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WHereas Our Trufty and Well-beloved, Sj^chird Smith, of Our CitY of London, Bookfeller, has humbly re- prefented unto Us, that he has, with great Labour and Ex- pence, prepared for the Prefs, a New Edition of the Ser mons, and other Works, written in Englijh, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr, William Beveridge, Bifhop of Su Ajaph, Dcceafed; and has therefore humbly befought Us to grant him Our Royal Privilege and Licence, for the fole Printing and Publithing thereof, for the Termof Fouf'* teen Years : We being willing to give all due Encourage ment to Works of this Nature, tending to the Advancement of Piety and Learning, are gracioufly pleas'd to condelcend to his Requeil: And do therefore, by thefe Prefents, grant him the ['a\i liichard Smith, his Executors, AdminiftratoB^ and Affigns, Our Royal Licence for the fole Printing aiW^ Pffblifhing tlie Evplijh Works of the faid late Bifhop of St. JT- ftph, for the Term of Fourteen Years, from the Date here of; ftriftly forbidding all Our Subjetls, within Our King doms and Dominions, to reprint the fame, either in whole or in part ; or to import, buy, vend, utter, or diftribute any Copies thereof, reprinted beyond the Seas, during the aforefaid Term of Fourteen Years, without the Confent and Approbation of the faid i?zrf^rd .Jw/ffc, his Heirs, Executors- and Affigns, under his or their Hands and Seals firft had and obtained, as they will anfwer the contrary at their Perils. ; Wherc-oi the Moifter, Wardens, and Company of Smioners,\ are to take Notice, that the fame may be entred in their ' Regifter, and that due Obedience be rendred thereunto. , Given nc Our Court at Kenlington, the -ytk Day p/June, 1708. in the Seventh Year of Our lieign. By Her Majefty's Command. SVNDE\LANJ), Thefaurus Theologicm : ~ " OR, A Complete Syftem DIVINITY: Summ'd up in BRIEF NOTES UPON Select Places OFTHE £)iij anD ^m xcdameni WHEREIN The Sacred TEXT is reduc d under proper Heads , explained , and illuftr^ted with the Opinions and Authorities of the Ancient Fathers, Councils, &c. By William Beveridge, D.D. Late Lord Bitliop of S. Afa^h, VOL. 111. L 6 N'b 0 k; Printed by Geo. James; for Rich. S m i t ii iri Exeter- Exchatiire- in the Strand. M DCC XL THESAURUS THEOLOGICUS. Vol. IIL Ro M. i. ai. Becaufe that when they knew God^ they glorified Him not as God^ neither were tharikfuly &c. I Doctrine I. T is a great Sin not to glorify GOD as GOD. I. What is it to glorify GOD? I. Negatively. tk Not as if we made Him Gloriou?, Exod. XV. II. 2. Nor as if we added any thing to His Glory. 2. But Politively. I . To acknowledge His Glory, Pf4' xix. i . 2. To admire it. 3. To live up to it. 4. To fpcak of it. II. What is it to glorify G O D as G O D ? I. To acknowledge Him to be G O D. I. To be what he is in Himfelf. I. Of Himfelf a Spirit. A3 2. Infinite 'Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Infinite and Incomprehenfible. Sibi foli ti^titui qudntus peitus., Minnt. 3. Almighty, S. Matth. xix. 16. MuU ta non fotefiDeus., & Omnifotens efi:, & idea OmnifotetiSj quia ifia non fotefi. S. Aug, 4. All- wife, Pfal. cxlvii. 5. Colojf. ii. 3.. 5. True, Exod. xxxiv. jj. 6. Good, S. Luk. xviii. 19. Pfal. cxiv, 7,9. 7. Holy^ I 5i?»». ii. 2. P/^/. cxlv. 17. 8. Merciful, Exod. xxxiv. 5. p. Jult, Py^/. cxlv. ;7. 10. Ompiprefeqt, Pfal cxxxix. ir. Eternal, £Ar(7«/. iii. 14. 12. One, Deut. vi. 4. Nonnumero.,fed u- niverfitate.^ Ruifin. -|nS "IIH^^ pStt/ -in« CD'7iy2 imOD. Maimgnid. '%%. Three in Perfons, i S. >/;. v. 7. AS-iAtfi\&- -^ iv T Teta-if CTOTd&iiriy ' H -;? ^/a:^ sV(<*? GeoTiK, 5. .Athanaf. S.Matth. iii. 17, Voce fater, j^atvs carporey FlatTien ave. 2' To be what he is to us/ ' ' I. OurlVlakcr, Gfw. i. I. Quapropter re- Bijfime credimus omnia Deum feciffe de nihilo. S. Aug. 'p OttpPreferyer, >4^?.vii. 28. na.} mtn 3- Our Governour, and the Difpofer of a}] Things, Pf4. Ixxv. 6. S.Matth. X. 2p, 30. ¦ ¦¦> ¦ -rt /^"•^.Redeemer, Jfa. xlvii, 4, Tof(earHimas GOD.. ' ' I. As a^ Hcart-iearching GOD, Pfal, ' " ' ' - "¦ ' »xxxi^ a. Thefaurus Theohgwus, CXXXix. 2. ¦"Or/ 'O-^^yvuTu'^ J'ui slfiti t*'(- Tct cm^ATcu, S, Chryfofi. Theodoret. 1. A Sin-revenging GOD, Exod. xxxiv. 7. 3. A Sin-pardoning GOD, Pfal. cxxx. 4. //o/I iii. 5. 3. Hope in Himasan(P/^/.xxvii.i.xlvi.i,2.) I. All-wife, 2 Pef . ii. 9, 2. Almighty, , 3. All-gracious, 4. All-faithful God. Promlffa tuafum, & quis falli timeat, cum promittit Veri tas ? S. Aug. 4. Rejoice in Him, Phil iv. 4. I. As a reconciled G O D in^Chrift. 2. A Soul-fatisfying G O D in Himfelf. 5. "Delirc Himas GOD, /y^/. lxxiii.25. I. As One, without Whom we cannot but be miferable. 2. As One, in Whom we cannot but be happy. 6. Love Him as G OD, Beat. vi. 5. I . As the chiefeft Good in Himfelf, S. Luk. xviii. 19. 2. The Fountain of all Goodners in the Creatures. 7. WorfhipHiraas GOD. I. Him alone, Ifa.xVn. 8. 2. In Spirit and Truth, S. Joh. iv. 24. 8. Serve Him as GOD, S. Matth. v. 16. S. Joh. XV. 8. I. Him alone, Ifa. xiii. 8. 2. In all Things,, i Cor. x. 31. jj. Serve Him as GOD, fo as to do all to His Glory, i Cor.x. 31. A 4 Motr/es 8 Thefaurus Theologicus. I, Motives to it. Confidcr, I. You are His, not -your own, i Or. vi, 19, 20. 2. You have nothing of your own, all is His, T Cor. iv. 7. 3. Whatfoever you do, it is by His Strength, S. Joh. xvi. 5, 4. GOD doth all Things to His own Glory. I. Creation, Prof. xyi. 4. ' 2. Providence, S.Joh.xl^. Exod.ix. 16. 3. Redemption, £/)fce/: i. 5, 6. §. Every time that we make- not G O D's Glory our ultimate End, we commit Idolatry. For, §. There is Nothing, befides G O D's Glory,- , worthy to be the End of a rational Soul, becaufe all Things elfe are belOw it I S. Pet. iv. 1 1 . Pfal. Ixxiii. 26. ' 7. Whatfoever does not fome way tend ta the Glory of G O D, it is a Sin, Rom. 111. 23. ' , 2. DireSiions,- i. Often think of the Greatnefs and Glory of GOD, Pfal. xcv. 3, xcvi. 4, 10. cxxxviii. 5. and cxlv. 3, 4, 5. 2. Whatfoever ye do, intend, in your doing it, the Glory of GOD, Jojh. vii. 19; I S. Pet. IV. 16. Jfa. y Iii. 13. ' I. In your Natural, 2. InHuinane, I.. Thinking, Prsv. ivi 23. Jer. iv. 14. 2. Speaking, Celof.iv.6. Ephef.vf.2g. ' Pfal. cxlv. 2. 3. ASing, properly fo called, i S. Pet. 11.12. 3-. Spiritual' Meditation, Pfal. cxiy," 148, J. Pray^^g• Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Praying, i Cor. xiv. 15. Pfal. v. 3. and 1. 23, 2. Hearing, S. Luk. viii. i8. S. Jam. i. 23. iv, 5. Hebr. iv. 2. 3. Reading, S. 7o^. v. 39. .AB. xvii. 1 1. 4. Receiving the Sacraments, i S. Pet. iii. 2 1 , I Cor. xi. 27. III. How does it appear to be a Sin, not to glo- ri^GOD as GOD? I. GOD here accufes the Gentiles of it, and blames them for if. 2. Not to glorify GOD as G O D, is, not to glorify Him at all. IV. Who are guilty of this Sin ? I. Such as dp not acknowledge there is a GOD, Pfal.xlv. I. 2. Such as do not know the G O D they aq- knowledge. 3. Such as do know Him, but do not glo rify Him. » 4. Such as do glorify Him, as they think, but not as GOD: And they are, I. Such as have not right Apprchenfions of Him ; 1 2. That have not right AfFedions forHim •, 3. That do not perform right Worfliip and Obedience to Him. Use. I. Reproof; you know GOD, but do not glorify Him as G O D. i I. You know that. He is an all-knowing GOD, Hebr.iv. 13. 2. An all-powerful GOD, S. Matt. xix. 16. 3. That He is the chiefeft Good, S. Luk. .- xviii. 19. 4. That lo Thefaurus Theologicus, 4. That in Chrift He is a merciful and gra cious GOD, S. Jeh. iii. i5. 5. That He will bring all Things into Judg ment, Ecclef. xii. 14. But you do not live up to this Knowledge ; and therefore not glorify Him as G O D. 2. ij^xamine whether you have not been Guilty of this Sin, Dan. v. 22. I. Examine your Hearts ; 2. Words i 3. Lives. 3. Humble yourfelves for your Guilt of it, 4. Reform it. Confider, I. The Glory of GOD is the firft Thing that ought to be prayed for, S. Matt. vi. 9. 2. Confider the fearful Judgments inflided upon thofe who were guilty of it, ASi xii. 2^. Rom. i. 24. 3. Confider the dreadful Curfes denounced a- gainft fuch as do not glorify Him, Mai. ii. 2. 4. Unlefs yo» glorify GOD as G O D, your Religion is in vain. • 5. You all know how to glorify Him. 6. To glorify GOD, is itfelf the Glory of Jieaven. 7. Do you glorify Him here, and He will glo rify you hereafter, i Sam- ii. 30. II. Doctrine. It is a great Sin, not to be thankful to GOD. i. What is it to thank GOD? It implied, • I. AnAcknowledgment,thatwhat we have, comes from Him, Pfal. ciii. 1,2. 2. Confeflion, that we are unworthy of it. Gen. xxxii. 1 6. " ' S- High Thefaurus Theologicus, I [ 3. High and raifed Apprchenfions of GOD'S Goodnefs. 4. Magnifying and Extolling the fame, Pfal. Ixvi. 16. 5. Improving what we have to GOD's Glory, S. Matth. V. \6. 2. What fliould we be thankful to GOD for ? All Things. I. Temporal. I. For making ns^Pfal. cxxxix. 14. 2. For making us rational Creatures. 3. For bringing us up, Pfal. xxii. 10. 4. For upholding and prelerving us daily, S. Mar. viii. 6. 5. For whatfoever Evil we have not. 6. For whatfoever Good we have : As, I. Health of Body. 2. Profperity in our outward Eftate. 3. Comfort in our Relations. 4. Gifts and Parts, i Cor. xiv. 1 8. 5. The Ufe of our Senfes. 2-. Spiritual, Eph. i. 3. I. Chrift, S.Joh. iii. 16. Gal. iv. 4, 5. I. His SatisfaSion on Earth, Gal. iv- 4, S- - 2. His Interceflion in Heaven. 2. The Gofpel, S. Matth. xi. 25. Eph. iv. II, 12, 13. 3, The working any Grace into us, 2 Cor, 9-> IS- 4. Keeping us from Temptations, Rev. iii. 10. 5. Preferving under, i Cer.x- 13. 6, Delivering us out of, Temptations, I Sam. XXV. 32. 2 Pet. ii. 9. ¦ 7, For our good Works, i Tim. i. 12. I Chron. xxix. 14. • 8. Our I a Thefaurus Theologicus. 8. Our Afilicflions, Job.i. 21. 9. Means of Grace. I. Publiqk Praypr. 10. Hope of Glory, 2Theff. i|. \6.i S- ?et. i- 3> 4- 2. Hearing the Word read and preached. 3. The Adminiftration of Sacraments. 5. How appears it to be a Sin, not to be thus thankful ? I . It is contrary to GOD's Command, Pfal. c. 4. Col. iii. 15. I Thtf. V. 18. 2. The Unthankful are reckoned ^mongft the greateft of Sinners. 3. GOD is pleafed to punifli feverely fuch as are guilty .of it. 4. It is robbing GOD of His Glory. Use. t . Reproof to all ; efpeeially fuch as ufe GODJ^ Creatures without giving Him Thanks for themi S. Mark viii. 6. xiv. 23. Ait xxvii* 35. i Tim. iv. 2. Examine yourfelves, 3. Be thankful. Confider, I. It is all GOD requires, Pfal. Ixix. 30. 2- It is no more than every one of yoi^ may do. 3. The more thankful we are to GOD, the more bountiful will He be to us. 4. He takes notice who thanks Him, S. Luk. xvii. 17. 5. . A truly thankful Heart, i? a good Evi-; dehce of Sincerity. §. To thank GOD, will be our Happinefs to Eternity, and therefore fliould be our Biifinpfs in Tipe, Revel-iv. 9. yii- 12. Thefiitrus Theologicus. 13 Rom. iv. 25. If^ho was delivered for our Offences^ and raifed again for our Jujiification. I. Doctrine. iH R I S T was delivered for our Offences. I. Who was He delivered by? I. GOD, ../4if. il 23. 2. Judas. What to ? I. To Shame, Ifa. xiii. 3. 2. To Pain, Ifa. Iiii. 4, 5. 3. Death, Cal. iii. 13. , What for? Our Offences. I. All Men are guilty, Pfal. xiv. 3. Cal. iii. 22. 2. This Guilt cannot be taken away, but by fatisfying GOD's Juftice, Hebr. ix. 22. 3. No Creature can latisfy it, Pfal. xlix. 7, 8. . 4. Hence Chrift undertook it, i Tim. ii. 5. 5. Neither could He do it but by Suffering, Hebr. ix. 22. S Matth. xx. 28. i Tim- ii. 6. 6. No Suffering would ferve the turn- but Death, and that on the Crofs. 7. By His Death He hath fatisfy'd for our Offences, i S. Joh.ii. 2. Rom. Hi. 25. Rev. i. 5. 8. Hence our Sins came to be pardoned •, and fo He being delivered for, we are de livered from, our Offences. 1. As 14- Thefaurus TheologicuSi I. As to the Guilt, Mai. i. 2i. _ 2. The Strength of them, AB. iii. 25. ' Use. I. Admire the Mercy of GOD in delivering His Son for us. 2. Be mindful of Him. II. Doctrine. He was raifed again for our Juftification. I . How raifed again ? From Death by GOD, AB. ii. 23, 24. S. Mattk. xxviii. 13, 14, 1 5. S. Luk. xxiv. 4, 5, 6. X. He was a real Man. 2. He really died, S. Matth. xxvii. 10. 3 . Reall y arofe again, S. Luk. xxiii. 3 7, 3 8, 39, 40. S. Joh. XX. 27. 2. What is Juftification ? Terminus Forinfecus^ oppofed to Acculation, Rom. viii. 33. I. Man hath finned, Rom. iii. 23. 2. This he is acCufed for, I. By GOD's Juftice. 2. Law. 3. Satan. 4. His own Confcience, Rom. ii, 'i j. I S. Joh. iii. 20. 3. Chrift hath born our Punifliment, Ifa. Iiii. 5. 4. He hath alfo performed Obedienqe for us. 5. This His Righteoufnefs is imputed to us, 2 Cor. V. 21. 6. By this we are cleared from the Charge brought againft us. 7. This is our Juftification. 3. In what Senfe did Chrift rife for our Juftifi.; cation? Or what Dependence hath our Juftifica tion on Ghrift's Refurreftiofl ? Thefaurus Theologicus. 15 I . Chrift undertook to fatisfy GOD's Juftice for us. 2. This He could not do, but by fuffering Death. 3. So long as dead. He had not fatisfy'd Juftice, I Cor. XV. 14. 4. His Rifing again argued Death conquer ed, and Juftice fatisfy'd, AB.iu 24. 5. Therefore being rifen. He cleanfes us from our Sins, and fo juftifies us, Rem. viii. 34. Use. 1. Is Chrift rifen ? I. Then fliall we rife, 1 Cor. xv. 12; 2. Let "us mind the Things where He is, Col. iii. I. 2. Was it for our Juftification ? Then be lieve in Him, that you may be juftify'd, Remi V. I. , ' I . In the Merits of His Death. _ 2. The Truth of His Refurreftion. 3 . The Conftancy of His lnterceflIon,i S.Jok ii. I. Rom. l6 Thefaurus Theologictis. Rom. vi. la. Let not Sin therefore reign in your mor* tal bodies. W Doctrine. E fliould not fufFer Sin to reign in our mortal Bodies. What is it for Sin to reign over us ? I . All Men by Nature are finful, Rom. iii, 1 6, 1 1 , 1 2. 2. There is no Sin but all Men by Nature are prone unto, Pfal. li. 5. 3. But there is fome Sin that every one is inclined to, more than to others, Pfal. xviii. 23. 1. By the Conftitution of his Body, i C^r^ ix. 27. 2. Vocation. 3. Condition in the World, Prov. xxx. 8,9- 4. Cuftom, Jer. xiii. 23. 5. Temptations, i Pet. v. 8. ^. The Sins we are inclined moft to, may have a Prevalency over us j either, I . Partial, Rom. vii. 20, 2 1 . 2. Plenary without Refiftance, Rem. vi. i 2, 20. ;. When Sin hath a full Prevalency in us, it is faid to reign over us. I. Becaufe we are fubjedt to its Power, Rom. vi 6. 2. Obey its Motions^ Rom: vi. i5, vii. 5^ 2. Why Thefaurus Theologicus. ' 17 il. Why ihould not Sin reign over us ? I . Becaufe it hath no Right ^or Title to this Kingdom, but only GOD. I. As our Creator, Gen. i. i. 2. Preferver, AB. xvii. 28. 3. Redeemer, i Cor- vi. 20. 2, Becaufe we are bury'd with Chrift inBaptifnii and fo are free from Sin, Rom.yi. 1,2, 3, 7, 10, 1 1. 14. 3. Becaufe if it reign in us, it will ruin uSj Rom. vi. 13. Use. I . Examiiie whether Sin reign iri you oir no, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. That is a reigning Sin -, I. Which is your chief End, and greateft Pleafure, Col, iii. 5. Claufum area cufio- dit Jovem., Suet. Phil. iii. 19. 2. Which is made habitual by Cuftom, Jer. xiii. 23. 3. Which your Thoughts run moft upon and ftudy moft for, i S. Joh. iii. 8, 9. 4. Which we moft willingly fubrfiit to. Job. viii. 44. Rom.vi. 13. vii. 21,22. 5. Which we do not love to hear reproved^ or preached againft. 6. That for whofe Sake we commit others^ Pfal. xviii. 23. as David's Murder fof Adultery 7. Which moft diftrads us in holy Duties^' I S.Joh. ii. 15. 2. Exhortation. Let not Sin reign in you. Confider, I, It is the greateft Slavery in the World^ 2S. Pet. ii. 19. Tit. iii. 3. P^ol. ///. ' fl 2- Chrift iS Thefaurus Theologicus. 2, Chrift came into the World to redeem thee from it, Rom. iii. 26. 3. If Sin reign in thee, thou haft no Fart, no Portion in Chrift, S. Matth. vi. 24. 4. If Sin reign in thee, Satan reigns over thee, 2 Tim. ii. 26. 5. Thou wilt have but bad Wages for thy Service to Sin. 1. In this Life. I. The Torture of a guilty Confcience. 2. A Curfe upon thy Eftate, Mah ii. 2. 3. The Wrath of an offended GOD, Pfal. vii. 1 1 . 2. In the Life to come. I. Separation from GOD. 2. Chained up in Hell, Rom. vi. 23. M E A N S;. I. Believe in Chrift. 2. Pray againft Sin, Pfal. cxix. 133. Jfow. viK 24. 3, Watch thy Heart elpecially, Pro'v. iv. 23. < RoMi Thefaurus Theologicus, 1 9 R o M. vi. a 5. The Wages of Sin is VeatL t tX 7" HAT is Sin ? dvouiu, 1 S. Joh. iii. 4. V V Several Sorts of Sin. I . In Refpeft of the Law. I . Omifflon, Matth. xxv. 42. 2. Commifiion, Ez.ek. xviii. 24. Rom. ii; 6i 1 S. Joh. iii. 8. 2. The Subjedt. I . The Heart and Thoughts , Pfal. cxix. i 36 2. The Tongue, S. Jam. i. i6, and iii. 6. 3. The Hands, Job xxxi. vii. Pfal. xviiii idi 3. Time, Law and Gofpel, S. Joh. iii. 19. II. VWhat is Wages ? H«V/:t. III. What Death? &e». ii. 17. T. Generally, all Evil, Gen.'iu ij. Ifa. Ixvh Al Hebr. X. 31. and xii. 29. 2. Particularly. I. Temporal, Gew. vi. 19. Zech: vii, 12, 13. I. Lofles in Eftate. 2. Reproaches in our Names, Ftovi xivi 34- 3. Sicknefs in pur Bodies, i Con xi. 30.' Deut. xxviii. 21, 22. 4. Death^ i Cor. xi. 30. Numb. xvi. 2$. and XXV. 9. 2. Spiritual. i. Error in judgrf]ent,^o>ft-i. 25. 2 Cor.iv.4 2. Dulnefs of Apprehenfion, P fat. xiv. 4.; S. Matth. xiii. 141 1 5- B 2 35 Sliir= 20 Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. Slipperinefs of Memory, S.Jam.i-23j 24. 4. Irregularities of AfFeftions, Rom. i. 26. 5. Remorfe of Confcience, Ifa. Ivii. 20, 21. 6. Separation from GOD, Ifa. lix. 2. 7. Anger of GOD, Pfal. vii. 1 1 . 3. ' Eternal Death, 2 Thejf. i. 9. Prov. xxiv. 20. IV. Why is Death the Wages of Sin ? Becaufe Sin is the greateft Evil, and fo contrary to GOD, and feparates us from Him. I. Here, Ifa. lix. 2. Jer. vi. 8. 2. Hereafter, Hebr. xii. 14. S.Lvk. xiii. 3. i Cor. vi. 9, 10. C^/. V. 19, 20, 21. Use. T. Terror to all, for we all have finned. What if no Drunkard, &c. I . Doft not thou oft lodge vain TWughts ? Jer. iv. 14. 2. Doft not thou fpeak many idle Words ? Mai. xii. 35. 3. Doft thou fanftify every Sabbath aright ? Ifa. Iviii. 13. 4. Doft thou improve every one of thy Ta lents ? §. Art thou contented with, and thankful for every Thing ? i Thejf. i. 1 8. 6, Always rejoice in G O D ? Phil. iv. 4. 7. Do all to His Glory ? 1 Cor. x. 3 1 . 2. Exhortation. Oh, ferve Sin no more, that gives no better Wages j Lay afide the Sins of your I, Complexion, 2. Calling, ' 3. Country, ': 4. Cuftom, Ephef iv. 28. Confider, Thefaurus Theologicus. 1 1 Confider, I. Sin is the Caufe of all your Mifery. 2. Sin will keep you from all Happinefs. 3. If you live in it, you muft die for it ; as fure as ye do its Work, ye fhall receive its Wa ges. R o M. viii. 54. Who is he that condemneth ? It is Chrifi that died, yea rather that is rifen a- gain.^ who is even at the Right Hand of God.^ who alfo maketh Intercejfion for us. S 1. O O M E there are that would condemn. us. 1 , Satan, Rev. xii. i o. Job i. 9. ii. 4, 5, 2. The Law, S. Joh. v. 45. Gal. iii. 10. 3. Our own Confciences, 1 S. Joh. iii. 20. _ II. Some there are that no Condemnation can lie againft. Who are they? viz.. fuch as are in Chrift, vtr. I ? to which Being in Chrift is required, I. Faith in Him, S. 3^0/7. Hi. 1 5. 2. Union to Him by that Faith, S. Joh. xvii_ 21, 22. 2 Cor. V. 17. I Cor, vi. 17. S. Joh. xv" 1,2,3. III. Here are four Reafoas why they cannot be condemned. B 3 T. It 05 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. It is Chrifi that died. I. Chrift died for our Sins, Ifa. Viii- 5, 35» i7i 38? 3P' B 4. Rom, 34- Thefaurus Theologicus. R O M. X. 17. ' So then Faith cometh hy Hearing^ and Hearing hy the Word of GO D. 'W HAT Faith? I. An hiftorical, S. Jam. ii. 19, 2. A dogmatical, AB;. viii. 13,23. S. Luk. vi. 4^- . ... 3. A temporary, S.Luk.vnu 13. S.Joh. v. s$. 4. A Faith of Miracles, S. Luk. xvii. 6. i Cor. xiii. 2. 5. A faving Faith, Rom. x. 10. .AB- xvi. 31, I S. Pet. ii. 5. II. What Word, by the hearing whereof Faith' comes? I . Not the Word of Men. 2. Not the Word of Angels, Gal.i. 8. 3. But the Word of GOD. ' III. What is meant by Hearing this Word ? Hearing it, I. Read, 2. Expounded, 3. Preached. ' IV. How is Faith wrought by the Word ? Not as by the principal, but only inftrumental Caufe; CThus, ¦ . ¦ ; I. The Thefaurus Theologicus. a 5 I. The Minifter commiflionated from GOD, fpeaksit to the Ear, fometimes of GOD's Mercy to Man, fometimes Man's Duty to GO.D, &c. 2 Tim. iv. 2. 