Ckz.^ t^88 '^f^ I. .S®-^'^*«|,. ".^ -fxM.jt^%:i^tC fry - tide- t/t<^jTk»rf V" C«iH^*«.i;£{£^ ei-- ^/U^ ^^ (7y-^^.^^ ¦^»8' 72 '• Mayor Meservy, 72 Prof. C. C. Eelton, 74 Ode, by Mrs. George A. Osborne, 78 Speech of Mr. Charles Hale, - 79 " Judge White, 82 " Judge Upham, - 83 " Mr. Carruthers, 85 Mr. Charles W. Upham, 86 Ode, by Miss Harriet W. Preston, 88 Toasts aud Sentiments, - - 88 Letters, - - 89 Evening Levees, ^109 The Next Day, , HO Conclusion, 112 VI The Press, ..... 115 Prom the Boston Evening Transcript, - - 115 " " Boston Daily Advertiser, - - 119 " " Boston Atlas, - - « 120 " " Boston Courier, - - - 121 " " Boston Traveller, . - 121 " " Boston Journal, - 124 " " Salem Gazette, - - 125 " " Salem Register, - 125 " " New York Times, - - 130 " " American Journal of Education, - 131 " " London Times, - - 133 HISTORY OF THE INSTITUTE, 135 ft^efatory, - 136 Historical Sketch, - 137 Mr. Peabody's Sentiment and Letter, - - 138 Government of the Institute, - ¦ - 143 Donors and Donations to the Institute, . - 145 Laying of the Comer-Stons, 147 llemarks of Mr. Daniels, • • - 147 Address of Mr. Abbott, ' - 1-48 Speech of Hon. Abbott Lawrence, 153 " Mayor Seaver, of Boston, 155 " Mayor Huntington, of Sakin, ISt " Hon. George S. Hillard, 157 " Mr. C. W. Upham, 159 Epistle to Future Generations, 161 Dedication, - 165 Mr. Daniels' Remarks, - 165 Original Hymn, - - 167 Address of Hon. Rufus Choate, - - - 168 Speech of Hon. Geo. S. Hillard, - 183 " Hon. D. A. White, - 184 " Hon. Asahel Huntington, - 184 Gov. Washburn's Letter, 186 Lyceum and Library, - - 187 List of Lectures and Lecturers, - - 187 Bales and Regulations of the Library, - - 192 ILLUSTEATIONS. Bust of Mr. Peabody, by Jones. Portrait of Mr. Peabody. View of Peabody Institute, South Danvers. Arch on Maple Street, Danvers. T. A. Sweetser's Residence, and Shop of Capt. Sylvester Proctor, S. Danvers. Arch at Danversport, and Residence of Hon. James D. Black. Lexington Monument, S. Danvers, and Residence of Hon. R. S. Daniels. Arch on Liberty Street, Danversport, aud Residence of M. Hooper, Esq. Webster Club Arch, Main Street, South Dftuvers. Arch at Danversport, near the Baptist Church. Main Street, South Danvers, from Francis Dane's store. Residence of Eben Sutton, Esq., opposite the Institute. View of Warren Bank, Main Street, South Danvers. Village Bank, Danvers, aud Residence of Samuel Preston, Esq. Residence of Mr. 3V.bel Proctor, and Arch on Holten Street. Store of Prancis Dane, Esq., on the Square, South Danvers. Residence of Wm. L. Weston, Esq., Danvers. Lowell Street, with Arch and Congregational Church. ' ''r -*"¦' (gE(D)K(g[E I?[E/^\[15®[D)Y. J.HBiiffnrd's Lit>i THE RECEPTION. INTRODUCTION. The Reception and Dinner in honor of Mb. Peabody, an account of which it is proposed to offer in this publication, was given by a joint- arrangement between the towns of Danvers and South Danvers, which constituted the ancient town of Danvers. The initiative was taken by South Danvers, at a legal public meeting, held on petition of the Trustees of the Peabody Institute, on the 21st day of August, 1856 ; when, on motion of Hon. A. A. Abbott, the following Resolutions were adopted, and a Committee of twenty-three gentlemen were chosen to carry into effect the wishes of the inhabitants : — Whereas, reliable information has been received that George Pea body, Esq., of London, a native of this town, whose life and character entitle him to our admiration and respect, and whose munificent dona tions have identified him with our local interests and history, is about to revisit the United States, — therefore Resolved, by us, the citizens of South Danvers, in town meeting assembled, that we hail with deep pleasure this promised realization of a long cherished wish, and praying for Mr. Peabody a prosperous voy age, bid him a hearty welcome to his native town. Resolved, That a committee of twenty gentlemen be chosen, whose duty it shall be, on the arrival of Mr. Peabody in this country, to invite him to this town, the home of his youth and the seat of his noble benefactions ; and, if he shall accept their invitation, to adopf such measures for his reception and entertainment as, in their judgment, will best express the love and honor which we bear him. It was afterwards voted that an attested copy of the above Resolves be communicated to the authorities of the town of Danvers, with an invitation to unite in the proposed Reception. The Selectmen of the town were afterwards added to the Committee, increasing the number to twenty-three, as follows : Robert S. Daniels, Chairman. Henry Poor, Ebenezer King, Lewis Allen, Daniel Taylor, Eben Sutton, Richard Osbokn, Elijah W. Upton, Stephen Blaney, Francis Dane, Fitch Poole, Alfred A. Abbott, Sydney C. Bancroft, William Sutton, John B. Peabody, George Osborne, John V. Stevens, Joseph Jacobs, Henry A. Hardy, Nathan H. Poor, Thomas M. Stimpson. Kendall Osborn, Francis Baker, Secretary. Subsequently, namely, on the 10th day of September, the citizens of the town of Danvers adopted the following Resolves, and elected a Committee of twenty-one gentlemen to represent the views, and to carry into effect the wishes, of the people of that town : Resolved, By the citizens of Danvers in town meeting assembled, that we anticipate with much pleasure the promised visit of Mr. Peabody to his native land, and cordially bid him welcome to the place of his nativity. Resolved, That our thanks are due, and, are hereby tendered to our sister town of South Danvers, for the invitation extended to cooperate with them in the reception and entertainment of Mr. Peabody, and while heartily concurring in the sentiments of the resolutions adopted by them, it will give us pleasure to cooperate with them in adopting such measures as will best accord with the views herein expressed ; and to this end. Resolved, That a Committee of twenty-one be chosen to take the requisite measures in cooperation with our friends in South Danvers. The following persons were then chosen to constitute the Committee : Joshua Silvester, Chairman. Samuel Preston, Philemon Putnam, Ebenezer Hunt, Levi Merrill, Samuel P. Fowler, Charles Page, William L. Weston, Reuben Wilkins, Matthew Hooper, William Endioott, I. H. Putnam, William Green, Augustus Mudge, Charles P. Preston, James D. Black, Benjamin F. Hutchinson, John A. Learoyd, George A. Tapley. Nathan Tapley, Arthur A. Putnam, Secretary. The Committees thus primarily chosen by the people of the two municipalities, afterwards met and organized as a joint Committee to make arrangements for the proposed festival in behalf of the old town of Danvers, as it existed previous to the separation. The expenses were to be borne by the inhab itants of both towns, in the same proportion as if no division had taken place, with the exception of such as were strictly local in their character. The gentlemen composing the Joint-Committee of Arrange ments were organized as a united Committee by the appoint ment of Hon. R. S. Daniels as Chairman, and Francis Baker, Esq., Secretary, the two Town Committees still retaining their separate organization. Previous to the union of the two Committees, that of South Danvers appointed a delegation of five of their number, viz., Messrs. Daniels, E. Sutton, Allen, Dane and Abbott, to meet Mr. Peabody in New York, on his arrival in the country, and invite him to a public reception at his native town. A delega tion was also sent on a similar errand from Danvers, consisting of Messrs.' Silvester, Page, Hooper and Langley. Both delegations were cordially received by Mr. Peabody, who was much gratified and deeply affected on being informed of the designs of his townsmen, expressing his readiness to comply with their wishes, but at the same time strongly desir ing that the affair might be conducted in a quiet and unosten tatious manner and at as little expense as might be consistent with a public reception. Deputations were present, representing the merchants of New York and other commercial cities of the Union, to offer similar honors and eager to obtain audience, yet Mr. Peabody embraced the earliest opportunity to receive our Committees and express his unabated attachment to the place of his nativity. It is not proposed in these pages to give the details of the' arrangements made, but only the results as they transpired in the course of the day. It may be proper to state that it was at first proposed, in Committee, that the celebration should be more strictly of a domestic character, a family meeting, to wel- come home one of its honored and long absent members, as well as an occasion to express gratitude to a public benefactor. In consequence, however, of the refusal of Mr. Peabody, in his letter to the New York deputation,* to accept any public demonstration, except from his own townsmen, a preference which they could not but regard as highly complimentary, as well as evincing his unabated love for the place of his nativity, they were induced to give the proposed ovation a more extended import. This was now understood to be the only opportunity to be afforded to the numerous friends of Mr. Peabody to unite in such a testimonial of gratitude and respect. The plan was therefore enlarged and invitations extended in a liberal manner to Mr. Peabody's friends in distant places. The presence of so large a number of Mr. Peabody's per- .sonal friends, many of whom had partaken of his hospitalities, and were eager to greet him at the first public welcome of his * TIxe terms of this admirable letter are so honorable to the writer as well as iflattering to his townsmen, that we here insert it : — Newport, Monday, Sejft. 22, 1856. Gentlemen : — Your letter of the 16th inst. is before me. Allow me to say ¦without affectation that no one can be more surprised than myself at the cordial welcome whicli you extend to me. Had my commercial and social life in London produced even half the results with which your kindness endows it, I should esteem myself more than repaid for all labors there by such a letter, subscribed as it is by many old and dear friends, by gentlemen whose names in letters are coextensive with the knowledge of our own language, and by merchants whose enterprise has carried the flag of our country into every sea that commerce penetrates. If during my long residence in London the commercial character and honor of our countrymen have stood upon an elevated position, it has not been the result of my humble efforts. In common with many of you, I have tried to do my part in accomplishing tliese ends. That the American name now stands where it does in the commercial world, is mainly owing to her merchants at home, who have extended her commerce till its tonnage equals that of any other nation, who have drawn to her shores, the wealth of other lands, under whose directions the fertile fields of the interior have been made accessible and peopled, and whose fidelity to their engage ments has become proverbial throughout the world. It has been my pleasure during a long residence in London, to renew many old friendships, and to form many new acquaintances among my countrymen and countrywomen ; and it has been my good fortune to be permitted to cultivate these in social life, where I have endeavored as much as possible, to bring my British and American friends together. I believed that by so doing I should, in my humble way, assist " to remove any prejudices, to soften political asperities, and to promote feelings of good will and fraternity between the two countries. It gives me great plc.isure to be assured that my countrymen at home have sympathized in these ob jects, and believed that they are partially accomplished. The recent temporary -estrangement between the two governments served to demonstrate how deep and cordial is the alliance between the interests and the sympathies of the two people. By aiding to make individuals of the two nations knoAvn to each other, I supposed (that 1 was contributing my mite towards the most solid and sure foundation of peace OIfl U)HIX a< uX HI-< LiJh hHtn z D OCO< grateful countrymen, added new joy to the occasion. From being simply a village festival it became almost national in its character. Gentlemen of the highest standing among the learned professions and in mercantile and other pursuits, were here from abroad, to unite with us in the outpouring of grati tude to one, whose benefactions, great as they have been to us, have not been limited to any narrow locality. In their gratitude for benefits showered upon themselves, his townsmen have by no means forgotten his wider sphere of benevolent action. His protection of State, and consequently of National Credit ; his generous hospitalities to his travelling countrymen, and his efforts to promote kindly and brotherly feeling between the people of kindred nations, are known and appreciated. They are not ignorant of his timely aid to the American exhibiters at the Crystal Palace, or of the humanity which prompted him to send forward the Arctic ships in search of Sir John Franklin. These and other instances of his claims to be considered as a " world's benefactor," impressed his and good will between them ; and while the power remains to me I shall continue in a course which you approve. In returning to my native land after an absence of twenty years, I had several objects in view. I wished once more to see the land of my birth and early youth, and the surviving members of my family ; once more to greet my friends in every part of the country ; and to see and know the new generations that have come up since I left, and who are to be their successors. I also desired to visit every section of the Union, and to witness with my own eyes the evidences at home of the pros perity of which I have seen abundant proofs abroad. The twenty years that have elapsed since my last visit are the most important twenty years in the commercial history of America. Like Rip Van Winkle, I am almost appalled at theago T'. whole route. It was a triple arch, the main one being forty feet wide and forty high, with lateral arches twenty feet wide and twenty high. Six large American flags floated above the principal arch, and on its very summit sal a large gilded eagle with spread wings. Across the arch, in great letters, was the word " Welcome." Frora the under side were suspended six beautiful medallions, tastefully enwreathed with evergreen, and studded with gems of the richest flow ers. The two central ones were red, six feet in diameter, and had in serted on them, in gilt letters, — "He has honohbd us Abroad, we honor him at Home." On each side of these was one of blue, somewhat smaller than the red, but equally ornamented. In the center of one was the large gilt letter G. and in the other the letter P. The remaining medallions were white, with a splendid bouquet of fliowers in the center, and richly enwreathed as the others. This su perb structure was covered with green boughs and evergreens, and was decorated with blue, white, and red streamers. We understand this beautiful tribute was wholly domestic in its origin, erection and adorn ments, the ladies bearing a conspicuous part in the latter, and that great credit is due in the premises to Joshua Silvester, Esq., who had enjoyed Mr. Peabody's hospitalities in London, and to others of his neighbors, who took an active part in its erection. Passing through this arch you came under a most magnificent dis play of the flags of all nations. More than four hundred feet of line, attached at the corners, at an elevation of more than sixty feet, cross ing each other over the center of the square in the form of a horizontal X, filled with the various flags of the maritime nations, emblematic of that peace and concord which Mr. Peabody has labored so assiduously to promote, had a striking effect to elevate the mind and give wings to the best wishes of the heart, wafting them to all nations, tongues and people on the face of the globe. These, with the tasteful and airy decorations of the houses and stores on every side, made an exceedingly brilliant display, and will be long remembered by those who beheld it. It was said that this scene by moonlight was almost enchanting and seemed an entrance to a fairy land. So many were those who came, from a distance to see these decorations, from the first Magistrate of the State to the more humble mechanic, in carriages, on horseback, on foot, by day and by night ; so many requested they might be kept up that others might see them, they were all suffered to remain unchanged for several days, that both the taste and curiosity of the people might be gratified. When the carriage in which Mr. Peabody rode, came under the arch, the procession was stopped, and Mr. Peabody stood erect, while an artist stationed for the purpose took a photographic impression of the scene. Of private decorations, several dwellings on Locust Street were hung with wreaths and bouquets, and a vase of beautiful flowers stood in each of the lower windows of Mr. Joel Putnam's residence. On Maple Street a graceful arch spanned the gateway before Mr. 8 J. A. Learoyd's dwelling, which was beautifully ornamented with wreaths, festoons and flags. The store of F. Perley, Esq., was trimmed with pine boughs, evergreen and flowers. It bore the motto, — "Danvers Welcomes her Noble Son." Just below, the shoe manufactory of Mr. Charles Gould was orna mented in a similar manner, with the motto — "Thy Native Land." The residences of Mr. H. Preston and Messrs. Sanger and Stimpson were tastefully adorned with evergreen and brilliant flowers. A large American flag floated above the bakery. The dwellings of Deacon F. Howe and Samuel Preston, Esq., were trimmed with festoons and wreaths of flowers. On the Square, the store of Messrs. Perley & Currier and the adjoin ing buildings were beautifully decorated with luxuriant foliage, wreaths of flowers, and streamers. In front of the residence of the late John Page, Esq., an American flag hung between two noble elms, and streamers extended from them to the brick building on the corner. A line of flags connected Mr. E. G. Berry's hotel with Mr. D. Richards' store ; both of which buildings were highly ornamented with forest trees, streamers and flowers. Small flags were displayed from every window in the front of Mr. F. Noyes' brick block. On High Street, the residences of Messrs. D. Clough, J. Spaulding, and S. Brown, were ornamented with arched gateways, flags, evergreen and flowers. On this street, at the dwelling of W. L. Weston, Esq., was a novel and beautiful display. A picture of Mr. Peabody, encircled by an elegant wreath, ornamented the front of the house, beneath which appeared the Vord " Welcome " in evergreen letters. Over the front door two American flags leaned gracefully : before them a platform was erected, which extended over the fence of the front yard ; it was draped with white and trimmed with gorgeous flowers. On this stood two lovely little girls (daughters of Mr. W.) dressed in white, holding white banners, with evergreen letters. Motto on the first, "We receive the Debt." On the other, — "We'll try to pat it." DANVERSPORT. Passing down from the Plains, we find by the brook leading into Porter's River, flags stretched across the street, on the largest of which and central one, was the word " Danversport," signifying to the passers by that the village by that name has its begin ning at this place, — and here again the eye is gratified by the varied exhibitions of taste displayed in ornamenting the streets and residences of the inhabitants. First is observable the residence of Mr. Philip Smith, which is one of the first dwelling houses met with in entering the village. Here were seen tasteful wreaths of evergreen interwoven with flowers, and the inscription — "Welcome Peabody," wrought in evergreen, on white back ground, and with a border of green. Just beyond, in front of the residence of the Hon. James D. Black, a beautiful arch was constructed covered with evergreen, dotted with flowers, and bearing the motto, "Danvers welcomes her Favorite Son ;" surmounted by a piece of carved work, in the form of a spire. Four national flags waved from its pillars. The residence of Mrs. J. Trask was decorated with wreaths and flowers. Mr. Black's fine residence was also dressed with festoons of ever green, encircling the pillars of the portico, and tastefully draped with bunting : beautiful bouquets of showy flowers and wreaths were dis played, adding greatly to the effect. Two national flags, diverging from the top of the portico, waved to the breeze ; also, a flag and beautiful streamer from the tall and graceful flag-staff" erected on the highest part of his grounds. Passing down. High Street presented to the eyes of the procession, as far as their vision could reach, a succession of decorations, giving to the occasion the appearance of a gala day indeed. The cottage of Capt. Thomas Johnson had flags displayed from the various angles with streamers festooned, &c. ; in the gable end, on the street, was the in scription — " Welcome," encircled by a very handsome wreath ; above it, a gilt eagle sat perched in a thicket of evergreen, arranged in such a manner as to do credit to the natural instincts of that noble bird ; over the gateway was a small arch tastefully decorated. Opposite, Mr. Hezekiah Dwinell had erected a beautiful arch over the gateway leading to his residence. Capt. Henry Johnson had a fine display of flags and streamers across the street, and the fence in front of his residence festooned with streamers. Mr. Charles Chaplin had caused a line filled with a variety of flags and banners, to be extended across the street in front of his residence. Mr. Peter R. Crowell also had a line of flags in front of his resi dence. Again, another line of flags, opposite the house of Mr. Benjamin Kent. We next come to the splendid arch, by the Baptist Church, on the corner of High and Water Streets. This arch, although not of so great dimensions as the one erected on the Plains, was thought by many to be equal to anything ever before seen in this vicinity for de sign and for its exquisite taste ; the general form was similar to the others, but the motto was placed in two festoons of gilt letters, on green 10 back ground, with a graceful festoon of oak leaves underneath. Bunt ing of bright red and white draped the arch, and mottoes and national flags waved from its pillars. A splendid gilded eagle surmounted the whole. The motto, — "Danvers Welcomes a Nation's Gdest," being considered appropriate to the occasion, as our guest had received invitations to partake of the hospitalities of the more important com mercial cities of the nation. The Square, at the junction of High and Water Streets^ presented a truly splendid show. Here were the flags of the largest dimensions placed, some of which were fifty feet in length. The stores of Messrs. T. J. Melvin and Phineas Comins, and the residences of Messrs. E. M. Waldron and Dr. Eben Hunt, were very tastefully ornamented by the display of bunting, festooned, evergreen wreaths, flowers, and shrubs. River Street, also, which was seen on the left of the route of the procession, had quite a display of flags, &c. The line, with the Fremont and Dayton flag, in front of the store of Mr. Comins, had also two other national flags. Passing down Water Street, the procession passed under a beau tiful wreath, of a diameter of ten feet, suspended from the limb of the noble old elm in front of the dwelling-house owned by Mr. M, C. Oby ; this wreath was the handiwork of Mr. Oby, and bore the inscription, in large letters, extending across the same, "Welcome.'' The residence of Mr. Wm. Endlcott had a small arch erected over the gateway, bearing the inscription, — "Our Benefactor." The stores of Messrs. Warren and Wm. Black were also finely dressed with flags, bunting, bouquets, and evergreen trees and boughs. ' Flags of all nations suspended above the street, in front of the resi dence of Maj. Moses Black. The wool store of M. Black, Jr. & Co. made the most magnificent display of flags in the village. A line containing fifteen flags, no two of them alike, stretched across the street ; another containing three large national flags, surmounting the first, the central one bear ing the motto — " Education's Friend." Out of nine windows in the upper stories of the tall storehouse were suspended as many American flags. The carved lamb, erected about midway of the height, had a beautiful wreath of evergreen and flowers around its neck ; the whole tastefully draped with streamers. The shipping in port caught the enthusiasm of the occasion and made a very fine display, with their flags and streamers at masthead. Passing to the Danvers Iron Works, we noticed another exceedingly tasteful arch, erected over the entrance of Liberty Street. This added materially to the series of arches, with mottoes, in this part of the town. Across the arch were put thirty-one silvered stars, on blue ground. II representing the thirty-one States in the Union. Beneath were sus pended three festoons, on which were inscribed the motto, — " A Friend — at Home and Abroad." The whole remaining portion of the arch was well covered with green boughs, with bunches of flowers interspersed, and a gilded eagle, with spread wings, on the summit. At this point there was also a fine dis play of flags, suspended far up above the street, from the mansion of Mathew Hooper, Esq., on which was the inscription, extending across two sides of the large house, in large letters — " God will Bless, and Man should Honor, a World's Benefactor." "G. P." At this point is the termination of the village proper, called Danvers port, of which it may not be considered out of place or improper to give a passing notice. This village, formerly called the " Neck," afterwards " New Mills," was one of the first spots selected by the founders of Danvers as an eligible locality for the establishment of a settlement : the first inhabitants regarding its " mill privileges " as superior to any in its vicinity. It is situated upon three arms of the sea known as " Porter's, Crane, and Waters Rivers," all of which are navigable. The facilities afforded by these avenues to commerce have had a tendency to foster those branches of business that look to emolument by trade upon the mighty deep. The depth of water not being great, no great metropolis could be expected to have grown up. In the earlier days the fathers built vessels, and carried on the fishing business, where now wharves are seen well stocked with merchandise. This being the most inland approachable navigable locality, for several flourishing towns in the vicinity, the business of the place, instead of being turned to manufacturing and producing, as in other portions of the town, has, by the force of circumstances, been made to consist almost exclusively of a mercantile character. It is here that the farmers and mechanics of the manufacturing villages obtain those necessaries of life which their branches of industry fail to supply ; such as fiour, corn, molasses, salt, coal, wood, lumber, lime, cement, and many arti cles of minor importance, which are obtained only by transportation by water. Trade, that a few years since was considered almost of no comparative account, has grown, keeping pace with the rapidly in creasing prosperity of the manufacturing villages, until the statistics are alike startling and cheering to the staid, sober citizens of riper age. The arrivals are some two hundred yearly; vessels of various capacity of burden, from one hundred to two hundred and fifty tons, all engaged in carrying the actual necessaries of life. The facilities for carrying on the mercantile business are such that with the railroad communica tion to the back country, the importance of this place as a business locality must be more and more appreciated. With an appropriation for the deepening and straightening the channel, such as are obtained frequently from the General Government for internal improvements in localities less deserving, the facilities for navigation might be greatly improved, and Danversport would become one of the most important business localities in the Commonwealth. 12 SOUTH DANVERS. At the junclion of Andover, Central, and Liberty Streets, more fa miliarly known in former days as the " Pine Tree," a rustic arch spanned the street, composed entirely of oak and pine branches, and evergreens, and having a line of wreaths intertwined with flowers. Near this arch is a small gambrel-roof house of considerable historic interest as having once been, in his youthful days, the residence of the philosopher Bowditch. On this humble dwelling was a panel with the inscription — "The Home of Bowditch." The engine-house of the Torrent Engine Company was decorated with flags, evergreens, and pine trees. That unique group of faces carved on its front, which has always attracted so much of the atten tion of travellers, was made more expressive by fresh coloring, and those queer-looking figures seemed to look down with astonishment on the scene before them. Flags were suspended across the street near this point, and in the center of the line the word " Welcome," and on the reverse, "Peabody." Flags were also suspended from the house of Henry M. Osborn to that of the late Mr. Stephen Osborn. At the residence of Miles Osborn, Esq., where Mr. Peabody and the guests of the Committee were entertained, an array of bunting extended from the front, with a line of flags across the street to the house of Mr. Stephen Peabody, while the American flag floated from the top of the house, all making a good display. The schoolhouse was gayly adorned with festoons and wreaths of evergreens, and a portrait of Mr. Peabody surmounting the motto^ — " God loveth the Cheerful Giver ; so doth the Receiver." The house was further adorned with the Peabody coat-of-arms, paint ed by a promising and meritorious young artist of this district, Mr. Asa Bushby, Jr. A line of flags was also seen across the street near the residences of Messrs. William Osborn, Samuel Cheever, P. G. Folsom and others. Another from the residences of Ira D. Foster and James Perry. William Potter's house was nearly covered in front with streamers, bouquets and evergreens, and a noble elm at the corner of Elm Street, from which the latter received its name, was twined with bunting. There was also a fine flag floating across ElmStreet. The residence of Hon. Henry Poor, on the other corner of Elm Street, was splendidly decorated, and had triangular flags in front. A fine arch at this point spanned Central Street, with the inscription — " The Boy of our Free Schools our noblest Benefactor." On Stevens Street a line of flags and wreaths extended from the 13 residence of John V. Stevens to Mr. S. Newman's house, bearing the motto — " Welcome Home.'' The house of Nathan H. Poor, Esq., Town Clerk of South Danvers, was also decorated with bunting and wreaths of evergreen. Mr. Jos. Fenderson's house was also decorated with wreaths. George M. Tcel's house on Central Street was gayly dressed with bunting. At the square near the Old South Church, where Mr. Peabody for merly worshipped, the scene was particularly gay, most of the build ings being elaborately dressed whh flags, streamers, and bearing in scriptions. Here was a noble arch, with British flags on cither side, and on the north side the words — " Welcome Home." and on the reverse — "A GRATEFUL PeOPLE GREET HIM.'' The large brick store occupied by Francis Dane and Amos Merrill was finely dressed, and a long line of flags extended quite across the square to the church. The corner of the building bore the motto — "Action is the Life of Virtue.'' Another arch, fronting Lowell Street, was finely draped with flags. General Foster Enginehouse, on Lowell Street, was decorated with flags. Lewis Allen, Esq.'s brick block, occupied by A. P. Phillips & Son, A. A. Abbott, C. F. Flint, and others, was fully dressed, and over the Post Office a full length portrait of Washington. Above this was a spread Eagle, holding streamers in his beak, which were festooned broadly on the building, and underneath, the word " Welcome." Underneath the portrait of Washington were the words " Sacred to Liberty." From each corner of the building were thrown flags in profusion ; extending from this to Warren Block was a line of flags — a Mexican flag captured at Chapultepec, and others. The new Warren Bank Building was finely dressed with drapery, evergreens and flowers. It bore the motft) — " We welcome home the heart unchanged By honors, wealth, or courtly power." Across the entire front extended the word " Welcome," each letter being enclosed in a wreath of evergreen. This fine build ing was farther beautifully adorned by a bright display of ladies in the balcony in front. The estate of Hon. George Osborne was elaborately decorated with the English and American colors. Two very large and new English and American ensigns, flanking the extreme right and left of his 14 grounds, connected by pennants and streamers to the ceriter of the mansion, from whence were draped two elegant flags of the two na tions, decorating in graceful folds each side front of the house. Gar lands and bouquets of natural flowers, as pendents of the flags, relieving the center. At Orlando E. Pope's, two flags were displayed, American and English, with the words — "A Youth's Tribute," trimmed with evergreen. The British flag was a trophy taken by the grandfather of the young man in 1814 at Plymouth, where, at the time, he was commandant at the fort. The shop occupied by Mrs. Lord was tastefully decorated, having in front a portrait of Capt. Sylvester Proctor, taken some years since. Underneath which was this inscription — " Sylvester Proctor, the early friend and patron of George Ps-tBODT. His works do praise him." Red and white streamers depended from the roof arching over the portrait, and were festooned across the windows below, which were trimmed with evergreens, and adorned with bouquets of "flowers. It was here that Mr. Peabody passed several of his youthful years, " receiving from Mr. Proctor and his excellent lady," as he himsel/ remarked, " parental kindness, and such instructions and precepts as, by endeavoring to practice which, in after-life, I attribute much of my success." The front windows and interior were ornamented by the occupant with beautiful bouquets, tastefully arranged, presenting a neat and graceful appearance. Next to this was the building occupying the site of the house where Sylvester Proctor, the early friend and patron of Mr. Peabody, was born, and where also was the first law-office of the Hon. Rufus Choate, was beautifully adorned for the occasion. On the house, under a can opy of American flags, was displayed a fine portrait of Sylvester Proc tor, painted by Mrs. Sweetser, the lady of T. A. Sweetser, the occu pant. Under the upper windows was a beautiful arrangement of dahlias, of various colors, forming the name of "GfoRGE Peabody." Next below, in letters of box, was the motto, " True Nobility." At each side of these inscriptions were large bouquets, formed of the variegated forest leaves of the season. Suspended from the cor ners of the house, across the front, were long wreaths of dahlias of all colors, blended with evergreens, and tastefully festooned. On the second story, in large letters of box, was inscribed — "International Friendship ;" below which were intertwined American and English flags, which were united by the American shield. Wreaths of forest leaves were ex- -^ - -1 i fm fer I rU-i . RESIDENCE Of LA.SWEETSER, AND STORE OF THE LATE CAPT PROCTOR ADJOINING. SOUTH DANVERS. See Patfe 14 15 tended, at this point, from one side of the house to the other. Upon the windows in the third story were twined, in the form of shields, American pennants. In front of all, curving from the center of the eaves to the trees upon the sidewalk, were long streamers of green and yellow twined with the American pennant, that gracefully relieved the decorated face of the building. The embellishments were in fine keeping with the color of the house, and their harmony and taste were very generally admired. The house of Mr. Franklin Walker was dressed with wreaths of evergreens, its interior also being decorated with vases of flowers, por traits enclosed in wreaths of evergreen interspersed with flowers. Mr. E. W. Wood's house was ornamented in front with wreaths and festoons of evergreens and flowers and an American flag. The house of Mr. Eben S. Howard was also decorated with wreaths and flowers. Eagle Enginehouse had a fine display of national and signal flags, with a figure of a fireman on the cross-trees of the flag-staff". On the front was inscribed, in large size, the letter " P." The new brick mansion of Eben. Sutton, opposite the Institute, had a pyramidal bower of flags and bunting in front, making a unique dis play of much beauty. Hon. Edward Everett stood on the portico of this house And witnessed the progress of the procession, recognizing Mr. Peabody as he passed, amidst the shouts of the spectators. The meeting of these t\vp gentlemen, at the same place, after the return of the procession, was a most hearty greeting, and one of the interesting events of the day. The front of the Peabody Institute was the central point for deco rations as well as for the principal exercises of welcome to our distin guished guest. A cone of streamers of various colors, suspended from the peak of the roof, were festooned below, and in the center was a tablet with the historic inscription. Founded June 16, 18.52. Dedicated to Knowledge and Morality, September 29, 1854. Over the tablet was the Peabody Arms, surmounted by an eagle and canopied by American and British flags, the whole making a neat and beautiful .appearance. A multitude of flags of different nations, the stars and stripes and the British ensign waving in close proximity, floated high above the street ; and just beneath, over the center, streamers radiated in every direction from a scroll emblazoned with the name of " Peabody," making a complete and brilliant canopy. The whole was conceived in excellent taste and made a most attractive exhibition. The house of Mr. Samuel Ham, near the Institute, was tastefully decorated with flags. Samuel Harris's house was ornamented with evergreen in wreaths and festoons, also with flags. Benjamin Wheeler's house was decked with flags and streamers. 16 The beautiful mansion of Benjamin S. Wheeler was elaborately dressed with streamers of various colors, making one of the most at tractive shows in the street. The Union Store was embellished with pine boughs and flags. The residence of Mr. David Daniels, one of Mr. Peabody's earliest and most intimate friends, was handsomely decorated with bunting. From Mr. Daniels' store to that on the opposite corner across Wash ington Street, a line of British and American flags bore the motto — "At the Counter or on the Exchange, always Just and True." The store occupied by George P. Daniels and Eben. S. Howard was finely dressed with bunting of various colors. The residence of Dr. S. A. Lord and G. W. Sargent was very neatly and tastefully decorated with wreaths of evergreen and a fine portrait of Webster. Here was erected a magnificent arch, appropriately trimmed with evergreen and bunting, and bearing the inscription. Honor to Whom Honor is Due. Webster Clue. Above the keystone of the arch was a bronze bust of Webster, and upon the keystone the word "Peabody " was emblazoned^ surrounded with gilded stars and festooned with evergreen. On the columns were the names distinguished in our local history, Holten, King, Ward, Fosters, Osborn, Proctor, Bowditch and Putnam. On the top of one column was the word " Liberty;" on the other, " Union." This arch was erected by the Webster Club. Flags were suspended across the entrance of Holten Street, and a tablet with the following inscription — A Good Investment, Money expended for the promotion of Knowl edge AND Morality. Across Main Street, from George E. Meacom's, English and American flags were suspended, and the front of his store was gayly ornamented with bunting. The house occupied by Mr. Peabody was decorated with evergreen and flowers. The residence of Hon. A. A. Abbott was most beautifully embel lished with flags and streamers extending to the trees in front ; and over the portico in front was a bust of Webster, with the national shield, and the word " Welcome." The pillars were entwined with flags. The whole presented a very pic turesque appearance. The fine mansion of W. M. Jacobs, Esq., was tastefully adorned with bunting, and evergreen wreaths and festoons intertwined with flowers. Over his porch was exhibited a painting representing the Old South Church, as it existed at the time Mr. Peabody left this country 17 for England. On this painting was also represented a view of the encampment of the Danvers Light Infantry, under Capt. (now Gen.) Sutton, on the green, which at that time existed in front of the old meeting house. The store occupied by C. F. Hoi man was decked with streamers of red, blue and yellow, gracefully festooned. Mr. Paul Hildreth's house showed exquisite taste and skill in the making and arrangement of wreaths and festoons of evergreens and bouquets of flowers. Edward W. Jacobs' house was also similarly adorned with flowers and' evergreen. A large American flag was suspended across Pierpont Street from the house of Mr. Joshua H. Poole. The house occupied by William Southwick displayed decorations of neatness and good taste. A line of flags of different nations was suspended across Main Street in front of Gen. Sutton's brick store. Gen. Sutton's mansion was profusely embellished with bunting gracefully displayed, and made a splendid appearance. The residence of William Sutton, Jr., on Main Street, was hand somely festooned with bunting. The house of Fitch Poole had festoons of evergreen and flags and shields, with the stars and stripes enclosed in wreaths. In his yard were statues of Victoria and Prince Albert, and between them, elevated on a pedestal, a bust of Washington. Volunteer Engine House was very finely arrayed with flags and streamers. Its front was spanned with an arch, bearing the motto — " The Fire op true Gratitude : Water cannot Quench it." Near the top of the house was a gilt eagle, with a ring in his beak, from which streamers were suspended, on the front of ihe building. Oo either side was a figure of a fireman, and on each side of the arch a Union shield, with stars and stripes, and beneath it a representation of a fire engine. The house of Mr. Nathaniel Anable was decked with flags and pennons, a portrait of Washington, and wreaths of evergreen. In front of the house was erected a tall ladder, dressed with evergreen, and on the top round the name of " Peabody." The allusion attracted much attention for the originality and aptness of its conception. Two flags were suspended across the street from R. O. Spiller's store, and on its front was the inscription — " George Peabody, Benefactor op his Native Town." The residence of Mr. William Poor displayed fine taste in the selec tion and arrangements of its decorations, and made a beautiful display. Nathan Pearson and William Cuder's residence was decked Vr-ith wreaths and festoons of flags ; the windows dressed with evergreen and bouquets. 2 18 Flags were suspended across the street at the Old Elm Tree, the old Salem boundary line, by C. A. Dearborn and others. HOLTEN STREET. This street, now so populous, had no existence at the time of Mr. Peabody's residence here, and is one example of the progress pf the town in population and improvement. At its junction with Main Street was the display of a line of flags and inscription, as represented in the preceding account. The residence of G. A. Osborne, Esq., was hung with festoons ot streamers and evergreen, with a fine picture of Mr. Peabody in a gilt frame, bordered with choice flowers and wreaths of the same. Near it was a beautiful arch spanning the street, fancifully adorned with wreaths and the following inscription, each letter of which was exhibited on a white ground and enclosed in a wreath — " George Peabody, the Friend of the People." This arch was further decorated with pine boughs, flowers and flags and wreaths suspended from it. From beneath, hung flags and stream ers, supported by a golden eagle, holding in its beak wreaths of beau tiful flowers. The house of Mr. Elijah W. Upton attrticted general notice for the neatness and beauty of its decorations. The houses of Mr. George P. Osborn and Mrs. H. Robbins were also appropriately embellished. ' The mansion of Mr. Abel Proctor, in Sewall Street, was highly dressed with flags and streamers. Stephen Osborn's house, on Holten 'Street, was gayly dressed with festoons and streamers. Across the street, opposite the premises of Mr. Abel Proctor, was another fine arch, supported by pine trees decorated with flags and wreaths of evergreen, with the inscription — " Respected and Honored on both sides of the Atlantic." " George Peabody." With coat of arms. On the obverse : ^'Geokge Peabody- — a Noble REPRESENTAitvE of American Merchants." Mr. John Pindar's house was adorned with evergreen and display of bunting. Flags were displayed across the street from the houses of Mr. John Birbeck and Mr. Lauriston Stiles. ' Mr. Francis K. Pemberton's house was dressed with pennants and wreaths. The houses of Mr. Pennison W. Osborne and John S. Grant were largely decoir'dted with wreaths arid pennants. Another fine arch extends across the street, finely draped with flags, bearing the inscription — "George Peabody, a Man who is a Man." The head was finely decorated with smaU flags. 19 Levi Spaulding's house was fully dressed, with displays of bunting, as was also that of T. W. Carr. The cottage house of Mr. Joseph Moore was neatly and tastefully decorated with wreaths of evergreen and flowers, and streamers of various colors. WASHINGTON STREET. Mr. Benjamin Osborn's house exhibited red and white streamers, festooned. / The house of Levi Trask had wreaths of evergreens. Mr. Samuel Symonds' house had a fine display of streamers and trimmings of oak leaves. At Mr. Joseph E. Goldthwait's, an arch was erected neatly trimmed, on which was a white flag, with the name " Peabody," and beneath it a single star, enclosed in a circle, and under it the words — " Welcome, Friend of Education." This is a part of Washington Street, near the Dinner Tent, at the entrance to which was an arch, with the word — " Welcome." From this arch streamers extended to the door of the tent. The in terior was dressed gayly with bunting, stretching from the tent poles to the outer sides, and behind the guests was a grey eagle in full plumage. In Wright's large tent plates were laid for thirteen hundred persons. In the rear was a smaller tent, for the accommodation of the children, which will seat fifteen hundred. The dinner was by J. B. Smith, the well known caterer. There was also suspended from one of the tent-poles a spread eagle with the Union shield on his breast, and holding in one claw the Amer ican and in the other the British flag. From his beak were the words " England my Abiding place, America my Home." This fine design was the work of Messrs. Philip ^nd William Blaney. The house of Joshua Giddings was finely dressed with red and white streamers, displayed on its front. William H. Lord's house .was elegantly draped with flags and streamers and wreaths of evergreen. Near this place was an arch thrown across the street, and it may safely be said that the scene presented in this immediate locality was one of the -finest on the entire route. At the mansion of Charles E. Brown, Esq., flags and streamers, with other decorations, were tastefully displayed, and made a handsome appearance. The house of Caleb S. Currier was well decorated with bunting, and a line of flags extended across the street. The fine residence of Mr, John O. Poor vias beautifully decorated 20 with flags, shieljds of Union with stars and stripes, and a variety of other ornaments, with the word " Welcome " on an evergreen tablet. The house of Mr. E. W. Fornis was similarly adorned with flags, streamers and evergreens. The residence of A. F. Clark was tastefully dressed with flags, &c., with the inscription over the entrance — "Hail, Noble Patron," with decorations of various colored dahlias and wreaths of flowers. Atross the street is a line of American flags, with the word on white ground — " Peabody." On the obverse — " The True Value of Wealth is its Right Use." > The residences of Eben. S. and George P. Daniels, was also deco rated, and over the entrance was the inscription — "Welcome to our Guest." The adjoining residence of Thorndike P. Daniels was also tastefully -adorned, and over the entrance — "We all Unite to Honor Him." Across the street is another fine arch, surmounted by an eagle and dressed with flags. The residence of Hon. Robert S. Daniels, president of the day, pre sented a fine appearance ; the entire front was beautifully decorated with flags and streamers, with the motto over the entrance — " Wbloomk to oub Benefactor." At this point, across the street, is a line of various flags, with the in scription, " Honor to Him who Loves to Honor His Country." The old Lexington Monument was tastefully decorated with wreaths and :flags. 21 ARRANGEMENTS. The Joint-Committee held frequent meetings at the rooms of the Peabody Institute, dividing their labors by the appointment of Sub-Committees, to whom were committed the duties par ticularly adapted to each. The result of their preparations, up to a few days previous to the day of Reception, is foreshadowed in the following programme. The more complete arrange- mjBnts for the procession will be found in the Chief Marshal's notice, which follows. Iprogramme. PEABODY RECEPTION. The Committee of Arrangements, appointed severally by the two towns of Danvers and South Danvers, have jointly adopted measures for a public reception of Georgse Peabody, of London, on his contem plated visit to his native town. The time fixed for the proposed reception, after conference and cor respondence with Mr. Peabody, is Thursday, Oct. 9th, 1856. THE arrangements. , The arrangements are not yet completed, but such progress has been made, that the Committee feel authorized to announce that the princi pal features of the occasion will be a Procession, in which the Schools will form a prominent part ; an Address of Welcome, in behalf of the citizens, by Hon. Alfred A. Abbott ; a Public Dinner, in a tent or pavilion ; and a- Levee in the evening. It is, however, understood that the proposed Levee will not be accompanied with music or refresh ments, but is intended for the simple purpose of affording ladies and gentlemen an opportunity for a personal introduction to Mr. Peabody. the reception. The Committee will first meet Mr. Peabody on Maple Street, near Rev. Mr. Fletcher's Church, at 10 o'clock in the morning, and thence he will be escorted by a cavalcade, by the most direct route through Danversport, to the head of Central Street, where the several bodies composing the procession will be drawn up to receive him. The Com mittee have invited the Towft Authorities, the Schools, the members of the Fire Departments, strangers from abroad, and our own citizens, to join the procession ; and they have also invited the Divisionary Corps of Cadets, under Capt. Foster, to perform escort duty. It is also under stood that a cavalcade will form a part of the procession. Other organ ized bodies or voluntary associations which may wish to join in the procession, are requested to notify the Chief Marshal, who will assign them their places. 22 the procession. Gen. Wm. Sutton has been appointed Chief Marshal of the day, who will select his Aids, and a sufficient number of Assistant Marshals will be appointed. The procession will move, immediately after receiv ing Mr. Peabody, through Central and Main Streets, to the Salem boundary line, countermarch to Holten Street, through Holten, and return by Washington and Main Streets to the Peabody Institute, where the address will be delivered. After the exercises at the Institute, a new procession will be formed, consisting of holders of tickets to the dinner, and the schools, who will proceed to the tables under military escort. THE decorations. It is also proposed that the streets and houses on the route of the procession shall be decorated in such manner as the taste of individuals or neighborhoods may dictate, in addition to such decorations as may be provided by the Committee. the dinner. 1 Hon. Robert S. Daniels has been appointed President of the Day, and will preside at the dinner, assisted by Rev. Dr. Braman", as first Vice President, and such other Vice Presidents as may be hereafter designated. Tickets for the dinner, at $1.50 each, may be had at the following places, viz. : Francis Dane's, Amos Merrill's, Thomas A. Sweetser's, and George E. Meacom's, South Danvers ; Post Office, at Danvers Plains ; T. J. Melvin's, Danversport ; F. A. & R. Wilkins, Danvers Center ; and J. E. Tilton's, Salem. It is expected that ladies, as well as gentlemen, will partake of the public dinner. It is earnestly desired that gentlemen may purchase tickets for them selves and their friends immediately, as the number to be provided for must be limited to the demand for tickets, and the sale of tickets will stop on Monday next. For the Committee of Arrangements, Francis Baker, Secretary. South Danvers, Oct. 3, 1856. Maj. Gen. William Sutton was appointed Chief Marshal of the day, nrith the following Aids and Assistant Marshals : Aids. Warren M. Jacobs, William Potter, George M. Teel, C. C. Piper, D. A. Varney, a. G. Allen. Assistant Marshals. Dr. D. C. Perkins, Edward W. Fornis, Miles O. Stanley, Aaron F. Clark, Benj. S. Wheeler, Wm. C. Rogers, Rufus H. Brown, Isaac B. Elliott, Benj. T. Tilton, Alfred Ward. Sam'l Symonds, 23 ail)kf jHarsljar© Notice. ORDER OF PROCESSION, At the Reception of GEO^az Peabody, Esq., of London, at South Dan vers, his native place, in old Danvers, 'Thursday, Oct. 9, 1856. Mr. Peabody is expected to arrive at the place of his first reception on Maple Street, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and will be escorted to the junc tion of Liberty and Central Streets, by a cavalcade. The procession will be here formed at 10 o'clock, A. M., and arranged in the following order : — Escort, consisting of the Diyisionary Corps of Independent Cadets, ^ under Capt. Foster, with Gilmore's Brass Band. Chief Marshal and Aids. Committee of Arrangements on foot. Mr. Peabody in a barouche, with Hon. Robert S. Daniels, President of the Day. Govemor of the Commonwealth and other invited guests in carriages. Municipal Authorities of Danvers and South Danvers, on foot. Marshal. Present and Past Trustees of the Peabody Institute. Present and Past Members of the Lyceum and Library Committee of the Institute. Marshal. Brfnd. Marshal with Aids. Teachers and Pupils of the Peabody arid Holten High Schools, with Peabody Medal Scholars. Marshal. Grammar, Intermediate, and Primary Schools. Marshal. Citizens and Strangers. Marshal of Fire Department and Aids. Band. Engineers and Firewards of the Fire Departments of the two Totms. Marshal. Engine Companies arranged in the order of precedence as established by the old Town of Danvers. Marshal with Aids. Cavalcade of Ladies accompanied by Gentlemen. Marshal with Aids. Mounted Band. Cavalcade of Gentlemen. The procession will move through Central and Main Streets to the boundary line of Salem and South Danvers, countermarch to Holten Street, through Holten, Pleasant, Washington and Main Streets, to the Peabody Institute, where the public exercises of welcome will take place on the platform in front of the building. On arrival at the Institute, a space will be cleared to admit the pro cession to the front of the platform. The enclosure will be reserved for the teachers and pupils of the Schools, the Medal Scholars, and ladies holding tickets to the dinner. Ladies holding tickets will also be admitted into the building until the procession is formed to proceed to the dinner. After the exercises at the platform are concluded, a new procession, consisting of the holders of dinner tickets, will be formed in the follow ing order : — 24 Escort. Chief Marshal and Aids. Members of Committee of Arrangements, with their Ladies. Guests. Gentlemen accompanied by Ladies. Gentlemen. On the arrival of the procession at the tables, Hon. Robert S. Daniels will' preside, assisted by the following gentlemen as V-^ce Presidents : Rev. Dr. Braman, Fitch Poole, Joshua Silvester, Dr. George Osborne, Moses Black, Jr., David Daniels, Henry Cook, Daniel Richards, Amos Osborn, Charles Lawrence, Henry Gardner, Joseph S. Black, Miles Osborn, A. A. Abbott, Otis Mudge, Lewis Allen, Philemon Putnam, Benj. Goodridge, Jacob F. Perry. A strong force of regular and special police will be employed to preserve order during the day and evening, and keep the streets in the route of the procession free from obstruction by carriages, and to see that the enclosure at the Institute is reserved. By order of the Committee of Arrangements : William Sutton, Chief Marshal. It will be seen that the time appointed for the proposed Reception and Welcome was the 9th day of October, 1856. For many days previous to that date, the inhabitants as well as the Committee were busily employed in preparations for the approaching festival. The several Schools, the Firemen, the members of the dif ferent Cavalcades and the various bodies of Marshals were all actively employed in a generous rivalry to make the occasion one which should be creditable to themselves and honorable to their Guest. 