I*/*'. «f|^^ J k'* YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Edith and Maude Wetmore in memory of their father George Peabody Wetmore B.A. 1867 RHODE ISLAND Historical Tracts, ]^0. 5. PROVIDENCE : SIDNEY S. BI DK K. 1879. Copyright by SIDNEY S. BI'DEU. 1879. MEMOIE CONCBKNING THE FRENCH SETTLEMENTS FEEISrOH SETTLEES COLONY OF RHODE ISLAND. ELISHA R. POTTEE. Author of the Early History of Narragansett. PROVIDENCE : SIDNEY S. RIDER 1879. Copyright by SIDNEY S. RIDER. 1879. PREIJMINAEY MEMOIR. Of the numerous French settlements in America, those in Canada, Maine, and some others, probably had their origin in the love of enterprise and adven ture. But the motives which produced the settle ments in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and the south eastern States, were, in a great measure, religious. The reformation which took place in the sixteenth century was attended with almost unceasing wars and civil convulsions. The principle of tolerating all religious opinions to the utmost limit consistent with the preservation of public morality and order, was then almost unknown. Religion was regarded by all governments as a part of the machinery of state, and to attack the established church was of course rebellion against the powers that were. The Lutheran reformation soon spread over 6 HISTORICAL TKACT. Europe. In France the protestants were generally known by the name of Huguenots. The origin of this name is not certainly known. In 1562 the dissensions between the two religious parties in France had arisen to such a height that an open war broke out between them. The Cath olic party for the greater part of the time from the beginning of the troubles until the repeal of the Edict of Nantes and the expulsion of the protestants from France, had the advantage of having all the power of the civil government exerted in their favor. The war continued with more or less violence until 1572 when the leaders of the protestant party having been invited to Paris on pretence of bringing about a general reconciliation, the ever memorable massacre of St. Bartholomew took place. In this massacre seventy thousand protestants, including almost all the leaders of the party, fell victims to the bloody spirit of religious persecution. The Catholics in France and at Rome celebrated this event with thanksgivings and jubilees, and med als were struck to commemorate their victory. This massacre took place in the reign of Charles FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 7 the Ninth, and during the remainder of his reign the conscientious protestants enjoyed no rest. Henry the Third, who was supposed to favor protestantism, was assassinated in 1589. Henry the Fourth suc ceeded, and quiet was restored to the nation for a time. Henry the Fourth, who before his coming to the throne of France had been King of Navarre, had been educated a protestant, and was naturally inclined to favor their cause. On his accession, from motives of policy, the greater part of his subjects being attached to the Church of Rome, he made a public profession of the Catholic religion, but he was of too enlarged a mind to lend himself to be the instrument of oppression to any party and to endanger the peace of France and the stability of the government, by a vain endeavor to produce a uniformity of religious opinion. In the year 1598 he published the celebrated Edict of Nantes, so called from the city of Nantes where it was signed. By this a free toleration was granted to the protestants in matters of religious opinion ; the offices of the state were made accessible to them ; 8 HISTORICAL TRACT. funds were allowed them for the maintenance of their worship ; and for a further security to them against the malice of their persecuting foes and against any sudden change of policy in the government, certain cities were assigned to them as places of refuge and defence. The giving to the protestants the control of cer tain portions of the kingdom seems inconsistent with all modern notions of religious freedom. It may have been justified by the turbulent state of the times. But it laid the foundation of much of the subsequent troubles. During the whole of this prince's reign the terms of the Edict were faithfully adhered to. He perished by assassination in 1610, and with him the hopes of the protestants for security in time to come. During the succeeding reign of Louis the Thir teenth, the Edict of Nantes was several times sol emnly reaffirmed, and the confirmation by Louis the Thirteenth, dated March 12, 1615, is especially re markable for its expressions of liberality and tolera tion of religious differences. Had the protestants been governed by wise and FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 9 moderate counsels, their fate might have been differ ent. But they bitterly assailed Henry the Fourth, for his change of religion, and they suffered themselves to become the victims and tools of ambitious nobles whose only motive was to obtain power in the state for themselves. The ambition of the nobles to con trol the government was, for several generations, the source of almost constant civil war, and although re ligion was generally the pretext, yet it was sometimes merely a pretence, and frequently not unmixed with political motives. Louis the Thirteenth laid siege to Rochelle, which had become practically almost inde pendent,* and it was compelled to surrender in 1629. But even then the free exercise of their religion was guaranteed to them by the Edict of Grace, signed by Cardinal Richelieu. f But the strength of the Huguenots as a party was now broken, and in 1685 Louis the Fourteenth, un der the influence of the clergy, repealed the Edict of Nantes. The open profession of the reformed relig ion was prohibited, the ministers of the reformed * Weiss's History of the Trench Protestant Refugees, i., 48. fWelss's " " i., 4S, 50. 10 HISTORICAL TRACT. faith compelled to leave the kingdom, and a series of persecutions commenced which drove away from their country a large proportion of the reformed ; in effect, all those who preferred the enjoyment of their own religious opinions to compliance with the religion of the state. This was a blow to the pros perity of France from which it was long in recover ing. The persecuted fled to England, Holland, Geneva, Brandenburgh and America. The number has been variously estimated ; sometimes as high as a million. They were not of the poorer or more ignorant classes of society. They comprised within their ranks a large portion of the wealth, intelligence, and enterprise of the country, and were glady wel comed by the nations to which they fled, as a valu able acquisition not only to their numbers, but to their intellectual resources and manufacturing indus try. Those who settled at New Rochelle in the State of New York, in New York city, on the James River in Virginia, on the Santee River and in Charleston, South Carolina, came over during the troubles which preceded and followed the revocation of the Edict of FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 11 Nantes, and from the same motives which prompted the settlements made in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Among their descendants were many who took an active part in our American Revolution, and who were' otherwise distinguished as statesmen or public benefactors. It will suffice to mention the names of Jay, Laurens, Maiiigault, Marion, and Boudinot. Within a few years after the repeal of the Edict, the settlement in Massachusetts was made by about thirty French families. They received a grant of ten or twelve thousand acres of land in the township of Oxford, from the proprietors of the township, and there they continued to live and the settlement flour ished until about 1696, when, harassed by attacks from the Indians and the settlers, they were scat tered over the country. Most of them went to Bos ton. As they had fled to this country for the sake of religious opinion, it may naturally be supposed that after their arrival here, they would maintain and respect the ordinances of religion. While at Oxford they maintained a minister of their own sect, and when they had removed to Boston they built and for 12 HISTORICAL TRACT. a long time supported a church in which services were performed in their vernacular tongue. Here, as elsewhere, they and their descendants were of respect able condition in society, and some have left behind them good and great names which will lo^ig be re membered. For a more particular account of this settlement reference may be made to a very able and learned Essay on the History of the French Protes tants, by Rev. Abiel Holmes of Cambridge.* * Massachusetts Historical Collections, volume xxii. THE FRENCHTOWN SETTLEMENT. October 12, 1686, Richard Wharton, Elisha Hutchinson, and John Baffin, a committee of the so-called Proprietors of the Narragansett Country, made an agreement with Ezechiel Carre, Peter Le Breton, and othjer French emigrants, for the settle ment of a plantation in the Narragansett Country, to be called Newberry, but subsequently the location was changed on account of its remoteness from the shore, and by another agreement, dated November 4, 1686, the Proprietors or Bay Purchasers agreed to convey to the emigrants a tract in the township of Rochester,* "above ye Long Meadow Kickameeset about Capt John fones his house wherein Each Fam- *This was the new name given to Kingstown, in June, 1686, by the Govern ment of Dudley, the predecessor of Andros. See Early History of Narragan sett, page 106. 3 14 HISTORICAL TRACT. ily yt desires it shall have one hundred acres of up land in two Divisions viz A house lott Containing twenty Acres being twenty Rods broad in ye front laid out in due ordi' wth Street or high way of Six Rods broad to run between ye sd lotts upon wcli they shall front Secondly yt ye Second division to make Sd hundred acres of upland shall be laid out on ye Western Side of ye S Commissioi's Nath Coddington ) [Indorsed.] true Coppy of Perre Ayrault Complaint of abuse receivd July 23: 1700. FURTHER COMPLANT AND REMONSTRANCE DR. AYRAULT. May it Please yor Excellency I Lately made bold to Lay before yo^ Excellency by Petition Some part of my grivances & wrongs done me on my lands purchased in ye Narraganstt Country in ye Town of Rochester of ye proprics thereof & have here given a Short and true Remon strance of myself & Distressed Country people Set tlemt & ye severii Occurances and Passages they & myself past thro there Upon the fourth day of Nouembr 1686 Richard Wharton Esqr &c & on our part our Ministr Ezekiel Carre & Peter Berton agrees for a Sertain parsell of Land in Sd Narraganstt Country for Settling A Town thereon of an hundred acres apiece to a family wch i 38 HISTORICAL TRACT. was done & Compleated o^ severii allotments laid out & a Coppy of ye Articles I make bold to prsent yor Excellency wth, & -wth a true Coppy of ye Piatt of or severll Settlemt & Allotment as Laid out & we was there Settled by ye then Propriers & Gov- ermt who gaue us ye oath of Alleagance we being about forty five five familys building about twenty five houses wtii Some Sellars in ye Ground Setting up or Church & it being a very wilderness Country fild alltogether wth wood & stones & no former Improve ments made thereon yt or Labour charge & trouble was great but we had A Comfort we could then Injoy o^ worship to God & had ye Govermts Protection to us in or Improvemts no p^son disturbing us on our Labour no Prtending any claime to any of ye soile but they purchases of Sd Lands by whom we were Setled we paying all takes to the Goverment as was laid on us we peaceable Injoyed our Lands & Im provements wthout any thing of ye least molestation Under the then Goverment The then Govermt being Removed we was then taken Undf ye Govermt of ye Colony of Rhode Island &c who seemed to treat us civelly also at ye FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 39 first not Molesting us & upon ye 20 of February i^lf they Genei'll Court past an Act yt we should be Sent for to Warwick by Majr John Green one of the Assists whereby it should be signified unto us his Majties Pleasure of an Act of Indulgance unto such frenchmen as we, yt we Should be required to take ye Oath of AUeigance to his then p'sent Majty ^ch according to Sd GenH Court Act we were sent for to Warwick & Gave or oath of AUeigance & had his Majties Act of Indulgence read to us & a Promise of our Protection from Sd Govermt Undr or Libertys & Propertys But the obseruance of Sd Act of Indulgence & ye Protecting of us in C libertys & Propertys wee con tinued not two years Und^ Sd Govermt before we were molested by ye Uulgar Sort of they People who flynging down of o^ fences laying open our Lands to ruen Soe that all Benefitt thereby we were Deprived thereof (ruen looked on us in a Dismall State o' wives & children liveing in fear of ye threats of many unruly p^sons) & vyt Benefit we Expected from 01' Lands for Subsistance was destroyed by Secretly Laying open oi" fences by night & day & 40 HISTORICAL TRACT. wt little we had pi"serued by flying from fraiice we had laid out und^ ye then Improvements looked so hard upon us to see ye Cryes of o' wives & Children Lamenting their sad fate flying from Persecution and Comeing Under his Majesties Gracious Indulgance And by ye Govermt promised us yet we Ruened & when we Complained to the Govermt we could have no relief altho some would a helped us we Judge If by their Patience they could a Born Such III Treat ments as they must expect to a meet wth by ye Un ruly Inhabitants their Setfled also many of ye Eng lish Inhabitants Compassionating or Condition would a helped us but when they used any means therein they were Evilly treated so yt these things did put us then upon looking for a place of Shelter in or Diss- tresed Condition & hereing yt