I "^ S "^i' '"P^-^-^" .A, .s a. f A BRIEF (jEMiLOGioiL History 40F THE^ Mli f amm; 4BY5- SYliVESTER MORGAN KING, M. D. I 'KING $ FAMILY. < BRIEF GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF A SETTLER OF liI,.\XFORU, BERKSHIRE CO., MASS. AND THE DESCENDANTS OE HIS SON Ca.pt. :Dr_ ISoloert IZirLg^, OF SANOISFIELl), llERKSIITRE CO., M.XSS. I..\TE of CHARLI-.S-rilX, PCIRTAGE CO.,(-|HI(l. COMPILED BY SYLVESTER M. KING, M. D., OF AI.IIIA. lOXVA, 1883. ANDERSON & ROBH printers. PREFACE. Some txventy years since the xvriter began, for his oxvn amusement chiefly, to collect genealogical infor mation respecting the King family of Massachusetts, but noxv scattered through ten different .State, To this family he is allied by birth. It was not an ticipated at first that the results of these investigations xvould be such as to xvarrant publication ; but in the course of research the amount of matter became so full, and the .success so complete, and he xvas urged so often by friends, that in 1881 it xvas resolved that the manuscript should be revised and a copy from them prepared for publication. All varieties of obstacles xvhich every one engaged in this kind of research must encounter, have been met and overcome. And curious are the phases of human nature in this manner de'velopecl. Time and again xve have written to members of the family, enclosing en velope and stamp, and they pay no attention. Others wait many months before they reply. One wrote, "You have gone out west to hunt up the genealogy of your royal family in the east." To the inquiries for information, whether from fami ly records or from other sources, for the xvork, some manifested perfect ignorance and indifference. Others would like to have the work if it did not cost t'hcni any thing. The idea of any one troubling himself xvith inquiries of this nature seemed to them inexplicable. But others, and not a few, appreciated the under taking, and favored it with an enlightened zeal xvorth)' of commendation. PREFACE. In the preparation of this litde volume we have de rived our information from private sources, gathering here and there among the relatives. He presumes that for several years he has been a source of anoy ance to many of the relatives. The only articles that have been copied entire are two Commissions of (6) Capt. Dr. Robert King ' . He hopes that the persons into ivhose hands this little volume falls, will feel that he or she could have done much better than the author has done, and that each one will have enterprise, and manhood or womanhood, enough to lurite to the author and point otit all the defects. With these prefatory remarks, this little volume is offered to the public, with the hope that it will add to the gisneral history of the King Family. COMMISSIO.X OF DR. ROBERT RL\C. BV HIS EXCELl.EXCV James Sulliya^, EsauiRE, Governor and Commander -in- Chief — OF THE — James Sullivan commonwealth of Massachusetts. To Rohert King, Gentleman, Greeting: You being elected Lieutenant of a Com pany in the Squadron of Cavalry in the first Brigade, Ninth Division of the Militia of this Commonwealth : Reposing special trust and confidence in your ability, courage and good conduct, I do, by these presents, commission you accordingly. You are, therefore; care fully and diligently to discharge the duties of said of fice, according to the Laws of the Commonwealth, and to Military Rule and Discipline. And all Inferior Of ficers and Soldiers are hereby commanded to obey you in your said capacity; and you and yourself to observe and follow such orders and instrucliions as you shall from time to time receive from me or others your su perior Officers. Elected on the twentieth day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and eight. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Common wealth, the fourteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and in the 33d year of the Independence of the United States of America. * By the Governor : Wm. TUDOR, Secretary. On the back of this Commission is written as follows ; Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Personally appeared Robert King and took and subscribed the oath and declaration ¦ prescribed by the Constitution of this Commonwealth, also the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, to qual ify, him to execute the trust reposed in him by the with in Commission. Sandisfield, Aug. 30th, 1808, before me, DRAKE MILLS, Justice Peace. COMMlSSi(.)\ OF DR. ROBERT RLNC Mis EXCELl.EXCV CALEB STRONG, Governo7' and Commandcr-in- Chief 5 Caleh Strong. commonwealth of Massachusetts. To Robert King, Gentleman, Greeting: You being elected on the seventeethday of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and eleven, to be Captain of a company in a Battalion of Cavalry in the first Brigade and ninth Division of the Militia of this Commonwealth ; Reposing special trust and confidence in your ability, courage, and good conduct, I do, by these presents, commission you accordingly. You will, therefore, with honor and fidelity, discharge the duties of said office, according to the Laws of this Commonwealth and to Military Rule and Discipline. And all Inferior Officers and Soldiers are hereby com- 'manded to obey you in your said capacity; and you will yourself observe and follow such Orders and In- strurtions as you shall, from time to time, receive from the Commander-in-Chief or others, your .Superior Officers. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Common wealth the fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and in the thirty-fifth year of the Independence of the United States of America. By His Excellency the Governor : A. BRADFORD, Secretary of the Commonwealth, On the back of this Commission we find : Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This may certify that Robert King, Commissioned as within, on this fourteenth day of September, A. D, I Si 2, personally appeared and took and subscribed the oath and declarations required by the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth and a Law of the United States, to qualify him to discharge the duties of his Office. Before me JAMES PRAHAM, Justice Peace. EIPLA1^ATI0}[. The first column of figures denote the number of each Individual and is continuous throughout the book. The figure Immediately after the name Indicates the generation to which the person belongs. To trace any person mentioned in the work, find the name in the Index; observe the number on the left and the one on the right side of the name. Take for an illustration, (137) Smith, Maud, Emma"; now look for the corresponding number in the body of the book. We find that she is the daughter of number (127) Ellen Maria Smith". Now look in the book for 127 in her family. When this Is found, you find her among the children of 124, Eliza Eleanor Hall *, Look further towards the fore part of the book to find 124 Eliza Eleanor Hall'', in the family that she be longs to. When it is found, refer then to the number of the family to which she belongs. We find that the family number is (17) Elanor Eliza King-'l And looking for the family number of number 1 7, we find it In number 6 Capt. Dr. Robert Kingl And In like manner we find that number 6 Capt. Dr. Robert Klng^ is in the family number of number i Dr. Robert King\ In a like manner every name in the book can be traced. ABBREVIATIONS, b. born, d. died, m, married. THE KING FAMILY- I Dr. ROBERT KING^ of Blanford, Mass. It Is sup posed that he was born near Cork, Ireland, about 1 744 or 5. Married Bridget Knox about 1767 or 8. It is supposed that they were married In Ireland and came to America soon aftei*. They settled In Blanford, Berkshire county, Mass. There all their children were born, and there they died and were buried. There Is no record of the date of their death. We suppose that No. I Dr. Robert King' died about 1806. We can find nothing In regard to the death of his wife, Bridget (Knox) King. Children of Dr. Robert and Bridget {Knox) King. 2 James Knox^ b. Jan. 1, 1769, m., d. July 29, 1843. 3 Mollle- b. Feb. 17, 1771, m 4 Elisha'-' b. Feb. 13, 1773, m d. April 23, 1851. 5 Rachell- b. Jan. 4, 1775. She d. young. 6 Robert^ b. May 9, 1777, m. He d. June 29, 185 1. 7 William^ b. March 5, 1779, m., d. June 26, 1842. 8 Betty- b. July 4, 1782, m. 9 Elanor^ b, August 17, 1784, m. TO John- b, Jan. 4, 1785, m,, d. June 12, 1827. 1 1 Hannah- b. March 6, 1789, m. CAPT. DR. ROBERT KINO. ii 6 Capt. Dr. ROBERT KING' was commissioned Lieu tenant In a Squadron of Cavalry in the First Brigade, Ninth Division of the Militia of Massachusetts In 1808. Promoted Captain In the same Squadron of Cavalry In 1 81 2. He was a man of good executive ability. As a physician and surgeon he stood high in the profes sion of his clay. His greatest fault was that of Intem perance ; but toward the close of his life he abandon ed the use of alcohol and became a strong advocate of temperance. He moved with his family from Sandis field, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, to Portage county, Ohio, in 1826. He bought two hundred acres of land, one mile west of Charleston Centre, and there lived and died. His property was probably worth, at his death, $5,000. He was about 5 feet 6 Inches tall, and would weigh about 1 30 pounds ; he had black hair and gray eyes. He was an honored member of the A. F. & A. M. In politics he was a democrat ; was a member of no church, however, he attended the "meth- odist church. He was married txvice: finst to Bridget Morgan, fourth daughter of Elisha Morgan. She was the mother of all his children. She died July i8th, 1832, of consumption. He married second Miss Tasa M. Hall, of Hopkins, Rhode Island. She .survived him several years. 