:'m.^ ¦^fli.. ^ f YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Given in Memory of CHARLES J. MORSE, Yale 1874S and JARED K. MORSE, Yale 1908S 1?2.# THE ORIGINAL LETTERS OF THE ENGLISH PILOT, WILLIAM ADAMS, WRITTEN FROM JAPAN Betvreen A.D. len and leiir : REPRINTED FBOM THE PAPERS ov THE YOKOHAMA: ¦ J'^^'.A.lNr G.A.ZE1TTJE " OZFi^ICE. 1 8 9 S. , Avhich is very neare three hundred leagues from Firando) to let him- vnderstand of our arriual. King Foyne sent it aAvay the next day by his Admirail to Osaeka-y, the first port of note vpon the chiefe island, and then by post vp into the land to Echo : giuing the emperour likewise to vnderstand of our being there, and cause thereof. The twelfth in the morning, there was brought aboord such abundance of fish, and so cheape as Ave could desire. We Aveighed and set sail for the road. The king sent at the least threscore great boats or gallyes very Avell mand, to bring vs into the harbor. I doubted Avhat the cause of their coming might be, and was sending off the skiffe to command them not to come neare the ship, but the king being the head-most, weaued Avith his handkei'cher, and Avilled the rest to at tend, and himselfe coming aboord, told me that he had commanded them to come to toAV our ship in about a point, someAvhat dangerous, by reason of the force of the tide, Avhich Avas such, that hauing a stiffe gale of wind, yet we could not stemme it, and comming into the eddie, Ave should haue been set vpon the rockes. So Ave sent haAvsers aboord them, and they fell to Avorke. In the meane Avhile the king did breake his fast Avith me. Being at an anchor, I would haue requited the people for their paines, but the king Avould not suffer them to take any thing. Wee anchored before the towne in fiue fathome, so near the shoare, that Ave might talke to the people in their houses. We saluted [ 37 ] ' the toAvne Avith nine peeces of ordnance, but Avere not answered, for they haue no ordnance heere, nor any fort, but barricades only for small shot. Our ground heere Avas ozie. Diuers noblemen came to bid me wel come, Avhereof two Avere of extraordinary account, called Nobusane and Shimmadone, Avho Avere very Avell enter tained, and at parting held very great state, one staying aboord Avhilest the other Avas landed ; their children and chiefe foUoAvers in the like manner. There came con tinually such a Avorld of people aboord, both men and women, as that Ave were not able to go vpon the decks : round about the ship Avas furnished with boats full of people, admiring much the head and sterne of the ship. I gaue leaue to diuers Avomen of the better sort to come into my Cabbin, where the picture of Venus, Avith her sonne Oupid, did hang somewhat Avantonly set out in a large frame. They thinking it to bee our ladie and her sonne, fell downe and worshipped it, with shcAves of great deuotion, telling me in a whispering manner (that some of their own conpanions which were not so, might not heare) that they Avere Christianos : Avhereby Ave perceiued them to be Christians, conuerted bj' the Portugall lesuits. The king came aboord againe, and brought foure chiefe women with him. They Avere attired in gOAvnes of silke, clapt the one skirt ouer the other, and so girt to them ; barelegged, only a paire of halfe buskins bound with silke reband about their instep ; their haire very blacke, and very long, tyed vp in a knot vpon the crowne in a comely manner : their heads no where shauen as the mens Avere. They were Avell faced, handed, and footed ; cleare skind and white, but Avant ing colour, Avhich thej' amend by arte. Of stature Ioav, but very fat ; very curteous in behauiour, not ignorant of the respect to be giuen vnto persons according to [ 38 ] their fashion. The king requested that none might stay in the cabbin, saue myself and my Linguist, AA'ho Avas borne in lapan, and Avas brought from Bantu m m our ship thither, being well skiled in the Mallayan tongue, wherein he deliuered to mee what the king spoke vnto him in the la^xm language. The kings Avomen seemed to be somewhat bashfuU, but he Avilled them to bee frolicke. They sung diuers songs, and played vpon certain instruments (Avhereof one did much resemble our lute) being bellyed like it, but longer in the necke, and fretted like ours, but had only foure gut strings. Their fingring Avith the left hand like ours, very