many of or Distressed Country people had been protected & well treated in Boston & Yorke some of or principale persons went to Boston & York to seek out new Habitations where ye Govermtts had Compassion of them & gave them relief, & help to their wives & Children Subsistance only two familys moveing to Boston & they rest to New York & their bought Lands some of them & had FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 41 time given them for payment & so was they all forced away from their Lands & houses orchards & vineyards taking some small matter from some Eng lish people for somewt of their Labour thus Leave- ing all habitations some people got not anything for their Labour & Improvemts but Greenwich men who had given us ye disturbance giting on ye Land so Improved in any way they Could & soon demolished & puld down or Church But I being perswaded by many to stay & haveing fenced in fifty Acres of Land purchased & made very good Improvements by a large Orchard Garden & Uineyard & a good house was willing to keep my Settlement & bear all outrages Comitted Against me wch furthr shall be related to, and as many prsons who in their Sickness and Extremity would send for me to Administer help unto them wch Under God's Goodness I have been a help to raise many from Extream Sickness yet have they soon forgot my Labour & rewarded me wth Endeavours to root me out of my habitations & by flynging down my fences yt I might not have any Subsistance by my Land these Endeavors uot succeeding in all their Endeav ours and othr Contrivance was against me 42 HISTORICAL TRACT. Upon the 25 of Janr i6 9| one Giles Pearse & John Smith agreed togeathr in a Clandistine manner to gitt me out of my habitation & Improvemts & for yt end Sd Pearse sells one part of my Land about twenty five Acres to Sd Smith in Sd Deed Containing my houses orchards Gardens & most part of ye best of my Improved Lands & in Sd Deed was allso Com prehended ye habitations to houses & Lands of three othr persons then Liveing on Sd Lands this being about teun years after or Settlements & Improvemts as mentioned Sd deed tifkeing in Ninety Acres of Lands (as mentioned all wthin fences & Improve ments ) & ye same day ye deed was Signed & Sealed & ye witnesses spoken to not to Deuvlge their secreed act the same day they went to Greenwich both Smith & Pearse before a Justice of ye Peace one John Heath & acknowledged it to be their act before Sd Justice & ye 27th day of Sd month Sd Justice of ye Peace who had ye records of Greenwich placed Sd deed on record & Sd Justice herein was privy & Knowing to ye Sd Clandistine Acts of Sd Pearse & Smith who certainly knew ye sale of ye Land Undr wt Circumstances ye were undr After this Sd Smith FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 43 & Adherance gave me much trouble & ye rest of us puling down or fences & 1 Complained to ye Author ity neuer could find relief I Keeping my house yt ye Could not have any Opportunity to Enter in (to dispossess me & these Actiones not takeing Effect for in my distress many of Neighbours did Comfort me) yt their would be some relief from ye Crown to me & they Propriers of Sd Country & then anothr pro- jecet was put in Execution against me for as I have declared Greenwich men at their pleasure Extended their lines* time aftr time without any authority as I Understand from ye Proprietrs of Sd Country or ye Genii Court & took in at last all ye French Town & upon ye 14th of febr 16 9 9. Greenwich & Severii of ye Town of Warwick wth a Plat of such a parsell of land wch they Called Greenwich Township prsents it to ye Generii Assembly ye Assembly Confirms ye Lands comprehended in Sd Plat to be wthin Greeii- ¦?Dr. Ayrault complains that the English kept encroaching on them. He does not seem to have had the least knowledge that there was a dispute as to the title to the lands. So far from encroaching on them, there is not the least evidence that the bounds of the grant made to the English settlers by the Col ony of Rhode Island were ever changed in that neighborhood. Farther east they were changed, and the State Records give the particulars. 44 HISTORICAL TRACT. wich Township wthout Considring yt Greenwich had Intrenched upon ye othr towns adjoyuing & they haveing ye Jurisdiction soon set to work for my Ruen in anothr way in wt ye Could And as I have now Sd & given an accoutt of my Settlemt fenceiug & Improvements & so about four teen years aftr upon ye 23 of July 1700 two of ye Assists of Warwick (viz) Benjn Barton & Benjn Smith came to ye new Township of Greenwich wch had Swallowed up all ye french Town bringing wth them a number of Warwick & Greenwich men & at ye house of one Pardon Tillinghast one of ye houses in ye french Town there they held a Court of En quiry as they called it one Capt John Fones wth Severii othrs hereing of Sd Appointed Court came to Inspect into their Proceedings & Capt John Fones took an accott thereof, of yt days Proceedall whilest he was their wth his oath given to ye same a true Coppy Thereof I have allso here laid before yor Excellency also a true Coppy how I was dealt wth yt Evening aftr Sun Down how there came to my house a great Numbr of Greenwich & Warwick peo ple & wthout shewing me any warrant for wt they FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 45 Came for dragiug me Away to their Court house & ye result of ye Court ye next day & how by their Plat obtained by ye Assembly in ye month of Feb ruary 1699 before past they sett out two highways to run through my Land & bound me in a bond to the next Court wch by ye Govrs Warrant & othrs Signing wth him afterwards was laid out one of Sd highways on one Side of my Land ye whole Length thereof Runing through my orchard ten Rod in wideth de stroying my orchard part of w^h Land one Thos Mattison have since fenced in & Improves & ye othr highway they ordred to run athirt my Land takeing away above twenty acres of my Land ye weh one Samil Bennett & Wm Weaver have built thereon & Improves Sd Land so yt of my Mty Acres I haue about twenty Acres left me & ye (known highway) or Road into ye Country yt allways was & lay on ye othr Side of my Sd Land since Sd Acfion ye Widow Smith widow of ye Sd John Smith herein mentioned have fenced in every part thereof setting a house on Part of Sd highway & no notice taken thereof thus I can but in a Brief give yor Excellency a short Accott of Part of my trouble & Pray all En- 46 HISTORICAL TRACT. deavours may be used to give Relief to your Dis tressed & most Humble Seruan't Pierre Ayrault Greenwich August 20 : 1705. [Indorsed.] Doctor Ayrault remonstrance of his Troubles. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURT HELD AT ERENCHTOWN, JULY 23, 1700. Narrag : st Att a Court held at ye House of Par don Tillinghast att ye French Town or Plantation so called in Kings Province July 23 1700. Present. Mr Benjn Barton Assist Mr BenjQ Smith Assist Mr John Spencer Justice Mr John Heath Gierke Mr Thomas Fry Attorney The Jury returned but not by the Sheriff (viz) Mr Peter Greene Foreman ¦ Mr Benjn Greene Mr Jabesh Greene Mr Amos Stafford - 48 HISTORICAL TRACT. Mr Jeremiah Westcot Mr OtheneU Gorton Mr Samii Gorton Junr Mr Charles Holdon Mr Joseph Stafford Mr John Potter Mr John Burton Mr Thos Burlingham The Court being Sate ye Jury was called to take their Engagements which was Administred, unto them (but not According to Form of ye Oath nor Engagement to a Grand Enquest) wherein they were charged in Behalfe of or Soueraigne Lord the King to Enquire into ye High way's yt were Stopped & Fenced in but not Nameing ye Town & to make a returne to yt Court then Mr Attorney Placeing him- selfe at ye Upper End of ye Table at ye right hand of ye Justices & Pulled out some papers & Desired ye Justices & Jury to take Notice of wt he had to Lay before them then caused an Act of an Assembly to be read by ye Clarke wherein was granted 5000 Acres of Land to be Laid out in ye Narraganset Country for ye Settling of an Town & This 5000 FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 49 Acres Should be divided amongst Fifty persons whom ye Sd Assembly did See cause to accommodate therewth to be to them & their heirs & Assignes for evr: Provided they did observe ye Prescriptions & Injunctions yt was laid upon them by ye Sd Grant & perform ye same accordingly or othrways to for- fiet ye Sd lands Granted then was read an Ordr for ye Laying out ye Lands & Shewed a paper wch they called a Platforme of those Lands laid out by them selves wthout form & wthout Scale or Compass or ye Suruayers Name to it or mens to ye divisions Laid out or anything of Sertainty in it for finding out ye highway but according to wt those w^h were ye Evi dences given" into ye Jury wch they doe Say & Aver to ye weh prsons at yt time may be Known to be very Young & at yt time not Capable to Know ye bounds nor Concernes of Each Divisions as ye lines or bounds then were or where ye highways were then ye Sd Attorney read An Ordr of their Town where himself was by them Constituted & Appointed to be their Attorney & it their behalf to Plead in any of his Majties Courts of Judicature in defence of their rights & Priviledges then he read a Coppy of a 5 50 HISTORICAL TRACT. Letter he had Sent unto ye Govr declareing their pretended agrieuances as yt there high ways was stopped & fenced in by some prsons & desired their might be a Court of Enquiry & a Jury to find out ye highways & make returne thereof & then he read ye Goverrs Answer to him yt it should be done accordingly then he pleaded ye Lands & highways was laid out According to Ordr & were recorded in their Booke of records & yt there were Evidences yt would Shew unto ye Jury where ye highways were but I did not see those Evidences Sworne in ye Face of ye Court So ye Jury was sent forth & some of Greenwich men went wth them then ye Court rise Up abruptly & disapated Untill their Dinner was Sett ready for them then ye Jury was sent for to go to Dinner wth them before they had agreed Upon A Verdict Aftr Dinner some private Consultation wth ye Jury they went out again & staid out till Allmost night only I did obserue yt two prsons of Sd Jury did come to advise wth ye Justices Privately in ye Sd house & Aftrwards returned to their Fellows & neer night as before Sd came & delivered their ver dict wch was as neer as I can remember in these FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 51 words Following (viz) Wee the Jury Inquiry for or Soueraigne Lord ye King doe find yt Docter Peter Auralt hath Presumptiously fenced in ye highway according to Evidences Given to us & therefore Guilty ye wch Sd Verdict ye Court did accept then did I myself make a request unto ye Sd Court to Grant Mee A Coppy of Sd Verdict weh I did in be halfe of Doctr Peter Auralt He being ye Object as I did undrstand they Pitched upon according to Sd Ver dict but could uot obtain it Neither was ye Sd Doctr called for to here ye Play made against him nor ye Evidences given in Unto ye Jury nor their Verdict when Delivered then ye Court rise up again abruptly & went into ye house to Confer about some private Mattrs wch they did Intend to Effect wch I was not aware of Neithr did I think or Imagine any thing of wt they Intended weh aftr my Departure they put in Practice as I am Informed but seeing ye sun was neer Upon Setting & those of my Company being desirous to returne home I went into ye house where ye Sd Justices were & took my Leave of them weh as I do Conjecture they were glad to here of my de parture they sent for Sd Doctr Peter Auralt who 52 HISTORICAL TRACT. Early ye next Morning came to my house & gave me an accott of their Injurious Actions against him his son & wife weh their may be severii Evidences yt can testify to ye Truth therefore Declared and Attested per John Fones Newport August : 8 : 1700 Capt John Fones Came before us whose Names are Under Written and Upon his Corporall Oath did declare that ye wthin written paper to weh be hath sett his hand unto is ye truth And nothing but ye truth Taken as Abovesaid Francis Brinley ^ Peleg Sanford > Commissiors Natlii Coddington ) [Indorsed] Capt Fones Euidence about Doctr Perre Ayrault NOTE ON THE NARRAGANSETT PURCHASES MASSACHUSETTS BAY PROPRIETORS. The constant attempt of the authorities of Massa chusetts to interfere in the affairs of Rhode Island, and to subjugate the Indians and the chartered terri tory of the Rhode Island Colony to her jurisdiction, deserve more than a passing notice, as they were the cause not only of the troubles with the French emi grants, but of most of the early troubles and suffer ings of our ancestors. We should have had no Indian wars with their attendant massacres, but for their meddling interference. Their attempts to convert the Indians to Massa chusetts Christianity, were not looked upon with favor by the Rhode Island authorities. These at tempts were no doubt considered here as a part of a 54 HISTORICAL TRACT. scheme to gain favor with the Indians and establish authority over Narragansett. Roger Williams made many efforts to Christianize the natives, but with little success. In one of his letters dated 1654, he says : " At my last departure for England, I was importuned by the Narragansett Sachems and espe cially by Ninigret, to present their petition to the High Sachems of England, that they might not be forced from their religion, and for not changing their religion to be invaded by war. For they said they were daily visited by Indians that came from the Massachusetts, that if they would not pray, they should be destroyed by war."^ Ninigret, on being requested by Mayhew, to give him leave to preach to his people, bade him go and make the English good first. They said it was too difficult for them to understand.