25 THE PROCESSION. The sun rose on the 9th of October bright and beautiful. It was one of those bland Indian Summer days peculiar to New England in the Autumn months, the serene atmosphere and clear skies contributing in no slight degree to the pleasure of the occasion. At an early hour the inhabitants were in motion, and the different branches of the two Cavalcades proceeded to Maple Street in North Danvers, marshalled as follows : — Chief Marshal of Cavalcades, W. J. C. KENNEY. Aids. George Porter, Jacob Young. Chief Marshal of \st Division, North Danvers, Simeon Putnam. Aids. A. W. Thompson, Phineas Corning. Assistant Marshals, Dr. Snow, Charles Smith, Moses Black, Jr., M. C. Oby, George Tapley, Joel Putnam, M. H. Boardman, G. W. Kenney, E. Webster, Amos Prince, E. Legro, L. Dempsey. Chief Marshal of 2d Division, South Danvers, John A.' Lord. Aids. D. W. Osborn, John Pindar. Assistant Marshals. Joseph Fairfield, Mark H. Davis, Joseph Morrison, Henry A. King, Samuel Newman, Franklin Osborn, Jr. Benjamin M. Hills, William Perry, Wm. S. Osborn, Thomas W. Osborne, Daniel R. Davis, Sylvester Needham, Wm. H. Baldwin, Jos. B. Newhall, Mark Merrill, John G. Wolcott, Tyler Mudge, George Taylor. Chief Marshal of 3d Division, Ladies'' Cavalcade, Edward W. Jacobs. Aids. John B. Clement, George Upton. Assistant Marshals. Abel J. Proctor, John Moulton. 26 ^ At about half past nine o'clock a salute of one hundred guns from a detachment of artillerists, procured by private enterprise, announced the arrival of Mr. Peabody at the place of reception at Maple Street, near Rev. Mr. Fletcher's church. Here he alighted from the private carriage in which he had come from Georgetown in company with his two sisters and a nephew, and, after being introduced to members of the Committee of Arrangements, took his seat in an elegant barouche, drawn by six horses, being accompanied by Hon. Robert S. Daniels, and Joshua Silvester, Esq., Chairmen of the Town Committees, and Rev. Dr. Braman. The scene here was very beautiful. The spire of the church and private buildings were gayly dressed with flags and stream ers, and in full view was an elegant threefold arch spanning the wide street, the center arch rising high above the others, and being adorned with evergreens, wreaths, medallions, flow ers, and flags. At this point the barouche, followed by the carriages containing the town authorities and Committee of Arrangements, came to a halt, and Mr. Peabody stood erect while a photographic artist fixed the scene on his plate. This view is presented to the reader in the lithographic drawing annexed. A more full description of this arch will be found in its appropriate place. The two Cavalcades were in waiting just below the arch, the Ladies' Cavalcade being on the right, or at the head of the Procession, and that of Gentlemen in the rear. The " Ladies' Cavalcade" added greatly to the novelty and variety of the show. The ladies were uniformly dre.ssed with dark hats and riding habits, and their attendants with caps of uniform style, made expressly for this occasion. Each lady carried a fine bouquet of flowers, which was thrown into Mr. Peabody's carriage as he passed along, he gracefully acknowl edging the compliment. At the head of the Gentlemen's Cavalcade rode the delega tion from " RockviUe," the village next to Lynn, comprised ia School District No. 8. This was a fine body of men, uni formly dressed in white pantaloons and dark coats. There 27 was also a good delegation from West Danvers, that portion of the town joining Lynnfield, and comprised in School Districts Nos. 7, 9, and 10. They were designated by each having a small American Flag attached to the bridle, on which were the letters W. D. The Cavalcade was preceded by a mounted Band of eight een brass instruments, and, as the cortege took its line of march, the scene was lively and animating. The streets were thronged with a moving multitude, on foot and in carriages, eager to obtain a first sight of their benefactor and friend. As the procession moved on through streets lined with decorated houses, and under waving flags and triumphal arches, attended by the booming of cannon and strains of martial music, the shouts and salutations of the people were gracefully acknowl edged by Mr. Peabody, as he bowed to the throng on either side. The Cavalcades and carriages must have extended nearly or quite half a mile, and, as the latter descended the hill near the residence of the late Capt. Benjamin Porter, the head of the procession was ascending the heights of Liberty Street. The scene here was truly grand and picturesque. A fine view might then be had of almost the whole of the Cavalcade, across Waters River, as it was seen winding its way, partially hid by the undulations of the ground, and partly in full view of such observers as were towards the rear of the procession. As the head of the Cavalcade arrived at Wilson's Corner, the place where the full procession was to form, it opened to the right and left, and the carriages passed through. Here the line of the procession was found already formed, the two Cavalcades remaining in the rear. As the barouche, with Mr. Peabody, passed along the lines of Military and Firemen, with their bright uniforms and the long ranks of gayly dressed chil dren, with a dense throng of spectators in the background, he was received with deafening shouts. On his first entrance through the rustic Arch, at the head of the street, one of the bands of music struck up " Home, sweet Home," and after this was through, another played "God save theCtueen." At this 28 moment the pupils of the Holten High School, every alternate scholar holding an American and English flag, unrolled and waved them in the air, and then, in a moment, the twin ban ners of two powerful and kindred nations were seen crossing each other, as if in loving union. This fine tableaux was hap pily conceived and neatly executed. Mr. Peabody witnessed the scene with deep emotion. The band then played " Hail Columbia." Mr. Peabody now alighted, and, with other guests, partook of the hospitalities of Mr. Miles Osborn at his new mansion on Central Street. After a short tarry at Mr. Osborn's, where he was introduced to many of his friends, Mr. Peabody again entered his barouche, accompanied by Messrs. Daniels and Silvester, and Hon. A. A Abbott, which then took its place in the procession. Another barouche received His Excellency Governor Gardner and his Aids, and other guests followed iu carriages. The procession was formed nearly in the order announced in the notice of the Chief Marshal. The fine military corps of Independent Cadets appeared in very full ranks, numbering over 100 muskets, and made a very brilliant appearance. They were accompanied by Gilmore's celebrated Band. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Marshal, JOHN V. STEVENS. Aids. Stephen Osborn. Timothy Hawkes. ' Assistant Marshals. Engine No. 2 — General Scott — Moses Chapman, Eben. Currier. Engine No. 3— Torrent — Malachi Batchelder, Henry Wilson. Engine No. 5 — Eagle — Andrew J. Burrell, Warren Snow. Engine No. 6 — Ocean— Simeon A. Putnam, William Needham. Engine No. 8 — Volunteer — William Southwick, William Dodge. After the Escort came the Fire Department, which never appeared on a public occasion in fuller numbers, or in brighter array. All the companies were well uniformed, and all but L_ Uili 3d>- J.H Bufford. LEXINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT S DANVERSE WITH RESIDENCE OF HON.R S DANIELS. 29 one in red, with blue pantaloons and caps of varied patterns. One of the companies wore a handsome blue frock coat, neatly trimmed. This was the Eagle Company, No. 5, and appeared with 108 men, about half the number being volunteers from the Empire Company of Lynn. Enguie Company No. 2, General Scott, from Danvers Cen ter, came first in order, and appeared in a very neat uniform, with 53 members, accompanied by Bond's Cornet Band. Their Engine was handsomely decorated with blue and crimson vel vet, with a border of gold and silver lace, together with an arch containing 31 silver stars, the American and English flags waving on either side. The " Torrent" Engine, No. 3, located at Wilson's Corner, or Pine Tree, was present with 43 members, handsomely imi- formed with red jackets and blue pants, and glazed caps. They were accompanied by two musicians. Their machine was gayly decorated. Eagle Engine Company, No. 5, whose Enginehouse is near the Peabody Institute, appeared with 50 of its own members, exclusive of volunteers, in a neat uniform of blue, with fire men's caps. They had three musicians. The " Ocean," No. 6, came with 45 members, accompanied by the Beverly Band. They wore red shirts, with dark pants, and uniform caps. This Company is from Danversport. The " General Foster" Engine Company, No. 7, appeared with 59 members, and two musicians. Their dress was a red jacket, with dark pantaloons, and a blue cap with a red band. This Company is located in South Danvers, near the Square, and its number has recently been changed to No. 2. Volunteer Company, No. 8, also of South Danvers, is located at the corner of Grove and Main Streets, near the Salem line. Its number has lately been change^ to No. 4. It appeared on this occasion with 60 members, and Hall's Band of Boston, with 17 brass instruments. Their Engine made a gay appearance, being newly polished and varnished, and furnished with new leading ropes for this occasion. 30 It should be remarked, in acknowledgment of the zeal and public spirit of the Firemen, that the three full bands of music and other detached musicians were procured at the expense of the difi"erent Companies, and, although a Band was tendered to the Department by the Committee, the firemen generously yielded it up to the Chief Marshal, to be used in another part of the procession. The civic part of the procession, consisting of the Committee of Arrangements, the Municipal Authorities of the two towns, and the Trustees and Lyceum and Library Committee of the Peabody Institute, preceded the guests on foot. The two barouches, containing Mr. Peabody and the Gov ernor of the Commonwealth, with their several associates, were followed by other carriages filled with gentlemen invited by Jhe Committee. THE SCHOOLS. Next in order came the Public Schools. This most inter esting and attractive display of more than Seventeen Hundred happy children, dressed in their gayest apparel, their faces radiant with joy, singing and shouting their welcomes to one they had been taught to esteem as their special benefactor, was a spectacle that could not but touch the hearts of all. All of them wore on their breasts the Peabody Badge, containing his portrait, and, as a motto, his world-renowned sentiment. Some of them also wore his own gift, the " Peabody Medal," as rewards of distinguished merit. Others were there who, year after year, are striving, with the impulse 6f a generous emulation, to deserve and obtain it. We coiild almost envy those who so proudly bore on that day this mark of honorable distinction. Feeling that no description would do justice to this very interesting part of the pageant, we shall only present a skele ton account of the various schools, with the mottoes on the banners, and the names of the teachers and marshals : — 31 Chief Marshal for Schools, AMOS MERRILL. Aids. \ Alfred McKenzie, Moses Cukrier, Isaac Hardy, Jr., Edward Hutchinson. Assistant Marshals. Peabody High School— Richard femith, J. W. Colcord. Holten High School — Nath'l Hills, John A. Learoyd. District No. 1 — Wm. N. Lord, Dennis Moore, Charies E. Brown, L. P. ^rickett, Moses K. Sawyer. District No. 2— Jos, Merrill, E. T. Waldron, John Hines, Richard Hood, Putnam Webb, Heniy Fowler, Benj. Young, Charles Mclntire, John Elliolt. District No. 3 — John A. Sears, Thomas M. Putnam. District No. 4— Caleb S. Brown, Daniel M. Veiy. District No. 5— J. P. Goodale, Henry O. Wiley, F. E. Pope, Porter Nason. District No. 6 — District No. 7 — Beman Viles. District No. 8 — George Maddin, Chas, B. Warner, Daniel Stono, I Adino Page. District No. 9— H. D. Twiss. District No. 10— John Smith. District No. 1 1 — S. N. Mahew, Wm. S. Ladd, Thomas Wright, Edward Giddings, Samuel Swett, M. S. Clark. District No. 12 — Joshua Buxten, Jr., A. C. Osborn, Wm. Wolcott, O. S. Butler, B. F. Haskell. District No. 13 — Thomas Barnett, John Proctor, C. Melvin. District No. 14 — J. L. Peabody, Andrew Cook, John White, Tho's G. Howell. The Marshals were assisted in the care of the pupils by La dies selected for that purpose from the several Districts, who rendered essential service. PEABODY HIGH SCHOOL. This school numbered 45 scholars, under the charge of Mr. J. W. Colcord and Miss L. R. Wright. First came the boys carrying a rich silk banner, green and white, handsomely fringed — on one side was inscribed the motto, — "EDttCAHON, A Debt due from Pkesbnt to J^uiube Genekations.'' On obverse side, — Peabody High Schooi., SotJTH Dakvees, founded 1850. Also four small banners, representing Agriculture, Commerce, Manu factures, and the Mechanic Arts. Thirty-one young ladies dressed in white, wearing green hats with silver stars on the rim, with an American 32 flag worn as a scarf, representing the States of the Union, each carry ing on a shield the coat of arms of the Stale represented. Three young ladies represented England, Ireland, and Scotland, being dressed in the national costume of those countries. The effect was very befiutiful. HOLTEN HIGH SCHOOL. This school presented a brilliant appearance. Their tasteful and elegant costume was universally admired. The young ladies were attired in black waists and while skirts,* with scarlet trimmings ; their heads were uncovered, and their hair elegantly dressed with velvet and flowers. The lads were distinguished by a red sash, which, passing over the left shoulder, was tied under the right arm, and on which the Peabody badge appeared conspicuous. As Mr. Peabody approached, each unfurled a flag not till then displayed ; and, being so arranged that the American and English colors alternated, the effect was very fine when, in honor of their transatlantic guest, the two were crossed, and, throughout their ranks, the stars and stripes mingled with the British cross. Their banner presented on one side, "Holten High School, Danvers. Wb welcome our Benefactor;" and on the reverse — " One Generation shall Praise thy Works to another." DISTRICT NUMBER ONE. Schools from District No. 1, under the charge of Mr. L. P. Brickett, Miss M. L. Shattuck, Miss S. H. Burt, Miss M. B. Harrington and Miss Helen Aborn. 243 scholars were in the procession from this school district. Boys wearing caps ; girls, hats, trimmed with blue rib bon, arranged as follows — first. Boys of Grammar School, with a superb silk banner, blue and white, with the mottoes, " Common Schools. The Tree which our Fathers planted, wk will Nourish and Protect." " "True Merit ode only Claim to Distinction." On reverse side, "Education, the Keystone in the Arch of Freedom." Girls of Grammar School. Boys of Wallis School, carrying a banner, with the motto, " The Wallis School, a Standing Light foe this and future Generations." Giris of Wallis School. Primary School, in a handsome carriage beautifully decorated with evergreen, drawn by four horses. In the carriage was a banner, with the motto, " Wb comb forth from our Happy Homes and Schools of Learning, to Greet oub Benefactor." 33 DISTRICT NUMBER TWO. District No. 2. Danversport Grammar School, taught by A. W. Mack, principal, with Aseneth A. Sawyer, assistant. 80 pupils repre sented this school in the procession, with a beautiful banner, inscribed with the motto, " We owe him Gratitude ; We will not Repudiate our Debt." Primary School, No. 1. This school has been under the charge of Miss Sarah A. Osgood, about fourteen years, to the entire satisfac tion of the District. 57 of her charge rode in a carriage drawn by four fine looking bay horses. Primary No. 2, kept by Miss Frances A. Bomer, sent 38 children, also in a carriage drawn by four noble bays. The banner of Primary No. 1, had this motto, " The Descendants in '56, Of the Patriots of "16." On the banner of Primary No. 2, was the motto, " Honor to Whom Honor is due." DISTRICT NUMBER THREE. School District No. 3 was represented by 37 scholars, with their teacher, Mrs. Lydia S. Putnam, all riding in one carriage, (a barge on wheels,) drawn by four horses. There were two banners ; on the first was " PUTNAMVILLE, No. 3, DaNVKES ;" On the reverse, in a wreath of evergreen, " Welcome ; " all wrought in evergreen vyith border of the same. On the second, with green ground with gilt letters and border, was " We greet Thee with Joy." On the reverse, " Our Benefactor." DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR. The Banner of District No. 4 was of white cambric, bordered with evergreen and myrtle. On the lower part was the representation of a Primary and High School, encircled with the leaves and fruit of the mitchella. Above, was the motto, "He leads to pleasant Fountains," surrounding the likeness of Mr. Peabody, beautifully wreathed with myr tle. On the other side of the banner was " District No. 4, Dakverb." 34 Thirty-two scholars, under Miss S. E. Simonds, teacher. The scholars had each a bouquet of flowers. DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE. The Wadsworth School District No. 5, Danvers,* taught by A. J. Demeritt and E. F. Towne, comprising 120 pupils, formed no unimportant feature in the procession. Their uniformity of dress and orderly deportment could not fail to make an impression. Neither could we discover any traces of that once prevalent delusion common in " Salem Village," amid the happy band. The leading feature of this school was a banner, designed and exe cuted by two young gentlemen, former pupils of the school, which, for taste, style, and beauty of 'execution, was unsurpassed by any in the procession. On the front, which was a white ground, was the single word in German text, of scarlet and silver, "Welcome." On the reverse, a blue ground, "Wadswoeth School, 5."- The Grammar School, numbering 80, followed on foot. The masters attired in their usual costume ; the misses dressed in white ; the first and second classes with hats trimmed with cherry ; the third and fourth were trimmed with pink, each scholar carrying a bouquet, which was gracefully thrown into the carriage, or strewn in the path of their benefactor. The Primary School, containing 40 pupils, arrayed in the same attire as the Grammar School which preceded them, rode in a car riage, simply ornamented with evergreen and flowers. DISTRICT NUMBER SIX. Next in order came the School from District No. 6, under the charge of E. J. Swett, numbering 45 scholars ; the boys bearing a handsome silk banner, with the motto, "We still lite to Learn." DISTRICTS NUMBERS SEVEN AND NINE. These were followed by the Schools Nos. 7 and 9, united. No. 7, numbering 51 pupils, taught by Mary B. Hawkes. No. 9, 12 pupils. No. 7 carried a very neat banner, with the inscription "Welcome Home." * This District is full of historic interest. It was here the first settlement of the town began. The first church was established on the spot now occupied by the Rev. Dr. Braman's society, and near this ancient and hallowed site that fatal delu sion of the seventeenth century had its origin. The ancient landmarks and tokens of a former generation point to this place as having been among the earlier settle ments of the country. In times past, as in the present, the Professions have here been represented by men of distinguished learning and ability ; among the former are the names of Holten and Wadsworth, men eminent iu their day and profession. 35 No. 7 enclosed with 31 stars. Underneath, the words " Onward and Upward." On reverse side, " In God we trust. We rejoice to Greet you." The lettering and stars in gold leaf. The girls wore straw hats, trimmed with a wreath of evergreen, carrying a bouquet of flowers. Boys, each with a national flag. DISTRICT NUMBER EIGHT. No. 8, numbering 130 scholars, comprising Grammar School, under the charge of Charles B. Warren ; First Primary, taught by Miss B. B. Davis ; Boston Road Primary, taught by Sarah F. Davis. The boys of these Schools wore black clothing, and caps uniformly trimmed with evergreen. The girls were dressed in white, with straw hats trimmed with evergreen. This is called the Rocks District. Arranged, 1st, Boys of Grammar School, carrying a silk banner with a handsome fringe, white on one side, with the word " Rocks " on the center. On the reverse, blue, with the mottoes — "Peogeess, the Spieit of our Fathers ; let us continue to eetbee it." On reverse, "Industry, Knowledge. Knowledge, the Power which Moves the World." 2d. Girls of Grammar School. 3d. Boys of Primary School. 4th. Girls of Primary School. Banner, " We bid Yon Welcome." On the reverse, "Education, the Foundation op true Merit." DISTRICT NUMBER TEN. Next in order was the School from District No. 10, numbering 30 scholars, taught by E. Newhall. Girls with pink hats and sashes ; boys with pink sashes, carrying a very neat and attractive banner, handsomely inscribed with the words, " We come small in Numbers, but with Hearts large with Geatiiude." On reverse side, "Welcome, thrice Welcome, to your Native Town." DISTRICT NUMBER ELEVEN. District No. 11. The Grammar School, in charge of Mr. W. S. Ladd and Miss P. Needham, the Intermediate of Julia A. Page and Miss A. 36 Preston ; Primary, Miss E. A. Richardson ; number in procession, 240 pupils. Boys wearing caps, dark pants and jackets ; girls with hats, trimmed with crimson ribbon. First came the boys of the Grammar School, can-ying a beautiful silk banner, crimson and white, with gold colored fringe. On one side the words, " Wb will PAY the Debt." On reverse side, the Peabody coat-of-arms. These were followed by Girls of Grammar School, Boys of Intermediate, Girls of Interme diate, and closed by the Primary School in a splendid barge, drawn by six horses. This was a superb carriage, and this occasion the first time of its being used. It was a marked feature in the procession. A representation of it may be seen in the lithographed view of the Pea body Institute. DISTRICT NUMBER TWELVE. No. 12, numbering 113 scholars; the Grammar School, taught by John F. Chase ; Primary, Julia A. Smith. The Boys wore caps trimmed with blue ribbon ; Girls, while muslin hats and blue ribbon. The Boys of Grammar School carried a splendid silk banner, with the inscription, "" The Guest of South Danvers, George Peabody of London, once the Boy of Free Schools, now their Noble Benefactor." On reverse side, " Despise not the Day of Small Beginnings. Central Street, No. 12." The Primary School rode in a handsome boat carriage, drawn by four horses. DISTRICT NUMBER THIRTEEN. Danvers, No. 13, Primary School, 70 scholars, in two large car riages, tastefully ornamented. In the center of their banner was an engraved likeness of Mr. Peabody, encircled with a beautiful wreath, surrounding which was the motto, " We will try to be like Him." Intermediate School, 58 scholars, on foot. More than half of them were Girls, each of whom carried a beautiful bouquet, which they threw into Mr. Peabody's carriage when he passed them. Their ban ner, silver letters on a crimson ground. Motto, "Honor to whom Honor is due." Grammar School, 68 scholars, on foot, with a blue banner, richly gilded. Motto, "Her Distinguished Sons and her Brightest Ornaments." Teacher of Primary School, Miss S. Dodge. " " Intermediate School, " H. Pope. " " Grammar School, " C. Melvin. " Holten High School, " N. Hills. 37 DISTRICT NUMBER FOURTEEN. School District No. 14, of Danvers, was represented by about 200 children, in two divisions, of which the Grammar School formed one, and the Primary School the other. The last division occupied a large carriage, provided and fitted up for the occasion. In an arch that crowned the front of the carriage appeared in golden letters, the word " Welcome ;" while each side was adorned with appropriate mottoes. Each division, also, bore a tasteful banner, inscribed with mottoes and devices. The motto of the Grammar School was " He that ceeatbth Good Will between Nations shall be exalted amoi»g his People;" and on the reverse, " Grammar School, No. 14, Danvess." The banner of the Primary School contained the motto, " Honor to the Pacificator op Nations ;" and the reverse, "Primary School, No. 14, Danvers." Grammar School. Primary School. Miss Mehitable Barker, Teacher. Miss M. E. Howes, Teacher. " Augusta Brown, " The Procession, as thus constituted, proceeded on its route, which was extended to the old Salem line, and countermarched at the Elm tree on Boston Street, which has so long been a noted landmark between the two towns. The procession, on its march, was more than a mile in length. We have attempt ed to give, in detail, an account of the public and private dec orations on the route, but this can give but a very inadequate idea of their effect to an observer in connection with the throngs of people in the streets, at the windows and balconies of the houses, and even on the housetops, while the procession was passing. Those who were the witnesses of the pageant may recall to mind the " pomp and circumstance," as well as the deeper emotions of sincere gratitude which marked the oc casion. Those who were absent may only imagine the pic ture presented by our gayly-dressed village, whose whole pop ulation came out in their best attire, with beaming eyes and jubilant shouts, to greet their long-absent townsman. They must fancy the moving throngs, the dancing plumes, the 38 waving banners, the martial music, the floating pennons, and triumphal arches. They must also picture our illustrious guest, the cynosure of all eyes, the admiration of all hearts, as with dignity and grace he receives this tribute of a grateful people. Nor was this moving multitude confined to our own limited boundaries. Thousands of strangers from the neighboring cities and towns thronged our streets to swell the exultant shouts of welcome to one whose name is wider known as a pacificator between the people of distant but kindred nations, than as a benefactor of the place of his birth. Hundreds were here, drawn from distant cities, as well by personal obligation to him for his hospitalities, as by his renown as an American merchant of elevated standing in the world's commercial me tropolis. The number present, including our own citizens, as participators in or spectators of the pageant, is variously esti mated at from 20 to 30,000 persons. EXERCISES AT THE PEABODY INSTITUTE. As the procession approached the Institute where the public exercises of welcome were to take place, the military and mar shals cleared an open space in front of the building, and the Firemen opening their ranks, the procession passed between them, the Committee and their guests occupying the elevated platform, and the Schools the enclosed grounds of the Insti tute. Previous to ascending the platform, Mr. Peabody called at the residence of Eben Sutton, Esq., which is nearly oppo site, and there met Mr. Everett. The meeting of these distin guished men, whose intimate mutual friendship continued dur ing the whole period of Mr. Everett's diplomatic career in London, was a warm and hearty greeting, and one of the pleasant incidents of the occasion. After the guests had taken their places on the platform, aud order had been restored in the dense multitude before it, Hon. Alfred A. Abbott rose, and delivered the Address of Welcome, as follows : — 39 ALFRED A. ABBOTT'S ADDRESS. Friends and Fellow-Citizens : — In behalf of the Committee of Arrangements of the towns of Danvers and South Danvers, I greet you ! This great multi tude, old men and young men, matrons and maidens, the chil dren from our schools, the strangers that are within our gates, I greet you all ! Pleasantly this October sun smiles down upon our festival, and everything around seems hopeful and auspicious. May the end crown the work, and may this day's proceedings prove not only grateful to the heart of him whom we desire to honor, but promote the happiness and joy of all ! A few weeks since, information was received that Mr. George Peabody of London was about to revisit his native country. • Whatever emotions may have been excited else where by this news, there was no place where the feeling was so ardent, so deep, so spontaneous as here. In the first place we shared, equally, at least with others, the general respect for his public character and private virtues. With at least equal admiration we looked upon a long career of patient, persever ing, successful effort, and over a whole life illuminated by the light of manly honor and christian charity. With certainly as much of patriotic pride we regarded that constant endeavor to vindicate the honor of our country in foreign lands, to sustain the credit of the States, to make the American name respecta ble abroad, and those unceasing labors, successful above aught that diplomacy or arms could accomplish, to strengthen the bonds of fellowship and love between two great and kindred nations, whose true interests and dearest hopes are and must forever be identical and one. But there was something above and beyond all this, and pe culiar, fellow-citizens, to us. Here was Mr. Peabody's home. Here slumbered the honored dust of his fathers. Here, " na tive and to the manor born," he passed his youth and the pleasant days of his early life. Here were many of those who had been his school-fellows and playmates. And when young ambition, and devotion to those whom misfortune had made 40 his dependents, and the first stirrings of that great energy, al ready indicating the future triumph, led him forth to other and broader fields of labor, the eyes of his townsmen, like their prayers and best wishes, followed him ; and from that day to this, the events of his life and his whole career have been a part of the public and most treasured property of the town. And all along, what returns have there been and how warmly has this regard been reciprocated. There has been no time when we have not been in George Peabody's debt. Separated from us by the wide ocean, living amid the whirl and roar of the world's metropolis, engrossed with the weightiest concerns, flattered and caressed by the titled and the great, that " heart, untravelled,'' has yet clung steadfast to its early love. While, wherever his lot has been cast, every worthy object of charity and every beneficent enterprise has received his ready aid, in an especial manner has he remembered and endowed us. When fire desolated our village and swept away the sacred house where in childhood he listened to those truths which have been the guide and solace of maturer years, he helped to rebuild the rafters, and point again the spire to heaven. When a pious local pride would rear an enduring monument to the memory of our fathers, who fell in the first fight of the Revo lution, it was his bounty, although he lived beneath the very shadow of the crown from which that revolution snatched its brightest jewel, that assisted in raising the granite pile, and transmitting to future ages the names and heroic deeds of our venerated martyrs. So when, advancing a new step in the cause of public education, this town established two High Schools for the better culture of its youth, it was his untiring generosity that awoke new life, and kindled fresh desire for knowledge, by ordaining a system pf prize medals, carefully discriminating and judicious, and which will embalm his name in the affections of unborn generations of youthful scholars. And lastly, when, four year ago, the town of Danvers celebrat ed the Centenary of its municipal life, it was the same con stant, faithful friend that sent to our festival that noble senti ment, " Education — a debt due from present to future genera- 41 tions," — and, in payment of his share of that debt, gave " to the inhabitants of the town," ti munificent sum " for the pro motion of knowledge and morality among them." Since that day his bounty has not spared, but has flowed forth unceasing ly, until the original endowment has been more than doubled, and until here, upon this spot, is founded an Institution of vast immediate good, and whose benefits and blessings for future years, and upon the generations yet to come, no man can measure. Such are some of the reasons why the news of Mr. Pea body's contemplated visit to this country was received with peculiar emotions here, — why every heart was warmed, — why all the people with one accord desired to see his face and hear his voice, — and why the towns of Danvers and South Dan vers, in their corporate capacities and in obedience to the pop ular will, extended to him, on his arrival upon our shores, an invitation to visit their borders. That invitation he accepted. Denying all others he cheerfully embraced this. And now, to-day, we have come forth to meet and greet him. And to day he has come — and here he stands, our distinguished countryman, our beloved townsman, our noble benefactor and friend ! And now, Sir, what shall I say to you? and how shall I declare the sentiments and express the feelings of those in Avhose behalf I speak ? Look upon the scene before you ! This great throng, ready to break into tumult with joy, yet calm with the stillness of deep emotion, — these thousands of uplifted faces, every countenance radiant and beaming, as every heart is throbbing, with gratitude and love, — this and these are more expressive than any words of mine, and silence on my part would be more eloquent than speech. The mo t that I can do, Sir, is to bid you welcome ! And how feeble seems the utterance of the 'mere word in contrast with the living realization of its deep meaning. From the moment you came within our limits to this hour, in every street, at every corner, at almost every dwelling, and in every face, you have witnessed its expression. And although, Sir, we are unable 42 to display the pomp of great cities or royal pageantry, yet I doubt not that the honest affection which has prompted our humble endeavors has touched the manly, loving heart which no rude conflicts with the world have been able to harden, and which beats alike and ever true within the courts of kings atld in its humble village home. You cannot, Sir, as you have passed along, have failed to notice the changes which have taken place in our midst during the twenty years of your absence. Wonderful as has been the progress of the whole country in material prosperity, there are few places which have advanced so steadily and rapidly as your native town. In all that goes to make up a prosperous and thriving community, its growth has been constant and great. Its population and valuation have increased nearly three-fold, and the wealth of which this valuation is but a modest estimate, is generally, with substantial equality, dif fused. There is here no necessary poverty or want. Industry is sure to win success, and labor to receive a just reward. All enjoy in a good degree the common comforts of life, and con tent and happiness dwell within our borders. And all this is because moral and intellectual progress have kept pace with material advancement. Religion and education have gone on hand in hand, and our whole favored New England does not boast a more virtuous and intelligent people. You cannot. Sir, but have felt, as we too sadly feel, that there have been other changes. Time, while it ripens, leads also to decay. Such is our mortal life that there is no cup of joy that is not dashed with tears. Many of those, the friends of your youth, and the loved ones of early days, whose eyes desired this sight, whose voices would have led our welcome, and whose arms would have been extended to embrace you, have passed away. Within sight of where we now stand dwelt him who was your earliest patron and friend, — who to the end of his life walked uprightly before God and man,— whose treasured joy it was that in your exalted prosperity he still retained your affectionate regard, and who, bending be neath the burden of nearly fourscore years, went down to the 43 grave invoking blessings on your head. Nor can I forget to day that distinguished citizen, that noble man, who, when the foundations of this edifice were laid, helped place the corner stone, and standing here before our people as your familiar friend, poured forth a tribute of praise that gave a new im pulse to the love we bore you, and endeared him forever in our hearts. He, too, has gone, — but the memory of Abbott Lawrence will live so long as honorable deeds, and manly vir tues, and christian charity are treasured among men. As the hour hastens on there are many thoughts of mingled joy and sadness which throng upon the mind, but for me to unfold which neither the occasion would justify, nor time permit. I must close. Sir, where I began, by bidding you, in the name and on behalf of those whom I represent, a hearty wel come ! I welcome you to your native town, to the place of your birth, to the abode of your youth, to the ground sacred as the repository of precious dust, to the .spot hallowed by all the tender ties and touching associations of family and home ! ¦ I welcome you to the renewed fellowship of those of your early friends whom a kind Providence has spared to see this day, to the respect and gratitude of all your townsmen whom your name has distinguished and your bounty has blessed, to the tender love and pious prayers of the children among whose first lessons it has been to learn to lisp the name of their gen erous benefactor ! Lastly, I welcome you to this noble Institution, whose walls you have reared, and whose portals you have opened for the promotion of knowledge and morality ! Long may it flourish, and truly may it fulfil its glorious mission ! And when you, too, shall have passed away, and all that now live have returned to the dust, and down to latest times, may it stand, the cherished and imperishable monument to your memory and name ! And now, Sir, reverently I invoke it, God's blessing be upon you! 44 At times, during the delivery ,of this Address, Mr. Peabody seemed greatly affected. At its conclusion, the pupils of the Holten High School sung, in a touching and beautiful manner, "Home Again," to the following words : — HOME AGAIN. WRITTEN BY MISS ANNE L. PAGE Welcome Home ! Welcome Home ! From a foreign shore ; And Oh ! it fills our souls with joy. That you are Iiere once more. Though face and form to us are strange, We love the heart of truth. Whose years of absence could not dim The memories of its youth. Welcome Home, &c. Noble hearts in other lands Have known and tried your worth ; And 'tis a joyous thing for us. That here you had your birth. Oh, ne'er can time or change efface What you to us have been, And grateful hearts, in future years. Shall keep your memory green. Welcome Home, &c. Mr. Peabody then made the following response to Mr. Abbott's Address : — MR. PEABODY'S ADDRESS. Mr. Abbott and Fellow-Townsmen : — I have listened to your eloquent words of welcome with the most intense emotions, and return you for them my warm est acknowledgments. My heart tells me that this is no common occasion. This vast gathering, comprising many old associ ates, their children and their grandchildren, to welcome me to the home of my childhood, almost unmans me. Though Providence has granted me an unvaried and unusual success in the pursuit of fortune in other lands, I am still, in heart, the humble boy who left yonder unpretending dwelling, many — very many years ago. 45 I have felt it necessary to decline many proffered hospitali ties, but I could not resist the impulse which prompted me to accept yours, and to revisit the scenes once so familiar, to take you again by the hand, and to tell you how it rejoices my heart to see you. You can scarcely imagine how the changes to which you have referred impress me. You have yourselves grown up with them, and have gradually become familiarized with all ; but to me, who have been so long away, the effect is almost astounding. It is gratifying to find, however, that these trans formations have gone hand in hand with your prosperity and improvement. The solitary fields which were the scenes of my boyish sports now resound with the hum of busy labor ; and the spirit of improvement, not content with triumph on land, has even converted Foster's millpond into solid ground, and made it the scene of active enterprise. But time has also wrought changes of a painful nature. Of those I left, the old are all gone. A few of the middle aged remain, but old and infirm, while the active population consists almost entirely of a new generation. I now revert to a more pleasing theme, and call your atten tion to the brightest portion of the picture of the day. One of the most pleasing and touching incidents of this morning, is the large number of scholars who have come forth to bid me welcome, and who now surround me. In address ing a few words to you, my dear young friends, I would bid you remember that but a few years will elapse before you will occupy the same position towards your own children which your parents now hold towards yourselves. The training you are now receiving is a precious talent, for the use or abuse of which each will, on a future day, be called upon to give a severe account. May you then be ready to render up that talent with "usury." There is not a youth within the sound of my voice whose early opportunities and advantages are not very much greater than were my own, and I have since achieved nothing that is impossible to the most humble boy 46 among you. I hope many a great and good man may arise from among the ranks of Danvers boys assembled here to-day. Bear in mind, however, that to be truly great it is not necessa ry that you should gain wealth and importance. Every boy may become a great man, in whatever sphere Providence may call him to move. Steadfast and undeviating truth, fearless and straightforward integrity, and an honor ever unsullied by an unworthy word or action, make their possessor greater than worldly success or prosperity. These qualities constitute greatness ; without them you will never enjoy the good opinion of others or the approbation of a good conscience. To my young female friends I would say, — Remember that there have been, and are, great women as well as great men ; great in their domestic graces, as daughters, as wives and as mothers ; and I trust that future times may record many a name so distinguished, whose seeds of good were sown Avithin this town, and allow me to hope that my eye now rests upon some of them. May the advice I have given you be impressed upon your young hearts. It is given with great sincerity by one who has had much experience in the world ; and although Provi dence has smiled upon all his labors, he has never ceased to feel and lament the want of that early education, which is now so freely offered to each one of you. This is the first time we have met ; it may prove the last, but while I live I shall ever feel a warm interest in your welfare. God bless you all ! During the delivery of both these Addresses there were fre quent expressions of applause ; but the solemn stillness, the up turned faces, and, above all, the swelling hearts and moistened eyes of the listening throng, were more expressive of deep emotion than the loudest plaudits could have shown. .If' »•¦ .-^o L-ithly J.H Bufford. ARCH ERECTED BY THE WEBSTER CLUB. MAIN ST. S. DANVERSE. THE DINNER. After the conclusion of the exercises of the Reception the Chief Marshal formed a procession of the guests and holders of tickets to the Dinner, and proceeded under escort through Washington Street to J. B. Smith's large Pavilion, which was finely decorated for the occasion, where tables were laid for about 1500 guests. It was an orderly and brilliant gathering. A large number of ladies were present, whose beauty and intel ligence gave an additional charm to the festivities. When the company were seated, Hon. Robert S. Daniels, President of the Day, introduced the Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Murray, who is the successor of Rev. Mr. Walker, with whose religious society the family of Mr. Peabody was connected when he resided here. After the repast, Mr. Daniels arose and delivered the following speech : — Hon. ROBERT S. DANIELS' ADDRESS. Ladies and Gentlemen : When we gathered within the Peabody Institute, on the day it was consecrated to the great and good object of promoting knowledge and morality, and listened to the stirring eloquence and wise suggestions of the gifted orator of the occasion, we well supposed that it was the crowning glory of our history and the brightest memento of our own times which would be transmitted to posterity ; but the transactions and associations of this day will impart new lustre and add fresh beauty to all we have heretofore hoped and done. This may be truly said to be. an occasion of rare occurrence 48 and uncommon ititorost. It takes deep hold upon tho toolings of all the inhabitants of tho town, of wluitovor aijo or cii-cum- stance. We assemble here to-day a united people, -with one mind and heart, and that heart throbbing with the purest impulses of joy and gratitude. And why all this outbroiik o( popular feel ing, tills unusual gatliering of learning ami talent, beauty and fashion, of age and youth, and every eotinteiiiince iiulieating that it is the willing tribute of tho heart ? Tiiero is not hero any groat conqueror crowned with laurels, fresh from the victorious battle-field, to receive our homage. We are not here to do honor to any of our distinguished states men, but on the other hand, some of them are present to mingle their voices and praises with ours. It is not for any such ob jects as these, that our whole population is to-day, and has been for weeks, moved with an eaniostuess and enthusiasm heretofore unknown. But it is for the sole and single purpose to welcome home, after an absence of more than twenty years, oiio of our own citizens to his native land and tho scenes of his youth. And although he has been living and associating during the whole period of his absence with the nobles of a foreign country, ho has no titles, nor is he graced with tho insignia of oflice, but is simply a private gentleman with an American heart, warmly attached to the land of his birth, with strong foolings and aspi rations for her honor and prosperity. And why this public and spontaneous grouting of a private, unostentatious individual ? The response to this question can be given by any one or all of you, and by thousands throughout the country. It is for his high standing for integrity and honor as an American merchant — for his unbounded hospitality, and unlimited benevolence iu private charities, and public benefac tions — and his unceasing efforts to promote free and social intercourse among the citizens of our own country and tho people of tho land of his residence. In times of commercial distress he has exerted groat influence in sustaining the credit of our country. He has ever boon on 49 the side of peace, and his high position^ elevated character, and great resources, have enabled him to do much towards main taining amicable relations between England and America. The performance of any one of. these high duties would command our respect — and when we find an individual who has per formed them all, it is easy to account for- the desire of the people to do him honor. To his commercial character, in all its relations, our great cities, through their distinguished merchants, have borne the most ample testimony, and the recipients of his noble hospi tality are scattered all over our great and growing country. Of his benevolence and liberality we can point you to a standing monurpent which will ontlast us all, and scatter its beautiful fruits all the way down through generations yet unborn. I allude to the Peabody Institute : of the details of its operation I do not propose to speak. The institution itself is known throughout our country — its foundation, its history, its success, and its beneficial effects, are before the world. It has been said by a friend of Mr. Peabody, that it is the best investment he ever made-r-not that it will add to his already abundant wealth, but it is the inward joy and constant pleasure that the true philanthropigt feels, when he knows that his efforts to benefit and' bless his fellow-beings have been suc cessful, that will add a large per cent, to the sweets and hopes of life, and cast a halo of glory around the memories which it awakens. It is now more than forty years since Mr. Peabody was a resident of this town, and many and great are the changes which have taken place during that period. Many of them are of a pleasing character ; some of them, however, which are the result of the universal law of nature, will be remembered with sorrow. And I would ask, with reference to these changes, in the language of Scripture — "The fathers, where are they?" They are all gone. Their seats in our halls and in our churches are all vacant. The active business men of that day have all passed from time to eternity. 4 50 The population of Danvers at that period was about three thousand : now more than ten thousand. We then had but two churches, we now have nine. The salaries paid the min isters were about one thousand doHars : now estimated at ten thousand. We then had but two or three public schoolhouses ; now some fifteen, and a number of them large and costly buildings, and thronged with hundreds of happy children. We then appropriated about two thousand dollars for their support : now about ten thousand, and are trying to pay " the dgbt due from present to future generations." Our old public avenues are filled with dwellings and stores ; many new streets have been located and built upon. The power of steam was then almost unknown. Railroads are now laid in all directions through our town, and almost thirty trains per day pass through this village. We then had no banks and no post ofiices : we now have three banks and four post ofiices, and I feel warranted in stating that the business of the town would show a greater increase than anything else. Mr. Peabody left this place about the period I have named, with no capital but a good character, and his inherent energy and firm resolve. He now returns to us under circumstances known to you all, — his unparalleled success has not blotted from his memory his old home and his old friends. The elo quent welcome given this morning meets a response from every heart. The impressions made to-day will never fade from the memory of the youngest person present, but will entwine themselves around all our hearts, and be rehearsed by our children's children as incentives to guide them in the paths of virtue and honor. In conclusion, I propose the following sentiment : " A cordial and hearty welcome to the distinguished citizen, eminent merchant, and public benefactor." Amid the most enthusiastic cheers, Mr. Peabody then arose and spoke as follows : — 51 MR. PEABODY'S ADDRESS. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen : — The reception you have given me to-day, and especially this enthusiastic greeting, overpowers me. Few boys ever left a New England town under circumstances more humble than I did. None could return more honored — honored, too, where honor is said not to be usual — in his own country, and among his own kindred. I feel proud as well as grateful at these testimonials, so far beyond my merits, but so gratifying to my heart, and which I shall ever esteem the greatest honor of my life. You have alluded, Mr. Chairman, to my course as a mer chant. Heaven has been pleased to reward my efforts with success, and has permitted me to establish, through my own exertions, a house in the great metropolis of England, which, I think my mercantile friends here present will bear me out in saying, sustains a high character and credit throughout the world. Coming back to the home of my childhood, I hon estly confess that I feel great pride in this, and I do not be lieve that you will accuse me of egotism in saying so. I have ¦endeavored, in the constitution of its members and the char acter of its business, to make it an American House, and to give it an American atmosphere ; to furnish it with American journals ; to make it a center for American news, and an agree able place for my American friends visiting London. That I have partially succeeded in doing so, I think I may reasonably conclude, from the flattering testimonials which I have re ceived since my arrival in this country. You have also been pleased to allude to my humble efforts to promote good feeling between Great Britain and the United States, by increasing the social intercourse between my Eng lish and American friends. That a cordial alliance ought to exist between these two countries, founded on social inter course and personal friendships, as well as mutual interests, is an opinion which I share with most persons who have had the 52 opportunity to see both. I am happy, indeed, if my humble efforts have aided in promoting such good feeling. If there are two nations on the face of the earth which ought to be con nected by the closest ties of mutual good will, they are these two countries. It is not in the language ordinarily used that I point to the similarity in their institutions, their laws, their language, and their commercial interests. The exports of this country to Great Britain are larger than to all the world be sides ; the exports from Great Britain to this country, though not relatively so large, are on an equally gigantic scale. A monetary crisis in one country is generally followed by like results in the other. A change in financial policy on the one side is met by a responsive change on the other. The jour nals of each country reflect, at length, each other's views and sentiments. Out of this very intimacy of relations there grows frequent cause of difference ; but I am sure that, nowithstandiug the little outbursts of jealousy which occasionally show themselves, England is not less proud of her offspring than is America of the parent stock. I can assure you that, from the universally be loved dueen whp rules those realms, down to her humblest subject, one feeling of good will towards this country prevails. {Enthusiastic applause, long continued.] I say this with the greater confidence, since I see around me many gentlemen who have had the opportunity to see for themselves whether these things are so. To none can I appeal more confidently than to you. Sir, [turning to Mr. Everett,] who have filled the most im portant office, abroad, in the gift of our government, with so much honor to your own country, and so much satisfaction to those to whom you were accredited. I have been reminded to-day that one, who followed worthily in the footsteps of my friend on the left, has passed away. The corner stone of the Peabody Institute was laid by Abbott Lawrence ; but, before it was completed, his pure spirit had left this world. I admired him for his practical talents ; I respected him for his virtues, and I loved him as a friend. Like myself, he was convinced of the great importance of conciliation, forbearance, and mu- 53 tual good will between England and .America. During his whole mission he labored earnestly to cultivate these feelings, and I take a melancholy pleasure in adding my humble tribute to his memory, in testifying not only to the profnseness of his own hospitalities, and the constancy of his own labors to these ends, but to the heartiness and zeal with which he coof crated in my more humble efforts. The memory of such a man as Abbott Lawrence is doubly blessed. Allow me to conclude by proposing a toast : Onr old town of Danrers, as it was constituted in 1752 — May she know none but ciTiL divisions. And, in connection with this sentiment, permit me to ex press a hope that the Peabody Institute, as it was established iu 1852, as it exists now, and as it shall hereafter exist, may prove a perpetual bond to unite the towns of Danvers and South Danvers. [Great cheering.] The President then offered : — The Commonwealth of Massachusetts — Her present position is as honorable for insti- tations of charity and l>enevolence as her former history is replete with patriotism. His Excellency Governor Gardner responded as follows : — GOV. GARDNER'S RESPONSE. Mr. President, Ladies and — I always approach a speech of any kind, and especially an after-dinner speech, with a great deal of reluctance. So foreign is it to my education and experience in early life, I always dread it ; and if ever, more especially now, here, on this occasion, sui^ rounded as I am by the flower of Essex, and not only of Es sex, hut of New England, and not of New England alone, but of the United States, — seeing before me, as I do, jepresenta- tives not only of the press of Boston, but of New York, of Philadelphia, Cincinnati, aye, and from across the ocean wa ters, of the press of the Old World, [cheers] — seeing around me and by me those whose eloquence you are wont to listen to and hang upon with delight, I may well dread being called on to say one word ; and yet I am glad to respond to that sen- 54 timent, in honor of the good, noble, illustrious, dear old State of Massachusetts [loud applause] — a State which was the birth place of most of us, which is the home of all our affections, where is centered and gathered together all that we hold dear in this life, where repose the ashes of our ancestors, and where, some day, we fondly hope our own may be peacefully laid beside them. In response to a sentiment complimentary to Massachusetts, I am always proud to raise my voice; and rcsporisive to this allusion, in honor of her Institutions, I think to-day, in this presence, an answer may be peculiarly fitting. I have never before participated in an occasion of this kind. Where was there one ? A young man — with no other capital, as you well said, but his hands and his integrity, going abroad across the waters, unheralded and unknown — by his own industry and integrity distinguishing himself among his fellows, and in the good gifts of Providence showered upon him every hour of every year, seeking how he might benefit his countrymen at home — [cheers] rendering his name illustrious, also, for his princely hospitality, — and his commercial house to which you refer, a proverb upon the marts and commercial highways of nations — to see such an one return, so honored and so beloved, to the scene of his birth, is indeed a new and interesting event. But I cannot, I will not detain you. I cannot, however, but refer to one circumstance in the career of your distinguished guest, which makes me peculiarly proud, and feel deeply hon ored now to address him. He is a merchant ; he belongs to that fraternity, to which my own humble life an^ services have been devoted. It has not the glittering attraction of the warrior, whose fame can be carved out by his sword upon the battle-field; it has not, ladies and gentlemen, that attraction, which he, who spreads abroad the glad tidings to all nations, finds in his profession ; it has not the attraction of legal or of political excitement; it has not, necessarily — though there are many exceptions — it has not, I say, necessarily, that connection with the cultivation of the intellect, the improvement of the 55 mind, which the learned professions, so called, always require. But, Sir, you and I know it has its pride and its value. There must be patient attention to petty details, to exacting,, minute transactions ; there must be great and careful and pru dent attention paid to them all, hour after hour, and day after day : but when the successful result is reached, there is a com pensation in that very success itself, and high 'honor in the means by which it has been attained. And, Sir, in your career there is much that the young merchants of Massachusetts can profit by. In the first place, they can take a lesson from that integrity of purpose, of- which we all to-day have read upon banner, upon house, upon staff, and upon the faces, and in the words of our citizens. We can see, too, in your career where the syren Hope, in early days, beckoned you where deeper waters ran, and pointed to the furled sail at the mast head, how you stood resolutely on in your own path of duty, and defied the syren song ; there is in that a lesson for the young merchants of Massachusetts to remember. [Cheers.] But further, beyond and above all this, when Providence in His mercy has filled your treasury to overflowing, when you have reached the goal of all your anticipations, all you ever could have hoped or desired, — aye, there is a lesson, my friends, for the young and the old merchants all to bear in mind as to the manner in which thpse rich rewards have been distributed. [Iioud cheers.] I feel, my friends, I have detained you too long. As a mer chant, I am proud to meet our distinguished guest ; as a citizen of Massachusetts I am glad to greet him ; and in response to your sentiment commemorative and approving the institutions of our Commonwealth, I would welcome back to his home, him who has done so much by his liberality to benefit the institutions of learning within our borders. [Loud cheers.] The next regular sentiment was read by Hon. George Os borne, one of the Vice-Presidents, who acted as toast-master : England and America —Pidchra mater — pitlchrior filia — long may they flourish in the bonds of peace, rivals only in their efforts to civilize and Christianize the world. 56 The Chairman having called upon Mr. Everett to respond to this toast, that gentleman spoke substantially as follows: — SPEECH OF HON. EDWARD EVERETT. Mr. President : — I suppose you have called upon me to respond to this inter esting tonst. chiefly because I filled a few years ago a place abroad, which made me in some degree the associate of your distinguished guest, iu the kindly office of promoting good will between the two great branches of the Anglo-Sa.xon or Anglo- Norman race (lor I do not think it matters much by which name you call it,) " tho fai; mother and the fairer daughter," to which the toast alludes. At all events, I had much oppor tunity, during my resilience iu England, to witness the hon orable position of Mr. Peabody iu tho comnieieial and social circles of London ; his eftbrts to make the citizens of the two countries ftworablv known to each other ; aud generally that course of life aud conduct, which has contributed to jirocure him the well-deserved honors of this day, and whieh shows that he fully enters into the spirit of tho sentiment just pro pounded from the chair. To the prayer of that sentiment, Sir, I fully respond, desii^ ing nothing more ardently in the foreign relations of the coun try, than that these two great nations may be rivals only in their efforts to promote tho welfare and imiuovemont of man kind. They have already done, they are now doing much, at home aud abroad, to promote that end by the arts of peace. Whenever they cooperate they can sweep everything before them; — when they are at variaiice, when they pull opposite ways, it is the annihilation of much of the moral power of both. Whenever England and America combine their influence in promoting a worthy object, it moves forward like a vessel pro pelled by the united force of wind and steam ; but when thoy are in conflict with each other, it is like tho struggle of the toiling engine against the opposing tempest. It is well if tho laboring vessel holds her own ; there is danger if tho steam prevails that she may bo crowded under tho mountain waves, 57 or, if the storm gains the mastery, that she may drift upon the rocks. It is very obvious to remark, on this occasion, and on this subject, while you are offering a tribute of respect to a distin guished man of business, that these two great nations, which are doing so much for the advancement of civilization, are the two leading commercial nations of the world ; that they have carried navigation and commerce to a height unknown before. And this consideration, Sir, will serve to justify you and your fellow-citizens, if they need justification, for the honors you are bestowing upon the guest of the day, as it will the other communities in different parts of the country, which have been desirous of joining in similar public demonstrations of respect. Without wishing to disparage the services which command your respect and gratitude, in the walks of political, military, or literary life, it is natural that, in a country like the United States, where commerce is so important an interest, you should be prompt to recognize distinguished merit in the commercial career; a career of which, when pursued with diligence, sagac ity, enterprise, integrity and honor, I deem it not too much to say, that it stands behind no other in its titles to respect and consideration ; as I deem it not too much to say of commerce in its largest comprehension, that it has done as much in all time, and is now doing as much, to promote the general cause of civilization, as any of the other great pursuits of life. Trace its history for a moment from the earliest period. In the infancy of the world its caravans, like gigantic silk worms, went creeping, with their innumerable legs, through the arid wastes of Asia and Africa, and bound the human family to gether in those vast regions as they bind it together now. Its colonial establishments scattered the Grecian cfllture all round the shores of the Mediterranean, and carried the adventurers of Tyre and Carthage to the north of Europe and the south of Africa. The walled cities of the middle ages prevented the arts and refinements of life from being trampled out of exist ence under the iron heel of the feudal powers. The Hanse Towns were the bulwark of liberty and property in the north 58 and west of Europe for ages. The germ of the representative system sprang from the municipal franchises of the boroughs. At the revival of letters, the merchant princes of Florence re ceived the fugitive arts of Greece into their stately palaces. The spirit of commercial adventure produced that movement in the fifteenth century which led Columbus to America, and Vasco di Gama around the Cape of Good Hope. The deep foundations of the modern system of international law were laid in the interests and rights of commerce, and the necessity of protecting them. Commerce sprinkled the treasures of the newly-found Indies throughout the western nations ; it nerved the arm of civil and religious liberty in the Protestant world ; it gradually extended the colonial system of Europe to the ends of the earth, and with it the elements of future inde pendent, civilized, republican governments. But why should we dwell on the past ? What is it that gives vigor to the, civilization of the present day but the world wide extension of commercial intercourse, by which all the products of the earth and of the ocean — of the soil, the mine, of the loom, of the forest — of bounteous nature, creative art, and untiring industry, are brought by the agencies of com merce into the universal market of demand and supply. No matter in what region, the desirable product is bestowed on man by a liberal Providence, or fabricated by human skill. It may clothe the hills of China with its fragrant foliage ; it may glitter in the golden sands of California ; it may wallow in the depth of the Arctic seas: it may ripen and whiten on the fertile plains of the sunny South ; it may spring forth from the flying shuttles of Manchester in England or Man chester in America — the great world-magnet of commerce at tracts it all. alike, and gathers it all up for the service of man. I do not speak of English commerce or American commerce. Such distinctions enfeeble our conceptions. I speak of com merce in the aggregate — the great ebbing and flowing tides of the commercial world — the great gulf-streams of traffic which flow round from hemisphere to hemisphere, the mighty trade- winds of commerce which sweep from the old world to the 59 new, — that vast aggregate sj'stem which embraces the whole family of man, and brings the overflowing treasures of nature and art into kindly relation with human want, convenience and taste. In carrying on this system, think for a moment of the stu pendous agencies that are put in motion. Think for a mo ment of all the ships that navigate the sea. An old Latin poet, who knew no waters beyond those of the Mediterranean and Levant, says that the man must have had a triple casing of oak and brass about his bosom who first trusted his frail bark on the raging sea. How many thousands of vessels, laden by commerce, are at this moment navigating, not the narrow seas frequented by the ancients, but these world encompassing oceans ! Think next of the mountains of brick, and stone, and iron, built up into the great commercial cities of the world ; and of all the mighty works of ancient and modern contrivance and structure, — the moles, the lighthouses, the bridges, the ca nals, the roads, the railways, the depth of mines, the titanic force of enginery, the delving ploughs, the scythes, the reap ers, the looms, the electric telegraphs, the vehicles of all de scriptions, which directly or indirectlj^ are emplo3'ed or put iu motion by commerce ; aud last, and most important, the mil lions of human beings that conduct, and regulate, and combine these inanimate, organic, and mechanical forces. And now. Sir, is it anything less than a liberal profession, which carries a quick intelligence, a prophetic forecast, an in dustry that never tires, and, more than all, and above all, a stainless probity beyond reproach and beyond suspicion, into this vast and complicated system, and by the blessing of Prov idence, works out a prosperous result? Such is the vocation of the merchant^the man of business — pursued in many de partments of foreign and domestic trade — of finance, of ex change — but all comprehended under the general name of commerce ; all concerned in weaving the mighty network of mutually beneficial exchanges which enwraps the world. I know there is a shade to this bright pict«re : where among the works or the fortunes of men shalt we find one that is all 60 sunlight ? Napoleon the First thought he had said enough to disparage England when he had pronounced her a nation of shopkeepers ; and we Americans are said by some of our own writers to be slaves of the almighty dollar. But these are sal lies of national hostility, or the rebukes which a stern moral sense rightly administers to the besetting sins of individuals or communities. Every pursuit in life, however, has its bright and its dark phase ; every pursuit may be followed iu a gener ous spirit for honorable ends, or in a mean, selfish, corrupt spirit, beginning and ending in personal gratification. But this is no more the case with the commercial than any other career. What more different than the profession of the law, as pursued by the upright counsellor, who spreads the shield of eternal justice over your life and fortune, and the wicked pettifogger who drags you through the thorns and brambles of vexatious litigation? What more different than the beloved physician, the sound of whose soft footstep, as he ascends your staircase, carries hope and comfort to the couch of wea riness and suffering, and the solemn, palavering, impudent quack, who fattens on the fears and frailties of his victims? What more different than the pulpit which reproves, rebukes, aud exhorts in the spirit and with the authority of the gospel, and the pulpit which inflames and maddens, perplexes or puts to sleep? What more different than the press, which, like the morning sun, sheds light and truth through the land, and the press which daily distils the concentrated venom of personal malice and party detraction from its dripping wings? I be lieve that the commercial profession is as capable of being pur sued with intelligence, honor, and public spirit, as any other; and, when so pursued, is as compatible with purity, and eleva tion of character as any other; as well entitled to the honors which a community bestows on those who adorn and serve it; the honors which you this day delight to pay to our friend and guest. I was not the witness of the commencement of his career abroad; but we all know that it soon fell upon that disas trous period when all American credit stood low — when the 61 default of some of the States, and tho temporary inability of others to meet their obligations, and the failure of several of our moneyed institutions, threw doubt and distrust on all Amer ican securities. That great sympathetic nerve (as the anato mists call it) of the commercial world — credit — as far as the United States were concerned, was for the time paralyzed. At that moment, and it was a trying one, our friend not only stood firm himself, but he was the cause of firmness in others. There were not at the time, probably, a half a dozen other men in Europe, who, upon the subject of American securities, would have been listened to for a moment, iii the parlor of the Bank of England. But his judgment commanded respect — his integrity won back the reliance which men had been ac customed to place on American securities. The reproach in which they were all indiscriminately involved was gradually wiped away, from those of a substantial character ; and if on this solid basis of unsuspected good faith he reared his own prosperity, let il be remembered that, at the same time, he re trieved the credit of the State of which he was the agent; performing the miracle, if I may so venture to express myself, by which the word of an honest man turns paper into gold. A course like this, however commendable, might proceed from calculation. If it led to prosperity aud opulence it might be pursued from motives exclusively selfish. But Mr. Peabody took a different view of the matter, and immediately began to act upon an old fashioned New England maxim, which I dare say he learned in childhood and carried with him from Dan vers, — that influence and property have their duties as well as their privileges. He set himself to work to promote the con venience and enhance the enjoyments of his travelling fellow countrymen — a numerous and important class. The traveller — often the friendless traveller — stands greatly in need of good offices in a foreign land. Several of you, my friends, know this, I am sure, by experience ; some of you can say how per severingly, how liberally, these good offices were extended by our friend, through a long course of years, to his travelling countrymen. How many days, otherwise weary, have been 62 winged with cheerful enjoyments through his agency ; how many otherwise dull hours in health and in sickness etilivened by his attentions ! It occurred to our friend especially to do that on a large scale, which had hitherto been done to a very limited extent by our diplomatic representatives abroad. The small salaries and still smaller private fortunes (with a single exception) of our ministers at St. James, had prevented them from extending the rites of hospitality as liberally as they could have wished to their fellow-citizens abroad. Our friend happily, with ample means, determined to supply the defect ; and brought together, at the social board, from year to year, at a succession of enter tainments equally magnificent and tasteful, hundreds of his own countrymen and of his English friends. How much was done in this way to promote kind feeling and mutual good will, to soften prejudice, to establish a good understanding, in a word, to nurture that generous rivalry inculcated in the sen timent to which you have bid me respond, I need not say. I have been particularly requested by my friend, Sir Henry Hol land, a gentleman of the highest social and professional stand ing, to state, while expressing his deep regret that he cannot, in conformity with your kind invitation, participate in this day's festivities, that he has attended several of Mr. Peabody's international entertainments in London, and felt them to be of the happiest tendency in promoting kind feeling between the two countries. We are bound as Americans, on this occasion particularly, to remember the very important services rendered by your guest to his countrymen who went to England in 1851, with specimens of the products and arts of this country, to be exhib ited at the Crystal Palace. In most, perhaps in all other coun tries, this exhibition had been made a government affair. Com missioners were appointed by authority to protect the interests of the exhibitors, and, what was more important, appropriations of money were made to defray their expenses. No appropria tions were made by Congress. Our exhibitors arrived friend less, some of them penniless, in the great commercial Babel of 63 the world. They found the portion of the Crystal Palace assigned to our country unprepared for the specimens of art and industry which they had brought with them ; naked and unadorned, by the side of the neighboring arcades and galle ries, fitted up with elegance and splendor by the richest gov ernments in Eiuope. The English press began to launch its too ready sarcasms at the sorry appearance which brother Jon athan seemed likely to make, and all the exhibitors from this country, and all who felt an interest in their success, were dis heartened. At this critical moment our friend stepped forward ; he did what Congress should have done. By liberal advances on his part, the American department was fitted up; and day af\er day, as some new product of American ingenuity and taste was added to the list, — McCormick's reaper, Colt's revolver, Powers' Greek slave, Hobbs' unpickable lock, Hoe's wonderful printing presses, and Bonds more wonderful spring governor, it began to be suspected that brother Jonathan was not quite so much of a simpleton as had been thought. He had contrib uted his full share, if not to the splendor, at least to the utili ties of the exhibition. In fact the leading journal at London, with a magnanimity^which did it honor, admitted that England had derived more real benefit from the contribirtions of the United States than from those of any other country. But our friend, on that occasion, much as he had done in the way mentioned to promote the interest and success of the American exhibitors, and to enable them to sustain that gener ous rivalry to which the toast alludes, thought he had not yet done enough for their gratification. Accordingly, in a most generous international banquet, he brought together on the one band the most prominent of his countrymen, drawn by the occasion to London, and on the other hand, the chairman of the Royal Commission, with other persons of consideration in England, and his British friends genereJly ; and in a loving cup, made of old Danvers oak, pledged them, on both sides, to warmer feelings of mutual good will, than they had before en tertained. In these ways,' Mr. President, our friend has certainly done 64 his share to carry into effect the principle of the toast, to which you call upon me to reply. But it is not wholly nor chiefly for these kindly offices and comprehensive courtesies ; not for the success with which he has pursued the paths of business lite, nor for the moral courage with which, at an alarming crisis, and the peril of his own fortunes, he sustained the credit of the State he represented — it is not these services that have called forth this demonstration of respect. Your quiet village, my friends, has not gone forth in eager throngs to meet the successful financier; the youthful voices, to which we listened with such pleasure in the morning, have not been attuned to sing the praises of the prosperous banker. No, it is the fellow- citizen who, from the arcades of the London exchange, laid up treasure in the hearts of his countrymen ; the true patriot who, amidst the splendors of the old world's capital, said in his heart — If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning ; if I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth ; — it is the dutiful and grateful child and benefactor of old Danvers whom you welcome back to his home. [Great cheering.] Yes, Sir, and the property you have ii#vested in yonder sim ple edifice, and in providing the means of innocent occupation for hours of leisure, — of instructing the minds and forming the intellectual character not merely of the generation now rising, but of that which shall take their places, when the heads of those dear children, who so lately passed in happy review be fore you, shall be as gray as mine, and of others still more distant, who shall plant kind flowers on our graves — it is the property you have laid up in this investment which will embalm your name iu the blessings of posterity, when granite and marble shall crumble to dust. Moth and rust shall, not corrupt it ; they might as easily corrupt the pure white portals of the heavenly city, where " every several gate is of one pearl." Thieves shall not breakthrough and steal it; they might as easily break through the vaulted sky and steal the brightest star in the firmament. [Cheers.] The great sententious poet has eulogized the " Man of Ross " 65 — the man of practical, unostentatious benevolence — above all, the heroes and statesmen of the Augustan Age of England. Who, he asks — , " Who hung with woods the mountain's sultry brow 1 From tho dry rock, who bade the waters flow ? Not to the skies in useless columns tost. Or in proud falls magnificently lost. But clear and artless, pouring through the plain. Health to the sick, and solace to the swain." But your Man of Ross, my friends, has taught a nobler stream to flow through his native village — the bubbling, sparkling, mind-refreshing, soul-cheering stream, which renews while it satisfies the generous thirst for knowledge, — that noble un quenchable thirst " which from the soul doth spring," — which gains new eagerness from the draught which allays it, forever returning though forever slaked, to the cool deep fountains of eternal truth. You well recollect, my Danvers friends, the 16th of June, 1852, when you assembled to celebrate the centennial anni versary of the separation of Danvers from the parent stock. Your pleasant village arrayed herself that day in her holiday robes. Her resident citizens with one accord took part in the festivities. Many of her children, dispersed through the Union, returned that day to the homestead. One long absent was wanting, whom you would gladly have seen among you. But you had not forgotten him nor he you. He was beyond the sea, absent in body, but present in spirit and in kindly re membrance. In reply to your invitation, he returned, as the custom is, a letter of acknowledgment, enclosing a sealed paper, with an endorsement setting forth that it contained Mr. Pea body's sentiment, and was not to be opened till the toasts were proposed at the public dinner. , The time arrived,— the paper was opened, — and it contained the following sound and signifi cant sentiment : — "Education, — A debt due from the present to future generations." Now we all know that, on an occasion of this kind, a loose slip of paper, such as a sentiment is apt to be written on, is ' 5 66 in danger of being lost ; a puff of air is enough to blow it away. Accordingly, just by way of paper-weight, just to keep the toast safe on the table, and also to illustrate his view of this new way of paying old debts, Mr. Peabody laid down twenty -thousand dollars on the top of his sentiment ; and for the sake of still greater security, has since added about as much more. Hence it has come to pass, that this excellent sentiraent has sunk deep into the minds of our Danvers friends, and has, I suspect, mainly contributed to the honors and pleasures of this day. But I have occupied, Mr. President, much more than my share of your time ; and, on taking my seat, I will only con gratulate you on this joyous occasion, as I congratulate our friend and guest at having had it in his power to surround himself with so many smiling faces and warm hearts. Rev. Dr. Braman was called for by the President, but did not respond. The following Song, written by Mrs. J. R. Peabody, was then sung in fine style by an excellent Glee Club, led by Mr. M. P. Horn : A WELCOME TO GEORGE PEABODY, ESQ. BY MRS. JOEL E. PEABODY. Air— Avid Lang Syne, Welcome ! illustrious friend and guest ! Aye, more than welcome here, And be the day forever blessed That brings back one so dear. We bear not forth to meet thee. Sire, Armorial banners, — old ; Nor titled peers, to greet thee, Sire, Their castle gates unfold. But Danvers homes, and Danvers hearts, Rejoice to see thee here ; And love her potent spell imparts. To aid the humble cheer. 67 Full oft we've wished for this glad hour. That thus we might express, — So fex as language has the power, — Our deep indebtedness ; Not only that thy wealth has reared Yon Institute so feir. And doubly to our hearts endeared The name engraven there ; Nor that thy happy years, b^un In this sequestered spot, Have never, as they onward run. This early home forgot ; But that thy love, beginning here. Swells a wide circlet round, .Till kindred, friends, and country dear In its embrace are found. Nay, England's voice comes o'er tho sea To join the proud acclaim. And boasts she has a right to be Remembered -with thy name ! In worth like this we may rejoice. It is above all praise : Yet must we one united voice Of admiration raise. The third sentiment was complimentary to the city of Bos ton, as one of the earliest plantations of the Pilgrims. It was expected that His Honor Mayor Rice would be pres ent to respond, but he, being otherwise engaged, had retired. The following sentiment, contributed by him, was read : T^ Commercial Metropolis of New England cordially unites in the tribute of honor and respect to the distinguished guest of this occasion. The next sentiment was : The Son of that Govemor of Massachusetts whose name is proverbial for honesty of purpose and integrity of heart — ^the associate of Abbott Lawrence. Responded to by J. B. C. Davis of New York. He said : — 68 SPEECH OF MR. DAVIS. I am very sorry there is not some gentleman present whose connection with New York has been longer than my own, to speak in her behalf. But I am proud, nevertheless, upon an occasion like the present, and in the midst of such an assem bly, to have the honor of representing the metropolis of Amer ica. We are assembled to-day to do honor to a man of com merce, — to a man. Sir, of American commerce, — who repre sents, more than any other person, American commerce in the center of the commerce of the world. And I am proud — it is an honor of which any one might be proud — to be present on such an occasion, to represent the great metropolis of America — a city which sits like a lily on the water's side, and stretches its roots out under the sea, drawing to itself life and strength from all the countries of the world. [Cheers.] We of New York recognize, in the prosperity and advance ment of your distinguished guest, some sign and some shadow of the advancement and prosperity of New York; for we can but be aware that some share of the wealth, which he has gained in such profusion, and which he distributes with such liberality, has come, in some measure, from his business con nection with our merchants. It is fitting that our merchants should share in rendering a tribute of respect and affection to the man who has done so much to honor the name of Ameri can merchant — who has done that most difficult of all things, established a new house in the old metropolis, and has ad vanced the credit and character of that house, until, as has been said to-day, it is known throughout the world ; who has done so much for American credit generally, and especially for the sinking credit of American States, in the most difficult times ; and whose purse has always been as open for the ad vancement of new commercial enterprises as it has for works of charity and beneficence. Especially do we remember — and I have been reminded of it to-day by a New York friend who was present — that at the time when a merchant of New York offered to the United States government the use of two ves- 69 sels, to proceed to the Arctic Seas in search of Sir John Frank lin, it was the money of George Peabody that fitted out those vessels, and enabled them to make those discoveries which have brought so much honor upon New York and upon this country. [Great cheerijig.] It has been my fortune to live in New York but a few years, and I cannot forget, to-day, standing upon the soil of New England, and taking part in these ceremonies, that I have a right to be here as a New Englander. I am reminded, also, in the person of your guest, of what New England enterprise and commerce has achieved. I am reminded that the great house of the Barings, in London, has been guided by New England counsels for the last thirty years, and has imported some of the same stock to continue the guidance hereafter. I am remind ed that the business which Astor founded there has passed into the hands of a New Englander, who has achieved wealth and position in London. I am reminded that another New Eng lander, a native of Danvers, has established there another house, which has attained a proud position, and which has also im ported new stock from New England to continue it in the future on the proud basis upon which it now rests. We of New York remember all this, and are not disposed to take these laurels from New England. Before sitting down, as I have been myself many times a recipient of the munificent hospitality of Mr. Peabody in Lon don, and as I have been permitted for some years past to share his friendship, you will permit me to add a word to what has been already said with regard to his efforts to promote, by his entertainments in London, good will between Great Britain and America — two nations, between whom a common lan guage, a common literature, common interests, and common pugnacity, [laughter,] lay such foundation for causes of differ ence. It has been truly said here to-day— and more elo quently than could be said by anybody else — that what Mr. Peabody has done for the last few years, has tended much to do away with the difiiculties that might grow out of those causes. 70 I especially remember one of those entertainments that took place during the year of the great Exhibition, in 1851. We made rather a poor show at the commencenient of that Exhibi tion, and American stock stood about as low in the social scede of Europe as it could be, until somewhere about the middle of June. We had taken a very large space in the eastern end of the Crystal Palace — twice as much as we needed — we had employed a national vessel to bring our contributions to Eu rope — we had put up an immense eagle, spreading quite across the eastern wing, with a big bunch of lightning flashing from his talons — we had opened those contributions, and we were displaying some few hundred or thousand square yards of daguerreotypes, [laughter] several bushels of shoe-pegs, [laugh ter] some excellent tanned leather, with the tanner's name on it in gilt letters, accompanied by his daguerreotype, I believe; [great laughter] some beautiful preserved peaches, which some body sent out from Ohio, and which, when the Exhibition closed, were presented to the Queen, but I do not know whether she ate them or not ; and, stowed away in some out- of-the-way corners, were some curious looking machines, which nobody seemed to think or care much about, and to get these into the building, we had to go to our friend Mr. Pea body, and ask him to furnish the money, which he did with out hesitation ; [cheers] and it was in the midst of all these discouraging signs that Mr. Peabody conceived the idea of cel ebrating the 4th of July in London by a large ball, and that the Duke of Wellington, and other eminent men among the English aristocracy and in the English political world, should attend and celebrate it with him. [Loud cheers.] Between the time of the conception of this idea and the time of carrying it into execution, there elapsed just about the time necessary to do it ; for Mr. Peabody never takes more than that, between a thought and the time necessary to make that thought a fact. [Loud applause.] The ball came off. I shall not attempt to describe it, for language would fail me utterly if I should undertake to do so. I can only say^ that from the moment when, in the saloon of Almacks, the center 71 of fashion among the beauty and wealth, and the most select company of England and America, the hero of Waterloo and the Napoleon of American commerce walked arm in arm, there began to be manifest a change in the feeling towards America. The next week this was followed by a dinner at Liverpool, on board the Atlantic, when the astonished English and European Commissioners were shown, for the first time, one of those magnificent specimens of American enterprise and skill, a Collins steamer ; and to those, I may say, the money of Mr. Peabody materially contributed. Then came that victory of the yacht America, at Cowes ; I knew not which most to ad mire, the gallantry with which the victory was won, or the gracefulness with which the vanquished acknowledged it. Then came the August scenes, which brought out some of those machines, and John Bull found that Mr. McCormick was essential to him ; and then the Kaflir war enabled Mr. Colt to dispose of many of his pistols ; and then Hobbs' locks came up; and before we were through with the Exhibition, we were fairly in danger of being killed with kindness; and, as Mr. Everett said, the journals all united in echoing the praises uttered by Lord Granville and Sir Henry Bnlwer, at the ban quet given by Mr. Peabody to the exhibitors, before they returned to their own country. Therefore, Mr. Chairman, and ladies and gentlemen, it is that I am satisfied, from my own experience and observation of what takes place in England, that it was to Mr. Peabody more than to any one else, it was owing that the state of feeling toward this country, not in England alone, but through out the Continent, — which takes its tone very much from the English press, — was entirely changed, and the present happy state of things exists. [Loud applause.] The next sentiment was : Harvard Universitij — The Alma Mater of brilliant sons. Our fathers established the Homestead as a luminous standpoint. The sons have secured their reputation by making it a Drummond light. President Walker responded briefly, as follows : — 72 PRESIDENT WALKER'S REMARKS. Mr. President : — I would most respectfully and gracefully acknowledge the honorable mention which has been made of Harvard College. And having done this, ifl were to consult my own feelings, or, I may add, my discretion, I should sit down. But I con sider, Sir, that I am indebted for the honor of being here to my connection with the oldest literary institution in this coun try, and I feel that I ought not to be entirely silent where the praises of the merchants are spoken. Look at our literary in stitutions throughout the land ! It is hardly saying too much to say that our colleges, endowed schools, public libraries arid institutes, are what our merchants have made them. Take away what has been done .by the munificence of our mer chants, — take away what our Perkinses and our Lawrences have done for us, and we should have to shut up our halls and lecture rooms : or, rather, we should never have had any halls or lecture rooms to open. For this reason, Mr. President, Learn ing sends, — I regret, from the bottom of my heart, that she has no better messenger to-day — for these reasons, Learning sends her tribute to this great peaceful moral triumph. [Applause.] The next sentiment was : Old Salem — The respected mother of many children. Her daughter Danvers, and her grand-daughter South Danvers, tender to her their filial salutation. His Honor, William S. Messervy, Mayor of Salem, respond ed by saying : — MR. MESSERVY'S RESPONSE. Mr. President : — The Americans are said to be the best makers of money and the worst spenders of it in the world. No desire that engrosses the mind of man, or absorbs the energies or thoughts of indi viduals, requires, for the securement of its fruition, so small an amount of talent as that of accumulating wealth. No ambition is so easily gratified, and no ambition so petrifies the heart and 73 deadens the kindlier and nobler sentiments of our nature, as the fixed, one idea of becoming rich. And when this one idea is unmixed with private charity, with public benefactions, with literature, art or science, the material wealth of a country may thereby be augmented, its sensual luxuries may be extended, but its strength and importance must and will be diminished. The Political Economist, who looks only to the material wealth of a country as the indication of its value, may know something of science, but he understands but little of human ity. He is a poor man, Sir, who has nothing but his wealth to repose upon. He alone is rich and worthy, whose judg ment is sound, whose heart is liberal, and whose actions are just and disinterested. Our Friend — because the friend of hurnanity — whom we have this day met to greet and to honor, commands our respect, our gratitude and admiration, for the riches of his heart, for the wealth of his mind, and for the priceless worth of his life and character, his precepts and ex ample. We behold him, unaided and alone, working his way up from a very humble dwelling, in a very humble parish, and with only the limited education of a very common school, to the highest positions of trust and confidence in the commercial circles of his own country, and to still higher and more confi dential positions in the metropolis of the world. And then, when crowned with honors, wealth and distinctions, — when the titled, the learned and the great of the world strove to no tice and to honor him, he puts them all aside, and comes up here to-day, in his own native village, in sight of the humble borne where he was born, and tells us that he cherishes, above all other objects, the recollections of his earlier days ; and, as we behold him gazing upon the scenes of his boyhood, we can almost hear the throbbings of his great heart, beating responsive to the couplet : " Where'er I roam, whatever realms to see. My heart untravelled fondly turns to thee." This is the man. Sir, whom Salem, no less than Danvers, is proud to recognize, and delights to honor. 74 The next regular sentiment was : The learned Professor of Greih Litiratta^ in Harmni CniiYrsitji — Although his em inent attainments miiy be all Greek to us, his genial humor aiui oulivoniiig wit ai* pliun English. Responded to by Professor C. 0. Felton, substantially as follows : — PROFESSOR C. C. FELTON'S RESPONSE. Mr. Chairman, — I could not have been more surprised had a thunder-peal fallen from the skies upon this assembly, than I was to receive notice, a few moments ago, from your messenger, that you intended to call me up on this occasion. I nevertheless rise readily and freely, to join with this immense assembly in testifying my ad miration and affection for the eminent man you have delighted to honor to-day. But seeing his pleasant face before me re minds me of a little incident that happened to ine iu London. Through his kindly interposition — while, for a short time, I was in that great " Babel of the Nations," as it has been not inappro priately called, — I received an invitation to dine with the Royal Literary Fund Society. Two or three days before the meet ing I was notified that I was expected to respond to a senti ment, and the sentiment was kindly communicated, iu order that I might prepare an extciitporaneons speech on the occasion. [Great merriment.] Although the time I had there was short, and I wished to devote it to other purposes, yet I stayed at home and locked my door, one entire day, in the heart of London, in order, to get ready to respond to that sentiment. I wrote it out careful ly, looking to see that every verb had its nominative case, and that it agreed, too, with its nominative case. [Tiaughtor.] I knew that I was to speak in the presence of some of the greatest writers and most eminent men in England, aud I fancied that, in my humble measure, I had to speak for the literature of the United States. I wrote out my speech, as I have said, folded it up carefully, having committed it to memory, put it in my pocket, and carried it with me to that splendid entertainment, 75 for fear 'my memory should prove treacherous, and I should break down. I did not dare to eat, I did not dare to drink — dinners and suppers there arc not exactly what they arc here. They respect cold water mainly because it is an excellent agent to remove from face and hands the soil of London stnoke ; and they like a cup of coffee — after dinner. [Laughter and applause.] I could only feast my oyes on the brilliant show, and the sparkling glasses. I literally complied with the re quest of the lover in Ben Jonson's song : — " Drink to mo only with thine eyes." And so I waited for my turn to come. But, Sir — and I have been reminded of the circumstance to-day, by my friend Mr. Peabody — the President of the evening was the eloquent and able D'Israeli, who made two excellent, but, as a Yankee would say, rather lengthy speeches, and other gentlemen, less eloquent, made speeches lengthier still, so that the evening passed away, and the toasts had not got down within six of the one to which I was to respond, and I went home with that extemporaneous speech in my coat pocket. [Laughter.] I car ried it over Europe, — I carried it to Turkey, but the Turks are not addicted to dinner speeches, — and I brought it home to America ; but from that time to this I have had no opportunity of making it ; and if I had dreamed of being called up here to-day, T should certainly have taken it in my pocket along with me. Voices — Let 's have it ! Prof. Felton — It is not here. Mr. Peabody — I hope you will bring it to London. Prof. Felton — Most certainly I will; and at the next cele bration iu this town, in honor of Mr. Peabody, I promise to put that speech iu my pocket. [Applause.] I think, Mr. President, I may say that I, also, have some personal claim to stand up here, and say a single word to-day. If I mistake not, men of my name, blood and lineage, for more than two hundred years, have lived in Old Danvers. I think the ancestor from whom I am directly descended came here in 1636, and from that day to this, I believe, tho name has not been wanting among the useful citizens of this town ; and I 76 feel, therefore, a certain share of personal pride in the honors which you this day, citizens of Danvers, have assembled to be stow upon your illustrious fellow-citizen. I say illustrious, for if any man is illustrious, it is he who, going forth with nothing but his hands and his character, as has been so well said by one of the speakers, and engaging in the struggles of life in the mightiest, metropolis of the world, returns, after an interval which, long as it is, is only a short one in which to have accomplished such triumphs, with his princely fortune, his honorable fame, and more than princely heart, to meet the companions of his childhood, and to be welcomed by the citi zens of the town whom his munificence has blessed, and will bless forever. [Loud applause.] Mr. President, I am one of that famous tribe of " wandering Arabs" who have crossed the ocean, and have shared in the hospitalities of your distinguished guest ; and I am indebted to him — it is not egotism that prompts me to say it, but a desire to add my tribute to the chaplet of honor with which you have crowned him to-day — I am indebted to him, I say, for much of my enjoyment in the old world. I reached London a stranger to- him, having no letter of introduction to him, not even letter of credit. [Laughter.] He sought me out, and invited me to one of those almost regal entertainments ; and the hours that I spent in the society gathered by him on that delightful occasion, are among the most pleasant reminiscences of my foreign tour. I well remember the society brought together on that occasion. The noble sons and lovely daughters of Eng land came, honoring by their presence yoiu fellow-citizen, who had honored them by his invitation — and they felt it so ; and there I listened to words of friendship towards the American nation which would make every heart in this assembly throb with delight if they could hear them, as I. heard them, spoken by the most eloquent lips of England. I think, Mr. President, if there is any Englishman here pres ent, he must have felt that the sentiment of friendship for that great and illustrious nation — the foremost nation in modern civilization, the great bulwark of liberty, whose language, as 77 has been well and truly said by one of their great writers, is the only language upon the face of the earth in which the accents of freedom can be uttered — is congenial to the American heart ; he must have felt that the words of good will so often uttered on those festive occasions of which Mr. Peabody was the originator, have found a ready response from the people of this country, as proved by this multitudinous assembly. And I must confess — Republican as I am, ultra Republican as I am, [cheers] — that my heart beat quicker when the mention of the Royal Lady of England was received with three hearty cheers from this republican assembly; for that Sovereign Lady illiis- trates, in her high position, all those domestic and household vir tues, which, while they give dignity to the lowliest position, are the ornament and the pride of the most exalted. It is true we owe her no political allegiance ; but the virtues of the Queen of England, while they secure to her the love and loyalty of her subjects, entitle her to the willing fealty of every honorable man in republican America. [Loud cheers.] Mr. President, I know of no man, whose position, at this moment, is so proud and enviable, as that of Mr. Peabody. After a long absence, he returns to his native town, under extraordinary circumstances, and with more than a Roman triumph. He returns at a season of the year when field and forest are clothed in the rich variety of blending colors which " Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on ;" and here, under this beautiful sky of October, is welcomed by this vast assemblage of men and women, all gathered to do him honor — and not lip honor, — but that which flows from grateful hearts and minds enriched — from hearts grateful not for them selves alone, but for posterity — ^for the future generations, who shall drink from the fountain of knowledge he has opened, to flow on and flow forever, a perennial and perpetual blessing. As I have looked over this assembly, and seen these bright eyes suffused, and these lovely countenances flushed with joy in welcoming home again your distinguished fellow-citizen, I confess I have envied him ; and I could not help smiling, as I remembered that, among the duties usually thought to belong 78 to the man and the citizen, there is one which Mr. Peabody has failed to perform — I say I could not help smiling to notice, that in spite of Mr. Peabody's short-comings in this respect — the photographic portrait of that pleasant cquntenance, the " counterfeit presentment" of our beloved friend, adorns full many a fair and happy breast around me.* [Laughter and ap plause.] I will not detain you longer. My thoughts this afternoon have been running on the Beatitudes, rather than on other portions of the Scriptures, and if you will allow me, I will close by offering one of them, with all reverence, as a senti ment : — "Blessed are the peacemakers " [Loud cheers.] At the conclusion of Prof. Felton's remarks, the following original Ode was sung : — ODE. BY MRS. OEOKGE A. OSBORNE. Am— America. Our Eriend ! the people's friend. We now our voices blend To welcome thee. Thy glad return we greet. With joy this day we meet. Our hearts with ardor beat. Thy face to see. Great in thy well proved worth. The land that gave thee birth Welcomes her son. Though far beyond the sea, Thy chosen home may be, We ne'er will speak of thee, But as our own. A friend in word and deed. And in our country's need. Thou ever art. Thou hast, with loving hand, Joined in a friendly band. This with our father-land, In hand and heart. * Many of the ladies wore the likeness of Mr. Peabody set in their breastpins. 