07135 5243 WBilMHBm r#«m ®®m&.. x/;r' x y Cyi93 270 ^liSWU* %£ &: / CJ Go Wts. jais. JJETZFZEXt S OJST XX7ISE. CO. HISTOBY OF WISCONSIN. BY C. W. BUTTERFIELD. I.— WISCONSIN ANTIQUITIES. The first explorers of the valleys of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi and its tributaries, seem not to have noticed, to any considerable extent, the existence within these vast areas of monuments of an extinct race. Gradually, however, as the tide of emigration broke through the barriers of the Alleghanies and spread in a widely extended flow over what are now the States of the Northwest, these prehistoric vestiges attracted more and more the attention of the curious and the learned, until, at the present time, almost every person is presumed to have some general knowledge, not only of their existence, but of some of their striking peculiarities. Unfortunately, these signs of a long since departed people are fast disappearing by the never ceasing operations of the elements, and the constant encroachments of civilization. The earliest notices of the animal and vegetable kingdom of this region are to be found in its rocks ; but Wisconsin's earli est records of men can only be traced in here and there a crumbling earth-work, in the fragment of a skeleton, or in a few stone and copper implements — dim and shadowy relics of their handicraft. The ancient dwellers in these valleys, whose history is lost in the lapse of ages, are desig nated, usually, as the Mound-Builders ; not that building mounds was probably their distinctive employment, but that such artificial elevations of the earth are, to a great extent, the only evi dences remaining of their actual occupation of the country. As to the origin of these people, all knowledge must, possibly, continue to rest upon conjecture alone. Nor were the habitations of this race confined to the territory of which Wisconsin now forms a part. At one time, they must have been located in many ulterior regions. The earth-works, tumuli, or " mounds," as they are generally designated, are usually symmetrically raised and often inclosed in mathematical figures, such as the square, the octagon, and the circle, with long lines of circumvallation. Besides these earth-works, there are pits dug in the solid rock ; rubbish heaps formed in the prosecution of mining operations ; and a variety of implements and utensils, wrought in copper or stone or moulded in clay. Whence came the inhabitants who left these evidences to succeed ing generations ? In other words, who were the Mound-Builders ? Did they migrate from the Old World, or is their origin to be sought for elsewhere? And as to their manners and customs and civilization — what of these things? Was the race finally swept from the New World to give place to Red men, or was it the one from which the latter descended ? These momentous ques tions are left for the ethnologist, the archaeologist, and the antiquarian of the future to answer — if they can. 20 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Inclosures and mounds of the prehistoric people, it is generally believed, constituted but parts of one system ; the former being, in the main, intended for purposes of defense or religion • the latter, for sacrifice, for temple sites, for burial places, or for observatories. In selecting sites for many of these earth-works, the Mound-Builders appear to have been influenced by motives which prompt civilized men to choose localities for their great marts; hence, Cincinnati, St, Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee; and other cities of the West are founded on ruins of pre-existing structures. River terraces and river bottoms seem to have been the favorite places for these earth-works. In such localities, the natural advantages of the country could be made available with much less trouble than in portions of the country lying at a distance from water-courses. In Wisconsin, therefore, as in other parts, the same general idea of selecting points contiguous to the principal natural thoroughfares is found to have prevailed with the Mound-Builders ; for their works are seen in the basin of the Fox river of the Illinois, in that of Rock river and its branches, in the valley of Fox river of Green bay, in that of the Wisconsin, as well as near the waters of the Mississippi. While a few circumvallations and immense mounds, such as are common to certain other portions of the United States, are discoverable in Wisconsin, yet by far the largest number of earthworks have one peculiarity not observable, except in a few instances, outside the State. This characteristic is a very striking one The fact is revealed that they are imitative in form — ¦ resembling beasts, reptiles, birds, fish, man. All these, for convenience, are usually classed under the general name of "animal mounds," although some are in the similitude of trees, some of war clubs, others of tobacco pipes. Generally, these figures are in groups, though sometimes they are seen alone. For what purpose thSse earth-works were heaped up — they rise above the surface two, four, and sometimes six feet — or what particular uses they were intended to subserve, is unknown. It is, however, safe to affirm that they had some significance. A number resemble the bear ; a few, the buffalo ; others, the raccoon. Lizards, turtles, and even tadpoles, are out lined in the forms of some. The war eagle, and the war club has each its representative. All this, of course, could not have been a mere happening — the work of chance. The sizes of these mounds are as various as their forms. One near Cassville, in Grant county, very complete in its representation of an animal, supposed to be of the elephant species, was found, upon measure ment, to have a total length of one hundred and thirty-five feet. Another in Sauk county, quite perfect in its resemblance to the form of a man, was of equal length — a veritable colossus ; prone, it is true, and soon to disappear, if it has not already been destroyed, by ravages of a superior civilization. In portions of Wisconsin, as well as in a few places outside the State, are found earth-works of another kind, but quite as remarkable as the "animal mounds," which, from their supposed use, have been styled "garden beds." They are ridges, or beds, about six inches in height and four feet in width, ranged, with much apparent method, in parallel rows, sometimes rectangular in shape, sometimes of various but regular and symmetrical curves, and occupying fields of from ten to a hundred acres. The Mound-Builders have left many relics, besides their earthworks, to attest their presence in Wisconsin in ages past. Scattered widely are found stone and copper axes, spear-heads, and arrow-heads, also various other implements — evidently their handiwork. As these articles are frequently discovered many feet beneath the surface, it argues a high antiquity for the artificers, Whether they had the skill to mould their copper implements is doubtful. Such as plainly show the work of hammering, indicate an art beyond that possessed by the Red men who peopled America upon its first discovery by Europeans. In a few instances, fragments of human skulls have been found so well preserved as to enable a comparison to be drawn between the crania of THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN- 21 this ancient race and those of modern ones ; the results, however, of these comparisons throw little, if any, light upon "the dark backward and abysm" of mound-building times. The evidences of an extinct people of superior intelligence is very strikingly exhibited in the ancient copper mines of the Lake Superior region. Here are to be found excavations in the solid rock; heaps of rubble and dirt ; copper utensils fashioned into knives, chisels, and spear and arrow-heads; stone hammers; wooden bowls and shovels; props and levers for raising and supporting the mass copper ; and ladders for ascending and descending the pits. These mines were probably worked by people not only inhabiting what is now the State of Wisconsin, but territory farther to the southward. The copper was here obtained, it is believed, which has been found in many places, even as far away as the northern shore cf the Gulf of Mexico, wrought into various implements and utensils. But there are no traces in Wisconsin of a " copper age " succeeding a " stone age," discernadle in any prehistoric relics. They all refer alike to one age — the indefinite past ; to one people — the Mound-Builders. II.— THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. When, as early, it is believed, as 1634, civilized man first set foot upon the territory now included within the boundaries of Wisconsin, he discovered, to his surprise, that upon this wide area met and mingled clans of two distinct and wide-spread families — the Algonquins and Sioux. The tribes of the former, moving westward, checked the advance of the latter in their excursions eastward. As yet there had been no representatives of the Huron-Iroquois seen west of Lake Michigan — the members of this great family, at that date dwelling in safety in the extensive regions northward and southward of the Erie and Ontario lakes. Already had the French secured a foot-hold in the extensive valley of the St. Lawrence ; and, naturally enough, the chain of the Great Lakes led their explorers to the mouth of Green bay, and up that water course and its principal tributary, Fox river, to the Wisconsin, an affluent of the Mississippi. On the right, in ascending this bay, was seen, for the first time, a nation of Indians, lighter in complexion than neighboring tribes, and remarkably well formed, now well known as the Menomonees. This nation is of Algonquin stock, but their dialect differed so much from the surrounding tribes of the same family, it having strange guttural sounds and accents, as well as peculiar inflec tions of verbs and other parts of speech, that, for a long time, they were supposed to have a distinct language. Their traditions point to an emigration from the East at some remote period. When first visited by the French missionaries, these Indians subsisted largely upon wild rice, from which they took their name. The harvest time of this grain was in the month of September. It grew spontaneously in little streams with slimy bottoms, and in marshy places. The harvesters went in their canoes across these watery fields, shaking the ears right and left as they advanced, the grain falling easily, if ripe, into the bark receptacle beneath. To clear it from chaff and strip it of a pellicle inclosing it, they put it to dry on a wooden lattice above a small fire, which was kept up for several days. When the rice was well dried, it was placed in a skin of the form of a bag, which was then forced into a hole, made on purpose, in the ground. They then tread it out so long and so well, that the grain being freed from the chaff, was easily winnowed. After this, it was pounded to meal, or left unpounded, and boiled in water seasoned with grease. It thus became a very palatable diet. It must not be inferred that this was the only food of the Menomonees ; they were adepts in fishing, and hunted with skill the game which abounded in the forests. For many years after their discovery, the Menomonees had their homes and hunting -2 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. grounds upon, or adjacent to, the Menomonee river. Finally, after the lapse of a century and a quarter, down to 1760, when the French yielded to the English all claims to the country, the territory of the Menomonees had shifted somewhat to the westward and southward, and their principal village was found at the head of Green bay, while a smaller one was still in existence at the mouth of their favorite stream. So slight, however, had been this change, that the country of no other of the surrounding tribes had been encroached upon by the movement. In 1634, the Menomonees probably took part in a treaty with a representative of the French, who had thus early ventured so far into the wilds of the lake regions. More than a score of years elapsed before the tribe was again visited by white men, — th.at is to say, there are no authentic accounts of earlier visitations. In 1660, Father Rene Menard had penetrated the Lake Superior country as far, at least, as Kewenaw, in what is now the northern part of Michigan, whence some of his French companions probably passed down the Menomonee river to the waters of Green bay the following year ; but no record of the Indians, through whose territory they passed, was made by these voyagers. Ten years more — 1670 — brought to the Menomonees (who doubtless had already been visited by French fur-traders) Father Claudius Allouez, to win them to Christianity. He had previously founded a mission upon the bay of Chegoimegon, now Chaquamegon, or Ashland bay, an arm of Lake Superior, within the present State of Wisconsin, in charge of which, at that date, was Father James Marquette. Proceeding from the " Sault" on the third of November, Allouez, early in December, 1669, reached the mouth of Green bay, where, on the third, in an Indian village of Sacs, Pottawattamies, Foxes and Winnebagoes, containing about six hundred souls, he celebrated the holy mass for the first time upon this new field of his labors, — eight Frenchmen, traders with the Indians, whom the missionary found there upon his arrival, taking part in the devotions. His first Christian work with the Menomonees was performed in May of the next year. Allouez found this tribe a feeble one, almost exterminated by war. He spent but little time with them, embarking, on the twentieth of that month, after a visit to some Pottawattamies and Winnebagoes, " with a Frenchman and a savage to go to Sainte Mary of the Sault." His place was filled by Father Louis Andre, who, not long after, erected a cabin upon the Menomonee river, which, with one at a village where his predecessor had already raised the standard ofthe cross, was soon burned by the savages ; but the missionary, living almost con stantly in his canoe, continued for some time to labor with the Menomonees and surrounding tribes. The efforts of Andre were rewarded with some conversions among the former ; for Mar quette, who visited them in 1673, found many good Christians among them. The record of ninety years of French domination in Wisconsin — beginning in June, 1671, and ending in October, 1761 — brings to light but little of interest so far as the Menomonees are concerned. Gradually they extended their intercourse with the white fur traders. Gradually and with few interruptions (one in 1728, and one in 1747 of a serious character) they were drawn under the banner of France, joining with that government in its wars with the Iroquois; in its contests, in 1712, 1729, 1730, and 1751, with the Foxes; and, subsequently, in its conflicts with the English. The French post, at what is now Green Bay, Brown county, Wisconsin, was, along with the residue ofthe western forts, surrendered to the British in 1760, although actual possession ofthe former was not taken until the Fall of the next year. The land on which the fort stood was claimed by the Menomonees. Here, at that date, was their upper and principal village, the lower one being at the mouth of the Menomonee river. These Indians soon became reconciled to the English occupation of their territory, notwithstanding the machinations of French traders who endeavored to prejudice them against the new comers. The Menomonees, at this time, were very much reduced, having, but a short time previous, lost three hundred of their warriors THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 23 by the small pox, and most of their chiefs in the late war in which they had been engaged by the then French commander there, against the English. They were glad to substitute English for French traders ; as they could purchase supplies of them at one half the price they had previously paid. It was not long before the sincerity of the Menomonees was put to the test. Pontiac's War of 1763 broke out, and the post of Mackinaw was captured. The garrison, however, at Green bay was not only not attacked by the savages, but, escorted by the Menomonees and other tribes, crossed Lake Michigan in safety to the village of L'Arbre Croche ; thence making their way to Montreal. The Menomonees continued their friendship to the English, joining with them against the Colonies during the Revolution, and fighting on the same side during the war of 1812-15. When, in July, 1816, an American force arrived at Green bay to take possession of the country, the Menomonees were found in their village near by, very peaceably inclined. The commander ofthe troops asked permission of their chief to build a fort. " My Brother!" was the response, " how can we oppose your locating a council-fire among us ? You are too strong; for us. Even if we wanted to oppose you we have scarcely got powder and ball to make the attempt. One favor we ask is, that our French brothers shall not be disturbed. You can choose any place you please for your fort, and we shall not object." No trouble had been anticipated. from the Menomonees, and the expectations of the government of the United States in that regard were fully realized. What added much to the friendship . now springing up between the Menomonees and the Americans was the fact that the next year — 181 7 — the annual contribution, which for many years had been made by the British, consisting of a shirt, leggins, breech-clout, and blanket for each member or the tribe, and for each family a copper kettle, knives, axes, guns and ammunition, was withheld by them. It was found by the Americans, upon their occupation of the Menomonee territory, that some of the women of that tribe were married to traders and boatmen who had settled at Ce- head of the bay, there being no white women in that region. Many of these were Canadians of French extraction ; hence the anxiety that they should be well treated, which was expressed by the Menomonees upon the arrival of the American force. At this period there was a consider able trade carried on with these Indians at Prairie du Chien, as many of them frequently win tered on the Mississippi. The first regular treaty with this tribe was " made and concluded" on the thirtieth day of March, 18 17, "by and between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, commissioners on the part and behalf of the United States of America, of the one part," and the chiefs and warriors, deputed by the Menomonees, of the other part. By the terms of this compact all injuries were to be forgiven and forgotten ; perpetual peace established; lands, heretofore ceded to other governments, confirmed to the United States ; all prisoners to be delivered up ; and the tribe placed under the protection of the United States, " and of no other nation, power, or sovereign, whatsoever." The Menomonees were now fully and fairly, and for the first time, entitled to be known as " American Indians," in contradistinction to the term which had been so long used as descriptive of their former allegiance — " British Indians." The territory of the Menomonees, when the tribe was taken fully under the winj; of the Gen eral Government, had become greatly extended. It was bounded on the north by the dividing ridge between the waters flowing into Lake Superior and those flowing south into Green bay and the Mississippi ; on the east, by Lake Michigan ; on the south, by the Milwaukee river, and on the west by the Mississippi and Black rivers. This was their territory ; though they were prac tically restricted to the occupation of the western shore of Lake Michigan, lying between the mouth of Green bay on the north and the Milwaukee river on the south, and to a somewhat indefinite area west. Their general claim, as late as 1825, was north to the Chippewa country: 2i HISTORY" OF WISCONSIN. ¦cast to Green bay and Lake Michigan ; south to the Milwaukee river, and west to Black river. And what is most surprising is that the feeble tribe of 1761 had now, in less than three quarters of a century, become a powerful nation, numbering between three and four thousand. The Menomonee territory, as late as 1831, still preserved its large proportions. Its eastern division was bounded by the Milwaukee river, the shore of Lake Michigan, Green bay, Fox river, and Winnebago lake ; its western division, by the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers on the west; Fox river on the south ; Green bay on the east, and the high lands whence flow the streams into Lake Superior, on the north. This year, however, it was shorn of a valuable and large part by the tribe ceding to the United States all the eastern division, estimated at two and one half million acres. The following year, the Menomonees aided the General Government in the Black Hawk war. That the Menomonees might, as much as possible, be weaned from their wandering habits, their permanent home was designated to be a large tract lying north of Fox river and east of Wolf river. Their territory farther west, was reserved for their hunting grounds until such time as the General Government should desire to purchase it. In 1836, another portion, amounting to four million acres, lying between Green bay on the east and Wolf river on the west, was dis posed of to the United States, besides a strip three miles in width from near the portage north, on each side of the Wisconsin river and forty-eight miles long — still leaving them in peace able possession of a country about one hundred and twenty miles long, and about eighty broad. Finally, in 1848, the Menomonees sold all their lands in Wisconsin to the General Govern ment, preparatory to their movement to a reservation beyond the Mississippi cf six hundred thousand acres ; but the latter tract was afterward re-ceded to the United States ; for, notwith standing there were treaty stipulations for the removal of the tribe to that tract, there were obstacles in the way of their speedy migration, resulting, finally, in their being permitted to remain in Wisconsin. Lands, to the amount of twelve townships, were granted them for their permanent homes, on the upper Wolf river, in what is now Shawano and Oconto counties — a portion, but a very small one, of what was once their extensive possessions. To this reservation they removed in October, 1852. Thus are the Menomonees, the only one of the original tribes of Wisconsin who, as a whole, have a local habitation within its limits. This tribe refused to join the Sioux in their outbreak in 1861, and several of their warriors served as volunteers in the United States army during the late civil war. It is now over two centuries since the civilized world began to gain knowledge of the exist ence, in the far West, of a tribe of Indians known as the Winnebagoes — that is, men of the sea; pointing, possibly, to their early migration from the shores of the Mexican gulf, or the Pacific. The territory now included within the limits of Wisconsin, and so much of the State of Michigan as lies north of Green bay, Lake Michigan, the Straits of Mackinaw and Lake Huron were, in early times, inhabited by several tribes of the Algonquin race, forming a barrier to the Dakotas, or Sioux, who had advanced eastward to the Mississippi. But the Winnebagoes, although one of the tribes belonging to the family of the latter, had passed the great river, at some unknown period, and settled upon the head waters of Green bay. Here, this "sea-tribe," as early, it is believed, as 1634, was visited by an agent of France and a treaty concluded with them. The tribe afterward called themselves Hochungara, or Ochunkoraw, but were styled by the Sioux, Hotanke, or Sturgeon. Nothing more is heard of the Ouenibigoutz, or Winnebegouk (as the Winnebagoes ¦were early called by the Jesuit missionaries, and the Algonquin tribes, meaning men from the fetid or salt water, translated by the French, Puants) for the next thirty-five years, although there is no doubt that the trib* had been visited meanwhile by adventurous Frenchmen, when on the second of December, 1669, some of that nation were noted at a Sac (Sauk or Saukis) village on Green bay, by Father Allouez. THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 25 As early at least as 1670, the French were actively engaged among the Winnebagoes trading. ¦" We found affairs," says one of the Jesuit missionaries, who arrived among them in September of that year. " we found affairs there in a pretty bad posture, and the minds of the savages much soured against the French, who were there trading ; ill-treating them in deeds and words, pillag ing and carrying away their merchandise in spite of them, and conducting themselves toward them with insupportable insolences and indignities. The cause of this disorder," adds the mis sionary, " is that they had received some bad treatment from the French, to whom they had this year come to trade, and particularly from the soldiers, from whom they pretended to have received many wrongs and injuries." It is thus made certain that the arms of France were carried into the territory of the Winnebagoes over two hundred years ago. The Fox river of Green bay was found at that date a difficult stream to navigate. Two Jesuits who ascended the river in 1670, had "three or four leagues of rapids to contend with," when they had advanced " one day's journey " from the head of the bay, " more difficult than those which are common in other rivers, in this, that the flints, over which" they had to walk with naked feet to drag their canoes, were so " sharp and so cutting, that one has all the trouble in the world to hold one's self steady against the great rushing ofthe waters." At the falls they found •an idol that the savages honored ; " never failing, in passing, to make him some sacrifice of tobacco, or arrows, or paintings, or other things, to thank him that, by his assistance, they had, in ascending, avoided the dangers of the waterfalls which are in this stream ; or else, if they had to ¦ascend, to pray him to aid them in this perilous navigation." The devout missionaries caused the idol " to be lifted up by the strength of arm, and cast into the depths of the river, to appear no more " to the idolatrous savages. The mission of St. Francis Xavier, founded in December, 1669, by Allouez, was a roving one ¦among the tribes inhabiting the shores of Green bay and the interior country watered by the Fox river and its tributaries, for about two years, when its first mission-hduse was erected at what is now Depere, Brown county. This chapel was soon after destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt in 1676. The Winnebagoes, by this time, had not only received considerable spiritual instruction from the Jesuit fathers, but had obtained quite an insight into the mysteries of trading and trafficking with white men; for, following the footsteps of the missionaries, and sometimes preceding them, were the ubiquitous French fur traders. It is impossible to determine precisely what territory was occupied by the Winnebagoes at this early date, farther than that they lived near the head •of Green bay. A direct trade with the French upon the St. Lawrence was not carried on by the Winne bagoes to any great extent until the beginning of the eighteenth century. As early as 1679, an advance party of La Salle had collected a large store of furs at the mouth of Green bay, doubtless in a traffic with this tribe and others contiguous to them; generally, however, the surrounding nations sold their peltries to the Ottawas, who disposed of them, in turn, to the French. The commencement of the eighteenth century found the Winnebagoes firmly in alliance with France, and in peace with the dreaded Iroquios. In 17 18, the nation numbered six hundred. They were afterward found to have moved up Fox river, locating upon Winne bago lake, which stream and lake were their ancient seat, and from which they had been driven either by fear or the prowess of more powerful tribes of the West or Southwest. Their inter course with the French was gradually extended and generally peaceful, though not always so, joining with them, as did the Menomonees, in their wars with the Iroquois, and subsequently in their conflicts with the English, which finally ended in 1760. When the British, in October, 1761, took possession of the French post at the head of 26 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Green bay, the Winnebagoes were found to number one hundred and fifty warriors only ; their nearest village being at the lower end of Winnebago lake. They had in all not less than three towns. Their country, at this period, included not only that lake, but all the streams flowing into it, especially Fox river; afterward extended to the Wisconsin and Rock rivers. They readily changed their course of trade — asking now of the commandant at the fort for English traders to be sent among them. In the Indian outbreak under Pontiac in 1763, they joined with the Menomonees and other tribes to befriend the British garrison at the head of the bay, assisting in conducting them to a place of safety. They continued their friendship to the English during the Revolution, by joining with them against the colonies, and were active in the Indian war of 1790-4, taking part in the attack on Fort Recovery, upon the Maumee, in the present State of Ohio, in 1793. They fought also on the side of the British in the war of 1812-15, aiding, in 1814, to reduce Prairie du Chien. They were then estimated at 4,500. When, in 1816, the government of the United States sent troops to take possession of the Green bay country, by establishing a garrison there, some trouble was anticipated from these Indians, who, at that date, had the reputation of being a bold and warlike tribe. A deputation from the nation came down Fox river and remonstrated with the American commandant at what was thought to be an intrusion. They were desirous of knowing why a fort was to be established so near them. The reply was that, although the troops were armed for war if necessary, their purpose was peace. Their response was an old one : " If your object is peace, you have too many men ; if war, you have too few." However, the display of a number of cannon which had not yet been mounted, satisfied the Winnebagoes that the Americans were masters of ttXsituation, and the deputation gave the garrison no farther trouble. On the 3d of June, 1816, at St. Louis, the tribe made a treaty of peace and friendship with the General Government; but they continued to levy tribute on all white people who passed up Fox river. English annuities also kept up a bad feeling. At this time, a portion of the tribe was living upon the Wisconsin river, away from the rest of the nation, which was still seated upon the waters flowing into Green bay. In 1820 they had five villages on Winnebago lake and fourteen on Rock river. In 1825, the claim of the Winnebagoes was an extensive one, so far as territory was concerned. Its southeast boundary stretched away from the source of Rock river to within forty miles of its mouth, in Illinois, where they had a village. On the west it extended to the heads of the small streams flowing into the Mississippi. To the northward, it reached Black river and the upper Wis consin, in other words, to the Chippewa territory, but did not extend across Fox river, although they contended for the whole of Winnebago lake. In 1829, a large part of their territory in southwest Wisconsin, lying between Sugar river and the Mississippi, and extending to the Wis consin river, was sold to the General Government ; and, three years later all the residue lying south and east of the Wisconsin and the Fox river of Green bay ; the Winnebago prophet having before that date supported the Sacs in their hostility. Finally, in the brief language of the treaty between this tribe (which had become unsettled and wasteful) and the United States, of the first of November, 1837, " The Winnebago Nation of Indians " ceded to the General Government " all their lands east of the Mississippi." Not an acre was reserved. And the Indians agreed that, within eight months from that date, they would move west of " the great river." This arrangement, however, was not carried out fully. In 1842, there were only 756 at Turkey river Iowa, their new home, with as many in Wisconsin, and smaller bands e':ewhere. All had become lawless, and roving. Some removed in 1848; while a party to the number of over eight hun dred left the State as late as 1873. The present home of the tribe is in Nebraska, where they have a reservation north of and adjacent to the Omahas, containing over one hundred thousand acres. However, since their first removal beyond the Mississippi, they have several times THE INDIAN TRIBES OF WISCONSIN. 27 changed their place of abode. Their number, all told, is less than twenty-five hundred. When the territory, now constituting the northern portion of Wisconsin, became very generally known to the civilized inhabitants of the eastern part of the United States, it was found to be occupied by Indians called the Chippewas. Their hunting-grounds extended south from Lake Superior to the heads of the Menomonee, the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers ; also farther eastward and westward. At an early day they were engaged in a war with the Sioux — a war indeed, which was long continued. The Chippewas, however, persistently maintained their position — still occupying the same region when the General Government extended its jurisdiction over the whole country south of the Great Lakes and west to the Mississippi. By treaties with the Chippewas at different periods, down to the year 1827, the General Gov ernment had recognized them as the owners of about one quarter of which is now the entire State. The same policy was pursued toward this tribe as with neighboring ones, in the purchase of their lands by the United States. Gradually they parted with their extensive possessions, until, in 1842, the last acre within what is now Wisconsin was disposed of. It was the intention ofthe General Government to remove the several bands of the Chippewas who had thus ceded their lands to a tract reserved for them beyond the Mississippi ; but this determination was afterward changed so as to allow them to remain upon certain reservations within the limits of their old- time hunting grounds. These reservations they continue to occupy. They are located in Bay field, Ashland, Chippewa and Lincoln counties. The clans are known, respectively, as the Red Cliff band, the Bad River band, the Lac Courte Oreille band, and the Lac de Flambeau band. Of all the tribes inhabiting what is now Wisconsin when its territory was first visited by white men, the Sacs (Sauks or Saukies) and Foxes (Outagamies) are, in history, the most noted. They are of the Algonquin family, and are first mentioned in 1665, by Father Allouez, but as separate tribes. Afterward, however, because of the identity of their language, and their asso ciations, they were and still are considered as one nation. In December, 1669, Allouez found upon the shores of Green bay a village of Sacs, occupied also by members of other tribes ; and early in 1670 he visited a village of the same Indians located upon the Fox river of Green bay, at a distance of four leagues from its mouth. Here a device of these Indians for catching fish arrested the attention of the missionary. " From one side of the river to the other," he writes, "they made a barricade, planting great stakes, two fathoms from the water, in such a manner that there is, as it were, a bridge above for the fishes, who by the aid of a little bow-net, easily take sturgeons and all other kinds of fish which this pier Stops, although the water does not cease to flow between the stakes.'' When the Jesuit father first obtained, five years previous, a knowledge of this tribe, they were represented as savage above all others, great in numbers, and without any permanent dwelling place. The Foxes were of two stocks : one calling themselves Outagamies or Foxes, whence our English name ; the other, Musquakink, or men of red Clay, the name now used by the tribe. They lived in early times with their kindred the Sacs east of Detroit, and as some say near the St. Lawrence. They were driven west, and settled at Saginaw, a name derived from the Sacs. Thence they were forced by the Iroquois to Green bay ; but were compelled to leave that place and settle on Fox river. Allouez, on the twenty-fourth of April, 1670, arrived at a village of the Foxes, situated on Wolf river, a northern tributary of the Fox. "The nation," he declares, "is renowned for being numerous ; they have more than four hundred men bearing arms ; the number of women and children is greater, on account of polygamy which exists among them — each man having commonly four wives, some of them six, and others as high as ten." The missionary found that the Foxes had retreated to those parts to escape the persecutions of the Iroquois. Allouez established among these Indians his mission of St. Mark, rejoicing in the fact that in less than 28 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. two years he had baptized "sixty children and some adults." The Foxes, at the summons of De la Barre, in 1684, sent warriors against the Five Nations. They also took part in Denonville's more serious campaign ; but soon after became hostile to the French. As early as 169.3, they had plundered several on their way to trade with the Sioux, alleging that they were carrying arms and ammunition to their ancient enemies — frequently causing them to make portages to the southward in crossing from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi. Afterward they became recon ciled to the French; but the reconciliation was of short duration. In 1712, Fort Detroit, then defended by only a handful of men, was attacked by them in conjunction with the Mascou- tens and Kickapoos. However, in the end, by calling in friendly Indians, the garrison not only protected themselves but were enabled to act on the offensive, destroying the greater part of the besieging force. The nation continued their ill will to the French. The consequence was that their territory in 1 7 16 had been invaded and they were reduced to sue for peace. But their friendship was not of long continuance. In 17 18,. the Foxes numbered five hundred men and " abounded in women and children." They are spoken of at that date as being very industrious, raising large quantities of Indian corn. In 1728, another expedition was sent against them by the French. Meanwhile the Menomonees had also become hostile; so, too, the. Sacs, who were now the allies of the Foxes. The result of the enterprise was, an attack upon and the defeat of a number of Menomonees; the burning of the wigwams of the Winnebagos (after passing the deserted village of the Sacs upon the Fox river), that tribe, also, at this date being hostile ; and the destruction of the fields of the Foxes. They were again attacked in their own country by the French, in 1730, and defeated. In 1734, both the Sacs and Foxes came in conflict with the same foe; but this time the French were not as successful as on previous expeditions. In 1736, the Sacs and Foxes were " connected with the government of Canada ; " but it is certain they were far from being friendly to the French. The conflict between France and Great Britain commencing in 1754, found the Sacs and Foxes allied with the former power, against the English, although not long previous to this time they were the bitter enemies of the French. At the close of that contest so disastrous to the interests of France in North America, these tribes readily gave in their adhesion to the con querors, asking that English traders might be sent them. The two nations, then about equally divided, numbered, in 1761, about seven hundred warriors. Neither of the tribes took part in Pontiac's war, but they befriended the English. The Sacs had migrated farther to the west ward ; but the Foxes — at least a portion of them — still remained upon the waters of the river of Green bay, which perpetuates their name. A few years later, however, and the former were occupants of the upper Wisconsin ; also, to a considerable distance below the portage, where their chief town was located. Further down the same stream was the upper village of the Foxes, while their lower one was situated near its mouth at the site of the present city of Prairie du Chien. At this date, 1766, the northern portion of what is now Wisconsin, including all that part watered by the streams flowing north into Lake Superior, was the home of the Chippewas. The country around nearly the whole of Green bay was the hunting ground of the Menomonees. The territory of Winnebago lake and Fox river was the seat of the Winnebagoes. The region of the Wisconsin river was the dwelling place of the Sacs and Foxes. During the war of the Revolution, the Sacs and Foxes continued the firm friends of the English. At the commencement of the nineteenth century, only a small part of their territory was included in what is now Wisconsin, and that was in the extreme southwest. In 1804, they ceded this to the United States ; so that they no longer were owners of any lands within this State. From that date, therefore, these allied tribes can not be considered as belonging to the PRE-TERRITORIAL ANNALS OF WISCONSIN. 29 Indian nations of Wisconsin. A striking episode in their subsequent history — the Black Hawk War — comes in, notwithstanding, as a part, incidentally, ofthe annals ofthe State. Deserving a place in a notice of the Indian tribes of Wisconsin is the nation known as the Pottawattamies. As early as 1639, they were the neighbors of the Winnebagoes upon Green bay. They were still upon its southern shore, in two villages, in 1670; and ten years subsequent to that date they occupied, at least in one village the same region. At the expiration of the first quarter of the eighteenth century, a part only of the nation were in that vicinity — upon the islands at the mouth of the bay. These islands were then known as the Pottawattamie islands, and considered as the ancient abode of these Indians. Already had a large portion of this tribe emigrated southward, one band resting on the St. Joseph of Lake Michigan, the other near Detroit. One peculiarity of this tribe — at least of such as resided in what is now Wisconsin — was their intimate association with neighboring bands. When, in 1669, a village of the Pottawattamies, located upon the southeast shore of Green bay, was visited by Allouez, he found with them Sacs and Foxes and Winnebagoes. So, also, when, many years subsequent to that date, a band of these Indians were located at Milwaukee, with ttiem were Ottawas and Chippewas. These d thereafter at the same place on the same day, yearly ; afterward jchanged so as to hold a January and June term in each year. An act. was also passed providing for the election, and defining the duties of State superintendent of public instruction. That officer was to be elected at the general election to be holden in each year, his term of office to commence on the first Monday of January succeeding his election. Another act established a State university ; another exempted a homestead from a forced sale % another provided for a revision of the statutes. The legislature, after a session of eighty-five days, adjourned sine die on the twenty-first of August, 1848. The State, as previously stated, was divided into five judicial circuits : Edward V. Whiton being chosen judge at the election on the first Monday in August, 1848, of the first circuit, com posed of the counties of Racine, Walworth, Rock, and Green, as then constituted ; Levi Hubbell of the second, composed of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, and Dane ; Charles H. Larrabee,. of the third, composed of Washington, Dodge, Columbia, Marquette, Sauk, and Portage, as then formed; Alexander W. Stow, of the fourth, composed of Brown, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, Winnebago, and Calumet; and Mortimer M. Jackson, of the fifth circuit, composed of the counties of Iowa, LaFayette, Grant, Crawford and St. Croix, as then organized ; the county of Richland being attached to Iowa county ; the county of Chippewa to the county of Craw ford ; and the county of LaPointe to the county of St. Croix, for judicial purposes. In the ensuing Fall there was a presidential election. There were then three organized: political parties in the State : whig, democratic, and free-soil — each of which had a ticket ii> the field. The democrats were in the majority, and their four electors cast their votes for Lewis Cass and William O. Butler. At this election, Eleazer Root was the successful candidate for State superintendent of public instruction. In his election party politics were not considered. There were also three members for the thirty-first congress chosen : Charles Durkee, to represent the first district; Orsamus Cole, the second; and James D. Doty, the third district. Durkee was a free-soiler; Cole, a whig; Doty, a democrat — with somewhat decided Doty proclivities. The act of the legislature, exempting a homestead from forced sale of any debt or liability contracted after January 1, 1849, approved the twenty-ninth of July previous, and another act for a like exemption of certain personal property, approved August 10, 1848, were laws the most liberal in their nature passed by any State of the Union previous to those dates. It was prophe sied that they would work wonderful changes in the business transactions of the new State— for" the worse; but time passed, and their utility were soon evident: it was soon very generally acknowledged that proper exemption laws were highly beneficial — a real "good to the greatest number of the citizens of a State. So much of Wisconsin Territory as lay west of the St. Croix and the State boundary north of it, was, upon the admission of Wisconsin into the Union, left, for the time being, without a government — unless it was still "Wisconsin Territory." Henry Dodge, upon being elected to the United States senate from Wisconsin, vacated, of course, the office of governor of this fraction. John H, Tweedy, delegate in congress at the time Wisconsin became a State, made a formal 66 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. resignation of his office, thus leaving the fractional Territory unrepresented. Thereupon John Catlin, secretary of the Territory of Wisconsin as a whole, and now claiming, by virtue of that office, to be acting governor of the fractional part, issued a proclamation as such officer for an election on the thirtieth of October, 1848, of a delegate in congress. Nearly four hundred votes were polled in the district, showing "Wisconsin Territory" still to have a population of not less than two thousand. H. H. Sibley was elected to that office. On the fifteenth of January, 1849, he was admitted to a seat as "delegate from Wisconsin Territory." This hastened the formation of the Territory of Minnesota — a bill for that purpose having become a law on the third of March, when " Wisconsin Territory" ceased finally to exist, being included in the new Territory. The year 1848 — the first year of the existence of Wisconsin as a State — was one of general prosperity to its rapidly increasing population. The National Government effected a treaty with the Menomoneee Indians, by which their title was extinguished to the country north of the Fox river of Green bay, embracing all their lands in the State. This was an important acquisition, as it opened a large tract of country to civilization and settlement, which had been for a consid erable time greatly desired by the people. The State government at the close of the year hac' been in existence long enough to demonstrate itst successful operation. The electric telegraph had already reached the capital ; and Wisconsin entered its second year upon a flood tide of prosperity. Under the constitution, the circuit judges were also judges of the supreme court. An act of the legislature, approved June 29, 1848, providing for the election of judges, and for the classification and organization of the judiciary of the State, authorized the election, by the judges, of one of their number as chief justice. Judge Alexander W. Stow was chosen to that office, and, as chief justice, held, in conjunction with Associate Judges Whiton, Jackson, Larrabee, and Hubbell, the first session of the supreme court at Madison, commencing on the eighth day of January, 1849. The second session of the State legislature commenced, according to law, on the tenth of January, 1849, Harrison C. Hobart being elected speaker of the assembly. Governor Dewey, in his message, sent to both houses on the nth, referred to the rapidly increasing population ofthe State, and the indomitable energy displayed in the development of its productive capacity. He recommended the sale of the university lands on a long credit, the erection of a State prison, and the modification of certain laws. On the seventeenth of January, the two houses met in joint convention to elect an United States senator in place of Isaac P Walker, who had drawn the short term. The democrats had a small majority on joint ballot. Walker was re-elected; this time, for a full term of six years, from the 4th of March, 1849. The legislature at this session passed many acts of public utility ; some relating to the boundaries of counties ; others, to the laying out of roads ; eighteen, to the organization of towns. The courts were cared for ; school districts were organized ; special taxc~ were authorized , and an act passed relative to the sale and superintendence of the school and university lands, prescribing the powers and duties of the commissioners who were to have charge of the same. These commissioners, consisting of the secretary of state, treasurer of state, and attorney general, were not only put in charge of the school and university lands held by the State, but also of funds arising from the sale of them. This law has been many times amended and portions of it repealed. The lands at present subject to sale are classified as school lands, university lands, agricultural college lands, Marathon county lands, normal school lands, and drainage lands, and are subject to sale at private entry on terms fixed by law. Regulations concerning the apportionment and investment of trust funds are made by the commissioners in pursuance of law. All lands now the property of the State subject to sale, or that have been State lands and sold, were derived from the Gen- WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 57 eral Government. Lands owned by the State amount, at the present time, to about one and one half million acres. A joint resolution passed the legislature on the 31st of March, 1849, instructing Isaac P. Walker to resign his seat as United States senator, for " presenting and voting for an amend ment to the general appropriation bill, providing for a government in, California and New Mexico, west of the Rio Grande, which did not contain a provision forever prohibiting the introduction of slavery or involuntary servitude " in those Territories. The senator refused to regard these instructions. The legislature adjourned on the second of April, 1849, after a session of eighty- three' days. In July, 1848, the legislature of Wisconsin elected M. Frank, Charles C. Jordan, and A. W. Randall, commissioners to collate and revise all the public acts of the State, of a general and permanent nature in force at the close of the session. Randall declining to act, Charles M. Baker was appointed by the governor in his place. The commissioners commenced their labors in August, 1848, and were engaged in the revision the greater, part of the time until the close of the session of the legislature of 1849. It was found impossible for the revisers to conclude their labors within the time contemplated by the act authorizing their appointment; so a joint select committee of the two houses at their second session was appointed to assist in the work. The laws revised by this committee and by the commissioners, were submitted to, and approved by, the legislature. These laws, with a few passed by that body, which were introduced by individual members, formed the Revised Statutes of Wisconsin of 1849 — a volume of over nine hundred pages. At the general election held in November of this year, Dewey was re-elected governor. S. W. Beall was elected lieutenant governor ; William A. Barstow, secretary of state ; Jairus C. Fairchild was re-elected treasurer ; S. Park Coon was elected attorney general ; and Eleazer Root, re-elected superintendent of public instruction. All these officers were chosen as dem ocrats, except Root, who ran as an independent candidate, the term of his office having been changed so as to continue two years from the first day of January next succeeding his election. By the revised statutes of 1849, all State officers elected for a full term went into office on the first of January next succeeding their election. The year 1849 developed in an increased ratio the productive capacity of the State in every department of labor. The agriculturist, the artisan, the miner, reaped the well-earned reward of his honest labor. The commercial and manufacturing interests were extended in a manner highly creditable to the enterprise of the people. The educational interest of the State began to assume a more systematic organization. The tide of immigration suffered no decrease during the year. Within the limits of Wisconsin, the oppressed of other climes continued to find welcome and happy homes. Second Administration. — Nelson Dewey, Governor (Second Term) — 1850, 1851. On the first day of January, 1850, Nelson Dewey took the oath of office, and quietly entered upon his duties as governor, for the second term. The third legislature convened on the ninth. Moses M. Strong was elected speaker of the assembly. Both houses had democratic majorities. Most of the business transacted was of a local character. By an act approved the fifth of Feb ruary, the "January term " of the supreme court was changed to December. The legislature adjourned after a session of only thirty-four days. An act was passed organizing a sixth judicial circuit, from and after the first Monday in July, 1850, consisting of the counties of Crawford, Chippewa, Bad Axe, St. Croix and La Pointe, an election for judge to be holden on the same day. Wiram Knowlton was elected judge of that circuit. 58 HISTORY OF YvTSCONSIN. The first charitable institution in Wisconsin, incorporated by the State, was the " Wisconsin Institute for the Education of the Blind." A school for that unfortunate class had been opened in Janesville, in the latter part of 1859, receiving its support from the citizens of that place and vicinity. By an act of the legislature, approved February 9, 1850, this school was taken under the care of the Institute, to continue and maintain it, at Janesville, and to qualify, as far as might be, the blind of the State for the enjoyment of the blessings of a free government; for obtaining the means, of subsistence; and for the discharge of those duties, social and political, devolving upon American citizens. It has since been supported from the treasury of the State. On the seventh of October, 1850, it was opened for the reception of pupils, under the direction of a. board of trustees, appointed by the governor. The Institute, at the present time, has three departments: in one is given instruction such as is usually taught in common schools; in another, musical training is imparted ; in a third, broom-making is taught to the boys, — sewing, knitting and various kinds of fancy work to the girls, and seating cane-bottomed chairs to both boys and girls. On the thirteenth of April, 1874, the building of the Institute was destroyed by fire. A new building has since been erected. The taking of the census by the United States, this year, showed a population for Wisconsin of over three hundred and five thousand — the astonishing increase in two years of nearly ninety- five thousand! In 1840, the population of Wisconsin Territory was only thirty thousand. This addition, in ten years, of two hundred and seventy-five thousand transcended all previous experience in the settlement of any portion of the New World, of the same extent of territory. It was the result of a steady and persistent flow of men and their families, seeking permanent homes in the young and rising State. Many were German, Scandinavian and Irish; but the larger proportion were, of course, from the Eastern and Middle States of the Union. The principal attractions of Wisconsin were the excellency and cheapness of its lands, its valuable mines of lead, its extensive forests of pine, and the unlimited water-power of its numerous streams. By the Revised Statutes of 1849, Wisconsin was divided into three congressional districts — ¦¦ the second congressional apportionment — each of which was entitled to elect one representative in the congress of the United States. The counties of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Walworth and Racine constituted the first district ; the counties of Rock, Green, La Fayette, Grant, Iowa, Dane, Sauk, Adams, Portage, Richland, Crawford, Chippewa, St. Croix and La Pointe, the second district; the counties of Washington, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Brown, Winnebago, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Marquette, Columbia, Dodge and Jefferson, the third district. At the general election in the Autumn of this year, Charles Durkee, of the first district ; Benjamin C. Eastman, of the second ; and John B. Macy, of the third district, were elected to represent the State in the thirty-second congress of the United States. Durkee, it will be remembered, represented the same district in the previous congress : he ran the second time as an independent candidate. Eastman and Macy were ejected upon democratic tickets. The General Goverhment this year donated to the State all the swamp and overflowed lands within its boundaries. The year 1850 to the agriculturist of Wisconsin was not one of unbounded prosperity, owing to the partial failure of the wheat crop. In the other branches of agriculture there were fair returns. The State was visited during the year by cholera ; not, however, to a very alarming extent. The fourth session of the legislature of the State commenced on the 8th of January, 185-1. Frederick W. Hqrn was elected speaker of the assembly. The majority in the legisla ture was democratic. Governor Dewey, in his message, referred to the death of the president of the United States, Zachary Taylor; said that the treasury and finances of the State were in a WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 59 Pound condition ; and then adverted to many topics of interest and importance to the people of Wisconsin. It was an able document. One of the important measures of the session was the election of an United States senator, in the place of Henry Dodge, whose term of office would expire on the 4th of March, next ensuing. In joint convention of the legislature held on the 20th of January, Dodge was re-elected for a full term of six years. On the 22d, the governor approved a joint resolution of the legislature, rescinding not only so much of the joint resolu tion of the legislative assembly of Wisconsin, passed March 31, 1849, as censured Isaac J. Walker, but also the instructions in those resolutions relative to his resigning his seat in the senate of the United States. Among the important bills passed at this session of the legislature was one providing for the location and erection of a State prison. Another one — the apportionment bill — was vetoed by the governor, and having been passed on the last day of the session, failed to become a law. The legislature adjourned on the eighteenth of March, 185 1, after a session of seventy days. On the 1st day of January, 1851, Timothy O. Howe took his seat as one of the associate judges ofthe supreme court, he having been elected judge of the fourth circuit in place of Alex ander W. Stow. The office of chief justice of the supreme court, which had been filled by Judge Stow, therefore became vacant, and so remained until the commencement of the next term — June 18, i85r — when Levi Hubbell, judge ofthe second circuit, was, by the judges present, pursuant to the statute, elected to that office. By an act of the legislature approved March 14, 1851, the location and erection of a State prison for Wisconsin was provided for — the point afterward determined upon as a suitable place for its establishment being Waupun, Dodge county. By a subsequent act, the prison was declared to be the general penitentiary and prison of the State for the reformation as well as for the punishment of offenders, in which were to be confined, employed at hard labor, and governed as provided for by the legislature, all offenders who might be committed and sentenced accord ing to law, to the punishment of solitary imprisonment, or imprisonment therein at hard labor. The organization and management of this the first reformatory and penal State institution in Wisconsin, commenced and has been continued in accordance with the demands of an advanced civilization and an enlightened humanity. On the 29th of September, 1851, Judge Hubbell was re-elected for the full term of six years as judge ofthe second judicial circuit, to commence January 1, 1852. At the general election in November, 1851, Leonard J. Farwell was chosen governor; Timothy Burns, lieutenant governor; Charles D. Robinson, secretary of State ; E. H. Janssen, State treasurer; E. Estabrook, attorney general ; and Azel P. Ladd, superintendent of public instruction. All these officers were elected as democrats except Farwell,' who ran as a whig ; his majority over D. A. J. Upham, democrat, was a little rising of five hundred. Third. Administration. — L. J. Farwell, Governor — 1852-1853. Governor Farwell's administration commenced on the fifth day of January, 1852. Previous. to this — on the third day of the month — Edward V. Whiton was chosen by the judges of the supreme court, chief justice, to succeed Judge Hubbell. On the fourteenth of that month, the legislature assembled at Madison. This was the beginning of the fifth annual session. James McM. Shafter was elected speaker of the assembly. In the senate, the democrat's had a. majority ; in the assembly, the whigs. The governor, in his message, recommended the memorial izing of congress to cause the agricultural lands within the State to be surveyed and brought into market ; to cause, also, the mineral lands to be surveyed and geologically examined, and offered for sale ; and to make liberal appropriations for the improvement of rivers and harbors, The question of " bank or no bank " having been submitted to the people in November previouSj 60 HISTORY" OF WISCONSIN. and decided in favor of banks, under the constitution, the power was thereby given to the legis lature then in session to grant bank charters, or to pass a general banking law. Farwell recom mended that necessary measures be taken to carry into effect this constitutional provision. A larger number of laws was passed at this session than at any previous one. By a provision of the constitution, the legislature was given power to provide by law, if they should think it expe dient and necessary, for the organization of a separate supreme court, to consist of one chief justice and two associate justices, to be elected by the qualified electors of the State, at such time and in such manner as the legislature might provide. Under this authority, an act was passed at this session providing for the election of a chief justice and two associates, on the last Monday of the September following, to form a supreme court of the State, to supplant the old one, provision for the change being inserted in the constitution. There was also an act passed to apportion and district anew the members of the senate and assembly, by which the number Was increased from eighty-five to one hundred and seven : twenty-five for the senate ; eighty- two for the assembly. An act authorizing the business of banking passed the legislature and was approved by the governor, on the 19th of April. By this law, the office of bank-comptroller was created — the officer to be first appointed by the governor, and to hold his office until the first Monday in January, 1854. At the general election in the Fall of 1853, and every two years thereafter, the office was to be filled by vote of the people. Governor Farwell afterward, on the 20th of November, appointed James S. Baker to that office. The legislature adjourned on the nineteenth of April, 1852. The second charitable institution incorporated by the State was the " Wisconsin Institute for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb." It was originally a private school for deaf mutes, hear, and subsequently in, the village of Delavan, Walworth county. By an act of the legislature approved April 19, 1852, it was made the object and duty of the corporation to establish, con tinue and maintain this school for the education of the deaf and dumb, " at or near the village of Delavan, to qualify, as near as might be, that unfortunate class of persons for the enjoyment of the blessings of a free government, obtaining the means of subsistence, and the discharge of those duties, social and political, devolving upon American citizens." It has since been sup ported by annual appropriations made by the legislature. A complete organization of the school was effected in June, 1852, under the direction of a board of trustees appointed by the governor of the State. The institute has for its design the education of such children of the State as, on account of deafness, can not be instructed in common schools. Instruction is given by signs, by the manual alphabet, by written language, and to one class by articulation. Two trades are taught : cabinet-making and shoe-making. During this year, considerable interest was manifested in the projecting of railroads. At the September election, E. V. Whiton was elected chief justice of the new supreme court and Samuel Crawford and Abram D. Smith associate justices. Under the law, the chief justice was to serve a term of four years from the first day of June next ensuing ; while the two associates Vere to cast lots — one to serve for six years, the other for two years, from June 1, 1853. Craw ford drew the short term — Smith the long term. At the subsequent general election for mem bers to the thirty-third congress, Daniel Wells, Jr., was chosen from the first district B. C. Eastman from the second: arid J. B. Macy from the third district. All were democrats. A •democratic electoral ticket was chosen at the same time. The electors cast their votes for Pierce and Butler. During 1852, the citizens of Wisconsin enjoyed unusual prosperity in the ample products ¦and remuneration of their industry and enterprise. Abundant harvests and high markets ; an increase in moneyed circulation, and the downward tendency of the rates of interest; a prevail ing confidence among business men and in business enterprises; a continual accession to the WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 61 population of the State by immigration; the energetic prosecution of internal improvements linder the skillful management of companies; the extension of permanent agricultural improve ments ; and the rapid growth of the various cities and villages ; were among the encouraging prospects of the year. The sixth session of the Wisconsin legislature commenced on the twelfth of January, 1853. On the twenty-sixth of the same month, William K. Wilson, of Milwaukee, preferred charges in the assembly against Levi Hubbell, judge of the second judicial circuit of the State, of divers acts of corruption and malfeasance in the discharge of the duties of his .office. A resolu tion followed appointing a committee to report articles of impeachment, directing the members thereof to go to the senate and impeach Hubbell. Upon the trial of the judge before the senate, he was acquitted. An act was passed to provide for the election of a State prison commis sioner by the legislature at that session — to hold his office until the first day of the ensuing January. The office was then to be filled by popular vote at the general election in November, 1853 — and afterwards biennially — the term of office to be two years from the first day of Jan uary next succeeding the election by the people. On the 28th of March, the legislature, in joint convention, elected John Taylor to that office. The legislature adjourned on the fourth day of April until the sixth of the following June, when it again met, and adjourned sine die on the thirteenth of July, both sessions aggregating one hundred and thirty-one days. By an act of the legislature approved February 9, 1853, the "Wisconsin State Agricultural "Society," which had been organized in March, 185 1, was incorporated, its object being to promote -and improve the condition of agriculture, horticulture, and the mechanical, manufacturing and household arts. It was soon after taken under the fostering care of the State by an appropria tion made by the legislature, to be expended by the society in such manner as it might deem best calculated to promote the objects of its incorporation; State aid was continued down to the ¦commencement of the rebellion. No help was extended during the war nor until 1873; since which time there has been realized annually from the State a sum commensurate with its most pressing needs. The society has published fifteen volumes of transactions and has held annually a State fair, except during the civil war. Besides these fairs, its most important work is the holding annually, at the capital of the State, a convention for the promotion of agriculture gen erally. The meetings are largely participated in by men representing the educational and industrial interests of Wisconsin. , By an act of the legislature approved March 4, 1853, the "State Historical Society of Wisconsin" was incorporated — having been previously organized — the object being to collect, embody, arrange and preserve in authentic form, a library of books, pamphlets, maps, charts, manuscripts, papers, paintings, statuary and other materials illustrative of the history of the State; to rescue from oblivion the memory of its early pioneers,, and to obtain and preserve narratives of their exploits, perils, and hardy adventures ; to exhibit faithfully the antiquities, and the past and present conditioq, and resources of Wisconsin. The society was also author ized to take proper steps to promote the study of history by lectures, and to diffuse and publish information relating to the description and history of the State. The legislature soon after took the society under its fostering care by voting a respectable sum for its benefit. Liberal State aid has been continued to the present time. The society, besides collecting a library of historical books and pamphlets the largest in the West, has published seven volumes of collections and a catalogue of three volumes. Its rooms are in the capitol at Madison, and none of its property can be alienated without the consent of the State. It has a valuable collection of painted por traits and bound newspaper files; and in its cabinet are to be found many prehistoric relics. On the first day of June, 1853, the justices ofthe new supreme court went into office: Associate 62 HISTORY" OF WISCONSIN. Justice Crawford, for two years; Chief Justice Whiton, for four years, Associate Justice Smith for six years as previously mentioned. The first (June) term was held at Madison. La Fayette Kellogg was appointed and qualified as clerk. On the 21st of September, Timothy Burns, lieu tenant governor of Wisconsin, died at La Crosse. As a testimonial of respect for the deceased the several State departments, in accordance with a proclamation of the governor, were closed for one day — October 3, 1853. In the Fall of this year, democrats, whigs and free-soilers, each called a convention to nominate candidates for the various State offices to be supported by them at the ensuing election in November. The successful ticket was, for governor, William A. Bars- tow ; for lieutenant governor, James T. Lewis , foi secretary of State, Alexander T. Gray, for State treasurer, Edward H. Janssen; for attorney general, George B. Smith ; for superintendent of public instruction, Hiram A. Wright; for State prison commissioner, A. W. Starks; and for bank comptroller, William M. Dennis. They were all democrats. The year 1853 was, to the agriculturists of the State, one of prosperity. Every branch of industry prospered. The increase of commerce and manufactures more than realized tlie expec tations of the most sanguine. Fourth Administration. — William A. Barstow, Governor — 1854-1855. On Monday, the second of January, 1854, William A. Barstow took the] oath of office as governor of Wisconsin. The legislature commenced its seventh regular session on the eleventh of January. Fred erick W. Horn was elected speaker of the assembly. Both houses were democratic. The legislature adjourned on the 3d of April following, after a session of eighty-three days. In the early part of March, a fugitive slave case greatly excited the people of Wisconsin. A slave named Joshua Glover, belonging to B. S. Garland of Missouri, had escaped from his master and made his way to the vicinity of Racine. Garland, learning the whereabouts of his personal chattel, came to the State, obtained, on the 9th of March, 1854, from the judges of the district court of the United States for the district of Wisconsin, a warrant for the apprehension of Glover, which was put into the hands of the deputy marshal of the United States. Glover was secured and lodged in jail in Milwaukee. A number of persons afterward assembled and rescued the fugitive. Among those who took an active part in this proceeding was Sherman M, Booth, who was arrested therefor and committed by a United States commissioner, but was released from custody by Abram D. Smith, one of the associate justices of the supreme court of Wisconsin, upon a writ of habeas corpus. The record of the proceedings was thereupon taken to that court in full bench by a writ of certiorari to correct any error that might have been committed before the associate justice. At the June term, 1854, the justices held that Booth was entitled to be discharged, because the commitment set forth no cause for detention. Booth was afterward indicted in the United States district court and a warrant issued for his arrest. He was again imprisoned; and again he applied to the supreme court — then, in term time — for a writ of habeas corpus. This was in July, 1854. In his petition to the supreme court, Booth set forth that he was in confinement upon a warrant issued by the district court of the United States and that the object of the imprisonment was to compel him to answer an indictment then pending against him therein. The supreme court of the State held that these facts showed that the district court of the United States had obtained jurisdiction of the case and that it was apparent that the indictment was for an offense of which the federal courts had exclusive jurisdiction. They could not therefore interfere ; and his application for a discharge was denied. Upon the indictment, Booth was tried and convicted, fined and imprisoned, for a violation of th-: fugitive slave law. Again the prisoner applied to the supreme court of Wisconsin, — his WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 63 last application bearing date January 26, 1855. He claimed discharge on the ground of the Unconstitutionality of the law under which he h.ad been indicted. The supreme court held that the indictment upon which he had been tried and convicted contained three counts, the first of which was to be considered as properly charging an offense within the act of congress of Septem ber 18, 1850, known as the "fugitive slave law," while the second and third counts did not set forth or charge an offense punishable by any statute of the United States ; and as, upon these last- mentioned counts he was found guilty and not upon the first, he must be discharged. The action of the supreme court of Wisconsin in a second time discharging Booth, was afterward reversed by the supreme court of the United States ; and, its decision being respected by the State court, Booth was re-arrested in i860, and the sentence of the district court of the United States executed in part upon him, when he was pardoned by the president. By an act of the legislature, approved March 30, 1854, a " State Lunatic Asylum " was directed to be bujlt at or in the vicinity of Madison, the capital of the State, upon land to be donated or purchased for that purpose. By a subsequent act, the name of the asylum was changed to the " Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane." This was the third charitable institution established by the State. The hospital was opened for patients in July, i860, under the direction of a board of trustees appointed by the governor: All insane persons, residents of Wisconsin, who, under the law providing for admission of patients into the hospital for treatment, become resi dents therein, are maintained at the expense of the State, provided the county in which such patient resided before being brought to the hospital pays the sum of one dollar and fifty cents a week for his or her support. Any patient can be supported by relatives, friends or guardians, if the latter desire to relieve the county and State from the burden, and can have special care and be provided with a special attendant, if the expense of the same be borne by parties interested. The hospital is beautifully located on the north shore of Lake Mendota, in Dane county, about 1 four miles from Madison. At the general election in the Fall of 1854, for members from Wisconsin to the thirty-fourth congress, Daniel Wells, Jr. was chosen from the first district ; C. C. Washburn, from the second, and Charles Billinghurst from the third district. Billinghurst and Washburn were elected as republicans — that party having been organized in the Summer previous. Wells was a democrat. The year 1854 was one of prosperity for-Wisconsin, to all its industrial occupations. Abund ant crops and increased prices were generally realized by the agriculturist. It was a year also of general health. It was ascertained that the amount of exports during the year, including lumber and mineral, exceeded thirteen millions of dollars. The eighth regular session of the State legislature commenced on the 10th of January, 1855. C. C. Sholes was elected speaker of the assembly. The senate was democratic ; the assembly, republican. . On joint ballot, the republicans had but one majority. On the 1st of February, Charles Durkee, a republican, was elected United States senator for a full term of six years from the 4th of March next ensuing, to fill the place of Isaac P. Walker whose term would expire on that day. Among the bills passed of a general nature, was one relative to the rights of married women, providing that any married woman, whose husband, either from drunkenness or profligacy, should neglect or refuse to provide for her support, should have the right, in her own name, to transact business, receive and collect her own earnings, and apply the same for her own support, and education of her children, free from the control and interference of her husband. The legislature adjourned sine die on the second of April, after a session of eighty-three days. Orsamus Cole having been elected in this month an associate justice of the supreme court in place of Judge Samuel Crawford, whose term of office would expire on the thirty-first of May of that year, went into office on the first day of June following, for a term of six years. His office would therefore end on the thirty-first of May, 1861. 64 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. On the 27th of May, 1855, Hiram A. Wright, superintendent of public instruction, died at. Prairie du Chien. On the 18th of June following, the governor appointed A. Constantine Barry to. fill his place. On the 5th of July, Garland, the owner of the rescued fugitive slave Glover,. having brought suit in the United States district court for the loss of his slave, against Booth,. the trial came on at Madison, resulting in the jury bringing in a verdict under instructions from the judge, of one thousand dollars, the value of a negro slave as fixed by act of congress of 1850.. The constitution of the State requiring the legislature to provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitants in the year 1855, an act was passed by that body, approved March 31, of this. year, for that purpose. The result showed a population for Wisconsin of over five hundred and fifty-two thousand. In November, at the general election, the democratic ticket for State offi cers was declared elected: William A. Barstow, for governor; Arthur McArthur, for lieutenant governor ; David W. Jones, for secretary of State ; Charles Kuehn, for State treasurer ; Wil liam R. Smith, for attorney general; A. C. Barry, for superintendent of public instruction; William M. Dennis, for bank comptroller; and Edward McGarry for State prison commissioner. The vote for governor was very close; but the State canvassers declared Barstow elected by ai small majority. The opposing candidate for that office was Coles Bashford, who ran as a republican The year 1855 was a prosperous one to the farmers of Wisconsin as well as to all industrial occupations. There were abundant crops and unexampled prices were realized. Fifth Administration. — Coles Bashford, Governor — i856-i8c;7. On the seventh day of January, 1856, William A. Barstow took and subscribed an oath of office as governor of Wisconsin, while Coles Bashford, who had determined to contest the right of Barstow to the governorship, went, on the same day, to the supreme court room, in Madison,, and had the oath of office administered to him by Chief Justice Whiton. Bashford afterward called at the executive office and made a formal demand of Barstow that he should vacate the gubernatorial chair ; but the latter respectfully declined the invitation. These were the initiatory- steps of " Bashford vs. Barstow," for the office of governor of Wisconsin. The fight now commenced in earnest. On the eleventh, the counsel for Bashford called upon the attorney general and requested him to file an information in the nature of a quo warranto against Barstow. On the fifteenth that officer complied with the request. Thereupon. a summons was issued to Barstow to appear and answer. On the twenty-second, Bashford, by his attorney, asked the court that the information filed, by the attorney general be discontinued and that he be allowed to file one, which request was denied by the court. While the motion. was being argued, Barstow, by his attorneys, entered his appearance in the case. On the second of February, Barstow moved to quash all proceedings for the reason that the court had no jurisdiction in the matter. This motion was denied by the court ; that tribunal at the same time deciding that the filing of the motion was an admission by Barstow that the alle gations contained in the information filed by the attorney general were true. On the twenty-first of Febiuary, the time appointed for pleading to the information, Bar stow, by his attorneys, presented to the court a stipulation signed by all the parties in the case, to the effect that the board of canvassers had determined Barstow elected governor ; that the secre tary of State had certified to his election ; and that he had taken the oath of office. They submit^ ted to the court whether it had jurisdiction, beyond the certificates, of those facts and the canvass, so made to inquire as to the number of votes actually given for Barstow, — Bashford offering to prove that the certificates were made and issued through mistake and fraud, and that, he, instead of Barstow, received the greatest number of votes. This stipulation the court declined to enter tain or to pass upon the questions suggested ; as they were not presented in legal form. Barstow WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 65, was thereupon given until the twenty-fifth of February to answer the information that had been filed against him by the attorney general. On the day appointed, Barstow filed his plea to the effect that, by the laws of Wisconsin regulating the conducting of general election for State officers, it was the duty of the board of canvassers to determine who was elected to the office of governor ; and that the board had found that he was duly elected to that office. It was a plea to the jurisdiction of the court. A demurrer was interposed to this plea, setting forth that the matters therein contained were not sufficient in law to take the case out of court ; asking, also, for a judgment against Barstow, or that he answer further the information filed against him. The demurrer was sustained ; and Barstow was, required to answer over within four days ; at the expiration of which time the counsel for Barstow withdrew from the case, on the ground, as they alleged, that they had appeared at the bar of the court to object to the jurisdiction of that tribunal in the matter, and the court had determined to proceed with the case, holding and exercising full and final jurisdiction over it; and that they could take no further steps without conceding the right of that tribunal so to hold. Thereupon, on the eighth of March, Barstow entered a protest, by a communication to the supreme court,, against any further interference with the department under his charge by that tribunal, " either by attempting to transfer its powers to another or direct the course of executive action." The counsel for Bashford then moved for judgment upon the default of Barstow. A further hearing of the case was postponed until March 18, when the attorney general filed a motion to dismiss the proceedings ; against which Bashford, by his counsel, protested as being prejudicial to his rights. It was the opinion of the court that the attorney general could not dismiss the case, that every thing which was well pleaded for Bashford in his information was confessed by the default of Barstow. By strict usage, a final judgment ought then to have fok lowed ; but the court came to the conclusion to call uponBashford to bring forward proof, showing his right to the office. Testimony was then adduced at length, touching the character of the returns made to the State canvassers; after hearing of which it was the opinion of the court that Bashford had received a plurality of votes for governor and that there must be a judgment in. "his favor and one of ouster against Barstow ; which were rendered accordingly. The ninth regular session of the legislature of Wisconsin commenced on the ninth of January, 1856. William Hull was elected speaker of the assembly. The senate had a repub-,. lican majority, but the assembly was democratic. On the eleventh Barstow sent in a message to a joint convention of the two houses. On the twenty-first of March he tendered to the legisla ture his resignation as governor, giving for reasons the action of the supreme court in " Bashford; vs. Barstow," which tribunal was then hearing testimony in the case. On the same day Arthur McArthur, lieutenant governor, took and subscribed an oath of office as governor of the State,. afterwards sending a message to the legislature, announcing that the resignation of Barstow made it his duty to take the reins of government. On the twenty-fifth, Bashford called on McArthur, then occupying the executive office, and demanded possession — at the same time intimating that he preferred peaceable measures to force, but that the latter would be employed; if necessary. The lieutenant governor thereupon vacated the chair, when the former took the gubernatorial seat, exercising thereafter the functions of the office until his successor was elected and qualified. His right to the seat was recognized by the senate on the twenty-fifth, and by the assembly on the twenty-seventh of March, 1856. This ended the famous case of " Bashford vsx Barstow," the first and only " war of succession " ever indulged in by Wisconsin. The legislature, on the thirty-first of March, adjourned over to the third of September, to, dispose of a congressional land grant to the State. Upon re-assembling, an important measure was taken up — that of a new apportionment for the legislature. It was determined to increase thg 66 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. number of members from one hundred and seven to one hundred and twenty-seven. The session closed on the thirteenth of October. The general election for members to the thirty-fifth congress, held in November, resulted in the choice of John H. Potter, from the first district ; C. C. Washburn from the second ; and Charles Billinghurst, from the third district. They were all elected as republicans. The presidential canvass of this year was an exciting one in the State. The republicans were successful. Electors of that party cast their five votes for Fremont and Dayton. The year 1856 was not an unprosperous one, agriculturally speaking, although in some respects decidedly unfavorable. In many districts the earlier part of the season was exceedingly dry, which materially diminished the wheat crop. Other industrial interests were every where ¦in a flourishing condition. The legislature commenced its tenth regular session at Madison, on the fourteenth day of January, 1857, with a republican majority in both houses. Wyman Spooner was elected speaker of the assembly. For the first time since the admission of the State into the Union, a majority of the members of both houses, together with the governor, were opposed to the democratic party. On the twenty-third the senate and assembly met in joint convention, for the purpose of electing a United States senator in place of Henry Dodge, whose term of office would expire on the fourth of March next ensuing. James R. Doolittle, republican, was the successful candidate for that office, for a full term of six years, from the fourth of March, 1857. The legislature adjourned on the ninth of March, 1857. At the Spring election, Judge Whiton was re-elected chief justice of the, supreme court for a term of six years. The second reformatory State institution established in Wisconsin, was, by an act of the legislature, approved March 7, 1857, denominated a House of Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents, afterward called the State Reform School, now known as the Wisconsin Industrial School for Boys, and is located at Waukesha, the county seat of Waukesha county. The courts and several magistrates in any county in Wisconsin may, in their discretion, sentence to this school any male child between the ages of ten and sixteen years, convicted of vagrancy, petit larceny, or any misdemeanor; also of any offense which would otherwise be punishable by imprisonment in the State prison ; or, of incorrigible or vicious conduct in certain cases. The term of commit ment must be to the age of twenty-one years. At the State election held in November of this year, the republicans elected A. W. Randall governor ; S. D. Hastings, State treasurer, and Edward M. McGraw, State prison commis sioner. The democrats elected E. D. Campbell, lieutenant governor ; D. W. Jones, secretary of State ; Gabriel Bouck, attorney general ; L. C. Draper, superintendent of public instruc tion, and J. C. Squires, bank comptroller. The year 1857 was a disastrous one to Wisconsin, as well as to the whole country, in a finan cial point of view. Early in the Fall a monetary panic swept over the land. A number of prominent operators in the leading industrial pursuits were obliged to succumb. Agriculturally the year was a fair one for the State. Sixth Administration. — Alexander W. Randall, Governor — 1858-1859. Randall's administration began on the fourth day of January, 1858, when for the first time he was inaugurated governor of the State. On the eleventh of January the legislature commenced its eleventh regular session, with a republican majority in both houses. Frederick S. Lovell was elected speaker of the assembly. The legislature adjourned sine die on the seventeenth of March, after an unusually long session of one hundred and twenty-five days. " That a large majority of the members were men of integrity, and disposed for the public weal, can not WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 67 be doubted ; but they were nearly all new members, and without former legislative experience. They set out to accomplish a great good, by holding up to public scorn and execration the whole sale briberies and iniquities of the immediate past ; but they lacked concentration of effort, and, for want of union and preconcerted action, they failed to achieve the great triumph they sought, by providing a 'sovereign remedy ' for the evils they exposed." At the regular session of the legislature of 1856, an act was passed for a general revisi-n of the laws of the State. Under this, and a subsequent act of the adjourned session of that year, three commissioners — David Taylor, Samuel J. Todd, and F. S. Lovell — were appointed "to collect, compile and digest the general laws " of Wisconsin. Their report was submitted to the legislature of 1858, and acted upon at a late day of the session. The laws revised, which received the sanction of the legislature, were published in one volume, and constitute what is know as the Revised Statutes of 1858. At the Fall election, John F. Potter from the first district, and C. C. Washburn from the second district, both republicans, were elected to the thirty-sixth congress ; while C. H. Larrabee, democrat, was elected to represent the third district. The twelfth regular session of the Wisconsin legislature commenced on the twelfth of January, 1859, with a republican majority in both houses. William P. Lyon was elected speaker of the assembly. The legislature adjourned sine die on the twenty-first of March, 1859, after a session of sixty-nine days. At the regular spring election, Byron Paine was chosen associate justice of the supreme court, for a full term of six years, as the successor of Associate Justice Smith. As it was a question when the term of the latter ended — whether on the 31st day of May, 1859, or on the first Monday in January, i860 — he went through with the formality of resigning his office, and the governor of appointing Paine as his successor, on the 20th of June, 1859. On the twelfth of April, 1859, Edward V. Whiton, chief justice of the supreme court, died at his residence in Janesville. The office was filled by executive appointment on the 19th of the same month — the successor of Judge Whiton being Luther S. Dixon. Late in the Sum mer both political parties put into the field a full state ticket. The republicans were successful — electing for governor, Alexander W. Randall; for lieutenant governor, B. G. Noble; for secretary of state, L. P. Harvey ; for state treasurer, S. D. Hastings, for attorney general, James H. Howe ; for bank comptroller, G. Van Steenwyck ; for superintendent of public instruction, J. L. Pickard ; for state prison commissioner, H. C. Heg. Seventh Administration. — Alexander W. Randall, Governor (second term), 1860-1861. Alexander W. Randall was inaugurated the second time as governor of Wisconsin, on Monday, January 2, i860. One week subsequent, the thirteenth regular session of the legis lature commenced at Madison. For the first time the republicans had control, not only of all the State offices, but also of both branches of the legislature. William P. Lyon was elected speaker of the assembly. A new assessment law was among the most important of the acts passed at this session. The legislature adjourned on the second of April. At the spring elec tion, Luther S. Dixon, as an independent candidate, was elected chief justice of the supreme court for the unexpired term of the late Chief Justice Whiton. In the presidential election which followed, republican electors were chosen — casting their five votes, in the electoral college, for Lincoln and Hamlin. At the same election, John F. Potter, from the first district ; Luther Hanchett, from the second, and A. Scott Sloan, from the third district, were elected members of the thirty-seventh congress. Hanchett died on the twenty-fourth of November, 1862, when, on the twentieth of December following, W. D. Mclndoe was elected to fill the vacancy. All these congressional representatives were republicans. Wisconsin, in i860, was a strong repub- 08 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. lican State. According to the census of this year, it had a population of over seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand. On the ninth of January, 1861, the fourteenth regular session of the State legislature com menced at Madison. Both branches were republican. Amasa Cobb was elected speaker of the assembly. On the tenth, both houses met in joint convention to hear the governor read his annual message. It was a remarkable document. Besides giving an excellent synopsis of the operations of the State government for i860, the governor entered largely into a discussion of the question of secession and disunion, as then proposed by some of the southern states of the Union. These are his closing words : " The right of a State to secede from the Union can never be admitted. The National Government can not treat with a State while it is in the Union, and particularly while it stands in an attitude hostile to the Union. So long as any State assumes a position foreign, inde pendent and hostile to the government, there can be no reconciliation. The government of the United States can not treat with one of its own States as a foreign power. The constitutional laws extend over every Stat* alike. They are to be enforced in every State alike. A State can not come into the Union as it pleases, and go out when it pleases. Once in, it must stay until the Union is destroyed. There is no coercion of a State. But where a faction of a people arrays itself, not against one act, but against all laws, and against all government, there is but one answer to be made : ' The Government must be sustained j the laws shall be enforced ! ' " On the twenty-third of January the legislature met in joint convention to elect a United! States senator to fill the place of Charles Durkee, whose term of office would expire on the fourth of March next ensuing. The successful candidate was Timothy O. Howe, republican, who was elected for a full term of six years from the 4th of March, 1861. One of the important acts passed at this session of the legislature apportioned the State into senate and assembly districts, by which the whole number of members in both houses was increased from one hun dred and twenty-seven to one hundred and thirty-three. Another act apportioned the State into six congressional districts instead of three. By this — the third congressional apportionment — each district was to elect one representative. The first district was composed of the counties of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Walworth, Racine, and Kenosha ; the second, of the counties of Rock Jefferson, Dane, and Columbia; the third, of Green, La Fayette, Iowa, Grant, Crawford, Rich land, and Sauk; the fourth, of Ozaukee, Washington, Dodge, Fond du Lac, and Sheboygan; the fifth, Manitowoc, Calumet, Winnebago, Green Lake, Marquette, Waushara, Waupaca, Outa gamie, Brown, Kewaunee, Door, Oconto, and Shawano; and the sixth, of the counties of Bad Axe, La Crosse, M„nroe, Juneau, Adams, Portage, Wood, Jackson, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin, Pierce, St. Croix, Dunn, Eau Claire, Clark, Marathon, Chippewa, Dallas, Polk, Burnett, Douglas, La Pointe, and Ashland. The legislature adjourned on the seventeenth of April, 1861. At the spring elections of this year, Orsamus Cole was re-elected as associate justice of the supreme court. On the ninth of May following, Governor Randall issued a proclamation convening the legislature in extra session on the fifteenth of the same month. " The extraordinary condition of the country," said he, "growing out of the rebellion against the government of the United States, makes it necessary that the legislature of this State be convened in special session, to provide more completely for making the power of the State useful to the government and to other loyal States." The fifteenth or extra session began on the fifteenth of May, as designated in the governor's proclamation. The message of the governor was devoted entirely to the war. " At the close of the last annual session of the legislature," said he, " to meet a sudden emer gency, an act was passed authorizing me to respond to the call of the president of the United States, ' for aid in maintaining the Union and the supremacy of the laws, or to suppress rebellion WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 69 or insurrection, or to repel inva ion within the United States,' and I was authorized, and it was made my duty, to take such measures as, in my judgment, should provide in the speediest and most efficient manner for responding to such call : and to this end I was authorized to accept the services of volunteers for active service, to be enrolled in companies of not less than seventy-five men each, rank and file, and in regiments of ten companies each. I was also authorized to provide for uniforming and equipping such companies as were not provided with uniforms and equipments." " The first call of the president for immediate active service," con tinued the governor, " was for one regiment of men. My proclamation, issued immediately after the passage of the act ofthe legislature, was answered within less than ten days, by companies enough, each containing the requisite number of men, to make up at least five regiments instead of o. e. I then issued another proclamation, announcing the offers that had been made, and advising that thereafter companies might be enrolled to stand as minute men, ready to answer further calls, as they might be made, but without expense to the State, except as they were mustered into service. In less than one month from the date of my first proclamation, at least five thou sand men, either as individuals or enrolled companies, have offered their services for the war, and all appear anxious for active service in the field." " The time for deliberation," concludes the governor, " must give way to the time for action. The constitution of the United States must be sustained in all its first intent and wholeness. The right of the people of every State to go into every other State and engage in any lawful pursuit, without unlawful interference or molestation; the freedom of speech and of the press; the right of trial by jury; security from unjustifiable seizure of persons or papers, and all constitutional privileges and immunities, must receive new guarantees of safety." The extra session of the legislature passed, wtih a single exception, no acts except such as appertained to the military exigencies of the times. Both houses adjourned sine die on the twenty-seventh of May, i86t. As the administration of Governor Randall would close with the year, and as he was not a candidate for re-election, there was much interest felt throughout the State as to who his successor should be. Three State tickets were put in nomination: union, republican, and democratic. The republican ticket was successful, electing Louis P. Harvey, governor; Edward Salomon, lieutenant governor ; James T. Lewis, secretary of state; S. D. Hastings, state treasurer; James H. Howe, attorney general; W. H. Ramsey, bank comp troller; J. L. Pickard, superintendent of public instruction; and A. P. Hodges, state prison commissioner. The War of Secession — Last Year of Randall's Administration. When Wisconsin was first called upon to aid the General Government in its efforts to sustain itself against the designs of the secession conspirators, the commercial affairs of the State were embarrassed to a considerable degree by the depreciation of the currency. The designs of the secessionists were so far developed at the ending ofthe year i860 as to show that resistance to the national authority had been fully determined on. It is not a matter of wonder, then, that Governor Randall in his message to the legislature, early in January, 1861, should have set forth the dangers which threatened the Union, or should have denied the right of a State to secede from it. "Secession," said he, "is revolution; revolution is war ; war against the government of the United States is treason." "It is lime," he continued, " now, to know whether we have any government, and if so, whether it has any strength. Is our written constitution more than a sheet of parchment? The nation must be lost or preserved by its own strength. Its strength is in the patriotism ofthe people. It is time now that politicians became Datriots; that men show their love of country by every sacrifice, but that of principle, and by 70 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. unwavering devotion to its interests and integrity." "The hopes," added the governor, most eloquently, " of civilization and Christianity are suspended now upon the answer to this question of dissolution. The capacity for, as well as the right of, self-government is to pass its ordeal, and speculation to become certainty. Other systems have been tried, and have failed ; and all along, the skeletons of nations have been strewn, as warnings and land-marks, upon the great highway of historic overnment. Wisconsin is true, and her people steadfast. She will not destroy the Union, nor consent that it shall be done. Devised by great, and wise, and good men, in days of sore trial, it must stand. Like some bold mountain, at whose base the great seas break their angry floods, and around whose summit the thunders of a thousand hurricanes have rattled — strong, unmoved, immovable. — so may our Union be, while treason surges at its base, and passions rage around it, unmoved, immovable — here let it stand forever." These are the words of an exalted and genuine patriotism. But the governor did not content himself with eloquence alone. He came down to matters of business as well. He urged the necessity of legislation that would give more efficient organization to the militia of the State. He warned the legislators to make preparations also for the coming time that should try the souls of men. " The signs of the times," said he, " indicate that there may arise a contingency in the condition of the government', when it will become necessary to respond to a call of the National Government for men and means to maintain the integrity of the Union, and to thwart the designs of men engaged in organized treason. While no unnecessary expense should be incurred, yet it is the part of wisdom, both for individuals and States, in revolutionary times, to be prepared to defend our institutions to the last extremity." It was thus the patriotic governor gave evidence to the members of both houses that he " scented the battle afar off." On the 1 6th of January, a joint resolution of the legislature was passed, declaring that the people of Wisconsin are ready to co-operate with the friends of the Union every where for its preservation, to yield a cheerful obedience to its requirements, and to demand a like obedience from all others ; that the legislature of Wisconsin, profoundly impressed with the value of the Union, and determined to preserve it unimpaired, hail with joy the recent firm, dignified and patriotic special message of the president of the United States ; that they tender to him, through the chief magistrate of their own State, whatever aid, in men and money, may be required to enable him to enforce the laws and uphold the authority of the Federal Government, and in defense of the more perfect Union, which has conferred prosperity and happiness on the American people. " Renewing," said they, " the pledge given and redeemed by our fathers, we are ready to devote our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors in upholding the Union and the constitution." The legislature, in order to put the State upon a kind of "war footing," passed an act for its defense, and to aid in enforcing the laws and maintaining the authority of the General Government. It was under this act that Governor Randall was enabled to organize the earlier regiments of Wisconsin. By it, in case of a call from the president of the United States to aid in maintaining the Union and the supremacy of the laws to suppress rebellion or insurrection, or to repel invasion within the United States, the governor was authorized to provide, in the most efficient manner, for responding to such call — to accept the services of volunteers for service, in companies of seventy-five men each, rank and file, and in regiments of ten companies each, and to commission officers for them. The governor was also authorized to contract for uniforms and equipments necessary for putting such companies into active service. One hundred thousand dollars were appropriated for war purposes ; and bonds were authorized to be issued for that amount, to be negotiated by the governor, for raising funds. It will be seen, therefore, that the exigencies of the times — for Fort Suvnter had not yet been surrendered — ' WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 71 were fully met by the people's representatives, they doing their whole duty, as they then under stood it, in aid of the perpetuity of the Union. Having defended Fort Sumter for thirty-four hours, until the quarters were entirely burned, the main gates destroyed, the gorge-wall seriously injured, the magazine surrounded by flames, and its door closed from the effects of the heat, four barrels and three cartridges of powder only being available, and no provisions but pork remaining, Robert Anderson, major of the first artillery, United States army, accepted terms of evacuation offered by General Beauregard, marched out of the fort on Sunday afternoon, the fourteenth of April, 1861, with colors flying and drums beating, bringing away company and private property, and saluting his flag with fifty guns. This, in brief, is the story of the fall of Sumter and the opening act of the War of the Rebellion. "Whereas,"' said Abraham Lincoln, president, in his proclamation of the next day, "the laws of the United States have been for some time past, and now are, opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law." Now, in view of that fact, he called forth the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress those combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. " A call is made on you by to-night's mail for one regiment of militia for immediate service," telegraphed the secretary of war to Randall, on the same day. In Wisconsin, as elsewhere, the public pulse quickened under the excitement of the fall of Sumter. " The dangers which surrounded the nation awakened the liveliest sentiments of patriotism and devotion. For the time, party fealty was forgotten in the general desire to save the nation. The minds of the people soon settled into the conviction that a bloody war was at hand, and that the glorious fabric of our National Government, and the principles upon which it is founded, were in jeopardy, and with a determination unparalleled in the history of any- country, they rushed to its defense. On every hand the National flag could be seen displayed, and the public enthusiasm knew no bounds ; in city, town, and hamlet, the burden on every tongue was war."" "We have never been accustomed," said Governor Randall, " to consider the military arm as essential to the maintenance of our government, but an exigency has arisen that demands its employment." "The time has come," he continued, " when parties and plat forms must be forgotten, and all good citizens and patriots unite together in putting down rebels and traitors." "What is money," he asked, "what is life, in the presence of such a crisis? " Such utterances and such enthusiasm could but have their effect upon the legislature, which, it will be remembered, was still in session ; so, although that body had already voted to adjourn, sine die, on the fifteenth of April, yet, when the moment arrived, and a message from the governor was received, announcing that, owing to the extraordinary exigencies which had arisen, an, amend ment of the law of the thirteenth instant was necessary, the resolution to adjourn was at once rescinded. The two houses thereupon not only increased the amount of bonds to be issued to two hundred thousand dollars, but they also passed a law exempting from civil process, during the time of service, all persons enlisting and mustering into the United States army from Wis consin. When, on the seventeenth, the legislature did adjourn, the scene was a remarkable one. Nine cheers were given for the star spangled banner and three for the Governor's Guard, who had just then tendered their services— the first in the State— under the call for a regiment of men for three months' duty. " For the first time in the history of this federal government," are the words of the gover nor in a proclamation issued on the sixteenth of April, " organized treason has manifested itself within several States of the Union, and armed rebels are making war against it." "The treasuries of the country," said he, "must no longer be plundered; the public property must be 72 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN protected from aggressive violence ; that already seized must be retaken, and the laws must be executed in every State of the Union alike." "A demand," he added, " made upon Wiscon sin by the president of the United States, for aid to sustain the federal arm, must meet with a prompt response." The patriotism of the State was abundantly exhibited in their filling up a regiment before some of the remote settlements had any knowledge of the call. On the twenty- second, Governor Randall reported to the secretary of war that the First regiment was ready to go into rendezvous. The place designated was "Camp Scott," at Milwaukee; the day, the twenty-seventh of April. Then and there the several companies assembled — the regiment after ward completing its organization. With a wise foresight, Governor Randall ordered, as a reserve force and in advance of another call for troops by the president, the formation of two more regiments — the Second and Third, and, eventually, the Fourth. Camps at Madison, Fond du Lac, and Racine, were formed for their reception, where suitable buildings were erected for their accommodation. Companies assigned to the Second regiment were ordered to commence moving into "Camp Randall," at Madison, on the first day of May. On the seventh, the secretary of war, under call of the presi dent of the United States for forty-two thousand additional volunteers — this time for three years, or during the war — telegraphed Governor Randall that no more three months' volunteers were wanted; that such companies as were recruited must re-enlist for the new term or be disbanded. At the extra session of the legislature of Wisconsin, which, as already mentioned, com menced on the fifteenth of May, called by Governor Randall immediately upon his being notified of the second call of the president for troops, on the third of May, the law hurriedly passed at the close of the regular session, and under which the governor had organized the First regi ment, was found inadequate to meet the second call for troops. " A bill was introduced, and became a law, authorizing the governor to raise six regiments of infantry, inclusive of those he had organ ized or placed at quarters. When the six regiments were mustered into the United States service he was authorized to raise two additional regiments, and thus to keep two regiments continually in reserve to meet any future call of the General Government. He was authorized to quarter and subsist volunteers at rendezvous— to transport, clothe, subsist and quarter them in camp at the expense of the State. Arms and munitions were to be furnished by the United States. Recruits were to be mustered into State service, and into United States service, for three years. Two assistant surgeons to each regiment were to be appointed, and paid by the State. The regi ments, as they came into camp, were to be instructed in drill and various camp duties, to secure efficiency in the field. The troops, so called in, were to be paid monthly by the State, the same pay and emoluments as the soldiers in the United States army, from the date of enlistment. The paymaster general was authorized to draw funds from the State treasury for the payment of the State troops, and the expense incurred in subsisting, transporting and clothing them. The governor was authorized to purchase military stores, subsistence, clothing, medicine, field and camp equipage, and the sum of one million dollars was appropriated to enable the governor to carry out the law." Other laws were passed relating to military matters. One authorized the governor to pur chase two thousand stand of arms; and fifty thousand dollars were appropriated to pay for the same. Another authorized counties, towns, cities and incorporated villages to levy taxes for the purpose of providing for the support of families of volunteers residing in their respective limits. The one passed at the previous session, exempting volunteers from civil process vhile in the service, was amended so as to include all who might thereafter enlist. One granted five dollars per month as extra pay to enlisted volunteers having families dependent upon them for support, payable to their families. Another authorized the governor to employ such aids, clerks and WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 73 messengers, as he deemed necessary for the public interests. Still another authorized the pay ment of those who had enlisted for three months, but had declined to go in for three years. The expenses of the extra session were ordered to be paid out of the " war fund." One million •dollars in bonds were authorized to be issued for war purposes to form that fund. The governor, secretary of state and state treasurer were empowered to negotiate them. By a joint resolu tion approved the twenty-first of May, the consent of the legislature was given to the governor to be absent from the State during the war, for as long a time as in his discretion he might think proper or advisable, in connection with the military forces of the State. For liberality, zeal and genuine patriotism, the members of the Wisconsin legislature, for the year 1861, deserve a high commendation. All that was necessary upon their final adjournment at the close of the extra session to place the State upon a " war footing," was the organization by the governor of the various military departments. These he effected by appointing Brigadier General William L. Utley, adjutant general ; Brigadier General W. W. Tredway, quartermaster general ; Colonel Edwin R. Wadsworth, commissary general ; Brigadier General Simeon Mills, paymaster gen eral; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general; Major E. L. Buttrick, judge advocate ; and Colonel William H. Watson, military secretary. On the seventeenth of May, the First regiment, at "Camp Scott," was mustered into the United States service, and the war department informed that it awaited marching orders. The regimental officers were not all in accordance with the law and mode adopted afterwards. On the seventh of the month Governor Randall had appointed Rufus King a brigadier general, and assigned the First, Second, Third and Fourth regiments to his command as the Wisconsin brigade ; although at that date only the First and Second had been called into camp. This brigade organization was not recognized by the General Government. The secretary of war telegraphed the governor of Wisconsin that the quota of the State, under the second call of the president, was two regiments — so that the whole number under both calls was only three — one (the First) for three months, two (the Second and Third) for three years. Notwithstanding this, Governor Randall proceeded to organize the Fourth. As a number of the companies ordered into " Camp Randall " on the first day of May to form the Second regiment had only enlisted for three months, the order of the secretary of war of the seventh of that month making it imperative that all such companies must re-enlist for three years or during the war, or be disbanded, the question of extending their term of enlist ment was submitted to the companies of the regiment, when about five hundred consented to the change. The quota of the regiment was afterward made up, and the whole mustered into the service of the United States for three years or during the war, under the president's second call for troops. This was on the eleventh of June, 1861. The Third regiment having had its companies assigned early in May, they were ordered in June into "Camp Hamilton" at Fond du Lac, where the regiment was organized, and, on the twenty-ninth of June, mustered into the United States' service as a three years regiment. This filled Wisconsin's quota under the second call of President Lincoln. By this time war matters in the State began to assume a systematic course of procedure — thanks to the patriotism of the people, the wisdom of the legislature, and the untiring energy and exertions of the governor and his subordinates. The determination of the secretary of war to accept from Wisconsin only two three-years regiments under the second call for troops was soon changed, and three more were authorized, making it necessary to organize the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. The Fourth was called into " Camp Utley " at Racine on the sixth of June, and was mustered into the service of the United States on the ninth of the following month. By the twenty-eighth of June, all the companies of the Fifth had assembled at " Camp Randall," and on the thirteenth of July were mustered in as 74 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. United States troops. By the first of July, at the same place, the complement for the Sixth regiment had been made up, and the companies were mustered for three years into the service of the General Government, on the sixteenth of the same month. Governor Randall did not stop the good work when six regiments had been accepted, but assigned the necessary companies to form two more regiments — the Seventh and Eighth ; however, he wisely concluded not to call them into camp until after harvest, unless specially required to do so. " If they are needed sooner," said the governor, in a letter to the president on the first of July, " a call will be imme diately responded to, and we shall have their uniforms and equipments ready for them." "By the authority of our legislature," added the writer, 'I shall, after the middle of August, keep two regiments equipped and in camp ready for a call to service, and will have them ready at an earlier day if needed." About the latter part of June, W. P. Alexander, of Beloit, a good marksman, was commis sioned captain to raise a company of sharpshooters for Berdan's regiment. He at once engaged in the work. The company was filled to one hundred and three privates and three officers. It left the State about the middle of September under Captain Alexander, and was mustered into the service at Wehawken on the twenty-third day of that month, as Company "G " of Berdan's regiment of sharpshooters. On the twenty-sixth of July, a commission was issued to G. Van Deutsch, of Milwaukee, to raise a company of cavalry. He succeeded in filling his company to eighty-four men. He left the State in September, joining Fremont. The company was after ward attached to the fifth cavalry regiment of Missouri. About the 20th of August, Governor Randall was authorized to organize and equip as rapidly as possible five regiments of infantry and five batteries of artillery, and procure for them necessary clothing and equipments according to United States regulations and prices, subject to the inspec tion of officers of the General Government. The five regiments were to be additional to the eight already raised. One regiment was to be German. During the last week of August the companies of the Seventh regiment were ordered into " Camp Randall," at Madison. They were mustered into the service soon after arrival. On the 28th of August orders were issued for the reorganization of the First regiment for three years, its term of three months having expired. The secretary of war having signified his acceptance of the regiment for the new term, its mus tering into the service was completed on the nineteenth of October. This made six infantry regi ments in addition to the eight already accepted, or fourteen in all. On the same day orders were issued assigning companies to the Eighth regiment, — the whole moving to " Camp Randall," at Madison, the first week in September, where their mustering in was finished on the thirteenth. The Ninth, a German reginent, was recruited in squads, and sent into camp, where they were formed into companies, and the whole mustered in on the 26th of October, i86i,at " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee. Companies were assigned the Tenth regiment on the 18th of September, and ordered into camp at Milwaukee, where it was fully organized about the first of October, being mustered into the service on the fourteenth of that month. The Tenth infantry was enlisted in September, 1861, and mustered in on. the fourteenth of October, 1861, at "Camp Holton," Mil waukee. The Eleventh regiment was called by companies into " Camp Randall " the latter part of September and first of October, 1861, and mustered in on the eighteenth. The Twelfth was called in to the same camp and mustered in by companies between the twenty-eighth of October and the fifth of November, 1 86 1. The Thirteenth rendezvoused at "Camp Treadway," Janes ville, being mustered into the United States service on the seventeenth of October, 1861. These thirteen regiments were all that had been accepted and mustered into the United States service while Randall was governor. From the commencement of the rebellion a great desire had been manifested for the orpan- WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 75 ization of artillery companies in Wisconsin, and this desire was finally gratified. Each battery was to number one hundred and fifty men, and, as has been shown, five had been authorized by the General Government to be raised in Wisconsin. The First battery was recruited at La Crosse, under the superintendence of Captain Jacob T. Foster, and was known as the " La Crosse Artillery." It rendezvoused at Racine^early in October, 1861, where on the tenth of that month, it was mustered into the United States service. The Second battery, Captain Ernest • Herzberg, assembled at " Camp Utley," Racine, and was mustered in with the First battery on the tenth. The Third, known as the " Badger Battery," was organized by Captain L. H. Drury, at Madison and Berlin, and was mustered into the service on the same day and at the same place as the First and Second. The Fourth battery, recruited and organized at Beloit, under the supervision of Captain John F. Vallee, was mustered in on the first of October, 1861, at Racine. The Fifth battery was recruited at Monroe, Green county, under the superintendence of Captain Oscar F, Pinney, moving afterward to " Camp Utley," Racine, where, on the first of October, it was mus-. tered in, along with the Fourth. So brisk had been the recruiting, it was ascertained by the governor that seven companies had been raised instead of five, when the secretary of war was telegraphed to, and the extra companies — the Sixth and Seventh accepted ; the Sixth, known as the " Buena Vista Artillery," being recruited at Lone Rock, Richland county, in September^ Captain Henry DilloD, and mustered in on the second of October, 1861, at Racine; the Seventh, known as the "Badger State Flying Artillery," having organized at Milwaukee, Captain Richard R. Griffiths, and mustered in on the fourth of the same month, going into camp at Racine on the eighth. This completed the mustering in of the first seven batteries, during Governor Randall's administration ; the whole mustered force being thirteen regiments of infantry ; one company of cavalry ; one of sharpshooters ; and these seven artillery companies. "Wisconsin," said the gov ernor, in response to a request as to the number of regiments organized, " sent one regiment for three months, — officers and men eight hundred and ten. The other regiments for the war up. to the Thirteenth (including the First, re -organized), will average one thousand men each ; one company of sharpshooters for Berdan's regiment, one hundred and three men ; and seven companies of light artillery." Of cavalry from Wisconsin, only Deutsch's company had been mustered into the United States, although three regiments had been authorized by the General Government before the close of Randall's administration. The governor, before the expiration of his office, was empowered to organize more artillery companies — ten in all ; and five additional regiments of infantry — making the whole number eighteen. On the tenth of December, he wrote : " Our Fourteenth infantry is full and in camp. * * * Fifteenth has five companies in camp, and filling up. Sixteenth has eight companies in camp, and will be full by the 25th of December. Seventeenth has some four hundred men enlisted. Eighteenth will be im camp, full, by January 1. Seven maximum companies of artillery in camp. * * * Three regiments of cavalry — two full above the maximum; the third, ahout eight hundred men in camp." It will be seen, therefore, that a considerable number of men in the three branches of the service was then in camp that had not been mustered into the service ; and this number was considerably increased by the 6th of January, 1862, the day that Randall's official term expired; but no more men were mustered in, until his successor came into office, than those previously mentioned. The First regiment — three months' — left "Camp Scott," Milwaukee, on the ninth of June, 1 86 1, for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania— eight hundred and ten in number; John C. Starkweather, colonel. The regiment returned to Milwaukee on the seventeenth of August, 1861, and was mustered out on the twenty-second. The First regiment re-organized at "Camp Scott," Milwaukee. Its mustering into the service, as previously mentioned, was completed on the nineteenth of October. On the twenty^ 76 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN, eighth, it started for Louisville, Kentucky— nine hundred and forty-five strong— under command of its former colonel, John C. Starkweather. The Second regiment, with S. Park Coon as colonel, left "Camp Randall," Madison, for Washington city, on the eleventh of June, 1861— numbering, in all, one thousand and fifty-one. The Third regiment started from " Camp Hamilton," Fond du Lac, for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, under command of Charles S. Hamilton, as colonel, on the twelfth of July, 1861, with a numerical strength of nine hundred and seventy- nine. The Fourth regiment — Colonel Halbert E. Payne — with a numerical strength of one thousand and fifty-three, departed on the fifteenth of July, 1861, from "Camp Utley," Racine, for Baltimore, Maryland. The Fifth regiment left " Camp Randall," Madison, one thousand and fifty-eight strong, commanded by Colonel Amasa Cobb, on the twenty-fourth of July, 1861, for Washington city. On the twenty-eighth of July, 1861, the Sixth regiment, numbering one thousand and eighty-four, moved from Madison, having been ordered to Washington city. It Was commanded by Colonel Lysander Cutter. The Seventh regiment— Joseph Van Dor, Colonel — with a numerical strength of one thousand and sixteen men — officers and privates, received Orders, as did the Fifth and Sixth, to move forward to Washington. They started from Madison on the morning of the twenty-first of September, 1861, for active service. The Eighth infantry, hine hundred and seventy-three strong, commanded by Colonel Robert C. Murphy, left Madison, •en route for St. Louis, Missouri, on the morning of the twelfth of October, 1861. The Ninth, or German regiment, with Frederick Salomon in command as colonel, did not leave "Camp Sigel," for active service, while Randall was governor. The Tenth infantry moved from " Camp Holton," Milwaukee, commanded by Colonel Alfred R. Chapin, on the ninth of November, 1861, destined for Louisville, Kentucky, with a total number of nine hundred and sixteen officers and privates. On the twentieth of November, 1861, the Eleventh regiment "broke camp" at Madison, starting for St. Louis, under command of Charles L. Harris, as colonel. Its whole number of men was nine hundred and sixteen. The Twelfth regiment, at " Camp Randall," Madison — Colonel George E. Bryant, and the Thirteenth, at " Camp Tredway," Janesville — Colonel Maurice Maloney — were still in camp at the expiration of the administration of Governor Randall : these, with the Ninth, were all that had not moved out of the State for active service, of those mustered in previous to January 6, 1 861, — making a grand total of infantry sent from AVisconsin, up to that date, by the governor, to answer calls of the General Government, for three years' service or during the war, of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one men, in ten regiments, averaging very nearly one thousand to each regiment. Besides these ten regiments of infantry for three years' service, Wisconsin had also sent into the field the First regiment, for three months' service, numbering eight hundred and ten men ; Alexander's company of sharp shooters, one hundred and six; and Deutsch's company of cavalry, eighty-four: in all, one thousand. Adding these to the three years' regiments, and the whole force, in round numbers, Was eleven thousand men, furnished by the State in 1861. Eighth Administration. — Louis P. Harvey and Edward Salomon, Governors — 1862-1863. Louis P. Harvey was inaugurated governor of Wisconsin on the sixth of January, 1862. The fifteenth regular session of the legislature of the State began on the eighth of the same month. In the senate, the republicans were in the majority; but in the assembly they had only a plurality of members, there being a number of " Union " men in that branch — enough, indeed, to elect, by outside aid, J. W. Beardsley, who ran for the assembly, upon the " Union " ticket, as speaker. Governor Harvey, on the tenth, read his message to the legislature in joint convention. " No previous legislature," are his opening words, " has convened under equal incentives to a disinterested zeal in the public service. . . The occasion," he adds, "pleads WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 77 "with you in rebuke of all the meaner passions, admonishing to the exercise of a conscientious patriotism, becoming the representatives of a Christian people, called in God's providence to pass through the furnace of a great trial of their virtue, and of the strength of the Government." On the seventh of April following, the legislature adjourned until the third of June next ensuing. Before it again assembled, an event occurred, casting a gloom over the whole State. The •occasion was the accidental drowning of Governor Harvey. Soon after the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, on the seventh of April, 1862, the certainty that some of the Wisconsin regiments had suffered severely, induced the governor to organize a relief party, to aid the wounded and suffering soldiers from the State. On the tenth, Harvey and others started on their tour of benevolence. Arriving at Chicago, they found a large num ber of boxes had been forwarded there from different points in the State, containing supplies of various kinds. At Mound City, Paducah, and Savannah, the governor and his party adminis tered to the wants of the sick and wounded Wisconsin soldiers. Having completed their mission of mercy, they repaired to a boat in the harbor of Savannah, to await the arrival of the Minne haha, which was to convey them to Cairo, on their homeward trip. It was late in the evening of the nineteenth of April, 1862, and very dark when the boat arrived which was to take the governor and his friends on board ; and as she rounded to, the bow touching the Dunleith, on which was congregated the party ready to depart, Governor Harvey, by a misstep, fell overboard between the two boats, into the Tennessee river. The current was strong, and the water more than thirty feet deep. Every thing was done that could be, to save his life, but all to no purpose. His body was subsequently found and brought to Madison for interment. Edward Salomon, lieutenant governor, by virtue of a provision of the constitution of the State, upon the death of Harvey, succeeded to the office of governor of Wisconsin. On the third day of June, the legislature re-assembled in accordance with adjournment on the seventh of April previous, -Governor Salomon, in his message of that day, to the senate and assembly, after announcing the sad event of the death of the late governor, said : " The last among the governors elected oy the people of this State, he is the first who has been removed by death from our midst. The circumstances leading to and surrounding the tragic and melancholy end of the honored and lamented deceased, are well .known to the people, and are, with his memory, treasured up in their hearts." He died," added Calomon, " while in the exercise ofthe highest duties of philan thropy and humanity, that a noble impulse had imposed upon him." The legislature, on the thirteenth of June, by a joint resolution, declared that in the death of Governor Harvey, the State had " lost an honest, faithful, and efficient public officer, a high-toned gentleman, a warm hearted philanthropist, and a sincere friend." Both houses adjourned sine die, on the seventeuth of June, 1862. Business of great public importance, in the judgment of the guoernor, rendering a spacil session of the legislature necessary, he issued, on the twenty-ninth of August, 1862, his proc lamation to that effect, convening both houses on the tenth of September following. On that ¦day he sent in his message, relating wholly to war matters. He referred to the fact that since the adjournment of the previous session, six hundred thousand more men had been called for by the president of the United States, to suppress the rebellion. " It is evident," said he, " that to meet further calls, it is necessary to rely upon a system of drafting or conscription, in Wisconsin." The governor then proceeded to recommend such measures as he deemed necessary to meet the exigencies of the times. The legislature levied a tax to aid volunteering, and passed a law giving the right of suffrage to soldiers in the military service. They also authorized the raising of money for payment of bounties to volunteers. The legislature adjourned on the twenty- sixth of September, 1862, after a session of sixteen days, and the enacting of seventeen laws. 78 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. On the 7th of October, James H. Howe, attorney general, resigned his office to enter the army. On the 14th of that month, Winfield Smith was appointed by the governor to fill the vacancy. At the general election in the Fall of this year, six congressmen were elected to the thirty- eighth congress: James S. Brown from the first district; I. C. Sloan, from the second; Amasa Cobb, from the third ; Charles A. Eldredge, from the fourth ; Ezra Wheeler, from the fifth ; and W. D. Mclndoe, from the sixth district. Sloan, Cobb, and Mclndoe, were elected as republi cans ; Brown, Eldridge, and Wheeler, as democrats. The sixteenth regular session of the Wisconsin legislature, commenced on the fourteenth of January, 1863. J. Allen Barber was elected speaker of the assembly. The majority in both houses was republican. Governor Salomon read his message on the fifteenth, to the joint convention, referring, at length, to matters connected with the war of the rebellion. A large number of bills were passed by the legislature for the benefit of soldiers and their families. On the twenty-second, the legislature re-elected James R. Doolittle, to the United States senate for six years, from the fourth of March next ensuing. The legislature adjourned sine die on the second of April following. In the Spring of this year, Luther S. Dixon was re-elected chief justice of the supreme court, running as an independent candidate. By a provision of the Revised Statutes of 1858, as amended by an act passed in 1862, and interpreted by another act passed in 1S75, the terms of the justices of the supreme court, elected for a full term, commence on the first Monday in January next succeeding their election. At the Fall election there were two tickets in the field : democratic and union republican,. The latter was successful, electing James T. Lewis, governor ; Wyman Spooner, lieutenant governor; Lucius Fairchild, secretary of state; S. D. Hastings, state treasurer; Winfield Smith, attorney general ; J. L. Pickard, state superintendent ; W. H. Ramsay, bank comp troller ; and Henry Cordier, state prison commissioner. War of Secession — Harvey and Salomon's Administration. When Governor Randall turned over to his successor in the gubernatorial chair, the military matters of Wisconsin, he had remaining in the State, either already organized or in process of fdrmation, the Ninth infantry, also the Twelfth up to the Nineteenth inclusive ; three regiments of cavalry ; and ten batteries — First to Tenth inclusive. Colonel Edward Daniels, in the Summer of 1861, was authorized by the war department to recruit and organize one battalion of cavalry in Wisconsin. He was subsequently authorized to raise two more companies. Governor Ran dall, in October, was authorized to complete the regiment — the First cavalry — by the organiza tion of six additional companies. The organization of the Second cavalry regiment was author ized in the Fall of 1861, as an "independent acceptance," but was finally turned over to the State authorities. Early in November, 1861, the war department issued an order discontinuing enlistments for the cavalry service, and circulars were sent to the different State executives to consolidate all incomplete regiments. Ex-Governor Barstow, by authority of General Fremont, which authority was confirmed by the General Government, had commenced the organization of a cavalry regiment — the Third Wisconsin — when Governor Randall received information that the authority of Barstow had been revoked. The latter, however, soon had his authority restored. In October, Governor Randall was authorized by the war department to raise three additional companies of artillery — Eighth to Tenth inclusive. These three batteries were all filled and went into camp by the close of 1861. Governor Randall, therefore, besides sending out of the State eleven thousand men, had in process of formation, or fully organized, nine regiments of infantry, three regiments of cavalry, and ten companies of artillery, left behind in WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 79 Various camps in the State, to be turned over to his successor. The military officers of Wisconsin were the governor, Louis P. Harvey, commander-in- chief; Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general; Brigadier General W. W. Tred- Way, quartermaster general ; Colonel Edwin R. Wadsworth, commissary general ; Brigadier Gen eral Simeon Mills, paymaster general; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general; Major M. H. Carpenter, judge advocate ; and Colonel William H. Watson, military secretary. As the General Government had taken the recruiting service out of the hands of the executives of the States, and appointed superintendents in their place, the offices of commissary general and paymaster general were no longer necessary ; and their time, after the commencement of the administration in Wisconsin of 1862, was employed, so long as they continued their respective offices, in settling up the business of each. The office of commissary general was closed about the first of June, 1862 ; that of paymaster general on the tenth of July following. On the last of August, 1862, Brigadier General Tredway resigned the position of quartermaster general, and Nathaniel F. Lund was appointed to fill his place. Upon the convening of the legislature of the State in its regular January session of this year — 1862, Governor Harvey gave, in his message to that body, a full statement of what had been done by Wisconsin in matters appertaining to the war, under the administration of his predecessor. He stated that the State furnished to the service of the General Government under the call for volunteers for three months, one regiment — First Wisconsin ; under the call for volunteers for three years, or the war, ten regiments, numbering from the First re-organized to the Eleventh, excluding the Ninth or German regiment. He gave as the whole number of officers, musicians and privates, in these ten three-year regiments, ten thousand one hundred and seventeen. He further stated that there were then organized and awaiting orders, the Ninth, in " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, numbering nine hundred and forty men, under Colonel Frederick Salomon ; the Twelfth, in " Camp Randall," one thousand and thirty-nine men, under Colonel George E. Bryant ; the Thirteenth, in " Camp Tredway," Janesville, having nine hundred and nineteen men, commanded by Colonel M. Maloney ; and the Fourteenth, at " Camp Wood," Fond du Lac, eight hundred and fifty men, under Colonel D. E. Wood. The Fifteenth or Scandinavian regiment, Colonel H. C. Heg, seven hundred men, and the Sixteenth, Colonel Benjamin Allen, nine hundred men, were at that time at "Camp Randall," in hear readiness for marching orders. The Seventeenth (Irish) regiment, Colonel J. L. Doran, and the Eighteenth, Colonel James S. Alban, had their full number of companies in readiness, lacking one, and had been notified to go into camp — the former at Madison, the latter at Milwaukee. Seven companies of artillery, numbering together one thousand and fifty men, had remained for a considerable time in " Camp Utley," Racine, impatient of the delays of the General Govern ment in calling them to move forward. Three additional companies of artillery were about going into camp, numbering three hundred and thirty-four men. Besides these, the State had furnished, as already mentioned, an independent company of cavalry, then in Missouri,jaised by Captain Von Deutsch, of eighty-one men ; a company of one hundred and four men for Ber dan's sharpshooters; and an additional company for the Second regiment, of about eighty men. Three regiments of cavalry — the First, Colonel E. Daniels; the Second, Colonel C. C. Washburn; and the Third, Colonel W. A. Barstow ; were being organized. They numbered together, two thou sand four hundred and fifty men. The Nineteenth (independent) regiment was rapidly organ izing under the direction of the General Government, by Colonel H. T. Sanders, Racine. Not bringing this last regiment into view, the State had, at the commencement of Governor Harvey's adminisfration, including the First, three-months' regiment, either in the service of the United States or organizing for it, a total of twenty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three men, 80 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The legislature at its regular session of 1862, passed a law making it necessary to present all claims which were made payable out of the war fund, within twelve months from the time they accrued ; a law was also passed authorizing the investment of the principal of the school fund in the bonds of the state issued for war purposes ; another, amendatory of the act of the extra session of 1861, granting exemption to persons enrolled in the military service, so as to except persons, acting as fiduciary agents, either as executors or administrators, or guardians or trustees, or persons defrauding the State, or any school district of moneys belonging to the same ; also author izing a stay of proceedings in foreclosures of mortgages, by advertisements. " The State Aid Law" was amended so as to apply to all regiments of infantry, cavalry, artillery and sharpshooters,. defining the rights of families, fixing penalties for the issue of false papers, and imposing duties oil military officers in the field to make certain reports. These amendments only included regi ments and companies organized up to and including the Twentieth, which was in process of organization before the close ofthe session. A law was also passed suspending the sale of lands mortgaged to the State, or held by volunteers ; another defining the duties of the allotment com missioners appointed by the president of the United States, and fixing their compensation. One authorized the issuing of bonds for two hundred thousand dollars for war purposes ; one author-. ized a temporary loan from the general fund to. pay State aid to volunteers ; and one, the appoint ment of a joint committee to investigate the sale of war bonds ; while another authorized the- governor to appoint surgeons to batteries, and assistant surgeons to cavalry regiments. The legislature, it will be remembered, took a recess from the seventh of April to the third of June, 1862. Upon its re-assembling, ^.. act was passed providing lor the discontinuance of the active services of the paymaster general, quartermaster general and commissary generaL Another act appropriated twenty thousand dollars to enable the governor to care for the sick and wounded soldiers ofthe State. There was also another act passed authorizing the auditing,, by the quartermaster general, of bills for subsistence and transportation of the Wisconsin cavalry regiments. At the extra session called by Governor Salomon, for the tenth of September, 1862,, an amendment was made to the law granting aid to families of volunteers, by including all regi ments of cavalry, infantry, or batteries of artillery before that time raised in the State, or that might afterward be raised and mustered into the United States service. It also authorized the levying of a State tax of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars to be placed to the credit of the war fund and used in the payment of warrants for "State Aid" to families of volunteers.. Another law authorized commissioned officers out of the State to administer oaths and take acknowledgments of deeds and other papers. One act authorized soldiers in the field, although out ofthe State, to exercise the right of suffrage ; and another gave towns, cities, incorporated. villages and counties the authority to raise money to pay bounties to volunteers. On the fifth of August, 1862, Governor Salomon received from the war department a dispatch stating that orders had been issued for a draft of three hundred thousand men to be immjdiately called into the service of the United States, to serve for nine months unless sooner discharged • that if the State quota under a call made July 2, of that year, for three hundred thousand vol unteers, was not filled by the fifteenth of August, the deficiency would be made up by draft ; and that the secretary of war would assign the quotas to the States and establish regulations for the draft. On the eighth of that month, the governor of the Sta.e was ordered to immediately cause an enrollment of all able-bodied citizens between eighteen and forty-five years of age, by counties.. Governor Salomon was authorized to appoint proper officers, and the United States promised to pay all reasonable expenses. The quota for Wisconsin, under the call for nine months' men, was eleven thousand nine hundred and four. The draft was made by the governor in obeJience to the order he had received from Washington ; but such had been the volunteering under the stim~ WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 81 ulus caused by a fear of it, that only four thousand five hundred and thirty-seven men were drafted. This was the first and only draft made in Wisconsin by the State authorities, Subsequent ones were made under the direction of the provost marshal general at Wash-, ington. The enlisting, organization and mustering into the United States service during Randall's administration of thirteen regiments of infantry — the First to the Thirteenth inclusive, and the marching of ten of them out of the State before the close of 1861, also, of one company of cavalry under Captain Von Deutsch and one company of sharpshooters under Captain Alexander, con stituted the effective aid abroad of Wisconsin during that year to suppress the rebellion. But for the year 1862, this aid, as to number of organizations, was more than doubled, as will now be shown. The Ninth regiment left " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, under command of Colonel Frederick Salomon, on the twenty-second of January, 1862, numbering thirty-nine officers and eight hun dred and eighty-four men, to report at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The Twelfth infantry left Wisconsin under command of Colonel George E. Bryant, ten hundred and forty-five strong, the eleventh of January, 1862, with orders to report at Weston, Missouri. The Thirteenth regiment — Colonel Maurice Maloney — left " Camp Tredway," Janesville, on the eighteenth of January, 1862, nine hundred and seventy strong, under orders to report at; Leavenworth, Kansas, where it arrived on the twenty-third. The Fourteenth regiment of infantry departed from " Camp Wood," Fond du Lac, under command of Colonel David E. Wood, for St. Louis, Missouri, on the eighth of March, 1862, it having been mustered into the United States service on the thirtieth of January previous. Its total strength was nine hundred and seventy officers and men. It arrived at its destination on the tenth of March, and went into quarters at " Benton Barracks." The Fifteenth regiment, mostly recruited from the Scandinavian population of Wisconsin, was organized at " Camp Randall," Madison — Hans C. Heg as colonel. Its muster into the United States service was completed on the fourteenth of February, 1862, it leaving the State fop St. Louis, Missouri, on the second of March following, with a total strength of eight hundred and, one officers and men. The Sixteenth regiment was organized at "Camp Randall," and was mustered into the service on the last day of January, 1862, leaving the State, with Benjamin Allen as colonel, for St. Louis on the thirteenth of March ensuing, having a total strength of one thousand and sixty-six. The reg.mental organization of the Seventeenth infantry (Irish), Colonel John L. Doran, was effected at " Camp Randall," and the mustering in of the men completed on the fifteenth of March, 1862, the regiment leaving the State on the twenty-third for St. Louis. The Eighteenth regiment organized at " Camp Trowbridge," Milwaukee — James S. Alban, colonel — completed its muster into the United States service on the fifteenth of March, 1862, and left the State for St. Louis on the thirtieth, reaching their point of destination on the thirty, first. The Nineteenth infantry rendezvoused at Racine as an independent regiment, its colonel, Horace T. Sanders, being commissioned by the war department. The men were mustered info, the service as fast as they were enlisted. Independent organizations being abolished, by an order from Washington, the Nineteenth was placed on the same footing as other regiments in the State. On the twentieth of April, 1862, the regiment was ordered to " Camp Randall " to guard rebel prisoners. Here the mustering in was completed, numbering in all nine hundred and seventy-three. They left the State for Washington on the second of June. 82 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. The muster into the United States service of the Twentieth regiment — Bertine Pinckney, colonel— was completed on the twenty-third of August, 1862, at "Camp Randall," the original strength being nine hundred and ninety. On the thirtieth of August the regiment left the State for St. Louis. The Twenty-first infantry was organized at Oshkosh, being mustered in on the fifth of Sep tember, 1862, with a force of one thousand and two, all told — Benjamin J. Sweet, colonel — leaving the State for Cincinnati on the eleventh. The Twenty-second regiment — Colonel William L. Utley— was organized at " Camp Utley," Racine, and mustered in on the second of September, 1862. Its original strength was one thou-' sand and nine. It left the State for Cincinnati on the sixteenth. On the thirtieth of August, 1862, the Twenty-third regiment — Colonel Joshua J. Guppey — was mustered in at "Camp Randall," leaving Madison for Cincinnati on the fifteenth. The Twenty -fourth infantry rendezvoused at " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee. Its muster in was completed on the twenty-first of August, 1862, the regiment leaving the State under Colonel Charles H. Larrabee, for Kentucky, on the fifth of September, one thousand strong. On the fourteenth of September, 1862, at " Camp Salomon," LaCrosse, the Twenty-fifth regiment was mustered into the service — Milton Montgomery, colonel. They left the State on the nineteenth with orders to report to General Pope, at St. Paul, Minnesota, to aid in suppress ing the Indian difficulties in that State. Their entire strength was one thousand and eighteen. The regiment, after contributing to the preservation of tranquillity among the settlers, and deterring the Indians from hostilities, returned to Wisconsin, arriving at " Camp Randall " on the eighteenth of December, 1862. The Twenty-sixth — almost wholly a German regiment — was mustered into the service at "Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, on the seventeenth of September, 1862. The regiment, under com mand of Colonel William H. Jacobs, left the State for Washington city on the sixth of October, one thousand strong. The Twenty-seventh infantry was ordered to rendezvous at " Camp Sigel," Milwaukee, on the seventeenth of September, 1862 ; but the discontinuance of recruiting for new regiments in August left the Twenty-seventh with only seven companies full. An order authorizing the recruiting of three more companies was received, and under the supervision of Colonel Conrad Krez the organization was completed, but the regiment at the close of the year had not been mustered into the service. On the twenty-fourth of October, 1862, the Twenty-eighth regiment — James M. Lewis, of Oconomowoc, colonel — was mustered into the United States service at "Camp Washburn," Mil waukee. Its strength was nine hundred and sixty-one. In November, the regiment was employed in arresting and guarding the draft rioters in Ozaukee county. It left the State for Columbus, Kentucky, on the twentieth of December, where they arrived on the twenty-second; remaining there until the fifth of January, 1863. The Twenty-ninth infantry — Colonel Charles R. Gill — was organized at " Camp Randall," where its muster into the United States service was completed on the twenty-seventh of Sep tember, 1862, the regiment leaving the State for Cairo, Illinois, on She second of November. The Thirtieth regiment, organized at "Camp Randall" under the supervision of Colonel Daniel J. Dill, completed its muster into the United States service on the twenty-first of October, 1862, with a strength of nine hundred and six. On the sixteenth of November, one company of the Thirtieth was sent to Green Bay to protect the draft commissioner, remaining several weeks. On the eighteenth, seven companies moved to Milwaukee to assist in enforcing the draft in Mil waukee county, while two companies remained in "Camp Randall" to guard Ozaukee rioters. WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 83 On the twenty-second, six companies from Milwaukee went to West Bend, Washington county, one company returning to "Camp Randall." After the completion of the draft in Washington county, four companies returned to camp, while two companies were engaged in gathering up the drafted men. The final and complete organization of. the Thirty-first infantry — Colonel Isaac E. Mess- tnore — was not concluded during the year 1862. The Thirty-second regiment, organized at " Camp Bragg," Oshkosh, with James H. Howe as colonel, was mustered into the service on the twenty-fifth of September, 1862 ; and, on the thirtieth of October, leaving the State, it proceeded by way of Chicago and Cairo to Memphis, Tennessee, going into camp on the third of November. The original strength of the Thirty- second was nine hundred and ninety-three. - The Thirty-third infantry — Colonel Jonathan B. Moore — mustered in on the eighteenth of October, 1862, at " Camp Utley," Racine, left the State, eight hundred and ninety-two strong, ¦moving by way of Chicago to Cairo. The Thirty-fourth regiment, drafted men, original strength nine hundred and sixty-one — Colonel Fritz Anneke — had its muster into service for nine months completed at " Camp Wash- hum," Milwaukee, on the last day of the year 1862. Of the twenty-four infantry regiments, numbered from the Twelfth to the Thirty-fourth inclusive, and including also the Ninth, three — the Ninth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth — were mus tered into the United States service in 1861. The whole of the residue were mustered in during the year 1862, except the Twenty-seventh and the Thirty-first. All were sent out of the State during 1862, except the last two mentioned and the Twenty-fifth, Thirtieth, and Thirty-fourth. The First regiment of cavalry — Colonel Edward Daniels — perfected its organization at " Camp Harvey," Kenosha. Its muster into the United States service was completed on the •eighth of March, 1862, the regiment leaving the State for St. Louis on the seventeenth, with a •strength of eleven hundred and twenty-four. The muster of the Second Wisconsin cavalry was completed on the twelfth of March, 1862, at "Camp Washburn," Milwaukee, the regiment leaving the State for St. Louis on the twenty- fourth, eleven hundred and twenty-seven strong. It was under the command of Cadwallader C. Washburn as colonel. The Third Wisconsin cavalry — Colonel William A. Barstow — was mustered in at " Camp Barstow," Janesville. The muster was completed on the 31st of January, 1862, the regiment leaving the State on the 26th of March for St. Louis, with a strength of eleven hundred and ¦eighty-six. The original project of forming a regiment of light artillery in Wisconsin was overruled hy the war department, and the several batteries were sent from the State as independent -organizations. The First battery— Captain Jacob T. Foster— perfected its organization at "Camp Utley," where the company was mustered in, it leaving the State with a strength of One hundred and fifty-five, on the 23d of January, 1862, for Louisville, where the battery went into "Camp Irvine," near that city. The Second battery— Captain Ernest F. Herzberg— was mustered into the service at "Camp Utley," October 10, 1861, the company numbering one hundred and fifty- three. It left the State for Baltimore, on the 21st of January, 1862. The Third battery— Cap tain L. H. Drury — completed its organization of one hundred and seventy at " Camp Utley," and -was mustered in October 10, 1861, leaving the "State for Louisville, on the 23d of January, 1862. The Fourth battery— Captain John F. Vallee— rendezvoused at "Camp Utley." Its muster in was completed on the 1st of October, 1861, its whole force being one hundred and fifty -one. The company left the State for Baltimore on the 21st of January, 1862. The Fifth bat- 84 HISTORY' OF WISCONSIN. tery, commanded by Captain Oscar F. Pinney, was mustered in on the ist of October, 1861, at "Camp Utley,", leaving the State for St. Louis, on the 15th of March, 1862, one hundred and fifty-five strong. The Sixth battery— Captain Henry Dillon — was mustered in on the 2d of October, 1861, at." Camp Utley," leaving the State for St. Louis, March 15, 1862, with a numer ical strength of one hundred and fifty-seven. The Seventh battery — Captain Richard R. Grif fiths — Was mustered in on the 4th of October, 1861, at " Camp Utley,". and proceeded on the 15th of March, 1862, with the Fifth and Sixth batteries to St. Louis. The Eighth battery, com manded by Captain Stephen J. Carpenter, was mustered in on the 8th of January, 1862, at "Camp Utley," and left the State on the 18th of March following, for St. Louis, one hundred and sixty-one strong. The Ninth battery, under command of Captain Cyrus H. Johnson, was organ ized at Burlington, Racine county. It was mustered in on the 7th of January, 1862, leaving " Camp Utley " for St. Louis, on the 18th of March. At St. Louis, their complement of men — one hundred and fifty-five — was made up by the transfer of forty-five from another battery. The Tenth battery — Captain Yates V. Bebee— after being mustered in at Milwaukee, on the 10th of February, 1862, left " Camp Utley," Racine, on the 18th of March for St. Louis, one hundred and seventeen strong. The Eleventh battery — Captain John O'Rourke — wasmade up of the " Oconto Irish Guards '' and a detachment of Illinois recruits. The company was organized at " Camp Douglas," Chicago, in the Spring of 1862. Early in 1862, William A. Pile succeeded in enlisting ninety-nine men as a company to be known as the Twelfth battery. The men were mustered in and sent forward in squads to St. Louis. Captain Pile's commission was revoked on the 18th of July. His place was filled by William Zickrick. These twelve batteries were all that left the State in 1862. To these are to be added the three regiments of cavalry and the nineteen regi ments of infantry, as the effective force sent out during the year by Wisconsin. The military officers of the State, at the commencement of 1863, were Edward Salomon, governor and commander-in-chief; Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general; Colonel S. Nye Gibbs, assistant adjutant general ; Brigadier General Nathaniel F. Lund, quartermaster general ; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general ; and Colonel W. H. Watson, military secretary. The two incomplete regiments of 1862 — the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-first volunteers — were completed and in the field in March, 1863. The former was mustered in at " Camp Sigel " — Colonel Conrad Krez — on the 7th of March, and left the State, eight hundred and sixty-five strong, on the 16th for Columbus, Kentucky; the latter, under command of Colonel Isaac E. Messmore, with a strength of eight hundred and seventy-eight, left Wisconsin on the ist of March, for Cairo, Illinois. The Thirty-fourth (drafted) regiment left "Camp Washburn," Milwaukee, on the 31st of January, 1863, for Columbus, Kentucky, numbering nine hundred and sixty-one, commanded by Colonel Fritz Anneke. On the 17th of February, 1863, the Twenty-fifth regiment left "Camp Randall" for Cairo, Illinois. The Thirtieth regiment remained in Wisconsin during the whole of 1863, performing various, duties — the only one ofthe whole thirty-four that, at the end of that year, had not left the State. On the 14th of January, 1863, the legislature of Wisconsin, as before stated, convened at Madison. Governor Salomon, in his message to that body, gave a summary of the transac tions of the war fund during the calendar year; also of what was done in 1862, in the recruiting of military forces, and the manner in which the calls of the president were responded to. There were a number of military laws passed at this session. A multitude of special acts authorizing towns to raise bounties for volunteers, were also passed. No additional regiments of infantry besides those already mentioned were organized in 1863, although recruiting for old regiments continued. On the 3d of March, 1863, the congress of the United States passed the "Conscription Act." Under this act, Wisconsin was divided WISCONSIN AS A STATE. 85 into six districts. In the first district, I. M. Bean was appointed provost marshal; C. M. Baker, commissioner; and J. B. Dousman, examining surgeon. Headquarters of this district was' at. Milwaukee. In the second district, S. J. M. Putnam was appointed provost marshal; L. B. Caswell, commissioner; and Dr. C. R. Head, examining surgeon. Headquarters of this district was at Janesville. In the third district, J. G. Clark was appointed provost marshal; E, E. Byant, commissioner ; and John H. Vivian, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Prairie du Chien. In the fourth district, E. L. Phillips was appointed provost marshal; Charles Burchard, commissioner; and L. H. Cary, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Fond du Lac, In the fifth district, C. R. Merrill was appointed provost marshal ; William A. Bugh, commissioner ; and H. O. Crane, examining surgeon. Headquarters at Green Bay. In the sixth district, B. F. Cooper was appointed provost marshal; L. S. Fisher, commissioner; and D. D.. Cameron, examining surgeon. Headquarters at LaCrosse. The task of enrolling the State was commenced in the month of May, and was proceeded with to its completion. The nine months' term of service of the Thirty-fourth regiment, drafted militia,, having expired, the regiment was mustered out of service on the 8th of September. The enrollment in Wisconsin of all persons liable to the " Conscription " amounted to 121,202. A draft was ordered to take place in November. Nearly fifteen thousand were drafted, only six hundred and twenty-eight of whom were mustered in ; the residue either furnished substitutes, were discharged, failed to report, or paid commutation. In the Summer of 1861, Company " K," Captain Langworthy, of the Second Wisconsin infantry, was detached and placed on duty as heavy artillery. His company was designated as "A," First Regiment Heavy Artillery. This was the only one organized until the Summer of 1863 ; but its organization was effected outside the State. Three companies were necessary to add to company "A" to complete the battalion. Batteries "B," "C" and "D" were, therefore, organized in Wisconsin, all leaving the State in October and November, 1863. Ninth Administration — James T. Lewis, Governor — 1864-1865. James T. Lewis, of Columbia county, was inaugurated governor of Wisconsin on the fourth of January, 1864. In an inaugural address, the incoming governor pledged himself to use no executive patronage for a re-election; declared he would administer the government without prejudice or par iality ; and committed himself to an economical administration of affairs con nected with the State. On the thirteenth the legislature met in its seventeenth regular session. W. W. Field was elected speaker of the assembly. The republican and union men were in the majority in this legislature. A number of acts were passed relative to military matters. On the ist day of October, J. L. Pickard having resigned as superintendent of public instruction, J. G. McMynn was, by the governor, appointed to fill the vacancy. On the fif teenth of November, Governor Lewis appointed Jason Downer an associate justice of the supreme court, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Byron Paine, who had resigned his position to take effect on that day, in order to accept the position of lieutenant colonel of one bf the regiments of Wisconsin, to which he had been commissioned on the tenth of August previous. The November elections of this year were entered into with great zeal by the two parties, owing to the fact that a president and vice president of the United States were to b& chosen. The republicans were victorious. Electors of that party cast their eight votes for Lincoln and Johnson. The members elected to the thirty - ninth congress from Wisconsin at this election were : from the first district, H. E. Paine; from the second, I. C. Sloan ; from the third, Amasa Cobb; from the fourth, C. A. Eldredge; from the fifth, Philetus Sawyer; and 86 HISTORY" OF WISCONSIN. from the sixth district, W. D. Mclndoe. All were republicans except Eldredge, who was elected as a democrat. The Eighteenth regular session of the Wisconsin legislature began in Madison on the elev enth of January, 1865. W. W. Field was elected speaker of the assembly. The legislature was, as to its political complexion, "Republican Union." On the tenth of April, the last day of the session, Governor Lewis informed the legislature that General Lee and his army had sur rendered. " Four years ago," said he, " on the day fixed for adjournment, the sad news of the fall of Fort Sumter was transmitted to the legislature. To-day, thank God ! and next to Him the brave officers and soldiers of our army and navy, I am permitted to transmit to you the official intelligence, just received, of the surrender of General Lee and his army, the last prop of the rebellion. Let us rejoice, and thank the Ruler of the Universe for victory and the pros pects of an honorable peace." In February preceding, both houses ratified the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. At the Spring election, Jason Downer was chosen associate justice of the supreme court for a full term of six years. The twentieth of April was set apart by the governor as a day of thanksgiving for the overthrow of the rebellion and restoration of peace. At the Fall election both parties, republican and democratic, had tickets in the field. The republicans were victorious, electing Lucius Fairchild, governor; Wyman Spooner, lieutenant governor; Thomas S. Allen, secretary of state; William E. Smith, state treasurer; Charles R. Gill, attorney general; John G. McMynn, superintendent of public instruction; J. M. Rusk, bank comptroller; and Henry Cordier, state prison commis sioner. War of Secession — Lewis' Administration. The military officers for 1864 were besides the governor (who was commander-in-chief) Brigadier General Augustus Gaylord, adjutant general ; Colonel S. Nye Gibbs, assistant adju tant general; Brigadier General Nathaniel F. Lund, quartermaster and commissary general, and chief of ordnance ; Brigadier General E. B. Wolcott, surgeon general ; and Colonel Frank H. Firmin, military secretary. The legislature met at Madison on the 13th of January, 1864. . such should not be neglected. The fruit is rather agreeable, but not to be compared to fine cultivated varieties, which may be engrafted on the wild stock to the very best advantage. It is best to select small trees, and work them on the roots. The grafts should be inserted about the middle of April. Hackberry — Celtis Occidentalis. — This is an ornamental tree of medium size ; wood hard, close-grained and elastic ; makes the best of hoops, whip-stalks, and thills for carriages. The Indians formerly made great use of the hackbeiry wood for their bows. A tree worthy of a lim ited share of attention. American Linden or Basswood — Tilia Americana. — Is one of the finest ornamental trees for public grounds, parks, etc., but will not thrive where the roots are exposed to bruises; for this reason it is not adapted to planting along the streets of populous towns. The wood is light and tough, susceptible of being bent to almost any curve ; durable if kept from the weather ; takes paint well, and is considerably used in the arts ; for fuel it is of little value. This tree will flourish in almost any moderately rich, damp soil; bears transplanting well; can be propagated readily from layers. White Thorn — Crataegus Coccinea, and Dotted Thorn — C. Punctata. — These two species of thorn are found everywhere on the rich bottom lands. When in bloom they are beautiful, and should be cultivated for ornament. The wood is remarkably compact and hard, and were it not for the small size of the tree, would be valuable. Crab Apple — Pyrus Coronaria. — This common small tree is attractive when covered with its highly fragrant rose-colored blossoms. Wood 1 "••], fine, compact grain, but the tree is too small for the wood to be of much practical value. Well worthy of a place in extensive grounds. Mountain Ash — P. Americana. — This popular ornament to our yards is found growing in the northern part of the state and as far south as 43". The wood is useless. White Ash — Fraxinus Acuminata. — Is a large, interesting tree, which combines utility with beauty in an eminent degree. The wood possesses strength, suppleness and elasticity, which renders it valuable for a great variety of uses. It is extensively employed in carriage manufact uring; for various agricultural implements ; is esteemed superior to any other wood for oars; excellent for fuel. The white ash grows rapidly, and in open ground forms one of the most lovely trees that is to be found. The foliage is clean and handsome, and in autumn turns firom its bright green to a violet purple hue, which adds materially to the beauty of our autumnal syl van scenery. It is richly deserving our especial care and protection, and will amply repay all labor and expense bestowed on its cultivation. TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES. 131 Black Ash — F Sambucifolia. — This is another tall, graceful and well-known species of ash. The wood is used for making baskets, hoops, etc. ; when thoroughly dry, affords a good article of fuel. Deserves to be cultivated in low, rich, swampy situations, where more useful trees will not thrive. Black Walnut — Juglans Nigra. — This giant of the rich alluvial bottom lands claims special attention for its valuable timber. It is among the most durable and beautiful of Ameri can woods ; susceptible of a fine polish ; not liable to shrink and swell by heat and moisture. It is extensively employed by the cabinet-makers for every variety of furniture. Walnut forks, -are frequently found which rival in richness and beauty the far-famed mahogany. This tree, in favorable situations, grows rapidly; is highly ornamental, and produces annually an abundant crop of nuts. Butternut — J. Cinerea. — This species of walnut is not as valuable as the above, yet for its beauty, and the durability of its wood, it should claim a small portion of attention. The wood is rather soft for most purposes to which it otherwise might be applied. When grown near streams, or on moist side-hills, it produces regularly an ample crop of excellent nuts. It grows rapidly. Shell-Bark Hickory — Carya Alba. — This, the largest and finest of American hickories, grows abundantly throughout the state. Hickory wood possesses probably the greatest strength •and tenacity of any of our indigenous trees, and is used for a variety of purposes, but, unfortunately, it is liable to be eaten by worms, and lacks durability. For fuel, the shell-bark hickory stands unrivaled. The tree is ornamental and produces every alternate year an ample crop of the best of nuts. Shag-Bark Hickory — C. Inclata. — Is a magnificent tree, the wood of which is nearly as valuable as the above. The nuts are large, thick-shelled and coarse, not to be compared to the C alba. A rare tree in Wisconsin ; abundant further south. Pignut Hickory — C. Glabra. — This species possesses all the bad and but few of the good qualities of the shell-bark. The nuts are smaller and not so good. The tree should be pre served and cultivated in common with the shell-bark. Not abundant. Bitternut — C. Amara. — Is an abundant tree, valuable for fuel, but lacking the strength and ¦elasticity of the preceding species. It is, however, quite as ornamental as any of the hickories. Red Beech — Fagus Ferruginea. — This is a common tree, with brilliant, shining light-green leaves, and long, flexible branches. It is highly ornamental, and should be cultivated for this purpose, as well as for its useful wood, which, is tough, close-grained and compact. It is much used for plane-stocks, tool handles, etc., and as an article of fuel is nearly equal to maple. Water Beech — Carpinus Americana. — Is a small tree, called hornbeam by many. The Tvood is exceedingly hard and compact, but the small size of the tree renders it almost useless. Iron Wood — Ostrya Virginica. — This small tree is found disseminated throughout most of •our woodlands. It is, to a considerable degree, ornamental, but of remarkably slow growth. The wood possesses valuable properties, being heavy and strong, as the name would indicate ; yet, from its small size, it is of but little use. Balsam Poplar — Populus Candicans. — This tree is of medium size, and is known by sev eral names : Wild balm of Gilead, cottonwood, etc. It grows in moist, sandy soil, on river bot toms. It has broad, heart-shaped leaves, which turn a fine yellow after the autumn frosts. It grows more rapidly than any other of our trees ; can be transplanted with entire success when eight or nine inches in diameter, and makes a beatiful shade tree — the most ornamental of pop lars. The wood is soft, spongy, and nearly useless. 132 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN- Quaking Aspen — P. Tremuloides. — Is a well-known, small tree. It is rather ornamental,. but scarcely worth cultivating. Large Aspen — P Grandidentata. — Is the largest of our poplars. It frequently grows to the height of sixty or seventy feet, with a diameter of two and one-half feet. The wood is soft, easily split, and used for frame buildings. It is the most durable of our poplars. Cotton Wood — P. Monolifera. — This is the largest of all the poplars ; abundant on the Mississippi river. Used largely for fuel on the steamboats. The timber is of but little use in the arts. Sycamore or Buttonwood — Platanus Occidentalis. — This, the largest and most majestic of our trees, is found growing only on the rich alluvial river bottoms. The tree is readily known, even at a considerable distance, by its whitish smooth branches. The foliage is large and beautiful, and the tree one of the most ornamental known. The wood speedily decays, and when sawed into lumber warps badly; on these accounts it is but little used, although susceptible of a fine finish. As an article of fuel it is of inferior merit. Canoe Birch — Betula Papyracea. — Is a rather elegant and interesting tree. It grows abund antly in nearly every part of the state. The wood is of a fine glossy grain, susceptible of a good finish, but lacks durability and strength, and, therefore, is but little used in the mechanical arts. For fuel it is justly prized. It bears transplanting without difficulty. The Indians manufacture their celebrated bark canoes from the bark of this tree. Cherry Birch — B. Lenta. — This is a rather large, handsome tree, growing along streams. Leaves and bark fragrant. Wood, fine-grained, rose-colored ; used largely by the cabinet makers. Yellow Birch — B. Lutea. — This beautiful tree occasionally attains a large size. It is highly ornamental, and is of value for fuel; but is less prized than the preceding species for cab inet work. Kentucky Coffee T'R.'EE.—Gymnocladus Canadensis. — This singularly beautiful tree is only found sparingly, and on rich alluvial lands. I met with it growing near the Peccatonica, in Green county. The wood is fine-grained, and of a rosy hue ; is exceedingly durable, and well worth cultivating. June Berry — Amelanchier Canadensis. — Is a small tree which adds materially to the beauty of our woods in early spring, at which time it is in full bloom. The wood is of no particular value, and the tree interesting only when covered with its white blossoms. White Pine — Pinus Strolus. — This is the largest and most valuable of our indigenous pines. The wood is soft, free from resin, and works easily. It is extensively employed in the mechan ical arts. It is found in great profusion in the northern parts of the state. This species is readily known by the leaves being in fives. It is highly ornamental, but in common with all pines, will hardly bear transplanting. Only small plants should be moved. Norway or Red Pine — P. Resinosa, and Y,ellow Pine — P Mitis. — These are two large trees, but little inferior in size to the white pine. The wood contains more resin, and is conse quently more durable. The leaves of both these species are in twos. Vast quantities of lumber are yearly manufactured from these two varieties and the white pine. The extensive pineries of the state are rapidly diminishing. Shrub Pine — P. Banksiana. — Is a small, low tree ; only worthy of notice here for the orna mental shade it produces. It is found in the northern sections of the state. Balsam Fir — Abies Balsamea. — This beautiful evergreen is multiplied to a great extent on the shores of Lake Superior, where it grows forty or fifty feet in height. The wood is of but TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES. 133 little value The balsam of fir, or Canadian balsam, is obtained from this tree. Double Spruce — A. Nigra. — This grows in the same localities with the balsam fir, and assumes the same pyramidal form, but is considerably larger. The wood is light and possesses considerable strength and elasticity, which renders it one of the best materials for yard's and top masts for shipping. It is extensively cultivated for ornament. Hemlock — A. Canadensis. — The hemlock is the largest of the genus. It is gracefully orna mental, but the wood is of little value. The baik is extensively employed in tanning. Tamarack — Larix Americana. — This beautiful tree grows abundantly in swampy situations throughout the state. It is not quite an evergreen It drops its leaves in winter, but quickly recovers them in early spring. The wood is remarkably durable and valuable for a varietv of uses. The tree grows rapidly, and can be successfully cultivated in peaty situations, where other trees would not thrive. Arbor Vitje — Thuja Occidentalis. — This tree is called the white or flat cedar. It grows abundantly in many parts of the state. The wood is durable, furnishing better fence posts than any other tree, excepting the red cedar. Shingles and staves of a superior quality are obtained from these trees. A beautiful evergreen hedge is made from the young plants, which bear trans planting better than most evergreens. It will grow on most soils if sufficiently damp. Red Cedar — Juniperus Virginiana. — Is a well known tree that furnishes those celebrated fence posts that " last forever." The wood is highly fragrant, of a rich red color, and fine grained ; hence it is valuable for a variety of uses. It should be extensively cultivated. Dwarf Juniper— J. Sabina. — This is a low trailing shrub. Is conside-ably prized for ornament. Especially worthy of cultivation in large grounds. Sassafras — Sassafras officinale. — Is a small tree of fine appearance, with fragrant leaves bark. Grows in Kenosha county. Should be cultivated. Willows. — There are many species of willows growing in every part of the state, several of which are worthy of cultivation near streams and ponds. White Willow — Salix alba. — Is a fine tree, often reaching sixty feet in height. The wood is soft, and makes the best charcoal for the manufacture of gun-powder. Grows rapidly. Black Willow — £. Nigra. — This is also a fine tree, but not 'quite so large as the foregoing. It is used for similar purposes. There are many shrubs and vines indigenous to the state worthy of note. I shall, however, call attention to only a few of the best. Dogwoods. — There are several species found in our forests and thickets. All are ornamen tal when covered with a profusion of white blossoms. I would especially recommend : corus sericea, C. stolonifera, C. paniculata, and C. alternifolia. All these will repay the labor of trans planting to ornamental grounds. Viburnums. — These are very beautiful. We have viburnum lentago, V.prunifolium, V. nudum, V. dentatum, V. pubescens, V. acerifolium, V. pauciflorum, and V. opulus. The last is known as the cranberry tree, and is a most beautiful shrub when in bloom, and also when covered with its red, acid fruit. The common snow-ball tree is a cultivated variety of the V. opulus. Witch Hazel — Hamamelis Virginica. — Is an interesting, tall shrub that flowers late in autumn, when the leaves are falling, and matures the fruit the next summer. It deserves more attention than it receives. Burning Bush — Euonymus atropurpureus. — This fine shrub is called the American straw berry and is exceedingly beautiful when covered with its load of crimson fruit, which remains during winter. 134 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Svmach — Rhus typhina. — Is a tall shrub, 11 known, but seldom cultivated. When well grown it is ornamental and well adapted for planting in clumps. Hop Tree — Ptclea trifoliata. — This is a showy shrub with shining leaves, which should be cultivated. Common in rich, alluvial ground. Bladder Nut — Staphylea trifolia.—ls a fine, upright, showy shrub, found sparingly all over the state. Is ornamental, with greenish striped branches and showy leaves. Vines. Virginia Creeper— A mpelopsis quinquefolia. — This is a noble vine, climbing extensively by disc-bearing tendrils, so well known as to require no eulogy. Especially beautiful in its fall colors. Bitter Sweet — Celastrus scandens. — Is a stout twining vine, which would be an ornament to any grounds. In the fall and early winter it is noticeable for its bright fruit. Common. Yellow Honeysuckle — Lonicera flava. — Is a fine native vine, which is found climbing over tall shrubs and trees. Ornamental. There are several other species of honeysuckle; none, how ever, worthy of special mention. Frost Grape — Vitaz cordifolia. — This tall-growing vine has deliciously sweet blossoms, which perfume the air for a great distance around. For use as a screen, this hardy species will be found highly satisfactory. FAUNA OF WISCONSIN. By P. R. HOY, M.D. FISH AND FISH CULTURE. Fish are cold blooded aquatic vertebrates, having fins as organs of progression. They have a two-chambered heart; their bodies are mostly covered with scales, yet a few are entirely naked, like catfish and eels; others again are covered with curious plates, such as the sturgeon. Fish inhabit both salt and fresh water. It is admitted by all authority that fresh-water fish are more universally edible than those inhabiting the ocean. Marine fish are said to be more highly flavored than those inhabiting fresh waters ; an assertion I am by no means prepared to admit. As a rule, fish are better the colder and purer the water in which they are found, and where can you find those conditions more favorable than in the cold depth;, of our great lakes ? We have tasted, under the most favorable conditions, about every one ofthe celebrated salt-water fish, and can say that whoever eats a whitefish just taken from the pure, cold water of Lake Michigan will have no reason to be envious of the dwellers by the sea. Fish are inconceivably prolific ; a single female deposits at one spawn from one thousand to one million eggs, varying according to species. Fish afford a valuable article of food for man, being highly nutritious and easy of digestion ; they abound in phosphates, hence are valuable as affording nutrition to the osseous and nervous sys tem, hence they have been termed, not inappropriately, brain food — certainly a very desirable article of diet for some people. They are more savory, nutritious and easy of digestion when just taken from the water ; in fact, the sooner they are cooked after being caught the better. No fish should be more than a few hours from its watery element before being placed upon the table. For con venience, I will group our fish into families as a basis for what I shall offer. Our bony fish, FAUNA OF WISCONSIN. 135 having spine rays and covered with comb-like scales, belong to the perch family — a valuable family ; all take the hook, are gamey, and spawn in the summer. The yellow perch and at least four species of black or striped bass have a wide range, being found in all the rivers and lakes in the state. There is a large species of fish known as Wall eyed pike (Zeucoperca americand) belonging to this family, which is found sparingly in most of our rivers and lakes. The pike is an active and most rapacious animal, devouring fish of consider able size. The flesh is firm and of good flavor. It would probably be economical to propagate it to a moderate extent. The six-spined bass (Pomoxys hexacanthus, Agas.) is one of the most desirable of the spine- rayed fish found in the State. The flesh is fine flavored, and as the fish is hardy and takes the hook with avidity, it should be protected during the spawning season and artificially propagated. I have examined the stomachs of a large number of these fish and in every instance found small crawfish, furnishing an additional evidence in its favor. Prof. J. P. Kirtland, the veteran ichthy ologist of Ohio, says that this so-callea " grass bass" is the fish for the million. The white bass (Roccus chrysops) is a species rather rare even in the larger bodies of water, but ought to be introduced into every small lake in the State, where I am certain they would flourish. It is an excellent fish, possessing many of the good qualities and as few of the bad as any that belong to the family. There is another branch of this family, the sunfish, Pomolis, which numbers at least six species found in Wisconsin. They are beautiful fish, and afford abundant sport for the boys ; none of them, however, are worth domesticating (unless it be in the aquarium) as there are so many better. The carp family (Cyprinidce) are soft finned fish without maxillary teeth. They include by far the greater number of fresh-water fish. Some specimens are not more than one inch, while others are nearly two feet in length. Our chubs, silversides and suckers are the principal mem bers of this family. Dace are good pan-fish, yet their small size is objectionable; they are the children's game fish. The Cyprinidce all spawn in the spring, and might be profitably propa gated as food for the larger and more valuable fish. There are six or seven species of suckers found in our lakes and rivers. The red horse, found every where, and at least one species of the buffalo, inhabiting the Mississippi and its trib utaries, are the best of the genus Cataslomus. Suckers are bony, and apt to taste suspiciously of mud ; they are only to be tolerated in the absence of better. The carp (Cyprenius carpd) has been successfully introduced into the Hudsonriver. The trout family (Salmonidce) are soft-finned fish with an extra dorsal adipose fin without rays. They inhabit northern countries, spawning in the latter part of fall and winter. Their flesh is universally esteemed. The trout family embrace by far the most valuable of our fish, including, as it does, trout and whitefish. The famous speckled trout (Salmo fontinalii) is a small and beautiful species which is found in nearly every stream in the northern half of the State. Wherever there is a spring run or lake, the temperature of which does not rise higher than sixty-five or seventy in the summer, there trout can be propagated in abundance. The great salmon trout (Sal. amethystus) of the great lakes is a magnificent fish weighing from ten to sixty pounds. The Siscowit salmo siscowit of Lake Superior is about the same size, but not quite so good a fish, being too fat and oily. They will, no doubt, flourish in the larger of the inland lakes. The genus Coregonus includes the true whitefish, or lake shad. In this genus, as now restricted, the nose is square and the under jaw short, and when first caught they have the fragrance of fresh cucumbers. There are at least three species found in Lake Michigan. In my 136 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. opinion these fish are more delicately flavored than the celebrated Potomac shad ; but I doubt whether they will thrive in the small lakes, owing to the absence of the small Crustacea on which they subsist. The closely allied genus Argyrosomus includes seven known species inhabiting the larger lakes, and one, the Argyrosomus sisco, which is found in several of the lesser lakes. The larger species are but little inferior to the true whitefish, with which they are commonly confounded. The nose is pointed, the under jaw long, and they take the hook at certain seasons with activity. They eat small fish as well as insects and crustaceans. Of the pickerel family, we have three or four closely allied species of the genus Esox, armed with prodigious jaws filled with cruel teeth. They lie motionles eady to dart, swift as an arrow, upon their prey. They are the sharks of the fresh water. The pickerel are so rapacious that they spare not their own species. Sometimes they attempt to swallow a fish nearly as large a.s themselves, and perish in consequence. Their flesh is moderately good, and as they are game to the backbone, it might be desirable to propagate them to a moderate extent under peculiar circumstances. The catfish {Siluridce) have soft fins, protected by sharp spines, and curious fleshy barbels floating from their lips, without scales, covered only with a slimy coat of mucus. The genus Pimlodus are scavengers among fish, as vultures among birds. They are filthy in habit and food. There is one interesting trait of the catfish — the vigilant and watchful motherly care of the young by the male. He defends them with great spirit, and herds them together when they straggle. Even the mother is driven far off; for he knows full well that she would not scruple to make a full meal off her little black tadpole-like progeny. There are four species known to inhabit this State — one peculiar to the great lakes, and two found in the numerous affluents of the Mississippi. One of these, the great yellow catfish, sometimes weighs over one hundred pounds. When in good condition, stuffed and well baked, they are a fair table fish. The small bull-head is universally distributed. The sturgeons are large sluggish fish, covered with plates instead of scales. There are at least three species of the genus Acipenser found in the waters of Wisconsin. Being so large and without bones, they afford a sufficiently cheap article of food ; unfortunately, however, the quality is decidedly bad. Sturgeons deposit an enormous quantity of eggs ; the roe not unfrequently weighs one fourth as much as the entire body, and numbers, it is said, many millions. The principal commercial value of sturgeons is found in the roe and swimming bladder. The much prized caviare is manufactured from the former, and from the latter the best of isinglass is obtained. The gar-pikes (Lepidosteus) are represented by at least three species of this singular fish. They have long serpentine bodies, with jaws prolonged into a regular bill, which is well provided with teeth. The scales are composed of bone covered on the outside with' enamel, like teeth. The alligator gar, confined to the depths of the Mississippi, is a large fish, and the more common species, Lepidosteus bison, attains to a considerable size. The Lepidosteous, now only found in North America, once had representatives all over the globe. Fossils of the same family of which the gar-pike is the type, have been found all over Europe, in the oldest fossiliferous beds, in the strata of the age of coal, in the new red sandstone, in oolitic deposits, and in the chalk and tertiary formations — being one of the many living evidences that North America was the first country above the water. For all practical purposes, we should not regret to have the gar-pikes follow in the footsteps of their aged and illustrious predecessors. They could well be spared. There is a fish (Lota maculose) which belongs to the cod-fish family, called by the fishermen the "lawyers,'' for what reason I am not able to say — at any rate, the fish is worthless. There are a great number of small fish, interesting only to the naturalist, which I shall omit to men- FAUNA OF WISCONSIN. 137 tion here. Fish of the northern countries are the most valuable, for the reason that the water is colder and purer. Wisconsin, situated between forty-two thirty, and forty-seven degrees of latitude, bounded on the east and north by the largest lakes in the world, on the west by the "Great river," traversed by numerous fine and rapid streams, and sprinkled all over with beautiful and pictu resque lakes, has physical conditions certainly the most favorable, perhaps of any State, for an abundant and never-failing supply of the best fish. Few persons have any idea of the importance of the fisheries of Lake Michigan. It is difficult to collect adequate data to form a correct knowledge of the capital invested and the amount of fish taken ; enough, however, has been ascertained to enable me to state that at Milwaukee alone $100,000 are invested, and not less than two hundred and eighty tons of dressed fish taken annually. At Racine, during the entire season of nine months, there are, on an average, one thousand pounds of whitefish and trout, ¦each, caught and sold daily, amounting to not less than $16,000. It is well known that, since the adoption of the gill-net system, the fishermen are enabled to pursue their calling ten months of the year. When the fish retire to the deep water, they are followed with miles of nets, and the poor fish are entangled on every side. There is a marked falling off in the number and size of white- fish and trout taken, when compared with early years. When fish were only captured with' seines, they had abundant chance to escape and multiply so as to keep an even balance in number. Only by artificial propagation- and well enforced laws protecting them during the spawning season, can we hope now to restore the balance. In order to give some idea of the valuable labors of the state fish commissioners, I will state briefly that they have purchased for the state a piece of property, situated three miles from Madison, known as the Nine Springs, including forty acres of land, on which they have erected a dwelling-house, barn and hatchery, also constructed several ponds, in which can be seen many valuable fish in the enjoyment of perfect health and vigor. As equipped, it is, undoubtedly, one of the best, if not the best, hatchery in the states. In this permanent establishment the commission design to hatch and distribute to the small lakes and rivers of the interior the most valuable of our indigenous fish, such as bass, pike, trout, etc., etc., as well as many valuable foreign varieties. During the past season, many fish have been distributed from this state hatchery. At the Milwaukee Water Works, the commission have equipped a hatchery on a large scale, using the water as pumped directly from the lake. During the past season there was a prodigious multitude of young trout and whitefish ¦distributed from this point. The success of Superintendent Welcher in hatching whitefish at Milwaukee has been the best yet gained, nearly ninety per cent, ofthe eggs "laid down" being hatched. Pisciculturists will appreciate this wonderful success, as they well know how difficult it is to manage the spawn of the whitefish. I append the following statistics of the number of fish hatched and distributed from the Milwaukee hatchery : Total number of fish hatched, 8,000,000 — whitefish, 6,300,000; salmon trout, 1,700,000. They were distributed as follows, in the month of May, 1877 : Whitefish planted in Lake Michigan, at Racine, 1,000,000; at Milwaukee, 3,260,000; between Manitowoc and Two Rivers 1,000,000; in Green bay, 1,000,000; in Elkhart lake, 40,000. Salmon trout were turned out as follows : Lake Michigan, near Milwaukee, 600,000 ; Brown's lake, Racine county, 40,000 ; Delavan lake, Walworth county, 40,000 ; Troy lake, Wal worth county, 40,000-; Pleasant lake, Walworth county, 40,000 ; Lansdale lake, Walworth county, 40,000; Ella lake, Milwaukee county, 16,000; Cedar lake, Washington county, 40,000; Elkhart lake, Sheboygan county, 40,000 ; Clear lake, Rock county, 40,000 ; Ripley lake, 138 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Jefferson county, 40,000 ; Mendota lake, Dane county, 100,000 ; Fox lake, Dodge county,, 40,000 ; Swan and Silver lakes, Columbia county, 40,000 ; Little Green lake, Green Lake county, 40,000; Big Green lake, Green Lake county, 100,000; Bass lake, St. Croix county, 40,000 ; Twin lakes, St. Croix county, 40,000 ; Long lake, Chippewa county, 40,000; Oconomo- woe lake, Waukesha county, 100,000; Pine lake, Waukesha county, 40,000; Pewaukee lake, Waukesha county, ico,ooo; North lake, Waukesha county, 40,000 ; Nagawicka lake, Waukesha. county, 40,000; Okanche lake, Waukesha county, 40,000. LARGE ANIMALS.— TIME OF THEIR DISAPPEARANCE. Fifty years ago, the territory now included in the state of Wisconsin, was nearly in a state- of nature, all the large wild animals were then abundant. Now, all has changed. The ax and plow, gun and dog, railway and telegraph, have metamorphosed the face of nature. Most of the large quadrupeds have been either exterminated, or have hid themselves away in the wilder ness. In a short time, all of these will have disappeared from the state. The date and order in which animals become extinct within the boundaries of the state, is a subject of great interest. There was a time when the antelope, the woodland caribou, the buffalo, and the wild turkey,. were abundant, but are now no longer to be found. The Antelope, Antilocarpa Americana, now confined to the Western plains, did, two hun dred years ago, inhabit Wisconsin as far east as Michigan. In October, 1679, Father Hennepin,. with La Salle and party, in four canoes, coasted along the Western shore of Lake Michigan. In Hennepin's narrative, he says; " The oldest of them " (the Indians) " came to us the next morn ing with their calumet of peace, and brought some wild goals." This was somewhere north of Milwaukee. "Being in sore distress, we saw upon the coast a great many ravens and eagles " (turkey vultures), " from whence we conjectured there was some prey, and having landed upon that place, we found above the half of a fat wild goat, which the wolves had strangled. This provision was very acceptable to us, and the rudest of our men could not but praise the Divine Providence which took so particular care of us." This must have been somewhere near Racine.. "On the 1 6th" (October, 1679), " we met with abundance of game. A savage we had with us, killed several stags (deer) and wild goats, and our men a great many turkeys, very fat and big."' This must have been south of Racine. These goats were undoubtedly antelopes. Schoolcraft mentions antelopes as occupying the Northwest territory. When the last buffalo crossed the Mississippi is not precisely known. It is certain they lingered in Wisconsin in 1825. It is said there was a buffalo shot on the St. Croix river as late as 1832, so Wisconsin claims the last buffalo. The woodland caribou — Rangifer caribou — were never numerous within the limits of the state. A few were seen not far from La Pointe in C045, The last wild turkey in the eastern portion of the state, was in 1846. On the Mississippi, one was killed in 1856. I am told by Dr. Walcott, that turkeys were abundant in Wisconsin previews to the hard winter of 1842-3, when snow was yet two feet deep in March, with a stout crust, so. that the turkeys could not get to the ground. They became so poor and weak, that they could not fly, and thus became an easy prey to the wolves, foxes, wild cats, minks, etc., which exter minated almost the entire race. The Doctor says he saw but one single individual the next winter. Elk were on Hay river in 1863, and I have little doubt a few yet remain. Moose are not numerous, a few yet remain in the northwestern part of the state. I saw moose tracks on the Montreal river, near Lake Superior, in the summer of 1845. A few panthers may still inhabit the wilderness of Wisconsin. Benjamin Bones, of Racine, shot one on the headwaters of FAUNA OF WISCONSIN. 139, Black river, December, 1863. Badgers are now nearly gone, and in a few years more, the only badgers found within the state, will be two legged ones. Beavers are yet numerous in the small lakes in the northern regions. Wolverines are occasionally met with in the northern forests. Bears, wolves, and deer, will continue to flourish in the northern and central counties, where underbrush, timber, and small lakes abound. All large animals will soon be driven by civilization out of Wisconsin. The railroad and improved firearms will do the work, and thus we lose the primitive denizens of the forest and prairies. PECULIARITIES OF THE BIRD FAUNA. The facts recorded in this paper, were obtained by personal observations within fifteen miles of Racine, Wisconsin, latitude 420 46' north, longitude 87" 48' west. This city is situated on the western shore of Lake Michigan, at the extreme southern point of the heavy lumbered district, the base of which rests on Lake Superior. Racine extends six miles further into the lake than Milwaukee, and two miles further than Kenosha. At this point the great prairie approaches near the lake from the west. The extreme rise of the mercury in summer, is from 900 to ioou Fahrenheit. The isothermal line comes further north in summer, and retires further- south in winter than it does east of the great lakes, which physical condition will sufficiently explain the remarkable peculiarities of its animal life, the overlapping, as it were, of two distinct faunas. More especially is this true of birds, that are enabled to change their locality with the greatest facility. Within the past thirty years, I have collected and observed over three hundred species of birds, nearly half of all birds found in North America. Many species, considered rare in other sections, are found here in the greatest abundance. A striking peculiarity of the ornithological fauna of this section, is that southern birds go farther north in summer, while northern species go farther south in winter than they do east of the lakes. Of summer birds. that visit us, I will ennumerate a few of the many that belong to a more southern latitude in the Atlantic States. Nearly all nest with us, or, at least, did some years ago. Yellow-breasted chat, Lcteria virdis j mocking bird, Mimus pollyglottus ; great Carolina wren, Thriothorus ludovicianus ; prothonotary warbler, Protonotaria citreaj summer red bird, Pyrangia tzs-tiva; wood ibis, Tantalus loeulator. Among Arctic birds that visit us in winter are : Snowy owl, Nyctea nivea; great gray owl, Syrnium cinerusj hawk owl, Surnia ulula; Arctic three-toed woodpecker, Picoides arclicus; banded three-toed woodpecker, Picoides hirsutus; mag pie, Pica hudsonica; Canada jay, Perisorius canadensis; evening grosbeak, Hesperiphona vesper- tina; Hudson titmouse, Parus hudsonicus; king eder, Somateria spectabilis; black-throated diver, Colymbus arcticus; glaucus gull, Laurus glaucus. These examples are sufficient to indicate the rich avi fauna of Wisconsin. It is doubtful if there is another locality where the Canada jay and its associates visit in winter where the mock ing bird nests in summer, or where the hawk owl flies silently over the spot occupied during the warmer days by the summer red bird and the yellow-breasted chat. But the ax has already leveled much of the great woods, so that there is now a great falling off in numbers of our old familiar feathered friends. It is now extremely doubtful if such a collection can ever again be madf within the boundaries of this state, or indeed, of any other. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. By Prof. EDWARD SEARING, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. From the time of the earliest advent of the families of French traders into the region now known as Wisconsin, to the year 1818, when that region became part of Michigan territory, education was mostly confined to private instruction, or was sought by the children of the wealthier in the distant cities of Quebec, Montreal, and Detroit. The early Jesuit missionaries, and — subsequently to 1816, when it came under the military control of the United States — representatives of various other religious denominations, sought to teach the Indian tribes of this section. In 1823, Rev. Eleazar Williams, well known for his subsequent claim to be the Dauphin of France, and who was in the employ of the Episcopal Missionary Society, started a school of white and half-breed children on the west side of Fox river, opposite " Shanty-Town." A Catholic mission school for Indians was organized by an Italian priest near Green Bay, in 1830. A clause of the treaty with the Winnebago Indians, in 1832, bound the United States to maintain a school for their children near Prairie du Chien for a period of twenty-seven years. The Original School Code, From 1818 to 1836, Wisconsin formed part of Michigan territory. In the year 1837, Michi gan was admitted into the Union as a state, and Wisconsin, embracing what is now Minnesota, Iowa, and a considerable region still further westward, was, by act of congress approved April 20th of the year previous, established as a separate territory. The act provided that the existing laws of the territory of Michigan should be extended over the new territory so far as compatible with the provisions of the act, subject to alteration or repeal by the new government created. Thus with the other statutes, the school code of Michigan became the original code of Wiscon sin, and it was soon formally adopted, with almost no change, by the first territorial legislature, Which met at Belmont. Although modified in some of its provisions almost every year, this imperfect code continued in force until the adoption of the state constitution in 1848. The first material changes in the code were made by the territorial legislature at its second session, in 1837, by the passage of a bill " to regulate the sale of school lands, and to provide for organ izing, regulating, and perfecting common schools." It was provided in this act that as soon as twenty electors should reside in a surveyed township, they should elect a board of three com missioners, holding office'three years, to lay off districts, to apply the proceeds of the leases of school lands to the payment of teachers' wages, and to call school meetings. It was also pro vided that each district should elect a board of three directors, holding office one year, to locate School-houses, hire teachers for at least three months in the year, and levy taxes for the support of schools. It was further provided that a third board of five inspectors should be elected annually in each town to examine and license teachers and inspect the schools. Two years subsequently (1839) the law was revised and the family, instead of the electors, was made the basis of the town organization. Every town with not less than ten families was made a school district and required to provide a competent teacher. More populous towns were divided into two or more districts. The office of town commissioner was abolished, its duties with certain others being transferred to the inspectors. The rate-bill system of taxation, previously in existence, was repealed, and a tax on the whole county for building school-houses and support- EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 141 ing schools was provided for. One or two years later the office of town commissioners was restored, and the duties of the inspectors were assigned to the same. Other somewhat important -amendments were made at the same time, In 1840, a memorial to congress from the legislature represented that the people were anxious to establish a common-school system, with suitable resources for its support. From lack of sufficient funds many of the schools were poorly organized. The rate-bill tax or private subscription was often necessary to supplement the scanty results of county taxation. Until a state government should be organized, the fund accruing from the sale of school lands could not be available. Congress had made to Wisconsin, as to other new states, for educational purposes, -a donation of lands. These lands embraced the sixteenth section in every township in the state, the 500,000 acres to which the state was entitled by the provisions of an act of congress passed in 1841, and any grant of lands from the United States, the purposes of which were not speci fied. To obtain the benefits of this large fund was a leading object in forming the state con stitution. Agitation for Free Schools. Shortly before the admission of the state the subject of free schools began to be quite widely discussed. In February, 1845, Col. M. Frank, of Kenosha, a member of the territorial legislature, introduced a bill, which became a law, authorizing the legal voters of his own town to vote taxes on all the assessed property for the. full support of its schools. A provision of the act required its submission to the people of the town before it could take effect. It met with strenuous opposition, but after many public meetings and lectures held in the interests of public enlightenment, the act was ratified by a small majority in the fall of 1845, and thus the first free school in the state was legally organized. Subsequently, in the legislature, in the two constitutional con ventions, and in educational assemblies, the question of a free-school system for the new state soon to be organized provoked much interest and discussion. In the constitution framed by the convention of 1846, was provided the basis of a free-school system similar to that in our present constitution. The question of establishing the office of state superintendent, more than any other feature of the proposed school system, elicited discussion in that body. The necessity of this office, and the advantages of free schools supported by taxation, were ably presented to the convention by Hon. Henry Barnard, of Connecticut, in an evening address. He afterward pre pared, by request, a draft of a free-school system, with a state superintendent at its head, which was accepted and subsequently embodied in the constitution and the school law. In the second ¦constitutional convention, in 1848, the same questions again received careful attention, and the article on education previously prepared, was, after a few changes, brought into the shape in which we now find it. Immediately after the ratification by the people, of the constitution pre pared by the second convention, three commissioners were appointed to revise the statutes. To one of these,. Col. Frank, the needed revision of the school laws was assigned. The work was acceptably performed, and the new school code of 1849, largely the same as the present one, went into operation May first of that year. The School System under the State Government. In the state constitution was laid the broad foundation of our present school system. The four corner stones were: (1) The guaranteed freedom of the schools; (2) the school fund created; (3) the system of supervision; (4) a state university for higher instruction. The school fund has five distinct sources for its creation indicated in the constitution: (1) Proceeds from the sale of lands granted to the state by the United States for educational purposes ; (2) 142 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. all moneys accruing from forfeiture or escheat; (3) all fines collected in the several counties for breach of the penal laws ; (4) all moneys paid for exemption from military duty ; (5) five per cent. of the sale of government lands within the state. In addition to these constitutional sources of the school fund, another and sixth source was open from 1856 to 1870. By an act of the state legislature in the former year, three-fourths of the net proceeds of the sales of the swamp and overflowed lands, granted to the state by congress, Sept. 28, 1850, were added to the common- school fund, the other fourth going into a fund for drainage, under certain circumstances ; but if not paid over to any town for that purpose within two years, to become a part of the school fund. The following year one of these fourths was converted into the normal-school fund, leaving one-half for the common-school fund. In 1858, another fourth was given to the drainage fund, thus providing for the latter one-half the income from the sales, and leaving for the school fund, until the year 1865, only the remaining one-fourth. In the latter year this was transferred, to the normal-school fund, with the provision, however, that one-fourth of the income of this. fund should be transferred to the common-school fund until the annual income of the latter fund should reach $200,000. In 1870 this provision was repealed, and the whole income of the normal fund left applicable to the support of normal schools and teachers' institutes. At the first session of the state legislature in 1848, several acts were passed which carried out in some degree the educational provisions of the constitution. A law was enacted to pro vide for the election, and to define the duties, of a state superintendent of public instruction. A district board was created, consisting of a moderator, director, and treasurer; the office of town superintendent was established, and provision was made for the creation of town libraries, and for the distribution of the school fund. The present school code of Wisconsin is substantially that passed by the legislature of 1848, and which went into operation May 1, 1849. The most important change since made was the abolition of the office of town superintendent, and the- substitution therefor of the county superintendency. This change took effect January 1, 1862. The School-Fund Income. The first annual report of the state superintendent, for the year 1849, gives the income of the school fund for that year as $588, or eight and three-tenth mills per child. Milwaukee county received the largest amount, $69.63, and St. Croix county the smallest, twenty-four cents. The average in the state was forty-seven cents per district. The following table will show at a. glance the quinquennial increase in the income of the fund, the corresponding increase in the number of school children, and the apportionment per child, from 1849 to 1875, inclusive ; also, the last apportionment, that for 1877. The rate for three years past has been 41 cents per child : Year. NO. CHILDREN OF SCHOOL-AGE. INCOME OF SCHOOL FUND RATE PER CHILD. Year. NO. CHILDREN OF SCHOOL-AGE. INCOME OF SCHOOL FUND RATE PER CHILD. 1849--1850..1855--1860.. 70,45792,105 186,085 288,984 $588 OO 47,716 OO 125,906 02 184,949 76 $0.0083 .518 .67.64 1865-- 1870.-I875-- 1877-- 335.582 412,481450,304470,783 151,816 34 159,271 38 184,624 64 193,021 03 .46 .40• 41 .41 The amount of productive school fund reported September 30, 1877, was $2,596,361.07. The portion ofthe fund not invested at that date, was $74,195.22. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 143 The State University. In his message to the first territorial legislature, in 1836, Governor Dodge recommended asking from congress aid for the establishment of a state educational institution, to be governed by the legislature. This was the first official action looking to the establishment of a state university. The same legislature passed an act to establish and locate the Wisconsin univer sity at Belmont, in the county of Iowa. At its second session, the following year, the legislature passed an act, which was approved January 19, 1838, establishing " at or near Madison, the seat •of government, a university for the purpose of educating youth, the name whereof shall be ' The University of the Territory of Wisconsin. " A resolution was passed at the same session, direct ing the territorial delegate in congress to ask of that body an appropriation of $20,000 for the erection of the buildings ot said university, and also to appropriate two townships of vacant land for its endowment. Congress accordingly appropriated, in 1838, seventy-two sections, or two townships, for the support of a " seminary of learning in the territory of Wisconsin," and this was afterward confirmed to the state for the use of the university. No effectual provision, how ever, was made for the establishment of the university until ten years later, when the state was organized. Congress, as has been said, had made a donation of lands to the territory for the support of such an institution, but these lands could not be made available for that purpose until the territory should become a state. The state constitution, adopted in 1848, declared that pro vision should be made for the establishment of a state university, and that the proceeds of all lands donated by the United States to the state for the support of a university should remain a perpetual fund, the interest of which should be appropriated to its support' The state legislature, at its first session, passed an act, approved July 26, 1848, establishing the University of Wisconsin, defining its location, its government, and its various departments, and authorizing the regents to purchase a suitable site for the buildings, and to proceed to the •erection of the same, after having obtained from the legislature the approval of plans. This act repealed the previous act of 1838. The regents were soon after appointed, and their first annual report was presented to the legislature, January 30, 1849. This report announced the selection of a site, subject to the approval of the legislature, announced the organization of a preparatory ¦department, and the election of a chancellor or president. The university was thus organized, with John H. Lathrop, president of the University of Missouri, as its first chancellor, and John W. Sterling as principal of the preparatory department, which was opened February 5, 1849. Chancellor Lathrop was not formally inaugurated until January 16, 1850. Owing to the short-sighted policy of the state in locating without due care, and in apprais ing and selling so low the lands of the original grant, the fund produced was entirely inadequate to the support of the institution. Congress, therefore, made, in 1854, an additional grant of seventy-two sections of land for its use. These, however, were located and sold in the same inconsiderate and unfortunate manner, for so low a price as to be a means of inducing immigra tion, indeed, but not of producing a fund adequate for the support of a successful state univer sity. Of the 92,160 acres comprised in the two grants, there had been sold prior to September 30, 1866, 74,178 acres for the sum of $264,570.13, or at an average price of but little more than $3.50 per acre.* Besides this, the state had allowed the university to anticipate its income to the extent of over $100,000 for the erection of buildings. By a law of 1862 the sum of $104,339.43 was taken from its fund (already too small) to pay for these buildings. The resulting embar rassment made necessary the re-organization of 1866, which added to the slender resources of the institution the agricultural college fund, arising from the sale of lands donated to the state by the congressional act of 1862. 144 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The first university building erected was the north dormitory, which was completed in 1851. This is no feet in length by 40 in breadth, and four stories in height. The south dormitory, of the same size, was completed in 1855. The main central edifice, known as University Hall, was. finished in 1859. The Ladies' College was completed in 1872. This latter was built with an appropriation of $50,000, made by the legislature in 1870 — the first actual donation the univer sity had ever received from the state. The legislature of 1875 appropriated $80,000 for the erection of Science Hall, a building to be devoted to instruction in the physical sciences. This. was completed and ready for occupancy at the opening of the fall term of 1877. The growth of this institution during the past fourteen years, and especially since its re organization in 1866, has been rapid and substantial. Its productive fund on the 30th day of September, 1877, aside from the agricultural college fund, was $223,240 32. The combined uni versity and agricultural funds amounted, at the same date, to $464,032 22. An act of the legis- ?Compare the price obtained for the lands ofthe University of Michigan. The first sale of those, lands averagedi $22.85 per acre, and brought in a single year (1837) $150,447.90. Sales were made in succeeding years at $15, $17. and $19 per acre. lature in 1867 appropriated to the university income for that year, and annually for the next ten years, the sum of $7,303.76, being the interest upon the sum taken from the university fund by the law of 1862 for the erection of buildings, as before mentioned. Chapter 100 of the general laws of 1872 also provided for an annual state tax of $10,000 to increase the income of the uni versity. Chapter 119 of the laws of 1876 provides for an annual state tax of one-tenth of one mill on the taxable property of the state for the increase of the university fund income, this tax. to be "in lieu of all other appropriations before provided for the benefit of said fund income," and to be " deemed a full compensation for all deficiencies in said income arising from the dis position of the lands donated to the state by congress, in trust, for the benefit of said income." The entire income of the university from all sources, including this tax (which was $42,359.62),, was, for the year ending September 30, 1877, $89,879.89. The university has a faculty of over thirty professors and instructors, and during the past year — 1876-7 — it had in its various depart ments 316 students. The law department, organized in 1868, has since been in successful oper ation. Ladies are admitted into all the departments and classes of the university. Agricultural College. The agricultural college fund, granted to the state by the congressional act of 1862, was by a subsequent legislative enactment (1866) applied to the support,' not of a separate agricultural. college, but of a department of agriculture in the existing university, thus rendering it unneces sary for the state to erect separate buildings elsewhere. Under the provisions of chapter 1 14,, laws of 1866, the county of Dane issued to the state, for the purpose of purchasing an experi mental farm, bonds to the amount of $40,000. A farm of about 200 acres, adjoining the univer sity grounds, was purchased, and a four years' course of study provided, designed to be thorough and extensive in the branches that relate to agriculture, in connection with its practical application. upon the experimental farm. The productive agricultural college fund has increased from $8,061.85, ln 1866, to $240,791.90,. in 1877. Normal Schools. The propriety of making some special provision for the instruction of teachers was. acknowledged in the very organization of the state, a provision for normal schools having been embodied in the constitution itself, which ordains that after the support and n.aintenance ofthe EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 145 common schools is insured, the residue ofthe school fund shall be appropriated to academies and normal schools. The state legislature, in its first session in 1848, in the act establishing the Uni versity of Wisconsin, declared that one of the four departments thereof should be a department of the theory and practice of elementary instruction. The first institution ever chartered in the state as a normal school was incorporated by the legislature at its second session — 1849 — under the title of the " Jefferson County Normal School." This, however, was never organized. The regents, when organizing the university, at their meeting in 1849, ordained the estab-t lishment of a normal professorship, and declared that in organizing the normal department it was their fixed intention " to make the University of Wisconsin subsidiary to the great cause of popular education, by making it, through i.s normal department, the nursery of the educators of the popular mind, and the central point of union and harmony to the educational interests of the commonwealth." They declared that instruction in the normal department should be free to all suitable candidates. Little was accomplished, however, in this direction during the next ten years. In 1857 an act was passed by the legislature appropriating twenty-five per cent, of the income of the swamp-land fund " to normal institutes and academies under the supervision and direction of a board of regents of normal schools," who were to be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the act. Distribution of this income was made to such colleges, acade mies, and high schools as maintained a norma-l class, in proportion to the number of pupils pass ing a successful examination conducted by an agent ofthe board. In 1859, Dr. Henry Barnard, who had become chancellor of the university, was made agent of the normal regents. He inaugurated a system of teachers' institutes, and gave fresh vigor to the normal work throughout the state'. Resigning, however, on account of ill-health, within two years, Professor Chas. H, Allen, who had. been conducting institutes under his direction, succeeded him as agent ofthe normal regents, and was elected principal of the normal department of the university, entering upon his work as the latter in March, 1864. He managed the department with signal ability and success, but at the end of one or two years resigned. Meantime the educational sentiment of the state had manifested itself for the establishment of separate normal schools. In 1865, the legislature passed an act repealing that of two years before, and providing instead that one-half of the swamp-land fund should be set apart as a normal-school fund, the income of which should be applied to establishing and supporting normal schools under the direction and management of the board of normal regents, with a proviso, however, that one- fourth of such income should be annually transferred to the common-school fund income, until the latter should amount annually to $200,000. This proviso was repealed by the legislature of 1870, and the entire income of one-half the swamp-land fund has since been devoted to normal- school purposes. During the same year proposals were invited for aid in the establishment of a normal school, in money, land, or buildings, and propositions from various places were received and considered. In 1866, the board of regents was incorporated by the legislature. In the same year Platteville was conditionally selected as the site of a school, and as there was already a productive fund of about $600,000, with an income of over $30,000, and a prospect of a steady increase as the lands were sold, the board decided upon the policy of establishing several schools, located in different parts of the state. In pursuance of this policy, there have already been completed, and are now in very successful operation, the Platteville Normal School, opened October 9, 1866; the Whitewater Normal School, opened April 21, 1868 ; the Oshkosh Normal School, opened September 19, 1871, and the River Falls Normal School, opened September 2, 1875. Each assembly district in the state is entitled to eight representatives in the normal schools. These are nominated by county and city superintendents. Tuition is free to all normal students. There are in the normal schools two courses of study — an 146 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. elementary course of two years, and an advanced course of four years. The student completing the former, receives a certificate ; the one completing the latter, a diploma. The certificate, when the holder has successfully taught one year after graduation, may be countersigned by the sup erintendent of public instruction, when it becomes equivalent to a five-years' state certificate, The diploma, when thus countersigned, after a like interval, is equivalent to n permanent state ¦certificate. It is believed that the normal-school system of Wisconsin rests upon a broader and more secure basis than the corresponding system of any other state. That basis is an independent and permanent fund, which has already reached a million dollars. The precise amount of this securely invested and productive fund, September 30, 1877, was $985,681.84, and the sum of -$45>°56.84 remained uninvested. Teachers' Institutes. In addition to the work of the normal schools, the board of regents is authorized to expend $5,000 annually to defray the expenses of teachers' institutes. A law of 1871, amended in 1876, provides for normal institutes, which shall be held for not less than two consecutive weeks, and appropriates from the state treasury a sum not exceeding $2,000 per annum for their support. There were held in the state, in 1876, sixty-five institutes, varying in length from one to four Weeks. The total number of persons enrolled as attendants was 4,660 Graded Schools. Including those in the cities, the graded schools of the state number about four nundred. The annual report of the state superintendent for 1876 gives the number with two departments as one hundred and eighty-three, and the number with three or more as one hundred and eighty-nine. A law of March, 1872, provided that "all graduates of any graded school of the state, who shall have passed an examination at such graded school satisfactory to the faculty of the univer sity for admission into the sub-freshman class and college classes of the university, shall be at once and at all times entitled to free tuition in all the colleges of the university." A consider able number of graduates of graded schools entered the university under this law during the next four years, but it being deemed an unwise discrimination in favor of this class of students, in 1876, in the same act which provided for the tax of one tenth of one mill, the legislature pro vided that from and after the 4th of July of that year no student, except students in law and those taking extra studies, should be required to pay any fees for tuition. Few graded schools of the state are able as yet to fully prepare students for entrance into the regular classes of the classical department of the university. The larger number prepared by them still enter the scientific department or the sub-freshman class. The Township System. In 1869 the legislature passed a law authorizing towns to adopt by vote the " township sys tem of school government." Under this system each town becomes one school district, and the several school districts already existing become sub-districts. Each sub-district elects a clerk, and these clerks constitute a body corporate under the name of the " board of school directors," and are invested with the title and custody of all school houses, school-house sites, and other prop erty belonging to the sub-districts, with power to control them for the best interests of the schools of the town. The law provides for an executive committee to execute the orders of the EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 147 board, employ teachers, etc., and for a secretary to record proceedings of the board, have imme diate charge and supervision of the schools, and perform other specified duties. But few towns ha\e as yet made trial of this system, although it is in successful operation in Pensylvania, Mas sachusetts, and some other states, and where fully and fairly tried in our own, has proved entirely satisfactory. It is the general belief of our enlightened educational men that the plan has such merits as ought to secure its voluntary adoption by the people of the state. Free High Schools. In 1875 the legislature enacted that any town, incorporated village, or city, may establish and maintain not more than two free high schools, and provided for an annual appropriation of not to exceed $25,000, to refund one-half of the actual cost of instruction in such schools, but no school to draw in any one year more than $500. At the session of 1877 the benefits ofthe act were extended to such high schools already established as shall show by a proper report that they have conformed to the requirements of the law. If towns decline to establish such a school, one or more adjoining districts in the same have the privilege of doing so. The law has met with much favor. For the school year ending August 31, 1876 (the first year in which it was in operation), twenty such schools reported, and to these the sum of $7,466.50 was paid, being an average of $373.32 per school. It is expected that twice this number will report for the second year. The high school law was primarily designed to bring to rural neighborhoods the two-fold advantages of (1) a higher instruction than the common district schools afford, and (2) a better class of teachers for these schools. It was anticipated, however, from the first that the immediate results of the law would be chiefly the improvement of existing graded schools in the larger villages and in cities. Experience may be said to have already confirmed both antici pations. School Officers. The school officers of Wisconsin are, a state superintendent of public instruction, sixty-four county superintendents, twenty-eight city superintendents, and a school board in each district, consisting of a director, treasurer, and clerk. The state and county superintendents hold office two years, the district officers three years. In each independent city there is a board of educa tion, and the larger cities have each a city superintendent, who in some cases is also principal of the high school. He is appointed for one year. The county board of supervisors determine, within certain limits, the amount of money to be raised annually in each town and ward of their county for school purposes, levy an additional amount for the salary of the county superintend ents, may authorize a special school tax, and may under certain circumstances determine that there shall be two superintendents for their county. The town board of supervisors have authority to form and alter school districts, to issue notice for first meeting, to form union districts for high school purposes, and appoint first boards for the same, to locate and establish school-house sites under certain circumstances, to extinguish districts that have neglected to maintain school for two years, and to dispose of the property of the same. The district clerks report annually to the town clerks, the town clerks to the county superintendents, and the county and city superintend ents to the state superintendent, who in turn makes an annual report to the governor. State Teachers' Certificates. The state superintendent is authorized by law " to issue state certificates of high grade to teachers of eminent qualifications.'' Two grades of these are given, one unlimited, and the other good for five years. The examination is conducted by a board of three examiners, appointed annually by the state superintendent, and acting under rules and regulations prescribed bv him. 148 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Teachers' Associations. Besides the Wisconsin State Teachers' Association, holding its annual session in the summer and a semi-annual or " executive " session in the winter, there are, in several parts of the state,, county or district associations, holding stated meetings. The number of such associations is annually increasing. Libraries. The utility of public libraries as a part of the means of popular enlightenment, was early recognized in this state. The constitution, as set forth in 1848, required that a portion of the income of the school fund should be applied to the " purchase of suitable libraries and appa ratus" for the common schools. The same year the legislature of the state, at its first session, enacted that as soon as this income should amount to $60,000 a year (afterwards changed to $30,000), each town superintendent might devote one tenth of the portion of this income received by his town annually, to town library purposes, the libraries thus formed to be distributed among the districts, in sections, and in rotation, once in three months. Districts were also empowered to raise money for library books. The operation of this discretionary and voluntary system was not successful. In ten years (1858) only about one third of the districts (1,121) had libraries, embracing in all but 38,755 volumes, and the state superintendent, Hon. Lyman C. Draper, urged upon the legislature a better system, of " town libraries," and a state tax for their creation and maintenance. In 1857, the legislature enacted that ten per cent, of the yearly income of the school fund should be applied to the purchase of town school libraries, and that an annual tax of One tenth of one mill should be levied for the same purpose. The law was left incomplete, how ever, and in 1862, before the system had been perfected, the exigencies of the civil war led to the repeal of the law, and the library fund which had accumulated from the ten per cent, of the school fund income, and from the library tax, amounting in all to $88,784.78, was transferred to the general fund. This may be considered a debt to the educational interests of the slate that should be repaid. Meanwhile the single district library system languishes and yearly grows weaker. The re-enacting of a town library system, in which local effort and expenditure shall be stimulated and supplemented by state aid, has been urged upon the legislature by the present state superintendent, and will, it is hoped, be secured, at no distant day, as a part of a complete town system of schools and of public education. List of State Superintendents. The act creating the office was passed at the first session of the state legislature, in 1848. The incumbents up to the present time have been as follows : NAME OF INCUMBENT. DURATION OF INCUMBENCY. Hon. E. Root _ Three years — 1849-50-51. Hon. A. P. Ladd ._ .Two years — 1852-53. Hon. H. A. Wright* One year and five months — 1854-55. Hon. A. C. Barry .Two years and seven months— 1855-56-57. Hon. L. C. Draper Two years — 1858-59. Hon. J. L. Pickardf ..Three years and nine months— 1860-61-62-63. Hon. J. G. McMynn Four years and three months — 1863-64-65-66-67. Hon. A. J. Craigg Two years and six months — 1868-69-70. Hon. Samuel Fallows Three years and six months — 1870-71-72-73. Hon. Edward Searing Four years — 1874-75-76-77. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 149 Sketches of Colleges in Wisconsin. Beloit College was founded in 1847, at Beloit, under the auspices' of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches of Wisconsin and northern Illinois. In 1848, Rev. Joseph Emerson and Rev. J. J. Bushnell were appointed professors, and' in 1849, Rev. A. L. Chapin was appointed president, and has continued such until the present time. The institution has had a steady growth, has maintained a high standard of scholarship and done excellent work, both in its pre paratory and college departments. Two hundred and thirty-six young men have graduated. Its lands and buildings are valued at $78,000, and its endowments and funds amount to about $122,000. Lawrence University, at Appleton, under the patronage of the Methodist church, was organized as a college in 1850, having been an " institute " or academy for three years previous, under the Rev. W. H. Sampson. The first president was Rev. Edward Cook ; the second, R. Z. Mason ; the present one is the Rev. George M. Steele, D. D. It is open to both sexes, and has graduated 130 young men, and 68 young women. It still maintains a preparatory depart ment. It has been an institution of great benefit in a new region of country, in the northeastern part of the state. Receiving a liberal donation at the outset from the Hon. Amos A. Lawrence, of Boston, it has land and buildings valued at $47,000, at Appleton, and funds and endowments amounting to $60,000. Milton College, an institution under the care of the Seventh Day Baptists, was opened as a college in 1867, having been conducted as an academy since 1844. Rev. W. C. Whitford, the president, was for many years the principal of the academy The institution has done much valuable work, particularly in preparing teachers for our public schools. The college has gradu ated 38 young men and women, having previously graduated 93 academic students. It has lands, buildings and endowments to the amount of about $50,000. Ripon College, which was known till 1864 as Brockway College, was organized in 1853, at Ripon, and is supported by the Congregational church. Since its re-organization, in 1863, it has graduated 77 students (of both sexes) in the college courses, and has always maintained a large and flourishing preparatory department. Under its present efficient head, the Rev. E. H. Mer rell, A. M., it is meeting with continued success. Its property amounts to about $125,000. Racine College was founded by the Episcopal Church, at Racine, in 1852, under the Rev. Roswell Park, D. D., as its first President. It was for a long time under the efficient administra tion of Rev. James De Koven, D. D., now deceased, who was succeeded by Rev. D. Stevens Parker. It maintains a large boys' school also, and a preparatory department. It was designed, in part, to train young men for the Nashotah Theological Seminary. It has property, including five buildings, to the amount of about $180,000, and has graduated ninety-nine young men. Its principal work, in which it has had great success, is that of a boys' school, modeled somewhat after the English schools. The Seminary of St. Francis of Sales, an ecclesiastical school, was established at St. Fran cis Station, near Milwaukee, chiefly by the combined efforts of two learned and zealous priests, the Rev. Michael Heiss, now bishop of La Crosse, and the Rev. Joseph Salzmann. It was opened in January, 1856, with Rev. M. Heiss as rector, and with 25 students. Rev. Joseph , Falzmann was rector from September, 1868, to the time of his death, January 17, 1874, since which time Rev. C. Wapelhorst has held the rectorship. The latter is now assisted by twelve professors, and the students number 267, of whom 105 are theologians, 31 students of philosophy, and the rest classical students. Pio Nono College is a Roman Catholic institution, at St. Francis Station, in the immediate neighborhood of the Seminary of St. Francisi It was founded in 187 1, by Rev. Joseph Salzmann,, * Died, May 29, 1845. f Resigned, Ojtober 1, 1863. \ Died, July 3, 1870- 150 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. who was the first rector. He was succeeded in 1874 by the present rector, Rev. Thomas Brue- ner, who is assisted by a corps of seven professors. Besides the college proper, there is a nor mal department, in which, in addition to the education that qualifies for teaching in common and higher schools, particular attention is given to church music. There is also, under the same management, but in an adjoining building, an institution for the instruction ofthe deaf and dumb. The pupils in the latter, both boys and girls, numbering about 30, are taught to speak by sounds, and it is said with the best success. An institution was organized in 1865, at Prairie du Chien, under the name of Prairie du Chien College, and under the care of J. T. Lovewell, as principal. In the course of two or three years it passed into the hands of the Roman Catholic church, and is now known as St. John's College. It has so far performed principally preparatory work. Sinsinawa Mound College, a Roman Catholic institution, was founded in 1848, through the labors of Father Mazzuchelli, but after doing a successful work, was closed in 1863, and in 1867 the St. Clara academy was opened in the same buildings. The Northwestern University, which is under the Lutheran church, was organized in 1865, at Watertown, under Rev. August F. Ernst, as president. It has graduated 21 young men, and has a preparatory department. Its property is valued at $50,000. Galesville University was organized in 1859, under the patronage of the Methodist church at Galesville, in the northwest part of the state. The first president was the Rev. Samuel Fal lows, since state superintendent. It has graduated ten young men and eight young women, its work hitherto having been mostly preparatory. It is now under the patronage of the Presby terian denomination, with J. W. McLaury, A. M., as president. It has property valued at $30,000, and an endowment of about $50,000. Carroll College was established at Waukesha, by the Presbyterian church, in 1846. Prof. J. W. Sterling, now of the state university, taught its primary classes that year. Under President John A. Savage, D.D., with an able corps of professors, it took a high rank and graduated classes ; but for several years past it has confined its work principally to academic studies. Under W. L. Rankin, A. M.,the present principal, the school is doing good service. Wayland University was established as a college, by the Baptists, at Beaver Dam, in 1854, but never performed much college work. For three years past, it has been working under a new charter as an academy and preparatory school, and is now known as Wayland Institute. In 1841, the Protestant Episcopal church established a mission in the wilds of Waukesha county, and, at an early day, steps were taken to establish in connection therewith an institution of learning. This was incorporated in 1847, by the name of Nashotah House. In 1852 the classical school was located at Racine, and Nashotah House became distinctively a theological seminary. It has an endowment of one professorship, the faculty and students being otherwise sustained by voluntary contributions. It has a faculty of five protessors, with Rev. A. D. Cole, D.D., as president, buildings pleasantly situated, and has graduated 185 theological students. Female Colleges. Two institutions have been known under this designation. The Milwaukee Female College was founded in 1852, and ably conducted for several years, under the principalship of Miss Mary Mortimer, now deceased. It furnished an advanced grade of secondary instruction. The Wis consin Female College, located at Fox Lake, was first incorporated in 1855, and re-organized in 1863. It has never reached a collegiate course, is now known as Fox Lake Seminary, and admits both sexes. Rev. A. O. Wright, A. M., is the present principal. AGRICULTURE. 151 Academies and Seminaries. The following institutions of academic grade, are now in operation : Albion Academy; Benton Academy; Big Foot Academy; Elroy Seminary; Fox Lake Seminary; two German and English academies in Milwaukee ; Janesville Academy ; Kemper Hall, Kenosha ; Lake Geneva Seminary, Geneva; Lakeside Seminary, Oconomowoc; Marshall Academy, Marshall; Merrill Institute, Fond du Lac ; Milwaukee Academy ; Racine Academy ; River Falls Institute ; Rochester Seminary; St. Catherine's Academy, Racine; St. Clara Academy; Sinsinawa Mound; St. Mary's Institute, Milwaukee; Sharon Academy; and Wayland Institute, Beaver Dam. Similar institutions formerly in operation but suspended or merged in other institu tions, were : Allen's Grove Academy ; Appleton Collegiate Institute ; Baraboo Collegiate Insti tute; Beloit Female Seminary; Beloit Seminary; Brunson Institute, Mount Hope; Evansville Sem inary ; Janesville Academy (merged in the high school) ; Kilbourn Institute ; Lancaster Institute; Milton Academy; Platteville Academy ; Southport Academy (Kenosha); Waterloo Academy; Waukesha Seminary ; Wesleyan Seminary, Eau Claire ; and Patch Grove Academy. The most important of these were the Milton and Platteville Academies, the former merged in Mil ton College, the latter in the Platteville Normal School. Of the others, several were superseded by the establishment of public high schools in the same localities. Commercial Schools. Schools of this character, aiming to furnish what is called a business education, exist in Mil waukee, Janesville, Madison, LaCrosse, Green Bay, Oshkosh and Fond du Lac. The oldest and largest is in Milwaukee, under the care of Prof. R. C. Spencer, and enrolls from two to three hundred students annually. AGRICULTURE. By W. W. DANIELLS, M.S., Prof, of Chemistry and Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin. The trend of the earliest industries of a country, is the result of the circumstances under which those industries are developed. The attention of pioneers is confined to supplying the immediate wants of food, shelter, and clothing. Hence, the firs tsettlers of a country are farm ers, miners, trappers, or fishermen, according as they can most readily secure the means of pres ent sustenance for themselves and their families. In the early history of Wisconsin this law is well exemplified. The southern part of the state, consisting of alternations of prairie and tim ber, was first settled by fanners. As the country has developed, wealth accumulated, and means of transportation have been furnished, farming has ceased to be the sole interest. Manufactories have been built along the rivers, and the mining industry of the southwestern part of the state has grown to one of considerable importance. The shore of Lake Michigan was first mainly settled tied by fishermen, but the later growth of agriculture and manufactures has nearly overshadowed the fishing interest; as has the production of lumber, in the north half of the state, eclipsed the trapping and fur interests of the first settlers. That the most important industry of Wisconsin is farming, may be seen from the following statistics of the occupation of the people as given by the United States census. Out of each one hundred inhabitants, of all occupations, 68 were 152 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. farmers, in 1840; 52 in 1850; 54 in i860; 55 in 1870. The rapid growth of the agriculture of the state is illustrated by the increase in the number of acres of improved land in farms, and in the value of farms and of farm implements and machinery, as shown by the following table, com piled from the United States census : ACRES improved land IN FARMS. VALUE OF FARMS, INCLUDING IMPROV ED AND UNIMPROV ED LANDS. VALUE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS TOTAL. TO EACH INHAB. AND MACHINERY. 1850 i8601870 1,045,4993,746,1675.899,343 3-4 4.8 5.6 $ 28,528,563 131,117,164 300,414,064 $ 1,641,568 5.758,847 14,239,364 Farming, at the present time, is almost entirely confined to the south half of the state, the northern half being still largely covered by forests. A notable exception to this statement is found in the counties on the western border, which are well settled by farmers much farther north. The surface of the agricultural portion of the state is for the most part gently undulating, afford ing ready drainage, without being so abruptly broken as to render cultivation difficult. The soil is varied in character, and mostly very fertile. The southern portion of the state consists of undulating prairies of variable size — the largest being Rock prairie — alternating with oak openings. The prairies have the rich alluvial soil so characteristic of the western prairies, and are easily worked. The soil of the "openings " land is usually a sandy loam, readily tilled, fertile, but not as " strong '' as soils having more clay. The proportion of timber to prairie increases passing north from the southern boundary of the state, and forests of maple, basswood and elm, replace, to some extent, the oak lands. In these localities, the soil is more clayey, is strong and fertile, not as easily tilled, and not as quickly exhausted as are the more sandy soils of the oak lands. In that portion of the state known geologically as the " driftless " region, the soil is invariably good where the surface rock is limestone. In some of the valleys, however, where the lime-rock has been removed by erosion, leaving the. underlying sandstone as the surface rock, the soil is sandy and unproductive, except in those localities where a large amount of alluvial matter has been deposited by the streams. The soils of the pine lands of the north of the state, are generally sandy and but slightly fertile. However, where pine is replaced by maple, oak, birch, elm and basswood, the soil is "heavier " and very fertile, even to the shores of Lake Superior. The same natural conditions that make Wisconsin an agricultural state, determined that during its earlier years the main interest should be grain-growing. The fertile prairies covering large portions of the southern part of the state had but to be plowed and sowed with grain to produce an abundant yield. From the raising of cereals the pioneer farmer could get the quickest returns for his labor. Hence in 1850, two years after its admission to the Union, Wis consin was the ninth state in order in the production of wheat, while in i860 this rank was raised to third, Illinois and Indiana only raising more. The true rank of the state is not shown by these figures. Were the number of inhabitants and the number of acres of land in actual culti vation taken into account in the comparison, the state would stand still higher in rank than is here indicated. There is the same struggle for existence, and the same desire for gain the world over, and hence the various phases of development of the same industry in different civilized countries is mainly the result of the widely varying economical conditions imposed upon that industry. Land is thoroughly cultivated in Europe, not because the Europeans have any inherent love for good cultivation, but because there land is scarce and costly, while labor is superabundant and cheap. In America, on the other hand, and especially in the newer states, AGRICULTURE. 153 land is abundant and cheap, while labor is scarce and costly. In its productive industries each country is alike economical in the use of the costly element in production, and more lavish in the use of that which is cheaper. Each is alike economically wise in following such a course when it is not carried to too great extremes. With each the end sought is the greatest return for the expenditure of a given amount of capital. In accordance with this law of economy, the early agriculture of Wisconsin was mere land-skimming. Good cultivation of the soil was never thought of. The same land was planted successively to one crop, as long as it yielded enough to pay for cultivation. The economical principle above stated was carried to an extreme. Farm ing as then practiced was a quick method of land exhaustion. It was always taking out of the purse, and never putting in. No attention was paid to sustaining the soil's fertility. The only aim was to secure the largest crop for the smallest outlay of capital, without regard to the future. Manures were never used, and such as unavoidably accumulated was regarded as a great nuis ance, often rendering necessary the removal of stables and outbuildings. Straw-stacks were invariably burned as the most convenient means of disposing of them. Wheat, the principal product, brought a low price, often not more than fifty cents a bushel, and had to be marketed by teams at some point from which it could be carried by water, as this was, at an early day, the only means of transportation. On account of the sparse settlement of the country, roads were poor, and the farmer, after raising and threshing his wheat, had to spend, with a team, from two to, five days, marketing the few bushels that a team could draw. So that the farmer had every obstacle to contend with except cheap and very fertile land, that with the poorest of cultivation gave a comparatively abundant yield of grain. Better tillage, accompanied with the use of manures and other fertilizers, would not, upon the virgin soils, have added sufficiently to the yield to pay the cost of applying them. Hence, to the first farmers of the state, poor farming was the only profitable farming, and consequently the only good farming, an agriculturo-economical paradox from which there was no escape. Notwithstanding the fact that farmers could economi cally follow no other system than that of land-exhaustion, as described, such a course was none the less injurious to the state, as it was undermining its foundation of future wealth, by destroy ing the fertility of the soil, that upon which the permanent wealth and prosperity of every agri cultural community is first dependent. Besides this evil, and together with it, came the habit of loose and slovenly farming acquired by pioneers, which continued after the conditions making that method a necessity had passed away. With the rapid growth of the northwest came better home markets and increased facilities for transportation to foreign markets, bringing with them higher prices for all products of the farm. As a consequence of these better conditions, land in farms in the state increased rapidly in value, from $9.58 per acre in 1850, to $16.61 in i860, an increase of 62 per cent., while the total number of acres in farms increased during the same time from 2,976,658 acres to 7,893,587 acres, or 265 per cent. With this increase in the value of land, and the higher prices paid for grain, should have come an improved system of hus bandry which would prevent the soil from deteriorating in fertility. This could have been accomplished either by returning to the soil, in manures and fertilizers, those ingredients of which it was being rapidly drained by continued grain-growing, orby the adoption of a system of mixed husbandry, which should include the raising of stock and a judicious rotation of crops. Such a system is sure to come. Indeed, it is now slowly coming. Great progress upon the earlier methods of farming have already been made. But so radical and thorough a change in the habits of any class of people as that from the farming of pioneers to a rational method that will preserve the soil's fertility and pay for the labor it demands, requires many years for its full accomplishment. It will not even keep pace with changes in those economical conditions which 154 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. favor it. In the rapid settlement of the northwestern states this change has come most rapidly with the replacement of the pioneer farmers by immigrants accustomed to better methods of culture. In such cases the pioneers usually " go west ' ' again, to begin anew their frontier farming upon virgin soil, as their peculiar method of cultivation fails to give them a livelihood. In Wis consin as rapid progress is being made in the system of agriculture as, all things considered, could reasonably be expected. This change for the better has been quite rapid for the past ten years, and is gaining in velocity and momentum each year. It is partly the result of increased intelligence relating to farming, and partly the result of necessity caused by the unprofitableness of the old method. The estimated value of all agricultural products of the state, including that of orchards, market gardens, and betterments, was, in 1870, as given in the census of that year, $79,072,967, which places Wisconsin twelfth in rank among the agricultural states of the Union. In 1875, according to the " Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture," the value of the principal farm crops in this state was $58,957,050. According to this estimation the state ranks ninth in agri- cultural importance. As has been before stated, Wisconsin is essentially a grain-growing state. This interest has been the principal one, not because the soil is better adapted to grain-growing than to general, stock, or dairy farming, but rather because this course, which was at an early day most immediately profitable, has been since persistently followed from force of habit, even after it had failed to be remunerative. The following table shows the bushels of the different grains raised in the state for the years indicated : Year. WHEAT. RYE. CORN. OATS. BARLEY. BUCK WHEAT. 1850 i860 1870 1875*.. . 4,286,131 15,657.458 25,606,34425,200,000 81,253 888,544 1,325,2941,340,000 1,988,979 7,517,300 15.033.98815,200,000 3,414,672 11,059,260 20,l8o,Ol6 26,600,000 209,672 707,307 1,645,019 2,200,000 79,87838,987 408,897 275,000 From these statistics it will be seen that the increase in the production of grain was very rapid up to 1870, while since that time it has been very slight. This rapid increase in grain raising is first attributable to the ease with which this branch of farming was carried on upon the new and very rich soils of the state, while in the older states this branch of husbandry has been growing more difficult and expensive, and also to the fact that the war in our own country so increased the demand for grain from 1861 to 1866 as to make this course the most immediately profitable. But with the close of the war came a diminished demand. Farmers were slow to recognize this fact, and change the character of their productions to accord with the wants of the market, but rather continued to produce the cereals in excess of the demand. The chinch bug and an occasional poor season seriously injured the crops, leaving those who relied princi pally upon the production of grain little or nothing for their support. Hard times resulted from these poor crops. More wheat and corn was the farmer's usual remedy for hard times. So that more wheat and corn were planted. More crop failures with low prices brought harder times, until gradually the farmers of the state have opened their eyes to the truth that they can succeed in other branches of agriculture than grain growing, and to the necessity of catering to the ?Estimated in report of commissioner of agriculture. AGRICULTURE. 155 demands of the market. The value in 1869 of all farm products and betterments of the state was $79,072,967. There were raised of wheat the same year 25,606,344 bushels, which at $1.03 per bushel, the mean price reported by the Milwaukee board of trade, for No. 2 wheat (the lead ing grade), for the year ending July 31, 1870, amounts to $26,374,524, or one third the value of all agricultural products and betterments. The average production per acre, as estimated by the commissioner of agriculture, was 14 bushels. Hence there were 1,829,024 acres of land devoted to this one crop, nearly one third of all the improved land in the state. Of the wheat crop of 1869 24,375,435 bushels were spring wheat, and 1,230,909 bushels were winter wheat, which is 19.8 bushels of spring to 1 bushel of winter wheat. The latter is scarcely sown at all on the prairies, or upon light opening soils. In some of the timbered regions hardy varieties do well, but it is not a certain crop, as it is not able to withstand the winters, unless covered by snow or litter. It is not injured as seriously by the hard freezing, as by the alternate freezing and thawing of Feb ruary and March. The continued cropping of land with grain is a certain means of exhausting the soil of the phosphates, and of those nitrogenous compounds that are essential to the production of grain, and yet are present even in the most fertile soils in but small quantities. To the diminished yield, partly attributable to the overcropping of the land, and partially to poor seasons and chinch bugs, and to the decline in prices soon after the war, owing to an over production of wheat, may largely be attributed the hard times experienced by the grain growing farmers of Wisconsin from 1872 to 1877. The continued raising of wheat upon the same land, alternated, if any alternation occurred, with barley, oats, or corn, has produced its sure results. The lesson has cost the farmers of the state dearly, but it has not been altogether lost. A better condition of affairs has already begun. Wheat is gradually losing its prestige as the farmers' sole dependence, while stock, dairy, and mixed farming are rapidly increasing. The number of bushels of wheat raised to each inhabitant in the state was in 1850 fourteen, in i860 twenty-three and eight tenths, in 1870 twenty-four, and in 1875 twenty and four tenths. These figures do not indicate a dimin ished productiveness of the state, but show, with the greatly increased production in other branches of husbandry, that farmers are changing their system to one more diversified and rational. Straw stacks are no longer burned, and manure heaps are not looked upon as altogether useless. Much more attention is now paid to the use of fertilizers. Clover with' plaster is looked upon with constantly increasing favor, and there is a greater seeking for light upon the more difficult problems of a profitable agriculture Corn is raised to a large extent, although Wisconsin has never ranked as high in corn, as in wheat growing. Sixteen states raised more corn in 1870 than this state, and in 1875, seventeen states raised more. Corn requires a rich, moist soil, with a long extended season of warm sun shine. While this crop can be raised with great ease in the larger portion of the state, it will always succeed better farther south, both on account of the longer summers and the greater amount of rainfall. According to the statistics of the commissioner of agriculture, the average yield per acre for a period of ten years, is about 30 bushels. Corn is an important crop in the economy of the farmer, as from it he obtains much food for his stock, and it is his principal dependence for fattening pork. On these accounts it will, without doubt, retain its place in the husbandry of the state, even when stock and dairy farming are followed to a much greater extent than at present. Barley is cultivated largely throughout the state, but five states produced more in 1870, than Wisconsin. The great quantity of beer brewed here, furnishes a good home market for this grain. Barley succeeds best in a rather moist climate, having a long growing season, The dry, short summers of Wisconsin, are not well adapted to its growth. Hence the average 156 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. yield is but a medium one, and the quality of the grain is only fair. According to the returns furnished the commissioner of agriculture, the average yield for a period of ten years, is 22 bushels per acre. Next to wheat, more bushels of oats are raised than of any other grain. Wisconsin was, in i860, fifth in rank among the oat-growing states; in 1870, sixth. The rich soils of the state raise an abundant crop of oats with but little labor, and hence their growth in large quantities is not necessarily an indication of good husbandry. They will bear poor cultivation better than corn and are frequently grown upon land too weedy to produce that grain. It is a favorite grain for feeding, especially to horses. With the best farmers, oats are looked upon with less favor than corn, because it is apt to leave land well seeded with weeds which are difficult to exterminate. In the production of rye, Wisconsin ranked seventh in i860, and fourth in 1870. It is a much surer crop in this state than winter wheat, as it is less easily winter-killed when not protected by snow, than is that grain. Besides, it ripens so early as not to be seriously injured by drouth in summer, and succeeds well even upon the poorer soils. The average yield per acre is about 16 bushels. But few hops were grown in Wisconsin, up to i860, when owing to an increased demand by the breweries ^f the state, there was a gradual but healthful increase in hop culture. A few years later the advent of the hop louse, and other causes of failure at the east, so raised the price of hops as to make them a very profitable crop to grow. Many acres were planted in this state from 1863 to 1865, when the total product was valued at nearly $350,000. The success of those engaged in this new branch of farming, encouraged others to adopt it. The profits were large. Wheat growing had not for several years been remunerative, and in 1867 and 1868, the " hop fever " became an epidemic, almost a plague. The crop of Sauk county alone was estimated at over 4,000,000 pounds, worth over $2,000,000. The quality of the crop was excellent, the yield large, and the price unusually high. The secretary of the State Agricultural society says, in his report for that year, " Cases are numerous in which the first crop has paid for the land and all the improvements." To many farmers hop raising appeared to offer a sure and speedy course to wealth. But a change came quickly. The hop louse ruined the crop, and low prices caused by over production, aided in bringing ruin to many farmers. In 1867, the price of hops was from 40 to 55 cents per pound, while in 1869 it was from 10 to 15 cents, some of poor quality selling as low as 3 cents. Many hop yards were plowed up during 1869 and 1870. The area under cultivation to this crop in 1875, was, according to the " Report of the Secretary of State," 10,932 acres. The production of tobacco has greatly increased since i860, when there were raised in the state 87,340 pounds. In 1870, the product was 960,813 pounds. As is well known, the quality of tobacco grown in the northern states is greatly inferior for chewing and smoking, to that grown in the south, although varieties having a large, tough leaf, suitable for cigar wrappers, do well here. The variety principally grown is the Connecticut seed leaf. Tobacco can only be grown successfully on rich, fertile soils, and it is very exhausting to the land. Of the amount produced in 1870, there were raised in Rock county 645,408 pounds, and in Dane county, 229,568 pounds; the entire remaining portion ofthe state raised but 85,737 pounds. According to the report of the secretary of state, the whole number of acres planted to tobacco in 1875, was 3,296. Of this amount Rock county planted 1,676 acres, and Dane county, 1,454 acres, leaving for the remain der of the state but 166 acres. While the crop has been fairly productive and profitable, these statistics show that up to the present time tobacco-raising has been a merely local interest. The production of flax is another merely local industry, it being confined principally to the AGRICULTURE. 157 •counties of Kenosha, Grant, Iowa and LaFayette. Of flax fibre, Kenosha county raised in 1869, nearly four fifths of the entire amount grown in the state, the total being 497,398 pounds. With the high price of labor and the low price of cotton now ruling, it is scarcely possible to make the raising of flax fibre profitable. Flax seed is raised to a small extent in the other counties men tioned. The present price of oil makes this a fairly profitable crop. If farmers fully appreciated that in addition to the oil, the oil cake is of great value as a food for cattle and sheep, and also that the manure made by the animals eating it, is of three times the value of that made by ani mals fed upon corn, doubtless much more flax seed would be raised than is at present. Ameri can oil-cake finds a ready market in England, at prices which pay well for its exportation. If English farmers can afford to carry food for their stock so far, American farmers may well strive to ascertain if they can afford to allow the exportation of so valuable food. When greater atten tion is paid in our own country to the quality of the manure made by our stock, more oil-cake will be fed at home, and a much smaller proportion of that made here will be exported. The amount of maple sugar produced diminishes as the settlement of the state increases, and is now scarcely sufficient in amount to be an item in the state's productions. The increase in the price of sugar from 1861 to 1868 caused many farmers to try sorghum raising. But the present low prices of this staple has caused an abandonment of the enterprise. Two attempts have been made in Wisconsin to manufacture beet-root sugar, the first at Fond du Lac in 1867 the second at Black Hawk, Sauk county, in 1870. The Fond du Lac company removed their works to California in 1869, not having been successful in their efforts. The Black Hawk com pany made, in 187 1, more than 134,000 pounds of sugar, but have since abandoned the business. Both these failures may be attributed to several causes, first of which was the want of sufficient capital to build and carry on a factory sufficiently large to enable the work to be done economi cally ; secondly, the difficulty of sufficiently interesting farmers in the business to induce them to raise beets on so large a scale as to warrant the building of such a factory; and, thirdly, the high price of labor and the low price of sugar. The quality of beets raised was good, the polarization test showing in many instances as high as sixteen per cent, of sugar. The larger proportion of hay made in the state is from the natural meadows, the low lands or marshes, where wild grasses grow in abundance, and hay only costs the cutting and curing. " Cultivated grasses do well throughout the state, and " tame hay " can be made as easily here as elsewhere. The limestone soils, where timber originally grew, are of the uplands, most natural to grass, and, consequently, furnish .the richest meadows, and yield the best pasturage. Ye e only soils where grasses do hot readily grow, are those which are so sandy and dry as to be nearly barrens. Clover grows throughout the state in the greatest luxuriance. There is occasionally a season so dry as to make " seeding down " a failure, and upon light soils clover, when not covered with snow, is apt to win ter-kill. Yet it is gaining in favor with farmers, both on account of the valuable pasturage and hay it affords, and on account of its value as a soil renovator. In wheat-growing regions, clover is now recognized to be of the greatest value in a " rotation," on account of its ameliorating influence upon the soil. Throughout the stock and dairy regions, clover is depended upon to a large extent for pasturage, and to a less extent for hay. There has been a growing interest in stock raising for the past ten years, although the increase has not been a rapid one. Many of the herds of pure-blood cattle in the state rank high for their great excellence. The improvement of horses has been less rapid than that of cattle, sheep, and swine ; yet this important branch of stock farming is improving each year. The most attention is given to the improvement of draught and farm horses, while roadsters and fast horses are not altogether neglected. There are now owned in the state a large number of horses ofthe heavier English and French breeds, which are imparting to their progeny their own characteristics 158 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. of excellence, the effects of which are already visible in many of the older regions of the state. Of the different breeds of cattle, the Short-horns, the Ayrshires, the Devons, and the Jerseys are well represented. The Short-horns have met with most favor with the general farmer, the grades of this breed being large, and possessing in a high degree the quiet habits and readiness to fat. ten, so characteristic of the full-bloods. Without doubt, the grade Short-horns will continue in the high favor in which they are now held, as stock-raising becomes a more important branch of the husbandry of the state. Of pure blood Short-horns there are many herds, some of which are of the very highest excellence. At the public sales of herds from this state, the prices have ranked high universally, and in a few cases have reached the highest of "fancy" prices, showing the estimate placed by professional breeders upon the herds of Wisconsin. The Ayr shires are increasing in numbers, and are held in high esteem by many dairymen. They are not yet, however, as generally disseminated over the state, as their great merit as a milking breed would warrant. The rapid growth of the dairy interest will doubtless increase their numbers greatly, at least as grades, in the dairying region. Of pure bred Devons and Jerseys, there are fewer than of the former breeds. The latter are principally kept in towns and cities to furnish milk for a single family. The following table shows the relative importance of stock raising in the state for the years mentioned. The figures are an additional proof to those already given, that the grain industry has held sway in Wisconsin to the detriment of other branches of farming, as well as to the state's greatest increase in wealth. 1850i8601870I875: WHOLE NUM BER OF NEAT CATTLE. 183.433 52I,86o 693,294 922,900 NO. TO EACH IOO ACRES OF IMPROVED LAND. 1714 12II WHOLE NUM BER OF SHEEP. 124,896332,954 1,069,2821,162,800 NUMBER TO EACH IOO ACRES OF IMPROVED LAND. 12 9 18 14 POUNDS OF WOOL PRO DUCED. 253,963 I,OII,933 4,090,670 (?) POUNDS OF WOOL PER HEAD. 2.03 3-04 3.82 (?) * Estimated in report of commissioner of agriculture. The growth and present condition of sheep husbandry, compare much more favorably with the general development of the state than does that of cattle raising. In a large degree this may be accounted for by the impetus given to wool raising during our civil war by the scarcity of cotton, and the necessary substitution to a great extent, of woolen for cotton goods. This great demand for wool for manufacturing purposes produced a rapid rise in the price of this staple, making its production a very profitable branch of farming. With the close of the war came a lessened demand, and consequently lower prices. Yet at no time has the price of wool fallen below that at which it could be profitably produced. This is the more notably true when the value of sheep in keeping up the fertility and productiveness of land, is taken into account, The foregoing table shows the improvement in this branch of husbandry since 1850 Although many more sheep might profitably be kept in the state, the above figures show that the wool interest is fairly developed, and the average weight of fleece is an assurance of more than ordinarily good stock. The fine-wooled sheep and their grades predominate, although there are in the state some excellent stock of long-wools — mostly Cotswold — and of South- downs. Of all the agricultural interests of the state, no other has made as rapid growth during the last ten years, as has that of dairying. With the failure of hop-growing, began the growth of the factory system of butter and cheese making, and the downfall of the one was scarcely more rapid than has been the upbuilding of the other. The following statistics of the production of butter and cheese illustrate this rapid progress. It will be remembered that for the years 1850, AGRICULTURE. 159 i860, and 1870 the statistics are from the U. S. census, and hence include all the butter and cheese made in the state, while for the remaining years, only that made' by factories and pro fessional dairymen as reported to the secretary of the State Dairymen's Association, is included. It has been found impossible to obtain the statistics of butter, except for the census years. YEAR. BUTTER. CHE SE. 1850 i860 .__ I87O 1874. lbs. 3.633.750 13,611,32822,473.036 lbs. 400,283 I,IO4,3O0 1,591,798 13,000,000 15,000,00017,000,000 1875 1876 The quality of Wisconsin dairy products is excellent, as may be judged by the fact that, at the Centennial Exhibition, Wisconsin cheese received twenty awards, a larger number than was given to any other state except New York, and for butter Wisconsin received five awards. No state received more, and only New York and Illinois received as many. Wisconsin received one award for each fourteen cheeses on exhibition. No other state received so large a proportion. New York received the largest number of awards, viz., twenty-one, but only secured one award for each thirty cheeses on exhibition. The number of cheese and butter factories is increasing each year, and there is being made in the better grazing regions of the state, as rapid a transition from grain to dairy-farming as is consistent with a healthful growth. This interest, which is now an important one in the state's industrial economy, has before it a promising future, both in its own development, and in its indirect influence upon the improvement of the agriculture of the state. The history of the earlier attempts in fruit raising in Wisconsin would be little more than a record of failures. The pioneers planted apple, peach, plum, and cherry trees, but they gathered little or no fruit. As was natural, they planted those varieties that were known to do well in the older states of the same latitude. Little was known of the climate, and there was no apparent reason why those varieties should not do well here. The first orchards died The same varie ties were replanted, and again the orchards died. Gradually, through the costly school of experience, it was learned that the climate was different from that of the eastern states, and that to succeed here varieties of fruit must be such as were adapted to the peculiar climate of this state. These peculiarities are hot, and for the most part, dry summers, cold and dry winters. The dryness of the climate has been the greatest obstacle to success, as this is indirectly the cause of the great extremes of temperature experienced here. The summers are often so dry that the growth of the trees is not completed, and the wood sufficiently well ripened to enable it to with stand the rigors of winter. And the clear, dry atmosphere of winter allows the sun's rays to pass through it so unobstructedly as to warm the body of the tree upon the sunny side, above the freezing point, even though the temperature of the air is much lower. The alternate thawing and freezing ruptures the tender cells connecting the bark and wood, producing a complete sepa ration of these parts, and often besides bursts the bark. The separation of bark and wood destroys the circulation of the sap upon that side of the tree, thus enfeebling the entire plant. The tree is not able to form new bark over the ruptured part, and a diseased spot results. Such a plant makes' but a feeble growth of poorly ripened wood, and soon dies 160 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. altogether. Besides the above cause, the extreme cold weather occasionally experienced will kill! healthy trees of all varieties not extremely hardy. Notwithstanding these natural obstacles, a. good degree of success has been attained in the raising of apples and grapes. This success has been the result of persevering effort upon the part of the horticulturists of the state, wjio have sought the causes of failure in order that they might be removed or avoided. It is thus by intel ligent observation that the fruit growers have gained the experience which brings with it a. creditable success. The first requisite to success is the planting of varieties sufficiently hardy to withstand our severe winters. This has been accomplished by selecting the hardiest of the old varieties, and by raising seedlings, having besides hardiness, qualities sufficiently valuable to make them worthy of cultivation. The second requisite to success is in the selection of a situa tion having suitable soil and exposure, and thirdly, proper care after planting. Among the hardy varieties of apples regarded with greatest favor are Tetofski, Red Astrachan, and Duchess. of Oldenberg, all Russian varieties, and Fameuse from Canada. Besides these there are a few American varieties so hardy as to prove reliable in the south half of the state. Among these are a few seedlings that have originated in Wisconsin. Apple trees are less apt to be injured by the winter upon a site sloping to the northeast or north, where they are less directly exposed to the rays of the winter's sun. High ground is much better than low, and a good, strong, not too rich soil is best. Apples do better upon soils where timber originally grew than on the prairies, and they are grown more easily along the border of Lake Michigan than in the interior of the state. Pears are raised to but a slight extent, as only a few of the hardiest varieties will succeed at all, and these only in favorable situations. Grapes are grown in great abundance, and in great perfection, although not of the more tender varieties. The Concord, on account of its hardiness and excellent bearing qualities, is cultivated most generally. Next to this comes the Delaware, while many other varieties, both excellent and prolific, are raised with great ease. The season is seldom too short to ripen the fruit well, and the only precaution necessary to protect the vines during the winter is a covering of earth or litter. Cranberries grow spontaneously upon many marshes in the interior of the state. Within a few years considerable attention has been given to improving these marshes, and to the cultivation of this most excellent fruit. Doubtless within a few years the cranberry crop will be an important one among the fruit pro ductions of the state. All of the small fruits adapted to this latitude are cultivated in abundance,. and very successfully, the yield being often times exceedingly large. Altogether, the horticul tural interests of the state are improving, and there is a bright prospect that in the near future fruit growing will not be looked upon with the disfavor with which it has been regarded here tofore. Of the associations for advancing the agricultural interests of the state, the first organized was the " State Agricultural Society." The earliest efforts to establish such an organization were made at Madison in December, 1846, during the session of the first constitutional convention of the territory. A constitution was adopted, but nothing further was done. In February, 1849^ another meeting was held in Madison, at which it was " Resolved, That in view of the great importance of agriculture in the west, it is expedient to form a state agricultural society in Wisconsin." Another constitution was adopted, and 'officers were elected, but no effectual organization resulted from this second attempt. The "Wisconsin State Agricultural Society" — the present organization — had its inception in a meeting held at Madison, March 8, 185 1, at which a committee was appointed to report a constitution and by-laws, and to nominate persons to fill the various offices of said society. At its organization, the society was composed of annual members, who paid one dollar dues each year, and of life members, who, upon the payment of ten dollars, were exempt from the annual contribution. The annual membership was afterward AGRICULTURE. 161 abolished, and in 1869 the fee constituting one a life member was raised to twenty dollars. The first annual fair of the society was held in Janesville, in October, 1851 Fairs have been held annually since, except during the years 1861, 1862 and 1863. In 185 1 premiums were paid to the amount of only $140, while at the present time they amount to nearly $10,000. In 1851 there were five life members. At the present time there are over seven hundred, representing all the various industries of the state. The fairs held under the auspices of this society have been of excellent character, and have been fruitful of good to all the industries of the state, but more especially to the farmers. The state has been generous in aid of this society, having furnished commodious rooms for its use in the capitol building, printed the annual report of the secretary, a volume of about 500 pages, and donated annually, for many years, $2,000 toward its support. Besides its annual fairs, for the past five years there has been held an annual convention, under the auspices of this society, for the reading and discussing of papers upon topics of interest to farmers, and for a general interchange of ideas relating to farming. These conventions are held in high esteem by the better class of farmers, and have added greatly to the usefulness of the society. The " Wisconsin State Horticultural Society" was originally the "Wisconsin State Fruit Growers' Association," which was organized in December, 1853, at Whitewater. Its, avowed object was "the collecting, arranging, and disseminating facts interesting to those engaged. in the culture of fruits, and to embody for their use the results of the practice and experiments. of fruit growers in all parts of the state." Exhibitions and conventions of the association were held annually up to i860, after which the society was disorganized, owing to the breaking out of the war of the rebellion A volume of " Transactions " was published by the association in, 1855. In 1859 its transactions were published with those ofthe state agricultural society. From i860 to 1865 no state horticultural association was in existence. In September of the latter year the " Wisconsin Fruit Growers' Association " was reorganized as the " Wisconsin State Hor ticultural Society.'' The legislature had previously provided for the publication of the proceedings. of such a society, in connection with those of the State Agricultural Society. The new society has. held annual exhibitions, usually in connection with those of the State Agricultural Society, and annual conventions for the reading of papers upon, and the discussion of, horticultural subjects. In 1871 an act was passed by the legislature incorporating the society, and providing for the separate printing of 2,000 copies annually of its transactions, of which there are now seven volumes. The most active, intelligent, and persevering of the horticulturists of the state are members of this. association, and to their careful observation, to their enthusiasm and determined persistence in, seeking means to overcome great natural difficulties, the state is largely indebted for the success. already attained in horticulture. Besides these state associations, there are many local agricul tural and horticultural societies, all of which have been useful in aiding the cause for whieh they were organized. Farmers' clubs and granges of the "Patrons of Husbandry" have alsp. done much, both directly and indirectly, to promote the industrial interests of the state. By thev frequent meetings, at which discussions are held, views compared, and experiences related, much valuable intelligence is gained, thought is stimulated, and the profession of farming advanced. As agriculture, like all kindred professions, depends upon intelligence to direct its advancement,, all means intended to stimulate thought among farmers will, if wisely directed, aid in advancing; this most complex of all industries. To those above named, and to other like associations.,, is in a large degree to be attributed the present favorable condition of the agriculture of the state. Wisconsin has been but thirty years a state. It was mainly settled by men who had little monied capital. Markets were distant, and means of transportation poor. The early settlers had con sequently to struggle for a livelihood in the face of the greatest difficulties. When these opposing 162 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. circumstances are taken into account, and the improvement in methods of culture, and changes from grain to stock and dairy-farming that are now being made, are given their due weight, it must be acknowledged that the present condition of the agriculture of the state is excellent, and that the future of this most important industry is rich in promise of a steady, healthful growth, toward a completer development of all the agricultural resources of the state. MINERAL RESOURCES. By ROLAND D. IRVING, Professor of Geology, etc., at the University of Wisconsin. The useful mineral materials that occur within the limits of the state of Wisconsin, come tinder both of the two grand classes of such substances : the metallic ores, from which the metals ordinarily used in the arts are extracted ; and the non-metallic substances, which are used in the arts for the most part without any preliminary treatment, or at least undergo only a very partial alteration before being utilized. Of the first class are found in Wisconsin the ores of lead, zinc, iron and copper, besides minute traces of the precious metals ; of the second class, the principal substances found are brick-clay, kaolin, cement-rock, limestone for burning into quick-lime, limestone for flux, glass sand, peat and building stone. LEAD AND ZINC. These metals are considered together because they are found occurring together in the same region and under exactly the same circumstances, being even obtained from the same openings. Lead has for many years been the most important metallic production of Wisconsin, and, together with zinc, whose ores have been utilized only since i860, still holds this prominent position, although the production is not so great as formerly. Small quantities of lead and zinc ores have been found in the crystalline (Archasan) rocks of the northern part of the state and in the copper- bearing rocks of the Lake Superior country, but there are no indications at present that these regions will ever produce in quantity. All of the lead and zinc obtained in Wisconsin comes then from that portion of the southwestern part of the state which lies west of Sugar river and south of the nearly east and west ridge that forms the southern side of the valley of the Wis consin, from the head of Sugar river westward. This district is commonly known in Wisconsin as the "Lead Region," and forms the larger part of the "Lead Region of the Upper Missis sippi," which includes also smaller portions of Iowa and Illinois. What European first became acquainted with the deposits of lead in the upper portion of valley of the Mississippi is a matter of some doubt. Charlevoix (Histoire de la Nouvelle France, III, 397, 398.) attributes the discovery to Nicolas Perrot, about 1692; and states that in r72i the deposits still bore Perrot's name. Perrot himself, however, in the only one of his writings that remains, makes no mention of the matter. The itinerary of Le Sueur's voyage up the Mississippi, 1700-1701, given in La Harpe's History of Louisiana, which was written early in the 18th century, shows that the former found lead on the banks of the Mississippi, not far from MINERAL RF.SOURCES. 163 the present southern boundary of Wisconsin, August 25, 1700. Captain Johathan Carver, 1766, found lead in abundance at the Blue Mounds, and found the Indians in all the country around in possession of masses of galena, which they had obtained as " float mineral," and Which they were incapable of putting to any use. There is no evidence of any one mining before Julien Dubuque, who, 1788 to 1809, mined in the vicinity of the flourishing city which nowbears his name. After his death in 1809 nothing more was done until 1821, when the attention of American citizens was first drawn to the rich lead deposits of this region. By 1827, the mining had become quite general and has continued to the "present time, the maximum production having been reached, however, between the years 1845 and 1847. The following table, prepared by the late Moses Strong, shows the mineral production of southwestern Wisconsin for the years i860 to 1873 in pounds: YEARS. GALENA. SMITHSONITE. YEAR. GALENA. SMITHSONITE. BLENDE. i860l86l 320,000 266,000 1,120,000 3.173.333 4,lg8,200 7.373.333 18671868 1869 18701S7I I872 1873 13 820,784 13,869,61913,426,721 13.754,15913,484,210 11,622,668 9.9'9734 5.181,445 4,302,383 4.547.971 4,429.585 16,618,160 27,021,383 18,528.906 841,310 3,078,435 6,252,420 7,414,022 9,303,625 16,256,970 15,074,664 1862 18631864I8651866 17,037,91215.105.577I3.0I4,2IO14,337,89514,029,192 Until within the last decade the lead mines of the Mississippi valley, including now both the "Upper" and the " Lower " regions — the latter one of which lies wholly within the limits of the state of Missouri — have far eclipsed the rest of the United States in the production of lead, the district being in fact one of the most important of the lead districts in the world. Of late years, however, these mines are far surpassed in production by the " silver-lead " mines of Utah and other Rocky Mountain regions, which, though worked especially for their silver, produce incidentally a very large amount of lead. Nevertheless, the mines of the Mississippi valley will long continue to be a very important source of this metal. The lead ore of the Wisconsin lead region is of one kind only, the sulphide known as galena, or galenite. This ore, when free from mechanically mingled impurities, contains 86.6 per cent, of lead, the balance being sulphur. Small quantities of other lead ores are occasionally found in the uppermost portions of the deposits, having been produced by the oxidizing influence of the atmosphere. The chief one of these Oxidation products is the earthy carbonate known as cerussite. Galena almost always contains some silver, commonly enough to pay for its extraction. The Wisconsin galenas, however, are unusually free from silver, of which they contain only the merest trace. The zinc ores are of two kinds, the most abundant being the ferruginous sulphide, or the "black-jack '' of the miners. The pure sulphide, sphalerite, contains 67 per cent, of zinc, but the iron-bearing variety, known minerallogically as marmatite, generally contains 10 per cent, or more of iron. A ferruginous variety of the carbonate, smithsonite, also occurs in abundance, and is known to the miners as "dry-bone," the name being suggested by the peculiar structure ofthe ore. Both lead and zinc ores occur in limited deposits in a series of limestone beds belonging to the Lower Silurian series. The lead region is underlaid by a nearly horizontal series of strata, with an aggregate thickness of 2,000 feet, which lie upon an irregular surface of ancient crystal line rocks (gneiss, granite, etc.). The names and order of succession of the several strata are indicated in the following scheme, the last named being the lowest in the series : 164 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. S- Formation, Thickness. Niagara dolomitic limestone •--- 300 — 300 feet. Cincinnati shales _ _ _ 60 — 100 " Galena dolomitic limestone _ 250 — 275 " Lead Horizon < Blue limestone _ 50 — 75 " ( Buft' dolomitic limestone . 15 — • 20 " Lower Magnesian (dolomitic) limestone rS. 250 " Potsdam sandstone series 800 — 1000 " The first two of these layers, in the Wisconsin part of the lead region, are met with only in a few isolated peaks and ridges. The prevailing surface rock is the Galena limestone, through which, however, the numerous streams cut in deep and narrow valleys which not unfrequently are carved all the way into the Lower Magnesian. The lead and zinc ores are entirely confined to the Galena, Blue and Buff limestones, an aggregate vertical thickness of some 350 to 375 feet. The upper and lower strata of the series are entirely barren. Zinc and lead ores are found in the same kind of deposits, and often together; by far the larger part of the zinc ores, however, come from the Blue and Buff limestones, and the lowest layers of the Galena, whilst the lead ores, though obtained throughout the whole thickness of the mining ground, are especially abundant in the middle and upper layers of the Galena beds. The ore deposits are of two general kinds, which may be distinguished as vertical crevices and flat crevices, the former being much the most common. The simplest form of the vertical crevice is a narrow crack in the rock, having a width of a few inches, an extension laterally from a few yards to several hundred feet, and a vertical height of 20 to 40 feet, thinning out to noth ing in all directions, and filled from side td side with highly crystalline, brilliant, large-surfaced galena, which has no accompanying metallic mineral, or gangue matter. Occasionally the vertical extension exceeds a hundred feet, and sometimes a number of these sheets are close together and can be mined as one. Much more commonly the vertical crevice shows irregular expan sions, which are sometimes large caves, or openings in certain layers, the crevice between retain ing its normal character, while in other cases the expansion affects the whole crevice, occasion ally widening it throughout into one large opening. These openings are rarely entirely filled, and commonly contain a loose, disintegrated rock, in which the galena lies loose in large masses, though often adhering to the sides of the cavity in large stalactites, or in cubical crystals. The vertical crevices show a very distinct arrangement parallel with one another, there being two systerns, which roughly trend east and west, and north and south. The east and west crevices are far the most abundant and most productive of ore. The vertical crevices are confined nearly altogether to the upper and middle portions of the Galena, and are not productive of zinc ores. They are evidently merely the parallel joint cracks which affect every great rock formation, filled by chemical action with the lead ore. The crevices with openings have evidently been enlarged by the solvent power of atmospheric water carrying carbonic acid, and from the way in which the ore occurs loose in the cavities, it is evident that this solving action has often been subsequent to the first deposition of lead ore in the crevice. The "flat crevices," " flat sheets," and "flat openings," are analogous to the deposits just described, but have, as indicated by the names, a horizontal position, being characteristic of certain layers, which have evidently been more susceptible to chemical action than others, the dissolving waters having, moreover, been directed along them by less pervious layers above and below. The flat openings differ from the vertical crevices also, in having associated with the MINERAL RESOURCES. 165 galena much of either the black-jack or dry-bone zinc ores, or both, the galena not unfrequently being entirely wanting. Cleavable calcite also accompanies the ores in these openings in large quantities, and the same is true of the sulphide of iron, which is the variety known as marcasite. These materials have sometimes a symmetrical arrangement on the bottom and top of the open ing, the central portion being empty. The flat openings characterize the Blue and Buff and lower Galena beds, and from them nearly all the zinc ore is obtained. It is not possible, in the limits of this short paper, even to mention the various mining districts. It may merely be said that the amount of galena raised from single crevices has often been several hundred thousand, or even over a million pounds, and that one of the principal mining districts is in the vicinity of Mineral Point, where there are two furnaces constantly engaged in smelting. Between the years 1862 and 1873, these two establishments have produced 23>9o3>20° pounds of metallic lead, or an average of 1,991,938 pounds, the maximum being, in 1869, 2,532,710 pounds, the minimum, in 1873, 1,518,888 pounds. The zinc ores were formerly rejected as useless, and have only been utilized since i860. An attempt to smelt them at Mineral Point was not successful, because the amount needed of fuel and clay, both of which have to come from a distance, exceeding even the amount of ore used, caused a very heavy expense for transportation. The ores are therefore now taken altogether to LaSalle, Illinois, where they meet the fuel and clay, and the industry at that place has become a flourishing one. The amount of zinc ore in the Wisconsin lead region is, beyond doubt, very great, and will be a source of wealth for a long time to come. Since the ores of zinc and lead in this region are confined to such a small thickness of strata greatly eroded by the atmospheric waters, the entire thickness having frequently been removed, it becomes a matter of great importance to know how much of the mining ground remains at every point throughout the district. The very excellent topographico-geological maps of the region, made by Mr. Moses Strong, and just published by the state in the Report of the Geologi cal Survey, make this knowledge accessible to all. IRON. Iron mining in Wisconsin is yet in its infancy, although some important deposits are producing a considerable quantity of ore. A number of blast furnaces have sprung up in the eastern part of the state, but these smelt Michigan ores almost entirely. Much remains yet to be done in the way of exploration, for the most promising iron fields are in the heavily timbered and unsettled regions of the north part of the state, and are as yet imperfectly known. It appears probable, however, that iron ores will, in the near future, be the most important mineral production of Wisconsin. The several ores will be noted in the order of their present im portance. Red Hematites. The iron in these ores exists as an anhydrous sesquioxide, which is, however, in an earthy condition, and entirely without the brilliant metallic luster that characterizes the specular hema tites. Pure hematite contains seventy per cent, of metallic iron, but the red hematites, as mined, are always so largely mingled with mechanical impurities that they rarely contain rnore than fifty per cent. The most important red hematite mined in Wisconsin is that known as the Clinton iron ore the name coming from the formation in which the ore occurs. This formation is a member of the Upper Silurian series, and is named from a locality in Oneida county, New York, where it was first recognized. Associated with its rocks, which are limestones and shales, is con stantly found a peculiar red hematite, which is so persistent in its characters, both physical and 166 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. and chemical, that one familiar with it from any one locality can hardly fail to recognize it when coming from others. The iron produced from it is always "cold-short," on account of the large content of phosphorus ; but, mingled with siliceous ores free from phosphorus, it yields always ¦a most excellent foundry iron. It is mined at numerous points from New York to Tennessee, and at some points reaches a very great total thickness. In Wisconsin the Clinton rocks merge into the great Niagara lim estone series of the eastern part of the state, but at the bottom of the series, in a few places, the Clinton ore is found immediately overlying the Cincinnati shales. The most important locality is that known as Iron Ridge, on sections twelve and thirteen in the town •of Hubbard, in Dodge county. Here a north-and-south ledge of Niagara limestone overlooks lower land to the west. Underneath, at the foot of the ridge, is the ore bed, fifteen to eighteen feet in thickness, consisting of horizontally bedded ore, in layers three to fourteen inches thick. The ¦ore has a concretionary structure, being composed of lenticular grains, one twenty-fifth of an inch in diameter, but the top layer is without this structure, having a dark purplish color, and in places a slight metallic appearance. Much of the lower ore is somewhat hydrated. Three quarters of a mile north of Iron Ridge, at Mayville, there is a total thickness of as much as forty feet. According to Mr. E. T. Sweet, the percentages of the several constituents of the Iron Ridge ore are as follows: iron peroxide, 66.38; carbonate of lime, 10.42; carbonate of magnesia, 2.79; silica, 4.72; alumina, 5.54; manganese oxide, 0.44; sulphur, 0.23 ; phosphoric acid, 0.73; water, 5.75 = 100: metallic iron, 46.66. Two small charcoal furnaces at Mayville and Iron Ridge smelt a considerable quantity of these ores alone, producing an iron very rich in phosphorus. An analysis of the Mayville, pig Iron, also by Mr. Sweet, shows the following composition: iron, 95.784 per cent; phosphorus, 1.675 : carbon, 0.849; silicon, 0.108 = 100.286. The average furnace yield of the ore is forty- five per cent. By far the larger part of the ore, however, is sent away to mingle with other ores. It goes to Chicago, Joliet and Springfield, 111., St. Louis, Mo., Wyandotte and Jackson, Mich., ¦and Appleton, Green Bay and Milwaukee, Wis. In 1872, the Iron Ridge mines yielded 82,371 toas. The Clinton ore is found at other places farther north along the outcrop of the base of the Niagara formation in Wisconsin , but no one of these appears to promise any great quantity of good ore. Red hematite is found at numerous places in Wisconsin, highly charging certain layers of the Potsdam sandstone series, the lowest one of the horizontal Wisconsin formations. In the eastern part of the town of Westfield, Sauk county, the iron ore excludes the sandstone. forming an excellent ore. No developments have been made in this district, so that the size of the deposit is not definitely known. Brown Hematites. These ores contain their iron as the hydrated, or brown, sesquioxide, which, when pure, lias about sixty per cent, of the metal ; the ordinary brown hematites, however, seldom contain over forty per cent. Bog iron ore, a porous brown hematite that forms by deposi tion from the water of bogs, occurs somewhat widely scattered underneath the large marshes of Portage, Wood and Juneau counties. Very excellent bog ore, containing nearly 50 per cent, of iron, is found near Necedah, Juneau county, and near Grand Rapids, Wood county, but the amount obtainable is not definitely known. The Necedah ore contains: silica, 8.52 ; alumina, ,377; iron peroxide, 71.40; manganese oxide, 0.27; lime, 0.58; magnesia, trace; phosphoric acid, 0.21; sulphur, 0.02; organic matter, 1.62; water, 13.46=99.85; metallic iron, 49.98— according to Mr. E. T. Sweet's analysis. An ore from section 34, twp. 23, range 6 east, Wood county, yielded, to Mr. Oliver Matthews, silica, 4.81 ; alumina, 1.00; iron peroxide, 73.23 ; lime, 0.11, magnesia, 0.25; sulphuric acid, 0.07 ; phosphoric acid, o. 10 ; organic matter, 5.88; water, MINERAL RESOURCES. 16T 14.24; =99.69: metallic iron, 51.26. Brown hematite, mingled with more or less red ore, occurs also in some quantity filling cracks and irregular cavities in certain portions of the Potsdam series in northwestern Sauk county and the adjoining portion of Richland. A small charcoal furnace has been in operation on this ore at Ironton, Sauk county, for a number of years, and recently another one has been erected at Cazenovia in the same district. Magnetic Ores and Specular Hematites. These are taken together here, because their geological occurrence is the same, the two ores occurring not only in the same group of rocks, but even intimately mingled with one another. These ores are not now produced in Wisconsin ; but it is quite probable that they may before many years become its principal mineral production. In magnetic iron ore, the iron is in the shape of the mineral magnetite, an oxide of iron containing 72 4 per cent of iron when pure, and this is the highest percentage of iron that any ore can ever have. Specular hematite is the same as red hematite, but is crystalline, has a bright, metallic luster, and a considerable hardness. As mined the richest magnetic and specular ores rarely run over 65 per cent., while in most regions where they are mined they commonly do not reach 50 per cent. The amount of rich ores of this kind in the northern peninsula of Michigan is so great, however, that an ore with less than 50 per cent, finds no sale; and the same must be true in the adjoining states. So largely does this mat ter of richness affect the value of an ore, that an owner of a mine of 45 per cent. " hard " ore in Wis consin would find it cheaper to import and smelt Michigan 65 per cent, ore, than to smelt his own, even if his furnace and mine were side by side. The specular and magnetic ores of Wisconsin occur in two districts — the Penokee iron dis trict, ten to twenty miles south of Lake Superior, in Bayfield, Ashland and Lincoln counties, and the Menomonee iron district, near the head waters of the Menomonee river, in township 40, ranges 17 and 18 east, Oconto county. Specular iron in veins and nests is found in small quan tities with the quartz rocks of the Baraboo valley, Sauk county, and Necedah, Juneau county; and very large quantities of a peculiar quartz-schist, charged with more or less of the magnetic and specular iron oxides, occur in the vicinity of Black River Falls, Jackson county; but innone; of these places is there any promise of the existence of valuable ore. In the Penokee and Menomonee regions, the iron ores occur in a series of slaty and! quartzose rocks known to geologists as the Haronian series. The rocks of these districts are really the extensions westward of a great rock series, which in the northern Michigan peninsula contains the rich iron ores that have made that region so famous. In position, this rock series may be likened to a great elongated parabola, the head of which is in the Marquette iron district and the two ends in the Penokee and Menomonee regions of Wisconsin. In all of its extent, this rock series holds great beds of lean magnetic and specular ores. These contain large quantities of quartz, which, from its great hardness, renders them very resistant to the action of atmospheric. erosion. As a result, these lean ores are found forming high and bold ridges. Such ridges of lean ores have deceived many explorers, and not a few geologists. In the same rock series, fo» the most part occupying portions of a higher layer, are found, however, ores of extraordinary richness and purity,,which, from their comparative softness, very rarely outcrop. The existence in quantity of these' very rich ores in the Menomonee region has been definitely proven. One- deposit, laid open during the Summer of 1877, shows a width of over 150 feet of first class specular ore; and exceeding in size the greatest of the famous deposits of Michigan. In the Penokee region, however, though the indications are favorable, the existence of the richer ores is as yet an inference only. The Penokee range itself is a wonderful development of 1B8 HISTORYOF WISCONSIN. lean ore, which fovms a continuous belt several hundred feet in width and over thirty miles in length. Occasionally portions of this belt are richer than tbe rest, and become almost merchant able ores. The probability is, however, that the rich ores of this region will be found in the lower country immediately north of the Penokee range, where the rocks are buried beneath heavy accumulations of drift material. Copper. The only copper ore at present raised in Wisconsin is obtained near Mineral Point, in the lead region of the southwestern part of the state, where small quantities of chalcopy rite, the yellow sulphide of copper and iron, are obtained from pockets and limited crevices in the Galena lime stone. Copper pyrites is known to occur in this way throughout the lead region, but it does not appear that the quantity at any point is sufficient to warrant exploration. Copper occurs also in the northernmost portions of Wisconsin, where it is found under alto gether different circumstances. The great copper-bearing series of rocks of Keweenaw point and Isle Royale stretch southwestward into and entirely across the state of Wisconsin, in two parallel belts. One of these belts enters Wisconsin' at the mouth of the Montreal river, and immediately leaving the shore of Lake Superior, crosses Ashland and Bayfield counties, and then widening greatly, occupies a large area in Douglas, St. Croix, Barron and Chippewa counties. The other belt forms the backbone of the Bayfield peninsula, and crosses the northern part of Douglas county, forming a bold ridge, to the Minnesota line. The rocks of this great series appear to be for the most part of igneous origin, but they are distinctly bedded, and even interstratified with sandstone, shales, and coarse boulder-conglomerate, the whole series having generally a tilted position. In veins crossing the rock-beds, and scattered also promiscuously through the layers of both conglomerates and igneous rocks, pure metallic copper in fine flakes is often found. Mining on a small scale has been attempted at numbers of points where the rivers flowing northward into Lake Superior make gorges across the rock series, but at none of them has sufficient work been done to prove or disprove the existence of copper in paying quantity. Gold and Silver. Small traces of gold have been detected by the writer in quartz from the crystalline rocks of Clark county, but there is no probability that any quantity of this metal will ever be found in the state. Traces of silver have also been found in certain layers of the copper series in Ash land county. Judging from the occurrence of silver in the same series not far to the east in Michigan, it seems not improbable that this metal may be found also in Wisconsin. Brick Clays. These constitute a very important resource in Wisconsin. Extending inland for many miles from the shores of Lakes Michigan and Superior are stratified beds of clay of lacustrine origin, having been deposited by the lakes when greatly expanded beyond their present sizes. All of these clays are characterized by the presence of a large amount of carbonate of lime. Along Like Superior they have not yet been utilized, but all through the belt of country bordering Lake Michigan they are dug and burned, fully 50,000,000 bricks being made annually in this region. A large proportion of these bricks are white or cream-colored, and these are widely known under the name of "Milwaukee brick," though by no means altogether made at Mil waukee. Others arc ordinary red brick. The difference between the light-colored and red bricks is ordinarily attributed to the greater amount of iron in the clay from which the latter are MINERAL RESOURCES. 169 burned, but it has been shown by Mr. E. T, Sweet that the white bricks are burned from clay which often contains more iron than that from which the red bricks are made, but which also contains a very large amont of carbonate of lime. The following analyses show (i) the compo sition of the clay from which cream-colored brick are burned at Milwaukee, (2) the composition of a red-brick clay from near Madison, and (3) the composition of the unutilized clay from Ashland, Lake Superior. Nos. 1 and 2 are by Mr. E. T. Sweet, No. 3 by Professor W. W. Daniells : . (1) (2) (3) • (1) (2) (3) 38.22 9-752.84 1.16 16.23 7-54 i8j;o 75.80 11.07 3-53 0.31 ; 1.84 [ .08 ) 1.09 58.08 25-38 4-44 8.30 Potash 2.16 0.650.95 1.85 1.74 0.40 1.54 2.16 Alumina Soda Iron peroxide Iron protoxide. .. Water [ 4-og Totals Magnesia Carbonic acid_. 99-85 99-56 100.19 At Milwaukee 24,000,000 cream-colored brick are made annually ; at Racine, 3,500,000 ; at Appleton and Menasha, 1,800,000 each; at Neenah, 1,600,000; at Clifton, 1,700,000; at Wat erloo, 1,600,000; and in smaller quantities at Jefferson, Ft. Atkinson, Edgerton, Whitewater, Geneva, Ozaukee, Sheboygan Falls, Manitowoc, Kewaunee, and other places. In most cases the cream-colored bricks are made from a bright-red clay, although occasionally the clay is light- colored. At Whitewater and other places tile and pottery are also made from this clay. Although these lacustrine clays are much the most important in Wisconsin, excellent brisk clays are also found in the interior of the state. In numbers of places along the Yahara valley, in Dane county, an excellent stratified clay occurs. At Madison this is burned to a red brick ; at Stoughton and Oregon to a fine cream-colored brick. At Platteville, Lancaster, and other points in the southwestern part of the state, red bricks are made from clays found in the vicinity. Kaolin (Porcelain - Clay — Fire - Clay). The word "kaolin." is applied by geologists to a clay-like material which is used in making chinaware in this country and in Europe. The word is of Chinese origin, and is applied by the Chinese to the substance from which the famous porcelain of China is made. Its application to the European yorce\ain-clay was made under the mistaken idea — one which has prevailed among scientists until very recently — that the Chinese material is the same as the European. This we now know to be an error, the Chinese and Japanese wares being both made altogether from a solid rock. True kaolin, using the word in its European sense, is unlike other ordinary clays, in being the result of the disintegration of felspathic crystalline rocks " in place," that is without being removed from the place of its first formation. The base of kaolin is a mineral known as kaolinite, a compound of silica, alumina and water, which results from a change or decay of the felspar of felspar-bearing rocks. Felspar contains silica, alumina, and soda or potash, or both. By perco lation through the rocks of surface water carrying carbonic acid, the potash and soda are removed and kaolinite results. Mingled with the kaolinite are, however, always the other ingre dients of the rock, quartz, mica, etc., and also always some undecomposed, or only partly decom posed felspar. These foreign ingredients can all, however, be more or less perfectly removed by a system of levigation, when a pure white clay results, composed almost wholly of the scales of 170 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. the mineral kaolinite. Prepared in this way the kaolin has a high value as a refractory material,, and for forming the base of fine porcelain wares. The crystalline rocks, which, by decomposition, would produce a kaolin, are widely spread over the northern part of Wisconsin ; but over the most of the region occupied by them there is no sign of the existence of kaolin, the softened rock having apparently been removed by glacial action. In a belt of country, however, which extends from Grand Rapids on the Wisconsin, westward to Black river, in Jackson county, the drift is insignificant or entirely absent; the glacial forces have not acted, and the crystalline rocks are, or once were, overlaid by sandstone, along whose line of junction with the underlying formation numerous water-courses have existed, the result being an unusual amount of disintegration. Here we find, in the beds of the Wisconsin, Yellow, and Black rivers, large exposures of crystalline rocks, which between the rivers are overlaid by sandstone. The crystalline rocks are in distinct layers, tilted at high angles, and in numerous places decomposed into a soft white kaolin. Inasmuch as these layers. strike across the country m long, straight lines, patches of kaolin are found ranging themselves into similar lines. The kaolin patches are most abundant on the Wisconsin in the vicinity of the city of Grand Rapids, in Wood county. They vary greatly in size,, one deposit even' varying from a fraction of an inch to a number of feet in thickness. The kaolin varies, also, greatly in character, some being quite impure and easily fusible from a large content of iron oxide or from partial decomposition only, while much of it is very pure and refractory. There is no doubt, however, that a large amount of kaolin exists in this region, and that by selection and levigation an excellent material may be obtained, which, by mingling with powdered quartz, may be made to yield a fire-brick of unusual refractoriness, and which may even be employed in making fine porcelain ware. The following table gives the composition of the raw clay, the fine clay obtained from it by levigation, and the coarse residue from the same operation, the sample having been taken from the opening on the land of Mr. C. B. Garrison, section 5, town 22, range 6 east, Wood county: RAW CLAY. LEVIGATION PRODUCTS. RAW CLAY. LEVIGATION PRODUCTS FINE CLAY. COARSE RESIDUE. FINE CLAY. COARSE RESIDUE. 78.83 13-43 0.74 0.640.07o-37 49-94 36.80 0.72 trace 0.51 92.86 2 08 O.74O.96O.IO 0.28 0.0,7o.o-i 5-45 O.08 II.62 O.05 Carbonic Acid Water Totals Iron peroxide - 2-53 Magnesia 99.60 99.67 y9-6o Cement - Rock. Certain layers of the Lower Magnesian limestone, as at Ripon, and other points in the east ern part of the state, are known to produce a lime which has in some degree the hydraulic property, and the same is true of certain layers of the Blue limestone of the Trenton group, in the southwestern part of the state ; the most valuable material of this kind, however, that is as yet known to exist in Wisconsin, is found near Milwaukee, and has become very recently somewhat widely known as the " Milwaukee " cement-rock. This rock belongs to the Hamilton formation, and is found near the Washington street bridge, at Brown Deer, on the lake shore at Whitefish MINERAL RESOURCES. 171 bay, and at other points in the immediate vicinity of Milwaukee. The quantity attainable is large, and a very elaborate series of tests by D. J. Whittemore, chief engineer of the Milwau kee and St. Paul railroad, shows that the cement made from it exceeds all native and foreign cements in strength, except the famous English "Portland" cement. The following are- three analyses of the rock from different points, and they show that it has a very constant. composition : I. 2. 3- 45-54 32.46 17.56 1.41 3-03 100.00 48.29 29.19 17-36 1.40 2.24 41-34 34-88 16.99 5-oo 1.79 Carbonate of Magnesia Silica Alumina Iron Sesquioxide 98.68 Limestone for Making Quick -lime. Quick-lime is made from all of the great limestone formations of Wisconsin, but more is. burnt from the Lower Magnesian and Niagara formations, than from the others. The Lower Magnesian yields a very strong mortar, but the lime burned from it is not very white. It is burned largely in the region about Madison, one of the largest quarries being on the south line of section. 33 of that town, where some 20,000 bushels are produced annually, in two kilns. The lime from. this place has a considerable local reputation under the name of "Madison lime." The Trenton limestone is burned at a few points, but yields an inferior lime. The Galena is not very generally burned, but yields a better lime than the Trenton. In the region about Watertown and White water, some 40,000 to 50,000 barrels are made annually from this formation. The Niagara, however, is the great lime furnisher of the northwest. From its purity it is adapted to the making of a most admirable lime. It is burned on a large scale at numbers of points in the eastern part of the state, among which may be mentioned, Pellon's kilns, Pewau- kee, where 12,000 barrels are made weekly and shipped to Chicago, Grand Haven, Des Moines,, etc.; and Holick & Son's kilns, Racine, which yield 60,000 to 75,000 barrels annually. A total of about 400,000 barrels is annually made from the Niagara formation in eastern Wisconsin. Limestone for Flux in Iron Smelting. The limestones of Wisconsin are rarely used as a flux, because of their prevalent magnesian, character. The stone from Schoonmaker's quarry, near Milwaukee, is used at the Bay View iron works, and is one of the few cases. There are certain layers, however, in the Trenton lime stone, widely spread over the southern part of the state, which are non-magnesian, and frequently sufficiently free from earthy impurities to be used as a flux. These layers deserve the attention of the iron masters of the state. Glass Sand. Much ofthe St. Peter's sandstone is a purely siliceous, loose, white sand, well adapted to, the making of glass. It is now being put to this use at points in the eastern part of the state. 172 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Peat. Peat exists in large quantities and of good quality underneath the numerous marshes of the eastern and central parts of the state. Whether it can be utilized in the future as a fuel, will depend altogether upon the cost of its preparation, which will have to be very low in order that it may compete with superior fuels. As a fertilizer, peat has always a great value, and requires no Preliminary treatment. Building Stones. All the rocky formations of Wisconsin are used in building, and even the briefest synopsis of the subject of the building stones of the state, would exceed the limits of this paper. A few of the more prominent kinds only are mentioned. Granite occurs in protruding masses, and also grading into gneiss, in the northern portions of the state, at numerous points. In many places on the Wisconsin, Yellow, and Black rivers, and especially at Big Bull Falls, Yellow river, red granites of extraordinary beauty and value occur. These are not yet utilized, but will in the future have a high value. The handsomest and most valuable sandstone found in Wisconsin, is that which extends along the shore of Lake Superior, from the Michigan to the Minnesota line, and which forms the basement rock of the Apostle islands. On one of these islands a very large quarry is opened, from which are taken masses of almost any size, of a very close-grained, uniform, dark brown stone, which has been shipped largely to Chicago and Milwaukee. At the latter place, the well known court house is .built of this stone. An equally good stone can be obtained from the neigh boring islands, and from points on the mainland. A very good white to brown, indurated sand stone is obtained from the middle portions of the Potsdam series, at Stevens Point, Portage County; near,Grand Rapids, Wood county; at Black River Falls, Jackson county; at Packwau- kee, Marquette county ; near Wautoma, Waushara county ; and at several points in the Baraboo valley, Sauk county. A good buff-colored, calcareous sandstone is quarried and used largely in the vicinity of Madison, from the uppermost layers of the Potsdam series. All of the limestone formations of the state are quarried for building stone. A layer known locally as the " Mendota" limestone, included in the upper layers of the Potsdam series, yields a very evenly bedded, yellow, fine-grained rock, which is largely quarried along the valley of the iower Wisconsin, and also in the country about Madison. In the town of Westport, Dane county, a handsome, fine-grained, cream-colored limestone is obtained from the Lower Magne sian. The Trenton limestone yields an evenly bedded, thin stone, which is frequently used for laying in wall. The Galena and Niagara are also utilized, and the latter is capable, in much of the eastern part of the state, of furnishing adurable, easily dressed, compact, white stone. In preparing this paper, I have made use of Professor Whitney's " Metallic Wealth of the United States," and "Report on the Geology of the Lead Region;" of the advance sheets of Volume II of the Reports of the State Geological Survey, including Professor T. C. Chamberlin's Report on the Geology of Eastern Wisconsin, my own Report on the Geology of Central Wisconsin, and Mr. Strong's Report on the Geology of the Lead Region ; Mr. E. T. Sweet's account of the mineral exhibit ofthe state at the Centennial Exposition ; and of my unpublished reports on the geology of the counties bordering Lake Superior. WISCONSIN RAILROADS. By Hon. H. H. GILES. The territory of Wisconsin offered great advantages to emigrants. Explorers had published -accounts of the wonderful fertility of its soil, the wealth of its broad prairies and forest openings, -and the beauty of its lakes and rivers. Being reached from the older states by way of the lakes and easily accessible by a long line of lake coast, the hardships incident to weeks of land travel were avoided. Previous to 1836 but few settlements had been made in that part of the then territory of Michigan, that year organized into the territory of Wisconsin, except as mining camps in the southwestern part, and scattered settlers in the vicinity of the trading posts and military stations. From that time on, with the hope of improving their condi tion, thousands of the enterprising yeomanry of New England, New York and Ohio started for the land of promise. Germans, Scandinavians and other nationalities, attracted by the glowing accounts sent abroad, crossed the ocean on their way to the new world; steamers and sail-craft laden with families and their household goods left Buffalo and other lake ports, all bound for the new Eldorado. It may be doubted if in the history of the world any country was ever peo pled with the rapidity of southern and eastern Wisconsin. Its population in 1840 was 30,749; in 1850, 304,756; in i860, 773,693; in 1870, 1,051,351; in 1875, 1,236,729. With the develop ment of the agricultural resources of the new territory, grain raising became the most prominent interest, and as the settlements extended back from the lake shore the difficulties of transporta tion of the products of the soil were seriously felt. The expense incurred in moving a load of produce seventy or eighty miles to a market town on the lake shore frequently exceeded the gross sum obtained for the same. All goods, wares and merchandise, and most of the lumber used must also be hauled by teams from Lake Michigan. Many of our early settlers still retain vivid recollections of trying experiences in the Milwaukee woods and other sections bordering on the lake shore, from the south line of the state to Manitowoc and Sheboygan. To meet the great want — better facilities for transportation — a valuable land grant was obtained from •congress, in 1838, to aid in building a canal from Milwaukee to Rock river The company which was organized to construct it, built a dam across Milwaukee river and a short section of the canal; then the work stopped and the plan was finally abandoned. It was early seen that to satisfy the requirements of the people, railroads, as the most feasable means of communication within their reach, were an indispensable necessity. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Between the years 1838 and 1841, the territorial legislature of Wisconsin chartered several railroad companies, but with the exception of the " Milwaukee & Waukesha Railroad Company,'' incorporated in 1847, none of the corporations thus created took any particular shape. The commissioners named in its charter met November 23, 1847, and elected a president, Dr. L. W. Weeks, and a secretary, A. W. Randall (afterward governor of Wisconsin). On the first Monday of February, 1848, they opened books of subscription. The charter of the company provided 174 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. that $100,000 should be subscribed and five percent, thereof paid in before the company should fully organize as a corporation. The country was new. There were plenty of active, energetic men, but money to build railroads was scarce, and not until April 5, 1849, was the necessary subscription raised and percentage paid. A board of directors was elected on the 10th day of May, and Byron Kilbourn chosen president. The charter had been previously amended, in 1848,. authorizing the company to build a road to the Mississippi river, in Grant county, and in 1850, its name was changed to the "Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad Company." After the company was fully organized, active measures were taken to push the enterprise forward to completion. The city of Milwaukee loaned its credit, and in 185 1 the pioneer Wisconsin railroad reached Waukesha, twenty miles out from Milwaukee. In the spring of 1852, Edward H. Broadhead, a. prominent engineer, from from the state of New York, was put in charge of the work as chief engineer and superintendent. Under his able and energetic administration the road was pushed forward in 1852 to Milton, in 1853 to Stoughton, in 1854 to Madison, and in 1856 to the Mis sissippi river, at Prairie du Chien. In 185 1 John Catlin of Madison, was elected president in place of Kilbourn. The proposed length of this article will not admit of any detailed statement of the trials^ struggles and triumphs of the men who projected, and finally carried across the state, from the lake to the river, this first Wisconsin railroad. Mitchell, Kilbourn, Holton, Tweedy, Catlin, Walker, Broadhead, Crocker and many others, deserve to be remembered by our people as bene factors of the state. In 1859 and i860, the company defaulted in the payment of the interest on its bonds. A foreclosure was made and a new company, called the " Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien," took its place, succeeding to all its rights and propertyi The "Southern Wisconsin Railway Company" was chartered in 1852, and authorized to build a road from Milton to the Mississippi river. When the Milwaukee and Mississippi road reached Milton in 1852, it was not authorized by its charter to go to Janesville, but, under the charter of the Southern Wisconsin, a company was organized that built the eight miles to Janesville in 1853, Under a subsequent amendment to the charter, the Milwaukee and Mississippi company was authorized to build from Milton to the Mississippi river. The Janesville branch was then purchased and extended to Monroe, a distance of about thirty-four miles, or forty-two miles west of Milton. Surveys were made and a line located west of Monroe to the river. The people of La Fayette and Grant counties have often been encouraged to expect a direct railroad communi cation with the city of Milwaukee. Other and more important interests, at least so considered by the railroad company, have delayed the execution of the original plan, and the road through the counties mentioned still remains unbuilt. The " LaCrosse & Milwaukee Railroad Company " was chartered in 1852, to construct a road from LaCrosse to Milwaukee. During the year in which the charter was obtained, the company was organized, and the first meeting of the commissioners held at LaCrosse. Among its pro jectors were Byron Kilbourn and Moses M. Strong. Kilbourn was elected its first president. No work was done upon this line until after its consolidation with the " Milwaukee, Fond du Lac & Green Bay Railroad Company" in 1854. The latter company was chartered in 1853, to build a road from Milwaukee via West Bend to Fond du Lac and Green Bay. It organized in the spring of" 1853, and at once commenced active operations under the supervision of James Kneeland, its first president. The city of Milwaukee loaned its credit for $200,000, and gave city bonds. The company secured depot grounds in Milwaukee, and did considerable grading for the first twenty- five miles out. Becoming embarrassed in January, 1854, the Milwaukee, Fond du Lac & Green Bay consolidated with the LaCrosse & Milwaukee company. Work was at once resumed on the partially graded line. In 1855 the road was completed to Horicon, fifty miles. WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 175 The Milwaukee & Watertown company was chartered in 1851, to build from Milwaukee to Watertown. It soon organized, and began the construction of its line from Brookfield, fourteen miles west of Milwaukee, and a point on the Milwaukee & Mississippi road leading through Oconomowoc to Watertown. The charter contained a provision that the company might extend its road by way of Portage to LaCrosse. It reached Watertown in 1856, and was consolidated with the LaCrosse & Milwaukee road in the autumn of the same year. In the spring of 1856 congress made a grant of land to the state of Wisconsin, to aid in the building of a railroad from Madjson, or Columbus, via Portage City, to the St. Croix river or lake, between townships 25 and 31. and from thence to the west end of Lake Superior, and to Bayfield. An adjourned session of the Wisconsin legislature met on September 3 of that year, to dispose of the grant. The disposal of this grant had been generally discussed by the press, and the public sentiment of the state seemed to tend toward its bestowal upon a new company. There is little doubt but that this was also the sentiment of a large majority of the members of both houses when the session commenced. When a new company was proposed a joint com mittee of twenty from the senate and assembly was appointed to prepare a bill, conferring the grant upon a company to be created by the bill itself. The work of the committee proceeded harmoniously until the question of who should be corporators was to be acted upon, when a difference of opinion was found to exist, and one that proved difficult to harmonize. In the mean time the LaCrosse and Watertown companies had consolidated, and a sufficient number of the members of both houses were "propitiated" by "pecuniary compliments" to induce them to pass the bill, conferring the so called St. Croix grant upon the LaCrosse & Milwaukee railroad company. The vote in the assembly in the passage of the bill was, ayes 62, noes 7. In the senate it stood, ayes 17, noes 7. At the session of the legislature of 1858 a committee was raised to investigate the matter, and their report demonstrated that bonds were set apart for all who voted for the LaCrosse bill ; to members of assembly $5,000 each, and members of senate $10,000 each. A few months after the close of the legislative sesssion of 1856 the land grant bonds of the LaCrosse road became worthless. Neither the LaCrosse company nor its successors ever received any portion of the lands granted to the state. During the year 1857 the La Crosse company completed its line of road through Portage City to LaCrosse, and its Watertown line to Columbus. The "Milwaukee & Horicon Railroad Company" was chartered in 1852. Between the years 1855 and 1857 it built through Waupun and Ripon to Berlin, a distance of forty-two miles. It was, in effect, controlled by the LaCrosse & Milwaukee company, although built as a separate branch. This line was subsequently merged in the LaCrosse company, and is now a part of the northern division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. The '¦ Madison, Fond du Lac & Lake Michigan Railroad Company" was chartered in 1855, to build a road from Madison via Fond du Lac to Lake Michigan. In 1857 it bought of the LaCrosse company that portion of its road acquired by consolidation with the Milwaukee & Watertown company. Its name was then changed to " Milwaukee & Western Railroad Com pany." It owned a line of road from Brookfield to Watertown, and branches from the latter place to Columbus and Sun Prairie, in all about eighty miles in length. In 1858 and 1859 the La Crosse & Milwaukee and the Milwaukee & Horicon companies defaulted in the payment of the interest on their bonded debts. In the same years the bond holders of the two companies instituted foreclosure proceedings on the different trust deeds given to secure their bonds. Other suits to enforce the payment of their floating debts were also com menced. Protracted litigation in both the state and federal courts resulted in a final settlement in 1868, by a decision of the supreme court of the United States. In the meantime, in 1862 and 176 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. 1863, both roads were sold, and purchased by an association of the bondholders, who organized. the " Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company." The new company succeeded to all the rights, of both the La Crosse and Horicon companies, and soon afterward, in 1863, purchased the property of the Milwaukee & Western company, thus getting control of the roads from Mil waukee to La Crosse, from Horicon to Berlin, from Brookfield to Watertown, and the branches. to Columbus and Sun Prairie. In 1864 it built from Columbus to Portage, from Brookfield to Milwaukee, and subsequently extended the Sun Prairie branch to Madison, in 1869. It also purchased the Ripon & Wolf River road, which had been built fifteen miles in length, from Ripon to Omro, on the Fox river, and extended it to Winneconne on the Wolf river, five miles, farther, and twenty miles from Ripon. In 1867 the Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company obtained control of the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien railroad. The legislature of 1857 had passed an act, authorizing all stock-holders in all incorporated companies to vote on shares of stock owned by them. The directors of the Milwaukee & St. Paul company had secured a majority of the common stock, and, at the election of 1867, elected themselves a board of directors for the Prairie du Chien company. All the rights, property and interests of the latter company came under the ownership and control of the former. In 1865, Alexander Mitchell, of Milwaukee, was elected president, and S. S. Merrill generaL manager of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company. They were retained in their respective positions by the new organization, and still continue to hold these offices, a fact largely owing to- the able and efficient manner that has characterized their management of the company's affairs. The company operates six hundred and eighty-six milgs of road in Wisconsin, and in all one thousand four hundred miles. Its lines extend to St. Paul and Minneapolis in Minnesota, and to Algona in Iowa, and over the Western Union to Savannah and Rock Island in the state of Illinois. The " Oshkosh & Mississippi Railroad Company " was chartered in 1866 to huild a road from the city of Oshkosh to the Mississippi river. Its construction to Ripon in 1872 was a. move on the part of citizens of Oshkosh to connect their town with the Milwaukee & St. Paul road. It is twenty miles in length and leased to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company. In 1871 and 1872 the "Wisconsin Union Railroad Company," of which John W. Cary was. president, built a road from Milwaukee to the state line between Wisconsin and Illinois, to connect with a road built from Chicago to the state line of Illinois. This new line between Milwaukee and Chicago was built in the interest of, and in fact by, the Milwaukee & St. Paul company to afford a connection between its Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota system of roads,, and the eastern trunk lines centering in Chicago. It runs parallel with the shore of Lake Michigan and from three to six miles from it, and is eighty-five miles in length. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway. The territorial legislature of 184-8 chartered the " Madison & Beloit Railroad Company" with authority to build a railroad from Beloit to Madison only. In 1850, by an act of the legislature, the company was authorized to extend the road to the Wisconsin river and La Crosse,, and to a point on the Mississippi river near St. Paul, and also from Janesville to Fond du Lac. Its name was changed, under legislative authority, to the " Rock River Valley Union Railroad Company." In 1851, the line from Janesville north not being pushed as the people expected,. the legislature of Illinois chartered the " Illinois & Wisconsin Railroad Company " with authority to consolidate with any road in Wisconsin. In 1855, an act of the Wisconsin legislature consoli dated the Illinois and Wisconsin companies with the " Rock River Valley Union Railroad Com pany," and the new organization took the name of the " Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Rail- WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 177 road Company." In 1854, and previous to the consolidation, the company had failed and passed into the hands of the bondholders, who foreclosed and took stock for their bonds. The old management of A. Hyatt Smith and John B. Macy was superseded, and Wm. B. Ogden was made president. Chicago was all along deeply interested in reaching the rich grain fields of the Rock river valley, as well as the inexhaustible timber and mineral wealth of the northern part of Wisconsin and that part of Michigan bordering on Lake Superior, called the Peninsula. It also sought a connection with the upper Mississippi region, then being rapidly peopled, by a line of railroad to run through Madison to St. Paul, in Minnesota. Its favorite road was started from Chicago on the wide (six feet) gauge, and so constructed seventy miles to Sharon on the Wis consin state line. This was changed to the usual (four feet, eight and one-half inches) width, andthework was vigorously pushed, reaching Janesville in 1855 and Fond du Lac in 1858. The Rock River Valley Union railroad company had, however, built about thirty miles from Fond du Lac south toward Minnesota Junction before the consolidation took place, The partially graded line on a direct route between Janesville and Madison was abandoned. In 1852 a new charter had been obtained, and the " Beloit & Madison Railroad Company " had been organized to build a road from Beloit via Janesville to Madison. A subsequent amendment to this charter- had left out Janesville as a point, and the Beloit branch was pushed through to Madison, reach ing that city in 1864. The " Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company" had built a branch of the Galena line from Belvedere to Beloit previous to 1854. In that year, it leased the Beloit & Madison road, and from 1856 operated it in connection with the Milwaukee & Mississippi, reaching Janes ville by way of Hanover Junction, a station on its Southern Wisconsin branch, eight miles west of Janesville. The consolidation of the Galena & Chicago Union and the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac companies was effected and approved by legislative enactment in 1855, and a new organization called the " Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company " took their place. The "Green Bay, Milwaukee & Chicago Railroad Company" was chartered in 1851 to build. a road from Milwaukee to the state line of Illinois to connect with a road from Chicago, called the Chicago & Milwaukee railroad. Both roads were completed in 1855, and run in connection until 1863, when they were consolidated under the name of the "Chicago & Milwaukee Railroad Company." To prevent its falling into the hands of the Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern secured it by perpetual lease, May 2, 1866, and it is now operated as its Chicago, division. The " Kenosha & Beloit Railroad Company " was incorporated in 1853 to build a road from Kenosha to Beloit, and was organized soon after its charteriwas obtained. Its name was after ward changed to the " Kenosha, Rockford & Rock Island Railroad Company," and its route changed to run to Rockford instead of Beloit. The line starts at Kenosha, and runs through the Eounty of Kenosha and crosses the state line near the village of Genoa in the county of Wal worth, a distance of thirty miles in the state of Wisconsin, and there connects with a road in Illinois running to Rockford, and with which it consolidated. Kenosha and its citizens were the principal subscribers to its capital stock. The company issued its bonds, secured by the usual mortgage on its franchises and property. Failing to pay its interest, the mortgage was foreclosed, and the road was sold to the Chicago & Northwestern company in 1863, and is now operated by it as the Kenosha division. The line was constructed from Kenosha to Genoa in 1862. The "Northwestern Union Railway Company " was organized in 1872, under the general rail road law of the state, to build a line of road from Milwaukee to Fond du Lac, with a branch to Lodi. The road was constructed during the years 1872 and 1873 from Milwaukee to Fond du. Lac. The Chicago & Northwestern company were principally interested in its being built, to 178 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. shorten its line between Chicago and Green Bay, and now uses it as its main through line between the two points. The " Baraboo Air-Line Railroad Company" was incorporated in 1870, to build a road from Madison, Columbus, or Waterloo via Baraboo, to La Crosse, or any poiat on the Mississippi river. It organized in the interest of the Chicago & Northwestern, with which company it con solidated, and the work of building a connecting line between Madison and Winona Junction was vigorously pushed forward. Lodi was reached in 1870, Baraboo in 187 1, and Winona Junc tion in 1874. The ridges between Elroy and Sparta were tunneled at great expense and with much difficulty. In 1874 the company reported an expenditure for its three tunnels of $476,743.32, and for the 129 1-10 miles between Madison and Winona Junction of $5,342,169.96, and a large expenditure yet required to be made on it. In 1867 the Chicago & Northwestern company bought of D. N. Barney & Co. their interest in the Winona & St. Peters railway, a line being built westerly from Winona in Minnesota, and of which one hundred and five miles had ¦been built. It also bought of the same parties their interest in the La Crosse, Trempealeau & Prescott railway, a line being built from Winona Junction, three miles east of La Crosse, to Winona, Minn. The latter line was put in operation in 1870, and is twenty-nine miles long. With the completion of its Madison branch to Winona junction, in 1873, it had in operation a line from Chicago, via Madison and Winona, to Lake Kampeska, Minn., a distance of six hundred and twenty-three miles. In the year 1856 a valuable grant of land was made by congress to the state of Wisconsin to aid in the construction of railroads. The Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac company claimed that the grant was obtained through its efforts, and that of right it should have the northeastern grant, so-called. At the adjourned session of the legislature of 1856, a contest over the dispo sition of the grant resulted in conferring it upon the " Wisconsin & Superior Railroad Company," a corporation chartered for the express purpose of giving it this grant. It was generally believed at the time that the new company was organized in the interest of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac company, and at the subsequent session, in the following year, it was authorized to consolidate with the new company, which it did in the spring of that year, and thus obtained the grant of 3,840 acres per mile along its entire line, from Fond du Lac northerly to the state line between Wisconsin and" Michigan. It extended its road to Oshkosh in 1859, to Appleton in 1 86 1, and in 1862 to Fort Howard, forming a line two hundred and forty-two miles long. The line from Fort Howard to Escanaba, one hundred and fourteen miles long, was opened in Decem ber, 1872, and made a connection with the peninsular railroad of Michigan. It now became a part of the Chicago & Northwestern, extending from Escanaba to the iron mines, and thence to Lake Superior at Marquette. Albert Keep, of Chicago, is president, and Marvin Hughitt, a gentleman of great railroad experience, is general superintendent. The company operates five hundred and fifty-six miles of road in Wisconsin, and in all one thousand five hundred miles. Its lines extend into five different states. Over these lines its equipment is run in common, or transferred from place to place, as the changes in business may temporarily require. Wisconsin Central Railroad. The " Milwaukee & Northern Railway Company " was incorporated in 1870, to build a road from Milwaukee to some point on the Fox river below Winnebago lake, and thence to Lake Superior, with branches. It completed its road to Menasha, one hundred and two miles from Milwaukee, with a branch from Hilbert to Green Bay, twenty-seven miles, in 1873, and in that year leased its line to the "Wisconsin Central Railroad Company," which is still operating it. In WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 179 1864 congress made a grant of land to the state of Wisconsin to aid in the construction of a rail road from Berlin, Doty's Island, Fond du Lac, or Portage, by way of Stevens Point, to Bayfield or Superior, granting the odd sections within ten miles on each side of the line, with an indem nity limit of twenty miles on each side. The legislature of 1865 failed to dispose of this grant, but that of 1866 provided for the organization of two companies, one to build from Portage City by way of Berlin to Stevens Point, and the other from Menasha to the same point, and then jointly to Bayfield and Lake Superior. The former was called the "Winnebago and Lake Superior Railroad Company," and the latter the " Portage & Superior Railroad Company." In 1869 an act was passed consolidating the two companies, which was done under the name of the " Portage, Winnebago & Superior Railroad Company." In 1871 the name of the company was changed to the " Wisconsin Central Railroad Company." The Winnebago & Lake Superior company was organized under Hon. George Reed as president, and at once commenced the construction of its line of road between Menasha and Stevens Point. In 187 1 the Wisconsin Central consolidated with the " Manitowoc & Mississippi Railroad Company." The articles of consolidation provided that Gardner Colby, a director of the latter company, should be president, and that George Reed, a director of the former, should be vice president of the new organization ; with a further provision that Gardner Colby, George Reed, and Elijah B. Phillips should be and remain its executive committee. In 1-871, an act was passed incorporating the " Phillips and Colby Construction Company," which created E. B. Phillips, C. L. Colby, Henry Pratt, and such others as they might associate with them, a body corporate, with authority to build railroads and do all manner of things relat ing to railroad construction and operation. Under this act1 the construction company contracted with the Wisconsin Central railroad company, to build its line of road from Menasha to Lake Superior. In November, 1873, the Wisconsin Central leased ofthe Milwaukee & Northern com pany its line of road extending from Schwartzburg to Menasha, and the branch to Green Bay, for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and also acquired the rights of the latter com pany to use the track of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company between Schwartzburg and Milwaukee, and to depot facilities in Milwaukee. The construction of the land grant portion of this important line of road was commenced in 1871, and it was completed to Stevens Point in November of that year. It was built from Stevens Point north one hundred miles to Worcester in 1872. During 1872 and 1873, it was built from Ashland south to the Penoka iron ridge, a dis tance of thirty miles. The straight line between Portage City and Stevens Point, authorized by an act of the legislature of 1875, was constructed between October 1, 1875, and October, 1876, seven y-one miles in length. The gap of forty-two miles between Worcester and Penoka iron ridge was closed in June, 1877. E. B. Phillips, of Milwaukee, is president and general manager. This line of road passes through a section of our state hitherto unsettled. It has been pushed through with energy, and opened up for settlement an immense region of heavily timbered land, and thus contributed to the growth and prosperity of the state. The Western Union Railroad. The " Racine, Janesville & Mississippi Railroad Company " was chartered in 1852,1.0 build a road from Racine to Beloit, and was organized the same year. The city of Racine issued its bonds for $300,000 in payment for that amount of stock. The towns of Racine, Elkhorn, Dele van and Beloit gave $190,000, and issued their bonds, and farmers along the line made liberal subscriptions and secured the same by mortgages on their farms. The road was built to Burling ton in 1855, to Delavan early in 1856, and to Beloit, sixty-eight miles from Racine, during the same year. Failing to meet the interest on its bonds and its floating indebtedness, it was sur- 180 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. rendered by the company to the bond-holders in 1859, who completed it to Freeport during that year, and afterward built to the Mississippi river at Savannah, and thence to Rock Island. The bond-holders purchased and sold the road in 1866, and a new organization was had as the " West ern Union Railroad Company," and it has sinee been operated under that name. In 1869, it built a line from Elkhorn to Eagle, seventeen miles, and thus made a connection with Milwau kee over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul line. The latter company owns a controlling interest it its line. Alexander Mitchell is the president of the company, and D. A. Olin, general superintendent. West Wisconsin Railroad. The lands granted by congress in 1856 to aid in the construction of a railroad in Wisconsin, from Tomah to Superior and Bayfield, were disposed of as mentioned under the history of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul company. The La Crosse company, as we have seen, prevailed in the legislature of 1856, and secured legislation favorable to its interests; but it failed to build the line of road provided for, and forfeited its right to lands granted. In 1863, the " Tomah & Lake St. Croix Railroad Company " was incorporated, with authority to construct a railroad from some point in the town of Tomah in Monroe county, to such point on Lake St. Croix, between town ships 25 and 31 as the directors might determine. To the company, by the act creating it, was granted all the interest and estate of this state, to so much of the lands granted by the United States to the state of Wisconsin, known as the St. Croix grant, as lay between Tomah and Lake St. Croix. A few months after its organization, the company passed substantially into the hands of D. A. Baldwin and Jacob Humbird, who afterward built a line of road from Tomah, via Black River Falls, and Eau Claire to Hudson, on Lake St. Croix, one hundred and seventy-eight miles. Its name was afterward changed to the "West Wisconsin Railroad Company." In 1873, li huilt its road from Warren's Mills via Camp Douglass, on the St. Paul road to Elroy, and took up its track from the first-named place, twelve miles, to Tomah. A law-suit resulted, which went against the railroad company, and the matter was finally compromised by the payment of a sum of money by the company to the town of Tomah. The road was built through a new and sparsely settled country, and its earnings have not been sufficient to enrich its stock-holders. It connects at Camp Douglass with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road, and at Elroy with the Chicago & Northwestern railway company's line, which gives the latter a through line to St. Paul. It is operated in connection with the Chicago & Northwestern railway, and managed in its interest. It is now in the hands of Wm. H. Ferry, of Chicago, as receiver; H. H. Potter, of Chicago, as president*; and E. W. Winter, of Hudson, superintendent. The Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railway. In 1870, the "Milwaukee, Manitowoc & Green Bay Railroad Company " was chartered to build a road from Milwaukee to Green Bay by way of Manitowoc, lt built its line from Mil waukee to Manitowoc in 1873, when its name was changed to " Milwaukee, Lake Shore & West ern Railroad Company." Under a decree of foreclosure, it was sold Dec. 10, 1875, and its name was changed to " Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railway Company," by which name it is still known. In 1866, the "Appleton & New London Railroad Company" was incorporated to build a road from Appleton to New London, and thence to Lake Superior. A subsequent amendment to its charter authorized it to extend its road to Manitowoc. It built most of the line from Appleton to that city, and then, under legislative authority, sold this extension to the Milwau- WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 181 kee, Lake Shore & Western railroad company. The last-named company extended it to New London, on the Wolf river, twenty-one miles, in 1876, where it connects with the Green Bay & Minnesota road. It now operates one hundred and forty-six miles of road, extending from Mil waukee to New London, passing through Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Appleton, which includes a branch line six miles in length from Manitowoc to Two Rivers. F. W. Rhinelander, of New York, is its president, and H. G. H. Reed, of Milwaukee, superintendent. The Green Bay & Minnesota Railroad. The line of road operated by this company extends from Fort Howard to the Mississippi river, opposite Winona, Minnesota. It is two hundred and sixteen miles in length, and was built through a sparsely settled and heavily timbered section of the state. It began under most discouraging circumstances, yet was pushed through by the energy of a few men at Green Bay and along its line. It was originally chartered in 1866 as the "Green Bay & Lake Pepin Rail- road Company " to build a road from the mouth of the Fox river near Green Bay to the Missis sippi river opposite Winona. But little was done except the making of preliminary surveys in 1870. During 1870 and 187 1, forty miles were constructed and put in operation. In 1872, one hundred and fourteen miles were graded, the track laid, and the river reached, sixty-two miles farther, in 1873. In 1876, it acquired the right to use the "Winona cut-off " between Winona and Onalaska, and built a line from the latter point to La Crosse, seven miles, thus connecting its road with the chief city of Wisconsin on the Mississippi river. The city of La Crosse aided this extension by subscribing $75,000 and giving its corporation bonds for that amount. Henry Ketchum, of New London, is president of the company, and D. M. Kelly, of Green Bay, gen eral manager. Wisconsin Valley Road. The " Wisconsin Valley Railroad Company " was incorporated in 187 1 to build a road from a point on or near the line of the Milwaukee & La Crosse railroad, between Kilbourn City and the tunnel in said road to the village of Wausau, in the county of Marathon, and the road to pass not more than one mile west of the village of Grand Rapids, in the county of Wood. The road was commenced at Tomah, and graded to Centralia in 1872, and opened to that village in 1873, and during 1874 it was completed to Wausau, ninety miles in its whole length. Boston capitalists furnished the money, and it is controlled in the interest of the Dubuque & Minnesota railroad, through which the equipment was procured. The lumber regions of the Wisconsin river find an outlet over it, and its junction with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road at Tomah enables a connection with the railroads of Iowa and Minnesota. It gives the people of Marathon county an outlet long needed for a large lumber traffic, and also enables them to receive their goods and supplies of various kinds for the lumbering region tributary to Wausau. James F. Joy, of Detroit, is president, and F. O. Wyatt, superintendent. Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Railroad, The "Sheboygan & Mississippi Railroad Company " was incorporated in 1852, to build ai road from Sheboygan to the Mississippi river. It was completed from Sheboygan to Plymouth in 1858, to Glenbeulah in i860, to Fond du Lac in 1868, and to Princeton in 1872. The extension from Fond du Lac to Princeton was built under authority of an act passed in 187 1. Under a foreclosure in 1861 the line from Sheboygan to Fonddu Lac was sold, and the name of the company changed to " Sheboygan & Fond du Lac Railroad Company." The length of 182 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. the line is seventy-eight miles, and it passes through a fertile agricultural country. The city of Sheboygan, county, city and town of Fond du Lac, and the towns of Riverdale, Ripon, Brooklyn, Princeton, and St. Marie, aided in its building to an amount exceeding $250,000-. D. L. Wells is president, and Geo. P. Lee, superindendent. The Mineral Point Railroad. The " Mineral Point Railroad Company " was chartered in 1852, to build a road from Mineral Point, in the county of Iowa, to the state line, in township number one, in either the county of Green or La Fayette. It was completed to Warren, in the state of Illinois, thirty-two miles, in 1855, making a connection at that point with the Illinois Central, running from Chicago to Galena. Iowa county loaned its credit and issued its bonds to aid in its construction. It was sold under foreclosure in 1856. Suits were brought against Iowa county to collect the amount of its bonds, and judgment obtained in the federal courts. Much litigation has been had, and ill feeling engendered, the supervisors of the county having been arrested for contempt of the decree of the court. Geo. W. Cobb, of Mineral Point, is the general manager. The Dubuque, Platteville & Milwaukee railroad was completed in July, 1870, and extends from Calamine, a point on the Mineral Point railroad, to the village of Platteville, eighteen miles, and is operated by the Mineral Point railroad company Madison & Portage Railroad. The legislature of 1855 chartered the " Sugar River Valley Railroad Company " to build a road from a point on the north side of the line of the Southern Wisconsin road, within the limits of Green county, to Dayton, on the Sugar river. In 1857 it was authorized to build south to the state line, and make its northern terminus at Madison. In 1861 it was authorized to build from Madi son to Portage City, and from Columbus to Portage City, and so much of the land grant act of 1856, as related to the building of the road from Madison, and from Columbus to Portage City, was annulled and repealed, and the rights and privileges that were conferred upon the LaCrosse company were given to the Sugar River Valley railroad company, and the portion of the land grant, applicable to the lines mentioned, was conferred upon the last named company. Under this legislation about twenty miles of the line between Madison and Portage were graded, and the right of way secured for about thirty of the thirty-nine miles. The LaCrosse company had done considerable grading before its right was annulled. In 1866 the company was relieved from constructing the road from Columbus to Portage City. In 1870 the purchasers of that part of the Sugar River Valley railroad lying between Madison and Portage City were incorporated as the " Madison & Portage Railroad Company," and to share all the rights, grants, etc., that were conferred upon the Sugar River railroad company by its charter, and amendments thereto, so far as related to that portion of the line. Previous to this time, in 1864 and 1865, judgments had been obtained against the Sugar River Valley company ; and its right of way, grading and depot grounds sold for a small sum. James Campbell, who had been a contractor with the Sugar River Valley company, with others, became the purchasers, and organized under the act of 1870, and, during the year 1871, com pleted it between Madison and Portage City, and in March, 1871, leased it to the Milwaukee & St. Paul company, and it is still operated by that corporation. In 1871 the Madison & Portage company was authorized to extend its road south to the Illinois state line, and north from Portage City to Lake Winnebago. The same year it was consolidated with the " Rockford Central WISCONSIN RAILROADS. 183 Railroad Company," of Illinois, and its name changed to the "Chicago & Superior Railroad Company," but still retains its own organization. The Madison & Portage railroad company claims a share in the lands granted by acts of congress in 1856, and have commenced proceed ings to assert its claim, which case is still pending in the federal courts. North Wisconsin Railroad. The "North Wisconsin Railroad Company" was incorporated in 1869, to build a road from Lake St. Croix, or river, to Bayfield on Lake Superior. The grant of land by congress in 1856, to aid in building a road from Lake St. Croix to Bayfield on Lake Superior, under the decision of the federal court, was yet at the disposal of the state. This company, in 187 1, built a short section of its line of road, with the expectation of receiving the grant. In 1873, the grant was conferred upon the Milwaukee & St. Paul company, but under the terms and restrictions con tained in the act, it declined to accept it. The legislature of 1874 gave it to the North Wiscon sin company, and it has built forty miles of its road, and received the lands pertaining thereto. Since 1876, it has not completed any part of its line, but is trying to construct twenty miles during the present year. The company is authorized to construct a road both to Superior and to Bayfield, but the act granting the lands confers that portion from Superior to the intersection of the line to Bayfield upon the Chicago & North Pacific air-line railroad. This last-named company have projected a line from Chicago to the west end of Lake Superior, and are the owners of an old grade made through Walworth and Jefferson counties, by a company chartered in 1853 as the " Wisconsin Central," to build a road from Portage City to Geneva, in the county of Walworth. The latter company had also graded its line between Geneva and the state line of Illinois. This grade was afterward appropriated by the Chicago & Northwestern, and over it they now operate trreir line from Chicago to Geneva. Prairie du Chien & McGregor Railroad. This is a line two miles in length, connecting Prairie du Chien in Wisconsin, with McGregor in Iowa. It is owned and operated by John Lawler, of the latter-named place. It extends across both channels of the Mississippi river, and an intervening island. The railroad bridge consists of substantial piling, except a pontoon draw across each navigable channel. Each pontoon is four hundred feet long and thirty feet wide, provided with suitable machinery and operated by steam power. Mr. Lawler has secured a patent on his invention of the pontoon draw for railroad bridges. His line was put in operation in April, 1874. The Chippewa Falls & Western Railroad. This road was built in 1874, by a company organized under the general law of the state. It is eleven miles in length, and connects the " Falls " with the West Wisconsin line at Eau Claire. It was constructed by the energetic business men and capitalists of Chippewa Falls, to afford an outlet for the great lumber and other interests of that thriving and prosperous city. The road is substantially built, and the track laid with steel rails. Narrow Gauge Railroads. The " Galena & Southern Wisconsin Railroad Company " was incorporated in 1857. Under its charter, a number of capitalists of the city of Galena, in the state of Illinois, commenced 184 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. the construction of a narrow (three feet) gauge road, running from that city to Platteville, thirty- one miles in length, twenty miles in Wisconsin. It runs through a part of La Fayette county to Platteville, in Grant county, and was completed to the latter point in 1875. Surveys are being made for an extension to Wingville, in Grant county. The "Fond du Lac, Amboy & Peoria Railway Company " was organized under the general law of the state, in 1874, to build a narrow gauge road from the city of Fond du Lac to the south line of the state in the county of Walworth or Rock, and it declared its intention to consolidate with a company in Illinois that had projected a line of railroad from Peoria, in Illinois, to the south line of the state of Wisconsin. The road is constructed and in operation from Fond du Lac to Iron Ridge, a point on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, twenty-nine miles from Fond du Lac. The "Pine River & Steven's Point Railroad Company" was crganized by the enterprising citizens of Richland Center, and has built a narrow gauge road from Lone Rock, a point on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road, in Richland county, to Richland Center, sixteen miles in length. Its track is laid with wooden rails, and it is operated successfully. The " Chicago & Tomah Railroad Company '' organized under the general railroad law of the state, in 1872, to construct a narrow gauge road from Chicago, in Illinois, to the city of Tomah, in Wisconsin. Its president and active manager is D. R. Williams, of Clermont, Iowa, and its secretary is L. M. Culver, of Wauzeka. It has graded about forty-five miles, extending from Wauzeka up the valley of the Kickapoo river, in Crawford county, Wisconsin. It expects to have fifty-four miles in operation, to Bloomingdale, in Vernon county, the present year (1877). The rolling stock is guaranteed, and the president is negotiating for the purchase of the iron. South of Wauzeka the line is located to Belmont, in Iowa county. At Wauzeka it will connect with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul line. The public-spirited citizens of Necedah, in Juneau county, have organized under the general law of the state, and graded a road-bed from their village to New Lisbon, on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul company's line. The latter company furnish and lay the iron, and will operate the road. It is thirteen miles in length. Conclusion. The railroads of Wisconsin have grown up under the requirements of the several localities that have planned and commenced their construction, and without regard to any general system. Frequently the work of construction was begun before adequate means were provided, and bankruptcy overtook the roads in their early stages. The consolidation of the various companies, as in the cases of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern, and others, has been effected to give through lines and the public greater facilities, as well as to introduce economy in management. At times the people have become apprehensive, and by legisla tive action prohibited railroads from consolidating, and have sought to control and break down the power of these corporations and to harmonize the interests of the companies and the public. The act of 1874, called the "Potter law," was the assertion, by the legislative power of the state, of its right to control corporations created by itself, and limit the rates at which freight and passengers should be carried. After a long and expensive contest, carried through the state and federal courts, this right has been established, being finally settled by the decision of the supreme court of the United States. Quite all the railroads of Wisconsin have been built with foreign capital. The plan pursued after an organization was effected, was to obtain stock subscriptions from those immediately LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 185 interested in the enterprise, procure the aid of counties and municipalities, and then allure the farmers, with the prospect of joint ownership in railroads, to subscribe for stock and mortgage their farms to secure the payment of their subscriptions. Then the whole line was bonded and a mortgage executed. The bonds and mortgages thus obtained, were taken to the money centers of New York, London, Amsterdam and other places, and sold, or hypothecated to obtain the money with which to prosecute the work. The bonds and mortgages were made to draw a high rate of interest, and the earnings of these new roads, through unsettled localities, were insufficient to pay more than running and incidental expenses, and frequently fell short of that. Default occurring in the payment of interest, the mortgages were foreclosed and the property passed into the hands and under the control of foreign capitalists. Such has been the history of most of the railroads of our state. The total number of farm mortgages given has been 3,785, amounting to $4,079,433 ; town, county and municipal bonds, amounting to $6,910,652. The total cost of all the railroads in the state, as given by the railroad commissioner in his report for 1876, has been $98,343,453.67. This vast sum is, no doubt, greatly in excess of what the cost should have been, but the roads have proved of immense benefit in the develop ment of the material resources of the state. Other lines are needed through sections not yet traversed by the iron steed, and present lines should be extended by branch roads. The questions upon which great issues were raised between the railway corporations and the people, are now happily settled by securing to the latter their rights ; and the former, under the wise and conciliatory policy pursued by their managers, are assured of the safety of their investments. An era of good feeling has succeeded one of distrust and antagonism. The people must use the railroads, and the railroads depend upon the people for sustenance and protection. This mutuality of interest, when fully recognized on both sides, will result in giving to capital a fair return and to labor its just reward. LUMBER MANUFACTURE. By W. B. JUDSON. Foremost among the industries of Wisconsin is that of manufacturing lumber. Very much ¦of the importance to which the state has attained is due to the development of its forest wealth. In America, agriculture always has been, and always will be, the primary and most important interest; but no nation can subsist upon agriculture alone. While the broad prairies of Illinois and Iowa are rich with a fertile and productive soil, the hills and valleys of northern Wisconsin are clothed with a wealth of timber that has given birth to a great manufacturing interest, which employs millions of capital and thousands of men, and has peopled the northern wilds with energetic, prosperous communities, built up enterprising cities, and crossed the state with a net work of railways which furnish outlets for its productions and inlets for the new populations which are ever seeking for homes and employment nearer to the setting sun. If a line be drawn upon the state map, from Green Bay westward through Stevens Point, to where it would naturally strike the Mississippi river, it will be below the southern boundary of the pine timber regions, with the single exception of the district drained by the Yellow river, a tributary of the Wisconsin, drawing its timber chiefly from Wood and Juneau counties. The territory north of this imaginary line covers an area a little greater than one half of the state. The pine timbered land is found . in belts or ridges, interspersed with prairie openings, patches •of hardwood and hemlock, and drained by numerous water-courses. No less than seven large 186 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. rivers traverse this northern section, and, with their numerous tributaries, penetrate every county, affording facilities for floating the logs to the mills, and, in many instances, the power to cut them into lumber. This does not include the St. Croix, which forms the greater portion of the boundary line between Wisconsin and Minnesota, and, by means of its tributaries, draws the most and best of its pine from the former state. These streams divide the territory, as far as lumbering is concerned, into six separate and distinct districts : The Green bay shore, which includes the Wisconsin side of the Menomonee, the Peshtigo and Oconto rivers, with a number of creeks which flow into the bay between the mouths of the Oconto and Fox rivers ; the Wolf river district ; the Wisconsin river, including the Yellow, as before mentioned ; the Black river ; the Chippewa and Red Cedar ; and the Wisconsin side of the St. Croix. Beginning with the oldest of these, the Green bay shore, a brief description of each will be attempted. The first saw-mill built in the state, of which there is now any knowledge, was put in operation in 1809, in Brown county, two or three miles east from Depere, on a little stream which was known as East river. It was built by Jacob Franks, but probably was a very small affair, Of its machinery or capacity for sawing, no history has been recorded, and it is not within the memory of any inhabitant of to-day. In 1829, John P. Arndt, of Green Bay, built a water- power mill on the Pensaukee river at a point where the town of Big Suamico now stands. In 1834, a mill was built on the Wisconsin side of the Menomonee, and, two years later, one at. Peshtigo. Lumber was first shipped to market from this district in 1834, which must be termed the beginning of lumbering operations on the bay shore. The lands drained by the streams. which flow into Green bay are located in Shawano and Oconto counties, the latter being the largest in the state. In 1847, Willard Lamb, of Green Bay, made the first sawed pine shingles in that district ; they were sold to the Galena railroad company for use on depot buildings, and. were the first of the kind sold in Chicago. Subsequently Green Bay became one of the greatest points for the manufacture of such shingles in the world. The shores of the bay are low, and gradually change from marsh to swamp, then to level dry land, and finally become broken and mountainous to the northward. The pine is in dense groves that crowd closely upon the swamps. skirting the bay, and reach far back among the hills of the interior. The Peshtigo flows into the bay about ten miles south of the Menomonee, and takes its rise far back in Otfonto county, near to the latter's southern tributaries. It is counted a good logging stream, its annual product being from 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 feet. The timber is of a rather coarse quality, running but a small percentage to what the lumbermen term "uppers." About ten per cent, is what is. known as Norway pine. Of the whole amount of timber tributary to the Peshtigo, probably about one third has been cut off to this date. The remainder will not average of as good quality, and only a limited portion of the land is of any value for agricultural purposes after being cleared of the pine. There are only two mills on this stream, both being owned by one company. The Oconto is one of the most important streams in the district. The first saw-mill was built on its banks about the year 1840, though the first lumbering operations of any account were begun in 1845 by David Jones. The business was conducted quite moderately until 1856, in which year several mills were 'built, and from that date Oconto has been known as quite an extensive lumber manufacturing point. The timber tributary to this stream has been of the best quality found in the state. Lumber cut from it has been known to yield the extraordinarily high average of fifty and sixty per cent, uppers. The timber now being cut will not average more than half that. The proportion of Norway is about five per cent. It is estimated that from three fourths to four fifths of the timber tributary to the Oconto has been Cut away, but it will require a much longer time to convert the balance into lumber than was. necessary to cut its equivalent in amount, owing to its remote location. The annual production LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 187 of pine lumber at- Oconto is from 50,000,000 to 65,000,000 feet. The whole production of the district, exclusive of the timber which is put into the Menomonee from Wisconsin, is about 140,000,000 feet annually. The Wolf river and its tributaries constitute the next district, proceeding westward. The- first saw logs cut on this stream for commercial purposes were floated to the government mill at Neenah in 1835. In 1842, Samuel Farnsworth erected the first saw-mill on the upper Wolf near the location of the present village of Shawano, and in the following spring he sent the first raft of lumber down the Wolf to Oshkosh. This river also rises in Oconto county, but flows in a southerly direction, and enters Winnebago lake at Oshkosh. Its pineries have been very exten, sive, but the drain upon them within the past decade has told with greater effect than upon any other district in the state. The quality of the timber is very fine, and the land is considered good for agricultural purposes, and is being occupied upon the lines of the different railways which cross it. The upper waters of the Wolf are rapid, and have a comparatively steady flow, which renders it a very- good stream for driving logs. Upon the upper river, the land is quite rolling, and about the head-waters is almost mountainous. The pine timber that remains in this dis trict is high up on the main river and branches, and will last but a few years longer. A few years ago the annual product amounted to upward of 250,000,000 feet; in 1876 it was 138,000,000, The principal manufacturing points are Oshkosh and Fond du Lac ; the former has 21 mills, and the latter 10. Next comes the Wisconsin, the longest and most crooked river in the state. It rises in the extreme northern sections, and its general course is southerly until, at Portage City, it makes a grand sweep to the westward and unites with the Mississippi at Prairie du Chien. It has numer ous tributaries, and, together with these, drains a larger area of country than any other river in the state. Its waters flow swiftly and over numerous rapids and embryo falls, which renders log- driving and raft-running very difficult and even hazardous. The timber is generally near the banks of the main stream and its tributaries, gradually diminishing in extent as it recedes from them and giving place to the several varieties of hard-woods. The extent to which operations have been carried on necessitates going further up the stream for available timber, although there is yet what may be termed an abundant supply. The first cutting of lumber on this stream, of which there is any record, was by government soldiers, in 1828, at the building of Fort Winne bago. In 1831) a mill was built at Whitney's rapids, below Point Bass, in what was then Indian territory. By 1840, mills were in operation as high up as Big Bull falls, and Wausau had a population of 550 souls. Up to 1876, the product of the upper Wisconsin was all sent in rafts to markets on the Mississippi. The river above Point Bass is a series of rapids and eddies ; the current flows at the rate of from 10 to 20 miles an hour, and it can well be imagined that the task of piloting a raft from Wausau to the dells was no slight one. The cost of that kind of transportation in the early times was actually equal to the present market price of the lumber. With a good stage of water, the length of time required to run a raft to St. Louis was 24 days, though quite frequently, owing to inability to get out of the Wisconsin on one rise of water, sev eral weeks were consumed. The amount of lumber manufactured annually on this river is from 140,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet. Black river is much shorter and smaller than the Wisconsin, but has long been known as a very important lumbering stream. It is next to the oldest lumber district in the state. The first saw-mill west of Green Bay was built at Black River Falls in 1819 by Col. John Shaw. The Winnebago tribe of Indians, however, in whose territory he was, objected to the innovation of such a fine art, and unceremoniously offered up the mill upon the altar of their outraged 188 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. solitude. The owner abruptly quitted that portion of the country. In 1839 another attempt to establish a mill on Black river was more successfully made. One was erected at the same point by two brothers by the name of Wood, the millwright being Jacob Spaulding, who -eventually became its possessor. His son, Mr. Dudley J. Spaulding, is now a very extensive operator upon Black river. La Crosse is the chief manufacturing point, there being ten saw-mills located there. The annual production ofthe stream ranges from 150,000,000 to 225,000,000 feet of logs, less than 100,000,000 feet being manufactured into lumber on its banks. The balance is sold in the log to mills on the Mississippi. It is a very capricious river to float logs in, which necessitates the carrying over from year to year of a very large amount, variously estimated at from 150,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet, about equal to an entire season's product. This makes the business more hazardous than on many other streams, as the loss from depreciation is very great -after the first year. The quality of the timber is fine, and good prices are realized for it when sold within a year after being cut. The Chippewa district probably contains the largest and finest body of white pine timber now standing, tributary to any one stream, on the continent. It has been claimed, though with more extravagance than truth, that the Chippewa pineries hold one-half the timber supply of the state. The river itself is a large one, and has many tributaries, which penetrate the rich pine district in all directions. The character of the tributary country is not unlike that through which the Wisconsin flows. In 1828 the first mill was built in the Chippewa valley, on Wilson's creek, near its confluence with the Red Cedar. Its site is now occupied by the village of Meno monee. In 1837 another was built on what is the present site of the Union Lumbering Company's tail] at Chippewa Falls. It was not until near 1865 that the Chippewa became very prominent as a lumber-making stream. Since that date it has been counted as one of the foremost in the north west. Upon the river proper there are twenty-two saw-mills, none having a capacity of less than 3,500,000 feet per season, and a number being capable of sawing from 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 The annual production of sawed lumber is from 250,000,000 to 300,000,000 feet; the production of logs from 400,000,000 to 500,000,000 feet. In 1867 the mill-owners upon the Mississippi, between Winona and Keokuk, organized a corporation known as the Beef Slough Manufactur ing, Log-Driving and Transportation Company. Its object was to facilitate the handling of logs cut upon the Chippewa and its tributaries, designed for the Mississippi mills. At the confluence of the two rivers various improvements were made, constituting the Beef Slough boom, which is capable of assorting 200,000,000 feet of logs per season. The Chippewa is the most difficult stream in the northwest upon which to operate. In the spring season it is turbulent and ungovernable, and in summer, almost destitute of water. About its head are numerous lakes which easily overflow under the influence of rain, and as their surplus water flows into the Chippewa, its rises are sudden and sometimes damaging in their extent. The river in many places flows between high bluffs, and, under the influence of a freshet, becomes a wild and unmanageable torrent. Logs have never been floated in rafts, as upon other streams, but are turned in loose, and are carried down with each successive rise, in a jumbled and confused mass, which entails much labor and loss in the work of assorting and delivering to the respective owners. Previous to the organization of the Eagle Rapids Flooding Dam and Boom Company, in 1872, the work of securing the stock after putting it into the river was more difficult than to cut and haul it. At the cities of Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, where most of the mills are located, the current, under the influence of high water, is very rapid, and for years the problem was, how to stop and retain the logs, as they would go by in great masses and with almost resist less velocity. In 1847 is recorded one of the most sudden and disastrous floods in the history ¦of log-running streams. In the month of June the Chippewa rose twelve feet in a single night, LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 189 and, in the disastrous torrent that was created, piers, booms, or " pockets " for holding logs at the mills, together with a fine new mill, were swept away, and the country below where Eau Claire now stands was covered with drift-wood, saw-logs, and other debris. Such occurrences led' to the invention of the since famous sheer boom, which is a device placed in the river opposite the mill boom into which it is desired to turn the logs. The sheer boom is thrown diagonally across the river, automatically, the action of the current upon a number of ingeniously arranged " fins " holding it in position. By this means the logs are sheered into the receptacle until it is filled, when tbe sheer boom, by closing up the " fins" with a windlass, falls back and allows the logs to go on for the next mill to stop and capture its pocket full in like manner. By this method each mill could obtain a stock, but a great difficulty was experienced from the fact that the supply was composed of logs cut and owned by everybody operating on the river, and the process of balancing accounts according to the " marks," at the close of the season, has been one prolific of trouble and legal entanglements. The building of improvements at Eagle Rapids by the company above mentioned remedied the difficulty to some extent, but the process ¦of logging will always be a difficult and hazardous enterprise until adequate means for holding and assorting the entire log product are provided. Upon the Yellow and Eau Cjjaire rivers, two important branches of the Chippewa, such difficulties are avoided by suitable improvements. The entire lumber product of the Chippewa, with the exception of that consumed locally, is floated in rafts to markets upon the Mississippi, between its mouth and St. Louis. The quality of the timber is good, and commands the best market price in the sections where it seeks market. West of the Chippewa district the streams and timber are tributary to the St. Croix, and in all statistical calculations the entire product of that river is credited to Minnesota, the same as that of the Menomonee is given to Michigan, when in fact about one half of each belongs to Wisconsin. The important branches of the St. Croix belonging in this state are the Apple Clam, Yellow, Namekogan, Totagatic and Eau Claire. The sections of country through which they flow contain large bodies of very fine pine timber. The St. Croix has long been noted for the excellence of its dimension timber. Of this stock a portion is cut into lumber at Stillwater, and marketed by rail, and the balance is sold in the log to mills on the Mississippi. Such is a brief and somewhat crude description of the main lumbering districts of the state. Aside from these, quite extensive operations are conducted upon various railway lines which penetrate the forests which are remote from log-running streams. In almost every county in the state, mills of greater or less capacity may be found cutting up pine or hard-woods into lumber, shingles, or cooperage stock. Most important, in a lumbering point of view, of all the railroads, is the Wisconsin Central. It extends from Milwaukee to Ashland, on Lake Superior, a distance of 351 miles, with a line to Green Bay, 113 miles, and one from Stevens Point to Portage, 71 miles, making a total length of road, of 449 miles. It has only been completed to Ashland within the present season. From Milwaukee to Stevens Point it passes around to the east and north of Lake Winnebago, through an excellent hard-wood section. There are many stave mills in operation upon and tributary to its line, together with wooden-ware establishments and various manufactories requiring either hard or soft timber as raw material. From Stevens Point northward, this road passes through and has tributary to it one of the finest bodies of tim ber in the state. It crosses the upper waters of Black river and the Flambeau, one of the main tributaries of the Chippewa. From 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 feet of lumber is annually manu factured on its line, above Stevens Point. The Wisconsin Valley railroad extends from Tomah to Wausau, and was built to afford an outlet, by rail, for the lumber produced at the latter point. The extent of the timber supply in this state has been a matter of much speculation, and 190 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. is a subject upon which but little can be definitely said. Pine trees can not be counted or measured until reduced to saw-logs or lumber. It is certain that for twenty years the forests of Wisconsin have yielded large amounts of valuable timber, and no fears are entertained by holders of pine lands that the present generation of owners will witness an exhaustion of their supply. In some sections it is estimated that the destruction to the standing timber by fires, which periodically sweep over large sections, is greater than by the axes of the loggers. The necessity for a state system of forestry, for the protection of the forests from fires, has been urged by many, and with excellent reason ; for no natural resource of the state is of more value and importance than its wealth of timber. According to an esti mate recently made by a good authority, and which received the sanction of many interested parties, there was standing in the state in 1876, an amount of pine timber approximating 35,000,000,000 feet. The annual production of lumber in the districts herein described, and from logs floated out of the state to mills on the Mississippi, is about 1,200,000,000 feet. The following table gives, the mill capacity per season, and the lumber and shingles manufactured in 1876 : DISTRICT. Green Bay Shore Wolf River Wisconsin Central R ailroad -- Green Bay & Minnesota Railroad Wisconsin River - Black River — Chippewa River — Mississippi River — using Wisconsin logs Total _-_ SEASON capacity. 2o6,ooo,coo258,50 ',000 72,500 000 34,500,000 222,000,000 101,000,000 311,000,000509,000,000 1,714,500,000 LUMBER MANUFACTURED IN 1876. 138,250,000138,645,077 31,530,00017,700,000 139,700,000 70.852,747 255,866,999380,067,000 1,172,611,823 SHINGLES MANUFACTURED IN I876. 85,400,000 123,192,000132,700,000 10,700,000 106,250,000 37,675,00079,250.000 206,977,000 782,144,000 If to the above is added the production of mills outside of the main districts and lines of rail way herein described, the amount of pine lumber annually produced from Wisconsin forests would reach 1,500,000,000 feet. Of the hard-wood production no authentic information is obtainable To cut the logs and place them upon the banks of the streams, ready for floating to the mills,, requires the labor of about 18,000 men. Allowing that, upon an average, each man has a family of two persons besides himself, dependent upon his labor for support, it would be apparent that the first step in the work of manufacturing lumber gives employment and support to 54,000 persons. To convert 1,000,000 feet of logs into lumber, requires the consumption of 1,20a bushels of oats, 9 barrels of pork and beef, 10 tons of hay, 40 barrels of flour, and the use of 2 pairs of horses. Thus the fitting out of the logging companies each fall makes a market for 1,800,000 bushels of oats, 13,500 barrels of pork and beef, 15,000 tons of hay, and 60,000 barrels of flour. Before the lumber is sent to market, fully $6,000,000 is expended for the labor employed in producing it. This industry, aside from furnishing the farmer of the west with the cheapest and best of materials for constructing his buildings, also furnishes a very important market for the products of his farm. The question of the exhaustion of the pine timber supply has met with much discussion during the past few years, and, so far as the forests of Wisconsin are concerned, deserves a brief notice. The great source of supply of white pine timber in the country is that portion of the northwest between the shores of Lake Huron and the banks of the Mississippi, comprising the LUMBER MANUFACTURE. 191 northern portions of the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. For a quarter of a century these fields have been worked by lumbermen, the amount of the yearly production having increased annually until it reached the enormous figure of 4,000,000,000 feet. With all of this tremendous drain upon the forests, there can be pointed out but one or two sections that are actually exhausted. There are, however, two or three where the end can be seen and the date almost foretold. The pineries of Wisconsin have been drawn upon for a less period and less amount than those of Michigan, and, it is generally conceded, will outlast them at the present proportionate rate of cutting. There are many owners of pine timber lands who laugh at the prospect of exhausting their timber, within their lifetime. As time brings them nearer to the end, the labor of procuring the logs, by reason of the distance of the timber from the water-courses will increase, and the work will progress more slowly. In the future of this industry there is much promise. Wisconsin is the natural source of supply for a very large territory. The populous prairies of Illinois and Iowa are near-by and unfailing markets. The broad plains of Kansas and the rich valleys of Nebraska, which are still in the cradle of development, will make great drafts upon her forests for the material to construct cities in which the first corner-stone is yet unlaid. Minnesota, notwithstanding the fact that large forests exist within her own confines, is even now no mean customer for Wisconsin lumber, and the ambitious territory of Dakota will soon clamor for material to build up a great and wealthy ¦state. In the inevitable progress of development and growth which must characterize the great west, the demand for pine lumber for building material will be a prominent feature. With the growth of time, changes will occur in the methods of reducing the forests. With the increasing demand and enhancing values will come improvements in manipulating the raw material, and a stricter economy will be preserved in the handling of a commodity which the passage of time only makes more valuable. Wisconsin will become the home of manufactories, which will convert her trees into finished articles of daily consumption, giving employment to thousands of artisans where it now requires hundreds, and bringing back millions of revenue where is now realized thousands. Like all other commodities, lumber becomes more valuable as skilled labor is employed in its manipulation, and the greater the extent to which this is carried, the greater is the growth in prosperity, of the state and its people. BANKING IN WISCONSIN. By JOHN P. McGREGOR. Wisconsin was organized as a territory in 1836, and the same year several acts were passed by the territorial legislature, incorporating banks of issue. Of these, one at Green Bay and another at Mineral Point went into operation just in time to play their part in the great panic of 1837. The bank at Green Bay soon failed and left its bills unredeemed. The bank at Mineral Point is said to have struggled a little longer, but both these concerns were short lived, and their issues were but a drop in the great flocd of worthless wild-cat bank notes that spread over the whole western country in that disastrous time. The sufferings of the people of Wis consin, from this cause, left a vivid impression on their minds, which manifested its results in the legislation of the territory and in the constitution of the state adopted in 1848. So jealous were the legislatures of the territory, of banks and all their works, that, in every act of incorporator for any purpose, a clause wa:; inserted to the effect that nothing in the act contained should be 192 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. taken to authorize the corporation to assume or exercise any banking powers ; and this proviso was even added to acts incorporating church societies. For some years there can hardly be said to have been a:.y banking business done in the territory ; merchants and business men were left to their own devices to make their exchanges, and every man was his own banker. In the year 1839 an act was passed incorporating the " Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company," of Milwaukee. This charter conferred on the corporation, in addition to the usual powers of a fire and marine insurance company, the privilege of receiving deposits, issuing certifi cates of deposit and lending money, — and wound up with the usual prohibition from doing a banking business. This company commenced business at once under the management of George Smith as president and Alexander Mitchell as secretary. The receiving deposits, issuing certifi cates of deposit and lending money, soon outgrew and overshadowed the insurance branch of the institution, which accordingly gradually dried up. In fact, the certificates of deposit had all the appearance of ordinary bank notes, and served the purposes of an excellent currency, being always promptly redeemed in coin on demand. Gradually these issues attained a great circulation all through the west, as the people gained more and more confidence in the honesty and ability of the managers ; and though " runs " were several times made, yet being successfully met, the public finally settled down into the belief that these bills were good beyond question, so that the amount in circulation at one time, is said, on good authority, to have been over $2,000,000. As the general government required specie to be paid for all lands bought of it, the Wis consin Marine and Fire Insurance company, by redemption of its " certificates of deposit," furnished a large part of the coin needed for use at the Milwaukee land office, and more or less for purchases at land offices in other parts of the state, and its issues were of course much in, request for this purpose. For many years this institution furnished the main banking facilities for the business men of the territory and young state, in the way of discounts and exchange?.. Its right to carry on the operations it was engaged in, under its somewhat dubious and incon sistent charter, was often questioned, and, in 1852, under the administration of Governor Farwell, some steps were taken to test the matter ; but as the general banking law had then been passed by the legislature, and was about to be submitted to the people, and as it was understood that the conq any -vould organize as a bank under the law, if approved, the legal proceedings were not pressed. While this corporation played so important a part in the financial history and commer cial development of Wisconsin, the writer is not aware of any available statistics as to the amount of business transacted by it before it became merged in the "Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank." In 1847, the foundation of the present well-known firm of Marshall & Ilsley was laid by Samuel Marshall, who, in that year, opened a private banking office in Milwaukee, and was joined in 1849 by Charles F. Ilsley. This concern has always held a prominent position among the banking institutions of our state. About this time, at Mineral Point, Washburn & Woodman (C. C. Washburn and Cyrus Woodman) engaged in private banking, as a part of their business. After some years they were succeeded by Wm. T. Henry, who still continues the banking office. Among the early private bankers of the state were Mr. Kellogg, of Oshkosh ; Ulmann and Bell, of Racine ; and T. C. Shove, of Manitowoc. The latter still continues his business, while that of the other firms has Leen wound up or merged in organized banks. In 1848, Wisconsin adopted a state constitution. This constitution prohibited the legislature from incorporating banks and from conferring banking powers on any corporation; but provided the question of " banks or no banks " might be submitted to a vote of the electors, and, if the decision should be in favor of banks, then the legislature might charter banks or might enact a BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 193 general banking law, but no such special charter or general banking law should have any force until submitted to the electors at a general election, and approved by a majority of votes cast on that subject. In 185 1, the legislature submitted this question to the people, and a majorijy of the votes were cast in favor of " banks." Accordingly the legislature, in 1852, made a general banking law, which was submitted to the electors in November of that year, and was approved by them. This law was very similar to the free banking law of the state of New York, which had then been in force about fifteen years, and was generally approved in that state. Our law authorized any number of individuals to form a corporate association for banking purposes, and its main provisions were intended to provide security for the circulating notes, by deposit of state and United States stocks or bonds with the state treasurer, so that the bill holders should sustain no loss in case of the failure of the banks. Provision was made for a bank comptroller, whose main duty it was to see that countersigned circulating notes were issued to banks only in proper amounts for the securities deposited, and upon compliance with the law, and that the banks kept these securities good. The first bank comptroller was James S. Baker, who was appointed by Governor Farwell. The first banks organized under the new law were the " State Bank," established at Madi son by Marshall & Ilsley, and the "Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank," established at Milwaukee under the old management of that company. These banks both went intooperation early in January, 1853, and, later in that year, the " State Bank of Wisconsin" (now Milwaukee National Bank of Wisconsin), and the " Farmers' and Millers' Bank " (now First National Bank of Milwaukee), were established, followed in January, 1854, by the "Bank of Mil waukee " (now National Exchange Bank of Milwaukee). From this time forward banks were rapidly established at different points through the state, until in July, 1857, they numbered sixty — with aggregate capital, $4,205,000; deposits, $3,920,238; and circulation, $2,231,829. In October, the great revulsion and panic of 1857 came on, and in its course and effects tried pretty severely the new banks in Wisconsin. Some of them succumbed to the pressure, but most of them stood the trial well. , The great source of loss and weakness at that time was found in the rapid decline of the market value of the securities deposited to protect circulation, which were mostly state bonds, and largely those of the southern states; so that this security, when it came to be tried, did not prove entirely sufficient. Another fault of the system, or of the practice under it, was developed at this time. It was found that many of the banks had been set up without actual working capi tal, merely for the purpose of issuing circulating notes, and were located at distant and inaccessible points in what was then the great northern wilderness ofthe state; so that it was expensive and in fact impracticable to present their issues for redemption. While these evils and their rem-. edies were a good deal discussed among bankers, the losses and inconveniences to the people were not yet great enough to lead to the adoption of thorough and complete measures of reform, The effect of these difficulties, however, was to bring the bankers of the state into the habit of consulting and acting together in cases of emergency, the first bankers' convention having been held in 1857. This was followed by others from time to time, and it would be difficult to over-. value the great good that has resulted, at several important crises from the harmonious and con servative action of the bankers of our state. Partly, at least, upon their recommendations the legislature, in 1858, adopted amendments to the banking law, providing that no bank should be> located in a township containing less than two hundred inhabitants ; and that the comptroller should not issue circulating notes, except to banks doing a regular discount deposit and exchange business in some inhabited town, village, city, or where the ordinary business of inhabited towns, villages and cities was carried on. These amendments were approved by the people at the fall 194 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. election of that year. Banking matters now ran along pretty smoothly until the election in i860, of the republican presidential ticket, and the consequent agitation in the southern states threatening civil war, the ¦effects of which were speedily felt; first, in the great depreciation of the bonds of the southern states, and then in a less decline in those of the northern states. At this time (taking the state ment of July, i860,) the number of banks was 104, with aggregate capital, $6,547,000; circula tion, $4,075,918; deposits, $3,230,252. During the winter following, there was a great deal of uneasiness in regard to our state cur rency, and continuous demand upon our banks for the redemption of their circulating notes in coin. Many banks of the wild-cat sort failed to redeem their notes, which became depreciated and uncurrent; and, when the rebellion came to a head by the firing on Fort Sumter, thebanking interests of the state were threatened with destruction by compulsory winding up and enforced sale at the panic prices then prevailing, of the securities deposited to secure circulation. Under these circumstances, on the 17th of April, 1861, the legislature passed " an act to protect the holders of the circulating notes of the authorized banks of the state of Wisconsin." As the banking law could not be amended except by approval of the electors, by vote at a general election, a practical suspension of specie payment had to be effected by indirect methods. So this act first directed the bank comptroller to suspend all action toward banks for failing to redeem their circulation. Secondly, it prohibited notaries public from protesting bills of banks until Dec 1, 1861. Thirdly, it gave banks until that date to answer complaints in any proceed ing to compel specie payment of circulating notes. This same legislature also amended the banking law, to cure defects that had been developed in it. These amendments were intended to facilitate the presentation and protest of circulating notes, and the winding up of banks failing to redeem them, and provided that the bank comptroller should not issue circulating notes except to banks having actual cash capital ; on which point he was to take evidence in all cases ; that after Dec. 1, 1861, all banks ofthe state should redeem their issues either at Madison or Milwaukee, and no bonds or stocks should be received as security for circulation except those of the United States and of the state of Wisconsin. Specie payment of bank bills was then practically suspended, in our state, from April 17 to December 1, 1861, and there was no longer any plain practical test for determining which were good, and which not. In this condition of things, bankers met in convention, and, after discus sion and inquiry as to the condition and resources of the different banks, put forth a list of those whose issues were to be considered current and bankable. But things grew worse, and it was evident that the list contained banks that would never be able to redeem their circulation, and the issues of such were from time to time thrown out and discredited without any concert of action, so that the uneasiness of people in regard to the financial situation was greatly increased. The bankers finally met, gave the banks another sifting, and put forth a list of seventy banks, whose circulating notes they pledged themselves to receive, and pay out as current, until Decem ber 1. There had been so many changes that this pledge was thought necessary to allay the apprehensions of the public. But matters still grew worse instead of better. Some of the banks in the " current " list closed their doors to their depositors, and others were evidently unsound, and their circulation so insufficiently secured as to make it certain that it would never be redeemed. There was more or less sorting of the currency, both by banks and business men, all over the state, in the endeavor to keep the best and pay out the poorest. In this state of things, some of the Milwaukee banks, without concert of action, and acting under the apprehen sion of being loaded up with the very worst of the currency, which, it was feared, the country banks and merchants were sorting out and sending to Milwaukee, revised the list again, and BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 195 threw out ten of the seventy banks whose issues it had been agreed should be received as current. Other banks and bankers were compelled to take the same course to protect them selves. The consequence was a great disturbance of the public mind, and violent charges of bad faith on the part of the banks, which culminated in the bank riots of June 24, 1861. On that day. a crowd of several hundred disorderly people, starting out most probably only with the idea of making some sort of demonstration of their dissatisfaction with the action of the banks and bankers and with the failure to keep faith with the public, marched through the streets with a band of music, and brought up at the corner of Michigan and East Water streets. The banks had just sufficient notice of these proceedings to enable them to lock up their money and valuables in their vaults, before the storm broke upon them. The mob halted at the place above mentioned, and for a time contented themselves with hooting, and showed no dispo sition to proceed to violence; but, after a little while, a stone was thrown through the windows of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank, situated at one corner of the above streets, and volleys of stones soon followed, not only against that bank, but also against the State Bank of Wisconsin, situated on the opposite corner. ' The windows of both these institutions and of the offices in the basements under them were effectually demolished. The mob then made a rush into these banks and offices, and completely gutted them, offering more or less violence to the inmates, though no person was seriously hurt. The broken furni ture of the offices under the State Bank of Wisconsin was piled up, and the torch was applied by some of the rioters, while others were busy in endeavoring to break into the safes of the offices and the vaults of the banks. The debris of the furniture in the office of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company's Bank, was also set on fire, and it was plain that if the mob was hot immediately checked, the city would be given up to conflagration and pillage — the worst elements, as is always the case with mobs, having assumed the leadership. Just at that juncture, the Milwaukee zouaves, a small military company, appeared on the scene, and with the help of the firemen who had been called out, the mob was put to flight, and the incipient fire was extin guished. The damage so far done was not great in amount, and the danger for the moment was over ; but the situation was still grave, as the city was full of threats, disturbance and apprehension. By the prompt action of the authorities, a number of companies of volunteers were brought from different places in the state, order was preserved, and, after muttering for three or four days, the storm died away. The effect of that disturbance and alarm was, however, to bring home to the bankers and business men the conviction that effectual measures must be taken to settle our state currency matters on a sound and permanent basis, and that the issues of all banks that could not be put in shape to meet specie payment in December, must be retired from circulation and be got out of the way. A meeting of the bankers was held; also of the merchants' association of Milwaukee, and arrangements were made to raise $100,000, by these two bodies, to be used in assisting weak and crippled banks in securing or retiring their circulation. The bankers appointed a committee to take the matter in charge. It happened that just at this time Governor Randall and State Treasurer Hastings returned from New York City, where they had been making unsuccessful efforts to dispose of $800,000 of Wisconsin war"bonds, which had been issued to raise funds to fit out Wisconsin volunteers. Our state had never had any bonds on the eastern market. For other reasons, our credit was not high in New York, and it had been found impossible to dispose of these bonds for over sixty cents on the dollar. The state officers conferred with the bankers to see what could be done at home; and it was. finally' arranged that the bankers' Committee should undertake to get the state banks to dispose of their southern and other depreciated state bonds on deposit to 196 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. secure circulation, for what they would bring in coin, in New York, and replace these bonds with those of our own state, .which were to be taken by our banks nominally at par — seventy percent. being paid in cash, and the different banks purchasing bonds, giving their individual obligation for the thirty per cent, balance, to be paid in semi-annual installments, with an agreement that thy state should deduct these installments from the interest so long as these bonds should remain o;i deposit with the state. By the terms of the law, sixty per cent, of the proceeds of the bonds had to be paid in coin. The bankers' committee went to work, and with some labor and difficulty induced most of the banks to sell their southern securities at the existing low prices in New York, and thus produce the coin required to pay for our state bonds. From the funds provided by the merchants and bankers, they assisted many of the weaker banks to make good their securities with the banking department of the state. By the 19th of July, six of the ten rejected banks that had been the occasion of the riot, were made good, and restored to the list. The other four were wound up, and their issues redeemed at par, and, before the last of August, the value of the securities of all the banks on the current list were brought up to their circulation, as shown by the comptroller's report. Wisconsin currency at the time of the bank riot was at a discount of about 15 per cent., as compared with gold or New York exchange. At the middle of July the discount, was 10 to 12 per cent., and early in August it fell to 5 per cent. The bankers' committee continued their work in preparation for the resumption of specie payment on December 1. While the securities for the bank circulation had been made good, it was, nevertheless, evident that many of the banks on the current list would not be equal to the continued redemption of their bills in specie, and that they would have to be wound up and got out of the way in season. Authority was got from such institutions, as fast as possible, for the bankers' committee to retire their circulation and sell their securities. The Milwaukee banks and bankers took upon themselves the great burden of this business, having arranged among themselves to sort out and withhold from cir-. culation the bills of these banks, — distributing the load among themselves in certain defined proportions. Instead of paying out these doubted bills, the different banks brought to the bank ers' committee such amounts as they accumulated from time to time, and received from the committee certificates of deposit bearing seven per cent, interest, and these bills were locked up by the committee until the securities for these notes could be sold and the proceeds realized. Over $400,000 of this sort of paper was locked up by the committee at one time ; but it was all converted into cash, and, when the first of December came, the remaining banks of this state were ready to redeem their issues in gold or its equivalent, and so continued to redeem until the issue of the legal-tender notes and the general suspension of specie payment in the United States. In July, 1861, the number of our banks was 107, with capital, $4,607,000; circulation, fc^hW ; deposits, $3,265,069. By the contraction incident to the preparations for redemption in specie, the amount of cur rent Wisconsin bank notes outstanding December 1, 1861, was reduced to about $1,500,000. When that day came, there was quite a disposition manifested to convert Wisconsin currency into coin, and a sharp financial pinch was felt for a few days ; but as the public became satisfied that the banks were prepared to meet the demand, the call for redemption rapidly fell off, and the banks soon began to expand their circulation, which was now current and in good demand all through the northwestern states. The amount saved to all the interests of our state, by this successful effort to save our banking system from destruction, is beyond computation. From this time our banks ran along quietly until prohibitory taxation by act of congress drove the bills of state banks out of circulation. BANKING IN WISCONSIN. 197 The national banking law was passed in 1863, and a few banks were soon organized under it in different parts of the country. The first in Wisconsin was formed by the re-organization of the Farmers' and Millers' Bank, in August, 1863, as the First National Bank of Milwaukee, with Edward D. Holton as president, and H. H. Camp, cashier. The growth ofthe new system, however, was not very rapid ; the state banks were slow to avail themselves of the privileges of the national banking act, and the central authorities concluded to compel them to come in ; so facilities were offered for their re-organization as national banks, and then a tax of ten per cent. was laid upon the issues of the state banks. This tax was imposed by act of March, 1865, and at once caused a commotion in our state. In July, 1864, the number of Wisconsin state banks was sixty-six, with capital $3,147,000, circulation $2,461,728, deposits $5,483,205, and these figures were probably not very different in the spring of 1865. The securities for the circulating notes were in great part the bonds of our own state, which, while known by our own people to be good beyond question, had never been on the general markets of the country so as to be cur rently known there ; and it was feared that in the hurried retirement of our circulation these bonds would be sacrificed, the currency depreciated, and great loss brought upon our banks and people. There was some excitement, and a general call for the redemption of our state circula tion, but the banks mostly met the run well, and our people were disposed to stand by our own state bonds. In April, 1861, the legislature passed laws, calling in the mortgage loans ofthe school fund, and directing its investment in these securities. The state treasurer was required to receive Wisconsin bank notes, not only for taxes and debts due the state, but also on deposit, and to issue certificates for such deposits bearing seven per cent, interest. By these and like means the threatened panic was stopped ; and in the course of a few months Wisconsin state currency was nearly all withdrawn from circulation. In July, 1865, the number of state banks was twenty-six, with capital $1,087,000, circulation $192,323, deposits $2,284,210. Under the pressure put on by congress, the organization of national banks, and especially the re-organiza tion of state banks, under the national system, was proceeding rapidly, and in a short time nearly every town in our own state of much size or importance was provided with one or more of these institutions. In the great panic of 1873, all the Wisconsin banks, both state and national (in common with those of the whole country), were severely tried; but the failures were few and unimpor tant; and Wisconsin went through that ordeal with less loss and disturbance than almost any other state. We have seen that the history of banking in Wisconsin covers a stormy period, in which great disturbances and panics have occurred at intervals of a few years. It is to be hoped that a more peaceful epoch will succeed, but permanent quiet and prosperity can not rationally be expected in the present unsettled condition of our currency, nor until we have gone through the temporary stringency incidental to the resumption of specie payment. According to the last report of the comptroller of the currency, the number of national banks in Wisconsin in November, 1876, was forty, with capital $3,400,000, deposits $7,145,360, circulation $2,072,869. At this time (July, 1877) the number of state banks is twenty-six, with capital $1,288,231, deposits $6,662,973. Their circulation is, of course, merely nominal, though there is no legal obstacle to their issuing circulating notes, except the tax imposed by congress. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. By Hon. H. H. GILES. The material philosophy of a people has to do with the practical and useful. It sees in iron, coal, cotton, wool, grain and the trees of the forest, the elements of personal comfort and sources of material greatness, and is applied to their development, production and fabrication for purposes of exchange, interchange and sale. The early immigrants to Wisconsin territory found a land teeming with unsurpassed natural advantages ; prairies, timber, water and minerals, invit ing the farmer, miner and lumberman, to come and build houses, furnaces, mills and factories, The first settlers were a food-producing people. The prairies and openings were ready for the plow. The ease with which farms were brought under cultivation, readily enabled the pioneer to supply the food necessary for himself and family, while a surplus was often produced in a few months. The hardships so often encountered in the settlement of a new country, where forests must be felled and stumps removed to prepare the soil for tillage, were scarcely known, or greatly mitigated. During the decade from 1835 to 1845, so great were the demands for the products of the soil, created by the tide of emigration, that the settlers found a home market for all their surplus products, and so easily were crops grown that, within a very brief time after the first emigration, but little was required from abroad. The commerce of the country was carried on by the exchange of products. The settlers (they could scarcely be called farmers) would exchange their wheat, corn, oats and pork for the goods, wares and fabrics of the village merchant. It was an age of barter; but they looked at the capabilities of the land they had come to possess, and, with firm faith, saw bright promises of better days in the building up of a great" state. It is not designed to trace with minuteness the history of Wisconsin through the growth of its commercial and manufacturing interests. To do it justice would require a volume. The aim of this article will be to present a concise view of its present status. Allusion will only be incidentally made to stages of growth and progress by which it has been reached. Few states in the Union possess within their borders so many, and in such abundance, elements that contribute to the material prosperity of a people. Its soil of unsurpassed fertility ; its inexhaustible mines of lead, copper, zinc and iron ; its almost boundless forests ; its water-powers, sufficient to drive the machinery of the world ; its long lines of lake shore on two sides, and the " Father of waters " on another, — need but enterprise, energy and capital to utilize them in building an empire of wealth, where the hum of varied'industries shall be heard in the music of the sickle, the loom and the anvil. The growth of manufacturing industries was slow during the first twenty-five years of our history. The early settlers were poor. Frequently the land they tilled was pledged to obtain means to pay for it. Capitalists obtained from twenty to thirty per cent, per annum for the use of their money. Indeed, it was the rule, under the free-trade ideas of the money-lenders for them to play the Shylock. While investments in bonds and mortgages were so profitable, ^ew were ready to improve the natural advantages the country presented for building factories ;and work- shops. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 199 For many years, quite all the implements used in farming were brought from outside the state. While this is the case at present to some extent with the more cumbersome farm machinery, quite a proportion of that and most of the simpler and lighter implements are made at home, while much farm machinery is now manufactured for export to other states. Furs. The northwest was visited and explored by French voyageurs and missionaries from Canada at an early day. The object of the former was trading and gain. The Jesuits, ever zealous in the propagation of their religion, went forth into the unknown wilderness to convert the natives to their faith. As early as 1624, they were operating about Lake Huron and Mackinaw. Father Menard it is related, was with the Indians on Lake Superior as' early as 1661. The early explorers were of two classes, and were stimulated by two widely different motives — the voyag eurs, by the love of gain, and the missionaries, by their zeal in the propagation of their faith. Previous to 1679, a considerable trade in furs had sprung up with Indian tribes in the vicinity of Mackinaw and the northern part of " Ouisconsin." In that year more than two hundred canoes,. laden with furs, passed Mackinaw, bound for Montreal. The whole commerce of this vast region then traversed, was carried on with birch-bark canoes. The French used them in traversing wilds — otherwise inaccessible by reason of floods of water at one season, and ice and snow at another — also lakes and morasses which interrupted land journeys, and rapids and cataracts that cut off communication by water. This little vessel enabled them to overcome all difficulties. Being buoyant, it rode the waves, although heavily freighted, and, of light draft, it permitted the traversing of small streams. Its weight was so light that it could be easily carried from one stream to another, and around rapids and other obstructions. With this little vessel, the fur trade of the northwest was carried on, as well as the interior of a vast continent explored. Under the stimulus of commercial enterprise, the French traders penetrated the recesses ot the immense forests whose streams were the home of the beaver, the otter and the mink, and in whose depths were found the martin, sable, ermine, and other fur-bearing animals. A vast trade in furs sprung up, and was carried on by different agents, under authority of the French government. When the military possession of the northwestern domain passed from the government of France to that of Great Britain in 1760, the relationship of the fur trade to the government changed. The government of France had controlled the traffic, and made it a means of strength ening its hold upon the country it possessed. The policy of Great Britain was, to charter companies, and grant them exclusive privileges. The Hudson bay company had grown rich and powerful between 1670 and 1760. Its success had excited the cupidity of capitalists, and rival organizations were formed. The business of the company had been done at their trading-stations — the natives bringing in their furs for exchange and barter. Other companies sent their voyageurs into every nook and corner to traffic with the trappers, and even to catch the fur-bear ing animals themselves. In the progress of time, private parties engaged in trapping and dealing in furs, and, under the competition created, the business became less profitable. In 1815. congress passed an act prohibiting foreigners from dealing in furs in the United States, or any of its territories. This action was obtained through the influence of John Jacob Astor. Mr. Astor organized the American fur company in 1809, and afterward, in connection with the North west company, bought out the Mackinaw company, and the two were merged in the Southwest company. The association was suspended by the war of 1812. The American re-entered the field in 1816. The fur trade is still an important branch of traffic in the northern part of the state, and, during eight months of the year, employs a large number of men. 200 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Lead and Zinc. In 1824, the lead ore in the southwestern part of Wisconsin began to attract attention. From 1826 to 1830, there was a great rush of miners to this region, somewhat like the Pike's Peak excitement at a later date. The lead-producing region of Wisconsin covers an area of about 2,200 square miles, and embraces parts of Grant, Iowa and La Fayette counties. Between 1829 and 1839, the production of lead increased from 5,000 to 10,000 tons. After the latter year it rose rapidly, and attained its maximum in 1845, when it reached nearly 25,000 tons. Since that time the production has decreased, although still carried on to a considerable extent. The sulphate and carbonate of zinc abound in great quantities with the lead of southwest Wisconsin. Owing to the difficulty of working this class of ores, it was formerly allowed to accumulate about the mouths of the mines. Within a few years past, metallurgic processes have been so greatly improved, that the zinc ores have been largely utilized. At La Salle, in the state of Illinois, there are three establishments for smelting zinc ores. There is also one at Peru, 111. To smelt zinc ores economically, they are taken where cheap fuel is available. Hence, the location of these works in the vicinity of coal mines. The works mentioned made in 1875, from ores mostly taken from Wisconsin, 7,510 tons of zinc. These metals are, therefore, impor tant elements in the commerce of Wisconsin. Iron. The iron ores of Wisconsin occur in immense beds in several localities, and are destined to prove of great value. From their product in 1863, there were 3,735 tons of pig iron received at Milwaukee; in 1865, 4,785 tons; in 1868, 10,890 tons. Of the latter amount, 4,648 tons were from the iron mines at Mayville. There were shipped from Milwaukee, in 1868, 6,361 tons of pig iron. There were also received 2,500 tons of ore from the Dodge county ore beds. During 1869, the ore beds at Iron Ridge were developed to a considerable extent, and two large blast furnaces constructed in Milwaukee, at which place there were 4,695 tons of ore received, and 2,059 tons were shipped to Chicago and Wyandotte. In 1870, 112,060 tons of iron ore were received at Milwaukee, 95,000 tons of which were from Iron Ridge, and 17,060 tons from Esca naba and Marquette, in Michigan. The total product of the mines at Iron Ridge in 187 1 was 82,284 tons. The Milwaukee iron company received by lake, in the same year, 28,094 tons of Marquette iron ore to mix with the former in making railroad iron. In 1872, there were receivea from Iron Ridge 85,245 tons of ore, and 5,620 tons of pig iron. Much of the metal made by the Wisconsin iron company in 1872 was shipped to St. Louis, to mix with the iron made from Missouri ore. The following table shows the production of pig iron in Wisconsin, for 1872, 1873 and 1874, in tons : Furnaces. Milwaukee Iron Company, Milwaukee. Minerva Furnace Company, Milwaukee Wisconsin Iron Company, Iron Ridge. Northwestern Iron Company, Mayville Appleton Iron Company, Appleton Green Bay Iron Company, Green Bay. National Iron Company, Depere Fox River Iron Company, W. Depere . Ironton Furnace, Sauk county 1872. 3.350 5.033 4,8886,9103.420 5.6oo1,780 52,797 1873. 29,326 5,822 4.155 4.137 8,0446,141 7.9996,8321,528 73.980 1874. 33.O00 3.3063,0006,500 6,0006,500 7,0001,300 66,600 COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 201 The Milwaukee iron company, during the year 1872, entered into the manufacture of mer chant iron — it having been demonstrated that the raw material could be reduced there cheaper than elsewhere. The Minerva furnace company built also during the same year one of the most compact and complete iron furnaces to be found any where in the country. During the year 1873, the iron, with most other material interests, became seriously prostrated, so that the total receipts of ore in Milwaukee in 1874 amounted to only 31,993 tons, against 69,418 in 1873, and 85,245 tons in 1872. There were made in Milwaukee in 1874, 29,680 tons of railroad iron. In 1875, 58,868 tons of ore were received at Milwaukee, showing a revival of the trade in an increase of 19,786 tons over the previous year. The operation of the works at Bay View having suspended, the receipts of ore in 1876, at Milwaukee, were less than during any year since 1869, being only 31,119 tons, of which amount only 5,488 tons were from Iron Ridge, and the total shipments were only 498 tons. Lumber. The business of lumbering holds an important rank in the commerce of the state. For many years the ceaseless hum of the saw and the stroke of the ax have been heard in all our great forests. The northern portion of the state is characterized by evergreen trees, principally pine; the southern, by hard-woods. There are exceptional localities, but this is a correct state ment of the general distribution. I think that, geologically speaking, the evergreens belong to the primitive and sandstone regions, and the hard wood to the limestone and clay formations. Northern Wisconsin, so called, embraces that portion of the state north of forty-five degrees, and possesses nearly all the valuable pine forests. The most thoroughly developed portion of this region is that lying along the streams entering into Green bay and Lake Michigan, and border ing on the Wisconsin river and other streams entering into the Mississippi. Most of the pine in the immediate vicinity of these streams has been cut off well toward their sources ; still, there are vast tracts covered with dense forests, not accessible from streams suitable for log-driving purposes. The building of railroads into these forests will alone give a market value to a large portion of the pine timber there growing. It is well, perhaps, that this is so, for at the present rate of consumption, but a few years will elapse before these noble forests will be totally destroyed. Most of the lumber manufactured on the rivers was formerly taken to a market by being floated down the streams in rafts. Now, the railroads are transporting large quantities, taking it directly from the mills and unloading it at interior points in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin, and some of it in eastern cities. From five to eight thousand men are employed in the pineries in felling the trees, sawing them into logs of suitable length, and hauling them to the mills and streams during every winter in times of fair prices and favorable seasons. The amount of lumber sawed in i860, as carefully estimated, was 355,055,155 feet. The amount of shingles made was 2,272,061, and no account wasjmade of the immense number of logs floated out of the state, for manufac ture into lumber elsewhere. The amount of logs cut in the winter of 1873 and 1874 was 987,000,000 feet. In 1876 and 1877 the Black river furnished 188,344,464 feet. The Chippewa, 90,000,000; the Red Cedar, 57,000,000. There passed through Beef Slough 129,384,000 feet of logs. Hon. A. H. Eaton, for fourteen years receiver of the United States land office at Stevens Point, estimated the acreage of pine lands in his district at 2,000,000, and, taking his own district as the basis, he estimated the whole state at 8,000,000 acres. Reckoning this at 5,000 feet to the acre, the aggregate pine timber of the state would be 40,000,000,000 feet. The log product annually amounts to an immense sum. In 1876, 1,172,611,823 feet were cut. This is about the average annual draft that is made on the pine lands. There seems to be no remedy for the 202 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. wholesale destruction of our pine forests, except the one alluded to, the difficulty of transporta tion, and this will probably save a portion of them for a long time in the future. At the rate of consumption for twenty years past, we can estimate that fifty years would see northern Wiscon sin denuded of its pine forests; but our lumber product has reached its maximum, and will probably decrease in the coming years as the distance to be hauled to navigable streams increases. In the mean time lumber, shingles and lath will form an important factor in our commerce, both state and inter-state, and will contribute millions to the wealth of our citizens. Grain. Up to 1841, no grain was exported from Wisconsin to be used as food; but, from the time of its first settlement in 1836 to 1840, the supply of bread stuffs from abroad, upon which the people depended, was gradually diminished by the substitution of home products. In the winter of 1840 and 1841, E. D. Holton, of Milwaukee, purchased a small cargo of wheat (about 4,000 bushels), and in the spring of 1841, shipped it to Buffalo. This was the beginning of a traffic that has grown to immense proportions, and, since that time, wheat has formed the basis of the commerce and prosperity of the state, until the city of Milwaukee has become the greatest primary wheat mart of the world. The following table gives the exports of flour and grain from Milwaukee for thirty-two years, commencing in 1845 : 1845184618471848 184918501851 1S52 1853 1854 18551856 185718581S59i860 186118621863186418651866 1867 18681869187018711872 1873 1874 1875 1876 FLOUR, bbls. WHEAT, bus. 7.550 15.756 34,840 92.732 136,657100,017 51,889 92.995 104,055145,032181,568 188,455 228.442 298,668 282,956 457.343 674.474 7H.405 603,525414.833 567,576720,365 921,663 1,017,598 1,220,058 1,225,941 1,211,4271,232,0361,805,200 2,217,579 2,163,346 2,654,028 95,5io 213,448 598,411 602,474 1,136,023 297.570 317.285 564,404 956,703 1,809,452 2,641,746 2,761,976 2,581,311 3,994,213 4.732,957 7,568,608 13,300,495 14,915,680 12,837,620 8,992,479 io.479,777 11,634,749 9.598,4529,867,029 14,272,79916,127,83813,409,467 11,570,565 24,994,26622,255,380 22,681,020 16,804,394 CORN, bus. 2,500 5.000 13,828 2,220 270 164,908 112,132 218472 43.958 41,364 37,204 1,485 9,489 88,989 140,786 71,203 480,408266,249342,717 93,806 103,173 419,133 .557,953 197,920556,563 226,895 96,908 OATS, bus. 4,000 2,100 7.892 363.841 131,716 404,999 13.833 5,4332,775 562,067 299,002 64,682 1,200 79,094 831,600811,634326,472 1,636,595 622,469 536,539 35L768 210,187 772,929 1,323,234 990,525 726,035 1,160,450 i,377.56o barley, bus. 15,000 15,270 103,840 322,261 291,890 339,338 63,379 10,398 800 63,17853,2i628,056 5.220 44,800 133.449 23,47929,597 18,988 30,822 95,036 120,662 4&9.325576,45393L725 688.455 464,837 867,970 1,235.481 RYE, bus. 54,69280,365 "3.443 20,030 5,378 n,577 9,735 29,810 126,301 84,047 18,210 5L444 255,329 106,795 9L44378,035 62,494 208,896209,751 255,928 79.879 98,923 220,964 COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 203 Up to 1856, the shipments were almost wholly of Wisconsin products ; but with the comple tion of lines' of railroad from Milwaukee to the Mississippi river, the commerce of Wisconsin became so interwoven with that of Iowa and Minnesota, that the data furnished by the transpor tation companies, give us no definite figures relating to the products of our own state. Dairy Products. Wisconsin is becoming largely interested in the dairy business. Its numerous springs, streams, and natural adaptability to grass, make it a fine grazing country, and stock thrives remarkably well. Within a few years, cheese-factories have become numerous, and their owners are meeting with excellent success. Wisconsin cheese is bringing the highest price in the markets, and much of it is shipped to England. Butter is also made of a superior quality, and is exten sively exported. At the rate of progress made during the last few years, Wisconsin will soon take rank with the leading cheese and butter producing states. The counties most largely inter ested in dairying, are Kenosha, Walworth, Racine, Rock, Green, Waukesha, Winnebago, Sheboy gan, Jefferson and Dodge. According to estimates by experienced dairymen, the manufacture of butter was 22,473,000 pounds in 1870; 50,130,000 in 1876; of cheese, 1,591,000 pounds in 1870, as against 17,000,000 in 1876, which will convey a fair idea of the increase of dairy produc tion. The receipts of cheese in Chicago during 1876, were 23,7 80,000 pounds, against 12,000,000 in 1875 ; and the receipts of butter were 35,384,184, against 30,248,247 pounds in 1875. I' ls esti- mated that fully one-half of these receipts were from Wisconsin. The receipts of butter in Milwaukee were, in 1870, 3,779,114 pounds; in 1875, 6,625,863; in 1876, 8,938,137 pounds; ot cheese, 5,721,279 pounds in 1875, and 7,055,573 in 1876. Cheese is not mentioned in the trade and commerce reports of Milwaukee until 1873, when it is spoken of as a new and rapidly increasing commodity in the productions of the state. Pork and Beef. Improved breeds, both of swine and cattle, have been introduced into the state during a few years past. The grade of stock has been rapidly bettered, and stock raisers generally are striving with commendable zeal to rival each other in raising the finest of animals for use and the market. The following table shows the receipts of live hogs and beef cattle at Milwaukee for thir teen years : YEARS. LIVE HOGS. BEEF CATTLE. YEARS. LIVE HOGS. BEEF CATTLE. 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 --- 1871 1870.. 254.317 144,961 242,326241,099 138,106 126,164 66,138 36,80246,71722,74817,26214,172 9,220 12,972 1869 1868 1867 1866 1865 1864. 1863 52,296 48,717 76,7583I,88l 7.546 42,250 56,826 12,521 13,200 15.52712,955 14.230 18,34514.655 204 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The following table shows the movement of hog products and beef from Milwaukee since 1862 Shipments by Rail PORK, HAMS, MIDDLES AND SHOULDERS. LARD. BEEF. and Lake. Barrels. Tierces. Boxes. Bulk, lbs. Barrels. Tierces. Barrels. Tierces. Totals 1876 62,461 56,77853,70280,010 90,038 88,94077,655 69,805 73,526 88,88874,72634.oi3 67.933 90,387 56,432 15,43915,29217,124 24,95420,115 20,192 15,819 9,546 13,146 11,614 7,8052,7135,927 I5,8n12,685 42,67828,374 39,572 62,211 39,209 14,938 5,875 5,298 3,239 4,522 34,164 5,000 11,634 5,123,818 2,736,778 1,494,1121,915,610 4,557,950 5,161,941 4,717,630 2,325,150 1,768,190 454,786 863,746 3,301 601 9,110 21,356 18,95018.S00 7,333 4.734 5.0155.365 4.7573.892 4.427 7.538 10,15018,98411,852 10,427 36866 42,987 33,174 3,439 421 1875 " 1874--- 707 1873 4,065 24.100 462 6,2763,932 2,535 1,180 3,6372,5233,287 1,929 5,677 10,987 13,538 27.765 19.74610,950 8,568 5.055 8,8206,2922,4877,207 10, 546 6,761 1,500 1871 1,606 ¦" 1870- _- 925 2,185 1869 " 186S 2,221 •" 1867 6,804 " 1866 4,584 " 1S65 5,528 " 1864... " 1863... 1862 5,87i 6,3773,217 Hops. The culture of hops, as an article af commerce, received but little attention prior to i860. In 1865, 2,864 bales only were shipped from Milwaukee. In addition, a large amount was used by the brewers throughout the state. In 1866, the amount exported was increased, and 5,774 bales were shipped to eastern markets. The price, from forty-five to fifty-five cents per pound, stimulated production, and the article became one of the staple products of the counties of Sauk, Columbia, Adams and Juneau, besides being largely cultivated in parts of some other counties. In 1867, 26,562 bales were received at Milwaukee, and the prices ranged from fifty to seventy cents per pound. The estimated crop of the state for 1867 was 35,000 bales, and brought over $4,200,000. In 1868, not less than 60,000 bales were grown in the state. The crop everywhere was a large one, and in Wisconsin so very large that an over-supply was anticipated. But few, however, were prepared for the decline in prices, that far exceeded the worst apprehensions of those interested. The first sales were made at twenty-five to thirty-five cents per pound, and the prices were reluctantly accepted by the growers. The price continued to decline until the article was unsalable and unavailable in the market. Probably the average price did not exceed ten cents per pound. Notwithstanding the severe check which hop-growing received in 1868, by the unprofitable result, growers were not discouraged, and the crop of 1869 was a large one. So much of the crop of 1868 remained in the hands of the growers, that it is impossible to estimate that of 1869. The new crop sold for from ten to fifteen cents, and the old for from three to five cents per pound. Hop-cultivation received a check from over-production in 1868, from which it did not soon recover. A large proportion of the yards were plowed under in 1870. The crop of 1869 was much of it marketed during 1870, at a price of about two and one-half to three and one- half cents per pound, while that of 1870 brought ten to twelve and a half cents. During the year 187 1, a great advance in the price, caused by the partial failure of the crop in some of the eastern states, and the decrease in price causing a decrease in production, what was left over of the crop of 1870 more than doubled in value before the new reached the market. The latter opened at thirty cents, and steadily rose to fifty and fifty-five for prime COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 205 -qualities. The crop of 1872 was of good quality, and the market opened at forty to fifty-five cents as the selling price, and fell fifteen to twenty cents before the close of the year. A much larger "quantity was raised than the year previous. In 1873 and 1874, the crop was fair and prices ruled from thirty-three to forty-five cents, with increased production. About 18,000 bales were reported as being shipped from the different railway stations of the state. Prices were ¦extremely irregular during 1875, and, after the new crop reached market, fell to a point that would not pay the cost of production. In 1876, prices ruled low at the opening of the year, and advanced from five to ten cents in January to twenty-eight to thirty in November. Over 17,000 bales were received at Milwaukee, over 10,000 bales being of the crop of the previous year. Over 13,000 bales were shipped out of the state. Tobacco. Tobacco raising is comparatively a new industry in Wisconsin, but is rapidly growing in importance and magnitude. It sells readily for from four to ten cents per pound, and the plant is easily raised. It is not regarded as of superior quality. It first appears as a commodity of transportation in the railway reports for the year 1 871, when the Prairie du Chien division of the St. Paul road moved eastward 1,373,650 pounds. During the four years ending with 1876, there were shipped from Milwaukee an average of 5,118,530 pounds annually, the n axi- mum being in 1874, 6,982,175 pounds; the minimum in 1875, 2,743,854 pounds. The crop of 1876 escaped the early frosts, and netted the producer from five to seven cents per pound. The .-greater part of it was shipped to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Comparatively little of the leaf raised in the state is used here or by western manufacturers. The crop of the present year, 1877, is a large one, and has been secured in good order. It is being contracted for at from four to six cents per pound. Cranberries. The cranberry trade is yet in its infancy, But little, comparatively, has been done in devel oping the capabilities of the extensive bodies of marsh and swamp lands interspersed throughout the northern part of the state. Increased attention is being paid to the culture of the fruit ; yet, the demand will probably keep ahead of the supply for many years to come. In 185 1, less than 1,500 barrels were sent out of the state. In 1872, the year of greatest production, over 37,000 barrels were exported, and, in 1876, about 17,000 barrels. The price has varied in different years, and taken a range from eight to fifteen dollars a barrel. Spirituous and Malt Liquors. The production of liquors, both spirituous and malt, has kept pace with the growth of population and with the other industries of the state. There were in Wisconsin, in 1872, two hundred and ninety-two breweries and ten distilleries. In 1876, there were two hundred and ninety-three of the former and ten of the latter, and most of them were kept running to their full capacity. Milwaukee alone produced, in 1876, 321,611 barrels of lager beer and 43,175 barrels of high wines. In 1865, it furnished 65,666 barrels of beer, and in 1870, 108,845 barrels. In 1865, it furnished 3,046 barrels of high wines; in 1870, 22,867 barrels; and in 1875, 39,005. A large quantity of the beer made was shipped to eastern and southern cities. The beer made in 1876 sold at the rate of ten dollars per barrel, the wholesale price of the brewers bringing the sum of $3,216,110. The fame of Milwaukee lager beer is widely extended. This city has furnished since 1870, 1,520,308 barrels which, at the wholesale price, brought $15,203,170. The total production of beer by all the two hundred and ninety-three breweries of the state for 1876, was 450,508 barrels. 206 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. In 1876, Milwaukee produced 43,175 barrels of high wines, or distilled spirits, and the state of Wisconsin 51,959 barrels. In 1870, the former produced 108,845 barrels of beer and 22,867 barrels of distilled spirits, and in the same year the state of Wisconsin produced 189,664 barrels of beer and 36,145 barrels of distilled spirits. Miscellaneous. Porcelain clay, or kaolin, is found in numerous places in Wood and Marathon counties. The mineral is found in but few places in the United States in quantities sufficient to justify the investment of capital necessary to manufacture it. In the counties mentioned, the deposits are found in extensive beds, and only capital and enterprise are needed to make their development profitable. Clay of superior quality for making brick and of fair quality for pottery, is. found in numerous localities. The famous " Milwaukee brick," remarkable for their beautiful cream color, is made from a fine clay which is abundant near Milwaukee, and is found in exten sive beds at Watertown, Whitewater, Edgerton, Stoughton, and several places on the lake shore north of Milwaukee. At Whitewater and some other places the clay is used with success for the making of pottery ware. Water-lime, or hydraulic cement, occurs in numerous places throughout the state. An extensive bed covering between one and two hundred aeres, and of an indefinite depth, exists on the banks of the Milwaukee river, and not over one and a half miles from the city limits of Milwaukee. The cement made from the rock of this deposit is first-class in quality, and between twenty and thirty thousand barrels were made and sold last year. The capacity of the works for reducing the rock to cement has been increased to 500 barrels per day. Stones suita ble for building purposes are widely distributed throughout the state, and nearly every town has its available quarry. Many of these quarries furnish stone of fine quality for substantial and permanent edifices. The quarry at Prairie du Chien furnished the stone for the capital building at Madison, which equals in beauty that of any state in the Union. At Milwaukee, Waukesha, Madison, La Crosse, and many other places are found quarries of superior building stone. Granite is found in extensive beds in Marathon and Wood counties, and dressed specimens exhibited at the " Centennial " last year, attracted attention for their fine polish. Marbles of various kinds are likewise found in the state. Some of them are beginning to attract attention and are likely to prove valuable. The report of Messrs. Foster & Whitney, United States geol ogists, speaks of quarries on the Menomonee and Michigamig rivers as affording beautiful varie ties and susceptible of a high polish. Richland county contains marble, but its quality is gen erally considered inferior. Water Powers. Wisconsin is fast becoming a manufacturing state. Its forests of pine, oak, walnut, maple, ash, and other valuable woods used for lumber, are well-nigh inexhaustible. Its water-power for driving the wheels of machinery is not equaled by that of any state in the northwest. The Lower Fox river between Lake Winnebago and Green Bay, a distance of thirty-five miles, furnishes some of the best facilities for manufacturing enterprise in the whole country. Lake Winnebago as a reservoir gives it a great and special advantage, in freedom from liability to freshets and droughts. The stream never varies but a few feet from its highest to its lowest stage, yet gives a steady flow. The Green Bay and Mississippi canal company has, during the last twenty-five years, constructed numerous dams, canals and locks, constituting very valuable improvements. All the property of that company has been transferred to the United States government, which has entered upon a system to render the Fox and Wisconsin rivers navigable to the Mississippi. The fall between the lake and Depere is one hundred and fifty feet, and the water can be utilized COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 207 in propelling machinery at Neenah, Menasha, Appleton, Cedar, Little Chute, Kaukauna, Rapid Croche, Little Kaukauna and Depere. The water-power at Appleton in its natural advantages is pronounced by Hon. Hiram Barney, of New York, superior to those at Lowell, Paterson and Rochester, combined. The water-power of the Fox has been improved to a considerable extent, but its full capacity has hardly been touched. Attention has been drawn to it, how ever, and no doubt is entertained that in a few years the hum of machinery to be propelled by it, will be heard the entire length of the thirty-five miles. The facilities presented by its nearness to timber, iron, and a rich and productive agricultural region, give it an advantage over any of the eastern manufacturing points. The Wisconsin river rises in the extreme northern part of the state, and has its source in a great number of small lakes. The upper portion abounds in valuable water privileges, only a few of which are improved. There are a large number of saw-mills running upon the power of this river. Other machinery, to a limited extent, is in operation. The " Big Bull " falls, at Wausau, are improved, and a power of twenty- two feet fall is obtained. At Little Bull falls, below Wausau, there is a fall of eighteen feet, partially improved. There are many other water-powers in Marathon county, some of which are used in propelling flouring- mills and saw-mills. At Grand Rapids, there is a descent of thirty feet to the mile, and the water can be used many times. Each time, 5,000 horse-power is obtained. At Kilbourn City a large amount of power can be obtained for manufacturing purposes. Chippewa river has its origin in small streams in the north part of the state. Explorers tell us that there are a large number of water powers on all the upper branches, but as the country is yet unsettled, none of them have been improved, and very few even located on our maps. Brunette falls and Ameger falls, above Chippewa Falls city, must furnish considerable water- power, but its extent is not known At Chippewa Falls is an excellent water-power, only partially improved. The river descends twrnty-six feet in three-fourths of a mile. At Duncan creek at the same place, there is a good fall, improved to run a large flouring mill. At Eagle Rapids, five miles above Chippewa Falls, $120,000 has been expended in improving the fall of the Chippewa river. The city of Eau Claire is situated at the confluence of the Chippewa and Eau Claire rivers, and possesses in its immediate vicinity water-powers almost unrivaled. Some of them are improved. The citizens of Eau Claire have, for several years, striven to obtain legislative authority to dam the Chippewa river, so as to improve the water-power of the Dells, and a lively contest, known as the "Dells fight," has been carried on with the capitalists along the river above that town. There are immense water-powers in Dunn county, on the Red Cedar, Chippewa nd Eau Galle rivers, on which there are many lumbering establishments. In Pepin county also there are good powers. The Black river and its branches, the La Crosse, Buffalo, Trempealeau, Beaver, and Tamaso, furnish many valuable powers. The St. Croix river is not excelled in the value of its water privileges by any stream in the state, except the Lower Fox river. At St. Croix Falls, the water of the river makes a descent of eighty-five feet in a distance of five miles, and the vol ume of water is sufficient to move the machinery for an immense manufacturing business, and the banks present good facilities for building dams, and the river is not subject to freshets. The Kinnekinnick has a large number of falls, some of them partially improved. Within twenty-five miles of its entrance into Lake St. Croix, it has a fall of two hundred feet, and the volume of water averages about three thousand cubic feet per minute. Rock river affords valuable water- privileges at Watertown (with twenty-four feet fall), and largely improved ; at Jefferson, Indian Ford and Janesville, all of which are improved. Beloit also has an excellent water-power, and it is largely improved. Scattered throughout the state are many other water-powers, not alluded 208 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. to in the foregoing. There are several in Manitowoc county ; in Marquette county, also. In Washington county, at West Bend, Berlin, and Cedar Creek, there are good water-powers, partly utilized. At Whitewater, in Walworth county, is a good power. In Dane county, there is a. water-power at Madison, at the outlet of Lake Mendota; also, a good one at Stoughton, below the first, or Lake Kegonsa ; also at Paoli, Bellville, Albany and Brodhead, on the Sugar river. In Grant county there are not less than twenty good powers, most of them well-developed. In Racine county, three powers of fine capacity at Waterford, Rochester and Burlington, all of which are improved. The Oconto, Peshtigo and Menomonee rivers furnish a large number of splendid water- powers of large capacity. The Upper Wolf river has scores of water-powers on its main stream and numerous branches ; but most of the country is still a wilderness, though containing resources which, when developed, will make it rich and prosperous. There are numerous other streams of less consequence than those named, but of great importance to the localities they severally drain, that have had their powers improved, and their waterfalls are singing the songs of commerce. On the rivers emptying into Lake Superior, there are numerous. and valuable water-powers. The Montreal river falls one thousand feet in a distance of thirty miles. v Manufactures. The mechanical and manufacturing industries of Wisconsin demonstrate that the people do not rely wholly upon agricultural pursuits, or lumbering, for subsistence, but aim to diversify their labors as much as possible, and to give encouragement to the skill and ingenuity of their mechanics and artisans. All our cities, and most of our villages, support establishments that furnish wares and implements in common use among the people. We gather from the census report for 1870 a few facts that will give us an adequate idea of what was done in a single year,. remembering that the data furnished is six years old, and that great advancement has been made since the statistics were gathered. In 1870, there were eighty-two establishments engaged in making agricultural implements, employing 1,387 hands, and turning out products valued at $2,393,400. There were one hundred and eighty-eight furniture establishments, employing 1,844 men, and making $1,542,300 worth of goods. For making carriages and wagons there were four hundred and eighty-five establishments, employing 2,184 men, and their product was valued at $2,596,534; for clothing, two hundred and sixty-three establishments, and value of product $2,340,400 ; sash, doors and blinds, eighty-one shops, and value of product $1,852,370 ; leather,. eighty-five tanneries, employing 577 men, and value of products $2,013,000 ; malt liquors, one hundred and seventy-six breweries, 835 men, and their products valued at $1,790,273. At many points the business of manufacturing is carried on more or less extensively; indeed, there is hardly a village in the state where capital is not invested in some kind of mechanical industry or manufacturing enterprise, and making satisfactory returns ; but for details in this respect, the reader is referred to the department of local history. The principal commodities only, which Wisconsin contributes to trade and commerce, have. been considered. There remains quite a number of minor articles from which the citizens of the state derive some revenue, such as flax and maple sugar, which can not be separately considered in this paper. Concluding Remarks. Statistics are usually dry reading, but, to one desiring to change his location and seeking information regarding a new country and its capabilities, they become intensely interesting and of great value. The farmer wishes to know about the lands, their value and the productiveness of the soil ; the mechanic about the workshops, the price of labor, and the demand for such wares. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. 209 as he is accustomed to make ; the capitalist, concerning all matters that pertain to resources,. advantages, and the opportunities for investing his money. Our own people want all the infor mation that can be gained by the collection of all obtainable facts. The sources of such infor mation are now various, and the knowledge they impart fragmentary in its character. Provision should be made by law, for the collection and publication of reliable statistics relating to our farming, manufacturing, mining, lumbering, commercial and educational interests.. Several of the states ofthe Union have established a "Bureau of Statistics," and no more valua ble reports emanate from any of their state departments than those that exhibit a condensed view ofthe material results accomplished each year. Most ofthe European states foster these agencies with as much solicitude as any department of" their government. Indeed, they have become a social as well as a material necessity, for social science extends its inquiries to the physical laws of man as a social being ; to the resources of the country ; its productions ; the growth of society, and to all those facts or conditions which may increase or diminish the strength, growth or happiness of a people. Statistics are the foundation and corner-stone of social science, which is the highest and noblest of all the sciences. A writer has said that, " If God had designed Wisconsin to be chiefly a manufacturing state,. instead of agricultural, which she claims to be, and is, it is difficult to see more than one partic ular in which He could have endowed her more richly for that purpose." She has all the mate rial for the construction of articles of use and luxury, the means of motive power to propel the machinery, to turn and fashion, weave, forge, and grind the natural elements that abound in such rich profusion. She has also the men whose enterprise and skill have accomplished most sur^ prising results, in not only building up a name for themselves, but in placing the state in a proud position of independence. It is impossible to predict what will be the future growth and development of Wisconsin. From its commercial and manufacturing advantages, we may reasonably anticipate that she will in a few years lead in the front rank of the states of the Union in all that constitutes real great ness. Her educational system is one ofthe best. With her richly endowed State University, her colleges and high schools, and the people's colleges, the common schools, she has laid a broad and deep foundation for a great and noble commonwealth. It was early seen what were the capabilities of this their newly explored domain. The northwestern explorer, Jonathan Carver, in 1766, one hundred and eleven years ago, after traversing Wisconsin and viewing its lakes of crystal purity, its rivers of matchless utility, its forests of exhaustless wealth, its prairies of won derful fertility, its mines of buried treasure, recorded this remarkable prediction of which we see the fulfillment: "To what power or authority this new world will become dependent after it has arisen from its present uncultivated state, time alone can discover. But as the seat of empire from time immemorial has been gradually progressive toward the west, there is no doubt but that at some future period mighty kingdoms will emerge from these wildernesses, and stately palaces and solemn temples with gilded spires reaching to the skies supplant the Indian huts, whose only decorations are the barbarous trophies of'their vanquished enemies." " Westward the course of empire takes its way ; The four first acts already passed, A. fifth shall close the drama with the day [ Time's noblest offspring is the last." THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. By D. S. DURRIE. In the early part of the seventeenth century, all the territory north of the Ohio river, including the present state of Wisconsin, was an undiscovered region. As far as now known, it was never visited by white men until the year 1634, when Jean Nicolet came to the Green bay country as an ambassador from the French to the Winnebagoes. The Jesuit fathers in 1660 visited the south shore of Lake Superior ; and, soon after, missions were established at various points in the northwest. The French government appreciating the importance of possessing dominion over this sec tion, M. Talon, intendant of Canada, took steps to carry out this purpose, and availed himself of the good feelings entertained toward the French by a number of the Indian tribes, to establish the authority of the French crown over this remote quarter. A small party of men led by Daumont de St. Lusson, with Nicolas Perrot as interpreter, set out from Quebec on this mission, in 1670, and St. Lusson sent to the tribes occupying a circuit of a hundred leagues, inviting the nations, among them the Wisconsin tribes inhabiting the Green bay country, by their chiefs and ambassadors, to meet him at the Sault Sainte Marie the following spring. In the month of May, 167 1, fourteen tribes, by their representatives, including the Miamis, Sacs, Winnebagoes,' Menomonees, and Pottawattamies, arrived at the place designated. On the morning of the fourteenth of June, " St. Lusson led his followers to the top of the hill, all fully equipped and under arms. Here, too, in the vestments of their priestly office were four Jesuits : Claude Dablon, superior of the mission on the lakes, Gabriel Druillettes, Claude Allouez, and Andre\ All around, the great throng of Indians stood, or crouched, or reclined at length with eyes and ears intent. A large cross of wood had been made ready. Dablon, in solemn form, pronounced his blessing on it ; and then it was reared and planted in the ground, while the Frenchmen, uncovered, sang the Vexilla Regis. Then a post of cedar was planted beside it, with a metal plate attached, engraven with the royal arms ; while St. Lusson's followers sang the exaudiat, and one of the priests uttered a prayer for the king. St. Lusson now advanced, and, holding his sword in one hand, and raising with the other a sod of earth, proclaimed in a loud voice " that he took possession of all the country occupied by the tribes, and placed them under the king's protection. This act, however, was not regarded as sufficiently definite, and on the eighth of May, 1689, Perrot, who was then commanding for the king at the post of Nadouesioux, near Lake Pepin on the west side of the Mississippi, commissioned by the Marquis de Denonville to manage the interests of commerce west of Green bay took possession, in the name of the king, with appropriate ceremonies, of the countries west of Lake Michigan as far as the river St. Peter. The papers were signed by Perrot and others. By these solemn acts, the present limits of Wisconsin with much contiguous territory, came under the dominion of the French government, the possession of which continued until October, 1 761 — a period of ninety years from the gathering of the chiefs at the Sault Ste. Marie in 1671. From the commencement of French occupancy up to the time when the British took posses sion, the district of country embraced within the present limits of this state had but few white inhabitants besides the roaming Indian traders; and of these few, the locations were separated by a distance of more than two hundred miles in a direct line, and nearly double that distance by THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 211 the usual water courses. There was no settlement of agriculturists; there were no missionary establishments ; no fortified posts at other points, except at Depere and Green bay on Fox river, and perhaps at Prairie du Chien, near the junction of the Wisconsin and the Mississippi. The French government made no grant of lands; gave no attention to settlers or agricu.- turists, and the occupation of the country was strictly military. There were, indeed, a few grants of lands made by the French governors and commanders, previous to 1750, to favored indi viduals, six of which were afterward confirmed by the king of France. There were also others which did not require confirmation, being made by Cardillac, commanding at Detroit, under special authority ofthe king; of this latter kind, one for a small piece of thirty acres bears with it, says a writer, " so many conditions, reservations, prohibitions of sale, and a whole cavalcade of feudal duties to be performed by the grantee, that in itself, it would be a host in opposition to the agricultural settlement of any country." The grants just referred to, relate to that part of the French possessions outside the limits of the present state of Wisconsin. Within its limits there was a grant of an extensive territory including the fort at the head of Green bay, with the exclusive right to trade, and other valuable privileges, from the Marquis de Vaudreuil, in October, 1759, to M. Rigaud. It was sold by the latter to William Gould and Madame Vaudreuil, to whom it was confirmed by the king of France in January, 1760, at a very critical period, when Quebec had been taken by the British, and Montreal was only wanting to complete the conquest of Canada. This grant was evidently intended as a perquisite to entrap some unwary persons to give a valuable consideration for it, as it would be highly impolitic for the government to make such a grant, if they continued mas ters of the country, since it would surely alienate the affections of the Indians. The whole country had already been virtually conquered by Great Britain, and the grant of course was not confirmed by the English government. Of the war between the French and English governments in America, known as the French and Indian war, it is not necessary to speak, except in general terms. The English made a determined effort to obtain the possessions claimed by the French. The capture of Quebec, in 1759, and the subsequent capitulation of Montreal in 1760, extinguished the domination of France in the basin of the St. Lawrence ; and by the terms of the treaty of Paris, concluded February 10, 1763, all the possessions in, and all the claims of the French nation to, the vast country watered by the Ohio and the Mississippi were ceded to Great Britain. Among the first acts of the new masters of the country was the protection of the eminent domain of the government, and the restriction of all attempts on the part of individuals to acquire Indian titles to lands. By the King of England's proclamation of 1763, no more grants of land within certain prescribed limits could be issued, and all private persons were interdicted the liberty of purchasing lands from the Indians, or of making settlements within those prescribed limits. The indulgence of such a privilege as that of making private purchases of the natives, conduced to the most serious difficulties, and made way for the practice of the most reprehensible frauds. The policy pursued by the English government has been adopted and acted upon by the government of the United States in the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands in every part of the country. In face of the proclamation of 1763, and within three years after its promulgation, under a pretended purchase from, or voluntary grant of the natives, a tract of country nearly one hundred miles square, including large portions of what is now northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, was claimed by Jonathan Carver, and a ratification of his title solicited from the king and council. This was not conceded ; and the representatives of Carver, after the change of government had 212 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. ' brought the lands under the jurisdiction of the United States, for a series of years presented the same claims before congress, and asked for their confirmation. Such a demand under all the circumstances, could not justify an expectation of success; and, of course, has often been refused. But notwithstanding the abundant means which the public have had of informing themselves of the true nature and condition of Carver's claim, bargains and sales of portions of this tract have been made among visionary speculators for more than half a century past. It is now only a short period since the maps of the United States ceased to be defaced by a delineation of 3he " Carver Grant." The mere transfer of the dominion over the country from the French to the English govern ment, and the consequent occupation of the English posts by the new masters, did not in any great degree affect the social condition of the inhabitants. By the terms of capitulation, the French subjects were permitted to remain in the country, in the full enjoyment of their civil and religious privileges. The English, however, did not hold peaceable possession of the territory acquired. The war inaugurated by Pontiac and his Indian allies on the military posts occupied by the English soon followed, and in the month of May, 1763, nine posts were captured with much loss of life. In the spring of 1764, twenty-two tribes who were more or less identified in the outbreak, concluded a treaty of peace with General Bradstreet at Niagara. The expedition of Colonel George Rogers Clark to the Illinois country, and the conquest of the British posts in 1778 and 1779, had the effect to open the way for the emigration of the Anglo-American population to the Mississippi valley; and at the close of the revolutionary war, Great Britain renounced all claim to the whole territory lying east of the Mississippi river, The dominion of the English in the Illinois and Wabash countries, ceased with the loss of the military posts which commanded the Northwestern territory of the United States. As a result of the enterprise and success of Clark, Virginia obtained possession of the Illinois country ; his expedition having been undertaken and carried forward under the auspices of that state. Several of the eastern states under their colonial charters, laid claim to portions of the land comprised in the territory northwest of the Ohio river. The claim of Massachusetts was derived from a grant from King James of November 3, 1620 ; and included from lat. 42° 2' to about lat. 45°, extending to the south sea; Connecticut claimed from lat. 41Q north to 42° 2*. The claims of Virginia were from grants from King James, bearing date, respectively, April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 12, 1611, and an additional claim for the territory conquered by Clark in the Illinois country ; but they extended no farther north than the southern end of Lake Michigan. It is a popular impression that the territory of the present state of Wisconsin was compre hended in the lands northwest of the river Ohio, over which Virginia exercised jurisdiction, and, consequently, was included in her deed of cession of lands to the United States. This opinion so generally entertained by writers on American history, is a statement which does not appear to have any solid foundation in fact. Virginia never made any conquests or settlements in Wiscon sin, and at no time prior to the proffer of her claims to the general government had she ever exercised jurisdiction over it. In fact, there were no settlements in Wisconsin except at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien before that time, and these were made by French settlers who were in no wise interfered with while the revolution continued. In Illinois it was otherwise; and the possession of its territory by Virginia was an undisputed fact. During the revolution the title of the sovereignty in Wisconsin was actually in Great Britain, and so remained until the definite treaty of peace in 1783 ; at which date England yielding her right constructively to the United States, retaining possession, however, until 1796; at which time the western posts were transferred to the United States. THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 213 All the claiming states finally ceded their interests to the general government, giving the latter a perfect title, subject only to the rights of the Indians. The deed of cession from Virginia was dated March i, 1784. The other states ceded their claims, some before this date, others subsequent thereto. Virginia made a number of stipulations in her deed of cession; among others, that the French and Canadian inhabitants and the neighboring villages who had professed themselves citizens of Virginia, should have their possessions and title confirmed to them, and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties; that 150,000 acres of land near the rapids of the Ohio, should be reserved for that portion of her state troops which had reduced the country; and about 3,500,000 acres between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami be reserved for bounties to her troops on the continental establishment. In consequence of certain objectionable stipulations made by Virginia as to the division of the territory into states, the deed of cession was referred back to that state with a recommenda tion from congress that these stipulations should be altered. On the 30th of December, 1788, Virginia assented to the wish of congress, and formally ratified and confirmed the fifth article of compact which related to that subject, and tacitly gave her consent to the whole ordinance of 1787. The provisions of this ordinance have since been applied to all the territories of the United States lying north of the 360 40'. After the adoption of the constitution ofthe United States the the new congress, among its earliest acts, passed one, recognizing the binding force of the ordi nance of 1787. Of this ordinance it has been said : " It was based on the principles of civil liberty, maintained in the magna charta of England, re-enacted in the bill of rights, and incorporated in our differ ent state constitutions. It was the fundamental law of the constitution, so to speak, of the great northwest, upon which were based, and with which harmonized all our territorial enactments, as well as our subsequent state legislation, and, moreover, it is to that wise, statesman-like document that we are indebted for much of our prosperity and greatness." After the close of the revolutionary war, enterprising individuals traversed the whole country which had been ceded to the government, and companies were formed to explore and settle the fertile and beautiful lands beyond the Ohio ; but the determination of the British cabinet not to evacuate the western posts, was well known, and had its effect on the people who were disposed to make settlements. The western tribes were also dissatisfied and threatened war, and efforts were made by the government to settle the difficulties. A grand council was held at the mouth of Detroit river in December, 1787, which did not result favorably, and two treaties were subsequently held, which were not respected by the savages who were parties to them. Soon an Indian war ensued, /hich resulted at first disastrously to the American troops under Generals Harmar and St. Clair,. but finally with success to the American arms under General Wayne. The treaty of Greenville followed. It was concluded August 3, 1795. At this treaty there were present eleven hundred and thirty chiefs and warriors. It was signed by eighty-four chiefs and General Anthony Wayne, sole commissioner of the United States. One of the provisions of the treaty was that in consid eration ofthe peace then established, and the cessions and relinquishments of lands made by the tribes of Indians, and to manifest the liberality ofthe United States as the great means of render ing this peace strong and perpetual, the United States relinquished their claims to all other Indian lands northward of the river Ohio, eastward of the Mississippi, and westward and south ward of the great lakes and the waters united by them, except > certain reservations and portions before purchased ofthe Indians, none of which were within the present limits of this state. The Indian title to the whole of what is now Wisconsin, subject only to certain restrictions, became 214 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. absolute in the various tribes inhabiting it. By this treaty it was stipulated that, ofthe lands relin quished by the United States, the Indian tribes who have a right to those lands, were quietly to enjoy them ; hunting, planting, and dwelling thereon so long as they pleased ; but, when those tribes or any of them should be disposed to sell them, or any part of them, they were to be sold only to the United States, and until such sale, the United States would protect all of the tribes in the quiet enjoyment of their lands against all citizens ofthe United States, and all other white persons who might intrude on the same. At the same time all the tribes acknowledged them selves to be under the protection of the United States, and no other person or power what soever. The treaty also prohibited any citizen of the United States, or any other white man, settling upon the lands relinquished by the general government ; and such person was to be considered as out ofthe protection ofthe United States; and the Indian tribe on whose land the settlement might be made, could drive off the settler, or punish him in such manner as it might see fit. It will be seen that the Indians were acknowledged to have an unquestionable title to the lands they occupied until that right should be extinguished by a voluntary cession to the general government ; and the constitution of the United States, by declaring treaties already made, as well as those to be made, to be the supreme law of the land, adopted and sanctioned previous treaties with the Indian nations, and consequently admitted their rank among those powers who are capable of making treaties. The several treaties which had been made between commissioners on the part of the United States and various nations of Indians, previous to the treaty of Greenville, were generally restricted to declarations of amity and friendship, the establishment and confirming of bounda ries, and the protection of settlements on Indian lands ; those that followed were generally for a cession of lands and provisions made for their payment. It is proposed to notice the several treaties that took place after that held'at Greenville, showing in what way the territory of the present state, came into possession of the government. As will be seen hereafter, it required trea ties with numerous tribes of Indians to obtain a clear, undisputed title, as well as many years before it was fully accomplished. i. A treaty was held at St. Louis, November 3, 1804, between the Sacs and Foxes and the United States. William Henry Harrison was acting commissioner on the part of the govern ment. By the provisions of the treaty, the chiefs and head men of the united tribes ceded to the United States a large tract on both sides of the Mississippi, extending on the east from the mouth of the Illinois to the head of that river, and thence to the Wisconsin ; and including on the west considerable portions of Iowa and Missouri, from the mouth of the Gasconade north ward. In what is now the state of Wisconsin, this grant embraced the whole of the present counties of Grant and La Fayette and a large portion of Iowa and Green counties. The lead region was included in this purchase. In consideration of this cession, the general government agreed to protect the tribes in the quiet enjoyment of their land, against its own citizens and all others who should intrude on them. The tribes permitted a fort to be built on the upper side of the Wisconsin river, near its mouth, and granted a tract of land two miles square, adjoin ing the same. The government agreed to give them an annuity of one thousand dollars per annum. The validity of this treaty was denied by one band of the Sac Indians, and this cession of land became, twenty-eight years after, the alleged cause of the Black Hawk war. 2. Another treaty was held at Portage des Sioux, now a village in St. Charles county, Mis souri, on the Mississippi river, September 13, 1815, with certain chiefs of that portion of the Sac nation then residing in Missouri, who, they said, were compelled since the commencement of THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 215 the late war, to separate themselves from the rest of their nation. They gave their assent to the treaty made at St. Louis in 1804, and promised to remain separate from the Sacs of Rock river, and to give them no aid or assistance, until peace should be concluded between the United States and the Foxes of Rock river. 3. On the 14th of September, a treaty was made with the chiefs of the Fox tribe at the same place. They agreed that all prisoners in their hands should be delivered up to the govern ment. They assented to, recognized, re-established and confirmed the treaty of 1804, to the full extent of their interest in the same. 4. A treaty was held at St. Louis, May 13, 1816, with the Sacs of Rock river, who affirmed the treaty of 1804, and agreed to deliver up all the property stolen or plundered, and in failure to do so, to forfeit all title to their annuities. To this treaty, Black Hawk's name appears with others. That chief afterward affirmed that though he himself had " touched the quill " to this treaty, he knew not what he was signing, and that he was therein deceived by the agent and others, who did not correctly explain the nature of the grant; and in reference to the treaty of St. Louis in 1804, and at Portage des Sioux in 1815, he said that he did not consider the same valid or binding on him or his tribe, inasmuch as by the terms of those treaties, territory was described which the Indians never intended to sell, and the treaty of 1804, particularly, was made by parties who had neither authority in the nation, nor power to dispose of its lands. Whether this was a true statement of the case, or otherwise, it is quite certain that the grant of lands referred to was often confirmed by his nation, and was deemed conclusive and binding by the government. The latter acted in good faith to the tribes, as well as to the settlers, in the disposition of the lands. 5. A treaty of peace and friendship was made at St. Louis, June 3, 1816, between the chiefs and warriors of that part of the Winnebagoes residing on the Wisconsin river. In this treaty the tribe state that they have separated themselves from the rest of their nation ; that they, for themselves and those they represent, confirm to the United States all and every cession of land heretofore made by their nation, and every contract and agreement, as far as their interest extended. 6. On the 30th of March, 1817, the Menomonee tribe concluded a treaty of peace and friendship at St. Louis with the United States, and confirmed all and every cession of land before made by them within the limits of the United States. 7. On the 19th of August, 1825, at Prairie du Chien, a treaty was made with the Sioux, Chippewas, Sacs and Foxes, Winnebagoes, Ottawas and Pottawattamies, by which the boundary between the two first nations was agreed upon ; also between the Chippewas, Winnebagoes and other tribes. 8. Another treaty was held August 5, 1826, at Fond du Lac of Lake Superior, a small settlement on the St. Louis river, in Itaska county, Minn., with the same tribes, by which the previous treaty was confirmed in respect to boundaries, and those of the Chippewas were defined, as a portion of the same was not completed at the former treaty. 9. A treaty was made and concluded August 1, 1827, at Butte des Morts, between the United States and the Chippewa, Menomonee and Winnebago tribes, in which the boundaries of their tribes were defined ; no cession of lands was made. 10. A treaty was made at Green Bay, August 25, 1828, with the Winnebagoes, Pottawat tamies and other tribes. This treaty was made to remove the difficulties which had arisen in consequence of the occupation by white men of that portion of the mining country in the south western part of Wisconsin which had not been ceded to the United States. A provisional 216 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. boundary was provided, and privileges accorded the government to freely occupy their territory until a treaty should be made for the cession of the same. This treaty was simply to define the rights ofthe Indians, and to give the United States the right of occupation. n. Two treaties were made at Prairie du Chien, on the 29th of July, 1829, and August 1, 1829 : at the first date, with the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawattamies', by which these nations ceded all their lands which they claimed in the northwestern part of Illinois ; and at the latter date with the Winnebagoes, by which that nation ceded and relinquished all their right, title and claim to all their lands south of the Wisconsin river, thus confirming the purchase of the lead- mine region. Certain grants were made to individuals, which grants were not to be leased or -sold by the grantees. By this important treaty, about eight millions of acres of land were added to the public domain. The three tracts ceded, and forming one whole, extended from the upper end of Rock river to the mouth ofthe Wisconsin, from latitude 410 30' to latitude 430 15', on the Mississippi. Following the meanderings of the river, it was about two hundred and forty miles from west to east, extending along the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, affording a passage across the country from the Mississippi to Lake Michigan. The south part of the purchase extended from Rock Island to Lake Michigan. 12. Another important treaty was made at Green Bay, February 8, 1831, between the Meno monee Indians and the United States. That nation possessed an immense territory. Its eastern division was bounded by the Milwaukee river, the shore of Lake Michigan. Green bay, Fox river, and Lake Winnebago ; its western division, by the Wisconsin and Chippewa rivers on the west, Fox river on the south, Green bay on the east, and the high lands which flow the streams into Lake Superior on the north. By this treaty all the eastern division, estimated at two and a half millions of acres, was ceded to the government. By certain other provisions, the tribe was to occupy a large tract lying north of Fox river and east of Wolf river. Their territory farther west was reserved for their hunting-grounds until such time as the general government should desire to purchase it. Another portion, amounting to four millions of acres, lying between Green bay on the east and Wolf river on the west, was also ceded to- the United States, besides a strip of country, three miles in width, from near the portage of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers north, on ¦each side of the Wisconsin river, and forty-eight miles long — still leaving the tribe in peaceable possession of a country about one hundred and twenty miles long, and about eighty broad. By supplementary articles to the treaty, provision was made for the occupancy of certain lands by the New York Indians — two townships on the east side of Lake Winnebago. 13. At the conclusion of the Black Hawk war, in 1832, for the purpose of clearing up the Indian title of the Winnebago nation in the country, a treaty was made and concluded at Fort Armstrong, September 15, 1832. All the territory claimed by this nation lying south and east of the Wisconsin and Fox river of Green bay, was ceded to the United States, and no band or party of Winnebagoes was allowed to reside, plant, fish or hunt on these grounds, after June 1, 1833, or on any part of the country therein ceded. 14. On the 27th of October, 1832, articles of agreement were made and concluded at Green Bay between the United States and the Menomonee Indians, by the terms of which that nation ceded to the New York Indians certain lands on Fox river. 15. An important treaty was made at Chicago, September 26, 1833, between the United States and the Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawattamies. Those nations ceded to the government all their lands along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and between that lake and the land ceded to the United States by the Winnebago nation at the treaty at Fort Armstrong, September THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 217 15, 1832, bounded on the north by the country lately ceded by the Menomonees, and on the 'south by the country ceded at the treaty at Prairie da Chien, July 19, 1829 — containing about five millions of acres. 16. On the 3d of September, 1836, a tieaty was made at Cedar Point with the Menomonees, by which lands lying west of Green bay, and a strip on the upper Wisconsin, were ceded to the United States — the quantity of land ceded being estimated at four millions of acres in the Green bay portion ; on the Wisconsin river, a strip three miles wide on each side of the river, running forty-eight miles north in a direct line, equivalent to 184,320 acres. 17. On the 29th of July, 1837, a treaty was made with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, at Fort Snelling, and the United States, the nation ceding to the government all their lands in Wisconsin lying south of the divide between the waters of Lake Superior and those of the Mississippi. 18. Certain chiefs and braves of the Sioux nation of the Mississippi, while visiting Washing ton, September 29, 1837, ceded to the United States all their lands east ofthe Mississippi, and all their islands in said river. 19. The Winnebago nation, by the chiefs and delegates, held a treaty with the government at Washington, November 1, 1837. That nation ceded all their lands east of the Mississippi, and obligated themselves to remove, within eight months after the ratification of the treaty, to certain lands west of the river Mississippi which were conveyed to them by the treaty of Sep tember 21, 1832. 20. The Oneida or New York Indians, residing near Green Bay, by their chief and repre sentative, on the 3d of February, 1838, at Washington City, ceded to the United States their title and interest in the land set apart by the treaty made with the Menomonees, May 8, 1831, and the treaty made with the same tribe, October 7, 1832, reserving about 62,000 acres. 21. Another treaty was made at Stockbridge on the 3d of September, 1839, by which the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes (New York Indians) ceded and relinquished to the United States the east half of the tract of 46,080 acres which was laid off for their use on the east side of Lake Winnebago by treaty of October 7, 1832 22. On the 4th of October, 1842, a treaty was made at La Pointe, on Lake Superior, with the Chippewas. All their lands in the northern and northwestern parts of Wisconsin were ceded to the United States. 23. The Menomonee nation, on the 18th of October, 1848, at Pow-aw-hay-kon-nay, ceded and relinquished to the United States all their lands in the state, wherever situated — the gov ernment to furnish the nation as a home, to be held as Indian lands are held, all the country ceded to the United States by the Chippewa nation August 2, 1847, the consideration being the sum of $350,000, to be paid according to the stipulations of the treaty. A supplementary treaty was made on the 24th of November, 1848, with the Stockbridges — the tribe to sell and relinquish to the United States the township of land on the east side of Lake Winnebago, secured to said tribe by treaty of February 8, 1831. 24. A treaty was made with the Menomonee nation, at the falls of Wolf river, May 12, 1854, being a supplementary treaty to one made October 18, 1848. All the lands ceded to that nation under the treaty last named was ceded to the United States — the Menomonees to receive from the United States a tract of country lying on Wolf river, being townships 28, 29 and 30, of ranges 13, 14, 15, 16. - 25. A treaty was made with the Chippewas of Lake Superior, at La Pointe, on the 30th of September, 1854. That nation ceded to the United States all lands before owned by them in common with the Chippewas of the Mississippi — lying in the vicinity of Lake Superior in Wis- 218 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. consin and Minnesota. 26. On the 5th of February, 1856, a treaty was held with the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes," at Stockbridge. All the remaining right and title to lands in the town of Stockbridge, possessed by them, was ceded to the United States ; and the said tribes were to receive in exchange a tract of land near the southern boundary of the Menomonee reservation, and by treaty made at Keshena, February 11, 1856, the Menomonees ceded two townships to locate the said tribes. With this last treaty, the Indian title to all the lands of the present state of Wisconsin was ceded to the United States government, except a few small reservations to certain tribes, and a perfect, indefeasible title obtained to all the territory within its borders. In the region of country which is now the state of Wisconsin, the settlements in early times were, as before stated, near Green Bay and at Prairie du Chien. Soon after the organization of the Northwest territory, the subject of claims to private property therein received much attention. By an act of congress approved March 3, 1805, lands lying in the districts of Vincennes, Kas- kaskia and Detroit, which were claimed by virtue of French or British grants, legally and fully executed, or by virtue of grants issued under the authority of any former act of congress by either of the governors of the Northwest or Indiana territory, which had already been surveyed, were, if necessary, to be re-surveyed ; and persons claiming lands under these grants were to have until November 1, 1805, to give notice of the same. Commissioners were to be appointed to examine, and report at the next session of congress. An act was also passed, approved April 25, 1806, to authorize the granting of patents for lands, according to government surveys that had been made, and to grant donation rights to certain claimants of land in the district of Detroit, and for other purposes Another act was approved May 11, 1820, reviving the powers ofthe commissioners for ascertaining and deciding on claims in the district of Detroit, and for settling the claims to land at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien, in the territory of Michigan ; the commis sioners to have power to examine and decide on claims filed with the register of the land office, and not before acted on, in accordance with the laws respecting the same. The commissioners discharged the duties imposed on them, and in their report to congress in reference to the claims at Green Bay, they said that the antiquity of this settlement being, in their view, sufficiently established, and that they, being also satisfied that the Indian title must be considered to have been extinguished, decide favorably on the claims presented. About seventy-five titles were con firmed, and patents for the same were sent to the proper parties by the government. In relation to the Prairie du Chien titles, they reported " that they had met few difficulties in their investi gations ; that, notwithstanding the high antiquity which may be claimed for the settlement of that place, no one perfect title founded on French or British grant, legally authenticated, had been successfully made out; and that but few deeds of any sort have been exhibited." This they attribute to the carelessness of the Canadians in respect to whatever concerned their land titles, and accords with whatever is known in this regard, of the French population throughout the country. They therefore came to the conclusion that whatever claim the people of the place possessed, and might have for a confirmation of their land titles, they must be founded upon proof of con tinued possession since the year 1796 The commissioners further say, that " since the ancestors of these settlers were cut off, by the treaty which gave the Canadas to the English, from all inter course with their parent country, the people both of Prairie du Chien and Green Bay have been left, until within a few years, quite isolated, almost without any government but their own ; and, although the present population of these settlements are natives of the countries which they inhabit, and, consequently, are by birth citizens of the northwest, yet, until a few years, they have had as little political connection with its government as their ancestors had with the British. Ignorant of their civil rights, careless of their land titles, docility., habitual hospitality, cheerful THE PUBLIC DOMAIN 219 submission to the requisitions of any government which may be set over them, are their universal characteristics." In reference to grants by the French and English governments, the commissioners say, they " have not had access to any public archives by which to ascertain with positive certainty, whether either the French or English ever effected a formal extinguishment of the Indian title at the mouth of the Wisconsin, which also may be said of the land now covered by the city of Detroit , that the French government was not accustomed to hold formal treaties for such purposes with the Indians, and when the lands have been actually procured from them, either by virtue of the assumed right of conquest, or by purchase, evidence of such acquisition is rather to be sought in the traditionary history of the country, or in the casual or scanty relations of travelers, than among collections of state papers. Tradition does recognize the fact of the extinguishment of the Indian title at Prairie du Chien by the old French government, before its surrender to the English; and by the same species of testimony, more positive because more recent, it is estab lished also, that, in the year 1781, Patrick Sinclair, lieutenant governor of the province of Upper Canada, while the English government had jurisdiction over this country, made a formal purchase from the Indians of the lands comprehending the settlement of Prairie du Chien." The territories and states formed from the section known as the Northwest territory, were : r The Northwest territory proper (1787-1800) having jurisdiction over all the lands referred to in the ordinance of 1787. In 1802, Ohio was organized as a state with its present boun daries. 1. Indiana terrritory was formed July 4, 1800, with the seat of government at Vincennes That territory was made to include all of the northwest, except what afterward became the state of Ohio. 3. Michigan territory was formed June 30, 1805. It was bounded on the south by a line drawn east from the south bend of Lake Michigan, on the west by the center of Lake Michigan. It did not include what is now Wisconsin. The upper peninsula was annexed in r836. The state of Michigan was formed January 26, 1837, with its present boundaries. 4. Illinois territory was formed March 2, 1810. It included all ofthe Indiana territory west of the Wabash river and Vincennes, and a line running due north to the territorial line. All of Wisconsin was included therein, except what lay east of the line drawn north from Vincennes. 5. Indiana was admitted as a state April 19, 1816, including all the territory of Indiana territory, except a narrow strip east of the line of Vincennes, and west of Michigan territory, her western boundary. 6. Illinois was admitted as a state April n, 1818. It included all of Illinois territory south of latitude 420 30'. All of Wisconsin was added to Michigan territory. In the month of Octo ber of that year, the counties of Michilimackinac, Brown and Crawford were formed, comprising besides other territory, the whole ofthe present state of Wisconsin. 7. Iowa district was attached to Michigan for judicial purposes, June 30, 1834, out of which Des Moines and Dubuque counties were formed. 8. Wisconsin territory was formed April 20, 1836. The state was formed May 29, 1848. The territory of Wisconsin being a part of the Northwest territory claimed, and congress by direct action confirmed to her, all the rights and privileges secured by the ordinance of 1787, one of which was that congress should have authority to form one or two states in that part of the territory lying north of an east and west line, drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. Notwithstanding this plain provision of the ordinance, which is declared to, 220 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. be articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever to remain unalterable unless by consent ; yet congress, in establishing the boundaries of the state of Illinois, extended that state about sixty miles north of the line established by the ordinance. This action was claimed to be unjust and contrary to the spirit and letter of the compact with the original states. The legislative assembly of Wisconsin passed resolutions which were approved January 13, 1840, that it was inexpedient for the people of the territory to form a constitution and state government until the southern boundary to which they are so justly entitled by the ordinance of 1787 shall be fully recognized by the parties of the original com pact. Owing to various complications over which the territory had no control, her people never succeeded in obtaining from congress what they considered their just rights. It was also contended by many, that the portion of country set off to Michigan on Lake Superior given as a compensation in part for the strip of land awarded to Ohio from her south ern border, should also have constituted a portion of Wisconsin, especially as Michigan never made the least claim to it by her delegate in congress, who was decidedly opposed to the exten sion of Michigan beyond the limits of the lower peninsula. The first survey of the public lands northwest of the Ohio river, was made pursuant to an act of congress approved May 20, 1785 The geographer of the confederation was diected to commence the survey of the government lands on the north side of the river Ohio — the first line running north and south, to begin on said river at a point that should be found to be due north from the western termination of a line which had been run as the southern boundary of the state of Pennsylvania ; the first line running east and west, to begin at the same point, and to extend through the whole territory. The survey comprised seven ranges, composing ten counties of the present state of Ohio. Other surveys followed when the Indian title was extinguished, Thomas Hutchins, who held the office of geographer, is believed to be the inventor of the mode of laying out land which was then introduced by him, and is still in general use by the government. Soon after the government had acquired title to the Indian lands south of the Wisconsin river, the public authorities commenced a systematic survey of the lands, for the purpose of bringing the same into market at the earliest possible period. The public lands in Wisconsin are, as elsewhere in the west, surveyed in uniform rec tangular tracts, each six miles square, by lines running north and south, intersecting others running east and west. These townships are numbered from two lines called the principal meridian and the base line. The principal meridian by which the Wisconsin surveys are gov erned is that known as the fourth, and extends from the Illinois boundary line to Lake Superior, at the mouth of Montreal river, about two hundred and eighty-two miles. It divides Grant from LaFayette county, and passes through the eastern parts of Vernon, Monroe, Jackson, Clark, Chippewa, and Ashland counties. The base line separates Wisconsin from Illinois in north latitude forty-two degrees, thirty minutes. There are nearly seventeen hundred townships in the state. Each township is subdivided into thirty-six sections by lines running parallel to the sides of the township, one mile apart. A section is, therefore, one mile square, and contains six hundred and forty acres. In fractional townships, each section is numbered the same as the corresponding section in whole townships. Each section is subdivided into half-mile squares, called quarter-sections, each containing one hundred and sixty acres, and the subdivision is carried still further into half-quarter or quarter-quarter sections. It is found necessary to estab lish at stated intervals standard parallels, commonly called correction lines, to obviate the effect of the curvature of the earth's surface. The convergence in a single township is small, though quite perceptible, the actual excess in length of its south over its north line being in the state THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 221 -about three rods. The townships north of the base line, therefore, become narrower toward the north, and if continued for too great a distance, this narrowing would cause serious inconvenience. In the state of Wisconsin there are four of these correction lines. Tbe first is sixty miles north ^if the base line, and accordingly runs between townships ten and eleven. The second is between townships twenty and twenty-one, and so on. They are usually sixty miles apart. On these parallels, which form new base lines, fresh measurements are made from the principal meridian, and the corners of new townships are fixed six miles apart as on the original base line. This method of procedure not only takes up the error due to convergency of meridians, but ¦arrests, that caused by want of precision in the surveys already made. The northern or western sections of townships, which contain more or less than six hun dred and forty acres, are called fractional sections, for the reason that the surplusage or ¦deficiency arising from errors in surveying, and from other causes, is by law added to or ¦deducted from the western or northern ranges of sections according as the error may be in run ning the lines from east to west, or from north to south. As soon as the surveys were completed in southern Wisconsin and the Green Bay section, and a knowledge of the superior qualities of the land for agricultural purposes were known to the people, the emigration became large. In fact much land was taken possession of by settlers in advance of being surveyed and brought into market. As soon as the land offices at Green Bay, Mineral Point, and Milwaukee were located, public announcement was made by the govern ment, of the time of the sale, when the lands were put up to the highest bidder, and such as were unsold were afterward subject to private entry. The first sales were held at Green Bay and Mineral Point in the year 1835. The sale at Milwaukee was in 1836. From the reports of the •general land office, it appears that from 1835 to 1845 inclusive, there were sold at the three land •offices from public sale, 2,958,592^^ acres, amounting to $3,768,106.51. Fort Howard military reservation was set apart by order of the 'president March 2, 1829, ¦and comprised all the lands lying upon Fox river and Green bay, in township 24 north, range 20 east, 4th principal meridian, being about four thousand acres. The lands were abandoned for military purposes, by the war department, December 4, 1850. By an act of congress approved March 3, 1863, the commissioner of the general land office was authorized and directed to cause the reservation, including the site ofthe fort, containing three and four-hundredths acres, situated in the county of Brown, between Fox river and Beaver Dam run, and which is not included in the confirmations to T. C. Dousman and Daniel Whitney, nor in the grant to the state of Wis consin, under resolutions of congress approved April 25, 1862, granting lands to Wisconsin to aid in the construction of railroads, to be surveyed and subdivided into lots not less than one- fourth of an acre, and not more than forty acres, deducting such portions of the same as the public interest and convenience may require ; and when so surveyed and platted, to be sold sep arately at auction. On the 10th of November, 1864, under directions of the commissioner, the lands were offered for sale at auction at the fort. About one-half of the lands were sold, and purchased by actual settlers, and but few for speculation. The fort and the lands contiguous were sold for six thousand four hundred dollars. The other lands sold brought about the sum of nineteen thousand dollars. That portion of the reservation unsold was to be subject to private entry at the appraised Value, and that portion lying between Duck creek and Beaver Dam creek, was subject to entry as other public lands were offered. On the 20th of May, 1868, a joint resolution of congress was approved, by which the com missioner of the general land office was authorized and directed to cause a patent to be issued to the Chicago & Northwestern railroad company, in pursuance of a resolution passed by con- 222 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. gress, granting the same to the state of Wisconsin, approved April 25,1862, and by act ofthe legislature approved June 16, 1862, granting the same to that company for eighty acres of land, as was .surveyed and approved by said commissioner June n, 1864. The lands thus donated are now used by the railroad company for their depot grounds The Fort Crawford military reservation was purchased from J H. Lockwood and James D. Doty by the government in the year 1829, and covered the front and main portions of farm lots numbered thirty -three and thirty-four, of the private land claims at Prairie du Chien, and com prised about one hundred and sixty acres. Fort Crawford was built on this tract in 1829, 1830 and 1 83 1. There was also a reservation of section eighteen, township seven, north of range four west, known as the Cattle Yard. This land was at the mouth of the Kickapoo river, and is now known as the village of Wauzeka. In addition to these lands which were located in Wis consin, there was a reservation of lands lying on the west side of the Mississippi river, in Iowa. The lands in Wisconsin were relinquished by the secretary of war, January 10, 1851, and were originally set apart by the president of the United States, February 17, 1843. In the month of April, 1857, the secretary of war authorized Hon H. M. Rice, of Minne sota, to sell that part of the reservation not improved, in tracts not exceeding forty acres each; and, in the month of June of that year, he sold at auction five hundred and seven acres of the reserve opposite Fort Crawford, none of which was claimed by actual settlers ; and in the month of December, 1857, he sold the remainder to claimants of lands, also on the west side, and the section in Wisconsin known as the Cattle Yard, amounting to i77xVo acres. A portion of thia reservation was subdivided into town lots, 80 by 140 feet, with streets 66 feet and alleys 20 feet wide November 17, 1864, the acting commissioner of the general land office, by order of the war department, offered for sale at public auction at La Crosse the reservation at Fort Crawford, which had been surveyed and subdivided into town lots, eighty by one hundred and forty feet, with streets sixty-five feet and alleys twenty feet wide, conforming to the plat of the village of Prairie du Chien. The lands unsold were subsequently opened to private entry and disposed of. The lands of the Fort Winnebago reservation were set apart by order of the president, February 9, 1835, and consisted of the following tenitory: sections two, three, and that part of four lying east of Fox river, and fractional section nine, all in township twelve, north of range nine east , also fractional section thirty-three, in township thirteen, north of range nine east> lying west of Fox river, and the fraction of section four, township twelve north, of range nine east, lying west of claim numbered twenty-one of A. Grignon, and adjacent to Fort Winnebago,. reserved by order of the president, July 29, 185 1. the whole amounting to about four thousand acres. September the first, 1853, these lands were by order of the president offered for sale at public auction at the fort, by F. H. Masten, assistant quartermaster United States army,, having previously been surveyed into forty acre lots, and were purchased by J. B. Martin, G. C, Tallman, W. H. Wells, Wm. Wier, N. H. Wood, M. R. Keegan, and others. The first land offices in Wisconsin were established under an act of congress approved June 26, 1834, creating additional land districts in the states of Illinois and Missouri, and in the territory north of the state of Illinois. The first section provides " that all that tract lying north of the state of Illinois, west of Lake Michigan, south and southeast of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, included in the present territory of Michigan, shall be divided by a north and south line,, drawn from the northern boundary of Illinois along the range of township line west of Fort Winnebago to the Wisconsin river, and to be called — the one on the west side, the Wisconsin land district, and that on the east side the Green Bay land district of the territory of Michigan, which two districts shall embrace the country north of said rivers when the Indian title shall be THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 223 extinguished, and the Green Bay district may be divided so as to form two districts, when the president shall deem it proper ;" and by section three of said act, the president was author ized to appoint a register and receiver for such office, as soon as a sufficient number of townships are surveyed. An act of congress, approved June 15, 1836, divided the Green Bay land district, as estab lished in 1834, " by a line commencing on the western boundary of said district, and running thence east between townships ten and eleven north, to the line between ranges seventeen and eighteen east, thence north between said ranges of townships to the line between townships twelve and thirteen north, thence east between said townships twelve and thirteen to Lake Michigan ; and all the country bounded north by the division line here described, south by the base line, east by Lake Michigan, and west by the division line between ranges eight and nine east," to be constituted a separate district and known as the " Milwaukee land district." It included the present counties of Racine, Kenosha, Rock, Jefferson, Waukesha, Walworth and Milwaukee, and parts of Green, Dane, Washington, Ozaukee, Dodge and Columbia. An act was approved March 3, 1847, creating an additional land district in the territory. All that portion of the public lands lying north and west of the following boundaries, formed a district to be known as the Chippewa land district : commencing at the Mississippi river on the line between townships twenty-two and twenty-three north, running thence east along said line to the fourth principal meridian, thence north along said meridian line to the line dividing town ships twenty-nine and thirty, thence east along such township line to the Wisconsin river, thence up the main channel of said river to the boundary line between the state of Michigan and the territory of Wisconsin. The counties now included in this district are Pepin, Clark, Eau Claire, Dunn, Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, Barron, Burnett, Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Taylor, Chippewa, and parts of Buffalo, Trempealeau and Jackson. An act of congress, approved March 2, 1849, changed the location of the land office in the Chippewa district from the falls of St. Croix to Stillwater, in the county of St. Croix, in the proposed territory of Minnesota; and, by section two of the act, an additional land office and district was created, comprising all the lands in Wisconsin not included in the districts of land subject to sale at Green Bay, Milwaukee, or Mineral Point, which was to be known as the Western land district, and the president was authorized to designate the site where the office should be licated. Willow River, now Hudson, was selected. The district was usually known as the St. Croix and Chippewa district, and included St. Croix, La Pointe, and parts of Chippewa and Marathon counties. By an act of congress, approved July 30, 1852, so much of the public lands in Wisconsin as lay within a boundary line commencing at the southwest corner of township fifteen, north of range two east of the fourth principal meridian, thence running due east to the southeast corner of township fifteen, north of range eleven, east of the fourth principal meridian, thence north along such range line to the north line of the state of Wisconsin, thence westwardly along said north line to the line between ranges one and two east of fourth principal meridian, thence south to the place of beginning, were formed into a new district, and known as the Stevens Point land district, and a land office located at that place. The boundaries enclosed the present counties of Juneau, Adams, Marquette, Green Lake, Waushara, Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, and Shawano. By the same law, the La Crosse land district was formed of the following territory : " Commencing at a point where the line between townships ten and eleven north touches the Mississippi river, thence due east to the fourth principal meridian, thence north to the line between townships fourteen and fifteen north, thence east to the southeast corner of township fifteen north, of range one east of the 224 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN fourth principal meridian, thence north on the range line to the south line of township number thirty-one norih, thence west on the line between townships number thirty and thirty-one to the Chippewa river, thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi river, thence down said river to the place of beginning." The present counties of Vernon, La Crosse, Monroe, Buf falo, Trempealeau, Eau Claire, Clark, and parts of Juneau and Chippewa were included in its limits. By act of congress, approved February 24, 1855, an additional district was formed of all that portion cf the Willow river land district lying north of the line dividing townships forty and forty-one, to be called the Fond du Lac district — the office to be located by the president as he might from time to time direct. The present counties of Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, and part of Burnett were included within its boundaries. By an act of congress, approved March 3, 1857, so much of the districts of land subject to sale at La Crosse and Hudson, in the state of Wisconsin, contained in the following boundaries, were constituted a new district, to be known as the Chippewa land district : North of the line dividing townships twenty-four and twenty-five north; south of the line dividing townships forty, and forty-one north ; west of the line dividing ranges one and two east; and east of the line dividing ranges eleven and twelve west. The location of the office was to be designated by the president as the public interest might require. The present counties of Chippewa, Taylor, Eau. Claire and Clark were in this district. There are at the present time six land offices in the state. They are located at Menasha, Falls of St. Croix, Wausau, La Crosse, Bayfield and Eau Claire. By the provisions of law, when the number of acres of land in any one district is reduced to one hundred thousand acres, sub ject to private entry, the secretary of the interior is required to discontinue the office, and the lands remaining unsold are transferred to the nearest land office, to be there subject to sale. The power of locating these offices rests with the president (unless otherwise directed by law), who is also authorized to change and re-establish the boundaries of land districts whenever, in his opinion, the public service will be subserved thereby. The pre-emption law of 1830 was intended for the benefit of actual settlers against compe tition in open market with non-resident purchasers. It gave every person who cultivated any part of a quarter section the previous year, and occupied the tract at the date mentioned, the privilege of securing it by payment of the minimum price at any time before the day fixed for the commencement of the public sale. To avail himself of this provision he was to file proof" of cultivation and occupancy. As men frequently located claims in advance of the survey, it occasionally happened that two or more would find themselves upon the same quarter section( in which case the pre-emption law permitted two joint occupants to divide the quarter section equally between them, whereupon each party received a certificate from the land office, author izing him to locate an additional eighty acres, elsewhere in the same land district, not interfering with other settlers having the right of preference. This was called a floating right. This pro vision of the law was ingeniously perverted from its plain purpose in various ways. As fast as these evasions came to the notice of the department, all certificates given to occupants of the same quarter section in excess of the' two first, or to more than one member of the same family, to employees, to any person who had not paid for eighty acres originally occupied, as well as those which were not located at the time of such payment, and the additional tract paid for before the public sale, were held to be worthless or fraudulent ; but a large number of these certificates had been issued, and passed into the hands of speculators and designing men, and were a source of almost endless vexation and annoyance to settlers, The law of 1830- THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 225 expired by limitation in one year from its passage, but was revived by the law of 1834 for two years. In the interim no settler could obtain his land by pre-emption. The law of 1834 extended only to those who had made cultivation in 1833, consequently the settlers of later date were excluded from its benefits. Meanwhile the fraudulent floats were freely used to dispossess actual settlers as late as 1835. The pre-emption law of congress, approved September 4, 1841, provided that every person who should make a settlement in person on public land, and erect a dwelling, should be author ized to enter a quarter section (one hundred and sixty acres), at the minimum price (one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre), and thus secure the same against competition ; and if any person should settle upon and improve land subject to private entry, he might within thirty days give notice to the register of the land office of his intention to claim the land settled upon, and might within one year upon making proof of his right, enter the land at the minimum price. At the public land sales at Mineral Point, held in 1835, all those tracts on which lead was found, or on which it was supposed to exist, were reserved to the United States, and were leased under certain regulations by the government for a rent of ten per centum of all the lead raised. The quantity of land thus reserved was estimated at one million acres. Considerable difficulty was found in collecting these rents, and subsequently it was abandoned, as the amount expended in collecting exceeded the value of the lead collected. In the period of four years the government suffered a loss of over nineteen thousand dollars. The act of congress, approved July n, 1846, authorized the sale ofthe reserved mineral lands in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, and provided that, after six months' public notice, the lands should not be subject to the rights of pre-emption until after the same had been offered at public sale, when they should be subject to private entry. .The law also provided, that, upon satisfac tory proof being made to the register and receiver of the proper land office, any tract or tracts of land containing a mine or mines of lead ore actually discovered and being worked, would be sold in such legal subdivisions as would include lead mines, and no bid should be received therefor at less than the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and if such tract or tracts should not be sold at such public sale, at such price, nor should be entered at private sale within twelve months thereafter, the same should be subject to sale as other lands. This act was changed by an act approved March 3, 1847, providing that any one being in possession by actual occupancy of a mine discovered prior to the passage of this act, who should pay the same rents as those who held leases from the secretary of war, should be entitled to purchase the lands prior to the day of sale at five dollars per acre. Mineral lands were to be offered for sale in forty acre pieces, and no bids were to be received less than five dollars per acre, and if not sold they were then to be subject to private entry at the same price. In 1847 or 1848 the reserved mineral lands were sold at public sale at Mineral Point at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and they were all disposed of at that price. Soon after the formation of Wisconsin territory, an act was passed by its legislature, approved January 5, 1838, incorporating the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company, and by an act of congress approved June 18 of the same year, a grant of land was made to aid in the construction of the canal. The grant consisted of the odd-numbered sections on a belt often miles in width from Lake Michigan to Rock river, amounting to 139,190 acres. Of those lands 43,447 acres were sold at public sale in July, 1839, at the minimum price of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Work was commenced on the canal at Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee river for a short distance from its outlet was improved by the construction of a dam across the river, which was made available for manufacturing and other purposes. A canal was also built about a mile in length and forty feet wide, leading from it down on the west bank of the river. Much 226 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. dissatisfaction subsequently arose ; the purchasers at this sale, and others occupying these canal and reserved lands felt the injustice of being compelled to pay double price for their lands, and efforts were made to repeal all laws authorizing further sales, and to ask congress to repeal the act making the grant. The legislation on the subject of this grant is voluminous. In 1862 the legislature of the state passed an act to ascertain and settle the liabilities, if any, of Wisconsin and the company, and a board of commissioners was appointed for that purpose. At the session of the legislature in 1863, the committee made a report with a lengthy opinion of the attorney-gen eral of the state. The views of that officer were, that the company had no valid claims for damages against the state. In this opinion the commissioners concurred. On the 23d of March, 1875, an act was approved by the governor, giving authority to the attorney-general to discharge and release of record any mortgage before executed to the late territory of Wisconsin, given to secure the purchase money or any part thereof of any lands granted by congress to aid in the construc tion of this canal. The quantity of lands unsold was subsequently made a part of the 500,000 acre tract granted by congress for school purposes. It is believed the whole matter is now closed against further legislative enactments. The next grant of lands made by congress ior internal improvements in Wisconsin, was one approved August 8, 1846, entitled " an act to grant a certain quantity of land to aid in the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, and to connect the same by canal." By this act there was granted to Wisconsin on her becoming a state, for improving the navigation of the above-named streams, and constructing the canal to unite the same, a quantity of land equal to one-half of three sections in width on each side of Fox river, and the lakes through which it passes from its mouth to the point where the portage canal should enter the same, and each side ofthe canal from one stream to the other, reserving the alternate sections to the United States with certain provisions in relation thereto. On the 3d of August, 1854, an act of congress was approved, authorizing the governor of Wisconsin to select the balance of lands to which the state was entitled to under the provisions of the act of 1846, out of any unsold government lands sub ject to private entry in the state, the quantity to be ascertained upon the principles which gov erned the final adjustment ofthe grant to the state of Indiana, for the Wabash and Erie canal, approved May 9, 1848. In tfee years 1854 and 1855, acts of congress were passed, defining and enlarging the grant. Under the grants of 1846, 1854 and 1855, the number of acres donated for this purpose and certified to the state, was 674,100. After the admission of Wisconsin into the Union, by an act of its legislature, approved August 8, 1848, a board of public works was created, through which the work of improving the said rivers, by the application thereto of the proceeds of the sale of the lands granted by con gress, was undertaken by the state. It soon became apparent that the moneys realized from the sale of lands were insufficient to meet the obligations of the state issued by its board of public works as they became due ; and in 1853 the work was turned over to the Fox and Wisconsin Improvement company, a corpora tion created under an act of the legislature of Wisconsin approved July 6, 1853. In 1856, by an act of the legislature of Wisconsin, approved October 3, 1856, the lands granted by congress then unsold were granted by the state, through the said company, to trustees, with power to sell, and to hold the proceeds in trust for the payment of state indebtedness, the completion of the work, thereafter for the payment of bonds issued by the said company, and the balance, if any, for the company itself. In February, 1866, the trustees, in execution of the powers contained in the deed of trust made to them, and pursuant to a judgment of the circuit court of Fond du Lac county, sold at public sale at Appleton, Wisconsin, the works of improvement and the balance of lands granted THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 227 by congress then unsold, and applied the proceeds to the purposes expressed in the deed of trust. The proceeds were sufficient to pay in full the expenses of the trust, the then outstanding state indebtedness, and to provide a fund sufficient to complete the work according to the plan specified in the act approved October 3, 1856. Under an act of the legislature of Wisconsin : pproved April 13, 1861, and the acts amend atory thereof, the purchasers at said sale, on the 15th day of August, 1866, filed their certificate in the office of the secretary of state, and thereby became incorporated as the Green Bay and Mississippi canal company, holding, as such company, the said works of improvement. At a subsequent date, under instructions from the engineer department of the United States, the surveys of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers were placed in the charge of General G. K. War ren, and by act of congress approved July 7, 1870, the secretary of war was authorized to appoint a board of arbitrators to ascertain how much the government should pay to the suc cessors of the Improvement company, the Green Bay and Mississippi canal company, for the transfer of all its property and rights ; and by a subsequent act, approved June 10, 1872, an appropriation was made therefor. The legislation on matters connected with the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement would make a chapter of itself. The work is now in charge of the government, and will be prosecuted to completion in a satisfactory manner. On the 29th of May, 1848, an act was approved by the president "to enable the people of Wisconsin territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union," by which certain propositions were to be submitted to the convention which were to be acted upon, and subsequently submitted to the people for their approval. The first constitutional convention was held in October, 1846, and, having framed a constitution, it was submitted to a vote of the people at the election in 1847, and it was rejected. The second convention met December 15, 1847, and, having formed a constitution, it was adopted by the people at the election in 1848. The following are the propositions proposed by congress : 1. That section sixteen numbered in every township of the public lands of said state, and where such section has been sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands equivalent theretp, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the said state for the use of schools. 2. That seventy-two sections, or two entire townships, of land set apart and reserved for the use and support of a university by act of congress approved June 12, 1838, are hereby granted -and conveyed to the state, to be appropriated solely to the use and support of such university in such manner as the legislature may prescribe. 3. That ten entire sections of land to be selected and located under the direction of the legislature, in legal subdivisions of not less than one quarter of a section from any of the unap propriated lands belonging to the United States within the state are granted to the state for completing the public buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of government, under the direction of the legislature. 4. That all salt-springs within the state, not exceeding twelve in number, shall be granted to the state, to be selected by the legislature, and when selected, to be used or disposed of on such terms, conditions, and regulations as the legislature shall direct. The title to all lands and other property which accrued to the territory of Wisconsin by grant, gift, purchase, forfeiture, escheat, or otherwise, were, by the provisions of the constitution of the state, vested in the state ; and the people of the state, in their right of sovereignty, were declared to possess the ultimate property in and to all lands within its jurisdiction ; and all lands the title of which shall fail from a defect of heirs, shall revert or escheat to the people. - The act of congress for the admission of the state into the Union gave formal assent to the 228 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. grant relative to the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement, and the lands reserved to the United States by said grant, and also the grant to the territory of Wisconsin, for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with those of Rock river, were to be offered for sale at the same minimum price, and subject to the same rights of pre-emption as other public lands of the United States. By the provisions of the state constitution, the secretary of state, the state treasurer and attorney-general, were constituted a board of commissioners for the sale of the school and university lands, and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom. In the year 1850 the commissioners put into market, for the first time, the school lands which had been donated t'o the state. The total quantity of lands offered was 148,021, 44-100 acres, which sold for the sum of $444,265.19. By an act of congress, approved September 4, 1841, there were granted to the state 500,000. acres of land, which were, by act of the territorial legislature of 1849, appropriated to the school fund, and the unsold lands of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company, amounting to about 140,000 acres, were to be included as a part of the above grant. These lands, and the sixteenth section of each township, make up the whole of the school lands of the state. The whole number of acres sold up to the year 1877 is 1,243,984 acres, and there remain unsold, subject to entry, 216,016 acres. The state university land grant was made in 1838, and seventy-two sections set apart and reserved. The lands were selected in 1845 and 1846. On the 15th of December, 1854, an act of congress was approved, relinquishing to the state the lands reserved for the salt-springs, and seventy-two sections were granted in lieu thereof, in aid of the university of the state The number of acres amounts to 92,160, all of which have been sold except 4,407 acres, which are subject to entry. Under the re-organization and enlargement of the university, under provisions. of chapter 114, of general laws of 1866, section thirteen provides, among other things, that the income of a fund to be derived from the sales of the two hundred and forty thousand acies, granted by congress by act approved July 2, 1862, entitled : "An act donating lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and. mechanic arts," be devoted to the state university, and the funds arising therefrom to be known as the " agricultural college fund." All of the grant of lands have been sold except 5 1,635 acres,. The quantity of lands donated by act of congress August 6, 1846, for the purpose of completing or erecting public buildings at the seat of government, known as " Capitol Lands," amounted to ten entire sections, or six thousand four hundred acres. A grant of lands was made to the state by act of congress, approved September 28, 1850, of all the swamp and overflowed lands within its limits. The total number of acres of this grant, as certified to the state from the government, to the year 1877, is 1,869,677. A grant of land was made by congress, approved March 3, 1863, for the construction of a military road from Fort Wilkins, Michigan, to Fort Howard, Wisconsin, of every alternate section of public lands, designated by even numbers for three sections in width on each side of said road, and subject to the disposal of the legislature. In 1865 sales of land were made to the number of 85,961.89 acres, which realized the sum of $114,856.54. An act of congress was approved June 25, 1864, granting lands to the state to build a military road from Wausau, Wisconsin, to Ontonagon, on Lake Superior, of every alternate section of land designated as odd sections, for three sections in width on each side of the road. The grant was accepted by the state by law, approved April 10, 1865. An act was also passed by congress, approved April 10, 1866, granting to the state of Wis consin a donation of public lands to aid in the construction of a breakwater and harbor and ship THE PUBLIC DOMAIN". 229 canal at the head of Sturgeon bay, Wis., to connect the waters of Green bay with Lake Michigan'- The grant was for 200,000 acres of land. The grant was accepted by the legislature of i868_ In 1874, thesame body by resolution transferred to the Sturgeon bayandLake Michigan ship canal and harbor company 32,342 acres, and the remaining portion was authorized to be sold for agri^- cultural purposes by said company. The first railroad grant in Wisconsin was by act of congress, approved June 3, 1856, by the first section of which there was granted to the state, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a railroad from Madison or Columbus, by the way of Portage City, to the St. Croix river or lake, between townships twenty-five and thirty-one, and from thence to the west end of Lake Superior and to Bayfield ; and from Fond du Lac, on Lake Winnebago, northerly to the state line,. every alternate section of land designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width on each side. of said roads, respectively; the land to be applied exclusively in the construction of said roads,. and to no other purpose whatever, and subject to the disposal of the legislature, and the same shall remain public highways for the use of the government, free from toll and other charges upon the transportation of property or troops of the United States, with other conditions as to- the disposal of said lands. The grant was accepted by the legislature by an act approved October 8, 1856, and on the nth of the same month an act was approved granting a portion of the lands to the La Crosse &r Mississippi railroad company, who were to carry out all the requirements of the original granL A supplementary act was approved the same session, October 13, incorporating the Wisconsin & Superior railroad, which company was required to commence the construction of their road on or before January 1, 1857, and to complete the same to Oshkosh before August 1, 1858. Of this- land grant John W. Cary says : " That portion of the grant given to aid in the construction of a railroad northerly to the state line was conferred on the Wisconsin & Superior railroad company- This company was organized in the interest of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac railroad company, and that part of the grant was transferred to it. The road was, in 1859, extended to- Oshkosh, and thence to Menasha, and finally to Green Bay. In the panic of 1857, the company- failed to meet its obligations, but was afterward enabled to go on, and continued in possession: until June 2, 1859, when its road was sold on the foreclosures of the mortgages given thereon '<¦ and on the sixth of the same month the present Chicago & Northwestern railroad company was:- organized under the statute, by purchasers at said sale, and took possession." A large portion of the original grant was given for the construction of a road from Madison or Columbus to the St. Croix river, as before stated. The La Crosse company, during the years, 1857 and 1858, completed its main line to La Crosse; the Watertown line, from Watertown to» Columbus, and partially graded the line from Madison to Portage City. Neither it nor its suc cessors ever received any part of the lands of the land grant. In 1856 and 1857, the La Crosse & Milwaukee railroad graded most of the line from Madi son to Portage. After the failure of the company, this line was abandoned, and so remained! until 1870, when a new company was organized, under the name of the Madison & Portage City railroad company. In 1873, an act was passed chartering the Tomah & Lake St. Croix railroad company, and repealing and annulling that portion of the land grant which bestowed the lands- from Tomah to Lake St. Croix upon the La Crosse company, and bestowing the same upon the. company chartered by this act. This road is known as the West Wisconsin railroad. An act of congress was approved May 5, 1864, granting lands to aid in the constructions of certain roads in the state. This was a re-enactment of the law of 1856, and divided the grani in three sections, one of which was for a road from a point on the St. Croix river or lake, between. 230 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. townships twenty- five and thirty-one, to the west end of Lake Superior, and from some point on the line of said road, to be selected by the state, to Bayfield — every alternate section designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of said road, with an indemnity extending twenty miles on each side, was granted, under certain regulations ; another, for aiding in building a road from Tomah to the St. Croix river, between townships twenty-five and thirty-one — every alternate section by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of the road ; another for aiding and constructing a railroad from Portage City, Berlin, Doty's Island, or Fond du Lac, as the legislature may determine, in a northwestern direction, to Bayfield, on Lake Superior, and a grant of every alternate section designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of said road, was donated. The legislature of 1865 failed to agree upon a disposition of the grant. The succeeding legislature conferred the grant partly upon the " Winnebago & Lake Superior Railroad Company," and partly upon the " Portage & Superior Railroad Company," the former April 6, 1866, and the latter April 9, 1866. The two companies were consolidated, under the name of the "Portage, Winnebago & Superior Railroad," by act of the legislature, March 6, 1869, and by act of legis lature approved February 4, 1871, the name was changed to the "Wisconsin Central Railroad." HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. By JOSEPH HOBBINS, M.D. An article on state health, necessarily embracing the etiology, or causes of disease, involves the discussion of the geographical position of the state ; its area, physical features ; its elevations, depressions; water supply; drainage; its mean level above the sea; its geology; climatology; the nationality of its people ; their occupations, habits, food, education ; and, indeed, of all the physical, moral and mental influences which affect the public health. Geographical Position. The geographical position of Wisconsin, considered in relation to health, conveys an imme diate and favorable impression, which is at once confirmed by a reference to the statistical atlas of the United States. On its north it is bounded by Lake Superior, Minnesota, and the northern peninsula of Michigan; on the south by Illinois; on the east by Lake Michigan, and on the west by the Mississippi. It lies between 420 30' and 460 55' N. latitude, and between 870 and 92" 50' W. long.; is 285 miles long from north to south, and 255 in breadth from east to west, giving it an area of some 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Its natural surface divisions, or proportions, are 16 per cent, of prairie, 50 of timber, 19 of openings, 15 of marsh, mineral undefined. North of 45 ° the surface is nearly covered with vast forests of pine. The proportion of the state cultivated is nearly one-sixth. Physical Features. Among these, its lacustrine character is most conspicuous, so much so that it may not inaptly be called the state of a thousand lakes, its smaller ones being almost universal and innumerable. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 231 It has an almost artificially perfect arrangement of its larger rivers, both for supply and drainage, is rolling in its surface, having several dividing ridges or water sheds, and varies from 600 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, Blue Mounds being 1,729 feet above sea level. Its pine and thickly wooded lands are being rapidly denuded, and to some extent converted to agricultural purposes ; its marshes in the north are being reclaimed for cranberry cultivation, and in the more thickly settled parts of the state for hay purposes. The surface of the state is beautifully diver sified with stream, waterfall and rapids ; richly wooded bluffs several hundred feet in height, assuming the most romantic and pleasing forms, and composed of sandstone, magnesian limestone, granite, trap, etc. The health and summer resorts of Wisconsin are illustrative of its beauty, and its numerous mineral springs have long since formed an important feature of its character for salubrity. Geology. The geology of Wisconsin does not require from us but a very general notice, as it is only from its relation to disease that we have to consider it. This relation is in a measure apparent in the fact that everywhere the topographical features are governed by the strata below them. The relationship will be seen still further in the chemical or sanitary influence of the geological structures. Through the greater part of the south half of the state limestone is found, the cliff prevailing in the mineral region, and the blue in the other parts ; while in the north part of the state the primitive rocks, granite, slate, and sandstone prevail. South of the Wisconsin river sandstone in layers of limestone, forming the most picturesque bluffs, abounds. While west of Lake Michigan extends up to these rocks the limestone formation, being rich in timber or prairie land. Sandstone is found underneath the blue limestone. The general dip of the stratified rocks of the state is toward the south, about 8 feet to the mile. Medical geology treats of geology so far only as it affects health. Thus, some diluvial soils and sands are known to be productive of malarial fevers ; others, of a clayey character, retaining water, are productive of cold damp, and give rise to pulmonary and inflammatory diseases ; while others still, being very porous, are promotive of a dry and equable atmosphere. In the Potsdam rocks arise our purest waters and best supply, while our magnesian limestone rocks (a good quality of this kind of rock being composed of nearly equal parts of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia) affect the water to the extent of producing simple diarrhoea in those unaccustomed to drinking it, as is observed in southern visitors, and was especially noticeable* in the rebel prisoners at Camp Randall, though singularly enough do not seem to produce stone and gravel, as is alleged of the same kind of water in the north of England. Why this is so — if so — is a question of some interest. Goitre and cretinism are both attributed to the use of the same magnesian limestone water. Goitre is by no means an uncommon affection here, but not common enough, perhaps, to warrant us in thinking its special cause is in the water. Boiling the water is a preventive of all injurious effects. There is still another objection — • partic ularly applicable to cities — to this kind of water, the carbonates of lime and magnesia which it contains, not simply making it hard, but giving it the power to promote the decomposition of organic matters, and thus where the soil is sandy or porous, endangering the purity of our well- water. Geology in general affects all our soils and their products ; all our drainage ; even our architecture, the material with which we build. Our building stone for half of the state is a magnesian limestone, a rather soft or poor quality of which will absorb one-third of its bulk of water, or two and a half gallons to the cubic foot, while most kinds of sandstone are nearly as porous as loose sand, and in some of them the penetrability for air and water is the same. (A single brick of poor quality will absorb a pint of water). Such materials used in the construction 232 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. of out dwellings, without precautionary measures, give rise to rheumatism, other grave diseases, .and loss of strength. Besides, this character of stone absorbs readily all kinds of liquid and gaseous impurities, and though hardening in dry air, decays soon when exposed to underground moisture. The material of which our roads are made, as well as the kind of fuel we use in our homes, have the same unquestionable relationship to geology and disease. Drainage. The natural drainage of the state, bearing in mind that the mean elevation of its hydro- graphical axis is about 1,000 feet above the sea level, is as excellent as it is obvious. (A line running from Lake Michigan across the state to the Mississippi, shows an elevation of about 500 feet). North its drainage is by a few rapid but insignificant streams into Lake Superior, while east it increases greatly and enters Lake Michigan by way of Green bay. The principal part of the supply and drainage, however, is from the extreme north to the southwest through the center -of the state, by five large rivers, which empty themselves into the Mississippi at almost equal distances from each other. Climatology. The climatology of Wisconsin will be exhibited in the observations taken at different times, for longer or shorter periods, and at different points of the state. But it must be borne in mind that climate depends quite as much and very frequently more upon the physical surroundings, upon the presence of large bodies of water, like our lakes, upon large forests, like our pineries, like our heavy hard-woods, and of land elevations and depressions, upon isothermal lines, etc., as it does upon latitude. Our historic period is of a character too brief for us to assume to speak -of our climate, or of all the changing causes which influence it — in a positive manner, our horticultural writers, to make the difficulty still greater, affirming that it has several climates within itself; still, sufficient data have been gathered from sufficiently reliable sources to enable us to form a tolerably accurate idea of the subject. The great modifiers of our climate are our lakes. These, bounding as they do, the one, Lake Superior (600 feet above the level of the sea. 420 miles long and 160 broad), on the north ¦side of the state, and the other, Lake Michigan (578 feet above the sea level, 320 miles long and '84 broad), on the east side of the state, serve to govern the range of the thermometer and the mean temperature of the seasons, as much as they are governed in New England by the ocean. -Our climate is consequently very much like that of the New England sea-board. They both ¦exhibit the same extremes and great extremes, have the same broadly marked continental features at some seasons, and decided tropical features at others. It is of special interest in this con nection to know that the climate between the eastern coast and the lakes increases in rigor as one advances west until the lakes are reached, and again becomes still more rigorous as one advances into the interior west of the lakes, thus affording proof, if proof were wanting, of the modifying and agreeable influences of large bodies of water During the winter the mean temperature of the east on the New England coast is 8.38 higher than the west (beyond the lakes) ; during the spring 3.53 lower ; during the summer 6.99 lower; and during the autumn 1.54 higher. In the mean temperature for the year there is but a fractional difference. That the winters are less rigorous and the summers more temperate on the Great Lakes is demonstrated to be owing not to elevation, but, as on the ocean, to the equal izing agency of an expanse of water. On the lakes the annual ratio of fair days is 117, and on the New England coast 215 ; the HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 233 tloudy days are as 127 to 73; the rainy as 63 to 46 , and the snowy as 45 to 29 In the former the prevailing weather is cloudy, and in the latter it is fair. The immense forests on the upper lake shores of course exercise a considerable influence in the modification of our temperature, as well as in the adding to our rain-fall and cloudy days. A climate of this character, with its attendant rains, gives us that with which we are so abundantly supplied, great variety of food, both for man and beast, the choicest kinds of fruits and vegetables in the greatest profusion, and of the best quality, streams alive with fish, woods and prairies with game, the noblest trees, the most exquisite flowers, and the best breeds of domestic animals the world can boast of. The semi-tropical character of our summer, and its resemblance to that of New England, is shown by the mean temperature — 701-' — for three months at Salem, Massachusetts, at Albany, New York, at southern Wisconsin, Fort Snelling and Fort Benton on the Upper Missouri, being the same ; while at Baltimore, Cincinnati and St. Louis, it is 75 °, and around the gulf of Mexico it is 8o°. Another feature of our climate is worthy the notice of invalids and of those who make "the thermometer their guide for comfoit. It is a well-ascertained fact that during the colder se.asons the lake country is not only relatively, but positively, warmer than places far south of it. The thermometer, during the severe cold of January, 1856, did not fall so low at the coldest, by ioQ to 15 ° at Lake Superior as at Chicago at the same time. This remark holds true of the changes of all periods of duration, even if continued over a month. The mean temperature at Fort Howard, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 600 feet above the level of the Atlantic, latitude 44° 40', longitude 87 °, observations fo'r nine years, is 44.93 ; and at Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 580 feet above the level of the Atlantic, latitude 43" 3', longitude 90" 53', observa tions for four years, is 45.65, giving a just idea of our mean temperature for the state. Under the head of distribution of heat in winter, it is found that the maximum winter range at Fort Winnebago, Wisconsin, for sixteen years, is 9.4. Hyetal or Rain Character. Wisconsin is situated within what is termed the area of constant precipitation, neither affected hy a rainy season, nor by a partial dry season. The annual quantity of rain on an average for three years at Fort Crawford, was 29.54 inches, and at Fort Howard the mean annual on an average of four years, was 38.83 inches. The annual quantity of rain, on an average of three years was 31.88 inches at Fort Winnebago, situate (opposite the portage between the Fox and Wisconsin rivers) 80 miles west of Lake Michigan and 112 miles southwest of Green Bay. The rain-fall is less in the lake district than in the valley of the Mississippi in the same latitudes. One of the peculiarities of our winters is the almost periodical rain-fall of a few days in the middle of the winter (usually in the middle of January), which extends to the Atlantic coast, while north and northwest of us the dry cold continues without a break, winter being uniform and severe, characterized by aridity and steady low temperature. Another peculiarity of our climate is, the number of snowy and rainy days is increased disproportionately to the actual quantity — the large bodies of water on the boundaries of the state, contrary to the popular opinion, reduc ing the annual quantity of rain in their immediate vicinity instead of adding to it, the heavier precipitation being carried further away. One of the most pleasing features of our climate is its frequent succession of showers in summer, tempering as it does our semi-tropical heat, increasing the fertility of the soil, and carpeting our prairies with a green as grateful to the eye as that of England. The hygrometric condition of Wisconsin may be judged of with proximate accuracy by that given of Poultney, Iowa : 234 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN Day, loth II..12 _ I3--14 - Temperature of -Air. 9287 92 96 93 Temperature }f Evaporat'n 7S° 7577 Si7S Humidity, per cent. 51 55 48 5° 44 Day. 19' h 20 _. 2I__ 29--30-- Temperature of Air. 94 97 96Si84 Temperature of Evaporat'n Si" 8180 72 7i Humidity, per cent. 55 484763 5° The average depth of snow for three years, at Beloit, Wisconsin, was twenty-five inches, while at Oxford county, Maine, the average for twelve years was ninety inches. The isohyetal lines of the mean precipitation of rain and melted snow, for the year 1872, show that of Wiscon sin to be thirty-two. Isotherms. The mean temperature of spring is represented by the isotherm of 450 F. which enters Wis.. consin from the west about forty miles south of Hudson, passing in a nearly southeast direction, and crosses the south line of the state near the west line of Walworth county. It then passes nearly around the head of Lake Michigan, then northeast until it reaches the latitude of Milwaukee, whence it passes in a somewhat irregular course east through Ontario, New York, and Massa chusetts, entering the ocean in the vicinity of Boston. The summer mean isotherm of 700 F. enters Wisconsin from the west but little farther north than the spring isotherm, and passes through the state nearly parallel with the course of that line, crossing the southern boundary near the east line of Walworth county ; passing through Chicago it goes in a direction a little south of east, and enters the Atlantic at New Haven. The mean isotherm of 470 F. for autumn, enters the state about twenty miles north of Prairie du Chien, passing in a direction a little north of east through Portage, and enters Lake Michigan near Manitowoc. The isotherm of 30° F. representing the mean temperature of winter, enters the state near Prairie du Chien, passes east and north and enters Lake Michigan at Sturgeon bay. The annual mean temperature is repre sented by the isotherm of 45 ° F. which enters the state near Prairie du Chien, passes across the state in a direction a little south of east, and enters Lake Michigan a little south of Milwaukee. What influence these isotherms have upon our belts of disease there are no data to show. But from their influence upon vegetable life, one can not but infer a similar good influence on the animal economy. This is a question for the future. Yearly mean of barometer at 321 1,088 feet above the sea: Barometrical. F. as observed at the Universitv of Wisconsin, altitude 1869 28.932 inches. 1S70 28.867 " 1871.. 28.986 " 1872 28.898 1873 .28.892 inches. 1874-- ...28.867 " 1875 28.750 " 1876 ..28.920 Atmospheric pressure, as indicated by the barometer, is an important element in the causation of disease, far more so than is generally thought. The barometer indicates not only the coming of the storm, but that state of the atmosphere which gives rise to health at one time, and to disease at another. When the barometer is high, both the body and mind have a feeling of elasticity, of vigor and activity, and when the barometer ranges low, the feelings of both are just the reverse ; and both of these states, commonly attributed to temperature, are mostly the result of change in the barometric pressure. Many inflammations, as of the lungs, etc., commonly HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 235, attributed to change in the temperature, have their origin in barometrical vicissitudes. Winds. Generally speaking, the atmospheric movement is from the west, lt is of little purpose what the surface wind may be, as this does not affect the fact of the constancy of the westerly- winds in the middle latitudes. The showers and cumulus clouds of the summer always have this movement. The belt of westerly winds is the belt of constant and equally distributed rains, the feature of our winds upon which so much of our health and comfort depends. Climatological Changes from Settling the State. There are many theories afloat concerning the effects of reclaiming the soil and the destruc tion of its forests. To us, a new people and a new state, the question is one of great moment, the more so that it is still in our power not only to watch the effects of such changes, but still more so to control them in a measure for our good. As to the effects upon animal and vegetable life, it would appear that so far as relates to the clearing away of forests, the whole change of conditions is limited to the surface, and dependent for the most part on the retention and slow evaporation in the forest, in contrast with the rapid drainage and evaporation in the open space. The springs, diminishing in number and volume in our more settled parts of the state, do not indicate a lessening rain-fall. It is a well ascertained fact that in other places so denuded, which have been allowed to cover themselves again with forests, the springs reappear, and the streams are as full as before such denudation. With us, happily, while the destruction of forests is going on in various parts of the state, their second growth is also going on, both in the pineries, where new varieties of hard-wood take the place of the pine, and in the more cultivated parts of the state, cultivation forbidding, as it does, the practice so much in vogue some years ago, of running fires through the undergrowth. Thus, though the renewal of forests may not be keeping pace with their destruction, it would seem clear that as time advances, the springs and streams in the more cultivated sections of the state will fill and flow again, increasing in proportion as the second growth increases and expands. The change, however, from denudation, though strictly limited to the surface, affects the surface in other ways than simply in the retention and evaporation of rain. When the winter winds are blowing, the want of the sheltering protection of belts of trees is bitterly felt, both by man and beast. And so, too, in the almost tropical heats of the summer ; both languish and suffer- from the want of shade. Nor is the effect of denudation less sensibly felt by vegetable life. The growing of our more delicate fruits, like the peach, the plum, the pear, the better varieties of the cherry and gooseberry, with the beautiful half-hardy flowering shrubs, all of which flourished so well in a number of our older counties some twenty years ago, are as a rule no longer to be found in those localities, having died out, as is believed, from exposure to the cold winds, to the south west winds in particular, and for want of the protecting influence of the woods. In fruits, how ever, we have this compensation, that, while the more tender varieties have been disappearing, the hardier and equally good varieties, especially of apples, have been increasing, while the grape (than which nothing speaks better for climatology), of which we grow some 150 varieties, the strawberry, the raspberry, blackberry and currant, etc., hold their ground. Nor are the cattle suffering as much as formerly, or as much as is perhaps popularly believed, from this want of forests or tree shelter. With the better breeds which our farmers have been able of late years to purchase, with better blood and better food, and better care, our stock instead of dwindling in condition, or in number, from the effect of cold, has progressed in quality and quantity, and competes with the best in the Chicago and the New York markets. 236 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. There can, however, be no doubt that the planting of groves and belts of trees in exposed localities, would be serviceable in many ways ; in tempering the air and imparting to it an agreeable moisture in the summer ; in modifying the severity of the cold in winter ; in moderating the extreme changes to which our climate is subject; and thus in a measure preventing those discomforts and diseases which occur from sudden changes of temperature. Besides, these plantings, when made between our homes or villages and malarial marshes southwest of us, serve (by the aid of our prevailing southwest winds) to break up, to send over and above and beyond us the malarial substratum of air to which we are otherwise injuriously exposed. The effects of reclaiming the soil, or "breaking " as it is called in the west, have, years ago, when the state first began to be settled, been disastrous to health and to life. The moist sod being turned over in hot weather, and left to undergo through the summer a putrifying fomen- tative process, gave rise to the worst kind of malarial, typhoid (bilious) and dysenteric disease. Not, however, that the virulence or mortality altogether depended upon the soil emanations. These were undoubtedly aggravated by the absolute poverty of the early settlers, who were wanting in everything, in proper homes, proper food and proper medical attendance, medicines and nursing. These fevers have ^wept the state years ago, particularly in the autumns of 1844 and 1845, but are now only observed from time to time in limited localities, following in the autumn the summer's "breaking." But it is pleasing to be able to add that through the advancing prosperity of the state, the greater abundance of the necessaries and comforts of life, and the facilities for obtaining medical care, the diseases incident to " settling " are much less common and much less fatal than formerly. Relations of Climatology to Sanitary Status. One of the principal reasons for gathering climatological observations, is to obtain sanitary information, which serves to show us where man may live with the greatest safety to his health. Every country, we might perhaps correctly say every state, has, if not its peculiar diseases, at least its peculiar type of diseases. And by nothing is either this type or variety of disease so much influenced as by climate. Hence the great importance of the study of climatology to health and disease, nay, even to the kind of medicine and to the regulating of the dose to be given. It is, however, best to caution the reader that these meteorological observations are not ¦always made at points where they would most accurately show the salubrity of a geographical district, by reason of the fact that the positions were chosen not for this special purpose, but for purely military purposes. We allude to the forts of Wisconsin, from which our statistics for the most part come. Another caution it is also well to bear in mind in looking over the class of diseases reported at these stations in connection with their observations. The diseases are those of the military of the period, a class from which no very favorable health reports could be expected, considering their habits, exposure, and the influences incidental to frontier life. The geography of disease and climate is of special interest to the public, and a knowledge especially necessary to the state authorities, as it is only by such a knowledge that state legis lation can possibly restrain or root out the endemic diseases of the state. In connection with the gathering of vital statistics must go the collection of meteorological and topographical statistics, as without these two latter the former is comparatively useless for sanitary purposes. More particularly does this apply to the malarial diseases of the state. Acclimation is very rarely discussed or even alluded to by our people in relation to Wisconsin, for the reason that, come from whatever part of Europe men may", or from the eastern states, acclimation is acquired for the most part unconsciously, rarely attended by any malarial affection, -unless by exposure in such low, moist localities, where even the natives of the state could not HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 237 live with impunity. It seems to be well enough established that where malaria exists, whether in London, New York, or Wisconsin ; where the causes of malarial disease are permanent, the effects are permanent, and that there is no positive acclimation to malaria. Hence it should follow that since life and malaria are irreconcilable, we should root out the enemy, as we readily can by drainage and cultivation, or, where drainage is impossible, by the planting of those shrubs or trees which are found to thrive best, and thereby prove the best evaporators in such localities. Our climate, approximating as it does the 45th degree (being equi-distant from the equator and pole), would a priori be a common ground of compromise and safety, and from this geographical position is not liable to objections existing either north or south of us. Influence of Nationalities. Our population is of such a confessedly heterogeneous character that naturally enough it suggests the question : Has this intermingling of different nationalities sensibly affected our health conditions ? Certainly not, so far as intermarriages between the nations of the Caucasian race are concerned. This opinion is given first upon the fact that our classes of diseases have neither changed nor increased in their intensity by reason of such admixture, so far as can be learned by the statistics or the history of disease in the northwest. Imported cases of disease are of course excepted. Second, because all that we can gather from statistics and history concern ing such intermingling of blood goes to prove that it is beneficial in every respect, physically, mentally and morally. England, of all nations, is said to be the best illustration of the good attending an intermingling of the blood of different nations, for the reason that the English character is supposed to be, comparatively speaking, good, and that of all countries she has been perhaps more frequently invaded, and to a greater or less part settled by foreign peoples than any other, From a residence of nearly a quarter of a century in the center of Wisconsin, and from an adequate knowledge of its people, whose nationalities are so various and whose intermarriages are so common, it is at least presumable that we should have heard of or noted any peculiar or injurious results, had any such occurred. None such, however, have been observed. Some fears have been expressed concerning the influence of Celtic blood upon the American temperament, already too nervous, as is alleged. It is scarcely necessary to say that these fears are unsupported by figures or facts. Reasoning from analogy, it would seem safe to affirm that the general inter mingling by intermarriage now going on in our population, confined to the Caucasian nationali ties, will tend to preserve the good old Anglo-Saxon character, rather than to create any new char acter for our people. If this view needed support or confirmation, it is to be found in some Yery interesting truths in relation to it. Mr. Edwin Seguin, in his work on Idiocy, lays special stress on the influences of races in regard to idiocy and other infirmities, like deafness. He says that the crossing of races, which contributed to the elimination of some vices of the blood (as may be the case in the United States, where there are proportionally less deaf and dumb than in Europe), produces a favorable effect on the health of the population, and cites as an example, Belgium, which has fewer deaf and dumb than any country in Europe, owing to the influence of the crossing of races in past ages from the crowds of northern tribes passing, mingling and partly settling there ¦on the way to England. We are aware that it has been predicted that our future will give us a new type, distinct from all other peoples, and that with this type must come not only new diseases but modifications or aggravations of the present diseases, in particular, consumption and insanity. But so long as we are in a formative state as a nation, and that this state seems likely to continue so long as the country has lands to be occupied and there are people in Europe to occupy them, such spec ulations can be but of little value. 238 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Occupations, Food, Education, etc., as affecting Public Health. The two chief factors of the social and sanitary well-being of a people are a proper eduea* tion of the man and a proper cultivation of the soil. Our two principal occupations in Wisconsin are education and agriculture, the learners in the schools being in excess of the laborers on the soil. A happier combination could scarcely be desired, to form an intelligent and a healthy people. How this will affect our habits in the future it is easy to conceive, but for the present it may be said (of so many different nationalities are we composed), that we have no habits which serve to distinguish us from the people of other northwestern states. A well-fed and a well-taught people, no matter how mixed its origin, must sooner or later become homogeneous and a maker of customs. In the mean time we can only speak of our habits as those of a people in general having an abundance of food, though it is to be wished the workers ate more beef and mutton, and less salt-pork, and that whisky was less plentiful in the land. The clothing is sufficient, fuel is cheap, and the dwellings comfortable. Upon the whole, the habits of the people are conducive to health. It is thought unnecessary to refer to the influence upon health in general of other occupations, for the reason that manufacturers, traders and transporters are for the most part localized, and perhaps not sufficiently numerous to exercise any marked influence on the state health. History of Disease. In searching for historical data of disease in Wisconsin, we are able to go back to tne year 1766, commencing with the aborigines. The Indians, says Carver, in his chapter on their diseases,. in general are healthy and subject to few diseases. Consumption from fatigue and exposure he notices, but adds that the disorder to which they are most subject is pleurisy. They are like wise afflicted with dropsy and paralytic complaints. It is to be presumed that while Carver is speaking generally, he means his remarks to apply, perhaps, more particularly to those Indians with whom he lived so long, the Sioux of this state. That they were subject to fevers is gathered from the use of their remedies for fever, the " fever bush " being an ancient Indian remedy, and equally valued by the inhabitants of the interior parts ofthe colonies. Besides this,' they had their remedies for complaints of the bowels, and for all inflammatory complaints. These notices sufficiently indicate the class of diseases which have certainly followed in the wake of the Indi ans, and are still occurring to his white brother, making it plain enough that lung diseases, bowel complaints, and fevers are in fact native to the state. The fact must not be ignored that the Indian is subject to the same diseases as the human race in general. After Carver, we may quote Major Long's expedition in 1824. The principal disease ofthe Sacs appears to be a mortification of the intestinal canal, more common among men than women, the disease proving fatal in four days if not relieved. It is unaccompanied with pain, and is neither hernia, dysentery, nor hemorrhoids. Intermittents were prevalent, and the small-pox visited them at different periods. As the Chippewas have a common Algonquin origin with the Sacs, and as their home and customs were the same, it may be expected that their diseases were simi lar. The principal disease to which the Chippewas are liable is consumption of the lungs, generally affecting them between the ages of 30 and 40 ; they linger along for a year or two, but always fall victims to it. Many of them die of a bowel complaint which prevails every year, This disease does not partake, however, of the nature of dysentery. They are frequently affected with sore eyes. Blindness is not common. Many of them become deaf at an early age. Referring to the report ofthe commissioner of Indian affairs for 1854, we find that the decrease in the number of the Menomonees is accounted for by the ravages of small-pox, in 1838, HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 239 t)f the cholera, in 1847 (which latter was superinduced by misery and starvation), and by the fever, which from time to time, commonly in the winter, has been raging among them, being •clearly the consequence of want of provisions and other necessaries. The report for 1850 says, there has been considerable sickness among the Winnebagoes for several months past ; dysentery has been the prevalent disease, confined mostly to children. For 1857 : the Winnebagoes have suffered considerably from chronic diseases, scrofula and consumption. For 1859: the chief malady among the Winnebagoes is phthisis pulmonalis and its analogous diseases, having its source in hereditary origin. Some of the malignant diseases are occasionally met with among "them, and intermittent and remittent fevers. In 1863 : of the Menomonees, there is a large mortality list of the tribes under my charge. Measles and some of the more common eruptive diseases are the causes. But the most common and most fatal disease which affects the Indians at this agency is pneumonia, generally of an acute character. There is but little tubercular disease to be found in any of these tribes, Menomonees, Stockbridges, Oneidas, etc. In the report for 1865, one can not but notice with some regret the absence of all allusion, except to small-pox, to the diseases ofthe Indians. Regret, because reliable information of such diseases serves a variety of valuable purposes, for comparison, confirmation, etc., of those of the white population. For these reasons, if for none other, it is to be hoped that the attention of the proper authorities will be called to this feature of such reports. The first reliable report on the diseases of the people (as distinguished from the Indians) of Wisconsin to which we have had access, is Lawson's Army Report of Registered Diseases, for 10 years, commencing 1829, and ending 1838 (ten years before the admission of Wisconsin into the Union as a state). FORT HOWARD, GREEN BAY. Intermittent fever 30 | This abstract exhibits the second quar- Remittent do 11 Synochal do __ 4 Typhus do ¦ Diseases of respiratory organs 101 Diseases of digestive organs 184 Diseases of brain and nervous system 9 Dropsies 1 Rheumatic affections 61 ters only, the mean strength being 1,702. All other diseases 114, excepting vene real diseases, abcesses, wounds, ul cers, injuries, and ebriety cases. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs, are comprised 384 catarrh, 6 pneu monia, 60 pleuritis, and 28 phthisis pulmonalis ; under the class of digestive organs, 376 diar rhoea and dysentery, 184 colic and cholera, and 10 hepatitis; under the class of diseases of the brain and nervous system, 15 epilepsy, etc. The deaths from all causes, according to the post returns, are 25, being i]4 Per cent, per annum. The annual rate of intermittent cases is 6, and that of remittent is 3, per 100 of mean strength. Table of Ratio of Sickness at Fort Howard. Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. RATE PER 1,000 OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY, 10 first quarters 1,764 1,702 1,5261,594 715726 1.073 636 405425 703399 Annual rate 1,647 3.150 1.913 240 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN Every man has consequently, on an average, been reported sick about once in every six months, showing this region to be extraordinarily salubrious. The annual ratio of mortality,, according to the medical reports, is TV per cent. ; and of the adjutant-general's returns, i-^j- per cent. FORT WINNEBAGO. Intermittent fever 21 Remittent fever 10 Synochal fever I Typhus fever — Diseases ofthe respiratory organs .141 Diseases of digestive organs 90 Diseases of brain and nervous system.. 2 Rheumatic affections 26 This abstract exhibits the fourth quarters only, the mean strength being 1,571. All other diseases, 80, with the exceptions as above. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs are comprised 448 catarrh, n pneu monia, 29 pleuritis and 10 phthisis pulmonalis; under the head of digestive organs, 193 diarrhoea and dysentery, 149 colic and cholera, and 17 hepatitis; under the class of brain and nervous. system, 1 epilepsy. The total number of deaths, according to the post returns, is 20. Of thesev, 3 are from phthisis pulmonalis, 1 pleuritis, 2 chronic hepatitis, 1 gastric enteritis, 1 splenitis, etc.. TABLE OF RATIO OF SICKNESS AT FORT WINNEBAGO. Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. RATE PER 1,000 OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY. 1.535 1.5051.527 1.571 55251758l 495 360 343380315 10 third " 10 fourth " 1.534 2,145 1,398 Every man on an average is consequently reported sick once in eight months and a half. FORT CRAWFORD. Intermittent fever ..262 Remittent fever. •_. 61 Synochal fever _ — Typhus fever — Diseases of respiratory organs 177 Diseases of digestive organs 722 Diseases of brain and nervous system 16 Rheumatic affections _ 58 This abstract exhibits the third quarters only, the mean strength being 1,885. All other diseases, 309, with the same list of exceptions as above. Under the class of diseases of the respiratory organs are included 1,048 of catarrh, 28 pneu monia, 75 pleuritis and 13 phthisis pulmonalis; under the head of digestive organs, 933 diarrhoea. and dysentery, and 195 colic and cholera; under the head of brain and nervous diseases, 7 epilepsy, etc. The total of deaths, according to the post returns, is 94, the annual ratio being 2^ per cent. The causes of death are : 6 phthisis pulmonalis, 6 epidemic cholera, 1 common cholera, 4 remittent fever, 3 dysentery, etc. In the third quarter of 1830 there were 154 cases of fever, while the same quarter of 1836, with a greater strength, affords but one case, the difference seeming to depend upon the temperature. HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 241 The relative agency of the seasons in the production of disease in general is shown in the annexed table : TABLE EXHIBITING THE RATIO OF SICKNESS. Seasons. MEAN STRENGTH. NUMBER TREATED. ¦RATIO PER 1,000 OF MEAN STRENGTH TREATED QUARTERLY. i,66oi,7491,885 1,878 987 1,267 1,948 1,270 595 724 1.033 676 10 third " 10 fourth " 1,793 5,472 3,052 Consequently every man on an average has been reported sick once in nearly every four months. But high as this ratio of sickness is, at this fort, and, indeed, at the others, it is low considering the topographical surroundings of the posts. But besides these injurious topographs ical and other influences already alluded to, there were still other elements of mischief among the men at these stations, such as " bad bread and bad whisky," and salt meat, a dietary table giving rise, if not to " land-scurvy," as was the case at the posts lower down in the Mississippi valley (more fatal than either small-pox or cholera), at least to its concomitant diseases. The reason for using these early data of the United States Army medical reports in pref erence to later ones is, that even though the later ones may be somewhat more correct in certain particulars, the former serve to establish, as it were, a connecting link (though a long one) between the historical sketch of the diseases of the Indian and those of the white settler ; and again — • these posts being no longer occupied — no further data are obtainable. To continue this historical account of the diseases of Wisconsin, we must now nave recourse to the state institutions. The Institution for the Education of the Blind. The first charitable institution established by the state was formally opened in 1850, at Janesville. The census of 1875 showed that there were 493 blind persons in the state, those of school age — that is — under 20 years of age, probably amounting to 125. The number of pupils in the institution that year, 82 ; the average for the past ten years being 68. If the health report of the institution is any indication of the salubrity of its location, then, indeed, is Janes, ville in this respect an enviable city. Its report for 1876 gives one death from consumption, and a number of cases of whooping-cough, all recovered. In 1875, ten cases of mild scarlet fever, recovered. One severe and two mild cases of typhoid fever, recovered. For 1873, no sick list. For 1872, the mumps went through the school. For 187 1, health of the school reasonably good 1 few cases of severe illness have occurred. The Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. This was organized in June, 1852, at Delavan. The whole number of deaf and dumb per, sons in the state, as shown by the census of 1875, was 720. The report for 1866 gives the- number of pupils as 156. Little sickness, a few cases of sore throat, and slight bowel affections comprise nearly all the. ailments ; and the physician's report adds : " The sanitary reports of the institution from its. earliest history to the present date has been a guarantee of the healthiness of the location. Having gone carefully over the most reliable tabulated statements of deaf-mutism, its parents 242 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. age, its home, its causes, and its origin, we would most earnestly call the attention of the public to the fact that the chief cause comes under the head of congenital, 75 of the 150 pupils in this institution having this origin. Such a fearful proportion as this must of necessity have its origin in a cause or causes proportionately fearful. Nor, fortunately, is the causation a mystery, since most careful examination leaves not a shadow of doubt that consanguineous marriages are the sources of this great evil. Without occupying further space by illustrative tables and arguments, we would simply direct the attention of our legislators and thoughtful men to the law of this dis ease — which is, that the number of deaf and dumb, imbeciles, and idiots is in direct keeping with the degree of consanguinity. With such a law and exhibit before us, would not a legislative inquiry into the subject, with the view of adopting preventive means, be a wise step? The evil is fear ful ; the cause is plain ; so, too, is the remedy." Industrial School for Boys. This institution is situated on the banks of the Fox river, at Waukesha, and was organized in i860. The whole number of the inmates since it was opened in July, i860, to October 10, 1876, was 1,291. The whole number of inmates for 1876 was 415. Of these, since the period of opening up to date, October, 1876, 25 have died : 8, of typhoid fever ; 1, of typhoid erysipelas ; 1, of gastric fever; 3, of brain fever; 1, nervous fever; 2, congestion of the lungs; 2, congestive -chills; 5, of consumption; 1 of dropsy; and 1 of inflammatory rheumatism. The State Prison. This was located at Waupun in July, 1857. On September 30, 1876, there were 266 inmates. But one death from natural causes occurred during the year. The health of the prisoners has been unusually good, the prevalent affections attendant upon the seasons, of a mild and manageable character. State Hospital for the Insane. This institution, located near Madison, was opened for patients in July, i860. The total number of admissions since it was opened has been 1,227 males, 1,122 females, total 2,349. Over one half of these have been improved ; nearly one third recovered ; while less than one quarter have been discharged unimproved. Total number of deaths, 288. At the commencement of the year, October 1, 1875, there were in the hospital 376 patients. In the report for the year ending September 30, 1876, we find the past year has been one of unusual health in the hospital. No serious epidemic has prevailed, although 20 deaths have been reported, 7 fatally ill before admis sion, 4 worn-out cases, etc. Insanity, coming as it does, under this head of an article on State Health, is of the highest interest from a state point of view, not only because so much may be done to remedy it, but that still more can and ought to be done by the state to prevent it. Our insane amount to 1 in 700 of the whole population, the total number in hospitals, poor-houses and prisons being in round numbers 1,400. It is a striking fact, calling for our earnest consideration, that the Germans, Irish and Scandinavians import and transmit more insanity — three to one — than the American-born population produce. The causes assigned for this disparity, are, as affecting importation, that those in whom there is an hereditary tendency to disease constitute the migratory class, for the reason that those who are sound and in the full possession of their powers are most apt to contend successfully in the struggle to live and maintain their position at home; while those who are most unsound and unequal to life's contests are unable to migrate. In other words, the strongest will not leave, the weakest can not leave. By this, the character of the migratory is defined. As affects transmission, poverty is a most fruitful parent of insanity, so too is poor land. Says Dr. Boughton, superintendent of the Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane: HEALTH OF WISCONSIN 243 Wisconsin is characterized by a large poor class, especially in the northern part of the state, where people without means have settled on new and poorly paying farms, where their life is made up of hard work, exposure to a severe climate, bad and insufficient diet, cheerless homes, •etc., etc. These causes are prolific in the production of insanity. It is easy, therefore, to trace the causes that give us so large a per cent, of insane in many of the counties of the state. Nor is it of less interest to know, as Dr. B. adds : We draw our patients from those families where phthisis pulmonalis, rheumatism and insanity prevail. Insanity and rheumatism are interchange able in hereditary cases, so too are insanity and phithisis. What may be accomplished by intel ligent efforts to stem the increase of insanity in our state ? Much. Early treatment is one means, this is of course curative in its character. And its necessity and advantage are well illustrated in table No. 10 of the annual report of Dr. Boughton, for 1876, where it is seen that 45.33 of males, and 44.59 of the females who had been sent to the State Hospital having been insane but three months before admission, were cured, the proportion of cures becoming less in proportion to the longer duration of insanity before admission. As a preventive means, the dissemination of the kind of knowledge that shows indisputably that insanity is largely hereditary, and conse quently that intermarriage with families so tainted should on the one hand be avoided by the citizen, and on the other hand, perhaps, prevented by the state, (congress at the same time restraining or preventing as far as possible persons so tainted from settling in this country.) By the state, inasmuch as the great burthen of caring for the insane falls upon the state. Still other preventive means are found in the improved cultivation of our lands and in our improved education ; in fact, in whatever lessens the trials of the poor and lifts them out of ignorance and pauperism. It is only by culture, says Hufeland, that man acquires perfection, morally, mentally and physically. His whole organization is so ordered that he may either become nothing or anything, hyperculture and the want of cultivation being alike destructive. The Northern Hospital for the Insane. This hospital was opened at Oshkosh, May, 1873. The total, number under treatment September 30, 1876 was — males 246, females 257, total 503. No ailment of an epidemic charac ter has affected the health of the household, which has been generally good. The report of Dr. Kempster is full of suggestive matter for the legislator and sociologist. City of Milwaukee. Still adhering to the plan, in writing the sanitary history of the state, of gathering up all the health statistics which properly belong to us, we now take up those of Milwaukee, the only city in Wisconsin, so far as we know, that has kept up a system of statistics of its diseases. The city is built on each side of the mouth of Milwaukee river, on the west shore of Lake Michi gan in lat. 430 3' 45" N., long. 870 57' W., and is considered remarkable for its healthy climate. The board of health has furnished us with its report for 1870 and downward. The character of its mortality from June 19, 1869, to March 31, 1870, is thus summarized: In children under five years of age, 758 out of 1,249 deaths, consumption, 93; convulsions, 128; cholera infantum, 59; diarrhoea, 128; scarlet fever, 132; typhoid fever, 52; inflammation of the lungs, 41; still born, 79. This disproportionate number of still-born children is attributed in part to a laxity of morals, The deaths from consumption in Milwaukee are 7 J^ out of every 100, one third less out of a like number of deaths than in San Francisco, in which city, in 4,000 deaths, 441 died of con sumption, being 11 out of every 100 deaths for the year ending July, 1869. The deaths for 1870 numbered 1,655, the population being at the last census report, 71,636. 244 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Table of Principal Causes. Consumption — 143 Inflammation of lungs 56 Convulsions 259 Diarrhcea _ 131 Diptheria _ 74 Scarlet fever 52 Typhoid fever 49 Old age 28 Still-born 123 The Milwaukee population being about 72,000, the death rate per annum for every 1,000 inhabitants would be 21, after proper deductions of deaths from other causes than from disease, showing very favorably as compared with other cities. Glasgow has 39 to every 1,000; Liverpool, 36; London, 25 ; New Orleans, 54; NewYork,, 32 ; San Francisco, 24; Milwaukee, 21. Among seventeen of the principal cities of the Union,, Milwaukee ranks the ninth in rate of mortality. An impression has prevailed that Milwaukee is. subject to a large and disproportionate amount of lung and allied diseases. Statistics disprove this, its deaths from consumption being only 6 percent., while those of Chicago are 7.75 ; of St. Louis, 9.68; of Cincinnati, 11.95; and 0I" Boston, 19.31. But few cases of malarial disease occur in Milwaukee, and fewer cases of intestinal fever than in the interior of the state. The mortality among children is explained by its occurring chiefly among the poor foreign-born population, where all that can incite and aggravate disease is always to be found. This, (the historical part of the health article), will doubtless call forth from the profession much additional and desirable matter, but excepting what will further appear under the head of Madison it is proper to say that we have exhausted the sources of information on the subject within our reach. Health Resorts. Next in order would seem to come some notice of the summer and health resorts of Wiscon sin, which, significant of the salubrity of the state, are not only becoming more numerous, but also more frequented from year to year. Madison, the capital ofthe state, with a population of 11,000, is built on an isthmus between two considerable lakes, from 70 to 125 feet above their level; 80 miles west of Milwaukee, in latitude 430 5' north, and longitude 890 20' west, in the northern temperate region. The lake basins, and also the neck of land between them, have a linear arrangement, trending northeast and southwest. The same linear topography characterises the whole adjacent country and the boun dary lines of its various geological formations, this striking feature being due to the former move ment of glacier ice over the face ofthe country. At two points, one mile apart, the Capitol and University hills, respectively 348 and 370 feet above the level of Lake Michigan, rise prominently above the rest of the isthmus. Both of these hills are heaps of drift material from 100 to 126 feet thickness, according to the record of the artesian well. The neck of land on which Madison stands is of the same material. The same boring discloses to us the underlying rock structure, pene trating 614 feet of friable quartzose sandstone belonging to the Potsdam series, 10% feet of red shale belonging to the same series, and 209 y2 feet of crystalline rocks belonging to the Archaean. In the country immediately around Madison, the altitude is generally considerably greater, and the higher grounds are occupied by various strata, nearly horizontal, of sandstone and limestone, The Potsdam sandstone rises about 30 feet above the level of Lake Mendota, on its northern shore, where at McBride's Point it may be seen overlaid by the next and hitherto unrecognized layer, one of more or less impure, dark-colored, magnesian limestone, to which the name of Men dota is assigned, and which furnishes a good building stone. The descent of these strata is about HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 245 9 feet to the mile in a due southerly direction. Overlying the Mendota beds are again sandstone layers, the uppermost portions of which are occasionally charged with 10 to 20'per cent, of calca reous and dolomitic matter, and then furnish a cream-colored building stone of considerable value. Most of this stratum which has been designated as the Madison sandstone, is, however,. quite non-calcareous, being either a ferruginous brown stone, or a quite pure, white, nearly loose sand. In the latter phase it is of value for the manufacture of glass. In a number of quarries, cuttings and exposed places around the city, the Madison beds are seen to be overlaid by a gray ish, magnesian limestone, the lower magnesian, varying very considerably in its character, but largely composed of a flinty-textured, heavy-bedded, quite pure dolomite, which is burnt into a. good quality of lime. Its thickness exceeds 80 feet. Madison, with the conveniences and com forts of a capital city, from its easy access by railroads, from not only in itself being beautiful,, but from its beautiful surroundings, from its good society, charming climate, and artesian mineral water, is naturally a great summer resort. Though there are no vital statistics of the city to refer to, a residence of nearly a quarter of a century has made us sufficiently acquainted with its sanitary history, which is more or less the- sanitary history of this part of the state, and in a measure ofthe state itself. In 1844 and 1845,, it was visited by an epidemic malarial fever of a bilious type, and not unfrequently fatal, which passed very generally through the state, and was attributed to the turning up of the soil. It was. most virulent in the autumns. Again in 1854 it was visited by a light choleraic epidemic, which also swept the state, assuming very generally a particularly mild type. Again in 1857 it suffered. lightly from the epidemic dysentery, which passed through the state. In 1865, it suffered from a visitation of diptheria, the disease prevailing generally over the state at that time. It hasalsa had two visitations of the epidemic grip (grippe), or influenza. The last invasion, some five years since, commencing in a manner perhaps worthy of noting, by first affecting the horses very generally, and again, by beginning on the east side ofthe city, while the other epidemics for the past twenty-five years (unless the choleraic visitation was an exception) came in on the south west side of the city, as has been the case, so far as we have been able to observe with the light epidemics to which children are subject. But little typhoid fever is found here, and the aguish fevers when they occur are light and easy of control. There is but little diarrhoea or dysen tery. Pneumonia and its allied affections are more common, so is rheumatism, and so neuralgia. Inflammatory croup, however, is very rare, sporadic diptheria seeming to be taking its place. All the ordinary eruptive fevers of children are and always have been of a peculiarly mild type. Prairie du Chien, situated immediately at the junction of the Wisconsin with the Mississippi,. is built about 70 feet above low water, and 642 feet above the level of the sea. The cliffs on both sides of the river present on their summits the lower strata of the blue Silurian limestone of Cincinnati, beneath which are found sandstone and magnesian limestone down to the water's edge. We give this notice of Prairie du Chien for the purpose of bringing to the knowledge of the public that it possesses one of the most superb artesian wells in the state, which is attracting many persons by its remedial mineral properties. Green Bay sanitarily may be considered as sufficiently indicated under the head of Fort Howard. It is, however, proper to add that from its geographical position and beautiful situa tion at the head of the bay, its easy access both by railroad and steamboat, its pleasant days and cool summer nights, it has naturally become quite a popular summer resort, particularly for southern people. Racine, some 25 miles south by east by rail from Milwaukee and 62 by rail from Chicago, is built upon the banks and some 40 feet above the level of the lake. Its soil is a sandy loam and 246 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. % gravel, consequently it has a dry, healthy surface, and is much frequented m the summer for its coolness and salubrity. Waukesha, 18 miles west of Milwaukee by railroad, is a healthy, pleasant place of resort at all times on account of its mineral water, so well known and so highly appreciated throughout the country. Oconomowoc, 32 miles by railroad west by north of Milwaukee, is a healthy and de lightfully located resort for the summer. Its many lakes and drives form its chief attractions, and though its accommodations were considered ample, during the past summer they were found totally inadequate to meet the demands of its numerous visitors. The Dalles, at Kilbourn City, by rail 16 miles from Portage, is unsurpassed in the northwest for the novelty, romantic character, and striking beauty of its rock and river scenery. It is high and dry ; has pure water and fine air, and every-day boat and drive views enough to fill up a month pleasantly. Lake Geneva, 70 miles by rail from Chicago, is built on the north side of the lake, is justly celebrated for its beauty, and its reputation as a summer resort is growing. Green Lake, six miles west of Ripon, and 89 northwest from Milwaukee, is some 15 miles long and three broad, surrounded by beautiful groves and prairies; and is claimed to be one of the healthiest little places on the continent. Devil's Lake is 36 miles by rail north of Madison. Of all the romantic little spots in Wis consin, and they are innumerable, there is none more romantic or worthy of a summer visitor's admiration than this. It is, though shut in from the rude world by bluffs 500 feet high, a very favorite resort, and should be especially so for those who seek quiet, and rest, and health. Sparta, 246 miles by rail from Chicago, is pleasantly and healthily situated, and its artesian mineral water strongly impregnated with carbonate of iron, having, it is said, over 14 grains in solution to the imperial gallon, an unusually large proportion,, attracts its annual summer crowd. Sheboygan, 62 miles by rail north of Milwaukee, from its handsome position on a bluff over looking the lake, and from the beauty of its surroundings as well as from the character of its mineral waters, is an attractive summer resort. Elkhart Lake, 57 miles by rail north of Milwaukee, is rapidly acquiring a good name from those seeking health or pleasure. Change in Diseases. In order to ascertain whether the classes of diseases in the state at the date of Carver's travels are the same which prevail to-day, we have compared his description of them with those tabulated in the army medical reports of Forts Howard, Crawford and Winnebago, and again with those given in the U. S. Census for 1870, and with the medical statistics of the city of Milwaukee. The three distinct and prominent classes prevailing from Carver's to the present time, are, in the order of prevalence, diseases of the respiratory organs, consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.; diseases of the digestive organs, enteritis, dysentery, diarrhoea, etc.; and the malarial fevers. At Fort Howard alone do the diseases of the digestive organs seem to have outnumbered those of the respiratory organs. So far as it is possible to gather from the reports of the commissioners of Indian affairs, these features of the relative prevalence of the three classes of disease are not disturbed. There are, however, some disturbing or qualifying agencies operating and affecting the amount or distribution of these classes in different areas or belts. For instance, there are two HEALTH OF WISCONSIN. 247 irregular areas in the state; the one extending from the Mississippi east and north, and the other starting almost as low down as Madison, and running up as far as Green Bay, which are more subject to malarial diseases than are the other parts of the state. While it is found that those parts of the state least subject to diseases of the digestive organs are, a belt along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and a belt running from near Prairie du Chien north into the pineries. Again, it is found that the, part of the state most subjec" to enteric, cerebro-spinal and typhus fevers, is quite a narrow belt running north from the southern border line into the center of the state, or about two-thirds of the distance toward the pineries. All along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and stretching across the country by way of Fond du Lac to the Mississippi, is a belt much less subject to these disorders. It is equally beyond question that the western shore of Lake Michigan, and the southern shore of Lake Superior, as well as the western half of the southern boundary line of the pineries, are less affected with consumption than the interior parts of the state. The tendency of these diseases is certainly to amelioration. The sanitary history of Wiscon sin does not differ from that of any other state east of us, in this striking particular; the farther you trace back the history of disease, the worse its type is found to be. It follows, then, that the improvement in public health must progress with the general improvement of the state, as has been the case with the eastern states, and that the consequent amelioration of our malarial diseases especially will tend to mitigate infectious diseases. The ameliorating influences, how ever, that sanitary science has brought to bear upon disease, of which England is so happy an illustration, has scarcely as yet begun to be known to us. But the time has come at last when this science is moving both the hearts and minds of thinking and humane men in the state, and its voice has been heard in our legislative halls, evoking a law by which we are, as a people, to be governed, as by any other enactment. The organization of a state board of health is a new era in our humanity. In this board is invested all legal power over the state health. To it is com mitted all the sanitary responsibility of the state, and the greatest good to the people at large must follow the efforts it is making. There are many other points of sanitary interest to which it is desirable to call the attention of those interested in Wisconsin. It is a popular truth that -a dry climate, all other things being equal, is a healthy climate. Our hygrometrical records show Wisconsin to have one of the driest climates in the United States. Choleraic diseases rarely prevail unless in a comparatively stagnant state of the atmosphere, where they are most fatal. Where high winds prevail such diseases are rare. The winds in Wisconsin, while proverbially high and frequent (carrying away and dissipating malarial emanations), are not destructive to life or property, as is the case, by their violence, in some of the adjoining states. A moist, warm atmosphere is always provocative of disease. Such a state of atmosphere is rare with us, and still more rarely continuous beyond a day or two. Moist air is the medium of malarial poisoning, holding as it does in solution gases and poisonous exhalations. Its character is readily illustrated by the peculiar smell of some marsh lands on autumnal evenings. Such a state of moisture is seen only in our lowest shut-in marshes (where there is but little or no air-current), and then only for a very limited period, in very hot weather. But too much importance is attached by the public to a simply dry atmosphere for respira tory diseases. The same mistake is made with regard to the good effects in such disorders of simply high elevations. Dry air in itself or a high elevation in itself, or both combined, are not necessarily favorable to health, or curative of disease. In the light and rare atmosphere of Pike's Peak, an elevation of 6,000 feet, the pulse is accelerated, the amount of sleep is dimin ished, and the human machine is put under a high-pressure rate of living, conducive only to its 248 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Injury. The average rate of the pulse in healthy visitors is from 115 to 120 per minute (the normal rate, in moderate elevations, being about 75). And where there is any organic affection -of the heart, or tendency to bleeding from the lungs, it is just this very dry atmosphere and high elevation that make these remedies (?) destructive. Hence it is that Wisconsin, for the generality of lung diseases, especially when accompanied with hemorrhage, or with heart disease, is prefer able to Colorado. It may be objected, that the diseases of the respiratory organs are in excess of other diseases in Wisconsin. This feature, however, is not confined to the cold belt of our temperate latitudes — our proportion of respiratory diseases, be it noted, comparing most favor ably with that of other states, as may be seen in the following table : Climatological Distribution of Pulmonary Diseases. Deaths by Phthisis. Per cent. of entire Mortality. Deaths by all diseases of Res- piratory Organs. Massachusetts, 1850, U. S. Census Ohio, 1849-50, U. S. Census Michigan, 1850, U. S. Census Illinois, 1849-50, U. S. Census Wisconsin, 1849-50, U. S. Census 3,426 17-65 2,558 8.83 657 14-55 866 7.36 290 9-99 4,418 3,988 1,084 1,799 535 Per cent. of entire Mortality. 22.2713-77 24.0015-00 18.43 Now, while the mortuary statistics of the United States census for 1850 are acknowledged to be imperfect, they are, nevertheless, undoubtedly correct as to the causes of mortality. But besides this statistical evidence of the climatological causes of disease, there are certain relative general, if not special, truths which serve to guide us in our estimate. Respiratory diseases of all kinds increase in proportion as the temperature decreases, the humidity of the air being the same. Another equally certain element in the production of this class of diseases is variableness ¦of climate. Still, this feature of our climate is only an element in causation, and affects us, as we shall see in the table below, very little as compared with other states. Indeed, it is still •disputed whether there is not more* consumption in tropical climates than in temperate climates. This much is admitted, however, that consumption is rare in the arctic regions. Dr. Terry says the annual ratio of pulmonary diseases is lower in the northern than in the southern regions of the United States, and Dr. Drake, an equally eminent authority, recommends those suffering from or threatened with pulmonary affections, to retreat to the colder districts of the country, citing among others localities near Lake Superior — a recommendation which our experience of nearly half a century endorses. Proportion of Pneumonia to Consumption in the Different States. STATES. CONS. PNEUM. STATES. CONS. PNEUM. Massachusetts ... _ Ohio 3,424 2,558 866 549 895 647 North Carolina 562 1,288 290 664, 429 194 When we compare the general death-rate of Wisconsin with that of the other states of the Union, we find that it compares most favorably with that of Vermont, the healthiest of the New England states. The United States census of 1850, i860 and 1870, gives Wisconsin 94 deaths to 10,000 of the population, while it gives Vermont 101 to every 10,000 of her inhabitants. The STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 249 ¦census of 1870 shows that the death-rate from consumption in Minnesota, Iowa, California and Wis consin are alike. These four states show the lowest death-rate among the states from consumption, the mortality being 13 to 14 per cent, of the whole death-rate. Climatologically considered, then, there is not a more healthy state in the Union than the state of Wisconsin. But for health purposes something more is requisite than climate. Climate and soil must be equally good. Men should shun the soil, no matter how rich it be, if the climate is inimical to health, and rather choose the climate that is salubrious, even if the soil is not so rich. In Wisconsin, generally speaking, the soil and climate are equally conducive to health, and alike good for agricultural purposes. STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 1875. ADAMS COUNTY. POPULATION. ToWltS, CITIES AUD White. Colored Villages. 3 6S V » uto < 200 77 244 164 261 117 204240 163 444 74 126121199 189 601 127 198 71 221 153 200 100193 229 137 403 62 118 99 131 182 433 115 2 4 398 154 465 317 461 217 397 469300 847 136 244 220 330 371 934 242 Total 3,451 3,045 a 4 6,502 ASHLAND COUNTY. 268 141 180141 448 282 Total 409 321 730 BAYFIELD COUNTY. Bayfield. 538 493 1 1,032 BARRON COUNTY. POPULATION. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. cu B 7-. s esg esbeEDt-!SJC < 343459364326214 122 240 235 397819 216 182 84 106 ::':: 628 856 683 542 396 206 426 2,068 1,669 3,737 BROWN COUNTY. As-wabanon Allouez Bellevue Depere Depere village Eaton Fort Howard city Glenmore Green Bay city Green Bay Holland Howard Humbolt Lawrence Morrison New Denmark Plttsfleld Preble fiockland Scott Suamlco West Depere village., Wrightstown Total 18,376 210 M:l 371 410943291 1,889 591 3,966 581784687519499 765 :»;¦!838 434 774477 982 1,222 175 136331 : 18 956 208 1.721 482 4,017 542 705579467408833 529 135 792 372 696452941 1,058 16,899 53 45 385279 711 768 1,911 499 3.6101,0738,0371,123 1,4891,266 986909 1,3981,145 719 1,642 806 1,470 929 1,928 2,295 35,373 250 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. BURNETT COUNTY. POPULATION. Town!?, Cities and White. Colored a5 6o fc 5 £ Is bo(-bo , 697 669 434 433 7,066 6,803 19 19 1,0661,137 4,959 1,018 1,457 549 1,4501,366 867 13,907 KEWAUNEE COUNTY. 687532706 742747 1,337 497623917718 632506706 657726 1,233 440 534780685 1,319 1,038 1,412 1,399 1,473 Kewaunee town & village. 2,570 937 1,157 1,697 1,403 Total 7,506 6,899 14,405 LA CROSSE COUNTY. 366667516528919 426 863 461 1,131 725 1,784 596 1,195 712393 482 499 348 604485375940380839 ^02 1,205 640 1,916 753982666 287 355423 22 1 33 6533 11 23 2 6 2 2 714 1,271 991 906 1,862 806 1,703 863 Xa Crosse city— 2,392 1,373 3,711 1,354 2,182 1,378 680837 922 12,263 11,590 55 37 23,945 LA FAYETTE COUNTY. Towns, Cities and Villages. Areyle Belmont Benton Blanchard Darlington Elk Grove Kayette Gratiot. Kendall Monticello New Diggings Seymour Shullsburg Wayne White Oak Springs Willow Springs Wiota. Total POPULATION. White. Colored i! a £ 2 4> ft ft 583 571 660 591 1 886 795 273 256 1,330 1.-341 2 510 423 602 595 866 855 468 420 238 231 1 922 883 522 416 1,253 1,287 1 554 527 231 215 555 509 935 866 1 2 4 11,388 10,781 1,1541,2511,681 529 2,671 933 1,197 1,721 888 469 1,805 938 2.540 1,081 446 1,0641,801 22,169 LINCOLN COUNTY. Jenny , 523 372 895 MARQUETTE COUNTY. 362384381260 459356219331277274 343 343163 338 370 330338271 425352179338253268326 307146304 1 884708 530 669 Shield 650 309 Westneld 642 4,490 4,207 1 8,697 MARATHON COUNTY. 109585359373 135 414232 307479 159 439 1,560 110 263 5,524 B0 539 223 298 129 351235 238 430 119885 1,260 114 215 1 1 159 1,124 582 671 264 765 467 545 909 278 824 2,820 224 479 10,111 254 HISTOEY OF WISCONSIN. MANITOWOC COUNTY. population. Towns, Cities and White. Colored % 0) To Cato Ceuterviile , Coopers town Eaton Franklin Gibson Kossuth Liberty Manitowoc city Manitowoc town... Mishicott Meeme Manitowoc Rapids. Maple Grove Newton Rockland Schleswig Two Rivers village Two Rivers town. . . Two Creeks Total 951 824881 955780883 773 791 935 887 934 875 1,176 1,084 728 692 3,226 3,498 1 606 528 885 767 901 853 1,060 1,014 779 644 1,057 1,016 594 549 1,005 953 1,019 932 858 857 343 313 19,535 18,921 1 1,9061,6041,7141,564 1,8221,809 2,260 1,4205,7241,2341,652 1,754 2,074 1,423 2,073 1,1431,9581,9511,715 656 38,456 MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Milwaukee city — 4,427 6,8743,6935,025 4,3153,9293,289 3,3324,3303,5843.397 2,026 1,758 945 1,343 2,416 1,232 1,155 2,876 1,812 5,1016,6173,483 5,4913,978 3,9953,7743,336 2,3283,5773,250 1,9881,694 878 1,2991,8151,1991,051 2,370 1,755 1 8 70 77 36 70 10 2 13,491 7,190 8,3107,9247,072 8,6587,161 6,647 4,014 Eleventh ward "i' 1 i' 1 1,823 2,6464,233 2,4312,2065,2463,567 Oak Creek 61,758 60,979 96 94 122,927 MONROE COUNTY. OCONTO COUNTY. population. Towns, Cities and White. Colored Villages. X 5 rC, ~ to«Sito < 196 551 152 1,446 563 2.371 1,495 744268 179 361 108 1,086 453 2.086 1,022 537 185 3 1 2 6 21 3 375. 912 260 2,537 1,017' 4,467 2,520 1,281 453 7,786 6,017 13,812 OUTAGAMIE COUNTY. 3,307 489 538 546836238536 170 689 850842 719562 980263408 111100 290 759 3,403 492429 463 718179 516 140 655 731 811669533937 236 338 92 100 247 624 11 44 2 1 9 3 I 7 6,730 981 974 1,0091,559 417 1,052 310 1,353 1,581 1,653 1,388 1,0951,917 499 746 203 200537 1,384 Total 13,233 12,313 22 20 25,558 OZAUKEE COUNTY. 1,376 1,043 992 910 1,617 1,497 1,081 1,268 1,009 924844 1.522 1,481 979 2,644 1 1 2,052- 1,916 1,756 8,139- 2,978. 2,060 8,516 8,029 1 1 16,545 PIERCE COUNTY. Clifton 388307645 287 380628 124556544 484 535 963430 167 403 513 297326 324250 554248343542101514 480 415544934 369 141 327454252 253 1 29 10 4 24 92 712 Diamond Bluff 557- 1,200 El Paso 535 723 1,170 225. 1,070- 1,024 899 1,132 River Falls 1,916 799 308 730 973 549 579.- Total 7,977 7,045 44 35 15,101 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 255 POLK COUNTY. Towns, Cities and Vii. lacks. POPULATION Wl ite. Colored a — fi ft S3 ft Vlden Black Brook.. Balsam Lake. Eureka 'Farmington... Lincoln Luck Lorain Laketown Milltown Osceola St. Croix Falls Sterling Total 510 447 376 318 266 268 ltt 9 209 174 425 352 399 209 322 141 56 47 61 160 45 157 105 85 10 9 486 428 208 198 134 110 3.548 3,045 78 65 '1 957 694555 383777721 453 106 317 209914406244 PORTAGE COUNTY. Amherst 650 376248394277 126 522309 244541571 141 651783 234719741315 575345230332 232 120 497295 199 496 514130 616 711134 612 687289 1,225 478 726 509 246 1,019 1 Hull 1,085 271 1,267 1,494 368 Stevens Point city— 1.331 1,428 604 7,842 7,0" 1 14,856 PEPIN COUNTY. 194 497 271 311759 315593 120 181 478 233274 644 288 535 117 2 375 975 504 585 1,406 Waterville 606 1,128 237 3,060 2,750 2 5,816 ROCK COUNT*. 445377 2,162 606542966 1,060 613463 5,040 611 434598562 945483639 609522580 592 1,009 19,758 433344 2,371 473 498952950 523400 5,015 576 387533515 930471 603546497558537 1,015 19.127 2 39 2 "2" 1 34 4 111 "tt" 1 ~90~ 33 ' "1" 2 26 1 1 64 878723 4,605 981 1,041 1,922 2,011 1,136 853 10,115 1,191 822 1,131 1,0791,877 954 1,2421,155 1,0191,138 1.131 2 025 39,039 RACINE COUNT*. population Towns, C(tii:s and Villages. White. Colored 1 ft z. s3fcc, 60 131 93 405 362 M39 216 218 197 1.048 26 10 83 236 7(18 470291 9 I s 2X24:;:i 148 466 3ll(l179 132 224 7S94f, 5 415 6,635 *Stockbridge Indians. SHEBOYGAN COUNTY. 1,0041,1621,5351,167 864637552 1,369 793 283 754796 565 1,150 736918993612872616 969 1.0851,4021,149 793544 541 1,306 776 267 750710 631 1,192 683 953917563815606 1 1,973 2,237 2,937 2,316 1,658 1,181 1,093 2,675 1,569 550 1,504 1,506 Sheboygan city— 1,196 2,342 1,419 1,871 1,910 Sheboygan Falls village ... 1,1751,687 1,222 17,368 16,652 1 34,021 TREMPEALEAU COUNTY. population. White. Colored Towns, Cities and Villages. V CD bo X rj n £ 3; cu ft £ to Arcadia Albion Burnside Caledonia Dodge Ettrlck Gale Hale Lincoln Preston Pigeon Sumner Trempealeau Total.... 1,464 201 5 17 293285 77 1 889 5.17410751 316406 7,844 1 368 169 493212291741856 J 63 335706303412795 7.144 8 ... "f '.'.'.'. 4 .... 2,832 370 1,040 510576 1,5151,745 1,020 745 1,464 619878 1,678 14,992 TAYLOR COUNTY. 542 | 297 I 7t 1 3 1 VERNON COUNTY. 476 734 483 506361703358451650519584642554 254 464 659355 1,046 522442403 458640456451843 638 359 434 569487524552 561 223435 621266 970 473441 344 1 55 1 "l 1 53 1 936. 1,374 939 957 812 1,341 717 885 1,219 1,006 1,108, 1,194 1,115 447 899 1,280- 623 2,016 996 883 , 747 ' 11,166 10,245 58 55 21,524 WALWORTH COUNTY. Bloomfield 591 713836 385 704510 836 541 514 506 443 736490 1,001 596502530655 2,060 516729933879685589 844 468 495 449 427 664 435973584476481616 2,325 7 11 72 9 "s" 8 1,107 1,442 Delavan village 1,785 764 1,389 1,099 1,680 Geneva town 1,0101,009 955 870 1,400- 926 Lyons 1,989 1,180- 978. 1,011 1,270 4,895 13,149 13,067 18 25 26,259 STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 257 WASHINGTON COUNTY. POPULATION. White. Colored Towns, Cities and Villages. a 0> a %Z rt a a "&* -2 V 0 S 0 H M -n 0 Su co B CO a 6 142 225 26 133 5 537 4 9 4 18 1 8 3 2 7 1 41 98 14 2 4 23 3 1 273 1,442 112 2,733 68 451 102 31 947 56 242 125 1.971 39 556 67 941 4 4 1 1 1 551 167 500 13 3,267 51 3 168 82 92 120 417 39 968 34 439 34 35 29 81 45 18 235 4 79 1 1 2,046 1,332 629 2,774 30 1.515 34 67 44 186 906 48 640 35 764 402 46 3 1,631 2,955 465 6,276 160 6,601 196 216 17 1,236 2,301 256 12,656 187 383 167 97 77 89 228 23 426 27 344 43 16 3 41 66 6 60 4 93 2 2 147 227 51 842 17 1,336 44 3 242 487 54 835 34 871 2 39 1 1,291 2,572 317 7,372 125 156 7 193 627 2,531 1,281 189 3,585 83 543 547 118 71 598 942 50 892 39 1,017 4 1,247 3 597 412 62 2,634 8 27 1 2 3,897 1,239 86 1,447 21 1,647 343 31 13 151 137 92 250 29 944 12 6 1 934 1,067 182 8445 41 384 309 144 19 395 1,104 81 518 11 379 3 11 1 650 813 100 2,082 39 29 11 30 44 47 313 16 1,611 22 97 2,011 27 48 570 488 109 2,831 52 2,646 489 271 94 2,281 2,345 111 729 17 993 21 S 223 1,133 52 9.335 93 1,420 2,360 153 51 49 103 26 2,239 19 73 3 3 252 537 . 198 1,661 1 31 1 4 1,973 4,604 502 29.019 288 636 1,524 447 864 510 641 87 1,601 38 573 40 43 25 111 422 38 797 23 321 72 3 79 171 792 85 3,262 61 37 7 54 785 48 475 18 4,422 92 98 11 20 34 91 118 29 300 27 484 7 102 422 34 449 16 1,052 76 11 46 102 19 172 27 483 1 8 1 217 369 99 1.223 39 795 11 5 5 1,878 1,039 289 3,859 82 1,088 703 67 49 222 431 46 481 26 237 124 11 4 1,382 2.870 490 1,142 78 1,428 6 50 6 765 94 6 103 3.433 65 93 8 601 34 27 24 5 1.096 4 146 12 8 303 943 38 8,497 119 234 38 99 1,682 150 1.202 56 294 6 940 3 38 185 286 141 776 22 2,633 41 16 6 189 306 87 661 30 3,138 281 35 3 921 1,729 148 1,173 81 579 1 40 15 111) 882 35 8,213 134 40 296 79 58 2,065 1.593 397 4,335 37 486 54 96 48 260 517 no 1,243 39 1,225 8 65 2 508 307 42 816 11 220 3 1 1,531 1.399 146 5,261 53 762 26 300 23 4 2 171 31 299 '?> 106 23 371 2220 3 49 11 131 3782 3 51 Ml9S 13 12 15 3 ' 15 55714455 3 38 130 2 60 56 16 "19106 47 1,294 3 52 9 23 8 71 9 39¦J 3 2 278 557360723 51 260 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. VALUATION OF PROPERTY IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. Assessed Valuation of Taxable Property for the year 1876. COUNTIES. Value of per sonal property. Value of real estate. Total. Adams $ 179,771 42.666 146,374 21,705 442,287438,501 32,419 373,946965,624281,813 1,875,049 527,043 4,610,7682,446,793 135,107 19,434 1,052,300 1,354,142 2,489,7592,502,795 1,966,599 789,736 1,233,676 472,124 1,753,985 660,125 1,320,957 546,678 1,336,271 1,196.502 13.654 1,141,320 335,078 326,668 15,345,281 658,191 455,741623,744381,784 235,283 738,082237,567564,079 2,418,248 612,171 4,462,048 816,768 1,364,772 121,267 1,903,861 53,812 840,378924.835 3.187,722 1,062,347 3,165,504 480,837343,509 3,081,308 251,669 9 624,168 889,523 1,043,964 533,167 2,195,053 890,028 442,765 2,107,2114,359,2452,355,972 7,083,892 1,457,586 14,882,179 11,014,318 659,650 410,227 1,875,148 4,204,233 11,649,769 7,039,201 6,290,8293,485,819 4,348,452 1,040,4177,896,833 1,607,245 4,488,1862,560,6414,015.5684,775,417 1,532,5425,290,5991,744,9011,033,967 46.477,283 1,994,911 3,411,557 3,348,2672,803,688 595,316 2,435,319 1,121,5991,592,018 8,071,811 1,908,386 13,931,410 3110,4454,036,813 685,917 7,096,170 816,421 1,904,988 2,288,420 10,559,519 4,927,634 11,892,119 1,826,908 1,343,029 9,810,290 598,920 $ 803,939932,189 1,190,338 554,872 2,637,3401,328,529 475,184 2,481,1575,324,8692,637,7858,958,941 1,984,629 19,492,947 13,461,111 ,794,757 429.661 2,927,448 5,558,375 14,139,528 9,541,9968,257,4284,275,5555,582,128 1,512,541 9,650.818 2,267,370 5,809,1433,107,3195,351,8395,971,919 1,546,196 6,431.923 2,079,979 1,360,635 61,822,564 2,653,1023,867,2983,972,0113,185,472 830,599 3,173,401 1,359,166 2,156,097 10,490,059 2,520,557 18,393,458 3.927,213 5,401,585 807,184 9,000,031 870,233 2,745,366 3,213,255 13,747,241 5.989T981 15,057,623 2,307,745 1,686.538 12,891,598 850,589 Bayfield Buffalo Clark Eau Claire Fond du Lac... Green Lake Jefferson Manitowoc Milwaukee Polk St. Croix Taylor Trempealeau.. Washington... Winnebago Wood $274,417,873 $351,780,354 Valuation of Untaxed Property, from Assessors' Returns for 1875 and 1876. Co., town, city and village property. 6,147 2,340 '"n]300 43,325 15,300 3,350 29,785 "'woo 45,800 "i7il'63"72,130 49,32052,505 25,650 ' 15; 280600 12,600 19, 300 10,750 31,000 28,210 15,700 5,680 1,318,506 5,368 "l6|406 5,280 25 13,950 "" 8,000 22,700 525 28,000 11,400 9,0002,000 10,725 350 1,500 70,200 7,500 700250 21,350 6,380 1,500 82 ,063,636 School, col lege and academy property. 9,900 4,925 1,400 102,635 27,787 1,500 ""5,160 3,000 115,605 11,000 "86; 630 ""a'.i'ii 3,200 16,933 60,500 197,405 66,875 "36; 774 "66; 200 46,36517,720 3,500 55,930 9,640 21,24827,202 8,735 771,265 13,200 96;290 18,415 8,247 73,675 10,940 25,91624,625 "bo; 000 7,211 4,1252,800 2,000 ' 150,200 500 34,94021,08029,495 2,735,817 Church and cemeteryproperty. * 4,713 1,000 125 2,685 83,36929,760 3,000 13,220 55,014 1,300 91,142 4,100 359,390 121,075 7,029 2.351 3.200 56,930 259,900109,405 76,995 23,84055,026 15.075 172,300 19,280 46,86018,521 110,643 71,610 "54; 874 16,82512,080 1,212,390 33,15838,10073,37532,920 4,180 25,115 5,272 42,470 236,000 37,915 242,650 41,37087,670 5,714 123,895 '"26; 300 2,325 129,310120,670 218,760 34,41022,524 36,860 27,000 4,774,828 Railroad property. $1,220,000 94,025 150 73 175,885 64 095 110.000 89,800 24,400 421,604627,155 95,450 2,000 "eilbod 75,000 237,915120,000 51,800 300 "102, 600 146,901 60,653 l.afileoo 17.585 76,720 347,515 136,000 22,026 70,400 250,975 'Yoi^oO 68,720 22,500 "55,'830 336,400 8,300 "1 8a odd 2,300 84,780 2,720 7,487,627 U. S., state and all other property. If 400 2,780 900 1,340 252,987 14,400 200 60,000 16,780 32,245 600 2,730 600 81* 200 6.275 10.500 2,525 15,300 74,800 400 3,595 682,800 2,340 "3,000 3,4709,835 1,000 5,735 900 120,950 34.650 5,8501,150 41,600 775 1,300 140.000 60,033 200 2,325 1,2001,550 7,740 Total. $ 21,158 1,228,265 125 10.385 826,638 73,897 4,500 14,393 60,174 184.875 812,028 125,200 699,357 296 305 7 229 22 638 428 004 833 153 478,950384,520170,020 88,070 183,680 253.599402,300 77,355 123,825 49,516 264,043202.340 10,040 254.828 110.380 26,495 5,257,555 71651 114,820 524,580 196.090 44,253 114.740 22,047 147,686845,250 38,440 1,107,250 217,340 113.120 14,925 194.775380,800 35,725 26,050 670.710188,213 220,150 74.22567,954 159,065 1,662,388 18,524,198 STATISTICS Or WISCONSIN". 261 ACREAGE OF PRINCIPAL CROPS GROWN IN 1876. COUNTIES. number of acres. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Earley. Rye. Hops. Tobacco. Flax-seed. 5,146 5 4,0703* 16,384 48,5074* 1,179 32,8604* 10,442 2,457 64,472 19,05489,253 128,708 4,771 11,456 26 639}* 20 13,923 9,2134* 216}* 4,583 2,734 1,596 40,274 19.173 84,072 29,401* 352 5 9,671 11,76518,208}*98,70958,168 15,608 46,980 8,0714* 28,379 11,848}*15,815 1,066 10,58161,549 5,353 84 3,4774* 15 5.732 12.573K 637 9,8589,032 2.408 24,071 10.584 67,120 25,5924* 3,391 50 13,833 7,183 20,76362,05434,191 8,013 34,433 12,189}*16,845 14,272}* 14,17410,632 11,24950,194 712 21,437}* 5,020 4,873 10,213}*12.864 3,4122,447}* 9.473 4,475 8.338 1,842 9,0864* 15,241}* 11.606}*60,103 17,541 24,469* 4,408}* 16,704 54}* 15,034 23.05528 225 14.10418.980 7,4488,847 13,813 1,029 83 8,488 660 54* 2 14* 759}* 282*- ¦6,254 870264231}* 185 95 7.6481.588 7,4102,134* 788 27 5,012 2,751 58 4,048*' 1,258 208 7.6943.912 23,499 11,463 696 174* 94* 3910}* 3 593* 18 317}*136 9 Clark 15 2,45944 8 1534* IX 27,3082R 885 87,612 29,643 4,409 37,06421,676 19,953 33,569 11,5984*. 4.782 17,70238,8«0 4,4o3 262 4,5384*4,548 9,517 11,77431,634 2,490 8 076 27 -254* 1.V5904* 41,187 9,293 15,701}* 7.8844* 13,2284* 12,384}* 77,810 27,701 6,485 45,959 604* 53,65642,277 20,588 53,691 34,140 13.51612.573 49.999 637 1,560 1,242 8 554 2,839 666}* 1,170 2,609}* 1,739 8,773 445 1,649 2,1643,045 1,273 20 4,299 670 93 5,0631,769 357940}* 4,116}* 613* 2,851 440 1,2844* 2,221% 589* 19.424 2.0222.1974* 205 7,519 2 2.3814* 5,542 8,9344*6,6148,527 1,060 636* 1,427 29}* 1,156 933 7544* 3,2963,7934*3,455 1,892 613 7,611 3,137 611 3,5208,177 1,735 6811 44 113)* 28 212 1794* 714* 840 1,169 8 2 2494* 13 14* M 2 29 44 25,217 363 22 1 10,145 100 6 3,431 7 X 2}* ifefeVa 854X355 15,121 7,104}* 12,608 734 4 761 2b844*6,924 8,9844,104 11,076 1 '.9044* : /.460X 1 J.0414* 5,390 33,8164* 1,904 8,244 32 . 12,106 22,499 45,45611,613 26,318 9,524 18,726}*15,404 958 5,233 116 10,503 3,074*1,277 724 514 2,430}* 563258326 7,6654* 2,212 1,770* 15,0384* 173 6,1644* 1,1604* 4,332 3 550633 4,8754*6,0027,659 4,363 15,416 982372}* 3 1 1 a 139 65 390 3 11}*15 25K 3 7 22 X 114* 10 2 8 584X 314* 4994* 41K % 44*24* 2,105?* 4,2854* 282: 4 3,il84* H 49 4* 42 187107* 29 239 295 340 110 14 13 1411« 9 1,169 113 5 3 3 Si 1 2 1,445,650}* 1,025,801* 854,861}* 183,030* 175,3144* 11,1844* 4,842 62,008?* 262 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. ACREAGE OF PRINCIPAL CROPS GROWN IN 1876. Counties. NUMBER OP ACRES. Clover Seed, Bushels. Cultivated Grasses. Potatoes. Roots. Apples. - ., ..\:ited Ci-.iiiiK-rries. Timber. 3,161 241 1 8434* 100 771 266 3414* 30 150 909%" 120X 1.017 6 7565* 58 44* 25,040 1,152,000 24,175 12,739 57.463 553 28* 5 .Bayfield .Buffalo 5,7694* 39 13,361 254* 174* 37 219 H 4,000 5524* Clark 9,348 32,326 4,925 53,219 29.552 257 100 10,032 41.60937,792 28,833 13,920 15,566 5,316 17,407 8,705 29,856 5,665 11,390 22,719 316 32,2564* 5,4533,387 20,557 14,217 6,170 11,681 8,528 425 1,918* 2,4933,585 3,7804* 20 100 989 78 1.5334* 2,4604,8304* 16,254 126 000 51,879 104 618 8089 36 1,689 50 30 }* 111,463 49,3694* 2,969}*2,489}* 10 219 2 614* 500,000 5,414 8 2,7014* 3,038 1,159 921 1,6504* 510 2,209 1,7381,0601,487 781 1,633 106 2,251 667926 3,0304* 1,520 836 51 1,566* 614* 2,935*2.766 5,9804* 1,467 1,9874* 100 2,233 339 2,170 44 239 994 44,986 126.116 20,3134*22,393 51.02653.880 33,774 19,896 37,573 29,763 24,037 1,500 3,848 16 5 46 41 94524* 18* 10 99 26 1,037 45 566 1,515 520 2,757}* 107 5,269 781 1,324 1,174 2 30 1,007 108138 50 137J* 997113 100 689 46 1,856 1,934* 406 257,341 7744* 151 1 4,412 20 20,525 16.21133,75619,433 22,077 1,073 113 1,666 97 1,266* 77 11 604* 16,004 479 3,676 457 1,054* 734* 1,730 2 279X 749 4,0564* 50,095 4,952 2058364* 1,561 1 1,349 12,974 2,642 10,1424* 21,5154* 18,9244*57,1324*14,293 25,222* 4,111 40,123 173 18,738 20,19745.093 6,513 38.629 13,540 9,770 23,433 235 724591 2,016* 1,548*1,1534* 2,930 1,176 3,2094* 548 2,723 99 878% 1,241 2,1834* 46,821 3,982 1,6951,342 1,630 169 41 178128* 464* 10J* 122}* 10 104}* 644* 133 34414* 140 554* 9,430 383 98 45 35 182,671 121 Polk 2 580 X 52,150 28,7184* 65,39457,5874* 3,606 88,058}* 80,533 68,057 343 840 2,160)* 5,416 St. Croix 80 1,248}* 3,101 16 10,738 2 1* 12,149 91,19450,22150 080 42,69082,98566,510 25,737 93,242 270 1,134 4* 137 30 185 1,053 194 400 2,798 16.080 1,529 610 Waushara 117 720 Wood .. Total 889,0184* 123,4204* 13,624?* 139,891}* 17,664}* 4.090 2264* 76,9454* ABSTRACT OF LAWS WISCONSIN. ELECTORS AND GENERAL ELECTIONS. , Sec. 12. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years or upward, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in the State for one year next preceding any election, shall be deemed a qualified elector at such election : 1. Citizens of the United States. 2. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization. 3. Persons of Indian blood who have once been declared by law of Congress to be citizens ofthe United States, any subsequent law of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding.. 4. Civilized \ crsons of Indian descent not members of any tribe. Every person convicted of bribery shall be excluded from the right of suffrage unless restored to civil rights i and no person who shall have made or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of any election at which he shall offer to vote,. shall be permitted to vote at such election. Sec. 13. No elector shall vote except in tho town, ward, village or election district in which. he actually resides. Sec. 14. The general election prescribed in the Constitution shall be held in the several towns, wards, villages and election districts on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November in each year, at which time there shall be chosen such Representatives in Congress, Electors of President and Vice President, State officers, and county officers as are by law to be elected in such year. Sec. 15. All elections shall be held in each town at the place where the last town-meeting was held, or at such other place as shall have been ordered at such last meeting, or as shall have been ordered by the Supervisors when they establish more than one election poll, except that the first election after the organization of a new town shall be held at the place directed in the act or proceeding by which it was organized; and all elections in villages constituting separate elec tion districts and in the wards of cities, shall be held at the place to be ordered by the Trustees of such village, or the Common Council of such city, at least ten days before such election, un less a different provision is made in the act incorporating such village or city. Sec. 16. Whenever it shall become impossible or inconvenient to hold an election at the- place designated therefor, the Board of Inspectors, after having assembled at or as near as prac ticable to such place, and before receiving any votes may adjourn to the nearest convenient place for holding the election, and at such adjourned place shall forthwith proceed with the election. Upon adjourning any election as hereinbefore provided, the Board of Inspectors shall cause proc lamation thereof to be made, and shall station a Constable or some other proper person at the place where the adjournment was made, to notify all electors arriving at such place of adjourn ment, and the place to which it was made. 26 i HISTOEY OF WISCONSIN Sec. 20. A registry of electors shall annually be made : 1. In each ward or election district of every city which, at the last previous census, had a population of three thousand or more. 2. In each ward or election district of every incorporated village in which, by law, sep arate elections are held ; which village at the last preceding census, had a popula tion of fifteen hundred or more. 3. In every town containing a village which, at said census, had a population of fifteen hundred or more, in which village separate general elections are not by law required to beheld. 4. In all towns any part of which shall have been embraced in any part of any city or village in which a registration by this chapter is required. Such registration shall be made in the manner provided by this chapter. The persons authorized by law to act as Inspectors of Election in each of such towns, wards or election dis tricts shall constitute the Board of Registry therefor. Sec. 21. The said Inspectors shall have their first meeting on Tuesday, four weeks pre ceding each general election, at the place where said election is to be held ; and in election districts at which there were polled at the previous general election three hundred votes or less, they shall sit for one day, and in districts at which there were more than three hundred votes polled, they shall have power to sit two days if necessary, for the purpose of making such list. They shall meet at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and hold their meetings open until 8 o'clock in the evening of each day during which they shall so sit. The Clerks appointed by law to act as Clerks of Election shall act as Clerks of the Board of Registry on the day of election only. The proceedings shall be open, and all electors of the district shall be entitled to be heard in relation to corrections or additions to said registry. They shall have the same powers to preserve order which Inspectors of Election have on election days, and in towns vacancies in the Board shall be filled in the same manner that vacancies are filled at elections. Sec. 22. The said Inspectors at their first meeting, and before doing any business, shall severally take and subscribe the oath of Inspectors at a general election, and said Inspectors shall at their first meeting make a registry of all the electors of their respective districts, placing thereon the full names, alphabetically arranged according to surnames, in one column, and in another the residence by number and name of street or other location, if known. If any elector's residence is at any hotel or public boarding-house the name of the hotel or boarding-house shall be stated in the registry. They shall put thereon the names of all persons residing in their elec tion district appearing on the poll-list kept at the last preceding general election, and are author ized to take therefor such poll-list from the office where kept, omitting such as have died or removed from the district, and adding the names of all other persons known to them to be elect ors in such district. In case of the formation of a new election district since the last preceding general election, the said Board therein may make such registry from the best means at their command, and may, if necessary, procure therefor certified copies of the last poll-list. They shall ¦complete said registry as far as practicable at their first meeting, and shall make four copies thereof, and certify the original and each copy to be a true list of the electors in their district so far as the same are known to them. One of said copies shall be immediately posted in a conspicuous place in the room in which their meeting was held, and be accessible to any elector for examina tion or making copies thereof, and one copy shall be retained by each Inspector for revision and -correction at the second meeting. They shall within two days after said first meeting file the original registry made by them, and said poll-list in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk, and may, in their discretion, cause ten printed copies of said registry to be made and posted in ten of the most public places of said election district, or may publish the same in a newspaper at an expense not exceeding one cent for each name. Sec. 23. The Inspectors shall hold their second meeting at the same place designated for holding elections on the Tuesday two weeks preceding the election. They shall meet at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. In election districts having less than three hundred voters, as shown by the ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 265 preliminary registry, the Board shall complete the registry on the same day ; but if there are more than that number of voters, they shall sit two days. They shall remain in session until 8 o'clock in the evening. They shall revise and correct the registry first by erasing the name of any person who shall be proved to their satisfaction by the oaths of two electors of the district to be not entitled to vote therein at the next ensuing election, unless such person shall appear and if chal lenged, shall answer the questions and take the oath hereinafter provided ; secondly, by entering thereon the names of every elector entitled to vote in the district at the next election who shall appear before the Board and require it, and state his place of residence, giving street and num ber, if numbered, or location, as hereinbefore provided, if challenged answer the questions, and take the oaths provided in case of challenge at an election ; but if any person shall refuse to answer all such questions or to take such oath, his name shall not be registered. Any person who is not twenty-one years of age before the date when the registry is required to be corrected, but will be if he lives until the day of election, shall have his name put on the registry if he be other- Yrise qualified to be an elector. Any elector who did not vote at the previous general election shall be entitled to be registered either at the preliminary or the final registration of electors by appearing before the Board of Registration of his election district and establishing his right to be registered, or, instead of a personal appearance, he may make his application to be registered to the Board in writing. Such application shall state the name and period of continuous resi dence in the election district and place of residence therein, giving the number and street of the ¦applicant, and, in case the person making the application is of foreign birth, he shall state when he came to the United States and to the State of Wisconsin, and the time and place of declaring his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States, and that he is entitled to vote at the ¦election. Upon receiving such application, the Board of Registration shall register the name of such applicant, if it appears to the Board that the applicant is, by his statement, entitled to Vote. Such statement shall be made under oath, and shall be preserved by the Board and be filed in the office of the village or city clerk, as the case may be. All city and village clerks shall keep blanks for making the application for registration, as provided by this section. The form shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State. Every person named in this section shall be subject to the same punishment for any false statement or other offense in respect thereto as is provided in case of such false statement or other offense by an elector offering to vote at an election. After such registry shall have been fully completed on the days above mentioned, no name shall be added thereto by any person or upon any pretext. Within three days after the second meeting the said Board shall cause four copies of the registry to be made, each of which shall be certified by them to be a correct registry of the electors of their district, one of wliich shall be kept by each Inspector for use on election day, and one shall forthwith be filed in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk. All registries shall at all times be open to pub lic inspection at the office where deposited without charge. Sec. 24. On election day the Inspectors shall designate two of their number at the opening of the polls, who shall check the names of every elector voting in such district whose name is on the registry. No vote shall be received at any general election in any ward or election district defined in Section 20, if the name of the person offering to vote be not on said registry made at the second meeting as aforesaid, except as hereinafter provided ; but in case any one shall, after the last day for completing such registry, and before such election, become a qualified voter of the district, he shall have the same right to vote therein at such election as if his name had been duly registered, provided he shall, at the time he offers to vote, deliver to the Inspectors his affi davit, in which he shall state the facts, showing that he has, since the completion of such regis try, become a qualified elector of such district, and the facts showing that he was not such elector on the day such registry was completed, and shall also deliver to such Inspectors the affi davits of two freeholders, electors in such election district, corroborating all the material state ments in his affidavit. In case any person who was a voter at the last previous general election shall not be registered, such person shall be entitled to vote on making affidavit that he was enti tled to vote at the previous election, and that he has not become disqualified by reason of removal 206 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. from the election district or otherwise, since that election, which affidavit shall also be corrobo rated by the affidavits of two freeholders, as is provided for other non -registered voters. No one freeholder shall be competent to make at any one election corroborating affidavits for more than three voters. All of said affidavits shall be sworn to before some officer authorized by the laws of this State to take depositions. The Inspectors shall keep a list of the names and residence of the electors voting whose names are not on said completed registry, and attach said list to the registry and return it, together with all such affidavits, to the proper town, city or village clerk, No compensation shall be paid or received for taking or certifying any such affidavits. On the day following the election, one of said poll-lists and one copy of the registry so kept and checked shall be attached together and filed in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk, and the other of said poll-lists and copy of the registry so kept and checked shall be returned to the County Clerk with the returns of the election. Such Inspectors shall give notice by advertisement in a newspaper printed in the city, village or town where such registration was made, ofthe registry, and shall include in such notice all additions to and omissions from the preliminary list, and shall also state where the election is to be held. In case there be no newspaper printed in such city, village or town, such notice shall be given by posting copies thereof in three or more public places in each ward or election district in such city, village or town. For publication of such notice in any such newspaper the publisher thereof shall be entitled to tne same compensation- per folio as is prescribed for publishing other legal notices. COMMON SCHOOLS. Sec. 413. The formation of any school district shall be by written order of the Town Board, describing the territory embraced in the same, to be filed with the Town Clerk within twenty days after the making thereof. The Supervisors shall deliver to a taxable inhabitant of the district their notice thereof in writing, describing its boundaries, and appointing a time and place for the first district meeting, and shall therein direct such inhabitant to notify every quali fied voter of the district, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of resi dence, of the time and place of such meeting, at least five days before the time appointed therefor, and said inhabitant shall notify the voters of such district accordingly, and indorse thereon a return containing the names of all persons thus notified, and said notice and return, shall be recorded as a, part of the record of the first meeting in such district. Sec. 414. In case such notice shall not be given, or the inhabitants of a district shall neg lect or refuse to assemble and form a district meeting when so notified, or in case any 6chool dis trict having been formed or organized shall afterward be disorganized, so that no competent. authority shall exist therein to call a special district meeting, in the manner hereinafter pro* vided, notice shall be given by the Town Board, and served in the manner prescribed in the pre ceding section. Whenever a district meeting shall be called as prescribed in this and the preceding section, it shall be the duty of the electors of the district to assemble at the time and place so directed. Sec. 415. Whenever it shall be necessary to form a district from two or more adjoining towns, the Town Boards of such towns shall meet together and form such districts by their writ ten order, describing the territory embraced in such district, signed by at least two ofthe Super visors of each town ; and shall file one such order with the Town Clerk of each town, and deliver the notice of formation to a taxable inhabitant of such district, and cause the same to bo served and returned in the time and manner hereinbefore prescribed ; and any such district may be altered only by the joint action of the Town Boards of such towns in the same manner that other districts are altered. Sec. 416. Every school district shall be deemed duly organized when any two of the offi> cers elected at the first legal meeting thereof shall have consented to serve in the offices to wliich they have been respectively elected, by a written acceptance thereof filed with the clerk of tho- first meeting, and recorded in the minutes thereof; and every school district shall be considered ABSTRACT OF LAAVS. 267 as duly organized after it shall have exercised the franchises and privileges of a district for the term of two years. Sec. 425. The annual meeting of all school districts in which graded schools of two or more departments are taught, shall be held on the second Monday of July, and of all other school districts on the last Monday of September, in each year. The hour of such meeting shall be seven o'clock in the afternoon, unless otherwise provided by a vote of the district, duly recorded at the last previous annual meeting ; but at any annual meeting a majority of the electors present may determine that the annual meeting of such district shall be held on the last Monday of August instead of the last Monday of September. Said determination to take effect when a copy of the proceedings of said annual meeting in reference to such change shall have been filed with the Town Clerk in which the schoolhouse of such district is situated, and to remain in force until rescinded by a like vote of the electors of such district. Sec. 426. The Clerk shall give at least six days' previous notice of every annual district meeting, by posting notices thereof in four or more public places in the district, one of which shall be affixed to the outer door of the schoolhouse, if there be one in the district, and he shall give like notices for every adjourned district meeting when such meeting shall have been adjourned for more than one month ; but no annual meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of due notice, unless it shall appear that the omission to give such notice was willful and fraudulent. Sec. 427. Special district meetings may be called by the Clerk, or, in his absence, by the. Directors or Treasurer, on written request of five legal voters of the district, in the manner- prescribed for calling an annual meeting ; and the electors, when lawfully assembled at a special meeting, shall have power to transact the same business as at the first and each annual meeting, except the election of officers. The business to be transacted at any special meeting shall be particularly specified in the notices calling the same, and said notices shall be posted six full days prior to the meeting. No tax or loan or debt shall be voted at a special meeting, unless three-fourths of the legal voters shall have been notified, either personally or by a written notice left at their places of residence, stating the time and place and objects of the meeting, and specifying the amount proposed to be voted, at least six days before the time appointed therefor. Sec. 428. Every person shall be entitled to vote in any school district meeting who is qualified to vote at a general election for State and county officers, and who is a resident of such school district. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF DISTRICT TAXES. Sec. 469. All school district taxes, unless otherwise specially provided by law, shall be assessed on the same kinds of property as taxes for town and county purposes ; and all personal property which, on account of its location or the residence of its owner, is taxable in the town, shall, if such locality or residence be in the school district, be likewise taxable for school district purposes. BORROWING MONEY. Sec. 474. Whenever, upon any unusual exigency, any school district shall, before the annual meeting, vote a special tax to be collected with the next levy, the district may, by vote, author ize the District Board to borrow for a period not exceeding one year a sum not exceeding the amount of such tax, and by such vote set apart such tax when collected to repay such loan, and thereupon the District Board may borrow such money of any person and on such terms and exe cute and deliver to the lender such obligation therefor, and such security for the repayment, including a mortgage or pledge of any real or personal property of the district, subject to the directions contained in the vote of the district as may be agreed upon and not prohibited by law. Sec. 498. Every District Clerk who shall willfully neglect to make the annual report for his district as required by law shall be liable to pay the whole amount of money lost by such 268 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. district in consequence of his neglect, which shall be recovered in an action in the name of and for the use of the district. Sec. 499. Every Town Clerk who shall neglect or refuse to make and deliver to the County Superintendent his annual report, as required in this chapter within the time limited therefor, shall be liable on his official bond to pay the town the amount which such town or any school district therein, shall lose by such neglect or refusal, with interest thereon ; and every County Superintendent who shall neglect or refuse to make the report required of him by this chapter to the State Superintendent shall be liable to pay to each town the amount which such town or any school district therein shall lose by such neglect or refusal, with interest thereon, to be recovered in either case in an action prosecuted by the Town Treasurer in the name of the town. Sec. 503. Every member of a district board in any school district in this State in which a list of text-books has been adopted according to law, who shall, within three years from the date of such adoption, or thereafter, without the consent of the State Superintendent, order a change of text-books in such district, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 513. Every woman of twenty-one years of age and upward may be elected or appointed as director, treasurer or clerk of a school district, director or secretary of a town board under the township system ; member of a board of education in cities, or county superintendent. Sec. 560. In reckoning school months, twenty days shall constitute a month and one hun dred days five months. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES. Sec. 1035. The terms "real property," "real estate" and "land," when used in this title, shall include not only the land itself, but all buildings, fixtures, improvements, rights and privileges appertaining thereto. Sec. 1036. The term " personal property," as used in this title, shall be construed to mean and include toll-bridges, saw-logs, timber and lumber, either upon land or afloat, steamboats, ships and other vessels, whether at home or abroad ; buildings upon leased lands, if such build ings have not been included in the assessment of the land on which they are erected ; ferry-boats, including the franchise for running the same ; all debts due from solvent debtors, whether on account, note, contract, bond, mortgage or other security, or whether such debts are due or to become due ; and all goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, moneys and effects of any nature or description having any real or marketable value and not included in the term " real property," as above defined. Sec. 1037. The improvements on all lands situated in this State, which shall have been entered under the provisions ofthe act of Congress entitled " An act to secure homesteads to act ual settlers on the public domain," approved May twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and which shall be actually occupied and improved by the person so entering the same, or his heirs, shall be subject to taxation, and such improvements shall be assessed as personal property. All taxes levied thereon shall be collected out of the personal property of the occu pant of such lands, and in no other manner. Sec. 1038. The property in this section described is exempt from taxation, to wit: 1. That owned exclusively by the United States or by this State, but no lands contracted to be sold by the State shall be exempt. 2. That owned exclusively by any county, city, village, town or school district ; but lands purchased by counties at tax sales shall be exempt only in the cases provided in Sec tion Eleven Hundred and Ninety-one. 3. Personal property owned by any religious, scientific, literary or benevolent association, used exclusively for the purposes of such association, and the real property, if not leased, or not otherwise used for pecuniary profit, necessary for the location and con venience of the buildings of such association, and embracing the same not exceeding ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 269 ten acres ; and the lands reserved for grounds of a chartered college or university, not exceeding forty acres ; and parsonages, whether of local churches or districts, and whether occupied by the pastor permanently or rented for his benefit. The occasional leasing of such buildings for schools, public lectures or concerts, or the leasing of such parsonages, shall not render them liable to taxation. 4. Personal property owned and used exclusively by the State or any county agricultural society, and the lands owned and used by any such society exclusively for fair grounds. -5. Fire engines and other implements used for extinguishing fires, owned or used by any organized fire company, and the buildings and necessary grounds connected therewith, owned by such company, and used exclusively for its proper purposes. '6. The property of Indians who are not citizens, except lands held by them by purchase. •7. Lands used exclusively as public burial-grounds, and tombs and monuments to the dead therein. 8. Pensions receivable from the United States. 9. Stock in any corporation in this State which is required to pay taxes upon its property in the same manner as individuals. 10. So much of the debts due or to become due to any person as shall equal the amount of bona-fide and unconditional debts by him owing. 11. Wearing apparel, family portraits and libraries, kitchen furniture and growing crops. 12. Provisions and fuel provided by the head of a family to sustain its members for six months ;. but no person paying board shall be deemed a member of a family. 13. All the personal property of all insurance companies that now are or shall be organized or doing business in this State. 14. The track, right of way, depot grounds, buildings, machine-shops, rolling-stock and other property necessarily used in operating any railroad in this State belonging to any railroad company, including pontoon, pile and pontoon railroads, and shall henceforth remain exempt from taxation for any purpose, except that the same shall be subject to special assessments for local improvements in cities and villages and all lands owned or claimed by such railroad company not adjoining the track of such company, shall be subject to all taxes. The provision of this subdivision shall not apply to any railroad that now is or shall be operated by horse-power, whether now or hereafter constructed in any village or city. 15. The property, except real estate, of all companies which are or shall be engaged in the business of telegraphing in this State. 16. The real estate of the Home of the Friendless in the city of Milwaukee, not exceeding one lot in amount, is exempted, so long as the same shall continue to be used as such home. 17. All property of any corporation or association formed under the laws of this State for the encouragement of industry by agricultural and industrial fairs and exhibitions, which shall be necessary for fair grounds, while used exclusively for such fairs and exhibitions, provided the quantity of land so exempt shall not exceed forty acres. 18. Such tree-belts as are or may be planted and maintained in compliance with chapter sixty -six of one of these statutes. Sec. 1191. Real property, upon which the county holds any certificates of tax sale, shall continue liable to taxation and to sale for unpaid taxes, and the county shall be the exclusive purchaser at the sale ; but when a tax deed shall be issued to the county, and it shall hold tax certificates of sale unredeemed on the same property for two successive years subsequent to the date of the sale on which such deed shall issue, including certificates of sale made prior to the passage of these statutes, such property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation until the same is sold by the county. The County Clerk shall annually, before the first day of June, furnish to the Assessors of each town a list of the lands in such town exempt under this section. Noth ing in this section shall be so construed as to apply to lands owned by minors, married women, widowed women, idiots or insane persons. 270 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. COLLECTION OF TAXES. Sec. 1089. The Town Treasurer of each town, on the receipt of the tax-roll for the cur.. rent year, shall forthwith post notices in three or four public places in such towns, that the tax- roll for such town is in his hands for collection, and that the taxes charged therein are subject, lo payment at his office at any time prior to the first day of January in such year ; and after the said first day of January he shall proceed to collect the taxes charged in such roll and remaining unpaid, and for that purpose shall call at least once on the person taxed, or at any place of his usual residence, if within the town, and demand payment of the taxes charged to him on such roll. Sec. 1090. On all taxes paid or tendered at the office of such Treasurer prior to said first day of January, he shall remit all of the 5-per-cent collection fees, except so much thereof as. he is authorized by law to have for his fees upon taxes so paid. Sec. 1091. Town orders shall be receivable for taxes in the town where issued, and shall be allowed the Town Treasurer on settlement of town taxes; and county orders and jurors' cer tificates shall be receivable for taxes in the county where issued, and shall be allowed such Treas urer on settlement of county taxes with the County Treasurer, but no Town Treasurer shall receive town orders in payment for taxes to a larger amount than the town taxes included in his assessment-roll exclusive of all taxes for school purposes, nor county orders and jurors' certifi cates to a greater amount than the county tax included therein. Sec. 1097. In case any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the tax imposed upon him, the Town Treasurer shall levy the same by distress and sale of any goods and chattels belong ing to such person, wherever the same may be found within his town ; and if a sufficient amount of such property cannot be found in such town, the Town Treasurer may levy the same by dis tress and sale of the goods and chattels belonging to such person, wherever the same may be found in the county or in any adjoining counties. Sec. 1098. The Town Treasurer shall give public notice of the time and place of such sale, at least six clays previous thereto, by advertisement, containing a description of the prop erty to be sold, to be posted up in three public places in the town where the sale is to be made. The sale shall be at public auction, in the daytime, and the property sold shall be present ; such property may be released by the payment of the taxes and charges for which the same is liable, to be sold; if the purchase-money on such sale shall not be paid at such time as the Treasurer may require, he may again, in his discretion, expose such property for sale, or sue, in his name of office, the purchaser for the purchase-money, and recover the same 'with costs and 10-per-centum damages. Sec. 1099. If the property so levied upon shall be sold for more than the amount of tax and costs, the surplus shall be returned to the owner thereof; and if it cannot be sold for want of bidders, the Treasurer shall return a statement of the fact, and return the property to the person from whose possession he took the same ; and the tax, if unsatisfied, shall be collected in the same manner as if no levy had been made. HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. Sec. 1223. The Supervisors of the several towns shall have the care and supervision of' the highways and bridges therein, and it shall be their duty : 1. To give directions for repairing the highways and bridges within their respective towns, and cause to be removed all obstructions therefrom. 2. To cause such of the roads used as highways as have been laid out but not sufficiently described, and such as have been lawfully laid out and used as such up to the then present time, but not fully and sufficiently recorded, to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 271 3. To cause bridges which are or may be erected over streams intersecting highways to be kept in repair. 4. To divide their respective towns into so many road districts as they shall judge conven ient, and specify every such division in writing under their hands, to be recorded in the office of the Town Clerk ; but no such division shall be made within ten days next preceding the annual town meeting. 5. To assign to each of the said road districts such of the inhabitants liable to pay taxes on highways as they think proper, having regard to the nearness of residence as much as practicable. 6. To require the Overseers of Highways from time to time, and as often as they shall deem necessary, to perform itny of the duties required of them by law. 7. To assess the highway taxes in their respective towns in each year, as provided by law. 8. To lay out and establish upon actual surveys, as hereinafter provided, such new roads in their respective towns as they may deem necessary and proper ; to discontinue such roads as shall appear to them to have become unnecessary, and to widen or alter such roads when they shall deem necessary for public convenience, and perform all other duties respecting highways and bridges directed by this chapter. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Sec. 1548. The Town Boards, Village Boards and Common Councils of the respective "towns, villages and cities may grant license to such persons as they may deem proper, to keep groceries, saloons or other places, within their respective towns, villages or cities, for the sale in quantities less than one gallon of strong, spirituous, malt, ardent or" intoxicating liquors, to be drank on the premises ; and in like manner may grant licenses for the sale in any quantity of such liquors not to be drank on the premises. The sum to be paid for such license for the sale of such liquor to be drank on the premises shall not be less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars ; and for the sale of such liquors not to be drank on the premises shall be not less than ten nor more than forty dollars. Sec. 1549. Every applicant for such license shall, before delivery thereof, file with such town, village or city clerk a bond to the State in the sum of five hundred dollars, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the authorities granting the license, who shall each justify- in double its amount over and above their debts and liabilities and exemptions, and be freehold ers and residents of the county, conditioned that the applicant, during the continuance of his license will keep and maintain an orderly and well-regulated house; that he will permit no gambling with cards, dice or any device or implement for that purpose, within his premises or any out-house, yard or shed appertaining thereto ; that he will not sell or give away any intoxi cating liquor to any minor, having good reason to believe him to be such, unless upon the writ ten order of the parents or guardian of such minor, or to persons intoxicated or bordering upon intoxication, or to habitual drunkards ; and that he will pay all damages that may be recovered by any person, and that he will observe and obey all orders of such Supervisors, Trustees or Aldermen, or any of them, made pursuant to law. In case of the breach of the condition of any such bond, an action may be brought thereon in the name of the State of Wisconsin, and judgment shall be entered against the principals and sureties therein named for the full penalty thereof; and execution may issue thereupon by order of the court therefor, to satisfy any judgment that may have been recovered against the principal named in said bond, by reason of any breach in the conditions thereof, or for any penalties of forfeitures incurred under this chap ter. If more than one judgment shall have been recovered, the court, in its discretion, may apply the proceeds of said bond toward the satisfaction of said several judgments, in whole or in part, in such manner as it may see fit. Sec. 1550. If any person shall vend, sell, deal or traffic in or for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away, any spirituous, malt, ardent or intoxicating liquors or drinks in any 272 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. quantity whatever without first having obtained license therefor, according to the provisions of this chapter, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than ten nor more than forty dollars, besides the costs of suit, or, in lieu of such fine, by imprisonment in the county jail of the proper county not to exceed sixty days nor less than twenty days ; and, in case of punishment by fine as above provided, such per son shall, unless the fine and costs be paid forthwith, be committed to the county jail of the proper county until such fine and costs are paid, or until discharged by due course of law ; and, in case of a second or any subsequent conviction of the same person during any one year, the punish ment may be by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 1551. Upon complaint made to any Justice of the Peace by any person that he knows or has good reason to believe that an offense against this chapter, or any violation thereof, has been committed, he shall examine the complainant on oath, and he shall reduce such com plaint to writing and cause the same to be subscribed by the person complaining. And if it shall appear to such Justice that there is rea enable cause to believe that such offense has been committed, he shall immediately issue his warrant, reciting therein the substance of such com plaint and requiring the officer to whom such warrant shall be directed forthwith to arrest the accused and bring him before such Justice, to be dealt with according to law ; and the same war rant may require the officer to summon such persons as shall be therein named to appear at tho trial to give evidence. Sec. 1552. The District Attorney of the proper county shall, on notice given to him by the Justice of the Peace before whom any such complaint shall be made, attend the trial before- such Justice and conduct the same on behalf of the State. Sec. 1553. Every supervisor, trustee, alderman and justice of the peace, police officer) marshal, deputy marshal and constable of any town, village or city who shall know or be credi bly informed that any offense has been committed against the provisions of this chapter shall make complaint against the person so offending within their respective towns, villages or cities to a proper Justice of the Peace therein, and for every neglect or refusal so to do every such officer shall forfeit twenty-five dollars, and the Treasurer of such town, village or city shall pros ecute therefor. Sec. 1557. Any keeper of any saloon, shop or place of any name whatsoever for the sale of strong, spirituous or malt liquors to be drank on the premises in any quantity less than one gallon, who shall sell, vend or in any way deal or traffic in or for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away any spirituous, ardent or malt liquors or drinks in any quantity whatsoever to or with a minor, having good reason to believe him to be such, or to a person intoxicated or bordering on a state of intoxication, or to any other prohibited person before mentioned, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ; nor shall any person sell or in any way deal or traffic in, or, for the purpose of evading this chapter, give away, any spirituous, ardent, intoxicating or malt liquors or drinks in any quantity whatsoever within one mile of either of the hospitals for the insane ; and any person who shall so sell or give away any such liquors or drinks shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. Sec. 1675. All notes in writing made and signed by any person or for any corporation, and all certificates of the deposit of money issued by any person or corporation, whereby he or it shall promise to pay to any person or order, or unto the bearer, any sum of money, as therein mentioned, shall be due and payable as therein expressed, and shall have the same effect and shall be negotiable in like manner as inland bills of exchange, according to the custom of mer chants. But no order drawn upon or accepted by the Treasurer of any county, town, city, village or school district, whether drawn by any officer thereof or any other person, and no obligation nor instrument made by such corporation or any officer thereof, unless expressly authorized by law ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 273 to be made negotiable, shall be, or shall be deemed to be, negotiable according to the customs of merchants, in whatever form they may be drawn or made. Sec. 1680. On all bills of exchange payable at sight, or at future day certain, within this State, and all negotiable promissory notes, orders and drafts payable at a future day cer tain, within this State, in which there is not an express stipulation to the contrary, grace should be allowed in like manner as it is allowed by the custom of merchants on foreign bills of exchange payable at the expiration of a certain period after date or sight. The provisions of this section shall not extend to any bill of exchange, note or draft payable on demand. Sec. 1684. All notes, drafts, bills of exchange or other negotiable paper maturing on Sunday or upon any legal holiday shall be due and payable on the next preceding secular day. HOURS OF LABOR. Sec. 1728. In all manufactories, work-shops and other places used for mechanical or manufacturing purposes, the time of labor of children under eighteen years of age and of women employed therein, shall not exceed eight hours in one day; and any employer, stockholder, director, officer, overseer, clerk or foreman who shall compel any woman or any child to labor exceeding eight hours in any one day, or who shall permit any child under fourteen years of age to labor more than ten hours in any one day in any such place, if he shall have control over such child sufficient to prevent it, or who shall employ at manual labor any child under twelve years of age in any factory or work-shop where more than three persons are employed, or who shall employ any child of twelve and under fourteen years of age in any such factory or work shop for more than seven months in any one year, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each such offense. Sec. 1729. In all engagements to labor in any manufacturing or mechanical business, where there is no express contract to the contrary, a day's work shall consist of eight hours, and all engagements or contracts for labor in such cases shall be so construed ; but this shall not apply to any contract for labor by the week, month or year. FORM OF CONVEYANCES. Sec. 2207. A deed of quitclaim and release of the form in common use or of the form hereinafter provided, shall be sufficient to pass all the estate which the grantor could lawfully convey by deed of bargain and sale. bEC. 2208. Conveyances of land may be in substantially the following form: WARRANTY DEED. A B, grantor of County, Wisconsin, hereby conveys and warrants to C D, grantee,. of County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in, County. [Here describe the premises.) Witness the hand and seal of said grantor this day of , 18 — . In the presence of] I [seal.} j QUITCLAIM DEED. [SEAL.], A B, grantor, of County, Wisconsin, hereby quitclaims to C D, grantee, of -.- County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in County, (Here describe the premises.) Witness the hand and seal of said grantor this day of , 18 — . In presence of ] V [seal, j [seal. 274 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Such deeds, when executed and acknowledged as required by law, shall, when of the first of the above forms, have the effect of a conveyance in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns of the premises therein named, together with all the appurtenances, rights and privileges thereto belonging, with a covenant from the grantor, his heirs and personal representatives, that he is lawfully seized of the premises ; has good right to convey the same ; that he guaran tees the grantee, his heirs and assigns in the quiet possession thereof ; that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that the grantor, his heirs and personal representatives will forever war rant and defend the title and possession thereof in the grantee, his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims whatsoever. Any exceptions to such covenants may be briefly inserted in such deed, following the description of the land ; and when in the second of the above forms, shall have the effect of a conveyance in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, of all the right, title, interest and estate of the grantor, either in possession or expectancy, in and to the prem ises therein described, and all rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. MORTGAGES. Sec. 2209. A mortgage may be substantially in the following form : A B, mortgagor, of County, Wisconsin, hereby mortgages to C D, mortgagee, of County, Wisconsin, for the sum of dollars, the following tract of land in County. (Here describe the premises.) This mortgage is given to secure the following indebtedness : 'Here slate amount or amounts and form of indebtedness, whether on note, bond or otherwise, lime or times when due, rate of interest, by and to whom payable, etc.) The mortgagor agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on said premises, and the sum of j dollars attorney's fees in case of foreclosure thereof. Witness the hand and seal of said mortgagor this day of , 18 — . In presence of ") ¦- ¦ v [seal. ¦' j [seal.' when executed and acknowledged according to law shall have the effect of a conveyance of the land therein described, together with all the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging in pledge to the mortgagee, his heirs, assigns and legal representatives for the payment of the indebtedness therein set forth, with covenant from the mortgagor that all taxes and assess ments levied and assessed upon the land described during the continuance of the mortgage shall be paid previous to the day appointed by law for the sale of lands for taxes, as fully as the forms of mortgage now and heretofore in common use in this State, and may be foreclosed in the same manner and with the same effect, upon any default being made in any of the conditions thereof as to payment of either principal, interest or taxes. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE. Sec. 2210. An assignment of a mortgage substantially in the following form : For value received I, A B, of . Wisconsin, hereby assign to C D, of , Wis consin, the within mortgage (or a certain mortgage executed to by E F and wife, of County, Wisconsin, the day of , 18 — , and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of County, Wisconsin, in Vol. of mortgages, on page ), together with the and indebtedness therein mentioned. Witness my hand and seal this day of , 18 — . In presence of ] V A B. [SEAL.] ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 275 shall be sufficient to vest in the assignee for all purposes all the rights of the mortgagee under the mortgage, and the amount of the indebtedness due thereon at the date of assignment. Such assignment, when indorsed upon the original mortgage, shall not require an acknowledg ment in order to entitle the same to be recorded. TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY BY DESCENT. Sec. 2270. When any person shall die, seized of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any right thereto, or entitled to any interest therein in fee simple, or for the life of another, not having lawfully devised the same, they shall descend subject to his debts, except as provided in the next section, in the manner following : 1. In equal shares to his children, and to the lawful issue of any deceased child, by right of representation ; and if there be no child of the intestate living at his death, his estate shall descend to all his other lineal descendants ; and if all the said descendants are in the same degree of kindred to the intestate, they shall share the estate equally, otherwise they shall take according to the right of representation. 2. If he shall leave no lawful issue, to his widow ; if he shall leave no such issue or widow, to his parents, if living ; and if either shall not be living, the survivor shall inherit his said estate. If a woman shall die, leaving no issue, her estate shall descend to her husband, if she shall have one at the time of her decease, and if she shall leave, surviving her, neither issue nor husband, to her parents, if living ; and if either shall not be living, the survivor shall inherit her said estate. 3. If he shall leave no lawful issue, nor widow, nor father, nor mother, his estate shall descend in equal shares to his brothers and sisters, and to the children of any deceased brother or sister, by right of representation. 4. If the intestate shall leave no lawful issue, widow, father, mother, brother nor sister, his estate shall descend to his next of kin in equal degree, except that when there are two or more collateral kindred in equal degree, but claiming through different ances tors, those who claim through the nearest ancestor shall be preferred to those claiming through an ancestor more remote ; provided, however, 5. If any person die leaving several children, or leaving one child, and the issue of one or more other children, and any such surviving child shall die under age, and not having been married, all the estate that came to the deceased child, by inheritance from such deceased parent, shall descend in equal shares to the other children of the same parent, and to the issue of any such other children who shall have died, by right of representation. 6. If, at the death of such child, who shall die under age, and not having been married, all the other children of his said parent shall also be dead, and any of them shall have left issue, the estate that came to said child by inheritance from his said parent, shall descend to all the issue of the other children of the same parent ; and if all the said issue are in the same degree of kindred to said child, they shall share the said estate equally ; otherwise they shall take according to the right of representation. 7. If the intestate shall have no widow nor kindred, his estate shall escheat to the State, and be added to the capital of the school fund. Sec. 2271. When the owner of any homestead shall die, not having lawfully devised the same, such homestead shall descend free of all judgments and claims against such deceased owner or his estate, except mortgages lawfully executed thereon, and laborers' and mechanics' liens, in the manner following : 1. If he shall have no lawful issue, to his widow. 2. If he shall leave a widow and issue, to his widow during her widowhood, and, upon her marriage or death, to his heirs, according to the next preceding section. 3. If he shall leave issue and no widow, to such issue, according to the preceding section. 4. If he shall leave no issue or widow, such homestead shall descend under the next pre ceding section, subject to lawful liens thereon. 276 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. OF WILLS. Sec. 2277. Every person of full age, and any married woman of the age of eighteen years and upward, being of sound mind, seized in his or her own right of any lands, or of any right thereto, or entitled to any interest therein, descendible to his or her heirs, may devise and dis pose of the same by last will and testament in writing ; and all such estate not disposed of by will, shall descen'd as the estate of an intestate, being chargeable, in both cases, with the pay ment of all. his debts or her debts, except as provided in the next preceding chapter, and in sec tion twenty-two hundred and eighty. Sec. 2278. Every devise of land in any will shall be construed to convey all the estate of the devisor therein, which he could lawfully devise, unless it shall clearly appear by the will that the devisor intended to convey a less estate. Sec. 2279. Any estate, right or interest in lands acquired by the testator, after the making of his will, shall pass thereby in like manner as if possessed at the time of making the will, if such shall manifestly appear, by the will, to have been the intention of the testator. Sec. 2280. When any homestead shall have been disposed of by the last will and testa ment of the owner thereof, the devisee shall take the same, free of all judgments and claims against the testator or his estate, except mortgages lawfully executed thereon, and laborers' and mechanics' liens. Sec. 2281. Every person of full age, and every married woman of the age of eighteen years and upward, being of sound mind, may, by last will and testament in writing, bequeath and dispose of all his or her personal estate remaining at his or her decease, and all his or her rights thereto and interest therein, subject to the payment of debts ; and all such estate not dis posed of by the will shall be administered as intestate estate. Sec. 2284. All beneficial devises, legacies and gifts whatsoever, made or given in any will to a subscribing witness thereto, shall be wholly void, unless there be two other competent sub scribing witnesses to the same ; but a mere charge on the lands of the devisor for the payment of debts, shall not prevent his creditors from being competent witnesses to his will. Sec. 2285. But if such witness, to whom any beneficial devise may have been made or given, would have been entitled to any share of the estate of the testator, in case the will was not established, then so much of the share that would have descended or been distributed to such witness as will not exceed the devise or bequest made to him in the will, shall be saved to him, and he may recover the same of the devisees or legatees named in the will, in proportion to and out of the parts devised or bequeathed to them. Sec. 2286. When any child shall be born, after the making of his parent's will, and no provision shall be made therein for him, such child shall have the same share in the estate ofthe testator as if he had died intestate ; and the share of such child shall be assigned to him, as pro vided by law, in case of intestate estates, unless it shall be apparent from the will that it was the intention of the testator that no provision should be made for such child. Sec. 2290. No will, or any part thereof, shall be revoked, unless by burning, tearing, can celing or obliterating the same, with the intention of revoking it, by the testator, or by some person in his presence, and by his direction, or by some other will or codicil in writing, executed as prescribed in this chapter, or by some other writing, signed, attested and subscribed in the manner provided in this chapter, for the execution of a will ; excepting, only, that nothing con tained in this section shall prevent the revocation implied by law, from subsequent changes in the condition or circumstances of the testator. The power to make a will implies the power to revoke the same. OF THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Sec. 4021. Any inhabitant of this State may petition the County Court, in the county of his residence, for leave to adopt a child not his own by birth; but no such petition made by a married person shall be granted, unless the husband or wife of the petitioner shall join therein ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 277 ^nor shall any such petition be granted, unless the child, if ofthe age of fourteen years, or more shall consent thereto in writing, in the presence of the court. Sec. 4022. No such adoption shall be made, without the written consent of the living parents of such child, unless the court shaTl find that one of the parents has abandoned the child, or gone to parts unknown, when such consent may be given by the parent, if any, having the care of the child. In case where neither of the parents is living, or if living, have abandoned the child, such consent may be given by the guardian of such child, if any ; if such child has no guardian, such consent may be given by any of the next of kin of such child, residing in this State, or, in the discretion of the court, by some suitable person to be appointed by the court. 2. In case of a child not born in lawful wedlock, such consent may be given by the mother, if she is living, and has not abandoned such child. Sec. 4023. If upon such petition and consent, as herein provided, the County Court shall be satisfied of the identity and the relations of the persons, and that the petitioners are of suffi cient ability to bring up, and furnish suitable nurture and education for the child, having refer ence to the degree and condition of its parents, and that it is proper that such adoption shall take effect, such court shall make an order, reciting said facts that, from and after the date thereof, such child shall be deemed, to all legal intents and purposes, the child of the petitioners ; and by such order the name of such child may be changed to that of the parents by adoption. Sec. 4024. A child so adopted, shall be deemed for the purposes of inheritance and succes sion by such child, custody of the person and right of obedience by such parents by adoption, and all other legal consequences and incidents of the natural relation of parents and children, the same to all intents and purposes as if such child had been born in lawful wedlock of such parents by adoption, excepting that such child shall not be capable of taking property expressly limited to the heirs of the body of such parents. The natural parents of such child shall be deprived, by such order of adoption, of all legal rights whatsoever, respecting such child, and such child shall be freed from all legal obligations of maintenance and obedience to such natural parents. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is 7 per cent. A higher rate of interest, not exceeding 10 per cent, may be contracted for, but the same must be clearly expressed in writing. If a higher rate than 10 per cent is collected or paid, the party so paying may, by himself or his legal rep resentative, recover treble the amount so paid above the 10 per cent, if the action is brought within one year, and all bills, notes, or other contracts whatsoever, whereby a higher rate than 10 per cent is secured, shall be liable for the principal sum, but no interest shall be recovered. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. The Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over all civil and criminal actions within their respective circuits, subject to a re-examination by the Supreme Court. The County Courts shall have jurisdiction over the probate matters in their respective counties, and shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction in the counties of Brown, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee and Winnebago in all cases of appeals from Justices of the Peace in civil actions, and all cases commenced in Justices' Courts therein, there shall be an answer put in, showing that the title of lands will come in question. And such Courts shall have concurrent and equal jurisdiction in all civil actions and pro ceedings with the Circuit Courts of said counties to the following extent respectively : The County Court of Brown, when the value of the property in controversy, after deduct ing all payments and set-offs, shall not exceed five thousand dollars. The County Court of Dodge County, when such value shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. 278 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The County Court of Fond du Lac, when such value shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. The County Court of Milwaukee, when such value does not exceed five million dollars. The County of Winnebago, when such value does not exceed twenty thousand dollars. They shall have jurisdiction of all actions for foreclosure where the value does not exceed the above amounts, and of all actions for divorce or for affirmation or annullment of marriage contract. Justices of the Peace have jurisdiction in civil matters where two hundred dollars or less are involved. The criminal jurisdiction of Justices extends to all cases where the fine is one hundred dol lars, or the imprisonment six months. JURORS. All persons who are citizens of the United States, and qualified electors of the State shall be liable to be drawn as jurors, except as provided as follows : The following persons shall be exempt from serving as jurors : All officers of the United States, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Superintendent and Treasurer ; all Judges, Clerks of Courts or Record ; all county officers, Constables, attorneys and counselors at law, ministers of the Gospel of any religious society, practicing physicians, surgeons, dentists, aud the President, professors and instructors of the University and their assistants, and of the several colleges and incorporated academies ; all teachers of the State Normal Schools, one teacher in each common school, the officers and employes of the several State institutions, one miller in each grist-mill, one ferry man at each licensed ferry, one dispensing druggist in each prescription drug-store, all telegraph operators and superintendents, conductors, engineers, firemen, collectors and station-agents of any railroad or canal, while in actual employment as such ; all officers of fire departments, and all active members of fire companies organized according to law ; all persons more than sixty years of age, and all persons of unsound mind or subject to any bodily infirmity amounting to disability ; all persons who have been convicted of any infamous crime, and all persons who have served at any regular term of the Circuit Court as a grand or petit juror within one year, except he shall be summoned on a special venire or as a talesman. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Capital punishment has been abolished in this State. WOLF SCALPS. A bounty of five dollars is paid for each wolf scalp. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever either ofthe articles, as commodities hereafter mentioned, shall be sold by the bushel, and no special agreement as to measure or weight thereof shall be made by the parties, the measure shall be ascertained by weight, and shall be computed as follows: Sixty pounds for a bushel of wheat, clover seed, potatoes or beans. Fifty pounds for a bushel of green apples : fifty-six pounds for a bushel of rutabagas, flax seed, rye or Indian corn shelled, and seventy pounds of Indian corn unshelled; fifty pounds for a bushel of rape seed, buckwheat, beets, carrots or onions ; forty-eight pounds for a bushel of barley ; forty -five pounds for a bushel of timothy seed ; forty-four pounds for a bushel of pars nips ; forty-two pounds for a bushel of comm.m flat turnips ; thirty-two pounds for a bushel of oats ; and twenty-eight pounds for a bushel of dried apples or dried peaches. ABSTRACT OE LAWS. 279 No person shall sell, buy or receive in store any grain at any weight or measure per bushel other than the standard weight or measure per bushel fixed by law ; and, for any violation, the offender shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. DAMAGES FOR TRESPASS. Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly destroy, remove, throw down or injure any fence, hedge or wall inclosing any orchard, pasture, meadow, garden, or any field whatever on land belonging to or lawfully occupied by another, or open and leave open, throw down, injure, remove or destroy any gate or bars in such fence, hedge or wall, or cut down, root up, sever, injure, destroy or carry away when severed, any fruit, shade, ornamental or other tree, or any shrub, root, plant, fruit, flower, grain or other vegetable production, or dig up, sever or carry away any mineral, earth or stone, or tear down, mutilate, deface or injure any building, sign-board, fence or railing, or sever and carry away any part thereof, standing or being upon the land of another or held in trust, or who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly cut down, root up, injure, destroy or remove or carry away any fruit, ornamental or other tree, or any shrub, fruit, flower, vase or statue, arbor, or any ornamental structure, standing or being in any street or public ground in any city or village, in any private inclosure or highway, or destroy, remove, mutilate or injure any milestone or board, or any guide-post or board erected in any highway or public way, or on any turnpike, plank-road or railroad, or deface or obliterate any device or inscrip tion thereon, or cut down, break down, remove, mutilate or injure any monument erected or tree marked for the purpose of designating the boundaries of any town or tract of land or subdivision thereof, or deface or obliterate any figures, letters, device or inscription thereon, made for such purpose, or break, remove, destroy or injure any post, guard, railing or lamp-post or lamp thereon, erected or being on any bridge, street, sidewalk, alley, court, passage, park, public ground, highway, turnpike, plank or rail road, or extinguish or break any lamp on any such lamp-post, or tear, deface, mutilate or injure any book, map, pamphlet, chart, picture or other property belonging to any public library, or take and carry away the same with intent to con vert to his own use, or shall injure or destroy any personal property of another, shall be pun ished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly kill, maim, mutilate, disfigure or injure any horse, mule, cattle, sheep or other domestic animal of another, or administer poison to such animal, or expose any poison, with intent that the same may be taken or swallowed by such animal ; and any person who shall overdrive, overwork, overload, maim, wound, torture, torment, cruelly beat or kill any such animal belonging to himself or another, or being the owner or having the care or charge thereof, shall fail to provide necessary food, water or shelter for any such animal, or who shall turn out and abandon, without proper care and protection, or cruelly work any such animal when old, diseased, disabled or unfit for work, or shall carry or confine any live animal, fowl or bird, in a cruel or inhuman manner, or who shall cause, procure or abet any cruelty above mentioned, or the fighting or baiting of bulls, dogs or cocks, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months or by fine not exceeding one hun dred dollars. ESTRAYS. No stray, except horses and mules, shall be taken up by any person not a resident of the town in which it is found ; nor unless it is found upon land owned or occupied by him. Every finder for a stray must notify the owner, if he is known, within seven days, and request him to pay all reasonable charges and take the stray away. If the owner is not known, he must file a notice with the Town Clerk within ten days, who shall transmit a copy thereof to the County Clerk. If the stray is not worth five dollars, the finder shall post a copy of such notice in two pub lic places in such town ; if it exceed five dollars in value, he shall publish such notice four sue- 280 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. cessive weeks either in some newspaper published in the county or in an adjoining county, if one be published nearer his residence than any published in his county ; but if no newspaper is pub lished within twenty miles of his residence, then he must post such notice in three public places in his county. Such notice shall describe the stray by giving its marks, natural or artificial, as near as possible, the name and residence of the finder, specifying the section and town, and the time when such stray was taken up. For neglect to post up or publish as required, the finder shall be liable to double the amount of damages sustained by the owner. For neglect to post or publish for one year, the finder shall be liable for its full value, to be recovered in the name of the town, and the amount recovered to be added to the school fund of such town. The finder shall, within one month, cause the stray to be appraised by a Justice ofthe Peace and a certificate of such appraisal signed by such Justice filed in the Town Clerk's office. The finder shall pay the Justice fifty cents for such certificate, and ten cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled to make the same. The owner may have the same restored to him any time within one year after such notice is filed in the town Clerk's office, by proving that the stray belongs to him, and paying all lawful charges incurred in relation to the same. If the owner and finder cannot agree as to the charges, either party, on notice to the other, may apply to a Justice of such town to settle the same, who, for that purpose, may examine witnesses upon oath, and the amount found due, with the costs, shall be a lien upon such stray. If no owner applies for the return of such stray, as pro vided, and the same is not worth more than ten dollars, it shall become the absolute property of such finder ; but if the appraisal shall exceed ten dollars, it shall be sold at public auction by the Sheriff or any Constable of the county, on the request of the finder, and he shall be entitled to one-half the proceeds, and the other half shall be paid to the Treasurer of the town within ten days. If the finder shall neglect or refuse to cause such sale, he shall pay to the town the value of such stray, to be recovered by the town. If any person, without the consent of the owner, shall take away such stray, without first paying the lawful charges, shall be liable to the finder for the value of such stray. If the finder shall neglect to do any act prescribed above, he shall be precluded from acquiring any right in such stray, and from receiving any charges or expenses relative thereto. FENCES. The Overseers of Highways in their respective towns, the Aldermen of cities in their respective wards, and the Trustees of villages in their respective villages, shall be Fence Viewers, and in towns having less than three road districts, the Supervisors shall be Fence Viewers. All fences four and a half feet high, and in good repair, consisting of rails, timber, boards or stone walls, or any combination thereof, and all brooks, rivers, ponds, creeks, ditches and hedges or other things which shall be considered equivalent thereto, in the judgment of the Fence Viewers, within whose jurisdiction the same may be, shall be deemed legal and sufficient fences Every partition of a fence, or line upon which a fence is to be built, made by the owners of the adjoining lands, in writing, sealed and witnessed by two witnesses, or by Fence Viewers in writing, under their hands, after being recorded in the Town Clerk's office, shall oblige such owners and their heirs, as long as they remain owners, and after parting with the ownership, until a new partition is made. A division of a partition fence, or line upon which a partition fence between adjoining lands shall be built, may be made by Fence Viewers in the following cases : 1. When any owner of uninclosed lands shall desire to inclose the same, he may have the line between his land and the adjoining land of any other person divided, and the portion upon which the respective owners shall erect their share of the partition fence assigned, whether such adjoining land be inclosed or not. 2. When any lands belonging to different persons in severalty, shall have been occupied in common, or without a partition fence between them, and one of the occupants shall be desirous ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 281 to occupy his part in severalty, and the others shall refuse or neglect, on demand, to divide with him the line where the fence ought to be built, or to build a sufficient fence on his part of the line, when divided, the occupant desiring it may have the same divided, and the share of each assigned. 3. When any controversy shall arise about the right of the respective occupants in parti tion fences, or their obligations to maintain the same, either party may have the line divided, and the share of each assigned. In either case, application may be made to two or more Fence Viewers of the town where the lands lie, who shall give reasonable notice in writing to each party, and they shall in writing under their hands, divide the partition fence or line, and assign to each owner or occupant his share thereof, and in the second and third cases direct within what time each party shall build or repair his share of the fence, having regard to the season of the year, and shall file such deci sion in the Town Clerk's office. If either party shall neglect or refuse to build or repair within the time so assigned, his part of the fence, the other may, after having completed his own part, build or repair such part, and recover double the expense thereof. Where the whole or a greater share than belongs to him has been built by one of the occu pants, before complaint to the Fence Viewers, the other shall be obliged to pay for his share of such fence. Where uninclosed land is afterward inclosed, the owner shall pay for one-half the partition fence upon the line between him and any other owner or occupant. If any person shall determine not to keep inclosed any part of his land adjoining any par tition fence, and shall give six months' notice of such determination to all adjoining occupants, he shall not be required to maintain any part of such fence during the time his lands shall lie open. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The common law right to destrain for rent, is abolished. The atonement of a tenant to a stranger shall be absolutely void, and shall not in anywise effect the possession of his landlord, unless it be made 1. With the consent of the landlord ; or 2. Pursuant to, or in consequence of, a judgment or order of a court of competent juris diction; or 3. To a purchaser upon a judicial sale, who shall have acquired title to the lands by a conveyance thereof, after the period for redemption, if any, has expired. A tenancy, a will or sufferance may be determined by the landlord, giving one month's notice to quit, or the tenant giving one month's notice of his intention to quit, or if the terms of payment are for less than a month, notice equal to the time between payments, or for non-payment of rent, fourteen days' notice to quit. Such notice shall be served hy delivering the same to such tenant, or to some person of proper age residing on the premises, or if no such person can be found, by affixing the same in a conspicuous part ofthe premises, where it may be conveniently read, and, at the expi ration of the time required after the service of such notice, the landlord may re-enter, or main tain an action for the recovery of the possession thereof, or proceed in the manner prescribed by law to remove such tenant without further or other notice to quit. If, after giving notice of deter mination to quit, the tenant neglects or refuses to deliver up the premises, he shall be liable to double the rent agreed upon, to be collected the same as single rent. MARKS AND BRANDS. Every Town Clerk shall, on application of any person residing in his town, record a description of the marks or brands with which such person may be desirous of marking his horses, cattle, sheep or hogs ; but the same description shall not be recorded or used by more than one resident of the same town. If any person shall mark any of his horses, cattle, sheep 282 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. or hogs, with the same mark or brand previously recorded by any resident of the same town, and while the same mark or brand shall be used by such resident, he shall forfeit for every such offense $5 ; if any person shall willfully mark or brand any of the horses, cattle, sheep or hogs, of any other person with his mark or brand, he shall forfeit for every such offense $10 ; and, if any person shall willfully destroy or alter any mark or brand upon any of the horses, cattle, sheep or hogs of another, he shall forfeit $10, and pay to the party injured double damages. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. A County Surveyor is elected every two years. The surveyor may appoint and remove deputies at will," on filing a certificate thereof with the County Clerk. He shall be responsible on his bond for the faithful performance by every deputy of his duties. It shall be the duty of the County Surveyor: (1.) To execute, himself or by his deputy, any survey which may be required of him by order of court, or upon application of any individual or corporation. (2.) To make a record of the plat and field notes of each survey made by him or his deputies, in record books kept therefor, and to so arrange or index the same as to be easy of reference, and to file and preserve in his office the original field notes and calculations thereof. (3.) To safely keep all books, records, plats, files, papers and property belonging to his office ; afford opportunity to examine the same to any person desiring, and deliver the same to his successor in office. (4.) To furnish a copy of any record, plat or paper in his office, to any person on demand and payment of his legal fees therefor. (5.) To administer to every chainman and marker assisting in any survey, before com mencing their duties as such, an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of chainman or marker, as the case may be ; and the surveyor and his deputies are empowered to administer the same. (6.) To perform such other duties as may be required by law. The surveyor and his deputies may demand and receive the following fees, except it be other wise agreed upon with the parties employing them, to wit : For each day's service, $3. For each mile traveled in going from his office to the place of rendering service and return ing, 10 cents. For plat and certificate, except town plats, 50 cents. ' For recording a survey, 50 cents. For each chainman and marker necessarily employed, $1.50 per day, unless they be fur nished by the person for whom the survey is made. For making a copy, 10 cents a folio, and 25 cents for his certificate. SUPPORT OF THE POOR. Every town shall relieve and support all poor and indigent persons lawfully settled therein, whenever they.shall stand in need thereof, excepting as follows: The father, mother and children, being of sufficient ability, of any poor person, who is blind, old, lame, impotent or decrepit, so as to be unable to maintain himself, shall, at their own charge, relieve and maintain such poor person in such manner as shall be approved by the Super visors of the town where such person may be, and, upon the failure of any such relative so to do, the Supervisors shall apply to the County Judge for an order to compel such relief. Legal settlement may be acquired by one year's residence in a town of this State. ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 283 MARRIED WOMEN. In Wisconsin, the marriage of a femme sole, executrix or administratrix, extinguishes her authority ; and of a female ward, terminates the guardianship as to custody of person, but not as to estate. The husband holds his deceased wife's lands for life, unless she left, by a former husband, issue to whom the estate might descend. Provisions exist by which powers may be given to married women, and regulating their execution of them. If husband and wife are impleaded, and the husband neglects to defend the rights of the wife, she applying before judg ment, may defend without him ; and, if he lose her land, by default, she may bring an action for ejectment after his death. The real estate of females married before, and the real and per sonal property of those after February 21, 1850, remain their separate property. And any married woman may receive, but not from her husband, and hold any property as if unmarried. She may insure the life of her husband, son, or any other person, for her own exclusive benefit. The property of the wife remains to her separate, use, not liable for her husband's debts, and not subject to his disposal. She may convey her separate property. If her husband desert her, or neglect her, she may become a sole trader; and she may insure his life for her benefit. Her husband is not liable for her debts contracted before marriage ; the individual earnings of the wife are her separate property, and she may sue, and be sued alone, in regard to the same. She may make and hold deposits in savings-banks. She may, by a separate conveyance, release her dower in any lands which her husband has conveyed. If a woman has authority, she can transact all her husband's business for him ; and while they live together, the wife can buy all family things necessary for the support of the family, and for which he is liable. The husband is responsible for necessaries supplied to his wife, if he does not supply them himself ; and he continues so liable, if he turns her out of his house, or otherwise separates him self from her without good cause. But he is not so liable, if she deserts him (unless on extreme provocation), or if he turns her away for good cause. If she leaves him, because he treats her so ill, that she has good right to go from him, this is the same thing as turning her away, and she carries with her his credit for all necessaries supplied to her ; but what the misconduct must be, to give this right, is uncertain. In America the law must be, and undoubtedly is, that the wife is not obliged to stay and endure cruelty and indecency. If a man lives with a woman as his wife, and represents her to be so, he is responsible, the same as if she were his wife, even if it is known that she is not his wife. ACTIONS. All distinctions have been abolished, and there is now but one form, which must be prose cuted in the name of the real party in interest, except in case of executors, administrators and trustees, and which is begun by the service of a summons on the defendant, to be answered within twenty days. ARREST. ' Defendant may be arrested : 1. In an action to recover damages not on contract, where the defendant is a non-resident, or is about to remove from the State, or where the action is for injury to the person or character, or for injury to, or wrong taking, detaining or converting property, or in an action to recover damages for property taken under false pr.etenses. 2. In an action for a fine or penalty or for money received or property embezzled or fraudulently misapplied by a public officer or attorney, solicitor, or counsel or officer of a corpora tion as such, or factor agent or broker, or for misconduct or neglect in official or professional employment. 3. In an action to recover property unjustly detained where it is so concealed that the Sheriff cannot find the same. 284 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. 4. Where the defendant was guilty of fraud in contracting the debt, or in concealing or disposing of the property for the takmg, detaining or disposing of which the action is brought. An affidavit must be made on the part of the plaintiff, stating the cause of action and one of the above causes. ATTACHMENT is allowed on an affidavit that the defendant is indebted to plaintiff, and stating the amount and that it is due on contract ; and, 1. That defendant has absconded, or is about to abscond, or is concealed to the injury of his creditors. 2. That defendant has assigned, disposed or concealed his property or is about to do so with intent to defraud creditors. 3. That the defendant has removed, or is about to remove, his property from the State with intent to defraud creditors. 4. That the debt was fraudulently contracted. 5. That he is a non-resident. 6. Or a foreign corporation. 7. That he has fraudulently conveyed or disposed of his property with intent to defraud creditors. The amount sued for must exceed $50. GARNISHMENT is allowed on an affidavit on behalf of the creditor, that he believes that any third person (naming him) has property effects, or credits of defendant, or is indebted to him, also in execution, on a similar affidavit. JUDGMENT is a lien on real estate in the county where rendered from the date of docketing, and in other counties from the time of filing a transcript and the lien continues for ten years. It bears interest at 7 per cent, or as high as 10 per cent if stipulated for in the contract. STAY LAWS. In Justices' Courts, on giving bond with surety within five days after judgment was ren dered, stay of execution is allowed, as follows : On sums not exceeding $10, exclusive of costs, one month ; between $10 and $30, two months ; between $30 and $50, three months ; over $50, four months. EXEMPTIONS. A homestead not exceeding forty acres, used for agriculture and a residence, and not included in a town plat or a city or village ; or, instead, one-quarter of an acre in a recorded town plat, city or village. Also, 1, Family Bible ; 2, Family pictures and school-books ; 3, Private library ; 4, Seat or pew in church ; 5, Right of burial ; 6, Wearing-apparel, beds, bed steads and bedding, kept and used in the family, stoves and appurtenances, put up and used, cooking utensils and household furniture to the value of $200, one gun, rifle or fire-arm to the value of $50 ; 7, Two cows, ten swine, one yoke of oxen and one horse or mule, or, in lieu thereof, a span of horses or mules, ten sheep and the wool therefrom, necessary food for exempt stock for one year, provided or growing or both, one wagon, cart or dray, one sleigh, one plow, one drag and other farm utensils, including tackle for the teams to the value of $50 ; 8, Provis ions and fuel for the family for one year ; 9, Tools and implements or stock-in-trade of a ABSTRACT OF LAWS. 285 mechanic or miner, used and kept, not exceeding $200 in value, library and implements of a professional man to the value of $200 ; 10, Money arising from insurance of exempt property destroyed by fire; 11, Inventions for debts against the inventor; 12, Sewing-machines; 13, Sword, plate, books or articles presented by Congress or Legislature of a State ; 14, Printing- material and presses to the value of $1,500 ; 15, Earnings of a married person necessary for family support for sixty days previous to issuing process. LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS. Real actions, twenty years ; persons under disabilities, five years after removal of the same. Judgments of Courts of Record of the State of Wisconsin and sealed instruments when the cause accrues within the State, twenty years. Judgments of other Courts of Record and sealed instruments accruing without the State, ten years. Other contracts, statute liabilities other than penalties and forfeitures, trespass on real property, trover detinue and replevin, six years. Actions against Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, for acts done in their official capacity, except for escapes, three years. Statutory penalties and forfeitures, libel, slander, assault, battery and false imprisonment, two years. Actions against Sheriffs, etc., for escapes, one year. Persons under disabilities, except infants, may bring action after the disability ceases, provided the period is not extended more than five years, and infants one year after coming of age. Actions by representatives of deceased persons, one year from death ; against the same, one year from granting letters testamentary or of administration. New promise must be in writing. COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ — Means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States currency. £ — Means pounds, English money. @ — Stands" for at or to ; Bb for pounds, and bbl. for barrels ; ft for per, or by the. Thus : Butter sells at 20@30c f 33b, and Flour, at $8@12 f bbl. % for per cent., and fl for numbers. May 1. Wheat sells at $1.20@$1.25, " seller June." Seller June means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling short to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long is to contrive to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise in prices. The " longs " 'are termed " bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to " toss " the prices upward as much as possible. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disre pute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher, in order to prevent that as much as possible, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the following statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described by the prospectus and sample shown. These should be carefully examined before subscribing, as they are the 286 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. basis and consideration of the promise to pay, and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a com mission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by the prospectus and sample, in order to bind the principal, the subscriber should see that such condition or changes are stated over or in connection with his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as written is, that they cannot be altered, varied or rescinded verbally, but, if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contemplating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the sub scription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They cannot extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instrument, would examine carefully what it is ; if they cannot read themselves call on some one disinterested who can. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. COHSTTJDEISrSKr). PREAMBLE. We, the People of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom ; in order to secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, insure domestic tranquillity, and promote the general welfare ; do establish this Constitution. Article I. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. Section 1. All men are born free and independent, and have, among other rights, those of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Governments are instituted to secure these rights. Sec. 2. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except for the punish ment of crimes. Sec. 3. Liberty of speech and of the press shall not be abridged. Sec. 4. The right of the people to peaceably assemble to consult for the common good shall never be abridged. Sec. 5. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate. Sec. 6. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pun ishments inflicted. Sec. 7. In criminal prosecutions, the rights of the accused shall be protected. Sec. 8. Criminal offenses shall be prosecuted on presentment of a grand jury. Noone shall be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, nor be compelled to be a witness against himself. Every one shall have the right of giving bail except in capital offenses ; and the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, except in case of rebellion or invasion. Sec. 9. Every person is entitled to a certain remedy for all injuries or wrongs. Sec. 10. Treason consists in levying war against the State, or giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Two witnesses are necessary to convict a person of the crime. Sec. 11. The people are to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures. Sec. 12. Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, or laws impairing obligation of contracts, shall never be passed. Sec. 13. No property shall be taken for public use without compensation. All laws in the State are allodial. Feudal tenures are prohibited. The rights of property are the same in resident aliens and citizens. No person shall be imprisoned for debt. Wholesome exemption laws shall be passed. Liberty of conscience and rights of worship shall never be abridged. The public money shall never be applied to sectarian uses. Sec. 19. No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification for any office. Sec. 14. Sec. 15. Sec. 16. Sec. 17. Sec. 18. 