6 Capt. Dr. ROBERT KING- b. May 9th, 1777, at Blanford, Berkshire county, Mass. ; m. first Bridget Morgan, Maiy 10, 1800; she d. July 18, 1832, of con- sumpdon, at Charleston, Portage county, Ohio, Mar ried second Tasa M, Hall, at Hopkins, Rhode Island. He d. June 29, 1851, of pneumon-Ia, at Charleston, Portage county, Ohio. She d. Sept. 19, 1867, at Char leston. Ohio. She left no children. children I >F CAPT. DR. ROBERT KINi I. Children of Capt. Dr. Robert and Bridget [Morgan] King. 12 Camilla-' b, November 14, 1802, at Sandisfield, Mass,; m. Orin Harmon, September 26, 1832, at Re- venna, Ohio. 13 Robert W.-'' b. April 28, 1804, at Sandisfield, Berkshire county, Mass.; m, Funis Newton, April i, 1832, at Elllatt-sville, N. Y. 14 John Morgan-' b. May 9, 1806, at Sandisfield, Mass.; m. Harriett Dianna Walter, June 16, 1829, at New Malburow, Mass. 15 Oliver Bruester' b, June 8, 1808, at Sandisfield, Mass.; m, Celina Todd, May 12, 1831, at Sandisfield, Mass, 16 Alanson Knox ' b, January 19, 18 10, at .Sandis field, Mass,; m. Emeline Bishop, November 24, 1830, at Charleston, Ohio. 17 Elanor Elizabeth'^ b. January 29, 181 2, at Sandis field, Mass.; n?. Sheldon Hall, December 4, 1828, at Charleston, Ohio. 18 Joel Elisha-' b. November 26, 1813, at Sandisfield, Mass.; m. Emeline Barnes, April 3, 1835, at Norton, Madina county, now Summet county, Ohio. 19 Thomas N." b. February 10, 1816, at Sandisfield, Mass.; d. May 9, 18 16, at .Sandisfield. Mass. 20 Thomas B-' b. February 10, 18 17, at .Sandisfield, Mass.; m. Sahey Mariar Williams, Novemberjo, 1839, at Charleston, Ohio. 21 James-' b. F'ebruary 7, 18 19, at SandLsfield, Mass.; m. TIrza Pomaroy, October 6, 1843, at Russell, Geauga county, Ohio, 22 Jane"' b, F'ebruary 7, 18 19, at Sandisfield, Mass,; (-She was married four times,) m, first John Webster, August 23, 1840, H.ARMOX FAMILV. 13 12 Camilla King^ b. November 14, 1802, at Sandis field, Berkshire county, Mass.; m, Orin Harmon, .Sep tember 26, 1832, at Revenna, Portage county, Ohio. He b. February 22, 1805, at Mantua, Portage county, Ohio. She was five feet three inches tall, black hair and eyes ; left eye a little crost and would xveigh nine ty pounds. He Is five feet ten inches tall, black hair, gray eyes and weighs one hundred and forty pounds. She died June 17, 1878, at Revenna, Ohio, of cancer of the breast. His post office address Is Revenna, Portage county, Ohio, in i! Children of Orin and Camilla {King) Ha7'mon. 23 Julian C* b. February 17, 1835, at Revenna, Ohio; m. Sarah K. Kneeland, October 6, 1862, at Re venna, Ohio. 24 Sabrlna'' b. June 27, 1842, at Revenna, Ohio; d. Oftober 10, 1856, of typhoid fe-yer, at Revenna, O. 23 Julian C, Harmon"* b, February 17, 1835, at Re venna, Portage county, Ohio; m. Sarah K. Kneeland, Oftober 6, 1862, at Revenna, Ohio. She b. Novem ber 4, 1842, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, He is five feet nine inches tall, brown hair, gray eyes, and will weigh one hundred and forty pounds. By occu pation a farmer. Republican in politics, and is not a church member. Their post office address Is Reven na, Portage county, Ohio, In 1883. Children of Julian C. and Sarah K. {Kneeland) Har mon. 25 Orin G.* b. March 13, 1864, at Revenna, O. 26 Sabrina A.^ b. November 10, 1865, at Revenna, Ohio. 27 Olin F.^ b. April 23, 1871, at Revenna, Ohio. ROBERT W. KING. 13 Robert W. King^ b. April 28, 1804, at Sandis field, Mass.; m. Funis Newton, April i, 1832, at Elll- attsville, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. She b. Decem ber 31, 181 2, at Mansfield, N. Y. He is five feet four Inches tall, black hair and gray eyes, and would weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. She Is five feet six Inches tall, light hair, blue eyes and would weigh one hundred and sixty pounds. They did not live happy together, and separated after the family were grown. He lives on the farm where they settled in 1836. His post office address is Charlestown, Portage county, O., in 1883. She lives with her youngest son. Her post office address Is Garretsvllle, Portage county, Ohio, in 1883, Children of Robert W. and Eunis^ {Newton) King. 28 Mary Jane* b. May 18, 1833, at Lagrange, Lo rain county, Ohio. She never married. Her post office address Is Garrettsvllle, Portage county, O., In 1883. 29 Edwin Newton* b. December i, 1834, at La grange, Lorain county, Ohio ; m. Emely Kidney, Sept. 22, 1859, at Mansfield, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. 30 Camilla Maria* b. February 12, 1837, at Charles- town, Ohio; d. March 17, 1837. 31 Cordelia Bridget* b. February 19th, 1838, at Charlestown, Ohio; m. Lyman Hill, December 17th, 1 87 1, at Charlestown, Ohio. 32 Elizabeth* b. May 6, 1840, at Charlestown, Ohio ; m. Emerson G. Curds, November 9, 1865, at Charles town, Ohio. 33 Robert Luther* b. October 3, 1841,'at Charles ton, Ohio; m. Mabel B. Fenn, at Kent, Portage coun ty, Ohio. 34 Frank H.* b. June 3, i854,at Charlestoxvn, Ohio ; EDWIN N., IDA J. and CARDELIA B. KING. 15 m. Flora Sage, December 15, 1873, at Freedom, Port age county, Ohio. 29 Edxvin Newton King* b. December i, 1834, at Lagrange, Lorain county, O. ; m. Miss Emely Kidney, September 22, 1859, at Mansfield, N. Y. She b. April 14, 1 841, at Mansfield, N. Y. He is five feet five inches tall, has brown hair and blue eyes, and will weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. She Is five feet one Inch tall, light hair and blue eyes, and will weigh one hun dred and forty pounds. Their post office address Is Littlevalley, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., in 1883. Children of Edwin N. and Emely {Kidney) King, 35 Ida Jane* b. December 10, i860, at Mansfield, N, Y,; m. Julius Ballard, 36 Inez'^ b. May 19, 1870, at Mansfield, N, Y, 35 Ida Jane King'* b. December 10, i860, at Mans field, Cattaraugue county, N, Y,; m. Julius Ballard, Oaober 8, 1878, at Mansfield, N. Y. He b. June 23, 1857, at Mansfield, N. Y. By occupation a farmer. Their post office address is LIttlevalley, Chattaraugus county, N. Y., in 1883. Children of Juliiis and Ida J. {King) Ballard. 37 Elsie" b. April 22, 1881, at Litdevalley, N. Y, 38 Myrttle" b, July 21, 1882, at Littlevalley, N, Y. 31 Cardelia Bridget King* b. Feb, 19, 1838, at Charlestown, Ohio; m, Lyman Hill, Dec. 17, 1871. He b. June II, 1832, at Dorsett Mountain, Vt. She was five feet one inch tall, black hair and eyes, and would weigh one hundred pounds. She d. February 14, 1873, leav ing no children. i6 ELIZABETH and ROBERT LUTHER KING. 32 Elizabeth King** b. May 6, 1840, at Charles town, Portage Co., O. ; m. Emerson G. Curds, Nov. 9, 1865, at Charlestown, Ohio. He b. May 10, 1837- at Charlestown, Ohio. By occupation he is a merchant. Their post office address is Manistee, Mich., in 1883, Children of E. G. and E. {King) Curtis. 40 Robert W.® b, August 8, 1869, at Fentonvllle, Michigan; d, August 13, 1869. 41 Charles E,* b, Nov. 8, 1870, at Fentonville, Mich. 42 Paul C.® b, June 11, 1872, at Pontlac, Mich, 43 Georgia Elizabeth* b. March 25, 1880, at Pond- ac, Mich. ^^ Robert Luther King,* M. D., b, Oftober 3, 1841, at Charleston, Portage county, Ohio; m, Mable Beecher Fenn, A. M., M. D., June 27, 1867, at Kent, Portage county, Ohio. She b. October 21, 1838, at Binghamton, Portage county, Ohio, He Is five feet ten Inches tall, has light hair and blue eye.4, and will weigh one hundred and forty pounds. He graduated at the college of Physicians and Surgeons, Philadel phia, Pa., class of 1865-6, and at Pulta Homoeopathic College, Cincinnati, Ohio, class of 1878-9. She Is five feet tall, has black hair and hazel eyes, and will weigh one hundred and ' sixty pounds. She graduated at Mount Holyoke, Mass,, class of i 864, and graduated M, D, at Michigan University, class of 1876, Their post office address is Flint, Michigan, in il Children of Robert L. and Mable B. {Fenn) King, 44 Mable Amelia* b, 061, 24, 1868, at Fentonville. 45 Hellen Beecher* b. March 19, 1872, at Fenton ville, Genesee county, Michigan. FRANK H. and JOHN .MORliAN KING 34 Frank H. King* b. June 3, 1854, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio ; m. Miss Flora Sage, December 15, 1873, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio. She b. July 6, 1855, at Freedom, Ohio. He is five feet five inches tall, and has light hair and blue eyes, and will weigh one hundred and forty pounds. By occupadon he is a farmer. She is five feet six inches tall, dark hair and blue eyes, will weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. Their post office address is Garrettsvllle, Portage county, Ohio, In 1883. Children of Frank H. and Flora { Sage) King. 39 Grade* b. December 7, 1877, at Hiram, Portage county, Ohio. 14 John Morgan King^ b. May 9, 1806, at Sandis field, Berkshire county. Mass, ; m. Harriet Diana Walter, June 16, 1829, at New Malburow, Mass. .She b. October 14, 1810, at New Malburow, Mass, He was five feet seven and a half inches tall, had black hair and blue eyes, and would weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. He moved from Massachusetts to Rus sell, Geauga county, Ohio, in 1846. He was a hatter by trade. He never worked at his trade after he set tled in Ohio^ He moved to Michigan in 1866. He d. March 25, i88i,of chronic Inflammation of the kidneys, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan. Her post office address is Kingston, Michigan, in 1883. Children of John M. and. Harriet D, { Walter) King. 46 Catherine* b. May 29, 1830, at New Malburow, Mas-sachusetts; d, September 9, 1851, at Russell, O., of dysentery. 