YALE UNIVE RSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 07111 7197 fe Gift of j C/u^wc63 - BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE DOMINION OF .CANADA AND THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA. COUNTER-CASE PRESENTED ON THE PART OP THE GOVERNMENT OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTT I-* TO THE '"'V'.O -.- TRIBUNAL CONSTITUTED UNDER ARTICLE I OF THE CONVENTION SIGNED AT WASHINGTON, JANUARY 24, 1903, BETWEEN HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. LONDON : PRINTED AT THE FOREIGN OFFICE, BY HARBISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. 1903. Protest by His Majesty's Government and Reservation of Rights 1 Preliminary — Methods of Treatment of Questions in Dispute by United States and Great Britain Contrasted 2 Arrangement of Counter-Case 5 First Question — Point of Commencement of the Line 5 Second Question — What Channel is the Portland Channel ? 6 Third Question- — Course of Line from Point of Commencement to Entrance of Portland Channel 1 2 -Fourth Question— 56th parallel : Point to be drawn from Head of Portland Channel, 17 Fifth and Sixth Questions — The Lisiere 21 Seventh Question — What are the Mountains parallel to the Coast ? 56 U.S. Negotiations with Russia for Renewal of Trading Privileges 65 Acts of Occupation- I. Russian Occupation 66 II. United States' Occupation 74 BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE DOMINION OF CANADA AND THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA. THE COUNTER-CASE PRESENTED ON THE PART OE THE GOVERNMENT OE HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY TO THE TRIBUNAL CONSTITUTED UNDER ARTICLE I OE THE CONVENTION SIGNED AT WASHINGTON ON THE 24th DAY OE JANUARY, 1903, BETWEEN HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY AND THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA. Protest by His Majesty's Government, and HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT must ac- ReservationjDf Rights. company the delivery of this Counter-Case witb the following protest : — In the judgment of His Majesty's Government there has not been adequate time to examine and deal with the documents and evidence put for ward in the American Case. The Treaty con templates an extension of time by the Tribunal, if in their opinion such extension becomes neces sary owing to special circumstances. Tbe Tribunal not having assembled, no application can be made to it. His Majesty's Government requested the Government of the United States to consent to an extension, but the request was refused. Under these circumstances His Majesty's Govern ment have, in compliance with the terms of the Treaty, prepared this Counter-Case, but have reserved their right to apply to the Tribunal, when it shall assemble, for permission to put in such supplementary statement and evidence as tbe justice of the case may call for. [769] B 2 PRELIMINARY. BEFORE presenting the answer of Great Britain to the Case of the United States, it is desired to make a preliminary observation upon the manner in which the questions in dispute have been there dealt with. The Case for the United States rather avoids Methods of treatment of the questions in , , ,. n,i , , • „ ,-, j /» dispute by the United States and Great the question of the construction of the words of ^^ C(mtrasted. the Treaty in which the High Contracting Parties recorded the arrangement come to between them. The Case is mainly devoted either to a search for some general and controlling principle which the Negotiating Powers might be assumed to have had in view ; or to an endeavour to show, from communications other than the Treaty itself, and in some cases not even passing between the Parties, what was the arrangement in fact arrived at. No attempt is made to show that the con clusions reached ai-e even consistent with the language of the Treaty as applied to the geography of the country with which it deals. It is respectfully submitted on behalf of Great Britain that the function of tbe Tribunal is to interpret the Articles of the Convention by ascertaining the intention and meaning thereof, and not to re-cast it. Any considerations show ing that the words of the Treaty must have been intended to bear a particular meaning, being a meaning which they are in themselves capable of bearing, may, of course, be legitimately pre sented. With regard to the character of the lisiere, it is plain, from the words of the Treaty, that this question must depend upon the meaning to be attached to the words " coast" and " Ocean.' There is no possible escape from this position. The lisiere cannot, without disregarding the affirmative provisions of the Treaty, be extended more than 10 marine leagues from the " coast " and from the " Ocean." The arguments put forward in the British Case were accordingly directed — and no arguments can be legitimate which are not directed — to ascertaining by an examination of the negotiations, and by reference to the geo graphy, in what sense those words were used. In the Case for tbe United States, however, r.o argument at all has been directed to this question ; but the whole case on this point is given up to an attempt to establish a controlling principle wbich the Tribunal is asked to give effect to, not by putting on the language employed any con struction of which it is shown to be capable in itself, but rather by disregarding such language altogether. Great Britain denies that, even apart from the Treaty, the Parties can in fact be shown to have had in contemplation the intention which, upon the process of reasoning above adverted to, the United States attribute to them ; and she pro tests that proof of such intentions, even if estab lished, would be inadmissible to contradict the language of tbe Treaty. The course into which it is sought on behalf of the United States to divert the inquiry is not justified either by sound principle or by the pro visions of the present Treaty of Arbitration. According to the contentions in the Case of the United States it is frequently some expression used by one or another from time to time in the course of the protracted negotiations, rather than the language in which their ultimate and deliberate agreement is expressed, that should govern the result. And to this end resort is attempted to such expressions ; and, even further, to accounts given by the Representative of one of the Contracting Parties to another Representative of the same Party ; to negotiations between the United States and Russia ; to reports of a Representative of the United States, descriptive of the effect of the Russo-British Treaty, as verbally communicated to him by the Representative of one of the Contracting Parties ; to maps compiled, and names given, and descriptions prepared under various circumstances long after the Treaty ; to almost everything rather than the words of the Treaty itself. One of many striking examples of this proposed method of reaching the meaning of the Treaty may be cited here. U.S. Case, p. 62. The United States' Ambassador at St. Peters- burgh, who had had nothing to do with the negotiations between Russia and Britain, reports to his Secretary of State that after the Treaty was signed, the British Ambassador saw him, did not show him the Treaty, but explained its contents verbally. Mr. Middleton reports his recollection of Mr. S. Canning's version of the Treaty. This report is quoted in the Case, with the following comments : — " The interpretation placed upon this article by its negotiator shows clearly the course of the line intended by the terms of the treaty, as well as the extent of the lisiere which it established This explanation of the article, fixing the boundary, while it differs in language from the treaty, agrees with it if it is inter preted naturally and with knowledge of the discussions which had preceded its signature, and were explanatory of the protective character of Russia's possessions on the continent." It is submitted that all certainty would dis appear under the proposed method of interpreta tion, which is inadmissible and misleading ; and that the true solution of the question is to be found in the words of the Treaty, taken in connection with the relevant and admissible extrinsic facts. Great Britain desires to adopt and apply to this question the language of the British Ambas sador to the British Foreign Secretary, in a letter of the 3rd April, 1825, immediately after the British App., conclusion of the Treaty of 1825, in which, dealing rj.s. App., p. 228. with both that Instrument and the Treaty of 1824, he writes as follows : — "Referring to the American treaty, I am assured, as Well by Count Nesselrode as by Mr. Middleton, that the ratification of that instrument was not accompanied by any explanations calculated to modify or affect in any way the force and meaning of its articles. But I understand that, at the close of the negotiation of that treaty, a protocol, intended by the Russians to fix more specifically the limitations of the right of trading with their possessions, and understood by the American envoy as having no such effect, was drawn up and signed by both parties. No reference whatever was made to this paper by the Russian plenipotentiaries in the course of my negotiation with them ; and you are aware, sir, that the articles of the convention which I concluded depend for their force entirely on the general acceptation of the terms in which they are expressed." With the reservation above indicated, it is proposed to examine the facts and arguments put forward in the Case for the United States. ARRANGEMENT OF COUNTER- CASE. British App. I, p. 3. IT is thought convenient in dealing with the United States' Case to consider separately, in the first place, the facts and arguments put forward as they bear upon the first four questions to be answered by the Tribunal. This part of the sub ject being disposed of, the Fifth and Sixth ques tions to be answered by the Tribunal — which concern the lisiere, and to the discussion of which the United States' Case is chiefly devoted — will be dealt with together, taking up the facts and arguments in the order in which they have been presented by the United States. The Seventh Question will be discussed in turn. The last branch of the Counter-Case, following the order of the Case, will be devoted to a consideration of "any action of the several Governments, or of their respective Representatives, preliminary or subsequent to the conclusion of said Treaties, so far as the same tends to show tbe original and effective understanding of the Parties in respect to the limits of their several territorial jurisdic tions under and by virtue of the provisions of said Treaties." Agreement as to Point. British Case, p. 46. U.S. Case, p. 103. Agreement that Geographical description governs. FIRST QUESTION. The first question to be answered by the Tribunal is — "What is intended as the point of com mencement OE THE LINE ? " The Case of the United States agrees with that of Great Britain in the conclusion that Cape Muzon, " which at the time of the negotiation of the treaty of 1825, and long after, was believed to be one of the southern points* of Prince of Wales Island, and so appeared upon the maps and charts of tbe period," is the point of commencement of the line. Thus it seems agreed that the geographical description governs ; and no contention is raised * Note. — On page 46 of the British Case the following errata : — 15th lir.e, for " below " read " between." 17th line, for " discrepancy " read " dependency." with regard to the parallel of 54° 40' as affecting the point of commencement. Consequently, it is not deemed needful to enlarge here on the position already taken in the British Case in favour of the geographical, and British Case, against the astronomical description, as determina- p' tive of the point of commencement, or to discuss further the reasons against the adoption of the parallel as such point. SECOND QUESTION. The second question to be answered by the Tribunal is — "What channel is the Portland Channel?" Britiflh Contentiou. The British Case contends that the Portland British Case, Channel is that which was described by Van couver, and which extends from the Ocean, between Kannaghunut, Sitklan, Wales and Pearse Islands, and the interior peninsula on the east and south, and Tongass and Fillmore Islands and the continental shore on the west and north, to the head. The Case of the United States con-tends that United States' Contention. Portland Channel "is the same body of water, rj.g. case, 5 04 now commonly known and described as Portland Canal, which, passing from the north between Ramsden Point on the mainland and Pearse Island, and thence southward of said island and Wales Island, enters Dixon Entrance between the island last mentioned and Compton Island." Thus, the United States' contention is that the Its effect as to Observatory Inlet. lower part of the Portland Canal of the Treaty is the body of water comprised in Vancouver's " Observatory Inlet," instead of that comprised in Vancouver's " Portland Canal," as demonstrated British Case, in the British Case. The process by which that lower part of Obser- Names "Portland Inlet" and "Portland vatory Inlet came, at a later date, to be some- '' -'' '' "l times called " Portland Inlet " has been alluded lb. p. 59 to in the British Case. But it is denied by Britain that this lower part is even now, still more that it has for any length of time been, commonly included in the name " Portland Canal." Needless to add, that it is denied that any such Agreement that Vancouver Charts were subsequent nomenclature, if established, can affect the question at issue. United States' admission that "Portland U.S. Case, p. 51. It may be observed that the Case of the United U.S. Case, p. 44. States agrees that the Vancouver maps and their reproductions are to be taken as those used by the negotiators. It may be further observed that the same Case, Canal " was the same as that now called dealing with the condition of the territorial con- " Pearse " and " Portland " Canals. , , Al - r ,-, troversy as it stood on the suspension ot the negotiations after the Russian rejection of Sir Charles Bagot's fourth proposal, states that it : — " Had shrunk to a dispute over the possession of an irregularly shaped portion of the continent bounded on the east by Pearse and Portland Canals and a presumptive chain of mountains, on the north by a line extending from a point on the coast, about latitude 56° 30', to the mountain range, and on the west by the indented continental shore line, together with the islands lying between Clarence Strait and the mainland from 54° 40' to 56° 30' and thus situated north and west of Portland Canal and between it and the con tinent." It will be noticed that the eastern boundary of the section described is given as " Pearse and Portland Canals." But " Pearse Canal," which is the name subsequently given by the United States to the lower part of Vancouver's Portland Canal, and " Portland Canal," which name was later limited by the United States to the upper part of Vancouver's Portland Canal, make together the " Portland Canal " of Vancouver as claimed by Britain. And there is thus here an express admission that, at this stage of the negotiation, it was that canal, and no Other, which the Parties meant by Portland Canal. There is not any, and there could be no suc cessful attempt to show the least change of understanding on this head; and thus the Case of the United States itself sustains the British view. Objection is taken in another part of this Counter-Case to the attempt to construe the Treaty by the introduction of irrelevant matter. But, in truth, there is, in the matter brought forward by the United States, no reasonable proof contradictory of the interpretation of the Treaty here advanced by Great Britain. On the contrary, there is much confirmatory of the British view. United States' 'Documents as to Tongass For example, the British view gives Tongass Island indicating that it was Frontier; Jsland ag j ¦ immediately to the north and west North and West Entrance of Portland J ° J Canal, and South and East Boundary of of the entrance to Portland Canal ; and conse- Russian Territory. quently as the extreme south and east point of Russian-America, since called Alaska. [769] C British Case, pp. 6G-68. Effect of matter brought forward by United States. 8 Now, in 1835, after the expiration of the ten years' trading privileges, the Russian- American Russian- American Company in 1835. Company took steps to prevent the continuance of trading by foreigners ; and to that end, in March 1835, despatched a vessel to Tongass' under the following instructions to the Com mander : — " After having prepared your vessel for the expe- tj.S. App., p. 233. dition, I recommend you to set sail at the first opportunity, and direct your course by the most con venient route to Tumbaz [Tongas]. " The aim of your expedition is two fold: 1. The occupation of a station on the frontiers of our straits for the purpose of preventing the foreigners to enter them and to trade with the natives, as they have lost the right to do so on account of the expiration of the ten years' term of the Convention I deem it necessary to observe the following with regard to these two points. " I. Occupation of a station. " As we may say that the only place in our straits, visited by the foreigners is Tongas, you must select this bay as the place of your sojourn. Here you may always hear from the Kolosh about the appearance of some vessel and consequently having your brig always ready to set sail, you will always be able to proceed to where the foreigner will show himself." Thus Tongass is described, and is to be occupied as "a station" " on the frontiers of our straits. " These instructions were carried out, and similar steps were taken in other years. cn_ x.1 cl xi l l\ tt •. icii United States' Establishment in 1867 of Fort Shortly after the cession to the United States, Tongass on North side of Portland Canal. they established the military post at Fort Tongass, which was maintained for several years. „ ,„ J U.S. App., p. 34G. In September, 1867, Major-General Halleck, Commanding, instructed Colonel Scott to proceed to Victoria and New Westminster to collect infor mation as to the Indians on or near the boundary. The instructions proceed as follows : — lb., p. 347. " It is said that Indians living near the boundary line between northern British Columbia and the ceded Russian- American possessions have made several hostile incursions into the settlements in British Columbia and Washington Territory, which hostile incursions might have been checked or prevented by proper military force in the vicinity of Fort Simpson or Portland Canal. To accomplish this object it may be necessary for the United States, to establish a military post within their own territory, on the north side of Portland Canal. You will carefully inquire into this matter." Colonel Scott, on the 4th November, 1867, lb., p. 347. reported on his expedition, saying : — " For reasons appearing hereafter, I extended my journey to the north side of Portland Channel — in our new territory." U.S. App., p. 349. Further on he says : — General Thomas's Report, 1869 ; Tongass on Boundary. U.S. App., p. 358. School and Mission. Ib., p. 480. " Portland Channel is an important inlet for trade with the interior tribes. It is desirable, as a means for developing the country, and for the purpose of affording protection to our traders and revenue officers, as well as to preserve peace between our own and the British Indians, to establish a small military post on or near the channel. Such an establishment would also have a good moral effect upon the tribes living or trading for many miles around the vicinity. Impressed with these reasons, and in view of the importance of the trade upon the channel and adjacent inlets, I crossed over from Fort Simpson to our own territory in search of a site suitable for a military station . I believe the m ost suitable place to be Tongass Island The accompanying sketch will give a very accurate idea of its locality, and the various channels in the immediate vicinity. (In- closure C.)" This inclosure is not produced, but it will be observed that the instructions were to establish a military post on the north side of Portland Canal, and that Colonel Scott reports that he went to the north side of Portland Canal, and that he searched for and found the most suitable place for a station on Tongass Island, which is thus identified as being on the north side of the canal. The military post was accordingly established. Again, in 1869, General Thomas was despatched to the region, and on the 27th September, 1869, reported as follows : — " After touching at Victoria, Vancouver Island, for coal, I proceeded direct to Alaska; reached Fort Tongass 18th July. This post is on one of the small islands of the Tongass group, at the southern end of Alaska Archipelago, and is occupied by one company of artillery. As it has been useful in checking illicit trade with Tongass, Cape Fox, and other Indians, and is on the boundary between Alaska and British Columbia, I have not thought it wise to discontinue it at present." Thus Tongass Island is identified as on the boundary between Alaska and British Columbia. Again, on the 15th September, 1898, the Commissioner of Education reported to the Secre tary of the Interior as follows : — " In 1885 a school was opened at Fort Tongass, on Tlekhonsiti Harbor, in about latitude 54° 45' north and longitude 130° 45' west." [769] C 2 U.S. App., p. 341. 10 The school was opened in the United States' military barracks, which had been erected in 1867. On the 15th September, 189S, the General Agent of the Department of the Interior reported to the Secretary of State on the subject of the establishment of Mission Stations as follows : — U.S. App., p. 481. "In 1885 I sent Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Paul as Tomgass extreme South-eastern Point missionaries of the American Presbyterian Church to of Alaska. Fort Tongass, on Tlekhonsiti Harbor, on the extreme southeastern point of Alaska, where they remained for several years." Thus Tongass Island and Fort are again identi fied as the extreme south-eastern point of Alaska. The United States' Case quotes a Report of Davidson's Report. Assistant Davidson, of tbe United States' Coast Survey, dated the 30th November, 1867, in which Mr. Davidson describes Portland Canal as an extensive arm of Dixon's Sound, and. as having its entrance between Point Wales and Point Maskelyne, and as receiving Observatory Inlet at Point Ramsden. Mr. Davidson makes reference to Vancouver's map and book as his authority. But the British Case having already dealt with British Case, this phase of the subject, it is not necessary here ft ?. , to repeat the facts which escaped Mr. Davidson's p. 139. notice. It is submitted that his mistakes cannot affect the conclusion. It must be added that the extract given in the 'US. App., p. 312. United States' Appendix does not seem an adequate representation of Mr. Davidson's state ments, which are open to serious comment, and the full text of which is to be found in the II. of R. 40th Message on the Acquisition of Russian America, e^Doc'no T?^ including Sumner's Speech, 1868. p- 265. The United States' Case makes some miscel laneous citations, to which a few words may be devoted. De Mofra's " Exploration of the Oregon Terri- De Mofra's Work. tory" (Paris, 1844), attempts some description of tj y. ^pp p 521 ~ the boundary. He says, at p. 148, "Cape Chacon, or Point Wales," at the south-west extremity of Prince of Wales' Archipelago, forms the south boundary of Russian America. And he adds that the line runs thence west to east "as far as the coast inlet, where it meets the Portland Canal, the right bank of which it follows," At p. 2,73 he says : — " The dividing line begins at Cape Chacon, the southern extremity of the large island of the Prince of Wales Archipelago, in latitude 54° 4.0', and runs to th east toward Portland Canal, which it ascends." 