2. The Ears of the Hearer take in what the Mouth- of the Preacher fpeaks, and convey it to the Underftanding : But That cannot receive it, I Cor. ii. 14. Therefore, 3. The Spirit goes along with the Word, and enables the Underftanding to receive, and under- ftand it. 4. The Spirit having enabled the Underftand ing to receive it, it inclines the Will to embrace it, Phil Ai. 13- Rem. Vii. 15. Hebr.iv. 12. Use. I. Reprehenfion •, I. To thofe that think themfelves above Ordinances. 2. To thofe that will not come up to them ; in particular, eight forts of Perfons this Dodrine meets with, as the Angel did Balak with a drawn Sword. I. Such as will not fo much as come to hear. 2. Such as will come, but not to hear, but out of Cuftom, or to ftopthe Moufli of a brawling Confcience. 3. Such as will come to hear, but will not hear^ when they are come, Ez.ek. xxxiii. 31. They come and bring their Ears too, but they are either ftopt, Pfal. Iviii. 4, 5. dull, Matth. xiii. 1 5. or itching, 2 Ttm. iv. 3, 4. 4; Such as will hear when they are come, i but do not mind or underftand ¦ ' what a 6 Thefaurus Theologicus. what they hear, Ezjek. xxxiii. 32. AB. ix. 7. Conf. c. xxii. 9. 5. Such as mind what they hear, but will not believe what they mind. 6. Such as do believe what they mind, but wiU not relblve to pradife what they believe, Ez.ek. xxxiii. 32. 7. Such as will refolve to pradife what they believe, but will never pra dife what they refolve, S. Jam. i. 2, 3> 4j S- Motives. I. Confider whole Word it is. 2. What a Word it is, Pfal. xix. 7. Rom. 1 16. S.Jam.i. 21. 3. Confider what thou mayft get by coming to it; what thou mayft lofe by ftaying from it. 4. Confider the time will come, when thou wilt corfe thyfelf for eyery Opportunity thou haft loft, or clfe blefs GOD for every Opportunity thou haft embraced, S. Matth. xxiii. 39. Directions. I. Before Hearing. I . Confider what thou art going about, and Whom thou art going before. 2. Set afide all worldly Thoughts, as Abra- hamt his Servants, and Nehemiah,, Neh. xiii. 19,20. eljpecialiy Sins, S.Jam. i. 21. '3; If thou wouldft have GOD pour forth His Blefllngs upon thee in Preaching, do thou pour out thy Spirit before Him in Prayer, Pfal. x. 17. and Ixv. 2. I. For Thefaurus Theologicus. ij I . For the Minifter, Rom. xv. 30. 2» Yourfelves, that GOD would put in. with the Word, Ifa. viii. 1 1 . 4. come with an Appetite, S. Matth. v. 6- Job xxix. 23. 5. Come with large Expedations. 6. With ftrong Refolutions to pradife. In, I. Hear it reverently. 2. Diligently with Hearts, as well as Ears. 3. Meekly, S. 3f<»w.i. 21. 4. With Faith, Hebr. iv. 2. 5. Apply it to thyfelf. Job v. 27, IS- II. Providence. I. Prefervation i for His Wifdom appears as much in preferving Things in the Beings He gave them, as in firft giving Beings unto them ; * the ao Thefaurus Theologicus. the Means whereby He upholds the World, is the fame with that whereby He made it, Hebr. 1.3- 2. Government ; Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Clouds, Jo^ xxxvii. 16. Men. 3. Redemption. And verily, if upon Confide- ration of the Works of the Creation, we may cry out. Oh the Depth : Here, Oh the Depth of the Depth., &c. The greateft Wifdom is feen in bring ing about Things of the greateft Difficulty s and the greateft Difficulty is in bringing into One, Things of the greateft Diftance and Oppofition, which cannot but be acknowledged to be in the Work of Redemption. For, What is there in the World that is at a greater Diftance from, and Oppofition againft, GOD, than Man. GOD is a Holy Spirit, Man finful Flefli, and fo more contrary to Him, than either the Beafts or Devils themfelves ^ the Beafts, though Flefli, yet are not finful; the Devils, though finful, yet arc they Spirits ; but Man is neither a Spirit, nor yet void of Sin, and by Confequence, of all the Creatures in the World, the moft contrary and dppofite to a Holy God ; yet in this Work, we have GOD reconciled to Man, and Man recon* ciled to GOD ; and that by GOD's aflliming of the Humane, and Man's partaking of the Di vine Natures ; {^0 that three Things, efpeeially ia this great Work, manifeft the Wifdom of Him that did it. 1. GOD's being reconciled to Man. 2. Man's being reconciled to GOD. 3. In the Manner how all this is brought about by GOD's cloathing Himfelf with the Humane, and filling Man with the Divine Nature. I3sti Thefaurus Theologicus. 31 Use. 1. Inferences. I. Sinners Mifery. 2. Saints Happinefs. 3. Heaven's Glory, 1 Kin^.x.^. 2. Exhortation. I. Admire Him. 2. Intereft yourfelves in Him. 3. Rely upon Him, Pfal. ix. 8. 2 Pet. ii. 9. 4. Labour you after this true Wifdom of GOD, to be made Partakers of it. 5. All that defire Wifdom, come to the Lord for it, S. Jam. i. 5. Frev. ii. 6. i Kingt iii. 12. RoM. 3 2 Thefaurus Theologicus. Rom. xii. ii / befeech you therefore.^ Brethren.^ by the Mercies of GOD., that ye prefint your Bodies a living Sacrifice.^ holy., accepta ble unto GOD.y which is your reafon- able Service. 1. T Befeech you., not command ybu, tllOUgh equi- 1. valent. Generofus eft animus hominis, facilius ducitur quam trahitur., Sen. i Cor. iv. 2i. 2. Therefore, becaufe of G O D's Wifdom and Goodnefs, Rom. xi. 33, 34. 3. Brethren, I Cor. xv. 58. 4. By the Mercies of G O D. A/' aJTac iv riruv 'ts-a.^gLKcLKu J^r ay £(r«5.3-«xe, S. Chryfbft. Kai ti ^(tvyid* Qtii H (MJTif li 'rra.pffj'l^rcu 'Tro.^^x.a.hSov oWb yz ^ tku o(x* Ti^ix.ii n QiK v^QIkkitcu, Idem. No/xxj tjO^hit/, (^ «,fo'T!p7« T«c ^vs-Uv, Theodoret. Per mijericordiam Dei, qua magis nihil, per quam liberati fumus., Hieronym. 5. That you prefent, as the Sacrifices to the Prieft, which were Types of Chrift. 6. Tour Bodies. I. The Body in particular, every Member to the Service of G O D, Colof iii. 5. 2. The whole Man. 7. A Sacrifice. 8. Living., Qva-'tctv ^airciv. 'KvuS'ii jS etTti ^v(yictv Ivct y.n Tii vof/.ia-^, art x.itla.irpti.Bcu Kihivei Ta ffd>iMTa, Ti.^ yj,ai iTTriyA^t (^eicrcLV, S. Chryfoft. OtJ jS (^(flAymcU Ki\iV(H TA 0"*/yt«7s«i AKT^ ft) TM *- (j^itfi'iA HKS^, Theodoret. i). Holyi Thefaurus Theologicus. 3 3 9. Holy., without Spot, iS-Pet.i. 1 5, 1(5. Ephef. V. 27. 10. Acceptable to GOD, Pfal. li. 17,19. and Ixix. 30, 3 1. Ifa- i. 1 2, 1 3. and Ixvi. 2. Hebr. xi. 5. 1 1 . Tour reafonable Service. I. Becaufe performed by reafonable Crea tures. 2. Becaufe there is fo much Reafon for it, which could not in the Jewifh Laws be given. 3. Performed by the Spirit, or rational Part of the Soul, S. Joh. iv. 24. Akyay hoyiKriv KtLT^pa,v Tnv TotctuTriv ^iodSeictv,Orig. Ti cT'i £?j KoyiK» KtLT^eiA ; « 'yryiVfia.TiKvi S'la.y.ov'm, n 'xoKiTM « x? Xi/rov, S. Chryfoft. in lee. D 0,C TRINE. We fliould devote ourfelves wholly to the Ser^; vice of G O D. I. How ? I. Our Souls. I. Our Undcrftandings, Hof iv. i. i Cor. ii. 2. 2. Thoughts, Pfal.x.i,. 3. Judgments, 2 Pet. ii. i. 4. Will, P/i. 26 Thefaurus Theologictis. R o M. xii. 2. And be not conformed to this World. I. D O.C T R I N E. w E are not to be conformed to this World. I. What are we to underftand by the World ? I S.Joh.ii. 16. I . The Luft of the Flefli, Tit. ii. 1 2. 2. The Luft of the Eye, Ecclef v. 1 1, 3. The Pride of Life, Rom. i. 39. II. What is it not to be conformed ? I. Not to approve of, i S.Joh. ii, 15. 2. Nor imitate this World, i S. Pet. iv. 4. " 3. To ufe it as if we ufed it not, i Cor. vii. 30, 31- ^ III. Why? 1 . We are feparated from the World to G OD, I S. Pe^. ii. 9, 10, II, 12. 2. We have put on Chrift, Gal. iii. 27. 3. All that is in the World, &c. is not ofthe Father, &c. 1 S. Joh. ii. 1 6. "4. Contrary to the Love of GOD, i S. Job. ii. 15. 5. The Faftiion of this World pafl^eth away, 1 Cor. vii. 21. Use. Conform not to this World. I. You have higher Things to mind, Colof.iii. J, 3. Phil. III. 20. 2. This Thefaurus Theologicus. 57 2. This World cannot fatisfy you, Ecclef. 1. 8. 3. You muft give an Account of what you do here, i S. Pet. iv. 4, $. 2 S. Pet. iii. 11. II. Doctrine. We fliould be transformed by the renewing of our Mind. M47«//of ipKcrSi. I. What is it to be transformed? To be new Creatures, 2 Cor. v. 1 7. ^ , I. In our Judgments. Concerning, I . G O D, S. Matth. xix. 1 7. 2. Chrift, P^»7. i. 21. andiii. 8. 3. The World, Ecclef i. i , 2. 2. Our Thoughts, --Pfal. i. 2. 3, Confciences, AB. xxiv, i5. 4_ __ Wills, L^OT. iii. 24. 5. Affcdions, Colojf iii 2. I, Love and Hatred, S. Matth. xxii. 37. 2. Defire and Abhorrence, 3, Joy and Grief, Pfal. xlii. 1,2. 4. Hope and Fear, Pfal. xxvii. i . 5. Anger and Meeknefs, S. Matth. xi. 29. 6. Words, S. Matth. xii. 3(5. 7. Adions, I S. Pet. i. 1 5, 1(5. I. Towards GOD, AB.xxiv. 16. 2. Towards Men, >4S. xxiv. 1(5. I . Love, S. Matth. V. 44. 2. Juftice, S. Matth. vii. 12. 3. Mercy, Rom. xii. 8. II. Why transformed? I. Tin transformed, we are altogether finful, Prov. XV. 8. 2. We can enjoy no Happinefs here below, xlviii. 22. C 3 3. Noi^ ^8 Thefiilrus Theologicus. 3 . Nor be capable of Happinefs hereafter, Heb. xii. 14. I Cor. ii. 14. Use. 1. Examine whether you be transformed, or no. I. Look to your Heads, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. 2. Your Hearts, Prov. iv. 23. n^aV IISII. 3. Your Lives, S. Matth. xii, 33. Reafons for this Examination. I, Many h^ve been miftaken about it. Sonic think they are renewed, becaufe turned, I. From one Sed to another. 2. Frltt]lltoii fJ-'avoy, S- Chryfbft. 'K.a.v &5roA(9- m, xJiv iuayfiKirih;, «stc -sr^fi- ?>»THf, KMy oTtffoxv, Idem. S. Matt. xvii. 27. r II. The Objed, To the higher Powers, or chief Magiftrates eftabliflied in each Nation. 1. To fee that G O D be rightly worfliipped, 2 Chron. xiv. 2, 4. and xvii. 6,9. 2. To preferve Peace, i Tim. ii. 2, Pfal. Ixxii. 7. 3. To execute Juftice, Pp/, Ixxii. 2. .So»/. xiii. 4. , III. The Ad, Be fubjeB .- We owe them, I. Prayers, iTim.ii.i. ?. Fear, Prow, xxiv. 21. i S. Pet. ii. 17. 3. Not to fpeak Eivil of him, Ecclef x. 20. 2S.Pet. ii. 10. S.JudeS. 4. Render their Dues to them, Rom. xiii. 7. 5. Subjedion and 6bedience, Tit. iii. i . I. Other wife, the Magiftrates t'ower is in vain. • ' 2. The Publick Good deperids upon our O- bedience. 3. We are bound to obey for Fear, Ro??!. xiii. 4. For 44- Thefaurus Theologicus. 4, For the Lord's lake, Rom. xiii. 5. 5, He that refifteth, reftfteth the Ordinance of GOD. IV. The Reafon of the Command : All Power is of GOD. This appears, I. From Scripture. I. Every_Power is ordained of GOD, Rom. xiii.' 1,2. 2. The Magiftrate is the Minifter of GOD, htt]is^yov, Rom. xiii. 4. 3. By GOD Kings reign, Prov. viii. 1 5, 16. ' 4, They judge under Him, 2 Chron. xix. 5, 6,1. 5, He fets up Kings, Dan. ii. 21, 37. afld v. 21. 6. GOD firft 0T(dained the Power of the Sword in the Hand of Men, Cen. ix- 6. 7. GOD gave particular Diredion for chufing moft of the Kings of Ifrael^, as Saul, David,^ehu ; and fo now. 2. From Reafon. I. He is the firft Caufe of afl Things, S, Jeh. xix. II. 2. AU Power , depends on Him, AB. xvii. 28, 3. As the Stream from the Fountain. 3, All Power in Men is GOD's PoWer in their Hands, 2 Chron. xix. (5. 4. Power is good and neceflTary, therefore from GOD, S. J^OT. i. 17. 5. It is Part of the Law of, Nature, Rom. ii. 14,15. Uses. Thefaurus Theologicus. 45 Uses. ' I. Be fubj?d, I , To afl, I S. Pet. ii, 1 8. 2. In all Things, i S, Pet. ii. 13. 3. For Confcience-fake, Rom. xiii. 5.' Confider, I. Obeying them is obeying GOD. 2. Refifting them, is refitting GOD, I Sam. XV. 22. Ifa. i. 2, 3. The Saints in all Ages have been fub- jed to their higher Powers. 4, They who refift, Ihafl receive to them felves Damnation, Rom. xiii, 2. 2, Be fenfible of, and humble for the Publick Breach of this Command, upon this Day. Magiftratus eft ?>v\a^ to J^ikaix >^ is-k. Confider the Greatnefs of the Sin. I. It v3fs not againft any Inferior, but the Supreme Magiftrate. 2. Not againft a finful Ufurper, but a moft pious and religious Prince. 3. He was not only refifted and reviled, but murdered by his own Subjeds. 4, It was not a Sin of Ignorance or Rafiinefs, but committed with the greateft De- liberatioTi, 5. And under Pretence of Religion too. 6. It was not the Ad of particular Perfons only, but the Body of the whole Na tion were guilty of it. Not only in that their Reprefcntatives in Parlia ment were the Promoters and Adors of it, but likewife, in that the great eft Part of the Nation encouraged and aflifted them in it. Rom. 46 Thefaurus Theologicus. R o M. xii. 9. Let Love be without Dijfimulation.^ abhor that which is Evil. I. Observation. WE are to love without Diflimulation. I. What is it to love without Dif- fimulation ? I , It fliould proceed from the Heart, i Ttm. i. 5. 2. Be exprefled in Adions, i S, Joh. iii, 1 8. 2, Why Ihould we thus love ? I. Otherwife it is Hypocrify before GOD. 2. A Deceiving our Neighbour. 3. No true, Love, Cum autWh omnium re- rum Simulatie eft vitiofa, ( tollit enim ju dicium veri, idqtie adult erat) tum ami- citia repugnat maxims. Vid- Cicer. de v Amicit. Uses. I. Love one another. Confider, I. It is the Fulfifling of the Lailv, Rom, xiii. 8,9, 10, 2. It is the fpecial Command of Chrift, S. Joh. xiii. 34. 3. The principal Mark of a true Chriftian, S. Joh. xiii. 35. I Cor. xiii. 2. 2. We fliould abhor that which is Evil. I. What Evil? I . Sin, I S. Joh. iii. 4. 2. Punifliment, Ifa. xiv. 7. 2. What Thefaurus Theologicus. 47 2. What is it to abhor it ? It muft confift in, I . Our fettled Judgment that 'tis EviL 2. An Hatred of it, for its own fake, Pfal. xix. 113. 3. An Averfion from it, Ezxk. xxxiii. 11. 3. Why fliould we abhor it ? Becaufe, I. It is contrary to GOD's Nature. 2. Repugnant to His Laws, S. Joh. iii. 4^ 3. Deftrudive to our own Souls. Uses. 1 . Repent of the Sins you have already com mitted. For, I. By them you have incurr'd GOD's Dif- pleafurc, P/k/. vii. 1 1. 2. Made yourfelves liable to eternal Tor ments, Rom. vi- 23. 3. There is no way to avoid both, but by- Repentance, S. Luk. xiii. 3. 1. Abhor it fo, as not to commit Sin here after. Confider, I. It is the greateft Folly, Pf4' xiv. 4. and xciv. 8. 2. Slavery, Rom. vi. 20. 3. ItdefilesthySoul,S.3frfi». i, 21. S.Matth. XV, 20, Job XV. 1 6. 4, Is the Death of the Soul, Rom. vii. 24. Ephef ii- I. 5. Hath been the only Caufe of all the Mi fery thou haft felt. 6, Deprives thee of G O D's Mercy, and makes thee like to Satan, S. Joh. viii. 44. 7. Unlefs 48 Thefaurus ^Theologicus. 7. Unlefs you abhor Evil, GOD wifl ab hor you, Ifa. lix. 2. 8. Unlefs you abhor Sin in yourfelves now, you will abhor yourfelves for Sin to Eternity. Means. 1. Always remember you are Chriftians, 2 Tim. ii. 19. 2. Avoid the Occafions of Sin, i Thejf. v. 22. 3. Often think whom it difpleafcs, the Great GO D, Gen. xxxix. 9. 4. Live always as under His Eye, Pfal.cxxxix.j. • 5. Remember the Time wifl come, when thou muft anfwer for it, Ecclef. xi. 9. Rom; Thefaurus Theologicus. 49 R o M. xii. 9. Cleave to that which is good. I. \KJ H A T is Good ? That which hath all VV Things required to its Perfedion. Bo- num eft quod habet omnia ad propyiam perfeBionem fequifita. And there is, I . Tranfcendent Good, GOD, S. Luk. xviii. 19. .t 2. Natural, Perfcd in its Nature, Gen.i. 31. 3. Moral, that is, conform to right Reafon,' I Tim. ii. 3. 11. What is it to cleave to that which ii good ? I . To approve of it. 2. To defire it, Rom. xii. 9. .3. To be conftant in pradifing good Works,' fo as to cleave to them, and be one with themi Rom. xii. I . in. Why are we to cleave to that which is good ? I. Becaufe we are conftantly receiving Good from GOD. 2. We are commanded to be always doing Good, S. Luk. i;75. Prov. xxiii. 17, Pfal.txix.96. 3. When we do not Good, we fin, IV. How are \Ve always to do Good ? To, tfiis is required, 1. Faith in Chrift. ra.iiL -D i. Ko- 50 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Nothing is in itfelf good, but what is done by His Grace, S. Joh. xv. 5. 2. Nothing accepted but by His Merit, Ifa. \xiv.6. I S.Pet. ii. 5. 2. It muft be agreeable, for the Matter, to the Word of GOD, Ifa.i. 12. 3. Done in Obedience to that Word, i Sam. XV. 22, 4. Underftandingly, i Cor. xiv, 1 5. 5. Willingly, Pfal. ex. 3. 6. Chearfully, PfaL xl 8. 7. With the utmoft of our Power, Ecclef ix. 10. 8. In Faith, Rem- xiv. 23. 9. Humbly. I . Not vainly thinking, that good Works come from thyfelf, 2 Cor. iii. 5, 2, Nor expeding Salvation by them. 1 o. They muft be done to the Glory of GOD,' S, Matth. V. 16, I Cor. x. 3 1. Use. Cleave to what is good, fo as always to do it. Confider, I. How honourable an Employment it is, I Sam. ii. 30. I. The Work of Angels, Hebr. i. 14. 2. Of Chrift, AB. x. 38. 3. Of GOD, Gen.i.vlt. 2. How pleafant. I. Thy Confcience will hereby be void of Offence, AB. xxiv. 16. 2. Thy Heart rejoicing in the Love of GOD, Phil.iv.4. Ifa. Ixi. 13. 3, How profitable. Hereby thou wilt gain, I. Honour Thefatifm Theologicus. 51 I. Honour to thy Religion. 2. G O D's Favour to thyfelf, tfa. Ixvi. 2. 3. An A/furance of thy Intereft in Chrift, S. Jam, ii. 2(5. 4. The Concurrence of all Things for thy Good, Rom. viii. 28. 5. Eternal Happinefs^ S. Matth. xxv- 4^. R o M. xii. i o. ,^e )^i«c//y afi&iotied one to another ; with brotherly Love^ in Honour preferring one anothen -I. Doty; BE kindly, &C. , . '^ . , I. Wherein are we to exprefs o^uf Affedioii iid one another? 1. In defiring one aiabther's Good, iTimi ii- 1 - 2. In rejoicing in one another's Profperity, RoiH. xii. 15. , 3. In pitying one another's Mifery, Rdtri. xii.' 1 5. Ifa. Ixiii. 9. 4. Iri forgiving brie another's Injuries, S.Mati^ vi. 14, 15. 5. In helping one another in our Necelfi- ties, I S.^fofc. iii. 17,18. i. Why fo kindly affedionaite ? I . We are commanded t6 do it, S'. Ji>h. xiiii? 34. , ,_ 2. No other Command can be pCTformcd without this, Rbin. xiii. to. D 2 i- Nei-: Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. Neither can we love GOD without it, I S.Joh. iii. 17. 4. This is the true Religion, S. Jam. i. 27. 5, Becaufe we are all Brethren. I. In Adam, as to the Flefli, AB. xxii. i. 2. In Chrift, as to the Spirit, i Cor. xv. 58. Phil.i. 14, Use. Be kindly afFedionate to' all Perfons. ' I. ObjeB. They are wicked. I. Thou canft not lay they are more wicked than thyfelf, i Ttm. i. 1 5. 2. Thou knoweft not but they may be faved and not thyfelf, S.Matth. vii. i. 3. Thou art to hate their Sins, yet love their Perfons, Pfal. xcix. 8. 2. ObjeB. They wronged me. I . Thou knoweft not, but their Iniquity was thy Good, as in Jofeph's Brethren. 2. Thou haft injured GOD, S. Matth. vi. 14,15. 3. Others Sins cannot abfolve thee from thy Duty. 3. ObjeB. But they are^liU my Enemies. I. Then thou haft a fpecial Command to love them, S. Matth. v. 44, 45. 2. And the Reafon of it, Matth. v. 45, ^6. II. Duty. In Honour, preferring one before ano ther, Rom. xiii. 7. i S. Pet. ii. 1 7. I . What is the Honour due to others ? , An Acknowledgment of what is Excellent in others, cxprefl!ed by outward Signs. I. An Acknowledgement. 2. Of what is ExceUent. I. Authority, I S. Pef. ii. 1 7. 2. Superiority. 3- Vertue, Prov, xii. 2<5. 3- Ex- Thefaurus Theologicus. 5^ 3, Exprefl'ed by outward Signs, Gen. xlii. 6. AB.xxvi-2<5. ' 7. In Thefaurus Theologicus. 5 5 7. In Faith in Jcfus Chrift, S. Jam. ii. 26. 2. In the Performance of Duties. I. Fervent in Prayer, i Cor. xiv. 15. 2. In Hearing, Ez^k. xxxiii. 31. 3. In Meditation, Pfal. xxii. 2. Why thus fervent in Spirit ? I, This is the End of GOD's giving us fuch adive Spirits, that we might employ them for Him, Prov. xvi. 4, 2. Thefe are Bufincfl^es of the greateft Con cern, Deut. xxx. 15. 3. Vv'hatfoever is not done with JZeal and Fervency, is no good Work, Ecclef ix. 10. U S E S. I. Bewail your former Indifferency in Matters of Religion. 2. Be more ferious for the fujfee, Confider, Y'j. I. They arc great. Works you perform, 2 Cor. ii. 16. 2 . You cannot be too ferious in them, S- Luk. xvii. 10. 3. Heaven wifl recompence afl your La bours, I Cor. XV. 58. II. D U T Y. Serve the Lord. I. What is it to ferve GOD? It implies, '1. Our devoting ourfelves wholly to Him and His Way, 2 Cor. viii. 5. S.. Matth. vi. 24. 2. Subjeding ourfelves to His Will and Laws, PfaLii. 11,12. D 4 3- Wor- Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. Worfliipping Him with afl Ads of Divine. Worfliip, S. Matth. iv- \o. S. Luk. ii, 37. ¦ 4. Our walking in Holinefs and Righteouf nefs before Him, S. Luk. i. 74, 75. 5. Our improving afl foi^ His Glory, S.Matth. XXV. 21. How fliould we ferve Him ? I. Reverently, Hebr. xii. 28, 29. Pfal. ii. "t i. 2. Obedientiafly, 1 Sam. xii. \ 4.. 3. Sincerely, S.Joh.iv. 24. Pfal. li. 6. 