47 Jane* b. August 18, 1833, at Sandisfield, Massa chusetts; m. Lyman Hill, July i, 1851, at Russell, O, JOHN M. KING FAMILV. 48 Harriet* b. February 11, 1836, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts; m. Aaron Hill, July 4, 1853, at Rus sell, Ohio, 49 Robert Heman* b. May 12, 1838, at New Mal burow, Mass. ; m. Miss Eliza Jane Phares, Novem ber 13, 1 861, at Westfield, Cattaraugus county, N. Y, 50 Caroline* b, December 22, 1842, at New Mal burow, Massachusetts; m, William B, Cole, January i, 1 861, at Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio, 51 John Harvey* b. July 31, 1845, at New Malbur ow, Massachusetts; m. Miss Alvlna Hankln.s, June 7 1867, at Mayfield, Cuyhauga county, Ohio. 47 Jane King* b. August 18, 1833, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts; m. Lyman Hill, July i. 1851, at Rus; sell, Ohio. He b. June 11, 1832, on Dorsett Moun tain, Vermont ; he is five feet nine inches tall, has dark hair and eyes, and will weigh one hundred and fifty pounds. He was a shoemaker by trade. She d. March 31, 1870, at Junieta, Michigan, of Inflamatlon of the spinal chord. He m. second Cordelia B. King* (second daughter of 13 Robert W. King* of Charles town, Ohio,) December 17, 1871. She d. February 14, 1873, supposed of scrofulous disease of the liver. His post office address Is Champaign, Champaign county, Illinois, In 1883. Children of Lyman and fane {King) Hill. 52 Augusta Exena* b. October 27, 1852, at New- burg, Geauga county, Ohio ; m. Alvln Cutler, March 9, 1872, at Kingston, Michigan, 53 John Derlus* b, April 14, 1855, at Lock, Ingham county, Michigan; m. Miss Mary Shaw, December 25, i878,.at Dayton, Tuscolla county, Michigan. ALVIN and AUGUSTA E. (HILL) CUTLER. ig 54 Catherine E.* b*. February 9, 1858, at Newburg, Ohio; d. April 7, 1858. 55 Edwin Lyman* b. January 18, 1859, at Lock, Michigan ; unmarried. Post office Champaign, Cham paign county, Illinois, In 1883. 56 Charles Walter* b. September 27, 1864, at New burg, Ohio. 57 Frank P.* b. April 10, 1868, at Kingstown, Mich. 52 Augusta Exena Hill'' b. October 27, 1852, at Newburg, Geauga county, Ohio ; m. Alvln Cutler March 9, 1872, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Mich. He b. Nov. 14, 1842, at East Mathias, Main. He Is six feet one Inch tall, dark auburn hair, blue eyes, and will weigh, one hundred and seventy-five pounds. He served In the army during the rebellion. And by oc cupation is a farmer. She Is five feet two inches tall, auburn hair and blue eyes, and will weigh ninety-five pounds. They are members of the Freewill Baptist church. He is a brother of 99 Rev, G. B. Cutler*. Their post office address is Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan, in 1883. Children of Alvin and Atcgusta E. {Hill) Cutler. 58 Lloyd Alvin" b. December 16, 1873, at Wash ington, Tuscolla county, Michigan, 59 Albert Thomas" b. January 28, 1876, at Kings ton, Michigan. 60 Harvy Barnard" b. February 2, 1878, at Kings ton, Michigan. 61 Ralph" b. January 4, 1 881, at Kingston, Mich. 53 John Derius Hill* b. April 14, 1855, at Lock, Ingham Co., Mich. m. Miss Mary Shaw, Dec, 25, 1878, AARON and HATTIE (KING) FULL. at Dayton, Tuscolla Co,, Mich. 'She b. Dec. i, 1859. at County Sinco, Township Toronto, Canada, He is five feet ten Inches tall, black hair, blue eyes, and weighs one hundred and thirty-five pounds. She is five feet one and one-half inch tall, has black hair and eyes, and weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. By occupation he Is a farmer. Their post office ad dress is Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan, In 1883. Cfiildren of John D. and Mary {Shaw) Hill. 62 Hurburt" b, Nov, 17, 18 79,' at Kingston, Mich. 63 Matde Lucy" b, December 22, i88o,at Kingston, Michigan. 64 John Lyman" b. Nov. 12, 1882, at Kingston, Mich. o 48 Harriet King* b, Feb, 11, 1836, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts; m. Aaron Hill, July 4, 1853, at Rus sell, Geauga county, Ohio. He b. August 4, 1834, at Danby, Vermont. He Is five feet six Inches tall, has brOwn hair, blue eyes, and will weigh one hundred and fifty-five pounds. She Is five feet two Inches tall, au burn hair, black eyes, and weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds. By occupation he is a farmer. Their post office address Is Chardon, Geauga coun ty, Ohio, in 1883. Children of Aaron and Harriett {King) Hill. 65 Imogene Delila* b, January 10, 1856, at New burg, Ohio. 66 Jennie Luella* b. June 10, 1863, at Newburg, Ohio; d. August 20, 1863, of ap'thea. 65 Imogens Delila Hill* b. January 10, 1856, at Newburg, Ohio; m, Ethelbert Brkdford Kingsbury, November 30, 1873, at Kingston, Michigan, He b. August 29, 1852, at Revenna, Ohio. He is five feet ROBERT H. and jane (PHARESj KING. six Inches tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and thirty pounds. She is five feet two Inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and forty-two pounds. By occupation he is a farmer. Ihelr post office address Is Revenna, Portage county, Ohio, in 1883. Children of E. B. and f. D. { Hill ) Kingsbury. 67 Hattie Angeline" b. May 25, 1878, at Revenna, Ohio; d. August 22, 1878, at Revenna, Ohio, 68 Otice A, Clayton" b. March i, 1880, at Kings ton, Mich, 49 Robert Heman King* b. May 12, 1838, at New Marlboro, Mass. ; m. Miss Jane Phares November 14, 1861, at Westfield, Cattarkgus county, N. Y. .She b. July 29, 1845. ^y occupation he is a farmer. His post office address is Kingston, Tuscolla county, Mich igan, in 1883. Cfiildren of Robert H. and Jane {Phares) King. 69 Blanchie Rosalia* b. December 21, 1862, at Newburg, Ohio; m, Jeneroux Soper. 70 Major Robert* b. February 4, 1867, at Russell, Ohio. 71 Rosa May* b. July 27, 1869, at Kingston, Mich., d, March -, 1871, of typhoid fever, 72 Jesse Cromwell* b. July 24, 1876, at Kingston, Michigan, -jl Thomas Peari ' b. April 16, 1879, at Kingston, Michigan, 74 Haslo Heman* b. July 10, 1882, at Kingston, Michigan. 69 Bl.xxchie Rosalia Kixg* b. December 21, 1862, at Newburg, Geauga county, Ohio; m. Jeneroux XVm. B. and CAROLINE (KING) COAL. Soper, April 24, 1880, at North Branch, Lapier coun ty, Michigan. He b. August 9, 1^57, at Ontario, coun ty Ocford, township Dereham, Canada. By occupa tion he Is a farmer. Their post office address Is Mar- lette, Sanilac county, Michigan. 50 Caroline King* b. December 22, 1842, at New Malburow, Massachusetts; m. William Benjamin Coal, January i, 1861, at Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio. He b. January 21, 1839, at Troy, Geauga county, O. He is five feet eight Inches tall, has black hair, brown eyes and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. She is five feet two Inches tall, has brown hair and blue eyes and weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds. By occupation he Is a farmer. Their post office ad dress is Ford, Ohio, In 1883. Cfiildren of Wm. B. and Caroline {King) Coal. 75 Willie Wesly* b. June 6, 1862, at Russell. Geau ga county, Ohio. He Is five feet tall, weighs one hun dred and forty-four pounds. A member of the Sons of Temperance, By occupation a painter ; Is not mar ried. Post office Ford, Ohio, In 1883, 76 Walter C, C* b, March 27, 1876, at MIddleburg, Ohio, 51 John Harvv King* b, July 31, 1845, at New Malburow, Mass, ; m. Miss Alvlra Hanklns, June 7, 1867, at Mayfield, Cyhoga county, Ohio, She b. Jan, I, 1847, In Calhoon, Michigan. He is five feet •two inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred pounds. By occupation a farmer. Their post office address is Kingston, Tuscolla county, Mich igan, in 1883. OLIVER B. and CELINA (TODD) KING. 23 Children of Jo fin H. and Alvira {Hankins) King. 77 Smith* b. November 19, 1868, in Osceola coun ty, Michigan. 78 Harriet Diana* b. February 2, 1876, at Kingston, Michigan. 79 John Elwood* b. February 22, 1877, at Kings ton, Michigan. 15 Oliver Bruster King'' b. January 8, 1808, at Sandisfield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts ; m. Miss Celina Todd, May 12, 1831, at Sandisfield, Massachu setts. She b. October 28, 181 1, at North Hanover, Connecticut. He had black hair and eyes, was five feet four Inches tall, and would weigh one hundred and forty pounds. She Is five feet three inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, and would weigh one hundred and five pounds. He d. May 12, 1863, at Sandisfield, Mas.sachusetts. Her post office address Is WInsted, Ct., In 1883. Cfiildren of Oliver B. and Celina {Todd) King. 80 Mary Amelia* b. March 2, 1832, at New Mal burow, Massachusetts ; m. Erwin Turner Walter. July 25, 1850. 81 Elvira Martha* b. September 12, 1833. at San disfield, Massachusetts ; m, Oliver Barker Jones, Sept. 20, 1853, at Sandisfield, Mass, 82 Jennie P21izabeth* b. March 20, 1843, at Sandis field, Massachusetts ; m. first Jenks Turner Dunxx'ell, December 7, 1863, at Colbrook, Connecdcut. 80 Mary Amelia King* b. March 2, 1832, at New Malburow, Massachusetts ; m. Erwin Turner Walter, 24 erwin T. and MARY A. (KING) WALTER. July 25, 1850, at Colbrook, Connecticut. He b. April 25, 1825, at New Marlboro, Massachusetts. He Is five feet seven inches tall, has gray eyes, black hair, and weighs one hundred and ten pounds. By occu padon a farmer. She is five feet five inches tall, has brown hair and black eyes, will weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. She is a member of the Presbyterian church. Their post office address is Vernon Center, Oneida county, N. Y., in 1883. Children of Er'-win T. and Mary A. { King) Walter. 