79 Right nobly hast thou shed Rich blessings on our hjad. Thy native town. And made it our birthright. To bask in wisdom's light. With knowledge, truth and right. Our lives to crown. Then swell the grateful strain Of Welcome still again ; Long life to thee. May God upon thy head. His richest blessings shed. And thou at last be led With Him to be. The next regular sentiment was : The memory of Abbott Lawi-ence. The President called upon Mr. Charles Hale, of Boston, to respond to this sentiment. MR. HALE'S REMARKS. Mr. H. rose and said that he regretted, as he felt sure all those present must regret, that accidental circumstances had prevented the attendance on this most agreeable occasion of any person bearing the name of Mr. Lawrence who might more appropriately than himself answer to the sentiment that had just been proposed. But since I have been called upon, (said he) — Boston boy as I am, and taught in one of those Boston schools which has been decorated with the bounty of Mr. Law rence, — I should be false to the place of my birth and to my training if I hesitated to answer the summons. It is fit that Mr. Lawrence's name should be remembered to-day ; not that anything need be said of the excellence of his life or the great importance of his public services, but because this is a celebra tion in which he would have delighted to participate. It woidd have afforded him peculiar pleasure to unite in doing honor to our distinguished guest. Mr. Lawrence knew Mr. Peabody well ; and'could appreciate him. As United States minister in London he had many opportunities of witnessing Mr. Pea- 80 body's generous hospitalities and valuable services extended to his fellow-countrymen ; aud after his return to America, he assisted in laying the corner stone of that noble Institute, which will perpetuate the name of Peabody until the latest genera tion. He knew the value of Mr. Peabody's exertions in pro moting a better acquaintance between the people of Great Britain and the United States, by means of those magnificent festive occasions to which allusion has already been made. His sense of gratitude to Mr. I'eabody is set forth in a letter, (not before published,) which Mr. H. proceeded to read, as follows : — Legation of tiih United States, 138 Piccadilly, July 5, 1851. My Dear Mr. Peabody, — 1 should be unjust to myself arid to our country, as its roprosentativc at this court, if 1 wc;ro not to offer my ac knowledgments and heartfelt thanks for myself and our country, for the more than regal entertainrrK.'nt you gave to iiio and mine, and to our countrymen generally, now in .London, in commomoration of one of the most important events in tiie political history of the world. The results of the Declaration of Independc^nce of the thirteen North Amer ican British Colonies, in 1776, arc yet but partially developed ; enough, however, has been realized to satisfy a portion of mankind that human freedom is their birthright, and that man is capable of self-government, and will sooner or later demand and obtain civil and religious liberty. Our country has successfully illustrated this proposition. I glory in the magnitude, resources, prosperity and power of the Union. Your idea of bringing together the inhabitants of two of the greatest nations upon earth, connected by the tics of blood with a common ancestry, and a thousand interesting and endearing associations, was a most felicitous conception, and will, I trust, be productive in consummating that harmony of international feeling which should exist between parent and child. I am quite certain that the effects of bringing together British and American people on the 4th of July, will not bo limited to the two countries. There is not a despotic government in Europe that will not pause and reflect upon this extraordinary meeting, of which you have been the author and finisher. I congratulate you upon the distinguished success that has crowned your ed'orts. Your reward must be found in the consciousness of having done that which was never before attempted, and which has resulted most successfully, by proving that the time had arrived when the people of both countries could meet together and sacrifice upon the altar of a common ancestry their former prejudices. I hope and believe that this kind international feeling may strengthen with age, and that you may long live to enjoy the fruits of the patriotic sentiments that prompted the performance of this full, large-hearted action. With a renewal of my grateful thanks for this testimonial to my 81 family and myself, I am, my dear Mr. Peabody, most foithfuUy your friend and obedient servant, Abbott Lawrence. Geokge Pbabost, Esq. That is the testimony borne by Mr. Lawrence (continued Mr. H.) to the value of Mr. Peabody's services in cultivating firiendly relations between these two great nations. And the plan is indeed au admirable one. In both of these countries, the government is sensitive to public opinion ; and if the peo ple wish peace — whatever be the inclinations of their rulers, an interruption of friendly relations is impossible. Mr. Peabody understands this. He sows the seeds of Peace ; and the fruit cannot be war. This is good philosophy, sound statesman ship. Its practice is a step towards that glorious second golden age, of which the British poet-laureate has sung — When the war dmms throb no longer, and the battle-flags are furled In the Parliament of man, the Eederation of the World. The following volunteer sentiment w£is re£ui, and Hon. G. W. Warren, Ex-Mayor of Charlestown, was called upon : The Trans-Atlantic Drinlcing Cap, made oj Danvers Oak — Of such cups as these there cannot be " a cup too much." Mr. Warren responded, and gave : Our Guest — ^He may be excused for not taking a wife, because he has bestowed his whole aifection upon his native town. The next sentiment was : SdeiOia Juris — Old mother Salem has been prolific in distinguished jurists. In running along the line of time, through Story, Pickering, Saltonstall, and others of the past, she proudly presents the two Lords, Huntington, and their honored asso ciates of to-day. Hon. Otis P. Lord was called for, but he did not respond. The next sentiment was then given : — Judge White, of Salem — The retired jurist, of Salem, stiU devoting himself to his loTe of science and letters — he remarkably illustrates the motto, " Otium cum dig- nitate" Judge Wliite responded briefly, as follows : — 6 82 JUDGE WHITE'S RESPONSE. Mr. President : — I have but a word to say, and that must be superfluous after all that has been so well said by others. Till this bright morning opened upon us, I had little hope that I shoidd be able to be with you to-day, though determined to come if my strength would bring me here. I heartily thank you, Sir, and other friends of Danvers, for all the manifestations I have re ceived of your kindness. Three times before the present I have been honored by your welcome reception. First, on your glorious Centennial Anniversary, a celebration more deep ly interesting to me than any I had ever attended in my whole life. There certainly must be among the people of* Danvers not only the requisite spirit, bub genius and taste of no ordi nary quality, to render such celebrations in the highest degree attractive. Next came the foundation of the Peabody Insti tute, the laying of the corner-stone ; and then followed the dedication of the edifice to the important purposes of the Insti tute. All these occasions were made as delightful to your friends as they were honorable to yourselves. This day crowns the whole, and I rejoice with you in the triumphant success of your Jubilee of Gratitude. It affords me the richest gratification to join with you in honoring a benefactor who is so worthy of all honor ; one, too, whose estimable character in early life was well known to me, and whose virtues and manly bearing and beneficent public spirit have inspired me with profound respect. We delight to honor such a man. not for his wealth, nor for his brilliant career of prosperity and his princely fortune ; but for his per sonal worth. Wealth in itself is entitled to no special honor ; in its right use, " there all the honor lies." Fortunes, even princely fortunes, spring up sometirnes like Jonah's gourd, and prove of as little value to the possessor or to the world. It is the man that we honor on this occasion, the intrinsic man ; it is the wise head knowing the uses of money as well as the means of acquiring it, and comprehending all its best uses ; it 83 is the great heart nobly sustaining great wealth and making it a blessing to mankind ; it is the generous soul which swell? with increasing possessions and expands with opportunities of beneficent action, rising to heaven in its responsibilities and aspirations. Among the happiest moments of my life were those I en joyed at your memorable Centennial Celebration, when was first announced the munificent benefaction made by your hon ored guest for the moral and intellectual advancement of the people of his native town in all coming time. Then, in the benefactor's absence, I had the heartfelt pleasure to express the deep sense which I entertained of his merits, — his rare union of sagacity, benevolence and patriotism in the use of abundant wealth, and his enduring claims upon the gratitude and respect of all his countrymen. Allow me. Sir, to close these brief remarks with a sentiment which is the ardent wish of my heart : — Perpetual happiness to the benefactor whom we honor ; and may his noble exam ple in the use of wealth be followed by all who are alike successful in acquiring it. The next sentiment was : Tlie Oranite State — Our festival is graced by one of her most eminent sons, whose services at home and abroad deserve and shall receive our grateful remembrance. Judge Upham, of New Hampshire, was called upon to reply. JUDGE UPHAM'S REMARKS. He commenced by thanking the President for the compli mentary allusion to New Hampshire, and that he desired only to say of itj at this time that it was one of the earliest States to come into the Union, and he trusted it would be one of the last to go out. [Cheers.] He also thanked the Committee for the opportunity of being present on this interesting occasion. I know of nothing, he remarked, that can be more gratify ing to an individual than, after a long absence from his native town, to be received with the kindness and cordiality the peo ple of Danvers have manifested to their distinguished citizen to-day. 84 You have tokens of his remembrance permanently about you, that will avail for the benefit of your children and your children's children. You complete this day the circle of kind ness by showing your high appreciation of the man, and your gratitude to your noble benefactor. It is delightful to us who have our own personal obligations to thank him for, to unite our tribute with yours, and to acknowledge that wider circuit of obligation that is felt by his friends throughout the entire country. * He has not permitted us to do it elsewhere by any public demonstration in his behalf, and we come up hither to the shrine nearest his heart to bid him our thanks and welcome here. I had long an opportunity of witnessing those international courtesies and kindnesses, which he was the medium of ex tending to citizens both of his native and adopted country ; and I can bear witness to their effect in removing asperities and jealousies, so liable to arise among people who are such keen competitors in the race of honors. He has been a public benefactor in this respect. He has succeeded in the bold attempt to unite Englishmen and Americans in the celebration of our nation's jubilee, and Wellington on such occasions has known how to do honor to himself, by honoring the memory of Washington. [Applause.] And Royalty has paid grateful tribute to the memory of a day that displaced, in a righteous cause, the brightest jewel from its crown. Sir, we all desire to do honor to a man who strives to con tribute to the harmony and peace of nations. If he is entitled to the reward of a benefactor who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, he certainly is far more entitled to it, who substitutes, instead of the rank weeds of pride and prejudice, the kindly affections of respect and regard. He closed by proposing to offer as a sentiment : George Peabody— The private man, yet public citizen. The individual who rep resents not merely his own great heart, but brings together, in fraternal regard, the anited hearts of two great nations. 85 Judge Upham's remarks and toast were received with loud applause. The next regular toast weis : The Intercourse of the People of England and the United States — The mutual and reciprocal interchange of individual courtesies tends to mutual advantage, and incr biases mutual prosperity. Mr. James Carruthers, of England, was called on to re spond. MR. CARRUTHER'S REMARKS. He said he should regret if the record of this meeting went to England without some one to answer for her island queen and island people. He had seen that day the Cross of St. George waving alternately with the Stars and Stripes ; he had heard the strains of both Hail Columbia and God Save the Queen. [Applause.] He had just been asked wherein this demonstration differed from emy he had elsewhere seen. It was wholly individual in character, as distinct from mere corporate or municipal action. It appeared that each individual found in the guest of the occasion the realization of his highest ideal of American characteristics. In a more enlarged sense, they were paying homeige to a principle of individual action that was fast giving ascendancy to Americans, amidst the nations of the earth. Each American had the deepest possible interest in being known, so as to be freed from the biassed judgment of nations who reasoned on narrower and more selfish grounds. When we look to the unchangeable bases of the great code of indi vidual justice, from which emanated American institutions — when it was remembered that these principles had their assent in the consciences of all men — it was marvellous that other nations should have been so slow to adopt any portion of them in their mutual and reciprocal interchange, not only of cour tesies but of duties. An American banker in London stood in a proud position to illustrate the character of his countrymen. His own institution was individual in character. It was es tablished by its own profits, supported by its own means, and 86 stood on its own resources. Mr. C. proceeded to say that he had no need to tell how Mr. Peabody was appreciated in Eng land ; still less how his fame had been echoed back. The presence of the ladies was the sign manual of the character of his reception. He need not put to the Governor, — or any of the legislative members, the query of a speaker of the House of Commons, who, spying some ladies in the gallery peeping over the gentlemen's shoulders, called out, " What borough do these ladies serve for?" Such men as yourself, said Mr. C, turning to Mr. Peabody, are the true pacificators of the day, and in the interests you promote and conserve, we recognize the only secure foundation of an alliance. Hon. 0. W. Upham responded to the following sentiment : Our Country — Great in its resources and great in its achievements ; let it also bo great in its influence for good in the family of nations. SPEECH OF HON. CHARLES W. UPHAM. Mr. President, — In participating, on this occasion, I feel the force of the mo tive that will bring hundreds of our fellow-citizens, in every part of the country, to cross the path of the honored guest of the day — gratitude for kind attentions to members of our fam ilies, while visiting the great metropolis of the commercial world, to whose hospitalities he has long contributed a truly princely share. His presence here, in his native land and his native village ; the recollection of the influence he has steadily exerted to bring together and make as one household the people of Great Britain and America, and the cordial, liberal tone of the senti ments expressed at this happy festival, all conspire in leading my thoughts forward to a glorious future for the civilized world. Two of the first-rate powers of the earth speak the same language, have to a considerable extent similar institutions of representative government and popular liberty, and are in spired with the same vital and immortal element of religious 87 truth. They already command the commerce of the world ; and are destined to realize for their noble speech, and the great principles of liberty and law it carries with it wherever it goes. a imiversal dominion. It is the language of the British Isles and of all the vast world-wide possessions of that empire. It will be the language of all North America. It will be planted eve rywhere by the commerce of these two nations. The mischief of Babel will, at last, be repaired, every wall of partition re moved, and the whole world be made one. The contemplation of such a final result is grateful to the mind, because it authorizes the hope that permanent peace will accompany the spread of one language. This, however, will depend upon the relations to each other which England and America organize and establish now. If a spirit of harmo ny, good will, and true friendship is preserved between them, it will impart its tone to the literature aud whole life of the people of both nations ; and as they go on, hand in hand, in the mighty progress of their wealth, in the all-pervading ex tension of their commerce, in the diffusion of their principles, social elements, manners, and langueige, the blessings of peace and love will follow in their track. The pros{>ects of humani ty do, indeed, thus depend upon continuing friendly relations, and deepening friendly feelings between these two countries. Our honored guest has performed a great part in promoting this end. The occasion itself symbolizes the idea I have sug gested. We have met to welcome one who is a living bond of union between these two nations. He belongs to them both. Long yoEirs and great transactions give him a home there. The untravelled, undimmed affections of childhood and youth, and a constant series of acts of beneficent remembrance of his native town, have preserved a home for him here. From these scenes his heart has never been estranged. In his life and deeds, Old and New England come together. They illustrate the sentiment I now beg leave to propose : England aiid America — Their best benefactors and truest patriots are those who seek to establish and perpetuate a cordial fiiendship between them. 88 ODE. BT HARRIET W. PBESTON, A MsDAL Scholar of xhb Holtek High School, Dawtkes. Ttme—Avld Lang Syne. Thrice welcome to thy native land ! Long hath thine exile been ; And few and changed, the early friends Who greet thee back again. But thou art not a stranger, where Thy lavish gifts have come, And we, who honored thee afar, With joy receive thee home. Oh ! noble heart that wealth and power Could never warp or chill ; And open hand that, every hour. Obeys the kindly will ; Oft, as across the ocean wave, To us their carrier flew ; We longed, ourselves, like power to have And souls to use it too. Our full hearts have not fitly shown Their gratitude and pride ; But all the landscape thou hast known Hath Autumn glorified. And in the blue of stainless skies Her silver flags unrolled. And decked for thee', the forest ranks, With scarlet and with gold. TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS. We annex some of the toasts and sentiments offered at the table, which were not announced for want of time. Rufus Choate — An adopted sou of old Danvers. Here he won his first garlands, and here will his well earned fame be cherished. Professor Agassiz — Switzerland, his native land — America, his adopted country. His reputation for science belongs to the world. The Mouth of the Meirimae — The city planted there proves by her works she forgets not the reputation she has to sustain for her early commerce and enterprise. Hon. George Bancroft— The truthful and brilliant writer of his country's history. May the time be very long before another pen shall need to record his own. 89 Hon. Robert C. Winthrop — Whose comprehensive statesmanship and graceful ora tory have added lustre to a name justly celebrated in the early history of our Com monwealth. The Scholar — Whose varied accomplishments and classic tastes have been the ad miration of students and men of letters — the friends of the Peabody Institute desire to hear the voice of the Hon. George S. Hillard. 7%e City of Philadelphia— Its brotherly love has prompted it to extend the frater nal hand to us in our endeavors to do honor to our distinguished Benefactor. We cordially return the grasp. Baltimore, the Monumental City — Her proudest monuments are the intelligence, energy and integrity of her citizens. The States of the Union and the Union of tlie States — Mutually dependent, one can not exist without the other. Nathaniel Bowditch, the La Place of America — To England and the United States the sole interpreter of the "Mecanique Celeste." Danvers feels proud of the hum ble dwelling where the infant Philosopher took his first " lunar observations" from the lap of his mother. Hon. Henry Barnard — The able champion of Free Schools. Although Rhode Island and Connecticut owe him special acknowledgments, a debt of gratitue is due to him from our whole country. By Hon. Kichakd S. Rogeks of Salem. Peabody Institute — A monument of munificent generosity by a native son of Old Danvers. One no less honored abroad, than beloved at home. He has reared an edifice that vrill render the ancient name imperishable, and added a link to bind the people of the two towns more firmly together, though separated hy a name. May they gratefully appreciate its usefulness and blessings to all future times. The Great Names of England — Alfhed, Bacon, Shakspeare, and Milton. They are ours by inheritance. Our share in their glory is that of brotherhood with the elder branch of the family. "Education — A Debt due from present to future Generations" — A sentiment as sound in its philosophy as it is graceful in its diction. May we, by our unremitting atten tion to the advancement of Education, emulate, as far as we are able, the zeal of its illustrious author. By Hon. Allen Putnam or Roxbuky. Memory — A debt due from the present to past generations. LETTERS. We have drawn largely on our correspondence with gentlemen, whose presence and voices would have been welcome to our festive board, but who were prevented from attending, or, if here, were de barred, for want of time, from giving utterance to their sentiments. It will be seen that the writers of these letters represent not only the highest mercantile interests, but all the learned professions, — the schol- 90 arship, jurisprudence, and statesmanship of our country. These letters are full of ardent sympathy with our grand object, and abound in testi monials appreciative of the high character of our eminent townsman. However varied in expression, there is so much unity of design in the several writers that it cannot fail to be seen that all give their hearty approbation of our purpose and their best wishes for our success in rendering due honor to our Guest. We first append the form of invitation addressed to the several guests of the town : — South Danvers, Sept. 29, 1856. Dear Sir : The citizens of the Old Town of Danvers (now Danvers and South Danvers) propose to give a public reception and dinner, on Thursday, the 9th of October next, to their distinguished townsman and benefactor, Geoege Peabody, Esq., of London, on the occasion of his contemplated visit to his native place, after an absence of more than twenty years. Trusting in your willingness to honor the occasion by your presence, they tender you an earnest invitation to unite with them in this expres sion of gratitude and respect. Very truly, Your obedient servants, Robert S. Daniels, Geo. Osborne, Eben Sutton, Alfred A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, Committee of Invitation. [From Hon. Rufus Choate.] Boston, Oct. 8, 1856. My Dear Sir : I regret extremely that I cannot be present to unite with you, and my friends of so many years, in Danvers, to welcome your estimable son and benefactor to his dear native land, and to his home. To his gratification and honor, nothing will be wanting, and one voice will not be missed among so many hundreds. Yet it would have afforded me true pleasure to sit with you at that beautiful family board ; and to see and hear with what eloquence of the affections you will receive your guest ; will congratulate him on the prosperity which has crowned his life, and rewarded his virtue and capacity ; and thank him for the large and well-conceived charities, by which he has made, in such " good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over," the filial return for the parental love and care. But this is impossible ; and I can only wish you an unclouded Octo ber sun to shine upon your tent, and a fair harvest moon to light you all homeward when the banquet is over. 91 I am tempted, adverting to the changes which Mr. Peabody will find Time to have wrought in our beloved Danvers ; the new faces he will see, the old ones he will seek in vain ; and the whole graceful and de lightful welcome he is receiving, to enclose you, if you and he will excuse its personality, the following. I am, most truly, your friend, RUFUS CHOATE. Our Guest— A living man, in the prime of his life, and a baclielor ; he stands to day in the midst of a numerous, grateful, and fond posterity — all the better, wiser, and happier for their ancestor. [From Edmund A. Grattan, Esq.] British Consulate, Boston, Saturday, Oct. 11, 1856. Hon. R. S. Daniels, President of the Peabody Celebration, South Danvers — Dear Sir : I regret extremely that in consequence of a misapprehension on my part in regard to the toasts to be given from tbe Chair at the dinner at Danvers on Thursday last, I had not an opportunity of making the few remarks expressive of my high regard for Mr. Peabody, and of my gratification at the admirable character of the celebration, which I had proposed to deliver had I been called upon. I should have gladly borne my testimony, as an Englishman, to the great esteem and respect in which your distinguished fellow-countryman is universally held in England, and have referred to the constant efforts of Mr. Peabody to cultivate friendly relations and to promote a good understanding be tween England and America, which have given him so high a place in the affections .nnd regard of the people of both countries. It has been my good fortune more than once to have partaken of Mr. Peabody's hospitalities in London, and to have been present on some of those festive occasions which, under his auspices, have so often brought together Englishmen and Americans for purposes of easy and unrestrained social intercourse. Many persons, occupyinp; eminent positions on both sides of the Atlantic, have thus had opportunities of meeting which would probably otherwise not have been afforded to them ; and who can say how many prejudices may not have been re moved, asperities softened, and misunderstandings rectified, by the interchange of kindly sentiments thus brought about. Mr. Peabody's mercantile career has been crowned with great and eminent success ; still I am sure I may safely say that his highest title to consideration, and that which he himself most values, is that of a peacemaker. I cannot but refer, in terms of sincere satisfaction, to the cordial spirit of good will towards the people of England, and of respect for her Majesty the Queen, by which the proceedings of Thursday were so eminently marked, and which may be said to have given an almost international character to the celebration ; and I beg, Sir, that you will allow me, through you, to congratulate the citizens of Danvers upon 92 the entire success of the festivities prepared by them in honor of their distinguished fellow-townsman, the remembrance of which will doubt less be cherished in his memory as amongst the most gratifying events of his life. I have the honor to be, dear sir, Your most obedient humble servant, EDMUND A. GRATTAN. [From Washington Irving.] SuNNTSiDE, Oct. 7th, 1856. To Messrs. A. A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, Eben Sutton, R. S. Daniels, and Geo. Osborne, Com. of Invitation — Gentlemen : It would give me great pleasure to accept the invitation with which the citizens of the Old Town of Danvers have honored me, to attend the reception and' dinner they propose to give to their worthy and dis tinguished townsman, George Peabody, Esq., a gentleman to whom our whole country is deeply indebted for the generous and noble man ner in which he has illustrated the American character. I regret, however, to say that my engagements and occupations are such at present as put it out of my power to absent myself from home. With great respect, Gentlemen, Your obUged and humble serv't, WASHINGTON IRVING. [From Charles A. Davis, Esq.] New York, 4th Oct., 1856. To the Committee of Danvers on the occasion of the Public Reception of their fellow-townsman, George Peabody, Esq. — Gentlemen : As Chairman of the " Executive Committee" here of a large body of our fellow-citizens, who united in an invitation to Mr. Peabody to a public dinner in this city, I have this day received your kind invitation to your intended festival of gratitude on the 9th of this month, to wel come the return to you, of your distinguished townsman. As this invitation seems intended for all who joined in the desire to manifest their high appreciation of Mr. Peabody on his arrival here, I am unable, for want of time, to communicate it personally or individ ually to each, and can do no more (and I could hardly do less) than to give it publicity in our leading city papers. For myself, gentlemen, I beg to offer you my sincere thanks, and would with pleasure and gratitude accept it and be with you in body, (as I shall be in spirit,) but engagements here prevent. We have read of late, gentlemen, of grand and gorgeous receptions of victors returning to their respective homes from the Crimea ; but you prove the truth of the adage that " peace has its victories as well as war." There are " Inkermans," « Redans," and « Malakoffs" of national prejudices and national enmities, quite as formidable as those 93 of granite and iron at Sebastopol ; in demolishing the former, our hero has been as victorious as the most heroic of heroes who have triumphed oyer the latter. Honor then to George Peabody ! for the garland of victory he has won bears not a leaf of cypress to mar its beauty. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, CHAS. AUG. DAVIS. [From Dr. Kane.] Gentlemen : I acknowledge, with my thanks, your invitation to join in the wel come extended to Mr. Peabody by his native town. Nothing but abso lute necessity, attendant upon my departure for England on Saturday, would prevent my being present, and I thank you for the opportunity which your letter affords me of expressing my high respect for your honored guest. I am, Gentlemen, very sincerely, Your obedient servant, New York, Oct, 7, 1856. E. K. KANE. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, R. S. Daniels, and others. [From Ex-Gov. Boutwell.j Stockbhidge, Oct. 8th, 1856. To Messieurs Fitch Poole, A. A. Abbott, Eben Sutton, R. S. Daniels, and Gteorge Osborne — Your invitation to be present at a public reception and dinner, to be given to your distinguished townsman and benefactor George Peabody, Esquire, reached me at this place, and I regret that it is not in my power to pay my respects in person to a man who is an honor to his country and age. This generation cannot fully appreciate the benign effects of Mr. Teabody's munificence, but his deeds and example will never cease to exert an elevating and refining influence upon the civilization of Mas sachusetts. I am, with sincere respect, Your obliged fellow-citizen, GEO. S. BOUTWELL. [From Peter Cooper, Esq.] New York, Oct. 6, 1856. Gentlemen : Your note of the 29th inst. is received, extending to me an invita tion to unite with the citizens of Danvers in a public reception of Geo. Peabody, Esq., on his return to his native town after an absence of more than twenty years. I thank you, gentlemen, for your kind invi tation, and beg to assure you that it is with sincere regret that I have to reply that it will be out of my power to be with you on that occasion, 94 to manifest by my presence there the admiration and profound respect that I feel for one who has done so much to advance the honor and interest of his native country. No other American has done so much by his residence abroad to elevate the commercial character and credit of our country as he. His unbounded hospitality and acts of munifi cence are known to all his countrymen, and it is peculiarly fitting that they should show to him, on his return among them, their gratitude for his services and hospitalities, and the high admiration they entertain for his character and abilities. I am, Gentlemen, very truly, Your obedient servant, PETER COOPER. To Fitch Poole, Esq., etc.. Committee. [From Hon. R. C. Winthrop.] Boston, 7th Oct., 1856. Gentlemen : Few things would afford me greater pleasure than to witness the reception of Mr. Peabody, by the Old Town of Danvers, on Thursday next, and to unite with you in paying a deserved tribute of respect and gratitude to your distinguished townsman and benefactor. I thank you sincerely for the invitation with which you have honored me, and for the kind and complimentary words by which it has been seconded. A previous and imperatrve engagement, at a stated meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, on the same day, leaves me little hope of being able to join you until a late hour of the festival, and will perhaps deprive me of it altogether. But I am unwilling to forego the opportunity of expressing my deep sense of the services which Mr. Peabody has rendered not merely to his native place, by the noble In stitute which he has established there, but to his whole country, and to the cause of peace and brotherly love throughout the world, by his large and liberal hospitality in London. It has never been my fortune to be present at any of those feasts of international good will which have given Mr. Peabody so enviable a distinction on both sides of the Atlantic, and which have become a sort of international institution. I have enjoyed no personal experience of the magic influence of that " loving cup." It seems, however, to have accomplished more in breaking down the barriers of reserve and dis trust which have so long and so unfortunately separated Englishmen and Americans, than all the diplomacy of Washington or London. Once more let me unite with you, on paper, if I may not in person, in offering a cordial welcome to Mr. Peabody, on his temporary return to his native land, and in wishing for him a long and unbroken enjoy ment of the health and wealth which he employs to such excellent and patriotic purposes. Massachusetts may well be proud to find herself represented in the great metropolis of the world by two such noble sons as Joshua Bates and Geokge Peabody. Their names are inscribed 95 on kindred institutions, and their enlightened munificence will receive a common homage in every Massachusetts or American heart. Believe me, Gentlemen, with great respect. Your obliged and obedient servant, ROBERT C. WINTHROP. To Fitch Poole, etc.. Com. of Invitation. . [From James Lawrence, Esq.] Boston, 6th Oct., 1856. Gentlemen : I regret that my engagements will not permit me to accept the invitation with which you have honored me to unite with the citizens of Danvers in extending a welcome to Mr. Peabody. I should rejoice in the opportunity of adding my humble tribute of gratitude and respect for one, whose intelligent munificence has done so much for his native town. The benefit of his gift is not conferred, however, upon Danvers alone. I consider it a cordial testimony and an efficient aid to the friends of Popular Education and Free Schools throughout the world. I do not doubt that its results will equal the most sanguine hopes of its founder, and the best wishes of its friends. Allow me to subjoin a sentiment for your use, should an occasion offer for presenting it : The Peabody Institute — May it flourish perennially, and be known, like the Endi- cott Pear tree, by its fruits — and may the memory of its founder, like that of the Fu:st Governor, be cherished forever. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obliged and obedient servant, JAMES LAWRENCE. To A. A. Abbott, etc.. Committee. [From Hon. Stephen C. Phillips.] Salem, October 8, 1856. Gentlemen : I regret that I cannot accept the invitation of the Committee, which you have done me the favor to send to me. I cannot conceive of a more agreeable and interesting occasion than the reception of Mr. Pea body in the mode in which you propose to conduct it. As an affecting welcome to a long-absent citizen upon his return to the home of his childhood — as a fit tribute of the gratitude and respect of an enlightened and virtuous community to an eminent benefactor, and as a becoming exhibition of the character and spirit of those upon whom his benefac tions have been bestowed, it constitutes a combination of attractions which is perhaps without a parallel ; and the impressions it must pro duce and the lessons it will furnish cannot fail to exert a wide and last ing moral influence of the most beneficial tendency. That it will serve to recommend the example of Mr. Peabody to some who are in a situation to imitate it, is one of the resuUs which may be hoped for 96 and expected ; and that it will afford to him, in all its incidents and associations, the purest satisfaction, who can doubt who properly esti mate his motives, and who consider what it is which makes a wise man happy in the review of a virtuous and useful life. As I thus contemplate the character of the occasion, I cannot but renew the expression of my regret that I must necessarily be absent ; while I remain. Yours very truly, F. Poole, Esq. S. C. PHILLIPS. [From Hon. Nathan Appleton.] Boston, 7 Oct., 1856. Gentlemen : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to the festival to be given George Peabody, Esq., on the 9th inst. at Dan vers. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be present on that occasion, did the state of my health permit. I have shared in the hospitality of Mr. Peabody abroad, and have witnessed the liberality and patriotism with which he does honor to the character of an Ameri can merchant. I therefore sincerely regret that I am obliged to deny myself the pleasure of accepting your invitation, and am, with great respect, Your obedient servant, N. APPLETON. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, R. S. Daniels, Fitch Poole, Eben Sutton, Geo. Osborne, Committee. [From Geo. W. Porter, Esq.] Office Boakd of Trade, Gentlemen : Baltimore, Oct. 12th, 1856. Your kind invitation to the President and Deputation from this Board to the dinner given at Danvers, on the 9th inst., in honor of the return of your disUnguished townsman and benefactor, Geo. Peabody, Esq., was duly received, and though it was not in the power of any to be present on the occasion, the Board is none the less thankful for your courtesy. Very respectfully, your obt. serv't, GEO. W. PORTER, Sec. To R. S. Daniels, A. A. Abbott, Eben Sutton, Geo. Osborne, and F. Poole, Esqrs., S. Danvers. [From the Philadelphia Board of Trade.] Office of the Board of Trade, Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1856. R. S. Daniels and others, Committee of Invitation to Public Reception and Dinner to George Peabody, Esq. — Gentlemen : We have received your favor of the 29th ultimo, inviting us, as a deputation from the Board of Trade of this city, to be present at a m public reception and dinner, to be given in the old town of Danvers, on the 9th instant, to George Peabody, Esq. We should be most happy to join you in honoring a gentleman who has done so much, by his high character as a merchant, and his gen erous zeal for the honor and interests of his native country, to merit the respect and grateful regard of all Americans; but the shortness of the time allowed us for the purpose, and previously existing engage ments, will deprive us of that pleasure. Be pleased, however, to sub mit to the meeting the following, as expressive of our sentiments : George Peabody, Esq. — Distinguished in two hemispheres and honored in both, may he long enjoy the just rewards of a life whose proudest merit is the influence it has exerted in cultivating the mutual respect and strengthening the amicable relai' tions of Great Britain and America. Very truly your obedient servants, SAM'L V. MERRICK, SAI^UEL,C. MORTON, JOSEPH T). GRUBB, JAMES C. HAND, A. I. LEWIS, DAVID S. BROWN, THOMAS J. PERKINS, ' Com. of the Philad. Board of Trade. [From Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr.] Boston, 23 Oct., 1856. Gentiemen : I regret that absence from the State prevented my acknowledgin,g at an earlier period the invitation, with which you honored me, to be present at the dinner given to your liberal and distinguished townsman George Peabody. In common with almost every American who has visited Europe, I feel deeply indebted to his hospitality, and it is a source of unfeigned regret that circumstances prevented my being present on that most interesting occasion, when he returned in wealth and honor to the place he left as a poor and unfriended boy. Trusting you will pardon my apparent neglect in not replying at an earlier period to your invitation, I have the honor to be, Your obliged friend and servant, JOSIAH QUINCY, Jb. B. S. Daniels, Esq., Ch'm Com. of Reception. [From the Rev. Mr. Braman.] Georgetown, Oct. 7th, 1856. To Fitch Poole, Esq., and others- Gentlemen : Your kind letter, inviting me to be present at the public reception and dinner intended to be given to pur worthy friend and countryman, 7 98 George Peabody,' Esq., of London, was duly received. I thank you, gentiemen, for the honor you thus conferred upon an aged man. It would give me great pleasure to comply with your invitation, were I in the enjoyment of competent health and vigor, which I fear I am not. If Barzillai, the Gileadite, when only four score years old, could think himself excusable for not going up to Jerusalem with his king, whom he highly esteemed and loved, much more may one who is in his eighty-seventh year be excused from going to South Danvers. I am not a spiritualist in the common acceptation of the word, but think my spirit will be with you on the proposed occasion. May you have a pleasant meeting, and do honor to your honorable guest. My prayer is, that the Literary Institution established by Mr. Pea body in hi.s native town may be so conducted and blessed as to pro mote the Divine glory and the temporal and spiritual interests of many. Yours respectfully, ISAAC BRAMAN. [From Rev. I. W. Putnam.] Mibdleboeo', Oct. 7, 1856. To Messrs. Poole, Abbott, Sutton, Daniels, _ and Osborne, Committee, &c. — Gentiemen : Please accept my thanks for the honor of an invitation to the din ner to be given to our distinguished fellow-townsman, Mr. Peabody, now of London. I deeply regret that it is not in my power to participate in the festiv ities of the occasion. But I rejoice that my beloved old native town Danvers has now, in the Providence of God, an opportunity duly to respect and honor a son, whose life abroad has done so much to keep the two great Anglo-Saxon nations on terms of growing friendship with each other, and whose noble liberality has made such ample provisions for the mental and social improvement of the present and the future generations of his native town. Respectfully, your obedient servant, ISRAEL W. PUTNAM. [From Rev. T. P. Field.] New London, Ct., Oct. 6, 1856. Gentlemen : It affords me much pleasure to accept your invitation to the public reception and dinner to be given to George Peabody, Esq., of London, on the occasion of his visit to his native place. I shall be glad to unite with the citizens of Danvers in their testimo nials of respect for one who has contributed so liberally for the promo tion of knowledge and morality in his native town, and by his benevo lence and patriotism, and upright and honorable course as a merchant, has won such merited distinction for himself in England and America. While I was Pastor of a Church in Danvers, I often heard the name 99 of Mr. Peabody spoken with sincere affection by his former friends and acquaintances, and I learned to think of him as a man of a noble and generous spirit, before it had been manifested as munificentiy as it has since been, in the endowment of the Peabody Institute. I left Danvers at too early a period to derive any personal benefit from this benefaction, but I can congratulate the clergy no less than the, laity of the town on the additional means thus furnished them for that mental culture so essential to the successful prosecution of their work. Very respectfully yours, THOS. P. FIELD. Geo. Osborne, Eben Sutton, and others. Com. of Inv. [From Rev. C. C. Sewall.] Medfield, Octobsr 9, 1856. Gentlemen : I return my sincerest" acknowledgments for the invitation you have done me the honor to tender to me, to join with the citizens of old Danvers in the expression of their gratitude and respect to their distin guished townsman and benefactor, George Peabody, Esq., of London. I regret that the lateness of its reception precluded the possibility of setting aside engagements which demanded my attention to-day, and that I could not participate in the pleasures of the occasion. I am not, as you are aware, a native, nor a citizen of old Danvers. But you will believe me, gentlemen, there are hallowed associations and remembrances binding me strongly to the place in which it was my privilege, for many years, to claim my home, and which will never permit me to be indifferent to anything affecting the name and the in terests of Danvers. I would, therefore, join -most heartily with you and your fellow-citizens, in paying the tribute so justiy due to him, whose liberality and considerate regard for the place of his nativity has opened, to the present and future generations of her citizens, a mine of immeasurable wealth in the means of intellectual and moral culture and improvement provided for them. From my heart would I give honor to the man of wealth, who, believing " there is that scatler- eth and yet increaseth," enlarges his wealth by dividing it, for the best interests of humanity, by providing for the elevation and happiness of his race. He invests his property in those enduring treasures which an Almighty arm will protect, and whose continually enlarging gains shall be realized and enjoyed in Heaven. May they, whose privilege it is to enjoy the benefit of your towns man's wisdom and liberality, be faithful to preserve and improve that privilege ! With sentiments of the highest regard for yourselves personally, and for the citizens of old Danvers whom you represent, I am, Gentlemen, yours truly, CHARLES C. SEWALL. Messrs. R. S. Daniels, G. Osborne, A. A. Abbott, E. Sutton, F. Poole, Com. of Inv. 100 [From tho Uov. J. W. Uansou.] MOS.M-S. K, !^. Piinii'ls, !.!>-». tVbovno, A. .\, .XbK^lt, Kitvh 1\hvU\ KIh'h Siiitv>n, l\M\>«viul \xA\ how sorry 1 am tlint \our iiwilivtion lo nttx'nd y>>*ii doUghlful l'osii\iil did no! n\-uM» nn> — owin^' to n\y jiKsouoo I'inmw honvi;^— until il \V!is loo lau-. I sliowU), b\ all luotuis, hiivo ou^lot>^^^r^nl lo l»t> with vou. .MihouiiU I wns hut t> t<~mpoRU"v sojounior in \ our noblti town, iuiil not a utilivo, tho miuiy iVioiuLsliips 1 formod llioiv, !»n>ur histori;>n, ii\ » humhlo way, and my gix-ai it-spoot I'or your disiinj>\iishod guost, would havo dnuvii luo tliilhov had il boon po.-isiblo. 1 !>iii liTOVtily j»lad to kihnv thiU tho ooi-asion i>as.sod oil" so ploasjiiitly, nnd trust llmt jji^'at pi\\spority may t-vor atlond th<< town, .'ill p.arts of it; Walqiiaoh, l!i\Hikshy, tho Nook, tho riaii\s, tlio South IVrisli, ovoii toiho Dishful. May homlook bark bo ploiitv, «ih1 onioi\s t>vor pwlilio, and witohi'.s ovoruioiN> VU(- known. .\iid should norilou.s timos OM>r \ isit our ooin\ti'y, may your citi«n\s t>niulatt> thoir siros in ilolonding hor. Siuooit'ly yours, Uttrdinn; (»N, [Kroiu Kov. Dr. Higolow.] HosroN, t>otobor Oth,' 1W$<5, Tv) Mos.'O-is. Ii. S. \>iUiiv>ln, Hoii. Osboi'uo, miii iMho\'S. Ooia. tionilomou ; I thnnk you hoarlily lor ll\i> iivvitalioii with wliioli \oii havo lioii- orod iivo to join you ami iho oili«(Mi8 at li\rj:fi> of tho j<'ootl " (>ld Town of l>aiivi'i-s," iu iho puhlio i-t>oi IVabody, Ksq., of London. It would h<> o\troii\oly ivralilyiiij^ to mi» lo unit(> with you in tho tosti- mouials ol" rospool and i«ratitiulo to bo oll'orod to n f>oiilloi>iaii so riolily dost>rvii\)j; llio oiuitiitii dosii!;nt>d. and nil tho joyrul ^rululntioiis with «vhiol> il will bo ai'oniupaiiiod, on Iuh roturn for a touiporary viwit, nOor HO loujv alisoiioo, to his iiativo plaoo ; » uonlli>)iuui worthy ol'all honor lor his tMuinoiit pm-sonal iiiorils, and iMititlod to (ho ();ratt>hil OHliuiation of tho oomiuuiiity Cor his gonorous ho.spilalilio.s so oth>n prol\isoly dis- poiisoil, ami inaivy olhor bom>voliMil oHioos romlorod to his oouiitrynioii ; and still iiioro, lor bis siniplt> yol uoblti boaring, niid llio woijjfit ami dignity wbiob ho has li>ii| to thi> Aniorioaii iiamo ami oharaotor In tho conspiomms position i^lliough a privalo imi(>"i whioh ho lu\8 so long ooou- piod ill Iho N^'orld's CoiniutMH-ial Molropolis. lliit llio ploasuri> wbioli 1 sluuilil oxpi>rioi\oo in mi>i>tiiig you and your distiiiguishod j^uost, oiianoo.-asiiMiof siioh iiiarKod iiili>i'osi, is proohidod to 1110 by piMvidouiial I'ausos wbiob oonstraiu my absoiu'o. With assuraiioos, novorlholoss, of my vvnniiost syiiipalhioN, and m- Dowod aol(iio\vlodjj;ii\oiits for your kindly r(>im>inbraiioi», I roiiiain, titMilloiiiou, vory rosnt^otl^illy, Your obligod sorvani, ANDIJKW HKJKIiOVV. 101 [The following is extracted from a letter recently received from Rev. Dr. Pierpont, under date of November 17th.] I am glad of having now the opportunity to say, what I am sure every man present will join me in saying, — that the day, the whole day, — vvas to me one of the pleasantest that I have ever enjoyed. Nowhere but in New England, — may I not without oflence say no where but in Massachusetts, — could there have been made such an exhibition as was enjoyed in Danvers on the day of the Peabody festi val. The heavens themselves seemed to enjoy it and sympathize whh the vast crowd there assembled', — and assembled for what ? — not for the coronation of a new king — not for the inauguration of a new presi dent — not to. shout ai-ound the triumphal car of a victorious general returning to his countrv's capital with conquered princes chained to his chariot wheels — not even for the purpose of discussing a great political question or a good dinner, — but simply to see the face of a man who had used his large means in doing great good to his native townsmen, and to see the demonstrations of their gratitude for it. And who, that saw the spectacle, could doubt the gnilitude I Was there a cloudy or a vineg;ir-looking face in Danvers that day- ? I saw not one, and yet I saw a great many faces while I was there. In riding, as by the kind attentions of the committee to one somewhat stricken in years I was invited to do, along the ranks of the children belonging to the Danvers schools, admiring the neat uniforms of the boys and girls, their ever green garlands and chaplets of flowers, and, better still, their sunshiny faces ! whv, mv dear sir, to confess my weakness, I had to out hand kerchief. '\Ve\l, I couldn't help it — though I hope the gentiemen, who rode in the same carriage with me, didn't observe it, as they might have thought it a proof of the reverend gentleman's early dotage. And when I heard the shouts of those children as Mr. Peabody's carriage passed along their ranks, I could not but think of " the children crying in the tempte and saying, Hosanna to the son of David ! " I suppose that like Peter on a cerlaiu occasion, I very probably " wist not what I said," yet I do remember saying to the gentiemen with me, •• Well, generous as Mr. Peabody has been to Panvere, I think he will say in his heart that he has received to-day bis money's worth." Would to God that all rich men knew as well as George Peabody how to invest a good portion of their abundant wealth. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN PIERPONT. To Mr. Fitch Poole, for the Committee, &c. [From Rev. John Pike.] Rowley, Oct. 6, 1856. Gentlemen : • j «» Your complimentary invitation is this morning received. Mr. Pike, is but slightiy relieved now of typhus fever. I communicated your note to him. He wishes me to say, that one of the saddest accom- 102 paniments of his sickness is, that he cannot share in your expected festivities. Danvers has rapidly gone before her sister towns and villages in ma terial prosperity. But let her triumph most of all that she has given birth to a man so ' deservedly honored and loved, in both the new and the old world. They may yet outstrip her in wealth and industry, but probably they will never be able to speak of sons, whose skill in acquiring this world's goods is only equalled by a discriminate and large benevolence in bestowing them. May God long spare your dis tinguished guest to execute well his earthly stewardship. And may you by his benefactions be made as remarkable for your knowledge, as your own industry has made you distinguished for outward pros perity. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully yours, Deborah S. Pike, In behalf of her husband, JOHN PIKE. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, and others. Committee of Invitation to the Peabody Celebration. [From William Gushing, Esq.] Newbxtkyport, Oct. 7th, 1856. Messrs. R. S. Daniels, A. A. Abbott, Eben Sutton, George Osborne, and Fitch Poole, Esqrs. — Gentlemen : . Your favor of the 29th ult., inviting Aldermen Hills and Williams, with myself, to visit Danvers the 9th inst., on the occasion of the re ception and dinner to George Peabody, Esq., of London, was handed me tbe evening of the 4th inst. on my return from the South. If my other engagements will permit, I shall be most happy to join with you on that interesting occasion. At least, I shall endeavor to pass an hour or two with you and pay my respects to your distinguished townsman. Messrs. H. and W. unhe with me in thanking you for this kind invi tation, and they will, if possible, visit you on that day. Very truly, your obt. servt, WILLIAM GUSHING, [From Edward S. Rand, Esq.] Newburyport, Oct. 6, 1856. Gentiemen : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of in vitation to the dinner to be given by the citizens of the old town of Danvers, on the occasion of the visit to his native town, of George Peabody, Esq., and I beg to assure you of the pleasure it will give me to be present on so interesting an occasion. I am, very truly and respectfully, » < Your obedient servant, EDWARD S. RAND. To E. S. Daniels, George Osborne, Fitch Poole, A. A. Abbott and Eben Sutton, Esqrs., Committee. 103 [From N. I. Bowditch, Esq.] Boston, Oct. 9, 1856. Gentiemen : It was only through the newspapers of to-day that I accidentally learned the fact that you had done me the honor of extending to me an invitation. As a native of Essex County, and especially as a son of one whose early childhood was spent in Danvers, I should have been much grati fied to have been present at the public reception given to your distin guished townsman, — your guest of to-day, — his name will be a house hold word among your children's children. His splendid hospitalities in a distant land, and his wise munificence at home, have endeared him alike to his birthplace and to the nation. Yours respectfully, N. I. BOWDITCH. Hon. A. A. Abbot, &c., Committee. [From George Peabody, Esq., of Salem.] Messrs. George Osborne and others. Committee. — Gentiemen : I regret extremely that it will not be in my power to accept your polite invitation to the dinner to be given to Mr. Peabody, — being most unexpectedly obliged to embark for Europe. I cordially sympathize with you in the sentiments of respect and gratitude which you feel for the man who has done so much to render the Americaji name respected abroad, and whose attachment to the home of his childhood has been so signally manifested by wise acts of beneficence. Gratitude is said not to be a virtue of republics ; but I am sure that the spontaneous homage rendered to Mr. Peabody by the citizens of Danvers, will show conclusively that the accusation has no foundation in our community. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEORGE PEABODY. [From Hon. Asahel Huntington.] Salem, Oct. 4, 1856. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, F. Poole, E. Sutton, R. S. Daniels, Committee of Invitation, &c. — Gentiemen : Any invitation coming in behalf of the old town of Danvers would be entitled to the most respectful consideration, and to a ready and cordial response ; but when it is proposed to do honor to a distinguished son of theirs, — to one who has reflected the highest credit on his coun try, as well as on the place of his nativity, — your invitation is clothed with a weight of authority, which it would be quite difficult to resist. I shall be most happy to unite with your fellow-citizens, in paying a hearty tribute of respect to Mr. Peabody, who may well be regarded 104 as a public benefactor, — a friend of his race and generation, — not for getting the " future generations," — and therefore himself well worthy of all manner of public regard and respect. Yours, very respectfully, A. HUNTINGTON. [From Joseph Peabody, Esq.] New York, Oct. 4th, 1856. Messrs. Abbott, Poole and othere. Committee of Invitation, &c. — Gentiemen : I am greatly obliged by your courteous invitation (just received) to the reception and dinner to be given by yourselves and fellow-citi zens to our mutual friend, Mr. George Peabody, of London. I shall have great pleasure in being present on an occasion so full of interest to all of us. Again renewing my thanks for your kindness in thinking of me, I remain, Very respectfully and truly yours, JOSEPH PEABODY. [From John W. Proctor, Esq.] South Danvers, Sept. 4th, 1856. Gentiemen : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to be presept on the 9th inst., and unite with my fellow-citizens of the " old town of Danvers," in an expression of gratitude and respect to our " distinguished townsman and benefactor, George Peabody, Esq., of London." Be assured, gentiemen, that your efforts to honor him who has so greatly benefited us, in his wise provision for the diffusion of knowl edge and virtue among us, has my most hearty approbation. I accept your invitation. Truly, your obedient servant, JOHN W. PROCTOR. To R. S. Daniels, Eben Sutton, Geo. Osborne, A. A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, Esqrs., Committee of Invitation. [From Samuel Peabody, Esq.] Andover, Oct. 7, 1856. To A. A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, Eben Sutton, R. S. Daniels, aud George Osborne, Esqrs. Gentiemen : Your polite note of the 29th ult. is received. I shall certainly give myself the pleasure to wait on you and attend the dinner, unless prevented by want of health. You will allow the Peabody Family to be proud of this well merited 105 honor, so freely and cordially conferred on their most distinguished son. This is not the cold heartiess compliment of an individual, but tiie warm gush of gratitude of hundreds. Your obedient servant, SAMUEL PEABODY. [From Dr. Richard Spofford.] Newburyport, Oct. 7th, 1856. A. A. Abbott, Esq. — Dear Sir: Allow me to congratulate you on the anticipated visit of your dis tinguished townsman, and our distinguished countryman, George Pea body, Esq., of London. I regret extremely that my health will not permit me to be present on this happy occasion. That I must decline the honor of uniting with his fellow-townsmen, in their " expression of gratitude and respect." Yours, very respectfully, R. S. SPOFFORD. N. B. — Should sentiments be offered at the dinner, allow me to say ; George Peabody, Esq., of London — An honor and an ornament both to England and America. [From Jeremiah Spofford, Esq.] Groveland, Oct. 6, 1856. Gentiemen : I received your kind invitation to the reception of my old friend, Mr. Peabody, and shall attend Deo volente. My acquaintance and frequent visits with that family are among the most pleasing reminiscences of my boyhood and youth. I have the most vivid recollection of most of the localities of your neighborhood ; derived more particularly from my rambles with his elder brother, — often accompanied by the young brother, — now your honored guest. With great respect, yours, JEREMIAH SPOFFORD. Messrs. Abbott, Poole, Sutton, Daniels and Osborne. [From Samuel Lawrence, Esq.] Boston, Oct. 8th, 1856. Eben Sutton, Esq.. Danvers — My Dear Sir : Will you oblige me by saying to your Committee that their kind invitation to participate with the citizens of Danvers to-morrow, in doing honor to one of her noblest sons, whom I claim as a personal friend of many many years, I am obliged to decline, in consequence of the death of a sister-in-law yesterday. My heart will be with you, and I remain, Your obt. servt. and friend, SAMUEL LAWRENCE. 106 [From Commodore Stringham.] Com. Stringham presents his compliments to the citizens of the " Old Town of Danvers " for the kind invitation extended him through their Committee, to unite with them in the public demonstrations in honor of George Peabody, Esq., on the 9th inst., but is compelled, from other engagements, to deprive himself of the pleasure. His best wishes attend you, gentlemen, in your endeavors to express the regard and esteem due to a generous benefactor and worthy man. Navy Yard, Boston, Oct. 6, 1856. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, and others. Committee of Invitation. [From Hon. Daniel A. White ] Salem, Oct. 8, 1856. Messrs. A. A. Abbott, Fitch Poole, Eben Sutton, B. S. Daniels, Geo. Osborne — Gentlemen : I regret that absence from Salem for the last five days has pre vented an earlier acknowledgment of your kind invitation to join with the citizens of the " Old Town of Danvers," in their " public recep tion and dinner proposed to be given to their distinguished townsman and benefactor, George Peabody, Esq." I thank you heartily for the honor of this invitation, and gladly ac cept it in the hope of being present, to-morrow, and of enjoying, as heretofore, the high gratification of uniting my sympathies with those of the good people of Danvers, in honoring a benefactor, who is entitled to all honor, — whose early life was known to me, and whose noble vir tues have inspired me with sincere respect. I am, very respectfully, yours. D. A. WHITE. [From Hon. John G. King.] My Dear Sir : Salem, Oct. 9th, 1856. I have delayed answering the kind invitation of your Committee, to assist with the people of the old town of Danvers, on the occasion of the reception of their " distinguished townsman and benefactor, George Peabody, Esq., of London," in the hope that I might make such a dis- poshion of my engagements for that day as would enable me to be pres ent. But now, at the last hour, finding this to be impossible, I beg to acknowledge the honor done me by this attention, and to express my disappointment that I cannot testify my high respect for your honored guest, and my regard for my friends and neighbors, by accepting your invitation. If there is anything in the course of the events of common life more worthy of respect and reverence than the spectacle this day exhibited in your ancient town, I know not when and where it is to be found. A man, who has attained the very pinnacle of wealth and suc cess in life by his industry, integrity, enterprise, and self-reliance, re membering by wise and munificent benefactions the place of his birth, returning to it after a long absence with unabated love of his native soil and the scenes of his early days, and the whole people, from ex- 107 treme old age to the very verge of infancy, uniting in a grateful tribute lo his character, and acknowledgment of the blessings he has so disin terestedly and bountifully conferred upon them ! Benefactions, too, not only relieving the wants of the needy, but liberally providing for the education of the young, and for the diffusion among them of all necessary helps to establish truth, knowledge and libertv in their com munity forever. For such disinterested and thoughtful beneficence, for the eminently wise arrangements by which you have carried the views of your noble townsman into successful operation, and for such general and heartfelt gratitude as to-day pervades your ancient town, I have no words to express my respect and admiration. I am. dear sir, truly and respectfullv yours. JOHN G. KING. Fitch Poole, Esq., of the Committee of Invitation, &c. &c., S. Danvers. [From Samuel Frothingham, Jr., Esq.] Gentiemen : Accept my acknowledgment for the honor of your invitation to the complimentary- dinner to be given to George Peabody, Esq., by the citizens of Danvers, on ihe 9th inst. ; and the assurance of mv deep regret that engagements of an imperative character will preclude my participating with you in the pleasure of so interesting an occasion. Terv respectfully, vour obt. servt., S. FROTHUSfGHAM, Jr. To Hon. R. S. Daniels, George Osborne, A. A. Abbott, Eben Sutton, Fitch Poole. [From W. W. Corcoran, Esq.] Gentiemen : Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1856. Your kind invitation of the 29th ult. only reached me here to-day, too late for me to arrange to be present at the very interesting reception of our esteemed friend, Mr. Peabody, in bis native town. Allow me to thank vou for the honor you have done me, and to ex press my sincere regret at not being able to be with you. Respectfully, your obedient servant, W. W. CORCORAN. To F. Poole, Esq., and others. Committee. [From Alexander Duncan, Esq.] Dear Sir : Philadelphia, Oct. 7, 1856. I rei^ret much that mv attendance here, at the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, as a delegate, must*deprive me of the pleasure of accepting your very kind invitation to meet my friend, Mr. Greorge Peabody, at his native place. With respect, your obt. servt., ALEX. DUNCAN. 108 [From Hon. George Bancroft.] New York, October 4, 1856. My Dear Sir : I have received your invitation to be present at your festival of next week, and regret most sincerely, that my engagements prevent my going so far from home at this time. The eulogist of a very dis tinguished American, who like your guest passed most of his life in Europe, was able to say of him, that dying he remembered his birth place. Our friend has done better ; he has given proof that in all his absence he has preserved " his heart untravelled ;" and during his life time he wisely connects himself by grateful deeds with the home of his boyhood. I should be very glad to join with you in bidding him cor dially welcome on his return. I am ever, dear sir, very truly yours, Fitch Poole, Esq. GEORGE BANCROFT.' [From Hon. Henry Barnard.] Boston, Oct. 8th, 1856. To Fitch Poole, Esq., and others — I beg to acknowledge the honor of your invitation sent to me at Hartford and renewed through Mr. Blake, to attend the public recep tion which the towns of Danvers and South Danvers, by a unanimous vote, propose to give to George Peabody, of London, in consideration of his high commercial character, his truly national services to the mercantile credit of his country in times of pecuniary wreck and disas ter, and his many acts of . public spirit and philanthropy towards his native place during his long residence abroad. Although not partial to fetes of any kind, or to ovations to the living for any degree of merit, I shall be happy to witness and join in the popular demonstration of respect and gratitude, so seldom bestowed save on the successful politician and military chieftain, — towards one who wears the honors of great wealth so meekly, and employs it on such large objects of patriotism, humanity, science and education. But whether I am with you in person or not, be assured I shall be with you and your towns-people in spirit to-morrow, — happy in an oppor tunity to express my acknowledgments for many personal attentions extended to me while sojourning in London. My thanks for the exaltation which he, a poor boy of Danvers, has given to the character of the American merchant, not so much by his eminent success ac quired by sagacity, probity, and diligence, but for retaining his home bred partialities in foreign lands, and at the same time using his great opportunhies to bind two great countries in the bonds of social inter course ; and, more than all, my thanks, as an humble laborer in the field of popular edncation, for his munificent endowment to promote the cause of morality and learning, by books and lectures, and to encourage scholarship and good behavior in the public schools in his native town. With great respect, your obedient servant, H. BARNARD. 109 The shades of evening were now fast hastening on, and the company felt obliged to separate. Mr. Peabody and his friends were escorted from the Pavilion by the military company to the residence of the President of the day, aud many of the guests, from a distance, left town in the evening trains. THE EVENING LEVEES. The great public Levee at the Hall of the Peabody Insti tute was attended by crowded throngs of our citizens, who were eager to obtain an introduction to Mr. Peabody and offer him their congratulations. The ease and courtesy with which he received such numbers of people, taking each one by the hand as they passed him, was a subject of common remark. To most he had an appropriate word to say, and frequently, as a familiar name occurred, he would recall incidents of his youth, connected with families and localities, which showed a most accurate and retentive memory. He was especially at tentive to the children presented to him, making familiar inquiries as to the particular school they attended, their part in the procession, with sometimes a word of counsel. As soon as the pressure was relieved, and the curiosity of the people in a measure gratified, Mr. Peabody retired from the Hall and attended another Levee at the residence of Mr. Daniels, whose guest he was during his present visit. Here a large company had assembled to pay their respects to Mr. Peabody, and partake of the hospitality of his host. At the same hour the hospitable and elegant mansion of Gen. Sutton, the Chief Marshal of the day, was thrown open, and thronged with numerous guests. The Governor and suite were there, and a fine band of martial music in attendance. Here, also, Mr. Peabody appeared late in the evening, to the great gratification of the company assembled. He must have been greatly fatigued from the exertion and excitements of the day, but he appeared in fine spirits, receiving his friends with the 110 same courtesy and attention as if it were but an ordinary occasion. This was a brilliant and graceful conclusion of a day, de lightful in itself, interesting in its events, and unexpectedly successful in its results. THE NEXT DAY. Mr. Peabody appeared in our streets the next morning, ap parently as fresh and vigorous as usual. He made personal inquiry and observation of all matters relating to the Institute, examining the Treasurer's books, and the books and forms used in the management of the Library. While in the Library Room he entered his name as an applicant for books, having complied with the regulations, by obtaining a certificate of recommendation from one of the Board of Reference. He expressed great satisfaction with all the proceedings of the Town, the Trustees, and the Committee ; declared his con tinued interest in the success of the Institute, and his intention to sustain it. He said he was not only pleased with its man agement, but proud of its high position and successful results. He passed the remainder of the day in company with his sisters in visiting the " homes and haunts" and friends of his early youth. At about five o'clock in the afternoon they took their departure for Georgetown, the place of residence of one of his sisters. As they passed through Danvers a large crowd was gathered in the square, near the Village Bank, expecting his approach. He met their congratulations by bowing to the people on either side, until his progress was arrested by a chain of little children, who had joined hands and thus stopped his carriage. The people then thronged about him, eager to grasp his willing hand, after which he arose in his carriage and ex pressed his pleasure at the agreeable device by which he had been waylaid on his journey, and publicly thanked the citizens for this gratifying interview, and the more public honors he had received, which, he said, were far more than he could Ill have anticipated, and which would ever be remembered and cherished in his heart. He then bade the people farewell and drove away, while cheer upon cheer went up from the people, and followed him until out of hearing. Another pleasant incident occurred at this locality, which, although not immediately connected with our celebration, yet, as it grew out of it, we will narrate. On Friday morning. Governor Gardner, accompanied by Gen. Sutton, of whom he was a guest, proceeded to North Danvers, to view the decorations which adorned the route over which Mr. Peabody passed the day before. He was stopped near the Village Bank Building, on the steps of which, Rev. A. P. Putnam, of Roxbury, now visiting his native place, ad dressed him a few pertinent words of welcome, which Gov ernor Gardner responded to, according to the Boston Journal, substantially as follows : — " He said it was a great pleasure to him to meet the citizens of Danvers at such a time, and in such a way. He should not regret that he acceded to ihe proposal of his esteemed friend, (Gen. Sutton,) and from his hospitable mansion took this morn ing ride to the flourishing village of Danvers. Everywhere as he rode along he saw unmistakable proofs of an industrious and energetic population — proof that the worthy men of the past were not succeeded by an unworthy posterity. His mind could not but dwell upon the scene of yesterday. That was a glorious occasion. That was an ovation which, in all its de tails, none but a New England town could carry through so successfully. It was a noble tribute to the worth of a noble man. Should the opportunity be afforded him, he should gladly embrace it to visit Danvers again, when he would tarry longer, and form a fuller acquaintance with her people." At the conclusion of the Governor's remarks, crowds came forward to shake him by the hand, after which he was con ducted over the bank building by Wm. L. Weston, Esq., the Cashier, after which a few more pleasant remarks were ex changed between the guest and the people. 112 CONCLUSION. In concluding this narrative of the events of a day, long to be remembered as one of the most illustrious in our local his tory, we may be indulged in the expression of an honest pride in the success which has attended our efforts to do honor to our Guest. In this, our aim, we feel that all our arrangements have been wisely conceived, and most happily carried out. It is and always will be a source of pleasant contemplation to our citizens to dwell upon its various particular incidents and its beauty as a whole. Its successful results in the main objects for which it was undertaken — the rendering of honor where honor was preem inently due, the enlargement of mind to which it gave rise, the feelings of amity and good will it called forth, the delight it afforded to the thousands who flocked to behold it, the thankfulness and gratitude it inspired, — all these are practical benefits, growing out of the scenes of that red-letter day in our calendar, which far surpass in value any pecuniary ,cost by which they have been secured. It is with a view to perpetuate the remembrance of the events of the festival in the minds of those who were so fortu nate as to be participators, and to give information to those who, although absent, yet feel an interest in our town, or in its honored guest, that they have been here chronicled. Nor is this all. We wish these Memorials to exist as annals in our history, for the benefit of our children and generations yet un born. We wish this record to remain as part of the history of that Institution which is now doing so much, and which is destined in all coming time to do more, for the promotion of useful knowledge and sound morality. We wish to cherish in perpetual remembrance the benevolent deeds of its founder, and hold up his example for the imitation of others. We wish sacredly to preserve his precious words addressed to our chil dren, that they may be the guide of successive generations as they come on the stage of action. - 113 In presenting a narrative of passing events we have called in the aid of the artist's pencil to fix more permanently the scene on the memory of those who were present, and to gratify the laudable curiosity which may be excited in those who were absent. These pictorial representations add much to the per manent value of the book, and its readers will be likely to regard them with feelings somewhat akin to those inspired by the skilfully-portrayed lineaments of a valued friend, delight ing equally from the faithfulness of the picture and the pleas ing remembrances it calls into exercise. Another source of gratification, if not of self-gratulation, to our people, is the unanimous and enthusiastic expression of satisfaction and delight with which our demonstration was regarded by the numerous strangers who honored the occasion by their presence. From all directions come congratulations and praise. Old Danvers is commended as mucli for her pub lic spirit, her good taste, her hospitality, and her graceful ex pression of gratitude to her benefactor as for her early patriot ism and interesting historical associations. As her citizens go abroad they are met by what they regard as most extravagant compliments on their artistic taste and aptness for display. We have annexed to this account some of these compli mentary remarks, from several newspapers, which were repre sented here either by their editors, reporters or correspondents. Notwithstanding their seeming excess of eulogistic commen dation, we can find rio reason for doubting the sincerity of the writers. We therefore see no impropriety in placing them on record as part of the cotemporaneous history of the times. Nor are we governed wholly by selfish considerations in thus giving to the world a narrative detailing with minuteness the brilliant success of our endeavors. It is due, not only to ourselves, but to our eminent and distinguished townsman, that this record should be preserved. He was the object and. occasion of our demonstrations of joy. To him we owe, more than to any wisdom exerted in devising our plans, the gratify ing results of the day. His extended fame brought to our banquet the great and the learned of our land. Their presence 8 114 gave character to our festival, and quickened and animated our people in their preparations. Our gratitude to him should therefore prompt us to place in an enduring form the results of our attempt to give it expression. The extended notoriety which has been given to this ova tion has incidentally resulted, by the numbers of strangers who assembled here, in making more widely known our business operations and capabilities. To many persons abroad our town has occupied quite a secondary position, considered in its business relations, partly on account of its situation as the sub urb of a neighboring city, and partly from the quiet and unob trusive manner with which its principal business is conducted. Intelligent men from a distance, who for the first time have been personal observers of the signs of thrift in our business villages, have expressed themselves most happily disappointed to find such unmistakable evidences of extended business transactions. We are assured that this feeling of sijrprise was shared by him whose good opinion we value above all others, to find such proofs of enlargement and improvement so far beyond his highest expectations. He had heard much of our increase in population and wealth, and of improvements in external appearance, but he confessed that the changes had been far greater than his largest expectations had pictured. There is another object of this publication, which will not be effected without giving some particular account of the origin and history of the noble Institution which is planted in our midst. We therefore append a sketch of its history as a proper prelude to an account of the ceremonies which took place at the laying of the corner-stone of the edifice, and the exercises at its consecration to its appropriate uses. These occasions, as well as the one which it has been the principal object of these pages to delineate, are very important chapters in its history. They not only illustrate, in a graceful and happy manner, the origin, design, and end of the Institution itself, but add new brightness to the halo of light which encir cles the name of its benevolent Founder. Lithiy- JH Buffovd RESIDENCE OF EBEN SUTTON ESC 115 THE PRESS. [From the Boston Evening Transcript of October 9.] GEORGE PEABODY, ESQ. Two of the most enterprising and beautiful towns in this Common wealth to-day present a rare and suggestive spectacle. The places a few years ago were divided, but to-day they are again united as of old, in an expression of gratitude and respect to a native son. He re turns after an absence of more than twenty years to visit his relatives and the scenes of his youth, and to note the rapid progress of his native State, and the prosperity of his country. The merchants of the four great seats of American commerce have invited him to be their guest, and to receive such testimonials of public regard and consideration as are rarely given to a private citizen. These flattering marks of respect from the leading merchants have been declined, and the business of a formal public welcome is reserved for the people of the old town of Danvers. They duly appreciate this honor and privilege, and the ser vices of this day will show that it has fallen upon those who will make theoccasion a memorable one. In order to give as full ^n account of thereception as possible, we omit several articles intended for insertion to-day, and present our readers with an extended repgrt of the details of the celebration. George Peabody was born in Danvers, February 18th, 1795. For two centuries his family have been influential residents in Essex Coun ty, and nearly all the Peabodys in the country have descended from the first settler of the name, who arrived in Topsfield, near Danvers, in 1657. In May, 1807, Mr. Peabody, then a lad only eleven years of age, was placed in a grocery store, where he remained about four years. In April, 1811, he went as clerk with his brother David, who kept a dry-goods store in Newburyport. The great fire in that town the same year, destroyed the store of the brother, who failed in conse quence of the loss, and the sudden death of his father, at about the same time, deprived him of a home. Thus, at the age of sixteen years, Mr. Peabody was an orphan without funds, situation or influential friends. In May, 1812, he sailed from Newburyport for Georgetown, D. C, with his uncle, and the two soon afterwards established themselves in the place last named, where they remained in business two years. Before Mr. Peabody was nineteen years of age he was admitted as a partner with Mr. Elisha Riggs. The dry goods house of Riggs & Peabody was removed to Baltimore in 1815, and other houses were established in Philadelphia and New York in 1822. In 1829, Mr. Riggs retired from the firm, and his nephew took his place, when the name of the house was changed to Peabsdy, Riggs & Co. He first vished England in 1827, and made several voyages during the next ten years. He last embarked for England in February, 1837, and until now has not since been in this country. In 1843, he retired from the firm above named, and established himself in London. " It is rare in this country," writes one who knows Mr. Peabody 116 well, " that, without advantages of birth, or inheritance, or education, or public place, a simple-minded, unobtrusive, straight-forward man, be comes, by the few rheans ihat commercial life gives, preeminent among his peers ; and it is rarer still, that in another country, and that country famous for individual wealth, a man like this, among the merchant princes of that country's metropolis, should rise to distinction. That man's character which is elevated by means of pure personal merit, becomes, by the strongest titie, the property of the rising generation of his country, for their model and example. And such a man is Mr. George Peabody." In June, 1852, the town of Danvers held its centennial celebration, and Mr. Peabody was invited to be present. In reply to this invitation, a letter was received from him, in which, after regretting his inability to be present at the approaching festival, alluding to his school-boy days, and the affection he retained for his native town, and remarking, in relation to the growth of our country, that " he could hardly see bounds to our possible future if we preserve harmony among ourselves, and good faith to the rest of the world, and if we plant the unrivalled New England institution of the Common Schools liberally among the emigrants who are filling up the great valley of the Mississippi" — he stated that he had enclosed a sentiment, and asked that it might remain sealed till his letter was read on the day of the celebration, when it was to be opened according to the direction on the envelope. In compli ance with the direction, the seal was broken while the toasts were being proposed at dinner. This was the sentiment : Education — A debt due from present to future generations. Then came the following announcement, in eloquent proof that the above was, with him, not a mere sentiment : " In acknowledgment of the payment of that debt by the generation which preceded me in my native town of Danvers, and to aid in its prompt future discharge, I give to the inhabitants of that town Jhe sum of twenty thousand dollars, for the promotion of knowledge and moral ity among them. " I beg to remark, that the subject of making a gift to my native town has for some years occupied my mind, and I avail myself of your present interesting festival to make the communication, in the hope that It will add to the pleasures of the day." Mr. Peabody has since increased this gift to the sum of $45,000, and a large and beautiful brick edifice, known as the Peabody Institute, is now one of the prominent objects of interest in Danvers. In the upper story is a commodious lecture room, adorned by a splendidly framed full-length portrait of the liberal donor, the libraryroom being on the first floor. The library numbers at present 5000 well selected vol umes, and the industry with which they are used, shows that the people of tbe town highly appreciate the kindness of their benefactor. Mr. Peabody also gives yearly $200 to be expended in medals for the meri torious scholars of the two High Schools of the town, one of which, in honor bf him, is called the Peabody High School. The new rooms of the Mercantile Library Association in this city are decorated with the portraits of prominent merchants ; Peter C. 117 Brooks, Thomas H. Perkins, William Gray, Thomas C. Amoiy, Abbott Lawrence, Robert G. Shaw, and oihers, and there is room for a num ber more. Some of the older members of the Institution have em ployed an artist to paint the portrait of Mr. Peabody from life, which they intend to present to the Association. The work is now in prog ress, and the artist has recentiy had several sinings at the residence of Mr. Peabody's sister, in Georgetown. This movement is highly cred itable to all the parties concerned. In personal appearance, Mr. Peabody looks more a professional than a business man. He is some six feet tall, erect, with a florid com plexion, and a fine bold forehead. He may be past fifty years in age, though his appearance does not indicate it. He is ready, intelligent in no ordinary degree, copious in power of expressing hi.s views, and truly sincere in everything which he does and says. In commercial phrase he is preeminentiy a reliable man, showing neither to friends or enemies, under any circumstances, any phase of character which will not be found stable in every event. The editor of the published account of the Danvers Centennial Cele bration, in narrating the facts respecting the gift of Mr. Peabody, men tions the circumstances of his youth, and adds thereto these words : " Might we invade the sanctuary of his early home, and the circle of his immediate connections, we could light around the youthful pos sessor of a few hundreds of dollars, — the avails of the most severe and untiring efforts, — a brighter halo than his elegant hospitalities, his mu nificent donations, or his liberal public acts, now shed over the rich London banker." [Specially reported for the Boston Transcript.] RECEPTION OF MR. PEABODY AT DANVERS. Danvers, Oct. 9, 1856. The people of Danvers have made extensive preparations for the festival that takes place to-day. The entire population enter into the arrangements in a way that shows how the beneficence of the princely merchant, Mr. Peabody, is regarded by the public here. Nearly every house on the chief streets of the town is decorated with more or less taste, and the wealthier occupants have been quite lavish in expenditure for this object. Main Street, as viewed from either end, with its tri umphal arches and its rows of flags suspended at various points across the street, presents a magnificent appearance. This street is peculiar ly well situated for decorations of this nature, from the beautiful border of trees that skirts the sidewalks. Other avenues, particularly Wash ington Street, are handsomely decorated, and the day is a gala one for the people of all this vicinity. Many of the most distinguished citizens in the country are expected to participate in the proceedings of the occasion. Letters of invitation were sent to the following named gentlemen, some of whom, however, are unable to be present : — Hon. Rufus Choate ; Hon. George S. Hillard ; Hon. R. C. Winthrqp ; 118 Rev. Dr. Walker, President of Harvard University ; Professor Felton ; Hon A. 11. Rico, Mnyor of Boston, and llou. Wm. Appleton, dele gates from the city of Boston, whose municipal autiioritios invited Mr. Peabody to a public reception in that city ; Governor Ciirdnor ; Mayors and Aldermen of Sali-iii and Newburyport ; Charles Augustus Davis and delegates IVom Now York ; S. V. Morrick, Esq., and deputation from Philadelphia; J. C. Brune, chairman of committoe and delegation from Baltimore ; Messrs. T. nigclow, James and Abbott Lawroncc, N. I. Bowditch, George Bancroft, Dr. E. K. Kane, Alexander Duncan, (firm of Duncan & Sherman of Now York,) Rev. John Pierpont, Mrs. J. S. Morgan, (wife of Mr. Peabody's partner, resident in London,) T. G. Grattan, British Consul at Boston ; Hon. A. Huntington, Messrs. O. P. and N. J. Lord, Gcorgo Peabody, David Piiigree, lion. John (J. King, Judge Perkins, Hon. S. C. Phillips, Hon. R. S. Rogers, of Salem ; Hon. Henry Barnard, Superintendent of Schools ; Washington Irving; W. W. Corcoran, banker in London ; Cominodoro Stringham of Chariestown ; Professor Agassiz ; Peter Cooper of Now York ; I'x- Governor George S. Boutwcll, George B. Bkiko, J. Murray llowo, Jarvis Slado, C. A. Davis of New York ; Lieut.-Gov. Raymond of New York ; Hon. N. G. Upham, formerly Commissioner to London ; the clergy of South Danvers and Danvers; Ilonry Cristy of London; Joseph Peabody of New York, and many oihers. Letters were received from many of tho above named gentiemen, expressing regrets at not being able to attend tho Festival. Mr. Peabody was received at Rev. Mr. Fletcher's church, in Maple Street, Danvers, about 9 o'clock this morning, ho having just arrived from Georgetown. From tiienco ho was escorted by a cavalcade of Ladies and Gentlemen, and a procession consisting of the municipal authorities of North and South Danvers, invited guests, school teachers and pupils, fire department and military, to tlio Peabody liistituto in South Danvers, where tho first reception speech was delivered by Hon. Alfred A. Abboti. [Special telegraphic despatcli to tlio Transcript.] South Danvers, Thursday, 2 o'clock, P. M. The influx of strangers into Danvers is iminonso. At all tho princi pal points the sidewalks arc lined with spectators : all portions of tho town present a moving mass of humanity. Tho fair damsols of Essex are here in thoir strength, and the reputation for boauty thi^y have long enjoyed is amply sustained by tho bright cyos and rosy countdiiancca visible on every hand. As the procession moved along tho route previously prescribed, tho plaudits of the throng and tho smiles of tho ladies indicated how strong ly the favorite son of Danvers had enshrined himself in tiio hearts of her people. The procession was long and imposing. Tho cavalcade, composed of ladies and gentiemen, in itself a novel thing for an American ffito, from the strong numbers mustered and tho admirable manner in which the riders bore themselves, was a marked feature of tho cortege. 119 The military escort was performed by the Salem Cadets, which turned out 100 muskets, and never appeared on a better occasion, or with more credit to the citizen soldiery of Massachusetts. The schools had some 1500 children in the ranks, and the procession altogether numbered about 5000, and was one of the most truly beau tiful and interesting pageants ever beheld. The procession, after having passed the locality fixed for the first welcome speech, countermarched, and again reached the spot about noon. The Address of Greeting was delivered by Hon. Alfred A. Abbott. To this Mr. Peabody replied, in a response full of deep feeling. Before Mr. Peabody commenced his responsive address a Hymn of Welcome was sung by a choir of school children. Mr. Peabody closed his address amidst loud cheers. The procession again re-formed and passed to the dinner tent, which occupied a field on Washington Street, and was beautifully decorated with flags and streamers. Many distinguished gentlemen are present, and will make speeches at the dinner. There will be a levee this evening, at which Mr. Peabody will re ceive the congratulations of many of the citizens. The weather has been delightful, and everything passed off with un expected perfection and success. The festival was a highly agreeable one throughout, and closed with an invitation to the company to meet Mr. Peabody in the evening at the residences of President Daniels and General Sutton. These levees were largely attended by the citizens, and formed a brilliant and hap py conclusion to the ceremonies of the day. Altocrether, the decorations along the whole route of some four miles were of the most pleasing and appropriate character, and for variety, beauty and profuseness have rarely been paralleled on any festive oc casion in this country. The scene must have awakened emotions of the most gratifying nature in the bosom of the distinguished guest and benefactor of the town. [From the Boston Daily Advertiser.] RECEPTION OF MR. PEABODY. The return of George Peabody, Esq., the eminent London banker, after an absence of more than twenty years, to his native town of Dan vers, enriched a few years since by a bounteous benefaction at his hands, an event of no ordinary interest, — was appropriately cele brated Thursday. The weather was favorable ; notwithstanding the lateness of the season, it was a bright, warm day, the pure atmosphere and clear skies contributing in no inconsiderable degree to the happi ness of the occasion. The old town was dressed in holiday trim ; the inhabitants were awake to the interest and importance of the celebra tion, and their faces beamed with pleasure as they prepared for the reception of their honored townsman. 120 It should be remarked, to avoid obscurity, that about a year ago, by an act of the legislature, the old town of Danvers was divided, the southerly portion being set off and incorporated by itself under the name of South Danvers, while the northerly portion retains the name of Danvers. Mr. Peabody very properly regarded the whole of the old town as one, and received and accepted the joint invitation of the two towns without reference to the separation ; he was first " received" in Danvers and proceeded to South Danvers, where the principal exer cises of the day took place ; the citizens of both towns participating in all the exercises. ****** Thus ended this most successful celebration. There were many features in it of especial interest. First and foremost, was its charac ter as a universal and spontaneous tribute of honor by all the people of the town. Again, it was particularly pleasant to see the school chil dren forming so important a part in the pageant. There were more than a thousand of them, with happy, smiling faces. Thirty-one girls were dressed in a beautiful uniform to represent the several States of the Union, whose arms were depicted on shields which they bore. They were accompanied by three young ladies, tastefully dressed to personate England, Ireland and Scotiand. The international feature of the celebration was a remarkable one — everywhere were the flags of Great Britain and the United States twined together — in one, place a statue of Washington was displayed, supported on either side by Vic toria and Albert ; and, at the dinner, when Mr. Peabody alluded to the Queen, three cheers for her were proposed, and heartily given by the company. Mr. Peabody appeared in good health, and seemed to enjoy the day. [Reported for the Boston Atlas.] RECEPTION OF MR. PEABODY. Brilliant Ovation. Decorations, Procession, and Festival. — The citizens of the good old town of Danvers turned out en masse, Thursday, to receive their former fellow-citizen, now the distinguished London banker, who, by his public benefactions and private hospitality, has won a place in the hearts of men the world over. The people of his native town, appreciating what he has done for them and coming generations, with praiseworthy gratitude tendered to Mr. Peabody an ovation, which, on the one hand, was merited, and, on the other, was all that could be desired. It was thought best that all of the territory comprised in the ancient town of Danvers should have part in the proceedings ; and each town, therefore, engaged in the matter with great energy. The decorations throughout the town, especially upon the route of the procession, were numerous and elegant. 121 [Reported for the Boston Courier.] The reception of George Peabody, Esq., by his old friends and neighbors, yesterday, was an 1 onor of which the foremost man in the republic might be proud. Tl.e feeling of cordiality was univerpal ; and Old Salem suspended business to unite with Old Danvers in this ovation. The good people of the surrounding villages, too, left tleir customary day toil, and hurried to do reverence to a benefactor; and commercial Boston was represented by numbers of the most solid of her solid merchants, and the mui>icipal government by Mayor Rice. Newburyport, and Charlestown, and Roxbury, and Cambridge,— in deed, almost every considerable community in the Stale, — weie if pre sented ; and the Governor of the Commonweahh, the Hon. Edward Everett, the wise and learned President of Harvard College, and the British Consul, were present. The weather was charming — all that could be desired for an out-door demonstration. The school children attracted universal attention. They were dressed in their best attire. The ladies in the cavalcade added to the novelty and variety of the show; and the firemen made an imposing appear ance. Thirty-one littie girls in white represented the States of the Union ; and Scotia, Erin and England were appropriately typified in the girls' department. Old Time, too, was personated by a youth on horseback. But we must hurry on to the large themes of the day. The procession moved through the principal streets to the Peabody Institute, in front of which was an artificial platform. The distin guished guests having taken seats assigned them, the school children having been arranged in an open square adjoining the Institute, the military and other bodies formed a solid mass in front of the building. The exercises at the Institute closed with singing by children ; and the procession was re-formed, and marched to the great canvas. The Dinner. — The dinner was held in J. B. Smith's large pavilion, which was finely decorated for the occasion. In the rear of the Presi dent's chair was a large stuffed eagle, around which were the ensigns of the nation. Upon one of the masts of the pavilion was another eagle, holding in its beak a scroll, with the inscription — " England my abiding place; America my home." Sixteen hundred plates were laid. At two o'clock the dinner party entered the pavilion. It was a brilliant gathering. A large proportion of those present were ladies, whose beauty and intelligence gave an additional charm to the fes tivities. [From the Boston Traveller of Oct. 9.] WELCOME OF GEORGE PEABODY, ESQ. Great Preparations made for his Reception. Beautiful Dec orations, &c., &c. — Great preparations have been and are being made, by the citizens of South Danvers and Danvers, to welcome back to his native town Mr. George Peabody ; and it will undoubtedly be a great day, not only for Danvers, but for the whole of old Essex County. The citizens appear to have left nothing undone which would serve to 122 make the aflfair pass oflf with great eclat ; and it cannot fail to be such a demonstration of the respect and esteem which the people of Danvers hold towards their never-tiring benefactor as will, at least, in a great measure, repay Mr. Peabody for all his many contributions and dona tions, which have so prospered the home of his youth. All the arrangements of the Committee have been perfected ; and it is now pretty certain that Mr. Peabody will reach Maple Street from Georgetown, from which place he proceeds in his own carriage, at about nine o'clock this morning. There he will be received by the procession, and escorted through the principal streets to the Institute. ****** A prominent feature of the procession will be that portion of it which consists of the pupils of the different schools in the town, who will number, it is expected, about fifteen hundred. They are all to be dressed in holiday suits, and each will wear a beautiful silk badge, upon which is a portrait of Mr. Peabody, together with the sentiment, " Education, the debt due from present to future generations," which is the sentiment enclosed by Mr. Peabody at the time of his making his recent liberal donation. ****** The enthusiasm of the citizens generally is great, and all, old and young, are equally anxious to unite in paying just tribute of respect and esteem to worth. At this early moment, of course, the decorations are incomplete ; but, up to a late hour last evening, the work of arranging flags and streamers was carried on, and, in our ne.xt edition, we shall be able to present a full account of them. It would be unjust to the enterprising, zealous, and worthy citizens, should we give the sketch from the pres ent state of the work. The interior of the main hall of tiie Institute is without further orna ment than a very beautiful and life-like full-length picture of Mr. Pea body, encEised in a carved gilt frame, of the most exquisite workman ship. The painting is a work of art, and the ornamentation of the frame delicate and tasteful. This picture Mr. Peabody consented to have taken in accordance with the wishes of his fellow-citizens, as expressed by a special vote of the town. It was deemed best, by the Committee having charge of the matter, to allow the hall to be un adorned, that the distinguished donor might the better perceive with what fidelity the Trustees of the Institute have carried his noble pur poses into effect. The exterior of the beautiful edifice is decorated with flags and streamers in profusion, but all gracefully arranged, witii the highest point of the roof for an ape.^. Streamers fall so plenti fully, yet so tastefully, that the display rivals in attractiveness that at any other point. Above the street, on a line extending from tbe Insti tute building, is arranged a beautiful canopy of flags and streamers. This canopy, which is elaborate and tasteful in the highest degree, is immediately above the main entrance to the Institute. There is a neatness about the whole affair, which cannot fail to elicit general com mendation, and certainly reflects credit on the taste of the decorators. 123 [From the Boston Traveller of Oct. 10.] The people of Danvers and South Danvers turned out en masse yes terday, to greet their long-absent son, George Peabody, Esq., of Lon don. The day was one of the most delightful of the season, and the demonstration passed off in such a manner as will leave the remem brance of the day long in the recollection of all who participated in it. At an early hour in the morning, the streets began to be crowded, and by the time the procession reached South Danvers, every princi pal street was completely blocked by the crowd. The unbounded hospitality of the inhabitants of the town of Danvers was put to a severe test ; but yet, at every residence, the " latch-string " appeared to be out; and the recollection, by all the citizens from abroad, of the " Peabody Reception," will always be united with pleasant memories of unceasing attentions paid to them. ****** On arriving at the South Danvers line, at the home of Bowditch, this procession was met by the escort, under Major-General Sutton, consisting of the Independent Corps of Cadets, with Gilmore's Salem Brass Band ; the various fire-engine companies of Danvers, with their engines beautifully decorated with evergreens, flowers, &c. ; and the scholars of the different schools of the town, beautifully dressed in holiday suits, bearing beautiful banners with suitable inscriptions refer ring to Mr. Peabody, such as " Honor to the Pacificator of Nations," " Welcome," " Honor to our Benefactor," etc. This feature of the procession was decidedly the most attractive por tion of it. A more beautiful array of children we never saw. There were between twelve and fifteen hundred in number, and ah were tastefully dressed in various holiday garbs made for the occasion. Some marched in the procession, while the smaller ones were con veyed in carriages beautifully decked with flowers, evergreens, &c. Particularly noticeable among them were three beautiful young misses dressed to represent three different nations, and who attracted universal attention. After the schools came the invited guests, citizens, &c. On arriving at the residence of Miles Osborn, Esq., an old school mate df Mr. Peabody, the procession stopped, and Mr. Peabody, ac companied by Mr. Daniels and others, entered the house where were several of his old friends ready to welcome him. As Mr. Peabody greeted Mr. Osborn he exclaimed : " Ah, I see you look as smiling and jovial as of old, when we went to school together." , Here Mr. Peabody found many of his old friends, both ladies and gentiemen, and he greeted them most cordially. After partaking of some refreshments, he again entered his barouche and the procession proceeded on its way. The entire route was thronged, and there could have been not less than 20,000 people in Danvers yesterday. The procession was about a mile in length, and probably numbered in the vicinity of 4,000. 124 [From the Boston Journal.] RECEPTION OF MR. PEABODY AT DANVERS. Danvers, Thursday, 9 o'clock, A. M. The morning opened propitiously, and the town of Danvers was early alive with its citizens and with strangers. Marshals, committees and firemen are seen in all the streets. The cavalcade is forming to meet Mr. Peabody, who is soon to arrive from Georgetown. He is to be received here in Danvers by the portion of the committee residing here, and is to be escorted by the cavalcade to South Danvers. Both towns, Danvers and South Danvers, are equally engaged in honoring the guest of the occasion. Mr. Peabody regards with equal favor both of them, and would not accept a welcome from one only. He recog nizes no division of the old township. Where they are to receive him, the sign of the railroad crossing is hung with flags and streamers. Flags adorn the spire of Rev. Mr. Fletcher's church, and the trees in the immediate vicinity. On the new school building near the church is the motto, " Free Schools are the Nation's Strength." Opposite the school-house, Fred. Perley's store is adorned with pine boughs and with evergreens, with wreaths and flowers, and with the motto, " Danvers Welcomes her Noble Son." Just below, Gould's shoe store is ornamented in a similar way, and has beneath the flags — " Thy Native Land." But the grandest display of the whole town is seen in the great arch near the Village Bank. The main arch is forty feet high and forty wide. On both sides are side arches, twenty feet wide and twenty high. Six large American flags float above the large arch, and on its very summit sits a large gilded eagle with spread wings. Across the arch in great letters is the word " Welcome." From the top of the arch hang six beautiful wreaths, with various inscriptions. The two central ones are red, and have — " He hath honored us Abroad, and we honor him at Home." On one side of these, in the center of another blue wreath, is a large gilt letter G. On the other side, in a fourth wreath of blue, is the letter P. The remaining wreaths are white, and set with, beautiful flowers. This splendid arch is covered with green boughs and evergreens, and is hung with red, white and blue stream ers. A more magnificent arch has never been seen in the country, and it is the finest decoration on the route. Beneath this he will pass on his way to South Danvers. Just below this monument of the gen erosity and enterprise of the citizens of Danvers, the village square presents a most dazzling appearance. Here the Bank and the stores* and dwellings are all decorated with wreaths of gorgeous flowers and beautiful festoons. Across the square are ropes attached to the four corners, upon which are suspended the flags of all nations, representa tive of that peace and amity which Mr. Peabody would establish among them. 125 [From the Salem Gazette of Octohor 10, 1856.] THE PEABODY RECEPTION, IN DANVERS, YESTERDAY. The almost entire community of interests, feelings, and relationships, between large portions of Old Danvers and Salem, authorizes us to devote much of our space to the concerns of the former place ; and we have accordingly approprialed every spare inch of our columns, this morning, to the details of the Reception of George Peabody, Esq., on his return to his native tt)wn, after an absence of twenty years. The occasion is one highly honorable to the good taste and public spirit of the citizens, offering a most appropriate tribute of respect, regard, and gratitude, to the Benefactor of their community — one of those rare and happily constituted persons, who are not made hard and arrogant by prosperity ; but whose generosity, benevolence, and humanity in crease and spread abroad with their increasing means. Our readers are all acquainted with the history of Mr. Peabody's munificent donations, amounting to forty-five thousand dollars, for the establishment of the Institute to which his name has been most appro priately attached. In view of this crowning benefaction of a long course of minor benefits and private remembrances, the citizens of Danvers determined to give a public expression to their feelings on the return of Mr. Peabody, from his long sojourn, as a banker, in London, where he has held a position of power and influence, such as, we be lieve, has been accorded to no other commercial man in that great metropolis. The services of yesterday are the result of this deter mination. The weather and all attending circumstances were in the highest degree propitious. The most lovely of Indian Summer days gave beauty and pleasure to the occasion. The whole population of the Old Town joined with heart and hand in the good work, and the result was such as has been rarely equalled in any community ; and never can be in a great city, however much expense may be incurred in rivalling the heartwork of a homogeneous, spirited, prosperous, and grateful people. [From tho Salem Register.] THE PEABODY OVATION DT DANVERS. The return of George Peabody to his native town, which he has. blessed so abundantiy by his noble benefactions, was celebrated on Thursday last, in a manner which made it one of the most remarkable events of the age. The whole people came out to do honor to a private citizen, and paid a tribute to simple manly worth, which the greatest of sovereigns and conquerors might envy. The day was one of the brightest and most genial of that loveliest of seasons designated as the Indian Summer, and the old town of Danvers (we recognize here none of the recent legislative distinctions) never wore a gayer or more charming aspect. From 20,000 to 30,000 persons, strangers and citi zens, thronged the streets to witness the pageant, which, from first to last, was a splendid success. We have devoted nearly our whole pa- 126 pej' to the addresses delivered on the occasion, at the formal Reception and at the Banquet, and therefore have little space to bestow upon other great features of the occasion, which it is impossible for us to notice in detail. The Decorations, in particular, we regret to be obliged to slight ; for, along the whole route of the procession, the public and private build ings and streets were ornamented with a profusion, elegance and uni versal good taste, such as we have never seen surpassed. Mr. Peabody reached the Plains, from Ge'orgetown, at about half- past 9 o'clock. Here he was met by a Committee, and greeted with a salute of artillery, a hundred rounds being fired. From this point he was escorted by a brilliant cavalcade of ladies and gentlemen, number ing about 340, the cortege being followed by 257 well filled vehicles — a very unusual collection for this section of the country — to the head of Central Street, where the main procession, marshalled by Maj. Gen. Sutton, was in waiting to receive him. The Divisionary Corps of Cadets, forming the Escort, having paid him a military salute, and Gilmore's unsurpassed Brass Band played appropriate airs, the procession took up its line of march. The Cadets turned out, on this occasion, 116 strong, (including their twelve offi cers,) and, with Gilmore's Band, made a very splendid appearance. The escort duty, throughout, was performed in the most admirable style, and the Cadets acquitted themselves in a manner which con. ferred credit, not only upon their Comraander, Samuel B. Foster, Esq., who has no superior as a skilful and accomplished tactician, but upon the Militia of the Commonwealth, of which they are a distinguished ornament. After the Cadets came the Firemen, with their elegantly decorated machines, and numbering about 600 men, besides a smart littie Juve nile corps from Salem. The several companies were neatly uniformed and appeared finely. They were accompanied by the Boston Brass Band, and there were besides, in the procession, the Boston Brigade, the Salem Bay State, Bond's Cornet Band, tiie last mounted, and the Beverly Brass Band. Next came an elegant barouche, drawn by six beautiful black horses, and containing Mr. Peabody, with the President of the Day, and others. This was followed by a barouche containing Governor Gardner and his Aids — the latter in uniform — and by car riages with invited guests. Next came the great feature of the procession, the children of the schools, of whom there could have been no less than 1500; and a lovelier sight is seldom seen. Of their banners and decorations we cannot speak in detail ; but among those who attracted great admira tion were 31 young ladies of the Peabody High School, robed in white, with scarfs of the star-spangled banner, representing the various States of the Union, and bearing shields with the respective arms painted thereon. Among them marched three young ladies, so arrayed as to represent England, Ireland and Scotland. The effect was very beau tiful. There were several other schools elegantly attired, and dis playing tasteful devices, which did not escape the observation and 127 applause of the multitude, notwithstanding we are obliged to neclect them here.