nimbly, but the right hand striketh Avith an iuory bone, as we vse to playe vpon a citterne Avith a quill. They delighted themselues much Avith their musicke, keeping time Avith their hands and playing and singing by booke, pricked on line and space, resembling much ours heere. I feasted them, and presented them Avith diuer English comodi- ties : and after some two houres stay thej' returned. I moued the king for a house, Avhich hee readily granted, and tooke tAvo of the merchants along with him, and sheAved them three or foure houses, willing them to take their choice, paying the owners as they could agree. The thirteenth, I Avent ashoare, attended vpon by the merchants and principal officers and deliuered the pre sents to the king, amounting to the value of one hun dred and fortie pounds, or thereabouts, which he receiued with very great kindnesse, feasting me and my whole com panie Avith diuers sorts of powdered wild fowles and fruits ; and calling for a standing cup (Avhich Avas one of the prei3ents then deliuered him) he caused it to be filled Avith his country Aviiie, Avliich is distilled out of rice, and is as strong as our Aquauite : and albeit the cup held vpAvard of a pint and half, notwithstanding taking the cup [ 89 ] in his hand, he told me hee Avould drinke it all off, for health to the king of England and so did myself, and all his nobles doing the like. And Avhereas in the roome Avhere the king Avas, there Avas onely my self and the cape m.erchant, (the rest of our company being in an other roome) the king commanded his secretarie to goe out vuto them, and see that euerie one of . them did pledge the health. The king and his nobles did sit at meat cross-legged vpon mats after the Turkie fashion, the mats richly edged, some Avith cloath of gold, some Avith veluet, satten, and damask. The fourteenth and fifteenth, Ave spent Avith giuing of presents, The sixteenth, I concluded Avith captain Andassee, captain of the China quarter here, for his house, to pay ninetie fiue ryals of eight for the monson of six moneths, he to repair it at present, and Avee to repair it hereafter, and alter what Ave pleased : he to furnish all conuenient roomes Avith mats according to the fashion of the Countrey. This day our ship Avas so pestered Avitli people, as that I was enforced to send to the king for a guardian to clear them out, many things been stolne, but I more doubted our owne people, than the naturals. There came in a Flemming in one of the Countrey boates, Avhich had been ¦ at the Island IMashma, Avhere he had sold good store of Pepper, broad Cloth, and Elephants teeth, but Avould not be acknoAvne vnto vs to haue sold any thing, yet brought nothing backe in the boat Avith him. But the lapons his waterman told vs the truth, viz. that he had sold good quantitie of goods at Mart there, and returned Avith barres of siluer, Avhich they kept very secret. The one and tAventieth, the old King came aboord againe, and brought Avith him diuers women to be frolicke. These AVomen Avere actors of comedies, which [ 40 ] passe there from iland to iland to play, as our players . doe from toAvne to towne, hauing seuerall shifts ot apparrell for the better grace of the matter acted ; Avhicli for the most part are of Warre, Loue, and such like. l: --i: ¦!¦ :]: ,. iH r * The twentie ninth, a Soma or lunko of the Flemmings arriued at Langasaque, from Syam, laden Avith Brasill wood and skins of all sorts, wherein it Avas said that there Avere Englishmen, but proued to be Flemmings. For that before our comming, they passed generally by ilnQ n&me oi Encjllshmen; for our English Nation hath been long knoAvn by report among them, but much scandaUed by the Portugals lesuites, as pyrats and rovers upon the seas ; so that the naturals haue a song Avhich , they call the English Crofon-ia, sheAving how the English doe take the Spanish ships, which they (singing) doe act likcAvise in gesture Avith their ¦ Cattans by their sides, Avith Avhich song and acting, they terrifie and skare their children, as the French sometimes did theirs Avith the name of the Lord Talhot. The first of luly, tAvo of our Company happened to quarrell the one Avith the other, and Avere very likely to haue gone into the field, to the endangering of vs all. For it is a costume here, that whosoeuer draAves a weapon in anger, although he doe no harme