Miss M Grace Smith, Miss Martha J. Smith, Robert W. \ Smith, Elizabeth Stiles) Smith, Stephen A. 1 Smith, S>\x&&nBtshop J Spencer, Mr?. Elizur A. Stevens, William W. > Stevens, Blanche Clinton > Stiles, Mrs, George W. Stiles, Miss Clifford R. Stiles, Vernon C. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Thorpe, Alfred L. Thorpe, Mrs. Franklin S. Thorpe, Miss Harriet L. Thorpe, Miss Ruby V. Thorpe, Walter P. Todd, Mrs. Elizabeth Gill Todd, George H. Todd, Mrs, Henry D. Todd, John H. Todd, Mrs. Mary Wiley Todd, William H, Tucker, George Turner, Mrs. Charles N. Tuttle, Burdette R. .( Tuttle. Edwin Tuttle, Miss Ina G. Tuttle, Julian W. Tuttle, Charlotte Blakesle Tuttle, Miss Kate L. Tuttle, L Peet Warner, Edmund C. | Warner, Vestina Wooding ) Warner, Frederic A. Warner, Miss Jane Warner, Wilson H Wiley, John Wooding, Leonard B. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CKNTURY. Ill Herbert Barnes. Fair Haven, Conn. E. Henry Barnes. New Haven, Conn. Louis R. Hemingway. Dr. E. H. Bidwell. Practicing Physician. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. Resident. January i, 1901. Compiled by Gen. E. D. S. Goodyear. Abell, Oliver, Bailey, Samuel, Ball, Edwin L., Bassett, Jared B., Blakeslee, John H., Blakeslee, Whitney T., Blakeslee, Frederic W., Bradley Homer S., Chnton, Anson B., Clinton, David L., Clinton, Frederic L., Collett, Thomas, Dickerman, William E., Eaton, Robert O, Eaton, Theophilus, Foote, Frank W., Gillette, Merton, Goodyear, Ellsworth D. Goodyear, Robert B., Harrison, Reuben, Heaton, Charles, Heaton, Julius W., Hemingway, Louis R., Hull, Porter G., Kipp, William, Lathrop, William G., Lord, Austin, Lusk, William, Marks, Nathan H., Merz, George J., Miller, August B., Wooster Lodge, No. 79 Corinthian Lodge, No. 103 Adelphi Lodge, No. 63 Meridian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Dayspring Lodge, No. 30 Dayspring Lodge, No. 30 Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Day Spring Lodge Hiram Lodge, No. i Adelphi Lodge Adelphi Lodge Corinthian Lodge St. Mark's Lodge, No. 91 .S., Hiram Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge ^Corinthian Lodge Dayspring Lodge Adelphi Lodge Hiram Lodge Conn. Rock Lodge Corinthian Lodge Compass Lodge, No. 9 Princeton Lodge, No. 3 Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Adelphi Lodge NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. i'3 Patton, D. Walter, Pierpont, Joseph, Potter, Hubert F., Redfield, Walter M., Reynolds, John F., Riggs, Horace, Robinson, Willard A., Rowan, Joseph, Smith, Herbert P., Squires, Frank C, Stiles, Edgar H., Stiles Ezra L., Stiles, Frank L., Stiles, George W., Thomlinson, John A., Thorpe, Gardiner E., Thorpe, Rufus, Thorpe, Sheldon B., Tucker, Dennis W., Turner, Charles N., Tuttle, L. Peet, Uhl, John A., Wooding, Leonard B., Corinthian Lodge Dayspring Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Harmony Lodge, No. 21 Corinthian Lodge Adelphi Lodge Dayspring Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Corinthian Lodge Dayspring Lodge Corinthian Lodge Hiram Lodge Trumbull Lodge, No. 22 Adelphi Lodge Corinthian Lodge Conn. Rock Lodge, No. 92 Olive Branch Lodge 114 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. A COMPLETE ROSTER OF THE VOLUNTEERS IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865. Who were either born in North Haven, or at any time i-esided in the town previous tO' enlistment. I. Andrews, Judson B., 2. Barnes, Charles M., 3. Barnes, Luzerne S., 4. Barnes, Stuart, 5. Bassett, Hobart A., 6. Bassett, Seth B., 7. Blair, Joseph O, 8. Blakeslee, Julius, 9. Bradley, Edgar S., 10. Bradley, Ellsworth H., II. Bradley, Henry E., 12. Bradley, Theodore, 13. Brockett, Charles A., 14. Brockett, Eli L, 15. Brocket, George E., 16. Brockett, Horace W., 17. Brockett, James H., 18. Brockett, William, 19. Brockett, William E., 20. Burke, Edmund, 21. Clarke, Elbert C, 22. Cleary, Thomas J., 23. Cooper, Harvey E., 24. Cowles, Edward O., 25. Cowles, Henry F., 26. Culver, Henry, 27. Doolittle, Isaac L., 28. Doolittle, Jesse T., 29. Eaton, Frederic G., 30. Frost, Alva, 31. Goodyear, Edward L., 77th N. Y. Inf. 27th Conn. 6th Conn. iSth Conn. 15th Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 5th Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 15th Conn. 3d U. S. Regulars 15th Conn. 7th Conn. 15th Conn. 15th Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. 15th Conn. 15th Conn. 15th Conn. ISth Conn. Naval Service 15th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. i8th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 15th Conn. 7th Conn. ISth Conn. loth Conn. OJJiiY R JV[B]VI01^Y flow, Photo by Thorpe. View on State Street near Mansfield's Bridge. QUINNIPIAC River in Foreground. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 117 32. Goodyear, Ellsworth D. S., 33. Goodyear, Robert B., 34. Goodyear, Walstein, 35- Goodyear, F. Wilbur, 36. Gilbert, John P., 37. Gill, Henry B., 38. Gill, George T., 39. Gill, WilHam H., 40. Hart, Henry C, 41. Hartley, Henry B., 42. Higgins, James, 43. Hills, Russell, 44. Hoadley, Harvey S., 45. Hotchkiss, Amos S., 46. Hovey, William B., 47. Hovey, Walter P., 48. Howarth, Alfred H., 49. Hunie, Adolph F., 50. Jacobs, Charles W., SI. Jacobs, John T., 'S2. Jacobs, Egbert, S3. Jacobs, Marcus A., S4. Judd, Truman O., SS- Lamm, Adam, S6. Linsley, Jacob F., S7. Linsley, Samuel M., S8. Mansfield, William L., 59. Marks, Nathan H., 60. McCormick, John, 61. Morgan, George, 62. Morse, Augustus G., 63. Morse, William J., 64. O'Brien, Thomas, 6S- Palmer, Merwin E., (£. Palmer, Nathan A., dj. Pardee, Mihon B., 68. Phelps, William P., 69. Riggs, Horace, loth Conn. 27th Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 7th Conn. 99th N. Y. 7th Conn. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. loth Conn. 1st Conn. loth Conn. loth Conn. 6th Conn. ISth Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. loth Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 14th N. Y. ISth Conn. Sth Conn. 15th Conn. 15th Conn. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. ri8 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 70. Robinson, Riley A., 71. Rogers, Leverett M., 72. Rogers, William A., 73. Smith, Elbert J., 74. Smith, George W., 7S. Smith, Henry E., 76. Smith, James E., TJ. Smith, Merton L., 78. Smith, Oliver T., 79. Smith, Sanford B., 80. Stiles, Ezra L., 81. Stiles, Henry H., 82. Thorpe, Edwin A., 83. Thorpe, Rufus, 84. Thorpe, Sheldon B., 85. Todd, Beri, 86. Todd, Henry D., 87. Todd, Kirtland, 88. Tucker, Dennis W., 89. Tuttle, Henry F., 90. Tuttle, Merwin W., 91. Voght, Justus, 92. Waters, Horace, 93. Ford, Roger M., 27th Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 7th Conn. ISth Conn. loth Conn. 15th Conn. 13th N. Y. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 15th Conn. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. ISth Conn. U. S. Navy 27th Conn. U. S. Regulars 8th Conn. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 119 VETERAN SOLDIERS OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865. Residing in North Haven, January i, 1901. Barnes, Charles M., Musician, Beach, Joel E. W., Beaumont, Francis, Private, Blakeslee, Julius, Brockett, George E., Brown, William H., Dains, George W., 4th N. Y. Cavalry — 23d Conn. Inf. — 3d Light Battery 27th Conn. Inf. 1st U. S. Cavalry 1 2th Conn. Inf. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 27th Conn. 4th U. S. (colored) Doolittle, Isaac L., Private, Goodyear, Ellsworth D. S., General, Goodyear, Robert B., Sergeant, Higgins, James, Private, Howarth, Alfred H., Corporal, Hyde, Albert A., Corporal, Jacobs, John T., Private, Jacobs, Collis M., Private, Judd, Truman O., Private, Lehane, Jeremiah, Linsley Solomon F., Lieut., Marks, Nathan H., Musician, Palmer, Merwin E., Private, Riggs, Horace, Private, Smith, James E., Private, Spencer, A. H., Stiles, Ezra L., Private, Storrs, Hector W., Thorpe, Rufus, Private, Thorpe, Sheldon B., Sergeant, Todd, Henry D., Private, Tucker, Dennis W., Private, Uhle, John A., Vibbert, Albert N., Vibbert, George S., Wilcox, Charles C, Yale, Edward C, ISth Conn. Inf. loth Conn. 27th Conn. 15th Coim. 6th Conn. 6th Conn. 27th Conn. 8th Conn. 27th Conn. 3d N. Y. Cavalry ISth Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. 7th Conn. Inf. 24th Conn. 13th N. Y. Cavalry 22d Conn. ISth Conn. ISth Conn. 27th Conn. 27th Conn. 6th Conn. 7th Vermont ISth Conn. 1st Mich. Cav. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1898. Elected for 3 years. 1898. George J. Merz, Frank W. Foote, Isaac E. Mansfield, 1898. Dr. R. B. Goodyear, 1899. John A. Thomlinson, 1899. Walter H. Bishop, 1899^ Julian W. Tuttle, 1900. George H. Cooper, 1900, O. Sherwood Todd, 1900. John A. Thomlinson, Chairman of Board. Dr. R. B. Goodyear, Secretary and Acting Visitor. Dr. Robert B. Goodyear. Veteran of the Civil War. Member New Haven County Medical Society. Superintendent of Public Schools. north haven in the nineteenth centuky. 121 District No. i. Comntittee — W. W. Stevens, Collector and Treasurer. Clerk — Lewis I. Fowler. Teacher — January session — Miss Clara L. Munson, $9,00 per week. Enumeration in 1900, 27. District No. 2. Committee — R. N. Barnes, Collector and Treasurer. Clerk — Charles N. Turner Teacher — January session — Charlotte Barnes, $9.00 per week. Enumeration in igoo, 21. District No. 3. Committee — Edwin H. Pardee, Collector and Treasurer. Clerk — George L. Barnes. Teachers — January session — Miss Edith Cook, room 2, $10.00; Miss Ruth Smith, room i, $9.00. Enumeration in 1900, 95. District No. 4. Committee — George J. Merz. Clerk— L. Peet Tuttle. Teachers — January session — Miss Adella Baldwin, room i, $11.00; Miss Anna Bannell, room 2, $9.00; Miss Anna L. Goodyear, room 3, $11.00. Enumeration in igoo, no. District No. S- No School. Enumeration in 1900, 8. District No. 6. Committee — Lewis G. Tuttle, Collector and Treasurer. Clerk — Jesse B. Jacobs. Teacher — January session — Mrs. Florence Tuttle Baldwin, $9.00. Enumeration in 1900, 24. 122 north haven in the nineteenth centuky. District No. 7. Committee — Andrew Halloran. Clerk — Robert E. Dickerman. Teacher — ^January session — Miss Florence Landon, $9.00 per week. Enumeration in 1900, 34. District No. 8. Committee — Joel E. W. Beach. Clerk — Oliver Abel, Treasurer and Collector. Teacher — January session — Barbara Kuebler, $10.00 per week. Enumeration in 1900, 71. The Rfev. James B. Reynolds. Graduate of Yale Divinity School, 1888. Head Worlier University Settlement, N. V. City. Chairman Citizens' Union, New Yorl<, 1897. Member New Yorii Bar, Member New York Tenement House Commission. IMiss Annie M. Revn(ilds. Graduate Welleslcy College. Ex-Secretary Brooklyn Young Women's Christian Association. Ex-Secrttary Iowa Y. W. C. A. The World's Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 123 POST OFFICES. Post Office at North Haven Centre. Location, Clinton's Block. Third Class — Salary, $i,soo.oo. William P. Leete, Postmaster. Elizur C. Harrison, Assistant. John H. Blakeslee, Carrier, Rural Delivery. Mails arrive. Mails close. 6.s6 a. m. South and West. 8.15 a. m. South and West. 8.00 a. m. 9.16 a. m. North and East. 9.00 a. m. 1 1. 17 a. m. South and West. i.oo p. m. 1. 14 p. m. North and East. 3.10 p. m. 3.26 p. m. South and West. 8.00 p. m. 6.30 p. m. New Haven, Conn. Office Hours HoUdays — 7.30 to 9.30 a. m. ; to 7.30 p. m. North and East. South and West. South and West. North and East. Sonth and West. I.oo to 2.00, 6.30 William P. Leete. Postmaster. 124 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. John H. Blakeslee. Mail Carrier, Rural Delivery, Elizur C. Harrison. Assistant Postmaster. David L. Clinton. Postmaster. George H. Cooper. Postmaster. north haven in the nineteenth century. 125 Post Office at Clintonville. Established 1871. Location, Medicine Co, Building. Third Class — Salary, $1,400,00. Gross receipts year 1900, $3,200.00. ¦ David L. Clinton, Postmaster. Mails arrive. Mails close. 8.0s a. m. g.oS a, m. LIS p,m, 6,24 p.m. Post Office at Montowese, Established 1871. Location, Cooper's Block, Fourth Class, George H. Cooper, Postmaster. George W. Dains, Assistant. Mails arrive. Mails close. g.42 a, rn, 7,54 a. m. S.30P. m. 7.54 a, m. 126 north haven in THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CONCERT. The concert planned by the Committee for the evening of December 31, rgoo, was found to be impracticable. A postpone ment was therefore made to February 15, 1901, and the former evening was given up to a public meeting in Memorial Hall, watch-night services in the Congregational Church Chapel, and the arranged-for salute and bell ringing at 12 o'clock midnight. The latter event began promptly on time under the direction of S. F. Linsley, Chairman of the Amusement Committee, with Arthur B. Thorpe, Chief Gunner. Forty-two rounds were dis charged. The night was mild and moonlight. Sounds of can non were heard in various directions, and it was an ideal time in which to welcome the advent of the new century. Dwellings were illuminated, and most of the townspeople were abroad enjoying the novel scene. Rehearsals for the contemplated concert began at once under the direction of F. H. Stiles and JV. B. Clinton. These were prosecuted with vigor, and on the evening of February IS, Memorial Hall was filled with a large audience. The range of music was wide, and gave great satisfaction. PROGRAM. OLD FOLKS. I, March, . Orchestra 2. Old Lang Syne. 3, Invitation, 4. Sons of Zion. 5, Shelbourne. 6, Suwanee River, Solo by Miss Genevieve Barnes 7. Strike the Cymbals, 8. All Bound Round, . H, E. Woodford 9. A Country Dance. PIioLo by Smith. Residence and Stoke of Joseph Pierpont. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 129 Miss May Elcock SECULAR. 10. Orchestra (Crushed Violets). II. Dream, 12. On High the Stars. 13. Selected, , . James Pierce. Jr. 14. Ringgold, E. H. & L, I. Stiles, F. Squires & H. W. Clinton IS- Slumber Boat, W. Sperry 17. The Lost Chord, , 1 ; MINSTRELS. 18. Orchestra (Coontown Capers). 19. Once More, . 20. Pliney, 21. Cindy, 22. Mandy Lee, 23. My Jersey Lilly, . J. Pierce, Jr, E. H. Stiles Frank Squires W. Sperry H. E. Woodford 24. Dixie Kidd, F. Squires, E, H, Stiles, L. I. Stiles, W. Sperry 25. I've Waited, Floney, ... J. Pierce, Jr. 26. Every Nation has a Flag but a Coon, . E, H. Stiles R, O, Eaton, Interlocutor. Bones. H. E. Woodford, E, H. Stiles, F, Squires, L. Munson, W. Stevens, Tambos. W. Sperry, J. Pearce, L, I, Stiles, J. H. TomHnson, H. W. Smith. F. H. Stiles, Director. A. B. Clinton, Accompanist. H. Wilson Chnton, Leader of Orchestra, 130 north HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE CALIFORNIA GOLD HUNTERS. Of the twelve men who visited California in search of gold 1849-1852, but a single survivor exists — John E, Brockett. His companions were Henry B. Fowler, FrankHn Shepherd, Charles Heaton, Frederic Shepherd, George Mix, Daniel Barnes, Chaun- cey Barnes, William Mansfield, Anson Button, Burritt Brockett, Alexander Robison, and Samuel Hale. Fowler, the twO' Shepherds, Heaton and Mix, started about April I, 1849, via the "Overland Route," They left Independ ence, Mo,, April IS, in a wagon drawn by several pairs of un broken Texan steers, guided with ropes tied to their horns. These animals were not unyoked till after three weeks of hard service. The journey lasted four months, the little cornpany reaching Sacramento the middle of August. Heaton died soon after arrival. The others separated for the mines. ''^^N ..