11 Findlay's Directory. U.S. App., p. 521. lb., p. 522. Cartography. British Case, p. 100. App., p. 45. U.S. Atlas. U.S. Atlas, Nos. 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24. Secretary Bayard's Despatch. British App., p. 249. It does not appear that this in any way advances the position of the United States. Findlay's "Directory for the Navigation of the Pacific Ocean" (London, 1851) speaks of Port land Canal as named from the noble family of Bentinck (see Vancouver s work), and as diverging from Point Ramsden, and refers to a principal inlet and to Portland Canal as bearing thence northerly and terminating 70 miles (Vancouver's figure) from its entrance into Chatham Sound. He speaks of " the inlet between Point Wales and Point Ramsden," which, from his references in describing Observatory Inlet, be treats as part of the latter inlet, so bringing Observatory Inlet to the Ocean between Point Maskelyne and Point Wales. He speaks of a channel running " parallel with the direction of the main inlet " behind the islands between Point Wales and Point Ramsden. It is submitted that his account throws no light upon the construction of the Treaty, and it will be observed that he in no way supports the United States' contention that the entrance to Portland Canal is to be found between Point Wales and Point Maskelyne, as he attributes all this portion of the Channel to Observatory Inlet. He gives no authority ; and it is submitted that his account cannot affect the construction of the Treaty. On the subject of the cartography, reference is made to what is already said in the British Case, and also to the statement of the British Admiralty in the Appendix. It may be remarked, with regard to the various maps reproduced in the Atlas of the United States, that it will be found, on examination, th^t the way in which the names are printed on a large proportion of the earlier maps favours the view that Observatory Inlet and Portland Canal extend to the Ocean, each in its own channel, past the branch which runs between Point Ramsden and Pearse Island, and thus, so far, aids the British Contention as to the entrance of Portland Canal and Observatory Inlet respectively. Mr. Secretary Bayard, in the despatch to Mr. Phelps of the 20th November, 1885, com municated to the British Foreign Secretary, admits that — " The water boundary line, from the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island to the fifty-sixth degree of north latitude, is not found uniformly located on the charts of different modern geographers." 12 It is submitted that, after all, the question must British Case-. ... p. 49 be governed by the considerations stated in the British Case, and should be decided accordingly. THIRD QUESTION. The third question is — " What course should the line take from the point of commencement to the entrance of Portland Channel?" This question, of course, presupposes the deter mination, by the answers to the first and second questions, of the two points to be connected by the line. The British contention is that the line takes British Contention. such a course as (saving Cape Chacon to Russia, „. . , „ the possessor of the rest of Prince of Wales p. 64. Island) is the most direct between the two points, The United States concludes "that the line ran United States' Contention. thence " (from the point of commencement) " in an easterly direction to Portland Canal " p-' 1^3 Of course it proposes an entrance to that Canal between Wales and Compton Islands. But obviously the course it proposes between the two points is, like the British proposal, the shortest line. And it is to be observed that the course given is in " an easterly direction." It is not " east," or " on the parallel of 54° 40'," but a line (obviously direct) between the two points. And to the same effect is the formal answer lb., p. 104. suggested by the United States to the question : " The United States requests the Tribunal to answer and decide that the line from Cape Muzon should be drawn in an easterly direction until it intersects the center of Portland Channel at its opening into Dixon Entrance." It would thus appear that there is no diver- No difference of View as to Principle that j. Line should be direct between the two Points. gence 01 view between the two Powers as to uwuxv.ui,D. the principle on which the line should be drawn between the two points ; and that, given the points, they agree that the connecting line should be drawn as direct as may be. And Great Britain requests that the decision of the Tribunal should be in accordance with this view, both as to the nature of the contentions of 13 U.S.. expressions as to Parallel 54° 400 Treatment in British Case. British Case, pp. 47, 65-68. Summary of Arguments against Parallel. United States' Introduction of Southern Boundary in Treaty of 1824. Territorial Claims of United States. the Parties, and as to the merits of the ques tion. But it is proper to observe that there are expressions in different parts of the United States' Case which seem to indicate some variation of intention, and some setting up of the parallel of 54° 40' as the course of the line. This notion has been already, by anticipation, dealt with briefly in the British Case, and its treatment here will be supplementary. It must be remembered that, the point of commencement being the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island, no part of that island could by possibility be cut by a line drawn thence on a due west and east course ; that, accordingly, had such a course been intended, there would have been no sense in the provision for saving the whole of the island to Russia, which pro vision thus affords a negative indication. It must be remembered, further, that the starting-point is not on the parallel of 54° 40', which parallel, therefore, must be attained (with out any Treaty indications, or any reasonable purpose) by a curve in the line, to the intent that (still without any Treaty indications or any reasonable purpose) the parallel may be followed for an indefinite distance. It must be remembered, lastly, that, in the end, the line is to reach the entrance of Portland Channel irrespective of the parallel; and that, even supposing the parallel were to be for some distance followed, yet, just as it is to be reached at the beginning by a curve, it may be left at the end by a curve, as may be needed, in order to connect the two governing points. Thus there seems no substance in this con troversy. Its issue cannot affect the results on the only material point, namely, the true entrance of Portland Canal. The United States seems to lay stress on the circumstance that the Treaty of 1824 between that Power and Russia states a limit at 54° 40'. And not content with the introduction of all the correspondence as to the Treaty to be interpreted, the United States brings in nearly all the corre spondence as to this Treaty of 1824. Without entering into full details, it may suffice to point out here that, apart from trading and navigation rights set up, the real and serious claims of the United States to territorial dominion were substantially based on discovery, followed 14 by continued occupation ; that its claims of this U.S. App., nature related to tbe Columbia River region ; that iD.', pp. 74, yj. the United States asserted the watersheds of the Columbia and its affluents reached the 51st parallel; that it informed Great Britain of its willingness to agree to that parallel as the line of demarcation between the two Powers, as indicating the points within which each might establish and should limit its future settle ments ; that it instructed its Ambassador, in case Great Britain pressed for a lower line, to accept the 49th parallel in lieu of the 51st as the limit ; ib., p 120-. and that thus it did not claim any territorial U-S. Case, p. 22. dominion over any of the territories north of the 51st parallel at furthest. Obviously, its action in agreeing with Russia n>., p. 39. on the parallel of 54° 40', and quickly concluding its Treaty, was dictated by other considerations ; and could not, even had there been concert in the negotiations, have affected the construction of the Treaty of 1825 ; but there was no such concert. It is tolerably clear how this particular parallel came to be inserted in the Treaty of 1824. To jD., p. 78. the United States the precise line was a matter of indifference, but Russia, which was in the middle of her negotiations with Great Britain, having expressed her willingness to accept the 55th parallel, was bargaining with the latter Power for the inclusion of the whole of Prince of Wales Island, which would require at that point, but there only, an extension to about 54° 40'. Great Britain, not unwilling to concede the whole of Prince of Wales Island, was yet insisting on a line as to the other southern islands and the Continent, very much higher. The issue of the negotiation was quite uncertain. And in that condition the United States, per- lb., p. 50. haps not unwilling to strengthen tbe hands of Russia in the negotiation by a term which cost herself nothing, and anxious at the same time to secure some participation in the trade, which was her real object, agreed to 54° 40'. It seems impossible to conclude from this that tbe subsequent bargain between Russia and Inapplicability to Treaty of 1825. Great Britain, the result of long-protracted, dis- tinct, and independent negotiations, based on '' p' different considerations, dealing with the matter on other lines, and couched in different language, should be affected by the terms of tbe Treaty of 1824, to which, moreover, Great Britain was not a party. 15 As to the negotiations between Russia and Great Britain, these were, about the date of the Treaty of 1824, actually suspended by the British Ambassador, in consequence of differences on the subject of the southern and eastern boundaries, and the question was referred to London. Examination of Argument of United States The United States' Case (carrying out the view on their Quotation from Count Nesselrode. already objected to, that the terms of the Treaty U.S. Case, p. 52. are to be gleaned from phrases used in the course of the negotiations, which are to control the meaning of the documents, as ultimately settled) quotes a sentence in a despatch of Count Nesselrode to Count Lieven of the 5th April, 1824, in which, recapitulating what had occurred, he says : — " We proposed to carry the southern frontier of our domains to latitude 54° 40' and to make it abut upon the continent at the Portland Canal, of which the opening into the ocean is at the same latitude as [' a la hauteur de'] Prince of Wales Island, and which has its origin inland between 55° and 56° of latitude." Ib ., p. 53. And the United States' Case avers that : — " This statement locates definitely and beyond controversy the line of demarcation between the British and Russian possessions until it reaches the mainland." Ib., pk 54. The United States' Case, proceeding, uses these words : — " Mr. Canning, after conceding the southern bound ary at 54° 40' " lb., p. 67. In a subsequent passage, the United States' Case recurs to this part of the negotiation, and repeats the extract already quoted from Count Nesselrode's despatch. The * Case goes on to say :— " This dispatch was read by Mr. Canning, and he authorized Sir Charles Bagot to agree to this portion of the boundary without qualification. Russia had completed a treaty with the United States by which her southern boundary ran east and west along the parallel of 54° 40'. This was the line of demarcation that she insisted upon Great Britain accepting, and this was the line that power did accept." Now this despatch of Count Nesselrode's is the statement of the proposal of one of the Parties disagreed to by the other. Besides, it is £769] D 16 brief and indefinite on tbe question now specially under discussion. Its main purpose was to claim Prince of Wales Island and a strip of the con tinent opposite that island. But the only question of any possible im portance is, How was Count Nesselrode's state ment dealt with ? The view of the United States on this question U.S. App., p. 180. is, it is submitted, erroneous. Mr. Canning's communication to Count Lieven indicates qualifi cations, is general in tone, and refers to the instructions to be sent to the British Ambassador. These were sent in the despatch of the 12th lb., p. 181. July, 1824. by which Sir Charles Bagot was authorized — " To consent to include the south points of Prince of Wales Island within the Russian frontiers, and to take as the line of demarcation, a line drawn from the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island from south to north through Portland Channel, till it strikes the mainland in latitude 56 " Mr. Canning inclosed the draft of a Convention Ib._, p. 182. accordingly, describing the line in terms quoted p. 67. in the British Case, which draft was presented to the Russian negotiators. This is the authentic exposition of the British Counter-Proposal. In the British Case is also to be found an extract from the Russian Contre- Projet and a re'sume' of the subsequent negotia tions. These documents speak for themselves. They lb., p. 67. do not concede the southern boundary of 54° 40' ; they do concede the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island and Portland Canal, and a line connecting these two points, and extending up the canal. There was a subsequent suspension of tlie lb., p. 67. negotiations on other points ; and upon their renewal other drafts were submitted, and the Treaty was eventually agreed on. It is submitted to be quite impossible to inter polate into the instrument, by virtue of anything said in Count Nesselrode's quoted despatch, a southern water boundary along the parallel of 54° 40'. The United States, resorting, with a view to U.S. Argument from Objects of Russia. the construction of the Treaty, to a consideration tj« n s c^ of the objects of Russia in the negotiation, points out that the object was to prevent Settlements interfering with the fur trade, and proceeds as follows : — 17 True Views. U.S. Case, p. 66. Conclusion. Ib., p. 68. Ib., p. 70. " To avoid this danger, it was necessary to obtain a boundary south of the Archipelago and coast where the Russian American Company carried on its opera tions, to the north of which no foreign Settlements should be established, either on the islands or main land." But in prosecuting this object, Russia did not require, and at any rate she did not obtain, a water boundary along the parallel of 54° 40'. The United States' Case more accurately describes the Russian attitude when it says : — '¦' " The Russian representatives insisted upon a line beginning at the two southern points of Prince of Wales Island, and running up Portland Canal. . . . ." The report of Mr. Middleton as to Mr. S, Canning's version of the Treaty has been already dealt with in this Counter-Case. Whatever weight it may have is clearly, in respect of this issue, on the British side. It is submitted that, under these circumstances, so far as the parallel of 54° 40' is concerned, there is not the slightest foundation for the statement made in the United States' Case that — "Russia secured by the treaty of 1825 complete sovereignty over the islands north of 54° 40' and over a strip of coast extending in a north-westerly direction from that parallel, bounded on the east by a line which followed up Portland Canal." But the relative unimportance of this claim of the United States is shown at page 70 of their Case, where Tongass, which is, as Great Britain claims, at the entrance of Portland Canal, is described as " near the southern boundary line of 54° 40'." That boundary-line cannot be intro duced into the Treaty for the purpose of carrying the entrance of Portland Canal to Observatory Inlet ; nor, if it were so introduced, could it have any such effect. British Contention as to First Part. British Case, p>.68. FOURTH QUESTION. The fourth question is — "to what point of the 56th parallel is the line to be drawn from the head of the Portland Channel, and what course should it follow between these points ? " The British contention as to tlie first part is that the point on the 56th parallel, to which the [769] D 2 18 line should be drawn, is the point from which it is possible to continue the line along the crest of the mountains situate parallel to the coast, and is, therefore, the point at which the 56th parallel and the crest of the coast mountains coincide ; and that, in case it should (contrary to British Case, the British contention) be found that the coast mountains are, at their point of intersection with the 56th parallel, more than 10 leagues from the coast, then the point must be such as answers the language of the alternative provision in the Treaty ; and must accordingly be not . more (though it may be less) than 10 leagues from the coast. The actual situation of the point on the ground (which is necessarily dependent on the facts on the ground, as to be found by the Tribunal) is treated in connection with the answers to subse quent questions as to the lisiere. The British contention as to the second part is British Contention as to Second Part. that the course to be followed is the most direct j}r:tjsk rjage course between the head and the point of coinci- pp. 69, 70. dence, and that a course due north to the parallel, and thence along the parallel to that point, should be rejected as less direct, and a course in the general direction of the Canal to the parallel, and thence as before, should, a fortiori, be rejected as still less direct, and that, therefore, the first of the three courses should be preferred. The contention of the United States is that the United States' Contention. line ran— U-S_ Case) p. 103. "Northerly along the center of Portland Canal until the line touched the mainland at the head of Portland Canal," and proceeding " thence upon the same course continued to the 56th parallel oi north latitude ; thence north-westerly," &c. The formal answer proposed by the United lb., p. 104. States is that — " The line should be drawn from the head of Port land Channel, north-easterly along the same course on which the said line touches the mainland at the head of Portland Channel until it intersects the 56th parallel of north latitude." Obviously, the answers of the United States Effect of United States' Contention as to discard the coast mountains as applicable to any Coast Mountains- of the questions, and proceed on the basis that the alternative and limitary provision is that which applies throughout the whole extent of the lisiere. It is submitted that the effect, on different British Submission thereon. parts of the ground, of the limitary provision may 19 United States' reliance on Mr. Middleton's version of Mr. Canning's version of Treaty. U.S. Case, p. 62. Ib., p. 63. be different, depending on the conditions as to mountains existent on the ground at or near the part in question. And this subject, therefore, has been in the British Case reserved for the discussion of the general questions of the boundary of the lisiere. . As to the course of the line, the United States relies, as has been already pointed out in other aspects, on Mr. Middleton's report of Mr. Canning's verbal description, of the third Article, and avers that — " The interpretation placed upon the article by its negotiator shows clearly the course of the line intended by the terms of the treaty, as well as the extent of the litiere which it established. The notable features of Mx. Canning's statement are, that the line from the head of Portland Canal turns eastward to the range of mountains " The United States' Case adds : — " This explanation of the article fixing the boundary, while it differs in language from the treaty, agrees with it if it is interpreted naturally and with knowledge Of the discussions which had preceded its signature, and were explanatory of the protective character of Russia's possessions on the continent." British Contention thereon. Pp. 3, 4. British Case, pp. €1-63. This attempt to interpret a Treaty, the terms of which were not communicated to Mr. Middleton, by means of the report of the impression created in- his mind by the verbal explanations given by Mr. S. Canning, has been already dealt with in the preliminary observations to this Counter- Case. But it may be proper to point out its results in the present aspect. Indeed, the version by the United States of Mr. Middleton's version of Mr. Canning's version of the Treaty affords, as will presently appear, an object lesson of the danger attendant on the attempt to construe documents by these methods. Mr. Middleton's statement says that the line follows the strait called " Portland Passage," up to the 56th degree. The natural import of that sentence is that the canal extended to the 56th degree ; but, in fact, the canal does not reach, and, on the information before the Negotiators it appeared to be about 15 miles short of, the parallel. Mr., Middleton's statement may indeed be applicable to the other water boundary-lines suggested alternatively in the British Case ; but 20 it does not fit Portland Canal, either as it is in fact, or as it was understood to be. Mr. Middleton's statement proceeds to say that the line then (that is, after having followed Port land Canal up to the 56th degree) turns eastward upon that latitude until it touches the highest ridge of the chain of mountains lying contiguous to, and nearly parallel with, the coast. But it is perfectly obvious, on reference to the only source of information, Vancouver's chart, that this could not have been truly said by any-' one acquainted with the Treaty, the map, or the negotiations ; and the plain inference . is that Mr. Middleton carried away from the interview a mistaken impression.: A moment's glance at the chart will show that at the head of the Canal it was impossible to touch, and therefore impossible to turn either eastward or westward on, the parallel ; and that a line produced in the direction of tbe Canal from its head to the parallel would reach the parallel at a point beyond all the mountains shown. A line drawn eastward from this point would, therefore, run straight inland, away from both mountains and coast* and so render impossible of attainment the declared aim, namely, " tbe mountains lying con tiguous to, and nearly parallel to, the coast." Mr. Middleton was thus palpably mistaken. And be it remembered that it was recognized by the Parties that the position of the mountains had not been definitely ascertained, and that alternative provision was made by the Treaty in that regard. Now, what is the version of the United' States United States' version of Mr. Middleton's of Mr. Middleton's version of Mr. Canning's statement. version ? It is this : — " The line from the head of Portland Canal turns U.S. Case, p. 63. eastward to the range of mountains. " This, last version assumes that the turn of the line is from the head of Portland Canal ; it thus seems to assume the coincidence of the head of the Canal with the parallel ; it, however, ignores the parallel altogether, both as a point to be reached and as a line to be followed, and it propounds a line which turns eastward from the head of the Canal to the mountains. It is submitted that, even if the Treaty be, as applied to the facts, obscure, yet to construe it by British Conclusion. 