4,cql 980 LO Z°o6„£, lUllllHMIW'aSn wish «y )NNO 3"W- YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE ELLSWORTH HOMESTEAD PAST AND PRESENT Published by The Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution 1907 One Hundred Years after the Death of Oliver Ellsworth 1807 A MEMORIAL OF THE OPENING OF THE ELLSWORTH HOMESTEAD AT WINDSOR, CONNECTICUT :A October Eighth, Nineteen Hundred and Three UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution. Coww&cficiuf'. New Haven ft#. "A people which takes no pride in the achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered by remote descendants." — Macaulay. Copyrighted by The Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution 1907 THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY COMMITTEE ON COMPILATION. Elizabeth C Barney Buel, Chairman, Mary Floyd Tallmadge Chapter, (Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel.) Litchfield. Marte Sperry Pickett, Mary Clap Wooster Chapter, New Haven. (Mrs. Charles Whittlesey Pickett.) Fannie M. Olmsted, Ruth Wyllys Chapter, Hartford. PREFACE. Believing that the exercises and addresses on such an historic and suggestive occasion as the presentation of the Oliver Ells worth Homestead by his descendants to the Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution should be preserved in printed form, the State Regent, Mrs. Sara T. Kinney, appointed a committee consisting of Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel, Chairman, Mrs. Charles Whittlesey Pickett and Miss Fannie M. Olmsted, to take charge of the work. This memorial is submitted as the result of its labors. Before it was finished, Mrs. Pickett was suddenly removed by death, but not before she had accomplished her portion of the work, the account of the day at Windsor with which the text of the pamphlet begins. This was probably the last article ever written by Mrs. Pickett, the bright and talented "Rhea" of the New Haven Leader, and was found among her papers after her death. It is transcribed here practically as it left her pen. This preface should not close without paying a tribute of honor and respect to Mrs. Sara Thomson Kinney, through whose initiative and enterprise, in cooperation with that of Mrs. Frank Chamberlin Porter, this invaluable gift of the Homestead was alone made possible, and whose untiring and self -abnegating labors resulted so brilliantly in the "Day at Windsor." The Ellsworth Homestead stands to-day not only as a memorial to Oliver Ellsworth, statesman and patriot, and to the public-spirited generosity of his descendants, but also as a witness, in the hearts of Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution, to the loyal devotion to their interests of their beloved and honored State Regent. Elizabeth C. Barney Buel, Chairman. March tenth, 1907. "I have visited several countries and I like my own the best. I have been in all the States of the Union, and Connecticut is the best State. Windsor is the pleasantest town in the State, and I have the pleasant est place in the town of Windsor. I am content, — perfectly content, to die on the banks of the Connec ticut river." Oliver Ellsworth. "It is sufficient that God governs the world, and that his purposes of grace will be accomplished." Oliver Ellsworth. CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface 7 List of Illustrations 11 Fac-simile of Invitation 