83 Willis Erwin * b. December 13, 1853, at WIn sted, Litchfield county, Connecticut; m. Miss Amy Breed Houtz,^''Mait:ch 18, 1880, 84 Charles Brwin* t). July 18, 1855, at WInsted, Ct; m. Miss Jennie Adell Lampman, March 29, 1877. , 85 Minnie Adell* b, June 7, 1862, at Vernon Center, Oneida county, N,.Y, ; m, Wlfllam B, LInsley, June 7, 1882. ¦ '¦''¦'¦ 86 Cliffor:d J^ncks* b, December 12, 1865, at Ver non Center, N.- Y, ; d, June 7, 1868. '&1 Willis Erwin Walter* b. December 13, 1853, at WInsted, Ct. ; m. Miss Amy Breed Houtz, March 18, 1880, at New London, Oneida county, N, Y, She b. March 18, 1862, at Vernon, Oneida county, N. Y. Their post office is Nexv London, Oneida county, N. Y. in 1883. Cfiildren of Willis E. and Amy B, {Houtz) U^altcr. 87 Myrtle Adell" b. December 24, 1880, at New London, N. Y, 88 Mary Emma" b. June 20, 1883, at Nexv London N, Y. OLIVER B. and ELVIRA M. (KING) JONES. 84 Cfiarles Erwin Walter* b. July 18, 1855, at WInsted, Connecticut; m. Jennie Adell Lampman, March 29, 1877, at Vernon Center, N. Y. She b. April 24, 1858. Their post office address is Vernon Center, N. Y, in 1883, Children of Cfias. E. and Jennie A. {Lampman) Walter. 89 Lottie May" b, Aug, 13, 1878, at Vernon Center, N, Y, 85 Minnie Adell Walter* b, June 7, 1862; m. William Bond LIndsley, June 7, 1882, at Vernon Cen ter, N. Y. He b. December 10, 1856, at Vernon Cen ter, N. Y. Their post office address is Vernon Cen ter, N. Y., in 1883, Children of Wm. B. and Minnie A. { Walter) Linds- 90 Florence Minnie" b. June i, 1883, at Vernon Center, N. Y. 81 Elvira Martha King* b. September 19, 1833, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts ; m. Oliver Barker Jones, September 20, 1853, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts. He b. December 26,1831, at Sandisfield, Massachu setts. He is five feet nine inches tall, has black hair and eyes, will weigh one hundred and fifty pounds. She is five feet four Inches tall, has brown hair, gray eyes, and will weigh one hundred and forty pounds. They are members of the Congregadonal church. Their post office is Montvllle, Bershire county, Mass,, in 1883. Cfiildren of O, B. and Elvira M. {King) fo7ics. -91 Myrde Celina Jones* b. August 18, 1858, at Sandisfield, Mass, ; m, James Watson Robbins, M. D„ 26 WALLACE J. and JENNIE E. (KING) PERSONS. June 24, 1879, at Montvllle, Massachusetts. He b. May 2, 1848, at Lenox, Massachusetts. He i-s five feet nine Inches tall, has brown hair, blue eyes, will weigh one hundred and fifty pounds; graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. City. She Is five -feet four Inches tall, has black hair and eyes, "will weigh one hundred and one pounds. Their" post office Is New Marlboro, Mass., in 1883. Cfiildren of James W. and Myrtie C. {Jones) Robbins. 92 Oliver George" b. February 20, 1881, at New Marlboro, Mass. 82 Jennie Eliza King* b. March 20, 1843, at San disfield, Massachusetts; m. first Jencks Turner Dun- well, December 7, 1863, at Colebrook, Conn. He d, September 10, 1866, of diphtheria, at West WInsted, Conn. She m. second Wallace J. Persons, July i, 1 869, at SancHsfield, Massachusetts. He b. April 26, 1840, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts. He is five feet eight Inches tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. He Is a merchant. She Is five feet two inches tall, has black hair and eyes, will weigh ninety-two pounds. Their post office Is WInsted Conn., in 1883. Cfiildren of Wallace J. and Jennie E. {King) Persons. 93 Nedie J.* b. Augusts, 1872, at Sandisfield, Mass, ; d, August 29, 1872. 16 Alaxson Knox King'' b. January 27, 18 10, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts ; m. Emeline Bishop, Nov. 24,1830, at' Charlestown, Ohio. .She b, December II, 181 2, at Hudson, Portage county, Ohio, He was five feet eight inches tall, black hair, blue eyes, weigh ed one hundred and thirty-five pounds. She was five ALANSON K. and EMELINE (BISHOP) KING. 27 feet five inches tall, black hair and eyes, would weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. They were members of the Methodist church, in which he was for many years a local preacher. He was a member of the A. F", & A, JVL He d. -March 15, 1877; worn out, broke down, no disease ; old age, at Kingston, Mich. The township ot Kingston was named In honor of him. She d. Sept. 9, 1878, of old age, at Kingston, Mich. Cfiildren of Alanson K. and Emeline {Bishop) King. 94 Robert D.* b. October 22, 1 831, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio; d. May 6, 1838, at Salem, Mar ion county, Illinois. 95 Wallace Bishop* b. December 24, 1832, at Char lestown, Ohio ; m, first Miss Emeline C, Hallock, 96 Charles* b, April 9, 1836, at Charlestown, Ohio; d. May 31, 1836, 97 Phllo Luther* b. March 22, 1837, at Charlestown, Ohio ; m. Miss Caroline Harmon, January i, i860. 98 Mary Elizabeth* b. P^ebruary 24, 1840, at Salem, Marlon county, Illinois ; m, George Harrison Bien, March 3, 1858. ^99 Annie Maria* b. February 21, 1844, at Salem niinois; d. March 31, 1844. 100 RusseUb. March 21, 1845, at Salem, Illinois; m. Miss Phebe Jane Peaslee, March 3, 1866. loi Maria* b. October 20, 1847, at Parkman, Port age county, Ohio ; m. first Lucius Russell, F"eb. 7, 1864, 102 Tillan*b. July 29, 1852, at Revenna, Ohio ; m, Charies Smith, June .21, 1870. 103 Dora Adelaide* b. July 16, 1854, at Revenna, Ohio; d, January 4, 1855, at Revenna, Ohio, 104 Juha Adell* b. May 22, 1856, at Revenna, O.; m. Rev. Gilbert B. Cuder, April 5, 1874. 28 XVALLACE B. and EMELINE C, (HALLOCK) KING. 95 Wallace Bishop King* b. December 24, 1832, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio ; m. first Miss Emeline C. Hallock, May 13, 1855, at Palmyra, Ohio. She b. October 12, 1835, at Palmyra, Portage county, Ohio, She was five feet tall, black hair and eyes, weighed one hundred and twenty-five pounds ; d. July 14, 1873, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan, of puerpual fever. He m. second Miss Maria Mary Hal- lock (sister of his first wife), February 12, 1875, at Kingston, Michigan.^ She b. October 23, 1837, at Palmyra, Ohio ; she has auburn hair, blue eyes, is five feet two Inches tall, weighs ninety-five pounds. He is five feet ten inches tall, dark brown hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. By occupa tion he Is a farmer. Their post office address is Kings ton, Michigan, in 1883. Children of Wallace B. and Emeline C {Hallocfi) King. 105 Ida Sarefta^" b. July 27, 1856, at Revenna, O, ; d. Dec, I, 1856, of inflammation of the brain. 106 Hellen Ada* b. July 24, 1858, at Lafayette, Williams county, Ohio; m. Lee W. Wood, January i, 1879. 107 Myron Sylvesjter* b. December 26, 1859, at La fayette, Ohio; m, Xina A. Noble, February i, 1883. 108 Levens Russell* b. May 28, 1864, at Water- ville, Tuscolla county, Mich.; d. September 11, 1865, of cholera Infantum, at Kingston, Michigan. 109 May Catherine* b, February 16, 1868, at Kings ton, Michigan. no Glide Dusell* b. February 3. 1871, at Kings ton, Michigan, 1 1 1 Clelus Harrison * b. July 11, 1873, at Kingston, Michigan. MYRON S. and xina A. (NOBLE) KING. 29 Cfiildren of Wallace B. and friary M. {Hallocfi) King. 112 William Dowley* by July i8, 1876, at Revenna, Ohio. 106 Hellen Ada King* b. July 24, 1858, at Lafay ette, Williams county, Ohio; m. Lee W. Wood, Janu ary 1, 1879, at Revenna, Ohio. Pie b. March 3, 1846. at Franklin, Pa. He is five feet eight and one-half inches tall, light hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds, and by trade a steam engineer. She is five feet two inches tall, black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. She is a dress-maker by trade. He was a soldier during the Rebellion ; a member of the I. O. O. F. They live on a farm at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan. Their post office as above. Cfiildren of Lee W. and Ffellen A, {Ki?ig) Wood. 1 13 Nora E." b. February 5, 1882^ at Revenna, O. 107 Myron Sylve.ster King* b. December 26, 1859, at Lafayette, Williams county, Ohio ; m. Xina A. No ble, February i, 1883. She b. May 12, 1862, at Mec ca, Trumbull county, Ohio. She is five feet five inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and txventy-five pounds. He is five feet eleven and a half Inches tall, auburn hair, hazel 'eyes, weighs one hund red and sixty pounds. He is a farmer. P. O. Charl estown, Portage county, Ohio, in 1883. Childreiz tf Myron S. and Xina A. {Noble) King. 114 Cella May" b. December 16, 1883, at Charles town, Ohio. 97 Philo Luther King* b. March 22, 1837, at Charlestoxvn, Portage county, Ohio ; m. Miss Caroline 30 PHILO L. and CAROLINE (HARONAN) KING. Haronan, January i, i860, at East Dayton, Michigan, She b. April 14, 1845, at Plymouth, Wayne county, Michigan, He Is five feet four inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds. She Is five feet tall, brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and three pounds. He Is a member of the I. O. O. F. By occupadon sexton. Served during the Rebellion In the 7th reg. Michigan Infantry. Their P. O. address is Revenna, Ohio, in 1883, Cfiildren of Philo L. and Caroline {Haronan) ICing. 115 Ella* b, March 16, 1 861, at Kingston, Mich. ; d, September 19, 1862, of cholera Infantum. 116 Albert Elroy* b. March 10, 1864, at Kingston, Michigan; d. Sept, 12, 1864, of cholera infantum. 117 Frances May* b, January 30, i866, at Kings ton, Michigan; d. August 6, 1866, of cholera infantum. 118 Milon Elroy* b. June 3, 1868, at Kingston, Michigan. 