^ Henry B, Fowler. north haven IN the NINETEENTH CENTURY, 131 In the same year — 1849 — Button, John E, and Burritt Brockett, sailed in the schooner Emma Packer from Fair Haven, Conn,, by the way of Cape Horn for the gold coast. The voy age was long and tedious, but they reached their port safely. Later, the two Barnes', Robison, Mansfield, and George W. Brockett, made the journey by water around the Cape, On their arrival the country was found flooded with adventurers who had poured in from every quarter of the globe. Mining was at a discount, and they with thousands of others turned their atten tion to trade. Most were successful. The return of these men was mainly by way of the Isthmus of Panama, Fowler became sick within a year after his arrival in SacramentO' and started for home. He was carried on a litter by the natives across the isthmus and placed tin board a steamer. Recovering, he made a second trip there in i8S2. Chauncey Barnes died on the return voyage and was buried at sea on the Pacific side. THE CLAY INDUSTRY. In one form and another, clay has been a factor in the com mercial world since the dawn of history. It will probably con tinue to be so while mail exists. During the past century its manufactured products reached a higher stage than in all the preceding years combined, and because it is certain that the pres ent century will see its development in forms and ways unknown at present, allusion is made to it at this time. Its manufacture in this town dates from 172S, and the honors of proprietorship are equally divided between one Seeley and Nathaniel Thorpe, Jr, They made building brick, and building brick have continued to be made in increasing quantity every decade since that year. The output of The I. L, Stiles & Son Brick Co., for the year 1900, was not far from 18,000,000. This product for the most part found a ready market^in Connecticut, though heavy orders were shipped to Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts. These brick were made by what is known in New England as "the soft mud process," ^ and burned with wood in the old 1 See North Haven Annals, 132 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. style Open kilns. Attempts have been m.ade to use coal and oil in firing, but without success. From five to six thousand cords of wood are used annually by the above firm at prices ranging from three to four dollars per cord. Two hundred hands and more are employed in the busy season, and from fifty to seventy- five the entire year. Most of the brick used in the construction of the large buildings of Yale University are the products of this yard. A branch at Taunton, Mass,, has recently been established — a corporation — with a capacity of from ten to twelve millions annually. These find a market in Boston, Providence, and vicinity. Frank L. Stiles, President of The I, L, Stiles & Son Brick Co', President of The Stiles & Hart Briclc Co, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 133 CLOVER DAIRY FARM. Clover Dairy Farm is the name which Mr, D. W. Patten has bestowed upon 22s acres of as fair soil as lies in New Haven County. This tract was once a part of the Rev. James Pier- pont's possessions. It fell to his son, Lieut. Joseph, then to his son Giles — then to Giles, Jr., father of Munson Edward Pierpont, the distinguished jurist and diplomat. Hence the grounds are historic. Not only this, but they are charming in scenery. What with hill, river, meadow, and the commodious dairy and farm buildings dotting the landscape, it presents the picture of an ideal country home. Mr. Patten is a graduate of Yale S, S,, '87 — Ex-Member General Assembly 1899 — Member State Board of Agriculture — State Pomological Society — State Dairymen's Association, and present first selectman and town agent. Birthplace Hon. Edwards Pierpont. Residence of D. Walter Patien. Clover Dairy Farm, Owned by D. W, Patten, IjO NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTUKY. THE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. The Village Improvement Association wa& organized in April, 1892. It grew out of the needs of the people in the more immediate center of the town, for street lamps and sidewalks. The Hon, Isaac L. Stiles was elected its first president. Funds were freely contributed by the citizens, and the principal streets were lighted by naphtha lamps in July of the same year. Since then the Association has been annually increasing in value to the community. By the death of Mr. Stiles in 189s a trust fund of $soo,oo was established for its benefit. It operates at present about fifty public lamps within a radius of half a mile from the post office, and has recently laid, with the assistance of property owners, not far from three thousand yards of substan tial concrete sidewalk. Its present officers are: The Rev. Louis A. Parsons, President. Marcus D. Marks, Secretary. Joseph Pierpont, Treasurer. nF~7 Residence of William E. Dickerman. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. I37 GENERAL E. D. S. GOODYEAR.^ Member General Assembly, 1868. Registrar of Voters since 1886. Ellsworth D. S. Goodyear is the eldest of seven sons of Bela and Delia A. (Gill) Goodyear, He was born in North Haven, April 28, 1827. General E, D. S, Goodyear. In 1846 he became associated with Charles, Henry, and Nel son Goodyear in the manufacture of India rubber articles, where he participated in many of the experiments resulting in discov eries which have since made the name of Goodyear famous in connection with the development of the rubber industries, Mr. Goodyear thus describes the discovery of the process of making hard rubber: "Manufacturers of rubber had long been trying to devise some means by which rubber could be hardened sufficiently to ^ It was early determined by the committee that this volume should be neither a biographical or advertising medium. If departure is charged in this instance, it is because the matter of hard rubber is of world-wide importance, and the military record that of a brave soldier. 138 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, be made useful as a substitute for whalebone. While studying in Liebig's chemistry the subject of the preparation of sulphur, I found that sulphur melted a second time at 310° of heat, and cooled in shellac form. It occurred to me that here might be the solution of the hard rubber problem, and upon making the suggestion to Henry B, Goodyear, he arranged with the engineer , to have the steam pressure high enough during the night to reach 310" I prepared six one-pound packages of gum, adding to the first 2 ounces of sulphur, to the second 4 ounces, and to the others in succession 6, 8, and 10 ounces. These mixtures were rolled into sheets about an eighth of an inch thick, placed between sheets of tin, wrapped in rubber cloth, the whole put into a small steam boiler and subjected to 310° of heat, at which point it was kept for eight hours. When the package was eagerly opened, the sheets were found tO' be of varying degrees of hard ness ; those of the lesser amounts of sulphur were flexible, while the sheet composed of i pound of gum and 8 ounces of sulphur was the best of the lot. Because of the brittleness of the material it failed to take the place of whalebone, but it formed the basis of the rubber button business as well as oi the thousand and one other uses to which hard rubber is now applied the world over," On the breaking out of the war in 1861 Mr. Goodyear entered the service as Captain of the C Co^mpany, loth Regiment of Con necticut Volunteers, and served continuously, except for one inter val of six weeks, tO' the end of the war. His regiment served in the Departments of North Carolina, 1862, and South Carolina in 1863, and was in the siege of Morris Island and Fort Sumter, The night after the evacuation of the Island by the Confederates a night attack was planned on Fort Sumter, The duty was assigned to the 24th Massachusetts and the loth Connecticut Regiments. Captain Goodyear was selected to lead the forlorn hope of opening the attack on the city face of the fort, and, if successful, to- remain in the fort with one hundred men until relieved. This expedition, in boats and barges, with 1,200 pounds of powder with which tO' blow down the gate of the fort, was within 300 yards of its destination when the Navy commenced an attack on the fort. As it had been previously arranged be tween the commanding Admiral and General that whichever party arrived first should not be interfered with by the other, the Army had to abandon the project. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 139 In 1864 Captain Goodyear was promoted to Lieutenant- Colonel of the same regiment. At the breaking up of the war, the Colonel being absent on leave, he was in command of the regi ment at Hatcher's Run, when they were ordered tO' assault Fort Gregg, the last fort of the inner line of defenses south of Peters burg. With 180 men and 12 officers he made a lodgment on the south angle of the fort and held on for forty-five minutes until other troops in sufficient numbers were brought up to carry the works. This was one of the most strongly contested points in the whole line. There were 23 stands of colors on the fort before the enemy surrendered. Out of the 180 men and 12 officers under Lieut, -Col. Goodyear's command, 118 men and 8 officers were either killed or wounded. He himself was here shot through the right shoulder, sustaining severe and permanent injuries.^ He was brevetted Colonel for "Meritorious services during the war," and Brevet Brigadier-General for "Especial gallantry in the assault on Fort Gregg, April 2, i86s," x^. ' y-"' <^ |iv Frederic C. Bradley. Lineal descendant of Major William Bradley, New Haven Colony, George B. Todd, Lineal descendant of Christopher Todd, New Haven Colony, 2 See History loth Conn. Vols. 140 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Edward L. Linsley, Attorney. Born North Haven March 21, 1858. Died October 18, 1900. Was graduated Yale Law School 1878. Assistant Clerk New Haven City Court 1883-1893. Ex-State President Young Men's Repub lican Club, Ex-Town Clerk. Trial Justice Local Court. Prosecuting Attorney New Haven County. Chairman Twentieth Century Committee on Literary Exercises. O. H. D. Fowler, Attorney. Born North Haven January 17, 1857. Was graduated Yale S. S. 1878 Was graduated Yale Law School 18S1. Member of New Haven County Bar. Ex-Judge Probate Court, District of Wal- lingford. Practicing Attorney, WaUingford, Conn. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 141 C A, Brockett, President C, A, Brockett Cement Co,, Kansas City, JMo, Gardiner E Thorpe. The Bradstrect Co., lloslon. Frank E. Hall. Agent Pass. Dep't N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Grand Central Station, N, Y. City. Edgar A. Hemingway. Ex-Selectman. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 143 PETER'S ROCK. This eminence near the southeastern border of the town, has recently come into public notice as affording one of the most pleasing landscape views seen from its summit. It rises abruptly from a somewhat rocky ridge and owes its formation to volcanic agency. Doubtless its elevation was once much greater than at present, indeed, if as asserted. East and West Rocks in past ages had an altitude of one thousand feet or more, then Peter's Rock may lay claim to an equal height. Its present elevation above tide water is about 400 feet. The appearance of this bluff bears evidence of untold cen turies of denudation. Its boldest face is upon the western side where singular columnar formations are seen, not common to other trap rock upheavals in the county. They resemble in form somewhat the basaltic pillars of the Giant's Causeway in the old world. The Hermitage. (Peter's Rock.) Peter's Rock. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 145 In the early days of the New Haven Colony it was a noted Indian outlook. Later it became known as "Great Rock" — "Rabbit Hill" or "-Rabbit Rock." So far as ascertained, one Joseph Granniss was an early owner. He gave the settlers of "Muddy River" privilege to quarry stone for their buildings, and cut firewood for their use without expense. A rude highway was opened on the eastern side, the southern extremity of which reached the shore in East Haven, while the other end, eupho niously known as "Pig Lane," extended up into North Haven. Whitney Elliott. Ex-Selectman and Town Agent. State Senati r Sixth District, 1S67. Chairman Centennial Committee, 1887. Henry M. Blakeslee. Born 1813. Among the farmers who settled along this thoroughfare, was Peter Brockett, who claimed tO' own the rock, and from whom it gained its present name. Brockett was a Revolutionary sol dier, and a severe wound had so deformed his spine as to render him a cripple. He was something of a hermit besides, and lived in a rude hut, the ruins of which are still to be found at the northern base of the more rocky bluff. The late Jesse O. Eaton recalled having seen him on many occasions. 146 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. On or about the year 1873, the town ordered a general assess ment. Messrs. Whitney Elliott, Willis B. Hemingway and Henry M. Blakeslee were appointed to do the work. They reported "Peter's Rock" as being in the possession of Jude Cooper's heirs, and placed a valuation upon it. In due time a tax was laid, but no one could be found to pay it. Accordingly the tax collector, L. Peet Tuttle, ordered the property sold at auction, and it was bid off by George W. Jones, August 31, 1874. Soon after, the citizens of Muddy River not relishing the dis posal of the real estate in that manner, and particularly of the Granniss franchise which they claimed, came into the annual town meeting in October, 1874, and voted to redeem the property for the benefit of the town. This was accomplished in 1875, Mr. Jones receiving $31.78 as reimbursement. Such in brief is the town's alleged claim tO' this now valuable possession. A portion of the summit has been leased for several years to a number of New Haven gentlemen who have erected an elegant club house on its summit styled "The Hermitage." The view from this point is of surpassing beauty. Neither East nor West Rocks furnish anything like it. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 147 Theophilus Eaton. Ex-Selectman.Ex-Member Genera! Assembly, two terms. 