13-16 Additional Committees 17 The Day at Windsor. Mrs. Charles Whittlesey Pickett 18 Programme of Opening Exercises 25 Exercises and Addresses. Elizabeth C. Barney Buel 26 List of Gifts and Loans. Fannie M Olmsted 49 From Members of the Ellsworth family 50 Donors of the Ellsworth Homestead 51 Contributors to the Fund for Maintenance and Repairs 58 Made by or through the State Regent 60 By Chapters of Hartford County 64 By Chapters of New Haven County 74 By Chapters of New London County 78 By Chapters of Fairfield County 82 By Chapters of Windham County 86 By Chapters of Litchfield County 90 By Chapters of Middlesex County 96 By Chapters of Tolland County 102 General Gifts 105 Extracts from deed of 1665 109 Act of Incorporation — Ellsworth Memorial Association no ILLUSTRATIONS. The Ellsworth Homestead Frontispiece Portrait of Oliver and Abigail Wolcott Ellsworth Facing page 12 The State Regent and Governor Chamberlain ) The Drawing Room j Washington's Letter Bedroom and Spinning Room The Gobelin Tapestry Coats of Arms Ellsworth and Wolcott Dining Room and Breakfast Room " " 79 Old Deed " " 109 New Deed " " no 4041 SS 57 " ' ^. ¦ '"'Hlvi . •• p 1 ' M V: -, .v ~~<:i • 31 "" ¦ ' ¦¦ ,,,.,. fmm W ¦¦ i i y Kft.'JlKJ^B ; ¦hflP^. l-jw * ¦-¦:; ;¦: ¦ . .<% ^Ef%- Mgraawwaai nip. — jfpl .- m s ¦ $.AM * ¦in a&yfc. ¦;, f ,-S b 1 r i • , #" j4 ;M ' .^*--.Twm i i 4 i ' -. ¦B& i f • 1 i V HE^f*"^- |§J|5^ OLIVER AND ABIGAIL (WOLCOTT) ELLSWORTH. Painted front life about I7Q2, by Ralph Earl of New Have [Fac-simile of the invitation issued to their guests by the Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution.] ||iKtt axt t&ctkudlQ iutsiich hys tW ia atlttta iht m-^cn'm®, txtrtmtsi at ai hao o'tlvtk f . m. x&neUen hmthxsh attit ihtee |Pitt5temt, (fyamttfiiatt f^lW ^JllBSJtmsrSlj ^oraceitati hae xtttniln. been fxe- stx&ta B-g tint htstenaanis mf ©lij»*r ana ^.tsgnil (P«l«!l) ^EllBtomrilj lm Up {$mtm«lw-ttt jlUitgljl*** mf lip ^.tturtrott 3S.*tomliilimtt. ©liwcjr ^SUsrstsenrUj auras bmrn itt 1745. |S* Mams it turnip mf tip ^"jsyrftn* ^murt mf Up ^>iaie mf <^mtttt*t lir»t, n memWtr mf 1 jp df rawtirtl mf $&$?}%, amt mf Up f rimw js mf Up JF*4i*r«tl CfmwafHinlimra, it ^Kitti*!** |Jl*»i$»mt«tH«,r:t» lm ^xantc, M>enalax, ana UtirJ* SJ3ii*f 3Ja»*lic* mf Up JlwiltAr ^tnl#x. 5!mi£4ais0tt tyammiiiet Mxs. £>axa. Sflptnsmw ^iitnq $tgml of Gfontwrtirst 46 fart £i«tl, Jfav ^anm*sri*l (^ammillee Mxk. ^tflfnt ,iR. ISfrnWrnW, fjrasrlfmrii ,iBiss (^laxw ^ee fSjunrasm, pr ijslml Mxs. Pilliram fji. ^Em«*l*g, £f**u f|«»«tt $f*w flatten fifmumtg, - ,&». PiMwttt ^. tiflasi, ^rasmrai* 3FrairfJ£l& tfyaunln, - - M**1- ^eax$e ?B. Bunnell, &outi$yaxl ,4ti &M«**x fifmitwlg, - - Mvm. PillitMiit P- Pilcmx, ^EioM*lmtatt Pi»4tJp;m ^onvAn, - - Mx*. M&v,% 1&* Mtbbnxq, Tjfiulnam Italians (fmttwl^, - - Mx*. $.. $. J&elbina, &*ckviUt %iUif'6*la (frnttwl^, - - Mxm. ,3Wpt % $«*!, "g-itt^&eia Plstsa ^mttmmtt tfyanniig, - Mxs. \%e\a Tjji. "Qtaxneb, $ax*aiclf f5«nrlfmr4r &atmin, - - Mitte M*r% Writnt *B> f£«xtf»MFfr ^Utttiuliati (Qam-millct (fyannetlicni Mx*. 3Mp* M~ fiplrmmW Mxs. Jftmrris |S. ^eaxmsle^ Mi** ?dit* ffpim Ax*. %fabtx ^WJttt* Mis* fSjatttwuUj |8» Ifyttk Miss Tkale |Sm«tirmm*w Mxs. dpemrjj* %. ^eaxhale^ Mi** Mav% ?B« ?t*pp*» Mx*. ^kma* (Quhaex Mx*. %abext pteihe Mx*. %\axU* (€. P«tnu>« Mi** Jennie %aami* Mr*, ^mlftt ^E. JJnwgiiitre .JRjtsf. 3&*t« ^Fmmt«-£,M"-" ~tyy*>J~J zjyr^r"-^)io/^, '"r :i.tz*~*> Jyyi- ?