* ° The Addiesses at the formal reception, on the platform in front of the Institute, will be found on our first page. The song, " Home again, home again, from a foreign shore,'' which was so touchingly sung here, just before Mr. Peabody's response, and which produced so marked an effect, was performed by the pupils ofthe Holten High School. J- i i After the services here the Dinner took place, of which we have given a very full account. In the evening there was a public Soiree at the Institute, and large social parties at the residences of Hon. R. S. Daniels and Maj. Gen. Sutton, attended by Mr. Peabody, the Governor, and other distinguished personages. Never was a celebration more happily arranged, or more thoroughly successful. Mr. Peabody left Danvers on Friday afternoon, but we learn that he will return to this section of the country to pass the Thanksgiving holidays. The following article is from a correspondent of the Salem Register, and is understood to be from the pen of Hon. Asahel Huntington: — [For the Register.] MR. PEABODY'S RECEPTION IN DANVERS, AND AT THE PLOUGH ING MATCH IN NEWBURYPORT. Messrs. Editors : — I had the pleasure and the honor to be present at the grand and no ble reception, by our neighbors of Danvers, of their distinguished son and guest. And they have done themselves the highest honor in ren dering such a tribute to such a man. In all this great demonstration of respect and gratitude, everything was conceived in the best taste', and carried out with a liberal and generous hand. Commend me to the old town of Danvers (I wish it were still one town,) for its style, man ner and appointments, in getting up, sustaining and perfecting a real, hearty and genuine public celebration. They have done all these things most admirably from the start. I have been through all the degrees, and know all about it ; and there ought to be as many de grees, for the purpose of honoring such a friend of his race and gener- ^ ation, and of the " future generations," as Mr. Peabody, by his life and deeds, has proved himself to be, as there are in the ancient orders * During the progress of the Procession down Central Street two balloons, made of tissue paper, were sent up from the square. They were of large size, for the ma terial of which they were made, being about ten feet in diameter, and to each was attached a car, about two feet in diameter, from which waved flags of blue, white and red. Tliey rose majestically, and attracted much attention as they floated away in a northwesterly direction. These balloons were made and sent up by Mr. Lauriston Stiles. 128 of Masonry. I was present at the laying of the corner-stone of the temple, which he has erected for the " future generations," as well as for the present. That was a work of actual masonry, and well was it done by that other noble benefactor of his race, the late Abbott Law rence — a name ever to be remembered and held in the highest honor and respect in this Commonwealth. That occasion, signal and felici tous in all its arrangements and appointments, marked well the start ing point, and the foundations were found to be well and securely laid. Next came the dedication and inauguration ofthe finished temple ; and here, again, everything was done in the most felicitous manner, and another son of Danvers — an early and adopted son — honored this oc casion with his presence, and adorned it with all the graces of the richest eloquence, and started the " Institute " on its high career of usefulness. And last comes the third degree, (and this I believe is the degree of Master Mason,) the great and grand reception of the Man himself; and here all the men, women and children of old Danvers rise up, as one man, to do honor to their friend and benefactor ; and all the people round about, from all parts of the County, as well as from distant places, come in and join in the loud acclaim. All see with one eye, hear with one ear, and speak with one voice — a language and a speech which need no interpreter. It was a most hearty reception by these vast multitudes; and all the proceedings were in good keeping with such an occasion and such a purpose. The great and beautiful procession, arranged in all its parts with eminent good taste, adorned by the chil dren ofthe town — by far the most engrossing spectacle ofthe day ; the reception speech, appropriate and graceful, as we all had a right to expect from such a source ; the dinner, got up with the greatest profu sion of all good things, and the tables set off by all manner of beautiful flowers ; the excellent opening address from the President of the day, followed by the well conceived and well received speech of the Gov ernor ; the jewels and brilliants of the great American orator, the great orator of his age, whom no man can approach ; the Greek Professor, who speaks always the best English, in all its styles and moods ; our venerable and distinguished townsman, Judge White ; and other gen tlemen who favored the great tent with graceful and appropriate re marks — all these festivities were crowned with levees and receptions in many of the private dwellings in the evening ; and hospitality, open, generous and profuse, everywhere ruled the day and the night. Old Danvers put on her best robes, and most gracefully did she wear them. Well may old Salem be proud of such a daughter, and such a grand son. All her people were there to greet him ! This was truly a great reception ; but it was my good fortune to witness another reception of Mr. Peabody by the farmers of his native County, at Newburyport, just one week before, on a beautiful October day, a twin-sister of yesterday. All the arrangements of the Farmer's Festival had been made and published, with great precision as to time, in the order of the different parts and stages of the exhibition. The ploughing match, in a large field in the upper part of the city, had been arranged to commence precisely at nine o'clock, and thither the multi- 129 tudes had wended their way, to be in season for this always invitino- spectacle. I arrived late upon the ground to witness, as I supposed, the very close of this contest of oxen and ploughs. I found there an unusually large representation of the farmers of Essex, and of the bone and sinew of the County ; and, to my surprise, all the teams, some thirty in number, were standing at their respective stations, with the plough in the furrow, the drivers by with whip in hand, ready to com mence the contest at a moment's notice. I inquired the cause of the delay, and was informed they were waiting for Mr. Peabody, and that orders had been given, by the President of the Society, that no sod should be turned until his arrival. He had not agreed to be there, and no fault was attributable to him on account of this delay. Thousands of working men waited there nearly two hours, and they waited wil lingly and with good humor, and all appeared to wish that Mr. Pea body should have an opportunity to see that there was a fair beginning in the trial of strength, and speed, and good workmanship. I passed around among the crowd, and examined those noble and patient ani mals, all ready for the long pull and the strong pull. The people were jocose and good humored all the while. Some said they guessed Mr. Peabody did not get up early in the morning ; others surmised that he might have adopted the English practice of not getting up at all, and not going to bed,.as that people always appear to do their great work in the night, when honest people are usually in bed ; others suggested that the people might have waylaid him ; all blessed him, all spoke his praises, some in one form and some in another. One said he was looking after other people's children, and he only wished he had a thousand of his own ; and another said, all the children were his chil dren. Such were the forms and modes of speech of the farmers of Essex. They all regarded Mr. Peabody as a great benefactor of his race and kind, and they all desired to do him honor ; and when at last he arrived, and his genial and open face smiled on those multhudes, they all felt fully recompensed for the delay ; and gladly did they put the regal ox upon his work, and turn the furrow as beautifully and smoothly as the lady lays over the plait of her delicate ruffle. The whole scene was a striking one. .1 considered it then, and con sider it now, even af\er the ovations of yesterday, as a great reception. Those waiting multitudes evidentiy cherished a great respect for the MAN. It was not for his wealth. Our people do not pay great homage to mere money. It was because he has proved himself to be a great and true friend of man. This was his titie to their regard and respect. Such exhibitions as these furnish a lesson of instruction and encour agement which I hope will be heeded, and bring forth good fruits in other soils, by such kinds and modes of husbandry as those which have been so nobly illustrated by Mr. George Peabody, of London, but still a full, genuine and true American in all his sympathies and feehngs. October 10, 1856. H, 130 [From the New York Times.] The New York Times of October 23, has an article entitied " The New England Boy," in which, after speaking of the grand coronation of the new Czar at Moscow, it adds : — From the monstrous freaks in the despotic far East, let us turn to a small village in the Republican West, where, in the same files that tell of the barbaric monstrosities at Moscow, is given the story of another fete — the village of Danvers in New England. There, too, were re joicings, decorations, civil and military processions, gatherings of statesmen, scholars and divines, streets strewn with beauteous flowers, and still more beauteously decorated with beauteous women, proudly floating flags, inscriptions and mottoes instinct with meaning and re plete with grace, thousands of lovely children to crown the day with the sweetness and charm of unsophisticated youth, three hundred ladies and gentlemen forming a cavalcade ou horseback, fine arches with pine trees adorned with tablets of evergreen. There, too, were firing of cannon, and clinking of sabres, and neighing of horses, and beating of drums, and frenzy, and enthusiasm, and huzzas that rent the air. What strange things have come to pass to wake this tumult in a quiet village's veins ? What Czar or Emperor has dropped on neat, naive, little Danvers to bewilder the innocent natives on their return from the meeting-house ? None. The object of this demonstration was neither a Czar nor an Emperor, nor even a Lord nor a General, a great novel ist nor great divine. Nothing but an humble New Englander, who having, by integrity, industry and goodness of heart, attained a high position in the financial and social world, returns to his native village, after forty years of absence, and that village, with joy and pride, comes out to meet George Peabody, and give him honor for his useful and spotless life. Now this is beautiful. Such a reception is an everlast ing monument to industry, when coupled with humanity ; to activity of mind, when in unison whh benevolence of heart ; to a money-maker, who uses his money not only for himself but for noble humanitarian objects, such as Mr. Peabody has done. Honor where honor is due ', and in the present agitated stJte of the country, we find relief in rest ing on this little New England village, so nobly and grandly acknowl edging the merits of one of her sons. We cannot help thinking that the morale of this incident is somewhat thrown into the background by the political excitement of the hour. Yet, when this excitement shall have passed away, this charming demonstration at Danvers will be kept in mind, and stand out as one of the most lofty pageants ever recorded in republican history. We do not desire to write a panegyric on George Peabody, but we do on the principle which, in his person, does honor to the man who uses generously and usefully the goods which God has given him. Whether the man happens to be a business or a literary man, a states man or a lawyer, a divine or a mechanic, is altogether a secondary question. But, from the fact that the great money-holders of Europe have done so little out of their immediate family circles to use their weaUh for humanitarian interests, we are disposed, perhaps, to over- 131 admire a generous business-man, not because what he has done is so much, but because others do so little. The giant-selfishness of the Rothschilds of Europe makes a giant of benevolence of the Peabody of America. Yet, however this may be, too much honor cannot be accorded to such a man as George Peabody. Perchance there may be a little extravagance blended with these honors, but it is extravagance in the right direction. We hear com plaints occasionally that business-men occupy too prominent a position, andthat this is too much of a mercantile age. But the fact is, we have outiived the. time when poets and book-worms and politicians were worshipped. The tendency of the age is to respect those only who embody their words and thoughts in deeds. Only such poets and scholars and politicians, as write and think and speak with such in tensity, profundity and vitality, as to make their works and thoughts and speeches tantamount to deeds, are likely to extort the reluctant sympathy of the age. We say reluctant, because, with Shakspeare and Bacon before us, we have become naturally suspicious of would-be heroes of pen and ink, who are too often but dreary rehashers of oth ers' meat. We require action, and until the present woes of humanity fertilize the brains of some new Shakspeare or Bacon, we are apt to over-estimate the doings of business-men which result in action. Thus we see the Young American rush into business, where he may become a creator of weaUh, which is power, and if his heart is trained simulta- neously with his head, a humanitarian power. In this point of view such a demonstration as that offered to Mr. Peabody is full of moral meaning. The Lawrences and Peabodys remind us forcibly of the great Florentine merchants, the Medici. Under their rule, art and science and literature flourished; the merchants in those days used their wealth for the benefit of knowledge, and the names of Raphael and Angelo still live to commemorate their memory, as will raany valuable institu tions with us to make abiding tbe name of George Peabody. [From the American Journal of Education, published at Hartford, Conn.] THE PUBLIC RECEPTION OF GEORGE PEABODY, AT DANVERS. We are not very fond of fetes of any kind, or ovations to the living for any degree of merit, but we were gratified beyond any former ex perience in the Public Reception given to George Peabody of London, by the people of Danvers and South Danvers, Mass., in pursuance of a unanimous vote of the two towns, in the grateful acknowledgment of of his many acts of liberality and public spirit, and especially for his establishment and endowment of the Institute for the promotion of knowledge and morality, and for the institution of Prizes for the en couragement of scholarship and good behavior in the pupils of the Public High Schools. It was a spontaneous and hearty tribute of re spect and gratitude by men and women, by old and young, by persons of both sexes, and every employment, to one, who had gone out from among them — with only that culture which an ordinary district school,. 132 such as the ordinary district school was fifty years ago, could give to a boy, in attendance only for a few months in each year, and for only three or four years of his life — and with only that capital which is represented by native sagacity, integrity, and a resolute will — and yet by that sagacity, integrity and perseverance achieving a position in the commercial world second to no other individual or house in the great center of business — and yet everywhere — on either side ofthe Atiantic, in his days of poverty and of affluence — preserving a republican sim plicity of character, dress, manner, a tender filial attachment to the hearth-stone and friends of his youth, and at all times and everywhere using a portion of his earnings to advance purposes of patriotism, hos pitality, humanity and education. If Mr. Peabody had been President of the United States, with lucrative offices in his gift, or a Military Chieftain, fresh from victorious battie-fields, more people could not have turned out to receive him or decorated the streets and houses, public and private, with a finer display of arches and flowers, of banners and inscriptions, to greet hirn on his return, than was done for him, a suc cessful man of business and a gentleman without office and without title. Truly " Peace hath her victories. No less renowned than war." The day — the ninth of October, 1856 — was a perfect specimen of a ibright, warm, autumnal day, and of itself disposed the heart to the ut terance of thanksgiving and kindly sentiment. At half past nine, A. M., Mr. Peabody arrived in his carriage from Georgetown, where his sister resides, at the confines of Danvers, and was received by a cavalcade of some three hundred ladies and gentlemen, under an ever green arch hung with flags and streamers — and from that point, escort ed to South Danvers, where the procession was formed, which, gather ing length and strength and variety, proceeded through the principal streets to the Institute — the stores and shops, the dwellings on either hand, and especially those where his old friends reside, being decorat ed with tasteful devices and inscriptions, expressive of the sense enter tained of the character and services of the guest, too numerous and varied to be remembered or described in detail. We extract the following from a previous number of the same pe riodical, being the concluding part of an article on the Peabody Insti tute, from the pen of its able and energetic Editor, Hon. Henry Bar nard, who is so widely known by his incessant labors for the advance ment of public education : — As an additional encouragement to the youth of Danvers to improve their privileges, Mr. Peabody has signified his intention to give the sum -of two hundred dollars, annually, to be appropriated for the purchase of prizes for the meritorious pupils of the two High Schools, known as the Peabody and Holten Schooile. In furtherance of this design, the ;School Committee of Danvers have had executed a beautifully designed medal, called the Peabody Medal, to be awarded to the deserving jnerabers of the schools. 133 But the munificence of Mr. Peabody has not been restricted to the noble Institution which will perpetuate his name, or to the schools where he was educated, or the town where he was born. It is yet too soon to speak of all his benefactions ; and long may it be before those who follow him will be called on to make up the record of his uses of great wealth acquired by commercial sagacity, probity, and diligence. When that record is written, it will be found that his liberal hand has bestowed largely to provide for the widow and orphan, be reaved by pestilence, and for the poor, rendered houseless by fire, in cities which he never visited. When the credit of his adopted State of Maryland was not properly protected in Europe, his princely interpo sition redeemed her bonds from dishonor. The industry and arts of his native land will not forget his timely advances of many thousand dollars, that rescued from entire failure the American department of the London Exhibition. Science and humanity will unite in associating his name with that of Grinnell, as the generous patron of discovery in unexplored regions, and of search after the hardy navigator, whose fate had touched the heart of all Europe. And while he has contributed to rear in the capital of his country, a monument to the memory of Washington, his large-hearted patriotism has exalted, in the city of his residence, the anniversary of American Independence from a national festival, to a fete of Liberty and Fraternity, which the friends of civil and religious freedom, whether born on American or English soil, may unite in celebrating. [From the London Times.] THE PEABODY OVATION AT DANVERS. The London Times contains the following account of the Peabody Ovation at Danvers, contained in a letter from its New York cor respondent : — A littie town called Danvers, about an hour's ride by railroad from Boston, was yesterday (the 9th,) the scene of a grand popular festival, which, in decorations and display, threw all recent political demon strations, even in the metropolis of New York, into the shade. Dan vers is the birthplace of Mr. Peabody, the well-known American banker, whose 4th of July celebrations and amalgamation banquets of the two nations have made his name familiar in London to circles out side those of the city and commerce. He has just returned to his native town after twenty years' absence ; during that time he has done good service to hundreds of his country men abroad, and with great munificence endowed schools, and found ed a public library in his native town. On his return he was offered a public reception by the merchants of New York, but declined it. The. community for which he has done so much, however, could so refused, and yesterday gavehim a magnificent ovation. The whole country, for miles round, must have poured its popula tion into the place ; there were guards of honor of volunteers, well up 134 in their drill and splendidly uniformed ; chariots of many shapes, like those in the pictures of the pageantry of the ancient guilds ; half a score of military bands, and a procession with flags and banners three miles long. It included so many schools of children that the problem, how America peoples her " far West" so rapidly, became quite intelli gible ; there was an emblematic party of young ladies, representing the thirty-odd States of the Union (" bleeding Kansas" judiciously omitted, no political sensation being required,) escorting three fair personations of England, Ireland, and Scotiand. Mr. Peabody's long residence in England gave an opportunity, which was very gracefully taken, to manifest the good feeling of the people towards the old country ; and it pervaded all the proceedings of the day. The two flags waved everywhere together, and at the dinner, to which above 1200 guests sat down in a gigantic tent, the same senti ment of mutual friendship gave a pleasing tone to all the speeches. It was not an official display, nor was any political party addressed by it ; politics were avoided. Those present were a fair specimen of the mercantile, agricultural, and working classes of New England ; and if the same spirit animates the same classes in other great districts of the Union it is a cheering and pleasant indication. Had the Queen of Great Britain been the Sovereign of their allegiance, her name could not have been received with warmer demonstrations of respect and regard. The Hon. Ed ward Everett made the speech of the day — an eloquent exposition of the civilizing effects of commerce — in compliment to the class to which Mr. Peabody belongs. It is rarely that a private gentleman receives such a proof of public admiration, but the feeling of community be tween the two nations it expressed was its raost pleasing distinction to a stranger. :Ot. AN HISTOEICAL SKETCH PEABODY INSTITUTE, IPrombings at fasing i\t €axmxStmt, ARD AT TBI D E D I CAT ION. 136 PREFATORY. The following pages contain an account of the proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone of the Peabody Institute, and also those at the dedication of the building after its completion. The Institute was peculiarly fortunate in ob taining the services' of distinguished and eloquent men on these interesting occasions. The words of the Hon. Abbott LaviTence, himself a noble bene factor of many of our institutions of learning and benevolence, are worthy of perpetual remembrance, and will be read with new interest now that death has placed its consecrating seal upon his name. The address of Mr. Choate pre sents the true idea and ofBce of the Lecture in connection with the Library ; and his luminous and eloquent exhibition of the relation of hearing lectures to reading and studying books, cannot fail to have a most beneficial influence wherever they are known, and may serve to make our Lyceums far more pro fitable, as means of intellectual culture, than than they have heretofore been. The Trustees of the Institute have felt that these, and the other addresses connected with them, should be rescued from the daily papers in which they iirst appeared, and given to the public in a form for permanent preservation ; and every reader of these pages will feel that Danvers has reason for constant gratitude to the generous founder of the Peabody Institute, for furnishing so liberally to its inhabitants the means of intellectual and moral improvement. Before proceeding with the account of the laying of the corner-stone and the dedication, we give a brief Historical Sketch of the Institute. 137 HISTORICAL SKETCH. Upon the completion of the narrative of the reception, by his towns men, of the founder of the Peabody Institttte, it seems not inappro priate to present, for the information of the public, some account of the origin of the institution, its design, and the success which has thus far attended its operations. Its foundation is due to his munificence, who adopted this method of conferring a lasting benefit on his native town. Of Mr. Peabody himself, it is needless for us to say anything in this place. His public- spirited course during his residence abroad, and the zeal with which he has, on all occasions, upheld the honor and credit of his native land, have won for him the admiration of his countrymen, and have made his name familiar to every American. The circumstances attending the announcement of Mr. Peabody's gift are interesting. The citizens of Danvers had determined to celebrate the one hundreth anniversary of the existence of the town as a distinct municipal corporation, which fell upon Wednesday, the 16th of June, 1852. Although Mr. Peabody had long been absent, yet the many proofs by which he had, in previous instances, evinced his regard for the place of his birth, gave him pecul iar claims to be included among the invited guests. Accordingly, an invitation was early forwarded to him, by the Committee of the town, to be present at that festival, with a request that, if unable to attend, he would signify by letter his ifiterest in the occasion. In his reply, after stating that his engagements would allow him to comply only with the latter part of the request, he said, " I enclose a sentiment which I ask may remain sealed till this letter is read on the day of celebration, according to the direction on the envelope." The indorsement on the envelope of the sealed packet was as fol lows : — " The seal of this is not to be broken till the toasts are being pro posed by the Chairman, at the dinner, 16th June, at Danvers, in com memoration of the one hundreth year since its severance from Salem. It contains a sentiment for the occasion, from George Peabody, of Lon don." 138 In obedience to the above direction, at the proper moment the reading of the communication was called for ; and the following was received by the delighted audience with loud acclamations : — " By Geoege Peabody, of London : — " Education — A deit due from present to future generations.'''' " In acknowledgment of the payment of that debt by the generation which preceded me in my native town of Danvers, and to aid in its prompt future discharge, I give to the inhabitants of that town the sum of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, for the promotion of knowledge and morality among thera. " I beg to remark, that the subject of making a gift to my native town has for some years occupied my mind ; and I avail myself of your present interesting festival to make the comraunication, in the hope that it will add to the pleasures of the day. " I annex to the gift such conditions only as I deem necessary for its preservation and the accomplishment of the purposes before named. The conditions are, that the legal voters of the town, at a meeting to be held at a convenient time after the 16th June, shall accept the gift, and shall elect a Committee, of not less than twelve persons, to receive and have charge ofthe same, for the purpose of establishing a Lyceum for the delivery of lectures, upon such subjects as may be designated by a Coraraittee of the town, free to all the inhabitants, under such rules as said Coramlttee may from time to time enact ; aijd that a Library shall be obtained, which shall also be free to the inhabitants, under the direc tion of the Committee. " That a suitable building for the use of the Lyceum shall be erected, at a cost, including the land, fixtures, furniture, &c., not exceeding seven thousand dollars, and shall be located within one-third of a mile of the Presbyterian Meeting-House, occupying the spot of that formerly under the pastoral care of the Eev. Mr. Walker, in the south parish of Dan vers. " That ten thousand dollars of this gift shall be invested by the town's Committee, in undoubted securities, as a permanent fund, the interest arising therefrom to be expended in support of the Lyceum. " In all other respects, I leave the disposition of the affairs of the Lyceum to the inhabitants of Danvers, — merely suggesting that it might be advisable for them, by their own act, to exclude sectarian theology and political discussions forever from the walls of the institution. " I will make one request of the Coraraittee ; which is, if they see no objection, and ray venerable friend, Capt. Sylvester Proctor, should be living, that he be selected to lay the corner-stone of the Lyceum building. > " Respectfully yours, Geoege Peabody." We extract the following from the town records, to show the manner in which the conditions mentioned above were complied with : — 139 " At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Danvers, qualified to vote in town affairs, holden at Union Hall, in the south parish in said town, on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1852. " The original comraunication frora George Peabody, Esq., was read by the Moderator. The following resolves, prepared and submitted by Dr. Andkew Nichols, were unanimously adopted : — " Resolved, That we, the ISgal voters of the town of Danvers, in legal meeting assembled, accept, with deep emotions of gratitude, the munifi cent gift of George Peabody, Esq., of London, of twenty thousand DOLLARS, for the promotion of knowledge and morality among us ; and we, with due sense of its importance to ourselves and to those who are to succeed us, accept the offered trust, and bind ourselves faithfully, ardentiy, and constantiy to endeavor to fulfil the wishes and accoraplish the noble purpose of the generous donor, and to enjoin on our successors a like pe'rformance of the same sacred duty. " Resolved, That we now proceed to the choice of a Committee of twelve persons, to receive and have in charge the said donation, for the purpose of establishing a Lyceum, for the delivery of lectures upon such subjects, exclusive of sectarian theology and party politics, as may be designated by a Committee of the town, free to all the inhabitants, un der such rules as said Committee may frora time to time enact ; and to establish a Library, which shall also be free to the inhabitants, under the direction of the Committee. " Resolved, That the members of said Committee shall exercise all the authority and perform all the duties contemplated by the donor, and shall hold office by the following tenure ; viz., two of the twelve shall hold office .until the annual meeting in 1858 ; two until 1857 ; two until 1856 ; two until 1855 ; two until 1854 ; two until 1853 ; or, in all cases, until others shall be chosen and accept the trust in their stead. And it shall be the duty of said Committee, as soon as may be after their organization, to determine, either by agreement or by lot, who of this nuraber shall hold the office for the several tiraes named, and com municate the sarae to the Clerk of the town, whose duty it shall be to enter the sarae on the records. And it shall be the duty of the Select men to order, in every warrant for the annual town meeting hereafter, the inhabitants to choose or give in their votes for two persons, to become members of said Committee for the terra of six years, in the place of those whose terra of office at that time expires, and to fill all vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal from the town. " Resolved, That the aforesaid Committee of Trustees appoint an nually, from the citizens of the town at large, another Committee, who shall select books for the library, designate the subjects for lectures, procure lecturers, enact rules and regulations, both in regaill to the lec tures and the library, and perform all such other duties as the Commit tee shall assign to them ; and they shall make a full report of all their doings to the Trustees semi-annually; viz., on or before the second Monday in February and August. " Resolved, That the Committee of Trustees be also required to make a full report of their own doings, and the doings of the Commit tee by them appointed, at the annual town meeting, previous to the choice of members of said Committee above provided for. 140 " Resolved, That it shall be the duty of said Committee to corre spond with the benevolent donor while he lives, and, in all their doings, pay all due regard to his expressed wishes. " On motion made, it was also voted, — " That th'e institution established by this donation be called and known as the PEABODY INSTITUTE, and that this name be in scribed, in legible characters, upon the* front of the building to be erected, that, in future years, our children may be reminded of their fathers' benefactor, and that strangers may read the name of him whom Danvers will always be proud to claim as her son. " That our venerable and respected fellow-citizen, Capt. Sylvester Proctor, be invited, in behalf of the town, and in accordance with the special request of his early and constant friend, Mr. Peabody, to assist in laying the corner-stone of the proposed edifice. " That the Board of Trustees, chosen this day, forward a certified copy of the proceedings of this meeting to Mr. Peabody." The following gentlemen were then elected Trustees, by ballot : — .R. S. Daniels, Francis Baker, E. W. Upton, Eben Sutton, S. P. Fowler, W. L. Weston, Joseph Osgood, Joseph Poor, Miles Osborn, A. F. Clark, Eben King, Joseph S. Black. The proceedings of the town, having been transmitted to Mr. Pea body, received his approval. The officers of the Institute, therefore, are a Board of Trustees chosen by the town, in whom are vested its funds and other property, for the purpose of maintaining a Lyceum and Library ; and another Board, chosen annually by the Trustees, called the Lyceum and Library Committee, whose duties are to super intend and direct all its active operations. Mr. Peabody afterwards added ten thousand dollars to his first donation ; the whole to be so expended, that seventeen thousand dollars should be appropriated for the land and building, three thousand to the purchase of books, as the foundation of a Library, and ten thou sand to remain as a permanent fund. Further donations have since been received, swelling the aggregate of Mr. Peabody's gifts to the Institute to an amount exceeding fifty thousand dollars. The difficulty of procuring a suitable lot of land, within the pre scribed distance from the meeting-house, caused some delay in the erection of the building. But at length a site was selected on Main Street; and the corner-stone of the new structure was laid, with ap propriate ceremonies, on the 20th of August, 1853, — Hon. Abbott 141 Lawrence, an intimate friend of Mr. Peabody, performing the part assigned to Capt. Sylvester Proctor, who had deceased. The building was finished in the course of the following year, and dedicated to its future uses on the 29th of September, 1854. Hon. Eufus Choate delivered an eloquent address on that occasion. It is a stately edifice, eighty-two feet in length by fifty in breadth, built of brick, and ornamented with brown Connecticut freestone. On its front, a slab of freestone bears the words, PEABODY INSTI TUTE, in relief. The Lecture Hall, occupying the whole of the up per story, is finished with neatness and simplicity, and is furnished with seats for about seven hundred and fifty persons. Over the ros trum hangs a full-length portrait of Mr. Peabody, by Healy, which has been pronounced by connoisseurs to be a chef d''ceuvre of that artist. It was set for by him at the request of the citizens of the town, but, at its completion, was presented to thera. The Library Room, in the lower story, is commodiously arranged for the delivery of books. The shelves for books are placed around the walls of the room ; but, by the addition of alcoves, its capacity can be greatiy increased. Courses of lectures have been delivered in the Lyceum Hall, to large and attentive audiences. The situation of Danvers,* within an hour's ride, by railroad, of the metropolis, is highly favorable for availing herself of the best talent in this field of literary labor. This department of the Institute formed a prominent feature of it in the design of its founder, and, we think, deservedly so. Indeed, this method of conveying knowledge, in connection with the common school and higher seminaries of learning, must now be ranked among the principal educational appliances peculiar to the social system of New England. The success of the Lowell Institute in Boston, and other sirailar institutions, abundantiy attest the truth of this remark. The efforts which have of late been made to present, by means of series of lectures, the outiines of science to the public, have raet the approbation of all friends of learning. Doubtiess the ardor of youth is often thus incited to efforts which may lead to future distinction. # By an Act of the Legislature, passed May 18, 1855, that part of the town in which the Peabody Institute is located was incorporated as a new town, by the name of South Danvers ; but the privileges of the Institute will continue to be enjoyed by all within the limits of the former town of Danvers. By a more recent enactment a part of South Danvers has been annexed to Salem by an exchange of territory, vet the privileges of the Institute will be continued to all those residing within the limits of the ancient town, as well as those who reside on the territory annexed to South Danvers. 142 The greatest minds of our country have not thought it beneath their dignity thus to lend their aid in infusing a spirit of self-culture among the people. The attention of the Lyceum and Library Committee was early directed to the formation of a Library. The selection of books, pre liminary to an extended purchase, was found to be a work of no small difficulty ; for, while they appreciated the importance of laying a broad foundation, they also felt it to be their duty to render the Library not only " free to the inhabitants," but truly useful to all the citizens. In forming lists, therefore, under the general heads of science, history, belles-lettres, &c., they gave the preference rather to such works as they believed would meet the wants of the reading community, than to those more elaborate productions which are better calculated to aid the extended researches of the scholar; trusting that the Library would, by future accessions, gradually arrive at that symmetry and completeness so desirable to be attained. Pursuing this plan, the Committee were relieved from much embarrassment, and were enabled to prosecute their labor with so much success, that, as soon as the Library Room was ready to receive thera, about 1500 volumes had been prepared to be placed upon its shelves. In December, 1854, a donation of books was unexpectedly received from Mr. Peabody, — affording a new proof of his generosity, and his continuing interest in the Institution that bears his name. These books, in all about 2,500 volumes, were selected by his order, in London, by Mr. Henry Stevens, agent of the Smithsonian Institute. They comprise many valuable and even rare works ; among which may be mentioned the " Philosophical Transactions of the Royal So ciety," and a complete set of the " Gentleman's Magazine." Subse quent additions to the Library, by purchase and by gift, have increased the number of voluraes to above 5,300 ; of the latter, about 250 vol umes were received from the Mechanic Institute, — an association that had existed in the town since 1841, and had itself been preceded by the Lyceum Society. The Library has been open for the delivery of books about two years,- with the most gratifying result. During library hours, which at present are the afternoon and evening of Wednesday and Saturday, the room has been thronged with eager applicants ; and their choice of works is, in general, highly creditable to their literary taste. It ap pears from the Ledger, that, during this period, commencing October 18, 1854, 1,772 persons have availed themselves of its privileges; and 143 that, during four months of this time, the nuraber of volumes taken was 11,866, — an average of 349 each Library day. For the success of this department ofthe Institute, much credit is due to the efforts of Mr. Eugene B. Hinckley, the recent Librarian, by whom the Cata logue was compiled. The regulations concerning the distribution of books are as few and simple as is consistent with their safety and prompt return ; and, although the rules in regard to delinquents have been rigidly adhered to, it has seldom been necessary to put them in force. Such, in brief, is the history of the establishment of this Institution in our midst ; and, henceforth, we trust that the Peabody Institute will exert an important influence in the cause of education. TRUSTEES— 1856-7. Robert S. Daniels, Chairman. John B. Peabody, Clerk. Eben Sutton, Treasurer. Joseph Osgood. Henry Poor. Samuel P. Fowler. Joel Putnam. Franklin Osborn. Philemon Putnam. Isaac Hardy, Jr. Francis Dane. Israel W. Andrews. LYCEUM AND LIBRARY COMMITTEE— 1856-7. Alfred A. Abbott, Chairman. George F. Osborne, Secretary. George A. Osborne, Treasurer. Fitch Poole. Eugene B. Hinckley. Eben S. Poor. Benjamin C. Perkins. Eben Hunt. Francis Baker. William L. Weston. Moses Black, Jr. Thomas M. Stimpson. Fitch Poole, Librarian. 144 PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, With the Term for whioh each was Elected. ¦ Eben King, Joseph S. Black, William L. Weston, Aaron F. Clark, Francis Baker, Joseph Poor, Elijah W. Upton, Miles Osborn, Joseph Osgood, Eben Sutton, 1852-1853. 1852-1853.1852-1854. 1852-1854. 1852-1855. 1852-1855. 1852-1856. 1852-1856.1852-1857. 1852-1857. Robert S. Daniels, Samuel P. Fowler, Henry Poor, Joel Putnam, Philemon Putnam, John B. Peabody, Francis Dane, Israel W. Andrews, Franklin Osborn, Isaac Hardy, Jr., 1852-1858. 1852-1858. 1853-1859.1853-1859. 1854-1860.1854-1861. 1855-1860.1855-1861. 1856-1862. 1856-1862. MEMBERS OF THE LYCEUM AND LIBRARY COMMITTEE, With the time of their Continuance in Office. Andrew Nichols,* 1853. Fitch Poole, 1853- George a. Osborne, 1853- Benjamin C. Perkins, 1853. Eben Hunt, 1853- JoHN B. Peabody, 1853. William N. Lord, 1853- Eben S. Poor, 1853- WiLLiAM L. Weston, 1853- Alfred a. Abbott, 1853- 1856.1856. 1856. 1854. 1856. 1856.1856. Philemon Putnam, 1853-1854. Eugene B. Hinkley, 1853-1856. William F. Poole, 1853-1853. Nathan H. Poor, 1854-1855. George F. Osborne, 1854-1856. Benjamin C.PERKiNS,tl855-1856. Thomas B. Hinkley, 1855. Thomas M. Stimpson, 1855-1856. Francis Baker, 1856. Moses Black, Jr., 1856. * Deceased in 1853. t Reelect. 145 DONORS AND DONATIONS OF BOOKS, exclusive op pamphlets, TO THE PEABODY LIBRARY. Allen, Lewis, .... Amherst College, .... Bache, Professor A. D., Washington, Banks, Nathaniel P., Jr., Waltham, . Gary, Thoraas G., Boston, Cook, Henry, ..... Cutier, William, .... Danvers, Town of, . Danvers Mechanic Institute, Essex Institute, Salem, Fay, Francis B., Chelsea, Flint, Charles L., Boston, Gooch, Charles C, London, Hinkley, Eugene B., Jacobs, Joseph, .... Lakeman, Nathan, .... Lawrence, Sarauel, Boston, Lawrence, James, Boston, Lynn Library, Lynn, Massachusetts, State of, . Maury, Lieut. James, Washington, . Mercantile Library, Boston, Middlesex Mechanic Association, Lowell, Nichols, Mrs. Andrew, . Northend, Charles, New Britain, Conn., Osborne, George A., . . . Paine, Martyn, New York, Peabody, George, London, Phillips, Alonzo P., 10 Vols. 16 1 2 23 1 16 4 110 245 1 12 1 7 2 5 9 1 1 26 2 11 1418 14 7 2504 5 146 Poole, William F., Boston, Poole, Leonard, Poole, Fitch, . Poole, Theodore, Poor, Eben. S., Proctor, John W., . Providence Athenaeum, Roy,W. L., . . Salem Athenaeum, . Single Blessedness, Author of, Shillaber, Benjamin P., Chelsea, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, Teague, John H., . Towne, Amos P., . Upham, Charles W., Salem, Whitney, Henry A., Boston, Wright, E. M., Vols. 8 1 37 5 3 3 1 11 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 > z< o h-co 2 < CO z Q UJa -z. CD iMr"^' 147 THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE. The Corner-Stone of the edifice designed for the Peabody Institute was laid on Saturday afternoon, August 20, 1853. The occasion was one of great interest, and its observance was due to its distinguished Founder, making a marked era in our local history. The weather was exceedingly favorable, and a great number of peo ple were present to witness the proceedings, among whom were many ladies, and distinguished gentlemen from Boston, Salem, and adjoining towns. The guests from abroad were handsomely entertained -at the residence of Eben Sutton, Esq., which is in the immediate vicinity of the Institute grounds. At 4 o'clock the exercises commenced, under direction of the President ofthe Board of Trustees, Hon. Robert S. Daniels, the Com mittee and guests occupying a raised platform, and a band of music being in attendance added an enlivening interest to the occasion. Mr. Daniels called the assembly to order, and opened the proceed ings by the following remarks : — MR. DANIELS' REMARKS. Ladies and Gentlemen : — We have assembled here to-day for the purpose of laying the corner stone of a building about to be erected on this spot, for the promotion of objects of deep interest to every good citizen. The noble generosi ty of George Peabody, who is proud to claim Danvers as the home of his ancestors and the place of his nativity, has brought us together at this time. He is now a distinguished and honored resident of the me- tropolia of the world. Mr. Peabody made his donation to the inhabit ants of his native town, for the promotion of knowledge and morality among them. He considers it a debt due from the present to future generations. These are high and noble views and objects. It is hon orable to him, and if rightiy improved, must be a great blessing to us, and those who come after us. It is our duty, my friends, to see that the Institution to be here established is fairly and honorably com- 148 menced ; that all the trusts committed to us are executed with fidelity, and in the most perfect good faith. Let the present generation leave everything connected with this Institution in full and vigorous growth ; let us do our duty conscientiously, and trust to an impartial posterity for an approval. Before proceeding in the ceremonies, it is proper that we should invoke the blessing of God upon our undertaking. An appropriate prayer was addressed to Almighty God, by the Rev. Milton P. Braman. The Hon. Alfred A. Abbott was then introduced, and delivered the following address, prepared for the occasion, in the most eloquent and happy manner : — MR. ABBOTT'S ADDRESS. Fellow-Citizens : — By the solicitations of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Dona tion, I have been persuaded to assume a task which more properly devolved upon, and should have been performed by, some other one of your nuraber. We have met here to-day, under the smiles of this summer sun, to signalize an event, not, perhaps, of wide and general interest, but certainly worthy of commemoration in our local annals. On the 16th day of June, 1852, during the closing ceremonies of the celebration ofthe centenary of Danvers as an independent municipali ty, a communication was received from Mr. George Peabody of Lon don, a native of this town, enclosing this sentiment — " Education : a debt due from present to future generations," — and with it a tender of the sum of twenty thousand dollars, for founding here, in the place of his birth and his early home, a lyceum and library, an institution which should be free to all the inhabitants, for the constant and lasting pro motion among them of knowledge and morality. This munificent do nation, afterwards increased by the receipt often thousand /dollars more from the same source, was, by the corporate action of the town, grate fully accepted, and placed in the hands of trustees, to be by them in vested and used in accordance with the wishes of the donor. In fulfil ment of their trust they have selected this site, — and here, upon this pleasant spot, they are now proceeding to rear an imposing structure, which shall be to our children, and our children's children, a monu ment to him whose name it is to bear, — a memorial worthy and appro priate, if it shall but faithfully subserve his high aims and noble pur poses. 