148 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. OLD HOME WEEK. The following general observance of "Old Home Week" is planned : Sunday, June 2d — Children's Day. Tuesday Evening, June 4th. Dramatic Entertainment in Memorial Plall by P. of H., No. 35. At this time the Drama "Our Folks" will be produced under the direction of Miss M. Grace Smith, by the following cast : Capt, Sleeper, Mr. L. Peet Tuttle. Capt. Thompson, Mr. Edwin S. Mansfield. Harry Thompson, Mr. Herbert W. Smith. Teddy Sleeper, Master Harold Harrison. Hiram Small, Mr, Frank B. North. Phil, Mr. Ellsworth J, Smith. Mrs. Capt, Thompson, Miss Ina G. Tuttle. Mrs. Capt. Sleeper, Mrs. E. A. Spencer. Becky Sleeper, Miss Cora A, Eaton. Hulda Prime, Miss Susan C. Jacobs. Silly York, Miss Rosa C. Stiles. Music by the North Haven Orchestra. Wednesday, June 5th — Outing Day, This day is designed to afford an opportunity for visiting, sight seeing, and social enjoyment. Thursday, June 6th — General HoHday. Order of the Day. Sunrise — Salute on Pierpont Park. 8 a. m, — Assembling of Parade on Broadway. 9 a, m, — Parade, 10.3Q a. m. — Exercises in Congregational Church. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 149 I. Music, 2. Invocation, 3. Music, ,4. Welcome, 5. Music, 6. Historical Address, 7. Music, 8. Miscellaneous, 9. Hymn, America, 10. Issue of Memorial Volume, Price $1,00, 12 m. — Collation in Memorial Hall, Program. Band. The Rev. William G, Lathrop. Public School Children. Robert O, Eaton, Chairman. Band. Sheldon B. Thorpe. Public School Children. Audience. 2 p. m. — Public meeting in Congregational Church, at which the Rev. William Lusk will preside. Eminent speakers from abroad will make addresses. Edmund C, Warner, Ex-Selectman, Fruit Grower and Pomologist. ^5° NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ADDRESS OF WELCOME BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. Robert O. Eaton. North Haven at this "Twentieth Century and Old Home Week Celebration" is proud of and congratulates itself on its past History. Many of its sons aided England against the Hon. Hobart B. Bigelow. Born North Haven iVIay i6, 1834. jNlember General Assembly for New Haven 1875. Mayor of New Haven 1879-1880. Governor of Connecticut 1881, Died French, and later the colonies in their struggle for independence. From the 17th day of June, 1775, to- the present time, the people of this town have been patriotic, enterprising and progressive, ever ready to do their duty to their God, their Country, their family and their fellow-man. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 151 During the dark days of 1861-1865, when the safety and honor of the Nation was threatened, nearly one hundred of our sons laid aside business pursuits, abandoned financial prospects, severed social relations, and assumed the uniform and duties of a soldier's life, — to protect and preserve the government our fathers had provided for us. Some of those boys who wore the blue are here to-day at this celebration, no' longer boys as in "61," for their heads are fast becoming sprinkled with gray hairs, yet honored in their declining years for the sacrifice they made Birthplace of Governor H. B. Bigelow. for us and those who are tO' come after us. Many of them have gone on that journey whence none can return, but though their names may become dimmed, their deeds and their achievements grow brighter and richer with each advancing year. In their honor, the citizens of North Haven have erected the beautiful hall that will stand for the years to come, — an appropriate memorial. North Haven has furnished to the country men of promi nence in business enterprises, advanced leaders in scientific in vestigation, and its quota to the literai^y world. To the church 152 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, it has given some of its profound thinkers, pulpit orators and religious workers, Fro^m those ' born within its borders, have been drawn men who have served the State in offices of trust and responsibility, in various positions from the bottom of the ladder to the office of chief executive of this Commonwealth, It has been represented in the legislative halls of this State one hun dred and fourteen years, and by its descendants, in many other states of the Union, more than a century. It has furnished a president of Yale College, an ambassador to- the Court of St, James, a financier of high order, and a banker, the founder of our public library. But this list by nO' means covers the citizens of the town who have gained eminence in other directions, and who are as proud of their nativity as we are of their record. While we rejoice in our history as a town, and the success of her sons and daughters, we feel that we are living, not in the past, but in the present, with our faces turned toward the future, and never were times and opportunities more encouraging nor our outlook more promising. We look forward to the future with the brightest anticipation. Her citizens to-day are keep ing step with the progress of the times, loyally supporting churches and schools, preserving the old ancestral land-marks, beautifying their homes and enriching their farms, building macadam roads, laying sidewalks, maintaining a free public library and street lamps, also Free Rural Mail delivery. Electric roads run into the town as well as steam roads through several sections of it. Her inhabitants are energetic and happy, ever remembering the fact that they are a part of this grand old Commonwealth, which was one of the thirteen original States of the Union. We rejoice that we are American citizens, a part of the grand est and most progressive republic on the face of this earth, and with such senTiments and under the favorable circumstances that have been enumerated, I welcome you all here to-day on behalf of the citizens of the Town of North Haven, to our Twentieth Century and Old Home Week Celebration, We extend tO' you a sincere and cordial reception. May your visit among us be pleasant and enjoyable, believing that when the day's exercises shall have closed and we shall once more separate to our several homes, we shall each appreciate more that ever the glorious privileges we now enjoy and the successes attained. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 153 fe- Ancient Mill on the Muddy River Near the Old Bigelow Homestead. Michael Burke Veteran Baggage Master North Haven R. R. Station. (Retired ) (By permission from North Haven Annals.) The Old Meeting House of 1742. HISTORICAL ADDRESS BY SHELDON B. THORPE. DELIVERED IN THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, NORTH HAVEN, CONN., JUNE, 1901, As part of the Public Services held in Commemoration of the opening of the Twentieth Century. Sheldon B. Thorpe, Veteran of the Civil War. Author North Haven Annals. Author History 15th Reg't Conn. Vols. Ex-Member General Assembly, Member Post 17, G. A, R, When Jonathan Ralph — "Dr. Ralph" as he was more com monly called, though without warrant for the title — walked from 156 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. his house at the northwest corner of the Green^ down to the old meeting house of 1742, to ring the nine o'clock bell on the even ing of December 31, 1800, he was but following a custom which had prevailed in the parish fifty years, possibly longer. On that night we are assured by one^ who^ kept a private weather bureau of "aftercasts," that "it was clear and moderately cold — a light snow lay on the ground." But Mr. Ralph had on his "pea- jacket" and woolen mittens, and having once undergone the rigors of a campaign in the Revolutionary war, doubtless paid little attention to the weather. The "new stepel" of the meeting house rose white and cold in the starlight, and our bell-ringer carefully setting down an old battered tin lantern, drew from his pocket a long iron key and unlocked the creaking door in the steeple tower. The bell rope dangled just inside and Mr. Ralph knew exactly how far to advance in the darkness, how to clutch it, and with a few vigorous strokes ring the "curfew bell." On some summer nights, it is said, the near-by children would cau tiously steal around the corner to watch the old veteran sway the clanging bell, and then go scudding home on nimble feet, for not only must the household fire be covered at that signal, but the children must be in bed. Who heard the tones of that curfew beh one hundred years ago ? According to the Grand List there were in the year 1800, one hundred eighty-three men who paid a poll tax in the town, one hundred fifty-nine of whom were enrolled in the First Ecclesiastical Society and twenty-four in the Episcopal Society. These persons owned about two hundred houses, all apparentl)' having more or less dwellers in them — generally more! Per haps if the atmospheric conditions were suitable, all this people were within reach of the tones of the curfew. Those who did not hear it, probably dwelt at Muddy River and walked by faith. And yet the parish was not wholly dependent on this system of chronology, for there were five clocks of the first-class and six of the second-class in 1800; besides, there were twenty-three watches. But the possession of these timepieces gave our cur few ringer no concern whatever. Although owning neither ' Site of the Reynolds Estate, ^ Jeremiah Ailing, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTUKY. 157 clock nor watch himself, he rose superior to all such frail mechan isms and rang the hour by "intuition" (?), as it is related that either he or "Granny Ralph" — his wife — would run nightly across the street to Dr. Joseph Foote's house to "borry the time," and then at such an interval as seemed suitable to him, the nine-o'clock bell would be rung. The service finally became so erratic that the people headed by Dr. Trumbull arose in their wrath and de posed Dr, Ralph from his position. This custom of an evening bell continued till about 1830, The increased number of timepieces in the community, and the grow ing tendency of the citizen to regulate his own down-sittings and up-risings, swept it away. A few** are still living who remember hearing the well known peals as they rang out on the stillness of a summer night. My townsmen ! the curfew announcing the close of the nine teenth century rang but a little time since. The echoes of can non and bell, as they gave notice at midnight in De cember last that a new century was born, may be still sounding in the ears of these children. A new Century ! Who' compre hends it ? What issues are concealed within it ! what revelations to be made by it ! what beneficence to flow from it ! for that it zvill be beneficent poet and prophet are agreed. Happy America ! whose people entered upon the Golden Age one hundred years ago ! Happy America ! whose sons have seen in the century just closed a period more significant than any in historic time. Happy America ! and O happy children who have now entered upon a cycle of years which will as far outshine the last century, as the last outshines all the preceding. Life is worth living now, — has been worth living in the past — and is to be doubly enjoyable in the future. Who before me regrets the providence that has placed us where the centuries meet ! None ! For this hour were we born 1 for the next hour others shall rise, more competent, larger souled, holier purposed, and better able to wing on the world from sin to- grace, and grace to glory. In the year 1700 the population of this parish was estimated 3 IVtrs, Elmina Thorpe, Henry M. Blalislee, Erus Bishop, and others. 158 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, \ as one hundred.* In the year 1800 it was given as eleven hun dred fifty-seven, and in the year 1900 as two thousand, one hundred sixty-four.^ This increase is much less than should be expected in two hundred years. Indeed, it may be said, that with the advantage of locality, nearness to tidewater, varied sur face, and close proximity to city privileges, the population should be double the present census, and even more. Two causes have operated to retard our growth. First, a large emigration to northwestern Connecticut ; and second, the natural conservatism of the settlers and their descendants. An emigra tion began about 1740, which continued up to 1800-1810. Dur ing this period many of the most respected families^ removed to other localities. They were people whom the town could illy afford to lose, because they added wealth and character to the parishes where they settled. Probably of these emigrants none had greater influence in the community whither they went than Thomas Blakeslee and Thomas Ives. The former was the son of Ebenezer Blakeslee, at whose house' both the Congregational and the Church of Eng land* people early worshipped. * In 1790— ist census— there were 595 males, 626 females, 7 sla ves, and 8 *' othi 5 Census report. 8 Caleb Humaston, removed to Plymouth, Conn., soon after ¦1738 Lieut. John Humaston, il i( n 1736 Dea. Moses Blakslee, " 1739 Rev. Samuel Todd, U »l u 1740 William Luddington, " 1738 Jonathan Frost, ' •' * 1735 Ebenezer Frost. ' 11 I 1744 Hezekiah Todd, ¦' Wolcott. about T754 Jehiel Tuttle, ¦' Tomngton, " " 1770 Major Isaiah Tuttle, ' Li U U " 1773 Ezra Pierpont, ' ' Waterbury, '* " 1780 Giles Brockett, " " " 1803 James Bishop, ' ' Farmington, " betore 1780 John Seeley, ' ¦' Gt. Barrington, Mass , 1791 Isaac Seeley, K (i I ' 1799 Abraham Seeley, u u I ' 1798 William Crane, ' .1 Li * 1794 Samuel Ives, 11 ¦' 1793 Joel Thorpe removed in an ox cart to Ashtabula County, Ohi< about 1800, He was killed in the war of 1812. ¦? Eccl. See. Records, page 3. 8 North Haven Annals, page 130. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 159 He was born in the year 1700 and went to Plymouth in 1731, He married Mary Scott of Sunderland, Mass. They had nine children. He received the title of Captain in the State Militia in 1740, and his house was palisaded as a defence against the Indians, He was one of "nineteen proprietors" who built the first meeting house in Plymouth*' and called the Rev. Samuel Todd of North Haven to preach in it. When an Ecclesiastical Society was organized there later, its members desired a meeting house in a different location. The proprietors objected, but were outvoted, and Captain Blakeslee with eleven others withdrew and formed a Society of the Church of England. In 1811-1812 descendants of his founded Plymouth, Ohio, and organized an Episcopal Church there. He died in 1778. Thomas Ives was the son of Thomas and Anna (Heaton), born in North Haven, 1753. He was graduated from Yale Col lege 1777; served in the Revolutionary war; studied law in Litchfield, and was admitted to the bar in that county. In 1782 he settled in his profession in Great Barrington, Mass.