119 MInne Belle* b. February 15, 1875, at Reven na, Ohio. 98 Mary Elizabeth King* b. February 24, 1840, at Salem, Marion county, Illinois; m. George Harrison Bien, March 3, 1858, at Charieston, Portage county, Ohio. He b. August 22, 1837, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; he has dark brown hair and black eyes. Is five feet ten inches tall, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. She Is five feet two Inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. He served in Company F. 164 Ohio Infantry, In the Rebellion. By occupation he is a house-joiner. They are members of the Methodist church. Their post office address Is Akron, Ohio, in 1883, GEO. H. and .MAkV E. (KING) BIEN. 31 Children of Geo. H. and Mary E. {lUng) Bien. 120 Ellie M.* b. May i8, i860, at Akron, Ohio; un married in 1883. 121 Harry* b. January 3, 1865, at x\kron, Ohio; d. May 18, 1867. 122 Frank Knox* b. January 9, 1867, at Akron, O. ; d. June 9, 1867. 123 Charles Augusta* b. January 3, 1870, at Akron, Ohio. 124 Sura Girtrude* b. June 12, 1876, at Revenna, Ohio; d.'June 2, 1877, of pneumonia. 125 Ethel Gertrude* b, June 17,1883, at Akron, Ohio. 100 RussEL King* b. March 21, 1845, at Salem, Marion county, Illinois ; m. Miss Phebe Jane Peaslee, March 3, 1866, at Kingston, Michigan. She b. May 6, 1850, In Loxver Canada. He is five feet seven Inch es tall, has auburn hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and thirty-six pounds. He served in Co. E. 7th Reg. Mich. Infantry during the Rebellion; took part In the battle of the Wilderness, Spotsylvanis, C. H., and many others ; has been constable for ten years ; depu ty sheriff for two years. By occupadon a farmer. Their post office address is Kingston, Michigan, in 1883. No children I loi Maria King* b. October 2, 1847, at Parkman, Geauga county, O. ; m. first Lucius K. Russell, Febru ary 7, 1864, at Kingston, Michigan. He b. 06fober ID, 1842, at Astabula,Astabula county, Ohio. He was a soldier In the 7th Reg. Michigan Infantry; killed In 32 frank and MARIA (KING) ROBBINSON. the batde of the Wilderness, May 12, 1864. She m. second Frank Robbinson* at Waterville, Mich, ; he b, Sept. 10, 1840, at Nasua, N. H. He is five feet ten Inches tall, has dark hair and eye.s, xveighs one hundred and fifty pounds. By occupadon a farmer. .She Is five feet three inches tall, black hair and eyes, weighs ninety pounds. Their post office was Kingston, Michigan, in 1883. Children of Franfi and Maria {King) Robbinson. 126 Lizzie Lora* b. November 12, 1869, at Junietta, Tuscolla county, Mich. 127 Frances May* b. June 21, 187 1, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Mich. 128 Charles Alanson* b. July 31, 1873, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan. 129 Martha Emeline* b. April 21, 1876, at Kings ton, Tuscolla county, Michigan. 102 TiLLAN King * b. July 29, 1852, at Revenna, Ohio; m. Charles Smith, June 21, 1870, at Akron, O, He b, March 27, 1845, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio; he is five feet five and one-half Inches tall, has dark brown hair, gray eyes, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds. She Is five feet two' inches tall, has au burn hair and black eyes, weighs ninety pounds. By occupation he is a farmer. Their post office Is Re venna, Portage county, Ohio, in 1883. Cfiildren of Cfiarles and Tillan {/•Cing) Smitfi. 130 Ella* b. March 28, 1871, at Kaylton, Tuscolla county, Mich. SHELDON and ELANOR E. (KING) HALL. 33 131 Harry Alanson* b. April 18, 1875, at Revenna, Ohio. 132 Sarah Lillian * b, , d. 133 Charles H,* b. . d. 104 Julia Adell King* b. May 22, 1856, at Reven na, Portage Co., Ohio; m. Rev, Gilbert Bancroft Cut ler, April 5, 1874, at Kingston, Michigan, He b. May 31, 1848, at East Mochias, Maine,; he is five feet ten inches tall, auburn hair, deep blue eyes, weighs one hundred and sixty-five pounds. She is five feet one Inch tall, auburn hair, black eyes, weighs one hundred pounds. (He Is a brother of 52 Alvin Cutler,* of Kingston, Michigan.) He is a Baptist minister. Their post office is Nexv Haven, Michigan, irr 1883. Cfiildren of Gilbert B. and Julia A. {King) Cutler. 134 Roswell Bancroft* b, December 23, 1876, at Newburg, Tuscolla county, Michigan, 135 Carl Custer* b, Aug, 12, 1878, at Newburg, Michigan. 136 Gilbert* b. February i, 1 881, at North Branch, Lapeer county, Michigan. 137 May Adell* b. July 28, 1883, at New Haven, Macomb county, Michigan. 17 Elanor Eliza King^ b. January 29, 1812, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts ; m. Sheldon Hall, Decem ber 4, 1828, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio. He b. April 24, 1803, at Talland, Massachusetts; he xvas six feet two inches tall, light hair and blue eyes and weighs two hundred and seventy pounds ; he was a farmer; d. February 9, 1868, at Charlestown, Ohio ; she was five feet three inches tall, auburn curley hair and blue eyes, weighed one hundred and ninety 34 JOHN W. and ELIZA E. (HALL) MILLS. pounds. She d. June 6, 1878, at Charlestown. Ohio ; supposed of cancer of the stomach. Children of Sheldon and Elanor E. {King) Hall. 138 Eliza Elanor* b. 06fober 15, 1830, at Charles town, Ohio; m. John W. Mills, Aug. 20, 1850, at Charlestown, Ohio. 139 Curtis Sheldon* b. July 11, 1832, at Charles town, O. ; m. Miss Elizabeth Hitchcock, June 29,1856. 140 Carlton George* b. August 16, 1839, at Charles town, Ohio ; m. first Miss Ellen Armstrong, October 14, 1862, at Charlestown, Ohio. 138 Eliza Elanor Hall* b. October 15, 1830, at Charlestown, Ohio ; m, John W, Mills, August 20, 1850, at Charlestown, Ohio. He b, February 22, 1825, at Hudson Summit county, Ohio. By occupation a farmer. Their post office Is Campus, Lixdngston county, Illinois, in 1883. At Anthony, Harper county, Kansas, in 1884. Cfiildren of John W. and Eliza E. {Hall) Mills. 141 Ellen Maria* b. October 9, 1851, at Hudson, Summit county, Ohio; m. Rev. Alexander Smith, September 9, 1879, at Dwight, Illinois. 142 Arthur Hall* b. November i, 1853, at Hudson, Ohio. 143 Emely Eliza« b. July 10, 1855, at Hudson, O. 144 Norman Wells* b. November 22, 1856, at Hud son, Ohio. 145 Mary Elizabeth* b. July 22, 1858, at Hudson, Ohio. -- 146 John Sheldon* b. May 5, 1862, at Hudson, O. 147 Eliza Elanor* b. May 5, 1862, at Hudson, O. ; d. March 31, 1865, at Brilliant, Wisconsin, of menin gitis. CURTIS S. and -MARY E. (HITCHCOCK) HALL. 35 148 Fredric King* b. February 22, 1865, at Bril liant, Wis. ; d. July 22, 1868, of sunstroke, 149 Phebe Carrie * b. May 20, 1867, at Brilliant, Wis.; d. July 22, 1867. 150 Ada Celia* b. August 8, 1868, at Brilliant, Wis. 141 Ellen Maria Mills* b. October 9, 1 851, at Hudson, Summit county, Ohio ; m. Rev. Alexander Smith, September 9, 1879, at Dwight, Livingston coun ty, Illinois; he b, October 2, 1849, at Aberden, Scot land ; he is a minister. Their post office is Lacon, Illinois, in 1883, Children of Rev. Alex, arid Ellen M. {Mills) Smith. 151 Maud Emma" b. September 3, 1880, at Dwight, Illinois. 139 Curtis Sheldon Hall* b. July 11, 1832, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio ; m. Miss Mary Elizabeth Hitchcock* June 29, 1856, at Freedom, Port- *His wife wrote me concerning his death as follows; "Curtis went to Ohio in August, 1872, with the intention of getting an engine to drive a shingle-mill, I did not here from him until he had been gone three weeks. Then his mother wrote that Curtis arrived on the 9th of August, sick with typhoid fever, but was not dangerous. This was Thursday, it was written the Monday before. I could not sleep that night ; and there would be no mail until the next Monday, so I sent ten miles, and had the mail opened Saturday and found another letter writ ten the Thursday before, saying the fever had turned and if nothing new set in, he would be up in a few days. I could not remain at home; something seemed to say : There is something worse ; I must go ! I had not a dollar, but money came to me as if sent. A neighbor took me and my baby 30 miles to Lapeer, Mich., Sunday, in a buggy. That night I stayed at a hotel ; toward morning I fell into a sleep and dreamed that I went to Curtis' mother's by way of Freedom Station, and found all gone to Curtis' funeral and I followed, and awoke weep ing as if a reality. Tuesday II a. m. found me at the station where I should change to go to Freedom Station ; but something seemed to say do not stop there. I went to the next depot, and then to aunt Camilla Harmons, and found they were gone to a funeral at Charlestown Center. I knew that it was Curtis' though no one had told me. Geo. Olmsted told me all. It was then past 1 1 a. m., and the funeral was to be at 12 m., and I nine long miles away ; but said he I -will take you there in time, and in 40 minutes we were at the house. The ser vices has commenced ; I heard the prayer, but O, what anguish ! what Suspense ! He had died Monday, I had not seen him — had not raised a hand for his relief— and could it be, they Icept all from me because I was poor. They would have to send me money; yes, I saw it all. I can never, no never, forget that terrible hour of sorrow, mingled with the pitiful cry of his child that clung to his dead father. Though years have passed it is with the deepest emotion that I recall that day. Had it not been for the dream I .should have gone to Freedom Sta tion, arriving there at 3 p. m,, forever too late." 36 CARLTON G. and EVA (SCOVILLE) HALL. age county, Ohio ; she b. October 24, 1836, at Oriska- ny Falls, N. Y. He was six feet tall, dark brown hair, black eyes, and weighed one hundred and fifty pounds. She Is five feet two inches tall, xveighs one hundred and ten pounds, has black hair and eyes. He d. Sept. 2, 1872, at Charlestown, Ohio; she m. second Frank Wright. Her post office Is Otter Lake, Lapeer coun ty, Michigan, in 1883. Cfiildren of Curtis S. and Mary E. {Hitchcocfc) Hall. 152 Charles Curtis* b. February 23, 1858, at Mari- than, Lapeer county, Mich, 153 Juliette L, B.