149 In laying the corner-stone of the proposed edifice, a circumstance recognized by custom as the commencement of such an enterprise as this, the trustees have thought it well that there should be some slight observance, — some littie ceremony, however humble, to mark our in terest in the occasion, and which, while it shall be a public recognition of grathude to our kind benefactor, shall also serve as an equally pub lic pledge of our determination to cooperate in promoting the great object of his noble benefaction. And now, fellow-citizens, in the simple statement which I have made is comprehended the whole purpose of our assembling together. Here, perhaps, I ought to stop, for should I speak further, not a person is there present who has not anticipated the theme of ray remarks. " Who is this man, until recently a stranger to most of fliis living generation, and dwelling in a foreign land, who is this man who has done this act ? How lofty are his motives, and how vitally important the end he has in view I" This question, and this or such an exclamation, embody the thoughts which must be uppermost in every mind, and which form the natural and fitting topics of the occasion. Upon neither of them shall I dwell but for a moment ; certainly I need not upon the first. The charaeter and history of Mr. Peabody have, by the natural course of things, become so familiar to us within the last year, that, like his name, they have almost come to be household property. How, nearly threescore years ago, " in a very humble house in this then quiet vil lage, he was born, the son of respectable parents, but in humble cir cumstances," — how, " frora the common schools of the parish, such as they were from 1803 to 1807," to use his own simple words, " he ob tained the limited education his parents' means could afford, but to the principles then inculcated owing much of the foundation for such suc cess as heaven has been pleased to grant him during a long business life," — how, at the early age of eleven years, in the humble capacity of a grocer's boy, in a shop hard by where we now stand, he com menced his life of earnest but successful toil — how, four years after, having sought promotion in another sphere, he found himself, by his father's death and his brother's misfortunes, an orphan, without means, without employment, without friends, and all in the most gloomy times, but how, buoyed up by firm resolve and a high endeavor, he turned his back upon the endeared but now desolate scenes of his boy hood, and sought under a southern sun those smiles of fortune denied him by the frowning skies of his northern home — how, there in George town, in the District of Columbia, he became while not yet nineteen 150 years old, such was his capacity and fidelity, partner in a respectable firm, which afterwards removed to Baltimore and had branches estab lished in two or three of our principal cities, and how, at length become the head of his house, and having crossed and recrossed the ocean many times in the transaction of his foreign business, he at las't, in 1847, established himself permanently in London, having now created an immense business and amassed a princely fortune, — how, through all this career from poverty to opulence, that simple heart and kindly nature which in youth divided with his orphan brothers and sisters the scanty earnings of his toil, and in later and raore prosperous days ex panded in social araenities and tiraely charities to his countrymen in a strange land, how this true nature remained ever the same, untainted by that proud success wlSch too often corrupts, mellowed only by those growing years which seldom fail to blunt our finer sensibilities — and lastly, how, while with a private life above reproach, and a professional character distinguished even among the merchant princes of England, he had come to be pointed out, both at home and abroad, as the model of a man and a merchant, how, all this time, his heart fondly turned to his native country, and how, true to her interests and her honor, in the darkest hour of her adversity, he stood up manfully in her defence, and throwing patriotism, energy and capital into the breach, sustained her credit, vindicated her good name, and won the gratitude and received the thanks of sovereign states, — all this, fellow-citizens, is but the out line of a portraiture, and a grouping of some incidents in a sketch which I will not fill up, because recent events have spread before you the de tails and drawn the picture with colors of light. Were any apology . needed for not proceeding further, I find it in the presence here of one, [Hon. Abbott Lawrence,] who, both by business and social relations, must have been brought into close and friendly intimacy with Mr. Pea body, and from whom I indulge the hope that we may hear a word to day. You cannot, fellow-citizens, mistake my allusion to him who was so lately our minister to the Court of St. James, who, if he will pardon me, himself presents another of the happiest illustrations Of the highest type of our national character, — who, also the architect of his own am ple fortune, built up by a series of enterprises, which while enriching him have blessed others, and reared up as by magic a thriving city upon the banks of our beautiful Merrimac, has crowned his active life by services for the State, which have earned him gratitude and won him fame, I trust that while kindly consenting to perform a ceremo nial act, he will not refuse to indulge us with a few words of him 151 whom he must be proud to call his friend, and whom we shall ever recognize as our generous benefactor. Upon the other topic which was suggested I forbear even to enter. A consideration of the motives which actuated Mr. Peabody in his present gift is a subject so interesting and a field so wide that the casual glance, which would be all this occasion could allow, would altogether fail to grasp its merits or even to discover its proportions. Somewhat, it may be, of pious feeling of a debt due — somewhat of tender and long cherished affection for the spot of his nativity — some what of the sweet memories and hallowed associations of early days, of dear remembrances of youthful friends and buried love — much, in deed, of all this may have moved his heart ; but his strong, good sense and intelligent mind took hold upon something and was moved by causes more potent than mere sentiment. He thought and reflected upon that which is agitating the minds of thinking raen everywhere, alike in the calm contemplation of the looker-on abroad, alike in the excited, glow ing life of the citizen at home — that here and now was being solved the great problem of the age, and of all ages — that here, upon this vast theatre and beneath the arching skies of this new world, was being tested the last great experiment of self-government — that this expanding, swel ling empire has for its only basis the intelligence and morality of the people — and that, unless knowledge and virtue follow in the path of our national progress, and keep step with its wonderful march, the toils of our fathers and the hopes of their sons will prove alike in vain, and our dreams of future glory, vanishing " Like the baseless fabric of 'a vision, Leave not a rack behind." And this, fellow-citizens, is the true teaching of that sentiment^ this the lesson which comes hidden in that gift — and which, would we but learn it ourselves and proclaim it to others, might prove more precious than silver or gold, or untold treasure. This day, then, imposes upon us new responsibility ; this added privilege summons us to higher duties. Bound by fresh obligations to our homes and our vicinage, we are also reminded that we form a part of one great countiy, dear to all hearts, and that, our littie pebble cast upon the waters, its quiet influence may ripple to the furthest shore. We may do but little directiy ; indirectiy we can accomplish much. As every State in the Union acts upon every other, for good or for evil, in proportion to its comparative moral and intellectual growth, so eveiy town acts upon the State, — and thus every man, acting, through his fellows, upon the town and so upon the State, 152 is felt at last upon the destinies of the whole republic. Thus the honest farmer who here tills his narrow acres, and the industrious mechanic who plies his humble trade, but who rear up their children in the fear of God, the love of knowledge, and in obedience to law, may not only secure the happiness of his village fireside and the prosperity of his beloved Coraraonwealth, but be planting seeds which shall germinate upon the banks of the great rivers of the West and along the shores of the Pacific, in a harvest richer and dearer than yellow grain or golden sands. And now, fellow-citizens, while we lay deep and broad the foundations of this institution, already consecrated to God in prayer, let us also dedicate it to the noble objects of its founder. As the stately edifice rises in strength and beauty, let our new-formed purposes for the ad vancement of mind and morals, warm and ripen into firm resolve and living action. And when it shall have been completed, and we and our children shall reap the benefits and enjoy the blessings of this pious and patriotic gift, — as in after years we shall repair hither at the quiet close of the summer's day, to refresh our minds with the treasures of study and the delights of learning, or gather here in the long evenings of our northern winter, to seek the truths of science, and catch from eloquent lips the lessons of knowledge and wisdom, — let us, and those who come after us, ever remeraber that we are but raerabers of one great family, ruled over by one good God, in whose mysterious providence the hum blest one of us may benefit and bless the whole universe of man. The Chairman then introduced the Hon. Abbott Lawrence in the following remarks : — Ladies and Gentlemen : It is with great pleasure I announce to the audience that the Hon. Abbott Lawrence of Boston, whose private worth and public services must be familiar to all, has consented, at Mr. Peabody's request and our earnest solicitation, to lay the corner-stone. Mr. Lawrence, having advanced to the front of the platform, spoke as follows : J H.BnffoTi'sliifli. ARCH ON HOLTEN ST RESIDENCE OF ABEL PROCTOR E S Q. S. D A N V EP3 153 SPEECH OF HON. ABBOTT LAWRENCE. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen : — I am here to-day by invitation of the Committee of this Institution, and at the urgent request of some of my friends, and also of Mr. George Peabody, whom I am proud to say I have the privilege of calling my ¦friend. [Applause.] My first duty, sir, is to present my acknowledgments and thanks to the Hon. gentleman who has addressed us on this occasion, (Mr. Abbott.) I feel most deeply the kind words he has spoken, and the expressions which he was kind enough to use as applying to me personally. Ladies and gentiemen, this is no ordinary occasion, and it is no ordinary audience which I address. I am here in a town which has given birth to a great number of distinguished men. I am here in that town where the immortal Gen. Israel Putnam was born. I am not un mindful, also, that another revolutionary individual, Judge Holten, was a native of the town of Danvers, and I remember well that most extra ordinary man, who lived to a great age, Gen. Gideon Foster of Dan vers. I also knew a civilian — a jurist of distinction, who has lately deceased — Judge Putnam. And I should do injustice to myself, and the sweet memories I entertain, if I were to omit another individual, who has lately passed away, the Hon. Daniel P. King, who was a friend of mine for many, many years. [Applause.] I will not dwell longer upon names, because I know that this town was the cradle of the revolution. I know that our country is indebted to the town of Danvers for maby of the most distinguished men she had at that time. But I am happy to say that I am now addressing the descendants of those men who achieved our nation's independence. [Cheers.] Sir, I before remarked to you that I came here as the representative of Mr. George Peabody ; and upon that it may generally be asked how Mr. Peabody achieved so much good for his country. I know him well. I have known him for many years. I have seen him day by day, month after month, and year after year, and for the benefit of the younger portions of this audience, I will tell you how he has achieved all that has been so eloquentiy portrayed by the Hon. gentieman who preceded me. In the first place, nature gave him a good constitution and a sound mind ; secondly, he is a man of indomitable moral courage ; thirdly ,_ he has patience, perseverance, industry, and, above all, the strictest integrity. [Applause.] 154 Ladies and gentlemen, I know him well, and I can say, here in the face of this summer's sun and this audience, that I deem Mr. George Peabody the very soul of honor, and that is the foundation of his suc cess. Those traits of character I have mentioned — this integrity of purpose and determination — have given him all the success he has achieved. [Renewed applause.] Sir, he deserves all, all that has been so eloquently expressed by the Hon. gentleman who preceded me. He deserves all this commenda tion, and language is hardly strong enough, in my opinion, to convey to you, his fellow-townsmen, the excellent traits of the character of Mr. George Peabody. I have mentionisd to you the names of several dis tinguished individuals who were born and brought up in this good town of Danvers ; they have left names behind them that will last as long as patriotism, honor, and virtue is considered or remembered in the world ; but none will go down to posterity with more honor, more love, or more of that which ennobles man, than the name of Mr. George Peabody. [Applause.] Sir, I wish he were here to-day. I am sure he will be gratified when he learns all the interest that has been taken by the people of Danvers and its neighborhood, in laying the corner-stone of an institution which bids fair to do more for future good than, perhaps, any other institution in this town or its neighborhood. Sir, I feel a deep interest in this institution. In all the movements, not only in our own New England, but elsewhere in our favored country, upon the subject of education, I rejoice. I rejoice that so much has been done ; but, let me say, a great deal more remains to be accomplished. We have a great labor yet to perform. We live in a country increasing in the numbers of its people at the rate of a million a year! And our only security for the preservation of our freedom and our republican institutions is, to educate the people. Not only let there be education, but let it be universal — a universal education of the people — and this is the purpose of the institution whose foundation-stone we are called upon to place to-day. It is one of the germs of this universal education. [Cheers.] Sir, I will task your patience no longer at this time. We have among us one of our great and accomplished orators, all ready to make a speech, besides two mayors and one or two members of Congress, all of whom Ishould be most happy to hear. [Loud applause.] 155 Mr. Lawrence was then conducted by the Chairman of the Buildinc Committee to the northwest angle of the edifice, where the corner-stone was duly laid ; in the performance of which ceremony Mr. Lawrence spoke as follows : — Mr. Chairman : I now proceed to lay the foundation-stone of an institution, which I trust may be as permanent as the granite of which it is composed. I lay the stone in the hope and belief that the building which is to be erected will always be appropriated to the diffusion of knowledge among the whole people — founded upon the principles of true religion, drawn solely from the Bible. I beg to say, especially for the benefit of the younger portion of this great assembly, that, from my own observation and experience, which have not been small, the only safe chart of human life will be found in the Holy Scriptures — and to you, my young friends, I would recommend on all occasions, and in every position of life, to study the Bible. Sir, allow me still further to express a hope, ihat this edifice may never be desecrated to purposes of religious controversy or political wrangling, but may ever be held sacred to the promotion of those great principles, which were so nobly maintained by your forefathers, — liter ature, art, science, and public liberty — always to be regulated by law. No human institution can be permanently prosperous without the blessing of Divine Providence, and I therefore invoke the blessing of the Almighty upon this institution, its founder, and the inhabitants of the town of Danvers. The company then returned to the platform, where the Chairman introduced his Honor Benjamin Seaver, Mayor of Boston, by a happy allusion to the various charitable, literary, and scientific institutions of Boston. SPEECH OF HON. BENJAMIN SEAVER. Mr. Chairman : — I thank you, sir, and the gentiemen of the committee, for having done me the honor to invite me to attend at the ceremonial of this day. I esteem it a high privilege to be here, and I congratulate you and the committee, as well as the inhabitants of this town, upon the magnifi cent donation it has received. It is honorable to them, sir, and it does honor to the distinguished individual of whose generosity they are the recipients, that such a multitude has assembled to testify their appreci ation of its value. 156 Sir, it would seem out of place for me to say a word on this occa sion, were it not for the high consideration of what it is that makes New England honorable and prosperous, at home and abroad, — that it is not her numbers that gives her consideration, but that knowledge alone is the power of New England. [Cheers.] Sir, I regard this occasion as one that adds to those means which have given to New England her knowledge, and her consequent power, and honor, and prosperity. [Applause.] The distinguished gentleman whom it is the happy privilege of the town of Danvers to call a native citizen, has contributed very much not only to the prosperity of your own town, but to that of the city which I have the honor to represent on this occasion, and to the whole of New England. Sir, you have done but justice to the city of Boston in the remarks you have made complimentary to her institutions. We are now about to establish a public library there, as you are well aware, by the munificence of one of our own citizens, who has also lived in the city of London, and enjoyed its honors and an unusual degree of pros perity, and, amid all these honors and all this prosperity, has not for gotten the period when he was a poor apprentice boy in Boston. Sir, I wish I was at liberty to read a private letter from that distinguished gentleman, Joshua Bates, Esq., of London. He would be elevated still more in your estimation, and in the estimation of all who know him. That gentieman, I may be permitted to say, did not forget his once humble position. He had, as my friend has said of Mr. Peabody, a good constitution and a sound mind, and, above everything else, as an element of success everywhere, he was endowed with honor and integrity of character. But, Mr. Chairman, it would not become me, after all that has been so eloquentiy and properly said in praise of your distinguished bene factor, to add a single word, except to express a wish, in which I know that every one who hears me, and those who cannot hear me, will join with all their hearts. It is — Health, long life, happiness, and troops of friends, to George Peabody, Esq. [Loud cheers.] The Chairman then introduced Hon. Asahel Huntington, Mayor of Salem, as follows : — Old Mother Salem, who is ever ready to give good counsel and advice to all her children, is represented here by her excellent Mayor, Hon. Mr. Huntington. 157 MAYOR HUNTINGTON'S SPEECH. Mr. Chairman : — I feel greatly obliged, sir, for the privilege of being present upon this most interesting occasion, and that you have seen fit to call upon me, as the representative of our ancient and neighboring city of Naum- keag, of which Danvers is the first-born daughter, ever to be known and honored, especially in the character, principles, purposes, and objects of her distinguished son, — ever to be known, sir, and honored throughout the civilized world, — George Peabody, the founder of a great popular institution ; an institution that is to shed abroad, through all coraing generations, knowledge, virtue, and morality ; an institution that is to confer countless blessings upon this his native town, which he remembers abroad, in the great commercial metropolis of the world. Honored, as he is, among merchant princes, yet, sir, it does hira still higher honor that he reraembers that little viUage school-house, and that meeting-house in its neighborhood, where the Rev. Mr. Walker ministered in the days of his youth, and sends a princely donation to be the foundation and the means of rearing here this great popular seminary of learning for his own townsmen through all coming time. [Applause.] I come here with great pleasure, at the invitation of the trustees of this institution, to testify, with many of my fellow-citizens, to the deep interest we feel in this occasion, and the objects of this assembly. We trust, sir, that the purposes and aims of the founder of this institution may be accomplished, in the increased diffusion of learning and mo rality among the people of this town, his native place, to the end of time. [Applause.] The Chairman next introduced the Hon. George S. Hillard, of Bos ton, who spoke as follows : — MR. HILLARD'S SPEECH. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen : — I am wholly unprepared to address you at this time. I have not a speech, either in my head or in my pocket. Indeed, I do not know upon what grounds those who have called rae out upon this occasion can justify their conduct, either to their consciences or to their sense of honor. [Laughter.] I am not here in any ofiicial capacity. I am, it is true, a citizen of no mean city ; but I am the mayor of nothing 158 [renewed laughter] ; nor can I claim to be a citizen of your good town of Danvers, as is, doubtless, well known to all of you ; nor can I even fall back upon the last ground of all, — of being a friend of Mr. Pea body, for it is my misfortune not to be personally acquainted with that gentieman. I am here simply as a Massachusetts man ; nay, more : as a man in obedience to that noblest sentiment of the Latin poet, the nearest approach to a Christian sentiment ever uttered by a heathen writer, — " I am a man, and I feel myself interested in everything that relates to humanity." [Cheers.] Sir, I consider that this occasion addresses itself to every man, simply as a member of the great human family. I am glad to be here to testify, so far, as an individual, I can do it, my appreciation of the honorable, noble, and commendable work your distinguished fellow- townsman has here this day done. From the moment I read in the papers Mr. Peabody's letter enclosing the donation, I felt a warming of the heart towards that gentleman, whom, I confess, I had never even seen ; and not only that, but I also felt an interest in the town of Dan vers. It seemed to me that, from that time, every foot of the town of Danvers had in it a new element of interest and attraction to every citizen of Massachusetts. [Applause.] But let me say that this munificent gift of your townsman imposes upon you a corresponding weight of duty and obligation. Your task will not have been performed when you have reared these stones one upon another, or when you may have filled your library shelves with books, the value of which consists alone in the judicious using of them. No. It demands from you a great, continuous, persevering, uninter rupted effort. You should receive this gift, not merely with a grateful, but with a responsive, spirit. You should remember that every dollar your townsman has put into this building is the representative of toil, of effort, of sacrifice, of the postponement of present enjoyment for future good, of a giving up of some pleasure, some allurement of ease or indulgence ; and, surely, he asks of you that you should imitate this generous example in a like spirit. You are not to fold your hands, but to work with him, and for the accomplishment of his aims. It becomes those among you who are educated, to give of your knowl edge to the ignorant ; it becomes those among you who are rich, to give of your abundance to the poor ; it becomes you all to stretch forth a helping hand to the lowly, to the poor, and to the struggling, — to the poor boy who stands here upon your soil, as your townsman stood many years ago. In that spirit you may show your grathude, and I 159 say this in the full assurance that you will meet this noble bounty in the mood of mind it deserves. I trust that every wish and every anticipation he may have formed, in his most sanguine moments, may be here more than realized. [Applause.] I hope the sunshine which now falls upon us from these covering heavens may be a symbolical sunshine, typifying the smiles of Heaven, which shall descend and rest upon this building, and all the influences which may go out from it. May it be a fountain of good influences, never becoming dry, and never slacking its copious streams. May it be a rill of happiness to coming generations, not imperceptible, not lost, but flowing harmoniously into that broad stream upon which' our com mon country is ever borne onward to prosperity, to happiness, and to glory. [Prolonged applause.] The Hon. Charles W. Upham, of Salem, was then called upon, and responded as follows : — MR. UPHAM'S SPEECH. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen : — I yield to the call which has been made from the Chair, and venture to address you for a single moraent. I have not been able to reach the rostrum before, and have lost very much of the eloquence with which you have been entertained this afternoon ; but I am ready to contribute my mite to that expression of public gratitude and admiration which has burst from the lips of these eloquent speakers, and been responded to by all your hearts. Fellow-citizens, I beg leave to express the sentiments which an. humble individual of the neighboring city may be considered as justiy authorized to entertain on this occasion. His Honor the Mayor — whom I municipally recognfze as my father, the head of our city — has spoken in the name of that city. A year ago I occupied the sta tion which he now honors, arid he was then one of my children, and I was municipally his father. Now, therefore, I may consider myself as clothed with a still higher grade,— as one of the grandfathers of the city of Salem. [Laughter.] As such, I am happy to speak the sen timents of the city of Salem. You are " bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh ; " and you have always been, men and women of Dan vers, spirit of our spirits, and heart of our hearts. [Cheers.] In the eariiest periods of the settiement and history of the colony, Danvers was recognized as a beautiful, noble, and hopeful offspring of old 160 Salem ; and, from the first, we have stood together in perfect sym pathy, supporting, as I trust we always shall, all the great fundamental principles which go to the preservation and welfare of the republic. In these two places — Danvers and Salem — knowledge, virtue, patri otism, philanthropy, and piety, have been cherished from the first ; and ^'our distinguished and truly illustrious townsman, whose praises have been so well uttered to-day, here on these fields, in these school-houses, and beneath the roof of that venerable church, imbibed those princi ples which have made him what he is, in virtue of which he has estab lished this institution, to perpetuate, strengthen, and confirm thos"" principles through all future generations. [Cheers.] Fellow-citizens, I will not detain you another moment, further than to say that you are entering upon a most noble rivalry, not only with your mother Salem, but with the metropolis itself, and all the other most honored comraunities of our land. In establishing and rearing this noble institution, you have pledged yourselves to the cause of vir tue, intelligence, science, and religion ; and I can only say that it will require the utmost and constant exertion of the energies of old Salem to keep pace with you, citizens of Danvers, in the glorious career upon which you have entered. I will say for your brethren of the city of Salem that we will endeavor to keep pace with you ; and, hereafter, the emulation shall be, which shall be most faithful, which most con stant, which most strenuous, in sustaining those institutions by which alone the welfare, the glory, and the prosperity of the republic, can be perpetuated. [Prolonged applause.] The Chairman then thanked the assembly for their attendance and orderly conduct, an air was played by Felton's band, and thus con cluded the deeply-interesting ceremonies of a day long to be remem bered by the people of Danvers. The documents placed in the corner-stone were : — An account of the Centennial Celebration at Danvers ; account of a dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhi bition, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, Oct. 27, 1851 ; official town documents ; newspapers of the day ; documents of the Essex Historical Society ; seal of the Peabody Institute ; documents ofthe city of Salem, and other interesting matter relating to the town ; together with an " Epistie from the Present to Future Generations," from the pen of Mr. Fitch Poole, which we annex. lift i/ IRBuFfora. VIEW OF FRANCIS DANES WAREHOUSE, S. DANVERS 161 EPISTLE FROM THE PRESENT TO FUTURE GENERATIONS. Danvees, August 20, 1853. Respected Descendants : — We address you at this time, which is an important epoch in the annals of our town. The event of to-day will be regarded by you as a weighty item in your past history. We have met to lay the corner stone of an edifice connected with a noble institution, designed, by its benevolent founder, for the promotion of knowledge and morality among the people of this town, through successive generations. It is erected by the bounty of one of our native citizens, — GEORGE PEABODY, — now a resident of London, the present capital of Great Britain. In his childhood and early youth, he received instruction in the free schools of our village ; and, in grateful acknowledgment of these privileges, he has founded the institution to whose objects this building is to be consecrated. This institution has, by a vote of the inhabitants of the town, received the name of the " PEABODY INSTITUTE," " that, in future years, our children may be reminded of their fathers' benefactor, and that strangers may know the name of him whom Danvers will always be proud to claim as her son." The institution was founded on the 16th day of June, 1852, at a time when the inhabitants were assembled to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of its corporate existence. You will find, among the doc uments inclosed with this, a full account of the proceedings at that celebration, and also of the bestowment of the gift. You have learned from history that Danvers was settled in 1628, by Governor John Endicott and his followers, some of whose descendants are now among our most valued citizens. You have read of its growth in connection with Salem, and its separation from it in 1752. We pro pose to speak to you of its advancement only for the last fifty years, beginning at the time when its greatest benefactor was a pupil in one of its schools. At that time its population wfis about 2600, and hs annual expenses about $5000. It was then almost entirely an agricul tural town, the people being distinguished for morality, prudence, and industry. At this time its population is about 10,000 ;. its annual expenses, nearly $24,000, about one half of which is applied to tiie cause of education. Its people are employed mainly in agriculture and manu factures. Its lands are generally of good quality, and highly tilled, yielding rich returns to the cultivators. Its principal manufactures are of leather, in all its forms, and boots and shoes, in which a large capi tal, and many people, find constant and remunerative employment. There are also extensive manufactories of carpets, woolen cloths, iron, 11 162 glue, and earthen ware, and an extensive bleachery, of large capitaL This establishment is built of stone, and is situated near the birth-place of Mr. Peabody. There are three banks in the town, exclusive of the Savings Bank, and their aggregate capital amounts to $500,000 ; a mutual insurance company, and seven churches. It has two high schools, and twenty- five grammar, intermediate, and primary schools, all supported at the public expense. It has also a well-built and convenient alms-house, at a cost of $20,000, and a well-organized and effective fire department. Of the thirty-two cities and towns of Essex County, Danvers ranks the fifth in population, the fourth in wealth, and the fourth in liberality to its public schools. The growth of the town has been steadily progressive, and, without the advantages of any peculiar natural position, or by the aid of large manufacturing establishments, bringing capital from abroad. It may, therefore, be truly affirmed that its rapid advancement in population and wealth has been owing to the energy, enterprise, and industry of its own citizens. Although it is generally understood that the present is an age of pro- 'gress, in government, literature, science, and civilization, you will probably look back upon it as lamentably behind the age in which you liive. We certainly have to regret the little progress we have made in 4be arts of civilized life, and that our age must confess to so much tardi ness Ml scientific discovery. Owing to the imperfection of our astronomical instruments, we know but 'tittle of the fixed stars, and none of their planets have yet been discovered. In our own solar system, we are acquainted with but eight planets, exclusive of the twenty-three asteroidal bodies ; and, strange as it may seem to you, we are still in doubt whether or not our moon is inhabited ! In locomotion, great advances have recently been made ; but the greatest speed attained on land is from thirty to fifty miles an hour, and at great risk to human life, many lives being annually sacrificed. On the water, it requires ten days to cross the Atiantic Ocean, by our swiftest ships, driven by the combined power of wind and steam. In navigating the air, we are enabled to rise a few thousand feet above the earth by the aid of balloons, and have, as yet, no power to guide them against the currents of wind which they may encounter. We have no lines of magnetic telegraph to the Pacific coast, or across the Atiantic. Almost the whole of the correspondence of the country is still conducted by the aid of the post-office, and this slow mode of communication is likely to continue until a more general and perfect system of telegraphing is established. Medical science has not yet discovered adequate remedies to prevent the spread of consumption, or those destructive epidemics, yellow fever and cholera. Our geological diseoveries, though great, are of such a nature that they open a wider field for further achievements. Other discoveries, such as the hidden power of electricity, galvanism, and •caloric, seem in process of development, which, when completed, may .furnish new aids in locomotion, manufactures, and the arts. Still other strange phenomena exist, about which meii are perplexed to find a solu- 163 tion, but which will cease, in your times, to be regarded as miraculous or wonderful. In education some advances have recentiy been made, but much remains to be done. We have long had our free schools, which are justiy regarded as the glory of gur land ; but the instruction they afford is rarely extended beyond childhood and eariy youth. You would scarcely believe it, were you not informed by authentic history, that we have, up to this period, no free colleges. Except as in the case of the institution whose foundation is now to be laid, and others created by a like private liberality, free public instruction is not afforded to our adult population. It will, doubtless, be your good fortune to live in an age when education, in knowledge and virtue, will be regarded by legisla tors as a business of the whole life. In geography we are ignorant of the Northern and Southern Polar regions, and of the interior of Africa. That great continent is to this day unexplored. On its western shore is an infant nation, having a republican form of government, wisely and efficiently administered by civilized and intelligent men, of African blood. This nation, though small, is now larger in population than was civilized America two cen turies ago. It was our privilege to plant it: it is yours to watch its. progress, and witness its growth, until all that vast continent shall be thrown open to the commerce of the world. We have, also, much to lament in the moral aspect of our times. Christianity, even in name, has extended over but a small part of the globe, and, where it is professed, it is often found to exert too littie in fluence over the life. You are, we hope, to be the witnesses of more of its legitimate power at home, and, by the efforts of the devoted missionary, aided by commerce, its spread over the whole earth. We lament, too, that so little of political and personal liberty is now in the world. It is to be hoped that all forms of oppression will soon cease, and true liberty be universally enjoyed, before the age in which you shall live. There is yet great inequatity in the social condition of mankind, which you are to see corrected by a stronger bond of frater nity, and a wider philanthropy. We hope, also, that it will be your privilege to see an end to war, and witness so much harmony among the nations, that their union raay be perpetuated by a universal language. Gold and silver coin is, at this time, the standard of value on which is based the circulation, exchanges, and all monetary transactions of the mercantile world. The relative value of gold over silver, at the present time, is as about one to sixteen. Recent discoveries of large quantities of gold now threaten to disturb this relation. The ingenuity of neither this or any preceding age has been able to find a substitute for these metals in commercial transactions. We mio^ht speak to you particularly of our own country, from its settie ment to its independence of Great Britain. We might dwell upon the wisdom and valor of the men who achieved it, led by the illustrious Washington, whose great name, we doubt not, will be cherished by you with a veneration as great as that with which it is now held by all his countrymen. We might speak of the progress of the country, from that time to the present, but the pen of history renders this needless. 164 Its territorial limits are now bounded, on the east and west by the Atiantic and Pacific oceans, on the north by the great lakes and the 49th parallel of latitude, and on the south by the Grande and Gila rivers. We dare not anticipate its extent and power when you shall have come on the stage of life ! Our hqpes greatiy preponderate over our fears, knowing that the destinies of our country are to be entrusted to generations having greater knowledge than the present, and living in a more enlightened age of the world. To you, our descendants, we entrust the honor and welfare of our beloved country and our ancient town. To you we commit the Institu tion which is now to be established. It is a gift from one of the noblest men of our age, bestowed on you for your improvement in knowledge and virtue. Cherish, sustain, and improve it for the good of those who will follow you. Cherish, also, in your memories and affections, the name of its Founder. Tell your children of his high sense of honor, of his successful exertions to sustain, in a dark period, the drooping credit of his country and countrymen, and of his zeal to unite, in a bond of true brotherhood, the land of his sojourn with the land of his birth. We stand, much respected Posterity, towards you in a peculiar position. While, as your ancestors, we are now addressing you, you are not in existence ; nor will you be, until ages have passed away. We know not the time when you will occupy the stage of life from which we shall soon make our exit. While you are waiting for your cradles, we wait for our coffins. Thus successive generations will appear and assume our stations ; and thus they will depart until your time comes. You will then look back upon us as your forefathers. You will look with critical and curious eyes on our antiquated habits of thought and action. You will probably show your compassion for our ignorance, and make yourselves merry at the quaintness of our language and costume. While you justiy ridicule us for our follies, we only ask you to judge us by the proper standard. We wish you to consider that every successive generation has a new advantage in the discoveries and ex perience of the preceding, and that you are indebted to us, and those who follow us, for much of that wealth of wisdom which you possess. We crave your judgment of us in the dim light of our own age, and not in the brightness of yours. We ask this as our right, so that when you trace your genealogies back to our times, you may deem yoiir- selves the progeny of a worthy, if not an enlightened ancestry. We invoke, in your behalf, the blessings of that Providence whose kind care supported our fathers, and has extended over their children to the present moment. As your progenitors, we give you our blessing, not doubting that, in proportion to your greatiy increased privileges, will be your improvement of them, for your own happiness and the true glory of your age. Accept our benediction, and with it our congratulations, that you come upon the stage of life at a more enlightened age of the world than those who address you. THE GENERATION OF 1853. 165 THE DEDICATION. The Peabody Institute, in Danvers, was dedicated on Friday after noon, Sept. 29, 1854, by very interesting and appropriate services. The beautiful Hall or Lecture Room was thronged to its utmost capacity, and hundreds, who desired to gain admission, were unable even to ap proach the doors. By a fortunate coincidence, a magnificent painting —a full length portrait of Mr. Peabody, by Healy, ordered by the citizens of Danvers — was received frora Europe a few days before, in season to be placed over the rostrura, facing the audience, where it is to remain as a permanent decoration of the Hall, and memorial of the noble- hearted donor. The services were introduced by the following pertinent remarks from Hon. R. S. Daniels, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, who presided : MR. DANIELS' REMARKS. Ladies and Gentlemen : — This is a deeply interesting occasion to the inhabitants of the town of Danvers. This is one of our brightest and proudest days. The events and circumstances which have brought us together at this time will ever be prominent in our local history. This building, now and ever after to be known as the Peabody Institute, is completed, and we are assembled to-day for the first time within its walls, for the purpose of consecrating it to the noble objects for which it was intended by its dis tinguished donor. It may be proper to state that in its erection about one hundred persons, in all the departments of labor, have been em ployed. No accident has occurred — no disagreements have been known — no discord has arisen to interrupt the most pleasant intercourse among them — all have seemed anxious that it should be erected with care and exactness. The architect, the master-builders, and the humblest laborers, have exerted themselves to do their whole duty. They knew it was a public institution, designed for the public good, and they werq ever prompt to bestow their best efforts, that it might be what it ought to be. The beauty and convenience of the structure will convince every impartial observer that they have been successful. 166 The importance of this Institution to this town, and its influence in this comraunity, we trust will raeet our most sanguine expectations. It is to be devoted to the promotion of " knowledge and morality " — this is the language of Mr. Peabody — and wherever true knowledge is diffused, society will be improved and elevated ; and wherever pure morality abounds, there will be a security and confidence which will promote peace and happiness, and add much to the enjoyment and pleasures of life. To accomplish these purposes, Mr. Peabody has directed that lectures shall be given and a library established. What more efficient means could be designed to secure the desired objects ? Here will be deposited the results of the labors of the purest and best minds. Here we shall have opportunity to be instructed and enlightened by able and learned orators. It will indeed be a fountain of knowledge, from which are to flow streams of intellectual power and richness. We shall find here sources of en joyment and of refined improvement, which are afforded to few towns even in our own favored New England. Who can doubt but that great and good influences will be scattered abroad from this Institution .? Will not our young men, and young ladies, too, come up here and drink deep from these sources of learning, furnished gratuitously by one who experienced, in his youthful days, the need of such golden privileges.' Youth is emphatically the time to store the mind with useful knowledge ; it will invigorate the intellect, and give a purer and better knowledge of the great duties of life. My friends — Mr. Peabody, in the bestowment of his first donation, proposed a sentiment, which was announced at the Centennial Celebra tion, that " Education" was a "debt due from present to future genera tions." And how soon will this Institution, with its cares and responsi bilities, its blessings and benefits, be known only to posterity ? We shall hardly behold the swelling bud ; — the opening flower and the ripened fruit will be gathered in the future. This building will probably be standing when every one of the now ten thousand inhabitants of this town shall have mingled with the dust. It is well known to you that the venerable friend of Mr. Peabody, Capt. Sylvester Proctor, who had been selected to lay the corner-stone, had passed away from all earthly scenes before that event occurred; and also one, [Dr. Nichols,] who was prominent, and took a deep interest in the early movements for the establishment of this Institution, slumbers with the dead. Thus, one by one, but in rapid succession, our time on earth will close forever. Mr. Peabody, our munificent benefactor, will shortly be known only in name ; but the blessings which he is diffusing for the benefit of posterity, 167 will ensure for hira a remembrance of more enduring character than the sculptured marble. With these solemn but undisputed facts in view, let us pledge ourselves anew, to-day, to the faithful performance of our duty. Let us be ever mindful of the sacred trust committed to our charge. Let the privileges, which we here enjoy, pass from us into other hands, in all their purity and strength. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Dr. Braman, after which the fol lowing Original Hymn, " by a native," (understood to be Edwin Jocelyn, Esq.,) was sung, in a very superior manner, by a quartette choir from Salem, consisting of the Misses Robinson and Messrs. Whitmore and Smith — Mr. B. J. Lang presiding at the piano. The music was from Mozart : Maker, Endower, Thee we bless For all the good we here possess ; For Ufe, — tliese mystic frames of ours, Endued with all their yarious powers ; Kind Father ! send thy Spirit down. This rite to purify and crown. We bless Thee for the warm blood's flow, The muscles' strength that feels its glow; For higher pow'rs of soul and mind, Mysteriously with all combined ; Great Author ! shower thy Spirit o'er, That we may love and praise Thee more. "We bless Thee for the means Thou'st given. To lift our souls from earth to Heaven ; And praise Thee, that the Eternal Mind Inspu-es great hearts to bless their kind, — Imparting what Thou'st given free. To raise their race and honor Thee. Father of All! O keep our sight Still fix'd on Revelation's light. That points a life more pure than this, — Of higher work and greater bliss ; And now, 0, Thou Eternal Power, Accept our praise and'bless this hour. The Chairman then introduced the gentieman who was to deliver the address, as follows : It is with much pleasure I announce to you a gentleman who is per sonally known to many of you, and whose fame and character is famiUar to all. He was once a resident of this town, and mingled in our social 168 circles. With us he commenced his professional career, and at our hands received his first public honors ; and, notwithstanding his present elevated position, he has never forgotten his old Danvers friends, but always receives them with a kind and cordial greeting. He has come among us to-day to lend his important aid in giving a start to our beloved Institution. I know he will receive a cordial welcome at your hands. I now introduce to you the Hon. Rufus Choate. The orator was received with a cordial greeting, and proceeded to deliver an address which occupied about an hour and ten minutes, and which was listened to with intense delight and admiration. It was an address fully up to the occasion, and worthy of the .intellect and genius of Rufus Choate. The listeners, who experienced so much gratification, could hardly have been aware at what a cost their pleasure was derived ; for they could not discern, as those brilliant periods charmed the ear, that the speaker was suffering from severe and harassing illness. ADDRESS OF HON. RUFUS CHOATE. I esteem it a great privilege to have been allowed to unite with my former townsmen, and the friends of so many years — by whose season able kindness the earliest struggles of professional life were observed and helped — the friends of all its periods — so I have found them — to unite with you in the transaction for which we are assembled. In all respects it is one of rare interest. You have come together to express anew your appreciation of the character and the objects of the giver of this splendid charity ; to repeat and republish your grateful acceptance of it ; and to dedicate this commodious and beautiful structure to its faithful and permanent administration. You open to-day for Danvers — its inhabitants of this time, and all its successions — the Lyceum of knowl edge and morality. Under this dedication it shall stand while Massa chusetts shall stand. This edifice will crumble, certainly, to be replaced with another : this generation of the first recipients of the gift — the excellent giver himself — will soon pass away : but while our social and civil system shall endure ; while Mw shall be administered ; while the sentiments of justice, gratitude, and honor, shall beat in one heart on your territory, the charity is immortal. For every one among you it is set open equally. No fear that the religious opinions he holds sacred will be assailed, or the politics he cultivates insulted, will keep back any from his share of the diffusive good. Other places and other occasions you reserve for dissent and J.H.B-af ford's litK RESIDENCE OF W.L.WESTON ESQ. DANVERS 169 disputation, and struggle for mastery, and the sharp competitions of life. But here shall be peace and reconciliation. Within these walls, the knowledge and the morality, which are of no creed and no party ; which are graceful and profitable for all alike— of every creed and every party ; which are true and real to every mind, as mind, and from the nature of mind ; and to every conscience as conscience, and from the nature of conscience ; and which are the same thing, therefore, in every brain and every heart— this alone— knowledge and morality, broad, free, identical as humanity itself— is to be inculcated here. Happy and privileged the community, beyond the measure of New England privilege even, for whom such high educational instrumental- hies are thus munificently provided, and made perpetual! Happy especially, if they shall rouse themselves to improve them to their ut most capacity — if they shall feel that they are summoned by a new motive, and by an obligation unfelt before, to an unaccustomed effort to appropriate to their hearts and their reason, all the countiess good which is hidden in knowledge and a right life ; an effort to become — more than before — wise, bright, thoughtful, ingenious, good ; to attain to the highest degree of learning which is compatible with the practical system of things, of which they are part ; to feed the immortal, spiritual nature with an ampler and higher nutrhion, enriching memory with new facts ; judgment with sounder thoughts ; taste with more beautiful images, the moral sense with more of all things whatsoever they are lovely, honest, and of good report, — the reality of virtue, the desert of praise. Happy, almost above all, the noble giver, whose heart is large enough to pay of the abundance which crowns his life — to pay out of his single means — the whole debt this generation owes the future. I honor and love him, not merely that his energy, sense, and integrity have raised him from a poor boy — waiting in that shop yonder — to be a guest, as Curran gracefully expressed it, at the table of princes ; to spread a table for the entertainment of princes — not merely because the bril liant professional career which has given him a position so comraand ing in the mercantile and social circles of the commercial capital of the world, has left him as completely American — the heart as wholly untravelled — as when he first stepped on the shore of England to seek his fortune, sighing to think that the ocean rolled between him and home ; jealous of honor ; wakeful to our interests ; helping his country, not by swagger and vulgarity, but by recommending her credh ; vindicating her title to be trusted on the exchange of nations ; squander ing himself in hospitalities to her chizens — a man of deeds, not of words, not for these merely I love and honor him, but because his nature is 170 affectionate and unsophisticated still ; because his memory comes over so lovingly to this sweet Argos ; to the schoolroom of his childhood ; to the old shop and kind master, and the graves of his father and mother; and because he has had the sagacity, and the character to indulge these unextinguished affections in a gift — not of vanity and ostentation — but of supreme and durable utility. With how true and rational a satisfac tion might he permit one part of the charitable rich man's epitaph to be written on his grave-stone : — " What I spent I had ; what I kept I lost ; what I gave away remains with me." I have found it quite incompatible with my engagements and health, to methodize the thoughts which have crowded on my mind in the pros pect of meeting you to-day, into anything like elaborate or extended discourse ; but I have certainly wished — instead of mere topics of con gratulation ; or instead of diffusing myself exclusively on the easy and obvious commonplaces of the utility of knowledge, and the beauty of virtue ; or instead of the mere indulgence of those trains of memory and sensibility, to which the spectacle of old friends, and of the chil dren and grandchildren of other friends, " whom my dim eyes in vain explore," almost irrepressively impels me — instead of this, to submit a practical suggestion or two in regard to the true model of turning the Lyceum to its utmost account ; and then in regard to the motives you are under to do so. These suggestions I make diffidentiy ; and there fore I would not make them at all, but from the conviction that in your hands they may come to assume some little value. I take it for granted that the declared wishes of Mr. Peabody will be considered as determining, quite peremptorily, the general mode of administering this fund. Better educational instrumentalities, indeed, no man's wisdom, in the circumstances, could have devised. Courses of lectures, then, and a library of good books, these are to form the means of the Lyceum ; and the problem is, in what way you can make the most of them. It may seem a little exaggerated at its first statement, and perhaps alarming, but it will serve at least to introduce my more particular ideas, to say that the true view for you to take of this large provision of men tal means, and of your relations to it, is to regard yourselves as having become hy its bestowment permanently the members of an institution which undertakes to teach you by lectures and a library. Herein exactly is the peculiarity of your new privilege. You are no longer, as here tofore it has been with you, — merely to be indulged the opportunity of a few evenings in a year to listen, for the amusement of it, to half a dozen ni discourses of as many different speakers, on as many totally disconnected topics, treated possibly for ostentation, and adapted only to entertain- but however treated, and whatever fit for, totally forgotten in an hour ; preceded, followed up, and assisted by no preparation and no effort of the hearer ; giving no direction whatever to his thoughts or readings ; separated from each other, even while the Lyceum season lasts, by a week of labor, devoted even in its leisure moments to trains of thought or snatches of reading wholly unauxiliar and irrelative — and for nine months or ten months of the year totally discontinued. Thanks to this munificence you are come to the fruition of far other opportunities. An institution of learning in the justest sense of the term is provided for you. Lectures are to be delivered for you through a far larger por tion of the year ; a library, which will assuredly swell to thousands of volumes, is to be accumulated under your eye, from which you raay derive the means of accompanying any lecturer on any subject from evening to evening ; and this system of provision is permanent — hence forth part and parcel, through its corporate existence, of the civil identity and privilege of Danvers. You enter therefore, to-day — you may enter — a new and important school ; as durably such, as truly such — having regard to differences of circumstantial details, — as the seminary at Andover ; or the Law School at Cambridge ; or the College of Medicine at Philadelphia — all of them schools too, and all teaching by lectures and a library. Setting out with this idea, let me say a word on the Lectures of this school, — what they should be, and how they should be heard, assisted, and turned to account by those who hear them. And I submit to the trustees of the charity to reflect, whether a succession of such discourses as I have indicated, on disconnected topics, by different speakers — how ever brilliant and able the individual performer may be — will in the long run yield the good, or any approximation to the good, which would be derived from courses of lectures more or less extended, like the Lowell lectures of Boston, each by a single person, devoted to the more exact and thorough treatment of a single important subject. Consider that the diffusion of knowledge among you, is the aim of the founder. The imparting of knowledge is the task which he sets his lecturer to do ; and of knowledge in any proper sense — knowledge within the legal meaning of this charity — how much can he impart who comes once in a year — once in a life time, perhaps — before his audience, a stranger ; addresses it an hour and goes his way ? He can teach littie if he tries ; and the chances are infinite, that to teach that littie he 172 will not try. The temptations and the tendencies of that system of exhibition are irresistible to make him despair of conveying knowledge, and devote himself to producing effect ; to select some topic mainly of emotional or imaginative capability ; and even then to sacrifice the beauty which is in truth, to the counterfeit presentment which mocks it in glitter, exaggeration, ingenuity and intensity. If he would spend his hour in picking up and explaining a shell or pebble from the shore of the ocean of knowledge, it were something; but that seems unworthy of himself and of the expectations which await him ; and up he soars or down he sinks, to rhetoric or pathos ; and when his little part is best discharged, it is not much more than the lovely song of one who hath a pleasant voice, and can play well upon an instrument. I do not say that such lectures are hurtful. I do not deny them a cer tain capacity of usefulness. I do not say they are not all which you should look for in our lyceums, as ordinarily they are constituted. They are all which, for the present, you will yourselves, perhaps, be able to pro vide. But to an endowed and durable foundation like this, they are totally inapplicable. They would be no more nor less — after you shall be com pletely organized — than a gross abuse of the charity, and violation of the will of the giver. It is not merely that they would teach no knowl edge, and would ncft assume to do it, and that the nature and laws of that kind of composition, and the conditions of its existence, totally ex clude such a function. It goes further than that. The relations be tween teacher and pupil, under such a system, never exist at all. The audience never think of coming before the lecturer to have the truths of the last lecture retouched, and new ones deduced or added ; to have the difficulties of which they have been thinking since they heard him before, resolved ; to ask questions ; to be advised what authors to read, or what experiments to undertake on the subject he is illustrating. They carry no part of his sermon into the week with them ; and he never knows or asks whether they do or not. In the nature of things, this all must be so. It is of the essential conception of knowledge, as the founder here uses the word — knowledge as applicable to anything — that it includes many particulars of fact or idea, arranged by method — that is, arranged according to their true relations. Whatever it be on which knowledge is to be imparted — whether one of the phenomena of nature, as vegetable life ; or insensible motion ; or the periods of the stars ; or some great aspect of humanity — as the history of a renowned age or event, pregnant of a stupendous future ; or a marked man of the heroic and representative type ; or one of the 173 glorious productions of mind — as a constitution of free government, or a union of states into one nationality ; a great literature, or even a great poem — whatever it be, that which makes up the consummate knowledge of it is at once so much a unity and an infinity — it unfolds itself into so many particulars ; one deduced from another by series ever progres sive ; one modifying another ; every one requiring to be known in order that any one may be exactiy known — that if you mean to teach it by lectures at all, you must substitute a totally different system. It must be done by courses continuously delivered, and frequently, by the same person, and having for their object to achieve the exact and exhaustive treatment of something — some science, some art, some age, some trans action that changed the face of fortune and history — something worthy to be completely kno\vn. He whom you call to labor on this founda tion must understand that it is knowledge which is demanded of him. He must assure himself that he is to have his full time to impart it. He must come to the work appreciating that he is not to be judged by the brilliancy or dullness of one passage, or one evening ; but that he must stand or fall by the mass and aggregate of his teachings. He is to feel that he is an instructor, not the player of a part on a stage ; that he is to teach truth, and not cut a rhetorical caper ; enthusiastic in the pursuit ; exact and veracious as a witness under oath in the announce ment. I would have him able to say of the subject which he treats, what Cousin said of philosophy in the comraenceraent of one of his celebrated courses — after a long interruption by the instability of the government of France : — " Devoted entirely to it — after having had the honor to 'suffer a little in its service, I come to consecrate to its illus tration, unreservedly, all that remains to me of strength and of life." And now how are you to hear such courses of lectures } Essentially by placing yourselves in the relation of pupils of the lecturer. For the whole period of his course, let the subject he teaches compose the study of the hours, or fragments of hours, which you can give to study at all. You would read something, on some topic, every day, in all events. Let that reading, less or more, relate exclusively or mainly to the department of knowledge on which you go to hear him. If he knows his buisness he will recommend all the best books pertaining to that department, and on these the first purchases for the library will be quite likely in part to be expended. Attend the instructions of his lips by the instruction of the printed treatise. In this way only can you, by any possibility, avail yourselves at once of all that books and teachers can do. In this way only can you make one cooperate with the other. 