4, Readily and wiflingly, i Chron. xxviii. 9. 5'. Only, S. Matth. iv. 10. 6. Wholly, Deut. X. 12. Tfal. cxix. 6. 7. Continually, S. Luk. i. 75, , Why ferve the Lord ? I . He made us, Prov. xvi. 4. 2. Maintaineth us, AB. xvii. 28. 3. Hathmieemed us, i Cor. vi. 19, 20. iMdee Use. Serve the Lord. Confider, y } . Unlefs you ferve the Lord, you muft ferve Sin and Satan, S, Matth. vi. 24. 2. His Service is the only Liberty, Rom. viii. 21. 3. The higheft Honour in the World, i Sam- ii-30- '' ' 4. You afl vowed to ferve Him in Baptifm, Deut. xxvi. 17, 1.8. 5. Afl you can do, is much lefs than you owe Him, S. Luk. xvii. 10, 6. If you ferVe Him, He will proted and caufe afl Things to ferve you, Rom. viii. 28. l. Serve Him here, and He will reward, you hereafter, S.Matth. xxv. 21. R o M. Thefaurus Theologicus^ 57 R o M. xii. 1 2. Rejoycing in Hope.^ patient in Tribulation' I. Duty. WE ought to rejoice in Hope. I . What is it to rejoice ? I . Negatively. I. It is. not to have the Senfes pleafed, 2. Nor doth it confift in the Imagina tion, 2. Pofitively. It confifts, I, In the Removal of Sorrow from the Heart, Pfal. xlii. 5. 2. In the Soul's Content and Satisfa- dion, S. Luk- i. 47. 2. What is Hope ? It confifts, I, In the Belief of good Things to be had, I S. Pet. i. 13. 2. In the Expedation of them, Ffal. Ixii. 5. 3. In making ufe of aU lawful Means for the obtaining them, Hebr. x. 23, 24, 25. Efth.iv. 14. 3. What is it to rejoice in Hope ? To reft fatisfied with the Expedation of the good Things GOD hath promifed. 1 . An Intereft in Chrift, i S. Pet. i. 8. Rom. viii. 32, 33,34. 2. Pardon of Sin, Pfal. xxxii. 5. 3. The Love of GOD, Rom. v. i. 4. The working together of afl Things for our Good, Rom. viii. 28. 5, Continual Supplies of Grace, 2 Cor. xii. 9. 6. A joyful Refurredion, i Cor. xv- 1 9, 20. 7. The 5 8 Thefaurus Theologicus. 7. The Enjoyment of GOD for ever, Ffal. xlii. 2. 4. What grounds have we to hope for thefe Things, fo as to rejoice in it ? I. ThcFaithfulnefsofGOD, Tjr.i, 2. 2. His Power, S. Matth. xix. 26. 3. The Merits of Jefus Chrift, 2 Cor. i. 20. Use. Rejoice in Hope. Confider, I. Otherwife you diflionour GOD by mi- ftrufting His Promifes, Rom. iv. 20. 2. You diflionour Religion by accufing it of Uncertainties. 3. You deprive yourfelves of the higheft Happinefs in this Life. 4. The more joyful in Hope, the more adive in Duty. 5. Rejoice in Hope now, and rejoice in Sight hereafter. II. D u T Y. We muft be Patient in Tribulations. 1 . What are Tribulations ? 1 . Whatfoever is hurtful to us. 2. Whatfoever vcxeth us. 2. What to be Patient? I. Not to murmur againft GOD, Exodu xvi. 3, 7, 8. 2. Nor defpair of Deliverance, Ffal. xlii. 5. 3. Nor ufe unlawful Means to get out of them. 4. To reft fatisfied with them, i Sam. iii. 1 8. 5. To be thankful for them, Jobi- 21,22. I Theffv. 18. 3. Why Thefaurus Theologicus. 59 3. Why are we to be Patient ? I. They come from GOD, 2 Sam. xvi. lo, II, 12. Ffal- xxxix. 2. 2. Are no more than we deferve, Lam.iii. 39. 3. Arelefs than we dtfcrve, jEx,r. ix. 13. 4. Impatience does but heighten them. 5. By Patience we change them into Mercies, as in Job, Jofeph, David. ¦ Use. Be Patient. I. No Afilidions but others have born, i S.Pet. V. 9. and iv. 1 2. 2. Chrift Himfelf hath undergone more than we can, Rom. yiii. 29. i S. Pet. iv. 13. and ii- 23. 3. GOD knows how to deliver us, 2 S.Pet. ii. 9. 4. By Patience you make a Vertue of Necefllty. 5. Wifl do you much good by them, Hebr. xii. 6,7,8. By* I, Convincing you of Sin, Job xxxvi. 8, 9, 10, 2. Purging you from Sin, Pfal. cxix. 6, 7. 3. Your Graces are hereby proved or evi denced, I S. Pet. i. 6, 7. 4. Your Graces improved, Rom. v. 3, 4, 5, 5, Your Relation to GOD fliewn, Hebr. xii. 6, 7, 8- 6. Your future Coi||emnation prevented, I Cor. xi. 32. 7. You are prepared for Heaven, AB. xiv. 22. 2Cor. iv. 17. R O M, 6o Thefaurus Theologicus. Ro M. xii. 12. Continuing infant in Grayer. WH A T is Prayer ? The hearty Defire of neceflary Things from GOD. I. The hearty Defire, I Cor. xiv. 1 5. I. Mental, i Sam. i. 1 3. Ephefv- 19. ^KydSAsit SJi Te^i T Q^oy, S. Bafil. 2. Oral, S. Joh. xvii, 5, 2. Of neceflary Things, I. Spiritual, for the Life to come. 1. Senfe of Sin, S, Luk. xiii. 3. 2. Faith in Chrift, S. Luk. xvii. 5. 3. Pardon of former Tranfgrelfions, Pfal. li. 9. 4. Subduing prefent Corruptions, Pfal. xix. 12, 13. and cxix. 133, 5. The continued Influences of His Grace and Spirit, Ffal. li. 10. S.Luk.xi. 13- 2. Temporal, for this Life, 1 Ttm. iv. 8. Prov. xxx. 8. 3. From GOD. I . GOD alone is to be worfliipped, S. Matth. iv. 10. H^' " 2. GOD alone unHrftands our Prayers, Ifa. Ixiii. 1 5. 3- He alone can anfwer them, Pfal. Ixv. 2. 4. GOD commands us to cafl to Him, Jer. xxxiii. 3. Pfal.l. 15. 5. Chrift direds us to pray to Him, S. Matth. VI. 9. See Thefaurus Theologicus. 6 1 See the Error of Papifts , who pray to the Crofs. O crux ave, fpes unica, auge piis juftitiam, reifque dona veniam. To the Virgin Mary, &c. S. Roche for the Plague. ApoUonia for the Tooth-ach. S. Eulogius for Horfes. 5. Anthony for Hogs. S. Cal lus for Geefe, &c. II. Why fliould we pray ? 1. GOD hath commanded it, i Thejf. v. 17. 2. Encouraged us with a Promife, Ffal. L 1 5. S. Matth. vii. 7. 3. Made it the Condition of afl Promifes, Ezjek. xxxvi. 37. 4. It is Part of Divine Worfhip. 5. Hereby we give Glory to GOD. I . Of Omniprefence, Ffal. cxxxix. 2, 3 . 2. Of Omnifcience, Ffal. cxxxix. 7. 3, Of Omnipotence. 6. Afl Blcffings are fandified by it, i Tim. iv, 5. 7. Only by this we acknowledge our Depen dence upon Him. III. How fliould we pray ? I. Before Prayer, confider, FfaCx, 17. I. Who it is you go to pray to? Exod. xxxiv. 6. 2. What you have to pray for ? i S.Joh. v. 14- 3. How unworthy you arc to ask or receive. Gen. xxxii. lo. 4. That Chrift is interceding for you, Ephef. iii, 12. Hebr- vii. 25, 2. In Prayer. I. Pray with that Humility, Reverence and Submiffion, as becomes a finful Crea ture, 62 Thefaitrus Theologicus. ture, Gen. xviii, 27. S. Luk. xviii. 13. Ezjra ix. 6. 2. Utter nothing raflily before Him, nor mingle Stories with Petitions, Etclef V. I, 2. 3, Let every Petition proceed from the Heart, S, Joh. iv. 24. 4. Pray only in the Name of Chrift, S. Joh. xiv. 13, 14. and xVi. 23, Hebt. vii; 25. 5. Let your Affedions and Apprchenfions go together, i Cor. xiv. 15. 6. Pray in Faith, S. Mar. xi. 24. S. Jatm. i. 6. 7. Without Wrath, 1 Ttm. ii. 8. S. Matthi vi. 14, 15. 8. For others as wefl as for yourfelves,- I Tim. ii. I . Eph. vi. 1 8. 9. Pray to a right End, S. Jam. iv. 3. 10. Add Praife to Prayers, Phil. iv. (5. 1 Tim. ii. I . I. Praifing GOD is afl He cxpeds iot His Mercies. 2. 'Tis the beft Sacrifice we can offers Pfal. Ixix, 30, 39, 3. It is the Work of HeaVen, Rev. vii. 9. and xix. i . • 3. After Prayer. I . Confider what you have prayed for. 2, Exped it, Pfal. v, 3, 3- Ufe Means for the obtaining it. Iv. When Ihould we pray ? Or how continue' inftant in Prayer, Eph. vi. 18. 1 Theff. v. 17. I. Be always in a praying Frame. 2. Take all occafions of praying, 2 Sam. ix. 13. 3. Never faint in Prayer, S. Luk. xviii. i; i Cer. xii. 8, 9. 4. Make Thefaurus Theologicus. 65 4. Make Prayer your daily Exercife. I . We muft ferve GOD daily, S. Luk. i. 75. 2. The Sacrifices of the Old Teftament were daily. Num. xxviii. 3. AB. iii. i, 3. Chrift direds us to ask our daily Bread, S. Matth. vi, II, 33. , 4. The Saints in afl Ages prayed daily, Pfal. Iv, 17. and cxix. 164. Dan. vi. 10. I King. viii. 48. S. Lvk. ii. 37, 5. The Heathens and Turks do it. 6. We daily need Mercies. 7. We daily receive Mercies from GOD. ObjeB. I have oft prayed, but am never heard ; Job xxi. 1 5. I . However, we are bound to ferve GOD. 2. If we get no Good, it is our own Faults I, As to the Matter, i S.Joh. v. 14. 2. Means, S, Jam. i. 6. 3. End of Prayer, S. Jam. iv. 3. 3. Perhaps, you never expeded it. 4. Or have not ufed the right Means for it. 5. You have not prayed long enough, 2 Cor. xii. 9. S. Luk. xviii. i . 6.' Tho' you have not received that required, you have other Mercies, 2 Cor. xii. 9, 7. You may be anfwered, and not know it- Use. Continue inftant in Prayer. 1. Otherwife ye live in continued Sin. 2. Prayer is the moft honourable Work. 3. The moft pleafant, ,py^/. Ixxxiv. 10. 4. The only way of getting real Mercies, S. Jam. i. 5. 5. Right Praying is a Sign of a true Convert, AB.ix. II. Rom, 64 Thefaurus Theologicus. Rom. xii. 15. Difiributing to the l^fecejfity of the Saints. \. \XT H 6 are the Saints ? VV^ I. Afl that truly believe in Chrifty as fandified. 2. AH that profefs to believe in Him, Phil. i. i • Col. i. 2. Rev. vii. 9. II. What Neceflities ? That they nfeedj I, Our Advice. 2. Prayers, i Tim. ii. i .- 3. Our Eftates. in. What is it to diftribute ? 1 . To give them freely. 2. To communicate with, becaufe Chriftiarisj I Cor. XII, 2(5, 27. TaKs Xjeloif 7^ dyiuy KoiyaVHy^a. IV. Who otight to give ? I. Every one is to be wifling to give, 2 Cor. Viii. 13. 2. They only are adually to give, who have any thing of their own to give, i S. Joh. iii. 1 7. Ifa. Ixi. 8. 3. Hence Men of a lower Eftate are bound to give too fomething, Eph. iv. 28. ^ V. How much is every one bound to give ? I . In general, Bountifufly, 2 Cor. ix. 6. 2. Proportionably to our Eftates , i Cor^i j^vi. 2. 3- More Thefaurus TheohgicUs, 65 3. More than we fpend on our Lufts. 4. As much as is not neceflary for ourfelves, 2 Cer. viii. 14. 5. Sometimes what is neceflTary, 2 Cot. viii. 3." VI. How ought we to give ? I , Out of a Senfe of Duty, not for' Vain- Glory, S. Matth. vi, 1 , 2, 2, Out of Love and Pity to our Brother, i Cor. xiii, 3. 3. Wiflingly, 2 Cor. viii, 10,11, 12. 4. Chearfully, Rom. xii. 8, 2 Cor. ix. 7. 5. Readily, without delay, Trov. iiu 27, 28. 6. Thankfufly, i Cforo«. xxix. 13, 14. 7. For a right End. I , Not for Praife from Men, 2, Much lefs Salvation from GOD. 3. But for His Honour, Frov. iii, 9, Uses. I , Repent of your Negled of this Duty. 2. Perform it for the future. Confider, Ii The Law of GOD commands it, 2, The Law of Nature, S. Matth. vii, 1 2, ^. GOD hath made it our Brother's Due, and fo we rob Him, unlefs we give. 4. There is a Blefling entailed upon it, AB. XX, 35. 5. Hereby we imitate GOD, S. Matth. v. 48. S, Luh vi. 3<5, 6. Unlefs we give, we have no Love for GOD, I S.^oh.iii. 17, 7. Nor true Religion, S.Jam.i. 27. 8. What we have, is not our own, but GOD's, to be laid out according to His Wifl, S. Lvk. xvi. 12. I Chron- xxix. 1 1. FoLIU. E 9- Yet 66 Thefaurus Theologicus. 9- Yet Himfelf wifl repay us what we have fo disburfed, Frov. xix. 17. 10. Hence this is the way to lay up our Treafures in Heaven, i7»>». vi. 17,18. 1 9. S. Matth. vi. 1 9, 20. II. It is the beft way to profper and fandify what y^' have here, Prov. xxviii. 27. Deut. XV. 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1. 12^ You ftiafl be judged according to your Performance or Negled of this Duty, S. Matth. xxy. 34, 35,41,42. Rom. xii. 15, 14, 15, 16. Ver. 19. -r — Given to Hofpitality. Ver. 14. Blefs them which perfe- cute you : hlefs., and curfe not. Ver. 1 5 . Rejoice with them that do rejoice., ahd weep i^ith them that weep. Ver. 1 6. Be of the fame Mind one towards another. — - Tlw (pi^o^evlxv ^w^vtis. I. \XT H A T is Hofpitality ? VV It implies, I. Our Indifferency about the World. 2. Willingnefs to communicate what we have to others, i Tim. vi. 1 7. 3. Our fupplying Strangers as wefl as others with Neceflaries, i S. Pet. iv. 9. R E A S 0 N S. ThefaUrus Theologicus. 67 Reasons; i. A Priori. We fliould do to others, as we would have them do to us, S. Matth. vii. 12, 2, A Pofteribfi. Becaufe of the Good we may get by it. , Some have entertain ed Augels, Hebr. xiii. 2. Gen. xviii, 3. and Kix. 2, And Prophets, i King, xvii." 10, 12, 14, 1 5. 2 King. iv. 8, 1(5, 17, 34. S. Alatih. XXV. 43. ll. Blefs them ^hich curfe you. \. We muft exped Reproaches. 2. We muft not recompenfe Curfes for Curfes, S. Matth. V. 44. I Cor. iv. 12. i S. Pet. ii. 23. 3. But pray for a Blefling upon them, S. Luk. xxiii. 34. I S. Pet. ii, 21, 22, 23,' 111. Rejoice with them that rejoice.^ and Weep with them that weep. That is, t. Rejoice at others Profperity. I. Spiritual, S. Lwlxv. 10. AB.xi.23. Pkil. - i- 3- 2. Temporal, 2. Be troubled at others Loffes and Troubles, Job ii. II. and xlii.' 11. Reason. We are Members of one another, i Coir, xii.' 26, 27. IV, Be of the fame Mind one toibards another. i. So as to love one another^ S.^J'oh. xiii. 34. 2. To be at Peace together, kom. xii, 18. Hebr^ xii-. 14. E 2 i. Peace 68 Thefaurus Theologicus. I, Peace is the Eff^d of Charity. 2. Tbe Caufe of Felicity. I. Common, S.Jam.iv.i. 2. Proper to each Perfon', S. Luk. xxi. 19. V. Mind not high Things. M« t* S-\y\KA (pe^v'^vlu. I, What high Things? I. Negatively. Tslot the higheft or heavenly Things, Col. iii. 1,2, §, Matth. vi. 33. 2. Pofitively. Of this World, Jer- xiv. 5. I, Great Riches, iT«w. vi. 9. 2. Great Honours. 3. Great Power and Place, AB. v. 36. 4. Great Employments. 5. Great Pleafures. 2. How not mind them ? (p^jcSVlsf. So Colojf. iii. 2. (pe^yttn. Not fo, 1 . As to think of them, Ffal. i. 1. 2. To defire them, Colojf. Hi. 2. .Ffal. Ixxiii. 3. To hope for them. 4. To admire them, S. Z,/20,21. Confider, Thefaurus Theologicus. 83 Confider, I* He that pities the Poor, lends to GOD, Prov. xix. 1 7. 2. This is the only way to lay up ourTrea- fures in Heaven, S. Matt.vi.\9,io. ill. To afl we ovie^ I. Love, Rom. xiii. 8. I , This is Chrift's fpecial Command, S. Joh. .xiii. 34. 2. Without this we have no Lovfe for GOD, I S. Joh.iv. 20,11. 2. Honour, i S.Pet. ii, 17, t . Becaufe none but excel us in fome Things, PhiJ. ii. 3. « 2. Afl are made in the Image of GOD, Gen. i. 26. 3. We are afl Profeflbrs of the Chriftian Re ligion, S. Mar. ix. 41 . i S. Pet. iii. 7, 3. Charitable Thoughts, iCor. xiii. 5, I. We know not others Hearts, i Cor. ii. 1 1. 2. Nor GOD's Intentions towards themj S. Jam. iv. I 2. 4. Do Good to afl. Gal. vi. 10. I . Hereby we imitate GODji S. Mdtth. v. 44:,' 4S- 2. Give Glory to GOD, S. Matth. v. 16. 5. Speak wefl of afl, S. Jam. iv, 1 1, 6. Pray for afl, 1 Tim ii. i . S. Matth. v. 44. I. For their Spiritual, i Tim. ii. 4. 2. Their Temporal Good. 7. Be juft and honeft to afl, S^ Matth. vii. 12. Thejf, iv. 6. . 1, Otherwife, if we defraud others, we can get no Good by it, Prov. x. 22. 7. But much Hurt, I^agg. i. S, ' ¦ F 2 " Usa: 84 Thefaurus Theologicus. Use. Render to all their Dues. Confider, I. Unlefs we render to Men their Dues, we cannot render them to GOD. 2. Unlefs we do it, we firi againft the very Light of Nature. 3. GOD wifl bring us into Judgment for afl unjuft Dealings, Ecclef. xii. 14. Rolti. xiii. 15, 14. Ver. 1 3. Let us walk honefily as in the Day ; not in Rioting and Drunken' mfs.^ not in Chambering and Wantonnefs, not in Strife and Envying. Ver. 1 4. But put ye on the Lord Jefus Chrift. N general : Walk honefily. Tit. ii, 12, I. Soberly; 2. Rightedufly, 3. Godly, IL In particular, I. Not in Rioting and Drunhnnefs, Ifa. V. 13." I. This deprives us ofthe isie of Reafon. 2. And fo, for the prefent, blots out the Image of GOD. 3. Makes Thefaurus Theologicus. 85 3, Makes Men unfit for Duty, S. Luk. x.\i' 34. Hof iv. II. 4. Expofcth a Man to afl other Sin. 5. Hath a particular Curfe entailed upon it, Ifa. V: II. Prov. Xxiii. 29, 30, &c. 2. Net in Chambering and Wantonnefs, Hebr. xiii. 4. To avoid this ; I. Be careful to keep a good Confcience, Gen. xxxix. 9. ^ 2, Watch over your Spirits, Mai. ii. 16. Job xxi. I. 3. Pray againft it, Pfal. cxix. 37- 3. Strife and Envying. I. They are Signs of a carnal Mind, i Cor. iii. 3. Gal. V. 19,20. S- J am. in. 14, 15. 2. Proceed only from Pride and Ignorance, , I Tim. vi. 4. 3. Produce Confufion and evil Works, S.Jam. xii. 16, 17. But put ye on the Lord Jefus Chrift. I. By Baptifm, C*?/. iii. 27. 2. By Faith, we put on, I. His Righteoufnefs. ' I. Chrift took our Nature upon Him, S. Joh. i. 1 4. 2. Suffered for our Sins, Ifa. Iiii. 5, 1^. 3. By this He expiated our Sins, and pur- chafed Righteoufnefs"for us, i S. Job. ii. 2. 4. Afl Believers are interefted in all His Sufferings and Righteoufnefs, Gal. ii. 1 5. 5. Hence their Sins are hid, as it were from the Eyes of G O D, Rem. viii. 33, 34. Phil. iii. 8, 9. F 3 2. His S6 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. His Graces. I. Humility, i S. Pet. v. 5. S. Matth. xi, 29, 2- Self-denial, S. Matth. xvi. 24. 3. Temperance, i Cor. vii. 31. 4. Patience, S. X«^. xxi. 19. S. 3^^^. i. 3. 5. Thankfulnefs, i Thejf v. 18. 6^. Heavenly-mindednefs, P^;7. iii. 20. 7. Charity, /4^. x. 38. S. Jam. i. 27. 8. Conftancy and Perfeverance, Rep. i. 26. Use. Put en the Lord Jefus Chrift. Confider, . I. Your Sins are many, and it is only by Him they can be pardoned, i S. Joh. ii. i. 2. Your Sins arc ftrong, and only by Him fubdued, 3. GOD angry, only by Him appeafed, .S. Matth. iii, 17. 4. Your Hearts corrupted, .only by Hira cleanfed, i Cor. i. 2. 5. Your Souls are immortal, and it is only by Him, that they can be faved, AB. xvi. 30, 31. I Cor. Thefaurus Theologiciis. 87 I Cor. vi. 20. For ye are bought with a Trice : Tbere^ fore glorifie GOD in your Body.^ and in your Spirit.^ which are G 0 Ds. I. T'XT'-E tre bought with a Price. VV I. Who bought us? Chrift our Saviour and Redeemer, S. jFo^. iii. 16. Jefus, Job xi^. 25. 2. What did He buy us from ? I, From the Slavery of Sin, i?o«;. vi. 1 5, and xii. 14. 2, From the Power of Satan, AB. xxvi. 1 8. 3. From the Wrath of G OD, S. Matth. iii. 17- 4. From the Curfe of the Law, C^^i. iii, 10, 13- 5. From eternal Torments, which we were fubjed to, I Theff. i. 10. 3. What Price did He buy us with ? I, Negative- Not with corruptible Thin ss, I S. Per. i. 18. ~^ 2. Pofitive. By His Blood, i S Fet.\. 19. I. It is only by this our Sins could be pardoned, Eph. i. 7. i S. Joh. ii. 2. 2. That GOD would be appeafed, Rom. V. I. 3- That our Perfons could be juflified, Rom. iii. 24. 4. Our Corruptions fubdued. Tit. ii. i^, Mai. i. 21. AB. iii. 26. 5. Our, Souls freed from eternal Death, I Cur. XV. SSjS^^S?- F 4 Uses. 88 Thefaurus Theologicus. Uses. I, Chrift pai4 a Pricg for our Redemption, h\jT£pv, -AVTiKvT-eyy, S, Matth. xx. 28, i Tim. ii.^. ' 2. We are none of our Own. 2. Exhortation. I, Be thankful for it, S. Matth. xi- 25. 2. Live as thofe who are bought with a - Price, 3, Glorifie GOD in Soul and Body, Rom, iii. 31. II. We are to glorifie GOD in Soul and Body. - Here, I, The Duty, Glorifie GOD. i; Negative. I, Not as that GOD needed our Glory. 2. Or we could give or add Glory to Hirti, Job xxii, 2, ¦ 2. Pofitively, I, Acknowledge His Glory, Pfal.l. 23. Rom. xi. 33. 2. Manifeft your Belief, that He is a glorious GOD, by good Works, S- Matth. V. I (5. Hereby you fhew the Glory, !, Of His Omnifcience, Pfal. cxxxix. 5, (5, 7. ¦¦ • : 2. Juftice. 3. Mercy. 4. His Power. 5. His Faithfulnefs to His Promifes. 2. The Extent of the Duty- I. Body, .^ofw. xii. I. Or outward Adions, ' Ffal. cxlv. 4, 5, ^. ¦ 1. Your Difcourfes concerning Him. 2. Your Thefaurus Theologicus. 89 2. Your Behaviour before Him, Job xlii- 3. ^our Obedience to Him. 2. Spirit, or inward Adions. Glorifie Him, r. In your Undcrftandings, by knowing ' Him, I Cor. ii. 2. 2. Your Thoughts, by meditating on Him, Pfal. i. 2. Phil. iii. 20. 3. Your Wifls,by chufing Him, Pfal. Ixxiii. 25, 2-5. 4. Your Affedions, by loving Him, S-Matt- xxii. 37. 5, Your Confcience, by not daring to of fend Him, .AB.xxiv. 16. 3. Reafons of the Duty, becaufe they are GOD's. I, He made them. Gen. i. i, 2i5. 2, Preferves them, AB. xvii, 28. 3. Rfldeemed them. Use, Glorify GOD. Confider, I. This was the End of our Creation, Frov. xvi. 4. 2. Unlefs you glorify Him, every thing wifl be accurled to you, Mai. ii. 2. 3. No Adion is good, that is not done to the Glory of GOD, I Cor. X. 31. 4. Your Happinefs here confifts in glorifying GOD, Pfal. xix. II. 5. Glorify Him here, and He wifl glorify you hereafter, i Cor, ii, 9. I C o R. 9© Thefaurus Theologicus. K I C o R. ix. 24. o"-'' So runy that ye may obtain. I. "WTTH A T Race muft we run ? Of Vertue, VV S. Matth. xii. 13, 14. I. Of Piety towards GOD, AB. xxiv. 16. 2. E(juity towards Men, S.Matth. vii. 12. 3. Sobriety as to ourfelves. Tit. ii. 1 2, i Cor. ix. 25. II. Whom do we run with ? I . Sin, Rom. vi. 1 2. 2. Satan, i S. Pet. v- 8. Eph.vi. 12. 3. The Flefli, Gal. v. 17. Rom. vii. 18,23. 4. The World, i S. Joh. ii. 1 5, i5^ 5. Men, S. Matth, v. 16. i S. Pet. ii. i 27 ¦ Illi How long is the Race ? I. It begins at our Birth ; 2. Ends at our Death, i Cor. xv. 38, Deut. XI. IV. What do we run for ? i. For Honour, i 5^»7. ii. 30. Phil. iii. 14." 