^ The conduct of Christian nations and people, was then as now, the greatest obstacle to the spread of Christianity. The ill feeling of the religious people of Massa chusetts towards the heretics of Rhode Island, was manifested in various ways. When Rhode Island 1. Potter's Early History Narragansett, 122, 154, 155. 2. Neal's New England, London, 1740, v. 1, p. 275. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 55 for her own protection applied to be admitted into the Confederation of the Colonies, she was repulsed. The refusal of the authorities of Massachusetts to sell powder to the people of Rhode Island, is but one example of the prevailing spirit.^ This may have been done under a pretence of a general law.^ They invaded the territory of Rhode Island at pleasure, and made constant attempts to get the Rhode Island Indians to submit to them. The Rhode Islanders and Indians were generally on good terms. The great Indian war of 1676, was considered by the people of Rhode Island, as brought on by the misconduct of the English themselves.'' The great Sachem Miantinomo had been put to death by the direction of the Massachusetts authorities, and under the advice of the elders of the church. < Aud the editor of Winthrop is obliged to express his con- 1. Colt's History of Puritanism, pp. 295, 524. Benedict's History of the Bap tists, ed. of 1813, v. 1, p. 466. Arnold's History of Ehode Island, v. 1, pp. 158, 268. B. I. Col. Rec, v. 1, p. 324; letter of Roger Williams. 2. Ancient Charters and Laws of Massachusetts Bay, p. 133, dates in margin 1633, 16.37. 3. Potter's Early History Narragansett, p. 93 ; also E. I. Hist. Col., (Callen- der,) V. 4, p. 126, in note. 4. Winthrop's History of New England, ed. of 1826, v. 2, p. 131. 56 HISTORICAL TRACT, demnation of it. These wars against the Indians were conducted with a savageness not surpassed in more recent times. Their prisoners who were not butchered were sold into slavery to the Bermuda, or West India Islands. ^ The Puritans of Massachusetts, the term is used to denote the dominant clergy who governed the colony without regard to mere minor differences of opinion, have been held up to the world as a set of saints for whom this world was not good enough. Let us see. They professed to be driven over here for the sake of religious liberty. No such thing. They had that in Holland. But there they could not lord it over others. They could not punish heresy in their flock. And they were afraid of being , gradually scattered or swallowed up by their Dutch neighbors. They came over, as most emigrants go to new coun tries, to better their condition, and they did it. Never did any set of men know better how to recou- cile Godliness and land grabbing than they did. 1. Colt's History of Puritanism, p. 411. Potter's Early Hist. Narragansett, 28, 80, 83, 84, 94. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 57 And as for religious freedom, they never allowed it. Mrs. Hemans' five verses can be enjoyed by those who can substitute their imagination for facts, but when she says, " They left unstained what there they found Freedom to worship God," a greater falsehood was never put into poetry, and if we enjoy religious liberty at the present day, we owe no thanks to the Puritans of Massachusetts for it. For all the outrages and abominations practiced by the Massachusetts government towards the In dians and Rhode Islanders, the Puritan clergy must be held responsible. The clergy were supreme in the state. No one but a church member could vote, or be a magistrate or juror. This of course gave the clergy complete control. i As a matter of course, all the politicians and office holders were very pious and very orthodox. If General Butler had been a candidate for governor in those days, he would have been obliged to play the r61e of a saint with cropped 1. As to the eflTect of this, see Savage's Winthrop new ed. of 1853, vol. 2, 171, 209. 58 HISTORICAL TRACT. hair, white bands and sanctimonious visage and looked like some of those old ministers whose pictures, for want of something better, used to be hung up over the doors and in the recesses of the old Harvard College library. And he would have gained in popularity by hanging a few Quakers and witches. Everything was done under the advice of the ministers. When the great Sachem Mianto- nomo was treacherously taken prisoner in a war between him and other Indian tribes, they advised his death, and are responsible for the savage man ner of its execution, and thus in a great measure for the subsequent wars and massacres. When they marched into Rhode Island to carry out the great Indian butchery of 1676, the first of their " Laws and ordinances of war," provided that no man should blaspheme the Trinity, on pain of having his tongue " bored with a hot iron." The Puritan clergy thus taking the lead in politics and in war, the Puritan soldiery butchered the In dians in most approved modern style. And in treachery they exceeded the moderns of the West. One hundred and twenty Indians surrendered to FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 59 Captain Eels on a pledge of protection. The gov ernment, disregarding the pledge, carried them to Plymouth, and sold and transported them all into slavery. And the descendants of those men are probably now slaves in the West India Islands, per haps in Cuba.i When the Indian Sachem Canonchet was taken, in order to give the Indian allies a share in the barbarities, and thus attach them to the whites, " by the prudent advice of the English command ers," the Pequods shot him, Mohicans cut off his head aud quartered him, Ninigret's men burned the quarters, and his head was sent to the council at Hartford.^ When King Philip was taken, he was quartered,^ andthe pieces hung on four trees. His head and hands were carried first to Rhode Island. The Puritans proclaimed a thanksgiving on the 17th of August, and on that day his head was carried in triumph into Plymouth, and after being exhibited through the 1. Potter's Early Hist. Narragansett, 80. Church's Indian War, Drake's ed., 1829, p. 52. Morton's Memorial, Davis's ed., 1826, p. .443. 2. Potter's Early Hist. Narragansett, p. 96. Hubbard's Indian Wars, 1803, p. 168. Baylies' Hist. Plymouth, pt. 3, p. 117. 3. Church's Indian War, Drake's ed., 1829, p. 125. 60 HISTORICAL TRACT. country, was exposed on a gibbet where it remained for thirty years. i The prayers of Church, to save the life of Annawon were disregarded, and he was be headed. Tispaquin, another chief, surrendered on a pledge of protection from Church,*^ and he was executed with Annawon, "a dastardly act," says Baylies, "which disgraced the government," who thereby basely " violated the English faith. "^ When Philip's son, a boy of nine years of age, was taken prisoner, his case was referred to the clergy for advice. John Cotton and Samuel Arnold were for putting him to death, quoting texts of Scripture to sustain their opinions ; others were more merciful, and he was sold as a slave and shipped to Bermuda.^ In the Pequot war the male Indian children were sold to Bermuda, the women and female children were scattered about among the towns. s Some of 1. Baylies' Hist. Plymouth, pt. 3, 452. Drake's Ed. of Hubbard, v. 1, p. 272. 2. As to Church's authority to promise protection, see Baylies' Hist. Ply. mouth, pp. 3, 150; also Church's Indian War, Drake's ed., 1829, p. 96. 3. Baylies' Hist. Plymouth, pt. 3, 183, 184. Church's Indian War, Drake's ed., 1829, p. 144. Morton's Memorial, Davis's ed., pp. 453, 455. 4. Baylies' Hist. Plymouth, pt. 3, 190. Morton's Memorial, Davis's ed., p. 455. 5. Hubbard's Indian Wars, ed. of 1865, v. 2, p. 37. Morton's Memorial, Davia'e ed., p. 193. Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., v. 1., ed. of , p. 307. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 91 the Indians who fled for protection to Rhode Island, were sold for nine years ; none were sold for life or sent abroad. The Massachusetts authorities com plained that the Rhode Islanders had refused to deliver them up on their demand, that they might "be proceeded against according to the covenant." i Drake's Indian Chronicle consists of reprints of rare tracts and letters written and published during those early times. It is valuable, not so much for its exactness of detail, as for its exposition of the mixture of piety and savageness which actuated the Puritan people ; and it gives us some facts additional to those we have. Captain Mosely took prisoners a father aud son. They were examined separately ; the father first. They then examined the son, and lied to him by tell ing that they had shot his father and threatened that they would shoot him if he did not confess ; and ended by shooting them both. 2 In another case they led an Indian to the gallows, flung the end of the 1. R. I. Col. Eec, V. 2, p. 249. Knowles's Life of Roger Williams, p. 347. Pot ter's Early Hist. Narragansett, pp. 94, 219. 2. Drake's Indian Chronicle, ed., 1836, p. 25; ed., 1867, p. 149. 6 62 HISTORICAL TRACT. rope over the post and " hoisted him up like a dog three or four times," and finally an Indian stabbed him and sucked his blood. i Eight Indians came to Boston on an embassy with a certificate from Captain Smith. ^ One of them was taken and hanged, because he had killed some one in the war.^ In 1637, the Puritan soldiers meeting with seven Pequods, killed five of them, and took one a prison er alive, him "the English put to the torture, and set all their heads upon the fort."* The particulars of this torture are not given. In July, 1676, their Mohegan allies asked the English to give up to them one of the Narragansett captives to be tortured. The English consented. The remainder of the story is too horrible to be related here, the curious reader is referred to Baylies' History of Plymouth, an ex cellent authority, pt. 3, p. 136. The dead body of the squaw Sachem Weetamore being found, her head was cut off and carried to Taunton, where it 1. Drake's Indian Chronicle, ed. 1836, p. 27; ed. 1867, p. 153. 2. M^or Richard Smith, well known in Rhode Island history. 3. Drake's Indian Chronicle, ed. 1836, p. 30; ed. 1867, p. 167. 4. Winthrop's History of New England, ed. of 1826, v. 1, p. 223. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN EHODE ISLAND. 63 was set upon a pole.i " We cannot," says Judge Davis, " peruse without humiliation and disgust the unfeeling sarcasms with which a reverend cotempo- rary historian relates this occurrence." s In the Pequod war, the English attacked and set on fire the Pequod fort, and destroyed about four hundred Indians, killing some, hewing some to pieces, etc. "At this time it was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire, and the streams of blood quenching the same. Horrible was the stink and scent thereof; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice and they gave the praise thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to enclose their enemies in their hands." 3 When the Indians took female prisoners at Lan caster, and they suffered no wrong, such treatment so surprised the Puritan savages that they were obliged to account for it by a special interposition of God.* Baylies in his History of Plymouth, says " all accounts concur in representing the Indians of New 1. Hubbard's Indian Wars, ed. of 1865, v. 1, p.264. 2. Morton's Memorial, Davis's ed., p. 451. 3. Morton's Memorial, Davis's ed., p. 189. 4. Hubbard's Indian Wars, ed. 1865, v. 2, p. 260. 64 HISTORICAL TRACT. England to have invariably respected the honor of women." 1 Whatever of a savage character the Indians did, was attributed to "the malicious hatred these infidels have to religion and piety." In 1646, the CouncU of the United Colonies, Rhode Island not being one, considering the wilful wrongs and hostUe practices of the Indians, and their entertaining and protecting offenders, etc., provided that the magistrates of either of the juris dictions may send "some convenient strength of English," and seize and bring away any of that plan tation of Indians that shall protect," etc., "women and children to be sparingly siezed, unless known to be someway guilty, and because it will be charge able keeping Indians in prison, and if they escaped, they will be more violent and dangerous," satisfac tion is to be again demanded of the Sagamore, and if denied, the magistrates are to " deliver up the In dian siezed to the party or parties endammaged, either to serve or bee shipped out and exchanged for 1. Baylies' History Plymouth, pt. 3, p. 30. Potter's Early History Narragan sett, p. 94. Drake's Indian Chronicle, ed. of 1836, p. 81. Hubbard's Indian Wars, p. 117. Reference might properly have been made in this connection to the treat ment of Mary Dyer, who was banished and finally hanged on account of her FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 65 neagers as the case will justly beare."i Hazard has modernized the spelling into negroes. The Commissioners of the United Colonies ap proved and authorized the employment of mastiff dogs against the Indians.^ And read the following : " Whereas Mr. Pincheon was questioned about imprisoning an Indian at Aga- wam, whipping an Indian and freezing of him, the Court is willing to pass over Mr. Plums' failings against an Indian." This is a vote of the General Court at Hartford, in 1637.3 When we read of such barbarities as we have re cited, and then reflect that these were the Indians who protected our ancestors when they were driven away by the bigoted white savages of our neighbor ing colony, and when we reflect that these wars and brutalities were brought upon them mainly because of this kind treatment of our forefathers, an old religious faith, or perhaps, in the estimation of the Massachusetts authorities, the lack of it. The curious scholar is referred to Bishop's New England Judged, for an account of these barbarous acts. 1. Hazard's Historical Collections, vol. 2, page 63. Trumbull's Connecticut Records, 1636-65, p. 531. Blue Laws, Andrus's ed., p. 55. 