* b. September 3, 1860, at Oriskany Falls, Oneida county, N. Y; ; d. July 1 1, 1863, of dyph- theria, at Dayton, Tuscolla county, Mich. 154 Willis Amos* b. August 23, 1866, at Dayton, Michigan. 155 Rosa May* b. October 18, 1868, at Dayton, Michigan. 156 Frank Israel* b. May 17, 1 871, at Dayton, Michigan. 140 Carlton George Hall* b. August 16, 1839, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio; m. first Miss El len Armstrong, October 24, 1862, at Charlestown, O. ; she b. January 15, 1845, in N. Y. ; she was five feet one inch tall, had light hair and blue eyes, weighed ninety pounds ; d. October 25, 1871, of tuberculosis. He m. second Miss Eva Scoville, December 29, 1872, at P>eedom, Portage county, Ohio ; she b. February 4, 1855, at Freedom, Ohio. Her mother was Mrs. Minervia T. (King) Scoville, wife of Alexander Sco ville, of Freedom, Portage county, Ohio. She was the second daughter of Hiram King, son of 2 JameaKnox LINTOX D. AND FIATTIE ..\. (HALL) BALDWIN. 37 Klng^ She is five feet tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs ninety pounds. He is five feet nine inches tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. By occupation a farmer. They are members of the M. E. church. He owns and lives on the farm where his father settled in 1828. .Their post office Is Freedom Station, Portage county, Ohio, in 1883.Children of Carlton G. and Ellen {Armstrong) Hall. 157 Hattie Adell* b. August i, 1863, at Charles town, Ohio; m. Linton D. Baldwin. 158 Marion Carlton* b. May 24, 1867, at Charles town, Ohio, Children of Carlton G. and Eva {Scoville) Hall. 159 Verdie Edna* b, October 17, 1880, at Charles town, Chio. 157 Hattie Adell Hall,* b. Aug. i, 1863, at Char lestown, O. ; m. Linton Deloss Baldwin, June 15, 1881, at Chariestown, O. He b. January i, i860, at Wind ham, Portage county, Ohio ; he is five feet eight inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. She is five feet one inch tall, light brown hair, gray eyes, weighs ninety-five pounds. By occupadon he is a farmer ; are members of the M. E. church. P O. Revenna, Portage county, Ohio, In Cfiildren of Linton D. and Hattie A. {Hall) Baldwin. 160 Ahce E:iiza" b. August 21, 1883, at Revenna, Portage county, Ohio. 38 JOEL ELISHA KING 1 8 Joel Elisha King" M. D., he received a common school education; began the study of medicine when only 1 5 years of age, with a physician by the name of Bassett, of Rootstown, Portage county, Ohio. After he had grown to manhood he bought land In Charles town, Ohiof The land was heavily dmbered ; this he fell with his own hands, and soon had a farm opened up. He was a member of the M. E. church ; .sold his farm, joined the ministry, moved to Illinois In 1838; lived in Saleni, Marion county; traveled and preached on a Mission Circuit ; moved to Dewitt county, Illi nois, In 1840. Here at first he devoted his entire time to the ministry, but finally graduated in medicine, and located and began the pracdce of medicine to the ex clusion of the ministry in 1842. He lived on a farm which he owned, seven miles west of Clinton, Illinois; sold the farm in 1853 and moved to Clinton where he engaged In the mercantile business. For a few years he appeared to prosper ; but the hard times of 1857 broke him up. In 1861 he enlisted In Company E, 20th Regiment, Illinois Vol, Infantry; was detailed In the hospital of the regiment. In 1862 he was sick, he could not cure himself nor could he g-et relief from the other surgeons that he came in contact with, Durine this sickness he was not confined to his bed, but had charge of the small-pox hospital near Louisville, Ky. He was discharged In October, 1862 ; on arrival home he xvelghed eighty-nine pounds. Studied homoeopath ic medicine with Dr. Hummell, of Clinton, Illinois; be came a partner of Dr. H. January i, 1863, He mov ed to Fairfield, Iowa, in March, 1865 ; engagino- In the practice of medicine he. soon built up a fine practice. Here he has now a fine property. He was always a liberal donor to churches, sometimes giving away $500 at a time. In 1883 his office xvas burned, losing all JOEL K. .VNii E.XIEI.IXK (U.XRXES) KING. 39 his medical library, notes and accounts to the amount $7,000 or 1^8,000. He is a Republican in politics; a member of the M. E. church, and a member of the A. ¥. & A. M. He is a strong temperance man. 18 Joel Elisha King" M. D., b. November 26, 181 3, at .Sandisfield, Berk.shire county, Massachusetts; m. Emeline Barnes, Friday, April 3, 1835, at Norton, Ma dina now Summit county, Ohio. ,.She b. December 24, 181 3, at Talland, Hamden county, Massachusetts. (Her father was Phineas Barnes, b. October 7, 1770 ; he m. Abigail Smith; she b. June 10, 1780; shed. May 6, 1849; he d, March i, 1857. They had twelve chil dren, as follows: Dennison Barnes b. September 6, 1801, He was alive in 1884. Post office Akron, Ohio. Salmon Barnes d. young. Sylvester Barnes b. February 29, 1805. Post office Tallmadge, Ohio, in 1884. Isaac Newton Barnes b. April 10, 1807 ; d, April 20, 1883, at Charlestown, Ohio. Abigail Rose Barnes b. November 5, 1868 ; d. Feb. 14, 1828. John Barnes b. June 24, 1810; alive in 1884. Lorenzo Doxv Barnes b. March 22, 1812; d. in England. He was a Mormon Elder. PZmellne Barnes b. December 24, 1813, Phineas Barnes b. March 30, 181 5; d, July 16, 1883, at the Hot Springs iu Arkansas, of exhausdon ; old age. Lovewell Barnes b. March 5, 1817; d, in 1859. Ebenezer Barnes b. , 1819; d, July 6, 1821. Corintha Barnes b. November 8, 1821; alive in 1884.) 40 SYLVESTER M. and LOUISA M. C. (RULAPAU) KING. He Is five feet seven inches tall, black hair (Inclined to curl) and eyes, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds. She Is five feet six Inches tall, black hair and eyes, weighs two hundred pounds. Cfiildren of Joel E, and Emeline {Barnes) King. i6i Sylvester Morgan* b. September 27, 1836, at Charlestown, Ohio ; m. Louisa M. Chaffee Rulapau. 162 Camilla Abigail* b. July 3, 1838, at Charles town, Ohio ; d. July 4, 1848, at Tonbridge, Dewitt county, Illinois ; kicked in the head by a horse. 163 Edward Howard* b. August 21, 1841, at Ton- bridge, Illinois ; m. Miss Hattie M. Case, 164 Ellen *b, September 16, 1845, at Tonbridge, Illinois ; m. Thomas L. Hoffman. 165 Rosanah* b. July 22, 1847, at Tonbridge, Illi nois; d. January 6, 1851, of brain-fever. 166 Joel Barnes* b. July 22, 1849, at Tonbridge, Illinois ; m. Miss Eva Davis, at Ellsworth, Kans. 167 Alice* b. September 10, 1852, at Tonbridge, Illinois; m. Joseph S. Lowell, M. D. 168 Emma* b, September 21, 1856, at Clinton, Illi nois; m. William S, Mitchell. 161 Sylvester Morgan King,* M. D„ b, September 27, 1836, at Charlestown, Portage county, O, ; m, Louisa M, Chaftee Rulapau, March 8, 1866, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio. She b. May 2, 1835, at Bristol, Trumbull county, Ohio. He is five feet eight inches tall, black hair, hazel eyes, weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. She is five feet five inches tall, black hair, hazel eyes, weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. He enlisted in Co. E, 20th Reg. Illinois Vol. Infantry, April 19, 1861, Took part in the batde of EDWARD H. AND HATTIE M. (CASE) KING. Frederictown, Mo., October 21, 1861 ; Ft.. Donaldson, Tenn., February 13, 14, 15; Shilo, April 6, 7, 1862, where he was severely wounded from which he never fully recovered; was discharged October 12, 1862. Enlisted in Company I, 6th Ohio Vol. Cav., August 15, 1864, from Akron, Ohio, and was in all the en gagements that his regiment took part in from the 19th of October, 1864, until the close of the war. His regiment was in the 2d Brigade, 2d Division of the Cav. Corps. Gen'l Gregg commanded the Division until February, 1865, when Gen'l Crook superseded him ; was mustered out of the U. S. service May 30, 1865; studied medicine; attended Medical Lectures at Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College in 1865 •and 1866; graduated at Hahnemann Hospital Col lege, Chicago, Illinois, In 1878. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P. Their post office address is Albia, Monroe county, Iowa, in 1884. They fiave no children 1 1 163 Edward Howard King,* M. D,, b. August 21, 1 841, at Tonbridge, Dewitt county, Illinois; m. Miss Hatde Maria Case, at Fairfield, Jefferson county, Iowa, Sep. I, 1868, She b. January 19, 1847, at Mansfield, Ohio. He is five feet nine inches tall, brown hair, gray eyes, weighs two hundred pounds. She is five ft. -six Inches tall,has light hair and blue eyes, weighs about one hundred and twenty ft)s. He served three years In Co. B, 107th Illinois Vol. Inft. Took part in nearly all the batdes the regiment was engaged in. Went with his regiment to the mouth of Cape Fear River and Wilmington, and took part in the. final campaign In North Carolina. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. Commenced the study of medicine In 1865, with his 42 THOMAS L. AND ELLEN (KING) HOFFMAN. father i8 Dr. Joel Elisha King*; graduated at Hahne mann Hospital College, of Chicago, Illinois, In 1868. Their post office is Clinton, Clinton county, Iowa, In 1884.Children of Dr. Edward H. and Hattie M. { Case) King. 169 Walter Joel* b. May 23, 1873, at Clinton, Iowa. 170 George Hayes* b. August 9, 1875, at Clinton, Iowa; d. September 20, 1883, of consumption, at Clin ton, Iowa. 171 Alice* b. August 29, 1880, at Clinton, Iowa. 164 Ellen King* b. September 16, 1845, at Ton- bridge, Dewitt county, Illinois; m. Thomas Luther Hoffman, June 10, 1868, at Fairfield, Iowa, He b, August 24, 1840, at Pittsburg, Pa, ; he is five feet sev en inches tall, brown hair and blue eyes, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. She is five feet two and one-half Inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. He served in the army during the Rebellion ; by profession he Is an at torney; Is postmaster at F"alrfield, Iowa, and a member of the A. F.