^" He married Ruth Foster, a lady of high birth and much influence in Massachusetts politics. He became a member of the General Assembly and served in both houses. He also was identified with the militia and rose to the rank of major-general of the Ninth Division. In other ways he received honor from town, state, and nation. The record of emigrant families given falls much short of the actual number. Dr. Trumbull wrote^^ that about 150 families left the parish between 1760 and 1800, It is difficult to account tor this shrinkage. We can imagine how different our surround ings would be to-day had they remained, but the human tide was destined to ever flow outward from New England, and so- our fathers arose, almost as by divine impulse, and gat them to lands, in one sense, they knew not of. It will be material at this time to note, for a moment, the administrative element in th^ early part of the last century. Ec clesiastical influence in home affairs did not wholly cease at our incorporation (1787). The spell of authority which the New ' Atwater's Plymouth, pages 29 and 31. 1" History Gt. Barrington. 1^ Century sermon. i6o NORTH HAVEN )N THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, England divine exercised, particularly in the country villages, rem.ained potent until well along in the century. The intent of the New Haven colonists that the Church should furnish the foundation for all civil government, found a supporter in Dr. Benjamin Trumbull. He was something of a dictator — probably less autocratic than his predecessor, the Rev, Isaac Stiles, yet by virtue of birth — war record — literary ability, and pulpit prestige, was able to dominate largely in secular matters. And this he did almost single handed. His church in 1800 was at a low ebb and gradually declining. The First Ecclesiastical Society organized in 1 716 and the Church of England Society organized in 1759, were apparently more engaged in swapping members tO' avoid taxation, than promoting the spread of the gospel. The Grand Lists of the town are complete- from 1787 to the present year. Originally every adult male was compelled to identify himself with one or the other of the societies for purposes of taxation, and as there were two tax collectors for some years, and apparently a difference of a farthing or two in the amounts to be gathered, we NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. l6l have surprising evidence of the nimbleness of some of our fathers in jumping from one society to the other and then back again, as it appeared best for their interest. This athletic exercise ceased about the year 1814. With the death of Dr. Trumbull in 1820 the ecclesiastical hand in town government was still further withdrawn, only to wholly vanish during the great revival under the Rev. William J, Boardman, The separation of Church and State became com plete when the town voted in 1834 "it would no longer pay for ringing the Presbyterian church bell," A second view of the evolution of the town may be had from manuscripts unexpectedly discovered. In the year 1800 the population was 1,157, ^s said. There was received by the select men from taxation, and from the sale of old highways, $856,80. The expenses for twelve paupers were, $264,79 For highways, , 17346 For sundries, . 231.38^^ Balance in treasury, 187.17 In 1803 the receipts were, . $804.98 The expenses were, $586.72 Balance in treasury, 218,26 In 1805 the Town Treasurer was paid $5,00 for services and the Town Collector $13.00. In 1806 the authorities pared taxation so close that but $527.91 was received. The expenses M^ere $538.75, leaving the first deficit the town incurred. The following year this was re covered and a surplus estabhshed. No other audits are discov ered until the year 1867, when the town issued its first printed report. In the year 1900, with a population less than twice that of 1800, there was received from all sources^^ . $33,369,09 The liabilities were, , . 54,580.98 Debt of the town, . . . .$21,211.89 '2 Incliides $19.50 paid Dr, Ralph for ringing church bell. 13 Town Report, igoo. II l62 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. The above indebtedness stands mainly for seven and a. half miles of rock ballasted, stone bridged highways, constructed at an average cost of $5,000,00 per mile, and second to none in the State. The first attempt at road .paving on any considerable scale was begun in 1871, Oyster sheHs were used on the main highway in the third school district under the direction of A. F. Austin, Selectman. In the. year 1872, 7,395 bushels were so applied at Lawrence Bruce, Highway Contractor, Andrew F, Austin, Member General Assembly, i88z, Selectmian and Town Agent 15 years, Ex-Superintendent Public Schools. Present Trial Justice, with 42 years' record. an average, cost of one cent per bushel. This amount was in creased year by year until ^i 1876 it reached 15,185 bushels. In 1878, 13,735 bu,shels, and in lesser amounts until 1881, when the roads were let by separate contract in each district. This plan proved inore economical than satisfactory, and in~i888 Lawrence Bruce was employed to take entire charge. Macadamizing with crushed stone began in 1889, Since then at intervals, with and NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 163 without State aid, the town has constructed most durable road bed where before only sand or slough existed. The early roads of the parish were not much more than bridle paths. Even in 1800 they were in deplorable condition. The original survey of New Haven Colony contemplated a system of "squares" 80 rods by 160 rods with broad highways between. Rivers and ledges offered no objection. The routes were plotted whether the settler followed them or not, and that he did not, is in evidence by the frec|uent changes the selectmen of the towns made. This left considerable areas which the thrifty authorities turned to account by leasing portions temporarily or selling the grass thereon. Just when the first highway tax was laid is un certain. In 1830 one mill on the dollar was ordered "worked out" under the direction of district surveyors. This plan con tinued twenty years, but was little more than a farce. The aged residents leaned on their shovels, chewed tobacco and guessed where the work ought to be done. The younger men sat on ¦ their ploughs and bragged how much their oxen could draw. This "meet" was usually held twice a year, spring and fall. In i8oi, however, if a heavy snowfall occurred, the farmers gathered with their teams, broke out the roads and donated their labor. In 1901, if snow falls, whoever removes any from the- highway, seeks the selectmen the first opportunity and demands payment. COMMON SCHOOLS, It is to be hoped the present century will devise some system of common school management, productive of results commen surate with the funds employed. More money has been ex pended in teaching "the infant mind to shoot" in country district schools, — with less returns, — than in any other public undertak ing. The First Ecclesiastical Society opened four schools in 1720. It conducted educational matters until 1796, when a School Society^'' was formed and entrusted with the managemeni. This body appointed the school committees until 1838, when the privilege was given to the districts. In other respects it remained the governing power until 1855, when the Society was t-l Record complete. 164 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, abolished and the town assumed charge through a Board of School Visitors. Whether our condition is more regrettable than that of neighboring towns, the fact remains, that according to population, we have had, and have to-day, a less percentage of collegiate scholars than we should have a right to expect. Our children cannot atone for the defect, but they can make the com ing years illustrious through the pulpit, the bar, the counting room. "North Haven is not a dying town !" ^^ The blood of the old colonists still lives ! God grant it may find higher expres sion than ever to the honor and renown of the Twentieth Century. MILITIA. In the year 1800 we had a militia company then nearly a cen tury old. It was formed in 1718 ^^ and had furnished an innu merable quantity of military titles to citizens of the parish. The great army of captains, lieutenants, ensigns who aired their honors on all possible occasions, owed their rank to this com mand. Many an old commission is now proudly exhibited as evidence of "Special trust and confidence" reposed by the State in the appointee. This militia company provided volunteers for the P'rench War, the Revolutionary War, the 1812 War, and the Civil War. Its parade ground was the west half of the Green. Here the doughty warriors drilled under the colors of England, or stacked their "Queen's Arms" on the sward, while they read royal proclamations nailed to the meeting house door. ¦ Then came the "days that tried men's souls," and by and by there broke out at the head of that stalwart company one muster day, the gladdest sight North Haven eyes had ever beheld — the Stars and Stripes of the new Republic ! and under that flag marched Trumbull and Piqrpont and Bassett and Tliorpe and Barnes and Blakslee and Brockett, and more than fourscore others whose names deserve to be cut in enduring granite and set as a memorial on yonder market place where they once con gregated. We have no accurate roster of this old company until 1828.' In that year Eliada Sanford was captain, David T, Bishop lieu- 1^ Century Sermon — Rev, W. G. Lathrop, page 19, 1" Records Fii-st Eccl. Soc. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. I&5 tenant, and Alfred Thorpe ensign. It is designated at that date as the 4th Company, loth Regiment, Connecticut Militia. Then follows a rnuster roll of one hundred fifteen names,^,'' In 1838 a petition signed by ninety-three citizens was presented to the Adjutant-General of the State to allow the formation of another company. Tlie prayer was granted and they organized as the 2d Light Infantry, loth Regiment, Connecticut Militia. Then was seen what, perhaps, nO' town in the county — possibly in the State — could parallel, a community with a population of 1,340 furnishing two militia companies of over one hundred men each. The parade ground of the new command was designated in 1839 as "The Public Land near and in front of the Episcopal 1'' Sergeant Josiah Todd Bishop, Justus Pardee. John, Jr. *' Stephen Cook Button, John Pierpont, David '' George Tuttle Bigelow, Levi *' Elias " Jared Bassett Cooper, Martin "¦ Asahel Corporal Lyman Thorpe Cooke, Homer Jared *' Jacob Doolittle Clarke, Ammi Miles " Wm. Garry Bassett Dayton, Jonathan, 2d Sala Musician Amasa Thorpe *' Lewis Phelps, Ira Bryan '* Asahel Pierpont Dickerman, Merit Riggs, Joshua " Sidney .Smith Ford, Roger W. Robinson, Jesse Bassett, Anson Finch, Daniel N. Sackett, Milo " ^ Isaac Frost, Leverett " 'Butler " Philanso " John, 2d " Joseph, 2d " John Goodsell, John Smith, Ebenezer " Sharon Goodyear, Bela " Henry P. Willis Hotchkiss, Francis " Lyman, 2d '* Zenas Hough, Alonzo B. '* Hiram Beach, William Heaton, Julius '' Jude B. " Hubbard Hull, Jarvis Sampson, John " Sharon Y. Ives, Harvey Stiles, Harvey " Cyrus Johnson, Henry Thorpe, George L. Barnes, Daniel Jacobs, Russell " Harvey " Jesse " Joseph Cyrus " Levi " Ammi " James H. " Chauncy " Roswell " Anson C. Blakslee, Philemon Lincoln, Edward William D. " "Abraham Marks, Riley Todd. George " Evelyn Mansfield, Liverius Beri M. " William " Ebenezer " Orrin " Benjamin John L. " Samuel B, " David Jared Tuttle, EnosT. Bradley, Miles Mix, Benjamin " Ithimar " Henry " Samuel Zera P. " Eri McCoy, William Willis " Merlin ¦ Moulthrop, Albert E. Thompson, William S *' Barzillai " Merit Walter Bates, Lewis Alva Warner, Orrm Brockett, Luman Munson, George Wolfe. Henry D. " Levi 1 66 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, Photo by Thorpe. Penn Phelps Place. Photo by Thorpe. John Smith House, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 167 Church. "^^ The senior company dressed in black and scarlet, the junior in blue and white, hence the "North Haven Blues." They strove to outdo their rivals in drill and maneuvns, and the story goes, so efficient did they become that at a General Training held on the "WaUingford Plains" in 1843, the battalion became so hopelessly entangled in a complicated movement, that the com manding officer, Colonel Bishop, losing his mihtary dignity and patience, shouted, "Tenth Regiment halt! do as the North Haven Blues do," whereupon Captain Justin Marks gallantly marched his company out of the snarl and shortly had the entire regiment lined up in magnificent order. In these years, 1835-1845, military "pomp and circumstance" reached high water mark. With the advent of the younger com pany, the older had nothing from which to recruit its ranks, and disbanded about 1848 after one hundred thirty years of existence. Its rival also decHned and gave up the ghost in 185 1. Its local color is deposited in the rooms of the Memorial Library. To-day's review of the nineteenth century would be incom plete did we fail to briefly contrast its beginning with its closing days. In 1801 the farm houses for the most part were of large fraftie. A portion had the lean-to roof, while others rose up square, gaunt and unpainted, perhaps like the integrity of their owners. Again, under the shelter of some friendly hill stood low, rambling buildings, painted red by man, brown by the storms, and green by the drapery of summer, the whole betokening an ancient strain of blood in the master, whO' all unwittingly had reproduced some lowly home of old England. The chimneys^- "smokes" — of these houses appear to us unduly large. Many had a stone base twelve feet or more square. Sometimes this material formed the entire structure, but I have seen but a single instance^^ in this town. Outside blinds to windows were unknown then, and the faded green paper shade hung in its glory, A narrow "hood" over the door, or sometimes an inconvenient "front stoop," were the external ornamentations. Now we have the elegant lace curtain, and the light lattice behind which at any angle, our women may safely view their neighbors. We have the 18 See Order Booli, 1^ House of John Smith, now demolished. l68 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. capacious piazza and the overhanging balcony. Turret, tower, gable, finial, rise in unexpected places, sometimes harmonious and sometimes-*— otherwise. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the people dwelt in rear rooms and cold unfurnished chambers. There was lack of chairs, lack of tables, lack of closets. The front door of the dwelling rarely opened except at the summons of wedding or funeral. Now how changed. Carpets, draperies, cushions, sunlight,, heat, music, flowers and a thousand luxuries adorn our homes and give life a charm the "good old times" never knew. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the farm barns were ill-conditioned, unpainted and usually placed on a hill. To-day, many excel in convenience and finish the dwelling of a century ago. Then, the farmer did not dehorn his cattle, use patent fertilizers, plant market gardens, run niilk routes, or attend Pomona Granges — but he does now ! His wife did not have a "separator' in the dairy, a "sweeper' in the closet, a "wringer" in the kitchen, or a chance to vote ; but she does now ! In the beginning of the nineteenth century the farmer killed his pork in the "new moon" — shaved himself Saturday afternoon — sued his neighbors — and slept in the meeting house Sundays! but he does not in 1900: In 1801 his wife wore a "poke" bonnet —took snuff — made her own yeast — weaned her own children — and reared a large family ! but she does not now ! In many essentials the old order of things has changed. The lightning rod (common enough down to 1850) has disappeared from our roofs and the insurance sign from above our doors. Man has not secured entire immunity from the destructive forces of nature, it is true, but enormously wealthy corporations stand ready, with monetary consideration, to assuage the woes caused by their ravages. The attacks of "the world, the flesh and the devil" need have no more fears for him who is willing to pay insurance premium. In 1801 the farmer wrought out his fence rails in the woods and built "zig-zag" barriers about his domain at great waste of time a"nd material. The cost in most cases exceeded one dollar per rod. Now, with posts at fifteen cents each, and wire at two cents per pound, he runs long lines of protection about his farm at one-quarter the former cost. Photo by Thorpe. Railroad Crossing. P. O. ON Left — Depot on Right. Old Depot, 1840, in Center. 170 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the maiden had her ears pierced with a needle some summer day and a thread drawn in the puncture. Then "to-rights"^" she hung rings or other emblems thereon, and was happy. In 1845 she put on a cameo breast-pin of heroic size, dressed her hair low on her fore head, and had her "daguerreotype" taken. Then, they slept on "feather beds" spread on a heavy wooden frame with "tester" above and valance below. In 1901 we have the sanitary mattress and its glittering metal support. Then, they did their marketing on foot with bag and basket. In 1901 the grocery, the laundry, the bakery, the market wagon, halts^ at our door and makes life worth living — if we pay the bills. In 1801 personal events had small circulation, except as the tongue of gossip r wagged. In 1901 no household is sacred from the intrusion of the amateur press reporter, who frequently lines the way with the carcasses of distorted statements. Then, the citizen who would write a letter used either a pointed piece of lead or a quill pen. (He could not buy a steel pen until after 1830.) His paper was unruled and his ink of home manufacture. Usually he chose a stormy Sunday for the task, and it took all day. He folded the paper in most inconvenient form, and sealed it with a red wafer. If the "writee" lived ninety miles distant the postage was ten cents ; if one hundred fifty miles, twelve and a half cents ; if five hundred miles and more, twenty- five cents. As late as 1850 we paid no less than five cents, and no more than ten cents postage. Our first post office was estabhshed in 1839, ill the dwelling now owned by Frederic H, Stiles, The mails were flung from stages on the New Haven and Hartford turnpike at the point where the road to Mt, Carmel now crosses that thoroughfare, Capt, Seba Thorpe was there tO' receive and transfer them, and Erus Bishop was his bondsman. Later, the office was located in the brick house, also used as a depot, when the New Haven and Hartford railroad was opened. The news papers were called for at their offices in New Haven, by various individuals, and distributed on Sunday, Now, with writing papers of the finest texture, — pens of all metals, — pencils so cheap we never husband them, — envelopes for the merest fraction of ^''An expression for soon. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 171 cost,— Stamps (used about 1847) of all denominations,— recep tion and delivery of mail bags by flying trains,— free suburban delivery,^^— newspapers containing the condensed events of the world laid twice daily at our doors, we seem to have reached the summit of swiftness and convenience in dealing with kingdom, empire and republic. And yet time and space are to be further annihilated as the years roll on. The older portion of the community has witnessed some remarkable transformations of ways and customs of their ances tors. The old uncouth pestle and mortar for crushing rock salt has gone. The hand-mill in which grains of coffee, pepper and the spices were ground, is silent. The wheels on which wool or flax was spun, — the looms in which the yarn was woven, are broken up. The rough trencher, the pewter plate, the wooden bottle, the iron snuffers, and I might almost add, the family cradle, have disappeared, except as relics of the past. The doctor, with his small fees and large prescriptions, has yielded place to the physician, with his large fees and small prescriptions. We have seen the heavy booted male watcher thrust out of the sick room, and the gentle, trained female nurse, enter to soothe our nerves and assuage our ailments. The gallop of the heavy farm horse is not heard as of yore in our streets, nor do we see the woman of 1800 riding on a pillion, but rather, lifting our eyes from the old family Bible^^ we are reading on a Sunday evening, we behold automobile, and locomobile and motor-cycle and tandem with piercing lamps and noisy riders, threading our thoroughfares with incredible swift ness. We do not have our "voices tried" by the old-fashioned singing-school master, for that long cherished institution has departed from the country schoolhouse, and the chorus choirs which sprang from it and sung "Mear" and "China" and "Dundee" in the meeting house have become the "choir invisi ble," They came into the nineteenth century with the tinder-box 21 Rural delivery began in North Haven December 15, igoo. Salary of carrier (John Blaksleel, $500,00 per year. Iron letter boxes, costing about one dollar each to patrons, are placed convenient to the highway. Larger public boxes are placed at intersections of main highways. No delivery is made within one-half mile of main offices. 22Nahum 2:4, 172 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. and the tallow candle. We went out with the parlor match and the electric light. They came into the century with petty law suits among neighbors, — with inflexible church discipline, — with an iron heel to stamp out the erring and the frail; we went out of the century with kinder hearts, broader lives, and the forgive ness of the Master. The woman tailor who made men's clothes and the man shoe maker who made women's shoes, no longer sit about our fire- Photo by Heaton. The Leete Tavern. (Estate Henry F, Tuttle.) sides drinking weak tea and chewing leaf tobacco. We have seen the departure of the old-fashioned almanac, and the entrance of the gorgeous calendar. The one gave us intervals of two- weeks in which to "look out for rain or snow," the other warns us to seek immortality through proprietary medicine, or reminds us that our grocers are doing business at the old stand. We have witnessed the decline of the Fulling mill — the Grist mill — the Saw mill — the Cider mill! but as compensation, we have received ten millions of cotton spindles — patent prepara- NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 173 tions of the cereals — lumber from the tropics — and whiskey from the distiller, "four full quarts for three dollars and sixty-nine cents."^^ We know that from the incorporation of the town to i860 the political atmosphere was democratic. Since the Civil war the republican wing has had the majority. Once we wanted men for office ; now we want office for men. One hundred years ago Sabbath Day Houses fringed the southern and part of the western border of our Green, The venerable Dr. Trumbull's cider miU was in close proximity to the eastermost of these buildings. The mill was a clumsy structure, without covering, built upon the lines of the eighteenth century, and stood opposite the small brick house by the brook. The apples were crushed by a heavy wooden wheel traveling in a narrow trough built in a circle, with a diameter of thirty or more feet. This wheel turned upon a long axle, the opposite end being pivoted in the center of the circle. Oxen furnished the motive power, and it was the small boys' duty to ride on the long arm and see that they kept moving. When the fruit was reduced to the proper pulp, it was shoveled upon a platform, made into a "cheese" with straw, and then subjected to all the pressure huge wooden screws turned by arm power could give. The present strained relations between cider and theology did not exist in that day ; indeed, in the quality of "hardness," some have come to think they were quite akin in 1801. We have witnessed the untimely end of the old-fashioned school exhibition, the Lyceum, and the Debating Society,-"' but in their place have come up the "Chautauqua Circle" — the "Uni versity Extension" and the "Whist Club," We do not now patronize "Turkey shooting matches" at the old Leete tavern on the Hartford turnpike, or attend "Balls" in 23 Magazine advertisements ^'i The earliest Debating Society of which any record is found met in 1829-30, in Amasa Thorpe's ball-room. Among the disputant^ were the Rev, William J. Boardman, pastor of the Congregational Church, William Hartley, William Ives, Ward Peclt, Eliada Sanford, Benjamin Eastman, James H. Thorpe, David T. Bishop, Jesse Andrews, Jr , Willis Tuttle, and twenty other*, and more. Pome of the questions discussed were: ''Ought the poor to be supported by law" ? "Is self-love the moving cause of all our actions" ? "Are the abilities of females equal to males" ? "Ought slaves in the United States be immediately e.Tiancipated" ? This society was revived in 1857, and had a run of three years, and again in 1872. 174 NORTH H.AVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Jesse Andrews' once famous hostelry,^^ but we do go to ball games — promote euchre parties — and win booby prizes. They, saw the citizen of 1800- 1840 carried in a whitewood coffin on a bier to the burying ground. Few or no words were spoken, and the grave was closed while the concourse waited. No tribute of regard was displayed, and the expense rarely exceeded ten dollars. Now the deceased is placed in a casket and carried in a hearse to the cemetery. Evergreens and drapery make wretched attempts to soften the outlines of his narrow home. There is no sound of falling clods. Expensive marks of esteem abound; the people gradually melt away and the under taker sends in a bill of one hundred dollars — or more ! When the old housekeepers in the nineteenth century related to their grandchildren the stor)r of the days in which they lived, they spoke of "cranes" and "trammels" and "hooks" and "peels," and the child wot not what was meant. But these now obsolete words stood then for the indispensable fixtures of the old-fash ioned fire-place. The junk man has carried them all away, with the big iron kettles they supported, and the "skillets" that kept them company. In 1849-50 we were rocked from center to circumference of the town by the discovery of gold on the Pacific coast. It was a theme of more importance than was the Mexican War a year or two earlier. No one wished any part in the latter — every one wished a chance in the former. Twelve of our citizens"* became "Argonauts" and sailed away for the "golden fleece," either around Cape Horn, or by way of the Isthmus, All returned in safety, some bringing wealth and some — experience. They came into the nineteenth century with the scythe — the sickle — the flail^the quill pen. We went out of it with the mow ing machine — the harvester — the thresher — the typewriter. Then, they stored no ice, canned no- meats, burned no coal, rode no bicycle. Old things have passed away ! All things have become new ! The shore house, the Sunday paper, the potato bug, the hammock, the electric car, the "bargain counter," the buffalo beetle, the divorce' court, the "new woman," have come into our 2s North Haven Annals, page 269. 26 See page 130. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 1 75 horizon, some to^ bless and some to curse. Once, there was expressed very little sentiment and less enthusiasm at the doings of the outside world. Now, we wear badges at our collar, display the national colors from our dwelhngs, keep Christmas, and shout for Yale University. Once — 1837 — they warned all Irishmen out of the town, fined our boys and girls for walking on Sunday," forbid dancing bears entering the parish, and posted the names of drunkards in the tavern bar-rooms. Now, we bring the aUen and the foreigner to our doors — make cycle paths for our children — go to the circus — and wink- at the beer wagon. In the early part of the last century they rode in an oxcart to New Haven. In 1820 they went in a wagon. In 1839 they made the journey by steam, paying fifteen cents to the New Haven and Hartford railroad for second-class fare in the "Jim Crow car," and twenty-five cents for a first-class ticket in the passenger cars. They could make but one trip daily. In 1901, for fifteen cents we may be whisked down to- the metropolis nine times each week day,^^ between the hours of 6,30 a, m, and up, m,, and twice on Sunday. In 1800-1810 many of the principal men of the town borrowed money, usually from Yale College,^" The town, also, and the First Ecclesiastical Society made loans to parties, usually of small amounts and for a limited time. In 1850 there was a tolhgate on the Middletown turnpike near the house of John Todd in the second district, and on the Hart ford turnpike near the house of Mr. Hart in the sixth district. In the beginning of the last century -a few varieties of the apple and the pear were the fruits grown. Expansion along this line has been truly wonderful. The berry, the cherry, the peach. the plum, the grape, the melon, have climbed to royal heights as luxuries and become great factors in the commercial world. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the thrifty mother turned a bowl over her boy's head and snipped off all his locks outside the rim. This was- a "New England hair cut," The 27 Records Justice Courts. 28 A. M. 6.29; 7.34; 8 58; 11.26. P. M. I 58; 4.46; 6.29; 8.39; II 01. 