21 these methods would be to interpret obscurum per obscurius, and that the only true plan of construc- P. 4. tipn is that which Mr. S. Canning himself stated in the passage already quoted, to, recognize that " the Articles depend for their force entirely on the general acceptation of the terms in which they are expressed." British Case, Reference is made to the British Case for a P- 68. summary of the arguments by which the British conclusion is supported. FIFTH AND SIXTH QUESTIONS It is now proposed to deal with questions five and six together, and to examine the contentions of the United States' Case in the order in which they are presented so far as possible. These questions are as follows : — Fifth question — "in extending the line of demarcation northward from said point on the parallel of the 56th degree of north latitude, fol lowing the crest of the mountains situated parallel to the coast until its intersection with the 141st degree of longitude west of Greenwich, subject to the condition that if SUCH line should anywhere exceed the dis tance of 10 marine leagues from the Ocean, then the boundary between the British and the Russian Territory should be formed by a line parallel to the sinuosities of the coast and distant therefrom not more than 10 marine leagues, was it the intention and meaning of said convention of 1825 that there should remain in the exclusive possession of russsia a continuous fringe, or strip, of coast on the mainland, not exceeding 10 marine leagues in width separating the british possessions from the bays, ports, inlets, havens, and waters of the Ocean, and extending from the said point on the 56th degree of latitude north to a point where such line of demarcation should intersect the 141st degree of longi tude west oe the meridian of greenwich ? " 22 Sixth question— ' " IF THE FOREGOING QUESTION SHOULD BE ANSWERED IN THE NEGATIVE, AND IN THE EVENT OF THE SUMMIT OF SUCH MOUNTAINS PROVING TO BE IN PLACES MORE THAN 10 MARINE LEAGUES FROM THE COAST, SHOULD THE WIDTH OF THE lisiere which was to belong to Russia be measured (l) from the mainland coast of the Ocean, strictly so called, along a line perpendicular thereto, or (2) was it the intention and meaning of the said con vention that where the mainland coast is indented by deep inlets forming part of the territorial waters of russia, teie width of THE lisiere WAS TO BE MEASURED (a) FROM THE line of the general direction of the main land coast, or (b) from the line separating the waters of the ocean from the territorial waters of Russia, or (c) from the heads of the aforesaid inlets?" The paramount object which Russia had in view The "Barrier" theory. was, according to the contention of the United States, " to erect a territorial ' barrier ' between U.S. Case, p. 30. her coasts and the inland possessions of Great Britain ; " and again it is stated that the purpose of establishing the lisiere upon the continent was lb., p. -52 " to create an unbroken barrier along the entire water front of the continent." To establish that the general purpose of the Parties was as above stated, the United States' Case passes in review, first, the negotiations between the United States and Russia, and then those between Great Britain and Russia. In examining the negotiations first above mentioned the compilers of the Case for the United States have laboured to show that the question between that Power and Russia involved territorial sovereignty, and that the Convention of 1824 was a recognition on the part of the United States of the sovereignty of Russia over the territory north of latitude 54° 40'. On pp. 13 and 14 of tbe United States' Case it is observed lb., pp. 13-14. that, in order to support " the right of the inde pendent American fur traders to the unrestricted intercourse which they then enjoyed with the natives of the shores claimed by Russia," it was necessary for Mr. Adams " to deny the sovereignty of Russia over those regions." Again, on p. 22, 23 U.S. Case, p. 22. it is stated to be " evident that the opposition of the United States to the territorial claims of Russia was because the right to restrict trade and to exercise jurisdiction over the neighbouring seas depended solely upon territorial dominion." The bearing of this conclusion upon the questions now at issue is not very clearly enun ciated in the United States' Case. It is conceived, however, that the suggestion intended is that Russia having succeeded in securing as against the United States, whose traders approached by sea, undisputed dominion over all the territory north of latitude 54° 40', to which access was gained from the sea, must be assumed in her subsequent arrangement with Great Britain to have insisted similarly on an inland boundary which gave to that Power, whose trade was advancing from tbe interior, no access to the sea. Coming to the negotiations between Great Britain and Russia, the Case for the United States, in the first instance, lays hold of an expression reported to have been used before the negotiations lb., p. 29. begun by Count de Lambert to M. Poletica, in which the word "barrier" occurs. This expres sion is presented to the Tribunal as formulating the Russian conception of what her policy demanded, and the subsequent negotiations are examined with a view to showing that she adhered to it. Position of Great Britain with relation to It will be convenient to state at once the the « Barrier" theory. position taken by Great Britain with regard to the contention above referred to. Assuming that the Russian purpose was a " barrier," that such purpose is legitimately proved, and that it can be made out that it was adhered to by Russia and recognized by Great Britain, the point is what sort of a " barrier " it was. The exigencies of the case from the United States' point of view are not satisfied by establish ing a barrier in the sense of an intervening strip of territory in which Great Britain could not settle, trade, or fish. Such a strip would be provided if there was reserved to Russia a belt of territory running along the land and crossing the mouths of inlets, being the territorial waters of the Power owning the shore on either side. But the existence of .such a strip would be consistent with the possibility that the territorial waters of inlets or estuaries might, if such inlets were long enough, penetrate through such strip and have their termination beyond in British territory. If [769] E 24 that were so in the case of any inlet, the com mercial vessels of Great Britain would, upon the general principles of international law, have the right of innocent passage over the territorial waters of Russia forming part of her strip of territory and situate in the mouth of the inlet, but they would have no right to use such waters for trading or fishing, and the belt of territorial separation of the British possessions from the coast facing the Russian islands would be complete. Great Britain affirms that the establishment of the lisiere had nothing to do with the use of the sea. She submits that the passages from the negotiations cited in the United States' Case do not show that it did, and she will hereafter refer to passages which show that it did not. In order to make clear the British contention Territorial Waters in International Law. in this respect, it is proposed to state the Inter national Law upon the subject of territorial waters. The subject was touched upon at pp. 78 and 79 of the British Case; but, in view of the fact that in the Case for the United States it seems to be assumed that the establishment of a belt of territory would necessarily involve drawing the line round the heads of the inlets, it is thought necessary now to deal with the subject fu%- _ ' In the first place it is undoubted law, which it is unnecessary to support by detailed argument, that a State has territorial sovereignty over a belt of sea, usually taken as 3 miles in width, adjoining its coasts. The waters of such belt are, however, subject to the right of innocent passage by the commercial vessels of other nations. There is further a consensus of opinion among writers on International Law that every State has territorial sovereignty over certain arms of the sea included within its territory by headlands or promontories. But there is not a universal agreement as to the limits of size and shape within which arms of the sea may be treated as territorial waters. It is generally considered that the crucial measurement is the width at the entrance of the inlet ; but the depth inland is not unimportant, because a claim that the waters of an inlet of some size are territorial is more readily admitted if the length of its shore-line is con- 25 siderable in proportion to the breadth of the opening intra fauces terra* Maine's " Inter- The reason why, in spite of the general doctrine national Law," ,,.¦,, p. 39. of mare hoerum, gulfs and bays up to a certain Grotius,, "de Jure size are treated as territorial waters, is, of Bk. ii, c. 3 s.' 13 course, because the State which owns both head- § 2- lands is in fact able to control the entrance. It c.62. °m " anS' *s a reason OI> the same kind which explains and Systema dei justifies territorial jurisdiction over a belt of water Prmcipii del Dir. adjoining even unindented coasts. " Videtur Mar. i, 67-68, ... referred to in Sir autem imperium in maris portionem . . . . ac- jii"dgmenTine"The (lu*ri ¦ • • ¦ ratione territorii, quatenus ex terra Queen v. Keyn," cogi possunt, qui in proxima maris parte ver- p, 73. ' ' santur," says Grotius. Bynkershoek enshrined this principle in tbe famous dictum " Potestas terrae finitur ubi finitur armorum vis," or, as he says elsewhere, " quousque tormenta exploduntur." When Azuni wrote in 1796, he complained that the width of this 'belt of territorial water was still a C. Eob. 385. undecided; But in giving judgment in " The Anna," in 1805, Lord Stowell said : " Since the introduction of fire-arms that distance has been usually recognized to be 3 miles from the shore." During the last 100 years the 3-mile limit has been repeatedly affirmed, t though in view of the greatly increased range of modern ordnance it has been urged that the limit should be yet further extended. A minimum of 3 miles from low-water mark being conceded as territorial water, even where tbe coast-line is not broken by bays, it follows that an opening which is not more than 6 miles across is necessarily within the territorial limits. Some authorities contend that if the opening is more than twice the width of the ordinary belt of territorial waters, the outside line of that belt must follow the indentations and so may come within the opening. But on the other hand many authorities refuse to treat inlets as part of the open sea, merely because the distance from headland to headland exceeds 6 miles, and recognizes that a State which controls an entrance from both sides can effectively exert its authority over more than * Cf. Grotius, " De Jure Belli et Pacis," lib. ii, cap. iii, § 8, who admits " mare occupari potuisse abeo, qui terras ad latus utrumque possideat dummodo non ita magna sit pars maris, ut non cum terris comparata portio ^sarum videri possit." f The earliest mention of 3 miles as the limit seems to occur in Jefferson's despatch to the British Minister dated the 8th November, 1793, announcing its adoption by the United States. [769] E 2 twice the marine league which is the limit of its dominion ocean wards. Thus Chancellor Kent wrote : — Kent's " Commentary on " It is difficult to draw any precise or determinate j° er,^ '^am conclusion, amidst the variety of opinions, as to the 1877), p. 100. distance to which a State may lawfully extend its exclusive dominion over the sea adjoining its territories and beyond those portions of the sea which are em braced by harbours, gulfs, bays, and estuaries, and over which its jurisdiction unquestionably extends.* All that can- be reasonably asserted is, that the dominion of the Sovereign of the shore over the contiguous sea extends as far as is requisite for his safety and for some lawful end The executive authority [of the p. 101. United States] in 1793 considered the whole of Delaware Bay to be within its territorial jurisdiction ; resting its claims upon those authorities which admit that gulfs, channels, and arms of the sea belong to the people with whose lands they are encompassed ; and it was intimated that the law of nations would justify the United States in attaching to their coasts an extent into the sea beyond the reach of cannon shot." Wheaton says : — Wheaton's J " Elements " (ed. " The maritime territory of every State extends to g ^j 255 the ports, harbours, bays, mouths of rivers, and ad jacent parts of the sea inclosed by headlands belonging to the same State. The general usage of nations superadds to this extent of territorial jurisdiction a distance of a marine league, or as far as a cannon shot will reach from the shore along all the coasts of the State. Within these limits its right of property and territorial jurisdiction are absolute, and exclude those of every other nation." Halleck (ed. Baker, 1878), i, 134, uses almost identical language in affirming a State's right of property to inlets inclosed between headlands. The views of Kent and Wheaton are quite con sistent with, and are really founded upon, the opinions of earlier European writers. Thus Vattel had written : — " Tout ce que nous avons dit des parties de la mer yafte] « pro;+ fies voisines des cotes " [i.e., that they " sont comprises dans Gens," livre i, son territoire " (§ 288 )] " se dit plus particulierement et a j^ap- xxiri, plus forte raison des rades, des baies et des ddtroits, comme plus capables encore d'etre occupes, et plus importants a la surete du pays. Mais je parle des baies et d^troits «le peu d'etendue, et non de ces grands espaces de mer auxquels on donne quelquefois ces * Referring to Azuni's "Maritime Law of Europe," i, 206 ; Wheaton's "Elements," i, pt. 2, ch. 4, § 6 -f Marten's " Precis du Droit des Gens," § 31. 27 noms, tels que la Baie de Hudson et le Detroit de Magellen, sur lesquels l'empire ne saurait s'etendre, et moins encore la propri^teO Une baie dont on peut defendre l'entree peut §tre occupee et soumise aux lois du Souverain ; il importe qu'elle le soit, puisque le pays pourrait etre beaucoup plus ais^ment insult^ en cet endroit que sur les c6tes ouvertes aux vents et a l'impdtuosite des flots." Hautefeuille's " Droits des Nations Neutres, p. 240. Hautefeuille says : — " Les c6tes de la mer ne presentent pas une|ligne droite et reguliere; elles sont, au contraire, presque,-, toujours coupees de baies, de caps, etc. ; si le domaine maritime devait toujours e"tre mesure de chacun des points du rivage, il en resulterait de graves inconveniens. Aussi est-on convenu, dans l'usage, de tirer une ligne Active d'un promontoire a l'autre, et prendre cette ligne pour point de depart de la portee du canon. Ce mode, adopte par presque tous les peuples, ne s'applique qu'aux petites baies, et non aux golfes d'une grande etendue, comme le Golfe de G-ascogue, comme celui de Lyon, qui sont en realite de grandes parties de mer, completement ouvertes, et dont il est impossible de nier l'assimilation complete avec la haute mer." Bluntschli's " Droit Inter national Codifie, §'309, cf. § 302. Puffendorf, " Law of Nature and of Nations," Bk. iv, c. 5, § 8, as by Twiss. Similarly Bluntschli recognizes " gulfs," within certain limits of size, as forming a division of maritime territory distinct from the ordinary belt of territorial water. Puffendorf, to the same effect, says " gulfs and channels or arms of the sea are, according to the bv5Tw!saS quoted regular course, supposed to belong to the people with whose lands they are encompassed." Even those authorities who, at first sight, appear to treat the territoriality of inlets as depending merely on the 3 -mile -limit rule, recognize that a State may sometimes so com mand the entrance between two promontories, though these are more than 6 miles apart, as to justify a claim to the whole of the inclosed water. Thus Ortolan says : — Ortolan " ®n ^°^ ranger sur ^a meme ligne que les rades et " Diplomatie de la les ports les golfes et les baies et tous les enfoncements Mer," tome i, livre ii, ch. viii. conn us sous d'autres denominations, lorsque ces enfonce ments, formes par les terres d'un me^me £tat, ne d^passent pas en largeur la double portee du canon, ou lorsque l'entree peut en 6tre gouvernee par l'artillerie, ou qu'elle est def endue naturellement par les iles, par des bancs ou par des roches." Kltiber, " Droit des Gens Modernes de I'Europe," § 130. Similarly Kliiber treats as territorial " les parties de l'oce'an qui s'e"tendent dans le terri- toire continental de 1'lStat, si elles peuvent 6tre dominees par le canon des deux bords, ou que 28 l'entre'e seulement puisse en etre deTendue aux vaisseaux." And he instances the Zuyder Zee. Finally, a very recent American writer, Taylor, Taylor's -, r i , r c j.i • j? "International may be referred to for a summary of the views oi pUDiic Law," text-writers. He adds : § 229, p. 278, published 1902. " Germany and France are inclined to limit their claims to such bays, gulfs, and recesses as are not more than 10 miles wide at their entrance, measured in a straight line from headland to headland. The latter claims, however, the whole of the oyster-beds in the Bay of Cancale, the entrance to which is 17 miles wide, the cultivation of such beds by local French fishermen making the case exceptional." Turning from the opinions of writers to the controversies of diplomatists, it is noteworthy that the United States have more than once argued for the territoriality of the gulfs of much greater width than twice the 3-mile limit would cover. In 1793 the French frigate "1'Embuscade" See opinion of seized the British ship " Grange " in Delaware General "dated Bay, and the United States demanded and May 14' 1793, . „ and letter of U.S. secured the release ot the latter on the ground Secretary of State that the capture was a violation of neutral waters. »°-. ¦J.Freiic^ r _ Minister, of May Similarly, Chesapeake Bay has been consistently 15, 1793, printed claimed by tbe United States as a part of their gtate papers " territorial waters. Both these bays are more (1789-1794), , n ., . , ±1 . , vol. i, pp. 72-76. than 10 miles wide at their entrance. There is nothing in the long controversy over British-American fisheries and the interpreta tion of the Treaties of 1783 and 1818 which throws any light on the international status, apart from special Conventions, of arms of the sea. In 1853 the Halifax Fisheries Com mission decided that the Bay of Fundy (65 to 75 miles wide and 130 to 140 miles long) was not a "bay" within the meaning of the Treaties. In any case, the headlands doctrine could hardly be applied to it, for one of its headlands was British and the other American. In giving his decision the Umpire (Mr. Joshua Bates) said : — " This doctrine of the headlands is new, and has Quoted in the received a proper limit in the Convention between proceedings before France and Great Britain of the 2nd August, 1839, in Fisheries Com- which ' it is agreed that the distance of 3 miles, fixed mission, 1877, as the general limit for the exclusive right of fishery ^' upon the coasts of the two countries shall, with respect to bays, the mouths of which do not exceed 10 miles in width, be measured from a straight line drawn from headland to headland.' " 29 L.R., 2 Ex., Div. 63. Per Sir K. Phillimore at p. 71. There is very little judicial authority bearing on this question. In Regina v. Keyn, though the 3-mile limit was examined and discussed from every point of view, the headlands question was not considered. " The question as to dominion over portions of the seas inclosed within headlands or contiguous shores, such as the King's chambers, is not now under con sideration." 41 and 42 Vict., c. 73. Bell's Crown Cases, p. 72 (1859). Neither is the headlands question affected by "The Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act, 1878," for both the preamble and the enacting clauses refer solely to the " open sea." In Cunningham's case, where the question was whether an indictment "would lie at the Glamor ganshire Assizes for an offence committed below low-water mark in the Penarth Roads, the Court said of the Bristol Channel : " The whole of this inland sea between the counties of Somerset and Glamorgan is to be considered as within the counties by the shores of which its several parts are respectively bounded." " Direct United The only reported English case in which the States Cable Co. v. . ,. , .¦•¦¦¦. .• i Anglo-American headlands question m its international aspect was o^n CaaA really discussed came before the Privy Council in 1877 on appeal from the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. It was there decided that Con-, ception Bay, on the east coast of Newfoundland, was part of the local territory, although the entrance to the bay is more than 20 miles wide. Lord Blackburn, in delivering the Judgment, discusses both the English common law and the law of nations as to territorial dominion over such a bay. As regards the latter, be says : — Loc. cit., p. 419. '' We find an universal agreement that harbours, estuaries, and bays land-locked belong to the territory of the nation which possesses the shores round them, but no agreement as to what is the rule to determine what is ' bay ' for this purpose. It seems generally agreed that where the configuration and dimensions of the bay are such as to show that the nation occupying the adjoining coasts also occupies the bay it is part of the territory ; and with this idea most of the writers on the subject refer to defensibility from the shore as the test ot occupation ; some suggesting, therefore, a width of one cannon shot from each shore, or 6 miles ; some an arbitrary distance of 10 miles." Lord Blackburn then goes on to say that Conception Bay would not satisfy any of these 30 tests of width, but then neither would the Bristol Channel or the American bays claimed in 1793 or referred to by Chancellor Kent. But it became unnecessary to lay down a general rule, because Lord Blackburn held that the territoriality of Loc. dt., p. 420. Conception Bay was established by prescription and acquiescence. Hence it is still the case that the question " what are the rules as to dimen sions and configuration which, apart from other considerations, would lead to the conclusion that a bay is or is not a part of the territory of the State possessing the adjoining coasts . . „ . has never .... been made the ground of any judicial determination." It is submitted that the result of the authorities is as follows : — 1. The precise limits within which international law regards bays as territorial waters have never been determined. 2. There is much authority for the opinion that a bay is not necessarily part of the high seas because its opening is wider than twice the breadth of the ordinary belt of territorial water, and that the territorial dominion over the larger gulfs must be settled by a consideration of each individual case. The possession of islands block ing or guarding the inlet, the prominence of the headlands, and the actual exercise of national authority over the waters claimed, are evidence going to justify the claim. 