174 In this way only — in a larger view — can you rationally count on con siderable and ever-increasing acquisitions of knowledge. Remember that your opportunities for such attainments in this school, after all, are to be few and brief. You and I are children of labor at last. The practical, importunate, ever-recurring duties of the calling to which we are assigned must have our best of life. What are your vacations, or mine, from work, for the still air of delightful studies ? They are only divers infinitely minute particles of time — half hours before the morning or raidday meal is quite ready — days, now and then, not sick enough for the physician nor well enough for work — a rainy afternoon, the priceless evening,* when the long task is done — these snatches and intersticial spaces — moments literal and fleet — these are all the chances that we can borrow or create for the luxury of learning. How difficult it is to arrest these moments — to aggregate them — to till them, as it were — to make them day by day extend our knowledge, refine our tastes, accomplish our whole culture, to scatter in them the seed that shall grow up, as Jeremy Taylor has said, " to crowns and sceptres" of a true wisdom — how difficult is this we all appreciate. To turn them to any profit at all, we must religiously methodise them. Desultory read ing and desultory reverie are to be forever abandoned. A page in this book, and another in that — ten minutes thought or conversation on this subject, and the next ten on that — this strenuous and specious idleness is not the way by which our intervals of labor are to open to us the portals of the crystal palace of truth. Such reading, too, and such thinking are an indulgence by which the mind loses its power — by which curiosity becomes sated, ennui supervenes, and the love of learning itself is irrevocably lost. Therefore, I say, methodise your moments. Let your reading be systematic ever, so that every interval of rest shall have its book provided for it — and during the courses of your lectures, let those books treat the topics of the course. Let me illustrate my meaning. You are attending, I will say, a course on astronomy — consisting of two lectures in a week, for two months. Why should you not regard yourselves for these two months as students of astronomy, so far as you can study anything, or think of anything, outside of your business ; and why not determine to know nothing else ; but to know as much of that as you can, for all that time ? Consider what this would involve, and what h might accomplish. Sup pose that you, by strenuous and persistent effort, hold that one subject fully in view for so inconsiderable a period ; that you do your utmost to turn your thoughts and conversation on it ; that you write out the 175 lecture, from notes or memory, as soon as it is given, and re-peruse and master it before you hear the next ; that you read, not on other parts of the science, but on the very parts he has arrived at and is dis cussing ; that you devote an hour each evening to surveying the archi tecture of the heavens for yourselves, seeking to learn, not merely to indulge a vague and wandering sort of curiosity ; or even a grand, but indistinct and general emotion, as if listening to imaginary music of spheres — but to aspire to the science of the stars ; to fix their names ; to group them in classes and constellations ; to trace their ties ; their reciprocal influence ; their courses everlasting — suppose that thus, and by voluntary and continuous exertion, you concentrate on one great subject, for so considerable a period, all the moments of tirae, and snatches of hasty reading, and opportunities of thought that otherwise would have wasted theraselves everywhere, and gone off by insensible evaporation — do you not believe that it would tell decisively upon your mental culture and your positive attainraents ? Would not the effort of attention so prolonged and exclusive be a discipline itself ines timable ? Would not the particulars of so much well-systematized reading and thought arrange themselves in your minds in the form of science — harder to forget than to remember — and might you not hope to begin to feel the delicious sensations implied in growing con sciously in the knowledge of truth .? I have taken for granted in these thoughts on the best mode of ad ministering the charity, that your own earnest purpose will be to turn it, by some mode, to its utmost account. The gratitude and alacrity with which you accepted the gift show quite well how you appreciate the claims of knowledge and the dignity of mental culture ; and what value j6m set upon this rare and remarkable appropriation to uses so lofty. I have no need, therefore, to exhort you to profit of these opportunities ; but there are one or two views on which I have formeriy reflected somewhat, and which I will briefly lay before you. It is quite common to say, and much more common to think, without saying it aloud, that mental culture and learning, above the elements, may well claim a high place, as luxuries and indul gence, and even a grand utility, for those whose condition allows them a life time for such luxury and such indulgence, and the ap propriation of such a good; but what for labor— properly so called they can do littie, even if labor could pause to acquire them. Not so has the founder of this charity reasoned ; nor so will you. He would say, and so do I, seek for mental power, and the utmost practi- 176 cable love and measure of knowledge, exactly because they will do so much for labor ; first to inform and direct its exertions ; secondly, to refine and adorn it, and disengage it from too absolute an immersion in matter, and bring it into relation to the region of ideas, and spirit uality, and abstraction ; and, thirdly, to soothe its fatigues, and deceive its burthens, and compose its discontent. On each of these three uses of culture and learning, let me say a word in order. Consider, first how much they can do merely to inform, invigorate, and direct labor in its actual exertions. Take the matter on a large scale, somewhat. Take our whole New England. I need not tell you that labor, manual and literal, is the condition — I will not say of our greatness, but of our being. What were New England without it ? Lying away up under the North Star ; our winters long and cold ; our spring trembling and capricious ; our sky ungenial ; our coast iron- bound ; our soil not over-productive, by aid of all our science, of the hardier and commoner grains and grasses ; barren, almost of the great staples of commerce which adorn and enrich the wheatfields of the central regions — the ocean prairies of the West — the rice grounds and sugar and cotton plantations of the South ; our area small ; our numbers few ; our earlier occupations of navigation and fishing divided with us by a whole world, until just now at peace-^what is there for us but labor — labor improbus omnia vincens — that dares all things and con quers all things ? What else — what but the vast and various industry of intellectual civilization, the whole family of robust and manly arts — affording occupation to everybody every moment of working time ; occupation to every taste and talent and faculty, that which it likes best, which it can do easiest, and which improves it most ; occupation for strong and weak, bright and dull, young and oM, and both the sexes — that shall, with more than magnetic efficacy and certainty, seize, develop, discipline, and perfect every capacity, the whole diffusive mass of ability, gathering up the fragments of mind and time, so that nothing be lost — what but this is it, by which we shall grow great in material greatness ; by which we shall vanquish the an tagonistic powers of nature, and build the palace of a commodious and conspicuous national life over against those granite mountains and this unfruitful sea .? Is it not this which is to be to us in place of mines ; of pearls ; of vineyards ; of enameled prairies ; of wheat fields and the tea plant ; of rice grounds and sugar and cotton plantations dressed by the hands of slaves .? This is the transcendant power, without which we are poor, give what they will ; and with it rich, take what they may. 177 True is it, then, of all our power, eminence, and consideration — as of our existence, that the condition is labor. Our lot is labor. There is no reversal of the doom of man for us. But is that a reason why we should not aspire to the love and attainment of learning, and to the bet tering of the mind .?, For that very reason we should do so. Does not the industry of a people at last rest upon and embody the intellect of the people ? Is not its industry as its intellect > Is not the highest practicable degree of mental culture and useful knowledge, really the best possible instrumentality for instructing, vivifying and guiding the rough power of Ikbor .' Does it not supply the chemistry which teaches it to make rejoicing harvest ; how to fatten barren soils ; re claim or spare exhausted soils ; preserve rich soils ; irrigate parched soils ; and make two blades of grass grow where one grew before ?¦ Does it not teach it how to tunnel through mountains, or beneath beds of rivers, or under populous towns ; to bridge or fill the valley ; to lay along and fasten in their places the long lines of iron roads, which as mighty currents pour the whole vast inland into our lap for exchange with all the gatherings of the sea ? Does it not teach it how to plan its voyages, and make its purchases, so as most seasonably to raeet the varying and sudden deraand by the adequate supply ? Does it not teach it how to construct its tools, and how to use thera ; how to improve old and invent new ; by what shortest and simplest and cheapest process it can arrive at the largest results of production — how, generally, it can evoke to its aid the auxiliar forces of nature, and the contrivances of years of trial and skill, and then and thus, take the impure ore from its bed, the fleece from the pelt, the skin from the animal frame, the cotton from the pod, and refine atid transfigure them into shapes of use and beauty and taste — the clothing, the dwellings, the furniture of civiliza tion — sought for in all the markets of the world ? Above all, does it not cooperate with those more direct precepts towards a right living, which the founder of the charity expects and prescribes, in imparting that moral and prudential character, which is as needful and as service able for thrift as for virtue — thoughtfulness, economy, self-estimation, self-consciousness, sobriety, respect for others' rights, obedience to law» an elevated standard of life and mind .? " Why, think how much is involved in a mere increased power of mind I How vast an agency that is I There is not an occupation of civ ilized life — from the making of laws, and poems, achromatic telescopes and the machinery of cotton and woolen mills, down to the starting of a bad rock out ofthe highway — that is not done better by a. bright man^ 12 178 than a dull man, not being above his business ; by a quick than a slow man ; by an instructed man than by a simple man ; by a prudent, thoughtful and careful man, than by a light, heedless and foolish one. Every one of the occupations — in other words the universal labor of civilization demands — is nothing in the world but a mental effort, putting forth a physical effort ; and you but only go to the fountain-head, as you ought to do, when you seek by an improved culture and a better knowledge to give force and power to the imperial capacity behind, and set a thoughtful and prudent spirit to urge and guide it. You say, you see, that you bestow a new power on man, when you give him an im proved machine. But do you not bestow a far more available gift, when you communicate to him an improvement of that mental and nioral nature which invents, improves and uses — profitably or unprof- itably — all machines. In one case you give him a definite and limited amount of coined money; in the other a mine of gold or silver from which treasuries may be replenished. Nay, what avails the improved .machine to the untaught mind ? Put a forty-feet telescope, with its (mirror of four feet in diameter, into the hands of a savage, whether of leivilized or barbarous life, and he sees about as much as our children ;see through a glass prism — gaudy outiines — purple, orange and green, (Crossing and blending — on everything. Let the exercised reason of Herschel lift that tube from the Cape of Good Hope into the southern sky — and the architecture, not made with hands, burning with all its lamps of heaven, ascends before him — Glory beyond all glory ever seen By waking sense or by the dreaming soul ; firmaments of fixed stars ; of which ail the stars in onr heaven — all the stars our eye takes in, form but one firmament — one constellation only of a universe of constellations — separated by unsounded abysses, yet holden together by invisible bands, and moving together perhaps about some centre, to which the unimprisoned soul may in some stage of be ing ascend, but which earthly science shall vanish away without dis cerning. Such in kind — not of course in degree — is the additional power you give to la:bor, by improving the intellectual and prudential charac ter which informs and guides h. Let me bring a single piece of direct ¦evidence on the point to your notice. A few years since, Mr. Mann, then Secretary of the Board of Educa tion of Massachusetts, addressed a letter to several of the most intelh- gent superintendents or proprietors of manufacturing establishments at 179 Lowell, inquiring whether, in point of fact, they could discern any difference between the educated and uneducated operative ; between those whose intellect and heart had been subjected eariy to the appre ciable influence of mental and moral culture and those who had not. Their answers enrich one of his reports, and they show, by precise statistical details, derived from a long course of personal observation, that throughout the whole range of mechanical industry, the well educated operative does more work, does it better, wastes less, uses his allotted portion of machinery to more advantage and more profit, earns more money, commands more confidence, rises faster, — rises higher, from the lower to the more advanced positions of his employment, than the uneducated operative. I say, then, forasmuch as we are children of labor, cultivate mental power. Pointing the friends of humanity, and of America, to this charity, I say to them, go and do likewise. Diffuse mental power. Give it to more than have it now. , Give it in a higher degree. Give it in earlier life. Think how stupendous, yet how practicable it were to make, by an improved popular culture, the entire laborious masses of New England more ingenious, more inventive, more prudent than now they are. How much were effected — how much for power ; how much for enjoyment ; how much for a true glory — by this accession to the quality of its mind. It would show itself in half a century in every acre of her surface. In the time it would save ; in the strength it would impart ; in the waste it would prevent ; in the more sedulous husbandry of all the gifts of God ; in richer soils, created or opened ; in the great cooperating forces of nature — air, water, steam, fertility ^yoked in completer obedience to the car of labor ; in the multiplicity of useful inventions — those unfailing exponents, as well as promoters of popular mental activity and reach ; in the aggregate of production, swelled, diversified, enriched ; in the refluent wave of wealth — sub siding here and there in reservoirs, in lakes, in springs perennial, but spread, too, everywhere in rills and streamlets, and falling in the descent of dew and the dropping of the cloud — in these things you would see the peaceful triumphs of an improved mind. Nor in these alone, or chiefly. More beautiful far, and more precious, would they beam abroad in the elevation of the standard of comfortable life ; in the heightened sense of individual responsibility and respectability, and a completer individual development ; in happier homes ; in better appreciation of the sacredness of property, and the sovereignty of justice in the form of law ; in more time found and better prized, when 180 the tasks of the day were all well done, more time found and better prized for the higher necessities of the intellect and soul. I have not time to dwell now on the second reason, by which I suggested that labor should be persuaded to seek knowledge, though it would well deserve a fuller handling. You find that reason is the tendency of culture and learning to refine the work-day life, and adorn it ; to disengage it from the contacts of matter, and elevate it to the sphere of ideas and abstraction and spirituality ; to withdraw, as Dr. Johnson has said, " to withdraw us from the power of our senses ; to make the past, the distant or the future predominate over the present, and thus to advance us in the dignity of thinking beings." Surely we need not add a self-inflicted curse to that which punished the fall. To earn our bread in the sweat of our brow is ordained to us certainly ; but not, therefore, to forget in whose image we were made, nor to suffer all beams of the original brightness to go out. Who has doomed us, or any of us, to labor so exclusive and austere, that only half, the lower half, of our nature can survive it ? The unrest of avarice, or am bition, or vanity, may do it ; but no necessity of our being, and no appointment of its author. Shall we, of our own election, abase our selves > Do you feel that the mere tasks of daily labor ever employ the whole man ? Have you not a conscious nature, other and beside that which tills the earth ; drives the plane ; squares the stone ; creates the fabric of art, — a nature intellectual ; spiritual ; moral ; capacious of science, capacious of truth beyond the sphere of sense, with large discourse of reason — looking before and after, and taking hold on that within the veil .? What forbids that this nature shall have its daily bread also day by day ? What forbids that it have time to nourish its sympathy with all kindred human blood, by studying the grand facts of universal history ; to learn to look beyond the chaotic flux and reflux of mere appearances, which are the outside of the worid around it, into their scientific rela tions and essential quality ; to soar from effects to causes, and through causes to the first ; to begin to recognize and to love, here and now, in waning moon or star of evening, or song of solemn bird, or fall of water, or " self-born carol of infancy," or transcendent landscape, or glorious self-sacrifice— to begin to recognize and love in these, that beauty here which shall be its dwelling place and its vesture in the life to come ; to accustom itself to discern in all vicissitudes of things — the changed and falling leaf ; the golden harvest, the angry sigh of Novem- 181 ber's wind, the storm of snow, the temporary death of nature, the opening of the chambers of the South, and the unresting round of seasons— to discern not merely the sublime circle of eternal change, but the unfailing law— flowing from the infinite mind— and the " varied God " — filling and moving, and in all things, yet personal and apart ? What forbids it to cultivate and confirm The glorious habit by which sense is made Subservient still to moral purposes, Auxiliar to divine ? What forbids that it grow Accustomed to desires that feed On fruitage gathered from the Tree of Life t I do not say that every man, even in a condition of competence, can exemplify this nobler culture and this rarer knowledge. But I will say that the exactions of labor do not hinder it. Recall a familiar, though splendid and remarkable instance or two. Burns reaped as much and as well as the duller companion by his side, and meantime was conceiving an iraraortal song of Scotland ; and Hugh Miller was just as painstaking a stone raason and as good a workman as if he had not so husbanded his spare half hours and moments as to become, while an apprentice and journeyman, a profound geologist and master of a clear and charming English style. But how much more a man was the poet and the geologist ; how far fuller the consciousness of being ; how much larger the daily draft of that admiration, hope and love, which are the life and voice of souls ! I come to add the final reason why the working man — by whom I mean the whole brotherhood of industry, should set on mental culture and that knowledge which is wisdom a value so high — only not supreme — subordinate alone to the exercises and hopes of religion itself. And that is, that therein he shall so surely find rest from labor ; succor under its burdens ; forgetfulness of its cares, composure in its annoyances. It is not always that the busy day is followed by the peaceful night. It is not always that fatigue wins sleep. Often some vexation outside of the toil that has exhausted the frame ; some loss in a bargain ; some loss by an insolvency ; sorae unforeseen rise or fall of prices ; some triumph of a mean or fradulent competitor ; " the law's delay, the proud man's contumely, the insolence of office, or some one of the spurns that patient merit from the unworthy takes" — some self-reproach perhaps — follow you within the door;' chill the 182 fireside ; sow the pillow with thorns ; and the dark care is last in tho last waking thought, and haunts the vivid dream. Happy, then, is he who has laid up in youth, and held fast in all fortune, a genuine and passionate love of reading. True balm of hurt minds ; of surer and more healthful charm than " poppy or mandragora, or all the drowsy syrups of the world " — by that single taste ; by that single capacity, he may bound in a moment into the still region of delightful studies, and be at rest. He recalls the annoyance that pursues him ; reflects that he has done all that might become a man to avoid or bear it ; he indulges in one good long human sigh — picks up the volume where the mark kept his place — and in about the same time that it takes the Mahometan in the Spectator to put his head in the bucket of water, and raise it out, he finds himself exploring the arrow-marked ruins of Nineveh with Layard ; or worshipping at the spring head of the stu pendous Missouri, with Clark and Lewis ; or watching with Columbus for the sublime moraent of the rising of the curtain from before the great mystery of the sea ; or looking reverentially on while Socrates — the discourse of imraortality ended — refuses the offer of escape, and takes in his hand the poison to die in obedience to the unrighteous sentence of the law ; or, perhaps, it is in the contemplation of some vast spectacle or phenomenon of nature that he has found his quick peace — the renewed exploration of one of her great laws — or some glimpse opened by the pencil of St. Pierre, or Humboldt, or Chateau briand, or Wilson, of the " blessedness and glory of her own deep, calm and mighty existence." Let the case of a busy lawyer testify to the priceless value of the love of reading. He Comes home, his temples throbbing, his nerves shattered, from a trial of a week ; surprised and alarmed by the charge of the judge, and pale with anxiety about the verdict of the next morning, not at all satisfied with what he has done himself, though he does not yet see how he could have improved it ; recalling with dread and self- disparagement, if not with envy, the brilliant effort of his antagonist, and tormenting himself with the vain wish that he could have replied to it — and altogether a very miserable subject, and in as unfavorable a condition to accept comfort from wife and children as poor Christian in the first three pages of the Pilgrim's Progress. With a superhuman effort he opens his book, and in the twinkling of an eye he is looking into the full " orb of Homeric or Miltonic song," or he stands in the crowd breathless, yet swayed as forests or the sea by wiiids — hearing and to judge the Pleadings for the CfOWn ; or the philosophy which 183 soothed Cicero or Boethius in their afflictions, in exile, prison, and the contemplation of death, breathes over his petty cares like the sweet south ; or Pope or Horace laugh him into good humor, or he walks with ^neas and the Sybil in the mild light of the worid of the laurelled dead— and the- court-house is as completely forgotten as the dream of a pre-adamite hfe. Well may he prize that endeared charm, so effectual and safe, without which the brain had long ago been chilled by paralysis, or set on fire of insanity I To these uses, and these enjoyments ; to mental culture and know ledge and morality— the guide, the grace, the solace of labor on all his fields, we dedicate this charity I May it bless you in all your successions ; and may the admirable giver survive to see that the debt which he recognizes to the future is completely discharged ; survive to enjoy in the gratitude, and love, and honor of this'generation, the honor, and love, and gratitude with which the latest will assuredly cherish his name, and partake and transmit his benefaction. The choir, with the addition of Miss Willey, then sang ,an Anthem, " The Lord will comfort Zion," from Von Weber's Mass, in a style. which charmed all listeners, and commanded loud applause. Several other speakers were then called upon, first of whom was Hon. George S. Hillard, of Boston. MR. HILLARD'S REMARKS. Mr. Hillard said he had always thought the people of Danvers were a hospitable people, but he asked if it was a fair way of dealing with a fellow-creature to call upon him to follow Mr. Choate. Now that he was up, however, he would offer a few remarks. He felt a lively interest in this noble charity, and it had his best wishes. He believed it would prove a fountain of good influences, which would bless the whole bound less continent from the snows of Maine to the sunny plains of Georgia. He had a brief word of advice to offer in regard to the future manage ment of the Institution, and referred to a series of practical lectures delivered by Professor Agassiz, on the geology of Nahant, and spoke of a visit to his workshop there on that rocky peninsula, (which seemed like a clinched and gauntieted hand thrown out in defiance), as exhibit ing to him the poetry of the sea, and the truth of the sea which was higher than its poetry. He urged upon the young the importance of cultivating truth, and concluded a very eloquent speech amidst the plaudits of the audience. 184 JUDGE WHITE'S REMARKS. Judge White, of Salem, was next called upon. He had been acquainted with the people of Danvers for more than 50 years — from the days of Holten and Wadsworth — and he testified to their virtues, and expressed his gratification that one son of Danvers had done for her what she so well deserved. He had been shown a document which proved that an institution called the " Union Library " was started 60 years ago, whose objects were precisely similar to those so fully met by this institution. He thought it possible that the spirit which led to that association had eventually found an exponent in Mr. Peabody, and enlarged upon the important lesson which Mr. Peabody had given to the elder portion of the community on the use of wealth. He believed that the good resulting from this benefaction would lead to the estab lishment of similar institutions in other towns, and that men of wealth would learn that true wisdom consists in philanthropy. In conclusion he gave as a sentiment ; The Peabody Institute — So honorable to the people of Danvers — May they manage and cherish it iii the noble spirit of its founder, and in all their prosperity may they remember that the best use of wealth consists in promoting the highest welfare of man. Hon. Asahel Huntington was called upon, as an ex-mayor of Salem, and responded as follows : — MR. HUNTINGTON'S REMARKS. Mr. President : — This call upon the ex-mayors of Salem has taken me altogether by surprise, and I would gladly defer to my friend and immediate prede cessor ; but, as he is an exceedingly modest gentleman, and shakes his head, I will say a word or two in answer to your invitation. I regret that the present head of our government is not here, to speak with authority for our city, and to express the congratulations of our people on the event which marks the proceedings of this day. I am sure that imperative engagements only would have prevented his attendance here in person, to express, not only his own interest in this occasion, but that of the city government, and of our chizens generally. We are your friends and neighbors. In the olden times you were of us. For successive generations you had part and lot with us in the old town of Salem, sharing with us in the same organization and municipal administration and privileges. While you were with us, and of us, we 185 had nothing to complain of in your conduct, except that littie episode in " Salem Village " which occurred about 1692. But that matter was satisfactorily adjusted, and we parted good friends over a hundred years ago, and we have remained on the best of 'terms ever since, always rejoicing, on our part, in whatever has tended to your advance ment and prosperity. Well may we, therefore, of the sarae ancient household, be here to-day to congratulate you on the inauguration of the " Peabody Institute," which is to be, — and which will deserve to be, — in all future time, one oft your raost cherished and useful institu tions. It will constitute an epoch in your history. If you or your sons get up many more such institutions among you, I do not know, if you will not come to us by re-annexation ; that Salem will not seek to be annexed to Danvers, upon the promise, however, on your part, that you shall not revive any of those old practices of 1692. This idea of Mr. Peabody, of prompt payment, is a most excellent one ; and most nobly has he illustrated his sentiment, " Education, — a debt due from present to future generations." He has opened in your midst, in these beautiful halls, the fountains of knowledge and instruc tion, and, by his munificent endowments, has so fortified and guarded them, that they are to be kept open for all the future generations of this people ; giving, always, improvement, culture, expansion, enlarge ment, and the stature of perfect man. We see in this endowment an illustration of the true uses of wealth, and an example to be held in especial honor and remembrance here, and in this land of free govern ment and free institutions, for their foundations must ever rest on the virtue and intelligence of the people ; and whoever does the most in laying such foundations is the truest benefactor of his age and race. Especial honor, therefore, be to the founder of this Institute, who has, with such true and judicious liberality, performed his part in actually paying the debt to the " future generations." Let other trustees of the wealth of this worid emulate so noble an example, and thus make the world better by their having lived in it. . The exercises throughout were of a highly interesting character, 'affording an intellectual entertainment such b.s is rarely offered in any community. A large number of distinguished strangers honored the occasion by their presence, and among those invited who were unable to attend was His Excellency Governor Washburn, who expressed his regret in the following letter : — 186 Worcester, Sept. 27, 1854. Dear Sir, — ^Your polite invitation to attend the dedication of the Pea body Institute, on the 29th, is just received. I hasten to acknowledge the honor of the invitation, and to express my regret that the lateness of the hour will prevent my being able to arrange my engagements so as to be present. I regret this the more that, in addition to the rich entertainment promised on the occasion to the lovers of true eloquence, I lose the opportunity of expressing by my presence the high respect I entertain for the founder of the Institute for his noble and generous qualities of mind and heart. In this I do but share tRe feeling which every Ameri can entertains who has been fortunate enough to witness abroad his uniform kindness and cordiality towards his countrymen. Danvers may .well be proud of such a son, who, in the brilliancy of his success, is still true to his early associations and the memory of the spot of his birth. He needs, however, no eulogy at my hand ; and my regret is, that I could not silently indicate my respect by my presence, while I had the pleasure of meeting the friends at Danvers who will be present on that occasion, and, among them', yourself. I am, very respectfully, your ob't serv't, Emoky Washburn. R. S. Daniels, Esq. .J K Ru.tVnT4'5 Lith LOWELL ST AND CONGRET'r CHURCH^ S DANVERS. 187 LYCEUM AND LIBRARY. After the dedication of the building to its appropriate uses, measures were immediately adopted to procure a Course of Lectures, and to open the Library to the use of the citizens of the town. Indeed, con siderable progress had already been made by the Committee having charge of these duties, by correspondence with lecturers, and by pur chasing and preparing books, to open the Institute to the public. It was not until late in November that the sub-committee having charge of the Lectures were enabled to open the hall for the delivery of the Introductory Lecture. They were fortunate in obtaining the Services of Hon. George S. Hillard, of Boston, to open the first course, whose high reputation for eloquent scholarship and graceful elocution was well sustained in this performance. The discourse was prepared especially for the occasion, and was replete with sound views and wise suggestions in relation to the ends to be sought in conducting an institution such as \vas then going into practical operation. The hall on this occasion was crowded to its utmost capacity, a large num ber not being able to find seats, or even standing-room, and many went away for lack of accommodation. The lecturer was introduced to the audience by Hon. A. A. Abbott, Chairman of the Lyceum Committee, with some brief and well-timed remarks, eloquently delivered, and appropriate to the occasion. By the attention of Mr. George F. Osborne, Secretary of the Com mittee, we are enabled to give a-list ofthe lecturers who have appeared before the Lyceum, and their subjects : — FIRST COURSE OF LECTURES, FOR 1854-55. First— Introductory Lecture, by Hon. George S. Hillard, of Bos ton, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, 1854. After the Lecture, a Poem, written for the occasion by a native of the town, was read by Thomas B. Hinkley, Esq. Second Lecture — Wednesday evening, Dec. 6, by Daniel N. Has- 188 kell, Esq., of Boston. Subject, " The Early Political Parties of the United States." Third Lecture — Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, by Rev. Theodore Parker, of Boston. Subject, " The Anglo-Saxon Race." Fourth Lecture — Tuesday evening, Dec. 19, by Rev. Prof. Thomas P. Field, of Amherst College. Subject, " Oratory." Fifth Lecture — Tuesday evening, Dec. 26, by Rev. Dr. E. S. Gan nett, of Boston.- Subject, " Manners." Sixth Lecture — Tuesday evening, Jan. 2, 1855, by Rev. Lyman Whiting, of Reading. Subject, " Reading." Seventh Lecture — Tuesday evening, Jan. 9, by E. P. Whipple, Esq., of Boston. Subject, " Cheerfulness." Eighth Lecture — Wednesday evening, Jan. 17, by Rev. Prof R. D. Hitchcock, of Bowdoin College. Subject, " Work, and Man's Rela tion to it." Ninth Lecture — Tuesday evening, Jan. 23, by R. W. . Emerson, Esq., of Concord. Subject, " English Civilization." Tenth Lecture — Tuesday evening, Jan. 30, by Rev. A. A. Miner, of Boston. Subject, " The Young American." Eleventh Lecture — Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, by Rev. T. Starr King, of Boston. Subject, " Laws of Disorder." Twelfth Lecture — Tuesday, Feb. 13, by Dr. R. Solger, of Boston. Subject, " The Eastern Question." Thirteenth Lecture — Tuesday, Feb._20, by the same, on the same subject. Fourteenth Lecture — Tuesday, Feb. 27, by the same, on the same subject. Fifteenth Lecture — Tuesday, March 6, by the same, on the same subject. Sixteenth Lecture — Tuesday, March 13, by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr;, of Boston. Subject, " The Mormons." 189 Seventeenth Lecture— Tuesday, March 19, by Rev. A. L. Stone, of Boston. Subject, " The Point of Observation." Eighteenth Lecture— March 27, by Richard H. Dana, Jr., of Bos ton. Subject, " Edmund Burke." SECOND COURSE OF LECTURES, FOR 1855-56. First Lecture— Dec. 4, 1855, by Hon. Charles W. Upham, of Salem. Subject, " The Philosophy of Government." Second Lecture— Dec. 12, by Dr. R. Solger, of Boston. Subject, " The Anglo-Saxon Woman and her Home." Third Lecture— Dec. 18, by J. G. Hoyt, Esq., of Exeter, N. H. Subject, " Modern Fallacies." Fourth Lecture — Dec. 25, by Rev. George W. Briggs, D.D., of Salem. Subject, " The New England Fathers." Fifth Lecture — Jan. 1, 1856, by Dr. R. Solger, of Boston. Sub ject, " Sevastopol." Sixth Lecture — Jan. 8, by Rev. Charles H. Wheeler, of South Danvers. Subject, " Venice." Seventh Lecture — Jan. 15, by Rev. Prof. F. D. Huntington, of Harvard University. Subject, " Work and Study." Eighth Lecture — Jan. 22, by Dr. O. W. Holmes, of Boston. Sub ject, " The Americanized European." Ninth Lecture — Jan. 28, by Rev. Rufus W. Clark, of Boston. Sub ject, " Russia." Tenth Lecture — Feb. 5, by Rev. Theodore Parker, of Boston. Subject, " The False and True Idea of a Gentieman." Eleventh Lecture — Feb. 26, by Ralph W. Emerson, Esq., of Con cord. Subject, " Beauty." Twelfth and Closing Lecture — March 11, by Rev. T. Starr King, of Boston. Subject, " Sight and Insight." 190 The Third Annual Course, for 1856-57, was opened on Thursday evening, Dec. 4, 1856, by a Lecture from Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., of Boston, on " Our Obligations to France." It was expected that Mr. Peabody would have been present at the opening of the Lyceum for the present season ; but he was prevented from coming by a slight indisposition, and the severity of the weather, which rendered h impru dent for him to leave his home at Georgetown, where he resides with his sister, Mrs. J. P. Russell. It became widely known among our citizens that Mr. Peabody fully intended to be present, and great disappointment was felt at his un avoidable absence. A very large audience had assembled, many of them with the expectation of once more seeing Mr. Peabody. Mr. Quincy, in introducing his subject, alluded to the disappointment of the evening in some appropriate remarks, and spoke nearly as follows : — Ladies and Gentlemen : — I cannot open this course of popular lectures without alluding to the very pleasant and auspicious event that has occurred since the con clusion of the last. Some forty years ago, a youth left this village to seek his fortune in a distant State, and ultimately in a foreign land. Integrity, sagacity, and energy, marked his career, and his name became known in the metropolis of the world as the Great American Banker. He exercised the vast power and influence that this position conferred upon him for the honor and advantage of his country. His wealth and courage saved the credit of his adopted State of Maryland ; and his princely hospitality was the means, not only pf giving tempo rary pleasure to the hosts of Americans who visited London, but had the effect of drawing closer the bonds which, we trust, will forever unite the two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon family. It is wisely ordered that the earliest impressions are always the most lasting ; Dear is the school-boy spot We ne'er forget, tho' there we are forgot ; and in the rush of business, and under the pressure of responsibilities, he looked back to the quiet and peaceful village of his birth, and had the natural desire of being known and remembered there. - With his usual sagacity, he chose the most fitting time and the most appropriate manner of ensuring this end. On the great centennial anniversary of the settiement of the town — a day dedicated to the com memoration of the fathers — he founded an insthution to aid in trans- 191 mitting their intelligence and virtues to their sons. He did not wait until his wealth fell from his relaxing grasp, but wisely became his own executor, and had the pleasure of seeing it appropriated in the manner he desired. I need not tell you that he who left this town a youth, has, since your last meeting in this noble lecture-room, — the gift of his munificence, returned, to witness the completion of his plans, and receive the grate ful testimony of the affection and remembrance of his townsmen. Our friend will soon leave us, to resume the place he so nobly occu pies among the merchant princes of the world. We can assure him that he will never be forgotten, — that those who have seen him here will rehearse the event of his presence to, their children's children, and that, for centuries, among the proudest recollections of the old town of South Danvers will be, that it was the birth-place of George Peabody. It is proposed by the Lyceum Committee of the present year to adopt 'the recommendation of Mr. Choate, in his excellent address at the dedi cation of the Institute, so far as to have one or more courses of lectures on some single subject from the same person, instead of the usual plan of a series of lectures by different persons on widely different themes. It is possible, however, that, if space intervenes between the courses thus provided, some lectures of a miscellaneous character may be delivered. THE LIBRARY. It has been before remarked, that the attention of the government of the Institute was eariy directed to the procuring and preparation of the Library. This was a work of no inconsiderable amount of labor and attention. As soon as the books could be examined, catalogued, cov ered, and numbered, they were placed upon the shelves, and the Library-Room thrown open to the public- This was effected on the 18th of October, 1854. Great eagerness was shown on the part of the citizens to avail themselves of this portion of the boon bestowed on the town, and a large number immediately complied with the regula tions adopted for the government of the Library. Tbe following are the regulations established by the Committee, and which still exist with but very slight change : — 192 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE PEABODY LIBRARY. article first. The Library shall be open for the delivery of books on every Wed nesday, from three to eight o'clock, p.m., and on every Saturday, from two to eight o'clock, p.m., except during the fortnight immediately pre ceding the Annual Examination of the Library. article second. All persons hereinafter specified, who shall sign an obligation to observe all the existing Rules and Regulations of the Library, and all that may be subsequently prescribed by due authority, shall have free right to take books from the Libraiy, so long as they comply strictly with all its Regulations, viz. : — First, — All members of the Board of Reference, which shall consist of the following persons, viz. : the Trustees of the Peabody Institute ; the Lyceum and Library Committee ; the Selectmen, Clerk, Treasurer, and Overseers of the Poor, of the town ; the School Committee, and the Prudential Committees of the several School Districts ; all Ministers of the Gospel regularly officiating in the town, and the Teachers of the High Schools. Second. — Every^ inhabitant of the town over twenty-one years of age who shall be recommended by any member of the Board of Ref erence as a suitable person to enjoy the privileges of the Library. Printed certificates of the form of recommendation required will be furnished by the Librarian. Third. — All persons between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one years who shall be certified as above, and who shall also produce a- certificate, signed by his or her parent, guardian, or other responsible person, that the person so signing said certificate will become respon sible for said minor's observance of the Rules of the Library, and for any loss or damage to the books by said minor. Fourth. — Any inhabitant of the town not producing a certificate from the Board of Reference, but who shall deposit the full value of the volume called for, or of the set to which it belongs, as security for its safe return. Fifth, — Any person not an inhabitant of the town who shall be a benefactor to the Library to an amount not less than twenty-five dollars. 193 article third. Every person entitied to borrow books from the Library shall receive from tiie Librarian a printed card, on which the book asked for shall be designated by hs catalogue number, in blanks left for the purpose ; and this card will be presented to the Librarian, or his Assistant, as the only mode of obtaining any book that may be wanted. If the book is not to be found, the card will be returned for the applicant to insert another number. article fourth. No person shall be allowed raore than one volume at any one time, and no book shall be kept out of the Library more than fourteen days. Nor shall the person returning a book be at liberty to retake the same until the next Library day. The fine for retention of any volume over the time above specified shall be five cents for every half week it is so retained. ARTICLE FIFTH. When any book, on account of its great popularity, is likely to be frequently called for, the time of its retention from the Library may be limited to a week or half week, the time of its retention being made conspicuous on its cover ; and if such book is retained beyond the specified time, the person so retaining it shall pay the same fine as is provided in Article Fourth. ARTICLE SIXTH. Any book retained two weeks beyond the time prescribed by these Regulations shall be sent for by the Librarian, and the expense incurred in obtaining it shall be paid by the person who has so retained it. ARTICLE SEVENTH. All injuries to books, beyond a reasonable wear, and all losses, shall be made good, to the satisfaction of the Library Committee, by the persons liable ; and any book not returned witl^n one week after de mand for it, made by the Librarian, shall be regarded as lost. ARTICLE EIGHTH. All books are required to be returned to the Library fourteen days before the Annual Examination in July, under penalty of a fine of One ¦Dollar ; but seasonable public notice shall be given by the Librarian. 13 194 ARTICLE NINTH. No person having a book from the Library shall lend it to any, per son not a member of the same household. ARTICLE TENTH. No person owing a fine or forfeiture shall receive books from the Library until the same is paid. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. All persons visiting the Library Room will be required to demean themselves quietiy, and no conversation will be allowed in the room. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, by improper or offensive conduct, will be denied admission to the Library Room. ARTICLE TWELFTH. Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library may receive books for consultation while the room is open, and the Librarian shall enter all books thus withdrawn, and erase the entry when they are returned. If a person neglects to return any book to the Librarian, he shall pay the same fine that would be charged for a week's detention over the, time prescribed by the Regulations,. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. Books of reference, and those deemed by the Committee unsuitable for generaf circulation, shall not be loaned, jexcept by an order signed .by at Igas^ two of the Committee,, The Library has now been in active operation about two years, and the number of books delivered to borrowers; estimating frora actual results ascertained the first year, raust have been more than 50,000. Many of the applicante are residents of the territory annexed to South Danvers from the city of Salem by act of the last legislature. These residents have thus secured to themselves the benefits of this institution, which was one great object they had in view in their petition for annex ation. The books, by a regulation of the Library, were called in for the 195 annual examination in July, and the result was found to be, that every book was returned to the shelves. The same result was exhibited the previous year, although at the time it was thought that three volumes were missing ; but it was afterwards found that, by mistake, these books, although catalogued, had never been placed in the Library. We cannot but regard this fact as very remarkable and unprecedented in the history of similar institutions. Although this result may in part be owing to strict rules rigidly enforced, it is also a gratifying proof of the desire of the people to preserve, as well as enjoy, the bounty of their Benefactor. It is by this care, as well as by the constant use of the stores prepared for their improvement, that they can best evince their appreciation of the gift YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY :' .'II- ,i 1,1 '.WJ,.' ell'!'!, i" ;, i|'il>..| ii.i.,:'i' .hi"-'"'' '-'i' lE". • ' ' i' ' ' E ' '''ll ii- |il''.ri ' I I I ' ' '¦iMii|jij,:"' •'1, u V , ¦¦•''¦' 'ii'.Li:'^ tl k f .iJT r 1 r » ¦ c o ii^n vr-t", ..3.1 "liiiiiill: i^. •^\ 5a it .?. »vl laii I*"-'