2S 1807. Samuel IVToulthrdp, S 556.50 1807 Philemon Blakslee, $ 619,31 1808, Abraham Bishop, 850,00 1807, Philemon Pierpont, 1,112.35 1807. Ezekiel Jacobs, 540.03 176 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. remarks incident to the occasion were mainly made by the pro testing lad, and it is now supposed that this barbarous practice caused more boys to run away to sea than all other causes com bined. But with the waves of reform that have come rolling in upon us for a hundred years to wash away the ancient landmarks, it is a joy to find that the old Christian names of our ancestors have been but little disturbed. The Johns and Williams and Henrys of the past are the Johns and Williams and Henrys of the present. Mary and Martha and Esther and Ruth are forever immortalized in Hebrew story, but our Marys, and our Marthas are far dearer to us. Their sweet names drift us back through the century, and the years suddenly become peopled with the women whO' helped make the town. We see their countenances duplicated in their granddaughters' faces. Their tones are reproduced in their grandsons' voices. Their worn Bibles are their biographies, and the old-fashioned lilac is their monument. We are never far away from the life they lived, for great influences never die. Enough of these contrasts ! They are suggestive in the highest degree. Whether the changes which have been wrought shall redound to our glory, this new century is to decide. That merciless jury "The survival of the Fittest" will try every plan and theory as never before, whether it be good or whether it be evil. But of one thing we may feel assured, that in spite of the drawbacks earlier mentioned, emigration, unproductiveness, con servatism, this town from its settlement has ever been reaching for higher levels. Though the course has been slow, yet it has never retrograded. Perhaps the most comprehensive idea of its growth may be gained from a brief survey of our Grand Lists, which are intact since 1787. Since it is impracticable to present each year in detail, the last century has been divided in quarter sections. In 1800, then, the resources of the town were returned as follows (omitting many details) : 183 Polls. 9362 Acres pf land, 202 Oxen. 572 Cows and other cattle. 194 Horses. Total appraised value, $30,675,31, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 177 In the year 1825 the schedule summed up : i68i Polls $ 5.055-00 113813 Acres, 302,952.00 1116 Neat cattle, 15,856,00 120 Horses, 4,169.00 243 Plouses, 102,036,00 29 Wagons and carriages. 813.00 162 Clocks, watches and timepieces. 729,00 5 Mills, 3,300,00 3 Stores, 675.00 I Distillery, 75.00 I Carding mill. 1,225,00 Bank and turnpike stock. 737,00 Money at interest. 11,281,00 Sundries, 307.00 $449,210,00 Summary of the Grand List for 1850: » 254 Polls, $ 2,540,00 1 1258 Acres, . 327,023,00 884 Neat cattle, 16,227,00 201 Horses, 7,254,00 272 Houses-, 120,425,00 223 Wagons and carriages, 4,657,00 29 Mills, stores and manufactories, 7,137,00 626 Sheep and swine, 4,362.00 Farming tools, . 4,186,00 9 Musical instruments, . 255,00 Household furniture and libraries, 13,323,00 Bank stock, 2,730,00 Investment in trade, etc, 11,195,00 Money at interest and deposit, 49,463,00 Other taxable properties, 17,330.00 $588,107.00 178 NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, Summary of the Grand List for 1875 : 157 Polls ($1,00), , . $ 157.00 138 " (military) ($2,00), 276.00 1 1664 Acres, 402,578.00 722 Neat cattle, 19,064.00 413 Horses, , 21,490,00 372 Houses, , , 261,645.00 7 Stores, 8,700,00 15 Manufactories, 11,150,00 163 Carriages, 8,424.00 346 Timepieces, 1,875,00 57 Musical instruments, 2,388,00 112 Dogs, . , , 116,00 Stocks, all kinds, , , 27,586,00 Investments, trade and manufacture, 12,987.00 Mone)^ at interest and deposit, . 16,031,00 Other taxable properties and additions, 15,009.00 $809,476,00 In the year 1900^° the following return was made by Lewis I, Fowler and Frederic E, Jacobs, Assessors : 438 Dwelling houses, $339,985,00 1 1904 Acres of land, 347;935-00 28 Mills and manufactories with their investments, 74,380,00 490 Horses, , , 18,335.00 1263 Cattle, 21,400,00 Swine and poultry, 635.00 Farm utensils not exempted, , 750,00 12 Gold watches (value over $50.00), 400.00 66 Pianos and other musical instruments, 6,675.00 218 Pleasure wagons and carriages, , 6,540,00 Bank and insurance stock, 24,810.00 8 Stores and investments, . 13,400.00 Money at interest, . 13,865,00 Other taxable property, . 1,937.00 $871,047,00 (115 taxable polls at $1.00 each). 30 In 1890 the total valuation was $792,840.00. NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENI'H CENTURY. 179 It must be remembered that the foregoing valuations are not based on an absolute standard, but represent the judgments of the different boards of assessors. Something like a two-thirds appraisal of the actual value of the property is generally at tempted in this town. But though there is apparently no bounds to history, there should be to the recital of its events. It has been the endeavor of the speaker to keep within local limits, reserving for others to recount the deeds of .State and nation. Much has been left unsaid of usage and custom, and perhaps much more ought to have been. An hour in which to review a century's work is an altogether too little point of time. If it be asked in closing, what great events have been most far-reaching in their influence in this town, I answer unhesita tingly, the great revivals of 1820-30, and the Civil VA^'ar 1861-65. The former in the first half of the century set squarely on their feet a generation of young people, who made Jesus Christ the guide of their youth. From that day began flowing a tide whose waves have lapped all our homes with water from the River of Life, The Civil War in the latter half of the century also called a , generation to its feet. There rose up those who made their Country their guiding star and counted their lives as nothing that freedom might live. From that hour the brotherhood of man took on a new meaning and the world went "marching on," So, then, with one generation for God, and one generation for Country, our children are inheritors by blood and record of the proudest birthright earth can bestow. The gray haired men of 1865, and the grayer headed men of 1825, are here to-day wit nesses to what God has wrought. They have fought the fight, they have finished their course. Henceforth they commit to the keeping of these children a trust handed down for more than two hundred years from father to son, — the good name and the unsuhied reputation of the town of North Haven, It win be vain to forecast the future. "Whether there be prophecies they shall fail." It has been the unexpected that as tonished the world in all ages, and it will be the unexpected which shall work the mighty changes of the hereafter. But for aU this we are not here to surrender our conviction that the Nineteenth i8o NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Century has been the Golden Age of the world ! We know it ! we helped make it ! Every century has said the same, and the say ing has been true ! Whatever the conditions of life, whatever the level of civilization, man never stepped from one century into another without his loins being better girded and his lamp brighter trimmed. This, this, is Evolution ! a law of God, un erring as the course of a star — a law which will at last dissolve these elements and out of them evolve a "new heaven and a new earth" where men will dwell in peace and centuries pass un heeded. Photo by Thorpe, Congregational Church in 1895, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, ISI Estate of Dennis Thorpe, The Eri Bradley Homestead, (Oldest House in the Town,) NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, THE COLLATION. The Collation as designed by Mr. William E. Dickerman, will be laid in Linsley's hall for the children, and in Memorial hall for the public at large. It is planned to provide for between two thousand and three thousand people. A substantial dinner will be furnished for a small compensation, it not being the in tention of the committee to provide this meal entirely free. Further detail is necessarily omitted, as much modification of the present plans may take place. The following corps of assistants has been carefully selected and approved by the General Com mittee : TABLE COMMITTEE. !\Irs. D. L. Clinton, ]\[rs. D. W. Patten, airs. N. H. Marks, Airs. Lucia B. Barnes, Mrs. George H. Cooper, Mrs. Hubert Potter, Mrs. L. Peet Tuttle, Mrs. R. J. Shepherd, Mrs. John Hull, Mrs. Henry Buckingham, Mrs. Leonard Wooding, Miss Sarah Dickerman, Mrs. Marcus Marks, Mrs. Charles Dudley, Mrs. Frank L. Smith, Mrs. Ernest R. Brockett. SOLICITING COMMITTEE. Mrs. Payson B, Orcutt, Miss Clara Bradley, Mrs, Andrew Clinton, Mrs, William P. Leete, Mrs. William Stevens, Mrs, Julian W, Tuttle, Mrs. Alex, Smith, Mrs, Wilson Doolittle, Mrs. Robert N, Barnes, Mrs, Florence Baldwin, Mrs. Albert Brockett, Miss Edith Smith, Mrs. Henry Corf, Miss Mary Eliot, Miss Janie Warner, Mrs, Joseph Pierpont, Mrs. Theo, Eaton, Miss Kate Smith, Mrs. Louis R, Hemingway, Mrs, Homer Cooper, Mrs, Edgar Hemingway, Mrs, William B, Roberts, Mrs. Clarence Frost, Mrs, George B, Todd, Mrs. Ezra G, Munson, Miss Emma Brockett, Mrs, John H, Blakeslee, NORTH HAVEN IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, 183 ASSISTANTS, Miss Lucy Bishop, Miss Mabel Moulton, Miss Genevieve Barnes, Miss Carrie Harris, Miss Charlotte Barnes, Miss Bertha Barnard, Miss Genevieve Hemingway, Miss Ruby Blakeslee, Miss Ina Tuttle, Miss Grace Dickerman, Miss Anna Goodyear, Miss Lucy Blakeslee, Miss Grace Smith, Miss Eva DooUttle, Mrs, Arthur Thorpe, Miss Anna Bannell, Miss Alice Stiles, Miss Lucy Mansfield, Miss Leila Stiles, Miss Janet Yale, Miss Christiana Bruce, Miss Carrie Roberts, Miss Jennie Bruce, Miss Eva Roberts, Miss Ruth Smith, Miss Mary Peterson, Miss Bessie Fowler, Mr, Arthur Thorpe, Miss Ethel Redfield, Mr. George E. Bassett, Miss Anna Todd, Mr. Benjamin Bassett, Miss Lina Todd, Mr, William Marks, Miss Maud Riker, Mr, E, Stiles Abel, Miss Bessie Clinton, jNIr. William Todd, Miss Cora Eaton, Lovell Clinton, Miss Mabel Palmer, Freddie Barnes, Miss Glenna Bigelow, Waher Potter, Miss Eva Beach, Ross Judd, Miss Bertha Talmadge, Herbert Nichols, Miss Amanda Zuber, Harold Dubois, Miss MilUe Cooper, Elihu Dickerman, Miss Mattie Schneider, Waldo Blakeslee, Miss May Brockett, Herbert Carlson, Miss Aurora Uhl, Arthur Blakeslee, Miss Flora Barnes, Myron Brockett, Miss Martha Smith, Wilfred Mansfield, Miss Minnie Hull, Plarold Harrison, Miss Ethel Goodyear, Bert. Kegwin, Miss Grace Morse, Ray Bannell. Miss Hattie Leete, Ptioto by Tliorpe. Residence of Mrs. Ann E. Bishop. A CENTURY SERMON, OR SKETCHES OF The History of the Eightee^ith Century. INTERSPERSED AND CLOSED WITH SERIOUS PRACTICAL REMARKS. DELIVERED AT NORTH-HAVEN, JANUARY I, 1801. BY BENJAMIN TRUMBULL, D. D. PASTOR Of the Church of North-Hai'en. new-haven: printed by read and morse. I»OI. The Rev. Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Pastor Congregational Church 1760-1820. (See North Haven Annals, pages 184-222.) A A CENTURY SERMON. I. CHRONICLES, XXIX. 2g, 30, AND PSALM LXXVII. II, 12. Now the afls of David the king, first and last, behold they are ivritten in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer, with all his reign and his might, and the times that went over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the countries. I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remem ber thy wonders of old. T will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. [Note. — The first twenty pages of this discourse are omitted, as not being of special interest to the reader.] Having given tliis general view of the principal events of the lafl. century, fuffer me to prefent you witli a fketch of the hiftory of this fociety and town. The lands in the town were purchafed by the Rev. John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton Efq, in behalf of the firft planters of New Haven, of Momaugin fachem of Quinepiack, and Montowefe, fon of an Indian fachem at Mattabefeck, now Middletown. The agreement with the firft of these, was made on the 24th of November, 1638; in which he concedes all his right to all the lands, rivers, ponds, and trees within the utmoft limits of the faid Quine piack, with all the liberties and appurtenances thereof, to the faid Davenport and Eaton, and the other Englifh plant ers of New Haven, their heirs and affigns, for ever. The other agreement and purchafe was made December 11, 1638, in which Montowefe confirms, in the fame ample manner, a .tra6l principally north of the other, thirteen miles in breadth, extending eight miles eaft, toward Con- nedlicut river, from the river Quinepiack, and five miles weft, towards Hudfon's river, and ten miles in length, north and fouth. Thefe two deeds conveyed a tradl of country about eighteen miles in length, and thirteen in breadth, covering the whole tradl within the towns of New Haven, Woodbridge, Hamden, Eafl Haven and North Haven; the principal part of the towns of WaUingford and Chefhire, and of the parifh of Northford. By the terms of the agreements and purchafes, the Indians were to enjoy lands to plant on, upon the eaft fide of the river, upon the [ i88 ] tra6t fmce called Eaft Haven; they had alfo the right of hunting, fowling and fifhing upon the lands and rivers fecured to them. On their part, they bound themfelves not to injure nor affright the Englifh, nor to enter into any combinations againft them. The lands having been thus purchafed, and Governor Eaton owning a large trad on the weft fide of the river, it feems, put one William Bradley, who had been an officer in Cromwell's army, upon it, nearly an hundred and fifty years ago. He, I fuppofe, was the firft perfon who came into the town. Next to him, were Thomas and Nathaniel Yale, who, it feems, came on to the land about the year 1660. In a deed of faid land, given by Theophilus and Hannah Eaton, heirs of Governor Eaton, to Thomas Yale, executed March 9, 1659, it appears that Thomas was then upon the land. About the year 1670, a confiderable num ber of the inhabitants of New Haven moved to WaUing ford, and began the fettlement of that town, formerly called New Haven village. This encouraged the fettlement of North Haven, and Jonathan Tuttle, about the fame time, began a fettlement near the river, on the farm formerly owned by Deacon Ifaiah Tuttle, who was his grandfon, Nathaniel Thorpe, Ebenezer Blakflee, and John Humafton, foon after fettled on the eaftern bank of the river near the centre of the town, Daniel and Thomas Barns, Thomas Jacobs, and Mofes Brockett, made fettlements near the river, on the eaft fide of it, about a mile north of the fouth line of the town. Thefe appear to have been fome of the firft fettlers; and they began the fettlements in this fcat- tering manner. Next to thefe families, were Stephen and Mofes Clarke, Michael Todd, Ebenezer and Thomas Ives, James Bifliop, John Cooper, John Grannis, John Brockett, and"Jofeph Ives, The two last of thefe, went firft from New Haven to WaUingford, and afterwards moved into North Haven. Jofeph Ives built on the road, about twenty rods north of the houfe ere6ted, at the corner, by Ifaac Thorpe, In this the people met for public