& A. M. Their post office Is Fairfield, Iowa, in 1884. Children of Thomas L. and Ellen {King) Hoffman. 172 Ella* b. September 22, 1869, at Fairfield, Iowa. 166 Joel Barnes King* b. July 22, 1849, at Tonbridge, Dewitt county, Illinois ; m. Miss Eva Davis, August 29, 1 87 1, at Ellsworth, Kansas. She b. August 29, 1853, at Montrose, Iowa. He is five feet ten Inches tall, has light brown hair and gray eyes, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds. She is five feet four Inches JOEL B. AND EVA (DAVIS) KING. 43 tall, light hair, blue eyes and weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. He Is a practical printer, and has been editor and manager of a newspaper since 1869; he Is the owner and editor of "The Huerfano Herald," at Walsenburg, Colorado, She Is a milliner, carrying on that business at the same place. Their post office is Walsenburg, Col, in 1884, Children of Joel B. and Eva {Davis) King. 173 Edward Melville* b. September 24, 1872, at Moulton, Iowa. 174 Joel Frank* b. March 26, 1874, at Bloomfield, Davis county, Iowa; d. July 3, 1875, of hydrocephalis. 175 Keo* b. February 2, 1876, at Bloomfield, Iowa. 176 Happy Alice* b. March 21, 1878, at Cedar Rap ids, Iowa; d. November 20, 1879, of cholera Infantum, at luca, Kansas. ' 177 Emeline* b. December 15, 188 1, at LaVeta, Colorado, 167 Alice King* b. September 10, 1852, at Tonbridge, now Kenney, Dewitt county, Illinois ; m. Joseph Smith Lowell, M. D., June 16, 1870, at Fairfield, Jefferson county, Iowa; he b. August 9, 1846, at Farmingdale, Maine ; he is five ft. six ins. tall, has black hair and dark gray eyes, xveighs one hundred and thirty pounds ; he graduated In medicine at Hahnemann Hospital Col lege, Chicago, Illinois, in 1878. She Is five feet and one-half Inch tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. He served in the army in 1864 ; was mustered out in June 1865 ; Is a member of the I. O. O. F. Their post office Is Clinton, Clinton county, Iowa, in 1884. 44 WILLIAM S. AND EMMA (KING) MITCHELL. Childreii of Joseph S. and Alice {King) Lowell. 178 Arthur Ernest* b. February 17, 1873, at Gard ner, Maine. 179 Sylvester King* b. December 9, 1874, at Gard ner, Maine. 180 Edith* b. December 29, 1878, at Fairfield, Iowa; d. June 4, 1879, at Fairfield, of "lack of vitality." 181 Elida Alice* b. January 26, 1881, at Nevada, Story county, Iowa; d. March 24, 1 881, of pneumonia. 168 Emma King* b. September 21, 1856, at Clinton, Dewitt county, Illinois ; m, William Samuel Mitchell, September i, 1875, at Fairfield, Jefferson county, Iowa; he b. October 8, 1849, at Hillsboro, Ohio; he Is five feet three Inches tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, xveighs one hundred and twenty pounds ; he is exten sively engaged in the drug trade ; a member of the M. E, church and I. O. O, F, She Is five feet one and a half inch tall, has brown hair and gray eyes (right eye a little crost,) weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds. Their post office is Bloomfield, Davis county, Iowa, in 1884. Cfiildren of William S. and Emma {King) Mitcfiell. 182 William Samuel* b. September 27, 1877, at Bloomfield, Davis county, Iowa. 183 Glenn Adney* b. June i, 1881, at Bloomfield, Iowa. 20 Thom.\s Brown King" b. February 10, 181 7, at Sandisfield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts ; m. Sara Maria Williams, November 10, 1839, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio ; she b. July 5, 1 819, at Hopkins, Rhode Island, He has brown hair, blue eyes, weighs THOMAS B. AND SARA M. (WILLIAMS) KING. 45 one hundred and fifty pounds ; he Is five feet eight inches tall. She is five feet four inches tall, has light hair and blue eyes, weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. They are members of the M. E. church. Their post office is Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio. in 1884. Cfiildren of Thdmas B. and Sara M. { Williams) King. 184 Norris Austin* b. August 22, 1840, at Charles town, Ohio; m. Julia E, Dorman, September 21, 1869, 185 Dan Robert* b, March 22, 1842, at Charles town, Ohio; m. first Hatde A. Greenlief March 6, 1867. 186 Frances Susan* b. September 19, 1848, at Charlestown, Ohio; d. April 18, 1850, of consumption. 187 Julian Thomas* b. July 7, i85i,at Charlestown, Ohio; m. Edna Scoville, May 5, 1881, 188 Albert Scott* b, February 28, 1856, at Charles town, Ohio; d. August 14, 1857, of consumpdon* at Charlestown, Ohio. 189 Harrison Carlton* b. September 28, 1859, at Charlestown, Ohio; d. June i, 1865, of croup, at Charlestown, Ohio, 184 NoRRis Austin King* b. August 22, 1840, at Charlestown, Ohio; m. Julia E, Dorman, September 21, 1869, at Charlestown, Ohio; she b, October 4, 1842, at Charlestown, Ohio, He is five feet seven inches tall, has light hair and blue eyes, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. She is five feet tall, light hair, gray eyes, weighs ninety-five pounds. Their post office Is Charlestown, Portage county, 0„ In 1884, No children 1 1 46 DAN ROBERT KING. 185 Dan Robert King* b. March 22, 1842, at Charlestown, Ohio ; m. first Hatde A. Greenlief, Mar. 6, 1867, at Charlestown, Ohio; she b. July 5, 1848, at Charlestown, Ohio; d. June 6, 1872, of consumption, (no children ;) m. second Ellen A. Brown, November 13, 1873, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio; she b. September 22, 1845, at Freedom, Ohio. He is five feet seven inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds ; he served from April 1 86 1 to August, 1865, Battery A, ist Ohio Vol. Ardl- lery. She is five feet four inches tall, has black hair and eyes, weighs ninety-four pounds. Their post office is Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, in 1884. No children f ! 187 Julian Thomas King* b. July 7, 1851, at Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio ; m. Edna Scoville, May 5, 1 88 1, at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio; she b. February 20, 1852, at Freedom, Ohio. He Is five feet seven Inches tall, brown hair, gray eyes, weighs txvo hundred and fifteen pounds. She is five feet tall, has brown hair and hazel ' eyes, xveighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. She is the oldest daughter of Alexander and Minerva T. (King) Scoville ; (her mother was the second daughter of Hiram King, he was a son of 2 James Knox Klngl) They live on a part of the original tract of land taken up by 6 Capt. Dr. Robert King^ in 1 826. Their post office is Charles town, Portage county, Ohio, in 1884. Children of Julian T. and Edna {Scoville) King. 190 Guy Scoville* b. September 5, 1882, at Charles town, Ohio. JAMES AND TIRZA (POMAROY) KING. 47 21 James King" b. February 7, 181 9, at Sandisfield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts ; m. Tirza Pomaroy, October 6, 1843, at Russell, Geauga county, Ohio; she b. August 17, 1826, at Camden, Geauga county, Ohio. He was five feet six inches tall, had brown hair and gray eyes, weighed one hundred and thirty-five pounds; he d. September 28, 1880, at Lawler, Chicka saw county, Iowa. He dropped down dead while at his work. Her post office is Lawler, Chickasaw coun ty, Iowa, in 1884. Children of James and Tirza {Pomaroy) I\ing. 191 Mary Camilla* b, December 5, 1844, at New burg, Geauga county, Ohio; m. Wm. C. Hammond. 192 Oliver Harrison* b. October 10, 1848, at Clin ton, Dewitt county, Illinois ; m. Jennie Cain. 193 Sara Jane* b. January 22, 1851, at Sycamore, Dekalb county, Illinois ; m. Wm. C, Hammond. 194 George Allen* b. July 26, 1856, at Chilton, Cal umet county, Wisconsin ; m. Miss Carrie Wood, Dec, 25, 1882, at New Hampton, Iowa. 195 Ida Rosella* b. June 25, 1858, at Chilton, Calu met county, Wisconsin ; unmarried. Her post offige is Parker, Turner county, Dakota, In i< 191 Mary Camilla King* b. December 5, 1844, at Newburg, Geauga county, Ohio; m. William C. Ham mond, April 18, 1867, at Chilton, Calumet county, Wisconsin. He b. November i, 1841, at Lawrence, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. She was five feet one inch tall, had black hair and eyes, weighed one hundred pounds; she d. July 11, 1876, at Chilton, Wisconsin, of dropsy. He m. second Miss 193 Sara Jane King* (sister of his former wife,) September 20, 1878, at Chilton, Wisconsin ; she b, January 22, 1 851, at Syca- 48 OLIVER H. AND JENNIE (CAIN) KING. more, Dekalb county, Illinois. He is a hardware mer chant. Their post office Is Durand, Pipin county, Wisconsin, in 1884. Children of Wm. C. and A f ary C. {/\iug) Hammond. 196 Emma Belle* b, December 18, 1867, at Chilton. Wisconsin. 197 Herbert Rollen* b. October 25, 1869, at Chil ton, Wisconsin, 198 Camilla* b, April 16, 1871, at Chilton, Wis. 192' Oliver Harrison King' b. October 10, 1848, at Clinton, Dewitt county, Illinois; m. Jennie Cain, Octo ber 18, 1875, at Elk Point, Dakota; she b. August 26, 1857, at Elk Point, Dakota. He was a farmer; .he d. December 25, 1882, at Parker, Turner county, Dakota, of gaul stones. Her post office is Parker, Dakota, In 1883. Children of Oliver H. and Jennie { Cain) King. 199 William Harrison* b. April 3, 1877, at Elk Point, Dakota. 200 Hatde Rosetta* b. September 14, 1878, at Elk Point, Dakota. 