*<¦£,*, ~-f -*" PHOTOGRAPHIC COPY FROM THE LAND RECORDS OF WINDSOR, FOR 1666-7-8, OF ORIGINAL RECEIPTS FOR PAYMENTS ON HIS PURCHASE MADE BY JOSIAH ELLSWORTH. These photographs were secured through the courtesy 0/ Mr. George R. Maude, Clerk, and Mr Nathaniel II'. Haytien, both of iriinfsor. Town THE ELLSWORTH HOMESTEAD io9 Extracts from Original Deed to Josiah Ellsworth, 1665. Attest copy of extracts from the original deed (see facsimile on opposite page) furnished in 1907 by the Town Clerk of Windsor. March 31st 1665 Josiah Elsworth hath by purchas Land here in Windsor that formerly was Frances Styles's and then from him to Robert Salkinstol then purchased by Master Daveson, and now made over to Josiah Elsworth by Joanna Davison, the Widow and Relieb and Sole Executrix to the Said Mr Davison, Decd, Vidilleset the Dwelling house orchard, with that part of the home Lott, which is on the East Side of the Street, in bredth Eighteen rod, and now bounded North, by the Land partaining to the Childeren of. William Gaylord, Decd. . South by the Land of Henry Styles. . . . Also four acres more or Less of meadow butting the home Lott, and bounds North by the Land of the Children aforesd, South by the meadow of Henry Styles, Easterly by the brook, according as it runs down to the River and a Little part by the River. . . . Whereas that part of the home Lott as Lyes on the East Side of the Street, being not found, to have the bredth of Eighteen rod8 by the Street, but fifteen and a half, it is now upon Trial found, that the first proprietors ffrances Styles and William Gaylord, now both Decd had made Some Exchange, betwixt them for what is wanting in bredth, by the Street, is over and above its first bredth, next the meadow, So that Josiah Elsworth takes up as Satisfied with it . . as it now is bounded and the fence Stands. . . Aprill 5th 1666, Witnessed by me Mathew Grant, Register. Copies of Original Receipts. Attest copy of original receipts to Josiah Ellsworth furnished in 1907 by the Town Clerk of Windsor. Hartford May the 3d. 1666 Received in full for the first payment, of Josiah Elsworth, for a house & Land bought of Mra. Joanna Davison, as pr her order by me Joseph Lynde. . . The 3d of Aprill : 1667 : Received the full Sum of forty five pounds of Josiah Elsworth, of Windsor as doth appear by his Receit, which is the full Sum that the Sd. Elsworth is to pay for his Second years payment, for what he is Engaged to Joanna Davison, of Charles-town for a house and Land bought of the Said Davison, I Say Received, the Several perticulers, in full that he was to pay, by his bill, I Say Recvd under favour of my mother pr. me Daniell Davison . . . Aprill the 4th 1668 Received of Josiah Elsworth of Windsor, forty five pounds in Wheat, pease & Indian Corn, and poark at price Currant, being what he was to pay in March 25th. past, Refering to a purchas bought of Mre. Joanna Davison of Charles-town a house and Land at Windsor, and is Received for her p per account pr. me Joseph Lynde Aprill 20th 68: this Entred This may certify that the within is a true copy of the original deed of record. Attest George R. Maude, Town Clerk. Windsor, June 14th, 1907. ELLSWORTH MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. ACT OF INCORPORATION. Received October 30th, 1903, and recorded in Book of Stock Com panies, page 176, Windsor Land Records. State of