2. For Pleafures, Pfal. xvi. 11. 3. For Riches, "S. 5^«. ii. 5. 2. Underftandingly, i Cor. xiv. 1 5. 3. Diredly, Deaf. V. 32. 4. Penitently looking back on your Sins, Jer. viii. (5. 5, Chearfufly, 1 Thejf v. 1 6. Hebr. xii. i . 6. Believingly, 2 Cor. v. 7. 7. Continually, PW. iii. 13. 8. To the end, S. Matth. x. -> -1. Uses. I. Confider what Progrefs you have made in this Race. 1. Have you repented? Pfal. Ii. 2, 3, 95. S. Luh xiii. 3, 2. What Ground have you got of your Sins ? 3. How do ye find your Faith in Chrift? S. ^fo^. iii. i<5. 4. What Graces do you grow in ? 2 S. Pet. iii. 18. 5. In what readinefs are you to die ? S. Luk. ii. 20. 2. So run now, that ye may obtain ? Confider, I. You have ftood ftifl, if not run back too long already, Ecclef. xii. i . 2. It is a fafe Race, Prov. x. 9. c iii. 23, 24. 3. And pleafant, Prov.'m. 17. Pfal. xix. 11. 4. You have the beft Company, Prov. xii, 26. 5. Your Souls lie 3t Stake. Thefaurus Theologicus. I Cor. X. 16. The Cup of Bleffing which we blefs.. Is it not the Communion of the Blood of Chrift ? The Bread which we break.. Is it not the Communion of the Body of " Chrift? WHofoever rightly receives the Sacrament ofthe Lord's Supper, doth reafly partake ofthe Body and Blood of Chrift. I. What is the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per ? ' I. GOD had no fooner made Man, but He enters into a Covenant of Works with Hira, Lev. xViii. 3. ^ ^ 2. The Covenant of Works being broken. He' enters into a Covenant of Grace, Gen. iii. 1 5. 3- This Covenant of Grace He was pleafed to' feal under the Old Teftament, Rom.v. 1 1 . with fe-i Veral Sacraments : Some, I. Tranfitory, the Clouds and fiery Piflar, Manna, Red-Sea^ Water out of the Rock. ^ 2. Fixed, Circumcifion, Gen. xvii. and the PaflTover, Exod. xii. 4. Under the New Teftament, He was pleafed to change thefe Seals into Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. 5. Thefe of the New difRr in feveral Things from the' Old. tVid. Expo fit. on S. Luk. xxii. 1 9. Fol. II. p, 1 94.3^ 6. They Thefaurus Theologicus. 97 6. They agree alfo in feveral Things ; I. The Author. 2. The principal Thing fignify'd. 3. The Relation of the outward Signs, &cl 4. Inftrument. 5.' End. 7. The Things they agree in, conftitute or make up the Efl^ence of a Sacrament in general. 8. Thefe Things therefore being afl applied to the Lord's Supper, wifl difcover the Nature there of to be an Ordinance inftituted by Chrift, where in, under the outward Signs of Bread and Wine, Chrift is reprefented, ofi"ered, conveyed, and feal- ed to the worthy Receiver. I. It is an Ordinance inftituted by Chrift, and in his Inftitution of it, two Things are confiderable. i. His FaBa. 2, His DiBa ; which were, Tlg^AycjiKA, 'OexTtud, 'E^nyiiTiiiA, 2. An Ordinance, wherein, under the Signs of Bread and Wine, Chrift,with afl His Benefits, &c. are reprefented, offered, conveyed, fcaled to us. II, What is required to our Receiving of the Sacrament worthily. I. Knowledge. i- Of the Fundamentals of Religion. I. GOD, that He is what He is. 2. Chrift Jefus. I , His Perfon. 2. His Office. 3. The Holy Ghoft. hi. Ilf- G I. His 98 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. His Nature. 2. His Work. Without the Knowledge of thefe Things, we cannot receive the Sacrament wor thily. I. Becaufe thefe are Fundamentals. 2. The Knowledge of the Nature of the Sacraments. Without this, we cannot difcern the Lord's Body, 3. Of the Ends. I . To remember Chrift's Death, i Cor. xi. 2(5. Gal. iii, t. * 2. To fignifie our Communion with Chrift, S. Joh. vi. 57. 3. To fignifie the Continuation of the Covenant of Grace, for Remiflion of Sins, S. Matth. xxvi. 28. 4. To alTure us of our Refurredion and Life eternal, S. Joh. vi. 37, 5. To confirm our ^a.ith,Jvdg. xiii. 23. 6. To tie Chrifl:ians together in the ' _ Bonds of Charity, 1 Cor. xi. 27. 7. Tb^bind Chriftians, as by an Oath of AHegiance,to ferve the Living GOD. 8. To be a Means of Grace, in the Ufe whereof GOD conveys Grace into us. Now unlefs a Man knows thefe Ends, ' he cannot intend them. 2. Repentance-, for until thou haft repented, I. Nothing thou doft, but proceeds from a Fountain, of Sin. 2". And fo cannot pleafe GOD- 3. $5ay much difpleafeth Him. 3. Thy Thefaurus Theologicus. 99 4. Thv Heart is not fit to receive the Blefllngs of the Sacrament. t 5. Thoucanft not draw nigh tb GOD. 5. Q O D will not draw nigh to thee. Therefore repent ; fo as, I. Really to be humbled for thy former Tranrgreifions. i. Original", imputed, inherent. 2. Adual. I. Or thy Thoughts. 2. AiTcdions. }. Words. 4. Adions. 5. Relations. 6. Performances. 2. Throughly refolved againft thy future Corruptions. I . To be more w^atchful over thy Af fedions. 2. More faithful in thy Relations. 3. More conftant in thy Duties. 4. More circumfped in thy whole Life and Converfation. Use. I. Receive it worthily, ading ycrar Knowledges Repentance, Faith, Love. 1. Knowledge^ meditating upon, I." The Juftice, P.vrJ. xxxiv, 6, 7. Ffati xcix. S. 2. The Mercy, Pfd. cxlv. S, 9. 3- The Wifdom, 4. The Love, of GOD. 5. The Condefcenlion of Chrift. 6. The Analogy of the Signs: Of the Sacrament, to the Thing ligtiified in iti G 3 t. The ico Thefaurus Theologicus. I. The Confecration, AB.ii. 23. 2. The Breaking the Bread. 3. The Pouring forth the Wine. 4. The Offering it to afl, Ifa. Iv. i. S. Matth. xi. 28. 5. Its being received. 6. Its feeding the Body, S- Joh. vi. 35. 2. Repentance. I, Mourning for Sin. 2. Turning from Sin: 3, Faith ; believing, I, That as the Bread is broken, fo was Chrift for thy Sins, 2. As really as the Bread, is Chrift prof fered thee. 3. That this Chrift is as able to nourifli 'thy Soul, as the Bread thy Body. 4, That as reafly as thou eateft the Bread, thou partakeft of Chrift. 4. lx)vc and Joy in GOD, Use. After Sacrament. * I . Examine, ' I . How thou dreweft nigh to GOD. 2. How GOD drew nigh to thee.- 3. What Good thou haft gotten. 2. Be humble for thy Mifdemeanors, Job xlii. 5, 6. Ifa. vi. 5. 3. Be thankful for what thou haft received^ 4. Live like one that hath received the Sa crament, 2Tim.ii.19. Like one that hath profefled, 1. Knowledge, Pfal.ix. 10. 2. Repentance, Lament, iii. 19. 3. Faith, 2 Tim. ii. 19. S. ^am. ii. 2^. 4, Love. 5. That Thefaurus Theologicus. loi . That hath partaked of Chrift, and afl His Benefits here, I. Remiflion, S.Joh. v. 14. 2. Juftification, Rom. viii. 1. 3, Reconciliation. 4. Sandification. 5. Adoption, S.Joh.l 12. 6. Confolation. Hereafter, Glorification. I C OR, X. 51. Whether therefore ye eat or drink., or whatfoever ye do.^ do all to the Glory of GOD. I. TT 7 H A T is G O D's Glory ? VV I. In Himfelf glorious in afl Perfe- dions, Exod. xxxiii. 18, 20. 2. In us, by acknowledging His Glory, Ffal. Ixxix. 9. II. What is it to do afl to GOD's Glory ? I. Not that we can make Him more glorious. 2. But, I. To teftify our Acknowledgment of His Glory. 2. To raife in others the fame Acknow ledgment, S. Matth. V. 1 6. III. How are afl Things to be done to His Glory ? S. Joh. XV. 8, and xvii. 4. 1 S. Pet. ii. 1 2. G 3 I. Spiritual loi Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Spiritual Adions. 1. By ]?raying reverently, Hebr. xii. 28. 2. Bv hearing attentively. 3. Mentioning His Name devoutly, Deut. xxviii, 58, 4. Reading His Word believingly. 5. Meditating on Hira affedioriately, Pfal. xxxix. 3. 2. Civil Adions, I. By Mercy to the Poor, S.Matth. v. 16.. and vi, i. 2. Juftic? to afl, S. Matth. vii. 12. 3. Natural Adions. I. Pepforming them thankfufly, i Tim. iv. 3, 4. Pfal. 1. 23. 2. Making them only fubfervient to the ¦ Worfliip of GOD, S. Joh. xvii, 4, IV. Why are afl Things to be done to His Glory ? I. He commands it. 2. No Adion is goOd without it. 3. Nothing elfe is worth doing any Thing for. 4. GOD doth afl Things for His own Glory, Frov. xvi. 4. E.vdd.ix. 16. S.Joh. xi. 4. 3. You receive afl Things from His Mercy, Rom. xi. 36. Use. Do all Things to GOD's Glory, I. Motives. Confider, i- You are Chriftians, i Cor. vi. 20. 2. Our Saviour taught us to pray firft, Hal lowed be thy Name. 3. Gurftd'is he that doth it not, AB.xii. 23. Mai. ii- 2. Rom.l. 21, ¦ .1 4, Tn;q Thefaurus Theologicus. lo:? 4. This was the End of your Creation, Proi. xvi. 4. 5. If you honour GOD, He wifl honour you, I Sam. ii. 3°- I. In your Titles, Rev. i. 6. 1 S. Pet. ii. 9. 2. In your Relations, Ifa. liv. 3. S. Luk. xii. 32. Hof ii. i'5, 19. S. Joh. XX. 17. 3. Free Admiffion, Hebr.iv. 16. 4. Afliftance and Retinue, Hebr.i. 14,20. 2 King. vi. 1 6. 5. With His Refidence, S. Jah. xv. 4. and xvii. 23. 6. With Supplies. 7. With the Entail of Promifes. 6. This is the Employment of Heaven, Rev. iv. I o, 1 1 . 7. And the Way to it, II, D I R E C T I o N s. . I. Whatfoever ye do, let it be according to G O D's Word, Ifa. viii. 20. 2. Do it in Obedience to His Word, i Sam. XV. 22. 3. Do it as in His Sight, Vfd. cxxxix. 5, 6, 7. 4- Do it with afl your Might, Ecclef ix- 10. 3. Do it with Faith, Rom. xiv. 23. Hebr. xi. 6. 6. Do it with Meeknefs and "Humility, S. Jam. i. 20. 7. Do it with Chearfulnefs and Alacrity, Ro7n. xii- 8. G 4 ! C O R. 104 Thefaurus Theologicus. I C o R. xi. I, Be ye Followers of Me., even as I alfo am of Chrift. I. Doctrine. WE ought to foflow the Examples of former Saints, fo far as they walk in the Laws of GOD, I. Though by Nature afl be- Sinners, yet by Grace many in afl Ages have been Saints. , 2. The Lives of many Saints are recorded for our Imitation, S. Jam. v,'io, 1 1, 17, Phil, iv, 9, and iii, 17. 3. But every thing that is recorded of them, is not to be foflowed by us. I. Not fuch Adions of theirs, as are con demned, 2. Not afl fuch, which are not condemned, Gen. xix.- 8. xlii- 13, 1(5- and xxvii. 25, 2(5, 27. 3. Nor afl fuch, as are approved. For, i'. Some 'things are only .as in part ap proved, S. Luk. xvi. 8. Exod. i- 19, 20. 2. Some things were done by the extraor dinary Call and Inftind of G O D, Num. XV. 7, 8. 2 King. i. lO. S. Lvk. ix, 54, 35. So Abraham offering to fdcrifice his Son. Vnde conftat., quod non omnia qua a fanBis & jiftis viris legimus faBa, transferre debemus ad n.ores. S. Aug. ^. la Thefaurus Theglogicus. 105 -fl — ¦ ¦ ¦' - - I — 4. In our Imitation of the Saints, we muft obferve, ' I . Whether what they do be according to the Law of G O D. 2. The Circumftances of their Adions, Amos vi. 5. Uses. I, Read the Lives of former Saints, Longum fft iter per pracepta, breve & efficax per exempla, Scnec. I Cor. x. 1 1. 2, Follow their Examples. Efpeciafly, 1. The whole Courfe of their Life. 2, The particular Graces wherein they are recorded as Eminent, Num. xii. 3. I Sam. iii. 18, Job i, 21. AB. v, 41, II. Doctrine. Chrift is the grand Example of a Chriftian ; which we ought to imitate. I . What is it to imitate Chrift ? It implies, I. That we do what He did, S. Job. xiii. 15, Id. 2. In Imitation of Him. 3. As He did it. I. Underftandingly, S. Joh. iv. 22. 2. Obedientiafly, S. Luk. ii. 49. i Sam. XV. 22, 3, Sincerely, S. Joh. iv. 24. 2 Cor. 1. 12. 4. Wholly, S. Matth. iii, 13. S. Joh. xvii. 4. S- Believingly, S.Joh. xl 4.1,^2. 6. Chearfully, Ifo. Iiii, 7, Hebr. x. 34. Rom. xiio 8- 7. Humbly, io6 Thefaurus Theologicus. 7. Humbly, S. Matth. xi, 29. 8. To the Glory of GOD. Becaufe, I, GOD doth afl Things for His own Glory, Prov. xvi. 4. 2. He is the ultimate End of afl Things, 3, Whatfoever is not done to the Glory of GOD, is a Sin, i Cor. x. 31. J,. What are thofe Works, which we are to imitate Chrift in ? I, Chrift was truly GOD from Eternity, S.' Joh. viii. 38. Trelv 'KQ^yAjj. yiviS;^, \yi! eiiJLi, S. Joh. i. I . 2. Became truly Man, in Time, S.Joh. i. 14, I Tim. ii, 3. 3. He was and is truly both GOD and Man in one Perfon, AB. xx. 28. 4, Whatfoever Chrift did in the Flefli, He did under one of thefe three Notions. 3. We are not to foflow Chrift, in what He did as GOD ; fuch are His Ads, I, Of Omnipotence. I, Healing the Sick, S- Matth. ix, 20, 21, S. Matth. viii. 13. 2. Cafting out Devils, S..<^<««^.viii. i(5. and xiv. 17, 21. 3. Feeding thoufands with five Loaves, S. Matth. XV. 34, 38. 4, Raifing the Dead, S. Mar. vi. 41. S- Joh. xi. 43. 2. Of Omnifcience, S. Luk. xi. 17. and xiii. 32. 3. Of Sovereignty, S. Matth. xxi. 2, 7. 6. Nor in v/hat He did' as G O D-Man, in the Ads, J. Ol His Prophetical-Office, Deut. xviii. 15. S.Joh. XV. 15. ^cl. iii. 22, 2, His Thefaurus Theologicus. 107 2,. His Prieftly-Office. I. Satisfying for our Sins, i S- Joh. ii. 3. 2. Interceding for our Souls, Hebr. vii. 23. 3. His Kingly-Office, Ifa. 'ix. 7. But we are to foflow Him iq what He did as meer Man. [. He was fulycd to His Parents, S- Luk. ii. 57. This Subjedion confifteth, I. In reverencing them. Lev. xix. 3. 2.' In obeying them. I. Hearkening to their Inftrudions, Proi;, xiii. I . and xxiii. 22. 2. Perfotming their lawful Com mands, Co/, iii. 20. Eph. vi. I. 3. SubmTtting to their Gorredions, Prov. xxix. 17. 3. In Thankfulnefs. I. Acknowledging their Care. 2. In providing for their Necjelfitiesj, I Tim. V. 4. Gen. xlvii. 12. S. Joh. xix. 263 27. Confider, I. This is "pleafing to GOD, Eph. vi. I. 2. It hath a promifed Blefling, Eph. vi. 2, 3. Exod, XX. 12. 2. He committed no .Sin, i S. Fet.ii. 22. Ifa. li. 9. I S. Joh. ill. 5, i. How are we not to lin ? I. Not with Love to ir, Pfal. cxix. 104, 113. 2. Nor with Delight in it, Frov. ii, 3= Nor lo8 Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. Nor fo as to continue in it, Rom- vii. 24. 2. Motives. Confider, I. What a righteous Law it tranfgrefleth, I S. Joh. iii. 4. 2. What a precious Soul it defileth, Tit. i. 3. What a gracious GOD it difpleafeth, Ifa. i. 2. 4. What glorious Mercies it depriveth us of, Jer. V. 25. I. The Love ofG O D, Ifa. lix. 2. 2. The Peace of Confcience. 3, Eternal Happinefs. 5. What dreadful Miferies it produceth. I. In this, Md.u. 2. 2. In the other world, 2 Thef. i. 9. 3. We muft imitateiChrift in Prayer. 4. In Love. 5. In Submifllon. 6. In Meeknefs and Holinefs. 7. In hearing. 8. In finiffiing His Work. 9. In taking afl Opportunities of doing Good. 3. Means. I. Watch always over thy Heart, i S. Fet. v. 8. Prov. ix. 23. 2. Live ftifl as under the Eye of GOD, Pfd. xiii. 9, 3. Confider that thou art a Chriftian. I Cq^. Thefaurus Theologicus, 109 I C o R. xi. 25. For I have received of the Lord. — - TH E Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper is of Divine Inftitution. I, What is a Sacrament ? An Oath. Sacra mento contendere pro jurejurando ajfrmare, Cicero. 'ZT^'^tuTix.oi ofAof, by Herodian^ I. 8, is called, TS)f Vci>y.aiy.ni ap>^>i» a-i[/.yoy ^.v^neity. In general, it is the vifible Sign of an invifible Grace. I , As G O D hath ufed Covenants, fo alfo Sa craments always, 2. They are Part, not of His natural, but in ftituted Worfliip. 3. They are afl Pledges of the Covenant of Grace. 4. They afl reprefent Chrift the Mediator, I , To fuffer, 2. Or having fuffered. 5, In afl Sacraments, there are two Parts. I. The Thing fignifying. 2. The Thing fignified. II. What is the Lord's-Supper ? A Sacrament, wherein the outward Signs are Bread and Wine. Ill- What are we to underftand by Divinp In ftitution ? That it was inftituted of G O D, as the other were not, which the Church of Rome maintain to be 1 1 o Thefaurus Theologicus. . be Sacraments, viz.. Confirmation, Orders, Pe nance, Matrimony, and Extreme-Undion. IV. How does it appear to be of Divine Infti-* tation ? S. iz;^. xxii. 1 9, 20, V, Wherefore was it inftituted by GOD? I. When GOD had made Man, he entred into a Covenant of Works with Him, Lev. xviii. 5. 2. This Covenant Man broke, and fo became miferable. ' 3. Hence GOD, of His Mer-cy, enters into a Covenant of Grace, Jer. xxxi. 33. 4. This Covenant of Grace was eftabliflied in Chrift, Hebr- xii. 24. 2 Cor. i. 20. 5. This Covenant Man is alfo apt to mifcarry in ; fo as, I . To be forgetful of it. 2. Not to believe in it. 3. To receive no Benefit from it. 6. Herif e GOD inftituted this Sacrament. I . To make us mindful of this Covenant dnd Chrift, S. Luh xxii. 19. 2. To confirm and feal it to us, Rom. iv. II. 3.. To convey the Benefits of it to iis. Uses. I. Be thankful for this Sacrament. 2. Do not negled the Ufe of it. 3. Prepare yourfelves for it. I. Acquaint yourfelves with the Nature of • it. 2. Repent. 3. Ad Faith in Chrift. Thefaurus Theologicus. 1 1 1 _^ — ' — ¦- ¦ "T In the foflowing Words we have, i. The Symbols and Rites of the Sacrament. 2. The Words added to the Rites. 3. The End, 4, The right Ufe of the Sacraments. Two Things premifed, I. The Author, Jefus Chrift, whom he men tions -, I . To fliew us the Divine Authority of it. 2. To make us ufe it with Reverence. 3.. That we may receive the more Cora- fort from it, 2, The Time, In the fame Night Hewas betrayed ; TAfi^^iJ^oJo. I. Traditus i Fatre, Rom. viii. 3.2.' TAps/w- KSV CWt'oV. 2. Froditus ^Juda, Mar. xiv. 10. »c* t*- gjjj^i) iWToy. But why not fooner? ' I. Becaufe it fucceeded the Paflover. 2. Becaufe it might be his laft WiU and Teftament, 3, That we may remember His Death. This premifed : Here is, I, The Rites or Symbols. I. He took Bread; Not Himfelf-. 2. He gave Thanks ; EJ;^a?^oyn(raf, y^a both. So we fhould give Thanks, I. For GOD's Love in fending Chrift. 2, For Chrift's Love in coming. 3. For the Benefits we have by His Death, , 4. For our Admittance to the Sacrament, 3- He 1 1 2 Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. He brake it ; n^dirii to *pTK, AB. iv. 20. to fignify that His Body was broken for our Sins, J^^-liii. 4, 5. Uses. 1. Be thankful for this Sacrament. 2. Addrefs yourfelves aright to it. That is, I. With Fear and Reverence. Confidering, I. GOD's Greatnefs, Job xlii- %,6. 2. Our Vilencfs, Ifa. vi. 5. 2. With Sorrow and Repentance. Confidering, I. Our Sins, 2. 'Chrift's Sufferings. 3. With Faith and Confidence. Confidering, I. god's Promife. 2. Chrift's Interceflion. I Cor.' Thefaurui Theologicus. 113 I C O R. xi; 24. • And faid., Take^, eat.^-*-^ 1 T is the Difciples of Chrift only, that fliould take and eat, S. Matth* .kxvi. 26. I. Who are Chrift's Difciples ? He that,--.-. ¦ - I. Knows GOD, in His Exifteflce arid Pro perties. , , 2. That knows Chrlfl.' 3. Believfes in Chrift, , I. That He was begotten of GODHi^ Father from Eternity, and fo was GOD. 2. Born of the Virgin His Mother in Time, and fo was Man. 3, That He fuffered for the Sifis of Men^ and-fo is a Saviour. 4. That He fulfilled the Prophecies of the Old Teftament, ahd fo is the Mejjiah. 5. That He now intercedes for Us, and fo is ot r Mediator. 4. Believes in the Trinity, S. Matth. xxviii, 19. .5, Makes Profefllon of this Belief. So as, I •• Not to deny Him' in Word, S. Matth. x; 31,33- 2. Nor in Deed, i Tt- i- \6. II. Re A so N s. I. Becaufe the Sacrament is a Pledge and Badge of our Chriftian Religion. Vol. IIL Jt ¦ -2. Non© 14 Thefaurus Theohgkus. 2. None can be worthy Partakers of it, without they be Difciples. 3. Our Saviour Himfelf commands we be firft Difciples, and then baptized, S. Matth. xxviii. 19. nopXfliclsj «c, Uses. 1, Be Chrift's Difciples. 2. Live like Chrift's Difciples. I. Believing on Him. 2. Loving Him, S.^Luk. xiv. 26. 3. Obeying Him. And He faid. Take, eat, AdCili, ifeiyili. I . Take. Non ore fed mann. So S. Cyprian faith, Populum facra myfteria propriif manibus ac* cepiffe ^ Diaconis. How fliould we take it ? I , Knowingly, 1 Cor. xi. 29. I. What it is in itfelf i Bread, i Cor. x. 16. 2. What it reprefents unto us -, the Body of Chrift. Hfe. vi. 35. For, I. Thefe Words were faid before the Sa-* crament was inftituted, ver. 4. 2. This doth not prove Bread to be turn'd into Chrift's Body, but Chrift's Body into Flefli, 3, Thefe Words are to be underftood fpi- rituafly, v- 30, 51, 3(5. 'AK'iyei,iK'fit (TAfitiKei, V/^a 'uv^iJ.Aliiia,^ S. Athanaf. 2, Not on I Cor. xi. 24, \_See Gen, xii. 26. Dan. ii. 38. .1 Cor. X. 4.^] 2. Contrary to theScriptures, as raro ii (sai/.cL i^ys, nothing can be the Antecedent to this, but Bread-, for the Body of Chrift was not yet confecrated. \_See I Cor, xi, 25, S. Matth. xxvi. 20, i Cor. x. id.] 3- It Thefaurus Theologicus. i 17 3. It takes away the Nature of the Sacrament, there being no Sign, II, Pofitively. This is my Body •, that is, the Sign and Sacrament of my Body. \_See Gen. xvii. 10, II, Exod. xii, 1 1 .] Hoc eft corpus meum, id eft., figura corporis mei. Tertull. Non enim Domjnus dubitavit dicere, hoc eft corptis meum, cum fignum daret corporis fui. S. Aug. Which was broken for you. I. How broken ? Bruis'd, pierc'd, S. Joh. xix. 33, 34. He fuffered Torment, 2. For what? 1. GOD is our Governour. 