2. Hazard's Historical Collections, vol. 2. 3. Trumbull's Connecticut Records, 1636-65, p. 13. 66 HISTORICAL TRACT. fashioned Rhode Islander may be excused for ex pressing himself in terms of severity. And yet within a few years we have had a lecture before our Rhode Island Historical Society, ridicul ing these our benefactors, and justifying the Puri tans. Canonicus is represented as allowing Wil liams to " instruct his people in Christian decency and behavior, so long as his supply of groceries lasted." And this was received with apparent grati fication and a vote of thanks passed by the Society. How long will it be before they join in the annual grand blarney celebration at Plymouth, and sing hosannas to the Puritans, who whipt, scourged and hung our Quaker and Baptist ancestors. That the Narragansett Indians were not civilized in the Puritan sense is no doubt true. But they were, compared with the other tribes, an agricultural people. And we have the testimony of Roger Wil liams to their good and peaceable character, (A. D. 1654) : that they were " more friendly in this than our native countrymen. * * Have they not entered leagues of love and to this day continued peaceable commerce with us ? Are not our families FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 67 grown up in peace among them ?" " The Narragan- setts as they were the first, so they have been long confederates with you ; they have been true in all the Pequod wars to you. « * » ^he Nar- ragansetts had never stained " their hands with any English blood, neither in open hostilities nor secret murders. * * It is true they are barbarians, but their greatest offences against the English have been matters of money or petty revenging of them selves on some Indians on extreme provocations, but God kept them clear of our blood. * •* Through all their towns and countries, how frequently do many and oft times one Englishman travel alone with safety and loving kindness."' " Commonly they never shut their doors day nor night, and 'tis rare that any hurt is done."^ That they were corrupted afterwards by their intercourse with the whites, and that they were made more sav age by the treatment they received, is doubtless true. Governor Hopkins, in his history of Providence, 3 1. Potter's Early History of Narragansett, pp. 154, 156 157. 2. Williams's Key to Indian Language, vol. 1, E. I. Hist. Col., p. 50. 3. Massachusetts Historical Collections, second series, vol. 9, p. 202. 68 HISTORICAL TRACT. speaking of the execution of Miantonomo by the advice of the Puritan clergy, says : " This was the re ward he received for assisting them some years before in their war with the Pequods. Surely a Rhode Island man may be permitted to mourn his unhappy fate and drop a tear on the ashes of Mian tinomo, who, with his uncle Canonicus, were the best friends and greatest benefactors the colony ever had. They kindly received, fed and protected the first settlers of it, when they were in distress and were strangers and exiles, and all mankind else were their enemies, and by this kindness to them, drew down upon themselves the resentment of the neighboring colonies." The late Chief Justice Staples, one of the most painstaking and accurate of our antiquarians, who resorted to the records for his facts, and not like some modern lecturers to the imagination for them, says of him : " If he had not protected the first settlers of the State of Rhode Island, probably his liberty would not have been deemed inconsistent with the safety of the United Colonies. * * He was sacrificed because he was more liberal in his FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 69 views than his Christian neighbors, more benevolent in his actions, more catholic in his religion. His memory should be embalmed in the grateful recol lections of every inhabitant of the State of Rhode Island."! And in another work : "'The descendants of the first settlers of Provi dence, Rhode Island, and Warwick, should ever remember the obligations that their ancestors were under to Miantonomo. * * * When there was no eye to pity and no power to save in the civilized world, Miantonomo was their friend, their protector, their generous benefactor."^ Mr. Savage in his notes to Winthrop,^ says : " With profound regret I am compelled to express a suspicion that means of sufficient influence could easily have been found for the security of them selves, the pacifying of Uncas and the preservation of Miantonomo, had he not encouraged the sale of Shaomet and Patuxet to Gorton and his heterodox associates." 1. Gorton's Simplicity's Defence. R. I. Hist. Coll., vol. 2, p. 156. 2. Staples' Annals of Providence, 54. 3. Winthrop's History of New England, ed. of 1653, vol. 2, p. 161. 70 HISTORICAL TRACT. The names of the Puritan magistrates and clergy who perpetrated these outrages, instead of being damned to everlasting infamy along with the bigots and persecutors of all past ages, are still retained in honor upon the calendar of Massachusetts' saints, and an annual ovation performed in their memory. If the wealthy Quakers and Baptists of the present day had one spark of the spirit of their ancestors, or any regard for their memory, they would place a copy of Coit's Puritanism, Sewel's and Gough's his tories of the Quakers, and Benedict's History of the Baptists, in every school and village library through out the land. It is common to defend the Puritans by saying that their faults were those of the age in which they lived. If this is a good defence, their defenders should have little to say about Archbishop Laud, or the cruelties of Bloody Queen Mary or any Cath olic persecutions. That the old Puritans (clergy and all) bought and sold slaves may be known to some. But it is not so well known that they were probably the first inventors of a fugitive slave law. In October, 1636, FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 71 a treaty was made at Boston, with the great Sachem Miantonomo. It contained nine articles. But, as the Indians could not understand them perfectly, a copy of it was sent to Roger Williams, in Rhode Island, to interpret it to them. This was probably a fair specimen of their Indian treaties. It is here referred to for the fifth article, "to return our fugi tive servants." ^ In 1643, Massachusetts, Plymouth and the two Connecticut colonies made a confedera tion for mutual defence ; in 1672, they renewed it. One of the articles provided that " if any servant ran away from his master * * in such case upon the certificate of one magistrate in the jurisdiction out of which the said servant fled, or other due proof, the said servant shall be delivered either to his master or any other that pursues and brings such certificate or proof." But this solemn agreement it seems was hardly needed, for in the letters of a French Protestant Refugee, written in 1687, it is said : "You may also own negroes and negresses. There is not a house in Boston, however small, that has not one or two," some five or six. "Negroes cost from 1. Potter's Early Hist. Narragansett, p. 21. 72 HISTORICAL TRACT. twenty to forty pistoles. * * There is no danger that they will leave you, nor hired help likewise, for the moment one is missing from the town, you have only to notify the savages, who, provided you promise them something, and describe the man to them, he is right soon found." ^ Selling into slavery was not confined to the In dians or the blacks. In 1659, a son and daughter of Lawrence Southwick were fined for " siding with the Quakers, and absenting themselves from the public ordinances." Not paying their fines the coun ty treasurers were authorized to sell them into Vir ginia or Bermuda. That the negroes were generally humanely treated is very probable, but they had little protection from the laws. Dr. Belknap 3 in 1795, says "the negro children were considered incumbrances, and were given away like puppies," and that the severest and most effective threat to a negro, was that he should be sold to the West Indies or Carolina. 1. Winthrop's Hist. New England, ed. of 1826, vol. 1, 199. 2. Sewel's History of the Quakers, vol. 1, p. 278. Hinman's Blue Laws, p. 17. 3. Massachusetts Hist. Coll., 1st series, vol. 4, p. 200. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 73 In the "Body of Liberties " of Massachusetts, A. D. 1641, we find it enacted : "There shall never be any bond slavery, villanage nor captivity among us, unless it be lawful captives taken in just wars and such strangers as willingly sell themselves or are sold unto us ; and these shall have all the liberties and Christian usages which the law of God estab lished in Israel requires." This legal recognitition of slavery is said to be several years earlier than can be found in the laws of Virginia or Maryland.' Of the existence of slavery in Rhode Island, I have written in another place. ^ The Rhode Island ers apprenticed or sold some of the Indians for a term of years in the great Indian war of 1675-6. They sold none absolutely. They did in May, 1659, pass a law authorizing the sale of an Indian guilty of grand larceny, but it was only after conviction and it was the guilty person who was to be sold. Even this is not to be justified, but it is not quite as bad as when one Indian committed a theft, to catch and sell another one.3 1. Hildreth's History of United States, vol. 1, p. 278. 2. Lecture before the R. I. Hist. Society by the author, February 19, 1851. 3. Rhode Island Colonial Records, vol. 1, p. 412. 7 74 HISTORICAL TRACT. In an act of the Massachusetts Legislature passed in May, 1705, entitled "an act for the better prevent ing of a spurious and mixed issue," etc, it was enacted that if any negro or mulatto struck a per son of the English or other Christian nation he should be severely whipped. To further illustrate the spirit of the people, the two following extracts from private letters are introduced, the first, from Hugh Peters, was written to John Winthrop, from Salem, probably about 1645. He says : " Mr. Endecot and my selfe salute you in the Lord Jesus. Wee have heard of a divideuce of women and children in the bay and would be glad of a share, viz. : a young woman or girle and a boy if you thinke good. I wrote to you for some boyes for Bermudas which I think is considerable."' The second is from Emanuel Downing, son-in-law of Governor Winthrop. It was written in 1637-8. He says : " A warr with the Narragansett is verie considerable to this plantation, for I doubt whither yt be not syniie in vs, hauing power in our hands, to suffer them to maynteyne the worship of the devill, 1. Massachusetts Historical Collections, series 4, vol. 6, p. 95. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 75 which their paw wawes often doe ; 21ie. If upon a Just warre the Lord should deliver them into our hands, we might easily haue men, woemen and chil dren enough to exchange for Moores, which will be more gayneful pilladge for us than wee conceive, for I do not see how wee can thrive untill wee gett into a stock of slaues sufficient to doe all our business for our children's children will hardly see this great Continent filled with people, soe that our servants will still desire freedom to plant for themselves, and not stay but for verie great wages. And I suppose you know verie well how we shall maynteyne 20 Moores (negroes) cheaper than one Englishe ser vant. " The ships that shall bring Moores may come home laden with salt which may beare most of the chardge, if not all of yt. But I marvayle Conecti- cott should anywayes hasard a warre without your helps."! We have seen that while the hatred of heresy was one source of hostility towards Rhode Island, the passion for land speculation was another. Roger Wil- 1. Massachusetts Hist. Coll., series 4, vol. 6, p. 65. 76 HISTORICAL TRACT. liams 1 says : " You will find the business at bottom to be * * a depraved appetite after * * great portions of land in this wilderness. * « * This is one of the Gods of New England." Deeds of im mense tracts were obtained from the Indians by Massachusetts men on the one hand, and Rhode Island men on the other. Sometimes there was a consider ation, sometimes none, and how much the Indians understood of the nature of a deed may easily be guessed. For the manner in which treaties were forced upon them, and how little they understood of them, repeated illustrations can be seen in the histo ries of the times. ^ The Colonial Magistrates sent for the Indian Sachems at pleasure, made charges against them and compelled them to sign writings of the effect of which they knew nothing. So King Philip was compelled to sign a Avriting acknowledging himself a subject of the English. When at Boston, in 1671, he was told that he had done so, he indignantly denied it,^ and 1. Potter's Early Hist. Narragansett, p. 162. 2. Potter's Early History of Narragansett, pp. 21, 47, 49, 79. 3. Hutchinson, 1, 281. Baylies' Plymouth, pt. 3, p. 23. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 77 said that it was merely an agreement of friendship and amity. Baylies, in his History of Plymouth, gives a char acter of Philip, very different from that generally given by the clerical historians.' The Rev. Samuel Peters has been very much cen sured for his history of the first colonists of Connec ticut. That he exaggerated the faults and foibles of those whom he considered his persecutors, is very probable. He is commonly understood as represent ing that they met in solemn meeting and voted unanimously — 1st. That the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. 2d. That he has given it to his saints ; and 3d. That we are the saints, and accordingly they took possession. This is rather an exaggeration of what Peters does say, but not much. ^ He says that when the Sachems refused to give the land to them, they voted themselves to be the children of God, and that the wilderness in 1. Baylies' Plymouth, pt. 3, p. 169. 