Connecticut, Office of the Secretary. Be it Known, That we, the subscribers, do hereby associate our selves, as a body politic and corporate, pursuant to the statute laws of the State of Connecticut regulating the formation and organization of corporations without capital stock, and the following are our Articles of Association: — Article 1. The name of said corporation shall be The Ellsworth Memorial Association, Incorporated. Article 2. The purposes for which said corporation is formed are the following, to wit: To maintain, and preserve, as an historic land mark, the homestead, in Windsor, of Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth and of Abigail Wolcott, his wife, and also a museum therein of revolutionary relics. Article 3. Membership in the Ellsworth Memorial Association shall be restricted to members of Connecticut Chapters of Daughters of the American Revolution. Article 4. The said corporation is located in the town of Windsor, county of Hartford, State of Connecticut. Dated at New Haven this 20th day of July, 1903. ?Names of Subscribers. Sara T. Kinney. Marian Ellen Gross. Emily S. G. Holcombe. Cornelia Roff Pomeroy, Amelia Medora Castle. Louise M. Beardsley. Katharine Foote Coe. Julia C. Culver. Hannah Ashby Rathbun. Elizabeth C. Barney Buel. Isabel Webster Chappell. Margaret E. Backus. Sarah M. Boyd Camp. Hannah K. Peck. Florence Chamberlain Moseley. Mary J. Terry Clark. Mary B. Kippen. H. Maria Talcott. Mary H. Merwin Tibbals. Jennie Loomis. Mary Josephine Blakeslee. Helen Phelps Cook. Alice Norton. Sue Phillips Tweedy. Frances Dunn Montgomery. Helen Louise Atwood. Celia E. Prescott. Ellen S. Shaw. Abby Day Slocomb. Helen Redington Adams. Alice Chew. Martha P. W. Brown. Agnes L. S. Vaughan. Anna M. Olmsted. Roberta N. Burleson. Nellie Goodrich Eno. Grace P. Browning. Estelle Corbin Wetmore. Mary E. Brooks. Lulu A. Raymond. Kate Taylor Boardman. Mary C. Fessenden. Lucy Fayerweather Beardsley. Elizabeth Thompson Neide. Eva V. M. Bissell. * The above names represent the State Regent and the Regents of the forty-four Chapters, Daughters of the American Revolution, then existing in the State of Connecticut. Knoui All 311cn hy I'hras S'rcaciits. THAT^-,....^-^,..^ , .„..,y ^r,,.).J ...... .../, .< V..Z-.S .,; ,x. t,?, .... ^, i . t^',, •¦ . , .. Zy ., y\ lull «,„.!.,, -¦'/, r ,.t;r. ,...., r / . /... ,-,f , -. , , i .. ,oun claim ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦¦'. .:-'¦¦< ,..-.. yt, .. <-....-.. ' .( »'..-. ....... .. J. ..... I ) . ... >-—--¦ ¦ .-¦., ¦¦< ;.,..,:<, <;.... ,/....Yi *— » i i n- C < . u *> *i / . > . j . - . . I lm** •.<¦<./'/.... *ir,-. •/' A. — * ¦ ^-. -- ¦ - .-, , e • ¦• n & /^A4». I . ./ ftL„, ... . ... ,'„..'.. -, .-..-, ......'. .^.W,. tf .'^. '...-<, «L., rt-w^r tnx^-fZa.ztS ¦<-*.-£.<-< {fllS' /&.* ) <*/?, .-.' . r..-,^ - V' ' f't .... . Jt ^ .... //T„ ->^..., .•*,,.-,.,.*< &-<&., ¦/>*.. .(.^ c-y Aw «^i*«-t.; -.<-* .<**¦'/(*<<'*¦&,,¦ iT, Z-Zjefj 't^.* AH-n~S *^<*y^y, ti. -A.*-^^ C./»*r--wJ-^>-yiK-<»r<^1 4tt^ t^A f>.,.. C<.y z/t G yr 1' In UJitpic^ djF?e;rcof,A V.w i» hmunla «t iziT"l«i'*Vml Kml thU ^X^do) "I Qz&~~±e <¦¦' ' . " 'c/'-" «/*t | L.S | . , . i . ... , » i, -f. i 5^a(e oi' Corwociicut, County of V-" . <- "A » I ^i^-yV^Y ^m^. Z/A.D., EXTRACTS FROM DEED OF -GIFT FROM TI1K KLLSWORTT-l DESCENDANTS TO THE CONNECTICUT D. A. R. (For full list of donors, see pages jv ^^.) 1 i - ¦