3. If the size and configuration of an opening is such that the line may rightly be drawn from headland to headland, the belt of territorial water is to be measured from the line outwards. It is to be remarked that the Anglo-American q~ algo , Convention .of 1818 provided that the United Anglo-French States renounced all claim to take, dry, or cure 1839. fish "on or within 3 marine miles of any of the coasts, bays, creeks, or harbours " of certain parts of British territory. The provisions of the North Sea Convention, Br Qase 7g which adopts the same principle, have been re ferred to in the British Case. The legislature of the State of Massachusetts has also adopted it, by enacting as follows : — " The territorial limits of the Commonwealth extend par^ 1 jjt j one marine league from its sea-shore at low water Cap. 1, Sec. 1, of mark. Where an inlet or arm of the sea does not ^j^86* Uws exceed two marine leagues in width between its head lands, a straight line drawn from one headland to the other is equivalent to the shore line." 31 The application of these principles of inter national law in the present controversy must not be misunderstood. It is not contended that the words "coast" and "Ocean" in the Convention of 1825 refer to the outside line of territorial waters. The zone of territorial waters along a coast is ocean, and is part of the highway of nations. It is territory for the purposes of uses other than that of a highway ; for instance, for the purposes of fishing and of belligerent operations. The use made by Great Britain of the doctrine relating to gulfs and arms of the sea is twofold. In the first place, it appears that in measuring the zone of territorial water fronting the coast of the ocean, the line of coast to be measured from is taken across the entrances of narrow inlets, which are treated therefore as not breaking that fine. This throws light on the meaning which the word coast should bear in this Treaty. In the second place, Great Britain's contention is that the lisiere was not established with reference to and was not intended to affect, either one way or the other, any marine rights. It was intended to interpose only a strip of "territory" free from British trade, fishery, or settlement. If, therefore, the waters between the headlands of the inlets are " territory," the strip of territory is not broken by being carried across such inlets. In addition, Great Britain desires to make it clear that her proposition is that the territorial character of parts of the sea does not affect the right of passage to places not in the territory of the Power to which these parts of the sea belong. The zone of territorial waters on the open ocean is part of the highway of nations. So are straits, or the mouths of inlets, if they lead to other waters not the territory of the Power owning their shores. Hall's International " In all cases," writes Mr. Hall, " in which territorial Law (4th edition), waters are so placed that passage over them is either p. 164. r . ,/., ... necessary or convenient to the navigation oi open seas, as in that of marginal waters, or of an appropriated strait connecting unappropriated waters, they are subject to a right of innocent use by all mankind for the purpose of commercial navigation. The general consent of nations, which was seen to be wanting to the alleged right of navigation of rivers, may fairly be said to have been given to that of the sea." Great Britain's contention, therefore, is that assuming it was the purpose and effect of the [769] F i 32 _.Treaty .to.give to^Ru^si^Ta -beltpf " territory/'' it dqesnpjj folio wtfrat sqch bplt might iipt be tjravpifsgd by inlets ;; and, further,, that the onrissiontp insert^, a -^provision for free ingress, ,$nd [egress ^hrougj^the mouths of such .inlets, as on; the British contentiop joaight, penetrate through] the, lisiere, r while suph djberty .is exprpssly reserved in, the .case of rivers, does not support the,cpnclusionthat; Great Britain v^_a$ regarded^as in(nq:eyent';to; be entitled tp any territory on^any^sueji in])etlS,,[|.But) I^us^ia's.terrti- .^orjal, rightfgayej ^er-jthe^ppiw^r tp, see that they were pnly r use4_ fpr; ;this . L purpose , >and to preve ntj |W?fling?.^ding,%hi^g? or smuggling. 3[ij nj 58J300 -:m\1 ^flbnoTl za3&y/ IfirjOjhial 'io snos odi rnoAsIbm'aJbeeadyfbeeflstaled, the conclusion whichi, The Negotiations and Treaty between the johthe Oaseuofithe-Urrited States, it is .sought United Statee and Ruesia' i&;\ draw! £m>m :¦ .the? Bne'goti-ati:ons^;betwe'en 0 that •HRower andilifoissiadandethfei Treaty which resulted therefrom J -is Ofbat :the lUnit'ed c States: recognized JtheffsoyereigntyjofHRussia^eyerjiiihei coasts -north of latitude. .54j° 40'. ;, rfon, tir-v srOc.:^ s.0: j&di ei '^:;; Assuming this -to be: so,, it is, in.1 the first place;; to-, bei observed that , no, ^argument ean be jda?awni frpTOlihatT cir&umjS'liagice affecting: the construction; o&fessiiiteeqiuent-'Convention with Great Britain.; 'io Iii the negotiations-/ bet ween the, United States' ajid Russia there; was.no question of any boundary excepte ai lines of- tlatitude .upon the coast./jd An interior; boundary, toO beOdrawn. parallelbto :fhe eoastvwas not discussed, nor could the effect of ariy such , boundary, with , reference qto .the' head-' waters': of. ;tha j inlets, have- been -in any way in: contemplation .: 'i After, the- conclusion -of the Coni-; vention , with-jthe , United .^States, '. Ru ssia remained perfectly free to agree with Great : Britain upon; an. inland boundary running, across. the inlets, i to ¦a, It. is now//pr©p©sed to go further and show from- the negotiations and the Treaty that they con1-" tain nothing which indicates an a priori impro bability (forthat is all that is or can be attempted IjsaohameJnl g'lkH tod be deduced from them) that - Russia would' ^ j „ make such an' arrangement with 'Great Britain.' a',n It 'may be conceded that in ^effect, though it was not expressed, the Convention of 1824 secured tp Russia as between that Power and the United States .the sovereignty over the. coast norths pf, latitude 54° 400 Russia acquired as Against, the; United States exclusive liberty to ¦<¦ settle o that ' coast. There is nothing, however, to show that she acquired^ or- 1 desired to acquire in> irespeet' of the seas adjoining any further right than such -as \ [69?] is a'finexed by ihterilationkHaw to the sovereignty ^et'the land, r'br thaVsW obtained dr1' desired tlj obtain" a'fiy- power1' to limit'' their" iise: fer^the1 ordinary "purriosfe's r of ' innoc'ent navigation:' 1 Oh ... the contrary, there is , much to suggest that, whether it was -realized, by her negotiators or not^ Russia, was regarded bj ^e^tjnited, Spates. q$ gubmittifng to ; a, material modification off the, tisual rights b£ sovereignity t by rperanittingi ik-7d.$ntimiofc only of navigation^ Tatit?:&£ navigation7 4br rthe pur^ pose 6f 'fishery, £-aiid :for: the 'purp'Ose" of- ^ocal Mdmg on all -jiartk of 'the' blasts as^ned 'to'fhef while they remained unseMed,atSat'.isV withoul tr/;;:;, f; .-~V'l ¦.-! Intent* 3* :jr,lj.-.-rV-r,i j ¦,,•;:¦ _'S f, .i.ujrv tiussian establishments. , • , . , . , y ^/Ihe contention, pf the Uuitpol ^ta|ps jw^s, ,$fo%% until there was settlement Russia had not the EJgfrt to. .exclude the Ujnited ^States' tjrad^ifypm tjlje; poagt. ?i Thjs position,;; it will: jb%}sh$f$afo the United States regarded 0a^ Porifirmje^gbyiithegQpno vep^iqn ,of % 824, , ,and fthg , express pjpv^jp^siof AsEJ,i$.6; [ IjV7 , giving'' reciprocal ' access. , for t trade , gndj fishery to ..internal.- territorial waters. .fpr jteix.ye^ra conferred- a special privilege in e&tpusipfi, of th^r general privileges ;conferred by Article Jf, iscash ; 38 1, It, is now prpjosgd ^qop-X^inp-jthe'^gqfetigng to,, show that 'this i$'SQ> • oici J'0<--\H -«n5no' '» bnr, U.S. App. p. 47 c, In the despatch; of Mr. Adanis to, May Middleton; of th e 22nd July, ,-l#,2 3, it was, + stated ; that :th& T^njted .States i righf of navigation., a^dipf ii^]»kigj was, perfect^ and,;had^been; in jqpnstant.Oe^pr,^^ from the earliest times after -the 'peace j of 178& throughout, fhe whole of the Southern j; Qcgafljo subject only to the ordinary exceptions, ftiid p£clu-; sipjrs of the territorial jurisdictions, \whipb. s.9l£ar as Russian,] rights, were .concerned were- -confined! to certain islands north of the 55th degree of .3d .q ..^latitude, and ^ hM'n^*gxistenCg''^n the continent 'bf America. a1-A fte'r * exam ining ' the 'correspondence' 1 which' had' passed, t:Mi\ ;9Adams' states,3 as -r 'the' correct view of the "Russian Charter of 1799, that the. TEmperor. Paul, had g ranted r to .the .Russian -r American Company certain exclusive,, privileges of. cpxpnaerpe— exclusive with j reference, to other: Russian ^subjects ; ; butOfchat cRussiafl had never: before -asserted a right t)f sovereignty Over any part of the North : Anieriean continent* r and in 1799 the people of the United States had been for at least twelve year& in Constant and Uninter rupted enjoyment of ar profitable trade with the^ natives of that very coast of which the Ukase of r c -i| - IT the Emperor PanPcduldi not deprive them: Mr. [769] F 2 34 Adams was, however, ready to settle the territorial claim provided trade access was not prevented on parts of the coast where there were no settle ments. He says in the same despatch — " With regard to the territorial claim, separate from tj.S_ App., p. 51. the right of traffic with the natives and from any system of colonial exclusions, we are willing to agree to the boundary line within which the Emperor Paul had granted exclusive privileges to the Russian-American Company, that is to say, latitude 55°. " If the Russian Government apprehend serious incon venience from the illicit traffic of foreigners with their settlements on the northwest coast, it may be effectually guarded against by stipulations similar to those, a draft of which is herewith subjoined, and to which you are authorized, on the part of the United States, to agree." Articles I and II of the draft inclosed were practically in the same form as Articles I and II of the Convention as finally agreed. Article III laid down the limit of the future right of settlement at latitude 5 5°. The illicit trade guarded against by Article II was, as shown by the words of this draft, illicit trade in the Russian Settlements. The words " with the Russian Settlements" were changed in the first Projet and Contre- Projet into "with their respective Settlements," and disappeared altogether from the Article in its later forms, obviously because the Settlements are referred to almost immediately afterwards in the same sentence. This phrase was not the subject of any discussion, and it is elear that no alteration of meaning was intended by the change. Mr. Adams' contemporaneous despatch to Mr. Rush puts forward exactly the same view — " The • right of carrying on trade with the natives lb., p. 56. throughout the northwest coast they" [the United States] " can not renounce. With the Russian settle ments at Kodiac, or at New Archangel, they may fairly claim the advantage of a free trade, having so long enjoyed it unmolested, and because it has been and would continue to be as advantageous at least to those settlements as to them. But they will not contest the right of Russia to prohibit the traffic, as strictly confined to the Russian settlement itself, and not extending to the original natives of the coast." Mr. Rush entirely appreciated the contention of his Government, and in a despatch of the 19th December, 1823, reported that he had explained to Mr. Canning that in fixing upon 35 latitude 55° as the southern limit of Russia, it was not the intention of the United States to deprive themselves of the right of traffic with the natives above it, and still less to concede to Russia any system of colonial exclusion above it. In a subsequent despatch of the 19th January, 1824, he reported that he understood Great Britain would claim to a point northwards above 55° and southwards as low down as 49°, and that she would be chiefly tenacious of the right which she would allege to settle or colonize after her own plans, then or in future, all such parts of that coast, outside of the admitted boundaries of other nations, as she could make good her title to. U.S. App., On the 9th February, 1824, Mr. Middleton duly submitted to the Russian Government the draft forwarded to him by Mr, Adams, and, on the 20th February, received a Contre - Projet. In this Contre - Projet, Articles II and III ran as follows : — lb., p. 83. " Article 2. With the view of preventing the rights of navigation and of fishing, exercised upon the great ocean by the citizens and subjects of the high con tracting powers, from becoming the pretext for an illicit trade with their respective establishments, it is agreed that the citizens of the United States shall not resort to any part of the coast already occupied by Russian establishments, or belonging to Uwssia, from the line of demarkation pointed out in the article below, without the permission of the governor or commander of said establishments; and that, reciprocally, the subjects of Russia shall not resort, without permission, to any establishment of the United States upon the Northwest Coast, from the same line of demarkation. "Article 3. It is, moreover, agreed that, in the respective possessions of the two high powers on the Northwest Coast ®f America, or in any of the adjacent islands, there shall not be formed by the citizens of the United States, or under the authority of the said States, any establishment to the north of 54° 40' of north latitude : and that, in the same manner, there shall be none formed by Russian subjects, or under, the authority of Russia, to the south of the same parallel." Mr. Middleton at once observed that the inser tion in the second Article was utterly inadmissible, as repugnant to the stipulations of the former lb p. 78. Article. Accordingly, at a third Conference, on the 23rd February, 1824, he insisted on restoring his own phraseology, explaining to Count Nessel rode that the United States could not admit for Russia or claim for themselves " possessions " except where there were actual establishments. 36 ii At this thirds Conference the line was changed to latitude, ^49 "4 00 instead: of 55°, Mr. Middleton taking advantage of this-concession on his part to introduce the stipulation which, *in the concluded Treaty; , forms the IYth Article.; . At subsequent Conferences the exact form of this stipulation was much discussed,; . and Mr.. : Middleton attached great importance tothe point that the ¦ termina tion of the .-ten years'- privilege, should not be couched in language suggesting &-> substantive agreement^afor fear that it would prejudice the rights acknowledged- by Article I. a > ' '¦ * -, •- ¦ <- L-On the 7th (19th) -April,, 1824, Mr. Middleton U.S. App., p. 69. wrote to Mr. Adams* announcing the conclusion* of the Convention : and giving (Jan ¦? account of the ,.yqA .5.7 negotiations, a Dealing with' the * relation* of the provisions, of Article. IV to those of Article: I, he observed, that, with regard to trade in: unoccupied places, aslpermittedl by the permanent- Articles/ he was of opinion that all the shores of the- great ocean upon which the Parties to the Contract had any-claim would continue open to them respectively for its pursuit under those stipulations." The specific "and particular privileges granted . by. Article. IY, which, upon examination, would be found to contain an extension of ., the general privileges embraced - by the preceding Articles,: would, of course, cease after ten years, unless renewed by mutual consent. ' v «'':«' w-K: «¦¦¦¦ ^ ^wi ''It is 'submitted that, for the reasons above given, the course 'of the negotiations and' 'the tenns pf the _ Convention resulting therefrom between, the United, States and Russia do -not suggest the probability that Russia entered lUpon her discussions with Great Britain upon the basis that navigation through the seas adjoining all territory north o'f the boundary she would propose upon the coast was to be v withheld from all but Russian subjects. The conduct of the Parties after 7the expiry of the ten years, referred, to in Article IV is also important in this connection. On the 19th May-, 1335, the Russian Alnbassa- lb., p. 236. dor at Washington called attention1"" to the fact that the IVth Article of the Treaty of 1824 by which ^indefinite ; and"' indiscriminate -liberty of «ST "1 -rfI frequenting the * respective possessions L of each* Party on the north- west coast was granted to the vesselsof each had expired." eT±- - -,rij "^ ¦ ^:-:-'r- The' United States' - Government thereupon lb., p. 240. published an"1 informal notice in the -" Globe " 37 newspaper of the 22nd July, 1835. This stated that* American-, captains,, had. been warned by Russia " that they could no. longer claim- under the ..Convention -the right of landing at all the landing-places, without distinction, .belonging to Russia on that coast," and that " those interested in the trade would, not iail, to observe that under the second Article of the Convention r it. was necessary for all American^, vessels resorting to ianypoint on, that. eoast where there, was-a Russian establishment, to .obtain - the permission of, the governor or commander." .r^-^O. 5. •¦";•- ^e:ir U.S., App, 246. . On -the 1 1th December, 1835, Mr,; Wilkins, the American -Minister at St. Petersburgh, reported to,, his -i Government a conversation he had,-, held with Count. Nesselrode with reference, to the renewal ,-of the privilege secured by Article IV. In this despatch _. he -says that he did not feel himself authorized to. call the attention of the Imperial Minister to what mights or probably would be the construction put by the United States upon the Treaty with the IVth Article extinct ; nor what rule of the law of nations would be considered as applicable to the case and controlling the trade upon a wild and extensive , £:,(¦.•:-.' t.. ;ie-v ''.d p^: :;..: ::*^^Ty- sc'O' American coast of a great and open ocean, and still with the exception of a very few jaorts at, - a vast distance from., each other in the rightful occupancy of -the natives, and to which.he believed the sovereignty,, of ..Russia. -had not , yet in any Treaty or Convention been, admitted. ~, .-j: ^j,:;-:, £ Al -c. wd.i Jr Z - As stated in the American Case j the Russian Government in the end refused to continue . the provisions of this Article, and on theJ26th Septem- Ib., p. 250. ber^ 1845, M the Ignited : States, accepting this decision, gave official notice warning American vessels against the violation of Treaty stipulations by resorting to any. point ou the Russian- American coast, where -there was a , Russian establishment," without -the permission of the Government or Com mander, or by frequenting the interior seas, gulfs, harbours, and creeks on that coast at. any point north of latitude 54° 40'. j-.; -..uri vv; ?>-H The, foregoing resume shows that what, Russia was understood by the United. States*, to have secured- by the Convention ,pf 182 4,, .was not freedom from the access of foreign- traders to the natives, still less,, freedom from mere navigation by way of innocent; passage, -but -freedom from access to ...Russian, settlements and from a the encroachment of American settlements,. - r. <-r jifi& -.r>. hn& 38 The IVtb Article gave for a limited time access for trade and fishery to the internal territorial waters of Russia. Mr. Middleton, who negotiated the Convention, and subsequently Mr. Wilkins, appear to have held the view that, even when Article IV expired, the United States would, in the absence of Russian settlement, still have, by virtue of Article I, the same right to frequent the inland waters for trade and fishery. The Russian Government would probably have been surprised at this contention, but the United States did not then put it forward. The point to be observed with reference to Article IV of the United States' Treaty, as well as to Article VII of the British Treaty, is that it deals with navigation for trade and fishery, that is to say, for purposes involving acts which prima facie the territorial Sovereign would be entitled to prevent. It had nothing to do with the right of innocent passage, which the commercial vessels of all nations might have if the waters in question could be used for that purpose. As already pointed out, the Case of the United The Negotiations between Great Britain States seeks to extract from the negotiations and even from the uncommunicated statements of the Russian negotiators the conclusion that a barrier was intended to be established cutting off Great Britain from tidal water. With this object the Case for the United States refers in the first U.S. Case, p. 29. place to an expression reported to have been used by Count de Lambert to M. Poletica. The particular phrases used by the Russian officials concerned with the negotiations in com municating among themselves, would not appear to have much importance as affording a clue to the interpretation of a Convention arrived at after long negotiations not even commenced at the date when tbe language in question was employed. When Count de Lambert used the words referred to, the lisiere had not been proposed, and the problems to be raised by it could not have been in contemplation. In any event, however, it does not appear that Count de Lambert referred to a barrier in any sense inconsistent with the British contention, which is, that the lisiere was designed without any reference to access to the sea by way of passage, but merely in order to keep British territory, whether on land or on interior water, and Russia. 39 at a distance from the Settlements of Russia on the islands; and to give Russia the necessary control, for fiscal or other administrative purposes, of the passage of British vessels through the interior seas and straits, which by the Treaty became part of her territorial waters. It will be found that not only the language of Count de Lambert, but the whole course of the negotiations supports the British view. The language used by Count de Lambert is reported by M. Poletica as follows : — U.S. Case, p. 29. '"' In fixing the longitude, Count de Lambert had mainly in view the establishment of a barrier at which would be stopped, once for all, to the north as to the- -west of the coast allotted to our American company, the encroachments of the English agents of the Amal gamated Hudson Bay and Northwest English Company, whom a more intimate acquaintance with the country traversed by the Mackenzie River might easily bring in the course of time into the neighbourhood of our establishments." It is to be observed that what was to be guarded against was the encroachments of the English agents who might in time come " into the neigh* bourhood of our establishments." It is further to be observed that a boundary by longitude was suggested which might or might not cut across any inlets penetrating the interior, and could not be made subservient to any such principle as that which it is suggested on behalf of the United States controls the essential character of the " barrier." In the same despatch in which he records the views expressed by Count de Lambert, M. Poletica gives an account of a conversation with Sir C. British App. I, Bagot, in which the* latter indicated a line formed by the 57th degree of latitude find the 135th of longitude as that which Great Britain would propose. By Mr. Canning's despatch of the 15th January, 1824, Sir Charles Bagot was authorized, if it were lb., p. 62 too much to insist on a line striking the mainland near Mount Elias, to agree to the 135th meridian of longitude northward from the head of Lynn Canal. Acting on this authority Sir Charles Bagot made his first proposal to the Russian Plenipotentiaries in opening the formal negotia- Ib., p 67. tions. He stated to Count Nesselrode and M. Poletica that the principal object of Russia, as he understood her wishes and interests, must be to secure to herself her fisheries upon the islands [769] G 40 and shores of the north-west coast of North America, and the posts which she might have already established upon them ; and on the other hand, the chief object of Great Britain was to secure the posts upon the continent belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company, the embouchures of such rivers as might afford an outlet for her fur trade into the Pacific, and the two banks of the Mackenzie River. He then proposed a boundary through Chatham Straits to the head of Lynn Canal, thence north-west to the 140th degree of longitude west of Greenwich, and thence along that degree of longitude to the polar sea. The terms in which this proposal was made show that while he understood Russia to desire to keep her fisheries and her posts, he explained that Great Britain desired an outlet for her fur trade into the Pacific. It was in the Contre-Projet to this proposal that the lisiere was first suggested, and it is important to observe the terms in which the proposal was explained. The explanation, as reduced into writing by the Russian Plenipoten tiaries, was as follows : — " The principal motive which forces Russia to insist British App. I, upon retaining the sovereignty over the strip of land P" described previously on the mainland from the Portland Canal as far as the point of intersection of the 60th degree of latitude with the 139th degree of the same, is that, if deprived of this territory, the Russian- American Company would be left without any means of supporting the Establishments, which would thereby be left without any support and could not have any strength nor solidity. "As a compensation" [en revanchel, " Russia would con sider it a duty to open to the subjects of His British Majesty the free navigation of all the rivers which empty into the Ocean within the said strip of land." This passage has often been quoted, but it is important in connection with the topic at present under discussion, because it shows that Russia, in asking for a lisiere to protect her establishments, offered at the same moment the free navigation of the rivers crossing it. The intention clearly was that though Russia desired the sovereignty over a strip of territory facing her islands, the proposal was not to prejudice the relation of the British territory inland to the sea. This is made still more apparent if, anticipating slightly the chrono logical order, reference is made to the subsequent despatch of Count Nesselrode, in which he justifies 41 the principle of the lisiere. In his despatch to Count Lieven of the 17th April, 1824, he writes : — British App. I, <.