288 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 20. The military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. Sec. 21. Writs of error shall never be prohibited by law. Sec. 22. A free government can only be maintained by adhering to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue. Article II. BOUNDARIES. Section 1. The boundary of the State, beginning at the northeast corner of the State of Illinois, runs with the boundary line of Michigan, through Lake Michigan and Green Bay, to the mouth of the Menominie River ; up that stream and the Brule River to Lake Brule ; along the southern shore of that lake to the Lake of the Desert ; thence in a direct line to the head of Montreal River ; down the main channel of that stream to the middle of Lake Superior ; thence through the center of said lake to the mouth of St. Louis River ; up the channel of that stream to the first rapids ; thence due south to the main branch of the St. Croix ; down that river and the Mississippi to the northwest corner of Illinois ; thence due east with the northern boundary of that State to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. The propositions in the enabling act of Congress are accepted and confirmed. Article III. SUFFRAGE. Section 1. The qualified electors are all male persons twenty-one years of age or upward, who are (1.) white citizens ofthe United States ; (2.) who are white persons of foreign birth that have declared their intentions, according to law, to become citizens ; (3) who are persons of Indian blood and citizens of the United States ; and (4.) civilized Indians not members of any tribe. Sec. 2. Persons under guardianship, such as are non compus mentis or insane, and those convicted of treason and felony and not pardoned, are not qualified electors. Sec. 3. All votes shall be by ballot, except for township officers when otherwise directed by law. Sec. 4. No person shall be deemed to have lost his residence by reason of his absence on business for the State or United States. Sec. 5. No person in the army or navy shall become a resident of the State in conse quence of being stationed therein. Sec. 6. Persons convicted of bribery, larceny or any infamous crime, or those who bet on elections, may be excluded by law from the right of suffrage. Article IV. legislative. Section 1. The Legislative power is invested in a Senate and Assembly. Sec. 2. Members of the Assembly shall never number less than fifty-four, nor more than one hundred ; of the Senate, not more than one-third, nor less than one-fourth of the mem bers of the Assembly. Sec. 3. Census shall be taken, every ten years, of the inhabitants ofthe State, beginning with 1855, when a new apportionment of members of the Senate and Assembly shall be made ; also, after each United States census. Sec. 4. Members of the Assembly shall be chosen on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November of each year. Sec. 5. Members of the Senate shall be elected for two years, at the same time and in the same manner as members of the Assembly. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN- 289 Sec. 6. No person shall be eligible to the Legislature, unless a resident of the State one year, and a qualified elector. Sec. 7. Each House shall be the judge of the qualifications of its members. A majority shall be necessary to form a quorum. Sec. 8. Each House shall make its own rules. Sec. 9. Each House shall choose its own officers. Sec. 10. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings. Se'c. 11. The Legislature shall meet at the seat of government once a year. Sec. 12. No member shall be eligible to any other civil office in the State, during the term for which he was elected. Sec. 13. No member shall be eligible to any office of the United States, during the term for whicli he was elected. Sec. 14. Writs of election, to fill vacancies in either House, shall be issued by the Gov ernor. Sec. 15. Except treason, felony and breach of the peace, members are privileged from arrest in all cases ; nor subject to any civil process during a session. Sec. 16. Members are not liable for words spoken in debate. Sec. 17. The style of all laws shall be, " The people of the State of Wisconsin rep resented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : " Sec. 18. Private or local bills shall not embrace more than one subject. Sec. 19. Bills may originate in either House, and a bill passed by one House may be amended by the other. Sec. 20. Yeas and nays, at the request of one-sixth of the members present, shall be entered on the journal. Sec. 21. [Each member shall receive, as an annual compensation, three hundred and fifty dollars and ten cents for each mile traveled in going to and returning from the seat of gov ernment]. As amended in 1867. Sec. 22. Boards of Supervisors may be vested with powers of a local, legislative and administrative character, such as shall be conferred by the Legislature. Sec. 23. One system only, of town and county government, shall be established by the Legislature. Sec. 24. The Legislature shall never authorize any lottery, or grant any divorce. Sec. 25. Stationery, for State use and State printing, shall be let by contract to the low est bidder. Sec. 26. Extra compensation to any public officer shall not be granted after service is rendered, nor shall his compensation be increased or diminished during his term of office. Sec. 27. The Legislature shall direct, by law, in what manner and in what Courts suits against the State may be brought. Sec. 28. Public officers shall all take an oath of office. Sec. 29. The Legislature shall determine what persons shall constitute the militia, and may provide for organizing the same. Sec. 30. Members of the Legislature shall vote viva voce in all elections made by them. Sec. 31. [Special legislation is prohibited (1) for changing the name of persons, or con stituting one person the heir-at-law of another; (2) for laying out, opening or altering high ways, except in certain cases ; (3) for authorizing persons to keep ferries ; (4) for authorizing the sale of the property of minors ; (5) for locating a county seat ; (6) for assessment of taxes ; (7) for granting corporate powers, except to cities ; (8) for apportioning any part of the school fund ; and (9) for incorporating any town or village, or to award the charter thereof]. Added by amendment, in 1871. Sec. 32. [General laws shall be passed for the transaction of any business prohibited by Section 21 of this Article.] Added by amendment, in 1871. 290 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article V. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office two years. A Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the same time and for the same term. Sec. 2. Governor and Lieutenant Governor must be citizens of the United States, and qualified electors ofthe State. Sec. 3. Governor and Lieutenant Governor are elected at the times and places of choosing members of the Legislature. Sec. 4. The Governor shall be (1) commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces of the State ; (2) he has power to convene the Legislature in extra session ; (3) he shall communi cate to the Legislature all necessary information ; (4) he shall transact all necessary business with the officers of the State ; and (5) shall expedite all legislative measures, and see that the laws are faithfully executed. Sec. 5. [The Governor's salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum.] As amended in 1869. Sec. 6. The Governor shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons. Sec. 7. The executive duties shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor when, from any cause, the executive office is vacated by the Governor. Sec. 8. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate. The Secretary of State shall act as Governor when both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are incapacitated from any causes to fill the executive office. Sec. 9. [The Lieutenant Governor shall receive a salary of one thousand dollars per annum.] As amended in 1869. Sec. 10. All legislative bills shall be presented to the Governor for his signature before they become laws. Bills returned by the Governor without his signature may become laws by agreement of two-thirds of the members present in each house. Article VI. administration. Section 1. A Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General shall be elected at the times and places of choosing members of the Legislature, who shall severally hold their offices for two years. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State shall keep a record of the official acts of the Legislature and Executive Department. He shall be ex officio Auditor. Sec. 3. The powers, duties and compensation of the Treasurer and Attorney General shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 4. Sheriffs, Coroners, Registers of Deeds and District Attorneys shall be elected every two years. Article VII. judiciary. Section 1. The Senate shall form the Court of Impeachment. Judgment shall not extend further than removal from office ; but the person impeached shall be liable to indictment, trial and punishment, according to law. Sec. 2. The judicial power of the State is vested in a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts. Courts of Probate, and in Justices of the Peace. Municipal courts, also, may be authorized. Sec. 3. The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only. Trial by jury is not allowed in any case. The Court shall have a general superintending control over inferior courts, and power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and other original and remedial writs. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. 293 Sec. 4. [The Supreme Court shall consist of one Chief Justice, and four Associate Justices, each for the term of ten years.] As amended in 1877. Sec. 5. The State shall be divided into five Judicial Circuits. Sec. 6. The Legislature may alter the limits or increase the number of the circuits. Sec. 7. There shall be a Judge chosen for each Circuit, who shall reside therein ; his term of office shall be six years. Sec. 8. The Circuit Courts shall have original jurisdiction in all matters civil and crim inal, not excepted in this Constitution, and not prohibited hereafter by law, and appellate juris diction from all inferior courts. They shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, man damus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and all other writs necessary to carry their orders and judgments into effect. Sec. 9. Vacancies in the office of Supreme or Circuit Judge shall be filled by the Gover nor. Election for Judges shall not be at any general election, nor within thirty days before or after said election. Sec. 10. Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts shall receive a salary of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars, and shall hold no other office, except a judicial one, during the term for which they are respectively elected. Each Judge shall be a citizen of the United States, and have attained the age of twenty-five years. He shall also be a qualified elector within the jurisdiction for which he may be chosen. Sec. 11. The Supreme Court shall hold at least one term annually. A Circuit Court shall be held at least twice in each year, in each county of this State organized for judicial pur poses. Sec. 12. There shall be a Clerk of the Circuit Court chosen in each county, whose term of office shall be two years. The Supreme Court shall appoint its own Clerk. Sec. 13. Any Judge ofthe Supreme or Circuit Court may be removed from office by vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to both Senate and Assembly. Sec. 14. A Judge of Probate shall be elected in each county, who shall hold his office for two years. Sec. 15. Justices of the Peace shall be elected in the several towns, villages and cities of the State, in such manner as the Legislature may direct, whose term of office shall be two years. Their civil and criminal jurisdiction shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 16. Laws shall be passed for the regulation of tribunals of conciliation. These may be established in and for any township. Sec. 17. The style of all writs and process shall be " The State of Wisconsin." Criminal prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by authority of the State ; and all indictments shall conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. Sec. 18. A tax shall be imposed by the Legislature on all civil suits, which shall consti tute a fund, to be applied toward the payment of the salary of Judges. Sec. 19. Testimony in equity causes shall be taken the same as in cases at law. The office of Master in Chancery is prohibited. Sec. 20. Any suitor may prosecute or defend his case in his own proper person, or by attorney or agent. Sec. 21. Statute laws and such judicial decisions as are deemed expedient, shall be pub lished. No general law shall be in force until published. Sec. 22. The Legislature at its first session shall provide for the appointment of three Commissioners to revise the rules of practice in the several Courts of Record in the State. Sec. 23. The Legislature may confer judicial powers on one or more persons in each organized county of the State. Powers granted to such Commissioners shall not exceed that fo a Judge of a Circuit Court at chambers. 294 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article VIII. finance. Section 1. Taxation shall be uniform, and taxes shall be levied upon such property as the Legislature may prescribe. Section 2. [No money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of an appro priation by law. Claims made against the State must be filed within six years after having accrued.] As amended in 1877. Sec. 3. The credit of the State shall never be given or loaned in aid of any individual, association or corporation. Sec. 4. The State shall never contract any public debt, except in the cases and manner provided in this Constitution. Sec. 5. A tax shall be levied each year sufficient to defray estimated expenses. Sec. 6. Debts not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars may be contracted by the State, which shall be paid within five years thereafter. Sec. 7. The Legislature may borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrection or defend the State in time of war. Sec. 8. All fiscal laws in the Legislature shall be voted on by yeas and nays. Sec. 9. State scrip shall not be issued except for such debts as are authorized by the sixth and seventh sections of this article. Sec. 10. No debt for internal improvements shall be contracted by the State. Article IX. EMINENT DOMAIN AND PROPERTY OF THE STATE. Section 1. The State shall have concurrent jurisdiction on all rivers and lakes border ing on Wisconsin. Sec. 2. The title to all property which has accrued to the Territory of Wisconsin shall vest in the State of Wisconsin. Sec. 3. The ultimate property in and to all lands of the State is possessed by the people. Article X. EDUCATION. Section 1. The supervision of public instruction shall be vested in a State Superintend ent and such other officers as the Legislature shall direct. The annual compensation of the State Superintendent shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars. Sec. 2. The school fund to support and maintain common schools, academies and nor mal schools, and to purchase apparatus and libraries therefor, shall be created out of (1) the proceeds of lands from the United States ; (2) out of forfeitures and escheats ; (3) out of moneys paid as exemptions from military duty ; (4) out of fines collected for breach of penal laws ; (5) out of any grant to the State where the purposes of such grant are not specified; (6) out of the proceeds ot the sale of five hundred thousand acres of land granted by Congress Sep tember 14, 1841 ; and (7) out of the five per centum of the net proceeds of the public lands to which the State shall become entitled on her admission into the Union (if Congress shall con sent to such appropriation of the two grants last mentioned.) Sec. 3. District schools shall be established by law which shall be free to all children be tween the ages of four and twenty years. No sectarian instruction shall be allowed therein. Sec. 4. Each town and city shall raise for common schools therein by taxation a sum equal to one-half the amount received from the school fund of the State. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. 295 Sec. 5. Provisions shall be made by law for the distribution of the income of the schools fund among the several towns and cities for the support of common schools therein ; but no appropriation shall be made when there is a failure to raise the proper tax, or whan a school shall not have been maintained at least three months of the year. Sec. 6. Provision shall be made by law for the establishment of a State University. The proceeds of all lands granted for the support of a university by the United States shall consti tute "the University fund," the interest of which shall be appropriated to the support of the State University. No sectarian instruction shall be allowed in such university. Sec. 7. The Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General shall constitute a Board of Commissioners to sell school and university lands and for the investments of the proceeds thereof. Sec. 8. School and university lands shall be appraised and sold according to law. The Commissioners shall execute deeds to purchasers, and shall invest the proceeds of the sales of such lands in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. Article XI. CORPORATIONS. Section 1. Corporations without banking powers may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes, and iu cases where, in the judgment of the Legislature, the objects ofthe corporation cannot be attained under general laws. Sec. 2. No municipal corporation shall take private property for public use, against the consent of the owner, except by jury trial. Sec. 3. Cities and incorporated villages shall be organized, and their powers restricted by law so as to prevent abuses. [No county, city, town, village, school district, or other municipal corporation, shall become indebted to exceed five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein.] As amended in 1874. Sec. 4. Banks shall not be created except as provided in this article. Sec. 5. The question of " bank " or "no bank " may be submitted to the voters of the State ; and if a majority of all the votes cast shall be in favor of banks, the Legislature shall have power to grant bank charters, or pass a general banking law. Article XII. Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in either house of the Legis lature, and referred to the next Legislature and published for three months previous. If agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then the amendment or amendments shall submit them to the vote of the people ; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, they shall become a part of the Constitution. Sec. 2. If a convention to revise or change the Constitution shall be deemed necessary by the Legislature,' they shall recommend to the electors of the State to vote at the next general election for or against the same. If the vote shall be for the calling of such convention, then the Legislature, at its next session, shall provide for the same. Article XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Section 1. The political year for Wisconsin shall commence on the first Monday in Jan uary in each year. General elections shall be holden on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November. Sec. 2. A duelist shall not be qualified as an elector in this State. Sec. 3. United States officers (except Postmasters), public defaulters, or persons convicted of infamous crimes, shall not be eligible to office in this State. 296 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 4. A great seal for the State shall be provided, and all official acts of the Governor (except his approbation of the laws), shall be authenticated thereby. Sec. 5. Residents on Indian lands may vote, if duly qualified, at the polls nearest their residence. Sec. 6. Elective officers of the Legislature, other than the presiding officers, shall be a Chief Clerk, and a Sergeant-at-Arms, to be elected by each House. Sec. 7. No county with an area of nine hundred square miles or less, shall be divided, without submitting the question to the vote of the people of the county. Sec. 8. [The Legislature is prohibited from enacting any special or private laws, for locating or changing any county seat.] See amendment adopted in 1871, as Sec. 31 (Subdivision 5) of Art. IV. Sec. 9. Officers not provided for by this Constitution shall be elected as the Legislature shall direct. Sec. 10. The Legislature may declare the cases in which any office shall be deemed vacant, and also the manner of filling the vacancy, where no provision is made for that purpose in this Constitution. Article XIV. SCHEDULE. Section 1. All rights under the Territorial government are continued under the State government. Territorial processes are valid after the State is admitted into the Union. Sec. 2. Existing laws of the Territory of Wisconsin not repugnant to this Constitution shall remain in force until they expire by limitation or are altered or repealed. Sec. 3. All fines, penalties or forfeitures accruing to the Territory of Wisconsin shall inure to the use of the State. Sec. 4. Territorial recognizances, bonds and public property shall pass to and be vested in the State. Criminal prosecutions, offenses committed against the laws, and all actions at law and suits in equity in the Territory of Wisconsin shall be contained in and prosecuted by the State. Sec. 5. Officers holding under authority of the United States or of the Territory of Wis consin shall continue in office until superseded by State authority. Sec. 6. The first session of the State Legislature shall commence on the first Monday in June next, and shall be held at the village of Madison, which shall be and remain the seat of government until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 7. Existing county and town officers shall hold their offices until the Legislature of the State shall provide for the holding of elections to fill such offices. Sec. 8. A copy of this Constitution shall be transmitted to the President of the United States to be laid before Congress at its present session. Sec. 9. This Constitution shall be submitted to the vote of the people for ratification or rejection on the second Monday in March next. If ratified, an election shall be held for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Attorney General, members of the State Legisla ture and members of Congress, on the second Monday of May next. Sec. 10. \_Omitted. See Section 1, Chapter 3, Acts of Extra Session of 1878.] Sec. 11. The several elections provided for in this Article shall be conducted according to the existing laws of the Territory of Wisconsin. Sec. 12. \_Omitted. See Section 1, Chapter 3, Acts of Extra Session of 1878.] Sec. 13. The common law in force in the Territory of Wisconsin shall continue in force in the State until altered or suspended by the Legislature. Sec. 14. The Senators first elected in the even-numbered Senate districts, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and other State officers first elected under this ' Constitution, shall enter upon their duties on the first Monday of June next, and hold their offices for one year from the first Monday of January next. The Senators first elected in the odd-numbered districts and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 297 members of the Assembly first elected shall enter upon their duties on the first Monday of June next, and continue in office until the first Monday in January next. Sec. 15. The oath of office may be administered by any Judge or Justice of the Peace, until the Legislature shall otherwise direct. We, the 'undersigned, members of the Convention to form a Constitution for the State of Wisconsin, to be submitted to the people thereof for their ratification or rejection, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the Constitution adopted by the Convention. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, at Madison, the 1st day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1848. Morgan L. Martin, President of the Convention and Delegate from Brown County. Thomas McHugh, Secretary. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. CONDBasrSETJ. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the States, and electors shall have qualifications for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. Representatives must be twenty-five years of age, and must have been seven years citizens of the United States, and inhabitants of the State in which they shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States accordingtto population, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including apprentices and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of Congress, and every ten years there after in such manner as Congress shall by law direct. States shall have one Representative only for each thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, New Hampshire shall choose three ; Massachusetts, eight ; Rhode Island, one ; Connecticut, five ; New York, six ; New Jersey, four ; Pennsylvania, eight ; Del aware, one ; Maryland, six ; Virginia, ten ; North Carolina, five ; South Carolina, five, and Georgia, three. Vacancies in the representation from any State shall be filled by elections, ordered by the executive authority of the State. 298 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Senators, shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes immediately after assem bling, in consequence of the first election. The first class shall vacate their seats at the expira tion of the second year ; the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year, and the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one- third may be chosen every second year; and vacancies happening by resignation or otherwise during the recess of the Legislature of any State may be filled by temporary appointments of the Executive until the next meeting of the Legislature. All Senators shall have attained the age of thirty years, and shall have been nine years citizens of the United States, and shall be inhabitants of the State for which they shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers,, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the office of President. The Senate shall have the sole power to try impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President is tried, the Chief Justice shall pre side, and concurrence of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary to conviction. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall be limited to removal from office and disqualifica tion to hold any office under the United States ; but the party convicted shall be liable to trial and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The Legislature of each State shall prescribe the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, but Congress may make or alter such regu lations, except as to the place of choosing Senators. Congress shall assemble annually, on the first Monday in December, unless a different day be appointed. Sec. 5. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel attendance of absent members, under penalties. Each House may determine its own rules of proceeding, punish its members, and, by a two- thirds vote, expel a member. Each House shall keep a journal, which shall be published at their discretion, and one-fifth of those present may require the yeas and nays to be entered on the journal. Neither House shall adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other, nor to any other place than that in which they are sitting. Sec. 6. The compensation of Senators and Representatives shall be fixed by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall be privileged from arrest during attendance at the session of their respective Houses, except for treason, felony and breach of the peace, and shall not be questioned in any other place for any speech or debate in either House. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the United States which shall have been created or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding office under the United States shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but may be amended by the Senate. Every bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President ; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 299 it, with his objections, to that House in which it originated, who shall enter the objections on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after reconsideration, two-thirds shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other House, and, if approved by two- thirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases, the yeas and nays shall be taken, and entered upon the journal of each House, respectively. Any bill not returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, shall be a law, as if he had signed it, unless Congress, by adjournment, shall prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution or vote requiring the concurrence of the Senate and House of Rep resentatives (except a question of adjournment), shall be approved by the President before tak ing effect ; or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by a two-thirds vote of each House, as in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. Congress shall have power : To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the public credit ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States and with the Indian bribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bank ruptcies ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof and foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; To establish post offices and post roads ; To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; , To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insur rection and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such parts of them as may be employed in the service of the United States — the several States to appoint the officers and to train the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases, over the seat of Government, and over all forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution all powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Sec. 9. Foreign immigration or the importation of slaves into the States shall not be pro hibited by Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed not exceeding ten dollars for each person so imported. The writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless required by the public safety in cases of rebellion or invasion. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 300 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enu meration hereinbefore directed to be made. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. In regulating commerce or revenue, no preference shall be given to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by law ; and accounts of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States ; and no person holding any office under them shall accept any present, emolument, office or title from any foreign State, without the consent of Congress. Sec. 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except for the execution of its inspection laws ; and all such duties shall be for the use of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Congress. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships ,of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State or with a foreign power, or engage in war unless actually invaded or in imminent and immediate danger. Article II. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President. He shall hold office for four years, and, together with the Vice President chosen for the same term, shall be elected as follows : Each State shall appoint in the manner directed by the Legislature, a number of electors equal to the whole number of its Senators and Representatives in Congress ; but no Senator or Representative or person holding any office under the United States shall be appointed an elector. [ The third clause of this section has been superseded and amended by the ISth Amendment.'] Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. A natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, only shall be eligible to the office of President; and he must have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. If the President be removed from office, die, resign, or become unable to discharge the duties of his office, the same shall devolve upon the Vice President, and Congress may provide by law for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability of both the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed or a President elected.* The President shall receive a compensation for his services, which shall be neither increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected! and within that period he shall not receive any other emolument from the United States or from any of them. Before entering upon office he shall take the following oath or affirmation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." * By act of March 1, 1792, Congress provided for this contingency, designating the President of the Senate pro tempore, or if there be none the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to succeed to the chief Executive office in the event of a vacancy in the offices of both President and Vice President. f The President's salary was fixed February 18, 1793, at $25,000,~and was increased March 3, 1873, to $60,000, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 301 Sec. 2. The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when in actual service of the United States; he may require the written opinion of the principal officers of the several executive departments upon subjects relating to the duties of their respective offices, and shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur, and shall nominate to the Senate ambassa dors, other public ministers and consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointment is not otherwise provided for ; but Congress may vest the appointment of inferior officers in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President may fill all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. He shall, from time to time, give Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend measures to their consideration ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them, and, in case of disagreement between them as to the time of adjourn ment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall com mission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall receive a compensa tion which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, treaties, cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; controversies between tWo or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens or subjects. In all cases affecting Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State is a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all other cases mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, subject to exceptions and regu lations made by Congress. All crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be tried by jury, and in the State where the crime was committed ; but Congress shall fix the place of trial for crimes not committed within any State. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life ofthe person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Each State shall give full faith and credit to the public acts, records and judi cial proceedings of every other State, and Congress may prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. 302 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Sec. 2. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. Fugitives from justice in any State found in another State, shall, on demand ofthe Execu tive, be delivered up and removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one State under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New States may be admitted to the Union, but no new State shall be formed within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as pf Congress. Congress shall have power to dispose of and to regulate and govern the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to prejudice any claims of the United States, or any particular State. Every State shall be guaranteed a republican form of government, and shall be protected against invasion ; and on an application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Legis lature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. Article V. Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amend ments to this Constitution, or, on application of two-thirds of the Legislatures of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress ; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All existing debts and engagements shall be valid against the United States under this Constitution. This Constitution and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby ; anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Senators and Representatives, members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Convention of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the States present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. [Other signatures omitted.] CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 303 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America. Proposed by Congress and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the Fifth Article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, and property against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for any infamous crime unless on an indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense ; nor shall he be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law ; nor sliall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury ofthe State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, when the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual pun ishments inflicted. 304 HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. Article IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or dis parage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. Article XII. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; distinct ballots shall be made for President and Vice President, and distinct lists made of such ballots and of the number of votes for each, which, lists they shall sign and certify and transmit sealed to the seat of government, addressed to the President of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for Presi dent shall be President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; if no person have such majority, then from those having the highest numbers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose imme diately by ballot the President. But, in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by States, each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or mem bers from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. If, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, the House of Representatives shall not choose a President before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as President, as in the case of death or disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President ofthe United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, or subject to the juris diction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 305 due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the States according to population, counting the whole number of persons in each State, including Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote is denied to any of the male inhabitants of a State, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty- one years of age in such State. Sec. 3. No person shall hold any office under the United States or under any State, who having previously, as an officer of the United States of any State, taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two- thirds of each House, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, including pensions and bounties, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. Congress shall have' power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTIES AND CITIES WITH GUBERNATORIAL AND PRESIDENTIAL VOTES. Note. — The Republican or Democratic majority in each county is given as between Smith and Mallory. Green back majority is only given when the vote for Allis exceeds the others, and is taken from the highest vote. COUNTIES. GOVEKNOE. 1877. PRESIDENT. 1876. Smith. Mallory. Allis. Maj. Hayes. Tilden. Maj. 580 86 459 40 1387 1075 336450685 449 2048 806 36132333 477 21 1174 1208 3086 2620 1823 879 1461 802 19171045 938247 19681409 27 1365 301 447 5843 11021059 777 437 521 1523 916 1080 2304 233 163 203 34 1740 810 24 1130 693 153 1597 1008 3903 4267 126 28 407805 3414 1938 849 896 1175 391 2418 883907 558 1115 1300 15 1951 755730 6388 1096 764 2005 1679 171 545363917 1906 116 R. 347 D. 77 R. 256 R. 6 D. 353 R. 265 R. 312 D. 680 D. 18 G. 367 R. 451 D. 202 D. 290 D. 1934 R. 351 D. 7 R. 767 R. 403 D. 328 R. 682 R. 974 D. 17 R. 286 R. 411 D. 201 R. 162 R. 31 D. 311 R. 853 R. 109 G. 142 D. 586 D. 454 D. 283 D. 645 R. 6 R. 295 D. 1228 D. 1142 R. 350 R. 978 R. 553 R. 163 R. 398 981109 644 86 2755 1186 285 10121596 1255 3532 1355 5436 3236 1095 42 2033 2266484547232601 1739 2651 1507 2874 17141610 561 2644 2424 71 2700 668697 9981 2558 1813 1859 583 836 2135 1019 18553560 442 189 257 74 3647 1162 28 2145 1774 660 2493 1604 57266361 596 67 894 17855660 3198 17351514 2348 718 4134 145814321654 24812299 174 390817961112 12026 2030 1174 3608 5480 394 985362 1794 2880 R. 539 D. 80 53 2 1015 76 R. 387 R. 12 D. 892 Buffalo R. 24 R. 257 389 589816 118 146614381 ' 283 D. 1133 D. 178 Clark R. 595 R. 1039 D. 249 D. 291 ' . 3125 R. 499 D. 25 412597 1249 1037 580215 1021 521 296463 5120 524 269 169 98 746 76 1228 1019 157992 17 123 408 60 728 112 R. 1139 R. 481 D. 815 R. 1525 R. 866 R. 225 R. 303 R. 789 D. 1260 R. 256 R. 178 D. 1093 R. 163 R. 125 D. 103 D. 1208 D. 1128 D. 415 D. 2045 R. 528 R. 639 D. 1749 D. 1897 R. 447 R. 1152 Polk R. 650 R. 61 R. 680 Gubernatorial and Presidential Votes— 1877-1876— Continued. COUNTIES— Continued. GOVERNOR. 1877. PRESIDENT. 1870. Smith. Mallory. Allis. Maj. llayi'fi. Tilden. Maj. 1201 337515581826 269 1598 195 2483 1678 2904 994 2484 1473 12822068 247231 320 377 219 25 1631 2^9 210620862 150 50 432226 771 281 712740349 146 4816 260 115 84 172 270 724 69 245 155 87 1052 270 55 248252232210 76 729 1620 1489 922605 1737 254 731 416 1374 21872388 990257 2238 196 522361 109197 17 5 128 294 123 459884 8542 333 207 605314671 1057 284 311 5027 249 146125167 311 954 127 405267 61 921239 73 440270 687 49 170 705781 93 .".74 92 750 53 176 846 160 187 276 772377 1887 601201 6 240 36 R 472 R. 1765 R. 70 R. 904 D. 336 D. 139 D. 59 R. 1452 R. 1262 R. 1530 D. 1993 R. 96 R. 483 R. 1025 D. 170 G. 354 D. 291 D. 41 B. 268 E. 22 B. 8 G. 81 D. 97 D. 65 B. 87 E. 161 D. 22 G. 45 G. 60 B. 99 E. 19 B. 166 D. 33 E. 41 D. 317 E. 61 D. 165 D. 211 R. 11 G. 230 D. 41 R. 5 D. 41 D. 230 D. 58 D. 160 D. 112 R. 26 R. 131 R. 31 D. 18 D. 192 D. 18 D. 446 R. 161 G. 130 20385705 1775 3395 582 3224 240 23602704421213213129264220806092 658 549 357 745 456 14 64 1591 2814 1736 2201 873 3633 246 790 11171970 30473335 1592 548 4426 745911 465 627312 3193 R. 447 R. 2893 R. 39 R. 1194 D. 291 D. 409 D. 6 R. 1570 R. 1647 R. 2242 D. 1726 D. 206 R. 1050 CITIES. B. 1532 B. 666 D. 87 D. 362 D. 108 Beloit E. 118 E. 144 Buffalo D. 17 9733 143 3 250520 195 110 181 3 3142 351 13 1767 1050 21 376 . 118 24 6 375 28 7 3 1082 . 33 1368 145164 20 300 D. 29 Chilton 475254 1205 1382 669121696250 1036 514 1085 834660291 8218 348511206 222399 1496 672212 10131542 288 191 647224848544 1549 1252 512 344 9625 324385208238606 1910 D. 97 R. 42 E. 189 D. 160 K, 81 D. 70 E, 49 B. 26 E. 188 D. 30 D. 464 D. 418 E. 148 D. 63 D. 1407 E. 24 B. 126 D. 2 D. 16 D. 107 D. 414 366215 143 1672 397 87 575423 372280210 532 377 108 1324 333 83 873563 1295 52 696 D. 166 D. 162 E. 35 R. 348 R. 64 R. 4 D. 298 D. 140 D. 92:: B. 228 D. 385 18 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. States. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts.,Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina. Ohio Oregon Population. square Miles. 1870. 50, 52, 188, 4.2. 59,58,55, :<;',. 55, 81, 37,41,31 11 7, 51..k:i,47,or>. 75, 112, 95, 996,484, r.iin, 537. 125.187, 1,184, 2,539, 1,680,1,191. 364, 1,321, 726,626,780. 1,457,1,184, 439,827, 1,721, 123, 42, 318.906, 4.382, 1.071, 2,665, 90, 491 3(101191;75!)3612lill 923 Last Census of Michigan taken in 1874. MilesR. R. 1872. 1,350,544 528,349 857,039 1,651,912 1,334,031 598,429 246,280 52,540 1,026,502 4,705,208 1,671 25 1,013 8202 2 7 466 2,108 5,9043.5293.160 1,7601,123 539871820 1,606 2,235 1,612 990 2,5H(l 593790 1,265 4,470 1,190 3,740 139 States and Territories. States. Pennsylvania...Rhode Island. . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia... Wisconsin Total States Territories. Arizona Colorado Dakota Dlst. of Columbia, Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Total Territories. Area in square Miles. 46,000 1,306 29.38545,600 237,504 10,212 40,90423,00053,924 1,950,171 113,916104,500147,490 60 90,932 143,776121,201 80,056 69,94493.107 965,032 Population. 3,521, 217, 705, 1,258, 818. 330, 1,225, 442, 1,054, 791353(,(.(, 520579 561 163 014 670 38,113,253 9 39 14, 131, 14 211 91.86. 23, 658RIM181 7(10 99959.-, 874 78(1955118 442,730 258,239925,145 1,236,729 Miles R. R. 1872. 5,113 136 1,201 1,520 865675 1,490 485 1,725 59,587 375 1,265 Aggregate of U. S.. 2,915,203 38,555,983 I 60,852 * Included in the Railroad Mileage of Marylard. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; Population and Area. Countries. China British Empire Russia United States with Alaska, l'rance Austria and Hungary Japan Great Britain and Ireland German Empire Italy Spain Brazil Turkey Mexico Sweden and Norway Persia Belgium Bavaria Portugal Holland New Grenada Chili Switzerland Peru Bolivia Argentine Republic Wurtemburg Denmark Venezuela Baden Greece Guatemala Ecuador Paraguay Hesse Liberia San Salvador Hayti Nicaragua Uruguay Honduras San Domingo Costa Rica Hawaii Population. 446 226. 81, 38, 36, 35. 34. 3129, ¦; 16, 10 16. 9 55. 5.4 500,000 817,108925,400925,600 469.800 904,400 785,300817,100 906,092 439,921642,000 000,000 463,000 173.000 921,500 000,000021,300 861,400995,200 688,300 000,000000,000 669,100500,000 .000,000 ,812,000 ,818,500 ,784,700 ,500,000 ,461,400,457.900,180,000 300.000 000,000 823,138718,000 600,000572,000350,000300,000350,000 136,000 165,000 62.950 Date of Census. 187118711871 1870 18661869 1871 1871 187118711867 18691870 1870 1869 187118681870187018691870 1871 '1869 1871 1870 1871 18701871 1871187118711871 1871 '1870 Area in Square Miles. 3,741,846 4,677,4328,003,7782,603.884 204,091 240,348149,399 121,315160,207118,847195 775 3,253,029 672,621 761,526 292,871 635,964 11,37329,29234,494 12,680 357,157 132,616 15,992 471,838497,321 871,848 7,533 14,753 368,238 5,912 19,353 40,879 218,928 63,787 2,969 9,5767,335 10,20558,17166,722 47,09217,827 21,505 7.633 Inhabitants to Square 119.3 48.6 10.2 7.78 178.7149.4 232.8 262.3187.230.9 85. 3.07 24.4 20. 7.8 441.5 165.9115.8 290.9 8.4 15.1 166.9 241.4 120.9 4.2 247. 75.3 28.9 5.9 15.6 277. 74.9 81.856. 80. Pekin London St. Petersburg. . Washington Paris Vienna Yeddo London Berlin Rome Madrid Rio Janeiro Constantinople , Mexico Stockholm Teheran Brussels Munich Lisbon Hague Bogota Santiago Berne Lima Chuquisaca Buenos Ayres.. Stuttgart Copenhagen Caraccas Carlsruhe Athens Guatemala Quito Asuncion Darmstadt Monrovia Sal Salvador . . . Port au Prince Managua Monte Video... Comayagua San Domingo... San Jose Honolulu Population. 648,800 251,800 667,000109,199825,300833,900554,900251,800825,400 244,484 332,000420,000 ,075,000 210.300 136,900 120,000 314,100 169,500224,063 90,10045,000 115,400 36,000 160,100 25,000 177,800 91,600 162,042 47,000 36,600 43,40040,000 70,00048,00030.000 3,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 44,500 12,000 20,000 2,000 7,633 X': rJm * X|p^|l^ DECEASED. / JANESVILLE. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Topography — Elevations — "Water Power of Kock Kiver— Springs — Artesian Wells — Geological Formations— St. Peter's Sandstone — Trenton Limestone— Galena Lime stone—The Glacial Formations. TOPOGRAPHY. When Southeastern Wisconsin first emerged from the ocean, it doubtless presented an essen tially plane surface, having a slight inclination to the east and southeast. The inequalities which it now presents are due to subsequent changes, the results of three classes of agents, acting at different times and under different conditions. 1. During the long ages between the emergence of the land and the drift period, the streams were cutting their beds deeper and deeper into the rock, and rendering the former level surface more and more irregular. The softer rocks were more readily eroded than the harder ones, and this helped to increase the unevenness. There was a tendency of the streams, so far as the slope favored, to follow the less resisting belts of soft rock, and, as these run in a northerly and south erly course in this region, the main streams had that direction. The little streams gathered into the larger ones in a manner not unlike that by which the branches of a tree are united into ' the trunk. The unevenness of surface produced by erosion of this nature possesses a certain kind of system and symmetry readily recognizable. As this erosion occupied the time preceding the glacial period, we may conveniently designate the features produced by it, pre-glacial. We have the best example of this kind of surface conformation in the lead region, over which the drift forces did not act, and which has not been resubmerged, so that we have the results of this class of action pure and simple. As we proceed eastward into the region of drift action in the central part of the State, these features are modified more and more by the results of glacial action, until in Eastern Wisconsin they become wholly obscured, except in their grander outlines. Rock County lies midway between the extremes. 2. The modifications of the surface constituting this first class of topographical features were produced by running water ; those of the second class, which were formed next in order of time, were caused by ice, in the form of glaciers, it is confidently believed, and by the agencies brought into action through their melting. The work of the ice was twofold : first, in the level ing of the surface, by planing down the hills and filling up the valleys ; and second, in the cre ation of a new^ uneven surface, by heaping up in an irregular and promiscuous manner the clay, sand, gravel, and bowlders it had formed, thus giving the surface a new aspect. Among the features produced by the action of the ice, are parallel ridges, sometimes miles in length, having the same direction as the ice movement, hills of rounded flowing contour, sometimes having a linear arrangement in the direction of glacial progress, mounds and hummocks of drift promis cuously arranged on an otherwise plane surface, oval domes of rock (roches moutonees), sharp 310 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. gravel ridges, often having a tortuous serpentine course, transverse to the drift movement, pecu liar depressions known as "kettles," and half-submerged rock gorges, known as "fiords," all of which combine to form a peculiar and distinctive surface contour. The melting of the ice mass gave rise to swollen lakes and flooded rivers, which eroded at some points and filled up at others, and so still farther modified the face of the country. All these peculiarities, being the result, directly or indirectly, of the ice action, may be denominated glacial features. 3. Subsequent to the glacial period, the wearing action of the streams was resumed, but under somewhat new conditions, and carved out a new surface contour, the features of which may be termed post-glacial. To the agencies, ice and water, assisted slightly by winds, the topographical peculiarities of the county are chiefly due. There is no evidence of violent eruptions, upheavals or out bursts. There was, indeed, the gradual elevation and depression of the surface, and probably some little flexure of the crust ; but the region has been free from violent agitation, and owes none of its salient topographical features to such causes. Having thus briefly considered the general methods by which the present aspect of the county was produced, we may now more satisfactorily examine its special features. No part of Wisconsin can properly be said to be mountainous, nor does it, over any considerable area, sink to a dead level. It presents the golden mean in a gently undulating, diversified surface, readily traversible in all directions by the various highways of com munication. Setting aside minor details, the State presents two general slopes — a short, abrupt declivity northward to Lake Superior, and a long, gentler incline southward. Through the center of this southward slope there extends a moderate north and south elevation, or arch — a low anti clinal axis — giving a southeasterly and southwesterly inclination to the strata on either side. Rock County lies nearly on the summit of this low arch, or, to speak more exactly, its western line does ; while the rest of the county belongs to the eastern slope. The general inclina tion of the surface of the county is, however, decidedly southward. The valley of Rock River runs southerly through the center of the county, and at the point where it leaves the State is only about one hundred and fifty feet above the surface of Lake Michigan. The surface on either side of this valley slopes toward it. This includes all the county, except the south western corner, which drains into Sugar River. In the immediate vicinity of Rock River there is an extensive plain, RockPrairie, three to five miles wide, with prolongations extending further back from the river at certain points. There is also a similar level area bordering Sugar River ; but with the exception of these and some minor areas, the surface of the county is gently undulatory or moderately rolling. At a few points facing the streams there are abrupt cliffs, but the amount of surface too steep for cultivation is very small. ELEVATIONS. Having disposed of the salient features of the topography of the Rock River Valley, atten tion is naturally directed to its minor characteristics. A consideration of these will be confined, in this connection, to Rock County. Among the most instructive are the elevations of different points. The figures indicate the altitude in feet above Lake Michigan. By adding 589 feet to those of any given point, the result will be the elevation above the ocean. Township 1 North, Range 10 East (Avon). — Section 5, northeast quarter, 272 feet ; Sec tion 5, southeast quarter, stream, 192 feet ; Section 9, southwest quarter, 320 feet ; Section 13, southwest quarter, 327 feet ; Section 13, bottom of Galena limestone, 330 feet ; Section 18, southeast corner, 318 feet ; Section 22, southwest quarter, 245 feet ; Section 25, southwest quarter, slough, 171 feet. Township 2 North, Range 10 East (Spring Valley). — Oxford Station, 313 feet ; Section 2, middle, east line, 350 feet; Section 3, north line of northeast quarter, 418 feet; Section 3, southeast quarter, 334 feet ; Section 3, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, 314 feet ; HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 311 Section 4, northwest quarter, stream 291 feet ; Section 4, 338 feet ; Section 4, southwest quarter, flat, 253 feet; Section 4, southeast quarter of southeast quarter. 352 feet; Section 9, center, 321 feet; Section 11, northeast quarter, 423 feet; Section 11, southwest quarter, 342 feet; Section 11, hill, 396 feet ; Section 12, center, north half, 389 feet ; Section 12, southeast quarter, flat, 283 feet ; Section 12, outcrop, 301 feet ; Section 13, middle, north line, 300 feet ; Section 15, southeast quarter, 321 feet; Section 17, southeast quarter, stream, 215 feet ; Section 18, south east quarter, Taylor's Creek, 204 feet; Section 19, northwest corner, 220 feet; Section 21, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, railroad, 236 feet ; Section 21, east line of southeast quarter, 405 feet; Section 28, northeast quarter, 296 feet; Section 33, southeast quarter, 268 feet ; Section 34, northwest quarter, Galena limestone, 345 feet ; Section 34, northwest quarter, summit, 394 feet ; Section 34, south line southwest quarter, 336 feet. Township 3 North, Range 10 East (Magnolia). — Magnolia Station, 340 feet ; Section 6, middle, west line, northwest quarter, 354 feet ; Section 6, middle, west line, 285 feet ; Section 6, southwest quarter, flat, 286 feet ; Section 6, southwest quarter, 309 feet ; Section 6, south west quarter, Allen's Creek, 278 feet; Section 6, southeast quarter, 360 feet; Section 7, south east quarter, 433 feet ; Section 7, southeast quarter, road, 323 feet ; Section 7, southeast quarter, top of ledge, 450 feet ; Section 9, northwest quarter, Allen's Creek, 292 feet ; Section. 23, north west quarter, 339 feet ; Section 26, southwest quarter, 384 feet ; Section 26, southwest quarter, summit, 441 feet; Section 28, southwest quarter, 339 feet; Section 34, northwest quarter, 432 feet. Township 4- North, Range 10 East ( Union). — Evansville Station, 325 feet ; Section 1, northwest corner, 321 feet ; Section 1, northeast quarter of northeast qtTarter, mill, 23,8 feet ; Section 2, northwest corner, 336 feet ; Section 2, northwest quarter, 339 feet ; Section 2, north west quarter, stream, 288 feet; Section 4, northwest quarter, 379 feet; Section 5, northeast quarter, 379 feet; Section 6, northwest corner, railroad, 400 feet; Section 6, west half, marsh, 377 feet; Section 6, southwest corner, 427 feet; Section 7, northwest quarter, 442 feet; Sec tion 10, west half Union village, 375 feet ; Section 12, northwest quarter, hill, 412 feet ; Section 12, near center, 298 feet; Section 13, northwest quarter, stream, 293 feet; Section 14, center" east half, 339 feet ; Section 18, middle, west line, stream, 382 feet ; Section 18, southwest quar ter, flat, 368 feet ; Section 19, southwest quarter, 391 feet ; Section 19, northwest corner, 382 feet ; Section 22 (est.), 407 feet; Section 26, southeast quarter, 334 feet; Section 26, near northeast corner, 389 feet ; Section 29, center south half, flat, 367 feet ; Section 30, southeast quarter, well, 402 feet ; Section 30, southwest quarter, valley, 345 feet ; Section 30, near center, west line, 336 feet; Section 31, northeast quarter, 383 feet; Section 31, northeast quarter, summit, 423 feet; Section 31, southwest quarter, 290 feet; Section 33, near center, stream, 352 feet; Section 34, near northwest corner, 400 feet. Township 1 North, Range 11 East (Neivark). — Section 1, northeast quarter, spring, 258 feet; Section 1, southwest quarter, 362 feet; Section 3, northwest quarter, 328 feet; Section 10, middle west line, 342 feet; Section 11, southwest quarter, 357 feet; Section 11, southwest quarter, hill, 379 feet ;' Section 13, west line, near middle, 313 feet; Section 13, southeast corner, 263 feet; Section 13, southeast quarter, flat, 193 feet; Section 14, northwest quarter, 305 feet; Section 14, southwest quarter, 331 feet; Section 15, southwest quarter, stream, 296 feet ; Section 16, southeast corner of southwest quarter, 244 feet ; Section 16, southwest quarter, Coon Creek^ 183 feet ; Section 20, middle south line, ridge, 318 feet ; Section 24, northeast quarter, stream, 196 feet; Section 25, center west half, 252 feet; Section 25, southeast quarter, 274 feet ; Section 28, northeast quarter, creek, 190 feet ; Section 29, northeast quarter, quarry, 222 feet; Section 31, center east half, 222 feet; Section 31, near center, 263 feet; Section 31, west of center, 275 feet ; Section 31. west half, 249 feet ; Section 32, center, 281 feet ; Section 33, near center, 207 feet ; Section 33, middle west line, 220 feet ; Section 33, bottom of out crop, 245 feet ; Section 34, center ridge, 207 feet ; Section 35, center, creek, 144 feet. Township 2 North, Range 11 East (Plymouth). — Hanover Junction, 209 feet; Section 1, southwest quarter, 261 feet ; Section 9, northeast corner, railroad, 225 feet ; Section 28, middle west line, 395 feet; Section 33, northeast corner, 342 feet; Section 35, middle west line, 412 feet. 312 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Township 3 North, Range 11 East (Center). — Section 9, stream and marsh, 293 feet; Section 16, northeast quarter, 363 feet ; Section 16, center, 364 feet ; Section 20, northwest quarter, 400 feet ; Section 21, center, northwest quarter, 389 feet ; Section 32, northeast quarter, 354 feet ; Section 33, northwest corner, 339 feet ; Footville Station, 238 feet. Township J+ North, Range 11 East (Porter). — Section 1, northeast corner, 284 feet; Sec tion 3, northeast quarter, Catfish River, 196 feet ; Section 3, north line, northwest quarter, 265 feet; Section 3, southwest quarter, stream, 196 feet; Section 5, northeast corner, 247 feet; Section 5, middle north line, northwest quarter, 261 feet; Section 6, middle east line, 261 feet; Section 9, northwest quarter, 250 feet ; Section 9, middle east line, northeast quarter, 260 feet. Township 1 North, Range 12 East (Beloit). — Section 3, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, 196 feet ; Section 6, near center west line, 200 feet ; Section 6, southwest corner hill, 309 feet ; Section 10, east line, northeast quarter, 152 feet ; Section 10, northeast quarter, 180 feet; Section 10, near center, 273 feet; Section 10, southeast quarter, 200 feet; Section 10, south line, southeast quarter, 302 feet ; Section 17, near center, 314 feet; Section 17, northwest quarter, 228 feet; Section 18, southeast corner, 225 feet; Section 18, south line, hill, 260 feet; Section 19, center west half, 264 feet; Section 26, northwest quarter, 193 feet; Section 27, near center, 197 feet ; Section 28, middle south line, 251 feet ; Section 28, Hyde's place, 233 feet; Section 28, summit, Hyde's, 275 feet; Section 29, northeast quarter, creek, 189 feet; Section 30, southeast corner, 167 feet ; Section 31, center, creek, 144 feet ; Section 33, middle west line, 210 feet ; Section 34, northwest quarter, Hanchett's quarry, 213 feet ; Section 34, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, 201 feet ; Section 34, middle west line, 236 feet ; Sec tion 35, southeast quarter, 161 feet; Section 36, near center, southeast quarter, 176 feet; south line College Campus, 192 feet ; Iodo-Magnesian Springs, 177 feet. Township 2 North, Range 12 East (Roch). — Afton, 206 feet-; Section 7, northeast quarter, summit, 306 feet; Section 8, northwest quarter, railroad, marsh, 265 feet; Section 20, middle west line, Bass Creek, flat, 183 feet ; Section 21, middle west line, 206 feet. Township) 3 North, Range 12 East (Janesville). — Janesville fair grounds, 295 feet ; Janes ville Station, 240 feet. Township 4- North, Range 12 East (Fulton). — Newville bridge, 208 feet ; Edgerton Station, 242 feet ; Section 3, center north line, 251 feet ; Section 4, center north half, 232 feet; Section 5, center south line, 173 feet; Section 5, sourh line, southeast quarter, 284 feet; Section 6, northwest quarter, 240 feet ; Section 10, southwest quarter, 219 feet. Township) 1 North, Range 13 East (Turtle). — Crest of hill, east of Beloit, 405 feet; Sec tion 5, level, Rock Prairie, 217 feet ; Section 9, northeast quarter, 227 feet ; Section 9, north west quarter of southeast quarter, 225 feet; Section 13, southeast quarter, 330 feet ; Section 13, middle south line, southwest quarter, 306 feet; Section 15, northeast corner, 222 feet; Section 16, center, 223 feet; Section 19, center, 202 feet ; Section '21, middle south line, 228 feet; Section 22, northwest quarter, 270 feet; Section 22, northeast quarter, 280 feet; Section 22, north half, near railroad cut, 302 feet; Section 22, bottom of Galena exposure, 246 feet; Section 22, summit of hill, 276 feet; Section 23, northeast quarter, 280 feet; Section 28, middle east line, 325 feet ; Section 29, near center, 218 feet ; Section 31, northeast corner, 211 feet; Section 31, north of center, 188 feet; Section 32, center north half, 229 feet; Sec tion 33, northeast corner, 266 feet. Township 2 North, Range 13 East (La Prairie). — Section 13, middle west line, 271 feet; Section 16, middle west line, 242 feet. Township 3 North, Range 13 East (Harmony). — Section 2, northwest quarter, 344 feet. Totvnship 4, North, Range 13 East (Milton). — Milton Station, 293 feet; Milton Junction, 299 feet; ridge south of Milton Junction, 318 feet; Section 10, southeast corner, 216 feet; Section 22. center east half, hill, 375 feet ; Section 25, southeast quarter, 307 feet ; Section 26, southeast quarter, 303 feet ; Section 30, northeast quarter, 289 feet ; Section 30, northwest quarter, 255 feet. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 313 Township 1 North, Range 14, East (Clinton). — Section 2, east half, 370 fe'et ; Section 2, southwest quarter, 352 feet; Section 9, center, 373 feet; Section 10, northwest quarter, 362 feet ; Section 17, Clinton Junction, 364 feet ; Section 18, northeast quarter, 338 feet. Township 2 North, Range 14. East (Bradford). — Hill west of Fairchild, 325 feet. Township 3 North, Range 14. East (Johnstown). — Level of Rock Prairie, 316 feet. Township 4 North, Range 14 East (Lima). — Section 6, southeast quarter, marsh, 243 feet; Section 13, northeast quarter, 307 feet; Section 14, southeast quarter, 316 feet; Section 18, near middle west line, 248 feet ; Section 21, southeast corner, 301 feet ; Section 22, Lima Station, 310 feet; Section 23, middle north half, 305 feet; Section 23, west line, 308 feet; Section 30, east line, 311 feet. WATER POWER OF ROCK RIVER. The entire area drained by Rock River and its tributaries in Wisconsin is three thousand six hundred and thirty-five square miles. From the Table of Rainfall, at Milwaukee, given in Dr. Lapham's report (Geol. of Wis., Vol. II). it appears that the average rainfall for the thirty years previous was 30.27 inches, which may be assumed as at least approximately correct for the Rock River Valley. The average fall for some portions of Wisconsin is given in Gen. Humphrey's. work on the hydraulics of the Mississippi, at thirty-five inches. But reckoning at thirty inches, the rainfall upon the drainage area under consideration, would be 253,344,960,000 cubic feet. Now, it is asserted by various authorities, based on experience, that one-half the rainfall can be utilized. This would give 126,672,480,000 cubic feet per annum. Mr. Ruger says : "From personal observation, and after consulting many authorities as to rainfall, springs, evapo ration, filtration, etc., I estimate that the total annual quantity of water passing in Rock River at the State line, including Turtle Creek, is 98,437,536,000 cubic feet," which may be regarded as a safe estimate. The daily supply by this estimate would be 269,691,879 cubic feet. We need next to ascertain what is the average descent of this volume. Some of it falls over six hundred feet, while other portions practically no distance. The average elevation of the rim of the basin above the point'where the river leaves the State is about two hundred and fifty feet, its average distance about fifty miles, showing an average fall of about five feet per mile. But this is less to the point than the following : The average elevation of fifteen powers, the first of importance on their respective branches, is about one hundred and fifty-five feet above the surface of the river where it leaves the State at Beloit. The average fall from these powers to the State line is a little less than three feet per mile. With these general statements, we will set aside the tributaries, several of which are important, and consider more accurately the main stream between Horicon and Beloit. The collecting area above Horicon is four hundred and thirty-six square miles, upon which the annual rainfall, reckoned at thirty inches, would be 30,387,456,000 cubic fe'et. Allowing one-half for evaporation, filtration and other sources of loss, the theoretical discharge at the outlet of Horicon Marsh would be 15,193,728,000 cubic feet. Reckoned at the lowest rainfall in the last thirty years, the amount would be 10,114,749,120 cubic feet. Col. Worrall gives, as the result of a careful measurement of the flow at a time when the volume was estimated to be only three-fourths of the average, a supply of 27,651 cubic feet per minute, or 14,533,365,600 cubic feet per annum, from which it would seem that the calculated amount is not far from the truth. From the foregoing data, estimating the accession from tributaries, it is thought to be safe to consider the average flow between Horicon and Beloit, as, in round numbers, 50,000,000,000 cubic feet per annum. The fall from Horicon to the State line is one hundred and twenty-seven feet. An estimate of the theoretical power generated by the main river shows it to be upward of 20,000 horse power. Of the one hundred and twenty-seven feet fall, less than sixty feet are utilized, according to the best information at command. The unused portion is mainly between Horicon and Watertown, and between Janesville and Beloit. A portion of this latter may readily be made available at Beloit by means of a race leading from a dam situated above the 314 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. slack- water of the present one. Another power near the State line can also be utilized to the profit of this place. SPRINGS. Rock County, in common with other portions of Eastern Wisconsin, has two general sys tems of springs — those that originate in the drift deposits, and those that flow from the rock. The springs of each group occupy several different horizons, which it will be interesting to notice briefly, as the subject is one of great importance, it having been abundantly demonstrated that some ofthe most terrible diseases which afflict mankind are directly attributable to impure water. If unaided nature has provided any means of escape from this prolific source of danger, it is cer tain to be found in her deep-seated springs. There are several reasons why spring-water is more likely to be pure than that of wells. On the average, it comes from greater depth, and has passed through a greater extent of the deeper strata, which are comparatively free from organic impurities, than has the water of wells, which is usually drawn from the surface of the water level beneath the location of the wells. Artesian fountains are not here taken into account. The water of wells is usually stagnant, while that of springs is active — is "living water." There are some exceptions to the first part of this statement. Occasionally a well is sunk upon an active, flowing, underground stream, in which case the superior character of the water will usually be very marked. Spring-water is not liable to so many sources of contamination, and accidental impurities are more readily discharged. The lowest noteworthy horizon from whioh springs arise, is the vicinity of the junction of 'the Potsdam sandstone and the Lower Magnesian limestone. The water from this source usually has a temperature of forty-eight to fifty degrees, and is clear and comparatively free from organic impurities, but contains a small percentage of the carbonate of lime and magnesia, and, in some ¦cases a very small percentage of iron, with usually some silica, alumina and chloride of sodium. But the combined amount of these is small, and the water is "soft," and very pleasant to the taste. A small amount of free carbonic acid is usually present, which enhances the grateful effect of the water upon the palate and stomach. There are no springs from this horizon in the county, but the water-bearing bed may be reached by wells. Above this horizon, springs occur but rarely till we reach the junction of the St. Peter's sandstone Avith the Trenton limestone. Some shaly impervious layers mark this division, while the limestone above is fissured and the sandstone below is porous. It hence follows that the springs may arise either above or below the impervious stratum, according to circumstances. (1) Water descending from above may be caught and carried out where the strata are cut across to the proper depth ; and (2) water that gained access to the sandstone at some distant and more elevated point may rise from below at places where the confining stratum is removed. So that it is proper to include in this group some that issue from ledges somewhat above or below the junction of the formations. These springs are similar in general character to the last, but usually contain a more considerable percentage of the several mineral ingredients, at least that portion of them that are derived from the limestone, which still retains traces of many of the salts that we have reason to suppose were incorporated with it when it was formed beneath the ancient ocean. ' To this class belong most of the springs that issue from the rock in the western half of Rock County); those that issue from the rock in the eastern half spring from the Galena limestone. The foregoing are all derived from rocks that were laid down under the ancient Silurian ocean, rocks whose ages are to be reckoned by myriads of years, and from which there has at least been a liberal allowance of time for the removal of whatever soluble matter may have been originally incorporated in them ; and yet we find in all that have been analyzed varying quanti ties of the oceanic salts. The remainder issue from loose. material of much more recent origin, formed by the agency of ice and fresh water, so far as the evidence goes ; and yet, as this material was derived from the preceding oceanic formations in great part, the same ingredients may and do occur in the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 315 water. They are, as a class, more superficial than the preceding, and more liable to contamina tion from surface impurities, and for a like reason their temperature is often less constant and their flow less regular. To this class belong those springs that issue from the drift. The most remarkable and most valuable springs in Rock County are the Iodo-magnesian, at Beloit, which flow from the lower portion of the Trenton limestone, and give this analysis : Grains per U. S. gallon. Chloride of sodium 0.3362 Bromide of sodium trace. Iodide of sodium 0.0049 Bicarbonate of lime 14.5196 Bicarbonate of magnesia 12.2803 Bicarbonate of soda 0.1406 Bicarbonate of iron 0.0396 Sulphate of lime 0.1326 Sulphate of potassa 0.3123 Phosphate of soda 0.0104 Alumina 0.0590 Silica 0.7581 Organic matter trace. Total per U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches 28.5936 ARTESIAN WELLS. The term artesian is frequently applied to deep wells, without regard to whether the water flows at the surface or not ; but it will here be confined to flowing wells, without regard to depth. Flowing wells depend upon these requisite conditions : There should be an impervious stratum to prevent the escape of the water below ; a previous water-bearing stratum upon this, to furnish the flow of water ; a second impervious layer upon this, to prevent the escape of the water above, it being under pressure from the fountain-head. These must dip, and there must be no adequate outlet for the water at a lower level" than the well. There must also be a suffi cient collecting area or reservoir in connection with the porous stratum, and it must have suffi cient elevation to act as a fountain-head. Wells of this description in Eastern Wisconsin are divided into six different classes, only one of which is now found in Rock County, though there is every reason to believe that others could be sunk successfully in some portions of the„county. The well on the fair grounds at Janesville belongs to the class which flow from the primor dial zone. The flow of this well at the surface is obtained only by the aid of hydraulic appli ances. The elevation is about two hundred and ninety-five feet above Lake Michigan, and the depth is one thousand and thirty-three feet, through the following formations : Drift 350 feet. Red and green rock, probably Mendota horizon 10 Fine-grained, slightly calcareous sandstone 155 Calcareous shale 80 Fine-grained, very slightly calcareous sandstone 163 Coarse, non-oalcareous sandstone 275 Total 1,033 feet. Drift 350 feet. Potsdam 683 " Probably forty to fifty feet of the upper portion of the Potsdam has been removed, making the thickness about seven hundred and twenty-five feet, with the bottom not reached. In the upper portion of the Potsdam horizon, a vein was struck which gave a permanent rise in the tube of forty-eight feet above the water level in the open well, without the aid of a seed-bag or other apparatus for preventing lateral leakage. This corresponds, according to aneroid measure ment, to two hundred and forty-seven feet above Lake Michigan, or seven feet above the depot at Janesville. 316 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. There are three extensive areas in Eastern Wisconsin over which there is a reasonable pre sumption that fountains may be obtained, one of which lies in the Rock River Valley. An ele vation of two hundred feet should be taken as the upper limit of favorable chances, and the Janesville well shows that a flow may be obtained at this altitude. As a majority of deep-seated wells of Eastern Wisconsin derive their flow from the St. Peters sandstone, the following list, showing the elevations in Rock County at which the upper face of that formation outcrops is submitted : Avon, Section 5, northeast quarter, 272 feet ; Section 9, northeast quarter, 250 feet ; Beloit, Section 3, southwest quarter, 229 feet ; Section 3, southwest quarter of southwest quarter 196 feet ; Section 10, northeast quarter, 180 feet ; Section 10, southeast quarter, 200 feet ; Fulton, Newville bridge, Rock River, 208 feet ; Magnolia, Section 6, southwest quarter, 309 feet ; Section 7, southeast quarter, 433 feet ; Section 28, southwest quarter, 339 feet ; R. R. Cut, 330 feet ; Porter, Section 9, northwest quarter, 250 feet ; Rock, Section 32, 189 feet ; Afton, 205 feet ; Spring Valley, Section 3, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, 314 feet ; Section 4, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, 338 feet; Section 9, center, 321 feet; Section 13, Mid. N. line, 300 feet; Section 15, southeast quarter, 321 feet ; Section 28, northeast quarter, 296 feet ; Section 33, southeast quarter, 268 feet ; Union, Section 12, near center, 298 feet. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. The northern part of the State is occupied by the oldest formations that are definitely known to geologists by observation, though theoretically there are older ones. These dip down beneath the sandstones and limestones that constitute the upper formations in the southern part of the State. They pass beneath Rock County at a depth of more than a thousand feet, and may be looked upon as forming the great rock floor upon which the later formations repose. There lies upon this floor first, a great bed of sandstone, to which the name Potsdam has been given. The thickness of this is somewhat irregular, but is sometimes nearly, or quite one thou sand feet. It does not appear at the surface anywhere in the county, but was penetrated by the Janesville artesian well. Upon this sandstone there, lies the Lower Magnesian limestone. This is likewise irregular in thickness, varying in Eastern Wisconin from about sixty feet to one hundred and fifty feet, while in the western part of the State it is sometimes two hundred and fifty feet thick. It does not appear at the surface within the county, but would in the northern part if the drift — the sand, gravel and clay — were removed. ST. PETERS' SANDSTONE. Upon the Lower Magnesian limestone, there rests the St. Peters sandstone, which is also uneven in thickness, the average being, perhaps, seventy-five to one hundred feet. This may be readily recognized, as it is the only sandstone known to crop out in the county. It may be seen to good advantage in the cliffs that face the Sugar River Valley, in the western part of the county, and along the valleys of the streams that lead down into it, particularly along Allen's Creek, in the town of Magnolia. It may be seen in the north part of the railroad cut, near Magnolia Station, where it is overlaid by the Trenton limestone, the junction between the two being well shown. It also appears in the cuts between Magnolia and Footville, and forms that singular natural monument not far from the track, about midway between the two stations, which attracts so much attention from passengers on the Chicago & North Western Railway This railroad cuts through the formation again just below Afton, where the Trenton limestone may also be seen to advantage overlying it. Both formations appear along Bass Creek, above this. It is also exposed at several points around the base of the- " Big Hill," north of Beloit, and at the quarries along the railroad below. The lower quarry is the most southerly point at which it is known to appear at the surface in the Rock River Valley. It dips southeastward, and becomes buried by later formations. Following up Rock River, we again find the St. Peters sandstone at several points above and below Janesville in the banks of the river. It is well HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 317 exhibited near the Monterey bridge, and forms that singular little promontory above the dam on the right-hand side of the river. This sandstone may also be found near Indian Ford, and above along the river ; likewise along the creek below Edgerton, and at several other points in the county. It should be understood that it is a nearly horizontal bed, underlying nearly all the county, and that it is only where the valleys have cut down into it that it is exposed to view. In other portions, it is covered by later formations, but may be reached by wells. It is every where a soft, crumbling standstone, usually white or yellow, but sometimes red or green. It furnishes an excellent building sand, and some portions are suited to glass manufacture. In the upper portion, there are often concretions of iron ore! The constituent grains of sand are nearly pure quartz. TRENTON LIMESTONE. Upon the St. Peters sandstone, there lies the Trenton limestone. This is the limestone so frequently seen in the western half of the county ; indeed, with the exception of the capping of several of the higher hills with Galena limestone, it is the only limestone that outcrops west of Rock River. It has been divided by the State Geologist into four subdivisions, which will be found fully described in his geological reports ; but it may be difficult for a non-professional observer to always discriminate between them. The subdivisions are the Lower Buff, the Lower Blue, the Upper Buff and the Upper Blue beds. All of these beds are more or less buff near the surface, so that the color is not a wholly reliable guide. In the vicinity of Beloit, there are a number of natural and artificial exposures that are so fortunately situated at different elevations as to exhibit the entire thickness of the formation, and yet — an equally fortunate circumstance for the students of geology of that locality — their correct correlation is attended with something of difficulty, and is only accomplished by careful and industrious study. By combining the partial series shown at the various points, the following general section for that vicinity may be constructed, and may be taken as illustrative of the gen eral nature of the formation : Upper Blue Beds. — A greenish-blue impure limestone, chiefly earthy and subcrystalline, but in part granular, beds thin and separated with shale, very fossiliferous. Estimated thickness, 15 feet. Upper Buff Beds. — I. In general, a fine-grained, impure limestone of earthy or subcrys talline texture, the former a light buff, the latter gray, combined so as to give an obscure banded and mottled appearance quite peculiar. Nodules of chert are present, which distinguish it from the rock below. Beds, thick and uniform, fracture easy and regular in the upper two-thirds, while that of the lower part is very rough and angular, as though from a brecciated structure ; more impure than the upper portions. A shaly layer, seven feet from the base, contains carbon aceous seams, with graptolite markings. Thickness, 22 feet. II. Layer of homogeneous structure, conchoidal fracture and earthy texture, but sparkling with minute crystals ; lined and spotted with obscure reddish fucoidal stains. Thickness, 2£ feet. III. Combines to some extent the character of the layers above, being less homogeneous than the last, and more so than the preceding. Some layers, very fossiliferous, the remains being grouped more or less in colonies. Horizon of the Halysites. Thickness, 7 to 8 feet. IV. Similar to 2, but the characters more marked, 3 to 4 feet. V. Similar to 1, but not cherty. Texture toward the upper part more irregular than below, 19 feet. Lower Blue Beds. — Thin-bedded, impure limestone of varying earthy and crystalline texture, interleaved with shaly partings, the whole having a bluish-green or gray color ; very fossiliferous, 20 feet. Lower Buff Beds. — Thick-bedded, buff limestone, of rather coarse texture, somewhat shaly at the base. Fossils not very abundant, except in the shaly portions, 23 feet. Transitional layer of sandstone, 2 feet. 318 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Transitional layer of impure limestone, 4 feet. St. Peters sandstone. In the vicinity of Janesville there are several quarries and cliffs that exhibit this formation. At the lower railroad bridge the Lower Buff beds are seen reposing upon the St. Peters sand stone, and above these the Lower Blue beds, which are here quite shaly. At the quarry one and a half miles west of the city we find at the base the heavy Buff beds, above which are the Lower Blue beds, and at the top the Upper Buff beds. Above the city, the river road on the east side winds up through a little defile between cliffs composed of the middle portion of this formation. On the west side of the river and farther up on both sides, the lower beds of the formation are seen reposing on the sandstone. This loeality presents a fine field for the young student of geology. The railroad cuts mentioned in connection with the St. Peters sandstone and the cliffs in the western part of the county expose to view the lower layers of this formation. The cliffs in almost all cases owe their origin to the protecting cap of Trenton limestone. The soft sandstone is readily worn away from beneath, leaving a projecting ledge or vertical cliff. This limestone forms a stratum which slopes gently to the southeast, so that in the eastern part of the county it becomes entirely buried by later formations. There are no cliffs or quar ries in it east of Rock River, except in the immediate vicinity of the stream and some slight exposures of the upper layers near Turtleville. The formation is valuable for lime and building material. THE GALENA LIMESTONE. Upon the Trenton limestone there rests a closely related formation known as the Galena limestone, from the fact that it is the main formation that bears galena or lead ore in the lead region of the southwestern part of the State. It differs from the Trenton limestone in being thicker bedded and having a more irregular texture, so that it weathers into rough, craggy forms, and often has a rotten appearance. It is usually a deeper buff than the Trenton beds. In the western part of the county, it is only found on the higher elevations, forming a cap of no great thickness to some of the hills and ridges. In the eastern part of the county, it is more extensively prevalent, though largely concealed by drift. It may be seen in the quarry south of Milton, in those near Emerald Grove, and, very finely, along the gorge of the Turtle Creek, in Bradford, and along the railroad above Porter's Station in the town of Turtle. At these points it has essentially the same appearance that it presents in the lead region, but only small quantities of lead ore have ever been found in this portion of the formation. THE GLACIAL FORMATIONS OR DRIFT. Long after the above formations had been deposited by the Silurian ocean, and had been lifted from the water and eroded into hills and valleys by the elements, the region was subjected to the action of ice and glacial waters, by which a covering of clay, sand, gravel and bowlders was deposited over the face of the region, well-nigh concealing all the strata beneath. This consti tutes the drift, or glacial, or quaternary deposits that prevail at the surface. They are composed of rounded fragments and the ground-up material of various kinds of rocks. When carefully studied, it is found that all these fragments were derived from formations lying to the north ward and northeastward, and that a great many of them came from the Lake Superior region and ¦beyond, as, for instance, the copper that is occasionally found, sometimes in quite large lumps. Taken altogether, this is one of the most puzzling formations known to geologists ; and although the explanations worked out by the recent geological survey are probably the most satisfactory that have ever been given, it would far transcend our limits to attempt to reproduce them here. Indeed, we can only very briefly mention some of the more prominent facts. In the southwestern part of the county, the drift is not very deep in general, and the shape of the hills and valleys is mainly determined by the contour of the underlying rock, which frequently shows itself in the side hills. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 319 But across the northern part of the county there is a belt of very heavy drift, which gives an irregular, billowy, knob-and-basin contour to the surface. The most prominent part of the belt curves across the county from east to west, passing south of the villages of Lima, Milton, Fulton and Cooksville, and lying between the latter place and Evansville. This is part of a very extensive drift ridge, or rather belt of ridges, that has been traced by the State Geologist in its windings, not only across our State, but into adjoining States, and has been called by him the Kettle Moraine, it being a part of the Kettle Range of Eastern Wisconsin. There are some minor drift ridges that possess interest, especially one in the town of Beloit. The great gravel plain of the Rock River Valley, and the similar plain of the Sugar River Valley, are interesting subjects of study to the geologist. The drift of the former, as shown by the artesian well at Janesville, is 350 feet deep. It probably fills an ancient river channel. The soil, the latest geological formation, was produced by the disintegration of the drift and of the rock, where it approaches the surface. •-S*3 •Tf^xA 320 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER II. Physical Geography — Mound Build urs— Indian Occupancy— The Black Hawk War- United States Surveys and Land Sales— First Settlement in Rock County. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Rock County is composed of twenty townships of six miles square each. These include the originally surveyed Townships 1, 2, 3 and 4, of Ranges 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 east. The sur face of the county is generally regular and even, a very inconsiderable portion of it being rough or broken land. More than half, when surveyed, was prairie. The residue consisted of oak openings and heavily timbered land. The county is intersected in almost every direction with living streams, and is dotted here and there with springs and lakes. In the original survey, the area of the meandered streams is not included in the acreage, nor are the townships exactly six miles square, as a matter of fact, though the theory of surveying, adopted by the Government, proceeds upon the hypothesis that they are. The county contains actually four hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty-five acres and ninety-seven hundredths, as follows : (Avon) : 22,542.47 Township 3, R. 12, (Janesville), w. of river... 14,851.99 (Spring Valley) 22,996.44 Township 4, R. 12, (Fulton), u. & w. of river.. 9,954.22 (Magnolia) 22,830.32 Township 4, R. 12, (Fulton), s. & e. of river... 12,317.11 (Union) 23,141.41 Township 1, R. 13, (Turtle) 23,108.69 (Newark) 23,060.62 Township 2, R. 13, (La Prairie) 23,009.10 (Plymouth) 23,015.96 Township 3, R. 13, (Harmony) 23,214.54 (Center)...' 22,820.88 Township 4, R. 13, (Milton), e. of lake 21,516.43 (Porter) 22,885.64 Township 4, R. 13, (Milton), w. of lake 318.25 (Beloit), c. of river 4,997.62 Township 1, R. 14, (Clinton) 23,299.01 (Beloit), w. of river 17,871.60 Township 2, R. 14, (Bradford) 23,037.62 (Rock), w. of river 14,354.19 Township 3, R. 14, (Johnstown 23,152.25 (Rock), e. of river 8,296.40 Township 4, R. 14, (Lima) 23,089.78 Township 1, R, 10, Township 2, K. 10. Township 3, R. 10, Township 4, R. !<», Township 1, K. 11, Township 2, R. 11, Township 3, R. 11. Township 4, R. 11, Township 1, R. 12, Township 1, K. 12, Township 2, R. 12, Township, 2, R. 12, Township 3, R. 12, (Janesville), e. of river 7,692.44 Total 457,285.97 About three-fourths ofthe town of Avon is timber land — burr oak and white oak openings; the residue is prairie land. The soil is sandy, but the Sugar River bottom yields an abundance of grass. The town of Spring Valley has but very little prairie land ; the surface is undulat ing, with a scattering growth of burr-oaks and more or less hickory. The town is well watered, and possesses a fair proportion of natural meadow. The town of Magnolia is mostly undulat ing ; the soil is a sandy loam, with a subsoil of clay ; it has a number of burr-oak openings, alternating with prairies, and is well watered by springs and running streams. The surface of the town of Union is rolling, but not broken ; it is pretty evenly divided between prairie and timber, and is well watered. The town of Newark has a soil composed mainly of a sandy loam, is nearly equally divided between prairie and oak openings, and is watered by only one stream. The surface of Plymouth town is rolling; the land is rich, and all well drained. The town has extensive meadows, a number of beautiful groves of timber, and is well watered by a number of springs and running streams. The town of Center is mostly prairie, with a few oak openings ; it is traversed by streams, and has a considerable area of marsh, found ¦ to be valuable for the production of hay. The town of Porter is about equally divided into prairie and the finest kind of oak openings. It is well watered by running streams. Beloit Town presents a singularly diversified and beautiful surface — prairies, bluffs and oak openings ; it is well watered by several important streams. That portion of the -town of Rock HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 321 lying east of the river is nearly all prairie, while on the west side it is nearly all timber — some of it of the most excellent quality. It is well watered, and abounds in luxuriant grasses. The face of the country in the town of Janesville is broken by the river bluffs, which extend back some little distance from the banks. It is well watered and wooded throughout its whole extent, and is divided into prairie and oak openings, the river being skirted with heavy timber. The town of Fulton is mostly timber land, the trees generally being of large growth, suitable for sawing and building purposes. It has, however, several small and beautiful prairies, with soil of superior quality. Rock River traverses the town in a southwesterly direction, and several stone quarries have been discovered upon its banks. Turtle Town possesses abundant timber and some very rich prairie land. Limestone is also found here, and clay for making brick. The town is watered by a number of streams. The town of La Prairie is almost wholly rolling prairie land, with a deep soil, underlaid by sand and gravel, and lime rock is found in some portions. It has but one water-course of any size, which runs across the southeast corner, and the only timber in the town is found on the banks of this stream, except a small grove in the northwest. The north half of the town of Harmony is nearly all timber, and the southern half nearly all prairie. A fine elevation of the prairie occurs at Mount Zion, in the eastern portion of the town, which commands a view of the country for many miles around. This town is poorly watered, it having no running streams. The surface of the town of Milton is gently undulating, and about equally divided between prairie land and oak openings. It has several lakes, and one creek flows through the northeastern corner. In the immediate vicinity of its lakes, there is a considerable quantity of low land, valuable for pasturage and meadows. Clinton Town is largely composed of unusually fertile prairie land, though timber in large quantities, suitable for building, fencing and fuel, is found in the southern part. The town is well watered by living streams flowing in all directions. The larger portion of the town of Bradford is prairie, but all along Turtle Creek there are fine burr and white oak openings. There is also a small grove of timber on the western boundary of the town, while Emerald Grove, in the northwest corner, is one of the most beautiful in the county. The town is well watered. The twelve sections in the southern part of the town of Johnstown are almost all prairie land, but about two-thirds of the other twenty-four sections are oak openings. The town is but poorly watered. The surface of the town of Lima is gently rolling, covered mainly with burr and white oak openings — mostly the first named. Quite one-sixth of the entire town is marsh land, the largest one being Otter Creek Marsh. Rock River rises in Fond du Lac County, follows a tortuous course through Dodge and Jefferson Counties, running through Lake Koshkonong, from which it debouches on Section 7, in Milton Town, and traverses the entire width of Rock County from north to south, its gen eral course being a little east of the center of Townships 1, 2, 3 and 4, Range 12 east. On either side of the river, from the point where it leaves Lake Koshkonong in the town of Milton till it crosses the State line at Beloit, the shores are dotted, at frequently recurring intervals, with belts of timber and with openings. The following table gives the distances between certain points on the river, the descent and the elevation above Lake Michigan of each point named : PLACES. Foot of Lake Koshkonong Mouth of Yahara (Catfish) River. Head of Rapids Foot of Rapids State Line of Illinois Distance, Miles. II.1, 12" li 16 Descent, Elevation, Feet. IToet. 175 12 163 12 151 7 144 16 128 Sugar River rises in the western central portion of Dane County, traverses Green County from north to south, flows thence in an easterly direction, passing through the town of Avon, and empties into the Pecatonica, a short distance south of the State line. 322 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The Yahara (Catfish) River, the outlet of the "four lakes" in Dane County, enters Rock County on Section 2, of Township 4, Range 11 east (Porter), follows a southeasterly course, and empties into Rock River in Section 19, in the town of Fulton. A stream flowing out of Turtle Lake, in the northeastern corner of the town of Richmond, in Walworth County, unites, near the west line of the town of Delavan, with the outlet of Del avan Lake, and the united streams form Turtle Creek, which, following a westerly course, enters Rock County on Section 13, in the town of Bradford, flows west and southwest, and empties into Rock River just below the State line at Beloit. Badfish Creek rises in the town of Rutland, Dane County, flows easterly and southeasterly and enters Rock County in the northeast section of the town of Union, runs almost due west through Porter, and empties into the Yahara (Catfish) River about the Section lines of 3 and 10. Afton, or Bass Creek, rises in the town of Magnolia, flows southeasterly through Center and Plymouth, and empties into Rock River near the village of Afton, in the town of Rock. Otter Creek rises in the marsh of that name in the town of Lima, flows west and northwest and empties into Lake Koshkonong, in Jefferson County. Alkn's Creek rises in the town of Magnolia, flows west and empties into Sugar River about the center of the town of Albany, Green County. Taylor's Creek rises about the middle of the town of Magnolia, flows southwest and south through the town of Spring Valley, and empties into Sugar River, in Section 18, in the town of Avon. Marsh Creek rises in the northeast corner of the town of Spring Valley, follows a south westerly course and empties into Taylor's Creek, just above the south line of the town. North Creek has its source in the southeastern corner of the town of Spring Valley, flows south and southwest into the town of Avon, and then follows a westerly course until it empties into Taylor's Creek. Pratt's Creek rises just east of the head of Otter Creek marsh in the town of Lima, flows east and empties into the Whitewater, in Walworth County. Coon Creek rises in the town of Plymouth, runs south and southeasterly, fed by numerous small tributaries, through the town of Newark, and empties into Sugar River in the State of Illinois. The larger part of Lake Koshkonong lies in Jefferson County, but its southern extremity, or foot, extends into Rock County, occupying an area, of about 1,000 acres in Sections 5, 6 and 7, in the town of Milton. Other lakes are to be found in the county, but they are all small — the largest will not exceed a mile in length. They lie only in the northern tier of towns. Big Spring Lake is on Section 27, in the town of Porter, and Little Spring Lake between Sections 27 and 34, in the same town. Clear Lake, Duck Lake and Mud Lake all lie in Section 20, in the town of Milton; Grass Lake in Section 17, and Storr's Lake between Sections 25 and<26, in the same town. The principal prairies in the county are Rock, Jefferson, Turtle, Du Lac, Catfish, Ram sey's and Morse's. Rock Prairie extends almost the entire length of the county from east to west, and varies in width from six to eighteen miles. The prairie is dotted here and there with groves of timber, and points of timber-land jut into it at many different places, giving an uneven and irregular outline. The greater part of Jefferson Prairie lies within the boundaries of the town of Clinton, though it laps over on the north into Bradford, and on the west into Turtle. Du Lac Prairie lies mostly in Milton, but extends east into Lima. Catfish Prairie extends through the towns of Fulton, Porter and Union ; and Ramsey's and 'Morse's Prairies are both in Fulton. THE MOUND BUILDERS. Ancient works exist in the valley of Rock River, not only below the State line, but also above it. Indeed, those south, in Illinois, are of much less importance than such as are known to exist to the northward. So far as the valley of this stream is concerned, throughout its whole HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 323 extent, in Wisconsin, are to be found interesting relics of pre-historic man ; some of the mounds being seen at the very sources of a number of its branches. In the lead region, for some cause, there seem to be few evidences of their existence. In one locality, however, on the Pecatonica, a branch of the Rock River, ancient works are noticed. It is probable that the necessities of these builders did not include lead, and there are no indications of ancient mining of that metal in the lead region, as in the copper mines of Lake Superior. The copper ore associated with lead was beyond the reach of their metallurgic arts. The works on the Peca tonica consisted of several oblong, or circular mounds ; there is also one tapering mound. The last mentioned is destitute of appendages, or other indications of its relation to any animal form. These mounds are situated on sloping ground, and extend from the top of a hill half-way to the Pecatonica. The soil at this point is sandy, being in the district of the sandstone, which crops out occasionally in the vicinity. There is nothing to distinguish these works from others more within the proper region, as it were, of the Mound-Builders. In one of the mounds bones are said to have been obtained. Indian graves along the margin of the stream, when exposed, fur nished a few glass beads and some trinkets. The point where these works exist is eleven miles west of Monroe, in Green County, Wis. The valley of Sugar River, a considerable stream between the Pecatonica and Rock Rivers, appears also to have been to a great extent avoided by the Mound-Builders. A few unimportant works have been seen, however, on some of the tributaries of that river. In Beloit, on the col lege grounds, some ancient works were surveyed in 1852, by Prof. S. P. Lathrop. They con sisted of circular and oblong mounds. On the east bank of the river, three-quarters of a mile above the city; he also surveyed, in the same year, some interesting vestiges of the pre-historic race. Some of the mounds here examined were of animal shape. There is a group of earth works about two and a half miles east of Beloit, on a bluff overlooking Turtle Creek. These mounds represent animals of different kinds. Proceeding up Rock River, the first works worthy of notice are near the junction of the out let of the four lakes, at Fulton. At a place known as Indian Hill, about a mile above the mouth ofthe Yahara (Catfish), Dr. I. A. Lapham, in 1850, surveyed a series of oblong mounds on the steep slope of the hill, converging toward a point where there is a dug-way leading to the river. The hill has an elevation of seventy or eighty feet, and from its summit the valley of the river can be overlooked for several miles above and below. It may be that this was a most important post of observation, and that the peculiar arrangement of the mounds was intended to guard the access to the water from the top of the hill. The hill is quite steep, and the graded way has been increased in depth by running water, but it bears evidence of having originally been constructed by art. At the intersection of Main and State streets, in the village of Fulton, Dr. Lapham found, in 1850, an irregular oval earthwork, consisting of a flat ridge, and resembling the roadway of a modern turnpike. The breadth varied from thirty to forty feet, and the elevation from two to three feet in the middle. The diameters of the oval were 500 and 300 feet. Such a structure might have had its usage in some of the public games or ceremonies of uncivilized life ; but it would be idle, of course, to undertake to ascertain its particular purpose. Besides the works already mentioned, in this vicinity, Dr. Lapham found numerous tumuli, of the ordinary circular form, supposed to be sepulchral. They were occasionally arranged in rows, more or less regular, along the margin of a brook or valley. Usually, two or three mounds near the middle of the row were found larger than the others. Three of these mounds were found on the east side of the Yahara, half a mile below Fulton, and a group a mile above the village. Two miles above, on Section 11, was found a group of eight, situated on the edge of a prairie, so as to be seen in profile. About a mile below Fulton, there was found a group of fourteen, and another on the side of Rock River. All these were circular mounds, not accom panied by others of imitative forms. Some had been opened, and were said in most cases to have contained remains of human skeletons, frequently of several persons in the same mounds. In 1834, the Government Surveyors noted eight mounds on the west shore of Lake Koshkonong", 324 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. immediately above where Rock River leaves the lake. Recently, one of these mounds, sixty feet in diameter and eighty feet above the water, was opened by W. C. Whitford and W. P. Clarke, and found to contain some Indian skeletons and relics ; also, what are believed to be the skulls of three Mound-Builders. INDIAN OCCUPANCY. As early as the year 1632, the civilized world had knowledge, through vague reports of savages, of a tribe of Indians to the westward and southwestward of Lake Huron, who lived in a country "where there was a quantity of buffaloes." This nation, it is believed, was the one afterward known as the Illinois. They occupied what is now Northern Illinois, extending their occupation, probably, so far to the northward as to include Southern Wisconsin, and, of course, the territory now included in Rock County. Afterward, they were driven beyond the Missis sippi, but subsequently returned to the region of the river which bears their name. Meanwhile, there commenced an emigration of tribes from Fox River of Green Bay. to the southward. The Mascoutins and their kindred, the Kickapoos and Miamis, moved to the vicinity of the south end of Lake Michigan. It is probable that one or more of these tribes had their homes for a time in the Rock River Valley, after the migration of the Illinois across the Mississippi. Following them in, at least, a nominal occupation of Southern Wisconsin, were the Foxes ; but these Indians and their kindred, the Sacs, instead of migrating toward the south, moved westward and southwestward from the river which commemorates the first-men tioned tribe. Though there is abundant evidence that the territory now known as Rock County was occu pied by the Winnebagoes previous to the advent of the whites, it is impossible to fix the exact spots within the present bounds of the county where they located all their villages. The char acter of the country, so admirably suited to all the requirements of a primitive and nomadic people — well watered throughout its whole extent, and containing a broad expanse of prairie, upon which grazed the herds of game, or which were readily converted intp fertile cornfields — affords presumptive evidence that it must have been a favorite abode of a portion of that tribe. Two of their villages were very favorably situated ; one at the extreme northern boundary of the present limits of the county, the other at its extreme southern boundary. The first mentioned was located on the northwest fractional quarter of Section 6, in Township 4 north, of Range 13 east, being within the limits of the present town of Milton, on the west side of Lake Koshkonong, and upon its immediate bank, about three-fourths of a mile north of the point where Rock River leaves the lake. The Indian name of this village was Tay-e-hee-dah. When, in 1834, the Government Surveyors were there, they described it as the " ruins of an old Indian village." At the beginning of the Black Hawk war, it was found deserted; but how long pre vious to that date it had remained so, is not known. Tradition represents it to have once been populous. Below Tay-e-hee-dah, at or near the mouth of the Yahara (Catfish), on the west side of Rock River, it is probable that there was also an Indian village. Concerning it, however, there is very little information extant. Still farther down the river, at the point where the city of Beloit, is now located, was the Winnebago village called by the early traders and explorers, the Turtle. It was evidently occupied not long anterior to the commencement of the Black Hawk war — how long, is not known with certainty. When the army under Gen. Atkinson marched by the point, in pursuit of the famous Sac chief, the dwellings were found deserted. While the Winnebagoes occupied this western Eden — the Rock River Valley — undisputed masters of all its beauty and all its wealth of game and fish, they were occasionally visited by adventurous white men, who took up temporary residences among them for purposes of trade. Others married among them and became what may be called Indian residents. Of the latter class was one Thiebault, a Frenchman, who established himself at the Turtle village probably about the year 1824. His cabin is noted in the plat of the Government survey of the town ship in 1834. Here he remained until after the arrival of the pioneer settlers of the county. ^\jOo^kn^^> JANESVILLE HISTORY OF ROCK( COUNTY. 327 There were many tribes of Indians who claimed to be sole owners of all the land embraced in the present State of Wisconsin, when it finally came under the jurisdiction of the United States. This question of aboriginal ownership of the soil was then found to be inextricably complicated by conflicting claims of different tribes to the same land. As will be found fully explained in the general history of the State, the Menomonees, Chippewas, Ottawas, Winneba goes, Sacs and Foxes- and Pottawatomies were all located within the present boundaries of Wisconsin, and the claims of several different tribes were frequently found to embrace the same territory. Thus, for example, the Winnebagoes, the Sacs and Foxes, and the Pottawatomies each claimed an ownership in the Rock River country ; and the particular subdivision of it, now known as Rock County was specially claimed by both the Winnebagoes and Pottawatomies. The first treaty affecting the lands of the Rock River Valley made with the Indians was that between " William Clark, Ninian Edwards arid August Choteau, Commissioners Plenipo tentiary of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part, and the chiefs and warriors of that portion of the Winnebago tribe or nation residing on the Wisconsin River, of the other part," which treaty was proclaimed January 30, 1816. Article II of this treaty stipulated that "the undersigned chiefs and warriors, for them selves and those they represent, do, by these presents, confirm to the United States all and every cession of land heretofore made by their nation to the British, French or Spanish Govern ments within the limits of the United States or Territories, and, also, all and every treaty, contract and agreement heretofore concluded between the United States and the said tribe or nation, as far as their interest in the same extends." Subsequently, a treaty proclaimed February 6, 1826, was entered into with the Sioux and Chippewa, Sac and Fox, Menomonee, Iowa, Sioux, Winnebago, and a portion of the Ottawa, Chippewa and Pottawatomie tribes, for the purpose of "promoting peace among these tribes, and to establish boundaries among them and the other tribes who live in their vicinity." Article VI of this treaty is to this effect: "It is agreed between the Chippewas and Winneba goes, so far as they are mutually interested therein, that the southern boundary line of the Chippewa country shall commence on the Chippewa River, half a day's march below the falls of that river, and run thence to the source of Clear Water River, a branch of the Chippewa ; thence south to Black River; thence to a point where the woods project into the meadows, and thence to the Plover Portage of the Wisconsin." Article VII stipulates: "It is agreed between the Winnebagoes and the Sioux, Sacs and Foxes, Chippewas and Ottawas, Chippewas and Pottawatomies of the Illinois, that the Winne bago country shall be bounded as follows : Southeasterly by Rock River, from its source near the Winnebago Lake, to the Winnebago village, about forty miles above its mouth ; westerly by the east line of the tract lying upon the Mississippi, herein secured to the Ottawa, Chippewa and Pottawatomie Indians of the Illinois; and also by the high bluff described in the Sioux boundary, and running north to Black River ; from this point, the Winnebagoes claim up Black River to a point due west from the source of the left fork of the Wisconsin ; thence to the source of the said fork, and down the same to the Wisconsin ; thence down the Wisconsin to the portage and across the portage to Fox River ; thence down Fox River to the Winnebago Lake, and to grand Kau Kaulin, including in their claim the whole of Winnebago Lake." By a treaty concluded at Rock Island between the United States, by their Commissioner, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, and Gov. Reynolds, of Illinois, and the Winnebagoes, proclaimed February 13, 1833, the Winnebagoes, for certain considerations of land, money and supplies, ceded " to the United States, forever, all the lands to which said nation have title or claim, lying to the south and east of the Wisconsin River, and the Fox River of Green Bay." As, however, the country claimed by the Winnebagoes under the treaty of February 6, 1826, was bounded on the southeast " by Rock River from its source, near the Winnebago Lake, to the Winnebago village, about forty miles above its mouth," it is evident that the land ceded by this last treaty (that of February 13, 1833), could not include the whole of Rock County as it now exists. The other moiety of this county was acknowledged to be the property 328 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. of the United Nation of Chippewa, Ottawa and Pottawatomie Indians ; and, to extinguish their title, a treaty was entered «into with them at Chicago September 26, 1833, whereby, for good and valuable considerations, this confederated nation of Indians ceded "to the United States all their land along the western shore of Lake Michigan, and between this lake and the land ceded to the United States by the Winnebago nation at the treaty of Fort Armstrong (Rock Island), made on the 15th of September, 1832, bounded on the no. th by the country lately ceded by the Menomonees, and on the south by the country ceded at the treaty of Prairie du Chien, made on the 29th of July, 1829, supposed to contain about five millions of acres." Finally, and to remove the possibility of any doubt whatever as to the validity of the title held by the United States to the lands lying on both sides of Rock River, a treaty was concluded at Washington City — proclaimed June 16, 1838 — with the Winnebagoes, whereby, in brief but comprehensive terms, " the Winnebago Nation of Indians cede to the United States all their land east of the Mississippi River." With this treaty the United States obtained an unassailable title to all the lands lying within the present bounds of Rock County ; but, so fond of their former homes in this locality were the Rock River Winnebagoes, that even after they had been removed to the reservation provided for them, they continually revisited them, in small parties, to the great annoyance of the citizens ; and the Government was finally compelled, in 1841, to send a military detachment to secure obedience to the order confining them to territory set off to them beyond the Missis sippi. But, though forced to leave, they would frequently return in small parties ; and, when these straggling bands would pass their old-time burial places, they would manifest the deepest reverence. , THE BLACK HAWK WAR. The summer of 1832 was a somewhat notable one in the history of the territory afterward included in Rock County. June and July of that year saw the gathering of Indian hordes within its limits, painted and plumed — at war with the whites. Black Hawk, the leader of the Sacs, had retreated up Rock River until a point was reached — Black Hawk Grove — just outside of what is now the city of Janesville, where the savages remained some time in camp. It must not be understood that they were now at their former homes. This was not the case. It was not then the country of the Sacs, but, as previously stated, of the Rock River Winnebagoes. The last mentioned had not yet ceded their territory east of Sugar River. While Black Hawk was in camp at the grove which has received his name, there were brought in two prisoners, Sylvia and Rachel Hall. As it was at this point they were detained until ransomed by Winnebagoes, the particulars of their captivity are properly related in this connection. They are given in the words of one of the captives : "On the 21st of May, 1832, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, as Mr. Petti- grew's and our (Mr. Hall's) family were assembled at the house of William Davis, in Indian Creek settlement, in La Salle County, 111., a party of Indians, about seventy in number, were seen crossing Mr. Davis' fence, about eight or ten paces from the house. As they approached, Mr. Pettigrew attempted to shut the door, but was shot down in doing so. The savages then rushed in and massacred every one present, except my sister and myself. The persons massacred were Mr. Pettigrew, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Pettigrew, Mrs. Hall (my mother) and Miss Davis, a young lady of about fifteen — and six children, four of them boys and two of them girls. These were in the house. Mr.- Davis, Mr. Hall (my father), William Norris and Henry George were massacred without ; fifteen in all. The time occupied in the massacre was less, probably, than ten minutes. When the Indians entered, my sister and myself were sitting near the door sewing. I got immediately upon the bed and stood there during the massacre. The confusion was such — the terror inspired by the firing of guns in the house, and the shrieks of the wounded and dying so great — that I have no recollections in what manner they were killed. "As soon as the massacre was over, three Indians seized and dragged me from the bed, without much violence, and led me into the yard. I was then taken, by two of them, about HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 329 half-way across the creek — fifty paces, or more, perhaps, distant. Thence I was led buck into the yard in front of the house, where I saw my sister for the first time since our separation. "We were then taken by four Indians--two having hold of each — and hurried off on foot, in a' northern direction, as fast as we could run for about two miles, through timber bordering upon the creek, when we came to a place where the Indians had left their horses previous to the attack. We were then placed, without constraint, upon two of their poorest animals, each of which was led by an Indian, and proceeded as fast as our horses could travel in a direction, as I supposed, toward the camp, accompanied by about thirty warriors. We continued traveling in this manner until about midnight, when we halted to rest our horses — the Indians exhibiting all the while symptoms of great uneasiness, arising apparently from their apprehension of being pursued. After resting for about two hours, we started again on the same horses, as before, and traveled at a brisk gait the residue of the night and all next day until about noon, when we halted, and, the Indians, having scalded some beans- and roasted some acorns, desired us to eat. We ate some of the beans and tasted of the acorns, not from any disposition we had to eat, but to avoid giving offense to our captors. We remained in this place for one or two hours. The Indians, after having finished their scanty meal, busied themselves in dressing the scalps they had taken, stretching them upon small hoops. Among them I recognized, by the color of the hair, my own mother's ! It produced a kind of faintness or blindness, and I fell into a swoon, from which I was awakened, shortly thereafter, by a summons to set out upon our journey. We traveled on in the same way, but more leisurely than before, until almost night, when the horse I rode gave out, and I was seated behind an Indian who rode a fine horse, belonging to Mr. Henderson, taken from the settlement in which we were captured. In this manner we continued on until about 9 o'clock at night, when we reached a camp, having traveled, as I suppose, about ninety miles in twenty-eight hours. " The Sac camp was on the bank of a small creek, surrounded by low, marshy ground, scattered over with small burr-oak trees. On our arrival, several squaws came to our assistance, took us from our horses and conducted us into the-camp, prepared a place for us to sit down, and presented us some parched corn, some meal and maple sugar mixed, and desired us to eat. We did so, more through fear than hunger, and, at their request, threw a small parcel (about a tablespoonful) into the fire, as did also the squaws, and the Indians that accompanied us. There was much apparent rejoicing on our arrival. About 10 o'clock, we were invited by the squaws to lie down, which we did, and enjoyed a kind of confused or disordered slumber, which lasted until after sunrise. The next morning, soon after we arose, our fears of massacre and torture began to abate. We were presented with some boiled beans and sugar for breakfast, and ate a little, having, though almost exhausted, as yet no appetite for food. About 10 o'clock, the camp broke up, and we all moved about five miles across the creek, and encamped again on an elevated spot, covered with timber, near a small creek. We traveled each upon a separate horse, heavily laden with provisions, blankets, kettles and other furniture required in an Indian camp. We arrived at our new encampment a little before sundown. v Here a white pole was stuck in the ground, and the scalps taken when we were captured hung up as trophies. About fifty warriors assembled in the center and commenced a dunce, in which a few of the squaws participated. They danced around this pole to the music of a drum and gourds, so prepared as to make a rattling noise. I was invited frequently by the squaws to join in the dance, but refused. " The first dance was had in the morning after our arrival in camp. The same was repeated daily while we continued among them. Soon after we arose, on the first morning after our arrival, some warriors came to our lodge, and took us out, and gave me a red flag, and placed something in the hands of my sister, which I do not recollect, and made us march around through the encampment, passing each wigwam. Then they led us to the center of the spot they had cleared off to prepare for the dance, near where the white pole was stuck up ; then, placing' a blanket upon the earth, and after painting our faces red and black, ordered us to lie down with our faces toward the ground. They then. danced around us with war-clubs, tomahawks 330 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. and spears. Before its conclusion, we were taken away by two squaws, who, we under stood, were the wives of Black Hawk. In the evening, as soon as the dance was over, we Were presented with a supper, consisting of coffee, fried cakes, boiled corn and fried venison, with fried leeks, of which we ate more freely than before. We continued with them for four days longer, during which we fared in a similar manner, until the two last days, when we got out of flour. When our flour was exhausted, we had coffee, meat and pounded corn made into soup. On being delivered over to the squaws above mentioned, we were separated from each other, but permitted to visit every day, and remain for about two hours without interruption. These squaws encamped near each other, and we were considered as their children, and treated as such. Our encampments were removed five or six miles each day, and my sister and myself were always permitted to ride at such removals. Our fare was usually better than that of others in our wigwam. Our fears of massacre had now subsided, being received and adopted into the family of a chief. We were not required to perform any labor, but were closely watched to prevent our escape. "On the fifth day after our arrival at' the Sac camp, we were told that we must go with some Winnebago chiefs who had come for us. At that time, the Sac encampment was on a con siderable stream [Rock River], the outlet, as I supposed, of a lake [Koshkonong]. There were a number of lakes in its vicinity. The squaws with whom we lived were apparently distressed at the idea of our leaving them. The Winnebagoes endeavored to make us under stand that they were about to take us to the white people. This, however, we did xtot believe ; but, on the contrary, supposed they intended to take us entirely away from our country, friends and homes. " We left the Sac encampment with four Winnebagoes the same evening, and' traveled about fifteen miles, each of us riding on horseback behind a Winnebago chief; the latter expressing frequently their fears of pursuit by the Sacs, who exhibited great uneasiness at our departure — the prophet having cut two locks of hair from my head and one from my sister's just before we left them. " We reached the Winnebago encampment a little after dark, and were kindly received. It was more comfortable than any we had seen, and we slept sounder and better than before. We rose early next morning ; the Indians, however, had been up some time. We ate breakfast before sunrise, and started in canoes up the river. There were, I believe, eight in company. We continued on our course until nearly sundown, when we landed and encamped on the bank of the river. There were, present about a hundred Winnebago warriors. During the next day, four Sac Indians arrived in camp, dressed in white men's clothes, and desired to talk with us. We were told, however, by the Winnebago chiefs that we must shut our ears and turn away from them, which we did. " The ' Blind ' [White Crow] and his son left our encampment during the night, and returned early in the morning. Immediately afterward they came to us, and the ' Blind ' asked if we thought the whites would hang them if they took us to the fort. We gave them to under stand that they would not. They next inquired if we thought the white people would give them anything for taking us to them. We gave them to understand that they would. The ' Blind ' then collected his horses, and with the Whirling Thunder and about twenty of the Winneba goes we crossed the river and pursued our journey, my sister and myself each on a separate horse. We encamped about dark ; rose early next morning, and, after a hasty meal of pork and potatoes (the first we had seen since our captivity), of which we ate heartily, we traveled on until we reached the fort — the Blue Mounds, Wisconsin Territory. Before our arrival thither, we had become satisfied that our protectors were taking us to our friends, and that we had formerly done them injustice. About three miles from the fort we stopped, and the Indians cooked some venison ; after which they took a white handkerchief which I had, and, tying it to a long pole, three Indians proceeded with it to the fort. About a quarter of a mile thence we were met by a Frenchman [Edward Beouchard]. The Indians formed a rin'g, and the Frenchman rode into it and held a talk with our protectors. The latter expressed an HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 331 unwillingness to give us up until they could see Mr. Gratiot, the Indian agent. Being informed by the Frenchman we should be well treated, and that they should see us daily until Mr. Gratiot's arrival, they delivered us into the Frenchman's care. "We repaired immediately to the fort, where the ladies of the garrison (who in the mean time had assembled) received us with the utmost tenderness. We were thereupon attired once more in the costume of our own country, and next day started for Galena. On reaching a little fort at White Oak Springs, we were met by our eldest brother, who, together with a younger one, was at work in a field near the house when we were captured, and when the massacre began fled, and arrived in safety at Dixon's Ferry. On leaving Galena, we went on board the steamboat Winnebago for St. Louis, which place we reached in five days, and were kindly received by its citizens and hospitably entertained by Gov. Clark. Previous to our leaving Galena, we had received an affectionate letter from Rev. Mr. Horn, of Morgan County, 111., inviting us to make his house our future home. We accepted the invitation, and left St. Louis in the steamboat Caroline for Beardstown, on the Illinois River, where we arrived on the third day thereafter. On landing, we were kindly received by the citizens, and, in a few hours, reached the residence of Mr. Horn, five miles distant, in the latter part of July, 1832, whea our troubles ended." The tent-poles, ashes and brands of the Indian camp-fires, where the two captives were given over to the Winnebagoes by the Sac Indians, were plainly discernible when the first set tlers located in the vicinity. Gen. Atkinson having arrived at the mouth of the Pecatonica, in pursuit of the savages, and hearing that Black Hawk was further up Rock River, determined to follow him, with the intention of deciding the war by a general battle, if possible. Black Hawk, judging of his intentions from the report of his spies, broke up his camp, near what is now Janesville, and retreated still farther up the river to the foot of Lake Koshkonong, where, on the west side of the river, in what is now the town of Milton, he again formed a camp. Here he remained some time, when he again removed, this time to an island in the lake, and afterward, to the region of the four lakes, in what is now Dane County. The march of Gen. Atkinson through Rock County is best related by one who was present : " The 30th of June, 1832, we passed through the Turtle village [now the city of Beloit], which is a considerable Winnebago town, but it was deserted. We marched on about a mile, and encamped on the open prairie near enough to Rock River to get water from it. We here saw very fresh signs ofthe Sac Indians, where they had been apparently fishing on that day. Gen. Atkinson believed we were close to them and apprehended an attack that night. The sentinels fired several times and we were as often paraded and prepared to receive the enemy but they never came, though from the accounts given by the sentinels to the officers of the day, there was no doubt that Indians had been prowling about the camp. "July 1. — We had not marched but two or three miles before an Indian was seen across Rock River at some distance off, on a very high prairie, which, no doubt was a spy, and likely was one that had been prowling about our encampment the night before. We proceeded a few miles further and came to the place where the Indians, who had taken the two Misses Hall prisoners, had stayed for several days [near the present city of Janesville]. It was a strong position, where they could have withstood a very powerful force. We afterward discovered they always encamped in such places. We had not marched but a few miles from this place before one of our front scouts came back meeting the army in great haste, and stated that they had dis covered a fresh trail of Indians, where they had just gone along in front of us. Maj. Ewing, who was in front of the main army some distance, immediately formed his men in line of battle and marched in that order in advance of the main army, about three-quarters of a mile. We had a very thick wood to march through, where the undergrowth stood very high and thick ; the signs looked very fresh and we expected every step to be fired upon from the thickets. We marched in this order about two miles, not stopping for the unevenness of the ground or anything else, but keeping in a line of battle ail the time, until we found the Indians had scattered, then 332 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY, we resumed our common line of march, which was in three divisions. Soon after we had formed into three divisions, the friendly Indians that were with us raised an alarm, by seven or eight of them shooting at a deer, some little in advance of the army. The whole army here formed for action, but it was soon ascertained that these children of the forest had been at what their whole race seems to have been born for, shooting at the beasts of the forest. " We here camped by a small lake [Storr's] this night, and had to drink the water, which was very bad, but it was all that could be found. Here a very bad accident happened. One of the sentinels, mistaking another that was on post, with a blanket wrapped around him, for an Indian, shot him just below the groin, in the thick of the thigh. At first, the wound was thought mortal. I understood, before I left the army, that the man was nearly well. Here Gen. Atkinson had, on this ni^'ht, breast-works thrown up, which was easily done, as we were encamped in thick, heavy timber. This was a precaution which went to show that he set a great deal by the lives of his men, and by no means was any mark of cowardice, for general ship consists more in good management than anything else. "July 2. — We started this morning at the usual time, but went only a few miles before Maj; Ewing, who was still in front with his battalion, espied a very fresh trail, making off at about a left angle. He dispatched ten men from the battalion, in company with Capt. George Walker and a few Indians, to pursue it and see, if possible, where it went to. He moved on in front of his battalion a short distance further, when we came on the main Sac trail of Black Hawk's whole army, which appeared to be about two days old. Capt. Early, who commanded a volunteer independent company, and had got in advance this morning, called a halt ; so did Maj. Ewing with his battalion. Then Maj. Ewing sent back one of his staff officers for the main army to call a halt for a few minutes. He, with Maj. Anderson, of the infantry, Capt. Early and Jonathan H. Pugh went a little in advance, when Maj. Anderson, with a telescope,, took a view across the lake, as we had now got to Lake Koshkonong. They then discovered three Indians apparently in their canoes. Maj. Ewing went himself and informed Gen. Atkin son what discovery was made, and requested Gen. Atkinson to let him take his battalion round through a narrow defile that was between two of those lakes, where we supposed the- Indians were. By this time, our scouts, who had taken the trail that led off on our left, returned, bringing with them five white men's scalps. They followed the Indian trail until it took them to a large Indian encampment that they had left a few days before. They reached it ; the scalps were sticking up against some of their wigwams ; some of them were identified, but I do not recollect the names of any, except one, which was said to be an old gentleman of the name of Hall. Maj. Ewing then marched his battalion about a mile, where the pass on the side of the lake appeared so narrow, that he dismounted his men and had the horses all tied, and a few men left to guard them. The rest of us marched on foot about one mile through a narrow defile on the [east] bank of Koshkonong Lake. UNITED STATES SURVEYS AND LAND SALES. Immediately after the close of the Black Hawk war, and the acquisition by the United States of the Indian title to all the land west of Lake Michigan, not reserved to the Indians or secured to specified individuals by the terms of the several treaties, a survey was commenced by the General Government. The northern boundary of Illinois, which was fixed April 11, 1818, on the parallel of 42° 30' north latitude, became necessarily the base line of the surveys. A principal north and south line (known as the Fourth Meridian) was also run, extending from the base line to Lake Superior. This line was west of the territory now included in Rock County, running between what are now the counties of Grant and La Fayette, Parallel lines to this were run every six miles both on the east and west sides of it. The intervening six miles between these lines are called ranges. Range 1 east is the first six miles east of the Fourth Meridian ; Range 2 east is the second six miles east ; and so on to Lake Michigan — Rock County lying in Ranges 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 east. Parallel lines north of the base lines were run HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 333 every six miles, which, crossing the ranges at right angles, cut the whole into blocks six miles square, called townships. These are numbered by tiers going north from the base line, as Town ships 1 north, Townships 2 north, and so on. As the present territory of Rock County extends twenty-four miles north of the base line, it includes, of course, four tiers of townships, num bered 1, 2, 3 and 4 north. Hence, in speaking of the territory of Rock County as surveyed by the General Government, it is said to be in Townships 1, 2, 3 and 4 north, of Ranges 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 east. The history of the surveys made in what is now Rock County is as fol lows : DESIGNATED SUBVEYS. By Whom Made. Under Authority of Surveyor General. Township 1 >T., Range 10 E. : West Township Boundary Mullett & Brink East Township Boundary jMullettoi Brink North Township Boundary Mullett & Brink South. Township Boundary Lucius Lyon Subdivisions West of River.... Subdivisions East of River.... Township 1 N., Range 11 E. : Township Lines, N. E. and W.!Mullett& Brink George W. Harrison., Geqrge W. Harrison., George W. Harrison. Lucius Lyon George W. Harrison. Mullett & Brink Lucius Lyon Mullett & Brink Orson Lyon Mullett & Brink. Orson Lyon Lucius Lyon Mullett & Brink. Orson Lyon Lucius Lyon Subdivisions. South Boundary Township 1 N., Range 12 E. : Subdivisions West of River... Town Lines W. and N., of River South Boundary Township Lines East of River Subdivisions E. of River Township 1 N., Range 13 E. : Township Lines N. E. and W., Subdivisions South Boundary Township 1 N., Range 14 E. : Township Lines N. E. and W„ Subdivisions South Boundary Township 2 N., Range 10 E. : Township Lines N. E. and W.. Mullett & Brink Subdivisions ; JGeorge W. Harrison.. Township 2 N., Range 11 E. : I Township Lines N. E. and W..i Mullett & Brink Subdivisions George W. Harrison.. Township 2 N., Range 12 E. : Subdivisions West of River.... George W. Harrison.. Township Lines West of RiVerJMullett & Brink Township Lines East of River^Mullett & Brink Subdivisions East of River Orson Lyon Township 2 N., Range 13 E. : j Township Lines lMullett& Brink Subdivisions Orson Lyon Township 2 N., Range 14 E. : Township Lines I Mullett & Brink Subdivisions Orson Lyon Township 3 N., Range 10 E. : , Township Lines I Mullett & Brink Subdivisions George W. Harrison.. Township 3 N., Range 11 E. : ! Subdivisions George W. Harrison.. Township Lines Mullett & Brink Township 3 N., Range 12 E : Subdivisions West of River.... George W. Harrison.. Township Lines West of River Mullett & Brink Township Lines East of River Mullett & Brink Subdivisions East of River Orson Lyon M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T.Williams... M. T. Williams... M. T. Williams... Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle., Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. M. T. Williams. M . T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.., M. T. Williams... Robert T. Lytle., Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle., Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle., Robert T. Lytle., M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.., M. T. Williams.., Robert T. Lytle. Robert T._Ly tie. October 10,1831 July '.), 1833 , July 9, 1833 , None February 13, 1832.. November 18, 1883.. July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833... None Date of Contract. quarter, 1832. quarter, 1833. quarter, 1833. ,„2 and 1833. t quarter, 1833. 1 quarter, 1834. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833. 1st quarter, 1833. 2d4th4th 1832Is1st November 18, 1833... 1st July 9, 1833 3d None 1st August 17, 1835 4th January 7, 1836 1st August 17, 1835. January 7, 1836. None....' August 17, 1835., January 7, 1836. None July 9,1833 November 18, 1833... July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833... November 18, 1833. July 9, 1833 August 17, 1835 January 7, 1836 August 17, 1835. January 7, 1836. August 17, 1835. January 7, 1836. July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833... November 18, 1833... July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833... July 9, 1833 August 17, 1835 January 7, 1836 When Surveyed. quarter, 1834. quarter, 1833, quarter, 1833. quarter, 1835. quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1835 2d quarter, 1836. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1835. 2d quarter, 1836. 3d quarter, 18-33. 3d quarter, 1833. 3d quarter, 1833.. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833. 1st quarter, 1834. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1835. 1st quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1835. 3d quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1835. 3d quarter, 1836. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833, 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833. 3d quarter,' 1833.^ 1st quarter, 1836. 2d q 334 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. DESIGNATED surveys. Township 3 N., Range 13 E. Township Lines Subdivisions Township 3 N., Range 14 E. Township Lines Subdivisions Township 4 N., Range 10 E. Township Lines Subdivisions Township 4 N., Range 11 E. Township Lines Subdivisions Township 4 N., Range 12 E. Township Lines West of River Township Lines East of River Subdivisions East of River... Subdivisions We°t of River. Township 4 N., Range 13 E. Subdivisions West of Lake.. Township Lines West of Lake.. Township Lines East of Lake.. Subdivisions East of Lake... Township 4 N., Ringe 14 E. Township Lines Subdivisions By Whom Made. Mullett & Brink. Orson Lyon Mullett & Brink. Orson Lyon Mullett & Brink. Lorin Miller Mullett & Brink George W. Harrison.. Mullett & Brink Mullett & Brink Hiram Burnham George W. Harrison. George W. Harrison.. Mullett & Brink Mullett & Brink Hiram Burnham Mullett & Brink. Hiram Burnham . Under Authority of Surveyor General. Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle.. Robert T. Lytle.. August 17. 1835. January 7, 1836. August 17, 1835. January 7, 1836. M. T. Williams.. M. T. AVilliams.. VI. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833. M. T. Williams.. Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle., M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams.. M. T. Williams- Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle. Robert T. Lytle. Robert T Lytle. Date of Contract. July 9, 1833 November 18, 1833... July 9, 1833 August 17, 1835... December 26, 1835... November 18, 1833.. November 18, 1833... July 9, 1833 August 17, 1835 December 26, 1835... August 17, 1835 December 26. 1835... When Surveyed. 4th quarter, 1836. 2d quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1835. 2d quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1833. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter 1833. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1835, 3d quarter, 1836. 1st quarter, 1834. 1st quarter, 1834. 3d quarter, 1833. 4th quarter, 1835. 3d quarter, 1836. 4th quarter, 1835. 2d quarter, 1836. By the end of 1833, a large amount of the public land had been surveyed, and the fact being duly reported by the Surveyor General, Congress, by an act approved June 26, 1834, created two land districts. They embraced all that tract north of the State of Illinois, west of Lake Michigan, south and southeast of the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, included' in the then Territory of Michigan. It was divided by a north and south line, drawn from the northern boundary of Illinois, between Ranges 8 and 9, to the Wisconsin River. All east of that line was called the Green Bay Land District ; all west, the Wisconsin Land District. Within the first-mentioned district was included the whole of the present county of Rock. A Land Office for this Eastern District was established at Green Bay, which was duly opened by the Govern ment, and a notice given of a public sale of all the then surveyed public lands lying south and southeast of the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, which notice placed in the market all that portion of what was afterward Rock County, lying west of Rock River and Lake Koshkonong. In accordance with this announcement, a sale took place at Green Bay in 1835. By act of Congress of June 15, 1836, the Milwaukee Land District was erected out of the southern portion ofthe Green Bay District, including all the land between Range 8 east and Lake Michigan, bounded on the south by the Illinois State line, and extending north so as to extend to and include the tier of townships numbered 10 north ; also, Townships 11 and 12 north, of Ranges 21 and 22 east. Of course, in this district fell all the territory now included within the limits of Rock County. The Land Office was located, at Milwaukee, where the first public sale of Government lands within the new district was held in the spring of 1839. This brought into market all of what is now Rock County that had not previously been disposed of, and, for the first time, that part lying east of Rock River and Lake Koshkonong. FIRST SETTLEMENT IN ROCK COUNTY. To obtain exact and reliable information concerning events which have occurred within a comparatively recent period, while many of those are yet living whose individual efforts and achievements form the subject of the inquiry, would appear to be a, task presenting but few difficulties. But busy men, whose thoughts and energies have been devoted mainly, if not exclusively, to the securing of homes and fortunes in a new country, naturally have little time to record the incidents and events which made up the history of their daily lives ; nor are they HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 335 inclined to regard them as other than trivial and unimportant, and therefore too insignificant to be perpetuated. From this disposition to regard most occurrences as trifling in themselves, combined with want of leisure or inclination to keep a daily record of what they thought, felt, hoped, did or suffered, it follows that the record of early settlements contains but scant material from which to obtain facts for the pages of history. Patient industry and careful research, how-^ ever, rarely fail to discover forgotten letters and old books of account, or to refresh the memories of early settlers regarding the events of long ago, which, being compared, weighed and sifted, supply the laborious searcher for truth with the information necessary for his purpose. The difficulties encountered in preparing a history of any particular county are precisely of the character just indicated, and they are surmounted only by patient and persistent research and investigation. The close of the Black Hawk war and the return home of the soldiers by whose fortitude and gallantry the Sac chief had been defeated and his band dispersed, called the attention of the country to the extraordinary natural advantages of the Rock River "Valley. Next to the narration of the exploits of himself and comrades in the field, the returned volunteer found his greatest delight in glowing accounts ofthe beautiful, flower-decked prairies, rich with nutritious grasses from three to six feet in height, and dotted at intervals with burr-oak openings, and of the swift and sparkling streams, winding like silver threads between their verdure-clad banks. According to these accounts, the Rock River country was a veritable modern Eden. Such enthusiasm naturally communicated itself to those who listened to the narrations, many of whom made up their minds to dispose of their then possessions as speedily as possible, and secure for themselves a home in this region, which was, seemingly, awaiting the occupation of the indus trious and the enterprising. On the 14th of July, 1835, John Inman, of Lucerne County, Penn sylvania, and William Holmes, of Ohio, started from Milwaukee " to spy out the land " in this much-vaunted valley. Procuring a couple of Indian ponies upon which to pack their provis ions, and armed with the trusty rifle, without which no one in the Northwest traveled in those days, they set out upon their explorations. Two days' march from Milwaukee brought them to Fort Atkinson, then just evacuated by the officer for whom it was named and his com mand, where they went into camp for the night. The next day they traveled west and south, and camped at night at the mouth of the Yahara (Catfish) River. When morning came, they found that their ponies had taken French leave, and that they must either pack their own traps, or leave them behind. This was an inconvenience, to be sure, but not a disaster to hardy pioneers ; so they shouldered their luggage and continued their explorations, following the course of the river southward till they reached the point now occupied by the city of Janesville, where they camped on the point of the bluff on the Racine road. From this point they saw Rock Prairie stretching away in the distance to the east and south, till the verdant plain mingled with the blue of the horizon. They saw before them an ocean of waving grass and blooming flowers, and realized the idea of having found the real Canaan — the real paradise of the world. Continuing their journey to the eastward, they came within half a mile of a beauti ful grove, in which they found unmistakable indications of its having been occupied not long before as an Indian encampment, to which they gave the name of Black Hawk Grove, which it still bears. Shortly after this, they discovered their ponies, and, having secured them, set out upon their return to Milwaukee, entirely satisfied with their investigations, and fully determined to make this magnificent and fertile prairie their future home. They reached Milwaukee on the 23d of July, having been absent ten days. In all their travels, they had found but one whi'e family — that of Mr. McMillan, who resided where Waukesha now stands. " On the 15th day of November, 1835, John Inman, Thomas Holmes, William Holmes, Joshua Holmes, Milo Jones and George Follmer started from Milwaukee with an ox team and wagon, the latter containing provisions, tools and other necessaries, and, on. the 18th day of the same month, arrived opposite the ' big rock.' " The biting frosts of winter were at hand,; no time was to be lost. The banks of the river on either side were lined with oaks, maples and ash. There was no scarcity of building material. The woodman's ax soon resounded from the forest, and within a week a log house graced the hillside. This was the first settlement in Rook County. 336 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER III. Political GtEOgrapiiy — Early Settlements — Pioneer Reminiscences — Pioneer Life— "Squatters" and their "Claims"— Rock County Organized. political geography. Rock County is bounded on the north by the counties of Dane and Jefferson ; east, by Walworth County ; south, by the State of Illinois ; and west, by the county of Green. Its eastern boundary is about fifty miles west of Lake Michigan ; its western boundary, about sev enty miles east of the Mississippi. It covers an area of about seven hundred and twenty square miles. This territory, with all the Northwest, was claimed by France from 1671 to 1763, when it was surrendered to the British. By the " Quebec Act" of 1774, the whole was placed under the local administration of Canada. It was, however, practically put under a despotic military rule, dnd so continued until possession passed to the United States. Before the last-mentioned event, and during and after the Revolution, the conflicting ciaims of Virginia, New York, Massachu setts and Connecticut to portions of the country were relinquished to the General Government. All these claims were based upon chartered rights, and Virginia added to hers the right of con quest of the "Illinois country" during the Revolution. As early as October, 1778, she declared, by an act of her General Assembly, that all the citizens of that commonwealth who were then settled, or should thereafter settle, on the western side of the Ohio, should be included in a dis tinct county, which should be called Illinois. No Virginians were then settled as far north as what is now Wisconsin ; and, as none thereafter located so far north before she relinquished all her rights to the United States, it follows that no part of our State was included in Illinois County, and that she never exercised any jurisdiction over any portion of Wisconsin ; nor did she make claim to any portion of it by right of conquest. Notwithstanding the passage ofthe ordinance of 1787, establishing a government over the ter- , ritory northwest of the Ohio River, which territory was acquired by the treaty of 1783 from Great B ritain, possession only was obtained by the United States of the southern portion, the northern.part being held by the British Government until 1796. Arthur St. Clair, in February, 1790, exer cising the functions of Governor, and having previously organized a government for the country under the ordinance above mentioned, established, in what is now the State of Illinois, a county which was named St. Clair. But, as this county only extended north " to the mouth of the Little Mackinaw Creek on the Illinois," it did not include, of course, any part, of the present Wisconsin, although being the nearest approach thereto of any organized county up to that date. The next and much nearer approach to Rock County was by the organization of Wayne County in 1796, which was made to include, beside much other territory, all of the present State watered by streams flowing into Lake Michigan. Still, no part of Rock River Valley had as yet come into any county organization. However, from 1800 to 1809, what are now the limits of Rock County were within the Territory of Indiana, and in the last-mentioned year passed into the Territory of Illinois. It is probable that Indiana Territory exercised juris diction over what is now Wisconsin to the extent of appointing two Justices of the Peace — one for Green Bay and one for Prairie du Chien. In the year 180y, the Illinois Territorial Government commissioned three Justices of the Peace and two militia officers at Prairie du Chien, St. Clair County having previously been extended so as to include that point and, probably, Green Bay. In the course of time, other Illinois counties subsequently had jurisdic tion, until in 1818, what is now Wisconsin became a porrion of the Territory of Michigan. Under the government ofthe latter, the district of country now forming Rock County was first I HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 337 included within the limits of the county of Brown, afterward Milwaukee, and so continued until it became itself a county, constituted by name and boundary. EARLY SETTLEMENT. A little over a month after the arrival of John Inman and his company upon Rock River, where they began the first settlement in Rock County, there arrived out, Samuel St. John and his wife — the last mentioned the first white woman settler of the county. On the 15th of January, 1836, Dr. James Heath and wife joined the little colony." All wintered in the log cabin together. Settlements soon followed in other parts of the county. Particular accounts of these will hereafter be given ; for the present, the reader's attention will be invited to personal narra tives of pioneers and others, to be followed by a description of pioneer life as it stands revealed upon the pages of history. PIONEER REMINISCENCES. I— Anonymolts, Hock Praikie, 1845. We have hardly seen a flake from that snowstorm which you have (according to the papers) luxuriated on in the way of sleigh-riding. I have rode three hours in a sleigh. The conse quence was, a stop of three hours to mend and a haul of ten miles on the bare ground. This is a southern county, on Rock River, about midway east and west between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. The high reputation which the Rock River country enjoys has brought many here, who have now well-built houses and highly cultivated farms. I think the soil on Rock Prairie is not sur passed by any in the Territory. The prairie [Rock], with its windings, is not far from twenty miles long and from two to fifteen miles wide, and the wheat raised on it is immense. I am told they consider that 100 acres under cultivation is but moderate. Many farmers have not threshed their wheat, and on every side you may see stacks in clusters, numbering as high as twenty. A Jarge portion of the tillers of the soil have already reached that desired condition of which Gov. Tallmadge speaks, " honorable independence." The country is adapted to the various branches of farming ; but, as much is said at random on the productiveness of capital invested in agriculture, I will give a few items in figures, which may be relied upon. A gentleman here bought eighty acres of prairie and raised from it a crop of wheat, hiring all the work done. Here are the items of expense and the value of the crop : Eighty acres of land, at $1.25 $100 00 Fencing 230 00 Breaking 160 00 Seed for sowing 75 00 Sowing, 8 00 Harrowing '. 90 00 Harvesting 150 00 Total expense : $813 00 The eighty acres produced twenty-six bushels per acre — 2,080 bushels ; deduct one-tenth for threshing, leaves 1,872 bushels, at 45 cents per bushel 842 40 Clear gain .' - $ 29 40 The land is now plowed, fenced and paid for, and more than half New England percentage received on the investment. This may look very fair; it is not unfair reckoning if Providence sends a good seed-time and harvest. The yield per acre is not above the average, and I am informed the price is only medium. The settlers are apparently well contented on this and other garden-like prairies. You may call this one side — " the boy said he would like to slide down hill if there was no draw back to it." I will give the worst of the other side by informing you that for timber here, in 338 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. good locations, they pay from $3 to $20 per acre, and, in addition, that all parts of the country are not well watered. From forty to one hundred and twenty feet is the distance which js dug in some places for a living spring. With these impressions, I may tell you of a large trade that is now going on in the way of transportation from the southern to the northern country. Thousands of emigrants who arrived the last season have to purchase all they consume. Many sage remarks are made on the appe tites of the initiating " Badgers ;" and I am a witness that if men are divided into two classes — those who labor for an appetite and those who strive to satisfy one, the latter class are here most strongly represented by thousands of hungry men, making their first winter's stay. There is yet too little capital invested by the agriculturists to supply the demands of the emigrants. Fifty miles north of this, potatoes are from 37 to 50 cents per bushel, and I have paid as high as 75 cents for a bushel of oats. It is a matter of remark that a great proportion of the settlers in this region are from the Eastern States ; and as the new-comers seek for Government lands, they push across the river, where they find good advantages but an inferior soil. It would be difficult to enumerate the sunny spots in this region of country. Janesville is the county seat, and the center of at least twelve stage-routes, on which are driven four and six horse coaches. The town, with 400 inhabitants, is fast increasing, and improving in appearance. II — Abram Edwards, Janesville, 1855. In the year 1818, I was a resident of Detroit, and the owner of a large mercantile estab lishment located in that place, and from this had branches at Fort Gratiot, the outlet of Lake Huron, and at Mackinaw, Green Bay and Chicago. In May of that year, business required my presence at each of the branches, and I accompanied the army Paymaster, Maj. Phillips, who was ordered to pay the troops stationed at those places — then military posts. We left Detroit in the month of May in a small schooner for Mackinaw, and from thence on the same mode of conveyance to Green Bay. After our business was finished at the bay, and we were looking for a conveyance to Chicago, Inspector General Wool arrived, and requested we would not leave until he had inspected the troops and he would accompany us. to that place. In the interim, we purchased a bark canoe and had it fitted up for our voyage. Maj. Z. Taylor, after ward President, commanding the post, furnished us with seven expert canoe-men to manage our frail bark.We left Green Bay garrison after dinner, and went to the head of Sturgeon Bay, forty miles, and encamped for the night. The next morning, we carried our canoe two and a half miles over the portage to the shore of Lake Michigan, and, after getting the baggage over, we were willing to encamp for the night. The next morning found us in our canoe afloat on the waters of the lake, paddling our way to Chicago, where we arrived the third day from our lake-shore encampment. On our passage, although we frequently landed, we did not meet with a white man ; we were, however, informed that one was trading with the Indians at Milwaukee. At Twin Rivers, Manitowoc, Sheboygan and Milwaukee the shore of the lake was lined with Indians ; near Manitowoc, many were out in canoes spearing whitefish. I am reminded of these reminis cences, having recently noticed in the public prints a census of the inhabitants of the cities and towns that have grown up on this very lake shore, which for beauty and population are equal to many of the cities and towns of the old States, and which shores, when traversed, were then peopled by savages ; and, indeed, from the shores of Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, was one wide waste of unoccupied country. Indeed, from Chicago to Detroit, you had no track but the Indian path from one city to the other, and without any shelter for the weary traveler, where now in Michigan there are nearly a million of inhabitants, with all the facilities of conveyances and comfort you will find in the older States. The same may be said of the States of Illinois and Wisconsin — two of the greatest grain producing States in the Union ; for their population, with farms and improvements equal to any HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 339 in any part of the United States. Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin now contain a greater population than did the old thirteen States when we contended with England for our inde pendence. This, reader, is truly a progressive age ; within the last thirty-seven years, the three States herein named have grown into existence, and now contain nearly three millions of people. What flattering inducements are still held out here for the hardy sons of New England ; plenty of the best lands under the sun are yet left unoccupied, and only want industry and hardy hands to find plenty of gold, and without the fatigue and expense of a journey to Cali fornia for this precious metal. The valley of Rock River is the most beautiful and most productive country I have ever seen in any part of the United States, from the head-waters of the river to its entrance with the Mississippi. But this I do not wish to say in disparagement of thousands of acres in Illi nois and Wisconsin that only want the husbandman with his team and plow to produce a rich harvest. Chicago, in 1818, was only a garrison, commanded by Maj. Baker, with no settlements near ; now it contains probably a population of over 70,000, probably 10,000 more than can be num bered in the old city of Albany. In June, 1818, from the garrison at Chicago to Twin Rivers, 170 miles on the west shore of Lake Michigan, there was but one white man resident — he an Indian trader. Since then, Chicago has become what it is — a large city ; Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee and Sheboygan, all incorporated cities ; Port Washington, Manitowoc, Twin Rivers, and several other towns — all important business places — have grown into existence, and now probably contain, all together, 150,000 souls ; and the wide uncultivated waste of country then lying between the western shore of Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River, numbers now over two millions of inhabitants. When I look' back over the last thirty-seven years of my life, I can hardly realize the wonderful changes that have taken place under my observation in this country, and still much greater may be expected for the next thirty years. What flattering inducements are still held out for emigration to this almost boundless empire. Ill— Isaac T. Smith, Milton, 1855. , It was on the 26th of November, 1835, that I first set foot in Wisconsin. The weather was extremely cold, with one foot of snow upon the ground. I was in company with some families, consisting of women and small children, some of the, latter but a few months old. As we were compelled to camp out upon the ground, our first lesson of Wisconsin pioneering was not the most agreeable. However, we made the best of it. I made a claim two miles north of Skunk Grove, in Racine County, and there spent the winter. In a few days after my arrival, I became acquainted with Henry F. Janes, and, as his name is so intimately connected with the early as well as the subsequent history of Janesville, a brief description of the man may not be entirely uninteresting. Mr. Janes was a man full six feet and two inches in height, and well proportioned, of rather dark complexion, good natured, free and easy in conversation, fond of company, especially of a political chum, and an old pioneer. He never tired in hearing or telling a good story, and had a fund of incidents connected with the first settlements and late wars. He was among the first settlers of Racine County, and made his claim about four milts north of Skunk Grove, before the land was surveyed, and found, afterward, that a part of his claim was on the school section (No. 16), and fearing he might be troubled to get a title, he concluded to go farther west. He was of a roving disposition, and liked the excitement incident to a new country, and not much inclined to work himself, but to plan for others. He never was wanting for a good excuse to change his location. Accordingly, during the winter, he fitted out a horse team, and, with a small party, started west for Rock River. On arriving at Muskego Lake, they found the outlet frozen over, and, in attempting to cross, the ice broke, letting in the team, and, in getting the horses out, he hurt one of them, so that its lip became paralyzed and hung down, and it 340 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. refused to eat, or could not, and, of course, soon died. Janes gave the name of "Lip Creek"" to the stream. This accident, and other discouraging circumstances, caused the party to return. This name of "Lip Creek," as applied to the outlet of Muskego Lake, was retained for a long time. The next time they started, they concluded not to take a team ; but Janes and a man named Harness commenced their journey to Rock River, and, as they were told by the Indian traders that it was but sixty miles, they concluded they would pack through with a single horse. The weather was extremely cold, and there being no trail to follow, their progress was verv fatiguing, and when they arrived at what is now called Mount Zion [in the present town of Harmony], and seeing the prairie stretching away to the west until bounded by the horizon, and supposing that Rock River was still west of that, and their provisions likely to fail, they became discouraged, and returned back for a further supply of food. Again they started with full supplies, and reached Rock River in safety. Janes traveled about for some time, and, in consequence of cold weather and being exposed as one must be in camp ing out, together with the glare of the snow, his eyes became so affected that he could scarcely see at all. But on the 15th of January [February], 1836, he made his claim where the city'of Janesville now stands. Many have given him great credit for his foresight in making his loca tion ; but in the absence of any "sight," it was probably " more by hit than good wit." Returning to the Skunk Grove settlement, Janes patiently or impatiently awaited the proper time to commence the removal of his family to Rock River. The winter of 1835-36 was very cold, and the spring late and backward, so that he had to wait till the middle of May before grass was large enough for stock to live upon. I was engaged to accompany him, to assist in driving the cattle. We started on Sunday, May 15, 1836. The company consisted of Janes and family, Richard Miller, Levi Harness, a Mr. Beasley and myself. The first six miles were passed without difficulty. Then came a storm of rain and hail, with" so strong a wind that we were obliged to halt with the family wagon in the leeward of the one that was loaded with provisions and farming tools, or get capsized. In a short time, the storm passed on, and so did our company. The first night we camped among a few scattering trees on Section 3, Township 3 north, Range 20 east, and flattered ourselves that we should enjoy a good night's rest ; but in this we were disappointed. May 16. — Rained nearly all night. The most of the family slept in their wagon, but some of the men and myself had a bed on the ground ; and the first that I knew of the rain was on waking in the night and finding water under and around me, until I was half covered, and more coming down. I could not stand that, although lying down, so concluded to try it sitting up in one of the wagons that was loaded with goods, and covered with cotton cloth — the canvas being so low that I could not sit upright without my head coming in contact with it, when the water would come through in streams on my head and neck. I found, in the morning, that I was not an " upright man," however much I, might , strive to be, for my neck was stiff at an angle of forty-five degrees for several days. However, my misfortune did not impede our journey west, and we made slow .progress, as the sloughs were soft, and a great many of them ; and in one place, in following along near the outlet of Mus kego Lake, we were obliged to have ropes to hold the wagons from turning over. Some time after noon, we forded the Fox River, at what is now called Rochester. There was but one family there at the time, that of a Mr. [Levi] Godfrey. He came ,out to see us, and seemed quite pleased, as it was the first train of the season, and although we were going to settle on Rock River, he was very glad he should have neighbors so near him. He also cheered us by saying that our road would be much better, and less wet marshes. We drove about four miles, and camped at Honey Creek, on Section 1, Township 3 north, of Range 18 east. We had thus far found a few wagon tracks to guide us, but no wagons had ever yet been west of Godfrey's. May 17. — Spent some time this morning in searching for a good place to ford the stream, as it was quite deep from the recent rain. At last we selected a place, removed some of the turf with our spades at the steep banks, and hitched all the cattle to one wagon, and started. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 341 The cattle had but little difficulty until the fore-wheels struck the steep bank, when the rear team of old stags on the tongue came to their knees and fell down flat, when the lash' was applied to the forward ones, who pulled them out, wagon and all. As the load raised the bank, the old short-horns righted, but looked rather hard after their morning exercise. By repeating the operation, we finally got all safely over. We followed on or near a section line which we took at Rochester, and so had no difficulty as to the course, as we knew where the line would strike an Indian trail that led to Rock River, where we. wished to go. At noOn to-day, we turned a little to the left, and went down a steep hill to get to water and grass. Janes told us he believed this stream was called Poc-a-chee-woc. I think it must have been Sugar Creek. In raising the hill after dinner, one of the leading cattle balked, and then came the tug of war. This was the first time I had seen Janes angry ; but the way he did make the fur fly, was a caution to ali balky oxen. After we left that place, our route lay south of where West Troy now is ; and all went well until we came to a large marsh, southwest of Troy, where it was about one mile across, as our course lay- Janes had crossed it when frozen in winter, and thought he would find no difficulty in doing so now ; and it extended some miles south, and, as he supposed, north also. We got along quite well for three-fourths of the way, and had begun to flatter ourselves that we would not stick, when the old mare, on which the oldest boy rode, began to scrabble and to show signs of going under. The old lady, Mrs. Janes, called to the boy to jump off, and the old man, to stick on, which last he obeyed ; and the old nag stuck fast, with all legs out of sight. We stopped all the teams and loose stock, held a council, and examined the mud. We first took the young colt some two rods ahead, and then I held it so as to entice the old mare to use her utmost exertion to get to it. Janes and Beasley put a strap under her and lifted on that, while Harness and Miller helped what they could, and repeating the effort a dozen times, at length brought old Betty on terra firma. We then unyoked the old short-horns, as they were so heavy they could not draw without miring down, and left them to get through as best they could, and put all of the rest to one wagon and took it through, but not over. We took off the barrels of flour and pork from the wagon and left them on the marsh until we got the wagons to dry ground ; and then, with the sideboards laid down, we rolled the barrels Some forty rods over the mire to hard ground. Not an ox escaped miring down, except the balky one, and he would not pull, so all he had to do was t<~ carry his own weight. If there was but qne ox down at a time, we would not stop, but pulled him out by the head. After crossing the marsh/ we camped for the night on Section 34, Township 4 north, Range 17 east. I have since learned that Othni and Alexander Beardsley were then, encamped, in hearing of our cattle-bells, in search of claims, and located theirs at West Troy. May 18. — This morning left camp cheerfully, and with assurance that we would not be troubled with marshes. About noon came to Turtle Creek, where we let the teams drink and feed, as they would get no more water until we got to Rock River. Here we became aware that even an old pioneer sometimes forgot the needful, as we had no empty keg to carry water in for cooking our supper and breakfast, as well as for drink during the next twenty-four hours or more. The only thing that could be spared was the vessel with twenty gallons of maple-sugar vinegar in it. So the vinegar was poured upon the sandy shore of Turtle Creek, and we filled it with water and started again ; and, after a few miles travel, we came on the far-famed Rock Prairie, the paradise of the West ; and certainly I never saw it when it looked so fine as at that time. The prairie grass was now green and largely interspersed with flowers. There was not the mark of a plow to be seen, and but very few wagon-tracks ; not a house nor a fence, nor anything to show that civilized man had ever been there. The country was alone in its glorious grandeur. We drove a few miles and encamped near where John A. Fletcher, of Johnstown, since located his residence. May 19. — Started this morning very early, as the , teams would have to reach the river before they could drink. We used most of the water, but when we were three miles from the river one hog we were driving gave out with fatigue and thirst. We dug a place in the prairie, 342 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. and poured the last of the water in it, and let the hog wallow in it awhile, which served greatly to revive him, and then we went on. When near the Spring Brook, about a mile below where the city [Janesville] now is, the cattle that were loose started on a run for drink ; and the first water they came to was in deep holes, with perpendicular banks, and the cattle plunged all under, to the great danger of drowning a part of them. They at length satisfied their thirst, and got out in safety. We stopped awhile at the house of Samuel St. John, fed our teams and took our dinner ; and he went with us to show us the best way to get to the house of Mr. Janes, which he had previously built upon his claim. Spring Brook was very much swollen by rain, and in many places was eight or ten feet deep. We had to go some distance up the valley of the creek toward Black Hawk Grove, cross over, and follow up a ravine to get on the high land, and then down another ravine to the river. We found the log cabin which had been raised and covered with " shakes " by men that Janes had hired to do it for him, as when he was previously here his eyes were sore, and he could not work himself. The cabin was made of logs not very straight, and not chinked. It had no door, and was not well calculated to keep out the rain, as we had abundance of evidence in a few hours ; for there was an uncommonly severe thunder-storm and hard wind, and the best we could do was to hold a blanket at the door as well as we could, and put the wagon-boards down to keep out the water. There were four families then near and on what are now the city limits of Janesville. Samuel St. John lived nearly a mile below where Milwaukee street bridge now stands, and Dr. James Heath's house stood a little above the Monterey stone quarry on the south side of the river ; the house of William Holmes, Sr., was on the west side, and John Holmes' cabin on the east side, near where the old brickyard was, above the steam saw-mill. I think these were all of the families then in Wisconsin, in the Rock River Valley. Arriving here on the 19th of May, on the next day we started the breaking-plow. On Sunday, the 22d, I was at St. John's, and there saw Mr. Caleb Blodgett and some others that were looking claims, and while there a Frenchman, of whom they had hired some horses, came for them, as they had been retained beyond the time engaged, and he became uneasy about his pony stock.. Seeing the ponies feeding on the flat, he caught them before com ing to the house ; and when he came, he was very angry ; but a little soft sawder and the milk of human kindness put all right ; and the old man told us much about the country and the Black Hawk war, as he was here all through it, and said that he and Gen. Scott made the treaty at Rock Isla'nd. Blodgett bought the old man's claim where Beloit now stands; he had pre viously moved to the foot of Lake Koshkonong, where I afterward was well acquainted with him. He often told me that he was an interpreter in making the treaty spoken of. I think he spelled his name Joseph Thebalt, but he was called Tebo, or Thiebeau. I stopped a few days with Mr. Janes, and made a claim on the farm since owned by Mrs. Strunk and children, and built a cabin to secure it in my absence. On the 25th of May, I started, in company with Beasley, to return to Racine. We provided ourselves with food for dinner, but not for supper, as we expected to reach Rochester by night. We filled a pint flask with water and put it in our pocket, thinking it would last to Turtle Creek, twenty miles ; but, with fast walking, we soon got thirsty and drank it, and after that allayed our thirst with the water we found in the cattle tracks along our route. We were not able to reach our "neigh bor's " house at Fox River, and consequently were compelled to camp out, without food, fire or blanket. We had one overcoat between us. We were awakened next morning without being summoned by that modern contrivance, called a gong, and, before sunrise, forded Honey Creek, waist deep, and in good time for break fast arrived at neighbor Godfrey's, where we discussed his hospitalities in a manner to flatter the ambition of the most fastidious cook in the country. At this place, we met the families of Maj. Meacham, Mr. Spoor, and two others, on their way to Troy. After breakfast, and a short chat with the new-comers, we started on ; as there was no boat, we were obliged to ford the river, which was much deeper than when we crossed it on our way out. It was our only chance. I placed my journal in my hat to keep it dry, not being then troubled with money I&sil rest V : ¦ ',.'¦ ¦ ¦ ;;fefe£X> gbSa^a&r (deceased) JANESVILLE HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 345 with which to take the same precaution, and with my overcoat rolled up and placed upon my shoulder, taking a long stick with which to steady myself, we took to the water, like true believers in hydropathy. Beasley was a man above the usual size, and he succeeded well, but I not being well built for wading, should certainly have been compelled to swim had I not taken the precaution to provide myself with a stick. Our transit across the river was watched by our new acquaintances with deep interest, and I cannot but say that the thought that they were watching us with anxiety, inspired us with courage, and a sort of pride to stem the angry current, and aided us much in making a safe pas sage. At least, it gave us great pleasure to know that we were watched with interest by those strangers. I have since renewed the acquaintance I then made, with some of them, and found them such people as one would choose for neighbors and friends. At the time of taking the precaution of securing my journal in the top of my hat, I little thought of ever being called upon for an extract from its pages. Toward evening of the same day, I arrived at my home, having traveled through some of the best, and certainly some of the most delightful and beautiful country I had ever before seen. In sixty-five miles, I passed but one house. At that time, I did not know of a family residing in what is now Walworth County, if there were any, they must have lived on the extreme south side. I will note the origin of a few of the names applied to localities in Rock County. Thiebeau, the old French trader, and early settler at Beloit, told me that the name Koshkonong, was of Winnebago derivation, and means "the place where we shave," as when he and another trader first came into the country, they left their razors at the lake, and would travel around among the Indians trading for furs, but when they wanted to shave, they returned to their headquarters at the lake. The Pottawatomies had a village on the east side, and their name signified " the lake we live ou." Emerald Grove was named by Dr. James Heath. Mount Zion was first so called by James Wood and Erastus Coddington. Johnstown derived its name from John A. Fletcher; Prairie du Lac, from the small lakes on the northeast side of the prairie ; but our letters being frequently miscarried to Prairie du Sac, or, as we generally called it, Sauk Prairie, northwest of the Wis consin River — in order to remedy that annoyance, we met and named the town Milton. Otter Creek took its name from the number of otter slides along its banks at the time of surveying. A claim was made, where I now reside, on the 4th of March, 1837, the day Martin Van Buren was to have taken the Presidential chair. It came on Sunday, so he put it off one day ; we did not, but came twelve miles in a sleigh and marked our claim. IY— George W. Ogden, Milton, near Lake Koshkonong, 1856. In company with Dwight Foster, F. A. Jewett, Gilbert McNaught and my brother, we left Milwaukee in the month of September, 1836, with an ox team, wending our way westward for the Rock River Valley, for the purpose of finding homes in this then far Northwest, so recently the theater of the severe and protracted conflict between Black Hawk and his savage hordes and the " pale faces," in which the Indians had the worst of the conflict, not to say of the cause, and in which they were completely subdued and driven beyond the Mississippi, and a permanent peace established. We took aboard a bag of flour, some pork, and a very few cook ing utensils — sufficient for "baching it" on the frontier. After leaving Waukesha, we found but one settler before reaching what is now the city of Janesville. Here Mr. Janes kept a small log tavern. This was the only building in the " city." We stayed here all night, sleeping on some deer-skins, thrown on the floor; and this, indeed, we thought to be very good lodging, we were so fatigued with our travel. The next morning, we started on Atkinson's trail, a little east of north, and traveled across Rock and Du Lac Prairies until we arrived at Otter Creek, in the north part of the county. From this point, we traveled due west until we reached Rock River, a,t the foot of Lake Kosh konong, where the village of Milton is now situated, with its two giant iron arms diverging and 346 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. reaching out already to Madison and Janesville, and yet, in a short time, to grasp the " Father of Waters" at Dubuque and Prairie du Chien. Here we concluded to stop and commence our future homes. My brother, a few months previous, had been here and built a small log cabin, in which we at once commenced housekeeping. My claim included the camp-ground of Black Hawk, and, from indications, the Indians must have remained several weeks, living on clams, fish, wild rice and game. We found heaps of clam-shells, three or four feet across and a foot deep, and even at the present day I frequently run my plow through these heaps of shells. This old camp-ground covered nearly two acres. His tent-poles were then standing, together with his flag-staff, painted in a fantastic manner. These poles remained standing several years. Here were several recent graves, also one skele ton, placed in a wooden trough, with another turned over it, inside of a small pen, laid up of poles, all on the surface of the ground. I have plowed out, at various times, large shells, at least a foot and a half in length, shaped like the periwinkle — undoubtedly sea-shells ;' but how they came here is the question. A large number of ancient mounds are here. I have, however, leveled several of them with my plow, and turned out several relics, such as human bones, beads, pieces of wampum and stone battle-axes. Thiebeau (pronounced Tebo), a Canadian, the former and earliest proprietor of Beloit, with his two Indian wives, resided near my claim, on what is now known as Thiebeau's Point. He, with his family (he had three or four children), remained here until the winter of 1837-38, when he was murdered, no doubt, by his son Francis and his mother — one of his wives. This resulted from a family quarrel, he wishing to remain here and cultivate the land ; they were anxious to follow the Indians west of the Mississippi. The Indians, in considerable numbers, remained around in this vicinity for several years ; and even until very recently they have made annual visits, to fish and gather rice, which form erly grew in great abundance on the borders of the lake. I was in the habit of trafficking with them, selling them " quashagon," bread ; " coocoosh," pork ; " wahbumbra," melons and squashes, and received, in payment, buckskins, venison, moccasins and buckskin coats. At one time, I came near having trouble with a company bf six Indians. I had a grind stone, the only one, perhaps, in Rock County, and 1 1 allowed the Indians to grind their knives and tomahawks whenever they wished to. This was in the latter part of the winter, when these Indians came to my shanty and asked the privilege of grinding, which I readily granted, a3 usual. After grinding, they came into my shanty. I was alone — the only white person in the settlement. They asked for food. I had been in the habit of giving it to them frequently, but, at this time, I was almost out myself and did not know when I could get more from Milwaukee. I knew they were nearly famished, having consumed their winter's stock of rice and muskrats, and pitied them ; but was obliged to refuse them. They then offered me money, even to a handful of half-dollars for a small piece of bread ; but I told them how little I had, and that I knew not when I could get more. I could talk Indian considerably then. Still they insisted on having something to eat, and one of them stepped to my pork barrel and took off the cover and looked in, where I had a few small pieces of pork swimming in the brine, and manifested a disposition to take it, when I took my ax and resolutely stepped toward him and told him to "pucka,chee" — clear out. I was fully determined to split him down if he had not desisted; and he undoubtedly thought so. for he stepped back, and, after some consultation, they left me unmolested. I almost tremble, even at this late day, when I consider the risk that I ran and my fortunate escape from my probable and almost inevitable fate had I struck the Indian down with such odds against me, and the probable effect that would have been produced on the others under the circumstances. Y— Levi St. John, Janesville, 1856. I arrived with my family at Rock River, October 5, 1836, and went into a log house on the farm now owned by Mr. Cobb, with my brother, his wife having died the June previous. The first election in the county was held at my brother's house, Ave days after my arrival. The HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 347 number of votes cast was very small. I at that time knew and traded with every man in the- county, having brought in leather, boots and shoes. At this time, there were only six white women within six miles of Janesville, and none at Beloit. We procured our provisions with great difficulty, and were obliged to pay $3 per hundred weight for hauling from Milwaukee or Chicago, which, added to the cost, made our flour stand us at $21 and pork $40 per barrel ; salt 15, and saleratus 25 cents per pound, and butter from 3 to 6 shillings. But the greatest trouble, after all, was to procure seed for sowing. I rode into Illinois, and, at the end of four-days' travel, succeeded in obtaining only three bushels of buckwheat, for which I paid $6, and thought myself very fortunate at that. For the first twelve bushels of oats that I sowed I paid $24. Bred as I was to the business of farming and tanning, in the quiet old town of Hubbardton, Vt., I had very little idea of what vicissitudes a frontier life subjected a man to. I have frequently camped on the prairies or openings, rolled myself in my blanket and gone to sleep, with nothing to break the stillness of the scene but the howling of the wolves. At that early day, the Indians were quite numerous in this part of Wisconsin. I have frequently visited their camps, gone into their wigwams, and bought honey and maple sugar of them. At times, as many as a dozen Indians would ride up to my house, armed with tomahawks, knives and loaded guns; and I have at such times thought how easy a matter it would be for them to butcher my family, if they were so disposed. It was reported, from time to time, that they intended to have a general rising, and massacre all the whites ; in fact, they did murder a man on Rock River, near its head, of the name of Burnett, and wounded another. But they were always friendly with me, and I have traded a great deal with them. They learned to be quite shrewd in their traffic. If they had a large lot of peltries or fish to sell, they would only show a few of the poorest at first, and then producing more, and so on, until they sold out. The Indians are remarkably generous, always offering their visitors something to eat. I was generally in the habit of feeding them when they called at my house. I have frequently given a loaf of bread to a company of half a dozen, when the one who received it would divide it, reserving the largest share for himself. Indians always share together ; no matter whose papoose it is, he has his spoon in the succotash as long as it lasts. But the Indians, together with the deer and wolves, have left. Those were days of romance, when the rules of etiquette were laid aside. The highest tax was for the necessaries of life. We then enjoyed ourselves in visiting, riding in a two-horse or ox wagon or cart, with old Golden and his mate, snuffing up the fragrance of the prairie air. There were no political or road contentions, for we traveled where we pleased, and voted for whom we pleased. But those good and bright days are gone, and are succeeded by fashion and exorbitant taxes. VI— Isaac T. Smith, Milton, 1856. On the 4th of March, 1837, a company of us took a team and sleigh and started for Otter Creek to make claims. D. F. Smith made his claim where the Milwaukee and Mineral Point road crosses the creek on the lot where I now reside. [Mr. Smith lives now (1879) in Col orado.] It was at that time considered valuable as a water-power ; was selected for the purpose of building mills, as well as to make a farm. I made a claim on Prairie du Lac, on what is now occupied as a farm by Joseph Goodrich and John Alexander. The 27th of the same month, I hired a team and some men to come here and help me put up a cabin for a family to move into. The weather was cold, and, as we had to camp on the ground, we worked lively to make as short a job as possible. In our haste in preparing our camp equipage and eatables, we forgot the article to raise our hoe-cake, and were obliged to eat it in an unleavened state. That would have satisfied the most rigid Jew of old. We put up two cabins, each fourteen feet square, and covered them with " shakes," as long shingles were then called, the gable ends being finished with logs and the shingles held to their places by weight-poles on top, instead of nails. That style of building is fast going out of practice; and, if we do not preserve a description of these primitive cabins on paper, the people will soon forget the style of Western pioneer cabins. I took up my residence here on the 10th 348 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. of April, in company with a man named Lyman C. Smith ; but in one week's time he tired of our way of living, and I bought him out. My nearest neighbor south was Daniel Smiley, where Col. H. P. Culver now resides, and on the north was John Allen, above Lake Kosh konong. I lived by myself until D. F. Smith moved his family here, about the 25th of May, the same spring. Like all early settlers, I was pleased to have those seeking locations call, and, if I could show them a place that suited them for a farm, to do so. Sometimes my family was large for a house of this size, as I had no chamber-room and a cabin but fourteen feet square, and, to show you how many can stay in a small house, I will give the names of my family — on one occasion for a couple of nights it consisted of the following persons: D. F. Smith, L. C. Smith, Simon Smiley, Franklin Griffith, William Voice, John B. Babcock and three others. There came up a severe thunder-storm. D. F. Smith had a small Indian pony that he paid a high price for ; said it was too bad for the pony to stay out in such a storm, so I moved my dishes, and it was led in and tied to my cupboard, or rather a pin in the log that was part of my cupboard. Eastern housekeepers will be curious to know how we slept, as I had but one bedstead, and that had but one post, the logs ofthe house answering instead ofthe other three posts. Three of us lay on the bed and as many under it, while the rest ranged around the fire in one corner and the pony in the other. The flour that I used was made at Adamsville, in Cass County, Mich., and hauled on wagoiis by the way of Chicago and Racine to this place and was current at $20 per barrel. Pork was worth $45 per barrel; potatoes $4 per bushel. One day, while I was gone to my former boarding-place, where I still had my washing done, a neighbor, some eight miles distant, came near my cabin looking for his horses that had strayed, and, being very hungry, called to get something to eat, but, finding the door fastened on the inside (a pre caution that I had taken to keep the Indians from taking my eatables), he looked for another place to enter, thinking if I got out, he could get in, so, climbing to the top of the house and taking off some shingles, was soon making a fire to cook supper for himself, which, with what I had on hand and some prairie-chickens' eggs that he had found, made a rare supper for a new country. On leaving, he went out as he came in, and the next time I saw him, he told me he had helped himself, and, of course, it was all right. I think Jason Walker was the next one that came to this town, and soon after that G. B. Hall and J. Giblet settled above us, on the creek. N. G. Storrs, S. D. Butz and G. T. Mackey came in soon after, but I am unable to say which one first, or what time. G. W. Ogden was one of the first, in the west part of this town [Milton]. After our first supply of flour gave out, we were obliged to go to mill down to Aurora, on Fox River, in what is now Kane County, 111., or in some cases to Green's mills, at what is now called Dayton, within three miles of Ottawa, La Salle County, same State. When we could get grinding done at Beloit, it was quite a relief, as it took but two days to go to mill, and I have done it in one. Our breaking-plow was made by Mr. Stevens, of Pleasant Prairie, near Kenosha ; and, when worn until it needed a new lay, it could not be had short of Racine, and Dr. F. Smith took two yoke of oxen and started with it for the shop, sixty-five miles off. The people at and around Rochester had raised a bridge at that place across Fox River, and got one track planked, and when he drove his team on, the leaders were afraid, and seeing the danger of their falling off, he unhooked the chain 'just in time, for one ox pushed his mate over, and he held him by the neck, his mate hanging down toward the water. Smith put his shoulder to the other, and tum bled him off too. Both cattle struck the water with their backs down. Then he jumped in, and succeeded in unyoking them, and getting both out. After getting the plow fixed, he started at noon from Racine, and it was dark when he came to the river, and not liking the bridge, thought best to ford it, and found, when too late, that the river had raised so as to make fording dangerous. The cattle had to swim some, and the wagon box was like to leave, but by holding the stakes, he kept it on, but the groceries were worse for water, that lay ip the box. While thinking over those times, it brings to mind a case of one of Janes' hands, and shows the consequence of "getting on a bust." HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 349 Janes sent a man to Racine with three yoke of oxen and a wagon, and when there, he met several of his old acquaintances, who had not the practical importance of the "Maine Law " before their eyes, and, after drinking awhile, it occurred to the said driver, that it would be wis dom in him to look out well for the cattle, lest they should stray while he was drinking with his party. He put a bell on one ox, and to make sure, chained him to a tree, thinking the others would not leave the bell. When he went to yoke his team, the bell-ox was all that could be found. This vexed him much, and he started for the old place where they had been kept before moving to Rock River, and being somewhat cast down with his error, he passed a yard in which a man had turned the cattle (as they had started back), but not seeing them, he went eight miles to the old place, and then to Janesville, thinking they had gone home. He footed it to Janesville,. and then back, and finally found his team after several days' delay. A few more of such snaps would make an advocate of the Maine Law of almost any man. As many people often inquire if the Indians were not troublesome, I would say that they never stole a dollar's worth from us, and we felt as secure when they were about as while gone, and always allowed them to sleep in the house, if they wished. I never slept at home with the door fastened, yet. VII— G. W. Lawrence, Janesville, 1856. My father, William Lawrence, formerly a resident of Northern Pennsylvania, visited Wis consin on a tour of observation in the fall of 1836. Caleb Blodgett, then of Beloit, and since deceased, claimed at that time, probably, thousands of acres in the town of Beloit, and in various other portions of the county of Rock, particularly along the Turtle Creek ; of him my father Durchased a couple of claims, one very near the village of Beloit, the other, a few miles out. Passing the ensuing winter in Pennsylvania, he returned to make some improvements on his claims in the spring of 1837, accompanied by my brother and brother-in-law, C. W. Lawrence, and P. Bostwick. But his most valuable claim, the one bordering on the village, was out of his reach. It had been re-sold, I think ; at all events, it was occupied ; hence his right and title were extinguished ; the occupant had decidedly the advantage over him. Speculation was rife in those days, in the matter of making and selling claims. I came into the county in July, 1838. Previous to this, various persons had made claims extensively, some for settlement and cultivation, and others for purposes of speculation, on and in the vicinity of Turtle Creek, and in other places where it was thought farms could be made. The central portions of Rock Prairie were considered, at that time, unavailable for farming pur poses. Turning a furrow round an eighty-acre lot, for instance, was the simple process of mak ing a claim. The man who had thus inclosed his piece of land with a plow-mark would then sell his claim, perhaps, to some new-comer for as much as he could get. My father was not the only one who was "taken in," somewhat, in buying claims ; there were many who lost in this way what they bargained for, and the money which they expended in the fictitious purchase. This plan of money-making, or gouging, did not succeed very well after the public land sale of 1839. In the period of which I speak, a man who desired to make a home in the country, would make or buy a claim ; while on his trip East for his family and effects, some interloper would come along and take possession, in the most deliberate manner, of the absentee's contem plated property. This was called jumping a claim, and unless the original claimant had made some improvement, such as throwing up a few logs, poles or boards in the shape of a shanty, plowing or fencing a few acres, he had no remedy, and could only obtain possession by turning off the intruder forcibly, without the aid or intervention of law. In case he had made slight improvements, and was designing to become an actual settler, it was thought he had a right to the premises, and the sympathies of the people, if they did not prevent the jumping of his claim, were frequently of great service in assisting him to recover it. Thus much in relation to mak ing, selling, buying and jumping claims, in the early settlement of Rock County. Beloit was my first stopping-place. The harvest of 1838 coming on, I went into a wheat field near by, owned by Caleb Blodgett, the largest 1 have ever seen, embracing, I should 350 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. think, Prom eighty to one hundred and sixty acres. Here 1 took my first lesson in raking and binding wheat. John Hackett, who was the worthy Postmaster at Beloit in those days, was in the habit of exercising himself in a similar manner. In the lapse of eighteen or twenty years, he has become rich ; but I presume he is not ashamed of his early history as a worker. David Noggle, I think, tilled Mother Earth for a living during the first year of his residence in the West. He left the plow for the bar. During the period to which I refer, it was fashionable to work — I mean with the grain-cradle, the mowing-scythe, the ax, the shovel and the hoe. The farmer's and mechanic's tools in those days were handled without gloves. The inhabitants of Rock County, in July, 1838, were not numerous — probably somewhere from three to four hundred ; perhaps a trifle over the last figure. At all events, persons living from five to ten miles apart considered themselves neighbors, and there was a good deal of sym pathy and kind regard for each other. The first death occurring, to my recollection, after I came to Beloit, was that of a brother, Amos Lawrence, who died in August, 1838. His attending physicians were Drs. White and Bicknell, the former now deceased, the latter still a resident of Beloit. My brother's remains were among the first deposited in the Beloit burying-ground. The funeral service was conducted by a Rev. Mr. Adams, a Congregational or Presbyterian clergyman living at the mouth of the Pecatonica, now Rockton. About a year afterward, if I am not mistaken, I was present at the funeral of a Mr. Pickett, near Johnstown, where Mr. Adams also officiated. On funeral occasions then, people would assemble from far and near, thus indicating their sympathy for bereaved and sorrowing hearts. The first numerously attended public meeting at which I was present was held on Jefferson Prairie, to make arrangements in reference to the approaching land sale of 1839. The objects of the meeting were to fix upon the amount of land which each settler might be allowed to claim ; and in the effort to secure this quantity (whether it was a quarter or a half section, I will not pretend to say), they agreed to protect each other on the day of sale, should any attempt be made to overbid them. Another object of the meeting was to appoint bidders for certain districts, who were to bid for the specified lands in the names of their real or contemplated occupants. The sale was held in Milwaukee. There was but very little overbidding. In the spring of 1838, the village of Beloit was mostly made up of inhabitants who were dwelling in shanties erected merely for temporary occupation ; aside from these, three or four regu lar frame buildings, and perhaps as many more log houses — and we have Beloit before us as it was then. But the year 1838 was one of enterprise and activity. Before its termination, quite a village was under way there, and it gave promise of a brilliant future. It is but just to say it has made steady progress ever since. At that day, Janesville had scarcely a name to live, and, indeed, there were very few per sons in the place, or out of it, who believed it ever would amount to much. It had very few attractions at that time. An item or two in reference to it touching its early educational history, and I am done. The first public school, I think, was opened in the summer of 1840. The first teacher was Miss Cornelia Sheldon, daughter of Gen. Sheldon, now Mrs. Woodle. The writer of this fol lowed her as instructor through the ensuing winter. The schoolhouse was a log building, situated in the woods near Main street, and some three or four streets north of Milwaukee street. Here I let patience have its perfect work for the space of four months. The first debating club of Janesville was organized during this winter. The meetings for discussion and mental improve ment were held in my schoolroom. Prominent among those who participated regularly in our debates was one James H. Knowlton, who, I think, was just about that time undergoing the initiative of public speaking. He was a good debater, and contributed largely toward making our meetings interesting and profitable. He is now not unknown to1 fame. Harrison Stebbins, now of the town of Porter, I think, opened the first select school in Janesville, either in the latter part of the year 1841, or in the beginning of 1842. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 351 PIONEER LIFE. Records of the olden time are interesting, and they are not without their lessons of instruction. By the light of the past, we follow in the footprints of the adventurous and enterprising pioneer. We see him, as it were, amid the labors and struggles necessary to con vert the wilderness into a fruitful field. We sit by his cabin fire, partaking of his homely and cheerfully granted fare, and listen to the accounts which he is pleased to give us of frontier life, and of the dangers, trials, hardships and sufferings of himself and others in their efforts to make for themselves homes in regions remote from civilization, and unexplored hitherto, save by wandering Indians and beasts of the forests and prairies. Through these ancient records, we make our way along to the present. From small beginnings, we come to the mighty achieve ments of industry, the complex results of daring enterprise, subduing and creative energy, and untiring perseverance. Following on in the path of progress and improvement, we see once waste places rejoicing under the kindly care of the husbandman ; beautiful farms, with all the fixtures and appurtenances necessary to make the tillers of the soil and their families contented and happy, are spread out before us ; villages and cities have arisen as if by magic, and by hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, human souls are congregated within their precincts ; the mart of trade and traffic, and the workshop of the artisan are thronged ; common schools, academies and colleges have sprung up ; young and ardent minds — children of the rich and poor — may press forward together in the acquisition of science ; churches are built, and a Christian ministry is sustained for the inculcation of religious sentiments and the promotion of piety, virtue and moral goodness ; the press is established whence floods of light and glory may emanate for the instruction and benefit of all ; railroads are built to bring the products of every clime and the people from afar to our doors; and the telegraph, " upon the lightning's wing," carries messages far and near. Let the records of the olden time be preserved ; in after years our children, and our children's children, will look over them with pleasure and profit. The first important business of the pioneer settler, upon his arrival in Rock County, was to build a house. Until this was done, some had to camp on the ground or live in their wagons — perhaps the only shelter they had known for weeks. So the prospect for a house, which was also to be a home, was one that gave courage to the rough toil, and added a zest to the heavy labors. The style of the home entered very little into their thoughts — it was shelter they wanted, and protection from stress of weather and wearing exposures. The poor settler had neither the money nor the mechanical appliances for building himself a house. He was content, in most instances; to have a mere cabin or hut. Some of the most primitive construc tions of this kind were half-faced or, as they were sometimes called, "cat-faced" sheds or " wike-ups," the Indian term for house or tent. It is true a "claim" cabin was a little more in the shape of a human habitation, made, as it was, of round logs, light enough for two or three men to lay up, about fourteen feet square — perhaps a little larger or smaller— roofed with bark or clapboards, and sometimes with the sods of the prairie, and floored with puncheons (logs split once in two, and the flat side laid up) or with earth. For a fire-place, a wall of stones and earth — frequently the latter only, when stone was not convenient — was made in the best practi cable shape for the purpose, in an opening in one end of the building, extending outward, and planked on the outside by bolts of wood notched together to stay it. Frequently, a fire-place of this kind was made so capacious as to occupy nearly the whole width of the house. In cold weather, when a great deal of fuel was needed to keep the atmosphere above freezing point — for this wide-mouth fire-place was a huge ventilator — large logs were piled into this yawning space. To protect the crumbling back-wall against the effects of fire, two back-logs were placed against it, one upon the other. Sometimes these were so large that they could not be got in in any other way than to hitch a horse to them. The animal was driven in at the door, when the log was unfastened before the fire-place. It was afterward put in proper position. The horse would be driven out at another door. 352 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. For a chimney, any contrivance that would convey the smoke out of the building would do. Some were made of sods, plastered upon the inside with clay ; others — the more common, perhaps — were of the kind we occasionally see in use now, clay and sticks, or " cat in clay," as they were sometimes called. Imagine, of a winter's night, when the storm was having its own wild way over this almost uninhabited land, and when the wind was roaring like a cataract of cold over the broad wilderness, and the settler had to do his best to keep warm, what a royal fire this double back-log and well-filled fire-place would hold ! It was a cozy place to smoke, provided the settler had any tobacco ; or for the wife to sit knitting before, provided she had any needles and yarn. At any rate, it gave something of cheer to the conversation, which very likely was upon the home and friends they had left behind when they started out on this bold venture of seeking fortunes in a new land. For doors and windows, the most simple contrivances that would serve the purposes were brought into requisition. The door was not always immediately provided with a shutter, and a blanket often did duty in guarding the entrance. But, as soon as convenient, some boards were split and put together, hung upon wooden hinges and held shut by a wooden pin inserted in an auger-hole. As a substitute for window-glass, greased paper, pasted over sticks crossed in the shape of sash, was sometimes used. This admitted the light and excluded the air, but, of course, lacked transparency. In regard to the furniture of such a cabin, it varied in proportion to the ingenuity of the occupants, unless it was where settlers brought with them their old household supply, which, owing to the distance most of them had come, was very seldom. It was easy enough to improvise tables and chairs ; the former could be made of split logs — and there were instances where the door would be taken from its hinges and used at meals, after which it would be rehung; the latter were designed after the three-legged stool pattern, or benches served their purposes. A bedstead was a very important item in the domestic comfort of the family, and this was the fashion of improvising them : A forked stake was driven into the ground diagonally from the corner of the room, and at a proper distance, upon which poles reaching from each were laid. The wall ends of the pole either rested in the openings between the logs, or were driven into auger-holes. Barks or boards were used as a substitute for cords. Upon this the tidy house wife spread her straw tick, and, if she had a home-made feather-bed, she piled it up into a lux urious mound, and covered it with her whitest drapery. Some sheets hung behind it for tapestry added to the coziness ofthe resting-place. This was generally called a " prairie bedstead," and by some the "prairie rascal." The house thus far along, it was left to the deft devices of the wife to complete its comforts, and the father of the family was free to superintend out-of-door affairs. If it was in season, his first important duty was to prepare some ground for planting, and to plant what he could. This was generally done in the edge of the timber, where most of the very earliest settlers located. Here the sod was easily broken, not requiring the heavy teams and plows needed to break the prairie sod. Moreover, the nearness of timber offered greater conveniences for fuel and build ing ; and still another reason for this was that the groves afforded protection from the terrible conflagrations that occasionally swept across the prairies. Though they passed through the patches of timber, yet it was not with the same destructive force with which they rushed over the prairies ; though, from these fires much of the young timber was killed from time to time, and the forest kept thin and shrubless. The first year's farming consisted mainly of a "truck patch," planted in corn, potatoes, turnips and other vegetables. Generally, the first year's crop fell far short of supplying even the most rigid economy of food. Many of the settlers brought with them small stores of such things as seemed indispensable to frugal living, such as flour, bacon, coffee and tea. But these supplies were not inexhaustible, and once used were not easily replaced. A long winter must come and go before another crop could be raised. If game was plentiful, it helped to eke out their limited supplies. But even when corn was plentiful, the preparation of it was the next difficulty dn the way. ' I e mills for grinding it were at such long distances that every other device was resorted to for HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 353 reducing it to meal. Some grated it on an implement made by punching small holes through a piece of tin or sheet-iron, and fastening it upon a board in concave shape, with the rough side out. Upon this the ear was rubbed to produce the meal. But grating could not be done when the corn become so dry as to shell off when rubbed. Some used a coffee-mill for grinding it ; and a very common substitute for bread was hominy — a palatable and wholesome diet — made by boiling corn in a weak lye till the hull or bran peeled off, after which it was well washed to cleanse it of the lye. It was then boiled again to soften it, when it was ready for use, as occa sion required, by frying and seasoning it to the taste. Another mode of preparing hominy was by pestling. A mortar was made by burning a bowl-shaped cavity in the end of an upright block of wood. After thoroughly cleaning it of the charcoal, the corn could be put in, hot water turned upon it, when it was subjected to a severe pestling by a club of sufficient length and thickness, in the large end of which was inserted an iron wedge, banded to keep it there. The hot water would soften the corn and loosen the hull, while the pestle would crush it. When breadstuffs were needed, they had to be obtained from long distances. Owing to the lack of proper means for threshing and cleaning wheat, it was more or less mixed with foreign substances, such as smut, dirt and oats, And as the time when the settlers' methods of thresh ing and cleaning may be forgotten, it may be well to preserve a brief account of them here. The plan was to' clean off a space of ground of sufficient size, and, if the earth was dry, to dampen it, and beat it to render it somewhat compact. Then the sheaves were unbound and spread in a circle, so that the heads would be uppermost, leaving room in the center for the per son whose business it was to turn and stir the straw in the process of threshing. Then, as many horses or oxen were brought as could conveniently swing around the circle, and these were kept moving until the wheat was well trodden out. After several "floorings " or layers were threshed, the straw was carefully raked off and the wheat shoveled into a heap to be cleaned. This cleaning was sometimes done by waving a sheet up and down to fan out the chaff as the grain was dropped before it ; but this trouble was frequently obviated when the strong winds of autumn were all that was needed to blow out the chaff from the grain. This mode of preparing the grain for flouring was so imperfect that it is not to be wondered at that a considerable amount of black soil got mixed with it, and unavoidably got into the bread. This, with an addition of smut, often rendered it so dark as to have less the appearance of bread tjjan mud ; yet upon such diet the people were compelled to subsist for want of a better. Not the least among the pioneers' tribulations, during the first few years of the settlement, was the going to mill. The slow mode of travel by ox teams was made still slower by the almost total absence of roads and bridges, while such a thing as a ferry was hardly even dreamed of. The distance to be traversed was often as far as sixty or ninety miles. In dry weather, com mon sloughs and creeks offered little impediment to the teamsters ; but during floods and the breaking up of winter, they proved exceedingly troublesome and dangerous. To get stuck in a slough, and thus be delayed for many hours, was no uncommon occurrence, and that, too, when time was an item of grave import to the comfort and sometimes even to the lives of the settlers' families. Often a swollen stream would blockade the way, seeming to threaten destruction to whoever would attempt to ford it. With regard to roads, there was nothing of the kind worthy of the name. Indian trails were common, but they were unfit to travel on with vehicles. They were mere paths about two feet wide — all that was required to accommodate the single-file manner of Indian traveling. When the early settlers were compelled to make these long and difficult trips to mill, if the country was prairie over which they passed, they found it comparatively easy to do in summer when grass was plentiful. By traveling until night, and then camping out to feed the teams, they got along without much difficulty. But in winter such a journey was attended with no little danger. The utmost economy of time was, of course, necessary. When the goal was reached, after a week or more of toilsome travel, with many exposures and risks, and the poor man was impatient to immediately return with the desired staff of life, he was often shocked and dis heartened with the information that his turn would come in a week. Then he must look about 354 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. for some means to pay expenses, and he was lucky who could find employment by the day or job. Then, when his turn came, he had to be on hand to bolt his own flour, as, in those days, the bolting machine was not an attached part of the other mill machinery. This done, the anxious soul was ready to endure the trials of a return trip, his heart more or less concerned about the affairs of home. Those milling trips often occupied from three weeks to more than a month each, and were attended with an expense, in one way or another, that rendered the cost. of breadstuffs extremely high. If made in the winter, when more or less grain-feed was required for the team, the load would be found to be so considerably reduced on reaching home that the cost of what was left, adding other expenses, would make their grain reach the high cash figure of from $3 to $5 per bushel. And these trips could not always be made at the most favorable season for traveling. In spring and summer, so much time could hardly be spared from other essential labor ; yet, for a large family, it was almost impossible to avoid making three or four trips during the year. Among other things calculated to annoy and distress the pioneer was the prevalence of wild beasts of prey, the most numerous and troublesome of which was the wolf. While it was true, in a figurative sense, that it required the utmost care and exertion to "keep the wolf from the door," it was almost as true in a literal sense. There were two species of these animals — the large, black, timber wolf, and the smaller gray wolf that usually inhabited the prairie. At first, it was next to impossible for a settler to keep small stock of any kind that would serve as a prey to these ravenous beasts. Sheep were not deemed safe property until years after, when their enemies were supposed to be nearly exterminated. Large numbers of wolves were destroyed during the early years of settlement. When they were hungry, which was not uncommon, par ticularly during the winter, they were too indiscreet for their own safety, and would often approach within easy shot of the settlers' dwellings. At certain seasons their wild, plaintive yelp or bark could be heard in all directions at all hours of the night, creating intense excitement among the dogs, whose howling would add to the dismal melody. It has been found by experi ment that but one of the canine species — the hound — has both the fleetness and courage to cope with his savage cousin, the wolf. Attempts were often made to capture him with the common cur, but this animal, as a rule, proved himself wholly unreliable for such a service. So long as the wolf would run the cur would follow; but the wolf, being apparently, acquainted with the character of his pursuer, would either turn and place himself in a combative attitude, or else act upon the principle that " discretion is the better part of valor," and throw himself upon his back in token of surrender. This strategic performance would make instant peace between these two scions of the same house ; and not infrequently dogs and wolves have been seen playing together like puppies. But the hound was never known to recognize a flag of truce; his baying seemed to signify "no quarters ;" or, at least, so the terrified wolf understood it. Smaller animals, such as panthers, lynxes, wildcats, catamounts and polecats, were also suffi ciently numerous to be troublesome. And an exceeding source of annoyance were the swarms of mosquitoes which aggravated the trials of the settler in the most exasperating degree. Persons have been driven from the labors of the field by their unmerciful assaults. The trials of the pioneer were innumerable, and the cases of actual suffering might fill a volume of no ordinary size. ' Timid women became brave through combats with real dangers, and patient mothers grew sick at heart with the sight of beloved children failing in health from lack of commonest necessaries of life. The struggle was not for ease or luxury, but was a constant one for the sustaining means of life itself. "squatters" and their "claims." When the actual settlement of Rock County was first begun in 1835 and 1836, the pioneers were confronted with a twofold difficulty in selecting the land upon which they designed to make their future homes. The lands west of the river had been regularly subdivided, and dis posed of by the Government to non-resident purchasers, who had secured it for the purpose of exacting from bona-fide settlers an advance upon the minimum Government price — $1.25 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 355 per acre. The early actual sottlers were not only indisposed to submit to this exaction of speculative greed, but, being in the large majority of instances men of slender means, were absolutely unable to do so had they been ever so willing. While the lands west of the river were thus effectually barred against occupation by the hardy adventurers who had sought this fertile valley to carve out a new empire by the development of its extraordinary agricultural and industrial resources, the condition of those lying along the eastern bank was but little more promising. Not one acre was open to entry. The settler taking possession of any portion of this territory was, in the eye of the law, a trespasser, liable to ejectment if the Government should, subsequently, either decide to use the land for any purpose of its own, or, by sale or otherwise, convey it to any person other than himself, in which event, not only the land itself, but all the labor expended and all the improvements made would be lost. In this dilemma the settlers had to choose between trespassing upon the property of indi viduals, with the certainty of ultimate ejectment and consequent loss of time and labor, and appropriating to their own use Government lands to which they might probably obtain an inde feasible title in the future ; or, being unwilling to accept the risk involved in either of these courses, they must seek other localities in which they might avoid the difficulties encountered here. To have adopted the first of these courses would have been folly, and the last involved the possibility of protracted journeyings through an entirely new country without roads or bridges, ending in bitter disappointment and utter failure. As the only alternative, therefore, the settlers determined, with absolute unanimity, to encounter the risks of trespassing on Govern ment land, and became " squatters " — that is, the occupants of land to which they had no title. As the entire community held their land by the same uncertain tenure, and all were menaced by the same possible danger, they naturally and necessarily combined for the protection and preservation of their mutual interests and irregularly acquired rights. As the result of this combination, the "squatters" gradually adopted a series of rules governing the acquirement and occupation of "claims," which were, in the process of time, developed into a recognized, though unwritten system of "border law," to which universal obedience was expected, and, when necessary, was unhesitatingly enforced. By this " law," every actual settler, capable of perform ing a day's work, was entitled to " claim," occupy and cultivate a certain amount of land — one half-section (320 acres) being the maximum, and " a half-quarter " section (80 acres) the minimum. An unmarried man's right was limited to the smallest quantity; a married man, without children, could " claim " a quarter-section (160 acres), and the head of a family was entitled to "take up " the largest allotment, one-half section (320 acres). Though inflexible in its main features, this "law" was susceptible of enormous expansion, as a settler with a number of sons between twelve and twenty years of age could " claim " " a half-quarter" for each of them, and the like amount for each hand he might employ, and could even extend the right to the " stranger within his gates," provided only the requirement of ability to do a day's work was met. It was in this manner that some of the earliest settlers acquired a recognized, though purely nominal, title to the large tracts which they subsequently traded off, or sold to later comers. The manner of establishing these " squatter " titles to " claims," though uniform in its general features, differed somewhat in its details in different localities in the territory which now constitutes Rock County. The essential requirements were first to establish definitely the limits or boundaries ofthe tract " claimed," and then to do some work upon the land so claimed, as an earnest or guarantee of the claimant's intention to occupy and cultivate it as a home. The method of "marking off claims" differed according to circumstances. Where the Government surveys had been completed, and the corners and section lines were clearly indicated by the po3ts put up by the surveyors, the task was simple enough. The " squatter " had only to follow up the lines established in the Government's subdivision, cut his name or initials on the posts found upon the boundaries of the tract " claimed," and his work was done. Where " claims " were made prior to the surveys, however, the task was not only more difficult, but necessarily much less accurate. In such" cases, the " squatter " first established a corner for himself, and then, guided by a compass, if he had one, or by the sun where he had not, "stepped off" his claim, 356 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. as nearly in a right line as possible, to the next corner, which was marked by a stake bearing his name or initials ; another line was then run at right angles with the first, another stake driven; the third line was then "stepped off" at right angles with the second and parallel with the first, and the fourth by returning to the point whence he started. In this sys tem of measurement, so many "steps" were universally accepted as constituting the limits of a half-section, half that number a quarter, and half that again a half-quarter. This primitive method of measurement presented certain insuperable difficulties to the squatter, and subjected him to no inconsiderable uneasiness, lest he might ultimately lose not only a part of his claim, but his labor and improvements as well. This will be evident when it is remembered that all these "claims " were made with the view of eventually obtaining a title from the Government, after the surveys and subdivisions had been made. The squatter's corner might or might not be in the exact spot it should have occupied ; the lines "stepped off" would almost inevitably deviate from those run by a theodolite, and the distances would quite as cer tainly exceed those measured by chains and links. It might easily happen, therefore, that the Government survey would demonstrate that he had claimed and had been working and improv ing upon two or three, or even four, different half-sections, quarter-sections or half-quarter sec tions, as the case might be, and that he would find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure the benefits of his time and labor when the Government placed the lands in market. Having marked off or staked out his claim, the squatter's next step was to do the work upon it necessary to secure recognition of his title under the " border law." To do this in- the case ofthe smaller claims, it was necessary to run a furrow along the four lines marking the boundary of the claim, and erect a shanty or cabin anywhere on the tract thus plowed around. Where larger tracts were claimed, it was permissible to do some breaking, more or less, upon each of the quarter-sections, and erect a single cabin to serve as the home of the squatter's entire family, including employes and visitors. As this "border law" or usage permitted a squatter to claim and hold a fixed number of acres, it followed, as a matter of course, that if he disposed of a half-quarter or quarter-section tp a new-comer, he was at liberty to take up as much more, and to repeat the operation as often as a sale was effected ; provided, of course, no existing claim was infringed upon. As the settlements filled up, the lands naturally increased in value, and attracted others anxious to secure claims to land, which it was easy to foresee would be worth much more than the Government price when it should be placed in the market. Many of these adventurers, more anxious to promote their interests than scrupulous as to the means employed, attempted to take possession of claims already taken up, insisting that, as they were neither occupied nor cultivated, the simple furrow plowed around them did not protect them from occupation. This was termed by squatters "jumping a claim," and they immediately took measures to protect themselves against these unscrupulous interlopers. In each settlement, a Register was appointed to keep a record ofthe names ofthe individual squatters, and of the extent and boundaries of their respective claims, which record was to be received as prima facie evidence of ownership of any specified claim. To still further protect their individual and collective interests, they appointed a committee of arbitration, to which all. disputes as to land title should be submitted, its decision to be final and without appeal. To enforce its decree, this irregular court was authorized to call upon the entire community. Thus, a "jumper" was complained of by the squatter to the committee. He was waited upon and notified that he was an intruder- and must establish his claim before the committee, or vacate. The Register's records were then examined,' and evidence heard, and if, after investigation, the committee or court decided adversely to the "jumper," it was optional with him to submit with the best grace he could, or to be summarily and forcibly ejected, possibly with broken bones or a cracked skull. So perfect was the organi zation ofthe " squatters," however, and so universal the obedience to the behests of their court, that violence was necessary only in very few instances. The defeated "jumper" knew he could expect no sympathy and but little mercy, and was therefore disposed to take the least possible amount of risk. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 357 When the lands east of Rock River were at length brought into the market by the public sale at Milwaukee, in 1839, the squatters were menaced with the loss of their lands by the readi ness of non-resident speculators to buy them up at a much higher price than the minimum fixed by the Government. But the former were a determined class of men, ready to maintain their rights, or what they deemed their rights, even though their defense involved a technical violation of the law and some degree of personal danger. In addition to this, they had for years protected themselves, and success had given them confidence in their organization. When informed of this new danger, therefore, they became boldly defiant, called meetings in the several settle ments, and selected one individual in each, who should attend the sale as the representative of the several committees, and make a bid for each tract of land, as it was offered, at its minimum price, in the name of the squatter who had claimed it. This done, they caused the speculators to be notified that they would not be permitted to run up the price of the lands they had squat ted on, and that, if they insisted upon bidding in spite of this notification, the bidder would bring a fight upon his hands certainly, whether he secured the coveted piece of land or not. Nor did they content themselves with this precautionary notification. They attended the sale in large bodies, with arms in their hands, and, by force of numbers and their manifest deter mination, so overawed their competitors that but little opposition was made to their purchasing their claims at the lowest Government price. ROCK COUNTY ORGANIZED. By an act of the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin, approved Decenjber 7, 1836, Town ships 1, 2, 3 and 4 north, of Ranges 11, 12, 13 and 14 east, of the Fourth Principal Meridian, afterward the towns of Newark, Plymouth, Center, Porter, Beloit, Rock, Janesville, Fulton, Turtle, La Prairie, Harmony, Milton, Clinton, Bradford, Johnstown and Lima, were taken from Milwaukee County and constituted a separate county, called Rock. It took its name from the " big rock " on the north side of the river, now within the limits of the city of Janesville, which had been for years one of the recognized land-marks of the country to the Indians, the traders, and later to the settlers, as indicating a point where the river might be safely forded. By an act, approved June 21, 1838, Townships 1, 2, 3 and 4 north, of Range 10 east, subsequently the towns of Avon, Spring Valley, Magnolia and Union, were added to Rock County, thus giving it the boundaries and configuration it has since retained. Though thus enlarged, the new county remained attached to Racine County for judicial purposes, until its organization ; meanwhile by an act, approved December 27, 1837, the seat of justice was located on "part of the northwest quarter of Section 36, in Town 3 north, of Range 12 east, ofthe Fourth Principal Meridian." t By the records of the Board of Commissioners of Racine County, dated April 2, 1838, elec tion precincts were established at what is now Beloit, at " the public house — Mr. Hackett, Dr. White and Mr. Field, Judges," and at the public house of Nevins, in the village of Janesville — Hiram Brown, Daniel Smilie and Henry F. Janes, Judges. At the second annual session of the Commissioners, April 2, 1839, Rock County was divided into two road districts, by a line running east and west about the middle of the county. An election was held May 28, 1838, at the precincts established by the Supervisors as above, for "Pathmasters," which resulted in the choice of Lucius G. Fisher in Beloit, and John P. Dickson in Janesville. By a law approved February 13, 1839, it was enacted, "that from and after the passage of this act, the county of Rock shall be and remain to all intents and purposes, an organized county of this Territory, and shall have all the rights and privileges which organized counties in the same of right have." An election of county officers was provided for, to be held " on the first Monday of March, 1889," and the officers then chosen were empowered to borrow money on the credit of the county, not exceeding $250, for three years, at 12J per cent per annum, to be applied to procuring land for the seat of justice. By an act, approved February 28, 1839, the foregoing was so amended as to fix the time for election of county officers for the 358 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. third Monday of March following ; directed the canvassing of the votes; divided the Commis sioners elected into three classes, whose term of office should expire in January, 1842, 1841 and 1840, respectively, and devolved upon them all the duties specified in the preceding act. At the election held in pursuance of this law, W. S. Murray, William Spaulding and E. J. Hazzard were elected a Board of County Commissioners and concluded negotiations with H. P. Janes whereby the county obtained title to the land designated in the act of December 27, 1837, as the seat of justice. In 1839 and the following vear, all other county officials required by law to be elected, were chosen and qualified. With the entrance of these officers upon the discharge of their duties, the organization of the county was perfected. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 359 CHAPTER IV. Rock County as Represented on Early Maps— Rock River Navigation and Rock County Steamboats— Territorial District Court and State Circuit Court— Rock County Board or Supervisors— County Court of Rock County— Court House and Jail- County Officers, 1839 to 1879— Territorial, State and National Representation- Railroads. rock county as represented on early maps. It was not until that portion of Michigan Territory lying west of Lake Michigan, and north of the State of Illinois, had become noted because of its lead mines, that the valley of Rock River, below Lake Koshkonong, and above Turtle Creek, began to appear upon published maps with any degree of distinctness. In a "Map of the United States Lead Mines on the Upper Mississippi River," published at Galena, 111., in 1829, the name " Cos-ca-ho-e-nah," is given to the Yahara (Catfish) River, while opposite its mouth appears this information : " Copper ore (sulphuret) has been found in its original deposit, in such quantities, and over such an extent of this country, as to justify the expectation of that metal being produced in considerable quan tities." It is almost needless to say that this "expectation" has not been "justified." At that date, the Indian village at the mouth of Turtle Creek, where now is the city of Beloit, was occupied by Winnebagoes. From this village a road led off in a northwesterly direction to another Winnebago town on Sugar River ; thence, in nearly the same direction to " McNutt's Diggings." North, and at no great distance, the Winnebago Chief, " Spotted Arm," had his village. From the last-mentioned place, a road ran in a northeasterly direction to Green Bay, passing another Winnebago village on the banks of the second lake, in what is now Dane County. The road running through the Turtle village (now Beloit), was known as the "Chicago trace," and was a direct route from Chicago to the lead mines. On Farmer's "Map ofthe Territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin," published in 1830, the river which drains the four lakes, is given as the " Goosh-ke-hawn." Lake Koshkonong is noted as " the lake we live on," — evidently the meaning of Kuskanong, Koskonong, or, as now spelled, Koshkonong. On this map, a Winnebago village is noted at the mouth of the Goosh- ke-hawn (now Yahara, or Catfish). The first " Map of Wisconsin Territory, Compiled from Public Surveys,'' gives Rock County as one of the eighteen of its surveyed counties, noting therein Beloit and Janesville, and, opposite the latter, " Rockport." A road from " Fontana," near the head of Geneva Lake, reached Beloit. A road from the latter place ran almost due north to Janesville, and another, after crossing the river (for Beloit was then wholly on the east side of the stream), bore off in a northwesterly direction to " Centerville," on Sugar River, running thence southwesterly to " Munroe." Two roads centered at Janesville, from the east, the larger one, from " Waukeeshah," the other, from "Delevan." After crossing the river to "Rockport," there were three roads ; one ran up the west side of the river to " Caramany," just below the mouth of the " River of the Four Lakes;" another took a northwesterly direction to Madison; a third held its course a little south of west, through "Centerville," to " Munroe." Two other roads led out of Janesville, one running up the east side of the river until it finally crossed the stream a little below the mouth ofthe " River of the Four Lakes," the other bearing off more to the right, running along the east side of " Lake Koskonong," to Fort Atkinson. Except the one from " Waukeeshah," through Janesville and " Rockport," to " Centerville," all these roads were little else than pioneer "traces," or Indian trails, when, in 1836, Rock was set apart as a distinct county and named, by the Legislature of Wisconsin Territory. 360 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. On a "Map ofthe Territory of Wisconsin," by David H. Burr, draughtsman to the House of Representatives of the United States, drawn in 1836, to accompany the Hon. Z. Carey's Report, a proposed railroad is laid down on a straight line from Mineral Point to a point on the Rock River, noted as the " head of steamboat navigation," where, just above " Wisconsin City," there is a "great water-power." But lead has never yet been drawn by the iron horse from Mineral Point in a direct line east, to Janesville, and then shipped to St. Louis, by way of Rock River, as contemplated by these early schemes. Locating the "head of steamboat navigation" just above " Wisconsin City," where there was a "great water-power," was wholly mythical, as had been already fully demonstrated. ROCK RIVER NAVIGATION AND ROCK COUNTY STEAMBOATS. In June, 1836, the first steamboat from the Mississippi made the passage up Rock River so far as to reach Rock- County. This was an " event " to the settlers along Rock River, and they availed themselves of the opportunity for a steamboat ride. Indeed, by the time the steamer had arrived at " Wisconsin City," its decks were pretty well crowded with passengers. Rounding to at "East Wisconsin City," it took on Dr. Heath and family, and some gentlemen stopping with him, and made its way up the river. It was thought by some that the engines of the boat had not sufficient power to overcome the "St. John's Rapids," and that it would be best not to attempt their passage, but a majority thinking otherwise, it was determined to make the attempt. The steamer succeeded admirably, and went on beyond the site of the present city of Janesville, spending some time above, and then returning to the Mississippi. In 1839, another steamer made its way up the river, takingon passengers at different points, pushing its way as far up as Jefferson. In 1844, a steamboat from St. Louis, one hundred and thirty feet in length, passed up to Jefferson, stopping at various places — taking on and dischar ging passengers at the several villages — a number of the inhabitants improving this opportunity for steamboat riding. The next year, a steamer came up from the Mississippi, arriving at Janes ville on the 4th of July, taking, at that point, an excursion party, and proceeding < up the river. The boat plied up and down the stream during the picnic season, returning in the fall to the Mississippi. This was the last steamer from the Mississippi that reached Rock County. In 1839 or 1840, an enterprising individual made his appearance in Janesville and pre vailed upon the leading citizens to assist him in efforts he proposed to make toward building a steamer. He succeeded in raising a small sum of money, and going to the mouth of the Cat fish, he constructed, after months of patient labor, a very neat little steamer well adapted to the waters of Rock River, Soon after the trial-trip, the intrepid navigator silently sailed for the Mississippi River. Neither he nor the vessel were ever again heard from, much to the chagrin of a few small stockholders. In 1854, Hammond & Thorne built a small steamboat on Rock River, below the upper dam. There being a great demand for the boat on the upper waters of the river, the Captain of the craft begun to devise ways and means for "jumping the dam." His idea was to load his boat astern with some heavy material, which would throw the bow out of water. The lower face of the dam being at an incline of about thirty degrees, the Captain believed, by using a full pressure of steam, he could run the bow of his boat so far over the dam — at the same time, by some mechanical process, bringing his ballast from the stern forward — that the craft would topple over above the dam and put out for Lake Koshkonong without further notice. The bold navigator reconsidered, however, and took his boat to the upper waters by land. The steamer plied up and down the river for a few years, but finally her machinery was taken out, and the hull disappeared. The Star of the West was the next boat built on this part of Rock River-^-that is to say, for service in the vicinity of Janesville, for she was constructed at Indian Ford, about 1860, by William Foster. She was eighty-five feet long, with a proportionate breadth of beam ; had two commodious decks and first-class machinery. She made but a few trips, when her owners became embroiled in a bitter war with the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad Company. m Bfe^MB m. -X . «»** '&V JANESVILLE 7 <'/^&OtS^& HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 363 Rock River having been pronounced to be a navigable stream by the proper Government officer, the railway company could have been compelled to maintain a draw-bridge, and it was in the power of those in the steamboat interest to make^hem do so. The Star of the West belonged to a stock company, but William Foster, the builder, it seems, held a majority of the shares. By some arrangement between the railway company and the parties in charge of the steamer, the vessel mysteriously disappeared. Inquiry failed to develop any explanation of the strange affair. Those who were supposed to know the inside facts, were as silent as the tomb. Fifteen years later, William Brooks, ascertaining the fact that the boat had been stripped of her machinery and upper works, and the hull loaded with stones and sunk to the bottom of the river, and discovering a clue to the title, purchased and afterward raised the water-soaked hulk from its muddy lodgment. Putting in new machinery and building new decks upon what remained ofthe Star of the West, Mr. Brooks rechristened her "The Lotos." She is now the largest vessel on this part of Rock River, having a carrying capacity of about five hundred persons. She has been in service since the fall of 1875, the date of her resurrection and rehabilitation. The next most important steamer in point of size is the Bower City Belle. This vessel is about fifty feet long, and will carry one hundred persons comfortably. She was built by Mr. Buchholz, brother to the gentleman of that name in the carriage manufacturing firm of Buch- holz & Hodge. Boub Brothers, the brewers, are the commanders of the Bower City Belle. Lottie Lee, the most diminutive craft in the Rock River fleet, is the property of Ethan Allen, who claims to be a descendant of the once famous commander of the " Green Mountain Boys." The Lee is considerably less in size than the Bower City Belle. I — TERRITORIAL DISTRICT COURT AND STATE CIRCUIT COURT. The act establishing the Territorial Government of Wisconsin provided for the division of the Territory into three judicial districts, and for the holding of a district court by one of the Justices of the Supreme Court in each district, two terms each year in each organized county in the district. The three Justices were Charles Dunn, David Irwin and William C. Frazer. By an act of the Territorial Legislature approved November 15, 1836, the counties of Brown and Milwaukee (the last-mentioned including also what is now Rock County), was constituted the Third District, and assigned to Justice Frazer. By the statutes of Wisconsin Territory of 1839, the counties of Walworth, Rock, Green and Dane were made the Second District, to which Justice Irwin was assigned. Rock County continued in this district until the adoption of the State Constitution. In pursuance of a law passed by the Territorial Legislature February 13, 1839, the first term of the District Court was held in April following, by Judge Irwin, in a small wooden building standing on the west side of Main street, in the embryo village of Janes ville. This was a day of small things ; it does not appear that much business was done. The term commenced on the 15th day of April, and adjourned finally on the 17th. Guy Stoughton was appointed Clerk. Daniel F. Kimball was admitted to the bar as an attorney and counselor at law, and was appointed United States District Attorney of Rock County, pro tern. A venire was issued, and the following-named persons were summoned, sworn and charged, as the first grand jury of Rock County : Joseph Bullard, N. G. Storrs, Thomas Stoughton, Farnum Chickering, Joseph Goodrich, Ansel Dickenson, D. A. Richardson, Phineas Armes, Charles Butts, Levi St. John, Jason Walker, David McKillups, William Virgin, John Putnam, Luke Stoughton, John A. Fletcher, Jeremy D. Warner, A. Blakesley, Francis A. Tyler, Elisha Newhall and Jesse Corlis. Joseph Bullard was appointed Foreman. They retired to their room, and, after a short absence, returned into court and reported by their Foreman that there was no business to be done; where upon they were discharged by the Court. A panel of petty jurors was also summoned, but there was nothing for them to do and they were discharged, there being no cases ready for trial at this term. The first cause taken up was an appeal case of Milton S. Warner, appellee, vs. Charles Johnston, appellant, in which judgment of nonsuit was entered on default of the 364 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. appellant to appear. Some other cases were called, and ex-parte matters were attended to, but the business of the first term of the District Court for Rock County seemed to be mainly to get the machinery in order for future work. The next term commenced on Monday, the 21st day of October, 1839. A public hall having been finished in the Janesville Stage House, the first hotel of any pretensions in the village, the court convened in this new and unfinished hall where their sessions were afterward held until a Court House, which was erected on an elevation very near the site of the present Court House, was completed in the month of December, 1841, At this term, business commenced rather more brisk than at the last term. A grand and pettv jury were in attendance. It would appear from the records of this Court, that some of the early settlers of the county kept their spirits up by pouring spirits down, for the first indictment that was presented to the Court by the grand jury was entitled "The United States vs. Thomas Sidwell," for selling spirituous liquors in quantities not less than one quart. This defendant was arraigned on the fourth day of the term and pleaded guilty, and was adjudged to pay a fine of $10 and all legal costs. This was followed by another against the same party for selling spirituous liquors to a certain Indian " contrary to the statute in such case made and provided." The defendant also pleaded guilty to this indictment, but the Court being in doubt whether the offense charged could be prosecuted by indictment, certified the case to the Territorial Supreme Court for its opinion. Other indictments against other parties for selling intoxicating liquors, in violation of law, were presented, making in all twelve cases ; all of which, except the first two, were continued to the next term, the defendants entering into recognizances to appear and answer. The civil causes on the docket not disposed of by default or settlement were continued, so that there was no business for the petty jury at this term. The Court adjourned sine die. The next term commenced on the 20th day of April, 1840 ; a grand and petty jury were sum moned, and on Tuesday, the second day of the term, the first trial by jury ever had in Rock County in a Court of Record took place. Tt was the case of "E. B. Woodbury vs. Caleb Blod gett, Daniel Blodgett and E. B. Blodgett." The jury impaneled to try the case were William Squire, John Holmes, Asa Comstock, Abraham Fox, M. S. Warner, Clark W. Lawrence, Charles Tuttle, Horace Rice, George W. Lawrence, Lucius Burnham, Reuben Willard and Ezekiel Brownell, who, after hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel, found a verdict for the plaintiff, and assessed his damages at $242 and costs. The April term for the year 1840, after transacting considerable business, adjourned on the 23d. The lawyers who appeared at the bar of this Court as practitioners up to this date were Edward V. Whiton, Daniel F. Kimball and Abraham C. Bailey', of Janesville ; David Noggle and Hazen Cheeney, of Beloit ; H. N. Wells and H. Crocker, of Milwaukee, and Moses M. Strong, of Mineral Point. John Catlin appeared at this term as Deputy District Attorney. Judge Irwin coutinued to hold terms ofthe District Court for Rock County until Wisconsin was admitted into the family of States under her new Constitution, adopted in 1848, by which the Circuit Courts were established, and the State divided into five Judicial Circuits. 'The counties of Racine, Walworth, Rock and Green comprised the First Circuit. In this circuit, Edward V. Whiton was elected Judge. The first session of the Circuit Court, for Rock County, was held at the Court House in Janesville, by Judge Whiton, commencing Monday, the 18th day of September, 1848. John Nichols was Clerk and John M. Keep, of Beloit, District Attorney. The first grand jury in attendance upon that Court was composed of the following persons : James Cass, David R. Bent, David Hagadore, S. S. Blackman, C. C. Phelps, A. D. Culbert, Henry B. Crandall, Charles Whipple, John R. Boyce, Andrew Stevens, David Merrill, George McKinsee, Whilden Hughes, Harvey Brace, Joel Wood. A. Henderson, Edward Aiken, Elisha Coville and Levi St. John, who was appointed Foreman. The first indictment found by the grand jury, in the Cir cuit Court for Rock County, was entitled " The State of Wisconsin vs. Samuel M. Drake," for adultery. The defendant was tried on this indictment and acquitted. The first civil case tried by a jury was on the 20th day of September, 1848, of " Benjamin Cheeney vs. Daniel HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 365 Blodgett and Herman Hill," an action of trespass. Verdict for the plaintiff for damages $58.27. The business of the Court in this county began to accumulate and continued so for ten years or more. The county was rapidly developing, real estate' advancing, population and business increasing, a state of things that gave rise to much litigation, as might be expected in a new country, hence the docket of the Court was large at each term, and it was with great difficulty that the business of the term could be cleared up within the time at the command of the Judge. It was during Judge Whiton 's term that the first trial for homicide in Rock County was had. The prisoner was one Samuel Godfrey, of the town of Lima, charged in the indictment with killing John S. Godfrey, a relative, in an altercation between these two men over a trespass alleged to have been committed by the animals of the deceased upon premises of the prisoner. The latter dealt the deceased a blow with a club upon the temple, which produced instant death. The defense set up was that the prisoner at the time he struck the blow was in imminent danger of bodily harm, and was acting in self-defense. The trial was hotly contested on both sides ; the prosecution was conducted by Hiram Taylor, District Attorney, assisted by A. Hyatt Smith ; the defense, by David Noggle and J. A. Sleeper, of Janesville, and Prosper Cravath, of White water. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, which was generally approved by the public. Judge Whiton continued to discharge the duties of Circuit Judge to the entire satisfaction of the people ofthe circuit, until the April term, 1853, when, having been elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ofthe State, he resigned to accept that position. Wyman Spooner, of Wal worth County, was appointed to fill the vacancy until a successor could be elected. In Septem ber, 1853, James R. Doolittle, of Racine, was elected, and entered upon the discharge of the duties of Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, and first held a special term for Rock County, • commencing on the 7th day of February, 1854. The celebrated case of the State vs. David F. Mayberry, for the murder of Andrew Alger, was tried before Judge Doolittle in July, 1854, particulars of which are hereafter given. Judge Doolittle gained the confidence and esteem of the bar, and all with whom he came in contact. He resigned the office in March, 1856, and Charles M. Baker, of Geneva, Walworth County, was appointed to fill the vacancy until a new election, which occurred in April following, when John M. Keep, of Beloit, a sound and able lawyer, was elected. Judge Keep was originally from New York, and settled at Beloit in 1844. He was a genial man, full of good humor. One little incident that occurred while he was on the bench, is characteristic. James Niel, now of the St. Louis bar, was arguing a demurrer before him. There was one point that was decisive of the case. The Judge intimated to the attorney that it was unnecessary to argue the point, as the Court agreed with him in the view he took of the case ; but he continued to argue the point with great earnestness, when the Judge said coolly : " Mr. Neil, I am with you now on that point, but if you keep on, I can't tell how I shall be ; it is hardly safe for you to take the chances." Judge Keep was obliged to resign on account of failing health. He died in the spring of 1861. He held the office about three years, and was succeeded by David Noggle, who was elected in April, 1859, continuing as Judge until January, 1864, when he was succeeded by William Penn Lyon, of Racine, now of the Supreme Court. Judge Lyon held the office of Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, as it was then constituted, until March 16, 1870, when, by a law ofthe Legislature of that date, wliich took effect on the 1st day of April following, the counties of Rock and Green were detached from the First Circuit, and, with Jefferson, which was detached from the Ninth Circuit, constituted the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. Harmon S. Conger, of Janes ville, was elected on the first Tuesday in April, 1870, Judge of the new ' circuit, his term of office beginning January 1, 1871. This position he has since continued to fill with credit and ability. Judge Lyon continued to exercise jurisdiction over the First Circuit, after its territorial limits had been changed, until he was elected to the Supreme Court, in 1872. The bench and bar of Rock County will compare favorably with that of any county in the State, and it may be said that the dignity and decorum maintained in the court-room, and the orderly and correct manner in which business is conducted, is not surpassed by any court in or out of the State. 366 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. ROCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, The act organizing Rock County, provided also for its government by what was known at that time as the " County Principle ; " that is, three Commissioners were to be elected by the county, who were to have a general supervision of its affairs. The first ones chosen were Enos J. Haz zard, William S. Murray and William Spaulding. Their first meeting was held on the 1st day of April, 1839, with W. H. H. Bailey as Clerk. Election precincts were ordered ; Election Judges assigned for future service, and sundry bills disposed of, which constituted the most important business transacted. These Commissioners held their offices from 1839 to 1841. The second Board of Commissioners was composed of L. Warren, N. G. Storrs and D. J. Bun dy, who only held their offices during the first part of 1842, when, because of the " County Principle " being changed to the " Town Principle," they were succeeded in April of that year ty a Board of Supervisors. The following Supervisors have regulated the affairs of Rock County : In 1842 — William Holmes, N. G. Storrs, D, J. Bundy, W. H. H., Bailey, G. W. Brittain, Ira Jones and William Stewart; 1843— H. Murray, L. Belden, William Holmes, G. B. Hall, J. W. Bicknell, I. Inman, Jr., J. H. Knowlton, G. E. Cowan and Ira Jones ; 1844 — J. Chamberlin, P. Cravath, G. E. Cowan, Ira Jones, George Ayres, J. L. Kimball, I. Inman, L. Belden and Z. S. Doty ; 1845— J. W. Inman, P. Cravath, D. C. Babcock, H. Murray, S. G. Colley, J. L. Kimball, C. Stoughton, J. Waterman, C. Inman and D. R. Bent ; 1846 — 0. B. Lapham, G. W. Ogden, G. B. Hall, J. Spaulding, Jr., S. S. Blackman, William Stewart, J. Chamberlin, J. G. Winslow, P. P. Chase, J. P. Sears, A. Cotter, Ira Jones and D. R. Bent; 1847 — J. Marcy, Joseph Colby, N. Strong, W. F. Thompsom, A. Sprague, A. Cotter, Ira Jones, E. A. Foot, I. Andrews, R. R. Cowan, 0. W. Norton, P. Crandall, Daniel Babcock, 0. Densmore, S. 0. Slosson and R. Dole; 1848— J. Marcy, A. Rowley, A. Allen, W. Spaulding, H. P. Culver, J. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Foot, I. Andrews, R. R. Cowan, C. Inman, P. Crandall, H. Tuttle, 0. Densmore, F. A. Humphrey, A. G. Felt and J. Kinney, Jr. From 1849 to 1862, the Chairmen of the Town Supervisors, elected in April of each year, constituted the County Board of Supervisors. They were as follows : For 1849, town of Clinton, William Stewart ; Bradford, 0. Densmore ; Johnstown, D. L. Farnham ; Lima, R. Armstrong ; Milton, G. W. Ogden ; Harmony, William Spaulding ; La Prairie, J. P. Wheeler ; Turtle, P. J. Erkenbrack ; Beloit, S. Hinman ; Rock, R. Washburn ; Janesville, J. Miles; Fulton, E. Cawker ; Porter, D. R. Bent; Center, E. A. Foot; Plymouth, P. McLashun ; Newark, J. L. V. Thomas ; Avon, J. Huntley ; Spring Valley, R. R. Hamil ton ; Magnolia, A. Cotter; Union, A. B. Vaughn. For 1850, Clinton, W. Stewart ; Bradford, L. Muzzy ; Johnstown, L. Belden ; Lima, J. Cobb ; Milton, G. W. Ogden; Harmony, H. Holmes; La Prairie, J. P. Wheeler; Turtle, B. M. Hin man; Beloit, J. R. Briggs; Rock, R. Washburn ; Janesville, M. C. Smith; Fulton, J. A. Cowan ; Porter, J. D. Seaver; Center, E. A. Foot; Plymouth, J. Bemis; Newark, P. Mead; Avon, W. F. Thompson; Spring Valley, R. R. Hamilton; Magnolia, E. Miller; Union, A. B. Vaughn. For 1851, Clinton, W. Stewart; Bradford, L. S. Blackman; Johnstown, H. Cheney; Lima, P. Crandall; Milton, W. S. McNitt ; Harmony, H. Holmes; La Prairie, J. P. Wheeler; Turtle, L. P. Harvey; Beloit, W. S. Rockwell; Rock, Z. P. Burdick; Janesville, M. C. Smith ; Fulton, W, A. Goodrich ; Porter, Thomas Earle ; Center, W. A. Webster ; Plymouth, A. Coddington; Newark, J. L. V. Thomas; Avon, 0. Baker; Spring Valley, A. Remington; Magnolia, A. Cotter; Union, A. B. Vaughn. For 1852, Clinton, W. Stewart ; Bradford, 0. Densmore ; Johnstown, C. A. Hall ; Lima, A. Warren; Milton, W. S. McNitt; Harmony, H. Holmes; La Prairie, A. Hoskins; Turtle, L. P. Harvey ; Beloit, N. B. Gaston ; Rock, D. W. Inman ; Janesville ; M. C. Smith ; Fulton, J. S. Fassett; Porter, John Winston; Center, E. A. Foot; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis; New ark, E. Pease ; Avon, J. N. Nelson ; Spring Valley, A. Remington ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard ; Union, G. E. Newman. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 367 For 1853, Clinton, H. Tuttle; Bradford, L. S. Blackman; Johnstown, H. Cramer; Lima, A. Kinney ; Milton, G. W. Ogden ; Harmony, W. Spaulding ; La Prairie, A. Hoskins ; Turtle, L. P. Harvey ; Beloit, G. B. Sanderson ; Rock, D. W. Inman ; Janesville, John Stacy ; Fulton, E. Downing ; Porter, J. Winston ; Center, E. A. Foot ; Plymouth, J. Fisher ; Newark, J. L. V. Thomas ; Avon, J. Kinney, Jr. ; Spring Valley ; J. Kirkpatrick ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard ; Union, G. E. Newman ; Janesville, First Ward, B. F. Pixley ; Second Ward, J. J. R. Pease ; Third Ward, E. A. Howland ; Fourth Ward, G. H, Williston. For 1854, Clinton, H. Tuttle ; Bradford, 0. Densmore ; Johnstown, J. Clark ; Lima, A. Kinney ; Milton, D. C. Babcock ; Harmony, C. R. Gibbs ; La Prairie, A. Hoskins ; Turtle, B. F. Murry ; Beloit, B. Durham ; Rock, J. Griffin, Jr. ; Janesville, Z. P. Burdick ; Fulton,. E. Downing ; Porter, John Winston ; Center, W. A. Norton ; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis ; New ark, E. L. Carpenter ; Avon, J. Kinney, Jr. ; Spring Valley, J. Kirkpatrick ; Magnolia, J. Doolittle ; Union, Ira Jones ; Janesville, First Ward, B. F. Pixley ; Second Ward, T. Jack- man ; Third Ward, E. A. Howland ; Fourth Ward, Ira Miltimore. For 1855, Clinton, S. Lake; Bradford, T. W. Williams; Johnstown, D. P. Farnham;. Lima, J. Child ; Milton, A. Holmes ; Harmony, E. Green ; La Prairie, A. Sherman ; Turtle,, A. Bruce: Beloit, S. G. Colley; Rock, D. W. Inman; Janesville, Z. P. Burdick; Fulton, A_ Root ; Porter, H. Stebbins ; Center, W. A. Norton ; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis ; Newark, N. Warren ; Avon, A. N. Randall ; Spring Valley, J. Kirkpatrick ; Magnolia, J. Doolittle ; Union, Ira Jones ; Janesville, First Ward, David Noggle ; Second Ward, J. R. Crosby ; Third Wardr E. A. Howland ; Fourth Ward, John Vermilyea. For 1856, Clinton, L. Lake; Bradford, D. P. Wemple; Johnstown, R. Barlass, Jr.; Lima, I.. Hull ; Milton, J. Pierce ; Harmony, E. Green ; La Prairie, W. H. Stark ; Turtle, A. I. Ben nett; Beloit, W. Yost ; Rock, N. W. Tripp; Janesville, Z. P. Burdick ; Fulton, L. Page; Porter r H. Stebbins; Center, J. Correy ; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis; Newark, E. L. Carpenter; Avon, A. N. Randall; Spring Valley, J. Kirkpatrick ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard ; Union, D. John son; Janesville, First Ward, J. H. Vermilyea; Second Ward, J. A. Sleeper; Third Ward, A. C. Bates ; Fourth Ward, B. B. Eldridge ; Beloit, First Ward, J. Hackett ; Second Ward, W. S. Rockwell ; Third Ward, De L. Brooks ; Fourth Ward, L. G. Fisher. For 1857, Clinton, A. B. Collyer ; Bradford, S. Scott, Jr.; Johnstown, J. B. Pember ; Lima, A. Kinney ; Milton, W. Goodrich ; Harmony, E. Green ; La Prairie, W. H. Stark ; Turtle, A. I. Bennett ; Beloit, Charles Peck ; Rock, W. H. Tripp ; Janesville, Z. P. Burdick ; Fulton, S. S. Williams ; Porter, H. Stebbins ; Center, W. A. Norton ; Plymouth, H. Inman ; Newark, E. L. Carpenter ; Avon, George Golding ; Spring Valley, I. Wright ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard ; Union, D. Johnson ; Janesville, First Ward, S. Belton ; Second Ward, A. C. Bates ; Third Ward, L. Smith ; Fourth Ward, J. Vermilyea ; Fifth Ward, Thomas Thornton ; Sixth Ward, S. Martin ; Beloit, First Ward, S. E. Downer ; Second Ward, L. G. Fisher ; Third Ward, W. S. Rockwell ; Fourth Ward, W. A. Wheeler. For 1858, Clinton, S. S. Northrop ; Bradford, P. D. Wemple ; Johnstown, B. F. Cary ; Lima, A. Kinney ; Milton, W. S. McNitt ; Harmony, E. Green ; La Prairie, W. Schenck : Turtle, F. A. Humphrey ; Beloit, Charles Peck ; Rock, W. H. Tripp ; Janesville, A. W. Pope ; Fulton, E. A. Downing ; Porter, J. K. P. Porter ; Center, W. A. Norton ; Plymouth, William Ranney ; Newark, E. L. Carpenter ; Avon, George Golding ; Spring Valley, G. W. Stetson : Magnolia, S. Holdredge, Jr.; Union, Daniel Johnson ; Janesville, First Ward, M. S. Pritchard ; Second Ward, A. C. Bates ; Third Ward, I. C. Sloan ; Fourth Ward, H. S. Shelton ; Beloit, First Ward, N. D. Parker ; Second Ward, J. Farr, Jr.; Third Ward, Charles H. Parker ; Fourth Ward, M. A. Northrop. For 1859, Clinton, S. S. Northrop ; Bradford, George Playter ; Johnstown, B. F. Cary ; Lima, H. J. Wilkinson ; Milton, H. G. Greenman ; Harmony, H. Griswold ; La Prairie, W. Schenck ; Turtle, A. Bruce ; Beloit, Charles Peck ; Rock, G. W. Bemis ; Janesville, A. W. Pope ; Fulton, E. A. Downing ; Porter, Thomas Earle ; Center, W. A. Norton ; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis ; Newark, G. Cadman ; Avon, George Golding ; Spring Valley, G. W.. Stetson ; 368 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Magnolia, S. S. Holdredge, Jr.; Union, P. Allen; Janesville, First Ward, S. J. Belton ; Second J. J. R. Pease ; Third Ward, J. P. Dickson ; Fourth Ward, J. H. Vermilyea ; Beloit, Second Ward, S. G. Colley; Third Ward, A. W. Root; Fourth Ward, M. A. Northrop. For 1860, Clinton, S. S. Northrop; Bradford, G. Playter; Johnstown, B. F. Cary; Lima, T. H. Goodhue ; Milton, H. G. Greenman ; Harmony, S. P. Hoskins ; La Prairie, G. Sherman ; Turtle, A. I. Bennett ; Beloit, D. Merrill ; Rock, G. W. Bemis ; Janesville, A. W. Pope ; Fulton, H. West, Jr. ; Porter, Thomas Earle ; Center, E. A. Foot ; Plymouth, K. W. Bemis; Newark, J. L. V. Thomas; Avon, R.W. Golding; Spring Valley, I. Wright ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard; Union, P. Allen; Janesville, First Ward, W. M. Tallman ; Second Ward, A. C. Bates ; Third Ward, L. Smith ; Fourth Ward, R. A. Pierce ; Beloit, First Ward, B. D. Murray; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, C. H. Parker ; Fourth Ward, M. A. Northrop. For 1861, Clinton, H. Tuttle; Bradford, G. Playter; Johnstown, D. R. Spooner; Lima, T. H. Goodhue; Milton, II. G. Greenman; Harmony, C. Bliss; La Prairie, F. Nash; Turtle, H. J. Murray; Beloit, Charles Peck ; Rock, T. L. Hollister; Janesville, A. W. Pope; Fulton, S. Schoonover ; Porter, 0. W. Gilman ; Center, J. Correy ; Plymouth, A. C. Douglas ; New ark, E. L, Carpenter; Avon, J. Kinney, Jr.; Spring Valley, J. Kirkpatrick; Magnolia, J. Doolittle ; Union, P. Allen ; Janesville, First Ward, N. Parker ; Second Ward, George Barnes ; Third Ward, H. W. Collins; Fourth Ward, H. S. Shelton; Beloit, First Ward, P. Johnson; Second Ward, L. G. Fisher ; Third Ward, A. W. Root ; Fourth Ward, A. H. Northrop. A State law, approved in March, 1861, made the Board of Supervisors to consist of three Electors, one to be elected in each of the Supervisor Districts, except those counties which contained three or more Assembly Districts ; arid in such counties there should be elected one Supervisor in each Assembly District, and one additional Supervisor for the county at large where there was or might be an even number of Assembly Districts — to be elected, biennially, •on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November in each alternate year, and should hold their offices for the term of two years. Under this law, the following persons were chosen: For 1862 and 1863, District No. 1, Thomas Earle ; District No. 2, C. Bliss ; District No. 3, B. F. Cary ; District No. 4, Charles H. Parker ; District No. 5, S. A. Hudson ; District No. 6, E. L. Carpenter ; at Large, R. T. Pember for 1862, and W. A. Norton for 1.863. For 1864 and 1865, District No. 1, Daniel Johnson ; District No. 2, C. Bliss ; District, No. 3, S. S. Northrop ; District No. 4, J. H. Cooper ; District No. 5, W. M. Tallman ; Dis trict No. 6, W. H. Tripp ; at Large, R. T. Powell. For 1866 and 1867, District No. 1, Daniel Johnson ; District No. 2, James Pierce ; Dis trict No. 3, A. M. Carter and Peter Schmidt ; District No. 4, Charles Peck ; District No. 5, A. A. Jackson and W. M. Tallman ; District No. 6, D. Morse ; at Large, S. S. Northrop. By a change in the law, Supervisors elected in 1867 from the odd-numbered districts held office for one year, while those from the even-numbered districts held office for two years. The Supervisors for 1868 were : First District, Daniel Johnson ; Second District, H. Stebbins ; Third District, Peter Schmidt ; Fourth District, T. Holmes ; Fifth District, W. M. Tallman. - The Supervisors for two years, 1868 and 1869, were : First District, Daniel Mowe and J. Whitney ; Second District, R. T. Powell and H. Stebbins ; Third District, W. H. Tripp and B. F. Cary ; Fourth District, E. Carpenter and T. Holmes, and C. Whitford, appointed ; Fifth District, C. H. Conrad and H. Richardson. And those for 1870, for two years were : First District, Daniel Mowe ; Second District, R. T. Powell ; Third District, D. G. Cheever ; Fourth District, C. F. Collins ; Fifth District, F. S. Eldredge. ' In obedience to a law passed in 1870, the county returned, after the April election of that year, to the system of government wherein each town and city is represented. The following are the Supervisors elected for 1870 : Bradford, N. Densmore ; Clinton, H. Pierce ; Johnstown, Rush Beardsley ; Lima, T. Mor gan ; Milton, S. C. Carr; Harmony, A. Barlass; La Prairie, A. Sherman; Turtle, Thomas HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 369 Holmes ; Beloit, A. Henderson ; Rock, E. V. Drake ; Janesville, Z. P. Burdick ; Fulton, E. Palmer; Porter, J. B. Miller; Center, Seth Fisher; Plymouth, E. Inman; Newark, E. K. Felt ; Avon, W. Burcalow ; Spring Valley, H. H. Peterson ; Magnolia, N. B. Howard ; Union, P. Allen ; Janesville, First Ward, J. D. Rexford ; Second Ward, J. J. R. Pease ; Third Ward, H. Richardson; Fourth Ward, J. W. St. John; Beloit, First Ward, C. F. G. Collins; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill; Third Ward, P. M. Pierce; Fourth Ward, J. R. Booth. The Supervisors for 1871 were : Clinton, George Chandler ; Bradford, A. G. Ransom ; Johnstown, Rush Beardsley ; Lima, S. Morgan ; Milton, S. C. Carr ; Harmony, A. Barlass ; La Prairie, A, Sherman ; Tur tle, Thomas Holmes ; Beloit, A. Henderson ; Rock, Charles Noyes ; Janesville, Z. P. Bur dick ; Fulton, S. Schoonover ; Porter, H. Wheeler ; Center, Seth Fisher ; Plymouth, E. Inman ; Newark, E. K. Felt ; Avon, H. H. Shirley ; Spring Valley, Daniel Mowe ; Magno lia, W. H. Doolittle ; Union, L. W. Wright ; Janesville, First Ward, S. A. Hudson ; Second Ward, A. Hoskins ; Third Ward, H. Richardson ; Fourth Ward; A. Palmer ; Fifth Ward, J. B. Carle ; Beloit, First Ward, C. F. G. Collins ; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, F. F. Cox ; Fourth Ward, J. R. Booth ; Evansville, W. T. Hall. From 1871 to 1878, the President of the village of Evansville was ex officio a m.ember of the Board. In 1879, the office of member of the Board was made elective. The Supervisors for 1872 were : Clinton, S. S. Northrop ; Bradford, A. G. Ransom ; Johnstown, Rush Beardsley ; Lima, S. Morgan; Milton, E. B. Rogers; Harmony, John Stockman; La Prairie, W. H. Stark; Turtle, Thomas Holmes; Beloit, A. Henderson ; Rock, Charles Noyes; Janesville, Z. P. Bur dick; Fulton, S. Schoonover;, Porter, Thomas Earle; Center, Seth Fisher; Plymouth, E. Inman ; Newark, E. K. Felt ; Avon, H. H. Shirley ; Spring Valley, A. S. Clark ; Magnolia, L. Burton ; Union, Daniel Johnson ; Janesville, First Ward, H. N. Comstock ; Second Ward, H. Richardson ; Third Ward, C. Bliss ; Fourth Ward, D. Jeffries ; Fifth Ward ; J. B. Carle ; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler ; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, F. F. Cox ; Fourth Ward, John Hackett ; Evansville, W. T. Hall. For Supervisors of 1873, were: Janesville, First Ward, H. Bump; Second Ward, Jesse Miles ; Third Ward, Cyrus Bliss ; Fourth Ward, Randall Williams ; Fifth Ward, Thomas Lynch.; town of Avon, John Adams; Beloit, E. F. Gates; Bradford, A. G. Ransom; Center, Seth Fisher ; Clinton, S. S. Northrop ; Fulton, S. Schoonover ; Harmony, A. Barlass ; Janes ville, Z. P. Burdick ; Johnstown, E. Cary ; La Prairie, W. H. Stark ; Lima, S. Morgan ; Magnolia, S. S. Bagley; Milton, E. B. Rogers ; Newark, R. J. Burdge; Plymouth, E. Inman; Porter, T. Earle ; Rock, Charles Noyes : Spring Valley, R. B. Harper ; Turtle, J. H. Cooper ; Union, D. Johnson ; Evansville, 0. W. Gilman ; Beloit, First. Ward, C. C Keeler ; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, F. F. Cox ; Fourth Ward, John Hackett. For Supervisors elected to serve in 1874, were : Town of Avon, H. H. Shirley ; Beloit, E. F. Gates ; Bradford, A. G. Ransom ; Center, D. A. Mason ; Clinton, S. S. Northrop ; Fulton, W. H. Pease; Harmony, James Menzies; Janesville, Silas Ward; Johnstown, John Harvey ; La Prairie, W. H. Stark ; Lima, S. Morgan ; Magnolia, S. S. Bagley ; Milton, E. B. Rogers; Newark, R. J. Burdge; Plymouth, Edward Inman; Porter, J. B. Miller; Rock, Charles Noyes ; Spring Valley, A. S.Clark; Turtle, Thomas Holmes; Union, D. Johnson; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler ; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, Jere Miller ; Fourth Ward, John Hackett; Janesville, First Ward, E. Leavitt ; Second Ward, S. Hutch inson ; Third Ward, Orrin Guernsey ; Fourth Ward, L. B, Carle ; Fifth Ward, Thomas M. Lynch ; Evansville, 0. W. Gilman. The Supervisors of 1875 were: Janesville, First Ward, E. Leavitt; Second Ward, Jesse Miles ; Third Ward, 0. Guernsev ; Fourth Ward, L. B. Carle ; Fifth Ward, Thomas M. Lynch ; Town of Beloit, J. W. Crist; Clinton, D. G. Cheever; Magnolia, S. S. Bagley; Bradford, W. Gardiner ; Johnstown, John Harvey ; Fulton, W. Taylor ; Newark, H. L. Skavlem ; Plymouth, 370 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. E. Inman ; La Prairie, W. H. Stark; Union, D. Johnson; Avon, H. H. Shirley; Lima, S, Morgan; Spring Valley, R. B. Harper; Harmony, James Menzies; Turtle, Chauncey Ross; Center, W. J. Owens ; Porter, Alexander White ; Rock, Charles Noyes ; Janesville, Silas Ward; Milton, E. B. Rogers; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler; Second Ward, S. J. Good win; Third Ward, C. H. Parker; Fourth Ward, John Hackett; Evansville, D. L. Mills. For the year 1876, the following persons composed the County Board ; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler; Second Ward, S. J. Goodwin; Third Ward, C. H. Parker; Fourth Ward, J. Hackett ; Janesville, First Ward, J." C. Metcalf ; Second Ward, J. J. R. Pease ; Third Ward, F. Kimball; Fourth Ward, L. B. Carle; Fifth Ward, E. Rotheram; Town of Avon, H. H. Shirley ; Beloit, J. W. Crist ; Center, W. J. Owen ; Clinton, Henry Pierce ; Magnolia, M. Osborne ; Bradford, W. Gardiner ; Johnstown, John Harvey ; Fulton, W. Taylor ; Newark, H. S. Skavlen ; Plymouth, K. B. Thor ; La Prairie, H. P. Fales ; Union, Peter Aller ; Lima, W. J. Mclntyre ; Spring Valley, R. B. Harper ; Harmony, James Menzies ; Turtle, Thomas Holmes; Porter, J. B. Miller; Rock, Charles Noyes ; Janesville, C. S. Decker ; Milton, E. B, Rogers ; Evansville, C. M. Smith. The Supervisors ofthe county who were elected for the year 1877 were : Janesville, First Ward, J. C. Metcalf; Second Ward, 0. F. Nowlan; Third Ward, F. Kimball; Fourth Ward, L. B. Carle; Fifth Ward, E. Rotheram; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler; Second Ward, J. M. Cobb; Third Ward, C. H. Parker; Fourth Ward, Washington James; Town of Avon, W. J. Barnes ; Beloit, J. W. Crist ; Bradford, W. Gardiner ; Clinton, John Conley ; Center, E. A. Foote ; Fulton, J. I. Lusk ; Harmony, James Menzies ; Johnstown, John Harvey ; Janesville, C. S. Decker; La Prairie, W. H. Stark; Lima, W. J. Mclntyre; Milton, E. B. Rogers; Magnolia, M. Osborne; Newark, E. K. Felt; Porter, J. B. Miller; Plymouth, K. B. Thon ; Rock, Charles Noyes ; Spring Valley, R. B. Harper ; Turtle, S. H. Slaymaker ; Union, Peter Aller ; Evansville, A. S. Baker. The County Supervisors for 1878 were: Janesville, First Ward, J. C. Metcalf; Second Ward, 0. F. Nowlan ; Third Ward, B. B. Eldredge ; Fourth Ward, L. B. Carle ; Fifth Ward, E. Rotheram; Beloit, First Ward, C. C. Keeler; Second Ward, J. M. Cobb; Third Ward, Frank E. Race ; Fourth Ward, L. W. Kendall ; Town of Avon, W. J. Barnes ; Beloit, J. W. Crist ; Bradford, W. Gardiner ; Clinton, John Conley ; Center, E. A. Foot ; Fulton, J. P. Towne ; Harmony, James Menzies ; Johnstown, G. D. Hall ; Janesville, Silas Ward ; La Prairie, J. P. Thomas ; Lima, W. J. Mclntyre ; Milton, E. B. Rogers ; Magnolia, George Howard; Newark, E. K. Felt; Porter, D. Van Wart; Plymouth, K. B. Thon; Spring Val ley, R. B. Harper ; Rock, William Gunn ; Turtle, S. H. Slaymaker ; Union, Peter Aller ; Evansville, M. V. Pratt. At the election in April, 1879, the following Supervisors were elected : Janesville, First Ward, J. C. Metcalf; Second Ward, 0. F. Nowlan; Third Ward, B. B. Eldredge; Fourth Ward, L. B. Carle ; Fifth Ward, E. Ratheram ; Beloit, First Ward, Z. Martin ; Second Ward, S. T. Merrill ; Third Ward, Frank E. Race ; Fourth Ward, L. W. Kendall ; Town of Avon, W. J. Barnes; Beloit, J. W. Crist; Bradford, W. Gardiner; Center, E. A. Foote; Clinton, John Conley ; Fulton, William Taylor ; Harmony, James Menzies ; Janesville, Silas Ward ; Johnstown, John Haight ; La Prairie, J. P. Thomas ; Lima, W. J. Mclntyre ; Magnolia, George Howard ; Milton, E. B. Rogers ; Newark, H. Cleophas ; Plymouth, K. B. Thon ; Porter, John Daws ; Rock, William Gunn ; Spring Valley, R. B. Harper ; Turtle, S. H. Slaymaker; Union, P. Aller; Evansville, M. V. Pratt. The Chairmen of the County Commissioners and County Board of Supervisors since the organization of the county, have been as follows : For 1839, William S. Murray ; 1840, William S. Murray; 1841, William S. Murray; 1842, S. Warren ; 1842, Nathan G. Storrs ; 1843, Ira Jones ; 1844, John L. Kimball ; 1845, Prosper Cravath ; 1846, Ira Jones ; 1847, Joseph Colley ; 1848, Joseph Colley ; 1849, J. P. Wheeler ; 1850, J. P. Wheeler ; 1851, Paul Crandall ; 1852, L. P. Harvey ; 1853, L. P. Har vey ; 1854, Z. P. Burdick; 1855. Z. P. Burdick; 1856, Z. P. Burdick; 1857, Z. P. Burdick; HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 371 1858, William A.. Norton; 1859, S. G. Colley ; 1860, H. G. Greenman ; 1861, A. W. Pope; 1862, B. F. Carey ; 1863, B. F. Carey ; 1864, Cyrus Bliss ; 1865, Cyrus Bliss ; 1866, Daniel Johnson ; 1867, Daniel Johnson ; 1868, Daniel Johnson ; 1869, Daniel Mowe ; 1870, C. F. G. Collins; 1871, C. F. G. Collins; 1872, Daniel Johnson; 1873, Daniel Johnson; 1874, Daniel Johnson ; 1875, Daniel Johnson ; 1876, Thomas Holmes ; 1877, C. C. Keeler ; 1878, C. C. Keeler ; 1879, James Menzies. COUNTY COURT OF ROCK COUNTY. Record of notices posted up at public places, at Beloit and Janesville, in the County of Rock and Territory of Wisconsin : Probate Courts in aud for the County of Rook, in the Territory of Wisconsin, will be holden as follows : At Beloit on the first Monday of December, and at Janesville on the first Monday of June. November 1, 1839. Horace White, Judge of Probate. Territory of Wisconsin, 1 _ . . , . , „„. Rock County, } "—October 15, 1839. John P. Chapin, of Chicago, in Cook County, and State of Illinois, has this day deposited in my office for record and administration, the last will and testament of Charles Johnston, requesting the appointment of adminis trator to the estate of said Johnston, late deceased in said Rook County, the same represented by said Chapin as an insolvent estate, aud executor of his last will and testament. ¦A-ttest : Horace White, Judge of Probate. Johnston's will is dated August, 1839, and is witnessed by Horace Hobart, John R. Bur roughs, Charles M. Messer. It was recorded October 15, 1839. John P. Chapin was on the same day appointed to administer the estate, he having been named in the will as executor thereof. The next case before the Court was that of the estate of Edward Brandon, deceased, which came before the Court for action for the first time, February 27, 1840. Richard Inman was appointed administrator. The estate of Caleb Blodget, which came into Court in August, 1840, was the third case before the Judge of Probate. John Hackett was appointed adminis trator of the estate. COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. Rock County's first Court House was a two-story frame, erected in Janesville in 1841. It stood almost upon the exact spot now occupied by the present Court House, but was much more difficult to reach, being on the apex of a formidable hill, which has since been dug away. It was destroyed by fire in 1859, but happily no records of value went with it, previous precaution ary measures having been taken by the Recorder and others who had the handling of important documents to keep them in places of safety. The new Court House is situated, as was the old one, on ths east side of Rock River, in the Third Ward of the- city of Janesville. It has an extensive park, containing four blocks, sloping to the west, the park extending easterly from Main street, and bounded on the north by Court street, east by East street, south by South First street and west by Main street. Three blocks of the park are under the immediate care of the city, while one block (being the second block east from Main street, on which the Court House stands) is cared for by the county. The Court House is 107x77 feet on the ground and four stories in height, with a tower on the northerly end. The walls are of stone and brick, the cornices are of iron and the roof covered with tin. The rooms and offices are all large and capacious, with high ceilings. The building is warmed with steam and lighted with gas. The erection of the building was commenced in the fall of 1869, and completed in the summer of 1870, James & Rotheram, of Janesville, being the contractors and builders, and J. Townsend Mix, of Milwaukee, the architect and general superintendent. The walls of the first or basement story are built of cut stone. This floor, the east half of which (except the hall) is used as an engine-room and for the storage of fuel, there being 372 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. ample room for thirty cords of wood, and sixty tons of coal. In the west half there are three rooms (exclusive of the hall), two of which are used by the Rock County Agricultural Society and for political meetings, the other being the office of the Register of Deeds. This office was built with the intention of being proof against fire. The doors are iron ; the floor, tile ; shut ters to the windows, iron ; iron joists for the ceilings, and the ceiling of mason-work. The second floor is devoted to offices, there being six in number, and a broad hall, the.offices of the County Judge, County Treasurer, County Clerk, County^Survey'or, Clerk ofthe Court and District Attorney being on this floor. Four of these offices have fire -proof vaults attached and opening from the offices, viz., the office of the County Judge, Treasurer, Clerk and Clerk of the Court. The approaches to this floor are by massive stone steps on either side of the building (with iron rails at the front steps), or from the basement story by a broad flight of iron stairs. On the third floor are the court-rooms, two jury-rooms, one cloak-room, a private office for the Circuit Judge and an office for the Sheriff. The court-room is large, well furnished, with high ceiling, and with the walls and ceiling frescoed in beautiful design. The original cost of the building (including grading of the grounds, furniture, heating apparatus and other items) was $124,672.62, divided as follows : Building proper, $116,074.19; grading grounds, $4,054.98 ; surveying, $194.74 ; furniture, $1,348.69. There have been additional improvements made to the building and grounds since its erection, amounting to $2,000 or more. The first county jail was a one-story log shanty, which stood on Main street, in Janesville, nearly opposite the shops of the present Wisconsin Shoe Company. Owing to an increase in crime, as is naturally the case in new countries daily filling up with all classes of people, this rude receptacle for the wrong-doing became too small, and a larger jail was built on the north side of the public square in a direct line with Bluff street. In the years 1855 and 1856, the present jail building was erected. It is located on the east bank of the river, in the Third Ward of Janesville, and consists of a residence for the Sheriff, built with brick, and the jail proper built with stone, both attached with wing built of wood for use of the Sheriff for kitchen, wash room and other purposes. The part built of brick for residence of Sheriff is 40 by 32 feet on the ground and two stories in height and finished for a comfortable residence. The jail proper is 56 by 42 feet on the ground and two stories in height, built with cut- stone, solid masonry walls, cells and floors. On the first floor, there are ten cells and two reception-rooms, the reception-rooms being one on each side of the building, having five cells in the center of the building opening into each reception-room. On the seconcj floor, there are seven rooms — one large reception-room in the center of the building and three rooms or cells on each side, all opening into this main room. The building is lighted with gas and warmed with coal burned in stoves. The jail proper is inclosed with a high fence built of plank, making the building very secure, and answers the purpose for which it was built very acceptably. It has been erected without any regard to convenient modes of escape. COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1839 TO 1879. Officers elected in 1 839 — Sheriff, L. G. Fisher ; Clerk of Circuit Court, Dr. Guy Stoughton ; Probate Judge, Horace White. 1840— Sheriff, L. G. Fisher ; Register of Deeds, W. H. H. Bailey ; Clerk of Circuit Court, D. F. Kimball ; Treasurer, I. C. Cheney ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, W. H. H. Bailey. 1841 — Israel C. Cheney, Probate Judge. 1842 — Sheriff, L. G. Fisher ; Register of Deeds, George H. Williston ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, D. F. Kimball; Treasurer, Israel C. Cheney; Clerk ofthe Board of Supervisors, George H. Williston. 1843— A. C. Bailey, Probate Judge. 1844— Sheriff, L. G. Fisher ; Regis ter of Deeds, George H. Williston ; Clerk of Circuit Court, D. F. Kimball ; Treasurer, L. E. Stone ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, G. H. Williston. 1845— W. F. Tompkins, Probate Judge; Volney Atwood, Sheriff; O. B. Lapham, Treasurer; Isaac Woodle, District Attorney. 1846 — Sheriff, Volney Atwood; Register of Deeds, George H. Williston ; Clerk of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 373 Circuit Court, C. R. Hallenbeck ; Treasurer, Isaac Noyes ; Clerk ofthe Board of Supervisors, G. H. Williston; Probate Judge, C. S. Jordan ; District Attorney, Isaac Woodle. 1847 — D. I. Daniels, Probate Judge ; Royal Wood, Register of Deeds ; John Nichols, Clerk of Circuit Court ; H. W. Cator, Sheriff ; Frank Wheeler, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ; W. A. Lawrence, Treasurer ; John M. Keep, District Attorney. November 7, 1848 — Sheriff, Robert C. Cowan ; Register of Deeds, C. C. Townsend ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, John Nichols ; Probate Judge, David I. Daniels ; District Attorney, Hiram Taylor ; Treasurer, William A. Lawrence ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, H. 0. Wilson ; Surveyor, Abram Allen ; Coronor, John M. Evans. September 3, 1849 — James Armstrong, County Judge.- November 6, 1849 — B. F. Pixley, no vacancy that year ; Abram Allen, Surveyor ; Joseph S. Lane, Coroner. November 5, 1850 — Sheriff, Hiram W. Caton ; Treasurer, F. A. Humphrey : District Attorney, D. M. H. Carpenter; Register of Deeds, J. A. Kent ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, C. P. King ; Clerk of Circuit Court, John Nichols ; Coroner, George W. Bunce. November 4, 1851 — John W. Hobson, Treas urer. November 2, 1852 — Sheriff, William H. Howard ; Register of Deeds, Samuel A. Martin; Clerk of the Circuit Court, George W. Crabb ; District Attorney, William S. Rockwell; Treas urer. Robert F. Frazer ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Chancy P. King ; Surveyor, Peter McVean ; Coroner, Calvin Chapin. September 5, 1853 — Moses S. Prichard elected County Judge. November 7, 1854 — Sheriff, Alfred Hoskins ; Register of Deeds, Charles R. Gibbs ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, E. P. King ; District Attorney, George B. Ely;* Treasurer, Moses T. Walker ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, John L. V. Thomas ; Surveyor, Joseph Church ; Coroner, G. W. Stetson. November 4, .1856 — Sheriff, Gilbert Dolsen ; Register of Deeds, Charles Holt; Clerk ofthe Circuit Court, A. C. Resseguie; District Attorney, W. D. Parker; Treasurer, E. C. Smith ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, John L. V. Thomas ; Surveyor, J. Church ; Coroner, Loftus Martin. April 7, 1857 — A. P. Prichard, County Judge. November 2, 1858— Sheriff, R. T. Lawton ; Register of Deeds, David L. Mills ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Levi Alden ; District Attorney, J. C. Sloan ; Treasurer, James M. Burgess ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, S. L. James; Surveyor, Edward Ruger; Coroner, J. G. Alden. November 6, 1860 — Sheriff, S. J. M. Putnam ; Register of Deeds, K. W. Bemis ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Levi Alden ; District Attorney, J. C. Sloan ; Treasurer, S. Hol dredge, Jr. ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, S. L. James ; Surveyor, Edward Ruger ; Cor oner, John E. Young. April 2, 1861 — Amos P. Prichard, County Judge. November 4, 1862 — Sheriff. R. T. Pember ; Register of Deeds, C. C. Keeler ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Levi Alden ; District Attorney, John R. Bennett ; Treasurer, S. Holdredge, Jr. ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, S. L. James; Surveyor, S. D. Locke; Coroner, Loftus Martin. November 8, 1864 — Sheriff, Thomas Earle ; Register of Deeds,. C. C. Keeler ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Levi Alden ; District Attorney, John R. Bennett ; Treasurer, S. Holdredge, Jr.; Clerk of the Board pf Supervisors, S. L. James ; Surveyor, S. D. Locke ; Coroner, S. C. Burnham. April 4, 1865 — A. P. Prichard was elected to the office of County Judge. November 6, 1866— Sheriff, S. J. M. Putnam; Register of Deeds, C. C. Keeler; Clerk of the Circuit Court, George R. Peck ; District Attorney, H. A. Patterson ; Treasurer, Cyrus Bliss; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, H. E. Warner; Surveyor, S. D. Locke ; Cor oner, John E. Young. November 3, 1868 — Sheriff, Daniel Johnson ; Register of Deeds, Charles W. Stark ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin ; District Attorney, H. A. Pat terson ; Treasurer, Cyrus Bliss ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, E. L. Carpenter ; Sur veyor, S. D. Locke ; Coroner, J. M. Evans. April 6, 1869 — County Judge, A. P. Prichard. November 8, 1870— Sheriff, R. T. Pember ; Register of Deeds, Charles W. Stark ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin ; District Attorney, Pliny Norcross ; Treasurer, B. F. Cary ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, E. L. Carpenter ; Surveyor, Edward Ruger ; Coroner, John E. Young. November 5, 1872— Sheriff, S. J. M. Putnam ; Register of Deeds, C. E. Bowles; Clerk of the Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin; District Attorney, P. Norcross-; * Ely held the office for more than one year, when Matthew H. Carpenter, his competitor at the election, was declared by the Supreme 'Court of the State as the lawful incumbent. 374 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Treasurer, B. F. Cary ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, E. L. Carpenter ; Surveyor, Edward Ruger; Coroner, C. M. Smith. April 1, 1873 — County Judge, A. P. Prichard. November 3, 1874— Sheriff, S. W. Fisher; Register of Deeds, C. L. Valentine; Clerk of the Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin ; District Attorney, John W. Sale ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors E. L. Carpenter; Treasurer, 'R. F. Cary; Surveyor, Edward Ruger; Coroner, William Tay lor. November 7, 1876— Sheriff, S. G. Colley ; Register of Deeds, C. L. Valentine ; Clerk ofthe Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin; District Attorney, J. W. Sale ; Treasurer, Willis Miles; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, S. Morgan ; Surveyor, Edward Ruger ; Coroner, William Taylor. April 3, 1877 — Amos P. Prichard, County Judge. November 5, 1878— Sheriff, John J. Comstock ; Register of Deeds, Charles L. Valentine ; Clerk of the Circuit Court, A. W. Baldwin ; District Attorney, John W. Sale ; Treasurer, Willis Miles ; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Sylvester Morgan ; Surveyor, Edward Ruger ; Coroner, William Taylor. I. TERRITORIAL, STATE AND NATIONAL REPRESENTATION. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. NO. AND DATE OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES. MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES. First Session of First Legislative Assembly, 1836 Second Session of First Legislative Assembly, 1837-38. Special Session of First Legislative Assembly, 1838 First Session of Second Legislative Assembly, 1838 Second Session of Second Legislative Assembly, 1839... Third Session of Second Legislative Assembly, 1839-40. Fourth (extra) Session of Second Leg. Assembly, 1840.. First Session of Third Legislative Assembly, 1840-41... Second Session of Third Legislative Assembly, 1841 42 First. Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly, 1842-43. Second Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly, 1843-44. Third Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly, 1845.... Fourth Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly, 1846... First Session of Fifth Legislative Assembly, 1847 Special Session of Fifth Legislative Assembly, 1847 Second Session of Fifth Legislative Assembly, 1848 f Alanson Sweet.. \ Gilbert Knapp.. f Alanson Sweet.. \ Gilbert Knapp.. f Gilbert Knapp.. \ Alanson Sweet.. James Maxwell. James Maxwell. James Maxwell. James Maxwell. James Maxwell. James Maxwell. f Charles M. Baker.. ' 1 Ed ward V. Whiton. Charles M. Baker- Edward V. Whiton f rharles M. Baker.. 1 \ Edward V. Whiton j / Charles M. Baker. 1 { Edward V. Whiton j Andrew Palmer Andrew Palmer Andrew Palmer j- William B. Sheldon i MadisonB. Cornwell | Charles Durkee William B. Sheldon ] MadisonB. Cornwell I Charles Durkee J f William B. Sheldon \ < Charles Durkee \. I MadisonB. Cornwell ) Othni Beardsley Edward V. Whiton /Edward V. Whiton 1 Othni Beardsley J Othni Beardsley I Edward V. Whiton f Othni Beardsley \ Edward V. Whiton f John Hackett ] | Hugh Long :. ] Jesse C. Mills [ [ Edward V. Whiton.. J f John Hackett 1 j Jesse C. Mills | 1 Edward V. Whiton.. | [ James Tripp | f John Hopkins j James Tripp 1 John M. Capron [ William A. Bartlett f John M. Capron J William A. Bartlett | John Hopkins [James Tripp f Stephen Field........ j Jesse C. Mills 1 Salmon Thomas [Jesse Moore Ira Jones J Jared G. Winslow... ) \ James M. Burgess.. | j Daniel C. Babcock.. "I \ George H. Williston j f Daniel C. Babcock.. "I I George H. Williston f Mil ivaukee. Milwaukee. Milwaukee / Rock and \ Walworth. J Rock and \ Walworth. f Rock and \ Walworth. Rock and Walworth. Rock and Walworth. Rock and Walworth. Rock and Walworth. Rock and Walworth. f Bock and \ Walworth. Rock.Rock.Rock.Rock. HISTOKY OF ROCK COUNTY. 375 II. DELEGATES TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. First Convention. — The first Constitutional Convention assembled at Madison the 5th of October, 1846, and adjourned the 16th of December following, having framed a Constitution which was rejected by the people at the election held on the first Tuesday in April, 1847. Members : A. Hyatt Smith, David Noggle, Sanford P. Hammond, James Chamberlin, Joseph S. Pierce, George B. Hall, David L. Mills, John Hackett, Joseph Kinney, Jr., Israel Inman, Jr. Second Convention. — This body assembled at Madison December 15, 1847, and adjourned February 1, 1848, having framed a Constitution which was adopted by the popular vote at an election held on the second Monday in March following. Members : Almerin M. Carter, Ezra A. Foot, Edward V. Whiton, Paul Crandall, Joseph Colley, Louis P. Harvey. III.— STATE GOVERNMENT. First Session of the Legislature, 1848. — The constitutional provisions regarding apportion ment, declared Rock County to be the Fifteenth Senatorial District, and divided the county into five Assembly Districts, until otherwise fixed by law, as follows : The towns of Janesville and Bradford, one ; the towns of Beloit, Turtle and Clinton, one ; the towns of Magnolia, Union, Porter and Fulton, one ; the towns of Milton, Lima and Johnstown, one ; and the towns of New ark, Rock, Avon, Spring Valley and Center, one, Senate — Otis W. Norton. Assembly — G. F. A. Atherton, A. B. Vaughan, Albert P. Blakeslee, Robert T. Cary, Nathaniel Strong. Second Session, 1849. — [Apportionment unchanged]. Senate — Otis W. Norton. Assem bly — Anson W. Pope, Samuel G. Colley, Lucius H. Page, Paul Crandall, Josiah F. Willard. Third Session, 1850. — [Apportionment unchanged]. Senate — Otis W. Norton. Assem bly — William F. Tompkins, John R. Briggs, Leander Hoskins, John A. Segar, Ezekiel C. Smith. Fourth Session, 1851. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Andrew Palmer. Assem bly — Edward Vincent, William F. Tompkins, John Bannister, Joseph Kinney, John D. Seaver. Fifth Session, 1852. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — A. Palmer. Assembly — William A Lawrence, Simeon W. Abbott, John Hackett, George R. Ramsay, Azel Kinney. Sixth Session, 1853.- —[This Legislature convened January 12, and adjourned till the 6th of June, in order that the Senate might sit as a court to try and the Assembly might prosecute Levi Hubbell, Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit, impeached for corruption and malfeasance in office. The Legislature reconvened for this purpose June 6, and finally adjourned on the 13th of July, 1853.] [By an act approved April 19, 1852, the county was divided into two Senatorial Districts, the towns of Janesville, Rock, Fulton, Porter, Center, Plymouth, Newark, Avon, Spring Valley, Magnolia and Union constituting the Seventeenth District, and the towns of Beloit, Turtle, Clinton, Bradford, La Prairie, Harmony, Johnstown, Lima and Milton the Eighteenth. The Assembly Districts were reduced to four, viz. : The towns of Beloit, Turtle and Clinton, one; the towns of Milton, Harmony, Lima, Johnstown, Bradford and La Prairie, one ; the towns of Janesville, Rock, Center and Fulton, one, and the towns of Porter, Union, Magnolia, Spring Valley, Plymouth, Newark and Avon, one.] Senate, Seventeenth District — Ezra Miller; Eighteenth District, J. R. Briggs, Jr. Assembly — Charles Stevens, Harrison Stebbins, Will iam D. Murray, Harvey Holmes. , Seventh Session, ' 1854- — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Seventeenth District, Ezra Miller; Eighteenth District, L. P. Harvey.* Assembly — John L. V. Thomas, David Noggle, Samuel G. Colley, Joseph Spaulding. *8eat unavailingly contested by John R. Briggs, who claimed to hold over on constitutional grounds. 376 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Eighth Session, 1855. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Seventeenth District James Sutherland ; Eighteenth District, Louis P. Harvey. Assembly — Nathan B. Howard, George H. Williston, Samuel G. Colley, Joseph Goodrich. Ninth Session, 1S56. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Convened January 9, 1856 ; took a recess from March 31 to September 3, and adjourned October 14. Senate — Seventeenth Dis trict, James Sutherland ; Eighteenth District, Louis P. Harvey. Assembly— Levi Alden, John Child, John M. Evans, Horatio J. Murray. Tenth Session, 1857. — [By an act approved September 30, 1866, the city of Janesville was added to the Seventeenth Senatorial District, and the city of Beloit to the Eighteenth. The county was again divided into five Assembly Districts, viz. : The towns of Beloit, Turtle, Clinton and the city of Beloit, one ; the towns of Milton, Harmony, Lima, Johnstown, Bradford and La Prairie, one ; the city of Janesville, one ; the towns of Fulton, Porter, Union, Center and Janesville, one; the towns of Rock, Magnolia, Spring Valley, Plymouth, Avon and Newark, one.] Senate — Seventeenth District, James Sutherland ; Eighteenth District, Louis P. Harvey. Assembly — Lucius G. Fisher, David Noggle, Ezra A. Foot, William H. Tripp, George R. Atherton. Eleventh Session, 1858. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Seventeenth District, James Sutherland ; Eighteenth District, Alden I. Bennett. Assembly — Kiron W. Bemis, Zebulon P. Burdick, James H. Knowlton, George Irish, William H. Stark. Twelfth Session, 1859. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Sena*e — Seventeenth District, Z. P. Burdick ; Eighteenth District, Alden I. Bennett. Assembly — Elisha L. Carpenter, John P. Dickson, William E. Wheeler, Joseph K. P. Porter, Edward Vincent. Thirteenth Session, 1860. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Seventeenth District, District, Z. P. Burdick ; Eighteenth District, Alden I. Bennett. Assembly — William E, Wheeler, Thomas C. Westby, John P. Dickson, Jeremiah Johnson, George Golden. Fourteenth Session, 1861. —[Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Seventeenth District, Ezra A. Foot; Eighteenth District, Alden I. Bennett. Assembly — Stiles S. Northrop, Ben jamin F. Cary, Alexander Graham, Anson W Pope, James Kirkpatrick. Fifteenth Session, 1862. — [Convened January 8 and adjourned April 7. Reconvened June 3 and adjourned June 17. Met in extra session September 10 and adjourned September 26. By an act approved April 11, 1861, Rock County was declared to be the Seventeenth Senatorial District, and six Assembly Districts were established, viz. : The towns of Center, Janes ville, Magnolia, Porter and Union, one ; the towns of Fulton, Harmony, Lima and Milton, one ; the towns of Bradford, Clinton, Johnstown and La Prairie, one ; the towns of Beloit and Turtle and the city of Beloit, one; the city of Janesville, one, and the towns of Avon, Newark, Rock, Plymouth and Spring Valley, one.] Senate — Ezra A. Foot. Assembly— Nathan B. Howard, Ephraim Palmer, Samuel Miller, John Bannister, Allen C. Bates, Orrin Guernsey. ' Sixteenth Session, 1863. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — W. A. Lawrence. Assembly — Jonathan Cory, Joseph Spaulding, Jacob Fowle, C. Mortimer Treat, Allen C. Bates, . Dennison Alcott. Seventeenth Session, 1864-— [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — W. A. Lawrence. Assembly — Thomas Earle, Thomas H. Goodhue, Guy Wheeler, Perry Bostwick, Hamilton Richardson, Jerome Burbank. Eighteenth Session, 1865. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — W. A. Lawrence. Assembly — Daniel Johnson, Solomon C. Carr, Henry S. Wooster, Edward P. King, John B. Cassoday, Daniel Mowe. Nineteenth Session, 1866. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — W. A. Lawrence. Assembly — -Anson W. Pope, Burrows Burdick, Henry S. Wooster, Edward P. King, Allen C. Bates, Alanson C. Douglas. Twentieth Session, 1867. — [By an act approved April 12, 1866, the Assembly Districts were reduced to five, viz. : The towns of Union, Magnolia, Center, Spring Valley, Plymouth and Avon, one ; the towns of Porter, Fulton, Milton, Lima and Janesville, one ; the towns of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY, 377 Harmony, Johnstown, La Praiiie, Bradford, Clinton and Rock, one ; the towns of Beloit, New ark and Turtle and the city of Beloit, one, and the city of Janesville, one.] Senate — S. J. Todd. Assembly — Ezra A. Foot, John T. Dow, William H. Stark, Horatio J. Murray, Pliny Norcross. Twenty-first Session, 1868. — [Apportionment unchanged.] — Senate — S. J. Todd. Assem bly — Burr Sprague, William C. Whitford, Almerin M. Carter, Charles H. Parker, Alex M. Thomson. Twenty-second Session, 1869. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — C. G. Williams. Assembly — Seth Fisher, Darwin E. Maxson, Adelmorn Sherman, Charles H. Parker, Alexander M. Thomson. Twenty-third Session, 1870. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Charles G. Williams. Assembly — Isaac M. Bennett, Thomas H. Goodhue, Adelmorn Sherman, John Hammond, Alex ander Graham. Twenty-fourth Session, 1871. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — C. G. Williams. Assembly — Halvor H. Peterson, Robert T. Powell, Adelmorn Sherman. John Hammond, Wil lard Merrill. , Twenty-fifth Session, 1872. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — C. G. Williams. Assembly — Orlando F. Wallihan, Zebulon P. Burdick, Dustin G. Cheever, Eugene K. Felt, Alexander Graham. Twenty-sixth Session, 1873. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — Horatio N. Davis. Assembly — -John M. Evans, David F. Sayre, Dustin G. Cheever, Eugene K. Felt, Henry A. Patterson. Twenty-seventh Session, 1874- — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — H. N. Davis. Assembly — Marvin Osborne, Solomon C. Carr, Andrew Barlass, Asahel Henderson, John Winans. Twenty-eighth Session, 1875. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — H. N. Davis. Assembly — Marvin Osborne, Zebulon P. Burdick, Andrew Barlass, George H. Crosby, Hiram. Me; rill. Twenty-ninth Session, 1876. — [Apportionment unchanged.] Senate — H. N. Davis. Assembly — Lloyd T. Pullen, George Gleason, Andrew Barlass, Sereno T. Merrill, Jere A. Blount. Thirtieth Session, 1877. — [By an act approved March 13, 1876, the apportionment law was amended so as to make Rock County the Seventeenth Senatorial District, and giving it only three representatives in the Assembly. The First Assembly District to be composed of the towns of Avon, Beloit, Center, Newark, Magnolia, Plymouth, Spring Valley and Union and the city of Beloit. The Second Assembly District to consist of the towns of Janesville, Rock and city of Janesville, and the Third District to consist of the towns of Bradford, Clinton, Fulton, Harmony, Johnstown, La Prairie, Lima, Milton, Porter and Turtle.] Senate — H. Rich ardson. Assembly — First District, Sereno T. Merrill; Second District, J. B. Cassoday ; Third District, Gideon E. Newman. Thirty-first Session, 1878. — [Convened January 9, 1878, and adjourned March 21. Met in extra session June 4, to complete revision ofthe statutes, and adjourned June 7. Apportion ment the same as at the Thirtieth Session.] Senate — H. Richardson. Assembly — First Dis trict, Charles H. Paiker ; Second District, Fenner Kimball ; Third District, William H. Stark. Thirty-second Session, 1879. — [Apportionment the same as at the Thirty-first Session.] Senate — H. Richardson. Assembly — First District, Richard J. Burge; Second District, Allen P. Lovejoy ; Third District, William Gardiner. ' IV. — CONGRESSIONAL. The act of Congress, approved April 20, 1836, organizing the Territory of Wisconsin, conferred upon the people the right to be represented in the National Congress by one delegate, 378 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. to be chosen by the votes of the qualified electors of the Territory. Under this authority, the Territory was represented in Congress by the following delegates : George W. Jones, elected October 10, 1836; James D. Doty, September 10,1838; James D. Doty, August 5, 1840*; Henry Dodge, September 27, 1841; Henry Dodge, September 25, 1843 ; Morgan L. Martin, September 22, 1845 ; John H. Tweedy, September 6, 1847. By the Constitution, adopted when the Territory became a State in 1848, two Representa tives in Congress were provided for by dividing the State into two Congressional Districts, the First District being composed of the counties of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, Racine, Wal worth, Rock and Green. Under this authority, an election was held May 8, 1848, and William Pitt Lynde was elected Member of Congress for the First District. At the first session of the State Legislature, June 5 to August 21, 1848, the State was divided into three Congressional Districts, the Second being composed of the counties of Rock, Green, La Fayette, Grant, Dane, Iowa, Sauk, Richland, Crawford, Adams, Portage, Chippewa, La Pointe and St. Croix, which apportionment continued unchanged until 1861. This district was represented in Congress as follows : Thirty-first Congress, Orsamus Cole ; Thirty-second Congress, Ben C. Eastman ; Thirty- third Congress, Ben C. Eastman ; Thirty-fourth Congress, C. C. Washburn ; Thirty-fifth Con gress, C. C. Washburn; Thirty-sixth Congress, C. C. Washburn; Thirty-seventh Congress, Luther Hanchett ; f Thirty-seventh, Walter Mclndoe. At the Fourteenth Session of the Legislature, January 9 to May 27, 1861, the State was divided into six Congressional Districts, the Second District being composed of the counties of Rock, Jefferson, Dane and Columbia. For the next ten years, this district was represented in the National Legislature by : Thirty-eighth Congress, Ithamar C. Sloan; Thirty-ninth Congress, Ithamar C. Sloan; Fortieth, Benjamin F.Hopkins; Forty-first Congress, Benjamin F. Hopkins J; Forty-first Congress, David Atwood ; Forty-second Congress, Gerry W. Hazelton. The present Congressional apportionment was ma§e at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Legis lature, January 10 to March 27, 1872, when the State was divided into eight districts, and Rock County included in the First, which was composed of the counties of Racine, Rock, Kenosha, Walworth and Waukesha. From the last apportionment to the present time the repre sentatives from the First District have been : * Forty-third Congress, Charles G. Williams ; Forty-fourth Congress, Charles G. Williams ; Forty-fifth Congress, Charles G. Williams ; Forty-sixth Congress,; Charles G. Williams. RAILROADS. It is true that, though the influx of seekers of new homes in Rock County was at an early day exceptionally large and was steadily maintained, the generous soil yielded so abundantly that in a short time the new settlers were confronted with the intensely practical difficulty and embarrassment — a supply of agricultural products far in excess of the demand. Nor was this excess confined only to the results of the farmer's labors. Energy, industry and enterprise speedily made the water power of Rock River subservient to the ingenuity and skill of the set tlers, and various manufactured products were the result. The question then arose as to the best means to dispose of this surplus. The customary markets, Chicago and Milwaukee, were both "a long way off," if dependence was to be placed only on the primitive ox or horse team, and the time consumed in travel added greatly to the cost of production, but not one farthing to the market price. The old problem was to be solved once more ; the producer and consumer were to be brought nearer together, in time if not in distance ; and the plain, rugged, com mon sense of the prudent and thrifty class which had built up the prosperous settlements in * Appointed Governor of the Territory by President Tyler September 13, 1841, and resigned his seat as delegate. f Died November 24, 1862, and Walter Mclndoe elected to fill vacancy December 30, 1862. J Died January 1, 1870, and Daniel Atwood elected to fill vacancy February 15, 1870. «**• -rj i,,ft«,f' OJ1 ^rn^vv>< HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 381 Rock County in a comparatively brief period, saw that the railroad presented the only means of solution. With characteristic energy, they addressed themselves to the task. Meetings were held in various portions of the State. Addresses were made, calling the attention of capitalists to the great prospective gains which must almost inevitably follow the construction of a railroad through so fertile and prosperous a country, particularly as the comparatively level surface of the Rock River Valley presented but the slightest possible engineering difficulties and rendered it certain that the cost of construction could be anything but heavy as contrasted with the bene fits to be immediately derived. By these and all other available mediums of influencing public opinion and promoting the success of enterprises, so indispensable to the rapid development and the permanent prosperity of the country, the undertaking was forced upon public attention. The citizens of Janesville were the first to take steps toward the construction of a railroad; and, as early as January, 1838, the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin authorized the construction of a railroad line from Racine to Janesville. The incor porators of this scheme were Lorenzo Janes, Bushnell B. Cary, Elias Smith, Consider Heath, Eugene Gillespie, H. D. Wood and Charles Leet, of Racine County ; Samuel F. Phoenix, of Walworth County, and Henry F. Janes, of Rock County. The capital stock was $500,000, divided into shares of $100 each. A partial survey of the route was made, but the project was abandoned after unsuccessful, efforts to accumulate funds for the necessary expenses. In 1844, another effort was made to construct a line, this time from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. It was the design of the projectors that the towns along the lake shore, as well as those on the eastern bank of the Mississippi, should compete for terminal privileges. It was intended the road should pass through Janesville, no matter what the result at either end might be. Though nothing was done toward actual work upon the road, this scheme proved to be a sort of entering wedge to the almost interminable railway strife which followed. By an act approved August 19, 1848, passed by the first Legislature under the State Government, a charter was granted the Madison & Beloit Railroad Company for the purpose of building a road up the Rock River Valley from Beloit to Janesville ; thence to the mouth of the Catfish, and up that' valley to Madison. The incorporators of the Madison & Beloit road were George H. Slaughter, Thomas W. Suth erland, Thomas T. Whittlesey, Nathaniel W. Dean, Daniel B. Sneden ; David L. Mills, Joseph B. Doe, A. Hyatt Smith, Edward V. Whiton, W. H. H. Bailey, Timothy Jackman, David Noggle, Alfred Field and John Hackett. After the charter was granted, the company was organized by the election of the following officers : President, A. Hyatt Smith, of Janesville ; Secretary, W. A. Lawrence, Janesville; Tre; surer and Assistant Secretary, Joseph W. Cur rier, New York : Directors, A. Hyatt Smith, Timothy Jackman, William F. Tompkins, Ira Miltimore, G. F. A. Atherton, Charles Stevens, W. A. Lawrence, J. B. Doe, B. F. Pixley. An act of the Legislature was procured, approved February 4, 1850, authorizing the Com pany to terminate their road at any point on the State line between Illinois and Wisconsin, and to connect with any other road, and also to extend the road from Madison to the Wisconsin River. An act was also procured authorizing the Company to extend its road from Janesville, by way of Ft. Atkinson, Jefferson and Watertown, to Lake Winnebago, and the name of the Company was changed to the Rock River Valley Union Railroad. A charter was obtained from the Illinois Legislature for the Illinois & Wisconsin Railroad Company to build a road running from Chicago northwesterly to the point where the Company's road would intersect the State line. The Beloit & Madison line was resumed at a later day by a different company, and became the Madison Division of the present Chicago & North-Western Railway. Subsequently, Stevens, Miltimore and Tompkins withdrew from the Directory, and were succeeded by John B. Macy, of Fond du Lac, Robert J. Walker, of Washington, and William Ward of New York. Further legislation followed, authorizing the Company to extend its line to St. Croix Falls. In July, 1851, work was begun on the line at the city limits of Chicago, and during the following three years, a large amount of excavation was completed at the heavy cut south of Janesville, and between Janesville and Watertown, along the entire route. The 382 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. management remained without change until 1854, when a re-organization was effected. A. Hyatt Smith resigned as President and was succeeded by Charles Butler, of New York, and Joseph W. Currier succeeded W. A. Lawrence as Secretary. The mortgages were foreclosed, and the property was purchased by Robert J. Walker, as Trustee for the bondholders. Up to 1855, there had been built thirty-eight and a half miles of the road in Illinois. By acts ofthe Legislatures of the two States, the two roads were authorized to consolidate, which they did under the name of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railroad Company. The new regime was as follows : President, William B. Ogden, of Chicago ; Vice Presidents, James W. Hickok, of Boston, a,nd Nelson K. Whalen. of New York; Secretary, J. W. Currier, NewYork; Treas urer, Charles Butler, New York ; Superintendent, S. F. Johnson. During the first year of the new management, the road in Illinois was completed to the State line, and in 1856, Janesville was connected with Chicago. The Northern Division of the road was also finished to Minnesota Junction, where its connection with the La Crosse & Mil waukee road was established. Running arrangements were made with tlX Milwaukee k Mississippi Railroad Company, then complete to Prairie du Chien, by which through trains were run from Chicago to that point without change of cars, via Janesville and Milton Junction. The corporation is now known as the Chicago & North- Western Railway Company. The foregoing is a statement of the facts connected with the successful building through Rock County of what is now the North- Western Railway. There is no allusion to the deep interest felt by the people, the trials and troubles of the early management, or the sharp contests and shrewd intrigues which generally attend the growth of all railway enterprises. It is the duty of the historian to go beneath the surface and bring forth the material facts which lead to results. History is a review 6f the past, not a prediction of the future. We must go back to the earliest inception of the North- Western Railway scheme, and record a few, at least, of the early incidents which belong to its history. The Beloit Journal, of August 10, 1848, under the caption of " The Rock River Rail road," contained the following: The last Watertown Chronicle devotes a column to this subject. It says that there is a strong and constantly increasing interest manifested in favor of the road, to connect at this place with the branch of the Chicago & Gilena road, and continue north to Fond du Lac. It says, also, that, according to Capt. Cram's survey, the descent from Lake Winnebago to Beloit is only about two hundred feet, something less than two feet per mile. Timber is abund ant along the route, no excavations of any magnitude would be required, and it is believed by the friends of the project that the General Government would grant a liberal appropriation of its unsold lands toward its construction. It has a donation of 800,000 acres to the Chicago & Galena road. In the issue of the 13th of the same month, there appears the exultant statement: "The Beloit and Fond du Lac Railroad Bill has passed the Senate, and is now a law," and in another column of the same issue we find the following : A writer in the Milwaukee Sentinel and Gazette remarks, among other things, " That the proposed road from Fond du Lac to Beloit, will be constructed, there cannot be a doubt, for the same spirit which has already put in pro gress the Chicago road will prevail along the Rock River Valley. The Chicago road has been regarded by the farmers in our sister State as a work upon which the whole prosperity of the country depends. Every one has contributed to the utmost of his ability, and so great has been the zeal manifested, that many have declared that they had better sell half their farms than to do without the railroad. The grading is now nearly completed for twenty-six miles ; the timber is in readiness, and 550 tons of railroad iron have been received in Chicago. There cannot be a doubt, but that the whole road will be in operation to Elgin (forty miles from Chicago) in the course of next summer, It will not stop there, however. Another season will bring it to Rock River, and, as the line approaches within ten miles of Beloit, the connection with the Rock River road will take place simultaneously. " On the Boston & Albany Railroad, the cost per mile of running a train is 52 cents, and, in one instance, it was averaged as low as 40 cents. The grades from Beloit to Chicago nre far easier than those of any Eastern rail road, and between Fond du Lac and the former place, the splendid levels on Rock River Valley are unrivalled." This much having been done, the people were not disposed to waste time in the matter, as is evident from the following from the Beloit Journal of September 28, 1848 : A meeting of the Directors of the Beloit & Fond du Lac Railroad will be held soon at Watertown, to take the preliminary steps toward the construction of this road. We should judge from what we can learn of the feeling north that there was a full determination and confidence that the road should be speedily built. We had the pleas ure, a few days since, of meeting Mr. Morjan, an enaineer late in the employ of the Chicago & Galena Company, who has since then passed over the route to Fond du Lac. We find in the Watertown Chronicle of last week a letter HISTORY OF ROCK COUNT V. 383 from him concerning the matter. He speaks most favorably of the feasibility of tbe construction, and, in conclusion, remarks: l:You may soon accumulate strength to complete Ihe whole at n much earlier period than is now antici pated. A short, railroad from a great, market seldom pays because it docs not collect sufficient business, but yours will possess all the advantages that are necessary, because however small a jeclioii you may commence with, it will be the extension of a great line. Your profits, therefore, will be realized from the first, and Ciipilalisls, having proofs of the success of the undertaking, will be ready to assist to any extent that may be required." But the citizens of Rock County were not disposed to trust entirely to others the pushing- forward of a work so vitally important to themselves. The Beloit Journal, in its issue of December 6, 1848, commenting upon "a meeting of the Commissioners to take into considera tion the expediency of the construction of the Beloit & Fond du Lac Railroad," to be held at Watertown on the 20th of tbat month, thus points out the duty of Beloit in connection with the proposed enterprise: We wish our citizens would take some measure to testify their interest in the matter and attend Ihe convention in considerable strength. It is not enough for us to feel satisfied that these mere advantages of our position will insure (lie convergence at this point of such channels of trade. We are not to remain idle and let others perform {he work .n which we are mutually interested, but none to a, greater extent than the citizens of thio town and neighborhood. This urgency was not without its effect, a& a meeting was promptly called, to be held at Janesville, an account ofthe proceedings of which appears in the (fazette of December 29, 1848. At a meeting ofthe Board of Commissioners ofthe Madison & Beloit Railroad Company, held pursuant to public notice at Janesville on the 20th of December, 1848, on motion of A. Hyatt Smith, Mr. Thomas T. Whittelsey was appointed President and Thomas W. Sutherland Secretary. The act of incorporation was read by Mr. Smith. On motion of Mr. Mills, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the books for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the Madison & Beloit. Company be opened on the second Monday in February next, in the villages of Janesville, Beloit and Fulton, in Rock County, and at Madison, in Dane County, and that notice thereof be given in the newspapers published in Beloit, Janesville and Madison, and that said books be kept open thirty days. On motion of Mr. Smith, the Secretary was authorized to procure books for the subscription of the capital stock, and that the annexed form of subscription be prescribed : We, the subscribers hereto, each for himself and not one for the other, hereby agree to take and pay for the number of shares subscribed by us respectively of the capital stock of the Madison & Beloit Railroad Company, according to the terms and conditions of the act of incorporation of said company, approved August I!1, 1848. On motion of David Noggle, Timothy Jackman was authorized to receive the moneys paid in to the several Com missioners on opening of the books. On motion of Mr. Field, it was ordered that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the several news papers printed in Madison, Janesville and Beloit. On motion, the Board adjourned to meet in Janesville, at the office of Smith, Parker & Jordan, on Wednesday, Ihe 14th of March next, at 2 P. M. Thomas T. Whittelsey, President. Thomas W. Sutherland, Secretary. The Beloit & Madison Railroad being thus auspiciously started, with the most flattering prospects of being carried forward to a speedy completion, the people began to reflect that if it were desirable and practicable to construct a railroad to Madison, it would be still more bene ficial and but little more difficult to extend their road still further to the north, as a means of securing, if not of creating, a market for their surplus at each end of the line. This idea once started must have been energetically followed up, for, before the end of 1849, the Beloit Journal contained the following account of another railroad meeting held at Watertown : At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Beloit & Taycheedah Railroad, convened at the Planters' Hotel, in the village of Watertown, on Thursday, the 1st day of November, 18)9. in pursuance of the following notice, to wit : "A meeting of the Commissioners of the Beloit & Taycheedah Railroad Company will be held at. the Planters' Hotel, at Watertown, on Thursday, the 1st day of November, 1849, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of organization. The attendance of the Commissioners generally is requested — ten being necessary to constitute a quo rum. October 22, 1849. L. A. Cole, William Sanborn, Alvin Foster. Dwight Foster, Milo Jones, Alonzo Wing " The following Commissioners were present, to wit: A. Hyatt Smith, Timothy Jackman, Milo Jones, Dwight Foster, John Van Eps, Hiram Barber, Alonzo Wing, William Sanborn, Luther A. Cole and Alvin Foster. A quorum being present, the Board was organized by the appointment of the Hon. A. Hyatt Smith, of the county of Rock, as President, and W. M. Dennis, of the county of Dodge, was appointed Secretary. The following letter from the Hon. Mason C. Darling, one of the Commissioners, was read, and ordered to be entered on the minutes of the Board, to wit: „ ,,0ND DU L^ October 31, 1849. "Gents: Until to-day I had anticipated the pleasure of meeting your Board at their meeting to-morrow, on the subject of the railroad ; and now nothing short of an almost impossibility prevents me from being with you. i look upon the project as one of the utmost importance to all of our interests. In my opinion, no pa:t of the United 384 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. States is more feasible for a good railroad ; and certainly when we take into consideration the beauty and fertility of •country, and the number of flourishing villages on the route, soon destined to be important towns, no part of the United States offers a fairer prospect of business operations than the Rock River Valley. Anything, gentlemen, that jou shall consider best for the promotion of this object will meet my hearty co-operation. Please, if consistent receive Judge Macy as my substitute in the matter. Yours very respectfully, M. C. Darling. "To the Board of Commissioners of Beloit & Taycheedah R. R." Also the following letter from 0. S. Wright, Esq., a Commissioner, which was ordered to be entered on the ¦minutes, to wit : " Fond du Lao, October 31, 1849. " Gents: Anything that you shall conclude best for the promotion of this object will meet my hearty co-opera tion. Please, if consistent, receive T. L. Gillett as my substitute in the matter. Yours very respectfully, " To the Board of Commissioners of Beloit & Taycheedah R. R. 0. S. Wright." The President addressed the Board in a few appropriate remarks, touching the object of the Convention, and concluded by introducing John B. Macy,sEsq., of Fond du Lac, who addressed the Convention in a very interesting manner upon the prospect of obtaining the necessary subscription to the capital stock of this Company. On motion of Hiram Barber, of the county of Dodge, the following resolutions were adopted, to wit : Resolved, That books for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the Beloit & Taycheedah Railroad Company be opened on the second Monday of February next, at 12 o'clock at noon, at the following places, to wit: At the office of Mason C. Darling, in the village of Fond du Lac, under the direction and superintendence of Mason C. Darling; at Phelps' Hotel, in the village of Mayville, under the direction and superintendence of Alvin Foster; at the store of John Van Eps, in the village of Beaver Dam, under the direction and superintendence of John Van Eps ; at the Jefferson House, in the village of Jefferson, under the direction and superintendence of William San born ; at the Planters' Hotel, in the village of Watertown, under the direction and superintendence of Luther A. Cole; at the Green Mountain House, in the village of Ft. Atkinson, under the direction and superintendence of Milo Jones ; and at the office of A. Hyatt Smith, in the village of Janesville, under the direction and superintendence of A. Hyatt Smith. Resolved, That the foregoing resolution be published in all the newspapers printed in Janesville, Watertown and Fond du Lac. Resolved, That the following form be adopted in receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of this Company, to wit : We, the subscribers hereto, each for himself, and not one for the other, in consideration of $1 to each of us in hand paid, do hereby bind to take and procure the number of shares of stock of the Beloit & Taycheedah Railroad Company by us respectively subscribed hereto, and to pay for the same in such manner and in such installments as shall be agreed by the Directors of the said Company, in pursuance of the charter thereof. Resolved, That John B. Macy, Esq., be fully authorized as the agent of the Commissioners of this railroad company to solicit and receive subscriptions to the capital stock thereof, in New York and the Eastern States. Resolved, That the next meeting of this Board be held at the Planters' Hotel, in the village of Watertown, on the 16th day of February next, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day. Rrsolved, That the Secretary of this Board be directed to furnish the Commissioners with the necessary forms and blanks for subscriptions to the capital stock, and also to procure the publication of the proceedings of this meeting. It was ordered by the Board that 400 copies of the charter of this Company be printed in pamphlet form, under the direction of Luther A. Cole. On motion of Alvin Foster, the Board adjourned. A. Hyatt Smith, President. William M. Dennis, Secretary. But important enterprises move slowly, be their projectors and promoters ever so enthusi astic and energetic. As the undertaking comes to be weighed and examined in all its bearings, new and unforeseen difficulties arise, which are to be overcome or modified only after thorough examination and frequently protracted negotiation. And this would appear to have been the fate of the Beloit & Madison Railroad ; for, notwithstanding the very decided steps taken at Janesville on the 20th of December, 1848, no actual progress appears to have been made for nearly twelve months ; as we find in the Beloit Journal of December 13, 1849, a congratulatory article prompted by a feeling of satisfaction that a serious difficulty had been surmounted, mingled with hope that it would prove the last which should impede the prosecution of the important under taking. The Journal says : The great necessity to this vicinity of railroad communication, at an early day, is duly felt by our citizens. Nothing has, however, yet been done toward that end. The reason for this has been that it was uncertain where effort could expended to the greatest advantage. If the railroads north, or either of them, come down to us, we must have an outlet, or they will be useless. If our capitalists put their means into them, and it should prove neces sary for them, afterward, to form the connection with the Chicago road, they might find themselves unable to do so; consequently, they concluded to wait until they could see themselves clear. Now all emharrassment has been removed. At an informal meeting of the Directors of the Chicago & Galena road, held at Chicago last week, the Board passed a resolution, giving assurance that they would form a connection, by lateral road, with the Madison K Beloit road, as soon as that was completed. The regular meeting, soon to be held, will doubtless confirm the reso lution. Let us, then, take up this matter in earnest. There is no possible doubt but that it might be in running HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 385 order in two years' time, at the outside. The Directors are ready to advertise for contracts for the section between Beloit and Janesville as soon as the moderate sum allotted to this place be taken. Let it be taken at once, and before next year at this time, as the Board now design, the section spoken of will be graded. Who will get up a call for a railroad meeting ? After the preliminaries, the work must have been taken hold of " in earnest," for in 1849, Mr. Hugh Lee made the survey of the Rock River Valley Union Railroad, which was designed to run from Chicago to Fond du Lac. The first survey of this road was made via Beloit, but the route was subsequently changed so- as to pass east of the city about eight miles, through Shopiere and Jefferson Prairie to Janesville and Fond du Lac. This was the first survey of a railroad made in the State of Wisconsin. The original line of the road having been changed, the name was also changed and it came to be designated as the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railroad, and still later it came to be known as the Chicago & North-Western, which name it still bears. While the citizens of Beloit were, as we have seen, alternating between hope and fear, Chicago was stretching forth her iron arms in the direction of the new settlement, and the progress of the road was watched with the liveliest interest by the Beloit farmers and merchants, and, in fact, by all the residents of the Rock River Valley, north of the Illinois line. Almost every mile of completed road was anxiously watched and chronicled as a superlatively important event, while the traffic which it secured was eagerly watched and commented upon as indicating what might be hoped for when the locomotive should thunder through their own streets. The Journal, of June i3, 1850, thus discusses this aspect of the question : During the month of April, the receipts for passengers a,nd freight on the railroad, amounted to $6,008.66. During the month of May, just passed, there were received from the same sources $10,816.54 — between an increase of $4,807.88 — over 40 per cent. The entire expenditure for the construction of the road, purchase of locomotives, cars, stations and station-houses, has been $402,000, and upon this sum the receipts of the past month, after deduct ing running expenses, will yield 20 per cent. When it is considered that the. expense of running short is much, greater, in proportion, than for long distances, and that this year has not afforded either in or out freights that ordinary years will, this result must be highly satisfactory as it exceeds the expectations and calculations of the most ardent friends of the road. It is now manifest that no plank-road, or other improvement, offers the inducements to* capitalists for investments that this road does. As the road advances toward Rock Island, the revenues must increase- immensely, notwithstanding a reduction of rates of freight and fare may be made. The diversion of the Rock River Valley Union Road, from its originally projected route through the city of Beloit to Shopiere, Jefferson Prairie and Janesville, was not only a disap pointment, but a mortification to the residents of Beloit. Nor were the manifestations of their displeasure confined to depreciative comment. Ener getic measures were inaugurated to secure a railroad to the city direct, and to this end negotia tions were entered into with the Chicago & Galena Railroad Company to extend its line so as to make Beloit its northern terminus. Having already subscribed or agreed for $15,000 worth of the stock of the Chicago & Fond du Lac road, they now proposed to take, and did, eventually, take, more than five times that amount of stock ($80,150 was the amount) in the Chicago & Galena Company. These negotiations and this liberal subscription had the desired effect, and the branch road from Belvidere to Chicago was immediately surveyed and work begun, and so energetically prosecuted that by November, 1853, the branch from Belvidere (twenty-two miles distant) was completed, and Beloit was connected by iron bands with the great railroad center of the West. The work was vigorously carried on toward Madison, and, in 1854, a contract and lease were made between the Galena Company and the Beloit & Madison Company, by which the latter was to build its road from Beloit to Madison. During the same year, the road was built and the iron laid seventeen miles from Beloit to Footville, and the road was placed in operation to Afton, eight miles from Beloit, and was run in connection with the Galena road. Work on the line had reached Magnolia, three miles further, when it was suspended. The road and its property were afterward sold under foreclosure, and a new company organized, in which the Galena Company owned the principal portion of the stock, guaranteeing also the Beloit & Madison Company's bonds, and it took a perpetual lease of the road. In 1863, work on the line was resumed. The consolidation of the Galena and North-Western Companies occurred June 2, 1864, and the new Company prosecuted and completed the road to Madison, which was reached September 1 of that year. The Beloit & Madison Company was incorporated February 386 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 28, 1852, with the following officers : President, John B. Turner ; Secretary, Benjamin Dur ham ; Treasurer, Edward Ilsley. The road runs almost on a direct line from Beloit to Madison leaving Janesville seven miles to the east. It was the original intention of the gentlemen at the head of the early railway interests in Rock County to extend two branches of the road, then, building from Chicago to Janesville, toward the north and northwest. Accordingly, charters had been obtained at the various ses sions of the Legislatures of Wisconsin and Minnesota with this purpose in view, and in April, 1852, all these charters were amended so as to consolidate them into one. The plan was to build a branch from Janesville to Fond du Lac, of Winnebago, and from thence to Fond du Lac,' of Lake Superior. Another branch was to run from Janesville to St. Croix Falls, via Madison and La Crosse ; thence to St. Paul, and from St. Paul to the Red River of the North. From this point it was intended to build a branch westerly to the boundaries of Minnesota, with a fourth branch of the series to the British line, and thence back down the Red River of the North. The original, or second Janesville branch, was then to be extended easterly to the head of Lake Superior and connected with branch No. 1 at Fond du Lac. This was the most magnificent system of (paper) railroads ever built by citizens of Janesville. The Company had its head office in New York, where the material for the road, then in course of construction between Chicago and Janesville, was purchased and its bonds negotiated. The original charters granted by the Minnesota Legislature are still on file among the archives of that State. A Janesville gentleman, conversant with the railway history of Rock County, gives the following facts concerning the North-Western road since it passed to the present manage ment : " The Rock River Valley Union Railroad property was sold at auction on the 24th day of March, 1855. A. Hyatt Smith withdrew from the Company a year before the sale took place. William B. Ogden was the purchaser. Charles Butler, who also held an interest, became Pres ident of the Company. Mr. Ogden was the President of the Illinois & Wisconsin road, then building from Chicago toward Janesville. Soon afterward, the two roads consolidated under the mime of the Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lac Railroad Company. The Directors under the consolidation were William B. Ogden, Charles Butler, John J. R. Pease and Joseph A. Wood. In 1856, the road was completed and Janesville joined to Chicago by rail. Mr. Ogden then became President of the whole system, and continued as such until June, 1859. In the great railway crash of 1857, he became financially embarrassed, and finally went into bankruptcy, control of the road passing to Samuel J. Tilden and 0. D. Ashley, who re-organized it and made it what it is. They proposed to the bondholders — who had never received any interest on their investment — that if they (the bondholders) would advance $600,000, th.e road could be placed upon a paying basis. The bondholders had confidence enough in the management to advance the money, and work was begun at once. At that date, the Company had ninety miles of road between Janesville and Chicago, and a short stretch running out of Fond du Lac. They built fifty-six miles between Janesville and' Minnesota Junction, over the route originally laid out and partially graded by the R. R. V. R. Ii. Co. ; constructed four bridges over Rock River, ironed the road complete, put cars on the track, and turned the road over to the Company with a part of that $600,000 left. They had 180 miles of road then on a paying basis." We shall now go back to another interesting period in the railway history of Rock County : In 1852, the Racine, Janesville & Mississippi Railroad Company was incorporated by the following gentlemen : Charles S. Wright, Marshall M. Strong, Samuel G. Bugh, James Catton, Peter Campbell, Henry S. Durand, James H. Earnest, John P. Dickson, Daniel Law- son, William J. Allen, S. S. Barlow, James Neil and William H. Lawrence. The charter gave the Company power to locate and build a railroad from Racine, by way of Janesville, through Rock, Green, La Fayette and Grant Counties to the Mississippi River. In 1855, by act of the Legislature, the name was changed to the Racine & Mississippi Railroad Company, and the intention to build a railroad to Janesville, and thence in Wisconsin to the Mississippi River, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 387 was abandoned. The road was pushed forward from Racine during this year, and completed to Beloit, via Clinton Junction, September 15, 1856. An interesting incident connected with the construction of this road was the struggle to get to Jefferson Prairie ahead of the Chicago & Fond du Lac road, to entail upon that road the expense of " frogs," etc., which would have to be borne by the road crossing a track already laid. Both roads exerted themselves to the utmost ; the workmen caught the spirit of their employers, worked with redoubled vigor as they neared the point of crossing, and, when they came in sight of each other, the work became an exciting race, which was won by the Chicago company by about ten minutes. Beloit agreed to take 1,000 shares of stock in the Racine & Mississippi road in exchange for bonds of the town to the value of $100,000, having twenty years to run, and bearing 7 per cent interest. This subscription eventually led to protracted litigation, and an account of that transaction is essential to a complete history of the railroads in Beloit. An act of the Legisla ture, approved February 10, 1853, authorized the subscription of " $100,000 to the capital stock of a railroad company authorized to construct a railroad from the city.-ef Racine to the village of Beloit, and to pay for the same in the bonds of the said town, payable in twenty years, with interest, payable annually in the city of New York, not exceeding 7 per cent." Section 5 of this act required that the subscription should be approved by a popular vote of the citizens of the town, and required that one week's notice of the election to be held for that pur pose should be given in a newspaper printed in the village. In accordance with this require ment, the following notice appeared in the Beloit Journal of March 31, 1853 : An election will be held at Burroughs' Hall, in the village of Beloit, on Thursday, the 7th day of April next, to commence at 9 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of determining by a vote of the majority of the legal voters of the town of Beloit voting at such election, whether the Board of Supervisors of the town of Beloit shall subscribe for the town $100,000 to the capital stock of a railroad from the city of Racine to the village of Beloit, and to pay for the same in bonds of the town, in pursuance of the foregoing act of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin. Dated March 28, 1853. [Signed by the Supervisors]. At the election, 321 votes were cast for the proposed subscription and only 67 against it, and on the 5th of October, 1853, the Supervisors of the town passed a resolution to issue bonds to the amount indicated, and to deliver them to the Racine & Mississippi Railroad Company. Prior to this date, on the 8th of March, 1853, the Directors of the Company had passed a resolution to accept the bonds of the town in exchange for the stock of the Company, "condi tional that the road from Racine to Beloit be one division, and the stock therein a distinct stock ; and also conditional that the Company provide for the payment of the interest on said bonds for said town until the completion of the road to Beloit." On the 21st day of May, 1853, the town and the railroad Company entered into the following agreement: An agreement made and entered into this 21st day of May, 1853, between the town of Beloit, by John East erly, George B. Sanderson and Allen Warden, the Board of Supervisors of said party of the first part, and the Racine, Janesville & Mississippi Railroad Company, party of the second part, witnesseth : Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of the said town of Beloit subscribed for and in behalf of said town, for 1 ,000 shares of the capital stock of said Company, by an article of subscription dated this day, in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, entitled "an act to authorize the town of Beloit to aid in the con struction of a certain railroad from the city of Racine to the village of Beloit," approved February 10, 1853. Now, in consideration of said subscription by the town of Beloit aforesaid, and of $1 in hand paid, by the party of the first part to the party of the second part, the said party of the second part doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the party of the first part, as follows : First, That the bonds of said town of Beloit to be issued for the amount of said subscription, shall in no case be sold in market, for less than ninety-five cents on the dollar, without the consent of the Board of Supervisors of said town, or their agent. Second, That the amount of said subscription, as soon as realized, shall be expended upon that portion of said railroad commencing at Beloit and running east to Delavan. Third, That said Company will pay all interest that may accrue on said bonds up to the time said railroad shall be fully completed to Beloit. Fourth, That the stock subscribed by the town of Beloit shall be entitled to at least one Director in the Board of said Company. Fifth, That the stock owned by the town of Beloit shall in no case be merged in the stock of any other road, branch, or corporation whatever, nor be liable to any assessment for any liability or contract of the said Company with any other road, branch, or corporation, without the consent of the said town of Beloit, unless the said road 388 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. shall take, or offer to take, the said stock off from the hands of the town of Beloit, at its value in the market, not below par. In witness whereof, the Supervisors of the said town, in behalf thereof, have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the said Company, by its President and Secretary, has also signed the same, and caused the seal of the said Company to be hereunto affixed, the day and year aforesaid. On the 17th of October, the railroad company ratified this agreement and instructed the President to accept the town bonds and deliver the stock of the road, which he did. The town bonds were negotiated, the road constructed, and, the town having failed to pay the interest called for by the coupons attached to the bonds, suit was brought on bond No. 95 in the Circuit Court of Rock County, without a jury, before A. Scott Sloan, Judge of the Circuit Court. The case was decided adversely to the town, the Judge finding : This cause having been fully heard by me, I hereby find, as a matter of fact, that all the allegations in the plaintiff's complaint are established by evidence, and are true; and, as a matter of law, find that the plaintiff is entitled to a judgment against said defendant for one hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-eight cents, and costs. Dated Dec. 24th, 1858. By the Court, A. Scott Sloan, Judge. The case was then appealed to the Supreme Court of the State, the appellant relying upon the alleged unconstitutionality of the act of the Legislature, authorizing the town to subscribe to the stock of the railroad Company, first because it imposed a tax, and was not passed by yeas and nays ; and second, because it authorized the town, " an integral part of the State," to become a party in the construction of a work of internal improvement, and " to create a debt for that purpose, and to enforce taxation to obtain money for the payment of that debt, when, by the Constitution, the whole State could do no such thing." The decision of the lower Court was affirmed. This line, known as the Western Union Railroad, recently became the property of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Company. In 1852, a charter was granted to the Southern Wisconsin Railroad Company, with authority to build a road from Janesville through the southern counties of Wisconsin to the Mississippi River. The incorporators were Ensign H. Bennett, Joseph Bodwell Doe, James H. Earnest, William R. Biddlecome, John Moore, Prosper Cravath, John M. Stewart, John W. Blackstone and Joel C. Squires. The route was surveyed, and a lengthy stretch of grading completed. In the mean time, the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad Company had built a branch from their main line, running from Milton Junction to Janesville. This branch was opened for traffic in January, 1853. In 1855, an act of the Legislature was passed, giving the Milwaukee & Mississippi Company authority to continue their Milton & Janesville branch from the latter point through the villages of Monroe, Shullsburg and Benton to the Mississippi River, opposite or near Dubuque. The Southern Wisconsin Company was then absorbed by the Milwaukee & Mississippi. The work of laying the track on the grade made by the Southern Wisconsin Company was begun immediately. On September 1, 1857, the line was completed to Brodhead, nineteen miles west of Janesville, and, in January, 1858, was finished to Monroe. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 389 CHAPTER V. Rock County Press— Rock County Bible Society— "Wisconsin Institution for the Educa tion of the Blind — Agriculture of Rock County— Horticulture and the Horticul tural Society— Rock County Poor Farm— A Memorable Tragedy— Rock County Sta tistics — Some of Rock County's Illustrious Dead. rock county press. Journalism and journalists are regarded by the superficial masses as necessary incidents, if not evils, to an imperfect type of civilization. Others contemplate the profession and its patrons with an indifference born of ignorance and prejudice ; regarding only the defects in one and frailties of the other, conceding consideration to neither, for services which become more prominent as the success of either becomes more pronounced. But the newspaper, the editor, the reporter and the compositors are the Archimedean levers which move the world. Their character and doctrines fashion public opinion, and their defects and triumphs become matters of history. Their jests may become stale and their principles exchanged by the minority for novelties of passing attraction ; their enemies may forgive and friends forget — yet through all these embargoes, through the mass of inconsistencies malevolent human nature cultivates, the univer sal verdict of mankind renders to their agencies, an infinite good. Important affairs may be at times mismanaged, but they are never misunderstood, and their accomplishment is never attended by a perverted or dishonest ingenuity. There is cer tainly no profession or professional representative who is more entitled to the fullest comple ment of moral respect and admiration than journalism and the journalist. He is the weathercock of public opinion, and must be firm and upright amidst swaying interests and perilous exi gencies. His thoughts must not be blinded by personal considerations, but left free to adjudi cate questions of grave -import to humanity, as safely and clearly and effectually as the purest Judge upon the bench. Such must the editor be — a man true to himself, his race and his God. Of such material must he be composed, if he would dictate a policy and direct an administra tion which will live in history as the mark and model of its time. On Thursday, August 14, 1845, The Janesville Gazette was first issued. The pioneer paper of Rock County was at that date a small quarto of twenty-four columns, and, though typographically, and as the circulator of national, State and local news, fully equaled the most extravagant expectations, was an insignificant publication as compared with the* Gazette of to-day. Since its first issue, the paper has come to be a power in Wisconsin, and enjoys a cir culation (at one time measured) by thousands, among all classes of readers. In the initial number, Messrs. Alden & Stoddard, the proprietors, introduced their venture to the citizens of Rock and Walworth Counties with the statement that " No apology and but few remarks" were " necessary in laying " their " prospectus before the public. This commu nity," they continued, "by the lively interest it has already taken in the enterprise, has virtu ally demanded the establishment of a press at this place ; and it is to meet this demand that we have been induced to an undertaking that might otherwise seem extremely hazardous. " The main features of our paper will be political, though we shall afford liberal depart ments to agricultural, literary and miscellaneous articles. '• We make no hesitation in declaring our party preferences. We shall fearlessly advocate the principles of the Whig Party as they have been most distinctly defined in the late Presi dential contest, and yet we shall be guided by no narrow proscriptive policy in the treatment of 390 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. our political opponents. We shall resort to no debasing obsequiousness to secure their smiles, but shall treat them candidly and courteously." The address concluded with an announcement that " The Gazette would be published every Thursday morning," and that "The terms would be two dollars per annum in advance. Two dollars and fifty cents if not paid until the expira tion of six months." The introductory editorial overture sets forth more in detail the objects of the enterprise to be : " To relate faithfully the passing events of the day — to give our opinions on the spur of the moment, upon subjects which time has but half developed — to remark, as is frequently nec essary upon individual action, perhaps in reproachful terms, and give direction, as the most humble party paper will, to political action, frequently places one in no very enviable position. " We shall endeavor to pursue a plain, consistent course, confining ourselves to political issues fairly defined, and which were clearly set forth in the memorable struggle of '44 and pre ceding campaigns, reserving to ourselves the right, of course, of occasionally reviewing what we may not inaptly call the uncertain politics of the day. Should it become necessary, in our editorial intercourse with the public, to resort to personal remark, we shall endeavor to do so candidly, carefully avoiding that low abuse so frequently resorted to by political opponents.- " We oppose the Democratic party, not from any personal considerations whatever, but because we do not like their leading measures. Let them oppose us on the same terms, and we shall not complain. " The literary selections of this paper shall be choice, and the miscellany varie/I and inter esting enough to suit the wishes of any reasonable person. " Under the agricultural head we shall make such selections from the standard periodicals as will be of great interest to our readers. We solicit communications from our practical farmers. / " We ask of our friends a wide circulation and a generous patronage." The first edition contained two columns of editorial ; one column containing the proceed ings of the Territorial Whig Convention held at Madison on the 24th of July ; nine columns of literary miscellany ; considerable local and reprint; Oregon correspondence of the Springfield Journal; English and Southern correspondence of the New York Tribune; a call for the Democratic Convention in Janesville; half a column of poetry and seven columns of advertise ments. Among the latter were those of Isaac Woodle, E. V. Whiton, Volney Atwood and F. W. Tompkins, attorneys; Lane & Lewis and A. K. Stearns, physicians; Sally & Close, tailors; E. H. Strong, dealer in tin-sheet-iron and copper ware ; M. B. Edson, dealer in drugs and medicines, also books, stationery, etc. ; H. F. Pelton & Co., dealers in paints, oils, dye-stuffs, groceries, crockery, hardware, dry goods, etc.; E. H. Bennett and Jackman &¦ Smith, dealers in dry goods, groceries and all kinds of merchandise ; a court notice ; the Fireside Friend; George Cook, playing, visiting and blank cards, New York ; proprietors of the United States Journal; of the Western Literary Review, published in Cincinnati by E. Z. C. Judson; ofthe True American, to be published in Lexington, Ky., and be devoted to gradual and constitu tional emancipation, so at some definite time to place our State upon the firm, safe and just basis of liberty," and the National Pilot, a paper published in Buffalo on a " new and peculiar plan." The paper was very presentable in appearance and make-up and commanded at once a success as deserved as it must have been gratifying to Messrs. Alden & Stoddard. Mr. Alden came West from Claremont, N. H., in the fall of 1844, and, establishing himself at Janesville, began the foundation of the Gazette, which promises to survive the days of its founder. In the fall of 1845, as has been stated, he issued the first number in conjunction with E. A. Stoddard, who came from Milwaukee and took .charge of the printing and publishing. Mr. Alden remained in charge until 1856, when he severed his connection with the Gazette to engage in other pursuits. In 1857, he was electetl Clerk of the Circuit Court, remaining in that office eight years, going thence to Madison, where he accepted a position in the office ofthe Secretary of State, where he served five years, resigning to take charge of the editorial columns of a Madison newspaper, where he now is associate editor of the Journal. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 391 After the dissolution of the firm of Alden & Stoddard, the latter gentleman went to Iowa, where he died shortly after his arrival. With each succeeding number the list of advertisements was increased by additions, until, in the issue of September 20 following, it required ten columns to promulgate the amount and variety of business transacted weekly in the growing capital of Rock County. October 4, the National Fire Insurance Company of New York announces its readiness " to insure all kinds of property on the most reasonable terms " — the first advertisement of the kind of record in the county. W. H. II. Bailey acted as agent. One month later appears the advertisement of a " daily line of four-horse post coaches, from Milwaukee to Galena, through in three days," One month later still, the partnership between Alden & Stoddard was dissolved by the withdrawal of the junior partner, and thereafter the Gazette was under the exclusive control of Mr. Alden, "a gentleman well qualified by talent and education to conduct the paper in such a manner as to give satisfaction to its superiors. Mr. Alden is a true, unwavering Whig, not tinctured in the slightest degree with those corrupt and base political organizations," continues Mr. Stoddard in his valedictory, " which now distract some portions of our country, under the head of ' Nativism ' and 'Abolitionism.' ' The issue of December 6 contains the notice of dissolution, the price current of the markets, published for the first time, and a notice that "the Rev. Mr. Wheeloek (Universalist) will preach at the schoolhouse, on the east side of the river, on Saturday, the 6th inst., at early candlelight." In the following issue, December 13, the firm name of "Alden & Tompkins," as publishers, and " Henry G. Gratton," as printer, appear, and the editor (Levi Alden), in commenting upon the change, declares that the policy of the paper and its editorial utterances shall be as heretofore, an advocacy of " those great principles on which we set out, choosing to anchor our political faith on a well-known and well-tried conservative policy, rather than launch into the unknown sea of speculation and experiment." The advertising increased under the new management, and such were the means employed by the dry goods, grocery, and drug programme artificers to attract patronage, that failure to do so must have been an exceptional case. As an instance, the following poetic communication to E. H. Bennett, a prominent dealer, of those days, still a citizen of Janesville, will illustrate the idea more perfectly than the pen of a ready writer : " The time has been in Janesville, and that not long ago, When a place was called a store with a mighty little show ; The goods were held at twice their worth — no others could be found, And all were obliged to trade there, for they could not look around. " But things have altered very much since Bennett oame to town, As he brought a splendid stock of goods and put the prices down ; He sells his goods at half the price for which they once were sold, And takes all kinds of produce, but he don't refuse the gold. " When people trade for ready pay they now can look about, And, if they look at Bennett's goods, they trade without a doubt, As he keeps the very best of goods of every style and kind, And they are sure to find the goods and prices exactly to their mind. " And now I have a word to say in candor aud in truth ; I say it to all classes, from the aged to the youth ; I have tried the stores throughout this town to find the cheapest place, And have .found that Bennett's is the one, and I'll say it to his face. " TO BENNETT. " One word to you before we part, 'Tis the true conviction of my heart, I do riot say it to make you proud — But, in selling cheap, you beat the crowd."' By such aesthetic fulminations and poetic phantasy were the farmer and settler persuaded to avail themselves of bargains offered about Christmas times. On January 10, 1844, the first " list of letters remaining in the Post Office of Janesville, Rock County, W. T.," was published. They numbered 146, and John L. Kimball, then Post master, requests callers to remind the clerks that the letters are advertised. 