2. Peters' History Conneotiout, New Haven, 1829, pp. 46, 66. 78 HISTORICAL TRACT. the uttermost parts of the earth was given to them. Be this as it may, nothing better represents the ruling spirit of the Puritans in their treatment of the In dians. It represents what was in the minds of all the people. It is true as a myth, in the sense of the myths of ancient history. The same thing is now going on at the West ; except that it is not the fashion of the present day to profess any peculiar sanctity. They ask no leave of God or any body else. Another charge against Peters is, that he repre sents the first settlers as meeting and voting that they would be governed by the Laws of God, until they had time to make better ones. What he does say (page 54) is that the Colony " adopted the Bible for its code of civil laws, till others should be made more suitable for their circumstances." This was probably founded on some expression in the first Code of Connecticut, where it appears that they provided for being governed by the rule of the Word of God in cases for which they had not provided in their code ;' or, as Secretary Hinman states it, " for 1. Trumbull's Hist. Connecticut, vol. 1, p. 98. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 79 want of a law in any particular case, shall be judged by the Word of God."' The Rhode Island code of laws of 1647, is a most excellent one. It contains plentiful references to the laws of England, ^ but no reference whatever to the Laws of God. But then its authors were here tics. The Puritans perhaps were not the first to bribe members of the cabinet and government officers. They were very cautious and perhaps conscientious as to using such a wicked word. But Puritan shrewdness was equal to the occasion. Chalmers openly charges them with attempting to bribe the officers and influential men of the English govern ment. 3 The Massachusetts Council, December 31, 1663, appointed a committee "to improve some friend or friends in England," * to obtain informa tion " and prevent all inconveniences the best they 1. Hinman's Blue Laws, pp. 130, 150; also Baylies' History Plymouth, pt. 2 p. 74. Laws of Plymouth. 2. Proceedings of First General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1647, ed. of Judge Staples. Providence, 1847. 3. Chalmers' Political Annals, pp. 412, 413, 461 ; also History of Revolution of Colonies, vol. 1, p. 132. 4. Massachusetts Colonial Records, vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 101. 80 HISTORICAL TRACT. may." The General Court, May 18, 1664, re ferring to this, authorized the committee to engage some faithful friends in England, at an expense not exceeding £400. The General Court had before this in 1661, authorized a committee for managing their affairs at London, to remove all obstacles or ob jections that might lie in their way, and their pro ceedings were to be kept secret unless the General Court should call for them.' In 1682,2 they had authorized the committee managing their English affairs " to improve any meet instrument for the ob taining " a general pardon and continuance of their charter. Hereafter Railroad companies will not wickedly attempt to bribe members of Congress, they need only improve them. Their agents in England, either forged or surrep titiously procured before it had passed the proper ordeal, a pretended patent bearing date in 1643,3 giving to Massachusetts the government of the Narra gansett country, including of course the site of our 1. Massachusetts Colonial Records, v. 4, pt. 2, p. 39. 2. Chalmers' Political Annals, p. 461. 3. Miscellaneous State Papers, v. 1. Secretary of State of Massachusetts. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 81 Frenchtown settlement. Of this pretended patent Roger Williams says : ' " The Lord High Admiral President said openly in a full meeting of the Com missioners, that he knew no other charter for these parts than what Mr. Williams had obtained, for he was sure that charter which the Massachusetts English men pretended, had never passed the table." For other reasons and authorities, see Mr. Aspinwall's pamphlet^ upon this subject. No one pretends that the government of Massachusetts would procure or countenance a forgery. It was a clique of unprinci pled land speculators acting under the cloak of their name and under the garb of piety and hatred of heresy. And this was the sort of people who caused a very large part of the conflicts and civil disturb ances which hindered and delayed the peaceable set tlement of Narragansett, and of which Rhode Island has had most unjustly to bear the blame. The feeling produced by these arrogant assump tions, by these scourgings, banishings, hangings of 1. Letter to Mason. Potter's Early History Narragansett, pp. .37, 161. See also the documents in Staples's ed. of Gorton's Simplicity's Defence, p. 205, 195. 2. This exhaustive argument was re-published by Sidney S. Rider, Provi dence, 1865. A few copies yet remain unsold. 82 HISTORICAL TRACT. our heretical ancestors has not yet entirely disap peared among the older portion of our country peo ple. And it ought not to, so long as the authors of these barbarities are defended and canonized as they are. I have in my youth seen elderly people who could not speak of the " Massachusetts Presbyte rians," as they called them, without a gritting of teeth. We have had a few among our people who have taken some pains to justify the memory of our an cestors. The late Hon. Henry Bull of Newport, was one of the first, and latterly, Benedict in his History of the Baptists, the late Judge Staples, Governor Arnold in his History of Rhode Island, Zachariah Allen, Esq., and Professor Diman, have done good service in bringing to light the truth on these sub jects. The conduct of the Puritans and the savage char acter of their treatment of the Indians, will by many be justified on the theory that they could not be dealt with in any other manner. Whether this excuse is available for a people pretending to Chris tianity is doubtful. That after the Great Swamp FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 83 fight both parties acted like savages, is undeniable. The Indians had been nearly destroyed in the fight, their huts with their women and children, and their stores of provisions burnt up, and the survivors driven out in the cold of mid-winter to freeze and starve. On the part of the whites the fury extended even to the women. The women of Marblehead, coming out of church, fell on two Eastern Indians who had been brought in as captives and " very barbarously " murdered them.' Aud very lately a monument has been erected (as the newspapers say) to a woman who tomahawked and scalped ten sleeping Indians and then escaped. The wars with the Eastern Indians were going on at the time of Philip's w^ar. It is becoming the fashion to erect monuments to the dead Indians, now that they are out of the way and can give us no trouble. Matthew xxiii., 30; Luke ix., 59 : 60. 1. This occurred in 1677. See Hutchinson's Massachusetts Bay, vol. 1, p. 307. GENEALOGICAL NOTES. When, many years ago, the writer was collecting materials for the " Early History of Narragansett " published in 1835, it was with the utmost difficulty that the materials could be obtained for the few pages of family history contained in that work. Few families had preserved any family records, and few seemed to care about them. And most of the information in that work was obtained from the records with a good deal of labor. From one per son, the late Thomas B. Hazard, of Peace Dale, who died A. D. 1845, at the of age 90, he obtained a great deal of traditional information about Mr. Hazard's own, and other families, which in every instance he found to be confirmed by the records, when searched. Since then the feeling has changed ; every family has some one engaged in hunting up its history, and 86 HISTORICAL TRACT. the passion has been carried to a ridiculous extreme. Those who get up the present fashionable genealogies begin away back in English history with an account of all the princes, lords and knights who have borne the name or any name similar to it. We expect, of course, to find the descendants of some of these no bles coming over about 1620, and settling in this country. But here comes a sudden break ; and the family history begins again generally somewhat in this style : The first of the name we find in this country was . A few years ago some one published a genealogical table of one of our old fam ilies, and represented his ancestor as owning almost the whole country. Such things as these may flatter vanity, but they subject the writers, justly, and sometimes a whole family unjustly to censure. •. Savage, in his Genealogical Dictionary, volume 4, page 144, well says : " Much benefit to thousands of enquirers on our side of the ocean may be derived from the wise use of a few words in the note of Mr. Hunter, on pages 6 and 7 of ' The Founders of New Plymouth,' edition 1854 : ' Mere possession of a sur name which coincides with that of an English family, FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN EHODE ISLAND. 87 is no proof of connection with that family. Claims of alliance founded on this basis are not the legiti mate offspring of laborious genealogical enquiry, but of self love and the desire to found a reputation for ancestorial honor, where no such honor is really due.' Well is the topic explained in further remarks, founded on experience of more than one gross case of indecent pretension." It was formerly very common for sea captains and travellers to go to the Herald's office, in London, and procure copies of coats of arms of some one of their name. These were brought home and sometimes framed and conspicuously displayed, and may here after perhaps be used as evidence of connection with the English family. They are of course worth but little. There are but two families in this part of the coun try, who, to the knowlege of the writer, can trace their families into Europe for many generations be fore the emigration. The family of Dr. John Clarke, the colonial agent, can, upon undoubted evidence, go back several generations in England. Its repre sentatives are still numerous in South Kingstown 88 HISTORICAL TRACT. and Westerly ; and the Bernons were of an ancient and honorable family in Rochelle, in France. One great difficulty in tracing by our records, arises from having sometimes many of the same Christian name living at the same time. In the Reynolds, Gardner, Hazard and Babcock families, this is especially the case. In such cases the tracing of the title to some tract of land, may aid materially. A very complete genealogy of the Brenton family can be made from the Land Records of South Kingstown. Another difficulty arises from the various removals of families from one town to another. In this re spect the Quaker Records afford great aid as to the members of that society. The general course of emigration was through Massachusetts to Portsmouth and Newport, and from thence across to the west side of the Bay. The Misquamicott settlement originated in Newport. The settlers had to pass a wilderness, and the name they gave it. Westerly, is significant of the state of the country at the time. After the close of our Revolutionary war, and in fact ever since, there has been a very large emigra tion from the Narragansett country to the Western FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 89 States. The greatest number of the early emi grants went to Vermont, to the borders of Hoosic River in New York, to the Genesee country, in which name was then included all the country around the small lakes in western New York, to Wyoming and Wilkesbarre, and the borders of the Susquehannah River, and to Marietta in Ohio. And from thence their descendants have become scattered all over the Western States. There was also quite a large set tlement of French from Rhode Island near Chatham Four Corners and Hudson, in New York. THE MAWNEY FAMILY. Le Moine. The christian name of the first Le Moine is not given on the plat, but by the tradition in the family, it was Moses. The French settlers, according to the family tradition, settled around a spring on the present Mawney farm, and planted an orchard there, always since known as the French orchard, and, within the remembrance of the writer, there were trees there supposed to be remains of the original orchard. When the settlement was broken up, the Mawneys must have remained there ; as the name of Peter Money is on the oldest plat of East Greenwich known to be in existence, and attached to the tract of land which has been in the family ever since. The name seems to have been first changed to Money, and later to Mawney. The same tradition preserves the names of two children of Moses : FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 91 First, Peter ; and second, Mary, who married an Ap pleby, of New York. Col. Peter Mawney lived the greater part of his life in East Greenwich, but removed to Providence before his death, and his will is recorded there. He died in Providence, September 9, 1754, aged 65, and is buried, with other relatives, in the old North Burial Ground. This would make his birth about 1689. He was twice married, first to Mary Tillinghast, who died February 24, 1726-7, in the 34th year of her age, and is buried in the Tillinghast burial ground, next north of the Mawney farm ; second, to Mercy, daughter of Pardon Tillinghast, who sur vived him, and died in 1761, the widow of James Brown, and is buried in the North Burial Ground. The children of Col. Peter Mawney were : 1. Elizabeth, born November 22, 1714, wife of Joseph Olney. 