194 George Allen King* b, July 26, 1856, at Chil ton, Calumet county, Wisconsin ; m. Miss Carrie Wood, December 25, 1882, at New Hampton, Chicka- .saw county, Iowa; she b. November 25, 1863, at Law ler, Chickasaw county, Iowa, hie is five feet four in ches tall, light hair and blue eyes and weighs one hun dred and thirty-two pounds. She Is five feet seven inches tall, dark brown hair and gray eyes and weighs one hundred and fifty pounds. By oc cupation he Is a farmer. Their post office is Law ler, Iowa, in 1884. JOSEPH A. AND jane (KING) PEPOON. 49 2 2 Jane King" b, February 7, 18 19, at Sandisfield, Massachusetts ; m, first John Webster, August 9, 1840, at Charlestown, Ohio; he d. June 9, 1841, from being cru-shed while hauling logs. She m. second John Far- ris, August I, 1 841, at Charlestown, Ohio ; he d. May I, 1846, at Newburg, Geauga county, Ohio, of con sumption. She m. third James M. .Smith, June 17, 1847, at Newburg, Ohio; he d, February 25, 1852, of pneumonia, at Russell, Geauga county, Ohio ; m. fourth Joseph A, Pepoon, LL, D. October 27, 1854, at Clarlndon, Geauga county, Ohio ; he d. December 31, 1874, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan, of pneumonia. She Is five feet one inch tall, black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and eighty pounds ; she lives with her oldest brother 1 3 Robert W. King''', in Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio, in 1884. Post office P'reedom Station, Ohio. Children of John and Jane { King- M-^ebster) Farris, 201 Charles* b. May 10, 1842, at Newburg, Ohio; d. May 10, 1842. 202 Marcellus* b. October 6, 1843, at Newburg, O.; d, October 27, 1843. Children of James M. and Jane ( f\iug- If 'ebster-Farris) .Smith, 203 Phebe Alice* b. August 12, 1848, at Russell, Geauga county, Ohio ; m. Ellis J. Phares. Cfiildren of Joseph A. and Jane { King- Webster -Farris- Smitfi) I^epoon. 204 Sara* b. December 4, 1865, at Munson, Geauga county, Ohio; d, August 10, 1875, of consumpdon of the bowels, at Munson, Ohio. 50 ELLIS JUDSON and PHEBE A. (SMITH) PHARES. 203 Phebe Alice Smith* b. August 12, 1848, at Russell, Geauga county, Ohio ; m. Ellis Judson Phares, February 29, 1872, at Saginaw, Michigan ; he b. April 6, 1 85 1, at Cardiff, Onondaga county, N. Y. ; he is five feet three inches tall, light brown hair, gray eyes, weighs one hundred and forty pounds. She Is five feet three and a half Inches tall, black hair and eyes, weighs one hundred and thirty pounds. He Is a far mer. 'Their post office Is Kingman, Kingman county, Kansas, in 1884. Children of Ellis Judson and Phebe A. {Smith) Phares. 205 Ellis Adelbert* b. April 23, 1873, at Kingston, Tuscolla county, Michigan. 206 Milton Jay* b. November 30, 1875, at Kings ton, Michigan, 207 Olin Camlllus* b, April 22, 1879, at Kingston, Michigan. 208 Robert Seldon* b. January 5, 1883, at Kings ton, Michigan. 'St®' jiiS-. INDEX. Note. — An italic d after a name shows th.it the ])erson is ilcavl. I King, Dr. Robert* d. I Knox, Bridget* d. 2 King, James Knox'' d. 3 King, Mollle' d. 4 King, Elisha' d. 5 King, Rachell' d. 6 King, Capt. Dr. Robert' d. 6 Morgan, Bridget' d. 6 Hall, Tasa Maria' d. 7 King, William' d. 8 King, Betty' d. 9 King, Elanor' d. lo King, John' d. II King, Hannah' d. 12 King, Camilla" d. 1 2 Harmon, Orin " 1 3 King, Robert W." 13 Newton, Funis" 14 King, John Morgan" d. 14 Walter, Harriett Diana" 15 King, Oliver Bruster" d. 15 Todd, Celina" 16 King, Alanson Knox" d. 16 Bishop, Emeline" (/. I 7 King, Elanor Elizabeth" d. 17 Hall, Sheldon" rt'. 18 King, Joel Elisha M. D." 18 Barnes, Emeline" 19 King, Thomas N." d. 20 King, Thomas Brown" 20 Williams, Sara Maria" 21 King, James" d. 2 1 Pomaroy, Tirza" 22 King, Jane" 54 INDEX. O 2 2 Webster, John "'fl^. 2 2 Farres, John" d. 22 Smith James M." ai'. 2 2 Pepoon, Joseph A. LL, D." d. 23 Harmon, Julian C* 23 Kneeland, Sara K.* 24 Harmon, Sabrina* d.. 25 Harmon, Orin G.* 26 Harmon, Sabrina A.* 27 Harmon, Olin F.* 28 King, Mary Jane* 29 King, Edwin Newton* 29 Kidney, Emeline* 30 King, Camilla Maria* d. 3 1 King, Cordelia Bridget* d. 31 Hill, Lyman* 32 King, Elizabeth* 32 Curtis, Emerson G.* 33 King, Robert Luther M. D.* 33 Fenn, Mabel Beecher A, M., M. D.* 34 King, I^rank H.* 34 Sage, Flora* 35 King, Ida Jane* 35 Ballard, Julius* 36 King, Inez* T)'] Ballard, Elsie " 38 Ballard, Myrde" 39 King, Grade * 40 Curds, Robert W.* d. 41 Curtis, Charles E,* 42 . Curds, Paul C* 43 Curtis, Georgle Elizabeth* 44 King, Mabel Amelia* 45 King, Hellen Beecher* 46 King, Catherine * d. 47 King, Jane* d, 47 Hill, Lyman* 48 King, Harriet* 48 Hill, Aaron* 49 King, Robert Heman* INDEX. 55 49 Phares, Eliza Jane * 50 King, Caroline* 50 Cole, William B.* 5 I King, John Harvy * 51 Hanklns, Alvira* 52 Hill, Augusta Exena* 52 Cutler, Alvin* 53 Hill, John Derlus* 53 Shaxv, Mary* 54 Hill, Catherine* d. 55 Hill, Edwin Lyman * 56 Hill, Charies Walter* 57 Hill, Frank P.* 58 Cuder, Lloyd Alvin " 59 Cutler, Albeft Thomas'" 60 Cutler,' Harvy Barnard" 61 Cutler, Ralf" 62 Hill, Hubert" 63 Hill, Matde Lucy " 64 Hill, John Lyman" 65 Hill, Imogene Delila* 65 Kingsbury, Ethelbert Bradford " 66 Hill, Jennie Luella* d. 67 Kingsbury, Hattie Angeline " d. 68 Kingsbury, Olie A. Clayton " 69 King, Blanchie Rosalia* 69 Soper, Jeneroux * 70 King, Major Robert* 71 King, Rosa May* d. 72 King, Jesse Cromwell * ']2, King, Thomas Pearl* 74 King, Haslo Heman * 75 Coal, Willie Wesly* 76 Coal, Walter C. C* ']•] King, Smith* 78 King, Harriet Diana * 79 King, John Elwood* 80 King, Mary Amelia * 80 Walter, Erwin Turner* 81 King, Elvira Martha* 56 56 INDEX. 8 1 [ones, Oliver Barker* 82 King, Jennie Elizabeth* 82 Dunwell, Jencks, Turner * d. 82 Persons, Wallace J.* 83 Walter, Willis Erwin* 83 Houtz, Amy Breed * 84 Walter, Charles Erwin* 84 Lampman, Jennie Adell * 85 Walter, Minnie Adell * 85 LInsley, William B,* 86 Walter, Clifford Jencks * d. 87 Walter, Myrtle Adell " 88 Walter, Mary Emma " 89 Walter, Lotde May " 90 Lindsley, Florence Minnie" 91 Jones Myrtie Celina* 91 Robbins, James Watson M. D. 92 Robbins, Oliver George" 93 Persons, Nedie J.* d. 94 King, Robert D.* d. 95 King, Wallace Bishop* 95 Hallock, Emeline C* d. 95 Hallock, Maria Mary* 96 King, Charles * (/. 97 King, Philo Luther* 97 Haronon, Caroline* 98 King, Mary Elizabeth * 98 Bien, George Harrison * 99 King, Annie Maria* («'. 100 King, Russel * 100 Peaslee, Phebe Jane* loi King, Maria* loi Russel, Lucious * («'. loi Robbinson, Frank * 102 King, Tillan* 102 Smith, Charles* 103 King, Dora Adelaide* d. 104 King, Julia Adell* 104 Cuder, Gilbert Bancroft Rev.* 105 King, Ida Sarefta* d. 106 King, Hellen Ada * INDEX- 57 [o6 Wood, Lee W.* 07 King, Myron Sylvester* 07 Noble, Xina A.* 08 King, Levens Russel * d, 09 King, May Catherine * 10 King, Clide Dusell*. II King, Clelus Harrison* 12 King, William Dowley* 13 Wood, Nora E." 14 King, Celia May" 15 King, Ella* d. 16 King, Albert Elroy ^ d, y King, Frances May* d. 18 King, Milon Elroy* 19 King, Minnie Belle* 20 Bien, Ellie M.* 21 Bien, Harry* d. 22 Bien Frank Knox* d. 23 Bien, Charles Augusta* 24 Bien, Sura Girtrude* d. 25 Bien, Ethel Gertrude* 26 Robbinson, Lizzie Lora* 27 Robbinson, Frances May* 28 Robbison, Charles Alanson* 29 Robbinson, Martha Emeline * 30 Smith, Ella* 31 Smith, Harry Alanson * 32 .Smith, Sarah Lillian * d. ¦x,^ Smith, Charles H.* d. 134 Cutler, Roswell Bancroft* 35 Cutler, Carl Custer* «;'. 36 Cuder, Gilbert* n Cuder, Mary Adell* 38 Hall, Eliza Elanor* 38 Mills, John W.* 39 Hall, Curtis Sheldon* d. 39 Hitchcock, Mary Elizabeth* 40 Hall, Carlton George* 40 Armstrong, Ellen * d. 40 Scoville, Eva* 41 Mills, Ellen Maria* 41 Smith, Alexander Rev.* S^ INDEX. 142 Mills, Arthur Hall * 143 Mills, Emely Eliza* 144 Mills, Norman Wells* 145 Mills, Mary Elizabeth* 146 Mills, John Sheldon* 147 Mills, Eliza Elanor* d. 148 Mills, F"redric King* d. 149 Mills, Phebe Carrie * d. 150 Mills, Ada Celia* 151 Smith, Maud Emma" 152 Hall, Charies Curds* 153 Hall, Juliette L, B.* d 154 Hall Willis Amos* 155 Hall, Rosa May* 156 Hall Frank Israel* 157 Hall Hattie Adell* 157 Baldwin, Linton Deloss* 158 Hall, Marion Cariton * 159 Hall Verdie Edna* 160 Baldwin, Alice Eliza" 161 King, Sylvester Morgan* M. D 161 Chaffee, Louisa M,* 162 King, Camilla A.* d. 163 King, Edward Howard * M. D. 163 Case, Hatde Maria* 164 King, Ellen* 164 Hoffman, Thomas L.* 165 King, Rosanah* d. 166 King, Joel Barnes* 166 Davis Eva* 167 King, Alice* .67 Lowell, Joseph S.* M, D. 168 King, Emma* 168 Mitchell, William Samuel* 169 King, Walter Joel * 170 King, George Hayes * d. 171 King, Alice* 172 Hoffman, Ella* ^73 King, Edward Melville * "74 King, Joel Frank * d. 175 King, Keo * 176 King, Happy Alice* d. INDEX. 59 77 King, Emeline* :78 Lowell, Arthur Ernest* ;79 Lowell, Sylvester King* [ 80 Lowell, Edith * d. ^ )i Lowell, Elida Alice* d. \2 Mitchell William Samuel * [83 Mitchell, Glenn Adney* [84 King, Norris Ausdn* [84 Dorman, Julia E,* [85 King, Dan Robert* ;85 Greenlief, Hatde A.* rt'. 185 Brown, Ellen A.* [86 King, Frances Susan* d. [87 King, Julian Thomas* :87 Scoville, Edna* 3 King, Albert Scott* d. [89 King, Harrison Carlton *rt'. [90 King, Guy Scoville* [91 King, Mary Camilla* rt', [91 Hammond, William C* 2 Kinp", Oliver Harrison* d, [92 Cain, Jennie [93 King, Sara Jane* [93 Hammond, William C* [94 King, George Allen* [94 Wood, Carrie* [95 King, Ida Rosella* [96 Hammond, Emma Belle* [97 Hammond, Herbert Rollen ^ [98 Hammond, Camilla* [99 King, William Harrison' 200 King, Hattie Rosetta '' 201 Farris, Charles* d. 202 Farris, Marcellus * d. 203 Smith, Phebe Alice * 203 Phares, Ellis J.* 204 Pepoon, Sara* d. 205 Pharis, Ellis Adelberf*^ 206 Phares, Milton J.* 207 Phares, Olin Camillus* 208 Phares, Robert Seldon '' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08048 5288