2, Hath given us Laws to obferve, Gen. xxvi. 5. 3. Annexed Promifes and Threatnings to His Laws, Lev. xviii. 5. Gal. Hi. lo. 4. Man hath broken thefe Laws, Pfal. xiv. 22. 3, And fo is obliged to the Punifhments. 6. ThefePunifliments He cannot bear,with- out being eternafly Miferable, S. Matt. xxv. 4,5. 7. Hence Chrift, the Son of GOD, under takes to bear them for him, 7/^. xxxiii. 4,6. 8. This He could not do, unlefs He became Man. 9. Neither muft He be Man only, but He muft fuffer, Hebr. ix- 22. 10. Thefe His Sufferings are the Things re-, prefented by the Bread and Wine. 3. For whom? Believers, S.Jo^. iii. 16. 4, What Benefits have we by thefe Suffer ings ? H 3 I. ft ii8 Thefcfurus Theologicus 4 I. It is only by them our Sins can be par doned, S. Matth. xxvi. 2S. 2. GOD reconciled, Rom. v. i. 3. Our Natlires renewed, AB. Hi- 26, 4. Our Souls fived, Hebr. ii. 10. ahd v, 9. Uses. I. Admire thp Love of phriftin Pying for jjs. 2. Be always mindful of it. 3. Frequent the Sacraments, efpeeially ap= pointed to put us in mind of it, but come prcr paredly, ' • I. Penitently. 2. Believingly. 3. Charitably. I COR^ Thefaurus Theologicus. 1 1 9 I C o R. xi. 24, ^c. ..-^^ Do this in Remembrance of Me. Here is, A Duty. This do. II. The End, In remembrance of Me. I. The Duty. This do. I. What muft we do? I. The Minifter muft, I. Take Bread. 2. Blefs it, 3. Break it. 4, Give it to the Difciples, S, Matjh. xxvi, 25, The People muft, I. Take it. 2. Eat it. 2' How muft we do this ? 1. Underftandingly, i Cor- xi- 29. 2- Penitently, Exod. xii. 8. 3, Believingly, Hebr. xi. 5. I . That Chrift is reafly prefent, S. Matth. xviii. 20. 2, Reafly died for Sin, Rom. iv, 24, 25. 3. Reafly offers His Merits to us. 4. Wifl reafly nourifli our Souls to eter nal Life, S.Joh. vi. 33. 4. Reverently, Ecclef. v. x- 5. Charitably, S. Matth. v. 23^ 24. 6. JoyfuHy. 7. Thankfully. H 4 II. The lao Thefaurus Theologicus. II. The End. In remembrance of Me. We are to remember, I. What He was fi.-om Eternity, GOD, Rom. i^- 5' " ' ' ' ' ' 2. What He became, Man, S. Joh. i. 4. 3. What He did, and how He lived. I, Humbly, S. Matth. xi. 29. 2. Charitably. 3. Righteoufly, i S. Fet.ii. 22. S- Matth. iii. 13. 4. InofFenfively, S. Matth. xvii. 27. 5. Obedientially. 4. What He fufi^erpd. _ I. Contempt, Ifa. Iiii. 3. 2. Pain in His Body,, Ifa. Iiii. 3. 3. Grief of Heart, S. Matth. xxvi. 37, S.Luk. xxii. 44. 4. Death. I, A ftiameful, 2. A painful, 3. A curfed Death, Gal. iii. 13. 5. Whom He fufliered fo much for ; For us, Ifa.liii. 3,(5. 6. What Benefit we have by it. I. Pardon, Rom. v. i. 2. Reconciliation to GOD, 2 Cor, v, 1 8. -3. Mortification of Sin, Rom. viii. i, 2, S. Matth. i. 21, 4. Grace here. 5. Glory hereafter, S. Joh. iii. 11^. 7. What He did after His Death. I. He-rofe again, Romr iv. 25. ,2.. Afcended,../^^/-. i. 1 1. -¦'- 3. Sits at the Right Hand of GOD, Rom. viii. 34. 4. Maketh Thefaurus Theologicus. i a i Maketh Intercefliori for us, i S. Jeh. ii, I, 2. Will e'er long come and judge us, 2 Cor. V. lo. For Preparation ; I. Review your Lives. 2. Examine your Hearts, i Cor. xi. 28. I. The Strength of your Sins. 2. The Growth of your Graces. 3. Pray to GOD for His Afliftance. I C o R. xi. 26. For as oft as ye eat this Bread., and drink this Cup., ye do Jhew the Lord's 'Death tiU He come. I. Observation. IT is Bread we eat, and Wine we drink, in the Sacrament, not the real Body and Blood of Chrift. II. Observation. We are to eat this Bread, and drink this Cup. I. What is it to eat this Bread, and drink this Cup ? I. To fave loft Man, the Son of G O D afliimed the Humane Nature, Gal. iv. 4, S- 2. Being Man, our Sins were laid on Him, - Ifa. Iiii. 6. 3. Hence He came to fufier, Ifa. Iiii. 5. 4. It 122 Thefaurus Theologicus. 4. It is only by His Sufferings that our Sins can be pardoned. Col. i. 14. 5. We can have no Benefit by His Sufferings, unlefs we believe, S. Joh. iii, 1 5, 18, €. We cannot believe on Him aright, unlefs we often think of Him. 7. Hence, that we might often call Him to mind, the Sacrament of the LORD'S Supper was ordained, wherein every Circumftance reprefents fomething of Chrift, I Cor. xi. 24. 1. The Confecration, AB.ii. 23. 1. The Bread, His Body. 3. The Breaking ofthe Bread, Ifa. Iiii, 5. 4. The Wine, His Blood, S. Matth. xxvi. 28. 5. The Pouring forth of the Wine, S.Joh. xix, 34. 6. The Offering of both to the Receiver, Ifa. Iv, I. 8. Therefore, the right eating this Bread, and drinking this Cup, confifteth in V three Things, I. In reraembring Chrift. I . What He was from Eternity •, GOD, S. Jeh. i. I . 2. What He became in Time ; Man, S. Joh. i. 12. 3. What He did ; Miracles, AB. x. 38. 4. What He fuffered. I. Reproach in His Name, S. Matth. xxvi. 55. and xxvii. 29. 2. Grief in His Heart, S. Matth. xxvi. 38. 3, Pain in His Body, S. .^<»«^. xxvii. 29,30, 31. 4, Death Thefaurus Theologicus. 125 4. Death itfelf, the Death of the Crofs, Phil. ii. 8. ;j. In aflenting to thefe Things, we re member, I S. Joh. V. 9, 10. 3. In applying the Benefits of them to ourfelves, I. Remiflion of Sins, Co/, i. 14. 2. Juftification, 2 Cor. v..vlt. 3. Inherent Holinefs, AB. iii. 2(5. 4. The Favour of GOD here, Rom. V. I. 5. The Salvation of our Souls hereafter, S. Joh. iii. 1 5. HI, We ought to eat this Bread, and drink this Cup often. This appears, I. From Ghrift's Command, S. ia^. xxii. 19. 2. From the Pradice of the Primitive Church, andof the Apoftles. Eiichariftia Sacramentum in omnibus manda- tum A Domino, etiam antelucanis ctetibus., Tcrtufl. Tm 78 tiKiv Kiyofjiiyif iy-'ifA, Juft. Mart. S. Chryfoftom calls it, KAQtiy-iezvliy ^vtiAV. Euchariftiam quotidie ad cihum falutis accipi- muSf S. Cyprian. S. Bafil received four Times a Week, but laith, that to receive it every Day, is KA\oy ]y llTfttpsAif . The Apoftles received it every Day, AB. ii. 4(5. or, at leaft, upon the LORD'S Day, AB- xx. 7, 3, From the End of the Sacrament, I . To reprefent Chrift's Death to us, i Cor. xi- 26. 2. To fe^l it, Rom- IV. II. 3- To 124 Thefaurus Theologicus. 3- To convey it, S. Joh. vi. 33, 54, 33. 4, From the Necefllty of frequent Communion. I . To manifeft ourfelves to be Chriftians, 2. To enable us to walk as fuch, S. Joh. vi. 35. and XV. 3. I CoR. xi. 28.. But let a Man examine himfelf and fo let him eat of that Bread., and drink of that Cup. THefe Words fliew how we fliould be prepar'd for a worthy jleceiving the Blefled Sacra ment. Let a Man examine, &C. /o»///.«^eT». Wherefore examine, I. Your Knowledge. II. Repentance. , ' III. Faith. I. Knowledge, i Cor. xi. 29. We are to know, I . The Author ¦, Chrift who was Author, i Cor- xi. 23. I. Not as GOD. 2. Nor as Man. 1 3, But as GO D-Man, and Head, of the Church. 2, The Inftitution, i Cor. xi. 23, 24, 23. Where obferve, I. What Chrift did. I. He took Bread and Wine. 2. Blelfed them^ 'i.vKtiywAi and oi;;^*e^rH- } TTA^yof/.a; to j'uefv S'^- ^A[A.iyo{, dwd i^ J'iKAf TKTUi Ttif eii CWTO TACpiy'lAi, Theodoret. "flazrsp 3^ » T*p»(7i* cU/'TS, &C. ktw }^ ta (JillflieiA ^ei^ocof lipo//* KoKci ^ i*t-yS 2. It implies, a Care of our Souls, Ephef. V. 1$^. II. What muft we watch over ? I. Our Thoughts, Ffal. cxxxix. 2. 2. Our Affedions, Frov. iv. 23. Colojf. iii. 2. 3. Our Words, Pp/. xxxix. i. xvii. 3. and cxli. 3- 4. Our Adions, i Sam.xv. 22. i Cor. X. 31. III.' What muft we watch againft ? I. Ourfelves, Jer. xvii. 9. S.Jam. i- 22. 2. Satan, i S. Pet. v. 8. 3. The World, i S. Job. ii. 1 5. 4. Men. * I. That they feduce us not into Sin, Paev. i. 10, II.' 2. Nor into Error, AB. xx, 29i 30,' 31. S. Matth. vii. 13. 2 S. Pet. iii. 17. and ii. I. I 4 3. Do 1^6 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Do not receive new Opinions. Id verum, quod ubique, quod femfer, quod ab omnibus creditum eft. Vine. Lyr. 2. Study Humility, S. Jam. iv. 6. IV. Wliatmuft we watch for ? I. For Opportunities of doing good, Gal.vi. IO. And performing our Duty, as of praying, receiving the Sacrament, &c. 2. For Death, \ Theff. v. 2,3. 3. For the COming of Chrift, S. Matth. xxiv. 44. V. When mnft we watch ? I. In time of Profperity. I. That you be not proud of it, Jer. ix. 23, 1 Tim. vi. 17. ' 2. Nor truft in it, i Tim. vi. 1 7. Pfal. xlix. 6. and Iii. 7. 3. Nor abufe it, S. Jam. iv. 3. " 4. Nor fet your Hearts upon it, Pfal. Ixii. 10. 5. To improve it to GO D's Glory, Prov. iii. 9. 2. In time of Adverfity, Ecclef vii. 14. I. Not to be impatient, Ezjr.ix- 13. Lam. iii. 39. 2. But to be thankful, 5^0^ i. 21. 3. Not charge GOD with Injuftice, Job i, 22. 4, Not d raw finful Inferences from it, Ecclef ix. I. 5. To be better by it, Ffal. cxix. 71. Hebr. xii. 10. 3. At afl times, S, Lvk.' xxi. 36. 2 Tim. iv. 3. TT c v.. Thefaurus Theologicus. 137 Use. Watch ye. Confider, 1. It is for your Lives, 2 Cor. vi. 5, 2, Many Enemies watch againft you, i S. Pet. V. 8. 3. Unlefs ye watch, no Sin but you may fall into, I Cor. X. 12. ¦ 4, The more we w^ch over ourfelves, the more GOD wifl watch over us, Pfal. cxxvii. i. and cxli. 3. ¦ 5. The more watchful we are, the more com fortably we fliafl live. (5. We have but a ffiort time to watch, S.Matt. xxvi. 40, 7. Eternity depends upon it, S. Matth. xxv. 12, 13, 8, Vv^e know not when Our LORD wifl come, S. Mar. xiii. 33, 37. S.Luk. xii, 37, II. What Faith muft we ftand faft in ? ¦ I. That G OD is, Hebr. xi. 6. 2. That He is a Rewarder of afl that come to Him, Hebr. xi. 6. 3. That the way to come to Him, is by Chrift, Hebr. vii. 25. 4. That this Chrift is GOD-Man, S, Joh. L 14. ¦ 5. And hath fatisfied for our Sins, i S. Joh, ii. I, 2. ¦ 6. And now intercedes for our Souls, Hebr. vii. 23. ' 7. That by His Satisfadion and Interceflion, our Sins may be pardoned, Rom. viii. 33, 34, • 8. That He will come again at the laft Day, AB. i. ll. > '¦ '''¦ • 9. That 1^8 Thefaurus Theologicus, p. That He will judge all the World, 2 Cor. V. 10. 10. That the wicked wifl then be condemned to HeU, and the righteous received up into Glory, S. Mtath. xxv. 45. II. Why ftand faft in this Faith ? I. Otherwife we can do no Ads of Piety, Hebr. xi. 6. 2. Nor have our Sins remitted, Gal.'ix. 16. 3. Nor our Souls faved, AB. iv. 1 2. Use. Stand faft in the Faith. Meanf. 1 . Search the Scriptures, S. Joh. v. 39. 2. Converfe much with GOD in Prayer- 3. Entertain no doubting Thoughts. 4. Indulge no Sin, left it debauch yonr Prin ciples. 5. Oft frequent the publick Ordinances, Rom. X. 17. III. Quit you like Men. 'AvJ'ei^i&e. 1 . What is it to quit ourfelves like Men ? I. Carry yourfelves like Men. I. Like rational Creatures. What more rational, than, 1. That we fliould ferve Him that made us, i Cor. vi. 20. 2. Choofe the beft Things before the worft, Ifa.lv. 1,2. 3- Mind our own Good and Welfare, S. Matth. xvi. 2(5. 4. Do to others, as we would have others do tb us, S. Matth. vii. 12. S- Submit to GOD's Wifl, Lat^j. iii. 33? 2. Like ^^-r Thefiurus Theologicus, 139 2. Like thofe who have immortal.SouIs, Gen. ii, 7. 3. Like thofe who are capable of the Enjoyment of GOD Himfelf, i Cor. xiii. 12. 2. Be valiant and courageous as Men, Eph. vi. 10, II. I. Be not daunted with Afilidions, 2 Cor. iv. 16, 17, 2. Nor drawn afide with Profperity, S. Mar. iv, 19, 3. Prefs thro' afl Difficulties for Heaven, AB. xiv. 22. ?. Why quit ourfelves thus like Men ? I. We have many potent Enemies, Eph. vl, II, 12. 3; Without fpiritual Courage, we can never conquer them, 3. The Reward wifl make amends for all,, I Cor. XV. 58. IV. Be jhong. I. In Faith, S. Matth. xv. 28. Rom. iv. 20. 2. Love, S. Matlh. xxii. 37. 3- Truft on GOD, Job xiii. 15. Hebr. x^iii.. Use. Be ftrong ^nd courageous. I. The ftronger your Graces arc, the weaker ^iU your Temptations be. 2. The ftronger your Grace is, the greater wifl your Comfort be, S- 3=0^. xiv. i. 3- Be but ftrong, and you need not fear but tQ prefs through all Difficulties, and get to Heaven. i •- \ ii\ 2 CoR. 140 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2 C o R. i. 12. For our Rejoicing is this., Sec. I, TT is lawful to rejoice in our Graces, in a J. right manner. I. Unlawful. I." We muft not rejoice in the Graces of GOD, more than in the G O D of our Graces. • 2. We muft not rejoice in our Graces, as if they were perfed, i Cor. iv. 3, 4. Rom. iii. 27. 3. We muft not fo rejoice in as to reft upon our Graces for Happinefs and Salvation. 4, We muft not rejoice in our Graces, as if they were our Graces, coming from ourfelves, i Cor. iv. 7. AB. iii. 1 2. 2. Lawful, I. To rejoice in them, as Ex:prefRonS of god's Grace and FavOur to us, 2. As the Effeds of Chrift's Suffering for us. Tit. ii. 14. 3. As they make for our Glorifying GOD, S. Matth. v. 1 6. 4. As Evidences of our Title to Heaven. 3. How doth it appear it is lawful ? I- They are the Graces and Works of GOD and Chrift in us, Phil. ii. 1 3. 2. They are fubfervient to Chrift and GOD's Glory. 3. We may be thankful for them, and there fore rejoice in them. 4- We I • Thefaurus Theologicus. 14J 4. We muft grieve if we want them, and then furely may wefl rejoice if we have them. 3. GOD Himfelf is pleafed with them, Hebri xi. 3. and xiii, 16. 6. We may rejoice in outward Mercies^ f.cclef. iii. 22. 7, Saints have rejoiced, AB.v.Hfi. Jer.ix. 24. S, Joh. vi. 4. 4. To get this Rejoicing. 1. Set the duf Value upon Grace. 2. Labour continuafly after it. 3. Affure thyfelf upon good Grounds, that thou haft attained it. II. The Teftimony of a good Confcience, is the ground of all folid Gorafort. I. What is Confcience? Judicium hominis de femetipfo, quatenus fubjicitur judicie Dei ; called, fvi^et^Wti' ^gJTQllSlV i'TTACtV (FUUH'i'n&U '^y 0 05OJ. I . It propounds what we are to do. 2. WitneflTes what we have done. 3. ^afl'eth its Sentence accordingly, Rom. ii. 13. I S. Joh. iii. 20. 2. What i*^ good .Confcience, i S. Per. iii. i5. I Tim. iii. 9. AB. xxiv. 16. . 1. It muft be renewed, Jer. xvii. 9. 2. Guided by the Scripture, Ifa. viii. 20. 3. Enlightned by the Spirit, S. Joh. xvi. 13- 4. The Spirit muft bear Witnefs with it, Rom. viii. 16. I, Negatively. Not vocafly, 2, Pofitively. I. By difcovering to us our Intereft in GOD, iCor. ii, 12. 2. Enabling 142 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Enabling us to ad thofe Graces,' from whence we may conclude our Eftate. 5; It mviit ftir us up to good Works, Hebr. xiii. 18. 3. What is the Teftimony of the good Con- Icience ? The Judgment it paflieth upen us. I. Of Sin, by accufing, 2. Of Grace, by excufing of us. I. Particularly to fome Ad, Pfat. vii. 8. 2. Gencrafly to our whole Life, i S. Jeh ., iii. 20. 4, When is the Teftimony ofthe Conference ai ground of Joy? I . When it witneffes we avoid afl known Sin. 2. Perform afl known Duties. 3. Love GOD aboveafl. 4, Receive Chrift for our Lord and SaviOur^ Hebr. ix. 14. 5. How muft we keep a good Confcience? I. Get it rightly informed out of the Word of GOD. 2. Ad according to it, Rom. xiv. ^. I. Avoiding what that faith is a Sin, 1 Sam. xxiv. 5. * 2. Performing what it faith is a Duty. (5, Motives; I , Confcience always fees thee. 2. will be a thoufand Witnefles, Rom.ii. 1 5. 3. Without a good Confcience, thou wilt live in continual Frights, Fears, Tor ments, Prov. xviii. 14, 4. With it, in continual Joy, the Heathens accounted it a great Happinefs ; Nil confcire fibi. Pindof faith, it is our good Nurfe in old Age, Prov. xv. 1 5. 37 3ia, Good of Heart. 2 CORV Thefaurus Theologicus. 143 2 C O R. i. 12* ^.....That in Simplicity and gddly Sin* cerity. — '— 'Ej» etTTAoonlt H R I S T knew no Sin -, as appears, V_v I. From Scripture, i S.Joh.iii. 5. Ifa. Iiii. 9. I S. Pet. ii. 22, S. Joh. viii, 4dr. 2. Reafon. I. He muft needs be without Sin, becaufe our Saviour, Hebr. vii. 26, 27. 2. Becaufe He was GOD as wefl as Man. Uses, I. Hence fee, that what Chrift fuffered, was not for Himfelf, 2, That He is the beft Example, S. Matth. xvi. 24. and xi, 29. II, He was made Sin for us. I . In what Senfe ? Even an Offering for Sin, ac cording to the Hebrews, where CDtys as IQtyX ns. Lev. V. (5. and HKUn as SIH PHUn, Exed. xxix. 1 4. '^ifffiTiA LXX. is ufed both for a Sin-offcrlng and a Sin. Ouemadmodum oblatus eft pro peccatis^ non immerito veccatum faBus dicitur. S, Ambrof I. Afl Sin offends GOD. 2, Therefore, it cannot be pardoned, tifl GOD's Juftice be fatisfy'd. 3. There is no Satisfadion made without Punifliment and Death, Hebr. ix. 22, 4. Hence, Thefaurus Theologicus. 149 4. Hence Chrift undertaking the Satisfadion of GOD's Juftice, underwent the Pu nifliment due to our Sins, Ifa- Iiii. 4, 5, 5, II. 5. Upon this Account, He Is cafl'd Sin, or an Offering for Sin. III. Who did He offer Himfelf for ? I. They that truly repent, /i*6l*m«. I . From Sin. 2. To Holinefs. 2- That rightly believe, that is, whofe Faith is, I. Rightly grounded on the Teftimony of GOD. t- Rightly guided, by Knowledge. 3. Rightly fixed and conftrued. 4. Rightly cxercifed in good Wprks, Gal. V. (5. Uses. I. See the odious Nature of Sin. 2, The Condefcenfion of Chrift. 3- The Love of GOD. 4. Do not you live in thofe Sins, for which Chrift died. 5. Often remember Chrift's Offering up Him felf for Sin. I. With Grief. 2. Faith. 3. Thankfulnefs. II. The End of Chrift's being made Sin for us, was, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of GOD in Him. I. What is meant by Righteoufnefs ? ' I . Imputed, Rom. iv. 3. 2. Implanted. K 3 2. How I 50 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. How of GOD? Becaufe He, I. Contrived it. 2. Worketh it, Phil. ii. 13. 3. Accepteth of it. 4. Is the End of it, and glorified by it. 3. How in Him, viz.. Chrift ? I. We are juftified in Him and by Him. 2, Sandified. I. Afl are defiled with Sin. 2. Chrift came alfo to cleanfe us from * Sin, Mal.i. 21. AB. iii. 26. 3. Therefore He purchafed the Donation of the Spirit, S. Joh. xvi. 7, 8. 4. This Spirit, when poured forth, works an univerfal Change on afl thofe that believe. I. Enlightning the Mind. 2. Sandifying the Wifl. 3. Regulating the Affedions. 5. And fo we have Righteoufnefs im planted in us, as wefl as imputed to us. Uses. I. Admire this wonderful Work of GOD. 2. Believe in this Chrift. 3. Live like juftified and fandified Perfons. 4. Rejoice and triumph in the Love of GOD through Chrift, 2 CoR. Thefaurus Theologicus. 151 2 C o R. vii. I. Having therefore thefe Promifis ( dearly be loved) let us cleanfe ourfelves from all Filthinefs both ofFlefh and Spirit. I. /^ O D hath made us Promifes. What ? v_J II. What, to cleftfe ourfelves from afl Filthinefs? III. What to perfed Holinefs, &c. IV. How do thefe Promifes engage us to thefe Things. I. What Promifes ? I. I wifl be to them a GOD, 2 Cor. vi \6. Lev.xxvi. 12. Gen. xvii, 7. Jer. xxxi. 33. Herein He promife th, I, What He is as GOD. I, A merciful, Ffal. ciii. 8, 9, 10. 2, Wife, I Tim. i. 1 7. 3. Powerful, Gen. xvii. i . 4. Gracious, i Pet. v. 10. 5. Immutable, Py^/.cii, 23,2(5, 27, S.Jam. i, 17- 2, What He hath as GOD, i Chron. xxix. 1 1 , 12, 13. Gen. xiv. 19. 3. What He can do as GO D. I, Pardon their Sins, Jer. xxxi. 34. 2. Convert their Hearts, £x.e/t, xi, 19, and xxxvi. 2(5, 3. Infpire them with the Knowledge of Himfelf, .Jer, xxiv. 7. aiid xxxi. 34. K 4 '4- Be 152 Thefaurus Theologicus^. t^ . \ 1 1. __ 4, Be prefent with them, Zev. xxvi. 1 1,12. Rev. xxi. 3. 5. Prepare Heaven for them, Hebr. xi. 1(5, 6. Raife them up to it, S. Matth. xxiu3i, 32. Exod. iii. 6. 7. Be always in Covenant with them, Jer. xxxii. 38, 49. ' 2. I wifl be to them a Father, Jer. xxxi. 9. 2 Cor. vi. 18. Which implies, I . His Affedion to them, i S. Joh. iii. i , Pfd. ciii, 13. ' 2. His Protedion of fhem, Ifa. xliii. 2, 3, His ProVifion for them, i Cor. ii, 9, 10. Uses. I. Admire the Goodnefs pf GOD» ^M yiii- 4. 2. Cleanfe yourfelves from afl Fijlthinefs. II. We fliould cleaiife ourfelves from all Filthi nefs of Flejh and Spirit. I. What is meant by Filthinefs ? Sinfulncfs, S, Jam. i. 21 . 2 S. Pet. ii, 22.' I. It defiles the Soul, 7«>. I. I $, 2. Makes it odious to COD, Hebr. i. 13. 2. What by Flefli and Spirit ? I. Py Flefli, the Body and its Sins, Gal. v, 19. ' ' ' 2, By the Spirit, the Soul and its Sing. ¦ I. Impenitence, >^(J?. xvii, 30, 2. Unbelief, Hebr. iii. 1 2. 3. Herefy, 2 S. Fet.ii. i. 4. Pride, Prov. xvi. 3.. ' 3. Covetoufnefs, i S.'Jo^. ii, 1 5. 3. \Vhat by Clean fi rig, or how muft we cleanfe ourfelves from thefe Filthinefles? ' ' Thefaurus Theologicus. } § ^ r—r——rT—_ — ¦ 1 . By Repenting of them, Ezek. xxxvi. 3 1 . 2, By Believingin Chrift, Zech. xiii. i. Hehr. ix. 13,14. 3. By Turning from them, Ex.ek. xxxvi. 