2. Mercy, married Thomas Fry, Jr., December 23, 1742. In Col. Mawney's will he mentions his granddaughter, Mercy Fry. 92 HISTORICAL TRACT. 3. Lydia, married Dr. Ephraim Bowen, June 10, 1746. See Bowen, post. 4 . Mary , married James A ugel I , October 5,1752, grandmother of the late Prof. William G. Goddard.' 5. John, born August 11, 1718 ; died June 13, 1754. See below. 6. Pardon, born October 5, 1753; went to sea and never heard from. 7. Sarah, married Joseph Whipple. Their son Samuel was father of the late Hon. John Whipple, Brown University, 1802, and their son George was grandfather of Joseph W. Congdon, attorney at law at East Greenwich. 8. Amey, married Dr. Samuel Carrew, April 22, 1760; died 1762, age 26; buried in North Burial Ground. John Mawney, son of Col. Peter, died before his father, and his will is recorded in Providence. He married, October 29, 1745, Amey, daughter of Rob ert Gibbs, who is described on his tombstone in the North Burial Ground, as descended from the family of Sir Henry Gibbs, of Dorsetshire, England. 1. Updike's Narragansett Church, p. 155. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 93 Amey, wife of Robert Gibbs, was daughther of Col. Joseph Whipple, and widow of Crawford. The children of John and Amey Mawney were : 1. Pardon, born at Providence, December 27, 1748 ; died on the homestead, in East Greenwich, given him by his grandfather's will, August 6, 1831. He married Experience, daughter of Caleb Gardner, of South Kingstown. See below. 2. Dr. John Mawney, a physician, sometime sheriff of Providence county, and was in the expe dition that burnt the.Gaspee. He died in Cranston, in March 1830, in his 80th year, and was buried in the North Burial Ground. He married, first, Nancy Wilson ; second, Elizabeth Clarke. Children : a. John, married Ruth, daughter of John Glad ding, and left one child, Elizabeth, who married William A. Cole, and now resides in Shakopee, Minnesota. 6. Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth, mar ried Henry Valentine, A. D. 1807. Their children were, first, Maria A. ; second, Edward H. ; third, John M. ; fourth, Elizabeth; fifth, Horatio; sixth, Harriet A. ; seventh, Alfred A., now in New York 94 HISTORICAL TRACT. city. Mrs. Mary Valentine died in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1864. Henry Valentine died in 1847. c. Susan, born January 5, 1788 ; married Benja min P. Ware, 1812. He died in 1816. She died October, 1869. Of the children, Albert P. Ware, born August 3, 1813, is now living in Andover, Mas sachusetts, and Charles M. Ware, born August 23, 1815, is living at Norwich, Connecticut. 3. Hannah, daughter of John Mawney, married Stephen Harris, January 23, 1775. She died at the age of 34, leaving one son, Stephen, father of the late Almoran Harris. 4. Mary died December 25, 1757, aged eleven years. 5. Nancy died, aged seventeen years. Pardon, before referred to, died at East Green wich, August 6, 1831. His wife, Experience, was born November 1, 1751; married June, 1772. She died November 28, 1815. Their children were : 1. Peter Lemoine, born April 16, 1773; died in Moreau, Saratoga county. New York, January 30, 1868. Children : First, ,John G., died at Tyrone, Steuben county, 1837 ; second. Pardon, deceased ; FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 95 third, Horatio, (Geneva, N. Y.) ; fourth, IsabeUa Ann ; fifth, Sarah ; sixth, Peter, deceased. John G. left children : First, Dr. John G., Mazomanie, Dane county, Wisconsin ; second, Caleb ; third, William W., Dundee, Yates county, N. Y. ; fourth, Zeruah; fifth, Mary ; sixth, Sarah ; seventh, Robert. 2. John G., born October 1, 1774, was for many years clerk of one of the courts of Kent county. He died December 28, 1846. Children: First, Marj-; second, William; third, Tabitha; fourth, Benjamin; fifth, Robert G. ; sixth, Julia, married Ebenezer Hopkins ; seventh, John G. ; eighth, Har riet, married Oliver A. Weeks, died October, 1875. 3. One unnamed. 4 and 5. Amey and Nancy, born March 23, 1777. Nancy died 1787. Amey married first, Capt. Wil liam E. TUlinghast, of Providence. He died 1817. Second, Elisha Atkins, of Providence, and after wards of Newport. B. U. 1816. No children. She died October 3, 1864. 6. Mary, born April 24, 1779 ; married, July 9, 1810, Elisha R. Potter, of South Kingstown, mem ber of Congress, 1796-1797 and 1809-1815. She 96 HISTORICAL TRACT. died July 26, 1835. He died September 26, 1835. ChUdren: First, Elisha R., H. C. 1830 ; second, Thomas; third. Dr. Thomas M., B. U. 1834, U. S. Navy ; fourth, William Henry, B. U. 1836, attorney at law ; fifth, James B. Mason, B. U. 1839 ; sixth, Mary Elizabeth. 7. Moses, born November 4, 1780; married Elizabeth Arnold, November 1816; died August 1, 1821. Children : First, Robert G. ; second, Han nah, married Joseph R. Arnold ; third, Elizabeth Ann. 8. Hannah, born April 13, 1782 ; married first, Nicholas Tillinghast. One son, Edward N., born September 11, 1805. Married, second, Jeffrey Davis, December, 1824. She died Sept. 20, 1860. 9. EUzabeth Cranston, born July 7, 1784; mar ried October 19, 1806, Jeffrey Davis, of North Kingstown. She died July, 1814. Children: First, Abby, married Thomas B. Wilbor, of Coventry ; second, George Albert ; third, William Dean, who married Mary E. Congdon. 10. Nicholas G., born March 18, 1786; died August 27, 1874, on the homestead; unmarried; will recorded at East Greenwich. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 97 11. Robert Gibbs, born 1788; went to sea in 1811 and never heard from. ¦ 12. Caleb, born 1789 ; died 1790. 13. Tabitha, born 1791 ; died 1808. 14. Samuel Ayrault, born May 8, 1792 ; married, in 1816, Phebe Nichols ; died January 8, 1866. Children : First, Elizabeth, married Edward Wheeler, Auburn, New York ; second, Maria, mar ried MaynardChappell, Henrietta, New York; third, Isabella Ann, married James G. Maynard, Provi dence, Bureau county, Illinois. 15. Isabella A., born November 30, 1797; mar ried Peter G. Taylor, June 27, 1822 ; he died at Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 1871 ; she died July 29, 1873. Children: First, Pardon L., born 1824, died November, 1860, at Brooklyn, New York; second, Isabella Ann, born 1826, married, 1848, George W. Frost, of New Market, New Hampshire; third, Amey Elizabeth, born 1831, married Walter J. Gilbert. The account of the French settlers here given, the locality of the settlement and the name of the first emigrant of the Mawney family, together with the 98 HISTORICAL TRACT. earl}' history of the family, were taken down by an uncle of the writer from the lips of Pardon Mawney a few years before the death of the latter, in 1831 ; and when it is considered that Pardon Mawney was born in 1748, and was soon old enough to have con versed with some of the emigrants themselves, and with their families, the tradition becomes more than ordinarily reliable. Pardon Mawney's grandfather, who died after the birth of Pardon, must have been born in 1689, about the time of the settlement. And until within comparatively a few years there has been very little change in the families which have owned the land and lived in the neighborhood. Pardon Mawney was for many years in his youth in the house of his uncle Gibbs, in Boston, and while there attended school. It was during his residence there that Gov. Hutchinson's house was sacked by the mob, in August, 1765 ; and he was present when the furniture was thrown from the windows, and picked up among the rubbish a pack of playing cards repre senting scenes in the famous Rye House Plot, which are still preserved. THE BOWEN FAMILY. Dr. Ephraim Bowen, son of Thomas, died 1812, age 96 j-ears. Married, first, Mary, daughter of Thomas Fenner, February 9, 1737-8. Second, Lydia, daughter of Col, Peter Money, June 10, 1746. Children by first wife : 1. Gov. Jabez, born November 17, 1739; died in 1815 ; married, December 19, 1762, Sarah, daughter of Obadiah Brown. She died March 17, 1800. Children: a. Obadiah, born 1763; died 1793. h. Oliver, born 1767. c Mary, born 1772. d. Ja bez, born 1774. e. Henry, born 1776; died 1777. /. Horatio G., born 1779; Librarian of Brown University ; died March 23, 1848. g. Another, born 1782. h. Henry, 2nd, born 1785; for thirty years .Secretary of State of Rhode Island. 100 HISTORICAL TRACT. He married, second, Peddy Leonard, May 21, 1801. 2. Oliver, born November 17, 1742. His son, Oliver, Jr., was father of Mary Demont Bowen, lately deceased. Children by second wife : 3. Dr. William, born March 8, 1747, married Susan CorUs, 1769, died 1832, aged 86 years. Chil dren : a. Elizabeth, married Thomas Amory, 1799, whose children were : Mary ; Harriet, married Robert H. Ives ; John ; Julia, married Rt. Rev. M. A. D'W. Howe ; Louise ; Anna ; Helen, married William Raymond Lee ; Thomas, b. Sarah, married Wil liam S. Skinner, 1816. c. Maria, married Hon. John Whipple, B. U., 1802, whose children were : John; Maria, married Rev. Francis Vinton ; Elizabeth, mar ried Prof. William Gammell ; Sarah C. married, first, Robert P. Swann, of Virginia ; second, William H. Potter; Samuel, died young; Harriet, married Wil liam S. Slater ; WUliam. d. Harriet, married, 1815, Commodore Charles Morris, United States Navy, whose children were : Charles ; Harriet, married Rev. Dr. Coolidge ; Louise, married William W- FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN EHODE ISLAND. 101 Corcoran, of Washington ; Elizabeth, married Dr. John L. Fox ; Helen ; R. Murray ; Dr. William B. ; Maria, married Rev. Mr, Duncan ; George ; Julia, married Dr. Addison, e. Dr. William C, Bowen, born June 2, 1785 ; died 1815 ; married Rebecca Olney, 1812 ; had a son William, 4, Mary, born 1748; unmarried, 5, Sarah, born 1750; married Thomas Lloyd Halsey, 6, Lydia, born 1752 ; married John Innes Clarke, 1773, of whose daughters, Harriet married, 1811, Dr. Robert Hare, of Philadelphia, and Anna E., married, 1803, Oliver Kane. 7. Col, Ephraim, born 1753 ; married, first, Sally Angell ; was in the Revolutionary army, and one of the captors of the Gaspee. Children : First, Wil liam B., born in 1777, died August 26, 1826. Sec ond, Julia, born in 1779 ; married John D. Martin, 1803, Third, Nathaniel, died young. Fourth, Sally A., died young. Fifth, Elizabeth, born in 1787 ; married Hon. John H. Clarke, B. U, 1809, after wards Senator in Congess. Mr. Clarke died in 1872. Their son, Hon. James M. Clarke, B. U. 1838, was 102 HISTORICAL TRACT. for several years U. S. District Attorney in Rhode Island. Col. Bowen married, second, Sarah Whipple in 1794. Children: First, Esther; second, George T. ; third, Sarah ; fourth, Mary. Col. Bowen died September 2, 1841, at his home at Pawluxet, in Warwick. 8. Benjamin, born 1755. 9. Dr. Pardon, born March 26, 1757 ; died Octo ber, 1826, age 69 years ; married Elizabeth Ward, 1780. Had two sons, William, who went South, and Henry, who died young ; and three daughters, Esther, married Charles W. Greene, 1806 ; Frances, who married Charles W. Greene, 1813, and Anna E., who married Franklin Greene, and is still living at East Greenwich. 10. Benjamin, born 1759; went to New York. 11. Ann, born 1762 ; married Edward Mitchell, 1792. Mrs. MitcheU died in Charleston, S. C, in 1855, 12. Betsey, born 1765 ; married John Ward, 1792 ; no children, 13, Fanny, 1768 ; married John E. Moore, 1789. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN EHODE ISLAND. 103 Dr. William Bowen, Dr. Pardon Bowen, and Dr. William C. Bowen, were all of great eminence in their profession. See Thatcher's New England Medi cal Biography and Dr. Usher Parsons' Sketches of Rhode Island Physicians. THE AYRAULT FAMILY. In Mrs. Lee's Huguenots in France and in America,' Dr, Pierre Ayrault is spoken of as a native of Angers, in France, He will be at once recognized as the author of the memorial relat ing to the breaking up of the French settlement. Like the Mawneys and other families, he remained and continued on good terms with the neighboring Rhode Island settlers, thus showing that the disturb ance could have grown out of no national antipathy. He probably soon removed to the neighboring village of East Greenwich, as more convenient for his pro fessional practice. And in 1699^ we find him joining with others in the foundation of Trinity Church, in Newport, where the petitioners are spoken of as " within this island." This, however, is not conclu- 1. Mrs. Lee's Huguenots, volume 2, page 108. 2. Arnold's History of Rhode Island, vol. 1, p. 659. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND, 105 sive. In 1704 Madame Knight, in her journeyings south from East Greenwich, on towards New York, speaks of being joined by the French doctor. In 1711-12 we find from the records at East Greenwich, that Daniel Ayrault sold to David Greene his house and nineteen acres of land. This probably was the time of the final removal of the family to Newport. Peter Ayrault's will, made in 1705, proved June 4, 1711, and recorded in the old parchment book at East Greenwich, mentions his wife Frances, and his son Samuel, mariner now abroad, giving to the latter a legacy, and giving the remainder of his property to his son Daniel,, merchant. Daniel, the only son of Pierre of whom we have any mention, was born about 1676-7 and settled in Newport. In the old parchment book of records at Greenwich, we find that Daniel Ayrault, with a number of others, received letters of denization July 3, in the thirteenth year of WiUiam Third, A. D., 1702. He married, May 9, 1703, Mary, daughter of and Judith Robineau, and grand-daughter of Elias and Susanna Neau, of New York, Their marriage contract, dated 106 HISTORICAL TRACT. April, 1703, is given at length in Mrs. Lee's Huguenots in France and America.' Daniel died June 25, 1764, aged 87 years, 9 months and 17 days. She died January 5, 1729, aged 44 years. He married, second, Rebecca, widow of Edward Neargrass, in 1745. The children of Daniel and Mary were : 1, Mary, born at East Greenwich, February 16, 1704; married James Cranston, 1720-1; children, Walter and Mary; married, second, George Gould- ing, whom she survived, and died in 1764, 2. Pierre, born at East Greenwich, October 4, 1705. 