worftiip, until they were able to build them a meeting houfe, Thefe were generally defcendants from the firil planters of New Haven. The names of a confiderable number of their anceftors are among the firft freemen and church mem bers, who entered into the remarkable agreement, and fub- fcribed the fundamental articles of government, adopted at Quinepiack, June 4, 1639*. The fettlement was very flow, and it feems, that for nearly forty years, fome of the firft planters attended pub- * WilHam Tuttle, John Cooper, WilHam Thorpe, John Brockett, William Ives, and James Clarke, are expreffed by name. [ i89 ] lie worftiip, and buried their dead at New Haven, The women ufually went on foot to New Haven, on the Lord's day, attended two long exercifes, and returned. In some inftances they did this with a child in their arms*. The inhabitants were not made a diftindl ecclefiaftical fociety, until the feffions of the general affembly, in October 1716, when they were vefted with all the privileges of fuch a fociety. The honorable Nathan Gold, Efq, deputy governor, and the Rev, Samuel Andrews, then paftor of the church, at Milford, were appointed a committee to repair to North Haven, and to affift the parifli m appointing a place in which to eredl their meeting houfe, and to advife them with refpe6l to the fettlement of an orthodox and worthy min- ifter. The Rev. Mr. James Pierpont had given them the plat of ground, on which the meeting houfe now ftands, upon condition, that the people would ereft their houfe of worftiip upon it. This was thankfully accepted. A houfe for public worftiip was ere6ted about 1618; 38 or 40 by 28, The pofts were of a proper height for good galleries. While the parifli were tranfadting thofe affairs, they had invited Mr, James Wetmore to fettle with them in the work of the gofpel miniftry. At the feffion of the general affembly, in May 1718, the affembly gave the inhabitants liberty to form into a church. And the November follow ing Mr. Wetmore was ordained. At the time when the parifh was formed, the limits of it extended confiderably north and weft of the ground on which the meeting houfe in Mount Carmel has fmce been ere6led, and comprehended twelve families, which, before 1 7 16, were fettled upon that tra6l. The whole number of families, at the time when they were made a parifli, was about forty. Mr, Wetmore was gr.eatly efteemed and beloved by his people; butjifter-he had laboured with them for nearly four years, he altered his fentiments, and in September 1722, declared for epifcopacyf. The conse- * The tradition is, that Mrs, Blakflee, the great grand mother of the prefent Captain Blakflee, would take her child in her arms, on fabbath day morning, travel to New Haven and hear Mr, Pierpont preach, and return again after meeting. The fame is reported concerning Mrs, Thorpe, the wife of Nathaniel Thorpe. ^.The people who fettled this town were brought up in the ftricfl puritanic religion of thofe excellent men, Mr. Daveiiport and Mr. Pierpont, and were, numbers of them, truly of the excellent iu the earth. f One or two famiUes embraced epifcopacy with Mr. Wetmore, which began the church in this town. In 1751, when Mr. Ichabod Camp went for orders for WaUingford and Middletown, there were two fub- fcribers for him at North Haven. He came back and officiated at Wal- lingford, Middletown and North Haven, until 1760, when he removed to [ 19° ] quence was, a difmiffion, foon after, from his paftoral rela tion. He went to England and took orders, in 1723, He was re6tor of the church at Rye, where he finiflied his courfe. May 14, 1760. He was educated at the collegiate fchool at Saybrook, where he received the degree of Bach elor of Arts, in September, 17 14. After a vacancy of a little more than two years, the Rev. Ifaac Stiles fucceeded him in the paftoral office. He was ordained on the nth of November, 1724. He was graduated at Yale college, 1722, and died May 14, 1760, on the fame day, and nearly at the same hour, in which his pre- deceffor, Mr. Wetmore, died. He was well verfed in the fcriptures, had a natural gift of elocution, and was a zeal ous, engaging preacher. * The bereaved congregation, after they had heard fev- eral gentlemen, by the advice of the affociation, made application to me. Upon their invitation, I paid them a vifit, and preached to them, the firft time, on Lord's day, Auguft 31, 1760. After preaching with them a little more than two months, the church and fociety, with great unanimity, gave me a call to fettle with them, in the work of the miniftry. It appeared my duty to accept their invitation, and I was ordained to the paftoral office, by the confociation of the paftors and churches of the whole county, December 24, 1760. Through help obtained from God, I continue to this time, I am now just entering on the forty-firft year of my miniftry. My locks have whitened and my eyes grown dim in your fervice; but dur ing this long period, through the wonderful patience and goodnefs of the Great Father of mercies, I have never been unable to perform the public worftiip, on both parts of the day, but in one single inftance, I have been able to meet you at every ledture, at every funeral, and upon all occafions in which my minifterial fervice has been required. Within a little lefs than a century you have had three minifters, two of whom have ferved you about feventy fix years. There have been in the church, ten deacons, David Yale and Samuel Ives, chofen 1718. Deacon Ives died November 25, 1726, vSamuel Todd fucceeded him, chosen Virginia, The Rev, Mr, Punderfon vifited them frequently, the latter part of the fame time, and for a year or two afterwards. In 1760 they built them a fmall houfe 40 by 30. From the year 17.62, until about the year 1783, they were under the paftoral care of the Rey. Mr. A.ndrews, of WaUingford, The Rev. Mr, Hart preached to them for feveral years fince, but they are now a plurality under the charge of the Rev. Reuben Ives, of Cheftiire, and have preaching once in three fabbaths. [ '91 ] about 1727. Mofes Blakflee, about 1728, fucceeded Deacon Yale*. Deacon Blakflee removed to Northbury, now Ply mouth, 1739, and Deacon Thomas Cooper fucceeded him, chofen 1740. Upon the deceafe of Deacon Todd, Ifaiah Tuttle was chofen Deacon, about the year i74if. The Deacons, by reafon of their advanced age, defiring affift- ance, Jeffe Todd was chosen Deacon, December 24, 1772, and James Humafton, November 24, 1773. Upon the refignation of Deacon Humafton, Solomon Tuttle was chosen, November 2, 1780. Deacon Titus Todd was chofen March i, 1787, to fupply the vacancy made by the removal of his brother, Jeffe Todd, to Springfield, in Maffachufetts. The firft military officers chosen and commiffioned in North Haven, were Capt. Jofeph Ives, Lieut, John Granis, and Enfign Samuel Ives, They received their commiffions at the feffion of the general affembly, Odlober, 1718. Your anceftors were few in number, but you are now increafed to about fourteen hundred fouls. They were clothed and fed coarfely, and fared hardly; but you are generally dreffed with elegance, and have not only the conveniences, but many of the delicacies of life. They were compaffed with a wildernefs, with wild beafts and favage men|. But you dwell amid ft cultivated and pleaf- ant fields, orchards and gardens, and have nothing to fear firom either. In their times, the ways were unoccupied. A D * Deacon Yale died 1730; and fome years before his death refigned his office. f Deacon Ifaiah Tuttle died September 11, 1776, aged 72. Deacon Thomas Cooper died March 11, 1784, aged 80, I The Indians were fometimes very numerous in this place, and gave much alarm to the inhabitants, efpecially to the women and chil dren. When the towns of New Haven and Guilford fettled, the Indians from both towns coUefted, principally to Branford and Eaft Haven, At Eafl Haven was the grand Indian burying place, to which the Indians, at times, had a kind of general refort. The Indians at Mattabefeck, were connefted with the Indians in this part of the State, and the extent of the river into the Southern part of Farmington, and the fine fifliing and fowling upon it, formed a connexion with the Farmington Indians, The combination of thefe circumflances, fometimes filled the parifli with Indians. At particular times they feemed to fwarm upon the river, and the groves and fwamps appeared alive with them. Once after the fettle ment commenced they made a grand pawaw, on the road between the corner of the Market place, and Mr. John Humafton's; people were in great fear that their fields of corn would be ruined by them; but by the influence of the chief fachem, they were reftrained from doing any damage. [ 192 ] folitary path through a dreary fwamp or wood, led to their humble cottages. But your roads are broad and fmooth, and your houfes are large and elegant. They had every thing to do, but their means were fmall. You have houfes builded, wells digged, gardens planted, orchards and trees of various fruit, prepared to your hands. They were under great difadvantages for fchooling their children, not only on account of their low circumftances, but of their diftance from each other, and of the danger of children's travel ling fo far through groves and swamps; but you have diftinguifhing advantages to get wifdom yourfelves, and to fchool your children. Your advantages, in these refpe6ts, are much greater now, than they were at the time of my fettlement with you. There was then but one fchool houfe within the limits of the parifli; Now you have eight fchool diftridts, and the fame number of fchool houfes, generally commodious and well built. Your progrefs in knowledge, civilization, agriculture, and manufactures, has been very confiderable. You have experienced no fuch diftreffmg, feafons of general ficknefs and mortality, as the inhabit ants had been vifited with in former years. Your popula tion has been very great, though on the account of the numerous emigrations, and the fetting off of a large number of families to the pariih of Mount Carmel, you are not, perhaps, more numerous than you were in 1759*- In 06to- ber, 1786, you were made a diftindl town, and vefted with all the immunities of fuch a free corporation. You have a large and convenient house for the public worship;];, an elegant fteeple, a large and excellent bell. You enjoy peace among yourfelves, and the bleffings of uncommon health pervade your habitations. Are not the lines fallen to us in pleafant places ? Have we not a goodly heritage ? What more is neceffary to complete our happinefs, than thankful and obedient hearts, rendering unto the Lord according to his benefits ? * Some time before my ordination, Mount Carmel was made a dif- tinft parifti, and between twenty and thirty families were taken off from this fociety; but they worfliipped with us until about the clofe of the year 1760, The church in Mount Carmel, was embodied January 26, 1764, at which time about 18 members of the church in North Haven, by mutual content, were embodied with that church. They communed with this church until that time, though they had been annexed to another fociety. About 150 families have emigrated from this town within the 40 years pf my miniftry, befides a great number of yoijng people; but few have moved into it, Almoft all the inhabitants of the town are derived from the firft planters. I It is 60 feet by 45 and -J, It was ere(fled 1739, and finifhed in Auguft 1741, L 193 ] I have now only one great and folemn event more, of the laft century and year, to lay before you; that is the progrefs of death. A view of this is neceffary, that we may clofe the laft, and begin the new year with proper views and exercifes, and that we may form juft concep tions with refpe6t to the century before us, EvKRY year is produdive of events, folemn, vaft and wonderful. A century increafeth them an hundred fold. From the moft accurate bills of mortality, it appears, that half the human race, even in this healthful climate, die under twenty years of age: And it is computed, that, taking the world at large, one half die under feventeen. Once in about twenty-feven years, it is fuppofed, that a number dies equal to the whole number of inhabitants upon the globe. Some eftimate this number at a thoufand millions— and that there die annually, about thiny-feven millions — feven hundred and twelve thoufand every week — one hundred and one thoufand feven hundred and fifty daily — four thoufand two hundred and thirty-nine every hour — and about feventy every minute. Nine hundred and fifty thoufand millions is the loweft computation of the inhabitants of the earth. According to this eftimate, thirty five millions one hundred and eighty-five thoufands one hundred and eighty-five die every year — fix hundred feventy-fix thousand fix hundred and thirty-eight each week — every day, ninety-fix thoufand fix hundred and fixty-two — every hour, four thoufands and twenty-feven — and fixty-feven each paffing minute. Wonderful, tremen dous mortality! ! ! What an aftoniftiing current of fouls is rapidly borne on the tide of time, inceffantly fhooting into the ocean of eternity, and appearing before God, in judgment! If this reprefentation be juft, the earth changes the whole number of its inhabitants, at leaft, three times and an half each century, Three thoufand three hundred and twenty-five millions have exchanged worlds the laft cen tury. During this period, four kings and one queen have reigned on the throne of Great Britain. William and Mary, Queen Anne, George the firft and fecond, with all their courtiers, admirals, generals, and mighty men, reft together in the duft. The Louis's, their courts and mighty men are no more. Royalty has been abolished, conftitu- tions and tyrants, in quick fucceffion, have followed each other, and vanifhed away. Kingdoms and republics have been fhaken and demoliflied, the face of Europe, and of the whole world hath been changed. If we come nearer home, and review America, New England, Conne6licut, and our refpedtive towns, will not 13 [ 194 ] the retrofpedl be folemn, inftrudlive and affedting? All the venerable fathers, who, at the commencement of the laft hundred years, condudted the affairs of church and ftate, with their children, and moft of their grand children, are gone down to the ftdes of the pit. Their wifdom, beauty, influence, and lives, have all been loft in the rav ages of time. In this State, which was fo fmall at that period, there have died ten governors, with their councils and officers, nine prefidents or chief infttrudtors of college. The fellows who were their contemporaries, and the tutors who affifted them, generally are gone down to the congre gation of the dead. About three hundred minifters, who fhone as lights in this part of the firmament of the church, have been extinguifhed, and new ftars and conftellations have arifen, to illuminate her children, and guide them in their fucceffive generations, to