392 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. May 16, 1846, the Gazette announces editorially that hostilities in Mexico have actually commenced, and condemns the paucity of numbers composing the army under Gen. Taylor. Later on, the paper deprecates discussing the causes which led to the war ; all that is left is to do that which sound policy and a love of country dictate in the present crisis. That duty was to avoid a waste of energies in mutual criminations, or in petulant fault-finding with every act of persons charged with the affairs of State. When a foreign enemy is at the gate, insists the Gazette, no sounds should be heard but the whisperings of a calm resolve to stand by the coun try in its hour of peril arid " swear for her to live, with her to die." On Saturday, August 22, 1846, the second volume of the Gazette was commenced with increased facilities, and an improved appearance, the paper having been enlarged one column to the page, and printed with new type on a new press. The subscription list increased, the adver tising patronage appreciated, and the outlook for the paper predicted a future that has been fully realized. In the issue of September 26, ofthe same year, the name of " Tompkins " disappears from the firm, that of " Grattan " being substituted, but no editorial explanation is offered. The paper continued prosperous until April 17, when its publication was suspended until May 15, or one month, due entirely to an absence of the supply of paper throughout the Territory, which obliged the publishers " to lie on our oars and wait the movements of wind and tide till paper could be transported from Buffalo." This paper came, but not until three issues had been omitted, which was the only accident, or incident, worthy of comment until the Gazette entered upon its third volume, occurring September 18, 1847, which event was appropriately observed by the editor. On the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday, June 7 and 8, 1848, a grand concert by the " original band of Ethiopian serenaders," was given at the Rock County Hotel. The pro gramme consisted of a " Medley Overture," "What's going on," "Mary Blance," ''Sing, Darkies Sing," etc, the whole concluding with "Lucy Long and a characteristic dance." The price of admission was placed at 25 cents, and purchasers of tickets were admonished that the frontseats were reserved for ladies. This was the first entertainment of the kind ever advertised in Rock County. In the issue of June 15, the editorial column is headed with the Whig ticket, " Taylor and Fillmore," and the earnest and abiding support of those candidates published in full-face lower caps ; adjoining, is the advertisement of " Raymond & Company's mammoth menagerie, and Driesbach, with his collection of lions, etc." It should be observed that in this year (1848), the electric telegraph had come to be utilized as a medium for the conveyance of news, and that the Gazette supplied its readers with many items of special interest fresh from these sources of information. The fourth volume was begun with the issue of September 14, 1848, under the Mentorship of Levi Alden, who was announced as editor and proprietor, succeeding the firm of Alden & Gratton. The latter gentleman, having dissolved his connection with the Gazette, united his fortunes with those of a Mr. McFadden, also of that paper, and settled in Freeport, Stephenson Co., 111., where the twain began the publication of a sheet, Whig in politics and devoted to the advocacy of "Old Zack " for the Presidency. Mr. Alden continued to go it alone in his dual capacity of editor and proprietor until about December 7, following, when he formed a copartnership with Mr. Charles Holt, with whom he shared the proprietorship of the puper, as also the management of its publishing and editorial departments, through the fifth, sixth, seventh and part of the eighth volumes, participating in the triumphs and mourning the defeats of the Whig party, the principles of which he continuously and ceaselessly advocated. In the issue of December 4, 1852, the dissolution' of the partnership theretofore existing between Levi Alden and Charles Holt was published, with the further announcement that the business would be con ducted in the future by the last-named gentleman, " The change in the business arrangement of the Gazette would involve no change in its political or general character," he said. It would remain what it always had been, a Whig journal, advocating Whig measures, and sharing the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 393 fortunes of the Whig party, while it would aim to be an acceptable visitor to the counting-room, mechanic's shop and family- circle. But this game of professional solitary reached its limit dur ing the winter ; when spring came once more, Mr. Alden resumed his connection with the editing and publishing of the Gazette, and under this administration the tenth birthday of the hardy, growing and enterprising future pioneer of journalistic ventures in Rock County was celebrated. It was also under this administration that the Janesville Daily Gazette was brought forth and nurtured into life, strength and popularity. The suckling, so to speak, first saw light on the morning of Tuesday, July 4, 1854, and was ushered into life attended by the festivities incident to the celebration of that anniversary. That the issue was well received by the citizens of Rock County, was evidenced by their personal congratulations to the editors, as also by the rapid disposition of the printed edition promulgated. The daily was continued uninterruptedly until October 7, 1854, when it suspended, owing to a lack of patronage. In the weekly issue of October 14, the reasons for this course are set forth at some length. The editors state that in a city of 6,000 inhabitants, and at a time of unparalleled prosperity in every department of business, less than two hundred persons have been found willing to lend their assistance in estab lishing a daily newspaper. The weekly was continued under the supervision of Messrs. Alden & Holt until March 17, 1855, when Mr. Alden severed his connection therewith, because, as that gentleman advised the public, the support afforded was too limited for a copartnership in the business. In 1856, the weekly, still piloted by Mr. Holt, entered upon the eleventh volume of its record of current events, and in June of that year; adopting the principles to which the Phila delphia Republican Convention gave birth, extended a most hearty support to Fremont and Dayton, the nominees of that Convention. In January following, the question of issuing a daily was revived, and canvassers' were employed to ascertain if the enterprise would be sustained by the citizens of Janesville and vicinity. The proposition to publish a daily was received with such general favor, and the sub scriptions obtained so satisfactorily, that during February it was decided to once more undertake the venture. With this end in view, the printing office and subscription .list of the daily and weekly Free Press was purchased by E. C. Sackett, the proprietor, the same merged into The Gazette, and thereupon, on the 9th day of March, 1857, the Janesville Morning Gazette, quies cent since 1854, was restored to life, with Charles Holt and Hiram Bowen as editors, and an encouraging list of subscribers as sponsors for its future welfare and prosperity. The weekly was enlarged and thereafter known to readers and cotemporaries as The Weekly Gazette and Free Press, until January 15, 1864, when the old name was restored, the form of the paper changed from folio to quarto, and numerous other improvements perfected under the direction of the then proprietors, A. M. Thomson and W. G. Roberts, who also established the Semi- Weekly Gazette. The daily increased in strength and usefulness under the administration of Holt & Bowen, its columns replete with news, selections and remunerative " ads.," and, having gained the high way to success, has pursued its advance in the direction of that unknown quantity to the present day. After the issue of November 10, 1858, the name of Hiram Bowen as co-editor, disappears and until August 2, 1859, to all intents, Mr. Holt was advertised as the responsible head. On the latter date, a copartneiship was formed between Charles Holt, Hiram Bowen and Daniel Wilcox, by the terms of which, Holt and Bowen assumed editorial charge of the daily and weekly, Mr. Wilcox attending to the business management, with the office, composing and press rooms in Lappin's building, corner of Main and Milwaukee streets. Holt, Bowen and Wilcox pointed the destinies of the Gazette until December, 1863, when the two first-named gentlemen disposed of their interest to A. M. Thomson, of HoricJon, and W. G. Roberts, of Milwaukee, who took possession on New Year's Day, 1864, Mr. Thomson as editor-in-chief, and Mr. Roberts as city editor, Mr. Wilcox retaining his position as business manager. In 1868, as also in 1869, Mr. Thomson was elected to represent Rock County in the Legislature, 394 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. serving as Speaker of the Assembly both sessions, and maintaining his interest in the Gazette until June 30, 1870, when, after nearly seven years uninterrupted intercourse with his readers he laid down the pen and grasped them by the hand to say good-bye. During the fall of 1869, propositions looking to the formation of a stock company took shape, and, on December 29, of that year, the " Gazette Printing Company," with a capital. of $18,000, was incorporated, and the following officers elected: A. M. Thomson, President; W. G. Roberts, Secretary, with Daniel Wilcox, Treasurer ; and it was by this company that the sale referred to was made. On the 1st of July, 1870, a sale of the Gazette, including the material, subscriptions and good will, was made to Gen. James Bintliff, R. L. Colvin and A. M. Colvin. Gen. Bintliff was elected President of the " Gazette Printing Company," A. M. Colvin, Secretary, and R. L. Colvin, Treasurer and business manager. The new Company took possession of their fran chise, and issued a salutatory in the edition of Friday. July 1, setting forth the intentions ofthe publishers io make the paper a faithful record of the growth and prosperity of the people, to uphold the interests of Rock County and the city of Janesville, and to maintain the principles ofthe Republican party. That all the pledges thus made have been fully discharged, is appar ent to the casual observer in the generous patronage which has met their efforts, the respect in which the paper, as the exponent of Republicanism throughout the Northwest, is held, and from the character ofthe "matter " which contributes to the attractions of its daily, semi-weekly and weekly editions. As the index of local happenings, the conservator of the rights and privileges of the city, county and State, and as the formulator of public opinion, the Gazette is certainly entitled to the consideration it receives. Gen. Bintliff occupied the editorial chair for eight years. From July, 1870, to March, 1874, he was assisted by W. S. Bowen, now editor of the Yankton Press and Dakotaian. In September, 1874, N. Smith (now editor-in-chief of the Gazette), formerly Washington corre spondent of the Milwaukee Sentinel, and later, editor of the Prairie du Chien Union, succeeded Mr. Bowen and continued to occupy the position of city editor until January 1, 1878, when a new administration succeeded, composed of Isaac Farnsworth, President ; Frank Barnett, Secretary ; E. B. Farnsworth, Treasurer. N. Smith then became editor-in-chief and Howard W. Tilton city editor. On the 1st of March nf the same year, Messrs. Barnett and E. B. Farnsworth were in turn succeeded by A. M. Colvin. Secretary, and lt. L. Colvin, Treasurer, and the company, as thus officered, has remained in charge to date, with the editorial force unchanged. Politically, as already observed, the paper is Republican of the most stalwart school. Indeed, since the exchange of its Whig principles, its advocacy of those of the Republican party has gradually become more pronounced and radical. Under Mr. Thomson's management, the Gazette was conducted with great care and ability, and, though Republican ofthe straitest sect, was not blinded by party zeal, but, on many ofthe great questions of the day, was moderate and independent when compared with their treatment by cotemporaries. The same might be said of Gen. Bintliff 's administration. The paper was edited ably but cautiously, and, though urging the principles of the party, he was regarded as not only not over-zealous, but disposed to conservatism and moderation. Mr. Smith, the present incumbent ofthe editorial chair, has made his department the feature ofthe paper, his editorials being regarded as fearless, outspoken and faithful expositions of the true Republican principles, The company carry on an extensive jobbing department. In November, 1866, the paper was removed from its contracted quarters in the Lappin Block, to their present offices, Nos. 50 and 52 North Main street, where the business is carried on in all its details, requiring the services of twenty-four hands, at a weekly cost of $250. In conclusion, it may be said that the Gazette is a worthy monument to the memory of its founders, and a trust faithfully executed by those to whom its discharge has been successively delegated. The Rock County Recorder, daily and weekly, is the lineal descendant of a job office which, for several years prior to and during the year 1869, was prominently identified with quarters in the Lappin Block, corner of Main and Milwaukee streets, under the control of Messrs. Veeder HISTORY OF RUCK COUNTY. 395 & St. John. While thus engaged in catering to public patronage, it occurred to these gentle men that the field of journalism was not fully occupied in Rock County — that there was room for a breezy, newsy, crispy paper, that should, in a condensed form, supply the absence of a second record of current events — a sort of a running commentary on the accidents, incidents and measures that were constantly agitating the world and the flesh in the immediate vicinity of Janesville. Acting upon this suggestion, which had for many days besieged the outward defenses of the job office and repeatedly announced its presence to the proprietors, who began to negotiate a surrender, which was, in time, effected — they issued the original number of their journalistic venture on the 1st day of September, 1869. Thereafter, the modest job room became, as it were, an object of minor import in comparison with the business in hand ; its "rules, reglets, quoins" and other resources appertaining thereto, yielding place to the "chases, cases, imposing-stones," etc., to which were added the type and machinery connected therewith. Preparations for the issue were completed sometime in August, but it was desired to postpone publication until the day appointed by its founders, September 1st, the interim being devoted to perfecting plans and listening to suggestions from the thousand and one " public spirits," who, upon similar occasions, arrogate to themselves the capacity to manage a metropolitan daily, and unbosom their views without regard to the issue joined. Intermingled with these, also, was the band of self-appointed Cassandras, who predicted the failure of the undertaking at a day meas ured by weeks, arguing from premises convincing to themselves, the irresistible conclusion that, before the holidays had come, the new weekly would be as a tale that is told. The politics and the name of the paper were also subjects of solicitude and speculation. The former was disposed of by the proprietors, who decided for an independent policy, and the latter by a young lady of the town of Rock, who christened the offspring the "Rock County Recorder," sending it forth "the standard-bearer of truth, justice and humanity." The projectors ofthe enterprise realized that their success rested with the public. On their part they pledged themselves to spare no effoj/t to deserve support and patronage. Many had encouraged the undertaking by depicting, in glowing colors, the rapid increase in the population of city and county, and the growth of the business and manufacturing interests, as indicating a time favorable to the issue of a new sheet, that should cover all sources of information and "the people's right maintain, unawed by influ ence or unbribed by gain." Independence should characterize its utterances, though ail ques tions would be discussed fairly and without prejudice, and, while plain and outspoken, they should be governed by firmness in the right, as God gave them to see the right. Squabbles and personalities would be avoided ; literary pugilism was no more respectable than physical ; a scolding match in the newspapers no more respectable than the billingsgate of a fish market ; not only the opposite of features essential to journalism, but discreditable to the character ofthe newspaper press. There were times, however, when it was cowardly to decline a controversy on the ground of a desire for peace. In view of such a contingency, Polonius' advice to Laertes was adopted, and, while cautious of " entrance to a quarrel, but being in," they would bear it, that the opposer would beware of them in the future. With such guarantees and admonitions, the Recorder salaamed to an expectant public, launched its journalistic bark on the tide of time, and began a weekly existence that has gathered strength with each succeeding issue. The new dispensation from the press to the people was well received by its subscribers, and its brethren of the " pen," with kindly hearts, extended a cordial welcome upon its arrival among them. The paper indeed deserved the congratulations offered, and its initial numbers were worthy the patronage they received. They were folio3 24x36, seven columns to the page, printed in long primer and brevier, and presented an appearance in all the features that go to commend a paper to public regard, that proved all persuasive. The first page was devoted to poetical and literary selections, short, stories, brief anecdotes and reprint ; the second page contained the salutatory, editorials and editorial brevities, correspondence, telegraphic and miscellaneous news ; the third page comprehended local notes, advertisements, etc., and the fourth page, advertisements and 396 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. paragraphs. The news was spicy, and prepared with a cunning hand that vindicated the superi ority of the " pen " as a means of communication ; the selections were well-timed and enter taining ; the headlines " pat " and to the point, and the general make-up so ordered that all who can might read. At first, Messrs. Veeder & St. John not only published the Recorder, but collected and prepared the locals, beside setting them up ; drafted the editorials, skimmed the exchanges for items of interest, canvassed the political situation, read and revised lucubrations from the many who, by the midnight oil, in a poetic frenzy, so to speak, write themselves down asses of the most pronounced type, and weary the editor in a vain endeavor to tickle his credulity with the whisperings of fancy ; these and other indispensable duties Messrs. Veeder & St. John discharged, beside providing the financial oil to lubricate the motive power. This they did until the obligation became too onerous, when Col. Charles W. McHenry was pro cured to distribute editorial condiments, and Frank S. Lawrence to dispose of local and rural history. The arrangement, however, after continuing less than three months, was dissolved by Col. McHenry's withdrawal, when the names of G. Veeder and S. S. St. John once more greeted the inquiring glance of patrons,^ at the head of the editorial page. The labors were arduous, the demand upon the time and patience of each excessive, yet nothing was wanting to render each department of the Recorder in the last degree complete and attractive. Independence was manifested in every branch save the political. But as an independent political organ, the1 Recorder maintained its ascendency for a length of time remarkable only for its brevity. Within two months after the issue of the first number, the paper was changed from professedly independent to radically Republican, uncompromising and exacting. A new revelation was opened up to the publishers in their brief experience ; close communion had resolved them to the conclusion that the principles of Republicanism were just, and true and right, embodying the education of the people, the encouragement of every charitable sentiment and noble work. The virtue of the principles and their worth to the Republic had been vindicated by the party's control of the National Government for nine years, during which time that party had made a history that would stand in all ages as a beacon light of liberty to the world. In addition to variety in their political columns, the local and general notes were " written up " in a style that has generally obtained with the city press of late years, and met with approval. They were short, pithy, clean cut, and devoid of ambiguity. An occasional letter from Chicago and other prominent points, detailing a quality of news of interest to the general reader, was published weekly and divided space with the sermon of a leading divine. The partnership between Veeder & St. John was continued for three years, which were years of profit, the paper fully realizing to its projectors and the public all that had been prom ised in its prophetic infancy. Early in 1871, Mr. St. John decided to join the innumerable throng of young men en route to the West, and, dissolving his partnership with Mr. Veeder, proceeded thitherward, finally establishing himself at Kearney Junction, Neb., -where he has remained ever since, discharging the duties of land agent, insurance solicitor, farmer and editor, as circumstances demanded. Mr. Veeder carried on the paper after the withdrawal of Mr. St. John, unaided for upward of a year, furnishing a readable, sought-after journal, and deserving a patronage that was not slow to respond. The fourth volume was commencsd under the most favorable auspices, and, during its con tinuance, the Recorder was enlarged to a folio 28x42, with nine columns to the page, printed in brevier and nonpareil. The same success which had attended the early beginnings of the paper under partnership influences, continued with and stood by Mr. Veeder when alone. Yet the duties were too exacting, and could be more easily disposed of with assistance, hence the sale of a half-interest in the office, which was effected, to W. H. Leonard, formerly editor of the Charles City (Iowa) Tntelligencer, on the 1st of July, 1873, since which date he has remained in possession of what he considers a most valuable property. > ffi cJu#^o^^7rf.^ JANESVILLE. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 399 On Monday morning, March 11, 1878, the Recorder was introduced to the public as a "daily." No apology was vouchsafed for the appearance of the infant, as in the households of well regulated families none was expected. The issue was small, of course, and had little to say. But it resembled its parents, and expected to grow with Veeder & Leonard to care for its wants, G. F. Selleck as " nurse, and Matt. Morris as maid of all work," supplemented by pub lic encouragement. At first, its "dress" consisted of the "garments" fashioned for its parent in years past ; but they were soon after substituted by the latest fashion, from the hands of typographical artists, and presented an appearance decidedly attractive. The field for a morning daily was clear, its necessity apparent and pressing, and the Daily Recorder, equaling in all its features reasonable expectations, sprang at once into universal favor with readers as also with the profession, its sisters and its cousins and its aunts. The editorial columns were " made up " of brief, pungent paragraphs; those devoted to local affairs were complete and "snappy," the telegrams general and special, and a considerable space appropriated to the occupation of remunerative " ads " — in short, the sixteen columns were filled with refreshing, appetizing " short-stops," calculated to excite the mirthful and intellectual. Politically, the daily essayed a new departure from the weekly. The support of the paper was not dependent upon the patronage of Republicans or Democrats exclusively ; that support came from all sides, and the paper had " no bones to pick " with, or severe remarks to apply to any candidate. As a consequence, it decided to pursue a policy of independence, using the elections and the claims of party representatives as items of news. In a remarkably brief space of time, the child waxed strong — subscriptions were numerous, and the circulation in two months increased from "nominal," to express it commercially, to 700 and upward. In seventy days from its first appearance, the Daily Recorder put away its childish things and " dressed up ; " put on a " new hat, offered houses to rent," and " money to loan," and began to assume the dignity that comes with age and experience. In other words, the size of the paper was increased by the addition of four columns, the quality and quantity of its news appreciated, and those who had in its infancy regarded the fortune of the paper as doubtful, welcomed the " lad," and rejoiced that their prophetic utterances had failed of results. This progress and gratifying success is the reward which should in every instance attend deserving merit, but does not. The case in hand is an exception. The daily is now as pronounced a feature of every-day life in Janesville as the most ambi tious, enterprising and widely read metropolitan journal. Already has it been found that the twenty columns comprising its comprehensive make-up are not sufficient to supply the demand of subscribers, and, on the 8th of September, 1879, the Daily Recorder was, for the second time in its existence of one and a half years, again enlarged by the addition of four columns and the lengthening of the others. The Janesville Recorder has now been in existence ten years ; from small beginnings it has come to be a power, and exerts an influence as pronounced as it is widespread. The prom ises made by its projectors have been faithfully observed, and to-day it prospers, while those who, a decade past, predicted its transient existence, have long since fallen by the wayside. On the 30th of November, 1878, the offices in Lappin's Block were exchanged for cozy quarters at No. 2 West Milwaukee street, where the management, in addition to other improve ments, utilize the water power of Rock River to run their machinery, as a safe and economical substitute for steam. The editorial force consists of the proprietors, with G. F. Selleck in charge of the local, requiring the services of eight compositors to get the paper to press and issue the daily edition. The circulation of the Recorder is — daily, 1,100; weekly, 1,700; and the amount of capi tal invested is estimated at about $10,000. The Janesville Times, daily and weekly, was also brought forth, nursed and established in the Lappin building. It was first issued as a six-column weekly, by A. O. Wilson, in 400 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. August, 1869, as an experiment only, the Janesville Democrat having retired from the field, and changed its base of operations to Dodge County, about two months previous. Locally, and as the disseminator of general news, the Times was in no, respect inferior to either of its com petitors ; politically, it was Democratic of the most pronounced and unmistakable character. The success of what was, in the first instance, issued as a campaign paper, must have been conceded, for in September, 1869, or within two months from the date of its first publication, it was found necessary to increase its size and effect other improvements, to compete advantageously with rivals during the exciting campaign of that year, when, as will be remembered, the Times represented the interests and claims of Charles D. Robinson, of Green Bay, the Democratic candidate for Governor, in opposition to Lucius Fairchild, the Republican nominee for re-election. At the close ofthe campaign, business had increased, and, as the editor announced, many having paid a year's subscription in advance, it was decided to continue the publication of the paper indefinitely. The first number of the paper was issued from the office of the Janesville Recorder ; the subsequent numbers from the office of the Northern Farmer, on West Milwaukee street, where their publication was continued until November 16, 1870, when the office of the Farmer was seized, suppressed and sold out by the Sheriff, necessitating the temporary suspension of the Times, or, until office material could be purchased, and the paper again started under auspices that would protect its interests from further embarrassments. Arrangements were concluded without unnecessary delay, and, on March 30, 1871, this index of Democracy in Rock County, having" returned to Lappin's building, was once more launched into existence from its own office, the press-work being done at the Recorder office, at that time adjoining the Times, in Lappin's Block. On May 17, 1877, Wilbur H. Tousley bought a half-interest in the paper, and in June of the same year, it was again enlarged, this time to an eight-column sheet. The paper has since been carried on under the firm name of Wilson & Tousley, who have added a complete job-office outfit, to which the office was a stranger hitherto, and made other improvements and additions of the most valuable character, including the purchase of an improved Campbell power press. Less than a year ago, the Times put forth the third daily published in Janesville and the only daily, Democratic in politics, which has been published in that immediate vicinity for years. The undertaking, though encountering difficulties in the outset, has attained a most popular success, the result alone of intrinsic merit. It is a folio, comprehending but four columns to the page, yet containing all the news in a concise and readable style ; abounds with witty brevities, caustic paragraphs that take hold and "bite," and editorials sharp and to the point, all teeming with Democratic sentiments sufficiently plain to indicate to readers that their authors are neither journalistic trimmers nor believers in the doctrine that the principles of Repub licanism are just and true, and right, nor patrons of the "Independent" school of journalism, which has given birth to pretentious sheets devoid of claims predicated upon merit. The office of the Times, unlike its predecessors, notwithstanding success, continues an occupant of its commodious quarters in the Lappin building, a prophet honored in its own land, and esteemed by its cotemporaries, with a life of usefulness and profit before it, of great promise. The circulation of the weekly is estimated at one thousa.nd copies; that of the daily (which, by the way, is sold for 1 cent each), about half that number, and, while in a locality so largely Republican, no Democratic paper can hope to monopolize all the business, yet the Times pub lishers are satisfied with their very liberal share. " Man never is, but always to be blest," hence in the vicissitudes of past years of struggle and political tempest, there lingers still the reflection of a journalistic goal, to which the aims and aspirations of the Times publishers bend as readily as the willow to the storm, only to arise again when calms return. In addition to the papers above cited, which have survived all reverses, there were a num ber of beginnings, which succumbed to circumstances or lack of patronage, and are now remembered in connection with their failure. Among them was the Democratic Standard, established by Gen. G. W. Cabb in 1846, and managed by that gentleman until 1848, when it HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 401 was transferred to Charles S. Jordan, who issued two or three numbers prior to its suspension, which occurred in the fall of that year. March 1, 1849, the paper was revived by John A. Brown and A. T. Gray, who published it under the title of Rock County Badger. October 20, 1850, Mr. Gray retired and was succeeded by Gen. Crabb, when the name of the sheet was again changed to Badger State, and published by Crabb & Brown, May 17, 1851. In October following, a new paper, called the Democratic Standard, was started by Dr. Mitchell, into which the Badger State was merged, Gen. Crabb acting as editor until April 1, 1852, when he gave way to Dr. Mitchell, who, in turn, yielded precedence to D. C. Brown and A. T. Gray. Mr. Gray was succeeded by J. C. Bunner, who resigned February 21, 1855, and Mr. Brown con tinued the paper, aided by James Armstrong until 1856, when the paper was discontinued. The Standard was Democratic. The Free Press was issued January 6, 1853. by an association of Free Democrats,- com posed in part of J. M. Burgess, J. Baker, R. B. Treat, 0. Guernsey. E. A. Howland and others, Mr. Baker acting as editor. On the 10th of October, 1853, W. M. Doty purchased an interest in the Press, which was published under the firm name of Baker & Doty until June 7, 1855, when Mr. Baker became sole owner, and so remained until October following, when G. B. Burnett and Andrew J. Hall bought him out. Subsequently, they sold to E. C. Sackett, who sold to the Gazette, into which the Press was finally merged as above stated. The Battering-Ram, a Free Soil campaign paper, the Wisconsin Farmer, Wisconsin Some, Educational Journal, Family Messenger, Emigranten (Norwegian), Monitor and Northern Farmer all ran the gauntlet of a varied experience, finally dissolving from view, leaving no trace behind to guide the historian in search of records. BELOIT. A new England community to which churches and schools were a necessity, naturally found ,it impossible to get along without newspapers, and, accordingly, soon after Beloit had arrived at the dignity of an incorporated village, it had its first publication of this kind, in the Beloit Messenger, published by Cooley & Civer, issued on the 4th of September, 1846. The paper was neutral in politics, and, for this, or some other potential reason, was only short-lived. Whatever may have been the cause, the interest felt in this paper by the community must have been slight, as the most laborious and patient search was unable to discover a file or to obtain any positive information as to the date of its final suspension. Nor was this lack of interest or appreciation confined to the Messenger. The fact of the existence of many other papers in later years was clearly established, but only faint traces of their existence is discoverable beyond the knowledge of some of the citizens that such or such a paper had at one time been published in the city. They had budded, blossomed and died, leav ing nothing behind to tell the story of the causes or circumstances which led to their decease. Files were undiscoverable, and the only means or proof of their existence were the memories of their old-time patrons. The next paper was the Beloit Journal, the first number of which was issued by Stokes & Briggs, on the 29th of June, 1848. This paper was a weekly, published in the interest of the Whig party, with J. R. Briggs as editor, and, with various changes of name and proprietors, has been continuously published down to the present time, and still lives and flourishes vigor ously as the Beloit Free Press. In the fall of 1848, it passed under the sole control of J. R. Briggs, Jr., who carried it on alone until September, 1849, when he. formed a partnership with C. G. Foster, of Troy, N. Y. In May, 1854, Foster purchased the interest of his partner, Briggs, who had been elected to the Legislature, and continued the publication of a Republican paper until August, 1855, when he sold out to A. Paine, J. J. Bushnell and Lucius G. Fisher, who, under the firm name of A. Paine & Co., published it for a few weeks only, when they sold out to H. L. Devereux. In January, 1856, Devereux formed a partnership with B. E. Hale, who assumed charge of the editorial department. On the 22d of May, 1856, the paper appeared under the name of B. E. Hale alone, but the columns of the paper gave no explanation 402 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. of the change. February 19, 1857, B. E. Hale & Co. are announced as the publishers and proprietors, but no information is vouchsafed as to the names of the individuals constituting the "Co." During this year, 1857, De Lorma Brooks started a weekly Democratic paper, called the Herald, and shortly after that N. 0. Perkins published the first number of another Republican paper, the Beloit Times, and the two publishers effected an arrangement whereby the Demo cratic Herald was printed on one side of the sheet and the Republican Times on the other, the respective editors being entirely independent of each other. It was claimed that this innova tion would supply the reader with both sides of the political discussion of the day at the expense of a single paper. Some wit of the day gave this double-barreled publication the name "The Satinet paper." D. P. Hinckling was associated for a short time with Mr. Brooks in the conduct of the Herald. Mr. Perkins ultimately bought out Mr. Brooks, and, becoming the sole proprietor of the Herald, changed the name of the paper to the Beloit Courier about January 1, 1860, associating with himself Barrett H. Smith, the firm being Per kins & Smith, with A. P. Waterman and Wright k Newcomb as silent partners. The Journal was continued under the management of B. E. Hale & Co.. until April 21, 1859, when it was transferred to William E. Hale and Horatio Pratt, with H. Pratt as editor. The next change of proprietors occurred in 1860, when Hale retired, and the paper passed under the control of H. Pratt & Co., the firm consisting of Horatio Pratt and James A. White. The field, however, was hardly large enough for two Republican papers, and, after some little negotiation, an arrangement was reached, under which they were consolidated under the name of the Journal and Courier, the managers being Perkins & Smith, the firm consisting of N. 0. Perkins and B. H. Smith, the name of N. 0. Perkins appearing as editor. A paragraph at the head of the editorial columns of the first issue of the Journal and Courier, April 5, 1860, announces the consolidation, without explanation or comment. In their issue of October 31, 1861, Messrs. Perkins & Co. inform their readers that, owing to the " falling off in their foreign advertisements," the paper was reduced in size from eight to seven columns. Just one week later, viz., on November 7, 1861, the valedictory of N. 0. Perkins appears, announcing the transfer of the Journal and Courier to Barrett H. and Lathrop E. Smith, and from this time the name of the editor disappears from the head of the editorial columns. On the 22d of January, 1863, Lathrop E. Smith retired, and the paper was carried on by Barrett H. Smith alone. April 21, 1864, a " card to the public " informs the readers of the Journal and Courier that B. H. Smith has terminated his connection with the paper, and designates Mr. A. Paine as his successor. The salutatory of the new management announces that the paper '¦ will be tied to no political party, but patriotically earnest for the suppression of the rebellion and the extermination of that 'sum of all villainies' which has been its cause." The issue of May 5 following contains an editorial exulting in the fact that "the inside and outside" of the paper are both printed in its own office. June 9, the compound name is dropped, and the paper re-appears as the Beloit Journal, an editorial explaining that " the double name was appropriate while the fusion of the two newspaper, offices was a recent fact; but so much time has now elapsed since the union that the historical significance of the compound title has ceased to be important." In February, 1866, Chalmers Ingersoll started the Beloit Free Press, which not long after absorbed the Journal by purchase. In the summer of 1869, Ingersoll sold out to M. Frank & Co., by whom the old name of the paper, the Journal, was revived. In the succeeding winter, the paper changed proprietors again, the purchasers being T. 0. Thompson and J. B. Dow, and in the fall of 1870, the latter gentleman tranferred his interest to E. D. Coe. In the spring of 1870, Mr. Ehrman, in conjunction with a young man named Leland as editor, started the publication of the Semi- Weekly Register, which struggled on for a few months only, and was numbered among the journalistic enterprises that have failed. September 21, 1870, Chalmers Ingersoll and N. 0. Perkins resurrected the Free Press, the firm being Ingersoll & Perkins for about three months, when another change occurred, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 403 whereby Chalmers Ingersoll became sole proprietor and N. 0. Perkins and Chalmers Ingersoll editors. During the spring of 1871, the Free Press again absorbed the Journal, Mr. Thomp son retiring wholly from the business and Mr. Coe acquiring a half-interest in the Free Press. The new partners, Ingersoll & Coe, published the Free Press until the following fall, when Ingersoll bought out Coe. Perkins continued as editor until the winter of 1872-73, when he accepted a position on the staff of the Milwaukee Sentinel, leaving Mr. Ingersoll sole editor and proprieto'r. In May, 1873, Henry F. Hobart, who had been publishing a quarterly called the Beloit Orescent for a year or two previous, became associate editor of the Free Press. In March of the following year, Mr. Hobart bought a half-interest in the business, and the paper was con ducted by Ingersoll & Hobart, as editors and proprietors, until March, 1877, when Mr. Ho bart became sole proprietor by purchase, and the proprietorship has been unchanged to the- present time. Ingersoll & Hobart enlarged the Free Press to a nine column folio February 4, 1875, which size it still retains. Mr. Julius A. Truesdell became associated with Mr. Hobart in the editorial work of the paper in the summer of 1879. The Daily Free Press was started by Henry F. Hobart, February 1, 1879, as a four- column folio, with Albert F. Ayer as local reporter, and the publication is still continued without alteration in size or "make-up." This paper was the continuation of the Daily Phonograph, which was first issued from the Free Press office, August 7, 1878, and merged into the Free- Press six months later. The Phonograph was edited and published by J. W. Cary, George E. Farrar and W. H. Ingalls, in connection with the proprietor ofthe Free Press, until the 10th of September, when the latter became its sole proprietor, with Mr. Farrar as editor, which position he retained until the December following. The Graphic is an eight-page, five-column weekly, the first number of which appeared on the 13th of January, 1877, with F. E. Fillmore and W. D. Mathews as editors and proprietors. The salutatory expresses the customary belief that another local paper is needed, announces that it will be Democratic, politically, but when the party is in the wrong it shall use its best efforts for its purification and correction, and concludes with the assertion that the grand aim of the paper will be to chronicle all the events of interest and importance which occur in Beloit and the vicinity. Early in 1878, Mr. Mathews withdrew from the paper and went to Monroe where he took charge of the Reformer. Mr Fillmore continued the paper alone until his death in December, 1878, when the business was purchased by Messrs. 0. H. Brand and C. B. Case, who conducted it as a "straight-out" Democratic paper. August 13, 1879, Mr. Case sold his interest to Mr. Brand. In November, 1853, when college journalism was in its infancy, was established the Beloit College Monthly, edited by J. A. Brewster, Alexander Kerr and H. L. Marsh, with a publish ing committee consisting of Edward F. Hobart, Sterne Rogers, Fayette S. Hatch, George Hicks and J. A. Johnson. The salutatory of the editors was brief and to the point : " Ourselves. — We enter upon our editorial duties and relations panoplied with modesty and self-reliance. We shall endeavor not to allow the one to merge into abject humility, or the other into odious egotism. Having, as we think, a proper appreciation of our position, we shall strive to fulfill its require ments to the best of our ability. Need we say more ? " In the first issue, on a topic, then of all- absorbing interest, appeared the following: "Married, on the 14th inst., by the G. & C. U. Railroad, Beloit, Wis., and The Rest of the World. It is anticipated that the union will be a happy and advantageous one to both parties." The Monthly was published by a Publication Society until the winter of 1872, when that Society was merged in the Archaean Union. The numerous periodicals received by the Monthly in exchange, were put in a reading-room, to the benefits of which all the members of the Society in good standing were entitled. This reading- room has been a flourishing institution for many years, and is now supported from the same 104 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. sources and in the same manner. It has on its file many valuable and leading newspaper and magazine periodicals of the country, and upward of seventy-five college exchanges. On the 18th of September, 1875, the Monthly appeared, merged with the Round Table, a journal founded by W. H. Carr, Booth M. Malone and J. A. Truesdell, all members of the Class of 77. The Round Table and College Monthly (as the publication was from that time called, in order to preserve the name and prestige of the older journal) was published semi-monthly, under the new management, and was successful from the start. The next year, the Class of '77 arranged with the Archaean Society to assume the publication of the Round Table, and, the year next following, the management of the paper reverted to the Society, and was edited by a board of editors elected by it. The Monthly is one of the oldest college periodicals in the country, having I een "continuously published from the date of its establishment to the present time, and yielding to the Yale Literary Magazine alone in point of age. The literary position of the Round Table, has not been uncertain in the ranks of college journalism, the leading college papers in the East according to it the distinction of being the model college journal in the West. The Harvard Advocate, in 1876, said of the Round Table that it bore the same relation to the college press of the' West that the New York Nation bears to the general press. EVANSVILLE. The first paper published at this place was the Evansville Citizen, a four-page, seven-column weekly on the " patent inside " plan, issued January 3, 1866, with the name of J. A. Hoxie as editor and proprietor. The salutatory announces the intention of the publisher to be, "to fur nish the people of Evansville and vicinity with a home, family newspaper, mainly devoted to local matters and interests," such a paper being demanded by the rapid growth of the village and its environs. "In politics, we are of course Republican, in the true meaning of the word, and believe in the equal rights of mankind. But no man has, or can have in the nature of things, a right to do wrong. * * * We hold the broadest freedom consistent with our obligations." The first number contained abcut two columns of editorial matter, about the same quantity of local items, six columns of advertisements, and the remainder miscellany. The Citizen was pub lished continuously under the same proprietorship through the first and second volumes. The first number ofthe third volume (January 15, 1868) gave evidence of increasing prosperity, in fourteen columns of advertisements, and the announcement of immediate removal to a new and more commodious office. The issue of October 7, of the same year, contained the valedictory of J. A. Hoxie, and the salutatory of C. W. Baker, who announced himself "a Radical." With the issue of December 30 following, the Citizen ceased to exist, but there is no notice of an intended suspension, or explanation of the causes wliich rendered it advisable or necessary. For about fifteen months from the date last mentioned, Evansville appears to have been without a newspaper, but on Tuesday, March 15, 1870, the first number of the Evansville Review appeared with the name of J. A. Hoxie, the founder of the Citizen, at the head of its columns as editor and proprietor, who announced in his salutatory that the paper will be the earnest advocate of the Republican party and of the cause of temperarice. The new paper pre sented a marked change in " make-up," as the printers denominate the arrangement of the matter, as compared with the Citizen. The first page contained nothing but reading matter — three col umns original and four selected ; the second and third pages were all selected miscellany, and the fourth page had two columns of local matter, the remaining five being taken up with advertise ments. The issue of April 20 contained the charter of the Evansville & State Line Railroad. June 29th, the title ofthe paper appeared at the head of the editorial columns as the Citizen- Review, and the number ofthe volume was changed from one to six. April 26, 1871, the editor congratulated himself and his readers upon the fact that the paper was "wholly of home produc tion " — that is, that both sides were "set up" and printed in his own office. This experiment appears to have been unsatisfactory, however, for, ten weeks later, July 5, the "patent inside" plan was returned to, upon economic grounds. On the 13th of September of this year, in announc ing the completion of "another half-year volume," the editor regretfully announces that HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 405 " circumstances compel a suspension, but for what period, our patrons and business men must be consulted, rather than our own feelings. * * * We have sums varying from a few cents to dollars, due us all over the country ; separately they are small, but in the aggregate they con trol our present condition ;" and closes with the expression of a hope that the citizens may decide favorably to a continuation of the publication. It would appear that this direct appeal to the amour propre ofthe citizens was measurably successful, as the " suspension " was limited to two weeks, the next issue of the paper being dated October 4. From this time forward, the course of the Review seems to have been free from many of the embarrassments which had attended its publication, and the close of the thirteenth volume, April 23, 1879, contains the valedictory of J. A. Hoxie, announcing his retirement after thir teen years of almost continuous service. The first number of Volume XIV, dated April 30, 1879, bears the name of J. B. Jones as editor and publisher. In his salutatory, the new pro prietor states his purpose to be simply to make a good local paper ; it will be Republican in pol itics, but temperate and courteous in discussing political questions. His religious views, he maintains, are his own, and, as he shall not interfere with the opinions of others, hopes they will not meddle with his. The paper has continued under the same management to the present time, and may be regarded as one of the permanently established institutions of the county. The College Journal, as its name implies, is a record of events specially interesting to a class (college students and graduates), and a medium for the discussion of thoughts and topics directly connected with their lives. It is, in short, designed to be a literary periodical rather than a general newspaper. The first number appeared March 15, 1878, with the following staff: Editors, Samuel Plautz, W. E. Hemphill, Ira Flagler; business manager, Charles M. Morse; published monthly throughout the college year, at $1 per annum, in advance, by the Journal Company. This first issue contains articles on the " Spelling Reform," a boy's account of his "Troubles with a Diary," " The Development of Self-hood," other selected and contributed articles, some brief editorial matter, local and personal paragraphs, and one page of advertisements. The fifth number shows that Mr. Flagler has retired from the editorial staff, presents the names of C. E. Crandall and Miss M. J. Haven, as new acquisitions, and substitutes the name of W. W. Clarke for Charles M. Morse, as business manager. The eighth number, dated December 18, 1878, adds a book review department to those pre viously existing. By the tenth number the editorial was both longer and more diversified, and the publication has been continued upon substantially the same basis, by the same staff, down to the present time. " BORN1TZ." On the first day of August, 1852, Articles were filed in the office ofthe Secretary of State, at Madison/for the incorporation of the " Scandinavian Printing Association," in "Bornitz," in the town of Avon, the Association consisting of A. C. Preus, J. F. Dietrichzen, H. A. Preus, J. D. Reymert and 'Ever Ingebregtson. The object was to aid emigration of their countrymen. To that end they printed some pamphlets and also a small newspaper, called the Emigranten, which was published afterward for a year, at Janesville ; removed to Madison in 1858 ; and is now pub lished in La Crosse. CLINTON JUNOTON. In years past, many attempts were made by ambitious writers to become the censors of pub lic and private acts, in Clinton, through the medium of a newspaper, but it was not until Novem ber 12, 1874, that the attempt was realized. On that date, Messrs. Chet M. Whitman and Curtiss M. Treat brought out the first number of the Clinton Independent, their names appear ing at the head of the column as editors and proprietors. No change took place until July, 1875, when Mr. Treat purchased Mr. Whitman's interest at a good figure. He continued to 406 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. run it alone, its politics being of a " soft-money " tendency, until November 15, 1878, when he sold out to Messrs. P. H. & H. S. Swift, for $1,200. Upon assuming charge, they pulled it out of the slough of Greenback principles into which it had fallen, and enlisted under the banner of Republicanism. At that time, it was a seven-column folio, but, on June 1, 1879, they enlarged it a column, and gave their readers a thoroughly good weekly, a course of procedure which may be likened unto casting bread upon the waters, inasmuch as it has returned after manv days in the form of a largely increased circulation. In connection with the paper, they control a complete job printing establishment, the whole being valued at about $2,000. MILTON JUNCTION. The first newspaper published in the village was the Milton Messenger, a journal " run " by Miss Mary Spencer, but it was short-lived, and gave place to the Milton Register, the first number of which appeared on June 6, 1878, the head of the editorial column announcing that Mr. J. S. Badger was responsible, as proprietor, for the ideas and remarks contained therein, When it first appeared it was a four-column quarto, but on March 13, 1879, was increased to five-column quarto — its present size. It is, and always has been, an exponent of Republican ideas, and is under the same proprietorship as when first started. In connection with it is printed the Temperance Herald, a small monthly, of which B. J. Curtis is editor, which is run in the interests of the Sons of Temperanee, and is claimed to be the only paper in the exclusive interest of that body in the Northwest. On December 4, 1874, Messrs. W. F. & F. E. Towsley commenced the publication of the Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter, a seven-column paper (24x36) devoted to the interests of Edgerton in general and tobacco in particular. In 1878, Mr. W. F. Towsley purchased his brother's interest, and now controls the whole. It is a weekly, with no politics, and has a circulation of about six hundred copies per week ; together with a complete jobbing outfit, it is valued at $3,000. ROCK COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. This Society was organized on May 16, 1848, at a meeting of citizens held at the Court House. The first officers were : Rev. Hiram Foote, of Janesville, President ; B. Durham, of Beloit, Vice President ; W. Hughes, of Janesville, Secretary; James Sutherland, of Janesville, Treasurer and Depositary. Directors — Rev. Wesley Lattin, J. B. Doe and B. Herring. The Society is auxiliary to the American Bible Society of New York. From 12,000 to 15,000 copies of Bibles and Testaments, in the English, French, German, Danish and Welsh languages, have been sold or donated in Rock County since the organization of the Society. A great number of destitute persons are supplied with the Scriptures. Those making annual donations to the Society are members of the same. The present officers are as follows : H. S. Hogoboom, Presi dent ; Capt. E. Ruger, Vice President; John Rexford, Secretary; James Sutherland, Treas urer and Depositary. Directors — H. S. Bliss, J. H. Kinney, A. J. Hendrickson, W, G. Wheeloek and H. Moffit. ' WISCONSIN INSTITUTION FOR THE EDUCATION OP THE BLIND. No more appropriate monument to the memory of the individuals who founded this institu tion can ever be erected than the imposing structure as it now stands, overlooking, from a prom inent elevation, the thrifty city of Janesville, reflecting its shadow upon the placid waters of Rock River ; no more fitting epitaph written than this : " Founders of the Wisconsin Institution for the Education ofthe Blind." The benevolent motives of these men are plainly marked in the rec ords of their early struggles to prevent the removal of the institution from Janesville. Racine, Milwaukee and Madison parties sought it as a speculation while it was in private hands, and did HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 407 not cease their efforts until it became the property ofthe State and was permanently located in Janesville by an act of the Legislature. The citizens of Janesville have regarded it in the light of an inheritance, and look upon its success with peculiar satisfaction. In the twenty-fifth annual report ofthe Board of Trustees ofthe institution is given a historical review of its work. Prior to the 27th of August, 1849, and before the establishment of any benevolent institution in this State, the subject of establishing a school for the education of the blind in the then village of Janesville had received some attention from the residents of the village. On the 27th day of August, a public meeting of the citizens of Janesville was held at the Court House for the pur pose of adopting some measures looking to the establishment of such a school. The meeting was presided over by the Hon. A. Hyatt Smith, the Rev. Hiram Foote acting as Secretary. There was present at this meeting, by invitation, Mr. J. T. Axtell, a recent graduate of the Ohio Institution for the Education of the Blind. Being himself a blind man, he made an impressive appeal in behalf of those who, like himself, were deprived of vision ; explained the methods of instruction, and proposed to remain and assist in establishing a school, provided the citizens would contribute the necessary funds. For the purpose of raising the money required, a subscription list was circulated, of which the following is a copy : The undersigned agree to pay to the Trustees of the Wisconsin Academy for Instruction of the Blind, the amounts by us respectively subscribed hereto, for the purpose of founding a school in the village of Janesville for the instruction of blind persons resident in Wisconsin, and the purchase of the necessary apparatus for the instruc tion of six such persons. We also agree to pay the said amounts in installments, as follows : One-fourth on the 1st day of November next ; one-fourth every three months thereafter. October 12, 1849. This subscription was signed by A. Hyatt Smith, Ira Miltimore, L. E. Stone, Lawrence, Strong & Co., Charles Stevens, H. 0. Wilson, Dimock & Clark, Rodney Eaton, William Hod son, J. Milton May, Charles S. Weed, Charles H. Parker, William Trusdell, Alden & Holt, Chittenden & Robinson, J. B. Doe, E. L. Roberts, 0. W. Norton, Joseph H. Budd, Moses S. Prichard, M. B. Edson, H. Taylor, Lyman J. Barrows, R. B. Treat, James Sutherland, Will iam Macloon, Bowen & Bangs, J. W. Hobson, Bennett & Hudson and P. F. May. With the funds raised by this subscription, a few pupils were gathered, and a school opened in a house owned by Capt. Ira Miltimore, on the right bank of Rock River, near what is known as the Monterey Bridge. It was the first benevolent institution in the State of Wisconsin. Mr. Axtell took charge of the school, and such was the progress of the blind pupils that in February of the next year, those under whose fostering care the school had been organized and carried forward, consented to take them to Madison and give an exhibition of their progress and methods of instruction before the Legislature then in session. So satisfactory was this exhibi tion to that body, that on the following morning, for the purpose of aiding in sustaining the school thus founded, it passed, under a suspension of the rules, an act incorporating the school. The first section of the act named A. Hyatt Smith, Hiram Foote, Ira Miltimore, Levi Alden, Jarius C. Fairchild and William A. Barstow as Trustees, and gave them corporate powers. The second and third sections are as follows : Sec. 2. The object and duty of this corporation shall be to continue and maintain the School for the Educa tion of the Blind established in Janesville, and to qualify, as far as may be, that unfortunate class of persons for the enjoyment of the blessings of a free government, obtaining the means of subsistence, and the discharge of those duties, social and political, devolving upon American citizens. Sec. 3. The school shall be continued in or near Janesville, and the corporation shall, as early as practicable, purchase a suitable lot of ground containing not less than ten acres nor more than twenty acres, and proceed to erect thereon suitable buildings, and make such improvements as are necessary for the school. In 1850, the school was transferred to the residence of Mrs. IT. Hunter, on Jackson street, and she became the Matron thereof. It was continued at the residence of Mrs. Hunter until the 1st of June, 1852, when the new building on the present grounds of the institution was completed, and the school removed to it. The State was saved the cost of the grounds, Capt. Ira Miltimore very generously donat ing ten acres of land on the southerly bank of Rock River, about one mile southwest from the then village of Janesville, upon which the buildings of the institution were erected. 408 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The structure erected in 1851-52 soon became insufficient for the needs of the school, and was used as a wing to a main building, which was completed in 1860. In a few years, the continued growth of the school required another enlargement, and the wing which was the original building, having become unsafe, was torn down and replaced by one larger, and built in a substantial manner. This was done in 1868-69. The building thus enlarged was expected to provide for the wants of the school for at least a score of years, but, on the 13th of April, 1874, this proud monument to pioneer enterprise was laid low in ashes. The following graphic sketch of the fire is from the pen of Mr. Little : The 13th of April, 1874, will be remembered in the annals of this institution as the date of the destruction of its chief building by fire. Until evening, the day was marked by nothing except the violence of the wind, the direction being southwesterly. At a little after 7 P. M., while the pupils were assembled for their usual evening reading, tire was discovered in the elevator. This was of wood, and, at- the moment of discovery, was thoroughly on fire above the third-story floor. * * * Immediately upon the discovery of the fire, the hose was brought to the door of the elevator on the third floor. The door was forced open with a fire mx, of which two were always kept on each of the third and fourth stories. The flames burst out with fury, but no water came from the hose. [Mr. Little believed this to have been the result of a twist in the hose.] A Babcock fire-extinguisher was brought into use. This acted promptly, and might h^ve proved effective against a fire just beginning ; but in this case the fire spread much faster than the extinguisher put it out. Before the charge was fully played out, it was impossible to approach the elevator door, and it was apparent that the fire could not be controlled by any means except by regular fire engines. What the condition of things had been on the fourth story at the time of the discovery of the fire can not be told, as no one went up there to see ; but the flames burst out at the eayes in so short a time as to indicate that it. must have spreid considerably under the roof before it was discovered. Two steam fire e.igines arrived before long from town, but they accomplished very little toward checking the fire They soon exhausted the cisterns, and became useless. * * * Before 1 o'clock, the entire building was a ruin. The greater part of the walls remained standing. Tnose on the south and west were not much burned on the outside, except where the verandas confined the fire ; but those on the east, and especially those on the north were badly damaged. The shop escaped uninjured by the flames. The same furious wind that hastened the destruction of the house made it impossible for the fire or any great heat to cross the narrow space that separated the two buildings. One pupil perished in the flames, Henry Nelson, of Beloit. He was a man about 30 years of age, connected with the work department only. As he had ample time and warning, it seems probable that his failure to escape was due to an altack of epilepsy, to which he was subject. The records of the institution and most of its business papers were saved. * * * It is impossible to state the cause of the fire. * * * This statement should not close without reference to the prompt and considerate kindness of the citizens of Janesville in providing at an early stage of the fire ample means lor the removal of the pupils ^nd others) of the institution in covered carriages to town, in throwing open their houses for their reception, and in making donations of clothing. It is fit to record particularly the assistance rendered in the matter of clothing by various organizations of ladies, the tender by the School Board of a schoolhouse and grounds, and the unani mous vote of the City Council permitting a portion of High Street to be closed against carriages, while the institu tion should occupy the Williams' House and the school building. Immediately after the destruction of the building, plans and estimates were made for a new one. The old building was constructed of stone, but after its destruction, the Trustees believed a new edifice quite as substantial, could be erected of brick, and at a less cost. The west wing was hurried to completion, and, when finished, was used in conjunction with the barn and work shop, for the accommodation of pupils. An appropriation for the building of this wing was made of $56,000. By the most remarkable strokes of an energetic policy, the work was not allowed to cease until the main building was added to the wing. It is a beautiful structure, costing in the neighborhood of $140,000. lt is surrounded by thirty-seven acres of rolling land, most of it covered by beautiful oaks and hickories. Some portions of the tract are under cultivation. In the early years of the institution, severa1 different Superintendents were in charge, during brief terms of office. From 1856 to 1861, William H. Churchman, as Superintendent, did an excellent work, and the school arose to a higher degree of efficiency than it had previously attained. Thomas H. Little, the Superintendent of the institution from 1861 to 1875, did more, per haps, to promote its welfare and bring it to its present highly satisfactory condition, than any one individual ever connected with it. Mr. Little died in 1875, and his widow, Mrs. Sarah F. C. Little, was chosen to succeed him. She has proved herself thoroughly competent in every way, and seems to live only that she may continue the work so nobly carried on by her husband during HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 409 his connection with the institution. Nothing but words of praise are heard of Mrs. Little's management. Her salary was increased two years ago from $1,000 to $1,200. The average number of pupils at the institution is about eighty. These are not all totally blind. Many of them are but partially so. Any person between the ages of eight and twenty-one years, who cannot see to attend a common school, is eligible to admission to the institution which is in no sense an asylum. There is no charge for tuition, the institution being supported entirely by State appropriations, which will average from $18,000 to $20,000, per annum. The operations of the school fall naturally into three departments. In one, instruction is given in the subjects usually taught in the common schools. In another department, musical training, vocal, instrumental and theoretical is imparted to an extent sufficient to furnish to most of the pupils an important source of enjoyment, and to some the means of support. These two departments were opened at the commencement of the school, and have been ever since main tained. A little later, the third department was opened, in which broom-making and weaving of rag-carpets is taught to the boys ; sewing and knitting, both by hand and machine, and various kinds of fancy work to the girls, and seating cane- bottomed chairs to both boys and girls. The present management of the institution is as follows: Board of Trustees, E. Bowen, Cyrus Miner, B. R. Hinckley, H. S. Hogoboom, W. T. Vankirk ; officers of the Board, E. Bowen, President, W. T. Vankirk, Treasurer, H. S. Hogoboom, Secretary ; officers of the Insti tution — Superintendent, Mrs. Sarah F. C. Little, A. M. ; Teachers, Miss S. A. Watson, Miss A. I. Hobort, Miss Helen F. Blinn ; Teachers of Music, John S. Van Cleve, Miss M. L. Blinn; Matron, Mrs. Maria H. Whiting ; Foreman of shop, William B. Harvey. Dr. E. E. Loomis is the attending physician. AGRICULTURE OF ROCK COUNTY. In surveying the pleasing drapery of surface, and in contemplating the numerous advan tages presented in the county of Rock before it was disturbed by human agency, the traveler must have been led to feel that Dame Nature had acted in her blandest and most beneficial mood, while thus lavishing her gifts to promote the welfare of those who might inherit the boon. He will have traveled far, and seen much of the earth, who shall have met with any region of similar extent which more fully combines the elements of wealth, prosperity and comfort. The surface of the county consists of rolling prairie and oak openings, with scarcely a foot of land that cannot be tilled except the bluffs along the margins of the streams. In the early settlement of the county, the pioneers found several large open prairies happily distributed in its various parts, affording landscapes of rare beauty. Aside from these, the county was orig inally oak openings, with the usual characteristics of such land. Of the twenty townships con tained in the county, about 60 per cent is prairie, 20 per cent hard-wood timber and 20 per cent openings. These openings were quite early tilled, as the trees were so scattered as to offer less obstruction to the plow of the husbandman than an ordinary orchard. The soil of Rock County is alluvial loam and sand loam. The alluvial is very limited, being only found in dried-up marshes, which are, no doubt, the beds of vanished lakes. The soil of the open prairie is rich loam, with occasional sections of sand loam, especially in the southeast and northwestern portions of the county. The soil is everywhere very deep and pro ductive, yielding abundantly of every farm product intrusted to its keeping. In the year 1845, it was reported that 700,000 bushels of wheat were raised — the land yielding, on an average, 30 bushels of wheat, 20 bushels of corn, 50 bushels of oats, or 200 bushels of potatoes per acre. The crops, in the early history of the county, were abundant, but, unfortunately, not remunerative. The years 1855 and 1856, were very gloomy ones in the agricultural history of the county. Most of the farmers came to the West to raise wheat — very little attention being paid to other crops. This was the great staple on which they relied. Debts were contracted for improving their farms, relying upon the wheat crops to pay. But there soon came a succession of partial failures of the wheat crop throughout the county that, added to the extreme low prices of produce of all kinds, well-nigh produced the most disastrous consequence. 410 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The wheat crop of 1845 had been profitable and as sure as any other, but that year com menced the blight — the grain rotting while standing in the field. Wheat during some of those years was sold as low as 20 cents in Janesville, or carted to Milwaukee through the mud, and sold for 37 \ cents. The price of corn was from 12 to 15 cents; oats, so low as to hardly pay the expense of threshing. J. M. Burgess, in his report as Secretary of the Rock County Agricultural Society for 1851, gave as a reason for the poor success of farmers: " First, they have attempted to cultivate too much land, with very limited means ; second, they have been deluded with the notion that wheat could be successfully grown for an indefinite period of time, and that manuring, rotating crops and seeding with timothy, clover and other grasses were entirely unnecessary." This state of things, however, is incident to the settlement of all new countries. A better system of husbandry succeeded, and with the improvements designed for the benefit of cultiva tors of the soil, in the way of agricultural implements and the opening of communication to the lakes by railroads, a more remunerative price was obtained. At the present time, no better farms or more intelligent farmers can be found in Wisconsin. While wheat is the great staple of production, corn, barley, oats and all coarse grains grow in rich abundance, amply rewarding the husbandman for his toil ; and, while the county is better adapted to grain-growing than stock-raising, farmers are giving much attention to the breeding of stock, and the exhibitions of blooded stock at the county fairs compare favorably with those of other sections of the State. Rock County is one of the principal dairy regions of the State. In the Dairymen's Associ ation meeting, in 1877, it ranked fourth in the State in this industry. The, dairy statistics of the county for the year ending September 31, 1878, showed the product of the cheese factories to be 694,346 pounds. The making of butter is also carried on largely; a considerable quantity is shipped to Eastern markets. Another important industry that has grown up within a few years past is the culture of tobacco, which promises to be of profit to those who pursue it. From reports made by the Town Assessors of the products of the county for the year 1879, it appears that 3,476j'acres were devoted to tobacco culture, and in the year 1878, from the Assessor's reports,2,26!*,188 pounds were raised in the county. The statistics ofthe various products ofthe soil for 1879 will be found in the accompany ing table : TOWNS. Wheat. ¦ Corn. Oats. Barley. Bye. Pota toes. Roots. A.pples. Bear'gTrees. Flax. Hops. To bacco. Grasses Timber Cows. Value. 557795 2789 496^ 14511060 2198 957 237129131534 259 1289 632619]^ 910 " 1344 1017 810 417 3940 3321394431254767^3232 2974 31903427242138632452324625634704 33124750496234253720 4574 469M 707 1S67251418164417J.!1908 2092 25742957 1666 17511558315619261949 3151^39723187263426323464 405323 338 4434 327 1233 108U 3249 77.3 3855 4383 881 43 1090 291 ^ 794 1086 198 756 1462 141 63 267334^246220 78 335 77 235169 1138 155245402388701 103 268 11 54 7S99V, 163 " 8597?J 200120101154142180 72 132 5-6 120178 91 126 169 13U 75% 5 93 113226 20S 294 137^ 122146 177 81 292138183 221 176%139137 156% 258217 8 31'.! 32814134 73926940 46004572 16 282 10122075 41324354 J, 2663 " 2868 3277326037002600415115121918133120732323256614793805 6223 249 351J4 2626118920151733133149952896 4582 3230 446 403 844 783974594560543636555 1061 690553756 558 704616743780 1215 139417 * 8U30 7092 304 21*; 10 " 11-008 12231 16558 Fulton 925 96 475% 11075 X 3 11200 7501 10845 10650 39K 14 " 58 147 1222 929 6238 11676 7560 5382 4106122437482582 236U2488 19373962 2910 3251 118 48 20764 3 10933 ?,\{, 9820 6529 4625 4486 45895362 10870 8460 250 1432 19126 22 ! 9 1 % 41 1 5 ! 7* 13189 13010 Kock 13544 Spring Valley Turtle 15158 15200 9 229 21457 Beloit City 2666 120 114% 8035 Total 24508 73149 51920 23306 7784% 2520 '3K 3555' -l 118272 345 3 347614 58013 58331 14560 280661 The total acreage of the principal crops — wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye and tobacco — since 1876, to include the present year, is as follows : 1876 190,337 I 1878 192,340 1877 191,136 1879 187,144 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 411 A law was enacted in 1878, requiring Assessors to carefully collect information regarding the quantity of grain, roots and fruit raised in their respective towns in the year previous to the time of gathering the statistics. Last year the first official gathering under the law of 1878 was made, and the result was satisfactory. We now give comparative figures concerning the crops of 1877 and 1878 : lg77_ im Wheat, bushels 179,462 311,839 Corn, " I,9.r)(),!i76 2,231,066 Oats, " 1,919,810 1,751,849 Barley, " 398,446 378,573 Rye, " 193,982 157,591 Potatoes," 179,324 122,349 Root crops, bushels 40,076 21 438 Apples, bushels 7,310 49,146 In addition to these crops, the Assessors returned the following for 1877 and 1878 : 1877. 1878. Flax, pounds 92 1.854 Hops, ¦' 8,425 1,628 Tobacco, " 2,269,188 2,236,141 Butter, " 1,268,035 1,197,200 Cheese, " 482,031 1,023,028 HORTICULTURE AND THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. In matters pertaining to horticulture, the inhabitants of Rock County are not behind those of other counties of this State. Considerable progress has been made in the past few years in these pursuits, and an improved taste is being manifested by the people generally in beautifying and adorning their homesteads, by the liberal planting of fruit and ornamental trees, vines and shrubs. Time, and experience have demonstrated, that, with care and attention, certain varieties of apples, as well as pears and plums, can be successfully and profitably grown. The time has arrived when many of the " country seats" take pride and pleasure in fine grounds and tasteful gardens ; and in the cities, nearly every house has its garden-spot, tastefully arranged with choice flowers, vines and evergreens, and kept in the neatest order. In addition to the flower garden, many have conservatories stocked with choice winter-flowering plants, while others, with less conveniences, keep them in the parior, and the effect is a wide diffusion of a taste for flowers, and a corresponding taste and order throughout the whole household, making home more pleasant and attractive. The Rock County Horticultural Society was organized at a meeting on September 24, 1866, by the following gentlemen, who were also the first charter members: F. S. Lawrence, J. D. Rexf'ord, S. G. Williams, E. L. Dimock, H. N. Comstock, A. Hoskins, I. C. Sloan, L. F. Patten, J. B. Whiting, A. M. Thompson, Levi Alden, S. A. Hudson, 0. P. Robinson, S. W. Smith, A. D. Wickham, J. M. Burgess, M. B. Johnson, Hiram Bowen, J. J. R. Pease, George J. Kellogg, S. J. M. Putnam, J. W. Allen, H. Richardson, William Payne, D. E. Fifield, G. H. Williston, Anson Rogers and B. Spence. The first officers were : President, Hon. I. C. Sloan ; Vice President, S. G. Williams ; Secretary, F. S. Lawrence ; Treasurer, S. W. Smith. The present officers are: President, F. S. Lawrence; Vice President, George J. Kellogg; Secretary, E. B. Hiemsheet ; Treasurer, D. E. Fifield. The present membership is forty-two, and the entrance fee is $5, so that they are fairly flourishing. ROCK COUNTY POOR FARM. On the 22d day of March, 1854, the Board of Supervisors of Rock County purchased of Wright Newhall and E. G. Newhall, for the county, the property now known as the Rock County Poor Farm, situated in the town of Johnstown, on Sections No. 22 and 27, and con taining at present 199 acres of land, about 124 acres of which are under cultivation, and the balance is in growing timber, chiefly second-growth oak. 412 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. At the time of the purchase, the county paid the sum of $5,000 for the farm as follows, by issuing five bonds $1,000 each, with interest at 10 per cent per annum, one of the bonds payable annually thereafter until all were paid. The buildings on the farm at the time of its purchase by the county consisted of a house and barn built by Luke Belden for the purpose of keeping hotel. The house consisted of a large main building, three stories in front, with an extensive wing, and answered the purpose for which it was bought for several years, with but lictle expense to the county for repairs. The building being large and built for hotel accommodations, there was ample room for the paupers of the county. The barn also being large answered the purpose of the farm with but little expense for repairs until 1878, when the county built a barn at an expense of about $1,000. In 1854, at the time of purchase of this farm, the distinction between town and county poor was in force, and the cost of caring for the town poor at the County House was charged to the towns of which the paupers were resident, and the county poor at the expense ofthe county at large. This system of supporting the poor continued until 1856. Previous to the purchase of this property in 1854, by the county, the poor were cared for by the towns in which they were residents, and the non-resident poor were also cared for by the towns iu which they were, and the cost charged to the county, the claims being audited by the County Board. But, on the 9th day of January, 1856, the Board of Supervisors, by resolution, abolished the distinction between town and county poor, and, since that time, all paupers and needy poor have been cared for as a county charge. The Board of Supervisors elect three Superintendents of the Poor who hold their office three years, subject to the County Board, who have charge of assisting the poor and also of the Poor House and Farm, one of the Superintendents being also Overseer of the Poor Farm and living in the Poor House, having full management thereof, subject to the County Board. There have been but two Overseers of the Poor Farm since its purchase by the county — Allan Holmes and W. A. Pickett. The Overseer of the Poor Farm was paid for his services as agreed upon by the Superin tendents of the Poor, until the Supervisors fixed his salary, on November 21, 1862. The Overseer living in the Poor House is furnished by .the' county with house and table expenses for himself and family, and his annual salary is fixed by the Board of Supervisors. W. A. Pickett, the present Overseer, has filled the office of Superintendent and been Over seer of^ the Poor Farm since 1862. The following named gentlemen have held the office of Superintendent of the Poor in the order named : George H. Williston, Alfred Hoskins, John Minton, E. A. Howland, S. S. Blackman, S. G. Colley, Allan Holmes, Charles H. Parker, Volney Atwood. A. W. Root, Charles Peck, F. P. King, H. A. Northrop, W. A. Pickett and C. F. North. The present Superintendents are Volney Atwood, W. A. Pickett and C. F. North. The principal cost for repairs at the Poor Farm can best be ascertained by the following : The Board of Supervisors appropriated for repairs in 1860, $600 ; in 1866, $1,500, and, , in 1867, $500. In 1875, there was an addition erected to the main building (the wing having been previously removed) at a cost to the county of $3,765, and the building has since been painted at an expense of about $150. In 1871, the county erected a building known as the County Asylum for the care of the incurable insane, near the Poor House, but being a separate building, at a cost of $1,578.28, the contract price, which is also under the immediate charge of the Overseer at the Poor Farm. But as the number of the incurable insane were on the increase, the building was insuffi cient to meet the demands of the county, and, in 1876, an addition was built to the main build ing at a cost to the county of $1,244. The building is now very convenient and safe, and there were thirteen occupants on the 31st day of December, 1878. The general appropriation by the county to the poor fund was, in 1855, $2,000 ; in 1856, $2,500 ; in 1857, $2,500 ; in 1858, HISTORY- OF ROCK COUNTY. 413 $4,000 ; in 1859, $5,000 ; in 1860, $4,000; in 1861, $4,500 ; in 1862, $4,600 ; in 1863, $5,600 ; in 1864, $6,000 ; in 1865, $7,000 ; in 1866, $6,000 ; in 1867, $6,000; in 1868, $9,000 ; in 1869, $10,000; in 1870, $8,000 ; in 1871, 1872, 1873, $9,000 each year ; in 1874 and 1875, $8,000 each, and in 1876, 1877, 1878 and 1879, $9,000 each year. A little more than one-half of these sums have been expended on an average at the Poor House, and the remainder for the relief of indigent persons in the county. The number of paupers supported at the Poor House vary in number from year to year, and at different seasons of the year ; for instance, on the 1st day of March, 1856, there were in the Poor House eighteen, and on November 15, 1859, there were sixty-three; on November 16, 1860, there were twenty-four ; November 13, 1862, twenty-seven ; and again in 1874 (December 31), there were sixty-eight; December 31, 1875, sixty-four; December 31, 1876, seventy; Decem ber 31, 1877, fifty-three. In the cost per week, per capita, for their support there is but little variation. For instance, in 1875, the cost, per capita, was about $1.73 per week ; in 1876, $1.62 ; in 1877, $1.90, and, in 1878, $1.76. The salaries of the Superintendents of the Poor are not included in the above appropriations, nor considered in computing the cost per capita for the support of the paupers. A MEMORABLE TRAGEDY. " Blood hath strange organs to discourse withal ; It is a clamorous orator, and then Even Nature will exceed her.-elf, to mark A crime so thwarting nature. " The pages of the criminal record of Janesville are remarkably free from blood-stain. Man slaughter is a thing of rare occurrence, while revolting assassinations are matters of a quarter of a century ago. A terrible double tragedy occurred in 1855, without an allusion to which the " History of Rock County," would be incomplete. The tragedy was that of the murder of Andrew Alger by David F. Mayberry, and the subsequent lynching of the assassin by a mob of infuriated lumbermen. Mayberry was a Mormon desperado who belonged to the tribe of Joseph Smith, whose headquarters were at Nauvoo, 111. He had served eight years in the State Prison at Alton for the crime of horse-stealing. At the expiration of his sentence, May berry openly asserted that some one would haye to recompense him for the time he had lost in prison, meaning that he would be avenged, and make that vengeance profitable. From Alton, he went to Rockford, where he was engaged for a few weeks in a cooper-shop. He had an acquaintance with the family of John G. McComb, a farmer living near Rockford, and paid them frequent visits. On the 14th of June, 1855, Mayberry left McComb's house, saying he was going to Janesville. While passing through Beloit, he met and made the acquaintance of Andrew Alger, a man fifty years of age, who was engaged in the lumber business. Alger had but recently arrived in Beloit from the lumber regions on Rock River, about 20 miles north of Janesville, where he had employed a large number of men cutting and rafting logs. He had sold a raft of logs in Beloit to S. W. Peck, receiving in pay therefor a horse and buggy, a watch and a check on the bank for $5o8. It is evident that Mayberry became aware of the fact that Alger was the possessor of a considerable amount of money, and that he also learned it was Alger's intention to leave for the lumber region within a few days, for the purpose of paying off his men. At any rate, he preceded Alger out of Beloit on foot, and, coming to Janesville, awaited the arrival of his intended victim. On Saturday afternoon, June 16, Alger drove into Janesville with the horse and buggy he had received from Mr. Peck in part payment for his logs, and, after resting for an hour or so, proceeded on his way, taking the road toward Milton. In the mean time, Mayberry had pur chased some few articles of clothing from various dealers in town, and also a hatchet of Pixley & Kimball. He left town a short time before Alger did, also by way of the Milton road. Of what transpired afterward there is no other evidence than that of Mayberry himself, as related by John G. McComb, to whom the assassin detailed the circumstances of the murder following the day of its occurrence. The substance of McComb's testimony during the trial is about as 414 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. follows : On Sunday, June 17, Mayberry arrived at McComb's place driving a horse and buggy, and having on several articles of new clothing. He also exhibited various sums of money, including five $20 gold pieces. He told McComb that he had killed and robbed " a pinery bug" the day before, between Janesville and Milton. He related how he had awaited Alger's arrival in Janesville ; told of purchasing a hatchet ; how he had preceded Alger out of town and loitered along the road waiting for him to come up ; and how, when he was overtaken, the unsuspecting victim asked him to ride. It seems that Alger did not recognize Mayberry as the man whose acquaintance he had made in Beloit, but supposed him to be an entire stranger. After proceeding a short distance, and soon after leaving the prairie and entering the grove on the Spaulding farm, Mayberry, who was in his shirt- sleeves, having his coat on his arm, made an excuse to step back of the buggy seat where he could have room to put his coat on. It was then that he dealt the first murderous blow with the hatchet, striking Alger over the right tem ple with the pole of the weapon. Mayberry then stopped the horse and kicked the prostrate man from the buggy. Dismounting himself, he took his bleeding victim by the heels and dragged him from the roadside to a thicket of shrubs and grass, where he stripped him of his clothing, and, taking from the pocket of Alger's pantaloons a large dirk knife, cut his throat from ear to ear, and then stabbed him in the back and sides, after which he returned to the buggy with Alger's clothing and money, placed them beneath the seat of the vehicle, got in, and taking the reins, still warm from the hands of bis victim, drove back through Janesville on his way to McComb's. The witness (McComb) stated that while Mayberry was absent from the house for a few moments, and during the interrupted recital of this tale of blood, he (the witness) dispatched a neighbor to Rockford for Sheriff John F. Taylor, and when Mayberry returned he entertained him the best he knew how without arousing his suspicions until between 11 and 12 o'clock, when, greatly to the assassin's surprise. Sheriff Taylor, State's Attorney William Brown and several others from Rockford, stepped into the room. Mayberry was ironed at once, and taken to Rockford the next morning and confined in jail. Mr. McComb, Mr. Brown, and a* Mr. Miller came to Janesville the next day, and informing Sheriff Hoskins of what had occurred, repaired to the spot described by May berry as the scene of the murder, and, after half an hour's search, the body was found. Mr. Spaulding, at the request of Sheriff Hoskins, brought the remains into town, where an inquest was held, resulting in Mayberry's commitment on a charge ol murder. A requisition was procured, and the prisoner transferred to the Rock County Jail. The grand jury had but just convened, and the case was laid before that body at once, with instructions to give it immediate consideration. As the detailed facts of the horrible deed became known, popular feeling against Mayberry rose to the very highest pitch. The excitement spread throughout the Rock River Valley, and, when the news reached the lumber regions, where Mr. Alger was well and favorably known, work was entirely suspended, and, as if by previous understanding, preparations were made by several hundred of the hardiest and most stalwart " loggers " on the river, including the rough element, to attend the trial. Mayberry was indicted by the grand jury, and on Tuesday, July 10, he was brought before James R. Doolittle, Judge of the Rock County Circuit Court, for trial. The jury impaneled on that occasion were as follows: Levi St. John, Uriah Schutt, George Patchin, Ira Fish, S. C. Randall, Daniel 0. Rayner, John Alexander, George H. Stafford, C. M. Messer, George Sherman, F. A. Humphrey and Samuel Cadwallader. As the trial progressed, the number of strangers arriving in town became noticeably larger, until Wednesday morning, June 11, when the public square in the vicinity of the jail and Court House fairly swarmed with people, most of them being lumbermen, whose wages had depended upon the money for which Mr. Alger was murdered. As Mayberry was led from the jail on the way to trial, a slight demonstration was made toward him, but the assault, which was greatly lacking in vigor, was repelled by the officers, a large force of extra police having been appointed for the occasion. j* &L- ^ft^&^&i^j^ JANESVILLE HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. ¦ 417 The evidence was concluded during the day, and the case given to the jury at 6 o'clock, P. M., after the following very able CHARGE OF THE JUDGE. Gentlemen of the Jury: The prisoner at the bar stands charged with the highest crime known to our laws — with the deliberate murder of Andrew Alger, from a premeditated design, or, in the language of the common law, "with malice aforethought;" and, if the defendant is guilty, as charged, and as the evidence in the case tends to show, justice compels me to say that he is guilty of murder in the first degree, committed under circumstances of such cold-blooded atrocity that we can hardly find a parallel in the history of crime. But, gentlemen, however atro cious the deed by which this county has been shocked and electrified, and however desirous every good citizen may be to bring the real offender to justice, yet, courts and juries should not for a moment lose sight of the rules of law which are established to govern the administration of criminal law, and which are the safeguards of the rights and liberties of every individual. It will be borne in mind that the accused, when put upon trial, charged with any offense, is presumed to be innocen*. until proved to be guilty. The burden of the proof is upon the prosecution, and the State must convince you, beyond any reasonable doubt, of the defendant's guilt before you are authorized to convict. You are to start with the presumption of innocence, and step by step, and inch by inch, the public prose cutor must lead your minds by the force of the testimony given by him, until every other supposition or reasonable hypothesis is excluded, except the hypothesis of the defendant's guilt. To establish the guilt of the prisoner, three things are necessary : 1. To show that a murder has been com mitted by somebody. The corpus delicti, or body of the crime, must be clearly established, and by a weight of testimony which is, in a moral sense, irresistible — that is to say, it must be shown to a moral certainty. To establish that fact, the prosecution rely upon the situation of tbe body at the time when found, with the throat cut from ear to ear, with the skull broken through to the brain, with a mortal wound in the side, another, in the back — wounds which, it is insisted, could by no possibility have been inflicted by his own hands, or any other than a human hand. The testimony of the medical witnesses is relied upon to show that, from the coagulated blood found about the wounds in the back, those wounds must have been received before the arteries of the neck were severed, and that, therefore, those wounds were the cause of death, and not wounds wantonly made by some person after he came to his death. Upon these facts, the prosecution insist that, beyond all possibility of doubt, a murder has been committed by some human being upon the person of another. 2. In the second place, the prosecution must show, beyond any resonable doubt, that the person murdered is the same person named in the indictment — in short, that the body found in the town of Harmony is the body of Andrew Alger. To establish that fact, the prosecution rely upon the fact that the body is identified by two witnesses — Mr. Conrad and Mr. Fifield ; that a large number of witnesses, with more or less positive assurance, identify the clothing of Andrew Alger, found with the prisoner; and especially the fact that the white linen coat (the coat which he was seen to put on at Beloit when he left that town with- the horse and buggy) was found near the place where the body was found, covered with blood and concealed under some leaves ; and from the fact that Alger, since last seen on his way home, between Janesville and Milton, has no where been seen, unless the body in question is the body of Andrew Alger. If you are satisfied, beyond all reasonable doubt, that this was the body of Andrew Alger, you will next inquire (and perhaps that may be the main inquiry), is the prisoner at the bar guilty of that crime ? 3. To establish that fact, the prosecution relies upon three species of evidence — first, circumstantial; second, positive testimony, by the defendant's confessions, and, third, the combined weight of both. Independent of the testimony of McComb and his two sons, Halsey and Erastus, the prosecution insist that the circumstances in tvidence would leave no room to doubt the defendant's guilt. The circumstances relied on are mainly these : that the defendant was seen waiting upon the road where Alger was to pass, and, within twenty-four hours after, he is found with the horse and buggy of Alger, on the premises of McComb, in the county of Winne bago, State of Illinois; and, upon being searched, in his pockets were found the papers and wallets of Alger; that the defendant gave a false account of the money in his possession ; that the knife of Alger, identified by his son and others, was found in his possession ; that he gave a false account of it ; that when he left Mr. Rexford's, in Beloit, he had on a black hat, and the next day had on a white hat, identified, with more or less assurance, as the one worn by Alger when he left Beloit; the fact that he said he lived and worked at Milton, and was going to Milton, when he was on his way to Rockford, and was living there ; the fact that he left on foot and returned with a horse and buggy ; that he left with one hat and returned with his own black hat, as he said, in the buggy, and a white hat like that of Alger's on his head, when seen at 9 o'clock in the store at Janesville ; the false account given of his busi ness to Allen, and another false account given to Tracy, the same night, that he had been to Madison and was going to Beloit; and the prosecution insist that these facts are enough of themselves to satisfy the jury, beyond all reason able doubt, of the defendant's guilt, though the evidence of McComb and his two sons were stricken from the case. In the next place, gentlemen, you will inquire as to what weight sliould be given to the three witnesses to whom the defendant is said to have confessed his guilt. The confessions of a party are always to be weighed with great scrutiny. On the one hand, it is of all other evidence the most liable to be mistaken and the most easy to be manufactured ; while on the other, if such a confes sion be clearly proved to have been voluntarily made, by a party in his right mind, it is evidence of very great, weight. The counsel for the defendant insists that the confessions made to McComb are so unreasonable, so con trary to the impulses of human nature, that you should wholly disregard their testimony ; and, further, that when these confessions were made by the defendant, he was so far intoxicated that the confessions, if made, should have no weight whatever. That, gentlemen, is a question for the jury — whether that confession was, in fact, made, whether it is wholly irrational and unnatural, or whether it accords with the facts truly, whether it was made with 0 418 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the expectation of being sheltered and secreted by McComb (with one of whose sons he is said to have been imprisoned at Alton) when he would be pursued, or whether it was the result in fact of his being influenced by intoxicating drinks, or whether it was the result of both — or whether, as insisted bv the District Attorney, it was the confessions of a soul overburdened with a sense of guilt, stained with a brother's blood, driven almost to frenzy; the confession of a soul whose terrible secrets it could no longer keep ; which has already become its master ; which in spite of itself, "rises to the throat and demands utterance." All these are questions for the jury, as well as the degree of weight to be given to them. If the defendant was in fact intoxicated when he made these con fessions, they are not entitled to anything like the same degree of weight as if made while in full possession of his mind. But the counsel for the defendant, while he admits that there are many strong circumstances tending to prove the prisoner's guilt, insists that they are not sufficiently strong to satisfy you, beyond all reasonable doubt, by evidence so strong as to exclude every other hypothesis except that of his guilt. The defendant's counsel has correctly stated the law upon the subject. You must be satisfied of his guilt to a moral certainty. You should ex! end to the defendant the benefit of every reasonable doubt, upon the humane prin ciple that ninety and nine guilty persons should escape rather than one innocent man should suffer. Tn the admin istration of criminal law, high, responsible and sometimes very painful duties rest upon courts and juries, A responsibility in bearing which the head grows weary and the heart sometimes grows faint; but it is a responsibility which must be borne. We could not withdraw from it if we would, and should not if we could. We should extend to this defendant, as to all others charged with crime, the whole charities of the law, and all the presumptions of innocence ; but if, upon the evidence, the mind is convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that he is guilty of this crime, it is your duty to the oaths you have taken, the country in which you live, by all that is sacred to the lives and peace of your community, and, I may add, your duty to the defendant, painful though it may be, to declare him guilty. It is duty in administering justice to remember mercy, hut while remembering mercy, not to forget to administer justice. It would be indeed a mistaken sympathy if this defendant is clearly found guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, to acquit him and suffer him to go at large. The great master of poetry, I believe it is, has said that "mercy murders, pardoning crime," and the great philosopher, Sully, once said to the Emperor of France, when about to pardon a great murderer, " Remember," said he, "the guilt of the murder which he has already perpetrated is his ; if you pardon him, the guilt of the next murder will be yours." The case is with the jury, who are the judges of the law and the fact. Upon the one hand you are to extend to the prisoner every reasonable presumption of innocence — the benefit of every reasonable doubt; but, upon the other, if satisfied beyond any reasonable doubt of his guilt, public justice, demands a conviction at your hands. In twenty minutes, a verdict of murder in the first degree was returned and the jury dis charged. Judge Doolittle said he would defer sentence until the following morning, and the prisoner was remanded to the custody of the Sheriff. Shortly after 7 o'clock, P. M., while Mayberry was being escorted to the jail, which then stood on the public square nearly opposite All Souls' Church, an attempt was made by some one of the large crowd which still lingered about, to throw a rope over his neck. - Other demonstra tions were made, but the posse with their prisoner succeeded in reaching the jail in safety and locking him up. The Gazette of July 14, contains the following account of what transpired on Wednesday evening : Messrs. Noggle and Ely, who had conducted the prosecution, addressed the crowd in deprecation of any vio lence, and for a time the excitement subsided, and the assemblage left the immediate vicinity of the building. An inflammatory harangue from the lower part of the square again excited the mob, and the jail was again threatened. Sheriff Hoskins and Mayor Dimock now commanded the aid of all peaceable, law-loving citizens, and a sufficient number responded to the call to frustrate the design to break open the jail and take the prisoner. During another onslaught, the officers and citizens guarding the door were driven from the steps leading to it by a volley of stones, and several panes of glass in the front of the building were broken. Between 10 and 11 o'clock, a long pole was procured, and a large number of persons came down the street from the. top of Court House Hill, shouting and declaring a determination to force an entrance. The design was abandoned, however, and by half past 11 all about the building was quiet. At 8£ A. M. on Thursday, the prisoner was taken to the court-room to receive his sen tence. The crowd was quite as great as on the previous day, and the presence of a large number of new faces was noticeable. No outward demonstrations were made toward seizing the prisoner when he was led along the hill to the Court House, but the aspect of the crowd seemed determined and resolute. The Court asked Mayberry if he had anything to say against the sentence of the law being passed upon him, to which he replied, " I know that the evidence is strong against me, but I am innocent of the murder." Judge Doolittle then sentenced him to " be imprisoned at hard labor in the State Prison during life ; " the first twenty days of each year, commencing from the time of his arrival at the State Prison, and the first five days of October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June in each year in solitary confinement, with nothing to eat except bread and water. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. iW Mayberry was perfectly composed, receiving his sentence with indifference. He was kept within the court-room for some time after the sentence was pronounced, the officers thinking it not safe to attempt to convey him to the jail until the excitement had subsided. An eye-witness of the scene that followed, gives the following graphic description of it : When the prisoner left the Court House, the mob had apparently dispersed, and the crowd which, in the pre vious part of the day had been very large and turbulent, became reduced to scarcely one hundred persons. All appeared tranquil and quiet. The Sheriff was advised that this would be a favorable time to take the prisoner to tbe jail, which was distant about ten rods. The Sheriff had formed a company of from fifty to one hundred persons, made up of his Under Sheriffs, Constables and a special police, sworn in for the occasion, who surrounded the pris oner as he was taken from the Court House. No sooner had he reached tbe ground on the outside of the building, than signals were given from the windows, and the crowd came rushing forward from every direction, closing around the ofiicers just as they reached the door of the jail. Here, for the first time, the officers were baffled by the efforts of the mob. The steps leading into the jail had been removed, and the door barricaded with heavy timbers. Stones were freely used upon the officers until most of them were disabled or thrown to the ground, when the infuriated mass rushed over them and seized their victim. Here followed a scene of bloodshed and barbarism which, heaven grant, may never again be my lot to witness. The prisoner fought desperately, while his assailants were rushing upon him with yells of wild exultation, until a blow upon the head felled him to the ground. Immediately, the cry was "A rope!" "Hang him!" "A rope!" A rope was thrown into the crowd, and, while the prisoner was upon his knees pleading "For God's sake have mercy," the rope was placed around his neck and he was taken to the nearest tree. Here, with considerable difficulty, they tied his hands with pieees of linen torn from his clothing. He was asked if guilty of the murder of Alger. He could but whisper. "0 Lord, have mercy," and, in another moment, he was swinging between heaven and earth. But the tragedy did not end here. The knot in the rope had been left under his chin, and he still breathed. He was then let down, the rope adjusted with the knot .on the back of his neck, and he was again drawn up amid the wild yells of the infuriated mob, who were fixing upon their consciences a stain which time can never obliterate. The tree upon which Mayberry was hanged stood near the center of the lower square. It was cut down early on the morning after the hanging, by Mr. Uriah Schutt, one of the jurymen who convicted Mayberry, who declared he would put an end to the daily pilgrimages which would necessarily be made by the morbidly curious to the gloomy spot. The limb from which Mayberry was suspended was sent to Madison, where it has ever since remained on exhibition in the Museum of the Historical Society. The balance of the tree was carried off by different ones and made up into canes, sleeve-buttons, etc. And thus ends the bloodiest chapter in the history of Janesville, but it must not be recorded that the citizens acquiesced or took any part in murdering a man who, though his crime was atrocious and his guilt undisputed, was still in the hands of the law. ROCK COUNTY STATISTICS. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OP HOCK COUNTY FOE. DIFFERENT PERIODS. - 1859. 1870. 1877. Wheat 829,186 bush. 10,170 " 668,245 " 475,639 " 60,214 " 80,596 lbs. 549,687 '• 177,647 bush. 882,851 bush. 120,741 1,121,529 " 1,159,246 " 206,204 " 261,705 lbs. 1,039,592 " 450,442 " 177,462 bush. Rye 193,972 ¦• 1,950,976 " ' Oats 1,919,810 " 398,446 " Wool '. 1,268,035 lbs. 179,324 bush. 40,076 " 7,310 " 136,620 lbs. 2,269,188 " 79,533 lbs. 482,031 " The acreage of the principal crops at the time of making the annual assessment of 1877T in Rock County, was as follows : Wheat, 2,790 ; corn, 76,396 ; oats, 57,210 ; barley, 15,640 ; rye, 12,898 ; potatoes, 2,676 ; root crops, 143 ; apple orchards, 3,944 ; flax, 239 ; hops, 14 ; tobacco, 2,386 ; grapes, 19 ; growing timber, 57,105. 420 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. PRODUCTS OF AGRICULTURE, OF BREADSTUFFS, ETC., OF ROCK COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1, 1850. TOWNS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Total. 85380 74011 65472610005666450559 480054246038730 3478334207 2994.2814027793 267422054020395 1982718867 13789 32155 2144122775 17845 25405 11792 1428021365 16560149251124011130120271440510670 5539 7835 10406 11985 10745 72540 3495644300317804488027245 30188815751857020985 24163 18170 12100 23049 10640 6719 7445 1322512740 3272 190075 130408 132547 110215 126949 89594 92473 95400 73800 70693 60610 59240 53166 65247 48052 32798 35675 43458 43592 2780d 797402 304922 488474 1590798 POPULATION OF ROCK COUNTY AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. The population of Rock County for certain years, not given bv the State and Federal census :. 1836 (estimated), 96 ; 1838, 480 ; 1842, 2,869. A census of Rock County was completed in June, 1846, and the following schedule, pub lished on the 27th of that month, gives the whole number in each town : • TOWNS. Male. Female. Total. 1108 907 478465314 197 361409397327228 206497360220404 852 750 384 352267 148 265351 ¦ 823 270 173 147 464 298 165 316 I960 1657 8b2 817 681 345 626 760 72U 597 401 353 961 658 385 720 12405 A census for the year 1847 was taken December 1, viz.: Janesville, 2,587 ; Beloit, 1,851 ; Johnstown, 921; Lima, 819; Milton, 890; Center, 907; Spring Valley, 640; Mag nolia, 418 ; Rock, 430 ; Union, 815 ; Fulton, 601 ; Porter, 637 ; Newark, 779 ; Avon, 414 ; Turtle, 770; Clinton, 776 ; Bradford, 464. Total, 14,729. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 421 POPULATION OF ROCK COUNTY BY TOWNS, AS COMPILED FROM THE UNITED STATES CENSUS. TOWNS. 1850 I860 1870 579 2,732 908775 4,098 1,2451,1231,6541,8901,427 905 7,6401,402 - 849 1,151 1,120 1,774 1,269 1 229 1,106 1,136 1,265 1,4121,646 886 743 4,396 1 006 699625 1,211 828840 3,451 1,064 1,943 2 168 Fulton 1,214 926 8,789 1,271 335839630 1,032 882581 546855 756 1,005 1,050 1 299 867 1,136 1,156 2,010 1 223 1,396 1,062 1,074 1,253 Turtle 1,274 2,145 Total , 20,750 36,690 39,030 VALUES OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. The following is a statement showing the number of acres of land in the several towns in Rock County, the assessed value of real estate, the aggregate value of real and personal estate as assessed, the equalized value of real estate and the aggregate value of all property as equal ized in the several towns. Also the number of mills tax on the dollar, for State, county and county school purposes, and the whole amount of delinquent county tax. Published by order of the Board of Supervisors, in December, 1851 : TOWNS. No. of Acres. Assessed Value of Keal Estate. Asses'd Value of Personal Property. Aggregate of Assessment. Equalized Val. of Keal Estate. Aggregate of Keal Eslate and Persuiml Prop erty as equaliz'd 19567 2130322160212582284022059 20729224202. 985 225752188019160 21166219722077820550 20943 17850 2153922330 $ 48017 3027 1 8 65019 56618 7964254104. 37184 219118 6784284849 4908435396 41181527794510459931 75728 44331 7685448595 S 1760 30450 5430 2885 4650 1710 2499 22650 13105 1060 7066 1000 8385 18911971 3350448024677906 11962 $ 49777 333168 7044959503 842925581449683 241768 80447 35409 501003639649516546704707503281 802084679884761 60557 $ 41017 255918 58019 50618616920110461184 265918 70447 4534955034 5093161131458794631451981 60728 44331 61854 64695 $ 41777 Beloit 286368 63449 53503 06842 Fulton 62814 Janesville 63683 288568 •Johnstown 83552 46409 62100 5193) 69516 47770 48285 55281 6520S 46798 Turtle 69761 66567 Total 423518 $150299475 $13667786 $163967261 $15029')475 $163967261 422 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. State tax, 3 mills on the dollar; county tax the same; county school tax, 2 mills on the dollar ; total amount of delinquent county tax, $573 15. The aggregate valuation of real and personal estate in Rock County from 1852 to 1855, inclusive, was : 1852, $1,619,280 ; 1853, $1,747,921 ; 1854, $4,453,940 ; 1855, $5,117,204. The assessment returns made to Territorial and State officers of Rock County was as fol lows : Aggregate number of acres assessed Assessed valuation of the same Assessed valuation of stock in incorporated companies and merchandise Assessed valuation of personal property, exclusive of mer chandise Total amount of assessment Assessed valuation of city and village lots Aggregate value of property assessed Aggregate value of property equalized by State Board Aggregate value of real and personal property equalized by Klate Board $331211 54 990326 00 29460 00 No report, 1019786 00 $447033 00 4963748 00 354152 00 1442742 00 6760642 00 9946000 00 $447253 00 6732090 00 3835877 00 2378008 00 .' 6732090 00 12945975 00 $450904 00 10164140 00 3947372 00 14111512 00 18955282 00 POST OFFICES IN ROCK COUNTY AT DIFFERENT TIMES. The post offices in Rock County in 1845 were Beloit, Janesville, Johnstown, Milton/ Union, Warren. In 1857 — Afton, Avon, Bass Creek, Beloit, Center, Clinton, Cooksville, Edgerton, Emer ald Grove, Evansville, Fairfield, Footville, Fulton, Inmansville, , Janesville, Johnstown, Johns town Center, Leyden, Lima Center, Magnolia, Milton, Osborne, Orfordville, Rock Prairie, Shopiere, Spring Valley and Union. In 1879 — Afton, Avon Center, Beloit, Cainville, Center, Clinton, Cooksville, Edgerton, Emerald Grove, Evansville, Fairfield, Footville, Fulton, Hanover, Indian Ford, Janesville, Johns town, Johnstown Center, Koshkonong, Leyden, Lima Center, Magnolia, Milton, Milton Junc tion, Orfordville, Rock Prairie, Shopiere, Stebbinsville, Tiffany, Union, West Magnolia, Wirt. ELECTIONS AT VARIOUS TIMES IN ROCK COUNTY. Vote for Presidential Elections. — 1848 — Whig (Taylor), 1,300 ; Democrat (Cass), 1,338 ; Free Soil, 491. 1852— Whig (Scott), 1,509; Democrat (Pierce), 1,690; Free Soil, 916. 1856 — Republican (Fremont), 4,707 ; Democrat (Buchanan), 1,965. 1860 — Republican (Lin coln) 5,198 ; Democrat (Douglas), 1,916 ; scattering, 72. 1864 — Republican (Lincoln), 4,367 ; Democrat (McClellan), 1,532 ; excluding military vote. 1868 — Republican (Grant), 5,582 ; Democrat (Seymour), 2,135. 1872— Republican (Grant), 5,138 ; Democrat (Greeley), 1,740. 1876— Republican (Hayes), 5,707 ; Democrat (Tilden), 2,814. Vote on State Constitutions. — At the election held in Rock County, on the 6th of April, 1847, to vote on the adoption of the Constitution of the State, formed by the Convention that met October 5, 1846, the vote was — for the Constitution, 987 votes, and against the Constitu tion, 1,977. The vote on the Constitution, formed by the Convention that met December 15, 1847, was as follows : For the Constitution, 1,213 votes ; against the Constitution, 512 votes. At this election a vote was taken on " equal suffrage to colored persons." On this question the vote stood, in favor of suffrage, 858 votes ; and against it, 994 votes. Vote for Circuit Judges. — At an election held August 7, 1848, Edward V. Whiton was chosen Judge of the First Judicial Circuit by a vote of 2,304, against 2,001 for David Noggle. June 1, 1853, Judge Whiton became Chief Justice, and Wyman Spooner was appointed June 14, to fill the unexpired term. At the ensuing election, held September 26, 1853, James R. HISTORY OF ROCK^COUNTY. 423 Doolittle received 2,883 votes, and Wyman Spooner 2,460. Judge Doolittle resigned, and Charles M. Baker was appointed, March 7, 1856, to fill the unexpired term. At the next election, held April 7, 1856, John M. Keep was chosen, by the overwhelming majority of 6,483 votes. On the 5 4th of July, 1858, Judge Keep tendered his resignation, to take effect on the 17th of August ; and, on the 27th of July, David Noggle was appointed to fill the vacancy. Judge Keep was, however, a candidate at the ensuing election, held April 5, 1859, and was defeated by Judge David Noggle, who received a majority of 3,693 votes. The next election occurred April 4, 1865, when Judge Noggle was in turn defeated by William P. Lyon, who received a majority of 744 votes, holding the judgeship until the formation of a new Judicial Circuit. The first election for Judge of the then newly created Twelfth Judicial Circuit, was held April 5, 1870, when Harmon S. Conger received 7,634 votes, against 138 scattering. The last election took place April 4, 1876, when Judge Conger was re-elected by a vote of 10,454, to 77 scattering. some of rock county's illustrious dead. Jackson Jones Bushnell, was born in Old Saybrook, Conn., February 19, 1815. His name (Jackson) records the thrill that passed through the country as the slow communications of those days carried the news of the victory of New Orleans in the preceding month — a victory which secured to the country the great valley to which the manhood of the man was devoted. In childhood, he received the Christian consecration which, in his case, pervaded all the life, so that it was a rare example of a life full of practical business energy, but directed by simple love to God and man. Dependent upon his own resources, he was minded to work out the best life in his power. He would have a liberal education, and be a minister of the Gospel. Service in youth as clerk in a Connecticut country store was for him, as for so many others, an education in business activity, energy, tact and truth, which were of no less value as a preparation for his life than the liberal culture which he added to it. Securing such preparation as he was able, he entered Yale College in 1837, and though he had the advantage of but a single year of preparation, he maintained throughout his course a place in the front rank of his class. At the same time, he supported himself by his own exertions. Such an education laid the foundation for the peculiar efficiency of his life. Then, as in all after life, all work and all study were earnestly and hon estly done. Economical but never close, self-reliant but always helpful, if business occupied both his hands and half his mind, it never got possession of a corner of his soul. In his last sickness, when worn out by the manifold cares of his later life, when his mind wandered, it wandered on science, and when it rested, it rested in Christ. After leaving college, in 1841, Mr. Bushnell spent a few months in the Theological Semi nary at Andover, Mass., and several years in connection with the Western Reserve College as instructor, or as financial agent. On the 27th of April, 1848, he first came to Beloit, and entered upon the work of his life. That work was to enter into the plans and aspirations of such men as Stephen Peet and Aratus Kent for a Christian college, as a center of good for this region and for all men and all time. He said, " We can have a college here if we will make one," and so he set himself to the work of making a college, devoting to it not only his scholastic but his practical abilities. He applied himself not only to instruction but to agency for the college. He loved to suggest liberal things to a liberal man. but it chilled his soul to meet a selfish man. He loved to give better than to beg, and would rather earn an endowment for the college than to ask it. As other men apply themselves to get private fortunes, so he had an ambition to acquire resources to use for the public good. Thus, in his life, as in his education, his fer vent spirit was always diligent in business. But all his business plans were full of his public spirit. As he identified himself with the college, so he identified the college with the commu nity. Whatever would build up Beloit as a thriving and Christian place, concerned the college 424 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. and concerned him, whether it were a Sabbath school or a church or a bank, a railroad or hotel; and so the city is full of the monuments of his energy and self-sacrificing public spirit. It sliould be added that it is no less full ofthe memories of that helpfulness in which his kindness was continually doing for all that had need. His public enthusiasm repeatedly led him into enterprises commended rather' as needed for the public good than as promising individual gain, and the crises which swept over the business of the country fell upon him as upon others, and his sense of justice and duty sometimes com pelled him to put himself in controversy with many men; but it is rare to find in such a life a man of such transparent truth that no man ever impeached his motives. He was elected to the chair of mathematics in the college, May 23, 1848. His business affairs compelled his resignation in 1858. He was re-elected in 1864, and continued in the discharge of his duties until March 8, 1873, when an attack of pneumonia removed him to a higher sphere of light and life. The city, as well as the college in which he spent the last twenty-five years of his life, and indeed all places that had known him, are' the monument of an earnest, a vigorous, a true and a faithful life. William Goodell, one of the pioneers of the anti-slavery, temperance and kindred reforms, and, for half a century, a zealous and laborious promoter of them as a public speaker, writer and executive office-bearer of voluntary associations, was a son of Frederick and Rhoda Goodell, and was born in Coventry, Chenango Co., N. Y., October 25, 1792 — probably the first white child born in that vicinity. He was descended on his father's side from Robert Goodell, who came from England in 1634, and settled in Salem, Mass. Of the same ancestry are A. C. Goodell, Clerk of the Court of Salem, Mass., a man of rare antiquarian learning ; the late William Goodell, D. D., missionary of the American Board, and one of the translators of the Scriptures at Constantinople; and Capt. Silas Goodell, of the Revolutionary war. His mother was Rhoda Guernsey, a daughter of John Guernsey, of Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y. She was one of fifteen children, who all lived to have families, so that the grandchildren of John and Azubah Guernsey numbered ninety-one. Of the brothers of Rhoda, was Peter B. Guernsey, one of the pioneer settlers of Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y. When the subject of this sketch was five years old, his parents removed to Windsor, Broome Co. (then Chenango, Tioga Co.), N. Y. In his early childhood, William suffered a severe sickness, which left him for some time lame, so that he was confined first to his bed, and afterward to his chair, and it was some years before he recovered the use of his limbs. This long confinement fostered habits of thought and study which doubtless contributed largely to mould his character and shape his future. Debarred from childish sports, his mind was occupied with the study of such themes as the limited library to which he had access suggested to him. His mother, a woman of rare qualities of mind and heart, was his almost constant companion, and made an impress on his character that future years could not efface. Religious thought and feel ing were stimulated, and aspirations and hopes inspired, which found expression only in the life of earnest activity which followed. His principal reading at this time consisted of the Bible, "Watts' Psalms and Hymns," "Hart's Hymns," "Methodist Pocket Hyinn-book," "Pilgrim's Progress," " Writings of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe," "Wesley's Sermons," " Fletcher's Appeal," and some odd volumes of the Spectator and Guardian. Religious services in those primitive days were a rare luxury, and families frequently trudged through the woods on foot, or rode with ox teams for miles to hear a Methodist circuit preacher in a log schoolhouse. Rhoda Goodell died in 1803, at the early age of thirty-seven, leaving five sons, of whom William was the second. With the breaking-up of the little family of motherless boys, William was transferred to the old Guernsey homestead in Amenia, where he attended the common school, and assisted in light labor on the farm. A year later, he was sent to the Goodell home stead in Pomfret, Conn., where his widowed grandmother and her sons and daughters were living. His father died in 1806. At Pomfret he remained five years, attending the common schools, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 425 and working on the farm in vacation. Two good public libraries afforded him reading during the long winter evenings, but perhaps his highest educational advantage was the society of his grandmother, Hannah Goodell, a woman of unusual mental ability and rare culture. She had been educated at Boston, was a convert of Whitefield, and a hearer of Revs. Nehemiah Walter, of Roxbury, and Thomas Prince, of the "old South;" of Byles, Davenport and Edwards. In matters of history and general literature, she was a living and speaking library, with an exhaust- less fund of original anecdotes, particularly of the Revolutionary times in which she lived, and with some of the prominent actors of which she had been personally acquainted. She had decided opinions on all theological, ethical and political topics, and, indeed, was one of the strong-minded women of her times. Being unable to obtain a collegiate education, William, in 1812, went to Providence, R. I., where he entered mercantile life as a clerk, and, rising rapidly in his new employment, he received and accepted, a few years later, an offer from a prominent firm to sail as assistant super cargo in one of their ships bound for India, China and European markets. He set sail January 1, 1817, and in the two years and a half of voyages and of business transactions in foreign countries, learned much of mercantile life in foreign lands. On returning, in 1819, he engaged in mercantile enterprises at Wilmington, N. C, at Providence, R. I., and at Alexandria, Va. ; sometimes by himself, and sometimes on a larger scale in partnership with a capitalist of abun dant means. At the South, he had ample opportunity to study the workings of the slavery system. He was married, in 1823, to Clarissa C. Cady, daughter of Deacon Josiah Cady, of Provi dence, R. I. He first commenced writing for the press in 1820, in the Providence Gazette, in a series of articles against the then pending Missouri Compromise, which attracted general attention. From that time onward, he wrote for various periodicals, as he felt constrained to do. on the living issues of the day— religious, moral and political. A residence in New York City two years, from 1825 to 1827, compelled him to witness the controlling prevalence of vice, lawless ness, crime, and commercial and banking frauds, sustained by bribery and corrupt political " rings," as in latter times, until, under judicial authority, it was decided that "a conspiracy to defraud is no indictable offense." Lottery gambling (under legislative charters, to build bridges, erect meeting-houses, endow colleges, establish schools, etc.) was everywhere popular and unquestioned. Then it was that he discovered his heaven-appointed life-work to be an uncompromising warfare with such gigantic public evils. He commenced to edit the weekly Investigator, at Providence, in 1827. Two years later, he removed to Boston, connecting his Investigator with the National Philanthropist. In June, 1830, he removed to NewYork, where he continued his paper under the name ofthe Genius of Temperance. Here, also, he afterward edited the Emancipator. At Utica and Whitesboro', N. Y., he edited the Friend of Man, from 1836 to 1842. Here, also, he issued his monthly, Antislavery Lectures, for one year, and commenced his Christian. Investigator. Continuing the latter publication, he removed, in 1843, to Honeoye, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he acted as Pastor of an Independent Reform Church for several years. In connection with these different periodicals, he spent much of his time traveling, lecturing and holding conventions — sometimes on his own responsibility, at other times in the employ of some organization. Returning to NewYork in 1853, he successively edited the American Jubilee, Radical Abolitionist and the Principia, the latter of which was continued, in connection with Rev. George B. Cheever, D. D., during the war of the rebellion and until after the death of Lincoln. After the abolition of slavery, he resumed his temperance labors, writing for different journals, to the time of his death. After residing in Lebanon, Conn., five years, he removed to Janesville, "Wis., in June, 1870. Besides writing pamphlets, essays and tracts, in large numbers, he wrote several vol umes, as the "Democracy of Christianity," in two volumes; "Slavery and Anti-Slavery," a history of the struggle ; " American Slave Code " and " Our National Charters," showing the illegality and unconstitutionality of slavery, and the power of the National Government over 426 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. it; besides several volumes on religious and ethical subjects, still in manuscript, lie assisted in organizing the American Antislavery Society, at Philadelphia, in December, 1833 ; the Liberty Party, at Albany, N. Y., in 1840; the American Missionary Association, at Albany, in 1846; the National Prohibition Party, in Chicago, in 1869 ; and participated in the re-union of Abo litionists at Chicago, in June, 1874 ; also, assisted in preparations for organizing a Wisconsin State Prohibition Party, at Ripon, in October, 1874. His mental faculties remained unimpaired until his death, which occurred February 15. 1878. His wife died in the following April. Their children are Maria G., wife of Rev. L. P. Frost, and Lavinia Goodell, attorney at law, of Janesville. One daughter died in infancy. They have four grandsons, of whom the eldest is Professor of Greek in Oberlin College, Ohio. What Mr. Goodell's views were on reformatory subjects are, perhaps, sufficiently indicated in this sketch. It may be well, however, to add that he was, like most of the surviving Aboli tionists, in hearty sympathy with the " Woman Suffrage" movement. His religious views were those commonly known as Evangelical, and he was a member of the Congregational Church in Janesville. Louis Powell Habvey was born at East Haddam, Conn., July 22, 1820, and removed with his parents, in 1828, to Strongsville, Cuyahoga Co, Ohio. fie entered Western Reserve College at Hudson, in 1837, and pursued his studies two years, when he left on account of ill-health. He then engaged at teaching, which he followed at Nicholsonville, Ky., and subsequently was a tutor it Woodward College, Cincinnati. After two years spent in the latter position, he came on Kenosha (then Southport), in this State, and there opened an academy in December, 1841. Two years after, he added to the calling of ,a teacher that of editor of the Southport American. During the administration of President Tyler, he held the office of Postmaster at that place. In ' 1847, he married Miss Cordelia Perrine, and removed to Clinton, Rock County, where he pur chased the water-power, built a flouring-mill, and engaged in merchandise, continuing there four years. He then removed to Shopiere, where he made his residence during the remainder of his life, engaging actively in mercantile and other pursuits. His first advent into public life was as a member of the Constitutional Convention, which framed the State Constitution in 1847, and," although one of the younger members, he took an active part in its deliberations, and assumed a leading position. In the fall of 1853, he was elected a State Senator of the Southern District of Rock County, the Eighteenth District of the State at that date, and continued in that position four years, having been re-elected in 1855, and the last term of which he was President pro tern. In 1859, he was elected Secretary of State, which office he held two years, and was a member of the Board of Regents of the State University, from 1860 to 1862, and was ever found a true friend to the cause of popular education. In 1861, he was elected Governor ofthe State by a large majority, entering on the duties of his position on the 6th day of January, 1862. On the receipt of the news of the battle of Shiloh, Gov. Harvey felt it to be his duty to repair at once to the scene of action, and to do what was in his power to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded Wisconsin soldiers. His mission was eminently successful, and, after having faithfully performed this duty, he repaired to a steamer in the harbor of Savannah, April 19, 1862, to await the arrival of another that was soon expected, and which was to convey him and his friends to Cairo on their homeward trip. It was late in the evening, and the night was dark and rainy. The boat soon arrived, and, as she rounded to, the bow touching the one on which he stood, he took a step, as |it would seem to move out of danger, but, by a misstep, or, perhaps, a stumble, he fell overboard between the two boats into the Tennessee River, where the current was strong and the water over thirty feet deep. Everything was done to save his life, but to no purpose. His body was subsequently found and brought to Madison for interment. His remains are deposited in the Forest Hill Cemetery. Gov. Harvey was in the forty-third year of his age. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 427 John M. Keep. The subject of this sketch, who was the second son of Gen. Martin Keep, was born at Homer, Cortland County, in the State of New York, on the 26th of January, 1813. His parents were both from New England, and among the first settlers of Cortland County. After obtaining the rudiments. of education at the district school, he at an early age entered the Cort land Academy at Homer, where he pursued the usual routine of academic studies, and prepared himself for college. He entered Hamilton College in 1832 and graduated in 1836, and was one of the first members of the Alpha Delta Phi Society in that institution. The same year, he commenced his legal studies with Augustus Donnelly, a distinguished counselor at law at Homer, N. Y., and completed them with Horatio Seymour, Esq., at Buffalo. He was duly admitted to the bar, and commenced practice at Westfield, N. Y., and, in the year 1845, he removed to Beloit, in the State of Wisconsin, then a mere settlement, where he continued to reside until his death. Here he engaged, not only in a large law practice, but also took a very active part in all the enterprises that promised to promote the growth of the place and enhance the welfare of society. In the purchase and sale of lands, in the erection of buildings, in the promotion of institutions of learning and the construction of railroads, he took an important part, and in many of these enterprises was-the animating spirit. His mind seemed to grasp every subject, and his enterprise embraced every occupation. . Though a lawyer by profession, and otherwise engaged in a variety of pursuits, agriculture did not escape his attention, or want his fostering care, for he knew that upon it depended the wealth, independence and morality of his adopted State. Whatever was good or useful, what ever tended to elevate human nature or ameliorate the condition of mankind, was sure to find in him cordial support and efficient aid. The value of his labors is to be estimated chiefly by the results flowing from his great and active mind — a mind jrich in the possession of every moral and intellectual quality. In the young and growing State and city of which he was a resident, no man impressed his name on more enterprises of private munificence or public utility. In the spring of 1856, he was elected without opposition Judge of the First Judicial Cir cuit of the State of Wisconsin, but, at the end of two and a half years, he was compelled to resign this laborious office on account of the loss of health, and the pressure of his private bus iness. It soon became evident that consumption had fastened itself upon him, and from this time, the wasting of his bodily powers went on gradually, although he retained to the last moment of his life the full vigor of his mind. Upon the death of Judge Keep, meetings of the bar were held at Beloit, Janesville and also of the First Judicial Circuit, and appropriate resolutions passed and eulogies pronounced upon the life and services of the deceased. At the meeting of the bar of the Circuit, the Hon. H. S. Conger, the present Presiding Judge, on taking the chair, said: "Judge Keep, however regarded, was no ordinary man. As a citizen, he was generous, benevolent and public- spirited ; of great firmness of character, untiring resolution and indomitable energy. He was bold, fearless and independent in thought and action; more resolute in the accomplishment of whatever he regarded his duty than solicitous to win praise or favor at any sacrifice of princi ple, however small." As a lawyer appreciating the responsibilities and duties of the profession, no man had a higher regard for its honor or reprobated more earnestly its prostitution to base purposes. Elected Circuit Judge in 1856, and holding the office for two years, until impelled to resign on account of the pressure of his own private business, he carried to the discharge of the impor tant duties of that office great ability, unwearied industry, and honesty and integrity never assailed. In the language of another who knew him well, " he dignified the bench, rather than received dignity from it." The death of Judge Keep was a great loss, not only to the profession, but to the com munity at large. Calm, courageous, hopeful and trustful, he died as he lived, confiding in a faith that had never forsaken him, resigned to that Providence in whom was his trust, in the 428 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. full possession of all his mental faculties, vigorous even in death, and meeting the great change with the courage of a philosopher and the hope of the Christian. As much as there was in his life to emulate, there is in his death found instruction equally valuable. In religion, Mr. Keep was a Congregationalist, having united with that denomination at the age of sixteen years, and, like it, he was liberal and tolerant respecting the tenets of other denominations. He would tolerate every class of sincere professors, and protect them in their ideas of divine worship. In all the relations of life and the connections which he formed with various classes of people, he preserved unblemished his Christian character. His charities more than kept pace with his ability, and his pecuniary aid and legal advice were ever at the service of the poor and unfortunate. Perhaps no better perspective of his life and character can be given than is contained in the following extract from a letter of recent date, from the pen of Hon. S. J. Todd, of Beloit, a long and intimate friend of Judge Keep : " As long as his health would permit, his life was a very busy one, and unlike most men of active habits and whose mental processes are rapid, he had the faculty of steady, untiring perseverance. When he began to do anything, he never relinquished it until he had completed it, or until it became impossible. This faculty I have usually found to exist only in slow men, which John M. Keep was not. When I first knew him, he had been a resident of Beloit for six years. During this time, he was engaged in the practice of the law, and in the purchase and sale of real estate ; consequently a very large number of men in Rock County and the adjoining counties of Boone and Winnebago, 111., were living upon lands which they held under contract of purchase from him, and very many of these men — I think a majority of them — were always in arrears in the payment of principal and interest. He never declared a. contract forfeited, and never brought suit against one of these purchasers so long as they stayed upon the land and exhibited a willingness to pay ; but, on the other hand, whenever they had been unfortunate from the loss of crops, or sickness, they were sure of substantial sympathy, which did not consist wholly of kind words, and he had the rare faculty of being charitable without assuming the air of patronage These charities were large and manifold, yet they were given with so little ostentation that no one, however proud or sensitive he might be, was ever embarrassed or humiliated by receiving aid at his hands ; and. more than this, he never spoke of these things. " And this reminds me of another peculiarity in his character. He was the most reticent, self-reliant, self-controlled and the bravest man I ever met, without a single element of fear or diffidence, and, at the same time, he was the most truly modest man I have ever known, never exhibiting vanity or egotism, and consequently no man ever heard him exalt or speak boastingly of himself, or what he had clone or intended to do. In this regard, he came fully up to Cur- ran's description of Grattan, in his reply to Lord Erskine's question : ' What does Henry Grat tan say of himself?' 'My Lord,' says Curran, 'Henry Grattan never speaks of himself. You could not draw an opinion out of him on that subject with a six-horse- team.' Further, as a rule, he never spoke of his enemies nor of his controversies with them. No matter what the gravity or magnitude of their charges or accusations might be, he was too indifferent to them, or too proud, to condescend to make any reply or explanation. The consequence was that he sometimes suffered in the public estimation, and his best friends were often embarrassed by the contemptuous silence with which he treated the ground of these accusations. It is hardly nec essary to speak of him as a Judge, a position he filled with such eminent ability. As I remem ber him, he nearly realized my ideal of a Circuit Judge. There, as elsewhere, he was composed, patient and impartial, always easy of approach by every one, quick in his perception of every case presented for his decision, and never too proud to reconsider his own decisions when he found that he was in the wrong." He died with the same steady composure that characterized him through life, thoughtful and considerate of those about him, until his last moment of life, when he closed his eyes in ' " Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 429 That Mr. Keep had enemies, no one is asked to doubt. All public men must have them, and the greater the man the more bitter and powerful his enemies, as a rule. The collision of claims and the collision of interests, an ardent zeal on one side or the other of a question, polit ical antagonisms — all conspire to create opposition, denunciation and ill-will. He was not one_ of those who feared to do anything, lest he might do something wrong. He acted from principle, and when fully persuaded of the correctness of his position, never wavered or faltered in his course. If difficulties increased, his energy and resolution increased with them. If the circle of his confidential friends was contracted, it was not because he discarded friendships when they ceased to be profitable, but because he was reticent and self-engaged. Be was never very com promising or conciliatory in his deportment. There was austerity as well as frankness in his manner, that sometimes made him bitter opponents, but he had the happy faculty of retaining through life a host of warm friends, whose ardent love was proof of his private worth — more honorable to his character than even the prominence of his great abilities As a writer, he was clear, terse and didactic. His great endowments of disciplined thought imparted to his hastiest compositions elaborate force and the grace of perfection. Bold in his propositions, clear in his statements, rapid in execution, complete in demonstration, he was inex orable in his conclusions. Grant him his premises, and the result was as inevitable as fate. He did not fatigue himself with delicate metaphysical abstractions, nor bewilder his mind with speculative theories, but like an arrow impelled by a vigorous power, he shot directly to the mark. In all his qualifications as a Judge, it may be said without questioning, that he had few equals, and no superior in the State. The dignity of the Circuit Court, while he presided over it, is still spoken of as a model of excellence, and his judicial opinions have established for him the reputation of an able lawyer. As a public speaker, he was direct and logical, addressing himself to the reason and under standing, rather than to the passions and prejudices of men, and his conversational powers when interested were of the highest order. Before a deliberative body, he was a man of great influ ence, but he was too much of a matter-of-fact man to indulge in popular harangues. His early political preference and party association were with the Whigs, and later, with the Republican party ; but he displayed at all times great independence and high-mindedness, never yielding his own deliberate judgment to popular applause, or sacrificing his own convictions to the prevail ing sentiments of the day, nor was he ever a candidate for any political office. During his last days, the excitement growing out of the disloyal and belligerent position of the Southern States became more and more intense, yet, notwithstanding his enfeebled con dition, he watched with unusual interest all the proceedings in Congress until his feelings were roused with all the ardor of intense patriotism, and he frequently expressed a great desire to be restored to health that he might participate in the impending struggle on the part of the Union . In person, Mr. Keep was tall, erect and rather slender; his manner dignified and graceful; his eye large, black and penetrating, and his whole countenance expressive of great energy and determination. His speech was pleasant, and all his motions seemed to partake of the unceas ing activity of his mind, and the most casual glance upon him in action or repose never failed to impress the beholder with an instinctive sense of his superiority. He was married, in 1839, to Cornelia A. Reynolds, daughter of John A. Reynolds, of West- field, N. Y., a lady of rare culture and Christian virtues, who still survives him. . In the family circle, the place of all others to test genuine worth, Mr. Keep was tender and affectionate, very anxious for the welfare of his children, and particularly solicitous about their education. He left four children, two sons and two daughters. He died on the 2d of March, 1861, aged forty-eight years, and, although but in middle life, few men have left such a record of private worth and public usefulness. His death was a very remarkable one. In fact, death in its usual form never came near him. As said by Judge Conger, his end was indeed that of a philosopher, and his death the death of the Christian. 430 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. For two years, his strength wasted gradually until he had not sufficient left to draw a breath, and so he ceased to breathe. The morning on which he died, he was dressed and occupied his easy chair, on which he had reposed during his sickness, looked over some papers from his safe gave directions in regard to their disposition, conversed with his friends and neighbors, and the sev eral members of his family separately, taking affectionate leave of each, but still, though his pulse had long ceased to beat, he was not ready to go, for he was waiting the expected arrival of his sister from Janesville, Mrs. Graham, who had been summoned to his side, and looking at his watch and noting the time of the arriving of the cars, he remarked, " I fear she has not come;" but watching the window, in a moment he said, " Indeed, she has come." After a few minutes' conversation with his sister, he said, " I am now ready to depart," and " Death broke at once the vital chain And freed his soul the nearest way." This brief sketch of John M. Keep will be barely sufficient to give the reader a bird's-eye view of the excellency of his life, but the more secret and minute peculiarities which most endear him to his friends, can never be known, save to those whose personal relations to him were such as to enable them to form adequate estimates of his private virtues. His chief qualities of natural greatness were moral courage, great energy, ready decision, and an indomitable will. Few men possess these qualities in so remarkable a degree as John M. Keep, because few men are so profusely endowed with the omnipotence of genius. System atic in the employment of his time, he was capable of doing rapidly and well what most persons could not perform without much time and great labor. Bred to the bar, his mind was too origi nal and of too broad a cast to be bound by those narrow and confined views which bind the mere lawyer to former precedents and adjudged cases; he combined the more noble properties of justice with legal adjudications, commingling the principles of equity with. legal rule, thus miti gating the too oft severity of legal despotism. Thomas Henry Little, a native of Augusta, Me., was born on the 15th of December, 1832, and was the son of Thomas Little and Elizabeth P. Howard. He traced his ancestry back to the Plymouth Colony, when one Thomas Little married the daughter of Richard Warren, who came over in the May flower. Always of a quiet, studious disposition, he graduated from Bowdoin College in 1855 with honors, and, soon after, accepted a position as teacher in the high school at Gardiner, Me. One year later, turning his steps westward, he was providentially drawn into a work which, though he then regarded it as only temporary, so engaged him that he afterward resolved to devote his life to it. Arriving at Columbus, Ohio, he engaged to teach in the Institution for the Blind. Remaining till 1859, he accepted a similar position in Baton Rouge, La., but, owing to the troubles in the South, he remained but one year, and returned to Columbus, where he taught until August, 1861, at which time he received a call to the superintendency of the Institution for the Education of the- Blind at Janesville, Wis., a position which he accepted and filled till his death, which occurred on the 4th of February, 1875. He was married, in 1862, to Miss Sarah F. Cowles, daughter of Rev. Henry Cowles, D. D., of Oberlin, Ohio, and became the father of four daughters. Mr. Little was thoroughly and conscientiously devoted to his work. By close study and careful observation of institutions for the education of the blind in our own and other countries, he became master of the most advanced theories of his profession, and gained such a reputation that when the Institution for the Blind in Batavia, N. Y., was opened in 1868, he was invited to its superintendency. He declined the offer, however, feeling that he could accomplish more where he was. By constant work and close application to study, he so overtasked himself, that, in 1873, by the advice of his physician, he took a sea voyage and spent several months in Europe, visiting different institutions and conferring with the most experienced educators of the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 431 age. The relief from care and labor so improved his health, that he returned with renewed vigor and enthusiasm and an added experience of great value to his work. Upon the destruction of the main building of the institution by fire, in April, 1874, in his forgetfulness of self and devotion to his pupils and the interests of the State, he periled his own life, receiving injuries from which he never recovered, and which probably hastened the termina tion of his life. An intimate friend has written of him as follows: "As a private citizen, he was quiet, unassuming and upright ; as a public officer, he was thorough, untiring, efficient and jealously watchful of the interests committed to his care ; as an instructor, he was a recognized leader in his profession, a disciplinarian who knew how to govern without seeming to govern at all, and who wa? to his pupils far more like a kind and wise father than like a superintendent, and, as a Christian, he was manly, generous, humble, full of faith, given alike to prayer and good works, seeking to know and do his Master's will, and trusting for salvation only in the merits of a crucified and personal Savior. In his death, the community has lost an upright and useful citizen, the State has lost a faithful, honest and valued servant, the Church has lost an exemplary, prayerful member and efficient officer." The following tribute was paid to his memory by the Trustees of the institution : " The Board of Trustees desiring to place upon the record a simple and affectionate testi monial of their appreciation of Thomas H. Little, M. A., do unanimously adopt the following resolution : ' Resolved. That in the death of Superintendent Little, our institution has lost its best friend, the State an eminent Christian citizen, and the cause to which his life was dedicated one of its foremost men. He was a man of varied and extensive learning, of great executive ability, of indefatigable industry, and his daily life was a continued testi monial ofthe faith that was in him and the motives that governed him '" David Noggle. was born in Franklin, Franklin Co., Penn., October 9, 1809, and was the son of Joseph and Mary (Duncan) Noggle, natives of the same place. His father belonged to that class known as Pennsylvania Dutch, while his mother was of Scotch-Irish descent. When he was sixteen years old, with his father's family he moved to Greenfield, Ohio. Here he experienced, as a farmer, the hardships and privations of frontier life. His educational advantages had been limited to a few weeks of each winter spent at the district schools of his native State, before the age of six teen, where, however, he developed a taste for literary pursuits and a controlling desire to become a lawyer ; but, owing to the limited means of his parents, he was somewhat discouraged in his ambitious desires. At the age of nineteen, he left home in quest of more remunerative employ ment, and was for four years employed in a manufacturing establishment at Madison, N. Y. In 1834, he returned to Ohio. With a younger brother, he assumed the liabilities of his father, who had become embarrassed in his financial matters, and the brothers improved a water-power by the building of a saw-mill that proved a success, furnishing the means for more extended operations. On the 15th of October, 1834, he married Miss Anna M. Lewis, of Milan, Ohio, and, two years later, he moved with his wife to Winnebago County, 111., making the long journey with an ox team. Here they made a home in the wilderness, and made the preparation for the profession he so ardently desired to pursue as a life's calling. In 1838, after a rigid examination by the Supreme Court of Illinois, he was admitted to the bar of that State, without having spent an hour in a law office or having received direction in his studies from any member of the pro fession. In 1839, he sold his farm in Illinois and removed to Beloit, Wis., where he opened a law office, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession, and enjoyed from the outset the patronage of a large clientage in the counties of Winnebago and Boone, in Illinois, and in Rock, Walworth, Green and Iowa Counties, in the then Territory of Wisconsin. In 1840, he was appointed Postmaster at Beloit, a position he retained some five years. In 1845, he removed to Janesville, and, in 1846, he was elected a member of the first Constitutional Convention, and was recognized as among the leaders of that body. He stood with the progressive elements of 432 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the Convention in favor of homestead exemption, an elective judiciary, and the rights of married women. In 1854, he was elected to the State Legislature from the Janesville district, and at once took a leading position in that body. He was again elected in 1856, and was emphatically the leader ofthe House during the session of 1857. In 1858, he was elected Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of Wisconsin, composed of the counties of Kenosha, Racine, Walworth, Rock and Green, and held the office for eight years, discharging its duties with acceptability ;;nd establishing for himself an enviable reputation as a sound jurist and an impartial administrator of the law, He retired from the bench in 1866, and, for a short time, resided in Iowa, where he was engaged as attorney for the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company. He afterward returned to Beloit, where he purchased an elegant home and built up a lucrative practice. In 1869, he was appointed by President Grant to the • office of Chief Justice of the Territory of Idaho, a position he retained until 1874, when failing health obliged him to resign. For a time, in search for health, he resided in SanvFrancisco. Cal., and returned to Wisconsin in the autumn of 1875, to his old home in Janesville, where he resided until his death, which took place on the 18th of July, 1878. He was in the sixty-ninth year of his age. In politics, Judge Noggle was identified with the Democratic party, until the organization of the Republican party. In 1844. he was a delegate to the National Convention which nom inated President Polk, and, in 1852, to the Convention which nominated President Pierce. He was likewise a delegate to the Convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln, in 1860, and was ever after an uncompromising Republican. The name of Judge Noggle is indissolubly connected with the history and progress of Wis consin. He was a gentleman of fine presence and commanding appearance, earnest and impressive as a public speaker, possessing great natural force and mental power. His life illustrates what can be done by a well-directed purpose, by a determined will, even though one be thrown upon the world in early manhood without influence, friends or pecuniary resources. Rey. Stephen Peet, a native of Sandgate, Vermont, was born on the 20th of February, 1797. During the follow-- ing year, his parents removed to Lee, Mass., where he passed his boyhood, and at the age of sixteen united with the Church. Soon after, he went with his family to Ohio, and there, by the death of his father, was, at the age of seventeen, thrown upon his own resources, and thus early in life he developed that independence of character which so signally marked his subse quent career. Although dependent upon his own exertions for means, he resolved to enter the ministry, and, after his primary education, completed his preparatory course of study at Nor folk, Conn., under the tuition of Rev.-Ralph Emerson. He entered Yale College in 1819 and graduated with honor in 1823. His theological studies were pursued partly under the direction of Rev. Mr. Emerson, and partly at Princeton, New Haven and Auburn Theological Semin aries, and on the 22d of February, 1826, he was ordained Pastor at Euclid, Ohio. During the seven years of ministry in this place, his work was greatly blessed, and one sermon especially is said to have been the means of numerous conversions, including five prominent lawyers. While here he became deeply interested in the sailors on the Western waters, and the work so grew upon him that he resigned his pastorate and devoted himself exclusively to it. While engaged in the Bethel cause, between 1835 and 1837, he resided at Buffalo, N. Y., and, in addition to his other duties, edited the Bethel Magazine and Buffalo Spectator, a religious paper, after ward merged in the New York Evangelist. In October, 1837, he removed to Green Bay, Wis., and became Pastor of the only Presby terian Church then existing within the present limits of the Sate. Two years later, he secured the erection of a house of worship at a cost of $3,000, and heard the tones of the first church bell in the State, it being the gift of John Jacob Astor, and valued at f 500. In 1839, he made a tour through the Territory in the interests of the American Home Mission Society, seeking out its moral destitutions and wants, preparatory to establishing churches. In this tour he HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 435 traveled five hundred and seventy-five miles ; visited sixty-four families and thirty-one different places; preached fourteen sermons ; delivered one temperance address ; attended one funeral ; organized one church ; administered the communion three times and baptism twice ; attended the meeting of the Presbytery, and distributed many Testaments, tracts and children's books. In 1839, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of Milwaukee, and there labored faithfully till 1841, when he was appointed general agent of the American Home Mission Society for Wisconsin. The good resulting from his work in this capacity can never be estimated. Possessed of energy and decision, connected with business tact, zeal, indomitable perseverance and devoted piety, he was pre-eminently suited to the work, prosecuted it with an ardor most creditable to himself, and with a success which entitled him to be regarded as one of the greatest benefactors of the State. He aided in organizing a large proportion of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches, and was influential in forming the Convention in which the Churches of these two denominations were harmoniously united. In his repeated journeys across the prairies and through the forests, he was often subjected to perils and self- denials, yet he was cheerful and happy in the work of preaching the Gospel to the scattered sheep of Christ's flock, of comforting the lonely, rejoicing with the strong and helping the weak. Though the full results of his work can never be known here, enough have appeared to attest his eminent usefulness as a faithful servant of God, destined to be crowned with honor in the great day of the Lord's appearing. Not only was his heart engaged in the work of spreading the Gospel and establishing churches, but he was also deeply interested in institutions for Christian education. He was an early supporter of the Western Reserve College, and furnished from his church one of the three members of the first graduating class, who is now a minister of the Gospel. More fitly than any one else, he may be called the father of Beloit College. Resigning his agency for the American Home Mission Society, after some eight years' service, he labored nearly three years as financial agent for the College, and was successful in securing a large portion of its early endowments. The first subscription of $1,000, from Rev. Henry Barber, came through his agency, and was followed by $7,000 from the citizens of Beloit, $10,- 000 from Hon. T. W. Williams, a relative of his family, and $10,000 from the self-denying missionaries of the Northwest. On the foundation, thus laid in faith and prayer and self-denial, the college has been built up and made a blessing to both Church and State. In 1850, from overwork he was prostrated by an illness that seemed his last. His physi cians despaired of his recovery, and he had even given directions for his funeral. At his request, he was left alone, and prayed till he became impressed with the conviction that he should recover. Calling his physicians, he said, " Gentlemen, I have all confidence in your judgment, but I am assured that the. Lord has yet four or five years' work for me to do," and, to the surprise of all, he at once began to mend. His next field of labor was at Batavia, 111., where he preached for nearly three years to the Congregational Church, and, during that time, initiated and carried to success, a plan for an academical institution as a tributary to Beloit College. The crowning effort of his his life was yet to be undertaken. He had long cherished a desire to establish a theological seminary, through whose graduates he should continue to preach the Gospel after his death. With his characteristic energy he entered upon the work. Within one year, the plan of the Chicago Theological Seminary had been matured, the Board of Trustees appointed, the charter secured and the subscription raised to the amount of $50,000. But he was not per mitted to see the accomplishment of his purpose. Returning March 14, 1855, from the East, where he had been laboring in the interests of the institution, he called a meeting of the, Directors for the 27th, to organize, elect professors and transact any necessary business. On the following day, he was attacked with chills and fever, which resulted in inflammation of the lungs, of which he died at 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning, the 21st. His work was done, and peacefully and gently he entered into his rest. His funeral, which occurred on Friday, the 23d, was conducted by Rev. J. C. Holbrook, who preached from John, xvii, 4 — " I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do." His body found its last resting-place in the cemetery at Beloit, within sight of the college he had loved and labored for. 436 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY- Thus ended the life of a true man. He is gone, but his work still lives. The train of those who perpetuate his work is still moving on ; the churches which he planted in the wilder ness, the sermons which he preached, the schools established, the acts of charity and deeds of love, all live to commemorate his name, and their influence will be ever expanding with the lapse of time. Thomas J. Rugeii died in Janesville April 21, 1878. He was born in Northumberland, Saratoga Co., N. Y., February 25, 1802. In early life, he worked on his father's farm, receiving the benefits of good public and private schools, and was, when quite a young man, a school teacher for a year or more. Entering Union College, Schnectady, N. Y., at the age of twenty-two he graduated, after pursuing its full course of study, with high honors, and taking therefrom the degree of Master of Arts. In 1830, he became the successor of Rev. Dr. Wilbur Fiske, as Principal of Wilbraham Academy, in' Massachusetts, and, two years afterward, was appointed President of the Wes leyan Seminary, at Lima, N. Y., which position he filled for a period of four years, when he resigned. In 1836, he was ordained a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and soon after became the Rector of Christ Church Parish, of Sherburne, N. Y. In 1839, he was called to the rectorship of St. John's Church, Marcellus, in the diocese of Western New York. In addition to his pastoral labors, he had charge of the academy there for a period of five years. In 1844, while in attendance at the General Council ofthe Protestant Episcopal Church, in the city of New York, he was introduced to Bishop Jackson Kemper, whose diocese then included the States of Indiana and Missouri, and the Territories (now States) of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. The Bishop urged Mr. Ruger to remove into his diocese and become a helper in the Master's work. Accepting this invitation, he removed in that year, with his family, to Janesville, which then was an humble place of only 200 population, and Rock County contained only 2,000. Trinity Church Parish, of Janesville, was organized in September, 1844, Mr. Ruger being its first Rector. He officiated, also, at Beloit and Milton, holding missionary services at those points for a year or more ; at the same time, the regular services at Trinity were not inter mitted. In this field he labored faithfully, and with a great degree of success, for more than ten years, and built up a large parish. Commencing with not to exceed ten members, the parish increased to the number of about two hundred communicants within a period of ten years. In 1855, he resigned the charge of Trinity Parish, and retired from the active ministry. He con tinued, however, to be a member of the diocese of this State, and officiated in Trinity and Christ Church Parishes, Janesville, occasionally, at the request of the Wardens and when either parish was without a Rector, until the last few years. Mr. Ruger organized a school, of a high grade, in this city, not long after he settled here, which was called the Janesville Academy. • It offered opportunities for acquiring a thorough education in English, the classics and mathematics, and did a great amount of good and was largely attended. After relinquishing the charge of Trinity Parish, he engaged actively in the work of cultivating and improving his farm, and continued in this occupation of his youth to the time of his death, with the exception of four years, during which he was Postmaster of Janesville. All his domestic relations were exceedingly and uninterruptedly happy. His social rela tions were also pleasant. His manners were without ostentation ; the " daily beauty of his life " was such as to draw around him, from the ranks of the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the simple and the wise, men, women and children who loved and reverenced him, and who will honor and cherish his memory. Mr. Ruger was endowed by nature with a mind of great vigor, and became proficient in the exact sciences and literature, and gave much study and reflection to the immediate subject HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 437 of his profession. As an orator, many of his clerical compeers were superior to him ; but as a writer and a reasoner, few, if any, of them surpassed him. His sermons were practical rather than doctrinal ; and while he believed in the creed of his church, and was ready to maintain it on every proper occasion, and to give a reason for his belief, yet he chose rather, as a means of greater good, to lay before his hearers those truths and principles which were delivered by the Master during the period of His ministry, and which, by the generations of men who have since lived, have been regarded as divine. Mr. Ruger spent little time in recreation, rarely wearied and never rested. During the active period of his clerical life, the " summer vacation " had not come to bo an incident of the clerical office, and he wrought on, through summer and winter, heat and cold, seeking to per form the trust of his high office acceptably to Him whom he served, and to the spiritual welfare and advancement of the people. The respect and affection cherished for him and his kindly ways have been most pleasantly and delicately shown by the frequent requests made to him by "contracting parties" to join them in marriage; by the desire of many parents that he should baptize their children; by the many requests of the sick and the afflicted that he should visit them, and by the many invita tions he has received to come to the house of mourning, and help to bury the dead. Father Ruger filled his place in the hearts of his children in the church so acceptably and fully that all regarded his ministrations with favor, and his benedictions as blessings. Thus, for many years, he lived and worked in Janesville, beloved and respected as a man among men and as a minister in the Church. The Ruger family in America, from wliich the deceased sprang, came, in the seventeenth century, from Holland to New York, then New Netherland. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Ruger, for three generations back, were born in Dutchess County, N. Y. His mother was Jane (Jewell) Ruger, of a Puritan family from Connecticut, of English ancestry. His grandmother, Katherine (LeRoy) Ruger, was of a French Huguenot family. Mr. Ruger was married soon after his graduation at college, to Miss Maria Hutchins, of Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y. She is still living. The issue of the marriage was four sons and three daughters, in all of whom Mr. and Mrs. Ruger have been greatly blessed. Thomas II., the eldest son, is a Colonel and Brevet Brigadier in the United States Army. Edward held the rank of Colonel in the war, and was in command of the Topographical Engineers of the Army of the Cumberland, and is now devoted to his profession as a civil engineer in Janes ville. William, also, has held a responsible position in the army, and is now engaged in the practice of the law in Janesville, with his brother-in-law, J. J. R. Pease. Dr. Henry H. is a surgeon in the United States Army. Of the three daughters, two are married — Cornelia M., the eldest, to Mr. Pease, of Janesville, and Addie to Rev. George W. Dunbar, a chaplain in the United States Army. Augusta is the youngest daughter of the family. Joseph Sfaulding. Few men were better or more favorably known in Rock County than was Joseph Spaulding, whose death took place at his residence, three miles north of Janesville, August 12, 1877. For over forty years had Mr. Spaulding been a prominent resident of Rock County, and it would be difficult to find a person who ever uttered a disrespectful word in regard to him ; and certainly no act of his ever justly deserved censure. Ho was one of the best men in the world : ever kind, ever just. He was born in Bradford County, Penn., August 23, 1812, and resided there till 1836, when he sought a home in the then Far West, After a brief stop in Racine County, he finally made a permanent location in Rock County in the spring of 1837, on tho farm where he ever after resided. In 1839, he was married in Berlin, Conn., to Miss Lydia S. Ellsworth, who survives him. They have four daughters living, all being settled in life. They are Mrs. N. C. Dow, Mrs. J. B. Cassoday, Mrs. E. D. Coo and Mrs. G. M. Hanchett. Mr. Spaulding occupied a prominent position in his county. He was deeply interested in religious and educational matters, and active and liberal in patronizing these interests. In 438 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 1853 and 1863, he represented his district in the Assembly, and no constituency had a more faithful or conscientious representative. In politics, he was a Republican, never faltering in his faith in the principles of that party. The deceased was a man of strong and active nature, energetic, self-reliant, prompt to decide and act, and clear and fixed in his opinions. He was also a man of perfect integrity, and in all his dealings with others, an honorable regard for his obligations was one of his most marked characteristics. Without making any pretensions to superior excellence, he lived far more closely in accordance with the requirements of the Golden Rule than many succeed in doing. He was of an exceedingly happy disposition, and his hearty, genial ways made him a most popular companion and associate. He was warm-hearted, charitable and social. His home was. the abode of hospitality, and neighbors and friends can testify to his kindly and generous spirit. In his family, he was a most affectionate and indulgent husband and father, and his death has removed the head of one of the happiest households in our community. h is easy to speak words of eulogy of such a man as Joseph Spaulding, for his life was one in which good purposes and good principles combined to produce an abundant harvest of good works. William Morrison Tallman died May 13, 1878, at his. residence in Janesville, having reached the age of sixty nine years and eleven months. Mr. Tallman had not been blest with very robust health for some years, but no immediately alarming disease attacked him until the 1st of April. A month pre viously, he started on a trip for pleasure and health. He reached New Orleans in safety, and, after spending a short time there, went to Washington, where he was enjoying himself in greet ing friends and sight-seeing, when a cold which he had, became aggravated and increased greatly his asthmatic difficulties, and finally reached his heart. He hastened to New York, where he was cared for at the residence of his brother. His oldest son hastened from Janesville to his bedside, the best medical aid and the most careful attentions were given him, but the disease refused to give way. He gained sufficiently, however, to be removed to his home before death put an end to his sufferings. Mr. Tallman was a native of New York, being born in Lee, Oneida County. June 13, 1808, his parents being David and Eunice Tallman, both natives of Woodbury, Conn., whence they removed to New York in 1806. Ten years later, the family removed to Brooklyn, where Mr. Tallman, in 1821, began the study of law in the office of Hon. N. P. Talmadge, on the old site of the Astor House. Deeming it advisable to secure a better preliminary education, he went, the following year, to an academy in Norwalk, Conn., and, after four years' preparation there, entered Yale College, where he graduated in 1830. After a two-years' course in the Yale Law School, he was admitted to the bar in New Haven. During his course in the law school, in 1831, he married at New Haven, Miss Emeline Dexter, of that place, and, at the end of his course, commenced practice in New York, in the office ofs Hon. James Talmadge & W. H. Bulkley. In 1833, he removed to Rome, N. Y., and continued there in the practice of law until 1850, when he removed to Janesville, where he continued practice until 1854, and where he has resided till the time of his death. In October, 1848, two years before coming West, he purchased at public auction, large tracts of land in Green, La Fayette, Grant and Iowa Counties, in this State, and soon after added other large purchases in those counties, and also in this county. He did not deem it desir able to pursue the practice of law, but, though he dropped that profession in 1854, he has been always since actively employed, but wholly with his own enterprises. He has devoted much time to developing, improving and disposing of real estate, and these improvements were on property in Janesville. Although he never deemed political distinctions nor official positions desirable objects of pur suit, or congenial to his tastes, and in spite of his persistent declinations of such proffered dis tinctions, he was induced by the solicitations of many friends in both political parties, to occupy HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 439 during a considerable portion of ten or fifteen years, the positions of Alderman and County Commissioner, that the interests of city and county, in which he was largely concerned, might be duly cared for and protected. Although in no sense a politician, his feelings and sympathies were with the Whig party from 1833 to 1838, and he was always an outspoken and enthusiastic Abolitionist, and since the organization of the Republican party in Wisconsin, in 1854, he acted with it. He was at one time an active co-worker with Rev. W. Goodell, both of whom were mobbed at one time in Utica, N. Y., for fearlessness in uttering their convictions. He worked earnestly but unos tentatiously for the establishment of the principles of his political creed, and deemed himself sufficiently rewarded by seeing these principles triumph, without seeking any further reward by political honors or official positions. He left behind him a wife (since deceased), and two sons, William H. Tallman and Edgar D. Tallman, both of whom are well known and highly respected residents _ of Janesville. His only daughter was married to Mr. John P. Beach, in 1865, and settled in Chicago, where she died the following year. Mr. Tallman was a member of the First Congregational Church of Janesville, &nd was an exemplary and honored member. In his personal habits, he was pure, in his business enterprises, straight-forward and energetic, and his labors were crowned with success. He has always occupied a prominent position in social and in business circles, although naturally of a retiring disposition, and having a strong distaste for any ostentation. He was always deeply interested in all that concerned the growth or prosperity of Janesville and county, and coupled cautiousness with wise counsel, and an industrious persistency in pushing forward all enterprises which he deemed wise and expedient, and of benefit to the public. Rev. H. C. Tilton. Few Methodist ministers were better known in Wisconsin than Rev. Hezekiah C. Tilton, and the announcement of his death carried sorrow to many hearts. He had been quite ill for nearly a year, and for many months there had been but little, if any, hope for his restoration to health. He died at his residence in Janesville on the 26th of March, 1879. His naturally " strong constitution battled nobly against the grim messenger, but it finally had to succumb, and after many months of severe pain, through all which he bore up with Christian fortitude and hope, he peacefully passed from time to eternity, and his spirit is at rest. Rev. H. C. Tilton was a native ofthe State of Maine, and was born August 30, 1818. He prepared for the Methodist ministry, and entered the Maine Conference in 1841. He remained in that State till 1857, and, during his ministrations there, was stationed at Mount Desert, Deer Island, Steuben, North Penobscot, North Bucksport, Frankfort, Hampden, Bangor, Rockland and Damanscotta. In 1857, he came to Wisconsin, and at once took prominent position as an able pulpit orator, and in this State has been stationed at Summerfield and Asbury Churches, Milwaukee ; at the First Methodist and Court Street Churches, Janesville ; at Fond du Lac, Appleton and Whitewater. He became Presiding Elder of the Racine District, and, in 1864, represented a district in Walworth County in the Assembly, in which body he became a leading and influential member. In the fall of 1861, Mr. Tilton was commissioned as Chaplain of the Thirteenth Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, but failing health compelled him to resign his place in August, 1862. He contracted disease during his. service, from which he never fully recovered. We clip the concluding paragraphs of a notice of Mr. Tilton, from the Janesville Gazette, with which a son of the deceased is editorially connected: His last appointment in the ministry was at Whitewater. He had served his allotted time, and was urged to g° to Oshkosh, but his declining health admonished him that it was best to cease from his labor awhile, at least, and having assumed a superannuated relation, he removed to Janesville in 1876, and in the spring of that year was appointed by Gov. Ludington a member of the State Board of Charities and Reform for the term of three years. He was not only au active member of the Board, but a very able one Among all the officials connected with the institutions of Wisconsin, there were none more devoted to the welfare of the State, or more thoroughly idenlified with the interests of our institutions than Mr. Tilton. From early manhood to the last year of his life, Mr. Tilton was an uncompromising foe to intemperance. He was a powerful adyocate of total abstinence, and, by his speeches, sermons and writings, did much good for the cause 440 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. in which he took so deep an interest. In 1875. he was nominated for Governor of the State by the Prohibitionists, but. lie declined the honor, as he did not belieye in coupling the temperance question with politics; and again, he could not think that any substantial good could come of such a political movement. During the thirty-five years Mr. Tilton was connected with the ministry, he held a high place in the esteem of his brethren. He was not only an indefatigable worker, and intensely in earnest in doing the work of his Master, but in church discipline and government, on all questions of finance and those of a legal character, his opinions were almost regarded as law; and hence, by virtue of his zeal, his business capacity and his executive ability, he became one of the first men in the Conference. His death was a severe loss to the church, as well as to the community in which he was known and honored. The afflicted family consists of a wife, two sons — Henry A., of Chicago, and Howard W., city editor of the Gazette — and a, daughter, Jennie. Edward Vernon Whiton was the son of Gen. Joseph Whiton, of Massachusetts, a soldier of the Revolution and of the war of 1812, and was born at South Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., on the 2d of June, 1805. -During the first thirty years of his life, he continued to reside in his native town, whence he at length removed to the then Territory of Wisconsin to take part in the great and glorious battle of life in that new field of development — -the great West. He settled there when the present site of Janesville and its neighborhood was almost a wilderness, and lived for some time the life of a pioneer in a cabin on the broad prairie. He was elected a member of the House of Representa tives for the first session of the legislative assembly at Madison. At the next session, he was elected Speaker of the House. During those sessions, he was a frequent participant in debate, and took an active part in enacting the first Territorial code. Up to that time, the laws of Wisconsin consisted of the Territorial statutes of Michigan, and the laws of the Wisconsin Legislature, passed at the sessions at Belmont and Burlington. The Revised Statutes which became of force on the 4th of July, 1839, were published under his supervision. In 1847, he was a member of the Constitutional Convention which framed the Constitution of the State. On the organization of the State Government in 1848, he was elected a Circuit Judge, and, under the then system, became a Judge of the Supreme Court. He occupied this position until 1853, when tho "separate Supreme Court" was established, when he was elected Chief Justice, and re-elected in 1857, and continued to hold the office until he was compelled to leave it by the dis ease* of which he died. Chief Justice Whiton was thoroughly identified with almost every prominent event in the history of Wisconsin, both as a Territory and as a State. Throughout the whole period of his residence in Wisconsin, his life was a public life, and he filled political and judicial stations suc cessively with such ability and integrity that the people exalted him from place to place, until he had' received the highest honors in their gift; and the positions with wliich he was honored were ennobled by the lustre of his conduct and character. Amid all the conflicts of party — both in the means by which he attained and the manner in which he discharged the duties of office — the purity of his character was ever unsullied by the slightest breath of reproach, or even suspicion. In the early part of, the year 1859, his health began to fail, and it became manifest to his asso ciates upon the bench that his system was suffering from some malady which, it was hoped, would be but temporary in its effects, and would yield to the invigorating influences of relaxation and home exercises, where the cares and anxieties of official responsibility would not intrude; accord ingly, his associates upon the bench, after much persuasion, induced him to retire, as all hoped, for a short season only, in order to recruit his energies for the approaching term, as well as to complete the unfinished former business still remaining. Ho left the bench, as was supposed, in the confident expectation of returning to it again after a short respite at home. Insidious dis ease, however, had obtained too strong and deep a hold in his system, and about noon on the 12th of April, 185y, he died at his residence in Janesville, in the house of his own construction, loved and mourned as to few men it has been vouchsafed to be loved and mourned. Among those officially and professionally connected with him, as well as among his private circle, his death called forth the deepest expressions of sincere regret and sorrow. At meetings of the bar of the Supreme Court and of the Milwaukee bar, as well as those held at the county seats of the several counties of the State, resolutions were adopted indicative of the great HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 441 general loss felt by the people, as well as the exalted estimation in which the deceased Judge was most deservedly held by bench and bar. The President of the Milwaukee bar, in the course of a touching tribute to his virtues and ability, said of him : " Were I to name any one sphere of action in his life in which he was most eminently distinguished, and for which he had a peculiar adaptation, I should say it was as a legislator. His varied information, strict integ rity, eminent conservatism and finely balanced mind all combined to make him a ready debater and a high-minded and patriotic legislator. But it is useless to name any one sphere when all the positions he ever occupied were filled so ably and perfectly." And another of his intimate associates said: " On this melancholy occasion, I can hardly trust myself to speak. For years, Judge Whiton has been to me, as it were, an elder brother. Our relations have been so harmo nious, so uniformly genial, so entirely fraternal, that we have scarcely thought of official rela tion. During our long association, in deliberation upon matters of the gravest concernment, while discussion has been most free and unrestrained, never an unkind word, nay, not even a petulant expression, has been uttered. All through his official career, he preserved a strictness of propriety which can scarcely be equaled, a conscientiousness which never wavered, a depth of thought and comprehensiveness of the subject-matter ever present, commanding without force, controlling without intrusion, clear and unassuming in his high office, great when he least thought of greatness, but great only wherein man can be truly great — because he was wise and good." Joseph F. Willard was born in Vermont in 1805. His parents removed to the State of New York when he was ten years old, and settled in Monroe County, near Rochester. In that vicinity, he grew to man hood, devoting himself chiefly, after sixteen years of age, first to teaching and then to mercantile pursuits. In the autumn of 1841, several years after his marriage, he removed with his family to Oberlin, Ohio, where, for five years, he devoted himself assiduously to study, with the manly purpose of supplying, as far as possible, the deficiencies of early education. Ill health obliged him to relinquish his plan of completing his college course, after he had entered the junior year, and he removed to Wisconsin, where he lived fourteen years, carrying on a large farm near Janesville, besides holding several important civil offices at various times, and being prominently connected with the horticultural and agricultural interests of the State. Mr. Willard came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located some two miles below Janesville, on the east side of Rock River, where he purchased three hundred and forty acres of wild land, upon which he made practical demonstrations of his theories of agriculture. As early as 1850, though the country was then quite new, he succeeded by unwearied and continued efforts, in organizing the Rock County "Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute," of which he was elected President ; and by liberal contributions of both time and money he succeeded, beyond the expectations of its most sanguine friends, in placing the Society on a permanent basis. Before this Society, in 1853, he, as its President, delivered an able address, which was published in the " Volume of Transactions of the Wisconsin Agricultural Society" for that year. His success and the ability and zeal he manifested in the interests of agriculture soon pointed him out as a fit person to take a prominent position in the management of the affairs of the State Agricultural Society, and, in the year 1857, he was elected its President, which position he filled with much credit to himself, and to the entire satisfaction of the Society and the people of the State. His efforts for the promotion of the welfare and usefulness of the Society were most earnest and devoted, and must be ever gratefully remembered by all true friends of agri culture throughout the State. In 1859, he changed his residence to Evanston, 111., on account of the superior advantages it offered for the education of his children, and of its proximity to Chicago, where he contemplated entering into business. " I shall never live elsewhere," he said, soon after locating there, " no place ever suited me so well as this." 442 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In the autumn of 1865, he withdrew from the banking-house of Preston, Willard & Kean (with which he had been for several years connected), his health, which had always been delicate, no longer permitting him to engage in business. But his interest in the village, and especially in the Methodist Church, was more manifest than before, now that he was released from absorbing occupations of a personal character. The following is from a published account given by his bereaved daughter. In speaking of his last protracted illness, she says: But for one year he has been missed from his accustomed place in the church and in the social meetings, which no one filled more regularly than he, when it was possible. For one year his feeble frame has endured untold pain, by chill and fever, night-sweats, cough, and all the dreadful symptoms of that most terrible disease, consumption. It crept up slowly, allowing him a daily respite at the first, attacking him with great violence in the early months of summer, pursuing him when he left his home on the lake shore, as the chilly winds of autumn began to blow, and went to his friends at the East, in the old familiar places, hoping much from change of air and scene, confining him constantly to his bed for four months, wasting him to a mere skeleton, and, finally, in untold suffering, wresting away his last faint breath — the earthly side. Not so stands the record, thank God ! upon the heavenly side. Almost from the first, he thought this would be his last illness, and quietly, diligently and wisely proceeded to arrange his earthly affairs. No item, however minute, seemed to escape him. \Vhatever was of the least importance to his family, whatever friendship or acquaintance, or any of his relations in life demanded or even suggested, ever so faintly, was done by him. He did not need newly to attune his . mind to harmony with the will of God, no matter where it might lead him, through what depths soever of pain and abnegation. But in those months of suffering, he enjoyed a conscious ness of the presence of his Savior ; consolations from the Holy Spirit ; views of the glory soon to be revealed, such as no pen may describe, no gratitude of ours may equal. Much that he said has been preserved, and dimly shadows the delightful visions by which his sick-room was made sacred. The death of Mr. Willard occurred in the autumn of 1867, and, though for some time anticipated by those who knew his condition, nevertheless, to a large number of his personal friends in the State, it came as a sudden shock. As a citizen and neighbor, Mr. Willard was a noble specimen of a Christian gentleman. He was honored, for his unwavering adhesion to principle and duty, and for his zeal and liberality in the promotion of all worthy objects, while the graces of his personal character, and his amiable disposition, won for him the love of his fellow-citizens. Socially at home in his " Forest Cottage," his virtues and personal gifts shone with a beau tiful and benign lustre. The social attentions it was his pleasure always to extend to those who visited him there were but the generous expressions of his characteristic hospitality. His conversation was ever of an exalted character, pure and enriched, with useful and varied information derived alike from books, from men, and from experience and observation, marked also by originality of thought, yet, with an absence of self-assertion or thoughtless or unkind words, that might afflict or wound. Though his career was characterized by no remarkable achievement, his life was, never theless, remarkable for its purity and for its consecration to the best interests of his family and of his fellow-men. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 44i CHAPTER VI. Political History— Rock County Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute— State Fairs in Rock County— War Record— Educational Interests— Rock County Phar maceutical Association— Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Industrial Association— Mack Murder. political history. I.— The Whig Party. [by a pioneer wiiio of book county.] The early population of Rock County was derived very largely from the New England States and the State of New York. It would not be an extravagant estimate to set the pro portion of the early settlers from these States at three-fourths of the whole, and of these three- fourths, fully two-thirds were from New York. The greatest proportion of these settlers came to Rock County with fixed politics, and there was a very large preponderance in favor of the principles and policy of the Whig party. There were, indeed, many strong and influential members of the Democratic party, and these were able in those days to control quite a large element of foreigners who had sought the fertile lands for which the county is pre-eminent. This was particularly the case with the Norwegians and Irish, great numbers of whom had taken up their abode in the county. But that great middle class of which we first spoke, mostly from New York and the Eastern States, were the controlling political element, and it only needed the proper leaders to organize this element, to enable it to take the control of the political affairs of the county. Rock County could scarcely be said to have a separate political organization till 1845. Before that time, Rock and Walworth united in their Representatives in the Legislature, yet each had its own separate county officers. But that year, Rock was set off by itself, in a sep arate legislative district, and it became conspicuous at once for being the only county in the then Territory in which the Whigs were permanently and reliably the ruling party. From that time, with only a few exceptions, the Whigs of the county maintained their ascendency until the absorption of the party by the formation of the Republican party in 1854. The few exceptions which happened were mostly brought about by the presentation, by the Whigs, occasionally, of an illy selected and unfairly distributed ticket. There was always a rivalry between Janesville and Beloit for the best places upon the ticket, and when Janesville succeeded, as happened once or twice, in securing an exceedingly unfair distribution, Beloit threw her influence against the ticket and thereby effected its defeat, but these cases were excep tional in the history of the party. But what added much to the stability, success and perpetuity of the party was, first, the possession of men for leaders who were thoroughly imbued with the correctness of Whig prin ciples, who conscientiously believed their political doctrines were right, and who possessed the intelligence, the rectitude and the integrity to give them force and win for them the respect of the people ; and, second, a newspaper which gave expression to their principles, which stood by , them thoroughly, promulgated them authoritatively, and never allowed itself to be led astray from the old Whig doctrines by side issues or local politics. These instrumentalities were the factors which took up the grand material at hand, out of which to build up, unite and consoli date one of the proudest, firmest, most harmonious and beneficent political organizations which ever existed in any republic. 444 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. First and foremost among these leaders was the Hon. Edward V. Whiton, who was also among the very first settlers in the county. He was a native of Massachusetts, was a thorough going Whig, of the Webster school, and, as early as 1838, he was sent to the Territorial Legis lature to represent Rock County. The next year, he was chosen Speaker of the House, a position which he was eminently qualified to fill. He was subsequently elected to the Territorial Council for several terms, in which body, at one time, he was the sole Whig member. His eminent abilities as a statesman and a jurist, and his strict integrity as a man, finally pointed him out as a fit person for the Chief Justiceship of the Supreme Court, and his long, brilliant and useful career in that position is a matter of recprd. But as a political leader, he possessed qualities of the first order. He was too high-minded to descend to the tricks of the partisan, but he influenced and led men by the force of his character, by the strength with which he advocated his measures, and by the simple rectitude of his example. He was always in attend ance, and took an active part in all the primary meetings and conventions of his party, and his wise and healthful counsels in these gatherings were seldom disregarded. As a leader, he was prudent, honorable, cautious, yet inflexible, and he pushed his measures with a will-power and determination, which generally secured success A great element in his strength was the evident honesty and uprightness of his political convictions, and he had a rare power in enforcing the soundness of his opinions upon his hearers. But even so eminent and efficient a leader could hardly hope to organize and keep together a party single-handed, and Judge Whiton was not left to fight the political battles alone. He had the ablest and best of coadjutors in the work ; helpers who themselves were capable of leading ; who too were actuated by the same high principles and motives for and by which he so gallantly and disinterestedly contended. Without any memoranda of the names of the leading Whigs of the early days of the county who so grandly laid the foundations of the party, some will be mentioned as they occur to the memory, with the premise that many, perhaps some of the most efficient and worthy, may be omitted. In this category it is not pretended to give names in any fixed order of locality or priority of action ; they are grouped together as memory recalls thern ; some long since passed away, some now active in the sphere of business and poli tics, but all, at some time in their career, good and efficient Whigs : George H. Williston, Vol ney Atwood, William F. Tompkins, Joseph S. Lane, David I. Daniells, Joseph A. Sleeper, John R. Bennett, Samuel H. Alden, Shubael W. Smith, S. A. Hudson, E. L. Dimock, Timo thy Jackman, Otis B. Lapham, Thomas Lappin, H. 0. Wilson, R. M. Hollister, James M. Alden, John M. May, Hezekiah L. Smith, Justus P. Wheeler, Levi St. John, John M. Keep, S. J. Todd, L. G. Fisher, Joseph Colley, S. G. Colley, J. B. Colley', James Hanchett, P. A. Pierce, Jonathan Lawrence, Levi Alden, William Trusdell, Adelmorn Sherman, R. T. Powell, David F. Sayre, John M. Evans, M. Osborn, J. T. Wright, Daniel Lovejoy, S. D. Chambers, G. E. Newman, N. G. Storrs, S. F. Chipman, George E. Cowen, Ezekiel Clapp, R. R. Cowan, Charles L. Weed, Sidney Wright, A. C. Resseguie, B. F. Riddle, D. G. Cheever, E. D. Mur ray, 0. P. Bicknell, A. P. Waterman, A. M. Carter, Lemuel Warren, John C. Jenkins, S. W. Abbott, Lewis E. Stone, M. W. Trask, Ray Jenkins, George R. Ramsey, Joseph Goodrich, H. P. Culver, L. P. Harvey, 0. W. Norton, J. E. Culver, William A. Harding, Paul Crandall, Isaac Woodle, Jesse Moore, Ira Jones, Daniel C. Babcock, Ezra A. Foot, Alanson B. Vaughan, Robert T. Carey, Anson W. Pope, Virgil Pope, Lucius H. Paige, John R. Briggs, Leander Hoskins, E. C. Smith, Edward Vincent, Joseph Kinney, Thomas C. Sleeper, George Barnes, Ensign H. Bennett, William A. Lawrence, Frank S. Lawrence, E. G. Fifield, Harrison Steb bins, William D. Murray, Horatio J. Murray, Harvey Holmes, A. P. Prichard, James Kirk patrick, William Taylor, William Spaulding, James Sutherland, N. B. Howard, John Child, William H. Tripp, T. W. Williams, Russell Cheney, William H. Stark, George Irish, J. K. P. Porter, E. L. Carpenter, William E. Wheeler, George Golden, John P. Dickson, S. S. Northrop, B. F. Carey, N. B. Howard, T. E. Green, Jonathan Cory, Orrin Densmore, Jacob Fowle, Dennison Alcott, Thomas Earle, David Douglass, E. A. Douglass, Daniel Mowe, John P. Houston, Charles Holt, Daniel Gordon, S. C. Carr. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 445 As was intimated before, there are doubtless many worthy names omitted which belong in this honorable catalogue, and a few may be therein named who came later into the Whig fold, but of the original party, it is believed to be quite complete. Of the instrumentality of the press in conserving the principles of the party, of being their exponent and constant advocate, too much can hardly be said, and the Janesville Gazette, edited by Levi Alden, assisted after 1848 by Charles Holt, was, from the date of its first issue till there was no longer a Whig party, an able, efficient, unfaltering and consistent defender of that party. It was the political gospel, wherein was the word of life and the assurance of faith to the votaries of that grand old organization, and the influence of its early teachings still lives in the compact, harmonious, invincible party which to-day is predominant in Rock County. Justice would not be done to another Whig organ, the Beloit Journal, edited by J. R. Briggs, without a most honorable mention here. Coming later into the field, with a circulation not as general, it stiil did efficient and valuable service in the party as a co-worker with its older colleague. Always able and candid, it never became factious, as is too often the case with rival organs of the same party, when a conflict of interests might at times seem to justify factiousness. It fought its own battles and fought them well, and it, too, must share in the glory of having done good and faithful work in and for a party whose history is most honorably closed, but whose tradi tions will always remain a bright and perspicuous chapter in the annals of American politics. II. The Republican Party. [from the janesville gazette.] The record of the Republican party of Rock County is as brilliant in its successes as that ofthe Republican party ofthe nation. For twenty-five years it has gallantly held the fort in old Rock, and at the age of twenty-five it is as honorable in principle, as strong in the faith, and as powerful in numbers, as when it swept the county in 1854. The first Republican County Convention was held in the Court House in Janesville, on the 12th of October, 1854. The call was signed by L. P. Harvey, afterward Secretary of State and Governor, John Howe, George H. Williston, Peter Schmitz, J. H. Budd, S. G. Colley, A. Hoskins, J. Dawson and E. Vin cent. The call invited "the electors of Rock County, who are determined to support no man for office who is not positively and fully committed to the support ofthe principles announced in the 'Republican platform ' adopted at Madison on the 13th of July last, to meet at the Court House on the 12th of October to effect a thorough organization ofthe Republican party." The Convention was largely attended, and a spirit of signal enthusiasm pervaded the assemblage. The candidate for State Senator on the Republican ticket was James Sutherland, who was an early settler, and had already become a prominent business man. Judge Noggle was his oppo nent, who ran independent. Mr. Sutherland received 1,011 votes, and Judge Noggle 760. All the Republican candidates for the Assembly were elected. George H. Williston was elected over John J. R. Pease by 25 majority. S. G. Colley was elected over John Hackett by 224 majority. Joseph Goodrich and N. B. Howard had no opposition. The candidates for county offices were: Sheriff, A. Hoskins, then of La Prairie ; Register of Deeds, Charles R. Gibbs, then of Harmony, now of Whitewater ; Clerk of the Court, E. P. King, of Beloit ; Clerk of the Board, J. L. V. Thomas, of Newark ; Treasurer, M. T. Walker, of Milton ; District Attorney, S. J. Todd. Mr. Todd withdrew from the canvass. He believed the Fugitive Slave Law unconstitutional, and avowed that he would perform no duties under it if elected Sheriff, and therefore refused to be a can didate. All the Republican candidates were elected by large majorities. Matt Carpenter was the Democratic candidate for District Attorney, and G. B. Ely ran independept. Each received 1,109 votes, and Todd 782. For some irregularity, the town of Turtle was thrown out, which gave the election to Ely, and he received the certificate. Washburn ran for Congress against Otis Hoyt, Democrat, and carried the county by 1,419 majority. Since the organization of the party, in 1854, the Republicans have invariably made a clean sweep of the county officers and State Senators. In 1856, Fremont's majority was 2,743 ; 446 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Washburn, for Congress, had 2,762 majority. Mr. Sutherland ran for the State Senate against Ezra Miller, now of car-coupler fame, and defeated him by 1.247 majority. The entire Repub lican county ticket was elected by large majorities. Since 1854, the following Republicans have been in the State Senate, named in the order in which they served : James Sutherland, four years ; L. P. Harvey, four years ; A. I. Bennett, four years ; Z. P. Burdick, two years; Ezra A. Foot, two years ; William A. Lawrence, four years ; S. J. Todd, two years ; Charles G. Williams, four years ; H. N. Davis, four years ; Hamilton Richardson, four years. In the Assembly, the persons who served as Republicans since 1854, are as follows, with their years of service : N. B. Howard, two years ; George H. Williston, one (two years as a Whig) ; S. G. Colley, one; Joseph Goodrich, one; Levi Alden, one; John Child, one; John M. Evans, two; H. J. Murray, two; L. G. Fisher, one; David Noggle, one; Ezra A. Foot, one; W. H. Tripp, one ; G. R. Atherton, one ; K. W. Bemis, one ; Z. P. Burdick, three ; J. H. Knowlton, one ; George Irish, one ; W. H. Stark, three ; E. L. Carpenter, one ; J. P. Dickson, two ; W. E. Wheeler, two; J. K. P. Porter, one; Edward Vincent, one: T. C. Westby, one; Jeremiah Johnson, one ; G. Goldon, one ; S. S. Northrop, one ; B. F. Carey, one ; Alexander Graham, three ; A. W. Pope, two ; James Kirkpatrick, one ; E. Palmer, one ; Samuel Miller, one ; John Bannister, one ; A. C. Bates, three ; Orrin Guernsey, one ; J. Cory, one ; Joseph Spaulding, one; Jacob Fowle, one ; C. M. Treat, one; D. Alcott, one; Thomas Earle, one ; Thomas H. Goodhue, two ; Guy Wheeler, one ; Perry Bostwick, one ; H. Richardson, one ; J. Burbank, one ; Daniel Johnson, one ; S. C. Carr, two ; H. S. Wooster, two ; E. P. King, two ; J. B. Cas- soday, two (Speaker); Daniel Mowe, one; A. W. Pope, one; Burrows Burdick, one; A. C. Douglas, one ; J. T. Dow, one ; Pliny Norcross, one ; Burr Sprague, one ; W. C. Whitford, one; C. H. Parker, two years as Republican, and one year as Greenback; A. M. Thomson, two (Speaker) ; Seth Fisher, one ; D. E. Maxon, one ; Adelmorn Sherman, three ; ,1. M. Ben nett, two; John Hammond, two; H. H. Peterson, one; R. T. Powell, one; Willard Merrill, one ; 0. F. Wallihan, one ; D. G. Cheever, two ; E. K. Felt, two ; David F. Sayre, one ; H. A. Patterson, one ; Marvin Osborne, two ; Andrew Barlass, three ; A. Henderson, one ; George H. Crosby, one ; Hiram Merrill, one ; L. T. Pullen, Independent Republican, one ; George Gleason, one ; S. T. Merrill, two ; G. E. Newman, one ; Fenner Kimball, one ; A. P. Lovejoy, one ; R. J. Burge, one ; William Gardiner, one. The Democrats have elected but two Assemblymen in this county since 1854 — John Winans, in 1873, and J. A. Blount, in 1875. The Democratic Party. [by a rock county democrat.] In the light of admitted facts, we may, indeed, affirm that before Rock County, as such, existed, even while its fertile lands, were, under " Government' jurisdiction," the votaries of Democracy found here an abiding-place; and here, too, as everywhere else, they reckoned them selves a part of the great National Democratic Party, as founded by Thomas Jefferson, and taught by Silas Wright, Thomas H. Benton and Stephen A. Douglas. These were leaders whose followers were not bounded by States or hemmed in by Territorial legislation : and, in the early history of the county, no less than at present, we find the leaders of the Rock County Democracy, and its rank and file, men of nerve and sagacity. In an early day, the county was Democratic, in fact, remained so practically without variation until a Free-Soil boom, which here as elsewhere revolutionized communities, and finally converted the majority to the principles of the new Republican Party, whose ascendency has ever since been maintained. Within the thirty or thirty-five years covering the period of which we write, a generation Las passed, and yet, during all of this period, eventful without precedent in our country's history, the Rock County Domocrats have maintained, whether in the majority or in the face of dis couraging odds, the same steady devotion to Democratic principles and party discipline, which has commanded the admiration of all intelligent men, regardless of political status. If scores HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 447 and hundreds of Rock County's intelligent Democrats forsook the party and joined another, it shows that they were thinking, reading men, and, as such, they still share our respect. Our space forbids mention of their names, but many of them still adorn the walks of life, thus clearly evincing the power of early Democratic teachings and examples ; many others, still wiser, if we may so express it, have returned to their first "love," where, we trust, perpetual sunshine awaits them. David Noggle, John Hackett, A. Hyatt Smith, C. S. Jordan, Matt. H. Carpenter, Dr. John Mitchell, J. M. Burgess, Rush Beardsley, Robert Stone, H. B. Johnson, H. W. Cator, N. P. Bump and brothers, J. M. Haselton, Hamilton Richardson, W. T. Hall, Col. Ezra Miller, J. W. Phillips, M. C. Smith, James Murwin, Anson Rogers, Dr. J. B. Whiting, Sol Hutson, A. D. Wickham, J. W. St. John, A. 0. Wilson, William Smith, W. Skelly and brothers, theMcKey brothers, Judge Parker, Dr. 0. P. Robinson, C. S. Decker, J. A. Blount, A. D. Maxfield, Moses S. Prichard. Frank Biddies, John andB. Spence, D. Davies and E. H. Davies, John Winans, H., McElroy, J. R. Hunter, Clinton Babbitt, Paul Meagher and brothers, Ira Miltimore, Paul Broder, C. Sexton, J. J. R. Pease, Dr. W. H. Borden, John Livingston, Matthew Smith, A. Broughton, Col. Russell, J. B. Doe, Evan Thomas, T. T. Croft, William Cox, Robert Johnson, Edward Ryan, E G. Newhall, Joseph A. Wood, James Church, Edward Connell, J. W. Bishop, S. G. Williams — but space forbids further mention of names. It is sufficient if in this list (both of the living and dead), the reader can form some idea of the men and material forming the ranks of the Rock County Democracy since the county was organized. We regret that other names equally as well known could not be obtained at this writing. But, from even this limited number, the resident reader will find many who not only helped lay the foundation of commer cial and intellectual progress, but may also note many earnest and faithful builders, whose work is yet unfinished. If, within the last twenty years, the Democrats of Rock County have not figured much in mere local government, they have, at least, made their share of sacrifices for the good of all. As citizens, they are respected, as tax-payers their counsel is sought the more when difficulties appear. The Rock County Democratic vote, in 1876, was 2,880 for Samuel J. Tilden. ROCK COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The preliminary steps toward the formation of an Agricultural Society in Rock County were taken November 19, 1850, at which time a call was made on the farmers of the several towns of the county to meet at the Court House, in Janesville, on the first Monday of January (the 6th), "to make arrangements for their own benefit by association." On the day appointed, a meeting was held. J. P. Wheeler, of La Prairie, was called to the Chair, and 0. Densmore, of Bradford, was appointed Secretary. The object of the meet ing having been stated by the Chairman, remarks were made by Messrs. Hodson, Neil and Russell, of Janesville, and E. A. Foot, of Center. On motion of C. C. Cheney, of La Prairie, it was resolved that the meeting proceed to organize an Agricultural Society. A com mittee of fourteen was appointed to draft a Constitution, which committee, after a short interval, reported a Constitution for the Society, to be known as the " Rock County Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute." The following persons were elected officers : J. P. Wheeler, President ; W. F. Tompkins, of Janesville; Ansel Dickenson, of Harmony; Orrin Densmore, of Bradford ; Joseph Goodrich, of Milton ; J. M. Burgess and A. W. Pope, of Janesville. Vice Presidents ; Josiah F. Willard, of Rock, Recording Secretary; Andrew Palmer, Corresponding Secretary ; and John Russell, of Janesville, Treasurer. A Board of twenty Directors, one for each town in the county, was also elected, viz.: William Stewart, of Clinton; Peter D. Wemple, of Bradford; J. A. Fletcher, of Johnstown ; Paul Crandall, of Lima ; G. W. Ogden, of Milton ; Harvey Holmes, of Harmony ; Guy Wheeler, of La Prairie; John Hopkins, of Turtle; W. Yost, of Beloit; Z. P. Burdick, of Rock; L. D. Thompson, of Janesville ; R. R. Cowan, of Fulton ; D. Lovejoy, of Porter ; E. A. Foot, of Center; H. C. Inman, of Plymouth ; John L. V. Thomas, of Newark ; A. Kenney, of Avon; R. R. Hamilton, of Spring Valley, E. Miller, of Magnolia; and H. Griffith, of Union. 448 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The Society having become fully organized, it was resolved "to make the experiment of holding a fair, to see whether the farmers of 'young Rock ' had sufficient enterprise to get up anything like a creditable show." The result was highly gratifying. The fair was held on the 1st and 2d days of October, 1851, at Janesville, and at least five thousand persons were present. The annual address was given by J. P. Wheeler, President. At the close ofthe year, the Treasurer reported the receipt of $291.91 ; the expenditures, for premiums and other expenses, $206 ; leaving a balance of $86 in the treasury to the credit of the next year. The annual meeting of the Society for the year succeeding was held on the first Mon day of December, 1851. The officers elected were: J. F. Willard, President; Z. P. Bur dick, of Janesville; J. A. Fletcher, of Johnstown; James M. Burgess, of Janesville; I. S. Love, of Beloit; John Winston, , of Porter; and Jesse Miles, of Janesville, Vice Presi dents ; Orrin Guernsey, Recording Secretary ; John P. Dickson, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The committee for locating the County Fair reported that the town of Beloit had offered a bonus of $240, the highest offer of any town in the county ; whereupon it was voted that the next annual county fair of the Society be held at Beloit. The fair was held at the place appointed September 28 and 29, 1852. An address by the President, J. F. Willard, was delivered on the second day, after which the Treasurer made his report, in which it appeared that the receipts during the fair amounted to nearly $350, which, after paying premiums and other expenses, left about $70 in the treasury. Probably 3,000 persons were present at the fair-grounds during the exhibition. The next annual meeting of the Society was held December 6, 1852. The officers elected were : J. F. Willard, President ;' Charles R. Gibbs, E. A. Foot, Daniel Bennett, S. P. Lathrop, Jesse Miles and E. A. Howland, Vice Presidents ; Orrin Guernsey, Recording Secre- retary ; Mark Miller, Corresponding Secretary, and J. M. Burgess, Treasurer. At a meeting held September 10, 1853, on morion, it was resolved that at effort be made to purchase fair grounds by selling life memberships, to be paid by installments of $2.50 each, until the whole sum of $10 be paid. This proved to be a feasible plan for raising funds, and four acres of land were purchased of J. J. R. Pease, which was fitted up at once for the fair, which was to be held there on the 4th, 5th and 6th days of October, 1853. It was held at the time appointed, and an address made by the President, J. F. Willard. The Executive Committee subsequently gave notice that they had expended nearly $700 in purchasing and fitting up permanent grounds, and that they found their funds somewhat exhausted, leaving a deficiency for premiums, but that they did not feel at liberty to avail themselves of the reserved privilege of reducing the premiums, but should report them in full, preferring to fall back -upon the generosity of those friends who had drawn large premiums, and to ask such as were willing to do so to let theirs rest in whole or in part until next year, when the outlays would be much reduced and a surplus reasonably expected. The expenditures of the Society, as reported for the fiscal year ending December, 1853, were as follows: Purchase of fair-grounds, $101.37 ; fencing and permanent fixtures, $559.31 ; premium-list, printing and other expenses, $515.44 ; the net income being $1,176.62, leaving an indebtedness of $334.08. The next annual meeting of the Society was held at Janesville, December 5, 1853, at which time the following officers were elected : S. P. Lathrop, President ; C. Loftus Martin, J. A. Fletcher, Nathaniel Howard, Charles Colby, Mark Miller and Azel Kenney, Vice Presidents ; Charles R. Gibbs, Recording Secretary; Z. P. Burdick, Corresponding Secretary, and S. A. Martin, Treasurer. The Fair was held at the Society's grounds, on the 13th and 14th of September, 1854. There never had been seen in the place a larger number of people gathered together. The amount of premiums awarded exceeded $2,000. The succeeding annual meeting was held on the 5th of December, .1854, when the follow ing officers were elected: Z. P. Burdick, President; D. Benne J. P. Wheeler, J. R. Boyce, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 449 J. P. Dickson, J. C. Johnston and J. A. Fletcher, Vice Presidents ; C. R. Gibbs, Recording Secretary ; 0. Guernsey, Corresponding Secretary, and J. F. Willard, Treasurer. Resolutions were adopted expressive of the sense of the Society in view of the death of S. Pearl Lathrop, its late President. The fair was held on the 25th, 26th and 27th days of September, 1855, and was a success. President Burdick delivered a valuable address before the Society. The receipts of the fair were about $1,500, and the amount paid out for premiums, about $700. The attendance was large, and the grounds too small to suitably accommodate the Targe number of persons present. During the year, the Society disposed of their land and purchased ten acres in the southern part of the city, which was suitably fenced and improved for the fair, which was held from Sep tember 30 to October 2, 1856. One feature was the ladies' equestrian match, which drew a large attendance to the grounds. It was believed that there wore at least twenty thousand per sons present on that day. A display of fire, engines was also a new feature in the arrangements. At the annual meeting held in December, 1856, the following officers were elected : C. Loftus Martin, President; Ira C. Jenks, Recording Secretary ; J. A. Biount, Corresponding Secretary, and W. Hughes, Treasurer. At this meeting it was reported that the receipts of the Society during the year were $1,496.49, which, with balance remaining on hand of $141.75, amounted to $1,638.24. The county fair was held on the 10th of October, 1857. The Society had, during the year, purchased additional ground, making nearly twenty acres in all. There was a large attendance and the grounds well filled. The next annual fair was held September 28 to 30, 1858. From the report of the Secre tary, Winfield S. Chase, there were received $1,526.16 and expended $1,517.10, leaving a small balance of $9.06 on hand. The premiums of the previous fair were paid this year. The Society, during the year 1859, held a festival on the Fourth of July, and a regular annual fair on the 20th, 21st and 22d days of September. The former was largely attended, but resulted in small profit. The fair was a success, proving, notwithstanding the hard times and other influences and circumstances, that the farmers of the county had the ability and the will to give the Society a front rank among those in the State. The total receipts were $1,403, and the expenditures, including $629.10 paid toward indebtedness of the Society, $1,381.73. The balance in the treasury October 26, 1859, was $21.96. A special meeting of the executive committee was called on the 22d of October, 1859, to take into consideration the indebtedness of the Society and to provide means for its extinguish ment. At this meeting the financial affairs of the Society were reported as follows : Amount of purchase money for additional grounds in 1857, $1,875 ; paid on the same, $963; balance due on the same, $912.82. The other debts were for fitting up the grounds and necessary improvements, making the total indebtedness $3,326.82. The committee recom mended the issue of three hundred ten-dollar promissory notes, payable in three years, to be sold to members of the Society and its friends. This plan was adopted by the executive committee. The officers of the Society who served during the year 1859, elected in December, 1858, were : J. F. Willard, President ; Charles R. Gibbs, Recording Secretary ; J. A. Blount, Cor responding Secretary ; W. Hughes, Treasurer. The officers of the Society for 1860, elected in December previous, were the same as for 1859, except D. McLay was elected Treasurer, in place of Mr. Hughes. The county fair was held September 18 to 20, 1860. The report of tho Treasurer, subsequently made, showed receipts, $1,248.53, and expenditures, $1,241.53 ; balance, $7. The annual address was delivered by James H. Howe. The officers elected at the annual meeting in December, 1860, were : Joseph Spaulding, President ; G. S. Strasberger, Recording Secretary ; W. S. Chase, Corresponding Secretary, and W. Lester, Treasurer. The fair was held September 17, 18 and 19, 1861. The receipts were $841.41, and expenditures $783.17. Of the latter amount, $506.50 was paid in pre miums. Balance on hand, $58.27. The address before the Society was delivered by J. R, Doolittle, and was in reference to the state of public affairs. 450 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. At this date, the Society ceased to exist. During the years 1862, 1863 and 1864, the peo ple of the county were so much engrossed in war matters that no new society was formed and no fairs held. Finally, in the latter part of 1864, another organization was perfected, with the election, in December of that yea , of H. P. Fales, President ; Jacob Fowle, Secretary, and R. T. Pember, Treasurer. The fair was held September 12, 13 and 14, 1865. The attendance 1 was large. The receipts were $2,675.17; the expenditures $2,588.03, of which $576.50 was paid out in premiums, leaving a balance of $88.14. The officers of the Society fo'r 1866, were : H. P. Fales, President ; Guy Wheeler, Secre tary ; R. T. Pember, Treasurer. The fair was held September 12 to 15, the receipts being $887.45, and the expenditures $746.47, of which amount $480.75 was paid in premiums, leav ing a balance on hand of $122.98. The annual address was delivered by Hon. T. 0. Howe. The same officers were elected for the year 1867. The fair this year was held on the 10th of September and closed on the 13th. It was a good year for the Society. The receipts were double the amount of the preceding one. The annual address was delivered by Halbert E. Paine. The total receipts were $2,202.01 ; the expenses $2,142.17, of which amount $1,- 550.50 was for premiums, leaving a balance of $59.14. The officers for 1868 were : Lewis Clark, President ; R. J. Richardson, Secretary, and A. Hoskins, Treasurer. The fair was held September 15 to 17, inclusive. The receipts were increased from the preceding year. Whole amount received, $2,914.29. The expenses were $2,534.67, $866 of which was for premiums, and an unexpended balance of $379.62. The annual fair for the year 1869 was held held September 14 to 17, showing an in creased interest from the last year ; a baby show was added to the ordinary attractions. The Treasurer's report showed that there was received from all sources the sum of $4,244.05 ; ex penses, $3,142.87 ; paid in premiums, $1,205.45. The officers for the year were: Seth Fisher, President ; R. J. Richardson, Secretary, and A. Hoskins, Treasurer. ' The same officers were elected for the year 1870, and the fair was held on the 21st of September, and continued for three days. An address was delivered by Charles G. Wil liams. The receipts were $9,063.25 ; the expenses, $10,865.02 ; paid for premuims, $1,585.83. In 1871, the same officers were elected except that C. Miner was chosen Treasurer in place of Mr. Hoskins. The annual fair was held from September 12 to 15. There was not as much interest taken this year as the former one, and the receipts were much reduced. The Treasurer reported receipts, $3,706.85 ; expenditures, $3,687.43 ; pt-emiums, $1,9-35.65 ; leaving a bal ance, of $95.60 on hand. In 1872, the same officers were re-elected. The display this year at the county fair, held September 12 to 15, was fine, particularly in horses ; said to have been the best exhibition ever made in the county. There was received from all sources, $3,989:48, and expended, $2,394.49, of which last amount $1,596.14 was paid in premiums. The same officers were re-elected for the year 1873. The fair was held September 9 to 12, with a very creditable display and a good attendance, perhaps not as large as the preceding year. Receipts, $3,879.48; expenses in all, 3,391.60, of which amount $1,461.60 was paid in premiums, with a balance of $487.88 to next year's account. In 1874, the same officers were re-elected. The fair was held on September 29 and con tinued to October 2. This fair was a successful one. Some eight to ten thousand persons were said to have been present on the last day.- An address was delivered by Charles G. Williams. The receipts were $6,280.01 ; the expenditures, $4,690.27 ; and there were paid in premiums $1,589.74, with a balance of $95.85 remaining. The officers elected for 1875 were : George Sherman, President ; R. J. Richardson, Secre tary, and Cyrus Miner, Treasurer. The attendance at the county fair was not as large as in 1874. It was held October 5 to 9. Receipts, $3,249.51 ; expenses, $1,483.88 ; for premiums, $1,795.63. For the year 1876, the same officers were elected. Preparations were made for a fair that would be more than usually attractive, it being the Centennial year. The exhibits of relics (deceased) MILTON HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 453 and articles of interest were fine. The time appointed for the fair was from the 5th to the 8th of September. Unfortunately, the weather was unfavorable, with rain most of the time. The financial report, however, was more favorable than was expected from these adverse circum stances. The receipts were $2,586.23 ; paid for premiums, $909.59 ; other expenses, $1,676.63. On account of the State Fair being held at Janesville, in the fall of 1877, the County Fair was this year omitted. The officers of the Society for the year 1878 were : George Sherman, President ; F. S. Lawrence, Secretary, and N. P. Bump, Treasurer. The Treasurer's report shows the receipts of the Society from all sources were $1,695.47, and the -disbursements $1,661.57, of which $722.72 were paid in premiums, with a balance of $33.90 remaining. In the year 1879, the Executive Committee of the Agricultural Society made an arrange ment with the citizens of Janesville for the celebration of the Fourth day of July, and a county fair in connection therewith. The result was not a satisfactory one for the Society, the holding of a fair in the month of July proving a signal failure. A number of guests from abroad were present. Addresses by Gov. W. E. Smith, Hon. C. G. Williams, Hon. W. C. Whitford, and Gen. E. E. Bryant were delivered. Connected with the exercises was a soldier's drill, a gather ing of the old settlers of the county, and games and athletic sports, in the grove near the fair grounds. The following pioneers were in attendance, and registered their names as having settled in the years mentioned: 1835 — Virgil Pope; 1836 — J. P. Dickson, Jeremiah Roberts, Mrs. Volney Atwood, M. T. Walker, Alford Walker, Mrs. H. H. Bailey, J. W. Inman, S. C. Carr; 1837--G. H. Williston, Helen M. Bailey, Henry Tuttle, Cornelius Van Tassel, Volney Atwood, Charles Tuttle, E. G. Newhall ; 1838— James McEwan, Mrs. Wood, William McEwan, George W. Lawrence, C. B. Inman, Cyrus Teetshorn, H. J. Warren, Mrs. H. J. Griggs, A. L. Walker ; 1839— T. Gullack Graydell, Mrs. G. H. Williston, Mrs. R. T. Powell, Ezra Goodrich, George B. Mackey, H. R. Waterman, H. Wood, S. P. Harriman; 1840 — Thomas E. Stevens, P. E. Stillman, Jacob West, Margaret West, Royal Wood, Mrs. M. S. Pritchard, M. E. Bump, A. Morris Pratt, Mrs. Almeda E. Allen, J. G. Carr (born here), E. C. Dickinson, Alfred Dewey. The grounds of the Society are situated wholly within the city limits bf Janesville, and contain, exclusive of streets, forty-seven acres of land. The buildings are well arranged, and of a substantial and convenient character. The object of the Society is to encourage and promote agri culture, horticulture, domestic manufactures, the mechanic arts, and the' breeding and raising of useful animals. STATE FAIRS IN ROCK COUNTY. The first fair of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society was held at Janesville, com mencing October 1, 1851. On the second day of the fair, the first annual address was deliv ered by J. H. Lathrop, LL.D., Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin. By an arrangement entered into with the Rock County Agricultural Society, the proceeds of the sale of tickets of admission to the show grounds were applied, under the direction of that society, first, to the payment of the expenses of the grounds ; and after that, the balance was to be divided equally between the two societies. By this arrangement, each society received $127 as its share of the receipts. The next State fair held at Janesville began September 28, 1857, and closed October 2. The annual address was delivered by Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, 111. The income of the Society for the year was $8,804.63, of which amount $2,853.21 was from the receipts of the State Fair ; and the expenditures for all purposes, $8,302.10 — leaving a balance of $502.53. In 1864, Janesville was again selected for the State Fair, which was held the last week in September. Addresses were made by B. R. Hinkley, President, and ex-Gov. J. A. Wright, of Indiana. The Treasurer of the Society reported that the receipts for the year were $7,759.19, 454 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. of which amount, $4,103.38 was from the sale of tickets at the fair ; and the expenditures, $5,587.35, with a balance in the treasury of $2,171.84. Janesville, for the fourth time, was selected for the State Fair for the year 1865, which was held in September. Addresses were made by the President, David Williams, by Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, ex-Gov. Alexander W. Randall, James R. Doolittle, T. 0. Howe and ex-Gov. J. T. Lewis. The total receipts of the Society for the year were $11,404.90, of which $7,187.50 was for sale of tickets at the fair. The expenditures were $8,330.52, and a bal ance remaining of $3,074.38. In September, 1866, the State Fair was held, for the fifth time, at Janesville. The receipts were nearly $15,000, and the expenses, $9,600, with a balance of $5,400 on hand. In September, 1877, the State Fair was held for the sixth time at Janesville. The annual address was delivered by the President, Eli Stilson. The gate fees were $10,428.83, and the whole receipts ofthe Society for the year were $20,524.30. The expenditures were $19,363.28, of which $10,561 were paid for premiums. WAR RECORD. The following militia statistics of Rock County show the number in each township subject to draft, exemptions granted and enlistments, to September 24, 1862 : TOWNSHIPS, CITIES AND TOWNS. i Number Enrolled. Number Enlisted. Alien. Firemen. Exempt for Physical Disability. Subject to Draft. In Service, Including Kecent Enlistments. Avon 114 117 291274204 303212191 262 194 216 178 310 153 244209 184177 276 255 254 152169 131 422 382152555 5 2225 42 2135 24 23 40 28 25 17 2523 1919 29 30 44 2413 14 7 3 4927 18 31 107 81 247 221 177163172147 168 137154 149238 123 202 161147 143 223222 155 928386 347 240 97 430 48 Beloit 13 36 12 22 68 135 2 69 129 4 9 18 16 10 538 8 17 33 74 58 23 17 27 1 24 62 69 67 74 137 65 59 23 1 69 57 85 Turtle 2 22 1 1 11 363 4 123 128 City of Beloit, 1st Ward 1 111 24 16 22 7 27 17 2024 7 30 133 " 2d " 75 3d " 68 << 4th " 66 135 2d " 134 " 3d " 67 4th " 1 212 6581 271 134 254 837 5012 2502 Rock County's war record is of a character to which her people may ever refer with pride and satisfaction. One of the first counties in the State to respond with volunteers in the hour of gravest peril, she never faltered during the entire struggle, weary and disheartening as it ofttimes was. Her old men were not wanting in counsel, nor her young and middle-aged men in true martial spirit. With a firm, unswerving faith in the righteousness of the Union cause, her HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 455 citizens, with scarce a distinction in age or sex, were imbued with a determination to conquer, or die rather than survive defeat. It was this kind of martial spirit that bore the Union cause through defeat as well as victory, whenever the oft repeated news was brought home of depleted and scattered ranks. Rock County valor is attested upon every street of her hospitable cities and villages, upon her broad sections of fertile lands, and, last, but not least, within the silent inclosures of her dead. It is here that, with each recurring anniversary, the graves of her slumbering heroes are moistened with the tears of sorrow, as loving fingers bedeck them with beautiful flowers. When the first alarm was sounded of the coming of war, and President Lincoln called for 75,000 men to defend the cause of the Union, Rock County responded with the " Beloit City Guards," and thereafter, until the terms of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, made by Lee to Grant, on the " old stage road to Richmond," in the afternoon of April 9, 1865, were promulgated, Rock County was ever ready to manifest her patriotism and love of country. The draft was enforced three times during the war — November 12, 1863 ; September 19, 1864, and February 19, 1865 — but filled with recruits, yet the county furnished 2,817 soldiers and upward of a half-million dollars to beat back the foe. Of this number, 1,493, by actual count, was enlisted prior to November 11, '1861. The subjoined roster of Rock County soldiers has been undertaken with the view of mak ing it correct. In its preparation, the writer has labored under peculiar embarrassments, which arose from the fact that the lapse of time had, to some extent, dissipated the bold lines on the panorama of events upon which public interest centered. The utmost difficulty was experienced ' in the procuration of names of soldiers, though all the sources of information in that behalf, accessible to inquiry, were exhausted. This is, in the main, due to the participants. In May, 1865, the Legislature of Wisconsin directed the Adjutant General of the State to procure the roster of each regiment from its original organization to its muster-out. From many of these regiments, this was found impossible, and those sent, in obedience to such directions, were found imperfect. From this and other causes, the readers will appreciate some of the difficulties encountered, and the reasons why many names of those belonging to companies have been unavoidably omitted. But the citizens of Rock County require no facts to remind them of their deeds, or recall the names of those who fought the good fight unto the end. On the land and on the sea, they wrought their names in characters that live as monuments to the memories of men who, though dead long ago, will always live, bright and imperishable as the rays of Austerlitz's sun. Many of the '-boys" who went out from home to battle for the Union, with only the bene diction of a mother's tears and prayers, came back to that mother's arms shrived in glory. Many returned, having left a limb in the swamps of the Chickahominy ; on the banks of the Rapidan ; at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg or the Wilderness. Many still bear the marks of that strife which raged at Stone River, Iuka, Chickamauga, or on the heights of Lookout Mountain, whence they thundered down the defiance ofthe skies; of that strife which raged before Atlanta, Savannah and in the Carolinas. , But there were many who came not back. They fell by the wayside, or, from the prison and battle-field, crossed over and mingled with the ranks of that Grand Army beyond the river. Their memory, too, is held in sacred keeping. Some sleep beside their ancestors in the village churchyard, where the violets on their mounds speak not alone of womanly sweetness, but in tender accents of the devotion of those who sleep below. Their memory, too, is immortal ; beautiful as the crown of gold the rays of the sunset lay upon the hill-tops. Some sleep in unknown graves in the land of cotton and cane. But the same trees which shade the sepulcher of their foemen shade their tombs also; the same birds carol their matins to both ; the same flowers sweeten the air with their fragrance, and the same daisies caress the graves of both, as the breezes toss them into rippling eddies. Neither is forgotten. Both are remembered as they slumber there, in peaceful, glorified rest. 456 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. " Winds of Summer, oh ! whisper low Over the graves where the daisies grow, Blossoming flowers and songs of bees, Sweet ferns tossed in the summer's breeze — Floating shadows and golden lights, Dewy mornings and radiant nights — All the bright and beautiful things That gracious and bountiful summer brings, Fairest and sweetest that earth can bestow, Brighten the graves where the daisies grow." On the 17th of April, 1861, the proclamation of Gov. Randall was published, calling upon " all good citizens to join in making common cause against a common enemy," and inviting the " patriotic citizens of Wisconsin to enroll themselves into companies ready to be mustered into service immediately." The promulgation of this address was followed by public meetings held at eligible points throughout the county. On the evening of April 20, the largest meeting ever convened in Janesville was held in the Hyatt House Hall. It was composed of men of all degrees and every shade "of political belief. Party appeared to have been for the time forgotten, Democrats and Republicans alike seeming to be impressed with but one purpose — devotion to the maintenance of the Union, and the enforcement of the laws ; W. H. Ebbetts presided, and, in a brief address, set forth the causes which necessitated the assemblage. He was followed by the Hon. Andrew Palmer, C. G. Williams, W. H. Mitchell, Gov. Barstow, Isaac Woodle, H. N. Comstock and others. J. B. Cassoday, M. C. Smith and I. C. Sloan were appointed a committee to draft an address, inviting the people of Rock County to co-operate with the citizens of Janesville in aiding the subscription of money and enlistment of volunteers to put down the rebels who were then marching on Washington. A series of resolutions introduced by the Hons. Andrew Palmer and Isaac Woodle, expressing the people's determination to rally at once, without distinction of party, to the defense of the country ; to cheerfully respond to the call of the President for troops to aid in the enforcement of the laws, and to contribute to the support of the families of those who shall enlist and enter upon active service, where their pecuniary condition may require it, were unanimously adopted. " The most intense and enthusiastic patri otism was manifested, and before the assembly dispersed, the following subscriptions, aggregating $3,730, were pledged : Ed. McKay, $200 ; H. Richardson, C. Conrad, Andrew Palmer, Noah Newell, John Mitchell, J. C. Jenkins, J. B. Doe, R. J. Richardson, H. S. Conger, E. R. Doe, H. L. Smith, 0. B. Mattison, J. D. Rexford, J. I. R. Pease, J. W. Storey and Jackman & Smith, $100 each ; C. R. Gibbs, B. B. Eldredge, James Sutherland, Z. S. Doty, Dann & Carle, J. M. Bostwick ; Peter Myers, G. F. Moseley, I. C. Sloan, W. G. Wheeloek, George Barnes, J. M. May, George A. Young, Daniel Clow & Holt, Bowen & Wilcox, $50 each; J. B. Casso day, H. N. Comstock, J. Spaulding, J. L. Kimball, H. Search, C. G. Williams, S. C. Burn ham, K. W. Bemis, J. L. Kimball, W. Macloon, S. Holdridge, Jr., E. S. Barrows, Randall Williams, H. N. Gregory, S. J. M. Putnam, C, Miner, J. C. Metcalf, Robert Hodge, B. Born- heim, F. & D. Strunk, A. P. Prichard, William Eager, W. H. Parker, Adam Andre, A. Suth erland ; H. Palmer, J. R. Bennett, G. H. Davis, J. L. Ford, Charles W. Hodson, Beri Cook, G. Nettleton, Fifield & Bro., Ole Everson, Nash & Cutts, Hugh Chapin, J. W. Allen, Joseph James, H. E. Patterson, Colwell & Co., Theodore Kendall, D. W. Inman and. J. W. Sleeper, $25 each ; D. S. Treat, $20 ; John Mohr, A. Wilson, J. M. Riker, W. Winkly, N. Swager, N. L. Graves, Charles Seaton, A. D. Stoddard, G. W. Kimball, L. H. Black, Henry Chapin, Royal Wood, O. B. Hartley, James Madden and F. Barrere, $10 each ; Henry Powell, $15 ; H.Got^mari, Lesley Hyde,' A. Nellis and O. W. Monsell, $5 each ; J. B. Doe was appointed Treasurer, in addition to the following Relief Committee, and Ladies' Committee to furnish flags for enlisted companies : T. Jackman, G. R. Curtis, H. W. Collins, Piatt Eycleshimer and Samuel Belton ; Ladies' Committee, Mesdames J. T. Wright, R. B. Treat, Henry Palmer, Z. S. Doty and Peter Myers. Large Union meetings were also held at Evansville, Footville, Clinton, Afton, Shopiere (at wliich $4,640 was subscribed), Magnolia, Johnstown and elsewhere, at all of which the greatest HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 457 enthusiasm and generous liberality were displayed. On the 25th of April, a county meeting was held in Janesville to take into consideration the condition of the country and adopt such measures as the exigencies of the time demanded. The city was generally decorated in honor of the event, the stores and public offices closed, and the proceedings were of a character well calculated to excite patriotic emotions. The meeting was organized by the appointment of B. E. Hale, of Beloit, Chairman ; Andrew Palmer, Isaac Miles, Dr. John Mitchell, Z. P. Burdick, J. P. W-heeler and D. Y. Kil- gore, Vice Presidents, and W. H. Ebbetts, Hiram Bowen and E. P. Brooks, Secretaries. Speeches were made by Prof. D. Y. Kilgore, of Evansville Seminary, W. H. Ebbetts, Judge Armstrong, Mr. McAdams, of Milton, J. P. Wheeler and the Rev. I. Codding, and Messrs. Graham, Lawrence, Gibbs, Martin, Calkins, Tilton, May, Williams and others, at an impromptu meeting held on the public square. At this meeting, " The Rock County Union and Relief Society" was organized, and the following officers elected : J. D. Rexford, Treasurer ; William Merrill, Secretary, and J. G. Kendall, W. H. Tripp, J. E. Culver, A. Palmer, George Sherman and A. W. Pope, Committee. The objects of the Society were to enroll, organize into companies and drill such men as were willing to enter into active service as volunteers; to raise funds for the support and relief of such volunteers and their families, and to defray such other expenses as may be proper in carrying out these objects. The labors imposed were onerous, but till the close of the war the Society was untiring in its efforts to promote the cause of the Union and the welfare of the soldier. In the three-months' service, Pliny Norcross, a student at Milton at the date of the call, enlisted in the Governor's Guards, and is believed to have been the only recruit from Rock County who served in the three-months campaigns around Washington, terminating with the battle of Bull Run, excepting, of course, the "Beloit City Guards," which were enlisted at Beloit and mustered into the First Regiment. Pliny Norcross subsequently became Captain of Company K, Thirteenth Regiment, and served to the close of the war. He is now practicing law in Janesville. Company F, First Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, three-months' men, known as "Beloit City Guards," — Captain, William M. Clark; First Lieutenant, Thomas P. Northrop; Second Lieutenant, Noble W. Smith ; First Sergeant, John F. Vallee ; Second Sergeant, Frederick W. Goddard; Third Sergeant, Alexander Anderson; Fourth Sergeant, David M. Bennett; Corporals, Henry H. Stafford, Phillip E. Fisher, Benjamin Vaughan, Charles A. Rathburn ; Fifer, Volney P. Van Buren ; Drummer, Alexander Lee ; Privates. Myron N. Adams, John A. Avery, George Beeken, Daniel W. Barry, Daniel Bratt, Harmon H. Barmoore, Ebenezer Buterfield, Rufus Benson, Charles F. Bernus, Charles A. Colley, Hartly H. Colly, Alexander Clark, Horace R. Colley, Charles H. Christ, Deloss H. Cady, Howard Convers, John Campbell, John S. Chandler, John N. Clifford, Philander B. Daggett, Bradford B. Daggett, William Dor man, George 0. Ellsworth, Joseph E. Fisher, William Frye, James H. Funnell, John H. Gustin, Charles H. Goodrich, Elisha W. Goddard, John Gray, Horace W. Hackett, Sophronus S. Herrick, Henry W. Hamilton, James Hislop, Henry Harbaugh, James II. Ingersoll, Ben jamin Kline, William Knox, Martin McDevitt, Ira Miner, Sanford L. Miller, Phillip Morse, Lemon C. Morgan, Franklin C. Morgan, William H. Norton, John A. Pease, Robert Peters, John W. Parker, William H. Parker, Chauney Pellibone, James W. Quinn, Leonard M. Rose, Hiram A. Reaves, James S. Ranous, Harry Rivers, John Ridgeway, Lee C. Stone, Nathaniel Shelter, Elisha W. Sherman, Albert S. Steel, William A. Stone, Jerry J. Towers, Edward D. Webb, James A. Wither, Mark Young, Daniel Young, Warren Young, Klem Barnes. The company, after participating in the fight at Falling Waters, on July 2, 1861, were mustered out with the regiment on August 21, of the same year. Vallee s Battery. — This battery was organized in Beloit in September, 1861, by Capt. John F. Vallee. His Senior First Lieutenant was George B. Easterly ; Junior First Lieuten ant, Martin McDevitt; Senior Second Lieutenant, Charles A. Rathbun; Junior Secord 158 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Lieutenant, Alexander See ; Staff Sergeants, Charles H. Clark, Q. M. S., Cephas L. Sturtevant, First Sergeant ; Duty Sergeants, Mark Young, Alexander Clark, Benjamin F. Watson, Charles A. Colby, Horatio Yarrington, James H. Graves ; Wagonmaster, Samuel Elliott ; Corporals, Edwin M. Palmer, Delos fi. Cady, Burr Maxwell, Chauncey Baker, Benjamin Brown, Chaun cey B. Jerome, Guerdin D. Keeler, James W. Vandeventer, Bateman J. Stickel, Levi Westing- house, John M. Clifford, Eli White; Artificers, Andrew David, Charles B. Sperry, Stephen N. Peck, Garrett G. Vorhees ; Buglers, Jacob .Newman, Calvin Burrows; Farrier, Augustine M. Carpenter ; Hospital Steward, Harry D. Bullard ; Guidon, Howard Converse. Capt. Vallee resigned July 5, 1863, his successor being George B. Easterly. The former officers were all honorably discharged. Capt. Easterly's Senior First Lieutenant was Martin McDevitt ; Junior First Lieutenant, George Powers ; Senior Second Lieutenant, George R.Wright; Junior Second Lieutenant, Dorman L. Noggle ; Staff Sergeants, Q. M. S. Charles H. Clark, First Sergeant, Cephas L. Sturtevant; Duty Sergeants, Horatio N. Yarrington, Edwin N. Palmer, Levi Westinghouse, RandH. Stevenson, William Abbott, Samuel Elliott ; Corporals, Delos H. Cady, Burr Max well, Benjamin Brown, James II. Graves, John Clifford, James Baldwin, Robert Campbell, Hugh Schallong, Charles Colby, Spencer Maxwell, Albert Wallace. The remainder of the non-commissioned were the same men who served under Capt. Vallee, except the Wagoner, who was Chauncey Baker. After the resignation of Capt. Easterly, Dorman L. Noggle was appointed in his place, the rest of the commissioned officers having resigned. Capt. Noggle's Senior First Lieutenant was Robert Campbell ; Junior First Lieutenant, Burr Maxwell ; Senior Second Lieutenant, Delos H. Cady ; JuniorJBecond Lieutenant, Benjamin Brown. The following is a list ofthe privates : January Blackbird, Charles H. Burrows, Robert J. Butler, Ira A. Blackmar, George Beeken, Allan Baldwin, John Bingham, William Bingham, Duffy Bentley, Orlando H. Butler, John Berry, John Carney, William W. Colly, J. Cady, Horace Colly, Hartley H. Colly, James Lumsden, Louis Lightheart, Mazerie Letterneau, Louis 0. Larsen, Daniel W. Mapes, Thomas McDonnell, Thomas McGrath, Josiah Moyer, Charles Mansfield, John McManemanamin, Neil McCathrine, James McCathrine, George H. Marshall, Henry Manly, William Norton, James Nes- bitt, Thomas Nelson, Charles Olsen, Joseph Pierson, David Philbourn, Josiah Parkhurst, John C. Payson, William Ruff, William S. Ranous, Hugh Reiley, Wakeman Ressiegue, Charles E. Rodifer, Amos E. Rice, Harry Rivers, James Ritchie, Charles Smith, Hubbard D. Smith, Elisha W. Sherman, Charles Schupel, Thomas P. Spencer, Fernando R. Sumner, Charles Sheilds, George Sour, Wardell Tunison, William S. Thorn, Edwin Van Gelder, Amos S. Van Gelder, James Wil kins, Joseph B. Williams, Alvin West, Sabin Warren, William Warren, Stephen Wells, Franklin Wright, John H. Weller, George H. Adams, William L. Austin, Edward Carroll, Adelbert M. Case, Eugene Dutcher, John Douglas, Consider K. Davis, Henry Dodd, Daniel Dulhanty, Henry M. Davis, Peres D. Ellis, Wesley Ellison, William L. Early, Sidney C. Early, Joseph Flannigan, Eugene K. Felt, Francis N. Graves, George Groner, William Groner, George W. Hayes, Allen Hurley, Peter Halverson, William R. Hanson, Thomas W. Harnden, Daniel B. Hitchcock, Elisha Hawk, Lewis Isaacson, Henry Johnson, William W. James, Sidney Knill, William J. Kelly, Thomas Kelly. Company D, Second Regiment, was raised in the city of Janesville — the first company of volunteers enlisted for the war in Rock County. The company was enlisted under the call for three months, but when mustered into service on June 11, 1861, was credited to the quota for three years. It left Janesville for Madison on the 6th of May, where it was quartered in Camp Randall. After remaining in camp engaged in drilling and equipping for the field until June 20, the regiment departed for Washington, its officers and privates regarding the change of base in the light of a pleasure trip, confident that their services would not be required beyond a year. After a brief sojourn in the capital, the regiment crossed the Potomac and camped on Arlington Heights, where it was brigaded under the command of the present Gen. W. T. Sherman, and participated in the memorable battle of Bull's Run, at which Marion HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 459 F. Hume, of Company F, was killed by a cannon-ball — the first Wisconsin soldier killed in the war. On the 27th of August following, the regiment was transferred to the command of Gen. Rufus King, and composed a portion of the " Iron Brigade." Company D participated in the campaigns against Richmond, in the battles of Gainesville, South Mountain, Antietam, Fred ericksburg, Gettysburg, Laurel Mountain and at other points, until May 11, 1864. At that date, the regiment was detached from the brigade it had accompanied since its organization, and to whose reputation it so materially contributed (the Second having been reduced to less than one hundred men fit for active service), and employed as Provost Guard of the Fourth Division, Fifth Army Corps, accompanying that Division in the movement to the left, crossing the North Anna River on the 23d of May, and arriving, on the 6th of June, on the Chickahominy. The regiment remained here until the 11th of the same month, when it marched to White House Landing, whence it embarked for Washington, and arrived in Madison June 18, where, on the 2d of July, 1864, it was mustered out of service, and the remnant of Company D returned to Rock County. When the regiment reached Wisconsin, its total number was 155 officers and men, out of 1,050 who entered the service in 1861. The number returned as above did not include 20 veterans or 45 members who were "returned wounded and prisoners." The original roster of Company D contained the following : George B. Ely, Captain, wounded at the battle of Antietam, September 2, 1862, discharged the service December 24 following; A. B. McLean, First Lieutenant, resigned October 7, 1862; Dana D. Dodge, Second Lieutenant, promoted to First Lieutenant March 18, 1862, resigned April 13 following ; Albert F. Wade, Orderly Sergeant ; George F. Saunders (promoted to First Lieutenant April 30, 1862, and resigned), William A. Jameson (promoted January 9 and May 4, 1863, to First Lieutenant) and Henry Silman, Sergeants; John C. McDonald; John C. Little, Charles W. Atherton and Dennison Webster, Corporals. The privates were Ethan Allen, Marion Alexan der, John J. Bristow, Gersham A. Bennett, Frederick Breme, Cain Billings, Jeremiah G. Bur dick, Chancy Bartholomew, Henry Backus, Andrew Bean (killed at South Mountain September 14, 1862), William Croft, Samuel Creek, Charles H. Cheney, Andrew Douglas, Lorin Davis, Jr., Johnson Dole, John N. Ehle, Chauncey Ehle (died at Richmond, Va., in November, 1862), John F. Foot, William H. Foote, Asahel Gage (killed at South Mountain September 14, 1862), Wendell Fairbrother, John Hamilton (promoted Corporal and died at Richmond, Va.), William Hogan, Albert B. Heath, Joseph Harris, Isaac R. Huggins, John Johnson, Edward Killelee, Hiram H. Kimball, Albert B. Kimball, Thomas H. Knill, Oliver Friddle, Daniel H. Loomis, Lucius H. Lee, C. H. Lee, Alexander Lee (appointed Second Lieutenant May 13, 1863), Her man J. Longhoff, Sidney Landers, Charles E. Marsh, Orville J. Miles, William J. McRea, Frederick H. Maine, John C. Malloy, Nathaniel Parks, A. Patterson, Leonard Powell, William Smith (promoted Corporal and died in Richmond, Va., March 14, 1862), Charles Rowland, George L. Scott, Albert H. Stickney, Charles D. Stickney, William L. Schermerhorn, Joslyn Southard, William Seiforth, D. Thoraldson, Lucien N. Turner, Lewis Tramblie, Joseph H. Tramblie (killed at Gainesville, Aug. 28, 1826), David Tramblie, Julius Tramblie, Clark R. Thomas, Oramel Wilcox, Philander Wilcox (promoted Corporal, and killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863) and Caleb J. Waterman. Company E, Fifth Regiment, was enlisted in Rock County in May, 1861, and rendez voused at Camp Randall during the latter part of the following June, where it was mustered into service July 13, leaving the State for the Army of Eastern Virginia, on the 24th of the same month. Arriving in Washington, the regiment became attached to the brigade of Gen. King and encamped on Meridian Hill. On the 3d of the ensuing September, the regiment was moved to Chain Bridge and assigned to Hancock's Brigade, Smith's Division, Army of the Potomac. Company E was a prominent factor in all these movements, including that of the Army of the Peninsula, participating in the battle of Williamsburg, the first engagement of the historic battles about Richmond, including Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Frasier's Farm, Malvern Hills and Antietam. Also taking part in the battles of Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg (being attached (to Gen. Franklin's Division of the Sixth Army Corps, and crossing the river on 460 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the morning of the 12th of December, 1862, in advance of Burnside's Army), and took a posi tion on the left of the battle line at Gettysburg. In the latter part- of July, 1863, Company E occupied Kingston, N. Y., where it was stationed until after the draft, when, in obedience to orders, it returned to Fairfax Station, Va., and, rejoining the Third Brigade, First Division, Sixth Army Corps, took possession of Warrenton, joined in the charge upon Rappahannock Station and in the engagement at Locust Grove across the Rapidan. In the spring of 1864, Company E again crossed the Rapidan and took part in the battle of the Wilderness, in which, it will be remembered, the Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment was captured by companies attached to the Fifth Wisconsin. After the battles of Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg, the regiment assisted in the defense of Washington when menaced by Breckinridge, remaining until the 16th of July, 1864, when it was returned to Madison and mustered out. The following is the list of officers and privates originally enlisted in Rock County : H. M. Wheeler, Captain, promoted to Major, died in Washington, November 19, 1863, of wounds received at the battle of Fredericksburg ; H. R. Clum, First Lieutenant, promoted Captain Feb ruary 9, and resigned October 3, 1863 ; James Mills, Second Lieutenant, resigned May 11, 1862 ; H. C. Hern, died of wounds at Williamsburg, in May, 1862 ; E. P. Mills, promoted February 9, and, October 31, 1863, to First Lieutenant, and killed at the battle of the Wilder ness May 5, 1864 ; A. W. Hathaway, promoted May 19, 1862, February 9 and October 31, 1863, to Captain ; W. L. Smith -and A. L. Cutts (died at Fairfax, Va., March 15, 1862), Sergeants ; G. W. Dutton, W. M. Birt, J. C. Rogers, P. Wilson, J. McDaniels, C. 0. Harrington, G. Thorngate and R. W. Raynor, Corporals ; F. Schermerhorn, drummer, and John Jackson, fifer, with the subjoined list of privates : Louis Anderson, Leslie Anderson, Thomas H. Alverson, W. H. Albon, H. S. Ames, J. Anson, Rosewell Beech (died at Washington, November 25, 1863), Wm. C. Benedict, P. J. Bellesfield, John Beatty, E. C. Bingham, E. P. Bly, J. H. Bliven, W. W. Bradshaw, J. W. Brown, W. Braithwaite (died at Hagerstown, Md., October 29, 1862), A. M. Burdick, Page N. Bulls, James B. Carr, J. W. Coonen (died at Baltimore, December 18, 1862), R. D. Coonen, Henry Curron, B. Courtrighte, R. F. Dutton, M. Dunn, J. D. Dysart, C. M. Densmore, Thomas Evans, W. M. Folsom, A. R. Foster, N. H. Fowle, S. C. Glover (killed at the battle ofthe Wilderness, May 5, 1864), W. W. Hastings, F. T. Harvey, R. A. Hickox, Thomas Hodson, J. W. Hu'ggins, W. A. Helmes, G. W. Hale (died at Washing ton September 24, 1862), C. A. Ingersoll, H. Jarvis, R. K. Johnson, J. M. Kimball, John Lahn (died at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864), J. P. Lincoln, W. D. Masterton, J. D. Maxon, W. McClure, Edward Miles, Thomas Miller, Ely Mitchell, M. Newton, Alonzo Nellis, I. B. New- kirk, Timothy Osborn (died at Liberty Hall Hospital, Va., January 27, 1862), E. H. Olison, F. D. Parker, Ezra Pepper, George Peterson (died of wounds received at Cold Harbor June 3, 1864), Joseph Pierson (killed at the battle of the Wilderness May 5, 1864), C. A. Pierce ; B. K. Plats (died at Liberty Hall Hospital, Va., July 18, 1862), G. S. Prior, R. W. Pitts (killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863), C. T. Packard, P. G. Raymond (died of wound received at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864), W. F. Reed, M. Rhoades, D. 0. Ripley, T. G. Richardson, J. B. Russell, H. C. Russell, J. F. Smith, G. F. Seymour, P. A. Shaw, G. C. Sims, S. F. Smith, E. C. Small, W. H. Story, W. C. Stevens, W. C. Stuck (died of wounds at Washing ton November 29, 1863), T. T. Stewart, C. M. Taylor, Whitney Tibbals (killed at Spottsyl vania May 10, 1864), W. Tucker, J. D. Valentine, A. N. Vaughn (died at Philadelphia in May, 1862), R. W. Walker, A. Walrath, J. A. Warner, Henry Wagner, F. R. Walker, R. B. Webster, Theodore Weed, G. Westemyer, W. W. Wiggins, D. Williams and G. R. Woodard. In the campaign against Fredericksburg, the Fifth Wisconsin bore an important part. It will be remembered that the attack upon the heigh s beyond that stronghold was made simulta neously by three columns under Gens. Gibbon, Howe and Newton. " On Sunday morning, May 3," writes an eye witness, and after the first advance had been repulsed, "Col. Allen, with two hundred and twenty-five men, the right wing of the Fifth Wisconsin, deployed as skirmishers fifty yards in advance, covering the Thirty-first New York and Sixth Maine, and ordered his line forward on the double-quick. His men were directed not to fire a musket, but to make use HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 461 of the bayonet, thus giving the enemy, who had just discharged their pieces, no time to reload. " This was the most brilliant charge of the campaign. The line of skirmishers darted for ward upon the run, but before they reached the stone fence, which was less than three minutes, twenty-three were killed and seventy-six fell wounded, but not a man unhurt faltered. Clearing the stone fence under a terrible fire of artillery and musketry, they bayoneted those of the enemy who still resisted their advance, and, rushing forward, captured the heights, taking possession of the rifle-pits and batteries. "Lieut. Brown, commanding a section of Walton's famous Washington Artillery, surren dered his battery and his men to Col. Allen. All this was done before any other troops had reached the stone wall. The Sixth Maine came up and planted their colors on the right, and the left wing of the Fifth Wisconsin came up about the same time and raised their colors on the left." Company G, Sixth Regiment; — Captain, M. A. Northrup ; Lieutenants, G. L. Montague and W. W. Allen. The company was known as "Beloit Star Rifles," enlisted at Beloit. The "following is the complete roster : Royal Atwood, James Avery, A. 0. Austin, A. Allen, S. P. Alexander, D. C. Burbank, P. Burch, S. G. Bayes, J. N. Bingham, G. W. Bly, H. L. Beemon, G. T. Bury, L. K. Barmore, W. Bedford, H. Brady, H. S. Beers, G. Best, M. Ball, W. H. H. Burns, D. F. "Burdick, D. Briggs, J. Brader, G. W. Chamberlin, J. H. Cowen, George Closson, A. Clarke, B. Cannon, J. Conner, B. F. Clarke, B. Christer, J. Conner, E, Dwinnell, H. J. Dahl, J. F. J. Davis, W. P. Force, J. H. Fillmore, J. W. Frodine, W. T. Fuller, W. C. Gard ner, C. J. Gibbs, R. Gamble, F. Green, C. Gierwitz, W. Holland, George W. Harbaugh, B. F. Harbaugh, S. W. Hanson, James Haynes, C. R. Hubbard, N. Haley, G. W. Jay, G. M. Keyt, L. A. Kent, J. Kilmartin, A. Kellum, M. A. Kinsey, B. Keller, J. Jane, D. F. Lumbard. L. S. Medbury, P. Manning, A. Moffatt, J. Miller, B. Miller, T. Mealey, 0. Morton, H. C. Mal- raw, C. W. Mead, J. M. Moore, J. McMann, C. Mann, W. S. Metcalf, J. Moreau, W. Nichols, M. Odell, J. O'Leary, H. S. Paine, H. L. Surfield, S. N. Page, B. Parkenson, H. C. Pow ers, A. S. Parker, E. W. Plummer, A. Rickle, P. Rafferty, Thomas Smith, B. Snyder, J. L. Snyder, F. J. Tuttle, 0. West, J. W. Webb, H. Whittaker, R. 0. Wright, 0. Willson, A. Wel ler, A.^Webb, G. Weatherby, Y. Smith. Company K, Seventh Regiment — Captains, Alexander Gordon, George S. Hoyt and John M. Hoyt; Lieutenants, F. W. Oakley and F. W. Shirrell, and others. This Company was known as " Badger Rifles," enlisted at Beloit and rendezvoused at Camp Randall. Following is the roster: Alexander Gordon, F. W. Oakley, David Shirrell, S. B. Morse, George S. Hoyt, A. D. Rood, J. W. Bruce, J. M. Hoyt; W. Stever, S. B. Morse, J. B. Daves, George S. Hoyt, H. Harbaugh, Amos D. Rood, D. C. Van Antwerp, Isaac S. Livingston, L. A. Eggleston, J. S. Claflin, Andrew Clark, W. Steever, H. Phillips, D. McDermot, M. M. Havely, D. Custer, C. Andrews, 0. Anderson, S. Agan, N. S. Allen, W. H. Allison, P. Barrett, J. H. Beard, W. C. Beardsley, W. W. Bowers, S. Bond, A. Brooks, J. W. Bruce, W. C. Barnum, F. B. Bad- reau, N. Blackington, A. M. Baldwin, N. D. Bennett, W. Bloom, J. Boner, M. L. Cochran, N. M. Casper, G. W. Covill, J. M. Crawford, George Carney, Ed. Carney, William Combs, W. Cloupeck, M.'O. Donnell, J. Dunham, M. Erickson, N. Eddy, W. D. Ellis, F. Eiselt, J. H. Fenton, W. C. Frankling, J. F. Foss, C. R. Garner, F. J. Garner, J. M. Hoyt, W. Hyde, W. Hughes, H. B. Huntress, E. M. Hopkins, G. Huntress, Michael Haman, J. L. Judd, C. Jones, H. M. Johnson, J. H. Knapp, C. Klein, P. Kinsman, M. Kramer, H. M. Kinsman, C. Keihl, W. Kersher, D. Lord, F. S.Lyon, A. A. Lombard, R. F. Lombard, J. M. Livingston, J. A. Livingston, M. E. Livingston, A. F. Livingston, W. D. McKenney, A. Mussey, A. Mahoney. H. McRady, C. Miller, M. McNamara, M. Miller, J. P. Murray, D. Moriarty, L. MeFarlan, A. Munson, E. Mattson, P. C. Miller, J. McLabe, F. McKee, C. B. Norton, N. H. Norton, D. Noack, H. L. Nichols, E. H. Oviatt, M. W. Organ, H. Phillips, H. Richards, W. J. Rader, F. L. Rubin, D. M. Russell, W. Raymond, E. Ranney, J. Ryan, A. Rick, C. Reidenback, J. Rittenhouse, N. Sebring, G. Sedgwick. A. J. Streeter, S. Stevenson, J. A. Snyder, George Simmons, F. Simmons, F. Stowell, R. Tihhitt*, 462 ' HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. L. Tanson, A. Teachard, J. T. Tower, A. Tischonser, P. Parnutzer, B. Tolickson, H, Uhl, G. Van Amburg, T. Van Orman, F. Virginia, J. Warbert, W. S. Wilson, C. W. Woodman, L. S. Wilkins, D. S. Wilkinson, G. F. Watson, S. L. Wood, S. Wood, W. Woold ridge, J. Wright, J. M. Winters, W. Webber, M. Weiler, W. Wiseman, J. C. Young, C. Zantner. Company G, of the Eighth, was made up of recruits from various portions of the county, the Janesville Fire Department, etc., and was recognized as one of the "crack companies" of the nationally, famous eagle regiment of Wisconsin. The regimental organization was com pleted on the 4th and the regiment mustered into service on the 5th of September, 1861, at Camp Randall. After a brief delay devoted to drilling, the Eighth was armed and equipped, and, on the 12th of October departed for the scene of active hostilities, with which it was so intimately associated during the three years following. The regiment reached St. Louis on the 14th, remaining at Benton Barracks one day, going thence to De Soto, Big River Bridge, Pilot Knob, and finally to Fredericktown, where Jeff Thompson was encountered and put to flight. This was the first engagement in which the boys participated, and was followed by New Madrid, Island No. 10, Farmington, Miss., the siege of Corinth; the battles of Iuka, Corinth and Jackson ; the siege and capture of Vicksburg ; battles of Richmond, Ft. De Russy, Henderson Hills, Pleasant Hill, Cloutierville, Mausura and Yellow Bayou, La., Hurricane Creek, Miss., Lake Chicot, Ark., Nashville, the Spanish Fort and Mobile. After campaigning through Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi, the regiment returned to St. Louis, where it was reclothed and accompanied the command of Gen. A. J. Smith in the movement to repel the advance of Hood. After the battle of Nashville, the regiment moved further south, camping at Chalmette, near New Orleans, at Dauphin Island, Mobile, Montgomery and Demopolis, Ala., where it was mustered out of service and returned home, reaching Madison on the 13th of September, 1865, after four years constant service, during which the regiment marched 15,179 miles, campaigned in eleven States, fought nearly forty battles, participated in nineteen skirmishes and innumer able sorties, returning home at the close of its service full of honor and with its "eagle bird" in the enjoyment of excellent health and undiminished appetite. Early in the war, the regi ment was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, of the Army of the Mississippi, under the command of Gen. Plummer, but subsequently became a part of the Second Brigade, First Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, Gen. W. T. Sherman, and of the First Brigade, Second Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, Gen. A. J. (Baldy) Smith. The following is a list of officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of Company G : W. B. Britton, Captain, promoted Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel ; Charles P. King, First Lieutenant, promoted Captain March 28, 1863 ; R. D. Beamish, Second Lieutenant, killed at Farmington, Miss., May 9, 1863 ; William H. Sargent, promoted First Lieutenant March 28, 1863, killed before Nashville December 16, 1864 ; James Croft, Jr., M. H. Doty, M. C. Williamson (died at Iuka, Miss., August, 1862), and H. H. Whittier (died at Vicksburg July 15, 1863), Sergeants. J. A. White (killed at Farmington, Miss., May 9, 1862), A. J. Blood, C. N. Riker, D. H. Slauson, W. J. E. McNair, A. Paul, Jr. (died at Germantown, Tenn., March 10, 1863), J. W. Drummond and William Watson, Corporals. Privates P. Anderson, H. E. Bewley, T. Bowles, J. Brittain, C. K. Bryan (died at Cairo, 111., January 29, 1862), John Bray, John Carney, William Culton, John Crymble, A. Cooley, William Conroy (died at Memphis, Tenn., January 5, 1864). L. Davis, Jr., Norman Davis, Edward Drake, John Dove (died at Black River, Miss., October 7, 1863), Frederick Fisher (died at Bear Creek, Miss., August 7, 1863), M. Flynn, John Flagler, E. L. Graves, G. L. Griffith, W. W. Gowens, E. B. Griffin, C. E. Hine, David Harvey, Soloman Harvey, J. B. Huggins, A. Holloway, A. M. Johnson (died at Farmington, Miss., May 24, 1862), Joseph Kane, James Krebs, Charles Kelly, William Kelly, Julius Love, Charles Lee, James Keefe,, J. N. Marshall, J. McNair, C. L. Noggle, H. J. Phillips, C. Palm, R. Peters, James Rogers, G. Stickney, A. M. Stickney, J. B. Smith (died at Sulphur Spa, Mo., January 16, 1862), John Stephenson, B. Sentenn, P. W. Tifft, J. Tramblie, A. Thompson, A. Tiedeman, G. Viney, Charles Viney, William Trask, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY 163 E. Wieglef, B. F. Williams, M. Wilson (died at Memphis, Tenn., March 4, 1862), and G. P. Ide. The Thirteenth Regiment was proposed at the close of the five days' fight around Rich mond, at a meeting held in Janesville to devise means for strengthening the Union cause. Before the assemblage dispersed, a resolution, providing for the enlistment of a regiment of infantry from Rock County, was introduced and met with immediate adoption. The prelimina ries incident to the business in hand were promptly disposed of, and a committee appointed, con sisting of Senator H. Richardson and the Rev.H. C. Tilton, authorized to confer with the Governor and conclude arrangements for enlisting the soldiers and providing them with officers. The Hon. J. J. R. Pease, Senator Richardson and H. G. Collins were aopointed to take charge of the camp, and see that the " boys " were comfortably provided for. All things being intrusted to proper authorities, recruiting began, and before many weeks the regimental roster was com pleted, and consisted of six companies from Rock County exclusively, the balance from Green and Walworth Counties. The regiment, rank and file, as also the officers, was made up from the farm houses and workshops, with a goodly number from Milton College and the High School at Janesville, and went into camp northeast of the latter city, on what is now the County Fair Grounds, but at that date called "Camp Treadway." It was mustered into service October 17, 1861, and left the State for Fort Leavenworth, Kan. From thence it marched to Fort Scott, where it remained until March 22, and was transferred to Lawrence, arriving there March 31, 1861. After a month's sojourn, the regiment went to Fort Riley, where it was fitted out for an expedition into Mexico. On the eve of departure to the land of cocoa and palm, the orders were countermanded, and the "Mexican expedition" retraced its steps to Fort Leavenworth,' going thence to Columbus, Ky., Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, remaining at the two forts named for upward of a year, the regimental time being devoted to skirmishes, engagements, harassing Forrest and guarding supply steamers between Fort Henry and Hamburg Landing. On the 27th of August, 1863, the regiment marched to Stevenson, Ala. After remaining at this port a 'short time, it went into camp at Edgefield, near Nashville, where it remained until the expira tion of its term of service, and, having re-enlisted, was given a furlough of thirty days, the same being passed in Janesville. Upon entering active service once more, the regiment was assigned to the First Brigade ofthe Fourth Division of the Twentieth Army Corps, and served in the Southwest, remaining at Stevenson, Ala., until after the defeat of Hood at Nashville, when it was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourth Corps ; embarked for New Orleans, going thence to Indianola, and serving in Texas until November, 1865, when it returned to Madison via New Orleans, and was mustered out of service. The following is the roster of Rock County recruits : Company A or the "Ruger Guards," Edward Ruger, Captain, mustered out November 19, 1864 ; L. F. Nichols, First Lieutenant, resigned July 27, 1863; Wm. Ruger, Second Lieutenant, afterward appointed Adjutant on the organization ofthe regiment; Milton Bowerman, appointed Second Lieutenant, promoted First Lieutenant August 11, 1863, resigned September 30, 1864; Samuel C. Cobb, promoted Second Lieutenant August 11, 1863, First Lieutenant October 18, and Captain November 21, 1864 ; George Hoskins, David H. Whittlesey (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 19, 1862), John B. Johnson and Harvey P. Corey, Sergeants ; John W. Follensbee, Olney S. Gibbs (promoted Second Lieutenant November 21, 1*864), Daniel D. Bemis, Isaac Earl, John Auld (promoted Second Lieutenant October 28 and First Lieutenant November 21, 1864), Myron L. Bentley (died at Leavenworth, Kan., February 11, 1862), and Frank B. Child, Cor porals. Albert P. Aldrich, Gideon Aldrich, Elliot Ash, Mdo Ackerman (died at Lawrence, Kan., May 6, 1862), George S. Burton, Edwin R. Burton, John S. Butler, James Beveridge, John Bahr, Oliver Bonney, Lewis Beach, W. W. Bowden, E. W. Babcock, A. T. Butts (died at Leavenworth, Kan., May 10, 1862), Nelson Butler, Nathaniel Case, Noah Chapman, Herman S. Coon, Charles Coalwell, Thomas Claffey, A. P. Cole, S. F. Colby, Hiram Cory, A. C. Den ning, H. C. Davis, Daniel Douglas, William Dame, George Fenn, James S. Fuller, Jabez W. Frazier, Joseph Fitzpatrick, George F. Gould, Edward Gern, William M. Green, Joseph Govenal 464 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. (died at Ft. Scott, Kan., August 30, 1862), Frederick Gooch, Edwin I. Gibbs, Myron Hart, Cornelius Haley, Joseph Harris, De Forrest James, Charles Jones, William Johnson, W. E. Jones, Jacob L. Jackson, John W. Leon, Leonard Lasher, George Livingston, James Munroe, Lyman H. Maxon, Peter Murphy, Ernest Miller (died at San Antonia, Texas, September 21, 1865), Newman C. Nash, Clayton Noah, Levi Olmsted, Egbert I. Owen, Milton D. Owen, Rich ard M. Pierce, August N. Prilwits, Henry N. Paine, David W. Russell, Isaac A. F. Randolph (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 23, 1862), Freeman Roberts, Albert E. Rice, Elbridge S. Smith (died at Lawrence, Kan, May 5, 1862), Charles H. Smith, Horace C. Smith, Albert R. Smith, Truman Stoddard, Edgar I. Strong, Francis E. Thompson, John Tesch, Frederick Teschi, Rob ert Trotter, Alpheus S. Trobridge, Allen Van Tassel, John E. Whittlesey, Nelson Warren (died at Columbus, Ky., August 2, 1862), T. A. Wilcox, W. M. Wright, F. M. Wilbur, E. H. Wilbur, D. H. Wood, Alexander Wiggins and Christian Yager, privates. Company B — Edwin E. Woodman, Captain, mustered out November 19, 1864 ; James L. Murray, First, and George C. Brown, Second Lieutenant, both mustered out on November 19, 1864 ; Jason W. Hall, William M. Burns (died at Stevenson, Ala., October 30, 1863), Davis H. Cheeney, Van Epps Hugunin and Lewis H. Martin, Sergeants ; Edwin F. Bowers, F. C. Buten, S. A. Fish, C. H. Goodrich, George Honeysett, Leander S. Miller, Thomas Starkey and Clark Pierce, Corporals ; Newton H. Whittlesey, Musician ; Cassius W. Andrews, John Alverson (died at Ft. Henry, Tenn.-, January 4, 1863), Adam Aris, Henry H. Bowers, Silas W. Baker, Darius Baker, Louis Bunkee, Gage Burgess, Charles W. Butts (died at Ft. Henry November 16, 1862), Joseph A. Beecher (died at Ft. Donelson July 3, 1863), Joseph Barnes, Alvin P. Barker, Frank Barker, William A. Babcock, Jacob D. Clark, William H. Cheeney, C. A. Carter, Spencer Chemerhorn, Erwin W. Crane, B. C. Carery, Archibald Danford, Mitchell Deep, John H. Fremow, Adam Fisher, Samuel Gould, James Hurd, George W. Hulse (killed at Whitesburg, Ala., July 5, 1864), John Higgins, Chester D. Holloway, Sidney Hurd, Martin Keegan, Ralph D. Kimball, Charles Lane, James E. Leaven, Robert Leonard, Clark I. Miller, Patrick Monegan, Dennis Murray, Frank Milicher, Amos S. Miller (died at Ft. Scott, Kan., March 16, 1862), Mortimer Manie, Michael Monnegan, Peter McAtheron, William Nel son, Washington Porter, Lyman Richardson, John Stollar, Lonson Seeley, Ezra D. Stevens, George Sterne, John Scanlan, Eugene Thurston, Michael Taller, Charles H. Upham, Louis Vanderworker, Charles H. Vanderworker (died at Nashville, Tenn., November 13, 1863), Antonio Van Horn, Hiram M. Weaver, Myron L. West, William G. Wilcox, Obadiah Walker, Edward P. Wells and Israel W. Young, privates. Company D — E. W. Blake, Captain ; Simon A. Couch, First, and Nathaniel D. Walters, Second Lieutenant, both mustered out November 19, 1864 ; John L. Glading, Daniel Phillips, Charles P. Andrus, John M. Cook and George Dykeman, Sergeants; William Everst, David Kettle, Cyrus Patchin, John Williams, Cornelius Dykeman and David Everst, Corporals ; Ira Snyder and John D. V. Weaver, Musicians ; John Adams, Wagoner ; William Burk. Gardner Babcock, Samuel Basey, William Bigsby, William Brown, S. J. Baker, David Burris, Edward Buntrock (died at Watertown, Wis., February 16, 1864), Martin A. Becker, Lucian Craig, John C. Cook, Henry W Crow, Heinrich Christian (died at Huntsville, Ala., June 16, 1865), Thomas Calven, John L. Capple, Charles Casford, Henry Cordwell, Henry Camp, Charles F. Cook, Ransom C. Condon (died at Lawrence, Kan., May 23, 1862), Ambrose Eastman (died at Nashville, Tenn., October 20, 1863), Joseph Eastman, Joseph J. Ellis (died at New Albany December 3, 1863), John J. Elliott, William A. Gould, Daniel Geerin (died at Columbus, Ky., September 20, 1862), Frank Hall (died at Nashville November 6, 1863), Francis Howard, Amos Horsington (died at Evansville, Ind., December 18, 1863), Charles Ivans, Cornelius Ket tle, Otto Kahlinburgh, John Kirk, Louis M. Knowles, John H. Livingston, John M. Lee, Daniel B. Lovejoy, Edward McCormic, Alexander McDonald, David T. Mathson, Frederick Nusar, Henry Peck, William Palmerton, Thomas E: Riley, Charles M. Rowley, Henry R. Robinson (died at Edgefield, Tenn., December 19, 1863), Charles Schuman (died at Columbus, Ky., December 7, 1862), William Spaulding, John Schleikoflf, Edward B. Starr, Westley HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 465 Smith, G. P. Thomson, George W. Tompkins, Eugene L. Tuthill, John Vandenburgh (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 23, 1862), Joseph West, Stephen West (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 21, 1862), Adam Wooker, William F. Williams, John H. Williams (died at Nashville, Novem ber 6„ 1863), Henry Wagner, Elias Whitman, Horace F. Wilson, George Witherell, Gilbert Williams and Almaron York, privates. Company F — F. F. Stevens, Captain, promoted Paymaster U. S. A., May 11, 1864 ; S. S. Hart, First Lieutenant, promoted Captain May 11, 1864 ; Nicholas Crotzenberg, promoted First Lieutenant May 11, 1864 ; mustered out November 21, 1864 ; Charles W. Stark ; Jerome W. Briggs, promoted Second Lieutenant July 5, 1864, First Lieutenant, September 27, 1864; A. V. Bradt, James L. Fowle and Bradford Burdick, Sergeants ; Peter S. Withington, Alex ander McGregor, Edgar L. Miller, John W. Thomas, Alvin L. Ford, Henry S. Cole, John Gait and Thomas P. Peckham, Corporals ; A. E. Lane and Samuel Sherman, Musicians ; and Webster McNair, Wagoner ; Augustus Anderson, Thomas S. Allen, D, B. Bradley, D. B. Ball, S. S. Barber, A. C. Blood, John R. Butler, Dana Bicknell, Elliott D. Barnard, George Brown, George A. Burlingame, James C. Briggs, Isaac Bartow, Eustice A. Burlingame, Lewis Bent, Martin V. Barnard, Webster C. Babcock, James H. Bliss, Simon Bunce, William H. Butler, Edward Best, Felix Boyle, Melvin Chamberlain, Duane Crotzenberg, George Croft, John M. Crotzenberg, Lane Camlin Patrick Collins, William H. Card, Charles Culver (died at Hunts ville, August, 1864), Alexander Courtright, William H- Davis, James Duffy, Leonard Doek stader, Sidney Denton, Johnson Dunn, William Eames, Smith Foot, Alvin T. Finney (died at Lawrence, Kan., May 10, 1862), Anson C. Finney, Charles Foote, Hiram R. Griffith, James Gleavy, Robert Grant, Philetus Gage, Joseph Gage, Myron Griffith, John Haggart, John Hartgarden, Jerome Hitchcock, Erasmus D. Hall, Sylvestus Helmes, Peter F. McNair, Giles Martlette, Jas. C. Newkirk, Andrew Osland, Chas. Pratt, Lester C. Phelps, Geo. II. Prime, Albert L. Posson, George H. Purey, Webert Richards, Ransom Rolfe (died at Ft. Riley, Kan., May 18, 1862),- Jerry Reordan, Edward H. Rice, William Schenck, William Schultz, Charles Strasberger, William Steity, T. J. Simerson, Charles H. Stark, Fayette Smith, John Shur- rum, Augustus Shultz, John Swartout, Jacob B. Snyder, Andrew B. Smith, George Scott, Jerome Shiemall, William H. Strasberger, Clark Shiemall, Eugene H. Tuttle (died at Ft. Riley, Kan., May 11, 1862), Timothy Tracy, Spencer Turner, William Thomas, Harvey Thomas, James Tallmadge, Albert J. Warner, William H. Wood, Olney J. Weaver Moses V. White, and Joseph Williams, privates. Company G— Archibald N. Randall, Captain ; Henry M. Balis, First, and Elmore W. Taylor, Second Lieutenant; Samuel C. Wagoner, promoted Second Lieutenant June 22, 1864, vice Elmore W. Taylor, resigned; Alexander Shafer, Abram D. Balis, Andrew Frydenlund and Austin C. Chapel, Sergeants ; Frank Backus, James P. Kehoe, Phillip Workman, George D. Sherman, John P. Baker, John P. Shrader, John W. Purdy and Henry B. Willheling, Corpo rals; Marshal D. Warren and William Pomny, Musicians; William H. H. Anderson, William H, Branny, Thomas F. Baker, Robert Baker, Joseph H. Baker, Leo Brown, John Benson, Thomas Brace, Abram Culver, Uriah H. Corran, Edmund K. Chipman, Reuben H. Chapel, Samuel Cooper, Syrrel D. Chipman, Ira Cleveland, Nathan L. Daniels, George W. Dennis, Isaac Decker, Edwin S. Derrick, Martemus Erickson, Finger Erickson, Truils Erickson (died at Fort Donelson May 11, 1863), William Fuller, Nathaniel W. Farry, David 0. Frisby, George Frary, Peter Gansell (died at Janesville, Wis., December 22, 1861), Lemuel Gould (died at Cahawba, Ala., February 22, 1865), Loren P. Harper, B. S. Hungerford, Halver Hal- verson, Russell Hart, Henry A. Harper, Homer Huntley, George D. Hill, Ole Huginson, Nathan W. Harper, Knud Halgrenson, William Hanson, Silas P. Johnson, Ole Johnson, Andrew Johnson (died at Fort Donelson May 2, 1863), John Johnson, Michael Kiefer, Cephas W. Kinney (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 2, 1862), John A. Lockridge, William Long, James Moran (died at Fort Riley, Kan., May 12, 1862), Silas Milks, Thomas J. Menor, Isaac N. Menor, John V. Martin (died at Madison, Wis., February 17, 1865), John Myers, Elling New- house, Nelson J. Orvis, Lewis Olin, Mathew Olin, Lars Orville, Samuel E. Pearl, William N. 466 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Pearl, William H. Pierce, John Penn (died at Nashville June 4, 1865), James Pomeroy (died at Lawrence, Kan., May 6, 1862), James Pomey, Talleo Peterson, Joseph Richards, Edmund S. Rositer, James D. Rhodes (died at Paducah, Ky., April 17, 1863), Peter Shaffner (died at St. Louis May 24, 1865), John Spraddles, C. C. Smith, William II. Shaff, Hiram H. Taylor, Robert B. Taylor (died at Paducah, Ky., April 17, 1863), William Taylor, Jr., Thomas Thomp son, R. B. Valentine, George Wenwright (died at Fort Donelson August 17, 1863), and Thomas Williams, privates. Company K — Pliny Norcross, Captain, mustered out November 18, 1864 ; J. H. Wemple, First Lieutenant, promoted Captain November 21, 1863 ; A. D. Burdick, Second Lieutenant, resigned April 3, 1862 ; R. J. Whittleton, Thomas Heimbach, Jerome Sweet, William Cole and George W. Steele, Sergeants ; L. L. Bond, U. S. Hollister (promoted Second Lieutenant June 13, 1862, First Lieutenant November 28, 1864), W. P. Clark, C. R. Matson, A. C. Stanard, H. C. Curtis, F. Clark, Fred P. Norcross (died at Nashville, Tenn., May 16, 1865), and W. M. Scott, Corporals ; Eli S. Nye and William Littlejohn, Musicians ; S- Obourne, Wagoner, after ward appointed Commissary Sergeant, March 1, 1865 ; Henry Alder, Alvin Alder, Jacob Allens worth, Edwin P. Babcock, Oscar F. Burdick, Asa C. Burdick, Wm. Bowers, Stillman G. Bond, Henry S. Babkirk, Edgar 0. Burdick, Charles H. Burdick, Stephen F. Colt, Thos. Bennett, H. P. Clark, Oliver P. Clark, Chas. Curtis, J. B. Crandall (died at Columbus, Ky., June 25, 1862), Nathaniel Deering, Jerome G. Doekstader, Willard Doekstader, Napoleon B. Draper, John D. Davis, William C. Davis, Joseph Davis, Nathaniel A. Drake, Christopher Early (died at Nash ville May 6, 1865), Seymour C. Fuller, John B. Flint (died at Huntsville, Ala., August 31, 1864), Charles W. Flint, Daniel B. Flint, Horace R. Flint, Moses P. Farnham, Orson C. Garthwait, Lorenzo H. Garthwait, Theodore T. Green, De Witt Green, Seth H. Gillard, Emory Goodrich, George R. Hinmon, John Harker, James Holden, Rufus Holden, George W. Hatheway, Horace M. Haven, Elijah Hudson, Madison Hopkins, Irville Johnson, William Keeter (died at Law rence, Kas., April 18, 1862), Albert B. Kent, Horace Lozar, James Morrison, Burton H. Mor rison (died at Madison, Wis., March 9, 1864), Elisha P. Maxon, William H. Norton, John Nym (died at Leavenworth, Kan., March 21, 1862), William Nute, Sylvester Noyes, Lanson P. Norcross, Seymour C. Pratt, John Plantz (died at Lawrence, Kan., April 29, 1862), Wilbur Persons, Leonard H. Rich, Charles H. Rich, Washington F. Randolph, George C. Reynolds, Cvrus B. Robinson (died at Nashville September 21, 1864), John Swan, Isaac W. Swan, Marvin V. Stanard (died at Fort Donelson March 29, 1863), Joseph P. Scofield, Byron G. Smith, Clark G. Stillman, John A. Savage, A. H. Stewart, George A. Sherburne, Salem Twist, Libens C. Taylor, Albert 0. Vincent, Leonard Woolworth, George W. Winegar, William J. Watt, James N. Webster, Oscar Wetherby, Mark Whitney, Albert H. Weston, William A. Wyse and Isaac Yates, privates. Company E, Twenty-second Infantry, was raised in Rock County, the members being principally enlisted in Janesville, Spring Valley, Fulton, Edgerton, Harmony, Magnolia, Plymouth, La Prairie, Rock, Johnstown and Milton, under Capt. Isaac Miles. The regiment rendezvoused at Camp Utley, Racine, where it was mustered into service September 2, 1862, and, in two weeks after, proceeded to aid in defending Cincinnati against the threatened advent of Kirby Smith. At the conclusion of that campaign, Company E, with the regiment, was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Army of Kentucky, and performed provost duty in that State until January 23, 1863, when the regiment was transferred to Nashville, and par ticipated in all the important battles in that section of the country, constituting a portion of Hooker's command. After the capture of Atlanta, the regiment, with the balance of the Twentieth Army Corps, was stationed at that city, engaged in strengthening the fortifications. In November, 1864, the regiment proceeded to Savannah, thence to Perrysville, Robertsville and through the Carolinas, Richmond and Alexandria to Washington, taking part in the grand review of Sherman's army, and remaining at Alexandria until June 12, 1865, when it was mustered out and returned to Madison. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 467 The roster of Company E as mustered into the service was : Captain, Isaac Miles, resigned June 17, 1863 ; First Lieutenant, Calvin Reeves, resigned December 22, 1862 ; Second Lieutenant, Gage Burgess, promoted First Lieutenant December 2, and Captain July 2, 1863. Sergeants, Henry R. Stetson, John B. Bullock, Proctor D. Scofield, Rufus P. Young and Albert 0. Warner. Corporals, Charles H. Dickinson, Hiram H. Dimick, Augustus C. Moore (promoted Sergeant, and died at Nashville February 15, 1865), Edwin H. Pullen, Charles E. Bowles, Cyrel A. A. Leake, Farin E. Osborn and Frederick W. Seymour. Ser geant Major, Francis N. Keeley. Musicians, Oscar W. Warner and Robert W. King. Wagoner, Charles W. Whittier. Privates, Burritt Alcott (died at Nashville May 12, 1863), Edward C. Alden, Albert W. Alden, Edward P. Amber, Azra M. Bowles, Parsons Bump, Charles W. Baird, James H. Bullis, John P. Clossett, Aaron Culp, Samuel Crawford (died at Nashville February 13, 1863), Christian Dyke, John E. Davidson, Henry H. Davis, Francis E. Downs (died at Brentwood, Tenn., March 1, 1863), Edward F. Dean, Ormond N. Dutton, William Edgar, Jesse Edgerton, Horace W. Fitch (died at Danville, Ky., January 4, 1863), Charles J. Fox, John Q. A. Failing, Henry H. Guernsey, Martin V. Glass, Jonathan Gicker, Orra B. Garrison, Robert W. Harper (died at Nashville March 9, 1863), William H. Harper, Michael Hornett, Benjamin R. Hilt, Jesse B. Harvey (promoted Corporal, and killed at Kene- saw Mountain, Ga., June 18, 1864), Joseph A. Jones (died at Nicholasville, Ky., December 26, 1862), Samuel Jones, Ethan A. Jones, George R. Johnson, James A. Kipp, August F. Kleise, Lewis E. Kleise, Seth Knight, Paul Knight (died at Danville, Ky., February 13, 1863), Solo mon R. King (killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864), John Kay, Thomas Lindawood, Charles Locke, Alexander Lindsay (died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 20, 1863), Stephen W. Lement, William Mulligan, Martin Merren, Charles H. Macomber (died at Nicholasville, Ky., January 9, 1863), Charles H. Mansfield, James McCatheron, John McCatheron, Abram Merrill, Her man S. McKenzie, Claron I. Miltimore, Martin McGill, Nathan Moore, George W. McCoy (died at Sandersville, Ky., November 15, 1862), Warren W. Merrill, Samuel Norton, Willis H. Noyes, Henry R. Osborne, John P. Piefer, William Patterson. Jr. (died at Nashville March 5, 1863), Webster C. Pope, Benjamin F. Pope, John S. Payne, John B. Preston, Eben Reynolds (died at Annapolis, Md., April 12, 1863), Seth H. Reynolds, Martin Rice, Walter Smith (killed at Dallas, Ga., May 26, 1864), Edward P. Smith, Reuben Sprague, David L. Sprague, John R. Sprague, John L. Symonds, Peter Thompson, Edward H. Thatcher, Daniel McS. Terwilli ger, Horace E. Warner and Albert Walker (promoted Corporal, and killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864). Companies E and F ofthe Thirty-third Regiment were also enlisted in Rock County, and made up of some of the best material which the banner county of Wisconsin contributed to pre serve the Union. It went into camp at Racine September 29, 1862, was mustered into service October 18, and departed for the seat of war November 12. Arriving at Memphis, the regiment was assigned to the Third Brigade, Gen. Lauman's Division, Army of the Tennessee, in which capacity it served in the campaigns against Jackson, Vicksburg and Holly Springs, until Janu ary, 1863, when it was transferred to the Sixteenth Army Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Hurlbut, and participated in the fight at Hernando, where Lieut. Swift, of Company E, was killed; thence proceeding to Young's Point, Snyder's Bluff, Haines' Bluff, Vicksburg and Natchez ; joined in the Red River expedition, returning to Vicksburg and Memphis, repelling the attack at Camargo Cross Roads ; prominent in the fight at Tupelo, after which it went to St. Charles, Ark., and finally, on the 8th of October, 1884, reached St. Louis. On the 1st of November, the regiment proceeded to re-enforce the army of Gen. Thomas at Nashville, where it became part of Gen. A. J. Smith's command. After the retreat of Gen. Hood, the Thirty-third was assigned to guarding the transportation train to Savannah, Tenn., Company F proceeding to that point and Company E to Grand View, rejoining the regiment at Eastport, Miss. There after the regiment was ordered to the Department of the Gulf, and went to New Orleans, thence to Dauphin Island, Cedar Point, Spanish Fort, Blakely, Montgomery and Selma, Ala., Jackson, Big Black River Bridge and Vicksburg, Miss. ; Cairo to Madison, where it 168 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. arrived on the 11th of August, 1865, and was paid off and mustered out of service, September 1,1865. The following are the Company muster rolls : Company E — Captain, Ira Miltimore, resigned Xugust 9, 1863; First Lieutenant, Henry S. Swift, Jr., killed April 19, 1863, at Hernando, Miss. ; Second Lieutenant, Pardon H. Swift, promoted to First Lieutenant June 24, and Captain August 20, 1863; Sergeants, Henry B. Cornell, (promoted Second Lieutenant June ' 24, First Lieutenant August 29, 1863 ;) Edward Cook, Bartholomew Quigley, Daniel D. Rich ards and William Cornell (died at Moscow, Tenn., January 21, 1863), Corporals, Silas B. Crocker, Nathaniel Smith, A. H. Kime, Thomas Quigley, Charles E. Green, Charles W. Nick- erson, James Reese and Jacob Smith ; Musician, S. H. Calender ; Wagoner, Levi H. Fountain ; Privates, Franklin Anderson, Adelbert Babcock (died at Memphis December 4, 1862), John B. Bunce (died at Vicksburg July 7, 1862), Warren G. Barber, Anthony Byrnes, Thomas Byrnes, Rensselaer Burnham, Otho Craig, James Coffee, Robert W. Clifford, James K. Clark, Boyd Creighton, James Freeman (died at Vicksburg July 6, 1863), John A. Flint (died at Natchez October 9, 1863), Henry Fairchild, Frederick Feiro, Waldo Goodell, John Goodman, William Gale, Nurve Geroem, Joseph C. Hall, Ira M. Howard, Nathan Havilin, A. N. Hangen, Patrick Hebir, J. C. Johnson, Ingebert Knudson (died at Moscow, Tenn., January 31, 1863), C. A. Kennedy, Hendrick Levorson, Knud Levorson, Tollef Levorson, Alexander Lyons, Charles Looby, Michael Lawler, J. C. Meegen, Valentine Melavin, Alonzo E. Miltimore, William McKee, H. Megorden, Alexander McDonald, Lewis Noe, Thomas Night, Ole Olson (died at Memphis April 30, 1863), Syver Olsen (died at Moscow, Tenn., February 12, 1863,), Hendrick Olson (died at Memphis February 10, 1863), Halgrin Oleson, Emery Patch, Orvill Rhodes, Edmund Robinson, fiiram N. Robinson, Arthur J. Robinson, Brainard Rider, Rufus A. Staf ford (died at Moscow, Tenn., February 14, 1863), Frank A. Steele (died at Natchez October 25, 1863), Richard B. Steward (died at St. Charles, Ark., August 14, 1864), C. F. Stokes, William Southwick, James Smith, Alonzo Sutton, E. R. Squires, James Turner, John Tarney, Francis Van Patten, John West, Hiram Wait, William Weaver, John , Watt, Right Williams, Charles H. Wheeler and Charles Young. Company F — Captain, A. Z. Wemple, died at Memphis March 9, 1863 ; First Lieutenant, W. L. Scott, promoted Captain April 9, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, Charles W. Stark, promoted First Lieutenant April 9, 1863 ; Sergeants, Joseph H. Stickle (promoted Second Lieutenant April 9, 1863), Kirk W. Tanner, Edwin W. Burnham (died at Young's Point, La., May 31, 1863), Abner C. Babcock and H. Levander Farr. Corporals, Charles E. Hoyt, John Eastwood, Oliver S. Crowther, Hosea B. Stafford, Matthias Crall, Eugene S. Serl (died at Cairo, August 24, 1863), Erastus A. Gardner, and Samuel E. Lyon (died at Holly Springs, Miss., December 27, 1862; Drummer, Charles H. Hoard; Fifer, William Snyder; Wagoner, Emery H. Bur dick. Privates, Lucius P. Adams, August Buntrock, Nelson A. Bump, Silas M. Campbell (killed at Tupelo, Miss., July 14, 1864), Robert Carr (died at New Orleans April 19, 1865), John L. Clark, Charles Cole, Francis S. Cramer, John L. Daniels, John Devens, Samuel Don aldson, William W. Eastman, John R. Edwards, Henry C. Eldridge, William H. Emmonds (died at Memphis January 23, 1863), Laban Fisher, Ansel Flint, Franklin Francisco, Albert Freehauf, Jacob C. Hetrick (died at La Grange March 17, 1863), Joseph W. Higday, John M. Holden, Joseph L. Holmes, John Hoyt, Nathan B. Hoyt (promoted Corporal and killed at Tupelo, Miss., July 14, 1864), Harvey Howard, Peter Jamison, Albert C. Jones (promoted Corporal and killed at Cane River, La., April 24, 1864), James Kelley (died at Moscow, Tenn., February 26, 1863), George W. Merry (died at Moscow, Tenn., March 13, 1863), William H. Minor, Blanchard Nevill, John Nus, Jonathan G. Patterson, Ezra Pepper, Lucien B. Pierce, Rollin C. M. Pond, August Pitzrick (died at Duvall's Bluff, Ark:, September 11, 1864), Wen dell Powers, Emerson Root) died at Eastport, Miss., January 24, 1865), Henry Reed, George Rodd, John Ryan, David Safford, William Smith (killed at Vicksburg June 4, 1863), Saren W. Serl, Michael Setzer, Abel Spencer, William Stern, Charles Stern, Frederick Stulke, Saegus Sutter, John Tuel, Joseph Thompson (died at Memphis July 2, 1864), Chauncey L. Van 7^M^d#-rz^/ EVANSVILLE HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 471 Valen )died at Moscow, Tenn., March 6, 1863), William Weaver, Montgomery Wright (died at Natchez September 4, 1863), George R. Welch, Frederick Wisch, William I. Wheeler, Ezra Whitmore, Albert W. White, John M. Wray, Westley Wright, Herbert D. Whitford and Joseph Yates. When it again became necessary to augment the Union forces, decimated in the battles of the Peninsula, Eastern Virginia, Tennessee and the Southwest, and a feeling of depression over came the North at the cheerless prospect, President Lincoln issued his call for " more troops," of which Wisconsin was required to furnish five regiments, the quota of Rock County being two hundred and fifty. Accordingly, a meeting of the citizens of the county was held in the public square, at Janesville, Saturday afternoon, July 26, 1862, for the purpose of devising means for raising such quota in the shortest possible time, at which Isaac Miles, of Fulton, presided, sup ported by" the following Vice Presidents : Hugh Wheeler, of Porter; the Hon. David Noggle, of Janesville; W. H. Stark, of La Prairie; B. E. Hale, of Beloit; and Henry Wooster, of Clinton ; E. B. Murray, of Beloit, and J. B. Cassoday, of Janesville, acting as Secretaries. Able and stirring speeches were made by the Hon. Matt H. Carpenter, William H. Ebbetts, H. N. Comstock, C. G. Williams and Judge Noggle, of Janesville ; also by Capt. Crandall, of Walworth County, and Messrs. James M. Burgess, J. R. Bennett, B. E. Hale, J. P. Towne and J. A. Sleeper, of the committee in that behalf, reported a series of resolutions providing for the employment of every man's services (those of slaves included), in the suppression of the rebellion, insisting that no loyal man could be neutral ; advocating vthe emancipation of the slaves ; proffering to the heroes who were battling for the Union,, the warmest of sympathy, and $50, as bounty, to every soldier, who should enlist prior to September 1st, thereafter; or, $30 to those who enlisted October 1st, until the supply expected from Rock County was filled, were adopted, after which, the meeting adjourned. In the pulpit ; at the bar; at the hustings; on the stump ; through the columns of the daily press, and every channel of communication, the public were urged to assist in re-enforcing the army. War meetings were held all over the county, particularly in Janesville, where, on the evening of August 5, 1862, $8,055 was sub scribed to the bounty scrip ; $1,040, was subscribed at Lima ; $500, at Milton ; $660, at Harmony ; $500, at Union ; in brief, throughout the county, the greatest diligence was exer cised to avoid the draft. On the 9th of August, E. G. Harlow made application to the Adjutant General of the State for power to enlist an artillery company in the county, and was refused on the ground that that branch of the service was full. A similar request, made by that gentleman to the Adjutant General of the army, met with a similar disposition. Finally, after some further correspondence, Mr. Harlow was commissioned a Lieutenant of artillery, and authorized to enlist fifty men for the Twelfth Wisconsin Battery, then in the field near Corinth, Miss., as a portion of Gen. Hamilton's division ; Lieutenant Harlow immediately opened a recruiting office at the drug store of G. R. Curtis, corner of West Milwaukee and Franklin streets, and, within 48 hours, had filled the complement with twelve men to spare. The recruits went into camp at Madison with out delay, and on the 1st of September, or within two days of the date when sworn in, they left Janesville and proceeded at once to the field of action. But little delay attended their initiation into actual warfare, for they participated in the battle of Iuka, on September 19, and thereafter were constantly in the thickest of the fray, following Price down the Hatchie, participating in the bloody fight thereon, and returning to Corinth, were engaged during the bloody battles of the 3d and 4th of October, and in the siege of Vicksburg, where, after lying in the trenches for fifty days, they were gratified with the sight of the Stars and Stripes substituted for the Stars and Bars. They are next heard of at Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Allatoona Pass, Savan nah, Atlanta, through the Carolinas, in Richmond and Washington, which cities were taken in the route to Madison, where they were mustered out on the 26th of June, 1865. During the war, the battery belonged to the Third Brigade, Second Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee ; also to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, and was commanded by Gens. McPherson, Sherman, Osterhaus, Logan and Grant. 472 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The roster of the company when it left Janesville for its duties in the field was as follows : E. G. Harlow, Jr., First Lieutenant ; Marcus Amsden, Second Lieutenant, died at Allatoona, Ga., October 5, 1864. Privates, Orrin Hubbard, Daniel Skelly, Thomas T. Croft, Wheeler S. Bowen, L. D. Lateer, Alonzo Kibbey, H. A. Robertson, S. Sisson, Owen E. Newton, Thomas H. Har rison, W. H. Palmer, D. R. Brand, Jerome Howland, Frederick Miller, J. T. Wilcox, C. Fogle (killed at Allatoona October 5, 1864), J. H. Saunders, J. M. Anderson, C. A. Wilmarth, S. E. Cheeney, S. Eldridge, A. F. Glasscott, R. W. Burton, A. C. Ames, S. H. Doolittle (killed at Allatoona), James Croft, H. T. Wright, W. V. Fox, Joseph Whitman (died in the service), C. H. Brown, W. H. C.Johnson, A. V. Wickoff, W. H. Griffith (died at Cairo November 14, 1863), Sylvester St. John, Frank Wood, S. P. Dennin, John T. Norton, W. D. Hemingway, H. Com stock, T. G. Trask, William Packham (died at Corinth in 1863), Ellis Shopbell, A. Russell, D. L. Noggle, C. L. Noggle, William E. Ward, Henry Wingate (killed at Vicksburg July 4, 1863), James Gray (died at Cairo July 22, 1863), J. W. Chase (killed at Allatoona October 6, 1864), James Plympton (killed at Bentonville, N. C, March 22, 1865), S. L. Dey (died at Chattanooga), S. W. Bartow (killed at Allatoona October 5, 1864), David C. Davy (killed at Allatoona Octo ber 5, 1864), Alva P. Hamilton (killed at Allatoona October 5, 1864), George Pierce, B. B. Austin, H. B. Sexton, 0. W. Wallace and E. B. Fish. In the cavalry branch of the service, Rock County furnished the men to make up two com panies, M of the Second and E of the Third Cavalry. Owing to the absence of data, as already cited, the roster of neither company could be procured and the names of the soldiers are thereby unavoidably omitted. The officers of Company M were : Captains, Nathaniel Parker, dis charged, and Freeman A. Kimball, mustered out November 15, 1865 ; First Lieutenants, Free man A. Kimball, promoted Captain, John Baxter, mustered out May 11, 1865, and George W. Walter, mustered out November 15, 1865; Second Lieutenants, John C. Metcalf, resigned April 3, 1863, John Baxter and George W. Walter, promoted, and George W. Taylor, mustered out November 15, 1865. Company E was captained by Ira Justin, Jr., who died June 29, 1862, Alexander M. Pratt, mustered out February 14, and De Witt C. Brown, resigned September 4, 1865. The First Lieutenants were : Alexander M. Pratt, promoted Captain ; Leonard House, resigned December 2, 1862 ; Arthur C. Kent, resigned June 13, 1863 ; William Culbertson, transferred to Campany C, and Thomas 0. Drinkall, mustered out September 8, 1865. Second Lieutenants, Leonard House, Arthur C. Kent, William Culbertson and John C. Lynch, promoted, and Will iam Ellis, resigned August 26, 1865. Both companies served in the Western Armies. The following Wisconsin soldiers are buried at Oak Hill Cemetery : Edward 0. Wright, James Armstrong, George Bentley, George H. Duncan, William Grif fiths, Hawley Dow, John Prange, Robert F. Frazer, Henry Wingate, Charles S. Allen, D. Woodstock, Henry 0. Ames, Charles H. Spencer, Joseph Harris, James Bliss, Isaac Woodle, W. H. Hays, Silas P. Dinnen, Gage Burgess, W. H. Frizzell, D. W. Inman, Daniel Davey, William H. Trask, Joseph A. Jones, Hiram Cory, Ira Foster, E. D. Bostwick, David Denning, Daniel Moriarity, Jacob Smith, J. S. Whittlesey, C. G. Pease, W.'II. Sargent, Howard Hoskins, Theodore F. Tripp, Horace Tompkins, John Harrington, Asa C. Phelps, John Broyman, II. Allen, George Marshal, F. A. Kimball, Charles A. Wilmarth, A. H. Fitch, James Miles, Charles Francis and Arthur Keenan. educational interests of rock county. Beloit Seminary. The first settlers of Beloit brought with them the thrifty habits and the devotion to relig ious and educational institutions acquired in their homes amid the granite hills of New Hamp shire. To a New England settlement churches and schools were a necessity. With their education, it was simply impossible to hope for progress or enduring prosperity unless they were HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 473; founded on religion and intelligence, and, consequently, one of the first things attempted to be done was to secure from the Territorial Legislature an act incorporating a seminary. With this object in view, as early as the fall of 1837, Maj. Charles Johnson and Cyrus Ames were selected to visit the seat of government and procure such legislation as might be necessary in the premises. The Legislature then held its sessions ac Burlington, now in the State of Iowa, and these dele gates accordingly made their way down Rock River in a " dug-out" to Rock Island, and then took steamer down the Mississippi to the then capital of the Territory. Such an application from such an infant communiry may have excited Fome surprise, but in December, 1837, the Legislature granted a charter for the "Beloit Seminary," and the two delegates returned home highly elated at their success. Under this charter, Miss Eliza D. Field opened a school for young ladies in the spring of 1843. In the fall of the same year, Mr. Abel Wood caine from Oberlin, Ohio, and joined her, and the plan of the s-hool was enlarged so as to admit the young of bo'h sexes. The following year, 1844, Rev. L. II. Loss arrived and organized the " Beloit Seminary " regularly, with a Board of Trustees, but managed it alone. The Trustees were S. B. Cooper, D. J. Bundy, A. L. Field, L. G. Fisher, Jedediah Burchard, Dr. Jesse Moore and Horace Hobart. The academic year was divided into three terms — the fall term, beginning the first Mondav in Sep tember; the winter term, the first Wednesday in December, and the summer term, the first Wednesday in April, and the charges for tuition were: Trimary Cla.cs, quarter of eleven weeks $ 3 00 Junior Class, quarler of eleven weeks 4 00 Senior Clnss, quarter of eleven weeks 5 00 French and Iialinn, extra, qumtcr of eleven weeks „ 2 (!0 Drawing and flower painting, quarter of eleven weeks 3 00 Oil painting and mezzotinting, quarter of eleven weeks 5 00 Music on piano, quarter of eleven weeks 10 00 Mr. Loss continued to conduct the Seminary until the fall of 1846, when he was succeeded by Mr. S. T. Merrill and a corps of competent assistants, with the same Board of Trustees. In 1848, there were 77 male and 48 female pupils, aggregating 125. Among these appear the names of Joseph Collie, now an eminent divine ol Delavan, in this State; Jonas M Bundy. etlitor of the New York Mail; Horace White, recently- editor of the Chicago Tribune, and Horatio Burchard, the present Director of the United States Mint, nt Philadelphia. Upon the establishment of Beloit College, for which the Seminary had prepared the way, the male department was merged in the prepaiatory school of that institution, while the Female Seminary, under the charge of Mr. Merrill, and subsequently of Misses Chapin, Blodgett and White, and of Rev. Mr. Bean, continued a course of high usefulness for several years until the Beloit High School and the Rockford Seminary, established under the same auspices with the Beloit College, were prepared to do its work. Beloit College. The samo educational instinct which produced the Beloit Seminary in the infancy of that community, was working throughout the other settlements of kindred blood which were filling the region between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. The rapid strides ofthe Northwest had also become a subject of discussion in the community from which the colonists had come, and there was a general feeling that the young New England which was rising in the Interior ought to have a college like those of the mother New England. This was particularly the case with the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches, and whenever these religious organizations met in convention the subject had a prominent place in their dclibciations. Finally, in' conferences of delegates attending a convention of Northwestern ministers and churches, held at Cleveland, Ohio, in June, 1844, these thoughts and desires began to assume a more definite shape, which were matured in four successive conventions, held in that and the following year for the specific purpose of considering vhat could be done for the promotion of higher education in the 474 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Northwest. These conventions were held at Beloit, as being in the geographical center of the region for which provision was to be made. At the first convention, which met on the 6th of August, 1844, Wisconsin was represented by sixteen ministers and ten laymen, Illinois by thirteen ministers and fourteen laymen, and Iowa by four ministers. They thought it best that separate provision should be made for Iowa ; but, after two days of earnest consideration of the subject, unanimously resolved that Northern Illinois and Wisconsin ought to unite in a college and a female seminary of the highest order, one in each State and near the border, and appointed a committee of ten leading men from Chicago, Galena, Racine, Milwaukee, Platteville, and other places throughout the region, to study the question of location, and report at another convention in October of the same year. This second convention, numbering fifty delegates, received a report from the Committee, recommending Beloit as the place for the college, and, after two days' deliberation, re-affirmed the decision of the previous convention, but, judging that there should be the utmost care in deciding a matter of such wide and permanent importance, directed that the matter should be laid by circular before the churches, and by committees before ecclesiastical bodies, and referred to a third convention, to be held in May, 1845. At this third convention, which met May 27, 1845, all the Congregational and Presbyte rian bodies of the region were represented as follows : Ministers, Delegates. Ottawa Presbytery, Illinois 4 1 Galena Presbytery, " 4 2 Fox River Union, " 3 2 Rock River Association, Illinois 4 2 Milwaukee Convention, Wisconsin 8 9 Beloit Convention, " 15 10 Mineral Point Convention, " 4 1 Total 42 27 After most thorough discussion, this convention, with but one dissenting voice, approved the conclusion of their predecessors. Beloit was selected as the location for the college, as being situated in the center of the region for which the college was intended, and as having shown itself a suitable home for such an institution by its already established educational and moral character, and as having proved its interest in such an object by pledge on the part of its citizens of a site and of $7,000 toward a college edifice, together with sympathies, prayers and future efforts according to their means — a pledge which has been most faithfully made good during all the history of the college. This convention, after selecting Beloit as the best location for the college, appointed com mittees to mature measures preliminary to its establishment. These committees reported to a convention which closed its labors on the 23d of October, 1845. This convention approved and adopted a charter prepared by one of the committees, and appointed a Board of Trustees, to whom was committed the future development and care of the enterprise. The same Board was also charged with caring for and promoting the Female Seminary to be established in Illinois, near the Wisconsin line, and, in September, 1850, this Seminary was organized at Rockford, under a charter from the State of Illinois. Application was made to the Territorial Legislature, and a bill passed granting a charter to Beloit College, approved February 2, 1846, which has continued in force, without alteration or amendment, to the present time. The administration of all the affairs of the College was vested by the charter in a Board of Trustees composed of sixteen members, who were authorized to increase their number to twenty-four, if they deemed such an increase advisable. Seven mem bers of the Board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No special qualifications for membership are prescribed, nor is any definite term of service fixed for the Board ; but fail ure on the part of a Trustee to discharge the duties of his office during a period of one year or longer, may create a vacancy. The original Trustees named in the charter were Revs. A. L. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 475 Chapin, Dexter Clary, Stephen Peet, F. Bascom, A. Kent, R. M. Pearson, J. D. Stevens and C. Waterbury, and Wait Talcott, Lucius G. Fisher, C. M. Goodsell, G. W. Hickox, A. Ray mond, S. Hinman, C. G. Hempstead and E. H. Potter — one-half clergymen and one-half lay men ; one-half residents in Wisconsin and one-half in Illinois. Four of these original Trustees, viz., Revs. Dr. Chapin and R. M. Pearson, and L. G. Fisher and W. Talcott, are still members of the Board, which now numbers twenty-four. The powers vested in these Trustees by the charter are broad and general, subject to no direct supervision or control by the State or municipal authorities ; but the charter directs that the College shall always be open to visitation and inspection by the State authorities, and a sub sequent general statute requires that a report of the condition of the institution be made to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. To avoid anything like the appearance of sectari anism, the charter expressly provided that no particular religious belief or opinion should be prescribed as an essential qualification for instructors, or as a condition of admission for students. The charter further provides that the College and all its branches and departments shall be located at Beloit, empowers the Trustees or Faculty to confer on those whom they may deem worthy, all such honors and degrees as are usually conferred by similar institutions, and reserves to the Legislature power to amend or repeal the act of incorporation. The object of the College was primarily to provide for "the thorough, liberal, Chris tian education of young men." lt was the design to make it especially "a religious College — not denominational, but distinctly and earnestly evangelical." The course of study and disci pline corresponds with that of the New England Colleges, known as the "American College course," Yale being regarded, more than any other, as the model. This course embraces a train ing in language as the great instrument and condition of all culture, civilization or thought ; in mathematics and science, as a most valuable discipline, as well as furnishing the mind ; in the histories of nature and of man, as the sources of practical knowledge ; and in those philosophic and religious principles necessary to complete the general preparation for a broad and useful life,. and, when supplemented by special technical training, for the best success in any desirable pro fession or occupation. To meet the wants of those who may not contemplate professional life, the College has provided an additional course, called the philosophical course, which combine.-* with such an amount of Latin and Greek as is essential to a liberal education, or to proficiency in any art or science, a more varied range of study and a more extensive culture of science. In order to provide the requisite foundation, a preparatory school is maintained, to give thorough preparation for the respective College courses. The object of the College and the methods adopted to carry that object into effect having been disposed of, it will now be proper to recur to the material history of the institution and carry it on from the organization of the Board of Trustees, the procurement of the charter ami the final adoption of the location. On the 24th of June, 1847, the corner-stone of the first building was laid. " The day — a great day for Beloit and its infant College — was as bright as ever dawned, and never did the green slopes of broad prairies spread themselves in greater beauty to the eye of man anywhere than as seen that day from the College bluffs," says a report of the occasion. The village people poured out en masse, hundreds more from the vicinity and many from distant States helped swell the crowd until it numbered fully two thousand souls. A procession" was formed and, marshaled by John M. Keep, proceeded to the site selected. Rev. A. L. Chapin gave an account of the steps by which the enterprise had pro gressed so far. Rev. Mr. Peet gave a statement of the resources of the College, and addresses suitable to the occasion were delivered by Rev. A. Montgomery, Rev. T. M. Hopkins, of Racine ; Rev. F. Bascom and Rev. S. G. Spees. At the conclusion of the speeches, the procession re-formed and "passed to the rising walls near by," when the Rev. A. Kent, President of the Board of Trustees, laid the corner-stone in due form, and Beloit College "gained a local habita tion as well as a name." The College was opened for its first class on the 15th of October following, and five young men were examined and admitted as a Freshman Class and placed for 476 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the timo under the charge of Mr. S. T. Merrill, the Principal of the Seminary, who now sits with one of the members of that fir.st class among the Trustees, who watch over the College of which they were then so large a part. The Faculty was first constituted by the appointment, in May, 1818, of Mr. Jackson J. Bushnell, as Professor of Mathematics, and Mr. Joseph Emerson, as Professor of Languages. The new professors immediately took charge of the class already formed, and they were also charged with the further internal organization and adminis tration of the College. Dr. S. P. Lathrop was appointed Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science in September, 1848, but did not enter upon his duties until the September following; the Rev. M. P. Squier was appointed Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy in July, 1849, and assumed his office in May, 18£0; the Rev. A. L. Chapin was elected President in November, 1819, and entered upon the discharge of his duties in February, 1850; Mr. F. W. Fisk was appointed Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in July, 1853, and assumed his chair in April, 1851; the Rev. William Porter was appointed Associate Professor of Mathe matics in July, 1854, entered upon his duties in September, 1851, and was subsequently trans ferred to the chair of Latin ; Professor Lathrop resigned in July, 1854, to assume a similar position in the Wisconsin University. Of the first classes, there were graduated in 1851, three ; in 1852, one ; in 1853, five; in 1854, four; in 1855, four; in 1856, seven, and. in 1857, eight — thirty-two graduates in the first ten years of the existence of the College. The preparatory department ofthe College was inaugurated in the fall of 1848, and, if tho number of attendants upon this department be added to the students in i lie College proper, the whole number of those connected with the institution during the first ten years will reach very nearly to one thousand. At the close of the first decade of the life of the College, a convention of its friends was held July 8, 1857, of which Hon. L. P. Harvey, afterward Governor of Wisconsin, was President, and Hon. William Bross, of Chicago, Secretary. On this occasion, Prof. J. Eincrson delivered an address reciting the history and work of the Institution, and the Faculty and Board of Trustees presented a report of the condition of the funds and the prospects of the College. The site of the College is an elevated plateau, near the center of the city, overlooking, though not immediately on, the bank of the river. The grounds, embracing an area of twenty-four acres, are bounded by streets on every side, the surface diversified by groves and various slopes on the west to the river, from which it is separated by a street ami a narrow tier of lots. A number of mounds scattered through the grounds show that the spot must have been held in special honor by the prehistoric races. Six buildings have been erected for college purposes, as follows : Middle College, begun in 1847, is a brick building, measuring sixty by forty-four feet, and has three stories and an attic, surmounted by a cupola and belfry. The attic is to be raised and improved and occupied by the society rooms. The other floors tire divided into ten rooms, devoted to lectures, recitations and laboratory work. The cost of this building was about $10,000, which amount, together with the site, was almost wholly donated, by the citizens of Beloit. North College, a dormitory of brick, three stories and a biscment, measuring fifty-four feet by forty, was erected in 1854. The basement is used as a dining-room and appendages for a students' club, and the three stories arc divided into twelve suites of rooms for students. This building cost $8,000, a portion of which was contributed for the specific purpose. The Chapel, a two-story brick edifice, sixty feet long by forty wide, was erected in 1858. The lower story is divided into two schoolrooms, appropriated to the Preparatory Department, and the upper story is used for religious services. South College is a two-story frame building, erected in 1868, to supply additional dormi tory accommodations. The building is seventy- two feet long by thirty-five feet wide, is divided into sixteen rooms, and cost $5,000. Memorial Hall was erected in 1869, in honor of more than four hundred sons ofthe College who volunteered during the war, forty-six of whom lost their lives. The Hall is built ofthe rich, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY, 477 cream-colored Batavia stone, rough hewn, and laid in what is technically known as " rock range." The style of architecture is modern Gothic. The main building is seventy feet in length by forty in width, and the wing, or vestibule, is twenty-eight feet long by twenty wide. Both parts are divided into two stories. The height of the principal story of the main building is fifteen feet, and, of the second story, twenty feet at the walls and twenty-six feet in the center. The stories of the vestibule are, respectively, fifteen and thirteen feet. The exterior side walls of the building are forty-one feet in height from the ground to the eaves. The gable ends measure sixty feet from the ground to the ridge. From the ridge, at the center, rises a ventilator, in the form of a slender pinnacle, to the height of twenty feet, making the entire height from the ground to the top of the ventilator, eighty feet. The cost of the edifice was $26,000, the greater portion of which was contributed for the purpose in the region with which the College is especially identified. The vestibule is devoted to marble tablets, upon which are recorded the names of the soldier-students and citizens, and their patriotic deeds and fate, and to other memorials of the struggle in which they bore so heroic a part. The upper story of the main building is occupied by the library, and the lower by the cabinet, though it is probable that both will be required, eventually, for the library ; in which event, other provision will be made for the cabinet. The Gymnasium is a frame structure; consisting of a single story and basement, seventy feet long by thirty-eight feet wide, and was erected in 1874 at a cost, including apparatus, of $3,900, contributed by Alumni and students and the citizens of Beloit. This building, though the property of the College, is under the control of an association composed of members of the Faculty and students. Each student is required to take part in a daily drill, for half an hour, in light gymnastics and vocal culture. A bowling-alley in the basement, and other .apparatus, furnish facilities for additional voluntary exercise. The six buildings of the College have thus cost $58,900. The present value of the college property is placed at $230,000, $130,000 of which is in investe'd funds. The College library was begun in 1848, and has since been maintained and augmented by donations of books, or of means for their purchase, from different friends of the institution. Among the largest benefactors of the library have been Rev. Dr. H. N. Brinsmade, Rev. Prof. M. P. Squier, Rev. Dr. Merrill (late of Middlebury, Vt.), Rev. A. Benton and the United States Government. The library now contains about ten thousand volumes, besides nearly five thousand pamphlets. To increase this number, there are several available funds. The Davis Fund, of$50U, given by Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Boston, Mass., for the Department of English Literature ; the Colton Fund, of $5,000, bequeathed by Mrs. Love Colton, devoted, chiefly, to the Department of History and Civil Polity ; and the Emerson Fund, estimated at $15,000, given in memory of Rev. Ralph Emerson, D. D., formerly professor in Andover Theological Seminary, devoted to the Department of Sacred and Classical Learning. The cabinet is made up of minerals, rocks, fossils, and zoological and botanical specimens. The collection of minerals embraces a large and very choice suite of American and European typical minerals, representing the more important species in considerable variety. The litho- logical collection embraces a series of crystalline and sedimentary rocks representing the forma tions of Wisconsin, to which are added specimens from other parts of America and Europe and a suite of specimens of lava from Vesuvius, from eruptions of different dates. A fine collection of marine shells and corals, and smaller ones of birds, reptiles and mammals, insects, mollusks and crustaceans represent the animal kingdom. The collection of fossils consists of a suite recently deposited by the State Geological Survey, representing all the Paleozoic formations of the State authoritatively identified, a large local collection from the Trenton limestone of the vicinity, some smaller ones from different parts of this county, a suite of European specimens representing about two hundred species from the later geological formations. To these there has recently been added a very interesting collection of fossil tracks from the Potsdam sand stone, probably the most valuable of its kind from the primeval age in existence. The botanical 478 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. collection embraces more than three thousand specimens, collected both in this country and Europe. But this development of the College has not been reached without financial difficulty. When the Board of Trustees first decided to locate the institution at Beloit, the citizens agreed to 1 1 ¦¦ mate ten acres of land for a site, and to contribute the money necessary to erect the first build ing — about $7,000. This sum was subsequently increased to about $12,000. The first donation to the College, outside of Beloit, was in 1845, and consisted of 160 acres of land, presented to the institution by Rev. Henry Barber, of Dutchess County, N. Y., through the solicitation of Llev. Stephen Peet. This land was sold for about $1,000, which was appropriated to the enlarge ment of the site. The first foundation for a professorship was laid in 1847, by Hon. T. W, Williams, of New London, Conn., who gave Wisconsin and Indiana land, which realized about $10,000. This fund has been increased, by subsequent donatious, to about $12,000. In 1848, Prof. Bushnell secured a number of books from Eastern friends, and, at the same time obtained the Saybrook scholarship of $500, designed to assist students of limited means. In 1850, the Rev. A. Kent secured $500 for the Austin scholarship. About the same time, Rev. David Root, of Connecticut, began his contributions to a second professorship, by donations of land and land claims in the West, which eventually reached the handsome aggregate of $10,000. Friends of the College in Milwaukee supplied $2,300 through Dr. Chapin. Prof. Bushnell col lected $3,300 in Chicago, and Rev. S. Peet, as agent, canvassed the West generally, and secured over $8,000. In 1850, also, Rev. M. P. Squier pledged, for the endowment of a chair of men tal and moral philosophy, to which he had been elected, $10,000, which pledge was subsequently redeemed by the transfer to the College of land and claims which realized the full sum. In the autumn of the same year, the largest donation from any one person was made by Mrs. Sarah W. Hale, Newbury port, Mass., in deeds for more than five thousand acres of land in Illinois, upon which $35,000 were obtained, $25,000 of which amount was set apart to endow the chair of mathematics. In 1854, Rev. Dr. H. N. Brinsmade, of Beloit, began his contributions toward the endowment of the Latin professorship, which have since reached the munificent sum of about $15,000. During the same year, the educational fund for the aid of students in necessitous cir cumstances, was increased by a bequest of $2,000 from Joseph Otis, of Norwich, Conn., and $1,000 from Capt. John Emerson and his heirs. During 1853 and 1854, Rev. S. O. Powell, Rev. H. Lyman and the President of the College, Rev. A. L. Chapin, were engaged in special agencies to obtain assistance from the West, which ultimately yielded about $15,000. From 1858 to 1860, the Regents of the State Normal Fund assisted the College by sums aggregating about $3,300. In 1857, Mrs. L. Colton, of Beloit, who had previously aided the College to the amount of about $1,000, bequeathed a permanent fund of $5,000 for the increase of the library. In 1858, the citizens of Beloit made a special contribution of $3,000, for the erection of the chapel. Agencies in the East, in 1863, succeeded in securing assistance, Avhich, added to benefactions previously made, amounted to about $30,000. A Western agency, conducted by Rev. P. C. Pettibone, and continued through seven or eight years, secured some $60,000, which includes a donation of $12,000 from Mr. O. Harwood, of Wauwatosa, to endow a profes sorship ; $1,500 from a bequest of Miss Nye, of Falmouth, Mass., and about $18,000 contrib uted by the Alumni and friends of the institution for the erection of Memorial Hall. The books of the College show fifteen scholarships, of $500 each, and 106 individual scholarships of $100 each, fully paid. Partial payments in other cases swell the whole amount contributed in this form to nearly $20,000. Beside the foregoing, Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Boston, donated $500 for the purchase of books on English Literature, and Mrs. Ripley, of Chicago, $500, for the purchase of chemicals, etc., for the scientific department. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 479 The resources of the college are : PERMANENT FUNDS. 1. Professorships— Williams Professorship $12,000 Hale Professorship 25,000 Squier Professorship : 10,000 Root Professorship 10,000 Brinsraade Professorship 10,000 Harwood Professorship 12,000 $79,000 2. Endowments not designated 40,000 3. Education Fund 9,000* 4. Library Fund 15,000 5. Prize Fund 600 Total invested funds $143,600 UNPRODUCTIVE PROPERTY. 1. Site and buildings $75,000 2 Library, cabinet and apparatus '. 20,000 95,000 Total property ofthe College $238,600 SUCCESSIVE MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY. Chair of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy — Jackson J. Bushnell, M. A Rev. Henry S. Kelsey, M. A fjackson J. Bushnell, M. A Thomas A. Smith, Ph. D Chair of latin and Greek Languages — Joseph Emerson, M. A Chair of Chemistry and Natural Science — fStephen P. Lathrop, II. D Henry B. Nason, Ph. D Elijah P. Harris, Ph.-D -(¦James H. Eaton, Ph. D Chair of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy — fMiles P. Squier, D. D James J. Blaisdell, D. D Chair of History and Civil Polity — Aaron L. Chapin, D. D Chair of Rhetoric and English Literature — Franklin W. Fisk, D. D James J. Blaisdell, D. D Rev. Lyman S. Rowland, M. A Rev. Henry M. Whitney, M. A Chair of Mathematics — Rev. William Porter, M. A Chair of Greek Language and Literature — Rev. Joseph Emerson, M. A Chair of Latin Language and Literature — Rev. William Porter, M.A Chair of Modern Languages — Peter Hendrickson, M. A Chair of Geology, Zoology and Botany — Thomas C. Chamberlin, M. A..., Principals of Preparatory School — Lucius D. Chapin, M. A ¦. John P. Fisk, M. A Ira W. Pettibone, M. A Elected. Retired 1848 1858 1860 1863 1864 1873 1879 1848 1856 1849 1854 1858 18R6 1866- 1868 1868 1877 1850 1866 1864 1853 1853 1859 1859 1864 1868 1870 1871 1854 1856 1856 1856 1871 1872 1854 1855 1865 1871 1871 * Thfs includes a recent bequest of Mr. Rufus Dodge, which, added to funds before received for the purpose, enables the College to appro-. priate the in coma of $9,000 to aid students who design embracing the ministry. t Deceased. 480 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Instructors in Mathematics- Rev. Mason P. Grosvenor *Uev. Melzar Montague, M. A.. Thomas A. Smith, Ph. D Instructor in Chemistry — *James Richards, M. D Instructors in Rhetoric — Henry C. Dickinson, B. A *Rev. E. G. Miner, M. A Instructor in Natural History — Goodwin D. Swezey, M. A Tutors- Isaac E. Carey, B. A *Joseph Hurlbut, B. A Thomas S. Putwin, B. A Fisk P. Brewer, B. A Lewis C. Baker, B A William D. Alexander, B. A Peter McVicar, B. A William H. Ward, B. A Franklin C. Jones, B. A Henry S. DeForest, B. A *Henry C. Dickinson, B. A Assisi ants in Preparatory School — Allison D. Adams, B. A Thomas D. Christie, B. A George B. Adams, B. A Goodwin D. Swezey, B. A Samuel T. Kidder, B/A John V. Home, B. A Robert B. Riggs, B. A John V. Home, M. A Elected. Retired 1X55 1856 1856 1857 1877 1879 1856 1857 1865 1866 1866 1867 1877 1879 1849 1851 1850 1851 1851 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1857 1858 1858 1860 1864 1865 1871 1872 1872 1874 1874 1875 1874 1875 1875 1876 1870 1877 1877 1879 1879 Degrees. — Honorary degrees have been conferred as follows : 1857, LL. D. on *Edward V. Whiton; 1857, M. A. on John P. Fisk; 1858, M. A. on Henry Freeman; 1858, M. A. on James F. Hunnewell ; 1861, M. A. on *Kev. Martin P. Kinney; 1861, M. A. on Kev. Edward Brown ; 1861, LL. D. on Orsamus Cole ; 1863, LL. D. on *Richard Yates ; 1863, LL. D. on David Davis ; 1864, M. A. on Prof. Chester S. Lvman ; 1869, LL. D. on Timothy 0. Howe ; 1869, LL. D. on Matthew H. Carpenter ; 1869, D. D. on Rev. Flavel Bascom ; 1869, D. D. on *Rev. John J. Miter : 1869, M. A. on Rev. James R. Danforth ; 1870, LL. D. on Josiah L. Pickard ; 1870, LL. D. on Jason Downer ; 1870, D. D. on Prof. James T. Hyde ; 1871, D. D. on Pres. James W. Strong ; 1871, D. D. on Pres. Peter McVicar ; 1872, LL. D. on Cadwallader C. Washburn ; 1872, M. A. on Alfred A. Jackson; 1873, D. D. on Stephen R. Riggs; 1873, D. D. on *Rev. James B. Miles ; 1874, M. A. on Rev. Edward P. Salmon ; 1874, M. A. on Rev. Joel G. Sabin; 1875, M. A. on Rev. Spencer R. Wells; 1875, D. D. on Rev. C. D. Helmer; 1876, D. D. on Rev. A. M. Henderson ; 1878, B. S. on Rev. H. Burton ; 1878, D. D. on Rev. J. Collie; 1878, D. D.,on Rev. C. C. Kimball; 1879, D. D. on Rev. George Bushnell; 1879, D. D. on Rev. S. J. Humphrey ; 1879, LL. D. on David Taylor. Alumni of the College. — Class of 1851 — Joseph Collie, William C. Hooker and Stephen D. Peet. 1852— Philo S, Bennett. 1853— Jonas M. Bundy, A. W. Curtis, Henry M. Lilly,1 George L. Tucker, Horace White. 1854 — James A. Brewster, Benjamin Durham, Edward F. Hobart and Harlan M. Page. 1855 — Francis W. Case, Moses S. Hinman, Alexander Kerr and Sterne Rogers. 1856 — Henry C. Hyde, Frederick A. Lord,2 Peter McVicar, John A. , McWhorter, David Owen,3 Alfred Taggart and George 1. Waterman. 1857 — Jacob Baay, Henry Durham, Josiah Hinman, George P. Jacobs, William A. Montgomery, Philip F. Schirmer, Charles W. Storey and James A. White.4 1858— Eugene H. Avery, Daniel Densmore, John H. Edwards, John G. Lambert,5 Webster P. Moore, Horatio Pratt, Sherwood * Deceased. 1 Died in Fond du Lac November 27, 1870. 2 Died iu Chicago September 14, 1872. 3 Die1 in New York October 30, 1856. i Died iu Madison, November, 1867. 5 Died in Newark, 1862. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 481 Raymond and James W. Strong. 1859 — Dennis C. Fiink,1 Charles C. Kimball, Edwin N. Lewis, Isaac Linebarger, John D. McCord, James W. Porter, William W. Rose, Spencer R. Wells and Oliver A. Willard.2 1860— Edward P. Beebe, Ciiarles W. Buckley, Dexter S. Clark, Edgar V. H. Danner, Luther P. Fitch, Horace R. Hobart and Charles II. Mann. 1861 — Rollin L. Adams, Edwin R. Heath, Russell M. Keyes and Ciiarles E. Simmons. 1862 — James Bradley, Justin M. Brainard, Henry Burton, Francis II. Caswell,3 David AV. Evans, William S. Gilbert, Edward E. Harmon,4 John S. Kendall, Samuel K. Martin, Lucian D. Mears, Henry S. Osborne, Philo F. Pettibone, Edwards W. Porter, Walter Rice, Jasper H. Waite, William A. Willis. 1863— H. F. Chesbrough,5 Julius L. Danner, Henry C. Dick inson,6 Charles H. Douglas,7 Samuel D. Hastings, Jr., Fenner B. Hunt, Henry F. Merriman, Solomon H. Moon, Theodore M. Slosson, Marcus 0. Southworth, Lewis 0. Thompson, and Lyman W. Winslow. 1864 — Charles P. Bascom, Alonzo M. May and Albert 0. Wright. 1865 — Salmon M. Allen, Frederick Alley, William H. Cross, James II. Danforth, Eugene B. Dyke, Harson A. Northrop8 and John L. Taylor. 1866 — George S. Bascom, William F. Brown, Thomas C. Chamberlin, Albert I. Church,9 Frederick C. Curtis, Walter W. Curtis, Jerome D. Davis, William H. Fitch, Dexter D. Hill, John S. Lewis, Edward G. Newhall, James S. Norton, Jonathan F. Pierce, Henry T. Rose, Gilbert Shepard, Sidney Shepard and Henry T. Wright. 1867— James W. Bass, Edward S. Chadwick, William M. Cochran, Tru man H. Curtis, Julian H. Dixon, Peter Hendrickson, Stanley E. Lathrop, Albert L. Norton,10 Henry D. Porter, Mervin C. Ross,11 Arthur H. Smith, Edward A. Wanless and Horace E. Warner. 1868— David Brainard, Theron S. E. Dixon, Henry C. Hammond, Willard T. Hyde,*12 James K. Kilbourn, Thomas L. Riggs, Lester S. Swezey and Robert M. Town. 1869 — John C. Anderson, James C. Ayers, Willard C. Bailey, John W. Baird, John F. Bascom,13 Joel B. Dow, Harlan P. Dunning, James D. Eaton, William J. Evans, Henry C. Simmons, Alfred M. Smith, Thomas 0. Thompson, Ezra G. Valentine and Newel S. Wright. 1870— Anderson Bruner, Edwin F. Carpenter, Elmer J. Chamberlin, George W. Christie, Charles B. Curtis, William W. Curtis, Albert Durham, Jacob W. Hadden, Lyman M. John3on, Charles W. Merrill, Richard Miller, George W. Nelson, John R. Reedy, Edward P. Salmon, Dana Sherrill, Harmon B. Tuttle, Edward P. Wheeler and Charles F. White. 1871 — Allison D. Adams, Frank F. Barrett, Thomas D. Christie, John P. Hale, Edward 11. Jones, Charles L. Morgan, Frederick B. Pullan, Robert Ritchie, Andrew J. Smith, Orville S. Smith and Sedgwick P. Wilder. 1872 — Robert C. Bedford, Charles W. Butlin, Joseph II. Chamberlin, Joseph Chan dler, Russell L. Cheney, Edward D. Eaton, James Gilham, Clark L. Goddard, James A. Harvey,14 Sanford A. Hooper, John A. Merrill, Julius E. Storm and Hibbard A. Tucker. 1873— George B. Adams, Willis C. Dewey, Samuel T. Kidder, William B. Keep, Corydon D. Lyman, Edgar W. Mann, George L. Merriman, Thomas N. Miller, Grcgor Michaelian, Charles Sherrill, Goodwin D. Swezey, Charles G. Tattershall, Charles A. Works. 1874— Ira B. Allen,15 James E. Heg, Laurie D. Keyes,16 Adelmorn B. Manley, Roger H. Mills, Jr., Thomas L. Smedes, William C. Stevens, William D. Swinton17 and Abram D. Waterbury. 1875— George T. Foster, John H. Mills, Henry V. Van Pelt. 1876— Isaac Buckeridge, Joseph P. Dyas, Franklin L. Fisk, Edward M. Hill, John F. Home, Wm. B. Hubbard, Chas. D. Merrill, Robert B. Riggs, Almerin R. Sprague and John J. Wilcox. 1877 — Charles N. Ainslie, John A. Ainslie, Franklin Bruner, Frank H. Burdick, William H. Carr, William B. Colt, Caleb F. Gates, Will iam S. Gates, James W. Hallett, Osbert W. Jack, David W. Mackay, Booth M. Malone, Will iam H. Malone, William J. McDowell, George S. Merrill, Josiah F. Miller, Lucius II. Perkins, Luman A. Pettibone, Robert F. Pettibone and Julius A. Truesdell. 1878— Charles S. Bacon, 1 Died in New Boston, N. H., June 30, 1871. 2 Died in Chicago March 17, 1878. 3 Died in Libby Prison, Va., February, 1864. 4 Died in Colorado, 1864. 6 Died in Chicago, December, 1870. 6 Died in Appleton March 11. 1873. 1 Died in Beloit, December, 1868. 8 Died in Beloit, September, 1870. 9 Died in Chicago, September, 1807. 10 Died in Denver April 5, 1872. 11 Died in Turtle, January, 187ft. 12 Died in Mitson City, Iowa, February 14, 1874. 13 Died in Ottawa, III.. Jlnrch 12, 1878. 14 Died in Northern Unlit Store, Scotland, April 30, 1875. 16 Died in Now Haven April 7, 1878. 16 Died in Baltimore December 2 1876. 17 Died in Milwaukee February 10, 1878. 482 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Orville Brewer, Ira M. Buell, Lewis H. Bushnell, William M. Clarke, Walter E. Carr, Carlos S. Douglass, Franklin P. Fisk, George M. Herrick, Charles W. Merriman, Henry Neill, John Steel, George W. Trimble, Charles E. Wheeler and Charles M. Williams. 1879— Austin F. Butts, William D. Crosby, Theron Durham, Horace B. Goodwin, Horace B. Humphrey, William S. Jeffris, Arthur D. Johnson, Henry S. Metcalf, Fred A, Wilcox and Fayette D. Winslow. The College in the War. — At the annual commencement July 14, 1869, Memorial Hall, erected to commemorate the part borne in the war by the students and others connected with the College, was formally dedicated with impressive ceremonies. On that occasion, Prof. Joseph Emerson made the following statement relative to the share of the College in the great contest then but recently closed : STATEMENT OF PKOF. EMERSON. The festival with which the war closed was the commencement day of the nation — the ending of a long term of discipline, and its accession to the new degree of Magislra Ariium, Queen of Civilization. The ordeal which pre ceded it was the examination, testing the results of that Puritan system of education by which the nation had been trained for more than two hundred years. The aim of that education was to make men. Its organization was the Christian college, standing beside the church and surrounded by public schools. The soul of it was a training in the truths of the Word of God and in the enthusiasms of the most heroic times and peoples, supported by scientific culture continually more manifold, as science itself should be enlarged. As the developments of the war have been reviewed, the -question has been pressed upon those institutions which still retained the idea of the fathers — that the center of a system of education must be the training in the Divine and the heroic — the question, What have been the results of your training? Where are the men whom you have prepared for the need of the country and of mankind ? For a general answer, the system can call up the whole nation, whom it has educated — the great army of the Republic, which sprung up at the country's call all over that region lying between the fortieth and the forty-eighth parallels of latitude, and extending from sea to sea, which King James called New England. In the East, particular colleges have been proud to point to their own sons in the field. In this Northwfst, too, from which came the power which decided the war, the question has been put to the young college which had been planted here, Where were thy sons when the land had need of them ? The answer, modestly given three years ago, was received with such favor that the guardians of the College appointed that an enduring testimonial should be prepared, not only of approval for the past, but also for example in the future. That memorial is now ready, and the question comes again, after three years of thought and further examination, Shall the garland be bestowed, and the young College, but twenty-one years of age to-day, sit henceforth tower-crowned as foster-mother of heroes? If she is, through no seeking of her own, for she and her sons alike have only sought to do their duty, if, how ever, she is a candidate for such honors, she must not shrink from standing before you, the parents who have com mitted your sons to her nurture, and the wide community who have called for their service, and answer such questions as these : 1. Did the sons ofthe College respond to the country's call, not in exceptional cases, but in such numbers as to justify the honor proposed to be paid to them as a body ? 2. Was their service a local one, or was it so general as to justify this general testimonial from the wide Northwest, and even from distant parts of the land? 3. Did they show themselves capable men, such as should come from an institution which professes to train in thought as well as in enthusiasm ? 4. Were they brave and true men, faithful unto death, so as to be worthy of an undying honor? 1. How many or what portion of the sons of the College answered the call ? When the war came, the College had sent forth but ten classes. Only 800 young men had been in it This number has since been increased to 1 ,500, of whom, however, fully one-half were, at the time of the war, too young or otherwise disqualified for service, or their record is not known. Of the 750 who may remain, 400 were in the service, more than half of all who could be there, and more lhan one-fourth of all, older or younger, living or dead, who have ever been in the College; and this proportion may assure us that those who remained were not uninterested in the cause, but bore their part in that grand support which the armies in the field received at home. 2. Is this a local object? and is Beloit College a Beloit institution? The citizens of Beloit do not fail to recognize the honor done them by the representatives of all this wide region, in not only choosing their loved city for the site of the College, but in associating the name of their city with that of the College. They keep in view their pledge to cherish it by their prayers, sympathies and gifts.' That their enthusiasms are its enthusiasms, this com munity has shown by furnishing 100 of the 400 soldiers, and even a larger proportion of the honored dead. They have come forward, also, to bear a part in this memorial, and it is in their hearts to do more yet. But the College was established by all the region, for all the region, and the young men served in the ranks of many States, and for tii e deliverance of all the nation. Shall we call up the regiments in which they stood, and see what an army they form ? On Ihe far left is Maine, then Massachusetts with four regiments, and Connecticut ; next Nevv York with seven, Pennsylvania with seven, and Ohio, Michigan and Indiana; then the dense center, Wisoonsin with two hundred in fifty-five regiments, and Illinois with one hundred and twenty in fifty-six regiments; then ten regiments from Iowa, and five from Minnesota. And then the long right wing, covering Nebraska and Kansas, and reaching to California. But these are not all. In front of the central phalanx stand Missouri, Kentucky and Louisiana, and those regiments marked on our roslers by A. D., HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 483 African Descent, they say it means. Anno Domini is our first thought ; and, perhaps, it is our best, for, in our gloom, their dark brows brought light and the acceptable year of the Lord. But this army is not unsupported nor uncom- forted. There are the mortar-boats and the gun-boats, and the ships of war ; and the nurses in the hospitals, and the Sanitary Commission, and the Christian Commission, all that humane and Christian blessing by which the elements which are forming the better future, glorify the final struggle. We have, then, before us one hundred and seventy- seven regiments, bearing the banners of .nineteen States, besides the colored troops and the regular army, and their front supported by eight vessels of war. 3. But did these many men prove themselves capable men 1 As children of so young a mother, they were young, and entered the service generally as privates. Many had not been long enough in the service to have their merit known before the war closed, or they were disabled, or lost their lives. Of many, also, we have the names without the rank. But of the whole four hundred, two hundred and fifteen are known to have become ofiicers, and one hun dred and forty-two bore commissions, as follows: Brigadier Generals, 3; Colonels or Lieutenant Colonels, 12; Majors, 9; Chaplains, 4; Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, 14; Adjutants, Quartermasters, etc., 14; Captains, 42; Lieutenants, 44 ; non-commissioned officers, 73. i. But did they prove themselves true men in action? As they were in all the lines, so they were in all the actions of the war. Let us glance through their history, calling from point to point those whom the impartial messenger of death summons as witnesses to the spirit which animated all. They were among the first three-months' men, on the Potomac, at Cairo, and with Gen. Lyon when he fell at Wilson's Creek. In August, 1861, George 0. Felt, a soldier full of promise, was killed in North Missouri, and Burford Jeakins, the Christian scholar, whom, though he was here so long ago, we remember as if it were yesterday, fell, in the service of Ohio, in West Virginia. In the spring of 1862, they were at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. The field of Shiloh was sprinkled with them. Thence true Milton Rood was borne to die in captivity ; there Capt. Silas W. Field and Quincy E. Pollock, both true Christian soldiers, fell mortally wounded on that first day of disaster. Pollock had become a Christian in t'ollege. He left home not expecting to live to the close of the war; but he said, " My life is no better than theirs who have gone to the war. If I fall, I know into whose hands I fall ; " and so now he is in the bosom of the Father. Meanwhile, they were also in the East, where Henry (.ooper, reliable there as here, fell in the ranks of New York at Antietam. And in the West, also, Edmund Dawes, attested as "a devoted Christian in the army as well as at home," left the hospital just in time to die at Prairie Grove, in Arkansas. The year 1862 closed with the battle of Murfreesboro. There, on the 30th of December, in the service of Pennsylvania, but acting as Aide to Gen. Rosecrans, fell Evan W. Grubb, a soldier who, as his comrades say. " could at all times be depended upon for any duty Unit required fortitude or perseverance." There, also, Francis 11. Caswell and Dudley H. Cowles sank with grievous wounds, which, aggravated by the sufferings of captivity, brought to each of them the call to pass from a rebel prison to the freedom and rest of the Jerusalem above. " If," wrote Caswell to his mother, as they moved to the field, " I should lose my life suddenly and soon, it will be no more than carrying out the great purposes of God, and they are all just right, you know." We stand in awe before such a purpose, respect ing the son of a missionary, born on heathen soil, educated with many prayers and sacrifices, and who had fondly hoped to preach Christ in the land of his birth. But let us remember it — those great purposes " are all just right, you know." Turning now to the Potomac, ve find that the glory of that army is the Iron Brigade, the pride of Wisconsin : and the College is fully represented in each of those Wisconsin regiments — the Second, Sixth and Seventh. In every charge, they charged, and sank one after another wilh wounds, and Alexander Gordon, Captain in the Seventh, the soldier without fear and without reproach, whose gallantry had formed so large an element in the glory of the Bri gade, singled out for his nobility of form by the rebel sharpshooters, fell upon the Rappahannock. A little after him, but far away by the Mississippi, as the lines were drawn up before Vicksburg for the assault, William W. Works gave the life, of which he had written in his diary on the morning of that sime day, " If I fall, I lay down my life, deeming it only a fit sacrifice for the life of my country." The year 1864 opens with the battle of Franklin, where Col. Porter 0. Olson fell gallantly leading the Thirty- sixth Illinois, and Frederick W. Goddard, who had bravely volunteered for that special occasion with the Twenty- second Wisconsin. In the same week, as the scene shifts to the east, we see the last of a face which many of us saw in its childhood, William Pearl Lathrop, eldest son of one of the earliest Professors both of Beloit College and of the University of Wisconsin. The remains of the father repose in our own cemetery. The son, born in Vermont, edu cated in Wisconsin, serving in the ranks, first of California and then of Michigan, disappeared in the Wilderness of Virginia. No mm knoweth His resting-place, but he is not forgotten In the same struggle, Whitney Tibballs met his mortal wound, on the 10th of May, 18")*. Within the last, six months, he had laid hold upon the Christian hope, On the 1st of May, he had written six resolutions iu his diary, of wliich the fifth was, " I will be brave on the battle field," and the sixth, "I will be brave in refusing to do evil " Thus prepared to die, and prepared to live, he saw the battle coming. He was detailed to tarry with the baggage, but he went to his Captain and begged the privilege of going into the battle. ' You are unwise " said a comrade, ¦' we are going to have a fearful fight." He replied, " I hiiow that perfectly well, and choose to take my chance with the rest of the boys." He took his chance. God knew what was best for him. He was bor.ie to the rear, aud in two weeks more received the prize of him that overcometh. The army moved to Spoltsylvania, where fell, wounded in like manner, Horace Turner, of the Twentieth Michigan, of whom his Captain writes, " He was a bravo and true sold>er, a faithful and consistent Christian, and lives fresh in the memory of his loving comrades." Three days after him, but in Georgia, sank Capt. Marshall W. Patton, known to many here as the boy with the beiring of a man, whose distinguished valor in the Iron Brigade had given him promotion beyond his years, but not beyond his merits. He fell, leading his company in the Twenty-second Wisconsin, in the charge at Resaca, May 15, aud died on the 18th. That army, too, moved on, and in front of the Seventy -fourth Illinois, at the terrible assault on Kenesaw, sank Lieut. Col. James B. Kerr, whom all Winnebago County knows as a (.cholar, a hero and a man. He threw his sword toward his friends. His person fell into the hands of his foes, among whom he died at Atlanta, July 3, 1864. 