-. ^s for us we restrjct om. demands to a small strip {lisiere) of coast on the continent, and in order to dispel all objections whatsoever, we guarantee the free navigation of the rivers, we proclaim the opening up of the port of Novo-Archangelsk ; " and again in the same despatch — lb., p. 78. " If the principle of reciprocal conveniences is advocated, Russia gives up for the progressive extension of the English Establishments a vast extent of coast and of territory ; she guarantees free markets " [dSouches] ; " she makes provision for the interests of their trade, and as a compensation for so many offers inspired by the sincerest spirit of conciliation, she reserves for herself only a point of support without which it would not be possible for her to keep one half of her dominions." The free navigation of the rivers involved the free navigation (though not for the purpose of settling or trading therein) of the waters between the islands and the lisiere, and this state of affairs being once contemplated, it is difficult to appre hend how Russia could have regarded it as a settled principle of policy to obtain a lisiere, the necessary and essential characteristic of which should be a depth sufficient to prevent any inlet passing beyond it into British territory. The rivers had not been laid down, even by way of conjecture, on Vancouver's Charts. He had failed to notice even the mouth of the Stikeen. For all that the negotiators on either side knew, any one of the inlets might prove to be the estuary' of a navigable river. When, therefore, free ingress and egress by way of the rivers had once been offered, it would seem futile to have stipulated, for the purpose of preventing access to the sea, that the boundary should in any event run round the head of every inlet. Yet it is only to attain the assumed object of preventing access to the sea that the United States insist that the parties must be taken to have intended that boundary should always so run. It is, however, urged in the case for the United States that the fact of the line inland from Lynn Canal having been proposed tends to negative the British contention, on the ground that every subsequent proposal was a further concession by the British Government moving the line farther to the south and east, and that this must have [769] G 2 42. Ipft both shores of Lynn Canal right up to its head in Russian territory, as Sir Charles Bagot's proposal would have left the western shore. In answer to this, it must be pointed out that at the time of the proposal of Sir Charles Bagot the idea of a lisiere had not yet taken shape. He had been instructed by Mr. Canning to offer, British App. I, between Mount St. Elias and the head of Lynn Canal, a block of country extending inland 50 or 100 miles from the sea, and that proposal would have shut off no access for the fur trade to the sea. The lisiere was proposed in answer to this. The suggestion removed further south the point where the Russian boundary touched the coast ; but, at the same time, it greatly attenuated the character of the strip of territory which Russia was to have. In making tbe proposal, the Russian negotiators, by offering the free navigation of rivers crossing the lisiere, acknowledged frankly that it was not intended to affect access to the sea. At one period of the negotiations it was contemplated that the lisiere itself should not extend beyond the base of the mountains. It is submitted that it is impossible to read the description by the Russian negotiators of the lisiere desired by them, which was to be no more than a point d'appui, without realizing that their proposal contemplated a strip of territory of an entirely different character from that block which Sir C. Bagot had been authorized to offer between Lynn Canal and Mount St. Elias. It is quite inadmissible to regard the lisiere as a mere extension southward of that block. In answer to the proposal which first carried the Russian boundary southward to Portland Canal, Sir Charles Bagot represented that such line would deprive His Britannic Majesty of those coves* and small bays which are to be found between 56° and 54° 45' of latitude. This has been laid hold of as showing that Sir Charles Bagot appreciated that all tidal water north of Portland Canal would be exclusively Russian. It is to be observed, however, that the mountain boundary, limited to 10 marine leagues from the sea, which gives its essential character to the lisiere, and causes it, in the British view, to cross the deeper inlets, would not operate south of latitude 56°. To that latitude the line is * " Anses" is not accurately translated inlets as the word has been used in this controversy. 43' conducted arbitrarily along the Portland Canal, and therefore Sir Charles Bagot's observation' was, and still is, accurate even on the assumption that the British contention is correct. An examination of the rest of the negotiations brings out clearly that it was not access to the sea but the liberty of settlement and trade in the immediate neighbourhood of her own Settlements on the islands that Russia desired to prevent Great Britain from obtaining. It is clear that the "establishments" which, in first proposing the lisiere, the Russian nego tiators said would, without it, be left sans point cfappui, were the establishments on the islands, and that what they deprecated was the proximity to them of British establishments. In their next communication with Sir Charles Bagot they commence by using the following language : — British App. I, » The motive which has prompted the adoption of the principle of mutual conveniences and the first advantage of this principle is to prevent the respective Establishments on the northwest coast from injuring each other and coming into conflict." In the same despatch they repeat the language of their original proposal with the addition, how ever, of words which show more precisely what establishments of their own they referred to, and what was the source of the danger against which they wished to guard. The passage is as follows : — lb., p. 72. " On the other hand, the Russian Plenipotentiaries have the honour to remind him, once more, that with out a strip of land on the coast of the continent from Portlarid Channel, the Russian Establishments on the adjoining islands would be left unsupported, that they would be left at the mercy of those Establishments which foreigners might form on the mainland, and that all settlement of this nature, from being grounded upon the principle of mutual conveniences, would offer- only dangers to one of the parties and exclusive gains to the other." The language of their final decision is to the same effect : — lb., p. 74. " The Emperor instructs his Plenipotentiaries to declare once again to the Ambassador of England: " That the possession of Prince of Wales' Island, without a portion of territory on the coast opposite this island, could not be of any use to Russia. 44 " That any Establishment formed on the said island, or on those around it, would, in some manner, be turned by the English Establishments of the mainland, and be completely at the mercy of the latter." So also Count Nesselrode in his explanatory despatch to Count Lieven : — " If the Prince of Wales' Island remains ours, it must British App. I, • v 77 be of some utility to us. Now, according to the view y' of the English Ambassador it would be only a burden to us and almost an inconvenience. Indeed, this Island and the Establishments which would be founded by us, Avould become altogether isolated, deprived of all support, surrounded by the possessions of Great Britain, and at the mercy of the English Establishments on the coast. The cost of maintenance and of supervision would be ruinous, the burden of which would not be relieved by any compensation. Would an agreement of this nature rest upon the principle of mutual con veniences ? " About the same time Count Nesselrode, writing to Admiral Mordvinof, says that, while Russia claims both the islands and the western coast of America to the 55th degree— " Great Britain, on her part, represents the rights of U.S. App., p. 167. the Hudson's Bay Company, whose trading posts or refuges, penetrating further and further into the interior of the lands, have nearly reached the north-western coast on about the same parallel," and that, to reconcile both interests, " only one expedient presents itself; to establish at some distance from the coast a frontier- line, which shall not be infringed by our establish ments and trappers, as also by the hunters of the Hudson's Bay Company." Both sides, he added, "equally recognized the necessity of this measure ; but the width of the coast line necessary for the safe existence and consolidation of our Colonies still form subjects of negotia tion," and the extent of the country between the coast and the frontier must correspond "with the condition to what these establishments will, in all probability, in time attain, and by their means of own defence." This plainly means a frontier-line, east of which the Russians and west of which the British should not form establishments or engage in hunting, It is submitted that these extracts show con clusively that all that Russia wanted was to keep the area on which Great Britain could settle and trade fish and trap, at a certain distance from the, Russian islands. They show that the possibility that British vessels might pass the mouths;of some of the inlets on their way to and from the upper 45 parts thereof would not have been considered a danger to be guarded against at all, inasmuch as such passage through Russia's territorial waters would be subject to any reasonable control to prevent its being abused for the purposes of trading, trapping, or fishing in Russian territory. Great Britain is not, however, driven to rely affirm atively on these considerations. All she contends for is that they negative the contention of the United States, a contention which amounts to this : that the negotiations disclose an intention that the boundary should run in places further inland from the "coast" than the distance ex pressly laid down by the Treaty assigns. It is suggested by several passages in the Case for the United States that the operations of the Hudson's Bay Company threatened Russia with competition from the landward side only, and that Great Britain had no interest in the navigation of the waters of this coast. This argument rests on a confusion between navigation for the purposes of local trading or fishery and navigation for the mere purpose of passage. It has already been. shown that the mere fact that Russia offered the free navigation of rivers crossing the lisiere proves: that it was assumed on both sides that for the purpose of innocent passage the sea itself, whether, within or without territorial limits, was free to the. vessels of Great Britain. The same conclusion. can be reached affirmatively by the examination of the negotiations. The Ukase of 1821 purported to prohibit foreign vessels approaching within 100 miles of the coast- claimed by Russia. This Ukase was officially. communicated to the Government of Great Britain as a Power whose vessels were in the habit of navigating those waters. British App. I, In his despatch of the 27th September, 1822, P- 28- Mr. Canning pointed out to the Duke of Wel lington, for the purpose of its being communicated- to the Representatives of Russia, that common usao-e which had obtained the force of law had, indeed, assigned to coasts and shores an occasional boundary to a short limited distance for purposes of protection and general convenience, in no manner interfering with the rights of others and not obstructing the freedom of general commerce and navigation. Ib., p. 31. In the Confidential Memorandum which the Russian Representatives handed to the Duke of Wellington at Verona on the llth November, 46 1822, it was stated that Russia did not insist as a general principle of maritime law upon the regulations that a purely local necessity had obliged her to impose upon foreign navigation in the neighbourhood of the part of this coast which belonged to her. In a despatch of the 26th June, British App. I, 1823, Count Nesselrode informs Count Lieven of the instructions which had been given to the officers of the Russian navy serving in the regions affected by the Ukase. Those officers were to confine their exercise of jurisdiction to within gunshot from the shore, and were to limit their surveillance to repress all fraudulent commerce and all attempts to injure the Russian Company by disturbing the waters frequented by its hunters and fishermen, and to prevent the sale of arms to the natives. It is apparent from this that the Russian Government had in June, 1823, waived any pre tension to interfere with vessels engaged in innocent navigation along their coast. In writing to Sir Charles Bagot on the 12th lb., p. 40. July, 1823, Mr. Canning observed that Russia had waived the practical exercise of the maritime right that she had so unadvisedly claimed, and that the only question would be as to the mode and degree of disavowal with which Great Britain and the United States might respectively be satisfied. With regard to the territorial claim and boundary, Mr. Canning observed that it was perhaps susceptible of a separate settlement. A study of the subsequent negotiations will show that the territorial question was never considered as affecting the use of the sea for the mere purpose of navigation. In the preliminary conversation of Sir Charles n,., D, 53. Bagot with M. Poletica, reported in the latter's despatch to Count Nesselrode of the 3rd Novem ber, 1823, Sir Charles Bagot admitted that when the boundary of Russian territory was settled, Great Britain would not question the right of ib., p. 57. Russia to make whatever commercial regulations she thought fit. On p. 33 of the United States' Case this declaration of the British Minister is relied upon as a recognition by Great Britain : — " That Russia had a complete and unlimited sovereignty over her American domain, and that to navigate her territorial waters, or to trade along her coasts, must be granted by her as a privilege, and could not be demanded as a right by any other Power." 47 British App. I, pp. 59-63. Ib., p.. 62. lb., p. 81. Ib., p. 84. Ib., pp. 96-100. It is obvious that Sir Charles Bagot's remark had no reference to the mere right of navigation, but was intended only to acknowledge the undoubted right of Russia to make what laws she thought fit as to commerce within her territory. What Sir Charles Bagot said can throw no light upon the only question now involved, namely, what was the extent of territory which the subsequent Convention in fact assigned to Russia, and in which she could make such Regidations. In his despatch to Sir Charles Bagot of the 15th January, 1824, preliminary to the actual opening of negotiations, Mr. Canning observes that as to the extravagant assumption of maritime supremacy the disavowal of Russia was, in sub stance, all that could be desired. The territorial question remained for settlement. It is clear from what followed that on both sides the right of innocent navigation was not regarded as in dispute, although there was acute controversy as to the territorial boundary, and as to navigation for the purposes of trade and fishery. In writing to Count Lieven on the 29th May, 1824, after the negotiations in St. Petersburgh had been suspended by Sir Charles Bagot, Mr. Can ning asks for precise and positive stipulations for the free use of all rivers which might be found to empty themselves into the sea within the Russian frontier, and of all seas, straits, and waters which the limits assigned to Russia might comprehend. From Count Lieven's despatch to Count Nesselrode of the 20th May, 1824, it appears that Count Lieven told Mr. Canning that he regarded this as already conceded. When, however, Mr. Canning's communication came before Count Nesselrode, the latter required from Sir Charles Bagot an explanation as to the meaning of the Convention proposed by Great Britain. Sir Charles Bagot told him that liberty to trade and fish in Russian waters was what Great Britain demanded. Upon this Count Nesselrode, on the 4th September, 1824, wrote a long despatch to Count Lieven, in which he expressly pointed out the distinction between the right of mere naviga tion, which Russia did not dispute, and the licence to trade and fish which she could never, except subject to great limitations, concede. After referring to the demand of Mr. Canning for the free use of the rivers and of all the seas, straits, bays, &c, in Russian territory, and to his state ment that he regarded the maritime pretensions [769] H 48 "put forward in the Ukase as withdrawn, Count Nesselrode writes as follows : — " Quand on compare ces deux demandes qui se British App. I, suivent de si pres et qui s'expliquent et se completent pour ainsi dire l'une par 1'autre, il est difficile d'y trouver autre chose que la fibre navigation des eaux et des mers qui baigneraient les possessions de la Russie, or cette liberty nous nous sommes toujours montres prets a la garantir." On having this despatch communicated to him, Mr. Canning solved the difficulty as to navigation for the purposes of trading and fishing by in structing Mr. Stratford Canning on the 8th lb., p. 113. -December, 1824, to substitute for all that part of the "projet" and " contre-projet " which re lated to maritime rights and to navigation the first two Articles of the Convention of 1824 between the United States and Russia. On this basis the Treaty was concluded. It is impossible to say that navigation by the subjects of Great Britain in these waters was not contem plated, or that it was not to take place on the usual footing recognized by international law to and from any territory which might be assigned to Great Britain. The territorial question was settled by a completely independent set of provisions, and there is nothing in any of the stipulations with reference to navigation that affords an indication that the territory of Great Britain was to be more confined than the words of the Treaty dealing with that part of the arrangement would upon their natural construc tion suggest. Article VII of the Treaty of 1825, it is sub- Arguments based on Article VII. mitted, affords a conclusive answer to the claim by the United States to all the inlets. By it each Power gives for ten years to the other liberty to frequent all the inland seas, gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in Article III, for the purpose of fishing and trading with the natives. Russia therefore accepts from Great Britain this privilege, and grants to her the same. This provision, applied to the coast of the lisiere, is consistent only with the assumption, on the part of each Power, that there might be found waters extending inland beyond the limits assigned to Russia, part of which would therefore belong to each Power ; and in order to insure 49 their free use by both for the term mentioned, the privilege was made reciprocal. The lisiere being the strip of coast the eastern boundary of which is defined by Articles III and IV, would belong wholly to Russia, and as to waters within it, i.e., in the absence of a mountain boundary, within 10 marine leagues of the ocean, Great Britain had no rights to give. But upon the coast, of which the lisiere was the border, there might be and were, as the maps showed, inlets penetrating more than that distance from the ocean. When they crossed the boundary of the lisiere they were British, and it was reason able that Russia, giving the right to Great Britain to trade and fish in such inlets while within her territory, should ask a reciprocal right from Great Britain when they passed out of it into British territory. This right up to that time had been in dispute on that coast, and the exercise of it had been asserted by both. It was continued therefore to both for a definite term of ten years, leaving its future duration to be matter of arrangement. Had the construction of the Treaty now con-r tended for by the United States been intended, every inlet would belong throughout to Russia, and the grant to her by England of the right to frequent them would have been meaningless. There would seem to be no answer to this if Article VII is confined to the coast of the lisierer or applies to it ; and upon this point, in another aspect and from a different point of view, opposing arguments have been advanced. In the Behring Sea controversy the question in relation to which this Article was considered was, whether Behring Sea was included in the phrase " Pacific Ocean," the United States contending that it was not, and Great Britain that it was ; and as bearing upon this issue the terms " North west Coast " and " North-west Coast of America " as found, not in this Article only, but in the Treaties, the correspondence, and elsewhere, were much discussed. Great Britain contended that they included the whole coast to Behring Straits, while the United States argued that they excluded the Behring Sea. As to this Article VII, the United States regarded its language as leaving no room for doubt that it was confined to the coast of the lisiere, while Great Britain argued that it applied to the coast [769] H 2 50 first mentioned in Article III, and included the coast of Behring