3,5, 25, 27. Use. Cleanfe yourfelves from Sins. Confider, I. .They cprrupt and fpoil your Souls, Ifa. i, S,<5. 2, Bring a Curfe on your Blefllngs, i^^/, ii, 2. 3. Make you obnoxious to afl Judgments, Deut. xxviii. I (5, 1 7. 4. Incenfe G 0 D's Wrath againft vou, Ifa. lix. 2. * 5. Deprive you of Peace and Comfort, Ifa. xlviii. 22. 6. Make you like to Satan, S, Joh. viii. 44. I S. Joh. iii, 8. 7. Wifl carry you to Him hereafter, unlefs you he cleanfed from them here, S. Matth. xxv. 41. 2 C O R. 154 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2 CoR. vii. I. Perfe&ing Holinefs in the Fear of GOD. I. IXTH AT is Holinefs? VV It confifteth, I. In the Inclination of the Soul to GOD, Pfal. xlii. I, 2. 2. Jn the Soul's Conformity to GOD's Nature and Word, i S. Pet. i. 1 5. 3. In the Soul's performing afl Duties upon holy Motives, Gen. xxxix. 9, 4, In Ihe Soul's dedicating itfelf to GOD, i Cor. iii, i<5. 5. In its aiming chiefly at holy Ends, i Cor. X. 31. II, What is it to perfed Holinefs ? To be uni- verfafly holy, 1 S, Pet. i. 1 5, I. As to the Subjed, the whole Man, i Thejf V. 23. I. Thoughts, Jer. iv. 14. 2. Affedions, Col. iii, 2. 3. Words, I Tim. vi. 20. 2S.Fet.i. 13. 4, Adions, 7«>. ii, 12, 2. As to the Objed, AB. xxiv. 16. I. GOD. 2. Man. 3. As to the Rinds of Holinefs, 2 S. Pet. i. 5, 6. 4. As to the Degrees of Holinefs, Phil, iii, 1 1, J2, 13- 3. As to aU timfs, Prov. xxiii. 17- III. What Thefaurus Theologicus. i 5 5 III. What is it to fear GOD ? It confifteth, I. In reverencing His Name, Deut. xxviii. 58, 2, In avoiding what ofl^ends Hira, Prov. iii. 7. and xvi, 6. 3. In avoiding fecret Sins for His Sake, Job xxxi. 21, 23. 4. In doing what pleafeth Him, Ecclef. xii- 1 3. 5. In doing our Duty, whatfoever comes of ir, S. Matth. X. 28, I S. Pet. iii. 13, 14. (5. In hating Evil, Prov. viii. 13. 7. In carrying ourfelves reverently in His Pre- fence. Gen. xxviii. i<5, 17. Hebr. xii 28. IV. Why fear Him? I. For His Power, Jer. v. 22. 2. For His Wii'dom, Pfal. cxxxix. 4, 5, €, 7. 3. For His Mercy, Ffal. cxxx. 4. 4. For His Judgments, P/f^r. iii. i(5. Pfal. cxix. 120. ' 5. For His Benefits, Jer. v. 24. 6. For His Threatnings, 2 i j^ o-sawh ij.ivei^ii. 25-. 4. They were created of themfelves. Ac cidentia funt concreata. Gen. i. i . Job xxxviii. 5, 7, . They being created in a mutable Eftate, fome fell into Sin, 2 S.Pet.ii. 4, S.Jud.6. Excepta trinltate, omnls creatura etidmfinon peccet, tamen poteft peccare, S. Aug. Which Sin is thought to be Pride, i Tim. iii. 5. Ipfe Diabolus per fuperhiam natum fu£ ami- fit gratiam, S. Ambrof . Being fallen into Sin themfelves, they endeavour to bring others to it too, I S. Pet. V. 3. Studet plures fimiles fui videre, & in eo ha bet gloriam quod plures perditcs fecerir, S. Ambrof. Hence l88 Thefaurus Theologicus. Hence cafl'd, I- \m. , 2. AiaCoK©-. 3. The old Dragon, liev. xii. 8, 9, 4. Amongft other ways, he often abufeth his Power and Knowledge, to make Men believe them to be great, and fo truft in them. 5. To confult any of thefe Spirits, for the knowing, getting, or doing any thing, is that which we cafl, 4ap/*o6wict, Witch- rraft. 2. Reafons. r- It is forbidden, i)*Kf. xviii. 10. 2. It is punifli'd. Lev. xx; 27. Exod. xxii. 3' it is reckon'd amongft the greateft of Sins, I Sam. xv. 23; •4. It hath many Sins in it, r, Miftruft of GOD. 2. Worfhipping the Devil. 3. Who are guilty of it ? I. Afl that make any Contrad with the Devil. 2. Afl that, though they have not formally contraded, yet familiarly confult him, Deut. xviii. 1 1. 3. Afl that confult thole that confult him, I Sam. xxviii. 7, 8. 4. They come near this Sin, that ufe any Enchantments to prevent Evil, as the Papifts hangjng Reliques about their Necks, and others for the curing Di- feafes. Have a Care of it, Confider, Deut. xviii. 9, 10, II, 12. and the Text. Hatreds. Thefaurus Theologicus. 189 Hatreds. 'E^^e"'- I- Doctrine, //4fre. iii. ri. 4. Pride. 5. Cenforioufnefs. 5. Apoflacy. 7. Self-Condemnation. Ol/' >B lp^««'T«l', OT/ (i'/s/V ^i'7^iv, iS'iif iya^i- Ttxrey- oT*f Zv /us]* t iy«3, S. Chryfoft. 3. It is the Caufe and Occafion of much Evil in the Church of GOD. 1. Hatred. 2. Sedition. 3. Sceptifm. 4, Schifm, I Cor. xi. 18, 19. 4. Herefies are commanded to be punifli'd by the Church, Ttt. iii. 10, 1 1. " 5. They arc damnable, 2 Pet. ii. i . Quomodo c£tera vitia, qua inter carnis opera numerata funt, excludunt nos a regno Dei, ita etiam nobis h&refes auferant regnum Dei ; & non inter quomodo quis dum tan- tum excludatur d reono.. S. Hieron. in. Who are Hereticks ? I . Such as deny the Unity of the Godhead •, as, Bafilides, Manes. 'EroA/(two-«F iiTay'iroi S'vo .3-£oTiiTttf, ixiav dyccQlw, i^ fjiUy kakIm, Cyril. Hier. Valentinus, Te/*- My^A Qioy KAJAyfiKdHi, Cyril. Hier. 2. The Trinity of Perfons, Socinians, i S. Joh. V. 7- S. Matth. xxviii, 19, 3. The Divinity of Chrift, S. Joh. xx. 28. I S. Jeh. V. 20. Rom. ix. 3. Carpocrates, Cerinthus, Ebion, Anemon, Theo- dotus Byz.itntius , Faults Samofatanus , Sa- bellius, Marcellus, Photinus, AriuSy Nefto- rius. N 4 4- Th' aoo Thefaurus Theologicus. 4, The Humanity of Chrift, S. Joh. i. 14- Mtnichees, Eutychlans, Marcionites, Saturniant, with Apollinarians, who denied his Soul. 5. The real Pafllons of Chrift, AB. Hi. 1 5. Rom. V.8. Saturnilus, BafiUdes, who faid, Hunc pafum k Judais non efe, fed vice ipfius Simonem cru- cifixumefe, Tertufl. iivy) 'Imrsc (pctcrx.« •arSTa^/flscsa, dh.kd'S.li/MVATiy Ku- ^YivAiov, Epiph. °Aam9i»; 3 )(5 i J'ox.rKset sraupaflo ;|^ *Tifl*i/s, Ignat. So Cer^o, Marcion, Lucanus., Marcita, Co- larbafus, Manichni. 6. The Divinity of the Holy Ghoft, AB. iv. 3. Samofatanus, Photinus, Macedonius, Socinians, &c, Servetus, Ochinus, of late ; Manes and Montanus call'd themfelves the Holy Ghoft. 'O Moclo.)'©- KC iKuy©r i^^KKtlToy ieuJTiy ^ei rolf KAKali "/ to 3 ot/ T»Kei Toi 'iyoi'lt'fy Nazianz. Juftius invidia nihil eft, qua protinus ipfum AuBorem rodit^ difcruciatque animum. 6. The Caufe of Hatrcd- Qu£ enim eft caufa inimicitiarum, nifi in vidia ? S. Ambrof 7. . It wifl keep frora Heaven. Use. Thefaurus Theologicus. io^ USE- Havc a Care of Envy. Confidcr, T , Thou art never the worfe, for others being better. 2, Envy makes him never the worfe, nor thee the better. 3, Thou haft more Caufe to rejoice, than be troubled at others Goodnefs. 4, Thy envying GOD's Goodnefs to others, may hinder it to thyfelf. Means. I . Oft remember it is a Sin. 2. Endeavour to get a publick Spirit- 3- Think not fo much upon what GOD gives to others, as to thyfclf- 4. Remember the Text. IV. Murders, iiyp,, I. What is it ? I. Adual Murder is the wilful kiUing of our Neighbour, without lawful Authority. I. It muft be wilful, otherwife not Murder, Exod. xxi. 13. Deut. xix. 5, Num.xxxv. 22, 23. But this is a Sin alfo, 1. In that the Party was to lofe his Liber- fy tifl the Death of the High-Prieft, Wum. xxxY- 23. Jop. XX. 6. to fliew he could not be freed but by the Death of Chrift, 2. It proceeds from Want of Confidera- tion, ''' ' 2, Without lawful Authority, which can be only from GOD. Either, I. Imme- 204. Thefaurus Theologicus. I- Immediately, zs Abraham, Gen- xxii. 10. Kg^y©- 'la^nK 'isii/, ¥.£^v®- Ttlvuu %v oJ fat- fijtfr 'lo-gjiHA <8ij?o-«fop Rom. vii. 24. 3, Wc cannot rightly cflieem of Chrift,' Rom. V. 8, 9. 2, Labour to get out of this natural Eftate. So long as Children of Wrath ; r. 1 ne Children of the Devil, S. Joh: viii. 44- 2. Nothing you do but is difpleafing to GOD, g6d is always angry, Pfal. vii. 1 1. Prov. xix. 12. Ffal. xc. 1 1. 3. Noihing you have but is a Curfe to you, GOD gives you every thing in His Anger, Hof xiii. 1 1 . 4. You live in the Territories of Hefl. - 3. You live in Danger of Hefl. 5. If you die as you were born Children of Wrath, you muft fcorch in the Flames of that Wrath to Eternity, S. Maiib. . xxv. 41. S. Mar. ix„43, j ¦ 6' 2 Ep'iit^l ail .^y^hefaurus Theologicus. JirHE s. IV. I. / therefore., the Prifoner of Jefus Chrift., befeech you, that ye walk worthy of the Calling wherewith ye are called. C Doctrine. Hrifl:ians fliould walk worthy of their Cal ling. I. What is the Cafling of a Chriftian ? Our general Cafling, whereby we are cafled to Chrift. I . What are we cafled from ? I. From heathenifli Idolatries, iS.Pef.ii. 9. 2. From Jewifli Superftitions. 3. From Satan's Tyranny, ^ff. xxvi. 18. 4. From Sin's Dominion, Rom. vi. 1 4. 5. From the World's Vanities, S. Matth. vi. 33. Thefe we renounced in our , Baptifm. 2. What are we cafled to ? I. To the Knowledge of G dD, i S. Pet. ii. 9. 2. To the Faith of Chrift, i Cor. i. 9. Gal. ' i. 5. 3, To Holinefs of Life, i Thefiv. 7. Rom. vii. I. 4, To Peace, i Cor. vii. 13, I, With GOD, Fom.v. i. 2. With our Confciences, AB. xxiv. i5. 3. With one another, Ephefiv. 2. 5. To eternal Life, 1 S- Pet. iii, 9. and v. lO. I Thef. ii. 12. 3. By Thefaurus Theologicus. 1 1 ^ 3. By whom are we cafled ? By GOD, who caUeth us, ( i Cor. i. 9. ) I, By His Prophets, Ifa. Iv. i, Ez.ek, xxxiii. •IV. 2. By His Son, Hebr. i. 1,2. S. Matth. xi. 29. 3. By His Apoftles, 2 Thef, ii. 14. 4. By His Minifters, 2 Cor, v. 20. 3. By His Providences, Mic. vi. 9. 4. What kind of Cafling is it ? I . An holy Cafling, 2 Tim. i. 9. , 2. Noble, P/)/7. iii. 14. 2T'^fjy:^i. IT. 1 3. Spiritual and Heavenly, //e^r. iii. I. 4. Pleafant, Proi/. iii. 1 7. 3. Moft profitable, i T^m. iv. 8. 5. What is it to walk worthy of our Cafling ? l. Gencrafly, to carry ourfelves as becometh Chriftians, Phil.i. 27, Col.i. \o. 1 Thef ii. 12,, 2, Particularly, 1. To believe what Chrift aflTerts, 1 S.Joh. V. 10. 2. To truft in what He promifeth, 2 Cor. i. 20. 3 . To perform what He commands, S.Joh. xiv. 1 5. 5. Why walk worthy of our Cafling? I . Otherwife we ftiame our Profefllon, Heor. vi. 3. 2. WelofetheComfortof our Cafling, ?>/. xix. II. . 3. We fliaU lofe its end, Hebr. xii. 1 4. 7. How may we walk worthy of our Vocation ? By being holy in afl manner of Converfation, I S. Pet. i. 15. I. Holy in our Thoughts, employiiig thcro {Gen-vi. 5.) O 3 1. U:-: aiij. Thefaurus Theologicus. 1. Upon holy Objeds, Pfal. i, 2. ancj cxxxix, 1 8. ^ 2. In an holy Manner. 'g.. In our Affedions, Prov. iv. 23. " I. Love. I. To GOD above all, D^^f.'vi. 5. S. Matth. xxii. 37. 2. To Man, S. Matth. v. 44. 2. Defire. I. Of fpiritua^ Things above tempo ral, I Cor. xii. 3 1 . 2. Of temporal Things only for fpi ritual, Prov. XXX. 8, 9. 3. Sorrow only for Sin, 2 Cor. vii. 10. Job xxxvi. 21. 4. Joy in GOD above all, Phil. iv. 4. 5. Truft and-Gonfidence, Prov. iii. 5. 3. In our Words ^ fo as to fpeak, I. Reverently of GOD, i)eaN xxviii, 58. 2. Truly and civilly to Men, Tit. iii. 2. 4. In our Adions. ' ' I. To GOD, Frov. xxi. 2"]. 2. To Man. I, Oor Superiors by obeying them, Rem. xiii. i. i S. Fet. ii. 13, 14. 2. Our Inferiors by helping them, Prov. xix. 17. 3. Our Equals by loving thera, i S-Petl ii. 17. • ' Use. Walk worthy of your Vocation. Confider how Ihould we walk, S.Matth. v. i6. I. Who know what we know. I. That there is a GOD that rules the '¦ World, AB. xvii. 22, 23, 24. 2. That Thefaurus Theologicus. 215 2. That this G O D is the chiefeft Good, S. ia*. xviii. 19. 3. That our Souls arc immortal, 2 Tim. i. 10. 4. What it is that GOD requires of us, Mic. vi. 8. 5. That Holinefs is the way to Happinefs, Hebr. xii. 1 4. 2. Who profefs. what we profefs. I. That we have repented, S. Matth. iH.^. Cant. V. 3. 2. That we are interefted in Chrift, i Cor. vi. 18, 3. That we are none of our own, i Cor._ vi. 19. 3. Who believe what we believe. I. That the Scripture is all true, 2 Tim. iii. i5. 2, That Chrift died for Sin, AB. iii. 25. So that by Him our Sins may be pardoned, and ouc Duties accepted. 3. That GOD always fees us, Pfal. cxxxix. <^» 7. 4. That Sin is the Caufe of all Mifery, Pfal. cvii. 17. 5. That all Things work for good to them that love GOD, Rom. viii. 28, 5. That we muft all appear before Chrift's Tribunal, 2 Cor. v. i o. 7. That there is a Hell, Pfal. ix. 1 7. 8. That there is a Heaven, i S. Pet. i. 4. 4. Who enjoy.what we enjoy, ( Ifa. v. 4.) I . The Word of GOD, S. Matth. xi. 21. , 2. The Ordinances of G O D, Jer. vii. 25, 25. 3. The Prefence of GOD amongft as, Deut. iv. 7, 8. And fo His aflifting of us. O 4 5. Who 2i6 Thefaurus Theologicus. 5. Who exped what we exped. 1, The Favour of GOD here, 2, The Enjoyment of GOD hereafter, Phil. iii, 13, 14. • ' Ephes. iv. 2. With all Lovplinefs and Meeknefs., &c. Kjt] •Iriflians ought to w^lk mth allLovnUnefs. I. There are two forts of Humility. I, Towards GOD. 2, Towards Men. II. A Chrifl:ian fliould walk in both, AB. xxiv. i5. I. Humble towards GOD. ' Which confifteth, ' I. In the acknowledging GOD's Sove reignty over us, I S, Pet. y. 5. Jer. V. 22. Gen. xviii. 27. 2. Of our Sins' againft Him, i Tim. i. 1 3. Rom. ii. 19. I. Original, Py^/. li. 3, 2. Adual, Ez.r. ix. 5, ' - I. Many, .,Py^/. xix, 12. and xl-i2. 2. Great, ¦ I , Againft Mercies, Ifa. i. 2. and v. 4. 2. Againft Knowledge, S.Joh: iii. 19. S- Againft Vows in Baptifm. ' 3, Qf our Sjnfulnefs, Ifa. i, 5, 5, £. Luk. ' • 'xviii.' 115 13. '••:'• • '. 1, In Thefaurus Theologicus. 217 I. In our Undera:Tndings, Gen. vi. 3. 2. Wills, J^oOT. vii. 22,23, 24. 4. In acknowkdgiiig GOD's Mercy in all we have, 1 Chron, xxix. 14. Lam.Hi. 22. 3. In admiring the Ways and Works of GOD, Rom. xi. 33, 34. 5. In fubmitting to the Judgments of GOD, 1 Sam. iii. 18. ^.of' i- 21. 7, Chearfully undertaking what He enjoins, Phil. ii. 8. 2 Satfi. vi. 22. 8, In laying afide all high Thoughts of our felves, efpeeially before GOD, Rev.iv. 10. S. Luk. xviii. 1 1. 9. In renouncing bur own Righteoufnefs be fore GOD, Ifa. Ixiv. 6, S. Lttk, xvii. 10. 10. In denying ourfelves for Hiti?. Use. Labour to be humble. Confider, I . GOD requires it, Mic. vi. 8. 2, Chrift Himfelf pradifed it, S. Matth. xi, 29. 3. Your Chriftian Calling requires it. 4. Humility is the beft S.icrifice, Pfal. li. 17. 5. GOD dwells with the Humble, Ifa: ivii. 1 3. 6. Humility is neceffary, I. For getting Wifdom, Prov. xi. 2. 2. For attaining Grace and Holinefs, Frov. iii. 5, '5, 3. For the Performance of all Duties, Zeph. ii. 3, AB] XX, 19. 4. For preferving Unity in the Church, S. Jam. iv. I . 5, Foi' diverting Judgments, 2 Chron. vM. 7. and vii. 14. • 7. It 2i8 Thefaurus Theologicus. 7. It is the beft Ornament ofthe Soul, 1 S. Pet. V. s- 8. There are many Promifes made to the Humble. I. GOD will refped them, Ifa. Ixvi, 2. Pfal. cxxxviii. 5. 2. He win give thera Grace, Frov. Hi. 34. S. Jam. iv, 6. i S. Pet. v. 5. 3. GOD wifl exalt them, S. Jam. iv. 10, I S. Fet. V. 6. 4, Reward thera with all good Things, Prov. xxii, 4. Means. I. Pray, S. Jam. i. 5, 5. 2. Meditate upon the Greatnefs of GOD, Job xlii. 35. 3, Often think upon thine own Vilenefs, Gen. xviii, 27. and xxxii, 10. Ifa. xl, 5. 2. Humility towards Men. Which confifteth, '¦ 1. In not having too high Thoughts of our felves in refped of others, Rom. xii. 3. *Not exalting or carrying ourfelves a- bove our Degree, 2 Cor. x- 13, 14, 1 3. 2. In avoiding, or at leaft not affeding any outward Signs of Height and Eminence in the World, S. Matth. xxiii, 5, 5, 8, 12. Pfal. cxxxi. I- 3. In having juft and honourable Thoughts of others, eftceming them better than ourfelves, Phil, ii, 3. P HE S. Thefautus Theologicus. 2 1 9 Ephes. iv'. 2. And Meeknefs., with Long-Suffering., for bearing one another. I. /^Hriftians fliould be meek. VV I. What is .Me/^Hey}.? It confifteth, , I. In being flow to Anger, Frov. %iv. 17. S- Jam. i. 19. . 2. In fupprefljng unjuft Anger. Anger may be iinjuft, I . By the Caufe. I. When it is for no Caufe, S.Matt.v.22. 2. For an unjuft Caufe. 2. By the Effeds. I. Execrations, Curfes, Pfal. cvi. 33. 2. Unfitnefs for Duty, S. Luk. xxi. 1 9. 3, By the End, when it is not for GOD's Glory, Prov. xxi. 24. 4, When it is too long, Ephef iv. 26. 3- 'In regulating juft Anger, Gen. xlix. 7. S. Jam. i. 20. Use. Be meek. Confider, I. It is coraraanded, Colof Hi. 12. 2. The Saints were fo, i Thef. ii. 7. Num. xii. 3. 3. Chrift was fo, S.Matth. xi. 29, and xxi. 5. Ifa. Iiii. 7. 4. It is an Argument of Wifdom, Lam. fii. t 3. Nullum enim eft argumentum maTmtudrn.s certius, qu^m nihil pofe quo inft:/'eris at- cidere, Senec Prov. y.\'h 32, ' ¦ 3. It 220 Thefaurus Theologicus. 5. It is profitable. I. GOD will .teach the Meek His way, Pfal. xxv. 9. 2. He will lift them up, Pfal. cxlvii. 5. 3. Save them, Py^/. cxlix, 4. 4. They are bleffed, S, Matth. v. 5. Ffal. xxxvii. II. II. Chriftians fliould forbear one another. Uild (iAKefivfJ^iA; dyiyhf^at dhKrWvi iv dydtfyi. I . Vv'hat is the Purpofe of thefe Words ? I. Negatively. I. Not that Magiftrates fhould forbear punifliing Offenders, Rom. xiii. 4. 2. Not that we fliould fuffer one another to lie in Sin, Lev. xix. 1 7. 2. Pofitively. I. Not to revenge ourfelves of private • Wrongs, Rom.xXi. 17. I. Becaufe Vengeance belongeth to the Magiftrate, Rom. xiii. 4. i S. Pet. ii. 14. 2. No Man is Judge in his own Caufe. 3. By private Revenge, we cannot at tain the Ends of Vengeance Which are, i . To amend' the Injurer, Rom. xiii. 4. 2. To terrify others, and make them better. 3. For the Peace of others, i Tim. ii. 2. 4, Judgment belongs properly to GOD, Deut. xxxii, 33. Rom. xii. 19, Hebr. x- 30. And there fore it belongs to His Officers. 2. Not to hate others. I. For their Failings in Life. For, Thefaurus Theologicus. 22 iv For, I. We are not to fin, becaufe o- thers do. 2. We all fail, S. Jam. Hi- 2. Ecclef. vii. 20. 2. Not for their Hatred to us, S. Matth. V. 44. 3. Not.for their Contrariety in Opinion tous, Rom. xiv. I. and xv. i. Use. Forbear one another, Rom. xii. 21. I. GOD commands it. Lev. xix. 18. Rem. xii. 17- 2. GOD forbears and loves us, S. Matth. v. 44. Rom. V. 5, 7, 8. 3. Chrift left us an Example, i S. Per. ii. 21, 22, 23. 4. We are afl Chriftians, 1 S. Pet. ii. 1 7, 3. We muft e'er long be afl together before our Supreme Judge, 2Cor. v, 10. P H E s; Ill Thefaurus Theologicus. Ephes. iv. 22. That ye put off, concerning the formei Converfation.^ the old Man., &C. I. ^"T TE are to put of the old Man. VV 1. What means pfn'wg; o/".' What is here cafled ^94c&a/, putting off, is clfe where cafled, laying afide, Hebr, xii. i. I S. Vet. ii. I. Mortification, tolof. iii. 3, Crucifying the Flefli, Gal. v. 24. Deny ing ourfelves, S. Matth. xvi. 24. It is a Metaphor, taken for putting off of old .Cloa'ths -, and implies, I. That we have the old Man on tifl our Converfiori, Ephef. ii, 2, 3. 2. That we fhould now put it off, and lay it afide, i S. Pet. iv. 3. 3. So as never to take it up again, 2 S. Fet. ii. 22, 2, What old Man ? Not the Subftance, but ifl Qualities of afl old Things which we have by Na ture, 2 Cor. V. 1 7. Hakaiov ttV9p«'Jroc «' rriy (pv&iv \i(.dM"'95'7«''. Hefych. L In what? I. Baptlfmal Vows. I. Afl fliould be baptized, S. ^W^r. xvi. i5. S- Matth. xxviii. 19. 2. Particularly Children, S. Mar. x. 14, 3. But- they muft promife to live accor dingly. This they muft be put in Mind of. 2. Creed. 3. Commandments. 4- Prayer. 5. Sacraments. n. Why ? _ I. GOD commands it, h. loc. Prov. xxii. 6, and xix. 18, Deut. vi. 7. 2- He commends it, Frov. iii.. 12. Hebr. xii. 7. CeH. xviii. 19. 3. He reproves the Negled, Irov. xiii. 24. I Sam. iii. 13. 4. Nature requires it. 5 It 24.0 Thefaurus Theologicus. 5. It is profitable, r. To the Parents, Prov.xxix- 15, 17. 2. To the Children, Prov. xxii. 5, 1 3. and xxiii. 13,14. 2 Tim. iii. 1 5. 5. The Saints have always done it, i Sam. i. 24. 2 Tim. i. 3. and iii. 1 3. S. Luk. i. 4. Gen. xviii. 15). Directions. i. Begin with them, as foon as they are ca-^ pable, Ecclef. vi. 18. and xxx, 11, 12. 2Tim. iii. 15. implied in -sroiJ^eirf. L, They who cannot themfelves, muft get them taught by others, |, Send them t© the Minifter of the Parifli-' to inftrud them in it, better than any other can do it. .. Continue tifl they come into the World, or to the Age when they are to do what they have been taught in their Childhood. . Teach them by Example, as wefl as Pre cept. Ephes, Thefaurus Theologicus. 241 Ephes. vi. 11. Put on the Whole Armour of GOD., that ye may be able to ftand againft the Wiles ofthe Devil, I. OBSERVATlOil. CHriftians have a fpiritual Warfare to manage here on Earth, 2 Tm- iv- 7. I. Who are His Comraanders ? I. The Lord of Hofts, his General, Zech. i. 3. 2, Chrift, his Captain, Hehr. il 10. 3. The Holy Ghoft, his Lieutenant, that fup- pHes the Place of the abfent Captain, S-Joh.x\i. 7. and xiv. 17, 18. n. Who doth he fight for ? 1. For GOD, I Sam. xxv. 28. 2, For the Church and Truth, S. Jud. 3. 