484 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Meanwhile, had occurred the disaster at Guntown in Mississippi, where fell in the Ninety-fifth Illinois, the noble Colonel — and by brevet after his death General — Thomas W. Humphrey, and with him Lieut. Stephen A.Rollins. known nnd esteemed by many here to-day, as well as by his fellow-soldiers. While these things have passed, the army ot Virginia has gathered around Richmond, On the 18th of June, cheering his men to the assault on Petersburg falls Lieut. Freeman B. Riddle. I need not praise him here, among the multitude of those who knew him and loved him and will not forget him. He was what we knew he would be. Next we are hurried back to Georgia, where falls Albert Walker, ofthe Twenty-second Wisconsin, who had just entered college, when his country called liini and lie gave her his life. Tln'n we are called to Petersburg again, where we find a regiment of these new-made men with dark skins. ready for the onset. It is not our first view of these warriors. In twelve, at least, of their regiments the sons of Beloit held commissions, among the rest, one whom their suffrages have now placed in the Congress of the United States, worthily representing in the Capital of the Nation, the Capital of the State which he had educated. Also we cliiim one of the Captains who led the hi-toric charge of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts on Fort Wagner. He, h:\ppily, still lives. Nut so his fellow in renown — so were he equaled with him in fate — who led the charge ofthe Twenty-ninth U. S. Colored Infantry on the breach at Petersburg, where Capt. Hector H. Aiken fell July 30 and died ' August 18. On the 21st of the same August, you, young men of the Fortieth Wisconsin, stood around the remains of" your comrade, Frank E. Woodruff, killed at his sentry post by Forrest's raiders, and you wished you might be true as he to the love of God and of man. So ends the record of that fearful campaign of 1864. More than half of our slain ore there. But yet at Averysboro, N. C, May 15, 1865, fell Almeron N. Graves, the last, and faithful to the last. Thus twenty-six of the forty three died by wounds. There still remains the list of those who died by sickness; Edward K. Barber, Pardon E. Carpenter, Jerome B. Davis, Jeremiah Dooley, Jefferson Florey, Paul A. Goddard, Azel D. Hayward, Henry S. Kingsley, William L. Knight, John G. Lambert, Arthur W. Mason, Henry Meachim, Franklin Prindle, Thomas S. Seacord, William H. Shumaker, J. Dwight Stevens, Eugene H. Tuttle — good and true men nil, telling how brave men can suffer bravely and die bravely without the excitement of the field. Their lives and their deaths were not and (hey shall not be in vain. Those that have gone — we call them our martyrs. Do you know what *¦ martyr is? A martyr is a witness They testily to us, in behalf of all their comrades as well as themselves, that there are causes worth dying for ; worth such young and precious lives as theirs ; and that there are souls in men capable of dying for a worthy cause. And you, who have joined or who yet may join in this testimonial, do set to your seal that their witness is true ; let that seal stand through the ages on this soil, which their young devotion has hallowed, and let it inspire from year to year new devotions in souls that are to be, that they too, in times to come, may serve and, if need be, may save again the land for which these, our martyrs, died. To tho list of the dead should be added, the names of J. Lyford Peavey, who died in hos pital, and of Michael Clark, of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, killed at Milliken's Bend June 6, 1863, and Jared II. Knapp, who fell at Gettysburg July 1, 1863, making forty-six who died, twenty-eight of them, or 60 per cent, by wounds. This proportion of deaths in battle is double that which prevailed in the army in general, and may be taken as showing that the sons of the College were men ready, in a good cause, to go to the front. If, however, the College was felt in the war, the impress ofthe great crisis upon the charac ter of the College was not less marked. The young men returning from the field to the campus, brought with them a blended vigor and loyalty of character which have made the history of the College after the war a new era in its life. During the war, the course of the College had gone on without interruption, except that the Commencement of 1864 was omitted, the entire Senior Class, as well as the Professor of Rhetoric, being in camp. But the classes were composed, neces sarily, of young men under military age, though the great events of the time were preparing them to sympathize in the high purposes with which their elder fellows returned to complete their training to serve the country which they had helped to save. As they and their successors have approached or entered the moral battles of life, they have been found still pressing to the front, seeking to make their lives most serviceable to their country and to mankind. For exam ple, though the number of graduates has been much less than those of the older colleges of the East, Beloit has sent during the last ten years more students to Congregational Theological Seminaries than any other college except Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth and Oberlin; and in tho number of missionaries sent abroad, during the same time, by the American Board. Beloit is second only to Amherst. The College has sent forth 272 graduates from its full course, of whom about 40 per cent have chosen the clerical calling, 40 per cont have chosen other professions, and 20 per cent are in business life. The distribution of the sons of the College illustrates the relation of such an institution, in such a position, to the whole land and world, as well as its own vicinity. The 130 sons of the College who have entered the ministry have preached in thirty States or Territories, i HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 485 and in twelve foreign lands and in more than five hundred congregations, in which they have completed more than a thousand years of work, to which each year now adds more than a hun dred years. The record of other professions and employments would show like results. Beloit has given Presidents of colleges to Minnesota and Kansas, and principals or professors in high educational institutions to Michigan, Indiana, Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri, as well as to Illinois and Wisconsin. Her sons have been State Superintendents of Education in Kansas and Alabama, and have represented both those States, as well as Ohio and Wisconsin, in the Congress of the United States, and have filled high positions in legal, medical and editorial life in New York, Colorado and California, as well as throughout the interior. Nearly twenty-five hundred students have been connected with the College, of whom two thousand are now representing it in various employments and localities. Though, as a young College in a young region, its growth has been, as it should be, attended with effort, it is believed that the results already realized have been such as to justify any past labors or sacrifices, and that the foundation already secured, and the work which the College has done and is doing, give assurance that it is a College worth build ing up, and encourage the effort upon which its Trustees are now entering to secure such an increase of endowment as will develop it as an institution worthy of the region which it represents. If to the record of Beloit College we add that of the Female Seminary at Rockford, 111., which sprung from the same origin, we have a total of more than six thousand minds, which have gone from a longer or shorter course in those schools to diffuse their influence in almost every State, and in many foreign lands. The conventions and consultations in which these institutions were devised, contemplated, also, other*objects which gather around the College as a center ot liberal and Christian culture, especially the religious newspaper and the Theologi cal Seminary. But, as these involved, more than the College did, a metropolitan and a denom inational position, they have been realized for the field of the College in the periodicals and seminaries established in Chicago by the two denominations which planted the College, and for which, especially, it cultivates the common field of evangelical liberal education. Milton College. The idea of opening a school at Milton, in which might be obtained an education more advanced than that afforded by the district schools of this vicinity, originated with Mr. Joseph Goodrich. Meager instruction in the elementary branches was imparted in the very few com mon schools in that section, which were generally taught three months in the year, in small private houses, and had at that time been in operation only four or five years. There was no college in the State. Four academies had been started in the southern portion, viz.: Southport Academy, at Kenosha, now extinct; Prairieville Academy, at Waukesha, afterward merged into Carroll College ; Beloit Seminary, which has been suspended for several years, and Plattyille Academy, in Grant County, recently changed into a State Normal School. The institution was originated with no other purpose than to accommodate the young people of this immediate vicinity. There wa3 no expectation that it would ever become a first- class academy or a college. The few inhabitants of the place and the sparsely settled condition of the prairies and oak openings about, gave no prophecy of the present growth of the country, nor of the high position to which the college has attained. In fact, the idea was regarded as chimerical and pretentious by many people, who, in consequence, did not furnish much pecu niary aid in the beginning, but subsequently patronized the school very generously by furnishing students for its classes. Tho nature of the locality, one of exceeding healthfulness, materially aided the enter prise. First Building. — In the summer and fall of 1844, an odd-looking structure was erected in the village of Milton for use as an academic school. The walls were composed of gravel and lime so mixed that thev would harden like mortar and in a short time become impervious to the 486 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. action of the atmosphere. The size of the building was 20x30 feet, and one story high ; a small " lean-to " was attached to the rear end ; a cupola with four spires and a bell mounted in it, graced the front peak of the gambrel roof, and a huge sign-board, subscribed with the letters "Milton Academy," which was placed along the front of the school-room, announced to the world the birth of a new enterprise ; which was eventually to become a very important item in the history of Milton. The moldings of the doors were very plain, and with the benches, which nearly filled the room, were painted a dark blue color. The plastering was rough and fell, after awhile, in spots from the ceiling, which was very soon left almost bare. At the farther side of the room was the rostrum, one step high, occupying one-fifth of the area of the room. This magnificent specimen of architecture stood near the northwest corner of, the public square, and its conspicuous sign was visible from all points of approach. The cost of construc tion, which was paid by the Hon. Joseph Goodrich, who planned and erected the edifice, was $300, and for ten years the building served all the purposes for which it was intended. First Opening. — About the beginning of December, after the building was erected, Rev. Bethuel C. Church came from Michigan, on an invitation, and opened it as a select school, the premises being furnished to him without charge, an arrangement by which he was enabled to live on the income arising from the tuition. He, however, taught only two terms, the winter and spring, and had over sixty students in attendance, lt was thus shown that a school of this grade was needed, and a sentiment in favor of sustaining it was created. Following him came the Rev. S. S. Bicknell, a Congregational clergyman and a graduate of Dartmouth College, who remained here two years and a half, during which time he worked the attendance up to an average of seventy students per annum, and formed the basis of the real academic course. The rates of tuition were very low, being only $3 per term, and board in private families cost from $1 to $1.50 per week.' Du Lac Academy. Up to the winter of 1847-48, the school had been under the management of the Hon. Joseph Goodrich, by whom all the losses of the teacher's salary and the incidental expenses were sustained. But in that year, the citizens combined to procure a charter for the school. It had been demonstrated that a school with academic privileges could be maintained, and accordingly, on February 28, 1848, an act of incorporation was obtained from the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature, granting to seven Trustees the exclusive control of the school, which was then entitled " The Du Lac Academy," a name, however, which was never popular, nor one used beyond the charter, and the correspondence of the officers of the school. The shares were fixed at $5 each, and one of the rules decided upon was, that instruction should not be given nor any meetings of the corporation held on either the seventh or first days of the week. The Trustees were : President, Abram Allen ; Secretary, Hon. A. P. Blakesley ; Nathan G. Storrs, Alfred Walker, Clark G. Stillman and John Stillman, each of whom met the deficits of the school. for teachers' wages. The building was engaged by the Trustees of the Academy under the condition that no rent should be paid for its use, provided the services of a college graduate could be secured as Principal They fulfilled their portion of the contract by engaging a Mr. Prindle, a graduate of some Eastern college, who, however, only remained one term. The winter succeeding, Prof. Jonathan Allen, now President of Alfred University, N. Y., had charge, but he, also, resigned at the close of the term, being succeeded the following spring by the Rev. Amos W. Coon, his assistant teacher, who remained two years. During his administration, the average atten dance per year was increased to 100. At the close of the winter term of 1851, Prof. Coon retired, his successor during the following spring term being Col. George R. Clarke, now of Chicago. From the opening ofthe fall term, Prof. A. C. Spicer, a graduate of the Academic Depart ment of Alfred University, assisted by his wife, Mrs. Susanna M. Spicer, had the supervision of the school for the following seven years. Plpfe ; STATE. SUPT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION MILTON HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 489 For the first three years of their charge, notwithstanding the extraordinary labors they put forth, the success of- the school was varying. The academic building became untenable, and the classes for a portion of the last two years, met in a private house, and, for want of suit able accommodations, the school was suspended during two-thirds of the year 1853. From that time, it became evident that better facilities in the way of buildings, apparatus and teachers must be secured, or the enterprise abandoned, and in order to do that it was felt that the sympa thies and support of a larger number of people must be enlisted in order to place it in a better condition. With this result, the history of the school as the Du Lac Academy ended. The Milton Academy. The awakening of a new interest in the school led to the formation of a larger association of the inhabitants, and on March 31, 1854, a new charter was granted by the Legislature and the name changed to that recorded above. Another board of seven Trustees was constituted, and the school got into working order again. In the spring of 1854, the school was re-organ ized under the former teachers, and kept in private residences until the fall of 1855. During that interregnum, a handsome and commodious building, constructed of Milwaukee pressed brick, was erected on a bluff in the southwestern part of the village. It was 40x44 feet in size, three stories high, and contained, besides a chapel, four recitation rooms and a boarding hall. Its cost was something over $4,000, which was paid mainly by the subscriptions of the stock holders of the academy, in whom were vested the property and government of the institution. In the fall of 1854, Prof. Albert Whitford was added to the Faculty, taking charge of the Department of Ancient Languages. He has been connected with the school ever since that time, except for two years when he was Principal of the De Ruglar Institute, and four years when he filled the office of Professor of Mathematics in Alfred University. During the year 1856, Prof. M. Montague instructed the classes in ancient languages. At this time, the Department of Music, principally instrumental, was created, and a proficient lady instructor placed in charge. At the same time, two courses of study were adopted, each embracing four years — the teachers' course and the classical course, and from the former, at the close of the academic year, three students, Miss Susan E. Burdick, Chloe C. Whitford and Ruth A. Graham, were graduated, being the first, graduating class of the institution. In the summer and fall of 1857, the need of another new building for dormitory purposes being greatly felt, the Hon. Joseph Goodrich and Hon. Jeremiah Davis were authorized to erect one with accommodations for about fifty students. It was erected as desired, on the grounds of the institution ; was constructed of cream-colored brick, and cost nearly $5,000, the greater part of which sum was contributed by the large-hearted gentlemen employed to build it. It is now called " the Goodrich Hall," and is occupied by lady students. At the close of the spring term of 1858, Prof. Spicer and his wife resigned their positions in the Academy. Under their administration, many important improvements were effected, principal among which were the erection of two new buildings and a more complete arrange ment of the classes, while such was the confidence reposed in their administrative ability that the attendance of students was more than doubled. A Change in the Management. — After several unavailing efforts had been made to obtain a successor to Prof. Spicer as Principal of the institution, the Rev. W. C. Whitford, then Pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Milton, was prevailed upon to assume charge during the fall term, and was subsequently induced to become permanently connected with the school in the capacity of Principal. During his first year, he had associated with him Prof. Albert1 Whitford, A. M., and his wife, Mrs. Chloe C. Whitford, who became the Preceptress ; Mr. S. S. Rock wood, an advanced student ; Mrs. Flora A. Rockwood, and Mr. Wiot H. Clarke, a music teacher. In the following year, there were added to the Faculty Prof. G. M. Guernsey, A. M., a graduate of Amherst College, and Mrs. Ida F. Kenyon, who became teacher of vocal and instru mental music and the German language. In the year 1861, Mrs. Ruth A. Whitford, who had 490 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. labored successfully in academic schools in New Jersey, entered upon the duties of Preceptress, and filled the position for three years. In the same year, Prof. N. C. Twining, A. M., a grad uate of the school, was called to the Department of Mathematics, which he held for seven years. Prof. Edward Searing, A. M., a graduate of the University of Michigan, began his work as instructor of the Latin and French languages, at the opening of the academic year in 1863. He remained in that professorship until 1873, when he was elected to the office of State Superin tendent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin. For the year ending July 4, 1865, Mrs. Eliza Johnson was Preceptress, being succeeded by Mrs. A. Miranda Isham, from Alfred University, who remained in that position until the close of the year 1869. Mrs. Alicia F. Adams was teacher of music from 1864 until the close of the summer term of 1867 ; and Miss Mary F. Bailey, A. M., a graduate of Alfred University, teacher of the German language from 1865 to 1873. Besides the members ofthe Faculty already mentioned, there were engaged, between the years 1858 and 1867, for brief periods, the following teachers : Prof. 0- M. Conover, Rev. A. H. Lewis, S. S. Wallihan, M. D., Rev. 0. U. Whitford, Rev. S. A. Platts, Miss Emily C. Wyman and Miss Frances F. Pillsbury. In the winter and spring of 1863, a wooden building, three stories high, and containing twenty-two rooms, was erected near the grounds of the institution, at a cost of $2,000. It was erected for and is used by gentlemen for dormitory purposes. An addition to the main hall was begun in 1867, and finished the next year. That, with the bower in front and the repairs in the old recitation-room, and the chapel, cost nearly $8,000, and doubled the accommodations of the hall for class purposes. War Record. — During the war of the rebellion, none were more free with money and men than those connected with this Academy. The students gave money to the amount of hundreds of dollars, and, on receipt of the first news that the civil conflict had begun, twenty of the young men left their work and flew to obey their country's call. Of the graduates and students, 311 volunteered into the service of the Union armies, of whom 43 perished by disease or by the bullets of the Southern Confederacy. The school raised, officered and sent into the army two full companies, known as Company K and Company H, which were assigned to the Thirteenth and Fortieth Regiments Wisconsin Volunteers, and parts of companies for the Second and Forty-ninth Regiments, Milton College. The act incorporating the College was passed by the State Legislature in February, 1867, and was formally accepted by the stockholders of the institution on the 13th of March, follow ing. By the terms of the act, the same privileges were granted to the incorporators as those usually conceded to institutions of a similar character. The stock was divided into shares of $25 each, and the possession and government of the College vested in the original stockholders, who were authorized to elect a Board of Trustees, to consist of not less than fifteen nor more than twenty-seven members, nine of whom formed a quorum for the transaction of business. One-third of their number, after the first election, were to be chosen each year and hold their office three years. No religious test or qualification was required of any trustee, officer, pro fessor, teacher or student of the institution. On March 13, 1867, a Board consisting of twenty-seven Trustees was elected, and on the 27th of the same month, they elected the following officers : President, Rev. W. C. Whitford, A. M.; Vice President, Rev. D. E. Maxson, D. D.; Secretary, A. W. Baldwin, Esq.; Treas urer, C. H. Greenman. Subsequently the following Faculty were elected: Rev. William C. Whitford, A. M., President, and Professor of the Natural, Mental and Moral Sciences ; Edward Searing, A. M., Professor of Latin and French Languages ; Albert Whitford, A. M., Professor of Greek Language and Mixed Mathematics ; Nathan C. Twining, A. B., Professor of Pure Mathematics and Commercial Instruction ; Miss A. Miranda Fenner, Preceptress, and Teacher of English Language and Literature ; Miss Mary F. Bailey, Teacher of German Language ; Mrs. Emma J. Utter, Teacher of Instrumental and Vocal Music ; Forrest M. Babcock, Teacher of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 491 Penmanship; Mrs. Ruth H. Whitford, Teacher of Painting and Penciling. At ithe same time, it was resolved to unite both the academic and the collegiate courses of study, an arrangement which the institution has since preserved in common with most of the colleges in the West. Additions to the Faculty. — In 1868, Mayor S. S. Rockwood, A. M., was appointed Pro fessor of Pure Mathematics, a position held by him until 1871, when he entered the White water Normal School. In the same year, Miss Jane 0. Bond, A. M., was elected teacher in the English department, a position which she has filled ever since, with honor to herself and credit to the College. Miss Ida Springstubbe, a graduate of a German Normal School, was also chosen teacher of the French and German languages, and remained in that position upward of two years. Prof. J. D. Bond, M. S., was teacher in the commercial department for four years. Prof. J. M. Stillman has given instruction in vocal music and voice culture for two years, and Miss R. Mintie Howard in instrumental music for four years. Prof. J. W. Saun ders, A. B., was elected in 1873, to the professorship of the German and Greek languages, the position of assistant teacher in the Latin classes being filled for three years by Prof. Lucius Heritage, A. B. Mrs. Chloe C. Whitford, A. M., has taught in the department of mathe matics for over two years, a position that she formerly occupied, while for some time the com mercial studies were relegated to the care of Prof. W. C. King. The present members of the Faculty are : Rev. William C. Whitford, A. M., President ; Albert Whitford, A. M., Acting President, Mathematics and Astronomy ; Edward Searing, A. M., Greek and French Languages ; Rev. Elston M. Dunn, A. M., Mental and Moral Sciences ; Henry D. Maxson, A. B., Rhetoric and Latin Language; Miss Jane C. Bond, A. M., English Department; Mrs. Chloe C. Whitford, A. M., German Language; Mrs. Ruth H. Whitford. A. M., Penciling and English Department; Miss Mary Jane Haven, Vocal and Instrumental Music ; James Mills, Penmanship. The explanation of the offices of President and Acting President, which are filled respect ively by the Rev. William C. and Prof. Albert Whitford, is, that in 1877, when the former was elected to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the latter, his brother, then filling a chair as a member of the Faculty, assumed temporary charge over the affairs of the College, such charge to continue until his brother's return, who will then again assume the duties and responsibilities of the presidency of the institution. Hon. Edward Searing, at tho close of his second term as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, returned to his old position in the College as the Professor in the Greek and French Languages. His work here has always been highly appreciated. He is the author of a popular text-book on the first six books of Virgil's .iEneid. He is now preparing a similar work on the first six books of Homer's Iliad. The terms of tuition are very reasonable and are within reach of almost every one. The capital stock of the institution is divided into 1,100 shares, of $25 each, or a total valuation of $29,079.06, the largest individual amount of which is held by the estate of Hon. Joseph Goodrich, who furnished in all about $5,000 to this stock, the next largest being in the name of Pres. W. C. Whitford, who has contributed, at various times, nearly $4,500 to the stock. Graduates. — The following is a list of graduates in the college department, together with the years they "came out:" 1867 — Nathan C. Twining, A. M., Miss Isabelle L. Hall, A. M. 1870— Albert Salisbury, A. M., Jesse B. Thayer, M. S. 1871— M. Delano Fuller, M. S., George F. Holcomb, B. S., Edwin Swinney, M. S., Albert D. Whitmore, B. S., Miss Inez C. Childs, M. S., Miss E. Albertine Utter. M. S. 1872— Jonathan D. Bond, M. S., L. Dow Harvey, M. S., Matthew White, A. B. 1873— E. Stillman Bailey, A. B., Albert R. Cran dall, A. B., Miss Jane C. Bond, L. A., Miss Florence H. Williams, L. S. 1874— William H. Ernst, A. B., Watson C. Holbrook, B. S., Dwight Kinney, A. B., Arthur A. Miller, A. B., W. Burton Morgan, A. B., Frederick D. Rogers, A. B., Robert D. Whitford, A. B., Mrs. Amelia C. Steele, L. S. 1875— Clark T. Havens, A. B., Lucius Heritage, A. B., D. Osmer Hibbard, B. S., Isaac L. Mahicu, A. B. 1876— Eva D. Cartwright, L. S., Charles M. Gates, B. S., W. D. Tickner, A. B., George F. Tuttle, B. S., Mrs. E. De Lette Saunders, L. S , Miss Florence G. Saunders, L. S., Miss Alice L. Miller, L. S. 1877— E. A. Thompson, B. 492 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. S., A. G. Saunders, B. S., W. G. Bonham, B. S., Miss Ida Tracy, L. S. 1878^J. H. Boyle, B. S., Ira Flagler, B. S., H. S. Hulse, B. S., H. D. Kinney, B. S., 0. E. Larkin, A. B., J. I. Stillman, B. S. 1879— C. E. Crandall, A. B., J. N. Humphrey, A. B., Miss Mary J. Haven, A. B. Honorary Degrees. — The degree of Doctor of Divinity has been conferred upon the Revs, D. E. Maxson, T. R. Williams and Nathan Wardner ; that of Master of Arts upon Hon. John A, Smith, Prof. Chase, Mrs? Chloe C. Whitford, Miss. J. C. Bond and I. L. Mahieu, while the degree of Master of Science has but one representative, in the person of Mortimer T. Park. Libraries and Societies. — A donation from Rev. Daniel Babcock enabled the College, in 1871,- to establish the " Babcock Library," which has now several hundred volumes. Three other libraries belong to the literary societies. The oldest of these latter is the Iduna Lyceum, which was organized by the lady students in 1854. The gentlemen sustain two large societies, the Orophilian and Philomathean, which have been in operation about eighteen years. Teachers for the Public Schools. — The institution has devoted a large share of its work ever since its formation to prepare teachers for the public schools of the State. While those who have received instruction here are found in the other callings of life, and are winning in them substantial honors, yet the larger share of the graduates and others who have pursued the advanced studies have been engaged in teaching. A regular teachers' class, under the direction of the State Board of Normal Regents, was maintained in the institution for seven years subse quent to 1857. During this time, State aid was received to the amount of several thousand dollars. A similar class has since been taught each year. In the rural schools of Rock and adjacent counties, hundreds of the students of the Col lege have been employed as teachers, and they have generally given excellent satisfaction to the pupils in their schools and to their parents. In many of the graded and the high schools of the State, in the normal schools and in the State University are found, at the present time, a large number of teachers who were once enrolled in the classes of the College. They are noted usually for their thorough knowledge of the branches taught under their supervision, for their practical skill in managing their depart ments or their schools, and for their constant enthusiasm in their work. Evansville Seminary. A committee of the Methodist Church General Conference of the United States having been appointed to divide the State into two or more general conferences, each of which has a seminary of its own, it appeared to Messrs. David S. Mills and 0. F. Comfort a good opportu nity to get a seminary located at Evansville. Accordingly, on August 10, 1855, a meeting called by these two gentlemen was held, at which it was resolved to establish a seminary of high grade at Evansville, for the education of the youth of both sexes, and the persons present at the meeting thereupon elected a Board of Trustees, consisting of the following gentlemen : Ezra A. Foot, Henry G. Spencer, Jeremiah Johnson, W. W. McLaughlin, David S. Mills, P. S. Bennett, Josiah Howard, Myron A. Rowley, William C. Kelly, Thomas Robinson, Hiram Griffith, Nelson Winston and Argalus Ballard. At the next session of the Legislature, held in 1856, that body passed an act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Evansville Seminary," which was approved on March 18 of the same year. Prior, however, to the passage of that act, and prior to the meeting held on August 10, 1855, Mr. David S. Mills and his wife donated two acres of ground for the purposes of a seminary, which were accepted, and subsequently, at the request of some of the Trustees, signed a subscription paper with the words " Seminary Park, cost $500," thus, to a certain extent, damaging his title to the ground, which he donated for the " express purposes of a sem inary, upon the condition that a brick or stone building, three stories in height, and covering an area of not less than 2,500 square feet of ground, should be erected within two years, at which time, Mr. Mills would execute a deed in the name of the Trustees of the Seminary Park." HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 493 Two years rolled by, and the Trustees, or some of them, called upon the donators of the land and stated that the building was completed and that they were entitled to a deed, asking also that as clear a deed as possible be given, because they desired to mortgage'the premises, in order to raise money for its completion. Mr. Mills called their attention to the fact that the land was given for seminary purposes only, but, at their solicitation, gave them the deed with out expressly embodying that fact in it, an omission which ultimately led to the closing of the Seminary, and subsequently to the airing of the matter in the courts. The building being completed, a school was opened and taught there until 1870, when the premises were handed over to members of the Baptist denomination, on condition that they should endow it with $10,000. They acceded to the proposition, and re-opened it; but, a high school having been erected and opened in the mean time, a large number, of the students attend ing the Seminary withdrew and entered their names upon the books of the new institution. Finding that to be the case, the Baptist members declined to fulfill their portion ofthe contract relative to the endowment, and, in 1874, surrendered the building to the former Directors, who. thereupon, on January 6, 1876, called a meeting of the legal VQters and passed a series of reso lutions, declaring that the Seminary building had been abandoned as an institution of learning, and resolving to deed the building and lands over to a corporation then organizing under the name of the Evansville Boot and Shoe Company. This was done, and the Company, by the appointment of a care-taker, virtually entered upon the premises. This proceeding, not being in accord with the ideas of the projector of the Institute, he at once commenced a suit for recovery ofthe property, on the ground that the land had been given for seminary purposes only, and, therefore, should revert to him. But, by a peculiar ruling of the lower Court, which found facts in his favor and the law against him, he failed to obtain possession. He then entered exceptions to the ruling, and took the matter to the Supreme Court, where it now rests. Following is a list of the Principals under whose charge it was from the date of its organi zation to its abandonment : Mr. Romulus O. Kellogg, Miss M. Cleveland, Messrs. George A. Smith, Damon Y. Kilgore, Henry R. Colman and George S. Bradley. Janesville Academy. In 1843, a charter was granted to A. Hyatt Smith, William H. H. Bailey, Charles Stevens, J. B. Doe, Edward V. Whiton, and others, for the purpose, as set forth in their petition, of establishing an academy in the city of Janesville. A stone building, two stories high, with a. basement, was erected on the west side of High Street, between Milwaukee and Court streets, in what was then known as Bailey & Smith's Addition, was erected, and, in the early part of 1844, the Academy opened for business, with the Rev. Thomas J. Ruger as Principal. In those days, religious societies were more numerous than churches, and the Academy was frequently rented to different denominations desiring to hold services therein. Messrs. Alden, Woodward and Woodruff successively became the subsequent managers of the institution, and, about 1855, the property was purchased by the city and converted to the uses of a public school, being gener ally known thereafter as the Janesville Free Academy, until the confines of its walls could no longer accommodate the pupils who sought admission. It was then torn down, and the impos ing edifice known as the Central School was erected upon the site. Many of the business men of Janesville owe their education to the curriculum of the " Old Stone Academy." Mr,s. L. Peterson's Private School (Janesville). In 1855, Mrs. L. Peterson opened a private school in Janesville. Mrs. Peterson was born November 30, 1800, in Claremont, N. H., and has taught school fifty-one years. She has been giving private instruction to many of the children of Janesville for twenty-four years past, and lives to see the fruits of her labor on every hand. 494 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. German Lutheran Parochial School (Janesville). In 1876, the German Lutherans of Janesville purchased a lot near the corner of Academv and School streets and erected thereon a one-story building, 24x40 feet in size, at a cost of $1,000, for the accommodation of the parochial school in connection with their Church. J. Schlerf, the Pastor of the congregation, is also the teacher of the school. The attendance in winter is about seventy, while in the summer the scholars will not number above forty. Both German and English are taught. School of St. Joseph's Convent (Janesville). St. Joseph's Convent, a large brick building, two stories high, connected with St. Patrick's Church, was erected in 1863-64, under the direction of Father Doyle, of St. Patrick's Church. David Doolan was the contractor. The structure cost $12,000. A large number of Catholic children are instructed at this school by the Sisters connected with it. Prof. Edward Searinc+'s English and Classical School (Union). In the fall of 1857, Edward Searing, for two or three years previously a student and for one year an assistant teacher of Latin in Cazenovia Seminary, New York, came to the village of Union, in this county, and opened a private " English and Classical " school^ With the exception of Evansville Seminary, then in a chrysalis state, there was at the time no school nearer than Janesville offering instruction in the intermediate and higher branches. Despite the insignificant size of the village, the lack of suitable accommodations and the competition in Evansville, three miles distant, the new school was from the first a success. The second year, the number of students rendered necessary the aid of two assistants and taxed the capacity of the village in boarding facilities. At the close of the third year, equally prosperous as the pre ceding, Mr. .Searing gave up the school and returned East to pursue his studies. He was suc ceeded by Mr. W. H. Peck, a graduate of Dartmouth College, afterward County Superintendent of Iowa County and editor of the Mineral Point Democrat, by whom the enterprise was con tinued for a year with considerable success. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 1861, Prof. Searing returned to Union and conducted the school for another year, or until he removed to Milton in the fall of 1862, when it was discontinued. Public Schools. The public schools of Rock County compare favorably with those of any other county in Wisconsin, and are superior to those of many. For this there are obvious reasons. The pres ence, in opposite sides of the county, of Beloit College and of Milton Academy and College, and their influence throughout, may have contributed largely to diffuse a general interest in education. The latter institution, especially, has trained and sent out many teachers for the public schools, and some for the Normal Schools. Much good has also resulted. to the county at large from the High Schools of Beloit and Janesville. These schools will be described here after. Graded Schools. — The county being divided into two superintendent districts, the graded schools of each district may be considered separately. In the First District, there are but two graded schools proper, aside from the Janesville city schools. One of these is located at Evans ville, and has a High School Department, which is organized under the free high school law, and is known as the Evansville High School. There are four departments, and five teachers employed in the entire school. The school was established as a graded school in the year 1868, and continued in prosperity and healthy growth until 1877, when it was organized under the free high school law. The graded school at Edgerton is now a school of four departments. There is a school of two departments at Fulton Village, and another at Footville, neither of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 495 which has adopted any system of grading. The following are the graded schools in the Second District, arranged in the order of size : Clinton Junction, four departments, 1863 ; Milton Junction, two departments, graded, 1870 ; Shopiere, two departments, 1858 ; Milton (at first with three, 1876), two departments, 1868 ; Johnstown Center, two departments, 1870 ; Johns town, two departments, 1858 ; Emerald Grove, two departments, 1866 ; Lima Center, two departments, 1871. The Clinton Junction School registers about 175,; Milton Junction, 143 ; Shopiere, 104 ; Milton, 118 ; Johnstown Center, 70 ; Johnstown, 53 ; Emerald Grove, 53 ; Lima Center, 49. At Clinton, Shopiere, Milton and Emerald Grove, teachers have been employed for a term of years ; others are making advancement in that respect. Supervisors. — While the public schools were under the town superintendency, several gentlemen rendered excellent service in that capacity, among whom was Hon. Edward Searing, late State Superintendent. The county superintendency went into operation January 1, 1862. The first Superin tendent elected for Rock County was the Rev. J. I. Foote, of Footeville. He was an energetic and efficient worker in the cause of common schools. Before the second election, the county wisely availed itself of the privilege granted by law to all counties having more than 15,000 inhabitants, of dividing the county into two districts and electing two Superintendents, and selecting H. A. Richards for the First District, embracing the western portion of the county, and A. Whitford for the Second District. The successors of Mr. Richards, in the First Dis trict, were J. I. Foote, two terms (four years) ; J. W. Harris, two terms ; E. A. Burdick, two terms, and J. W. West, now (1879) serving on the last year of a second term. In the Second or East District, the successors of Superintendent Whitford have been C. M. Treat, four terms, and J. B. Tracy, now closing his third term. It will thus be seen that it has been the policy not to change the incumbent often, which has contributed much to the usefulness of the office. The whole number of school districts in the county is about 170 ; of teachers required (not including Beloit and Janesville), 185 ; number employed in course of the year, 325. The yearly expenditure is about $55,000. Of this amount, only about $2,500 comes from the income of the school fund, distributed by the State Superintendent. Of Free High Schools, there is but one outside of the cities of Beloit and Janesville. This is at Evansville, and takes the place, in some measure, of the Evansville Seminary, for merly in operation, as has been shown, in that flourishing village. rock county pharmaceutical association. The organization of this society was effected on June 4, 1879, at Janesville, by Messrs. F. Prentice, F. L. Woodward, A. J. Roberts, C. R. Palmer, W. P. Clarke, W. M. Eldredge, E. B. Humsheet and H. C. Stearns, who were also the first charter members. They were speedily joined by a number of others, from Illinois, and other members of the profession, who, com bined, swelled the membership up to about fifty members. The officers are : President, Dr. Smith, of Evansville ; Vice Presidents, F. S. Fenton, Beloit, Andrew Palmer, Janesville, Dr. H. W. Stillman, Edgerton ; Permanent Secretary, E. B. Humsheet, Janesville ; Local Secre tary, O. L. Woodward, Clinton Junction ; Treasurer, D. C. Griswold, Evansville. The objects of the society are very praiseworthy, and are as follows : To unite reputable pharmacists who practice in the county, for mutual aid, encouragement and improvement; to encourage scientific research ; to develop pharmaceutical talent ; to elevate the standard of pro fessional thought, and ultimately to restrict the practice of pharmacy to properly qualified drug gists and apothecaries. As the association is the first of its kind in the State, the members are properly cheered by their success, and hope soon to increase their membership to two hundred or more. 496 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. SOUTHERN WISCONSIN AND NORTHERN ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. The Southern Wisconsin arid Northern Illinois Industrial Association was organized Octo ber 25, 1873, at Beloit, with the following officers : J. N. Chamberlain, President ; Henry F. Hobart, Secretary, and S. C. Moody, Treasurer. The first fair was held on the 15th, 16th and ;tnd 17th days of September, 1874. The report of the Treasurer, made in October, showed that there was received from various sources the sum of $2,688.40, with disbursements to the amount of $2,045.39. In 1875, the following were the officers: R. J. Burge, President; M. S. Hinman, Secre tary, and S. C. Moody, Treasurer. The fair was held the 14th to 16th of September, the receipts being $2,270.91, and disbursements, $2,010.13. The officers elected for 1876 were : H. P. Strong, President ; M. S. Hinman, Secretary, and George A. Houston, Treasurer. The fair was held September 18th to 20th, the amount of receipts being $3,102.66, and disbursements, $2.,928.16, of which amount, $988.75 was paid in premiums. In 1877, the fair was held September 3d to 6th. The officers for this year were : R. M. Benson, President ; M. S. Hinman, Secretary, and G. A. Hanston, Treasurer. Receipts, $2,584.00; premiums, $1,446.25 ; other expenses, $37.75. The fair of 1878 was held September 2d to 6th. The officers were : H. Pentland, Presi dent; H. L. Skavlen and J. D. Northrop, Vice Presidents; B. A. Chapman, Secretary, and T. B. Bailey, Treasurer. The receipts of the fair were $2,536.72, and expenses, $2,382.45; balance on hand, $154.27. The fair of 1879, held September 2d to 5th inclusive, was a success, the receipts being about $2,500. The officers were: H. Pentland, President; H. F.' Skavlen, First Vice Presi dent; J. D. Northrop, Second Vice President; B. A. Chapman, Secretary;- T. B. Bailey, Treasurer; E. N. Clark, Saber Gesley and S. K. Blodgett, Directors. The grounds of the Association contain about fifty acres, located one mile north of the city. They are leased by the society, and are under their control only during the four or more days they actually occupy them. The buildings upon the grounds are good, and there is an excellent track. It is due, however, to the society to state that, were it not for the very uncertain tenure of the lease, they would erect more substantial and consequently handsomer buildings than those now in use. The society now numbers about one hundred and fifty members, all of whom are deeply interested in the object for which the Association was formed, viz., the promotion of agriculture and the raising of fine stock: THE MACK MURDER. At an early hour on the morning of Sunday, July 14, 1878, Joseph Watsic, a farm hand in the employ of George Mack, a farmer in comfortable circumstances, residing near Shopiere in Rock County, was aroused from his slumbers by " Frank " Dickerson, his room-mate, and directed to go out to the barn and feed the stock. In accordance with such directions, he went to the barn, and as he opened the door, a spectacle greeted his gaze which caused him to shriek out with terror and beat a hasty retreat to the house, with the announcement that " Mr. Mack was dead and laid in the barn." The sight which greeted his affrighted vision was the body of his master prone on the stable-floor beneath the horses' feet, stiff and stark and still in death. The body lay lengthwise in the stall, the head toward the doorway, and presented an appear ance so ghastly as to almost paralyze with fear the unwilling witness of one of the most terrible domestic tragedies the annals of crime record. What, in the light of subsequent developments, proved to be a cold-blooded murder took place on the farm of the murdered man, about eleven miles from Janesville in Turtle Township. The place is pleasantly situated on the north bank of Turtle .Creek, overlooking which is an unpretentious two-story frame, known as the "Mack Homestead" time out of mind, while ' HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 497 about twenty rods to the rear and left of the house, stands a large barn wherein the body was found. George Mack, the alleged victim of his wife's hatred and malice, was, as stated, a farmer in comfortable circumstances, respected by his neighbors, esteemed by the public, and without an enemy in the world (outside his own household), who would contribute to the " deep damnation of his taking-off." The family consisted ofthe deceased — his wife, three children, and two men, " Frank " Dickerson and Joseph Watsic, who were assisting on the farm. Belinda Whitney Mack, the chief actor in this tragedy from real life, as charged in the indictment, was born at Honeoye Falls, N. Y., upward of thirty-five years ago. When quite young, she accompanied Ambrose Gates (her father) West, and settled at Beloit. She remained here with her family, attending and teaching' school until she was twenty-two years of age, meanwhile receiving the addresses of George Mack, to whom she was married by the Rev. E. J. Goodspeed, on the 22d of October, 1863, at the Hyatt House, in Janesville, and who, from that date to the time of his tragic death, if reports current in .that behalf are founded on fact, led a checkered experience under her direction. She is represented as a dignified, agreeable woman, whom the finger of Time and affliction had touched lightly, with prominent features, dark eyes and hair (the latter parted on the side)', and in make-up, manners and conversation, indicating the possession of faculties, character and nerve, rarely to be found without the pages of romance ; she appeared to the casual observer as a woman of power and will in a marked degree, yet, one susceptible to the influence of circumstances ; a woman of intellectual vigor, yet without the intellectual polish which fascinates and accomplishes where force often fails. On the trial, when testifying in her own behalf, it is said, she maintained a wonderful composure, and that a portion of her evidence, though confirmed by her daughter Etta, was denied specifically on the examination of her alleged accomplice and other witnesses. Orrin, alias " Frank " Dickerson, indicted as an accessory, is of German parentage, born in McHenry County, 111., and, though at the time of his arrest but twenty-three years old, was large for his age, and had acquired a reputation for " crookedness " and cunning that was general. In appearance, he is described as below medium height, florid complexion, red hair, short neck, of stocky build, and neither as a man of parts nor intelligence possesses one claim to the consideration of the opposite sex. How he could have been recognized by Belinda Mack in any other light than as a repulsive dependant was a mystery that has thus far escaped solution by the public. When arrested, and. as thought, in immediate danger of lynching, he admitted the murder but sought to palliate his crime, as did Adam in the gacden, with the plea that the woman tempted him. and he fell. Thus was the tragedy, which startled the public on a Sabbath morning in July, 1878, cast ; these were the characters upon whose exit from the stage of active life, from mingling with the delights of home, and the pleasures which render an existence here, at best, only endurable, has the curtain been rung down forever. When Joe Watsic returned and notified the occupants of the " Mack Homestead " of the husband and father's death, Dickerson made his way to the barn to " ascertain the truth of the report," and "Bin" Mack, with the exclamation, " My God, it ain't so. is it?" hurriedly dressed herself, and, descending the stairway, saw through the gray light of the morning the mangled body of her murdered husband being borne to the house, to await the offices of the cor oner and undertaker. Residents in the vicinity were notified of the fate of their neighbor, and visited the scene of the tragedy to, if possible, solve the seeming mystery which shrouded the occurrence. Watsic detailed the facts -of his finding the body, and Dickerson proceeded to Beloit, where he published to the widow's relatives that George Mack had been killed by " old Jen," one of the animals used on the farm. While this story at first blush seemed to be supported by the appearance of the body, subsequent investigation, together with the knowledge of domestic infelicities said to have existed in decedent's family, and the alleged cause therefor, induced the conclusion that death had resulted from foul play. 498 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. A careful examination of the remains disclosed wounds which experts asserted could not have been received from the kicks or trampling of " Old Jen." His chest was badly stove-in; his face scratched and pounded to a jelly ; there was an ugly gash upon the top of his head, as though made with a sharp instrument, and one shoulder and three ribs were badly fractured. There was a " hog wallow " opposite the stable that gave evidence of a struggle having taken place in it, and Mack's hands, together with his clothing, were smeared with mud, corresponding in appearance to that in the "hog wallow." In addition to these extrinsic evidences of the presence of an assassin's hand, it was common rumor that the life of deceased had been embit tered by jealousy, occasioned by Mrs. Mack's familiarity with Dickerson. This jealousy pro voked trouble between the latter and Mack, which resulted in Dickerson's discharge from service some time during the May previous. Soon after, Mack fell sick, and Mrs. Mack recalled Dick erson and put him to work. To this the murdered man objected, but his opposition was smoothed over by his "wife, and the prime cause of the trouble remained on the place until he was arrested on- a charge of murder. The inquest was held Sunday morning, July 14, as soon after the discovery of the crime as arrangements could be completed, Justice E. P. King, of Beloit, conducting the examination, the jury consisting of William Taylor, Lewis Shoemaker, E. J. Carpenter, George A. Houston, < William Burton and S. Scrivens. Mrs. Mack stated that she slept up stairs with the children on the night of the homicide, her husband remaining down stairs ; that she saw him previous to retiring, and from that time until found by Watsic in the morning, she knew nothing of his whereabouts. The testimony of Watsic was simply as to the finding of the body. The evidence adduced afforded a reasonable presumption to the minds of the jury that while decedent had come to his death from blows inflicted by some person or persons unknown, the arrest of Dicker- son would be fully justified. He was accordingly apprehended by officer Robinson, and taken to Beloit for safe-keeping. When arrested, Dickerson observed to Mrs. Mack: " My God, they have arrested me for killing George." "Well, you didn't do it, did you, Frank?" she replied. " God knows I didn't," he responded, which was the last communication that passed between the suspected parties, until they occupied neighboring cells in the county jail at Janes ville. The murdered Mack was laid away in the country churchyard, his widow returning from the funeral to the house of a relative in Beloit, where she was arrested by the officers of the law and taken to the Goodwin House, to be held until a judicial examination should pass upon the sus picious circumstances surrounding Dickerson and herself. In the mean time, every means was employed to extort a confession from the former, and so successfully, that, after some delay and several contradictory statements, he made a clean breast ofthe "bloody business," charging the commission ofthe deed upon Mrs. Mack. He was igno rant of her intentions, and only identified himself with the crime by assisting the murderess (in consequence of her threats) in conveying the body to the stable and placing it under the heels of "Old Jen." At the preliminary examination held in Beloit, he repeated his confession with such varia tions as suggested themselves, calculated to acquit himself of guilt, at the expense of his accomplice, and leave the impression that his acts at the date of the murder and subsequent thereto were committed under duress. He gave a history of his service at Mack's, of his rela tions with Mrs. Mack, and all the features of his daily life while there, which only confirmed the impressions which had obtained among the neighbors prior to the tragedy, and stamped their author as a man wicked beyond comparison and utterly insensible to every moral obliga tion. The examination resulted in the accused being held without bail to await their trial under the information filed, pending which they were confined in the County Jail and their every movement watched to prevent escape, as also to protect them from the threatened "assault of the mob." As the days came and went, interest in the crime, the parties implicated and all the facts connected therewith, increased rather than diminished. Mrs. Mack refused to be interviewed HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 499 upon the murder, seemingly maintaining, outwardly, a semblance of indifference to the causes of her detention, as also to the ultimate result, but secretly endeavoring, by means of notes and personal admonitions, to strengthen Dickerson in a resolve to observe a rigid silence, or aid her in preparing a defense which should secure their acquittal. Dickerson passed his hours in proposing new pleas in confession and avoidance, canvassing the murder with prisoners, whom he is reported to have assured that he would " bend all his energies, wits, etc., to get off as accessory after the fact." Indeed, a mind so fertile, as his is said to have been in his own defense, and so little restrained by conscientious scruples, would intuitively discover modes of relieving the tedium of prison life. With the approach of the trial, some speculation was indulged by the public as to which of the defendants would be called upon to plead first. This question being finally disposed of, Mrs. Mack was produced in court on the 10th day of December, 1878, accompanied by her niece, Miss Chapin, and, taking her seat within the railing, the work of impaneling a jury was proceeded with at once. Two venires were exhausted and a third nearly disposed of before the panel was filled and the following jurors accepted : 0. P. Gaarder, Spring Valley ; C. S. Crow, Center ; William Grimes, Avon ; Benjamin Bleasdale, Rock ; E. N. Haugen and Henry Phillips, Plymouth ; John McLean, Johnstown-; W. H. Weaver, Milton ; James Parmley, Center ; Jack son Vickerman, Lima; Hulett Story, Harmony; E. D. Barnard, Porter. Judge Conger presided ; the State was represented by District Attorney Sole and the Hon. J. R. Bennett ; the defense retaining as counsel Messrs. Winans & McElroy and Eldridge & Fethers, of Janesville, in conjunction with the Hon. S. J. Todd, of Beloit. Public interest in the proceedings was intense and sympathy pronounced adversely to the defendant. The crime i was without a precedent in the State, almost without a parallel in the country ; the guilt of the defendant at the bar was conclusive upon the admissions made by her alleged paramour and accessory, and the majesty of the law could only be vindicated by conviction. The audience was such as has rarely excited the ambition of a Justice or " the fears and emulations " of an advocate. It lined the avenues of approach to the court-room, the auditorium of which, its aisles and galleries, were crowded to suffocation. On that day, age forgot its crutch, labor its task, and grace and female loveliness left her sex at the door in her anxiety to witness the race for conviction the defendant should run, and be in at the death. The District Attorney opened the case for the prosecution in a clear and concise statement of what he expected to prove, and was followed by S. J. Todd, in behalf of the defense. At the conclusion of his remarks, the State formally inaugurated the prosecution by calling Joseph Watsic, who discovered the body of Mack. His evidence, was a repetition of that adduced at the Coronor's inquest, alluded to above. He was followed by Drs. Bell and Strong, who made an autopsy of the body ; by members of the Coroner's jury and neighbors, who testified as to the rumors regarding defendant's relations with Dickerson, and her conduct on the day when the murder was discovered. Their testimony tended to strengthen the guilt of Mrs. Mack, to confirm her as the murderess of her husband more effectively, even, than that of "Frank " Dickerson, who was called next and gave a detailed account of his intimacy with the prisoner at the bar, con cluding with a statement of how the murder was committed. He testified, substantially, that, on the night of the murder, the family were in the house. " Watsic went to bed about 8 o'clock ; Mrs. Mack and two children were in the kitchen, and George and one child were in the dining-room when I went to bed ; I heard the three children go to bed half an hour after me in Mrs. Mack's room up-stairs ; Mrs. Mack came up with them. I next saw her standing in my room door one-half or three-quarters of an hour later. I saw her at my room door one hour later, and heard George open his door and come up-stairs. She had a revolver in her hand, and went down-stairs. She called me down, and I put on my overalls, and heard them talking as I went down ; just as I went into the kitchen, she seized a club from the wood-box and struck him on the head; he fell down; she was by the door, and he was on the ground, or on some planks ; I was in the door between the kitchen and the dining-room. I went out, and George lay with his head on 500 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the sidewalk, perfectly still. I said I would go and tell Pooles' folks. She' said, 'If you do' I will lay it all to you ; we will carry him to the barn, and tell that " old Jen " killed him.' She got some clothes and wrapped around his head ; I took his feet, and she took him around the body. We laid him down to open the gate ; then, when most to the barn, we laid him down again, and I went and drove hogs back which had got into the yard. We laid the body behind the horse, and she took the horse by the halter and backed it over the body. I started for the house, and saw Jim Snell going home. I left Mrs. Mack in the barn and went to the house and went to bed. After a while, I got up and looked out of the window, and saw Mrs. Mack going toward the barn ; she was near the hog-pen, by the gate ; had a revolver in her right hand, and picked up a sled stake. I waited awhile, sitting on a chest, and saw her coming around the north end of the tool-shed, and going southeast. There was a board off of the fence near the hog pen, and, as she got over, she said, ' that's all right." She came to the house, and, quite awhile after, she came up-stairs to my room door, and then she went to her room. I went down stairs, and she came down and asked me where I was going, and I told her I was going to Snell's. L Don't make a fool of yourself,' she said, and 'you must help me put the clothes under the privy.' We raised the privy, and she put the clothes under with a barrel stave. I went back to the house and took off my shoes; I started up-stairs, and she said, 'hold on,' and went into Mack's room, and told me to come in and see if there was any blood on me. We went in ; she put down the curtains and lit the lamp, and I could find no blood only on my shirt sleeve, where I had the bloody clothes on my arm. She got me a clean shirt and I put it on, and then she said, ' You will be true to me, won't you, Frank ? ' I said I would, and then went to bed ; she told me she would call Joe in the morning, and I must tell him to feed the horses." He then left Mack's room and retired to his own, where he remained until morning. This was his story, and though subjected to the severest cross-examination, he did not falter once or vary in any material point from the facts as cited. It should be observed here that the wound found on Mack's forehead, when his body was examined by the physicians, was claimed by Mrs. Mack to have been inflicted by herself during a quarrel, Friday night befpre the murder, for the possession of a revolver she had in her keep ing. During this dispute, she struck him with a pitcher. Her daughter Etta, a young girl thirteen years of age, witnessed the altercation, the blow's effect and her mother's subsequent dressing of the wound, and so stated on the trial. At the conclusion of Dickerson's testimony, and the introduction of letters purporting to have passed between the witness and defendant, the State rested and the defense begun by the submission of testimony designed to impeach Dickerson's credibility. Following this, came Etta Mack, the oldest of the murdered man's children and was the last witness examined before Mrs. Mack joined issue wit!) a general denial. The child is stated to have been about twelve or thirteen years of age, of modest demeanor, with a sweet, sad face and a quiet, self-possessed, truthful manner, which won the hearts of the immense and interested audience during the recital -of her evidence. She was called upon chiefly to testify, as stated, in regard to the wound on her father's head, which the physicians insisted was of a date more recent than claimed by the defense, and further that it could not have been inflicted in the man ner described, that is, by a blow from a pitcher. Her testimony impressed all who heard it with its truth, and was in no way shaken by the cross-examination of the counsel for the State. Belinda Mack was called and at the close of her evidence the case was practically closed, and the arguments of the counsel began. Mrs. Mack denied, specifically and in order, the facts alleged by Dickerson, and the efforts of able counsel failed to entangle her story even in its minutest detail. At the conclusion of the Judge's charge, the jury retired, and, after an absence of forty-three hours, returned with a verdict of murder in the first degree, the penalty for which was imprisonment for life. . The defendant sat unmoved when the verdict was ren dered, receiving the announcement of her doom with scarcely a perceptible sign of emotion. Thus ended one of the most memorable trials ever had in the country, a trial based upon facts, as above observed, almost without a parallel in the history of crime. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 501 A motion for new trial was argued by Mr. Winans, of counsel for the accused, but denied, and sentence passed upon the prisoner January 10, 1879, according to the verdict, by confine ment at hard labor in .the State Prison of Wisconsin, for the term of her natural life, and that on the 13th day of each July during such term her imprisonment should be solitary. "Frank " Dickerson was placed on trial on the 15th day of May, 1879, as accessory, and after ten days of arduous defense by his attorney, the Hon. A. Hyatt Smith, the jury decreed that he should accompany Mrs. Mack to the State Prison at Waupun and there remain during the term of his natural life. 502 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER VII. towns of rock county. Avon— Beloit— Bradford— Center— Clinton— Fulton — Harmony— Janesville— Johnstown —La Prairie — Lima— Magnolia— Milton— Newark— Plymouth— Porter— Rock— Spring Valley— Turtle— Union. AVON. This town — the southwest one of the county — comprises within its limits the original sur veyed Township 1 north, of Range 10 east, containing thirty-six sections of land, equivalent to thirty-six square miles of territory. The south line of the town is the boundary line between the States of Illinois and Wisconsin — the base line, as it is termed, of the Government surveys in this section. The west line of the town is a part of the county line between the counties of Green and Rock. North of Avon is the town of Spring Valley ; east of it, the town of Newark. In its primitive state, about one quarter was prairie ; the balance, burr oak and white oak openings. As already mentioned, all that portion lying southwest of Sugar River was surveyed by the General Government during the first quarter of the year 1833 ; the residue, in the first quarter of 1834. By an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved February 11, 1847,. Avon was set apart and named, and a "town meeting" directed to be held on the first Tuesday of April, 1848, at the house of Willian Crippen. Previous to the erection of Avon as a separate and distinct town, its territory formed a portion of the town of Newark. Among the names of the early settlers may be mentioned Joseph Kinney, Jr., Joseph Huntley, William Crippen, H. Beales, W. F. Thompson, William Grimes and Joseph Watson. Some of the pioneers of this town were Norwegians. In a beautiful valley in the northeast part of Avon, which they christened Luther Valley, they built a church in 1847, and, a few years after, laid out a village, calling it Bornitz. Rev. Claud Lars Clauson was the first Pastor in this neighborhood. Among the pioneers of that nationality in Avon may be mentioned Cleophus Holverson, Lars Simonson, Inbred Ingerbretsen, Gunder Holver, Gens Knudson, Peter Holverson and Andrew Armudson. From the first, the Norwegians have, as a class, ranked high as honest, industrious, enterprising and moral citizens. They assume the habits, manners and customs of Americans with facility. The population of Avon in 1850 was 579 ; in 1860, 908 ; in 1870, 886 ; in 1875, 878. In the town of Avon there is one village, Avon Center. The town has no railroad, although one has been projected through its territory. About one-fourth of Avon lies southwest of Sugar River. The town has but one post office — Avon Center. BELOIT. This town was constituted by an act of the Legislature of the Territory of Wisconsin, Feb ruary 17. 1842. At its organization, the town embraced an area equal to about four townships, including the territory of the present Avon, Newark, Beloit and Turtle ; that is to say, Town ship No. 1 north, of Ranges 10, 11, 12 and 13 east, except the two eastern tiers of sections in Township 1 north, of Range 13 east, and also excepting the north section in the third tier of the same township. But, as a counterpoise to this loss, Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33, of Township 2 north, of Range 13 east, were added to it, giving it an irregular shape. It was afterward reduced to its present territory, consisting of Township 1 north, of Range 12 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 503 east, and containing thirty-six sections of land ; that is, thirty-six square miles. It is the center one of the five towns forming the southern tier of the county, and lies immediately upon the Illinois line. Rock River runs through it from the north, crossing Sections 1, 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35, giving an agreeable diversity to the landscape ; or, in the words of a local historian, " cherishing the verdure on its margin, affording sites of beauty on its bluffs, and imparting power to the busy mill-wheels ^n its course." The first settlement in this town was made in the year 1835, the particulars of which will hereafter be given when the history of the city of Beloit is reached — the first settler locating within what are now its chartered limits. From that time, settlements rapidly multiplied, so that farming lands were pretty well taken up in claims as early as 1838. So rapidly, indeed, was the increase of the population that, notwithstanding the fertility of the virgin soil and the unremitting industry of the settlers, the demand for farm products was greatly in excess of the supply ; but some of the most thoughtful and far-sighted foresaw that this state of affairs could not long continue, and some expressed their apprehensions that the time was not far distant when they would be called upon to face a serious difficulty in the lack of a market for their supplies. And such proved to be the result ; for, after the harvest of 1839, a bushel of wheat would . not purchase a pound of saleratus, and a certain party found it impossible to purchase a pound of tobacco for any quantity of that staple. The following is a copy of the proceedings of the first town meeting in the town of Beloit : At a meeting of the electors of the town of Beloit, held at the district schoolhouse pursuant to notice on the fifth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-two, Hazen Cheeney, Esq , was chosen Chairman, and Edwin' Bicknel Clerk. On motion, voted to allow the Supervisors of this town 6 shillings per day for their services for doing business while in town and one dollar per day when called out. On motion, voted that all officers, except Treasurer and Collector, be allowed for their services 6 shillings per day. On motion, voted to allow the Treasurer of this town one per centum on all moneys put into his hands. Voted to set the office of Collector up at auction, and the one that will give the most to the town out of the five per cent allowed by law shall have the office. Bid off by Henry Mears at 4 per cent. Voted that this meeting stand pledged to support the man for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors who will pay the most to the town out of the two dollars per day allowed him by law in said office. B;d off by Selvy Kidder at one dollar per day. Voted to adjourn to this place at one o'clock. One o'clock P. M. — Met according to adjournment. On motion, voted to elect one Constable in this town for the ensuing year. Also voted to elect one Assessor in this town for the ensuing year. On motion, voted that a substantial fence being four and a half feet high shall be considered as lawful in this town. On motion, voted that all swine be restrained from running at large after the first day of May next, and that any person finding a swine in the highway or running at large, may take the same into his possession and keep the same for the space of fourteen days by posting up a description of said hogs in three public places in said town, and if at any time during said six days the owner shall demand said swine and by paying fifty cents per head and their keeping and all damages said swine may have done the person so restraining, he may be permitted to take the swine. Voted that no stallion over two years old shall be permitted to run at large in this town. Voted that no bull over one year old shall be permitted to run at large in this town, unless the owner shall have a certificate permitting the same from the Board of Supervisors ; and any owner so offending shall forfeit the sum of one dollar. Voted that all fines and forfeitures imposed by this town shall be collected by action of debt before any Justice of the Peace competent to try the same. On motion, voted that this meeting now proceed to ballot for seven officers. Whereupon David J. Bundy, (Chair man); Joseph Colley and John P. Houslin were declared to be duly elected the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. Israel C. Cheeney, Town Clerk ; Asahel B. Howe, Assessor ; Edwin Bicknell, Treasurer ; Henry Mears, Collector; S. G. Colley, Charles M. Messer, Alexander Douglass, Commissioners of Highways ; Leonard Humphrey, Milo Good - rich, Jesse Moore, Commissioners of Common Schools; Otis Bicknell, Constable; Ira Hearsey, Sealer of Weights and Measures ; Thomas Crosby, John Read, Richard Dole, Pence Viewers. On motion, voted to hold the next annual meeting at this place. Voted to adjourn this meeting sine die. Hazen Cheeney, Chairman. Edwin Bicknell, Clerk. A true copy. Attest, Charles M. Messer, Town Clerk. 504 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. It appears from the foregoing that public pledges at that early day, as now, were not always held sacred, for Mr. Kidder had the pledge, but Bundy obtained the votes. When the newly elected officers came to be sworn in, the record indicates that the oath was strengthened to correspond to the weighty interests which were to be affected by the respective functionaries. Thus a Fence Viewer was sworn only to support the Constitution of the United States ; a Com missioner of Highways, to support the Constitution and be a good officer ; but, the Chairman of the supervisors, in addition to taking care of the Constitution and doing the duties of his office, was sworn to " do equal right and justice by all men ; ".and it is believed that he did. There are no villages in the town of Beloit ; but the city is wholly within its limits. It has two railroads — the Madison Division of the Chicago & North- Western and the Western Union. The former enters the town from the south at Beloit and leaves it on Section 3, pass ing into the town of Rock ; the latter, after passing in a southwest direction through the towns of Clinton and Turtle, enters the town of Beloit near the city, and, running a short distance in the place last mentioned, passes into Illinois. The town is well watered and timbered, and is one of the wealthiest agricultural towns in the county. Most of the farms are large and under a high state of cultivation. The improvements are excellent. The town has but one post office — Beloit. BRADFORD. This town is situated in the southeast part of the county on its eastern boundary line, and was organized by act of the Legislature, approved February 2, 1846. Prior to this date, the south half of the present town was included with Clinton, and the north half in the town of Janesville'. It now includes Township 2 north, of Range 14 east. The first settlement was made by Erastus Dean in the year 1836. The other early settlers were Andrew McCullagh, William C. Chase, James Winnegar, Joseph Maxon, William B. Aldrich, C. Dykeman, William Wyman, L. S. Blackman and Alva Blackman. At the present time, the farms of this town are nearly all under good cultivation, and the improvements gen erally first-class. A very small portion of the southeast corner of Section 36 (which is, of course, the extreme southeast corner of the town), is traversed by the Western Union Railroad. It has no railway station. The village of Emerald Grove is situated in the northwest part of the town. Bradford has two post offices — Emerald Grove and Fairfield. CENTER. The town of Center is situated in the northwestern portion of the county, and was organ ized by act of the Legislature, approved February 17, 1842. It included the present town of Center, and portions of Plymouth, Spring Valley, Magnolia and Janesville, west of Rock River. By an act approved February 2, 1846, the town of Magnolia was set off from it. Subsequently, other changes were made by the formation of new towns, and its present limits are included in the territory known as Township 3 north, of Range 11 east. The first settlement in the town was made by Andrew Stevens in October, 1843, at the grove, called Black Oak Grove. At that time, he had no neighbors within ten miles west, or five miles north. The following per sons settled in this town soon after : David Davis, Philander Davis, William Webb, William Warren, Elijah Wood. The first election was held at the house of James V. Knowlton. The town at that time embraced about three' and a half townships, about nine miles wide from north to south, and running from Rock River on the east to the Green County line on the west nearly eighteen miles. The land of this town is rich and productive, and under high cultivation. The building improvements are generally of an excellent character. The first church was organized in 1846, by the Methodists. The next church organization was the Baptists, and in 1854, a Congrega tional denomination built a small chapel on Section 34. " My visit to this town," are the words of a pioneer, " was in the spring of 1843. At this early day, political excitement ran high. In the spring of 1844, the whole territory within the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 507 town was thoroughly canvassed, and every voter brought on the ground except one (thirty-two in all). It being known how every man had voted, there was found to be a tie vote for every office in town. The last voter was then sent for — Anthony Partridge — who came and voted, selecting names from the two tickets. Every man for whom he voted was elected." CLINTON. The town of Clinton was organized by an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved Feb ruary 17, 1842, and comprised the territory of the present town, the south half of Bradford and portions of Turtle and La Prairie. By an act approved March 23, 1843, five sections in the present town of Turtle were annexed and made a part of it. These boundaries were subsequently changed, and at present it comprises the whole of Township 1, north of Range 14 east, being the southeastern township in the county. The first settlements were made in the month of April, 1837, on the west side of Jefferson Prairie. The first explorers were Dr. Dennis Mills, Milton S. Warner, Charles Tuttle and William S. Murray. The land had not then been in market. Selections of land were made and taken possession of in the name of the Jefferson Prairie Company. Soon after, Stephen E. Dow ner and Daniel Tasker and their wives visited the location, and selected claims on the southeast side of the prairie. In July, Oscar H. Pratt and Franklin Mitchell, from Joliet, 111., made claims. The settlers who came soon after, were Stacy L. Pratt, three sisters and father, Ai and Reuben P. Willard, Humphrey and Ezekiel Brownell, Stephen E. Downer, Daniel Tasker, Martin Moore, Henry Wheeler and their families. Settlements were also made in October by H. L. Warner, Henry Tuttle, Albert Tuttle, Griswold Weaver, Mrs. Milton S. Warner, Mrs. D. Mills an Miss Harriet Warner, who joined the settlement on the west side of the prairie. The first town meeting held was on the 5th day of April, 1842, at the house of Charles Tuttle. The following persons were elected for the different offices for the ensuing year : Col. William Stewart, Chairman of Supervisors, and Jacob H. Randall, Herman Murray, Assistant Supervisors ; Lovell R. Gilbert, Assessor ; Henry Tuttle, Town Clerk ; Griswold Weaver, Treasurer ; Reuben P. Willard, Collector ; James Chamberlin, Henry Tuttle, Horatio J. Mur ray, Commissioners of Highways ; David M. Pratt, Charles Tuttle, W. S. Murray, Commissioners of Common Schools. FULTON. In the month of June, 1836, Robert and Daniel Stone started from the State of Michigan and came to the Territory of Wisconsin. Continuing their course westward until they reached the valley of the Rock River, they saw at a glance that the stream, with its abundant water- power, and the clean, smooth prairies, with their rich soil, possessed advantages which needed only the stalwart arms and resolute hearts of hardy men to develop into excellent homes. They followed an Indian trail up the river, until they came to the mouth of the Yahara (Catfish), where they made their claim, and became the first settlers of the town of Fulton. In 1837, they plowed the first furrow, broke seven acres of land and planted it with corn and beans. The seed corn cost them f 5 a bushel. In the spring of 1838, they built the first log house, and were now ready to offer their hospitalities to all who came. Robert and Daniel Stone came from Parishville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. In 1837, George R. Ramsay came from the State of Vermont to Chicago; remained there for a time and worked upon the harbor ; he then went to Milwaukee, and from there to Rock River and made a claim in the town of Fulton, where he is still living. William B. Foster came in 1837, and located upon the river in the south part of the town. His place became a prominent landmark in consequence of a ferry which he established and run for a time, known as Foster's Ferry. Elijah True and family came in 1838 ; bought a part of Foster's claim and settled upon it. Lyman Morse, George E. Cowan, Silas Hurd, Anson Goodrich and Will iam Squires settled in 1838. Morse located upon the river at a point afterward known as Morse's Landing and Morse's Prairie. Hurd and Cowan settled upon the farm now owned and 508 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. occupied by Mr. Hurd. Afterward, they divided their property, and Cowan settled upon Morse's Prairie, where he became closely identified with the organization and political interests of the town, and its first Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Goodrich located near the foot of Lake Koshkonong, where he established and run a ferry, known as Goodrich's Ferry. A bridge now occupies the site. William M. Squires settled in the eastern part of the town where he still lives, a friend to everybody, especially to all old settlers. In 1841, Messrs. Gould and Young built the dam across the Yahara (Catfish), and began to build a saw-mill. He died, and the property was bought by Peck & Tripp, of Whitewater, who completed the mill. Emanuel Canker bought out the interest of Tripp. The new firm, Canker & Peck, commenced preparations to build a grist-mill, which they completed in 1846. The mill, after passing through various hands, is now owned by the White Brothers. George E. Cowan and Mary Ward were married in 1840, at the house of Silas Hurd, it being the first marriage in town. In 1840, death claimed his first victim in the person of Mrs. Proctor, who died in the house of Cloudin Stoughton, and was buried on his farm. The first child was born in 1839. The first school was taught in a part of the house of William B. Fos ter, in the winter of 1841. by Dr. Rollin Head, now of the town of Albion. During the winter of 1843, the settlers met at the house of Lyman Morse, drew up and signed a petition, asking the Legislature to organize their town, to be called Franklin. There being another town by that name, they changed it to Fulton, and passed the act of organiza tion. The first Tuesday in April, 1843, the voters of the town (some twenty in number) met at the house of William B. Foster and held their first town meeting, electing George E. Cowan, Chairman ; Elijah True and Cloudin Stoughton, Supervisors ; R. T. Powell, Town Clerk ; Lyman Morse, Treasurer ; William White, Assessor ; R. T. Powell, George R. Ramsay and Mr. Holman, School Commissioners, and David Kelly and Thomas Vaughn, Justices of the Peace. Dr. Guy Stoughton, owning land on the river at the foot of Lake Koshkonong, believing that the fall was sufficient to make a good water-power, contracted with Mr. Hanchett, in the spring of 1845, to build a dam. The dam was completed during that year, and a saw-mill built, which was run for several years, and then converted into a grist-mill. The first bridge across the river was at Indian Ford ; built in 1845, by private subscription ; Stephen Allen, builder. In 1848, the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien Railroad was built through the town. The brothers Pomeroy came from the State of Ohio, settled in the town, and commenced the culture of tobacco, with which they were familiar. The soil being adapted to its growth, it spread until it became one of the leading interests. Among the leading farmers of the town are Robert Stone, Silas Hurd, Orrin Pomeroy, L. H. Page, Orson Cox, James S. Hopkins and James Van Etta, each cultivating several hun dred acres of land. In order not to impoverish their lands, the farmers have gone largely into stock-raising, and the bulk of their coarse grains is fed out upon their farms. Beeves, horses, sheep and the products of the dairy are all heavy items in the marketable proceeds of the farm, and upon which a vast amount of money is realized. But tobacco is the crop for which Fulton is most distinguished. Portions of the counties of Rock, Dane, Jefferson, Walworth and Green com prise pretty much all of the tobacco-raising territory. It can be readily seen ' that tobacco in this portion of the State is, and is to be a leading product. It is found to mix admirably with stock-raising. Tobacco requires a rich soil, and is considered as an exhaustive crop, but the stock-raising makes up for the heavy draft upon the soil, and the farms, instead of losing in fertility, are more than holding their own, and they have never been more productive than now. This year, there has been some apprehension as to the effect of the dry weather, but late rains have mostly removed all fear from that source, and the prospect for this year's crop is very encouraging. Nothing now but early frosts can endanger the yield, and though some pieces are late, most of the crop will be secured in reasonable season, and the outlook for this impor tant crop and all others, is inspiring and hopeful. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 509 HARMONY. This town was first settled by Mr. Daniel A. Richardson in 1837, he building a shanty on Section 17, but. soon after, in company with Charles and Alexander Hart, located permanentlv in Section 24. They were soon after followed by Arvah Cole, Jeremiah Warner and Ansel Dickinson, who settled in the same neighborhood. In the same year, William and Joseph Spaulding also began a settlement on Section 17, where they still remain. They were followed a year or two later by Phineas Arms and John N. Dean, who located in that neighborhood. In 1840, Mr.- John Turner became a resident and tells some funny stories about the pioneer set tlement. One of them is to the effect that Mrs. Dean, being on one occasion very sick, her husband, one of the early settlers, called upon a resident and asked him to go and bleed her. Mr. Turner, being surprised at finding a surgeon in the person of his neighbor, asked him how he was going to do it and was informed, "with a pen-knife." Mr. Turner placed his services and regular lancets at Mr. Dean's disposal, who, it is needless to say, accepted them in prefer ence to the pen-knife. In the early settlement of the town, the residents were much troubled with gophers, and, upon one occasion, a bargain was made between Mr. Warner and Mr. Dean that the former should abate the nuisance on the latter's farm at one cent per head. With bucket and water, Warner succeeded in taking, up to noon on the first day, about two hundred and twenty gophers, upon seeing which, Mr. Deans broke the contract, on the ground that Warner was making too much money. It was in those early days and in that neighborhood that Judge Knowlton first conceived the idea of studying law, and it happened in this way. Being a good axeman and a generally handy man, he was engaged to do a certain amount of carpentering, taking the lumber from the stumps. A neighbor near by, having purchased some calves, turned them loose to forage for themselves. Mr. Knowlton, on going for his coat at night, to the bush whereon he had hung it, found .that the calves had ruined it. He went to the owner and demanded a monetary reparation of the damage, which was refused, so he hurried off in search of Blackstone. Pro fessing to have discovered a legal authority, he returned to the owner of the stock, and, with more threats than logic, frightened the unfortunate man into paying a good round sum for the loss of his property. The study of law became a favorite one with Mr. Knowlton after that. In those primitive days, neighbors, living miles apart, signaled each other by the discharge of fire-arms and by lights hung aloft on dark nights. In the town is a very fine elevation known as Mount Zion. It was called so by two clergy men who were journeying from Chicago to some other point in the Northwest, and upon reach ing the top, being delighted with the magnificent view, one exclaimed — " This is Mount Zion." From this natural observatory the eye takes in at one view at least one hundred and forty thou sand acres of the finest agricultural land in the State. During the emigration period from 1842 to 1850, the population increased to over 1,850. About 1845, the first teachers' association was formed, E. W. Stevens, President, and T. C. Dowell, Vice President. The town was organized by an act of the Legislature, approved by Gov. Dodge, March 11, 1848, and composed the north half of Township No. 2, and all of Township No. 3 north, Range 13 east, in the county of Rock. The first town meeting was held April 4, 1848, at the schoolhouse near Mount Zion ; upon which occasion John C. Jenkins and Justice P. Wheeler were elected Supervisors, and Cyrus I. Mitchell, Town Clerk. At a subsequent date the north half of Township No. 2, was detached and became a part of La Prairie. Pre ceding the organization of March 11, 1848, Township No. 3 had been a part of Janesville. The population of Harmony as shown by the State census of 1855, taken by James M. Deans, was 805. The next decade showed the population to be 1,104. That of 1875, as taken by Addison More, 1,136. The population is made up mostly from New England and the Middle States, with the exception of a few first-class foreigners, principally Scotch, English and Germans. 510 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In the war of the rebellion, Harmony came to the front with money and men, and did her full and patriotic duty, always in advance of time and at every call. The records show a pha lanx of about one hundred and nine men accredited to the town, all of whom did honor to the principles for which they fought. Harmony paid in cash to her " brave boys " who went out $521,633, with an additional cost of $2,700, making a total to the town of $24,333. Many of the enterpising farmers have blooded-stock horses and cattle which compare well with the best in the State, while the fruit and vegetable growers compete for first prizes at pub lic, fairs. JANESVILLE. February 17, 1842, Township 3 and the north half of Township 2 north, of Ranges 13 and 14 east, and all that part of Townships 3 and 4 north, of Range 12 east, lying east of Rock River, were organized into a separate town by the name of Janesville. On the 21st of March, 1843, that part of the town of Janesville comprised in Township 3 north, of Range 14 east, was detached and organized into a separate town. On the same day, Township 4 north, of Range 12 east, was also organized into a town by itself. The organization of these two towns of course greatly reduced the size of the town of Janesville ; but, on the 10th of April of the last mentioned year, all that part of Township 3 north, of Range 12 east, was annexed to it, so that it then contained the two originally surveyed Townships 3 north, of Ranges 12 and 13 east. Afterward, in 1850, the east half (which was Township 3 north, of Range 13 east) was organ ized into a separate town ; and thus the town of Janesville was made to include territory six miles square — Township 3 north, of Range 12 east. This is still its size, after deducting therefrom so much of the city of Janesville as lies therein. The town of Janesville is superipr farming land, both prairie and openings, well wooded and well watered. Rock River flows through its eastern half, from north to south. The first bridge built across the stream was in this town. It was constructed by A. W. Pope and others in the northern part ofthe town, on the Milwaukee and Madison Territorial Road. This thor oughfare, until the completion of a railroad to the city of Janesville, was the most important one in the county. " Near this bridge," says a writer in 1856, " is a tavern, the Rock River House, and a few miles farther west, on the road, is the celebrated farm owned by Gen. J. C. Johnston. This farm consists of about 3,000 acres, 840 acres under improvement, 600 in crops, and 240 in timothy meadow. Gen. Johnston, the past year, raised 360 tons of timothy hay ; 5,000 bushels of wheat; 10,000 bushels of corn; 1,500 bushels of oats; 800 bushels of rye; 500 bush els of potatoes. He has six horses, two mules and 260 head of cattle, of which 125 are cows, and eleven yoke of oxen, and employs from fifteen to thirty men. He cuts all of his grain and hay with machinery — reapers and mowers. He has a large and most commodious brick farm house, with convenient barns and out-buildings. These, together with the superior quality of his land, render his establishment one of the most desirable, not to say the largest in the State." The same writer mentions, among others of the largest farmers, at that date, in the town of Janesville, the names of Z. P. Burdick, Charles Terwilliger, Thomas Welch, E. Strunk, Gideon Chapin, E. W. Barker, H. P. Culver, Henry Search, James Carl, Robert Shaw, David Jeffris, H. H. Simonds, John B. Carl, George Johnston, John Holmes, William Brace and William R. Hall. As the first settlement in this town was identical with that of the village and city of Janesville, an account of it is reserved for a place in the history of the latter. Town Officers elected April 5, 1842. — Supervisors, W. H. H. Bailey, Chairman, George E. Oowen and Jesse E. Corless ; Assessors, Anson W. Pope, Asa Comstock and Clowden Stoughton; Collector, Miles J. Perry; Treasurer, Lewis E. Stone; Clerk, John P. Dickson; School Commissioners, James H. Knowlton, Asa Page and Harrison Stebbins ; Road Com missioners, John Strunk, William Virgin and Joseph Spaulding ; Fence Viewers, Levi St. John, John N. Dean and William Spaulding ; Constables, Miles J. Perry, William Good- lander and Joseph Fellows ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William P. Hammond. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 511 Town Officers elected April 4, 1843. — Supervisors, James H. Knowlton, Chairman, Asa Page and Anson W. Pope ; Assessor, Levi St. John ; Collector, William Goodlander ; Treasurer, Lewis E. Stone; Clerk, John P. Dickson; School Commissioners, J. P. Wheeler, A. C. Bailey and Enos C. Dickinson ; Commissioners of Highways, Phineas S. Page, Asa Comstock and Joseph Spaulding ; Fence Viewers, John N. Dean, Harvey Story and Gideon Chapin ; Constables, William Goodlander and M. A. Page ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William P. Hammond ; Overseers of Road Districts, No. 1, John P. Wheeler; No. 2, Elijah Isham ; No. 3, John Strunk ; No. 5, Pheneas Arms ; No. 9, Erastus Dean. Town Officers elected April 2, 1844- — Supervisors, John L. Kimball, Chairman, John N. Deans and Levi St. John; Assessor, Asa Page; Collector, Enoch L. Roberts ;- Treasurer, Lewis E. Stone ; Clerk, John P. Dickson ; School Commissioners, Joseph Spaulding, Justus P. Wheeler and Anson W. Pope ; Commissioners of Highways, William Holmes, Jr., Virgil Pope and Phineas S. Page; Justices of the Peace, Anson W. Pope and Arvah Cole; Constables, Enoch L. Roberts, George H. Wheeler and James H. Pope ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William P. Hammond ; Overseers of Road Districts, No. 1, Levi St. John ; No. 2, Elijah Isham ; No. 3, Charles Stevens; No. 5, David Stevens; No. 6, Jesse G. Hancock; No. 7, Erastus Dean. Town Officers elected April 1, 1845. — Supervisors, John L. Kimball, Chairman, Henry P. Russell and John Wynn; Assessor, John J. R. Pease; Collector, E. J. Marvin; Treasurer, Otis B. Lapham ; Clerk, John P. Dickson ; School Commissioners, A. W. Pope, James M. Burgess and A. J. Wood; Commissioners of Highways, Henry H. Green, Harvey Story and George W. Taylor; Fence Viewers, E. C. Story, Sanford Williams and Henry K. Belding; Constables, E. J. Marvin and Isaac Scofield ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, B. F. Hart ; Overseers of Road Districts, No. 1, B. S. McMillen; No. 2, Albert Warner ; No. 3, Rufus Alexander; No. 4, I. Schofield; No. 5, Harvey Story; No. 6, Caleb A. Sawyer; No. 7, K. Lindsey; No. 8, C. C. Phelps; No. 9, H. K. Belding; No. 10, Sanford Williams; No. 11, 0. Dileno ; No. 12, Erastus Dean. Town Officers elected April 6, 1846. — Supervisors, Otis B. Lapham, Chairman, William Holmes and William Spaulding ; Assessor, George H. Williston ; Collector, Alfred Dewey ; Treasurer, Otis B. Lapham ; Clerk, Edward P. Lacy ; School Commissioners, Anson W. Pope, Levi Alden and Henry P. Culver ; Commissioners of Highways, B. F. Pixley, A. C. Langdon and S. D. Thompson ; Justices of the Peace, Moses S. Richards, Anson W. Pope and An ah Cole ; Constables, Alfred Dewey, Elhanan W. Stevens and William Wood ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Galen Amsden ; Pathmaster for District No. 1, William Brown ; No. 2, Thomas Welch ; No 3, Joshua Holmes ; No. 4, Jessie Miles ; No. 5, Amos Humes ; No. 6, Elisha C. Story ; No. 7, J. J. Van Kirk ; No. 8, John E. Young ; No. 9, David Stevens ; No. 10, Sanford Williams ; No. 11, Asa Blood ; No. 12, Anthony Mitchell ; No. 13, Lucius Bing ham; No. 14, Timothy Jackman. At a special meeting of the Town Board, held March 13, 1847, Elihu H. Strong was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of 0. B. Lapham. Town Officers elected April 3, 1847. — Supervisors, Volney Atwood, Chairman, William Spaulding and L. D. Thompson ; Assessor, George H. Williston ; Collector, Miles J. Perry ; Treasurer, Lewis E. Stone ; Clerk, William A. Lawrence ; School Commissioners, Levi Alden, David T. Daniels and William W. Stilwell ; Commissioners of Highways, L. D. Thompson, Henry D. Culver and A. H. Stevens; Justice of the Peace, W. F. Tompkins; Constables, M. J. Perry, Volney Atwood and John Young ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Thomas Shaw ; Pathmaster for District No. 1, B. McMellen ; No. 2, L. A. Bachelder; No. 3, John Mitchell; No. 4, William W. Keys ; No. 5, Anson W. Pope ; No. 6, Harvey Story ; No. 7, Daniel Andrust ; No. 8, A. H. Stevens; No. 9, Moses A. Page; No. 10, Edward Aiken ; No. 11, Lewis E. Stone; No. 12, Henry P. Culver ; No. 13, Samuel Hamilton ; No. 14, Thomas Shaw. At the same election Milton Langdon, W. H. H. Bailey and C. G. Gillet were chosen Fence Viewers. 512 HISTOKY OF ROCK COUNTY. Town Officers elected April 4, 1848. — Supervisors, Henry P. Culver, Chairman, Francis Dane and Virgil Pope; Assessors, Volney Atwood, S. W. Smith and 0. R. Phelps; Collector, Allen C. Bates ; Treasurer, S. W. Smith ; Clerk, B. F. Pixley ; School Commissioners, S. W, Chittenden, John Nichols and L. S. Stevens ; Commissioners of Highways, Alfred Hoskins, James Bunce and Elihu Whittier ; Justices of the Peace, M. S. Pritchard, Lewis E. Stone and James R. Pope ; Constables, Allen C. Bates, Miles J. Perry and H. W. Seymour ; Fence Viewers, J. Jackman, Stover Rines and A. Hyatt Smith ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, John M. May; Pathmaster for District No. 1, Lucius Scales; No. 2, John Rook; No. 3; Jeremiah Blount ; No. 4, Thomas Newberry ; No. 5, Harvey Brace ; No. 6, B. S. McMillen ; No. 7, James Bunce ; No. 8, John P. Dickson ; No. 9, George W. Austin ; No. 10, Thomas Lappin ; No. 11, James Bear ; No. 12, William Brace. Town Officers elected > April 3, 1849. — Supervisors, Jesse Miles, Chairman, Gilbert Dolson ; Assessor, John J. R. Pease ; Treasurer, Jared M. Hazelton ; Clerk, C. G. Gillett ; Superintendent of Schools, Andrew Palmer ; Justices of the Peace, William Truesdell and A. C. Bates, for two years ; A. T. Colbourn and John P. Dickson, for one year ; Constables, 0. R. Phelps, J. M. Corson and Charles R. Hollenbeck ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, James Burgess; Pathmaster for District No. 1, William Macloon; No. 2, Thomas Lynch; No. 3, Jerry Blount ; No. 4, David Noggle ; No. 5, L. D. Thompson ; No. 6, Justus Dayton ; No. 7, Martin Green ; No. 8, James M. Burgess ; No. 9, Peyton Russell ; No. 10, Elias Trenton ; No. 11, Adam Shoemaker ; No. 12, William Brace. There being a tie in the number of votes cast for George Barnes and E. Lewis, for the office of Associate Supervisor, a vacancy was created, the filling of which is not of record. Town Officers elected on the first Tuesday in April, 1850. — Supervisors, Morris C. Smith Chairman, William Brace and George Barnes ; Assessors, John J. R. Pease, Thomas Lappin and Peter B. Flagler; Treasurer, Whilden Hughes; Clerk, James H. Ogilvie; School Superin tendent, James Sutherland ; Constables, George S. Bangs, Martin Dewey and Jared M. Hazel ton ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Elihu H. Strong ; Pathmaster of District No. 1, William Macloon ; No. 2, Herman Rice ; No. 3, Harvey Brace ; No. 4, S. D. Smith ; No. 5, Mathew Terwilliger ; No. 6, Amasa Southwick ; No. 7, N. P. Bump ;¦ No. 8, Charles Cole ; No. 9, William Hodson; No. 10, Thomas Lappin; No. 11, James Bear; No. 12, J. P. Warren; No. 13, Lind ley Thayer. A. T. Gray, John P. Dickson, Allen C. Bates and William Truesdell were elected Justices of the Peace the same year. Town Officers elected on the first Tuesday in April, 1851. — Supervisors, Morris C. Smith Chairman, W. Brace and Robert Christie ; Assessors, J. J. R. Pease, Thomas Lappin and Joseph Croft ; Treasurer, William Kemp ; Clerk, Samuel C. Clark ; Superintendent of Schools, James H. Budd ; Justices of the Peace, James M. Corson and A. C. Bates ; Constables, Martin Dewey, G. W. Brown and Cyrus Miner ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Z. Doty. Pathmas ter for District No. 1, William Macloon ; No. 2, Thomas Lynch ; No. 3, A. Bacheldor ; No. 4, Thomas Histop ; No. 5, L. P. Stanard ; No. 6, Justus Dayton ; No. 7, Chester Munn ; No. 8, John Morrisey ; No. 9, William Hodson ; No. 10, Elias Fenton ; No. 11, James Bear ; No. 12, Albert Warner ; No. 13, S. D. Smith ; No. 14, P. B. Flagler. Town Officers Elected on the first Tuesday in April, 1852. — Supervisors, Morris C. Smith Chairman, Jerome B. Davis and William Brace; Assessors, Joseph H. Budd, Hiram Taylor and Nelson P. Bump; Treasurer, Enoch L. Roberts; Clerk, James H. Ogilvie; Justices of the Peace, J. J. R. Pease and William Truesdell ; Constables, Morris P. Cobb, Samuel Demaray and Samuel H. Belton ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Elihu H. Strong ; Overseers of High ways, Charles Yates, John Bailey, Hiram Bishop, John Whitworth, W. R. Hall, James Bunce, Nelson P. Bump, Hudson H. Chase, E. H. Bennett, Averill King, E. W. Barker, W. W. Key, Thomas Strutt and Richard Hardy. The foregoing were all the officers of the town of Janesville so long as its territory included thirty-six sections of land, or previous to any portion of it being included within the chartered limits of the city of Janesville. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 513 JOHNSTOWN. This town is located on the eastern border of the county, east of Harmony, and is bounded on the north by Lima and on the south by Bradford. It was organized by an act of the Legis lature, approved March 21, 1843. It includes all of Township 3 north, of Range 14 east. The first settlement was made in 1837. The first family was that of Norman Smith, who made a claim on the present site of Johnstown Center, on Section 28. The second family was that of Caleb B. Hill. The other early settlers were : Elisha Newhall and his sons, Wright and Elbridge G. Newhall, Noah Newell, John A. Fletcher, Daniel Phelps, Daniel McKillip, John Putnam, John A. Pickett and William Virgin. The first frame house was built by Daniel McKillip. This town is bounded on the north by the town of Lima,' east by Walworth County, south by the town of Bradford and west by the town of Harmony. Sections 30 to 36 inclusive, and the half of Sections 19 to 24 inclusive, are in Rock Prairie, near the northeast corner of it, while the remaining sections are what are called " openings. " The difference in soil between the two portions is so strongly marked that it can readily be observed even where the land is under cultivation. As early as 1856, this town numbered many enterprising farmers ; on the list, among others, were William Galbraith, John McGrath and brothers, Robert Barlass, John and William Zuill, John Wynn, David and John McLay. LA PRAIRIE. The town of La Prairie is located in the southeast quarter of the county. It received its name from the fact that the whole town is almost entirely an open, unbroken prairie. The name is from the French, signifying " the meadow, or, the pasture." It was organized by act of the Legislature, approved March 26, 1849, by which act those parts of the towns of Harmony and Turtle, which were then comprised in Township 2 north, of Range 13 east, were set off and organized as a separate town. The west half of Section 6 was subsequently set off to the city of Janesville. The first town meeting was held at the house of Justus P. Wheeler, on the 3d day of April, 1849 ; whole number of votes cast at this meeting was fifty-six. The town offi cers elected were : Justus P. Wheeler, Henry Cheesebro and James Chamberlain, Supervisors ; Guy Wheeler, Town Clerk ; Charles G. Cheney, Treasurer ; Levi St. John, Assessor. The town is traversed by the Chicago & North-Western Railway, which enters its borders at Shopiere Station, on the south line of Section 35, passing out on the west line of the town, on Section 7. This is a rich agricultural town ; the farms are under a high state of cultivation with good improvements. " The number of inhabitants," says a writer in 1856, "as by United States census for 1850, was 335. The first State tax was $300.37 ; county tax, $339.16 ; school tax, $361 ; town tax, $290. The population ofthe town, according to the State census for 1855, was 602. The whole number of votes cast, April, 1855, was 78. The State tax that year was $666.88 ; county tax, $1,234.98; school tax, $305.83; town tax, $320. The assessed valuation of the town for 1850 was $66,830. The assessment for 1855 was $194,061." " This town," continues the writer, " is a rolling prairie, of deep soil, with an underlay of sand and gravel in the western and northwestern part. There is plenty of lime rock in the bluffs of the central and eastern parts of the town. The only surface water that can be boasted of is Turtle Creek, which rises in Walworth County, watering and fertilizing the town of Brad ford from side to side, entering La Prairie on the east line of Section 36, and passing out on the south line of 35, into the town of Turtle. Running within the limits of La Prairie less than two miles, it passes through the town of Turtle, nearly from corner to corner, and falls into Rock River (as before mentioned) just below the State line at Beloit. This stream rose during one of the nights of June, 1851, ten or twelve feet above the usual level, carrying off mill-dams, bridges, fences, sheep, hogs and other property to a large amount. The water was highest about 514 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. daylight, reaching as high as Clark W. Lawrence's door-step, leaving a tree in the upper case ment of the schoolhouse window, and filling Mr. Chamberlin's house above the window- stools. " The only timber now (1856) standing in this town is on Sections 5, 6, 35 and 36, amounting to less than a quarter-section. The inhabitants are supplied with good water in great abundance, by digging wells from fifteen to eighty-five feet deep, and with wood, by haul ing it from the neighboring towns, a distance of from three to ten miles. The mail route from Racine and Chicago passes through La Prairie. The Chicago, Fond du Lac & St. Paul Rail road [now the Chicago & North-Western] enters the town on the south line of Section 35, and passes out on the west line of the southwest quarter of Section 7. Some of the early settlers of Rock County made their first ' pitch ' in La Prairie. " Samuel St. John and family were among the first who made a permanent settlement on Rock River within the limits of the county. He wintered with the first seven or eight who built the log shanty on the east side of the river, at the rapids. His was the first claim made in La Prairie. He and his brother Levi claimed and afterward purchased at the land sales in Milwaukee the whole of Section 6. He built a good log house on the west half of the section, now (1856) standing within the limits of the city of Janesville. William Mertrom, about the same time, made a claim on Section 5, and built a log house, which Nehemiah St. John pur- chased and occupied for several years. Nathan Allyne, in 1835 or 1836, made a claim on Sec tion 35, broke several acres, put in and raised crops without fence, except dogs. Lucius Burnham made a claim on Section 36, in the spring of 1837, and made his first improvement in 1838 ; built the first frame barn now (1856) standing in La Prairie. Clark W. Lawrence came into this county with his father and family in 1836, made a claim on Section 36, and built the first frame house. Mr, Waterman, James Chamberlin and L. B. Allyne located on Section 35, in 1837 or 1838. " The town being all prairie — only a small quantity of timber in the northwest and southwest corners of it — other towns in the county filled up rapidly with settlers, while La Prairie remained stationary. Justus P. Wheeler made his purchase in the fall of 1840 ; Eliakim Thatcher in 1843. A man by the name of Hocum made a claim on Section 3 ; afterward sold to Mr. Covil. Charles C. Cheney, Henry Cheesebro, William Loyd, Adelmon Sherman and Ephraim Leach, Jr., made their purchases in the years 1844 and 1845 ; Almerin Sherman, Peter Shufelt, James I. Hoyt, William G- Easterly and Mr. Ford, in 1846." The same writer names among others of the largest farmers of La Prairie, in 1856, Free man Hitchcock, Alfred Haskins, Amaziah Sherman, Jacob Van Gelder, William H. Read, R. W. Schenck, Hiram Finch, Harvey Sessions, S. L. Halstead, E. Cheesebro, Thomas Auld, James Chamberlin, Harvey Hart, E. W. Blish, James V. Beltings, J. P. Wheeler, William H. Stark, Guy Wheeler, C. W. Lawrence, George Rhodes, William Schenck. LIMA. As early as the summer of 1836, Col. James M. Burgess visited what is now the town of Lima and made a claim on Section 17, but as he never improved it, it is to be presumed it lapsed. He was followed in June, 1837, by Solomon L. Harrington and Thomas Vanhorn, who located and built a saw-mill on the west branch of Whitewater Creek in the east part of the town. In the same year, came Mr. Joseph Nieholls, who made a claim and built a cabin on Section No. 1, where Mr. Stephen Burroughs now lives. He combined the elements of strength and good-nature with that of woodcraft in a great degree, and not being blessed with much of this world's goods, on one occasion, after a bee hunt, in which science he excelled, he drew 200 pounds of honey on a hand-sled to Milwaukee, returning with a barrel of flour and some other commodities. In the winter of 1837-38, the next arrival was Curtis Utter, who made a claim on Section 36, where he resided until his death a few years since. In 1838, George B. Hall arrived and located on Section 19, and was followed next year by Azel Kenney and Prosper Cravath, Jr., HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 515 who located on Section 13, where a house had been built for Kenney on the site now occupied by the residence of Miles G. Cravath, Prosper Cravath building on land adjoining, now owned by the heirs of Chauncey Langdon. With Mr. Kenney came a young man named Newton Baker. In 1840, the town received a large accession to its population by the arrival of a col ony from Cortland, N. Y. The colony consisted for the most part of Deacon Prosper Cravath and his large family, with Levi and Giles Kinney, Deacon Zerah Hull, James Hull, Ara Hardy and their families, all of whom located in what are known as the Cravath and Hall neighborhoods. The First Death. — The first death of an adult to occur in the town was Newton Baker above alluded to, who laid down his life on September IM, 1839, the cause being typhoid fever. The First Wedding was that of Mr. Solomon L. Harrington and^ Margaret Palmeter, June 7, 1841, the next being that of Oliver Salisbury and Miss Emily Cravath, which took place on July 22 of the same year. Mr. Salisbury had erected a house on the farm now owned by J. M. Fritts, on Section 14, which was the first frame house between Whitewater and Mil ton. In that house was born January 24, 1843, the first white child in the town (now living), Albert Salisbury, at present of the Whitewater Normal School. The First Church built in the town was constructed of logs in 1845, by the Methodist denomination, and was familiarly known as the log chapel. The Organization. — Up to February 24, 1845, when it received a separate organization, the town of Lima formed a portion of the town of Milton, and after being so created it received the name of Lima at the request of Mr. Paul Crandall and a few others, being called after some Eastern township. On April 1, 1845, the first town election was held at the schoolhouse in District No. 9. At that election, Prosper Cravath received the choice of the residents for the office of Chairman of Supervisors. The other Supervisors were John Child and Abram Allen. Paul Crandall was elected Town Clerk ; William P. Stillman, Treasurer ; John H. Twining, Collector ; N. Kemble and Azel Kinney, Assessors ; Bryce Hall, Abram Allen, Nelson Salis bury, Commissioners of Highways ; Ebenezer Rider, Paul Crandall, Azel Kinney, Commis sioners of Common Schools ; Prosper Cravath, Sealer of Weights and Measures ; John H. Twining, Giles Kinney, Constables; John Child and Horace G. Hamilton, Justices of the Peace. The advent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, then known as the Milwaukee k Prairie du Chien road, in 1852, while it did a great deal of good in opening up the country, has done a great deal of harm ; for, in order to secure it, a great many of the farmers were led co mortgage their farms in the belief that as soon as the road was completed the Company would pay the principal and interest, but they had to pay both themselves. The residents of the town are now comparatively well off, and they have of late been pay ing considerable attention to the raising of stock, sheep culture especially receiving a large share of it. At one time, the township was one of the head centers of thoroughbred Merino sheep in the State, and, at the present time, there are large numbers of very fine flocks. The inhabitants of the town were fully alive to the exigencies of the rebellion, and gave both money and men freely. The Lyceum. — In the winter of 1862-63, J. B. Lewis, H. J. Wilkinson, S. Morgan and others organized a lyceum, holding their meetings in a schoolhouse in the north part of the town. In the fall of 1866, they formed a new organization known as the Farmers' Union Club and Lyceum. They have a library of about one hundred volumes, largely composed of agri cultural works, nearly all of which were donated. The members of the Society claim to have been instrumental in procuring, in 1872, the re-enactment of the town insurance law of 1859, and, the spring of 1872, they organized a town insurance company, which has now a capital of over $200,000. The Secretary of the Company avers that it saves the farmers $1,000 per annum in insurance. Its operations are confined exclusively to the town in which it is located, 516 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. MAGNOLIA. This town is situated in the northwest part of the county, adjoining Green. It was organ ized by act of the Territorial Legislature, approved February 2, 1846. By this act, it was made to include Township 3 north, of Range 10 east, its present limits. The first settlements made in the town were in 1840, by J. N. Palmer, Joseph Prentice, Andrew Cotter, W. Adams, W. Fockler, Abram Fox, Jonathan Cook, Edmund Basy, Ambrose Moore, George McKenzie, Widow Hines and her son, William L. Hines, and Sanford P. Ham mond. The Chicago & North-Western Railway, formerly the Beloit & Madison Railroad, enters the town on the eastern border, on Section 24 ; runs northerly, passing into the town of Union from Section 2. A reliable record gives the following, among others, ofthe principal farmers in Magnolia at an early day: N. B. Howard, James A. Robson, William P. Hammond, A. K. Barrett, Jopthan Laiten, T. M. Lockwood, James M. Smith, William Huyke, Ezra Miller, Charles S. Dunbar, Hiram Barr and James F. Jones. MILTON. The town of Milton includes within its limits Township 4 north, of Range 13 east. Prairie du Lac is mostly in this town and is, one of the richest and most beautiful in the county. There are several small lakes on this prairie, hence its name (Lake Prairie). Otter Creek, running through the north part ; Lake Koshkonong, extending into the northwestern portion, and a small section of Rock River just as it leaves the lake, furnish, together with springs, small streams and marshes, a good supply of water. The northern part of the town is mostly open ings and quite rolling; the southern part, prairie and openings. The town was organized in 1842, and included, at that date, the whole of the present town of Lima. The first board of officers were : Supervisors, N. G. Storrs, Chairman ; P. A. Cravath, G. W. Ogden ; Town Clerk, 0. W. Norton. A writer, in 1856, says : " The inhabitants are noted for their industry, peaceableness and temperate habits, there not being a place in the town where ardent spirits are sold." The following facts concerning early times in Milton are from the pen of a pioneer citizen of that town, written in 1856 : " Milton is located in the northern tier of townships in Rock County, being eight miles north of the city of Janesville, and began to attract , the attention of settlers in the year 1836, at which time its first settler located within its borders. It contains about 23,000 acres of terri tory, but owing to a number of small lakes scattered here and there, and a portion of Kosh konong Lake occupying a part of Sections 5, 6 and 7, about 1,000 acres are rendered useless, and besides this there are fully 1,000 acres of low or marsh lands, which are of no avail for purposes of tilling. Deer Lake (Clear Lake) is situated on Section 20, and is (1856) a beauti ful sheet of pure water, of nearly circular form, averaging about half a mile in diameter. Its bed and shore are composed of gravel and white sand, and, being clear and deep with dry bluffy shore, it is, indeed, beautiful as well as of utility to the farming community near it. Other small lakes, furnishing water for farming purposes, are situated on Sections 25 and 26. " The only stream of water of which this town can boast is a small one called ' Otter Creek.' It rises in the township to the east of this, and, running through Milton in a north westerly direction, empties into Koshkonong Lake. In consequence of the levelness of the country through which it flows, and generally having low banks, no very valuable water-power is obtained. Yet Daniel F. Smith, who. by the way, was the first settler to bring his wife to this town, constructed a dam with a ditch or race, by which means a tolerable water-power was obtained, whereupon he built a saw-mill, which was of great service and convenience to the first settlers in this part of the country, but from scarcity of water and suitable timber, and also by opposition from other mills of later origin and of greater pretensions, this has been neglected HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 517 and is now (1856) silent, yet many remember the ' old mill ' with pleasure, even if supplanted by fast growing Young America. "Along the southern boundary of this town lies a small prairie called ' Du Lac Prairie.' It is about five miles in length and ranging from one-half to one and a half miles in width. Near the center of this prairie and near the village of Milton is a table-land of nearly circular form of a mile in diameter, rising about seventy-five or eighty feet. The top of this table-land is level, and, like the rest of the prairie, has a rich, black loamy soil, fertile and productive. " The timber in this part, like the most of the southern portion of the State, is burr, white and black oak, with an occasional basswood, poplar and' soft maple in and about the low lands. Koshkonong Lake, together with some of the smaller ones, produces an abundance of wild rice, which, although formerly used as an article of food by the Indians, now only furnishes food for the great numbers of wild geese and ducks which frequent these lakes. " The first settlers came in 1836, among whom were D. F. Smith, Stephen D. Butz, Aaron T. Walker, Alfred Walker, Peter McEwan, George W. Ogden, Elias Ogden, I. T. Smith and E. Hazzard. Although some of them came in 1837—38, they were nevertheless the first settlers — the pioneers of this township. At that time, the now city of Janesville was only occupied by two cabins — one by Samuel St. John and the other by H. F. Janes. Their place of market was Chicago, as even Milwaukee was of but humble pretensions, and none only those who have tried its realities can appreciate the pleasures of packing provisions, even in scanty supplies, from the frontier settlements for an hundred miles back into a wilderness country, there to gladden the hearts of friends who had frequently felt conscious of other demands of human nature than beautiful country and a clear sky ; and before the country itself could support human life, trees had to be felled, cabins reared, and the soil had to be broken and prepared and crops sown, and even then the laborer had to await the harvest. Many were the days of toil and anxiety, attended with deprivations of every kind tending to ease and comfort that the first settlers endured, and they were only rendered tolerable by smiling Hope, as she whispered of comfortable homes and plenty in future. And, indeed, at this day, they have all been realized. " The person who can claim the honor of having done the first ' breaking ' (plowing) in this town is Stephen D. Butz, and he, with his sister, constituted the second family in the town. This plowing was done in 1836, on Section 28. Peter McEwan made the first rail fence, but to the Walkers can be ascribed the honor of inclosing the first field, raising the first crop of wheat and potatoes. The wheat was from two bushels sowing. The first potatoes were bought by A. T. Walker from an old miner on Sugar River, and ' packed ' home on horseback. While on his way home, he was offered $5 for his bushel by Mr. Janes, of Janesville, but money was no object in comparison to the much coveted potatoes. " In the year 1838, the few settlers were favored with that valuable acquisition to all com munities — a blacksmith. Orrin Sprague, during that year, established a blacksmith-shop on Prairie du Lac. He, being a man of ingenuity and mechanical skill, was just such a man as the times needed ; he could mend a plow or make one, or do any other work in his line which was required by the farmers. He made many plows, and made them so faultlessly that he acquired the reputation of being the only man in this section who could make a breaking-plow that would ' run to a charm ; ' and without giving him anything more than his due, we can say that he fairly and faithfully won that reputation. About the year 1839, quite a number of families came into the town from Allegany County, N. Y., and among them were Joseph Goodrich, H. B. Crandall, James Pierce and Ebenezer Phelps. "This township was not organized until the year 1842, when, with many other^ towns, it organized under an act of our Territorial Legislature. At that time, Milton and' Lima were. both united under the name of Milton, and Lima was not organized as a separate township until 1845. " A post office was established in this town in 1839, and Joseph Goodrich was the first Postmaster. 518 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. " As early as 1838, the settlers, without regard to sectarianism, united and supported relig ious meetings. They gave to their minister such of their substance as they could spare, and their subscriptions for the support of ministerial labors were duly paid in labor, produce (wheat, corn and oats then being an acceded legal tender), and cash ; the last of which articles, so scanty that, when it touched the palm of the hand of the official, it felt truly spiritual. With the increase of population and wealth, the town has become blessed with the salutary influence of three organized churches, each having a separate edifice for its devotions. The Seventh- Day Baptist Church at that time numbered 180 members, the Presbyterian Church 36, and the Methodist about the same as the Presbyterian. "At this time [1856] the town numbers between 1,300 and 1,400 inhabitants, of which between 300 and 400 reside in the so-called village of Milton. We are now benefited by the ' Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad,' and also the ' Janesville Branch,' alias ' Southern Wisconsin Railroad." [The railroads in the town, as at present named, are the Prairie du Chien Division of the C, M. & St. P. R. R., and the Monroe Branch of the same road ; they have have also the C. & N.-W. Railway.] The benefits of a speedy market, and ready communi- , cation with the East and South are apparent. Property has increased rapidly in value ; money more plenty, and consequently business is brisk and every branch of industry is on the pro gressive plan. " This town has ever been noted for its health, and even its morals have not been overlooked. Its first settlers, having a tincture of the blood of our Pilgrim Fathers coursing through their veins, have studiously and piously endeavored to keep those hot-beds of sin and iniquity — grog shops — out of this town." A list of the prominent and largest farmers of Milton, at an early day, contained the names, among others, of Joseph Goodrich, Peter McEwan, James Stockman, James Craig, Isaac T. Smith, N. Maxson, J. E. Culver, John Alexander, Stephen D. Butts, H. B. Crandall, John Livingston, M. T. Walker, Ezra Hazzard, Levi H. Bond, D. T. Hudson, Jeremiah Den nett, G. T. Mackey, Joel Wood, Alfred Walker and J. Bunnell. The following incidents are furnished by a resident: On the 1st day of September, 1836, Aaron and Alfred Walker, the first white settlers in the town of Milton, pitched their camp on the south side of a little lake, called Walker's Lake — which is now nearly dried up — on the northwest quarter of Section 36, where they still reside. They erected a little log cabin near the lake and lived in it during the winter of 1836-37. This was the first cabin built in the town, and was afterward used as the residence of the first Pastor in Milton, Rev. Daniel Smith, of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Smith died in this shanty in the fall of 1839, and was the second person buried in Mil'ton Cemetery. No gravestone ever marked the spot, and the identity of her grave, with others, is lost. Diadama, wife of Hezekiah Waterman, died October 12, 1839 (leaving an infant child, H. H. Waterman), was the first person interred in the cemetery. The second shanty built was by a Mr. Lane, on the southwest quarter of Section 26, but he did not occupy it; he also talked of building a mill on the outlet of Storrs' Lake, then a living little stream, about the center of the northwest quarter of Section 25. He sold his claim to N. G. Storrs, and afterward built a mill, one of the first, and known as the Herrington Mill, on a little spring run on the southeast quarter of Section 24, in the town of Lima, where the early pioneers got oak lumber for clapboards, floorings, well-curbing, etc. It was a much needed and a Well patronized institution. D. F., or " Dan " Smith, as he was called, erected the first mill and was a man of mark among the early settlers of Milton. He was a little rough, but full of daring, pluck and energy ; could eat a "wolf meal " of frozen pork and beans, wade or swim through floating ice and swollen streams, camp out anywhere or in any weather, and furnish more labor for both men and teams from Milton to the northern pinery than any other pioneer ; he had a whole soul and a generous heart withal. As an incident illustrating the man : A Methodist minister in an early day was sent by "Uncle Joe" to "Dan" to solicit something to keep the minister's soul and body HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 519 together. The man went to Smith's and found " Dan " butchering hogs ; he introduced him self, told his calling and the condition of his larder. " Dan " looked at him a moment, then taking down a dressed hog, and, placing it in the minister's vehicle, told him to " take it and go and preach like the devil." The astonished dominie expressed great gratitude and went away wondering how many really better men he had in his Church. The first white woman that settled in the township was Mrs. Eliza Smith, who came in May, 1837. Mrs. Hannah Bowers came, with her brother Charles, in October, 1837, to keep house for another brother, S. D. Butts, in a large, commodious (?) log house that it had taken the neighbors three days to build. The board roof was put on the day of her arrival, but there were no floors, doors or windows. It stood near Mr. Butts' present residence on the northeast quarter of Section 28. On March 18, 1838, the first regular religious meeting was established in this house by Revs. Halstead and Pillsbury, two young Methodist ninisters. The next meet ing was held there April 15, 1838. These meetings were continued once in four weeks by these brethren. The third white woman settler was Mrs. Sarah Storrs, wife of N. G. Storrs. They came in December, 1837, staying the first night at Farnum Chickering's, a bachelor, on the east end of the prairie ; Chickering gave them his bed and slept on the floor. Mr. Storrs' settled on the south half of Section 26, occupying the shanty put up by Mr. Lane. The first white boy born in the town of Milton was Daniel Smith, sou of D. F. and Eliza Smith. He was born February 24, 1839, at Otter Creek. He, with a younger sister, died in February, 1844, with fever, and were buried in the cemetery at Otter Creek. The second white boy born in Milton was Leffingwell Culver, son of Jonathan E. Culver, born in August, 1839. He is still living, and resides at Rochester, Minn. The first white girl born in Milton was Mary Butts, daughter of S. D. and Rebecca Butts, born September 3, 1839. She died February 22, 1876, and is buried at the Milton Junction Cemetery. The oldest native born citizen of Milton is H. H. Waterman, born October 12, 1839. The next oldest native-born citizen is Joseph Goodrich Carr, born March 19, 1840. The first marriage in Milton was that of James Murray to Margaret McEwen, January 1, 1840. Mr. Murray was a painter, lived in Milwaukee, and is now deceased. William Douglass married Caroline L. Walker, November 27, 1840. They were the sec ond marriage, and now live at Deansville, in Dane County, Wis. The first death in Milton was that of Jane Bowers, daughter of Andrew and Hannah Bowers. She died September 14, 1838, of quick consumption, :iged fourteen years eleven months and twenty-five days. Her funeral was held September 15, 1838, at the house of S. D. Butts. A sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Adams, of Beloit ; quite a large congregation attended. She was buried on the bluff, between Milton and Milton Junction, near the spot now covered with evergreen trees ; the most central, eligible, beautiful and appropriate spot for a cemetery in the town of Milton. She was subsequently removed and buried in the cemetery at Milton Junc tion, by the side of a younger brother. The second death in Milton was a son of Mr. Storrs, buried in the grove on the west side of Storrs' Lake. Nothing now marks his grave. The first meeting held by the Seventh-Day Baptists was the first Sabbath succeeding the 4th of March, 1839, at the house of Joseph Goodrich. But two families of this denomination were here — Henry B. Crandall's and Joseph Goodrich's. They established regular weekly meetings, holding them alternately at the houses of Goodrich and Crandall. In 1840, the Seventh-Day Baptist Church of Milton was organized, with about forty members. Elder Stillman Coon was their first Pastor, visiting them in the fall of 1840, and returning and settling among them about the 1st of July, 1841. Joseph Goodrich proposed the purchase of forty acres of land, by the Church, for his first year's salary, with such donations of provis ions, etc., as they could make him This was accepted, and the land made him a good home, subsequently becoming valuable, being located at Milton Junction, where Elder Coon lived and died, a useful and a universally respected man. The first town meeting in Milton was held in 1842, at Walker's. 520 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In 1838, Joseph Goodrich purchased a claim on Sections 26 and 27, and erected a house 16x20, the first frame building in the town of Milton, and dug a well, the first one in Milton. NEWARK. The town of Newark is situated in the southwestern part of the county, its south boundary line separating it from the State of Illinois. It was organized by act of the Legislature approved February 2, 1846, and included the present town of Avon, adjoining it on the West. The first town meeting was held at the house of I. D. Marvin, April 1, 1846, when the first officers were elected. In the year 1842, Mrs. Gunale, a Norwegian widow lady, made the first location in the town, and erected the first log cabin. The following year, she was followed by several of her countrymen. In the year 1844, purchases and improvements were made by Nathaniel Strong, J. B. Smyth, John Stephens, Peter McVain, A. G. Felt, P. P. Chase and others. A Lutheran Church was organized in 1844 ; a Congregational Church in 1845 ; and a Baptist Church in 1849. PLYMOUTH. The town of Plymouth is situated in the southwest quarter of the county, bounded on the north by Center, east by Rock, south by Newark, and west by Spring Valley. It was organ ized by act of Territorial Legislature, approved March 8, 1848, by which act it was made to include all of Township 2 north, of Range 11 east, of the Government survey. Early times in Plymouth are well described in the following from the pen of one of its pioneers, written in 1856: "The town of Plymouth was first settled in the spring of 1841. David Douglass, Stephen C. Douglass and Samuel Colby arrived with their families from Michi gan on the 31st of May, and pitched their tent near the center of Section 2, on the bank of a branch of Bass Creek. They made use of their tent and covered wagons, of which they had three, for a habitation, until they were enabled to build a house for the elder Douglass, which was but partially roofed when they removed into it with all of their effects. It was destitute of doors, windows and chinking. On my arrival on the 8th day of July following, I found them as above stated, and though the population of the house was rather dense, room was made, and we were domiciled with them. "Our nearest neighbors east," continues the writer, "were Jasper P. Sears, on Rock River, and Judge Holmes and family, who lived on the farm now (1856) owned by David Noggle. To the west were John Crall, Abraham Fox, John D. Holmes, Alanson Clawson, Wendel Fockler, George W. Adams and father, with their families, some nine miles distant. I believe it was eleven miles south to a settler; and north seven miles to Lemuel Warren's. Over this area of country embracing some six or eight townships of land, the beasts of the forest — the wild-cat and wolf — held undisputed sway. I speak of them because the saucy rascals more than once took my fat pigs from my door, and were unwilling to give them up even when hotly pur sued. " The first civil office in the town of Center (that is, that part of Old Center, now [1856] called Plymouth) was filled by the writer. He held his appointment from the Governor and Council in the winter of 1841-42. The next winter was extremely severe. The first snow fell on the night of the 8th of November, and continued until the 7th of April — a period of five months — with uninterrupted good sleighing. Much of the time was severely cold, with strong winds and drifting snow, which continued to increase until it had attained to a depth of nearly two feet. Road tracks across the prairies would catch the drifting snow until they attained the elevation of two to four feet, whioh very much endangered the safety of meeting teams, as, in turning out, the horse that stepped from the path would often sink and plunge so deep that its mate would fall upon or over the struggling animal, and both flounder for life in the deep snow, with more or less icy crusts to cut and maim them. Freeport lay some forty miles southwest of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 521 us, at which place we used to get our corn and oats to feed, plant and sow. In a snow-storm, it was rather a hazardous route to travel. I may as well speak here of one of the many little incidents of that winter. " On one cold and frosty morning, I started for Freeport for a load of corn. On reaching the summit of the ridge of prairie above Bachelor's Grove, that divides the waters of Bass Creek and Sugar River, near what was then called the 'Lone Tree,' I discovered a team and sleigh, loaded with men, driving in a direction to cross my track some distance ahead. We soon met. They anxiously inquired for the nearest house. I directed them to the house of John Crall,. a distance of some two miles. They had started from Monroe for Janesville two days before, had missed their way and wandered over the trackless prairie for two days and nights without food for man or beast, and had (as they said to me at the time) just concluded, should they not find some other relief, to kill one of their horses and roast the flesh or eat it raw. In such a dilemma, one would be led to suppose they were not very much displeased to discover a team ahead. There were four gentlemen, I think, in the sleigh. If I mistake not, three of them were brothers by the name of Hart, half-brothers of Daniel A. Richardson, who was then trading in Janesville, The name of the other gentleman I do not remember. Long will they remember their cruise on the prairie. " As an evidence of the severity of that winter, I will here state a fact with which most of the settlers of that day were familiar, which was that coons were so emaciated that when, on a pleasant day, they ventured from their holes in the trees, in quest pf food on the ground, they were unable to return for want of strength, and were frequently^ found by the hunters frozen to death at the foot of the tree in which they had lived, thereby betraying the whereabouts of those who had been more cautious, or unable to get out. In the fall of 1841, while looking for a piece of land that I might be supplied with fire-wood, and fencing timber, I accidentally ran upon a dilapidated set of bogus tools in a small grove near the head of the south branch of Bass Creek, southwest of my farm, some three miles. There was a cast-iron press, weighing some eighty pounds, an iron bar, used, perhaps, as a lever with which to turn the screw to make the impression in coining ; also a small hand-vise, a steel spring and steel punch with which to cut the pieces to be stamped ; and German-silver plates cut into strips the width of half-dollars, a small box, containing a meal-bag and a buckskin mitten, in which was found, in an unfinished state, thirty-nine half-dollars. The effort was evidently a failure, owing either to inexperience in the operators or the imperfection of their tools. The press I still have in my possession. It serves as an anvil when I am disposed to do my own smithing. I have also the hand-vise, punch and spring, which I intend to preserve as pioneer mementoes. The lynching of blacklegs at Rockford, 111., and vicinity was going on while I was on the road through Indiana and Illinois from Michigan to this town. The Driscals were shot and the gang dispersed. Perhaps the camp that I found was connected with the Rockford gang, and routed by the Lynching League. I gave the grove in which their tools were found the name of Bogus, by which cognomen it is known to this day. " In the spring of 1842, the system of town government was first adopted. That portion of Township 3 north, of Range 12 east, lying west of Rock River; Township 2 north, and the half of Township 3 north, in Range 11 east, and Township 2 north, and the half of Township 3 north, in Range 10 east, were embraced in one town by the name of Center. Two families in Township 3 in Range 12 east, on the west side of Rock River ; five in Township 2, north of Range 11 east, and six in Township 2 north, in Range 10. were all the inhabitants in this large town. Had all the electors gone to the first town meeting, we could have polled but a trifle more than half the number of votes that there were offices to be conferred. " The first town meeting was held at the house of James H. Knowlton, where Judge Holmes first settled, just above Monterey. But nine votes were cast at that election. The names of those elected to serve as town officers were respectively as follows : Supervisors, William Holmes (Chairman), David Douglass, John Crall ; Town Clerk, Samuel F. Chipman ; Treasurer, David Douglass ; Assessor, William Holmes, Jr. ; Commissioners of Common 522 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Schools, John B. Knowlton, Abram Fox, David P. Douglass ; Commissioners of Highways, Walter Inman, Joshua Holmes, Alanson Clawson; Fence Viewers, Washington Adams, Stephen C. Douglass and William Holmes, Jr. ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, John D. Holmes ; Overseers of Roads — District No. 1, Joshua Holmes ; District No. 2, Samuel F. Chipman ; District No. 3, Wendel Fockler. Had there been a full turn-out, we could have polled sixteen votes, and eighteen offices were to be conferred upon those sixteen electors. " During the session of the Legislature for 1846-47, Township 2 north, of Range 10 east, was set off and organized into a town by the name of Spring Valley ; also the south half of Township 3 north, of the same Range, taken from Center, and the north half of Township 3 taken from Union, were set off into a town called Magnolia. I was called upon by both of those towns to administer the oath of office at their organizing meetings. There were some ten or a dozen electors assembled at each place. "In the same session of the Legislature, I believe, that portion of Township 3 north, Range 12 east, belonging to Center, was set off to Janesville, which left the former twelve miles in extent north and south by six miles east and west, the north half of Township 3, in Range 11, having been attached to Center in the division forming the town of Porter. In the session of 1847-48, the inhabitants of Township 2, Range 11, petitioned to be set off as a separate town. It devolving upon them as the petitioning party to find a name, they presented that of Plymouth, and their prayer was granted. It will be seen, therefore, that the pioneers of Plymouth are the first settlers of Center. The first town meeting of Plymouth was held on the 28th day of August, 1848. The names of the officers elected were as follows : Supervisors, Caleb Inman (Chairman), George Ayres, Samuel Smiley ; Town Clerk, Kiron W. Bemis ; Treasurer, Daniel Bemis; Justices, Caleb Coryell, James Whitehead, Samuel F. Chipman; Assessors, Harrison C. Inman, Henry Waterhouse, David Douglass ; Collector, Luke Coryell ; Commissioners of Highways, Charles F. Cook, Ole Gulekson, Jacob Fisher ; Commissioners of Common Schools, Kiron W. Bemis, Archibald Smiley, David P. Douglass ; Constables, Alfonzo C. Stewart, Luke Coryell, Elisha C. Taylor ; Overseers of Highways — David Douglass, District No. 1 ; Joseph Hohenshelt, District No. 2 ; Neals Auckson, District No. 3 ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, John Pence. The town at that meeting polled 71 votes. Two railroads — the Monroe Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, and the Madi son Division of the Chicago & North- Western — pass through the town, crossing each other at a point on Bass Creek, at Hanover Junction, where there is an excellent water-power. PORTER. This town lies in the northwestern part of the county, its northern boundary separating it from the county of Dane. By an act of the Legislature, approved February 2, 1846, it was incorporated by the name of Oak. At the next session, an act was approved changing its boundaries and name. It was made to include Township 4 north, of Range 11 east, its present limits. It received its name in honor of one of the principal land proprietors in the town — Dr. John Porter. The first settlers were Joshua Webb, William Webb, John Rhinehart, John Winston, Joseph Osborn, Robinson Bent, Charles Stokes, Solomon Griggs, John R. Boyce, John Cook and Daniel Cook. Porter is an excellent agricultural town, and the improvements are of a superior character. Some of the residences are very fine. A list of early farmers shows, among the largest, Daniel Lovejoy, Horace Fessenden, Samuel Pound, Jerome Vaughan, John White, Earle Woodbury, Levi Sanires, C. Vaughan, Robert Mervin, J. P. Miller, William Webb, J. Pound, Roger Shepherd, Dennis McCarthy and Stephen Allen. ROCK. By an act of the Territorial Legislature, approved March 8, 1839, all of " the country included within the boundary of Rock County " was " set off" into a separate town by the name of Rock. Its boundaries, therefore, were co-extensive with the present limits of the county ; but itIliP?<#\ ~''m6smMBm£ $&&. SMOk m X. tfX ^, a^™ &*. ^ MILTON HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 525 no town organization followed this "setting off." Almost three years elapsed before it was organized. It was then reduced almost to its present proportions : for the act of the Legislature, approved February 17, 1842, restricted it to " Township 2 north, of Range 12 east, excepting fractional Sections 1 and 2, lying north and west of Rock River," which was " organized into a separate town by the name of Rock." It was also declared that the first election should "be held at the house of Jasper Sears." As the city of Janesville afterward absorbed the whole of "Sections 1 and 2, in Township 2, north of Range 12 east," the town included, as now, the whole ofthe township just named, except these sections. In fact, therefore, the town of Rock, after the passage of the act providing for its organization, never contained quite thirty-six sec tions of land, or six miles square. The first town election was held April 5, 1842, when the following ticket was chosen : Supervisors — George W. Brittain (Chairman), James Heath and J. P. Sears. Town Clerk, Ira Washburn ; Assessor, Rufus Washburn ; Treasurer, Richard S. Inman ; Collector, J. Wesley Inman. Commissioners of Highways — Clark Classon, Prosper A. Pierce, William Youngs. Commissioners of Common Schools — Ira F. Washburn, George W. Brittain and John Inman. Sealer of Weights and Measures, Richard S. Inman. Mention has already beeu made of the settlement, in this town, of John Inman, the Holmes family and others, in 1835, and of Dr. James Heath in 1836. In the month of September, of the last-mentioned year, Hiram Brown and family arrived. In the spring of 1837, Dr. Heath built a house, sixteen feet square, on Section 2, at "East Wisconsin City," where he opened a store and tavern, which were the first in the town. Here the " customer " was served, the "travelers and boarders" lodged, while the family found ample room besides. Travelers were laid upon tiers of shelves up the sides of the house, like dry goods, while " commoners " took the floor. Business increasing, and the Doctor thinking his house too small for the accommoda tion of his store and tavern, entered into partnership with Mr. Sexton, and removed his goods into another house, which had been erected about eighty rods from the "tavern." Here more room was afforded for the replenished stock of the new firm. During this year, John Inman & Co. started the first stage. It made its regular trips from Racine to " East Wisconsin City," during the summer, Dr. Heath keeping the " Stage House." "Any person curious in such matters," says a writer in 1856, " can now be shown that identical ' tavern,' the auger holes into which the pins were put to sustain the 'travelers' shelves,' and also the remains of Heath & Sexton's store, by going to a point about one-half mile west from the Institute for the Blind. True, the landlord will not be there to greet him, nor will he see, probably, the stages from Racine unloading their passengers, nor the impatient customers inquiring for dry goods and groceries ; but he will see the house, empty though it be, and the oak trees which stand as faith ful sentinels over the ruins of ' East Wisconsin City.' " " Dr. Heath, although a tavern-keeper, merchant and farmer, was, by profession, a physi cian — a man, too, skilled in 'his calling ; and, in addition to his varied and multiplied duties, he was often called upon to administer to the relief of the sick. Being called upon one very dark night in the spring of the year to visit a patient upon the west side of the river, he, supposing that he could ford the stream, mounted his horse and plunged into the surging waters. Soon his animal was swimming with the current, and, by some means, the Doctor lost his balance and found himself afloat upon the river. His cries for help soon brought his wife to the bank, who was unable to render any assistance, except by encouraging him to try and hold out till help could be procured. Thus matters stood, the Doctor floating down the river, his wife rushing through brushwood and water-holes along the bank to keep up with her husband for nearly two miles, when help was procured and the Doctor rescued, though very much exhausted and chilled. His saddle-bags with the medicine floated off, but were found near the mouth of Sears' Creek, some years after, rifled of their contents. Not a long time subsequent to the Doctor's accident, there was a man drowned at Holmes' Ferry of the name of Connad. This was probably the first death in the town of Rock. "From this time," continues the writer, "settlements increased, until nearly the entire town was in the hands of an industrious and intelligent population. In November, 1836, Richard M 526 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Inman arrived with his family and entered the land upon which he now (1856) lives, in Section 27. Mr. Clauson settled on the Youngs' farm in 1837. The farm formerly known as the Delano farm, afterward as the Ratheram farm, was settled by Jeremiah Roberts in 1837. The farm upon which the village of Afton is situated was settled in 1837 by Hiram Brown. In the year 1838, the first settlements were made on the west side of the river by Rufus and Ira Washburn and J. P. Sears. The same year, the farm of Maj. Inman was settled by Mr. Fox. G. W. Brittain settled in the town in 1838. Brestol made the first claim upon D. W. Inman's farm in 1838. In 1841, Israel Inman, John Daugherty and Mr. Burt arrived. In the year 1840, Ezekiel Clapp and Prosper A. Pierce, from the State of Vermont, settled on Section 2. A large part of their purchase is now within the limits of the city of Janesville. About this time, Elijah Nourse settled near 'that first log cabin.' " In 1842, Mr. Van Antwerp arrived. In 1841, J. F. Willard purchased Mr. Warren's claim in Section 10. Antisdells, Comstocks and Newtons came about the year 1843-44. In 1850, a colony from Rensselaer County, N. Y., settled in the northwest part of the town. Among them were Z. P. Burdick and his brother, M. L. Burdick, A. P. Hayner, Israel Smith and, subsequently, Mr. J. P. J. Hayner. These arrivals added not a little to the agricultural reputation of the town, as they pursued the Eastern mode of farming, which contrasted very favorably with the loose Wisconsin method. The first ' breaking ' done in Rock, or in the county, was on the northwest quarter of Section 11, upon the farm of J. F. Willard, by John Inman, in the spring of 1836. It was ' cropped ' with buckwheat, and produced a fair yield. He was compelled to go to Rockford to get his plow sharpened, it taking two days to make the trip. The first house erected on the west side of the river was by Ira Washburn, in 1838. The first wedding in the town of Rock took place at the house of Richard Inman, March 30, 1840, the parties being George W. Brittain and Miss Sylvania Inman. " If the opinion of speculators and large real-estate operators from the East is entitled to consideration and respect, the town of Rock stands number one, if not more, in regard to superior locations and natural advantages for building up cities and villages ; for surely no town in the county has figured so largely in that department as the town of Rock. Its corner and water lots have made no small figure in Wall street ; its lithographed city plats have been hon ored with a conspicuous place in all the great land-agency offices of the country. At one time, this town could boast of four cities and villages — ' Wisconsin City,' ' Koshkonong City,' ' Rock port,' ' Monterey ' and ' Afton.' Rockport was laid out by Thomas Holmes in December, 1835, and was the first surveyed village (or city) in the county. ' Wisconsin City ' was surveyed by Inman, Breese and Shepherd, in 1836; 'City of Koshkonong,' in the summer of the same year, by Kenzie, Hunter and Booby; ' Monterey,' by Ira Miltimore, in 1850. By an act of the Legislature of Wisconsin, approved March 19, 1853, the city of Janesville was incorporated, and, by its charter, Sections 1 and 2 of the town of Rock were brought within its limits. Con sequently, ' Monterey ' and ' Rockport ' are now a part of the territory belonging to the city of Janesville. With Sections 1 and 2, there also passed from the town many of the localities where the scenes before described transpired." SPRING VALLEY. The town of Spring Valley lies in the southwest portion of the county, its western boundary separating it from Green. It was organized by act of the Legislature, approved February 2, 1846. Its territory includes Township No. 2 north, of Range No. 10 east. The first town meeting was held at the house of Nicholas E. Phelps. John Crall was the first settler. Among those who soon after made claims, were James Kirkpatrick, Erastus C. Smith, Robert Taylor, Roderick M. Smith, James Bradshaw, Almerin Sprague, Amos Remington, Allen Hurlbut, S. G. Mills and Solomon Rose. The Monroe branch of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad passes through the centra] part, entering on the east at Orfordville, and passing out on Section 19 across the western boundary ofthe county. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 527 TURTLE. The town lies on the south boundary line of the county, in the southeast part, adjoining the town of Beloit on the east. It was organized by act of the Legislature, approved February 2, 1846, and included in its limits Township 1, and the south half of Township 2 north, of Range 13 east. Subsequently, the last half township was set off to La Prairie. Among the first settlers were D. B. Egery, D. Bennett, R. Dole, Chauncey Tuttle, John Lewis, A. Lewis, S. G. Colley and John Hopkins. The first town meeting was held April 7, 1846. Chairman, James Chamberlin ; Clerk, Horace Rice. The second Chairman was R. Dole, elected in 1847 ; then followed, in 1848, F. A. Humphrey; 1849, P. J. Erkenbrack ; 1850, P. M. Hinman' L. P. Harvey served until 1854, when B. F. Murray was elected. Alexander Bruce held the position during 1855 and 1856. In 1857, A. I. Bennett; 1858, F. A. Humphrey; 1859, Alexander Bruce ; 1860, A. I. Bennett ; during 1861 and 1862, H. J. Murray ; 1863, F. a'. Humphrey ; 1864, John Hammond ; 1865, H. J. Murray. From that time, until 1870, the Chair was occupied by Chauncey Ross; then Thomas Holmes held the position until 1874, when J. H. Cooper was elected. In 1875, Chauncey Ross ; 1876, Thomas Holmes ; and last, but not least, S. H. Slaymaker, D. B. Egery, Daniel Bennett, Chauncey Tuttle, John Lewis, Abel Lewis, Samuel G. Colley, Richard Dole and John Hopkins. The town has two lines of railroads passing through its territory : The Chicago & North-Western, which runs through Sections 1 and 2, in the northeast corner, passing into the town of La Prairie, and the Western Union, which enters the town on the east boundary on Section 13, and crosses it southwesterly, pass ing out in Section 31. The following is a list of a number of pioneer settlers of Turtle and vicinity, their former place of residence, in what town first located, and the date of settlement : R. M. Benson Mrs. E. P. Benson. S. K. Blodgett , Clinton Babbitt Merritt Bostwic R. J. Burdette William Brand Adam 'Bell Thomas Crosby Mrs. A. E. Coe J. A. Chamberlain. E. J. Carpenter C. T. Curtis S. G. Colley G. H. Crosby G. H. Culver R. P. Crane E. J. Dole A. R. Dresser D. D. Egery J. M. Everett 0. C. Gates J. B. Gordon William Gates Erastus Giles Edward Giles Russell Harvey Wiiliam Henderson F. A. Humphrey.... Thomas Holmes A. Henderson Henry F. Hobart... G. Johnson Former Residence. Pennsylvania.... NeW York Ohio New Hampshire New York Iowa New York New York New Hampshire New York Connecticut New York...' Ohio New Hampshire, New Hampshire, Native New Hampshire New Hampshire Canada West Vermont New York New York New Hampshire New York Vermont Vermont Connecticut Pennsylvania ... New York New Hampshire New York Native New York Clinton Clinton Beloit Beloit Beloit Turtle Bradford... Turtle Turtle Turtle La Prairie.. Turtle Turtle Beloit Turtle Turtle Beloit Turtle Beloit Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Beloit Turtle Turtle Date of Settlement. November, June, April, July, M arch, June, March , March, November,July,June, August,March, October,June, July, .May, June, May, October, June, April,October, May, May, Beloit ISeptember Beloit |Ju'y, Whitewater... May, 184H184H 18SS 1854 1830 1854 1849 1887 18401888 18571847183818371849 1837 1844 1854 18371844185218451848183618421839 1854 1847 1853 1842 1843 1843 528 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. NAMES. S. W. Hart William Jack B. F. Murray S. Murray G. M. Murray H. H. McLenegan.... H. J. Murray , Joel Miner , 0. P. Murray S. A. Murray Otis Manchester S. C. Marston, Jr N. McLaughlin S. S. Northrop Mrs. S. S. Northrop. B. B. Olds Philo Porter Benjamin Park George W. Porter D. M. Pelton J. H. Poole Albert Porter W. Pickett C. Provost Chauncey Ross J. F. Ross E. C. Reigart L.'E. Ross F. L. Ross J. H. Reigart S. D. Ross William H. Stark Swingle S. H. Slaymaker Alexander Thom H. L. Shoemaker W. S. Thom Henry Tuttle C. M. Treat Charles Tuttle William G. Wilson.... B. Wooster W. D. Webb William S. Yost Former Resilience.. New York Lower Canada New York New York New York Pennsylvania .. New York , Ohio Native New York , New York Maine New York New York New York Vermont Ohio Ohio Ohio New York New York Ohio New York New York New Vork New York....... Pennsylvania ... New York Native Pennsylvania ... New York Vermont Pennsylvania ... Pennsylvania ... Ohio New York Ohio New York Ohio New York Maine New York Illinois New York Settled in Turtle Beloit Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Beloit Manchester.. Turtle Clinton Clinton Clinton Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle , Turtle Turtle Turtle , Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Clinton Turtle Clinton Monroe Clinton Brodhead Beloit Date of Settlement. March, October, May, June, June, March, June, October, August, June, July, April, March, . October, October, April, July,July, March, April,September, March, September, April, April, September,August, June,September, May, September, March, June,April, March, October, July, April, September, June,September, iugust, 1852 18371839 1841 1841 1857 1839 1845 1841 1840 18451854 1857 18451849 18431853 18471853 184918-r>8 1853 18431862 18541856 1854185718561854 1846 1838 1856 1853 18511857 1837 1847 18371844 1847 UNION. This is the most northwestern town in Rock County, and sixteen miles northwest of Janes ville. It was incorporated by act of the Legislature, approved February 17, 1842, and at that time included what is now Union, Porter, and the north half each of Center and Magnolia. Its present limits are included in what is known as Township 4, north of Range 10 east. The town is nearly evenly divided between timber and prairie. The face of the country is generally rolling, but not bluffy or broken, and the town is well watered by Allen's Creek and tributaries, and is under good cultivation. Considerable attention has been given of late years to the culture of tobacco, with much success. The earliest settlers of this town were: Ira Jones, Stephen Jones, Boyd Phelps, Charles McMillen, Hiram Griffith, John Sayles, Erastus Quivey, Washington Higday, Samuel Lewis, Jacob West, John T. Baker, Levi Leonard and Willis T. Bunton. The Chicago & North-Western Railway passes through the town, entering on the south line, on Section 35, and running northerly, passes into Dane County, on Section 6. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 529 CHAPTER VIII. CITY OF JANESVILLE. First Settlement— Early Growth— Janesville as a City— The Janes Correspondence- Henry F. Janes— Public Schools— Commercial College and School of Telegraphy —Religious Institutions— Manufactories— Theaters and Halls— Chinese Settle ment—Young Men's Association— Fire Department— Military— Police Matters— Janesville Societies— Lady Lawyers— The Post Office— Corn Exchange— J anesvillk Hotels— Banks— Amusing Errors— U. S. Grant and Team— Insurance Companies— The Water Supply— Pioneer Society— The Legal Profession— Ford, Ferries and Bridges —Telegraphic — Burr Robbins' Menagerie— The Cemeteries — The Thousand and One— Janesville a Quarter of a Century Ago— Inventions. first settlement. The energy with which the early settlers in Rock River Valley labored to promote the advance of civilization was really wonderful. Within eighteen months from the day John Inman and his companions stood beneath the noble cedars which then surmounted " Big Rock," and surveyed the grand perspective of the valley stretching away on every hand ; saw the cool, clear waters of Rock River rolling gently on to mingle with the muddy elements of the parent stream ; that glassy surface now and again broken by the nimble pickerel or the wiry pike fish leaping into the air in pursuit of an unsuspecting fly ; beheld to the right the far-reaching prai rie, seeming to sink in a distant sea of blue, and, to the left, a vast domain, abounding in hills of graceful curve and flecked with purple groves — within eighteen months from that day, three distinct villages, complete in everything the word implies (save people and houses) were located, surveyed and staked out in lots, and blocks, and squares, and streets, within what have since become the limits of the city of Janesville. Toward the latter part of December, 1835, after Inman and his party had commenced the first settlement in Rock County, Samuel St. John and family arrived. Mr. St. John was the first white man to bring a wife and children to the valley. The weather was bitter cold, and the sufferings of the mother and her two small children can better be imagined than described. The family found shelter beneath the roof of the Holmes-Follmer mansion, but, within a very short period of time, were comfortably housed in their own quarters. Mr. St. John, assisted by Inman and his pioneer associates, erected a cabin on the east end of the flat, within a few rods of the spot where the Emerald Grove Road branches from the Beloit Road. The next acces sions to the small settlement were Dr. James Heath and wife. They arrived at the cabin of Samuel St. John, on the 18th of January, 1836, and were provided with accommodation therein. In February, Henry F. Janes made his claim, but soon went back for his fam ily. With the winds of March, came Judge William Holmes and wife, their daughter, Mary Catherine, and their two young sons, John and George. Mary Catherine Holmes was then budding into womanhood. She must have been the belle of the valley, being the only young lady in it. She is now the much-beloved and highly respected wife of Volney Atwood, one of the leading citizens of Janesville. Judge Holmes went to live temporarily with his sons in their cabin on the hillside. Their first work was to construct a rude ferry-boat on the river. This finished, they built a commodious log house on the west side of the stream, about one hun dred rods east of the " Big Rock," and, by the middle of the summer, moved over the river into their new quarters. 530 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Fresh arrivals became of frequent occurrence. Rock River Valley was known far and wide, and it soon became evident that the settlement, at no distant period, would develop into a thriv ing frontier village. Judge Holmes foresaw this. The vision of a great city flitted before his eyes. Where would it be located? Who should own it? These were the questions which puzzled the brain of the Judge. It was not a problem of jurisprudence. Had it been a point of common law, he could have decided it instanter. But before him was the prospect that, within his day, an important city must grow upon the banks of Rock River. By skillful man agement he might own half the lots within its limits, and leave to his heirs a legacy of untold value. There was no time to lose. People were arriving from every direction. Log houses were being thrown together every day. The Judge could hear his neighbors' chickens crow, so populous had the settlement become. In the opinion of the Judge, the land on the north side of the river embraced in the Big Bend, presented the greatest attractions for a village site. Accord ingly, he determined to secure the services of a surveyor and lay it out in lots at once. The Judge's remarkable foresight prompted him, in order to forever set at rest any dispute as to title which might arise in the future, to have all documents pertaining to his embryo village drawn in the names of his sons, Thomas and Joshua. Upon reflection, however, it occurred to him that the idea of two men owning an entire city might, when' the property became valuable, appear so preposterous that his sons would be dispossessed. So he concluded to let a few of his most intimate friends into the scheme, as will appear from the following description of the property taken from a copy of the record now on file in the Recorder's office of this county. Know all men by these presents, that we, the undersigned proprietors, have surveyed and laid off a town by the name of Rockport, situated on the north side of Rock River, in Towns Nos. 2 and 3 north, Range 12 east, being the southeast quarter ofthe southwest quarter of Section 36, Town 3 north, Range 12 east, and fractional Section 1, in Town 2 north, Range 12 east, except the west half of the northwest fractional quarter of the aforesaid Section, numbered on the Receiver's receipt 117 and 131. The streets are sixty feet in width, with the exception of Milwaukee and Galena; these are eighty feet. The aleys are fifteen feet in width. The lots in Blocks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, are 80x150 feet ; Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, in Block 13; 8,9, 10, 11, in Block 9; 4, 5,. 6. in Block 27; 8, 9, 10, in Block 29 ; 1,2,3,4, 7,8, 9, 10, in Block 14, are of the same size. The lots in Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19, are 39T3X feet on Canal street, and vary in length from 101 to 137 feet. Those in Block 21 (Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14), are of the same width, but vary in length from 33 to 53 feet. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in Block 21, and those in Blocks 22 and 23, are 52^ feet in width, and vary in length from 71 to 198 feet. Those in Blocks 2 and 9, fronting the public square, are 52T55- feet in width, and 120 feet in depth. The fractional lots vary in size as the streets and river pass through them, more or less diagonally. The public square is set apart for a Court House and other necessary buildings, but in case a county site should not be located at that place, then the aforesaid lands shall be considered as belonging to the inhabitants of said [Rockport], to be disposed of as they may think proper. Thomas A. Holmes, Joshua Holmes, G. S. Hosmer, Geobge Reed, (By his attorney, G. S. Hosmer). H. S. Hosmer. Territory of Michigan, 1 County of Milwaukee, j ss' Be it remembered, That on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1836, came personally before me, the undersigned Justice ofthe Peace for said county, Thomas A. Holmes, Joshua Holmes, G. S. Hosmer, George Reed (by his attorney, G. S. Hosmer), and H. S. Hosmer, and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the foregoing town plat for the purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand. Albert Fowler, J. P. Register's Office, "l Milwaukee County, j ss' I, Cyrus Hawley, Register of Deeds of the county of Milwaukee, aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy ofthe record now remaining in this office, as recorded in Vol. A, of Deeds, Mortgages, etc., pages 83 and 84. \ F. W. Hawley, Dep. Reg. Mil. Co. Rockport contained about one hundred and fifty-eight acres within its limit lines. It included the water front on the west side of the river, from the Big Rock to a point opposite the present winter quarters of Burr Robbins' menagerie, extending north about the same distance. A few lots were disposed of to new settlers soon after the survey was made, and a year later, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 531 Thomas Holmes, who had become the nominal manager of the property, disposed of a large number of the lots to Eastern parties, realizing handsomely from the sales, but taking mort gages for the most part, which were afterward foreclosed. Herman Le Roy, of New York, a brother of Daniel Webster's second wife, owned an undivided thirty-two acres' part of Rockport. The establishment of village sites became a mania in the settlement about this time, and every man believed his claim afforded unparalleled advantages in this regard. John Inman had located on the west side of the river, about three-quarters of a mile below the present Monterey bridge. The apparent success which attended the progress of Rockport induced him to sacrifice what might have been made a good farm, to the purposes of a village site. A copy of the plat, taken from the records of Milwaukee County, is now on file in the Recorder's office in Rock County. On the back of the instrument is the description of Wisconsin City, and signed thereto are the following names : John Inman, Jeremiah Price, Josiah S. Brase, James S. Sey mour, John H. Hardenburg, George C. Seelye and Edward Shepard. The site was surveyed by Samuel Morris, on April 26, 1836. The instrument is acknowledged before Edward W. Casey, a Justice of the Peace of Chicago, and Richard I. Hamilton, Clerk of the Cook County (111.) Commissioners' Court, on May 17 of the same year. Mr. Inman was very happy in his selection of names for the streets of his village. Many cities founded at a more recent period, which have grown to large proportions, have not been more fortunate in this regard. We find the name of the immortal Washington inscribed on the plat as marking one of the thoroughfares of Wisconsin City. Van Buren, Webster, Seymour, Chatham, Inman (in honor of the founder), Prescott and a host of other famous men, were the unconscious possessors of similar monuments in Wisconsin City. Crossing these diagonally were Indiana, Illinois, Grand and (what appears to have been a great boulevard) Broadway streets. Inman took his plat — about all there was of Wisconsin City — and went to Chicago for the purpose of interesting speculators in what was designed to be " the leading city in the great Northwest." He met Sydney Breeze, then a land speculator, and afterward Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Mr. Breeze was not in a very speculative mood, it seems, as he only purchased half the village. The price he paid is not known, but Inman came back in new clothes, bringing a fresh supply of provisions, and was thereafter spoken of by the settlers as " a sort of lucky dog, anyway." A. few months later, Mr. Breeze sold his interest to Knowles Taylor, a New York silk importer, for $20,000, taking his pay in the Gotham merchant's fabrics, and disposing of them to Chicago dealers at a sacrifice for cash. John D. Clute, an eccentric land purchaser, who, it is said, owned property in every State in the Union, as well as the Isles of Great Britain, in some way became possessed of an interest in Wisconsin City. Having heard of the wonders of the West, he determined to visit Rock River Valley and see his new purchase. The stage-coach being his only means of conveyance from the point in Pennsylvania where he was then stopping, to Chicago, he was several days in reaching the Lake City, and a hundred miles of prairie and plain still divided him from Wis consin City. In due course of time, Mr. Clute reached his goal — that is, he came to Rock River, where his further progress was at an end for the time being. During the summer of 1836, Dr. Heath had located and built on the south side of the river, opposite Wisconsin City. Mr. Inman had also established a temporary ferry at that point, and, on the evening of Mr. Clute's arrival, had crossed the river, and was "swapping jokes" with the Doctor when the strange individual rode up and inquired his way to Wisconsin City, saying that, among other pieces of property he owned in that place, there was a parcel known as " Hotel Block," and he desired to reach it before nightfall. Inman was something of a wag, and, perceiving that the stranger was laboring under a very pleasant hallucination, he suggested that he postpone his visit until morning, when the city would appear to very much greater advantage. Mr. Clute consented, and was provided with accommodations by the hospitable Heath, Inman remaining also. During the evening, Mr. Clute was entertained with glowing descriptions of the country, the beauties of Wisconsin City being especially dwelt upon. Next morning, the trio crossed the river. Inman, taking the lead, directed his companions to follow. Pursuing a narrow trail 532 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. until the party reached the top of a slight elevation a few rods from the river, Inman came to a halt, and, turning to Mr. Clute, said : " This is Hotel Block ; here to the right is College Square, and adjoining Hotel Block on the left is Church Square. We now stand about the center of Wisconsin City." Mr. Clute visited Janesville a few years ago to look after some property belonging to his scattered estate. He related the circumstances of his first visit to the Rock River Valley, and confessed that he was "badly sold." In 1848, H. Hyatt Smith and others purchased a tax title of Wisconsin City for $800. A few cabins had been erected upon the site, and the frame work of a tavern, which was never completed, reared- upon " Hotel Block." In the spring of 1836, John P. Dickson and W. H. H. Bailey, with their families, arrived, and were followed in a few days by Henry F. and Edward Janes, Levi Harness, Curtis Davis, and later by Levi St. John, who brought with them their loving and trusting helpmates and other household gods. Owing to the arrival of additional inhabitants in Henry F. Janes' absence, it is generally believed that, had it not been for the fact that a cabin was awaiting his occupancy, (for, it will be remembered, he had located his claim in February previous), he would have gone further west. Janes' log cabin became the headquarters of most of the new arrivals thereafter, and it soon became necessary to enlarge it by the addition of two stories (on the ground). John P. Dickson built near the spot where his comfortable home now stands. Mrs. Dickson had the reputation of being the best cook in the settlement, and their little log residence, sixteen feet square, was frequently the scene of jollity and social enjoyment. Both of these very excellent people still live. Although Father Time has marked them with his indelible evidences of early trials and their faces bear the impress of care, still their memories are bright, and Mr. Dickson will tell you with much pride that he can read these lines " without his glasses." As the valley continued to fill up with people, disputes would arise as to the possession of land claims, and they frequently led to long and bitter contention. Not a few aggressive, quar relsome and fractious individuals found their way here, and finally made themselves so obnox ious that it became necessary for the better class of citizens to take steps- toward the adoption of measures for self-protection. Edward V. Whiton and George H. Williston were among the arrivals in the early part of 1837, and they took an active part in the drafting of a code of laws with this end in view. True, it was after the Territorial organization, but the statutes which had been framed for the government of Wisconsin did not arrive for many months after their adoption. They were printed in the city of New York, and, to add to the delay, the vessel, by which the first few copies were sent, was lost on one of the northern lakes. ' Judge Whiton, John P. Dickson and Major Johnson composed the first committee appointed by the citizens to arbitrate upon all questions in dispute between settlers. They framed a Con stitution and sat as a sort of Court of Commissioners. Most of the contests were in the nature of land claims. There was no appeal from the decision ofthe Arbitration Committee; it was the only and the highest tribunal, and many, in fact, all the titles quieted by it stand good upon the records to-day. Soon after the arrival of Messrs. Dickson, Bailey and Janes, the claimants of Rockport were importuned to relinquish certain portions ofthe village in the interest of others, in order that a combined effort might be made to locate a county seat upon the site. The Holmeses and the Hosmers refused, however, to sell or exchange one foot of Rockport, preferring to remain the sole possessors of what, in their opinion, had every prospect of becoming the leading city of the West. Lots in Wisconsin City were also at a premium, and, though the latter presented unexceptional advantages for the location of the county seat, it better suited Inman's purposes to sell for cash to parties at a distance, than give deeds to his neighbors on credit, though the security was perfectly good. Judge Holmes, having refused to sell a part of his village to Mr. Janes, he could not, with the accommodating spirit becoming an early settler, decline to loan him his whip-saw. With HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 533 this borrowed utensil, Mr. Janes constructed a ferry-boat, and established a ferry opposite his little log cabin. The place became very popular, and was patronized by almost every one pass ing through the valley. A sale of Government lands took place about this time. All the unclaimed parcels on the west side of the river were sold in accordance with law, and several sections on the east side also fell under the auctioneer's hammer. The quarter-section upon which Janes' house stood, however, was overlooked in the sale. Here was an opportunity to establish a rival of those metropolitan villages, Rockport and Wisconsin City. Accordingly, in the spring of 1837, Mr. Janes surveyed and platted the land for the village which was to per petuate his name. It extended north to a point where Fifth street intersects the river ; thence east to Jackman street. Its southern boundary was what is now Racine street, near the residence of Mr. John P. Dickson. The western limit was formed by the east bank of the river. The success of Janesville thenceforward was undeniable and indisputable. The persever ance and energy of the hardy pioneer^ who had battled against the storms of fate, now showed some signs of bearing fruit. Wisconsin City and Rockport faded from the list of villages with great expectations, and, in a few years, could not even claim the distinction of being respectable suburbs. They went entirely out of sight. In after years, the 700 acres of land in the bend on the west side of the river was sold for $3,500. The same property is now estimated to be worth $5,000,000. Mr. Janes had what he supposed to be a pre-emption claim, but, in 1840, he was dispos sessed by the Councy Commissioners, who made a new plat of the land, and entered it for the purposes of a county seat. This was done in accordance with an act of Congress relating to lands upon which county seats should be located, and providing for the issuance of quit-claims to claimants and settlers for a nominal consideration. A small portion of the property was restored to Mr. Janes, in consideration of his relinquishment of all future claim. It was gener ally believed at the time that the United States Supreme Court would have restored the prop erty, on the ground of priority to right to title: Seth B. St. John was the first white child born in what are now the city limits of Janes ville. The date of his birth was January, 1836. His father was Samuel St. John, the fifth white settler in this part of the valley. A misapprehension has prevailed in the minds of not a few persons, who believe J. W. St. John was the first white child who saw the light of day in the early settlement of Janesville ; but the doctor says the honor is not his ; it belongs properly to his cousin Seth, who now resides somewhere in the vicinity of Portage. The first death within the same limits was that of the mother of Seth B. St. John, and the first wife of Samuel St. John. Mrs. St. John was buried on Hugh's Hill, half a mile south of the place of her death. As an illustration of the privations endured at that early day, it is related that the coffin containing the remains was made of rough boards which had previously done service as part of a wagon body. Soon after this sad bereavement Mr. St. John returned to Vermont, his native State, but, in a few years, came to Janesville, bringing with him a second wife. She, too, soon sickened and died, and was laid upon the hill beside the first. In due course of time Mr. St. John again entered the matrimonial state, but Death, the fell destroyer, soon claimed him as a victim, and he was taken to Hugh's Hill and deposited between his two earlier loves, leaving a widow in sorrow and years. A pioneer relates the circumstances connected with the death of a poor sickly barber, who traveled from one county seat to another with the Circuit Court retinue which, as late as 1843, accompanied His Honor. " The next morning," says the relator, " when the body was prepared for burial, the messenger who had been dispatched to a settlement about twelve miles away for a minister to give solemnity to the occasion, returned and reported that he had failed to find any such person. We were in a dilemma, and the town was canvassed to find a person who would undertake the office, but without success. Just at this moment, a team drove up through town with a man sitting on the top of a load of bags. His clothes were white with flour, he had been down in Illinois to mill, and was going north to his home with his grist. As he reached a 534 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. point in the street opposite the tavern door, a man, who was supporting himself against the cor ner of the house, reeled out into the middle of the road and stopped the team, at the same time addressing the driver with- — ' I say, stranger, can you pray ? ' The man sat for a moment in blank astonishment, when I stepped up and explained our trouble; he answered the question of the drunken interrogator in words something like these : ' Well, stranger, you put a difficult question to me. When I lived in Rochester, in York . State, I could pray. I was a member of a Christian Church, and in prayer-meetings frequently led in prayer ; but, since I have been out here in Wisconsin, I have lost the habit, and I don't know what kind of a fist I will make of it, but, if you can do no better, I will try ; ' and he tied his horses, put himself in advance of the procession, which was ready to move. We wound our way up the hill to a half-acre devoted by the county to the burial of the dead, where the poor barber was consigned to the grave, there to rest until the last trump — no, until the county could sell the lot to the future city whereon to' build a schoolhouse, and then the poor barber, with many another body having no loving friends to care for it, was gathered up and thrown into a common trench, there to remain until man's cupidity shall find some other use for the small piece of land so occupied." EARLY GROWTH. In June, 1839, Ward & Lappin opened the first store in Janesville. They occupied a one- story frame building, fourteen feet square, which stood where Bennett's building now stands, on Main street. Their stock was invoiced at $350. and comprised such articles as are to be found in the country store of the present day. At this time, the principal citizens of Janesville were John P. Dickson, W. H. H. Bailey, Henry F. Janes, Judge Holmes, Charles Stevens, Luke Stoughton, Dr. Guy Stoughton, John Langdon Kimball, Gen. Sheldon and Thomas Lappin. The frame building occupied by Ward & Lappin, the frame dwellings owned by J. P. Plummer, and Janes' log tavern, were the only buildings on the west side of Main street. On the east side, there were the Stage House [see " Hotels "], a little frame building occupied by Janes, a frame dwelling on the site of Fredendall's Block, and another frame on the Court House Square. The residence of Judge Holmes in Rockport was the only frame building on the west side of the river. In July, 1840, Ward & Lappin dissolved partnership, and Mr. Lappin commenced busi ness on his own account, with a stock valued at $140. Mr. Lappin bought some sugar and molasses in Galena, at an expense of $50 for transportation, and then walked to Chicago to buy his dry goods. When he had made his purchase, and the goods were invoiced, it was found that he exceeded his money by $15, for which the house refused to trust him. In 1841, D. A. Richardson opened a store a few feet north of Mr. Lappin's establishment, and, early in 1842, Mr. Lappin built a two-story frame store on the present site of Lappin's Block, and soon took W. H. H. Bailey in as a partner. In July of that year, Janesville con tained two stores, ten dwellings, two taverns, and between seventy and eighty inhabitants. McClure & Felton, a Milwaukee firm, also opened a store with a large stock of goods. In 1844, they failed in their venture, and were succeeded by Stoughton, Lawrence & Co. This firm sub sequently became Lawrence & Atwood. In December, 1843, there were thirty-six dwellings and 333 inhabitants. In August, 1845, there were 157 dwellings and 855 inhabitants. Of these buildings* twenty-six were built of brick, nine of stone, seven of logs, and 115 were frames. Cows were not allowed to run at large in the streets then, as now, and there was but one lot in the village with a fence about it. The west bank of the river, whereon stands the principal portion of Janesville to-day, was cov ered with burr-oaks, and in some places with an undergrowth of thick hazel-brush. There were but' four buildings on that side of the river then — those of Judge Holmes, J. B. Doe, Hiram Bishop and Mr. Holcomb. The Madison road was the only one opened from the bridge on the west side, and that passed through where the Corn Exchange and Trinity Church are now located. A tri-weekly line of four-horse stages passed through from Milwaukee to Galena ; two weekly two-horse stages connected the village with Madison, and tri-weekly lines were run to HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 535 Dixon's Ferry and Racine. A weekly mail wagon ran to Chicago. In December of this year, there were nine dry-goods stores, one commission store and three groceries, with an estimated aggregate value of goods of $100,000. There were also six lawyers, five physicians, one news paper, three church congregations and two schools, with 217 scholars. As stated above, the population at this time was 855. Of th«se, 397 were natives of New York, 65 of Vermont, 34 of Ohio, 26 of Pennsylvania, 25 of Massachusetts, 17 of New Hampshire, 15 of Maine, 15 of Michigan, 12 of Connecticut, 12 of Indiana, 8 of Virginia, 6 of Illinois, and 1 each of Iowa, Rhode Island, Maryland and New Jersey. Of the foreign population, 66 were from England, 35 from Canada, 21 from Ireland, 11 from Norway, 10 from Wales, 7 from Scotland, 5 from Germany, and 2 from la belle France. There was also one colored — a woman one hundred years of age. Joseph Hanchett and Eliza Ricord, aged respectively sixty-seven and seventy-nine years, were the oldest white inhabitants in Janesville at the time. In March, 1849, B. F. Hilton, a citizen of Janesville, made a census of the place of his adoption, with the following result : " The village," he says, " contains 1,812 inhabitants, 985 of which are males and 827 females. There are 497 under ten years of age, 232 from ten to twenty, 411 between twenty and thirty, 301 between thirty and forty, 132 between forty and fifty, 32 between fifty and sixty, 17 between sixty and seventy, 8 between seventy and eighty, and 2 between eighty and ninety. The birth-places of these are as follows : New York, 452 ; Wisconsin, 170 ; Pennsylvania, 88 ; Virginia, 9 ; New Hamp shire, 82 ; Iowa, 1 ; Indiana, 13 ; Maine, 21 ; New Jersey, 6 ; Maryland, 4 ; Kentucky 5 ; Tennessee, 1 ; Vermont, 103 ; Massachusetts, 51 ; Connecticut, 29 ; Michigan, 25 Ohio, 83 ; Illinois, 17 ; Alabama, 3 ; Rhode Island, 2 ; Delaware, 21 ; South Carolina, 2 North Carolina and Georgia, 1 each ; England, 96 ; Ireland, 85 ; Scotland, 17 ; Wales, 24 Canada, 79 ; Norway, 26 ; Germany, 18 ; France, 4 ; Denmark, Halifax, Shetland, Nova Scotia and Island of Guernsey, 1 each. The professional gentlemen consist of 9 ministers, 3 school teachers, 1 surveyor and engineer, 10 doctors, 16 lawyers, 58 merchants and 3 land spec ulators. The mechanics include 18 blacksmiths, 24 shoemakers, 51 joiners and carpenters, 18 masons, 11 carriage-makers, 8 plowmakers, 8 tailors, 7 tailoresses, 9 cabinet-makers, 2 whip manufacturers, 3 saddle and harness makers, 1 upholsterer, 6 painters, 2 sash and blind manu facturers, 13 milliners and dressmakers, 4 butchers, 13 millers, 12 printers, 2 jewelers, 5 tinners, 6 brickmakers, 2 fanning-mill manufacturers, 10 coopers, 4 chair manufacturers, 3 brewers, 6 excavators, 1 shaft turner, 1 block printer, 2 barbers, 5 pastry cooks, 1 baker, 2 starchmakers, 4 millwrights, 1 stone-cutter, 1 machinist, 1 molder, 1 broom-maker, 1 engraver ; besides the above-named merchandisers, there are 48 farmers, 2 gardeners, 2 dairymen, 14 teamsters, 3 boatmen, 4 sell whisky, and the remainder work for ' Dad.' " " There have been 51 births in the past year, 23 deaths, 12 of which were children, 2 with old age, 1 by falling, 2 drowned, 1 by dropsy and 5 by ordinary diseases. There are 318 families, 113 residing on the east side ofthe river and 205 on the west. There are 218 dwelling-houses, ' 107 on the east side and 171 on the west side ; 116 have been erected within 18 months. There are 30 stores, 2 of which are hardware, 3 drug, 2 clothing, 1 boot and book store and 2 temper ance groceries. There are 3 taverns, the families of each (boarders included) numbering as fol lows ; Stage House, 87 ; Stevens House, 45, and the American, 42. For public buildings, we have an Episcopal chapel, that, for size and neatness, does honor to the village; an Episcopal Methodist chapel, an academy, a respectable (during the intervals of the court) Court House, three schoolhouses, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Temperance hall and a Masonic hall ; and for those whose publicity exceeds their respectability, we have a billiard- room, bowling alley, the Alhambra, and the jail. " There are 2 excellent flouring-mills, one with six and the other with four run of stone ; 1 starch factory, 1 brewery, 2 plow shops, 3 cabinet shops, 2 fanning-mill shops, 2 chair factories, 3 carriage shops, 9 blacksmith shops, 1 sash and blind factory, 2 jewelers' and 2 tin shops, 1 bakery, 2 saddlers, 4 tailors' shops, 3 milliners' shops, 2 coopers' shops, 2 lumber-yards, 3 brick yards and 2 stone wharfs. 536 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. " The institutions of this village are young but flourishing, and of a character that would honor the most famous city of Europe or America, consisting of 2 common, 3 select and 1 acad emy school, a Methodist Episcopal Church, numbering 82 ; an Episcopal Church, numbering 40; a Presbyterian Church, 63; a Baptist Church, 55, and a Primitive Methodist Church, numbering 15. There is a Division of the Sons of Temperance, No. 101 ; a Lodge I. 0. 0. F., No. 100 ; an Encampment, No. 40, and a Masonic Lodge, No. 35." JANESVILLE AS A CITY. Arrangements which had been in progress for some time, looking to the incorporation of Janesville as a city, were concluded early in 1853, and, on the 19th of March of that year, "An act to incorporate the city of Janesville " was duly approved. The act provided that the terri tory lying in the county of Rock, and known as Sections 1 and 2 in Township 2 ; Sections 25, 26 and 36 in Township 3, north of Range 12 east, together with the west half of Section 6 in Township 2 north, of Range 13 east, and the west half of Sections 30 and 31 in Township 3 north, of Range 13 east, should constitute the city of Janesville, be a municipal corporation and have the general powers possessed by municipal corporations at common law in addition to. special powers, specially granted. It was provided further that the Mayor, Clerk, Superintendent of Schools, Treasurer, Attorney and Marshal, and one Justice of the Peace for each of the four wards into which the city was divided, should be elected annually on the first Tuesday of April, his term of office commencing on the second Tuesday of April. In accordance with the provisions of this act, an election was held on the first Tuesday of April, 1853, with the following result, the Aldermen being chosen two for one year and one for two years from each ward, respectively : Mayor, A. Hyatt Smith ; Clerk, J. H. Ogilvie ; Superintendent of Schools, C. P. King ; Treasurer, J. W. Hobson ; Attorney, C. S. Jordan ; Marshal, W. F. Tompkins ; Aldermen— B. F. Pixley, E. L. Roberts and W. P. Burroughs, of the First Ward; J. J. R. Pease, Timothv Jackman and George Barnes, of the Second ; E. A. Howland, B. B. Eldredge and Charles H. Conrad, of the Third, and George H. Williston, George W. Taylor and John Carlin, of the Fourth. Justices of the Peace — Moses S. Prichard, for the First Ward ; Abraham C. Bailey, for the Second ; Lucius Field, for the Third, and D. Clow, for the Fourth. The first meeting of the Common Council was convened on the evening of the 12th day of April, 1853, in the office of the Rock River Valley Union Railroad Company (corner of Main and River streets, on the present site of the First National Bank), organized by the election of B. F. Pixley as President of the Board, and the following Constables : S. J. Belton, for the First Ward ; Ira Burnham and Calvin Chapin, for the Second : Thomas H. Brogan, for the Third, and Charles L. Weed, for the Fourth. At the same meeting, the Democratic Standard was elected the official paper, and Eli McKee, City Surveyor. City Officers elected April 4, 1854.— Mayor, J. Bodwell Doe ; Clerk, Amos P. Prichard ;. Superintendent of Schools, James Sutherland ; Treasurer, John W. White ; Marshal, Charles Yates; Assessor, John L. Kimball; Aldermen— James H. Ogilvie and R. B. Treat, of the First Ward ; Timothy Jackman and Edward L. Dimock, of the Second : Lewis E. Stone and Henry O. Clark, of the Third, and Ira Miltimore and William P. Cobb,' of the Fourth. Jus tices of the Peace— Samuel J. Belton, of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, of the Second ; J. N. Corson, of the Fourth. Constables — Calvin Story, of the First Ward; Hiram A. Vosburg, of the Second ; Thomas H. Brogan, of the Third, and J. G. Alden, of the Fourth. At a meeting of the Common Council held May 27, O. C. Merriman was elected City Attorney, and John L. Kimball, City Assessor. June 10, A. B. Miller was elected City Surveyor. December 9, C. P. King was elected Superintendent of Schools, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Sutherland. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 537 February 3, 1855, G. S. Dodge was elected to succeed C. P. King as Superintendent of Schools. City Officers elected April 3, 1855. — Mayor Edward L. Dimock; Clerk, Amos P. Prichard; Treasurer, Freeman A. Kimball. Aldermen — David Noggle and John L. Kimball, of the First Ward; James B. Crosby and S. C. Burnham, of the Second; Ellery A. Howland and Levi St. John of the Third, and John H. Vermilye and F. S. Lawrence, of the Fourth. Justices of the Peace, Samuel J. Belton, of the First Ward ; L. Field, of the Third, and Franklin Whitaker, of the Fourth. On the 29th of March, an act of the Legislature amended the city charter, by which the offices of Marshal, Constable, Assessor, School Commissioner and Superintendent were selected by the Common Council (having previously been elected), and, at the meeting held April 14, 1855, the following appointments were made : Marshal, T. C. Sleeper ; Assessor, H. 0. Wilson ; School Commissioners, J. Sutherland, of the First Ward ; S. W. Smith, Second Ward ; M. C. Smith, Third Ward, and Andrew Palmer, Fourth Ward. Constables — John Sparling, of the First Ward ; Ira Burnham, Second Ward ; Thomas H. Brogan, Third Ward, and J. G. Alden, Fourth Ward. April 28, G. W. Cummings was elected City Attorney. June 23, A. B. Miller was elected City Engineer. City Officers elected April 1, 1856. — Mayor, John J. R. Pease; Clerk, A. P. Prich ard ; Treasurer, Gilbert Dolsen ; Aldermen — J. A. Sleeper and R. B. Treat, of the First Ward ; A. G>. Bates and C. W. Dow, of the Second Ward ; B. B. Eldridge and Lyman Smith, of the Third Ward, and William Hume and Thomas Thornton, of the Fourth Ward ; Justices of the Peace — Hiram Taylor, oi the Second Ward, and E. R. Tioe, of the Fourth Ward. At a special meeting of Council convened April 15, the following officers were elected : Marshal. Thomas C. Sleeper; City Attorney, I. C. Sloan; Assessor, Charles H. Conrad; School Commissioners — Hiram Foot, First Ward ; S. W. Smith, Second Ward ; G. W. Law rence, Third Ward, and Henry W. Collins, Fourth Ward ; Constables — John Sparling, First Ward ; H. A. Vosburg, Second Ward ; T. H. Brogan, Third Ward, and Daniel McDougal, Fourth Ward. April 17, John W. Hobson was elected Alderman from the First Ward to succeed David Noggle. At a special election held May 6, S. A. Hudson was awarded the certificate of election as Police Justice. At a special election for Aldermen in the Second Ward, held May 22, E. L. Dimock and S. C. Burnham were awarded the certificates. June 19, James M. Burgess was elected a member of the Board of Aldermen from the Second Ward to succeed E. L. Dimock. June 27, A. B. Miller elected City Engineer. In 1857, two additional wards were created by Legislative enactment ; the Fifth Ward from territory included in the Third and Fourth Wards, and the Sixth Ward from territory included in the Second Ward. The act providing for the creation of the Fifth Ward also created the office of Street Commissioner, the election of which was ordered at the election for city officers next ensuing, which fell on the 7th day of April, 1857, and resulted as follows : Mayor, A. Hyatt Smith ; Clerk, Felix Barrere ; Treasurer, Ira Justin, Jr. ; Street Commis sioner, Edward Harper. Aldermen — S. J. Belton and F. A. Kimball, of the First Ward ; A. Newhoff and S. Hutson, Second Ward ; L. Smith aud C. H. Conrad, Third Ward ; J. H. Vermilye and D. Clow, Fourth Ward ; Ira Miltimore, T. Thornton and W. Hughes, Fifth Ward, and A. W. Bunster, J. Robbins and S. Martin, Sixth Ward. Justices of the Peace — M. W. Fish, of the First Ward ; L. Field, Third Ward ; J. N. Corson, Fourth Ward ; S. H. Kellogg, Fifth Ward, and Z. S. Doty, Sixth Ward. The new Council convened in regular session for the first time on the evening of April 29, and organized by the election of B. B. Eldredge, President, after which the city officers subject 538 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. s to appointment by Council were disposed of as follows : City Attorney, J. W. D. Parker ; Marshal, J. L. D. Eycleshimer. The Constables elected April 30, were John Belton, of the First Ward ; Peyton Russell, Second Ward; P. Baker, Third Ward; Daniel McDougal, Fourth Ward; J. Rook, Fifth Ward, and S. C. Burnham, Sixth Ward. Ezra Miller was elected City Surveyor. At a special meeting convened May 2, the Board of School Commissioners was elected as follows : Hiram Foot, of the First Ward ; S. W. Smith, Second Ward ; G. W. Lawrence, Third Ward ; 0. J. Dearborn, Fourth Ward ; W. W. Mclntyre, Fifth Ward, and Isaac Woodle' Sixth Ward. At the same meeting, H. Taylor was elected Assessor. In 1858, the old order of things was restored by an act, approved March 25, of that year, consolidating the act incorporating the city and the acts amendatory thereto, by the provisions of which the city was again divided into four wards. City Officers elected April 6, 1858. — Mayor, William A. Lawrence ; Clerk, Felix Bar- rere ; Treasurer, Ira Justin, Jr.; Police Justice, J. W. D. Parker ; Justice of the Peace, James Armstrong. Aldermen — Volney Atwood and Moses S. Prichard, ofthe First Ward ; A. M. Pratt and A. C. Bates, Second Ward; L. E. Stone and I. C. Sloan, Third Ward, and P. H. Grant and H. S. Sheltop, Fourth Ward. The first meeting of the new Council was held on Thursday evening, April 22, at which Moses S. Prichard was elected President of the Board and the following city officials appointed : School Commissioners — James Sutherland, of the First Ward ; S. W. Smith, Second Ward ; B. B. Eldredge, Third Ward, and H. W. Collins, Fourth Ward ; Assessors, Nathaniel Parker, Charles R. Gibbs and George H. Williston. Constables — William H. Parker, of the First Ward ; S. C. Burnham, Second Ward ; C. C. Gillett, Third Ward, and J. L. D. Eycles himer, Fourth Ward. June 17. — I. Woodle was elected Corporation Counsel. August 5. — Resolutions appropriate to the occasion were adopted and 100 guns ordered to bo fired in honor of the laying of the Atlantic Cable. September 20. — At an election held this day, Sanford A. Hudson was elected Mayor to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of William A. Lawrence, and Charles H. Conrad, Alderman from the Third Ward, to succeed L. E. Stone, resigned. November 3. — Daniel McDougal was elected Constable at large. At the annual election held April 5, 1859, but one Alderman was chosen from each ward, in accordance with the amendment to the charter, approved March 25, 1858. School Commis sioners and Constables were also elected by the wards instead of by Council, in accordance with the amendment, approved March 17, 1859. Mayor, S. A. Hudson ; Clerk, Felix Barrere ; Treasurer, Ira Justin, Jr. ; Justice of the Peace, H. A. Patterson. Aldermen — S. J. Belton, of the First Ward; J. J. R. Pease, Second Ward ; J. P. Dickson and J. C. Fredendall (to fill vacancy), Third Ward, and H. S. Shelton and J. H. Vermilye (to fill vacancy), Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — A. Graham, ofthe First Ward, and Hiram Bowen, Second Ward. Constables — Wm. H. Parker, of the First Ward; S. C. Burnham, Second Ward ; C. G. Gillett, Third Ward, and Thomas Whalen, Fourth Ward. At the inaugural meeting of the Board, held on Thursday evening, April 21, J. P. Dick son was elected President and the following city officials chosen : School Commissioner from the Fourth Ward, James Armstrong ; City Attorney, Isaac Woodle. April 30. — Nathaniel Parker, J. M. Haselton and John W. Allen were elected Assessors. City Officers elected April 3, 1860. — Mayor, R. B. Treat ; Clerk, F. Barrere ; Treasurer, George A. Young; Police Justice, H. N. Comstock; Justice of the Peace, Hiram Potter. Aldermen — William M. Tallman, of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, of the Second; Lyman Smith, of the Third, and Prosper A. Pierce, of the Fourth. School Commissioners — Henry Palmer, of the First Ward ; H. A. Patterson, of the Second ; S. W. Smith, of the Third, and James Armstrong, of the Fourth. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; S. C. Burn ham, ofthe Second; C. G. Gillett, ofthe Third, and A. H. Johnson, ofthe Fourth. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 539 At the first meeting of the Board, A. C. Bates was elected President. May 4, Isaac Woodle elected City Attorney ; J. C. Jenkins and E. A. Howland, Assessors. City Officers elected April 3, 1861. — Mayor, J. B. Doe; Treasurer, G. A. Young; Clerk, Felix Barrere; Justice of the Peace, H. A. Patterson. Aldermen — N. Parker, of the First Ward ; George Barnes, of the Second ; W. H. Collins, of the Third, and H. S. Shelton, of the Fourth School Commissioners — William B. Strong, of the First, and G. W. Lawrence, of the Third Ward. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; H. A. Robertson, Second Ward ; C. G. Gillett, Third Ward, and Michael Mulvihill, Fourth Ward. May 25, S. J. Belton and C. R. Gibbs appointed Assessors ; November 14, Michael Lynch appointed City Engineer. J. W. D. Parker served a portion of the year as Attorney for the city, and H. A. Patter son as Police Justice during the absence ofthe regular incumbent. City Officers elected April 1, 1862. — Mayor, J. B. Doe ; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, Andrew Boss ; Police Justice, H. N. Comstock ; Justice ofthe Peace, John Nichols. Aldermen — D. H. McChesney and W. Robinson, of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, Second Ward; L. F, Patten, Third Ward, and H. E. Pattison, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — E. F. Spauld ing, of the First Ward ; James Armstrong, Fourth Ward, and William A. Lawrence, at large. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; Jacob Robbins, Second Ward ; Phillip Baker, Third Ward, and John Lawler, Fourth Ward. April 11. — John Winans elected Alderman from th,e First Ward, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of T5. Parker. April 24. — A. C. Bates elected President of the Board. May 23. — F. Barrere and C. R. Gibbs elected Assessors. June 5. — Michael Lynch appointed City Engineer. December 11. — H. N. Comstock elected School Commissioner, vice James Armstrong, deceased. J. D. W. Parker and A. J. Sleeper served a portion of the year as City Attorney. City Officers elected April 7, 1863. — Mayor, R. B. Treat ; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, George H. Williston ; Police Justice, S. A. Hudson ; Justice of the Peace, H. A. Pat terson. Aldermen — W. B. Strong, of the First Ward ; S. C. Burnham, Second Ward ; J. C. Fredendall, Third Ward, and H. S. Shelton, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — 0. J. Dearborn, of the First Ward ; S. W. Smith, Third Ward, and C. R. Gibbs, at large. Consta bles— J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; A. W. Parker, Second Ward ; A. B. Douglass, Third Ward, and J. Mahoney, Fourth Ward. April 30. — S. C. Burnham elected President of the Board; S. D. Locke, City Engineer, and J. W. D. Parker, Corporation Counsel. May 16. — John Nichols and A. E. Burpee elected Assessors. January 29, 1864. — C. G. Williams appointed City Attorney. City Officers elected April 5, 1864. — Mayor, John Mitchell; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, G. H. Williston ; Police Justice, S. A. Hudson ; Justice of the Peace, Joseph Baker ; Sealer of Weights, William Macloon. Aldermen — A. A. Jackson and A. Graham (to fill vacancy), of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, Second Ward ; H. L. Smith, Third Ward, and A. McDougall, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — A. S. Jones, of the Second Ward ; B. F. Pendleton, Fourth Ward, and C. R. Gibbs, at large. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; A. W. Parker, Second Ward ; P. Baker, Third Ward, and A. H. Johnson, Fourth Ward. April 21. — S. C Burnham elected President of the Board. May 5. — John Nichols and W. M. Tallman elected Assessors. May 19.— G. S. Strasberger elected Assessor, vice W. M. Tallman, declined. January 26, 1865.— C. G. Williams elected Ci,ty Attorney. City Officers elected April 4, 1865. — Mayor, John Mitchell ; Treasurer, Sylvester Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, George H. Williston ; Justice of the Peace, C. G. Gillett ; Sealer of Weights, E. H. Strong. Aldermen — Alexander Graham, of the First Ward; Hiram Jackman, Second 540 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Ward; C. H. Conrad, Third Ward, and F. S. Eldred, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — C. L. Thompson, of the First Ward ; S. Holdredge, Jr., Second Ward, and 0. J. Dearborn, at large. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward; A. W. Parker, Second Ward; P. Baker, Third Ward, and A. H. Johnson, Fourth Ward. April 19. — Alexander Graham elected President of the Board ; S. D. Locke, City Engi neer. C. G. Williams was retained as City Attorney. City Officers elected April 3, 1866. — Mayor, Henry Palmer ; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, G. H. Williston; Police Justice, S. A. Hudson; Justice of the Peace, J. Baker; Sealer of Weights, N. Griswold. Aldermen — C. T. Webber, of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, Sec ond ; S. Holdredge, Jr., Third Ward, and H. S. Shelton, Fourth Ward. School Commission ers — H. A. Patterson, of the Second Ward ; G. R. Curtis, Fourth Ward, and C. R. Gibbs, at large. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward; A. W. Parker, Second Ward; P. Baker, Third Ward, and A. Barrett, Fourth Ward. April 19. — Alexander Graham re-elected President of the Board, and Robert Patten, City Engineer. May 14, — J. C. Fredendall and F. S. Lawrence elected Assessors. City Officers elected April 2, 1867. — Mayor, II. Palmer ; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr. ; Clerk, G. H. Williston ; Justice of the Peace, Moses S. Prichard ; Sealer of Weights, William Mac loon. Aldermen — S. G. Williams, of the First Ward ; Robert Hodge, Second Ward ; C. H. Conrad, Third Ward, and J. James, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — H. N. Comstock, of the First Ward ; S. Holdredge, Jr., Third Ward, and W. A. Lawrence, at large. Constables —J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; A. W. Parker, Second Ward ; Philip Baker, Third Ward, and A. H. Johnson, Fourth Ward. April 22. — A. C. Bates elected President of the Board ; John Winans, City Attorney ; C. G. Gillett, City Marshal, and S. D. Locke, City Engineer. May 15. — J. W. Story and S. L. James elected Assessors. July 19. — J. E. Skinner elected Alderman of the Third Ward, vice 0. H. Conrad, resigned. City Officers elected April 7, 1868. — Mayor, A. A. Jackson ; Treasurer, S. Foord, Jr.; Clerk, J. H. Williston; Police Justice, S. A. Hudson; Justice of the Peace, William Smith, Jr.; Sealer of Weights, William Macloon. Aldermen — Alexander Graham, of the First Ward; Anson Rogers, Second Ward, and Samuel Rolston, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — H. A. Patterson, of the Second Ward ; G. R. Curtis, Fourth Ward, and William A. Lawrence, at large. Constables — J. W. Plato, of the First Ward ; A. W. Parker, Second Ward ; P. Baker, Third Ward, and A. H. Johnson, Fourth Ward. April 29. — Ira Miltimore elected President of the Board ; John Winans, City Attorney, and S. D. Locke, City Engineer. May 6. — S. G. Bailev and J. C. Fredendall elected Assessors. July 17. — F. S. Lawrence elected City Treasurer vice S. Foord, Jr., resigned. July 29. — Edmund Hill elected City Marshal. City Officers elected April, 6, 1869. — Mayor, R. A. Loveland; Treasurer, F. S. Lawrence; Clerk, G. H. Williston; Justice of the Peace, M. S. Prichard; City Attorney, John W. Sale; Sealer of Weights, J. Church. Aldermen — N. 0. Clark, of the First Ward; S. C. Burnham, Second Ward ; 0. Guernsey, Third Ward, and J. James, Fourth Ward. School Commission ers — E. G. Fifield, of the First Ward; L. F. Patten, Second Ward, and J. B. Whiting at large. By act of Legislature, approved March 9, 1869, the office of City Attorney was made elective. April 28. — Ira Miltimore elected President of the Board; Richard K. Lee, City Engi neer; H. N. Comstock, A. K. Cutts, R. T. Pember and Merritt Case, Constables. May 12. — J. M. Haselton and J. C. Fredendall elected Assessors. June 5. — C. M. Heimstreet elected City Marshal vice R. T. Pember, who had declined to qualify. ,:.Mf,. 6L-iA^<^ HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 543 City Officers elected April 5, 1870. — Mayor, J. B . Doe ; Treasurer, F. S. Lawrence ; Clerk, C. L. Valentine ; Justice of the Peace, James M. Burgess ; Police Justice, William Smith, Jr. ; City Attorney, J. W. Sale ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, G. K. Collins. Aldermen — J. C. Metcalf, of the First Ward; Anson Rogers, Second Ward; Ira Miltimore, Third Ward, and J. A. Blount, Fourth Ward. Supervisors — J. D. Rexford, of the First Ward; J. J. R. Pease, Second Ward ; H. R. Richardson, Third Ward, and J. W. St. John, Fourth Ward. School Commissioners — H. A. Patterson, of the First Ward, and G. R. Curtis, Second Ward. By act of the Legislature, approved March 10, 1870, provision was made for the represen tation of each ward in the Board of Supervisors of the county in which such ward was situated, and the charter of Janesville was amended agreeable to such provision. April 26. — Ira Miltimore elected President of the Board ; J. W. Plato, M. Schuyler, A. W. Parker and Merritt Case, Constables, and Edward Ruger, City Engineer. May 10. — G. H. Williston and J. H. Balch elected Assessors. June 16. — A. K. Cutts elected City Marshal. City Officers elected on the first Tuesday in April, 1871. — Mayor, Anson Rogers ; Treas urer, F. S. Lawrence ; Clerk, C. L. Valentine ; City Attorney, John Winans ; Justice of the Peace, M. S. Prichard ; Justice of the Peace (to fill vacancy), J. M. Case ; Sealer of Weights and Measures — H. Knoff. Aldermen — E. G. Fifield, of the First Ward ; J. J. R. Pease, Second Ward ; B. B. Eldredge, Third Ward ; 0. P. Robinson, Fourth Ward, and L. F. Smith and E. Lewis, Fifth Ward. School -Commissioners — L. J. Barrows, of the First Ward ; 0. R. Smith, Third Ward ; C. Skelly, Fifth Ward, and William A. Lawrence, at large. Supervisors — S. A. Hudson, of the First Ward ; A. Hoskins, Second Ward ; H. Richardson, Third Ward ; Andrew Palmer, Fourth Ward, and J. B. Carle, Fifth Ward. As will be seen, a new ward — the Fifth — was created out of the First and Fourth Wards. April 26. — E. Lewis elected President of the Board. May 3. — J. H. Balch and G. H. Williston elected Assessors ; Edward Ruger, City Engi neer, and W. Jeffers, Abraham Parker, 0. Brooks and John Spalding, Constables. May 17. — A. C. Bates elected Alderman of the Second Ward (to fill vacancy), and M. Schuyler Constable of the same ward. August 23. — At a special election, D. E. Fifield succeeds Ira Miltimore as Alderman of the Third Ward. City Officers elected April 3, 1872 : Mayor, James Sutherland ; Treasurer, F. S. Law rence ; Clerk, C. L. Valentine ; City Attorney, J. W. Sale ; Police Justice, W. Smith, Jr. ; Justice of the Peace, C. G. Gillett ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, H. Knoff. Aldermen — J. C. Metcalf, of the First Ward; C. L. Martin, Second Ward; D. E. Fifield, Third Ward; W. Casar, Fourth Ward; W. Knoff, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners— J. H. Balch, of the First Ward, and J. G. Orcutt, Fourth Ward. Supervisors — H. N. Comstock, of the First Ward; H. Richardson, Second Ward; Cyrus Bliss, Third Ward; D. Jeffries, Fourth Ward. April 18. — J. C. Metcalf elected President of the Board, and George Heild, A. K. Cutts, A. W. Parker, D. McDougall and Maurice Smith, Constables. May 2. — James Church and J. M. Haselton elected Assessors, and James Shearer, Chief Engineer. City Officers elected April 2, 1873. — Mayor, James Sutherland ; Treasurer, F. S. Law rence; Clerk, C. L. Valentine; City Attorney, J. W. Sale; Justice ofthe Peace, M. S. Prichard ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, H. Knoff. Aldermen — Magnus Hanson, of the First Ward ; Charles W. Stark, Second Ward ; J. B. Moon, Third Ward ; George C. McLean, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — L. J. Barrows, of the First Ward ; G. W. Lawrence, Third Ward ; Charles Skelly, Fifth Ward ; W. A. Lawrence, at large. Supervisors — Hiram Bump, of the First Ward; Jesse Miles, Second Ward; Cyrus Bliss, Third Ward; Randall Williams, Fourth Ward ; Thomas M. Lynch, Fifth Ward. 544 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The election for Alderman in the Fourth Ward between 0. P. Robinson and Levi B. Carle' having resulted in a tie, the same was determined by order of Council by casting lots, resulting in the choice of 0. P. Robinson, who took his seat as a member. April 23. — J. C. Metcalf elected President of the Board ; G. W. Wheeler, John J. Coin- stock, A. W. Parker, J. W. Carman and Merritt Case, Constables, and N. Cratzenburg, Marshal. May 7. — James Church and J. M. Haselton elected Assessors. January 14, 1874. — Henry Doty elected Constable of the Fourth Ward, vice J. W. Car man, resigned. City Officers elected April 7, 1874- — Mayor, Hiram Merrill; Treasurer, J. M. Haselton; Clerk, C. L. Valentine; City Attorney, John Winans; Justice of the Peace, Hiram Taylor; Police Justice, L. F. Patten ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, 0. Brooks. Aldermen — D. Davis, Jr., of the First Ward; Anson Rogers, Second Ward ; James Church, Third Ward ; J. A. Blount, Fourth Ward, and J. Fitzgibbons, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — F. P. Schicker, of the Second Ward, and E. C. Smith, Fourth Ward. Supervisors — E. Leavitt, of the First Ward; S. Hutchinson, Second Ward; 0. Guernsey, Third Ward; E. C. Smith, Fourth Ward, and T. M. Lynch, Fifth Ward. Constables — William J. Porter, of the First Ward ; John J. Comstock, Second Ward ; A. W. Parker, Third Ward ; Henry Doty, Fourth Ward, and Merritt Case, Fifth Ward. April 23, 0. P. Robinson elected President of the Board. May 13, J. J. R. Pease and E. L. Dimock elected Assessors, and Council decided to dispense with services of Marshal. City Officers elected in April, 1875. — Mayor, J. W. St. John ; Treasurer, J. M. Hasel ton ; Clerk, Joseph Wallace ; City Attorney, Pliny Norcross ; Justice of the Peace, F. Whita- aker; Sealer of Weights and Measures, J. Lawler. Aldermen — W. B. Britton, of the First Ward ; A. C. Bates, Second Ward ; J. M. Bostwick, Third Ward ; 0. P. Robinson, Fourth Ward, and W. Hemming, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — L. Hunt, of the First Ward ; J. B. Whiting, Third Ward; G. C. McLean, Fifth Ward, and J. Shearer, at large. Super visors — E. Levitt, of the First Ward ; J. Miles, Second Ward ; 0. Guernsey, Third Ward ; L. B. Earle, Fourth Ward, and T. M. Lynch, Fifth Ward. Constables— W. J. Porter, of the First Ward ; J. J. Comstock, Second Ward ; A. W. Parker, Third Ward ; H. Doty, Fourth Ward, and M. Case, Fifth Ward. April 23. — J. A. Blount elected President of the Board. May 11. — John J. R. Pease and E. L. Dimock elected Assessors. Francis Whittaker officiated a portion of the year as Police Justice, during the sickness of that official. City Officers elected in April, 1876. — Mayor, J. W. St. John ; Treasurer, J. M. Haselton ; Clerk, E. L. Dimock; City Attorney, Pliny Norcross; Justice of the Peace, M. M. Phelps; Police Justice, L. F. Patten ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Herman Knoff. Aldermen — D. Davis, Jr., of the First Ward ; S. S. Judd, Second Ward ; J. A. Blount, Fourth Ward, and J. B. Fitzgibbons, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — J. C. Burnham, Jr., of the Second Ward, and M. M. Conant, Fourth Ward. Supervisors — J. C. Metcalf, of the First Ward ; J. J. R. Pease, Second Ward ; Fenner Kimball, Third Ward ; L. B. Carle, Fourth Ward, and E. Ratheram, Fifth Ward. Constables — J. II. Taylor, of the First Ward ; J. J. Comstock, Second Ward; A. W. Parker, Third Ward ; J. F. Drake, Fourth Ward, and Merritt Case, Fifth Ward. April 28. — James Church declared Alderman ofthe Third Ward, and J. A. Blount elected President of the Board. May 4. — A. D. Wickham and J. J. R. Pease elected Assessors. May 9. — A. C. Ressiguie elected Assessor, vice J. J. R. Pease, declined. City Officers elected April 3, 1877. — Mayor, Pliny Norcross ; Treasurer, J. M. Hasel ton; Clerk, E. L. Dimock ; City Attorney, E. F. Carpenter ; Justice ofthe Peace, J. II. Balch ; HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 545 , Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. Richnrdson. Aldermen — F. S. Lawrence, of the First Ward; S. Hutchinson, Second Ward; H. D. McKinney, Third Ward; John T.Wilcox, Fourth Ward, and William Hemming, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — Lewis Hunt, First Ward ; J. B. Whiting, Third Ward ; G. C. McLean, Fifth Ward, and James Shearer, at large. Supervisors — J. C. Metcalf, First Ward ; 0. F. Nowlan, Second Ward ; Fenner Kimball, Third Ward ; L. B. Carle, Fourth Ward, and E. Ratheram, Fifth Ward. Constables — J. H. Taylor, First Ward ; A. W. Parker, Third Ward ; J. F. Drake, Fourth Ward, and M. Case, Fifth Ward. April 24, J. A. Blount elected President of the Board, and J. M. Burgess and A. D. Wickham, Assessors. City Officers elected April 2, 1878. — Mayor, Pliny Norcross ; Treasurer, J. M. Hasel ton ; Clerk, James M. Burgess ; City Attorney, Horace McElroy ; Justice of the Peace, A. D. Wickham ; Police Justice, M. S. Prichard ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. Richardson. Aldermen — D. Davis, ofthe First Ward ; W. T. Vankirk, Second Ward; James Church, Third Ward ; Patrick Joyce, Fourth Ward, and J. B. Fitzgibbon, Fifth Ward. School Commission ers — S. C. Burnham, Jr., of the Second Ward, and J. W. St. John, Fourth Ward. Supervi sors— J. C. Metcalf, of the First Ward ; 0. F. Nowlan, Second Ward ; B. B. Eldredge, Third Ward ; L. B. Carle, Fourth Ward, and E. Ratheram, Fifth Ward. Constables — John II. Tay lor, ofthe First Ward ; John J. Comstock, Second Ward; A. W. Parker, Third Ward; J. F. Drake, Fourth Ward, and Merritt Case, Fifth Ward. April 23, D. Davis elected President ofthe Board, Edward Murdock and Edward Connell Assessors. April 30, Charles Sexton elected Assessor, vice Edward Murdock declined. October 14, Thomas T. Croft elected School Commissioner of the First Ward, vice Lewis Hunt, resigned. December 23, A. K. Cutts elected Constable ofthe Second Ward, vice John J. Comstock, resigned. March 3, Alexander M. Russell elected City Marshal. City Officers elected April 1, 1879. — Mayor, Samuel C. Cobb ; Treasurer, J. M. Hasel ton ; Clerk, James M. Burgess ; City Attorney, E. F. Carpenter ; Justice of the Peace, Frank Brooks ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. Richardson. Aldermen — T. T. Croft, of the First Ward ; W. Cox, Second Ward ; George Barnes, Third Ward ; 0. P. Robinson, Fourth Ward, and James H. Burns, Fifth Ward. School Commissioners — James. Shearer, of the First Ward; W. D. Hastings, Third Ward; B. J. Daly, Fifth Ward, and Stanley B. Smith, at large. Supervisors — J. C. Metcalf, of the First Ward ; 0. F. Nowlan, Second Ward ; B. B. Eldredge, Third Ward ; L. B. Carle, Fourth Ward, and E. Ratheram, Fifth Ward. Consta bles—John H. Taylor, of the First Ward ; A. K. Cutts, Second Ward ; A. W. Parker, Third Ward; J. F. Drake, Fourth Ward, and George Rook, Fifth Ward. April 21, D. Davis elected President of the Board, and William Hodson and Edward Con nell, Assessors. Janesville is the chief manufacturing center in Southeastern Wisconsin. The population is given at 14,000 souls. The city limits cover five sections, or 3,200 acres of land. It i* almost in the center of Rock County. The principal business portion is on the east side of the river on a flat from one to two hundred yards in width lying between the river and a range of hills covered with beautiful groves. The city is growing very rapidly on the West Side, and at present quite a rivalry is developing between those owning property on the East Side and those with interests on the West. It is a good-natured rivalry, though, and can do injury to neither. THE JANES CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER no. 1. Uniontown, Cal., April 17, 18o-5. Editor Janesville Gazette, Dear Sir: I found a stray Chicago paper from which I have cut the following: " Janesville— The population of Janesville according to the census just taken, is 6.029; number of voters, 1,275. The Gazette states that ten years ago ihe population of the entire township was less than 800." 546 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. From the above, I conclude that there is a paper published in Janesville called the Gazette, and not having seen it, I don't know that it has the scent of sulphur on it, so that I could tell which of the defunct political partie8 it has affinity to, and shall on that point plead " Know-Nothingism," only I suppose that no Democratic weed could ever vegetate to any degree of perfection in so pure a place as Janesville was, when I was a youngster. I naturally suppose that among 6,000 inhabitants, there may be some a little curious to know by whom and how the place owes its origin, and who gave it the name, etc. In the first place, I would say that Amos Kendall, Postmaster General under Van Buren, gave the name of Janesville to the post office, and appointed H. F. Janes the first Postmaster at that place long, long ago, as old Dr. Jaynes, of Philadelphia, has claimed the name for the sale of his quack medi cines. I appeal to A. T. Walker, G. H. Williston, D. Smiley, Charles Stevens, Gen. Sheldon, and others, who weie in Rock County at an early day. On the loth day of January, 1836, I cut the initials of my name on a " black jack" on the city plat and called it my claim. At that time, Samuel St. John was the only resident in the county. When I left Janesville, the stump of the old "black jack" was standing in the street between the house built by myself and Charles Stevens and the river, on the north side of the street. Please respect it on my account, as it was awful cold when I made the claim. Since that time I have been constantly working westward till the nasty Pacific has made a stop to further progress in that direction. In the fall of 1849, my western progress was suddenly stopped by the Pacific, and yet the sun sets west of me, and my wife positively refuses to go to the Sandwich Islands, and the bark is starting off my rails and that is longer than I ever allowed myself to remain on one farm, so that I am at loss how to act in the present dilemma. My son, Jasper N. Janes, was born in Janesville May 15, 1838, and was the first child born in the place.* He is now in his seventeenth year, is tall and slim and partakes rather strongly of Young America. If any of the " Wau- hoos" of Janesville who have not the good or bad fortune to be acquainted with me desire more information, I can inform them that I am now in my fifty-second year, weigh two hundred and ten pounds, stand six feet and two inches in my socks, and have rambled with my family over more of the western country and to less purpose than any other man in it. If any of my old comrades should yet be living and think enough of me to send me a line, they can do so by directing to Uniontown, Humboldt Bay, California.! In the paragraph that put me to scribbling this epistle, it appears that ten years ago there were not eight hundred inhabitants in the whole township. Well, at the annual election in the fall of 1836, the whole number of votes cast in the county, or what is now Rock County, was 32, all told. Of these, Gilbert Knapp received 32 for the Counclil ; Alanson Sweet, William Lee and Mr. Reed had about an equal number, each for the same office, two to be elected ; Charles Durkee, Gen. Sheldon and Dr. Cornwall got the votes for the Assembly. I am satisfied that at that time the entire population of Rock County would not have reached one hundred inhabitants. The first election was held at the house of Samuel St. John, about one mile below Janesville, or below where Janesville was, in August, 1830. Should any of my old cronies wish to know what I am doing in California, I can only say that I am doing well. am well pleased with the country and in the enjoyment of excellent health. H. F. Janes. [The Janesville Standard published the foregoing letter in its issue of June 6, 1855, with the following notice : In another culumn will be found a highly interesting letter from Mr. Janes, the founder of this city, and after whom it was named. We extract it from the Gazette, to wliich paper it was written by the author. We do not care to quarrel with the old gentleman in his far-off home, because of his political principles. If we are not wrongly informed, however, he was a candidate upon the Democratic ticket at one time for the Legislature from this county, and was beaten by the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of this State, who was a Whig. The letter is well worthy a perusal, and we can only wish it may stir up some of our older citizens, to whom he alludes, to freshen their recollections and give to our people some of their reminiscences of the past. The old stump to which he alludes was on the bank of the river for a long time after our advent here, and served as a high-water mark. Mr. Janes would have it preserved a4 a memento of the past for his sake; but the hand of improvement has long since demolished it, and a stately edifice is in progress of erection upon the spot where it stood.] LETTER NO. 2. Uniontown, Humboldt Bay, Cal., November 10, 1855. Dear Sir : I have been in the receipt of your useful paper for some time past, and am not aware to whom I am indebted for it ; but, be he whom he may, he has my heartfelt thanks for his kindness, as it is received with gratitude by me, and is one of the greatest treats that falls to my lot. Previous to the receipt of the Gazette. I seldom heard of1 Janesville, except once in a great while I happened to meet a Wisconsin man, and we generally have a pleasant chat about the growth and prosperity of Wisconsin in general and Janesville in particular. I have received one paper from Janesville called the Standard, in which the editor has copied my letter to the Gazette, and. in his remarks, appeared to have been under a mistake in regard to my political faith. What I said in that letter, I said in a joke, not knowing that my scribbling would ever appear in print. I was at that time and still am a Whig in politics, and Calhoun and Clay have each said in some of their great speeches in the United States Senate that '• Wise men some times change their opinions, but fools never do," and that may account for my opinions never having undergone a change. It is true that Judge Whiton beat me for the Legislature, not on political, but on local grounds. At that time, in 1836, or 1837, Janesville was the " Sebastopol," and Beloit, Wisconsin City, St. George's Rapids, Rockport and Hume's Ferry were the allied powers that besieged it. I was put in nomination by the Janesville party, and, * By the word " place," Mr. Janes moans the village of JanQBville ; but Soth B. St. John was the first born in what are now the city limits. tMr. Janes is now (1879) living above Humboldt City, Cal. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 547 after two or three caucuses, the " allies" selected Judge Whiton, knowing that he "blew hot and cold," and would carry some of the Janesville votes, and all the combined opposition. They took him on the principle of availibility, and elected him. I was not then or at any time in my life a politician, and Bince the old lines have been abolished, 1 have rather leaned toward the Republican party. There is one point, however, that I am radical on, and that is the subject of slavery. On this point, I think I am fixed, settled and confirmed— am bound to raise my voice against it in all its phases and forms. I have long since come to the determination to make no compromise with it, but to make war with it to the handle wherever I meet it. I think I can speak advisedly on this subject. I was brought up in a Slave State, and lived, besides, in Missouri from the 15th of May, 1840, till the 22d of April. 1849, making twenty- four years and a half of my life in the midst of the curse of slavery, and, so far as Missouri is concerned, were it not for the curse of slavery, she could, in twenty years, be the Empire State, but it hangs as an incubus on her des tiny. It is the vampire that feeds upon her vitals, and, like a funeral pall, enshrouds her in darkness. Her location, her mineral resources, her vast agricultural wealth being washed by the Mississippi nearly one-half the distance round her, with the Missouri through her center — Nature could do no more for her, and all she wants is enterprise to develop her vast resources, and I would venture the prediction that, if slavery were done away, that in ten years, the price of real estate would increase to twice as much as all the negroes that are in it would sell for at this time, to say nothing of the increase of population, manufactures, arts, sciences, commerce, education, etc. I cannot help relating one circumstance that occurred in the township that I settled in at the Presidential election in the fall of 1840. It will give you some idea of the sagacity of some of Maj. Phelps' constituency. It was his Congressional District and near his residence. On the morning of the election, there was much trouble among the voters to know who to vote for for District Attorney. The trouble appeared to be to know wliich was the Democratic candidate, and they had, to use a California gambling phrase, to " go it blind," for, at that time, I am certain that there had never been a newspaper in the township, and one-half of them would not have known it had there been one, and the other half would not have known whether it belonged to the vegetable or animal kingdom.. In this dilemma, they selected their man and voted for him. Late in the evening, one of the citizens of the place that had been absent, no doubt electioneering hard all day, rode up ; and, in fact, he was the " big dog in the tan- yard," and inquired how the election went. " All well," responded a dozen voices ; "108 for Van. and 5 for Tippe canoe." "Who did you run fqr Prosecuting Attorney?" "J. S. Waddle." "J. S. Waddle 1 " responded the citizen, at the same time looking persimmons. "Yes, we run him." "Why, he was the only Whig on the ticket." " Well, we did not know it." "But didn't you know he was a Kentuckian?" "Yes." "Did you ever know a Kentuckian that knew enough to be a lawyer that was not a Whig? " You could have had some idea of the length of the 119th Psalm, if you could have seen their faces about that time. The Standard man seems to think that I would be lost in amazement if I were to visit the city at this time. No doubt such would be the fact, as he says truly I was monarch of all I surveyed, from the bank of the river to the bluff, and up and down as far as the bends in the river would permit. There was not a mark of cultivaiionjo be seen when I first marked out my location, where now stands the city of Janesville. Should I ever find myself in a condition to. pay the city a visit without cramping myself for means, I shall surely make it a visit for no other reason than to see what an enterprising people can do in twenty years. Now, some of your readers would probably think it strange that twenty years have scarcely gone by since the entire population of Janesville consisted of one family — myself, wife and four children — and the only improvements were one log cabin, 18 feet square, without door, shutter or window, and no floor but Mother Earth, and, instead of paved sidewalks and graded streets, there was an- Indian irail which wound its serpentine course through what is now probably the heart of the city, and all the land on the flat and the sides of the bluffs back from the river were covered with scrub oak, timber, and instead of the whistle of the railroad cars, or the hum and bustle ofthe thousands that daily throng your streets, we had the croak ing of the coyote, or the midnight yell of the drunken Indian. At that time there were no houses, farms or improve ments as far as the eye could reach, and traders took their course and traveled where it suited theirpurpose, and were at home where and when night overtook them. Twenty years ago I owned the only grindstone in Rock County, and people came from the remotest parts of the county to grind their axes, shares, etc. I have never been able to learn where you built your Court House. I had selected a block to put it on, on top of the hill, back of where Harvey Story's blacksmith-shop stood when I left Janesville. I must conclude this letter, having spun it to a much greater length than I intended, or your patience would admit, without touching upon one-half of what I should like to say: in fact, the Gazette brings to mind vastly more incidents connected with the early settlement of Janesville, than would fill a half-dozen such sheets as this. I should like to give you and my old friends, a bird's-eye peep at this country through your paper. Should this scribbling or any part of it be deemed worth the space it would occupy in your columns, you are at liberty to use it ; if not, dispose of it as you please. If you publish it, please dress it up in such language as will make it readable — it is unnecessary for me to tell you that I am not a scholar. Yours truly. H. F. Janes. letter no. 3. Uniontown, Cal., March 21, 1857. Dear Sir: In reading the [Janesville] Gazette, I am not a little surprised to see the difference that twenty years has made in the appearance of things in and around Janesville. At this time twenty years ago, the present city of Janesville was just putting on its swaddling clothes, and, I believe, it was not dignified with a name. Now, through the Gazette, I hear of railroad arrivals and new railroads running into it from all parts of the State, of telegraph despatches, of ponderous three and four story buildings going up as if by magic, and lots selling for more money than I ever saw at one time. Some of your citizens will hardly credit the story, that but little over twenty years ago, there was but one log cabin, and one family was the sum total of the inhabitants of the present city of Janes ville; and now, while I pen this scrawl, the first child born in the city [village], is sitting in the room with me— a tall.. 548 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. slim lad in his nineteenth year. As to politics, he is Republican throughout, body, breeches, boots; and, for that matter, there is no difference in the pioneer family of Janesville. Your railroads, telegraphs, etc., may be spry and quick for anything that I know, but they were not quick enough for me. I have kept ahead of all such slow concerns and have never got in sight of one yet, and, at present, there is no danger of their overtaking me. * * * Yours truly, H. F. Janes. LETTER NO. 4. I was born on the 12th of February, 1804, in Pendleton County, Va., on Straight Creek, one of the extreme head branches of the South Branch of the Potomac. .In 1819, my father moved to Ohio, and settled on the Scioto shore at Cliillicothe, where I remained till the loth day of April, 182-5, when I left the parental roof, on an old one- eyed horse, with two shirts and $4 in my pocket, all told. At about the end of a week, I reached the vicinity of where La Fayette, Ind., now stands. At that time, La Fayette had no existence, except in name. There I married my wife on the 15th day of March, 1827. I remained ia that country till September, 1832, when I moved with my wife and two children to La Porte County, Ind. [ remained tliere till April 1835, when I moved to Wisconsin with my family and settled in Racine County, six miles ¦due west from the city of Racine. The February previous, I went to Wisconsin to select a location, and found but one white family in Racine County, being that of Elam Beardsley. There was not a house nor any signs of civiliza tion between Grosse Point, twelve miles north of Chicago, and Skunk Grove, now Mount Pleasant, in Racine County We were at home wherever night overtook us ; our fare was rather hard, but the bills were not high at that time Capt. Gilbert Knapp had some men at work in Racine, and I think he had a log cabin built, or pirtly built at the time I first saw the place where the city now stands. I selected a situation for a farm on a branch of a stream, to which I gave the name of Hoosier Creek; and, so far as I know, it retains that name yet. I landed on my claim with my family about the 1st of May, and went to work in good earnest. On the 1st day of August, 1835, my son, J. W. Janes, was born, and was the first white child born in Racine County; he is now grown and is a hale and active j oung man. At that time, there were no surveys ofthe land by the United States Surveyors, and we all had to run the risk of the lines cutting us to advantage or disadvantage. Some time that fall, the lines were run — that is the town and range lines, and I ascertained that all my claim and improvements were on the Sixteenth or School Section. This caused me to look around for a new location. By this time, most of the choice claims were taken or suppo*ed to be taken, and 1 concluded to make a trip to Rock River, and started late in October, in company with Levi Harness, a young man that I took to the country with me. We had little or no knowledge of the country, and started on foot as adventurers. We reached Prairie Village (now Waukesha), on Fox River, the first day, and there learned that a company had gone out from Milwaukee but a short time before, and were still not far ahead; so we pushed on in good spirits, and -camped between Mukwanago and where Troy now stands. Having been misinformed about the distance to Rock River at Prairie Village, we supposed that we were not more than ten miles from the river. We started with light hearts, as soon as we conld see the Indian trail ( for there were no other roads in the country at that time) , one carrying our bed, consisting of a buffalo-skin and a blanket, and the other the gun and knapsack with our grub. We ate no breakfast, expecting to be at the camp of our predecessors in two or three hours at the most. We had not got out of sight of our camp-fire when it commenced raining, and, by the time we arrived at the place where Troy now stands, everything, including ourselves, was completely thatched over with sleet. In this condition we trudged on, expecting on seeing each hill that we would be sure to see the camp of our friends, but we were doomed to disappointment. At length, cold, wet and fatigued we reached the Rock Prairie, and seeing the trail, struck into it; we resolved to camp, having eaten nothing all day. We tried to strike fire and found that all our fire apparatus, like ourselves, was wet ; even the powder in the horn would not ignite. In this dilemma, we concluded to make one more effort to find the camp or river. Accordingly we started on the trail, and took a kind of dog-trot, and kept it up until it got so dark that we lost the trail, and finally my man declared he could go no further. I got him to his feet, and told him we must get to the brush for shelter, or we would perish with cold or hunger. We then took the wind for our guide, and, after some time, reached the brush, where we sat down on the wet ground, and spread our buffalo-skin and blanket over us. In this way, I spent the first night I ever spent in Rock County. Our camp, if such it may be termed, was some eight or ten miles east of Janesville, and near where D. A. Richardson lived when I left the place. The next morning found us in a bad fix — cold and wet — the ground frozen hard enough to bear a horse, and snowing beautifully. After holding a council, we concluded to retrace our steps to Root River. We started, and in the after noon reached Turtle Lake, where, after some three hours' hard work, we succeeded ia getting a fire and dried our selves, and camped for the night. We reached home without accomplishing our object, and remained till some time in December of the same year. I started again, in company with a Mr. Glen, from Racine, and a man by tbe name of J. C. Knapp. This time 1 took a horse, and we got through without any accident, worth noting, and found Samuel St. John and W. A. Holmes living in a log cabin on Rock River, one mile below what is now Janesville. The ground was covered with snow some inches deep, and we could get nothing for our horses to eat; we therefore left them here and explored the country on foot. up to Fort Atkinson and around Lake Koshkonong, and concluded to purchase the land at the outlet of the lake on the west side of the river, and marked out claims on the east side with a view of settling there. We accordingly returned, and in a few days, I started, in company with Alfred Cary, of Racine, for Green Bay, At that time there was not ahouse between Call's Grove and Rock River, and but one between Milwaukee and Green Bay, and that was Farnsworth's Mill, on the Sheboygan River. On the first day out from Milwaukee, we were overtaken by a young man of the name of Roark, who informed »ii that Dr. B. B. Cary had been shot the night previous, and' wanted his brother to return. He accordingly returned. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 549 and Roark and myself went on. In four or five days, we reached our destination without any accident worth relat ing. We had plenty of snow to make a soft bed to sleep on, and wolves enough to howl us to sleep at all times of the night. We found the members of the first Legislature of Wisconsin, or the last Territorial Legislature of Michigan, at Green Bay, waiting for Gov. Horner to put them in motion ; but that dignitary was among the missing, and the whole matter ended in smoke. I found on examining the books at the town office, that all the land we had selected was sold, and I had my trip for my pay. So, after looking at the town of Navarino, Fort Howard and the sights we thought worth seeing, we laid in a stock of crackers, cheese, ham and tobacco, not forgetting some of the " critter," made our adieu to Green Bay, and in due time landed safe home. Having made two trips to Rock River, and one to Green Bay for nothing, and thinking, perhaps, the third one the charm — I star ed the third time for Rock River in company with John Janes, a cousin of mine, who now lives in Bad Axe County [now Vernon], Wis., and crossed Rock River (somewhere near where Rochester now stands), and continued ou and explored the country north of Janesville to near the mouth of Whitewater ; then turned down to St. John's and replenished our provisions; then explored the west side of Rock River up to the mouth of the Catfish, and up that to or near the First Lake ; we then directed our course for Camp & Collins' Diggings, on the Sugar Creek, and made Mitchell's Grove in our route. We were some days traveling and exploring, and, having run out of provisions, wc concluded to repair to Camp & Collins' Diggings for supplies. Just at night, we found the section and quarter-section that we were informed that they were on; but they were not there. It had become dark and very cold, and we were tired and hungry; so, we concluded to make to some timber and build up a fire and do the best we could. After we reached the timber, and commenced dragging some limbs out of the snow, we saw a spark of fire rise aud, after some circles in the air, disappear. Soon after, we saw others ascend in the same manner, and concluded it was Indians, and that we would go and camp with them rather than build a fire and lie in the snow all night, hungry and tired as we were. But jsdge of our surprise, on reaching the place, to find it occupied by a white man, Michael Welch, who received us with all the hospitality with which a Wis consin miner could receive a stranger, and any attempt on my part to describe that, would be but a failure to do justice to that noble-hearted class of the citizens of Wisconsin. We were now snugly ensconced in a warm cabin, by a roaring fire, and soon had a stool placed between us, on which was a pyramid of potatoes, and a dish of pork swimming in a miniature lake of gravy, and each a tin cup of coffee. Ye upper tens ! How does your nonsense sink into utter insignificance when contrasted with the pure, genuine hospitality of the frontier adventurer. Nearly twenty years have passed since the time of which lam now speaking; I do not know whether Mr. Welch is yet alive or not, but, whenever I think of his kindness, it makes my heart throb with grateful pleasure. We then went over to where New Mexico was afterward laid out, explored there two or three days, and then to Hamilton's Diggings, and finally back again to Rock River. I then selected the claim that Janesville is built on, and marked it as my claim on the 15th of February, 1836. In my letter to the Janesville Gazette, I gave the time as the loth of January through mistake, February is the correct time. By this time, I had become snow-blind, and had to lay by some ten days before I could see to travel ; my friend went to work for Mr. St. John, and as soon as I could see to travel I started for home. I took the line at the south end of Janesville, and followed clear through to Call's Grove without seeing the face of a human being, or any trace of one except the marks of the surveyors that had run the line that I was following. Previous to leaving Rock River, I employed Mr. St. John to put me up a cabin, and on the 19th of May, 1836, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1 threaded my way to my cabin along an Indian trail that passed up the river, through the present city of Janesville. My family now made about the fourth family in the county. It may, and doubtless will, appear rather strange to some of the citizens of Janesville that, nineteen years and a half ago, the whole city consisted of one family, and one log cabin eighteen feet square, with the bark on the logs, and no floor in it or shutter to the door-way. I had, at this time, not the least idea of ever building up a town ; but, on moving to Janesville, I opened a track, and all the travel followed that route to Rock River. At that time, Wisconsin City, Rockport, and I know not how many more paper towns, were in existence along Rock River. Some time in the fall of 1836, I went to Camp & Collins' mines and purchased two wagon-loads of lead, and that completed a communication from Racine to the lead mines by my house, and there was a constant throng of travel on it, and no way to cross the river only to swim the horses alongside of a canoe, and cross wagons in the same way. The traveling community were constantly besetting me to build a ferry-boat, and I at length concluded to do so, and I built one, at no small expense. After I had got it done, I went to Belmont, while the Legislature was in session, to get a, charter, and, not dreaming of any opposition, I took no pains to get a petition largely signed; and the proprietors of Rockport, Wisconsin City and Humes' Ferry united in a remonstrance. This then began a war between the three points. I, by this time, concluded to lay out a town, and accordingly did so. The next sum- mer, two of the other places found it was " no go" with them, and they compromised as far as Janesville was con cerned, and dropped their towns, and took up a place they called St. George's Rapids, about halfway between the other towns, and made common cause against me in general and Janesville in particular. I attended the Legislature at Burlington, Iowa, and at Madison, for some three or four years, got all the roads, mail routes and all the legisla tion I asked for. But in getting the county seat located at Janesville, the county took a pre-emption on that and swept it from under me ; and, having expended all my means in trying to build up the place, and all my improve ments with it, to use a California phrase, I was completely " strapped," and on the 24th of August, 1839, I left the town to its fate. On the 15th day of May, 18:J8, my son Jasper was born, in Janesville, the first male child born in the place. After leaving Janesville, I had been drifting around, until 1849 found me in this land of gold and big potatoes. The ladies of Janesville would probably think it strange to hear that, in July, 1836, my wife and four small children were the only inhabitants of Janesville for twenty-one days at one time. Such is the fact, for I, with all the men that were about me, went up to where Jefferson is situated for a raft of rails, expecting to return in a few days ; but 550 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. the river had got too low, and we were detained in consequence, and were gone twenty-one days, Mrs. Janes and her children remaining alone, and the Indians were scarcely ever out of hearing. This, dear sir, comprises, as nearly as my scanty means of collecting materials will allow; the incidents relating to the first settlement of Janesville. I had first given it the name of Black Hawk, it having been one of the old warrior's camping-grounds, and sent up a petition to the Post Office Department for a post office of that name, and recommended myself as Postmaster. Amos Kendall, at that time Postmaster General, refused to establish an office by that name, as there was one already bearing that name in what is now Iowa, but then a part Of Wisconsin Terri, tory, and gave the name of Janesville to the post office. H. F. Janes. HENRY F. JANES. Mr. Janes is still within hearing distance of the Pacific surf. Who knows but that he secretly prays that the great ocean may dry up and he be permitted to continue his westward tramp ? He left Janesville, as he says, in 1839, going to Missouri, and finally to Humboldt County, Cal., where the iron horse had not yet penetrated. It was his boast that railroads could not be built fast enough to catch him. Many years ago, he commenced his march upon the out skirts of civilization, treading closely on the heels of the revengeful savage. His western resi dence is in the crags of a formidable mountain range — a congenial home for the bold and rest-' less pioneer. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Janesville enjoys scholastic advantages equal to any city of proportionate size and wealth in the Northwest. The growth of her public schools has been marked by nothing, however, that is not a part of the history of similar institutions everywhere. Of course, there was a "first schoolhouse " built ; the population increased ; new and enlarged accommodations soon became a necessity ; they were also built, and in turn became too small, being replaced by still larger quarters. And so the public schools of Janesville progressed. The details we shall leave to be related by the City Superintendent of Schools, R. W. Burton, who, in November, 1877, wrote a paper on the subject, of which the following is a synopsis : In her early settlers, Janesville was most fortunate. In their love for schools and educational advantages, they were truly American. Scarcely had they reared their own rude dwellings ere they sought places and persons for the mental training of their children. Private houses were invaded by the pedagogue and his disciples when the luxury of a log schoolhouse could not be indulged. The first school building erected within the city limits was a log one, and stood opposite the present home of Mrs. Judge Bailey. The second was of brick, and of b iwling-alley proportions, located on Division street, in the vicinity ofthe Harris Works. The fourth was of the same material, and was located near the railroad crossing, on Franklin street. In 1843, a charter for the establishment of a free academy was obtained, and in 1844 a stone building of modest pretensions Was erected for academic work upon the lots mw occupied by the imposing Central Schoolhouse. Under the charter, the school became a most important, factor in our municipal affairs. About 1856, the present buildings of the Second and Fifth Wards were erected, and the public schools were more perfectly graded, the old Academy becoming the central and high school of the system. Wjth its several departments, in each of which such studies were pursued as are usually taught in our best academies and higher seminaries — with its ability to graduate pupils with a thorough English and classical education, the old Academy constituted an educational magnet of superior force, lifting to a higher plane the schools about it. An imperative demand for additional school room secured the erection ofthe present High School building in 1858, at a cost of about $33,000, and in 1859, with Mr. Cass at its head, the High School was transferred from the Academy building to its present sightly quarters. City extension and increase of population soon rendered the First and Fourth Ward buildings a necessity. The former was erected in 1866, and the latter in 1873. When the last- named was completed, it was thought that our city had school accommodations sufficient for many years; but a favor able turn in the business affairs of the city created the necessity for additional school room. An application was made for the requisite appropriation, and to-day the neat and commodious structure in the Central District stands, the embodiment of the hearty response of the City Fathers. This building was first occupied in September, 1876. Thus, year by year, our school property has increased, until now its value is estimated to be $175,000. Mr. Burton then proceeded to give the increase in school population in fourteen years. In 1842 (date of first census), there were 75 school children in Janesville ; in 1845, 273 ; 1850, 1,000 ; 1853 (date of first charter), 1,600 ; 1856, 2,560. Of this last number, 858, or 33J per cent, are reported as enrolled in the public schools, while the census of 1877 shows a school HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 551 population of 3,775 children, of whom 1,751, or about 46 per cent, have attended the publio schools. The professor also submitted the following interesting table : 1855. 1877. Citytax $ 9,700 00 $15,500 00 County tax 1,387 10 2,265 37 Average salaries lady teachers per year 250 00 3i0 00 Value of schoolhouses 18,700 00 85,000 00 Number of teachers employed 15 35 Number of school buildings 3 6 The present seating capacity of our buildings is 1,780, while our annual enrollment for the last two years has reached 1,750 pupils. The first school meeting under the charter, of which we have no reliable record, was held May 31, 1855. and composed of the following gentlemen : Andrew Palmer, President; S. W. Smith, Secretary, and James Sutherland and Rev. G. W. Lawrence, Committee. During the intervening period, the following gentlemen have at different times filled the office of President or Secretary of the Board of Education : H. W. Collins, Rev. H. Foote, Levi Alden, O. J. Dearborn, B. B. Eldredge, Hiram Bowen, James Armstrong. H. A. Patterson, W. B. Strong. E. F. Spaulding, H. N. Comstock, Charles R. Gibbs, F. Pendleton, A. S. Jones, S. Holdridge, Jr., W. A. Lawrence, L. F. Patten, G. R. Curtis, Dr. J. B. Whiting, Dr. L. J. Barrows, E. C. Smith, James Shearer, Lewis Hunt and S. C. Burnham. Isaac Woodle, A. Graham, Henry Palmer, E. G. Fifield, M. M. Conant, Charles Skelley and J. G. Orcutt have also been members ofthe Board. The records for 1861 show a remarkable struggle for educational preferment. Candidates for the Presidency were the Rev. G. W. Lawrence and II. A. Patterson. On the eighth ballot, Ihe latter gentleman was declared elected. The candidates for the Secretaryship were E. F. Spaulding and James Armstrong. Three adjournments and twelve ballots were had before Mr. Armstrong was made Clerk. Mr. James Sutherland was the first Superintendent of City Schools, under whose administration much was done toward gradation, the adoption of a course of study and list of text books. Rev. H. Foote succeeded him as Superintendent. Afterward, the Principal ofthe High School performed the duties of Superintendent. Mr. Hiram H. Brown was the first to teach school within our city limits. C. B Woodruff was probably the first teacher of our graded schools. J. Russell Webb succeeded him. Following is a list of educators who, from 1857 to the present management, have, acted in the double capacity of Principal of the High School and City Superintendent : O. F. Gorton, Prof. Cass, John James McKindley, Prof. Lockwood, Miss Byrnes, Prof. Hutchins, Prof. O. R. Smith (now dead), Dr. E. A. P. Brewster, W. D. Parker, R. W. Burton. (Mr. Burton still continues in office I. In January of 1 855. Mr. James Sutherland began the publication of the Educational Journal, and, after con ducting it one year, transferred it to the State Teachers' Association. It now ranks among the ablest educational organs ofthe Northwest. There is a commodious school building in each of the five wards of the city, besides the Central School, in addition to the regular school, in the Fifth Ward. The High School, in the Third Ward, is divided into three departments — the High School Department, the Grammar Department and the Third Ward Department. In the Grammar Department, there are four classes instructed in this branch of study. There are seven grammar schools in the city. The present Board of Education is composed of the following gentlemen : Stanley B. Smith, Commissioner from the city at large ; James Shearer, Commissioner from the First Ward ; S. Clark Burnham, Second Ward ; W. D. Hastings, Third Ward ; J. W. St. John, Fourth Ward ; B. J. Daly, Fifth Ward. J. W. St. John is President of the Board, and James Shearer, Clerk. Prof. Burton's report for 1878, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shows that, during that year, out of 3,610 children, between the ages of four and twenty years, 1,665 were enrolled in the public schools. The number attending church and private schools is estimated at 350, thus leaving about 45 per cent of the children' of school age as non-attendants. The Professor attributes the "causes operating to reduce the attendance in our public schools" to the private schools and the local manufacturing interests. The wages offered by the factories "prove strong inducements for parents to deny their children even an ordinary amount of school training." The percentage of attendance on the number enrolled is given at 76.9, while upon the number of members it is 94. The percentage of prompt attendance is 99.7. Thirty-five teachers are employed, fifteen of them being graduates of the High School, while' most of the remaining twenty received their education in the city schools. The course of study,in the High School is as follows : First year — Algebra, word analysis, composition, physiology, higher arithmetic and Latin. Second year — Higher arithmetic, 552 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. philosophy, political economy, physical geography and Latin. Third year — Geometry, civil government, state constitution, universal history, chemistry, botany and Latin. Fourth year — English literature, rhetoric, mental philosophy, geology, Latin and review of elementary branches. COMMERCIAL COLLEGES AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. The Janesville Business College was established in 1866, by Edmund C. Atkinson and Albert L. Reed, in Bennett's Block. In 1872, Mr. Atkinson sold his interest to Frank E. Fellows. In 1876, Messrs. Fellows & Reed disposed ofthe school to Mr. Burkey, who afterward disposed of it to W. C. King. The latter sold a half-interest to E. Inman, which was subsequently bought by King and J. B. Silsbee. The school finally came into the possession of King and Fellows, the former disposing of his interest to Mr. Rice. In April, 1877, the institution known as the Silsbee Commercial College was incorporated and organized under the management of J. B. Silsbee, and is now in successful operation. It is located in Smith & Jackman's Block. Directors for three years, James Sutherland, W. A. Lawrence, H. S. Hogoboom ; Directors for two years, Dr. Henry Palmer, Rev. T. P. Sawin, J. B. Silsbee ; Directors for one year, J. P. Haire, A. A. Jackson, Pliny Norcross. Officers for one year — Dr. Henry Palmer, President; W. A. Lawrence, Vice President; J. B. Silsbee, Secretary and Treasurer. The Western School of Telegraphy is an institution peculiar to Janesville, and, it is claimed, the only one of the kind in the United States. It was first established in Eldred's Block, but was removed from there at the end of the first month of its existence to the Y. M. C. A. building, where it remained two months. Thence it was taken to its present location in Smith & Jackman's Block. Richard and A. M. Valentine, two experienced telegraphers, are the proprietors and teachers. W. B. Cushman is their assistant. The average attendance of pupils is about sixty. One hundred and ten telegraph offices in Chicago are supplied with operators from this establishment. The pupil is taken with the guaranty that a situation will be provided for him at the end of his term. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. Religion has progressed' and prospered in Rock River Valley, keeping pace with the most rapid improvements. From the time of the earliest records there is evidence of its presence and influences. Its advance is plainly marked, requiring no deep research to trace it. An eminent divine has said that "eternity alone can reveal the spiritual results of religion." But, even to the casual observer, there can be no doubt about its temporality in Janesville. On every hand are its fruits ; in every path of life its footsteps. The towering' church steeple has grown upon the spot where once the devout and devotional worshiped in the open air with nothing save the frail branches of a friendly oak to protect them from torrent and tempest. The melodious organ and cultured voice have taken the place of the untutored choir, and every phase of religious his tory denotes remarkable enterprise on the part of those at the head of the' various churches, and liberal support from the members. The Methodists. — The Rev. W. G. Miller, a Methodist Episcopal minister, in his "Thirty Years in the Itinerancy," gives some vivid sketches of early religious history in Wisconsin, and we quote liberally from this very excellent work. He says : " The first sermon preached in Janesville was delivered by Rev. Jesse Halstead in September, 1837. Brother Halstead, then on Aztalan circuit, on coming to this place, found a small log house which enjoyed the appellation of a tavern. He accepted entertainment in common with other travelers, but, it being soon known that he was a minister, he was invited to preach. He consented, and the services were held in the bar-room. The liquors were put out of sight, and the minister made the bar his pulpit. The audience consisted of a dozen persons. " The next religious services of which I can obtain information were held in the summer of 1838, in an oak grove on one of the bluffs east of the village. I am not able to find any one who can furnish me the name of the preacher, but am assured that he was a Methodist, and that HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 553 he did not neglect that special feature of a Methodist service, the collection. This last part of the exercises, I am assured, made a vivid impression on the mind of the party to whom I am indebted for this item of history. And it came in this wise : When the hat was passed he threw in a bill — an act so generous that it could not fail to call attention to the contributor. The next day he received a call from the minister, who desired him to replace the ' wildcat ' bill by one of more respectable currency, as those kind of bills were beginning to be refused throughout the Territory. "In 1839, Rev. James F. Flanders made an occasional visit to Janesville and preached to the people. His first sermon was delivered in the bar-room of the public house which stood on the present site of the Myers House. Subsequently, he preached in an unoccupied log house opposite where Lappin's Block now stands. The services were next held in schoolhouses, some log, and others frame, until the erection of the Court House in 1842. Thereafter the court room was occupied and used alternately by the different religious denominations. " The Rev. James McKean was the first minister who preached regularly in Janesville The place was taken into the Troy circuit in 1840, and Brother McKean visited it once in four weeks. This year the Rev. Julius Field held the first quarterly meeting in Janesville. In the spring of 1841, he formed a class and appointed J. P. Wheeler leader, but during the following winter the members all left the place." The First Methodist Episcopal Church. — Janesville appears first in the minutes as the head of a charge in 1841, with Rev. Alpha Warren as Pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. Boyd Phelps, who organized a class of nine members in 1843, with John Wynn as leader. Wynn subsequently went over to the Congregationalists. The Rev. Lyman Catlin was the first resident Pastor. Then followed the Rev. T. W. Perkins, S. Adams, J. Lucock and Wesley Lattin. The latter was very popular, and, during his pastorate, the society erected a small frame church. 35x25 feet in size, on the east side of Center street, nearly opposite the present edifice. It was opened in the fall of 1848. Mr. Lattin was followed successively by J. M. Snow, 0. F. Comfort, Daniel Stansbury, a Mr. Mason, Joshua W. Wood and Henry Requa, who afterward went to South America for his health. It was during the incumbency of these last-mentioned divines that the present place of worship, on the corner of Center and Jackson streets, was designed and built. It is of brick, 75x45 in size, and was dedicated in July, 1853, by the Rev. John Clark The Rev. Alpheus Hamilton followed Mr. Requa, and was himself succeeded by the Rev. Dr. Miller, author of " Thirty Years in the Itinerancy," and now of Milwaukee, who, during his pastorate, " preached nearly every night, and sometimes in the afternoons." Among the laymen who assisted Mr. Miller was J. L. Kimball, who, with his daughter Emily, had been for years the principal reli ance in the choir. The reverend gentleman relates a pleasing incident in reference to Mr. Kimball : " Brother K. had long been recognized as the financial man and the singer of the Church, but could never take a part in the social services with any comfort to himself. In one of these meetings, I suggested that, in these matters, as in others, practice would relieve the case. He concluded to try it, and for two weeks spoke a few words, as opportunity offered. But he finally told the congregation that my recipe would not work. Others might be able to talk their way to heaven, but he was satisfied that, as for himself, he would have to pay his way if he ever got there." Mr. Kimball was ever a generous contributor to the cause of Christianity. Succeeding Mr. Miller were the Revs. H. C. Tilton (who died in this city last winter), J. H. Jenne, R. B. Curtis, A. C. Manwell, W. H. Sampson, D. W. Compt, E. W. Kirkham, C. N. Stowers, Steven Smith, Samuel Lugg, Thomas Clithro and Henry Sewell, the present Pastor. When Mr. Sewell took charge, he found a membership of about one hundred and fifty. It now numbers 260, including probationers. The Church is almost out of debt, and has a Sun day-school class of 200. Economy is the motto. Congregational singing has superseded an expensive choir, and the results are highly satisfactory. 554 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church. — Tho history of this institution is brief. Its members had their Christian fortitude tried beneath other roofs. It is simply an offshoot of the First Church, and was organized in 1867. The place of worship, corner Main and Court streets, bears date of 1868. The First Church had a membership of about four hundred, which fully tested the seating capacity of their building. There was material for two congregations, and one-half of the flock, with the sanction of the other half, quietly took its leave. Several of those who left the original Church have returned, and been admitted by letter. The Rev. G. M. Steele was the first Pastor of the Court Street Church. He was followed success ively by 0. B. Thayer, H. C. Tilton, E. D. Huntley, H. Stone Richardson, N. Wheeler and Henry Faville, the latter being the present Pastor. The Church has a membership of 150, with a Sunday-school class of 100. • It is almost free from debt. The Rev. Dr. Huntley will be remembered as having materially aided in relieving the property of most of its incumbrance. The Congregationalists. — The history of this denomination dates back to 1843, when a few sparsely attended meetings were held in the Court House, the schoolhouse, or at the residence of some member when the temple of Justice or seat of learning were otherwise occupied. The Rev, C. H. A. Buckley commenced stated preaching early in 1844, and on the 11th of February, 1845, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Peet, he organized the First Congregational Church of Janes ville. The number of communicants entering into covenant on that occasion was fifteen, viz. r Joseph Spaulding, Erastus Dean, Benjamin Morrill, Chester Dean, Mrs. Elmira H. Dewey, Mrs. Lamira Culver, Miss Susan French, Mrs. Lydia Spaulding, Mrs. Judith Dean, Mrs. B. Morrill, Mrs. Hannah T. French, Mrs. Lydia Sears, Mrs. Eleanor Strunk, Miss Elmira A. Styles and Luke Cheesebrough. Rev. Mr. Buckley continued to supply the pulpit until July, 1846, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Hiram Foote. Subsequent successions to the charge were the Revs. William C. Scofield, M. P. Kinney, G. W. Mackie, F. B. Norton, Lyman Whiting, George Williams and T. P. Sawin, Jr., the present incumbent. In 1856, there were one hun dred and ninety members in the congregation. In 1849, a brick church was erected, and, in the summer of 1851, an addition was made to its length, the cost of the building, exclusive of the lot, being $4,500. In 1865-66, this structure was torn away and a magnificent temple erected on the site, at a cost of $57,000, including an organ worth $6,500. The congregation grew rapidly, and was in a prosperous condition until May, 1875, when the church took fire and was wholly consumed. The great organ was entirely destroyed. Insurance to the amount of $10,000 was collected on the smoldering ruins, and a movement at once set on foot by the members for rebuilding their beloved house of worship. The result of their efforts is the tallest church spire on the West Side, and, perhaps, the most commodious church in Rock County. The cost of reconstruction was $25,000. Mr. Sawin places his congregation at 500. The aggregate of the Sabbath school is 250 members. The institution is entirely out of debt. The ofiicers ofthe Church are: Rev. T. P. Sawin, Pastor ; Senior Deacons, Josiah Wright, James Sutherland. J. A. Cunning ham, T. L. Hollister, J. V. Hugunin ; Junior Deacons, W. G. Wheeloek, A. A. .Jackson, J. C. Echlin, Lewis Jerome ; Trustees of the Society — J. B. Cassoday, President ; J. H. Wingate. Secretary: J. W. Nash, Treasurer; James Dennison, J. C. Echlin, J. A. Blount. Two each, Senior and Junior Deacons, and two Trustees, are elected annually. The membership of the church at present is something over 300. The Catholics.— Among the first settlers in Janesville was a fair proportion of the disciples of the Roman Catholic faith, and, as early as 1846, Catholic missionaries prosecuted their labors here, braving the dangers of frontier life and spreading the Gospel. Father Morrisy, one of three missionaries then in Wisconsin Territory, with heidquarters in Milwaukee, was the first Catholic priest to visit Janesville. He came on horseback, carrying the conventional saddle-bags, and made a circuit of this and other towns along Rock River. He held services and performed marriage ceremonies and baptisms at the private residence of James Torny, the genial uphol sterer now located on River street. In 1847, the Rev. Patrick Kernan succeeded Father Mor risy, calling at Janesville once a month. He continued his visits for a year, and, during the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 555 early part of his term, assembled a small flock of the faithful in the old brick schoolhouse not far south of the site of St. Patrick's Church, on Center street. A few months later, a small brick building was constructed on the above site for the accommodation of his congregation, which, be it said to the credit ofthe reverend gentleman, before the year was out, grew so large that many were compelled to stand outside the church during services for lack of room within. The Rev. Michael McFaul was the next priest who came to minister to the spiritual wants of the Janesville Catholics. He held forth in tho little brick church, but soon enlarged it. Rev. Michael Smith followed McFaul, but, at the end of one year, Father Kernan returned, remain ing until some time in 1854, when the Rev. John Conroy superseded him in the charge. Father Conroy at once saw the necessity for increased accommodations, and soon com menced agitating the subject of constructing the edifice which now adorns Cherry street. A contract was made with Peters & Patterson for $12,000, and no time was lost in beginning the work. Services continued to be held in a hired hall, while the walls of the new structure were going up. The old place answered the purpose of a scaffolding for the workmen. The new church was completed and finished by 1864. Father Conroy resigned the flock to the Rev. James M. Doyle, who has since presided over their spiritual destinies. Father Doyle, upon taking charge, paid off a debt of $10,000 left by Father Conroy, and proceeded to fully carry out the original contract, finishing the church according to its terms, and some additions made by him cost $5,000. Laborers and mechanics were thereafter employed by the day, Father Doyle acting as the nominal superintendent of construction. The original debt of 'the church was about $20,000, one-half of which has been liquidated. Dr. Boggs holds a mortgage on the institution for $10,000. This church will seat about one thousand persons. It has a pipe organ which cost $1,200. St. Mary's Church. — In the spring of 1876, several members of St. Patrick's Church left the fold and took measures for the organization of a new congregation. A lot was purchased on North First street, and a contract made with Shopbell & Norris for the erection of a building, at a cost of $2,400. The result is St. Mary's Church, Rev. John Munich, a German, Pastor, with a congregation of one thousand. An addition was recently made and a parsonage built at an aggregate cost of $2,300. Patrick Connors holds a mortgage on the property for $2,000, at 10 per cent interest, which is donated to the Church as fast as it falls due. In their application to Archbishop Henni, of Milwaukee, for authority to establish a church, the petitioners set forth that the increase in the number of Catholics in Janesville and the lack of accommodation in St. Patrick's Church, together with certain disagreements with its Pastor, justify their request. Among the signeis were Thomas Leech, William A. Norton, Patrick Connors, Patrick Collins, and many others. The Unitarians. — Universalism made its appearance in Janesville as early as 1842, at which time clergymen of that denomination paid the people occasional visits. Among them were the Rev. S. Barnes, Rev. G. W. Lawrence, Rev. C. F. Le Fevre and Rev. Frank Whitaker. The latter preached alternately in Janesville and Beloit. In 1850, the u First Universalist Society " was organized, with Rev. J. Baker as Pastor. He continued his labors about two years, and was succeeded by the Rev. C. F. Dodge, of Palmyra, who filled the pulpit for one year. After this period there seems to have been a sort of suspension of Universalism in Janes ville. Occasional meetings were held, however, until January, 1864, when the Rev. F. M. Holland, a Unitarian, came upon the scene, and on the 16th day of the following month a meeting was held at Lappin's Hall, which was attended by individuals of various denominations. The Unitarians seem to have predominated, however, and the Universalists present permitted themselves to be swallowed without a struggle. " The First Independent Society of Liberal Christians of Janesville " is the corporate title of the organization formed at that meeting. The Trustees elected on the occasion are as follows : Orrin Guernsey, Samuel G. Bailey, Levi Alden, James M. Burgess, George W. Bemis and Jonathan Church. During Mr. Holland's pastorate, services were held in Hope Chapel, now the German Lutheran Church, on West Milwaukee street. The congregation, composed for the most part of the liberal Christian 556 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. element of Janesville, soon became quite numerous, and more commodious quarters being uit evident necessity, measures were taken for the erection of a church building, resulting in the construction of All Souls' Church, on West Court street, at a cost of about $10,000, including various improvements since made. The church was dedicated in 1866, by the' Rev. Robert Collyer, during the pastorate of the Rev. Silas Farrington, who succeeded the Rev. Mr. Hol land. Mr. Farrington is now in Manchester, England. He was followed in the charge by the Rev. Charles F. Balch, Rev. J. Fisher and Rev. Jenk. LI. Jones, the latter being the present incumbent. Mr. Jones has been in charge since 1871. He has a congregation of about one hundred and fifty, and a prosperous Sunday school. The present Board of Trustees consists of F. C. Cook, I. C. Brownell, Clarence W. Baker, Charles Norris, C. W. Kibbee and A. W. Baldwin. The Baptists. — Occasional meetings of the followers of St. John were held in Janesville as early as 1842, but it was not until October, 1844, that the First Baptist Church of Janes ville was organized. Rev. Jeremiah Murphy preached to the congregation, which consisted of thirteen persons, until some time in 1846. The Rev. J. D. Eldredge also occupied the pulpit on stated periods. During the latter part of 1847, the Rev. Otis Hacket was called to the pas torate, and he was followed successively by the Revs. 0. J. Dearborn, William H. Douglass, Galusha Anderson (now President of the Northwestern University of Chicago), E. J. Good- speed, M. G. Hodge, F. W. Bakeman, J. P. Bates, W. S. Roberts and F. L. Chapell (the present incumbent). During the first few years of the society's existence, meetings were held in the Court House, but in 1851, a church was erected on the corner of Cherry and Pleasant streets, now occupied by Tallman's Laboratory works, costing, for the building alone, $4,728. In 1867, the society's present house of worship, on the West Side, was erected, at a cost, including an organ, of $38,000. The present membership is given at 325, with a Sabbath- school class of 250. Stanley J. Smith, Charles B. Conrad, W. Kelley, R. Wiggin, C. Sexton and A. J. Leland compose the present Board of Trustees. The Presbyterians. — In March, 1855, the Rev. Moses W. Staples visited Janesville for the purpose of organizing a congregation. His efforts were attended with some success, and, on May 5, of the same year, the First Presbyterian.. Church of the city of Janesville was organ ized, with the following members : Warren Norton, J. D. Rexford, Dr. J. L. Barrows, Austin E. Burpee, Joseph A. Graham, Samuel Lightbody, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. Lydia B. Norton, Mrs. Cynthia M. Rexford, Mrs. Caroline J. Barrows, Mrs. Eliza Burpee and Mrs. Elizabeth Graham. Services were held in the old Stone Academy building until the latter part of 1855, when a new house of worship was dedicated, and thereafter occupied by the society. The cost of the building was about $1,500, but it has been considerably enlarged on two occasions since. The Pastors who have had charge are the Rev. Moses W. Staples, Rev. Oliver Bunson, Rev. George C. Hechman, Rev. Charles L. Thompson, Rev. D. G. Bradford, Rev. T. C. Kirkwood and Rev. J. W. Sanderson, the present incumbent. The present Board of Trustees is com posed of the following gentlemen : Edward Ruger, Robert Hodge, Silas Hayner, James Shearer, L. J. Barrows and F. S. Lawrence. The Episcopalians. — In August, 1844, the Rev. Thomas J. Ruger came to Janesville as a missionary, sent out by the Domestic Board of Missions, from the diocese of New York. On the 18th day of the following month, a meeting, composed of those who believed in "the suc cession of bishops," was held for the purpose of organizing an Episcopal Church. After some discussion of the subject, the following Wardens and Vestrymen were elected : Wardens, Will iam Lupton and J. Bodwell Doe ; Vestrymen — William B. Sheldon, A. Hyatt Smith, John J. R. Pease, Guy Stoughton, Joseph Croft, A. S. Wood, A. C. Bailey and Isaac Woodle. From the time of Mr. Ruger's arrival to January, 1846, services were conducted in a small brick schoolhouse, on the southeast corner of Milwaukee and Bluff streets. At the end of two years. a parish was fullv organized, and Mr. Rusjer became Rector, rem lining as such until 1855. During 1845, the Vestry were instructed to select a lot on which to erect a church edifice. William B. Sheldon offered as a gift a lot on the east side of the river, while A. Hyatt Smith HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 557 manifested his generosity by proffering a site on the west side. The latter was accepted, and subscription papers were at once circulated ; but the necessary amount to erect a building could not be obtained, and the project was abandoned for the time being. Accessions to the faith were frequent and numerous, however, and it was only a matter of time when the parish would be able to build a church. At a Vestry meeting held July 5, 1847, it was voted that a brick church, 45x72 feet, should be constructed without further delay. John Mitchell, Charles de Roe and J. B. Doe were appointed on the Building Committee, and at a social gathering held at the residence of John Kimball, a few evenings later, at which A. Hyatt Smith, Andrew Palmer and J. B. Doe, were present, preliminary steps toward raising the necessary funds were taken, which proved more successful than previous efforts in that direction. Lot 83 in Smith & Bailey's Addition was donated by A. Hyatt Smith, and the work of constructing Trinity Church begun. The edifice was consecrated in June, 1848, and still stands an ornament to the West Side, and a monument to pioneer Christian enterprise. From January, 1846, until the date of consecra tion, services were held in a stone building known as the Janesville Academy, on Lot 135, in Smith, Bailey & Stone's Addition. The original cost of Trinity Church was $3,000, but many improvements have since been made, and a parsonage built, and the property is now valued at about $15,000. The Rectors called to the parish are as follows : Rev. Thomas Ruger, Rev. Samuel S. Ethridge, who recently died in San Jose, Cal. ; Rev. J. W. Coe, Rev. Hiram Beers, now in San Francisco ; Rev. Fayette Durlin, of Ripon ; Rev. George Wallace, Waterloo, N. Y. ; Rev. T. W. McLean, the present Rector, who has been in charge since July 17, 1878. There are 150 communicants, while the congregation is estimated at about four hundred and fifty. The Sunday-school class numbers ninety pupils. The present Vestry is as follows : J. B. Doe and S. A. Hudson, Wardens ; Vestrymen — Hiram Merrill, J. C. Metcalf, Hiram Bump, John C. Fox, E. G. Harlow, Horace McElroy, Edwin T. Foote. and O. B. Ford. During the incumbency of the Rev. .Mr. Durlin, the parish entered upon the experiment of a parish school, the Rector taking charge of it, being assisted by the Rev. William E. Wright. A lot was purchased, and a school building erected thereon. The experiment was in a fair way of being a lasting success, but after the resignation of Mr. Durlin the parishioners lost interest in it, and the school was discontinued. Christ Church. — During the early part of 1859, owing to some slight personal feeling among certain members of Trinity (Episcopal) Church, a few individuals quit the old congrega tion and took steps toward the formation of a new one. Meetings, were held in Lappin's Hall, under the rectorship of the Rev. Thomas J. Ruger, formerly of Trinity Church, and on the 20th of September, 1859, an organization was effected and the following officers elected : George Cannon, Senior Warden ; Frank M. Smith, Junior Warden. Vestrymen — John J. R. Pease, L. F. Patten, Lewis E. Stone, Shubael W. Smith, Hiram Jackman, B. Wheeler, John E. Jenkins and George Barnes. The demand for Lappin's Hall being a source of some inconvenience to the society, it became necessary to procure other quarters. Col. Ezra Miller came to the rescue, however, and offered the use of the dining-hall of the Ogden House, which was accepted, and services were held therein until 1861. A permanent place of worship obtained, the next thing to do was to secure a Rector. Communications were addressed to various divines, among others, the Rev. M. Spencer, of Indiana, and the Rev. H. W. Spalding, of Milwaukee. The latter gentleman accepted the call in the following graceful letter : Milwaukee, Wis., November 29, 1859. To the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Janesville, Gentlemen: Your favor, inviting me to take charge of your parish as its Rector, has been received, and as, canonically, I cannot at present act as Rector of a parish, I therefore accept your call to enter upon my duties from the time of my ordination to the priesthood in January next, and, previously to that time, will act as your minister as soon as I can make arrangements for the resignation of my position here as Pastor of the Church of the Atone ment and member of the Board of Education in this city. Beseeching the Almighty God to bless the relation into which we are about to enter, to the advancement of His Church, and commending you all, individually and as a parish, to His care and guidance, I am, gentlemen, Yours in the Church, H. W. Spaldinq. 558 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The salary paid Mr. Spalding was $700 a year. At a meeting of the Vestry, held April 4, 1861, Col. Ezra Miller, 0. K. Bennett and Hiram Jackman were appointed a committee to raise money for the erection of a church edifice. A lot was purchased of Mr. Hamilton Rich ardson on Court street, ;near the east end of the public square, and a contract made with N. G. Nettleton for the erection of a building not to exceed in cost more than $2,000. The church was consecrated October 31, 1861, by the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Wisconsin. The following divines have been called to the charge : Rev. Thomas J. Ruger, Rev. Henry W. Spalding, D. D., Robert W. Woolsey, Rev. E. Tolson Baker, Rev. Joseph Wood, Rev. George W. Dunbar and Rev. A. L. Royce, the present Rector, who enjoys the patronage of a large congregation. One hundred communicants were reported the first of the present year. J. B. Whiting and William Ruger are the present Wardens. Vestrymen — M. C. Smith, C. L. Martin, John Slightam, B. B. Eldredge, Henry A. Doty, J. J. R. Pease, H. D.. McKinney and Hamilton Richardson. The church building has been improved and remodeled, and is now very commodious and comfortable. The Lutherans. — When Luther rebelled against the mandates of the Romish priests, and offered to discuss the practicability and efficiency ofthe tenets of their faith with the Pope him self, he little thought that he was paving the way to a new religion, destined to be carried across the seas and spread broadcast in every land. The followers of this wise man's doctrines inhabit every clime of the globe. In proportion to population, their progress in Janesville has been quite as rapid as that of any other denomination. They have two churches here. Both enjoy substantial support, and have fair congregations. The earliest of these established was St. Paul's German Evangelical Lutheran Church. This society was organized in 1865. Rev. H. Ernst was the first Pastor. Meetings had been held on several occasions, in Janesville, of those of the Lutheran belief prior to this organization. As early as 1855, the Rev. F. Locher and the Rev. A. Wagoner included the place in their circuit, but no stated, meetings were held until 1865. In 1870, the Rev. Mr. Duberg was called to the pastorate, and, two years later, he was succeeded by the Rev. G. Reusch. The Rev. J. Schlerf is the present Pastor. In 1867, the society purchased Hope Chapel from the Baptists, paying $2,500 therefor. The congregation numbers about seventy members, mostly natives of Pomerania and Mecklenburg, in Germany. The society is out of debt. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church is the title of the other society, and its his tory is traceable back to 1855, when occasional meetings were held in a small apartment near the court room, which was used alternately by the German Lutherans. The society also rented and occupied the Episcopal and Presbyterian Chapels on extra occasions. The building now in use, which is situated near the railroad depot, was erected in 1873, at a cost of $2,700. Among the original members of the society now in Janesville are A. Anderson, S. Trulson, M. Hanson, and C. C. Peterson. The first Pastor called to the charge was Adolph Preuss, who was suc ceeded by the Rev. Mr. Duus, the Rev. Mr. Duberg and the Rev. C. F. Magelson, the present Pastor. The congregation numbers from fifty to seventy-five persons. The society is out of debt. Primitive Mt thodists. — A class of this denomination was formed in 1849, with the Rev. Joseph Hewitt as Pastor. It was composed chiefly of subjects of Her Britannic Majesty. In 1851, the society built a church edifice, a short distance south of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Mr. Hewitt was followed in the pastorate by the Rev. James Anderson, who, in turn, was succeeded by the Revs. Henry Buss, William Tompkins and Reuben North. The congregation seems to have dwindled away, until so few remained that their courage forsook them, and the Primitive Methodist Society of Janesville became a thing of the past. The Swedenborgians. — For some time prior to 1876, the New Jerusalem Society held meetings over the old Post Office, in the hall now occupied by the Young Men's Association. The Rev. W. D. Hastings and the Rev. Mr. Scammon expounded the doctrine of John Swedenborg to a very slim congregation, which seems to have dissolved and disappeared, whether under the influence of a lack of faith, or a want of funds, is not known. JANESVILLE HISTORY OF KOf'K COUNTY. 561 The Colored Brethren. — The church history of Janesville will now close, after a brief ref erence to the society of colored Christians who worshiped alternately in Hope Chapel and the rooms of the Y. M. A. The Rev. Mr. Dawson and the Rev. Mr. Scales were the most pominent exhor ers who came to Janesville to preach to their wayward brethren. The society seemed to flourish for a time ; so much so, indeed, that James Hewston — a particularly devout member who had taken it upon himself to manage its financial affairs, and whose winning man ner fitted him for the peculiar position of superintendent of collections — undertook to raise a fund for the purposes of erecting a church edifice. Hewston decamped with the fruits of his efforts. The amount raised by him is not known, but certainly it was sufficiently large to bring financial ruin to the congregation. The colored gentleman to whom I am indebted for this information, said of Hewston : " He made a big noise 'bout de comstrection ob a church buildin', an' he wrote dis chile down on his buk for de profits on a whole week's whitewashin', wich was almost nine shillin's — an' he doan't fergot ter kerleckt it, nudder. He's done gone Wes' now, an' I 'spect he's follerin' de same bizness wut he was heah." MANUFACTORIES. The history of the manufacturing interests of Janesville is interesting. Few inland cities in the Union exhibit a record of such permanent and substantial progress. The earlier pro ductive establishments have passed away to make room for institutions of greater pretensions and wider resources — replaced by monuments of Western enterprise and industry. The First Mill. — In the spring of 1845, Charles Stevens, one of the earliest settlers in Rock River Valley, afterward identified with many leading interests of Janesville, built a saw mill on the race, near the dam, where the old Ford mill now stands. The demand for lumber made the business very profitable, and most of the material of which "Old Janesville" was constructed was the product of this mill. It had a capacity of nearly 3,000,000 feet a year, and was frequently run night and day to fill the accumulating orders. About this time A. K. Norris & Co. also ran a saw-mill at Monterey, and afterward moved their machinery to the upper water- power and established two mills, one of them being run by Steam ; but neither of them survived long. I. M. Norton and O. B. Ford purchased the Stevens mill and operated it until 1856, when new machinery and buildings were added, and the concern was converted into a flouring-mill, now known as the " Old Ford Mill," which is owned by O. C. Ford & Co. This institution has seven run of stone, and grinds from 700 to 900 bushels of wheat per day. In 1878, the average was 1,200 barrels of flour per week. Shipments are made to the principal cities of the East, Georgia, South Carolina and Northern Virginia. Thus passed away the Stevens saw-mill. The Old Big Mill. — It is quite certain that none of the " oldest inhabitants " will fail to remember this institution. For many years, it was the pride of Rock River Valley, and its flour the choice of every one living in it. On the 25th of December, 1845, Ira Miltimore, recently deceased, signed a contract with A. Hyatt Smith, James McClurg, Martin O. Walker and Shubael W. Smith, to construct a flour-mill at the south end of the race, on the site of the present post office, and on January 13, 1846, ground was broken for the work — or rather, we may say, ice was broken, for it was necessary to put in a coffer-dam, in order that the foundations might be laid, the site being almost entirely covered by the waters of the river. In the fall of the same year, six sets of stones were ready to revolve, and wheat-grinding com menced. Three sets of the stones were employed on custom work exclusively, while the others were devoted to the merchant trade. The following summer, an addition of three runs of stones was made ; then followed a succession of changes in the management. J. B. Doe, Frank Pixley, Timothy Jackman, Governor Barstow, L. E. Stone, J. C. Jenkins and Joseph A. Wood buying or leasing the property until 1872, when fire laid it low in ashes. The loss was not only felt by those directly interested, but also by many others in Rock County who had learned to look upon the "old big mill," or Smith's mill, as it was often called, as an old and valuable landmark. o 562 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In the fall of 1876, another mill of smaller dimensions was built upon the same ground which is now owned by 0. B. Ford & Sons. It has four run of buhrs. with the latest improved machinery, including the " new process" apparatus. It has a capacity of 150 bar rels of flour per day of twenty-four hours. The Hodson Mill. — A starch factory was established in 1847 by Ogilbie & De Roe, on the present site of the Hodson flouring-mill. A precarious career, lasting two years, brought it to an unfortunate termination. "Boiled shirts" were not numerous those days in this locality, and flour, the great staple of life, was more in demand than starch. Consequently. Hamilton Richardson purchased the property in 1849, and converted the starch factory into a flouring-mill. William Truesdell, a lawyer, since dead, was ' associated with Mr. Rich ardson. At the end of a year, a break in the upper dam, in conjunction with a freshet. carried almost the entire establishment away. In the spring of 1852, it was re-built and enlarged to its present size. Early in the fall of the same year, it met with fresh disaster from floods, and was repaired in the spring, only to be foreclosed on a mortgage, E. H. Bennett, now in Janesville, being the purchaser. Eastern parties then became interested for awhile, and, in 1864, the property fell into the hands of Messrs. Barnes & Hodson, its present owners. The mill has four runs of stones, and a capacity of from 12,000 to 15,000 bushels of wheat per month. Farmers' Mill. — Andrew B. Johns erected the Farmers' Mill in 1848, on the south side of West Milwaukee street, near the bridge, and, within a year, the property fell into the hands of T. H. Jackman, who ran it until 1857, when he sold a half-interest to C. A. Alden. Soon after ward, John Clark bought Jackman out. The next change in the proprietorship was the rental ofthe mill by O. B. Ford and James Clark, in 1870, and, six years later, Mr. Ford sold to B. F. Crossett, the firm name now being Clark & Crossett. The widows of John Clark and C. A. Alden still retain an interest in the property. The mill has a capacity for consuming about four hundred and fifty bushels of wheat per day. The Stone Mill. — This flouring-mill is located in the suburb of Monterey. It was built in 1852, by N. P. Crosby, and leased to various parties until 1877, when it was purchased by Notbohm Bros., who do a strictly merchant business, consuming from six hundred to seven hun* dred bushels of wheat per day. The Messrs. Notbohm are also the sole owners of the patent, now in general use throughout the United States, known as the " new process," the fruit of the brain of E. N. Du Croix, a Frenchman, now dead. The new-process machinery is manufactured in Milwaukee. Bower City Mill. — Twenty years ago, this was one of leading flouring-mills in the Rock River Valley. In 1869, it was completely destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt, and now runs three set of stones, principally on feed. The combined capacity of the six flouring-mills now in operation, in Janesville, is about six thousand barrels per week, or three hundred and twelve thousand barrels a year. Agricultural Implements. — The demand for farming utensils in Rock County has, until within the past two years, been greater than the supply. This was notably the case before the large factories now in operation in Janesville were established. Carriage and wagon makers found the manufacture of plows, harrows, cultivators, etc., more profitable than the construction of vehicles, and thus it is found extremely difficult to distinguish between the two classes of mechanics so as to secure a proper classification. Thomas Shaw and John M. May conducted the first agricultural implement manufactory in Janesville, in 1845, where Heimstreet's drug store now stands, on Main street. In 1849, the firm built and occupied two stone buildings on North First street, between Bluff and Main. About the same time, A. W. Parker and Ole Evenson opened out as plowmakers in the shop originally occupied by Shaw & May. In 1853, they exchanged for property near William Sillito's saloon, continuing the business there for a short time, when they sold the property to Allen C. Bates, and rebuilt upon the site of the old Hodson Brewery. Bates re-exchanged for the original property, tore down the wooden shops, and erected the brick building now occupied by Mr. Heimstreet. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 563 The construction of these articles was conducted by various parties until 1859, when James Harris, Zebediah Guild, R. R. Angell and Leonard Tyler established shops for the manufacture of farming implements on the West Side, near the lower bridge. The business grew apace, and the facilities were enlarged at various times, until 1868, when Harris, Fifield & Co. assumed control. In 1869, it was incorporated with James Harris, E. G. Fifield, Leavett Fifield and Horace Dewey as the corporators. The first Board of Directors under the new regime, consisted of the above-named gentlemen and S. C. Cobb. The original capital stock was $60,000. It has been increased several times, and is now given at $150,000. About one hundred and twenty- five hands are employed. The annual sales amount to $250,000. The implements manufactured by the Harris Manufacturing Company are familiar to agriculturists throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota. "The Leader" reaper and mower is man ufactured largely by the company. The various departments of their establishment cover almost two entire squares of ground. The present Board of Directors is as follows : J. B. Crosby, S. C. Cobb, L. L. Robinson, A. P. Lovejoy and C. S. Crosby. The officers are: A. P. Lovejoy, President; J. B. Crosby, General Manager; L. L. Robinson, Treasurer; Isaac Farnsworth, Secretary ; S. C. Cobb, Superintendent. The Doty Manufacturing Company. — Pixley, Kimball & Oleson established a general machine-shop in 1853, on the ground originally occupied by Hodson's Brewery, where they made the manufacture of farming implements a specialty for a short time, when the concern passed into the hands of Phelps, Dodge & Co., of New York. In 1865, the property was pur chased by Hamilton and R. J. Richardson, who, after making important additions to the original building, and rehabilitating the business to a considerable extent, formed a stock company, in which the Metropolitan Washing Machine Company, of New York, the estate of E. P. Doty, Z. Guild, and -the Messrs. Richardson were interested, the two latter gentlemen retaining a majority of the shares. The attention of the corporators was then turned almost exclusively to- the construction of the Doty washing machine ; and, in 1874, over 8,000 of these utensils were manufactured. Shipments were made to every part of the Union, and some of the work found its way to Australia. About this time, innumerable patent clothes-cleaners were thrown upon the market, and the demand for the Doty necessarily decreased, though their manufacture still continues to some extent. Punching and shearing machines, grain-drills and wind-mills are the principal implements made by this company at the present time. Carriage and Wagon Factories. — The first carriage and wagon factory was owned and operated in 1844, by John King, father of J. D. King, the present' Assistant Postmaster, and R. W. King, the bookseller. It was located on the southeast corner of Milwaukee and Bluff streets. M. S. Ryckman, now with C. Sexton, built the first buggy ever constructed in Janes ville, in King's shop. King in 1845, built the shop on the opposite corner and continued the business until 1851, when having built the hotel adjoining, he opened it under the name of Janesville City Hotel. This he conducted until his death in July, 1852, disposing of his manu facturing interests to Robert Hodge. Uriah Story opened a shop in the old one vacated by King; but he, also, sold out to Hodge. In 1860, Mr. Hodge took Herman Buchholz in as a partner, and shortly afterward the firm opened a second shop directly opposite the old one. In 1864, the old quarters were abandoned, and the new factory was occupied by Messrs. Hodge & Buchholz, where they have remained permanently ever since. Their shops have been enlarged several times. They manufacture carriages, buggies and light wagons exclusively, employing from fifteen to twenty men. They estimate the amount of business done by them each year at from $20,000 to $25,000. In 1847-48, Mark Hardy held forth as a manufacturer of plows, wagons, etc., in a rudely constructed wooden shanty on the west side of the river, on a lot now occupied by Skelly Bros., who are in the same business. Hardy was taken with a violent type of a disease then known as the California gold fever, and, in 1849, he " pulled up stakes " in Janesville and cast his lot with the thousands of fortune-seekers who crossed the plains for the Far West. Shortly after his departure, John Tonjpkinson, a Vermonter, occupied the place with a small stock of material 564 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. for making and repairing wagons, His business increased rapidly, and more commodious quar ters became necessary. In 1853, he erected a three-story brick building and stocked it with everything necessary to carry on a first-class business, but the concern proved to be pretty much of an elephant, and Tompkinson is said to have lost money. At any rate, he became embarrassed, and, in the midst of the trouble, the structure was burned to the ground. No suspicion attached to Mr. Tompkinson, however, for he was in every way a worthy and upright citizen. Soon after this unfortunate occurrence (in 1858), he with his family moved to Southern Illinois, where he soon sickened and died. William and Henry Skelly constructed a small two-story frame build ing on the site of Tompkinson's misfortunes, and have since conducted a general repair-shop for farming implements. About the same time C. Sexton built a plow and cultivator manufactory a few feet farther east, and now carries on the business in conjunction with his son, H. B. Sexton. The gross receipts from the productions of Sexton & Son will probably reach $15,000 a year. They ship their implements in every direction, and Mr. Sexton, Sr., who is but seventy-two years of age, hopes in the course of time to establish quite a trade. There have been smaller and shorter-lived establishments in this line in Janesville, but their insignificance and the rapid growth of the city entirely effaces all trace of them. Woolen Factories. — The business of manufacturing woolen good? was first carried on in Rock County by Mr. Frank Whitaker, who erected a four-story brick building at Monterey, in 1849, and commenced operations in 1850. The capacity of the mill was about fifty thousand yards per year. In 1856, Mr. Whitaker disposed of the factory to Mrs. A. Hyatt Smith, but repurchased it of her in 1860. In 1868, Mr. Whitaker sold to the present owners, viz., Will iam Payne, William Cannon, W. D. Hastings and George C. McLean, and it is now known as the McLean Manufacturing Company ; capital stock, $100,000. The product of this mill amounts to about twelve thousand yards a month, and consists of all grades of goods, including ladies' cloths and fancy cassimeres. It is what is known as a three-set mill, but is equal to a seven-set, the warps used being purchased in Massachusetts. The Wheeler Manufacturing Company is the title of another woolen factory, which is located on Main street, a few doors south of the Doty Works. It was built in 1859, the prop erty of F. A. Wheeler, who died nearly a year ago, and is now operated by C. F. Wheeler, son of the deceased, under the firm name of Lawrence & Atwood, who are the nominal proprietors. It was first run on custom work, but gradually developed into a merchant mill. It has one complete set of machinery, with a capacity of 100 yards of cloth per day. Heavy cassimeres and flannels are the fruits of its looms. A large number of country people, with a penchant for indulging an old-fashioned taste for the ancient spinning-wheel, get their roll-carding done at this factory. In 1847, George W. Hegler, now living in Dyersville, Iowa, brought a small wool-carding machine from Beloit and began operations in the upper story of a building which stood upon the lot now occupied by the Janesville Furniture Company, but the enterprise was abandoned in 1848. Brick. — The first bricks produced in Rock County were from a kiln burned by C. C. Phelps, in 1843-44. They wrere of an inferior quality, but met and satisfied the small demand which arose at that early day. In 1846, J. M. Alden commenced the manufacture of brick on a more extended scale, and he, together with others of his family, has continued in the business up to the present time. His first yard was located about half a mile north of the city, on what is known as the Lappin farm. The next kiln burned by Mr. Alden was on "the Island," and the third in the vicinity of Black Hawk Grove, in the Third Ward. As the demand increased, the business was enlarged, until the production reached several millions each year. The Hon. A. Hyatt Smith burned a small kiln of brick at Monterey in 1853, which were used in the construction of the Hyatt House. Mr. Alden is now permanently located in the busi ness on Bluff street near the gas works. The article manufactured by him is principally red brick. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 565 Furniture and Cabinet Makers. — M. W. Trask conducted a furniture factory in 1846, on the lot now occupied by houses belonging to J. W. Story, of Chicago, on Main street, opposite the public square. In 1847, Alvin Miner manufactured furniture over John King's wagon-shop, on Milwaukee street. In 1852, J. F. Morse bought Miner out, and, three years later, formed a partnership with S, A. Martin. The factory was moved to the race just south of Hodson's flouring-mill, in 1860, and, in 1863, Magnus Hanson purchased Martin's interest, the firm becoming Morse, Hanson & Co. Two years ago, Mr. Hanson obtained entire control of the business1. He man ufactures principally of black walnut, and has a considerable shipping trade in the Northwest. The next most important factory is owned by W. B. Britton, Fenner Kimball and W. H. Ashcraft, and known as the Janesville Furniture Company, lt was established in 1864, and is situated on the race, near the Phoenix Planing-Mill. The company have two salesrooms on the north side of East Milwaukee street, near the post office. Planing-Mills and Sash Factories. — The manufacture of lumber was quite an industry in the early history of Janesville. As a consequence, numerous planing and sash mills sprang up to prepare the rough boards for building purposes. Hume, Booth & Co., Doty & Burnham, and James Spencer will be remembered as the proprietors of establishments of this character located along the race. The Phoenix Planing-Mill, still in existence, was constructed and oper ated by Nettleton & Jacks, in 1866. It then became the property of Harvey & Anderson, and is now owned by Shopbell & Norris, who carry on a trade amounting to about $16,000 a year, - frequently shipping to points in Indiana and Iowa. Harness and Saddles. — Among the early settlers who engaged in the manufacture of har ness and saddles may be mentioned H. S. Woodruff, Chase & Joslyn, A. Shearer, William Wright, H. H. Meader and J. M. Riker. The latter carried on very extensive operations up to 1864, when he sold to Bates & Jenkins. His shops were under the old American House, in Lappin's Block. Two of Mr. Riker's sons now conduct the business opposite the post office. The manufacture of harness proved to be profitable in early days, for a large number of persons engaged in it. The business has since been divided up, and small shops are very numerous. Breweries. — William Hodson owned and operated the first brewery in Janesville. It stood upon ground now occupied by the Doty Manufacturing Company's works. In 1848, the build ing was struck by lightning and completely destroyed. Hodson rebuilt, and then sold to Henry B. Brunst;r, now in New York. Brunster carried it on through his brother Arthur, who is at present a member of Her Majesty's Parliament in British Columbia. The property passed to the hands of Pixley, Kimball & Co., and the brewery was torn down to make place for less liquid and more substantial enterprises. In 1853, John Buob built a brewery up the river, half a milo above the railroad, where he manufactured lager' beer for thirsty throats. In 1854, Anson Rogers, since Mayor of the city two terms, bought a half-interest from Buob, and they carried on the business together for eight years, at the end of which time, Buob sold to Rogers and went to Jefferson, where he built a flouring-mill. In 1871, he returned, and, in company with his brother Michael, who had remained in the employ of Rogers, leased the brewery, and they have operated it ever since, turning out about two hundred barrels of beer a month. Morshe & Wagoner erected the Black Hawk Brewery, near the south end of Main street, m 1856, and after a few years of unsuccessful work, sold the implements to John Roethinger, who built more commodious quarters hard by, known as the Janesville Steam Brewery. The establishment was entirely destroyed by fire in 1872, insured for about one third its value. Mr. Roethinger then built the Cold Springs Brewery upon the same site, and operated it for a few years, finally leasing it to Rosa & Bender, who have conducted the business to the present time. The establishment has a capacity of 1,000 barrels a year, lager beer and ale. John George Todd, an Englishman, is the proprietor of an ale brewery, situated at the east end of the upper bridge. It was established in 1869. About fifty thousand gallons of ale are 566 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. manufactured each year, mostly from Wisconsin hops, which finds a ready market throughout this and adjoining States. Janesville Iron Works. — The crumbling walls of the old Novelty Works, on River street, near the cotton-factory, marks the spot where this institution stood. It was erected about 1852, by Joseph H. Budd, who turned out all kinds of machinery and farming implements, employing from seventy-five to one hundred men. Its disappearance from the list of manufactories was even more sudden than its advent, and it passed away to make place for a "novelty" enter prise, which also disappeared like a phantom, under the influence of financial difficulties. Brooms. — At one time, the manufacture of brooms in Janesville was carried on quite extensively by Jerry Bates, over Meyer's packing establishment. During 1855, Mr. Bates ^employed fifteen men, and his stock was known far and wide. As the country settled up, small factories were started in the neighboring hamlets, and the demand for the Janesville article nec essarily decreased. In 1864, he went to the war, and returning in 1866 he built a shop on Main, corner of Third street, and conducted his business there for six years. He then purchased the ground formerly occupied by Shaw & May's plow shop, on North First street, and built a broom factory thereon, where he now turns out from four thousand to five thousand dozen per year, employing four hands. He ships to various points in Iowa, Min nesota and Wisconsin, and supplies an extensive local demand. George Hatherell makes brooms, in a small way, during the winter months, at the east end of the lower bridge. About two hundred dozen were the result of his last winter's work. Patent gates and patent spring-beds occupy Mr. Hatherell's attention during the summer. He commenced operations a year ago. Tallman s Laboratory. — -Among other institutions peculiar to the city of Janesville is a perfumery factory (the property of W. H. Tallman, situated on the southwest corner of Cherry and Pleasant streets), whose atmosphere is redolent with intoxicating scents and essences of the far East. The business was inaugurated in 1858, by W. H. Tallman and Henry W. Collins, who had been associated together as druggists and chemists. Mr. Collins has since died, and Mr. Tallman is now the sole proprietor of the laboratory. The productions of the concern cover the entire list of perfumeries, toilet waters, court and roll plasters, etc., usually found in first -class drug stores, and are sold in every part of the Union. It is the only establishment of the kind west of Philadelphia and New York. Patent Buckles. — Janesville boasts the proud distinction of supplying a large portion of the United States with very superior brands of trace-buckles. The Woodruff Champion Buckle was patented by Mr. H. S. Woodruff, in 1872, and in March, 1873, its manufacture was begun on River street, just north of the railroad. Forty thousand dozen a year is the average produc tion. The castings are made in Buffalo by Pratt & Letchworth, who pay a royalty for the sales made by them. Mr. Woodruff has met with much annoyance from infringements of his patent, but he can well afford to go to law, which he frequently does, as he has grown rich from the sale of a simple trace-buckle. During 1873, Lawrence & Atwood were interested in the Champion Buckle, but Mr. Woodruff is now the sole proprietor. The Huntress Trace-Buckle, also patented, is manufactured by J. H. Huntress and G. M. Hanchett, at 25 South Main street. His buckle was patented in 1878, and the sales since the first of January have reached 2,000 dozen. The castings are made in Chicago. Corn-Planters, etc. — A. C. Kent and Frank Lawrence manufacture hand corn-planters and fan-mills, on Main street near North First, where from six thousand to seven thousand of the former and from three hundred to four hundred of the latter have been built annually for the past eight years. Mr. Kent conducted the business above the gas-works as early as 1855. There is a demand for their implements throughout the Northwest. Mr. Kent is now engaging a part of his time in experimenting with improved machinery for the manufacture of sugar from the Chinese sugar-cane. He has one hundred acres under cultivation this season. Janesville Pickling and Packing Works. — Twelve thousand bushels of pickles and 4,000 barrels of krauts, would seem a sufficient quantity of " sour stuff" for the needs of the people of a HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 567 whole nation, but this is simply the amount Rock County adds to this line of the world's commerce. The above-named establishment is situated about three-quarters of a mile west of the river, a short distance north of the railroad, and was established in 1874. The Directors are E. G. Fifield, J. D. Rexford, Henry Palmer and F. S. Eldred. The company also have a similar concern, with a capacity of nearly fifty thousand bushels a year, at Crystal Lake, but it is leased to other parties. Attached to the Janesville institution is a vinegar factory with a capacity of ten barrels per day ; also a large cooper-shop. Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Company. — Six years ago, when a few of the enterpris ing citizens of Janesville commenced to discuss the question of establishing a cotton-mill at this point, they were regarded by the rest of the inhabitants as a band of escaped lunatics. Mr. Frank Whitaker, of Janesville, and Mr. Jackson, of North Adams, Mass., had been figuring on the project, and the more they continued to investigate the matter the more thoroughly they became convinced that the enterprise was a feasible one, and that within a very short period of time, a handsome return upon the investment would result. Mr. Chester Bailey and Mr. A. J. Ray, both of North Adams, and men of wide experience in the cotton manufacturing business were made familiar with the plans and figures of Messrs. Whitaker and Jackson, and the subse quent mathematical calculations of the two former gentlemen coincided exactly with those of the latter. Messrs. Bailey and Ray were then induced to visit Janesville for the purpose of interesting the citizens. The project was thoroughly canvassed. Communication was opened with cotton dealers and cotton raisers in the South. The cost of laying the raw material down in Janesville, the expense of the necessary power to operate the factory, the rates at which labor could be obtained, the prices at which the goods must be sold — all these questions were consid ered in detail with an eye to the main point, the profit that would remain. The Jariesvillians are not different from other people in this respect ; they will put their money into all kinds of enterprises, providing they can see the shadow of a margin. Those interested in the cotton-fac tory question, thought they saw their way clear, and so they concluded to invest. On the 29th of August, 1874, a meeting of those interested was called at the Myers House. An organiza tion was perfected, and the following officers and Directors elected : 0. B. Ford, President; John J. R. Pease, Vice President ; F. S. Eldred, Treasurer; William A. Lawrence, Secretary; Directors, C. B. Ford, John J. R. Pease, William A. Lawrence, F. S. Eldred, Henry Palmer, Jacob Fisher, Peter Myers, A. J. Ray and L. B. Carle. A stock company was immediately organized with a capital of $120,000, the shares being all subscribed in Janesville. The company purchased a site on the race, consisting of seven lots between Franklin and River streets and north of Wall street. A water privilege of 3,200 square inches was also secured, and on September 10, 1874, ground was broken for the erection of a building. The structure was completed, ready for the machinery, February 1, 1875. Its dimensions are as follows : Main building of brick, three stories high, 221 feet long and 54 feet wide, with a two-story addition for a picker-room and machine-shop, 35x54 feet, and a one- story boiler-room. On the evening of the 9th of February, the use of the mammoth structure was donated to the Janesville Sack Company for the purpose of giving an entertainment for the benefit of the poor of the city. It was the largest social gathering ever held in Rock County. It is esti mated that over three thousand persons were present. The orchestra was composed of sixty- four instruments. Dr. Henry Palmer delivered the opening address, and was followed by Dr. J. B. Whiting, Rev. J. P. Bates, Prof. Hoisington, the blind lecturer, Pliny Norcross and John R. Bennett. The speeches were chiefly eulogistic of the enterprising gentlemen at the head of the institution, and abounded in wit and humor. In the remarks of Mr. Bennett, we find the following historical reminiscences : When I look back to the town as I saw it over twenty-six years ago, with its Janesville Stage House, kept by Burroughs & Herring; its one butcher-shop, kept by our worthy townsman Peter Myers; its one barber-shop, kept by John E. Dixon, now of Monroe ; its low wooden buildings which then lined Main and Milwaukee streets, now replaced by elegant and substantial brick blocks; its 1,^00 inhabitants increased to 10,000, I realize that our city has not been stationary, but is constantly increasing in wealth and commercial importance. 568 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. On the third floor was an animated scene. The vast apartment, with newly whitened walls, was illuminated by means of a number of locomotive head-lights. Dancing was the order of the evening. Ninety-six sets (768 persons) were on the floor at one time. Thus dedicated, the building was soon supplied with the latest improved machinery and placed in running order. A fe"w operatives were brought from the East to instruct others employed at home and operations began. During the first year of the organization, the Board of Directors held sixty-five sessions, But few changes have been made in the Board to the present time. William A. Lawrence has been made President of the Company in place of 0. B. Ford, A. J. Ray superseding Mr. Law rence as Secretary. E. W. Fisher has become a Director, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of his father, Jacob Fisher. An addition to the factory was made in 1877. Owing to a sharp competition by Eastern mills, where the rate of wages had been cut down 10 per cent, the company determined to test the capacity of the factory by running it day and night. An extra force of operatives was employed for this purpose, and the 10,000 spindles previously run only during the day, are now made to perform the work of 20,000. The operatives owe no allegiance to Eastern trades unions' and receive larger wages than are paid in New York, Massachusetts, etc. Two hundred and fifty hands are employed, two-thirds of them being females. The factory has 400 looms, and there is some talk of increasing this number one-half. Three grades of sheeting are manu factured, namely, R. R., heavy, sixty-four threads to the inch ; L. L., medium, fifty-six threads ; Centennial, fifty-two threads. Notwithstanding the fact that larger wages are paid the opera tives in this factory than in Eastern mills, these goods are produced at a cost on labor of 1 and 3-10 cents against 1 and 7-10 and 8 cents in the large factories of New England. In 1877, nearly 700 tons of raw cotton were consumed, costing over $163,000. From this were manufactured 4,857,096 yards of sheetings, the cash value of which was $295,487.09. During 1878, 5,350,901 yards of domestics were produced, at an estimated cash value of $310,- 993.10. The pay-roll for the same period amounted to $70,214.46. Purchases of raw cotton are made principally in Memphis, Tenn., but, during the picking season, small lots are obtained direct from planters in Texas, thus saving the percentage usually allowed to "middle-men." The entire cost of the property was about $206,000. The water-power has been increased to 5,000 square inches, most of which is utilized day and night. This factory is the only establishment of the kind in the West, and its marvelous success does great credit to its designers. A recent visitor says : " Do you care to visit the mill with me, and see how cotton becomes cloth ? On the second floor, main building, we see the first step in manufacture. Here each bale is opened, and the heavily pressed cotton beaten up by a machine called 'the picker.' This loosened fibre is then run through two ' lappers ' (a succession of rollers), which spread and press the material into a continuous thick felt carpet three feet wide, and roll it up. With one of these rolls each of the forty-eight carding machines in the next room is supplied. Imagine a number of Albino ladies with abundant cotton tresses, having their heads brushed with revolving sharp-toothed wire brushes, which an attendant keeps combing off, while another draws out the thin combings in one continuous, fragile, snow-white curl. This is carding. Twelve of these curls are then twisted together and drawn out into one. (No wonder there is noisy remonstrance from these machine ladies.) Three other similar sets of twelve have their common curl twisted with this one. Then six of these combination curls are rolled in together and even this much enduring tress, I believe, is doubled before being drawn out and spun into the fine, final thread. Let us see! Here is the equivalent of 576 ladies, all together, having their hair gradually pulled out and twisted into one thread. What tyrant man dare deny them the comfort of a tolerably loud and constant machine scolding ? The final spindles revolve six thousand times per minute. The thread passes to them over and between three small leather-covered rollers, of which the last one revolves faster than the others, thus tending to pull the thread out finer. As these rollers HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 569 revolve independently of each other, and each can be made to go faster or slower as desired, the tension on the final twist can be so nicely adjusted as to make a uniform thread of just the required fineness and weight. Their present brands of cloth (LL and RR) weigh about four yards ro the pound. "On the third floor are four pairs of mules, warranted to kick gently, and each with the intelligence of many inventors in his head. A pair carrying sixteen hundred spindles, are tended by one boy. Descending to the ground floor, we find four beautiful machines preparing Mvarp,' and 200 looms loudly and industriously gossiping. The continuous thread of their dis course is shuttled back and forth about one hundred and fifty times a minute — I am not quite certain. Any wife who has attempted to time her husband's tongue, knows that is difficult to be exact. A very effective machine for grinding the cards, and two 'sizers,' which starch the thread, will please excuse us for not noticing them sooner. See, also, that most ingenious arrangement for cleaning the cards. While everything is hummingly busy, this lazy wood and iron fellow reaches over the drum, lifts out that long wire brush for card, turns it over slowly, takes off at one scrape all the adhering short stuff, quietly replaces the card, and, skipping one goes on to the next. Returning, he takes up those alternate ones, which wereleft out before, I suppose, so that he might have something to do on his way back. These short combings are used, we are told, in making cotton-batting. "The various bolts of completed cloth meet at last in a smaller room to be measured and marked. With a kind of sewing machine, run on a short elevated railway, the different pieces are stitched together and rolled into one gigantic roll. From this, the iron measuring-lever draws the cloth and pushing back and forth spreads it in regular yard folds. Nimble, feminine fingers tear off enough sheeting for a piece, count the exact number of folds to a fraction and mark it down. A girl ties the ends, the marker and baler stamp the trade mark (Badger State Mills, LL.) and makes up a neat bale, the size of a Saratoga trunk, which contain on the aver age 1,200 yards. Covered with burlap and tightly roped, they are ready for the dray, the cars, the market — for the tears of the poor who mourn over shrouds, for the smiles of those who lie down to pleasant dreams." Batting Works. — E. C. Bailey, son of Chester Bailey, Superintendent of the Cotton Factory, and Charles Story established a batting factory at Monterey, in 1875. Shortly after ward Mr. Bailey sold to Story and a Mr. A. E. Burpee. The latter in turn purchased Story's interest, and ran the concern till 1878, when it was discontinued. In January, 1878, Mr. Chester Bailey leased the Guild Building on Franklin street, and opened a cotton batting fac tory. Soon afterward, a site was procured and a building erected near the railroad, at the head of the race, on the West Side. The factory is operated by a 20-horse-power engine, and turns out about thirteen bales, or six hundred and fifty pounds of batting a day. Machinery is now being placed in the same building for the manufacture of carpet-warp and wrapping-twine. Mr. E. C. Bailey is Superintendent of the institution. Boot and Shoe Factories. — J. B. Dimock, J. T. W. Murray, James Hutson, John Baxter and F. W. Loudon will be remembered as being identified with this interest at an early day. At the present time, however, the business seems to have been concentrated to a great extent. The Janesville Shoe Manufacturing Company, at one time, was a noted institution. It passed to new management in the early part of 1878, and the concern, which is located on South Main street, is now known as the Wisconsin Shoe Company. It was organized February 5, 1878. The Directors are Henry Palmer, G. W. Hawes, William A. Lawrence and Volney Atwood. Will iam A. Lawrence is President and G. W. Hawes, Secretary of the Company. The authorized capital stock is $20,000, with $10,000 paid up. The sales amount to about $125,000 annu ally, and are made throughout this State, Illinois, Iowa and Southern Nebraska. The company carries 225 different sizes and styles of Ladies' Misses', Children's, Men's, Boys' and Youths' sewed and pegged kid, goat, grain, calf and serge shoes, all first-class work. Eighty-five work men are employed. 570 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Cigar-Box Factory. — In 1874, F. G. Stevens, son of Charles Stevens of saw-mill and Stevens House fame, conducted a small cigar-box factory opposite the present post office, but in 1876, moved to Main street, north of North First street, where he manufactures about two thousand four hundred boxes a week, shipping them to Iowa, Illinois and throughout Wisconsin. Novelty Works. — Henry A. Doty manufactures novelties — crimpers, fluters, garden and indoor reels — for Lowell & Hayner, of Chicago, having established the business October, 1878, opposite Stevens' box factory. Mr. Doty also operates a feed-mill, next door to his Novelty works, with a capacity of twenty-four tons per day. The mill has been running about twelve years. Altogether, the history of the manufactories which line the banks of Rock River, whereon is built the lovely city of Janesville, is one of marked interest, presenting a wonderful retrospect to those whose useful lives have been spent in establishing these grand improvements. And the end is not yet. If the progress of the past is an evidence of what we may expect in the future, long before the compilers of this book are called to their eternal home the hills and dales of Rock Ri,ver Valley, where once roamed the wild savage, will resound with the hum of the loom and echo the glad voices of thousands of industrious operatives. The Gas Works. — Prior to 1856, the people of Janesville were without gas, and dependent upon the tallow candle or oil lamps (rude contrivances those days) for light. In the early part of that year, a stock company was formed, composed of the leading citizens, for the purpose of erecting and operating gas works. Mr. J. Woodward was the contractor. During the con struction of the works, the subscribers to the stock failing to pay up as promptly as was necessary, a mortgage for a few thousand dollars was negotiated upon the incomplete building. After the completion of the works the property became involved and was sold to satisfy the mortgage. Mr. Lockwood bid it in for Milwaukee parties who still own it. Hiram Merrill, the Superin tendent of the works, is largely interested. Many improvements have been made, including the addition of several retorts. Pipes have been laid throughout the city, gas being m general use in the business houses and private residences. The price of gas during the first few years after its introduction here, was $4 per 1,000 feet. Reductions have been made until it is now $2.80. The works are located on Bluff street, near the railroad. The Morocco Factory. — In 1877, E. W. Hilt and a Mr. Scott established a factory in Janesville for the purpose of manufacturing morocco. Changes in the proprietorship have been very frequent. Jerome & Trott and Edward Whiton succeeded Mr. Scott. The first two gen tlemen soon retired, leaving Messrs. Hilt & Whiton in the management. Bassett, Bliss & But ler soon joined the firm, this action being followed by the retiring of Dr. Butler in favor of J. C. Echlin. Mr. Hilt soon took entire charge of the factory and carried it on until March last, when G. F. Banks became interested, and the business has since been conducted under the firm name of G. F. Banks & Co. The factory is located on the West Side, near Buob's Brewery. Goat skins are obtained from South America and Europe. THEATERS AND HALLS. Janesville has always had a reputation — and justly, too — for being what is termed among professional managers " a good show town." Besides the liberal patronage bestowed upon the itinerant theatrical companies, home talent has always received the greatest encouragement from the citizens. As early as 1849, traveling troupes came to Janesville. The only place resem bling a theater at that day was Apollo Hall, in Lappin's Block — that portion of it which was built south of the present stairway entrance. In 1851, the representatives of one of the later tribes of Indians then extant in Wisconsin, passed through Janesville on their way to Washing ton to see the " Great Father," about certain landed rights which they claimed had been infringed. They were in command of an enterprising white man, who brought them out in Apollo Hall in a grand war-dance. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 571 Lappin's Hall was built soon afterward in Thomas Lappin's brick block, on the corner of Main and Milwaukee streets. It became the popular place for all kinds of entertainments, local and otherwise, and remained as such until 1870, when Peter Myers completed his Opera House in the rear of the Myers House. Lappin's Hall has ever since remained the favorite place for the production of the drama, opera or concert by local companies. Languishe & Atwater will be remembered as popular managers of various combinations at this hall. Myers' Opera House was opened in July, 1870, by the " Russian Concert Troupe," who were billed for two nights. The building stands on the southwest corner of Milwaukee and Bluff streets, is two stories high and cost, when completed, between $25,000 and $26,000. The Opera House portion of the building is in the second story, and is 110x44 feet in size. It has two galleries and will seat 900 people. The stage is 32 feet deep with an opening 25 feet wide, and two proscenium boxes on either side. Surmounting the crest of the auditorium is a life-size painting of — not the immortal Bard of Avon — but Peter Myers. The theater is well provided with exits, and is well arranged for the convenience of professionals, there being an entrance to the stage from the hotel. A glance at the book in which are written the names and dates of the different attractions will bring forth many pleasant recollections of familiar " stars. " Following the Russian Concert Troupe, we find the Royal Japanese Jugglers, McKean Buchanan, Adelaide Phillips, Commodore Foote, Laura Keene, Edwin Adams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, " The Fat Boy,'' Kate Field, Anna Dickinson, Lawrence Barrett, Joseph Jefferson, Victoria C. Woodhull, Theodore Tilton, the Black Crook, Matt Carpenter, " Buffalo Bill," Fox's Humpty Dumpty, Caroline Bernard-Richings, J. K. Emmett, May Fiske's Blondes, the Mendelssohn Quintette Club of Boston, Olive Logan, Tom Thumb, Camille Urso, Salsbury's Troubadours, Joe Murphy, the Rice Evangeline Combination, Lewis Morrison, Julia Rive King, the Hyer Sis ters, that prevailing epidemic, " H. M. S. Pinafore," with Pauline Markham as " Little Butter cup," John T. Raymond, the Georgia Minstrels and John Dillon. CHINESE SETTLEMENT. When the pages of this history shall have become worn with age, and the 400,000,000 Chinese, whom Dennis Kearney, in his political predictions, tells us will come to America, shall have supplanted Christian civilization with a blightful paganism, it will be a matter of interest to the few Anglo-Saxons then remaining to know something of the first Mongolian settlement in Janesville. Chang Wing preceded the invasion several thousand years, leaving Canton, on the southern coast of China, about A. D. 1877, for Janesville. Chang Wong Cheung, his thirteenth cousin, followed within a month, crossing the broad Pacific in a rudely constructed vessel pro pelled by a steam engine of 5,000 horse-power, the invention of a Western barbarian. Wo Gee, also of the family of Chang, was the next arrival. The three Celestials opened a wash-house under the Myers House, where they grew rich cleansing the native linen at $1 per dozen. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION. On the 10th of April, 18'65, a charter was granted by the State Legislature to the Young Men's Association of the city of Janesville. The incorporators were E. F. Welch, E. D. Coe, H. Williston, William Smith, Jr., P. T. Enright, A. Skelley, J. C. Spencer, W. H. Wilson, J. A. Foster, L. J. Nash, R. Carey and D. J. Armstrong. The objects of the Association were to establish and maintain a library, to institute literary and scientific debates and lectures, and to provide other means of moral and intellectual culture. Its membership spread until it included the greater portion of the young and middle-aged men engaged in professional and mercantile pursuits in this city. The Association has been the means of bringing some of the most learned lecturers of the present age to Janesville. It has also exercised a considerable influence in politics, many of its members having been elected to office through its agency. The Association has a library numbering about 2,500 volumes. In maintaining this library, it has 572 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. had no outside assistance, with the exception of one year, when the City Charter was amended, giving one-half the receipts from liquor licenses in aid of the Association, but this was repealed the following year. It is the only circulating library in the county, and has been a source of benefit in furnishing valuable reading matter to the public. It has maintained, with few inter ruptions, weekly debates on various topics of interest. Among the many individuals who have become graduates, as it were, of this institution, may be mentioned George R. Peck, at one time United States District Attorney of Kansas ; William Kennedy, District Attorney of Outagamie County, and J. W. Sale, now serving his third term as District Attorney of Rock County. The present officers are as follows : George G. Sutherland, President ; W. T. Vankirk, Vice President ; S. H. Hudson, Recording Secretary ; J. B. Doe, Jr., Corresponding Secretary ; E. M. Hyzer, Treasurer. The Association is located in the old post-office building, at the east end of Milwaukee street bridge. FIRE DEPARTMENT. This institution, which dates its organization from the formation of a hook and ladder com pany, is not unlike the fire departments of other Western towns. After the burning of Hod- son's Brewery, which stood where the Doty manufacturing shops now are, on May 7, 1848, and the destruction of Richardson's Mill, on the race, in February, 1850, the few business men of the village organized a hook and ladder company, which was equipped in the following summer, with a truck of the most unique pattern. It was of home manufacture, the product of Hardy k Thompkins' shops, which stood on the ground now occupied by C. Sexton & Son. The Res cue Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, was the title of the organization. Martin Dewey was the first Foreman, and Robert Christie his assistant. Christie succeeded Dewey as Foreman, and he in turn was superseded by William Kemp. The company was uniformed with the usual red shirt and leather helmet hat. Ex- Alderman William Hemming and ex-Chief Engineer John R. Hodson claim to be the first two men who appeared in fireman's uniform in Janesville, This company went to pieces upon the organization of the engine companies, but was present and did good service at the burning of the Stevens House in 1853. The "oldest inhabitant" of the city fails to call to mind the location or date of the first fire. Some say it was on West Milwaukee street near Davis Bros.' grocery store, while others aver that the first blaze occurred on South Main street. The first fire of any importance, however, was that of William Hodson's brewery. The loss occasioned by this fire is placed at $7,000 ; no insurance. This also includes the destruction of Mr. Hodson's residence, which contained a valuable library. Following this was the burning of the Stevens House on April 1. 1853. The old settlers often refer to this fire, as it occurred on the day of the first city election, and during a terrible windstorm. The greatest fire in the history of Janesville was the Hyatt House, January 11, 1867. The loss on the building and furniture was about $160,000, with but little insurance. One of the servant girls was burned to death. Next came the Congregational Church, May 1, 1875 ; loss about $60,000, partly insured. The Big Mill was burned June 29, 1871 ; the American House, January 12, 1868; Morse, Hanson & Co.'s furniture factory, January 14, 1867. In 1866, an extensive conflagration occurred on North Main street. After the burning of the Stevens House in 1853, the property owners agreed that it was necessary that better means to extinguish fires should be provided, and, under the leadership of Frank S. Lawrence and Will iam Kemp, the first engine company was organized in October, 1851, with Mr. Lawrence as Foreman. It was known as Rock River Engine Company, No. 1. G. S. Strasberger suc ceeded Mr. Lawrence as Foreman, October, 1855, and held that office until the company was disbanded, July, 1861. The company was composed of some of the best men in the city, had won several prizes at fairs and been a valuable protector of property in Janesville. It was disbanded by order of the Common Council because the members had disobeyed the orders of the Chief Engineer in having taken their engine to Monroe on the Fourth of July. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 573 In February, 1855, William Kemp called a meeting of the citizens at the office of Messrs. Pease & Eldredge, for the purpose of organizing a fire company, which was responded to by a large number of prominent men. At this meeting, Water Witch Company No. 2, was organ ized, with William Kemp as Foreman ; T. B. Wooliscroft, Assistant Foreman ; B. B. Eldredge, Secretary, and D. G. Farwell, Treasurer. In the winter of 1855, the Common Council purchased two second-class Button hand engines, which were delivered to the city in June of the same year. No. 1 engine took the west side of the river and No. 2 the east side. Water Witch No. 2, has been a competitor in a great many tournaments in different parts of the State, and, with but two exceptions, always came home with "the broom on her deck." This company claims to be the oldest fire company in service in the State. The following persons have filled the office of foreman : William Kemp, W. S. Chase, William A. Eager, C. P. King, Henry Hemming, Henry Richards, Adam Skelly, George Pickering, John Gorman, John R. Hodson, R. P. Young, M. H. Keating, James Foster, Lewis Tramblie and John C. Spencer. This com pany is now supplied by a second-class Button steam engine drawn by horses. The .boys have a private fire alarm at each member's house, and say they can "go to the street with apparatus in ten seconds." The present officers are: John 0. Spencer, Foreman ; James Foster, Hose Captain ; John Slightam, Engineer and Treasurer; W. C. Phillips, Clerk. After the disbandment of Engine Company No. 1, the same men organized themselves into a fire company, and styled it Washington Company No. 3 ; but since they exchanged their hand engine for a steamer, they have been known as Washington Engine Company No. 1. They have a second-class Silsby (rotary) steam engine. The following persons have held the office of foreman : M. H. Curtis, D. C. Ward, D. H. McChesney, John T. Wilcox, 0. Brooks, T. Mahon, H. W. Dewey, John Kelly and John F. Ehrlinger. The present officers are : John F. Ehrlinger, Foreman; William Brooks, Hose Captain; George M. Ehrlinger, Secretary; William Airis, Treasurer ; A. A. Dresser, Engineer. In 1868, the city purchased two steam fire engines, and disposed of the hand-engines, No. 1 going to Two Rivers, in this State, and No. 2 to Waterloo, Iowa. In 1876, the rotary engine was condemned by the city, and a new one of the same class procured. Eagle Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, was organized in December, 1856, with Joseph B. Rothschild as Foreman. The name was afterward changed to Rescue, and the following summer the company received a handsome truck from New York. A frame house was built for their use in the rear of the Hyatt House. The foremen have been J. B. Rothschilds, William B. Britton, W. Weston, William T. Paul', Daniel Dowling, R. B. Treat, James Shearer, James Clark, Peter Gliem, Thomas Mahon. The present officers are : Thomas Mahon, Foreman ; Anthony Brown, Assistant Foreman ; W. G. Metcalf, Secretary ; Patrick Farrell, Treasurer. This company is in great need of modern apparatus. Sack Company No. 1, was organized in 1855, with Ira Justin, Jr., as Foreman. It is composed principally of business men, who act simply as a fire police. There are twenty men in the company. The following named persons have acted as foremen : Ira Justin, Jr., S. C. Spaulding, E. H. Bennett, Charles Holt, M. C. Smith, R. J. Richardson, E. L. Dimock, W. H. Tallman, John J. R. Pease. H. S. Shelton, Hamilton Richardson, W. G. Wheeloek, J. M. Bostwick, M. B. Johnson, J. A. Webb, Cyrus Miner, W. T. Vankirk, J. W. St. John, C. S. Crosby, J. R. Botsford, J. A. Deniston, John Griffith, L. B. Carl. Following are the present officers : L. B. Carl, Foreman ; G. A. Libby, Assistant Foreman ; E. B. Heimstreet; Secretary ; W. B. Britton, Treasurer. The following persons have held the office of Chief Engineer of the Janesville Fire Department : Gilbert Dolson, Ira Justin, Jr., William B. Britton, James Hemming, William M. D, Burt, S. Foord, Jr., Henry Richards, Randall Williams, James Clark, John R. Hodson, James Shearer, J. W. St. John,' R. P. Young, John T. Wilcox, Peter Gliem, H. W. Dewey William Cunningham. The Department is well housed, and in point of efficiency is not excelled by any organiza tion with similar advantages. 574 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. On the 5th of March, 1857, an act incorporating a Benevolent Society ot the Fire Depart ment of the city of Janesville was passed by the State Legislature. The incorporators were : W. W. Holden, President ; J. De Witt Rexford, Vice President ; J. H. Vermilye, Secretary ; F. A. Kimball, Treasurer ; Felix Barrere, Collector. The purposes of the Society were to look after the sick and indigent members of the department, and afford them relief. The first money paid into its treasury was a donation from the Hon. J. J. R. Pease, in acknowledgement of ser vices rendered by the boys in extinguishing a fire at his residence in 1857. Each of the fire companies in the city is represented in the society by two delegates. The present officers are as follows : W. T. Vankirk, President ; Thomas Mahon, Vice President ; John F. Ehrlinger, Secretary ; James Shearer, Collector ; John Kelly, Treasurer. MILITARY. In November, 1855, a company of militia was organized in Janesville, known as the Janes ville City Guard. Arms were furnished them by the State. They wore a gray uniform, trimmed with black, and drilled in a vacant room in Mitchell's Block. Unlike other military companies, this organization had a Colonel, besides the usual list of officers. The organizers were evidently lacking in military spirit, for the company soon disbanded by general consent, but, when the war of the rebellion broke out, many of them responded to the call to arms, and enlisted in defense of the Union. Following were the officers of the Company : George S. Dodge, Colonel ; B. F. Pixley, Captain ; N. Harsch, First Lieutenant ; W. L. Mitchell, Second Lieutenant ; E. Tallman, Third Lieutenant. The Sergeants were J. R. Beale, Charles D. Bacon, James B. Dimock and William Parker; Corporals, F. Strunk, William Addy, William Shelton and John Day. In March, 1861, a second company was organized, known as the Janesville Light Guard. with the following officers : H. A. Patterson, Captain ; Lieutenants, H. M. Wheeler, George A. Young, H. R. Clum and James Mills ; Sergeants, Ellis Doty, W. H. Holt, S. R. De Witt, H C. Hern and E. P'. Mills ; Corporals, A. W. Hathaway, L. W. Smith, John A. White and N. W. Proper. A. B. McLean served as Drill Master, and otherwise aided in the organization, but, early in the civil strife then existing between the North and the South, he went to the front as First Lieutenant of Company D, Second Regiment. Upon the second call for volunteers, the entire company entered the service, becoming Company E in the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteers, with H. M. Wheeler as Captain. The civil officers of the company were H. A. Patterson, President; J. D. King, Secretary ; Levi Alden, Treasurer. The Janesville City Zouaves was the next company to organize under the State Militia laws, in June, 1861. The company was composed principally of young men of Janesville, who had become imbued with the patriotism of the day. The first officers of the company were : George G. Williams, Captain ; Lieutenants, J. S. Murray, George Brown and J. W. Hall : Ser geants, E. Woodman, G. F. True, John Hutson and William M. Burns ; Corporals, Hiram Nash, H. B. Williams, Andrew Palmer, Jr., and W. R. Graham. This company also enlisted in the regular service as Company B, ofthe Thirteenth Wisconsin Regiment. Soon after the departure of this company for the front, a Home . Guard was informally called together by citizens with the preservation of the Union at heart, who stood in readiness to take up arms in its defense. Not a few of them volunteered and gave their lives toward bring ing the cruel conflict to a close. The ardor which had characterized the formation of military companies prior to and during the rebellion seems to have been somewhat cooled from the effects of regular duty, and we do not find the organization of militia companies of so frequent occurrence until within the past two years. But, no matter how much the deprecation of acts of barbarism may enter into the teach ings and refinements ofthe age, the spirit of man longs for triumphs and conquests beyond those of love and riches. Fame is his glory of glories, and he is more often found trying to reach his sublimest ambition in the garb of a soldier, through the medium of death-dealing instruments, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 575 than in the fields of civil science. The leaves of the blood-stained record of the rebellion are scarcely dried, when we find him taking his first step, to the measured time of fife and drum, toward the battlefield, his soul aflame with the same desire that prompted his patriot father to lay down his life. Should the call to arms resound through the land to-morrow, the echo would go back from Janesville, with all the vigor of eighteen years ago. Two full companies of State militia, well drilled and supplied with the accouterments of war, stand ready to battle for the right at any time. Both were organized in August, 1878. The Janesville Guards were first officered by T. T. Croft, Captain ; Lieutenants, H. A. Smith and M. A. Newman ; Sergeants, Charles F. Glass, W. A. Hand, J. B. Doe, Jr., E. V. Whiton and R. Valentine ; Corporals, E. P. Lane, J. W. Bintliff, W. A. Fry, Thor. Judd. George Woodruff, Fred McLean, H. P. Ehrlinger and C. C. McLean. The company is armed with Springfield breech-loaders. On the 4th of July of the present year, in a competitive drill with the Oshkosh Guards, they won a $100 prize offered by the Rock County Agricultural Society. A few days afterward, they were presented by the citizens of Janesville with a $150 silk flag. Forty-five members of the company have dress uniforms, which have been purchased from time to time, at an aggregate cost of $1,500. The citizens manifest much pride in "the Guards." Frequent private donations are made for the purpose of completing their equipment. The present officers are : H. A. Smith, Captain ; Lieutenants, M. A. Newman and C. F. Glass; Sergeants, W. A. Hand, J. B. Doe, Jr., E. V. Whiton, Thor. Judd and J. W. Bintliff; Corporals, George Woodruff, Fred McLean, H. P. Ehrlinger, C. C. McLean, Will Doe, E. McGowan. L. Libby and Stanley Smith. The Janesville Veterans organized about the same date in 1878 as did the Guards. It was the original intention that the company should be composed entirely of veterans who had served in the late war. There was some trouble, however, in finding a sufficient number of veterans, and it was finally decided to admit others beside that class, and also to change the name from the Janesville Veterans to the Bower City Rifles. There are sixty-eight men in the company, and of this number twenty-seven are veterans of the late war. The original officers were : C. B. Baker, Captain ; Lieutenants, W. H. Tousley and J. B. La Grange ; Sergeants, John Andrews, C. E. Brown, R. Skelley, J. L. Bear and L. H. Lee ; Corporals, W. R. Bates, A. Bintliff, G. W. Megs, T. Casey, W. W. Berrell, A. J. Glass, J. Smith and C. H. Webber. The present officers are : J. B. La Grange, Captain ; Lieutenants, W. H. Tousley and John Andrews ; Sergeants, C. E. Brown, R. Skelley, J. L. Bear, L. H. Lee and A. Bintliff; Cor porals, John Smith, L. E. Curler, C. Stout, J. A. Spencer, F. Henreict, E. Kelley, F. Cheney and F. H. Davis. POLICE MATTERS. The law-abiding disposition of the people of Janesville has made the criminal record a rather tame affair. In 1856, the Legislature passed an act establishing the office of Police Justice. Prior to that time, preliminary examination into all cases, civil and criminal, was had before a Justice of the Peace. S. A. Hudson, now a practicing attorney in Janesville, was the first Police Justice elected under the authorizing act. Mr. Hudson held office two years (the extent of the prescribed term). J. W. D. Parker, formerly a County Judge somewhere in Vermont, was the next successful candidate before the people of Janesville for the office. He was suc ceeded by H. M. Comstock, who, at the expiration of his first term, was chosen for a second. Mr, Comstock resigned after serving one year of his second term, and, at the election to fill the vacancy, S. H. Hudson, who had in the mean time been Mayor of the city, was again chosen to the office of Police Justice. Mr. Hudson then held office continuously by re-election, until 1870, being succeeded by William Smith, who served two terms. L. F. Patten was the next incumbent. He held for two terms, and, in 1868, Moses S. Prichard was elected. Mr. Prichard has remained in office ever since. 676 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The duties of the Police Justice, as defined in the Act of Incorporation of the city of Janes ville, are as , follows: Section 16. The Police Justice shall have and possess all the authority, powers and rights of jurisdiction of a Justice ofthe Peace in civil proceedings, and shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to hear all complaints and conduct all examinations and trials for criminal acts committed within said city, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases to which said city shall be a party, and shall have the same power and authority in cases of contempt as a court of record . During the nine years Mr. Hudson was in office, but two murder cases came before him for examination. One of these was the case of a man named Pratt, a jeweler, doing business in Janesville. Pratt, with his wife and children and his wife's sister, the latter being a lady of considerable beauty, and the entire family of the highest respectability, lived on the West Side, in what was then a very sparsely settled portion of the city. They had formerly lived in Mich igan. Soon after their settlement here, a large and very black negro, also from Michigan, made his appearance. He claimed to be well acquainted with the Pratts, and especially with the sister. From his conversation and manner, "it was evident he possessed a strange infatuation for her. One night, soon after his arrival, he repaired to the Pratt residence, and climbing upon a shed in the rear of the house, after the family had retired, attempted to open a window leading into the room occupied by the young lady. The noise alarmed her, and she arose, and going down stairs informed her brother-in-law that some one was at her window trying to gain an entrance. Mr. Pratt procured a revolver, and crept noiselessly to the scene of alarm. As he entered the room he discovered the negro in the act of raising the lower sash, evidently not aware that he had been observed. Under the circumstances, Mr. Pratt did exactly what any other man would have done. He fired, and ere the report of the pistol had died away, a heavy thud was heard in the rear ofthe shed. The negro had received a fatal shot, and he rolled-from the roof of the shed limp and lifeless. Police Justice Hudson was sent for. He summoned a jury of inquest, and Pratt was placed under arrest, charged with murder. But, after a full examination of the case, the prisoner was discharged on the ground of justifiable homicide. The second case was that of Dr. Duval, claiming to be a specialist from New York. Duval was about fifty years old, and had a young and prepossessing wife. They stopped at the Ford House on the West Side. Two or three days after their arrival in the city, it was reported to Justice Hudson that the woman had died suddenly. Summoning Dr. Henry Palmer, the Justice repaired to the room occupied by Duval, and, making himself and the doctor known, asked to be made aware of the circumstances. Duval showed a suspicious hesitancy, but finally admitted the visitors, at the same time feigning to be much affected over the sad affair. Dr. Palmer made a slight examination, and Justice Hudson informed Duval that the case demanded an investiga tion, that it was his duty to hold an inquest, at which three or four of the best physicians in Janesville would be present. Duval requested that he be allowed the privilege of , inviting an equal number of medical gentlemen, whom he named and claimed to be his friends. The request was granted, and Justice Hudson and Dr. Palmer politely withdrew, thoroughly convinced, however, that there had been foul play. During the inquest that followed, the evidence became so strong that the woman had come to her death from the effects of poison, that Duval was placed under arrest. During his imprisonment, and while awaiting the action of the grand jury, Duval attempted to divert suspicion from himself by writing letters, but the result was that his own handwriting, had there been nothing more tangible, was sufficient to convict him. He received the extreme penalty — imprisonment for life, and is now serving his sentence at Waupun. While the brass-buttoned "cop" of Chicago, or the "dandy Broadway M. P." of Gotham might scorn to acknowledge allegiance to so humble a chief as " Our Russell," we defy either of them to present a nattier appearance, or display a form of more symmetrical proportions or classical mold. True, " Our Russell " has been unfortunate enough to lose an arm, but this does not prevent him from dextrously wielding his new rattan on pleasant afternoons, when the cooling atmospheres of the soda fountain have lost their charm, and the free cologne has vanished. 7 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 579 The constabulary of Janesville is composed of six men, one from each of the five wards, and a Marshal. These officers of the law are chosen at each charter election, serving one year, This system has been in vogue since the incorporation of the city, twenty-six years ago. When a murder or a robbery is committed, the Marshal calls his force about him. The rendezvous is anywhere between the post office and the Myers House. If it is morning, before the sun has reached the top of Lappin's Block, and while the shade of Todd's Brewery still lingers on the east end of the bridge, there the force may be found ; if in the evening, after Old Sol has dropp ed behind the western horizon, the steps of King's bookstore furnish protection from the evening dews. Woe to the culprit, should he come along about this time ! The force is then detailed in squads of one. At present it consists of the following efficient individuals : Marshal, Alexander Russell ; Constables — First Ward, John H. Taylor ; Second Ward, A. K Cutts ; Third Ward, A. W. Parker; Fourth Ward, John B. Drake; Fifth Ward, George Rooke. Thomas Sleeper was the first Marshal of Janesville. Prior to 1877, accommodations for city officers were leased or rented, quarters being occu pied from time to time in various buildings, centrally and conveniently located. About two years ago, the building now in use by the city officers was constructed, at a cost of $7,000. The site (on River street, a few doors north of Milwaukee), was formerly occupied by an engine house. The land has been the property of the city for many years. The price paid for it was $2,000. The Police Justice, not being an officer of the municipality, rents or leases his chambers wherever he chooses. The first police court was in Bennett's Block, on Main street. It was afterward located in Lappin's Block, and from there was taken to John J. R. Pearce's building. In 1878, Justice Prichard " went west " with it as far as the post-office building, where it has remained to the present time. Mr. Hudson believes that the Temple of Honor has done more to reform the morals of cer tain citizens of Janesville than all the police courts and police justices ever existing within its precincts. JANESVILLE SOCIETIES. St. George's Benevolent Society. — The advent in Janesville of a weary Briton from St. Louis, where he had been saved from death from typhoid fever through the exertions of the society of the above name in the city by the bridge, gave the first " starter " to the organization of a similar society in this city. On March 30, 1871, a meeting was held at Concordia Hall to consummate the formation of the association by the enrollment'of persons who had signified their intention of becoming members, and the election of officers. After the usual preliminaries had been disposed of, the following persons signed the roll and the articles of constitution, viz. : C. Loftus Martin, John Slightam, G. K. Colling, John Phillips, Benjamin Grove, John Sargent, Richard Sheppard, John Thoroughgood, C. Tall, G. W. Eaton, E. J. Kent, Thomas Cole, William Barnes, John Spong, William C. Holmes, W. H. Colling, George Irish and G. R. Laylock. The members then proceeded to ballot for officers, which resulted in the election of the following : President, E. L. Martin ; First Vice President, G. K. Colling ; Second Vice President, S. Hutchinson ; Treasurer, Henry Rogers ; Secretary, W. J. Sparham. The Society at the present time has a membership of about twenty-five, and possesses prop erty valued at $200, consisting of funds in bank and furniture. The present officers are : President, W. Winkley; first Vice President, John Fox; Second Vice President, W. Holt; Treasurer, Henry Rogers ; Secretary, W. Bladen ; Trustees, G. K. Colling, J. Spence and G. Irish ; Committee on Charity, William Silleto, W. Barnes and S. Hutchinson. The Western Star Lodge, No. 14, F. $ A. M., acted from July 8, 1847, until January 18, 1848, under a dispensation. On the 1st of January, 1848, the Lodge was regularly chartered, and, on the 18th of the same month, an election was held, resulting as follows : F. Whitaker, W. M. ; George W. Burrows, S. W. ; Hiram Taylor, J. W. ; S. S. Herring, Secretary; Luke Stoughton, Treasurer; W. T. Burrows, S. D. ; C. Chapin, J. D. ; J. Austin, Tiler. The char ter members were : Hiram Taylor, Franklin Whitaker, Calvin Chapin, William F. Burroughs, 580 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. George W. Burrows, Isaac Noyes, Thomas W. Close, James Austin, Theodore Kendall and William P. Coff. The present officers are: George H. Mc Causey, W. M. ; John Heath, S. W. ; A. S. Lee, J. W. ; George G. Sutherland, Secretary ; Robert Hodge, Treasurer ; C. E, Ranans, S. D. ; Frank Mathews, J. D., and S. H. Lee, Tiler. The present membership is stated at 112, and the value of the Lodge property at $1,000, Meetings are held semi-monthly, on the first and third Tuesdays, in the Masonic Hall, corner of Main and Milwaukee streets. Janesville Lodge, No. 55, F. cf A. M. — Organized June 13, 1855. The first officers of the Lodge were : William Murdock, W. M. ; William Addy, S. W. ; Sumner K. Rich, J. W. : C. C. Cheeney, Secretary; A. B. Miller, S. D. ; Hugh Chapin, J. D. ; L. M. Fluent, Tiler. John J. R. Pease, Lyman Smith, George Barnes and Theodore Kendall were among the charter members. The present officers are : Fenner Kimball, W. M. ; 0. F. Nowlan, S. W. ; F. A. Ben nett, J. W. ; J. A. Blount, Treasurer ; J. H. Balch, Secretary ; G. K. Colling, S. D. : A. C. Blood, J. D. ; J. H. Dyer, Tiler ; S. Hutchinson and C. H. Lee, Stewards. Janesville Commandery, No. 2, K. T. — Organized September 11, 1856. The charter was granted by the Grand Encampment, which met at Hartford, Conn. It was the second Com mandery organized in Wisconsin. The charter members were: Erastus Lewis, E. C. ; Charles C. Cheeney, Gen. ; H. B. Bunster, C. G. ; William Addy, Prel. ; Edward McKey, S. W. ; Michael McKey, J. W. ; Samuel Lightbody, Treas. ; B. B. Eldredge, Rec. ; Elias Downs, St. B. ; Joseph A. Wood, S. B. ; William Chapel, War. Present Officers : A. W. Baldwin, E. C ; C. L. Martin, Gen. ; C. P. Foster, C. G. ; W. H. Towsley, Prel. ; H. G. Reichwald, S. W. ; A, S. Lee, J. W. ; Thomas Kirk, Treas. ; Charles E. Church, Rec. ; B. F. Crossett, St. B. ; Orange Williams, S. B. ; C. C. Cheeney, War. ; J. H. Dyer, Sentinel. Janesville City Lodge, No 90, I. O. 0. F., was instituted July 10, 1856, by D. D. G. M. Charles C. Cheney, the charter members being S. H. Marquissee, A. O. Francis, John McMar- tin, Charles E. Church and M. H. Butler, M. D. The Lodge was organized immediately, and elected the following officers : S. H. Marquissee, N. G. ; Levi Moses, V. G. ; Charles E. Church, Secretary, and Dr. M. H. Butler, Treasurer. The organization prospered in a manner that was gratifying to founders and members until 1861, when, in consequence of the departure of many of those interested, to the war, the Lodge ceased working. At the close of hostilities, when many of the original members had returned, the question of re-organization was agitated and finally took shape. A petition for re-instatement was prepared and forwarded, which was granted, and, on Thursday afternoon, June 9, 1870, the Hon. Sam Ryan, Jr., re-organized the Lodge under a new dispensation, and it is now in a flour ishing condition, counting a membership of 128 on its roster, and holding title to property val ued at $1,200. The first officers were : J. M. Kimball, N. G. ; J. T. Wilcox, V. G. ; C. C. Cheeney, Sec retary, and Frank Wolman, Treasurer. The present Board consists of B. R. Hilt, N. G. ; A. R. Wilkerson, V. G. ; E. F. Wieglef, R. S. ; A. Watson, P. S. ; J. S. Bliss, P. G. ; J. W. Hodgdon, Treasurer. Meetings are held weekly, on Tuesday evenings, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. The Temple of Honor. — This, the most important of the temperance societies, was organized on December 29, 1875, with the following charter members : J. W. St. John, J. B. Whiting, E. L. Dimock, S. S. Gard, Levi Canniff, H. S. Woodruff, James S. Clark, J. D. King, C. C. Cheney, Jenk. LI. Jones, William A. Lawrence, Charles F. Wheeler, A. P. Angell, S. C. Burn ham, Jr., E. R. Smith, James S. Dunn, Maurice Smith, J. S. Bliss, L. W. Godfrey, Edward Connell, S. D. Cole, Frank A. Cheney , A. Hyatt Smith, O. K. Chapman, Charles H. Lee, E. F. Wieglef, John Davies and Silas Hayner. At the same meeting, the following officers were elected: W. C. T., J. W. St. John, M. D. ; W. V. T., S. C. Burnham, Jr.; W. R., S. S. Gard; A. R., E. Connell; W. F. R., J. D. King; W. T., C. F. Wheeler; W. U., E. L. Dimock ; P. W. C. T., J. B. Whiting, M. D. The society now numbers 200 members, and is the lessee of a very fine hall in the Mitchell Block, upon the decoration of which, from the date of their organization, they have expended HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 581 about $1,000, so tbat they are in a flourishing condition. The present officers are : W. C. T., J. D. King. ; W. V. T., M. S. Pritchard; W. R., George H. Osgood; A. R., C. W. Blay ; W. F. R., W. H. Tousley; W. T., D. C. Ward; W. U., James S. Haggart; W. D. U., John B. Hemingway; W. G., S. Van Buren; W. S., Levi Canniff. Janesville Council, No. 4i Templars of Honor and Temperance. — This organization, a higher branch of the Temple of Honor, was formed in 1877, with the following charter members, all of whom were of the present temple and had obtained the six degrees necessary to their pro motion: J. W. St. John, J. S. Bliss, C. C. Cheney, James S. Clark, E. L. Dimock, J. D. King, M. A. Norris, A. D. Wickham, J. H. Wood, S. C. Burnham, Jr., A. W. Baldwin, James Clark' B. F. Crossett, L. D. Jerome and A. E. Morse. Their officers were: C. of C, S. C. Burn ham, Jr.; S. of C, J. S. Bliss; J. of C, A. W. Baldwin; R., M. A. Norris; T., E. L. Dimock ; Manager, J. D. King. Their present membership is thirty, and their officers are • C. of C, James Clark ; S. of C, M. S. Pritchard ; J. of C, J. H. Field ; R., L. D. Jerome ; T., E. L. Dimock; Manager, R. M., Matherson. They occupy the hall of the Temple of Honor. Ancient Order of United Workmen. — A branch of this Order was instituted in Janesville on July 27, 1878, with twenty-two charter members, from among whom the following officers were chosen : P. M., 0. F. Nowlan ; M. W., G. A. Libbey ; G. F., W. P. Douglas ; 0., S. P. Delaney ; R., F. Sonneborn ; F., F. Fellows ; Receiver, A. J. Roberts ; G., Will Holmes ; I. W., John Neff; 0. W., Emmett Bailey ; Trustees, C. E. Moseley, J. A.. Denniston, 0. F. Nowlan. It is a benevolent organization entirely, the modus operandi being that of an insurance company. Upon the death of a member, the remainder on the slate (where, as in this case, a separate charter is enjoyed) are assessed $1 each, which is turned over to the Treasurer of each Lodge, who in turn hands the total to the Grand Treasurer, who pays the amount of $2,000 to the relatives of the deceased. This Lodge has now sixty-eight members, who always keep one assessment in the treasury, but, as the custodian of that office is required to give bonds of $3,000, the chances of embezzle ment are as nothing. The following is a list of the present officers : P. M. W., Herman Buchholz ; M. W., A. J. Roberts; Foreman, E. J. Kent; Overseer, William Marsden; Recorder, A. C. Kent; Financier, C. W. Trott ; Receiver, W. G. Wheeloek ; Guide, M. Fish ; I. W., Thomas Riding ; O. W., N. C. Baker ; Trustee, Fred. Sonneborn. Memorial Lodge, No. 318, Knights of Honor, was organized at a meeting held on the evening of July 3, 1876, by the following gentlemen, who were enrolled as charter members : J. B. Whiting, A. A. Jackson, J. W. Sanderson, G. H. McCausey, H. F. Bliss, H. McElroy, B. F. Crossett, T. S. Woodworth, H. G. Richwald, H. C. Stearns and J. L. Croft. The officers elected at that meeting were: J. B. Whiting, Dictator; J. W. Sanderson, Past Dictator; H. F. Bliss, Vice Dictator; H. McElroy, Assistant Dictator; B. F. Crossett, Guide; H. C. Stearns, Sentinel ; G. H. Macausey, Financial Reporter ; H. G. Richwald, Treasurer ; J. L. Croft, Reporter; A. A. Jackson, J. B. Whiting and T. T. Woodworth, Trustees. The object of the association is a beneficent one, inasmuch as it is a mutual insurance com pany, the working of which is similar to that of the Order of Workingmen. They have now a membership of fifty-two, and their present officers are : Dictator, G. A. Libbey ; Vice Dictator, J. A. Denniston ; Assistant Dictator, J. McCulloch ; Reporter, S. Hayner ; Financial Reporter, J. R. Botsford ; Treasurer, J. C. Echlin : Guide, L. L. Beers ; Guardian, C. E. Moseley ; Senti nel, A. M. Valentine ; Chaplain, H. S. Hogoboom. Badger Council, No. 223, Royal Arcanum. — This Lodge, also a mutual insurance com pany, was organized on December 26, 1878, with twenty-eight members, by whom the following officers were elected: Regent, S. C. Burnham; Vice Regent, R. Valentine; Orator, Rev. T. P. Sawin ; Past Regent, A. A. Jackson ; Secretary, S. Holdredge, Jr. ; Collector, A. W. Bald win ; Treasurer, J. A. Denniston ; Chaplain, Rev. A. Lee Royce ; Guide, J. B. Doe, Jr. ; Warden^ G. F. Selleck; Sentry, James Clark; Trustees — M. M. Phelps, J. B. Cassoday and 582 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Rev. H. Faville ; Medical Examiners — J. B. Whiting, M. D., and E. E. Loomis, M. D. Theirs is a principle of assessment for death, also, but in other respects their workings are similar to those of any first-class insurance company. Their present memborship is forty-nine, and their officers are as follows: Regent, M. M. Phelps; Vice Regent, A. J. Roberts; Orator, Rev. A. Lee Royce ; Secretary, Howard Lee ; Collector, A. W. Baldwin ; Treasurer, J. A. Den niston ; Chaplain, Rev. J. LI. Jones ; Guide, G. A. Libbey ; Warden, James S. Clark ; Sentry, W. H. Bonsteel ; Medical Examiners — Drs. Whiting and Loomis ; Deputy Grand Regent, Rev. T. P. Sawin. Janesville City Division, No. 20, Sons of Temperance, was organized on July 20, 1863, with the following charter members: C. D. Pelsburg, W. P. Curtis, B. B. Curtis, F. H. Hor- nick, A. K. Cutts, J. M. Riker, J. M. May, 0. W. Sleeper, Robert Brand, W. L. Smith, G. P. Wooster, L. Beers and S. 0. Burnham. The title of the Lodge was afterward changed to Janesville City Division, No. 2, Sons of Temperance, under which name it is still recorded. It is claimed by its members to be a branch of the oldest temperance order in the State of Wiscon sin. The present membership is 125, and the following is a list of their officers : W. P., E. C. Baily ; W. A., Maggie Hullihan ; R. S., W. J. Bates ; Asst. R. S., Delia Tuttle ; F. S., L. B. Canniff ; Treasurer, Rosa Perish ; Chaplain, Mrs. 0. G urnsey ; Conductor, Will Maine ; Assist ant Conductor, Ida Stickney; I. S., Stanley Velser, 0. S., Elijah Carter; Organist, Cora Roof. Young Men's Christian Association. — To Mr. K. A. Burnell, who organized the Associa tion on May 22, 1867, Janesville is indebted for the establishment of this most valuable auxil iary to church work. The first effort put forth by the society was the establishment of daily prayer-meetings, which was consummated by Mr. K. A. Burnell, of Milwaukee, assisted by Mr. Deans, of Emerald Grove, and Messrs. F. S. Lawrence and H. M. Hart, of Janesville. Six years ago, Sunday afternoon meetings were commenced, and, in addition, the Association now holds cottage prayer-meetings, meetings at the jail, Saturday evening meetings for young men, and have also established a Mission Sunday School. The following is a list of the Presidents from the foundation of it, together with the years they held office: 1867-68, A. A. Jackson; 1868-71, E. S. Barrows; 1871-73, W. G. Wheeloek; 1873-75, H. M. Hart; 1875-77, N. Dearborn; 1877-78, S. C. Parker and J. A. Cunningham; 1878-79, J. H. Kinney. The present mem bership is seventy-five, and the officers are : President, N. Dearborn ; Vice President, Homer Rice ; Corresponding Secretary, Warren Collins ; Recording Secretary, Frank Mead ; Treasurer, James Sutherland. At the last annual meeting, Mr. Wheeloek stated that in one year, over thirty letters and telegrams had been received by the Association from fathers, mothers and friends asking the •care of the Association for young men, and in every case they had responded with gratifying results. The rooms of the Association, which they occupy in conjunction with the Young Men's Association, are in the Lappin Block, on Milwaukee street. Oriental Lodge, No. 22, Knights of Pythias, was organized March 25, 1878, with the fol lowing charter members, John P. Williams, A. W. Baldwin, W. T. Vankirk, Pliny Norcross, Horace McElroy, Charles E. Moseley, G. M. Hanchett, N. Smith, Emmett Addy, Mark Ripley, S. B. Smith, J. L. Ford, R. M. Bostwick, John Livingstone, E. B.'Heimstreet, A. H. Baxter, C. E. Raynous, F. C. Cook, C. S. Jackman, C. S. Crosby, G. H. McCausey, W. D. McKey, J. B. Doe, Jr., Charles Potter, A. E. Morse and C. L. Valentine. The first officers were: P. C, J. P. Williams; C. C, A. W. Baldwin; V. C, W. J. Vankirk; P., H. McElroy; K. of R. and S., A.E. Morse; M. of F., C. S. Valentine; M.of E.,C. S. Jackman; M. of A., W.H. Towsley; I. G., C. E. Moseley; 0. G., E. B. Heimstreet. The present officers are: P. C, A. E. Morse; C. C, W. H. Towsley ; V. C, S. B. Smith ; P. A., C. Blood; K. of R. and S., E. B. Heimstreet; M. of F., J. A. Sutherland; M. of E., C. S. Jackman; M. of A., J. McLean; I. G., 0. Suther land ; 0. G., Herman Notbohm. The lodge room is in the Conrad Block, and is most elegantly furnished ; the paper even with which the walls are draped having been imported specially for it. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 583 St. Patrick's T. A. cf B. Society was organized in May, 1872, with twenty-five members and the following officers : Father Kehoe, President ; F. Quinn, Vice President ; A. Quinn, Recording Secretary; Adam Sanner, Treasurer. The Society now numbers one hundred and seventy-five members, and, in addition to property in their hall in the Young America Block, they have $700 in the Treasury. Their present officers are, President, Rev. J. M. Doyle ; Vice President, F. Quinn : Recording Secretary, James Hickey ; Financial Secretary, C. F. Grant ; Treasurer, Adam Sanner. In connection with it is a brass band, established in 1873, of twelve pieces, the members of which the following is a list: J. Thoroughgood, Director, B flat; H. S. Quinn, Leader, E flat; T. McKeigue, E flat ; L. Cronan, 1st B flat; J. Cunningham, 1st alto; J. Cassoday, 1st tenor; William Coday, 2d alto; J. Barrow, baritone; W. Brown, tuba; J. Brown, bass drum; H. Brown, 3d B flat; John McCue, 2d tenor. The professions of the Society are, Total Abstinence and Benevolence, and they carry then* out to the letter. The Mutual Improvement Club, as its name indicates, is a literary society which was estab lished in Janesville in the winter of 1874-75, with about fifty members, principally young ladies, whose object was to improve their minds by a course of study of the poets and a superior class of literature. Their first officers were : President, Mrs. S. C. LI. Jones ; Vice Presidents, Miss Ida Harris and. Miss Nellie Drake; Secretary, Miss Sarah L. Hatch; Treasurer, Miss Alice Conant. The society now numbers seventy members, and their officers are : Conductor, Rev. Jenk LL Jones ; Secretary, Miss Rosalia Hatherell ; Treasurer, Walter Helms ; Librarian, Miss Abbie H. Daniels. Their place of meeting is in the parlors of All Saints' Church, and there also they have a very nice library of 120 volumes. The Round Table. — Mr. John S. Van Cleeve (now a resident of Cincinnati, 0.), in 1876r conceived the idea of establishing another literary society, and accordingly, on April 18 of that year, an organization, containing 100 members, was effected and the above title taken. The- following were the officers : President, Rev. G. W. Wallace ; Vice Presidents, Rev. Mr. San derson and Rev. T. P. Sawin ; Secretary, Stanley B. Smith ; Executive Committee, Gen. James Bentliff, Prof. John P. Haire, Mrs. D. A. Beal and Miss Lavinia Goodell. The present officers : President, Rev. T. P. Sawin ; Vice President, B. F. Dunwidde ; Secretary, Miss Angie King ; Treasurer, J. P. Haire ; Executive Committee, Mrs. E. B. Haire, Rev. J. W. Sanderson, Miss Lavinia Goodell, Rev. A. L. Royce and Prof. John Van Cleeve. The object is similar to that of M. I. C, viz., the cultivation of, and consequent familiarity with, the better poets and higher classes of literature. The H. of C.'s {Hunt Club), was organized in November, 1875, with twenty members and the following officers: President, W. P. Bowen ; Vice President, Wilson H. Doe ;Secretary and Treasurer, R. M. Palmer. The members, now thirty in number, are all young men, who, every Thanksgiving Day, assemble and participate in a rabbit hunt, " the run " being concluded with a "hunt ball" in the evening at Apollo Hall. The following is a list of the present officers : President, Henry Ehrlinger ; Vice President, W. H. Doe ; Secretary, W. P. Bowen ; Treasurer, F. E. Fifield. The Club, as may be supposed, is very popular among the young ladies. Wisconsin Lodge, No. 14, 1. O. O. F., was organized on February 11, 1847, by the follow ing gentlemen, who were also the charter members : W. W. Holden, E. H. Bennett, D. H. Babbit, Alfred Dewey, D. B. Post and C. G. Gillett. They elected the following officers : N. G., W. W. Holden ; V. G., E. H. Bennett ; R. S., G. Bangs ; T., D. II. Babbit. The Lodge at present contains 190 members and is in a very flourishing condition, they being the owners of one $1,000 bond, $1,000 out at interest and about $300 in the treasury. The present officers are : N. G., J. Creighton; V. G., J. S. Clark; R. S., D. E. Puffer; F. S., V. Atwood; T., I. C. Brownell. Their meetings are held in Odd Fellows' Hall, which is located in the Court Street Church. 584 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. LADY LAWYERS. Miss Lavinia Goodell, who passed a successful legal examination in 1874, was admitted to practice as an attorney in the Circuit Court of Rock County at that time. Miss Kate Kane was admitted to the same bar in 1878. In 1879, Miss Angie King also passed a satisfactory legal examination and was admitted to practice in the same court ; after which she associated herself with Miss Goodell, under the firm name of " Goodell & King." In 1875, Miss Goodell took a case to the Supreme Court of the State and appealed for admission, but was refused on the ground, as held by a majority of the Court, that the statute provided only for the admission of "persons," which word applied to males only. She went to Madison during the session of the Legislature of 1876-77, armed with a bill covering the ground of her grievance ; this bill was passed and became a law. It provided (which provision was carried into the revised statutes of 1878) " that no -person shall be denied admission or license to practice as an attorney in any court in this State on account of sex." Since the passage of this law, Miss Goodell has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. The partnership of " Goodell & King " has since been dissolved. THE POST OEEICE. " On the 23d of April, 1837, the first United States mail entered Janesville. It contained one letter, and this was for the Postmaster, Henry F. Janes. The mail was brought by a man on horseback, whose mail route extended from Mineral Point to Racine. The post office at Janesville for several months consisted of a cigar box, which was fastened to a log in the bar-room. Small as it was, it was found to be amply sufficient to contain all the letters then received by the citizens of Rock County." — Rev. W. G. Miller's Thirty Years in the Itinerancy. Mr. Miller could not be expected to further pursue the history of the Janesville Post Office in a work confined exclusively to that of the Methodist ministry in Wisconsin. But he having begun so well, it seems a pity that he should have left the task to a less graphic pen. The rev erend gentleman might have devoted a chapter to telling us that Mr. Janes was the first Postmaster in Janesville ; that the man on horseback was B. B. Carey, the first Postmaster of Racine, who had come over for the purpose of inducting Mr. Janes into the mysteries of his responsible office ; that the postage on the mail matter which passed in and out of that cigar-box the first year netted to Uncle Sam the very sufficient sum of $90. In those days, twenty-five cents was collected on all letters, and a proportionate amount on other kinds of mail. "H. F. Janes resigned in 1838, and D. F. Kimball was appointed, who also resigned in 1840, and J. L. Kimball received the appointment. Mr. Kimball held the office until January, 1849, when, through a change in the Administration, he was removed, and C. S. Jordan was appointed, who in June of the same year was superseded by Samuel H. Alden, and, in the spring of 1853, he was succeeded by E. H. Strong, the present incumbent. " It was during Mr. Alden's term that the second great reduction of postage took place, the law taking effect July 1, 1852. The last quarter preceding this date the gross amount received at the post office was $500. The first quarter alter the reduction the amount only reached $335, and this, being the first quarter under the present rates of postage, is the basis from which the reader will see the rapid growth and prosperity of Janesville. For the quarter commencing April, 1853, the gross receipts were $461. The increase since that time has been rapid, especially in the letter department of the office, showing for the quarter ending Deceniber 31, 1855, $1,248, with an estimated receipt for the present fiscal year ending July 1, 1856, of over $5,000, this being an increase of about 400 per cent in less than four years." During the succession of changes spoken of, location of the post office was a matter of con siderable doubt. We have the word of a truthful citizen that he did not know where to find it one-half the time; that he would go to bed perfectly well assured that the post office was on the East Side, only to awake the next morning to find it doing business over the river, together with a complete outfit of peanut and news stands. The changes were wonderfully frequent. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 585 It was about this time also, just before an expected " lightning change " in the postmaster- ship, that J. M. Haselton, the present City Treasurer, took a notion that he would like to fill the office for a term or so. The usual petition was circulated by Mr. Haselton's friends. Of course, Mr. H., like all good office-seekers, was " entirely in the hands of his friends;" they were anx ious to see him draw the salary of a fat office, and have all the honor as well. In those days, owing to the meager population-, petitions rarely exceeded a mile in length, but the one prepared by Mr. Haselton's friends spoke volumes in flattery of that gentleman's popularity. Mr. Haselton went to Washington. He took his petition with him. Being a citizen of many sterling qualities, his friends would willingly have laid large odds in favor of his appointment ; but time passed, and no word came of his success or failure. One evening, while a large number of the anxious friends of the absent candidate were assembled in the old Ameri can House, corner of Main and Court streets, Sol. Hutson, Mr. Haselton's partner, received a telegram. The long-expected tidings had come at last. Offers of stupendous odds that Mr. Haselton's application had been received favorably by the President were made with no takers. The message was opened and read: "All right, Sol; do the handsome thing by the boys.'' A shower of hats went up. Three cheers and a tiger broke the stillness of the evening air. " The boys " were all present, of course. Among them were William Hodson, James Burgess, Anson Rogers, and a dozen other young chaps whose ages ranged from forty to sixty years. " The handsome thing " meant refreshments — a plenitude of the best in the house, and it is needless to say they were dealt out in princely style. The postmastership was the sole topic of discussion the remainder of the evening. Vivid pictures of interviews between " Todd " and the President were drawn, the great importance of the office and the responsibilities attached to it were dis cussed, more refreshments were set out, and " the boys " went home. In due course of time Mr. Haselton returned to Janesville, and was received by his friends with all the pomp and splendor becoming the rank of a Postmaster. There was a conspicuous absence cf some of " the boys " from the reception, and a strange disposition on the part of Mr. Haselton to avoid congratulations. The cat was let out of the bag in a day or two, however, when it transpired that the telegram authorizing the jollification bore date of April 1, and belonged to that species of messages known as "grapevine telegrams." Some of "the boys" had had a good time at the expense of a disappointed candidate. The joke was highly appre ciated by the gentleman then holding the office, he having in the mean time been re-appointed. In 1856, Postmaster Strong was removed by President Buchanan, D. C. Brown being appointed in his stead. Mr. Brown retained the office but a few months, however. Col. Ezra Miller stepped into his official shoes. During Mr. Brown's incumbency, he removed the post office from the corner of Milwaukee and Main streets, where M. C. Smith & Son's clothing store now stands, to the old Hyatt House, on the West Side. Charles Wendt was Assistant Post master under Mr. Brown. Col. Miller came into office, and, before serving out the unexpired term of his predecessor, removed it from the Hyatt House to the Ogden Block, his own property. It was while Col. Miller was Postmaster that he perfected the Miller coupler and railroad-car platform. He also invented and patented the double stamper, now in general use in post offices throughout the United States. Its advantages are in cancelling the stamp and making the postmark at the same time. Col. Miller has grown immensely rich on the income from his car coupler and plat form. He is now in New York, where he owns a large and valuable farm, and engages his time in experimenting upon the results of crossing wild buffaloes with American cattle. Jerome Crocker was Assistant Postmaster under the Miller regime. James M. Burgess succeeded Col. Miller in 1860, soon after the lamented Lincoln became the nation's ruler, and remained in the office until the occurrence of the tragic event which shook the world from center to circumference and which made Andrew Johnson President ofthe United States. William Ruger was appointed by President Johnson to succeed Mr. Burgess, but, the United States Senate not being in session, he was not confirmed. He held the place for about six months, when the name of Thomas J. Ruger, his father, was sent forward, and 586 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. received favorable consideration. F. Otto Horn was Assistant under Mr. Burgess, and also under Mr. Ruger. In August, 1867, Mr. J. D. King, who had been a clerk and news-dealer in the office for some time, was appointed Assistant to Postmaster Ruger. Mr. King's efficiency and popularity have kept him the position ever since. When Gen. Grant was placed at the head of the nation's affairs, it was natural to suppose that the appointees of Mr. Johnson would be displaced, the Janesville Postmaster with the rest. Consequently, the field, as usual, being full of ambitious candidates, the inevitable petition was put into circulation. James M. Burgess was the most prominent aspirant, while half a dozen others sought the office in a quiet way. Miss Angie J. King, who had been in the office as a clerk for several years, was urged by her friends to become a candidate for the position, and she did so. The fight finally narrowed down to Mr. Burgess and Miss King. The popularity of each of the candidates only served to embarrass Congressman Hopkins, who represented this district. Mr. Burgess, it is true, had once opposed Mr. Hopkins in a political convention, but, on the other hand, the indorsement of a lady for office was a new departure in the public career of "the gentleman from Wisconsin." These facts, together with the manifest popularity of both candidates, only served to embarrass him, and, as a means of escape from his dilemma, he suggested that an election be held in Janesville, at which all Republicans receiving their mail at this office be entitled to vote ; the candidate for the office of Postmaster receiving the highest number of votes to have the indorsement of Mr. Hopkins. The election lasted two days, and was the most exciting local contest of which there is any record in Janesville. Boys paraded the streets with banners and transparencies bearing all manner of ludicrous cartoons and mottoes. The following will serve as a sample of the "issues" upon which the battle was fought: James M. Burgess, Esq., Dear Sir: The undersigned have heard it reported that in case you are appointed Postmaster, that you do not intend to retain J. D. King as Deputy, but give it to some one else. We believe that Mr. King, from his long experience as D. P. M., has given such general satisfaction, that all would regret his place being supplied by another. Please inform us if such rumor has any foundation in fact. Janesville, February 11, 1869. W. W. Dexter, S. H. Marquissee, C. S. Heimstreet, T. H. Hornick, W. A. Lawrence, Volney Atwood, Amos P. Pricharo, Orrin Guernsey, Fenner Kimball. William Whitnall. W. A. Harvey, Messrs W. W. Dexter, S. iJ. Marquissee, C. S. Heimstreet and others : Gents: Your favor of this date is received. In answer, permit me to say that if I am appointed Postmaster, 1 shall appoint Mr. J. D. King as my Deputy This has been my intention from the first, and I so informed Mr. King more than two months ago. Very respectfully yours, J. M. Burgess. Janesville, February 11, 18(i!t. The foregoing had scarcely made its appearance in the streets, when the friends of Miss King rushed into print with a similar statement, denying a similar rumor. And so the contest raged through two long, weary days. Miss King, never having been in politics before, served as an excellent lash with which the former political enemies of Mr, Burgess could be revenged ; and, metaphorically speaking, they swung it with a relentless arm. Mr. Burgess' lady opponent was elected by fifty majority ; about eleven hundred votes were cast. She had anticipated her triumph, and, like the thoughtful woman that she is, had filled her new grip-sack, purchased for the occasion, with petitions and letters of recommenda tion, her certificate of election, duly certified to ; and, after the result of the election was announced, the first east-bound train leaving Janesville bore the victorious candidate to Wash ington. Here she sought an interview with Congressman Hopkins, but, strange to say, he declined to indorse her. A second conference was had, but the honorable gentleman was firm in the stand he had taken, and, as a last resort, Miss King called and laid her case before Pres ident Grant. He knew nothing of the circumstances which led to Miss King being the chosen choice of the people of Janesville, and could not act in the matter without the necessary indorse ment of Mr. Hopkins. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 587 Miss King, disgusted with the workings of the political machine, returned to her home, and at once sought consolation in the pages of Blackstone. Perseverance and a retentive mind subsequently brought her to the bar of the County Court, where she was admitted as an attor- ney-at-law. Mr. Ruger was not removed, as anticipated, but was permitted to serve out his term of four years, which ended in 1871, and in May of that year, Hiram Bowen was appointed to succeed Mr; Ruger. Mr. Bowen was superseded in 1875 by H. A. Patterson, the present incumbent. Shortly after retiring from office, Mr. Bowen went to Dakota, where he established a post office known as Martella, named for his two daughters — Martha and Ella. Mr. Patterson was re-appointed by President Hayes in February of the present year. He has given entire satisfaction in the position, and is highly esteemed by citizens of every political complexion. His aids are: J. D. King, Assistant Postmaster; M. Louise Peterson, Delivery Clerk ; Charles H. Patterson, Mailing Clerk ; Fred. L. Dickerman, Delivery Clerk. The aggregate amount of salaries paid the entire force, including the Postmaster, is $1,800 per annum ; that of the Postmaster alone is $2,400 per annum, the smallest sum paid since the office became a money-order office. Mr. Burgess, while Postmaster, prior to his removal by Andrew Johnson in 1866, received $3,800 a year. The salary was reduced from that sum to $3,500 ; then to $3,200, $2,800 and $2,400. The office is now a greater source of revenue to the Government than ever before. It remits to the Department an average of $1,700 a quarter, after all the expenses of operating it are paid. When Mr. Burgess succeeded Col. Miller, he removed the office from the Ogden Block to Lappin's Building, at the east end of the Milwaukee street bridge. It was predicted by almost every one that the exigency of another removal would never arise, or at least not in this genera tion. But ten years sufficed to prove the fallacy of such predictions. On the 1st day of Jan uary, 1877, the office was taken to its 'present location, at the west end of the bridge. The site is central, and for convenience of arrangement the office has few equals in the entire North west. The property is owned by O. B. Ford and Capt. William MacLoon, and is leased to the Government for ten years, at an annual rental of $1,000. The office is known as a " complete money-order office " — that is to say, orders can be issued from it on any country within the Postal Union, namely, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada and Switzerland. It became a money-order office February 6, 1866. Five orders were issued on that day by Gage Burgess, the Assistant Postmaster — the first to Jason L. Wells, of Janesville, in favor of Henry C. Bowen, editor of the New York Independent, for $5 (a sub scription, doubtless) ; the second was to Charles C. Cheney, in favor of J. F. Bowman, of Cin cinnati, for $10. After the first day business fell off, but eight orders being recorded the first week. At the present date, from one hundred to one hundred and fifty are issued per week. The amount taken in during the first week was $88.35, including fees. For the week ending June 28, 1879, the amount of orders issued was: Domestic, $1,239.30; foreign, $6.25. The first order was paid February 13, 1866, to Mrs. Sarah E. Gains, from Joseph Thomp son, of Green Bay, for $4; the second was to J. A. Blunt, from Reuben Wheeler, of Grand Rapids, Mich., for $11. The amount of orders paid during the week ending June 28, 1879, was $1,151.03. The total number of orders issued to date is : Domestic, 51,678 ; foreign— British, 225 ; German, 128 ; Canadian, 50 ; Swiss, 6. One of the most prominent citizens of Janesville recently ventured to hazard his reputa tion as a "guesser " by saying he supposed at least $12,000 to $15,000 a year passed through the money-order window of the post office. For the information of tho curious, we will state that the sum will aggregate a quarter of a million every twelve months. Five hundred letters and packages were registered during the past year. There has been a large increase in the volume of business in this department since the adoption of the law per mitting the passage of third and fourth class matter (merchandise, etc.) through the mails as registered matter. 588 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The facilities of the office are complete and well adapted to the requirements of the commu nity. There are 1,685 lock and call boxes, and twenty-three drawers, most of them being rented to individuals with money and wisdom, who prefer paying a small quarterly sum to standing in line at the delivery windows. The stamp sales amount to about $12,000 a year. Postmaster Patterson furnishes the following statement of the pieces passing through the office for the week ending June 28, 1879, which is a fair average of the volume of business for some time past: Letters and postals received 10,853 Letters and postals forwarded .' 8,478 Packages received 5,283 Packages forwarded : 1,488 Total pieces one week 26,102 Average for one year 1,357,304 This does not include the numberless piles of letters in transit passing through this office daily, it being a dis tributing office for four overland routes. Registered packages in transit for the year ending December 31, 1878 1,249 Registered letters and packages delivered for same period 1,411 Beside the above, over five hundred registered letters and packages origin ite at this office, making a total num. ber of pieces of this class of matter handled during the year, of 3,160. Thus it will be seen that the Janesville Post Office, an ordinary cigar-box forty two years ago, has grown to its present dimensions — a ponderous and profitable institution, than which no better indicator of the progress and prosperity of the people can be found. CORN EXCHANGE. The stranger visiting Janesville who makes inquiry for any one doing business on the West Side, is certain of being asked if he knows where the Corn Exchange is. Should he be ignorant of the whereabouts of that important institution, it is necessary that he learn of its locality at once, for then he may be directed one square east, half a square north, or two squares south of the Corn Exchange, as the case may be. This imposing structure is a one-story frame, about 12x24 feet in size, and stands alone in a three-sided esplanade, on West Milwaukee street, nearly opposite the dry-goods house of Mr. George Stockton. It serves as the headquarters for two or three firms of gentlemen engaged in the business of buying and selling grain, wool, hay, etc. In early days (probably as far back as 1848), O. W. Norton, J. S. Chapin and J. W. Hobson carried on the grain brokerage business on the streets. About 1856, Hiram Bump and Frank Gray associated in the business, and, in 1858, a small building — a' shanty — was erected for the accommodation of the firm at the corner of Jackson and Milwaukee streets. Two years later, the headquarters were located on the present site of the Corn Exchange. Other firms of grain dealers then operating on the street took shelter beneath the roof of the very small building (then containing one room about 12x12 feet). Among them were John Orcutt, William Casar, N. O. Clark, and J. S. Draper ofthe Red elevator. Mr. E. D. Murdoch is also interested, he being the owner of the Howe scales, upon which the purchased articles are weighed. Mr. Murdoch buys on commission for other parties. The original structure has been enlarged on several occasions, but is still somewhat smaller than the Liverpool Corn Exchange. Nevertheless, it serves the purpose of an exchange mart for most of the farmers of Rock County, and nets a neat revenue for the individuals operating it. JANESVILLE HOTELS. OLD LANDMARKS. " On the 5th of August, 1837," says Mr. James M. Burgess, the venerable City Clerk, " workmen commenced framing the sills for the old Stage House, which was built upon the site now covered by the Myers House." The Stage House was the first hotel in Janesville, but the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 589 traveler found good accommodations before that time in Mr. Janes' log cabin, which was sixteen feet square, and stood at the east end of the ferry, on the exact spot now occupied by the Lap pin Block. Mr. Aaron Walker subsequently became associated with Mr. Janes in running the "hotel and ferry." Messrs. Janes & Walker were succeeded by Mr. J. P. Dickson, who con ducted the enterprise until the Stage House was built, when the original Janes caravansary faded from the list of inns. The Stage House was the property of Charles Stevens ; was 30x40 feet in size, and two stories high. The lower floor was the scene of great animation. In one corner was a bar, where "a full line of the choicest liquors" was dispensed from a single black bottle. In the opposite corner was the post office, express and stage office. The place was a general rendez vous for the idle during the day, and for all classes at night. The structure was torn down in 1859. A portion of the building was purchased by Mr. Burgess, and moved to his present residence, where it is now used as a barn. The next hotel built was the American House, in 1840, corner Court and Main streets, on the site now occupied by the Court Street M. E. Church, A Mr. Hathwood was the first proprietor. He was followed, as lessee, by a Mr. Blood, who disposed of his interest to James M. Burgess. J. M. Haselton succeeded Mr. Burgess, and, in 1867, it was destroyed by fire. The Stage House having passed from the control of Mr. Stevens, that gentleman, deter mined to run a hotel, went to the West Side, and, in the fall of 1846, began the construction of the Stevens House, on the corner of Milwaukee and Franklin streets. It was of wood, three stories high, and the ne plus ultra of pioneer hotels. Churchill & Sibley, of Milwaukee, were the lessees. It was burned in 1853, on the day of the first charter election in Janesville, when the wind blew a hurricane. The Hyatt House was built upon the ruins by A. Hyatt Smith. This was a colossal struc ture, five stories high, and costing $150,000, a portion of which sum was raised by subscrip tions. In February, 1867, it met the same fate as did the Stevens House, being entirely destroyed by fire ; no insurance. Soon after the destruction of the Stevens House, Mr. Stevens returned to the East Side, with his indomitable enterprise, and erected another hotel, on North First street, above Main. It was remodeled, and soon after, passing from the hands of Mr. Stevens, the name was changed to the Union House, which is now in operation. The New England House was built in 1850, by Rev. Mr. Snow, who was succeeded by John Kimball, on Franklin street, West Side. It was conducted as a temperance house, but soon passed to the hands of Chancy Stevens, the present proprietor, and is now known as the Stevens House. The Janesville City Hotel was built by John King in 1851. Mr. King died in 1852, and the hotel suspended until 1854, when a Mr. Sherman opened it as a temperance house. The management proved a failure, and John Morsh leased the property and opened out under aus picious circumstances, calling it the Janesville House, and connecting with it a bar. A Mr. Steinmitz then came upon the scene. Marcus Schuyler was the next individual to lease the concern, and the name was changed to the Schuyler House. Henry Austin succeeded Mr. Schuyler as lessee, and he was followed by E. B. Richards, who swung a huge board from a gallows-like frame in front of the house, bearing the inscription : "Farmers' Hotel." Lorenzo Dearborn, the lessee of the Pember House, superseded Mr. Richards, but soon gave way to John P. Goss. Eleven years ago, Thomas Graham took charge — and thus ends the history of a much-leased hotel. In 1861, Marcus Schuyler constructed a two-story frame building on Bluff street, north of Court, and called it the Schuyler House. He sold to a Mr. Dearborn, and he to a Mr. Edwards. During Edwards' management, the building was partially destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt and another story added, soon after which, Reuben Pember bought the property, and it is now known as the Pember House. 590 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The Merchants' Hotel — now the Ogden House — was also among the earlier institutions for the accommodation of the public. The management has been quite varied. A Mr. Hovey was the earliest lessee. He was followed by Mr. Edwards, John Watson, Law & Bessler, William Burgess and Charles Dorr, Jesse Mills, Stanford Williams and Capt. McKinney. The Myers House, now the principal hotel in Janesville, was built in 1861 by Peter Myers, and stands upon the historical ground once occupied by the Stage House. It is four stories high, of brick, contains 100 rooms, and cost about $60,000.' The Davis House, on the West Side, near the depot, owned by G. Davis, was built in 1861. It is of wood, with a brick addition, and three stories high. At the corner of Milwaukee and High streets, there is now in course of construction a three- story brick. It is the property of David Jeffries, and will be known as the Jeffries House. It will contain about fifty rooms. James Shearer is the builder. BANKS. Badger State Bank. — McCrea, Bell & Co. was the firm name of the first money-lending institution in Janesville. The gentlemen composing it were H. C. McCrea, W. J. Bell and E. L. Dimock. The association was formed in 1850, but it was not regularly organized until 1853, when it was incorporated under the State banking laws by the above-mentioned gentlemen as the Badger State Bank. The capital stock was $50,000. Business was conducted in a small apartment on Milwaukee street, a few doors west of Roberts' drug store. E. L. Dimock was the first President, and afterward acted as cashier, also. A son of O. B. Matteson subsequently became cashier. In September, 1857, the bank closed its doors, on account of a lack of suffi cient business to justify its continuance. Messrs. McCrea and Bell were also interested in sim ilar enterprises in Fond du Lac, Racine and Milwaukee, the latter place being the headquarters of the firm. "Money to Loan." — During 1852-54, J. B. Doe, who was engaged in the general mer chandise business at the northeast corner of Milwaukee and River streets, conducted a private banking enterprise in connection therewith, accommodating his customers both with the necessa ries of life and the means to purchase them with. As a result of his liberality, he grew rich and happy. First National Bank. — On the 29th of August, 1855, the Central Bank of Wisconsin was duly incorporated under the State banking laws, with a capital of $50,000, which was afterward increased at various times, until it reached $125,000. The corporators were W. H. Tripp, J. F. Willard, E. A. Foot, Jonathan Cory, Warren Norton, S. G. Williams, F. S. Eldred, L. J. Barrows, O. W. Norton, J. B. Doe, W. A. Lawrence, J. D. Rexford, J. H. Ogilvie and Z. P. Burdick. O. W. Norton was President, and W. A. Lawrence Cashier. A general banking business was carried on until September 14. 1863, when the institution received a certificate of uuthority, organizing it into a national bank, and it now stands No. 83 on the record as such. Mr. E. R. Doe, who afterward became its President, was among the first to make application and file his bonds in Washington. The first Board of Directors under the new system was com posed ofthe following gentlemen: E. R. Doe, S. G. Williams, Joseph Spaulding, H. K. Whi ton, H. S. Conger, F. S. Eldred and J. D. Rexford. The officers were E. R. Doe, President ; F. S. Eldred, Vice President ; J. B. Doe, Cashier. The capital stock stands the same as it did before the re-organization into a national bank. The only change in the management, since the above, has been the election of J. D. Rexford as President. Rock County Bank. — The organization of this bank took place October 16, 1855, with the following corporators : John J. R. Pease, L. E. Stone, Timothy Jackman, J. B. Crosby, J. L. Kimball, Andrew Palmer, Benjamin F. Pixley, M. C. Smith, S. W. Smith and J. C. Jenkins. Timothy Jackman was the first President ; Andrew Palmer, Vice President, and J. B. Crosby, Cashier. Capital stock, $50,000. On the 13th of January, 1865, it was re organized as a National Bank, with the following officers, the Directory remaining as above: Timothy HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 591 Jackman, President; J. J. R. Pease, Vice President; J. B. Crosby, Cashier. Capital Stock, $140,000, with a surplus of $47,000. The Dresent management is as follows: Directors, S. W. Smith, B. B. Eldredge, J. B. Cassoday, C. S. Jackman and C. S. Crosby. Officers— S. W. Smith, President; B. B. Eldredge, Vice President; C. S. Crosby, Cashier; C. S. Jackman, Assistant Cashier. Janesville City Bank. — H. B. Bunster and J. P. Hoyt conducted a small banking and exchange institution in 1857-58, known as the Janesville City Bank, but a lack of patronage closed its doors forever. Producer's Bank. — During a portion of 1858, Gov. W. A. Barstow and E. M. Hunter carried on a general banking business. The capital stock was $100,000, the concern being duly organized under the State banking laws. Its demise resulted from the same cause as the preceding. Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank. — This is the youngest banking institution in Janesville, having been established in 1875. The Directors are Henry Palmer, L. B. Carle, William Macloon, David Jeffris, Frank Leland, A. A. Jackson, H. G. Reichwald, A. H. Shel don and Seth Fisher. Henry Palmer is President, and H. G. Reichwald, 'Cashier. It is organized under the State laws, with a capital of $100,000. AMUSING ERRORS. During the administration of one of the earlier Mayors and his Council, at a period in the heated term when hydrophobia was abroad in the land, a strangely worded ordinance was passed by the City Fathers in all the seriousness of sober proceedings. It reads as follows : The owners of all dogs running at large after this date, not wearing muzzles, shall be killed. The order was passed to print, and, on the following day, the Mayor, happening to meet the City Marshal, directed that official to enforce it at once. According to law, it was necessary that notice of its enforcement should bo given to the public for a certain number of days, and the Marshal proceeded at once to prepare such notice for the hands of the printer. The mistake made by the Council had either been discovered by the Marshal himself, or else some one had pointed it out to him. At any rate, he did not hesitate to show his wisdom by omitting the error from his advertisement. It was also apparent to the Marshal that there was an important omission, which he sought to supply : All dogs found running at large after this date, without wearing muzzles, shall be killed, except those in from the country on business. The intent and purposes of the order were carried out, however, and unmuzzled canines fell thick and fast. " U. S. GRANT AND TEAM." In the summer of 1853, Janesville had the distinguished honor of entertaining an indi vidual who, in after years, became a great General, then President of the United States, and at this writing is receiving the homage of his country, after having visited many parts of Asia and the great capitals of Europe, and been received with all the pomp and pageantry ever accorded a king. It was during a time of conflict between certain railroad interests center ing in Janesville. A railroad company had been organized under an act of incorporation to construct a line from Janesville west to the Mississippi River, leaving the Mississippi terminus open. The Hon. A. Hyatt Smith, then Mayor of the city, had the management of organiza tion, construction, etc. An ordinance passed the City Council providing for the issuance of bonds in aid of the road on a note of the people to the extent of $150,000. The bonds were issued, and Mayor Smith proceeded to New York to place them. In his absence the conflicting interests represented by the Chicago & Galena Company and Milwaukee & Mississippi Company combined to defeat the scheme. Posters were circulated calling for a meeting of the 592 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. citizens to denounce the project of the absent Mayor. Mr. Smith returned to Janesville imme diately upon being advised of what was going on, and arrived just in time to hear a string of resolutions denunciatory of himself read to an enthusiastic assemblage. He requested and was allowed to speak to the crowd, and before he had concluded, a set of resolutions indorsing his course was adopted. The interests opposed to Mr. Smith had, in his absence, exerted some influence over the City Council, and the Mayor, in order to ascertain the extent of that influence, called a meeting of the City Fathers. What occurred at that meeting is , better told in his own language: "On the afternoon ofthe day of this meeting," says the ex-Mayor, " two delegations arrived in town, one from Galena, and the other from Dubuque ; the first advocating the Fever River Valley as the most favorable route to get down to the river, with Galena as the terminus, and the other favoring Snipe Hollow as the place of descent, and Point Terry Landing as the terminus. The teamster who drove Galena delegation over registered in the book of the Old American Hotel as ' U. S. Grant and Team, Galena.' This attracted no notice until Gen. Grant loomed up before the nation as a great man. Whether the driver of the Galena team and the late President are identical, I have no means of knowing ; but if they are the same person, if his memory is like mine, the late meetings of Congress must have recalled to his mind the other, but, in its small way, equally turbulent meeting of the Janesville Board of Aldermen. After the meeting adjourned, the two delegations invited me to a dinner, which lasted well along toward daybreak ; and rumor says that one of the party was heard to propose to another, when the time came for the Galena delegation to leave for home, that they should send for Ulysses. ' Let him sleep,' was the reply ; ' it's better for him and us too.' ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. Janesville's record as an insurance mart is unenviable. Four companies have been organ ized here within the past twenty-five years. In 1854, a man named Rockwell, from Utica, N. Y., started a " wild-cat " fire insurance company. He had no capital to begin with, and he and his company soon disappeared. In 1857, a party by the name of Johnson hung out the shingle, " Head office of the North western Life Insurance Company of Janesville, and "Janesville Fire Insurance Company." A lack of sufficient policy-holders to keep it alive, closed the former ; but the latter received more encouragement. Quite a number of dwellings were insured by it. The Company had also taken a risk on Capt. Miltimore's barn for $600. One night, the building burned down. The insurance Directors (twelve of them) paid $50 apiece on the loss, and the Company then sus pended. THE WATER SUPPLY. Frequent efforts have been made by the citizens of Janesville to secure a good supply of pure water, but to the present time all exertions in this respect have been of no avail. At a charter election a few years ago, the question was put to a vote of the people whether or not water- works should be established. The voice of the people was in favor of the project, but no action wa9 ever taken toward perfecting a scheme. At another time, the City Council appointed a committee to visit other cities and make inquiry into the subject with a view of ascertaining something about building and carrying on water-works. A tour of inspection was made, but nothing came of it. The people of Janesville depend upon wells and cisterns for water used about the household. Rock River furnishes an abundant supply for stock and ordinary purposes. PIONEER SOCIETY. The material for a first-class organization of this kind exists, and has always existed, in Janesville. Unfortunately, however, for the reputation of a place possessing peculiar advan tages in this regard, the pioneers failed, in early days, to establish a society, which, by this time, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 593 had proper steps been taken, might have added greatly to the pride of the citizens. In 1851, the New England Society, composed principally of those from the New England States, who had settled permanently in Janesville, was formed ; but the gatherings soon became as infrequent as informal, until finally the Society passed away and was forgotten. Several attempts have been made to organize a pioneer society, but proper attention was never given to the object in view. THE LEGAL PROFESSION. Early in the history of the Janesville bar, forensic eloquence was at a premium over legal lore or fine technical points. The attorneys practicing in the Rock County Courts and the lesser legal tribunals in Janesville, twenty years ago were, for the most part, possessed of the wild "dash" of inexperience — excellent gentlemen, though; good hearted, jovial, generous, mag nanimous. Among them may be mentioned David Noggle, Isaac Woodle, J. H. Knowlton, Matt H. Carpenter, Charles S. Jordan, Alexander T. Gray, David I. Daniels and Charles H. Parker. These were included in the class then known as " the boys " — and very lively boys they were, too, Noggle is dead. He was a tall, broad-shouldered, large-faced, bushy-haired man, with a com manding presence, and a tongue always charged with stinging and rebukative epithets, though he never forgot to be a gentleman. Matt Carpenter, now in the United States Senate, resided in Beloit, but had a large practice in Janesville, besides being in frequent attendance at the ses sions of the County Court. Carpenter knew considerable law — more, perhaps, than did Noggle — but he always avoided a conflict with his stalwart professional cotemporary. He dreaded Noggle's tongue. Charles S. Jordan is dead. He exhibited freaks of rare intellect, was a smooth talker, and one of the most valuable members of the famous " Thousand and One" Society. Alexander T. Gray holds an important position in the State Department at Washing ton. Isaac Woodle, long since gathered to the fathers, loved a practical joke better than he did his profession, though he possessed the cool, calculating genius of a Webster. A man of great dignity and sonorous voice, it required no dissimulation for him to act as the Grand Senior in initiations of the Thousand and One. David I. Daniels is somewhere in Michigan, while Charles H. Parker is believed to be in California. J. H. Knowlton will be remembered as a very original character. He was a self-made man. The acme of his ambition was to get a difficult case for a poor client. Money had no charm for him when he could assist some unfor tunate being who had become entangled in the meshes of the law. The members of the Janesville bar of to-day may be said to possess more of the qualities of legal science than did their brothers of a quarter of a century ago, but there are fewer legal knock-downs and judicial drag-oucs now than then. There is more starch in the judicial ermine now than then, and more formality in style of argument. To be a good lawyer in those days, it was necessary to be a good pugilist. FORDS, FERRY AND BRIDGE. The first settlers in Janesville crossed Rock River at a point near the " Big Rock," about a mile below the present business portion of the city. It was a favorite fording-place of the Indians for many years prior to the advent of their pale-faced brethren. The manner of cross ing and the "lay of the land " were known to only a few. It was a dangerous business, and was seldom undertaken by any one save those thoroughly acquainted with the " trail." Enter ing the water from the west side of. the river, at the " Big Bend," the adventurous emigrant ¦found a good footing on a narrow bar, running along the middle of the stream for a distance of about four hundred yards, and joining with the eastern shore a few rods below the mouth of the Lower Branch of Spring Brook, and directly opposite the "Big Rock." At high stages of the water, when the current was strong, the voyage was extremely perilous. If the water became too high, wagons were taken over upon two canoes, while the teams were made to swim across. 594 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In the spring of 1836. Judge Holmes, who had come on a visit from Michigan City to see his two sons, Joshua and William, concluded to settle permanently in Janesville. His first work was to build a ferry-boat, which he did by sawing out the necessary timbers with an ancient whip-saw. The Holmes boys and their father carried on a ferry for several months after the completion of their scow, about midway between the Big Bend and the Big Rock. In the fall of the same year, Henry F. Janes and Aaron Walker constructed a more pre tentious ferry-boat than that operated by the Holmeses, and, obtaining a charter from the Ter ritorial Legislature, established a very convenient mode of crossing over the identical spot now covered by the Milwaukee Street Bridge. Messrs. Janes & Walker conducted this ferr, In con junction with a one-story log tavern, which stood on the ground now occupied by the Lappin Block. J. P. Dickson succeeded Janes & Walker in both enterprises, and continued the ferry until 1842, when Charles Stevens and others" became the purchasers. Mr. Stevens at once com menced the construction of a toll-bridge at the same point, continuing the ferry until the com pletion of the bridge. New settlers continued to arrive in Janesville, and Mr. Stevens' new enterprise became very profitable. A few of the citizens, however, regarded it as a sort of monopoly, and, as a means of "crushing the monster," an association was formed and subscrip tions taken for the building of a free bridge over the placid waters of Rock River about sixty rods south of the Stevens bridge. A sufficient amount of money was raised for the purpose, and operations were about to be begun when the projectors met with their first opposition. Mr. Stevens and his associates in the toll-bridge company, though pronounced as public- spirited and patriotic citizens, were not going to relinquish or abandon a paying enterprise with out a struggle. The establishment of a free bridge would most certainly close their toll-gates. Accordingly, they applied to the Circuit Court for a perpetual injunction restraining any person or persons from building a bridge on Rock River within certain limits. The defendants, through their attorney, A. Hyatt Smith, demurred to the petition for injunction, on the ground that Stevens' claim was not based upon any exclusive privilege ; that the charter then held by the Stevens company did not grant any privilege in the light of an exclusive policy. The demurrer was overruled, and the perpetual injunction prayed for by the petitioners granted. The defend ants at once carried the case to the Supreme Court, where the decision of the lower tribunal was reversed and the injunction set aside. This righteous ruling left the projectors of "the lower bridge" free to carry their design into execution, which they were not slow in doing. And thus came to an end the existence of the only toll-bridge ever known to Janesville. During the liti gation, which was long and bitter, Isaac Blood, one of the citizens interested in maintaining a free bridge, having occasion to cross the river, found the gates of the Stevens bridge closed against him. Being a man of earnest convictions, and always ready to maintain those convictions, even though he found it necessary to resort to arguments sometimes more powerful than words, he procured a club, and with it battered down the barriers to his progress. The gates were repaired, but the decision of the Supreme Court, coming soon afterward, proved a more powerful and lasting blow than did that of Blood's club. The bridge contemplated by the citizens was soon in use, and the toll-gates were taken from their hinges, never to swing again. Two free bridges were thus established at about the same time. Charles Stevens being a most estimable man, a few of the citizens clubbed together and raised a small purse to recompense him for his original outlay in constructing the bridge. It has been twice rebuilt since it became the property ofthe city. The lower bridge was also torn away, after several years' use, and the present substantial structure erected in its stead. The bridge at Monterey was built by the city in 1856. Ira Miltimore and John Peters were the contractors. They were also the builders of the Monterey dam, which was constructed at the same time, immediately beneath the bridge, the pillars of which helped to "fill up" con siderably. The specification of the dam contract did not include the bridge-pillars as a part of the abattis necessary to its construction, and this was the source of much merriment among the friends of the late lamented Ira Miltimore, as illustrating his acuteness in making a bargain. ^^^-^ G? :c£tf^&CJ; ^C/& JANESV/LIE. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 597 TELEGRAPHIC. The first telegraph wire running into Janesville was from Milwaukee, in 1848. The elec tric telegraph began working in Janesville on the 15th of December, and did " an active business." The Gazette observes : " Our business men are very generally availing themselves of the facili ties offered by this truly wonderful agent of instantaneous communication with their correspond ents abroad. We commence to-day giving regular telegraphic reports, by which our readers will be in possession of all the important intelligence received by us up to the time of going to press. For the prompt manner in which this enterprise has been accomplished, we are indebted much to the untiring energy and perseverance of Gen. William Duane Wilson, and no better evidence of the workmanlike manner in which all pertaining to it has been completed need be asked than the fact that the line was found in perfect working order on the first trial, and the first call was promptly answered." Telegraphic connection was next made with Madison, Mineral Point, Galena and Chicago, with the latter in 1856, after the completion of the railroad from that point. The wires now running into Janesville owned by the Western Union Company were erected by the Illinois & Mississippi Company in 1864. Janesville is now a transfer office, the Northwestern system con necting at this point with the Western Union. C. A. Stearns is the local manager. There are a few private wires in use in Janesville. The first telephone was brought here in April, 1878. BURR ROBBINS' MENAGERIE, located in the Third Ward of Janesville, on the east side of the river, at a point opposite the Big Bend, are the winter-quarter buildings of Col. Burr Bobbins' " Great American and Ger man Allied Shows." In 1874, Col. Robbins purchased a site at the place indicated and pro ceeded to erect suitable structures for the protection of his assortment of wild beasts, etc., from the chilling blasts of Wisconsin's winter winds. The roar of the lion and the " bugle notes " of the elephant are not strange sounds in the ears of the Janesvillians. Col. Robbins, with his menagerie, takes the road every summer, and at this writing is delighting the denizens of Illi nois with the performances of the only hippopotamus ever imported to America. THE CEMETERIES. About one mile and a half in a northwesterly direction from Janesville, lie the city ceme teries, Oak Hill and St. Patrick. The drive to their location is delightful, the location itself sin gularly prepossessing, and the improvements and ornaments to be found in these silent cities of the dead, touch the landscape with a beauty and symmetry exquisite beyond comparison. One cannot wander through these final resting-places of the departed, without being moved to sadness by the very beauties of the scene, and, as the sunlight flickers through green leaves, one seems to see the shadowy forms of relatives long since gone to their sanctified rest, fading away in the dimness of the gloaming. The graves are numerous on these spots of hallowed ground ; the coffined sleepers arc there in solid phalanx. And as the living contemplate the scene, the green graves stretching far down the crest of the hill and into the valley, the sculptured marble commemorating the lives of departed worth, and tho little white grave-markers rising above the blades of grass and peeping from beneath the waving white-topped clover, let them resolve to so live that generations yet unborn shall come in laughing Juno with opening flowers, to honor and decorate their tombs. Oak Hill Cemetery Association was organized on the 8th day of January, 1851, under the provisions of an acf authorizing the formation of cemetery associations, adopted by the Legislature of Wisconsin a year previous. The certificate of the Association places the manage ment of affairs in the hands of nine Trustees, who are divided into three classes ; the term of Q 598 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. office of one class expiring each year, when new Trustees to fill such vacancies must be chosen by the lot-owners who are stockholders of the Association. The grounds are exempt from taxation, from public roads or streets, from sale under execu tion, and are maintained by an income derived from the sale of lots, purchasers of which acquire title in a manner which insures its continuance in their families, and, as stated, these lot-owners constitute the sole proprietors. In sales, deeds are given purchasers, subject to the following conditions : That all lots shall be used expressly for burial purposes ; that the Association shall have the right to determine the manner of fencing or closing said lots; the manner ofthe burial of the dead ; the right to levy a tax for the purpose of defraying the ordinary expenses of the Association, and to make such other regulations concerning the property as to them shall seem fit and proper. By the first purchase, the Association acquired title to but twenty acres of ground, which has been increased from year to year by the purchase of additional plats, until, at the present writing, it holds a vested interest in fifty-six acres of beautiful rolling property peculiarly adapted by nature to the uses to which it is appropriated. The first Board of Trustees, immedi ately upon the transfer of the trust to their care, inaugurated a system of improvements which, after many years, has been perfected, arid left the grounds among the most beautiful to be found in the Northwest. The inclosure has been laid out in large lots and blocks, with wide and convenient avenues and drives, tastefully ornamented with plants and shrubbery, and shaded with a natural growth of evergreen, forest and ornamental trees. Nature has done much to render Oak Hill all that could be sought for, but the Association, by its liberal management, has contributed materially to the apparent perfection attained in all its features. Several elabor ately constructed monuments and tombs of artistic design and finish greet the eye of the visitor, and recite the departure of him or her who sleeps beneath the sod. The cemetery is also sup plied with a large vault. The first interments consisted of bodies taken from the old cemetery, or rather burying-ground, used by the pioneers of Rock County and vicinity, from the time when the first death reduced the number of early settlers, until the organization of " Oak Hill." In those days, the square of ground bounded by Second, Third, Wisconsin and East streets, was devoted to the burial ofthe dead; but, in time, the premises being required for educational pur poses, were vacated, and the present High School Building erected on a part thereof. The new cemetery, " Oak Hill," is an ornament to the city and surrounding country, and commends its founders to the consideration of posterity for their liberality, enterprise and judgment, not only in the selection of the site, but also for the taste displayed in projecting and completing the invaluable improvements visible on every hand. The original Board of Trustees was composed of William Macloon, E. L. Roberts (deceased), John P. Dickson, E. A. Howland (deceased), E. H. Bennett, William H. H. Bailey (deceased), William A. Lawrence, J. M. Burgess and M. C. Smith. At a meeting of the Board held in the office of Woodle, Eldredge & Pease, the first officers of the Association were elected as follows : William Macloon, President ; E. H. Bennett, Secretary, and W. H. H. Bailey, Treasurer. The present Board consists of Volney Atwood, M. C. Smith, S. L. James, J. C. Jenkins, James Sutherland, William A. Lawrence, John B. Carle, J. J. R. Pease and L. J. Barrows; J. J. R. Pease, President ; L. J. Barrows, Secretary, and J. C. Jenkins, Treasurer. The inter ments from July, 1851, to July 1, 1879. aggregate 2,678. St. Patrick's Cemetery, consecrated to the burial of the dead who die in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, consists of fourteen acres of land, to the east of " Oak Hill," in a high state of cultivation and improvement, and ornamented with a number of expensive and magnifi cent monuments, which, for design and construction, are not surpassed by those of the best cemeteries in the country. Previous to the change of use of the grounds on which the high school now stands, as above stated, the Catholics were accustomed to inter their deceased friends in a portion thereof. But when the cemetery was moved, Father McFaul, Pastor of the Diocese of Janesville, purchased four acres of ground, being a portion of the present site, for the uses to wliich it has since teen HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 5991 devoted. In 1869, Father James M. Doyle, the present incumbent, added ten acres to the original purchase, finishing improvements in progress when ho succeeded to the living, jtntl pro jecting others since completcil-, until, to-day, St. Ptitrick's is one of the beautiful places of sepul ture to be found in Wisconsin. It is under the care, custody and control of Father Doyle-, who appoints the sexton, furnishes title to the purchasers of lots, and exercises the same care and direction to the property delegated to tho Trustees of Oak Hill. The number of interments since tho day of consecration is upward of five hundred, and the- property, together with improvements, has cost not less than $50,000. THE "THOUSAND AND ONE." " 'Twas at the foot of Mount JElna, Just at the setting of sun, Our Order sprang into existence, And was christened 1001." Janesville was once famous for her wags, but most of them have passed away. A few are still left, however, to recount the exploits of their younger days, antl relate incidents connected with the history of a once notorious institution known as the "Thousand and One.'' The '• Order" knew no manual save that impressed upon the minds of its members, or that suggest ing itself in their brilliant imaginations. Among the most prominent members of this wonderful body may be mentioned Isaac Woodle, Charles S. Jordan, William Mitchell, William Hodson, "Judge" Lynch, Dr. Robin son, Godfrey Bishop, John P. Hoyt, Ira Justin, James M. Burgess and Judge Armstrongs There were many others who participated in the remarkable doings of tho Thousand and One, but the foregoing individuals were the chief "conspirators." While initiating some poor victim who had fallen into their hands, they professed tr> elairm Confucius as their patron saint, and would swear the initiate "by the sacred toe of Btiddlwl" They carried their extravagances even beyond the walls of their " sacred temple," in Lappin's Block. The hotels, the courts and other public places were frequently the scenes of practical jokes perpetrated upon unsuspecting strangers bj7 members of this audacious bund, the Thou sand and One. They were the life of the town in their day. Their chicfest joy was in the initiation of a book agent or a lightning-rod man. A lecturer on astronomy once came here from Boston. It is related that he "saw more- stars " in one night in Janesville, through the medium of the Thousand and One, than he hatl ever before discovered in all his astronomical experience. He was made to believe he could not draw an audience unless he became a member of the Thousand and One. He finally consented! to become a candidate for initiation, not, however, until the secrets of his life had been ascer- ta;ncd from his own lips by members of the organization. It was during a season of excite ment over the " developments " made by an Eastern Spiritualist, and when tho Boston star- g;izer found himself within tho precincts of the "temple," and heard the dark pa ges of 1 i; life read by "our patron saint, Confucius," his leanings toward the doctrine of that class of mys tics professing to be under the guidance of the Divine Spirit inclined no longer at an anglo of doubt. Grand Senior Hodson had a list of the questions to be asked written in pencil across tTie- facc of a well-worn ace of clubs. These questions covered the astronomer's history, so, fir as^ "Billy" Mitchell and others had been able to obtain it. The Grand Senior would then inter rogate the "spirit of Confucius," directing it to answer by a system of rnppings, well under stood by Isaac Woodle, who, armed with a ponderous club, personated tho "spirit " in n vigor ous manner. The candidate, who sat blindfolded on a dry-goods box, in the middle of the rloorr would be called upon to confirm or deny the correctness of the answers. These proceedings- were carried on with the profoundest solemnity. An occasional interruption came from a member just arrived, who reported the deitth of as brother member. With the greatest nonchalance, a donation of $5,000 or $10,000 would 5c- 600 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. voted the widow immediately, and the work of initiation proceed. It is said that the private life of the astronomer was so faithfully depicted that he pleaded for mercy, and begged that he be allowed to relate the rest himself. A vote was then taken on the question whether " the spirit of Confucius " or the candidate should finish the information. It was unanimous in favor of the former. The candidate made another touching appeal, and promised to faithfully divulge every scrap of his past history. Being warned in the most solemn manner — the, warn ings being emphasized by unearthly sounds and groans — that " the spirit of Confucius " would correct any mis-statements that might be made, the trembling and exhausted man was then per mitted to tell all he knew, which he did with such wonderful accuracy and detail that it became necessary to check him, lest he furnish evidence that would hang him in any State where capital punishment was the extreme penalty. The " Boston man " was then " elevated in a blanket " until every muscle and sinew in his system was stretched to its utmost tension, after which he was dropped through a chute to the dressing-room, from whence he dragged himself, battered and bleeding, to his hotel, glad to escape with his life. He left Janesville on the morning train, a wiser but not a better man, for he was heard to swear vengeance upon his persecutors. On another occasion, a mechanical genius came to Janesville with a patent three-wheeled buggy. It was a novelty in its way. Its owner received immediate attention from the Thou sand and One. They borrowed his vehicle to " try it." Being unaccustomed to three-wheeled buggies, of course they broke it. The patentee was very much incensed, but could see no way of recovering damages for his loss. Soon after the unfortunate occurrence, he was approached by " Billy " Mitchell, who, under promise of secresy, confided a plan whereby the injured man might be recompensed. Mitchell said the men who had broken the buggy belonged to the Thousand and One ; that if he (the owner of the queer contrivance) would join that Order, after becoming a member he could claim and recover damages. He joined, but his experience was similar to that of the Boston astronomer, and his departure from Janesville quite as sudden. Another favorite amusement, and one that furnished to them the rarest of sport, was the "snipe drive." It was necessary that the subject in this case should be a little "green," else even the remarkable plausibility of the wags conducting the '¦ drive " would fail to convince the victim that Wisconsin snipe were different from any other species of that bird, and would not be captured in any other way. The programme was this : Half a dozen or so of the mem bers of the Thousand and One, having previously spotted their victim, would make their appear- - ance, wearing rubber boots, at one of the public resorts or the place of abode of the subject. They wrere going on a snipe drive, and needed some one to hold the bag ; there were thousands of these delicious -birds just at the south end of town, and they could be caught by the bushel. Who would go along and hold the bag ? The bait was generally swallowed by the right person. Furnishing their victim with a pair of long boots and a large bag, made of gunny material, the the crowd were not long in reaching Spring Brook. Arriving at " the only spot where snipe were ever caught." the individual with the bag would be instructed to wade into the creek and remain, while " the rest of the boys " went down the stream to " whistle up the snipe." He was also told that when he saw the birds coming he should hold open the bag and they would fly into it. In that position he was left, while "the boys " returned to the city, informing every one they met of the joke. More than one individual has quit Janesville forever, after returning from an unsuccessful "snipe drive." The Ely trial will long be remembered as the most unique and successful piece of waggery ever perpetrated by this immortal brotherhood. In 1850, George B. Ely came to Janesville and hung out his shingle as an attorney. He came directly from a famous New York law school. Ely was a scholar in everything except experience. He came to Janesville and opened an office with a considerable flourish. He did not hesitate to say that he would " teach this backwoods bar some law." From the day of his arrival he was regarded by the Thousand and One as a first-class subject, but they were compelled to handle him with care on account of his display of superior knowledge on all topics. After repeated consultations, it was decided that Isaac Woodle HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 601 should approach Ely and engage him to defend William Mitchell, then a law student in Woodle's office, against a charge of robbery in having, as alleged, stolen a dollar bill from William Hodson. The " trial " was to be had before J. N. Corson, who had but recently been elected Justice ofthe Peace, but had not yet qualified, thereby being incapacitated from sitting in judgment in any save a mock trial. Woodle confidentially informed Ely that he did not believe Mitchell was guilty, but he knew that a determined effort would be made to convict him, therefore he desired that the best legal talent in Janesville be retained for the defense. " You flatter me," replied Mr. Ely, "but I'll take the case." It was the first case he had had an opportunity to take. Though he had been heard to remark that he did not suppose there was much dignity about a Janesville court, he had never been inside of one to know if what he said was true or not. To impress him with the urbanity of the Janesville judiciary was the object in view. The day for the trial came, and as the hour approached for the court to convene, counsel for defense appeared at the bar, staggering under the weight of the codes of half a dozen States, Counsel for the prosecution were there, several ofthe leading members of the bar having volun teered to aid in bringing the "culprit" to justice. The prisoner being arraigned, pleaded not guilty, and the prosecution opened by calling the complaining witness, William Hodson. Mr. Hodson identified a dollar bill taken from the accused when he was arrested, as his property, Mr. Ely had anticipated that the witnesses on the other side would swear to almost anything, and was not surprised that one of them could identify one particular dollar bill out of several millions then afloat in the Union. He told the Court so. The Court was not quite so credulous, apparently, and it remonstrated with the witness for swearing to such an impossibility. The witness retaliated by calling the Court an old fool, whereat the entire audience, with a single exception, jumped upon the benches and chairs, and in language more forcible than elegant, impeached the integrity of " his Honor " before his face, at the same time threatening to lynch the witness if he did not continue to swear that dollar bill was his identical property. Ely appealed to the Court, and asked if there were no means of removing the mob from its presence. There seemed to be none, in the opinion of the Court. Other witnesses were then called, each being sworn by a different person, notwithstanding the protests of the counsel for the defense. While "his Honor " and a witness were engaged in calling each other names over a dispute which had arisen between them about a matter entirely foreign to the one on trial, William Mur doch walked into the room with a long string of fish, and depositing them on the table among Mr. Ely's codes, drew from his pocket a pack of cards, proposing to play any man in the crowd for an equivalent against " that string offish." In the tumult that followed, the court adjourned, and the prisoner walked boldly out upon the street without guard or shackle. Ely was non plused. Proceeding to the office of a friend and brother attorney, he related his experience, and with an air of disgust, said it only confirmed his previous opinion of Janesville justice and of the Janesville bar. He soon learned, however, that it was all a joke, but it is said Ely did not become thoroughly sophisticated until after he had held the bag for a "snipe drive." A. Hyatt Smith remembers having dined (at his own expense) with a few of the ring leaders of this ungodly band of wags. It was at Lake Koshkonong, where Mr. Smith had sought sweet surcease from the trials of railway management for a few days' angling and camp ing-out. Telegrams were received in Janesville simultaneously by Mr. Smith's grocer, poulterer and baker, and the individual who occasionally furnished him with "medicinal stimulants," instructing them to forward to his address at Koshkonong, by a particular train, certain amounts of the choicest supplies in the stores of the respective dealers. Strange as it nitty seem, the train which carried the delicious provisions to Mr. Smith also bore a number of the members of the Thousand and One. The fun lasted several days, Mr. Smith entering into it with a zest. Not, however, until he was presented with the bills upon his return to Janesville, with the forged telegrams attached, did he surmise that he was paying so dearly for his fun at Lake Koshkonong. <)02 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. JANESVILLE A QUARTER OE A CENTURY AGO. [From the Janesville Daily Recorder.] Mills and Factories. — The Big Mill, wdiich occupied the ground now covered by the post- office building, was owned by A. Hyatt Smith and M. 0. Walker, and run by L. E. Stone and J. C- Jenkins. Farmers' Mill, owned by Timothy Jackman and S. W. Smith. Excelsior Mill — A. Hyatt Smith, owner. Monterey Mill, owned and operated by Heller & Henderson. Monterey Stone Mills, owned and run by C. Dustin. Woolen factory, owned and operated by Frank Whitaker. Stevens Saw-Mill, operated by I. M. Norton and 0. B. Ford. Water Power .and Steam Mill — A. K. Norris & Co. Manufacturers. — Carriages — John Tomkinson, Wright & Wilson, Robert Hodge, Uriah Story, Tice & Bro., and Henderson & Trotter. Painters — Doolittle & Amsden and George 'Gray. Furniture — Morse & Martin, Levi Moses k Co. Brick-^-Levi Alden k Bro., and A. Hyatt Smith. Farming Implements — A. W. Parker & Co. Iron Works — Joseph II. Budd. Sash, Doors and Blinds — Hume, Booth k Co., Doty & Burnham, and Mr. Spencer. Marble — U. C. Van Vleck. Foundries — J. H. Budd, and N. Carrier. Soap and Candles — Peter Myers. Harness — J. M. Riker, II. S. Woodruff, A. S. Shearer, Chase k Joslyn, William Wright and H. H. Meader. Brooms — Parker & Smith, and A. C. Bates & Bro. Boots and Shoes — J. B. Dimock, J. T. W. Murray, James Hutson, John Baxter and F. W. Loudon. Merchants.— Dry Goods— M. C. Smith k Co., M. McKey & Bro., II. S. Shelton & Co., ¦Jackman, Parker & Co., 0. J. Dearborn & Co., Lawrence, Atwood k Co., Cooley & Babcock and O. K. Bennett. Drugs — Holden, Kemp & Co., Ogilvie & Barrows and D. C. Farwell. Hard ware — Pixley k Kimball, J. A. Wood, J. B. Ilyzer and R. J. Richardson. Groceries — I. M. Smith, 0. W. Norton, A. K. Allen, R. Jenkins, C. G. Gillett, S. II. Belton, H. Rice, Conrad & Murdock, Z. S. Doty and Clark k Jenks. Hats and Caps — John R. Beale. Furs — Charles R. Baeon. Clothing— M. C. Smith k Co., Harsh, Sonneborn & Bro., C. J. Hays & Co., Will iam Addy, A. Newhoff, Rothchild k May, J. Oppenheimor and J. Deitsch. Leather — Josiah T. Wright. Jewelers — S. C. Spaulding and A. Townsend. Books — J. Sutherland & Co., and V. Jounneault. Music — J. F. Pease k Co. and Coon & Bootman. Ladies' Furnishing Store — Philip Solomon & Co. Agricultural Implements — Eldred & Barrows. Professions.— Physicians— R. B. Treat, T. E. St. John, G. W. Chittenden, 0. P. Robin son, E. Lewis, J. S. Lane, M. L. Burnham, W. Amer, J. Paine, A. P. Coryell, A. S. Jones, D. C. Bennett, L. J. Barrows, C. G. Pease, J. Mitchell, S. Martin and J. Grafton. Dentists — L. Arnold and Pendleton & Wells.- Attorneys— D. Noggle, J. J. R. Pease, M. S. Prichard, A. P. Prichard, L. F. Patten, I. C. Sloan. I. C. Jenks, J. Neil, J. M. Case, W. Truesdell, B. B. Eldredge, S. A. Hudson, H. Woodruff, G. B. Ely, A. Hyatt Smith, J. M. Williams, G. W. Cummings, C. P. King, H. K. Whiton, J. W. D. Parker, C. Norton, J. A. Sleeper, W. M. Tallman, J. D. Rexford, H. S. Conger, W. L. Mitchell, J. Nichols, G. S. Dodge, J. Arm strong, A. T. Gray, A. C. Bates, Isaac Woodle and II. W. Ide. 3Iilitary.—lieixvj Infantry—" Janesville City Guards," C. C. Gillett, Captain; William Addy, First Lieutenant, and William II. Parker, Second Lieutenant. Uniform, grey, with black facings. Civic Societies. — Odd Fellows, I. 0. 0. F. Encampment, two Masonic Lodges, and one Chapter R. A. M. Fire Department. — W. W. Holden, President ; J. D. Rexford, Vice President ; F. A Kimball, Treasurer; J. H. Vermilye, Secretary; Ira Justin, Chief Engineer; William B. Britton, Assistant Engineer; W. S. Chase, Second Assistant Engineer. Fire Wardens — E L. Roberts, First Ward; T. B. Woolliscroft, Second AVard; M. C. Smith, Third Ward; Will iam Macloon, Fourth Ward. Rock River Engine Company, No. 1 — Fifty members ; G. S. Strassbcrger, Foreman; Daniel McDougald, First Assistant; J. V. Andrews, Second Assistant; T. W. Gibbs, Secretary; J. D. Rexford, Treasurer; S. Foord, Jr., Steward. Water Witch HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 603 Engine Company No. 2 — Fifty-seven members ; William Kemp, Foreman ; John E. Peck, Assistant; B. B. Eldredge, Secretary; Charles H. Windt, Treasurer; H. Higgins, Engineer; T. B. Woolliscroft, Steward. Independent Badger Engine Company No. 3 — Fifty members ; E. G. Crandall, Foreman ; K. Holmes, First Assistant ; R. Bryan, Second Assistant ; S. E. McKey, Secretary ; B. Chapin, Treasurer. Janesville City Engine Company No. 4 — Thirty- three members ; Charles Yates, Foreman ; J. W. Belton, First Assistant Foreman ; Joseph James, Second Assistant Foreman ; Warren A. Wells, Steward ; A. H. Johnson, Secretary ; Daniel Clow, Treasurer. Sack Company No. 1 — Ira Justin, Jr., Foreman ; J. M. Haselton, Assistant; S. W. Smith, Secretary; W. W. Holden, Treasurer; M. C. Smith, Steward; twenty members. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 — J. B. Rothchild, Foreman ; William M. D. Bird, Assistant Foreman ; John H. Jewell, Secretary ; Joseph S. Sayer, Treasurer ; fifty members. Banks. — Badger State — E. L. Dimock, President ; H. C. Matteson, Cashier. . Janesville City Bank — Henry B. Bunster, President ; Samuel Lightbody, Vice President ; Josiah T. Wright, Cashier. Central Bank — 0. W. Norton, President ; W. A. Lawrence, Cashier ; Board of Directors, Warren Norton, William H. Tripp, F. S. Eldred, S. G. Williams, J. F. Wil lard, J. D. Rexford, Z. P. Burdick, L. J. Barrows, E. A. Foot, Jonathan Corey. Rock County Bank — Timothy Jackman, President; J. B. Crosby, Cashier; Directors. T. Jaekman, J. B. Crosby, J. J. R. Pease, J. C. Jenkins, M. C. Smith, L. E. Stone, B. F. Pixley, J. L. Kimball, A. Palmer. Officers of the City. — Mayor, Edward L. Dimock; President of the Board, Ellery A. Howland ; Clerk, Amos P. Prichard ; Assistant Clerk, Orrin Guernsey ; Marshal, T. C. Sleeper; Treasurer, F. A. Kimball; Attorney, G. W. Cumming; Assessor, Henry 0. Wilson; Surveyor, A. B. Miller. Aldermen — First Ward, David Noggle, James H. Ogilvie, John L. Kimball; Second Ward, J. B. Crosby, Timothy Jackman, S. C. Burnham ; Third Ward, Ellery A. How land, Lewis E. Stone, Levi St. John ; Fourth Ward, John H. Vermilye, Ira Miltimore, S. Foord. Justices of the Peace — First Ward, S. J. Belton; Second 'Ward, A. C. Bates; Third Ward, L. Field; Fourth Ward, Franklin Whitaker. Constables — First Ward, John 0. Sparl ing ; Second Ward, Ira Burnham ; Third Ward, Thomas W. Brogan ; Fourth Ward, James G. Alden. School Commissioners — First Ward, James Sutherland ; Second Ward, S. W. Smith ; Third Ward, G. W. Lawrence ; Fourth Ward, Andrew Palmer. INVENTIONS. [From Janesville Gazetle."\ It is not uncommon to hear people express surprise at the number of patents that are being issued out of the Patent Office. It is thought from this that the field of invention must soon find a limit. Although the business of this department of the Government has assumed such wonderful proportions, there is no apparent diminution in the work of the Patent Office. As an indication of its extent, it may be stated that the income of the Patent Office, for fees alone, often reaches the sum of $5,000 per day, and the number of patents issued weekly something like three or four hundred. All parts of the country have contributed to this department, and per haps no town of its size has done more in the line of invention than Janesville. Among the whole number of patents granted to Janesville inventors, but few have yielded the patentees any very large returns for tho time, money and skill bestowed, and very many none at all, while some have brought to the inventors large profits and been of great benefit to the public. Among the latter may be mentioned the Doty Washing Machine, invented by William M. Doty. There is probably no washing machine that has been so extensively used and approved as this, and that has brought so large returns to the inventor as well as the manufacturers. In 1859 and 1861, Nash & Cutts procured a patent upon a fanning-mill, which has had the reputation, and has still, of being the most perfect mill in use ; and nothing but enterprise and a little capital was wanting to make the patent a mine of wealth. 604 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The Clow Reaper, invented by Daniel Clow, one of the distinctive features of which ' was the application of the cam power, has acquired a widespread reputation, and has been extensively manufactured in this city. As a machine for lightness of draft and for one pair of horses, in ordinary seasons, it is one of the most economical machines for farmers that has been given to the public. The Little Champion Reaper, manufactured by the Harris Manufacturing Company, and which has brought such large profits to that company, was, principally, the invention of James Harris. It never has been excelled as a complete machine. It has made its way to public favor upon its real merits, both in this country and in Europe. In 1863, Col. Ezra Miller, a resident of this city, invented and patented an improvement in car couplings, and, in 1865, he patented a car coupler and buffer combined. These inventions have undergone some further improvements, but scarcely a patent has been issued that has proved more valuable than this, both to the inventor and to the public. Miller's car coupler and brake, generally so called, has become famous. It is in use upon all the principal roads, from Maine to California, and the traveling public have learned to feel a sense of security when riding in cars fitted out with Miller's patents. The most valuable feature of this invention, which is used in connection with. Miller's railroad car, patented in 1866, is the joining of the platforms of two cars so as to close up the space between them and avoid what is called telescoping in case of collisions. Another Janesville inventor and a brother of the patentee of the Doty Washing Machine, was the late Ellis Doty, who produced a machine for the generation and diffusion of gas from gasoline, for lighting purposes, which has great merit, and is now extensively manufactured in Philadelphia and other places. The same inventor also brought out an improvement upon car wheels and axles, that has been applied by several railroad companies in Illinois, and pronounced to be an improvement of great value, from which the inventor realizad a handsome profit before his death. The most important feature in this invention consisted in the independent revolution of the car wheel, it having great advantage over the rigid wheels and axles in rounding curves. Nor can we omit to mention as among the successes in this field, the invention of II. S. Woodruff, known throughout the entire country as the Champion Trace Buckle. He started in Janesville as a poor man, working at the harness trade. For years, he found it difficult to sup port his small family. But in January, 1872, he obtained a patent for his buckle. It became immensely popular at once and other manufacturers contested his right to the patent. After much litigation in the courts of New York, Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, the validity of his patent was admitted. This insured him great success, and to-day he is one of the strong men of the city, and bears his victory with a modesty which challenges the respect of the whole community. Also may be mentioned Gilmore's Rock Drill, as deserving a place among the successes in this line. J. B. Hyzer, who for many years carried on a tin-shop on West Milwaukee street, about 1868 invented a hot-air portable furnace and also a heat radiator, both of which he obtained patents upon, and which yielded him a fair remuneration. Among the more recent inventions is Kent's Hand Corn-Planter, patented by A. C. Kent ; also a corn-planter by Miles C. Root, both of which have been quite extensively manufactured in this city. Tho demand for improvements in farm machines has stimulated many men of inventive skill in this direction. One of the strongest demands has, for a long time, seemed to be for a mode of binding grain upon the machine as it is cut by the reaper, and when harvest hands can command $3 a day, and four or five men are required to take care of the grain as fast as it is cut, certainly a machine that can do all this work, and dispense with the services of three or four men, is a great consolation. The temptation to become the famous inventor of such a machine has induced several of our citizens to undertake the task. In 1865, C B. Withington, then a jeweler upon West Milwaukee street, commenced experimenting upon a binder, using two wires to form the band, and adopted a mode of con structing the band, which seemed to be a success. He applied for a patent for this two-wire HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 605 band, but when he got his application before the Patent Office, he found two applications for the same thing, one by Whitney, of Minnesota, and West, of Ohio. Tne Patent Office declared an interference, and required proof to be made, for tho purpose of determining who was the prior inventor. Testimony was taken, and, on the first hearing, Whitney was awarded the patent. An appeal was taken to the Board of Examiners, and further testimony taken, and, on the second hearing, the decision of the primary examiner was reversed, and the patent granted to our ¦ townsman, C. B. Withington. About the time Mr. Withington commenced his experiments, Mr. S. D. Locke, and, a little later, William II. Payne, both of this city, undertook the same task of producing a successful grain-binder, all using wire as a binding material. All three of these, working upon machines so similar, it would not be strange if they came in conflict with each other, which proved to be tho case. An ingenious device was used by them all, called a tension, for the purpose of managing and controlling the wire as it was brought from a spool around the bundle, twisted and cut off. This device Mr. Withington claimed as his invention. Mr. Payne conceded it to be Mr. Withington's invention, and came to an understanding with him in regard to it. Mr. Locke denied that Mr. Withington was the inventor of this device, but that he himself invented it, and applied for and obtained a patent upon it. Mr. Withington subsequently applied for a patent, and, finding Mr. Locke had got ahead of him, applied for and procured a case of interference to be made up for trial, to deter mine the question of priority of invention. Mr. J. F. Gordon, of Rochester, N. Y., who is the inventor of a binder, claiming that Mr. Withington, in some parts of his machine, was interfer ing with his patent, the three were made parties to the interference. Testimony was taken, a large portion having been taken before Mr. S. A. Hudson, at his office in this city, occupying about two weeks. The parties also took testimony in Pennsylvania and New York. The hear ing before the Board of Examiners of the Patent Office took place in Washington, when Mr. Withington sustained his claim and obtained his patent. 606 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER IX. city of beloit. Introductory— An Early Adventurer— Thiebault— Blodgett— New England Emigrating Company— Land Title Litigation— Origin of the Name Beloit— First Events— A Pioneer's Recollections— Beloit Village in 1845— Beloit a Quarter of a Century Ago— City Government — City Seal — Police Court— The Archaean Society — Manu facturing Enterprises— Schools— Post Office— Hotels— Public Halls— The Military —The Old Veterans' Club— Musical Societies— Bands— Beloit Reading Club— Beloit Bible Society— Gas Works— The Bridges— The Cemetery— The Banking Business— The Women's Christian Temperance Union— Secret Societies— Society for Protec tion Against Horse-Thieves— Beloit Public Libraries— Beloit Water-Power— Prin cipal Conflagration— The Beloit Churches— Banks— Fire Department. introductory. The early history of Beloit, like that of most of the cities of the great Northwest, is almost entirely devoid of the varied, vexciting and romantic incidents which stimulated or dis mayed the pioneers in many other portions of the country. There were no lurking ambush- ments by the stealthy and treacherous Indians, no sudden and terrible awakenings at dead of night to scenes of strife and slaughter, no hair-breadth escapes from savage and brutal captors. After the close of the Black Hawk war there was a transfer to distant reservations of the original lords of the soil, who had once pitched their lodges upon the picturesque bluffs which overhung the ^stream whence they obtained their food, when too lazy to "hunt" for it among the countless herds of deer and other game which roamed the prairie or sheltered in the timber. All this fertile and beautiful region was one vast solitude, the stillness of which was broken only by the songs of the birds, the murmur of the smoothly flowing streams, the bleat of the deer or the cries of other animals, with now and then, and here and there, at rare intervals, an old. " Indian trader," or a small band of Indians, who had evaded the watchfulness of the authorities charged with their removal, and had found themselves irresistibly attracted to the homes and hunting-grounds they had once prized most dearly. But if there were no desperate struggles for life and liberty with the savage, no weary days of ill-requited toil in felling monsters of the primeval forest, no arduous labor in wresting scant returns from a sterile soil, the early settlers must have been largely endowed with self- reliance, energy, industry, patience, frugality and sobriety — traits which would have developed into unshrinking courage and unfaltering endurance had the heroic virtues been demanded. It is by the exercise of the homely virtues that a people become prosperous, by the heroic that prosperity is defended and maintained, and it is certain that only an exceptional display of those above enumerated could, within the brief period of forty years, have won for Beloit the marked prosperity she now enjoys, and that heroism was not wanting is unmistakably attested by the brilliant record made by her sons during the war of tho rebellion. Ordinarily, the historian who proposes to commit to enduring type an account of the events and incidents attendant upon the early settlement of a place, finds himself embarrassed and his work impeded by a lack of material from which to compile a narrative which shall combine the three indispensable essentials of authenticity or reliability, chronological sequence and interest. In the case of Beloit, however, the historian's most serious difficulties arise from an abundance HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 607 of material, all of seemingly equal authenticity and value, but which proves to be conflicting upon some points of interest and importance. These sources of information consist of " histories," "sketches," and the like, heretofore prepared for some special purpose, and personal recollec tions of "old settlers," which latter constitute the only fountain from which accurate and reli able knowledge of these early days may be obtained. an early adventurer. The first white man who is known to have settled in any part of the country adjacent to the present city of Beloit, was one Mack, a native of Exeter, N. H. This adventurer must have made his home in the "Far West" as early as 1820, as he was found living at Rockton, in Illinois, at the mouth of the Pecatonica (a western tributary of Rock River), in the spring of 1837, with a squaw wife and quite a family, and stated that ho had been living with the Indians for more than sixteen years. This man figures as the hero of tho only really romantic incident which illuminates these " tales of the grandfathers " of Beloit. According to the story current among the surviving " early settlers," Mack had spent most of his early manhood among the Indians, trading with numerous tribes in the West, and had finally settled down among the Win nebagoes, and had come to be regarded as a kind of adviser or confidential prime minister to- the chief. Contrary to the custom of white men in his position, however, he had never taken to himself a dusky bride, and for this reason was regarded with suspicion by some of his associates as a treacherous, or, at best, a lukewarm friend. In the progress of time, according to the cur rent tradition, other pale-faces came among the red men for purposes of trade and barter, and the malcontents alleged that Mack used the influence his position gave him to benefit these traders to the prejudice of his red brothers. This added to the previous distrust, which had been sedulously cultivated, and gave his enemies so decided an advantage that his death was decided on. A daughter of one of the Winnebago chiefs, who had become enamored of the white trader, learned of the design upon his life and warned him of tho intentions of his enemies, and he sought safety in flight to Chicago, which place he reached though he was pursued by the Indians for a whole day. Explanations, carried on by messengers from his city of refuge, ensued, and receiving assurances that they were satisfactory, and that no further attempt would be made upon his life, Mack returned to the tribe and re-assumed his former position. This, as events proved, was but a treacherous device of his enemies to get him again in their power, for, shortly after his return, the attempt upon his life was renewed. Again the Indian maiden proved his savior by concealing him in an empty barrel or hogshead when his lodge was surrounded by his persistent, bloodthirsty foes. Moved by these repeated instances of devotion, and, perhaps, as the most effectual means of quieting the suspicions of his enemies, and thereby of securing his personal safety, Mack married his preserver, and was adopted into tho tribe ; and it was with this squaw wife and her children that ho was living when R. P. Crane and 0. P. Bicknell, of the New England Emigrating Company, passed through Rockton, on their way to Beloit, in the spring of 1837. This may have been a fiction of Mack's own invention, founded upon the historical romance of Capt. John Smith and Pocahontas, or it may have been an actual occurrence ; but whichever it were, it is implicitly believed by the reputable and trustworthy citizens of Beloit, upon whose authority the incident finds a place in this work. thiebault. The first white person located at what is now Beloit, was one Thiebault (sometimes spelled Thiebeau, and pronounced Tebo),a French-Canadian trader, who must havo made his home here about 1823 or 1824, as according to his statement, made in 1836, he had gradually worked his way down from Green Bay to this locality some twelve years before, and had remained here trad ing with the Indians ever since. As the result of this trading, Thiebault, in 1835, chiimed to be the owner of a vast tract of land extending for " three looks " in every direction from his cabin. 608 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Upon inquiry, the prospective settlers ascertained that "a look " was the unit of land measure ment with the Indians, and embraced all the land between the point where one stood and the farthest point within the range of his vision. The Canadian's vague and indefinite phrase, " three looks," was found, therefore, to mean that the boundaries of his possessions were to be deter mined by fixing upon some point or object as far distant as he could see, going to that point and fixing upon another, and repeating the process when the second point was reached. This was a primitive mode of measurement certainly, and one open to the objection that it must vary with the range of sight of different individuals, but admirable in its simplicity and adaptability to the requirements of a rude people whose landed possessions were boundless in extent, and who there fore regard it as only nominally valuable, and to whom " corners," "section lines " and all the vocabulary of the surveyor were but useless jargon. As this trader, Thiebault, is universally recognized as the first white man who actually set tled in Beloit, though he disappears from its history almost immediately after the arrival of his successors, his story and tragic fate may as well be inserted here as at any other point in this history. When Thiebault was found here, " monarch of all he surveyed," like another Alexander Sel kirk, he had two squaw wives, one of whom was " apparently forty years old, the other eighteen, the latter a rather fine-looking half-breed, complexion light and fair, who was the mother of a babe. Ho had a son by a former squaw-wife (then dead), a lad of fourteen, very intelligent, who spoke good English, and it was said he could speak French fluently and three different Indian languages. Shortly after the settlement began to fill up, Thiebault moved away, having been employed by the Government as interpreter among the tribes in the northern part of the Terri tory. He finally settled on Lake Koshkonong, at a place called Thiebault's Point, where he was, it is believed, murdered in the winter of 1837-38,. by his son and one of his wives. This crime is attributed by some to the anxiety of his family to follow the Indians west ofthe Mississippi, while he wished to remain where he was, devoting himself to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture. Others maintain — and the weight ofthe evidence appears to be on their side — that his death was due to the instinct of self-preservation. From these statements, it appears that Thiebault indulged in "periodical drunks," on which occasions he was monstrously brutal to his family — wives and children. (Mr. Charles M. Messer, one ofthe earliest settlers, who had lived for many years among the Pottawatomies, and who was about the only white man to whom Thiebault's wife and son could speak in their own language, has frequently known of their being compelled to fly from their hut at the dead of night, to escape his drunken fury.) Whatever the motive which prompted the crime, Thiebault was probably murdered, and his body disposed of by cut ting a hole in the ice and throwing it into the lake ; and though the deed was never fixed upon the son and the squaw-wife, suspicion was so strong against them that the citizens warned them to leave, and they went to the Indians beyond the river, where it was reported the son was for many years employed as a Government interpreter. CALEB BLODGETT. Though Mack and Thiebault were undoubtedly the first white men who located at or near Beloit, it is manifestly improper to call them "settlers " in the proper sense of that term. They were merely roving traders, with no more thought of building up a community and developing the agricultural and industrial resources of the land they claimed to own than the savages with , whom they lived. With their adoption by the Indians, they in their turn adopted the habits, manner of living and purposeless existence of their newly-made brothers. They were white men who had become Indians — nothing more. To them, as to their savage associates, the boundless virgin prairie with its wealth of rich grasses and myriads of beautiful wild flowers, of countless hues and refreshing fragrance, was but a desirable "hunting-ground ;" the frequently recurring clumps of timber, dotting the prairies here and there and lining the banks of the water-courses, were but admirable shelters for the game which formed the staple of their food, or convenient HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 609 depots from which to obtain canoes, or tho "forks" used in constructing their huts and rude contrivances for drying fish ; the clear and swiftly flowing streams were valuable only as an in exhaustible supply of drinking-water for themselves, their ponies and the game upon which they chiefly lived, and for the fish speared within their depths. The patient industry which wrests a rich return of golden grain from the generous earth, the enterprise and mechanical skill which make the rushing waters but the slave to serve man's needs, the brain to plan and the energy to successfully conduct the many enterprises which make a country prosperous and powerful, belong to a class of men widely different from the Macks and Theibaults, and it is with the advent of a man of this type that the " settlement" of Beloit really began. In 1835, this type of man appeared in the person of Caleb Blodgett, a native of Vermont, whose adventures and vicissitudes in New York, Ohio and Illinois, before reaching this point, would fill a most entertaining volume. By the accounts of all his cotemporaries who yet survive, Blodgett was a man specially endowed by nature with the gifts and qualities to fit him pre-emi nently for a "pioneer." Possessing but the rudiments of an education obtained in boyhood in his New England home, he had a keen, vigorous intelligence, a shrewd insight into character, a quick perception of the possible ultimate results of "a trade,' or of any proposed line of action, combined with industry that was literally indefatigable and a resistless energy that carried every thing and everybody before him or with him. The following brief and rapid summary of his career prior to his arrival in Beloit, will be found interesting in this connection, and may be accepted as authentic : He was a native of Vermont. In early manhood, he left for the West. On getting into the extreme western part of New York State, he found employment for a time : finally took up land for himself, it being then new. He then returned to Vermont, married his wife, got Selvy Kidder, his wife's brother, and others interested to come with him, and they rogether laid the foundation for a village. After a lew years, he sold out and located in Kelloggsville, Ohio. There, after several years' of hard effort, he succeeded in becoming the owner of a large hotel, etc., became an extensive mail contractor, owning a large number of stages and mail routes, which brought a great amount of travel to his house. To this he added merchandising and finally distilling. After expending a large amount of cap ital in his distillery, it took fire and burned down. This last made him bankrupt. Nothing daunted, he resolved to try a new country again. Accordingly, he started for Chicago, arriving there at a time when speculation had been overdone — very little encouragement left for him. He, therefore, went into the interior some twenty-five or thirty miles, selected Government land for a farm, at a place known as Meachain's Grove, built him a log house, got his family on, and, with the help of his sons, broke up a large number of acres ready for a crop. But Meacham's Grove proved a "pent-up Ctica," which contracted the powers of his rest less and untiring energies, and, in 1836, in looking for a more expanded field of effort, he came here. His keen sagacity at once appreciated the immense possibilities of such a location. The broad prairie presented fruitful fields already cleared, the "burr-oak openings" would supply the timber for fuel, fences, and an inferior kind of timber, which might be made to do duty in the construction of temporary houses for the settlers, till more fitting material could be obtained elsewhere, while Turtle Creek and Rock River would furnish the motive power for both grist and saw mills. His sanguine temperament was fired by the boundless opportunities such a place opened before him, and he at once determined to secure possession of this northwestern Eden, convinced that he would have little difficulty in attracting other settlers to a spot promising so many advantages to those seeking to improve their fortunes in new homes in the " Far West." He found the old Canadian, Thiebault, in his cabin, and learned that he claimed, as has been stated, the ownership of all the land for "three looks" in every direction. This claim he pur chased. Blodgett brought with him his sons, Nelson and Daniel, also a " breaking team," and provisions upon which to subsist. He set to work with characteristic energy and industry to fortify his rights to the claim he had bought. John Hackett, who married Blodgett's daughter, in Ohio, and who had been intimately associated with him there — which intimacy became even greater after their arrival at this point — represents that the quantity of land "claimed," or taken up by Blodgett and his family, was about four sections. He constructed a shanty and immediately set to work to get him a house, and, with the assistance of Indians and squaws, built a double log cabin on the bank of the river. This unpretentious and primitive dwelling 610 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. was divided into two rooms, one of them a comparatively large one, for bis own family, and the other, much smaller, served the various purposes of dining-room, office and sleeping-room for land-hunters, hired hands, etc., etc. This house was finished and occupied in December, 183b'. All this improving was done on land which belonged to the Government. The lands on the west side of the river had been offered by the Government at auction, and those adjoining the. river had been bought, nearly or quite, all tho way up to Janesville, and this will account for the fact that Blodgett's activity was confined to the cast bank, though even there he was but a "squat ter." But though a squatter, ho proceeded as if his "claims" were all impregntibly defended by patents from the land office at Washington. He had prior to, or about the time of the com pletion of his log cabin, sold to Charles F. II. Goodhue, a native of Massachusetts, though he hud long resided in Sherbrookc, Canada, immediately prior to his coming to Beloit, one-fourth of his interest for $2,000, and Goodhue, in turn hail sold one-half of his interest to Charles Johnson, a Vermont capitalist, and John Doolittle. Prior to this sale to Goodhue, Blodgett had begun to build a saw-mill, and after the' sale the enterprise was carried on by the two jointly, the race being dug and water let into it in the spring of 1837. This was the nucleus of the new settlement, and evidences of material progress were visible on every hand. Farm cultiva tion had begun ; Blodgett, at least, had one comfortable, if not luxurious house ; and a mill to saw lumber for others' was going forward satisfactorily. NEW ENGLAND EMIGRATING COMPANY. A sudden impetus was given to the Turtle settlement by the purchase of one-third of Blodgett's claim by the New England Emigrating Company, through its agent, Dr. Horace White. This company was organized in New Hampshire in 1836, the attendants at the first meeting being Capt. G. W. Bicknell, Dr. Horace White, Horace Hobart, Dr. George W. Bick nell, Edwin Bicknell, A. L. Field, 0. P. Bicknell antl R. P. Crane. Dr. White was appointed agent of the Company to travel through Illinois and the then Territory of Wisconsin, embracing the present State of Iowa, and select some desirable location for the Company to take up Government land. The membership was subsequently increased to sixteen male members, some of whom were unmarried. In the discharge of the duties devolving upon him as agent, Dr. White went to Quincy, 111., thence up the Des Moines Valley, and had also, at the solicitation of George Goodhue (son of Charles F. II. Goodhue, above mentioned), who had a store at Rock ford, visited " The Turtle," as Blodgett's settlement was then called. On the 4th of March, 1837, Dr. White was joined at Rockford by It. P. Crane and O. P. Bicknell, of the New England Company, and, on the 9th, they (Crane and Bicknell) were ferried over Turtle Creek and "found Caleb Blodgett, with a force of men, repairing the race at the bulkhead." The frame of tho saw-mill was up, the flume built, and, to try the race, Blodgett had let in the water, the result of which trial is thus described by a writer: "The 'banks being light and frosty. as soon as the frost dissolved, the earth washed away * * flooding tho low ground between the race and Blodgett's log house, which stood on Rock River bank, back of where A. P. Water man's store now stands." About April 1, Dr. White and George Goodhue came to "The Turtle," and a bargain was struck with Caleb Blodgett, whereby the New England Emigrating Company acquired " the right to occupy and own one undivided third of all farm improvements (some one hundred acres of prairie and bottom-lands had been broken up the summer before, and were now ready for crops), also a tract of one milo square north of the State line was to be reserved from firm purposes as a village plat. Each member of the several companies was to have an interest in the Village in the same proportion as he might own in farm lands, by paying that proportion of Government price in this plat whenever it should be brought into market (which was some two years later), viz., $1.25 per acre." The early settlement of Beloit by white men is thus divided into three eras : First, the semi- savage occupation of Mack and Thiebault ; second, Blodgett's acquisition of Thiebault's some what nebulous claim ; third, the New England Emigrating Company's purchase of one-third of HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 611 Blodgett's interest, and with the latter era the place entered upon that tide of rapid develop ment, success and prosperity which has characterized it ever since. Prior to the New England Company's purchase, the settlement consisted only of Caleb Blodgett and his family, John Hackett and wife, Maj. Charles Johnson, the Goodhues, John Doolittle, Z. Jones and brother, James Carter, a millwright, and Mr. Delamater. March 9, 1837, R. P. Crane and 0. P. Bick nell, members of the New England Company, arrived. Shortly after, Dr. White, the Com pany's Agent, effected the purchase from Blodgett, and the Doctor returned to the East, leaving Crane and Bicknell to look after the interests of the Company. With the advancing year, other members of the Company carne on. Deacon Henry Mears, with his wife and two of her brothers, came late in the spring. July brought Dr. George W. Bicknell and his brother Edwin, and shortly afterward, A. L. Field arrived with a four-ox team, bringing much-needed supplies of meat and flour. Ira Hersey, from Maine, accompanied him. The first comers of the New England Company boarded at Caleb Blodgett's log cabin for a short time after their arrival, but they soon bought old Theibault's log hut, and, having no longer any interest in the place, the Frenchman moved away, as previously narrated, and was speedily followed by the few Indians who had remained here. From the time to which this history has now been brought down, the summer of 1837, the settlement filled up rapidly. The New England Company sent out a number of new settlers, among them, Deacon Horace Hobart, Asahel B. Howe, Capt. Thomas Crosby and wife, with an infant in arms, his mother and brother, Israel C. Cheney, Mrs. R. P. Crane and infant, Mr. James Cass and wife. Other settlers beside those connected with the New England Company also came in among them — Benjamin Cheney, Walter Warner, David Noggle and others — so that with the opening of the year 1838 there were some sixty or seventy families located here, LAND TITLE LITIGATION. In their haste to secure a village as a business and industrial center of the little commu nity, the settlers at what is now Beloit acted in direct and apparently irremediable contraven tion of the law governing the occupation of public lands. The act of Congress approved May 29, 1830, amended by the act approved June 22, 1838, was specially designed to prevent speculation in village lots, and prohibited in express terms the pre-emption of public lands for any other than farming purposes. The people of Beloit, after deliberation, decided to pursue a way out of their difficulty and secure a legal title to their land, by selecting some settler in whom the entire community had confidence, and quit-claiming to him every foot of ground embraced in the village, and allowing him to pre-empt it in his own name, and, after lie had obtained title, receive from him a re-conveyance of their titles. This plan was carried out to the letter. The various lots in the village were quit-claimed to R. P. Crane, and at the land office in Milwaukee, Crane made the affidavit required by the pre-emption law, and entered under his claim of pre-emption, on the 26th day of November, 1838, Lots 6 and 7 in Section 35, Town 1, Range 12 east, containing seventy-eight and fifty-seven one-hundredths acres, according to Government survey. He then,' before receiving a patent from the General Government, deeded to tho original owners, in accordance with a pri vate survey made under the direction of Dr. White, for the New England Company and other land owners. When the village was laid out, Rock River was navigable, and a piece of land was set apart for a public landing. After Crane pre-empted the above-mentioned lots and re-conveyed to the original owners, title to this piece of hind had not been re-conveyed to the city, and it lay presumptively in Crane. In 1845, when the first bridge was built across the river, it became necessary to lay out a street as an approach. It Avas found desirable to run this street through a lot belonging to Benjamin Brown, and, in exchange for the land thus to be taken from Mr. Brown, the village authorities proposed to give him a portion of the " public landing." This proposition Mr. Brown accepted, and the deeds necessary to carry out the exchange were 612 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. duly executed by Mr. Brown and the village authorities. Subsequently it was discovered that this "public landing" had not been re-conveyed by Crane to the city, and that, in considera tion of $50, Crane had quit-claimed the ground to one Gardner. This gave rise to the case of Gardner vs. Tisdale, et al., in which Luther Tisdale and F. A. Tondro, tenants of Benjamin Brown, were made defendants in an action of ejectment brought by Gardner. The case was finally argued before the Supreme Court by Matthew H. Carpenter for the plaintiff and Joseph A. Sleeper for the defendants. The decision was that Brown's title was invalid, the corpora tion or village authorities having no power tot alienate land dedicated to the use of the public, and that Gardner's claim was valid because the dedication had been irregular and incomplete, and because of the quit-claim deed of Crane. This case was reported in 2 Wis. 153. While engaged on this case, Mr. Carpenter discovered what was afterward the germ of no inconsiderable litigation. It was, that, after pre-empting Lots 6 and 7 as stated, on the 16th of November, 1838, in conformity to an act of Congress passed June 22, 1838, R. P. Crane had quit-claimed and re-conveyed to the original owners their several lots before patent was issued to him, the 9th of May, 1842. In pursuance of this theory that the presumptive title to Lots 6 and 7 was invalid, a conveyance by Crane to Samuel B. Cooper was procured, on the 22d of January, 1855. Cooper conveyed to Jared L. Demmon, of Waterbury, Vt., a law partner of Gov. Paul Dillingham, the father-in-law of Mr. Carpenter. On the 23d of April, 1855, Dem mon conveyed to Paul Dillingham. These conveyances embraced the original ' Lots 6 and 7 which Crane pre-empted. The title to the lots on the corner of Public avenue and Pleasant street, now the residence of E. P. King, and then of L. G. Fisher, was made the subject of the test case, on the fate of which title to a vast amount of property depended. Crane had conveyed the title to these lots to one Kearney before he received the patent, and Kearney had conveyed to Mr. Fisher. A claim was set up by Gov. Dillingham against these lots of Mr. Fisher's, and the case' was first tried in the Circuit Court of Rock County, and a verdict given for the defendant. Gov. Dillingham then took tho case to the Supreme Court on error. The array of eminent legal talent engaged was such as is rarely gathered together in the argument of a single case. Senator Matt. H. Carpenter and Chief Justice Edward G. Ryan were Gov. Dillingham's attorneys, and Rufus Choate prepared a brief supporting the claim. James R. Doolittle was Mr. Fisher's attorney, and Daniel Cady, of Johnstown, N. Y., for fifty years esteemed the best real-estate lawyer in New York, and Abraham Lincoln, prepared briefs for the defense. The Supreme Court sustained the decision of the court below, and Gov. Dillingham transferred his case to the Supreme Court of the United States. The decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is reported in 5 Wis. 475. A case coming up from Louisiana, involving the same questions, had preceded the case of Dillingham vs. Fisher on the docket, and was decided adversely to Mr. Carpenter's theory. The Wisconsin case was accordingly withdrawn, to the great satisfaction of the people of Beloit. This litigation made one of the most exciting periods in the history of Beloit. Some of the persons holding titles to lots derived from Crane before he received the United States patent, compromised by paying certain sums to the claimant ; others threatened to shoot Mr. Carpenter for discovering and urging his theory of the title. ORIGIN OF THE NAME BELOIT. Shortly after Blodgett settled here he named the place New Albany, and it was so called until the fall of 1838, though the name had never been acceptable to the majority of the settlers. It was proposed to change the name to Waterloo, but this was also objected to. Finally, about the time above mentioned, a meeting of the settlers was called for the special purpose of deciding upon a name by which the village should thereafter be known. At this meeting, a good many names were suggested, none of which proved acceptable, and it was finally decided to appoint a committee of three of the oldest residents to report a name or names from which the meeting would make a selection by a majority vote. The committee consisted of Maj. Charles Johnson, Caleb Blodgett ' Cal*>r tex^XV: ' HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 615 and Mr. Allen. After a brief absence the committee returned, and, through its chairman, Maj. Johnson, reported to the meeting that a name had been agreed upon in committee which it was believed would prove acceptable to all present, for the reason that it was peculiar, distinct ive and descriptive ; it had been obtained by compounding French words, and its signification in English was beautiful and the junction of two streams, and he presented for the consideration of the meeting the name Beloit. The report of the committee was enthusiastically adopted. A few days after this meeting, John Hackett encountered Maj. Johnson on the street and was asked how he liked the new name of the village.' Mr. Hackett replied that he liked it amaz ingly ; it was just what a village name should be, different from any other place and singularly and appropriately descriptive, whereupon Maj . Johnson laughed heartily. Being asked the cause of his merriment, he replied that it was because of the good joke they had on the two or three French scholars who were present when the name was proposed and adopted. He (Johnson) knew nothing whatever about French, but he had been thinking over this matter of a name for the settlement for a long time and finally puzzled out the word Beloit, which, so far as his knowl edge went, was no more French than it was Hebrew, and was utterly devoid of any meaning whatever, except that it was now the name of a village in Wisconsin. FIRST EVENTS. After this time (the fall of 1838), the village filled up so rapidly and increased so steadily in prosperity and importance that it may fairly be considered to have passed the period of its nonage. To continue an account of its growth would be to inflict upon the reader a tedious and uninteresting roll of arrivals. Before passing on to the consideration of the more mature stages , of the city's history, the reader may find some entertainment and instruction from a record of the " first" events, doings or occurrences. The first white woman in Beloit was Mrs. Caleb Blodgett, who was accompanied by her two daughters, aged, respectively, thirteen and fifteen years. The first building of any kind erected was, after Thiebault's cabin, the double log house of Caleb Blodgett. The first large building was the old Beloit House, constructed by the New England Com pany, followed immediately (their erection and completion were, practically, simultaneous) by the Rock River House, built by Caleb Blodgett. The first mill was the old red mill put up by Blodgett and finished by Goodhue. The first brick building was put up by Ira Hersey, about 1842, near where the gas works now stand. The first sermon was preached in the old Beloit House, September 10, 1837, by Prof. Whitney, from Belvidere, 111. The first school was taught by John Burroughs in the kitchen of the Rock River House, in the fall and winter of 1838. Mrs. Atwood taught a few boys at her own house prior to this date. The first marriage was that of Harvey Bevedy and Miss Mary J. Moore, both now living in Virginia City, Nev. The ceremony was performed in the winter of 1839, by Squire S. G. Colley, then a Justice of the Peace. The first death was that of Horace Clark, a brother-in-law of Deacon Henry Mears. The first child born was a daughter of Mr. Wadworth, who kept the Beloit House. The first store was kept by John Hackett, in the fall of 1837. In 1838, Field & Lusk put up a large store on the corner of State and Race streets, which is generally regarded as the first actual store in the village. The first schoolhouse was a frame building, put up in 1839 by the voluntary subscriptions of the settlers. The first lawyer in the settlement was David Noggle, and Hazen Cheney was the second. 616 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The first church was organized in the kitchen of the Rock River Hotel by Rev. William Adams, from Rockton. The first male child born in the town was Lucien D. Mears, sou of Deacon Henry Mears, born March 29, 1838. The first male child born in the village proper was the son of Seloy K. Blodgett, The first postal facilities were provided in 1838, and consisted of a horseback mail once a week between Beloit and Belvidere, 111., distant twenty-four miles, and the first Postmaster was John Hackett. The first banking business was carried on by A. B. Carpenter, in 1846. This was but a small exchange banking business, consisted in buying drafts of grain-dealers, cashing checks, etc. The first bank of issue was the Rock River Bank, owned in Pittsburgh, Penn., which had a circulation in notes of about $50,000. John M. Keep was the first President. The first survey for a railroad was made by Mr. Hugh Lee, in 1849, of the Rock River Valley Union R. R. from Chicago to Fond du Lac ; the first survey being through Beloit, though the route was subsequently changed to a more direct line, running eight miles east of the city through Shopiere and Jefferson Prairie to Janesville and Fond du Lac. This was the first survey for a railroad in Wisconsin. The first highway was that from Beloit to Janesville. The first bridge over Rock River was constructed in 1845, where the present bridge now is on Bridge street, by a corporation as a toll-bridge. This bridge was afterward douated to the village upon the condition that it should be kept in good repair and maintained a free bridge at the genera] expense. The first election was held in the fall of 1838, for a Justice of the Peace and for Survey ors of Highways, Horace Hobart being elected Justice. A PIONEER'S RECOLLECTIONS. " I came to Beloit in October, 1841 ; the settlement had then about three hundred ; it was all on the east side of the river ; I held through the winter a line of singing-schools at White water, Fort Atkinson, Milton, Beloit and Rockford ; the winter was beautiful, from six to ten inches of snow; the next winter was the hard winter; sleighing from the 9th of November, 1842, to the 10th of April, 1843 ; teams crossed Rock River on the ice the 11th of April. I was lost on Rock Prairie the 17th of November, 1842, in a snow-storm ; the snow was two feet deep and increased during the winter to four feet ; cattle, horses, hogs and sheep perished by cold and hunger ; the bridge was built at Beloit that summer ; in April, 1844, 1 built and moved to the west side of the river, and from May 10, it rained almost continuously for fifty days. A steamboat came up the river from St. Louis, went up to Jefferson ; in the fall, the river dam was built by Hanchett k Lawrence ; it was begun forty rods higher up the river, in May, by Ira Hersey, John Atchley and myself, who sold to H. & L.; Gaston's scale-factory was built in November; I built the second, and' now the oldest house on the West Side; it is of stone, on Third street, now owned by Charles Hanson ; winter wheat was the staple product, yielding from twenty to forty bushels per acre ; soon it began to fail and spring wheat took its place ; then followed the noted days of hedge-row — which, with basswood lumber furnished from Watertown by John Hackett, was next to legal tender; barter became the rule and cash the exception. Wheat sold at 25 cents ; corn, 10 to 15 cents ; and oats the same. They would buy everything one didn't want and some things that we did want. Work in harvest was from $1.00 to $1.50 according to muscle; grain was cut with cradles ; a good man and team got from $1.25 to $1.50 per day (and board themselves) ; the Beloit & Madison Railroad was graded in 1854, to Footville ; I put on the road 20,000 ties (from Beloit to Afton); Racine & Mississippi (now Western Union) was graded in 1856 : I delivered 20,000 ties from Porter to Rockton. When the city was organized, Will iam S. Yost, Green Bennett and D. Merrill were Supervisors of the town, as now organized. I have built twenty-five buildings ; broken up 1,200 acres of land ; made over twenty miles of fence, and had nothing to start with but brain and muscle." HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 617 BELOIT VILLAGE IN 1845. " Beloit contains a male and female seminary and three well conducted schools ; three churches, viz., Episcopal, Methodist and Congregational ; five lawyers, five physicians, one botanic physician, two watchmaker's shops, two good taverns, one clothing store, fifteen dry- goods stores, with a fall stock of goods amounting in the aggregate to about $120,000 ; a branch of the American Bible Society, two iron foundries, one scale and pump factory, one good drug store, two saw-mills, two extensive grist-mills, one fanning-mill factory, five milliners and dressmakers, one harness-makers' shop, one hatter's shop, thirty joiners, twenty masons, two millwrights, two wagon-maker's shops, two shoe-making shops, two stone-cutters' shops, five tailors' shops, two tinsmith shops, two groceries, two stove stores, one literary association, one carding mill, one gunsmith, one lime kiln, one brickyard, three paint shops, one oil mill, one barber's shop, two tinsmiths, one cooper, one cabinet maker. " Number of houses in Beloit : Stone, 18 ; brick, 25 ; frame, 148 ; total, 191. POPULATION OF BELOIT. Under five years Between five and ten years Between cen and twenty years... Between twenty and thirty years Between thirty and forty years... Between forty and fifty years Between fifty and sixty years Between sixty and seventy years Total Male. 569 Female. 90 127 217 61 81 142 92 130 222 122 99 221 114 84 198 70 30 100 18 22 40 2 2 4 575 1144 " Of these, 340 are natives of New York State, 177 of Vermont, 194 of Wisconsin, 195 of New Hampshire, 75 of Ohio, 68 of England, 40 of Massachusetts, 27 of Lower Canada, 17 of Upper Canada, 24 of Connecticut, 20 of Scotland, 32 of Pennsylvania, 24 of Upper Canada, 21 of Illinois, 15 of Norway, 14 of Ireland, 18 of Michigan, 28 of Maine, 12 of Indiana, 8 of Virginia, 6 of Rhode Island, 6 of New Jersey, 1 of Maryland, 4 of Germany, 2 of Mexico, 1 of Florida and 1 of Missouri. " A large proportion of the houses in Beloit are substantial stone and brick buildings, and reflect much credit on the taste of their builders. " The Congregational Church is composed of hammered stone, has a well proportioned portico in front, supported by Ionic columns, and is crowned with a handsome steeple. The Episcopal Church is a modest-looking building, measuring 30x20 feet and capable of containing 120 persons. It cost about $700. " Amongst the other buildings worthy of notice may be classed the new and beautiful residence of that enterprising citizen, Benjamin Brown, Esq. It stands on the corner of Turtle and School streets, and is the most delightful location in the village. It is built of brick, and measures forty-four feet in length, twenty-four feet in width, and is finished in front with a handsome portico supported by four Ionic columns. The whole reflects much credit on the taste of the worthy proprietor, and on the skill of the ingenious architect, Mr. George Golden. " The Mechanics' and Workingman's Literary Institution, at this place, speaks volumes for the intelligence of that class. " In the month of August, 1844, Mr. James H. Hanchett commenced the erection of the dam across Rock River, at this place, which is now nearly completed, and will afford an exten sive water-power for manufacturing purposes. It is built on the same plan as the dam at Janes ville already described. Mr. Hanchett has also erected an extensive saw-mill, which is capable of cutting 4,000 feet of hardwood in twenty-four hours. 618 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. " A tri-weekly line of mail stages, between Janesville and Chicago, passes through this village, and there is a semi-weekly mail stage running between this place and Southport. " The hotels are well conducted. The Rock River House, which is kept by Messrs. Colley & Cator. Mr. Cator is one of the oldest citizens in Beloit, and one of the most obliging and worthy landlords in the western country. Messrs. Bicknells, the landlords of the Beloit House, are gentlemen who will not let the traveling community suffer at their hands." BELOIT A QUARTER OE A CENTURY AGO. The population of the village of Beloit in 1850 was 2,753 ; in 1853, it was 3,017 ; in 1855, it was 4,241. From the census of 1855, taken by James W. Strong, it is shown that there were east of Rock River 1,155 males and 1,080 females ; west of that stream, 1,052 males and 954 females. Of this population, 22 were colored persons, and 899 were of foreign birth. The dwelling-houses numbered 583, and were classified as, built of wood, 400 ; of brick, 55 ; of stone, 108 ; and of cobble-stone, 20. There were 6 churches, 2 college buildings, 5 hotels, 4 banks, 1 female seminary, 3 flouring-mills, 2 foundries, 2 steam planing-mills, 1 steam-engine factory, 1 scale factory, 1 woolen factory, and 1 paper-mill. The value of manufactured wares for one year from June, 1854, to June, 1855, was $418,812. There were in Beloit in 1856, 1 water-power company, 1 gas company and 1 coal company ; 1 Masonic Lodge, 2 Odd Fellows' Lodges, 1 Lodge of the Sons of Temperance. Up to that year, the village had furnished the following county officers : Judges of Probate, Horace White, Israel C. Cheney, S. B. Cooper; Registers of Deeds, C. C. Townsend, B. A. Kent; Clerk of the Circuit Court, E. P. King; Sheriffs, L. G. Fisher, H. W. Cator, W. H. Howard; District Attorneys, John M. Keep, W. S. Rockwell and M. H. Carpenter; Delegates to First Constitu tional Convention, David Noggle and John Hackett ; to Second Constitutional Convention, Joseph Colley ; to the Assembly, John Hackett, John Hopkins, Jesse Moore, Jared G. Wins: low, Robert T. Cary, Nathaniel Strong, S. G. Colley, John R. Briggs, John Bannister. Of banking institutions there were : The Rock River Bank, L. G. Fisher, President, and A. L. Field, Cashier ; Beloit Bank, George B. Sanderson, President, and Lewis Hyde, Cashier ; Exchange Bank, Carpenter & Wright; Southern Wisconsin Bank, J. D. Skeene, President, and Isidore Talfair, Cashier. There was one fire company — A. J. Battin, Captain. Presbyte rian and Congregational ministers were Dexter Clary, N. H. Brinsmade, A. L. Chapin, William Porter, J. J. Bushnell, H. Lyman, Joseph Emerson, M. Montague, F. W. Fiske, (licentiate) and L. D. Chapin ; Presbyterian ministers, L. Hawes, A. Montgomery, M. P. Squier, D. C. Lan sing, R. G. Thompson; Catholic, J. W. Norris; Congregational, B. E. Hale, B. B. Brown; Baptist, Henry Billings, Thomas Holman, Jacob Bailey ; Episcopal, J. E. C. Smeads, S. C. Millett, A. Humphrey ; Methodist, John Chamberlain, Stephen Adams, J. Tibbals and Mr. Scott. The lawyers of Beloit at that date were S. J. Todd, R. H. Mills, N. D Parker, J. M. Keep, M. H. Carpenter, Hazen Cheney, D. W. Castle, W. S. Rockwell, M. V. Pasco, E. P. King and G. A. Gardiner. The physicians were: Allopathic — S. Spencer, G. W. Bicknell, G. A. Carey, C. J. Taggart, A. Clark, E. N. Clark, Jesse Moore, H. P. Strong, H. Smith, Dr. Richards, A. I. Bennett, Jesse Gage; Homoeopathic — J. W. Evans, J. M. Merriman; Botan ical — Aaron Teale. Dentists, J. Craig, M. W. Sherwood, E. N. Clark and Mr. Pelton. There were in the village at that time eleven dry-goods stores, thirteen groceries, four eating-houses, two shoe stores, one saw-mill, three tin-shops, two meat markets, three hardware stores, two steam mills, one reaper factory, one blind and sash factory, three harness-shops, five wagon-shops, eight 'blacksmith-shops, and twelve other shops. "It is interesting to trace," says a writer of 1856, "the relation between the present con dition of the village of Beloit and the first acts of its first settlers. It is not more certain that the affluent beauty of our streets in June proceeds from the tastes of our ladies in the arrange ment of shrubbery than that the general prosperity of Beloit has its seminal principle in the events of the first years of its settlement. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 619 "The voluntary self-assessment of the poor settlers, by which the means to build the old schoolhouse was realized, was a fit prelude to that zeal for the union school, which has since adorned both banks of the river with these convenient and costly structures within which it is still cherished. "The persistence of laymen under difficulties in maintaining public religious services, was the germ whose ripe fruit now appears in these churches, material and spiritual, which adorn the village, and which has made itself a record upon the public morals and order. "Maj. Johnson's romantic voyage down Rock River and up the Mississippi, when he obtained of the Territorial Legislature at Burlington a charter for a seminary, had a signifi cance which, when we look upon the College and upon the Female Seminary, we can appreciate as he could not. " Who can doubt that these acts, severally and conjoined, have determined the char acter of the accretions which have since been made to this population? It is not an accident that educated parents, desiring to secure the highest educational advantages for their children, resort to Beloit and make there their homes. "The moral prominently taught in the history of this village is, that a generous patronage for improvements of real utility, results in the production of material wealth ; and that the maintenance of religion and learning, while it also contributes to the same end, has this higher advantage, that it promotes the thrift and refinement of the population." CITY GOVERNMENT. By an act ofthe Legislature, passed and approved at the general session of the Assembly of the State of Wisconsin, in 1856, the village of Beloit was incorporated with municipal powers and privileges. The government of the city is vested in a Mayor and Common Council, consisting of twelve Aldermen, four of whom are elected annually, on the first Tuesday of April, and hold their office for a term of three years. At this charter election are elected also a City Treasurer, one Justice of the Peace for the First and Second Wards, and one Justice of the Peace for the Second and Third Wards, and one Police Justice, having jurisdiction within the city limits. The Justices of the Peace and Police Justice hold their offices for two years. A City Clerk, Mar shal and four Constables, one from each ward, are chosen annually by the Council, at the meet ing next succeeding the charter election. The municipal powers conferred upon the Council are such as conserve to the orderly government of the city, and it should be said that under the judicious provisions of its charter, Beloit has always been a well-governed city, securing to indi viduals and property every due protection, and incurring an expense for city government much less than ordinary. City Officers. — The roster of the various municipal administrations of Beloit, from 1856 to 1879, is as follows : 1856— Mayor, W. T. Goodhue ; Treasurer, S. 0. Humphrey ; Clerk, W. H. Sherman. 1857— Mayor, A. P. Waterman ; Treasurer, S. 0. Humphrey ; Clerk, W. H. Sherman. 1858 — Mayor, A. P. Waterman ; Treasurer, Nathaniel Goddard ; Clerk, H. P. Strong. 1859— Mayor, S. J. Todd ; Treasurer, H. B. Malone ; Clerk, H. P. Strong. 1860— Mayor, John Bannister; Treasurer, A. J. Battin; Clerk, C. C. Keeler. 1861 — Mayor, Charles H. Parker; Treasurer, C. F. Sims; Clerk, C. C. Keeler. 1862— Mayor, R. H. Mills ; Treasurer, S. 0. Humphrey; Clerk, C. C. Keeler.* 1863— Mayor, B. C. Rogers; Treasurer, G. H. Stock ing; Clerk, N. 0. Perkins. 1864— Mayor, H. P. Strong ; Treasurer, R. W. Rogers ; Clerk, N. O.Perkins. 1865— Mayor, H. P. Strong ; Treasurer, Benjamin Selleck ; Clerk, F. S. Fenton. 1866— Mayor, H. P. Strong ; Treasurer, F. W. Oakley ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1867— Mayor; 1. T. Shue ; Treasurer, R. W. Rogers ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1868— Mayor, H. P. Strong , Treasurer, 0. B. Park ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1869— Mayor, H. P. Strong ; Treasurer, L. W. Perkins ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1870— Mayor, S. J. Goodwin ; Treasurer, 0. B. Park ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1871— Mayor, D. S. Foster ; Treasurer, 0. B. Park ; Clerk, C. F. G. * Resigned November 11, 1863 ; N. 0. Perkins elected to fill vacancy. 620 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Collins. 1872— Mayor, H. N. Davis ; Treasurer, Jerre Miller; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1873 — Mayor, H. N. Davis ; Treasurer, Chalmer Ingersoll ; Clerk, C. F. G. Collins. 1874— Mayor D. S. Foster ; Treasurer, F. F. Cox ; Clerk, Fred. A. Dennett. 1875— Mayor, H. N. Davis • Treasurer, F. F. Cox ; Clerk, J. B. Dow. 1876— Mayor, C. F. G. Collins ; Treasurer, S. Clif ford ; Clerk, C. C. Keeler. - 1877— Mayor, 0. C. Johnson ; Treasurer, Levi Parmely ; Clerk C. C. Keeler. 1878— Mayor, 0. C. Johnson ; Treasurer, S. S. Goodale ; Clerk, E. D. Scott' 1879— -Mayor, John Hackett; Treasurer, S. S. Goodale; Clerk, E. D. Scott. City Seal.— The seal of the city of Beloit bears this legend : CITY OF BELOIT. industry. enterprise. prosperity. Incorporated Maroh 31, 1856. The words Industry, Enterprise and Prosperity form a triangle on the seal, within which stand the outlines of a locomotive, the hopeful emblem, at the time of the incorporation of the city, of an industrious, enterprising and therefore prosperous future for the city and the region surrounding it. Around this triangle, the clauses " City of Beloit," and " Incorporated March 31, 1856," are placed in a circular disc. Police Court. — In 1868, by an amendment to the city charter, a Police Court was estab lished, with special criminal jurisdiction and with jurisdiction in civil cases equal to that of Jus tices of the Peace. At the charter election in the spring of 1868, Alfred Taggart, a graduate of Beloit College and Harvard Law School, and now a prominent lawyer in Rockford, 111., was elected Police Justice, being the first to hold the office. Mr. Taggart received 374 votes, John L. V. Thomas receiving 112, and Benjamin Cheney, 66. In 1870 and 1872, Alfred Taggart was re-elected. Mr. Taggart was again elected in 1874, but resigned soon after his election, to remove to Rockford, and, at a special election held June 16, E. P. King was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. King was re-elected in 1876. At the charter election of 1878, Mr. B. C. Rogers was elected, and he now holds the office, his term expiring in April, 1880. The juris diction of the Police Court in civil cases was limited in 1869, by an act of the Legislature, to .causes involving less than $100. THE ARCH.EAN SOCIETY. At a meeting held October 18, 1848, in Fisher, Bundy k Co.'s stone block, the Archaean Society of Beloit College was organized. Joseph Collie, G. R. Clark and W. C. Hooker were appointed a committee to frame a constitution for the Society. December 7, the organization was perfected by the election, under the new constitution, of Joseph Collie as President ; G. R. Clark, Yice President ; S. D. Peet, Secretary ; W. C. Hooker, Treasurer ; and Strong Wads worth, Librarian. The preamble of the constitution announces the high purpose of the mem bers, who were principally the Class of '51, " to improve ourselves in public speaking and com position, to uphold true principle, and promote the general cause of literary improvement." Among the names of the early members of the Archaean are those of Hon. Lucien B. Caswell, member of Congress from the Second (Wisconsin) District ; Harlan M. Page, for many years editor of the Wisconsin State Journal; Emerson W. Peet, the distinguished President ofthe "National Life Insurance Company of the United States;" Hon. T. S. Ansley, of Mineral Point. Wis.; M. S. Hinman, Esq., of Beloit ; G. A. Houston, of Beloit, inventor of the Hous ton Water- Wheel ; Edward F. Hobart, of St. Louis, for several years editor of The Western magazine ; E. C. Towne, since distinguished as a Unitarian divine ; Peter McVicar, now Presi dent of Washburn University, Topeka, Kan.; Prof. John B. Parkinson, Professor of Political Economy in the Wisconsin State University ; Hon. R. J. Burdge, of Beloit, member of Assem bly for the First (Rock County) District ; O. A. Willard, late editor of the Chicago Evening Post; Hon. George E. Hoskinson, of the Green Bay Gazette, and now U. S. Consul on the Island HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 621 of Jamaica, West Indies ; Alexander Kerr, Professor of Greek in Wisconsin State University ; Col. George I. Waterman, of Chicago ; Hon. J. A. Johnson, late member of Congress from California; Hon. Charles W. Buckley, late member of Congress from Alabama; S. Deni son Peet, editor of the Antiquarian magazine ; Rev. J. W. Strong, President of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Horace White, recent editor ofthe Chicago Tribune ; and Jonas M. Bundy, editor of the New York Mail. From the records of the Society, it appears that on the 30th of October, 1849, " Dark Blue " was adopted as the Society color. Wednesday, May 2, the first number of the Archoean Review was read by Jonas M. Bundy. Some time later, discussion was had on the subject of establishing a regular monthly magazine, but the project was not undertaken until several years later. The first question for debate by the Society was : "Resolved, That there is no objection to a man's proposing himself for any public office and using means for obtaining it." Strong Wadsworth and Denison Peet conducted the argument on the affirmative of this proposition, and W. C. Hooker maintained the negative. The decision was rendered in favor of the affirmative. The Society began from the first to establish, and augment by additions from time to time, a valuable library in political, historical, constitutional and general literature. In 1854, this library numbered 407 volumes. At this time, it has increased to about 1,200. That the members of the Society were alive to the agitating questions of their day is attested by the fact that September 20, 1854, Alexander Kerr, Sterne Rogers, H. A. Sher win, and Josiah Hinman argued the question : " Resolved, That the formation of the new party under the name Republican will be beneficial to the interests of the nation." The history of the past twenty-five years has gone on in spite of the fact that Messrs. Kerr and Rogers prevailed in argument, and it was decided that the Republican party would not be beneficial to the interests of the nation. December 19, 1859, an amended constitution was adopted by which the Delian and Ale- thean Debating Societies were organized, and the Archaean became the Archaean Union, comprising the Delian and Alethean Societies as co-ordinate members of the Union. These Societies continue in a flourishing condition at this time. In 1862, the first regular lecture-course in Beloit was maintained under the auspices of the Archaean Union. This course embraced lectures by Prof. Joseph Emerson, the late Rev. C. D. Helmer, Rev. T. M. Eddy, Hon. E. G. Ryan, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wis consin, and Wendell Phillips. The fee of $50 paid him is in singular contrast to the more considerable sums now received by that orator for similar services. The Society has managed lecture-courses almost every year since, and with established success. MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES. The industrial or manufacturing interests of a community, as well as of a nation, form, as it were, the bone and sinew of prosperous life, and, like the agricultural interests of a country, are one of the grand principles upon which largely depends the success of all other branches of trade. The benefits arising from industrial enterprises are innumerable. They develop the various resources of a country, build up cities and villages and are alike beneficial to all classes of men. The above truths apply, in no small degree, in the case of Beloit. Though compara tively in its infancy in industrial matters, the manufacturing interests of Beloit already form one of the most prominent and enduring elements of her life and character. It is our purpose to speak but briefly of some of these enterprises, giving facts and figures, so far as we are able. Rock River Paper Company* — The first paper mill started in Beloit was in 1856, by Messrs. Wright k Merrill, and was known as the Beloit Paper Mill. The Rock River Company was inaugurated in 1858. In 1868, the two mills were consolidated under the present name. The company are also owners of a large mill in Marshall, Mich. The management is vested as 622 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. follows : President, S. T. Merrill ; Vice President, A. L. Chapin ; Treasurer, H. F. Evans, of Chicago, 111. ; Secretary and Superintendent, J. M. Cobb. To the last gentleman, much of the success of this establishment is due. The production is chiefly building-paper. The establish ment comprises several large buildings and extensive grounds, and furnishes employment to fifty men and thirty boys and women. The company have a paid-up capital of $150,000. The wholesale department and chief distributing point is in Chicago, Nos. 138 and 140 Lake street, where is sold almost everything pertaining to the paper trade. The sales of this Company average $32,000 per month. The mill consumes fifteen to eighteen tons of rye straw per day and six to eight tons of rags. The Northwest Paper Company. — Though the mill of this company is located at Rockton, this has ever been claimed as a Beloit institution, from the fact that Beloit men and Beloit capital set it in motion. About twenty-five years ago, T. L. Wright and S. T. Merrill erected the nucleus of the present enterprise. The management is as follows : President, T. L. Wright, with office in Beloit ; Vice President, W. H. Wells ; Secretary and Treasurer, J. C. Newcomb. The two latter are located at 155 Michigan avenue, Chicago, which is the distribut ing point of the company. About forty hands are required to operate the concern, and from three and one-half to four and one-half tons of paper are made per day. The products of this mill find a market in numerous States and bear a high reputation. Booth, Hinman cf Co. — Wholesale Paper. Organized in 1871. Original capital, $10,000; present capital, $40,000. Organized a branch in Kansas City, Mo., in 1877. Sales at Beloit, $11,000 per month ; sales at Kansas City, $12,000 per month. Total annual sales, $275,000. Four power presses with a daily aggregate capacity of about 40,000 impressions. Employing 60 hands. These gentlemen have the largest cylinder printing press in the State outside of Milwaukee. The demand for their goods keeps pace with their increasing capacity. Their goods are shipped and sold all over the country. By industry, economy and good judgment, these gentlemen are assured of a meritorious success. F. N. Davis Manufacturing Company was organized in 1875, and has a capital of $100,000. The wares consist in building-paper, paper carpeting, paper pails and barrels, and heavy water-proof paper boards. Most of these goods are shipped to Barrett, Arnold & Kimball, Chicago, 111. This company has factories in Cologne, Prussia, and London, England, both doing a large and successful business. From thirty to fifty men are employed, and the capacity has been largely increased during the past year. The building now used is 75 feet wide by 200 feet long, and two stories high, situated upon South State street. Beloit Straw-Board Co. — E. J. Adams, Secretary. Manufacture building-paper exclu sively. Works situated upon west bank of Rock River.^ The company owns 2,000 inches of water, and employs from fifteen to twenty men. It ships about two car-loads per week, and consumes 1,200 tons of straw each year. These goods are sold all over the Northwest, the com pany having on the road several traveling men. Most of the goods are sold at wholesale, though retail trade is also supplied. Merrill cf Houston Iron Works. — This establishment was inaugurated by Mr. O. E. Merrill in the year 1860. In 1873, the business was organized and greatly enlarged, and the manage ment changed to a stock company under the above-mentioned name. The present official management is as follows : President, S. T. Merrill ; Vice President, T. C. Chamberlin ; Secre tary and Treasurer, C. F. G. Collins ; Superintendent, G. A. Houston. There is a paid-up capital of $150,000. The productions of this establishment are paper-mill and other machinery, consisting of cylinder and Foudrinier machines. Beater engines, Ray cutters and dusters, paper cutters, pumps, calender-rollers, etc. Another important feature is the manufacture of the Houston Turbine Water-Wheel, which has already acquired a national reputation. The build ings' of this establishment cover about six acres of ground. The company employs from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five men, and six hundred to eight hundred tons of pig iron are consumed annually. Sales, from $200,000 to $250,000 per annum. Steam and water furnish the power, the company owning 500 inches of water. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 623 0. E. Merrill ^- Co., general machine manufacturers and repairers. These gentlemen have once built up a large and flourishing establishment, and, though now starting again for them selves, have flattering prospects for the future. Much of the success acquired and possessed by the Merrill & Houston Iron Works, is due to the mechanical genius and untiring energy of these honorable and enterprising men. These gentlemen have leased the works formerly owned by Parker & Aldrich, and have put in some of the finest machinery in the country. Good work guaranteed and satisfaction insured, we bespeak for this company a fair share of the public pat ronage. W. H. Wheeler, machine and repair shops ; manufactures for the Eclipse Wind Mill Com pany, under special contract ; makes a large line of pumps and cylinders, and does a general foundry and machine business ; employs fifty men, and manufactures into castings about 300 tons of pig iron yearly. The factory is a large, three-story stone building, 40 feet wide by 100 feet long, situated on the west bank of Rock River. Mr. Wheeler controls 700 inches of water. Eclipse Wind Mill Co. — Capital, $50,000, with a large surplus ; C. B. Salmon, Treasurer and Manager ; manufactures wind-mills, pumps, water tanks, etc. ; eighteen sizes of mills, from 8| to 60 feet in diameter, costing from $75 to $3,000 apiece. Has facilities for manufactur ing about fifteen hundred mills a year ; employs about eighty men ; operates twelve agencies, employing many more. Fifty-seven/ of the leading railroads have adopted this mill for use on their lines. This mill was invented in 1866, by L. H. Wheeler, a missionary at an Indian post near Lake Superior. Mr. Wheeler commenced manufacturing without any capital, and the mill soon acquired a high reputation. The present company was organized in 1873. The Eclipse Mill succeeded in capturing the first medals at Philadelphia in 1876, and at Paris in 1878. This company, though still in its infancy, is constantly receiving and filling orders from all over, the world. It operates agencies at Moscow, Russia ; Bombay, India ; Breslau, Germany ; Paris, France ; Liverpool, England ; Havana and Rio Janeiro. The factory of this Company is on the west bank of Rock River ; its offices and warehouses are situated upon the lower end of South State street. Parker cf Stone Reaper Company. — Capital, $150,000 ; commenced manufacturing in 1849, making farming implements and doing jobbing work generally, till 1855, when the Reaper Company was organized. The first year (1855), Messrs. Parker & Stone made twenty- five machines ; they have, some years since, made as high as 1,000 machines, and employed 100 men. They use water-power, owning and controlling 900 inches of water. Their works are situated upon Third street, running back to the river. Their capacity is equal to the demands of the seasons. At a great deal of hard work and an enormous' outlay, these gentlemen, have perfected the Appleby Twine Binder, until now it is a recognized success ; $35,000 have been put into this Binder. R. J. Doiod, manufacturer of paper engine roll bars, bed plates, trimming, rag-cutter and straw-.cutter knives, veneer, planing, shingle and jointing knives, leather-splitter, tobacco and pat tern knives of every description ; also, manufacturer of combination and angular sheet steel plates. Mr. Dowd was formerly of the firm of J. & R. J. Dowd; of Lee, Mass. This is the only establishment of this character west of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Dowd, though recently estab lished in Beloit, beginning work in 1877, and bitterly opposed by Eastern manufacturers, has already built up a good trade. He controls 300 inches of water, and possesses facilities for sup plying all who need his line of goods. J. Thompson cf Co., manufacturers of the famous Norwegian plows, riding and walking cultivators, sulky plows, etc. Mr. Thompson started in 1860, making three plows, and running a general blacksmith-shop. These plows, at first regarded with suspicion, were soon eagerly sought for on account of their extreme hardness and excellent scouring qualities. The works of this company were entirely destroyed by fire in July, 1876, involving a loss of some $50,000 or $60,000 ; but, Phoenix-like, they have arisen from their ashas, and now have finer buildings and better facilities than ever. Their motive-power is steam, having a 50-horse power engine. They employ forty men, and manufactured from 5,000 to 6,000 stirring-plows last year. They 624 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. have now about $25,000 capital invested. They will turn out about the same amount this year as last. The members ofthe firm are John Thompson, 0. C. Johnson and J. A. Johnson. The Works cover about one acre of ground. N B. Gaston cf Son, Beloit Scale Works, platform, hay and counter scales. Mr. Gaston commenced manufacturing in New York, in 1842 ; moved to Beloit and established present works in 1844. This firm employs about fifteen men; has put in about 10,000 scales; runs six teams ; sells largely to farmers, delivering scales at their farms. W. J. McDonald, successor to James Gray in the wholesale and retail manufacture of doors, blinds, sash, moldings, turning and scroll-sawing. Mr. McDonald succeeded Mr. Gray in November, 1878, since which time he has had all he could do. He uses both steam and water power, and employs about fifty men, using 25,000 feet of lumber per week. Most of these goods are shipped to St. Louis, where they find a ready sale. John Foster, successor to Foster k Chapman, manufacturer of fine shoes ; organized in 1870, and now employs about sixty hands. The factory is a large two-story brick building, 55 feet wide by 135 feet long, and situated upon South State street. Steam is the motive power. Mr. Foster is doing six times the business that he was doing two years ago. He is now making twelve dozen pairs of shoes per day, and is preparing to double his capacity for next year. No second-grade goods are manufactured, and none but skilled workmen are employed ; 120 different styles of men's, women's and misses' fine sewed shoes are made at this factory. No finer goods are manufactured in the country. Kendall cf Purves, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in choice Havana and domestic cigars and fine-cut tobaccos. These gentlemen commenced business in 1872 in one room, employing four hands. Their business has steadily increased until now occupying the whole of a large double two-story building ; they are running about thirty hands and selling, of their own manufacture, about one hundred and twenty thousand cigars per month. They keep two or more men on the road all the time, and their goods find a ready market in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Michigan. H. J. Leonard f Co., glove and mitten manufactory. Mr. H. K. Leonard started this enterprise in a small way several years ago, but, in 1866, the business was enlarged and placed upon a more prosperous footing. The productions of this concern embrace everything in the line of kid, calf, sheep, buck and fur gloves and mittens, also those made of cloth material. They handle nearly three thousand dozen pairs a year, and there has been a constant increase in the demand from the start. They occupy a large building, three stories and basement, near the North-Western passenger depot. About sixty glove and mitten makers are employed. Blodgett f Nelson, manufacturers of flour and feed. Organized in 1857. Own and con trol 1,500 inches of water, which furnishes ample power for their large three-story stone build ing, situated upon the Head Race. They supply merchants' trade exclusively ; have four runs of buhr-stone and a capacity of 150 barrels per day. Employ seven men in the mill and six in the cooper-shop, which they run in connection with the mill. The reputation of their goods is deservedly high. This mill was established by Mr. Hackett in 1848. W. J. McDonald, flour and feed mill." This mill contains five runs of stone and gets its water-power from Turtle Creek, upon which it is situated, at the eastern limits of the city. Large quantities of rye and feed are ground, and constant employment given to four men. This mill is known as the old Brooks Mill and was built about thirty years ago. The building is of stone, 100 feet long by 40 wide, and is four stories high. Capacity from four hundred to five hundred barrels' per week. Charles L. Vale, manufacturer of crackers, snaps and snap machines ; fine goods a spe cialty. Mr. Vale is the largest manufacturer in his line in the city. Joseph Vale, father of the present proprietor, invented the Vale Rotating Oven and started the present establishment in 1868. Mr. Charles Vale succeeded to the management in 1871. Mr. Vale employs four men in the works and has several runners for his goods, which are sold all over the county and largely through the State. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 625 C. F. Rau, manufacturer of and dealer in furniture of all kinds ; upholstering done in all its departments. Organized in 1867. Office, store and factory on State street. Starting on nothing, Mr. Rau has built up a business second to few in the county. John Houston, of Houston, Fairchilds & Chase, also manufactures and deals largely in furniture. George Smith, manufacturer of and dealer in carriages, buggies, spring wagons, etc. ; light work a specialty. This enterprise was established about ten years ago. The six or eight men employed are all skilled workmen. C. W. Munger, manufacturer of wagons, carriages, etc. Mr. M. commenced business in Beloit about thirty years ago and has been in this business ever since. This is the pioneer i establishment of its class in Beloit. 0. J. Johnson is also a large manufacturer of this class of goods. Mr. J. is an honest and reliable workman. SCHOOLS. On October 4,- 1849, S. R. Humphrey, Town Superintendent of Schools, issued a notice to the legal voters of Beloit, which was to the effect that he had annulled the former organiza tions — School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 — and from them formed a new district in said town to be called Union District No. 1, Beloit, consisting of the following territory, viz.: All of Sections 22, 27, 34 and 36, and all of those parts of Sections 23, 26 and 35, situated west of Rock River, and invited their attendance at a meeting to be held on Friday, October 19, for the pur pose of organizing said district. They met according to notice on the day specified, but failed to transact any business, so an adjournment was taken until the 23d. On that date, they met again, and, after the transact ion of the usual preliminaries, proceeded to elect officers, which resulted in the election of J. M. Keep, Director; S. E. Barker, Treasurer, and S. Drake, Clerk. This arrangement, however, was not satisfactory to the residents west of the river, as on October 30, at a meeting of Union District No. 1, it was agreed to instruct the Town Superintendent to grant the petition of the citizens west of the river, praying that they might be formed into a district by them selves. Accordingly, on November 30, I. W. Thayer, Town Superintendent, gave notice of the organization of School District No. 2, which included Sections 22 and 27, and all those parts of Sections 23, 26 and 35, situated west of Rock River. On November 2, at a meeting held, Messrs. T. L. Wright, S. T. Merrill and H. Hobart were appointed a committee to make esti mates and plans for a school building, and on December 31, following, they made a report rec ommending the district to raise $4,000 in five equal installments of $800 each, one of which was to be raised by the levying of a tax the following year, and the rest, $3,200, borrowed at a reason able rate of interest, payment of the principal and interest to be made by the levying of a tax sufficient to pay the other installments in the following four years. This report was adopted, and, at a subsequent meeting held on December 31, 1849, Messrs. A. Poole, T. C. Manchester and Mr. Hurd were appointed a committee to draw up and circulate a petition praying the Legislature to loan the district money for the purpose of building schoolhouses instead of con structing railroads. On January 29, the matter again came up for discussion, and it was decided to dispose of the old school building and site for not less than $350, which was subse quently done, the purchasers being Messrs. L. G. Fisher and Hazen Cheney, who paid for it $355. The matter of the erection of a new building was the source of many debates and sug gestions until the beginning of 1851, when on March 10, of that year, the Board, through the Clerk, Mr. T. L. Wright, entered into a contract' with Herman Belden for excavating the cellar at 9 cents per cubie yard, and with Gates & Co. for erecting the basement walls of the new school building at $9 per cord, and, on July 4, with Stephen Downer, to lay up the walls of the schoolhouse at the rate of $1.80 per yard. This work was at once proceeded with, and, on August 19, 1851, a loan of $1,500 at 10 per cent was obtained from Milton Harvey, of Cole brook, N. H., and a note of W. H. Gage, with which the work was completed, and on October 29, 626 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 1852, at a meeting of the Board, a resolution was passed complimenting the late Board of Union District No. 1, upon their judicious management, by the exercise of which they had been enabled to erect a school building with a loan less than one-half of the amount which they had been authorized to effect. The cost of that building and the sources from which the money was obtained were as follows: To cost of building $4,312 71 By tax of 1851 ..'. $1,186 00 By sale of old building 355 00 By tax for 1852 1,274 71 By loan from Mr. Harvey 1,460 50 $4,276 21 On August 27, 1856, an order made by James W. Strong, Superintendent of Schools for the city of Beloit, Stephen C. Millett, Superintendent of Schools for the town of Beloit, and C. M. Treat, Superintendent of Schools for the town of Turtle, went into effect, embracing within the limits of School District No. 1 Sections 24, 25 and 36, all of Sections 23, 26 and 35, on the east side of Rock River, in the town and city of Beloit, and the west half of Sec tion 30, the west half of Section 31, and that part of the east half of Section 31 then owned by Joseph B. Colley and James Coleman, in the town of Turtle. On October 5, 1857, Messrs. Hale, Chapin, Parker, Mills and J. P. Fisk were appointed a committee to report on such parts of the system of graded schools as could be adapted to the condition of the schools of Beloit; and on October 20, 1858, a resolution, drawn by the Revs. Dr. Brinsmade, Mr. Holman and Mr. S.' T. Merrill, was introduced and subsequently passed, to the effect that it was expedient to establish a graded system, pupils to be promoted by a board appointed for that purpose. Presumably, some action was taken in regard to the matter, but , no record of it appears, the only thing bearing upon the subject being a motion made by the Rev. Mr. Chapin, Presi dent of the Board, on September 26, 1864, that " it is the sentiment of the meeting that the High Schools of Districts No. 1 and 2 should be united in one, and that measures to this end be adopted." At the annual meeting of School District No. 1, held on September 30, 1867, Messrs. T. L. Wright, A. P. Waterman, J. C. Converse, Prof. J. J. Blaisdell and S. T. Merrill were appointed a committee to consider the subject of the erection of a new schoolhouse ; and on October 28, 1867, the School Board was instructed to enter into a contract with the owners for the pur chase of Lots No. 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 20, in Beloit, as a site for a schoolhouse, at a price, not to exceed $1,000, such sum to be raised that year by_the levying of a tax. At the same meeting, the oft- considered and much-discussed subject of a union of Dis tricts No. 1 and 2 was brought up, and Messrs. T. L. Wright, S. J. Todd, Prof. J. J. Blaisdell, Rev. George Bushnell and Alfred Taggart were chosen a committee to confer with a committee of School District No. 2. This conference was held, and at the next meeting of the Board the committee reported that the two committees had agreed, upon behalf of their respective Boards, to a consolidation of the two districts, upon condition that the district organizations then in vogue should be perpetuated, for the purpose of building and keeping in repair school- houses for all grades below the High School ; that the management of public schools of every grade should be vested in an Educational Board, to consist of the two District Boards ; that a high-school building should be erected, at a distance from the upper bridge not exceeding sixty rods, and at a cost not exceeding $10,000, to be paid for by a tax upon the property of the consolidated district, and that such consolidation and consequent erection of a building be entered upon at the commencement of the next school year. This agreement was ratified by vote of both districts, and in order to secure the necessary leg islation, Messrs. T. L. Wright, S. J. Todd and A. P. Waterman were appointed a committee to meet a like committee from the other district, and draft a bill for presentation to the Legisla ture. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 627 These committees met, in pursuance of the resolution, and drafted a bill, which was approved by the Legislature on February 19, of the following year (1868), by which Districts No. 1 and 2 were declared united, and which, in addition to making provision for the raising of a tax, the choice of a site, etc., gave power to the School Board to issue bonds to the amount of $16,000. After the passage of that act, notwithstanding the fact that one of the conditions upon which the people of District No. 2 agreed to the consolidation was the location of the building on the West Side, the people of District No. 1 would not consent to its erection there ; so the matter was referred to Dr. Park, ex-President of Racine College, and Mr. 0. Dearborn, who finally decided in favor of the West Side. In the mean time, there being no building. Messrs. T. L. Wright and J. Brittan were appointed a committee to confer with persons having buildings, and the result of their search was a choice by the Board of a building formerly used as a high-school department, in District No. 1, which was rented for $300 per annum for one year, or until the new building should be completed. On October 9, 1868, twelve bonds of the denomination of $500 each were issued, two pay able each year ; and on March 8, 1869, the Building Committee reported that they had con sulted with several eminent architects of Chicago, and procured plans for a high-school build ing, which were then submitted. At the next meeting, held on the following day, the plans of Messrs. Cochran k Co., of Chicago, were accepted, the material to be of brick. On April 5, 1869, bids were opened for the construction of the building, but no portion of the work was let until June 25, 1869, the delay being caused through a fear on the part of the Board that the funds necessary could not be secured by the sale of bonds, but that fear was dispelled by the ready sale of $5,000 worth of bonds issued from May 4 to June 14. It was then decided to proceed with the erection of the building, and accordingly, contracts were entered into with William Fitzgerald, for the con struction of the foundation, and with Messrs. Vail & Folant for the erection of the superstruct ure, the aggregate amount of which was $22,500. The work was at once entered upon, and in March, 1870, the building was completed and accepted by the architect, Mr. Cochran, who reported that the work had been performed in a very satisfactory manner, and expressed him self as being much pleased with it. In July, the school was opened with Prof. A. Kerr as Principal, and Mrs. D. E. Carson, Preceptress; Miss Maria S. Hill, First Assistant, and Miss Martha A. Terry, Second Assis tant, the other departments being under an efficient corps of teachers. On January 9, 1871, the Board being in debt about $3,000, the President was authorized to procure the passage of an act of the Legislature authorizing the issue by the Board of bonds to the amount of the indebtedness. In this he was successful, and, on March 14, an act was approved giving the Board power to issue bonds as desired. The following are the names of the graduating class of 1871 — the first to graduate from the new building : Miss Hattie P. Fiske, Miss Ionia W. Hutchinson, Miss Clara Chapman, Miss Ella A. Holmes, Miss Mary S. Holman, Miss Carrie S. Cutler, Miss Mary C. Patton, Miss Ella A. Winn, Messrs. Charles M. Packard, Charles D. Merrill, Charles Lee, Franklin L. Fiske, Julius A. Truesdell. The total cost of the building, grounds, etc., was $35,000. On July 27, 1874, the old building still in use in District No. 1 having become badly demoralized," it was deemed advisable to erect a new one. Accordingly, that year a levy of $1,000 was made, which was followed next year by one for $5,000. On August 9, 1875, it was resolved to build a schoolhouse upon the lots purchased some years before, near the public square, provided that a loan of $10,000 could be effected with the State. That application , was suc cessful, and next year (1876), a tax of $6,000 was raised, which enabled the Board to finish the handsome building opposite the public park, which is at once a source of pride and honor to the citizens of Beloit. The cost of the building and ground in round numbers was $23,900. The following is a list of Superintendents from 1849 to the present time : L. R. Hum phrey, I. W. Thayer, S. T. Merrill, J. W. Strong, Mr. Graves, Prof. J. J. Blaisdell, Mr. — 628 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Davis, Rev. Wm. Alexander, T. L. Wright, Rev. F. Royce and Mr. T. L. Wright, the present incumbent. THE WEST SIDE SCHOOLS. On November 9, 1849, notice was given to the legal voters that the Town Superintendent had formed a new district, consisting of Sections 22, 27 and 34, and those parts of Sections 23, 26 and 35 situated west of Rock River, to be known as School District No 2, and on February 4, 1850, it was resolved at a meeting of the Board to build a new schoolhouse which would be more in keeping with the increased importance of the district. Measures were at once taken to secure the erection of the building, and during that year it was completed, at a cost of about $2,000. This building gave ample scope for the bringing up of the rising generation in the way they should go, until 1855, when it was found to be too small for the rapidly increasing population of "young ones " who were beginning to develop sufficient acuteness to render them fit subjects for the training process. Accordingly, on January 4, 1855, at a meeting of the Board, the district officers, on motion of John Hackett, were instructed to purchase Lots No. 3, 4, 9 and 10 in Block 40, Walker's Addition, for $1,000, and it was resolved to raise $6,000 by instituting a tax for the purpose of building a schoolhouse. ' During that year, the money was raised, and the present handsome stone building erected upon the lots purchased as described, on the west side of the river. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BELOIT CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 1868 — 1879. The whole amount of principal of bonds of the Beloit City School District heretofore issued is $34,000 ; $25,000 of the principal sum of this bonded indebtedness, with all the interest to February 1, 1879, has been paid, and there are now outstanding and unpaid eighteen bonds of $500 each, amounting to $9,000, with interest at 10 per cent from February 1, 1879 ; $3,000 of the principal sum, with one year's interest at 10 per cent on the whole sum, becomes payable on the 1st day of February, 1880, and it will be necessary to levy $3,900 to pay off this amount of indebtedness when it becomes due. Prior to the year 1877, the money in the treasury at the commencement of the school year was insufficient to pay the necessary expenses of the schools until the following January, when funds would come to the Treasurer's hands from the tax levy. Consequently the Board were compelled to borrow more or less money to pay current expenses during the first term of the school year. For the last eleven years, the Board have levied for the payment of ordinary current expenses of the schools sums varying from $9,000 to 11,500, the average amount of such levy being $9,936.63. There is now in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of $6,388.78, being $1,094.64 in excess of the amount in the Treasurer's hands at the commencement of the last school year. This large difference, how ever, is apparent rather than real, as $647.27 of the money charged in the Treasurer's debit account for the last year should have come to his hands and been charged to his account for the year previous, consequently there should have been in his hands at the close of the year ending August 1, 1878, the sum of $5,941.49; leaving an actual difference belonging to the treasury at the beginning of the present year, over and above the amount at the commencement of the last school year of $447.29. The money received by the Treasurer last year for the payment of ordinary school expenses of the year, and which belonged to the revenue of the year, was From the tax levied by the Board $ 9,500 00 From tuition of non-resident pupils 605 80 From fines 1 50 From county school tax 1,187 91 From State High School fund 342 48 From State School income fund 608 76 Total $12,246 45 The amount paid out for salaries and other expenses of running the school was 11,799 11 Leaving a surplus of revenue over and above expenses of. $ 447 34 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 629 The amount received during the year ending August 1, 1878, was: From tuition of non-resident pupils.. From State High School fund 891 50 510 50 During the last year from the same sources there was received.. J> 1,401 65 948 28 A falling-oif from the amount received from the same sources the previous year of. $ 403 37 During the last year, the incidental expenses, exclusive of the cost of fuel, was but $540.70, a sum much smaller than during any one of the ten previous years. TEAR. Levy for main taining schools. Levy to pay prin cipal of bonds. Levy to pay in terest on bonds. Balance in treas ury at end of school year 1868 1870 1871 §9,500 9,500 11,500 9,0009,3009,500 9,800 10,400 10,500 10,800 9,500 $1,000 3,000 3,0002,0003,000 3,0003,0001,000 3,0003,000 $1,875 3,000 2,8002,700 2,5002,200 1,900 1,600 1,5001,200 $10,439 70 1 47 886 97 3,036 03 1 111 93 1872 1873 1874 1,966 62 1,256 39 1,290 38 5,206 86. 5,294 17 6,388 78 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 POST OFFICE. When the residents of Beloit and vicinity first began to enjoy postal facilities, the office was located at Chicago, ninety miles distant, their means of communication being any person who was going that way by whom an order signed by the settlers was sent. Next, an office was established at Belvidere, 111., a distance of twenty miles ; and then a paternal Government instituted one at Roscoe, 111.,. a distance of six miles, communication with which was had through the medium of a boy and a horse, who were sent there once a week for letters. In 1839, a post route from Belvidere to Janesville, via Beloit, was established, Mr. John Hackett being the gen tleman in charge of the post office which it then became necessary to institute. As the returns of a post office are generally conceded to be the best index of the advance ment of any locality, it may be stated that the total receipts for the first quarter after the estab lishment of the office amounted to $60, while the receipts for the quarter of the current year ending June 30 amounted to $2,260.48, and expenses $918.20, leaving a balance due the Gov ernment of about $1,345.66. There is also a great difference between the number of mails received and dispatched now, and formerly. Then there was but one mail a week each way ; there are now eight per day received and sent out, all of which, with one exception, are received via the North- Westernand Western Union Railroads — the exception being a daily mail received by stage from Janesville. Following is a list of the gentlemen who have, at various times, fulfilled the onerous duties of Postmaster : 1839, John Hackett ; 1840, Selvy Kidder ; 1841, Alfred L. Field ; 1845, David Noggle; 1847, W. C. Spaulding; 1849, Washington Bastian; 1853, Allen Warden; 1856, M. Paseoe; 1858, L. G. Fisher; 1866, F. W. Oakley; 1870, H. P. Strong, the present incumbent. THE HOTELS. The old saying, " Show me your company, and I'll tell you what you are," may be changed, in the case of cities and towns, to " Show me your hotels, and I'll tell you what manner of people you are;" for the goodness or badness of the hotels serves, in the case of a visitor, to demonstrate, without fail, the character of the people for general thrift in business, it being 630 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. considered that the village or city which cannot support a good hotel, or number of hotels, must be lacking in those qualities which are characteristic of prosperity. The people of Beloit are very fortunate in this respect, for the weary traveler alighting at the portals of the Goodwin House, located on the corner of School and State streets, feels assured that it must, perforce, be a good town which can boast of the possession of such a good hotel. It was commenced in 1853, and completed the next year, by Jackson J. Bushnell, who opened it under the name of the Bushnell House, the total cost, by that time, being $27,000. He retained possession of it until 1868, when it was purchased by the present owner, Samuel J. Goodwin, who, in company with his son, now "runs" it. It is four stories above the basement, with rear walls of stone, the front being filled in with Milwaukee brick. Shortly after Mr. Goodwin's acquisition of it, he added a kitchen and a billiard-room, and thoroughly renovated the interior, at a cost of $7,000, making it, what it purports to be, a first- class hotel. From the roof, a magnificent view of the surrounding country is obtained. The other hotels in the city are the Salisbury House, Commercial, and American House. Each of these does a fair business. PUBLIC HALLS. The " wily " politician, to whom such a thing as a hall, wherein he can gratify his ambition by the display of his oratorical powers, or the gentleman with a "grievance," to whom the advice is often given by irreverent people " to go and hire a hall," have not far to seek in Beloit before reaching the object of their desires. Principal among these is Goodwin's Opera House, which was built by Samuel J. Goodwin, early in 1869, and opened by Parepa Rosa's English Opera Company, December 27, of that year. That night was a gala night in Beloit. Every one " turned out" to hear the magnificent prima donna, and the result was a most unlooked-for success financially and musically. Since then it has been tenanted by some of the .best combinations "on the road," and a number of very superior lecturers, all of whom have united in speaking of the house and its management in terms indicative of the highest satisfaction. It has a seating capacity of 1,000*; stage, 28x56 feet, with dressing-rooms, 16x12, under neath, and four private boxes, each with seating capacity for two couples. The interior is very handsomely frescoed in a style not generally seen in country theaters, which fact, coupled with its general appearance, its handsome appointments, and its many conveniences, has led many competent persons to pronounce it the most perfect gem of a house in the Northwest. The total cost of the structure was $15,300, and, judging by the manner in which it has been patronized in the past, it has not been a losing investment. It is owned by S. J. Goodwin & Son. Hanchett's Hall, the Republican rallying point in the years just preceding the war, was erected by Mr. James H. Hanchett, in October, 1856, in whose possession it remained until 1863, when it was purchased by the McKay Bros., of Janesville, together with the stores above which it is located, for $14,000. After the Douglas campaign, its walls echoed and re-echoed the voice of Abraham Lincoln, as it rose and fell in bitter denunciation and stern arraignment of the Democratic party. Other speakers, not unknown to fame, have lifted up their voices within its four walls, prominent among whom may be mentioned the genial and gifted Senator Matt Carpenter, Senator Doolittle and Schuyler Colfax. Poor old hall ! you too, like everything else on this mundane sphere, are growing old and cranky. When you were new and in the heyday of your youth and excellence, many a time and oft have your walls resounded to the voices of music and mirth. And, in the troublous times preceding the firing of the first gun on Sumter, often have your beams creaked and groaned beneath the weight of the hundreds who assembled there, anxious for the news of the commencement of hostilities, in order that tney might show their patriotism by the offer of themselves and their kindred upon the altar of devotion. But since the angel of peace has been the dominant power in this fair land, nothing more exciting , - ^ /> BELOIT HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 633 has occurred to disturb your day-dreams than the sharp word of command, as it is uttered by the ruling spirit of the guards, whose arms and accouterments are left within your care — fit service for one whose ears were saluted, almost at birth, with stories of rapine and bloodshed, and who, but for the memories which surround you, would, doubtless ere this, have succumbed to the wants and needs of a growing community. But enough. The voices who once gave utterance to sentiments with which your walls re-echoed, are, many of them, hushed in death, and so it is but meet that you be allowed to dream your dreams and cherish your memories of events long past, undisturbed by aught save the occasional rattle of a drum, or the merry laugh ter of some heedless boy, whose cares sit as lightly upon him as did youth upon you when you were first ushered into the world, resplendent in paint and gilding. The other halls in the city> are as " sand upon the sea-shore," and comprise halls of learning, beer halls and secret society halls, but, as these latter are simply used by the societies to which they belong, and therefore have no historical interest, it is needless to notice them at length. The only other hall which ever attained to any prominence was Union Hall, which was built by Mr. Edward Murray in 1855. It stood on the corner of Race and State streets, but was destroyed by fire in 1871. It was a fine hall, 44x60 feet, and was considered a good deal of a loss when its destruction occurred. THE MILITARY. Prominent among the military organizations of the State stands the Beloit City Guards, o the Wisconsin National Guards, which was organized on August 11, 1877, with seventy-six rank and file, and three commissioned officers. These latter were Capt. John M. Hoyt, First Lieut. J. I. Comstock, Second Lieut. C. H. Parmely. The arms and accouterments, the former Spring field rifles of the breech-loading pattern, were supplied by the State, the company giving bonds in $3,000 for their preservation. The uniforms, of a regulation blue, with light blue facings, and fatigue uniforms of the regulation color and pattern, were purchased by the members of the company, whose somewhat slender finances were generously supplemented for that purpose by a number of citizens. In the fall of 1878, the former officers, with one exception, having resigned, another elec tion was held, which resulted in the return of the following gentlemen, who still retain the positions awarded them on that occasion, viz. : Captain, H. H. McLenegan ; First Lieutenant, C. H. Parmely ; Second Lieutenant, E. J. Bending. The command now numbers sixty-eight rank and file, and a corps of eight drummers, organ ized last July, whose excellent time and style, as they march ahead of the "boys in blue," brings many a thrill to hearts whose owners remember the time when they, too, " followed the drum," but under somewhat different circumstances. The company, as a whole, have been the recipients of many well deserved compliments of late, notably from the Adjutant General, who, at the inspection held at the last annual fair, com mended them for their soldierly bearing, general appearance and excellence in drill — three qual ities in which they excel. The Guards have one of the finest armories in the State, having two floors of a large building, the upper floor being a commodious hall, suitable for drill and dancing, the lower floor contain ing reception parlors, dining-room, kitchen and armory proper. THE OLD VETERANS. On May 22, 1879, the soldiers of the late war organized a society under the title of the Veterans Club, which has for its object the cultivation of a social and friendly feeling among the survivors of the "difficulty" of 1861; the cherishing of the memories of their dead comrades and. the rendering of assistance to each and every member thereof when desired. The impulse to the formation of the Club was given by the knowledge that no s 634 HISTORY OF BOCK COUNTY. record had been kept of the graves in the cemetery occupied by the remains of Union soldiers and many of the "vets," considering the fact in the light of a disgrace, organized as above stated. Such has been their anxiety to rectify the error, if error it can be called, that they have spared neither pains nor expense in their search, which has been rewarded by the location of the "honored dust " of thirty-six victims of the war of 1861-65 and five ofthe war of 1812, none of which will hereafter need any allusion to the much hackneyed request, " to see that my grave is kept green," to remind the patriotic that therein repose the remains of one who gave up "his all, his life," to the service of his country. Eighty members joined the society at its first meeting, but they have grown in strength even as the young shrub waxeth old, and now number one hundred. The first officers were Col. 0. C. Johnson, Lieut. Col. J. F. Vallee, Maj. J. M. Hoyt. Adjt. Thomas P. Northrop, Paymaster M. Egan, Color Sergt. L. S. Mosely, Sergt. Maj. C. H. Bullock. The present officers are the same, with the exception of those of Lieutenant Colonel and Adjutant, which are now filled, the former by C. W. Stark, of Shopiere, and the latter by Charles Newburgh, of Beloit. Their stated meetings are the last Friday in every alternate month, beginning with February, and their re-unions are Decoration Day and the occasion of the annual picnic, which was held this year on September 12, but which will hereafter take place on the second Friday in August. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. Prominent among these aids to civilization stands the Philharmonic Society, which was organized January 24, 1879, with twenty-three members, whose object in banding together was the cultivation of good music and pleasure. The first officers were: President, Dr. H. P. Carey; Vice President, Miss Martha Hazard ; Secretary, Edgar S. Green ; Treasurer, 0. B. Olmstead ; Conductor, J. B. Dow. The Society has given two public rehearsals since its formation, which have been successes in every way. They now number sixty members and are in a prosperous condition. The officers are the same as those already noted, with the exception of the President and Secretary, those offices being filled respectively by J. B. Dow and W. E. Thompson, the former holders having' resigned. Rehearsals are held every Monday evening. BANDS. The Nonsuch (brass band), was organized in June of the current year, with the following members: Leader, Prof. Z. T. Hulett; Edward Scott, 1st B fiat; B. Madden, 1st E flat; Her bert Merrill, 1st tenor ; H. Sherman, 2d B flat ; Charles Ross, 1st alto : John Adams, baritone ; G. Styles, solo alto ; L. Rosenblatt, bass ; E. W. Kimball, snare drum ; William Maynard, 2d tenor. The band, however, is not yet complete, and is therefore only "in practice," but next year will probably join forces with the City Band. The City Band, a very creditable institution, was re-organized on May 1 of the current year, the re-organization being owing to the fact that every fall their leader, Mr. Hulett, goes away on private business, not returning until March of the next year, during which period the members go, so to speak, into winter quarters, whence they emerge upon their leader's return. The present members are Z. T. Hulett, leader, 1st E flat ; William Fitzgerald, 2d E flat ; F. C. Coller, solo B flat ; Henry Barton, 1st B flat ; Will Barton. 2d B flat ; Frank Pratt, solo alto ; Augustus Peck, 2d alto ; William Fairchild, 1st tenor ; F. D. Wynne, 2d tenor ; George Maxwell, baritone ; George Styles, tuba ; Bruce Thayer, bass-drum and cymbals ; Law rence Cunningham, snare drum. This organization is a credit to the city by whose residents it is highly respected. Hulett & Northrop's Orchestra is the title of an organization consisting of five members, which was formed in 1874, by Z. T. Hulett, with the following gentlemen : Z. T. Hulett, 1st violin ; D. Ross Murray, 2d violin ; Charles A. Gait, flute ; Charles F. Dyke, cornet ; Thomas Northrop, bass. It is the ne plus ultra of quadrille bands, as is evidenced by the fact that, from HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 635 October to March, its members travel the States of Iowa and Wisconsin, where they meet with many engagements from clubs and private parties. BELOIT READING CLUB. This society, having for its object the inculcation in the minds of its members of the benefits arising from home study and the subsequent discussion in open meeting of the matters read, was organized in the fall of 1878, with about sixty members. The first officers were : President, Rev. Fayette Royce ; Vice President, W. H. Beach ; Secretary, Miss Lilian Brown ; Treasurer, Charles F. Rau, Jr. The Club has become very popular since its organization, and now con sists of ninety members. BELOIT BIBLE SOCIETY. The Beloit Bible Society was organized on March 22, 1841, the object,, as stated by the constitution, being to encourage the circulation of the Scriptures in the vicinity " without note or comment." Subscriptions flowed in very freely, about forty-four persons signing the consti tution at the first meeting and contributing $51, which was expended in the purchase of Bibles, by whose aid it is more than probable that many persons had their eyes opened to the goodness and mercy of the all-seeing God. At that meeting the following officers were elected : Mr. S. Kidder, President ; R. B. Carson, Secretary ; T. McElhenny, Treasurer ; Horace Hobart, Depositary. Since that time the Society has prospered, as it deserves to have done, and, at the present time, has a stock of Bibles and Testaments in the hands of the Depositary, worth from $300 to $500. Every five or six years an active canvass is made of the city, and those resi dents who do not possess a copy of the saving word of God are immediately supplied, if they so desire, and in this way the accumulation of books is disposed of. The following are the present officers: President, Rev. A. L. Chapin, D. D.; Vice President, Rev. J. McLean; Secretary, W. H. Baumes ; Treasurer and Depositary, I. E. Goodall. GAS-WORKS. Notwithstanding the fact that there is a gas company and gas-works, furnishing a very fair quality of lighting material, located in Beloit, the citizens, as a general thing, prefer the more economical kerosene lamp, and the result is that the works are not in as flourishing a condition as the advocates of well-lighted streets and homes could desire. The company, con sisting of John Hackett, President, and several Philadelphia gentlemen, commenced opera tions with $42,000 capital in September, 1859, the principal stockholder being Mr. Hopper, a resident of the above city ; but have not, for the reasons above stated, done a large business. They have about four miles of pipe in use, and import a sufficient quantity of Youghioheny (Pittsburgh) coal to keep their works always going. The officers are John Hackett, President, and Joseph Hendly, Secretary. THE BRIDGES. In 1842, the Territorial Legislature, having been made aware of the wants of the residents of Beloit, in this direction, passed an act, which was approved February 17, authorizing Selvy Kidder, A. L. Field, C. F. H. Goodhue, Horace White, D. J. Bundy and their associates, as the Beloit Bridge Company, to construct a bridge across Rock River at the foot of School street, or at such other place as was deemed most convenient. The gentlemen chose the place first named, and constructed a trestle bridge, which they then handed over to the village. That bridge remained in use until 1856, when it became too small for the constantly increasing traffic; so a contract was entered into by the authorities with G. A. Houston, now of the Merrill 636 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. & Houston Iron Works, for the construction of the present bridge, which was finished the same year, at a cost of $12,000. It is of timber, 30 feet wide and 336 feet long, and is a most satisfactory means of communication between the east and west portions of the city. The second bridge, down near the State line, was constructed in the same year, by Mr. Houston. It was commenced by Messrs. W. T. Goodhue, R. H. Mills and L. G. Fisher, for the purpose of improving the value of some property held by them in that neighborhood ; but the city assumed control of it, paying $1,000 toward the cost, and the contract was given to Mr. Houston, who completed it, for the sum of $4,000. It is a trestle bridge, 18 feet wide and 400 feet in length, and serves all the purposes for which it was intended in a most satisfactory manner. THE CEMETERY. According to the best information obtainable, the first cemetery was laid out in 1838; the ground chosen being what is now the Public Park, which was donated by Caleb Blodgett, the New England Emigration Company, Lucius G. Fisher, Charles Johnson, C. F. H. Goodhue and Tyler H. Moore, who were the original proprietors of the village. The plat was given for cemetery purposes, and the remains of two or three persons were interred there. After the land sale, viz., in 1840, the present ground was. laid out, the control of it being in the hands of the town. Subsequently, it passed into the hands ofthe village authorities ; and, when the city was organized, into the possession of the " City Fathers," who still retain it. With the exception of the salary of the Superintendent, A. M. Belding, no appropriations are made by the city for its maintenance, that duty devolving upon citizens who possess lots here. There are about twelve acres contained in it, which are divided into lots and sold as a demand arises. It is filled with handsome monuments and tablets of every description, which mark the last resting-place of those who have drifted out into the unknown sea which washes upon the shores of eternity. Thanks to the care and attention bestowed upon it by the Superintendent, Mr. Belding, assisted by the efforts of those whose darlings sleep beneath the sod, the grounds present a beau tiful appearance. Large pines and evergreens dot its surface from end to end, while, here and there, large bunches of flowers show themselves, the whole forming a picture which, when viewed in the soft radiance of an Indian summer, goes far to rob King Death of many of his terrors, THE BANKING BUSINESS. The history of the banking business of Beloit is flecked with stories of disasters which have befallen institutions of this character in an early day. Numerous and well organized attempts were made to keep those emblems of prosperity afloat, but, in the generality of cases, times proved too hard, and depositors or creditors too pressing, and ruin and disaster followed. The first of these attempts was made in the case of the Rock River Bank — the first in Beloit — which was organized with a capital stock of $50,000, by some Pittsburgh (Penn.) gentlemen in 1852. They soon after sold out to Messrs. J. J. Bushnell, Lucius G. Fisher and others, who in turn retired in favor of W. C. Ritchie, who directed its operations as proprietor until 1859, when he was forced to close his doors. Prior, however, to that date, viz., in 1854, Messrs. George B. Sanderson and Louis C. Hyde organized the Bank of Beloit with a capital of $60,000, and con tinued in successful operation until 1861, when the bank discharged all its liabilities and divided its surplus capital among stock-holders, and sold the franchise to William C. Ritchie, under whose unfortunate management it collapsed. The next venture of the kind was made in 1860, when the Southern Bank of Wisconsin was organized, but it was very short-lived, the proprietors hardly get ting into operation before the "grim destroyer " claimed it for his own. This long array of unfort unate ventures rather cooled the ardor of venturesome speculators until 1863, when some one more daring than the rest plunged his hand into the flames and drew out a chestnut in the shape of the Beloit National Bank, which, with a capital of $50,000 at its back, withstood " the slings HISTORY OF HOCK COUNTY. 637 and arrows of outrageous fortune " until 1873, when it succumbed to the hard times, ycleped, the panic. Thus the field was again left open; but not for a length of time, the next aspirant for public favor being the First National Bank of Beloit, which was organized in 1874, with a capital of $50,000, by Messrs. Louis C. Hyde, M. Brittain, and other gentlemen, and under the able management of the two former as President and Cashier respectively, the affairs of the institution are in as satisfactory a state as the most ardent admirer of these gentlemen could desire. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Beloit was organized in March, 1874. Several public meetings were held and pledges circulated, and much interest aroused. In the spring of 1875, a reading-room was opened, and a Gospel service held every Sabbath afternoon. These latter have been sustained for more than four years, and have been often of a most inter esting Character. Last winter, the Union acted as a relief society, and assisted many needy families. Last March, the District Convention of the W. G. L. W. met with the Beloit ladies and enjoyed a good meeting. The first principal officers were Mrs. E. P. Savage, President ; Mrs. T. C. Chamberlin, Secretary. The present are : President, Mrs. M. A. Marshall ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Martha Peet; Recording Secretary, Miss Anna Keep; Treasurer, Mrs. C. C. Keeler. SECRET SOCIETIES. Morning Star Lodge, No. 10, F. f A. M., received its charter on January 15, 1847, the principal officers being: W. M., John W. Bicknell; S. W., P. D. Van Buren; J. W., Hugh Lee. Owing to the fact that the records fail to show the names of charter members, they are omitted, as it was found impossible to secure them from the memory of even -L the oldest inhabitant." The present membership of the Lodge is 119, and the present officers are : W. M., H. B. Allen; S. W., John Nichols; J. W., F. Messer; Treasurer, C. P. Whitford; Secretary, W. H. Key; S.'D., J. I. Comstock; J. D.. J. McEvoy ; Tiler, 0. H. Perry. Beloit Chapter, No. 9, R. A. M., received its charter on February 12, 1852, the petition ers for a dispensation being Lyman G. Hatch, Charles G. Otis, Joseph Colley, Joseph Wads worth, Jr., Thomas Glover, C. R. P. Wentworth, George B. Sanderson, C. L. Martin, Edward Underhill, Henry A. Gaston and George W. Bicknell. The present membership of the chapter is seventy-two, and the present officers are: H. P., Sidney Smith; K, T. A. Harvey; S., Simon Smith; C. of H., J. I. Comstock; P. S., J. E. McEvoy; R. A. C, John Nichols; 3d V., E. A. Loomis ; 2d V., William Bryden ; 1st V., I. S. Harvey ; T., H. B. Allen ; Sec retary, W. H. Key ; G., O. H. Perry. Beloit Commandery, No. 6, K T, was chartered on January 6, 1864, a dispensation hav ing been granted upon the petition of the following gentlemen : Sir James Collins, A. Sidney Wood, J. W, Stewart, Clinton Babbitt, George S. Ruble, W. R. Wild,. George W. Sanborn, George C. Prescott and Joseph Humphrey. The present membership is sixty-six, and the present officers are : E. C, C. F. G. Collins; Gen.. Samuel Bell ; C. G., I. N. Rawson ; Prelate, C. Ingersoll; S. W., J. A. Sherwood; J. W., F. S. Fenton; T., D. S. Foster; R„ W. H. Key ; Standard Bearer, Sidney Smith ; Sword Bearer, John Nichols ; W., H. B. Allen ; Guards, I. S. Harvey, T. A. Harvey and E. A. Loomis; S., O. H. Perry. As these latter orders are but higher branches of the main Order, their property, consisting of furniture, etc., is held in common. That is valued at about $1,500, and, in addition to that, the Chapter has funds to the extent of several hundreds of dollars, from which it may be gathered that the Lodge is in a highly prosperous condition, as, indeed, it is. Myrtle Lodge, No. 10, 1. O. O. F.—On the 19th of May, 1846, Thomas Sherlock, M. W. G. Sire, and James L. Ridgely, Corresponding Secretary of the R. W. G. L., I. O. 0. F. of the I 638 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. United States, issued a warrant to Brothers C. C. Townsend, J. B. Fargo, C. F. Fargo, Isaac Beers and A. T. Howes to organize a Lodge, to be known and hailed as E-ne-we-shin-e-gras Lodge, No. 10, I. 0. 0. F., and to be located at Beloit, Wisconsin Territory ; and, on the 11th day of August, 1846, Duane Wilson, D. D. G. S., duly instituted said Lodge, and installed its first officers as follows : A. T. Howes, N. G. ; C. F. Fargo, V. G. ; D. Noggle, R. S. ; and C. C. Townsend, Treasurer. The new Lodge started under very favorable auspices, and when the R. W. G. Lodge of Wisconsin was organized, on the 9th of June, 1847, participated, and its representative, B. A. Kent, P. G., was chosen the first D. G. M. of that grand body, and at this session of the G. L., E-ne-we-shin-e-gras Lodge, No. 10, petitioned to have its name changed to Myrtle, which was granted, and the Lodge has been known ever since as Myrtle, No. 10 ; and for more than thirty-three years it has disseminated the principles of friendship, love and truth. The Lodge at the present date has on its roll a membership of 119 active workers. The lodge-room is centrally located in the Shaw & Zilley Block. The main lodge-room is forty-five feet long by thirty-eight feet wide, and handsomely furnished with the latest designs in uphol stered plush official chairs and a fine organ, and is, without doubt, the finest lodge-room in the State. Connected with the main room is a large reception-room for ladies, furnished in the very finest designs of parlor furniture. In the ante-room for the members is the library, started by the brothers a few years ago. The library at present is not very large, but contains a choice col lection of reading matter, embracing fiction, scientific and historical works, beside several large and valuable volumes of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and every year are added more books, which will make it a library of some importance before many years. In fitting up the lodge-rooms the brothers spared neither time nor money to make it com fortable and pleasant to themselves, or those that chanced to visit them, the whole costing them over $2,000. Beside this, they own real estate at present valued at between $5,000 and $6,000, which places the Lodge in a fine financial condition, and will remain so, as the financial depart ment is placed in careful hands. The present elective officers are : N. G , E. E. Searles ; V. G., J. E. Parker ; R. S., F. E. Race; Treas., W. H. Fountain. Trustees, W. H. Key, Charles Wheeler and L. W. Ken dall. Librarian, Charles Miller. Appointed officers : R. S. N. G., F. R. Nichols ; R. S. V. G., H. W. Ford; War., W. S. Kendall; Con., L. W. Kendall; O. G., Charles Miller; I. G., D. E. Munroe; R. S. S., N. H. Bowerman; L. S. S., E. J. Bending; R. S. V. G, R. E. Heiny ; L. S. V. G., Fred Jackson. The list of Past Grands are as follows : O. B. Park, P. G. and P. G. Representative; W. H. Fountain, P. G. ; A. E. Newton, P. G. ; L. M. Rose, P. G. ; Charles Kendall, P.' G ; R. M. Ferguson, P. G. ; R. E. Heiney, P. G. ; H. R. Duncan, P. G. ; W. H. Key, P. G. ; F. E. Race, P. G. ; A. B. Winn, P. G. ; A. D. Jackson, \ P. G. ; G. H. Anderson, P. G. ; J. L. Downer, P. G. ; A. H. Nichols, P. G. ; J. W. Crist, P. G. ; C. H. Parker, P. G. ; G. E. Lewis, P. G. ; Charles Wheeler, P. G. ; S. H. Allen, P. G. ; W. W. Kennie, P. G. ; C. H. Bullock, P. G. ; F. R.- Nichols, P. G. ; W. H. Calvert, P. G. ; R. H. Sharp, P. G. Beloit Encampment, No. 7, I O. O. F. — This Encampment was instituted December 17, 1850, by Grand Patriarch Hatch, with the following charter members: B. C. Sewell, A. Lancaster, B. A. Kent, W. H. Howard, C. R. P. Wentworth, W. Bastian and Edwin Bicknell. The Encampment at the present date is in very fine condition, numbering about forty-five members, which is composed of members from Myrtle Lodge, No. 10, Beloit, Wis., and Rock River Lodge, No. 48, Rockton, 111. They meet on the first and third Friday in each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. It has now been in existence for over twenty-nine years. This, like Myrtle Lodge, has never suspended its charter, but has passed through all of the varied changes that have taken place since 1850, and to-day is moving along in splendid condition. The present elective officers are : C. P., W. H. Calvert ; H. P., W. H. Fountain ; S. W., R. H.Sharp; Scribe, W. W. Kinnie ; Treas., W. H. Keys; J. W., E. E. Searles. Trustees, F. E. Race, Charles Kendall and C. H. Bullock. Appointed officers : Guide, Charles Wheeler; O. S., Charles Miller; J. S., D. E. Munroe. Following are Past Chief Patriarchs: O. B. Park, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 639 P. C. P. and P. G. P. ; W. H. Fountain, P. C. P. ; Charles Kendall, P. C. P. ; R. E. Heiny, P. C. P. ; W. H. Key, P. C. P. ; F. E. Race, P. C. P. ; Charles Wheeler, P. C. P. ; W. W. Kinnie, P. C. P.; C. H. Bullock, P. C. P.; F. R.'Nichols, P. C. P. /. 0. 0. F. Mutual Life Insurance Company. — Also connected with the Order in this jurisdiction, is the I. 0. 0. F. Mutual Life Insurance Company, which contains now over a thousand members, and adding more daily. This Company was granted a charter by the Legis lature of Wisconsin on the 24th day of February, 1869, which makes over ten years since organ ized, for which it has furnished the brotherhood insurance on their lives at the nominal rate of $8.40 per thousand on all ages, which is a saving of from 100 to 500 per cent as compared with rates charged by regular life insurance companies, at their respective ages, when joining this. At the present date, the membership here are carrying the amount of $61,631. This is under the charge of Frank E. Race, Secretary, Beloit, Wis. Ancient Order United Workmen. — Temple Lodge, No. 42, A. 0. U. W., was instituted at Beloit on the 26th day of August, 1868, by D. D. M. W. A. H. Taisey. The charter mem bers were W. H. Key, F. E. Race, H. L. Sherman, John Coates, G. A. Janovin, S. H. Allen, 0. A. Cheney, George West, Byron Philbrick, L. P. Cole, William English, John Braga, Will iam Grinnell, Dr. H. P. Carey, George Robinson, Dr. A. P. Peck, C. L. Vale, Adam Bittel, J. F. Appleby, E. L. Johnson, Chris. Frederick, John Miller, John Franz, W. W. Kinnie, William Hamlin. Following are the first officers : P. M. W., W. H. Key, M. W., F. E. Race ; G. F., W. W. Kinnie; Overseer, H. L. Sherman; Rec. and Fin., L. P. Cole; Receiver, 0. A. Cheney ; Guide, George A. Janvrin ; Inside Watch, John Coates ; 0. W., William English. Trustees, F. E. Race, S. H. Allen, W. W. Kinnie. The Lodge now numbers thirty members, and is gaining slowly with good and efficient mem bers. The object of the Order is in common with other secret societies, but the principal feature is to present to each member the amount of $2,000 as insurance, each member being assessed whenever a death occurs in the jurisdiction. It is now only two years since the order was intro duced into this State, and it now numbers over 2,400 members. The Lodge in Beloit holds risks to the amount of $60,000, which is carried at low rate, as compared with regular companies, and the Order is destined to become one of the finest institutions of its time. Following are the officers for 1879 : P. M. W., F. E. Race ; M. W., A. P. Peck ; G. F., W. W- Kinnie; Overseer, George West; Rec. and Fin., W. H. Key; Receiver, W. H. Hamlin ; Guide, William English; I. W., John Franz; O. W., John Miller; Trustees, F. E. Race, S. H. Allen, W. W. Kinnie. F. E. Race was chosen the first Representative to the Grand Lodge, which met at the city of Milwaukee on the 5th day of February, 1879. Since the 24th day of March, Wisconsin was set apart as a separate jurisdiction, having reached over 2,000 members, which was enough to enable her to pay a full loss of $2,000. Since that time, it has suffered only one loss, making an assessment of $1, which is a good show ing at the present date. Fidelity Temple of Honor, No. 37, was organized on January 22, 1876, with the following charter members : W. H. Aldrich, J. R. Nye, W. F. Boise, Charles Bedell, H. II. Cass, N. N. Stevens, F. Keen, D. Tasker, C. N. Fox, F. Tasker, Y. Smith, O. Dunbar, W. A. Dawson, W. W. Kinnie, G. S. Love, R. Tattershall, G. Frazer, H. Hunt and E. W. Tasker. Of these, the officers elected were: W. C. T., W. H. Aldrich; W. V. T., J. R. Nye; W. R., Charles Bedell; W. A. R.,D. Tasker; W. F. R., H. H. Cass; W. T., N. N. Stevens; W. U., O. Dunbar; W. D. U., F. Keen; W. G., F. Tasker; W. S., C. N. Fox. The present membership of the Lodge is about fifty, and they possess property valued at about $200. The present officers are: P. W. C. T., C. O. Johnson; W. C. T., J. M. Hoyt; W. V. T., George Fisher; W. R., F. S. Blackmer; W. A. R., Robert Butter; W. F. R., J. B. De Freil ; W. T., F. S. Schwede; W. U., O. H. Packard; W. A. U., A. L. Bull; W. G., R. Moses; W. S., George Hayes ; Chaplain, H. S. Jordan. Beloit Division Sons of Temperance, No. 38, was organized on January 20, 1874, with the following charter members: John S. Busier, John Rodgers, S. J. Stockwell, N. A. Clark, 640 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. W. H. Bussey, A. M. Adams, D. Y. Westcott, Robert Hall, F. E. Tasker, J. M. Howe, D, Tasker, Parsons E. Johnson, E. M. James, J. G. Hayes, J. W. Prouty, N. D. Colby, G. 0. Hart, F. Webb, J, A- Merrill, Samuel Beck, J. F. Rood, E. S. Scott, F. D. Tread, Robert Wilson, N. N. Stevens, J. G. Luce, A. Castle, E. J. Folant, J. B. Whitcomb, W. B. Westcott and C. B. Ayer. The first officers chosen were : W. P., W. B. Westcott ; W. A., N. A. Clark • W. K. S., P. Johnson; W. A. S., E. J. Folant; W. F. S., C. B. Ayer; W. T., R. Hall; W. C, H. Heath ; W. Cond., R. Wilson ; W. A. C, F. D. Mead ; W. I. S., F. E. Tasker ; W. 0. S., N. A. Stevens. The present membership is about sixty, and it is growing in strength day by day. The officers at the time of writing were : D. G. W. P., Albert F. Ayer ; W. P., Robert Butler ; W. A., Mrs. H. A. Patterson ; W. R. S., A. George ; W. A. S., Miss Hattie Patterson : W. F. S., John Caldwell; W. T., Mrs. John Caldwell; W. C, N. N. Stevens ; W. Cond., 0. R, Ormsby; W. A. Cond., Miss Alice Fairchild; W. I. S., Miss Hattie Roberts; W. 0. S., G. Hays. The Lodge holds meetings in Fenton's Hall every Tuesday evening. The Cadets of Temperance is the title of a juvenile Lodge which was organized by Miss Mary Lunn, on June 20, 1878, with thirty charter members. It has now a membership of about one hundred, the charge of whom, as an organization, has devolved upon Mrs. C. B. Ayer. This lady is devoted to her little band of temperance heroes ; and it is owing to her courage, energy, kindness and general lovable nature that they are, as a body, in such a high state of perfection to-day. The little "men and women," it is said, go through their ceremo nies with a gravity far beyond their years, and the complete absence of small "ragamuffins" in and around the streets of the city is doubtless due to their saving influence. The two principal officers are: W. C, Harry Wright; W. S., George Luce. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION AGAINST HORSE-THIEVES. This Society was organized about 1870. The first Secretary was A. A. Green. The effect of the organization of this Society was almost immediately perceptible. The theft of a horse or other animal from any member of the association was followed by prompt and vigorous measures to recover the property and to punish the depredator. Dozens of men were started on the track of the thief, telegrams were sent in every direction, describing the property as accurately as possible, and invoking the aid of the local authorities, thus stimulating them to unusual vigilance and prompting more than ordinary exertion. , This policy resulted in the recovery of the property in nearly every instance, and the handing over of the thief to justice. This method of dealing with this class of thieves became more and more successful as time passed on ; the horse-thieves soon discovered that to practice their nefarious vocation in Beloit Township was simply to invite relentless pursuit and certain punishment, and they have found their interest in transferring their activity to other fields. As the result, in the past two years, no member of the association has lost a single animal. The officers of the association at present are : J. H. Reigart, President ; C. 0. Green, First Vice President ; S. J. Goodwin, Second Vice President ; J. L. Brenton, Third Vice Presi dent ; H. Pentland, Secretary and Treasurer. The association consists now of about one hundred and twenty-five members. THE LIBRARIES. The only libraries of a public character in Beloit are those owned by the fire companies. At one time there was a very good one, consisting of a large number of volumes, but, unfortu nately, it fell a victim to the scourge of fire in 1876, and the volumes which were not entirely destroyed — about nine hundred in number — were divided among the different branches of the fire department. Thus Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. received 300 volumes, and on March 11, 1876, opened a library, giving citizens the privilege of using them for 10 cents per volume, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 641 This sum, together with a certain percentage received every spring from the Fire Insurance Com panies, is expended in the purchase of new books and in the general maintenance of the library. Owing to the judicious manner in which this money is expended, the subscribers enjoy the privilege of reading many excellent works of fiction for a very small outlay, which would other wise cost a much larger sum. The gentleman in charge of the library is Mr. S. Coomany, a member of the department. The library owned by No. 2 is much more pretentious, for the reason that is much older. It was started in 1865 with about one hundred and fifty books, which were placed in charge of Mr. John Nichols. The Company were also gainers to the extent of 300 volumes by the fire which destroyed the city library. A charge of 10 cents per volume is also exacted from readers, as in the case of the Hook and Ladder Company, and this sum, together with $100' received annually from the fire insurance companies as percentage, supports it in royal style. The present librarian is Mr. Samuel Smith, a gentleman wno has held that position for the last twelve years. He is very proud of his charge, which now numbers over two thousand volumes. Engine Company No. 1 has also a very good library, consisting of about one thousand one hundred volumes, three hundred of which were received from the city library. This is main tained in a similar manner to the others, and is in charge of Mr. H. M. Phillips, a member of the Company. THE WATER POWER. The Rock River at this point plays a very important part in the " political economy" of Beloit for on its cool and limpid waters many thousands of dollars are garnered in a year by the numerous enterprising firms who have erected upon its banks extensive manufactures, whose power is derived from its pellucid and steadily flowing stream. It was first heard of in this connection in 1843, when, by an act of the Legislature, approved April 1, Ira Hersey, A. S. Field and others were authorized to erect a dam across it on any land they owned or might own in Section 35 or 26, in Town 1 north, Range 12 east; said dam to be four feet above usual low-water mark. In the following year, these gentlemen assigned their charter to Mr. James H. Hanchett, who erected the dam and controlled the water-power until the next year, when by reason of financial embarrassment, he disposed of his interest to Mr. Charles Walker, of Chicago. That gentleman thereupon entered into an arrangement with gentlemen desirous of manufacturing, by which they were to have the use of the water sub ject to a pro rata charge for repairs. This arranL'ement lasted until 1871, when an act was passed by the Legislature, and approved on March 8, incorporating the Beloit Water-Power • Company, with a capital of $80,000, in 800 shares of $100 each, which could be doubled if necessary, i The company consisted of the following gentlemen : Soreno T. Merrill, Israel Will iams, Charles H. Parker, Gustavus Stone, Frank Koenig, William Blodgett, Orson E. Merrill, O. B. Olmstead, Judd M. Cobb, James Gray, Nathan B. Gaston, John Bishop and Ebenezer F. Brown. The whole amount of water in the" river at the dam was assumed to be 13,333^ inches, which was divided among the different consumers. In 1874, a re-organization of the company was effected, every consumer along the river being deemed a stockholder, and about that time they entered into an arrangement with the towns of Janesville, Rockton and Rockford, by which they obtained a quarter-interest in the waters of Lake Koshkonong and the reservoir at Indian Ford. Everything then ran smoothly until 1876, when a disagreement occurred among the consumers, some charging that others were using more than they were entitled to. That matter was soon rectified, however, by the appointment of Mr. Charles M. Messer, who divided the water among them by Weir measurement. The actual head is about six feet, which gives ample power to the numberless mills, foundries and other manufactories scattered along its banks. The following is a list of the officers of the company : President, C. F. G. Collins ; Vice President, E. J. Adams; Directors— S. T. Merrill, J. M. Cobb, C. H. Parker, D. H. Tread- way, J. B. Merrill and William Blodgett ; Secretary and Treasurer, William Blodgett. 642 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. PRINCIPAL CONFLAGRATION. At various times, the whole business center of the city of Beloit has suffered from the rav ages of the devouring element in a greater or lesser degree, but what is commonly regarded as the "big fire," occurred on Wednesday, February 1, 1871, when Union Hall with its entire contents was totally destroyed. The flames were first discovered about 5 o'clock A. M., near the front window of the room on the ground floor occupied by the Free Press with its engine, presses and job material. When first seen, they had made but little headway, and could have been easily extinguished by the aid of a few pailfuls of water, but before assistance could be procured or the engines got to work, the fire had made such progress as to be beyond all con trol, the final result being the total destruction of the building and contents. Finding that nothing could be done to save it, all efforts were directed to the adjoining buildings, with the happy result of their complete salvation. The loss was as follows : By Mr. Carpenter, owner of the building, about $18,000, insured for $5,000 ; Lawrence & Co., wholesale paper dealers, $18,000, insured for $16,000 ; Free Press office, $3,500, insured for $2,500. It was supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The next fire occurred on the morning of Sunday, February 5, of the same year, and resulted in the destruction of a row of frame buildings on the corner of School and State streets, known as Brown's Block. It was first discovered in the store occupied by Messrs. A. A. Green and J. F. Rood, and, though the alarm was promptly given and speedily responded to, all efforts to save that and adjoining buildings were unavailing, and it was only by the most assiduous efforts on the part of citizens and others that a most disastrous conflagration was avoided. The loss sustained was as follows : B. Brown, $15,000, insured for $5,000 ; A. A. Green, $6,500, insured for $5,000; J. W. Merriam, $800, covered ; J. F. Rood, $400, no insurance ; A. P. Waterman, $100 to $200, covered ; W. H. Key, $500, covered ; L. Benja min, $1,500, insured for $1,050 ; A. W. Peters, $1,500, no insurance ; John Berger, $100 and no insurance. These were, without doubt, the most disastrous fires, although the Rock River Paper Company sustained a loss of about $12,500 on Monday, August 12, 1878, by the destruction of their West Side paper-mill. Much credit, however, is due to the fire department, for had it not been for their efforts on the two previous occasions, and, indeed, on many others, damages to a very large amount must have resulted. THE BELOIT CHURCHES.* The First Congregational Church. — On December 30, 1838, a meeting was held in a private house, known as the Blodgett house, for the purpose of organizing a church, the outcome of which was the formation of the First Congregational Church of Beloit. The gentleman who presided over the meeting was the Rev. William M. Adams, who took charge of its ministrations for upward of two years, dividing his time between Beloit and the neighboring village of Peca tonica, now Rockton. At that date, the Church contained but twenty -four members, nine males and fifteen females, of whom but two or three remain. ' During the ministry of Mr. Adams, the congrega tion worshiped alternately in the schoolhouse and in a dwelling-house, continuing to do so until 1844, when they built a church, which was dedicated in January, 1844, and contained seating accommodation for four hundred persons. That building served all purposes until July 6, 1862, when the present handsome structure was completed, the corner-stone of which was laid in July, 1859. It is of brick, with a seating capacity of twelve hundred, and cost, together with a handsome chapel erected in 1,873, $30,000. The present membership is about three hundred and fifty. Following is a list of the ministers from the date of organization to the present time: 1838-40, Rev. W. M. Adams ; 1840-50, Rev. Dexter Clary ; 1850-52, President A. L. Chapin, * It i8 a matter of regret that facta could not be obtained concerning the Catholic Church for insertion in this connection. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY'. 643 Prof. Joseph Emerson and Rev. W. S. Huggins ; 1853-60, Rev. H. N. Brinsmade, D. D. ; 1861 .(six months), Prof. J. J. Blaisdell ; 1861-64, Rev. J. S. Humphrey; 1865-79, Rev. George Bushnell, the present incumbent. Baptist. — The First Baptist Church of Beloit was organized April 24, 1841, with a mem- ¦bership of fourteen. Rev. Alvah Burges, the first minister, conducted the regular services for ¦a time in a small schoolhouse on North Race street, on the East Side. Some time later, the society met for its regular services in a stone schoolhouse on " Tight " street (what is now Bluff street), on the West Side. Occasional services were held by the Baptists in Beloit prior to the •organization of the Church, at which Prof. S. S. Whitney, of Belvidere, and Rev. Rufus Tap ping preached. Mr. Burges was Pastor from April 21, 1841, to the 2d of June following, when Rev. A. B. Winchell succeeded him. Mr. Winchell remained until October 4, 1842. when he resigned, and until April, 1844, the Church had no stated Pastor. Rev. John Trow bridge preached from April 14 to May 4, 1844, and then Rev. R. C. Brayton, after an interval ¦of three months, assumed charge of the Church, remaining until May, 1845. For five years (until April 2, 1850), Rev. Miles Kinne filled the pastorate. The four years following, Rev. E. S- Harris was Pastor. Rev. Daniel Eldredge preached to the Church from January to Sep tember, 1855, and December 17, of the same year, Rev. Thomas Holman became Pastor, remaining until March 3, 1860, when Rev. R. R. Prentiss succeeded him. In June, 1861, Mr. Prentiss resigned, and, for several months, there was no stated supply. May 14, 1862, Rev. Levi Parmely became Pastor, and for five years the Church flourished under his ministry. In May, 1867, failing health compelled Mr. Parmely's resignation. Rev. Lewis F. Raymond was called to the Church in June, 1867, and remained with the society until September, 1868. Rev. H. W. Woods became Pastor in May, 1869, and resigned September 15, 1870. Rev. Austin Gibb, who had been a pupil of Spurgeon, in England, then became the Pastor, remain ing until April 26, 1872. In July of that year, Rev. E. P. Savage was called to the Church, -and for five years, until September 30, 1877, the Church enjoyed a most vigorous and substan tial growth. Since Mr. Savage's resignation, the Church has been variously supplied — most of the time by the former Pastor, Rev. Levi Parmely, who, after several years' residence at Bara- ¦boo, in this State, had returned to Beloit to reside, and, on the vacancy occurring in the pulpit, was called by his old friends to resume his labors with the Church, so far as his health would .permit. His eloquence and kindly pastorship have endeared him to the members of the Church, and, under his charge, the society is enjoying steady progress. The society now ¦has a membership of 200. The present church edifice was erected in 1844, and rebuilt, in 1874, at a cost of $12,000, of which amount, $2,000 constitutes the present indebtedness of the society. The building, as remodeled, is one of unusual beauty, and has a very pleasant, commodious auditorium. In the spire of this church is the town clock, purchased by the -citizens of Beloit in 1875. Second Congregational. — February 15, 1859, a society was organized to establish a Con gregational Church on the West Side, and public services were conducted during the spring and summer by the College Professors. September 11 of the same year, the Church was organized by a council for that purpose, over which Dr. Brinsmade was Moderator, and Dr. Chapin, Scribe. To this society was given the name ofthe Second Congregational Church of Beloit. It had, at its organization, a membership of forty-one, of whom thirty-four came by letter from the First Congregational Church of Beloit. December 25, 1859, the church building now occupied by the society was dedicated, with a sermon by Dr. Chapin, and assistance in the various services by Dr. Brinsmade, Revs. Dexter Clary and N. D. Graves. At this time, its membership was sixty-two. The first Pastor was Rev. J. O. Knapp, but his connection with the Church was rendered uncertain and temporary by threatening ill health, and he was soon compelled to cease his labors. He died July 14, 1860, of consumption. Rev. N. D. Graves was called in Decem ber, 1859, and he entered on his duties in January, 1860. At his request, the call " was to remain in the hands of the Trustees one year," and, though he labored successfully, he was never installed as Pastor. In the first month of 1866, after Mr. Graves retired, the pulpit was 644 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. supplied by members of the College Faculty. June 10, 1866, the present Pastor, Rev. Henry P. Higley began labor with the, Church, and June 4, 1867, was installed. His continuous labor with and for the Church has been, in the best respects, successful, and the society has been con stantly flourishing and vigorous. In the summer of 1867, a lecture-room was added to the church, and the main audience-room enlarged, increasing the size of the whole edifice about one- third. Episcopal. — St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church was organized February 28, 1841, at a meeting held at the house of Rev. Aaron Humphrey. Mr. Humphrey was, at this time, well advanced in years, and had been supplying the services and ministrations of his Church in an informal manner during the year prior to the establishment of St. Paul's. At this meeting, C. H. F. Goodhue and G. W. Bicknell were elected Wardens ; Otis P. Bicknell, John C. Burr and Leonard R. Humphrey, Vestrymen ; David J. Bundy, Treasurer, and William H. Hobart, Secretary. Rev. Aaron Humphrey became the Rector of St. Paul's, and continued to to labor for the Church until November, 1845, when he was succeeded by Rev. Stephen C. Millett. Mr. Humphrey died in Beloit October 12, 1858, at the age of ninety. The only official record of his acts as Rector is that of the baptism of Mary Janet, infant daughter of John C. and Jane Burr. The public services of St. Paul's were held, for the first three years, in the village schoolhouse, on School street, and for the subsequent seven years in a brick build ing erected by Leonard Humphrey for school purposes. At a vestry meeting in May, 1846, during Mr. Millett's rectorship, it was decided to erect a church edifice. In the spring of 1848. the corner-stone of the church was laid, and in December, 1851, the services were first held within its walls. Mr. Millett resigned in February, 1853, on account of ill health, and, for a year and a half, the parish was without a Rector. In July, 1854, Rev. John E. C. Smedes, then a Deacon, assumed charge of the parish, and remained its Rector until July 1, 1S58, when he resigned, and, after two months' interval, was succeeded by Rev. J^ H. Egar. The record of official acts and proceedings of the parish seem to have been first kept carefully and orderly in Mr. Smedes' rectorship, and his successors have scrupulously followed his example. Mr. Smedes performed 57 baptisms, presented to the Bishop 17 candidates for confirmation, per formed 18 marriages, officiated at 19 funerals, and left 75 communicants belonging to the parish when he resigned. On the 27th of March, 1856, during Mr. Smedes' rectorship. Bishop Kemper consecrated the Church in celebration of its complete relief from all financial incumbrances. During Mr. Smedes' rectorship, also, the shapely and beautiful spire of St. Paul's was erected, thus com pleting the symmetry of a very graceful Gothic structure. Mr. Egar resigned February 4, 1861, after a prosperous rectorship. Seven months later, Rev. L. W. Davis became Rector, and continued to serve the Church until his resignation, October 1, 1868. During his rectorship, the society bought a rectory on the corner of Bridge and Bluff streets. November 1, 1868, the Rev. Fayette Royce became the sixth Rector in the history of St. Paul's, and he has remained in charge of the Church up to the present time. 'The Church now has a membership of 180, and is in a flourishing condition. The present officers are: E. Holmes, Senior War den; J. G. Winslow, Junior Warden; J. H. Reigart, H. H. McLenegan, W. J. McDonald, N. B. Gaston, E. A. Loomis and Orville Bennett, Vestrymen. The First Presbyterian Church was organized on March 21, 1849. with forty-six members, under the direction of Rev. Lewis H. Ross, of Rockford, 111., assisted by Rev. D. Clary and Prof. J. J. Bushnell, of Beloit, and Rev. S. Benedict, of Rockford. During the time in which their church was being built, meetings were held in the Race Street Schoolhouse, but it was only for a short period, as the edifice was'completed and dedicated on July 30, 1850, at a cost of about $10,000. The present membership is about two hundred. Following is a list of the Pastors from the date of the organization to the present time: 1849-55, Rev. Alfred Eddy; 1855-56, Rev. S. Hawes; 1857-60, Rev. Charles S. Bush; 1861-63, Rev. W. W. Adams; 1864-65, Rev. David C. Beach; 1865-69, Rev. W. Alexander; 1870-71, Rev. A. G. Wilson; 1872-79, Rev. John McLean, the present incumbent. The officers are : Elders, A. P. Waterman, E. N. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 645 Clark, M. D., H. B. Johnson, M. D., Otis Manchester, Prof. W. H. Beach, Hon. J. A. Holmes; Trustees, H. Pentland, E. N. Clark, M. D., H. B. Johnson, M. D. The present value of the church, owing to recent additions, is about $15,000. The German Presbyterian Church was organized on May 23, 1869, by the Rev. Jacob Kulb, with the following members: George Hayes, Frank Kuenig, John .Reimer, John.Kunz, H. Klingelberger, F. Poll, Jacob Weigler, Sr., Carolina Weigler, Jacob Weigler, Menie Weig- ler, J. R. Krause, R. Mieller, J. K. and F. Reimer, S. Fischer, S. Baum, J. Fasser, J. and H. Scheibel, J. C. and C. Nelson, D. L. Bengemann, Frederick Geng, William Dietrich, J. Bernhard, E. F. Herrion, S. Reimer, F. Klingelberger, John Proescher, K. Proescher and J. Wiegman. The congregation then worshiped in the American Presbyterian Church, but only till 1870, when they built the church they at present occupy. It is a frame building, with a seating capacity of 500, and cost $2,464. The present membership is forty-six, and the esti mated value of property $2,700. Following is a list of the Pastors: 1869-72, Rev. Jacob Kulb; 1872-74, Rev. Joseph Wittenberger ; 1874-76, Rev. Mr. Winder; 1876-79, Rev. Martin Wittenberger. The M. E. Church. — The nucleus of this society was formed on October 15, 1842 ; an organization being effected at that date by the Rev. William Lovesey, who enrolled the following members : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoskinson, Thomas McElhenry, Mrs. Moore and sister. In common with other societies, services were held in the village school, but, in 1846, the present church was erected. During the pastorate of the Rev. C. R. Pattee, from 1870 to 1872, a dissension arose in the Church, which culminated in the formation of the M. P. Church on the West Side. Following is a list of Pastors from the date of organization to the present time : Rev. Mr. Hodges, Rev. Mr. Warren, Rev. Mr. Allen, Rev. Mr. Lewis, Rev. Mr. Beech, Rev. Mr. Ford, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Rev. Mr. Wood, Rev. Wesley Lattin, Rev. P. B. Pease, Rev. C. D. Pills- bury, Rev. William P. Stowe, Rev. W. W. Case, Rev. C. R. Pattee, Rev. A. C. Higginson, Rev. T. E. Webb, Rev. Mr. Bain, Rev. G. S. Hubbs, Rev. Wesley Lattin and Rev. E. L. Eaton, the latter the present incumbent. The present membership of the Church is 110. The Methodist Protestant Church. — On February 4, 1873, Messrs. G. Craven, J. L. Brenton, Eddy Crandall, J. L. Jewett and H. J. Fine met together and organized this society under the name of the Bridge Street Church, which, in the same year, was received into the Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church. About the same time, the congregation purchased the church they at present occupy, from the Spiritual Society, paying that body $930, and, in 1875, made an addition to it at a cost of $800. It is a frame church, with a seating capacity of 400. They have also a very good Sunday school in charge of Mr. E. Crandall, which is attended by about two hundred and twenty scholars. Following is a list of the Pastors: 1873-74, Rev. Henry A. Heath; 1874-75, Rev. Simpson ; 1875-76; Rev. F. Singer ; 1876-77, Rev. Giverson ; 1877-79, Rev. Henry S. Jordan. The present membership is seventy-five, and the estimated value of the property, $3,500. The Norwegian Church. — This society, which now numbers from seventy-five to one hundred members, was first organized in 1873, though the Rev. C. F. Magelsen, of Orfordville, had preached to the people since 1859. Services were held about once a month in such halls as could be secured, but, in the year 1875, a subscription was started for the erection of a church edifice, each subscriber agreeing to make a monthly payment for two years, the under standing being that the church should not be built until the amount necessary had been sub scribed. In this way a considerable sum was raised, and, in the winter of 1877-78, the con tract was let, and, in one year from that date, the church was completed and dedicated, the cost of erection being $3,000. The members pride themselves upon the fact, and justly so, too, that their Church is not one dollar in debt, and has sufficient funds in the treasury to insure the building for three years. The building itself, whose pulpit Mr. Magelsen still fills, is a handsome frame building, 32x50 feet, with a seating capacity of about one hundred and fifty. 646 _HTSTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The German Lutheran Church was first organized, in 1872, by the Rev. Mr. Sysner, with about ten members, among whom were the following : William Samp, John Dos, Jacob Hess, Mr. Seifert and Mr. Pund. In the following spring, the minister died, and, in conse quence, the organization was allowed to run down, and it did not pick up again until 1877, when the same gentlemen came together and effected a re-organization. Up to last July, the Rev. E. E. Meyer "pointed the way" to the little congregation of twenty souls, but, in consequence of a removal on his part, that duty has devolved upon the Rev. William Buehrings. The society does not possess a church, but very quietly and very attentively listen to the voice of their Pastor as he expounds the Gospel in B. C. Rogers' Hall, where they meet every other Sunday. BANKS. The Citizens' National Bank, having its offices on State street, was incorporated on January 2, 1879, and opened its doors in March. The amount of capital stock is $50,000 in shares of $100 each, which is held by seventeen persons, the largest holder being Mr. H. P. Taylor, the President. The business transacted is that of an ordinary banking business, and that it is a perfectly safe one will be gathered from the following figures, published on July 16 last : Cash on hand $12,786 68 Cash in National Banks (exchange) 19,710 20 $32,496 88 Loans and discounts 56,999 01 Interest and exchange received 2,510 70 Deposits 44,301 70 Among other things, the institution possesses an excellent vault and safe, the latter fur nished with a time-lock.. Following is a list of the directors and officers: Directors — J. R. Reigart, H. P. Strong, C. B. Salmon, W. H. Baumes, S. T. Merrill, John Thompson, A. B. Carpenter, H. P. Taylor; H. P. Taylor, President ; J. R. Reigart, Vice President ; E. S. Greene, Cashier. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Water- Witch Company No. 1. — The Water- Witch Engine and Hose Company No. 1 was organized November 25, 1855, with the following officers : Foreman, Warren Hodgdon ; Assistant Foreman, J. A. Gordon ; Secretary, D. Sherrill ; Treasurer, George H. Stocking. The engine was purchased by private subscription and was a small-sized " Button." For several years, the engine was kept in a little building on Race street, near State, where the F. N. Davis manufactory now stands. In 1860, a new engine-house was. built on School street, east of the Goodwin House, and the company has occupied the building uninterruptedly since. At the outbreak of the war, most of the members enlisted and the organization of the company for a time lapsed, the apparatus remaining in the custody of Mr. C. F. G. Collins, who kept the engine in order and available for use by the citizens in case of fire. After the war, the com pany was reorganized. In 1869, the company was disbanded on account of dissensions among the members. June 11, 1872, No. 1 was again organized with fifty-five men, and has main tained the organization continuously since. The following officers were elected at that meeting: Foreman, C. B. Ayer; First Assistant, C. Barnes; Second Assistant, A. C. Barker; Company Engineer, Edward McGuire; Secretary, H. G. Heffron ; Treasurer, Samuel Elliott; Librarian, James King. The present officers of No. 1 are Foreman, C. Crist ; First Assistant, J. T. Greenwood ; Second Assistant, W. Lenegan ; Secretary, A. T. Ayers ; Treasurer, W. F. Beeble ; Librarian and Steward, H. L. Phillips. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 647 Water- Witch Hose Company No. 1 is the hose branch of No. 1 Engine Company. Ever Ready, No. 2. — In August, 1856, was organized fire company " Ever Ready, No. 2." The company did not receive its engine until February, 1857. The first officers were : John Palmer, Foreman; M. P. Cogswell, First Assistant; W. C. Cook, Second Assistant; H. B. Malone, Secretary and Treasurer. The building in which they kept their engine stood on the south side of Bridge street, just west of the river bridge. The first fire at which the engine was used was the burning of the " Star " saloon, which stood where J. L. Perkins' hardware store now stands. This fire occurred about the 1st of March, 1857. The membership of the company at this time was about eighty. Before receiving their engine, the members of the com pany had done very efficient service in line-and-bucket work. For about two years, the company occupied quarters in the stone building now used by the Herrick Carriage and Wagon Shop. In 1860, the city purchased of Ambrose Rouse the lots on which the company's building now stands. A frame building was erected, which burned in 1866. This fire destroyed the records and the library of the company. In front of the building was set a high liberty-pole, which was presented the company by the Fremont Club in 1856, and which had stood in front of the old engine house on Bridge street. The present engine house was erected in 1868. At the State Fair at Janesville in October, 1857, the company won the first prize, a beautiful silver trumpet, in a tournament in which were companies from Milwaukee, Madison, Janesville and several other places. At Freeport, on the 15th of September, 1871, the company won the first prize of $100 for throwing the largest quantity of water, and the third prize of $50 for distance. On the 4th of July, of the same year, the company won a prize of $100 at Brodhead, but without serious opposition. On the 4th of July, 1878, while attending a celebration at Freeport, a fire broke out, and No. 2, although in a strange city, were first to the spot and had the first stream on. For this promptness and efficiency, the press of Freeport expressed the sincerest gratitude and highest praise. The present roster of the company is : Foreman, John Cunningham ; First Assistant, William English ; Second Assistant, Joseph Barnes ; Secretary, Frank Filbert ; Treasurer, L. E. Cunningham ; Steward, Launceston Moses ; Librarian, Samuel Smith. The service of the fire department at the burning of Winslow k Rosenberg's hardware store, in 1876, was so efficient that the city, in reward for the faithfulness of her firemen, pre sented the city library, containing about 2,000 volumes. This library had been kept in an upper floor of the Winslow & Rosenberg store, and was in the property saved by the firemen. In 1859, "Ever Ready " had established a flourishing library, and it increased to 1,000 volumes, but, in 1866, this library was lost in the fire that destroyed- their engine-house. Tiger Hose Company is the hose department of No. 2 and participates with it in all the concerns of the company. Tiger Hose Company won the first prize held at Beloit September 4, 1879 — an elegant silver trumpet. Beloit Hook and Ladder Company. — The first Hook and Ladder Company in Beloit was organized March 5, 1875, with the following roster: Foreman, J. P. Bullock; First Assistant, H. Hending ; Secretary, S. A. Fields ; Treasurer, H. C. Powers. At a tournament June 12, 1879, at Freeport, Beloit Hook and Ladder won first prize — a valuable silver trumpet. The present organization of the company is : Foreman, E. W. Tasker ; Assistant, H. Hending ; Secretary, E. W. Merrill ; Treasurer, G. E. Smith ; Steward and Librarian, S. Cormany. 648 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. CHAPTER X. ROCK COUNTY VILLAGES. Clinton Junction — Evansville— Shopiere — Orfordville— Lima Center — Footville — Hanover— Afton— Magnolia— Magnolia Station (Cainville)— Emerald Grove— Avon — Edgerton— Old Milton — Milton Junction — Etc.. Etc. CLINTON JUNCTION. Clinton Junction, a pleasant little village on the lines of the Chicago & North-Western and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, is the southeast township in Rock County, and known as Town 1, Range 14 east. On April 9, 1836, Deacon Chauney Tuttle, Dr. Dennis Mills, Milton S. Warner, Charles Tuttle and William S. Murry arrived in the township and located a settlement on the west side of Jefferson Prairie, within the present limits of the town of Clinton, by the erection of a hut consisting of four crutches set in the ground with poles thrown across ; a brush heap for a roof, and Indian blankets for the sides. By a log fire in front of this primitive dwelling was cooked the first settlers' supper in Clinton. The floor of the cabin was composed of a wagon-box carefully taken to pieces and laid upon the ground, and this served all the purposes of a house for eight days and nights. The day following their arrival was spent in an examination of tho point and adjoining timber lands and a few sections worked and taken possession of in the name of the " Jefferson Prairie Company." The next business was to cut and haul logs for a house, which was soon " raised " without the use of one foot of sawn lumber, and served as a shelter for many of the .first settlers. x A few days after that event, Charles Turtle was dispatched to Rockford, 111., the nearest point where grain could be obtained. The horses were traded for oxen and a breaking-plow, and 100 acres of land broken, and corn, potatoes, oats, buckwheat, turnips and garden " sass " planted. In the year following, Stephen E. Downer and Daniel Tasker and their wives visited the Prairie, the ladies thereby gaining the honor of being the first white women who had visited the town. The nearest provision market was Chicago, where flour cost from $10 to $12 per barrel, and pork $7 to $10 per hundred. The journey took from two to three weeks, according to the condition of the "sloughs." The first load of grain taken to mill from the settlement, was hauled by Griswold Weaver, in the month of January, 1838, the mill being situated on the Piskasaw River, below Belvidere, 111. THE FIRST WEDDING. In new communities or settlements, among the ladies especially, the events of most interest, are those connected with the " pilgrim of love." The marriage of Ezekiel Brownell and Adelina Pratt, the first celebrated in the settlement, was no exception to the rule, and when the last words were pronounced by Joseph S. Pierce, J. P., which made the twain one, great was the general rejoicing. ':'-¦ "«t£ HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 651 THE FIRST RELIGIOUS SERVICE. The first service of a religious nature was conducted by Elder F. Tapping (then a resident of Walworth County), at the house of Charles Tuttle, in 1838. He was followed during the same year by the Rev. Albert Tuttle, of Roscoe, 111., who conducted services several times at the house of Ephraim Hildreth. THE FIRST BIRTH. Next to a wedding the most important event in the whole year's doings, is the advent of the first " little stranger," and as such was hailed the appearance of a girl-baby given birth to by Mrs. S. E. Downer, in the year 1838. Mrs. Milton S. Warner is credited with being the second lady to add to the population, the baby being at present known as the late wife of W. B. Guild, Esq. THE FIRST TOWN MEETING. Soon after the town was organized in 1842, a town meeting was held on April 5, at the house of Charles Tuttle, Esq., for the election of town officers, the voting being under the super vision of Col. William Stewart, Charles Randall and B. F. Murray. Fifty-nine votes were cast and when the boxes were opened it was found that the following gentlemen had been elected : Chairman of Supervisors, Col. William Stewart; Side Supervisors, Heman Murray, Jared H. Randall ; Assessor, Lovell R. Gilbert ; Town Clerk, Henry Tuttle ; Treasurer, Griswold Weaver ; Collector, Reuben P. Willard ; Commissioners of Highways, James Chamberlain, Henry Tuttle and Horatio J. Murray ; Commissioners of Schools, David M. Piatt, Charles Tut tle and William S. Murray ; Constables, Allen G. Murray, Reuben P. Willard and Albert W. Allyn. THE FIRST SCHOOLS. Great credit is due the early settlers of the town of Clinton for their extreme liberality with respect to these important adjuncts of civilization and Christianity. No sooner were the town officers elected than a vote was taken upon the question of raising money for school purposes. After some discussion, it was decided that a tax should be levied, which was done, and the sum of $100 raised and placed in the treasury to the credit of the School Commissioners. The first school opened was at Willis Corners, with an attendance of twenty scholars, who were presided over by Miss Eliza Baker, in the year 1843, she being the first teacher. CHURCHES. The First Baptist Church. — On August 25, 1838, Deacon Stephen Barrett and family arrived in Clinton, from the State of Ohio, being followed two months later by Brother John Lewis from the State of Pennsylvania, he arriving on October 30. Soon after he was followed by Deacon Abel F. Lewis, who came for the purpose of paying a visit to his brother, and while there held the first Baptist meeting, preaching from the text, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up." Prayer-meetings were held through the winter, of 1838 and, in the spring of 1839, Deacon Lewis returned, preaching to the mem bers of that faith throughout the summer. September 1, 1839, a meeting was held at the house of Mr. William Smith, and the brethren to the number of six presented their letters and cov enanted to unite in maintaining the worship of God and the ordinances of their faith. On the first Sunday in January, 1840, Elder F. Topping arrived in Clinton and held a meeting at the house of Deacon S. Barrett, and after that he preached regularly every second week. On Sun day, May 10, seven of the brethren were baptized in Turtle Creek, being the first to receive the rits of baptism in that stream. 652 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. On the following day a meeting, over which P. W. Lake presided as Moderator, was held at the house of Mr. John Lewis for the purpose of re-organizing the Church. Twenty-five brothers and sisters presented Articles of Faith and Church Covenant, which were approved and their holders admitted to good fellowship. On May 23, Stephen Barrett and Abel F. Lewis were chosen deacons, and on August 29, at a meeting, it was resolved to present the Articles of Association to the Wisconsin Baptist Association, and ask to be connected with that body. This was done, Elder F. Topping, Deacon S. Barrett, A. F. Lewis, J. Lewis and N. B. Kasson pre senting the claims of their brethren. From that year up to 1849-50, services were held principally in private houses, but in the latter years a church was built at Clinton Corners and occupied until 1857, when it was removed to Clinton Junction. But it was soon found that the rapidly increasing numbers of the congre gation demanded a larger edifice, and accordingly it was determined that one should be built and during the season of 1867 the present edifice was erected (38x64 feet, with a session-room in the rear, 20x30), at a cost of $6,500. The following is a'list of the Pastors : 1840-43, Elder F. Topping; 1843, Rev. Mr. Winshell and Elder Moses Pickett; 1844-45, Elder M. Pickett ; 1846-49, Elder Charles Button ; 1850, Elder M. W. Webster ; 1850 to Jan uary, 1855, Elder M. B. True ; 1855, Elder Daniel Eldredge ; 1856, Elder Chas. Purrett ; 1857, Elder S. Jones ; 1858 to April, 1865, Elder E. B. Hatch ; 1865 to November 1867, Elder L. M. Newell ; 1867 to May, 1871, Elder I. S. Mize ; 1871 (May) to June, 1872, Elder C. E. Taylor and W. W. Moore (supply) ; 1872-78, Elder H. W. Stearns ; 1878-79, Rev. C. C, ' Marston (present incumbent). The Church has now 150 communicants and the living is worth $800 per annum. The Trustees are Deacons E. Bruce, A. P. Preble and G. B. Turneaure. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at Summerville, in the fall of 1844, theorigi- inators being J. O. Case and wife, Bennett Wooster and wife and Peter Losee. Elder F. Sanders of the Rock River Conference, was the first Pastor, and Elder Stocking, of Brown's Prairie, the Presiding Elder. In 1845, the membership was augmented by the reception of Harson Northrop and wife and H. Newell and wife, who in that year arrived and settled in the town of Clinton. The present edifice was erected in the year 1857, at a cost of about $1,800, the dedicatory sermon being preached by the Rev. Thomas Eddy, of the Northwestern Christian Advocate, The first Pastor was the Rev. H. B. Crandall, the present the Rev. Stephen Smith. The liv ing is worth $1,000 per annum. In addition to the Church is a parsonage erected some years ago at a cost of about $1,000, which, however, is now entirely free from debt. The present Trustees are Charles E. Richardson, John Cate, S. M. Estes, J. F. Cleghorn, Phineas Crosby, Solomon Ellethorp and George Chilcott. The First Congregational Church of Clinton was organized March 30, 1858, by a Council of Delegates from the Churches of Beloit, Allen's Grove, Emerald Grove and Shopiere. It consisted, at its formation, of the following persons : James Benedict, Abby Benedict, Helen Campbell, Janette Campbell, Abner Emery, Anna Emery, Baldwin B. Olds, Sarah W. Olds, John Perrine, Anna Perrine, Jane E. Shumeway, P. W. Smith, Frances Smith, Samuel Moore, Mary H. Moore, Mary Janette Covert, Thomas Tuttle, Rhoda Tuttle, Charles Tuttle, Elmnia Tuttle, Rachel T. Weaver, Julia Ann Warner, Mary Bennett, Martha Bennett, George Covert, M. D. Prosper, P. Comstock, Rebecca C. Comstock, John Kimball, Martha Kimball, Eliza Mendenhall, Eugene H. Tuttle, Milton S. Warner, Charlotte S. Warner, Olney F. Weaver, Ellen J. Weaver. In September, 1858, the Church was received by the Beloit District Convention. In 1860, through the kindness and liberality of Mr. Thomas Tuttle, who donated the land, the society was enabled to erect a church, only the main edifice, however, which cost $2,000, and in consideration of that liberality and the interest which he took in it from the date of its organization, the Church and society adopted the following : " Resolved, That we extend our thanks to Mr. Thomas Tuttle, for his gift of the site and fence for the church building, together with the interest manifested bv him in the erection ofthe house." HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 653 In 1867, the society erected a parsonage on a lot adjoining the church, which was bought at a cost of $250, by Mr. Thomas Tuttle, and presented by him to the Church, the whole cost ing about $1,800. In 1871, an addition to the church, consisting of a chapel and vestry-room. was erected at a cost of $1,900, and, in 1876, a bell was purchased at a cost of $300. The society is in a very prosperous condition, a fact which may be judged of by the fact that, within the past nine years, its members, in addition to meeting the neccessary expenses, have contributed nearly $1,000 for benevolent purposes. The following is a list of Pastors from the date of its organization to the present time : 1860-64, Rev. W. H. Bernard, of Shopiere (supply) ; 1864-66, Rev. P. F. Warner ; 1866-69, Rev. James Brewer ; 1869-72, Rev. D. M. Breckenridge, from Chicago Theological Seminary ; 1872-79, Rev. G. F. Bronson ; S. D. Peet, present incumbent. The gentlemen who have filled the office of Deacon are Messrs. P. W. Smith, Abner Emery, P. P. Comstock, Gardner Johnson, James Benedict, J. A. Covert, E. Z. Stowe, William Bruce and M. S. Warner, the latter for fourteen consecutive years ; Mr. B. B. Olds officiating as Clerk from the organization of the society to the present date. In connection with the Church is a Sunday school, whose history js almost identical with that of the Church, the Superintendents of which have been : Eugene H. Tuttle, six months : Augustus Covert, eighteen months ; B. B. Olds, seven years ; Hiram Cooper, one year ; Rev, D. M. Breckenriojge, one year ; A. H. Hollister, three years ; Solon S. Cooper, one year ; J. R. Helmer, three years. The Norwegian Lutheran Church, in the town of Clinton, was organized in 1849, and incorporated on March 26, of the same year. Prior, however, to the organization of the society. viz., in 1848, a brick church was built, at a cost of $800, and, as soon as the society was formed, the Rev. C. L. Clauson was installed as Pastor, the Trustees being Tosten Nelson, Erick Ellef- son and Jens Gilbertson. In 1861, in consequence of an increase in the number of communi cants, a new church was built, at a cost of $2,200. In 1865, a bell and organ were purchased, the former at a cost of $140 and the latter $430. In 1870, some of the members of the con gregation were unfortunate enough to disagree upon some minor points, and dissensions arose, the result being a " divided house," which, however, did not fulfill the old adage by falling, being merely served by different Pastors, but, subsequently, a healing of the breach was effected. The following is a list of the ministers who have officiated in the Church : Rev. C. L. Clauson, Rev. G. F. Dietrichsen, Rev. C. F. Maglesen, Rev. J. H. Simonsen and Rev. Wang Herald. The present number of communicants is about one hundred. St. Catherine's Catholic Church, in the town of Clinton, was established in the fall of 1844, by the Very Rev. Martin Kundig, who was sent out in that year by the Right Rev. Martin Henni, Bishop of Milwaukee, for the purpose of establishing Missions at Racine, Kenosha, Bur lington, Janesville, Beloit and Clinton. From the date of its formation, it has been attended by the following gentlemen in the capacity of Pastors : Very Rev. Martin Kundig, two years ; Rev. John Fondee, two years ; Rev. F. Fruseder, one year ; Rev. Francis Pendergast, Rey. J. W. Norris, D. D., four years ; Rev. George Brennan, three years ; Rev. Thomas Smith, two- years ; Rev. Henry Roche, eighteen months ; Rev. G. R. Herman, three years and six months : Rev. R. F. Sullivan, twelve years. The membership now is about three hundred. The Scandinavian Evangelical Church was organized in the town of Clinton, in the year 1849, at the house of Sven Lursen, the discipline and government for churches ofthe Frankean Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the State of New York, being adopted pro tempore as its con stitution. Trustees and Deacons were also elected, but, unfortunately, the papers containing the names, as well as those of the first members, are lost, so perforce we must omit them. For a number of years, the Church had no presiding Pastor, the pulpit being filled princi pally by the Rev. O. Andrewson, and the Rev. O. J. Hatlestad. Until 1851, the Church had no synodical connection, but in that year its members participated in the formation of the Evan gelical Lutheran Synod of Northern Illinois, which was held at Cedarville, Stephenson Co., 111., from the 18th to the 24th of September. 654 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In August, 1855, at a meeting held for the purpose of extending a " call " to a minister of that denomination, it was decided by a unanimous vote to address the Rev. 0. Andrewson upon the subject. He sent a favorable response to the call, which was signed by T. Tollifson, J. Jacobson and Fred. Fredrikson, Deacons ; 0. Thompson and Lewis Siverts, Trustees, and 0. C. Newhouse, Secretary, and was duly installed in the spring of 1856. At the annual meeting held on April 7, 1858, it was unanimously resolved to build a new church, which was accomplished in the following summer at a cost of about $1,700. At the same meeting, a new constitution providing for the election of three Trustees and six Deacons, one and two of whom respectively are elected at the annual meeting. The Church is now con nected with the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which was organized in June, 1860. SECRET SOCIETIES. Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135, A., F. cf A. M., was organized under dispensation dated May 24, 1862, and a charter granted June 11, 1862, the place of meeting being Shopiere. But that village being somewhat inconvenient the headquarters of the Lodge were removed to Clinton, in June, 1867. The first officers were: Dr. Coryden Farr, W. M.; F. A. Humphrey, S. W.; Benjamin E. Mack, J. W.; J. A. Chamberlain, Treasurer; D. S. Hopson, S. D.; Will iam J. Briggs, J. D.; George Gould, Tiler. Since its organization, the Lodge has initiated 139 members, and have now about one hundred. Their officers are : R. R. Child, W. M.; C. Griswold, S. W.; J. Carruthers, J. W.; J. F. Cleghorn, Treasurer; C. M. Treat, Secretary; H. J. Bar nard, S. D.; C. Perkins, J. D.; James S. Campbell, Tiler. They rent a large, well-furnished hall, and possess property worth about $250. Johnstown Lodge, No. 58, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted at Johnstown Center, Rock County, on July 21, 1851, and was of considerable importance, owing to the magnitude of its roster until 1867, when, owing to the fact of its numerical strength being weakened by reason of the non-return of many of its members who had gone to fight their country's battles during the war of the rebellion, it was deemed advisable to surrender the charter to the Grand Lodge, which was accordingly done. It was not, however, doomed to perpetual obscurity, for, in March, 1868, it was resurrected and removed to Clinton Junction, meeting for the first time in Mr. W. H. Connell's chambers, under the Noble Grandship of Father C. C. Cheeney, .one of the origi nal charter members who had been elected to that office. It soon regained its old-time prestige, and, erelong, the lodge-room was found to be too con fined in space for the proper illustration of the tenets of Odd-Fellowship as exemplified by the admission and subsequent initiation of members. Accordingly, another move was made to rooms over Mrs. Perkins' milliner shop, but again the growth of the Lodge exceeded the dimensions of the hall, and another move made necessary. This time their furniture was transferred to a room over Mr. J. Snell's store, and remained there five years. But again its abnormal growth com pelled a change of base, and, accordingly, Brother H. Pierce exerted his intellect and muscle, a combination of " faculties " which resulted in the transformation of a long bare room into a cozy hall, wherein the members now meet and pass away the dull evenings by the interchange of con-' genial sentiments and the transaction of such business as appertains 'to the well-being of their society. After the Lodge had worked one year under the name given above, it was deemed advisable to reconstruct it, and the consent of the Grand Lodge having been applied for and obtained, the name was changed to Pacific Lodge, after the Pacific Railroad, which was constructed about that time. In the past ten years, the Lodge has granted degrees of membership to over one hundred persons, and since its removal to Clinton has had the sorrow of seeing but one brother go to his "long home." That one was Mr. George Stoller, who was buried under the auspices of the Order. It has a Camp, a higher branch of the Order ; also a Lodge of the Degree of Rebecca for ladies whose husbands have attained to the honor of the scarlet degree. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 655 Within the past few years, the Lodge has run down, until now it numbers but fifty-two mem bers, who, however, possess property valued at over $300. The following is a list of its present officers : N. G., C. Low ; V. G., A. J. Roberts ; Sec retary, M. G. Weaver ; Permanent Secretary, G. R. Millice ; Treasurer, II. Pierce. Trustees : Dr. J. W. Jones, A. W. Shattuck, S. J. Simmons. Clinton Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, No. 38, was organized in November, 1872, with eleven charter members, Milton S. Warren being the first Worthy Master. Up to the winter of 1875-76, the meetings of the society were held in the hall of Mr. James Vanderlyne, at Clinton Corners, but in that year they removed to Clinton Junction, occupy ing the hall in conjunction with the Odd Fellows. The present membership is about one hundred, and comprises a great many, if not all of the most intelligent farmers and their fam ilies in the vicinity. Clinton Lodge, No. 114, 1. 0. G. 21— In the fall of 1845, Deacon Pliny Allen, of Allen's Grove, appointed a temperance meeting at a schoolhouse in Summerville, and engaged a lect urer for the occasion who, from some unforeseen cause not now remembered, failed to appear. Nonplused for the nonce was the worthy Deacon at such an inexplicable want of faith, but being determined not to disappoint the assembled multitude, he called for volunteers. His appeal for aid in the "dilemma was answered by Deacon H. S. Wooster, who mounted the plat form and gave utterance to the first temperance lecture heard in the town of Clinton. The discourse, however, did not bear immediate fruit, as it was not until December, 1863, that the above Lodge was organized, but from that date to the day its charter was surrendered, it did valuable work in disseminating and inculcating in the minds of young and old, the principles of temperance. The present Lodge of Good Templars, known as Gem of the Prairie Lodge, No. 208,, I. 0. G. T., was organized on May 15, 1874, the occasion being a meeting held at the Congregational Church, which was addressed by Theodore D. Kanouse, G. W. C. T., of Wisconsin, and Bro. B. F. Parker, G. W. S. About seventy persons were initiated and proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing term, which resulted as follows: W. G. T., R. M. Benson ; W. V. T., Sister P. A. Treat; W. S., J. F. Cleghorn; A. S., Ella Irish; W. F. S., S. W. Serl; W. T. Ruth E. La Monte; W. C, Rev. W. R. Jones; W. M., C. L. Crandall; D. M., Nellie Cobb; Guard, Ida Gates; Sentinel, R. W. Cheever; R. S.. Nellie Jones; L. S., Alma E. Dow. The present officers are: W. C, P. H. Swift; P. W. C, R. W. Cheever ; W. V. T., Mar- cella Sturgis ; M., George Williams ; A. M., Ada Williams ; S., Millie Titus; F. S., J. C. Church; T., Allie Tuttle; S., Mrs. Ellen Benson; R. S., Mrs. Pratt ; L. S., Mrs. Armstrong; Chaplain, Arthur Angrove ; I. G., Emma Babcock. Since its organization, 250 persons have been connected with the Lodge, which now numbers about one hundred members. They are the lessees of a very comfortable hall on Main street. Reform Club. — Another temperance society, bearing this name, was organized on June 18, 1*77, with forty-five members. The name, however, from some unexplained cause, did not meet with especial favor from the members, and was accordingly changed on November 16, 1878, to that of the Blue Ribbon Club. The first officers were : President, J. J. Johnson ; Secretary, A. C. Rice ; Treasurer, Henry Morgan ; Chaplain, H. W. Stearns ; Executive Committee, E. B. Cummings, S. A. Kennedy and Calvin Pratt. Grievance Committee, W. Calkins, A. H. Morgan and W. J. West. The club now numbers 112 members in good standing, and their offi cers are : President, A. H. Morgan ; Secretary, George Wilcox ; Treasurer, Joseph Snell ; Chap lain, George Livingstone. Executive Committee, John Connelly, S. M. Case and Jay Johnson. Grievance Committee, C. B. Hinman, C. Hamilton and George Wilcox. They are also the lessees of p, club-room and possess property, consisting of furniture, regalia, etc., valued at $150. W. C. T. W. was organized in June, 1877, with thirty-five members. The present mem bership is now about fifty, and the officers are : President, Mrs. P. H. Swift ; First Vice Presi dent, Mrs.L. K. De Wolf; Second Vice President, Mrs. J. R. Helmer ; Secretary, Miss Allie Tuttle; Treasurer, Mrs. C. T. Isham. 656 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Clinton Knights of Honor, No. 329.— A. charter was granted to this branch of the mutual insurance order of that name on October 4, 1877, the charter members being S. A. Kennedy S. W. Serl, A. C. Rice, J. M. Slosson, William Edwards, F. P. Wallace, R. R. Childs, G. R. Millice, G. L. Smith, P. D. Dickerman, D. G. Cheever, J. T. Hamilton, George Seegar, C. L. Hanson, E. B. Cummings, George Covert, James Irish and A. P. Preble. The first officers were: D., R. R. Childs; P. D., S. A. Kennedy; V. D., James Irish; A.D., S.W. Serle; C.E., B. Cummings; Guide, George Seegar; J. R., W. Edwards; F. R., C. L. Hanson; F., P. Wal lace; G., J. M. Slosson; S., G. L. Smith; Medical Examiner, George Covert, M.D. During the term ending June 30, the Society paid out $479.34. The present officers are: D., William Edwards; V. D., George Seegar; A. D., James Irish; R., R. W. Cheever; F., R. E. Preble; T., F. P. Wallace; Guide, C. L. Hanson ; G., H. Foltz; S., W. Calkins ; C, E. B. Cum mings ; Trustees, James Irish, P. D. Dickerman and A. C. Rice ; Medical Examiner, George Covert, M. D. The present membership is twenty-nine. Clinton Cornet Band was organized in 1874, with fourteen pieces, but has since dwindled down to ten. The present members are W. H. Turneaure (leader), George Tumeaure, Jacob Turneaure, Frank Turneaure, M. E. Case, Charles Salisbury, Herman Park, Clarence Murray, N. Shrive and Charles Curtis. The instruments are of the best make, and cost when new, $150. THE CLINTON CEMETERY. What now constitutes the last resting-place of many of the pioneers of Clinton, was first intended by the father of Mr. B. B. Olds, upon a portion of whose farm it is located, as a family burial-ground, and there were deposited the remains of a little son, eighteen months old. But the natural beauty of the ground and its adaptability to the purpose for which it was intended, made the residents of the village anxious to secure it as a public mausoleum. Mr. B. B. Olds was accordingly approached upon the subject, and acceded to the request so urgently made, by sell ing four acres of ground, which were, in 1860, laid out into lots, the terms of the sale being that the purchase money should be paid out of the moneys collected by the sale of lots. The first officers of the association were : Messrs. B. B. Olds, President ; G. N. Willis, Dr. T. Hun ter and Hon. D. G. Cheever, Trustees ; Mr. L. D. Salisbury, Treasurer, and Hon. D. G. Cheever, rSecretary. In 1874, the number of deaths and consequent interments which had occurred, pre cluded the possibility of any more burials taking place there, and so four more acres were pur chased upon the same terms as before, only two of which, however, were at once utilized. The ground, therefore, contains eight acres, and, in addition to the beauties lavished upon it by the bounteous hand of nature, the residents of Clinton have been unsparing in their efforts to render it as beautiful as possible, by all the arts which can be controlled, being made to contribute to that end. Messrs. Cheever, Olds, Salisbury, Barker and Treat constitute the present Board. POST OFFICE. The first post office established in the town of Clinton was opened at Summerville, on August 12, 1843, William Stewart being at the head of affairs. He remained in office until January 11, 1850, when he was succeeded by Reuben P. Willard, he being swallowed up on March 6, 1857, by a Governmental decision to close up the office and blend its affairs with that of Clinton, which went into force on that day. The office at Clinton was established simultaneously with that of Summerville, Stephen Perley being the first Postmaster. On March 6, 1857, the name was changed to Ogden, but changed back again January 16, 1864. The following is a list of the Postmasters from 1843 to the present time : 1843, Stephen Perlev; 1844-49, Griswold Weaver ; 1849-56, Alonzo Richardson ; 1856-61, Thomas Hunter ; 1861-64, William H. Snyder; 1864-69, Washington I. Hartshorn; 1869-77, Henry S. Wooster; 1877-79, James Irish, present incumbent. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 657 Prior to the advent of the railroads, in 1856, mails were transported by Frink & Walker's line of stage-coaches ; but times are changed, and, instead of having to wait two or three days for letters, the "iron horse" and his precious freight deposit them almost at the door, and has vanished in as many hours. THE MANUFACTURING INTERESTS are represented by a cigar factory known as the Clinton Junction Cigar Works, which were established by F. A. Ames and 0. E. Burrows, on February 1, 1872, with a capital of $685. During the first year, they manufactured 120,825 cigars, upon which they paid a tax of $604.12. In 1875, the firm was changed to that of Ames k Guild, the members being F. A. Ames and W. B. Guild. At the present time, they employ twenty-one men, and, with an invested capital of $10,000, manufacture 60,000 cigars per month, which represent a value of $40,000 per year. The present members of the firm, trading under the style and title of F. A. Ames & Co., are F. A. Ames, J. H. Reigart and T. A. Ames. Their principal trade is with Wisconsin, but they also ship to Illinois and Michigan. Merchant Mills. — The steam flouring-mills bearing this name were built in the summer of 1875, at a first cost of $25,000. The purpose of the projectors was to manufacture a high grade of flour, on the theory of what is now called the new process system of milling. The system being then in its infancy, the venture, for the first few years, was not a success ; but eventually, after the expenditure of much time and money, especially the latter, in improvements, etc., their efforts were crowned with success, and now the firm of S. W. Serl & Co. stands forth as being the exponents of the best system of milling extant. At the present time, they employ from twelve to fifteen men, and have $50,000 invested. They buy their wheat principally in Min nesota, using only the hardest varieties, known as fife wheat. That portion of the business is transacted entirely by Mr. S. W. Serl, the senior partner, while Mr. E. B. Cummings remains in Clinton as resident partner and manager. Mr. Willard Calkins is head miller, and Mr. W. M. Stillman chief engineer. EVANSVILLE. The town of Union, of which the village of Evansville is at the present time the principal market town, was first settled in the fall of 1839, by Charles McMillan, Samuel Lewis, Stephen Jones, Erastus Quivey, John Rhinehart and Rev. Boyd Phelps. In the following spring, there were a large number of persons immigrated to the State and to this town, among the latter the Rev. John Griffith, Hiram Griffith, John A. Griffith, Ira Jones, Jacob West, John T. Baker, J. W. Haseltine, Levi Leonard, David Johnson, Daniel Johnson, John Cook, John Adams, Wash ington Higday and John Sale. The first settler on what is now the village plat was Amos Kirkpatrick, who located in 1842, and was followed about the same time by Wilber Potter, who settled and built a chair factory, and who was followed by Henry and Lewis Spencer, who erected the first frame dwelling in the town. THE FIRST STORE. Up to 1848, the principal center of business for the whole country between Janesville and Madison was at the village of Union, three miles north of the present site of Evansville, but, in that year, William Winston and C. R. Bent built and filled the first store in the place, which, Up to that date, had neither name nor post office. THE FIRST POST OFFICE. Prior to 1849, the residents of the district in which Evansville now lies were compelled to go to Union for their mail, but a beneficent government changed that by establishing a postoffice 658 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. there, in the year mentioned. Jacob West had the first contract for. carrying the mail ; his son James R. West, then a boy of twelve years old, carried the mail on horseback. LAYING OUT THE VILLAGE. Upon the establishment of a post office, the name of Evansville was chosen, and, in 1855, the ground was surveyed and platted, and the name by which the post office was known selected as the future name of the village, which, in 1867, by virtue of an act passed by the State Legislature, became a chartered village, officered by a president and board of trustees, clerk and treasurer, of whom the following is a list : 1867 — President, Daniel Johnson ; Trustees, Isaac M. Bennett, Lohep York, Elijah Rob, inson, Henry C. Millspaugh ; Treasurer, Nelson Winston ; Clerk, David L. Mills. 1868 — President, I. M. Bennett ; Trustees, G. F. Spencer, Levi Leonard, J. W. Haseltine, Caleb Snashall ; Treasurer, Nelson Winston ; Clerk, John T. Baker. 1869 — President, Lloyd T. Pullen; Trustees, Nelson Winston, Alonzo Richardson, George F. Spencer ; Treasurer, C. M. Smith ; Clerk, M. W. Sheafe. 1870 — President, 0. W. Gilman ; Trustees, L. J. Wilder, George F. Spencer, Almeron Eager, Allen S. Baker ; Treasurer, Nelson Winston ; Clerk, James H. Hoskins. 1871— President, W. T. Hall ; Trustees, L. J. Wilder, Caleb Snashall, Samuel Hunt, David E. Stevens ; Treasurer, J. M. Evans ; Clerk, J. H. Hoskins ; Supervisor, W. T. Hall. 1872— President, W. T. Hall ; Trustees, Caleb Snashall, Samuel Hunt, K. F. Randolph, E. W. Stearns ; Treasurer, J. M. Evans ; Clerk, James H. Hoskins ; Supervisor, W. T. Hall. 1873 — President, 0. W. Gillman ; Trustees, George F. Spencer, Caleb Snashall, C. H, Wilder, H. Brevier; Treasurer, R. Winston ; Clerk, D. C. Griswold ; Supervisor, 0. W. Gillman. 1874 — President, 0. W. Gillman ; Trustees, George F. Spencer, Henry Brevier, Caleb Snashall, C. H. Wilder; Treasurer, Reuben Winston; Clerk, J. H. Hoskins; Supervisor, 0. W. Gillman. 1875— President, D. L. Mills ; Trustees, C. Snashall, D. M. Rowley, D. B. Huckins, M, V.Pratt; Treasurer, Reuben Winston ; Clerk, James H. Hoskins; Supervisor, D.'L. Mills; Justice of the Peace, James H. Hoskins ; Constable, J. M. Ballard. 1876— President, C. M. Smith ; Trustees, D. B. Huckins, Frank Gibbs, R. F. Woodbury, D. C. Griswold ; Treasurer, R. Winston ; Clerk, J. H. Hoskins ; Supervisor, C. M. Smith ; Constable, Ray Gillman. 1877 — President, A. S. Baker ; Trustees, Caleb Snashall, D. E. Stevens, E. W. Beebe, Lewis Spencer ; Treasurer, R. Winston ; Clerk, Homer Potter ; Supervisor, A. S. Baker ; Jus tice of the Peace, Jacob West ; Constable, H. W. Hubbard. 1878— President, M. V. Pratt; Trustees, D. B- Huckins, W. W. Garfield, Byron Camp bell, Lewis Spencer ; Treasurer, Reuben Winston ; Clerk, J. H. Hoskins ; Supervisor, M. V. Pratt ; Justice of the Peace, D. M Rowley ; Constable, H. W. Smith. Mr. Huckins dying in May, the Board, at their meeting, held on the 13th of that month, elected David Stevens to the vacancy. 1879 — President, Almeron Eager ; Trustees, George F. Spencer, Nelson Winston, Byron Campbell, R. F. Woodbury ; Treasurer, R. Winston ; Clerk, J. H. Hoskins ; Supervisor, Alme ron Eager ; Justice of the Peace, Jacob West ; Constable, H. W. Hubbard. These gentlemen did not hold office very long, for, on April 15th, a special meeting was held, to consider the advisableness of re-incorporating the village under the general statutes. Upon that occasion, there were seventy-eight'votes cast, seventy-four of which were cast in favor of the issuance of a fresh charter, and, on May 13th, another election was held which resulted as follows : President, W. T. Hall ; Trustees, N. Winston, Byron Campbell, R F. Woodbury, George F. Spencer, James Powles, J. E. Doolittle ; Treasurer, H. Potter ; Clerk, N. W. Adair ; Super visor, M. V. Pratt ; Justice of the Peace and Police Justice, D. L. Mills ; Marshal and Con stable, W. F. Williams. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 659< SCHOOLS. The first schoolhouse in the settlement was built in 1841, about a mile and a half west of the present site of Evansville, and was under the control of Miss Mary Jane True. The second was built at or near the present village of Union, and the third was built on the present site of Evansville, and was in charge of Mr. Levi Leonard. The structure was of logs and served the purpose of a church and schoolhouse. The subsequent structures erected for educational purposes, were of a very superior order and comprised a seminary, erected August 10, 1855, a select or high school and a graded school, built in 1868-69. The teaching of a select school was first commenced in 1855, under the auspices of the- Methodist Episcopal Church, whose building was used for the purpose, the scholars being under the supervision of Mr. R. 0. Kellogg, who, with other teachers, controlled it until 1859, when the seminary building was finished, and a school opened therein by Mr. D Y. Kilgore, who, in conjunction with other Principals, kept it until 1874, when it was closed. Following is a detailed account of the circumstances attending its erection and the causes which led to its. abandonment : THE HIGH SCHOOL. In 1868-69, the residents of Evansville, in accordance with the State laws, organized and built a large graded school, which was opened under the supervision of a School Board, com posed of the following gentlemen, viz.: D. M. Rowley, Director ; S. W. Smith, Clerk ; J. M. Evans, Treasurer. It continued as a graded school until about 1877, when it was transformed into a High School, the composition of the Board remaining the same, with the exception of the following slight changes : 1872, C. M. Smith, elected Clerk, vice W. S. Smith ; 1878, R. F. Woodbury, elected Treasurer, vice J. M. Evans ; 1879, M. V. Pratt, elected Director, vice D. M. Rowley. The building, of white Edgerton brick, stands in the center of a plat of ground containing three acres. It is a fine looking building, two stories above the basement, with accommodations for 400 scholars, and when built cost $20,000. The first class graduated last spring, and consisted of the following students : Messrs. Frank Holt, Martin Conradson, Wayland Axtell, Leander Hoskins, John Clifford, Herbert Mills and Misses Fanny Porter and Cora Hunt. The following is a list of the Principals : 1869-70, S. S. Gard ; 1870-71, Mrs. Green ; 1871-72, H. B. Coe; 1872-77, A. S. Burnham ; 1877-79, A. R. Sprague. CHURCHES. The M. E. Church. — In August, 1840, there being then a number of members of this denomination resident in Evansville, a meeting was held at the house of Hiram Griffith, about one mile west of the present site of the village, and an organization formed by the Rev. Samuel Pillsbury, who had been applied to for that purpose. The members constituting it were : Rev. Boyd Phelps (who, prior to that date, had preached to the resident families), Clarissa Phelps, Rev. Stephen Jones, Isabel Jones, Rev. John Griffith, Belinda Griffith. Jacob West, Margaret West, John T. Baker, Jemima Baker, Ira Jones, Sarah J. Jones, Alma Jones, Samuel Lewis, Sarah Lewis, Charles McMillan, Miram McMillan, Jane Brown, Erastus Quivey, Sally Quivey, Hiram Griffith, Sally Griffith, David Johnson, Kezziah Johnson, John Rhinehart and Deborah, Rhinehart. Meetings were held in private houses until 1843, when, through the exertions of Rev. Stephen P. Keys, a log schoolhouse was erected, which also served the purposes of a church until 1847. 660 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. In 1845, at the Third Quarterly Conference, Messrs. Ira Jones, Hiram Griffith and Thomas Robinson were appointed a committee to estimate the cost of a church, and, during the year, a subscription list was circulated and a building commenced on the lot now owned and occupied by J. R. Finch as a shoe and grocery store, in the center of the village. It was a frame house, 30x45 feet, and was dedicated in June, 1847, by the Rev. Henry Summers. This church building remained in rise until the fall of 1867, when it was sold to make room for a business block, and the present handsome edifice of white briek, erected at a cost of $6,000. It was opened in the fall of the same year, the dedicatory sermon being preached by the Rev. Mr. Fallows. Following is a list of the Pastors and Presiding Elders from the date of the organization to the present time: 1840, Rev. John Ash; Presiding Elder, Rev. Henry Reed; 1842, Stephen P. Keep, S. H. Stocking ; 1843, Ferree Boyd Phelps and Father Griffith, John Sin clair ; 1844, Lyman Catlin, S. H. Stocking; 1845, Asa Wood, Henry Summers; 1857, Charles McClure and Hiram Hersey, assistant, Chauncey Hobart ; 1849, James Walker, Henry Sum mers : 1850, J. C. Dana, Henry Summers; 1851, A. P. Allen, Henry Summers ; 1852, Daniel Stansberry, A. P. Allen ; 1853, Daniel Stansberry, J. Searles; 1854, James Butler, J. Searles; 1855, E. P. Beecher, J. W. Wood ; 1856, Elijah Robinson, J. W. Wood ; 1858, D. O. Jones, Daniel Stansberry ; 1859, J. I. Foot; Daniel Stansberry ; 1860, J. B. Cooper, H. C. Tilton; 1861, N. P. Lawton, J. H. Jennie; 1862, G. Chester, J. H. Jennie; 1864, George W. De La Matyr (1865-68), C. D. Pillsbury ; 1867, W. H. Sampson, S. C. Thomas ; 1869, E. D. Farnum, S. C. Thomas; 1871, James M. Craig (1872-74), P. B. Pease; 1874-76, J. H. Brooks, P. B. Pease ; 1876-79, Chas. E. Galtharfe, Wm. P. Stowe. ' Free-Will Baptist Church. — On July 1, 1854, the members of the churches of this denom ination resident at Magnolia and Union coalesced and formed a corporate body, with headquar ters at Evansville, where they met and elected the following Trustees, viz. : Peter Aller, Jesse Aller and Argalus Ballard. In the same year, they erected their present church, a large frame building, with a seating capacity of 300, at a cost of $3,000. In 1870, the congregation further improved their property by the addition a parsonage and fine barn, which were erected at a cost of $1,000. Following is a list of ministers from the date of the organization to the present time : 1854-55, Rev. Kinzman Davis ; 1855-61, Rev. J. E. Davis ; 1861-63, Rev. F. P. Auger ; 1863-64, Rev. C. Coltrin ; 1864-65, Rev. S. Cummings; 1865-68, Rev. J. E. Davis; 1868-70, Rev. A. H. Huling; 1870-72, Rev. R. W. Bryant; 1872-73, Rev. C. H. Kimball; 1873-76, Rev. O. H. True ; 1876-77, Rev. B. F. McKinney ; 1878, vacant ; 1879, Rev. R. W. Bryant. The present Trustees are Messrs. A. Ballard, Peter Aller, W. H. Hatfield, A. Munger and E. W. Stearns. Congregational Church. — On May 1, 1851, agreeably to a petition forwarded to the Beloit District Convention asking that action be taken with regard to the organization of a church, a meeting was held at the Methodist Episcopal Church in accordance with the permission obtained. The Rev. Francis Lawson presided, and, after prayer and the reading of the Articles of Covenant, the following persons signed the roll as members and entered into covenant one with another, viz. : Levi Taggart and Abigail Taggart, W. W. Paine and Hannah Paine, and Mrs. Laura Church. It was then resolved to build a church, but that the resolution was not immediately carried into effect, an item in the records bearing date June 28, 1855, and signed by Mr. W.. W. Paine as Clerk, sufficiently shows. It reads : " Crowded out of the Baptist house, by that society. In 1856, the present brick church was built, with a seating capacity of 300, at a cost of $2,500. Following is a list of the Pastors from the date of organization to the present time: 1851-53, Rev. Mr. Church ; 1853-55, Rev. James Lawson; 1855-60, Rev. C. M. Morehouse; 1860-62, Rev. B. Durham ; 1862-68, Rev. James Watts ; 1868-77, Rev. James W. Harris ; 1S77-78, Rev. Milton Rowley ; 1878-79, Rev. James W. Harris. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 661 St. John's Episcopal Church. — On May 13, 1869, at a meeting held by the members of this denomination, J. M. Evans, M. D., W. C. Lovejoy, S. H. Boyer and Adam Griffin were elected Trustees, and on August 4, at a meeting held at the house of Dr. Evans, it was resolved to erect a house of prayer, and a building committee, consisting of the following gentlemen, was elected: Rev. Erastus W. Spalding, Samuel H. Boyer and William L. Porter. A lot of land was purchased from Mrs. S. Brown, and, on December 21, the committee reported the church completed, at a cost of $3,000. It is a frame building, and will seat about three hundred persons. The following are the Trustees and officers : C. M. Smith, W. Finn, R. Palmer, D. C. Griswold, B. Davis, J. Carson, T. Shurrum, C. Andrews; J. W., I. M. Bennett; S. W., J. M. Evans; Treasurer, Dr. Smith; Secretary, D. C. Griswold. The following is a list of the Pastors: 1869-72, Rev. E. W. Spalding; 1872-74, Rev. George J. Prescott ; 1874-75, Rev. Henry Green. The Close Communion Baptist Church. — On February 13, 1856, the Church was organ ized by delegates from Janesville, Union and Stoughton, of whom the following is a list : Janes ville, Rev. 0. J. Dearborn, William Kemp, W. H. Douglas, B.-F. Pendleton; Union, J. Boyn- ton, M. A. Rowley, J. M. Mason, J. Bullard, J. Cook ; Stoughton, S. Jones and J. Allen. The members constituting it were as follows : Josiah Howard, E. Howard, George Taggart, Jane Taggart, Curtis H. Moon, Almira Moon, T. W. Stearns, Susan P. Stearns, Edward W. Stearns, Philotha E. Stearns, George F. Morrow, Emily P. Morrow, Hannah Hammond, Lorana Karn, David, Rhoda, Aorva, Anna, Alva and Amanda Rowley, Minerva Warren, Eliza Higday, Martin Glading, W. Reed, John and Lucinda Given, Mary Rice, Milla Glading, George Barrett, Mary Carpenter, Mary Jones, Lucinda Rowley and Charles Ghagan. On February 17, 1856, the first Trustees were elected, viz. : Josiah Howard, George T. Movion, H. Taggart, Nelson Winston, C. H. Moon; Deacons, Josiah Howard and C. H. Moon. In 1867—8, the present church was erected, at a cost of about $3,000, and was dedicated on December 18, 1868. Following is a list of the Pastors : Revs. William Branch, D. S. Starr, D. P. Philips, D. T. Brehards, Jabez Snashall, J. B. Hutton, C. H. Kimball and C. R. Lathrop. SECRET SOCIETIES. Union Lodge No. 32, A., F. . 12Jc 15@20c 6c * 5@7c * 5@7o * 4@6c * 2@5c * 5@8c 6@9c Total. $136,000 245,000 720,000 576,000 480,000 300,000182,000 416,000 540,000480,000 $4,175,000 The general outlook for the crop of 1879, is considered remarkably good, and many hold to the opinion that the planters will exceed the amount grown in 1871. SOCIETIES. Guiding Star Lodge, T. of H. f T, No. 109, was organized on March 2, 1877, with fif teen members, who elected the following officers: W. C. T., H. H. Judd; P. W. C. T., C. F. Mabbitt; W. O. T., Byron Long; W. W., J. R. Hoffman; W. D. A., E. C. Hopkins; W. R., H. R. Gwalter; W. F. R., O. D. Rowe; W. T., C. L. Brown; W. C, James Croft; W. G., William McChesney; W. S., Louis Brown; R. S. W. O. T., John Bowen; L. S. W. O. T., J. N. Root. Trustees, F. Towsley, John Bowen, James Croft. The Lodge has a large membership, and is, in all respects, a very flourishing institution. The following is a list of the present officers: W. C. T., Harry Clatworthy; W. V. T., Charles Dunn ; W. R., C. F. Mabbitt; F. R. John Walters ; W. T., James Croft; W. W., E. A. Bow man ; W. G., A. Berry ; W. S., H. Price; P. W. T., H. H. Judd. The hall, containing about $150 worth of property, is known as Croft Hall. I. O. G. T, Edgerton Union Lodge, No. 145, was organized on February 5, 1874, with about thirty members, and the following officers: W. C. T., Dr. B. Burdick; W. F. T., Mrs. Lavenia Green ; F. S., William P. Bentley ; T., Miss Esther Saunders ; R. S., E. H. Boyd. The Lodge has now a membership of seventy, and is reported to be in a flourishing condi tion. The following are the present officers : W. C. T., Byron Long; W. V. T., F. A. Sherman; W. R. S., J. B. Estee; W. F. S., T. Markham; F. W. T., Dema Son; W. C, — . White; W. M., C. T. Burdick; W. I. G., M. Saxby; W. O. G., J. C. Banks; L. D., W. P. Bentley. P. of H., Fulton Grange, No. 195, was organized in 1875, with about fifty members, the first officers being M. D. J.'Powell, O. Elmer Langworthy, S. John Patton, T. Lucius Page. The society is one of the most flourishing in the county, being the owners of a large general store known as "The Grange," which is managed by Mr. Z. H. Bowen in the capacity of * Indicates that the number of cases was divided by 2, and half charged at each figure as price per lb. 12,000 cases were charged at 5c per lb. and 12,000 at 7c per lb. t A frosty year. For example, in computing 1872 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 679 agent. The members have at different times put money into it until now, when they invested about $3,000, an amount sufficient to keep a good stock on hand. The Grange has now a membership of forty. Their officers are M. Henry Brace, 0. Elmer Langworthy, Secretary John R. Powell, Treasurer James Hopkins. F. cf A. M., Fulton Lodge, No. 69. — On August 8, 1855, a dispensation was granted to the following gentlemen composing the officers to establish a Lodge at Indian Ford, now known as Fulton Center, viz.: W. M., Isaac Miles ; S. W., E. Hopkins; J. W., Robert Stone ; T., E. Miles ; Sec, R. T. Lawton. On July 2, 1856, a charter was granted to the following gen tlemen, as officers: W. M., Erastus Hopkins ; S. W., Robert Stone ; J. W., Albert Warner; T., E. L. Hopkins ; Sec, Isaac Howe. On December 16, 1867, the members decided to remove their headquarters to Edgerton and their thirty members thereupon located and set up their insignia in the hall of the Methodist Church where they are at present. Their membership is now fifty-five, and their present officers are : W. M., W. W. Child ; S. W., M. Kizer; J. W., C. W. Burdick ; T.. ; Sec, H. C. Son. I. 0. 0. F. — This Lodge was organized on September 27, 1867, with the following charter members, viz., Charles B. Peck, John M. Kiser, H. C. Son, S. L. Lord, George W. Price and H. B. Daily. The first officers were: N. G., G. W. Price; V. G., C. B. Peck, R. S., S. L. Lord ; T., H. C. Son. The present officers are: N. G., C. R. Bentley ; V. G., G. F. McGiffin ; R. S., H. H. Judd; P. S., C. H. Dickinson; T., William P. Bentley. The present member ship is fifty -six. THE CEMETERY. On March 10, 1857, a meeting was held for the purpose of forming a Cemetery Association at Edgerton, the necessity for such an organization having arisen through the action of Mr. John Fassett, who had presented the inhabitants of the village with three acres of land for burial purposes. After some preliminary business had been disposed of, the voters present balloted for the election of nine trustees or directors which resulted in the choice falling upon the follow ing gentlemen, viz.: John Hutson, John Fassett and Elias Downing for three years ; P. F. Davis, J. O. Slocum and R. Robinson for two years ; Guy Stoughton, Stiles Hakes and William C. Banks for one year. The officers were : President, John Fassett ; Secretary, J. 0. Slocum ; Treasurer, P. F. Davis ; Sexton, Jerome Fassett. The cemetery, under the name of the donor, was then laid off ijito lots. The first person to occupy one being the Rev. Mr. Thorington, a Presbyterian minister who was killed while boarding a train of cars at the depot, soon after the opening of the ground. The size of the ground proved fully up to the requirements of the village until 1868, when it was found necessary' to enlarge it by the addition of two acres. As it is now it contains five acres of ground on the beautifying of which no pains have been spared. It is about three-quarters of a mile from the village on a slight hill, and, as it is well drained, trees and shrubs of every name and nature flourish here. There are also many handsome monuments in it. The present officers of the organization are G. D. Sherman, S. D. Norton, H. W. Still man, P. C. Burdick, C. H. Dickerson, E. Palmer, R. Robinson, William C. Banks and Elias Downing ; Secretary and Treasurer, J. R. Lusk. THE POST OFFICE. The first office in Edgerton village was established in 1854, William B. Hall being in command as Postmaster. The gentlemen filling that office subsequent to that date were, Messrs. Charles Clark, Schuler Fassett, Byron Coon, L. M. Kellogg and E. A. Burdick (the present incumbent). The gross receipts of the office at the present time are about $1,500 per annum. EDGERTON CORNET BAND. This institution was organized on April 1 of the present year, with ten pieces, as follows : Leader, L. K. Jessup, E flat ; Thomas Westlake, E flat ; Charles Mabbett, B flat ; M. Burdick, 680 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 2nd B flat ; Jacob Bady, solo alto ; Will Hudson, alto ; John Smith, baritone ; Johnny Hain, tuba ; Edward Davis, snare drum ; Royal Malpress, bass drum. Though they have only been in existence as a band about four months, the members have been the recipients of numerous compliments upon their efficiency, which is beyond question very great. J & THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERY. On the opposite side of the road, but at the same distance from the village, stands the Roman Catholic Cemetery. It was laid out in June, 1869. The land comprising it (two acres in extent) having been purchased for Mr. Townsend at a price of $50 per acre. It is laid off into lots 11x30, the occupant of the first being a man named Burns. The first Trustees were Joseph Pollard, Thomas Burns and John McGrath. The present officers are, Mallichia Conway, Thomas Burns and Thomas Quigley, Trustees ; Edward Rooney, Clerk. The ground is also well planted with shade trees, and filled with very handsome monuments. OLD MILTON'. By the non-observant visitor, the fact that the village of Milton possesses a population of about 1,000 persons will hardly be conceded, for the reason that it is so overshadowed with shade frees of every name and nature, that, at first sight, it appears to partake more of the nature of a village in the woods than a thriving little town. ITS ORIGIN. The year 1837 saw the "star of empire," in the person of Mr. Peter McEwen, taking its way westward. He arrived on the site of what is now the village, and, with the words charac teristic ofthe hardy pioneer, "That's good enough for me !" he determined to settle, the land that he most desired (what is now the Park), having a furrow plowed around it indicating that it had already been claimed, he at once set out for Janesville, where he found the owners, with. whom he at once consummated a sale. This comprised the half of what was subsequently, andi is now known as Section 27. About August, 1838, he was followed by Mr. Joseph Goodrich and Mr. James Peirce, and later by his brothers William and James McEwan, who also brought on their mother and four sisters. In that, year, also, came Mr. N. G. Storrs, and he and Mr. McEwen together presented Mr. Goodrich with a total of 240 acres, which included the site of the Park, railroad depot, and, the house in which his son, Mr. Ezra Goodrich, at present resides. THE FIRST HOUSE. As Mr. Peter McEwan was the first white man to locate in the village, it is but natural that he should have been the first to erect a habitation. It was constructed of logs, was twenty feet long, and broad in proportion, and, while decidedly rough, was presumably very welcome as a shelter. This style of architecture lasted until the year following, when Mr. Joseph Goodrich erected a frame building, which was at once the pride and quasi-envy of all his compat riots. THE FIRST POST OFFICE. In 1838, there being then a fairly large population, a meeting was held at the house of Mr. Peter McEwan for the purpose of drawing up a petition to the Government, in the form of an application for the establishment of a post office. At that time, the place was called Prairie du Lac — a name so closely resembling that of another post office, Prairie du Sac, that the Govern ment refused to grant the prayer of the petitioners, the reason assigned being that it would cause confusion in the delivery of letters, but stated that if the petitioners would change the name of the place, their request would be acceded to. Accordingly, the next year, the meeting reconvened at the house o" Mr. Joseph Goodrich, and, upon a motion made by Mr. Daniel Butts, who had a high opinion of the gentleman, the place was christened Milton — really after a place in Pennsylvania, although it was thought and believed Mr. Butts suggested the name HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 681 because he had a high opinion of the poet. The post office was then established, Mr. Joseph Goodrich being appointed Postmaster. ' THE FIRST STORE. , As population increased, the necessity for the establishment of a trading-store became apparent, and, to meet that want, Mr. Joseph Goodrich established a small store in 1839, where the majority of the goods used by the inhabitants were purchased. THE FIRST TAVERN. In the same year, Mr. Goodrich opened a tavern, under the sign of the Milton House, on the site now occupied by the present hostelry of that name. It was constructed of wood, which was afterward glorified by the addition of a coat of red paint, and there, in the mute language of the old-time hostelries, he dispensed "comfort for man and beast." THE FIRST MARRIAGE. Of the great events in the short, but not altogether unpleasant, life of humanity, perhaps those looked forward to with the greatest interest, especially in a new settlement, are the mar riages and births, and, therefore, it is not surprising that, as in Milton, all subsequent events should be reckoned by the date of the first marriage. The first persons to be adjudged guilty of matrimony in the new settlement were Miss Margaret McEwen and Mr. James Murray, who were aided and abetted in their course during the year 1839, by the Rev. Daniel Smith. THE FIRST BIRTH. To Mr. David Sprague, who first saw the light in 1838, must be ascribed the honor of being the first white child born in Milton village. At least, it is generally conceded that the honor is his. THE FIRST DEATH. This melancholy' event, the first death, occurred in the fall of 1839, the victim of the old man with the scythe being Mrs. Hezekiah Waterman, who, far away from home and old associations, was laid away to rest in the acre and half of ground which then comprised the cemetery of Milton. J MILTON CEMETERY. The first inclosure for cemetery purposes consisted of one acre and a half, which was donated and laid out, in 1839, by Mr. Joseph Goodrich. Up to 1870, that small lot served all the purposes of a mausoleum, but, in that year, it was found necessary to enlarge it by the addition of two acres, which were purchased by the Trustees from Mr. David Sole. Aside from the tender care lavished upon it by the hands of the inhabitants of Milton, many, if not all, of whom have friends interred there, the place is well adapted by nature for the purposes to which it has been put. Located on a gentle slope on a portion of Mr. Goodrich's farm facing to the east and surrounded on every side by smiling fields of grain and carefully planted with ever greens, there is little except the monuments of glistening marble to remind the casual visitor that he stands in the midst of death. All is calm, and one can wander there for hours without feeling a symptom of the morbid dread usually experienced on entering inclosures of a similar character. It is filled with very handsome monuments, prominent among which stands a large mono lith erected to the memory of Mr. Joseph Goodrich. There are others there, simple in design, simple in inscription, but their mute faces, uplifted toward the skies, tell a tale of heroism and devotion to country, beside which towering fronts of marble and gilded inscriptions, expressive of the general worth of the departed, are as naught. Those stones mark the last resting of soldiers who died in defense of the institutions under whose rule they had been reared. Among them are Amos G. Burdick, Company H, Second Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, afterward attached to the Fourth Washington Battery, who was wounded at the battle of Antietam and died at the age of twenty-five years, after passing through seventeen battles. Marvin B. 682 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Stannard died at Fort Donelson, Tenn., March 29, 1863, aged seventeen years, and David K. Potter, of the Third Cavalry, who died at the age of forty-seven years. The present Trustees are Dr. 0. Allen, D. C. Burdick, William McEwen, G. C. Plumb and Paul M. Green. , MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. The Union Flouring-Mill, which partially represents this portion ofthe "anatomy " of Mil ton, was erected in the summer of 1877, at a cost of $7,000, by Mr. W. H. Lane, who still con trols it. It is a thirty-horse power, three-run mill, and has a general capacity of 400 bushels per day. The trade is merely local, and the business done that known as custom. Mr. Lane gives employment to four men. The Milton Cheese Factory is still in its infancy, having been started on June 24, 1878, by Messrs. Crumb & Phillips, in a building erected by the Milton Dairymen's Association at a cost of $500. The present capacity of the factory is three cheeses per day. A branch establishment of the Burdick Punch Manufactory is also located at Milton under the superintendency of Mr. D. C. Burdick. None of the punches are manufactured there, how ever, the shop being used simply for the purpose of putting them together, a work at which Mr. Burdick and one other man are constantly employed. IMPROVEMENTS IN ARCHITECTURE. An improvement of this nature was first noticeable in 1844, when the old academy was built. Prior to that time all buildings had been constructed of wood, but this one flashed upon the astonished beholders in all the glory of gravel and mortar, a mixture which gave it the appearance, when seen afar off, of a handsome stone building. That was followed in 1850 by the erection of a brick house (the first in the village), the builder of which was Mr. William Stillman. THE PARK. Among other adornments which within the past years have been added to the natural beau ties of Old Milton, must be reckoned the public park. This superb piece of ground, containing twenty acres, is located in the very center of the village, and was the munificent gift of Mr. Joseph Goodrich, by whom it was laid out. It is handsomely planted, with shade trees, which in the summer give out an invigorating breeze to those of the weary inhabitants who seek their shelter. In addition to being an institution of which all the people of Milton feel proud, it has some thing of an historical interest inasmuch as it is said that at one time the trails of Black Hawk's "young men " and Maj. Atkinson's " Long Knives " were distinctly visible across it. MILTON CORNET BAND. In the fall of 1873, this institution, without which no picnic, dance or frolic in Milton would be a success, was organized with eleven pieces. They purchased second-hand instruments and went to work, and are now considered one of the best bands in that section. At present, they number sixteen pieces, the names of the players of which are as follows : Evan Davis, Leader; W. H. Plumb, R. H. Saunders, G. W. Post, R. Barless, Charles Post, Clark Post, W. R. Collins, H. H. Pember, W. P. Clarke, C. F. Saunders, D. F. Brown, O. E. Larkin, L. J. Plumb, W. B. Anderson and J. C. Fane. The instruments they possess are now worth $250. A BIT OF UNWRITTEN HISTORY. In the year of grace 1837, there lived and flourished on what was called Teboe's Point, near Lake Koshkonong, an old French trader, named Joseph Teboe, a Canadian by birth, who, after trapping on the banks of the St. Lawrence and throughout the Canadas for many years of his life, turned his face toward the setting sun and wandered on till he came to Milwaukee. There he remained for some time, finally coming to the point above mentioned, where, to all intents and purposes, he was a fixture. Teboe, unfortunately for himself, had no regard for the HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 683 law of the land, which says in substance, though not in word, " thou mayest not have more than one wife," for he counted among other possessions, four bronzed ladies who called him husband, and from whom, it is said, he exacted obedience by the aid of a rope, a boot, or any other weapon which, for the time being, he could convert into an instrument for the purposes of flagellation. With such a multiplicity of gentle "partners of his joys, and sharers of his sorrows," many people would imagine that Teboe must have been very happy. But he wasn't. He had a failing, and that failing was and is known among the sons of men by the short but expressive term whisky. Yes, Teboe drank, and whenever he got into what is termed by Shakespeare, " the sere and yellow leaf, " to which must be added "of pure cussedness," then his feelings would overstep the bounds of prudence, and he would "bang " his unfortunate wives about the head, and carry on in such an outrageous manner as to finally "get himself disliked." At other times, when the demon of drink was upon him, he would wander off, to be absent some weeks. Upon one of these latter occasions, about Christmas, 1839, he went away and was never heard of until about March 12, 1840, when his son Frank astonished the settlement at Milton by the inquiry, "Have you seen my father?" The gentleman addressed replied no, and then it transpired that he had been missing since Christmas. A party, consisting of Messrs. Peter McEwen, Daniel Smith, Lane, Homes, Raymond, Aaron Walker, Chickering, George Hale and George Ogden was imme diately organized to look for him, which they did, but without success. They first went to the lake, in the neighborhood of where he used to live, and inquired of the squaws there assembled as to Teboe's whereabouts, but they vouchsafed no satisfactory reply, merely intimating that he was across the lake with his feet and hands frozen off. The party immediately started to go across, followed by the squaws, but they had not gone far, when the latter raised a "yell," thereby collecting the "bucks" of the camp around the whites. For a time, "things looked a little blue " for the latter, but the Indians, much to the disgust of the squaws, refused to fight, and allowed them to go on their way rejoicing, relieved, no doubt, at having been excused from giving their personal attention to a carving and scalping bee. Their quest, however, was entirely vain, for they never saw more of Teboe, and it has since been supposed that his wives took umbrage at some reflections he cast upon his son's marriage to a squaw, he having lived in expectation of bringing the boy up like a white man, and marry ing him to a white woman, and that, in pursuance of such umbrage, they had killed him. Teboe's Point is still among the institutions of the lake, and, to a few of the residents of Milton, the name of- Teboe still brings back long-forgotten memories of early, pleasures and early hardships. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Milton Division, No. 96, Sons of Temperance, was organized March 2, 1875, by the Rev. H. D. Jencks, Grand Chaplain, with the following charter members : Rev. J. Fassett^ Rev. W. T. Millar, J. C. Plumb, William McEwen, H. R. Waterman, Asa Weaver, E. D. Ketty, Web^ ster Millar, S. 1). Harvey, C. H. Teetar, M. J. Plumb, B. B. Markle, F. B. Cole, E. S. Hewitt, F. M. Palmeter, W. H. Plumb, Perry Millar, W. H. Coon, A. M. Miller, R. S. Thompson, Mrs. F. P. Cole, Mrs. W. T. Millar, Mrs. J. R. Plumb, Mrs. C. C. McEwen, Misses Anna Millar, E. M. Fuller, M. J. Fassett, Laura Millar, Carrie Plumb, Josie. R. Sowle, Jesse Cole, J. L. Davis, Ida M. Monroe, H. M. Boton and M. S. Burdick. At the conclusion ofthe initia tion ceremonies, the following officers were elected : W. P., Rev. W. T. Millar; W. A., Mrs, F. P. Cole; R. S., M.J. Plumb; A. R. S., Mrs. Anna Millar; F. S.,A. M. Millar; T., Josie R. Sowle ; Chap., Rev. J. Fassett ; Con., Perry Millar ; A. C, Miss M. J. Fassett ; I. S., Miss Esther Fuller; 0. S., W. H. Coon ; P. W. P., William McEwen. The growth of the Division up to the present time has been a very rapid and very sure one, and it has done much to foster the growth of temperance principles in the minds of the young and old people who have come under the influence of its members. The following is a list of the present officers : W. P., M. J. Plumb ; W. A., Miss Minnie Eldredge; R. S., B. J. Curtis; A. R. S., Miss Ida Eldredge; F. S., V. H. Bacon; Treas., 684 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Miss C. A. Plumb ; Chap., T. Chapman ; Con., Miss Jessie Howe; A. C, Miss Eva Eldredge; I. S., C. M. Post ; 0. S., E. Campman ; P. W. P., H. B. Ward. CHURCHES. First Congregational Church. — On August 13, 1838, a meeting was held at the house of Mr. Ansel Dickinson, on Rock Prairie, near Mount Zion, wherein it was determined to organize a church of the above denomination. After the usual discussion incident to the formation of such an organization, the following persons signed the roll, thus constituting themselves the charter members : Ansel Dickinson and wife, Mrs. Lucille A. Nathan, Mrs. Sarah D. Stoors, Phineas and Mrs. Maria Arms, Aaron T. and Jason Walker. At the conclusion of the proceedings, which were presided over by the Rev. W. M. Adams, that gentleman administered the sacrament of the Last Supper, and. the meeting adjourned. Up to 1840, service was conducted in private houses ; but in the fall of that year, a church and parsonage were erected upon a lot of land located at the southwest corner of Section 36, the logs being contributed by the congregation, and the lumber for the sides, roof and interior decoration being brought from Waukesha County, thirty miles distant. It was 20x30 feet, and cost about $500, and was known as the First Congregational Church of Rock County. In the winter of 1845-46, it was removed to the site of the present church, and was sub sequently known as the First Congregational Church of Prairie du Lac (Prairie of the Lakes), which name it continued to bear until 1850, when it was again changed to that of the Milton First Congregational Church. In 1854, the congregation commenced the erection of the present church, upon a lot donated by Mr. Peter McEwen. It is of brick, with a stone basement 34x50 feet, and cost, when completed, in 1856, $2,600. On February 26, 1857, it was thrown open to the public, for the purposes for which it was intended, the Rev. Melzer M'. Montague preaching the dedica tory sermon, the final act of dedication being performed by the Rev. H. Foote, of Janesville. The living is worth $1,000 per annum, and the membership is about two hundred. The fol lowing is a list of the Pastors from the date of the organization of the Church to the present time : Rev. W. M. Adams, 1838-39; Rev. R. R. Snow, 1839-41; Rev. W. W. Thayer, 1842-43; Rev. E. W. Hewit, 1843-45 ; Rev. H. Foote, 1845-46; Rev. S. S. Bicknell, 1846-51 ; Rev. Alphia Warren, 1852-56 ; Rev. M. Montague, 1856-58 ; Rev. S. S. Bick nell, 1859: Rev. Beriah King," 1860-64 ; Rev. S. S. Bicknell, 1864: Rev. O. W. Smith, 1864-66 ; Rev. N. D. Graves, 1866-68 ; Revs. N. J. Goodhue, J. Bailey, H. Towle and S. W. Powell (supply), 1869 ; Revs. A. H. Pratt and J. C. Roger, 1870 ; Rev. L. P. Frost (one month, 1871; Revs. J. R. Swinton and L. C. Rogers (read sermons), 1871—72; Rev. J. S. Norris, 1873-74 ; Rev. John Fassett, 1874-76 ; Rev. A. L. P. Loomis, 1876-79. During the three months prior to the acceptance of a call by this latter gentleman, the pulpit was- filled by members of the congregation, by whom sermons were read. The first Trustees of the Church were : President, N. G. Stoors ; Secretary, J. H. Willis ton ; Treasurer, Joseph Spaulding ; Associates, A. Dickinson and Jason Walker. The present Trustees are : President, Rev. William Walker ; Secretary, J. C. Plumb ; Treasurer, John Alexander; Associates, D. B. Wood, David Smith and O. Fuller. The Church owns no property, except a parsonage, which was built in the summer of 1869, at a cost of $2,000. Methodist Church. — In the fall of 1846, the Milton M. E. Church was organized by the Rev. Matthew Bennett. The first members were the Rev. Abraham Bullis and wife, William P. Ind and wife, Jacob Bowers, Mrs. D. Soles, Miss C. C. Atherton and Rev. A. Warren, and wife. Services were held in private houses for some years, but in January, 1854, a meeting was held at the schoolhouse for the purpose of taking into consideration the advisableness of erecting a church. The immediate erection of such a building having been resolved upon, Messrs. Abram Bullis, William P. Ind, Jacob Bowers, Leander Hallock and Charles M. Drake were appointed MILTON HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 687 Trustees to take charge of matters and things appertaining to the work, Messrs. William McEwen, David Smith and David B. Wood constituting a Building Committee. At a subse quent meeting, held on August 20, 1855, Messrs. T. J. McComber, Joel Wood and David Welsh were added to the list of Trustees. The church, constructed of wood, with a stone basement and a seating capacity of 225 persons, was finished in 1854, at a cost of $1,500, the land upon which it was erected being presented by Mr. Peter McEwen. During its long existence, the Church has had a large membership, but of late years it has fallen off, until now it has but sixty-five members. The living, however, worth $750, per annum, is still as large as formerly. The following is a list of the Pastors from the date of the organization of the Church to the present day: 1846, • Rev. Matthew Bennett ; 1848, Rev. G. M.Walker; 1849, Rev. R. E. Thomas ; 1850, Rev. Levi M. Cochrane ; 1852, Rev. Hiriam Hervey ; 1853, Rev. Joseph Ander son ; 1855, Rev. Frederick Curtis; 1857, Rev. C. C. Mason; 1858, Rev. Robert Blackburn; 1859, Rev. Leander Hallock ; 1861, Rev. George A. Smith ; 1863, Rev. James Lavelle; 1864, Rev. E. D. Farnham ; 1866, Rev. A. A. Hoskins ; 1868, Rev. William C. Kelly ; 1869, Rev. A. Moore; 1870, S. C. Lamb; 1871, Rev. William H. Sampson; 1872, Rev. S. W. Coggeshall; 1873, Rev. G. D. Gaskill ; 1874 Rev. William T. Miller ; 1876, Rev. F. C. Haddock ; 1877, Rev. M. V. B. Bristol ; 1878, Rev. J. S. Eldridge. The present Trustees are Milton D. Walsh, N. V. Wilcox, William McEwen, R. Richard son, C. Perry, N. Reynolds, S. S. Obour and William P. Ind. In 1848, a parsonage was built, which was in use for a number of years, but finally became so dilapidated that the Pastor declined to live in it any longer, so it was "repudiated," and the present house and lot donated for that purpose by Mr. James Vincent, ,a member of the Church. Seventh-Day Baptists. — This sect, which has now a large representation in the village of Milton, held their first meeting, for the purpose of organizing a society, at the house of Mr. Henry Crandall, on November 6, 1840, and, on November 12, articles of faith and a constitu tion were adopted. There were then sixty members, who, for a long time, worshiped in the house of Mr. Crandall above mentioned. Subsequently, a change was made to the house of Mr. Joseph Goodrich, and again to the old academy, where their form of religious worship was indulged in every Sabbath until 1852, when the present church was built, at a cost of $3,000, upon two lots donated by Mr. Joseph Goodrich. The following is a list of the Pastors from 1841 to the present year : 1841-45 — Elder Stillman Coon ; 1846-47— Elder Zuriel Campbell ; 1847-50— Elder Varnum Hull ; 1850-56 —Elder William C. Whitford ; 1856-59— Elder O. P. Hull ; 1859-63— Elder D. E. Maxon ; 1871-74— Elder L. C. Rogers ; 1876-79— Elder Elston M. Dunn. The present number of communicants is 275, who, by their combined efforts, make up the $800 per annum at which the living is valued. In connection with the Church is a very good Sabbath school, ruled over at the present time by Mr. B. F. Tetsworth. THE FIRST SCHOOL. The first establishment of a scholastic nature in the neighborhood of Milton was taught in the log house of Mr. Henry B. Crandall, where his residence now stands, at Milton Junction, December, 1839. The scholars, some twenty in number, rendering obedience to Miss Olive Hall, a young lady who was employed for the purpose by Mr. Crandall, at the munificent salary of $6 per month, she boarding at his house and doing chores for her board. The following year, to wit, on September 24, 1840, Miss Hall quit teaching, and went to keeping house, the much-favored gentleman being Mr. James Pierce, whom she married on that date. The second school in the village was established in the summer of 1840, in the house of Mr. S. D. Butts, the teacher being Miss Martha Head. It lasted, however, only six weeks, and then closed. In the fall of that year, school districts were organized at Milton, Rock River, and in the Carr District, the teacher at the first-named place being Eneas C. Dickenson, who taught for about three months. The teachers at Rock River and Carr District being respectively Miss Esther A. Coon and Nathan S. Coon. See last page of book for letter of Ezra Goodrich, Esq. T 688 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. About 1867, the present magnificent structure was erected in the center of the public square, the site being the gift of Mr. E. Goodrich. MILTON JUNCTION. Notwithstanding the fact that the Prairie du Chien Railroad had for more than six years run its trains past what is now this populous little village, it was not until 1858, when the C. & N.-W. track became an established fact, that West Milton, as it was then called, began to show any signs of life. It is here that, as early as 1836, people, or more correctly speaking, one person, Mr. Stephen B. Butz by name, had been in that neighborhood, and that in the follow ing year he was followed by Mrs. Hannah Bower, the first white lady in the town, and subse quently by Mr. Henry Crandall, Elder Stillman and Coon in 1839 and 1841 respectively, but no attempt was made to form a village at that spot until the time indicated above. There was no necessity for it for one reason, as Old Milton was only a mile distant, and for another, if another were wanting, there was no inducement to build. THE SETTLEMENT. Upon the arrival of the iron road of the C. k N.-W. in 1858, as above stated, at what h now the Junction, Mr. G. W. Mathews erected on the present site of the Morgan House, a hotel, which he kept under the sign of the Mathews House, and which was the first house in what was subsequently the village of West Milton. It was a small one-story frame house, but served all the purposes for which it was intended. In 1861, Mr. William T. Morgan purchased his interest, and in the spring, he erected a magnificent eating-house and hotel combined, at a cost of $18,000. He controlled its workings until 1862, when his brother Thomas purchased an undivided half-interest in it, and together they kept it until December 24, 1 872, when it was burned to the ground. Nothing daunted, although they lost a large amount of property, they returned to the charge, and in the following year, erected the present fine building, which Mr. John C. Stetson controls, under the name of the Morgan House. LAYING OUT THE VILLAGE. In 1862, as Mr. William Morgan had a large vested interest in the place, he deemed it but right and 'proper that it should have "local habitation and a name," and, accordingly, with his brother, Mr. I. P. Morgan, purchased thirty-four acres of land from Mr. Silas H. Crandall, and had it surveyed and platted, that portion of the business being left in the hands of Mr. (now Professor) W. C. Whitford, who, in addition to numerous other accomplishments, possesses that of surveyor. J THE FIRST POST OFFICE. There being then a fairly large representation in the village, a meeting was held for the purpose of getting up a petition to the Government asking for the establishment of a post office. The petition was forwarded and the residents made happy by the fact of their petition being granted. An office was established, and Mr. John W. Wood, who, at that time, kept the only store in the village, was transformed into a Federal office-holder by the reception of a letter, appointing him Postmaster. He retained the office three years, being succeeded by Mrs. Frances Bullis, who was in charge one year. She gave way to Mr. J. Cassel, who kept it two years, and was in turn succeeded, in 1868, by Mr. C. F. Bulen. the present incumbent. He receives five mails, consisting of 100 pounds of matter per day, which he disposes of, however, in a satisfactory manner. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. As far back as 1840, a school was taught by a Miss Olive Hall in the log house then occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Butz, and, in 1842, a school building was erected near Mr. Henry Crandall's house, but its location did not please that gentleman, and he refused to give a deed to the land, giving as a reason that the children were too noisy, so they were forced to move, and put up a new building. That building was used until 1868, when, at a meeting held on HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 689 September 28, a committee, consisting of L. T. Rogers, C. Homes and C. W. Clark was appointed for the purpose of canvassing the village with a view to the establishment of a graded school. Apparently, the canvass was a success, for on October 12, the Board decided to raise $1,000 for the purpose of erecting a new schoolhouse, and, on January 13, at a meeting of the legal voters, the Board was instructed to purchase a site. The building was completed in the same year at a cost of $4,000. It is a frame building, 34x50 feet, and has ample accommoda tion for the number of little ones who throng its interior daily. In the light of a good example, and also for the purpose of rendering honor where honor is due, the following incident is well worth relating: " For a long period, unlike the way of the transgressor, which is popularly supposed to be hard, that of the little folks on their way to school was exceptionally soft, particularly in wet weather, and, as there were no funds available for expenditure on sidewalks, the little ones afore said, under the guidance of their indefatigable teacher, gave an entertainment in the building, which netted them a sum sufficient to construct a sidewalk over half a mile long. As an instance of what education will do, it is a very valuable one. The following is a list of the Principals since the transformation into a graded school : Daniel W. Burdick, Mrs. Sarah Anderson, Miss Lucinda Estelle, Miss Maggie Schenck, Mrs. Sarah Anderson, Mrs. H. C. Curtis, Mr. O. E. Larkin. The Assistants were Miss Carrie Saxe, Miss T. A. Hamilton, Miss Cora Holmes, Mrs. Harriette M. Wells, Mrs. Ursula W. Green, Mrs. C. L. Burdick, Mrs. M. Larkin, Miss Myrtie I. Larkin and Miss Maggie Mowat. CHURCHES. The Seventh-Day Baptist Church was organized on November 15, 1875, with about eighty members. In 1877, the society built their present church, at a cost, including land, of $4,000. It is of wood, 36x55 feet, and will seat about 400 persons. The present membership is 250, who make the living up to its worth of $600 per annum, The following is a list of the first Trustees, who were re-elected and are at present in office : Messrs. W. G. Hamilton, S. G. Burdick, C. S. Vincent, G. S. Larkin, James Pierce N and H. B. Crandall. The Pastor is the Rev. L. C. Rogers. The M. E. Church was organized in 1867, with twenty-five members, who, in the same year, erected the present church at a cost of $3,600. It is a large frame building, capable of seating 250 persons. The first Trustees were Messrs. Joel Wood, Michael Miso, S. C. Carr, R. J. Greenman, I. P. Morgan, Abraham Bullis, I. P. Bullis, S. A. Kennedy and G. T. Mackey. Among the present incumbents of that office are Messrs. Joel Wood, William James, M. Miso and J. S. Badger. The Church is and has ever been supplied by the minister of the same denom ination resident at Old Milton. SOCIETIES. The Seventh-Day Baptist Church Society was incorporated on November 6, 1869, the fol lowing being the first Trustees : L. T. Rogers, T. S. Larkin, Thomas Price, R. J. Greenman, Clark Needham and A. G. Burdick. The present Trustees are Messrs. L. T. Rogers, R. J. Greenman, C. W. Cornwall, B. F. Tetsworth and Henry Estee. There is another society of this denomination at Rock River Settlement, which owns a cem etery and a church. The former was laid out on land donated by Mr. G. N. Coon, and contains one acre and a quarter, the first Trustees being Thomas S. Rogers, James Pierce, Henry W. Green, George N. Coon, Lester J. Rogers and Christopher S. Vincent. The present Trustees are S. S. Pierce, P. H. Maxon, Calvin Hull, S. S. Green, L. T. Rogers and James T. Price. The church known as the Rock River Seventh-Day Baptist Church was organized on April 17, 1856, with sixty members. On June 1, following the organization of the church, Messrs. L. V. Cran dall, Asa C. Burdick and Lester T. Rogers were elected Deacons of the Church, Asa Burdick being chosen to fill the office of Clerk, which he did with much satisfaction until 1859, when he was succeeded by Benjamin F. Rogers, who held the office until 1861, when he gave place to L. T. Rogers, who has held the office until the present time. 690 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. Up to 1863, the members of the Church held their services in the schoolhouse, but in that year the Church and society erected the present handsome building at a cost of $2,000. It is 32x50 feet, and capable of seating about three hundred persons. It is located on the section line between Sections 7 and 8, on Rock River, near the foot of Lake Koshkonong. At the annual meeting of the Church, held in June, 1875, a committee was appointed to confer with the Seventh-Day Baptist Society at Milton, with a view of uniting with them in securing a Pastor to preach in both localities ; but nothing was ever done, for the reason that the Milton Society had decided to organize a Church at Milton Junction, and desired the Rock River Society to remove their meeting-house to that place. This the Society decided to do, but after the organization of a church at the Junction, some thirty of the members of the Rock River Society united with them, and helped them to build a church. The present membership of the Church is ninety-six, forty-five of whom are non-resident. The following is a list of the Pastors : 1856-59, Rev. Varnum Hull ; 1860-74, Rev. J. C. Rogers. During the year 1874, the Rev. Mr. Rogers, after his fourteen years continuous service, resigned, but has continued to preach "whenever his health would permit, until the present time. SECRET SOCIETIES. Milton Anti-Horse-Thief Association was organized March 8, 1860, with the following charter members : Joseph Goodrich, John Alexander, William Jones, M. W. Crumb, Milo Smith, A. W. Smith, L. T. Rogers, P. J. Macomber, John McCubbin, Perry Sweet, John Livingstone, Daniel Brundige, Phillip Margart, R. Killam, Nicholas Maloney, Albert Holmes and Alva Jones. The first officers were : William Janes, President ; John Alexander, Vice President; L. T. Rogers, Secretary; Joseph Goodrich, Treasurer. On March 13, 1862, there being then 140 members, the society re-organized in conformity with an act approved by the Legislature on April 11, 1861, authorizing the formation of such societies. It has now 100 members, and its officers are : President, J. G. Carr ; Secretary, L. T. Rogers, Treasurer, J. C, Carr. P. of H., Du Lac Grange, No. 12, was organized on March 7, 1873, with the follow ing charter members : Robert Stockman, H. W. Maxon, G. W. Dennett, R. C. Bond, H. H. Stockman, S. C. Carr, J. G. Carr, J. J. Dennett, C. H. Greenman, John Alexander, P. Mar gart, S. G. D. Butte, S. G. Bond, J. Weston, John Stockman, W. Crumb, Mr. E. M. Dennett, Mrs. Agnes Stockman, Miss Martha Stockman, Carrie Stockman, Elizabeth Stockman, Mrs. P. S. Carr, Mrs. T. B. Carr, Mrs. F. B. Bennett, Mrs. S. G. Bond and Mrs. S. C. Maxon. The first officers were: W. M., S. C. Carr; Overseer, John Stockman; Secretary, L. T. Rogers; Treasurer, Richard Bond. The present officers are: W. M., J. G. Carr; Overseer, J. J. Den nett ; Secretary, R. H. Stockman ; Treasurer, Milo Smith. I O. O. F., Milton Lodge, No. 65.— On January 19, 1871, Messrs. C. W. Green, E. S. Nye, A. D. Burdick, H. H. Johnson, A. W. Crane, G. E. Holmes, N. E. Maxon, Willis P. Clarke and a few others were granted a charter as members of this Lodge, and they forthwith elected the following officers : N. G., C. W. Green ; V. G., A. D. Burdick ; Secretary, Willis P. Clarke ; Treasurer, E. S. Nye. The Lodge has now a membership of about fifty, and is in a very flourishing condition, hav ing property, including cash, worth $700. The present officers are: P. G., N. E. Maxon; N. G., H. H.' Stockman ; V. G., Fred Brandt; Secretary, John Stockman; Treasurer, Joseph King. Sons of Temperance, Welcome Division, No. 102, was organized March 22, 1875, with the following charter members : Mrs. M. V. Waldron, Hannah Spence, Anna Nelson, Mary Nelson, Cora Holmes, Rev. J. A. Waldron, A. W. Maxon, George H. Butz, M. A. Cornwall, Henry Waldron, J. Wood and Henry Wood. The following is a list of the present officers : W. R., J. S. Badger; W. A., Miss R. H. Stockman; R. S., C. E. Badger; A. R. S., George Miso; T., R. H. Stockman; F. S., C. F. Lane; Ghaplain, Mrs. G., W. Barrett; Conductor, HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 691 John Stockman; A. C, Will J. Stockman; I. S. W. J. Stockman ; 0. S., G. W. Barrett; P. W. P., A. M. Miller. Ladies' Golden Star, I. of T., was organized June 5, 1878, with the following charter members and officers: Mrs. I. J. Greenman, Matron; Mrs. H. R. Hinkley, R. M.; Mrs. M. Hazard, L. M.; Mrs. George H. Button, Treasurer; Mrs. S. C. Button, Secretary, and Miss Maggie Mouat, C. S. The Lodge now comprises thirty-four members, who meet in Odd Fel lows' Hall, on the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. The present officers are the same as those with which the Lodge was organized, with the exception, of the office of Treasurer, Secretary and Corresponding Secretary, which are respectively filled by Mrs. Button, Mrs De Lancey Rogers and Mrs. Nettie Mullin. THE CEMETERY. The lot (one acre) upon which the quiet little city of the dead is located, was donated by Mr. Henry B. Crandall, and was placed under the control of Trustees on February 6, 1871. They were Stephen E. Butz, Lester F. Rogers, and A. S. Crandall. On April i5, 1872, it was enlarged by the addition of three- fourths of an acre, and the whole divided into 253 lots, 15x13. It is a handsome ground, naturally, and its beauty is much heightened by a row of evergreens planted on three sides, and a row of elms on the fourth, lt is also intersected with well-kept walks four feet in width, which add very, much to its neat appearance. The present trustees are S. D. Butz, I. P. Morgan and L. F. Rogers. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. In the year 1861, Mr. I. P. Bullis started a carriage factory in a blacksmith's shop 22x30 feet, but in the course of a few years was obliged to enlarge it to its present capacity of 30x68 feet. He now gives employment to four men, and turns out in the course of a year ninety carriages. Owing to the inducements held out by the residents of Milton Junction, who promised to give a lot and $250 in money to any person who would erect a planing-mill in the place, Mr. J. C. Rogers, in 1869, built the present structure, but in consequence of his taking into partner ship Mr. I. D. Tetsworth, whose only crime consisted in his having money, the $250 was never forthcoming. It was intended originally as a door, sash and blind factory, and the firm invested $1,500 in it, but the business not coming up to his expectations, Mr. Rogers sold out, in 1874, to I. D. Tetsworth k Co., who thereupon invested $20,000 in improvements, principal among which is a two-run feed mill, and turned it into a planing-mill. The firm, as at present constituted, con^ sists of Messrs. I. D. Tetsworth, B. F. Tetsworth, and G. S. Larkin, the latter a son-in-law of the old gentleman. „ „„„„„ 6 EXPRESS OFFICE. The first office in Milton was established at the old town in 1852, by the American Express Company, Mr. W. P. Morgan being the agent. He remained in charge until 1864, the greater portion of the time at Milton Junction, when Mr. A. O. Perkins assumed charge of it, and was succeeded by Mr. Charles Potter, who kept it until 1866, being in turn succeeded by Mr. H, R. Hinkley, the present incumbent, under whose administration the two companies, United States and American, do a joint business of $5,000 per annum. FULTON VILLAGE. Away off among the hills and in a sequestered nook on the banks of the Catfish Creek, called by courtesy a river, stands this little village of 150 souls. Its communication with the outside world is held by way of a good road to Edgerton, four miles distant, where it comes in connection with the iron road of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Railway. Its first introduction to civilization was made in 1846, when. Mr. Emanuel Corker arrived from Whitewater and erected a frame house upon the site now occupied by Mr. White, the pro prietor of the mill. While living there, and before he was disturbed in his solitude, he 692 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. commenced the erection of a grist-mill, the same which still, by the creaking of its wheel, reads to mankind the ever-to-be-remembered proverb, " The mill can never grind again with the water that is past." He was not permitted, however, to enjoy his seclusion long, for he was speedily joined by James Merwin, Edward Hyland, Nelson Coon, David L. Mills and Stiles Hakes, all of whom located in that neighborhood. About that time, also, came Mr. Henry M. Dickinson, who was destined to play an important part in the administration of affairs in the settlement, inasmuch as he, very soon after his arrival, opened the first store in the village. A.s the place had so soon attained to the dignity of a store, the propriety of opening a tavern impressed itself upon the minds of the residents, who thereupon aided and abetted Mr. Nelson Coon in the erection of a hotel, which was subsequently opened by Mr. Phillip Davault, under the sign of the " Fulton House," which name it still bears, although it is now under the proprietorship of Mr. Spencer Gove. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. With an increased population, came a desire for some of the comforts incidental to a gath ering together of old-time friends, principal among which was the wish to celebrate divine worship in a becoming manner. Accordingly, in 1851, the following persons assembled and organized a Church of the above denomination, viz. : Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. K. Wallen, Mrs. T. E. Green, Mr. Robert T. Powell, Mrs. Lucius H. Page and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Green. For some time, religious worship was held in the schoolhouse, the first ministers in the place being the Rev. Mr. Reese, a Baptist minister, and the Rev. Levi Schofield, a minister of the Presbyterian Church, who preached on alternate Sundays. This mode of keeping the Sabbath Day holy did not long continue, however, for, in the following year, the residents commenced the erection of the present brick church upon a lot, the property of Mr. Webster Pease, for which they had traded one, the gift of a Mr. Keep, a resident of New York City. It is a hand some little building, capable of seating two hundred persons, and, when finished, cost $3,000. The present membership is about one hundred and twenty persons. Following is a list of the ministers from the date of the organization to the present time : Rev. Francis Lawson, Rev. Robert Sewell, Rev. Franklin Sherrell, Rev. D. W. Comstock, Rev. Hanaford Fowle, Rev. Milton Wells and Rev. Oscar J. May, the present incumbent. The Church has now a membership of about one hundred and twenty -five members, and ia in a very prosperous condition. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. Down upon the banks of Catfish Creek, already mentioned, stands an unpretentious build ing which, as far as looks are concerned, might be anything but the creamery of Mr. James Clough, which has not only the honor of being the first if not the only one in Fulton Town ship, but has the additional honor of being the first in Rock County. It was established in 1857 by the present proprietor, who, in that year, turned out 38,000 pounds of butter, and, last year, made no less than 50,000 pounds and a similar number of pounds of cheese. The material necessary for the manufacture of such large quantities of butter and cheese is obtained from tbe farmers within a radius of from six to eight miles, and gives constant employment to six teamsters drawing it in. The arrangement of the interior is very systematic, and must have cost considerable time and skill in the carrying-out of the plans. There are two large milk- rooms, containing four wooden tables, with a ledge around them, upon which the cans of milk are placed. Around them is permitted to flow large quantities of water, which is pumped from the creek by a force- pump attached to a shaft driven by water-power. This has the effect of cooling the temperature of the milk, which, when ready, is placed in a large churn holding about fifty pounds, which is then set in motion by a large dash attached by a centrifugal wheel to the shaft before mentioned. HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. 893 A better idea of the magnitude of the business may be gained, perhaps, when it is stated that, last year, Mr. Clough paid out $700 per month for milk and wages — the latter to ten per sons. He has now about $2,000 invested in it, and is shipping his product to Boston, Phila delphia and New York, and expects, this fall, to send a quantity to Europe, a market with which he is not entirely unfamiliar, inasmuch as he has already sent large quantities of cheese there. He gives employment to ten persons. The grist-mill now owned by the Messrs. White Bros, was purchased by them some ten years ago. As before stated, it was built by Mr. Corker about 1846, and, after passing through numerous hands, was purchased by them for $15,500. It is now a four-run mill, with a capacity of fifty barrels per day. They ship to Buffalo, N. Y., and give employment to four men. The firm have about $20,000 invested, and are doing a very good business. THE FIRST SCHOOLHOUSE was established in a frame building erected in 1847, by Mr. David L. Mills, now a resident of Evansville, which remained in use until 1864, when the present brick building was erected at a cost of $3,400. The present Principal is Miss Etta Warner, who has dominion over forty-five of the little ones who give their attendance there. The first Sunday school was started in 1849, under the superintendency of Mr. Frank Sayre, who has retained charge of it ever since. He has an average attendance of about fifty scholars. THE CEMETERY was located in 1861, upon two acres of ground donated by Mr. Ephraim Sayre, who had it divided into lots. It is well taken care of by the residents of Fulton, and contains many handsome monuments. The present Trustees are Messrs. Fred Green and Frank Sayre. COOKSVILLE. in the town of Porter, was laid out in 1842, by Mr. John Cook, who purchased the west half of Section 6, and platted a few acres which he called by the above name. In the same year, he built a saw-mill on the Bad Fish Creek, and, in 1814, sold out to John Shepard, who forthwith commenced the erection of a grist-mill, which is still standing. It was completed in 1847, and, after numerous changes, passed into the hands of the present owners, Messrs. Rice & Barber. As at present constituted, it is a three-run mill, with a capacity of from thirty to forty barrels per day. In 1845, two years prior to its completion, a room in it was used as a meeting-house by the Free Baptist Society. The first store in the village was opened in 1845, by John D. Chambers, who did a thriv ing business. In the same year, the owner of the east half of Section 6 platted the ground on the east side of Main street, and laid out the village of Waucoma. The first post office was established in 1849, the mail being carried on horseback from Union, on the main stage-road from Janesville to Madison, the officer in charge being J. D. Chambers, who held it for a number of years^ when he was succeeded by John Collins. The present Postmaster is B. S. Hoxie — C. H. Woodbury, Assistant. One of the first doctors to settle in the place was a Swede, named Smedt, who was as much noted for his piety as for his profanity. Upon one occasion, he was engaged in sewing up the throat of a man named Buzzell, who had concluded not to remain longer in this vale of tears. The man being nearly unconscious, resisted somewhat, when the doctor asked, " What you cut your froat for, Bossell? do you know you go right straight to hell?" which was, to say the least of it, consoling. The Church has always been represented here. In 1847, the Methodists established a cir cuit preacher, and organized a class, and, about the year 1860, the Congregationalists organized a church, holding regular service in the commodious brick schoolhouse. This year, they conir menced the erection of a church edifice ; B. S. Hoxie, architect and builder. 694 HISTORY OF ROCK COUNTY. The village at present supports two stores, one grist-mill, two blacksmith-shops, one agri cultural implement shop, one tin-shop, and a cheese factory. The other buildings are a Masonic Hall and Good Templars' Hall, and a brick schoolhouse. The early settlers now remaining are Joseph K. P. Porter, J. D. Seaver, John Savage, Harrison Stebbens, Thomas Morgan, F. W. Seaver, J. T. Dow, B. S. Hoxie, Earle Woodbury and Hamilton Wells. Among the early settlers were also A. Wells, Allen Hoxie, Daniel Cook, Ahel Shepard and George Cook. INDIAN FORD. so called because, in 1836, Black Hawk and his braves forded the Catfish River on the site of what is now the village — owes its existence to a Mr. Guy Stoughton and his brother Clouden Stoughton, who obtained a charter of the water-power from the Government ; erected a dam there and built a mill, in 1843. Mr. Guy Stoughton, the gentleman to whom the credit of the latter work must be given, was the first bona-fide settler and claim-holder on the village plat, and erected the first house thereon. Mr. Silas Hurd and Mr. George E. Cowan were the first settlers in the neighborhood, Mr. Hurd selecting the site of his present farm one mile from the ford, in 1838. The first store and tavern in the village were kept in 1840, by a man named Ellett, in a portion of the building now occupied by Mr. Robert Johnson. The first school was opened about 1842, in a frame building, which was erected at a cost of $500, the money being all collected by subscription. The first Trustees were Messrs. James White and Silas Hurd. The present are Messrs. R. N. Johnson, Edwin Schofield and Silas Hurd. The present Principal is Mr. John Call. The manufacturing interests are represented by two grist-mills, each of which is a three-run mill, and does a small amount of business. The rest of the business is confined to a blacksmith -shop run by Mr. E. H. Rogers, and a store and saloon combined, run by a gentlemen known to his compatriots as "Bob " Johnson, who, how ever, is a very popular man, and has the respect and friendship of every one in that locality. JANES' SETTLEMENT. near Johnstown, derives its name from the settlement there, in 1842, of the Janes family. It at present consists of the residences of about a dozen families and a church, erected in 1861 by the Free Will Baptists, at a cost of about $2,000. It is a frame building, with a seating capac ity of about two hundred, but the present membership is not more than one hundred. OLD JOHNSTOWN. so called in contra distinction to Johnstown Center, is a village of about one hundred persons in the town of Johnstown. It owes its existence, in a great measure, to the presence of Messrs. Carter, Fletcher, Cammell and Hill, who settled on the location of the village about 1839, and built the first house. In the matter of religion, the people are not behindhand, as they have a very good frame church, erected by the Presbyterians some years ago. The business portion of the village consists of a blacksmith-shop, wagon-shop and a shoe maker's shop. JOHNSTOWN CENTER. Was first located in 1837, by Norman Smith, who made a claim on the present site of the village, on theproperty owned by Henry P. Johnson. The residents now number about one hundred and fifty persons, and appear very well to do. Among the institutions of the village is a fine frame church, built in 1847 for a Free Church, at a cost of about $2,000. The first minister was Elder Mills, who came and preached there about the time the church was finished, but the pastorate is vacant at present. The business portion of the village consists of two blacksmith-shops, two stores, a very good frame hotel — the Johnson House — a shoemaker's shop and a post office. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ABBREVIATIONS. Co Company or county dir * dealer W. V. A _ Wisconsin Volunteer Artillery W. V. C Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry W.V.I Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry P.O Pi *t Office S. or Sec Section at street CITY OF JANESVILLE. J. €r. AliDEN, grocer ; born in Union, Knox Co., Me., Maroh 1, 1819 ; was in grocery business in Bangor till 1846, then came to Janesville, where he continued in the same business. Married Alvitia Miller, of Bangor, in October, 1842 ; she was born in Wiscasset, Me. They have two children — Frank and Louise. Mr. Alden has been Coroner of Rock Co. ; Deputy Sheriff four years ; Supervisor of Rock, ten years, and Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, one term in Madison Legislature. JAMES M. AliDEN, brickmaker ; born in Claremont, N. H., Feb. 9, 1813. Married Cath erine Alden May 1, 1837 ; she was born Aug. 14, 1811. They have six children living — lost two ; those living are Albert, Edward, Levi, Emma, Mary and Rose, aged 41, 39, 37, 35, 29 and 28 years, respectively. Mr. Alden came to Janesville in the fall of 1845 ; he made the brick for the first church built in Janesville. E. C BAILEY, Superintendent of cotton-batting mills; came to Janesville March 17, 1875 ; was previously engaged in same business in North Adams, Mass., where he also manufactured carpet warp and wrapping twine. He was born in Williamstown, Mass., Nov. 11, 1845. Married Jane E. Tower March 13, 1845 ; she was born in the town of Petersburg, Rensselaer (Jo., N. Y., March, 1847. They have two children — Arthur E. and Walter R., aged 12 and 8 years, respectively. The family attend M. E. Church. Mr. Bailey belongs to the Odd Fellows, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and Sons of Temperance. JOSEPH BAKER (deceased), Janesville. The subject of this sketch was born at Concord, N. H., June 13, 1806 ; his father shortly afterward removed to Canada, and engaged in farming in that new and primitive country. Here the boy grew up to manhood, with no edncational advantages except such as the district schools of that time afforded, save, perhaps, one term at an academy. At the age of 21, he shouldered his pack and made his way back to New Hampshire. After hard work and many dis couragements, he returned again to Canada. In time, he studied theology with Rev. Joseph Ward, a Universalist minister, and was ordained at Stanstoad, L. C, Oct. 3, 1833, as a minister in the Northern Association of Universalists. He married Alzina Ward, a daughter of his preceptor, May 12, 1836 ; preached in Vermont, Canada, and different points in New York, coming to the village of Janesville in June,, 1850, from Glens Falls, N. Y. He was for ten years, or more, the Pastor of the Universalist Society in Janesville, the services being held in the old wooden Court House surmounting the hill, which primitive temple of justice was finally destroyed by an incendiary fire. In January, 1853, Mr. Baker enteredupon his dutiess aeditor of the Janesville Free Press, a paper published by an association of Free Democrats. By a notable coincidence, the first number of the sheet in question was issued on the day of the celebration of the first arrival of a train on the railroad, then the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad. He remained at the head of this paper until 1866, striking vigorous blows for human freedom, and against the exactions of the slave power. Afterward, he was editor ofthe Delavan Messenger, Albany Times and Janes ville Republican, from the sanctum of which last paper he went into the army, enlisting as a private in Co. E, 13th W. V. I., notwithstanding that his age, 55, exempted him. As a soldier, he did duty in the hospital department, caring for his sick comrades until his health gave way, and he was mustered out in 1863. J . l BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: the war, he was twice elected Justice ofthe Peace, in Janesville. He died Feb. 20, 1873, and his funeral services were conducted by the Odd Fellows, of which Order he had been many years a prominent mem ber. His remains rest in Oak Hill Cemetery. " After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well." Joseph Baker, in the language of his cotemporaries, was " a clergyman of unusual power, and a vig orous newspaper writer ; " "a man of ability and influence ; his integrity and moral character were never called in question." He was a self-made man, working his way up in the face of all the obstacles incident to pioneer life, such as we in this later day know nothing of, except by hearsay. His widow died in November, 1878. His son, C. W. Baker, is still a resident of Janesville. CAPT. C. W. BAKER, printer ; son of Rev. Joseph Baker, a Universalist clergyman, who edited the first Republican paper in Janesville ; Capt. B. was born in Cambridge, Vt., March 10, 1842 ; has followed the printing business more or less since 1853. Enlisted in 1861, in the 13th W. V. I., Co. B ; in 1862, was transferred to the 22d Wis. ; afterward promoted to Captain of Co. A, 14th U. S. C. I. ; served till April 26, 1866 ; about this time, was promoted to Brevet Major- of U. S. V. for distin guished gallantry at Decatur, Ala., and Nashville ; was taken prisoner March 5, 1863, and confined in Libby Prison until paroled ; belonged while in service to the Department of the Cumberland, and was through the various campaigns of this Division. Married Texanna Burgess on Christmas, 1865 ; she was born in Janesville March 14, 1845 ; they have had three children, one living — Nellie C, born June 2, 1877 ; Gage B. and Mary V. deceased. Mr. B. lived several years in Chattanooga after the close of the war ; was most of the time engaged in the newspaper business. He was commissioned first Captain of Janesville Veterans, but has recently resigned. JOSEPH P. BAKER, of the firm of Stearns & Baker, druggists ; was born in Philadel phia; came to Rock Co. with his parents in 1854, and is a son of John and Margaret Baker, now resi dents of Janesville ; Mr. J.. P. B. learned the drug business in the store of Andrew Palmer, of this city ; was with him nine years ; afterward for three years was a commercial traveler ; in October, 1878, formed a copartnership with Henry C. Stearns. Married Janet M. Galletly Oct. 23, 1874 ; she was born on Long Island, N. Y. ; have one daughter — Jennie M. GEORGE BARNES, flouring-mills ; came to Milwaukee in October, 1842 ; remained there till December, 1843, when he came to Janesville; engaged in business as contractor and builder till 1871, when he commenced his present business. Mr. B. served one term as Alderman of the Second Ward, two terms in Third Ward, serving in that position at the present time. Married Jane E. Allen in July, 1843 ; they have one daughter — Blary A., now the wife of C. W. Hobson, of Janesville. DR. E. J. BARROWS, born in Otsego Co., N. Y. ; he is a graduate of Williams College, N. Y., and the Buffalo Medical University ; for a short time previous to bis removal to Janesville, ne practiced in the N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum ; came to Janesville in 1850, and has been engaged in the practice of his profession ever since; he also carried on a drug business from 1853 to 1858. Has been Trustee of the Wisconsin Blind Institute, Clerk of the School Board, Director of the First National Bank ; was for several years Chairman of the Inspecting Committee of the Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane. JOHN M. BAUMAN, proprietor of saloon and bottler of beer, etc. ; born in Germany July 14, 1839; came to Watertown, Wis., in 1862 and to Janesville in 1863 j engaged in farming for two years, afterward for eight years was foreman of Rogers' (now Buobs') Brewery ; since then, he has been engaged in the saloon business, and, in 1878, added the bottling department. He is President of tbe Concordia Society, and has been connected with it since the first year of its organization ; be is also a member of the A. 0. U. W. Married Miss Hannah Stenge Sept. 25, 1868 ; she was born in Germany; they have four children— Augusta, born Aug. 5, 1869; George, July 30, 1871 ; Edward, Dec. 30, 1872; John, Dec. 2, 1875. ENSIGN H. BENNETT, capitalist ; born in Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y. ; removed_ from there to Janesville in June, 1844 ; engaged in general merchandise business in September, 1844, which he carried on until 1850; from then to .1854, was in dry-goods business exclusively. In 1852, he was elected President of the S. Wis. R. R. Co., and had control of the business of that Company for about two years ; since then he has devoted his attention to real estate and other investments. JOHN R. BENNETT, was born at Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., on the 1st day of Novem- ber, 1820 ; he was tbe second son and third child of Daniel Bennett and Deborah Leeds Bennett, whose maiden name was Spioer ; his father and mother were descended from English Puritan ancestors, who settled in the State of Connecticut about the year 1640. His father was born in the town of Stonington, in that State, on tbe 16th day of February, 1793, the fourth son of David Bennett and Rebecca Bennett, CITY OF JANESVILLE. 697" whose maiden name was Miner, and David was the son of Stephen and Mehitable Bennett. His mother was the daughter of William Spicer and Hannah Spicer, whose maiden name was Hannah Leeds, bein" the daughter of Gideon Leeds, of the city of Leeds, England. His father being a farmer in comfortable^ circumstances the son worked at home on the farm, attending the common district school until the fall of 1839, when he commenced attending the Black River Literary and Religious Institute, located at Water- town, N. Y., and prepared for teaching school, which he engaged iu that fall, and, from that time until the month of April, 1844, continued attending this school at Watertown, and teaching district and select schools; he then entered upon the study of law in the office of Western W. Wager, at Brownville, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., reading with him about six months. On tbe 28th day of November, 1844, at Houns field, Jefferson Co., N. Y., he was married to Miss Elsie L. Holloway, tbe daughter of Charles and Chloe Holloway, whose sweet and gentle influence lias ever tended to lead him in the proper and pleasant paths of life, and to be under the guidance of the better angel of his nature ; the purity of ber life, the wisdom of her counsel and tbe comfort of her society, are still continued to him by a beneficent Providence, and are the sources of his greatest happiness. In the month of April, 1845, he commenced reading law in the office of Dyre N. Burnham, of Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., and continued reading with him until the 8th day of May, 1848, when he was admitted to practice in all the courts of that State. On the 2d dav of October, 1848, he started for the West, reaching Janesville, Wis., Oct. 13, where he located and has since practiced his profession ; he has no children, but has adopted two sisters, Minnie and Kitty Parry, who have assumed bis name and have been with him now over twenty years, and are the light and joy of his home; they have been with him since they were respectively 4 and 2 years of age. Mr. Bennett's prac tice, which has gradually increased from its commencement at Janesville, is confined' mostly to Rock, Walworth, Jefferson and Green Cos. and the Supreme Court of the State. From 1863 to 1867, he held the office of District Attorney of Rock Co., and, in I860, was a delegate to the National Repub lican Convention, held at Chicago, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President ; without being a candidate, he was nominated, in 1875, by the Republican State Convention for Attorney General, but was- defeated with the rest of the ticket, with the exception of Harrison Ludington, the candidate for Governor. In religious belief he is a New Churchman, or Swedenborgian, as tbe members of this denomination are more frequently called ; they hold tbat the sacred Scriptures, unlike all human compositions, contain within the letter a spiritual sense as far above the literary sense in beauty, brightness and power, as the immortal soul excels tbe perishable body, in which it " groans in this life, being burdened ; " be counts it a fortunate circumstance that bis ancestors, so far as he has any knowledge of them, were deeply religious -r and for the pious instruction received from his parents, who now, he trusts, occupy tbe everlasting abodes of the blessed, he is under a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid. D. M. BOND, physician and surgeon ; born in West Virginia ; moved from there to Rock Co. in 1853; located at Johnstown Center, where he was engaged in practice until he came to Janesville in 1 877 ; he is a graduate of the University of Virginia and Chicago Medical College. He married Mary J. Swisher, daughter of Isaac Swisher, of Virginia ; they have three children — Florence V., Frank Lewis and Lilian M. WALTER BRITT, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Waterford Co., Ireland, eight miles from the city of Waterford, in 1832 ; came to America in 1856 ; lived in the Eastern States till 1859, when he moved to Wisconsin, locating in Janesville, Rock Co. ; owns 80 acres. Married Winifred Baldwin, born near the city of Limerick, County Clare, Ireland, in 1843 ; had two boys — Walter, born. May 7, 1862; Francis, July 4, 1870. Mr. Britt was formerly married to Mrs. Putnam Hudorly, of Pel ham, N. H., she bavins; one daughter by him — Elizabeth, who is now the wife of Mr. James O'Flaherty. F. HERMAN BUCHHOLZ, carriage-maker; born in April, 1839, in Germany; came to America in 1857, settled in Janesville, and engaged in present business. Married Dretlia Pussairj, Janu ary, 1863 ; she was born in Berlin, Germany, March, 1842 ; they have four children — Willie, Ida, George and Carl, aged 14, 12, 4 and 4 respectively, the last two being twins. Mr. B. is Past Master of United Workmen. AUSTIN E. BURPEE, lumber dealer; came to Janesville in 1854, engaged in business as- contractor and builder tiil 1864 ; for twelve years, he was U. S. Kcvenue Agent, having entire supervision of the revenue offices of Wisconsin, except a year and a half, which he spent in Louisima, in the revenue service ; after leaving Government employ, be was engaged in the manufacture of cotton batting, in Janes ville, until December, 1878; he was City Assessor in 1863; also served one year as Under Sheriff, and several years as Deputy U. S. Marshal. Mr. Burpee was born in Canada, of American parentage, but lived in Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y., from infancy until be came West. Married Miss Eliza Cha pin, of Edinburg, Saratoga Co., N. Y. H98 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: DR. A. P. BURRIS, physician and dentist ; bora in Kane Co., Penn., in 1825 ; came to Wisconsin in 1859, and to Rock Co. in 1862. Married to Mary Jones, in Portage Co., Ohio; they have two boys — A. J. Burris, aged 22 ; David Burris, aged 11 ; invented a steam engine to use in fillin<*. A. H. CALDWELL, florist; came to_Janesville in tbe fall of 1842, with his father-in-law in 1844, he purchased 80 acres on Sec. 3 north, of Range 12 ; was born in 1819, April 12, in the village of Roseland, near Edinburg, Scotland. Married Miss Helen Hislop, daughter of Robert and Janette Hislop, of Scotland; they have three children — Caroline O, Janette E. and Helen A. He went to Cali fornia in 1852, worked in the mines and also at his trade of bootmaking, at Downieville ; returned home in 1859 ; be now is in the greenhouse business, with headquarters at Janesville ; raises all kinds of plants and shrubbery ; is liberal in religion and politics. ALMERINE M. CARTER. The subject of the following sketch, descended from a long line of distinguished ancestors, all tillers of the soil, realizes in bis own life, perhaps as much as any other man now living, the fulfillment of the prophecy so beautifully paraphrased by Mrs. Hale, regarding those who cultivate the soil : " ' Go till the soil,' said God to man, ' Subdue the earth, it shall be thine ; ' How grand, how glorious was the plan ! How wise the law divine ! And none of Adam's race can draw A title, save beneath this law, To hold the world in trust ; Earth is the Lord's, and he hath sworn That ere Old Time has reached his bourn It shall reward the Just." Mr. Carter has spent nearly the whole of his active life as a farmer, and now enjoys that respect, confi dence and affection of bis fellow-citizens which a useful and upright life alone can permanently secure. He was born in Litchfield Co., Conn., Oct. 4, 1814, and is tbe son of Guy and Serepta (Marshall) Carter. of the same State ; tbe Carters claim descent from English ancestors who settled at Litchfield, Conn., about the year 1690 ; their descendants, who are now quite numerous, are found in most of the States of tbe Union, have generally been husbandmen, imbued with Puritanic principles, aud mostly connected with tbe old Presbyterian and Baptist Churches; bis grandfather, Adonijah Carter, a man of high moral char acter and sterling religious principles, died at Litchfield, Conn., in 1820, in the 79th year of his age; his father moved to the State of New York in 1815, and settled at Paris, Oneida Co., where he purchased a large farm, and followed the occupation of husbandry all his life ; in 1855, be removed to Johnstown, Wis., where he died in 1857 ; he was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and considerable local ' influence, and was for a number of years a Trustee of the Madison University of New York, a Baptist educational institute of some eminence ; the mother of our subject was a woman of most exemplary char acter, intelligent, hospitable and self-sacrificing, always studying the interests and welfare of those around her ; she was also noted as a musician and sweet singer, a quality which she transmitted to her posterity, and especially to our subject ; she died in 1855, leaving behind a memory fragrant with good deeds and holy precepts. Our subject was the eldest of a family of five children, three boys and two girls, and was named after his maternal grandfather, who was a wealthy merchant in Pennsylvania, and who lost his life at the burning of the theater in the city of Richmond, Va., in 1811, the Governor of Virginia and some forty or fifty others perishing in the same catastrophe ; he was educated at Hamilton Academy, N. Y., from which he graduated in 1832 ; determining to pursue the business of husbandry, he purchased a large farm in Oneida Co., N. Y., on which be remained until 1843, when, following the tide of empire, he removed to the Territory of Wisconsin and settled at Johnstown, Rock Co., which has since been his home ; he entered a farm of Government land, the deed to which was signed by President John Tyler, and in real earnest set about the business of taming the wilderness, which, under his strong hand, guided by his consummate skill and taste, has long since been made to "rejoice and blossom as the rose; " he was one of the most successful and dextrous farmers of tbe West. He was never ambitious for office, but, being a gentleman of more than ordinary capacity, of high education and refined manners, he ha9 been frequently selected by his fellow-citizens to fill positions of trust and honor, upon which he has always reflected the highest credit ; be was one of the first Commissioners of Rock Co., and has held various town offices and other positions from his fellow-citizens ; he was elected a member of the Constitu tional Convention of 1847-48, which framed the Constitution now in force in the State, serving on the committee of fifteen, of which the late Byron Kilbourn was Chairman (which mapped out the business for the various other committees, and was facetiously designated as the " breaking team "), being one of its CITY OF JANESVILLE. 