Sea. Mr. Blaine, in his despatch of the 30th June 1890, to Sir J. Pauncefote, says :¦ — " The Vllth Article is practically a repetition of the Behring Sea . Arbitration : IVth Article in the Treaty between Russia and the Appendix to United States, and the privilege of fishing and trading British Case, with the 7aatives is limited to the coast mentioned in 497-506 Article III, identically the same line of coast which they were at liberty to pass through to reach British America, or to reach the coast from British America. They are excluded from going north of the prescribed point on the coast near Mount St. Elias, and are, therefore, kept out of Behring's Sea." Lord Salisbury, in his answer to this, addressed to Sir J. Pauncefote on the 2nd August, 1890, says : — " I must further dissent from his interpretation of lb., pp. 512-20. Article VII of tho latter Treaty. That Article gives to the vessels of the two Powers ' liberty to frequent all the inland seas, gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in Article III, for the purpose of fishing and of trading with the natives.' The expression ' coast mentioned in Article III can only refer to the first words of the Article — " ' The line of demarcation between the possessions of the High Contracting Parties upon the coast of the continent and islands of America to the north-west shall be drawn,' &c. " That is to say, it included all the possessions of the two Powers on the north-west coast of America. For there would have been no sense whatever in stipulating that Russian vessels should have freedom of access to the small portion of coast which, by a later' part of the Article, is to belong to Russia. And as bearing on this point it will be noticed that Article VI, which has a more restricted bearing, speaks only of ' the subjects of His Britannic Majesty,' and of ' the line of coast described in Article III.' " Mr. Blaine replied to this on the 17th December, 1890, contending that it not only contradicted the obvious meaning of the Vllth and Hlrd Articles, but destroyed their logical connection with the other Articles ; and that there could be no possible distinction between " the line of coast described in Article III," referred to in Article VI, and " the coast mentioned in Article III," referred to in Article VII, both being the coast of the lisitre. He said : — " The Vllth Article of the Anglo-Russian Treaty, " Proceedings of Avhose provisions have led to the principal contention . ® n Pnai °* r * r Arbitration, 1893," Vol. II. 51 Case of the between the United States and Great Britain, is as United States, f n Appendix, Vol. I, foll°ws:- pp. 273-5. ' " It is also understood, that for the space of ten years from the signature of the present Convention the vessels of the two Powers, or those belonging to their respective subjects, shall mutually be at liberty to frequent, without any hindrance whatever, all the inland seas, the gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in Article III, for the purposes of fishing and of trading with the natives.' " In the judgment of the President the meaning of this Article is altogether plain and clear. It provides that for the space of ten years the vessels of the two Powers should mutually be at liberty to frequent all the inland seas, &c, ' on the coast mentioned in Article III for the purposes of fishing and trading with the natives.' Following out the line of my argument and the language of the Article, I have already main tained that this privilege could only refer to the coast from 54° 40' to the point of intersection with the 141st degree of west longitude, that, therefore, British subjects were not granted the right of frequenting the Behring Sea. " Denying this construction, Lord Salisbury says : — " ' I must further dissent from Mr. Blaine's interpreta tion of Article VII of the latter Treaty (British). That Article give's to the vessels of the two Powers " liberty to frequent all the inland seas, gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in Article III, for the purposes of fishing and of trading with the natives." The ex pression " coast mentioned in Article III" can only refer to the first words of the Article, " the line of demarca tion between the possessions of the High Contracting Darties upon the coast of the continent and the islands • America to the north-west shall be drawn," &c, that to say, it included all the possessions of the two Powers on the North-west coast of America. For there would have been no sense whatever in stipulating that Russian vessels should have freedom of access to the small pdrtion of coast which, by a later part of tbe Article, is to belong to Russia. And, as bearing on this point, it will be noticed that Article VI, which has a more restricted bearing, speaks only of " the subjects of His Britannic Majesty" and of "the line of coast described " in Article III.' " It is curious to note the embarrassing yitricacies of his Lordship's language and the erroneous- assumption upon which his argument is based. He admits that the privileges granted in the Vlth Article to the subjects of Great Britain are limited to ' the coast described in Article III of the Treaty.' But when he reaches the Vllth Article, where the privileges granted are limited to ' the coast mentioned in Article III of the Treaty,* his Lordship maintains that the two references do not mean the same coast at all. The coast described in * Article III and the coast mentioned in Article III are, therefore, in his Lordship's judgment, entirely different. 52 The 'coast described in Article III' is limited, he admits, by the intersection of the boundary-line with the 141st degree of longitude, but the ' coast mentioned in Article III ' stretches to the straits of Behring. " The IHrd Article is, indeed, a very plain one, and its meaning cannot be obscured. Observe that the ' line of demarcation ' is between the possessions of both Parties on the coast of the continent. Great Britain had no possessions on the coast-line above the point of junction Avith the 141st degree, nor had she any settlements above 60° north latitude. South of (i0° north latitude was the only place where Great Britain had possessions on the coast-line. North of that point her territory had no connection whatever with the coast, either of the Pacific Ocean or the Behring Sea. It is thus evident that the only coast referred to in Article III was this strip of land south of 60° or 59° 30'. " The preamble closes by saying that the line of demarcation between the possessions on the coast ' shall be drawn in the manner following,' viz., from Prince of "Wales Island, in 54° 40', along Portland Channel, and the summit of the mountains parallel to the coast as far as their intersection with the 141st degree of longitude. After having described this line of demarcation between the possessions of both Parties on the coast, the re maining sentence of the Article shows that, ' Finally, from the said point of intersection, the said meridian line shall form the limit between the Russian and British possessions on the continent of America.' South of the point of intersection, the Article describes a line of demarcation between possessions on the coast ; north of that point of intersection, the Article designates a meridian line as the limit between possessions on the continent. The argument of Lord Salisbury appears to this Government not only to contradict the obvious meaning of the Vllth and IHrd Articles, but to destroy their logical connection with the other Articles. In fact, Lord Salisbury's attempt to make two coasts out of the one coast referred to in the IHrd Article is not only out of harmony with the plain provisions of the Anglo-Russian Treaty, but is inconsistent with the preceding part of his own argument. " These five Articles in the British Treaty (the IHrd, IVth, Vth, Vlth, and Vllth) are expressed with an exactness of meaning which no argument can change or pervert."The United States, again, in their Case in that controversy, p. 58, say : — " With regard to what may be termed the territorial dispute, it appears from an examination of the corre spondence and Treaties that the southern boundary of the Russian territories Avas fixed at latitude 54° 40' north, whereby she relinquished a large portion of the 53 north-Avest coast which she had claimed by the Ukase of 1821 ; and that, the coasts, interior Avaters, &c, upon and in which the United States and Great Britain were alloAved to trade for ten years Avithout restrictions, were limited on the west by Yakutat Bay and Mount St. Elias ; that is to say, that this right was restricted to thie coast-line, concerning the ownership of which there may have been some possible dispute. " The specific declarations in the British Treaty of 1825 as to the line of coast and water to which access and trade were thus granted leave no room for doubt as to what coast was intended ; and that the above limitation Avas understood by Russia is expressly stated by the Minister of Finance in his communication of the 4th September, 1824, already cited (at pp. 54-5)." Brit«Lh App. I, Count Nesselrode, in his despatch of the 4th September, 1824, to Count Lieven, says : — " Russia's rights of sovereignty OA'er the north west coast beginning at 59° of north latitude have been disputed. Hence, between that degree and the parallel which Avould form our southern boundary, Ave hastened to offer special advantages to the Powers with which we Avere in dispute. We granted to the Americans for ten years the right to fish, to hunt, and to trade Avith the natives of the country, and Ave will make the same concessions in faArour of the subjects of His Britannic Majesty ; but it must be well understood that this concession will only comprise the space inclosed between latitude 59° and the southern boundary of our territory — to wit, latitude 54° 40', for to the north of the fifty-ninth degree His Imperial Majesty's rights of sovereignty have never been questioned, not only in no official document, but in none of the articles which the English and American newspapers have published on this subject." The application and effect of Article VII was not specifically decided, and Great Britain might well rest upon the reasoning advanced by the United States. That controversy, however, was of a wholly different character, relating to maritime juris~ diction, and Article VII was referred to only in that connection. There was no question of inland boundary ; the width of the lisiere was not in question ; its possible bearing on the ownership of or rights in the inlets was not thought of, and the extent or character of its inlets was not considered. The arguments advanced by either party in that discussion must be read with reference only to the subject-matter in dispute. The question as to the application of Article VII, taken in con- 54 nection with the inland boundary of the lisiere, and the present differences with regard to it, was not presented as it now is, or the considerations applicable to it in that view discussed, nor can the arguments on either side be regarded as dealing with it. Russia cannot have intended, in view of her despatch already cited, to accept rights •: from Great Britain north of 59°. The reciprocal pro vision must have been intended, at least by her, to apply to the coast of the lisiere, to which the United States argued that it Avas exclusively applicable, and it can only be explained in that view on the construction contended for by Great Britain. The territory below 54° 40' was not in question — having been relinquished by Russia by the treaty of 1824 with the United States — and she could not have intended to give to or take from Great Britain any rights there. In the United States' Case the sections devoted to the examination of the negotiations are followed (p. 63) by one entitled " Results of the Negotia tions." Most of the arguments contained in that section have already been dealt with in discussing the barrier theory. There is, however, one state ment which requires further notice. On pp. 67 and 68 of the United States' Case it is said that a territorial zone about the water in denting the coast, which would debar the Hudson's Bay Company from establishing competing posts along the lines, was believed by the Imperial Representative to be created by a boundary drawn along the summit of the chain of mountains shown on the Vancouver charts and the official Russian map of 1802. It is said also that an examination of these maps further shows that the head of Portland Canal and the mountain range are approximately 10 marine leagues distant from the shore-line of the continent. Erom this it is said to follow (p. 68) that " when Russia proposed to abandon the mountain boundary and fix a line drawn 10 marine leagues from the shore, and when she accepted that distance as the extreme width of the lisiere, she believed that she was obtaining substantially the same protection as she would have obtained under her original prOpOSl- tiom Results of the Negotiations. The Maps and the Mountain Boundary. 00 A comparison of the two Vancouver charts re produced on pp. 1 and 2 of the Atlas accompany ing the British Case, will show that different positions with reference to the head of Portland Canal were assigned to the mountains in these two charts. A comparison of the two charts of Frederick's Sound, reproduced on p. 4 of the same Atlas* shows an even more striking, divergence with respect to the mountains higher up the coast. In addition to this, the negotiations themselves show that both Parties had in view the unreliable character of the maps available with regard to the mountains. Under these circumstances, it. is submitted that these maps cannot be. used for the purpose of showing that the negotiations, of the Treaty proceeded on the basia that, the mountain boundary would operate in any particular way. In any case. Great Britain respectfully protests against this argument as directly inviting a con clusion, varying and not construing the actual agreement come to. It is necessary to observe that, even assuming that. Russia believed she was obtaining a particular result, it is nevertheless possible that the geographical conditions on which the boundary is expressly made to turn make the problem work out in. a different way. The Case of the. United States, loses sight of the fact that in such case there, is no.jui'isdiction in the Tribunal to alter the effect of the Treaty in order to make it agree, with the Russian anticipation. Summing-up. The arguments put forward upon the. nego- Construing the Words of the Treaty tiations have been dealt with and the British view presented in reply ;, but, in reality, all this discussion is of secondary importance. For the purpose of answering the fifth and sixth, questions propounded to the Tribunal, the words, of the Treaty of 1825 itself define with, precision the problem to be solved. The line is to be, drawn parallel to the coast — along, the mountains, where there are mountains ; but in. any case at a distance of not.more than. 10 marine leagues from the " Ocean." Unless it. can be shown that all the waters of the inlets, and even the channels of rivers so far as penetrated by the tides, are "Ocean," the case for the United States fails. If the inlets are not " Ocean," it is an absolutely necessary consequence that the line crosses every [769] I 56 inlet which is more than 10 marine leagues long, and may cross inlets which are shorter if the line of the mountains crosses them. It was pointed out in the British Case that the Russians them selves in the negotiations described the head of British Case App., Portland Canal as " in" the interior," and its entrance as its " embouchure into the Ocean." This shows to demonstration that the Russians lb., p. 76. used the word " Ocean" in accordance with what, apart from any such guide whatever, the ordinary use of language would assign as its meaning — namelv, the sea outside these inlets. The United States'- Case has not attempted to show the contrary ; nor could such a contention be made good. Yet this is in truth the Avhole point of this controversy. It is submitted that it follows that the answer to the fifth and sixth questions must be those put forward in the Case on behalf of Great Britain. SEVENTH QUESTION. The seventh question is : — "What, if any exist, are the mountains referred to as situated parallel to the coast, which mountains, when within 10 marine leagues oe the coast, are declared to form the eastern boundary?" The British Case is that such mountains exist, British Case, p. 76. Ib., p. 83. and that the description is satisfied by those indicated on the map, and referred to and British App. II, set forth in the declaration and statement of MaP No- 37- . . . . . British App. I, Mr. W. F. King, British Commissioner on the p. 307, et seq. International Survey under the Convention of 1892, subject to the reservation that this sug gested line is not put forward as showing throughout the only possible way of giving effect to the British contentions, but that it is sus ceptible of any variations in detail which may commend themselves to the Tribunal on examining the topographical conditions met with in tracing the line. Note.— On pp. 82 and 83 of the British Case the following correction should be made : Transfer the third paragraph from the bottom of p. 82 (beginning "Great Britain contends") to p. 83, after the paragraph ending " as well as against her." 57 Brifish Case, p. 38, et seq. Ib., pp. 42, 43, et seq. U.S. Case, pp. 85, 86. The British Case sets up the Convention of 1892, and the subsequent International Survey, and the later action. But in view of the attitude taken in the Case of the United States, it is proper to make here further reference to this matter. The United States' Case, referring to the International Survey under the Convention of 1892, states— " The American officers sent out in company with the Canadians examined the shores, and penetrated inland at several points for the special purpose of determining the character of the country. From their observations the following facts Avere established : That the mountains have a tendency to increase in altitude the farther they are situated from the shore ; that throughout the lisiere the mountains are composed of numerous isolated peaks and short ridges running in different directions, and that within 10 marine leagues of tide water there is no defined and continuous range such as appears upon the early maps and charts fol- loAving the sinuosities of the coast." British App. I p. 269. tJ.S. App., and in the Appendix are found the several state- pp. ... ments on which this view is said to be established. U.S. Case, p. 106. "j^g answer and decision requested by the United States is " that such mountains do not exist within ten marine leagues from the coast." Great Britain contends that the elucidation of the topographical facts on which the answer to the question depends, is to be found in the Report and papers, maps and photographs of the International Commission of 1892, and not in statements of opinion such as are put forward by the United States. By the Convention of 1892 it was agreed that a coincident or joint survey should be made of the territory adjacent to the part of the boundary- line in question, "with a view to the ascertain ment of the facts and data necessary to the permanent delimitation of such boundary-line in accordance with the spirit and intent of the existing Treaties in regard to it between Great Britain and Russia, and between the United States and Russia." It was further agreed by the High Contracting Parties that "as soon as practicable after the Report or Reports of the Commissions shall have been received, they will proceed to consider and establish the boundary-line in question." The Commissioners were appointed, performed their work, and presented their Joint Report. - [769] I 2" Ib., p. 282. 58 They reported that — " With a view to the performance of the duty im posed upon the Commissioners under the Convention of ascertaining the facts and data necessary to the per manent delimitation of the boundary line," they had agreed upon a plan of joint survey ; they added — " The United States Commissioner undertook to make surveys of as precise a nature as practicable of the principal water courses which traverse the coast strip ; and the British Commissioner undertook to make a photo-topographical survey of the mountainous regions lying between these various water courses They further reported as follows :— British App. I, r pp. 284, 285 " The results of all these surveys are exhibited in the accompanying Maps, namely, sheets Nos. 1 to 24, made on a scale of j-go-^-^a with contour lines of elevation 250 feet apart, from the surveys of the British Commission ; and in Maps Nos. 1 to 12 of the United States Commis sion,, made on the same scale. " These Maps have been agreed to by us, subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, as correct repre sentations of the topographical features, and have been signed by us to testify thereto." And they reported their agreement as to the mode of interpreting any difference which might occur between maps dealing with the same locality. They further reported as follows : — lb., p. 285 '; To shoAv the topographical features of the country in another Avay, we hereAvitb submit photographic vieAvs, being contact prints from the photographic negatives of the officers of the British Commission, whose work was largely executed as to the detail or ' filling in ' by means of these views, according to the method known as photo-topography, the framework being laid out by triangujafions Avhich are shown in sheets Nos. 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the British Commis sion. These views will also serve as a permanent record of the field Avork. Plans of the triangulation executed by the officers of the United States Commission are sub mitted herewith on sheet No. 13 of the United States Commission: ***** "We conceive it unnecessary for us, having pre pared- Maps- showing so much detail, to enter into a lengthy description of the topography; " and they added some remarks on the timber limit. 59 British App. Ill, portfolio. U.S. App., foot-note, p. 528. British App. p. 269. British App., p. 297. The maps have been already produced ; and iv is intended to produce the photographs to the Tribunal on their assembling in London — a course also contemplated by the United States. But in view of the line taken in the Case of the United States, Great Britain declares her readi ness to produce the photographs at once, if desired by the Tribunal, and also presents as Appendix II to this Counter-Case, an album showing a selection, on an enlarged scale, of certain of these photographs for the greater con venience of examination, as hereinafter detailed. Descriptions of the salient points in these views, Avith attesting declaration of Mr. J. J. McArthur, will be found in the Appendix I at pp. 63 to 72. Indeed, the photographs are so numerous, and both they and the contour maps are on so small a scale, that it may be a tedious, however neces sary, task for the Tribunal to master them. But it is submitted that upon them depends, after all, the answer to the question ; and that if any further light is to be thrown upon them or upon the subject, it is to be obtained only by the use of the provision in the first Article of the Treaty of 1903, under which the Tribunal may "employ scientific experts, if found to be necessary." It is submitted that this view of the situation is supported by the following considerations: — 1. By the Convention of 1892 setting up the International Survey Commission and the agree ment that, as soon as possible after their report, tbe High Contracting Parties would proceed to consider and establish the boundary - line in question. 