2 Cor. xfii. 8, Jer.ix. 3, 3, For himfelf. Rev. iii. i ti III. Who do we fight againft ? I. Sin and the Flefli. I, Becaufe it is an Enemy to GOD, Rom. viii. 7. 2. It fights againft the Spirit, Gal- v. 17. Rom. vii. 23. 3. Unlefs conquered, it will deftroy us, Rom. viii. 5. Colof. iii. 3. 2. Satan, who is an Enemy both to GOD and as, Ephef vi. u . rol. Ill Q, 1. Innfible. 242 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Invifible. 2. Subtle, Gen. iii. i. 3. Potent, £/)/)«/ vi. 12. 4. Malicious. 5. Conftant, i S. Pet. v. 8. 3. The World, i S. Joh. v. 4. I , The Pleafures, that we be not taken with them, I S. Joh. ii. t 3, i5, 2, The Profits, that we be not greedy of them, Colof. iii. 5. 3, The Honours, that wc do not thirft after them. 4. The Cares, that we be not over-charged with them, S, Luk. xxi. 34, 5. The Troubles, that we do not fink under them, Rom- viii. 35, 35,37, IV. How muft we fight ? I. Circumfpedly, Ephefv. 15. 2. Decently and in Order, i Cor. xiv. 40. 3. Valiantly, Jojh. i. 7. Ephef. vi. 10. V. When muft we begin, and how long con tinue ? ' I. We were lifted in Baptifm. 2. Muft bold out tifl Death, i Cor. xv. 38. I S. Pet. V. 9. Rev. ii. 25, VI. What is the Word given ? The Word of GOD, S. Matth. iv. 7,9, 1 1. VII. What do we fight for as the ^e^-Citov ? A Kingdom, Rev. Hi. 21. I. Heavenly, 2 Cor. v. i. 2. Peaceable, Rom. xiv. 1 7. 3. Glorious, I S. Pet. v. 4. 4. Joyous, I S. P«f. i. 8, Pfal. xvi. 1 1.- 5, Ever- Thefaurus Theoldgicuk 245 5. Everlafting Kingdom, iCor. i.x. 23. Vllf. What Armour muft wc ufe ? That is here: defcribed ia the foflowing Words. Use, Be valiant and courageous in this your fpiritual Warfare, Confider, I, It is for your Life. 2. Though your Enemies be ftrong, He yoii fight under and for, is ftronger. , 3. Nothing but Cowardife can lofe the Vi- dory, S; Jam. iv. 7. 4, If conquered, you will be carried Captive to Hell. 3. If conquer, you will ride Triumpha'ntly into Heaven', 2 Tim. iv-. 7, 8. Q 2 EpifEs, 044 Thefaurus Theologicus. Ephes. vi. 14. Stand therefore., having your Loins girt about with Truth., and having on the Breaf 'plate of Righteoufnefs. Tand ; implying, OuivCourage, not fearing, i Cor.xvi. 13. 2, Readinefs. 3, Refolation, i Cor. iii. 8, Ephef iv. 27. S.Jam. I, QTai IV. 7. II, Having your Loins girt with Truth. I. What Loins? i S.Pet i. 13. 2, Why girt? Z(»Vn/c8-a/., S's-Ai^ecS-a*^ Hefych-Suid, I. The Girdle clngulum, was infigne militia. 2. To be always ready, Exod- xii. 1 1. S- Lvk. xii. 35- 3. What Truth muft wc be girt with? St. Chryfofteme, and from him Oecumenius j 'AKn^etA S^ofiiJ.Ti>y. 'AAi)9«* Koyay. I. As oppofed to Errour, Sic itaqve fuc- clngemus lumbos noftros, fi parati fimus errori refifiere, S. Ambrof 5. In our Judgment of Fundamentals, Ephef iv. 14. I. Concerning the Divinity of Chrift, Rom. ix. 3. 2, Concerning the Reality and Merito- rionfnefs of Chrift's Death and Paffions, I S. Jeh. ii. 2, Hebr. vii. 3.^ Con- ^ Thefaurus Theologicus. 245 3, Concerning the Refurredion ©f the Dead, i Cor, xv., 13, 14, 58, 2, In our Opinions of fpiritual and tem poral Things, Ifa. v. 20. I, The Scriptures are the Standard of afl neceffary Truths, S, Matth. xxii. 29. 2. Yet afl Errors and Herefies are pre tended to be drawn fronji thence ; which is occafioned, I . By falfe Tranflations ; as Eph'ef. vl 32. Ti y.uTnetov tSts //.iyA S^V. Sacramentum hoc magnum eft., S. Matth. xxviii. 19. 2. The Original itfelf is in many Places hard to be underftood. Many Things neceffary to it. 'Aaa' twri 4'^? 'imx,e),j"h''<" TMAs^a, C!em. Alex. 3. The Things themfelves are beyond our Apprchenfions, 2 S. Pet. iii. 15. 3. Hence to keep us from Error, we muft underftand the Scriptures, as interpreted by the Catholick Church, I Tim. iii. 13. Kci,9o\iyJ(, Holy Catholick Church. 2. As oppofed to Hypocrify, S. Job. iv. 24. I. In our Graces, Pfal.ll 6. 2. In our Performances. 3. As oppofed to Lying, Zech. viii. i5- Ephef iv. 13. 4. Why thus girt with Truth ? I. We fight for the GOD of Truth, Tit. i. 2. 2. Againft Satan, the Father of Lies, S. Joh. viii. 44. Q.3 3- Gtber- ^ _ , ,_ . ; — -; ^ "~ iiii^ 1. m 246 Thefaurus Theologicus. 3. Otherwife wc fhafl fight againft ourfelves, < Use, Stand girt xplth Truth. I, Otherwife you wifl not be looked on as Chrift's Soldiers, 2. Your Endeavours wifl fignify nothing. 3. You wifl certainly be conquered. II. We muft have on the Breaft-plate of Righf" 'eoufnefs., Ifa, lix. n 7.' I , What Righteoufnefs ? I. Imputed, I. Chrift became Man, S. Joh. i. 14, 2. In our Natures He fufferid many Things, Ifa. Iiii. 4, 3. What He fuffered were of infinite Value, 4, Not for Himfelf, but us, Ifa. Iiii, 5, 5. For afl Believers are united to Hini," S. Joh. XV. 5, 5, And therefore are looked on as fuffer ing in Him, Colof. Hi. 1. Ifa. Iiii, 5, 7, This is cafled their imputed Righteouf nefs, 2. Inherent, r. whereby the Heart is fandified, 1 Cor. i. 30. 2, The Life reformed, fo as to pay to afl their Dues •, fo that Chrift doth not Only pay our former Debts, but enables us to run into no more. I. To GOD- i. To Man, S. Matth. yii. 12. 2, Why is it cafled a Breaft- Plate ? ' - I.' Becaufe tbe Breaft is the Seat of afl true Righteoufnefs, S. Matth.xii. 35. i, ^, . ,,. .,,.,, ' , %.\t Thefaurus Theologicus. 247 2. It is the only Defence againft our Enemies, S.Luk. xxii. 31, 32- 3. It animates us, and makes us the raore courageous, Prov. xxviii. 1. 2Cor. i. 12. "O-TMy ijAyiriv '^y i dfiTn ^gjwf . Use. Pvt on this Breaft-Plate of Righteoufnefs. - Confider, 1. Chrift hath purchafed it at a dear Rate, 2. He reckons none as His Soldiers, but they that have it on, 3- Without it, GOD Himfelf wifl fight againft you. 4. Unlefs. yon have it, the leaft Dart wifl pierce the Heart. 5. If you have it, you are fure of Conqueft, Rom. viii, 31, 32, &c. Q 4 Ephes. 24§ Thefiurus Theologicus. Eph e s. vi. 15, 1 6. And your Feet Jhod with the Preparation of the Gofpel of Peace. Above aU^ taking the Shield of Faith., wherewith ye Jhafl be able to quench all the fiery Darts oj the wicked. L \-KjnY fi,od? V V I. Shooes arc a Sign of Liberty ; only Slaves went barefoot. 2. A Sign of Mourning, 2 Srfwj. XV. 30. 3. Makes us go with lefs Fear over Briars and Thorns. « II. What is the Preparation of the Gofpel of Peace. I. Knowledge of the Gofpel. Without this, I. We know not who we fight for, AB- xvii. 23. 2. Nor whom we fight under, Hebr. i. 1,2; 3. Nor againft whom we fight. 4. Nor how to fight. 3. Nor what we ftiaU have, if vidorious, 2 Tim. i. 10. 2. Meditation. I . Upon what our Saviour faid and did ii} the Gofpel, S. Joh. xiv. i. 2. Upon what He fuffered, i Cor. ii. 2. 3» Upon what He commanded, S. Matt})- xxviii. 20. .. , - 4. Upon Thefaurus Theologicus. 249 4. Upon what He threatened, S. Matth. xxv. 41, 5. Upon what He promifed, S. Matth. xv. 34- Use. Search the Gofpel, S. Joh. v. 39. Confidcr, I, Afl Knowledge, without this, is nothing, S. Matth. xxii. 29. 2, This is fufficient to make us wife to Sal vation, 2 Tim. iii, 5, 1 3, i5, 17. 3, Without Knowledge, you can never obey. IL The Shield of Faith. I . What are the Darts of Satan ? I . Satan is a bitter Enemy, i S. Pet. v. 8. 2. Being incenfed, he gafts fiery Darts, 'ZS-og^ffoA©-. 3. Even oft at the beft of Men. Adam. Chrift, S. Matth. iv. i Cor. x. 1 2. 4. At their Heart and Head, fo as to make thera raortal. 5. He cafts them with both Hands. I. Sometimes with the Left, S. Luk. xxii. 31. Jobi. 14. 2. And foraetiracs with the Right-Hand. 6. He cafts them by others, as well as with His own Hand. 7. He hath them ready always, and every where, i S. Pet. v. 8. 2. What is that Faith, that is a Shield ? 1. The Subftance of Things hoped for, Hebr. xi. I. 2. Or applying Chrift, S. Joh. xx. 28. 3. How is Faith .a Shield ? I. If he cafts Security, Faith fliews the Danger, S. Luk. ^iii. 3. 2. If 25© Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. If Prefumption, Faith fliews the Juftice of GOD, Mai. iv. 3, 5. 3. If Defpair, Faith fhews, I. GOD's Mercy, £j>ro To'Qv, X/»,pof, S TO am'jy.veiv, vJep^©-^. I. "Tp H E -Words may be thus interpreted ; I l defire to live only for Chrift's fake. Non alid causa volui vivere, nifi Chrifti, ui ejus corpus adificem, S. Hieron. IL That Chrift is our Life. Ko/ c* Tn ^«>5i 3 TOUTWy i nTO ^r/ ^s to ^h(/, ctAAa a Xei^of, S. Chryfoft. Ill, That Chrift is Gain, both in Life and Death, K*t* ^h j^ j^ ^QAySr. 1. He is Gain in Life. For by Hira we gain, I . The Repentance of Sins, AB. v. 31 . 2, A Pardon for them, 3, The Acceptance of our Perfons, 4. The Love of GOD. 3^, The Conqueft over Satan, i S. Joh. v. 4; 5. The Graces of the Spirit, S, Joh. xvi. 7. 7. A Blefling on afl wc have, Rom. viii. 28. 8, A fure Title to Heaven, S. Joh. xiv. 2, 2. In Death we gain, I . Freedom from afl Evil and Mifery. t. Frora the Cares of this World. 2. Frora the Troubles of Our Minds, Rev. vii. 17. }. From the Temptations of Satan. 4, From Thefaurus Theologicus. 255 4, From the Reliques of our own Cor ruptions, 5. Frora all Fear of GOD's Difpleafure. 5. From afl Pain in our Bodies, Rev'. xxi. 4. 7. From all Infirmities in our Souls, Hebr. xii. 23. 2. Gain the Enjoyment of afl Good. I. We gain true Riches. 2, True Honours, i Sam. iii. 30. 3. True Pleafures, Ffal. xvi. 11. Use. Endeavour to gain Chrift, and by Him you will gain afl Things. Confider, I, Our Lives here are fhort. 2. Hereafter in the other Wodd, our Souls live for ever, either in Happinefs or Mifery. 3. There is no way to be happy hereafter, but only in Chrift, AB. iv. 1 2. 4. Hence, nothing you can labour for wifl be more gainful to you than Chrift. Phil.' 256 Thefaurus Theologicus. Phil. i. 23. For I am in a freight betwixt two., ha^ ving a defire to depart., and to be with Chrift., which is far better. ^uue'^^fji.M 5«p ox T ^'0, tiw eT^i^/Juoai %4ff. xvi. 31. I, Affenring to the Scripture in general, AB. xxiv, 14. 2 Tim. iii. i5. I. That the Affertions are all Truths, Hebr. vi. 1 8. 2. The Hiftories certain. 3. The Comraands Divine, Rom. vii. 12, 14, 4. The Prophecies afl fulfiflcd. 5. The Promifes afl perforraed, 2S.?et. iii. 9. 6. The Threatnings afl executed. 2. Affenting to the Gofpel in particular. I. That Jefus is the Son of GOD, S. Matth. xvi. 1 5. 2, Truly Man, i Tim. ii. 5. 3 . The promifed Mefiah, S. Joh. xx, 3 1 . 4, The only Saviour of Mankind, AB. iv. 12. Hebr. vii. 23. 1. That His Sufferings were only upon our Account, Ifa. Iiii. 3, 4, 5. 5, That 268 Thefaurus Theologicus. 6. That they were infinitely meritori ous for us, as Satisfadory to GOD's Juftice, I S. Joh. ii. 2. 7. That He now intercedes for us, Hebr. vii. 23. 3. Applying thefe Truths to ourfelves, S. Jam. ii, 19. I. That He is our LORD and GOD, S, Joh. XX. 28. 2, Our Saviour and Redeemer. 3. Our Advocate at the Hand of GOD, I S. Joh. ii, I. What Means muft we ufe, to begin this Work? I. Reading the Scriptures, S.Joh. v. 39-* 2. Meditation upon them, Pfal. i. 2. 3. Self-examination, Lam. iii. 40. 4. Praying, S, Jam. i. 3. S. Matth. vii. 7. 5. Hearing, Rom. x. 17. , Wc muft carry on this Work, I . By increafing our Knowledge, 2 S. Pet. iii, 18. ?. By renewing our Repentance, Pfal. xxv. 7, I Cor. XV. 9. 3. Renewing Ads of Faith. 4. By watching over our Hearts, Prov. iv, 23. 5, By frequent exercifing our Graces. I . Love. 2. Truftf 3. Joy, Phil, iv, 4. 4. Obediencc- 5- Heavenly-mindednefs, Phil. Hi. 2c. I Thejf. V. 16. 6. Thankfiilncfs, i Thef. v. 18. 7- By Thefaurus Theologicus. 269 7. By frequent receiving the Holy Sacra ment, 1 Cor. xi. 24, 25. This is an exoeflent Means to carry on this Work. I. Becaufe it puts us upon examining ourfelves, i Cor. xi. 28. 2. Exercifing our Graces. 3. It is a quickening Ordinance. I. To our Repentance. 2. Thankfulnefs. 4. It confirms our Faith. 3. Wc muft finifli this Work, S. Joh. xvii, 4.' I , By mortifying afl our Sins, 2 Tim. iv. 7.' Rev. iii. 12, 21.. 2, Continuiog in the Performance of all Duties, I Cor. xv. 58. Rev. iii. u. 3, Pcrfevering in afl Graces, 2 Tim. iv. 7. Use. Set upon this Work. Confider, I . This is the Work you came about. 2. You have Comfort of no other Works, Rami vi. 21. 3. Afl other Works arc Sin, tifl this be be gun, Prov. xxi. 4, 27, and xv, 8. Ifa. Ixvi, 3, Omnis infidelium vita peccatum eft, (^ nihil eft bonum fine fummo bono, S. Aug, 'OvHy m IIc.'jWw^ dyA^or, S, Chryfoft. 4. Till this be done, ye are uncapable of any Mercy, Mai. ii. 2. 5. Subjed to afl Mifery. I. The Curfe ofthe Law, G/i/. iii. 10. Deut. xxviii. 15, 1 5. 2. The Wrath of GOD, Pfal. vii. 1 1. 5, Even 270 Thefaurus Theologicus. 6. Even in this Life, this is the beft Work. I. Moft Pleafant, Prot;. iii. 17. I . Here wc exercife our beft Parts, S.Matt. xi. 29. 2. Fix them upon their proper Objeds. 3. Employ them to their proper End. 2, Moft Honourable, Frov. xii. 25. I . As to the Perfons we converfe with- 2, As to the Employment itfelf. 3, Moft Profitable, i Tim. iv. 8, Hereby we attain, 1. The raoft real. Prow, xxiii, 5. S.Luk- viii. 18, 2. Moft fatisfying, Ifa. Iv. i , 2. 3. The moft lafting Riches, i Tim.vi. 17. Frov. viii, 1 8. 7. Afl the Power we have of doing any thing, was given us to do this. 8, Afl our Tirae is given us for this End, 9. Unlefs this Work be done, wc are undone for ever, S, Luk. xiii. 3. I. GOD will be always angry, 2Thef.i.9. 2. The Devils our Corapanions, S. Matth. XV. 41. 3. Our Confciences our Torraentors for ever, S. Mar. ix. 41 . 10. If this Work be done, we fliafl be happy ; I . In our Freedom from afl Evil, Rev. xiv. 13. I. Of Soul, Hebr. xii. 23. 2. Of Body, P/j?7. iii, 21. 2. In the Enjoyment of afl Good. For, 1. We fliafl then be with GOD, S-Joh. xvii. 24, 23. 2, feehold Him, i Cor. xiii. 1 2. 3. Love Him. 4. Rejoice Thefaurus Theologicus. 271 '4. Rejoice in Him. 3. And fo enjoy Him to Eternity. ObjeB. I. I haVe no Time. Anfw. I. What haft thou any Tijne for but this? 2. Thou haft Time for other Things, Ecdef. Hi- I, 2. ObjeB. 2- We know not how to do this Work. Anfw. I have told you. ObjeB. 3. It is hard Work. Anfw. I. But it is feafible. 2. It is not hard in itfelf, but our Sins make it fo, S. Matth. xi. 30. 3. Do what ye can, and GOD wifl enable you to do the reft, 4, Be but wifling, and the Work is eafie, 1 S, Joh. V. 3- 3. Whatfoever Pains you take, wifl not be ia vain, I Cor. xv. 58. 5. Heaven will make amends for afl. ObjeB. 4. 1 have done it already. Anfw. I. You may be miftaken, S. Matth. vii. 22. and xxv. 11. 2. Howfoevcr, you cannot do it too wefl. 3. None have done fo much, but there is more to do. I. Haft thou no Si» to be repented of, and to get a Pardon for, Ecclef. vii. 20. 2: No Luft to get fubdued, Rom. vii. 24. 3. No Grace to get quickened, Phil. iii. 1 1, 12. 4. Nonc's Work is done or finiflied tifl ye die, for if ye had done your Work, GOD would give you^your Reward, S- Joh. xvii. 4, ObjeB. 5, Tirae enough hereafter. Anfw- No, the beft Time is now, S. Joh. ix. 4. P a I L. 372 Thefaurus Theologicus. Phil. iii. 1. Finally., my Brethren., rejoice in the Lord. 1 T is GOD's Wifl that we fliould rejoice in Him. I. What is if to rejoice ? Delight is the Soul's Acquiefcence, or Refting itfelf, in what it apprehends to be Good, There is a two-fold Delight. Am(riAaffAy 3 ai 4-vX.ii(-Ai 1^ ai ffai^AjiKai, Aflftot. Ethic. 1. 3- I. Bodily or Senfitive, cafl'd P/e/?/z/re j which 1 proceeds from fome Irapreffion raade by a fuita- ble Objed upon the Senfes. Of which note, I- This in itfelf is not finful, becaufe both the Senfe and Objed, and the Suitable- nefs of thera, were afl made by GOD- 2. Hence it is permitted by GOD, Ecclef. iii. 22. and V. 19. 3. But corrupt Man is too apt to fin in thofe fenfitive Pleafures. I- Either in the unlawful 0bjed,Py^/.lxii.4. 2. Or elfe in tfie Manner, by Exceffive- nefs, S. Jud. ver. 12. 2. Rational or Spiritual Joy, feated in the Soul itfelf oJoy 9/Ao7//xi«, 9/Ao/ix«flfl«, Ariftot. II. What is it to rejoice in the Lord ? 1. GOD was pleafed at firft to order the Soul of Man fo, that it had a natural Tendency and Suitablenefs to the Nature of GOD. 2. But Thefaurus Theologicus. 275 2. But the Soul being difordered by Sin, is apt to rejoice in nothing but Externals. 3. It is therefore GOD's Will, that we labour after our Primitive Perfedion and joys, fo as to delight ourfelves in Him and His. I. In Him. I. As GOD. 2. As our GOD, Pfd. xxviii. 7. Deut. xii. 12, 18. 2. In His. I. His Works, Tfd. civ. 3^. 2. His Word, Ffal. i. 2. and cxix. 103., 3. His Properties. I. Goodnefs, S. Zai. xviii. 19. 2. Merxy. 3. Juftice. 4. Power, Pfal. Ixiii. 3, 5, 7, 5- Wifdom. 5. Truth. 7. Imiaenfity and Omniprefence. tli. How doth it appear, that we ought, and tnay thus rejoice ? i- From Scripture. I. From GOD's Commands, Pfd. xxxii. 11. Phil. iv. 4. 2. Our Saviour prays for it, S. Joh. xvii. 1 3. 3. This is one great End of His Promifes, Rom- XV. 4. 4. It is one End of the Minifl;ry, Ifa. iii. 7, Earn: T- l 5. 2 Cor. i. 24; 5. It is the End ot Chrift's fending His Spi* rit, S.Joh.xvi. 7. The Spirit comforts us, I. By renewing us. 2. By convincing- us it iS our Duty, S. Joh. xvi, 9. .m.ML S 3. By 274 Thefaurus Theologicus, 3. By witnefling our Adoption, Gal. iv. 5. 4. By bleffing his Ordinances to us. 5, By bringing and direding us to Chrift for k, S. Jeh. xiv. 26. 6. By weaning us from fleflily Delights, 7. By powerful working Comfort in us, Cal. V. 22, 6, This was the End of Chrift's Coming. 2. From Reafon. 1. It is certain, that we fliould rejoice, be caufe GOD hath given us that Power. 2. It is as certain, there is nothing in this World that we can have any folid Joy in, becaufe not fuitabic to the Soul. 3. And then there is none, but GOD, we can rationally rejoice in. ObjeB. But doth not GOD command us fome times to weep and mourn ? Ecclef. iii. 4, Ifa. xxn, 1 2. Joel ii, 12,13, . Anfw. I. ifhis Sorrow confifteth not in ab- ftaining from fpiritual, but natural Joy. 2. It maketh way for fpiritual Joy. 3. It fliould be accompanied with it, Pfal. ii. II. Uses. I-. Information. I. Obferve GOD's Goodnefs to His Crea tures, in makiflg it their Duty to re joice. 2. The Privilege of Chriftians above others, S. Joh. xvi. 22. 3. The falfe Calumny that is laid upon Ho linefs, as depriving us of Joy, S- Joh. xiv. I' 4 OuE Thefaurus Theologicus. 275 4. Our Mifery is aU from ourfelves, Hof xiii. 9- 5, See the Exceflency of Chriftian Joy a- bove. others; it ii in the Lord. 2. Exhortation ; Rejoice. I. Confidcr the Neceffity. I. Pracepti, GOD comtnands it. 2. Medii, it is neceffary, I. For the Glory of GOD. 2. For the Credit of Religion. 3. For the attaining true Happinefs on Earth. 2. The Exceflency abo^^e other Joy, I. It is Spiritual, the Joy of the Soul, Pfd. xxxiii. 2 1 i 2. Pure and unmix'd, Prov. xiv. i 3. 3, An eafy and cheap Joy. 4, A real and true Joy, 3. An univerfal Joy •, in refped, I. Of Time. 2. Place. 3, Condition. 6. It is a furpaflliig joy, furmbunting all Sorrow, Hob. iii. 17, 18. 7. A wefl-grounded Joy ; grounded, I. On GOD's Mercy. 2. Chrift's Merits, i S. Fit. i. 8. 8. A fufl and fatisfying Joy, Sijoh. xvii. 13. Pfat. xvi. II. and xvii. 1 3. 9- An heavenly Joy. 10. It is Joy in GOD. III. Confider the Exceflency of this Joy in its &wa Nature. This Exceflency appears, I. In the Caufe, GOD. I. The Father. S i 2. The 276 Thefaurus Theologicus. . 2. The Son, S. Jeh. xvii. 13. 3. The Holy Ghoft, GaLv. 22. 2. In the Subjed, the Soul, S. Luk. i. 4.6, 47. I. The Underftanding. 2. The Will. 3. The Objed, the chiefeft Good. 4. The End. 1 . The Glory of GOD, the ultimate, 2. The Happinefs of Man, the fubordmate. End. 5. The Effeds. 1, It wifl deftroy our finful Joy, Pfal. xvi. 1 1. 2, Leflen our Efteem of the World, Pfal. iv. 7. 3. Enlarge our Hearts, and make them more capacious of Heavenly Things. 4, Facilitate afl Duties, 5, Make us more adive and ferviceable for GOD, Nehem. viii. 10. De«r, xxviii. 47- 5, It will make us long raore after Heaven, Pfal. cxix. 20. 7. It will fupport us in Afflidions, i S. Pet. i. 6, 7, 8. 8. Defend us againft the Prevalence of Tem ptations, j Means and Directions- I. Labour after a right Knowledge of GOD, Pfal. ix. 10. 2. Endeavour to get an Intereft in Hira. 3- Get thy Evidences clear, and keep them fo, 7o^ xix. 25. Pfal. xxvii. i.- 4. Convince thyfelf it is thy Duty to re joice. 5. Live above the Temperature of thy Body. 6. Study Thefaurus Theologicus. 277 5. Siudy well the Nature of juftification, Rom. V. I. and iv. 3. 1. He was made Sin for us. "A//5^Tictf stoImo-s, cmiKAJd^Tiy ^^AvSy, S. Ghryioft. 2. And we Righteous in Him. The Righteoufnefs of GOD- "OTrtr f^w ~ji 'i^yay *AA' ^ p^:te/T0f J^KOcaQc^^j^', Idem. Rom. iii. 22, 23, 24. 7, Have frequent Recourfe to the Promifes, Hebr. xiii. 3, 5. 