699 most practical members ; he has recently written a history of that Convention, which is quite an elaborate and racy document, containing some finely drawn pen pictures of prominent members of that body ; Mr. Carter is the only one of six colleagues from Rock Co., now a resident of Wisconsin ; four are deceased, and one is a citizen of another State ; from the document referred to, we make the following extracts, which are mainly in the line of our work : " We were then a sparsely settled Territory, numbering only 210,000 souls; now we are a large and prosperous State. Then, Wisconsin was the ' Far West,' Minne sota was not known ; now, tbe western boundary of population, enterprise and wealth of the nation is the Pacific Ocean. Then, our people were poor ; now, there is great wealth among us. Then, no railroad had reached Lake Michigan ; now, the whole country is marked into squares by the iron band, and the steam-horse snorts in every locality. The Convention was composed of sixty-nine members, mostly young men, and men of energy, who had left luxurious homes in the East to seek fame and fortune in the West. They were proud of their adopted State, and bad met to frame a fundamental law, under which their children should live happily. There was earnestness and determination depicted upon each countenance as they took their respective seats. To trace the after career of some of these men may not be uninter esting. The President was Morgan L. Martin, who served in the Legislature of 1874. Two of the members have been Governors of tbe State — Harvey and Lewis ; while the Judiciary of the State has been largely and honorably represented by others ; Whiton graced the bench from the organization of the State until bis death ; Orsamus Cole first represented his district ably and well in Congress, and has, for the last nineteen years, done the State distinguished service upon tbe supreme bench ; Larrabee has been on the judicial bench, a member of Congress, and at present is a distinguished citizen of Oregon ; Gale has been upon the bench, and scarcely has there been a Legislature since in which one or more of them have not occupied seats ; twelve have left the State ; of these, Reed has been a Governor of Florida ; Reymert, a man of wealth in New York City ; Easterbrook is a prominent citizen of Nebraska, and all are occupying distinguished positions ; eighteen have died." Such is a brief extract from a document brimful of tbe most important historic matter, and destined to an honored place among tbe records of the State Historical Society. In 1868. just twenty years after the Constitution was framed, Mr. Carter was elected to the State Legislature, and served much of the session as Chairman of the House Committee on Corpo rations ; since then, he has declined all overtures to office, and has resided in ease and quietness at his home in Johnstown. He is a member of the Johnstown Fire Insurance Company. He has gone through tbe chairs ofthe Odd Fellows' fraternity, and is a member of the Granger organization, having been the presiding officer in his district since the Society was organized ; he has been for twenty-five years a mem ber and Secretary of the Society for tbe Suppression of Horse-stealing, an organization which has done more toward the abatement of this species of plunder than all the laws and law ofiicers of the State. In a word, Mr. Carter is an honest, truthful and capable man, both in public and in private life, ardently attached to those things which are true, good and just, hating oppression in all its forms, ever ready to rebuke meanness wherever it showed its bead. In politics, he is a consistent, intelligent and active Republican ; he ever held that all men should be unfettered in running the race of life, hence the system of human slavery ever found in him an honorable but unrelenting foe ; and when that accursed system organized a rebellion against our Government, too old himself to undergo the privations and hardships of camp life, he sent an only son to uphold and sustain the just cause of his country. But the crowning excellence of his character is his quiet, unostentatious religious life ; the sweetness and fragrance of his daily walk is a constant blessing to the community in which he resides, and when he shall be finally called to his long home, it shall be justly said of him, " mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace ; " he was one of the organizers of the Johnstown Congregational society in 1844, and has ever since led the psalmody in the congregation, being rarely absent from his post on the Sabbath ; he is, moreover, one of tbe most generous contributors to the support of tbe organization. He has been twice married; first, Sept. 26, 1836, in Goshen, Conn., to Miss Dolly A., daughter of Timothy Wadman, of that place ; she died in 1847, leaving two children surviving her, namely, Ellen, wife of E. ' L. Carter, a merchant in Mendota, 111., and Charles, who served his country throughout the late war, and is now a successful merchant in Johnstown ; Mr. Carter's second marriage was to Miss Sarah Wedge, daughter of Asa Wedge, of Warren, Conn.; she is the mother of one daughter— Frances W., a young lady of superior education and accomplishments, especially noted as a musician. The deceased Mrs. Car ter was a lady of rare beauty of person, of the most amiable temper and engaging manners, of high intellectual and social attainments, and an exemplary member of the Baptist Church, beloved and revered by all who knew her. J. B. CASSODAY, was born July 7, 1830, in Herkimer Co., N. Y.; in early childhood, he and his widowed mother went with her parents to what was then a sparsely settled portion of Tioga Co., 700 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Penn. ; for years, no district school was accessible, but work was an absolute necessity; as early as when lie was 8 years of age, he did much of the milling and trading for the neighborhood, on horseback ; when he was 12, be drove a span of horses during the season, and drew lumber to the railroad, a distant;; of about eleven miles ; occasionally, by some turn of fortune, he would get the privilege of working for his board and attending district school; at 16, be was enabled to attend tbe village school at Tioga for one term, and also one term of the academy in Wellsboro. About this time, he was induced to purchase a contract for a piece of land near Tioga, in order to secure a claim of $50. which had been given to him by his grandfather; the result was, tbat for five years he was engaged in tbe severest kind of manual labor. such as cutting, drawing and running logs, attending saw-mills, farming and clearing-up and improving his land. During this time, he taught school two winters, and spent his evenings and Sundays in studying ;such books and newspapers as he was able to obtain ; at the end of the five years, he had paid for his place, made it much more valuable, was out of debt and had >a small surplus, but his health was so impaired as to render it doubtful whether he could longer endure the severe strain of physical labor ; in seeking to recover from this condition, be naturally turned his attention to his books, and soon determined to resume the purpose which poverty had forced him to abandon five years previously ; he at first attended Union Academy, at Knoxville, Penn., and then Alfred Academy, in Allegany Co., N. Y., where he graduated, being equivalent to preparing for the Junior year in college ; during these years, he taught school two winters in Allegany Co., but, on selling his land, be was enabled to continue his duties without further interruption ; on leaving Alfred, he went to Michigan University, where he remained one year, taking a select course; during his school life, he kept up a constant and systematic course of reading, and was strict in bis attendance upon the lyceums, and generally engaged in the discussions and exercises ; on leaving Ann Arbor, he at once entered upon the study of the law, and spent the following year in Albany Law School and a law office at Wellsboro; in July, 1857, he came to Janesville, enterad the office of Judg ¦! Conger and pursued bis legal studies until November, 1858, when he became a member of the old firm of Bennett, Cassoday & Gibbs, which continued over seven years ; then be was alone for two years ; then, for five years, a member of the firm of Cassoday & Merrill, and since, of Cassoday & Carpenter. Mr. Cassoday has a natural admiration and reverence for the law, enjoys a sharp legal contest and always thoroughly examines every doubtful question, and as business crowded upon him from the first, and his practice covered -a wide range in some of the most intricate branches of the law, his professional career has been necessarily .marked by constant attention and severe study. In politics, he has been a Republican ever since tbe organ ization of the party ; as a boy, he warmly supported David Wilmot, who then represented the Tioga dis trict in Congress; his first speech in public was in favor of the Free-Soil party, in 1848 ; on the disap-' pearance of that party in Tioga, and on his becoming a voter, he acted with tbe Democrats, until the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, in the spring of 1854, when he openly repudiated both of the old parties, and favored the formation of a new party. On leaving the University, be delivered a Fourth of July ora tion to his old friends and neighbors," and soon after " stumped " the county for Fremont and Dayton. Since living in Janesville, he has been more or less active in every political campaign, beginning with 1858 ; in 1864, he was a delegate to the National Convention of Baltimore, and a member of the Assembly of 1865, and as such warmly supported the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution ofthe United States, taking advance ground on tbe status ofthe rebellious States, and substantially the same as Congress subse quently took in tbe work of reconstruction ; with these exceptions, and occasionally attending a political convention as a delegate, he declined all public positions, until be was elected to the Assembly of 1877, over which he was chosen to preside, without any opposition in his own party. He is a member of the Congregational Church, and believes that Christianity is an essential means of inward moral growth and progress in society and government, and he believes that all political aetion should be prompted and con trolled by the same broad, generous and unselfish purpose. He has a happy family, consisting of a wife and five children — four daughters and a son, and an aged mother, who, for many years, has been totally blind. LEVI CANNIFF, furniture dealer; born May 15, 1820, in Bellville, Ontario Co., Canada; was farming in Canada ; came to Janesville Oct. 30, 1867 ; worked at the carpenter's trade and in grocery business some time, and has been engaged in present busiuess during the past year. First wife was Bar- sheba Ruttan, whom he married July 20, 1843 ; she died May 20, 1866 ; had nine children by first wife, all living— T. C, J. A., Henrietta, C. J., L. B., H. G., Sarah Ann, Ellen A., William G. For second wife, married Widow Merrell. Both members of Third Street Methodist Episcopal Church. DANIEL F. CHAPIN, farmer, Sees. 13 and 14; P. O. Janesville ; owns 115 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre ; came, in 1838, to Rock Co. ; was, in 1876, Assessor of Janesville Township one term ; a native of Weathersfield, Windsor Co., Vt. ; born in 1821 . Married Miss Adelia L. Love, of Cook Town, Rock Co. ; children are Edwin L., Frank W., Gideon, all born in Rock Co.; Republican. CITY OF JANESVILLE. 701 HENRV CHAPIN, farmer, Sees. 13 and 14 ; P. 0. Janesville; owns 116J acres; values his land at $75 an acre ; general stock and grain-raising, lime and stone-dealer ; came to Rock Co. Sept. 3, 1838; was Treasurer of School District nine years. Born in Weathersfield, Vt., Windsor Co., July 19, 1827. Married Louisa Love, Jan. 1, 1858, at Beloit; she was born in Rochester, N. Y. ; have one child, Duet C. ; three children dead — Charles H., Lavella and Etta. Democrat. JAMES CHURCH, capitalist; born in Luzerne Co., Penn. ; came to Rock Township, Rock Co., Wis., in 1850 ; located on Section 28 ; remained there about twelve years, then came to Janesville, where be has since been engaged in loaning money, building and improving his property, etc. ; Mr. C. is the owner of the fine block of business buildings on W. Milwaukee street, west of River street, and also owns a farm of 200 acres on Sections 28 and 33, Rock Township ; during his residence in that township, he was Justice of the Peace four years and Supervisor two years ; since coming to Janesville he has held various positions ; first, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Assessor two years, and for the last six years has served as Alderman of his ward ; in 1878, was Democratic candidate for Assemblyman of his district. Married Sarah Van Antwerp in March, 1851 ; she was born in Ohio ; daughter of John Van Antwerp, (deceased), who was one of the early settlers of Rock Township. Five children — Harriet E., Cora, James Jr., Oliver P. and Elvira V. GEORGE W. CHITTENDEN, physician; was born in the town of Westmoreland, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 3, 1820 ; his father, Jared Chittenden, was an extensive farmer, and for many years Justice of the Peace ; be served in the Colonial army during the entire war of tbe Revo lution, as Sergeant of artillery, having enlisted in 1775 ; about 1790 he moved from Connecticut, bis native State, to Westmoreland, where he died in 1828. The mother of Dr. Chittenden was Asena Douglas, a descendant of the New London family of that name, whose ancestors are traced to William Douglas, who came from Scotland in 1640 ; her parents removed from Connecticut to Oneida Co. in 1790, when all Cen tral New York was a wilderness ; she was married to Jared Chittenden in 1804, and became the mother of six sons and four daughters ; she was a woman of rare Christian virtues, and her wise and noble life, aided by careful teaching, exerted a powerful influence in molding tbe character of her children ; she died in the Baptist faith, in 1851. George worked on the farm until be was 19 years of age, bis early educa tion, being at the district school, was as good as circumstances allowed ; having a decided literary taste, he at this age began an academic course, preparatory for college, and, with the exception of one winter spent in teaching a district school, continued until the fall of 1843, when he was fully prepared to enter col lege, but the limited means at his command compelled him to relinquish this cherished design ; be thfrefore entered upon a course of professional study, and graduated at Albany Medical College in Janu ary, 1846 ; in April, 1846, be went to Chicago, where he practiced a few months, during which time he devoted considerable attention, investigating the principles of the homoeopathic school of medicine ; in November, 1846, be settled in Janesville, Wis., where he. rapidly acquired an extensive practice; the following year he was elected Vice President of the Rock River Medical Association, embracing Wis consin and Northern Illinois, and in this capacity delivered the semi-annual essay ; on this occasion, he reviewed the various medical systems, urging upon the profession the duty of investigating all systems and adopting all truth ; about this time he commenced a series of practical tests, to settle in his own mind tbe truth or lallacy of the theory of homoeopathy, and its correlative minute doses, which investigation extended through several months, until he became fully convinced and felt constrained to adopt it in his practice ; at this time homoeopathy was but little known, had few patrons, and was relentlessly assailed by the allo pathic profession, hence to adopt it involved a conflict between duty and interest. He possessed largely the confidence of the allopathic profession, and through their co-operation had acquired a goodly reputation as a surgeon. Thus, to adopt the practice of this system was to invite ostracism from the medical Associa tion and alienation from the " regular." profession ; it included also, as a necessary consequence, a severe contest to overcome the prevailing ignorance of its merits, and the bitter prejudice intensified by opposi tion to establish its claim to public confidence. Notwithstanding this, the Doctor, feeling confident of its ultimate success, announced himself as a homoeopathic physician and labored zealously for its propagation. After an experience of nearly thirty years, his confidence in the wisdom of this change remains unshaken. As a means of more fully preparing himself for this practice, he attended a course of lectures in the win ter of 1849-50, at Philadelphia, and graduated in Maroh, 1850, at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. The Doctor has been a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy most of the time since 1857, and contributed valuable articles to medical journals ; he has performed several capital operations, among them being amputations at tbe hip joint and shoulder joint. Politically, Dr. Chitten den acts with the Republican party though being in no sense a politician, and ever avoiding anything like political preferment; his religious views are liberal and practical, and be has throughout his career 702 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: maintained a high reputation for strict honor and integrity. In his professional capacity, he is one ofthe oldest and best exponents of the science of homoeopathy in Southern Wisconsin, and is justly entitled to a prominent place among the best American physicians. Socially, he is highly esteemed, and in every relation of life he has well earned the sincere respect and perfect confidence of all good men.' In 1846, Dr. Chitten den was married to Charlotte A. Wellman, of New York Mills ; this estimable lady died at Janesville, May 31, 1847, leaving a young son who survived only four months ; Dec. 30, 1852, he was married to Miss Melissa J. Gillett, who was born in Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., April 8, 1822 ; ber parents, Isaac and Alma Gillett, came to that place from Columbia Co., N. Y., in 1801; she is a lady of a high order of intelligence, and greatly esteemed by all who know her for her sociability and cheerfulness ; she is con nected with the Episcopal Church ; they have living two estimable daughters, Charlotte and Melissa — one daughter, Marian, died, aged 20 months — also one son, George G. Chittenden, M. D., who graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., in February, 1879, and is a copartner with his father in the prac tice of bis chosen profession. ¦) JAMES CLARK, miller; born in Scotland; came to Canada in 1855; moved to Lockport, 111., where he remained one summer previous to coming to Janesville in 1857. Married Dorothy Airis, of Scotland, in November, 1863. They are members of the Presbyterian Church. MRS. JOHN CLARK ; was born in Stirlingshire, Scotland, April 30, 1841, and came to America in 1846, and lived in Rock Co.; her maiden name was Agnes More. She married Mr. John Clark Nov. 8, 1861. Mr. C. died September 11, 1869. Mrs. C. first lived in Bradford and came to Janesville in 1861, where she still lives. She has two children — Wm. J., born July 29, 1862, and E. Mary. May 27, 1864. Mrs. C. belongs to Presbyterian Church. PATRICK CLARK farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1823 ; came to America in 1851, staying in New York until coming to Wisconsin, in 1854 ; settled iu Rock Co. in 1859. W. CORLEW, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Rockingham, Windham Co., Vt., Nov. 21, 1812; came to Rock Co. July 8, 1846; bought ninety-five acres on Sec. 1. Married Miss Betsey L. Daggett, daughter of Henry Daggett, of Maine, January, 1849. He is a member of the Sons of Temperance ; liberal in religion and politics. Mr. C. was for five years engaged in hunting. HON. HARMON S. CONGER, Judge of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit; was born in Cortland Co., N. Y., where he read and practiced law until he came to Janesville, in 1855. While a resi dent of Cortland Co., he took a lively interest in political affairs, and, while pursuing his legal studies, he purchased the Cortland County Whig, which be edited with ability and earnestness for six years ; at the expiration of this period, the young editor sold it out and gave his entire time and energies to bis profes sion ; shortly after his admission to the bar, much to his surprise, he was nominated to Congress by the Whig Convention in 1 846 ; owing to the politipal complexion of the district, many believed that the nom- ination was only an empty honor, but, contrary to general expectation, Mr. Conger was elected to the XXXth Congress, and was re-elected in 1848, although his opponent was his old preceptor, and one of the ablest and most popular men in the district ; after serving two terms in Congress, he gave his undivided attention to his profession, allowing nothing to divert him from the pursuit of his life ; after twenty-five years' experience as an attorney, a ripe scholar, a well-trained lawyer, an honest man, he was elected Judge of this circuit in 1870 ; re-elected in 1876. Free from obnoxious partisanship as it is possible for a man to be, be has proved to be a most satisfactory and capable judicial officer. M. M. CONANT, grocer; born in Plainfield, Vt.. July 13, 1829 ; was engaged in grocery busi ness in Boston for a number of years ; came to Janesville in 1869, and has been in the same business ever since. Married Mary P. Kimball Nov. 8, 1856; she was born in Irasburg, Vt., June 5, 1834; they have four children — Alice M., Arthur H., Kate L., Clarence M., aged 22, 21, 18 and 15 years respect ively. Mr. C. was School Commissioner two years ; has also spent four years in California ; was one of the first Trustees of tbe city of Yrcka, Cal. During tbe war, was Quartermaster's Clerk under Gen. Pit- cairn, in the Army of the Potomac. CHARLES B. CONRAD, grocer ; born in Janesville Aug. 29, 1848 ; son of Charles H. Conrad, a native of Canada ; an early settler in Janesville, where he was engaged in business as a carpen ter and joiner ; built a large flouring-mill, where the post office now stands, and, for many years, carried on an extensive grocery business ; he died April 27, 1877. His widow, Harriet B. Conrad, is now a resident of Janesville. Charles H. Conrad held various important positions; was many times Alderman of the Third Ward ;. served several terms as County Supervisor, etc. J. F. COUSENS, foreman in card-room of Janesville Cotton Factory ; born in Brunswick, NT, Y., March 16, 1841. Married Sarah M. Wilson Feb. 15, 1871 ; she was born in Savoy, Mass., July 17, CITY OF JANESVILLE. 703 1845; they have two children — Addie K., born March 21, 1874, and an infant. Mr. C. enlisted Sept. 20, 1861, in Co. H, 27th Mass. V. I.; was mustered out in 1864; re-enlisted March 2, 1865, in 6th U. S. Veteran Volunteers, Co. F ; was in the battles of Roanoke Island and Newbern ; held office of Corporal. Mr. C. came to Janesville in 1875 ; was also in present business twenty years at North Adams, Mass. J. B. CROSBY, General Manager ofthe Harris Manufacturing Co.; came to Janesville in 1852 ; engaged in dry-goods business until the organization of the Rock County Bank in October, 1855, when be engaged in the banking business ; was the first Cashier of that institution until 1870, except . during the year of 1857 ; from 1870 to 1877, Mr. Crosby was a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; in 1877, he returned to Janesville and has given his attention to the manufacturing business since that time ; his father, Nathaniel Crosby, came to Janesville in 1850, built a large flouring-mill here and carried it on until his death in 1857. CORNELIUS S. DECKER, farmer, Sees. 6, 7, 8 ; P. O. Janesville; born in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1820 ; came to Wisconsin in 1864, and located on present homestead ; owns 880 acres, 650 under cultivation ; is one of the most extensive farmers and stock -raisers in the county. Married Miss Jane E. Ashby, daughter of John Ashby, of Orange Co., N. Y. ; had eight children — Jonathan, Anne, Francis (dead), Cornelius, William, Charles, Theodore and Andrew Keen. Mr. D. is Chairman Board of Supervisors ; his son, T. C. Decker, acts as manager for his father ; he was born in Orange Co. in 1851. JOHN P. DICKSON ; was born in Danville, Vt., April 18, 1808 ; in 1836, he decided to settle in the West, aud, in May of that year, left Vermont for Milwaukee, where he arrived a month later. After looking about for some time in search of a suitable location, he selected the site of Janes ville for his permanent residence, and, in August, 1838, entered about 200 acres of land ; part of this he laid out as a farm, and disposed of the remainder in various ways, selling portions of it and again adding other land as occasion served ; Mr. Dickson also acted as land agent for Eastern speculators, and gradually developed, in this manner, a business in real estate. Being one of the earliest settlers of the town, he became concerned in the conduct of its government; in 1842, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and, from that time, held the office for many years ; he has also held various other town offices; in 1859, be was elected to the Legislature and served two terms ; in political affairs he has attached himself to the Republican party and taken a most active interest in its career and management. Mr. Dickson is one of the representative men of the Northwest, an early settler and one who has identified himself closely with its progress ; be has successfully borne all tbe hardships and privations incident to such a life, and they have developed in him, as a natural result, both physical vigor and the sturdy moral and mental health which are secured by the constant practice of industry and thrift. On the 21st of November, 1832, Mr. Dickson was united in marriage to Lorinda, daughter of Mr. James Stevens, of Danville, Vt. EDWARD L. DIMOCK was born in Genesee Co., N. Y Oct. 13, 1819; son of Horatio and Teresa Maria Dimock, bqth natives of Tolland Co., Conn. ; the family is of Scotch descent, some five or six generations since ; the subject of this sketch lived in Genesee Co., N. Y., on a farm until the age of 13 ; in his 14th year, be went to Rochester and clerked for two years in a dry-goods store in tbat city ; he then removed to Batavia, N. Y., where be remained about ten years; then he went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he was engaged two years in a like capacity, and, having saved a little money, he resolved to push farther west; accordingly, in June, 1845, be removed to Janesville, Wis. ; he engaged in mercantile busi ness here and continued in it for six years, when he turned his attention to banking and continued in that business until September, 1857 ; in 1858, he turned his attention to the business of insurance, and is still conducting the business with success ; in the spring of 1854, be was elected Alderman of the Second Ward of the city of Janesville, end, in the spring of 1855, was elected Mayor, serving one term, and subsequently held other city offices ; he was for five years a director in the Milwaukee & Mississippi (now the O, M. & St. P.) Railroad Company; he was also a stockholder, and for four years, ending with 1861, lessee of the Janesville Gas Works, in connection with Timothy Jackman ; he was a charter mem ber and first Secretary of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee; he is a pub lic-spirited man, and being one of the early settlers of Jauesville, has taken a deep interest and contributed in no small degree to its growth and development; at tho twenty-fifth anniversary of his marriage, which was celebrated in 1876, a friend, who made the formal presentation of the gifts bestowed, said : " In the upbuilding of this beautiful little city of the prairie, it is not too much to say that you have done your full share ; and when its history is written, your name will ocpupy an honorable and conspicuous place upon its pages." Mr. Dimock was married, Oct. 30, 1851, to Miss Emma C. Hauks, daughter of Col. L. B. Hauks, for many years a prominent business man of Hartford, Conn. ; they have had five children, four of whom died in infancy, leaving an only daughter surviving — Mary Emma. 704 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: ELLIS DOTY (deceased), Janesville, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Lock- port, Niagara Co., N. Y., on the 6th day of September, 1838, and was therefore in the 34th year of his age at the time of bis death. In 1841, he came to Rock Co. and settled, with his father's family, in the town of Turtle. The family moved to Janesville in the spring of 1847, and the subject of this sketch remained a citizen of this city up to the time of his death. In the year 1854, Mr. Doty entered the office of Joseph Baker, then publisher of the Free Press, for the purpose of learning the printer's trade. He remained there until the consolidation of that paper with the Gazette, two years later, when he was thrown out of employment, and sought a situation in tbe northern part of the State. Returning a few months afterward, he became in some way connected with his brother, William Doty, in the publication of the Janesville Messenger. Afterward, he was employed by Holt, Bowen & Wilcox, then publishers of the Gazette, and was made foreman of their job office in 1861. Early in 1863, his connection with this establishment was severed, and be removed to La Fayette, Ind., there to engage in the publication of a newspaper. Remaining in that place but a short time, he returned to Janesville and opened a job printing office, afterward associating himself with Garret Veeder, of the present firm of Veeder & St. John, pub lishers of the Recorder. In 1865, bis failing health compelled him to retire from a business which he was eminently qualified to pursue with success, and he disposed of bis interest in the establishment to H. L. Devereux, now publisher of the Burlington Standard. During the summer of the year in which Mr. Doty abandoned the printing business, he entered into partnership with two of his brothers for the manu facture of tbe celebrated Doty washiug machine (the invention of his brother William), and to his energy is due much of the success which has attended the introduction of tbat household implement. During tbe following year, R. J. and Hamilton Richardson were taken into the firm, which was styled Doty Brothers & Richardson. A consolidation of this firm with the Badger State Manufacturing Company was effected in 1868, and the name changed to the Doty Manufacturing Company, which it still retains. Mr. Doty occupied the position of secretary of this company for three years, retiring as an officer in 1871, but still holding his financial interest in the concern. During the year 1870, be associated himself 'with Thor Judd in the manufacture of a gas machine, which bad been rendered valuable by-. improvements made upon it by Mr. Doty. This partnership was continued less than a year, Mr. Judd assuming the entire interest. Being at leisure after the expiration of his third year as Secretary of the Doty Company, Mr. Doty began to work upon an idea, which had originated in his own mind, for the improvement of rail road car axles. On the 1st of May the first model of his anti-friction axle was completed and a patent secured. An arrangement was effected whereby George Miltimore, of this city, secured a half-interest in the invention, and together they proceeded to introduce it into use. On tbe first day of July, the first trial of Mr. Doty's axle was made, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Road, and it was pronounced a success. Mr. Doty's inventive genius has thus removed one of the most expensive drawbacks to railroad ing, and it will, in time, as the Superintendent of the Burlington & Quincy road writes, " effect a com plete revolution in the manufacture of rolling stock for railroads." A stock company for the manufacture of the Doty axle was organized in October, 1873, with a capital of $500,000. The inventor had also perfected machines for the manufacture of this axle, which indicate, in a still greater degree than the con struction of the axle itself, the capacity of his mind for grasping and working out difficult mechanical problems. Mr. Doty died March 15, 1874, at a period in life when be was most useful to his fellow-men, and when the latent genius within bim had just begun to develop itself in practical form, and the rich ideas with which his comprehensive mind was stored had barely reached the confines of tbe mechanical arena where tbe true civilization of our race is secured by the continuous battling of American genius. Warm, earnest and constant in his affections, possessing also a character controlled by a high standard of integrity, he was, nevertheless, of so retiring and undemonstrative a disposition that only bis most inti mate friends appreciated his great worth. His intellectual powers were also of an unusual character. He was highly endowed with mechanical genius, and, in power of concentration and breadth of com prehension, either of principles or facts, in their relation to practical affairs, he had few superiors. Mr. Doty was married to Miss Olive Parker, of Janesville, Wis., April 16, 1862 ; they have one child — Arthur. HENRY A. DOTY, milling; born in Janesville; son of Ezra Philo Doty, who came to Turtle Township, Rock Co., in 1840, and to Janesville in 1845. E. P. Doty was engaged in the manu facture of sasb, doors and blinds till 1865, when that business was merged into the manufacture of the Doty Washing Machine, the business being carried on by Doty Bros, as a firm until 1868, when a consoli dation took place with the Badger State Manufacturing Company, under the corporate name of the Doty Manufacturing Company. Mr. E. P. Doty managed the business until the time of bis death, which occurred March 7, 1869. CITY OF JANESVILLE. 705 CHARLES DUTTON, grocer; born in Waterbury, Vt., May 18, 1841; came to Janesville in 1866. Married Nancy J. Thornton May 15, 1864; she was born in Moretown, Vt., March 28, 1844 ; they have one child— George A., born April 8, 1865. F. S. ELDRED, grocer; camo to' Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis., in 1842; engaged in farming there for thirteen years; in tbe spring of 1855, came to Janesville, where he was engaged in the lumber business until the fall of 1857 ; afterward a member of the firm of Eldred, Barrows & Lund, dealers in agricultural implements, seeds, etc., for one year; in 1858, be established a grocery business; associated with C. H. Conrad, under the firm title of Conrad & Eldred ; in six months, Conrad retired, and he car ried on the business until he took as a partner John H. Wingate for about eighteen months; after that, D. C. Wheeler was associated with him for two or three years ; the present firm of F. S. PMred & Co. is composed of F. S. Eldred, L. D. Jerome and Charles Trott. Mr. Eldred was connected with the old Central Bank, and has been connected with the First National Bank since its organization, of which he is Vice President ; Treasurer of Cotton Manufacturing Company. He has held various political and religious offices, having served as Alderman and Supervisor ; was also Justice of the Peace while a resident of Johnstown ; also President of tbe Pickle Company. Mr. Eldred is a native of Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Married Miss Sarah Wetmore June 18, 1843; she was born in Winfield. Herkimer Co., N. Y.; they have an adopted daughter. _ O. C. ELLIS, superintendent of Wisconsin Shoe Company ; Mr. Ellis has been in the shoe business fifteen years; was five years with the firm of Progree & Smith, of Detroit, as superintendent, and previously at New Haven, Mass. Mr. E. was born in Plymouth, N. H., March 26, 1839. Married Emily Wright May 16, 1861 ; she was born in Ashton, N. H., March 13, 1839 ; they have two children —Charles W., bom April 26, 1864, and E. S., born May 6, 1866. Mr. E. was educated at Northfield Seminary, N. H. They belong to tbe Episcopal Church. They came to Janesville in February, 1878. LARS ENGEBRETSON, of N. Hanson & Co., furniture manufacturers; born in Norway; came to Janesville in June, 1867, where he engaged in business as a cabinet maker until 1877, when he was admitted into partnership with tbe firm he is now connected with. Married Lena Edmundson in July, 1869 ; she is a native of Norway ; they have three children — Emil Alfred, Anna Louisa and an infant son. FRANK E. FELLOWS, proprietor of Janesville Business College and Institute of Pen manship, established in June, 1866, being the first institution of this character that was located here. The session opens Sept. 1, and continues to May 1, of each year. The school is conducted on the scholarship and partial-course plans. Full course entitles the pupil to all branches taught in the institution. Partial course comprises penmanship, English branches, higher mathematics, etc. In the theory department, all common English branches are taught. In the commercial department, commercial law and higher mathe matics, etc. The educational facilities of this establishment are unexcelled, and a most thorough course of instruction is imparted to the scholar, in whatever department he may enter. BYRON FIELDS, second foreman of the mill-room in cotton factory; born Nov. 14, 1857, in Maple Grove, South Adams, Mass. ; educated at North Adams Academy. Was in present business at Arnoldville, Mass., five years, also at North Adams two years. Mr. Fields came to Janesville in 1875, and has been connected with tbe cotton factory ever since. He is a member of the Odd Fellows' Lodge. D. E. FIFIELD, lumber dealer, Dillon and Janesville ; came to Bock Co. in 1856 ; son of Samuel and Abigail Fifield. Married, in 1852, MUs Harriet B. Gould, daughter of James and Rebecca Gould, of Northfield, Vt. ; tbey had seven children, three living — Eddie G., Hattie B. and Walter S. His wife died in 1873. In 1875, he married Mrs. C. B. Hunt, daughter of F. F. Blood, of Janesville. He is at present, and has been, very largely interested in pine lands in Wisconsin and Michigan. Was elected Alderman of the Third Ward in 1870, served four years. For the past ten years, has been Treasurer of the Horticultural Society ; also Trustee and Treasurer of the First Congregational Church. GILES FISHER, grocer; born in Wilkesbarre, Luzerne Co., Penn., April 24, 1824; was farming till 1858, when he moved to Rock Co. and engaged in general merchandise trade for nine years ; then came to Janesville in 1874, and established in grocery business. Married Caroline L. Thomas Jan. 11, 1848; she was born in Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Penn., April 23, 1824. JOSEPH FLAGLER, farmer, Sec. 12; P. 0. Janesville; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating on the land where he now lives ; owns 107 acres of land. A native of Monroe Co., Penn. ; born in 1838. Married, in 1861, Miss Cornelia A. Brown, daughter of H. Brown, of Janesville ; they have two children, a son and a daughter — Mary Emma, born May 24, 1863 ; John Melville, born July 4, 1865. Mr. Flagler is at present Clerk of School Board ; has been Pathmaster two terms. SYLVESTER FLAGLER, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Janesville; came to Wisconsin in 1845 ; located at Janesville, Rock Co., and carried on the grain and commission business there before removing to 706 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: his farm. Married, in 1873, Miss E Allen, of Jefferson Co., Wis. ; have two children — Lawrence, born in August. 1866 ; Paul, born in February, 1876. Mr. F. was born in Monroe Co., Perm., in 1843 ; is a, brother of Joseph Flagler. O. B. FORD was born in Bennington, Vt, Jan. 19, 1814. His father moved to Lewiston, N, Y., when Oliver was still in infancy; lived there until 1817, or 1818, then removed to Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. V.; remained there until he was 12 years of age; they then removed to Byron in the same county, where his father died. In 1830, Oliver was employed as a clerk in Bergen, where he remained about two years ; then he went to Phelps, Ontario Co., N Y,, and was engaged in like capacity there until 1840, when be commenced mercantile business for himself for about one year, under the firm name of Ford & Gilbert ; afterward, for a few years, tbe firm was Horton, Ford & Co. ; he was also largely engaged in real-estate operations in Western New York, for several years. In 1847, he came to Beloit, Wis., and for eighteen months he was interested in land speculations, and was the owner ot an undivided quarter. interest in the water-power at Beloit, which he sold to a gentleman of the name of Gordon, from Bangur, Me. ; remaining but a year and a half at Beloit, he then returned to Phelps, N. Y., and resumed his mer cantile pursuits, the firm for about three years being Ford & Horton ; afterward, he was associated with Geo. W. Swift and A. Brinkerhoff, in the same business, for a few years, and also alone for some time, In 1854, he came to Janesville, purchased tbe New England House, and conducted it foi1 about nine months ; he then built the Ford House, leased it most ofthe time, but sometimes carried it on himself for a year or two at a time ; at the same time, he was also carrying on a saw-mill, where Ford's mill now stands (Mr. Ford had acquired an interest in the water-power before his removal to Janesville). In 1859, commenced building Ford's flouring-mill ; it was completed and started the following year ; prior to this time, Mr. Ford bad run the Excelsior mill, this being the beginning of bis milling business. In 1868, he went to Aurora and carried on the Black Hawk and Montgomery mills for one year. About six years ago, he purchased the water-power and site of the Big Mill, and erected thereon the present improvements, con sisting of mill, post-office building, etc. ; be disposed of a portion of the water-power to tbe Janesville Cot ton Manufactory, of which company he was President for about two years. In 1873 or 1874, he pur chased at United States' sale, at Milwaukee, tbe interests of A. Hyatt Smith and wife in the water-power hero. Mr. Ford's first wife was Lucretia Sheckel ; she died in Phelps, N. Y., leaving two children, only dne now living — Mary N., who was born in Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y., and is the wife of B. F. Crossiit, of Janesville. Mr. Ford's present wife was Marietta F. Drake, a native of Rochester, N. Y. Two chil dren by this marriage, both residei ts of Janesville ; Oliver O, born in Beloit, Wis., and William F., born in Janesville, Wis. WILLARD S. FOLLANSBEE, farmer, Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Derry, Rockingham Co., N. H., in 1809 ; came to Wisconsin in 1849; purchased bis present homestead and settled, in 1851, where he has resided ever since. Married Miss Rebecca Dustin in 1831, a descendant of' the celebrated Mrs. Thomas Dustin, the Revolutionary heroine who killed nine Indians on the Concord River, at an early day. They have five children — Charles W., John W., George S., Willard R. and Elizabeth A. Mr. George S. Follansbee is the inventor of the " Follansbee double propeller pump," whose goods are sold from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. Mrs. W. S. Follansbee was born at Derry, Rock ingham Co., N. H. Mr. Follansbee is at present Director ofthe School Board ; is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. FREDERICK GARLT, farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Janesville; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating in Pierce Co. ; came to Rock Co. in 1866 ; bought his present homestead of eighty-five acres, in 1864. Married, in 1866, Miss Mary McGee, daughter of Thomas McGee, of Janesville Township.. Enlisted, September, 1861, in the 12th Wis. Inf.; served four years; mustered out July, 1865; joined regiment at Madison ; was through engagements at St. Joseph, West Fort, Fort Scott, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Riley ; then was sent back to Fort Leavenworth, then down the Mississippi River; sent from St. Louis to Columbus, from there to Memphis ; was at the siege of Vicksburg, Memphis and Atlanta ; also Hot Springs, Ark. School Board Director at present; Bepublican. GEORGE J. M. GLIEM ; born in Chicago Aug. 24, 1859 ; lived there till 5 years old, moving with his father to Janesville; located on present farm in 1878; cultivating about 161 acres ; is a carriage trimmer by trade ; raises stock extensively, especially fine breeds ; is owner of the celebrated Gold Dust, whose pedigree is as follows : Montgomery Gold Dust is the property of Dr. S. S. Judd, of Janesville; was purchased by him in the South when one year old; bred by T. W. Biandt, of Mont- gomcry, Mo.; foaled July, 1874; sired by Messenger Gold Dust; he by old Gold Dust; Montgomery's dam was Dolly Rowton, bred by Capt. Jordan, St. Louis Co., Mo.; Dolly Rowton was by Lou Rowton ; he by Waterloo ; be by Yorkshire ; he by Priam , Lou Rowton's dam was Kate Rowton, by Iraported, CITY OF JANESVILLE. 707 Rowton ; Dolly Rowton's dam was by Old St. Louis ; her grandam by Bertrand ; Messenger Gold Dust's dam was by Highland Messenger, and his grandam by Highland Messenger. THOMAS GRAHAM, proprietor of the Farmers' Hotel ; came to Janesville in the summer of 1853 ; he was engaged in farming in Janesville Township for two years; then lived in Porter Town ship, near Cooksville, two or three years ; since coming to this country, he has visited Europe four times — in 1856, when he remained but a short time; in 1857, he went there and remained till 1861, when he returned to Janesville and was employed in a grocery store; in tbe fall of 1866, he made his third trip, remaining but a few weeks; in the fall.of 1868, he engaged in the hotel business at his present location; in 1872, he visited Europe for the fourth time. JOHN GRIFFITH, an enterprising citizen and well-known merchant; reached Janesville in the spring of 1850; immediately upon his arrival, Mr. Griffith became an apprentice of R. J. Richardson to the trade of a tinsmith, which he completed, and, in 1862, ventured into business for himself; his success was most gratifying, and, 1863, he began business on his present site, which has grown into one of the most extensive hardware, house-furnishing goods, farming-implement supply depots in Wisconsin. G. M. HANCHETT, hardware merchant; born in Marshall, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1844 ; son of J. M. and Juliet Hanchett, who came to Janesville in the spring of 1853 and located ; they bad two children — son and daughter ; his father engaged in the lumber business, also was in the grain business and built an elevator ; G. M. was educated at Janesville High School ; commenced his business career with William J. Doolittle in 1864 ; remained three years ; in 1867, went to Cresco, Iowa, and started tbe hardware trade for himself; was successful ; sold out and returned to Janesville, in 1874, und opened his present business on the 15th of August, 1874. In September, 1866, married Miss Annie Spaulding, daughter of Mr. Joseph and Lydia Spaulding, who came to Janesville about 1835; they have had four children— Delia S., born Sept. 4, 1867 ; Fred M., July 14, 1870 ; Ella, July 9, 1872 ; Mary, Dec. 18, 1874. Wife is a member of and the family attend the Congregational Church. MAGNUS HANSON, furniture manufacturer; a native of Norway; came to Janesville in 1852, and has been engaged in the manufacturing business ever since ; commenced business for himself in 1855. Married Mary Larson, a native of Norway, July 18, 1850 ; they have nine children living — Bertha Maria, Henry, Carrie Louisa, Annie Margaretta, Thorwald, Martin, Charles Louis, Clara Christina and Hannah Elvina. Mr. Hanson is one of the leading business men of Janesville and has represented the First Ward in tbe Common Council of the city. E. G. HARLOW; born at Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Nov. 18, 1832. Married Miss Fannie Howe Aug. 1, 1854; she was born at Sackett's Harbor Blarch 1, 1835; they have six chil dren living, two sons and four daughters — Edward H. (a machinist, now in tbe employ' of tbe N.-W. R. R. Co. in Chicago), born Sept. 7, 1856; John C. (route agent in railroad mail service between Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien), born Sept. 1, 1858 ; Annis, born April 1. 1863 ; Susie, April 2, 1866 ; Nellie, born Jan. 25, 1868, and Theodora, bora July 25, 1870. Mr. E. G. Harlow is brother of Hon. George H. Harlow, Secretary of State of Illinois. Mr. E. G. came to Janesville in 1854, and was engaged in buying grain and produce till the war broke out, when he recruited seventy men from Janesville, and was commis sioned First Lieutenant of the 12th Wis. Bat., light artillery; was with Grant at Vicksburg; with Sher man in his famous march to the sea, and went on to Washington to the "grand review;" at the close of the war, was breveted Captain by the President on account of meritorious services rendered during the war ; was muster;d out in 1865. Mr. H. is a member and Vestryman of Trinity Episcopal Church. HARRIS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, A. P. Lovejoy, President; Isaac Farnsworth, Secretary; L. L. Robinson, Treasurer; J. B. Crosby, General Manager; S. C. Cobb, Super intendent. J. M. HASELTON, City Treasurer; born in Newbury, Orange Co., Vt. ; came to Janesville in 1846 ; clerk for J. B. Doe first year ; two years for Smith & (/larke ; one year for Wilson & Ullman; conducted the American House from 1854 to 1858 under the firm name of Haselton & Hudson; prior to this time, he was clerk in the Stevens House nearly two years ; after 1858, be was for a year or two con nected with the Hyatt House, a portion of the time as proprietor; engaged in stone quarrying a year or two; was proprietor of tbe Seymour House, of Oshkosh, from 1868 to 1869; was first elected City Treasurer in 1 874, and has held that office up to the present time by re-election ; in an early day, he held Various portions, such as Town Treasurer, Constable, etc. DENNIS HAYES, farmer, Section 16; P. O. Janesville; born in Hudson Co., N. Y., in 1855; oame to Wisconsin with his pirents in 1859, locating at Madison, Dane Co. ; purchased his partner ship with his brother in the present homestead from Mr. Doolittle in 1873; has eighty acres, all under 708 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: cultivation. His brother, Michael Hayes, was born in Hudson Co., N. Y., in 1853. Married Mis® Elizabeth Quinn, of Center Township, Rock Co. ; they raise corn, oats and stock. HEBER HELM, farmer, Section 15; P. 0. Janesville; came to Wisconsin in 1849; born in Oneida Co., N. Y., in March, 1845 ; came with his parents to this State when young; was educated and brought up here. Owns half-interest with his younger brother, Warren Helms, in eighty acres. Raises general crops, oats, corn, etc. R. HODGE, carriage-maker; born in East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Aug. 20, 1823; came to America in the spring of 1848, and spent two and a half years in Camden, N. Y. ; came to Janesville in tbe fall of 1850, and has been engaged in present business ever since. Married Ellen Smart in tbe fall of 1854 ; she was born in Scotland in 1831 ; they had eight children, six now living — John, Ellen, Nettie, Lizzie, Robert and Samuel, aged 24, 22, 19, 16, 10 and 7 years respectively. Mr. H. was a member ot the City Council one term. WILLIAM HODGE, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Janesville ; came to Wisconsin in 1850, then removed to Kentucky, living there one year ; returned to Wisconsin, locating on land he now occupies, sixty-four acres; was born in 1829, in Scotland, near city of Glasgow. Married, in 1855, Miss Mary Edgar, of Scotland ; she was born in 1831 ; have seven children, four boys and three girls — John, Will iam, Robert, Arthur, Ellen, Jannette and Mary. Presbyterians. S. HOLDREDGE, grocer ; born in Frankfurt, Herkimer Co., N. Y., May 28, 1828; clerked at Utica three years, and came to Rock Co., in 1851 ; in 1860, settled in Janesville, and engaged in the sash, door, blind and building business for three years ; built First Baptist and First Congregational Churches; was* of the firm of Nettle, Jackson & Holdredge ; was also in milling business three years, since wliich time, he has continued in the grocery trade ; began in bis present business in 1872. Married Mary R. Lee, of his native county, July 6, 1851; she was born Blarch 16, 1833; they had five children, three living — Blinnie J., Romaine C, Ada A., aged 21, 19 and 17 respectively. Miss Blinnic is a graduate of tbe Boston School of Oratory, and has recently been elected to the Chair of- Elocution- and Oratory in Lawrence University, Appleton. Wis. Mr. H. held the office of Township Treasurer from January, 1861, to January, 1867; was also Alderman from 1866 to 1868, and is one ofthe founders of the Court Street M. E. Church. DR. J. F. HULLIHIN, oculist; born near Wheeling, W. Va., located in Pittsburgh, Penn., for fifteen years ; he lias been a resident of Janesville, Wis., for the last nine years ; the Doctor is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, and has been engaged in practice for the past thirty years, and has made tbe cure of diseases of the eye a specialty for the last fifteen years. J. H. HUNTRESS, patentee and proprietor of the Huntress Harness Trace Buckle; born in Hancock, Addison Co., Vt., Sept. 22, 1844 ; came to Janesville in 1853 ; son of Gideon Huntress; he is a tinsmith by trade, and has been working at tbat business for several years, a portion of tbe time in Chicago ; also in Carlinville, 111. EDWARD M. HYZER, attorney; born in Janesville Dec. 10, 1854; educated in the High School and Classical Academy of the city; admitted to the bar Jan. 13, 1879. Mr. H. is a grand son of Wm. C. Chase (deceased), who came to Rock Co. in 1836; his father, Jacob B. Hyzer, a native of Pougbkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N. Y., came to Rock Co. in 1846. JAMES INGLE, farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. O. Janesville; born in England Blarch 30, 1819 ; came to America in 1852, locating at Rock Co. in 1857. Married Miss Jane Stokes in 1840, daughter of Robert Stokes, of Cambridgeshire, England ; have four children — Jane, Eliza, Emma and William. Blr, Ingle was Roadmaster in 1875. Is a member of the United Temple of Honor. Mr. Ingle enlisted in the 35th W. V. I., under ('apt. N. C. Miles, June 12, 1864 ; was wounded at Blorgan's Bend ; sent to Vicks burg; was discharged May 22, 1865. * H. II. JAQUITH, night foreman in card-room of cotton-mill ; born in Londonderry, Vt., July 25, 1840, and has worked in cotton-mills twenty years; was second overseer at Clinton, Blass., six years; was at Jonesville, Blich., two years, and came to Janesville in 1875, anl was soon after appointed foreman in present capacity. He married Blary Ann Farrell Aug. 11, 1877 ; she was born in New York City in Blay, 1850. Blr. J. was nine years in cotton factory in New Hampshire. DAVID JEFFRIS, proprietor of Jeffris House; born in Grayson Co., Ky., Aug. 6, 1821. Blarried Grace A. Blonat ; she was born in Scotland June 12, 1831 ; they have six children — Susie A., aged 26 ; T. BI., aged 24, is in tho grocery business in Janesville; W. S., has just graduated from Beloit College; Malcolm, David, Jr., and James, aged 16, 12 and 3 years. Blr. Jeffris came to Janesville in 1846, and has since been engaged in farming, lumber trade and banking. He is a member ofthe Congre gational Church ; ho has just erected a large throe-story building, 69Jx80 feet, to be used-as a hotel. CITY OF JANESVILLE. 709 REV. JENKIN L. JONES, Pastor of All Souls' Church ; was bom in Cardiganshire, South Wales, Nov. 14, 1843 ; son of Richard L. and Blary (Thomas) Jones ; bis parents were noted for their independence of thought in matters of politics and religion. Rev. Mr. Jones came to America with his parents in 1844, and settled in Jefferson Co., Wis. ; they remained here twelve years, then moved to Sauk Co., where they lived five years ; thence to Iowa Co., where tbe father still resides. In August, 1862, Mr. Jones, then in his 19th year, enlisted in the 6th W. B., L. A., and served in the Western army till close of the war ; was in all the battles through which this battery passed, among them Vicksburg, Corinth, Port Gibson and others; he graduated at the Theological School at Meadville, Penn., in 1870; there married Susan C. Barber ; she has been Secretary of the Wisconsin Unitarian Conference three years, and assisted ber husband in various ways in his general duties. Blr. J. first took charge of the Unitarian Church at Winnetka, 111., one year ; was State Missionary under the direction of the State Uni tarian Conference for one year, when he accepted a call to the pastorate of All Souls' Church at this place, which position he now holds. By special arrangement, Mr. J. spends one-fourth of his time in visiting various families of the faith in different States of the Union ; in 1873, he was elected Corresponding Sec retary of the Western Unitarian Conference ; for three years, he published a series of Sunday-school lessons, tbe first ever published in his denomination ; he has been Secretary of the Western Unitarian Sunday-School Society since its organization, and was mainly instrumental in instituting it, in 1873. He has two children — Mary Lloyd and Richard L. F. A. JIFKINS, proprietor of meat market; born in London, England, March 12, 1838; came to America in 1852; to Janesville in 1857; soon after, went to California; returned in 1877. Married Sarah N. Porter, of Toronto, Canada, Aug. 4, 1860 ; she was born Sept. 7, 1842. Blr. J, enlisted in Co. D, 13th Mich. V. I. ; was with Sherman on his march to the sea, and in several bard-fought battles, among them Bentonville and Mission Ridge ; was promoted from First Corporal to Second Ser geant, and finally to Orderly Sergeant, and was recommended for another promotion at close of war. Had nine children, six living — -William L., Henry A., Emma F., Fanny L., Edward and Clara A., the latter born in Santa Clara, Cal., two and a half years ago ; others aged 17, 15, 13, 9 and 4 years ; Charles E., Maud and Frederick A. are dead. JOHN JONES, farmer, Sec. 17; P. 0. Janesville; born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1825; came to America in 1845 ; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating at Center Township, Rock Co. Married Hannah Fitzpatrick in 1845, a native of County Cork; were married in Ireland; have six children — James, William, Ellen, Katie, Hannah and Eloisa. Members ofthe Roman Catholic Church. P. T. JOYCE, boiler-maker, N.-W. R. R. shops ; born in Limerick, Ireland, June 29, 1833 ; came to America in 1850. Married Margaret Welsh in August, 1863 ; she was born in Liverpool, England, in June, 1838. They have six children living — Mary Ann, Catharine Jane, Elizabeth, Blargaret, Agnes and Robert, aged 16, 14, 11, 9, 7 and 5 years, respectively. Blr. J. was in tbe employ of tbe Illinois Central R. R. Co. five years and one year for tbe N.-W. Co. in Chicago, and came to Janesville in 1864. He is the present Alderman of- the Fourth Ward. A. C. KENT, manufacturer of fanning mills, corn planters, clothes wringers, etc. ; came to Janesville in 1861. Enlisted in Co. E, 3d W. V. O, Nov. 6, 1861 ; was Lieutenant of that company and resigned June 13, 1863. For five years engaged in distilling and vinegar business; afterward, for five years in the wholesale and retail liquor business ; since then, manufacturing ; he was born in Canada Sept. 1, 1834 ; lived in Monroe Co., N. Y., several years ; in 1853, 1854 and 1855, was clerk in the International Hotel at Niagara Falls; came to Chicago in 1855, in tbe ticket office of tbe M. S. R. R., where he was employed two years ; in the spring of 1859, went to Colorado as a member of tbe Original Chicago Mining Co., which engaged in mining on what was then called Chicago Creek; in tbe fall, returned to Chicago; thence went to Canada, where be remained six months in the distillery business , then removed to St. Louis, where be was for a time engaged in the marble and slate business ; afterward, for a short time a resident of Lexington, Ky. ; then came to Wisconsin. Blarried Harriet N. Liddle Oct. 23, 1866 ; she was born in Belleville, Canada. J. B. LA GRANGE, ornamental, carriage and landscape painter; born in Burlington, Chittenden Co., Vt., Jan. 2, 1842. Married Anna N. Wemple Nov. 27, 1864; she was born in Johns town, N. Y., in February, 1841 ; they have three children — Norman Z., Anna Eliza and Roy, aged 14, 9 and 5 years respectively. Mr. B. was educated at Burlington Academy, Vermont ; came West in tbe spring of 1856, and settled near Emerald Grove, Rock Co. Blr. L. is Captain of Bower City Rifles of Janesville. F. S. LAWRENCE ; born in Weathersfield, Vt., Feb. 5, 1824 ; he came to Janesville July 4, 1844, and, after spending a day or two here, be went to Rutland, Dane Co., bought a farm and 710 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: remained there till 1852, when he returned to Janesville as a permanent resident; he was employed as book-keeper for a year or two ; afterward, in the mercantile business till 1859 ; from 1860 to 1864, was clerk in the office of Secretary of1 State ; was for one year teller in the Rock County Bank ; was a year or two in the insurance business. In 1868, was appointed City Treasurer ; elected to the same office in 1869 ; re-elected in 1870, 1871, 1872 and 187-3 ; was also Alderman of the Fourth Ward for 1855, of the First Ward for 1877 ; member of the Council when the first fire company was organized ; was the first foreman of the fire company ; Deputy County Treasurer in 1849 ; Deputy City Clerk in 1853 ; Sec retary of the Wisconsin State Hospital for the Insane from 1861 to 1870 ; Trustee of it from 1864 to 1870 ; Secretary of Rock County Agricultural Society for 1877 and 1878. Married Hannah BI. Fuller March 18, 1846; she was born in Litchfield Co., Conn.; is a daughter of Benjamin Fuller, who located in Rutland, Dane Co., Wis., in 1844, and was a member of the First Constitutional Convention ; he died in 1850 ; Mr. L. has two children — Herbert J. and Ella E., now Mrs. H. A. Tenney, of Fremont, Neb. Mr. and Blrs. L. are members of the Presbyterian Church. GEORGE W. LAWRENCE, retired clergyman ; son of William Lawrence ; came to Rock Co. and purchased claims near Beloit in fall of 1836. The family all came out in 1838, and settled in Beloit. Another brother, Clark, purchased land on Turtle Creek. The father died about fourteen years ago. Blr. '-George Lawrence has lived in Janesville since Christmas, 1847. Commenced preaching in 1843 ; is of the Universalist faith; was educated at Franklin Academy; was born Sept. 25, 1816. Blar- ried Maria D. Moore in July, 1845 ; she was born in England in February, 1812 ; they have two sons — William BI., born in Aurora, July 13, 1846, and- Edward E., born April 14, 1848. William is. Principal of the Plankington School, Milwaukee ; be graduated at Tufft's College, Boston, in 1873. Went into the army in 1863, and was mustered out in July, 1865 ; belonged to Co. BI, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry. Edward was four years in American Express office, Milwaukee, and is now in the cattle business in Southwestern Kansas. Mr. George Lawrence organized a church in Aurora in 1844, and next came to Janesville in 1847 ; he has been connected with the School Board for several years ; taught the first winter school in Janesville, and was for a time Superintendent of township and village schools. HON. WILLIAM A. LAWRENCE, capitalist and manufacturer; came to Janesville in October, 1844 ; was employed for a few months as clerk, then engaged in general mercantile business; first associated in partnership with Richard Stoughton; this was dissolved, and, in 1847, a new partnership was formed, composed of William A. Lawrence, E. H. Strong and Volney Atwood, under tho firm name of Lawrence, Strong & Co., which existed until 1855. since which time Blessrs. Lawrence & Atwood have -carried on continuously the hardware business. In 1858, they enlarged tbeir business by adding coal, wood, lime, cement, etc., to the already extensive trade. Blr. Lawrence was Town Clerk, of Janesville, when it embraced several townships. He was elected County Treasurer in 1847, and served three years consecutively in that office, afterward one year as Deputy Treasurer. In 1851, be was elected Assembly man ; in 1858, was elected Mayor; in 1862, elected to tbe State Senate; in 1864, re-elected as a member of that body, and was chairman of the Joint Committee on Finance. He was cashier of the State Bank when organized in 1855 ; he was also Secretary and Director of the Rock River Valley R. W. Co. He has been prominently connected with the various banking, manufacturing and other enterprises tending to advance the interests of Janesville. He is President of the Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Co. ; Presi dent of the Wisconsin Shoe Co., and he and Mr. Atwood carry on the extensive woolen mills known as the Wheeler Mills. THOMAS LEECH, dry-goods merchant ; born in Kilfeacb, Queen's Co., Ireland, May 5, 1832, being the son of Blichael and Margaret (Breen) Leech ; came to America Feb. 22, 1849, to Wis consin in 1850, 1851 and 1852 in Milwaukee ; eight years in tbe mercantile establishment of BlcKee at Janesville ; eighteen years established in business for himself, and located opposite his present store until April, 1879. Married Elizabeth Sbeehan in Janesville, May 31, 1863; they have five children living— John K. born Aug. 7, 1864 ; Monica M., bora June 17, 1866 ; Ita BI., April 27, 1868 ; Thomas A., June 17, 1871 ; Frances O, July 9, 1874; lost one daughter — Caroline Frances, who died tbe day of her birth, March 9, 1873. Mrs. L. is a daughter of Blatthew and Caroline Leister, and was born in N. S., Sept. 24, 1836 ; they are members of the R. C. Church. JENISON A. LELAND, business manager of woolen mills; born in Springfield, Windsor Co., Vt., in June, 1821 ; was engaged in the mercantile and shipping business in New York City, from 1840 to 1869; came to Janesville in 1876. Mr. L. married present wife in Rockford, in 1876; her maiden name was Eliza P. Smith; she was bom in Salem, Mass., in 1831. Blembers of First Baptist Church, of which Mr. L. is a Trustee. Blr. L. has two sons by former wife — Alexander J., born April 2, !855, and Frederick A., born Jan. 7, 1859. Alexander is now chief mailing clerk in Rockford Post tyttySBBa £-Z0%i 62Falt>mJiyY CITY OF JANESVILLE. 713 Office. Frederick is cashier and book-keeper in the house of A. G. Spalding & Bro., Chicago ; both born in Brooklyn, N. Y. W. H. LEONARD, junior editor of the daily and weekly Recorder, of Janesville, Wis., was born January 3, 1845, in Harrodsburg, Monroe Co., Ind.; resided in Green Co.. Wis., on a farm from 1848 to 1857 ; from there, moved to Charles City, Iowa, where, at the age of 17 years, he began bis career at the printing business, serving an apprenticeship of three years in tb>e office of the Intelligencer, owned and managed by Hon. A. B. F. Hildreth ; two years more were spent in the printing establish ments of Chicago, perfecting his trade ; returning to Charles City, he renewed his labors in the Intelli gencer office, of which he afterward became a half-owner, in partnership with one of the present owners of that paper, Maj. E. B. Dyke. On July 7, 1872, was married to Miss Ella L. Colton, of Charles City. Disposed of bis interest in the printing business there, and, in the spring of 1873, came to Janesville to reside. On the 1st of July following, purchased a half-interest in the Recorder printing office, being allied with that establishment ever since. Has a wife and two daughters, tbe eldest daughter, Maud, being born June 10, 1874; the youngest, June 8, 1879. DR. E. E. LOOMIS, physician and surgeon; born in Oneida, Westmoreland Co., N. Y.; came to Neenah, Wis., in 1849 ; removed to Fbnd du Lac Co. about two years later ; came to Janesville Jan. 12, 1869 ; read medicine with Dr. Henry Palmer, of this city, and graduated from the Chicago Medical College, of the Class of '73 ; engaged in practice here ever since. The Doctor is a member of the State Medical Society, and Physician to the State Institute of the Blind. Married Miss Etta E, Boyce, of Janesville, Nov. 12, 1873. ALLEN P. LOVEJOY was born at Wayne, Me., March 21, 1825, and is the son of Nathan Lovejoy, a pioneer .of that State. The family is of English Puritan origin, and has produced some of the most noted men in American history. The distinguished Elijah and Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois, were of the same lineage, and educated in tbe same academy with our subject, who received his education in tbe Wesleyan Seminary of Readfield, Ble. He was raised on a farm and early imbued with habits of industry and self-reliance, which have been among the leading characteristics of his life. At tbe age of 18, he taught a public school in his native State, and, in the year following, was apprenticed to learn the carpenter and builder's trade, at which he subsequently worked in Maine for some years, but the larger possibilities of the undeveloped country of tbe great Northwest induced bim, in 1850, to break loose from his Eastern home, and come to tbe promising State of Wisconsin. At the age of 25 years, he landed in Janesville with a very small stock of this world's goods, having made the journey from Milwaukee to Janesville on foot. For nine years after his arrival, he was engaged in building, and being a superior mechanic, as well as a man of stem integrity and high business qualifications, his success was in proportion to his merits. In 1859, he added to his business a lumber-yard, which proved so successful, that be resolved to dis continue building, and devote himself exclusively to the sale of lumber, in 1863, 1870, 1874 ; since then, he has enlarged his business, until be is the head of several extensive lumber firms in this State, and is largely 'engaged in the lumbering business of Northern Wisconsin, having purchased about twenty-five thousand acres of valuable pine land there. He is also connected with various other industries and enterprises in Janesville. He is a large stockholder in the Harris . Manufacturing Company, of which be was elected a Director, in 1870, and President, in 1875, which position he now holds. Blr. Lovejoy now represents this district in the State Legislature, having been elected by a flattering majority, in 1878. ALEXANDER McALPIN, harness-maker; bom in Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y., Aug. 22, 1842 ; came to Beloit in 1 850 ; attended Beloit High School ; settled in Janesville thirteen years ago, and has been in present business seven years at this place. Married Ellen Lawler Oct. 6, 1865 ; she was born Sept. 13, 1842. Mr. McAlpin enlisted March 12, 1862, in Battery M., 2d 111. Light Artillery, and was mustered out June 26, 1865; was in the battles of Knoxville, Blue Springs, Greeneville, Harper's Ferry and Rogersville; was 2d Sergeant in Battery; is a Republican. REV. T. W. MAC LEAN, Rector of Trinity Church ; born in Cheshire, England, March 6, 1848; came to America in 1854; graduated at Racine College, in 1871, and at Nashotah Theological Seminary, in 1874 ; was ordained at Indianapolis same year, and immediately took the position as assistant minister of St. Paul's Cathedral, at Indianapolis, serving in this capacity one year and a half, then had charge of the Missions at Lawrenceburg and Aurora, Ind., and built the church at Aurora ; came to Janes ville July, 1878, where he now presides, in charge of Trinity Episcopal Church. Married Fannie Apple- tou, September, 1877 ; she was born in San Jose, Cal., in 1856. DR. GEORGE H. McCAUSEY, Janesville ; was born in Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Aug. 28, 1843, his parents being Charles and Mary (Watts) McCausey; his father was descended 714 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: from Scotch ancestors, who were among the first settlers of New York City, and was a man possessed of forethought, sagacity and a stern persistence ; his mother was possessed of exquisite tastes, being an enthu siastic lover of the fine arts and an incessant reader, and showed more than ordinary interest in tbe educa tion of her son ; she kept him in some of tbe best institutions of learning in New York State until her death, which occurred in 1860, when his studies were temporarily interrupted; he had been an ardent student of different branches of natural science, having a special partiality for the study of chemistry and the modern languages, bis early intention being to prepare himself for teaching; the next four years of his life, however, were devoted to farm labor, which was contrary to his natural tastes, accordingly, at the age of 21 years, being free to follow his inclinations, he bid farewell to the home of his youth, and entered upon the study of the profession of which he is now one of tbe foremost members ; his education in the art of dentistry extending over a period of nearly nine years, was thorough and complete ; he removed to Janesville in the fall of 1872 with small means, but full of youthful vigor he procured an office and com menced work ; he soon made numerous friends, and established a profitable business ; now, after seven years effort, he finds himself enjoying a lucrative practice, with the growing respect and esteem of a constantly widening circle of friends and patrons. He is a member of the Janesville Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. ; Western Star Lodge, No. 14, A., F. & A. BI. ; Memorial Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 318; Wisconsin Lodge, I. O. 0. F., No. 14, and a member of the Crystal Temple of Honor, No. 32, an advanced temper ance organization ; he is also incumbent of the chair of Junior Warden of Western Star Lodge, A., F. & A. M. On the 25th of June, 1872, he married Bliss Entelle A. Reynolds at Auburn, N. Y., she being a native of Lowell, Blass. ; he resided at Auburn, being connected with the office of Dr. G. W. Tripp (one of tbe most prominent dentists of Central New York) prior to removing to Janesville in the autumn of that year. H. D. McKINNEY, born in Tolland Co., Conn., Blarch 1, 1833, but lived till his 19th year in Springfield, Blass.; then went to New York City and spent nine years in mercantile business; from 1861 to 1865, was general contractor for the Government; among the large contracts, Mr. McKinney delivered to the United States Government Post at Nashville 56,000 cords of wood in the brief space of twenty-one months. He married Laura Irwin in January, 1864 ; she was born at Nashville in 1843 ; they have three children — Harry, Maude Irwin and Laura Theresa, aged 14, 12 and 10 years. Blr. M. came to Janesville in 1867, and was soon after elected Alderman, in which office he served two years. He is a Blason, and also a member of the Royal Arcanum. CAPT. WILLIAM MACLOON, real estate; born in town of Batb, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Province of Blaine, Nov. 20, 1807; son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Macloon; came to Rock Co. from Boston, in 1845, and settled at Janesville, after having sailed the ocean as master of many vessels for years in general freighting business between Boston, the South of Europe and the West Indies, also in the cotton trade from New Orleans to Buenos Ayres, Cape of Good Hope, SoldinaBay, Bahia, St. Thomas, and back to Boston ; on bis last trip on tbe Atlantic be lost tbe bark Juan, on the south side of Cuba, from Blontego Bay bound to Fagua to fill up for Bremen — (on tbe coral reefs); he was part owner; he made a purchase of a saw mill situated on Rock River, at Janesville, and continued there till 1853; built bis present residence in 1846, the first substantial frame bouse west of the river, and no doubt it was built after tbe ship-builders' style, to stand the gales, and weather the storms of aa:es ; there is not a crack or a rent in it ; in 1853 he entered the real-estate business, purchased a quarter-section in Town 3, Range 12, Sec. 33, in 1845, and has been improving it since ; he raises horses, sheep, cattle and bogs; owns tbe Philadelphia Drug Store building and Post-office building one-half with O. B. Ford. Married, in 1832, Bliss Christian na Bennett ; have two children — William H. Harrison and Helen A.; family attend tbe Congregational Church. PERCY F. MaGEE, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Janesville; born in 1857, in Warren Co., Penn., near Oil City ; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1865, resided bere ever since; was educated at Janesville High School; owns 160 acres all pretty much under cultivation; is a son of the deceased Blr, Henry Blagee, who was born in 1827 and died February, 1S66; was in tbe lumber and oil business in Pennsyl-. vania before coming to Wisconsin. Blr. P. F. Blagee's mother, whose name was formerly Blorrison, is also a native of Pennsylvania ; bis brother, Master Arland E. Blagee, born in 1862, also resides with him on his farm. * DR. C. LOFTUS MARTIN, veterinary surgeon ; born in Nottinghamshire, England, Blay, 1804, and son of John Martin, a farmer by occupation, and, what was a very unusual thingin his country, owned the land which be cultivated ; Charles passed his youth upon this farm, walking four miles to the village school ; at that time, tbe only schooling to be obtained was at colleges ; Dr. Blartin, not being the eldest son, bad no claim tp tbe landed estate, and, at the age of 18, started for London, where, for three CITY OF JANESVILLE. 715 years, be was a student of St. George's Hospital, thence to the Veterinary College, London, from which be graduated, then went into business and two years after married the daughter of his partner, and lived in one house nineteen years, till 1847, when he emigrated to America; after spending one year in traveling through different parts of the United States be settled in Beloit, in 1848; here he purchased a fine iarm, and lived upon it six years, when, upon the death of his wife, be sold bis property and removed to Janes ville, bis present home ; in 1857, he established himself as a veterinary surgeon; he rapidly grew in!o an extensive practice, and has obtained a good reputation as a thoroughly qualified surgeon ; Dr. Blartin h;is been identified with tbe Republican party from its beginning in the State, and is a hearty supporter of its principles but not such an enthusiast as to at all times and at all places indorse its acts ; be has been honored with places of trust ; was appointed, by Governor Bandall, Colonel of Blilitia ; assisted in the organization of tbe Rock County Agricultural Society, of which he was President ; has also been connected with the Stato Agricultural Society as an active officer from its beginning, being at this time its Vice President ; he has long been prominently connected with the Blasonic fraternity of Wisconsin, bringing with him high testimonials from the Grand Li dge of England, and has implicit faith in tho teachings of the Order; lias belonged to the Blasons from their beginning in Wisconsin; in 1853, was elected Grand Blaster of Royal and Select Masters of the State of Wisconsin, and was three times re-elected ; he is at present a permanent member of tbe Grand Lodge; was elected Grand Senior Warden in 1873, also Grand Scribe in Grand Chapter; was^ many years High Priest of Janesville Chapter, and also Blaster of Janesville Lodge; has been Eminent Commander of Janesville Commandery, and is now an officer of tbe Commandery ; be is an Episcopalian. and has been for many years one of the Vestrymen of Christ Church ; be is waraily attached to its prin ciples, and labors for its interests. Dr. BI. married Bliss Ann Cronk, the daughter of his f.ii-mcr partner ; Blrs. Blartin died at Beloit in 1855, leaving no children ; the Doctor, however, adopted a niece, Bliss Amy Cronk, daughter of bis wife's brother, who repays bis care of her with filial affection ; the is now Blrs. James Hemming, and resides with bor adopted lather in Janesville; Dr. BI. was the fiist President of St. George's Society. JAMES R. MOLE, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P.O. Jonesville; born in Otsego Co., Butternut Township. N. Y., in 1830; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating in Fulton, Bock Co.; in 1863, moved to Albion, living (here five years; moved Lack to Fulton, then moved and settled on present homestead of fifty Fcvcn acres, all under cultivation. Blairicd Elmira BI. Coon, daughter of Nelson Cocn, of Fulton Township, 1863; she was born in 1840. SYLVESTER MORGAN was born in the town of Scott, Cortland Co. N. Y.. Jan. 10. 1828, and is tbe eon of Horatio N. and Blinirva Hardy Blorgan, both of whom were natives of New York State and of English descent. The subject of this sketch was educated at tbe Cortland Academy, taught school in his native county scvcial terms ; in 1849, he was Superintendent of Schools for the town of Scott, a posiiion which he held for two years, also teaching during the winter months; in tbe month cf April, 1852. be was married to Bliss Sarah BI., daughter of Rev. Henry Anthony, a Baptist clergyman of his neighborhood, and soon afterward settled on a farm, to which he devoted his undivided attention for three years; in the spring of 1854, be made a prospecting visit to Wisconsin, and purchased a quarter-section of land in the town of Limn, Bock Co., and in the autumn of the same year he removed with bis family to what has since been his home ; in 1 S57, be was elected Justice of the Peace, and since then he has held various positions — Superintendent of Schools for the town of Lima, Chaiiman of the Board of Supervi sees of his town, bolding the position in all seven years; be was President of tho Lima Blutual Fire Insurance Company from tho time of its organization in 1872 until Januaiy 1, 1877 ; in 1876, be was- first elected Clerk of the county of Book, rc-clcctcd in 1878, being the present incumbent of'th;it office. His union with Bliss Anthony has been blessed with two children — Willis Benton, born in April, 1853, and Harold, April 1856 CHARLES E. MOSELEY, of Bloseley & Bro., booksellers and stationers; born in Glas tonbury, Conn.; cinic to JnncsYille in Blay, 1£50, and has been engaged in his present business ever .since. PETER MI'RTY, Jaricsvillo (tuLuits); P.O. Janesville; ban in etunty Louth, Leland, 1823; cane to America in 1848, locating in G&wego Co., N. Y., living there four years; moved to Wis consin, locating in Janesville ; live d here ever since, except what time he was engaged in the timber business in tl.c. pineries of Wisconsin ; lxught bis present homestead in 1870. Blavricd Anna Ilcrnon, a native of Kings Co., Ireland; have five tliildren — Thomas, Joseph, Blary Anne, Elizabeth Agnes and Blaiy Theresa. Polities. Ii tie pendent : rclig'on, Roman Catholic. JETER MYERS, owner and proprietor of the Blycrs House ; born in France ; is (he son of Peter Myers, who served in the grand army of Napoleon the Fiist. Peter Blycrs, Jr., c;nnc to Siaik Co., Ohio, in 1832 ; in 1833, he removed to Buffalo, N. Y., and learned the business of a butcher, vhich ho 716 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: carried on until he came to Janesville, in Blarch, 1 844 ; carried on tbe same business here for fifteen years ; Mr. Myers then built the well-known hotel, the Myers House, and erected one of the most elegant opera-houses in the Northwest, and is the owner of some of the finest buildings, both for residence and business purposes, in the State ; be has been prominently connected with various business enterprises likely tn result in benefit to the city ; be is a Director of the Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Company. Mar ried Julia Blakeslee, a native of Pennsylvania, in July, 1846 ; they have four sons and one daughter. N. NEWELL, retired; born in Bradford, Vt., July 6, 1799. Married Elizabeth Peabody Nov. 14, 1828, who was a distant relative of the London banker by the same name; she was born in Bradford, Blass,. Sept. 24, 1802. Blr. N. first came to Janesville in 1836, and was the second man who settled in this vicinity, Mr. Janes being the only one before him. Mr. N., after one year, went to La Porte, Ind., and lived ten years ; then returned to Rock Co., and lived in Johnstown Center ten years, and, in 1854, settled permanently in Janesville ; Mr. N. spent some time, during these early years, in traveling on the various rivers of the Western wild-* ; was up and down the Maumee River in 1834, and, in traveling through these sections, often forded streams, and then, in this drenched condition, would sleep out of doors, exposed to cold and rigorous weather ; he traveled up and down the entire length of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, as well as others ; often met large bands of Indians in the wilds of the forest, but was never molested. They have three children— Eliza Jane, born Sept. 22, 1829; married Dr. Theodore Treat; they have one son — Theodore N., bom July 10, 1851, and now practicing law in Ottawa, 111.; also, one daughter, Kittie, born March 23, 1853. The second daughter, Julia N, was born Nov. 2, 1832 ; she married Dr. Abraham Jackson ; the third daughter married B. G. Webster : they have one son — Frank N., born Aug. 17, 1860. Mr. and Blrs. Newell are members ofthe Baptist Church. E. NEWMAN, head miller in Ford's mills; came to Janesville in 1859 from Akron, 0., where ho was also head miller. Mr. N. was born in England Aug. 2, 1833 ; served seven years apprenticeship there and had charge of a sixteen-run mill at Bridgewater, Eng.; has been thirty-three years in present business. Married Elizabeth B. Leaver in 1853 ; she was born in Bridgewater, Somersetshire, Eng., in 1834; they have one child, Henry J., bora in February, 1854; he now has charge of a large mill in Kansas. Mr. E. Newman is a member of tbe Court Street M. E. Church, and belongs to tbe Odd Fel lows Lodge No. 90, also to tbe Western Star Lodge of Masons. DR. M. A. NEWMAN, dentist; born in Alexandria, Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 16, 1841, In 1857, he moved to Binghamton, N. Y. In May, 1861, he enlisted, under tbe first call of the Presi dent, in Co. D, 27th N. Y. V. I.; was in the first battle of Bull Run,; he afterward re enlisted as; Orderly Sergeant, in Co. F, 155th N. Y. V. I.; served one year in this regiment and was then transferred ti) the Provost Marshal's Department of New York, serving thus till the close of tbe war. Dr. N. prac ticed dentistry eight years in Binghamton, N. Y.; in 1873, graduated at the Pennsylvania Dental School, and came to Janesville in the spring of the same year, where he has since devoted himself more especially to operative dentistry, performing all the various surgical operations upon tbe natural teeth. Dr. N. is a member of the Odd Fellows, and is, at present, First Lieutenant of the " Janesville Guards." JAMES O'FLAHERTY, farmer, Soc. 17; P. O. Janesville; born in Franklin Co., N. Y., in 1844 ; came to Wisconsin with his parents the same year ; always followed farming as an occupation ; owns 160 acres of land, and on bia father's death, succeeded him in his farm adjoining. Married Miss Elizabeth Britt, a native of Worcester, Mass., May 1, 1878. Raises barley, oats, wheat and corn. Are members of the Roman Catholic Church. HENRY PALMER, M. D. One of the most distinguished and successful physicians and surgeons of Wisconsin ; is a native of New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., where be was bora July 30, 1827. His father, Ephraim Palmer, who, at this writing, is living at Edgerton, in this State, was a farmer, and from early boyhood until he reached the age of 1 9, Henry worked on the farm with unceasing indus try, the only relaxation being his attendance at the district school in the winter season. At 19, he began an academic course at the Whitestowu and Cazenovia Seminaries, and from these he entered upon a course of teaching, and tbe money he obtained from this source was judiciously used in paying tbe cost of his early medical studies. By the time he was 21, his health gave way, and, as a means to restore it, he took passage on a vessel which accompanied the Grinnell Expedition to the Arctic Regions, in 1849, and was absent six months, and during the time touched at many points in Greenland and Hudson Bay. In 1851, with good health, powerful energy, and well-directed ambition, he entered the office of Drs. Blarch & Armsby, at Albany, N. Y., who, at that time, were eminent physicians, and Professors in the Albany Medical College. In this year, he was married to Miss Edna A. Hoyt. He was graduated from the Albany Bledical College in 1854, and so conspicuous was he in high standing in the graduating class, that he was immediately appointed resident surgeon at the Marshall Infirmary at Troy, N. Y., a position CITY OF JANESVILLE. 717 which he had the honor of filling for two years. He decided to enter a broader field, however, and with his family, he came West in 1856, and settled in Janesville. His ambition did not slumber, and bis zeal for his profession did not abate ; and, of course, prosperity attended him from the start, not only pecuni arily, but in his treatment of complicated diseases, and in successfully performing the most difficult surgical operations. His reputation soon became State-wide, and every year increased tbe demand for his services, and added laurels to his professional career. Soon after the war broke out, in 1861, Dr. Palmer was commissioned Surgeon of the 7th Wisconsin Infantry, and joined the Army of the Potomac. His prominence in the profession gave bim a command ing influence, but without seeking the position, he was commissioned a Brigade Surgeon by President Lincoln, on tbe 4th of April, 1862, and assigned for duty to the famous " Iron Brigade." But he did not stop here. He was next placed on duty at York, Penn., when tbe construction and the. superintendency of the largest hospital in the United States were placed in his hands. Blrs. D. L. Dix, a distinguished hospital nurse, who was appointed Superintendent of hospital nurses by a special act of Congress, in 1861, pronounced tbe York Hospital, as conducted by Dr. Palmer, the best in the United States. In the summer of 1863, and only a few days before the battle of Gettysburg, Gen. Early, with a force of several thousand rebel raiders, made an attack on York for the purpose of capturing the Government stores and taking the convalescent prisoners This movement of the rebels met with prompt resistance on the part of Dr. Palmer, who was in command of the post. He quickly armed his convalescents — several hundred in number — and gallantly defended the post until the Government stores and the hospital supplies were removed beyond the reach of the Confederates. It was at this time that Dr. Palmer was taken prisoner, but, during the battle of Gettysburg, he successfully made his escape, took command of the York post, and the charge of the hospital, which was soon filled with the wounded from Gettysburg. In July, 1864, rebel Gen. Gilmore made a devastating raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and threatened to inflict considerable damage in and about York. Appreciating the necessity of prompt action, and the importance of protecting the railways, Dr. Palmer armed his convalescents and organized a force of several hundred citizens, and with these and a few regular troops, he proceeded into Blaryland to pro tect the roads and to bold the rebels in check. This movement proved eminently successful ; for, by the wisdom and the promptness of his judgment, and by his energy and courage, he saved a large amount of property from being destroyed, besides securing to the Government other important military advantages. The valuable services rendered by Dr. Palmer, in this instance, were made tbe subject of a well-deserved and congratulatory letter from Maj. Gen. D. N. Couch, then in command of the Department of the Sus quehanna, to Surgeon General Barnes, of tbe United States Army. His health being considerably impaired by overwork, Dr. Palmer attempted to resign in August, 1864, but the General commanding, in forwarding tbe resignation to the War Department, indorsed it with the request that a leave bf absence of sufficient length of time to recruit his health be granted, " as tbe interests of the service demanded that officers of bis ability and disposition should be retained." In the fall of 1864, he was appointed Medical Inspector of the Eighth Army Corps, with headquarters at Baltimore. He held this position until June, 1865, when he was ordered to take cbargeof Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., and close up the affairs of tbat hospital. This he did, and, at last, was mustered out on the 7th of October, 1865. For faithful and meritorious services, which were frequently brought to the notice of the War Department, he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel by brevet, by President Johnson, on the 13th of March, 1866, the rank to date from March 13, 1865. In 1877, Dr. Palmer carried out his long-fixed purpose of visiting Eur6pe. The war then raging between Russia and Turkey made it an auspicious time for sucb a visit, as it would afford him an oppor tunity to examine the hospitals of tbe Russian army. He left Janesville during the latter part of May, and returned the following August. During his stay abroad, he visited Liverpool, London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Leipsic, Dresden, Antwerp, Brussels, Munich, and many other places of historic interest. He was with the Bussian army at Bucharest and through Roumania, and also when it crossed the Danube, and saw the engagement at Nicopolis, and witnessed the ever-memorable battle, which resulted in the downfall of Plevna. He also visited the chief art-galleries of Europe, and returned home with the finest art col lection to be found in Southern Wisconsin. While in Europe, ho wrote several very interesting and graphic- letters concerning persons, places, and things, of that country, which were published in the Janesville Gazette, and were widely read, and universally praised. On his return, he was urgently requested to address public- audiences on what he saw in Europe. Amid his arduous professional duties, he prepared a lecture describ ing lis trip to tbe Old World, and what he saw in the principal cities of tho continent ; and especially noted the habits and the customs of the people in Roumania, Turkey, and that portion of Europe. The lecture was intensely interesting, and, as a literary production, it commanded the admiration of all intelligent. 718 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: hearers. It was first delivered in Janesville, in August, 1877, to an audience composed of over on-! thousand persons. The interest in the lecture became wide-spread, and calls for its delivery in the princi pal towns of Southern Wisconsin were numerous and urgent. He delivered it a number of times to crowded bouses always, and never charged for his time and trouble. It is not often we find in one man such a devotion to his profession and to science, and, at the same time, such an undaunted public spirit, as we find in Dr. Palmer. In his profession, he is possessed of a firmness and dexterity of hand, a calm, cool brain, a quick, unfailing eye, a steady nerve, a strength of will, aud a physical endurance, which give him so much distinction as a surgeon. These qualities enable Mm to successfully perform some of the most difficult and dangerous operations known to his profession. He has also won an enviable reputation as a physician, his practice being chiefly confined to the best class -of people, and the calls for bis services come from far and near. On the other hand, he stands among our most prominent public men. There is no local enterprise of any consideration that be is not called upon Jto assist. Ho performs a prodigious amount of professional labor — enough to bankrupt the physical system of any man of ordinary endurance — but yet he finds time to attend to scores of enterprises of a local but important character. Everything he undertakes bears the unmists.kable impress of his energy, sound judgment and genius. In addition to all this, he is a thorough scholar, and a true gentleman, and enjoys the abiding confidence and respect of the people for his manly character and unimpeachable integrity. JOHN J. R. PEASE, attorney; born in Connecticut; moved to Green Bay, Wis., in June, 1840 ; while there he was employed in the office of the Register of Lands, also surveying, farming, etc. From Green Bay he removed to Janesville in 1866, and was employed as surveyor for three of four years; was admitted to the bar in 1849 and has been engaged in the practice of law ever since. He was for twelve years or more a Director of the O, St. P. & F. R. R. Co. He was one of the first Directors of the Rock County Bank, and one of the Trustees of the the N. W. Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee for about twenty years ; has been a Director of tbe Janesville Cotton Blanufacturing Co. since its organiza tion. Ho was Blayor of Janesville for 1856; served several years as County Supervisor; has been Town and City Assessor, Alderman, etc. He is one of tbe Trustees and President of the Oak Hill Cemetery Association and lias been connected with it for sixteen or seventeen years. F. F. PIERSON, general repair and job shop, 87 Main street; born in Bluscatine, Iowa, -July 27, 1849; son of Silas and Elsie A. Pierson. He served his time at cabinet-making there; came to Rock Co. and located at Janesville in the spring of 1870 ; worked for the Janesville Furniture Co. three years ; commenced business for himself in 1873. Was in the army, having enlisted as private in ¦Co. K, 18th Iowa V. I., in the fall of 1862 ; was stationed at Little Rock, Ark., doing picket and jprovost duty ; served one year and four months; was honorably discharged at Davenport, Iowa, in the summer of 1863. Feb. 24, 1874, he married Bliss Sadie D. Farwell, daughter of R. D. and Mattie A. Farwell, in Janesville, Wis.; tbey have three children — Hamilton L., Roy and Burt. Blr. Pierson is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. VIRGIL POPE, farmer, Sec. 14; P. 0. Janesville; born in Windsor Parish of Winterbury' Conn., Blarch 31, 1815 ; son of Dr. Samuel Pope and Frelia Waterman, both natives of England; his parents moved to Broome Co., N. Y., when he was 9 years old; he lived there two years, then went to work for Blr. Russel Gale, living with him for eight years till he found his health failing, and resolved to go West; at the age of 20, he started for the Northwest, going down the Susquehanna River to Harris- town, making his way west from there to Cleveland, via Sandusky, and Michigan City to Chicago ; remained hero only a few hours, pushing on, and arrived in Rock Co., Nov. 15, 1835, and, on Nov. 16, made his selections of land ; Blr. Pope came all the distance from the East on foot, not riding one hundred miles. Blarried, Jan. 9. 1845, Miss Selina Humes, daughter of Amos Humes; she was bora in Allegany Co., N. Y.; had four children — Isabella, Arvelia, Delia M. and Anson T. Isabella married E. N. Shaw, photographer of Sharon. Blr. Pope has been Supervisor two terms, Treasurer of Town one term, and Clerk of the District School a number of terms. A. M. PRATT, See. 24; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Rushville, Ontario Co., N. Y.. Dec. 21, 1818; the son of Ira and Clarissa G. Pratt; came to Wisconsin in tbe winter of 1850, via Canada by team, and located in Rock Co., at Janesville ; built a building on Sec. 24 for his father and mother; they had seven children, four boys and three girls; in the fall, tbey came and took possession. Blr. A. BI. Pratt went to California and Oregon ; built a large store for Dr. BIcLaughlin, at Oregon ; returned to Janesville in tbe fall of the same year. In February, 1846, he married Bliss Selinda S. Wood, daughter of Harry and Judith Wood, of Bliddlesex, Yates Co., N. Y.; they had two children, one living — Cordelia S., died in Kansas in 18,36; Ellen L. In October, 1861, Blr. A. M. Pratt enlisted as a private, and was mustered into service; after having raised a cavalry company, was appointed Captain Co. E, 3d W. V CITY OF JANESVILLE. 719 O; was in five hard-fought battles — battle of Le Blore, at or near Fort Scott, Mo.; Elm Springs, Ark.; Cain Hill, Prairie Grove aud Flat Rock, Van Buren, Ark. MOSES S. PRICHARD, Police Justice ; native of Vermont ; graduated from the Univer sity of Vermont in 1841 ; was admitted to the bar of Orange Co., Vt., the spring term of 1845 ; came to Janesville Aug. 5, 1845, when he became associated in the practice of law with A. Wyatt Smith. In March, 1846, was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he held about three years ; at the expiration of tbat time, he formed a law partnership with Hon. David Nuggle ; in the spring of 1853, he was re-elected Justice of the Peace. In August of that year, was elected County Judge, and, from January, 1854, to January, 1858, he servccl in that capacity ; from that time, till 1860, be was associated with Messrs. Knowlton & Jackson, attorneys ; from 1860 to 1867, he engaged in practice alone ; in the latter year, was elected Justice of the Peace, and held that office by re-election till 1875 ; in the spring of 1878, he was elected Police Justice, which position he now holds ; he served as Alderman of the First Ward in 1858 and 1859. During the period tbat he served as County Judge, he was for one year law partner with Hon. John M. Berry, now Judge of the Supreme Court of Minnesota, and, for two years, partner of J. W. D. Parker. Judge Prichard married Betsey Ann True Oct. 27, 1847 ; she was bom in Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y.; a daughter of Elijah True (deceased), one of the early settlers of Rock Co., Wis.; he came to Fulton Township, and selected location in 1839, and, in 1840, came with his family to remain permanently ; he died in 1856. Judge Prichard has three children — Mary E., 'George T. and Anna M. S. J. M. PUTNAM; born in Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1820, and came to Chicago in 1852. Married Jane Mellen July 15, 1845; she was born in Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1823; they have five children — Fanny, Fred F., Ida May, Charles Sumner and Edwin E., aged 31, 27, 21, 18 and 15 years ; Fanny married R. M. King, of Janesville. . Mr. P. came to Janesville Feb. 26, 1855 ; was in the carriage business four years; in 1859, appointed Under Sheriff, and elected Sheriff in 1860 ; served two years ; was appointed Provost Marshal of the Second District of Wisconsin April 24, 1863, and served till October, 1865 ; in 1866, was again elected Sheriff, and, after two years, engaged in tbe insur ance business; in 1872, was again elected Sheriff for two years; in 1875, was appointed Superintendent of Industrial School at Waukesha, and, at the end of one year, resigned ; was appointed Superintendent of State Industrial School Jan. 4, 1877, and continued until April 20, 1879, when he withdrew from the school, as he demanded an investigation of school matters, etc., which was refused him — he, however, is still the legal Superintendent. A. J. RAY, general manager ofthe Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Co. ; bom in Coopers- town, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; moved to Massachusetts when a boy; commenced working in a cotton factory when 12 years of age; was for twenty-five years in the cotton print works at North Adams, Mass.; for sixteen years as manager and owner of mills at tbat place; came to Janesville in 1875. HAMILTON RICHARDSON was born in the town of Le Roy, N. Y, Oct. 17, 1820 ; his parents were farmers in comfortable circumstances, and his educational advantages as good as could be furnished by the country schools of the day; when only 15 years of age, he entered the service of a mercantile firm and became a member of the family of one of its partners, a personal friend of his father's, and a most accomplished business man, with whom ho emigrated to the State of Blichigan, which had just been admitted into the Union ; most of the State of Michigan was at that time literally a wilderness ; its small population was located upon its southern border, but the firm with which young Richardson was engaged, plunged into the depths of the forest and commenced the building of what is now the city of Flint, one of the most beautiful and prosperous of that rich and prosperous State. They laid out a large part of the city, built the first dam across the Flint River, erected the first saw-mill upon its banks, and were the first to establish a mercantile house in the county of which that city is the capital; their business, which included banking, was for a time prosperous, but they were overtaken by the finan cial storm of 1837, and the following year went into bankruptcy. From the day of the establishment until the final closing-up of their business, young Richardson enjoyed the confidence of bis employers, and, to a large extent, participated with them in the management of all their affairs, and thus, at an age when most men commence their practical education, he had, as it were, graduated by passing through all the grades of establishing, conducting and finally closing a varied and extensive business ; the panic of 1837, belongs to the financial history of the country, and there are few men now engaged in businesswho have personal knowledge of it ; Mr. Richardson is one of the few, and to the lesson taught by experience during that crisis, he is probably, indebted for the fair share of success which has atteuded his business efforts through life. In tbe year 1840, Blr. Richardson returned to the State of New York and renewed his studies at the academy in bis native place, but he was too much imbued with the Western spirit to long endure tbe quiet of an Eastern town, and, in the spring of 1842, he again turned his face westward 720 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: and located in Milwaukee, where he found employment as book-keeper in one of the largest commercial bouses in the place ; in the year 1844. he established himself in the hardware trade in the village of Racine, but not meeting with the success which he anticipated there, in the spring of 1846, be removed to Janesville, and soon took rank among tbe most active and successful business men in the place ; with a view to enlarging his business, in 1850, Blr. Richardson, in connection with Mr. Truesdell, erected the Excelsior (now Baner & Hodson's) Mills, but this proved an unfortunate speculation, for tbe property was first nearly destroyed by fire and then by flood ; the country, too, was suffering from a general stagnation of business, caused by succession of bad crops, and Mr. Richardson resolved to try a new field for enter prise, and, in the fall of 1851, removed to California and located at Marysville, at the head of navigation on tbe Feather River, at that time a place of great commercial importance ; he there established n house for the supply of the mountain traders, and for four years did a large and successful business ; iu the prosecution of this trade he made extensive trips through the mountains, and thus became familiar with the mining operations ; on one of these journeys, he fell into the hands of a portion of Joaquine's band of highwaymen, by whom he was robbed and narrowly escaped the fate which betel so many of these celebrated freebooter's victims ; while residing in California, Mr. Richardson helped to organize and was Secretary and Treasurer as well as one of the largest stockholders, of a line of river steamers which was built and managed expressly to resist tbe extortions of one of the greatest monopolies ever attempted upon any of the inland waters of this country ; the success of the new line was perfect and the great monopoly with its millions of capital, was forced to surrender; returning to Janesville in 1856, Mr. Richardson again became a citizen of Rock County, and since that time has been identified with various business interests in the city. In 1858, be was married to Miss Caroline A. Pease, daughter of tbe late Judge Lorrain T. Pease, of Hartford, Conn., and with his bride traveled extensively in Europe during that and the following year; in 1873, he again visited Europe and made an extensive tour. In politics. Mr. Rich ardson was never a violent partisan ; he was identified with the Democratic party until the war of the rebellion ; in 1864, he was elected to the Legislature by the united Republican and War Democratic vote, and has since been an active member of the Republican party ; in 1868, he was elected a County Com missioner and a member of the Committee on Public Buildings which erected Rock County's beautiful Court House, and was twice afterward elected a member of the Board of County Supervisors; in 1876, he was elected a member of the Senate, and again in 1878. During the war, Mr. Richardson contributed largely of time and means; he was one of a committee of three whioh raised the 13th W. V. I., and served actively on nearly every committee organized for war purposes, in the city of Janesville. H. F. ROBINSON, Sec. 5; P.O. Janesville; born in 1820 in Wyoming Co., near Buffalo, N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin in 1856 and settled on tbe land which is his present homestead, carrying on the shoemaking business and fanning. Blarried, in 1844, Miss Betsey A. Waine, a native of Allegany Co., N. Y. ; born in September, 1825 ; have three sons — Judson, born in 1845 ; Cornelius, 1848; Francis, 1863. Republican, both father and sons. DR. O. P. ROBINSON, physician and surgeon ; born in Elizabeth, N. J., of English parentage ; engaged in practice over forty years ; was 1 icated for three years in Texas prior to his removal to Wisconsin ; in April, 1846, he went to Milwaukee, and, in November of that year, came to Janesville ; be was County Physician several years; served as Alderman of the Fourth Ward from 1871 to 1877; was re-elected for 1878 ; was President of the Common Council for 1873. Married Clara B. Reynolds, of New York City, in August, 1841. WILLIAM RUGER, attorney; admitted to the bar in 1859; he enlisted in the Ruger Guards, afterward Co. A, 13th Wis. I. V. I., in August, 1861 ; commissioned Second Lieutenant; at the time of the organization of tbe legiment, he was appointed Adjutant; in July, 1862, he was appointed, by President Lincoln, Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain ; mustered out in October, 1865, as Assistant Adjutant General, with a brevet of Major. Since Jan. 1, 1866, Mr. Ruger has given his entire attention to bis profession, and, through his great legal acumen and thorough integrity, has acquired a large and profitable practice, and is the official attorney of some of the largest corporations of the State. JOHN W. SALE, District Attorney and member of tbe law firm of Bennett & Sale ; born in La Porte, Ind. ; in 1842, when he was but six months old, his parents removed to Union Township, Rock Co., Wis., and settled on Sec. 28, where his father, John F. Sale, died in February, 1845 ; his mother now resides in Evansville. Mr. Sale graduated from the Michigan University in the spring of 1866; was admitted to the bar of Michigan at the same time; admitted to the bar of Wisconsin in the same year; came to Janesville in June, 1866; commenced practice here Jan. 1, 1867 ; he was several years City Attorney, and is now serving bis fifth year as District or County Attorney. CITY OF JANESVILLE. 721 S. F. SANBORN, furniture dealer; born in Wheeloek, Caledonia Co., Vt., Blarch 7, 1841 ; came West in 1848 and settled in Illinois, near Beloit, where he farmed for four years ; then came to Mil ton, Wis. ; remained four years, and thence to Sauk Co. six years; enlisted in fall of 1863, in Co. G, 1st Wis. V. I. ; was with Sherman in his march from Ringgold to Atlanta, and was wounded in the battle of Jonesboro, losing his right leg, after which he was transferred to Co. E, 21st Wis. V. I. ; mustered out May 25, 1865 ; after this, lived for some time in Newville, town of Fulton ; was proprietor of a hotel at Ft. Atkinson one year; came to Janesville in 1874 ; has been in present business one year. Blarried Cordelia BI. Howard Sept. 4, 1860 ; members of Blethodist Church. REV. T. P. SAWIN, Pastor First Congregational Church; born in Lynn, Blass., Jan 14, 1841 ;was educated at Yale College; ordained Dec. 1, 1871 ; began preaching at Racine, Wis., in July, 1871, and preached there four years ; came to Janesville in October, 1875 ; previous to entering the min istry, was Professor of Belles Lettres and Mathematics at Bit. Washington University, New York City, for three years ; for one year, was engaged in literary work ; for six years, was Professor of Languages and Blathematics in Blarkham's Academy, Milwaukee. Blarried Elizabeth Farroll Sept. 28, 1864 ; she was born in England Aug. 20, 1841 ; they have two children — Carrie A. and Laura A., aged 3 and 1 years. Mr. S. has been for several years extensively engaged in educational matters ; was appointed, by the State Superintendent, as a member ot the Board of Examiners of Whitewater Normal Schools, and has also lectured before various Teachers' Institutes of this State. REV. J. SCHLERF, clergyman ; born in Baltimore, Bid., Blarch 20, 1853 ; graduated at Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1872. and at Concordia Theological Seminary of St. Louis, in 1875; ordained in Janesville, Sept. 5 of same year, by Rev. F. Lochner, of Milwaukee. Blarried Elizabeth Wildermutb, of Baltimore, Feb. 16, 1876 ; she was born in Baltimore Feb. 28, 1850 ; have two children — Ernest P. G., bora Oct. 15, 1877, and Cora G. A., April 6, 1879 ; also one adopted child— Katie SpiU man, aged 9 years Mr S. also has charge of tbe parochial school at this place. HENRY SEARCH, farmer, Sec. 34; P. 0. Janesville; born in Maryland Aug. 13, 1810; resided in Pennsylvania and Ohio previous to removal to Wisconsin ; located on farm he now owns in 1 842 ; he has resided there ever since, excepting two years, when he lived in the city of Janesville. In 1846, he married Blay Jane Ward, a native of New York; they have one daughter — Amorette. Blr. Search enjoys the esteem of tbe whole community, having always lived an upright and honorable life. G. FRED SELLECK was born April 21, 1X47, and, in 1850, removed, with his parents, to Paw Paw, Van Buren Co., Mich., where he was raised and obtained a high-school education ; after leav ing school, he went to Three Rivers, Mich., and entered a clothing store, but only remained a year, as he had made up his mind to learn the printing business ; in 1863, he entered the office of the Kalamazoo Gazette, and then the Kalamazoo Telegraph, and in tbe latter office he completed his trade, but not till 1867, for in tbe mean time be had entered tbe army and remained until the close of the war; after the completion of his trade, he traveled through the South with the Boston Theatre Company, and, on his return north, accepted a position with tbe Detroit Free Press, which he held until compelled to quit the newspaper business on account of sickness. At this time — -1867 — he visited Mexico and Cuba; since then, he has visited British America, writing up the Saskatchewan, Assiniboin and Red River Valleys, and the country along the line of the Northern Pacific and proposed Canadian Pacific Railroad lines. Out door life agreeing wi'h him, he has endeavored to keep outside as much as possible, and was with Col. Burr Robbins' allied shows for several seasons, in the capacity of trea-urer, during the summer and in tbe winter connecting himself with newspaper offices. In the spring of 1878, the Janesville Daily Recorder was started, and he accepted the position of city editor, which position he still retains. REV. HENRY SEWELL, Pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church; born in England Sept. 11, 1832 ; spent boyhood in Madison, N. J. ; removed to New York at the age of 15, and remained there till coming West in 1852 ; was educated at Soherrill's Classical Seminary, at Madison, N. J., and is also a graduate of the High School in the same place ; was foreman and salesman in an extensive umbrella and parasol house in New York City for six years ; was farming four years in Rock Co. Blarried Eliza beth Demke, of New York City, Dec. 6, 1854 ; she was born Jan. 19, 1835 ; they have four children- Henry A. and William A. are twins, born Sept. 30, 1855, and are now in business in Oeonomowoc; Rob ert, born March 11, 1859. is now in the Star Clothing house, Milwaukee; Ellsworth B. was bora June 28, 1861, and is now clerk in Stockton's dry-goods store. Mr. S. joined the Wisconsin Conference in 1858, traveled one year, then rested one year; was ordained Deacon by Bishop Ames, at Whitewater, Wis., in 1859, and ordained Elder by Bishop Scott. Mr. S. has been Pastor of the following chanro - ; Orfordville, Utter's Corners, Emerald Grove, Sun Prairie, Lake Mills, Oeonomowoc, Columbus, Milwau kee and Janesville. 722 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: JOHN B. SILSBEE, of Silsbee Commercial College ; born in Barrington, Yates Co.. N. Y.' Nov. 14, 1837; resided there till 1840, when his parents removed to Blinisink, Orange Co., where they remained until he was 12 years of age; they then removed to Tyrone, Schuyler Co., N. Y., and remained there until they came to Winnebago Co., Wis., in 1857. Blr. S. was educated in different schools and acad emies and at Ripon College, and studied in the latter institution two years and a half; he taught in differ ent towns of Wisconsin several years ; was Principal of high school at Blanitowoc ; Principal of high school at Two Rivers ; Principal of high school at De Pere ; served five months in 21st Wis. Vol. Cav., and was discharged on account of disability ; he was one year one of the proprietors of the Green Bay Business College, after leaving the high school at De Pere ; he then bought the Fond Du Lac Business College, which he conducted until he came to Janesville, in 1875 ; tbe college was incorporated April 23, 1877, the corporators being composed of many of tbe leading citizens of Janesville. Prof. Silsbee married Harriet J. Knapp, daughter of D. B. Knapp, of Rockford, Manitowoc Co., Wis., Nov. 29, 1860 ; she was born near Lake George, N. Y. ; have five children — Arthur W., Flora M. ; Hattie E. ; Homer K. and Laura Lee. Blr. and Blrs. S. are members ofthe Congregational Church. SIMEON SIMMONS, farmer, Sec. 10; P. 0. Janesville; born in Harmony Township, Rock Co., Blarch 20, 1848; is son of Alfred Simmons, of Harmony, wbo'settled there about 1845. Blarried Bliss Carrie Davies, daughter of Cyrus Davies, of Janesville ; had two children, both now deceased— Edna May, born Feb. 15, 1877, died 1879; Simeon, born Blarch 21, 1873, died in 1873. They attend the United Brethren Church. HENRY SLAWSON, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Leyden; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating in Walworth Co.; livtd there five years; removed to Harmony Township; came and settled in township of Janesville on land he now occupies in 1858; born in Albany Co., N. Y.; in 1810. Married Jane Black, a native of New York, in 1842 ; she died in .1848, leaving seven children — Sullivan, James, George, Amelia, Lorinda, born 1852, dieel 1877 ; Julia, Frerelyon. Married as second wife, Sarah Hig gins, a native of Lowell, Mass., in 1859, who died in 1862 ; they had two children — Eugene and Lorinda. Blarried his third wife, Jane Virgin, a daughter of Blr. Johnston Virgin, of Rock Co. ; they have two boys and two girls — William, Harry, Effa and Nellie. Has been Constable and Postmaster one term each ; is Director of School Board at present. Owns 1 1 2 acres ; raises grain and corn and stock for the Chicago and Blilwaukee markets. A. HYATT SMITH. The history of A. Hyatt Smith is, in a large measure, the hirtory of the State of Wisconsin, and more especially of its incipient railroad system, with which he has been largely connected. He was born in New York City, February 5, 1814, and is the son of Blaurice and Blay (Reynolds) Smith, natives erf Westchester County, N. Y. His grandfather was one of the unfortunate " Sugar House prisoners," as was also his maternal grandfather. In 1826, his father resumed his old business of merchandising in New York, but died suddenly on the anniversary of Washington's birthday, in 1828, in the. fifty-eighth year of his age, leaving a family of six children (a seventh was born about a month after his decease). He died young, though the family were proverbially long-lived, his father having died in his eighty-ninth year. On tbe death of her husband, Mrs. Smith removed to the neighborhood of Auburn, where ber father's family resided, while our subject remained in the city with his guardian, James Smith, a relative and a lawyer of eminence, who, having settled the question of his ward's profession, held to the theory that the place to make a lawyer was in a lawyer's office, and, at the age of 14, under the rules of the Supreme Court, the name of A. Hyatt Smith was registered with the Clerk of the Supreme Court as a student-at -law. He completed his education at Mount Pleasant Seminary, then under the management of Rev. Samuel J. Prime, father of tbe present editor of the New York Observer, and was admitted to practice in the city courts in the summer of 1835, to the Supreme Court of the State in 1836, and immediately entered upon a large and lucrative practice in partnership with his former preceptor. For six years, be worked unremittingly, without sufficient time for sleop or rest, which so impaired his health that he was advised that the only way to save his life was .to move away from the sea-coast. Accordingly, in 1842, he resolved to, abandon his business, and move to Wisconsin, which he bad previously visited on business, and, on the 22d of November, arrived in Janes ville during a tremendous snow-storm, and, being informed that the land on the west side of the river was for salo, purchased it, with a view to tbe improvement of the water-power, taking several other parlies into the transaction to gain monetary aid in making the improvement. On the 1st of April, 1843, the Territorial Legislature granted a charter to A. Hyatt Smith, William H. H. Bailey and Charles Stevens, conferring tbe right to dam Rock River, and utilize the power thus derived. Both of these last-named gentlemen, however, withdrew, and he subsequently associated with himself James McClurg, of Western CITY OF JANESVILLE. 723 New York; Blartin 0. Walker, of Chicago, and J. B. Doe, of Janesville, and, on the 6th of January, 1846, commenced the construction of a mill, the largest then west of the lakes, which commenced operating in the following summer, and gave Janesville, which had then a population of but four hundred, its first substantial impetus. In the summer of 1847, Blr. Smith, although a Democrat, was elected to the first convention to frame a State constitution, to represent a constituency, which, up to that time, had been largely Whig, and succeeded in preparing a report which was unanimously recommended by the committee and adopted by the convention. In 1836, ho was appointed to the office of Commissioner of Deeds in the city of New York, by nomi nation of Gov. Blarcy and confirmation of the Senate ; from this office he was removed by Gov. Seward, who succeeded Gov. Blarcy. As above related, he was a member of the first Constitutional Convention of Wisconsin. In 1847, he was appointed by Gov. Dodge and confirmed by the Legislative Council Attorney General ofthe Territory, and held the office until after the State was admitted into tbe Union. In 1848, he was appointed United States Attorney by President Polk, and held the office until the accession of the Taylor administration. On the organization of the city of Janesville, in 1853, he was elected its first Blay or, and, in 1857, he was elected to tho same position, against his will. In 1851, while absent from the country in England, be came within two votes of receiving the Democratic nomination for Governor, without his knowledge or consent; and, again, in 1853, he stood for a long time within two votes of a nomination for the same office, but withdrew in favor of Barstow, who was elected. He was for many years Regent of the State University at Bladison, having been elected from year to year by the Legislature without regard to party. In 1847, he organized a company to build a plank road from Blilwaukee to Janesville, and endeav ored to induce the people of Blilwaukee to unite with him in organizing under a railroad charter which he then controlled, but the hostility became so bitter, personal and local, as to be absolutely intolerable, and, after about six years of hard work — tbe best years of his life given to the public without any profit but at a sacrifice of several hundred thousand dollars of his private fortune — be did what he has not since ceased to regret, resigned, and let his franchises fall into the hands of Wall street speculators. He was the owner of landed property in Janesville and Chicago, valued at over a million of dollars, most of which was sacrificed in the payment of these and other complications growing out of his railroad transactions. It is not, therefore, to be wondered at, tbat he should become strongly impressed with the idea that the man who undertakes a public improvement, from pure public spirit and enterprise, is a fit subject for a lunatic asylum. Blr. Smith is still in the enjoyment of bis mental faculties, and has great cause for thankfulness, in one direction at least — he has never been tempted to relieve himself of any of his obligations by the aid of a bankrupt, law ; he has paid every claim, to the uttermost, for which he became officially responsible. He lost largely in the Chicago fire, of 1871, and, added to this, came sickness and distress in his family, until it seemed as if the afflictions of the patriarch Job were trifling as compared with his. But, notwithstanding the avalanche of misfortune which lighted upon his head and the waves of trouble that rolled over him, he is to-day as hopeful and happy a man as lives in Janesville ; and, with an energy pecu liar to men of real ability, he has set himself the task of retrieving his fortune, in which, it is superfluous to say, wc wish him the utmost success. He has beenfor many yearsaleading member of the congregation of Trinity Church, Janesville. In politics, be has always been Democratic ; his first vote was cast for Blartin Van Buren, and he was an earnest politician long before he was a voter. On the 4th of April, 1838, he was married, in St. Paul's Church, New York, by the Rev. Blartin Eastburn, to Bliss Ann Margaret Cooper Kelly, a native of Philadelphia and daughter of Philip Kelly. The fruit of his union with Bliss Kelly was eight children, four sons and four daughters, five of whom died in infancy and three survive— James Maurice, May C. and Ann Kate; the last named is the wife of Charles A. Patterson, of Janesville. ERASTUS C. SMITH, Janesville; born in 1810 ; came to Rook Co. in 1846 from Oneida Co., N. Y. ; lived in Clinton Co. ten years, in western part of the county ; was Postmaster three years ; elocted to State Legislature in 1849 ; held offices of Assessor, Treasurer and Justice of the Peace ; was County Treasurer of Rock Co. two years ; School Commissioner two years. Married, in Oneida Co., 1839, Blary E. Blakeslee ; one daughter— Orrie M. Predenhall, whose daughter is Alice M. Allen. S. W. SMITH, President of the Rock County National Bank ; came to Janesville in 1843 ; ¦engaged in mercantile business until 1854 ; from 1848 to 1854, he also carried on flouring-mills, and has extensively engaged in farming ever since he came here ; in 1855, be engaged in banking business, and has been in the same business ever since ; connected with the Rock County Bank at the time of its 724 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: organization and has continued with that and its successor, the Rock County National Bank, ever since; the best evidence of his sagacity as a financier is the fact that his institution has passed successfully through all tbe panics and vicissitudes of hard times. NICHOLAS SMITH was born Oct. 31, 1836 or 1837, at Blackburn, England. His mother died in October, 1840, and the next year, he and his elder brother James, came to this country with an aunt, who settled at Fall River, Blass. His father followed a year later, and found employment as a cot ton weaver in that city. In the fall of 1844, be emigrated West, locating near Fair Play, Grant Co., in this State. In a few months after, Nicholas entered the family of a farmer named James Virden, to whom he was bound until he should reach his majority. His father remarried in 1847, when Vinlen relinquished all further claim to young Smith's services, and he went to live with his father, at Hazel Green, Grant Co. At the age of 11, he was put to work with his brother James in the lead mines. In 1849, the family removed to La Fayette Co., near Benton, where, for eleven years, the subject of this sketch worked on the farm in summer, and in tbe lead mines in the winter. He became a practical' miner, learning thoroughly all the details of the business, from running the windlass to sinking shafts, and managing the most difficult feats of blasting. In the fall and winter of 1860 and 1861, he taught a country school for $12 per month, In April, 1861, he entered the law office of Hon. John K. Williams, of Shullsburg, with a view of prepar ing himself for the legal profession. Never having attended school, and his education being comparatively limited, be found much difficulty in attempting to master Blackstone and Kent's commentaries. He worked hard, however, and though doing a vast amount of office work, he was admitted to the bar in April, 1862, which was an ill-timed step, but taken at advice of his friends. In August, 1862, be enlisted in the 33d Wis. Inf., and on the 14th of the same month, married J. Clara, the second dangbter of the late Dr. Moses Meeker, of Meeker's Grove, Lafayette Co. While in camp at Racine: be was commissioned 2d Lieu tenant of Co. H. On the 12th of November, 1862, the regiment started for Blemphis, Tenn., and took part in the Oxford and Holly Springs campaigns. In April, 1863, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and immediately after the siege of Vicksburg, to Captain of Co. H. In August, 1^63, he was appoint d Acting Assistant Adjutant General on Col. Pugh's staff, who commanded the 1st Brigade of the 4th Division of the 17th Corps, but he declined the appointment. Mr. Smith served in the 33d until Jan uary, 1865, when, in consequence of an injury in the foot, he was compelled to resign. He returned to Shullsburg, became Mr. Williams' law partner, and, in April, 1866, settled in Prairie du Chien, and entered the office of Hon. 0. B. Thomas, as partner. Being convinced that ho was not " cut out " for a lawyer, and disliking the court business, he abandoned the profession. In 1867, was appointed Deputy Collector of Internal Bevenue, a position he held till July, 1868, when he went to Waukesha, and edited and published the Waukesha Freeman until May, 1870, when he was strongly urged to return to Prairie du Chien, and edit the Union. He bought that paper, and edited it until September, 1874, when he became city editor ofthe Janesville Daily Gazette, and on the 1st day of January, 1878, he succeeded Gen. James Bintliff as editor of that paper. At the sessions' of the Legislature, in 1871 and 1872, be was Clerk of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and during ten sessions was tbe correspondent of the Blilwaukee Sentinel. During the first session of the XLIIId Congress, he was the Washington correspondent for that paper. Blr. Smith's family consists of three children — Paulina Lorena, Jesse Florence and Marshall Denison. Charles Fenton died April 26, 1874, aged 6 years. WILLIAM SMITH, attorney; was born near Dover, Canada, Blay 1, 1841, while his parents, natives and citizens of New York, were temporarily sojourning there; came to B,ock Co. in September/ 1841; educated at Milton College; admitteel to the bar in 1865; commenced practice in Janesville the same year; came to this city in April, 1864. He was for two years Justice of the Peace, and four years Police Justice. Blr. Smith married Louise BI. Steele at Janesville, April 9, 1868 ; she was born at Buffalo, N. Y. They have one child — Evalyn Louise, born Julv 15, 1872. JOHN SNYDER, farmer. Sec. 16; P. 0. Janesville; born in Austria in 1852; came to America in 1871. settling in township of Harmony; in 1875, commenced operations for himself on a farm owned by Blr. Sexton, of about 160 acres; raises principally corn, oats and tobacco. Married Bliss Anne Zuernon in 1871, also a native of Austria; have one daughter — Amelia, bora Feb. 12, 1879. His father, Francis Snyder, lives on farm with him. FRANK G. STEVENS, manufacturer of cigars and cigar boxes; born in Janesville Sept. 25, 1849 ; son of, Charles and Eliza Stevens ; Charles Stevens came to Janesville in tbe spring of 1837 ; he was proprietor of a siw-mill and a hotel for many years and was one of the most prominent and best- known citizens of this region. He represented this district one term in the State Legislature. Died July 13, 1863; Mrs. Stevens died when Frank was only about 4 years of age. The subject of our sketch served three years in the Quartermaster's Department with the Army ofthe Tennessee. For three years CITY OF JANESVILLE. 725 he was with the firm of Morse, Hanson & Co., furniture manufacturers, of Janesville ; he was three years in the circus and menagerie business ; afterWard, for two years, he was with H. S. Woodruff & Co., buckle manufacturers, of this place; since 1876, he has been successfully engaged in his present business. On the 26th of April, 1875, he married Miss Etta Kins:, a uative of Michigan ; they have one child — Ina May, born May 1, 1876. STE ARNS & BAKER, druggists ; Henry C. Stearns learned the drug business in Tarry- town, N. Y. ; came to Chicago in 1869, and was in the drug business there five years; in 1874, came to Janesville, and has been in the same business since that time. Married Julia A. Joy, daughter of Hon. David Joy, of Findlay, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1875 ; she was bom in Mannsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Mr. S. was alone in business here until October, 1 878, when the partnership of Stearns & Baker was formed REV. JOHN ST. MUNICH, P. P. of St. Mary's Church; born Dec. 27, 1833, in Ger many ; came to America in 1847, and lived iu Belleville, 111., ten years; graduated at St. Vincent College, ('ape Girardeau, Mo., in 1862; was ordained at Blilwaukee in 1864; was priest of St. Louis' Church at Caledonia, Wis., also presided over Oak Creek and East Caledonia Missions at same time ; was here three years, then presided at Hartford, Washington Co., Wis., five years, and next at Brighton, Kenosha Co., five years, then came to Janesville and founded the church of St. Mary's, over which he now presides. GEORGE STOCKTON, dry-goods merchant; a native of Williamsburg, Ohio, where he had the advantages of a commercial education and a sufficient amount of practical experience in his fath er's store to give him, at au early age, an insight into the business of a merchant ; he went to New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and other large cities, where he took mental notes of the manner in which ,the dry-goods trade was conducted, visiting the famous establishment of A. T. Stewart ; he came to Janes ville in 1877, young in years, but old in experience, and established himself in the dry-goods business on Blilwaukee street, West Side ; it was supposed by some of the old-established merchants that the business was already overdone in Janesville, and Blr. Stockton was given six months to regret his venture ; two years have passed, and instead of suspending, he has been compelled to increase his stock on several occa sions ; he now employs three assistants ; the respectable appearance of the class of patrons he has drawn about him, speaks volumes for the quality of his goods and his mode of dealing with his customers ; be is what may be termed a modern man, alive to the requirements of the age. JAMES W. ST. JOHN, physician and' surgeon ; son of Levi and Sarah T. St. John, who came to Janesville in the spring of 1836 ; Levi St. John engaged iu farming here, his farm being within what is now the city of Janesville; he died here in October, 1861 ; his wife died in September, 1872; the subject of this sketch was born in Janesville Oct. 30, 1839 : ho was engaged in farming pursuits until 18 years of age; he then went to Castleton, Vt., and attended the Seminary at that place one year; after ward, returned to Janesville and attended the High School, from which he graduated ; in 1859, he com menced the study of medicine. He was for six months in tbe United States Service as medical cadet during tbe late rebellion, Blemphis, Tenn., being department headquarters while he served, his duties being at Memphis and vicinity. The Doctor graduated from the Chicago Medical College, Class of 1865. He held the office of Blayor of Janesville in 1875 and 1876, and is now serving second year as President of the Board of Education. Feb. 6, 1873, he married Mary E., daughter of ivers Gibbs, of Worcester, Ma-s. ; she was born in Vermont, but her parents removed to Worcester when she was a child. JAMES SUTHERLAND ; was born in Smithfield Township, Jefferson Co., Ohio, on the 20th day of March, 1820 ; his earlier years were spent on his father's farm ; he received his education mainly at the Ashland Academy and tbe Norwalk Seminary, institutions of learning in his native State ; he taught school in the winter season, in order to obtain means with which to attend school during the sum mer ; owing to a failure of health from too close confinement to study, he was compelled to give up his cherished object of going through a regular collegiate course of study. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Withington, in December. 1846, and in the spring of 1847, they emigrated to Rock Co., Wis. ; he took up a temporary residence in the town of Rock, but, in the fall of the same year, settled permanently in the village of Janesville, where he has ever since made his home ; in the spring of 1848, he opened a book and stationery store, which, though small at the time, has since grown to be among the largest in the State. Mr. Sutherland has always manifested a deep interest in all public enterprises which could advance the material prosperity of his adopted city, the county of Rock and the State at large ; he has, therefore, will ingly contributed, according to his ability, to aid in the construction of the railroads now centering in Janesville, and also for the building-up the manufacturing establishments, which have given a new impulse to the growth and prosperity of the place ; the year prior to his marriage he spent mainly in the Southern States ; it was while there, and witnessing the abominations growing out of the institution of slavery, that he resolved within himself that in after life his best effjrts should be put forth to break the bonds of the 0 726 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: oppressed, and to restore the enslaved to their God-given rights ; accordingly, he early espoused the Anti- slavery cause, and was present at tbe mass convention which organized the Republican party in this State and has ever been a warm advocate, both in public and in private, of its cardinal doctrines. Whatever cause, in his opinion, would lift humanity up into a higher and better life, he has never been afraid to advocate; on the formation ofthe Rock County Bible Society, in the year 1848, he was elected its Treas urer, which office be has held the greater part of the time during its history; be has also served the Society in the capacity of Director, Secretary and President; it is doing no injustice to any officer of that Society to say that its business has been directed largely by his efforts, and that is beneficial results may be traced, in a good degree, to his untiring energy in the Bible cause ; he devotes a due proportion of his time to church and Sunday-school work, and has been unanimously elected for the last ten years Treasurer of the Young Blen's Christian Association ; history has been one of the cherished studies of his life ; accordingly, ho has taken a deep interest in the success of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, by con tributing toward its support; bo is a life-member of the same, and has been for several years one of its Vice Presidents ; the citizens of Janesville and Rock Co. have, on different' occasions, conferred upon him various offices of honor and trust ; on the formation of the State government, and its admission into the Union, he was elected the first Superintendent of Schools for tbe town of Janesville; he was, upon .the formation of a city government for the village, elected its first Superintendent of Schools ; after the amend ment ofthe charter of tbe city, conferring the control ofthe public schools upon a Board of Education, he was, for several years, elected a member of tbe same ; he has served four years (two terms) as State Sena tor from the Seventeenth District, and was three years Chairman of the Committee on Education, School and University lands ; he took an active part, while there, in exposing and holding up to public condem nation the persons about the capital who were familiarly known as " The Forty," and who had been defrauding the school fund of the State by a fictitious sale of school lands; he introduced the first bill in the Stat" Legislature for the establishment of a State Normal School ; as Chairman of the Committee on Education, be reported back a bill, which provided for an educational fund for certain colleges, with a sub stitute, which he entitled " A Bill for the Encouragement of Academies and Normal Schools," and which was championed through the Senate mainly by bis efforts, and, after being amended in the Assembly, became the law under which our State, without any direct cost to the people, has acquired an ample normal school fund, and now has tbe most complete system of normal schools of any State in tbe Union. Blr. Sutherland was a member of tbe extra session of the Legislature which disposed of tbe grant of land to this Slate, to aid in the construction of certain lines of railroad, and was among the few members of that body who refused a consideration for his vote, opposing every proposition for the disposition of the grant, and afterward took an active part in exposing the frauds in the disposition ofthe same ; he has been twice elected Mayor of the city of Janesville (during the years 1872-73), by larger majorities than were ever given for tbat office. In bis earlier life, from too close confinement and hard study, he injured his health, and from which he has never been able fully to recover ; realizing that his strength was not sufficient to enable him to attend properly to bis own business, and at the same time do justice to any public business with which he might be intrusted, ho has not, in later years, aspired to any important public position ; like) mankind generally, he has been somewhat ambitious of public notoriety, and to accomplish something good and great in the world ; yet, it can never be said of him (bat ho sacrificed principle or trampled upon tho rights of others, in order to accomplish his cherished objects; his motto has been the Golden Rule — "Do unto others as you would tbat others should do unto you." LINDLEY M. THAYER, farmer, Sec. 12; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Watcrvillc, Kenne bec Co., Ble., in 1805; wife was born in Blaxfield. Penobscot Co., Me., in 1805 ; have five children — Sarah, Elizabeth, Jessie, Blary and Abbie ; John P., dead. Belongs to the United Brethren Church ; Republican. JOHN G. TODD, proprietor of Todd's Ale and Porter Brewery; came with bis father, John Todd, together with two brothers and two sisters, from Ncwcastlc-on Tyne, England, in the year 1853 ; commenced the brewing business in the fall of 1868. ALLEN R. TOWLE, proprietor of livery stable; born in Portland, Ble., Jan. 20, 1854; son of Samuel T. Towle, who served in the 10th Blaine V. I. during the late war; removed to Blinnesota in 1854, and resided there about seven years; Allen R. Towlc was in the Government employ, Indian Agency Department, about eighteen months ; be was in the drag business at Hastings, Blinn., one year ; removed to Chicago in 1873, and resided thereuntil bo came to Janesville in 1878; during the time he was in Chicago, he was one year proprietor of a restaurant, and for two years conducted a bakery, and was one year engaged in livery businc=s ; since locating in Janesville, he lias given his entire attention to the livery busi ness, and has now one of tho best conducted stables in the city. CITY OF JANESVILLE. 727 W. T. VAN KIRK, grocer; born in Orleans Co., N. Y.: son of John J. Van Kirk, who came to Rock Co. and located in Harmony Township in 1846 ; a resident of Janesville since 1863 ; W, T. Van Kirk has been engaged in the grocery business since 1858 ; he is one of tbe Trustees of the State Blind Institute, also Treasurer of that institution; he is Alderman of the Second Ward, Chairman of Rock County .Republican Committee, and President, of the Board of Trustees of tbe Fire Department ; he is one of the most active and enterprising citizens of Janesville. GARRET VEEDER, born in Schenectady, N. Y., in 1812 ; parents removed to Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., in 1825 ; at this this place they resided until 1856 ; was bere educated at the St. Law rence Academy, Taylor Lewis, Principal, and R. W. Judson, Assistant; commenced to learn the printing business, in 1835, in the office ofthe St. Lawrence Republican, A. B. James, editor and proprietor ; trav eled pretty extensively as a journeyman printer in 1840-45 through New York State, working in the principal cities. Married Frances Elizabeth Burke Oct. 1, 1848, in Ogdensburg. In 1856, removed to Janesville, Wis., where he has since resided. In 1863, bought a half-interest in a job printing office with Ellis Doty, located in Lappin's Block ; Doty soon sold his interest to H. L. Devereaux, of the Bur lington Standard ; the latter in turn sold to S. S. St. John. After two years under the firm of Veeder & St. John, on the 1st of September, 1869, the publication of the Rock County Recorder was com menced, with C. W. BlcHenry as editor. BlcHenry withdrew within three months and Veeder & St, John continued as editors and proprietors till July, 1873, when W. H. Leonard bought out Blr. St. John's interest. The firm is now Veeder & Leonard. Mr. Veeder is the father of six children, four of whom are dead. Charles G. Veeder, the only son, is a printer and is 25 years of age. In September, 1872, Libbie, the only daughter of Blr. and Blrs. Veeder, married H. W. Lewis, traveling agert for Bell, Conrad & Co., of Chicago ; she is now in her 28th year. Under the business management of Blr. Veeder, the Recorder has grown from a seven to a nine column paper, with a bona-fide circulation of 800. On the 18th of Blarch, 1878, the Janesville Daily Recorder was started as a morning paper, and now has a healthy circulation of 800 subscribers, and is increasing every day. The daily and weekly Recorder are considered by many to be the best advertising mediums in Rock Co. Blr. Veeder has been a telegraph operator, railroad agent, grocer and shoe merchant, but has, from time to time, drifted back to "preserve tho art of all preservatives." J. H. WARREN, M. D., born in Hogansburg, Franklin Co., N. Y., Aug. 23, 1825 ; son of Lemuel and Betsey (Biehardson) Warren. His grandfather served in the Revolutionary war, and bis father, a descendant of the New England Warrens, was a soldier in the war of 1812. John attended the first school taught in Janesville. At the age of 20 he studied medicine with Dr. Nichols, of Janesville, and afterward with Dr. Dyer, of Chicago, while pursuing his studios at the Rush Bledical College, where he graduated in 1849. He then began tho practice of medicine at Lodi, Columbia Co., till 1851, when he removed to Albany and followed tbe milling and mercantile business with much success till 1870. He has won honorable distinction as a statesman, being elected to tbe State Senate in 1857 and was afterward Clerk of the same. In 1862, he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue by Lincoln, which office he held seven years ; be was also appointed by Secretary Stanton as Receiver of Commutation during the rebellion. He has been a Director of the Sugar Valley Railroad and a stockholder in tho same. He is the largest mail contractor in the United States, having about one hundred routes, and his business takes him to all the most remote parts of the country, which has given him unusual opportuni-_ ties for becoming acquainted with the nature of the Indians, and ho is strongly in favor of a peace policy toward them. Throughout this public career, be has gained a reputation for enterprise, coupled with that more commendable and rarer clement, sterling integrity, which has served to give him a prominent position among the representative men of the State. He changed from the Whig party to the Republican party, in wliich ranks ho still serves. Ho was reared a Presbyterian, though not a member of any church, and believes in the principles of Christianity as inculcated by his mother. He married Dec. 18, 1854, Bliss Louisa BI. Nichols, daugbt-rr of bis old preceptor; they have two sons and five daughters — Herbert N. Julia, Lissie, Gertrude, Lulu, Benjamin and Fannie. The eldest son is a graduate of Rush Bledical College and is intending to pursue bis studies in Europe. CHARLES G. WILLIAMS was bnra at Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. 18, 1829. He is of New England parentage, his father being bom at Hartford, Conn., and bis mother at Shoreham, Vt. He is the youngest of a family often children; his first educational advantages were such as only a district school afforded, and were much interrupted by ill-health. Ho early manifested an aptitude for public speaking, and the debating schools of the neighborhood were places of special delight to him ; hero he met the farmers in discussion, and soon placed himself on the best of terms with them, and it bus boon a Bubjeet of remark with bim, in later years, that be found his truest friends among this class of men. At tho 728 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: age of 14, he notified his father of his desire to study law. This proposition was met with an incredulous smile, but the boy proved the better prophet of the two. His father entered into full sympathy with his desires, and was planning to give him a thorough education, but died when Charles was 16, throwing him entirely upon his own resources for the future. By the aid of his two brothers, E. W. and M. B. Williams, of Loe-.kport, N. Y., and by teaching and working at day-labor during vacation, he completed a thorough academic course at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y. He always speaks with gratitude of the timely aid of these twj brothers, and gives some ludicrous accounts of the economy he was com pelled to practice during these years. He commenced the study of law in the office of Judge L. F. & George Bowen, of Lockport, N. Y., teaching a portion of the timo in the high school at that place. In 1852, he moved to Rochester, N. Y., where he completed his studies, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. Here, tbe same year, he married Bliss Harriet Gregg, daughter of Benjamin Gregg, and entered at once into the practice of his profession, which, with rigid economy, enabled him to meet current expenses. He fully intended making Rochester his permanent home, but, at the end of the first year, through mutual acquaintances, the Greggs being relatives of Blrs. Noggle, he received a very liberal offer from the late Judge Noggle, of Janesville, to come to that place and take charge of his legal business, as he was desirous of retiring from practice. As the Judge was soon after elevated to the bench, this afforded Mr. Williams a rare opportunity for entering at once into a lucrative practice. Two months after he reached Janesville, his wife, who had long been in ill-health, died. Afterward, he married Blary A., eldest daughter of Judge Noggle. They have two children — a daughter, Kate A.,' and a son, Ward D. The attachment which grew up between Judge Noggle and Mr. Williams has often been remarked upon. Both were positive, combative men, not at all reserved in the expression of their opinions, yet, though associated in the closest social and business relations for twenty years and more, an unkind word of a per sonal nature was never known to pass between them. They agreed almost by intuition on all public ques tions, and where theiy disagreed, no personal feeling was engendered. This attachment continued down to tbe death of the Judge, which occurred at the house of Mr. Williams. Blr. Williams reached Janesville in 1856, and that year was prominently brought before the public in connection with the Fremont cam paign. As an ardent Republican, he needed only an opportunity to express his mind on political matters, and very soon attracted attention, and took rank with the best speakers of the Northwest. He was engaged to canvass the State, and spoke in every considerable town in Wisconsin. During this campaign, he received many complimentary notices from the press, both as an orator and a man of ability in the legal profession. The prominence thus gained had its advantages and disadvantages. While he entered actively upon the practice of his profession, each political canvass took him away from it for weeks, and sometimes months. Notwithstanding this, and tbe fact of continued 'ill-health, be and his partner, up to the time he entered upon official life, had one ofthe best law practices in Southern Wisconsin. In 1868, Mr. Williams was a Republican Presidential Elector, and the same year was elected a member of the State Senate, over which body he presided as President pro tern. He was re-elected to the Senate, in 1870, and made Pres ident pro tern., and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of that body. He at once took a front rank among the leaders of the Senate. He was nominated by acclamation by his party, for Congressman, and elected to the XLIIId Congress. He has been renominated and re-elected successively to the XLIVth, XLVth and XLVIth Congresses, practically without much opposition, and by majorities ranging from four to six thousand. At his last election, a large Democratic vote was cast for him on the hard-money issue. Though what would be called a stalwart Republican of the strictest sect, and particularly outspoken in his feelings and views, yet, some of his most intimate and life-long friends have been Democrats of equally pronounced views. No man has ever pretended to doubt or question Mr. Williams' sincerity or personal honor, and probably no member of Congress ever enjoyed, in a greater degree, the confidence and esteem of his constituents. Mr. Williams' course in Congress has been characterized by becoming reserve and sound practical judgment. After careful study, he has spoken upon nearly every important question which came before the house during his term of service, among which may be mentioned Inter-State Commerce, Cen tennial Exposition, Civil Rights, Force Bill, Specie Payments, Transfer of the Indian Bureau, Chinese Emigration, Electoral Count, Arrearage of Pensions, Election Laws, and Army and other appropriation bills of the last session of Congress. Some of these speeches have been widely circulated in the South, as in the North. His reputation in Congress has been one of steady and healthy growth, and his course in the session just closed has given him a marked distinction as a faithful and fearless champion of tbe right, and a sagacious, sound and safe legislator. He has been a member of tbe Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives for six consecutive years, and was promoted to the Committee on Judiciary at the beginning of the present Congress. Mr. Williams has spoken in Maine, Ohio and other States, during political campaigns, and taken high rank among the public speakers of the country. His oration at CITY OF JANESVILLE. 781 Arlington Heights, on the 30th of May, 1878, was pronounced by competent judges to be one ofthe best ever delivered there. The two distinctive characteristics of his public life have been sympathy for tbe soldier and the persecuted colored people of the South. He has never let an opportunity slip for saying a word or doing an act for either of these. His rooms at Washington are frequented by exiles from the South, both white and black, and he is thus afforded full opportunity for judging of the actual condition of things in that section. Mr. Williams is emphatically a man ofthe people, never hesitating to espouse their cause, regardless of consequences to himself. He is of a most affable disposition, and no person, either man or child, ever approached him with a fear of a want of cordial welcome. While full of sympathy and humor, he possesses great decision of character, and the consistency of his course, through twenty-five years of eventful history, has been preserved without a blemish. He is now 49 years of age, in robust health, of strictly temperate habits, in full possession of his powers, and believed to have a useful and brilliant future before him. His beautiful residence, at Janesville, is the home of a loving, refined and happy family. A. D. WICKHAM, Justice of tbe Peace ; born in Pougbkeepsie, N. Y. ; admitted to practice in 1845 ; came to Janesville, March, 1856, and has been engaged in the practice of law ever since; was City Assessor two terms, and elected Justice of the Peace in 1878. Judge Wickham is a prominent member of the Temple of Honor. GEORGE H. WILLISTON, retired ; bom in Binghamton, Broome Co., N. Y. ; settled in Harmony Township, Rock Co., Wis., April 22, 1837 (on Sec. 17) ; remained there till December, 1841, when he removed to Janesville, having been elected that year Register of Deeds ; was re-elected for five years consecutively ; he was in the grocery business about two years ; held the position of City Clerk from 1863 to 1870 ; was Assessor several years ; Mr. Williston is still tbe owner of most of the farm where he first located in this county. Married Nancy A. Fordham, a native of Pennsylvania, April, 1839; she came to Rock Co. in June, 1839 ; had four children — Jennie E. (now Mrs. Nash, of Dakota Territory), Clara H. (who resides with her parents), Horace (Secretary of tbe Menominee River Lum ber Co., and located in Chicago), William H. (also a resident of Chicago). HON. JOHN WINANS, the son of William R. Winans and Catharine Winans, 'whose maideh name was Simonson, was bom in the town of Vernon, county of Sussex, N. J., on the 27th day of September, 1831 ; his father, a descendant of the Hollanders who were among the earliest settlers of tbat State, was a relative of Hans Ross and Thomas Winans, of Baltimore, and he was at the head of a large manufacturing establishment in that city for a number of years, and he, in connection with Ross and Thomas Winans, spent several years in Russia in manufacturing and keeping in repair the rolling-stock on the railroad between St. Petersburg and Moscow, under contracts with the Russian Government, and in this and his other business pursuits, he accumulated a handsome property ; he also held for many years the office of Justice of the Peace in New Jersey, and, though he was not specially educated for tbe legal profession, he was admitted to practice in all the courts of that State, and his great natural abilities soon gave him a lucrative practice and a commanding position, showing that had he in early life chosen this field of labor, he would have attained tbe highest rank in the profession ; during tbe last years of his life, he was a resident of Rock Co. in this State, where his aged widow still resides. The subject of this sketch spent his early years attending school and assisting his father in his business ; he received an academic education at Deckertown Academy, in Sussex Co., in his native State, after spending some time at a private school at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y. ; after reading law at Newton and Trenton, N. J., about four years, and a portion of the time with the Hon. Martin Ryerson, since one of the Circuit and Supreme Court Judges of that State, he was, in the fall of 1855, admitted to practice in all its courts. On the 14th day of November, 1855, he married Maggie A. Cochran, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Dennis Cochran, with whom he lived in constant and undisturbed felicity until the 22d day of December, 1878, when she was called from her earthly home and friends, to whom she was tenderly attached, to the everlasting abodes of tbe blessed, to receive the reward of a pure, charitable and unostentatious Christian life. In the fall of 1857, Mr. Winans removed to Wisconsin, locating at Janesville, engaging in the practice of his profession, where he has since resided. The source of every lawyer's wealth, so far as the practice of his profession is concerned, is in the confidence reposed in him as a man and lawyer, by the people with whom be becomes acquainted ; this confidence, though easily lost, can only be won and retained by a long, useful and honorable professional career. The large, successful and constantly increas ing legal business of Mr. Winans in both civil and criminal cases in Rock and other counties of this State, shows that he has not only won tbe confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens, but that he most worthily retains them. He combines in himself most of those qualifications which are requisite for an able lawyer ; he is upright and learned in his profession, industrious and attentive to business, bringing to 732 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: all cases intrusted to him, thorough preparation and careful study. Some members of the bar have great power in discussing questions of fact to a jury, but fail in arguing questions of law to the Court; Mr. Winans is fortunate in possessing abilities which enable him to excel in both positions, and it would be difficult for his professional brethren to determine in which place he takes highest rank and is most suc cessful ; bis arguments to the jury are clear, forcible and strong, and, in important cases, are characterized by a sincerity, zeal and persuasive eloquence that at once commands attention, and not unfrequently touches every heart ; while those addressed to the Court are acute and clear, learned, comprehensive and able ; and it is proper to add, that he is constantly actuated by such a spirit of integrity and manli ness of soul tbat it is quite impossible for him to discuss a question of fact to the jury, or of law to the Court, in which he has no confidence himself; we think his legal brethren throughout tbe State, among whom he is well known, accord to him a position in the very foremost rank of the profession; to the endowments already mentioned, be adds other qualifications which, though less important, are not to be overlooked or underestimated, especially by young men just entering the profession, and among them are a calmness of mind and a serenity of temper and disposition which enable bim, under all circumstances, however vexatious or trying, to preserve his self-possession ; and we doubt whether he was ever known by any of his professional brethren, among whom he has practiced almost a quarter of a century, to fly into an unseemly passion ; and his uniform kindness anel courtesy to all are as remarkable as tbey are worthy of imitation ; it is unnecessary to add that such a man is ever a faithful friend, and an upright, honorable citizen. In politics, he is a Democrat, and tbe fact that he resides in a city, county and State strongly Republican, sufficiently attests the sincerity of his political opinions; he is not ambitious for office, and avoids, rather than seeks for the honors which official positions bestow ; still he has been called ly his fellow-citizens to fill several, such as Alderman, City Attorney of Janesville for several terms; in b864, he was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention held in Chicago; in 1868, the Demo. cratic candidate for Congress in tbe Second Congressional District, composed of the counties of Bock, Jefferson, Dane and Columbia, which being largely Republican, he was defeated; in the fall of 1873, he was elected to the Assembly from the city of Janesville, and, as a member of that body, held the impor tant position of Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. To every public position he has been called to fill, be has brought abilities amply adequate to the performance of every duty devolving upon him, and a sincerity of purpose which places all bis acts above cavil or reproach. He is still in tbe fullness of his usefulness and strength. W. B. WOOD, general mechanic in cotton factory ; born at Brainard's Bridge, Rensselaer Co,, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1826; married Louisa Hoag, December, 1848; she was born in September, 1826; chil dren are Francis A., bora April 29, 1850 ; Andrew J., August, 1852 ; Adeline, Jane, Willis Elmer, Milo, Sidney, Charles and . George, aged 25, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 11 and 9 years, respectively; Mr. B. worked twenty-one years at Brainard cotton mill, and was for a time manager in the mill ; was overseer of card- room and spring-room at North Adams, Blass., for three years; came to Janesville in 1876, where he still remains in tbe Janesville cotton factory. DAVID YOUMANS, farmer, Sec. 30; P. 0. Janesville; came to Wisconsin in 1850, and settled in Center Township ; lived there four years ; purchased present homestead of seventy-one acres from Blr. O. Cleeland, four years ago; bora in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1839. Married Miss Nancy Thor burn, daughter of George Thorburn, of Janesville, on Dec. 31, 1874 ; have two children — George C. and Ella ; is Treasurer of School Board at present; raises grain, corn and stock for Chicago markets. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. E. J. ADAMS, superintendent Beloit Straw-Board Mills ; born in Tecumseh, Lenawee Co.> Mich., Oct. 6, 1852, and came to Wisconsin Jan. 18, 1869, locating at Beloit; from Tecumseh, he moved with his father to Texana, Texas, and assisted in stock-raising and the growing of cotton and corn ; from Texana, he returned to Tecumseh, where he attended school ; from Tecumseh he moved to Beloit, and attended the High School for two years, and was then engaged in tbe Beloit Straw-Board Mill at general work until 17 years of age, when he was given charge of tbe machinery of the mill, and then became General Manager and Superintendent of the business. Mr. Adams married, December 16, 1874, Rosamond Corwin, of New York ; he has one child living, named BIyrtie. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are members of tbe Baptist Church at Beloit. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 733 W. H. ALDRICH, manufacturer Aldrich Wind-Blills ; was born in Munro, Saratoga Co., N. Y., on Oct. 3, 1833, and came to Wisconsin Blarch 1, 1867, locating at Beloit; from Munro he moved to Logansport, Ind., where he learned the trade of machinist, and afterward for ten years acted as foreman in a steam-engine and mill-work manufactory ; at this place, he also manufactured paper on his own account under the firm name of Aldrich & Baldwin ; he next engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods; from, Logansport, he moved to Beloit, built the building now occupied by the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co., and engaged for three years in the manufacture of woolen goods on his own account; he took charge of a machine shop and foundry at Keokuk, Iowa, for two years, and afterward returned to Beloit and entered the wind-mill manufactory of 0. B. Olmstead & Co., as foreman ; he then took a contract from the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co. for tbe building of their mills, and afterward, in connection with Blr. Parker, manufactured the Aldrich Wind-BIill ; Blr. Parker soon after retiring, be still continued on his own account, and is now doing a successful business ; Blr. Aldrich is a member of the School Board of District No. 2, and Clerk of the same ; he enlisted in the 55th Indiana 100-day Vols., Co. E, which was engaged on detached service. He married, January 9, 1857, Sarah E. Seegraves, of Logansport, Ind. ; be has three children living — Alonzo, Bell and Nellie. Blr. and Blrs. Aldrich and their two eldest children are members of tbe Baptist Church at Beloit. A. B. ALLEN, livery, School street; was born in Belcbertown, Hampshire Co., Blass., in 1814; came to Wisconrin April 19, 1866, locating at Beloit; Blr. Allen moved from Belcbertown to Chickopee Falls, Hampden Co., Blass, thence to Jenksville, Hampden Co., then to Ware, Hampshire Co., from Ware to Cummington, where he was engaged with his brother in the manufacture of cotton cloth ; from Cummington to Conway, Franklin Co., where he also engaged in cloth manufacture; from Conway came to Beloit and commenced the livery business. He married, October 10, 1839, Blary A. Pierce; has three children — Henry C., Samuel H. and William R. ; bis wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church, of Beloit. WILLIAM ALVERSON, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Beloit; born in Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1811 ; in 1837, came West, visited Chicago, Milwaukee and other cities, and, in 1844, took up eighty acres of Government land in Section 19, and brought his family here; he built a handsome residence, with bams, etc. He married, in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 1840, Rhoda Snow ; they had five children, three now living, William H. O, Carrie BI. and Jennie G. His family attend the Methodist Church. His son, William H., enlisted for 100 days in tbe 4th Wis., was afterward drafted and went to New York ; George BI. enlisted and was at New Orleans with his regiment three years, was then discharged and returned to Beloit, where be died in 1876. He now owns 240 acres in all. WILLIAM L. AUSTIN, foreman of Munger's Carriage Works; carriage-builder by trade ; bora in 1839 ; came to Wisconsin in 1854; enlisted in 4th Wis. Artillery, September, 1861 ; mustered out, July, 1865 ; was at the siege of Richmond, Petersburg, Blalvern Hill and other engagements which his regiment participated in. Married Bliss E. B. Burdick, a native of York State, whose parents live in Illinois; have four children— Imogene, born 1866; Mabel, 1871 ; Alice, 1876; Belle, 1878. Attend Con gregational Church. EBENEZER N. BALDWIN, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Beloit; born in Mansfield, Conn., in 1807 ; remained there till 1829 : he came to Beloit in September, 1845, and bought eighty acres of land in Section 4 ; built a log house first, and kept tavern about five years, then built a residence and barns and improved the land. He married, in Rutland Co., Vt., in 1832, Emily Coats; they bad eleven children, only one of whom is living at home with her parents ; the others are all married and away from home. He owns 200 acres of land with fine residence, and all improved except thirty acres, which is timber land. OTIS R. BASS, farmer, Sec. 7; P. 0. Beloit; born in Windham Co., Conn., in 1814; in 1837, moved to Hillsdale Co., Blich., and remained there nine years, farming; in 1846, he came to Beloit and bought forty acres land in Sec. 7 ; he built residence and barns, and otherwise improved it. He mar ried, in Michigan, in 1841, Sarah L. Williamson ; tbey had seven children, four now living — Elizabeth, Melissa, George 0. and Chester. Mr. Bass owns 140 acres land in Sections 7 and 8, all improved. WILLIAM H. BAUMES, dealer in dry goods and carpets, corner State and Broad streets ; was bom in Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., N. Y. ; at the age of 12 years, he left the farm to attend the village school in Sloansville, and, during vacations, interested himself in his father's store ; having taken a stron«- likin<* to mercantile business, and evincing such good care for the interests of bis father, he was, two years later, given the whole charge of his father's interest in the store, and, during the same time, continued his studies; at the age of 18, feeling the need of a better education, he attended the Fort Edward Institute, taking a college preparatory course, and being offered, by his father, the choice between a- colle°iate educa'ion, with a view to a professional pursuit, or a more extended business knowledge, with 734 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: the mercantile business in view, he chose the latter, and Aug. 15, 1865, came to Wisconsin and located in Beloit, where he soon after accepted a position as salesman in Mr. S. S. Waterman's dry-goods store, with whom he continued till Jan. 20, 1868, when he went to Oneonta, N. Y., and organized the dry- goods firm of Bedford & Baumes. Believing the prospects for business enterprises to be far better in the West than in the East, and realizing the need of a larger place to conduct as large a business as he wished to do, he sold out his interest in the store in Oneonta and returned to Beloit in May of the same year, when he was offered his former position of book-keeper and head clerk in Mr. Waterman's store, which position he retained till Aug. 24, 1870. On Aug. 25 of the same year, he accepted a position in the wholesale department of Field, Leiter & Co's store in Chicago, and continued with that firm till April 21, 1871, when he returned to Beloit, to give all his time and business ability to the firm of Carpenter & Baumes, which firm was organized in March, 1871, the members of the firm being James M. Carpenter and William H. Baumes. Mr. Baumes remained a member of that firm till Feb. 1, 1879, when the firm was dissolved by mutual consent. During the eight years of the business career of the above firm, it -enjoyed unbounded prosperity, and did a larger dry-goods business than any firm ever transacted in Beloit, its sales reaching $100,000 annually, and, notwithstanding the panic of 1873, the bard times and shrink age in values of all kinds of merchandise, from 1875 to 1878, the business of this firm was but slightly affected, and each year they were enabled to realize handsome dividends from their business. On Feb. 1, 1879, the firm of Carpenter & Baumes was dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. Baumes opened his pres ent dry-goods store, situated on the corner of State and Broad streets, which is the largest store in the city used for the dry-goods business. His trade is very large, and his sales show a handsome increase each month, and Mr. Baumes is well pleased with his successful and profitable business. He has no partner in his business. On Jau. 2, 1879, the Citizens' National Bank of Beloit was organized, and Mr. Baumes was elected Cashier, which office he held until April 16 of the same year, when he resigned that position, to devote all his time to his mercantile and other business interests. He is still interested in tbe bank, and holds tbe office of Director. Few young men have succeeded so well. Aug. 23, 1876, Mr. Baumes married Minnie H. Chapman, at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. He has one child — William H. Baumes, Jr. Blr. and Mrs. Baumes are members of the First Baptist Church of Beloit. WILLIAM H. BEACH. Principal of the High School ; was born in Seneca Falls, Seneca Co., N. Y., Oct. 8, 1835, and came to Wisconsin Sept. 1, 1875, locating at Beloit. Mr. Beach received his education at Seneca Falls Academy and Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. In 1867, he went to Dubuque, Iowa, and was appointed Principal of the High School at that place. In 1875, he moved to Beloit and accepted the position of Principal of tbe High School, which he still holds. Mr. Beach enlisted in the army in May, 1861, in Co. B, 1st N. Y. (Lincoln) Cavalry, Col. Reynolds, and was Lieu tenant and Adjutant of the regiment. He was engaged in tbe battles of Blecbanicsville, White Oak Bridge, White Oak Swamp, Antietam, Winchester (under Milroy), Piedmont, Lynchburg, Winchester (under Crook), Morefield (under Averill), Martinsburg (under Crook), Winchester (under Sheridan), Fisher's Hill (under Sheridan), Front Royal, Mount Jackson, and also in about forty skirmishes in Vir ginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. He received bis discbarge July 7, 1865. Mr. Beach married, Dec. 26, 1867, Sarah M. Peterson, of Canoga, N. Y. Blr. and Mrs. Beach are members of the Presbyterian Church. JOHN BELL was born in Chibbet, Scotland, Sept. 15, 1830 ; he moved to County Durham, Eng., where he was a blacksmith for five years. From Durham he went to New York City; thence to Chicago, and from there to Beloit, Aug. 29, 1866, and since has been engaged as foreman of tbe forging shop of Merrill & Houston's Iron Works. Mr. Bell married, Dec. 31, 1856, Ellen Scott, of Durham Co., Eng.; he has five children living — William, Elizabeth, John Scott, Joseph P. and Walter A. Mr. Bell is a member of the Second Congregational Church at Beloit. DR. SAMUEL BELL, physician and surgeon, State street; was bom in Glen, Montgomery Co., N. Y., and came to Wisconsin June 10, 1849, locating in the village of Shopiere. Dr. Bell took his medical course at the University of Ann Arbor, under Prof. Moses Gunn, Professor of Surgery, and Profs. Armour and Abram Sager. He graduated with honor, passing all the chairs and received his diploma in the year 1864, his specialty being the diseases of women and children. He then went to Prairie du Sac, Wis., and commenced the practice of medicine alone ; from there he went to Shopiere, Wis., and practiced for eight years ; from Shopiere he came to Beloit, where his practice has grown to such an extent that he is unable to attend to all who call on him. Aug 10, 1864, Dr. Bell was commissioned First Assistant Surgeon of tbe 15th W. V. I., Col. O. C. Johnson, and went with the regiment to Atlanta, Ga.; when the time of the regiment expired returned with it to Nashville, Tenn., where they were mustered out. He was then appointed Acting Assisting Surgeon under Dr. B. B. Breed, who was in charge of Hospital BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 735 No. 1, at Nashville. Dr. Bell became a member of tbe State Medical Society in 1869, and has been a member of the Committees of the Society on Diseases of Women and Children, and Obstetrics. He married August, 1864, Mary Eveline Bowen, daughter of Hon. Hiram Bowen, one of the editors of the Janesville Gazette, and Postmaster of Janesville for four years. Has two children living — Nettie Evelyn and Martha Wheeler. Mrs. Bell is a member of the Episcopal Church at Beloit. DR. C. H. BICKNELL, physician, Race street; was bora March 7, 1818, at Providence, R. I.; came to Wisconsin July 15, 1838, and located at Beloit. From Providence he moved to Canaan, Essex Co., Vt., and engaged in farming; from Canaan he moved to Beloit, making the distance from Caanan to Buffalo with teams and then by steamer United States to Chicago ; thence by teams to Wis consin. He went to farming with his father on 300 acres of land ; followed farming but five or six years ; then opened the Beloit House, wliich he kept four years, when he commenced the study of medicine ia Rockford, 111., under Dr. Goodhue, a prominent physician of that place. He 'finished his studies with his brother, G. W. Bicknell, and then engaged with his brother Thomas in -the drug business, under the firm name of Bicknell Bros., which he carried on for four years ; again practiced medicine with his brother G. W. up to 1861, sioce which time he has practiced alone. Dr. Bicknell married, Sept. 12, 1848, Eliza- heth S. Goodhue, of Sherbrooke, Canada; has two children — Charles H. and Elizabeth. Mrs. BickneU belongs to tho Episcopal Church. J. J. BLAISDELL, Professor of Beloit College ; was bora in Canaan, Grafton Co., N. H., Feb. 8, 1827, and came to Wisconsin in September, 1859, locating at Beloit. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1846, and at the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., in 1852. He then moved to Lebanon- and engaged in tbe practice of law for three years, after which, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and was there Pastor of the Presbyterian Church seven years. From Cincinnati, he moved to Beloit, and since that time has been connected with Beloit College, from 1859 to 1864, as Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, and from that time, as Professor of Mental and Moral' Philosophy and Christian Evidences.. Mr. Blaisdell was Superintendent of Schools in 1847, at Lebanon, N. H. In 1864 to 1869, was Super intendent of City Schools in Beloit. In 1854, was Chaplain of the 40th Wisconsin Volunteers. He mar ried, Feb. 1, 1853, Susan Ann Allen, of Lebanon, N. H. ; he has two children — Philip Van Bergen and James Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Blaisdell are members of tbe First Congregational Church at Beloit. S. K. BLODGETT, dealer and shipper of produce ; was born Jan. 12, 1812, at, Batavia, Gene see Co., N. Y., and came to Wisconsin May 3, 1838, locating at Beloit. He removed with his father to Monroe, Ashtabula Co.. Ohio, where he went to school, and, together with bis other brothers, assisted his- father in distilling, merchandising, milling, staging, and farming on a large scale. In 1836, he moved to- Jones Co., Iowa, and took up a claim on his own account ; from Jones Co., he moved to Beloit, where he went to farming and raising stock ; there, in 1846, went into the butchering business. In 1852, be formed one of a party that went to California, and who traveled together for mutual protection ; he stayed there but three months, then returned to Beloit. In 1854, he engaged in the produce business, buying hogs, cattle, grain, etc., and shipping to market. In the fall of 1857, he bought out one-half interest in the milling business from Blr. John Hackett ; in 1867, bought out the other half, and shortly after sold out the entire interest. Mr. Blodgett is still engaged in the produce business. He owns four farms of 500 acres, 300 acres, and 320 acres, and one in Dakota of 80 acres. He is also engaged in the drug business in connec tion with Mr. F. S. Fenton. He was elected Alderman ofthe Fourth Ward for five years. About the year 1847, was Trustee of the. Union School of West Beloit. Mr. Blodgett married Dec. 10, 1833, Mahala Norris, of Coshocton Co., Ohio ; he has three children living — William, S. K. Blodgett, Jr., and Sabra H. DR. J. L. BRENTON, physician, School street ; was born in Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio, Oct. 18, 1820; came to Wisconsin October 1, 1864, locating in Beloit; in 1826, he moved to Washington, Penn., thence to Mt. Union, Stark Co., Ohio, in 1843, where he read medicine with Prof. Caleb Jones, who was for many years Professor of Louisville (Ky). University ; in the spring of 1849, he moved to North Georgetown, Columbiana Co., Ohio, where he practiced medicine for nine years with good success; from there he moved to Massillon, Stark Co., Ohio, and practiced, in connection with Professor A. Metz, Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in Cleveland Medical College ; from Massillon he moved to Salem, Columbiana Co., and entered into partnership with Dr. Abel Carey, one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of the State of Ohio ; from Salem he moved to Dayton, Ohio, and -in 1 857-58 had full charge of the City Hospital at that place; then returned to Alliance, Stark Co., Ohio, and remained there until the fall of 1862. when he was appointed First Assistant Surgeon of tho 115th Ohio V. I. ; on the 5th of March following, he was assigned as Surgeon to the 8th Ohio Infantry, and then to the Army of the Potomac, and, in the fall of 1863, was made Surgeon-in-Cbief of the First Brigade, 3d Division, 2d 73ti BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Army Corps, under Gen. Winfield S. Hancock ; in the winter of 1863-64, was appointed Surgeon-in" Chief of the 2d Division, commanded by Gen. Gibbon, which position he retained until he was mustered out with his regiment at Cleveland, Ohio ; ten days after being mustered out was appointed Inspector of U. S. Hospitals with the rank and pay of Lieutenant Colonel of cavalry ; served two months, and resigned on account of sickness in his family ; October 1, 1864, he came to Beloit, and commenced the practice of medicine and surgery ; Dr. Brenton is a member of the Ohio Bledical State Society, the Wisconsin State Bledical Society, and the American Medical Association; at Mt. Union, from 1844 to 1848, held the office of Postmaster. He married, on the 3d of April, 1861, Amanda Jackman, of Jefferson Co., Ohio; has four children— Oscar L., Josephine, Florence May and Blanche. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brenton are mem bers of the BI. E. Church, at Beloit. HORACE H. BROWN, grocer; born in New Ye>rk, Dec. 15, 1837; came to Wisconsin in 1857, locating at Beloit, where he farmed for two years ; he then went into the coopering business, con tinuing ten years until 1869; clerked for T. W. Laramy five years in the grocery business; in 1874, formed partnership with E. A. Lumiss, under the style of Lumiss & Brown, continuing for one year, whrn D. K. Brown bought out Mr. Lumiss, the firm changing to Brown Bros., the firm continuing eighteen months when Horace bought out his brother and continued alone. Married, October, 1859, Miss Blarie Laramy, of New York; had two children — Nellie, born April 12, 1861; Thomas, Jan. 28, 1867. Mi- Brown enlisted in Company A, 153d I. V. I., at Marengo, 111. ; joined the regiment at Chicago ; mustered out at Springfield, 111., at the close of the war. Republican. Members of the Congregational Church. E. R. BUCKERIDGE, butcher; born in Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1855; son of Edward Buckeridge, a native of Berkshire Co., England; his father carried on brick-making in London, England; Edward B. was engaged in the butchering business in Rochester and afterward in Beloit; his son, Blr. E. R. Buckeridge, attended school until about 20, then took his father's place in the butchering business ; was interested in some fine stock, among which was " Stella B.; " he afterward took front rank as a pedes trian ; Blay 1, 1878, walked a match with La Chapelle for $50, in Beloit, and won ; walked, August 3, 1878, with Henry Schmehl, of Chicago, in Rockford, and won ; Blarcb 21, 1879, at the Exposition Build ing, Chicago, walked a match, (nineteen started) — Blr. Buckeridge won second place ; walked a six-day walk in Beloit ; began November 3, 1878, and walked 450 miles ; competed at a walking and running match at Richmond, 111., forty miles, go as you please — got first money ; has walked twenty-one matches and won nineteen of them. He walked 100 miles in Chicago, without leaving the track and without nourishment. A. W. BULLOCK was born in Georgeville, Stanstead Plain, Canada, on Jan. 27, 1842 ; came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1848, locating at Beloit; from Canada he went to Bloomington, 111., with his parents, thence to Beloit, and learned the carpenter trade with his father ; he worked for Parker & Stone one year, and, August 10, 1862, enlisted in Co. B, 22d Wis. Regt., under Col. W. L. Utley, of Racine ; was mustered out June 11, 1865 ; was engaged in tbe battle at Thompson Station, Tenn., where he was wounded twice, once through tbe left arm and once in the right leg ; was also in the skirmishes at Brentwood Station, Tenn., and Lookout Mountain ; was in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, before Atlanta Ga., where he was wounded in the bead, tbe ball striking tbe cheek bone and passing out at the back of the neck, paralyzing one side of his face ; Mr. Bullock was under fire for twenty-one days in succession, being in the advance and on the skirmish line. He married, May 11, 1868, Nellie B. Parker, of Harvard, 111. ; he has one child — Eddie. JOHN BURGER, butcher; born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Aug. 24, 1830; son of David Burger, a farmer, who died at the age of 70. Mr. John Burger was a baker in the old country, and came to Wisconsin, near Blilwaukee, in 'l 849 ; in a few months, removed to Chicago and learned the butchering business ; was with the firm of Miller, Smith & Piper ; this was the only market on the North Side at that time; left in 1855, came to Beloit, and, in about five years from tbat time, engaged in busi ness on his own account and has carried it on successfully ever since. Blarried Mary Annen, in Chicago, June 16, 1852; have had fifteen children, ten living— Maggie married Blr. Charles Fountain, A. W. is at home on tbe farm, Rosetta, Charles, Frank, Amy and Jennie and others ; John Burger, Jr., has almost entire charge of tbe market business, and keeps a fine assortment of meats of all kinds ; they have a slaughter-house in connection with their farm, which is two miles out of Beloit, on the river road ; they deal only in the best of meats, and have a constantly increasing and satisfactory trade. The family are attendants of the Blethodist Church. CHARLES L. BURPEE, photographer, State street; was born in Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y., and came to Wisconsin about the 16th of August, 1863; was engaged in the manufacture of furniture in Lima, which manufactory supplied tbe surrounding towns with furniture. From Lima, he removed to Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y., and was seven years in the furniture business at that place. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 737 From Le Roy, he removed to Rockford, 111., in October. 1855. In 1856, he engaged in establishing the town of Dement Station, now called Creston, 111., a thriving little town, sixty-nine miles west of Chicago, on the Dixon Air Line of the North- Western Railway; was also engaged in large real-estate transactions at the same place. In 1860, he returned to Rockford, III., and went into the furniture business, after which, he engaged as collector, with Murray & Thompson, reaper manufacturers. From Rockford, he came to Beloit, and was in the photographic business until 1867, when he went to Chicago to engage in the pho tographic business there. During 1869 and 1870, he was with the Chicago Silver Plate Co., at Aurora, 111., which business he helped to establish. From Aurora,, returned to Beloit, and entered again into the photographic business, which he is now conducting with good success. Mr. Burpee enlisted in the 15th 111. Regt., in Co. B, under Col. Ellis, in June, 1861 ; on account of ill-health was mustered out in the fall ofthe same year. He married, Oct. 31, 1849, Helen Doolittle, of Bradford, N. H. Has two daughters — Sarah E. and Abbie E. The whole family are members of good standing of the First Baptist Church, Beloit. JOHN C. BURR, merchant; bora in Hartford, Conn., in 1816; came to Beloit in May, 1839, in company with Alfred Field, one of the first settlers in the county ; they went into partnership, and started a tin shop, also carried a stock of stoves ; continued together in business two years, and then Blr. Burr enlarged the business and carried a full stock of hardware, tools, agricultural implements, etc. He married, in New York City, in 1837, Jane Gray, of England, and they bad six children, four of whom are now liviug, and married. WILLIAM H. BURROWS, farmer, Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Beloit ; born at Rome, N. Y., in 1830, and in 1857 he came to Rock Co., Wis., and located in tbe town of Janesville ; in the fall of the same year, he came to Beloit Township and bought seventy-two aud one-half acres of land in Section 3, with a house on it : he improved the house, built barns, etc., and now has a very comfortable place. He married in Wayne, Penn., in 1854, Lola A. Brown, only daughter of Squire Brown, of Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y. They have two children living — Henry E. and William S. ; both at home with parents. I. P. CADMAN was born in Providence, Saratoga Co., N. Y., July 1, 1833, and came to Wis consin May 31, 1854, locating eleven miles west of Beloit. He learned the millwright trade in his native town, and from there moved to Newark, Rock Co., and on his own account engaged in house building and farming ; he then moved to Beloit, thence to Freeport, and entered the sash and blind business in con nection with Isaac Forboss, under the firm name of Cadman & Forboss. A short time after, Mr. Forboss died, when Mr. Cadman ran the business a short time alone. In 1867, be made a model car for what is known as the Mendota Street Car Co., which model was accepted, and letters patent secured for same. He then, for six and a half years, worked on pattern work, turn-tables and scales for the Peninsular Division of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, where, for four years and a half, he had entire charge of the wood work of the company, extending along the entire line of that division. He then returned to Beloit, and worked on pattern work for Parker & Aldrich, and Parker & Stone, and is now engaged on pattern work on his own account. Mr. Cadman is about engaging in the manufacture of a draft equalizer, to be applied to machines when drawn by three horses. In 1871 while engaged with tbe railroad company, he was elected Village Trustee of Escanaba. Mr. Cadman married, on Feb. 15, 1855, Eliza J. Mead, of Galway, N. Y. He has four children living, named Frank M., George L., L. Georgiana and A. Benjamin. E. J. CADY, dealer in books, stationery, wall paper, silver-plated ware and jewelry, East Bridge street; was born in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn Co., Ind., and came to Wisconsin Dec. 19, 1877, and located in Beloit; when 2 weeks old, removed with his parents to Cincinnati, Ohio ; was errand boy in the office of the Cincinnati Times, then clerk in a wholesale picture house ; afterward book-keeper to Lewis & Neb- lett, wholesale glass and lamp manufacturers ; he afterward kept books for McCollough & Co., iron mer chants, who were succeeded by William T. Simpson & Co., of which concern he was sole business manager for two years, after which he took a traveling position with Gibson & Co., publishing house, where, by hard work and strict attention to business, he accumulated enough money to go into business for himself in Beloit, under the firm name of E. J. Cady & Co., afterward changed to Ross & Cady. Married on Dec. 18, 1877, Mamie Vinton. Members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Beloit. W. H. CALVERT, gunsmith, fishing tackle and cutlery, East Bridge street; was born iu Le Roy, Genesee Co., N.Y., May 20, 1834; came to Wisconsin in 1854 and located in Beloit; he learned the trade of gunsmith in his native town, and, when 20 years of age, came to Beloit and started in business for himself. In the fall of 1862, he enlisted in the 22d W. V. I., Co. B, Capt. Northrop ; on account of ill health, was mustered out Jan. 1, 1863. He married on the 15th of May, 1853, Mary A. Kingsbury, who was bom in Stafford, Genesee Co., N. Y. ; have had two children, one now living — Eva. STEPHEN CARD, farmer, Sec. 4 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Province of Nova Scotia in 1812 ; he lived there with his parents until 1832, then went to Canida and lived near Toronto till lS38,and that 738 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: year came to Shirland, Winnebago Co., 111., where he lived until 1869 ; he then came to Beloit Township and bought 100 acres of land from William Washburn, in Sec. 4, with residence and all improvements. He married, in Shirland, 111., in 1852, Julia A. Seaton ; they had five children, three living at home with parents ; tbe other two are married and away from home. DR. GEORGE CAREY, physician and surgeon, State street ; was born in Smithfield, Jeff erson Co., Ohio; came to Wisconsin about 1847, and located at Beloit; from Smithfield he went to Bucyrus, Crawford Co., Ohio, where bis father built the first house; from Bucyrus he went to Mt. Pleas ant to attend tbe Quaker Seminary, where he took a full seminary course, occupying three years ; fr.im Mt. Pleasant, removed to Hanoverton, Columbiana Co., Ohio, and studied medicine three years with Drs. Robertson and Cary, who stood very high in their profession in that county ; from Hanoverton he removed to Paris, Stark Co., where he practiced with Dr. Preston, a man who was thoroughly devoted to his profession ; from Paris he went to New York City; attended a course of lectures at tbe Medical Department of the University, at which time the well-known Dr. Valentine Mott was Professor of Sur gery ; from New York City he went back to Georgetown, Columbiana Co., and practiced there four years ; thence to Beloit, where he is having a good practice. Dr. Carey married, in tbe spring of 1848, Cath erine G. Gordon, of Orono, Me. ; they have three children living — Lewis A., George and Ellen Oakley, Both are members of tbe Congregational Church at Beloit. DR. BT. P. CAREY, physician and surgeon, School street; came to Wisconsin Feb. 14, 1 873, locating at Beloit ; Dr. Carey was born in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where he worked i n a farm and went to school under Dr. G. W. Hazeltine ; from Jamestown be went to tbe Buffalo Univer sity, and took a medical course ; thence to Ann Arbor, Mich., to attend a course of lectures under Moses Gunn, Professor of Surgery, and C. L. Ford, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology ; from Ann Arbor, he returned to Buffalo University, where he graduated Feb. 26, 1867, passing all the chairs with honor; from Buffalo he went back to Jamestown on March 1, -1867, and from Jamestown to Freeport, III, where he was engaged in the practice of medicine the first year on his own account, and afterward in partnership with F. W. Hance for one year, after which be practiced on his own account for three years, when he went to Beloit Feb. 14, 1873, and continued the practice of medicine with success. Dr. Carey is a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, and also of the Wisconsin State Medical Society. He married, in Freeport, Stephenson Co., 111., Matilda Rosenstiel. Mr. and Mrs. Carey are members of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. DR. C. C. CARLETON, Hygienic Institute, West Bridge street; was born in Frankfort, Waldo Co., Maine,. July 22, 1840; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1847, locating at Sheboygan Falls, at which place he was teacher of the High School ; from Sheboygan he removed to Cape Girardeau, still teaching school, thence to Washington, D. C, where he was engaged as short-hand reporter at the Smith sonian Institution; Dr. Carleton enlisted, May 9, 1861, in tbe Pennsylvania Reserves, Co. I, Capt. Holmes, and was detached from the regiment for secret service or scouting ; at the close of the war, held a clerk ship in the Inspector's Department, in Washington ; he was in Andersonville Prison for eight and a half months, which greatly impaired his general health ; from Washington removed to Boston, where for eleven years he engaged in public lecturing on Physiologv, Mental Science and Temperance ; from Boston he came to Wisconsin, where, for two and a half years, he engaged in lecturing and also established a hygienic institution at Darien, Wis. ; was burnt outftt that place, in the spring of 1877, and then located at Beloit, and established a hygienic institution and water-cure for the curing of chronic diseases ; tbe Doctor is meet ing with good success and his business is constantly increasing. W'. CARLTON, mechanic; born in Eugland Jan. 8, 1825; son of John Carlton; came to NewYork in 1849; went to Belvidere in 1855; carried on blacksmith business there fourteen years; came to Beloit afterward, and went to work for J. Thompson & Co., and has been there ever since, and ia a skilled and worthy mechanic. Married Joyce Collier, of England June, 1846 ; have had six children — John, Mary (who died when an infant) ; Elizabeth (married David Williams and resides in Beloit) ; Mar garet A. (died while young) ; William is in Beloit; George died when 17 years old. A. B. CARPENTER, retired : was born in Stafford, Orange Co., Vt., July i7, 1812, and came to Wisconsin about June 5, 1846 ; on May 1, 1825, he went to Troy, N. Y., where he made his first start in business life, with a basket for a store and a stock of lemons, which he sold from house to house; bis next venture was the buying of a load of clothes-pins, which his brothers paid for in goods from their general store ; Mr. Carpenter still used the basket, and again went from house to bouse until all the clothes pins were sold, they netting him the handsome profit of $200 ; he then returned to Vermont, when his father sold him a horse and wagon for $100, taking bis note for the same, when Mr. Carpenter returned to Troy, and immediately bought a load of tinware and Yankee notions, from a store in Lansingburg, BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 739 two miles from Troy, for which he paid half cash and half on time ; he followed the business of peddling for six years, gradually adding to his stock ; this business he sold out. paid up his indebtedness, and still had as a profit from the peddling business the snug sum of $10,500 ; in the fall of 1835, he invested this money in goods, and went to Evansville, Ind., where he opened a dry-goods and boot and shoe store, which he carried on for about six months when a partnership was formed with his brothers, under the firm name of A. B. Carpenter & Co., they furnishing about $40,000 and A. B. about $10,000 ; in 1838 and 1839, the firm invested largely in real estate in Evansville and Southern Indiana ; about this time the well-known panic came on, which, however, they weathered through, paying 100 cents on the dollar, and paying as high as twenty per cent for exchange ; they shortly after sold out their business, and took as part pay a steam flouring mill ; his brother conducted the mill, and, in 1841, Mr. A. B. Carpenter went to New Orleans, and opened a commission house there, for -the sale of the flour and the general produce which the townsmen shipped to that place; he continued there for ten months, when, on account of the sickness of his son, James M., he sold out the business in New Orleans and returned to Evansville, after shipping on board the ship Noble, for Boston, 2,600 .barrels of flour and about 2,000 bushels of com ; he went to Boston, disposed of bis shipment and returned to Evansville, where, in connection with Oliver Ladd, he started a dry-goods jobbing house, which they carried on for two years, during which time they made about $21 ,000. About the year 1845, be wecit to Galena, 111., and engaged in the dry-goods and boot and shoe business, and, in about six months, on account of sickness in his family, boxed up his giods and shipped them to Beloit, Wis., where he opened a dry-goods, boot and shoe and grocery store; this busi ness he carried on for about three years, and, in 1849, he went to Cambridge, Dane Co., and bought a town site and mill property, built a grist and saw mill, and ran them for two years and a half, when he sold them out; in 1851, he bought another town site in Avon, Rock Co., Wis., built up a water-power and started a general store and also purchased 3,000 acres of land there ; in 1852, he sold out the water-power and store and returned to Beloit ; be then traded his residence for the first frame building that was built in Beloit, then known as tbe Dearborn residence and bakery, on the present site of the Eclipse Wind-BIill office, where he opened a general store ; one year after, be sold out bis stock of goods to Keyes & White, and, about tbe year 1854, started an exchange and banking business, which he continued for three years when he closed up the banking business to assist his brother in Evansville, who was in trouble; in 1859, be bought a stock of general merchandise of Warren Hodgdon, known as the Great Western Store, and, in connection with his son James and his son-in-law A. A. Green, formed a partnership under the firm name of A. B. Carpenter & Son; two years after, tbe son, James M., bought out the business; then, in connection with his son and Blr. White, he started a wholesale dry-goods house in Evansville, Ind., 1805, under the firm name of Carpenter, White & Baker, in which he continued for about one and a half years, when he exchanged his interest for a stock of clothing, with a Mr. Clements, of Tennessee; in 1866, he brought the clothing to Beloit and opened a store for its sale ; he also opened a dry-goods, boot and shoe and grocery store, each occupying a separate store, side by side, in Union Hall Block ; this business was conducted under tbe firm name of Carpenter & Greene, and continued until about February, 1869, when a fire occurred with a loss to them of about $15,000; he then closed out the business, Blr. Greene taking the boot and shoe stock and continuing in another location. In July, 1870, Mr C. engaged in the man ufacture of boots and shoes, in connection with Cyrus Libby, E. H. Chapman and John Foster, under the firm name of Libby, Foster & Co., being the first manufactory of the kind in Beloit ; continued the busi ness for three years, and then sold out his interest to Chapman ; since that time has been engaged in real estate and building, having built several of tbe best blocks in the city, in many of which permanent man ufactures of different kinds are now permanently located ; in fact, Mr. C. has always em-ouraged manu facturing in Beloit, and aided and given largely to its support. In 1877, he built, the large, two-story double store and house on West Bridge street, and, in connection with Mr. Towle and Mr. White, put iu a stock of dry goods, under the firm name of Carpenter, Towle & White, and shortly after sold out his interest, Mr. Carpenter was one of the first Councilmen of the city of Beloit. He married, July 5, 1839, Almira L. Dutcher, of Schodack, N. Y ; he has six children living— James M., Mary A., Hattie A., Annie B., Addie D. and Comeb'a. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter are members of the First Congregational Church at Beloit. JAMES MADISON CARPENTER, dry -goods merchant. Financial ability and mer cantile success have seldom been shown more conspicuously than in the successful career of James M. Car penter. No city in the country can claim a citizen whose mind more thoroughly comprehends the business of merchandising, and whose daily life is more conscientiously devoted to bis business. James M. Car penter was bom in Evansville, Ind., Nov. 3, 1840, and came, with his father, A. B. Carpenter, to Beloit, Wis., in 1844. While a lad, he attended the public school at Beloit, and took a preparatory and scientific 740 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: course of study at Beloit College. He graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, in Chicago, receiving his diploma for a thorough knowledge of commercial law and book-keeping. In 1860, hc| entered, when quite young, then but 20 years of age, into mercantile business with his father. They were in business some three years, when J. M. C. purchased his father's interest and conducted the dry- goods business alone. In 1863, J. M. C. took Mr. Ira BI. White in as partner, under the firm name nf Carpenter & White. They continued the business successfully in Beloit until 1865, when A. B. Carpen ter, J. M. Carpenter, Ira W. White and John S. Baker entered into partnership, to engage in the whole sale dry-goods business at Evansville, Ind., where they did a large business. Mr. A. B. Carpenter sold out his interest in the firm to Converse Clement in 1866, and, in 1869, J. M. C. sold out his interest in the firm at Evansville, and returned to Beloit, Wis., again engaging, with his father, in the dry-goods business, which continued for one year, when J. M. C. purchased A. B. Carpenter's interest. On Jan. 1, 1873, Mr. Carpenter took into partnership William H. Baumes, under the firm name of Carpenter k Baumes. Two years later, Edson S. Curtis was admitted a partner, and remained a partner to the time of his death, Nov. 28, 1875. For six years, Messrs. Carpenter & Baumes did a successful dry-goods business in Beloit, their annual sales having reached $100,000 a year. On Feb. 1, 1879, Carpenter & Baumes separated and divided their large stock, Mr. Carpenter remaining in' his elegant Jilock at the east end of the bridge, of which he is the owner, this being the finest block in the city, and his store one of the finest in the State, with all conveniences for doing a large business. Mr. Carpenter married, Oct. 6, 1864, at Mohawk, N. Y., Miss Hattie G. Root, daughter of Hon. H. G. Root, of that place; she died at Beloit, Wis., Aug. 27, 1865. He married Miss Louise Ingle, only daughter of John Ingle, Jr., Presi dent of the Evansville & Crawfordsville Railroad, Dec. 23, 1869 ; their children are Alvin B. Carpenter, born Dec. 23, 1870 ; Ingle Carpenter, April 17, 1872 ; Isabella Carpenter, July 19, 1879. EDWIN CARRIER, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Beloit; born in Mulberry, Conn., in 1827 ; came to Kenosha Co. in 1846, bought and located school lands, and resided there till 1865 ; then came to Beloit and bought 144 acres in Sec. 23, with residence and barns; he built additions and improved the land. He married, in Kenosha Co., in 1860, Mary Ann Smith ; they had three children ; she died, in Beloit, in 1868, and be married again, in 1872, Fannie BI. Crossman ; have one child ; his family attend the Second Congregational Church. MRS. CELIA CHAMBERLIN, widow, Sec. 20; P. O. Beloit; daughter of John and Elizabeth Gill ; bora in Blontgomery Co., Ky., in 1815 ; ber husband, John Chamberlin, was bora in North Carolina in 1808 ; they were married in Crawford Co., 111., Aug. 3, 1835, and bad five children ; came to Beloit in 1844 ; he took up 160 acres of Government land in Sec. 8, built a log cabin and lived there three years ; he then bought forty acres iu Sec. 20, and built the residence she now occupies. Mrs. Chamberlin owns 153 acres in Sec. 20. Mr. Chamberlin died Blay 20, 1872. John N., ber son, owns 120 acres in Sec. 29, on which the celebrated mineral springs are located. He married Delia A. Clark, of Rockton, 111., and has two children living. T. C. CHAMBERLIN. The subject of this biographical notice was bom at Mattoon, 111., on the 25th of September, 1843; his father, Rev. J. Chamberlin, a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was one of the pioneers of Illinois and of Wisconsin, and to him most of tbe customary opportunities for education and culture were denied, but in spite of this, through tbe force of his natural abilities, singleness of purpose and strength of religious conviction, did much of good, if not of celebrity, in his life-work, and transmitted to his descendants his own sterling qualities of mind and heart, which, under the more favorable opportunities for development, have won for them a wide recognition of merit. The family moved to Beloit in the year 1846, and here twelve years of the young son's life were occupied with such duties as he was capable of performing upon the farm and in attendance at the district school ; at the -age of 1 4, he began his preparation for college ; the eight succeeding years were mainly spent in the prepara tory and collegiate departments of Beloit College, his course of study being somewhat interrupted by an occasional term of teaching ; he graduated from the College in 1866, at the age of 22, and taught the two succeeding years, being Principal for that time of the High School at Delavan, Wis. ; while engaged in this work, his attention was first strongly drawn toward scientific pursuits, and, in order to prepare for this line of work, he resigned his position in Delavan in 1868 and took a special course at the Michigan Uni versity ; completing this in one year, he returned to Wisconsin, and in 1869 was elected to the Chair of Natural Sciences in the State Normal School at Whitewater ; he held this position for four years, and here, by his success in building up a system of scientific instruction, and through tbe abilities which he mani fested as an original investigator, he won a reputation which called him at once to the filling of two very important positions viz. : Professor of Geology and Zoology in Beloit College, and Assistant Geologist Wisconsin Geological Survey ; resigning his position at Whitewater, he returned to Beloit and BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 741 performed the duties devolving upon him from these two positions, until the spring of 1876, when ho was appointed Chief Geologist, a position which he still holds ; the exhausting duties imposed upon him by the acceptance of this position compelled him to relinquish for a time his college duties, which, however, were' resumed in 1879 ; although now but 36 years of age, and still ranking among the young men of our State, the records of his past work furnish an enduring monument to his abilities ; while at Whitewater, his first work was published, entitled " An Outline of a Course of Oral Instruction, the Result of the Author's Own Successful Labors as an Instructor in this Department; " he was also, during this time, the author of several papers, published by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters ; during the period of bis connection with the Geological Survey, his labors in this direction have been much greater ; he has been the author, during this time, of three annual reports upon the progress of the Survey, one large volume of Final Reports, a treatise upon the Kettle Bloraine of the Great Lake Region, and of several papers published by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, the State Agricultural Society and the Northern Wisconsin Agricultural Society ; he has now in progress of completion three additional volumes of reports upon the geological survey ; besides these scientific and educational labors, Prof. Chamberlin has not been oblivious to civil and business affairs ; he is actively interested in two of the leading manufacturing institutions of Beloit, being a Director in the Rock River Paper Company and Vice President of the Blerrill & Houston Iron Works ; he has for some time been a member of the School Board of Beloit, is one of tbe original members of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters and has long been one of its Vice Presidents. Undoubtedly, the most distinctive trait of character dis played by Prof. Chamberlin is his clear insight into the relations of things, which enables him to so classify and present the truths with which he deals, that they are easily comprehended as an organic, harmonious whole, and not as a heterogeneous mass of ill- digested facts; added to this, are abundant resources of expression, an affable manner and an integrity of motive and action that instinctively draw to him tbe best men and the best side of all men. AARON LUCIUS CHAPIN was born in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 4, 1817. His ancestors on the side of both father and mother, were citizens of Connecticut, and were held in esteem for excellent qualities of intellect and character. His father, Laertes Chapin, passed an honorable and long life as a mechanic, in Hartford. He himself was one of several children, all of whom have approved themselves as valuable members of society, and some of them occupying positions of usefulness in public life. His brother, Nathan Chapin, was for several years a Pastor in La Crosse, and now resides in Rochester, Minn. Mr. Chapin received his academical education in the Hartford Grammar School, and at Yale College, grad uating at the latter institution in 1837. Among the members of his class are several gentlemen of national reputation — Rev. A. L. Stone, D. D., of San Francisco, Hon. Jeremiah Evarts, Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite and Prof. Benjamin Silliman, are of this number. During the year subsequent to his leaving col lege, he was engaged in teaching in a family school in Baltimore, Md., and, from 1838 to 1843, was a pro fessor in the New York Institution for the deaf and dumb. He studied theology while there engaged, and received his diploma from the Union Theological Seminary of New York, in 1842. The Western States were at this time opening a new and important field for enterprise, not only in the pursuits of ordinary industry, but to the regulative forces of the Christian ministry and academical instruction. Sharing in the common impulse, Mr. Chapin, under the appointment of the American Home Missionary Society, removed, in 1844, to Milwaukee, where he became Pastor ofthe First Presbyterian Church. Here he remained six years. His pastorate in Milwaukee is spoken of as having been one of great thoroughness and efficiency, both in the pulpit and in other relations of clerical life. His acquaintance is affectionately cherished by not a few who were cognizant of that early ministry. In February of 1850, he was called from Milwaukee to the chair of Beloit College, as its first President, and was inaugurated into the duties of that office July 24. of the same year. He has occupied this position since that time. The college at Beloit largely owes to Dr. Chapin, in conjunction with Rev. Jackson J. Bushnell and Rev. Joseph Emerson, who were its first professors, the excellent influence it has exerted in our State. These gentlemen brought from the colleges of New England their conception of scholarly culture, and made it the model for tbeir younger school. Its administration in general conformity to this model has been stealy and firm, with a readiness to accommodate educational methods to new phases of social need under the suggestions of enlarged experi ence ; tbe qualities of Dr. Chapin's mind have been manifested in an official life, wherein tbe precedents of the past have been limited in their control only by the actual requirements of the present. Mr. Chapin was married to Miss Martha Cotton, of Lenox, Blass., Aug. 23, 1843. After her death, he married as his second wife, Miss Fanny L. Coit, of New London, Conn., Aug. 26, 1861. He is the father of eight chil dren, one of them, his daughter, Elizabeth C. Chapin, now the wife of Rev. Henry D. Porter, M. D., is at present a missionary of the American Board at Tien-Tsin, in China. The other surviving children, save 742 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: one, are still young, and are contributing to the father's later years the graces of a happy and honorable home. The degree of Doctor in Divinity was conferred on Mr. Chapin by Williams College, in 1853. In 1865, during a brief period of physical exhaustion, he passed several months in Kurope ; since that time, in the midst of various and somewhat arduous responsibilities, he has enjoyed uniform physical health, and now advancing years rest upon him rather as an adornment than as a burden. A mind well poised and patient, rather than imaginative and brilliant, which is at home in the practical adjustment of affairs, by reason of a clear and ready brain, kindly sympathies controlled by sound judgment, a social habit rather reserved than demonstrative, are qualifications which have brought to him important offices. He has been for many years among the corporate members of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, a Life Director of the American Home Missionary Society, one of tbe Vice Presidents of the American Mission ary Association, President ofthe Board of Trustees ofthe State Institution for Deaf Mutes, at Delavan. He was one ofthe Board of Examiners at the U. S. Naval School at Annapolis, in 1872, and occupied the same position at West Point, in 1873. He is now President of the Wisconsin Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the midst of a busy life, Dr. Chapin has found little time for the protracted labor of literu-y authorship. He has given to the press a few occasional sermons, addresses and reviews. In 1878, an edition of Dr. Wayland's " Political Economy " was issued under bis supervision, in which the original work appeared recast and largely rewritten by him. This treatise has been adopted as a text-book in several schools and colleges, and is spoken of with favor. In connection with the Presidency of the College, he occupies the Chair of History and Civil Polity. He seems now, to the casual observer, but little past the medium of life, and enjoys the promise of many years of happy and useful service. LEWIS CLARK, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Beloit; born in Orange Co., Vt., in 1807 ; came to Wis consin in 1839 and bought 235 acres Government land in Sees. 11 and 12; he made some improvements, returned East, and, in 1847, brought his family here; built a residence, barns, etc., and made all improve ments. He married, in 1831, in Orange Co., Vt., Harriet R. Flint, who was born in Orange Co., Vt=, and was the daughter of Martin and Chloe Flint; they have three children. Mr. Clark is now in California. JUDD M. COBB, Secretary and Superintendent ofthe Rock River Paper Co.; came to- Beloit in May, 1858 ; he has been connected with the company which he now represents ever since,. except a part of 1859 and 1860 ; superintendent of the mills since 1862, secretary for the last five years, and has had general charge of the business for eight years ; he is also a member of the firm of Booth, Hinman & Co., paper dealers, of Beloit; Mr. Cobb has served as member of the Common Council of this city for the last nine years ; he is a native of Windham Co.,'Vt. L. M. COLT, dairy and stock farmer; was born in Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 29, 1827, and came to Wisconsin in September, 1863, locating at Beloit; from Richfield he moved to Exeter, N. Y., and engaged in the buying, and selling of cattle and sheep between Ohio and Canada ; he then went to Cooperstown, N. Y., and continued for a short time dealing in stock; from there he moved to Beloit and was engaged with the Rock River Paper Co. as traveling salesman for a year and a half; theu went to Iowa and bought and sold cattle and hogs, and, in 1865, went to Jackson, Tenn.. for the purpose of raising cotton with improved farming implements, but, upon thorough investigation, gave up the idea as being impracticable; in 1866, he returned to Beloit and formed a business relation with W. H. Blodgett and entered into the general commission business, with headquarters at No. 163 South Water street, Chicago ; he continued about a year, sold out and bought an interest with C. S. Brownell in the same store ; this he continued until the fall of 1867, when he returned to Beloit and took a contract to furnish straw for the paper-mills at Beloit; this continued for one year, when he went to farmimr just over the State line in Illinois, which farm he still holds, and is engaged in cattle and hog raising and dairy farming. During the war, for one year he was engaged as Forage Master. Mr. Colt married, Dec. 14, 1852, Mary Stuart Blodgett, of Rochester, Vt. ; he has two children living — William B. and Merrill L. Blr. and Mrs. Colt are members of tbe First Congregational Church at Beloit. C. F. G. COLLINS, Secretary and Treasurer of tbe Merrill & Houston Iron Works ; came to Beloit in 185H ; engaged in drug business until 1871, when he became connected with the manu facturing business, which he now represents, having charge of the office business previous to tbe organiza tion of the company in 1873 ; he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the company since 1875; Mr. Collins is a native of Goffstown, Hillsboro Co.. N. H. ; removed to Ohio in 1846 ; was engaged in civil engineering, connected with the construction of railroads in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, prior to removal to Beloit, and has done considerable work as civil engineer since he came to Wisconsin. He served for eight years continuously as City Clerk of Beloit, Alderman of the First Ward one or two terms, Mayor one term, member of County Board several terms, several years Chairman of said Board ; always active in matters pertaining to the material interests of the people. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 743 J. I. COMSTOCK, foreman of East Side mill, Rock River Paper Co.; was born in Floience, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 1834, where he received his early education and assisted his father on the farm ; he came to Wisconsin Nov. 5, 1856, locating at Beloit; from Florence he moved to Stephenson Co., 111., and thence to Beloit ; was at first foreman of the saw-mill, which was afterward turned into a paper- mill, in which he engaged as general helper; in 1873, be was appointed foreman of the East Side works of the Rock River Paper Co., which position he now holds. He enlisted in September, 1861, in Co. E, 34th 111. V. I., Col. Kirk, and received his discharge from that regiment in June, 1862 ; he then enlisted in the 16th Wis. V. I., Co. F., Col. Fairchild, and received his discharge in July, 1865 ; he was engaged in the battles of Mumford, Ky.; Shiloh, April 7, 1862; first seige of Corinth, Big Shanty Station, Kenne- saw Mountain, Atlanta, Ga. ; Lovejoy Station and Bentonville, N. C, and' through to the Atlantic with Gen. Sherman. Blr. Comstock married, in March, 1878, Elizabeth Pangborn, of Worth Co., Ga. R. P. CRANE, retired ; was born in Colebrook, Coos Co., N. H., April 7, 1807, and came to Wisconsin in March, 1837, locating at Beloit; at Colebrook, Mr. Crane followed farming in the summer and taught school during the winters, and al-o learned the trade of a carpenter ; from Colebrook he moved to Beloit, where he engaged in the carpentering business, and, among others, built the house he now lives in. Mr. Crane enlisted in the army during the late war and was appointed Army Carpenter and stationed at Nashville, Tenn. He married, Blarch 25, 1869, Jane H. Wilson, of New York; he has one son by his first wife — Ellery B. Blr. and Mrs. Crane are members of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. JOHN W. CRIST, farmer, Sec. 15; P- 0. Beloit; borri in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1816; came to Beloit in 1858, and bought 300 acres of land, with a small residence, of which one-half was improved ; he improved 75 acres more, and the balance is timber and pasture land, in Sees. 14 and 15 ; he afterward built a handsome residence, which he now occupies. He married, in New York City, in February, 1855, Mary E. Lawrence, widow of William Lawrence. Mr. Crist was married before, to Eliza Dibble, sister of his present wife, and now has six children living. JOHN DATES, farmer, Sec. 29; P. 0. Beloit; bora in Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1814; in 1833, he went to Chemung Co., N. Y., and remained .there till 1841 ; he then went to Rochester, N. Y., where he resided till 1844 ; then came to Illinois and located near Rockford ; came to Beloit in 1845, and bought a farm, which he lived on for five years, then sold it ; he then bought sixty acres in Sec. 27, with residence and bams, lived on it for eighteen years, then' sold the property, now in the city limits, to W. N. Hand; he then bought ninety-five acres in Sec. 29, part of the Knill farm, with residence and barns, on which he made some improvements, and now occupies it ; afterward, sold thirty acres of the farm, and now owns only sixty-five acres, with residence, etc. He married, in Boehester, N. Y., in 1842, Caroline Vervaliti, daughter of Isaac and Diana Vervalin, residents of Boehester; she was born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1822; they had three children — George W., Alice BI. and Frank H. ; George is a traveling salesman, and single ; Alice is married, and lives in Michigan ; Frank is married, and is a traveling sales man ; George enlisted in the 22d Wis. Vol. ; was taken sick one year after, discharged, and re-enlisted in the 42d Wis., and was with the regiment till the close of the war. F. N. DAVIS, manufacturer of paper carpet,; was born in Beloit on Oct. 2, 1842. Mr. Davis organized the Beloit National Bank, which, in 1873, settled up its business and paid off its cred itors; after which, he commenced the manufacture of paper carpet and a variety of paper articles, which have found their way to Europe, where, in Cologne, Prussia, and London, England, Mr. Davis has two factories. Mr. Davis is President of a company who are about starting, in Beloit, the manufacture of a new steam vacuum pump. He married, in 1864, Ann S. Dunlap, of Burlington, Iowa, niece of ex-Sena tor Richardson, of Illinois; he has two children living — Walter and Genevieve ; his wife is a member of the Episcopal Church, at Beloit. WILLIAM A. DAWSON, machinist; was bora in Lancashire, England, July 15, 1820, and came to Wisconsin about the middle of April, 1857, locating at Spring Prairie, Walworth Co.; he came to Millbury, Mass., in 1846, and served as an apprentice in a machine-shop there; from there he went to Rockford Co., Conn., and was engaged for two years in dressing woolen cloth; be then moved to Wallingford, Conn., and worked in tbe britannia manufactory; then moved to Meriden, Conn., and engaged as a journeyman in a machine-shop ; from Meriden he went to Worcester, Mass., and worked in a machine-shop, and, in 1854, went to Philadelphia, as agent ofthe Howe Sewing Machine Company; he then returned to Bleriden and worked as a machinist until the fall of 1856'; then to New Haven, Conn., and worked at his trade ; then came to Walworth Co., Wis., and opened a blacksmith shop. In 1860, he moved to Whitewater, Wis., and worked in a reaper manufactory, and in January, 1861, came to Beloit as a journeyman in the reaper manufactory of Gaston & Dusten ; then with Hart & Gordon, in the same shop. In the summer and fall of 1865, he worked in G. S. Tambling & Co.'s machine-shop, and afterward, 744 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: fbr three years, was with 0. E. Merrill as a journeyman, and then engaged in the light jobbing and model work until 1876, when be went to Parker & Aldrich, and afterward made a contract with Mr. Aldrich for the iron work on his wind-mills. He enlisted, in August, 1862, in Company B, 22d Re°t. Wis. Vols., and was at tbe battle of Thompson's Station, Tenn., where he was taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison until April 1, 1863. He married, Aug. 1, 1853, Caroline W. Blodgett, of East Meriden,- Conn. ; he has seven children — William B., George W., Edwin R., Henry A., Harriet Amelia, Charles F. and James E. Mr. Dawson is a member of the Second Congregational Church, at Beloit. SARAH K. DOOLITTLE, photo artist ; daughter of Harry and Esther Doolittle, resi dents of Belvidere, 111. ; she was educated there and at Normal, 111., and for some time previous to leaving Belvidere she owned and operated a photograph studio ; her father died in Belvidere in December, 1871 ; in November, 1878, her mother moved to this city with ber and opened business here; tbey rent rooms on Bridge street near the bridge ; Blrs. Doolittle does dress-making and her daughter has fitted up hand- some reception and operating rooms, and, with the facilities she has for working, her agreeable manners, and tbe superior portraits she is producing, cannot fail to gain the patronage of the public. JOEL B. DOWj attorney and counselor at law ; came to Beloit College as a student in 1865 ; graduated from that institution in tbe Class of 1869; in 1870, he published the Beloit Journal in connec tion with Thomas 0. Thompson ; afterward was for two years editor of the Pine Bluff (Arkansas) Republican, then returned to Beloit and read law with S. J. Todd, and June 17, 1874, was admitted to the bar; since that time, he has been engaged in practice of his profession here. Mr. Dow has held the offices of Justice of the Peace and City Clerk. He is a native of South Walden, Caledonia Co., Vt. ; parents located with their family at Sharon, Walworth Co., Wis., when he was an infant. R. J. DOWD, knife manufacturer; was born in Sandisfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., Oct. 24, 1833, and came to Wisconsin May 11,-1877, locating at Beloit; Mr. Dowd was educated at the Connect icut Literary Institute atSuffield, Conn. ; from Sandisfield he removed to Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he was engaged in the manufacture of heavy machine knives in connection with his brother, John Dowd, under the firm name of J. & R. J. Dowd; this business he continued for twenty years, after which he came to Beloit ; built and started a manufactory of heavy knives, which he is now carrying on with good success. Mr. Dowd married on March 9, 1859, Sarah Kelsey. of Alford, Berkshire Co., Mass. ; he has two children living — Glenville Arthur and Robert Irving. Mr. and Mrs. Dowd are -members of the Second Congregational Church at Beloit. J. L. DOWNER was born in Switzerland April 21, 1848; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1869, and located at Beloit, where he engaged in farming, after which he learned the milling business, and in Blarch, 1879, went into partnership with Mr. Stoddard. In the spring of 1861, during the late' war, ho enlisted in Co. C, 38th Iowa V. I., Col. Clark; was in the battles of Vicksburg, Port Hudson and Ft. Blakely, and was with the regiment on the Red River expedition ; he received his discharge at Houston, Tex., Aug. 15, 1865. Mr. Downer married Oct. 1, 1865, Mary Goss, of Beloit; he has one child living — Lulu. DEXTER DRURY, livery, sale and boarding stable, Race street; was born in Sturbridge, Wor cester Co., Mass. ; came to Wisconsin tbe latter part of May, 1855, locating at Beloit; Mr. Drury moved from Sturbridge to Spencer, Mass , and remained there until he was 17 years of age ; from Spencer moved to South Brookfield, Mass. ; there learned the shoemaker's trade ; went to Williamstown, Berk shire Co., Mass., and worked at the shoe business for ten years; at this time, having accumulated some money, he went into the livery business; from Williamstown he came to Beloit and started in the livery business under the firm name of Dresser & Drury ; Mr. Dresser sold out his interest to Walter Capron, and, after eight months, Mr. Capron sold out his interest to Mr. Drury, and since that time, he has conducted tbe business alone. Married Sept. 18, 1872, Lorinda Swan, of Sherman Hollow, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; has four children by a former wife — Josephine Augusta, Eugene Royal, Lawrence Adams, Etta M. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM DUNN, tailor, East Bridge street; was bora in 1829, in Ballyserry, County Tip- perary, Ireland ; came to the United States in 1846, to Wisconsin middle of September, 1847, and located in Blilwaukee; remained one year, then removed to Janesville, where he kept tbe Bunster House; from there, went to Green Bay, Wis. ; thence to Mineral Point, Wis., and engaged in mining lead; was pro prietor of the mine ; from Mineral Point, he went to Plattville, Grant Co., Wis,, and engaged in the tail oring business, as well as lead mining; removed to Ellenboro, Wis., , where he kept tavern, and also owned a grocery and provision store ; he then returned to Janesville, and, from 1859 to 1863, was engaged in gold mining in Denver, Col., where he had an interest in 100 claims, part of which he worked ; returned to Janesville, thence, in 1865, to Monroe, Wis., and engaged in the grocery and restaurant business; went BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 745 to Brodhead, Wis., and engaged in the tailoring business, and from there to Beloit, where he also started a tailoring establishment, in which he is doing a successful business; in 1861, when in Denver, he held tbe office of First Lieutenant of the Home Guards. Mr. Dunn married Margaret O'Neil, of County Kilkenny, Ireland; he has five children living — Julia Ann, John, Elizabeth, Ann and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Dunn are members of the St. Thomas' Catholic Church. MRS. SUSAN EDDY, widow, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Beloit ; she is the daughter of Oliver and Nancy Lovell ; born near Hamilton, Canada, in September, 1819 ; her parents were residents of Vermont, and moved to Niagara Co., N. Y., when she was 10 years old. She married, in Niagara Co., N. Y., John Eddy, who was born in Ireland in 1812 ; came to America when 14 years old, in 1826, and to Niagara Co., N. Y., where he was married; they had six children, four now living; he came to Wisconsin in 1841, and bought 160 acres Government land in Sec. 24, which he partly improved, and then returned to York State ; he married in 1844, and immediately returned to Beloit with his wife ; built residence and barns, and improved tbe land, and died in Beloit May 1. 1875. JOSEPH EMERSON was born at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn., May 28, 1821 ; he is the son of Rev. Ralph Emerson (Pastor, at that time, of the Congregational Church at that place) and Eliza Rockwell Emerson. On May 28, 1830, he arrived in Andover, Mass., with his parents, his father having become Professor in the Theological Seminary of that city. The subject of this sketch there enjoyed, in the Phillips Academy, tbe advantage of preparation for colleare. He entered Yale College in 1837, and graduated in 1841. A class-mate was Jackson J. Bushnell, who was afterward, for twenty-five years, his colleague in Beloit College, at Beloit, Wis. After graduating, Mr. Emerson taught a select school for boys, in New London, Conn., for one year. Among his patrons there was T. W. Williams, who founded the first professorship in Beloit College. The following two years were given to the study of theology at Andover Seminary. From September, 1844, to April, 1848, he was a tutor in Yale College. Prof. Emerson came to Wisconsin in May, 1848, landing at Milwaukee, where he was welcomed by Rev. A. L. Chapin, then Pastor of tbe Presbyterian Church in that city, but since, President of Beloit College. They came in company to Beloit, where they found a number of the representative men of the region between Lake Blichigan and the Mississippi, assembled to complete the organization of the college. Here Prof. Emerson met his former classmate, J. J. Bushnell, who had been on the ground over a year, instruct ing the little class already organized. On the following day, May 24, 1848, they were invited to assume the charge of the young college — Bushnell as Professor of Mathematics, Emerson as Professor of Lan guages. They found a class of five young men pursuing studies parallel to those of the Freshman Class at Yale, though with most primitive accommodations and merger equipments. The former want was, how ever, soon relieved by the liberality of the citizens of Beloit ; and the latter, by that of Prof. Emerson's colleague and of other friends, under the influence, especially, of Rev. S. Peet. In the following year, Prof. S. P. Lathrop came to the chair of Natural Science ; and, in 1850, Rev. A. L. Chapin became Pres. ident, while Rev. M. P. Squier took the chair of Metaphysics. Meanwhile, the Female Seminary, in co-operation with the College, which was a part of the original design, was established at Rockford, 111. Circumstances have brought Prof. Emerson into connection with this part of the plan, so that he has had the opportunity, as member, and, since tbe decease of Rev. Aratus Kent, the father of tbe institution, as President of the Board of Trustees, to witness its progress and usefulness. Prof. Emerson was married Sept. 21, 1852, to Mary Cordelia North, danghter of Alvin North, of New Britain, Conn., who still cheers his life. Of' their children, the eldest son died in infancy ; there remain a son, now in business in Beloit, and a daughter, who is at school. Prof. Emerson's department in Beloit College, which was first the Latin and Greek, has, since 1856, been the Greek alone. It has given him the opportunity of pre senting the most valuable examples of life, as well as of language, which the old world had to present to- the new. It had satisfied bis aspirations, so that other places and labors have not been attractive. With the exception of occasional articles in periodicals or in pamphlet form, and of public service, bis work has been with his pupils, and its success or failure is to be found in their lives. In 1857, the parents of Prof. Emerson removed to the West, to spend their last years among their children, making their home in Rock ford, 111., where his father died May 20, 1863, and his mother Dec. 11, 1875. They rest in the ceme tery in Beloit, and their memory is cherished by a fund given, principally, by their son, Ralph Emerson, of Rockford, for the supply of the Departments of Sacred and Classical Literature in the Beloit College library. In the years 1870 and 1871, it was Prof. Emerson's privilege to visit the old world — Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, Greece, Italy, France and England. He returned with new zest to the new world and the great history which it is forming, — to his place in Beloit College, with which it is a pleasure to him that his life has been so long identified. i 746 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: CHAS. EVEINGHAM, farmer, Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Beloit; born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1830; he came to Beloit in 1865, and bought eighty aeres of land in Sec. 3, with residence; he built barns and made improvements, put up wind-mill, set out a grove of trees, built fences, etc., and mad« it a very comfortable place. He married in 1863, in Onondaga Co., Eliza Emmons; bad no children; she died in Beloit Nov. 27, 1878. Mr. E. is still living: on tbe farm, and raises hogs, cattle and grain. RICHARD M. FERGUSON ; was' born in Factory Village, N. Y , Nov. 13, 1838, and came to Wisconsin in March, 1865, locating in Beloit; from Factory Village he moved to Ballston Springs, N. Y. ; thence to Roscoe, 111., and from there to Shirland, 111., where he farmed on his own account, and also learned the carpenter's trade ; enlisted for sixty days in 1862, and re-enlisted in the 156th I. V. I. on the last call for troops; was mustered out in 1864. Mr. Ferguson is a member of Ever Ready Engine Company, No. 2, of Beloit. He married, Dec. 24, 1866, Julia A. Parmer, of New York; he has two children living — Walter M. and Frank M. L. FISCHER, tailor; bom in Germany, January, 1845; learned bis trade in the old country; came to New York January 2, 1866 ; came to Beloit same year; started in business for himself in 1877 ; now employs four to five hands, and is doing a constantly increasing business. Married Rika Kublman, a native of Germany, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1871 ; have had four children — Hannah, Charley, Louis and Henry. Self and family belong to German Reformed Presbyterian Church. Mr. Fischer carries a fine line of foreign and domestic goods, and gives good satisfaction to his customers. JOHN FOSTER, shoe manufacturer ; was bora in Kane Co., 111., March 8, 1845 ; came to' Wisconsin, June, 1870, locating at Beloit. Mr. Foster went to school in Kane Co.. 111.; from there moved to Beloit, and has since been engaged in the manufacture of shoes, which have obtained a wide fame for their excellence. Mr. Foster is essentially a self-made man, and his business has been a remarkable suc cess. He married, Dec. 3, 1872, Marcia Dearborn, of Beloit. Mr. Foster is a member of the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Foster of the Presbvterian Church. CHARLES FOUNTAIN, farmer, Sec. 15; P. 0. Beloit; born in Richland Co., N. Y., Blareb, 1802; came to Beloit in 1847, and bought eighty acres in Sec. 15; be built the residence he occupies, with barns, etc., and afterward bought fifty-five acres more, twenty acres of which he disposed of, and now owns, in all, one hundred and fifteen acres in Sec. 15. He married, in Richland Co., N. Y., in 1825, Margaret Wood; they had eight children; bis wife died in 1854, in Beloit; he married again, in 1856, Mary Foster, widow of Alanson Foster, and sister of his first wife ; his children are living and away from home, except one son, who works the farm and lives with his parents. J. H. FRENCH, retired; was born at Bath, N. H., Sept. 26, 1819, and came to Wisconsin in June, 1857, locating in Beloit; at Bath, for nine years, te was engaged in the dry goods business, and, for three years, in tbe manufacture of potato starch ; from Bath be went, to Boston, and, for three years, was city salesman for Brown, Knapp & Co.. wholesale druggists; from Boston, he went to Beloit, where he engaged in the lumber business, and, at the end of four months, associated with him Messrs. Farr & Hill, and continued the business underthe firm name of Farr, Hill & French, when to lumber they added coal, grain, and the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds ; this continued for about two years, when they dissolved partnership, Mr. French taking tbe coal and grain, and continued in this for about two years. During the fight between the American and Merchants Union Express Cos., he, for two years, took charge of the business of the American Express Co; in 1861, he was appointed United States Commissioner of Rock Co., for the enrollment,- during the war and afterward, as Special Agent for the Government during the war ; from 1865 to 1868, he was engaged in the general produce business, buying and shipping grain, and afterward, for five years, was traveling on tbe road for White, Bros. & Co., clothing and gents' furnishings; in 1873, was cashier and book-keeper for the Merrill & Houston Iron Works; Mr. French was a mem ber of the School Board of District No. 1 for about three years. He married, September 22, 1857, Ellen BI. Baxter, of Barton, Vt.; he has one son, Paul D., now in Kansas City, in the drug business. Mr. and Mrs. French are members of the First Congregational Church, at Beloit. ELIAS GABRIELSEN, carpenter; was born in Norway, Feb. 27, 1846, and came to Wis consin May 22, 1872, locating at Beloit; Mr. Gabrielsen learned the carpentering trade in Norway, and, since he came to Beloit, has been in tbe employ of J. Thompson & Co., plow manufacturers. He married, August 11, 1875, Mary Ladal, of Norway; has one child — John. Members of the Lutheran Church, at Beloit. J. H. GATELEY, foreman in foundry of the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co. ; was bom in county of Middlesex, Canada, Feb. 14, 1847, and came to Wisconsin August 17, 1869, locating at Beloit; Mr. Gateley received his early education in Canada,*and learned the machinist's trade there ; from Canada he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked at his trade ; from there be came to Beloit, and was BELOIT BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 749 employed at tbe Gaston Scale Works, and afterward with the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co., and now holds the position of foreman of the foundry department. Blr. Gateley married, November 25, 1871, BI. E. Cun ningham, of Beloit ; he has five children living — Nellie, Bessie, Annie, Minnie, and a little one not yet named. Blr. and Blrs. Gateley are members of St. Thomas' Catholic Church. EGBERT F. GATES, farmer, Sec. 13; P. 0. Beloit; born in Susquehanna Co., Penn., in 1832 ; in Blay, 1856, he came to Wisconsin and located in the township of Turtle, in Rock Co. In 1858, he married, in Beloit, Emma L. Bostwick ; in 1860, he bought 130 acres of land in Section 13, Beloit ; he built a residence, barns, fences, etc., and laid out a large grove of maple, evergreen and oak trees, which he raised from the seed, and now has one of the handsomest groves surrounding his residence that can be found in the township ; he was Assessor in tbe town for one year, Town Clerk for one year, and Chairman of Board of Supervisors for two years. He has three children, all living at home with him ; one of his sons accidentally lost his leg by being shot, about one year ago. I. E. GOODALL, fire, life and accidental insurance, and real estate, loan agent and Notary Public State street; was born June 25, 1820, at Bath, Grafton Co., N. H. ; came to Wisconsin July 4, 1841, locating at Milwaukee, to which place he brought a stock of goods and commenced a gen eral merchandise business in connection with Blr. E. B. Holton, under tbe firm name of Holton & Goodall ; they also started an ashery in connection with that business, for tbe manufacture of pearlash and saleratus ; this firm shipped the first cargo of wheat from Blilwaukee to Buffalo, on board the bark Champion, which was built at Blilwaukee, this being ber first trip ; tbe firm continued for six years, when they separated, and Blr. Goodall continued business on his own account till about 1852. Blr. Goodall was Treasurer, for two years, of the Milwaukee & Blississippi Bailroad, now known as tbe Blilwaukee & Praiiie Du Chien Railroad. About September 1, 1857, he moved to Beloit, where, in 1867, he engaged in the insurance business, and is now representing the following Companies : The Home, of New York ; Niagara, of New York; Glens Falls, of Glens Falls, N. Y. ; Northern, of Watertown, N. Y.; Girard, of Philadelphia ; Bler- chants' & People's, of Newark, N.J. ; Connecticut, of Hartford ; Roger Williams, of Rhode Island ; Western Assurance, of Toronto, Canada ; Bladison, of Wisconsin ; American Central, St. Louis ; New Hampshire, of Manchester, N. H.; La Caisse Generale, of Paris, France ; and the Northwestern Blutual Life of Blilwaukee and the Travelers' Accident Insurance. Mr. Goodall was Alderman of Milwaukee in 1850, and repre sented Blilwaukee in the Assembly in 1854-55 ; he was also Assessor of Milwaukee, and was appointed by the Council, in connection with Increase A. Lapham, to establish tbe boundaries of streets on account of the lines of survey not agreeing; was also, in 1872, Justice of the Peace for one year, and Assignee under the United States District Court, in 1869, and for six years was Assessor of Beloit. Blr. Goodall married, September 26, 1842, Blary French of Bath, N. H.; be has one child living — Luella. Blembers of the First Congregational Church, at Beloit. S. S. GOODALE, City Treasurer; was born in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 31, 1823; came to Beloit July 3, 1845, locating at Troy, Walworth Co.; from Amherst be moved to Troy, Wis., where he engaged in farming ; from Troy he moved to Beloit, where he followed farming for ten years, during the winters of which time he manufactured brooms, which were sold in the neighboring towns and Chicago; he then took a situation with the Beloit Paper Mill < 'ompany, and afterward with the Rock River Paper Company, in whose employ be now is. Mr. Goodale is at present City Treasurer of Beloit, and serving his second term. He married, Feb. 28, 1848, Ruth Ellen Smith, of West-field, Blass. ; has three chil dren living — Rufus A., Sarah F. and Frank H. Mr. and Mrs. Goodale and daughter are members of the First Congregational Church, at Beloit. SAMUEL J. GOODWIN, proprietor ofthe "Goodwin Hotel" and "Goodwin Opera House;" came to Wisconsin Oct. 1, 1868, and located at Beloit; he was born in Bladison, Bladison Co., N. Y., where he was employed as clerk in a dry-goods store, and, when 21 years of age, bought out the establishment and carried it on for about five years with good success ; be then removed to Waterville, Oneida Co., N". Y., where he accepted a situation as clerk in a dry goods and grocery house, as a test of tbe business. In the fall of 1838, he came West and engaged in selling woolen goods to the trade, and in May, 1840, he returned to Waterville and took full charge of Bacon & Goodwin's woolen-mills, of which he and his brother controlled and owned a one-fourth interest ; in 1842, he bought out his brother's interest; in 1838, tbe factory was entirely destroyed by fire, and was rebuilt in 1839; in 1840, when Blr. Goodwin assumed full charge of the new mill, it was turning out 210 yards per day of sheep's gray cloth, which he, by his energy, increased to from 430 to 470 yards per day ; the mill was a grand success, and financially prosperous. From Waterville he went to New Haven, where he was stockholder and act ing manager of the Malleable Iron Company ; in 1857, he returned to Waterville, where, in connection with his brother, they sold out all their interest, consisting of the woolen-mill, two grist-mills, tannery and 750 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: resident property, which tbey divided between them ; Mr. Goodwin was also engaged in the manufacture of S. Goodwin's improved patent single action bevel-faced paint-mills, at that place, and is still manufac turing them at Beloit ; in 1858, he went to Moline, where he formed the Moline Water-Power and Manu factory, with a capital of $200,000, of which he was manager and Secretary ; in the spring of 1861, he went to Rockton, 111., and engaged in farming, which be is carrying on to this day. In 1868, he bought the property known as the Fenwick House, now known as the Goodwin House. Mr. Goodwin was Mayor of Beloit in 1870. He married, on Sept. 20, 1840, Margaret Bacon, daughter of Reuben Bacon, of Waterville, N. Y. ; he has one child — Charles D. Goodwin. J. A. GORHAM, photographer, East Bridge street, ; was bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1851 ; came to Wisconsin in June, 1874, locating at Beloit. Mr. Gorham removed from Brook lyn to San Francisco, Cal., and, after a short residence there, went to the mines, where he held the posi tion of night amalgamator of a twenty-stamp quartz-mill ; from California he removed to Toledo, Ohio, and went into the coal business, as book-keeper for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Coil Company >, after which he accepted a traveling position with Crey & Rood, dealers in carriage and saddlery hardware ; from Toledo be removed to Beloit, where be entered into the photographic business, which to-day is said to be the largest in Beloit. Mr. Gorham married Frona L. Hall on May 1, 1879 ; his wife is a member of the M. E. Church, at Beloit. SOLOMON D. GOUGH, carpenter; was born in Hume, Allegany Co., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1829, and came to Wisconsin in the summer of 1865, locating in Beloit ; from Hume he moved to Shir land, 111., where he farmed with his father; from Shirland he moved to Iowa, where he farmed on his own account for two years, and then moved to Watonwan. Minn., and engaged in farming for two years; moved back to Shirland, 111., for one year; he then went to Beloit, where he was fiist foreman in a wil low manufactory ; then engaged in the wind-mill business. At New Ulm, Mr. Gough was engaged with other residents of Watonwan in driving back the Indians who massacred the inhabitants of New Ulm and surrounding country. He built, under contract, two miles of the track of the Rockford & Kenosha R. R. He is a member of the Ever Ready Engine Co. No. 2, of Beloit. Mr. Gough married, Aug. 14, 1853, Ann Elizabeth Ferguson, of Shirland, 111. ; he bas two children living — -Ella and Frank. His wife is a member of the Second Congregational Church, at Beloit. N. GRAVES, drayman ; was born July 17, 1813, in Mareellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin April 16, 1859, locating at Beloit. Mr. Graves learned the carpenter and joiner's business while living at Mareellus. In 1833, he moved to Bainbridge, Ohio, where be worked at carpentering on his own account, and also manufactured cheese for market ; he then bought a farm, which he kept as a dairy farm. From Bainbridge be moved to Beloit, where, for six years, be managed a dairy farm on shares on tbe old William Rude farm, since which time he has been engaged as general drayman. From 1847 to 1851, he was Clerk of the School District at Auburn, Ohio; was also Superintendent of the Sabbath school attached to tbe M. E. Church, at Auburn, and leader of the choir of the same Church. Mr. Graves married, April 14, 1834, Alvira Dodge, of Mareellus, N. Y. ; they have three children living — Alson P., Francis Norval and Mary Ann. Blr. & Mrs. Graves are members of the M. E. Church, at Beloit. S. GUNDERSON, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. O. Beloit ; born in Norway, 1808. He came to Beloit in 1842 and bought forty acres of land from the Government in Sec. 18 ; he built a log bouse and made improvements and then bought forty acres more in the same section and eighty acres in Sec. 13, Newark. He was married in Beloit in 1864 to Tasy Torkolson, and they had one son, named Gilbert, bora Blay, 1865 ; tbey lived in the log house till 1867 and then built a large frame residence, which- he now occupies. STEEN GUNDERSON, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Beloit; born in Norway in 1813. Came to Beloit with his brother Seiver in 1842 ; he bought one-half of the land owned by his brother, but sold out to him ; he has lived with his brother nearly all the time he has been here, with the exception of a few years he was in Kansas ; he was never married and is now living with his brother. A. W. HANAFORD, machinist, Eclipse Wind Mill Company ; was born in Enfield, Grafton Co., N. H., Jan. 14, 1818, and came to Wisconsin July 5, 1849, locating at Beloit; be moved from Enfield to Underhill, Vt., where he received his education, and also engaged in farming ; tbe last two years, farmed on his own account ; in 1845, he moved to Manchester, N. H., where he learned the machinist's trade by serving four years as apprentice ; he then came to Beloit, where he was engaged in a general jobbing machine shop for ten years ; was also in Chicago and Rockford for three or four months ; then engaged with Parker & Stone in the reaper works as machinist ; then in the Merrill & Houston iron works for two years and a half, and then in Mr. Olmsted's shop for three years at wind-mills, and finally with the Eclipse Wind-Mill Company as machinist, where be is now engaged ; in Underhill, he held the BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 751 office of Boad Commissioner one year. Mr. Hanaford married, April 10, 1843, Rosamond Davis, of Stanstead, Canada ; has one child — Addie Stoddard. Mr. and Mrs. Hanaford are members of the First Congregational Church at Beloit. R. HANAFORD ; was born Feb. 23, 1820, in Enfield, Grafton Co., N. H. ; from Enfield he moved to Underhill, Vt., where he learned his trade, and shortly after worked on his own account ; from Underhill he moved to Beloit, and for five years worked for Parker & Stone, reaper manufacturers, and then, after working some time on bis own account, went to the Merrill & Houston Iron Works as a worker in wood. Mr. Hanaford married, June 11, 1845, Sarah Gleason, of Fairfax, Vt. ; he has one child living — Marvin L. Mr. and Mrs. Hanaford and son are members of the Blethodist Episcopal Church at Beloit. CAROLINE HANCHETT, widow, Sec. 34; P. 0. Beloit; widow 'of James Henry Han chett; born in Madison Co., N. Y., in 1818; the daughter of Joseph and Jane Hickox. She married, in 1836, in Wayne Co., Mich, J. H. Hanchett, and lived in Coldwater, Mich., Bristol and South Bend, Ind., before coming to Beloit, in 1840 ; be bought forty acres of land in Sec. 34, and built a large, handsome stone residence, with barns, etc. ; they had ten children, seven are now living. Mr. Hanchett died Dec. 6, 1865, in the bouse he built; he was by occupation a contractor, and was tbe contractor who built the dam across Rock River, at this city, in 1840 ; he also built a dam and a bridge across the St. Joseph River at Bristol, Ind., and a dam over the same river at South Bend, Ind. ; also, across Rock River at Dixon and Oregon, 111. ; he built dams and did other public work of immense value. Mrs. H. now occu pies the residence on Sec. 34. WILLIAM N. HAND, farmer, Sec. 27; P. 0. Beloit; born in Grafton Co., N. H., in Sep tember, 1814 ; his mother, Mary Hand, die el there in 1869 ; his father died there in September, 1823 ; he left home after his father's death, and lived with an uncle and worked on his farm five years; he then went to another farmer and worked three years for him ; went thence to Washington Co., N. Y., where he learned his trade of blacksmith ; he worked at his trade in Benton, Bath and other places in New Hampshire, and then went to Chicopee, Mass., where he worked for the Ames Manufacturing Compatiy for eight years, at Collinsville ', worked for the Collins Manufacturing Company for sixteen years ; in 1860, came to Beloit and bought sixty acres of land in Sec. 27 from John Dates, Mr. Dates still working tbe farm; Mr. Hand then returned to Collinsville. He married, in Bath, N. H., in 1838, Eliza A. Goodwin, daughter of Ezra and Sarah Goodwin; she was born in Bath, N. H., in 1814; was reared and married there. Mr. Hand returned to Beloit in 1868, with his family, and went to live on his farm in Sec. 27, bought ic 1860 ; tbey had four children, three now living — Oscar E., Orvie E. and Willie A. Oscar is married, and lives in Blichigan ; Orvie E. married William E. Thompson, and resides in Beloit ; Willie is unmarried, and owns a photograph gallery in Janesville. Oscar enlisted, in 1862, in 1st Conn. Heav. Art. ; was with bis regiment three years, and honorably discharged at Fort Willard, Va., Sept. 25, 1865. CHARLES HAMBITZER, dealer in pianos, organs, sheet music and musical merchan dise, Allen's Block, School street ; was born on the 24th of April, 1855, in Milwaukee. From Milwaukee he removed to Chicago, where he went to school, and shortly after went back to Milwaukee and studied music; from Milwaukee to Green Bay, where he also studied music, and from Green Bay came to Beloit about the middle of November, 1876, and for two years was engaged in teaching vocal and instrumental music with good success. By his own exertions he saved enough to start the general musical merchandis-e business on School street, where he has a well selected stock of musical instruments and sheet music. Married, Dec. 2, 1876. Julia Plourde ; has one child — Charles. WILLIAM HAMELIN, jewelry, books, stationery and wall paper, West Bridge street; was born in. Wexio, Sweden, in 1847. He went to Quebec, Canada, and shortly after to Chicago, 111.; thence to Bockford, 111., and from Rockford to Beloit in 1858. Mr. Hamelin worked hard and by economy was enabled to commence the business which he is now carrying on very successfully. He married, Sept. 15, 1874, Emma Geslcy, who was born in Beloit ; They have twin children — Ada and Edna. Blembers of the Lutheran Church. MARSH HARNDEN, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Beloit ; born in County Kent, England, in 1822. Came to America in 1849 and remained in New York and New Jersey till 1859, when be came to Beloit; be was engaged as a farm hand till 1864 ; he then bought forty acres of land in Sec. 21, with residence and barn. He married, in England, Charlotta Cloak ; they had ten children ; she' died in Beloit in 1871 ; he married again, in 1878, Eliza Jones. He enlisted in 1864 in the 43d W. V. I. and was with his regiment till discharged at close of the war. WILLIAM HENDERSON, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Beloit ; borp in County Tyrone, Ire land, in 1809. His parents moved to Harrisburg, Penn., and he was raised there ; in 1831, he left home 752 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: and went to Youngstown, Ohio, and remained there till 1847 ; then went to Pittsburgh, Penn., where he kept hotel and drove yard till 1850 ; he then went to Butler Co., Penn., and was engaged in farming and carriage building till 1854 ; in that year, be shipped a large stock of carriages to Janesville, Wis., and came with them to sell them ; while in Janesville, he bought the Monterey Grist Mill, which he afterward sold ; he bought a lot of horses and was also dealing in real estate ; in tbe spring of 1855, he returned to Butler Co., Penn , sold his farm there and, in the fall of 1855, bought another lot of horses and shipped another lot of carriages to Janesville, sending his family by boat while he drove the stock overland the whole distance. Ho married, in 1833, in Youngstown, Eliza Trotter; they had six children; his wife died in Janesville in August, 1856. He then sold his farm and tbe water-power be owned, and, in 1861, he moved to Beloit Township ; he bought 290 acres of land in Sees. 23 and 24, with residence partly built, which he finished, and built barns and made great improvements; he still owns Lot No. 106 in Smith & Bailey's Addition in Janesville, with all improvements ; is interested in real estate and owns two grist-mills in Indiaua, which be now operates. He married again in Beloit in 1868, Sarah Ann Quinn ; they have one son — James G. One of his sons by his first wife was First Lieutenant in the 4th Tenn. V. C., and waskilled at a battle near Newnan, Ga. J. HENDLEY, Superintendent Beloit Gas & Coke Company; was born in England; came to Wisconsin in September, 1859, locating at Beloit; from England he went to Philadelphia; thence to Cleveland, and afterward to Beloit, where be has been engaged as Superintendent of tbe Beloit Gas Light & Coke Company. Blr. Hendley married, Jan. 9, 1853, Elizabeth Cockerill, of England ; he has five children — Sarah Maria, Blary Jannette, Thomas C, Joseph L. and William A. Blr. and Blrs. Hendley are members ofthe BI. E. Church, at Beloit. P. HENDRICKSON was born in Skien, Norway, June 6, 1842, and came to Wisconsin the latter part of July, 1845, locating in Norway, Racine Co., where he assisted his father on the farm until 16 years of age, when be went to Beloit College, studied seven years, and graduated in 1867 ; he then went to Europe and1 spent one year in Christiana, tho capital of Norway, at tbe University, completing his studies ; he also spent one year at the University at Erlangen, Germany ; he also spent some time in Den mark, Sweden, Italy, Scotland and England, in observation in connection with bis studies ; returned to Chicago, and spent one year at the Union Theological Seminary. In 1870, he was called to fill Prof. Emerson's place in Greek and German for one year, after which he was appointed Professor of Blodern Languages at Beloit College, which position he now holds. In 1875, he spent the summer in France, studying the French language. In April, 1864, he enlisted in Company B, 40th Wis. Vol. Col. Regt. ; was stationed at Blemphis, Tenn., for the defense of that city ; received his discharge in October, 1864. Prof. Hen- drickson married, April 3, 1873, and has three children living — :Karl S., Arthur C. and Clara M. Prof. Hendrickson is a member of tbe Norwegian Lutheran Church, and bis wife of the First Congregational Church. HENRY F. HOBART, editor and proprietor of the Beloit Free Press. AARON F. HOLLISTER, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. O. Beloit ; bora in Manchester, Conn., in 1823 ; came to Beloit in 1845, and took up eighty acres of Government land in Sec. 18 ; he built the residence he now occupies, with barns, etc. Married, in Beloit, Jan. 1, 1854, Sarah Smiley ; they have six children ; they all attend the Methodist Church. He was elected Justice of tbe Peace several times; served two years. He now owns 160 acres of land in Beloit, in Sec. 18, and 40 acres in Newark, in Sec. 13. J. A. HOLMES, Surveyor; was born in Londonderry, Rockingham Co.,N. H., March 9, 1819, and came to Wisconsin Blay 1, 1874, locating in Beloit; Mr. Holmes received bis education at Blanchard Academy, Pembroke, N. H., and was afterward employed in farming and surveying; in 1861, he moved to Fisherville, N. H., and engaged in tbe hardware business with Mr. Evans, under tbe firm name of Holmes & Evans, and also in connection with G. W. Abbott and J. Sawyer; in 1870, built a block of brick buildings on Main and Washington streets ; from FisberviUe he moved to Beloit, where he engaged in surveying; in 1854, he was one of the Supervisors of Londonderry, N. H.; in 1855, was Tax Col- ector for the same town ; from 1862 to 1866, was Alderman of First Ward FisberviUe; in 1870 was Assessor, and from 1872 to 1873 a member of the House of Representatives from Fisherville. Mr. Holmes married, April 30, 1844, Deborah Rolfe, of Concord, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are members of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. SYLVESTER HOUSE, of the firm of Smith & House, grocers ; born in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 1832 ; came to Wisconsin in January, 1869, and located at Beloit; in 1873, formed a partnership with G. E. Smith, and opened a grocery store under the style of Smith & House. Married, May 20, 1859, Miss Augusta A. Young, of New York; had four children — Elmer H., born July, 1862, and a twin BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 753 brother to Elmer, who died a few hours after birth ; Gertrude, bom April 25, 1869 ; Ann, Blay 11, 1870 ; Republican ; Member Congregational Church. G. A. HOUSTON, Superintendent Merrill & Houston Iron Works; came to Beloit from New Hampshire, his native State, in October, 1838 ; his father, John P. Houston, came to Beloit in 1837, but did not bring his family bere until 1838; he was a wagon-maker and millwright; the first wagon, buggy and plow manufactured here were made by him, and be was engaged as millwright in the construction of the first flouring-mill in this section ; he still survives to see extensive manufactories in place of the primi tive shops and mills which in an early day supplied the wants of the people. G. A. Houston was for several years extensively engaged in bridge-building, principally for railway companies ; for about ten years carried on flouring mills; for two years engaged in lumbering ; in 1869, he designed the turbine water-wheel, now being extensively manufactured by the Merrill & Houston Iron Works ; this is one of the most popular wheels manufactured ; it is used at the Rock Island Arsenal, and the sales extend throughout North and South America, Europe, etc.; since 1869, Blr. Houston has devoted his attention almost exclusively ta manufacturing business. A. D. JACKSON was born in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Penn., Dec. 18, 1816, and came to Wisconsin about October 15, 1852 ; he attended school at Wellsboro, and from there went to Sandusky Cei. for one year and engaged in farming, thence he moved to Henry Co., Ohio, where he learned the car penter's trade, and from there to Saybrook, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he worked at carpenter and millwright work on his own account; from Saybrook he went to Belvidere, 111., and worked at his trade on his own account, and from there came to Beloit, where he engaged in carpentering, railroad work and bridge -build ing; he is at present with the Parker & Dennett Reaper Manufacturing Co. Mr. Jackson married, November 25, 1842, Elmira Tyler, of St. Lawrence Co., N. Y ; he has four children living, named Harriet, Frank, Fred and Helen. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. PARSONS JOHNSON, insurance, loan agent and Notary Public, East Bridge street ; was bora July 17, 1820, in Somers, Tolland Co., Conn. ; removed to Stafford, Conn., Chicopee Falls, Hampden Co., Mass, thence to North Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he was engaged in the manufacture of cotton goods; this business being detrimental to his health, he went to Greenwich, N. Y., and, in 1848, manufactured boots and shoes, firm of Johnson, Wells & Co., for three years; in 1851, went to Rutland, Vt., where he manufactured boots and shoes on his own account, for three years, when he admitttd Mr. Littlefield as partner, the firm then being Johnson & Littlefield, and continued for one year ; from Rutland, Vt., he removed to Beloit, Wis., in October, 1855, bought a farm of fifty-six acres and farmed it for one year, then entered the farming and produce business, selling at retail and shipping to market, and, in connection with Mr. King, under the firm name of King & Johnson, furnished supplies for the soldiers and necessary feed for the horses of the 13th Wis. Regt., and the 9th Cav. Regt. He then accepted tbe position of commercial traveler for Barrett, Cossett & Smith, wholesale grocers, of Chicago; in 1871, went into the insurance business, and is now representing tbe following Companies: The Hartford, Conn.; Phoenix, of Brooklyn ; The Fire Association, of Philadelphia ; Northwestern National, of Milwaukee; The Milwaukee M. M.; The American, of Chicago; The Westchester, of New York; The Imperial & Northern, of London, Eng.; The Queen, of London, Eng.; The Lancashire, of London, Eng., and the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. In 1854, he was Justice ofthe Peace in Rutland, Vt., for two years; in 1857, was Constable in Beloit, and, about the year 1859, was elected Alderman of the First Ward, in which office he served for seven years ; about tbe year 1868, he was elected City Blar- shal, and also appointed Deputy Sheriff, .under Sheriff Putman for one year and under Sheriff Johnson for two years. Mr. Johnson married, January 1, 1813, Roxanna Littlefield, of Readsboro, Bennington Co., Vt.; they have three children living— Mary A., Edgar BI. and Emma E. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of the First Congregational Church, at Beloit. CHARLES E. JONES was born Feb. 18, 1844, at Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1850, locating at Magnolia, fourteen miles west of Janesville ; from Litch field he went to Magnolia, and then to Red Wing, Minn., where he went to school, and where he was engaged part of one summer on a brickyard; he then went to Janesville, and was employed by H. E. Patterson ; from there he engaged with the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien Railroad, first as fireman and then as engineer, for fourteen months ; then went to Davenport, Iowa, and learned the machine business ; he was then engaged with the Northern Line Packet Steamship Company, and was engineer of the steamer Muscatine for one year ; in 1864, was engineer of the steamer Edward Walsh, a transport for the United States trooDs, and was in the employ of tbe Government until tbe spring of 1865; he was also engineer of the gunboat Elta , be then went to Chicago and engaged as engineer with tbe Atlantic & Mississippi Steamship Company, and was engineer of the steamers J. C. Swan and Mollie Able; in Blarch, 754 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: 1867, he went to Janesville, and in April, 1867, came to Beloit and entered the employ of the Merrill & Houston Iron Company, first as a journeyman, then as foreman, and afterward in traveling and putting up their work. Mr. Jones was engineer of. steam fire engine No. 2, of Janesville, for eight months. He married, March 1, 1868, Delia E. Smith, of Port Washington, Wis.; has three children living — Cora, Burt and Bessie. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Second Congregational Church, at Beloit. REV. H. S. JORDAN, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church; was born at Concord, Blorgan Co., 111., April 9, 1854 ; came to Wisconsin May 1, 1878, and located at Beloit; from Concord he moved with bis father to Springfield, 111. ; from Springfield to Quincy ; thence to Decatur, and to De Witt, where he commenced going to school ; from De Witt he moved to Arcadia, 111., and attended school; then moved to Bethel, 111., and to Moroa, 111., and went to farming ; moved to Limerick, 111. ; thence to Princeton, where, from the fall of 1873, he taught bis first school until the spring of 1875. Blr. Jordan was converted and joined the church in February, 1875, and April 18, 1875, he preached his first sermon, at Somonauk, 111., and the same month was appointed Pastor in charge of Miller's Chapel, near Peru ; Sept. 3, went to Adrian College, Mich., to finish his theological and literary studies, which he began under his father, and remained there until April 25, 1878, supplying the pulpits of the Congrega tional and Blethodist Episcopal Churches; on the 15th of September, he was ordained as an Elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church by the Northern Illinois Conference, convened at Lenox, 111. From Adrian he came to Beloit and accepted the charge be now has. Mr. Jordan is a great-grandson to Rev. James Simms, the first Methodist preacher in Illinois, and a grandson of Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick, who was a Captain in the regular army during the Black Hawk war. SYDNEY L. JUDD, dentist, Broad street; came, October, 1865, to Rock Co.; a native of Stratford, Orange Co., Vt., born Jan. 9, 1826 ; left Vermont in 1847 ; went to Manchester, N. H., in 1851, and learned trade of machinist; went to Lowell, Mass., and workeei at his trade; left in 1854, went to Rockford, 111., worked at his trade until 1859, that time commenced taking contracts for building reap ers, etc., etc. Studied dentistry under Dr. Norman, of Rockford; afterward went to Canada (London), and took a contract for building engines ; returned to Rockford in 1864, and came to Beloit in 1865. Married, 1852, Miss Elizabeth R. Colby, a native" of New Hampshire ; have bad two children, both dead. Methodists. C. C. KEELER, dealer in lumber, cor. State and Race streets ; was barn at Higbgate, Franklin Co., Vt., March 23, 1835, and came to Wisconsin in 1855, locating at Beloit, where, for eight years, he was book-keeper for Fisher & Winchester, hardware merchants; in 1869, in connection with Mr. J. B. Peet, he started the lumber, agricultural implement, grain and coal business, which business has been car ried to a successful issue to the present time. In 1860-61-62, he was Clerk of tbe city of Beloit, and, in the fall of 1862, resigned tbat position to fill the office of Register of Deeds for Rock Co., to which he was elected, holding the office six years ; he was a member of the County Board for six years, and, in 1867-68, was chairman of that Board. Mr. Keeler married, on the 19th day of April, Catherine M. Spalding, of Merrimac. Hillsboro Co., N. H.; he has one child living — Edwin H. Keeler. JUDGE JOHN M. KEEP (deceased) ; born in Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., Jan. 26, 1813, the son of Gen. Martin Keep ; he was partly educated in a district, school, and, in 1832, entered Hamilton Colletre and graduated from there in 1836 ; he at once began the study of law in the office of Augustus Donnelly, of Homer, and then went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he completed his studies in the office of Horatio Sey mour, Esq.; he then returned to Westfield, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar and immediately com menced the practice of law as an attorney ; the same year he moved to Rockton, 111., where he remained till 1844, and then came to Beloit City, where he at once began the practice of law, and, at the same time, was actively engaged in advancing the settlement of the town, acting as agent for the sale of lands and constructing buildings. He was married in 1839, to Miss Cornelia A. Reynolds, daughter of John N. Reynolds,, of Westfield, N. Y. He was elected Judge ofthe First Judicial District of Wisconsin, in 1856, without opposition, and, after filling the office for two successive years, he was compelled to resign because of the pressure of his private business ; he continued the practice of law up to the time of his death, which occurred March 2, 1861 ; he left his wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. MARTIN KEHOE, born in Ireland in 1836; came to Rockford, 111., in 1858, where he remained five months engaged in the shoe business ; he then went to Janesville, Wis., and remained nine months, then came to Beloit, in 1871, and started business as a wholesale dealer in domestic and imported wines, licjuors and brandies ; Mr. K. has always made it a point to obtain his supplies direct from first hands, thereby insuring to his patrons pure, unadulterated goods of the very best quality ; his fine Bour bon sour-masb whiskies are bought directly from Kentucky distillers, and his wines and brandies are bought in New York City, directly from the importers ; he carries in stock a fine line of Hennessey BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 755 Brandies, unequaled by any other ; also a full line of wines, liquors and imported cigars. His place of business is located on State street, near Broad. He married, in 1863, Miss Mary Kelly, a native of New York ; tbey had ten children, eight now living. EUGENE F. KENDALL, was born Dec. 25, 1837, in Granby, Conn.; came to Wisconsin early in February, 1856, locating at Beloit ; he moved from Granby to Tariffville, Conn., where he learned tbe carpenter's trade with his father ; from Tariffville he moved to Beloit, and engaged in carpentering until June, 1862, when he engaged with the Merrill & Houston Iron Works, as pattern-maker for about three years, when he became foreman of the wood-working department of that firm. Mr. Kendall mar ried, February 6, 1866, Eliza Millmore, of Janesville, Wis. Members of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. DAVID T. KENYON, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Beloit ; bora in Rhode Island, in 1822 ; he came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1846, and located in Rock Co.; he bought 160 acres Government land in Sauk Township which he sold again ; he is a carpenter by trade, and worked at his trade in Janesville and Milton until 1855; he then bought fifty acres land in Section 11, Rock Township, built a residence and made all improvements ; he lived there five years and then sold it, and lived in Milton, La Prairie and Janesville, until he came to Beloit Township; in 1876, he rented the farm known as Roberts' farm, in Section 1, on which he now lives. He married in 1850, in Janesville, Mary E. Buell; they have five children. GEORGE KETTLEWELL was born in England July 25, 1836 ; came to Wisconsin November, 1849, locating in Beloit, and immediately engaged with Parker & Stone as general helper, then as journeyman, and afterward as foreman in the iron department, shortly after which he was made Super intendent of the whole establishment, Mr. Kettlewell filled a vacancy in the Board of Aldermen, and was Chief Engineer of the Beloit Fire Department, He married, September 13, 1873, Hettie Burr, of Hartford, Conn., who is a relation of Aaron Burr; they have one child living — Hattie — and had one child killed in the Ashtabula disaster. His wife is a member of the Episcopal Church at Beloit. W. D. KENZIE, foreman in McDonald's Sasb, Door and Blind Manufactory ; was bora in Niles, Mich., June 21, 1844, and came to Wisconsin March 4, 1870, locating in Racine ; he was educated- in Niles, and was an apprentice in an architect's office ; he removed from Niles to Marshall, Mich., where he was foreman for three years in a sash and door manufactory ; from Marshall he went to Racine, where at first be was foreman and afterward had one-third interest in a sash, door and blind manufactory ; was also for three years foreman of Miner & Co's. Sash, Door and Blind Manufactory ;' be then went to Beloit, and engaged as foreman with Mr. BlcDonald in the sash, door and blind manufactory, which position he ni.w holds. Mr. Kenzie enlisted in 1861, in Co. A, 6th Regt. Mich. V. I., Col. Joseph Bacon, served one year and three months; received his discharge by order of the Secretary of War, on November 13, 1862, and immediately enlisted in Co. F, First Regular U.S. Artillery, in which he served three years, and of which Co. he was First Sergeant for two years ; received his discharge November 13, 1865 ; Mr. Kenzie was in the battles of Baton Rouge, La. ; Marksville Plains, La. ; Alexandria, La. ; Opelousas. La. ; Bayou LaTeche and during the entire siege of Port Hudson; this company had originally 120 men, but was decimated in these battles to but twenty-two men, and, for that reason, were ordered to New York City to recruit, after the battle of Marksville Plains, September 20, 1864 ; from New York City they went to Washington and remained there until the close of the war, when they were mustered out, November 30, 1865, at Fort Trumbull. Mr. Kenzie married, February 11, 1866, Fannie V. Graves, of Rochester, N. Y. ; has three children living — Belle, Maud and James. His wife is a member of St. Paul's Episco pal Church at Beloit. MRS. MARY ANN KNILE, widow, Sec. 29 ; P. O. Beloit ; born in Norfolk, England, in 1812; the daughter of John and Mary Sterry; she married in England, in 1837, Henry Knile, who was bom in Gloucester-hire. England, in 1806 ; in 1849, they came to America and located in Genesee Co., N. Y. ; in 1853, they came to Beloit, and her husband bought the east half of Sec. 29, forty acres of which was improved and a residence on it, which they occupied for six years ; Mr. Knile died in this house in 1858, and is buried in Beloit; after her husband's death, she built, in 1859, the residence she now occupies, with barns ; she now owns this residence and ninety-one acres of land, having sold the rest at different times. She had eight children, four now living ; her son Thomas married Lida Waggoner ; has three children, and is now living at his mother's house ; he enlisted in the 2d W. V. I. ; was with his regiment two years, and at both the battles of Bull Run and other engagements ; her son Sidney enlisted in 4th Wis. Battery and died at Portsmouth, Va., of typhoid pneumonia. RUFUS LANE, Superintendent Eclipse Wind-Mill Co. ; was born in Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, on May 31, 1821 ; he received bis early education in Newark, and shortly after moved to Delaware, 756 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Ohio, where, for ten years, he was engaged in manufacturing stationary and portable engines, mill work and machinist's tools ; he was a partner in this concern under the firm name of Bradley, Burnham & Co., and the manufactory was known as the Olentangy Iron Works; in 1857, be sold out his interest in the iron works and moved to Freeport, 111., and was engaged there on his own account in the manufacture of reapers on contract with P. Manny & Co.; this establishment employed 105 men; some of these goods found their way into foreign countries, one shipment of eighty-eight machines going to Australia ; be sold out his interest in Freeport in 1862; went to Dubuque, Iowa, and commenced the manufacture of fan- ning-mills on his own account, and in three years' time manufactured about four thousand mills ; he sold out this business in 1865 ; went to the Rocky Mountains and was engaged in mining in Central City, Gilpin Co., and also had charge of the Black Hawk Mining Co.'s machinery; from Central City, in 1875, ho went to Belleville, 111., and was manager of the Pump and Skein Co., at that place; April 10, 1866, he went to Delavan, and was manager and constructor of wind-mills; on Dec. 16, 1878, he weut to Beloit to take charge of the foundry and machine work of the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co., which manufactory is controlled by W. H. Wheeler & Co. Mr. Lane is essentially a self-made man, having gained promi nence in his profession by his own exertions. Mr. Lane married Jan. 11, 1838, Abiah C. Allen, of Syracusej N. Y. ; he has four children living — Delia O, Blary D., Grove L. and James R. C. P. LEDELL: born in Norway, on July 24, 1830; son of Henry Ledell,, from Dis trict of Christiana, Norway. Mr. C. P. Ledell came to America, and to Janesville in 1853; was there till May, then came to Beloit and worked in the plow works till 1856 ; then was with Warner & Co., and, in August, 1857, returned to Norway on a visit, and returned in April, 1858, and came to Beloit in June; went into partnership with C. Houston, which continued about a year, then worked for Parker & Stone; was there eight years, then engaged with J. Thompson & Co., where be now is engaged as a skilled work man. Married Betsy M. Peterson, a native of Norway, April 2, 1853; have had five children — Mary, born July 7, 1854; Julia, died in infancy; Henry, bora in Beloit March 18, 1860 (is working with his father); Peter, born Oct. 28, 1861'; Julius, born in June, 1863. Mr. Ledell helped to build the fine bridge across the Rock River at Beloit. HUGH LEE, farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. O. Beloit ; born in Northumberland, England, in 1803 ; came to Boston, Blass., in 1815; moved to Oneida Co., N. Y., where he lived four years; then moved to Toronto, Canada, where he was in the Canadian Government service as surveyor ; be returned to Oneida Co. and remained till 1825 ; then went to Delaware, where he was engaged for nine years in contracting on tbe Chesapeake and Delaware Ship Canal, the largest in tbe world; in 1834, be was employed by the United States Government, as inspector of stone and weighmaster on the Delaware breakwater, near Cape May, which was completed in 1838; from that time up to 1842, he was contracting and engineering on different railroads in the East and West ; in 1 842, came to Wisconsin, located in Beloit, and took up 640 acres Government land in Sec. 30, part of which he has sold ; he built residence and barns, and otherwise improved it. He married, in Philadelphia, in 1829, Ann Jane Kirkbride, daughter of Capt. Kirkbride (an active officer in tbe Revolutionary war, as sea captain), and niece of Capt. David Moffatt, a noted man, and Master Warder of Port for twenty years ; they had seven children, four now living ; four of his sons were in the late war and were all honorably discharged ; he was engaged in farming until 1849, when. he again entered public life and was engaged on several Western railroads as engineer, contractor and surveyor ; also surveyed the Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal, and continued at this business up to within a few years ; he has now retired, and one of his sons is working his farm. H. J. LEONARD, glove manufacturer; was bom in St. Johnsville, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1839, and came to Wisconsin about 1852, locating at Beloit; Blr. Leonard received bis education in Beloit, and, in 1866, commenced tbe manufacture of gloves, in which business be is still; be enlisted, June 13. 1861, in Co. L, 1st Iowa Cav., Col.' Fitz Henry Warren, and was engaged in the battles of Prairie Grove, Pea Ridge, Little Rock, Ark.; Bayou Metoe, Ark.; Jenkins Ferry, Ark.; Lexington, Mo., and on the road between Little Rock and Camden ; was under fire forty days in succession ; the latter part of the war, he was engaged in scouting; he was mustered out April 1, 1866. Mr. Leonard is a member ofthe Second Congregational Church at Beloit. ISRAEL S. LOVE, born in Washington Co., N. Y.; be came to Blichigan in spring of 1 832 and lived there till fall of 1844, when he came to Rockton, 111., and engaged in manufacturing fanning mills, which he carried on with fair success till 1847 ; he then came to Beloit and bought one-third interest in a foundry and machine-shop, owned by Gardner & Barker ; after a little time Blr. Gardner sold out his interest ; Mr. Charles Walker, of Chicago, who owned the whole water-power on the river, bought his interest, one third of the foundry and machine-shop business, taking it as part pay for two-thirds interest in the water-power ; in 1850, they were engaged in manufacturing reapers, the first ever made in BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 757 Wisconsin ; in 1851, a heavy freshet — the heaviest ever known — swept away the dam ; tbey built another dam and continued in the business ; Mr. Barker, the second partner, died at the time, and Blr. Walker te>ok his one-third interest, making him tbe owner of two-thirds; in 1856, Mr. Love also sold out his inter est to Blr. Walker, retired from that business and again began the manufacture of reapers, which he continued till I860 and thin suspended, and since that time has not been engaged in active business; he held tbe position of route agent from 1861 till 1865, and then resigned his position and retired from business altogether and has done nothing since ; he owns four lots in tbe city with tenement houses, and has an annual income from them sufficient to live on. He was married in York State, in 1830, to Nancy Smith, and they bad one child, now dead ; his wife died in Beloit, December 25, 1870 ; he was married again, in Erie Co., N. Y., in 1871, to Mrs. Catherine E. Thurber, a widow, and brought her to Beloit in May, 1874, where she died March 21, 1876 ; then married again, in September, 1876, in Chicago, to Mrs. Elizabeth Hoseman, a resident of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and they now reside in Beloit City. H. G. McARTHUR, Congregational Minister; was born in Porter. Niagara Co..N. Y., March 25, 1834; came to Wisconsin about November 15, 1860, locating at Oshkosh, Wis.; from Porter he went to Chicago to study and prepare for college ; he then took a course at Knox College and a theological course at the Union Theological Seminary of New York City, and at the Chicago Theological Seminary, since which time he has been Pastor in charge of the following churches : First Congregational Church at iMcGregor, Iowa ; First Congregational Church at Oshkosh, Wis.; First Congregational Church at Griggs- ville, 111.; First Congregational Church at Geneseo, 111. He then moved to Beloit, and, being out of health, he has not taken full charge of any church, but supplies tbe pulpit of the First Congregational Church at Rockton, 111. During tbe war, he was sent with hospital supplies to the Wisconsin soldiers by the Chris tian Association. Blr. BlcArthur married, May 5, 1859, Sarah Blood, of Amsterdam, N. Y.; he has two children — Lizzie M. and Henry B. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur are members of the First Congregational Church. JOHN McLEAN, Pastor First Presbyterian Church ; born in Waterville, Oneida Co. N. Y., Sept 3, 1837 ; be received part of his education in Whitestown Seminary, and then entered Hamilton ' College, and graduated from there in 1862, and was then called upon to deliver tbe Pastor's Oration in 1865, before the students; he then graduated from the Auburn Theological'Seminary in 1865, and at once accepted a tutorship in Hamilton College, and during college vacation in 1866, he supplied the pul pit in Second Presbyterian^ Church, St. Louis, Mo., and then returned to his duties iu Hamilton College ; tke same year, he was called as Pasior to the First Presbyterian Church, Galena, 111., where he officiated till 1872 ; he was then installed as Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Beloit, which he is holding at the present time ; during the years 1875-76, he filled Prof. Blaisdell's position in Beloit College dur ing his absence, besides fulfilling his regular pastoral duties ; in 1877. he was elected Trustee and member of tho Executive Committee of Beloit College. He was married in his present residence in this city Oct. 8, 1878, to Carrie Evans, daughter of John Evans, Esq., M. D., and owns his residence and grounds on School street. JAMES M. MALTBY, farmer, Sec. 8; P. 0. Beloit; bom in Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1808; he moved to Oswego Co., N. Y., and was engaged in farming there till 1859 ; be then came to Beloit and bought eighty acres in Sec. 8, with residence and barns and all improvements ; afterward bought eighty acres for another party, but had to assume it himself, and again went to farming, which he did not intend doing. He married in Oswego Co., N. Y., in 1827, Sarah Meachem, and they had three children ; his wife died in Beloit in 1866, and he married again in 1868, Mary J. Lambert; they have no children. OTIS MANCHESTER was born March 17, 1795, in Liverton, Newport Co., R. I., and came to Wisconsin in tbe latter part of July, 1845, to look after his property in Rock Co., consisting of a farm of 480 acres; in 1811, he went to Providence, R. I., and served an apprenticeship at tailoring; in the fall of 1816, he went to New Bedford, Mass., and opened a tailoring establishment on bis own account; then worked as journeyman in New York City a short time, and on July 20, 1817, went to Utica, N. Y., where, in the winter of 1818, he engaged in the tailoring business, which he carried on for forty years with good success; in 1834, be also opened a tailoring establishment at 175 Broadway, in connection with Joseph Hoxie, under the firm name of Manchester & Hoxie. and shortly thereafter bought out the interest of Mr. Hoxie, and removed to 187 Broadway, at tbe bead of John street; he continued there for six months, when he removed to what was then known as store No. 2, under the Astor House, which he carried on for four years ; in 1840, he went back to Utica to look at the interest of tbe business at that place ; from Utica he removed to Beloit, where he opened a general store in connection with Mr. John N. Reynolds, which building he bought, and, shortly after, the adjoining corner store, now occupied by Winslow & Rosenberg. Mr. Manchester was elected and served as Alderman in Utica, and 758 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHED: was also President of the Mechanics' Association of Utica. Mr. Manchester married Jan. 13, 1819, Blaria Bishop, daughter of Deacon David Bishop, of Paris, Oneida Co.. N. Y. ; be married the second time, Jan 13, 1821, Hannah Ingals, of Northampton, Mass. ; has three children living — Thomas Clark, Elisha Wells and Mary Ingall. Mr. Blanchester is a member of the First Presbyterian Church at Beloit. DAVID MERRILL, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Beloit ; born in Shelburne, Mass., in 1812 ; be left there in 1836, and went to Michigan in 1841 ; came to Wisconsin, and located at Beloit; the first land he bought was 100 acres where the city now stands, on the west side of the river; he sold it out at different times, and it is now all laid out in city lots ; he built tbe first stone house on the west side of the river, tbe oldest house now standing, and his family was the first on the west side of the river ; he also built the new brick block at the west end of the bridge, on tbe north side of the street, and also owns six stores and dwellings adjoining this block ; he bought the farm he now lives on, known as the Clute farm, 240 acres, in Section 10 ; the residence and bams on it were built by Mr. Clute, but Mr. Merrill greatly improved it while he lived in the city and suburbs ; he built twenty-four dwellings and barns in Beloit, and has broken and improved five farms in the township, and built a residence and barn on each one ; he has broken over 1,200 acres of land, which he owned and sold; he built over twenty miles of rail and board fence ; he now owns 240 acres in Section 10, with residence and barns, and twenty-five lots in Beloit, valued at $20,000. He married, in Beloit, in 1842, Agnes Fonda, and this was tbe first public wedding in Beloit. They had seven children, six now living. S. T. MERRILL was born in Franklin Co., Mass., Sept. 24, 1816 ; from Massachusetts, he removed with his parents to Cheshire Co., N. H. ; in that neighborhood, he received his education. From New Hampshire, at the age of 21 years, he went to Georgia, where, at Sparta and Ft. Gains, he spent eight years in teaching. About four years of that time he was Principal of the Cuthbert Academy, in Randolph Co., Ga. He then came to Beloit, about the middle of May, 1846, and took charge of the Beloit Seminary. He coutinu-eJ in charge of that institution until the male department was merged into what is now Beloit College. Mr. Merrill taught the first class in that college. He continued to teach until relieved by the professor appointed for tbe class. He then started the manufacture of paper in part nership with T. L. Wright, under the firm name of Wright & Merrill. This firm, in 1851, built the first paper-mill that was erected on Rock River. He also, in 1852, opened a book store in connection with Wright & Newcombe. under the firm name of Wright, Merrill & Newcombe. He sold out to his other partners in 1856. He then engaged with Chas. Walker in building another mill on tbe east side of Rock River. This mill is known as one of the Rock River Co.'s mills. In 1872, Mr. Merrill purchased an interest in the O. E. Merrill & Co.'s iron works, and was made the Treasarer of the company. For the past three years, he has. been President of the company. He is also President of the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co. About the year 1854, he was Superintendent of Schools at Beloit. He was also a member ofthe Common Council of that city, and is now a member of the County Board of Supervisors. In 1876, and the year following, he served in the Legislature frjm Beloit. He is one of tbe Executive Committee of Beloit College, and Treasurer of that institution. In 1873, he was sent by Gov. Washburn to Vienna as State Commissioner to the Exposition at that place. In 1876, President Hayes appointed him Com missioner at large to tbe Paris Exposition. Mr. Merrill married, Sept. 1, 1853, Jane Blodgett, of Coopers- town, N. Y. He has five children living — Mary Isabella, George Spencer, Louis Blodgett, Helen Colt and Robert Taylor. Blr. and Mrs. Merrill are members of the First Congregational Church at Beloit. C. M. MESSER; born in New Hampshire, in 1811 ; came to Chicago in 1835, and remained among the Indians there till about July, 1837 and then came to Beloit ; in the fall of that year he bought a claim to eighty acres Government land, and then squatted on eighty acres timber land ; be built a log house on the timber land and lived in it during tbe winter of 1837-38, and, in tbe spring of 1838, moved into the village of Beloit. and followed his business of carpenter and joiner, but was principally engaged in land-surveying, dividing and tracing tbe Government lines, which business he has followed up to a few years ago; about 1840, he built a small frame residence, which he lived in until 1867, and then built a large frame house, wliich he now occupies; in 1841, he returned East and was married, in New Hamp shire, to Abigail Loomis, and then returned to Beloit ; they have four children — -Frank, Fred, Charles and Ella. Before the city was organized he was Highway Commissioner and holds the office still. FRED. MESSER was born Oct. 5, 1849, in Beloit, Wis., where he went to school; was engaged for a time in the machinery department of D. S. Tambiing & Co., and then for three years as journeyman and then as foreman in the machinery department of the Merrill & Houston Iron Works at Beloit. SARAH A. MILLETT, widow, Sec. 9; P. O. Beloit; the daughter of James and Sarah F. Appleton; bora at Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 20, 1811. She married Stephen C. Millett, Blay 6, 1833, BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 759 at Gloucester, Mass. Her husband was born at Salem, Mass., May 20, 1810. They came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located in Beloit; had nine children, four now living; in 1848, Mr. Millett bought 240 acres Government land, in Section 9, and seventy acres moie in same section afterward, making 310 acres in all, 40 acres of whioh he afterward sold to A. Myers, leaving 270 acres, which is now owned by his widow ; he built a large stone residence, with barns and improvements ; Mr. Millett was educated for the ministry at Amherst College, Massachusetts, graduated from there in 1830, and was ordained a Deacon in St. Michael's Church at Marblehead, Mass., by the Right Rev. Alexander B. Griswold, in 1833, and was ordained as Minister in St. Peter's Church, Salem, Mass., by the same Bishop ; he was instrumental, by his energy in raising subscriptions, in building St. Paul's Episcopal Church In Beloit ; was the first Rector appointed and officiated there for eight years ; was afterward Missionary at Oshkosh, Stevens Point and Lancaster, and died in Beloit, on his farm, May 28, 1867. D. P. MILLER, livery, foot of Broad street ; was born in Colerain, Franklin Co., Mass., June 23, 1816; came to Wisconsin February 16, 1856, locating at Beloit; from Colerain went to Greenfield, and there learned the tailor's trade; from Greenfield moved to Ashfield, Franklin Co., Mass., and, at 20 years of age, commenced business for himself in the tailoring line, which be conducted for nineteen years, and, during that time, saw the rise and fall of some twelve different tailoring establishments ; Mr. Miller had a fine business at this place, and cleared $10,000 in nineteen years ; from Ashfield he came to Beloit and bought a farm for $8,000, and remained at farming for three years, and, after trying tbe tailoring and confectionery business, built a livery stable, and is carrying on the business successfully ; Mr. Miller is said to have the best establishment of its kind in Beloit, keeping twenty-three horses and between twenty-five and thirty carriages of all descriptions ; be also owns two farms — one farm of 160 acres, all in cultivation, and valued at $8,000 ; the other, eighty acres, all, cultivated, and valued at $2,000. Married, November 27, 1840, Mary Ann Holmes, of Ashfield, Franklin Co., Mass. Members of the Presbyterian Church. DR. T. W. MORSE, physician and surgeon, West Bridge street ; was born in Syracuse, N. Y.; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1845, and located near Rochester, Racine Co., thence moved to Water ford, Racine Co., from there to Appleton, Wis., and Menasba, where he was Receiver in the United States Land Office at that place; from Menasha back to Appleton, Wis., where he engaged in tbe manufacture nf children's carriages ; from Appleton be removed to Delavan, where he acted as Special Agent of the Security Fire Insurance Co.; from Delavan to Chippewa Falls ; tho winters of 1864-65-66, were spent by him in Rush Medical College, Chicago, as student, where he graduated with all honors, passing every chair, and receiving a special diploma on the eye and ear ; from Chippewa Falls he came to Beloit, where he is having good success, and his business is constantly increasing. Dr. Morse enlisted, in 1862, in the 21st Wis. V. I., Co. B, Capt. Turner; was promoted to Lieutenant in the regular army ; mustered out in February, 1866 ; was Commander in the Texas Freedihan's Bureau. Dr. Morse married, in the latter part of February, 1873, Anna Barlow, of Delavan, Wis.; he has one child living, by first wife — Effie. Both Mr. and Mrs. Morse are members of tbe Baptist Church at Beloit. JOHN D. MUNSON, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Ulster Co., N. Y., in 1822 ; bis parents moved to Seneca Co., N. Y., in 1831 ; he remained there till 1866, part of the time engaged at farming and part at mechanical trade. He married, in Seneca Co., N. Y., October 6, 1852, Anna A. Vail, and had three children — John W., Annie M. and Lillian. In 1866, he came to Beloit and bought eighty acres land in Section 7, with house partly built, which he completed and built barns, etc., and now occupies. ANDREW MYERS, farmer, Sec. 9; P.O. Beloit; born in Germany in 1825 ; came to New York in 1846 ; went to Luzerne Co., Penn., where he resided till 1861 ; in that year came to Beloit and bought 200 acres land in Sections 9,16, and eighty acres in Section 8, a total of 280 acres, which he now owns; he built residence and barns and made all improvements. He married, in Luzerne Co., Penn., in 1848, Rachel Obitz; they had ten children, seven now living, five daughters and two sons; the sons both live in Dakota and are unmarried ; three daughters are married, one lives in Beloit and the other with CHARLES NEWBURGH, clothing; born in Oettingen Ries, Bavaria, April 27, 1836; son of Solomon N. Newburgh, who was a teacher in tbe public schools ; Charles graduated at college in his native city and came to Ohio, thence to New York and then to Pennsylvania and to Steubenville, Ohio; then went to New York and enlisted in the 7th N. Y. V. I.; at battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862, was wounded in the left arm by rifle ball; was honorably discharged, in consequence, November 17, 1862'- then went to Cincinnati and engaged in produce business, which he carried on successfully till 1865,' then went to Virginia and was there till 1872 ; then came to Beloit and engaged in clothing^ busi ness ¦' has built up a very successful business ; has as fine an assortment of clothing goods, furnishing 760 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. goods, bats and caps, trunks and general stock, as is to be found in the country. Mr. Reither is con nected with tbecemcera; was born in Germany, December 31, 1833; came to New York in 1848; he has been in the merchant-tailoring business many years, and is a thoroughly capable business man ; he came to Beloit in spring of 1853. Married Matilda Newburg, of Cincinnati, in 1864; have nine children. Is a member of the Boyal Arch Masons. ALMON E. NEWTON, farmer, Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Beloit; born in Lewis Co., N. Y., in 1836; he came to Beloit in 1857, and followed his trade of mason in the city of Beloit for five years; he then bought, in 1862, 180 acres of land and lived on it four years, then sold it and bought eighty acres in Sec. 22, with residence partly built ; finished it, built barns and improved it ; he then went to Newark Town ship and lived there one year, and then came back to Beloit and lived on his farm. His father and mother, Ebenezer and Phoebe Newton, were married in York State, in 1812; had seven children, six now living; his father died in Newark, in 1866 ; his mother is now living with him. He married, in Beloit, in 1864, Miss Mary Foster; has two children — Charles F. and Clarence H. His father was Captain in a regiment in the war of 1812, and bad command at Sacket's Harbor and Ogdensburg. He now owns eighty acres of land with residence and barns in Section 22. His family attend the Baptist Church. JOHN NICHOLS, of the firm of Hall & Nichols, boot and shoe merchant, East Bridge street; bora in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England, June 9, 1845 ; is a shoemaker and fitter by trade ; moved to Canada with his parents in 1846, when about six years and a half old ; moved with parents to Beloit, Wis. Blarried Bliss Elizabeth R. Clifford, of Beloit, in 1873; have one child— Mabel, born September 24, 1878. Went into partnership with Mr. Robert Hall, in 1874. Mr. Hall was born in Folkingham, Lincolnshire, England ; this gentleman is the oldest boot and shoe merchant in Beloit. They intend soon moving to their new shop, which tbey are building for their own use, near the bridge. CLARK NYE, farmer, Sec. 21; P. 0. Beloit; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., 1803; be lived in- Herkimer Co., N. Y., for fourteen years, and, in 1846, came to Beloit; he bought 120 acres of land in Section 21 ; he built a residence and made all improvements; he afterward bought 84 acres more of timber and pasture land. He married, in Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1828, Naby Morgan, pf Oneida. Co.; tbey have seven children now living; two of his sons, William and Charles, own land in this same section, and are farming; the other two sons are in Kansas in mercantile business; one daughter is at home, the others are married. T. OLESON, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Beloit; born in Norway, in 1813; came to Wisconsin and located in Beloit in 1842 ; he bought forty acres of land in Section 18, and built a log house, which they lived in till 1871 ; in that year he built a comfortable frame house, with barns and improvements, which, he now occupies. He was married, in Norway, to Annie Oscar, and has six children now liv;ng, named Ole, Knud, Arthur, Henry, Samuel, Mary. He now owns 127 acres in all, part of which is in Newark Township. OTHO H. ORTON, attorney and counselor at law ; came to Beloit in the spring of 1875 ;. engaged in practice here ever since ; Mr. Orton is a son of Hon. Orton, Judge of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, who located in Milwaukee in 1837 or 1838. Otho H. was born at Valparaiso, Ind. ; he was educated at Wisconsin State University and Maryland Agricultural College ; admitted to the bar in 1872 ; was associated with his father in practice of his profession until he came to Beloit ; he has held tbe office of City Attornev one term. Married Miss Minnie L. Goodhue, daughter of William T. Goodhue, tbe (deceased), one of the original landholders of Beloit. Blr. Goodhue died- bere April 19, 1879. PARKER & DENNETT, manufacturers of harvesters and mowing machines. CHARLES H. PARKER, manufacturer; came to Beloit in the fall of 1849; bas been prominently identified with the business and political interests ever since. L. HOLDEN PARKER, attorney and member of tbe firm of Parker & Dennett, manu facturers; bora in Belvidere, Boone Co., 111.; came to Beloit in 1849 ; Mr. Parker graduated from Michi gan University, at Ann Arbor, in 1875 ; admitted to tbe bar the same year. REV. L. PARMELY, Pastor Baptist Church ; was born in New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y.„ Sept. 17, 1818, and came to Wisconsin in May, 1862, locating at Beloit; from New Hartford he moved to Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y. and thence to Saratoga Springs, and, at the age of 15, he entered the Madison University, where he graduated in 1841, and was ordained as Pastor of the Baptist Church in Galway, N. Y.. where he remained four years ; then moved to Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., and thence to New York City, where, for five years, he was Pastor of the Shilob Baptist Church ; from there he went to West Chester, Penn., and was Pastor of the First Baptist Church at tbat place for five years, after which be moved to Lower Merion, Penn., then to Elgin, 111., and afterward to Beloit for five years, Elkhorn two years; to Ionia, Mich., five years ; and Baraboo, Wis., three years, and is now filling the pulpit BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 761 of the Beloit Baptist Church. Mr. Parmely was Treasurer of Beloit, in 1877, for one term. He married, Julyl, 1868, Emma J. Parmelee, of Connecticut ; he has five children — Chauncey H., Georgo W., Lula P., Mary Estelle and Edna E. Mr. and Blrs. Parmely are members of the Baptist Church. DR. A. PATTERSON, physician, East Bridge street; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1877, and located an office for the practice of medicine in Beloit ; he was bora in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., N.Y., in .1820, and moved to Durand, Winnebago Co., 111., Blarch 26', 1839, walking all the way from Cleveland. Ohio, to Durand, with a pack on his back. In 1849, he graduated at Rush Medical College, passing all tho Chairs, and commenced the practice of medicine on March 26, 1849, in which he gained a handsome competence and gave to each of his sons a good farm, well stocked. He has held the offices of Town Clerk, Road Commissioner and School Director, in Durand; during the war, the Doctor had full charge of a ward in Hospital 14, locited at Nashville, Tenn. He is essentially a self-made man; he, when young, had bis father and mother to support, and, although sick most of the time, not only managed to support them well but to make enough money to complete his course of studies in Rush College. He married, January 2, 1848, Ruth Burrows, of Oswego Co., N. Y.; has two sons — Wilson A. and Watson G. A. R. PECK, farmer, Sec. 14; P. 0. Beloit, born in Litchfield Co., Conn., in 1829; his par ents moved to Livingston Co., N. Y., when he was 8 years old ; in 1842, tbey came to Beloit, aud his father, Charles Peck, bought eighty acres of Government land in Section 13, and afterward 120 acres more in Sections 13, 14, a total of 200 acres, which he sold to his son, Augustus R. Peck, in 1873. He died in Sacramento, Cal., August 4, 1875, and his remains were brought back and buried here. His wife died here, in 1868. Augustus R. married, in Bliddletown, Orange .Co., N. Y., in 1871, Lydia Kirk; has no children. He built the residence he lives in, with barns, etc., and made all improvements. SHELDON W. PECK, farmer; P. O. Beloit; born in Litchfield, Conn., in 1810; came to Beloit in 1856, and bought Henry Waterman's property, located opposite C. & N.-W. R. R. depot, which has partly improved it; it cost him, when completed, about $10,000, but would not sell now for more than one-half that amount if he wanted to dispose of it. He married, in Litchfield, Olive G. Beebe ; they had five children, four living — Clara, Katie, William and Robert. His family attend the Congrega tional Church. HENRY PENTLAND, grocer'; bora in Ireland, in 1833 ; his parents moved to Wisconsin in 1843, and located at Elkhorn, Walw"orth\Co,; remained till 1853; when he was 20 years of age, he left home and Went to California, where be engaged in the shell-fish trade six years; he went from California to Ireland, on a visit to his old home ; in 1860 he returned to Beloit, and, in 1865, formed a copartnership with his brother, William Pentland, in the grocery business; continued until 1867, when he sold out his interest in tbe business and formed another copartnership with D. L. Simmons, under the firm name of Pentlani & Simmons, general grocers ; they carry a large and complete stock of everything in their line of business, and have a large country trade among the surrounding farmers. He married, in 1874, Mrs. A. F. Briggs, (widow of the late Edward Briggs), and a native of New Hampshire. J. L. PERKINS & CO., hardware merchant; Mr. J. L. Perkins was born in New Hamp shire, and came to Beloit with his parents when young ; was educated here ; he entered the store of Winslow & Rosenberg as clerk, and remained in their employ as clerk eleven years ; in 1878, he opened the preseut store, in business for himself as a hardware merchant, and carries a full line of stoves, tinware, hardware, farming tools, house-furnishing goods, cutlery and plated -ware, and has built up a very profit able business; Mr. P. is an energetic and pushing man, and has the confidence of the people of this city and surrounding country. J. J. PIERRON, contractor and builder; born in Department Muertb, France, April 4, 1825; came to" America, May, 1817 ; went to Syracuse and was there ten years, working at his trade as carpenter an 1 builder ; after moving to several places, finally located in Beloit, in 1857 ; brought his family in the fall of same year ; it was hard to find work enough to supportTiis family at first, but, after hard work and much perseverance and frugality he did well, and, in 1862, went into business on his own account and has accumulated a comfortable property ; owns'four houses and shop ; when he first came could neither read nor write the English language, and worked under some disadvantages. Married'Olive Rousch, a native of France, May 6, 1852 ; have three children ; Olive C. is living at home ; Joseph C. graduated at Ann Arbor, Mich., June, 1876, with honors, and is now at Lincoln, 111., in the drug business; Ferdinand is with his brother in the same business. Blr. Pierron and family are members of tho Catholic Church. FRANK F. PRATT, painter; bom in Vermont, Dec, 1827 ; son of Zebah Pratt, a native of Salem, Blass.; bis mother was a native of Boston; his mother died in 1865. aged 65 years; father died in 1863, aged 68 years; grandfather on mother's side, a Faxon, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Frank went to Boston and learned bis trade with Benjamin F. Baker; then went into business on 762 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: his own account, and, after several moves, he settled in Beloit in 1855 and went into business for himself, and, through business tact and industry, has built up a good and profitable business ; is employing from ten to fifteen men. Married Cynthia M. Blodgett, daughter of Sylvester Blodgett, a native of Vermont ; her father was a soldier in the war of 1812 ; have had six children. Frank L. is in Beloit in same busi- uess with bis father ; George E. is in the same business at Clear Lake, Iowa ; Ben A. died in March, 1875, at the age of 16 ; Charles, Nellie and Jennie are attending sohool at home. Wife is a member of the Methodist Church. FRANK E. RACE, painter ; was born in Hudson, Columbia Co., N. Y., on Feb. 17, 1846, and came to Wisconsin May 26, 1868, locating at Beloit. He received bis education at Hudson Acad emy, where be took a mercantile course. He learned the painter's trade in Hudson. From there he moved to Chicago where he worked at his trade three months ; then came to Beloit, where he worked at the manufacturing of cigars and also repairer of jewelry. He went from Beloit to Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska and Blinnesota, where he was engaged in buying and shipping butter ; the firm being Hayden & Race ; he then returned to Beloit and contracted for the painting of wind-mills for the Eclipse Co. Blr. Race is now serving his second term as Supervisor of Rock County. He married on Dec. 1, 1874, Anna G. Hamlin of Beloit ; has one child — George W. J. Race. His wife is a member of the St. Paul's Epis copal Church at Beloit. J. H. REIGART, dealer in lumber ; was born July 18, 1826, in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., Penn., and came to Wisconsin early in July, 1856, and located in Beloit. Mr. Reigart practiced law in Lancas ter ; from Lancaster removed, to Beloit and shortly after bought a farm of 450 acres in the township of Turtle, and in May, 1877, in connection with Mr. Sherwoocl, entered the lumber business, which has proved successful. Mr. Reigart raised and drilled several companies of soldiers during tbe war, which were attached to the 2d W. V. I.; he also accompanied the 5th W. V. I. to the seat of war, looking after their wants and seeing them comfortably through. Mr. Reigart is President of the Anti-Horse-Thief Society. He married on May 10. 1871, Mary Louisa Brook, of New Lisbon, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Reigart are members of the Episcopal Church at Beloit. JOHN R. REIGART, banker; came to Rock Co. in 1857. For several years he devoted his attention to the financial affairs of his father, who was a resident of Pennsylvania but largely inter ested in Western investments. Mr. Reigart is a native of the city of Lancaster, Penn.; be is a graduate of Marshall College, of Mercersburg, Penn.; he was educated for tbe law profession, but financial matters have engrossed his time and attention. JOHN N. REYNOLDS, born in Exeter, Rhode Island, in 1794; in 1816, he left home and went to York State. He was married in Madison Co., N. Y., January, 1818, to Miss Ann Bradley, a resident of Madison Co., and they had two children — Albert B. and Cornelia A. In 1825, he removed with his family to Buffalo, N. Y., and was one of tbe first settlers of tbat place; he remained there till 1844, and then came West and located in Rockton, 111., but only remained a short time, and, on January 1, 1845, came to Beloit City and commenced business as a merchant, which he successfully carried on till 1867, and then retired from business, since which time be has not been engaged in any active business, and is now residing with his daughter, Mrs. Judge Keep. HENRY RIECHERS, farmer; P. 0. Afton ; born in Hanover, Germany, in 1834; cameto, America in 1849, and settled in New York City, where he was engaged in the grocery business twenty- nine years ; came to Rock Co. in 1878, and located on the farm he now owns of 160 acres. Blarried Miss Elizabeth Weber, of New York City, in 1862 ; they have two children — Frederic H., born in 1863, and Susan M., born 1865. Mr. R. is a Master Mason and a Democrat. His family attend the Lutheran Church. He raises corn, wheat, rye, oats, hay, etc. JOHN RITCHER, butcher, East Bridge street; came to Wisconsin in the latter part of Blay, 1853, and located in Beloit; he was born in Worms, Germany, and from there came direct to Beloit, in 1853, where he engaged in the market business ; Mr. Ritcher is doing a fine business, and is said to have the largest business of its kind in Beloit. He married, October 8, 1858, Caroline F. Rau, of South Ger many ; he has five children — Rosetta, Caroline, Louisa, Edwin and Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Ritcher are members of the Congregational Church at Beloit. BENJAMIN C. ROGERS, Police Justice; bora in Portage Co., Ohio, 1824; came to- Beloit about 1848 ; he was employed by a Cincinnati (Ohio) publishing house for four years, as a traveling salesman ; discontinued that, and commenced business at Clinton Junction, Rock Co., as a grain buyer ; he taught school when he first oame here, about one year, and then entered into mercantile business ; be opened a general store, and carried a large and assorted stock of goods; continued in business for twenty years, and then sold out and retired, October, 1876. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1871, also. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 763 Blayor of the city one year and Clerk of School Board ; was also Alderman of Fourth Ward several years; he was elected Police Justice in 1878. He first married, in Cleveland, Ohio, Marietta Pelton ; she died, then he married, in Madison, Wis., in 1872, Miss Mary M. Cheney. He owns the residence he occupies and other property, assessed at $20,000. H. ROSENBLATT, tailor ; born in Germany, Dec. 3, 1826 ; came to New York about 1852 ; came to Beloit 1855, and engaged in tailoring and clothing business ; was there till 1864, then removed to Chicago and established himself under the firm name of Price, Rosenblatt & Co., in the jobbing of gents' furnishing goods; dissolved' Jan 1, 1876, removed to Beloit, and has been successfully dealing in gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, trunks and a first-class tailoring business ; has a fine line of trade. CHARLES F. ROSS, dealer in books, stationery, wall-paper, silver plated-ware and jewelry, East Bridge street ; was born in Beloit, Rock Co., Wis., on Nov. 17, 1855 ; engaged in clerking from 1873 to 1876, when he entered into partnership with H. F. Hobart in the above business, which firm afterward changed to Ross & Cady, wbo are now carrying on a successful business. He married, on Tuesday, October 15, 1878, Ella J. Bleade, of Beloit. Mr. Ross is a member of the First Congregational Church, and bis wife of tbe Baptist. L. E. ROSS, was bora in Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y., April 18, 1824, and came to Wiscon sin the latter part of September, 1854, locating in the town of Turtle, Wis.; Mr. Ross was brought up on a farm, where be worked until 21 years of age ; he then learned the cabinet-maker's business. From Norway he came direct to Turtle, Wis., where be and his brother bought a farm of 320 acres ; from Turtle he removed to Beloit, where he worked at his trade with different firms ; he is now engaged on wood work with the Merrill and Houston Iron Works. In the year 1854, Mr. Ross was Town Clerk of Norway. He married, on July 11, 1850, Susan M. Brown, of Herkimer Co., N. Y.; be has five children living — • Noble J., Charles F., Cora E.. Carrie A. and George L. Mrs. Ross is a member of tbe First Congre gational Church at Beloit. MRS. SARAH RUBLE, Sec. 31 ; P. O. Beloit ; widow of Simon Ruble and daughter of Andrew and Susannah Waggoner ; she was born April 6, 1814, in Westmoreland Co., Penn.; Simon Ruble, ber husband, was bora March 7, 1812, in Mifflin Co., Penn. ; they were married in Wayne Co., Ohio, in May, 1851, and came to Beloit; tbe same year he bought a whole section in Sees. 31-32, with his brother Henry; tbey improved the land and built a residence, with bams, etc., etc.; Henry then went to McGregor, Iowa, to locate, went into business there and then sold out his half-interest in the land here to his brother Simon. He has two children — Angie J. and John A.; neither married ; both are living home with their mother ; John works the farm and raises blooded stock, French Norman horses and Galloway cattle. Mr. Simon Ruble died in Beloit, July 3, 1876. C. B. SALMON, manager of Eclipse Wind-Mill Co.; was born in Peru, Huron Co., Ohio, on Aug. 16, 1851 ; he moved from Peru to Columbus, Ohio, thence to Beloit, where, from 1864 to 1867, he went to Beloit College and completed his studies, after which he went to New York City and engaged in the manufacture of wall-paper, in which be had an interest; on May 1, 1873, be came back to Beloit and formed the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co., of which he became manager. Mr. Salmon married, on June 24, 1874, Addie D. Carpenter, of Beloit, daughter of A. B. Carpenter ; he has two children living — Edward and Cornelia. Mr. and Mrs. Salmon are members of the First Congregational Church at Beloit. GEORGE J. SCHLENK, brewer; born in Bavaria in 1835 ; came to Wisconsin in 1875, and located in Beloit City, where be engaged in the brewing business ; he is now in that business, manu facturing fine ales, small beer and lager beer ; his brewery is now being entirely refitted with new and modem conveniences for supplying his customers ; he also ships his goods to Racine, Milwaukee and other places. He married, in Waukesha Co., in 1858, Miss Augustina Heinze, a native of Prussia ; they had three children— William, Louisa and Frank. Mr. S. is a member of the Germania Lodge Odd-Fel lows in Racine City His family attend the Lutheran Church. MRS. ELLEN SCOTT, widow, Sec. 11 ; P. O. Beloit; the daughter of David and Agnes Merrill ; she was born in Beloit in 1843, and married Winfield Scott in 1859, in Beloit ; ber husband was born in York State in 1840, and came to Beloit in 1857 ; he owned 160 acres land in Section 11 ; built a handsome residence and barns, and had one of the richest farms in the county ; he was killed, June 27, 1876, while working on his farm, through which the track of the C. & N.-W. R. R. runs; he saw his youngest child in danger of being killed by an approaching train, attempted to save her. and, in doing so, was struck by the train and killed, and his child was saved. Mrs. Scott now lives on the farm with her family. WILLIAM SHAW, born in Ireland, Sept. 29, 1819 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846 ; located in Beloit and purchased a farm outside the city limits; in 1870, he formed a partnership with his son, 764 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Alexander, and entered business as grocers ; their store is located at the comer of State and Broad streets ; he carries a large stock of staple and fancy groceries, crockery, glasswere and woodenware, canned fruits, etc., etc. He married, in 1845, in Staten Island, Miss Sarah Martin, a native of Ireland ; they had four children — Alexander, born July, 1846, and, while in business with his father, but on a trip to the Black Hills, was accidentally shot and killed, March 4, 1876; William Henry, bom March, 1848; George, July 1850 ; Mary, June 1857. H. L. SHERMAN, dealer in jewelry and notions, State street ; was bora in Erie, Erie Co., Penn., Jan. 4, 1856, and came to Wisconsin in 1856 and located in Beloit ; on the death of his father, he entered into the jewelry business on his own account ; the business was originally started by his father, in 1852, on a small capital, and has gradually increased until it is considered to be the first in its line in Beloit. SAMUEL S. SLATER, farmer, Sec. 26; P. 0. Beloit; bom in Sussex', England, in 1825 ; came to Chicago in 1851 ; remained there till 1872, then came to Beloit and occupied tbe land be pur chased in 1864, 180 acres in Sections 23, 26, with stone residence, barns, and all improved. He married, in England, in 1849, Blartha Heaton, of England; they have one child — E. Emily, living at home; his residence is delightfully located on the west bank of Rock River. AUGUSTUS SMITH, grain-dealer, was bom in Chester, Blass., Oct. 25, 1801 ; came to Wis consin in the fall of 1838, locating at Troy, Walworth Co.; from Chester he moved to Blandford, Blass., and thence to Westfield, Mass., where he assisted his father in farming ; from Westfield he moved to Hadley, Mass., and engaged in the butchering business, and afterward kept a public house ; from Hadley he moved to Troy, Wis., where he bought a farm of 300 aores and farmed it for seventeen years, when he went to Beloit and engaged in the grocery business ; in 1859, he engaged in the grain business, which business he is still carrying on. Blr. Smith married, in Westfield, Mass., February 23, 1826, Almira Stiles, of West- field, Mass.; he has seven children — William A., Ellen, Sarah, Franklin, Oliver, Austin and Mary Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Presbyterian Church at Beloit. EDWARD R. SMITH, druggist ; born in JSJew York City; bis parents cim j to Beloit when he Was young, in 1859 ; he entered school and was educated here, and is now residing with his parents; he commenced in business for himself as a druggist in 1872, and opened a large and handsome store on Bridge street, east of the bridge; he carries a large stock of fancy toilet articles, Lubin's and other per fumery of the very best makers, besides a regular stock of drugs, chemicals, paints and oils. GEORGE SMITH, carriage-builder, West State street, blacksmith by trade ; bora in Schoharie Co., N. Y., in 1828 ; learned his trade there: afterward removed to Albany, Conn., there engaging in the grocery business, which he carried on till he came to Wisconsin ; also held the office of Postmaster ; came to Wisconsin in 1867. Married Bliss Jane L. Palmer, of Rensselaer Co., N. Y., May 1, 1854; she was a sister of Potter Palmer, the proprietor of the Palmer House, Chicago, 111; she died October 11, 1872, leaving three children — Hobart J., bora October 31, 1860 ; Francis BI., April 4, 1865 ; Etta J., June 22, 1866. Married his present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Moss, of Troy, N. Y., in 1874; she was bora in 1839. GUERDON E. SMITH, of firm Smith & House, growers; born in De Kalb Co., 111., in November, 1848; came to Wisconsin in 1857, locating at Beloit; in 1869, moved to Sycamore, 111., wbere his father built tbe first grist-mill ; remained one year, when he returned to Beloit and learned the machin ist's trade with Merrill & Houston, continuing for nine years ; in 1870, forme i partnership with J. B. Hatch, starting the grocery business ; continued two years, when Mr. Hatch sold out to Sylvester House, the firm changing to Smith & House. Blr. Smith married, in 1869, Bliss Helen E. House, of New York; has three children — Harry, born April 27,1870; Jessie, March 18, 1875; Pearle, August 5, 1877 ; in 1864, enlisted in Co. B, 40th Wis. V. I., at Beloit, and joined the regiment at Madison; was present at the siege of Memphis ; mustered out in fall of 1864. Republican. Members of the Congregational Church. T. A. SMITH, Professor of Mathematics and Chemistry, Beloit College ; was born in Blorean Co., Ohio, Oct. 13, 1847, and came to Wisconsin about August 26, 1877, locating at Beloit; Blr. Smith received a common-school education in Morgan Co., assisted his father on tbe farm and taught school three terms; from there he went to Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio, where he took a classical course; after graduating, he taught school for two years ; in 1874, he went to Yale College and studied three years, graduating in 1877, when he took bis Ph. D. elegree ; after spending a month or two at home, be came to Beloit and accepted the position of Instructor of Mathematics and Chemistry in Beloit College ; Mr. Smith was a member of Board of Examiners of Muskingum Co., Ohio. He married, July 12, 1877, Martha Jane McCall, of Morgan Co., Ohio. Blr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the First Congregational Church. BELOIT TOWNSHIP. 767 W. R. SMITH was born Dec. 13, 1834, in Maiden Bridge, Columbia Co., N. Y., and came to Wisconsin May 2, 1850, locating at Beloit; he went to school at Maiden Bridge, and from there went to Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., where he also went to school, and from there moved to Beloit; was inter ested with M. W. Hammond in the carpentering business, under the firm name of Hammond & Smith, after which he went to Chicago, and was with Fairbanks & Co., fitting up B. R. scales; from Chicago he went to Peshtigo, Wis., and worked at the sash and blind business for the Peshtigo Lumber Co. ; from there he went to Dubuque, where he was assistant foreman in the sash factory ; from Dubuque he went to Beloit and worked for James Gray two years, then with Parker & Stone in setting up reapers. Mr. Smith is interested, with Mr. Cadman, in the manufacture of a draft equalizer to be applied to machines when drawn by three horses. G. W. SPARKS, book-keeper Eclipse Wind-Mill Co.; was bora in Cincinnati, Ohio, on March 14, 1848, and came to Wisconsin on March 2, 1874, locating at Beloit; in Cincinnati he engaged in the dry-goods business as clerk, and, about the year 1865, he went to Chicago, and was connected with the dry- goods house of J. V. Farwell & Co., as clerk in the wholesale department ; from Chicago he came to Beloit to take charge of the books of the Eclipse Wind-Mill Co., which position he now holds. Mr. Sparks married, on May 24, 1874, Julia Becker, of Chicago; he has two children living— Laura Verne and Nellie. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks are members of the First Congregational Church at Beloit. G. H. SPERBECK, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel; was bom in Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y., March 5, 1837, and came to Wisconsin the latter part of September, 1846, locating at Delavan, Wis., where he received his education and assisted his father in farming; he moved to Darien, Wis., and opened the Farmers' Hotel, then to Sharon, Wis., and opened the Vedder House, now known as the Central House ; from Sharon he moved to Darien and thence to Beloit, where he opened the Commercial House, which he is now running with excellent success ; Mr. Sperbeck was Justice of the Peace at Darien, Constable for two terms, and also member of tbe School Board at the same place. He married Dec. 25, 1858, Henrietta Jones, of New York. C. C. STODDARD was born in Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y., Jan. 12, 1829; came to Wis consin the latter part of April, 1856, and located in Paris, Kenosha Co. In Richland, he went to school and farmed it with his father ; afterward, farmed it on his own account. From Richland, he removed to Paris, Wis., and engaged in farming for two years. From Paris, he removed to Beloit, where for one year he engaged in farming with his father, and from there to Oswego Co., where he entered the harness business in connection with S. M. Tucker, under the firm name of Tucker & Stoddard. He then returned to Beloit and bought a farm, which he worked until Dec. 8, 1875, when he entered the milling business, which he is now engaged in. Mr. Stoddard married in February, 1851, Adelia Done, of Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y. He has one child living, Jennie. GUSTAVUS STONE, manufacturer, came to Beloit in tbe spring of 1850 ; native of Can ton, Norfolk Co., Mass. Mr. Stone has always taken an active interest in business and public affairs here, being one of the most enterprising citizens of Beloit. G. H. SUMMERS, manufacturer of special machinery; came to Wisconsin early in May, 1851, locating at Whitewater, Wis., where he went to school, and from there moved to Fort Atkinson, Wis., where he learned the trade of molder and machinist ; at 23 years of age, he took a contract to clear land for the timber, which he disposed of to railroad companies ; from Fort Atkinson he went to Delavan, where he completed the erection of the machine-shop of Messrs Atwater, Ghormley & Barnes, and placed the machinery therein ; of this shop he was made the Superintendent ; from Delavan be went to Beloit, and engaged with the Merrill & Houston Iron Works, as journeyman, and then, from his savings while in tbe employ of the M. & H. Co., commenced tbe establishment he is now running in company with Mr. Leaver ; shortly after, he bought out Mr. Leaver, and has since carried it on on his own account and is doing a profitable business. He enlisted in Co. A, 4th Wis. Cav., Col. H. E. Paine, June 1, 1861, at Whitewater, Wis.; he was engaged in the battles of Port Hudson and Baton Rouge ; was with the regi ment in scoutingjjand skirmishing through Louisiana and Texas, and was taken prisoner at West Baton Rouge; he made two attempts to escape ; the last was successful, and, after being nineteen days in tbe swamps, he reached Alexandria, La.; he served three years and five months, and received his discharge in October, 1864. Mr. Summers married, in October, 1871, Rosa Tyler, of Lake Mills, Wis.; he has four children living — Mabel, Cora, Frank and George. Mrs. Summers is a member of the Second Congrega tional Church at Beloit. O. P. TANBERG was born in Norway, Aug. 4, 1832, and came to Wisconsin June 18, 1853, locating in Norway, Racine Co.; he learned the painter's trade with his father in Norway, and when 21 years of age, went to Norway, Racine Co., and engaged at bis trade for five years in Watertown and 768 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Rochester; he then went to Beloit and opened a paint store on his own account, after which, he had charge of tbe painting department of Parker & Stone for five years, then took charge of the painting department of J. Thompson & Co.'s plow and wagon works. Mr. Tanberg married, on Aug. 26, 1858, Caroline Gulbrandson, of Norway ; be has four children living — George Edward, Charles Oscar, Martin Elmer and Edmond Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Tanberg are members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. JOHN THOMPSON, firm of J. Thompson son, Thomas, also lives in Newark, and owns a house and farm. WILLIAM T. KELLEY, farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Beloit; born in the Isle of Man in 1838; came to Cleveland, Ohio, about 1853, and thence to Newark, about 1859 ; be bought 360 acres of land in Sees. 25 and 26, and built a residence in Sec.i26, with barns, etc., and made all improve ments; he then sold 160 acres in Sec. 25, to his brother Da*tael, who built a residence there and now lives on it. William T. afterward bought forty acres more in Sec. 34, adjoining How's mill ; being a miller by trade, he operated the mill for six months, until the dam gave way, and the mill is now idle ; he now owns 240 acres of land in Sees. 27 and 34, with residence, barns and all improvements, and now lives on Sec. 26. ARNOLD KNUDSEN, farmer, Sec. 12 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Norway in 1823; came to Rock Co. in 1842, and first located in Beloit Township, where he lived about five years on a farm, then came to Newark and located ; be bought 125 acres in Sec. 12, and built a substantial stone residence and barns, and made all improvements ; be first lived in a log cabin that is now used by him as a barn. -. NEWARK TOWNSHIP. 773 THOMAS LANCASTER, farmer, Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Beloit ; born in Yorkshire, England, in 1821 ; he came to Beloit Township with his brother and to Newark Township, and bought 160 acres land in Sec. 33, from Government ; afterward bought 40 acres more in Sec. 28 ; his brother died here, and the whole land belonged to him ; he built a residence, barns, and made all improvements. He married, in Shirland, IU., in 1856, Sarab Hyde; has no family. They now reside on tbe farm. SIMON LARSON, farmer, Sec. 4; P. 0. Beloit; born in Norway in 1832; came to this country with his father, Lars Simonson, and located iu Beloit Township in September, 1842 ; came to Newark Township in April, 1843 ; among the earliest settlers ; his father bought forty acres of land with a house on it, and put up a blacksmith-sbop — the second shop in the town. His son Simon married, on Dec. 29, 1853, in Newark, Tury Steenson, of Norway ; they had five children ; he was living with his father and mother when they were both taken with the cholera and died ; his father died July 9, and his mother July 11, 1854 ; Simon then took full charge of tho property, being an only son, and be now owns 199 acres of land with residence, barns, and all improved. Three of his children are still living — Cor nelia, Stone and Louisa. OSCAR F. MACY, farmer, Sec. 26 ; P.O. Beloit; born in Maine in October, 1840; he came West about 1855, and learned his trade of blacksmithing in Beloit; he then went to Iowa and worked at his trade a short time ; returned to Vermont. He married in Barre, Vt., in May, 1860, Abbie Albee, daughter of Merrill and Maria Albee, born in Barre in 1840 ; they have seven children — Flora M., Lillie M., Alice M., Nellie A., George A. and Albert A., and an infant not yet named. They remained in Barre till 1864, and he then brought his family to Beloit and lived in the city, working at his trade till 1874 ; he then bought 120 acre? land in Sees. 26 and 27, Newark ; he built residence, barns, and made all improvements, and now has a very comfortable home. THOMAS MERLET, farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. O. Beloit ; bora in France in 1829 ; his par ents came to Newark in 1854, and he bought 120 acres land, built residence and made all improvements. He married in France in 1848, Adeline Rambolt; tbey had ten children, all now living. He afterward bought 80 acres more land, 200 acres in all that he now owns. His wife died in 1877, and May 17, 1879, he married again, Mrs. Josephine Garala, widow. LOUIS J. MOSELLE, farmer, Sec. 33 ; P. O. Beloit; bora in the town of Blaloy, District of Haute Blarne, France, July 12, 1812. His parents moved to New York City in 1830 ; he lived there fifteen years. In 1846, came to Rock Co., Wis., and bought eighty acres of land from Government, in Sec. 33. He built a residence, barns, etc. He married, in Syracuse, N. Y., Miss A. Charpentier, of Lorraine, France ; they had four children, three still living — Marie, Pauline and Nicholas V. ; both daugh ters are married and away from home ; the son Nicholas is still unmarried, and lives with his father. CHAUNCEY C. PEASE, farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Hartford, Vt., near White River, in 1816. His parents moved to Sherbrooke, Canada, where he remained till 1836 ; he then left home and went to Durham Co., in Province of Ontario, Canada; married there, in 1842, Sophia East man, of Durham Co. ; tbey had no children. He came to Rock Co., Wis., and located in Newark in 1845. He bought and improved two farms, sold them, and, in 1868, he bought 120 acres in Sees. 2 and 3, New ark Township, part of the Grant farm, with residence on it and partly improved. He made more improve ments, and is at present living on it. JOSEPH PENNINGTON, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. O. Beloit ; bora in Yorkshire, England, in 1826 ; came to America and located in Chicago in 1847, where he remained one year, and then went to Rockford, thence to Rockton and back to Chicago, where he lived till 1857 ; then came to Newark. He owned eighty acres in Sec. 34, that be bought some years previously, and when he came to Newark, lived in a log house that he rented until be built a frame residence. He married, Dec. 25, 1855, in Chicago, Emmi Stainer; they had nine children, five now living. He now owns 120 acros of land, with residence, barns and all improvements. JACOB ROUCHE, farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Beloit; born in Prance in 1803; came to Rock Co., Wis., in 1846, and bought 120 acres Government land in Sec. 29, Newark. He built a residence and barns, and made all improvements. He married, in France, Miss Marguerite Meilleur ; they have two sons, who are married. One is living in Beloit City, and the other at home and working the farm for his father. ABRAM SHUMAKER, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Beloit; bora in Luzerne Co., Penn., in 1813. In 1839, was married there to Miss Susan Sorbor, and moved to Columbia Co., Penn. In 1851, came to Wisconsin, located in Newark Township, and bought 240 acres of land in Sees. 9 and 10, with some improvements made. He built tbe residence he now occupies iu 1854, with barns, made more improvements, then sold forty acres of it, leaving only 200 acres, which he now owns. Tney had thirteen 774 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: children, eleven now living. Three of his sons enlisted in the army; one died at Memphis, Tenn., of fever ; another was disabled and was discharged, and the other remained two years, and, after being dis charged, re-enlisted and served ten months more, till the close of the war ; two of his sons are now livins at home with him on the farm. HALTER L. SKAVLEM, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Beloit.; the son of Lars H. and Groe Skarlem ; born in Newark Oct. 3, 1848. He was educated in Newark, and lived on the farm with his parents, with tbe exception of a few years that he lived in Iowa, up to the time of his marriage. He then bought a farm for himself, and married Cornelia Olmstead in Plymouth. She was the grand-daughter of tbe widow Gunale ; they have two children — Lulu and Louis. He owns about 120 acres of land in Sec. 1 0, with residence, barns, etc. He was elected to tbe office of Chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors in 1875 and 1876; has been a member ofthe Board for five years, and also Justice ofthe Peace. LARS H. SKAVLEM, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Beloit; born in Norway in 1819, and came to Newark in May, 1841, in company with several other families, tbe earliest settlers in the town. He married in Newark May 23, 1844, Groe Nelson, and had four children — Halver L., Bessie, Helen and Carolina. When he first came, he bought land in Section 11 ; the first forty acres he bought from the Government and improved it, although some timber land bad been bought before this by speculators ; he in partnership with Knud Chrispinson and Germund Skavlem, built a house and improved the land ; he now owns over 200 acres of land in Section 11. with residence and barns. His wife's mother is living with them. EUGENE H. SKINNER, farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Beloit; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1847 ; his parents came to Newark in 1848 ; took up forty acres of land in Section 7, and built a log cabin ; afterward bought eighty acres more in same section ; his father died in Newark in 1857 ; bis mother is still living, and holds her dower of forty-five acres of land, which he is working with his own. He married in Janesville, in November, 1871, Clarinda Padfield, of Newark; they have three children. When his father died the property, 120 acres in all, was divided between the heirs, and he bought them all out except one sister, who holds ber share and is living with his family ; in 1869, he built a large fiame residence with large barns and all improvements, and now owns 170 acres of land. He is the Secretary of the Newark Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for the protection of farm property from fire and lightning ; he has also been Supervisor for three terms, and Town Treasurer; his two brothers, Theron Y. and Sylvester A., were both in the army ; Theron died of fever, and Sylvester was in Libby Prison twenty-four days, and then exchanged. KNUD GUNDER SPRINGEN, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Beloit; born in Newark Aug. 2, 1844 ; he is the son of Gunder Knutson, who was born in Norway in 1812 ; emigrated to Wisconsin, and located in tbe town of Newark in 1843, near tbe same large spring on Section 4 that his brother Gulack Knutson bad located on in 1841 ; the land that he bought was owned by Gunnel Stordock, who came in September, 1841, to live near the spring also, and owned forty acres, which he sold; he made improve ments, and built house and barns. He married, in Norway, Sarah Taurson, widow of Ole Nelson (by Whom she had three children), and tbey had three more children ; one is living, Knud Gunder; the name of Springen is derived from being residents by the large spring ; his wife died in 1854. during the cholera in this town, by whioh great numbers died. He married again, in 1856, Gwin Jensen, widow of T. Rostad, and they had five children ; two are now living. His son, Knud Gunder, married in Newark Dec. 27, 1871, Anna Olmstead, grand-daughter of tbe widow Genale; tbey have three children, all living. GUNNEL STORDOCK, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Norway in 1800; emi grated to America in 1839, and located in Illinois ; in May, 1840, he came with bis wife, and, in company with Gulack Knutson, located in the eastern part of Newark Township, and, in September, 1841, moved up to the big spring and located there, and bought forty acres of land, and lived there for two years ; he and his family first lived in a haystack for three months until they had Completed a log bouse ; be then sold out his place to Gunder Knutson, and returned to Illinois, where be lived till 1870 ; in that year, he returned to Newark and bought 200 acres of land in Section 9, with residence, barns, and all improvements. He married in Norway Mary Larson ; they had seven children, all now living. DAVID C. TEAGUE, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. O. Beloit; born in Lincoln Co., Me., Sept. 17, 1808 ; he went from there to Penobscot Co., Me., then came West and located in Rockton, 111., in 1838 ; he remained there till 1844 ; then moved to Newark Township, and took up 120 aores of Government land in Section 22, and afterward bought twenty acres more ; he built a log house on it, which he occupied with his family till 1854, then built a large frame house tbat is now occupied by C. L. Foster, with bams and all improvements ; he afterward sold this Foster place and went to Sparta, Wis., where he bought another farm, and lived there with his family six years; then sold that farm and went to La Crosse Co., CLINTON TOWNSHIP. 775 where he bought another farm and lived seven years, then sold it, returned to Newark, and bought 120 acres of land in Section 21, the same land originally bought from the Government by his brother Samuel ; there was a residence on it, with barns and all improvements, and he now lives on it. He married in Hol loway, Me., in 1832, Helena Rollins; they have had six children, five now living; only two live with their parents. NATHANIEL WARREN, farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Beloit; bora in Columbia Co., N. Y., March 25, 1805; he lived there with his parents till 1826; came to Milwaukee in 1844; to Newark in 1846 ; while in Milwaukee he started the first marble-shop in the State of Wisconsin ; he lettered the cor ner-stone of the Beloit College, and also the stone in front of the Baptist Church ; he followed his trade till be came to Newark and took up 120 acres of Government land, a claim to which he bought; there was a log cabin on the ground, which he occupied with his family till he built a frame residence, which was afterward burned down ; he then built the residence he now occupies, and still uses the old log cabin as a stable. He was married in West Stockbridge, Mass., to Laura A. Fitch, and had four children ; his wife died in Palmyra, N. Y., in 1840, where they had lived four years; he married again in Palmyra, the same year, Eliza Ann, widow of C. B. Hinman, and daughter of Gilbert Wilson ; tbey had four children, eight in all ; five are now living ; only one son living at borne with them. He was Chairman of the Board in 1856, and Clerk of Baptist Church. CLINTON TOWNSHIP. REV. O. ANDREWSON, Minister of Lutheran Norwegian Church, Sec. 24; P.O.Clinton; born in Bradsberg, Norway, March 2, 1818 ; Mr. Andrewson graduated at a seminary in the old country, taught school about three years, and came to New York City in 1841 ; went to Buffalo, thence to Mil waukee, Wis., in 1844 ; moved to Clinton and settled on eighty acres; now has 280 acres and a good farm well improved ; Mr. Andrewson is Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in connection with tbe Norwegian Augusta Synod ; he entered the ministry in 1846 ; has been Pastor of this church twenty- four years, and has organized several churches in Illinois and Wisconsin ; was one of the pioneers in the ministry, and tbe oldest minister in the Synod ; preached in town of Newark and organized the church there, and also has a church in Woodstock, 111., and has a large congregation in Leland, La Salle Co.; organized that church in 1847. Married Rachel Paulson, 1843 ; have bad eleven children — Isabel (married C. R. Matteson, Justice of the Peace at Chicago) ; Paul served with credit in tbe naval service on the Miss issippi River and tributaries during the war and is now at home ; Andrew is living in Clinton (married Cornelia Hawkinson) ; Annie is in Chicago ; Oliver lives at home — be is the patenteeof a farm gate which is fast becoming popular; Caroline lives in Chicago; Rebecca is at home ; Louisa teaches school in Clin ton ; Emma Catherina and Henry at home ; Oscar N. died in infancy. R. M. BENSON, farmer. Sees. 7 and 18 ; P. O. Clinton ; bom in Allegheny Co., Penn., April 5, 1825; son of James Benson, who was originally from Talbot Co., Md. ; he was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in 1860, at the age of 65 ; he was a ship-builder and engaged in building steam boats for the Western rivers ; Commodore Garrison was at one time a partner of his ; he had from twenty- five to fifty men in his employ, and carried on an extensive business ; he was an Old-Line Whig and Anti- Mason. Mr. R. M. Benson started out for himself about 1837, as a cabin-boy on a steamboat on the rivers in Arkansas, then came home and worked with his father till time of Mexican war ; went in the revenue cutter Bibb to Mexico ; was wrecked off the coast of Texas, Aransas Bay, but was saved by means of a life-boat ; lived on wormy " hard-tack " and stale pork for awhile, but finally went to work in tbe Gov ernment yards repairing steamers; after the war, went stcamboating on tbe Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri and Red Rivers, then went to Colorado and went into business, drugs, groceries, etc.; sold out and came to Clinton and settled, together with bis brother, on 600 acres of land ; this was in 1864 ; in 1867, engaged in sugar-planting in Louisiana ; his brother James and his brother-in-law who went South to look after this interest both died with tbe yellow-fever; Mr. R. M. Benson then went there and closed out the business, Mr. Benson married Ellen C. Perrine in Colorado. 9,000 feet above the level of the sea, Feb. 28, 1861 ; have had five children— Mary died when an infant ; Lizzie is in Buffalo attending school ; Nellie is attend ing school in Clinton ; Irene is also attending school ; James is a child at borne, 6 years old. Mr. Benson and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 776 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: AMOS BIRD, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Clinton ; born in Oswego Co., N. Y., Oct. 28, 1822 ; son of Daniel Bird, whose ancestors lived in Connecticut and took an active pirt in the Revolutionary war. The family came West to Blichigan in fall of 1837; in 1849, Mr. Amos Bird moved to La Grange, Wal worth Co.; was there till 1867, then moved to Clinton Co., and settled on a fine farm of 100 acres; he has all improvements, a fine residence, and is in good circumstances. Married, in spring of 1849, Maria Strong, New York ; have had eight children. Mrs. Bird is a member of the Congregational Church. REV. GEORGE F._ BRONSON, Pastor Congregational Church ; P. 0. Clinton June- tion; born January 21, 1821, in Middlebury, New Haven Co., Conn.; was son of Leonard Bronson, whose father was among the first tbat marched with Putnam to the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Leonard Bronson died Feb. 16, 1869, in Middlebury, Conn., at the age of 72. Mr. George T. Bronson com menced his preparatory studies in the Phillips' Academy, entered tbe seminary at East Windsor, and then attended Yale College, spending seven years in especial study ; was ordained at Sbelburne Falls, in the Valley of tho Deerfield, January, 1851 ; was there fourteen years; was successful in his ministry in that place, building up a growing and prosperous 'congregation ; be had to retire on account of his health; was afterward in the ministry five years in New York, then settled in Lake Co., Ohio, and was there about ten years, and was afterward in Iowa about three years ; came to Clinton in September, 1872, and has been tbe much-beloved Pastor of the Congregational Church in this place ever since. Married, Sept. 30. 1850, Charlotte M. Holt, daughter of Thomas Holt, of Andover, Mass. ; have had five children, two died in infancy. Leonard is a member of Beloit College, is a member of the Sophomore Class ; Mary M. is about to graduate at the High School in Beloit ; Isaac A. is attending school in Beloit. ELLEK BRUCE, farmer, Sec.16; P.O.Clinton; born in Ontario Co., N. Y., April 28, 1815; son of Rozell Bruce, who moved to New York from Massachussetts, and was originally of Scotch descent ; was a soldier in war of 1812. He died Sept. 29, 1864, at the age of 76, in Rock Co. The family came West in fall of 1844, and settled in Turtle, near Shopiere, on 280 acres. July 6, 1866, Mr. Ellek Bruce bought 22 acres on the Lake Shore Road, near Clinton Junction ; now has a very pleasant home, and grounds tastefully laid out. Blr. Rozell Bruce married Phebe Ward, who was from a substantial New York family. She died Blay 27, 1865, aged 76 years and two months. They had ten children — Ellek; Electa, married Blr. J. Thomas, and is living in Shopiere ; Henry W., died in Fond du Lac, Feb. 5, 1859, aged 45 years and 10 months ; Caleb B., born April 3, 1817, is living in Northern Wisconsin; Elsa, born Feb. 4, 1819, living in Clinton ; Susanna, bora Dec. 18, 1821, living in Clinton ; Emily, born April 15, 1824, now in Iowa; Rosina, born Feb. 24, 1827, died in Rock County, June 14, 1856 ; E. Wilson, born Jan. 13, 1830, living in Turtle; Eli Z., bom May 8, 1832. Mr. Bruce has been a member of the Baptist Church many years ; was Supervisor in Town of Turtle, and was a member of the County Board. WILLARD CALKINS, miller; P. O. Clinton Junction; born in Orleans Co., Vt., Nov. 29, 1836 ; son of Daniel Calkins, who was a blacksmith ;¦ Willard's grandfather, on his mother's side, was a brave soldier in the Revolution ; his great-grandfather lived to be 108 years old ; Willard started out for himself in the spring of 1850 ; went to Sberbrooke and went into the grocery and meat market ; then went to Milwaukee ; afterward, to Watertown and worked for J. W. Cole four years ; then went to Lowell, Dodge Co., Wis., and was in a flouring-mill three years and had the management of the mill in that place ; then went to Marshall, Dane Co., and was Superintendent of the mill of Porter & Blarshall seven years ; then went into the livery and hotel business for a year ; then went into the live-stock and fire insurance business ; was one of the most successful canvassers on the road ; then sold a line of mill-stones for awhile ; afterward, took charge of the Cresco mills at Ripon, Wis. ; was there over three years ; Jan, 1, 1878, came to Clinton and took the management of S. W. Searls & Co.'s large flouring-mill ; through his supervision it is running in a most successful manner ; makes a good grade of patent flour tbat is sought for in all parts of the country. Blarried Amy Frost, a native of Ohio, Feb. 22, 1857 ; have bad two' children — Ella, died when 4 years old ; Cora L., born Aug. 4, 1873, is attending sohool. HIRAM CASE, retired; P. O. Clinton; born in Blontgomery Co., N. Y., April 26, 1805; son of Aaron Case, a respected farmer ; family moved to Onondaga Co. when Hiram was 5 years old, and to Syracuse, where, at that time, there was only one house — a log tavern ; the family moved to Clinton, Wis., in 1845, and settled on 160 acres ; the town was in its infancy at that time ; sold out and moved to the town of Porter and lived there eight years ; then came back to Clinton, and has been here ever since. Mr. Case's brother, Reuben, died in April, ,1877 ; Alexander,, who was one of the earliest settlers in this county, died at the age of 61 in 1871 ; their father died at the age of 81 and mother at tbe age of 82. Mr. Hiram Case married a daughter of Jeremiah Spaulding, of Saratoga Co., N. Y., Jan. 15, 1826; have bad four children — one died in infancy ; Jane is living in Salt Lake, Utah ; Catherine is in Brodhead, CLINTON TOWNSHIP. 777 Green Co. ; Blennie is living at home. Blr. Hiram Case and his brother Alexander made a trip across tbe plains to California in 1849 ; Alexander, a brother, who came from Montgomery Co., N. Y., in 1842, was one of the first settlers in Clinton, taking up a fine farm, which he occupied to the time of his death ; his life was one of usefulness and crowned with a good degree of happiness and prosperity ; he was the father of six children — Matilda H. (married C. K. Landen and now resides in Evansville, Wis.), Frances A. (married J. R Hunter, now living in Clinton), Albert M. (served over four years in the 4th Wis. Battery ; was engaged in many battles and was honorably discharged), Melvin E. (married Esther L. Shumway, from Johnstown, Wis.), Ellen J. (married Frank H. Treat, and is living in Dakota), William Hammond (is connected with the Chicago & North-Western Railway). DUSTIN G. CHEEVER, Clinton Junction; bora in Vermont Jan. 30, 1830; son of Josiah R. Cheever, who is now, with his wife, living in Clinton. She was a Bronson, of good old Con necticut stock. Dustin G, Cheever was educated in the Derby Baptist Academy, Derby, Vt.; came to Clinton in June, 1851, and commenced farming, and was mainly in that business till 1870; then moved into Clinton. Nearly half of the land in Clinton originally belonged to Mr. Cheever? about 1870, Mr. Cheever was engaged in the drug business ; also owned several cheese factories ; still keeping up bis farm ing interest ; has a fine farm of 150 acres, under a fine state of cultivation ; has fine stock of Holstein cattle. Blr. Cheever has been Town Clerk and Supervisor many times, and Justice of the Peace about fifteen years; he was a member of the State Legislature in 1872 and 1873, and made his influence largely felt in the passage of the famous Graham Bill ; Mr. Cheever has been a member of the County Board several times, and Chairman of the Town Board. He was appointed by Gov. Ludington as Trustee of the Institution, at Delavan, for the Education of Deaf and Dumb, and was re-appointed by Gov. Smith; he was also enrolling officer at Clinton during tbe war, and Treasurer of tbe Private Bounty Fund. Mr. Cheever was Chairman of the Committee on Charitable and Penal 'Institutions, and was appointed by Gov. Washburne one of the Visiting Committee to the various charitable institutions of the State ; was also on Joint Committee on Claims. He married Christiana Grow, October, 1853 ; have a son, Ralph W-i success fully engaged in the drug business in Clinton. He married Ella V. Irish, daughter of James Irish, October, 1876. Arthur J. is now attending school in Clinton.. Mr. Cheever's first wife died Jan. 1, 1873; he married Mrs. D. L. Bailey Oct. 17, 1878. Mr. Cheever is a leading member of tbe Baptist Church, and has been Sabbath-school Superintendent several times. It might be well to remark that Mr. Cheever, while member of the Legislature, was rightly called the Watch Dog of the Treasury. J. F. CLEGHORN, banker, Clinton; born in Canada March 31, 1835 ; came to Clinton in October, 1873, and organized the Bank of Clinton ; has been iloing a constantly increasing business. He commenced without means, but through his own efforts has accumulated a comfortable property ; is a lead ing citizen of Clinton. H. M. COBB, mechanic, Clinton Junction ; bora in town of Waterbury, Vt., June 4, 1828 ; son of Ebenezer Cobb, a prominent farmer in that county; he was a soldier in the war of 1812, and his father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Ebenezer Cobb was at the battle of Plattsburg ; he died about 1870, at the age of 78 years. Mr. H. BI. Cobb first went to Burlington, Vt., and engaged in mak ing wagons ; carried it on successfully two years, and was then burned out, and lost all he had. Came to Clinton in 1855, and commenced the manufacture of wagons, trucks, etc.; has been in that business ever since ; he makes heavy wagons ; his trucks are sent over all the West. Married, in January, 1849, Eliza beth Campbell, daughter of Ross Campbell, of Scotch descent ; have had one child — Wm. M. Cobb, who is express messenger on the M. & St. P. R. R. Mr. Cobb was in the Quartermaster's Department during the war, in Sherman's Division ; was appointed Captain of sixty men, and detailed to go to Atlanta from Nashville; while on the way occurred a collision, in which Mr. Cobb was severely wounded; was confined a sufferer eighteen months. JAMES O. CASE, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Clinton ; bom in Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 29, 1803; son of Norris Case, who was from Connecticut; his father was a sea captain, and sailed to the West Indies ; Mr. Norris Case was in tbe war of 1812; was Colonel of a New York regiment ; was born Aug. 31, 1771, and died April, 1819. James O. Case married, Oct. 23, 1828, Angelina Wil cox, daughter of Giles Wilcox ; have had three children — Estella (married R. D. Stone, of California, and died Nov. 21, 1870), Seymour (married Almeda Winters; tbeir children are Homer M., bom April 9, 1867, and Ella, Feb. 19, 1877), Celora (married A. C. Swift, and is living in Colorado). In October, 1844, Mr. James O. Case came to Clinton and settled on 120 acres; there was not a fence in sight at that time and more Indian trails than roads. Mr. Case himself and wife have been members of the Methodist Church for thirty years. Mr. Case was Commissioner of Highways when Wisconsin was a Territory. 778 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: STEPHEN CONLEY, farmer, Sec. 24; P. 0. Clinton; bora in Ireland June 14, 1826; son of John Conley; Stephen, at an early age, came to America and to Vermont, and, in 1849, settled in Sec. 24 in Clinton ; now has a fine farm of 140 acres under the best of cultivation ; has fine stock of cattle and sheep. Married Sept. 5, 1851, Sarah Jane Fenny, of Vermont; have had eleven children — Joseph B., bora July 1, 1852 (he is in Bremen Co., Iowa); Julia, March 2, 1855 (living at home) ; Mary Jane, Blarcb 26, 1857 (now at Mineral Point, teaching school) ; George F., June 28, 1859 (now in a dairy business at Allen's Grove); Charles F., April 9, 1861 (is at borne on farm) ; Ursula, Oct. 6, 1863; James F., July 20, 1866; Matilda, Nov. 4, 1868; Richard M., November, 1870; Gertrude, Oct. 6, 1875 ; Helena, April 27, 1878. Mr. Conley was elected Supervisor in 1857; held the- office three years, and in 1860, was elected Justice of the Peace ; held the office eight years ; then went to Sharon and handled grain and general merchandise from 1867 to 1869; came back in 1869, and was again elected Supervisor, and in 1873, was elected Assessor, and held that office for five years, and was elected again in 1879, by a caucus vote of 137 for, 115 against. GEORGE COVERT, M. D., Clinton ; he was not one of Fortune's petted ones, " born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but, being the eldest of a large family in moderate circumstances, has known what it is to fight life's battles single-handed, only inspired by native ambition and a desire for usefulness and position among men ; he is a descendant of the long-lived Covert family which settled in New Jersey iu the seventeenth century ; son of John A. and Catharine B. Covert, bora in Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., and grandson of tbe late centenarian, Abram A. Covert, one of the pioneers of Western New York ; the Doctor spent the early part of his life upon the farm, there developing bis muscle and gaining no little notoriety by feats of physical prowess and endurance ; he finally injured a muscle in his back by over exertion, and was forced to look to a professional career — taste, inclination and opportunity leading him to the profession of medicine ; while a youth, he attended, respectively, tbe district, village, high and select schools during the winter months, and at 18, entered the Washington Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., where he also became tutor ; subsequently, be taught in Pineville, N. Y., and Orion, Mich., reading medi cine in the mean time ; in 1852, he entered the office of Drs. Van Epps & Thrawl, Columbus, Ohio, study ing medicine and attending lectures, becoming thoroughly conversant with the systems of homoeopathy, allopathy and electropathy ; in close sympathy with the progressive spirit of tbe age, he felt unwilling to accept tbe fetters of a name, of an exclusive system, or of an illiberal code of ethics, and, being fully con vinced that the choosing (or eclectic) mode of practice is the common-sense method, and truth and science the only satisfactory guides for the true physician, he betook himself to the institution most in accord with bis ideas — the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, receiving a diploma from it, also ; a season of work, study and practice in Michigan, a year spent in Elgin, 111., and in December, 1856, he hung out his shingle in Clinton, Wis., before the (so-called) Racine & Mississippi and Chicago & St. Paul Railroads were built to the crossing ; Clinton was then in its infancy, and the young practitioner had a chance to grow up with the place and overcome the virulent opposition of older and ungenerous rivals. For two years, be was School Superintendent for the town, bringing him into acquaintance with the people and enlarging his practice, which is now widespread and yearly increasing. Feb. 5, 1 858, he married M. J. Muzzy, daughter of Cyrus G. and Eliza Barker, who was a worthy helpmeet for seventeen years ; she died June 29, 1875, leaving to him three daughters. In temporal matters, be has been prospered; in 1868, be built a large and commodious residence upon bis grounds, corner of Church and Milwaukee streets ; he also erected a drug store to meet the wants of his extensive practice, having associated with him as partner, at this time, Hon. D. G. Cheever. He is a strong champion of right and progress everywhere, being an enthusiast in his particular line of thought and work ; as indicating his close attention to business, it is noteworthy that, during the twenty-three years of residence in Clinton, six weeks covers his entire absence, exclusive of time devoted to attendance upon medical societies, be being a fellow of the State and National Eclectic Medical Associations. It may be stated, as a personal peculiarity, that, in the matter of fees, he has always chosen to be governed by his individual conscience rather than by tbe rulings of any society or clique of men ; he has taken the Golden Rule for his criterion, and has, consequently, never been accused of exorbitant charges; notwithstanding the claims of his large practice upon bis time and attention, he is interested in literary and linguistic studies, and needs no interpreter among most of our foreign population and immigrants. In a quiet way, he furnishes much to the press, giving such experience and discoveries as may benefit the profession at large. JOHN A. COVERT, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Clinton; born in Seneca Co., N. Y., Aug. 30. 