2. By the form of the Protocol of May 1898 of the Conferees for Great Britain and the United States preliminary to the meeting of the International Joint High Commission of 1898-99, Avhich Pro tocol declares that — "It is expedient to come to an agreement upon .... Provisions for the delimitation and establishment of the Alaska-Canadian boundary, by legal and scientific experts, if the Commission shall so decide, or otherwise." Ib., p. 298. 3. By the instructions of Great Britain to its Commissioners of the 19th July, 1898, communi cated to the United States, which stated as to the boundary between Alaska and Canada that: — "The Convention Avith the United States Govern ment of 1892 provided for the appointment of a Joint 60 Commission to ascertain the facts and data necessary for the permanent delimitation of the boundary-line, and the High Contracting Parties agreed to proceed to consider and establish the line as soon as practicable after the Report of the Commission should have been received. The period fixed for the completion of the surveys and the presentation of the final Reports was .extended by a supplementary Convention in 1894, and the Commissioners submitted a Joint Report Avith maps on the 31st December, 1895. This Report con tained no recommendations for the determination of an equitable settlement, and no further discussions have taken place as contemplated in the Convention of 1892 Her Majesty's Government are content to leave it to the discretion and judgment of the Com missioners to devise some machinery for this pur pose " 4. By the Memorandum of the United States British App., containing its vieAvs on the subjects of the Protocol of the 30th May, 1898, and representing the instructions of that Government to their own .Commissioners, communicated to Great Britain, which Memorandum is on this subject as follows : — " III. Tlie Delimitation and Establishment of the Alaska Boundary. " This topic has already been the subject of con ventional arrangements, and the Report of the Joint Commission is now aA^ailable and has made it possible for the two Governments to carry out the stipulation of the last clause of Article I of the Treaty of the 22nd July, 1892, to 'proceed to consider and establish the boundary in question.' The GoA^ernment of the United States Avill expect the Joint High Commission to seek to execute this stipulation by an agreement as fo the boundary as fixed by the Anglo-Russian Treaty of 1825, and by the American-Russian Treaty of 1867, and, as far as possible, to delineate the same upon proper maps ; and, further, to provide for the fixing of boundary marks by a Joint Commission to be hereafter appointed. This Government has no reason to anticipate any other than a definite and satisfactory settlement of this im portant question by the Joint High Commission." ¦ 5. By the circumstance that the Joint High Commission having, after long discussion, ad journed without being able to reach an agreement as to the boundary, the adjustment of the ques tion became once more the subject of diplomatic negotiations, which culminated in the Treaty of 1903, which Treaty Avas thus the method finally devised for executing the stipulation of the Con- 6i vention of 1892 that, as soon as possible after the* Report of the Joint Boundary Commission, the High Contracting Parties would proceed to con sider and establish the boundary-line in question. 6. To these considerations may be added the substantial recognition on the part of the United States of the view which Great Britain sets up, shown in the form of the question put by Mr. Secretary Hay to Mr. Tittmann, in reply to which the latter gentleman returned his statement and the other papers to be noAv discussed. That question is as follows : — U.S. App., p. 529. " What are the facts, and especially what is the evidence presented by the joint surveys and explora tions of the International Boundary Commission of 1893-1895 in regard to the existence of a mountain range in Southeast Alaska corresponding to that con templated as the line of demarcation by Articles 3 and 4 of the treaty of 1825 ? " lb., p. 529. Notwithstanding the very precise terms of this question, the statement of Mr. Tittmann and the depositions which he enclosed in response to the' question of Mr. Secretary Hay hardly touch, while they go far beyond, the special enquiry made, and they attempt to deal with the subject on a basis which is submitted to be far Avider than is here open, and which further is in its. nature most unsatisfactory. Great Britain, taking the view above indi cated, has limited her presentation to the Report of the International Boundary Commission, intro duced by the declaration of her Boundary Corn- British App. I, missioner, Mr. W. F. King, who (resting on the p. 307 et seq. material presented by the Report of the Boundary Commission, to which he was able to add the statement of his personal knowledge of and con currence in the facts and results deduced from the Report), set out such facts and results and the line and mountains which, as he was satisfied, the Report established. And Great Britain now rests on these materials, as to which it may be convenient at this point to make some explanation. The principle of the contour maps is to indicate elevations by lines, each of which represents an increasing elevation of 250 feet. Thus, by finding the number of lines at any point, and multiplying by 250, the height of that point is ascertained ; and by extending these observations to the form. of the contour line under examination, the> 62 character and trend of the mountains is made apparent. Again, the principle of the phototopographic system is to take from ascertained points views of areas also ascertained, whereby the details may be accurately filled up in the maps. These photo graphs are very numerous, exceeding 3,000. The selection presented in the album as Appendix II to the Counter-Case, consists of 150 of these photographs which have been enlarged, and which serve to illustrate the appearance presented by the mountains on the line suggested by the British Case. It is, of course, possible to enlarge in like manner any others of these photographs chosen on any principle which the Tribunal or any expert named by it may desire. But in view of the limitations of time, it was impossible, and in view of the expense it was inexpedient to carry further the enlargement until the Tribunal should give directions in the matter. Turning no\y to the statements presented by the United States, it is not; proposed to deal exhaustively with them at this moment ; but some observations may be made. It is to be remarked in the first place that they are, of course, all in response to the enquiry of Mr. Secretary Hay as to the existence of "a mountain range," while the Treaty does not speak of a range ; and secondly, that they all. better these instructions by definitions still more remote from the language of the Treaty. For example, Mr. Tittmann says that — U.S. App., p. 530. '¦There does not exist any defined or continued mountain range or chain running generally parallel to the coast, and situated anvAvhere oceanward froni a line projected from the head of Lynn Canal southward and draAvn to the 5Gth parallel to a point near the head of Portland Canal, such line being parallel to the sinuosities of the coast line av hich proceeds round the bays and inlets and not more than ten marine leagues therefrom." Again, Mr. Ogden says : — ¦ lb., p. 532. " I am satisfied that there is not, Avithin ten marine leagues from the coast, any continuous chain of moun tains in the form of a summit range running from the 5(ith degree of latitude until it intersects in the northern direction with the 141st degree of longitude." Again, Mr. Hodgkins says :— ib., p. 534, "It, is my belief; that, there, is no such continuous. chain of mountains within ten marine leagues, of, the 63 coast — that is, from the heads of the inlets and bays, and running in a direction parallel to the general direction of the coast between Portland Canal and Lynn Canal, as seems to be contemplated by the language of the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1825." U.S. App., p. 535. Again, Mr. Baldwin says :— " There does not exist anywhere within those regions" (those described by Mm between GhilkoOt Pass and Iskoot River) " Avithin ten marine leagues from the coast, any thing like a defined mountain range extending in a general direction north and south parallel Avith the coast." He also declares that the mountain formation is without anything like the continuity of a mountain range extending north and south ; and he adds that— lb., p. 537. " There ie no such range as1 that above described and Avithin the territory described, situated to the west of a line drawn from CMlkoot Pass southerly to Iskoot River, said line being drawn parallel to the coast line whieh bounds the heads of the inlets, bays, and interior waters, and not more than ten marine leagues from same." He proceeds to negative the existence within any of the territory he describes of- — "Any defined mountain chain running north and south generally parallel to the coast, which in its trend goes across the Iskoot. Stikine, and Taku rivers, or either of them, or across Taku Inlet or Lynn Canal, and which, but for being pierced by them or either of them, would constitute what could be (dissociated from the surrounding peaks or mountains') designated as a contihiidtfg or ifldividualized mountain chain or range." Ib., p. 537. Again, Mr. Memer says : — "As far as my observations" (in certain territories referred to by him) " have taken me, there is no indica tion of any coastal mountain range, nor are there mountain formations strung out in a direction north and south." And he speaks bi^~ " Irregular but bold projections, appearing isolated or in groups, never in continuous range or chain." Now these definitions of what mountains the Treaty demands and where ; these definitions of what the deponents deny to exist, are not, it is [769] K 64 submitted, correct definitions, and thus the denials can prove nothing. The correct definitions are, it is submitted, such as appear in the British Case and in the British Appendix. But the grounds on which the denials are made are quite unsatisfactory. Speaking generally, the opinions of the deponents are based not on the Report of the Commission, but on observations which the deponents say they have made in certain limited localities, or on general views un supported by anything in the nature of an obser vation, properly so-called, of the mountain scenery, glimpses which they had in common with all travellers passing along the usual routes to the north, from Puget Sound and British, Columbia. Among' these travellers are many, including -^PP-> PP- 57-62. scientific men of standing, who have written articles descriptive of the topography of these regions. Their deductions from what they saw may be contrasted with those of the United Ib-> PP- 52> 5S States' deponents. Reference may also be made in this regard to the " Coast Pilot," and other official publications of the United States. Furthermore, many of the observations and views upon which those deponents base their con clusions, were obtained, not at all in connection with the International Survey, but at other times, and in the course of other work with other ends in view, and it is obvious that hardly any of these denials have relation to the results of the Report of the International Survey. It is unnecessary to dwell here upon the many evident inaccuracies in these depositions. One of lb., p. 73. these is met by the declaration of Mr. McArthur, which will be found in the Appendix. Further consideration of the faultiness of the depositions upon which the United States rest their answer to the seventh question is reserved for a later stage. In concluding this part of tbe Counter-Case, it is submitted that it is for the Tribunal to de termine Avhat description of " mountains " is required by the Treaty, Avhether that for which Great Britain, or that for which the United States, contends. 65 U.S. NEGOTIATIONS WITH RUSSIA FOR RENEWAL OF TRADING PRIVILEGES. The next section of the Case for the United States deals with the negotiations between the United States and Russia for a renewal of trading privileges. These negotiations have already been referred to in this Counter-Case. The purpose for which they are introduced into the United States' Case is apparently to show that in 1845 the United States finally recognized Russian sovereignty over the North-west coast of America north of latitude 54° 400 This is not denied ; and it has already been shown that it does not affect the British contention. [769] K 2 66 ACTS OF OCCUPATION. I.-RUSSIAN OCCUPATION A larg,e part of the Case for the United States, Russian occupation, and of the evidence contained in the Appendix ~ thereto, relates to the action of Russia, and sub sequently of the United States in the region through which the boundary runs. This matter is, of course, introduced pursuant to the provision at the end of Article III of the Treaty under which this Tribunal sits. That clause requires the Tribunal to — "Take into consideration any action of the several British App. I, GoA'ernments or of their respective Representatives, "" preliminary or subsequent to the conclusion of said Treaties, so far as the same tends to show the original and effective understanding of the Parties in respect to the limits of their several territorial jurisdictions under and by virtue of the provisions of said Treaties." This states with precision the limits within which, and the purpose for which, the evidence in question is admissible. These must be borne in mind throughout. In the first place, the evidence must disclose " action of the several Governments or of their respective Representatives." This excludes all private action, and, a fortiori, all private expres sion of opinion, whether by map makers or others. Next, this action must be "preliminary or subsequent to " the Treaties. This excludes any action before any of the Treaties were contem plated, such as the alleged Russian visits before 1821. Again, the action must tend to show " the original and effective understanding of tbe Parties." It is not a question of showing what view was taken and contended for after the question was raised, still less Avho was in posses sion when the Treaty of Arbitration was entered into. In addition, the understanding which the action must tend to show is that of "the parties," that is to say of both Parties. .Action by one Party not known to the other Party will not tend to show this. 67 The understanding revealed must, moreover, be as to the limits of their several territorial juris dictions under and by virtue of the provisions of the Treaties. It is, of course, admitted by Great Britain that Russia, and subsequently the United States, had territorial jurisdiction along all the face of the coasts, and the dispute is only as to the upper portion of the inlets. All action on the face of the coast or at the mouths of the inlets is, therefore, immaterial. In dealing with this part of the Case for the United States, it is necessary on behalf of Great Britain to draw attention to the circumstances under Avhich this Counter-Case is prepared. Not only has there been no time to check or answer much of the evidence, but the documents themselves, printed in the United States' Ap pendix, have not been produced for inspection. Even Avhere these appear to be printed in full and in the language of the original, the elementary principles of justice require that the Party against whom they are used should, before dealing with them, have the opportunity of seeing the original. Where, however, as is frequently the case in the United States' Appendix, all that appears is an uncertified translation by an unnamed translator, or extracts only from documents not accessible to both Parties, tho case is much stronger. In the following pages Great Britain deals Avith these documents on the assumption, for the moment, that they are correct copies ; that all translations are accurate, and that nothing material has been omitted from documents ex tracted only. But she admits none of these things ; and no argument addressed in the fol lowing pages to the evidence on the documents, as they appear printed in the United States' Appendix, is to be taken as Avaiving her elementary right to full inspection and to an opportunity for challenging, in the case of any document the original of which is not accessible to her, either the correctness of the copy printed, the accuracy of any translation, or the completeness of any extract. In the case of extracts, she further expressly claims the right to the benefit of any evidence which may prove to be contained in the parts omitted which she may be advised is in her favour, either as qualifying the effects of the extracts or as supplying information of importance in itself. 68 ¦ The first act of Russia after the Treaty is stated U.S. Case, p. 72. in the Case for the United States to have been the publication, in 1826, of a map, on which the boundary is described as being . laid down at a distance of 10 marine leagues round all the inlets of the sea. As was pointed out in the British Case, a boundary drawn under these circum- ¦ stances (and the remark applies to all the maps) , cannot have been intended as a line applied upon ascertained topography. The Treaty proceeded upon the basis that the position of the mountains on Avhich the boundary depended was unascer tained, and they remained unascertained Avhen this map was published. If it be true that the line on this map does follow a course running at 10 marine leagues from the shore of the inlets, . that fact alone shows that the boundary indicated was not an ascertained one, as it Avas not known at that date whether the provision as to the 10 marine leagues would come into play. As Mr. Bayard remarked in 1885, and as the contention of Great Britain is, the boundary shown on the maps was only a paper boundary to be worked out when the application of it upon the ground should become a practical question. It had not become a practical question Avhen this map was published, nor did it become so until recently. The action of Russia, on which the United lb., pp. 72, 73. States relies, is treated under five different heads : (1) Control over the Indian tribes ; (2) the conduct of trade ; (3) the establishment of posts and forts ; (4) the maintenance of territorial rights against foreign encroachments ; and (5) the survey of the straits, inlets, and rivers. Under the first head reference is made to the voyages of Ismailof in 1788 and Baranof in 1795. The United States' Appendix contains certain Memoranda from the Hydrographic Department U.S. App., p. 251. of the Ministry of Marine at St. Petersburg, and extracts from Coxe's "Account of Russian lb., p. 254. Discoveries," and Dr. Krause's " Historical Re- lb., p. 256. view," as affording evidence of what took place on these voyages. From these sources we learn that Ismailof's voyage never extended beyond Ltua Bay. On his way thither he stopped, hoAvever, at Yakutat Bay, where he received a visit from a Chief, who is described in the Russian Memoran dum as " living near a large river, called Chilcate, lb., p. 252. southwards from the Bay Ltua ;"' in Coxe as 69 U.S. App., p. 254. having " his principal residence on the coast to> the south-east, much farther than the great river lb., p. 256. Tschitiskat," and by Dr. Krause as " belonging on the great river Tschilkat." This Chief is said to have been presented Avith the Russian coat-of- arms in copper, and the portraits of some members of the Imperial family, as a token of his acceptance of 5Russian protection. The River Chilcat is not, in fact, a great river at all. and it is not correct to describe it as south- Avard from L'tua Bay. One account, moreover, states that this Chief came from far bevond the river referred to. The coast at that date had not been charted. Under these circumstances the Russians could not have had any definite con ception of the territory to which this ceremony was supposed to give them a title, ahd in any view it cannot be said that this incident in 1788 can be regarded as action tending to show the original and effective understanding of the Parties to the Treaty of 1825. lb., p. 257. The voyage of Baranof is not referred to except in Dr. Krause's "Historical Review," where it is stated that in 1795 Baranof sailed to Yakutat Bay, where, notwithstanding the previous acts of Ismailof, he claimed the credit of establishing " amicable relations Avith the natives," and " with great e"clat planting the Russian flag on the shore." He is said to have then continued on to Tschilkat Bay with thirty men, where he in es7ery possible place had crosses erected with the inscrip tion, " This land is Russian territory." It does not appear what Baranof regarded as, Tschilkat Bay, and this extract does not show that Baranof ever penetrated to the head of Lynn Canal, or that he knew how far that inlet ex tended into the land. It appears from the docu ments printed in the United States' Appendix in connection with the affair of the " Dryad," that as lb., p. 235. late as 1835 the Russians spoke of Lynn Canal as " Chilkat Strait, named Lynn Canal by Van couver." It is, therefore, quite consistent with the account given by Dr. Krause that Baranof never got further than the mouth of Lynn Canal. The extract in question certainly does not show that Baranof reached, or even kneAv of Chilcat' River. With reference to these allegations as to the action of Russia in 1788 and 1795, it is to be remembered that in the controversy aroused by the Ukase of 1821 the United States consistently 70 declared that Russia had no settlement on the continent south of the 59th degree of north lati tude, and that she could not even claim the rights of first discovery. This topic has already been alluded to in this Counter-Case, and the position taken by the United States on this point is made still clearer by reference to the observations and accompanying notes communicated with Mr. Adams' letter to Mr. Middleton of the 22nd July, 1823. These documents were not printed in the Appendix to the Case for the United States. They Avill be found in the Appendix to this Counter-Case. For eight years after the Treaty the Russians cannot be shown to have visited any spot which, upon the contention of Great Britain, would not have been in their territory. It is stated in the Case for the United States that they sent out U.S. Case, p. 75. annual expeditions to the head of Lynn Canal, Taku Inlet, the mouth of the Stikine River, and then appointed places of rendezvous, where the barter for furs was conducted. So far as concerns Lynn Canal and Taku Inlet there is no evidence of this in the Appendix to the United- States' Case. On the contrary,- as will be pointed out hereafter, the evidence is that they were ignorant of these places at least till 1833 or 1834. It may be observed, however,, that any trading by the Russians in the inlets before 1835 would be immaterial, because, under Article VII of the Treaty, they were entitled to trade in British waters during that period. In 1832 the Russian authorities at Sitka became alarmed on hearing that the Hudson's Bay Company were about to establish a settle ment up the Stikine. On the 6th May in that year the Governor wrote to the Directors of the Russian Company asking for merchandi7e to enable the Russians to visit the straits themselves, it being impossible to visit the Kolosh empty handed. A report of the 28th April, 1834, shows U.S. App., p. 265. that he received these supplies and