thereAA'ith, hee is presently cut in peeces : and doing but small hurt, not only themselues are so executed,, but their whole generation. The seuenth, the King of the Iland Goto, not farre from Firando came to visit King Foyne, saying, that he had heard of an exceUent English ship arriued in his dominions, Avhich he greatly desired to see, and goe aboord of. King Foyne intreated me that he might be permitted, for that hee was an especial friend of his. [ 41 ] So he Avas well entertained aboord, banqueted, and had diuers peeces shot ofl' at his departure, AA'hich he very kindly accepted, and told me, that hee should bee right glad to liue to see some of our nation to come to his Iland, whither they should be heartily Avelcome. The eighth, three laponians were executed, viz. tAvo men and one AVomen : the cause this ; the Avoman none of the honestest (her husband being trauelled from home) had appointed these two their seueraU houres to repair vnto her. The latter man not knoAving of the former, and thinking the time too long, comming in before the houre appointed, found the first man and enraged thereat, he Avhipt out his cattan, and wounded both of them veiy sorely, hauing very neere hcAvne the chine of the mans back in two. But as Avell as he might hee cleared himselfe and recouering his cattan, Avounded the other. The street taking notice of the fray, forth Avith seased vpon them, led them aside, and acquainted King Foyne therewith, and sent to knoAV his pleasure, (for according to his Avill, the partie is executed) who presently gaue order that they should cut off their heads : AA'hich done euery man tbat listed (as very many did) came to trie the sharpenesse of their cattans vpon the corps, so that before they left off, they had heAvne them all three into peeces as small as a mans hand and J'et notwithstanding did not then giue ouer, but placing the peeces one A'pon another, Avould try hoAV many of them, they coukl strike through at a bloAV ; and the peeces are left to the foAvles to deuoure. The tenth, three more Avere executed as the former, for stealing of a AVoman from Firando, and selling her at Langasacque long since, tAvo of them Avere brethren, and the other a sharer Avith them. When any are to be executed, they are led out of the toAvne in this [ 42 ] manner : there goeth first one AA'ith a pick-axe, next foUoAveth an other Avith a shouell for to make his graue (if that bee permitted him), third man beareth a small table Avhereon is Avritten the parties offence, Avhich table is afterwards set vp vpon a post on the graue Avhere he is buried. The fourth is the partie to be executed, his hands bound behind him Avith a silken cord, hauing a litle banner of paper (much resembling our Avind-vanes) Avhereon is likeAvise Avritten his offence. The executioner followeth next, Avith his cattan by his side, holding in his hand the cord Avherewith the offender is bound. On either side of the executioner goeth a souldiour Avith his pike, the head thereof resting on the shoulder of the partie appointed to suffer, to skare him from attempting to escape. In this very manner I saAV one led to execution, aa'Iio went so resolutely and Avithout all appearance of feare of death, that I could not but much admire him, neuer hauing seene the like in Christen dome. The offence for Avhicli he suffered Avas for stealing of a sacke of rice (of the value of tAvo shillings sixe pence) from his neighbour, Avhose house Avas then on fire. The nineteenth, the old King Foyne entreated me for a peece of Poldauis, Avhich I sent him ; hee caused it presently to be made into coates, which he (notAvith standing that hee Avas a King, and of that great age, and famed to be the Avorthiest" soldiour of all lapan, for his valour and seruice in the. Corean warres) did Avear next his skinne, and some part thereof Avas made into handker chiefes, Avhich he daily vsed. The nine and twentieth,-M. Adams arriued &t Firando, hauing been seuenteene dayes on the way comming from Sorongo, Ave hauing staied here for his comming fortie eight dayes. After I had friendly entertained him, I [ 43 ] ' conferred Avith him in the presence of the merchants, touching the incouragement hee could giue of trade in these parts. He ansAvered, that it was not ahvaies alike, but sometime better, sometimes worse, j'et doubted not but Ave should doe as Avell as