virtue and glory. The nu merous hearers, who once affembled with thofe preachers of righteoufnefs, and hung upon their lips, have clofed their eyes with them in death, and fpread their graves around them. The paftors and the flocks have gone to judgment, and are reaping in different worlds, accord ing to what they had fown. Your former paftors, their churches and congregations reft together in the places of burial. DuFiNG the forty years of my miniftry, there have died out of the town 570 perfons; 484 from among the peo ple of my paftoral charge; about 75 out of the epifcopalian fociety*, and ten or twelve from among the feparates and baptills, I fuppofe, that the inhabitants of the whole town, upon an average, during the term of forty years, have been about 1,300, a little more than a thoufand have been under my paftoral care. The deaths and ages, among thefe, have * This confifts of 44 families. The firft man in the fociety of this pro- feffion, was Mr. Ebenezer Blakflee He went off from the church in North Haven with Mr, Wetmore. The church increafed confiderably, in nearly 40 years, by the population of his own family; fome families of the fame perfuafion moved into the parifh, and fome others joining them, from among the people in the fociety, towards the latter part of Mr. Stiles's miniftry, they, on the 24th of April, 1759, had attained to fuch numbers, that they, in a folemn manner, formed into church ftate, and for the firft time chofe wardens. At the commencement of the laft cen tury there were no fedlaries in Connedlicut, and there was but one epif copalian church in New England, which was in Bofton, In 1707. a small epifcopalian church was eftabliflied at Stratford, At the fame time, when Mr, Wetmore declared for epifcopacv, Mr. Cutler, the reftor of College, and Mr, Johnfton, minifter at Weft Haven, declared. They went to Eng land and took orders, andretftor Cutler was fixed at Bofton, and Mr. John- fon at Stratford. Thefe gentlemen, with one or two more, who declared for epifcopacy, at, or about the fame time, were very much the fathers of the epifcopal church in New England. [ 195 ] been accurately kept. The deaths, upon an average, have been about twelve and one-tenth annually, a little more than one to an hundred. Of the 484, 79 have lived to 70 years of age and upwards. Thirty-feven lived to between 70 and 80; thirty-five to between 80 and 90; and feven to 90, and between 90 and 100 years of age. About 16 out of an hun dred have lived to 70 years and upwards; eight out of an hundred to more than 80; and feven of the 484 have lived to be 90; and between 90 and an hundred years of age. Of the feven laft mentioned, one was 91, one 92, one 93, one 95, and the oldeft 99 and 8 months. This is the greateft degree of health and longevity, which, in modern times, I have known for fo long a period. Neverthelefs, how has the face of this affembly been changed ? The fathers, where are they? And how are the heads of their children whitening with years ! One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh. What profitable refledlions fhall we now make, on the view we have taken of our fubjedt, and of the year and century paft ? With what feelings and profpedts fhould we begin the new year, and the nineteenth century? The doctrine of divine providence, that the Lord governs uni- verfally, uncontrolably, perfedtly, and for ever, exhibits hi.m as a proper and glorious objedt of our entire truft, of our prayers and praifes. What encouragement is there to truft in, and pray to him, who governs all worlds, creatures and events, and performeth all things for his people? — What fupport and comfort muft it give to Zion and to all who fear the Lord, when the earth is removed, and the mountains cari"ied into the midft of the fea, when the waters of it roar, and the mountains tremble at the fwell- ing of it, that he fits king for ever, and prefides in every ftorm ? How calming and consolatory to hear him fpeak- ing, in the dark day, and amidft the raging tempeft, as he did to the affrighted difciples upon the fea of Galilee, It is I, be not afraid. This, at the fame time, fliould beget in us entire ac- quiefcence and fubmiffion, with refpedl to all prefent and future circumftances, relating to ourfelves, the church of God, and all creatures and things. In view of the univer- fal and perfedt government of the Most High; this fliould be the language of our hearts, It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good. The univerfal dominion of God, teacheth us to acknowl edge him in all the judgments and fearful defolations which have been, or are made in the earth, and in all the riches of goodnefs and mercy with which it is filled. It [ 196 ] leads us to communion with him in all his providences, as well as ordinances; To know him by the judgments which he executeth, and to learn righteoufnefs, while they are in the earth: To fee him in all his goodnefs, and to be led by it to repentance and thankfgiving. While we behold his mighty works, and confider the operation of his hands, how (hould we adore his' greatnefs, wifdom and power, and learn to fear him for ever? While we behold how he bringeth the princes to nothing, and maketh the judges of the earth as vanity; how he maketh cities a ruinous heap, and plucketh up and planteth the nations at his pleafure; how fhould we tremble before him, and fly to his mercy in Christ Jesus? While we fee him, in his inflexible juftice and veracity, in all places and generations, executing that awful fen- tence. Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return, how fhould we learn, in this tremendous teftimony which he bears againft fin, how his foul abhors it? How inex- preffibly fliould we, and all men loathe and fear it ? How fhould God's inflexibility in the execution of this fentence, eftablifh us, in the perfuafion, that he will execute all his threatenings; and, that though hand join in hand, the wicked fhall not be unpuniflied. As we fee him in paft ages, and in the prefent age, exe cuting his threatenings, and fulfilling the promifes and predidlions of his word, how fliould it confirm out faith in the fcriptures, our confidence in him, and affurance that he will accomplish all the good which he hath fpoken concern ing Zion. How does our fubjedt teach us to give all glory to God,. for the fignal deliverance which he hath granted to our fathers, and to us their pofterity ? For his complicated and mighty works in giving us this great and good land, in protedting his church here, in every emergency, and in the admirable increafe of it, the century paft ? With what venerable and exalted ideas, fliculd we adore his provi dence in the American revolution, in the eftablifliment of our independence, and in our prefent peace, diftinguiftied priviledges and growing profperity ? How gracious has he been to us, that while war hath hung out its bloody flag,, and raged beyond all former example, in almoft every part of the world, we have enjoyed peace ? While the cities, kingdoms, wealth, commerce and refources of other coun tries, are in a manner annihilated, their inhabitants flain,. by millions, and their habitations and pleafant tradls made [ '97 1 defolate, we have not only rebuilt the towns and cities, re- peopled and fertilized the trafls which war had ruined and depopulated, but we have extended our fettlements, in creafed our numbers, navigation, commerce, fiflieries, wealth and refources beyond all parallel. The trads where war raged, where the clafliing and roar of arms, the thunder of cannon and noife of battle fliook all the adjacent country, where the wounded groaned, and the mighty fell, are now covered with pleafant villages, walks, and gardens, and fields wave with plenteous harvefts. There freemen lie down in quiet, and mothers hufli their numerous babes to reft in fafety. Extenfive regions, which for ages paft had been a dreary wildernefs, filled with the hideous bowlings of fav age beafts and men, are now peopled with chriftians, and prayers and praifes are conftantly addreffed to the throne of heaven. Are thefe my brethren, the works of the LoRDj and fliall not all America awake to praife him ? Can we contemplate, that according to the common rate of mor tality, three or four minifters, and three or four thoufands of people, upon the loweft computation, die annually in this State* and yet, that not one governor nor magiftrate, * Life, in Connedlicut, and New England in general, is one third, at leaft, nearly one half longer and better than it is in the world in general. According to the common eftimate, one half of mankind die under 17 years of age, and in the populous cities and fome parts of the world under II years of age; but in the bill of mortality for this town, but two more than half have died under 20. In every thoufand people under 20, there fore, 3000 years of life are gained. Among 125 000, 375,000 years are gained. Were all the people through this State as healthy as the people in North Haven have been for forty years paft, the bill of mortality for the whole State would be but about 3000. But the bills of mortality in the more populous towns and cities are greater; fo that upon the beft calculation which can be made, the annual bill, upon an average, is be tween four and five thoufands. This is but about one half of the num ber which die through the world, in general, according to the common eftimate. This is not owing wholly to the healthinefs of the climate, but to the manners and comfortable living of the people. In Great Britain and in other parts of the world, where the climates are as healthy as in New England, the bills of mortality are much greater. The luxury of the great and opulent, Ihortens their lives, and renders their children lefs healthful and vigorous. The taking them off from the breafts of the mother, and putting them unnaturally to others, to fuckle and nurfe, is, doubtlefs, a further injury to life. The great poverty, low living, hard- fhips, and vices of the people of the lower claffes in life, fliorten their days. But in New England, none are fo poor, or neceffarily fubjecft to fuCh 'hirdfhips as-to -fhorten-itheir-days,' ' 'Tfife general temperance, regular and fober manner of living, their tender care and nurflng of their children, are, under God, the great means of their extraordinary popu lation, health, and longevity. The fear of the Lord prolongeth days. Temperance, chaftity, a contented and quiet mind, and peaceful and righteous conduifl, a chearful confidence in God, and the reviving hope of his everlafting mercy, all unite their influence to fecure and promote the natural Hfe and happinefs of man. Were there no world but this, the human race, wjuld, no doubt, be moft happy, in the bslief and prac tice of all things which God hath revealed or commanded. L 198 1 not one member of congrefs, nor judge of our courts, has died the year paft, and but one minifter of the gofpelf, and not be deeply aft'edled with the divine patience and good nefs? Are we alive amidft all the ravages of time and death, to celebrate the commencement of a New Year and Century; and is the voice of health and peace heard in our habitations, and fhall we not ferve the Lord with glad- nefs? Shall we not enter into his gates with thankfgiving, and into his courts with praife ? Should not every heart expand with gratitude, and every tongue fing hallelujah? Shall we not, like the pfalmift, remember God's wonders of old, meditate of all his works, and talk of his doings 1 Shall not this be the univerfal ftudy. What shall I render unto the \^a ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE PORTRAITS, PAGE Hemingway, L, R,, , , , III Andrews, Dr, Judson B,, 99 Hyde, Albert A., . . . 34 Austin, Andrew F,, 162 Jackson, The Rev. C. W , 43 Barnes, Herbert, III Jacobs, Frederic E., . II E, Henry, III Lathrop, The Rev. W. G. 21 R. N,, 3+ Mrs. W. G... 41 Bassett, Aaron, , 34 Leete, WiUiam P., 123 BidweU, Dr, E, H,, III Linsley, Edward L., 140 Bigelow, Hon, H, B., 150 Romanta T. , 13 Blakeslee, Evelyn, , 73 Solomon F., S3 Henry M,, 145 Lusk, The Rev. WiUiam, 72 Hobart, II Mansfield, Isaac E , 13 JohnH,, 124 Marks, Marcus D., . 105 Bradley, Clara E , 97 Nathan H., . . . II Frederic C, 139 Merz, George J 13 Brockett, Charles A,, 141 Patton, D. Walter, 8 Ernest R,, 9 Parsons, The Rev. L. A., 63 Frederic H., 31 Pierpont, Joseph, , , 71 Bruce, Lawrence, , 162 Potter, Hubert F,, 71 Burke, Michael E., : 103 Reynolds, Annie M,, , . , 122 Burke, Michael, , 153 The Rev, James B., 122 Clinton, Anson B,, 17 John F,, , , 106 David L,, 124 Roberts, WUHam B,, , J3 Cooper, George H., 124 Smith, H. P , 73 Dickerman, William E., 9 Stiles, Pres, Ezra, Frontisp liece Eaton, Robert 0., 3 Frank L,, 132 Theophilus, 147 " Frederic H,, 16 ElHott, Whitney, 145 Isaac L, , , 98 Fowler, Henry B., . 130 Thorpe, Arthur B., i<>5 Oswin H. D., , 140 Gardiner E,, 142 Lewis I , II Sheldon B,. 155 Frost, Clarence N., 9 Todd, George B., 139 Goodyear, E. D, S,, 137 Henry D,, 107 Robert B., 120 Trumbull, The Rev, Benjamin, 186 Hall, Frank E , 142 Turner, Charles N., 107 Harrison, Elizur C, 124 Tuttle, L. Peet, , 9 Hemingway, Edgar A,, 142 Warner, E, C, . 149 illustrations. 207 RESIDENCES. PAGE Barnes, R. N., . .86 Birthplace Governor Bigelow, 151 Bishop, Mrs. Ann E,, 184 Bradley, Eri (homestead), 181 " F. C , , 89 BrocksieperSisters (homestead), 56 Dickerman. William E., . 136 Eaton Brothers (homestead), . 52 Gillette, Merton, . 93 Goodyear, E. D. S., 91 Dr. R. B., 88 Hemingway, L. R., 85 Hermitage, . 143 Leete, William P., 93 Leete (old tavern), . 172 Linsley, E. L. (estate), 80 S. F., " 91 R, T 87 Parsonage, First Ecclesiasti- _,, cal Society, , 38 Patton, D, W,, , 134 Pardee, Edwin H., . . 58 Phelps, Penn, est. (demolished), 166 Pierpont, Edwards (birthplace), 133 " Joseph, . . 127 Potter, Hubert F., , . 84 Reynolds, Rev. W. T (estate), 68 Roberts, WiUiam B. , . 95 Shepherd, Mrs. Sarah, 94 Smith, H. P., . . , 31 John (demolished), . 166 Stiles, Frank L., . . 92 Thorpe, Dennis (estate), , 181 Charles H,, , , , 87 Sheldon B 90 Tuttle, L. Peet, , , . , 36 CHURCHES, ETC, PAGE Baptist Church, , , 50 Catholic Church, Hamden, Si Clintonville Union Chapel, , 59 Congregational Church (second buUding), . . . 154 Congregational Church (third building), . . 20 Congregational Church (inter'r) 15 St, John's Church, , , 62 Congregational Church (1895), 180 VIEWS, ETC. street sce.mes. Trolley car. Montowese, . , 50 " Cowles' Corner," , 75 Near Mansfield's bridge, , 116 N, Y., N. H, & H. R R, cross ing, 169 Broadway, , 205 VIKWS, South half old Green, . . 32 North half old Green and Cem etery, . . 06 Old Cemetery, . 66 Railroad and Highway bridge over Muddy River, . . 55 Mill dam and scenery on the Muddy River, . , , , 60 Present Cemetery, 106 Memorial Hall, , , 96 The Green, , , ¦ ¦ 77 Quinnipiac River, , , 128 Old Mill on Muddy River, 153 Peter's Rock, , , 144 Clover Dairy Farm, , 135 Trumb^iU Monument, , 160 rr ,-"*