entered into lb., p. 265. direct communication with the Kolosh of the neighbouring straits, sending a vessel to their settlements and endeavouring to establish a settlement on an advantageous point for this trade. Next year he fitted out the brig " Chichagoff," lb., p. 265. under Captain Etholine, to navigate all over the principal parts of the Russian straits to get acquainted with the localities, the inhabitants, 71 and the mode of trade with them, and report on all these points. From subsequent passages in the same despatch it appears that this voyage was mainly employed in exploring the straits between Sitka and the Stikine, and it does not appear that Lynn Canal was visited. The Governor announced, however, that he intended to send next year a schooner, then in construction, to trade in Chilkat under 2nd Lieutenant Kuzuetsof. The extract from •this despatch, printed in the Appendix to the U.S. App., p. 267. United States' Case, ends with the statement that until further instructions the Governor would hinder the British by force from sailing up the Stikine River. Two months after this despatch was written — namely, in June 1834 — the British expedition in the "Dryad" was accordingly stopped by the Russians at the mouth of the Stikine. During the same summer, as, appears from a despatch of the 30th April of the next year (1835) from the Governor to the Board of Directors, the lb., p. 276. schooner " Chilkat. " was at Chilkat for " trading purposes ; " and a letter of the 30th March, in the same year, discloses that on their way thither the lb., p. 273. Russians had discovered the River Taku. The same letter shows that in 1835 it was intended to lb., p. 274. visit Chilkat. Ib., p. 291. On the 12th March, 1836, the Directors, acknowledging the Governor's despatch above quoted, noticed with pleasure that the scope of Russian operations increased through acquaintance with Chilkat, and that there was hope of obtain ing furs from the natives of that bay. It appears that in 1838 orders were again given lb., p. 303. to a Russian vessel to visit Chilkat and Taku for trading purposes with the inhabitants and for the survey and sounding in a proper manner of the mouths of these rivers. Ib., p. 312. The survey of the mouth of the River Chilkat was reported to have been accomplished in a despatch of the 20th April, 1839. From the documents above referred to, it appears that— at least, till 1832— the Russians were ignorant of Lynn Canal. They had not even discovered the Taku. It must not be assumed that when they refer to "the straits" Lynn Canal is referred to, or that the Kolosh were Indians from Lynn Ganal. In his despatch of the 30th April, 1835, Baron Wrangell refers to the Stikine as " the most important point of the straits for [769] L 72 trade with Kolosh," and in all the documents of this period printed in the Appendix to the United States' Case the Stikine Indians are always called Kolosh. The term translated " straits" in these documents is used to denote the narrow seas adjoining the mainland or between the islands on the coast. The action of the Russians in sending to Chilkat during the period between 1833 and 1838 was taken under somewhat peculiar circum stances. It was part of the effort made by Russia > to meet the competition of the Hudson's Bay Company. Baron Wrangell had, as already mentioned, declared his intention of preventing by force the navigation of the Stikine by the British. The view on which he acted was in direct conflict with the provisions of the Treaty, and was disavowed by the Russian Government. It is not probable that he was guided in his determination to send vessels to Chilkat by any more scrupulous regard for Treaty obligations. But the whole question of the right of the parties in this neighbourhood was no sooner raised than it was settled until 1867, by the lease of the lisiere to the Hudson's Bay Company. Throughout this period the Stikine was con sidered the most important point for trade, and in the renewals of the lease the country leased, which in fact extended to Mount Fairweather, was always referred to as " the Stikine country." In the Case of the United States, several instances are given of the Russians bringing influences to bear upon the natives. The centre of these efforts was always at the Stikine. It can never be shown that anything of this sort took place in Lynn Canal. The facts referred to have therefore no significance. The Russians never exercised dominion in Chilkat. As stated in the Report of the Governor of Alaska for 1902, printed in the Appendix, the App., p. 18. Russians avoided the Chilkats as much as possible, and according to the depositions of In-da- Yonk, put in evidence by the United States, the Chilkat U.S. App., p. 441. Indians, among whom he was raised, considered the Russians merely as traders temporarily in their country. p The affair of the " Dryad " is said to throw light lb., p. 78. on the present controversy as illustrating in a forcible manner why the Russian Company and its government were so firm in their position during the negotiations of 1825 that a strip of 73 territory should be preserved on the shores of the continent of sufficient width to act as a barrier to keep the Hudson's Bay Company from interfering with their trade in furs with natives inhabiting those shores. In the view of Great Britain the illustration afforded by the incident is of the opposite tendency. It shows that the provisions admittedly made could not have that effect. The navigation of the rivers was fatal to any barrier, and the admission of it shows no such idea was thought of. In the United States' Case some stress is laid on the fact that the proposed settlement of the U.S. Case, Hudson's Bay Company on the Stikine was to Y\T\ 7ft— ftft yy' " have been 10 marine leagues from the sea. It is obvious that this distance was chosen because at that spot the territory would be in every possible event British. It is surely not contended that the projectors of this settlement are to be taken to have satisfied themselves that there existed no mountains, answering the Treaty description, lower down the course of the river. [7691 L * 74 II.— UNITED STATES' OCCUPA TION. In 1867 the Russian possessions in America were transferred to the United States. As stated in the Case for the United States, the Government U.S. Case, p. 84. of the latter Power were, at the time of the Treaty for the cession, fully conversant with the negotia tions that had taken place in 1824 and 18.25, and with the Treaties concluded in those years, and had also the maps and charts which had been published. With regard to the maps it is not possible that the Government of the United States should have believed that the boundary marked represented a delimited frontier. They knew that the Russian possessions had been in the hands of a Fur Com pany, whose rights on the mainland had, for nearly thirty years, been leased to a British trading Company. Nothing can be pointed to calculated to induce a belief on the part of the United States' Government that the maps represented the ascertained boundary upon the ground. The United States' Government must, under these circumstances, have had recourse, for the purpose of ascertaining what they were buying, to the Treaty of 1825, and they must be taken for the purpose of any judicial inquiry to have correctly understood its provisions. In any case the United States took what Russia had to give, and no more — Avhat this was depends upon the true construction of the Treaty of 1825, which is the question now submitted for the decision of the Tribunal. In taking possession of their new territory the United States appear, from the documents printed in the Appendix to their Case, to have sent a revenue-cutter to investigate and report upon the coast territory, and the officer in command extended his voyage to Chilkat inlet. Here, it is stated in the United States' Case, he received in return for presents the professed allegiance of the Indians, and made certain local investigations. It is important to realize the exact situation of the Parties. The Hudson's Bay Company had been under their lease trading upon this coast. The termination of this lease necessarily involved 75 their withdrawal from their station at the mouth of the Stikine and all their principal trading grounds. They never had any station upon the Lynn Canal, and had no interest in asserting the right of the British Government to any part of it. Indeed it does not appear that they knew any thing of what is said to have taken place, and the British Government itself knew nothing of the proceedings of the United States' revenue-cutter. From this point forward it only remains to consider the action of the United States as set forth in the Case and Appendix presented on their behalf. The difficulty in which Great Britain finds herself with regard to dealing with the matters of fact alleged under this head have been already referred to. Even if it could be assumed that the facts put forward by the United States are not susceptible of substantial contra diction or qualification, there are still a number of considerations which must be kept in view in estimating the weight of the arguments founded upon them. The question here has not reference to an un occupied region not affected by Treaty, and even if it were conceded that the action of the United States might be sufficient, in the absence of any determination by Treaty, to give a primd facie title to the waters of the inlets, it must be re membered that the test to be satisfied in this case is of a totally different kind. The dispute turns on the construction of the Treaty, and subsequent action can be referred to only in as far as it throws light upon this question. As has already been pointed out, the action relied upon must be such as to show the under standing pf both Parties. This is necessary to the admissibility of such evidence at all. It will be important, therefore, while following the course of United States' action locally to have regard concurrently to the diplomatic position existing between the two countries from time to time, with reference to the boundary. From 1867 to 1877 the Government of Alaska was committed to the military authorities. During this period the Case of the United States reveals three visits to the head of Lynn Canal by General Davis, one by Mr. Seward, and one by General Howard. There were also five or six occasions when United States' revenue-cutters 76 or vessels belonging to the navy visited this spot. There was no military station nearer than Fort Wrangell, and on the occasions of the visits above referred to, although there were the usual inter views with the Chiefs, nothing was done on land ; and the Chilkat country remained closed to white men till 1879. In 1877 the duty of administering the Govern ment of Alaska was transferred to the navy. In 1879, by means of the influence of certain Chilkat Indians who had come to Sitka and there taken service with the United States' Government, Captain Beardslee succeeded in obtaining what he himself describes as the removal by the Chiefs of the Chilcat and Chilcoot tribes of all prohibition to the white men from entering their territory which prohibition had alw'ays been strictly main- U.S App. p. 365. tained. It is to be noticed that Captain Beardslee instructed the officer who was charged with this mission that he was to inform the Indians that if they did not keep their promises, no Chilcat Indians would in future be allowed to land at Sitka. His instructions expressly stated that lb., p. 368 there was " no governing power or code of laws in existence in the Territory," and authorized him to use his own discretion in all emergencies that lb., p. 365 might arise." The Secretary of the Navy in acknowledging the services rendered by Captain Beardslee, noted the fact that "no law existed in Alaska." Captain lb., p. 364. Beardslee's report states also that his position with regard to the Indians would have been very complicated had he made effort to control them in accordance with the provisions of the revised Statutes bearing upon Indian affairs ; for nearly all of the sections presupposed " a very different condition of affairs than prevailed in Alaska." As up to this date there were none but Indians in Chilcat, it follows that there was no government there under the laws of the United States. By virtue of the permission obtained under Captain Beardslee's auspices, a pioneer party of miners entered the Chilcat country ; and a salmon cannery, a trading store, and a Presbyterian Mission were shortly afterwards established by private persons. There was, however, no pro vision for acquiring title to land or even to mining claims. In 1884 an Act was passed providing Civil Government for Alaska. The territory was 77 created a land district, a land office being located U.S. App, p. 493. at Sitka. The United States' mineral laws were extended to the district, subject to regulations to be made by the Secretary of the Interior, approved by the President. These regulations were made on the 28th July, 1885. The earliest mineral location in the vicinitv of Lynn Canal was at Berner's Bay, and was made on the 3Cth May, 1885, and registered on the 3rd June, 1885.. The Patent was not obtained till the lb., p. 494. i6th February, 1900. The date of the earliest lb., p. 495. Patent disclosed in tbe United States' Appendix is the 1st August, 1894. Although Civil Government had been intro duced in 1884, it is shown hy the Reports of the App., pp. 19-36. Governors from 1884 to 1902, extracts from which are printed in the Appendix hereto, that it was merely nominal. In 1888 the then Governor wrote, " the Civil Government of Alaska is little, if any, better than a burlesque, both in form App., p. 23. and substance." This no doubt applied, a fortiori, to the district at the head of Lynn Canal, and on the other inlets. Each successive report makes the same complaints, dwelling especially upon the withholding of land laws. The report for 1902 lb., p. 34. states that legislation extending the homestead laws to Alaska had passed in 1898. It is added, lb., p. 35. however, that as these laws applied only to sur veyed land, of which there was none, not a single homestead entry had been allowed. At this point it is convenient to refer to what had passed between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States with reference to the Alaskan boundary up to the date of the introduction of Civil Government. Reference is made, for this purpose to the Summary con tained in Chapter II (pp. 28 and following) of the British Case. It will be seen that the delimita tion of tbe boundary had been suggested by Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Fish in 1872. Between 1875 and 1»78 there had been frequent interchange of views with reference to the Stikine, from which it clearly appears that the boundary remained to be applied when the topography British App. r, should be ascertained. In 1884 Mr. Dall put p- forward the theory that the mountain boundary lb., p. 249. was inapplicable. In 1885 Mr. Bayard declared the boundary shown on the maps to be conjectural lb., p. 254, and theoretical, and in 1886 Mr. Phelps stated that the Treaties really gave no boundary at all. This was the position of affairs at the moment 78 when the action of the United States, relied upon in the United States' Case as showing the under standing of the Parties, becomes the subject of more frequent reference. From 1884 Lieutenant John Stewart, under Lieutenant-Commander Nichols, was, on duty in the waters of South-East Alaska. A letter from Lieutenant Stewart, dated the 14th March, 1903, u-s- App., p. 401. states that he was on duty on board the " Pinta" from September, 1884, to October, 1886, and that during these two years he was several times sent to Dyea to preserve order between the Indians and miners, with discretionary orders as to how to act in case of trouble. He states there were a few arrests of Indians for witchcraft and illicit distilling, but these arrests are not mentioned in the log of the " Pinta," and Lieutenant Stewart lb., p. 398. states that he does not know whether or not they Avere made' by the order of the civil authorities. The first arrest, followed by a trial, disclosed by the United States' Appendix, was that of Klannot, in 1887. The United States' Appendix prints a number of memoranda of cases tried, arising on Lynn Canal, the first of which is in 1887. In lb., p. 407. 1887 exclusive use of the trail over Chilcoot Pass was still being claimed by the Indians. A ib., p. 393. Customs station was not established at Chilcat jb. p. 447 till 1890. Returning for a moment to the diplomatic cor respondence, it is to be remembered that in 1887 the United States had notice, through Mr. Dawson's letter referred to in a Message of the President, that, according to the Canadian conten tion, the boundary crossed inlets, and the map contained in the Report showed it as crossing Lynn Canal near Berner's Bay. Great Britain contends that the whole of the facts must be looked at together, and that, even assuming that those who represented the United States in Alaska were taking the view that the whole of Lynn Canal was in United States' territory, still, inasmuch as it appears that as between the two Governments the true location of the boundary was treated as undetermined, the view acted on locally becomes of no importance. Such then was the position of affairs when, in 1892, the Parties, each Avith full knowledge of the contentions of the other, agreed to have a coincident or joint survey of the territory, with a view to the ascertainment of the facts and data necessary to the permanent delimitation of the 79 From a despatch of Secretary of State, Frelinghuyson,to Mr. Romero, July 10', 1884, found in boundary line in accordance with the spirit and intent of the existing Treaties between Great Britain and Russia, and between the United States and Russia. This was a plain Agreement that the boundary was then uncertain, and a matter as to which there was cause of difference ; but there was then no suggestion that Articles HI and IV had been already interpreted by the United States with the acquiescence of Great Britain in such a way as to bring these inlets within the line to be drawn in the absence of a mountain boundary, or establish the principle that no such boundary existed. These were both questions to be settled by the facts and data to be ascertained, and it is out of the question now to argue that they had been already settled by the conduct of the Parties, or that they could be prejudiced by future action taken while the inquiry was proceeding. So far as Great Britain was concerned, there is no reason to suppose that she was aware of any of the occurrences in Lynn Canal now disclosed by the Case for the United States. As to the action relied upon between 1867 and 1880, con sisting as it did merely of occasional visits by officers in United States' vessels, leaving no impression of government upon the country, and not affecting any white man, it is in the nature of things almost impossible that the British Govern ment should have knowledge of it. But all these things were within the knowledge of the United States Avhen they entered into the Convention of 1892. The ignorance and absence of action by Great Britain with respect to this territory cannot be relied upon as showing acquiescence in the actions of the United States. The question was at that time of no practical importance, the territory was remote, and as the Treaty of 1825 stood as a record of the rights of the Parties, there was no obligation upon either nation to watch for any dealings by the other with the subject-matter of that arrangement. No nation has expressed this general view more plainly or forcibly than the United States, as the following extracts show : — " The Government must deny the implication conveyed in your note of the 12th June, and its accompaniments, that the United States have tacitly acquiesced in the jurisdictional rights from time to time assumed by the Mexican local authorities over the territory covered by [769] M 80 the islands in question. No case in point has arisen to Wharton's Digest call the attention of this Government to the question. ° , . e ,n, " . The owners of the land were Mexican citizens, as it the United States, appears, and their acquiescence in the Mexican claims section 30, 2nd of jurisdiction over their land, although natural under pp 87-89. the circumstances, was wholly devoid of any confirma tory power as against the rights of the United States under the Treaty. It was not until very recently, when the action of the Mexican authorities at Mier developed a wholly untenable claim to jurisdiction over a broad tract of low-lying land on the United States' bank of the river, which land it was pretended had at some time become united with one of the islands through the filling up of the waterway between them, that a case calling for investigation and action was presented, involving also, as it does, the question of the true ownership of the island claimed to have been enlarged by the accretion of United States' territory. The rights of the United States in the premises remained, perhaps, dormant, but without laches on their part, and, on the issue being re-vived those rights revive, too, in all their force." " The right of Great Britain to the territory had never From the definitive been called in question by the United States before the statement of the . . United states on negotiations at Ghent in 1814, because it was then for the reference to the first time made known to them that Great Britain the King of the intended to set up such a claim. And her right to the t^e Majae possession of the Madawaska Settlement was not called Boundary, p. 59. into question, or even alluded to at Ghent, because it had not been ascertained at that time whether that settlement lay east or west of the line draAvn due north . from the source of the St. Croix. ."That line was not surveyed till the years 1817-18 ; and this is also the reason why the inhabitants of Madawaska were included in the American Census of the year 1820 and not in that of the year 1810. " The remoteness of the territory on the waters of the River St. John from the American Settlements, which did not extend far up the Penobscot, had rendered other acts of jurisdiction on the part of the United States unnecessary prior to the war, which was terminated by the Treaty of Ghent. And their subse quent, forbearance since that question has become a subject for discussion, notwithstanding the continued usurpation of New Brunswick over the contested terri tory, is very improperly converted into an assertion of exclusive and undisturbed possession by Great Britain." Reference might also be made to the attitude of the United States, with regard to the position of the international boundary line near Pern ina, Minn., and also at the St. Clair Flats. App., p. 85. Before leaving this part of the subject reference must be made to the two towns of Dyea and Skagway. These sprang up in consequence of the rush of miners to the Klondike in 1897, as stated 81 in the British Case. Nothing that occurred at that date could, however, affect the question. As a matter of fact it appears from the deposition of Mr. Wickett, printed in the Appendix hereto, that Dyea has already fallen into decay and Skagway is rapidly declining. In the case of Dyea, the population, which during the rush was 12,000 souls, has dwindled to a single individual. The district at the head of Lynn Canal has, in fact, no importance as part of Alaska. Its whole value lies in its connection with the Canadian Yukon. It is an economic unit with British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.