others ; giuing admirable commendations of the Countrey, as much affected thereunto. The tliird of August 1613, king Foyne sent to knoAV of what bulk our kings present to. the Emperour was, also Avhat number of people I would take vvith me, for that he would prouide accordingly for mj' going vp in good fashion both for barke, horses, and pallanchins. This day, I caused the presents to be sorted that Avere to be giuen to the emperour, and to those of office and esteeme about him. viz. £ s. d. To Ogosliosama, the emperour, to the value of. 87 7 6 To (S/fOKf/osama, the emperours sonne 43 15 0 To Codskedona, the emperours secretarie 15 17 6 To (Sarfc/wrfo/ia, the emperours sonnes secretarie. 14 03 4 To Icocora Inga, Iudge of Meaco 04 10 6 lo Fongo dona, adxaivall ot Orango 03 lO 0 To Goto Shozauero, the m.intTaastev 11 00 0 TotaU 180 03 10 WILLIAM ADAMS : HIS LETTEB. [Endorsed : " A vearey Large Letter Avrot from Japan by William Adams, and sent home in tbe Clone, 1614, touching of his assistance rendred vnto ye Generall and of entortauemt into the Companies Seruice. Decem. 1613."] The Allmightye God by Avhoum all enter-prisses and purpoosses hau thear full effect be bllessed for euer. Amen. Right WoorshipfuUs, hauing soo just occacion, I haue imboldned my self aUthough unwourth to writt thees [ 44 ] feau vnworthy lines vnto you : in which first of all erau your woorships pardon in Avhatt I shall faj'H in. Hauing thorough the prouidenc of God ariued on of your shipes called the Clone, being Gennerall or Captain John Sarris, Avho at his first ariuall in the Iland of Ferando sent a letter vnto me, in aU hast to haue me coum to him ; vntill svch sym he Avould tarn for me. Ye Avhich so sooun as I had receued his letter, I made no dellai, being at that tym at the courte, being distant from the place of the ships arriuaU 250 Uegs. So comming to the place of the ships ariual, I wass gladly receued of the Gennerall and Master and aU the whoU covmpani. At Avhich tym Ave did enter in to consultacon what eourss Avas to be taken : the. Gennerall making knoAven vnto me that he had brought his Majesti [a] letter with a preessent for him. Vpon Avhich for the honner of his Mti. and our countri, both, I Avith him thought it good to mak all speed and to go to the courte for the delliueranc thearof, etc. I allso entred into speech with him Avhat covmodites he had brought Avith him : of which he made all thinges to mee known. So finding that svch thinges as he had brought Avass not veri vendibel ; I told him, for his arivall I Avas veri glad thereof, but in respecte of the ventur by the Avour shipfull covmpani being so great, I did not see anny wayss in this land to requit the great charges therof. My reesson wass, for theer cloth at this pressent was very cheep, becass both from Nova Spania, Mamlia, and ovt of Holland, Avhich in thees 4 yeers there caem very mvch : soum sold and verry mvch vnsold. For oUvphant teeth the HoUandei-s had brought aboundanc, that the priss theroff Avas fallen very mvch : vppon Avhich occassion the Hollanders hau transported manny theroff to Siam. Stylle [steel] in [ 45 ] long barres still holding his old prise at 20 croAvnes the picoU, Avliich is 125Z. Inglish Avayt, and sovmtymes being coum worth 31. 15s. starling. Leed [lead] hold ing his priss a Uittell mor or less at 25s. and sovm tymes 30s. the picoll. Tin so good cheep heer as in Ingland, and ordinance not in any great request : not the picoll abou 30s. and sovmtym vnder. Por ccdlecovs and fine Cambaya goods ; not in any request, becass this countri hath abovndanc of cotton. Thus for thoos thinges. Noav for peeper and eloues. This covntri doth not evs [use] verri mvch therof, nor of any other spice : for which case sene [since] the trad of the Hollanders Avhich hau brought mvch peper and clones, that peper the poAA'iied is noe more worth then 5d. a poAvnd, and sovmtymes less and at the deerest 6d. and clones at 12d., Avhich is of no proffit to bring hether. Affoor tym, Avhen the Spaynard had the trad Avith the Jappan- ners, onlly the peper Avas at 12d. the L. clones at 2s. 6d. and 3s. the : L. now being ouerlayd is verry chep, etc. Thus hauing confferred heer vppon, the gennerall mad hirn self redy to go Avith me to the eourt : of which Avith all hast prosseeded theerof, etc. THE JOURNEY VP TO THE COURTE. \ The seuenth of August, King F