READ WHAT THE New York Journal and American OF OCTOBER 7th, 1904 HAS TO SAY TO DEMOCRATS Get Together Get Busy Push Live Issues Go in to Win T is thirty-three days until the Presidential election. The Republicans are thoroughly organized and are conducting an adroit campaign. Backed by those who hold the Government as a thing to be used in helping them to grow richer at the expense of the people, the Republican campaign managers have more money than even Hanna scared out of these same special privilege seekers in 1896. The National Republican strategists, not being attacked along their weakest lines, have assumed the offensive, and with an insolence born of confidence in the potency of the purchasing power of a dollar on election day, have shifted the lines of the fight to false issues. There can be no victory without a fight. And a fight pressed to the limit on real Democratic issues will win. It is time for the Democrats to get busy. The Republican party was never more rotten than it is to-day. Leaders were never further away from the Constitution than are those now glorifying the Czarship of Roosevelt, who has usurped the functions of every branch of government. 100 No party was ever more slavish to selfish interests — criminal trusts and commercial freebooters — than is the Republican party this day. Cortelyou, the National Chairman, stepped from a Cabinet position wherein he was expected to hold the lash over these law-breakers and to furnish information that would enable Knox to put them in jail, and became a beggar for their money to debauch the ballot box. And Cortelyou got it and is getting it, and that shows how well pleased the Trusts were with him as a government detective sworn to run them to cover. The scandal of this alone should damn Roosevelt's administration. The Democracy has permitted the trust issue to become obscured in academic discussions of things on the other side of the earth. It is well for the Filipino to be free, but the paramount thing now is that the American people remain free. It has been apparently forgotten that any party that is a slave to the Trusts is an enemy to Labor, organized or unor ganized, and yet the issue has not been pressed home to the laboring m\n. And who is the laboring man? The man making a salary, whether a dollar a day or a hundred dollars a day. That man is a laborer who has worked to build up a business and has pressed that business along honest and legitimate lines to success — com peting fairly and meeting competition bravely. These people will decide this election. They cannot be bought, though they may be occasionally sold out. They may be fooled, but, as Lincoln put it, not all the time. The Democratic platform at St. Louis made a square out declaration against illegal trusts. It charged the Republican Party with fostering Trusts. It charged that in this favor to Trusts the Republican Party was a foe to free labor. It charged that in its favor to trusts the Republican party was in favor of cutting the throat of competition, encouraging monop oly and thereby reducing labor and all those not in trusts to a condition of peonage. And the Democratic platform offered a remedy in that it demanded an enforcement of the law against trusts and the dealing out of justice equally to all men. Democracy stands for equality under the law, for oppor tunity and for personal freedom. It is for liberty of thought, for the equal standing of the greasy- handed workingman, the clerk and the man of wealth before the courts, and it demands that the back-door routes of the privileged classes to these same courts be closed. The truyt plank of the St. Louis platform should be dis cussed. The labor plank should be discussed. It should be driven into the hearts of the American voters that Democracy is against Republicanism to-day because Repub licanism is now a party of favoritism, and classes, just as it was when Jefferson, who demanded the rule and EQUALITY of ALL PEOPLE, as against Hamilton, patron saint of Republicans who advocated limited suffrage and the administration of the Government by a centralized force made up of the privileged classes. There is more in Democracy that lives and that Democrats believe in than is set down in so many words in the St. Louis platform. It has a common law that it gets from Jefferson, who believed in equality, and from Jackson, who when a selfish power sought to make the Government part of its money-making machine, broke it down and went before the people on the question and won. The radicalism of the Democracy to-day is that it demands the same rule of law for the rich and poor, for the great man and the little man. And that is what its orators must preach to the people. The criminal trust is against the law— is against the liberty of commerce — against the freedom of competition— and seeks to make a slave of every man on its pay roll, and a serf of every man selling it ra>w material or buying its finished product. Preach this to the people. It is Democracy. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08561 2027 The trust has fixed the age limit when its workers must be set adrift to starve or beg. It has reduced salaries and reduced men. It has increased the cost of living to a point never before reached, even when food and clothing were sold, in the depreciated money of war times. This is the great Democratic issue. It is personal to every American voter. It can be taken into his home. It will in the end mean liberty or industrial and com mercial slavery to the individual. The trust issue is in the St. Louis platform. Five more weeks remain to force the fighting. The time is long enough if the issues are driven home. The Republicans have planned to dump $2,000,000 into this State alone. But mone)'' is never as powerful as truth. Let the truth be told. Let Democrats get together, bring the real issues to the front, and go in to win. The Democracy never dodged an issue, and it is too old to-begin now. ' It has in its platform and its splendid traditions issues that will command the support of liberty-loving Americans. They are the REAL Democratic issues, and Democrats, by being truly Democratic, can win by preaching them to the people. Get together and get busy.