1807 ; son of Abraham A. Covert, a respected farmer, who died at the age of 99 years ; originally of old Dutch stock, they came to Seneca Co. from New Jersey, and were nine weeks on tbe road; Mr. John A, Covert came to Oakland Co., Blich., in the spring of 1853, and settled on 170 acres, and, in 1863, CLINTON TOWNSHIP. 779 removed to Clinton and located on the farm known as the Richardson farm, of 107 acres. He married, Nov. 23, 1826, Catharine B. Huff, daughter of Isaac C. and Maria Huff; Mrs. Huff is now living with her daughter, at the advanced age of 99 years. The children living are Catherine (who married Mr. A. Rundel, and is living in Michigan), Dr. George Covert (is a physician, living in Clinton, and has a very successful practice), Augustus (another son), Isaac N. Covert (is living ^n Michigan), Rynear (is in Nebraska), Anna E. (married Mr. Winslow). Mr. Covert was brought up in tbe Dutch Reformed Church; afterward joined the Presbyterian Church; was made a life Elder; on coming to Clinton, joined the Congregational Church, and has been Deacon and an active member. DR. J. B. CRANDALL, born in Rhode Island May 3, 1818; son of Christopher Cran dall, who was of old English stock ; Mr. J. B. Crandall studied medicine in Connecticut, and built up an extensive practice ; then went to Bladison, Wis., in 1855, and engaged in buying stock and grain ; in 1862, went to Green Bay; was there until 1872; Mr. Crandall is a graduate of Hahnemann College, Chicago, and has an extensive practice in Clinton and surrounding country ; attends 350 families as family physician. Married Maria Herrick, a native of Connecticut, March 18, 1839 ; have had three children — Helen N. (married Judge Ezra T. Sprague, who enlisted in the First Wisconsin Regiment at the first call to arms ; was afterward promoted to Adjutant of the Eighth Regiment, and afterward was Assistant Adjutant General under Gen. Asboth, in regular service; was stationed at Pensacola, Fla.; served his time, and was appointed Colonel of the Forty-second Wisconsin Regiment, and was also Post Com mander at Cairo, and was afterward brevetted Brigadier General ; at close of war, was appointed Judge of Circuit Court in Wisconsin ; went to Utah for his health, and is now U. S. Commissioner for Utah) ; Casper L. (is practicing medicine in Burlington, Wis.; is a graduate of Hahnemann College; has a large practice; married Nellie Cobb, of Clinton) ; Clarence (is living ia Nebraska, in Adams Co.; married Letty Kee, of Scotch descent; she died Jan. 9, 1879). Mr. Crandall and family are members of the Congregational Church. E. B. CUMMINGS, flouring-mill; P. 0. Clinton ; born in Ohio July 9, 1840 ; graduated at Allegheny College, Meadville, Penn., in 1862; entered the traveling ministry of the M. E. Church the same year ; preached in New York till 1870; transferred to Wisconsin Conference in fall of 1870, and settled in Clinton, Wis, two years; then was at Watertown two years, in same capacity; his health fail ing, ou account of nervous prostration, he gave up the ministry ; came back to Clinton and engaged in grain and forwarding business; then, in fall of 1875, built the finest and most complete flouring-mill in Wisconsin; get their wheat exclusively from the valley of the Red River, Minnesota; make 100 barrels of flour per day, making the highest per cent of patent flour of any mill ; have a direct market for all they make ; ship a great deal to the Eastern market, where their brands are becoming deservedly popular. PERRY D. DICKERMAN, firm of Dickerman & Edwards, merchants, Clinton ; bom in Holland, Erie Co., N. Y., May 24, 1832 ; son of Isaac Dickerman, who was a prominent farmer, and was originally from Vermont; Mr. Perry Dickerman commenced his commercial career at the age of 21, when he went into his brother's store, in Holland ; after three years' time, bought him out, and continued busi ness till April, 1873, when, after having been successful, sold out ; Mr. Dickerman was Postmaster there eleven years, and was Supervisor; joined the Livingston Lodge of Masons, of Erie Co., in 1872 * is now a member of the Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 135.' Married, Jan. 1, 1862, Flora E. Moray, daughter of Nathan Morey, who was a citizen of prominence in Erie Co. Mr. Dickerman is of the firm of Dickerman & Edwards, of Clinton ; they carry as large and well assorted a stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, crockery and general stock as is to be found in Southern Wisconsin ; they are liberal spirited men. SETH P. DURKEE, farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Clinton; bora in Ft. Edward, Washington Co., N. Y., Dec. 21, 1812 ; son of James L. Durkee, who was originally from Litchfield, Conn. ; bis ancestors were in tbe Revolutionary war ; one of them was poisoned from drinking milk prepared by the enemy ; Mr. James Durkee died at the age of 53, about 1842 ; after becoming of age, Setb worked for Daniel W. Wing in the lumber business; was also with P. II. Biteley ; took timber from near the Sus quehanna River to New York ; in 1841, went into business on his own account ; went to Ft. Edwards ; farmed and also took timber through Lake Champlain to the Hudson and to New York ; was successful in this business; in 1869, went to Oshkosh, Wis.; fall of same year, came to Clinton and settled on 102 acres of land, which he now has under fine cultivation. Married Lydia A. Sprague in June, 1842 ; have had six children— Ann E. (died in infancy), Mary E. (married George Turneaure), Nancy A. (died in infancy), Frank A. (is living), Fanny (is at home), another died in infancy. Mr. Durkee and family are members of the Baptist Church ; has been Deacon many years and holds that position in the Clinton Church. 780 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: WILLIAM EDWARDS, firm of Dickerman & Edwards, merchants, Clinton ; born in Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., Sept. 14, 1848 ; son of William Edwards, a respected citizen of that county, who died, in 1878, at the age of 65 ; he was of old English stock ; his son, William Edwards, attended school till 13 years of age ; when at the age of 14, he commenced business life by entering the store of S. B. Thompson as a clerk ; was there eight years ; he then went into the business as a partner, the firm being H. B. Miller & Co.; carried on a successful business there about three years, then sold out his interest and went to Milwaukee, Wis.; was there one year ; then came to Clinton and commenced business under the firm name of Dickerman & Edwards ; have been bere five years, and, through his industry and business tact, have built up a fine trade, being among the leading concerns in their line in Southern Wis consin ; carry a large and fine assortment of goods in the general merchandise lipe. Married, Blay 15, 1872, Clara L. Morey, daughter of Nathan Morey, of Holland, Erie Co., N. Y., a merchant and prominent citizen in that county ; have one child — -Helen B., born June 17, 1876. Mr. Edwards is one of the liberal citizens of the town. JOSEPH GATES, capitalist; P. 0. Clinton Junction. Mr. Gates was born Jan. 24, 1817, in Yorkshire, England ; son of Joseph Gates, who was a descendant of Gen. Horatio Gates, one of the British officers in command of His Majesty's troops during the revolution. Joseph Gates' ancestors were of Scotch descent. He came to Geneva Lake, Walworth Co, September, 1841 ; was a tailor by trade ; at that time people used to bring him, in return for his work, venison, or anything useful or eatable; once a man brought him a hatful of honey. He was one of acres ; raises cattle, horses, hogs. WM. T. MORGAN, Milton Junction; born Feb. 8, 1812, in Bennington, Bennington Co, Vt.; at the age of 20, he came to Milwaukee on a visit to see the country ; returned East and located in Western New York ; in 1842, came to Wisconsin and settled in Old Milton, where he engaged at his trade, the shoe business ; also, in the first two or three months of his coming to Wisconsin, he was mail con ductor from Milwaukee to Janesville ; in 1843, built tbe Dulac (now the Morgan) House, 'which he carried on for five years, and then sold out ; he was appointed Postmaster in February, 1845 ; served till 1849 ; at change of administration, he was out, and, in 1854, he was re-appointed, serving till the Lincoln adminis tration • received express appointment in 1850 ; was engaged till 1861 ; was in partnership with his brother, , 826 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Isaac P. Morgan ; he purchased thirty-six acres, where now stands Milton Junction ; he built the first Blorgan House in 1861, which was burned Dec. 24, 1872; loss, $20,000; insurance, $14,700; the fol lowing spring, he built the present house, which he sold August, 1878, to his son-in-law, Blr. J. C. Stet son, who carries on the business himself. He married, June 25, 1835, Abby A. Sowle, daughter of James Sowle, who was bora June 23, 1814; they have one daughter — Minnie Deborah, born April 6, 1845 ; married Mr. J. C. Stetson, attorney-at-law, of Marshall, who died Oct. 18, 1877, leaving two chil dren—Evelyn B. Stetson, bora Aug. 23, 1875 ; Susie Abby Stetson, March 31, 1877. TIMOTHY MORIARTY, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Milton Junction; native of Ireland; born near the city of Tralee, County Kerry, April, 1829 ; son of Thomas Moriarty and Ellen Calahan ; ithey had two sons — Timothy and John. Timothy came to America in 1849 ; stayed in New York seven years; came to Wisconsin about 1856, and located in Milton. He bought five acres on See. 27, after working hard four years ; lived there twelve years ; then purchased 147 acres, on Sec. 22, which is the present homestead, in 1872. fie married Miss Ellen Hayes, daughter of Matthew Hayes and Catherine Farrell, from County Limerick, Ireland, July 4, 1852, at Lansingburg, N. Y. ; they have ten children, nine living — Thomas died. Blary Ann, born Aug. 10,1854; Julia, born Sept. 18, 1856; John, born Nov. 13, 1858; Johanna, bora Nov. 18, 1860 ; James, born Jan. 1, 1863; Ellen, born Jan. 20, 1865; Maggie, born Nov. 29, 1868 ; Timothy, born Oct. 24, 1870 ; Katie, Jan. 4, 1873. Family attend Cath olic Church, at Janesville. E. M. NEWHALL, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Koshkonong; born in Lynn, Mass, Dec. 3, 1808; son of Amos and Betsey (Larabee) Newhall ; came West in 1844, and located in Chicago, where be worked at his trade of shoemaking; came to Wisconsin in 1868, and purchased 165 acres on Sec. 1, Fulton. Married, in 1829, Lois E, daughter of William and Lois (Newhall) Emerson — born Jan. 28, 1812, in Wakefield, Suffolk Co., Mass.; tbey have four children living — William E, Lois E, Francis S, Abby L. Liberal in religion and Democratic in politics. William E. enlisted in the 8th 111. Cav, Co. H, under Capt. De Lancy, September, 1861; re enlisted as veteran Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out July 17, 1865, serving with his regiment in all the battles in which they participated. C. H. PALMER, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Milton Junction ; bora in Pennsylvania May 29, 1845 ; son of J. A. and Abigail A. (Nye) Palmer, who came to Wisconsin, in the fall of 1846, with two children, one son and daughter, and settled on Sec. 9, Milton. Mr. J. A. Palmer died July, 1870 ; buried at Rock River Cemetery. C. H. married Miss Georgiana Raymond, daughter of Alonzo Raymond and Lucy Barker, of New York. Tbey have two children — Fulvia D, born Dec. 27, 1873 ; Roy R, born .May 29, 1875. Members of the Seventh-Day Baptist Church. Republican. WILLIAM PERRY; P. O. Koshkonong; bora in Elbridge, Onondaga Co, N. Y, April 3, 1805 ; son of John Perry ; came to Wisconsin in October, 1845, and located on Section 2. Owns seventy- one aeres ; raising the general products ofthe county. Married, in April, 1835, Sarab A. Wandell, daughter of Thomis Wandell of Milton; they have five children living, Amanda M, deceased ; Alonzo, Emelia, Margery, William J. and Rachel. Liberal in religion ; Republican. JAMES PIERCE, farmer, Section 7; P. O. Milton Junction; born in Alfred, Allegany Co, N. Y, Dec. 26, 1817 ; son of Samuel and Susan Pierce ; his father, Samuel S. Pierce, died April 2, 1878 ; is buried at Rock River Cemetery; his mother, Susan Pierce, is still living, 87 years old; James P. came to Wisconsin July 15, 1838, and settled in Rock Co. ; his first purchase was eighty acres from tbe Gov ernment on Section 3 of Harmony. Married, Sept. 24, 1840, Olive Hall, daughter of Gardiner and Blary Hall ; had three children— Clarke R.. born Sept. 9, 1841 ; Alonzo D, bora Feb. 12, 1846, died March 13, 1847; Susan M, born Dec. 6, 1849, died Dec. 4, 1863; his homestead on Sec. 7 consists of 130 acres. Mr. Pierce was Deputy County Surveyor from 1841 to 1844; Assessor in 1847 and 1848 ; Commissioner of Highways in 1818—19; Justica of the Peace, 1851-55; Chairmin of tha Board of Supervisors in 1856; Justice of the Peace, 1857-63, and Chairmin ofthe Biard of Supervisors in 1864 ; Justice of the Peace in 1866-67; County Supervisor of Second District from 1866 to 1868; Chairman of the Bjard of Supervisors and Justice of the Peace in 1869-70. Is a Ssventh-Day Baptist, and Republican. JAMES PRICE, farmer, Section 21; P. O. Milton Junction; born in Montgomeryshire, Eng, June 29, 1826 ; son Thomas and Elizabeth Price, who came to America with nine children July 24, 1845, via Canada to the West, and located near Albany, Wis, April 11, 1859. James Price married, May 14, 1854, Mrs. Olive Corliss, daughter of Luke and Tamar Lanphere, natives of NewYork; had six children, five living — Chevalad J. Corliss, bora Jan. 21, 1852, by first husband ; James C. Price, bora Dec. 29, 1855 ; Olive A, Jan. 25, 1857 ; Varnum W, Sept. 7, 1859 ; Avery B, Nov. 24, 1864, died Feb. 26, 1867 ; buried at Rock River Cemetery; Hattie B, bora Feb. 27, 1867. Member of the Seventh-Day MILTON TOWNSHIP. 827 Baptist Church ; has been a teacher over twenty-five years ; Superintendent ten years ; Treasurer for District School ; Treasurer and Trustee of the Methodist and Congregational Churches at the Junction three years. His homestead contains 120 acres in Sections 20 and 21, and 135 acres on Section 17 ; raises gen eral produce of the county, and stock. E. B. ROGERS, Milton ; bora Sept. 12, 1827, in Waterford, New London Co, Conn. ; son of Zebulon and Lydia. Mr. Rogers left his native place for New York in 1842 ; came to Rock Co. in the fall of 1853 ; settled on Section 33 — a quarter-section ; has seventy acres on Section 32. and a homestead at Milton Village, where he retired in tbe fall of 1867. Married Miss Asenath B. Osgood, daughter of Luther and Lucy, of Preston, N. Y. ; had three children ; two died very young ; one living — Frederick, born June 24, 1847, who is studying medicine. Mr. E. B. Bogers was elected Chairman of the Board of Town Supervisors in 1871, and has held the office nine or ten years. Member of the Seventh-Day Bap tist Church. Republican. L. T. ROGERS, carpenter and joiner and farmer ; P. 0. Milton Junction ; born in Waterford, New London Co, Conn, Nov. 8, 1821 ; son of Isaac and Elizabeth Rogers, and is of eighth generation from the celebrated John Rogers, who suffered at the stake for his faith in the time of Queen Mary, of England, in the year 1565, or thereabouts. His father was one ofthe first to cross tbe plains to California, about 1846. He took the scurvy for want of proper food, and died in 1 848, he having located where now stands the present city of San Francisco. His mother died when he was 5 years old. Mr. L. T. Rogers came to Wisconsin in 1854, on a prospecting trip, and settled in Rock Co. permanently, in 1855 ; came from Bladison Co, N. Y. He has built most of the bouses in Milton Junction. Married, Jan. 7, 1845, Elizabeth Miller, of Chenango Co, N. Y, daughter of Erastus and Mary Miller; she died March 11, 1848, leaving one child — James L, born Oct. 31, 1846, died March 20, 1849 ; buried in Waterford, Conn. He married again April 8, 1854, Miss Sarah M. Coom, daughter of Pardon and Esther Coom, of Madison Co, N. Y. Had three children— Delinia F, bora Oct. 9, 1857 ; Benedict W, born Oct. 9, 1859 ; Eliz abeth A, born Sept. 9, 1867. Has held tbe office of Supervisor several terms ; Justice of tbe Peace, four years ; Notary Public, nine years, which he still holds ; Secretary of County Grange, two years ; Secretary of County Central Association Patrons of Husbandry. Member of Seventh-Day Baptist Church. GARDINER SAUNDERS, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Milton ; bora in Verona, Oneida Co, N. Y, June 29, 1824: son of Russel and Susanah (Peckham) Saunders. They have four sons — William R, Alborn, Gardiner and Andrew J. Gardiner, the third son, came to Wisconsin m the spring of 1846, to Rock Co. in the fall of 1874 ; located where be now resides ; owns forty acres. Mr. Saunders has held the office of District School Clerk three terms ; Treasurer, two terms ; elected Constable in tbe early days. Blarried Miss Sarah Crosby March 5, 1844 — daughter nf Elisha and Sally, of Smithfield, Jefferson Do, N. Y. ; born June 2, 1824. Had five children— Mary S,bom Oct. 19, 1846 ; A. G, born May 2, 1849; C. F, born July 15, 1851 ; A. C, bora May 14, 1853; R. H, bora June 22, 1860. Belongs to the Seventh-Day Baptist Church ; Bepublican. EDWARD SEARING was born at Aurora, Cayuga Co, N. Y, July 14, 1835. His boy hood was passed mostly on a farm, and the rudiments of his education were received at the district school ; he was about equally proficient in all the common branches, but, perhaps, excelled in grammar, which he began at an early age, and which he liked from the first. For tbe very thorough groundwork laid in the common branches, he was under obligations to two or three exceedingly skillful and conscientious teachers — all ladies (not merely in sex, but also in culture and manners). Toward these early instructors, of whose subsequent career he knows nothing, he has always entertained a lively sense of gratitude. His higher education was obtained solely by his own efforts. At the age of 16, he taught his first school, receiving $15 per month, and " boarding around." Resolving soon after to obtain a collegiate education, he became a student in Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y, then under the charge of Prof. S. A. Clark, of grammati cal fam3. He then began the study of Latin under the instruction of Prof. H. H. Sandford, now of Syra cuse University ; two years were passed at the Academy, the student meeting his expenses by teaching winters. He then went to Cazenovia Seminary, where his classical studies were continued under the instruc tion of Prof. Hyde, interrupted only the first winter by a term in teaching in Orleans Co, at the head of a graded school. Soon after returning to the Seminary, he accepted the offered position of assistant teacher of" Latin, held for a year or so thereafter, and until his removal to Michigan, where he was for a time Principal of the graded schools at Bay City. Before leaving New York, he received the unsolicited honor of a permanent State certificate from the Department at Albany. In 1857, he came to Wisconsin, and opened a private school at Union, Rock Co, which was continued with much success for two or more years, after which he returned to Michigan. Devoting the summer of 1860 to the study of French in the city of 828 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Detroit, he, in the fall of that year, entered the Senior Class of the State University at Ann Arbor, and graduated tbe following year. " Returning to Wisconsin in the fall of 1863, be re-opened the private school at Union, where he remained until he accepted a position in Milton College (then Academy) in the fall of 1863; a systematic course of historical study, begun immediately after graduating, was continued after removing to Milton, and several historical lectures were prepared ; while thus engaged, the assassination of Lincoln occurred. Having been jointly invited by the Churches at Milton, to deliver a discourse on the character of the mar tyred President on the Fast-Day (June 1) following the nation's bereavement, he presented an address which was published at the time in the Janesville Gazette, copied into other papers of the State, and favorably noticed by the New York Independent and other journals of that city. To supply the demand for the printed address, it was published in pamphlet form. This unexpected and gratifying success sug gested a more ambitious undertaking, and soon after, the plan of a new school edition of Virgil's iEneid, with several peculiar features, was conceived. This having met tbe approval of eminent teachers, the work was undertaken and tbe new Virgil was published in the spring of 1869. The book met with instant and unqualified success, has had a large and steady sale, and is now widely used in schools in every State in the Union. The assured success of this venture, led the publishers, A. S. Barnes & Go, to request the author to prepare for them a series of classical text-books. Work was accordingly soon com menced upon a proposed edition of Homer's Iliad, and tbe recent election surprised the Professor in the midst of preparation for the approaching publication of this volume, upon which, we understand, he has bestowed great labor, and of which he and his publishers have corresponding hopes. During the past year, tbe Professor has given bis attention mostly to his literary work, having had during this time but few classes in the College under his personal instruction. Although in tastes, in intellectual conviction and in personal interest, a warm friend of classical studies in their proper place aud relations to others, yet Prof. Searing is not a " one-idea man ; " he has not forgotten what be owes to the common schools; be has had a varied experience as teacher in all ranks of his profession, and in three States, and, during a portion of his residence at Union, he held the office of Town Superintendent of Schools ; he has preserved a warm sympathy with teachers ; he knows their trials, and, unless we are mistaken, he will know how to point out wisely to them their means of triumph. Prof. Searing, until 1872, acted with the Republican party; in that year, in common with many Repub licans, be supported Horace Greeley for the Presidency, and was himself nominated on the " reform " ticket for the Assembly. In 1873, he was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction; in 1875, some disposition was manifested by educational men of the Republican party to have his name placed upon the ticket, on tbe ground tbat the office should be taken out of politics, and one in which experience is valuable; he was re-elected for a second term, and unanimously renominated for a third term in 1877, reeeiving the vote of nearly all the educational men of the State, irrespective of party, and running con siderably ahead of his ticket. While serving as State Superintendent, Prof. Searing earnestly urged the policy of a State School tax, the general adoption of town school system, a system of free high schools, aided by the State, a State Library system, an appointed system of county superintendency, instead of an elective one, uniformity in the matter of teachers' examinations, and the plan of district purchase of text books. During his incumbency, laws were passed, upon his recommendation, for establishing and aiding free high schools ; for rendering women eligible to hold all school offices except that of Superintendent ; for making the school month uniformly twenty days, and for the district purchase of text-books. In his capacity as a member ex officio, and Secretary of the Board of Normal Regents, and as a member ex officio of the Board of University Regents, he labored actively and usefully to promote the interests of the Normal Schools and Teachers' Institutes, and of the State University. Considering the small amount of money placed at his disposal for the purpose, he was largely successful in securing a creditable educational exhibit at the Centennial, in 1876, and a portion of the same exhibit was forwarded to tbe exhibition in Paris, in 1878, where it received honorable notice. As a public officer, Prof. Searing was faithful and incorruptible ; he is brilliant as a writer, popular and successful as a public speaker and lecturer, and skill ful as a classical teacher. Since his retirement from official life, he has been engaged in work again as Pro fessor of the Ancient Languages, in Milton College, and in the preparation of classical text-books. He also bestows some attention upon horticulture, of which he is particularly fond. MILO SMITH, farmer, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Milton ; born in Ellers, Chautauqua Co, N. Y, March 13, 1815 ; be was the son of James and Olive Smith, who had six children; Milo was the oldest son ; came to Rock Co. in October, 1872. Married Miss Elizabeth Tourtelotte March 7, 1854; she was the MILTON TOWNSHIP. 82& daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Tourtelotte, of Fulton, Wis.; had seven children, six livin-— James M bo™ ieb- 9' !855 ; Jessie L, June 19, 1857 (married J. M. Marquat, of Milton) ; Clara E, Sept le' 1858; Iremont H, Aug. 10, 1863; Carrol L.. Aug. 4, 1871; Lynn D, Aug. 13, 1874. Mr. S. was elected Constable in 1849; Clerk of School Board in 1849; Assessor in 1850; Supervisor in 1866- was Director and Treasurer several terms. Contributed about $100 to build Universalist Church. Mem-' ber of Grange Lodge, No. 72 ; Bepublican. DAVID D. SOWLE, farmer ; P. 0. Milton ; born in Macedonia, N. Y, Nov. 3, 1807 ; son of James and Abbie Sowle; Mr. James Sowle came to Rock Co. and settled on Sec. 26 in November. 1843 ; purchased 240 acres of Mr. Strunk ; the said land was deeded to him from the Probate Court in the fall of 1843. David D. eime to Rock Co. in 1842, and settled on Sec. 27— eighty acres ; sold two acres to the Milton Cemetery at $100 per acre ; his farm now consists of about one hundred acres ; he raises fine quality of domestic sheep and hogs, also horses and cattle, and products of the county. Married Miss Adeline J. Atherton, daughter of Simon and Roxey, of Tolland Co, Conn, July 9, 1840 ; bad four children— Nellie A, born April 24, 1841, (married Rev. J. Richards, of Jefferson) ; Isaac A, born Nov 12,1844 (married Mattie Carlton, of Kenosha) ; Willie E, bOrn June 26,1849; Josie R, Aug. 9, 1853. D. D. Sowle is a member of the Masonic Fraternity and ofthe Methodist Church. A. C. STANNARD, blacksmith and patent-right dealer, Milton ; bora in Almond, Allegany Co, N. Y, June 19, 1822 ; came to Rock Co. Dec. 2, 1857; on commencing business, he rented a shop from Mr. G. Hall, at Milton; in 1861, built the shop he now occupies, manufacturing washing machines. Married Hannah T. Kinyon, daughter of J. Kinyon, of Wirt, Allegany Co, N. Y.; had six children- Edgar N, Blarvin B, Fremont P, Joel V, Ettie M. and Grant II. S. Mr. A. C. Stannard and his son, Marvin B, enlisted as private in Co. K, 13th W. V. I, under Capt. P. Norcross, of Janesville, Wis, in the fall of 1861 ; Blr. Stannard was taken sick at Lawrence, Kan, and discharged in April, 1862 ; re-enlisted in June, 1862, in Co. G, 1st U. S. Sharp-Shooters. Marvin was taken sick at Fort Donelson, Tenn, and died March 29, 1863; participated in the following battles: Last Bull's Bun and Manassas Junction ; was wounded at second Bull's Run by a Southern sharp-shooter hid in a tree ; Mr. Stannard spied him, and both parties fired at the same time ; the rebel was shot dead, and Mr. S. had the toes on his left foot shot off; was discharged Dec. 2, 1863, and returned home; was promoted to 2d Lieutenant by Gov. Fairchild, for bravery on the field of battle. Was Deputy Sheriff of Rock Co. in 1873 ; served two years ; appointed again in 1876. Is member of I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 66, Milton, Rock River Encampment, Daughters of Rebecca, and of the Seventh-Day Baptist' Church. ROBERT STOCKMAN, farmer, Sec. 32 ; P. O. Milton Junction; bora April 3, 1833, in County Antrim, Ireland; came with his parents to Philadelphia in 1834; son of James and Bebecca Stockman; they had six children, five are living — Jane, Rebecca, John, Hugh and Robert; their father was a mason, which trade he followed in Philadelphia until about 1837, then went to Saratoga Co, N. Y, and purchased a farm of 100 acres, well improved, which they worked successfully; in 1843, they sold their farm and came to Wisconsin ; in the spring of 1843, they located in Milton Township ; bought an excellent farm, which his father worked successfully until bis death, in September, 1872 ; his mother died in September, 1876. Robert attended school in Saratoga Co, N. Y, also in Blilton ; at an early age, he commenced farming ; now owns 160 acres of fine land, well improved; has 100 acres under cultivation, and the rest is woodland ; raises the usual crops of the county, also Durham grade of cattle, Poland China hogs, and Clyde and Blessenger horses ; he also owns 160 acres of wild land on Chippewa River in Pepin Co., Wis.; Mr. Stockman is industrious and prosperous. ANDREW JACKSON SUTHERLAND, mail manager, Milton Junction; born in New York May 24, 1817, living there till 19 years old, when he came West and settled at Monroe,Wis. ; was engaged in the mill business, owning a saw-mill till 1856, when he went into politics; was elected Sheriff, serving seven years, then was appointed Deputy U S. Marshal, serving until he was appointed to the U. S. Mail Service, April 17, 1871. Married Mary M. Bentley, of Kenosha Co, in 1853; have four children — David E, James W, William F. and Ella. PETER TOMKINS, station master, freight and ticket agent and telegraph operator, Milton ; born in Ireland Feb. 17, 1829; came to America spring of 1851, locating in Rock Co, Wis, and went to work on farm for Mr. Vincent for four years ; in 1853, went into employ of the Milwaukee & Missis sippi R. R, now C, M. & St. P. R. R, and has since been engaged there. Married Miss Annie Lee Minifie, a native of England, November, 1863 ; have five children — Bessie M, born April 2, 1863 ; Mary A., March 20, 1865; Anna L, April 25, 1869; Charles F, Feb. 23, 1871 ; William H, May 19, 1874, Family attends Congregational Church : liberal in politics. 830 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: ROLLIN THORPE, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Milton Junction ; came to Rock Co, Wis, in fall of 1841, and purchased 160 acres in Sec. 11, Town 4, Range 13 ; was born in Southington, Hartford Co, Conn, Nov. 9, 1809 ; son of Joel and Lydia Thorpe; in the fall of 1842, Mr. Rollin Thorpe came to Wisconsin, settled on his land and broke the first ground. Married, April 1, 1831, Miss Henrietta Densmore, of Warsaw, N. Y. ;"had seven children — Lydia A, Gilbert D, Devolsen, Helen, Warren R, Carmie G, Ada H. Mrs. Rollin Thorpe died June 27, 1877 ; buried at Milton. Mr. Thorpe was one of the prime movers in building the Universalist Church at Otter Creek, of Milton ; contributed $250 cash for its completion. His homestead consists of 160 acres; has disposed of a quarter on Sec. 10, on Sec. 1, 80 acres, Sec. 2, 80 acres, for the benefit of his sons, and still holds homestead. Religion, Uni versalist; Republican. B. F. TITS WORTH, grist-mill, Milton Junction; born in Cumberland Co, N. J, Septem ber, 1843 ; son of I. D. and Hannah A. Mill ; came to Rook Co. in the spring of 1869 ; engaged in the manufacture of doors, sash and blinds; in 1871, he added the grist-milling business ; the building was erected by J. C. Rogers, in the winter of 1868, and was the first mill for the Junction ; the firm is now I. D. Titsworth & Co. ; they still manufacture door frames, also " tbe Barnhart " practical improved bee hive, planing-mill, etc. Mr. B. F. was elected District School Clerk in 1877 ; Town Clerk in 1878 : re-elected in 1879. Married Miss Emeline A, daughter of John A. and — Langworthy ; she died Nov. 19, 1873 ; be again married at Plainfield, N. J. Mr. B. F. enlisted as private in the 11th N. J. V. I, Co. D, under Capt. Palmer, Aue. 2, 1862 ; was assigned to detached service in the Army of the Potomac as Clerk for Inspectors and Adjutant Generals at brigade headquarters ; returned to bis regiment and accepted the appointment of Quartermaster's Sergeant; honorably discharged June 15, 1865; was mus tered out at Trenton, N. J. HARVEY B. WARD, Milton House (Ellis & Ward) ; born in Jefferson, Schoharie Co, N. Y, Nov. 12, 1820; son of Chapman and Mary Ward ; came to Wisconsin in October, 1866 ; settled in the town of Portland, Dodge Co. ; came to Milton in July 20, 1878. Married, in 1842, Miss Clarissa A. Spencer, daughter of John and Jennie, of Worcester, Otsego Co, N. Y. They have bad four children — John S, bora Jan. 15, 1844; Mary A, bom May 27, 1847 ; Jennie N, born July 2, 1849 ; Francis E., Dec. 9, 1852. Mary A, married F. W. Ellis, May 27, 1872, of Fulton, N. Y. Mr. Ward is a pro fessor of vocal music ; has been a teacher thirty-eight years ; has a class at Milton. He studied law with Abram Becker, at Worcester, Otsego Co, N. Y. ALFRED WHITFORD, Professor of Mathematics, Blilton College ; born in Plainfield, Otsego Co, N. Y., May 28, 1832; son of Samuel and Sophia C. ; they had four sons — Walter C, Ham ilton D, Alfred and Herman D. Alfred attended Brookfield Academy and De Ruyter Institute, Bladison Co, N. Y, and Alfred Academy, Allegany Co, N. Y, ; graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y, in the Class of '57 ; then returned to Milton, where he bad taught as assistant to his brother, Prof. William Whitford, from 1854 to 1856. He also was Professor of Mathematics at Alfred Academy, from 1868 to 1872. Married, in 1857, Miss Chloe, daughter of George and Maria Curtis, of East Troy, N. Y. Had five children— Anna S, Albert C, William H, Alfred E, and a baby. WILLIAM C. WHITFORD was bom in the town of Edmeston, Otsego Co, N. Y, May 5, 1828. His father, Capt. Samuel Whitford, of English lineage, belonged to a branch of the family which resided in Massachusetts more than a hundred and fifty years. His mother, Sophia Clarke, was connected, by both her father and her mother, with the numerous families of that name which origi nated in Rhode Island, and which have occupied important positions in that State. Both parents were bora in the town of Brookfield, Madison Co, N. 1", when that section was comparatively new, and their youth was spent amidst the hardships and deprivations of a pioneer life. They enjoyed the most meager advantages to acquire even a common-school education, but, with strong minds and rare good sense, they were among tbe most intelligent and highly respected people in the community where they lived. The grandfather, David Whitford, died when his son Samuel was but 16 years of age, leaving in his care a family of eleven children, all of whom, except one sister, were younger than himself, and two of whom were cripples from birth, and all of whom he assisted to reach maturity. He worked at the potash business, managed the small farm left by his father, and for fourteen years devoted all his earnings to the mainten ance of his mother and his brothers and sisters. By them he was loved with a devotion seldom exhibited even in the family circle. In later years, he became a man of considerable influence, and held various positions of trust and honor in both civil and military life. The last years of bis life Were divided between the care of a farm and the business of buying cattle and sheep for the New MILTON TOWNSHIP. 831 York market. He was endowed with great physical strength and endurance, with a sound and reliable judgment, and with a superior moral and religious character. He died at tbe age of 51, in the vigor of bis powers and in the midst of his usefulness. The mother, Sophia Whitford, lost also her father at an early age. She was tbe eldest of eight children, and before her marriage aided her mother for several years, after reaching her majority, in supporting and raising the other children of tbe family. She has been an invalid most of the time for the past thirty years, but she still survives at 76 years of age in the enjoyment of a vigorous mind, a retentive memory and excellent conversational powers. William C. Whitford is the eldest of four children — all sons. The second is Hamilton Joseph, who has most generally taken the chief care of the mother since the death of tbe father in 1848, and who owned for many years the homestead farm. He now resides near the birthplace of the family, and is in charge of a saw -mill. The third son is Albert, who, after graduating at Union College, New York, has been since occupied in teaching. He has been employed as the Principal of De Ruyter Institute and as a pro fessor in Alfred University, both in New York State. Besides giving instruction for many years in Milton College, Wisconsin, he is now filling the position of President of that institution. The fourth son is Herbert David, who has served most faithfully for seven years in the United States Army — three of which being in the time ofthe rebellion. William, the eldest son, usually worked on the farm in summer and attended either a district or select school in winter until he was 17 years of age. He early developed very great physical and mental activity. When 1 2 years old, he exhibited an extraordinary fondness for reading, and for five years thereafter applied himself assiduously to perusing all works of biography, history, travel and of a didactic nature which came within his reach. In this period, he paid but little attention to the studies taught in the public schools. Finding farm work ill suited to his taste, he resolved to make prep aration for some literary or professional calling, and, accordingly, he entered, at 17 years of age, Brookfield Academy, New York, near his home, where be remained the greater part of three years. After this, when nearly of age, he became a student in De Buyter Institute, New York, and there completed his preparation to enter tbe Senior Class in Union College, from which he graduated in 1853. In the meantime, he assisted in teaching in Milton Academy, Wisconsin, one term, and was the Principal of Union Academy at Shiloh, N. J, for two years. He also spent a summer in making an elaborate map of portions of Madison County, N. Y, and in this and various other ways be met a part of bis expenses in obtaining an education. He evinced, from an early day, a" decided aptness for instructing pupils and managing schools. Before he was twenty years old, he had taught in the district school which he attended in boyhood, and in the academy where he prepared himself for college. While a student subsequently in De Ruyter Institute, he had charge, nearly every term, of classes in penmanship, elocution, Latin and rhetoric. Upon graduating from college, he decided to engage in the work of the Gospel ministry, and thereupon he entered Union Theological Seminary, New York City, where he completed the three years' course of study. Immedi ately after leaving tbe Seminary, in 1856, he was called to the pastorate of a church in Milton, Rock Co., Wis. This Church belongs to tbe denomination known as Seventh-Day Baptists, with which he has been connected since he was 14 years of age. This position in Milton he held for three years, and under bis labors tbe Church, though previously quite large, more than doubled its membership and working power. These results were attained through the most active and exhausting work in preaching and in attention to pastoral duties. During the last year of bis charge of this church, he was induced to assume the principal- ship of Blilton Academy, in which be taught for a season eight years before. This institution had then been in operation as a select school and an academy for fourteen years, and bad gained a good standing in this part of the State. Since that time, he has been at the head of the school, except during the past year and a half, when he has been serving as State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Wisconsin. Under his administration, the institution has acquired great vigor and wide popularity, the attendance of students some years reaching over four hundred. During the civil war, it took a prominent part in raising troops for the service, and not less than three hundred and eleven of its students joined the Union army, and many of them were aided by Mr. Whitford in securing good positions in various regiments of the State. For nine years the school, as an academy, was under his charge, and in 1867 was converted, mainly by bis efforts, into a college, of which be has since been either actively or nominally tbe President, servino- not onlv at the head of the Faculty, but also of the Board of Trustees. The institution has been mainly supported by the tuition fees of its students, and old debts have been canceled, and additional rooms and other accommodations have been furnished under his administration. The task has been a Her culean one to maintain the efficiency and popularity of tbe school. Under its new powers, it has been steadily advanced in influence. The number of students in the regular college classes has not been less 832 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: than seventy in any year, while those in tbe academic classes have been usually thrice that number. The graduates of the college, though not numerous, are among the most successful teachers in the common, High and Normal Schools, and tbe State University of Wisconsin. In the denomination to which Pres ident Whitford belongs, he has filled influential positions, among which is the presidency of its Annual Conferences in this county, a position he has twice filled. He served over four years in an important agency of this people, visiting, in that time, most of tbe Churches in the United States. In 1867, he was elected to the Assembly of Wisconsin, and performed eminent service in that body during its session the following year, as the Chairman of the Committee of Education. He was President of tbe State Teachers' Association for the year 1865, and succeeded in reviving a thorough interest in that body, which had greatly declined in activity and influence during tbe civil war. Before this associa tion be has often presented important papers on educational topics. In 1867, he was appointed by tne Governor of the State a member of the Board of Normal Regents, and held this position for nine years. During this time, he usually acted on the committees for the examination of the graduating classes of the Norman Schools, and for conducting the Teachers' Institutes in the State. He has been twice selected as a visitor at tbe State University, and has been repeatedly called to lecture before teachers' asso ciations and lyceums. For the centennial year of our county be prepared, at tbe request of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a work containing a succinct history of education in Wisconsin — a most thorough and exhaustive one, the result of much research on his part. This, with other con tributions from the State, were placed on exhibition at Philadelphia. In 1877, be was elected the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by tbe Republican party, and entered upon tbe duties of that position in January following. Thus far, in this office, he has given all his labors to preserving and promoting the various interests belonging to tbe public system of education in the State. He has made it the distinctive policy of his administration to sustain all those measures which are designed to improve the country or ungraded schools. In addition to the work of tbe office, he has been able to give addresses on educational subjects in very many parts of the State. At the recent State Con vention of the Republican party, be was unanimously nominated for this position. Besides giving atten tion to tbe affairs of the college, and laboring in behalf of education elsewhere, President Whitford has often preached in tbe churches near his home, and in other sections of tbe county. He has delivered addresses at political gatherings, and at celebrations on the Fourth of July, of a high order of scholarly patriotism. In his religious opinions and practices, he is devoid of all cant or bigotry. Out of the abundance of his heart he is continually uttering words of encouragement and instruction, not only to the students under his care, whether in the classroom or on, the playground, but to all with whom he comes in contact. His convictions in respect to the doctrines and precepts of Christianity are firm and ardent, and his influence in leading young people to the higher duties and labors of life have been very marked and salutary. He is in full sympathy with all movements which indicate . progress, and he inspires in them under his influ ence a deep enthusiasm in any work which improves the condition of tbe soul. Of the thousands of young men and young women who have been instructed by bim, there is, probably, no one who does not cherish sentiments of respect and esteem for him. Over these he exerts a powerful influence in awaken ing in their hearts the desire to realize all the possibilities of their nature. He is a most agreeable com panion, abounding in good-nature, friendly, sympathetic and generous. Possessed of strong convictions and a firm will, be is not easily turned aside after once taking hold of an enterprise. He is endowed with a powerful physical constitution, and has formed the habits of ceaseless activity. He is exceedingly fond of public speaking, and, with a full voice, earnest manner, a practical view of the subjects discussed, and a ready action of the mind, be attracts and holds bis audiences. His profound interest in educational problems and methods of work will doubtless enlist his chief attention in future years, as it has for over twenty years of tbe past. He has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Elmina E. Coon, a graduate of De Ruyter Institute, New York. She was a most amiable and accomplished woman, and bad fitted herself for the work of teaching and missionary life. She died with the consumption, six months after marriage. H is second wife, Miss Ruth Hemphill, is a graduate of Alfred University, New York, and has given instruc tion with him, a portion of the time, for twenty-five years. She is a woman of superior culture, excellent business traits, exceedingly fond of her home, with power to exert a most powerful influence over her friends and acquaintances, and possessing a moral and religious nature most highly trained. Four children have been bom to President Whitford by his second wife — -the eldest, Minnie, died when 5 years of age ; the second, William, when be was 16 months old, and Freddie, when he was in tbe 12th year of bis age; the youngest Milton, is now 13 years old, and is fitting himself by labor and studying at school for such positions as may come to him in after life. LA PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 833 CARL WILL, farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Koshkonong; born in Prussia Oct. 15, 1845 ; son of Carl and Wilmena (Schmidt) ; came to America April 23, 1872, and settled at Ft. Atkinson, Jefferson Co ; bought his farm of seventy-three acres in Rock Co, February, 1848. Married, March 12, 1872, Mary Waungerman ; they have four children — Carl, William, Fritz, Otto. They attend the Lutheran Church ; Republican. D. B. WOOD, Milton ; bom at Verona, Oneida Co, N. Y, June 18, 1815 ; came to Rock Oo. spring of 1841, locating in Harmony, Sec. 1; owns 280 acres; raises cattle, hogs and horses and tbe general products of the county. Married, Nov. 29, 1837, in Michigan, Miss Rhoda Howard; bom Dec. 21, 1817 ; daughter of Smith and Rhoda, who died Oct. 5, 1876 ; buried at Milton Cemetery ; married second time, Nov. 22, 1877, Abby J. Root, of Whitewater, Wis; she is the daughter of Lyman Burley of Orleans Co, N. Y. JOEL BREESE WOOD, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O.Milton Junction; bornin Tompkins Co, N.Y, Feb. 15, 1807 ; was educated till 1831, when he went to Orleans Co, N.Y, where he lived till he came to Wiscon sin, May 16, 1840; lived/meyear at Milton; settled on his present homestead on Sec. 19, in 1841, which con sists of 140 acres; the farm originally (his first purchase), was 260 acres, which he has divided between bis sons. Married, Oct. 21, 1826, Sallie Anne Butts, daughter of Michael Butts, born in Northampton Co, Penn, Feb. 27, 1808; they have nine children living, two dead — Abraham Wood, bora July 11, 1827, died June 5, 1830 ; Henry B, born Oct. 25, 1828 ; Wesley, Nov. 26, 1830 ; Daniel, Feb. 6, 1833 ; Mary Jane, Aug. 22, 1835 (who is the widow of J. C. Kidder) ; Lyman M, bora July 9, 1837 ; Caro line, Nov. 7, 1839, died Nov. 18, 1840 ; William H, born Nov. 14, 1841 ; Alpheus J, Feb. 28, 1845 ; Byron F, Feb. 12, 1847; Sarah I, July 16, 1850 (married Mr. Wright, conductor on C.&N.-W. Ry). Has served thirty years on School Board ; Side Supervisor two terms ; Assessor one term and Road Com missioner two terms ; attends M. E. Church ; Republican. Mr. Wood's father was Abraham, and his mother was Blary Breese. EZEKIEL P. FRINK, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. O. Milton Junction ; born in Scott, Cortland Co, N. Y, Feb. 18, 1823; came to Rock Co., Wis, May 1, 1844; he learned his trade of carpenter with Joseph Frink, of New York, and helped to build a great many of the prominent buildings in tbe neighborhood. Married, March 31, 1844, Salome, daughter of Ephraim S. and Annie Crandall Bab cock, who died, leaving four children — Alexander, born March 10, 1845; Annie V, Jan. 20, 1847; Salome E, Feb. 22, 1849 ; Lucius H, Feb. 9. 1856. Member of the Seventh-Day Baptist Church. HORACE B. FRINK, homoeopathic physician, Milton Junction; born in Scott, Cortland Co, N. Y, June 7, 1824 ; son of Geo. and Esther Frink, who came to Rock Co, May 12, 1844, and settled in Milton ; went thence to Jefferson Co. ; both died in Easton, Adams Co. Mr. Horace B. Frink is a natural mechanic ; is a cooper, blacksmith, carpenter, joiner, wheelwright — never having learned a trade, has worked at all ; studied medicine with a Scotch allopathic doctor ; adopted homoeopathy practice since 1858 ; his practice now extends over the counties of Rock and Dane. Married, on Feb. 21, 1849, Miss Lucinda McCammon, daughter of Mrs. Patience McCammon, of County Down, Ireland. Had four children— Russell A, born July 5, 1851 ; Erford E, born May 18, 1854 ; Elias P, born March 2, 1859 ; Mary A, born Aug. 21, 1867. Mr. Frink belongs to Milton Masonic Lodge, No. 71. Liberal in religion and politics. LA PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. ALEXANDER BABCOCK, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Janesville; born in Maine in 1824 ; came to Wisconsin about 1854, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased 120 acres, his present home stead. Married, in 1866, Miss Alice Duffy, a native of New York. Mr. Babcock makes a specialty of stock and grain. Republican. D. E. BELDING, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. O. Tiffany ; born in New York in 1829, where he was educated for a physician, graduating at Castleton, Vt, in 1849 ; came to Wisconsin in 1851, locating at Shopiere, where he practiced medicine nine years. In the spring of 1860, moved to La Prairie, on a farm of 160 acres. Married, in 1854, Miss Mary Blood, a native of New York. Had two children — Stewart, born in March, 1855, died in January, 1862 ; Charles, born in June, 1862. The Doctor is devoting most of his time to farming. Republican. HENRY CHENEY, farmer, Sec. 7; P. < '. Janesville; born in Orange Co, Vt, in 1804; came to Wisconsin in 1840, locating in Waukesha Co, where he purchased a claim of 160 acres, and 834 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: remained about five years ; then moved to Johnstown, Rock Conand bought a farm of 300 acres, which he sold in 1869, and moved to La Prairie, Section 7, where he has now under cultivation seventy-five acres. Married, in April, 1828, Miss Melinda Cobb. They have had nine children — Theresa A, born Feb. 3, 1829, died Nov. 30, 1873 ; Harriet E, born Jan. 28, 1831, died May 30, 1860 ; Sylvester, born July 13, 1832 ; Davis H, bom July 21, 1836 ; Clara B, born Feb. 17, 1839 ; William H, bora Nov. 2, 1841 ; Leonard H, bora April 16, 1844; M. F, born May 27, 1847; Sophronia, bora May 3, 1850. Mr. Cheney has been Collector one year, Supervisor, four years, and Chairman, one year; Bepublican. DAVID H. COBB, farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Janesville; born in New York, in 1803; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating at Janesville ; he afterward purchased eighty acres in La Prairie, his pres ent homestead. In politics, Mr. Cobb is a Republican. JOSEPH W. DAY, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Janesville; bora in England in 1837; came to Wisconsin in 1865, locating at La Prairie, and purchasing 160 acres, his present homestead. In 1877, he also purchased a wood lot of five acres, in the town of Harmony. Married in England, March 10, 1863, Miss Elizabeth Day, a native of England, who died at La Prairie March 4, 1870. They had four children — Frederick W, born Sept. 30, 1864 ; Mary L, bora Oct. 17, 1866 ; Edith F, born Jan. 29, 1868 ; Sam uel, who died at the age of six months. Blarried again, in 1871, Miss E. M. Kingston, a native of Eng land. Have two children — Wellington A, born Feb. 7, 1872 ; Alexander W, born Sept: 4, 1874. Treasurer School District for the past six years ; Pathmaster a number of years. During the war, was drafted in the New York militia, in 1865 ; received an honorable discharge ; Republican. JOSEPH DOCKSTADER, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. O. Shopiere ; bom in New York in 1825 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Turtle ; remained nineteen years, when he moved to La Prairie, and purchased 160 acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1853, Miss Sarah Chamberlain, a native of Connecticut. They have bad four children — Jessie, born in April, 1864, died in October, 1866 ; Cora, born in December, 1865 ; George, bora in January, 1869 ; Addie, bom in September, 1873. Was Pathmaster one year. Republican; member ofthe Congregational Church. WILLIAM G. EASTERLEY, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Janesville; bora in New York in 1820, came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased eighty acres iff Sec. 14, and remained for twenty-four years ; in 1870, he sold and moved to Sec. 23, his present homestead. Married, in 1841, Bliss Elizabeth Robinson, a native of New York. Blr. Easterly has been a Justice of tbe Peace for nine years, Clerk of School Board four years ; Republican. HENRY P. FALES, farmer, Sec. 4 ; P. O. Janesville; born in Massachusetts in 1821 ; came to Wisconsin in 1855, locating at La Prairie, where be purchased a farm of 240 acres, his present home stead. Mairied, in 1855, Miss Eveline Smith, a native of New York ; they have two children — Ida B, born in 1858, and Louis H, in 1871. Mr. F. was Supervisor two years, also member School Board; he makes a specialty of raising fine-wool sheep, horses and cattle ; Republican. JACOB FREDENDALL, farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Janesville; bora in New York in 1811 ; came to Wisconsin in 1865, locating at Indian Ford, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres, remaining ten years ; he then sold to his two sons and moved to La Prairie, where he purchased a small farm, making a specialty of raising tobacco. Married, in 1833, Miss Catherine Borst, a native of New York, who died in 1853 ; they had six^children ; one girl died. He married again, in 1857, Miss Sophia Pickard, a native of New York ; have one boy — Chauncey, born in 1858 : Democrat. JAMES HAGGART, farmer, Sec. 35 ; P.O. Tiffany ; bora in New York in 1843 ; came to Wisconsin in 1851, with his father, James Haggart, who purchased a farm at La Prairie in Sec. 35, of 215 acres ; he remained on the farm till his father's death, Nov. 22, 1877 ; be then succeeded to tbe farm, and is at present making a specialty of dairy produce, having twenty milch cows. He married, in the fall of 1869, Miss Laurie Nash, a native of New York ; they have two children — Archie, born February, 1871, James, December, 1878; he has been Postmaster one year; Republican; member of the Congregational Church. MYRON HART, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. O. Janesville ; bora in New York ; came to Wisconsin in 1859, located at Emerald Grove, and engaged in farming ; in 1878, moved to La Prairie, Sec. 11. Mar ried, in 1870, Miss Ann E. Stockes, a native of New Hampshire; they have two children — Gracie, bora, December, 1875 ; Florence, March, 1879 ; Republican. JOHN H. HAVILAND, farmer, Sees. 19 and 20 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in New York in September, 1842; came to Wisconsin in 1859; located in Magnolia Township; lived there four years; then moved to La Prairie, where he purchased 160 acres; in 1868, added eighty acres more; in 1874, pur chased 160 acres in Dane County, also forty acres in Sec. 19 ; Blr. Haviland makes a specialty of raising tobacco, grains and stock, also is engaged in the manufacture of cheese, having made as high as 250 lbs. LA PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 835 per day. Married, in the fall of 1861, Miss Mary C. Webster, a native of New York ; had three children —Merritt H, bom July, 1870, Dora L, Oct. 22, 1872, Mary T, Feb. 20, 1877 ; belongs to the Society of Friends ; Republican. LEWIS HEALD, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Shopiere; born in New York, in 1811 ; came to. Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Janesville ; remained six months ; he then moved to Turtle and pre-empted 160 acres in Sec. 4, which he sold in 1846 ; be then purchased a farm of forty acres at La Prairie, his present homestead. Married, in 1834, Miss H. Olney, a native of New York ; they had eight children, four boys and four girls ; two girls and one boy dead; has been Justice of tbe Peace fourteen years ; Side Supervisor and Chairman of the Boaid two years; Republican. J. V. HUGUNIN was bom in Fultonville, Blontgomery Co, N. Y, June 17, 1829. He received a common-school education, and attended an academy two years. He came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1849, and settled at Johnstown. March 16, 1853, was married to Caroline Nye, of Beloit. In 1868, he sold his farm and bought one of 274 acres near Janesville, in the town of La Prairie. In 1875, purchased forty acres more, and erected a brick residence, on top of which the whole surrounding country for miles can be seen. They have five children — W. Nye, W. O; Frank and Carrie were born at Johns town ; John Morgan was bom in his present home. Mr. H. held the offices of Supervisor and Assessor each two years. WILDEN HUGHES, deceased; bora April 27, 1818, in Pennsylvania; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Janesville, where he assisted in building one of the largest mills in the State. In 1854, moved to La Prairie, where he purchased a farm on Sees. 6 and 7, on which he resided till his death, July 22, 1870. June 23, 1847, married Miss Malvina A. Foster, a native of Michigan, who died Aug. 5, 1860 ; tbey had three sons. He married again, in 1864, Miss Anna B. Hill, a native of New York ; they had one child — Wilden H, born Jan. 23, 1866. In 1850, Blr. Hughes was elected Sheriff of Rock Co. He was also an active member of tbe Agricultural State Fair. Mrs. Hughes, his widow, is at present living on the farm, making a specialty of dairy produce. JOSEPH KNIPSCHILD; farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Tiffany; born in Prussia in 1810; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating in Springfield, Dane Co. ; remained till 1868, then moved to La Prairie, where he purchased eighty acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1836, Miss Elizabeth Dess- weg ; tbey have had eleven children — Agate, bora Oct. 28, 1837, died Oct. 10, 1846 ; William, born Jan, 1, 1840 ; Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1842 ; Joseph H, July 1, 1844 ; Madelina, born Feb. 18, 1846, died Nov. 13, 1847 ; John A, born Aug. 21, 1848; Frank, March 28, 1851 ; Clara M, Oct. 16, 1852; Lena, Oct, 21, 1854 ; Mary, Sept. 24, 1856. Blr. Knipschild is a Democrat. WILLIAM LOYD, deceased; born in NewYork in 1811; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres, where he resided till his death, Oct. 17, 1876. Married, in 1847, Miss Martha Janes, a native of New York, who died at La Prairie in 1848 ; they had one child — Henry G. He married again, Aug. 15, 1849, Miss Nancy Rawson, a native of New York ; had six children— Ely B, born July 29, 1850 ; Mary E, Dec. 21, 1851 , died Dec. 17, 1876 ; Paulina J, born Feb. 4, 1854 ; Albert O, Nov. 6, 1855 ; Martha E, Feb. 5, 1858, died Jan. 22, 1878 ; Miranda L, born in 1858. Tbe oldest son, Ely B, has charge of the farm ; raises stock and grain. Members of tbe Methodist Church. JOHN J. LYKE, farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Janesville; born in Montgomery Co, N. Y, in 1823- came to Wisconsin in 1854, at Shopiere; remained about eighteen months, then removed to Tur- tleville where he engaged in farming for one year. He then moved to La Prairie in 1864, purchased eighty acres, afterward adding eighty acres more, where now stands his homestead. Married, Feb. 22, 1853 Bliss Catherine A. England, a native of Montgomery Co, N. Y.; have four children— Benjamin C, born Aug. 22, 1854; Mary, Sept. 12, 1857; Bachel, Oct. 22, 1860; Alice, April 18, 1863. Was Treas urer of the District School twelve years. Republican. L. A. MELAY, farmer, Sees. 25 and 36 ; P. O. Tiffany; bora in New York in 1836; came to Wisconsin in 1845, locating at La Prairie, where he succeeded, on the death of his father, to a farm of 150 acres his present homestead. Married, in 1857, Miss Lydia McMichael, a native of New York ; they have had' five children — George H, born April 19, 1858 ; Clarie A, 1860, died the same year at the age of 3 months and 3 days ; Jesse L, June, 1862 ; Carrie, March, 1865 ; Howard, March, 1866. Mr. Melay raises both stock and grain. Republican ; member of the Methodist Church. LEMUEL PAUL, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Monroe County, N. Y, in 1816 ; came to Wisconsin in April, 1869, locating at Janesville ; July, 1869, he purchased a farm of 460 acres in La Prairie Township, his present homestead. Married, in September, 1846, Miss Susan Burroughs, of Washington County, New York, who died in Monroe County, N. Y, in Blarch, 1859; had three children 83G BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: — Adelbert, born in September, 1847; Emma, August, 1850; Homer, October, 1852. His present wife, Mrs. Lucretia R. Paul, is a native of Ontario County, N. Y. ; have four children — Louis V, bora March 12,1865; Eddie H, Aug. 30, 1867; Vennie May, July 9, 1872; Clara Belle, May, 1875. Is a Republican. ALBERT J. PHILLIPS, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Janesville; bora in Somersetshire, England, in 1823 ; came to Wisconsin in 1843, where be located and purchased 260 acres at La Prairie, his present homestead ; he then went to New York, and returned with his father in 1847. Married, in 1867, Miss Rhoda Blunt, a native of Walworth County, Wis. ; has six children — Naomi, born April 3, 1868; Jennie, Jan. 1, 1870 ; James, Dec. 15, 1871 ; Elenora, Oct. 18, 1873; Viola, Aug. 28, 1875 ; Mabel Alice, Aug. 30, 1877. Has been Justice of the Peace two years, Constable for a number of years, and Postmaster at Emerald Grove over four years. Mr. Phillips has raised as high as 6,000 bushels of wheat a year, and has built 1,000 rods of board fence on his place in six years, and makes a specialty of cattle and grain. Democrat ; member of tbe Congregational Church. ROBERT POLLOCK, farmer, Sees. 29 and 30 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Scotland Aug. 21, 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in 1852, locating in tbe town of Rock, where he worked on his father's farm for a number of years ; about the year 1867, he moved to La Prairie, and purchased a farm of 340 acres in Sees. 29 and 30, his present homestead. Married, June 3, 1859, Miss Mary E. Gower, a native of Wisconsin ; had nine children— ^Lillie E, born April 14, 1860, died April 19, 1862 ; Rose E, April 3, 1863; Robert L. and Albert D. (twins), Aug. 8, 1865 (Albert D. died Aug. 13, 1866) ; Mary A, March 9, 1867 ; Nora, June 4, 1871 ; Myrtle,. Jan. 20, 1873 ; William A, March 15, 1876, died Aug. 6, 1876, and an infant girl, May 15, 1879. Mr. Pollock raises stock, grain and tobacco. He has been School Director for four years. Republican ; members of the Presbyterian Church. ELI PROCTOR, farmer, Sec. 3 ; P. O. Janesville ; bora in Vermont April 6, 1816; came to Wisconsin in March, 1854, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased a farm of 165 acres, his present homestead. Was Supervisor one term, and Pathmaster three years. Married, June 8, 1842, Miss Mary Wordworth, a native of Windsor County, Vt. ; have four children — Mary Ellen, born in October, 1844; George A, December, 1846 ; Joel, Blay, 1848 ; Hiram C, May, 1852 ; bis son Hiram is superintending tbe farm, making a specialty of stock-raising. Mr. Proctor is Independent in polities. CYRUS SCHENCK, farmer, Sec. 25 ; P. O. Shopiere ; bom in Montgomery County, N. Y, in 1834 ; came to Wisconsin in the winter of 1844, and located on Sec. 25, with his father, where he spent the early part of his life. In 1857, he commenced farming for himself, remaining four years, when be removed to Walworth Co, where he purchased 160 acres ; remained seven years; then moved to Sec. 25, where he has under cultivation 160 acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1848, Miss Mary Marlett, a native of Blontgomery County N. Y. ; have two children — Ella, bom May 4, 1859 ; Ralph, Aug. 20, 1869. Mr. Schenck was employed by the Government as cattle drover at Nashville for six months during the war. Republican ; his family are members of the Congregational Church. JEREMIAH SCHENCK, farmer, Sec. 25 ; P. O. Tiffany ; bora in New York in 1839. Came to Wiscoi sin in 1845, locating at La Prairie, where tbe early .part of his life was devoted to bis father, who, on account of sickness, turned over the farm of 176 J acres to Jeremiah ; he raises stock and grain. Married, in 1872, Miss BI. J. Kellogg, a native of Ohio. Tbey have two children — Harriet, bom ¦Jan. 15. 1874 ; James, born Feb. 22, 1876. In 1864, he enlisted in the 8th 111. Cav, Co. L, and joined the regiment in Chicago ; was mustered out June, 1865. Mr. Scbenck spent three years in Colorado, also three years in Kansas and two in St. Louis. WILLIAM SCHENCK, farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Shopiere; born in Blontgomery Co, N.Y, in 1810 ; came to Wisconsin in 1842, locating at Shopiere, where he remained two years, and then moved to La Prairie, and purchased a farm of 240 acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1833, Miss J. Youst, a native of New York, who died March 15, 1858, at La Prairie ; they had eight children — Dorcas, born Oct. 18, 1834; Rachel, bora Oct. 2, 1836 ; Peter, bora Jan. 29, 1839, died Nov. 16, 1864; Will iam, born April 11, 1841 ; Nicholas, born Sept. 12, 1843; Edward T, born Aug. 29, 1846, died in Ore gon, Feb. 17, 1877; Jacob, born Sept. 30, 1848, died Sept. 14, 1870 ; Sarah J, born Feb. 17, 1852, died Feb. 9, 1875. He married again, December, 1865, Miss Mary Mason ; tbey have one child — Lor raine, born June 3, 1872. Mr. Schenck was Chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors ; Republican. GEORGE SHERMAN, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in New York in 1825 ; came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1846, locating at La Prairie, Sec. 11, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres from the Government. Remained until about the year 1871, when he moved to Sec. 8, and purchased 160 acres, his present homestead. Married, Sept. 4, 1854, Miss Mary Wheeler, a native of New York, who died January. 1860. He married again, January, 1862, Miss Laura A. Warner, a native of ED GER TON LA PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. 839 Vermont; have five children— Guy W, bom Oct. 21, 1862 ; William T, born Sept. 29, 1865 ; Mary M, born Oct. 29, 1867 ; Lewis A, born July 3, 1870 ; Lee W, bora Jan. 24, 1875. Mr. Sherman was Chairman Board of Supervisors one year ; Supervisor a number of years, and Assessor for about eigh teen years. Republican ; member Baptist Church. JEROME SHIMEALL, farmer, Sec. 34; P. 0. Shopiere; bom in New York in 1840. Came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1860, locating at Shopiere. The early part of his life was spent on his father's farm. In 1868, he moved to La Prairie, and purchased 77 acres, bis present homestead. Mar ried, in February, 1868, Miss Mary Cole, a native of Ohio ; they had three children — Herbert J, bom Dec. 20, 1869 ; Clark, born June 18, 1871 ; Spencer, bora July 13, 1877. In the fall of 1861, enlisted in Co. F, 13th Wis. Joined regiment at Janesville ; served four years and three months; mustered out December, 1865. Returned to Shopiere, remaining one year, when he went to Montana, remaining about one year. Has been Constable one year ; Republican ; member Congregational Church. GEORGE SKINNER, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Scotland in 1829 ; came to Wisconsin in 1849 ; located at Janesville, where he followed the business of baker for two years, when he moved to Bradford, and purchased eighty acres in Sec. 9 ; in 1868, sold out, and moved to La Prairie, Sec. 9, and has at present under cultivation 320 acres — his present homestead. Blarried, Nov. 12, 1851, Miss Jane Trotter, a native of Ireland. Have ten children — John Alexander, bom July 28, 1852 ; Robert J, born May 11, 1854; George C, born Jan. 1, 1856; Blary Jane, born May 12, 1857; William A, born Feb. 28, 1859 (died July 21, 1861) ; Eliza J, born Dec. 18, 1860 ; William W, bora Aug. 7, 1862 ; Margaret E, born Nov. Z8, 1864 ; Andrew W, Sept. 3, 1867 ; Thomas, born Feb. 4, 1871 ;. Blr. Skinner makes a specialty of raising barley, having raised as high as fifty-five bushels to the acre ; is a Republican. He has been a member of the School Board and Pathmaster three years. BARRETT H. SMITH, farmer, Sees. 35 and 36 ; P. O. Shopiere ; born in New York May 18, 1834; came to Wisconsin, November, 1842, locating at La Prairie, where his father purchased 120 acres, and tbe early part of his life was spent there. In 1852, he moved to Beloit, and engaged in the printing business for two years ; he then went to Minnesota ; also engaged in the printing business for six years ; in 1859, returned to Janesville, remaining one year; in 1860, went to Beloit, and was engaged in publishing the Beloit Journal for four years. In 1864, enlisted in Co. B, 40th Wis.; joined the regiment at Beloit. He held the commission of Second Lieutenant, and was present at the Forrest raid on Memphis ; mustered out at tbe close of time of service. In 1865, moved to La Prairie, where he has under cultivation 160 acres — his present homestead. Married, in 1863, Bliss Harriet Rose, a native of New York. They have three children— Edith, born Dec. 12, 1865 ; Alice, born Oct. 14, 1867 ; Arthur R, born Aug. 7, 1872 ; was Side Supervisor one term ; also held the office of School Commis sioner. Republican. Members Congregational Church. JOHN C. STANTON, farmer, Sees. 8 and 18 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in New York in 1838; came to Wisconsin in 1856, locating in La Prairie in 1868 ; purchased a farm on Sees. 8 and 18, of 264 acres — his present homestead. In 1867, married Nancy E. Dudley, a native of Massachusetts. Had six children — -Frank Leslie, born June, 1860 (died Jan. 5, 1862) ; Charles A, born Blarch 16, 1862 ; George H, bom May 5, 1863 ; Cora, May 1, 1866 ; Merton J, Feb. 20, 1873 ; Mervin BI, Oct. 20, 1876. Mr. S. was Pathmaster for three years. Republican. WILLIAM H. STARK, farmer, Sees. 35; P. O. Tiffany; born in Vermont Blarch 6, 1810 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased 260 acres — his present homestead. Married, in 1838, Bliss C. Plumb, a native of Vermont. Had five children — Juliet BI, born in 1838 ; Charles W, born 1840; Sarah B, born 1842 (died in 1850) ; De Witt C, 1844 (died in 1850) ; Dewitt Q, born 1851. Mr. Stark has been in the Legislature the years of 1858, 1867, and 1878 ; also was Chairman Board of Supervisors for seven years. Republican. J. P. THOMAS, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Woodstock, Vt, in 1834 ; came to Wisconsin, in April, 1859, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased 160 acres — his present homestead. Married in June, 1861, Miss Melissa Pool, a native of Vermont, who died in 1868, leaving three children —Hattie BI, born Aug. 6, 1863; Nellie L, bora May 21, 1866 ; Florence, born Blay 23, 1868 (died Auo-. 21, 1868). He married again, September, 1869, Miss Blartha A. Smith, a native of New York, who died April 10, 1879. They have had five children— Flora C, bora Oct. 20, 1870 ; Charles P, Feb. 27, 1872 ; Elsie C, bora May 2, 1873; Irene C, born May 2, 1875 ; Sidney, born May 27, 1877. Mr. Thomas has been Side Supervisor eight years, Chairman of School Board two years. In January, 1879 was elected President of the La Prairie Fire Insurance Co. In 1854, he went to California, where he was engaged in mining till 1867, when he returned to Wisconsin. 840 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: MATTHEW VAN ALLEN, farmer, Sec. 3; P. 0. Janesville; born in 1824 in Columbia Co, N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin in 1849, locating at Emerald Grove, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres in partnership with his father ; in 1854, sold out his interest to his father and moved to La Prairie, where he purchased a farm of 220 acres, bis present homestead. Married, in 1853, Miss Elizabeth Ran. som, a native of New York; had three children — Eber, born Aug. 19, 1854; Edwin T, Feb. 10, 1856, who died in May, 1857: Katie, bora Eeb. 25, 1858. Member of the Methodist Church. Republican. SAMUEL C. VAN GALDER, farmer, Sec. 32 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in New York in 1835 ; came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1853, locating at La Praiiie, where he worked on his father's farm, a part of which be succeeded to about the year 1856 ; he has now under cultivation about 300 acres ; raising stock and grain ; has just completed one of tbe finest barns in tbe township. Married, in 1858. Miss Eliza Heald; they have eight children — Alice, bom in February, 1859; Clark, in March, 1864; Louis, in February, 1866 ; Charles, in April, 1870 ; Lester, in April, 1872 ; Gracie, twin sister of Lester, died at tbe age of 2 years ; Ernst, Irving (twins), born in April, 1877. Mr. Van Galder has been Super visor a number of years ; also member of the School Board fifteen years, and Pathmaster. Member of the Universalist Churob. Republican. F. N. WADSWORTH, farmer, Seotion 27; P. O. Shopiere; born in New York; came to Wisconsin in 1854 ; located at La Prairie, where he purchased eighty acres, his present homestead ; he also purchased sixty acres of timber at Johnstown. Married, in 1857, Miss Emma H. Clark, a native of Connecticut ; had five children, two now living — Cora, born in December, 1858 ; Stella, in October, 1864, Mr. Wadsworth is a Republican. Family members of the Congregational Church. FREDERICK H. WAITE, farmer, Sec. 22 ; P. O. Shopiere ; bora in Blaine in 1829 ; came to Wisconsin in 1855, locating at La Prairie, where he purchased ninety acres, afterward adding 120 acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1854, Miss Sarah Babcock, a native of Maine; they have had ten children— Frederick R, born in May, 1855 ; Charles F, October, 1856 ; Flora A, April, 1859 ; Mary E, October, 1860; Nettie G, March, 1864, died January, 1869; Arthur A, born March 12, 1866; Sarah E, April 15, 1870 ; Harlem 0, Sept. 22, 1872 ; Mabel, Jan. 22, 1875 ; Ida L, Feb 4, 1879, Republican. Family members of the Congregational Church. GEORGE A. WAITE, farmer, Sees. 21 and 22 ; P. O. Shopiere ; born in Maine May 26, 1849 ; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating at La'Prairie, where the early part of his life was spent on his father's farm; in 1874, he succeeded to the farm, which consists of 180 aores, his present homestead, Married, May 4, 1875, Miss Mary Bergen, a native of Illinois ; they have one child- — Mary A, bora Sept, 5, 1878. Mr. Waite is a Republican. HENRY WINKLEY, farmer, Sections 19 and 29 ; P. O. Janesville ; bom in England in 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in June, 1866, locating at Janesville, where he was engaged in teaming five years ; he then moved to the town of Rock, where he farmed for six years; in 1877, moved to Sees. 19 and 29, where he cultivates 160 acres. Married, July 4, 1857, Miss Elizabeth Dowse, a native of England ; had eleven children — Jarvis, who died in England at the age of 2 years; John, bora Nov. 19, 1863; Charles W, Sept. 20, 1861 ; Susan J, Sept. 29, 1866, who died in 1868; Harriet F, born Oct. 28, 1867 ; Jessie E, Sept. 12, 1868 ; Emma Jane, March 17, 1870 ; Richard H, May 8, 1873, who died in 1875 ; Earnest, born in 1875 ; Martin, Nov. 19, 1876 ; Grace, May 2, 1878. Mr. W. raises corn, oats and tobacco. He enlisted in the Lincolnshire militia for five years and served through the Crimean war, Republican. FULTON TOWNSHIP. JOHN ARNOLD, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O.. Milton Junction; bora in County Down, Ireland, 1832 ; came to America in 1852, landing at Philadelphia ; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating at Mil ton, then moving to Fulton. Married Mary Craig, a native of Ireland, in March, 1858 ; have five chil dren — Jane, Eloisa, Matilda, John and Samuel ; his wife died in fall of ls75 ; married his present wife in 1877, Annie McKinnie, a native of Philadelphia, Penn. Owns 118 acres of land; raises corn, oats, wheat and other products of the county, together with tobacco and stock. ROBERT ATTLESEY, butcher, Edgerton; born in Cambridgeshire, England, Feb. 1, 1836; son of Robert and Sophia (Darnell) Attlesey ; came to America in 1853, and was engaged in rail way contracting business on 0, M. & St. P. R. R. ; came and settled in Edgerton and started present FULTON TOWNSHIP. 841 business in 1866. Blarried, Dec. 17, 1869, Mrs. P. A. Scott, daughter of Arnold Collins, of Edgerton ; she has two children by her first husband — Winfield and Madora. Mr. Attlesey is a member of Masonic Lodge, member of I. 0. 0. F. Attend M. E. Church ; Democrat. H. L. BARDEEN, dealer in leaf tobacco, Edgerton ; bora in Brookfield, Madison Co, N. Y. ; son of Romelius and Blarion (Palmer) Bardeen ; family moved to Albion, Dane Co, in May, 1854 ; Blr. Bardeen was educated at Albion Academy ; in 1867, he commenced buying tobacco for Leadaman & Bros, and now buying for Brenzl & Dormtyer, 126 Water street, N. Y. ; extent of business, 3,000 cases shipped annually. He married, May 13, 1874, Miss Ada Banks, daughter of W. C. Banks, of Edger ton, Rock Co. ; have two children — Willie R, born March, 1875 ; Minnie K, July 17, 1877. Family attend M. E. Church. Member of I. 0. 0. F. ; Republican. RICHARD BARNES, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Edgerton : born in County Kent, England, Aug. 24, 1832 ; son of Bichard and Elizabeth (Baldoc) Barnes, who came to America, landing in New York Dec. 3, 1841, with three children — -William, Bicbard and Mary Ann — and settled in Oneida Co, N. Y. ; in 1856, Richard Barnes came to Wisconsin, and settled on his present homestead of 1,45 acres, January, 1857 ; raises usual products, together with sheep, cattle and hops; raises Merino blooded sheep. He married, January, 1866, Ella C. Peck, daughter of Levi C. Peck, of Fulton ; they have two children — Mary L. Barnes, bora Nov. 28, 1866; Elmer Barnes, March 7, 1873. They attend Methodist Church -r Republican. WM. P. BENTLEY, wholesale leaf tobacco dealer, Edgerton; bora in Reedsville, Penn, Sept. 2r 1819; son of Hezekiah and Sylvia (Wells) Bentley, who moved to NewYork State, whereW. P. Bentley received his early education ; in 1839, he came West and settled in tbe lead mines, near Galena, 111 and in 1841 he moved to Wisconsin, staying a short time in Grant Co, then moved to Dane Co, where he settled and! resided since 1846 ; came to Edgerton, and started his present business in 1872, commencing first in a small way, till now he ships 2,000 cases on an average annually. Married, January, 1847, Mrs. H. L. Trueman daughter of Eden Burdick, a native of Connecticut; their children are Aden W, Francis M, Charles R. William F. and Louisa. Mrs. Bentley had by ber first husband one child, Nancy Cornelia Trueman now Blrs. Z. H. Bowen. Blr. Bentley is member of Masons and I. 0. 0. F, Temple of Honor, Sons of Tem perance and Grange. Held the office of Supervisor in Dane Co. several terms. Liberal in religion and politics. FATHER J. F. BOWE, officiating Priest at Edgerton (Parish of St. Joseph), in the Dio cese of Milwaukee, under Archbishop Henni ; born in Ozaukee Co, Wis, in 1850; educated at St.Mich'ael's- College, Toronto, Canada ; at St. Joseph's College, Bardstown, Ky.; graduated at St. Francis' Seminary, Blilwaukee ; ordained July 25, 1876, by Archbishop Henni; he took charge of this parish Feb. 15, 1878 ;. congregation amounts to about eighty families, and is building a new residence for Father Bowe, next to the church. Z. H. BOWEN, Town Clerk, Edgerton ; born in Philadelphia Oct. 14, 1840 ; son of Phineas and Caroline (Shepherd) Bowen, who came to Wisconsin and located in Walworth, Walworth Co, in 1851 ; they bad six children — W. H, the oldest, came to Rock Co, and settled in Edgerton, in the spring of 1870, and followed mercantile pursuits ; married in November, 1869, Miss N. C. Trueman, daughter of Blrs. W. P. Bentley ; their children are May Belle, bora June 31, 1871 ; Georgia, July 25, 1873. Was elected Town Clerk, in the spring of 1874, and has held the office since. Attend the Baptist Church. Republican. STEPHEN E. BOWERMAN, farmer, Sees. 26 and 27 ; P. 0. Janesville; bora in Wisconsin. in July, 1855, on present homestead; manages farm for his father, Mr. Charles Bowerman, of 160 acres, all under cultivation ; raises oats, wheat, corn, barley, potatoes, tobacco and stock. Married Miss Nettie Nick- ereon in October, 1876, daughter of H. C. Nickerson, of Johnstown, Rock Co, who was born in October,. 1855 ; have one child— Irva F, born Feb. 18, 1 878. Mr. B. is Clerk of the School District. Mr. Charles- Bowerman, father of S. E. Bowerman, was born in Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1821 ; came to Wisconsin in 1843, and settled in Fulton Township, Rock Co. Married, January 1, 1845, Mary M. Wal rath. CHARLES LE BROWN, Deputy Sheriff, Rock Co.; P.O. Edgerton ; born in Truxton, Cort land Co, N. Y, July 25, 1826 ; son of Gilbert Brown ; he came West in 1 852 ; came to Wisconsin and locate* in Edgerton, in the fall of 1860, and engaged in buying and selling horses for the Government ; in 1862, started the livery business, which he still carries on. He married Sarah J. Guthrie, daughter of John Guth rie, of Rhode Island ; they haye four children— Helen, born Aug. 16, 1848 ; Mary Emma, May 30, 1851 ; Florence A, Jan. 2, 1855 ; Louis, Nov. 5, 1859. In the spring of 1864, was elected Constable; elected Supervisor in 1867, and Town Treasurer; in 1866, was appointed Deputy Sheriff, which office be still 842 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. holds. Is a member of I. 0. 0. F. and Temple of Honor. Attends Seventh-Day Baptist Church, Republican. RICHARD R. BROWN, commission merchant, Edgerton ; born in Queensbury, Warren Co, N. Y, June 1, 1831 ; son of Schuyler and Lydia (Simpson), who came to Wisconsin and settled at Albion, Dane Co, in 1845 ; their family consisted of seven boys and one girl. R. R, the youngest ofthe family, started in business for himself at a very early age ; for the past thirteen years, has been engaged in the lumber trade, and in live stock for eighteen years, which trade he is npw engaged in for a Milwau kee firm. Married, January 31, 1858, Bliss Mary Childs, daughter of Penuel and Mary H, of Brandon, Rutland Co, Vt. ; had four children — Penuel C, Wallace S, Mary G. and George R. Liberal in religion ; family attends the M. E. Church. Republican. Served three years as Town Treasurer. DR. B. BURDICK, Edgerton; born, in 1823, in Hopkinton, Washington Co, R. I.; edu cated at New York University, New York City, graduating from there in 1849 ; attended, as a student, Bellevue and city hospitals ; came to Wisconsin in 1853, locating at Delavan, Walworth Co. Married Mrs. C. F. Olney in 1853 ; have three children — Fernando W, born in 1855 ; Charles F. and Nettie B, twins, born in 1857. Clerk of School Board for a number of terms; was physician to Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Delavan, Walworth Co, for one year; member of Legislature in 1866. E. A. BURDICK, Postmaster, Edgerton ; born in Madison, N. Y, in 1829 ; came to Wiscon sin in 1843, locating in Albion. Married Miss Nancy L. Coon, a native of Pennsylvania; they have four children — Francis H, Allen, Ralph and Ellinor. NATHAN D. BURDICK, blacksmith and carriage-builder, Edgerton ; bom in Lincklaen, Chenango Co, N. Y, Dec. 28, 1818 ; moved from Chenango Co. to Allegany Co. when about 20 years old ; came to Wisconsin and settled in Johnstown, Rock Co, Aug. 9, 1846, where he lived till 1863, when be moved to Fulton and commenced farming on Sec. 5 ; in 1868, started his present business in the vil lage of Edgerton ; in 1874, admitted his son Charles W. as partner. Married Jane A. Stillman, who was bom Nov. 20, 1817, in Rensselaer Co, N. Y, daughter of Ephraim and Deborah (Vincent), and is a niece of tbe late statesman, John Hancock; their children are — Charles W, born Nov. 14, 1845, in Allegany Co, N. Y.; Blary E, Aug. 1, 1850, in Johnstown, Rock Co, Wis.; Ellen J, Dec. 7, 1855, in Johns town, Rock Co, Wis.; Nathan R, Nov. 27, 1860, in Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. Mr. B. commenced the blacksmithing business in York State in 1839, and in this county, at Johnstown, in 1847. Held the office of Deputy Sheriff for six years, under Sheriffs Howard, Austin and Dawson ; also, office of Con stable ; Town Treasurer of Johnstown for two terms ; member of Masons and I. 0. 0. F, Janesville Lodges ; member of Sons of Temperance ; liberal in religion and Democratic in politics. Owns sixty acres of land, besides village property. Blrs. Burdick's mother was a sister of John Hancock, statesman. PREZ C. BURDICK, merchant, Edgerton; born in Brookfield, Madison Co, N. Y, May 23, 1815; son of Aden and Blartba (Cheeseborough) Burdick; his father visited Wisconsin in 1842, returned East, and brought bis family in 1843, and settled in Albion, Dane Co, on Sec. 27. Married, in 1836, Catherine Bardeen, daughter of Cyrus Bardeen, of New York ; she died in May, 1857, leaving four children — Priscilla (married D. F. Hokes, and now resides in Oakland, Cal.), Ellen F. (married James Williams, and "is now a widow), Marietta (married Mr. William Hill, and is now dead), Julia (married A. A. Robinson, of Pueblo, Colo.), Anna (married I. B. Campbell, of Greeley, Iowa). Mr. Burdick again married, in February, 1858, Blrs. Elizabeth Son, daughter of Thomas I. Son, of Columbia Co., N. Y.; tbey have two children — Blanche and Willard R. Member of Masons and 1. 0. 0. F, of Edgerton ; liberal in religion ; was elected, in fall of 1852, member of Legislature for Dane Co.; Democrat. THEODORE BUTTS, farmer, Sees. 13 and 14; P. 0. Milton Junction; born in North ampton Co, Penn, Oct 30, 1827 ; came to Wisconsin with his parents ; his father wus born July 3, 1803, and died Aug. 31, 1843; his mother was bora Oct. 13, 1804, in Pennsylvania, and is still living; bis parents located at Milton for a short time, and then came and settled on his present homestead. He mar ried, May 17, 1849, Catherine Kimball, of Kingston, N. Y.; their children are Annie E, born April 14, 1850; Blondina J, Nov. 22, 1851; Theodore, Sept. 3, 1853; Eugene, Aug. 9, 1855; Ellen, Feb. 12, 1857; George K, Dec. 11, 1859; Henrietta, Oct. 24, 1861 ; Lincoln, Dec. 8, 1863 ; Edward, May 5, 1866. Mr. B. has been District Clerk one term of three years; owns one of the best farms in Fulton; family attend Methodist Church ; Republican. ROBERT C. CARTER, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Edgerton ; born in Litchfield Co, Conn, May 24, 1823 ; came to Wisconsin, March, 1856, and settled on Sec. 1, Fulton, Rock Co, where be pur chased eighty acres, which now forms his homestead ; raises corn, wheat, oats and tobacco, and is an enter prising stock-raiser. Married, Sept. 10, 1850, Miss Dorcas A. Champlin, of Oneida Co., N. Y.; has held the office of School Treasurer for years. Attends Methodist Church ; Republican ; he is a son of Mr. FULTON TOWNSHIP. 843 Abel C. Carter, of Cornwall, Conn, who was born May 23, 1797, and died at Utica, N. Y, July 14, 1873. J ' CURTIS P. CASSON, Indian Ford; bora in Thorn, Yorkshire, ten miles from Doncaster, England, Feb. 20, 1812 ; was educated at Ackworth Academy, Yorkshire ; sailed from Liverpool, England. in packet ship Sheffield, Capt. Hagstaff, Nov. 16, 1831, and landed in New York Dec. 27, 1831 ; remained in vicinity of New York, New Jersey and Hoboken, till Blay, 1832, when he moved to Poughkeepsie and from there to Rochester, N. Y.; from here he went to England to visit his home in 1836, same year, returned to America, landing in Quebec, Canada; he lived in different parts of the country till 1844, when he returned to Rochester, N. Y.; moved from there to Shortsville, Ontario Co, N. Y.; came to Hartland, Waukesha Co, and located at Fall River, Wis, in 1856, and started a grist-mill and ran it for Breton & Kinney; moved to Milton, Rock Co, in 1859; from here to Oshkosh, and, in 1862, from Oshkosh to Indian Ford; he moved back to Oshkosh in 1869; from there to Oconto City, and thence to Indian Ford, May, 1875. Blarried Hannah Barrington, at Rochester, N. Y, June 3, 1833 ; their children are Mary Jane, bom Oct. 19, 1834; John P, April 12, 1839, died Sept. 30, 1840; Thomas B, born Feb. 13, 1840, who now is miller at Indian Ford; Alfred K, March 12, 1832, died Sept. 15, 1861, in U. S, Army; Edward C, born Nov. 5, 1844; John J, April 2, 1847; William N, Sept. 5, 1849; Charles F, Aug. 18, 1852. WILLIAM W. CHILD, wholesale dealer in leaf tobaccos, Edgerton ; born in Brandon, Rut- land Co, Vt, Nov. 11, 1824; son of Benual and Mary (Henry) Child. Mr. W. W. Child came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1845, and settled in Eagle, Waukesha Co. ; engaged as school teacher for three years ; since then has always been engaged in mercantile pursuits in Palmyra, Albion and Edgerton ; came to Rock Co, Nov. 11, 1866, and opened a general store ; four years afterward, he sold out, and in 1870 com menced the business which he now is engaged in, which was the first tobacco warehouse at Edgerton ; ships 3,000 cases, on an average, annually. Married, April 28, 1848, Miss E. C. Hatch, daughter of Orton Hatch ; have one son and one daughter — Florence E, Sept. 25, 1849, and Harold W, born Nov. 16, 1851. Master of No. 65, Masonic Lodge, Fulton ; member of I. O. O. F. They attend the Congre gational Church ; Republican. WILLIAM CLARK, farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Edgerton; mason and bricklayer; born in County Wexford. Ireland, in 1818, and came to America April 21, 1854; learned his trade in the old country; worked at his trade and lived at Staten Island, N. Y, till he came to Wisconsin, in 1857; and settled in Rock Co. He bought his homestead on Sec. 2 in 1858 ; owns eighty acres, and raises the gen eral produces of this part of thecountry. He has built or helped to build the principal part of the houses in Edgerton Village. Married, in 1844, Blaria Leckey, who was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1825. Have eight children— Richard W, born March 7, 1845 ; Sarah J, Dec. 25, 1846 ; George B, Feb. 16, 1849 ; James C, April 22, 1851 ; Elinor C, March 26, 1853 ; John H, May 9, 1855 ; Thomas W, Jan. 1, 1857 ; Clinton F, March 29, 1861. Members of the Episcopal Church; Republican. WILLIAM CLATWORTHY, auctioneer and commission merchant, Edgerton ; born in Somersetshire, England, Dec. 16, 1823; son of William and Sophia (Trott) Clatworthy; tailor by trade; came to America in 1840, and located at Skeneateles, Onondaga Co, N. Y. ; lived there till 1852, when he went to California and started tbe tailoring and clothing business in Colonia, El Dorado Co. ; returned East, came to Wisconsin, and settled at Edgerton, Rock Co, in 1857, at the same business ; started the first bowling alley and saloon here; sold out and volunteered, in 1862, in tbe 11th Wisconsin, under Capt. Harris ; served eight months ; came back and purchased the American Hotel from Lorenzo Dear born, and kept hotel for fifteen years; now in the auction business. Married, June 7, 1842, Desire L. Springer, daughter of Benjamin Springer, of Onondaga Co., N. Y.; had six children, two living — BlaryE. married A. Taylor, merchant, of Janesville ; Charles is at home ; dead — William H, Addie, Carry; Spen cer is a member of tbe I. O. O. F. since 1842. Liberal in religion ; Democrat. JAMES CLOUGH, dairyman ; P. 0. Edgerton ; born in Yorkshire, Eng, Dec. 31, 1828; son of James and Sarah (Butterfield) Clough ; came to America in 1860, and located in Ohio ; went back to England in 1861, and brought his family to America; -located, in 1863, in Albany, Green Co , Wis, and remained there two years, and came and settled in Spring Valley, Rock Co, Section 4, where he purchased IOO acres. Married, May 13, 1848, Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Lofthouse) Ashby, of York shire, England. Their children are Thomas Henry, born Oct. 27, 1848, and died aged 11} months, buried in Yorkshire ; Mary Jane, born Sept. 26, 1850, in England ; Alfred, born July 30, 1853, in Eng land. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. Religion, Congregational ; was President of the Farmers' Club four years, in Spring Valley ; Liberal in politics. Mr. Clough's dairy is one of the great manufacturing - interests of the county, making 50,000 lbs. in six months. 844 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: THOMAS J. CORDNER, butcher, Edgerton ; bom in the town of Hopkinton, Washington Co., R. I, Dec. 17, 1823; son of Stephen and Susan (Bates) Cordner. He came to Wisconsin in 1857. settled in Rock Co, and built a brick block, parts of which he now occupies ; by trade, a mason. Married, May 31, 1834, Elizabeth Edwards, daughter of George Edwards, of Exeter, R. I, and she died in 1840, leaving one child — Herbert N. He married again, June 2, 1842, M'ss Lucinda, daughter of George and Lucinda (Newton) Geer, who died Jan. 11, 1878 He is a member ofthe Masonic Lodge, Fulton Lodge. Liberal in religion, and Republican in politics. Enlisted Aug. 25, 1863, in Co. D, 23d Wis. Inf., under Capt. Joseph Greene, serving three years ; was at several engagements, and at the siege of Vicksburg ; mustered out in New Orleans by special order ; were engaged on New Orleans & Jackson and Great North- Western R. R. G. E. COWAN, farmer, Sees. 22 and 23; P. 0. Edgerton; born in Cayuga Co, N. Y, Aug. 14, 1811 ; always followed farming; came to Wisconsin in 1848, and located on Section 14; purchased his present homestead in 1850. Married Mary Jane Ward in 1840, who was a native of Ira, Cayuga Co.; born June 28, 1818, died in November, 1859. He owns 200 acres, under cultivation. He raises corn, .oats, potatoes, wheat, barley and tobacco, poultry and stock. ORSON COX, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Fulton Center; born in Steuben Co, N. Y, in 181.6 ; lived there till he was 4 years old ; moved with his parents to Cayuga Co. ; lived there till he was 20, when he went to farming for himself, in Seneca Co, for three years; leaving there, came to Wisconsin May 7, 1842, and purchased eighty acres where now stands his homestead; afterward adding, till now he owns 282 acres, and 161 acres one mile east, in all 443 acres. Married, in 1846, Miss Laura Allen, daughter of Stephen Allen, of Jefferson Co. ' Have three children — Mary F, William H, Henry W. Was Constable and Collector at an early day, when that officer collected the taxes. Was Road Commis sioner two terms, laying out the first roads in the township. Republican ; Universalist. SAMUEL CREEK, farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Edgerton; born in Berks Co, Penn, in 1829, and lived there till he oame to Wisconsin, in 1858, and located in Porter ; moved to Fulton, and purchased his present homestead, on Section 6, in the fall of 1869. Married, in July, 1850, Olive Billings, who was born .in Pennsylvania Aug. 1, 1834. They have five children — Armenia (married J. G. Billings), bom Decem ber 30, 1852; Matilda, born July 30, 1854; Olive, born April 6, 1861; Jasper, born May 8, 1865; Susan, born April 14, 1856, married Joseph Bitters. Mr. Creek enlisted in tbe spring of 1861, in Co. D, .2d Wis. Inf., and mustered out in tbe spring of 1864 ; was in all tbe battles his regiment participated in ; was color-bearer ; lost one finger of his right hand at the battle of Gettysburg, also wounded in the shoulder by a piece of shell, and served with bis regiment in the principal battles of the Potomac ; was taken pris oner at the second battle' of Bull Run. JAMES CROFT, merchant, Edgerton ; born in York, Yorkshire, England, in 1816 ; came to America in 1842, and settled in Wisconsin, with bis parents, Joseph and Margaret (Ayres), who were early settlers in Janesville, and the first to build a house on the west side of Rock River ; came to Edger ton twenty-two to twenty-three years ago, and entered into the manufacture of brick with Mr. Culton, under the title of Croft k Culton ; four years afterward, sold out to Culton, and went to England on a visit to his home, and returned to America in 1861. In 1866, he commenced the present business of dry-goods merchandising ; is by trade a carpenter, which he learned in England. Married Esther L. Brown, daughter of Squire Brown, of Bridgewater, N. Y. Hh'brother, Matthew Croft, was born in the same city, in 1821, and carries on a general store in Edgerton. J. NEWTON CUTTS, farmer, Sec. 25 ; P. O. Janesville ; bora in Janesville, in 1852 ; is a son of P. F. Cutts, who was born in New Hampshire Dec. 16, 1829, and died Dec. 4, 1877 ; his mother was born April 20, 1829, in Bangor, Ble, and is still living, J. Newton Cutts managing the farm of sev enty acres. Mr. P. F. Cutts' children are J. Newton Cutts, bora Blay 3, 1852 ; F. D, March 6, 1854 ; Emma S, Aug. 11, 1858; William N, Aug. 12, 1864 ; deceased— Addie A, bom Oct. 7, 1856, died Feb. 8, 1874; Bertha M, bom Dec. 2, 1871, died Feb. 6, 1874; Mary E, bora July 13, 1866, died Feb. 6, 1874. CHARLES H. DICKINSON, painter ; P. O. Edgerton ; born in Utica, Oneida Co, N. Y, Feb. 27, 1833. Son of John W. and Mary (Gustin). Mr. C. H. Dickinson came to Wisconsin and settled in Edgerton, in 1855. Carpenter and joiner by trade, which he worked at when be came to Edgerton. Blarried, Jan. 5, 1856, Myra C. Martin, daughter of Joel C. Martin, of New York ; had one child — Lucy I, wife of James White, a miller at Fulton. Member of Fulton Masonic Lodge, and I. O. O. F, Edger-ton ; attend BI. E. Church; Bepublican. HUBERT H. DICKINSON, Proprietor U. 8. Hotel and Livery Stable ; P. 0. Edgerton ; born in Denmark, Lewis Co, N. Y, Feb. 10, 1836; came to Wisconsin in tbe spring of 1855. Settled FULTON TOWNSHIP. 845 at Edgerton, Rock Co. ; commenced to learn house-painting with his brother C. H, who came one year earlier. In 1859-60, went to farming, in Darlington, Lafayette Co. About 1861, he went to the Nevada Silver Mines ; remained there four years and returned to Edgerton via Canada, after making a visit to his friends and relatives in New York. He married, March 15, 1868, Miss Ellen C. Hudson, daughter of John and Blary Hudson, formerly of England. They had two children— Lewis J, born Oct. 3, 1872 ; Blary Jane, born May 9, 1874. He is a Mason of Fulton Lodge, No. 61, 1. 0. 0. F , Lodge 133, Edger ton. Plants five acres of tobacco each year, on Sec. 3, and owns the land. Liberal in religion and politics. NELSON FREDENDALL, farmer, Sec. 21; P. 0. Fulton Center; bora in Schoharie Co, N. Y, May 8, 1846 ; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1852 ; resided here ever since, with the exception of three years in Colorado, 1870 to 1873. Is a son of Mr. Jacob Fredendall, who resides two miles south of Janesville ; has two sisters living with bis father — -Florinda and Alminia. He own 160 acres of fine land, raising corn, oats,"potatoes, wheat, barley, tobacco and stock. While in Colorado, Mr. Fredendall was engaged iu herding. DAVID GREEN, blacksmith; P. 0. Edgerton; born in County Antrim, Ireland, Feb. 11, 1833 ; son of James and Rachel (Johnson) Green. Came to America, landing in Canada, in 1848, where he lived three years', and come to Wisconsin in the spring of 1852, and located in Janesville ; lived there for six months ; came to Edgerton and engaged in blacksmithing. Married, October 30, 1854 Elizabeth Furse, daughter of George Furse, of Dunkirk, Dane Co. They have two children — George A, Margaret. Member of I. 0. 0. Fellows ; liberal in religion ; Republican. SAMUEL C. HEAD, toll-gatherer of the -Newville Bridge Co. ; P. 0. Fulton ; native of New York, bom in Almond, Allegany Co, Nov. 22, 1816 ; son of Solomon Head and Sarah Coon, who came to Blilton in spring of 1839. They pre-empted 40 acres on Sec. 9. They had six children ; three sons — Samuel C, C. R. and Henry A. Mr. Solomon Head died in 1867. Their mother died in 1871, and is buried at Albion Center Cemetery. Mr. Samuel C. Head married Miss Julia Ann Burdick July 4, 1844, daughter of Colonel Adem Burdick and Martha, of Albion, Dane Co. They have two children — Douglas, born Blay 1. 1848; Augusta, born March 6, 1852. Mrs. Julia Ann Head died Nov. 26, 1870, and is buried at Albion Cemetery. Mr. Head is a Blason, of Lodge 69, Fulton. He married Miss Paulina Clark, of Fulton, Rock Co, Wis ; she had one child — Leroy C. Clark, born Dec. 19, 1854. Liberal in religion and politics. WILLIAM M. HEMPHILL, farmer, Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Milton Junction ; born in Hen niker, Merrimack Co, N. H, in 1820 ; bis parents moved to Oneida Co, N. Y, when he was 3 years old, living there until he was 19 years of age ; he went to Steuben Co, N. Y, residing there till he came to Wisconsin in 1844; in the spring of 1851, he went to California across the plains and located in Cala veras, engaging in surface-mining ; in the fall of 1855, he returned to Wisconsin. Married, in 1855, Blartha B. Langworthy, who died in May, 1870, leaving two children — William E, bora Aug. 1, 1858 ; Susan A, March, 1861. In 1871, married, at Adams Center, N. Y, Mrs. Orilla C. Green, nee Crandall, of Jefferson Co, N. Y.; she had one child by her first marriage — Mellie L. Green, bora in September, 1860; they have a son— Nelson Eugene, born Oct. 4, 1874. Blr. Hemphill is President of the Bridge Stock Company, of Goodrich's Ferry, across Rock River, and was one of those introducing it at first ; he is also a stockholder in Milton College. Mrs. Hemphill was born in Andover, Allegany Co, N. Y, July 30, 1838. Married, June, 1858, Ethan S. Greene, who enlisted in the 85th N. Y. V. I.; was taken prisoner at Fort Grey, N. C, and died in Andersonville Prison in 1864. Mr. Hemphill has never been an office- seeker, but is always foremost in measures or enterprises of public benefit. Has been on the School Board twelve years. JOSEPH HO AGUE, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Janesville; born in Green Co, Wis, Feb. 5, 1853; son of Joseph Hoague, Sr, and Zephria (Day); located on his father's farm of forty acres, on Sec. 32, in the spring of 1875, on which he raises corn, oats, wheat, tobacco and stock ; educated at dis trict school. Liberal in religion ; Republican. SILAS HURD, farmer, Sees. 15 and 16 ; P. 0. Fulton Center ; bora in Cayuga Co, N. Y, in 1816 ; came to Wisconsin in spring of 1838, and located on Sees. 15 and 16, where his present home stead is, which consists of about eight hundred acres ; he owns, altogether, sixteen hundred acres ; raises corn, oats, wheat, barley and tobacco extensively ; also, horses, cows, hogs and poultry. Married Cynthia M. Cowan, a native of New York, Sept. 2, 1841 ; have five children— Clara M, born Dec. 11, 1844 ; Sarah E, April 8, 1846; Emma L, Oct. 19, 1847; John C, July 24, 1852; Lilia M, Aug. 19, 1859. (Charles H, born in 1842, died in 1849; Mitta, born in September, 1855. died in 1866.) Has been Director of School Board five years, and Assessor three terms. Mr. Hurd came to this county at a very 846 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: early day, and with bis energy, perseverance and good business judgment has become one of tbe richest men in the counly. ALFRED HUBBELL, farmer, Sees. 30 and 31 ; P. 0. Fulton ; born in Warren Co, N, Y, Jan. 16, 1828; son of Isaac and Hannah (Pray) Hubbell; came to Wisconsin in September, 1850, and located on Sees. 30 and 31 ; owns 200 acres, raising tbe general products of the county, cattle, hogs, horses, etc. Blarried, in 1857, Mary Miles, daughter of Jesse Miles and Mary Beckwith ; had seven children — Blary Frances and Alfred (both dead), Fred C, Minnie F, John J, and William H. and Nellie (twins). Has served as Pathmaster twenty-five years, and District Clerk twelve years. Attends Congre. gational Church ; Republican. THOMAS HUTSON, Turin, Hutson & Jansen, leaf-tobacco dealers, Edgerton; bora in Cass Co, Mich, Jan. 11, 1840; son pf John and Blary (Roberts) Hutson, who moved to Wisconsin in November, 1849, and purchased 160 acres two miles east of Indian Ford. Mr. Hutson commenced grain- buying when he was 17 years old. and continued in that business till 1860 ; in 1858, he grew his first crop of tobacco, which frost killed in August — loss, $600 ; in January, 1860, bought an interest with L. H. Delamater, and remained in the firm till tbe spring of 1863, when, in company with Dr. Burdick, he crossed tbe plains to California with horses for tbe markets there, and returned to Wisconsin, and, in 1864, again went to California — this time not successfully; returned to Edgerton and started a general store, in partnership with Gunderson ; twenty-one months later, sold out to Doll & Crandall, and spent tbe summer of 1870 in Iowa; returned to Rock County and purchased a piece of land near Evansville, and commenced raising tobacco ; about 1871, engaged with Shroder &oBond, of No. 178 Water street, New York, to buy tobacco for them in Edgerton, and, three years afterward, commenced business for himself, in partnership with Blr. Jansen, in leaf-tobacco dealing, which business they still continue; they ship, on an average, 3,500 cases per annum. Blr. Hutson married, June 18, 1861, Miss Hattie L. Hill, daughter of James H. Hill, of Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; she died Oct. 17, 1872, leaving one child — Fred C, born March 20, 1862. He again married, Feb. 20, 1873, Mrs. Martha Simpson, daughter of James Osborn, of Porter, Bock Co.; have four children — Blaudo A, Charles T, John F. and Myrtle L. In 1877, he was elected Side Supervisor; since 1874, has been on School Board; liberal in religion ; family attend M. E. Church ; Democrat. DAVID G. JOHNSTON, farmer, Sec. 31 ; P. O. Fulton ; bora in Petersboro, N. Y, April 26, 1812 ; son of Nathan and Clarissa (Garrison) Johnston. Mr. D. G. Johnston held a great many different offices before coming to the West ; iu 1850, he went to California ; returned East, and set tled in Wisconsin in 1853, locating at Fulton, Rock Co, on Sec. 31, bis present farm and homestead of 175 acres. Married, March 14, 1838, Atlantic T. Boyce, daughter of John and Ruth H. (Hutchinson). Their nephew, Harvey Johnston, born Aug. 7, 1852, has lived with them as an adopted child since his infancy; he is a member ofthe Masonic Order. Blr. Johnston is a member of the I. O. O. F. ; tbey attend the Congregational Church ; Democrat. ROBERT N. JOHNSON, Postmaster of the town of Fulton Center, merchant, dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, and liquors; born in Preston, Lancashire, England, March 24, 1830 ; came to Canada in the vessel Rising Sun with his uncle, who was Captain of her and part owner, returning to England, after a short time ; returned to America and settled with bis father, who located twenty-four miles from Chicago at Plum Grove, Lake Co. Married at St. James' Church (Episcopal), Chicago, Blay 1, 1850, Miss Eliza Logan, daughter of Hugh Logan, a native of Marysport, Devonshire, England, who died leaving two sons — Wellington, born in July, 1851 ; Thomas, born in August, 1853, Married his present wife, Miss Nancy Green, daughter of John Green, of Fulton Township ; bad six chil dren (four living, two dead) : Nellie M, Edward, Mary and John ; Robert N. and an infant, died. Mr. Johnson is the District School Clerk ; at present, Sealer of Weights and Bleasures, and Overseer of Road Districts ; Mr. R. N. Johnson is also agent for four different lines of ocean steamers. Owns one 7farm (100 acres), and one of the neatest homesteads in tbe vicinity. PATRICK JOICE, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. O. Edgerton ; bora in Tipperary Co, Ireland, in 1817 ; came to America in 1849, and lived in Massachusetts till 1856, when he came to Wisconsin and settled in Rock Co. Married, in 1856, Bridget O. Conners, a native of Tipperary Co, Ireland ; have eight children — Michael, Katie, Patrick, Blargaret, Richard, Mary Anne, John and James. Owns eighty acres ; raises corn, oats, wheat and tobacco, cattle and hogs. Members of Roman Catholic Church. SIMON LOCK LORD, M. D., Edgerton ; was born in Livingston, York Co, Me, on Wednesday, March' 8, 1826 ; he was tbe son of James and Olive Lord, tbe fathers of whom were both Revolutionary soldiers. The subject of this sketch was the youngest of eight children, seven sons and one daughter; his early life was spent upon a farm, when not attending a district school; at the age of 15 FULTON TOWNSHIP. 847 years, be entered a High School at Cornishville, Ble, which, with Parsonsfield Seminary, furnished him an academic education ; he began the study of medicine and surgery in 1848, under tbe instruction of Drs. Peabody, of Buxton, and Tompson, of Cornish, and attended medical lectures at Bowdoin College, Me, Tremont Bledical School, Boston, and Jefferson Bledical College, Philadelphia, from the last of which he received his degree in medicine and surgi>ry ; his first attempt at practice was in his native State, from which be removed in 1854 to Dubuque, Iowa; in the spring of 1858, he changed his location to Edger ton, Rock Co, Wis, his present residence. At the outbreak of the rebellion, he tendered his services to Gov. Randall, and was commissioned as Assistant Surgeon of the 13th W. V I.; a few months afterward, he was promoted to be Surgeon of the 32d W. V. I, with which he served until, tbe expiration of three years, when ill-health compelled him to resign. Upon restoration to his usual health and vigor, he resumed the practice of medicine and surgery. JOHN I. LUSK, lumber and coal dealer, Edgerton ; born in New Hartford, Oneida Co, N. Y, in 1839 ; son of Ira and Betsey (Williams) Luck ; be came to Wisconsin in 1859, and located in Edger ton ; since spent five years in Stoughton, Dane Co.; has been in the lumber business for years under the title of Burdick & Lusk. Blarried in April, 1860, Julia A. Hudson, daughter of John Hudson ; have three children — William H, Charles, Bessie. He was elected Chairman of Board of Supervisors in 1877. Member of Blasonic Lodge, Fulton. Attends the Blethodist Church ; Republican. D. H. McCHESNEY, miller, Indian Ford : P. 0. Edgerton; born in Rensselaer Co, N. Y, in 1820 ; came to Wisconsin in 1856. and located at Janesville, Rock Co. In 1858, built a grist and woolen factory, and carried on business till Jan. 18, 1868, when his mill was burned ; loss, $11,000 ; came to Indian Ford in the winter of 1868, and purchased the water-power of the present mill (grist), and car ries on business. Blarried, in 1843, Irena Bonesteal, daughter of L. Bonesteal, of* Rensselaer Co, N. Y, Their children are Marcus, Hattie, Ellen, Diobia, Willard, Frank, Kittie, Anna and Clara. Held the office of Alderman of Janesville two years ; President ofthe Fire Department, of Janesville ; also, Foreman of Fhv Company No. 2 (Washington) for two years. Members of the M. E. Church ; Republican. DAVID McCOLLOUGH, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Blilton Junction; bom in Scotland in March, 1824; came to America, landing in Quebec, Canada, in 1831, with his parents; lived in Lower Canada till he was 17 years old. In 1848, came to Wisconsin and settled in Waukesha Co.; lived there five years, then settled on his present farm. Blarried in 1848, in Canada, Mary Jane BIcKeenagh ; bad seven children — John, bora Nov. 28, 1852; Alexander, June 3, 1855; James, Feb. 28, 1857; David, Aug. 6, 1858 ; Fannie, Jan. 11, 1862; Clarke, Dec. 25, 1863; Frank, Dec. 3, 1867. Owns 120 acres; raises the general products of the county and tobacco. Served on the School Board for a number of years. JOHN E. MAWSON, of the firm of Biley & Mawson, grocers, Edgerton ; born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, June 15, 1832; son of John and Elizabeth (Craig) Mawson; came to America in 1853, landing in New York ; removed from there to Philadelphia, where he resided ten years, and then moved to Edgerton, Wis, and from there to Janesville, remaining four years ; returne 1 to Edgerton, where he formed a partnership with bis sister, Mrs. Riley, in 1867. Blarried Sept. 20, 1857, Elizabeth Riley, a native of Yorkshire ; they have four children — Esther, Mary Anna, Jane, Elizabeth. He is a member of Temple of Honor ; religion, Episcopalian ; Liberal in politics. MICHAEL MITCHELL, farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Edgerton ; bora in County Kings, Ire land, in 1834 ; came to America, August, 1860 ; after living three months in New York, about three years in Eastern States, working in different foundries, he came to Wisconsin in 1863; purchased his present homestead in 1871, consisting of forty acres. Married Bridget Larkin in December, 1855; have one child — Anne, born in 1860. Members of tbe Roman Catholic Church ; Democrat. MICHAEL MIZO, farmer ; P. O. Milton Junction ; born at Moscow Blountain, Province of Quebec, in 1823; his parents moved to Vermont when he was quite small; there he was brought up and educated; came to Wisconsin in 1845 and located at Janesville ; enlisted Feb. 18, 1847, in the 6th Regt. U. S. Inf. ; regiment went to the Mexican* war ; he served through the Valley of Mexico till wounded at the battle of Churubusco, Mexico, and was mustered out July 31, 1848. Blarried Blargaret Ev^ns, a native of Christiania, Norway, in Blarch, 1854; have seven children — Elizabeth A, bora Feb. 4, 1855; Georo-e W, Jan. 9, 1859; Edwin A, Aug. 9, 1861 ; Blary E. and Sarah E, twins, March 9, 1865 ; Cora0B, Nov. 24, 1868; William 8, October 16, 1871. Emma Maria, bora March 9, 1857, died Feb. 9 1858 a"-ed 19 months and 26 days. Was Director of School Board four terms. Attends Methodist Church ; Republican. THOMAS H. MONROE, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Albion, Dane Co. ; native of Wisconsin ; bom in Albion Dane Co, Jan. 10, 1854 ; son of Orin R. Monroe and Sarah Coon, who came to Wisconsin 848 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: about 1844, and settled in Dane Co. ; they had three children, two sons — Arthur R. and Thomas H. Mr. Monroe came to Rock Co. about 1855; he died March 12, 1878; all who knew him mourn bis loss; although not a representative man of the people, he was highly honored and respected for bis good quali ties ; through his industry, he accumulated a very comfortable home for his family ; was a kind and indulgent parent and faithful husband ; when he first came to Wisconsin he met with a misfortune which crippled his foot for life ; although a cripple he never flinched from his labors ; he was a remarkably industrious man. Thomas H. married Miss Sabra P. Knapp, daughter of Asher Knapp and Amy Philips ; tbey have one child — Ray Merwin, born June 8, 1878. Family attend the " Albion " Seventh-Day Baptist Church. The homestead contains about 240 acres, 100 under cultivation, valued at $50 and $40 per acre. WILLIAM NAGLE, farmer, Sec. 5 ; P. O. Edgerton ; born in Hanover, Luzerne Co, Penn, in 1814 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located on the present homestead, which consists of 240 acres. He married in 1838, Bliss Lydia Downing, a native of Pennsylvania ; have four children— Reuben, Sarah, Emeline, Mary. Held the office of Pathmaster for years, also, was School District Clerk for years ; Side Supervisor, one term. Owns 240 acres ; raises corn, oats, wheat, tobacco, cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. LUCAS H. PAGE, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. O. Edgerton ; bom in Windsor Co, Vt, in 1815, where he followed farming till 1843, when he came to Wisconsin and located on his present homestead, near Indian Ford, consisting of 300 acres; raises the general products ofthe county, and stock. Married, in 1850, Lucinda W. Williams, daughter of Joseph R. Williams; have three children — Ahce D, Lucia K. and Charies F- Held tbe office of Assessor and Town Clerk; in 1849, was sent as representative member to the Legislature. Republican. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors two or three terms. EPHRAIM PALMER, Edgerton; born in Exeter, Otsego Co, N. Y, Dec. 14, 1798; his parents were Christopher and Rebecca (Wheeler) Palmer ; he came to Wisconsin in May, 1857, and settled on his present homestead in Sec. 4 — fifty acres, valued at $100 per acre. Married, in June, 1823, Abigail Brown, daughter of Jabez Brown, of Madison Co., N. Y. ; she died in January, 1860, leaving three chil dren — Maria, Henry (now doctor in Janesville), Eloisa. He married again, in August, 1865, jMrs. Hen rietta L. Saunders (widow), daughter of Sylvester Carpenter. Mr. Palmer was elected Justice of the Peace iu 1865, which office he held for two terms; in 1861, was elected member for the Legislative Assembly ; was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors one term. Member of No. 63, Masonic Lodge, Fulton ; member of I. O. O. F, and Sons of Temperance. Members of Baptist Church. Republican. LEVI S. PECK, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. O. Milton Junction ; bom in Windham Co, Vt, Oct. 19,1815; came to Wisconsin March 5, 1846, and settled on his present homestead, having visited Wisconsin the previous year. Owns 185 acres on Section 11, beside 480 acres in Iowa. Married, in 1842, Miss Clarinda Chipman, who was born in Windham Co, Vt, Feb. 23, 1821. Have six children — Ella, born Nov. 13, 1843 ; Alonzo, born April 6, 1846 ; Mary E, born Sapt. 15, 1849 ; Sarah S, born Sept. 8, 1851 ; Kirk, born May 10, 1856 ; Lillian B, bora Dec. 15, 1859; Levi A, born April 11, 1845, died April 22, 1847. Was Supervisor two terms ; served on the School Board for some years ; attend the United Brethren Church. T. A. PERRY, merchant, of tbe firm of Mabbit & Perry, Edgerton ; born in Verona, Oneida Co, N. Y, June 18, 1845; son of Joseph L. Perry; came to Wisconsin in October, 1868, and entered into partnership with Clark, in the cabinet business, continuing it for about one year, when he went out of the cabinet business, and entered into partnership with Mabbit, known as Mabbit & Perry, in general bus iness. Blarried, May 18,1871, Bliss Amelia Crandall, daughter of Trueman Crandall. They have one child — Oscar C, born June 1, 1878. Liberal in religion, and Bepublican in politics. His partner, C. F. Blabbit, was born in Bridgewater, Oneida Co, N. Y, in 1848 ; came to Edgerton, Wis, in 1856, with bis parents. Married, June 26, 1872, Miss Fanny Kellogg, of Janesville, Wis. Have one child — Leo E, born Blarch 9, 1876. Member of the I. O. O. F. and Temple of Honor. Attend tbe Baptist Church ; Republican. THOMAS PIERCE, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. O. Indian Ford ; bom in Allegany Co, N. Y, June 9. 1824, lived- there till he was 20 years old, and moved to Wisconsin in 1844, and settled in Milton, Rock Co. Blarried Otelia Wright April 2, 1848, who died July 17, 1851, leaving one son — Elliot T, born May 14, 1849. Blarried his present wife, Emelia Munroe, in 1854, a native of Allegany Co, N. Y. ; bora in 1826. Have eight children — Duane, born May 20, 1855; Otelia J,, bora Sept. 29, 1856, mar ried Lucius Warren, and resides in Blinnesota; Sydney E, born Sept. 17. 1860; Charles H.. born July 19, 1862 ; Evart L, bom June 30, 1865 ; Arthur N, bora Nov. 18, 1868 ; Hanson, born Nov! 17, 1869 ; Netta L, born July 9, 1872 ; Mortimer, born March 24, 1857, died July 27, 1858. SAMUEL F. POPPLE, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Fulton Center; born in Rhode Island in 1795 ; when 17 years old, went to live in New York ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located in the town of Lima, living there till 1864, when he moved to Fulton, where he purchased his present homestead. FULTON TOWNSHIP. 849 Married Anne Hall in 1832, a. native of York State, who was bora in 1790, and died in 1875. Owns eighty acres, raising com, oats, barlev, potatoes, etc. - G. A. PROCTOR, farmer, Sec. 28; P. 0. Indian Ford; born Rockingham, Windham Co, Vt, in 1846 ; came to Wisconsin with his parents when only 8 years old, in 1854; lived in Rock Co. ever since. Married Miss Emma Hurd in 1876, daughter of Silas Hurd, one of the largest land owners in the county. Have four children, one boy and three girls — Louie A., Myrtle E, Mildred S, and an infant unnamed. THOMAS D. RANDOLPH, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Edgerton ; bora in Middlesex Co, N. J, Aug. 17, 1833 ; came to Rock Co. in spring of 1865, and located in Rock Co.; in 1869, purchased his present homestead. Married, in December, 1859, Sarah A. Dunn, a native of the State of New Jer sey; had four children — Minnie A, Eddy, Lizzie and Mamie. Director of School District; attends the Seventh-Day Baptist Church ; Republican. O. D. ROWE, station master C, M. & St. Paul R. R, Edgerton ; bom July 4, 1847, at Clara, Potter Co., Penn.; was appointed station master of Edgerton Station of C, M. & St. P. R. R. Septem ber, 1868; has been in the employ of the St. Paul R. R. fifteen years. Married Miss Gertrude McDou- gall, of Janesville, in 1872 ; tbey have two children — Jennie L, born in 1873 ; Clarence W, bora in 1876. Republican. GEORGE SCOFIELD, farmer, Section 17; P. 0. Fulton Center; born in Saratoga Co, N. Y, in 1844 ; son of Edwin Scofield, who came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located in Rock Co.; Mr, Edwin S, bora in 1806, is still living; George S. owns 160 acres; raises general products of the country and tobacco. Married Sarah E. Hurd, daughter of Silas Hurd, one of tbe richest farmers in the county ; they have seven children — Meletta, Willis, Clara, Almina, Elmie, Bertha and Jessie. ADAM SMITH, P. 0. Edgerton; bora in Milwaukee, Wis, June 28, 1854; son of John and Margaret (Brookneafe) ; was educated at district schools in Jefferson Co.; has lived in Edgerton for twelve years past, and has been engaged in carrying on the livery business, which has been very successful under his management. Member Ancient I. 0. 0. F.; liberal in religion ; Bepublican. His father, Mr. John Smith, came to Wisconsin at a very early day, and now lives in Jefferson Co. H. C. SON, U. S. Express agent, Edgerton ; native of New York ; born in Chatham, Colum bia Co, June 22, 1827 ; son of Thomas I. and Sarah (Clark) Son ; they had three sons— John J., James and H. C.; the latter came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1845, and settled in Albion, Dane Co.; bought land on Sec. 36. John J. still owns tbe farm. His mother died, October, 1877 ; was buried at East Albion Cemetery. H. C. engaged in the express business in 1865 with the Merchants' Union, which changed hands and was merged into the American ; since, the U. S. E. has assumed tbe entire control, making twelve years Blr. Son has been in the employ of express companies. He married Miss Jane M. Conklin July 29, 1852, daughter of Mrs. Julia Sherman ; they have bad three children, two living — Dennis A, Frank J.; died — Harry. Mr. Son is a member of the Masonic Order, Lodge 61, Fulton ; also of I. 0. O. F, Eelgerton Lodge, 133 ; attend Methodist Church; Republican. MYRON H. SOVERHILL, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Edgerton ; born in Wayne Co, N. Y.; came to Wisconsin in 1855 and settled on his present homestead ; son of Hiram and Eliza Soverhill. Married, Nov. 16, 1851, Adeline Sanford, daughter of Joseph H. and Dorcas, of Newark, Wayne Co, N. Y. ; have five children— Sanford, Mary L, Helen A, Florence and Edith; Charles F, bora in 1854, died in 1870; Isadora, born in 1858, died in 1863. Religion, Presbyterian; Republican. WILLIAM M. SQUIRS, farmer, Sec. 35; P. 0. Janesville; born in Hinsdale, Berkshire Co, Mass, in 1814 ; educated tbere till 21 years old ; came to Wisconsin in December, 1837, and settled on the land he now occupies. Married, in 1835, Bliss Mary Anne Thyer, of Hinsdale, Mass, who was born in 1818; have three sons— William Silas, bora Jan. 1, 1840; Charles Henry, Aug. 18, 1852; Francis Marion, Jan. 20, 1858 ; Sarah Abigail born in 1836, died in infancy ; Mary Jane, born Sept. 25, 1838, died in 1839- he has been Clerk, Treasurer and Director of School Board for twenty-five years, Justice of the Peace two terms, Assessor, two terms ; Side Supervisor, one term. JOHN P. TOWNE, attorney, Edgerton ; was educated in the Eastern States ; graduated at Norwich University, Vermont, in 1852, as attorney at law; came to Wisconsin in 1856, locating at Edgerton in 1858.' Married Miss Rosalie Ford, daughter of Mr. Nelson Ford, of Cambridge, Wayne Co, Wis, in 1860 : have three children— Louis H, born April 7, 1863 ; Anjie F, Nov. 9, 1871 ; Metta A. Dec. 20 1873 ¦ has been Justice of the Peace eighteen years, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors two years, Town Clerk, three years. NELSON TAYLOR, dealer in leaf tobacco, and cigar manufacturer, Edgerton ; born in Owego, Tioga Co. N. Y, May 6, 1837 ; son of Robert E. and Priscilla Nelson ; they came to Wisconsin in 1846 and 850 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: settled in Fulton Township, Sec. 27. Mr. Robert grew his first crop of tobacco twenty-four years ago ; he died April 3, 1866, aged 58 years and 6 months; his wife died Dec. 2, 1876, aged 62 years, 1 month and 6 days, and was buried in Fulton in tbe family burying-ground. Nelson Taylor married, May 22, 1861, Lydia H. Kidder, daughter of Je-sepb P. Kidder; have one child — Arthur Nelson, born Deo. 12, 1867. Member of Masonic Lodge, No. 69 ; was Town Treasurer from 1873 to 1874, and again from 1875 to 1876 ; is in tbe manufacture of cigars ; firm is known as Rowe & Taylor ; three years ago, started in the leaf tobacco business, and cultivates thirty acres under tbe same weed. WILLIAM TAYLOR, dealer in lumber, grain and live stock. Edgerton ; born in ¦ Rox burghshire, Scotland, Oct 8, 1838 ; his parents came to America when he was 1 year of age ; tbey were Robert and Blary (Smith) Taylor, who settled in Allegany Co, N. Y.; moved to Wisconsin and settled in Spring Valley, Rock Co, where they own 640 acres. Mr. William Taylor received his early education at a district school, and finished it in Blilwaukee Commercial College; about 1863, commenced operations here for a commission bouse, afterward starting in business for himself, which be now carries on ; extent of bis business is abut $200,000 per annum, one-half being live stock ; elected Town Clerk of Fulton in 1866, serving until 1872 ; this year he is Chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors ; he is a member of the Masonic Lodge, and, also, of the I. O. O. F, of Edgerton. Republican. WILLIAM F. TOUSLEY, editor of Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter, Edgerton ; born in Wadsworth, Medina Co, Ohio, Blarch 26, 1843; son of H. G. and Eloisa (Beckwith) Tousley; was edu cated at Medina High School, and commenced to learn his trade of printer with his brother at Jefferson, Wis, in 1861, on Jefferson Republican; came to Edgerton. in October, 1874, with his cousin, F. E. Tousley, in partnership, and started the Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter in the tobacco interest. Married, March 4, 1865, Bliss Leonora Smith, daughter of Mr. John Smith, of Helenville, Jefferson Co. ; have four children— William H, born Dec. 8, 1866 ; Frank H, born Jan. 31, 1870 ; Jessie E, born July 20, 1872; George R, born May 24, 1875. Blember of I. O. O. F, and Temple of Honor. Liberal in religion and politics. S. H. VANDERCOOK, flouring and grist mill ; P. O. Edgerton ; born in Pittstown, Rens selaer Co, N. Y. ; son of Blichael S. and Sallie(Eddy) Vandercook. S H. came to Wisconsin April 9, 1845 ; stopped at Milwaukee six months ; went to Chicago, remained there till 1849 ; returned to Grafton, Wis, was there two years; rented tbe Grafton Mills; thence to Newburg, Washington Co, in 1851 ; pur chased the grist and saw-mill at that place ; also built a machine-shop and purchased about one hundred aeres of land. Mr. Vandercook laid out the village ; he lived there thirteen years ; was Chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors in 1853 ; sold out his entire interest in 1863, after which, he remained there one year to settle up. From there, be went to Waukesha, Wis, in 1864. Married, in June, 1845, Bliss Elizabeth U. Hamilton, daughter of John Hamilton, of New York ; they had six children, five living — Charles W, born Oct. 25, 1849, died in 1849; Belle E, June 17, 1852; Fred. H, Aug. 28, 1854; George H, Nov. 20, 1857 ; Emma E, June 8, 1862 ; Frank, Nov. 25, 1865. Mrs. Vandercook died June 7, 1875, aud was buried at Waukesha Cemetery. He rented a mill at Whitewater, Wis, in 1864 ; bought out a mill at Palmyra, Wis, in 1865. Owns a homestead at tbat place. Bents tbe mill which be now manages, DAVID VAN HOOSEAR, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. O. Fulton ; born in Sullivan Co, N. Y, in 1820. Married, in September, 1844, Miss Caroline Whiting, daughter of J. W. Whiting, of Seneca Falls, N. Y, who was born at Mareellus, Onondaga Co, N. Y, in 1820 ; came to Wisconsin in 1856, and located on the present homestead, which they now occupy, consisting of seventy-three acres, all under cultivation ; raises corn, oats, wheat, potatoes and tobacco. SAMUEL WALKER, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Edgerton; born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1826 ; came to America in 1840 ; lived in Delaware Co, N. J, till 1856, when he came to Wisconsin and settled in Fulton, Rock Co.; in 1859, he purchased his present homestead of sixty acres. Married Anne Figer, a native of Ireland, in 1845; their children are Frank, bora June 4, 1S57 ; Anne Jane, Oct. 4, 1860. Attend Disciples' Church; Republican. Owns sixtv acres of land, situated on Sec. 6, on the county line, and raises corn, oats, wheat and tobacco, cattle and hogs. REV. B. T. WHITE, Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church, Educrton ; born in Cornwall, England, September, 1847 ; came to America, landing in Quebec, Canada, in August, 1869, residing in Canada about two years, in Adelaide Township, Sarnia Co, Ontario ; came to the West in 1871, and ai tended college at tbe Northwestern University, Evanston ; ordained at the Rock River Conference in the fall of 1874. Married Miss Ida M. Hoolbrook, daughter of Harvey Hoolbrook, of Walworth Co, Wis, May 1, 1878, who was bora in November, 1858; they have one child — Ida M. They purchased the- Methodist Episcopal Church building Feb. 6, 1867 ; it was formerly a store ; has a congregation of about two hundred. FULTON TOWNSHIP. 851 JOHN WALTERS, blacksmith and wagon builder, and dealer in agricultural implements, Edgerton; born in Devonshire, England, April 22, 1849; son of William and Sarah (Cudlips) Walters. Married, Dec. 25, 1870, Miss Mary Jane Westlake, of Devonshire, England ; they have three children — Wesley, Elizabeth A. and Mary E. He is a blacksmith, which he learned with his father in England, and served seven years. Came to America, landing in Quebec, Canada, July 30, 1870 ; came to Wiscon sin and commenced work in Edgerton for two and a half years, and then opened his present business. Member of Temple of Honor. Attends Blethodist Episcopal Church ; liberal in politics. JAMES S. WHITE, of firm White Bros.; P. 0. Fulton Center ; born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1840 ; came to this country with his parents, in 1843, who located in Bock Co.; he was brought up and educated in Porter ; started the milling business with his brother, June 4, 1868. Married Inez J. Dick enson, daughter of C. H. Dickenson, of Edgerton, in 1876 ; have one child — Mabel White, infant. Their mill has four run of stone ; is situated on the Catfish River. WILLIAM W. WILLIAMS, Edgerton; born in Weathersfield, Windsor Co, Vt, Feb. 22, 1824; son of Joseph R. and Blary A. (Sherwin) Williams ; Mr. J. R. Williams came to Wisconsin in 1863; while visiting at the house of Blr. L. H. Page, a relative, died there, aged 75 ; Mr. W. W. Will iams came West in 1871, and purchased his present residence in Edgerton. Married, Jan. 22, 1861, Bliss Helen Sanders, daughter of Eli Sanders, of Windsor Co, Vt.; has three children — Mary E, born Blarch 2, 1864; John F, Nov. 9, 1873; William W, Jr., Sept. 26, 1878. Went to California and engaged in the mines, in 1851, where he was very successful ; was elected Town Treasurer in 1875 ; attends Congregational Church ; Republican ; his father was Justice of the Peace in Vermont for thirty years and an extensive farmer ; in later years was engaged in woolen manufactures. C. E. WING, M. D., druggist and merchant, Edgerton ; born in Middlefield, Hampshire Co, Mass, May 5, 1828 ; son of Abner and Mebitable (Ingham) Wing; Blr. C. E. Wing came West with his parents, in 1844, who located in Broomfield, Walworth Co.; was educated at the district school and finished his education at Feresburg Academy, Vermont; graduated at tbe Albany Medical College, in 1855 ; commenced practice in Lee Co, 111, remaining there eight years ; then came to Havana, McHenry Co, 111, and engaged in store-keeping for two years ; then in Milton Junction for nine years ; then moved his business to Edgerton ; also owned another store in Old Milton. Blarried, Oct. 18, 1856. Miss Anna B. Wing, daughter of Zeri Wing and Trefellia (Ingham) Wing, natives of Massachusetts. Member of Con gregational Church ; Republican. B. D. WIXOM, farmer. Sec. 26 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Tioga Co, N. Y, in 1840 ; came to Wisconsin wich his parents when quite young, in 1850. Blarried, Jan. 1, 1863, Bliss Emilie Austin, daughter of John Austin ; have five children — Annie, Cora, Colonel R, Governor and John C. Owns a fine farm, on which he is now building himself a nice homestead ; has been Director of School Board nine years. ELIJAH WIXOM, farmer, Sec. 35 ; P. O. Janesville; bora in Putnam Co, N. Y, in 1835; his parents moved to Tioga Co. when he was 4 years old, living there till he was 11 years old ; came to Wisconsin and settled in Rock Co. in 1850 ; purchased present homestead of 100 acres in the fall of 1863 ; owns altogether 380 acres. Blarried, November, 1863, Miss Clara M. Hurd, daughter of Silas Hurd, who was born Dec. 11, 1844; have two children— Claron W, born Sept. 1, 1864, Ella Mia, Blarch 29, 1869. He was School Clerk two terms, Side Supervisor three terms. Raises oats, com, wheat, barley, buckwheat and tobacco, horses, cows, p.-ultry and bogs. ROBERT WYLIE, farmer, Sees. 33 and 34 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Rosshire, Scotland, in 1811. Came to Wisconsin in 1840, and located in Walworth Co, town of Lafayette, living there till he came to Rock Co, in 1849. Owns a fine farm of 160 acres, under cultivation; raises coru^ oats, wheat, barley, potatoes and tobacco, also cattle, hogs and pou'try. Married Louisa S. Waddell, in 1863, who was formerly the wife of Blr. Thomas Wentworth, tailor, of Janesville ; she was bora in England, having four children by her first husband ; Presbyterian. JOHN S. ZACHARIAS, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Edgerton ; bora in Uniontown, Fayette Co, Penn, Blay 24, 1835. Came to Wisconsin, July, 1867, and settled in Porter, purchasing one-fourth section ; his homestead is on Sec. 7, Fulton, where he now lives. Married, June 13, 1868, Miss Sarepta Learn, daughter of Lea Learn, born in Luzerne Co, Penn ; they have four children — George Lee, born Nov. 18, 1869; Heber D, born Sept. 8, 1872 ; Florence H, bora July 22, 1876 ; Wylmer Deforest, born June 12, 1879. Members Lutheran Church; Republican. 852 BIOGBAPHICAL SKETCHES: CENTER TOWNSHIP. RICHARD ADEE, farmer, Sec. 3; P. 0. Evansville; was born in Delaware Co, N. Y, in 1812. Came to Wisconsin in 1848; married, in 1846, Miss Janette Glendenning ; she was born in New York ; tbey have four children. Mr. Adee owns 160 acres of land. D. C. BEACH, farmer, P. 0. Footville ; was born in Litchfield, Conn, in 1839 ; came to Wisconsin in 1850. In 1859, married Miss Eliza E. Marsh; she was bora in New York. They have one son — George H. Mr. and Blrs. Beach are members of tbe M. E. Church. Mr. Beach is a breeder of the short-horn Durham cow ; he owns 66 aeres of land in fine state of cultivation. H. G. BEACH, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Footville; was born in Litchfield Co, Conn., in 1832. Came to Wisconsin in 1850, and located in Center. Married, in 1862, Miss Melissa A. Dean, a native of North Carolina; tbey have five children — Mary, Winfield G, Fred. L, Jennie I. and Charles H. Mr, and Mrs. Beach are members of the M. E. Church. He owns 91J acres of land. HOPSON BEACH, farmer; P. 0. Footville; was bora in Litchfield Co, Conn, in 1824. Came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located in Center. Mr. Bcacb has served as Constable and minor offices since his residence in Center. In 1861, he married Miss Lydia A. Bush, a native of New York. They have lost three children — George A, Clara B. and Frank. Mr. Beach owns 160 acres of land, in good state of cultivation. JAMES H. BROWN, farmer, Sec. 35; P. 0. Janesville; was bora in Washington Co, N. Y, in 1824; came to Wisconsin in 1856, located in Janesville, and worked at bis trade as carpenter until 1864, when we enlisted in the 2d W. V. C, Co. M, mustered out in 1865, at Austin, Texas ; in 1866, he moved to Center, since which time he has been engaged in farming. Jan. 4, 1 864, he married Bliss Janette Thorburn ; she was born in New York ; Mr. B. owns 134 acres of land in Sec. 35. N. M. CARRIER, farmer, Sec. 24; P. 0. Center; was bora in Connecticut in 1810 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located in Janesville; while there was in the furnace business and built the first furnace built in Janesville ; removed to Center in 1856 ; since, has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, Married, in 1849, Miss Lydia Morgan ; they have two children ; Mr. and Mrs. C. are members ofthe BI. E. Church ; Mr. Carrier owns fifty acres of land in Sec. .24. P. L. CAUFMAN, farmer, Sec. 23; P. 0. Center; was bora in Center in 1854; son of Abram Caufman, who emigrated to Wisconsin in 18451; he is engaged in farming on his father's farm of ninety acres, in Sec. 23. JOHN COLWELL, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Evansville; was bora in Ireland, in 1816,; came to Wisconsin in 1848, and located in Milwaukee ; came to Rock Co., in 1850 ; settled in Center in 1865 ; is a member of the Catholic Church ; owns 205 acres of land. J. S. CONRAD, Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Evansville ; was born in Richland Co, Ohio, in 1835 ; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1838 ; tbey located at what is now called Janesville. Married, in 1872, Miss M. K. Campbell ; she was born in Illinois ; they have three children ; Mr. and Mrs. C. are members of the Congregational Chureb ; Mr. Conrad has served as Town Assessor, Supervisor and other minor offices ; he owns 212 acres of land. ABRAM CORIELL, farmer, Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Janesville ; was born in Seneca Co, N. Y, in 1802 ; emigrated to Wisconsin in 1844. In 1826, married Miss Mary Covert; she Was born in Somerset Co, N. Y.; they have five children; Mr. and Mrs. Coriell are members of the Disciples' Church ; Mr. 0 owns forty acres of land in a good state of cultivation. J. CORY, farmer, Sec. 28; P. 0. Footville ; was born in Ohio, in 1816; came to Wisconsiii in 1846. Blarried, in 1836, Miss B. Buny, of New York ; they have four children living and have lost two; Blrs. Cory is a member of the Congregational Church ; Mr. Cory is a member of the Masons, Center Grange, Temple of Honor and Aid Society in connection with the Grange, which was organized in 1875 ; Mr. C. helped to organize the Society ; they started with twenty-two members; now have between 1,20 and 1,400, and have paid over $30,000 for benefits. Mr. C. owns 160 acres of land in fine state of cu tivation. JOSHUA CRALL, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Center ; was born in Wisconsin in 1842. Mar ried in 1863; his wife was born in Vermont; they have five children living and have lost two. Mr. (', is a member of Center Grange and Aid Society. He owns eighty acres of land. CENTER TOWNSHIP. 853 JOHN CROW, farmer, Sec. 23; P. 0. Center: was bom in ColumbiaYia Co, Ohio, in 1809; came to Wisconsin in 1846. Married, in 1830, Miss Sarah Hartzel ; she was born in Ohio; they have two children living and have lost two. Mr. and Mrs. Crow are members of the Disciples' Church. Mr. C. has served two terms on the Town Board of Supervisors ; served also on School Board and as School Director. He owns 100 acre's of land. B. N. CROUCH, farmer, Sec. 36 ; P. O. Janesville ; was bora in Canada in 1806; removed to Oswego Co, N. Y, in 1813 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844. Married, in 1826, Miss Catherine Feth- erly ; she was born in Oneida Co, N. Y. ; they have eight children living— Permelia, Harriet, Sarah A, Amelia L, Ellen G, Henry F., Angle A. and Rosetta ; they have lost three— Stephen, Isaiah and Adeline. Mr. and Mrs. C. adhere to the Universalist faith. Mr. C. owns eighty acres of land in Sec. 36. A. B. CROWELL, farmer, Sec. 32 ; P. O. Footville ; was born in New York in 1833 ; came to Wisconsin in 1874, and located in Orfordville ; lived there two years and removed to Center. Blarried, in 1866, Miss Mary J. Purdy, ol New York; they have lost one child— Elmer. Mr. C. owns fifty-six acres of land in fine state of cultivation. W. H. DEAN, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Footville; was born in Ohio in 1834; came to Wiscon sin in 1855. Married, in 1859, Miss Martha Taylor; she was bora in Cortland Co, N. Y. ; died Aug. 3, 1867; they had four children, three living; in 1869, he married Miss Kate S. Snyder; she was born in Indiana ; they have had four children. Mr. and" Mrs. Dean are members of the Disciples' Church, and he of Center Grange, No. 35 ; Mr. D. is a member of tbe Temple of Honor. He owns 163 acres of land. GEORGE W. DIBBLE, farmer,, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Evansville ; was born in New York in 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845. Married, in 1861, Miss Lucinda Wadsworth ; she was born in Syra cuse, N. Y. ; they have one son. In 1864, Mr. D. enlisted in 16th W. V. I, Co. F; was mustered out in 1865, at Louisville, Ky. Was elected Town Treasurer in 1877, which office he still holds. Owns 160 acres of land. WINARD DINGMON, farmer, Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Footville ; was bora in Amsterdam, N. Y, in 1817 ; came to Wisconsin in 1847, and located in town of Pleasant Spring, Dane Co. ; attended the first town meeting ever held in the town, and was elected Town Treasurer ; was Supervisor for one year, and Chairman of Town Board of Supervisors for two years. In 1862, he enlisted in 23d W. V. I, Co. I ; was mustered out in 1863, at Lexington, Ky. In September of same year, he removed to bis present homestead. Married, in 1839, Miss M: J. Dailey ; she was bora in New York; they have two children living and have lost two. Mr. D. owns seventy acres of land. D. DOHS, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Center ; was bom in Germany in 1827 ; came to America with his parents in 1830. Married in 1858 ; his wife was'born in Germany ; they have three children liv ing, and have lost three. Mr. and Mrs. D. are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. D. owns forty acres in Sec. 17, and forty in Sec. 8. CHRISTOPHER DREFAHL, farmer, Sec. 20; P. 0. Center; was bom in Germany in 1815 ; came to Wisconsin in 1864. Married in 1847 ; bis wife was bom in Germany ; they have seven children. Mr. D. owns eighty acres of land. E. A. FOOT, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Footville ; was born at Goshen, Conn, in 1809. In 1845, he moved to what is now called Footville. His first occupation was farming. In spring of 1846, was elected Chairman of Town Board of Supervisors, which office he held at different times for twelve years. In 1847, was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention. In 1854, he went into the produce business, and had as many as seven warehouses on the road at once. In 1857, he was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly. In 1861-62, was a member of the State Senate, and was Chairman ofthe Finance Committee those two years. In 1862, was appointed Trustee and member of tbe Executive Committee of the State Hospital for the Insane ; held the position of Trustee until he resigned, in 1869. In 1867, he was a mem, ber of the Wisconsin Assembly, and Chairman of the Railroad Committee. In August, 1869, he went to La Cygne, Kan, and remained there seven years. He was the first Mayor of that city, and Police Judge for three years. In tbe spring of 1876, he again returned to Footville, and, in 1877, was elected Chair man of the Board of Supervisors, which position he now holds. Has been a Notary Public for twenty years, both here and in Kansas. June 4, 1829, he married Miss Clarissa Beach, daughter of Julius Beach, of Connecticut. They have two children ; have lost one — Ruth R, who died in 1863 ; those living are Louisa B. now Mrs. H. A. Egerton, who resides at the old homestead, and Rev. Joseph I, a resident of La Cygne, Kan. He graduated at Lawrence University, Wis, in the class of 1857 ; was ordained in 1859, in Conference at Whitewater, by Bishop Ames ; was elected Supervisor of Rock Co. In 1863, was elected Chaplain ofthe 13th W. V. I.; while in the service was again elected Supervisor of Rock Co. He 854 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: was re-elected in 1867 ; removed to La Cygne, Kan, in 1869. In 1878, was a candidate for State Super intendent of Public Instruction. He was admitted to the bar in 1879. J. C. GOOCH, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Footville; was born in Vermont in 1815 ; came to Wis consin in 1855. Married in 1836 ; his wife was born in Massachusetts ; she died in 1852. He married again in 1854. Mr. aud Mrs. Gooch are members ofthe Congregational Church. Mr. Gooch owns forty acres of land in Sec. 34. DANIEL HAMMELL, farmer, Sec. 30; P. 0. Footville; was born in Pennsylvania in 1825; came to Wisconsin in 1867. Married, in 1849, Miss Rebecca Stover; she was born in Pennsylva nia ; they have five children living, and have lost two. Mr. H. owns eighty acres of land. ISAAC HAWK, deceased; was bora Nov. 27, 1815. He emigrated to Wisconsin in 1856. Married, in 1833, Miss Julia A. Kirkedall (now deceased) ; they had six children, five still living. He married again, in 1852, Miss Jane P. Owen, of Orange Co., N. Y.; they had six children, four still living. Mr. Hawk died in 1878, and is well remembered by the citizens ofthe lown. MARK HONEYSETT, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Footville ; was bora in England, in 1834 ; came to America in 1849, and located in Ohio, near Cleveland ; came to Wisconsin, in 1850, and located in Center. Married, in 1859, Miss Harriet White ; she was born in New York. Mr. EL has served as Assessor since his residence in the town ; owns 187J acres of land, and is an extensive breeder of stock. D. N. HOWELL, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Footville; born in Amity, Orange Co, N. Y, in 1823 ; followed farming there until 1863; then emigrated to Wisconsin. Married, in 1850, Miss Julia A. Owen ; she was bora in Pennsylvania ; they have four children. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the M. E. Church and Center Grange. Mr. H. was on the Town Board of Supervisors, in 1876 ; he own? 120 acres of land iu Sec. 20 ; all in good state of cultivation. HENRY HUGGETT, farmer, Sec. 34; P. 0. Footville; was bora in England, in 1839; came to Wisconsin, in 1869, and located at Footville ; removed to Center in 1874. Married, in 1860, Miss Harriet Higgins ; she was born in England ; they have seven children living, and have lost three. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the BI. E. Church. Is engaged in farming, on Mr. J. N. Smith's farm. EDWARD JONES, farmer, Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Footville ; was born in Austintown, Trumbull Co, Ohio, in 1812; lived there and was engaged in stock-raising and farming until 1867; when he removed to Wisconsin ; has engaged in samo business since his residence here. Blarried, in 1835, Miss Orpha Hill, a native of Pennsylvania ; she died in August, 1856 ; tbey had five children — one is dead. In 1857, he married Mrs. Lucretia Parmley ; she was bom in New York ; they have three children — one son and two daughters. Blr. and Mrs. Jones are members ofthe Disoiples' Church. Blr. J. owns ninety acres of land. ANDREW LOWRY, farmer, Sec. 24; P. 0. Center ; was born in County Down, Ireland, in 182o, and came to America in 1840, and located in Newburg, Orange Co, N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin in 1853, and located in Janjsville ; removed to Center in 1870. Married in 1848 ; wife was born in Ireland. Mr. Lowry owns 260 acres of land, 100 situated in Center, and 160 in tbe town of Janesville. WILLIAM T. NOTT, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. O. Evansville ; was born in Wisconsin in 1848. Married, in, 1872, Miss Alice Austin; she was bora in Wisconsin; they have two children. Owns eighty acres of land, forty in Sec. 29 and forty in Sec. 17. W. J. O WEN, Postmaster of Footville ; dealer in dry goods, groceries and general merchandise ; was born in Orange Co, N. Y, in 1818; he came to Wisconsin in 1855, and located in Center; was engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1860, when he went into the mercantile business. In 1859, be was elected Town Superintendent, and served two terms ; was chairman of the Town Board of Super visors for two terms ; was Justice of the Peace for four years ; Sohool Clerk in his district for six years ; was appointed Postmaster of Footville in 1875, which position he still holds. He owns 146 acres of land in Center ; a store and dwelling house, and three lots in Plymouth. In 1854, he married Miss Elizabeth Wickham ; she was born in Sussex Co, N. J. ; they have five children living — Sarah I, Chancey W, Webster J, Blartha A, and Dora BI. ; they have lost two children — Charles E. and William H. Mr. and Blrs. Owen are members of tbe M. E. Church. GEO. I. PARMLEY, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. O. Footville ; was born in Ohio in 1843 ; came to Wisconsin with parents in 1849. Married, in 1864, Bliss Jennie M. Scott; she was born in Indiana ; they have three children — Ernest S, Cora B. and Grace; Mr. and Mrs. Parmley are members of the Disciples' Church. Blr. P. owns 160 acres of land. JAMES PARMLEY, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Footville; born in Trumbull Co, Ohio, in 1820 ; he learned his trade as mason there, and followed it until 1849, when he emigrated to Wisconsin and located in Center ; since his residence there, has followed agricultural pursuits, in connection with his / CENTER TOWNSHIP. 857 trade ; he has served as Town Clerk for two years, and various minor offices ; he owns 390 acres of land. Married, in 1842, Miss Lucy A. Boot; she was bora in Litchfield Co, Conn, in 1819; tbey have two children — George I. and Elmer L. Blr. and Mrs. P. are members of tbe Disciples' Church, and Center Grange, No. 35 ; Mr. Parmley is also a member of the County Agricultural Society. CLARK POPPLE, farmer, Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Janesville ; was bom in Syracuse, N. Y, in 1844; came to Wisconsin in 1856; in 1861, he enlisted in Second Wisconsin Cavalry, Co. BI, and was mustered out in 1865, at Austin, Texas. Blarried, in 1878, Bliss Susan Gibson ; she was born in Bock Co., Wis.; they have one son — William. Mr. P. is a member of the Temple of Honor; owns eighty acres of land in Sec. 25. J. W. QUIMBY, farmer, Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Footville ; was born in Lisbon, Grafton Co, N. H, in 1829 ; came to Wisconsin in 1859 ; first located in the town of Rock ; lived there three years, and removed to town of Janesville ; lived there four years, and removed to his present homestead. Blarried Miss Amanda Taylor in 1856 ; she was bom in New Hampshire; they have two children— Elmer E. and Olive. Blr. and Mrs. Q. adhere to the Congregational faith. Blr. Q. owns eighty-five acres of land. G. M. RICE, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Footville; was born in New York in 1837; he lost his parents at an early age ; came to Wisconsin with his grandparents in 1847 ; since bis residence here, be has been engaged in agricultural pursuits ; owns thirty-seven acres of land in Sec. 32, in fine state of cul tivation. D. SILVERTHORN, farmer, Sec. 33; P. 0. Footville; was born in Warren Co, N. J, in 1821 ; in 1845, he went to Pittston, Penn.; worked at millwrighting for one year, boat-building for three years ; he came to Wisconsin in 1849 ; after several moves, located on a rented farm in Plymouth ; resided for eleven years, then removed to tbe farm he now owns. When Blr. S. came to Wisconsin, he was tbe possessor of but $50, but, by economy and industry, has gained a competence of a fine farm of sixty acres, which be values at $75 per acre ; his farm is well stocked, and he has a fine variety of fruit. In 1838, he married Bliss Martha Huston ; she was bora in Blonroe Co., Penn.; tbey have eleven children, Beven daughters and four sons. Blrs. S. is a member of the Disciples' Church. J. T. SILVERTHORN, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Footville ; was bora in Warren Co, N. J, in 1825 ; when about 3 years of age, his parents removed near Stroudsburg, Penn.; resided there for five years, when they returned to New Jersey ; from there, they removed to New York, near Port Jarvis ; lived there three years ; he left home and went to Pittston, Penn.; worked in a boat-yard for one year; returned home and emigrated to Wisconsin with his parents in 1848, and located on his present home stead; he is a son of Nicholas Silverthorn, who died in 1873. In 1856, he married Bliss Helen M. Gooch, and settled down to farming. Blrs. S. was born in Chicago. 111. They have five children — Emma L, John L, C. Blina, Etta BI. and Albert J. Blr. S. owns 120 acres of land, 80 in Sec. 34, in Center, and 40 in Plymouth, in Sec. 9. J. N. SMITH, farmer, Sec. 34; P. 0. Footville; was bom in the old town of Paris, Oneida Co, N. Y, in 1805 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located in Center. Blarried, in 1826, Bliss Blary A. Beebe ; she was bom in New York ; died in July, 1873 ; they had ten children — Francis B, Eli B, Alfred B, Chas. C, D. Clinton and B. F, living; Sarah A, Chas. C, Elon G. and Eliza, deceased. In 1874. he married Blrs. Sarah A. Briggs, a native of New York. Mr. Smith is a member of the Baptist Church. Was one of the first settlers of the town ; was one of the first Trustees, and helped build the first schoolhouse. He owns eighty acres of land. WILLIAM C. STEVENS, farmer and State agent for Russell's Force Pump, Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Footville ; was born in New York in 1843 ; his parents emigrated to Wisconsin when he was but 8 months old. In 1861, he enlisted in the 5th W. V. I, and engaged in twenty-seven battles; was mus tered out in 1864, at Madison, Wis. Blarried, in 1868, Bliss Harriet M.\ Crall; she was born in Wiscon sin. Mr. Stevens owns 160 acres of land, all in fine state of cultivation. JACOB STRANG, farmer, Sec. 30; P. 0. Footville; was born in Putnam Co, N. Y, in 1818 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, and settled on his present homestead ; engaged in farming! principally, since his residence in the town ; he owned a cheese-factory from 1873 until 1877, in connection with farming. He is a member of Center Grange. In 1848, married Miss Anna E. Spoon ; she was born in Pennsylvania; they have five children living, and have lost three. Mr. Strang owns 400 acres of land. WILLIAM THOMPSON, farmer; P. 0. Cainville; was bora in England in 1828; his parents emigrated to America the same year ; he came to Wisconsin in 1852. Married in 1 850 ; his wife was born inOrano-e Co, N. Y.; they have six children living, and have lost one. Blr. Thompson owns eighty acres of land on Sec. 30. 858 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: MRS. M. M. TRACY (widow of Wesley Tracy)), farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Cainville ; was born in Ohio ; came to Wisconsin in 1871. Married, in 1857, Wesley Tracy ; he was born in Ohio, and died in 1865, at Gilboa, Putnam Co, Ohio; tbey had three children — Upton, Kate and J. W. Blrs. Tracy is a member of the M. E. Church. MRS. SUSAN WALLIHAN; P. 0. Center; was born in Pennsylvania in 1807. In 1823, she married John Wallihan, a native of same place, who was born in 1797 ; he died Oct. 30, 1876 ; tbey had two children, one of whom is dead. Mr. and Mrs. W. emigrated to Wisconsin in 1847. Blr. W. held various town offices ; was Town Assessor, Treasurer and Justice of the Peace ; was Postmaster for thirty-three years. Mrs. W. is a member of the Disciples' Church. JOHN WELLS, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Footville ; was born in England in 1823 ; came to Wisconsin, 1857. Blarried, in 1843, Miss Harriet West; she was bom in England; they have seven children living, and have lost one. Mr. and Mrs. Wells adhere to the Presbyterian faith. Mr. Wells owns 240 acres of land. LORENZO WITHAM, farmer, Sec. 19; P. 0. Cainville; born in Bangor, Me, in 1835; came to Wisconsin with bis parents in 1844; is a son of Ward Witham, a resident of Janesville. Blar ried, in 1863, Miss Jeanette Rice ; she was born in Illinois ; they have four children — Lendall W, Nettie D, Lenore E. and Jennie A. Mr. Witham owns seventy-six acres of land. SPRINC VALLEY TOWNSHIP. E. ANDERSON, farmer; P. 0. Orford; was born in Norway in 1844; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1850. Married in 1872 ; his wife is a native of Norway ; they have four children ; lost one. Mr. A. owns forty acres of land. H. T. BORTNESS, farmer, Sec. 26 ; P. O. Orford ; was born in Vermont in 1830 ; came to Wisconsin in 1850. Married in 1858; his wife was born in Germany; they have three children. Mr, B. owns 120 acres of land. WILLARD BOWLES, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. O. Brodhead ; was born in Wisconsin in 1840. Married in 1870; his wife was born in Pennsylvania; they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. B. are members of the, Presbyterian Church. Mr. B. is a tenant on Mr. Purdy's farm. THOMAS BRICE, farmer. Sec. 34; P. O. Orford; was born in Scotland in 1826; came to America in 1840 ; removed to Wisconsin in 1851. Blarried in 1862 ; bis wife was born in New York ; they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. B. are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr, B. owns 150 acres of land, PETER RROUGHTON, farmer, Sec. 22 ; was bom in Norway in 1845 ; came to Wiscon, sin in 1861. Married in 1868 ; his wife is a native of Norway ; they have six children, and are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. B. is a tenant on Mr. Everson's farm. W. F. CLARK, carriage-maker; P. O. Orfordville; was born in New York in 1814; came to Wisconsin in 1844, and entered a quarter-section of land, which he farmed until 1869, and then went into his present business. He served as mechanic in the late war, in the 8th Tenn. Vol. Inf., Co. G, and took an active part in tbe battle of Nashville. In 1836, he married Miss Hannah Van Wagner; she was born in New York ; they have five children. N. COLE, farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. O. Brodhead ; was born in NewYork in 1820 ; came to Wiscon. sin in 1848. Married in 1848 ; his wife was born in New York ; they have three children. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Cole owns 280 acres of land. T. O. COTO, dealer in dry goods, groceries and general merchandise ; P. O. Orfordville ; was born in Wisconsin in 1852. In 1875, he married Miss Nellie Larsen ; she was bora in Wisconsin i tney have one child. Mr. and Blrs. Coto are members of the Lutheran Church. H. V. DONOVAN, farmer, Sec. 1 : P. 0. Orford ; was born in Ireland in 1825 ; came to America in 1848 ; came to Wisconsin in 1869. Married in 1853 ; his wife was bora in Ireland. They are members of the Catholic Church. T. ENNIS, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Orford ; was bora in Wisconsin in 1851. Married in 1877 ; his wife was born in Ohio ; tbey have one child, and are members of the BI. E. Church. Mr. E. owns 180 acres of land. SPRING VALLEY' TOWNSHIP. 85f' L. C. FISHER, Postmaster of Orfordville, and of firm of Fisher Bros, general merchandise; was born in Pennsylvania in 1849 ; came to Wisconsin in 1854. Appointed Postmaster in 1876. Mar ried, in 1877, Bliss Hattie BI. Lacy; she was born in Wisconsin. Blr. Fisher is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. F. T. FISHER, of the firm of Fisher Bros, dealers in dry goods, groceries and general mer chandise, Orfordville; was bora in Pennsylvania in 1850; came to Wisconsin in 1858. Blarried, its 1877, Bliss Blary Patriquin ; she was born in Nova Scotia. Blr. F. is a member of tbe Sons of Temper ance and of the I. 0. 0. F. OLE P. GAARDER, faimcr, Sec. 25; P. 0. Orfordville; bora June 9, 1844, in Spring Valley Township, Bock Co, Wis. ; his father, P. H. Gaarder, came to America in 1843, located in Plymouth Township, and moved to Spring Valley in 1844 ; bought 240 acres of wild land, which he and his sons cleared and cultivated ; he died in 1875 ; 0. P. Gaarder bought 120 acres from his father in 1860 and has since added more ; he now owns 260 acres and raises corn, oats, wheat, horses, cows, sheep, hogs' and poultry ; selling pork and beef principally and making butter for the market. Blarried Bliss Annie Husemon, of Newark Township, Feb. 20, 1868, and has five children — Nellie, bom Jan. 30, 1869 ; Perry E, Aug. 5, 1871 ; Bertha, Nov. 23, 1873; Ida H, June 7, 1876 ; Herbert C, April 13, 1879. He was Assessor for 1S70 and 1871 ; Side Supeivisor for four years and is again for 1879 ; was Clerk of School District nine years ; is Treasurer School District for 1879; Pathmaster several times; is a member of Spring Valley Anti-Horse-Thief Association ; was elected a Director ofthe Hecla Fire Insurance Company of Bladison in 1876, and still holds that position. He and his family are members of the Lutheran Church. THOMAS GAHAGAN, fanner, Sec. 14; P. 0. Orford; was born in Ireland in 1825- came to America in 1860 ; came to Wisconsin in 1867. Blarried in 1852 ; bis wife was bom in Ireland % tbey have seven children. Blr. G. owns forty acres of laud. Blr. and Blrs. G. are members of tbe- Catholic Church. S. T. GREEN, farmer, Sec. 22; P. 0. Orford; was bora in Connecticut in 1823;. came to- Wisconsin in 1849. Blarried in 1859; his wife was born in New York. They are members of the- Congregational Church. Blr. Green owns eighty acres of land. G. GUTHORNSON, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Orford ; was born in Norway in 1836 ; eame te* America in 1857 ; came to Wisconsin in 1869. Blarried in 1861 ; bis wife was bora in Norway; they have seven children living; have lost two. Blr. and Blrs. G. are members ofthe Lutheran Church. Mr. G. owns eighty acres of land. D. HALL, farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Brodhead; was bora in Wisconsin in 1852. Blarried, in 1874, Bliss Blary Brown, also of Wisconsin ; they have one son. Mr. Hall is engaged in farming on Mr. Douglas' farm. OLE HANSON, farmer, Sec. 14; P. 0. Orford ; was born in Norway in 1834 ; came to Wis consin in 1850. Married in 1861; his wife is a native of Norway ; tbey have seven children, and are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. H. owns eighty acres of land. H. E. HARRIS, farmer, Sec. 9; P. 0. Brodhead ; was born in New York in 1826 ; came te> Wisconsin in 1854. Blarried, in 1851, Bliss Blaria Alcott; she was bom in New York; they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. H. are membeis of the Baptist Church. Blr. H. owns twenty acres of land in/ Sec. 9. T. O. HAY, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Brodhead ; was bora in Ohio in 1815 ; came to Wisconsin ins 1847. Blarried in 1840 ; his wife was born in Ohio; they have four children. Blr. and Blrs. Hays are members of the Disciples' Church. Mr. Hay has held the office of Town Assessor and Trustee and minor offices. He owns 120 acres of land. ROBERT HEATH, farmer; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in NewYork, in 1827; came tea- Wisconsin in 1854 ; was on the Town Board of Supervisors in 1873 and 1874; was Justice of the Peace- in 1875 and 1876. Married, in 1859, Miss Lydia A. Heath, a native of New York ; they have thre& children. Mr. Heath owns six acres of land in fine state of cultivation. E. O. HOPPER, farmer, Sec. 3; P. 0. Orford ; was born in Ohio in 1823 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846. Married in 1849 ; his wife was born in New Jersey ; they have three children living, and have- lost three. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the M. E. Church ; Blr. H. owns 120 acres of land. B. HUNGERFORD, farmer, Sec. 16; P. 0. Brodhead; was bora in New York in 1844; his parents emigrated to Wisconsin in 1845; in 1861, he enlisted in the 13th Wis. V. I, Co. G; was- discharged in 1865, at Bladison, Wis. Blarried in 1861 ; his wife was born in England; they have six. children living, and have lost one ; Blr. H. is engaged in farming on bis father's farm. 860 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: B. D. HUNGERFORD, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; was bom in 1828, in New York ; came to Wisconsin in 1845. Married, in 1853, Miss S. E. Gifford, a native of New York ; since his res idence in tbe town, Mr. H. has served as Constable, Town Treasurer and minor offices ; he owns forty acres of land. BELE S. HUNGERFORD, farmer, Sec. 16; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in Massachu setts, in 1805 ; removed from there with his parents, in 181 2 ; emigrated to Wisconsin in 1845. Blarried in 1826'; his wife was born in New Jersey ; they have eight children living, and have lost one ; Blr. H. was Supervisor from 1853 until 1855 ; bo owns 100 acres of land. ROBERT JACK, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Brodhead; was born in Scotland in 1838; came to Wisoonsin in 1847 ; in 1852, he went to California and remained until 1863, then went to Idaho ; returned to Wisconsin in 1870. Married, in 1864, Miss Anna Sexton; she was born in Ireland; they have one daughter ; Blr. J. owns 122 acres of land. L. KINGMAN, farmer, Sec. 13; P. 0. Orford; was born in New York in 1834; came to Wisconsin in 1860. Married in 1870 ; bis wife was born in Wisconsin ; they have six children; Mr. and Blrs. K. are members of the BI. E. Church; Mr. K. owns eighty acres of land. SAMUEL McNAIR, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Brodhead; was bora in Livingston Co, N. Y, in 1806 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located in Waterford, Racine Co. ; removed to his present home stead in 1863. Married, in 1836, Miss Mary A. Drake, of New York ; she died in 1873 ; they had nine children, three of whom are dead. In 1876, Mr. BlcNair married Mrs. Laura Richardson ; Mr. and Mrs. McNair are members of the Presbyterian Church ; Blr. McNair owns 150 acres of land in Sec. 18. ANDREW MAT AT ALL, farmer, Sec. 9'; P. O. Brodhead; was born in Nova Scotia in 1840; came to Wisconsin in 1870. Married, in 1867, Miss Caroline Fisher; she was born, in Nova Scotia ; they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. M. are members of the Methodist Church. J. S. MOORE, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. O. Brodhead ; was bora in Canada in 1829 ; came to Wis consin in 1854. > Blarried, ^in same year, Bliss Jane E. Clawson, a native of Pennsylvania; they have two children living and have lost five. Blrs. BI. is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Bloore owns 1 20 acres of land. ROBERT OLIVER, farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Brodhead; was bora in Scotland in 1816; came to Wisconsin iu 1844. Married, in 1841, Bliss Elizabeth Alexander, a native of Scotland ; tbey have five children living and have lost two. Mr. and Blrs. O. are members of tbe Presbyterian Church. Mr. 0. owns 230 acres of land. J. PALMER, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; was born in New York in 1840 ; came to Wis consin with his parents in 1848. Married in 1868 ; his wife was bora in New Jersey; they have two children. Blr. and Mrs. P. are members of the Disciples' Church. Mr. P. owns 140 acres of land. N. N. PALMER, farmer, Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Orford ; was bora in New York in 1820 ; came to Wisconsin in 1847. Blarried Bliss Jane Scott, in 1845 ; they have five children. Mr. and Mrs. P. are members of the BI. E. Church. Blr. P. owns 180 acres of land. JOHN PATRIQUEN, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. O. Brodhead ; was born in Nova Scotia in 1819 ; came to Wisconsin in 1857, and located in Orford ; located on his present homestead in 1867. Blarried in 1844; his wife was born in Nova Scotia; they have two children. Blr. and Blrs. P. are members of the BI. K. Church. Blr. P. owns seventy-three acres of land. L. PEPPER, farmer, Sec. 13; P. 0. Orfordville; was born in Pennsylvania in 1830 ; came to Wisconsin in 1842. Married, in 1856, Miss Sarah E. Inman, a native of Pennsylvania; they have four children. ANDREW R. PETTERSON, farmer, Sec. 30 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; was born in Wisconsin in 1857; son of R. Peterson, who died in 1858; owns 100 acres of land in Sec. 30. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. T. M. PURDY, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Orfordville; was born in Bennington Co, Vt, in 1814; at an early age, his parents removed to New York ; in 1847, Mr. Purdy emigrated to Wisconsin, and located about two miles west from his present homestead ; there were but few settlers in the town at that time, and but one road was laid out ; be has carried his wheat to Blilwaukee with an ox team ; it usually took ten days to make the trip, if they had fine weather ; some times the trip would not be a financial success, as their expenses would come to more than they got for their wheat. In 1838, be married Miss Judith Rush; she was born in New York; they have two children living — Sabelia and Frank E.; they have lost three — John F, who enlisted in 1863 in the 13th Wis. Vol. Inf., Co. G, and died, July 4, 1865, at Cairo, 111 ; Henry and Franklin. Since his residence in the town, Mr. P. has held the office of Town Treasurer two terms. He owns 118 acres of land. UNION TOWNSHIP. 861 S. RODLY, farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Orford ; was born in Germany in 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in 1870, and located in Spring Valley. Blarried in 1875 ; his wife was bora in Germany ; they have two children. Mr. and Mrs. R. are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. R. owns forty acres of land. J. J. SABIN, harness-maker ; P. 0. Orfordville ; was born in Wisconsin in 1859. Blarried in 1878, Bliss Ada BI. Randall ; she was born in Iowa ; they have one child — Rosby J, born May 23, 1879. Mr. Sabin commenced business in 1878 ; previous to tbat, he was engaged in farming on his father's farm. O. H. SCOGEN, boot and shoe dealer, Orfordville; was born in Norway in 1824; came to Wisconsin in 1867. Blarried in 1846 ; wife was born in Norway ; they have two children living, and have lost two. Blr. and Blrs. Scogen are members of the Lutheran Church. J. SIMS, farmer, Sec. 34; P. 0. Orford: was bom in Wisconsin in 1852. Married Miss Anna Doyle, a native of Indiana, in 1877 ; they have one child — Albert, and are members of the Episcopalian Church. Blr. S. owns eighty acres of land. WALTER SMITH, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; was bom in Scotland in 1806. Mar ried in 1828, to Miss Elizabeth Taylor, a native of Scotland ; they have three children living, and have lost two. Blr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Presbyterian Church. Blr. S. owns 280 acres of land. S. M. STRAUS, farmer, Sec. 2; P. 0. Orford; was born in Germany in 1829; came to- America in 1840 ; came to Wisconsin in 1852. Married in 1861 ; his wife was born in Germany ; they have six children, and are members of the Lutheran Church. Blr. S. owns eighty acres of land. M. SULLIVAN, farmer, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Orford ; was born in Ireland in 1847 ; came to America in 1850, with parents ; came to Wisconsin in 1868. Married, in 1871, Bliss Julia Flinn, a native of Ireland; they have four children. Mr. and Mrs. S. are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. S. owns forty acres of land. TAYLOR SWANN, farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Brodhead; was bom in Scotland in 1817; came to Wisconsin in 1845. Blarried in 1840 ; bis wife is a native of Scotland ; they have five children. Mr. Swann owns 340 acres of land. D. W. H. TAYLOR, gardener, Sec. 18; P. O. Brodhead; was born in New York in 1838; came to Wisconsin in 1857. Blarried, in 1867, Miss Sarah M. Jelliff ; she was born in New Jersey ; tbey have six children. Blr. and Mrs. Taylor are members of tbe Congregational Church. Blr. Taylor owns twenty acres of land. ROBERT TAYLOR, farmer, Sec. 17; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in Scotland in 1805 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, and was the second settler in the town. Blarried in Scotland in 1831 ; his wife is a native of Scotland; they have five children living; lost two — Robert, who enlisted in 1861 in the 13th Wis. V. I, Co. G, and died in Paducah, Ky, from sickness contracted in the service, and Archi bald, who -enlisted in California and also died in the service. Blr. Taylor owns 461 acres of land. JOHN V. WARD, farmer, Se6. 6; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in New York in 1833; came to Wisconsin in 1844. Married, in 1864, Miss Julia Purdy; she was born in Ohio; tbey have one child. Mr. Ward owns forty-four acres of land. H. WHITE, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Orford; was born in Ohio in 1850; came to Wisconsin with parents in 1852. Married in 1876 ; his wife was born in Wisconsin ; they have one child. Blem bers of the BI. E. Church. Blr. White owns 160 acres of land. MARK WRIGHT, farmer, Sec. 20; P.O. Brodhead; was born in Ohio in 1839 ; came to Wisconsin in 1850. Blarried in 1870 ; his wife was born in Kentucky; they have four children. Mr. Wright is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. He owns eighty acres of land. UNION TOWNSHIP. PETER ALLER, retired ; P. O. Evansville ; born in New Jersey, Blarch 18, 1817 ; came to Wisconsin in 1840 ; located in Union and engaged in farming. In 1862, entered the drug business in Evansville; continued until 1864, when he returned to farming. In 1870, he sold his farm and removed to Evansville, retiring from active pursuits. Mr. Alles is a member of the Baptist Church. He married in Union on Dec. 8, 1841, Miss Eleanor Temple, a native of Maine. They were the first couple married in the town of Union ; married by a Justice of the Peace, there being no ordained minister in the town ship. Mrs. Eleanor Alles died in 1860. He married again at Evansville, Dec. 2, 1863, Miss Nancy Smith, a native of Vermont ; has two children living; lost four — Mary 0, born Blay 31, 1845, died in 862 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: July, 1845 ; Eben F, born Aug. 24, 1847, died March 16, 1849 ; Mercy J, born March 21, 1849, died Aug. 2, 1878; Sumner H, born June 3, 1855, died March 8, 1856; Arthur P, bom Nov. 27, 1864. GEORGE BALLARD, farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Evansville; born in NewYork Dec. 10, 1819 ; emigrated to Wisconsin in 1850, landing at Racine in June. In 1853, he located in Union Town ship, Rock Co., where he engaged in farming ; owns the farm on which he now resides. He married in New York, Oct. 10, 1843, Miss Jane Francisco, a native of New York. They have two children living ; lost three. PETER L. BECKER, retired farmer ; P. 0. Evansville ; bora in Schoharie Co, N. Y, in 1802 ; he came to Wisconsin in 1844, settled in Porter, engaged in farming, continued until 1872, when he was obliged to give up all active business, in consequence of loss of sight and old age. Previous to •coming West, be had been engaged fourteen years in sailing on Lake Erie ; was by trade a ship carpenter, and built in Blilwaukee, in 1845 and 1846, two sailing vessels, having gone from his home in Rock Co. for that purpose. Blr. Becker is a member of the M. E. Church. He married in Brownville, Jefferson Co, N. Y, on Blarch 13, 1825, Miss Margaret Van Patten, a native of Schoharie Co, N. Y. She died. Mr. Becker married a second time, at Evansville, Nov. 17, 1875, Idella Dimmick, a native of Otsego Co., N.Y. EUGENE W. BEEBE, physician, Evansville ; born in New York Feb. 21, 1840. He came to Wisconsin in 1847. His father, Elisha P. Beebe, removed to Wisconsin in 1842, and engaged in mer cantile business in Dane Co. in 1848, in which be continued until shortly before his death, in 1858. Eugene W. Beebe is a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, Class of 1865-66 ; has practiced since I860. After receiving his diploma, continued his practice in Dane Co. until the winter of 1867-68, when he removed to Evansville, where he has since resided and practiced his profession. He married in Evansville, Dec. 26, 1866, Bliss Frances A. Spencer, daughter of H. G. Spencer, an early set- tlei of Rock Co. ISAAC M. BENNETT, retired banker, Evansville; born in Schoharie Co, N. Y, in 1824; -came to Wisconsin in 1845, and engaged in school-teachibg in the town of Union, remaining until the spring of 1846, then removed to Oregon, Dane Co, where he engaged in mercantile business until his removal to Green Co., in 1857 ; engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1861, when he removed and settled in Evansville, Rock Co., where he again went into mercantile business ; in 1870, he with Mr. Pullen and Mr. Winsten, organized the First National Bank of Evansville, in which he held the position of Cashier ; In 1875, the bank changed from a National to a State bank, and Mr. Bennett withdrew his connection from it and retired from active business ; be assisted in the organization of tbe first Town Board of Evansville, and was elected President of the Board ; he was elected to the State Legislature in 1868. He married, In Oregon, Dane Co, Aug. 1, 1847, Bliss Elizabeth A. Kierstead, a native of Cattaraugus Co, N. Y, who ¦died Nov. 6, 1860, leaving four children living. Mr. Bennett again married, Sept. 3, 1861, at Evans ville, Miss Hannah BI. Pettigrew, a native of Vermont, by whom he has one child living. H. L. BLACKMAN, farmer, Sec. 23 ; P. O. Evansville ; born in Genesee Co, N. Y, Feb. 22, 1819 ; came to Wisconsin in 1848, locating in Union Township, Rock Co., where he engaged in farm ing on the land he now owns and occupies. He married, in Seneca Co, Ohio, March 8, 1838, Bliss Blary Owen, a native of Yates Co, N. Y, bora July 16, 1819 ; tbey have three children living, lost one — Jon athan L, born July 12, 1840 ; Cynthia E, born June 11, 1843: Otis L, bora June 16, 1854, died Feb. 7, 1856; Charles G, born Nov. 17, 1864. HIRAM BULLARD, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Evansville; born in Monroe Co, N. Y, Oct. 2, 1824 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845 ; his father, Leonard Bullard, with his family, settled in Union Township, Rock Co, where he engaged in farming; in 1846, bought and settled on the farm now owned by Hiram Bullard ; it consists of 160 acres. He married, in New York, May 27, 1846, Miss Jane A. Babcock, a native of Rensselaer Co, N. Y.; he has five children. GEORGE M. BULLOCK, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. O. Evansville ; born in Rock Co, Wis, Jan. 19, 1855, on the farm he now resides on and cultivates ; bis father, Elijah Bullock, settled in Wis consin in 1854; he was a native of New York ; bora April 2, 1818. Married, in bis native State, on June 15, 1844, Bliss Nancy Mead, a native of New York, who died Blarch 20, 1865; his children are Edson, bora July 15, 1845, died Aug. 17, 1860; Alfred, born Nov. 22, 1846; Elijah E, born Blarch 31, 1848, died September, 1873 ; Nancy E, bora Jan. 18, 1851, died August, 1868 ; George BI, born Jan. 19, 1855. He is the youngest son, and has always remained on the farm where he was bom. His father married a second wife, by whom he has three children. Mr. Bullock is the owner of 105 acres. MARTIN R. CASE, hotel proprietor, Evansville; born in Onondaga Co, N. Y, Jan. 21, 1837 ; his father, Reuben Case, was born in the State of New York, Feb. 15, 1798 ; removed with his family to Wisconsin in 1843, and settled on Jefferson Prairie, Rock Co., now Clinton Junction, where he UNION TOWNSHIP. 863 bad pre-empted Government land ; he engaged in improving and cultivating the same, and continued to farm this until 1855 or 1856, when he removed to town of Center, Rock Co, where he was engaged in farming until 1859, when he removed to Janesville, where he remained until, 1860 ; he returned to Clin ton Junction after a visit to his native State ; in 1865, he again returned to Clinton Junction, where he died in April, 1877 ; Martin R. remained on his father's farm until 1869, when he removed to Evansville, where he engaged in livery business, and, in 1873, he also engaged in keeping hotel, the Spencer House, which he continued for two or three years, when he gave up hotel keeping, until 1877, when he sold out bis livery business and purchased the hotel he had formerly kept, which he refitted and extended and con ducted under the original name of the Spencer House, until the spring of 1879, when be changed tbe name to that of the Central House. Mr. Case married at Center, Rock Co, Dec. 31, 1857, Miss Mary E. Fel lows, a native of New York; has had a family of five children, two now living. SAMUEL CADWALLADER, farmer, Sec. 23; P.O. Evansville; born in Henry Co, Ind, Sept. 30,1823; he came to Wisconsin in April, 1847, locating in Union Township, Rock Co., and engaged in farming. He married, in Magnolia Township, Rock Co., April 20, 1853, Bliss Adora M. Doolittle, a native of Ohio. THOMAS P. CHAPIN, farmer, Sec. 4; P. 0. Brooklyn, Green Co.; born in Weathersfield, Penn, May 7, 1819; he came to Wisconsin in 1837, locating in Janesville, where he engaged in black- Bmithing, which he continued until 1847, when he purchased a farm in Union Township, where he removed and engaged in farming, following also his trade for many years. He married, in Dane Co., Wis, July 4, 1847, Miss Amanda Ellsworth, a native of Canandaigua, N. Y. Mr. Chapin has seven children living; he is the owner of forty-five acres. EDWARD DEVEREUX, cheese manufacturer and farmer, Sec. 20 ; P. O. Evansville; bora in Windsor Co, N. Y, Aug. 18, 1830 ; be came to Wisconsin in July, 1850, and engaged in the manufacture of vinegar, at Milwaukee, and in the lumber business with his father and brother ; in 1853, removed to Ohio, for a short time, returning to Union and engaged in farming ; in 1861, he went to Rome, N. Y, remaining for a year, in vinegar business ; in tbe fall of 1862, returned to Union, and resumed farming; in 1867, he established a cheese factory in Green Co.; in the fall of 1868, he established a cheese factory in Union, which he has found necessary to enlarge at intervals, owing to increase of business. He married, at Fairport, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1853, Miss Eva W. Whaley, a native of Ohio ; has six children living, lost two — Blary V, born June 11, 1854, died Feb. 2, 1856; Theodore G, born April 25, 1858; Harry C, Feb. 13, 1863; Clara P, March 10, 1864, died March 7, 1865; Lulu B, born Jan. 31, 1866; Charles C, Feb. 26, 1868; Claudia H, April 3, 1870 ; Kittie D, Dec.,21, 1873 ; he is the owner of 110 acres of land. SMITH DOUGHERTY, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P.O. Cookville; bom in Hancock Co, Me, Sept. 25, 1808 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, locating in Union Township, Rock Co, on the farm be now owns and occupies. Married, in Maine, Oct. 25, 1835, Bliss Harriet G. Snow, a native of that State; has two children. He owns eighty acres of land. SAMUEL E. DUDLEY, farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Evansville; born in New Hampshire April 13, 1819; came to Wisconsin in 1842, aud located in Janesville, Rock Co, and engaged in farm ing; in 1846, he bought 160 acres in Rutland Township, Dane Co. ; in 1852, he sold it, and amoved to Union Township, Rock Co. ; bought 243 acres of land and now resides there. Married, in Janesville, May 27, 1847, Miss Cinthy Chapin, a native of Vermont; has two sons. DR. JOHN M. EVANS, physician, Evansville; bora in Vermont, Feb. 12, 1820; graduated at La Porte Medical College in 1845 and 1816 ; settled at livansville in 1846, and engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1852, was appointed Postmaster at Evansville ; 1853, was elected to the State Leg islature, and re-elected in 1873. Entered the army in 1862 as Regimental Surgeon for the 13th W. V. I. ; received an appointment on the staff of Gen. Robert Granger, as Staff Surgeon. He married, at La, Porte, Ind, June 1, 1854, Bliss Emma Clement, of Erie, Penn. E. W. FAIRBANK, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Union; born in Massachusetts in 1816; came to Wisconsin in 1863 ; he located in Union, Rock Co, where he engaged in mercantile business, which he continued until 1869, when he purchased the farm he now cultivates. He married, in Rutland, Vt, in 1851, Bliss Clarissa Gibson, a native of New Hampshire, who died in 1860 ; he married, in Evansville, Rock' Co, Feb. 24, 1876, Bliss Elizabeth Smith, a native of Brooklyn, Green Co, Wis. ; he has five children. SAMUEL H. FROST, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. O. Union ; born in Addison Co, Vt, March 18, 1838 • his father, Harvey Frost, came with his family to Wisconsin in 1849, locating iu Union, Rock Co. ; he engaged in farming, where his son Samuel H. is now managing the estate, as bis father is too old 864 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: and feeble to follow active pursuits. S. H. Frost married, in Union, June 5, 1875, Miss Emma Powers, a native of New York ; he has four eliildren. DEWIT C. GRISWOLD, druggist, Evansville; born in Bennington, Wyoming Co, N. Y, in 1849; came to Wisconsin in 1867; engaged in drug business'as clerk for Evans & Smith, at Evansville; in 1873, he bought out Dr. Smith's interest, and has since conducted the business under the name of D. C. Griswold & Co. 's Pioneer Drug Store, it being the first drug store started in Evansville. Mr. Griswold married, in Evansville, June 5, 1877, Bliss Lizzie E. Evans, a native of Evansville, and daughter of Blr. Griswold's partner, Dr. Evans, one of Rock Co.'s early settlers, and the one from whom the village takes its name. WILLIAM T. HALL, retired ; born in Maine in 1818; he came to Wisconsin in 1849, and engaged in business as lumber dealer in the town of Fulton, Rock Co. ; in 1852, he engaged both in mer cantile and farming pursuits ; in 1857 or 1858, removed to the town of Porter, where be managed a farm until 1865 ; then removed to Blichigan and engaged in pine-wood and lumber business, which he closed out in 1871, and returned to Rock Co, Wis, and, in the years 1872 and 1873, he conducted a wholesale tobacco business; in the latter year, retired from all active business. Mr. Hall married, in Fulton, Ble, in 1843, Bliss Sarah A. Whitaker, of Blassachusetts ; has two daughters. SANFORD. P. HAMMOND, retired farmer, Evansville; born in Connecticut Sept. 9, 1808 ; he removed to Wisconsin in 1839, and engaged in farming in Johnstown Center; in the spring of 1844, he removed to Janesville ; in 1845, to Blagnolia, where he engaged in farming and wool growing; in 1874, he sold out and removed to Union, where he managed a farm until 1878, when he sold out and t-emoved to Evansville, having retired from all active pursuits. He was elected to the State Constitutional Convention in 1846. Blarried, in Blichigan, Feb. 11, 1839, Miss Elizabeth Hins, a native of Herkimer Co, N. Y, who died Feb. 29, 1869 ; be married again, at Magnolia, April 4, 1869, Mrs. Catharine A. Budlong, a native of England. Blr. Hammond lived in the first log house built in the town of Center. Is a member of the M. E. Church. MARY A. HURBARD, widow, Sec. 17; P. O. Evansville ; maiden name was Mary A. Watson ; born in Litchfield, Woodbury Co, Conn, May 20, 1820. She was the daughter of Mr. Ben jamin B. Watson, a native of the State of Kentucky. She married, in Onondaga Co, N. Y, Sept. 15, 1836, Blr. Jedediah Hubbard, a native of Windham, Greene Co, N. Y, born March 20, 1816. Mr. Hubbard came to Wisconsin, with bis wife and family of three sons, in 1845, and settled on the land he had entered in 1840. He engaged in improving and' cultivating his land, and continued farming until his death, July 17, 1877, leaving his widow with four children ; a daughter having been born to them on the farm in Union Township, Rock Co, where the widow still resides, she preferring to remain on the old homestead, although the children have all married and gone to homes of their own. The children aud grandchildren (tbe latter now number twelve) gather on every Thanksgiving D,iy at the old homestead, to spend the day with Blrs. Hubbard, a practice which they have followed since the first children married and left the parental roof. The children are Ephraim B, bora June 6, 1838 ; William H, bora Oct. 4,1840; Ben W, born Nov. 16, 1842; Edwin F, born Aug. 2, 1850. Mrs. Hubbard owns 300 acres. DANIEL JOHNSON, retired farmer, Evansville ; was born in Greene Co, Ohio. Nov. 30. 1821 , his parents moved to that State from Steuben Co, N. Y, in 1816 ; bis father was a soldier of the war of 1812. Daniel was the second child and tbe oldest son of a family-of ten children. He received such an education as was to be obtained in the common schools of Western Ohio. His father being a farmer, he was taken out of school in the summer time to help on the farm after he was 8 years old, only attending school during the winter term of three months until 15. The spring after he was 15, his father moved with his family to the southeastern part of Indiana in Jennings Co. ; that part of the State was then heavily timbered and sparsely settled ; the few settlers ' there were mostly from North Carolina and West Virginia. He settled with his family on a tract of land he purchased from the Government, covered with birch and maple timber ; after building a cabin in the woods, his provisions were exhausted, and he was compelled to go to a mill about three miles from his place, and, while at the mill, was induced to pur chase the property (including a grist and saw mill, and some village property). He having always been engaged in farming and being unacquainted with any other business, and deceived in the purchase, it effected his financial ruin ; and, in tbe fall of 1838, he closed up bis business, sold the mill and found that he had sunk every cent that he had and was a poor man ; when he found he had nothing to help his family with, he gave Daniel his time and told him if fie thought be could do anything for himself he was willing he should make a trial. Chicago, at this time, had just begun to come into prominence, and the boy (Daniel) thought there was an opening for him there; so he persuaded his mother to pack his clothes, and UNION TOWNSHIP. 865 Dec. 1 2, 1838 (just twelve days after he was 17 years old), found him on his way to Chicago on foot, knap sack on his back; he made the trip to Chicago in ten days — walking the entire way; not finding any employment, he only stayed there one day, and then started for Wisconsin. In McHenry Co, 111, he found the first employment, worked there one month for which he never received a cent. In the last part of January, 1839, he found his way to Walworth Co, Wis, with $4.50 in his pocket, and went to work for Henry Phenix, of Delavan, working the balance of the winter and spring for Phenix and others in that neighborhood. In June following, he returned to Indiana for the purpose of persuading his parents to move to Wisconsin, he having determined to make tbat State his future home. The following fall, Nov. 30, 1839, be married Angeline Courter, and, in Blay following, started for Wisconsin, bis parents coming with bim ; and, June 15, 1840, they took their claim in the town of Union, Rock Co. ; at tbat time there were but few settlers, west of Rock River, in the county. After taking bis claim, he and his wife went to Rock Prairie and both worked for the same farmer through the summer, which they were compelled to do to get food for the winter, as he bad not a cent in the -world when he landed in Wisconsin, and was in debt for bis expenses in moving. In December following, he built a cabin on tbe farm now occupied by his youngest son ; bis first house was built without sawed boards, nails or glass ; he continued to reside on the same farm until he moved to Evansville in the year 1863, where he now lives. He has been a mem ber of 'he County Board of Supervisors for fifteen years ; has held the position of Chairman of the County Board for five years ; has represented the First District of Rock Co. as member of the Assembly in 1865, and was elected Sheriff of the county in 1869, serving one term of two years. Has, at different times since he left the farm, been engaged in various kinds of business — never finding anything but farm ing that suited him ; at the present time, although not practically employed on the farm, he is largely interested in farming, having in one farm 480 acres. He has had five children, one daughter and four sons ; only two are living, tbe two oldest boys, they are farmers in the town of Union. His father, who came West with him, died two years ago, and the mother is still living, and is the mother of four living generations, herself representing the fifth generation back REUBEN W. JOHNSON, stock and grain dealer; was born in Ohio Feb. 1, 1836; he removed to Wisconsin in June, 1838, with his father's family; tbey located on the borders of Rock and Walworth Cos., and remained until 1839, when the family removed to Indiana; in June, 1840, returned to Wisconsin, and settled in Union, where Blr. Johnson's father, David Johnson, engaged in farming until his death in March, 1877, on the farm he had entered in 1840, at the age of 81 years; he was born in 1796. Reuben W, in 1859, engaged in farming, and continued until 1863 ; has since engaged in live stock and grain dealing. Blr. Johnson .is averse to holding any kind of public office ; has persistently refused to accept office, although frequently urged to do so ; has never even served on a jury, although a, resident of the county since he was 4 years of age. He married, in Union, Jan. 1, 1859, Miss Ade laide C. Frost, a native of Vermont; have three children — Helen J, born Jan. 5, 1862; Mary B, Sept. 28, 1865, and Frankie A, Blarch 19, 1867. Blrs. Johnson's father and brother Daniel broke the first land in Catfish Prairie. J. BOYD JONES, editor, Evansville; born in Union Township, Wis, Dec. 21,1843; his father, Ira Jones, was a native of Champaign Co, Ohio ; born Jan. 3, 1810 ; emigrated to Wisconsin in 1840, and located in the township of Union, where he engaged in improving land for farming purposes, until his death, which occurred Dec. 19, 1846. J. Boyd, from the age of 16 years, engaged in teaching school, until 1863, when he enlisted as musician in the First Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps ; served until June, 1865 ; mustered out and returned to Evansville, where he remained, scho >1- teaching, ua'til April, 1879, when he assumed the management and editorship of the Evansville Review. He married, in Michigan, Blay 11, 1873, Bliss Ella Roberts, a native of Vermont; has one child, born Sept. 13, 1876. WILLIAM S. MORGAN, carpenter, Evansville ; born in Wales June 26, 1838 ; his father, James Blorgan, came with his family to America in 1841, and located in Ohio, where be engaged in farm ing and working at his trade of stonemason until 1849, when he removed with his family to Dane Co, Wis. and en"-a"-ed in farming until 1872. William S. Morgan began learning the trade of carpenter and joiner in 1855, at Janesville ; in 1859, went to Racine; in 1861, to Evansville, where he has since remained occupied at his business of building and carpenter work. Married, at Beloit, Rock Co, Wis., Jan 15, 1866, Miss Ellen Vervalin, a native of New York; has three children — Ida M, born June 21, 1867 ; Myrta A, Oct. 28, 1872 ; Charles D, Jan. 7, 1876. fJAVTD \j. MILLS, attorney, Evansville; bom in Rensselaer Co, N. Y, March 7, 1816 ; bo came to Wisconsin in 1845, on the old steamer Illinois, commanded by Capt. Black, arriving in Dane Co. June 1- he taught school for a feW months; then removed to Fulton, Rock Co, in 1846, where he 866 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: engaged in the practice of law, be having received a law education at Rome, N. Y, which he completed at the college at Stanford, Ky. Mr. Mills was elected a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1846. In November, 1854, he removed to Evansville, where he engaged as stock agent for the Beloit & Bladison Railroad Company (now Chicago & North-Western). In 1851, he was appointed to fill a vacancy hh Director of the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad; was afterward twice elected to the same position. In 1858, he was elected Register of Deeds; bis duties required his removal to Janesville, where he remained until the summer of 1863. Mr. Mills was the founder of tbe Evansville Seminary, begun in 1856, he having granted deeds of property to a chartered corporation under the supervision of the Meth odist Conference of Wisconsin. Mr. Mills is at present engaged in the practice of law and conveyances in Janesville. He married, in the town of Vienna, Oneida Co, N. Y, May 2, 1852, Miss Lucia S. Parker, a native of the county in which she was married ; have two children, and lost three. GEORGE H. PALMER, merchant tailor, Evansville ; born in Littleton, Grafton Co, N.H, Feb. 4, 1821 ; he removed to Wisconsin in 1853, and engaged in his trade as tailor and cutter at Evans ville ; cut the first coat in the village ; he continued his business as merchant tailor until 1863, when he engaged as cutter for an establishment in Janesville ; in the fall of 1867, he returned to Evansville, and engaged with the firm of Winston & Bennet as cutter ; in the fall of 1878, he entered the employ of bis former employers, of Janesville, and managed a branch of their house at Evansville, which be conducted until April 1, 1879, when he opened a business of his own, as merchant tailor, in Evansville. Mr. Pal mer married, in Littleton, N. H, Aug. 22, 1842, Miss Amanda M. Farr, a native of Littleton ; has three children living, two deeeased^Carrie M, born June 24, 1843 ; George A, bom July 24, 1849 and died Oct 15, 1851 ; Lucien F, born Dec. 24, 1851 ; George A, Oct. 31, 1854, died Oct. 28, 1855 ; Hattie L, born Sept. 10, 1855. Previous to his coming to Wisconsin, Mr. Palmer held the office of Postmaster at ¦ West Falls, N. J. WILLIAM B. PATTERSON, farmer ; Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Evansville ; bom in Bladison, Bladison Co, N. Y, June 29, 1819 ; he came to Wisconsin in October, 1848, and located in Brooklyn Township, Green Co, where he engaged in farming, which he continued until Blarch 25, 1855, when he removed to Union Township, Bock Co, where he has since remained engaged in farming pursuits. Mar ried, in Allegany Co, N. Y, Nov. 12, 1842, Bliss Polly White, a native of Herkimer Co, N. Y.; Blr. Patterson has seven children living ; lost one son. He is the owner of 130 acres of land. L. T. PULLEN, banker, Evansville ; born in Maine, in 1825 ; removed to Wisconsin in 1854, aud engaged in mercantile business in Argyle, Lafayette Co. ; remained until 1867, when he removed to Evans ville, Rock Co, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits ; in 1870, he assisted in the ^organization of the First National Bank of Evansville, under a charter granted Oct.' 31, of that year. Blr. Pullen was elected President ; in January of 1875, the bank changed from a National to a State Bank, Mr. Pullen continu ing as President until 1878, in December, when he retired from the position of President to that of Cashier, with his son, Charles F. Pullen, as Assistant; Mr. Pullen was, in 1875, elected to represen this district in the State Legislature, he having previously represented his district in Lafayette Co. He married, in Maine, Aug. 5, 1849, Miss Catherine B. Pike, a native of Blaine; Blr. Pullen's family consists of three children. K. F. RANDOLPH, lumber dealer, Evansville; born -in Crawford Co, Penn, in 1822; removed to Wisconsin in the fall of 1853, and entered the employ of a grocery house in Janesville, Rock Co. ; remained until 1855, then entered the employ of a lumber firm; in 1865, became interested in a lumber business which he established in partnership with his former employers at Evansville ; in 1877, the ¦ partnership dissolved, and Blr. Randolph established himself as lumber dealer June 1, 1877. He married in Ashtabula Co, Ohio, June 28, 1848, Miss Blatilda Kelley, a native of New York. FREDERICK R. ROSSITER, marble-cutter, Evansville; born in Rock Co, Wis, Blarch 22, 1850; his father, Edmund Rossiter, was one of Rock County's early settlers; he was a native of England ; came to Rock Co. in 1844 or 1845 ; engaged in farming in Spring Valley Township. He mar ried in Rock Co. Miss Roberts, whose family were also among the earliest settlers ; in 1864, he removed to Iowa, where he engaged in farming, in which he is still engaged. Frederick, in January, 1877, purchased in Evansville a marble manufacturing business ; he had been engaged in that business in Rockford, 111, for six years. He' married in Rockford, 111, Jan. 3, 1874, Bliss Ella Frampton, a native of New York City; they have two children. DANIEL M. ROWLEY, banker; Evansville; born in Erie Co, N. Y, in 1825; he removed to Wisconsin in 1848, where he engaged in farming in Union Township, Rock Co. ; he engaged also in mercantile business ; in 1877, he became interested in the Evansville Bank, and, in 1878, was elected President of the same. Mr. Rowley bas been Justice of the Peace for the last twenty years. He UNION TOWNSHIP. 867 married, in Erie Co, N. Y, in 1848, Miss Calista Wells, a native of Wyoming, N. Y. Have one daughter who is now married. Mr. Rowley is a member of the Baptist Church. L. NATHAN SAWTELL, farmer; P. 0. Evansville; born in Ludlow, Windsor Co, N. Y, on Nov. 17, 1822 ; he settled in Wisconsin in 1854, in Union Township, Rock Co, where he engaged in farming ; in 1865, he removed to Evansville and engaged in farming, having purchased a farm in tbat vicinity. He married, in Rutland, Dane Co, Wis, Dec. 25, 1863, Lucy A. Bigelow, a native of Vermont. Members of tbe Baptist Church. LAWRENCE SHIVLEY, farmer, Sec. 17; P. 0. Evansville; bora in Pennsylvania March 7, 1824 ; went to Ohio in 1834, and came to Wisconsin in 1848, locating in Mount Pleasant, Green Co, where he engaged in farming. His whole possessions, when he arrived in Wisconsin, were a wife and 50 cents in money. In 1867, he removed to Evansville, where he engaged in the business of stock broker, and grain and produce dealer, until 1872, when he moved to his farm in Union Township, where he has since remained. He married, in Blahoning Co, Ohio, July 3, 1848, Miss Hannah Pierce, a native of Ohio ; he has three children living — lost five. He is the owner of 200 acres of land in Union Township, and 160 acres in Green Co. CALEB SNASHALL, hardware merchant, Evansville ; born in England in 1840 ; at the age of 9 years he, with his father's family, came to America and located on the Hudson River, remain ing until 1864, when he came to Wisconsin, and engaged in the hardware business in Evansville; in 1873, he became interested in the Baker Manufacturing Co., organized in that year, and Mr. Snashall was elected President of the company, which position he still retains. His hardware business, after under going some changes of partnership, has been, since 1871, under the firm name of Snashall & Mygatt. Mr. Snashall married, at Evansville, in 1866, Miss Emeline Adams, a native of Vermont — has three sons. GEORGE F. SPENCER, retired farmer, born in 1822, in tbe State of Vermont; came to Wisconsin, in 1848, and settled in Union ; engaged in farming and boot and shoe making ; he was the first shoemaker in the town ; he followed his trade, with farming, for about four years, when he gave up his trade and gave his whole attention to farming. Mr. Spencer, in 1856 and 1857, was Town Treasurer, also in 1878 ; he was also the Village Trustee for five or six years. He married, in Porter, Rock Co, Nov. 22, 1849, Bliss Elizabeth L. Campbell, a native of St. Albans, Vt. Has two children. HENRY G. SPENCER (retired), Evansville; born in Springfield, Vt, in 1812; he removed to Wisconsin in March, 1837, being one of tbe first settlers of Rock Co. ; he engaged in the improvement of land, and continued farming until 1844 ; then sold his farm and removed to Evansville, where he built a hotel which bore his name until 1879 ; Blr. Spencer, after managing his hotel for five or six years, has engaged in real estate and loaning since. He married, at La Porte, Ind, June 22, 1839, Miss Margaret E. Campbell, a native of Grand Island, Vt. ; Mr. Spencer's family consists of three children. JOHN T. O. S WAGER, furniture dealer, Evansville; bom on the Atlantic Ocean in 1850 ; his parents were natives of Norway ; his father, Nelson Swager, located in Janesville in 1851, and engaged in the furniture business; continued until 1866, then removed to Evansville, where he engaged in furni ture and hardware business until the latter part of 1867, when he removed to Blount Pleasant, Green Co, where he remained at farming until his death in 1873 ; his wife died in 1871. Blr. J. T. O. Swager entered the employ of Leahman & Bro, furniture manufacturers and dealers ; in 1877, was promoted to the position of foreman, which he retained until Oct. 1, 1878, when he purchased one-half interest in their wholesale and retail business, and has since managed the retail branch of their business. He mar ried, at Stoughton, Dane Co, Wis, Oct. 19, 1878, Bliss Hattie Blagee, a native of Exeter, Green Co, Wis'. WM. H. TAGGART, farmer, Sec. 33 ; P. O. Evansville ; bora in Cortland Co, N. Y, Sept. 21, 1827 ¦ he came to Wisconsin in 1845, and located in Union Township, Rock Co, and engaged in farming following also bis trade of mason and plasterer ; he has always been a resident of Union since coming'to the State. His father, Levi Taggart, is still living, at the age of 81 years ; was born Blarch 7, 1798 -° he is one of the oldest of the early settlers still living. Mr. Wm. II. Taggart married, in Union Township, Dec. 27, 1849, Miss L. M. Arnold, a native of Cortland Co, N. Y. Blr. Taggart has one child living, lost one — Orrissa V, bora Blarch 4, 1851 ; Hattie A, bora Dec. 20, 1854, died Feb. 27, 1873. Blr!' Taggart is owner of eighty acres. WM. H. VANHISE, merchant, Sec. 10; P. O. Union; born in Blercer Co, N. Y, Feb. 29, 1829- he came to Wisconsin in September, 1849, locating in Fulton Township, Rock Co, where be en"a<*'ed in farmin"- which he continued until 1865, when he went into mercantile business in Milton ; in 1868° he removed°to Blilton Junction, remaining in business there until 1870 ; then went to Evansville, 868 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: and carried on business at that place four years, removing thence to Union, where be received an appoint ment as Postmaster, and has since continued in business at the latter place. He married, in Fulton Township, April 20, 1851, Bliss Blary A. Goodrich, a native of Maine; tbey have seven children. IRA WALKER, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Evansville ; bnrn in Franklin Co, N. Y, Feb. 17, 1805 ; he came to Wisconsin in 1848, locating in Union Township, Rock Co, and engaged in improving land ; be has continued farming, up to tbe present time, on the farm on which he settled. He married, in Herkimer Co, N. Y, March 20, 1831, Bliss Polly O'Conner, a native of Herkimer Co, N. Y, who died March 1, 1878 ; Mr. Walker has six children living. He is owner of 160 acres of land. JAMES R. WEST, merchant and Postmaster, Evansville; born in Stephenson Co, 111, June 28, 1837 ; his father, Jacob West, who was a native of Champaign Co, Ohio, born March 6, 1812, settled in Illinois in 1836, and, in 1840, he removed with bis family to Rock Co, Wis, locating one-half mile from the center of the present village of Evansville, having the previous year secured a claim, on which he settled ; in the fall of 1841, he sold his claim and with his wife and two children went to Ohio, making the trip in a one-horse wagon ; the following year, be returned by the same route ; having purchased another horse, be made the return trip with a double team, arrived in Union Township, Rock Co, in June of 1842, where he located and engaged in improving land for farming purposes ; farmed until 1853 ; in 1846, began brick-making; made the first brick in Union Township ; after a short irip to Southern Iowa, in 1853, be engaged in mercantile business in the town of Union, which be continued until 1856. From 1850 to 1869, was Justice of the Peace; then retired from active duties ; in 1876, he again resumed the duties of the office; from 1856 or 1857 to 1867 or 1868, he was Town Clerk; has been Assessor from 1868 to the present time; in 1861, was appointed U. S. Assistant Assessor for the Second District, which he held until 1864 ; re-appointed in 1865; held office until 1866. He married, in Champaign Co, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1831, Bliss Margaret Robinson, a native of Ohio; has had eight children ; four sons were in tbe army ; Stephen, a member of Co. D, 13th W. V. I, died in the army April 21. 1862 ; he has six chil dren living and thirteen grandchildren. Mr. West was Postmaster of Evansville from 1855 to 1858. James R. West, in 1856, commenced his apprenticeship to tbe trade of carpenter and joiner; after a serv ice of three years, engaged with Blr. A. Johnson as partner in making sasb, doors and blinds at Albany, Green Co, Wis.; in November, 1863, he sold out, and removed his family to Evansville, Rock Co., and, Dec. 25, enlisted in Co. G, 16th W- V. I, and went into active service with the regiment until the battle of Bald Hill, near Atlanta; he was severely wounded, a minie ball passing through both bis thighs (this was tbe battle in which Gen. McPherson was killed) ; he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant in April, 1865, and discharged on account of wounds, July 4, 1865, when he returned to Evansville, and received the appointment of Postmaster of Evansville, by P. M. General Wm. Dennison, which position he still holds; he is also engaged in the book and stationery business. He married, at Gray's Valley, Tioga Co, Penn, Feb. 19, 1862, Miss Flora Comfort, a native of Olean, Cattaraugus Co, N. Y.; born July 29, 1839; have had four children— Blinnie E, born Jan. 17, 1863, died April 17, 1864; Blary M„ bora Feb. 14, 1864; Elbert J, bora June 19, 1872, died Feb. 23, 1873; Evelyn F, born Aug. 5, 1874. JOHN W. WEST, Superintend -nt of Schools, Evansville; born in Evansville, Btick Co, Wis, Jan. 31, 1844 ; son of Squire Jacob West, one of Rock Co.'s earliest settlers, who settled in Union Township in the full of 1840 ; John W, in 1862, at tbe age of 18 years, engaged in teaching school, in Exeter Township, Green Co, at what was known as the Ross School, remaining there until May, 1863, when he enlisted in the 40th W. V. I, Co. D, in the 100-days service; serving his time he was mustered out with the regiment at Bladison ; returning to Rock Co, he resumed school-teaching, which he continued during the winter seasons, occupying his summers in farming, except one or two seasons, when he, with his father, engaged in brick-making ; his father started tbe first brick-yard in Union Township ; he was elected, in 1875. Superintendent of Schools of the First District of Bock Co. ; was re-elected in 1877, and is at present occupying that position. He married in Janesville, Blay 5, 1869. Bliss Dora M. Campbell, a native of Rock Co, Wis.; tbey have three children— Hattie B, born Jan. 21, 1871 ; Theodore C, May 27, 1873; John W, Jan. 27, 1877. CHARLES H. WILDER, lumber dealer, Evansville ; born April 12, 1824, in Wyoming Co, N.Y.; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1858, located in Green Co, Wis., and engaged in farming; in 1865, removed to Evansville and built a cheese-factory, one of the first in Rock Co. ; in 1873, shipped cheese from this factory to Liverpool; in 1874, shipped twenty-eight car-loads to England, and in 1875, shipped forty car-loads. He married, at Bennington, N. Y, Blarch 22, 1849, Annette Noyes, of •Bennington, N. Y.; bora Oct. 19, 1830, died April 21, 1864. Blarried at Allen's Grove, Walworth Co, Wis, Jan. 24, 1867, Betsy A. Lee, of Genesee Co, N. Y.; in 1877, Blr. Wilder sold his cheese business, and purchased the lumber business of Fifield & Gold, at Evansville. PORTER TOWNSHIP. 869 PERRY C. WILDER, merchant, Evansville; born in Ohio Nov. 7, 1852 ; his father, the Rev. Calvin H. Wilder, removed with his family to. Wisconsin in 1862, and was a minister of the Baptist Church in Lafayette Co.; in 1868, he rem ived with his family to Evansville, Rock Co, where Perry C. entered tbe employ of Winston & Co, as book-keeper, remaining in the employ of the firm until 1872, when he and Mr. Pullen, one of bis employers, engaged in mercantile business until the spring of 1878 ; in the fall of that year, Mr. Wilder engaged in the grocery business, and in the spring of 1879, he opened a livery and board ing stable, continuing, also, his business as grocer ; be is enterprising and energetic, and will become one of Evansville's prominent citizens. NELSON WINSTON, banker and merchant, Evansville; born in New York Oct. 15, 1820, came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1841, and engaged in farming in Union Township (now Porter), Rock Co. ; in 1849, removed to Dane Co, and engaged in mercantile business in Oregon, in partnership with Mr. Isaac M. Bennett ; in the spring of 1855, Mr. Winston settled in Evansville, and engaged in mer cantile business with his father, John Winston, and his brother Beuben, under the name of J. Winston & Sons; in 1861, the firm dissolved, and Mr. Nelson Winston continued the business; in 1864, Blr. Wins ton, with Mr. Bennett, his former partner, engaged in the lumber business; in 1870, he and Mr. Bennett secured a charter, under which the First National Bank of Evansville was organized, with Mr. Winston as Vice President; in January, 1875, tbe bank changed from a National to a State bank, when Blr. Wins ton withdrew ; since, he has been engaged in mercantile business and real estate and loaning. He mar ried, in Oregon, Dane Co, on March 27, 1851, Miss E. A. Parsons, a native of New York; have four children. Members of the Congregational Church. His father, Blr. John Winston, was born Albany Co, N. Y, in 1796 ; came to Wisconsin with a family of twelve children; in 1841, settled in Union and engaged in mercantile business. He was an active worker in the interests of the county, then newly set tled ; be was for many years Commissioner of the Poor ; was the originator of tbe movement which resulted in the organization of the First Baptist Church in Union ; after an active and useful life, he died Nov. 13, 1867, within a few days of his 71st year. REUBEN WINSTON, merchant, Evan,ville ; bora in New York Nov. 17, 1826 ; he came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1841, and located in Porter, Rock Co, at that timeunder Territorial Government. Mr. Winston's father, John Winston, engaged in farming in the* fall of 1855. Mr. Reuben Winston, with his father and his brother Nelson, engaged in mercantile business iu Evansville, under the firm name of J. Winston k Sons ; continued until 1861, when the firm dissolved, and Mr. Reuben Winston and his father started in business under the name of J. Winston & Co. ; continued until 1864, when Mr. Winston bought out his father, and continued the business with several changes. In 1875, he took into partnership Mr. Woodbury, since, his dry-goods business has been conducted under tbe name of Winston & Woodbury. Mr. Winston, in the spring of 1873, also established a lumber business — still continued. He has a farm rented. He has been for the past nine years Treasurer of Evansville. He married, in Union, Rock Co, Nov. 27, 1853, Miss Mary H. Nicholas, a native of Ohio. Has two children living, one having died. PORTER TOWNSHIP. E. D. BARNARD, farmer, Sec. 32; P. 0. Evansville; born in New York Aug. 27, 1827 ; he came to Wisconsin in 1847, locating in Porter Township, Rock Co, and engaged in farming. In 1850, he went to California, remaining until 1853, then returned to Porter Township, and resumed farming. He married, in Porter, Rock Co, February, 1850, Miss Susan Webb, a native of New York, who died in 1863 leavin" five children. Mr. Barnard married again, iu the same place, in August, 1875, Miss Jane Osborn a native of Canada. They have one child. He is owner of 400 acres Of land. JOHN DAWE, farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Fulton; bora in Devonshire, England, Jan. 15; 1835; he came to America in 1856, locating iu Fulton Township, Rock Co, Wis, in September of that year. He engaged in farming, which he continued until 1867, when he removed to the village of Edgerton, where he' opened a produce and commission business. In 1869, he engaged in general mercantile business. In 1871, he gave up mercantile business, and went to farming in Albion Township, Dane Co, until 1876 ; he then purchased a farm of 160 acres, in Porter Township, on which he has since remained. He is one of the members of the Board of County Supervisors, and has held several local offices. He married, at Fulton, Rock Co, in 1858, Miss Anna S. Downing, a native of Pennsylvania, who died April 4, 1872, leavimr three children. He married again, in Dunkirk, Dane Co, Oct. 29, 1873, Miss Anna S. Spike, a nativ/of Yorkshire, England. They have two children. 870 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: THOMAS EARLE, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Evansville; bora in Ayrshire, Scotland, Dec. 15, 1815 ; he came to America in 1840, and to Wisconsin in 1844; entered Government land in Porter Township; in 1854, he went to California, where he remained until 1857, then returned to his farm in Rock Co.; he was elected to represent his district in the State Legislature in 1853; he has also been Sheriff of tbe county, and has held several minor offices. He married in Hamilton Co, Ohio, March 17, 1874, Miss Blary A. Waters, a native of Ohio; lias five children living — lost two. He is tbe owner of 280 acres. AUSTIN B. FESSENDEN, farmer, Sec. 24; P. 0. Fulton; born in Chautauqua Co, N, Y, in 1840 ; his father, Horace Fessenden, settled with bis family in Porter Township, Rock Co, Wis, in 1844, and engaged in fajming, which he followed until his death on July 12, 1860. Mr. Austin B. Fessenden, raised on his father's farm, has chosen his 'father's occupation, and makes farming his business; he is a member of the County Board of Supervisors, and has held several local offices. He married, Sept. 5, 1860, Bliss Emily E. Vaughn, a native of New York, born Aug. 10, 1842; have six children — Orpha A, bora Blarch 26, 1862 ; Forrest G., April 13, 1865 ; Fred C, Feb. 14, 1867 ; Luella BI, Aug. 15, 1869; Frank W, July 19, 1871 ; Elma S, April 12, 1877. Mr. Fessenden is owner of 140 acres of land. JOSEPH GIBBS, farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Fulton; bora in Jefferson Co, N. Y, March 1, 1846 ; his father settled with his family, in 1853, in Porter Township, Rock Co., on the farm now owned by Blr. Joseph Gibbs, his son, which be managed until his death, June 11, 1860, since which time the farm has been owned and managed by Blr. Joseph Gibbs ; he is a member of the Board of Supervisors, and has held several local offices. He is tbe owner of 233 acres. EDWARD GILLE Y, retired farmer, Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Cooksville ; born in Northumberland, England, Feb. 11, 1811 ; he came to America in 1843, locating in Porter Township, Rock Co, Wis, in Blay of that year, and purchased of the Government 200 acres of land, on which he has since remained, He married in Porter Township, Rock Co, Wis.. April 1, 1854, and bis wife died May 28, 1875. EUGENE HARRIS, farmer, Sec. 20; P. 0. Evansville; born in Porter Township Oct. 23, 1847 ; his father, Miles Harris, settled in Wisconsin in 1842, where he engaged in farming. Blr. Eugene Harris married, in Janesville, Rock Co, Dec. 25, 1869, Miss Sarah J. Tolles, daughter of Blyron Toiles, one of Rock Co.'s early settlers. Mr. Harris has one child, born June 12, 1874 — Cora E. He is the owner of 260 acres. G. W. HAYLOCK, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Fulton; bora in England Jan. 16, 1831. He came to America in 1842, and to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Menomonee, where he engaged in the lumber business, which he continued until 1867, when he, removed to Rock Co, where he purchased a farm in Porter ToWnship, where he has ever since been engaged in farming, having one of the very best farms in the county, consisting of 120 acres. He married in England, Blarch 10, 1857, Bliss Mary A, Towle, a native of England, bora Sept. 21, 1833. Blr. Haylock has three children — George W, born Maich 10, 1861 ; William, born Jan. 19, 1864; Earnest A,'born Blarch 22, 1869. BENJAMIN S. HOXIE, farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Cooksville; bom in Blaine August 6, 1827. Came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating at Cooksville, Porter Township, Rock Co., and engaged in house-building. In 1875, he began to manufacture cheese, being tbe proprietor of the Cooksville Cheese Factory, which has a capacity for using the milk of 600 cows. He was elected Justice of tbe Peace, which office he held for two terms, and was re-elected in 1879. He has been Notary Public for a number 'of years. He was Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance, and, in 1862, attended the National Convention of tbat Order at London, Canada. Blarried in Union Township, Rock Co, Jan. 22, 1851, Bliss Ellen A. Woodbury, a native of Vermont, who was bora Nov. 7, 1827. He has three chil dren—Eva J, born Nov. 15, 1852 ; Blary A, born Blay 30, 1856 ; Cora B, born Blay 6, 1864. LEVI KNEPPER, farmer, Sec. 21 ; P. O. Evansville ; bora in Pennsylvania Feb. 21, 1829. came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1848, and located at Beloit, where he was a farmer. In 1853, he moved to Porter Township. In 1856, he bought a farm of forty-four acres. He now owns 133 acres; Married at Beloit, Nov. 4, 1850, Bliss Anna M. Waters, a native of Ohio. WM. H. LEEDLE, miller and farmer ; P. O. Cooksville ; born in Cooksville, Porter Town ship, Sept. 26, 1849, bis father, Wm. Leedle, having settled in Cooksville, Rock Co, in 1848. Blr. Wm, H. Leedle, in 1878, purchased the mill known as tbe Rock County Mills, which has a capacity for grinding of thirty bushels per hour. He is also owner of 167 acres of land. JOHN LIENAN, farmer, Sec. 9; P. 0. Cooksville; bom in Germany Jan. 29, 1826. He came to America in 1847, and, in 1855, he settled in Porter Township, Rock Co, Wis, where he has since been engaged in farming. He married in Bladison, Wis, July 7, 1857, Bliss Helen Wheeler, u PORTER TOWNSHIP. 871 native of Wisconsin, who died in 1868. He married a second time in Bladison, Wis, Miss Blena Blilh r, a native of Germany. Mr. Lienan has a family of four children living, having lost one. JAMES McBRIDE, farmer, Sec. 5; P. 0. Cooksville; born in Canada Jan. 2, 1842 ; came to Wisconsin, in 1869, locating in Porter Township; he engaged in farming in. 1873. In 1873, he was elected Constable, holding the office two years. He married in Porter Township, Sept. 9, 1871, Bliss Blary J. McCarthy, daughter of Mr. Dennis McCarthy, one of Rock County's earliest settlers, who settled in Rock County in 1840. Mr. BlcBride has four children ; is owner of sixty acres of land. DENNIS MCCARTHY, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Fulton ; born in the County Cork, Ire-, land, Blarcb 18, 1804; he came to America in 1830, and, in 1840, he came to Wisconsin and located in Porter Township, where, in that year, he took up Government land and began improving for farming pur poses; be is still residing on the land purchased of tbe Government thirty-nine years ago, and which is now managed by two of his sons, Dennis, Jr., and Charles W. Mr. McCarthy and family are members of the Boman Catholic Church. He is the founder of the church of that denomination situated on a portion of his land and built in 1842 ; rebuilt in 1867. Blr. McCarthy married in the State of New York, in Blay, 1 830, Bliss Jane Tait, a native of the County Donegal, Ireland ; he has seven children living — Catharine, born Blay 6, 1840 ; Blary, Dec. 25, 1842 ; Ellen, May 20, 1844 ; Jerry, Dec. 25, 1846 ; Dennis, Oct, 4, 1849 ; Charles W, Aug. 10, 1851; Jane, Jan. 1, 1853, died March 4, 1855; Jane S, bora May 10, 1855, Owns 360 acres. CHARLES MILLER, farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Cooksville; born in Pennsylvania Oct. 11, 1822 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating in Union Township, on Jug Prairie ; be engaged in farming; in 1867, he moved into the township of Porter, where he at that time purchased 160 acres. He married in Fulton, Rock Co., Jan. 1, 1851, Miss Catharine J. Butts, daughter of Mr. Michael Butts, one of Rock County's early settlers, and whose brother, S. D. Butts, it is believed, broke the first sod in Bock Co, which was in Fulton Township in 1835. Mr. Miller has twelve children. He owns 1,200 acres. G. E. NEWMAN, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. O. Cooksville ; born in Oxford Co, Me, Oct. 26, 1823 ; came to Wisconsin in 1850, locating in Union Township, Rock Co., and engaged in farming; in 1854, he sold bis farm and engaged in the mercantile business in Cooksville; in 1836, he bought a farm of 160 acres ; in 1859, he gave up his business and turned his attention to farming. He was elected Justice of the Peace in 1874, and re-elected in 1878, but failed to qualify ; he was elected to the State Legislature for 1876. Married in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1848, Miss Elizabeth Wardall, a native of England ; has six children. JOSEPH K. P. PORTER, farmer, Sec. 5 ; P. O. Cooksville; born in Massachusetts July 25, 1819 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located in Porter Township, Rock Co, on the farm he now cultivates, of 320 acres ; in 1850, he engaged in tbe mercantile business in Decatur, Green Co, and in Cooksville, Rock Co, which he continued until 1856, when he again turned his attention exclusively to farmino-. He was elected to represent his district in the State Legislature in the fall of 1858. Married in Lowell, Mass, Feb. 21, 1847, Bliss Ann E. Bacon, a native of Bedford, Mass. ; he has four children — Helen R, born Sept. 13, 1848 ; William B, Nov. 18, 1850 ; Amy C, June 30, 1853 ; Joseph B, March 18, 1857. D. F. SAYRE, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Fulton; bom in Morris Co, N. J, Jan. 14, 1822; he studied law in Morristown, and graduated in 1844 at the University of the city of New York in 1849 ; be came to Wisconsin, locating in Fulton, Rock Co., where he engaged in the practice of law until 1851, when he purchased a farm in Porter Township, Rock Co, and has since engaged in farming ; in 1873, he was elected to represent his district in the State Legislature. He married in Morris Co., N. J, June 10, 1851 Bliss Sarah E. Ely, a native of that State. Mr. Sayre's family consists of four children. He owns 240 acres. HARRISON STEBBINS, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. O. Cooksville ; born in Vermont June 8, 1820 • came to WiscDnsin in 1841 ; located in Janesville, Rock Co., and taught in the first school in that city ; he was also a surveyor; in 1844, he moved to Porter Township and engaged in farming and survey ing •' in 1866 he built the grist-mill on Catfish River, still owned and operated by him. He was County Surveyor for three terms of two years each ; he assisted in organizing Rock County into school districts, In 1847 was elected Superintendent of Schools ; he was elected to the Legislature about 1850. Mar ried in Blontpelier, Vt, June 15, 1841, Bliss Mary A. Bassett, a native of tbat State; he has three chib dren. He is Postmaster at Stebbins ville. MRS. LIZZIE STONE, widow of Mr. Robert Stone, Sec. 24 ; P. O. Fulton ; Mr. Stone was born in Ireland ; his parents emigrated to New York when he was vory young, with his brother ; he came to Wisconsin in 1836 or 1837 ; tbey were among the earliest settlers of Rock County. He 872 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: married, at Elmira, N. Y., in 1869, Mrs. Lizzie Lyntz, nee Miss Rowley, of New York ; she has three children. JOHN WHITE, farmer, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Fulton ; bora in Scotland in 1803 ; be came to Wis consin in September, 1842, and settled in Porter Township, Rock Co., where he engaged in farming. He married in Scotland, Blay 8, 1832, Bliss Jane Stewart, a native of Scotland; he has five children. Mr. White and his sons — Alexander, James S. and Charles— own 950 aeres of land, and, in 1869, his sons bought tho Fulton Blills, conducting it since then under the firm name of White Brothers. Alex ander White was born in Scotland Feb. 5, 1836; he married in Madison, Wis, April 19, 1865, Bliss Amelia Pyre, a native of New York ; two children. Charles White was bora in Scotland Aug. 18, 1837 ; he married in Janesville, Dec. 10, 1865, Miss Mary A. Taylor, a native of Rock Co, Wis.; six children. PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. ABEL BARLOW, farmer, Sec. 2; P. 0. Footville; was born in Vermont in 1832; came to Wisconsin in 1 852, and located where he now lives ; since his residence bere, Blr. Barlow has served as Constable, and also on the Board of Supervisors. Blarried, in 1857, Bliss Emily D. Wiggins; she was born in Elmira, N. Y, and died November, 1878 ; tbey had seven children, one is dead. Mr. Barlow is a member of Center Grange, No. 32 ; he owns 245 acres of land, all under cultivation. JERVIS BEMIS, farmer, Sec. 3; P. 0. Footville; son of Daniel Bemis, of Spencer, Wooster Co, Bl^ss.; was born in Hamilton, Madison Co, N. Y, in 1818 ; emigrated to Wisconsin in 1845 ; in 1849, was elected Chairman of the Town Board of Supervisors; was also on tbe Side Board of Supervisors in 1848, and has served as Town Assessor; Mr. Bemis was one of the first settlers of Plymouth ; there were no roads when he settled there ; the town settled rapidly, and the next year after be came, they built a schoolhouse ; he was the first Treasurer of the Board of School Commissioners. In 1841, he married Miss E. BI. Bump, daughter of Varney Bump, a resident of New York; they have eight children — Daniel D. and George, A, residents of Kansas; Elizabeth A, now Blrs. J. BI. Pool, a res ident of Bichmond, Va. ; Frank A, resident of Evansville, Wis, in the dairy business ; Kiron J., trav eling salesman ; Fred H, John B. and Lottie A, who still reside at home. Mr. Bemis is a member of the Center Grange, No. 35, and also of the State and County Agricultural Society, and helped to organ ize the County Agricultural Society. He owns one-half section of land, all in good state of cultivation. WILLIAM H. BURLINGHAM, station agent C, M. k St. P. R. R, Hanover, Sec. 14; P. 0. Hanover ; born Dec. 21, 1846, in Beloit, Wis. ; moved to Magnolia about 1853, and, in 1857, to Bass Creek (now called Hanover), where he was educated. In the spring of 1865, went to BlcLean Co, near Bloomington, 111, and worked on a farm. In the winter of that year, returned to Hanover. In 1870, learned carpentering, and, in 1872, was in Janesville two months learning telegraphy, and taught school winters from 1870 to 1874. In the summer of 1873, was in Valparaiso, Ind, working for the B. & 0. R. R, and, in August, moved to Elgin, 111, and worked for the C. & P. R. R.; came back to Havana for the winter. In the spring of 1874, received the appointment as clerk in the Hanover Depot, and in 1878 was appointed station and express agent. He is a member of Footville Lodge, No. 137, Blasons, mem ber of Waupeya Lodge, No. 76, I. 0. 0. F, and a member of the Good Templars Lodge. JOHN BURRIER, farmer, Sec. 36, Plymouth, and Sec. 1, Newark; P. 0. Beloit; bora Jan. 11, 1804, in Luzerne Co, Penn, where he worked as a lumberman, and, for six years, carried on business for himself ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, and bought 200 acres of land, of which only thirty acres had been broken, and built one of the first log houses in Plymouth Township. He built his homestead in 1851 ; now owns 278 acres, and raises corn, oats, wheat, rye, potatoes, horses, cows, hogs and poultry. Blarried Bliss Elizabeth Hart, of Pennsylvania, in 1841 ; she died in April, 1878, leaving two children — Blary, who married Lester Emerson Nov. 20, 1877, and Emma, who married Stephen Skidmore April 9, 1864 ; she has six children — John, Charles, Wesley, Frederick, Lizzie, and a baby boy. Blr. B. served as Pathmaster one year. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. SAMUEL BURRIER, farmer, Sees. 26 and 35; P. 0. Hanover; born Blay 29, 1805, in Luzerne Co, Penn, and worked as a shoemaker till 1844, when he came to Wisconsin, located in Ply mouth Township, and bought 120 acres of wild land, and built one of the first log cabins in this part of the town. It was before the Government sale of lands, and wild animals, wolves, deer, etc, were plentiful. He built his homestead in 1867, and now owns 140 acres, raising all kinds of grain and stock. Married Miss Mary Ann Edwards, of Pennsylvania, in 1835, and has eight children living — George and Jacob, in PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. 873 Nevada ; Charles, in Blontana ; Thomas, in Illinois ; Susan, near Woodstock, 111. ; Andrew L, in Rock Co., Wis.; Adalia and Amos, living at home. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church ; Mrs. B. is a mem ber of the Methodist Church. A. CODDINGTON, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Janesville ; was born in Ulster Co, N. Y, in 1810. He emigrated to Wisconsin in 1842, and settled in Plymouth. In 1832, he married Miss Mabala Manning ; she was bora in Tompkins Co, N. Y, and died Blay 19, 1878. They had seven children ; five are dead. Mr. C. is a member of the Baptist Church. He owns 120 acres of land. JAMES C. COOK, station agent C. & N.-W. Ry, Footville Depot ; P. 0. Footville ; born Nov. 26, 1853, in Plymouth Township, Rock Co., Wis, and lived with his parents on the farm till 1868, • then worked for Mr. Edgerton. In 1869, was appointed station clerk, and, in 1871, station agent at Foot ville depot ; also American Express agent. He owns a large warehouse, in which he stores grain for ship ment to market. He also buys live stock for tbe same purpose, and deals in lumber. He owns sixty acres of land in Sees. 3 and 5, of which be rents forty acres, and reserves the other twenty for pasture for his horses and stock. Blarried Miss Mary H. Parmley, of Center Township, Sept. 14, 1873, and has one child — Jessie, born July 12, 1877. They are members of the Disciples' Church. HENRY DETTMER, farmer, Sec. 15; P. 0. Hanover; born May 23, 1828, in Ebrenberg, Hanover, where he was a farmer ; came to America June 9, 1849 ; located in tbe city of Schenectady, N. Y.; worked at broom-making and other occupations ; moved to Winnebago Co, 111, in 1852 ; farmed there and made brooms in Cherry Valley. In 1855, came to Janesville, Wis, and worked at broom-making ; then eleven years on farms in Center Township. In 1867, bought his land ; in 1868, moved to Hanover; in 1869, moved on to the farm, and built a homestead ; built a barn in 1863. He owns 110 acres, raises com, wheat, oats, potatoes, horses, cows, bogs, poultry. Married Miss Justina Derre, of Schenectady, N. Y, Blarch 8, 1851 ; have three children— William H, bom Jan. 14, 1852; Henry C, Sept. 1, 1854; Blary C, June 22, 1858. He was Clerk, Director and Treasurer of the District School for several years ; Pathmaster one year ; now Side Supervisor of Plymouth. ELON A. DOUGLAS, farmer, Sees. 3 and 11 ; P. 0. Hanover; born April 27, 1822, in Oneida Co., N. Y.; when three weeks old, his parents went to Pontiac, Oakland Co., Mich, where his father, David Douglas, bought a farm and managed it, at the same time working at bis trade of black smithing. In tbe spring of 1841, came to Wisconsin and settled in Plymouth Township, entered 880 acres of land, built the first log bouse in the township, built the barn which is still standing and cleared the land ; he (David Douglas) died in Brodhead, Green Co, Wis, in June, 1874. E. A. Douglas worked for his father till of age ; settled on forty acres of land in 1843 and entered it in 1845 ; in Decem ber, 1846, started for California, going to New York by stage from Janesville via Buffalo and took ship for California ; was detained nine days in Panama, waiting for conveyance, but the passengers finally char tered a vessel and landed in California in about sixty days after starting ; went to mining, but had to lay up with sickness for six months; then worked in a store. In December, 1849, returned to Plymouth ; from 1863 to 1871, bought grain, poultry, etc, at Hanover and shipped to New York, Chicago and other markets. He now owns eighty acres of land, forty acres in tbe southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of^ection 3, and forty acres in tbe northwest quarter of tbe northeast quarter of Section 11 ; he raises stock and all kinds of grain, except wheat. Married Miss Blartha Beech, of Center Township, Dec. 25, 1846, and has three children — Mary M, Hopson 0. and William 0. He was Constable and Collector for 1843 ; Collector from 1872 to 1876 ; is Pathmaster for 1879. Member Footville Lodge, No. 137, Masons. JACOB FISHER, deceased; born Nov. 16, 1819, in Hanover, Luzerne Co, Penn.; he was a farmer there. In 1846, he came to Wisconsin, before it was admitted as a State, and located in what is now Plymouth Township, entered eighty acres of land and bought forty acres more ; he made the first road running east toward Beloit ; he afterward added more land till he finally owned 730 acres. He was one of the originators of the Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Company ; was elected one of its first Directors, which position he held till his death, always taking a great interest in its welfare. Married Miss Harriet Inman, of Luzerne Co, Penn, Nov. 7, 1844. He died Aug. 27, 1878, leaving three children— E. Whit ney Hannah M. (wife of E. J. Owen) and Ellsworth E, born Oct. 24, 1864. He was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ; served as Postmaster for fifteen years. PERRY FISHER, farmer, Sec. 2 ; P.O.Hanover; bora July 5, 1817, in Luzerne Co, Penn. and worked as a farmer while there. In 1854, came to Wisconsin, and, after spending the sum mer in looking around for a suitable location, decided on Plymouth Township as his future home and bought a farm of 200 acres ; there was a small house on the land when he took possession, which was destroyed by fire Jan. 26, 1859, and he lost nearly everything, the family barely escaping with their lives, 874 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: being nearly suffocated with smoke when aroused by Mr. Fisher's mother, who was fortunately awakened in time ; he afterward built his present commodious homestead. He now owns 300 acres of land and raises corn, oats, wheat, barley, potatoes, horses, cows, hogs and poultry. Married Bliss Bebecca A. Thomas, of Pennsylvania, in December, 1848; she died April 1, 1858, leaving one daughter, Hannah A, born July 10, 1854 ; she married Mr. Tracy Brown, of Hanover, on Aug. 17, 1874. Mr. Fisher married Bliss Freelove Brown, of Illinois, Dec 8, 1859. He was Town Treasurer one year ; Side Super visor several years, and Pathmaster several years. Member of the Baptist Church. E. WHITNEY FISHFR, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Orfordville ; son of Jacob Fisher, was bora Aug. 11, 1849, in Plymouth Township; worked for his father till the death of the latter; has always lived here. Married Bliss Mary M. Douglas, of Plymouth, Sept. 23, 1872, and has three children —John L, born March 3, 1874 ; Jacob A, born Oct. 10, 1875 ; baby (girl), born March 14, 1879. He is a Director of the Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Company. ISAAC GARINGER, farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Orfordville ; born June 10, 1824, in Luzerne Co, Penn, and when 12 years old, began working on farms; in 1844, moved to Ohio; in 1845, to Indi ana, and, in 1846,, to Wisconsin, in all of which places be followed the same calling; in the fall of 1847, he returned to Pennsylvania, and worked in the lumber business; in 1849, came back to Wisconsin, and located in Plymouth Township ; bought bis farm of 200 acres, mostly wild land ; built his homestead in 1855, and bis barns in 1868; tbe farm is well cultivated, and be raises corn, oats, barley, hay, horses, cows, sheep and poultry. Blarried Miss Nancy T. Church, of Pennsylvania, March 27, 1855, who died Jan. 16, 1874; she had three children — Blary E, bom Aug. 7, 1856* died July 21, 1872; Isaac D, born Jan. 14, 1859, died June 15, 1859 ; Josephine B, born July 15, 1861. On Feb. 26, 1878, he mar- ried Miss Mary A. Morris, of McFarland, Dane Co, Wis. He was Assessor one year, Pathmaster seven years, Treasurer of School District for ten years, re-elected for 1879 ; is Treasurer Union Cemetery Asso ciation ; is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry ; is a member of the Methodist Church. L. W. GODFREY, farmer and carpenter, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Janesville; was born in New York in 1833; there followed his trade as carpenter and joiner; in 1875, removed to Wisconsin, located in Janes ville, and worked at his trade until 1879, when be removed to Plymouth and went to farming in connection with working at his trade ; in 1861, Mr. Godfrey enlisted in the 45th Penn. V. I, Co. G, and participated in all tbe battles in which his company was engaged. Married, in 1877, Mrs. Annetta Brown ; she was born in New York ; they have one child, Freddie. REV. JAMES HALL, Pastor of Congregational Church ; P. O. Footville ; was bom in Liv erpool, England, in 1821 ; came to America in 1846, and located in Massachusetts ; came to Wisconsin in 1853, and located in Milwaukee ; in 1864, enlisted in 39th W. V. I, Co. B ; was mustered out in the fall of same year; came to Rock Co. in September, 1864; lived there four years; then left and traveled extensively; returned to Rock Co. in April, 1879, in response to a call, to his old field of labor. Married, in 1839, Miss Mary Makin ; they have four daughters ; three are residents of this State, and one of St. Louis. JAMES HASTINGS, farmer, Sees. 6 and 7 ; P. 0. Footville ; bora Oct. 20, 1832, in Kirk cudbright, Galloway, Scotland, where he was a farmer; in June, 1855, came to America, and located in Dutchess Co., N. Y, and remained till 1856, when he came to Rock Prairie for one year; then settled in Plymouth Township and bought his farm of 132 acres ; raises corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley, flax, potatoes. horses, sheep, cows, hogs and poultry. Married Miss Rosanna E. Kerr, of St. Lawrence Co, N. Y, Aug. 23, 1856 ; had five children — Albert W, Carrie E, Warren J.. Rosella, Blary L.; on his arrival the farm was all woodland, which he has thoroughly cleared and improved, and built his homestead in 1864 ; was District Clerk of Schools for nine years; Pathmaster five years; member of Footville Lodge, No. 137, of Masons. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings and Albert and Caroline, are members of the Disciples' Church of Footville. ALMON LEAVENS, miller, Hanover ; born Sept. 29, 1854, at Sheboygan Falls, Wis. ; was educated there, and followed the business of a lumber merchant. In 1877, he came to Newark Town ship, Rock Co, and learned his trade as a miller; Jan. 15, 1879, he located in Hanover and bought bis mill, which he has thoroughly repaired, and is gradually building up a good business, it having fallen off considerably under tbe former management; the capacity of tbe mill is about fifty barrels of flour a day, WILLIAM LUCK, farmer, Sec. 16; P. 0. Hanover; bora March 26, 1826, in Lincolnshire, England, where he worked on his father's farm ; came to America in 1852, and located in Erie Co., Ohio; while there, was a lime merchant and manufacturer ; in 1855, came to Janesville, Wis, where he was a teamster; in 1857, moved to Plymouth Township and rented a farm on shares, which he bought in 1862. He owns eighty acres of land, and raises all kinds of grain and stock, and makes butter for the market, PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP. 875 Married Bliss Eliza Sbotbold, of Lincolnshire, England, in November. 1852; has three children— Kate, born Sept. 10, 1853; Lilly, June 5, 1855; Emma, Nov. 8, 1857. He was Treasurer of School Dis trict three years. JAMES D. MURPHY, farmer, Sec. 5; P. 0. Footville; bom Blarch 27, 1833, in County Cork, Ireland; came to America in Blarch, 1853, and located in Orange Co, N. Y, where he worked at various occupations ; came to Wisconsin in 1856, and settled in Plymouth Township, buying his farm of 100 acres; built his present homestead in 1876 ; he raises corn, oats, potatoes, horses, cows, hogs and poultry. Blarried Bliss Ellen Collins, of Plymouth Township, Jan. 27, 1856; had eleven children — John, born Nov. 27, 1856 (died Oct. 12, 1861); Blary, born Jan. 3, 1858; William, April 10, 1859; John, Dec. 23, I860 ; Honora, Feb. 20, 1862; James, Oct. 20, 1863 ; Ellen, March 20, 1865 ; Julia, Oct. 20, 1866; Michael, Feb. 20, 1868; Dennis, June 10, 1869; Richard, April 28,1871. The family are members of the Catholic Church. THOMAS OGDEN, deceased ; bom in England ; came to America and settled in Wisconsin about 1848; lived in Juda for some time; about 1869, came to Plymouth and bought a farm of 160 acres. Blarried Miss Alice Grindrad, of England. He died in Blarch, 1878, leaving six children, three boys and three girls. The estate now belongs to Blrs. Alice Ogden, Sec. 6, P. O. Hanover, who super intends its cultivation of all kinds of grains and stock. E. J. OWEN, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. O. Hanover; bom Sept, 10, 1840, in Orange Co, N. Y, where he worked the farm of his father, Increase Owen. In tbe spring of 1852, became to Wisconsin. joined his father, who bad been here since 1845, and bought some land, which Blr. Owen assisted him to cultivate. In September, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, 13th Wis. Inf., and remained with them until discharged, from inflammation of the eyes. In 1864, he and his brother went to California, taking horses to sell ; they were quite successful, and returned in June, 1865, when he went into business, ship ping stock to Chicago. In 1867, he built a cheese-factory, which he operated for about two years, when he returned to bis father's farm, and remained there till his father's death in 1866, when the property was divided among the heirs. In 1871, he bought his present farm of 261 acres, and raises corn, oats, potatoes, horses; making a specialty of blooded stock, and favors " Clyde " and " Messenger " breeds, Durham cows, hogs and poultry ; he also supplies a quantity cf butter and honey to the market. Blarried Miss Hannah Fisher, of Plymouth, Dec. 20, 1870, and has one child — Jacob Elswortb, bora July 15 1877. Mr. Jacob Fisher, father of Blrs. Owen, was one of the earliest settlers in Plymouth Township, and came here about 1845 ; he was a prominent man, fully identified with the various interests of the county and the city of Janesville, and at his death, in 1878, was accorded a public funeral, to which his numerous friends and business associates from all parts congregated to render this last homage to a valued and esteemed friend and co-worker. In the language of the Rev. Blr. Sewell, he was a man who was deeply honored for his stern integrity, and goodness of heart. HENRY J. PHILLIPS, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Footville; was born in London, England, in 1840 ; came to Wisconsin in 1856. In 1861, enlisted in 8tb W. V. L, Co. G; was mustered out in 1865. Married, in same year, Bliss Anna Cook; she was bom in Wisconsin ; they have six children — Agnes L, Anna L, Alice L, Fannie P, Gertrude B. and Emma F. Blr. Phillips owns eighty acres of land in Section 3. DANIEL ROYER, carpenter and joiner, Footville; born Nov. 12, 1824, in Lansing, N. Y.; in 1836, moved with his parents to Crawford Co, Penn, where he worked on his father's farm till 1843, when he learned his profession ; in 1856, he came to Wisconsin and located in Magnolia Township, and, in 1874, moved to Plymouth. Blarried Miss Mary Ann Creighton, of Blercer Co, Penn, Oct. 16, 1851 ; she died Blarch 19, 1859, leaving two children — Lizzie J, bom June 12, 1853, married Oct. 12, 1873 ; George W, Blay 15, 1855, died Blarch 20, 1873, by accidentally shooting himself with a gun. HORACE WELLS, proprietor of the Wells House, Footville; born Aug. 31, 1811, in East Canada, where he was educated, and followed various occupations, and worked for his father in a distillery, and making potash and pearlasb. In 1835, went to West Canada, and manufactured potash and pearlash, also dealt in dry goods, groceries, etc. ; then went into the lumber business, and worked as a millwright, and then ran a flour-mill ; afterward, manufactured bricks, and followed various other vocations, farming amongst them. In 1857, he came to the United States, and located near Beloit, Wis, and worked on a farm. In 1864, bought his hotel, which his son managed. He went to North Wisconsin, and worked at lumbering and carpentering, near Oconto. In 1866, he rented and took the management of the hotel. He was a noted horse-doctor in Rock Co. for five years. Blarried Bliss Blargaret Baldwin, of Canada, April 22, 1843, and had three children — Alphonso, born in 1844, died in 1869 ; Gilbert died when one month old ; Royal Luther, bora Oct. 8, 1858. Blrs. Wells is a member ofthe Universalist Church. 876 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: HENRY WELLS, farmer, Sec. 7, Plymouth, Sec. 1, Spring Valley ; P. 0. Footville ; born Jan. 27, 1830, in Kent, England, where he was a farmer; came to America in 1856, and located in Plymouth Township; worked for other farmers till 1858, and then worked a farm on shares. In 1856, bought 150 acres of land, and moved into a small house built upon it. In 1875, built his homestead, and, in 1877, bought eighty acres, and now owns 230 aeres, and raises corn, oats, wheat, potatoes, horses, cows, hogs and poultry, and makes butter for tbe market, averaging 800 to 1,000 lbs. per annum. Married Miss Eliza Kettle, of Kent, England, Nov. 19, 1855, and has had six children — Jane, bora June 25, 1856; Henry W, born April 7, 1858, died June 15, 1861 ; George E, born Dec. 5, 1859 ; William C, born March 27, 1862 ; Alice, bom July 28, 1870 ; Charles; bom Aug. 12, 1873. Mr. Wells is a member of the Campbellite Church. PIERCE WALLIHAN, Footville; was born in Columbiana Co, Ohio, in 1810; until he was 17 years of age, he was engaged in farming ; in 1828, he went to Youngstown to learn the tailor's trade; commenced business for himself in 1832 ; came to Wisconsin in 1855, and located in what is now called Footville, and went into the mercantile business ; continued that until 1859, then went to farming ; followed that for three years, then went to Colorado ; was Postmaster there for five years ; returned to Footville in 1876 ; served as Town Treasurer since his residence in the town. Married Miss Lucy Flower in 1832 ; she was born in Ohio ; she died in March, 1877 ; they had eleven children ; three are dead; in 1878, Mr. W. married Miss Mary E. Powers, a native of Ohio. He owns twelve acres of land and a pleasant home. Mr. and Mrs. W. are members of the M. E. Church. FREDERICK WALTER, general dealer in dry goods, groceries, teas, hardware, crockery, fiats, caps, boots, shoes, drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints, oils and Dr. Jaynes' patent medicines, Hano ver ; bora April 26, 1844, in Lippe-Detmold, Prussia, where he was educated and followed the trade of miller. In 1866, he served in tbe Prussian army, and, after the war with the South German States, was decorated with the Iron Cross by King William of Prussia, which entitles him to a present of arms when passing a squad or body of soldiers ; he was also promoted to Corporal while in the service. In 1869, he ¦came to America and located in Hanover, operating the flour-mill till March, 1871, when he moved to Afton, in Rock Township, and rented the flour-mill there ; on Oct. 15, 1871, he returned to Hanover and opened his store, in which he transacts a large business, which is annually increasing. Married Miss Josephine Beckman, of Plymouth Township, Oct. 26, 1869, and has three children — Wilhelm, bora Sept. 4, 1870; Josephine, Nov. 13, 1871 ; Frederick, Dec. 15, 1875. He is a member of ibe Presby terian Church ; Mrs. W. is a member of the Lutheran Church. JAMES WHITEHEAD, farmer, Sees. 30 and 31 ; P. O. Orfordville ; born Oct. 31, 1816, in Somerset Co, N. J, and worked as a carpenter. In the fall of 1837, went to Jerseyville, Jersey Co. (then called Greene Co.j, 111. ; still working at his trade. In 1836, he visited Wisconsin, and bought 321 ] acres of land in what is now Plymouth Township, and, in 1844, came to live upon it ; it was all wild land, but he bas cultivated and improved it throughout. He built the fourth log house in tbat section of the township. In 1851, he built bis bam, but has since enlarged and put a stone basement under it. In 1852, he built his homestead. He now owns 512J acres; 321 J acres in Plymouth Township, 100 acres in Spring Valley, and ninety-one acres in Newark, and raises all kinds of grain and stock. Blarried Miss Elizabeth Linker, of North Carolina, June 11, 1840, and has five children — Samuel R, Ransom H, James, Marion and Sarah — -she married Mr. Alford B. Fitch, now living in Newark. Samuel R. enlisted in the 2d Wis. Inf. in 1861, served all through the war, was wounded three times, and has never been well since. Rinsom H. enlisted in the 33d Wis. Inf., served through the war, and had his left thumb shot off; he is now living in Nevada. EUGENE WILHELM, station agent C. & N.-W. Ry, Hanover Junction; P. O. Hanover; born Sept. 28, 1854, at Woodhull, N. Y, aud was educated at tbe Woodhull Academy; came to Wiscon sin in December, 1869, and located at Baraboo. He entered the employ of the C. & N.-W. Ry. Co. as station clerk, at Baraboo, in March, .1873, and while there, learned telegraphy. Was appointed station agent at Hanover Junction Dec. 12, 1876. Married Miss Ida M. Blaynard, of Baraboo, Oct. 13, 1875. Have one child — Maud, born at Baraboo July 12, 1876, died at Hanover Sept. 11, 1877. MAGNOLIA TOWNSHIP. 877 MAGNOLIA TOWNSHIP. JOHN S. ANDREW, farmer, Sec. 13; P. 0. Magnolia; bora Feb. 11, 1825, in Herkimer Co, N. Y, and worked on his father's farm till about 1840, when tbey sold out; in 1847, he came to Wisconsin, and located in Blagnolia Township and bought 180 acres of land of Blr. Morrell, who moved a log cabin on to the land for him ; he built his homestead in 1855, and now owns 170 acres of land and raises all kinds of grain and stock. Married Miss Henrietta Howard, of Frankfort, Herkimer Co, N.Y, Blarch 10, 1847 ; have seven children — Lucius, born Dec. 19, 1847; Wallace, June 19, 1850; Orissa, May 18, 1855; Louis, Feb. 21, 1S57; Bayard, Sept. 4, 1858; Truman, June 20, 1865; Bertha, May 2, 1868. He was Chairman of Supervisors one year; Assessor two years; Clerk of School District several years; member of Footville Lodge and Evansville Chapter of Masons. His house has been struck twicer by lightning, tearing up partitions, knocking down chimneys, etc., in 1868 and 1872. WILLIAM H. BUMP, farmer, Sees. 7, 8 and 17 ; P. O. West Magnolia ; born Feb. 4, 1826, in Genesee Co., N. Y.; moved with parents, when quite young, to Wyoming Co., N. Y, and worked. there as a farmer; in June, 1845, they came to Wisconsin and located in Darien, Walworth Co, working there till 1846, when he visited Magnolia Township, and took up eighty acres of Government wild land and moved onto it in 1850, and built a log house ; he erected his present homestead in 1867, and now owns 240 acres of land, on which he raises all kinds of grain and stock, and manufactures butter for the market. Married Miss Sally Briggs, of Wyoming Co, N. Y,Dec. 31, 1844; she died Oct. 9, 1846, leaving one child — Nelson A, born in 1845, who, in the fall of 1861, enlisted in the 33d Wis. V. I, and fought all battles in which his regiment was engaged till wounded at Tupelo, where be was left on the field and taken prisoner, and was in the prisons of Atlanta, Macon and Andersonville ; at the close of the war be was liberated. April 12, 1848, Mr. W. H. Bump married Miss Fanny Briggs, of Wyoming Co., N. Y, and they had nine children — Francis H, born March 19, .1849, Harriet O, Oct. 19, 1850; George L, Oct. 7, 1852 ; Alice A, March 9, 1854, died April 19, 1862 ; Adelpha M, born Dec. 2, 1855 ; Amy B, April 3, 1857 ; Frank E, Sept. 17, 1862 ; Dwight E, Aug. 24, 1868 ; William H, Feb. 9, 1871. Mr. B. is serving his twelfth year as Postmaster of West Blagnolia ; has been Assessor two years; also Clerk, Director and Treasurer of School District at various periods, and holds the latter position now ; he assisted to organize School District Np. 2, and was a member of the Board who built the present substantial stone schoolhouse ; he was Justice of the Peace for four years and is a member of Magnolia Grange, No. 108. JOHN W. CLIFFORD, farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Magnolia; born Feb. 27, 1825, in Grau- tham, Sullivan Co, N. H.; moved with bis parents to Waldo Co., Maine, when 6 years old. where he worked on his father's farm and taught school winters till 1847, when he went to Dedhatn, Mass, and worked as a carpenter and joiner; in 1848, he and his brother built a store and carried on a general mer cantile business; in 1850, he went to Boston and worked in the freight depot of the Taunton & New Bedford R. R.; in 1855, he came to Wisconsin and located at Magnolia Corners, Rock Co., where his father, himself and brother-in-law, rented 240 acres of land and the two latter bought eighty acres ; in 1858, moved to Footville, and visited Dedbam, Mass, to repair some houses which he owned there; in the spring of 1859, returned to Magnolia and bought eighty acres; went back to Dedham, in 1864, and sold his property; in 1867, he bought eighty acres and now owns 160, on which he raises all kinds of grain and stock. Married Mrs. Ellen E. Clifford, of Dedham, Mass, Feb. 1 1, 1850 ; they had ten children — Olivia J, born Dec. 22, 1850 ; John BI, June 24, 1854 ; Alvin S.. June 17,1856 ; Herbert F,Sept. 11, 1860 ; Willie L,May 22,1864; Elmer D, Oct. 8, 1866 ; Ellen Ora, Nov. 17,1868; Julia S, Oct. 7, 1870; Daisy E, March 23, 1873 ; Cecil L, Nov. 2, 1876. He has been Assessor six years, Town Clerk one year and Justice of the Peace four years; he is a member of Magnolia Grange, No. 108, of which he is Secretary, and has been since its foundation, in 1873, excepting one year. JONATHAN COOK, farmer and proprietor of hotel in Magnolia Village ; born March 17, 1811, in Chenango Co, N. Y.; moved to Monroe Co. in 1832, and, in the spring of 1844, came to Wis consin when it was a Territory, and located in what is now Magnolia Township, Rock Co.; he took up 160 acres of Government land and built a log house; the following spring he sold out, and in the spring of 1846 took up 160 acres again and built a log house, and he farmed this land till 1856 ; in 1857, he bought 120 acres and cultivated it till 1860, when he traded all but forty acres for a house and lot in Mag nolia Village ; at this time he was manufacturing drums as well as attending to bis farm ; in 1864, he 878' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: bought the hotel ; he now owns it and about four acres of land. Married Miss Marietta Janes, of Che nango Co, N. Y, in the fall of 1831 ; tbey have one child — Charles F, who enlisted in the 13th W. V. I, and served till the close of the war. Blr. Cook served as Justice of the Peace for thirteen years ; Side Supervisor for several years ; is a member of the Excelsior Grange, No. 108, Blagnolia. THOMAS DREW, farmer, Sec. 35; P. 0. Blagnolia; born in 1824, in County Louth, Ire land; came to America in 1840, and first worked in Rah way, N. J.; in 1844, he went to Flushing, N. Y, working in the Insane Asylum ; in 1846, to Fort Hamilton, working for a surgeon in tbe U. S. A. ; in 1847, he came to Wisconsin with Col. Miller, inventor of the Miller Platform and Coupler, and located in Magnolia Township. At this time, the nearest place of worship was Janesville, and when Mr. Drew wished to attend, he had to walk fifteen miles and back. He stayed in this employ till 1849, but had bought eighty acres of land, on which there was a mortgage of $200 ; in the spring of 1850, he increased the mortgage by $100, borrowing money at 25 per cent, and went to California, where he was successful at gold digging ; in 1852, he returned, paid off the mortgage and made his brother a present of the land ; in the spring of 1 853, he bought his present farm of 320 acres, which is free from incumbrance, well stocked, and on which he raises. general produce. Blarried Miss Hannah Buckley, of Janesville, Feb. 21, 1859 ; she died in 1865 ; they had four children— John, Nov. 22, 1859 ; Maggie,' Dec. 1, 1860 ; Thomas, July 13, 1862 ; Mary, Oct. 2, 1863. He married Miss Mary Mulcahy, of Footville, May 1, 1871 ; have three children —Daniel, bora Feb. 12, 1872 ; Anna S, Aug. 17, 1873; William, Feb. 28, 1875. Mr. D. was Roadmas- ter one year. He and his family are members of the Roman Catholic Church. THOMAS FINNAM, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Magnolia; bora in 1802, Galway, Ireland; came to America in 1857, and first located in New Jersey; came to Wisconsin in 1869, and settled in Blagnolia Township, Rock Co., where be owns twenty acres of land and raises general produce. Married Bliss Catherine Kelly, of Roscommon, Irelaud, in 1842 ; has two sons and four daughters. Members of the Romail Catholic Church ; Democrat. GORDON C. GARDNER, farmer, Sec. 29 ; P. O. Brodhead ; bora April 13, 1836, in Bennington, Vt. In 1846, came to Wisconsin with his parents, who located in Green Co, where his father bought 500 acres of land, and, in 1867, he bought 440 acres in Magnolia Township, Rock Co.; at his death, in 1873, Mr. G. C. Gardner inherited the property in Magnolia Township; it was first owned by Blr. Fox, who took it up from the Government, then by Blr. Rockwood, then by Mr. Horn, from whom Mr. G. bought it. Married Miss Amanda L. Fleek, of Green Co, June 22, 1865 ; have one child — Frank D, bom March 14, 1866. He is serving as Treasurer of the School District for the tenth year. Is a member of Magnolia Grange. Republican. JOHN GAVIN, deceased; bora May 12, 1812, in County Galway, Ireland. Came to America in 1839, and located in New York City; next went to Troy; then to Albany, and afterward to Blassachu- setts ; came to Wisconsin in 1848 ; stayed in Milwaukee a short time ; then went to Troy, Walworth Co.; then to Decatur, Green Co, and finally settled in Blagnolia Township, Rock Co.; in the spring of 1855, bought 120 acres of land and built his house. Blarried Miss Honora Conallin, of Ireland, in 1837 ; he died April 11, 1879, leaving eight children — Patrick H, Margaret, Eleanor, John C, Michael S, Honora, William P. and James F. He was Supervisor of tbe Township one term and Clerk of the District School several years. Family are members of the R. C. Church. The estate is undivided and belongs to the widow and children, and is managed by William P. and James F. Gavin, Sec. 30 ; P. O. Brodhead. Mr. John Gavin and his sons P. H. and J. C. were in the Government's employ during the war, and the latter bore arms at Nashville as a volunteer. All the children, except Messrs. J. C. and M. S, have taught in the district school, some of them for several terms ; Miss Eleanor, now living at home, has taught for fourteen years. NATHANIEL B. HOWARD, farmer, Sees. 14, 15 and 22 ; P. O. Magnolia; bom June 11, 1806, in Oneida Co, N. Y. ; carried on grocery business and farming in Herkimer Co, N. Y, and ran a boat on the Erie Canal. In 1848, went from Buffalo to Chicago on a canal-boat, and ran from there to Peoria and back till navigation closed. In the fall of 1848, visited Wisconsin when it was a Territory; purchased 240 acres of land and moved on to it in the spring of 1849, and built a house that summer ; he has sold 200 acres of the original purchase, but now owns seventy acres, and has deeded sixty acres more to his son Cassius. His residence was built in 1847 by Joseph Prentice. For several years, he dealt in produce, shipping grain and stock to Chicago, and kept a store in Magnolia for about two years. He took an active part in the late war, paying bounties out of his own pocket to induce volunteers to enlist. He had two sons there — Francis, in the 13th Wisconsin Infantry for three years, principally in the Provost Mar shal's office, and Cassius; his son-in-law also fought for his country; he is now dead. Mr. Howard married .Miss Mary Bouck, of Herkimer Co, N. Y, April 6, 1862 ; she was born June 15, 1807, in Sharon, MAGNOLIA TOWNSHIP. 879 Schoharie Co, N. Y. ; she died March 8, 1879 ; they had eleven children, seven now living. He was Justice of the Peace of Magnolia about ten years ; Town Treasurer two years ; Chairman of Supervisors eight years; Side Supervisor one year; member of State Legislature in 1855 and 1862; Republican. GEORGE HOWARD, Pastor of the Advent Christian Church at Magnolia, also farmer, Sees. 14 and 24 ; P. 0. Magnolia ; bom April 15, 1830, in Herkimer Co, N. Y, where he was educated. In 1844, he began to work on the Erie Canal ; in tbe fall of 1848, went to Illinois and worked on the Illinois Canal, and visited Wisconsin ; went home, and, in the spring of 1849, returned to Wisconsin and settled on land he had bought tbe previous winter in Magnolia Township ; he remained here farming till the spring of 1852, when he went to California, gold digging; in 1855, he returned and has since been farming, but, at different times, has followed other occupations in connection ; from 1858 to 1861, a store in Magnolia Village with his brother, and from then till 1866 bought grain and stock to ship to Chicago and Blilwaukee. His farm consists of 130 acres of land, on which he raises grain and stock ; he also makes creamery butter for tbe market; he built his homestead in 1868. In 1871, he was ordained min ister by the Wisconsin Conference of the Advent Christian Church, and same year was elected Pastor of the Church at Magnolia, and still officiates in that high calling. He has been President of the Confer ence for two years up to date, and Secretary of the Wisconsin Missionary Society for the same length of time. He married Bliss Parmelia Andrew, of Herkimer Co, N. Y, March 14, 1849 ; they bad three children — Alice E, born June 6, 1850, and died April 11,1875; Fannie V, born Oct. 15, 1856; George H, bom Sept. 20, 1860. He was Town Clerk for two years, Treasurer for two years, and Side Supervisor for two years ; is Chairman of the Supervisors for the second year. The family are members of his Church. CASSIUS C. HOWARD, son of the above, was born Sept. 20, 1845, in Herkimer Co. N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin with parents as above. Enlisted Aug. 28, 1864, in the 42d Wisconsin Infantry, served with them till the close of the war. He owns sixty acres of land in Section 15 ; also, house and lot in Blagnolia. Married Miss Alice Rolson, of Magnolia Township, Dec. 31, 1867 ; has one child — Jessie M. Republican. WILLIAM HUYKE, farmer, Sees. 34 and 26; P. O. Magnolia; bora July 31, 1818, in Montgomery Co, N. Y, where he was educated, and worked on his father's farm till 1834, when his father died; he then worked out till 1838, when he bought a hotel and managed it till 1841 ; he then went to Blichigan. In 1844, he came to Wisconsin and bought 160 acres of land in Magnolia Township, Rock Co., which he sold. In 1858, he bought his present farm of 160 acres on which he raises general produce and stock. Married Miss Mary Ann Letts, of New York, Sept. 10, 1841 ; she died Feb. 27, 1855, leaving four children — Clement A, born June 28, 1843 ; George, born Nov. 10, 1845 ; Byron T, born July 24, 1848; Amelia, bora Jan. 3, 1851. He married again Miss Carrie Lane, of Bock Co., Oct. 7, 1865 ; had two children — William, born Jan. 26, 1869; Frederick, bora Oct. 1, 1874, died Jan. 21, 1877. He was Deputy Sheriff four years. Blr. and Mrs. Huyke are members of the Universalist Church. JAMES JAMESON, Congregational minister, Sec. 16 ; P. O. Magnolia; born April 15, 1803, in Glasgow, Scotland ; there and iu Edinburgh he was educated ; came to America in 1820, and stayed in Can ada till 1828, when he moved to New York ; was in business there for six years; was a Methodist minister for fourteen years. In 1849, he came to Wisconsin and settled in Rock Co. ; he then united with the Con gregational Convention and officiated as a minister in Center, Magnolia and Albany, till 1858, when Center was able to support a minister of its own, and he continued the other two till 1870, when he went to Grant Co., and continued his ministrations in Muscoda and Avoca, two villages, one in Iowa Co, and the other in Grant Co. During the first nine years, he built churches at Center, Blagnolia and Albany. In 1874, he resigned his pastorate on account of his age. In 1862, he purchased 100 acres of land in Mag nolia Township, rebuilt the house, erected barns, etc, and is now living upon his property. Blarried Miss Ann Smith, of Canada, Jan. 23, 1828. He was Town Superintendent of Schools for 1850. CALEB E. LEE, Lieut, of Engineers U. S. N, Sec. 12; P. O. Evansville; born Nov. 19, 1835, in Crawford Co, Penn.; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1847, and worked for his father till 1853, when he went to Janesville and learned a mechanic's trade with the Western Novelty Works ; in the spring of 1856, he went to Minnesota, and worked at his profession as engineer on the river and in a saw mill ; in the fall of 1858, he went to New York City and followed his trade till April, 1861, when he received the appointment of Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. N.; in January, 1863, was promoted Second Assistant Engineer, and, in January, 1865, First Assistant Engineer, now called Past Assistant Engineer, with the assimilated rank of Lieutenant ; from the 3d of May, 1861, to the 16th of June, 1865, Blr. Lee .served continuously through the war ; he was on tbe U. S. S. Anacosta, on the Potomac River, on picket 880 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: duty principally, but they fought and silenced tbe rebel battery on Atacquia Creek ; he served on the Pocahontas, under Admiral Dupont, at the taking of Port Royal, S. C, in the fall of 1861 ; went on this station till the following summer, fighting several engagements along the coast; in the fall of 1862, they joined Admiral Farragut's fleet in a blockade off Mobile, Ala, where they captured several blockade run ners ; on the Tacony, fie served under Admirals Lee and Porter with the North Atlantic Squadron ; fought both engagements at Fort Fisher, and was at the surrender and retaking of Plymouth on the Roanoke River, N. C, and was on blockade duty on the Albermarle and Pamlico Sounds; he returned with this ship to Boston, Blass, which went out of commission at the close of tbe war; in August, 1865, he joined the U. S. S. Wasp, at Philadelphia, and went with the Brazilian Squadron, visiting the'whole east coast of South America, the Falkland Islands, the west coast of Africa, from Cape Town to the Congo River, St. Helenajtetc; be returned home in the . fall of 1868; io the spring of 1869, be was ordered to the Mound City Navy Yard, Illinois, for iron clad duty, remaining there and at New Orleans for two and one^ half years ; in tbe fall of 1871, he joined the U. S. S. Pensacola, at San Francisco, cruising on the west coast of South America; in September, 1872, he was sent home from Panama, sick, and was on sick leave till the fall of 1875, when he joined the iron-clad steamer Mabopac, at Pensacola, Fla, but in three months was sent home by medical survey ; in December, 1876, he was placed on the retired list, and is at present living on his farm of 280 acres, in Magnolia Township, Rock Co, Wis.; be is a member of Lodge No. 32, Chapter No.. 35, Masons. JOHN M. LEE, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Evansville; born July 26, 1841, in Crawford Co, Penn.; came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1847 ; enlisted in Co. D, 13th W. V. I, Nov. 21, 1860, and was discharged Dec. 24, 1864, when he returned home; in 1866, bought bis farm of eighty acres of land. Married Miss Lottie Donaldson, of Rock Co, Nov. 28, 1869 ; they have two children — Harry and Eugene. He is a member of Excelsior Grange, No. 108 ; he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church. MARTIN E. LEE, farmer. Sees. 1 and 12 ; P. O. Evansville; bora July 30, 1806, in Wash ington Co, N. Y.; came to Wisconsin in 1847, and to Magnolia Township, Rock Co, in 1850 ; he owns 160 acres of land. Married Miss Grace D. Stratton, of New York, June 5, 1834; they have nine chil dren, six boys and three girls ; the biographies of two sons are given above ; he was Assessor three years and Treasurer of District Schools three years. JOHN McMANIS, farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Footville; was born in Ireland in 1813 ; came to America in 1850; came to Wisconsin in 1858. Married in 1845; his wife was born in Ireland; they have six children living, and have lost four ; Mr. McManis owns sixty acres of land. CLINTON W. MOORE, farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Evansville; born Sept. 8, 1836, in Dur ham, Greene Co, N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin Nov. 7, 1853, and worked for bis father until 1860, when he bought bis farm of eighty-three and one-half acres. In the fall of 1864, he enlisted in the 44th W. V. I, and served with them till the, fall of 1865, when he received his discharge. The land was wild when he purchased it, but it is now thoroughly cultivated, and he has built a large barn, enlarged and improved the bouse, and made many other improvements. He raises general farm produce, stock, grain, hay, etc. Married Bliss Abbie J. Babcock, of Magnolia Township, Nov. 10, 1856. Had five children — Phila, bora Sept. 17, 1859, died April 16, 1860 ; Albert O, born June 17, 1861 ; Myrtie, bora Aug. 5, 1867 ; Guy, born October 25, 1873 ; Arthur, born Jan. 22, 1879. He is a Director of the School District, has served as Pathmaster five years, and is a member of tbe Evansville Grange. JOHN NEVILL, farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Magnolia; born Dec. 11, 1813, in Yorkshire, Eng.; came to America in June, 1854, and located in Union Township, Rock Co, Wis. In 1855, he rented a farm from J. Montgomery, and, in 1856, managed one for W. Higby. In February, 1858, he came to Magnolia Township, and worked a farm till 1860, then rented one till 1864, when he bought eighty acres. of land from Joel Campbell. He raises ail kinds of grain and stock. Married, Miss Anna Bom, of York shire, Eng.. Feb. 19, 1836. They have seven children, three boys and four girls. MARVIN OSBORNE, farmer, Sees 10 and 3; P. O. Magnolia; born June 22, 1817, in Madison Co, N. Y. ; came to Wisconsin in 1853; in 1860, moved to Magnolia Township, Rock Co, and bought his farm of 120 acres. He was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors two years, and member of the State Legislature for 1874 and 1875. He is a member of Lodge No. 32, Masons. SIMEON S. REED, farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Evansville; bora April 19,1815, in Orleans Co, N. Y. ; went with his parents to Chautauqua Co, N. Y, in 1827. In 1833, they moved to Geauga Co, Ohio, where he worked on his father's farm until 1835, when he returned to Orleans Co. and worked out. He afterward went back to Ohio, and bought a farm. After traveling through Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Missouri, he stopped at Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and bought a farm there. In the MAGNOLIA TOWNSHIP. 881 fall of 1845, he came to Wisconsin, and took up sixty-eight acres of Government wild land, in what is now Magnolia Township, Rock Co, and built the third log house in this neighborhood. He now owns 120 acres of land, and raises all kinds of grain and stock. At various periods he has added to and improved the homestead, which was built by G. & A. T. Morrows, in tbe spring of 1856. Married Miss Adeline Olds, of Ohio, June 18, 1844 Has three children — George H, Lucy A. and Franklin D. He was Constable one year ; Justice of the Peace, Supervisor and Assesseir several times. They are members of the Congregational Church. MORDECAI SAYLES, farmer, Sec. 2; P. 0. Evansville; born Jan. 16, 1816, in West Bloomfield, Ontario Co, N. Y. ; moved, with his parents, to Steuben Co. in 1837, and, in 1845, he came to Wisconsin, located at Darien, Walworth Co, where he resided until 1850, then went to Dane Co, near Madison, and when he wished to build his house he had to draw lumber from Racine, fifty miles, calling at Darien to have the frame fitted, and paying for it in wheat, beef, etc. In 1868, he moved to Magnolia Township, Rock Co, and bought eighty acres of land, on which he raises corn, oats, winter wheat, and keeps a butter dairy, averaging about 800 pounds per annum. He also raises stock. Married Miss Lucy P. Beebe, of Ontario Co, N. Y, Blarch 29, 1837. She died May 31, 1868. They had eight children- Polly A, born Jan. 29, 1838; W. H. Harrison, born July 19, 1839 ; he lost his left legat Vicksburg; Hepzibab L, born Jan 29, 1841 ; Blordecai, born Dec. 5, 1842, died Aug. 4, 1862, in the Good Samari tan Hospital, St Louis ; Roxa A, born Blarch 25, 1845; Mary E, born March 3, 1848 ; Frank BI , born Feb. 12, 1851 ; Sarah L, bom Oct. 13, 1853. He again married Miss Nancy H. Wadsworth, of Hamilton Co, N. Y, Sept. 8, 1869. They have bad three children— Lilian M, bom Nov. 6, 1870; Arthur L, bom Sept. 19, 1872; Nettie C, born Dec. 22, 1874. He was Postmaster in Dane Co. Mrs, Sayles is a member of the Close Communion Baptist Church. JOHN WOOD, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. O. Evansville ; born Dec. 12, 1824, in Brighton, Sussex, Eng, where he. followed tbe occupation of shoemaking ; came to America in March, 1852, and first located in Astoria, L. I.; came to Wisconsin the same year via canal to Buffalo, and by the lakes to Mil waukee, thence to Footville, Rock Co, by land, from there he went to Janesville, still working at his pro fession. He bought an acre of land, and built a house on Milton avenue, which, in 1855, he traded for eighty acres of land in Blagnolia' Township, on to which he moved, and commenced farming under adverse circumstances, not having any experience. He had to carry his produce to Janesville, and sell wheat at 48 cents per bushel, corn and oats, 10 to 12 cents per bushel, and had to work at his trade, in Albany, during the winter, to pay running expenses. He erected his homestead in 1859, and has made all the improvements himself; be now owns 120 acres clear of debt; raises all kinds of grain, and has sixteen head of horned stock, six horses, fifty-nine sheep, and a number of bogs. Married Miss Ann VVhite, of Bath, Eng, June 22, 1850 ; they have three children living — Sarah A, Edward T. and Isabelle ; he lias served as Pathmaster, Clerk and Treasurer of School District, and is a member of Lodge No. 32, Masons. Republican. RALPH H. YORK, farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Magnolia; born Dec. 10, 1816, in Connecticut; moved to Genesee Co, N. Y, when quite young ; he was educated there, and worked as a farmer and builder till 1846, when he came to Wisconsin and stopped on Hart Prairie, Walworth Co, till 1847, when he moved to Blagnolia Township, Rock Co., and on arrival bere, payed out his last cent for toll, when crossing the river; he took up eighty acres of Government land, all wild, and built a frame shanty, being the first of that description in the neighborhood. In 1861, he built his present homestead, but has added to it since ; he owned 200 acres, unincumbered, but has given some to his sons, and sold more, so that he retains eighty acres, and raises all kinds of grain and stock. Married Miss Prudence P. Hall, of Wyo ming Co., N. Y, in 1836, and has four children — Hiram, Elmeron, Asaph and Thaddeus. Elnieron enlisted in the 13th Wis. Regt, and re-enlisted in the Veteran Regiment; served through the whole cam paign ; Asaph enlisted toward the close, and went to Cairo for a few months. Mr. York bas been Clerk, Director and Treasurer of School District at various periods. 882 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHED. AVON TOWNSHIP. JOHN ADAMS, farmer, Sec. 30; P. 0. Avon; born in Ohio in 1823 ; came to Wisconsin in the fall of 1852, locating at Avon, where he purchased 160 acres — his present homestead. Married, in 1846. Bliss Ellen Clark, a native of England ; they have had five children. Mr. A. is a very successful farmer, raising both stock and grain. He has been Chairman of the Board of Supervisors one year, Side Supervisor two years, and also Constable. Republican. WILLIAM J. BARNES, farmer, Sees. 5 and 8 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; born in Steuben Co, N. Y, in 1836 ; came to Wisconsin at an early age, locating with his father in Walworth Co. In 1859, be went to California, where he was engaged in mining for three years ; in 1861, be returned to Wisconsin, and purchased a farm of 110 acres in Avon— his present homestead. Blarried, in 1866, Miss H. Hunt ley, a native of Erie Co, N. Y. ; have two children — Ella May, born Aug. 3, 1868 ; Charles Henry, born Feb 24, 1871. Mr. Barnes enlisted in the 22d Wis, at Beloit, and joined the regiment at Racine, for three years' service ; he took part in eight or ten engagements ; was wounded at Resaca, Ga. ; was mustered out in 1865 and returned to Avon. Mr. B. has been Chairman Board of Supervisors three years, Assessor two years, Side Supervisor three years, and District Clerk seven years. Republican. ENOCH BEALS, farmer, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Avon ; bora in Vermont in 1821 ; came to Wis consin in 1844, locating at Avon, where be purchased eighty acres — his present homestead. Blr. B. is one of tbe pioneers of Rock Co. ; at the time of his first settling in Avon, he drove an ox team to Mil waukee, which was tbe nearest grain market, taking from six to ten days for the journey. Married, in 1844, Miss Lucy C. Johnson, a native of New York. Had ten children — Amanda J, born Blarch 14, 1846; Evaline, March 21,1848; Florence A, born Dec. 6, 1849 ; Leander B, born June 10, 1852 (died Aug. 31, 1852); Lenora L, bora Sept. 15, 1853; Emma, born Aug. 22, 1858 (died the same year); Blark Vernon, born Aug. 17, 1860; Volney Lee, born April 6, 1864; Guy Washington, born April 27, 1866 (died March 19, 1867) ; Stella M, born Nov. 19, 1871. Mr. B. has been Supervisor two years, Side Supervisor two years, and member of School Board for a number of years. Democrat. EDWIN BREED, farmer, Sees. 20 and 29; P. O. Avon; born in NewYork in 1835; came to Wisconsin in 1851, locating at Avon, whsre he purchased 130 acres — his present homestead. Mr. B. is making a specialty of stock and dairy produce ; milks at present thirteen cows. Married, in 1857, Miss Melinda Hutchinson, a native of New York. Had three children — Ellinor, born in 1858 (died in 1863) ; Franklin, born Jan. 7, 1862 (died March 2, 1862; Cora E, born Dec. 18, 1869. Mr. B. has been Supervisor two years, District Clerk and School Director ; also Town Treasurer for tbe past nine vears. Bepublican. RUFUS RREED, farmer, Sees. 17, 20, 29 ; born in New York in 1811 ; came to Wisconsin in 1849,, locating at Avon, where he purchased 360 acres. Married, in 1837, Miss Ellinor Buckelaw, a native of New York ; had eight children, five living. Mr. Breed is perhaps the oldest settler in the town of Avon ; he is at present living at Durand, 111, and his farm on Sec. 17 is managed by his son, E. D. Breed. He has held every office that was within the gift of tbe town. He is considered a very successful farmer, making a specialty of stock-raising ; he is also interested in the cheese factory. WILLIAM BURCALOW, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Brodhead; born in Hamilton Co, N. Y, in 1825 ; be went to Evansville, Ind, in 1853, and, in tbe spring of 1854, came to Avon and bought eighty acres of land in Section 17 ; partly improved it, and sole! it; worked on other farms a short time, and returned East; in November, 1856, he married in Harpersville, N. Y, Marcia Z. Silliman, and, in March, 1857, he brought her with bim to Avon ; he bought land at different times and built a residence, and now owns 228 acres in all ; they have four children living — Benson S, William D, Ellen T, Harry F. CHARLES CLARK, farmer, Sees. 19, 20 and 30 ; P. O. Avon ; bom in New York in Sep tember, 1831 ; came to Wisconsin in 1855, locating at Avon, where the early part of his. life was spent With his father; in 1865, he purchased 240 acres, afterward adding 280 acres to his present homestead. Married, in 1858, Miss Susan Riekar, a native of Ohio, who died at Avon in 1869; had seven children, four living. Married again in 1869, Miss Hannah Brace, a native of Illinois; had six children, five living. Mr. C. makes a specialty of stock and dairy produce. Member of the School Board. Democrat. OLE T. DUSTRUDE, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; born in Norway in 1827 ; came to Jefferson Co., Wis, direct in 1850 ; he remained there one month and then moved to Spring Valley ; he lived there two years, and, in 1853, moved into Avon, and lived with Ole Stordock about two years, and AVON TOWNSHIP. 883 then bought eighty acres in Sec. 16 ; he built a log house and bought ninety-five acres more; five years after, he built a frame house and barns, and now lives in it. He married in Norway, in 1850, Segra Thores; they had five children; his wife died in Newark in 1871, and he married again, in 1874, Mrs. Julia Anderson ; she had five children by her first husband and two children by her second husband ; she died May 18, 1879. NEWELL D. FITCH, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Brodhead; born in New York in 1835; •came to Wisconsin in 1853, locating at Spring Valley, where he engaged at farming till 1864, when he moved to St. Croix Co, remaining there four years, when be removed to Avon and purchased 102 acres — his present homestead. Married, in 1864, Miss Martha Shirley, a native of Norway; had two children —Herbert H, born Nov. 8, 1864, died Aug. 22, 1866 ; Horace H, born Oct. 15, 1869, died Nov. 28, 1870. Blr. Fitch makes a specialty of stock and dairy produce. Has been Assessor four years ; member ¦of the School Board ; School Treasurer three vears. Republican. STEPHEN GARDNER, farmer, Sees. 17, 19 and 20; P. 0. Avon; born in England in 1819 ; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating in Beloit, where he engaged in farming for seven years; he •then moved to Avon, where he purchased 500 acres — his present homestead. Blarried, in 1840. Miss Susan Bean ; they have had nine children, six living. Mr. G. is one of the largest and most successful ¦farmers in the township ; he makes a specialty of stock-raising and dairy produce ; he also holds an inter est in the cheese-factory. Republican. W. R. HALL, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Orford; was bora in England in 1822 ; came to America in 1345 ; came to Wisconsin in 1859. Married in 1857 ; bis wife was born in Connecticut; they have three children. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are members of tbe Congregational Church. Blr. Hall owns forty ^cres of land. ANSON HILL, farmer, Sec. 8; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in New York in 1824; came to Wisconsin in 1849. Married in 1850 ; his wife was bora in New Jersey ; they have four children living. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. H.- owns eighty acres of land. JOHN HUNTLEY, farmer, Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Brodhead; born in New York in 1848 ; came to Wisconsin the same year, his father locating at Avon, where be resided until his death, March 20, 1877. About tbe year 1866, John purchased 116 acres on Sec. 5 — his present homestead — also 40 acres in Spring Valley, on Sec. 32. Married, in December, 1873, Miss Mary D. Ratbbun, a native of New York; they have had three children. Mr. H. makes a specialty of stock and dairy produce. He has been Jus tice of the Peace four years ; Town Clerk six years, and member of the School Board. JOHN HYLAND, farmer, Sees. 31 and 32 ; P. 0. Avon ; bora in Berkshire Co, Mass, in 1842 ; at an early age, he moved with his parents to Stephenson Co., Ill, and lived there for twenty-eight years, when he moved to Avon and purchased 240 acres, his present homestead ; he makes a specialty of stock and dairy produce. Married, in 1868, Bliss Mary Ryan, a native of Avon, Wis. ; had five children, three boys and two girls. Has been School Clerk and Side Supervisor, also agent for the Newark Insur ance Company for the township of Avon. Greenbacker in politics. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Orford; was bora in Indiana in 1854; came to Wisconsin in 1869. Married April 13, 1878; his wife was born in Wisconsin ; they have one son — George, born Feb. 21, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Johnson owns forty acres of land. ' GUNDER KNUDSON, farmer, Sees. 16 and 17 ; P. 0. Avon ; bom in Norway in 1844 ; came to Wisconsin in 1861, locating with his father at Spring Valley ; afterward moved to Avon ; in 1870, on the death of his father, Gunder took possession of the farm, which consists of 120 acres, his present homestead. Member School Board. Republican. P. A. LARSEN, farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Brodhead; bora in Vadso in the most northern part •of Norway, in 1839 ; the son of Marchant E. and Cecelia Larson ; he came to America in July, 1865, and went to Chicago, where he was engaged in mercantile business a short time, and then, on account of sickness, went on to a farm to work ; was appointed teacher of Norwegian language in schools ; he first came to Wisconsin in 1870 ; farmed, and was also engaged in teaching school in the winter, until Decem ber, 1873; he then came to Avon, and, April 10, 1874, married Widow Svenson, who owned a farm in See. 18; she had one son — Sebert Louis Svenson, born Aug. 12, 1865 ; when her first husband died, tbe estate went into the hands of an administrator ; part of it went to this son and part to the widow ; Mrs. Larson was born in Norway in 1825, and came to America July, 1857 ; she married Iver Svenson, Sep tember, 1858, in Dakota, Green Co, Wis, where they lived till 1869, and then came to Avon ; when here, bought 150 acres land with a house on it, which he paid cash for, earned by hard labor, and he died in Avon Sept. 8, 1872. 884 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: NELS O. LOFTHUS, farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Brodhead; born in Norway; his father and mother, Ole and Helge Lofthus, came to Avon in 1848, and bought 160 acres in Sec. 18, on a claim from tbe Government ; there was a log bouse on it, in which they lived six years ; then built another log house, larger and better, which they occupied; in 1863, his father deeded all the land to him and his brother Knud, and in one year he sold out his share to his brother Knud, and forty acres more which they had bought. His brother married and had one child ; his father died March 1 5, 1879 ; his mother lives in tbe same house ; bis brother Knud died Oct. 9, 1870, leaving the estate in the hands of an administrator. Nels Lofthus married, Sept. 18, 1877, Anna Siverson, and has two children. EPHRAIM MILLER, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. O. Brodhead ; was bora in Ohio in 1827 ; removed to Wisconsin in 1846. Married, in 1859, Miss Ellen Bowden; she was born in Illinois; they have six children living, lost one. Blr. Miller enlisted, in 1864, in 3d Wis. V. I, Co. C, and was mustered out in 1865, at Louisville, Ky. FREDERICK NASH, farmer, Sec. 8; P. 0. Brodhead; was born in England in 1834; came to Wisconsin in 1858. Married, in 1850, Miss Eliza A. Whitney, of Frankfort, N. Y. ; Mr. and Mrs. N. are members of the M. E. Church ; Mr. N. owns eighty acres of land. J. NELSON, farmer, Sec. 4 ; P. O. Orford ; was bora in Norway in 1831 ; came to America in, 1852, and located in New York ; removed to Wisconsin in 1859. Married in 1856 ; bis wife is a native of Germany; they have five children, and are members of the Lutheran Church. CHRIST SORENSEN, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; was bora in Norway in 1 821 ; came to Wisconsin in 1862. Married in 1846; his wife is a native of Norway; they have four children living, and have lost three ; Mr. S. owns eighty acres of land. OLE STORDOCK, farmer, Sec. 7; P. 0. Brodhead; born in Norway in 1816; came to Newark in 1843, and lived with his brother, Gunel Stordock, for one year, and then went to Illinois with him and lived there till 1850, and then bought 160 acres in Sec. 7, and twenty acres of timber in Sec. 28 ; there was a log house on the land in Sec. 7, which he repaired and lived in till 1860, and then built a frame house, with bams, and made all improvements. He married, in Avon, in 1850, Miss Ann Larson ; they have five children living. JOHN G. WATSON, farmer, Sec. 15 ; P. 0. Brodhead ; born in Chenango Co, N. Y, in 1822 ; came to Beloit in October, 1846, and to Avon in May, 1849 ; he bought forty acres of land in Sec tion 15, on which was a log house, partly built ; this he completed and lived in till 1873, and improved the land, and then built a new frame residence, with barns, etc. ; he then bought ninety-four and one-half acres more land, part of it timber, and now owns 134^ acres in all. He married, Sept. 1, 1844, in Greene Co., N. Y, Polly Ann Silliman. They have no children* SYLVESTER WOOD; bom in New York in 1811; came to Wisconsin in October, 1856, locating at Avon, where he rented a farm of 200 acres for two years. In 1858, he moved to Monroe, where he purchased 175 acres, remaining four years. In 1869, be returned to Avon, and purchased 160 acres.. Married, in 1837, Bliss Elizabeth Clark, a native of England. They have had eleven children, five living. Mr. Wood's sons engaged in tbe late rebellion. Theodore M. joined the 55th Ohio Regt, and was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville ; was a young man of bright intellect, a scholar and a soldier ; be con tracted a disease from over-marching, which caused consumption, of which he died at Avon, July 15, 1 869. He left an only daughter to mourn his early death. Mr. Wood was appointed Postmaster in the year 1875, which position he at present holds; Republican. BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. JEROME BOYNTON, farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Emerald Grove; born. in New York State November, 1842 ; came to Wisconsin in 1845, locating at Johnstown. April 1, 1852, moved to Emerald Grove. In April, 1854, his father commenced farming on Section 18, where he had purchased 280 acres. The early part of Jerome's life was spent on his father's farm. In the spring of 1869, he purchased eighty acres on Section 18, his present homestead. Married, in 1867, Miss Catherine A. Scott, a native of Wis consin. They have five children — Charles, born Nov. 5, 1869; Arthur, bora Dec. 11, 1870; Ray, bom Blay 12, 1872 ; Nettie, bom Oct. 15, 1874; Le Roy, bom Oct. 15, 1877. Was Pathmaster one year; Republican. The family are members ofthe Congregational Church. BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. 885 AUSTIN D. CLARK, dealer in groceries, dry goods, crockery, etc, Fairfield ; born in New York State in 1837; came to Wisconsin in 1850, locating at Johnstown, where he was engaged in farming with his father for a number of years, and also received his early education ; he attended two terms at Ripon College. In 1857, he went to Minnesota, and remained about six years, working part of the time in the Recorder's office, and also publishing a paper; was one of the early settlers in Freeborn Co., Minn. In 1862, he returned to Rock Co., and purchased a farm, remaining about four years, when he moved to Richmond, Walworth Co, remaining two years, when be came to Bradford, and purchased a farm at Allen's Grove, remaining seven years. In 1877. moved to Fairfield, where he engaged in the grocery business. Blarried, in 1866, Miss Amanda C. Serl, a native of New York State. Have one child — Florence B, born in July, 1868. Was appointed Postmaster in 1877, which position he now holds; Republican; member of the Congregational Church ; member of the Fairfield Lodge, Masonic Order. JOHN CUMMINGS; bom in Chester, N. Y, Nov. 27, 1808; came to Wisconsin, June 20, 1844. locating at Johnstown, where he purchased eighty acres, remaining seven years, when he moved to Bradford and purchased 160 acres, and lived there two years; he then removed to the Emerald Grove, where he purchased 30 acres in the village ; he has also a farm of 210 acres in La Prairie. Married, May 4, 1843, Miss Sarah Chapin, a native of Orange Co, Vt.; they had two children — -Harriet E, bora Feb. 19, 1844, died Blay 9, 1862; Charles Edgar, born April 15, 1853, died at an early age; he has been Assessor, member of tbe School Board and Postmaster ; was also engaged in mercantile business for a number of years. Republican. COPELAND C. CUTTER, farmer, Sees. 2 and 11 ; P. O. Emerald Grove ; bora in Essex Co, N. Y, in 1836 ; came to Wisconsin in 1849, and located with his father in Bradford, on Sec. 7, where he spent the early portion of his life ; in 1859, in partnership with his father, he purchased 160 acres in Bradford, and twenty acres of woodland in Johnstown, afterward adding 80 acres, his present homestead. Married, in 1859, Bliss Ellen Lynch, a native of New York State, who died in Bradford in February, 1871 ; they had one child — Ellen, born Feb. 2, 1871. Married again, May 1, 1877, Mary Card, a native of New York State. Mr. Cutter has been a member of tbe School Board. Democrat. PETER DILLAMATER, farmer, Sec. 18; P. (). Emerald Grove; born in New York in 1816 ; came to Wisconsin in 1870, locating at Bradford, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres, his present homestead ; he has been very successful in the cultivation of grapes, having raised about three tons in one year. Married, in 1 846, Miss Hannah Garrett, a native of New York State ; they have two children — Ellen, born Aug. 9, 1848; Blary, Sept. 30, 1850. Mr. Dillamater is a Democrat in politics. WILLIAM DUTHIE, farmer, Sees. 10, 14 and 15 ; P. O. Emerald Grove ; born in Kin cardineshire, Scotland, in 1831 ; came to Wisconsin about 1854, locating at Bradford, where he purchased 160 acres, and afterward added 240 acres; in 1878, he also purchased 240 acres, which was known as the Livingston Farm, which is his present homestead ; Mr. D. is a very successful and enterprising farmer. Married July 5, 1858, BIi.-s Mary Robinson, a native of Scotland; they have six children — William, Elizabeth, James, Mary Ann, Margaret and Edward. He has been a member of School Board and Super visor for the past two years. Democrat. WILLIAM W. DYKEMAN, farmer, Sec. 14 ; P. O. Fairfield ; born in New York in 1834 ; came to Wisconsin in 1842, with his father, who was one of the earliest pioneers of this county, and located at Bradford, where he received his early education ; at the age of 24 years, he purchased a farm of eighty acres from his father, on Sec. 14, which remained in his possession for four or five years, when he sold out and bought 160 acres in the same section; it is his present homestead. Married, in 1857, Miss Mary Palmerton, a native of New York ; they have five children — Carrie, bom Sept. 25, 1858; Eva, March 30, 1864 ; John, May 31, 1866; Elsie, July 23J 1869 ; David, July 18, 1875. Mr. Dykeman was Supervisor for two terms. Blember of the Methodist Church ; Republican. WILLIAM GARDINER, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. O. Emerald Grove ; born in Gloucester shire, England, Sept. 3, 1826, where he received a college education; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating in Bradford, where he purchased 80 acres ; afterward purchased 40 acres in La Prairie, and sold 80 acres, and purchased 160 in Bradford — his present homestead. Married, in 1860, Miss C. A. Doekstader, a native of Montgomery Co, N. Y.; they have had ten children. Mr. Gardiner has been Chairman of the Town Board for the past five years ; Side Supervisor a number of terms ; Clerk of School Board twenty- two years ; also elected to the Assembly for 1879, receiving 1,576 votes against 598 votes for W. H. Barden Democrat. He is one of the oldest settlers in the township, and has under cultivation 115 acres ; raises stock and grain with much success. Member Congregational Church. WILLIAM F. GOODRICH, wagon manufacturer, Emerald Grove; born in Vermont in 1839 ' came to Wisconsin in February, 1860, locating in Bradford, where he worked at carpentering for 886 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: three years ; he then moved to Emerald Grove, where he built a wagon-shop. He married, in 1861, Miss. Sarah Van Allen, a native of New York. In 1863, he purchased a farm of 135 acres on the dividing line of Bradford and La Prairie, known as the C. C. Cheney farm. Mr. G. has been a Constable for three years, and is a Republican. J. S. HEDDITCH, farmer, Sees. 15 and 16; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Dorsetshire, England, in 1829; came to AVisconsin in 1847, locating at Brighton, Kenosha Co.; remained about eight years, where he engaged in farming ; in 1855, he moved to Bradford, where be purchased 296 acres — his pres ent homestead. Married, in January, 1860, Miss Fanny Woodman, a native of Wiltshire. England ; had three children — Frederick, born in 1861, died at the age of 3 months; Emma L, born June 20, 1864, and an infant, who died at a very early age. Blr. Hedditch is a whole-souled, genial farmer, and seems to enjoy tbe comfort of a pleasant borne ; he has just completed a very large barn and granary ; raises stock and grain. Was Supervisor two years; member of the School Board for a number of years. Blember of the Blethodist Church ; Republican. ARTHUR HERN, farmer, Sees. 28 and 30 ; P. O. Clinton ; born in Blaine in 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in 1851, locating at Bradford, with bis father, who purchased eighty acres, afterward ten acres and thirty acres of woodland, and also eighty-four acres in Sec. 30 ; in 1864, Arthur succeeded to the farm, where he at present resides. Married, in 1868, Miss Harriet Lawrence, a native of Rock Co., Wis.; Blr. Hern has been Justice of the Peace for two years. Democrat. COL. EDWARD INMAN, farmer, Sees. 21, 22 and 28; P. O. Clinton; bora in Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, in 1822; came to Wisconsin in 1857, locating at Bradford, where his father pur chased 750 acres ; in 1859, Edward bought from bis father 220 acres, in Sees. 21 and 22, afterward adding ninety-seven acres in Sees. 21 and 28, his present homestead; he has also a residence in Clinton, valued at about $1,600. The Colonel is considered one of the most extensive and successful farmers in tbe county ; he was for many years a member of the Pennsylvania militia, when he held the commission of Colonel. Blarried, March 9, 1852, Bliss Blaggie Mechler, a native of Pennsylvania. Had nine children — Jessie, born Jan. 10, 1854 ; Maggie, July 9, 1856 ; Harvey, Blarch 22, 1858 : Hattie, Nov. 27, 1859, died Jan. 13, 1860 ; Lola, born Nov. 17, 1862 ; Ray, July 25, 1864 ; Irving, Oct. 17, 1866 ; Blanche, Blarch '22, 1872; Claude, Jan. 1, 1878. Blember of Masonic Order and Odd Fellows; Justice of the Peace twelve years; member of School Board twelve years ; also Side Supervisor. Bepublican. ELIJAH INMAN, farmer, Sees. 21 and 22 ; P. O. Clinton; born in Pennsylvania in 1824 ; came to Wisconsin Blay 6, 1853, locating in tbe town of Plymouth, where he remained till 1.863, when, he moved to Bradford, and purchased 493 acres, his present homestead ; he is considered one of the largest and most successful farmers in the county ; he is also a large property bolder in Clinton, where he has two stores and a butcher shop, also two houses and lots and one and one-half acres of residence prop erty. Blarried, May 1, 1851, Miss Harriet Barney, a native of Pennsylvania; had six children — Milan B, birn Sept. 13, 1854; Ziba, Aug. 10, 1857, died Julv 27, 1862; Graizzie, born June 10, 1861; Bertha, Aug. 30, 1867 ; Shirley, Blay 13, 1870 ; John, Sept. 3, 1872. Chairman ofthe Board of Super visors one year ; Side Supervisor two years, and member of the School Board for a number of years. Republican ; member of the Methodist Church. LEVI INMAN, farmer, Sees. 16, 21 and 22 ; P. O. Clinton; born in Pennsylvania in 1829 ; came to Wisconsin in 1857, locating at Bradford, where he purchased 200 acres — bis present homestead. Married, in 1852, Bliss Blary BI. Robins, a native of New Jersey ; they have had five children — Edward C, born Nov. 21, 1855; Frank, Feb. 8, 1858, died in February, 1865; Lizzie, born Blay 8, 1860; Rush G, Blay 11, 1866; Nettie, Oct. — 1870. Mr. Inman is considered one of tbe most successful farmers in the county — raising both stock and grain ; be has been Supervisor one year, and Town Clerk six years. Republican ; family members of the Congregational Church. MARQUIS R. JONES, proprietor of Jones House, Fairfield; he was born in Pawlet, Rut land Co, Vt, Feb. 17, 1823, and came to the Territory of Wisconsin the last day of August, 1847. Blarried at Emerald Grove, Rock Co, to Catharine Van Slyke, May 11, 1851 ; the ceremony was pi in formed by Justice Baker. Mrs. Jones was born in Richfield, Herkimer Co, N. Y.; she came to Wiscon sin May 17, 1847 ; a daughter of Nicholas H. and Polly (Petru) Van Slyke. Mr. Jones' parents were Hiraln and Catharine (Baldridge) Jones. His grandfather and great-grandfather were soldiers ofthe Bev olution ; they entered the service at Deerfield, Mass.; he built the first blacksmith shop in this section of the county ; has held various important offices, and has resided in this county most of the time since be came West, but was, for a few years, a resident of Minnesota. Democrat. BENJAMIN LATTA, farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Clinton; born in Niagara Co, N. Y, Feb. 15, 1815 ; son of John Latta, whose father was born in New York City ; John was in the war of 1812 ; BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. 887 he was burned out of house and home by tbe British and Indians and driven away for three years ; upon one occasion, returning to that neighborhood, met others, found a band of Indians occupying the old tavern, surprised them and killed a number of them; he died July 15, 1854, of cholera while aboard a boat on the lakes ; was 66 years of age. Mr. Benjamin Latta commenced farming in 1846 ; left Erie Co, N. Y, and came to Bradford; at first bought 120 acres; now, through bis business tact and industry, has 600 acres. Married, April 4, 1841, Deborah C. Stevens, daughter of William Stevens, an old settler in Erie Co., N. Y. ; have had ten children — Susan (married William Stewart; is living in Clinton), William Latta (enlisted in the 22d W. V. I, served bis time faithfully and was honorably discharged), Benjamin F. (is a successful lawyer in Minnesota), Melta (married Ira Mason ; living at Sharon, in Rock Co.), Albert (is in Blinnesota farming), George (is a lawyer, with a large and successful practice in Northern Wisconsin), Darius (is living at home and Works the farm), Josephine (is at home), Ida (living at Allen's Grove, married Frank Little), Frank (married Miss Sampson). A. P. LOCKE, farmer, Sees. 3 and 10 ; P. 0. Emerald Grove ; bora in Essex Co, N. Y, in 1817; came to Wisconsin in March, 1865, locating at Bradford, where he purchased 120 acres; after ward 120 acres more, bis present homestead. Married, in June, 1846, Miss Elvira Henry, a native of New Hampshire; tbey have six children — Blary Malvina, born April 5, 1847; William Gilson, Oct. 17, 1848, died in November, 1873 ; Daniel F, born Aug. 24, 1850, died at tbe age of 2 years and 8 months ; Lucy F, born Aug. 21, 1852; Samuel H, Oct. 5, 1854'; Sarah A, July 27, 1856, died in 1874. Mr. Locke is a very large and successful farmer, raising both stock and grain. He has been Treasurer of School Board for a number of years ; Democrat ; member of tbe BI. E. Church. DUNCAN McARTHUR, farmer, Sees. 3 and 4; P. O. Emerald Grove; born in Scotland in 1837 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Johnstown, where the early part of his life was spent on his father's farm ; in 1869, moved to Bradford and purchased a farm of 160 acres, his present home stead. Blarried, Dec. 29, 1859, Miss Margaret J. Kyle, a native of Ireland ; they have had five children —John, born in July, 1861, died Aug. 26, 1862; Johanna, born Jan. 27, 1863; Ninie J, in Blarch, 1869 ; Abbie E, in January, 1871 ; Jennie G, in January, 1874. Mr. BlcArthur has been Constable one year and Pathmaster for two years ; Democrat ; member Presbyterian Church. JAMES McNEE, farmer, Sees. 9, 10, 15 and 16; P. O. Emerald Grove; born in Perthshire, Scotland, Nov. 22, 1827; came to Wisconsin in 1848, locating at Bradford, where he purchased 160 acres ; afterward adding 280 acres, his present homestead ; he is also the owner of seventy acres in Sec, 11 ; Mr. BlcNee has one of the largest barns and granaries in Bradford, the main portion taking 77,000 feet of lumber in the construction ; it has a stone basement and all modern improvements for the wintering of stock ; he owns one of tbe largest farms in the township ; in 1876, be paid a visit to his birthplace in Scotland, remaining nine months. Married, in 1856, Miss J. McNiven, a native of Scot land ; had two children — Peter, born Oct. 29, 1856; William, in January, 1861. Mrs. McNee died at Bradford in Blay, 1878. He married again in June, 1879, Miss Agnus McNrwen, a native of Scotland, Has been Justice of the Peace, Supervisor and School Director for a number of years ; Republican. ROBERT MORE, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. O. Fairfield; born in Scotland in 1843; came to Wis consin in 1 846, locating at Bradford, where his father purchased 100 acres, which Robert succeeded to on the death of his father at Johnstown in 1847. Robert More married, in 1869, Miss Ellen J. Bass, a native of Wisconsin ; has three children — Robert H, born April, 1870 ; Wilson N, March, 1873 ; Ada J, Aug. 1875. Blr. More is considered a very successful farmer, raising both stock and grain. He has been Assessor two years, and School Treasurer ten years. Republican. GEORGE PLAYTER (deceased) ; born in town of York, Upper Canada, in 1824 ; came to Wisconsin in 1846, locating at Bradford on Sees. 16 and 21 ; in 1864, enlisted in the 40th Wis. V. I. for the one-hundred-day service, and was ordered to Memphis, where he contracted a disease from exposure, from which he died Aug. 15, 1864, his body being brought to Bradford for burial. Married, in 1853, Miss J. Smith, a native of New York State ; had five children— Alice, born, April, 1854 ; Emma, Dec. 20, 1855, died, February, 1860; Charles, bora, September, 1858; Eda, March, 1861; Lewis, June, 1863, Mr. Playter was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Supervisor and Assessor. Since his death, Mrs. Playter has been running the farm alone with much success, raising both stock and grain. Family mem- bers of the Congregational Church. JESSE C. PUTNAM, farmer, Sec. 11 ; P. O. Emerald Grove ; born in Orange Co, Vt,in 1827- came to Wisconsin in 1847, locating in Bradford, where his father purchased 160 acres, which Jesse 'succeeded to on the death of his father July 23, 1852. He married Seraphine R. Chamberlain, a native of New York who died March 14, 1873; bad five children — Laura E, born July 26, 1861 ; Mary E, Jan. 12, 1863; Leora L.. Oct. 25, 1864; Abbie R, Feb. 23, 1869; David, Blarch 6, 1873. - He 888 BIOGEAPHIOAL SKETCHES: married again May 9, 1874, Miss Betsy E. Mcintosh, a native of Scotland. He has been Clerk of the School Board several years, Supervisor three years, and Director of the School Board. Mr. Putnam is a very successful farmer, raising both stock and grain. Members of the Congregational Church ; Republican. A. G. RANSOM, farmer, Sees. 9, 16 and 17; P. 0. Emerald Grove; born in Otsego Co, N. Y, March 3, 1823 ; came to Wisconsin Sept. 21. 1843, locating at Waukesha, where he remained two years, then moved to Johnstown, remaining also two years ; he then moved to Bradford, where he pur chased 120 acres; afterward added 400 acres to his present homestead; also ninety acres of woodland in Johnstown. Mr. B. is a self made farmer, having one of the largest farms in the county, with all the modern improvements for the wintering of stock. Married, in 1858, Miss Emma Hubbell, a native of Otsego Co., N. Y. ; have five children — Ensign H, Everett, Ella, Ida and Edgar. He has been Chairman of the Board of Supervisors six years, Assessor two years, Justice of the Peace ten years. Republican. STEPHEN D. SERL ( deceased ) ; born in New York State in 1812 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating in Bradford, where he purchased 340 acres and resided until his death, April 12, 1877 ; he was one of tbe oldest settlers in tbe county, having built the first bouse in Bradford, there being but two houses between Fairfield and Janesville ; he was considered a most successful farmer, a good husband and an indulgent parent; his loss has been sadly felt by his widow and children ; but his name shall ever remain green in tbe memory of the people of Bradford. He married March 7, 1835, Eliza A, daughter of John aud Blary Chamberlain, of Sussex Co, N. Y.; they had eight children — Milan W, born April 13, 1836; Eugene S, born Aug. 25, 1838, (died during the rebellion, Aug. 24, 1863, from sickness caused by exposure, at Cairo, 111, on his return home, his body was sent to Bradford for burial ) ; Amanda C, born Oct. 16, 1840 ; Loren W. born May 8, 1842 ; Jeffrey D, born Oct. 21, 1846, died April 17, 1847 ; Jasper C, born Oct. 21, 1846; Ensign L, born Aug. 21, 1848, died Nov. 28, 1868; Cyrus H, bom Sept. 23, 1851. Mr. Serl was Justice of tbe Peace three years, Assessor, Side Supervisor and Treasurer School Board, was a charter member of Fairfield Lodge, No. 100, Masonic Order, was Grand Master for eighteen years. EZRA SMITH, farmer, Sees. 22 and 23 ; P. O. Fairfield; bora in New York in 1809 ; came to Wisconsin in 1844, locating at Bradford where he purchased 120 acres, his present homestead; married, in 1832, Bliss Polly Whitcomb, a native of New York ; they have had nine children — Ezra, Polly, Blartin, Louisa, Louisa Jane, Israel W, Mary Ann, Rauvaline, Marion ; Mr. Smith is one of the oldest settlers, and one of the first to break soil in Bradford ; he has drawn his grain by ox teams to Blilwaukee and Racine, occupying five or six days in the trip , member School Board and Town Treasurer for three years ; Democrat ; member Baptist Church. JOHN SMITH, farmer, Sec. 22 ; P. O. Clinton ; born in England in 1819 ; came to Wiscon sin in 1840 ; in the year 1841, he located on Sec. 22, where he purchased 253 acres, his present home stead. Mr. Smith is one of the old settlers, and was about the first to break soil in the town of Bradford ; he is considered a very successful farmer, raising both stock and grain. Married, in 1840, Bliss Louisa Sargent, of New Hampshire ; they have had four children — John B, born May 6, 1842 ; Annie L, June 30, 1843; Alfred C, July 17, 1845, died in the service at Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory, July 28, 1867 ; Edwin S, bora Sept, 20, 1849. Mr. Smith has been Town Clerk two years, Supervisor four years, also member of the School Board ; Republican in politics ; member Free Baptist Church. WILLIAM S. SQUIRE, of the firm of Squire & Munger, dry goods and groceries, Eme rald Grove; bom in Rook Co, Wis, Jan. 1, 1840, where he received his early education; in 1869, he moved to Blichigan and engaged in the lumbering business for two years ; he then returned to Fulton and - farmed for two years ; from there he moved to Martinville, where he opened a store and continued for two years and six months ; was also Postmaster ; Jan. 25, 1875, formed partnership with A. C. Muoger and opened a general store at Emerald Grove, his present location. He married, in 1863, Miss Prudie Hyatt, a native of New York ; bad three children — Mtta, born July 17, 1865, died Sept. 14, 1865; Nellie May, born, May, 1868; Frederick, June 17, 1876. Justice of the Peace two years, member School Board, Postmaster four years ; Bepublican. MICHAEL C. STOLLER, farmer, Sec. 7 ; P. O. Emerald Grove ; bom in Montgomery, N. Y, in 1806 ; came to Wisconsin fall of 1859, locating at Racine, remaining one year, when he moved' to Bradford, where he purchased 164 acres, his present homestead. Blarried, in 1828, Miss Maria Quil- hot, a native of Montgomery Co., N. Y. ; they have had nine children, five living ; Democrat. Charles H, the youngest son, who has now control of the farm for his father, married, in 1871, Miss Isabella Laurence, a native of Wisconsin ; they have four children, two boys and two girls. CORNELIUS VAN TASSEL, farmer, Sees. 28 and 29 ; bom in Tully, Onondaga Co, N. Y, Aug. 18, 1816; in 1834, be removed to Huron Co., Ohio, with his father; remained there six BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. 889 months, then went to La Porte Co., Ind, where he resided two and a half years; came to Bradford, Bock Co., Wis, May 9, 1837 ; is still living on the same section where he made his claim at the time he came here ; only one settler in this township when he came. Mr. Van Tassel broke the first land in the town ship in which he resides ; in 1837, be raised a crop of sod-corn; in 1838, a crop of wheat; had to go a distance of sixty-five miles from Beloit to a mill located on Buffalo Creek, in Ogle Co, 111, and wait ten days for bis turn, before he could get his grist. Mr. Van Tassel married Sarah Payne April 10, 1843 ; she was bora in Farmington, Ontario Co, N. Y, Sept. 2, 1821 ; they have five children — Jane (now Mrs. R. J. Whittleton, of Harvard, 111.), born Jan. 16, 1844 ; Nelson, Aug. 9, 1845 ; Elsie E, April" 2, 1848 ; Martha (now Mrs. Francis A. Griffith, of Ridgeway, Winneshiek Co, Iowa), Nov. 28, 1851, and Willis M, Nov. 8, 1864. E. F. WELCH, farmer, Sees. 11 and 12; P. 0. Fairfield; born in Madison Co, N. Y, in March, 1834; came to Wisconsin in 1854, locating in Bradford, where he purchased 320 acres, his present homestead, also twenty-five acres of woodland in Walworth Co. Married, Feb. 22, 1853, Bliss Almira Bundy, a native of Steuben Co, N. Y. ; had three children — Robert H, bora Feb. 6, 1861 ; Mary L, July 22, 1865. who died at the age of 7, and Eva, born Jan. 8, 1870. Mr. Welch is a successful farmer, and has acquired the confidence of his neighbors since settling here ; he has just completed a very fine barn and granary, and is engaged in raising both stock and grain ; has been member School Board ; politics, Independent. WILLIAM G. WELLS, farmer, Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Clinton; born in Farmington, Ontario Co, N. Y, Jan. 13, 1824 ; son of Joseph Wells. The family were originally from Berkshire Co., Mass, and settled in New York in 1794, on the Phelps and Gorham purchase — it was a wilderness at that time. Mr. Wm. Wells' grandfather, on mother's side, was a brave soldier in the Revolutionary war, and grand father, on father's side, was a member of tbe King's Body Life Guard, in England ; William's father, Joseph, died in April, 1849, aged 70 years ; he was a prominent Royal Arch Mason. William started out for himself Oct. 18, 1844, came to Milwaukee and then went to BlcHenry Co, 111. ; was there most ofthe time till spring of 1853 ; then moved to Bradford, Rock Co., Wis, and settled on 480 acres; in 1864, moved to Sec. 34, Bradford ; now has a fine farm of 187 acres. He has a fine creamery ; churns 600 to 700 pounds of milk at a time ; bis butter, which is of the best, finds ready market ; be has also one of the finest springs in the county ; water is pumped up into the house by hydraulic pressure. Mr. Wells married, in March 15, 1854, Betsy Wilkins, daughter of John Wilkins, of New Jersey ; have had eight children — -Joseph B, Charles, Frank, Mehitabel, Ralph, Wm. G, Jr., Lois Aletha ; Loren died in infancy. Mr. Wells was Assessor eight years. FRANCIS H. WILKINS, farmer, Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Fairfield ; bora in Steuben Co, N. Y, in 1835 ; came to Wisconsin in 1838, locating at Bradford, where the early part of big life was spent with his father; in 1859 he purchased eighty acres on Sec. 1, where he lived for about ten years ; he then sold out, and purchased 167 acres in the same section — his present homestead. Married, in 1858, Miss Ellenor Legrand, a Dative of Pennsylvania ; they had four children — Lillie, born Sept. 17, 1859 ; Nettie, bora Blarch 21, 1861 ; Grant, born Feb. 28, 1863 ; Francis BI, bom Jan. 5, 1877. Eepublican. WILLIAM WYMAN, Sec. 31 ; P. O. Clinton ; bom in Beverly, Mass, March 16, 1806 ; son of Joshua Wyman, a respected farmer who moved to Utica, N. Y. ; thence to Rochester; bought a farm four miles from the city ; afterwards lived with his children, and finally died in Brighton, near Boston, in 1845, at the age of 66. William Wyman started out for himself early ; was in Medford, Mass, and Utica at different times ; then returned to Boston and to Medford ; was again in Boston, and after ward went to New York, and helped build the Erie Canal ; was there till 1839, when he located, in June 12, 1839, in Bradford, on 560 acres. In 1872, he built a fine residence ; be also has a barn built of stone from his own quarry, 100x50, addition 36x16 feet. Has been extensively engaged in sheep-raising, keeping as many as 1,100 at one time, and now owns between 600 and 700 acres of land. There have been from twenty-five to thirty births on this farm, but as yet not a death. Mr. Wyman married, on Jan. 28, 1833, Martha Boardman, daughter of T. M. Boardman, who was of Comstock. Children — Martha A,' born' Feb. 13, 1836 (died Jan. 13, 1839); Martha A, 2d, born Dec. 22. 1839 (married James Bla6k, and now living in Bradford — have had three children) ; William W, died in infancy; William W, ,born Febuary, 1863; Schuyler H, born May 11, 1869. Mr. Black enlisted in the 22d Wis, and was wounded in the cheek and shoulder at the battle of Lookout Mountain. Two adopted sons of Mr. Wyman served their time faithfully in the late war. Mr. Wyman was an old War Democrat. When they first settled in Wisconsin, Mrs. Wyman, in a letter home, wrote this line, which speaks for itself: " Towel is the window, clay is the floor, stump is my table, blanket my door." Mr. Wyman has been Justice of the Peace many years, and holds that office now. 890 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: HARMONY TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM F. AKIN, farmer ; P. 0. Janesville; born in Cayuga Co, N. Y, in September, 1843 ; son of Edward and Adeline Akin, both deceased, and brother of M. J. Akin, who owns a large farm adjoining him. William F. came, when 6 weeks old, with bis parents to Wisconsin. They lived on a farm in Harmony Township. William F. was bora and raised on a farm ; his parents gave him a good education. He assisted them in working the farm till he was 20 years old, and then began life for him self. At the age of 20, in 1863, he bought forty acres of unimproved land, which he improved and sold at a profit, in 1865. In 1864, William F. enlisted, in Madison, Wis, in Company H, 42d Regt. Wis consin Volunteer Infantry. They were sent to Cairo, 111, and detailed on duty in different parts of that State ; mustered out in June, 1865, he returned home and engaged in farming. Married in Harmony, in the fall of 1865, Miss Vina Green, who was born in March, 1845, in Ontario Co, N. Y.; have six chil dren — Clarence, born in 1866 ; Julia, in 1869 ; George, in 1871 ; Edna R, in 1873 ; Edward, in 1875 ; Henrietta, in 1878. Mr. Akin and bis wife went, in the fall of 1866, to Harrisonville, Cass Co, Mo, where be bought 100 acres^of wild land, on which he built, lived and worked till the fall of 1867 ; he sold that farm, and they returned to Harmony Township, where he worked and managed his father's farm. In 1874, he bought eighty acres of unimproved land, on which he is now living; he built a new house and made other improvements ; has forty-five acres under cultivation ; he raises the usual crops of the county, Norman horses, bogs (Poland-China crossed with Berkshire); besides working his own farm, he is renting and working other farms successfully. Beligion, liberal ; radical Republican. M. J. AKIN, farmer, Sec. 33 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Cayuga Co, N. Y, November, 1836 ; son of Edward and Adaline Akin. His father was born in Montgomery Co., N. Y, April, 1803. He was a farmer. Married in Cayuga Co, in 1824, Miss Adeline Morgan, who was born in Montgomery Co, N. Y, in September, 1805. They had ten children ; nine are living — Lucy Ann, bora in 1826, married O. L. West, farmer, at Richmond, Walworth Co. ; G. S. Akin, a physician in Harrisonville, Cass Co, Mo. ; Lois M, married John M. Hicks, a farmer, of Harmony Township ; Eunice F, married Ezra Cramer, a carpen ter, of Fredonia, Wilson Co, Kan. ; Levangah, married Augustus E. Wilcox, farming in Harmony Town ship ; Adeline, married Wilson Martin, farmer, in Harmony Township ; Wm. F, married Vina Green, born in Montgomery Co, N. Y, and farming in Harmony Township ; Emily, unmarried. BI. J. Akin was born in Cayuga Co, N. Y, in November, 1831 ; with his parents, came to Wisconsin in 1843 ; tbey lived for a time in Richmond, Walworth Co. In 1844, came to Rock Co.; bought a farm of 120 acres of unimproved land in Harmony Township. His father died, January, 1878, and his mother died, January, 1879. BI. J. received a good education, and learned farming thoroughly. When 21 years of age, he bought a farm of 120 acres of good land in La Prairie, where he lived eight years, then sold out and returned to Harmony Township, where he bought 240 acres of excellent land on Rock Prairie, where he is now living ; raises 100 acres of barley, seventy of wheat, forty of corn, thirty of clover, vegetables, stock, Leicester sheep, Poland-China hogs sixty head, seven head of Clydesdale horses. Blr. Akin is a broad-gauge man ; his farm is on a large plan. He uses all the latest necessary agricultural implements. He is a radical Republican and has served four consecutive years as a member of tbe Board of Supervisors. FREEMAN BACON, farmer, Sees. 3 and 4 ; P. O. Janesville ; bora in January, 1806, in Barnstable Co., Mass, where he received a good common-school education ; has always been a farmer. Married, in Barnstable Co., Mass, in 1826, Miss Rebecca Larkin, born in Newport, R. I, in 1804 ; they hud eight children, four now living — Frank, Betsy, Victor and Rebecca; their mother died in Harmony Township in 1846. Mr. Bacon, with bis wife, went from Massachusetts, in 1834, to Blonroe Co., N. 1". ; in 1844, be started for the Badger State ; arrived here in Wisconsin in the fall ; immediately located in what was then Janesville (now Harmony) Township, where he and his brother Owen together bought 360 acres of land ; the same year, Freeman pre-empted 120 acres of land, which increased in value, and he sold it in 1850 ; a few years afterward, the brothers divided their property, bis brother Owen taking 200 acres, and Freeman the remaining 160, which he some time afterward disposed of, and bought 240 acres where he now lives; he has improved the farm, made fences and built barns, etc.; he raises grain, vege tables and stock — Jersey and Durham cattle, sheep, Poland-China bogs (called the prettiest bogs in this section of the country), Black Hawk breed of horses, etc. He was one of the prime movers in building the schoolhouse in District No. 6, Harmony Township ; be contributed tbe land and some money toward its completion. HARMONY' TOWNSHIP. 891 ANDREW BARLASS was born in 1822, near Loch Leven, Scotland; the rudiments of his education were imparted to him by a nephew of Robert Burns ; he resolved to seek his fortune in the New World at an early age; he landed in New York City in 1842, coming to Wisconsin in October of that year, and settling on the Milwaukee road ; he removed to the farm he now lives on, in the town of Harmony, in 1844, having purchased it of tbe Government ; this is one of the best farms on Rock Prai rie. Mr. Barlass was first married to Miss Margaret Clink, who died in 1851, leaving four children — Margaret, Mary, Ellen and David. In 1861, he married his second wife— Miss Margaret Beveredge ; they have three children — Agnes May, Andrew J. and Christina. Mr. Barlass has served as Assessor and Justice of tbe Peace for a number of years, and has been chosen Chairman of the Town Board of Super visors some four or five times ; he was elected a member of the Assembly in 1873, and re-elected for the two succeeding years, where he served his constituents and the people of tbe State faithfully and with honor to himself. Blr. Barlass believes that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well ; hence, when on his farm, he gives it his best attention ; he acts upon the principle of " come, boys," rather than " go, boys ; " the result is, the success of his farm. He is a stanch Republican in politics, and keeps himself well posted upon all questions which relate to the welfare of our State and nation ; no one questions bis honesty or integrity ; take bim all in all, he is a good representative man of the most intelligent and suc cessful farmers of Rock County. DAVID BARLASS, farmer, Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Emerald Grove ; born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in May, 1830 ; he came with his mother and sister to Wisconsin in 1844; tbey first lived in Johnstown Township, Rock Co. David received a fair education ; he was bora and raised on a farm ; be first farmed on Rock Prairie for 50 cents a day ; was industrious and economical ; saved his earnings and invested in land ; in 1855, he purchased a farm on Rock Prairie ; he now owns 120 acres of fine land; a good farm, one of the best in this portion of the State ; he has been steady, frugal and a good manager. He married, in the fall of 1856, Miss Catharine Moore, born in 1837, in Stillingshire, Scotland; have two children- Andrew and Helen. Republican ; members of the Scotch Presbyterian Church. J. B. CADWELL, farmer. Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Janesville; bom in Manlius Township, Ononeiaga Co, N. Y, in September, 1827; born and raised on a farm; received a good, common-school education; at the age of 22, he began life for himself; bought a farm of fifty acres in Pompey Township, same county. Married there, in October, 1849, Miss Teresa Williams, who was bom in Pompey Township in 1831 ; the result of their happy union was four children ; three are living— Evaline, Florence and Row land. Mr. C. lived in Pompey till 1851 ; he sold his farm and moved into Manlius Township, where he bought a farm of twenty-five acres, on which he lived and worked till 1866, at which time he sold out and moved, till the beginning of 1868, he sold out and removed his family to Wisconsin, located and bought a farm of eighty acres of improved land in Harmony, where he is now living and prospering ; barn, granery house, cozy home, etc.; raises a variety of crops ; makes a specialty of raising tobacco, which he finds more profitable than any other crop. He is Independent in politics, and liberal in religion. PETER CARHARTT, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Albany Co, N. Y, June 19, 1812; he received a fair education ; at an early age began farming ; lived in Albany Co. till 1839, then moved to Rensselaer Co, N. Y, where be followed his occupation till 1842, then went to Greene Co, N. Y, where he married Miss Ellen Coonley, a native of Albany Co.; they have had three children, one living— Henry, who is assisting his father at farming. Shortly after Mr. Carhartt's marriage, they removed to Onondaga, Co, town of Cicero, bought a farm and worked it until 1849, then sold his farm and removed to the township of De Witt, same county ; was appointed toll-gate keeper, which position be filled for fifteen years ; in 1864 he resigned, and went to Onondaga Township, same county,-where he was toll- gate keeper till 1865, then returned to township of De Witt, and remained for three years, till the spring of 1868, when he came to Janesville; he lived in Janesville one year; in 1869, he went to Rock Township, to manage a farm on shares, which he did till the fall of 1871. In 1868, Mr. Carhartt bought a farm of seventy-two acres, well improved, on Sec. 8, Harmony Township ; in 1871, he moved on to the farm, which he worked till 1877, then rented to Charley - Moore ; in 1877, Mr. Carhartt moved from his farm, and took charge of Mrsi Joseph Spaulding's farm of 480 acres, on which he is raising sixty liead of cattle, eighty-seven head of hogs, eight head of horses, and a variety of crops; his son is assisting him in the management of this immense farm ; they are steady, industrious men, and are prospering nicely. Republican ; liberal in religion. ROBERT CLARK, farmer, Sees. 24, 26 and 28 ; P. 0. Rock Prairie ; born November, 1845, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, son of William and Elizabeth Clark ; came to Wisconsin with his parents in May, 1858 ; they bought a farm of eighty acres in Harmony Township, where they are now living ; llobert received part of his education in Scotland and attended school here. He assisted his parents on the farm 892 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: till 1864. Married, in Johnstown, October, 1868, Bliss Mary Barlass, who is a native of Harmony Town' ship; they have bad five children, four are living — Isabella, Jane, John and Agnes; in November, 1877, Mr. Clark purchased the farm,' consisting of 236 acres of good land, all under cultivation excepting forty acres of timber-land. Members of the United Presbyterian Church. ISAIAH P. COOKE, farmer, Sec. 13; "P. 0. Janesville; born in Onondaga County, N. Y, 1831 ; son of Chester Cooke, who was born in 1798 and started tbe second power woolen mill in America, at Northampton, Mass.; father and son came to Wisconsin in 1855; I. P. Cooke lived three years in town of La Prairie; removed to bis present location in 1859. He married Miss. Eliza L. Harding in 1861 ; they have one son — William M, born in 1863. Isaiah and his brothers, Edward C, Dwight, Henry Clay and Geo. A, are radical Republicans ; Mr. C. is a Universalist. WILLIAM L. DENNING, farmer, Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Janesville ; bora in County Kilkenny, Ireland, July 4, 1841 ; son of Alexander and Margaret L. Denning. His father was born in County Monagban, Ireland, November. 1805. Born and raised on a farm, he received a very good education, tak ing into consideration the privations of his country. At tbe age of 18, be enlisted in Wexford, in the English Service, in which he served fourteen years and nine months. Married, in County of Waterford, in June, 1840, Bliss Margaret Lee, who was born in the county of Kilkenny, in August, 1807. Their happy union was blessed with one child, named William, whose date of birth is above given. William came with his parents from Ireland direct to Boston, Mass, in 1845, where his father was employed by a furni ture company for two years. In 1847, his father and family left Boston en route to Concord, N. H. His father acted as Superintendent of a stone quarry for two years, till the spring of 1849, at which time he removed his family four miles out into the country ; he still remained in the employ of tbe same firm, with whom he had contracted to furnish railroad ties. In November, 1850, he and his family came to Wiscon sin, located in the city of Janesville, where be lived and worked till the spring of 1851, at which time he removed out into Harmony Township, where he worked different farms till 1854; then he bought twenty acres of land on Section 10, and moved on to tbe place. At divers times, afterward, he made additional purchases, consisting of seventy acres, till he owned altogether ninety acres of fine land. By his industry, be accumulated a handsome property, on which he made all the improvements' — granary, stable, house, etc. After an industrious and successful career, he' died March 13, 1864. His wife still survives him, and is receiving kind care from her only son, William L, who is sole heir to the farm and property, which he is Working successfully. Raises a variety of crops, high grade of Durham cattle, thoroughbred Durham bull, Poland-China and Berkshire hogs, Ootswold sheep, Norman breed of horses, etc. William L. married, Jan. 13, 1866, Miss Mary Lyons, who was born in the county of Mead, Ireland, in 1841. They had five children, four are living — Joseph A, Mary Catherine, John, Margaret E. EZRA DILLENBECK, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Janesville; born in Montgomery Co, N. Y, Blarch 28, 1835 ; the only son of Henry H. and Catherine Dillenbeck. He came with his parents, in 1854, to Rock Co., Wis. ; they located, and bought a farm of 268 acres of good land in Harmony Town ship, which they improved. His father led an honorable and upright life, and was industrious ; he died in Harmony in August, 1864. His mother still survives him, and is living with her son Ezra. Ezra succeeded his father at farming, in 1865 ; he and his brother sold off 134 acres of land to S. M. Havens, who is now living on the farm. Ezra Dillenbeck married in the town of Center, Rock Co, in March, 1858, Bliss Jane E. Pritchard, who was born in New York. Has had five children, four are living — Emma, Henry, Albert and Mary. A few years ago, he sold off twenty acres of land, on which was built a house and barns, etc. Mr. Dillenbeck has now remaining 1 14 acres of fine land, all under cultivation ; raises a variety of crops. In the spring of 1876, he was elected Assessor of Harmony Township ; re-elected in 1877 and 1878 — three consecutive years ; Republican. WILLIAM FANING, farmer, Sees. 9 and 18 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in November, 1825 ; came to New York in 1851, by way of Quebec and Montreal; located in Washington Co, N. Y, and engaged at farming; worked for a time on the Whitehall & Hudson Biver Railroad. Married, in Whitehall, Nov. 19, 1856, Miss Ellen Keefe, who was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland. They have bad eight children ; seven are livings — Patrick, William, John, Michael, Edward, James and Hannah. Blr. Faning came from New York, with his wife, to McHenry Co., 111. ; lived there and farmed for two years. He came, in 1858, to Wisconsin, and located in Janesville Township, where he remained until 1869 ; then he came to Harmony Township and bought tbe farm of fifty acres on whioh be now lives. The farm was unimproved . Mr. Faning and his boys have improved it, cleared the tim ber, built fences, barns, etc. Every acre of the farm is under cultivation. They raise the usual crops, Mr. Faning is a Democrat. He and bis family are members of the Janesville Catholic Church. Blr. Faning's son William assists his father in working the farm. He owns and operates a threshing machine. HARMONY' TOWNSHIP. 893 ALFRED HOSKINS, farmer, Sees. 29 and 31 ; P. 0. Janesville ; bom in Scipio Town ship, Cayuga Co, N. Y, February, 1807 ; bora and raised on a farm. He received an extra good common school education. At the age of 21 he began life for himself; worked at farming in sum mer-time and teaching in the winter ; taught school seven winters and one summer term. He was a very successful school teacher. Married in Scipio Township, January, 1834, I hoebe Ann Tompkins, who was born April, 1814. They had ton children ; six are living— Lucinda, unmarried ; Elizabeth, married Dr. Wm. C. Butler, who is living and practicing medicine in tbe city of Janesville; Joshua, was born in 1849, married Miss Carrie Vanvalen, who was born in Cortland Co, N. Y, and has one child, iredenck ; Robert W, is engaged in raising sheep in McCulloch Co, Texas ; he is a member of a firm owning and herding 4,000 head of sheep ; Blary, unmarried, teaching school in the city of Janesville ; Anna, unmarried, is a graduate of Janesville High School In 1834 Mr. Hoskins and his wife moved to Hopewell Township, Ontario Co, N. Y, where he farmed it until the spring of 1836, at which time he removed to Mt. Morris Township, Livingston Co, N. Y, where he farmed it successfully and lived until the fall of 1841, then removed to Avon Township, same county, where he farmed and flourished uniil 1846. In October of that year, he and family came to Wisconsin, by the way ofthe Lakes, to the city of Racine; then to Janesville. In 1844, he first came to Wisconsin, Racine, Rook Co, prospecting, looking for a location ; returned to his home in New York State; came again to Rock Co. in the spring of 1845, at which time he bought 550 acres of land, 480 of which is in Sec. 16, La Prairie Township, and seventy in Harmony Township. In 1846, he removed his family to Wisconsin, and located and lived on his farm in La Prairie, on which he made all necessary and some handsome improvements. A few years afterward he sold off 120 acres, and has remaining 360' acres. At divers times, he has made additional purchases, consisting of 130 acres, till he now owns 200 acres in Harmony. This farm is most handsomely improved, . barn, granary, dwelling-bouse, etc. His spn Joshua is working this farm. Mr. Hoskins owns 520 acres, in two farms. In 1867, Mr. Hoskins retired, and moved to the city of Janesville, where be bought a large, comfortable brick house on Bluff street, where he is now residing in retirement. He has led a very active, industrious life, and by his industry and shrewd management his efforts are crowned with good success. Mr. H. has always voted the Republican ticket, and ha» at various times been honored with the following offices: In 1853 and 1854, he was elected and served as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of La Prairie Township ; in the fall of 1854, he was elected Sheriff of Rock Co, being the first Sheriff ever elected on the Republican ticket in Rock Co, and served one term satisfactorily ; member of the Board of County Supervisors three terms, and he gave the best of satisfaction. WILLIAM HUGHES, farmer, Sec. 5 ; P. O. Janesville ; bora in County Meath, Ireland, Sept. 22, 1833 ; lived on a farm ; attended school until 16 years old, then engaged at farming till 1832 ; came to New York City, August 26, 1852 ; remained there only a short time. Married there, the same year, Miss Mary Ward, who was bora in Ireland ; they have had ten children, nine are living — Delia, William, James, Bobert P, Mary A, Thomas, Edward, John H, Sarah A. In 1852, Mr. Hughes and his wife bought a farm in Clinton Co, N. Y, where he farmed till 1867 ; came to Wisconsin, with his family, in March, 1867, and bought a farm of 102 J acres of good land from one of the Stockmans. Mr. Hughes has eighty acres under cultivation, raises a variety of crops, common breeds of cattle and horses and Poland-China hogs. Members of the Janesville Roman Catholic Church; Democrat. His son, William, is renting and working, on the shares, one of Mr. Paul's farms, on Sec. 31, Milton Township. of 220 acres ; William is energetic and succeeding well ; be is raising 25 acres of barley, 30 of corn, 25 of oats, 35 of hay, vegetables, etc. THOMAS JAMISON, farmer, Sees. 35 and 36 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Aberdeen shire, Scotland, in July, 1812 ; attended school there until 24 years of age ; in 1837, be came to New York, located in Caledonia, Livingston Co, where be followed farming; he returned to Aberdeen shire, Scotland, in 1842, when he married Miss Margaret Monat, who was born there in March, 1822 ; had twelve children, ten are living — James, Blargaret, Thomas, Mary, Malcolm, Jennie, David, Peter, William and Robina. In 1842, he returned with his bride from Scotland; they located in Livingston Co, N. Y. ; remained until 1845, then came to Wisconsin and bought a farm of forty acres of Government land; Mr. Jamison by industry has accumulated a valuable property, well improved ; be owns three farms — 262 acres in Sees. 26 and 35 and 130 acres in other sections. Members of the Johnstown Presbyterian Church. THOMAS K AHOE, farmer, Sec. 8 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in County Meath, Ireland, in Feb ruary, 1829; came to Janesville, where he was employed by Timothy Jackman in a flouring-mill; in September, 1854, he went to Fond du Lac, Wis, where he engaged in a lucrative employment ; remained a few years; went to Nashville, Tenn, for a short time; came to Woodstock, 111, where he w.s engaged till 1860 ; then returned to Rock Co, and engaged at farming in Harmony Township, where he has since 894 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: ntfed. Married, in Janesville, in August, 1861, Miss Anna Dunnigan, who was born in County Meath, Ireland ; they have had seven children ; six are living — Katie A, Bartholomew, Lawrence, Nicholas, James and Thomas. Mr. Kahoe owns fifty acres of land, on which they live. Members of the Janes ville Catholic Church. DAVID McLA Y, farmer, Sec. 31 ; P. 0. Emerald Grove ; born in Sterlingshire, Scotland, in 1810; came to America in 1843; located on the farm he now owns of 240 acres. In 1849, married Miss Margaret More, of Johnstown. He served as Supervisor of Johnstown many years ; raises Durham grades and Clyde horses ; he owns Clydesdale stallion, Sir William Wallace, sired by England's Glory ; grandsire Old England's Glory; Sir William's dam is a full-blooded Clyde mare, sired by Active; grand- sire, Old Active; he stands 16£ hands high and weighs nearly 2,000 pounds. THOMAS MACKIN, farmer, Sees. 20 and 17 ; P. O. Janesville ; bom in the city of Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N. Y, February, 1838 ; when 4 years of age he came with his parents to a farm in the same county, where he attended a good common school, learned farming thoroughly; in the fall of 1863, he came to the city of Janesville, Wis, where he worked at railroading for a few months, then returned to his home, New York State ; he entered in the late civil war in Syracuse, N. Y, in Company A, 122d New York Volunteer Infantry ; was in all the battles bis regiment participated in ; mustered out at Wash ington, D. C, Aug. 31, 1865 ; he then returned to bis home in New York State, where he lived and pros pered till June, 1866, at which time he came again to Janesville, Wis, where he located ; engaged in keeping a liquor store. Married in Janesville, New Year's Day, 1867, Miss Mary Welch, who was born in Kerry County, Ireland, 1843, they have had seven children, all are living — William, born March 31, 1868; Lucy, born Dec. 11, 1869 ; Mary, born Dec. 2, 1871 ; Thomas, born Sept. 28, 1873; James, bom Dec. 22, 1874; Catharine, born Jan. 20, 1877 ; Alice, bom Aug. 28, 1878. In March, 1873, Mr. Mackin sold out bis liquor business and moved out to Harmony Township, where he bought a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, improved, barn, house, etc. Raises a variety of crops and stock of various kinds ; he also owns a brick house in the city of Janesville ; he is succeeding nicely at farming ; Democratic in politics ; he and family are devoted members of the Janesville Catholic Church. THOMAS MENZIES, JR., farmer, Sees. 4 and 5 ; P. O. Milton Junction ; bom in Scotland in 1826; received a good education; be was raised on a farm; at an early age, after leaving school, he commenced to assist bis father on the farm. Thomas married in Scotland, in 1853, Miss Isabella Blclntosb, who was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1829 ; have five children — Thomas, Isabella, John, William and Grace ; Mr. Menzies came with his family direct from Scotland to Wisconsin ; located and engaged at farming in Harmony, where he worked a few years then went to Johnstown Township, where he managed a farm till 1869, when he returned to Harmony Township and bought a farm of W. Austin ; the farm on which his family now live, of one hundred and sixty acres, one hundred under cultivation ; he raises the usual crops, also cattle, horses, etc. Thomas Menzies, Jr., has entire charge and is working the farm success fully; married in Janesville, June 22, 1877, Miss Adelia Barker; has one child — Minnie; Thomas is Independent in politics ; liberal in religion. BARNEY MILLEN, farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. East Milton; born in County Cavan, Ireland, iu January, 1801 ; lived on a farm ; be was deprived of a liberal education, but he is a man of ability and strictly straightforward and honorable in all of bis dealings ; he married in County Cavan, Ireland, in April 1843, Bliss Bridget Masterson, born in the same county in 1819 ; they had six children, five living: John, bom in Ireland, January, 1844; Michael, born in. Ireland, September, 1845 ; Margaret, born in Ire land 1848 ; Owen, born in Wisconsin, 1856 ; Eliza, born in Wisconsin, ; Mr. Millen came to America in 1851, located in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, lived there from Thanksgiving Day till June, 1851, when he came with his family to Wisconsin, located at Rock Co., Harmony Township and engaged at farming; he worked farm on shares for a few years with good success; in 1860, he bought forty acres of land, on which he is living ; in 1864, he purchased eighty more acres adjoining, ten of which is timber ; he now owns altogether one hundred and twenty acres of land which he has improved ; raises a variety of crops ; takes an interest in tobacco raising, which is said to be the most profitable crop in this part of the State ; he raises cows, horses, Poland-China and Berkshire hogs, Leicestershire sheep etc.; be has on his place an ex cellent wind-mill, commodious barns, etc.; Democrat; members of the Janesville Catholic Church. CHARLES E. MILLER, farmer, Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Otsego Co, N. Y, Aug. 13, 1838 ; he is the son of Cornelius and Celinda Miller; his father was born in Herkimer Co, N. Y7, Feb. 2, 1801 ; at an early age be learned tbe carpenter's trade ; afterward learned tbe flour-milling business ; he put in his time till 27 years of age, when he took up thirty-seven acres of land in Hemlock Prairie, N. Y. Married, in Otsego /Co, N. Y, Feb. 17, 1825, Miss Celinda Smith, who was born Jan. 10, 1801, in Otsego Co, N. Y.; they bad ten children, eight are living — George, Jeremiah, Justina, Margaret, HARMONY TOWNSHIP. 895 Lueilla, Charles E, Leander S, Israel, Clark; the latter is now a physician, practicing medicine. Mr. Miller, Sr, came with his family to Wisconsin, in the spring of 1842, and bought 160 acres of land in Janesville Township; he returned to New York State and remained there till 1845 ; he came again to Wisconsin, bringing his family with him. This time he bought 240 acres of land in Harmony Township ; to this farm he moved his family, and went to work industriously and built barns, granary, outbuilding, house, etc. Mr. Miller, Sr, always led an energetic life, and was a successful farmer ; few men in Har mony Township were as much respected. He was identified with the interest and prosperity of his town ship. He held, at various times, the following offices : served as Treasurer of Harmony Township, Justice ofthe Peace, be was one ofthe delegates to the first Free Soil Convention, which was held at Madison. He was an ardent advocate of the temperance cause, always and ever striving to do good ; he died Nov. 26, 18 — ; his wife died Aug. 26, 1869. Charles E, the subject of this sketch, received a good education, and learned farming thoroughly ; he succeeded his father on the old homestead ; he was heir to eighty acres, which he still owns and lives on and works successfully ; he also has the management of forty acres ; his farm is well stocked, with a full-blooded Ayrshire bull, half Jersey and Durham grade cattle, Berk shire and Poland-China bogs, and he takes much pride in raising stock. Married, in Harmony Township, July 2, 1863, Sarah E. Glazier, who was born in Cherry Valley, Otsego Co, N. Y, in 1846 ; they have four children — Julia, Bertba. Guy. James St. John. Mr. Miller is Independent in politics and liberal in religion. F. E. OSBORN, farmer, Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Milton ; bom in Genesee Co, near Attica, N. Y, in March, 1827 ; he is a son of Chauney and Polly Osborn ; his father was born in New York in 1798 ; when quite young be commenced farming; in 1812, he enlisted in the Bevolutionary war; served one year and a half as a drummer-boy ; part of the time on picket ; he was then only 14 years of age ; mustered out in 1814 ; returned to his home and re engaged at farming. Married in New York in 1816 ; his wife was bora in 1798 ; they had twelve children ; eight are living — Leonard, William, Mary, F. E, Lucinda, Julia, Hattie, Hattie ; they came with their children to Wisconsin in 1843, and located at Oeonomowoc, Waukesha Co. ; in ] 844, purchased a farm, on which they lived and worked till 1857, then removed to Harmony Township ; bought, a farm of 160 acres ; his father was a farmer ; died in 1876 ; his mother still survives bim ; their son, F. E, assisted his parents on tbe farm. Married in Johnstown, in January, 1852, Miss Lydia Cary, who was born in Boston, Erie Co, N. Y. ; they have no children ; in 1853, F. E. purchased the farm he now owns, consisting of eighty acres, well improved. Mr. Osborn is a member of the Johnstown Free Baptist Church. He enlisted in Co. E, 22d Wis. V. I, in September, 1862 ; -he was one of the soldiers who crossed the pontoon bridge over the Ohio River at Cincinnati ; by exposure in service be was taken sick and laid up in the Lexington (Ky.) Hospital for eight weeks; in December, 1862, on account of illness, was discharged and returned to Harmony ; was confined to tbe bouse for six weeks ; recovered health, and re-engaged at farming. Republican. PHILLIP RHODES, farmer, Sees. 18 and 19; P. 0. Janesville; born in Yorkshire, Eng, Dec. 26, 1818 ; lived on a farm; he received a common school-education; at an early age he commenced farming iu Yorkshire, which occupation be energetically followed until the spring of 1841, when he moved to Canada and located in Brock well, where he lived till 1843 ; leaving there, he went to St. Lawrence Co, N. Y, where he engaged at farming and followed it until 1847, then came to Chicago; was proprietor till 1848 of a hotel on the Galena & Chicago Railway, sixteen miles from Chicago; in 1850, he went to Free- port, Stephenson Co, III, where, in partnership with his brother William H, he bought a farm of 400 acres, wild prairie land, which they improved ; in 1853, Phillip sold his interest in the farm, then went on a gold expedition to Australia ; stayed at Melbourne only a short time, then wandered over Australia, prospecting and mining; he returned in 1856 to Freeport, where he kept a meat market which proved profitable; sometime afterward engaged in farming in Stephenson Co, 111. Married in Freeport, Dec. 8, 1861, Miss Mary Lowes, who was born in Lincolnshire, Eng. ; they have five children — Charles L, Edgar, Carrie E, Frederick and Nellie. Mr. R. is taking much pride in giving his children a good education; be came from Freeport with his family to Rock Co, Wis, in 1874, and bought a farm of Capt. Cangell in Har mony of 105 acres; land all under cultivation ; raises a variety of crops; he is trying tobacco this year; his farm is well improved. Republican. JAMES P. SHIELDS, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. 0. Janesville ; bom in the village of Lyons, Wayne Co, N. Y. ; he is the son of James and Susan Shields;, his father was bom in County Tyrone, Ireland, 1802 ; at an early age, he learned the trade of carriage-building; in spring of 1822, came t(^ St. John, N. B, where he was employed in the navy yard for a short time ; late in the same year, he went to Boston, Mass, where he worked at his trade until August, 1823, at which time he took his departure for Albany, N. Y, where he sought and secured employment at Gould's carriage-factory, whore 896 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: he remained for years; he assisted in ironing-off the cars first run on the Albany & Schenectady R. R, which was the first railroad ever built in the United States. Married, about the year 1832, in Albany, N. Y, Miss Susan Simmonds, who was born near Schenectady, N. Y, in 1804; the result of their union was seven children — John, born April 25, 1834; William, Jan. 17, 1840; Charles, June 6, 1842; Rob ert, June 2, 1845 ; Almen, May 4, 1848 ; Fanny E, Jan. 18, 1850; James, Aug. 24, 1837. Their parents came to Wisconsin in June, 1847 ; located in Rock Township ; bought a farm of 240 acres, on which he worked industriously, and prospered finely ; his sons were industrious, and assisted him much ; Blr. Shields, Sr, is still living on his farm in Rock Township ; after a painful illness his wife died in April, 1868 ; bis daughter, Mary E, married Henry Kayler, who is living on and managing the old homestead ; James P., the principal subject of this sketch, received a common-school education ; always was industrious ; assisted his father on the farm till the spring of 1861 ; at that time, his father bought, in Harmony, 160 acres, 80 of which be gave to his son ; James appreciates this gift, and has made some handsome improvements ; built barn, granary, neat, tasty frame house ; cozy home, and managing eighty acres besides ; raises a variety of crops ; he is prospering finely. Married, in Fort Wayne, Ind, October, 1863, Miss Anna Hopple, who was born in Allen Co, Ind, July 30, 1843 ; the result of their bappy union has been five children ; four are living — Nevada, Penola, William, Emma. Mr. Shields is liberal in religion ; has always voted tbe Republican ticket. WILLIAM SPAULDING, farmer, Sees. 8, 17, and 20 ; P. O. Janesville; born in Brad ford Co, Penn, in August, 1807 ; he came with his brother, Joseph, to Wisconsin in 1836 ; settled in Racine Co. ; remained only a short time there ; came to Rock Co, and located in Harmony Township ; in the fall of 1837, pre-empted 160 acres of wild land, which they cleared and cultivated; when land came into tbe market, in 1842, bought 1,040 acres of land in Harmony. William returned to Bradford Co., Penn, in 1839, and there married Miss Alma H. Wright, bom in Connecticut, in 1809 ; with his wife he returned to his farm in Wisconsin. Had five children, two now living — Owen and Harriet; their mother died in August, 1860. He married again in 1862 ; by this marriage has one son — Edward. Mr. Spaulding and his brother, Joseph, divided their land in 1848, Joseph taking 480 acres and William 560 acres; since then he has made additional purchases; at one time 160 acres, at another time 180. He now owns altogether 900 acres well-improved land. Mr. Spaulding is living in the house which he built in 1849 ; he has never found it necessary to reshingle nor to replaster tbe house, and it bids fair to stand good for twenty years longer. His residence stands back 600 feet from the roadway ; he has a lawn, adorned with shrubbery — one of the most picturesque places in Bock Co. He raises grain, tobacco, vege tables ; Durham grade cattle ; Merino, Spanish and Cotswold sheep — has about 200 bead ; they average an annual shear of five pounds of wool each ; has twenty-five head of Poland-China hogs ; thirteen head of horses — Morgan, Black Hawk, Magna Cbarta. In 1878, Mr. Spaulding had 6 acres of land which yielded 301 bushels of wheat ; corn, averages forty bushels to tbe acre ; oats, sixty bushels ; rye, twenty-five bushels ; buckwheat, thirty bushels. In the early days, their markets were poor ; they had to draw their produce to Madison and sometimes to Fort Winnebago. JOHN STOCKMAN, farmer, Sees. 36, Harmony, and 31, Milton ; P. O. Janesville; bom in county of Antrim, Ireland, September, 1827 ; son of James and Rebecca Stockman ; they had six children, five are living — John, Robert, Jane, Hugh and Rebecca ; they came with their parents to Phil adelphia, Penn, in July, 1831 ; they lived there till November, 1834 ; then went to Northumberland, Saratoga Co, N. Y. ; tbey worked a farm till 1843, then came, together with their parents, to Rock Co, Wis. ; their father located and bought a farm in Harmony Township. His father farmed until his death, in March, 1873; his mother died in Harmony March 4, 1876. John received a fair education, and at an early age commenced farming; he owns 214 acres, well improved; has some thorough -bred Durham cattle, Durham grades, Cotswold sheep, Poland-China hogs, Morgan horses and Normans crossed. He married, in Milton, December, 1853, Miss Elizabeth Nicholson, a native of Lincolnshire, Eng. They have had ten children, nine are living — -Robert H, William J, John, Rebecca A, Sophia, Martha J, Ellen E, Matilda and Mary E. In 1862, he was elected and served one term as member of tbe Board of Supervisors; in 1862, was elected Assessor, and re-elected every consecutive year till 1868; he was also Chairman of tbe Town Board for one term on tbe Republican ticket. He is a successful farmer and a man of considerable literary taste, and a good, enterprising citizen. During the late war, he willingly -contributed $500 toward tbe raising of troops ; he is now Independent in politics. He aud his family are devoted members of tbe Janesville Presbyterian Church. W. L. WADE, farmer, See. 19 ; P. O. Janesville ; born in Eaton Township, Madison Co, N. Y,in April, 1840; he is the son of Horace B. and Emeline Wade. His father was born in Providence, R. I, si Blay, 1806; granted a fair education. His life was spent at tbe milling business. Blarried Emeline HARMONY TOWNSHIP. 897 Thiel, who was bora in New York in July. 1819. They had five children, all are living— Elizabeth, Susan A, Alvord, Emma, William L. Some years after he married, he moved to Madison Co, N. Y., where he owned and operated a mill up to the year 1853, at which time he came with his family to Wisconsin, and located in Harmony Township, and worked a farm till the spring of 1870, at which time he went with his family to Vernon Co, Wis, where he is at present engaged in farming. Their son William remained in Harmony Township. Married, in Harmony, in May, 1874, Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, a native of England ; she was a widow with three children. The result of this marriage is two children. Blr. Wade is running and working a farm on Section 19, in Harmony. His farm is handsomely improved; good barn, stable, granary, etc. ; comfortable house. Mr. Wade votes the Republican ticket. C. V. WHIPPLE, farmer, Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Janesville ; born in Washington Co, N. Y, in Sep tember, 1837 ; be received a common-school education ; apprenticed himself to learn tbe shoemaking trade; served three years. When a journeyman, he worked in La Grange, N. Y. ; part of his time at farming. Married, in June, 1858, in North Adams, Berkshire Co, Mass, Miss Minerva Lamphire, who was also bora in New York. They have five children— Frank, Bim, Minnie, Edward and Frederick. Mr. Whipple and his family came to Madison, Wis, in 1862, where be was employed at manufacturing reapers and mowers for a few months ; went to Milwaukee, and worked at shoemaking till tbe spring of 1863, then returned to Bladison, and worked at his former business till the fall of 1863, then, with his family, returned to Washington Co, N. Y, intending to remain, but, in 1864, came to Milwaukee, and Mr. Whipple was employed at shoemaking by Bradley & Metcalf, until 1873 ; then came to Janesville, where be work, and shipped it to the Milwaukee firm. In the fall of 1875, they went to Johnstown Township. In 1877, returned to Janesville. In the spring of 1878, his health failing, he moved out to Harmony Township, and took charge of Dr. Cargill's farm, which is handsomely improved. Mr. Whipple raises corn, oats, wheat, barley, potatoes and strawberries, the latter a good crop, also horses and Berkshire bogs; radical Green backer. AUGUSTUS E. WILCOX, farmer, Sec. 15; P. 0. Janesville; born in Roscoe, Winne bago Co, 111, in 1838 ; son of N. W. and Olive Wilcox ; came to Wisconsin in 1854 and settled on the farm he now owns of 110 acres. Married Miss Levanjah Aikin, of Harmony, in 1857 ; they have nine children — Morell A, Ella, Romaine E, Eva B, Clara C, Edward, Edith, Frank and William. He has served as Treasurer and Director of School District No. 3 for the past eighteen years ; was elected Super visor of town of Harmony for 1878 and 1879 ; is a Republican. Raises the usual stock and crops of his section. M. M. WILCOX, farmer, Sec. 15; P. 0. Janesville; born in January, 1812, in Morgan, Orleans Co., Vt. ; son of Silas and Elizabeth Wilcox; assisted his parents in farming till 1833 ; then went to New Haven Co, Conn. ; he engaged in farming till 1840. Married in New Haven Co, Conn, in February, 1836, Miss Blabel Norton, who was born in the same county in November, 1812 ; they have two children — Henry, born in December, 1836, and Oramel, in August, 1842. M. M. Wilcox came with his family to Wisconsin in 1845, when they located and bought 100 acres of land where he is now living on Sec. 15 ; be raises the usual crop of the county. On the Republipan ticket, in 1854, he was elected Treasurer of Harmony Township ; served one term; in 1858, was Assessor one term; in 1863, be was re-elected Treasurer for one term. His son Henry enlisted in the 13th W. V. I.; bad a severe attack of illness, recovered his health, and, in October, 1864, entered Co. I, 2d W. V. I, and served till the end of the war; was honorably discharged. His other son, Oramel, enlisted in April, 1861, in Co. D, 2d W. V. I.; was taken prisoner July 22, 1861; was in Libby under Wirz' cruelty; in June, 1862, was sent to Tuscaloosa, Ala. ; at Salisbury, N. C, be was wounded in the head and reported dead, but only lost his left eye ; mustered out at Madison, Wis, at the end of the war. JAMES YOUNGCLAUSE, farmer, Sees. 28 and 35; P. 0. Janesville; born on one of the Shetland Isles in 1831 ; came to America in 1845 and settled on the farm he now owns of 200 acres. •Married Miss Isabella Clark, of Harmony, in 1868 ; they have five children— Ellen J, John C, Margaret I, Gracie G. and James P. The family are members of the United Presbyterian Church of Johnstown. He raises grade stock, wheat, barley, oats, corn, hay, etc. OUR HISTORY OF MILTON. On the same day we had printed the history of Milton came the following letter from Ezra Goodrich, Esq. We said to him that we could not hold it longer than Monday. We did hold it until our whole book was printed, which was on the following Friday. We had heard that there were conflicting views in regard to the settlement and history of Milton, and sent particular word to our historian to not show partiality, but get facts, and if possible- reconcile all differences of opinion. All we .can now do is to print the letter. Publishers. Milton, October 9, 1879. Western Historical Company. Chicago, III. : Gentlemen — Yours of the 3d instant came duly to hand. Have been gone from home and could not took to it until to-day. The proof-sheets sent me are none of the items, that were furnished by me, and are the most miserable botch of mistakes and misstatements that I ever saw. I sent you statistics that are correct. Who sent you the matter that you send me ? I cannot conceive, unless it might be * , * * * * * * 1 attempted to correct the items, but it is out of the question. They are all wrong in every essential particular. First. McEwan did not build the first house, either in the town or village of Milton. The log house spoken of was i half-mile from the village when built (on the northwest quarter of Section 34, while the village is on the southeast quarter of Section 27.) Second. Neither McEwan nor Storrs ever "presented" Joseph Goodrich a single foot of land, or gave a rod of land for any purpose for the village. Goodrich bought the claims of Storrs and McEwan (a part of their claims), entered the lands of the United States Government, laid out the village and gave every foot of l'and that had been given for the public square, church, schools (both district and college) the cemetery, etc, etc, including the right of way for the railroad. Third. We sent you the exact date of the meeting that organized the post office ; also, the exact dale of the first marriage. Fourth. David Sprague was not the first person born in the town (although he was the first person born in the village), nor was he born at all in 1838, but in 1840. We sent in our statistics the exact date of his birth; also, the date of the first birth in the town, and who it was. Fifth. Rev. W. M. Adams was not the first Pastor of the Congregational Church, but the Rev. Daniel Smith was. Sixth. The first meeting held by the Seventh-Day Baptists was not at the house of Henry Crandall, but at the house of Joseph Goodrich. We sent you the date in our statistics. I think it was the first Sabbath after the 4th of March, 1SS0. Seventh. Goodrich gave two acres of land, instead of one, for the cemetery. Eighth. We never knew or heard of Tebo's having more than one wife. He was killed by the Indians. The inhabitants turned out and looked for him, January 3, and January 10, 1839, but his body was not found ; supposed to have been put under the ice in Lake Koshkonong. Ninth. Mrs. Hannah Bowers was not the first white woman who settled in Milton, but the second. We sent you who was the first one in our statistics (Mrs. Smith). Tenth. The first building erected in the village proper of Milton Junction was not Mr. Mathew's, but Peter McAdams', was called the "Bee Hive," and stood where the Foster House now stands. Eleventh. The land for the Junction was not bought of Horace Crandall, but of Silas H. Crandall. Twelfth. And finally, we are in a hurry this morning, gentlemen, and have not time to say more, than that we are not in the habit of swearing, but certainly, the proof-sheets you sent me of the statistics of Milton are the * * * set of misstatements I ever saw, and would, if published, be an outrage to Milton, and a curse to your interests as historians. Hold us responsible to substantiate every word we have written you. * * *. Yours truly, EZRA GOODRICH.