3, Daniel, born at East Greenwich, November 2, 1707 ; married, first, Susanna, Neargrass, in 1735; second, Rebecca Neargrass, in 1737; third. Hart, daughter of Jahleel and Frances Brenton, in 1745; she died in 1764, He died in 1770. Children: a. Stephen, b. Daniel, died young. c, Mary, died 1792. Children by Hart Brenton : a. Peter ; b. Hart ; c. Rebecca ; d. Martha, born in 1759, died same year, and three others who died young. Peter and Hart both died unmarried. 1. Mrs. Lee's Huguenots, volume 2, page 107. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 107 4. Stephen, born at East Greenwich, December 11, 1709. The births of numbers two, three and four, are on record at East Greenwich. 5. Anthony, born in 1712 ; died in 1726, 6, Elias, born at Newport, February 13, 1713-14 ; went to sea, 7. Judith, born at Newport, in 1716 ; died young. 8, Frances, born at Newport, September 2, 1718 ; married Walter Cranston, March 26, 174T, She died February 2, 1798. 9. Samuel, born in Newport, March 22, 1720 ; died August 11, 1798, and buried at the Tillinghast burying ground, on the farm north of the Mawney farm, in East Greenwich. He is described on his tombstone as a merchant. 10. Anthony, died when 4 years old. 11. Susanna, born June 29, 1723 ; died May 3, 1809. 12. Judith, born December 9, 1725 ; died No vember 26, 1806 ; married Joseph Tillinghast. Children of Stephen, fourth child of Daniel and Mary. His tombstone gives his age 84. The Mer- 108 HISTORICAL TRACT. cury of April 22, 1794, contains a notice of him. He marriedj December 23, 1740, Ann, eldest daugh ter of Peter Bours. She was born April 2, 1724, and died December 17, 1754. Children: a. Frances, baptized 1747; married, first, in 1767, Edward, son of Gov. Gideon Wanton ; second, John Piper. 6. Ann. c. Mary, baptized in 1742 ; married, in 1764, George Scott. Mary had one daughter, Ann, who married, first, William Rob inson ; second, Dr. John P. Mann. She died in 1841. d. Bathsheba, died young. The children of Edward Wanton and Frances, his wife, were : First, Stephen A. ; second, Sarah ; third, Frances, married William C. Robinson. Their children were: a. Edward W., born in 1797, died ^in 1818. b. Stephen A., born in 1799; mar ried Sarah, daughter of Jeremiah N. Potter, 1822 ; was Grand Master of Masons, and died April 7, 1877 in South Kingstown. No children, c. Frances W., died young, d. George C, died in 1820. e. William C. Robinson, born in 1803 ; married Abby B., daughter of Josiah C. Shaw. He died in 1871. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 109 Mary, daughter of Daniel, 2nd, died 1792. She married Benjamin Mason, 1754. Children : Benja min, Daniel, Susan and Mary. Benjamin, last named, married Margaret Champlin. Their son, George Champlin Mason, was father of George C. Mason, Esq., now living in Newport. In Hinman's Records of Wethersfield, Conn., and also in the New England Genealogical Register, volume XV., are mentioned several of this name. From the similarity of Christian names, they were probably relatives of the Rhode Island family. :o THE BERNON FAMILY. The person who, from his standing in his native country and his wealth was probably the most conspicuous among the French settlers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, was Gabriel Bernon. He was born April 6, 1644, of an ancient family at Rochelle, of which city it is traditionary in one branch of the family here, he was hereditary registrar. In anticipation of the troubles he fled to London, i He landed in Boston in 1688. He was one of the principal persons concerned in the French settlement at Oxford, Massachusetts, for which we must refer to the very full account in Massachusetts Historical Collections.! Quite full accounts of him and much of his correspondence are published in the work last referred to, and also in Updike's History of the 4 1. Massachusetts Historical Collections, vol. 22, p. 69. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. Ill Narragansett Church, and in Mrs. Lee's Huguenots in France and America. In the very full genealogy of the Bernon family, published in France, the posterity of Gabriel Bernon are not given. But his correspondence with his brother Samuel ; with Benjamin Faneuil, (of Fan- euil Hall memory, ) who married his sister Marie ; and with another brother-in-law, Pierre Sanceau, all of whom are mentioned in the printed genealogy, and which correspondence is now in the possession of his descendants, all prove the connection. The genealogy extends back to 1545. The Faneuils after coming to this country returned and lived in France. Bernon and Fanueil and Louis Allaire were con cerned together in various mercantile operations. He remained in Boston about ten years and removed to Newport about 1697. He was one of the first petitioners for the establishment of an Episcopal church in Newport, September 1699,' and from this and other similar movements originated the English society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts in 1702. Bernon's first wife, Esther Le Roy, ¦i. 1. Arnold's History of R. I., vol. 1, p. 559 : vol. 2, pp. 76, 116. 112 HISTORICAL TRACT. died in Newport, June 14, 1710, aged fifty-six years, and her gravestone is still to be seen there. For a short time after the death of his wife he resided in Providence, and then began to make purchases with a ^iew to trade in Kingstown, In those days the great road for travel from Boston to New York fol lowed the shore, and was sometimes known as the Pequot path, Wickford, or as then sometimes called, Updike's Newtown, and Tower Hill, were two of the principal places of business on it. He purchased of Lodowick Updike a wharf lot at Wickford, built a wharf, a warehouse, and a sloop.' While in Kings town he was active in support of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of which Rev. James McSparran was rector; but about 1719 we find him again settled in Providence, where he remained until his death. In 1712 he married for his second wife Mary Harris, daughter of Thomas Harris, 2nd, and grand niece of William Harris the companion of Roger Williams. Of the children of Bernon's first marriage, Jane married, October 11, 1722, Col. WiUiam Codding ton, of Newport. 1. Updike's History of the Narragansett Church, p. 42. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 113 Esther married. May 30, 1713, Adam Ap Howell, or Powell.' Their daughter Elizabeth, born in Newport, April 8, 1714, married Rev. Mr: Sea- bury, of New London, whose son Samuel by a former marriage was the first English bishop in America.^ Esther, (daughter of Adam and Esther Powell,) was born in Newport, May, 1718,^ She married Judge James Helme, of South Kingstown, and died March 22, 1764, in her forty-sixth year. See Helme fam ily, post, Mrs. Esther Powell died a widow, October 20, 1746, aged sixty-nine years, and was buried in the Congregational burying ground at Tower HiU. Marie, another daughter of Gabriel Bernon, mar ried Gabriel Tourtellot. See Tourtellot family, post. Sarah, another daughter, married Benjamin Whipple, November 11, 1722. Mr. Bernon's eldest son Gabriel and four daugh ters, children by his first wife, all came with him to America. This son died, unmarried, in early man- 1. Trinity Church Records, Newport. 2. Updike's History of the Narragansett Church, pp. 139, 143. 3. Newport Records. 114 HISTORICAL TRACT. hood by a shipwreck at the mouth of Narragansett Bay. In his will, dated February 16, 1727-8, proved in Providence, February 10, 1735-6, and there re corded, he mentions his former wife, Esther, his children, Mary Tourtellot, Esther Powell, Sarah Whipple, and Jane Coddington, and four small children by his present wife, Mary, viz. : Gabriel, Susanne, Mary, and Eve: also his son-in-law, Ben jamin Whipple. Of their latter children, Gabriel died young, Susanne, born 1716, married Joseph, son of Wil liam Crawford, August 23, 1734, Mary Bernon, born April 1, 1719 ; ^died October 1, 1789; married Gideon Crawford, son of William Crawford. He was born January 29, 1709 ; died 1792. Their daughter Sarah was the first wife of Capt. Zachariah Allen. Eve Bernon died unmarried. The location of Bernon's dwelling house in Provi dence is perfectly well known,' It was on the lot of the original "Roger Williams Spring," on the west side of North Main street, and next north of his great grandson. Gov, Philip Allen's house, 1. Knowles's Life of Roger Williams, p. 431. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND, 115 Almost directly opposite Bernon's house was the dweUing of Roger WUliams, next to which, though at a later day, was King's Church, now St, John's. G. Bernon House Lot. Roger WUliams Spring. O Gov. Phillip Allen's. W.-l-B. King's Church. Now St. John's. Church Street. Roger Williams Lot. Howland Street. At the age of eighty, Mr. Bernon, embarked for Europe, and while in London, was presented at Court. He died in Providence, R. L, February 21, 1736, aged 92 years, and was buried beneath St. John's Church, which owed its origin to him,' and in which 1. Arnold, vol. 2, p. 75. 116 HISTORICAL TRACT, a bronze .tablet is erected to his memory. An obituary notice of him was published in Boston, He was a gentleman by birth and estate, and in leaving his native land the greater part of his estate was necessarily left behind him ; he was a courteous, honest, kindly gentleman, befiaving himself as a zealous professor of the Protestant leligion and dying in the faith and hope of a Re deemer, and with the inward assurance of salvation ; leaving a good name among all his acquaintances, and by his upright life giving evidence of the power of Christianity in sustaining him through his great sufferings in leaving his country and a great estate that he might worship God according to his con science. A great concourse of people attended his funeral, and listened to an agreeable and eloquent sermon from Psalm 39 : 4, preached by the Rev. Mr. Brown. The family of Bernon is registered in the ' ' His torical and Genealogical Dictionary of the families of ancient Poitou," and it is stated there that the name has been known and celebrated since the •' ear liest ages of the French monarchy." FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 117 Numerous articles of value preserved among his descendants, go to show the wealth and social stand ing of Mr. Bernon. For some of the numerous descendants of Bernon, see the families of Crawford, Allen, Tourtellot, Helme and Carpenter, post. As the name of Carr(5 is found in the Bernon genealogy it is very probable that Rev, Ezekiel Carr6 was a relative of Gabriel Bernon, THE TOURTELLOT FAMILY, We find on the Frenchtown plat the name of Abraum Tourtellot, He must, therefore, have been in this country in November, 1686,' He was engaged in mercantile pursuits, in partnership with his brother Benjamin, who died on a voyage from London to Boston, September 25, 1687, and Abraum was administrator of his brother's estate, the inventory of which would show a considerable trade. He lived at Roxbury, and by his wife, Mary, had two children, Gabriel, born September 24, 1694, and Esther, born June 12, 1696, The tradition in the Rhode Island family is that they are descended from Gabriel Tourtellot, who was born at Bordeaux, and who married Marie, daughter of Gabriel Bernon, with whom he came 1. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, vol. 4, p 315. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND, 119 over from Rochelle, Bernon's will, dated February 16, 1727-8, proved in Providence, February 10, 1735-6, mentions Mary Tourtellot among his chil dren. They, Gabriel and Mary, had three children, two . sons and a daughter. He lived at Newport, and sailed from there, as master of a vessel, and was with his eldest son, (christian name unknown) , lost at sea. The daughter married Harding, Abram, the other son, settled in Gloucester, and was a large land owner there. His mother lived with him in Gloucester and died there. He married Lydia Bal lard. Their children were : First, Mary, born March 20, 1721 ; married ¦. — Mitchell. Second and third, Lydia and Esther, twins, born January 24, 1723 ; Lydia married Thomas Knowlton, Esther married Samuel Dunn, Fourth, Abram, born February 27, 1725; married Harris, and settled in Thomson, Connecticut. Fifth, Jonathan, born September 15, 1728 ; married Williams, and settled in Scituate, R. I. Sixth, Benja min, born November 30, 1730 ; married Ballard, and settled in Vermont. Seventh, Sarah, married John Inman. 120 HISTORICAL TRACT. Abram, son of Gabriel, married, second, January 29, 1743, Hannah Corps, a widow, whose maiden name was Case. They had five children : 1. Stephen, died young, of small pox. 2. WiUiam, married Phebe Whitman, of Provi dence, and settled in Gloucester. Had eleven chil dren : a. Mary. b. Hannah, c. William, married Lydia Eddy ; children : Cyrus, Amasa R., now liv ing, Abradia, John and Lydia. d. Barbary. e. Nancy. /. Sarah, g and h. Hope and Mercy, i. Whitman, j. Amey. k. Abram, 3. Jesse, marriefi Angell; settled in Mendon, Massachusetts ; ten children, 4, Daniel, married Urana Keech, and lived and died in Gloucester, By his first wife, he had three children : a. Jesse, who was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, He married Steere, They had twelve children ; among them was my old friend and schoolmate, Jesse S, Tourtellot. b. Jeremiah, c, Dorcas, who married Captain Aborn, of Pawtuxet. Their son Robert lives in New York, 5, Anna, married first, Jones; no chil dren ; second, Ebenezer White, who had six chil- FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN EHODE ISLAND. 121 dren : a. Nancy, b. Esther, c. Nabby. d. Sally. e, Frances and f. Mary, who was the second wife of her cousin Jesse, and he was her second husband, Abram, the son of Gabriel, married for his third wife, Williams. No children, 11 CRAWFORD AND ALLEN FAMILIES. Gideon Crawford emigrated from Lanark in Scot land, and settled in Providence about 1670. He married Freelove, daughter of Arthur Fenner, 1687 ; he died 1702 ; his grandson, Joseph, born 1712, mar ried, 1734, Susanne, daughter of Gabriel Bernon. Their children were : First, Sarah ; second, Joseph ; third, Freelove, married John Jenckes ; fourth, Susanne, married Samuel Nightingale ; fifth, Mary, married Dr. Amos Throop ; sixth, Candace, second wife of Capt. Zachariah Allen ; seventh, Esther ; eighth, Lydia ; ninth, Anne, born in 1759 ; married Capt. Zachariah Allen, (third wife). She died in 1808. He died in 1801. The children of Capt. Zachariah Allen and his third wife, were : 1. Zachariah, died young. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 123 2. Lydia, born in 1782, married, in 1804, Sullivan Dorr, of Boston, She died in 1859, He died in 1853, 3, Ann, died unmarried in 1859. 4. PhUip, B. U. 1803, married, in 1814, Phebe, daughter of Benjamin Aborn. He was Governor of the State, and Senator in Congress. He died in 1865. Mrs. Allen died in 1864. 5. Candace, died in 1860, unmarried. 6. Zachariah, born September 15, 1795. B. U., 1813. Married, May 1, 1817, Eliza Harriet Arnold, daughter of Welcome Arnold. She died August 30, 1873, aged 76. Mr. Allen received the degree of LL. D. from Brown University in 1851. 7. Crawford, B. U., 1815, married, June 5, 1838, Sarah Senter, daughter of Rev. Nathan B. Crocker, D. D. He died April 22, 1872, aged 74. HELME AND CARPENTER FAMILIES. Rowse Helme, died 1712 ; his will is on record in Kingstown ; his son, Rowse, married Sarah Niles, and died 1751 , His children were : First, James, see post; second. Sands, died 1738; third, Rowse; fourth, Nathaniel ; fifth, Benedict ; sixth, Simeon ; seventh, Benedict ; eighth, Silas ; ninth, Sarah ; tenth, ; eleventh, Oliver ; twelfth, Samuel. James Helme, born 1710; married Esther Powell , grand-daughter of Gabriel Bernon, in 1738. Mr. Helme was elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in 1767, and was a Judge of that Court for many years, and held other important offices. Their children were : First, Esther, born 1740, married Capt. Francis Carpenter, 1767 ; their son was Willett Carpenter, lately deceased ; second, Powell, died 1780, single; third, Rowse J., who was an FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 125 attorney at law, an account of him is given in Updike's Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar; fourth, Sarah ; fifth, Elizabeth ; sixth, James, see post ; seventh, Adam, died unmarried; eighth, Samuel, born 1755, for many years Clerk of the Court in Washington county. His son, Powell, married Elizabeth Kenyon, was for many years clerk of the Supreme Court in Washington county, and Town Clerk of South Kingstown, and died October 20, 1861 ; ninth, Sarah ; tenth, Gabriel, died single ; eleventh, Nathaniel. James Helme, son of Judge James, was born 1749-50, married Sarah Clarke, 1777; he died 1824, in South Kingstown. Their children were : First, James, who had children : a. James, now Uv- ing at Woonsocket, married Elmira Allen, of Frank lin, Massachusetts. b. Sarah, married George Rickard, of Providence. They had seven children, of whom four are now liv ing: 1. Sarah; 2. James H., married Abby S. Weld, of Woonsocket; 3. George Silas, married Penina- Jackson, of Woonsocket; 4. Elizabeth Estelle. 126 HISTORICAL TRACT. c. Mercy P., married James B. Ay res, of Yates county. New York. They had two children: 1. Martha Wanton, married, 1st, Sanford W- Kress, of Yates county ; 2nd, Jacob Tremper. d. Jonathan Perry, married Mary, daughter of William James, of Providence. Hud three children, only one now living, Anna P. , married Leonardo. Smith, of Franklin, Connecticut, and is now living in Philadelphia. e. Adam Helme, married Ann Cory, living in South Kingstown. Children : Mary E. ; Hittie Ann ; Adam Powell. The other children of James, son of Judge James, were : Second, John, who married Susan, daughter of Elisha R. Gardner, and left two daughters : Mary, who married John WUbur, of Fall River ; Ann, who married Thomas Nason, of Woonsocket. After Mr. Helme's death, his widow married Rev. Israel Washburn, a Methodist clergyman. He died at Middleboro' Massachusetts, in 1864. Third, Bernon, for many years clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in Providence County, died 1826 ; married Elizabeth Olney, 1811. Had two children : FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 127 James Powell, who died 1825, aged eight years ; and Mary, who died single. Fourth, Nathaniel, B. U. 1819 ; died, 1822, unmar ried. Was an excellent clasical scholar, and for sev eral years Instructor in the classical school at Little Rest, now Kingston. Willett Carpenter, before named, married Eliza beth, daughter of Joseph Case and sister of the late Dr. Benjamin W. Case, of Newport, He inherited the large estate on Boston Neck, which had belonged to the Willetts and owned it at the time of his death. His children were : Powell H., and Rev. James H, Carpenter, of Wakefield, a clergyman of the Episco pal Church. On the Willett farm was the residence of Theophilus Whale or Whaley, supposed to be one of the regicide judges,' 1. For full account of the Willett family see Stiles' History of the Judges ; Thomson's History of Long Island, aud Updike's History of the Narragansett Church. THE GANEAUX FAMILY. Francis Ganeaux came from Guernsey and settled at New Rochelle, where he died at the age of 103. The name was soon Englished into Gano. Stephen, son of Francis, had several children, of whom Dan iel married Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel Britton, of Staten Island, and removed to Hopewell, New Jersey. Their children were : First, Daniel ; sec ond, Jane; third, Stephen, died young; fourth, Susanna ; fifth. Rev. John Gano, born at Hopewell, July 22, 1777, ordained in 1754. He lived for some time at Frankfort, Kentucky, and died August 10, 1804. He married Sarah, daughter of John Stiles. ChUdren : a. John, died in 1764. b. Daniel, born Nov. 11, 1758. c. Peggy, born in 1760. d. Rev. Stephen, born December 25, 1762 ; settled over the First Baptist Church, in Providence, in 1792. FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 129 e. Sarah, born February 4, 1764. /. John S. born in 1766. g. Isaac Eaton, h. Richard Mont gomery, i. Susanna, h. William. Sixth, Nathaniel ; seventh, David ; eighth, Sarah.' Rev. Dr. Stephen Gano was thrice married, first to Cornelia Vavasour, October 25, 1782. Of their children, Cornelia V. married Rev. John Holroyd. Margaret H. married Rev. David Benedict, well known as the author of the History of the Baptists. Second, married Mary Talmadge, August 4, 1789. Of their children, Sally S. married Rev. Peter Lud low, Maria T. married Rev. Henry Jackson. Cla rissa A, married, first, Newton Robbins, and second, James Ludlow, Third, married Mary Brown, July 18, 1799. 'Their only child, Eliza Brown, married Joseph Rogers. 1. Benedict's History of the Baptists, vol. 1, pp. 485, 550, and vol. 2, p. 306. Memoir of Rev. John Gano, New York, 1806. MARCH ANT FAMILY. The tradition of this family, as given me by the late Judge William Marchant, is that three brothers came over from Bayonne, in the time of the perse cution, one of whom settled, at Cape Cod, one at Barnstable and one at Martha's Vineyard, from which latter place Capt. Huxford Marchant, a sea captain, removed to Newport. His son, Henry, was edu cated for the bar and began the practice of the law in Newport, in which he attained great eminence. He was for several years a member of the first Con tinental Congress, and was one of those who signed the Articles of Confederation when adopted. He was Attorney General of the State, Like many others attached to the new government, he had to leave Newport while it was in the possession of the British. He purchased a farm in South Kingstown FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 131 and lived there for a time.' He received the decree of LL. D. from Yale College in 1792, and died in 1796, at which time he held the office of United States District Judge. His son, William Marchant, graduated at Yale 1792. He resided for a time in Newport and after wards in South Kingstown, where he died. He held the offices of JuJge of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and member of the State Senate. He died January 21, 1857, aged eighty-two years. His son Henry -was for a long time a manufacturer in Pawtucket, and died in May 1865. William, son of Judge Williani, is now living on the homestead farm in South Kingstown. 1. See an account of his life in Updike's Memoirs of the Rhode island Bar. TARGfe FAMILY. On the plat the name of this family is spelled Targ6. In the old deeds and wills of the family in North Kingstown it is generally spelled Tourgee. After the breaking up of the French settlement the family remained in North Kingstown, but just over the Greenwich line in the immediate neighborhood of the proposed settlement. It seems from the plat that a father and son were among the settlers. The tradition as preserved in the family, gives the names of Peter and three sons : Peter, John and Philip. Professor Tourgee, of the Boston Conservatory of Music, gives me the following, obtained from the records at Wickford, Children of Peter : First, Thomas, born December, 1722 ; second, Philip, born October, 1724; third, Elizabeth, born 1728; FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 133 fourth, Peter, born February 1733; fifth, John, December, 1735. John died 1812. His son Jeremiah, born Decem ber, 1778 and died 1867. Hia son, Ebenezer, born in Waiwick, 1809, died October, 1878, was father of Professor Eben Tourg6e, of Boston. 12 THE LUCAS FAMILY. This family was of French descent, and was con nected with the Hillhouse and Brenton families, and in Narragansett with Matthew Robinson.' Augustus Lucas, the first emigrant, married Marie Lefebvre, daughter of Daniel Lefebvre, of .Garhere, January 6, 1696, at St. Malo, in Bretagiie. She died Febru ary 12, 1698, at Newport. He married, second, at Bristol, Rarsheba Elliot, September 21, 1704. Their daughter, Baraheba, was born August 27, 1708, and died, the wife of Matthew Robinson, at Kings ton, December 21, 1775. 1. Potter's Early History of Narragansett, p. 29f), and Updike's Episcopal Church in Narragansett, pp. 280, 505, 508, and the notices of Matthew Robinson and Augustus Johnson in Updike's Memoirs of Rhode Island Bar. THE JERAULD FAMILY. In 1742 Dr. Dutee Jerauld, then about thirty years old came from Medfield, Massachusetts, and settled in Enst Greenwich, and died in July, 1813, aged 91. His parents were Huguenot refugees. His father was a physician. One of his daughters married Samuel Pearce. Their son, Hon. Dutee J. Pearce, resided in Newport, and was a very able lawyer. Attorney General of the State, member of Congress for twelve years, and acquired considerable influence there. See Dr. Greene's History of East Greenwich, and Dr. Parsons' Sketches of Rhode Island Physicians. THE GINNADO FAMILY. Lewis Ginnado emigrated from France and mar ried in Newport. He died in Exeter, Rhode Island, near Chapman's MUls, May 23, 1795, aged 79. His wife, Sarah, died in 1801. His daughter, Esther, married Gideon Freeborn. Daniel, his son, lived and died near Mumford's Mills. A lot of land there is still known by his name. Daniel Ginnado's will was proved in South Kings town, in February 1816. In it he mentions his children, Samuel H., Lewis, Daniel, Joseph D., Susanna Sherman, Dorcas H. and Peggy. The will of Daniel Ginnado, 2nd, was dated De cember 1817, and proved in South Kingstown, Janu ary 1818. He mentions his wife, Sally G. Ginnado, son, Samuel Slocum Ginnado, and nephews, Daniel and Alfred. CLOSING NOTE. Besides the families of whom we have given some account above, there are other families of French descent : The Levalleys, in Warwick ; Jacques, Jaquais, Jacowaise ; Le Baron ; Geoffrey ; Tarbox ; Bardine, sometimes Englished from BourdiU^.' An drew Nichols emigrated from Ireland, and married a French wife of the name of Petel, and the late John T. Nichols, Sr., of Kingston, was their grand son. Louis Alaire, whose name is on the French- town plat, was probably a relative of Bernon's. 2 Of the Frenchtown settlers, the following, proba bly, went South : Collin, Jouet, Moize Lebrun, Legendre, St. Julien, and Legar6.3 For the documents from the British State Paper 1. Massachusetts Historical Collections, volume 22, page 81. 2. Bernon Family, and also Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. 3. Mrs. Lee's Huguenots in France and America, volume 2. 138 HISTORICAL TRACT. Office, including the map, we were indebted to the courtesy of Gen. Schenck, while minister at the Court of St. James. A reduced copy of this is pre fixed. The other plat is reduced from the old plat of East Greenwich, and gives the lots as they were held by the settlers under the Rhode Island title. We are indebted to several ladies and gentlemen for assistance and contributions ; and more especially to Mr. Sidney S. Rider, for the great pains he has taken in contributing information and in making the statements, dates, etc., exact. Still, no doubt, er rors will be found, as for instance, on page 89 it is related that a company of P'rench settled at Chatham Four Corners, in New York : the word French is an error for Friends, and was not discovered in time to be corrected ; and again on page 26, the name Legree should have been Legar6. ^Sfi^lt*%^i »f..^ k ..:i WJ ym 'i^^ "S'''-^ y^- W4f^ 4. r^' iSTM. 'i^ii "m\ ^fif