8. Let the Eye of thy Faith be conftantly fixed on the Attributes of GOD, Ifa. xiv. 24. Pfal. Ivii. I, 7- 9. Have a Care of what will damp thy Joys. I. Wilful Sins, Pfal.H.S: 2. Nice Queftions about Eledion. 3. Dark Providences, Ecclef. ix- i . 10. Often meditate upon a Chriftian's Privi leges. I, That he hath GOD for his Father and Portion, 2, Chrift for his Advocate, i S- Joh. ii. i. 3. All Things working for his Good, F.om. viii. 28. 4, A Kingdom provided for him, S. Joh. xiv. 1,2. ObjeEt, I. My Sins are many and great. , Anfw, I. GOD's Mercies are more and greater, Ifa, Iv. 7, ni^oV nni''. 2, Chrift's Merits are greater, Hebr. vii. 25. 3. GOD hath promifed Pardon upon Repentance, Ez.eh xviii. 21, 22- ' ObjeB. 2. My Corruptions are ftrong. Anfw- I. They are not too ftrong for QOD. S3 2. Chri it 378 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Chrift came to fubdue them. 3. GOD hath promifed to fubdue 'em, Hebr. X- 8. Ezek. XXXvi. 23, 25, 27- ObjeB. 3. But tlie Devil oft tempts me. Anfw. I. §0 he did Chrift. 2, He can tempt thee no farther than GOD fees good. 3, GODs Grace fhafl be fufiicient for thee, 2 Cor. xii. 9. ObjeB. 4. GOD hath forfaken me. Anfw. I, It is but for a while. 2, He will again receive thee, Ifa. xlix. 13, 14, 13. Pfal. xlii. II. ObjeB. 3. I have many Loffes and Croffes. Anfw. I. That is no new thing to Saints, I S. per. iv. 12, 13. 2. It is oft a Sign of GOD's Love, Hebr. xH. 6, 7. Amos iii, 2, 3. Their End is Good, Hebr- xii, 10. 4, And they effed Good, 2 Cor. iv- 1 7. P/«/. xlii. II. PhiL Thefaurus The-ologicus. 279 Phil. iv. 5. Let your Moderdtion be known unto all Men. The Lord is at hand. To 'Qic«;!/ofl->c6*5/> who cut the Sacrifices down the fpina dorfa, to fee that they were ctfJ-UUi. >y dat\r!i. 3. So as to obfei"ve and ponder every A- dion, Prov. v. 21. o'^TpQ, Prov.XV. 3. be diftinguiflies betwixt Good and EviL 2, The Thefaurus Theologicus. 281 2. The Lord is at hand :, that is, He is ready to come to Judgment, Hebr. x. 37. 1. To examine our Adions, Ecclef. xii. 14. 2. To give to every one according to them,' 2 Cor-V. 10. He is at hand ', for, I . We know not how foon He wifl come,' I Thef. V. 2. 2 S. pet. iii. IO. S. Mar. xiii. 35»3<^- 2. We know He wifl come, AB. i. 1 1. 3. And that e'er long, 2 S. Per, iii. 8. Uses. I. Have a Care of Excefs, but be moderate in afl Things. Confider, I. By this Means, you wifl keep yourfelf always in an even Frame, S, Luk. xxi. 19, 2, You wifl avoid Sorrow, as wefl as Sin. 2. Often confider the Omniprefence of GOD. I. In your civil Commerces. 2. When you are by yourfelves, Jobix. 1 1. 3, When in Company. 4. When you pray. 5. When you hear. 0. Often confider the Lord is at hand to judge ^pu •¦, either, I . To eternal Mifery, S. Matth. xxv. 45. 2. Or elfe to eternal Joys. C O L O S S. 282 Thefauruf Theologicus. Co LOSS. i. 14. Jn whom roe have Redemption through his Blood., even the Forgivenefs of Sins. I. Here obferve, THE Benefit we have by Chrift. Redem' ption. I. From the Guilt of Sin. I. Original, £;>^e/ii. 3. 2. AduaL 2, The Prevalence of Sin,//e^r. ix, 13, 14. AB. iii. 25. S. Pet. i 1 8. ' 3. The Power of Satan, Co/oj^TL 13. 4. The Curfe of the Law, Gal. iii. 13. 5. The Wrath of GOD. I. In Time. 2. To Eternity, i 7^e/ i. 10. II. The Means of our Redemption. By His Blood, I. OurRcdecraer muft be Man, 1 Tim. ii. 5, 2. He muft fuffer. 3. A Death. 4, A bloody Death, Hebr. ix. 22. Whereby, I. He expiates our Sins, i S. Joh. ii. 1,2. 2. Purchafeth the Spirit for us, S. Jah. xvi. 7. 3. Conquers Satan, Hebr. ii. 14. 4. Satisfies the Law, Ifa. Iiii. 5, 5. 5. Rcconcileth GOD, Rom. v. id, n. III. Forgivenefs of Sins is one of the great Be nefits we receive by Chrift's Blood. I. What Thefaurus Theologicus. 285 1, What is Sin? I. Habitual, i?o»i. viii. 17, 18. ?,. Adual. Which is a Tranfgreffion of G O D's Law, I S. 5^ofer iii. 4. I. GOD hath given all His Creatures Laws to obferve. I. To fpiritual Creatures, S. Lui. i. 25. S. Matth. xxvi. 33. 2. Bodily, Jer. xxxi. 35. and v. 22. 3. To Man mixt of both. 2. Thefe Laws are either, ( Pfal. xxxvii. 27.) . I. Negative, 2. Affirmative. 3. As fome Angels, fo all Men tranlgrefs thefe Laws, Rom. iii. 23. 4. This Tranfgreffion is properly Sin. 2, How many Things are there to be con fidered in Sin ? I . Diffbrmity to the Law, i S. Joh. Hi. 4. 2, Privation of Righteoufnefs, J^cclef vii. 29, Not removed by Rcmiffion. 3. Offence to GOD, Pfal. xcv. 10. 2 Sam. xi, 27. 4. Turning from GOD, Exod. xxxii. 8. Ifa. lix. 2. 5. Defilement, Rev. xxii. 1 1. 28. Pet. ii, 22. 6. The Merit or Defert, Death, Rom. vi. 23. 7. The Guilt or Obligation to the Punifli ment due to Sin, Gen. ii. 17, Gd.iii. 10. Hence cafled i(ftih.niid]A, S- Matth. vl 1 2. pesnas folvere. 3. What is Forgivenefs of Sin,? A remitting the Obligation due to Sin, Mich. vii. J 8, 19. I. Th- 284 Thefaurus Theologicus. I , The Expreflions of it. V I. Rcmiffion,''Aij)€(r/<, .y4f?.iL38. Difmiffion, ^ Rcleafing, Ifa. Ixi. i . 2- Mercifulncfs to our Sins, Hebr. viii, 1 2. lAewf* S.I-ttil. xviii. 13, 'o Otf^i IhdSfYi- T( ^to/ TW dfxf^Ta?^a. 3. PaffiHg over, Rom. Hi. 25. -wdfiffii. 4. Purging from Sin, Pfal. li. 7. 311X2 ••JSUnn, Lev. xiv. 5. 5. Not rcmerabring Sin, Jer. xxxi. 34. "Iiy "iDIS sV, P/e^r. viii. 12. 1/ /.cm [jiynAS \ti, 6. Covering Sin, Pfal. xxxii, i, ''1DD,li.9' and Ixxxv. 2. 7. Taking away, and reraoving Sin, Pfal. ciii. 10, 12. Exod. xxxiv. 7. XiyiJ, Z,e^', xvi, 20, 21, 22. 8, Cafting behind GOD's Back,i/'rf.xxxviii. 17. Pfal. xe, 8. 9. Blotting out Sin,^<«.xliii,25^and xliv,22, lo. Not iraputing Sins, Pfal. xxxii. 1, 2. Rom. iv. 7, 8. Mic vii. 18, 19. 2. The Nature, Forgivenefs of Sin is an Ad of G O D's Grace, whereby He abfolves us frora the Obligation to fuch Punifliraents, asHimfelf hath thrcaten'd againft thofe Sins that arc committed by us. Three Things premifed. I. Remiffion is not the fame that Mor tification. 2, It is put for Juftification, Synechdo- chicaUy, Rsm. iv. 5, 7, 8, 3. Yet is not the whole of it, Rom. iv. 25. In the Definition obferve, I. The general Nature •, an Ad of G O D^s Grace. I. An Thefaurus Theologicus ^ 285 I. An Ad. 2. Of GOD. I. It is afcribed to Him alonei Exod. xxxiv. 7. Ifa. xliii, 25. S, Mar. ii. 7. 2. WearetoaskitofHira,S..^4rr. vi. 12. 3. GOD juftifies, Rom. viii. 33. 4, Our Sins are only againft GOD, Pfal. li, 4. 3, Of GOD's Grace, and fo diftiAd from the Ads of His I , Wifdom. 2, Power. 3, -Juftice, This appears, I . From Scripture, Ephef i, 7. Ifa. xliii. 23. 2. Reafon J nothing in the Crea ture could move Him, 3. Experience, in S- Paul, S. Pe ter, &c. ObjeB. But hath not Chrift merited it ? I . It is of GOD's Grace to contrive that Way. 2. It is of His Grace, that we have Faith to apply Chrift to us, Ephef H. 8. 3. It is of His Grace to accept it. 2. The fpecifical Difference. . Whereby He abfolves us, &c. 1. GOD hath given us Laws. 2. To thefe Laws He annex'd Re wards and Punifliraents, Deut. xxx. 15, 1 5, &c. 3. We have broken the Laws, Rom. iii. 23. 4. And 286 Thefaurus Theologicits. 4. And fo are obliged to the Punifli raents. 5. Yet GOD of His Mercy doth not punifli us, Exod.xxxiv. 6, 7. 5. Nay, He takes away our very Obligation to thofe Punifli raents, Pp/. xxxii. I. And this is properly Remiffion. 4. Why GOD pardons Sins oji the Account of Chrift. I. GOD in Mercy pities Man's Mifery, Ifa. Ixiii. 9. Hof xi. 8. 2. His Juftice cafls for the Execution of His Laws. 3. Hence Chrift undertakes to accoraplifii His Mercy, and fatisfy His Juftice. I. He affumes the humane Nature, Hebr. ii. 15. 2. Suffers, I . Difgrace, 2. The Curfe of the Law, Gal. Hi. 10, 13- 3, The Pains of Death. 4. The Wrath of GOD, S. Matth.xxvVu 45, 3. GOD accepts of thefe Sufferings for our Sins, Ifa. Iiii- 4, 3,5, 1 1 , 1 2. Rom^ V, 8. 4, Therefore looks upon His Juftice as fatisfied, Ephef v. 2, 5, And fo pardons us Sinners, PfaLxcix. 8. 5. What is required of us, to partake of this Forgivemfs ? I. Repentance, Ez.ek. ^viii. 36. AB.ii. 3S. 2. Faith, AB. x. 43. and xiii. 38, 39. Whereby, I. We lay hold On Chrift. 2. Are Thefaurus Theologicus. 287 . 2. Are united to Hira. 3. Looked on as fuffering in Hira, Coleff. iii. I. Use. Labour after this Mercy. Confider, I. How Miferable you are without it. I . GOD is angry. 2. You are in qontinual Danger of HelL 3. Afl Things curfed to you. 2. How Happy with it, Pfal. xxxii, i . I. GOD wifl remember none of their Sins. 2. Never condemn them, .^ow. viii. i. 3. Reconciled to them, Rom. v. 9, 10, 4. They are at Peace with Him, Rom. V. I. 3. Quicken'd with Chrift, Colof ii. 1 3.' 6. Juftified, Rom. iv. 5, 7, 8. and 2 Cor. V. 21. 7. Afl Things bleffed to them, Rom.yHi.Z. I . Glorified, 'Rom. viii. 29, 30. 2. Admire the Goodnefs of GOD in this Mercy, Pfd. ciii. i, 2, 3. Go LOSS, a88 Thefaurus Theologicus. G o L o s s. iii. I . Jf ye then be rifen with Chrift, f§ek thofe Things which are above., where Chrift fitteth on the Right-Hand of GOD. I. f>HRlST is rifeit. \w>/ I. That He is rifen, appears, I . From the Holy Scriptures. 2. The Eye-Witneffes. 3 . The Tcftimon y of the Spirit. But they ftole him away, S. Matth. xxviii. r i j 12,13. and xxvii. 52, 53. Butj I • Why not the firft Night ? S. Matth. xxvii. 52. ''S.'TrotYiffAV dy cy T)) -s-pfcTi) vvkti, 'dn dKiy- J'uroy }y d(ripA\ii riv, S. Chryfoft, 2. How while the Watch flept ? There was a great Stone cafled,7Vu. mnil ril'\'\y |3X VVljn, Obad.de Barte. 3- How did they lay the Napkin and Handkerchief fo decently ? S. Joh. XX. 5, 7. efpeciafly, it being wound up with beaten Myrrh and Caffia, and other Spices, S. Joh. xix. 40. S,(/.vpyA »y (pdpfAAKoy «ti» KoKKaS'if Tt^ crd- {^aIi, S. Chryfoft. 2/xvpcn o-lujjta^w -sroAAi) H iJ.ohCGS^a i^. ^T^oc the Riches, Honours, &c. above. 1 , Motives. I. The Things below are unfuitable, the Things above fuitable. 2, They empty and deceiving, Thefe fufl and fatisfying : Nay, there is more Hap pinefs in the feeking Heaven, than in the enjoying Earth. 3^ They uncertain to be attained, Thefe cer tain if fought for. 4. They mixed with Troubles, Thefe pure Comforts. 5. They Thefaitrus Theologicus. 291 3, They tranficnt and fading, Thefe perpe tual and everlafting. 2, Means. I. Exercife Graces. I. Repentance, 2. Faith, Hebr. xi, 51, 5. 3.. F'crform Duties. G o L o s s. iii. 2, Set your AfeSion on things above^ rtOt on things ori the Earth. i. TXT HAT things above? Td avu. yV I. Things above Nature. 2. . Above Earth. 11. What things on Earth f 'Ecri tm; yni, 1 S.Joh. li, 1 5. Gen. iii. 5. I, Lufts of the Flefh, Pleafures. 2, Luft of the Eye, Riches, Ecclef v. 1 1. 3. The Pride of Life, Honours. III. What by AfeBions f ie^yUtz, which re^ fpeds, I . The Underftanding and Meditating* 2. The Wifl and Affedions. I. Love, I S.Joh. ii. 13. i. Defire, P/4/.toiii. 23. ?• joy. T.2. L 6^ BSBR- 092 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Observation. We are not to fit our AfeBions on things upon the Earth, Pfal. Ixii, 10. I. They are below us, Phil. iii. 8. 2. Unfuitable to us. 3. Unfatisfying, i Cor. vii. 31. Job xxx- 15. Pfal. Ixxviii. 39. Hof xiii. 13. Prov. xxiii. 3. S. Luk. viii. 18- 4. Troublefome and vexatious, S. Matth. xiii. 22. Job XXXVJii. 22. S. Gregor. 5. Un neceffary. I. To the making us Happy, Job xxviii. 14. 2. To the bringing us to Happinefs. 5. Fleeting and unconftant, Prov. xxiii. 5. 2Sam.xix.^3. and XX. i. Beljhazx.ar. S. Luk. xii. 19,20. Uses. ' I. Information. I. How Sin hath debafed and infatuated Mankind. 2. See the Fofly of covetous Worldlings. 3. See the Eafinefs of Charity, what a little Thing GOD commands, and what vaft Returns there wifl be, S. Matth. x. 41, 42. 4. What little Caufe Men have to be troubled for the Want of fuch ThingS. 3. Or others to be proud of having them. 2. Exhortation. Set not your AfeBion on things below. Confider, I. If ye do, ye crofs GOD's Ends in giving them. 2. Ye provoke Him to take them away, Ffal- IxxviiL 5)5,7. 3. Or Thefaurus Theologicus. 295 3, Or to give you them for your Portion, Pfal. xvii. 14, 4. The more you affed them, the lefs Com fort you'll have in them, Pfal. cvi. 1 5. 3. They wifl divert your Thoughts from Heaven, FfaLx. 3,4. 5. And fo difturb you in Duty, Ez^ek. xxxiii. .31. .7. It is grofs Idolatry, Colof iii. 5.' 8, You have better Things to mind, S. Matt. vi. 33. Colof iii, I. If. Observation. We ai'e to fit our AfeBions on things above. I. They are fuitable for our Affedions, Pfal. xvii. 15. 2, Our chief Relations are there, I. Our Father, S. Lwj^.xii. 32. S.^o^. x.x. 17. Mai. i. 5. ' 2, Husband, Hof ii. i5. Ifa. liv. 3. 3, Brethren, Hebr. ii. 11. .^ow. viii. 29. 3. Becaufe our Treafure is there. I. Riches, S. Matth. vi. 19, 20, 21. 2, Honours, i Sam. H. 30. 3- Pleafure?, py^/#xvi. 1 1 , 4. Your Affedions were made on purpofe for thefe Things, Prov. xvi. 4, S- Setring your Affedions on them now, is the Way to come to the Enjoyment of them hereafter. IV. What AfeBions ? I. Our Thoughts, Fh'd. iv. 8. I. Upon GOD, Pfal.x.4. and cx.vxix. 18; 2. Upon Chrift, S. Luk. xxii. 19. 3. Upon the Scripture that leads to thein, ffal. i. 2. T 3 2. Om- 394 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Our Love, Deut. vi. 5. 3. Defire, Pfd. Ixxiii. 25. Phil. i. 23. 4. Hope, Rom. v. 2. 5. Joy, Pfd- iv. 5, 7. I S. Pet. i. 8. V. How fet our AfeBions on thefe Things above ? I. In the moft intenfe Degree, S. Luk- xiv, 25. 2, Conftantly- Uses. 3. Examination. I . What do you think moft of ? 2. What are you the moft loth to part with ? 3, What do you fpend moft time about ? S, Mar. iv. 19. 2. EfXhortatiop, Set your AffiBiqns on things above. Confidcr, I. There is nothing clfe worthy your Af fedion, 1 S. Joh. ii. 1 3. 2. This will keep you from dotting on the World, Phil. iii. 8. 3, It wifl keep ypq too from grieving top much about th« Affaffrs of this Life, Phil. iv. II, 12. '4.- This wifl make you more adive in afl Duties and GOD's Service, AB. xx. 24. 5. By fctting your Afiedion on things above, you wifl partly enjoy them, 2 Cor. xii. 2, 3. 6. This will make you wiUii^ to die, Phil. i- 23. 7. And fit you for the Enjoyment of GOP after Death. C 0 L o s $. c Thefaurus Theologicus. 295 CoLOSS. iii. 5. - Nor Covetoufnefs .^ which is Idolatry. Doctrine. Ovetovfnefs is Idolatry., Ephef. V. 5. , I, What is Covetoufnefs ? I , There is a good Covetoufnefs. ''Er/ /* ^ 'srKioyiKT»(rAt x,akS(, Nazianz. I Cor. xii. 31. as of Grace and Glory, 2. Sinful J to love the World inordinately. Neque enim auri vitium eft avaritia vel cupi- ditas, fed hominis perversa amaniis aurum^ juftitid dereliBd, S. Auguft. It confifts, I. In the inordinate Defire of Riches. I . Above GOD'S Glory, S. Luk. xxii. 5. 2. Our own fpiritual Good. 2. In the finful acquiring thera. I . As to the Matter, even another's Goods, I King. xxi. 2. ' 2. The Manner and Means unjuft, Frov. X. 2, and xxviii. 8. 3. Unjuft retaining, not laying thera out for the Eads GOD hath appointed. II. Idolatry. I. External, 2, Internal, Worfliip given to what iS not GOD, S. Joh. iv. 24. III. . ^ How is Covetoufnefs Idolatry ? I.' In that Man admires, Rom. xi. 33. T 4 2. Loves 396 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Loves, S. Matth. xxH. 3j. 3. Defires, Pfal- Ixxiii. ?.3. 4, Fears lofing, S, Matth. x. 28. 5. Trufts on, i Tim. vi. 1 7, S. Mar. x- 23, 24, 6. Grieves for the Lofs of, 7. Rejoices in, ' Phil. iv. 4. 8. Labours after, Riches, S. Matth. vi. 33. 'O ^4 '^d^ei rni tirKiovi^iAi Aa^W di !>ily tIv i^iTov TifAA, S. Theodor. ObjeB. I. I worfliip no Imaged. Jtnfw. Yes, of thiiie own Fancy. 2. 1 do not fafl down to them, and there fore not worfhip. Anfw- But in thy Soul, and that is Prin cipal. 3. I offer no Sheep or Rams. Anfw. But thyfelf. The Phoenicians and Carthaginians .offered Men. iomx,i( J^i )^ Kp«T5f r K^sVoc cy TiKvo^oeiaif t\d(TMv\(>, S- Athanaf. Siquidem Latialis Jupiter etiam nunc fanguine colitur humane, Ladant. Galli Hefum atq; Tent atom humano cruere placabant. Idem. ¦ Et quibus immitls placati.r fanguine cafo Tentates horrenfque feris altaribus Hefus. \ Lucan. But yours is a greater Sin. For, I. • They offer'd Bodies, not Souls. 3. Others, not themfelves. 'Kvdj Apyi'/ac bjt %i\jov, Strabo, 4. We do not look upon them as Gods, I. You'do in effSd, becaufe afs the chiefeft Good. 2. Your Sin is the greater, becaufe you know them to be do Gods, a^id yet worfliip them as Gods. IV. Signs. Thefaurus Theologicus. 297 IV. Signs. 1, Such as whofe Thoughts run more upoa Earth than Heaven, S. Lw^.xii. 22, 23, 29. 2. Whofe Joy and Grief depends on outward Succeffes, S. Lui. xii. 19- 3. Who ftrive to be rich, but matter not how. 4. Whofe Defires increafe with their Eftate. 5. Who grudge the Time that is fpent in Di vine Duty, Amos viii. 3. .5. Whofe Hearts are upon the World, when their Bodies are before GOD, Ez.ek. xxxiii. 31. 7. Who do not improve the Eftates GOD hath given thera, S. Matth. xxv. 24, 25. Use. Avoid it. Confider, I. How odious it is to GOD, Pfal.x. 3 , ' I. In not improving, 2. In abufing, the Gifts of GOD. 2. How injurious to our Neighbour ? I . By taking frora hira what he hath, 2. By denying what he wants. 3. Dangerous to us. In nullum avarus bonus eft, in feipfum pefimus., Senec 1 . It turns our Hearts frora GOD, i S. Joh. ii. 13. 2. The Root of afl Evil, i Tim- vi. 10. 'H ?/A()%pwfcoiryyM fiBTOp KAKQTnl®- d-rdoni^ Phocylid. Nullum' eft ofcium tam fanBum atque fo- lenne, quod non avaritia comminuere at que vielare foleat, Cicero. 3. It fifls the Heart with Trouble and An xiety, I Ti?». vi. 9, 1 p. Nidla 098 Thefaurus Theologicus. NuH* avaritia fine poena efi, quamvis fatis fk ipfa peenarum, Senec 4. It will certainly keep thee from Heaven, I Cor. vi. 9, I o. 4. Fooliftinefs in itfelf I. To ad fo much below ourfelves. 2.' To throw away our Souls for Vanity, S. Matth. xvi. 25. 3. To fpend that little Time on Earth, wherein we fhould prepare for Hea ven. 4. To make ones-felf a Slave for he knows not whom, Pfal. xxxix. 5. Ecclef. iv. 8. Means. I. Think much of the Vanity of afl Things here below, and Glory above. Filefcunt temporalia, cum defiderantur aterna, S. Greg. 2. Ad Faith in the PronAfej, Pfal. xxxvii. 23. Hebr. xiii. 3. 3. Meditate on the univerfal Providence of GOD, and his Fatherly Care, S. Luk. xii. 31, 32. S. Matth. vi. 25, 25, &c. 4. Be much in Prayer, Pfal. cxix, 35", 5, Often remember my Text, i S.Joh. v. 21. I Thess. Thefaurus Theologicus. ^99 I T H E s s. iv. I. ^. --*- So ye would abound more and more. I, XTTT HAT is it to abound ? VV I. Negatively. Not as if we could do more than is required. For, 1. We cannot do afl that is required, Pfd. cxix. 96. 2. We can do nothing as it is required, 2 Cor. iii. 3. 3. Yet if wc could, it is no raore than our Duty, S. Luk. xvii. lo, 2. Pofitively, I, Endeavour to go beyond others, i Cor,, xii. 31. 2. Be more ferious in pleafing GOD, thaa »n any Thing elfe, Ecclef ix. lo. Rom. xii. II. S. Matth. vi. 33. 3. Every Day excel ourfelves, and grow better, 2 S. Pet. iii, 1 8. IL What fhould we abound more and more in ? 1. In Works of Piety towards GOD, abound fttore and more i^, I. Godly Sorrow for Sin paft, 2 Cor. vii, 9, 10, II. 2. In turning from our prefent Lufts, Rom. vi. 12. 3. In Faith on Jefus Chrift, S. Matth. xv. 28. ' Rom. iv. 20. I. Vox the Pardon of Sin, Ephef i. 7. 2. For goo Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. For fupplying us with Grace, AB. Hi- 25. S. Joh. XV. 4, 3- Thil. iv. 13. 4. In Dependence upon GOD's Mercy, Prov. iii, 5, 5. In making Him our only Joy and Love, S. Matth. xxii, 37, 5. In Prayer to Him, Rom. xii, 12. 7. In hearing His Word, S. Luk. iv. i5. And receiving His Sacrament. 2. In Works of Equity to our Neighbour. I. Wronging none, S. .(W<«rr^, V, 44, 2. Endeavouring the Good of afl. Gal. vi, 10. 3. Of Charity to the Poor, i Tim. vi, 1 8. 2 Cor. ix. 5, 7, 8, III. Why abound more and more ? I. We are commanded, Hebr.v'i. i. 2S, Per. i, 5, 5, Ephef vi. 10. 1 Cor. XV. 58. 2. Unlefs we grow better, we fhafl furely grow worfe, Non pr ogre di eft regredl. 3. We can never abound too rauch, 4. Nor enough, Phil. Hi. 1 1 . 5. The more we abound, the raore Glory we fhall have, S, jLai. xix. 1 5, 17, 19, i Cor. xv, 41, 42. Uses. I . Reproof I . To fUch as never do pleafe GOD. 2. But abound in Sin. 3. That take more Pains to abound in Riches, than Graces. 2. Exaraination. Compare your prefent with your former Lives and Adions. 3. Exhortation, Abeund more and more. Means. Thefaurus' Theologicus. .501 Means. ' ^ I. Oft think of fpiritual Things. I. Of GOD, Pfal. Ixiii. 5. and cxxxix- 18. 2. Of Chrift. . 3, Ofthe World to come. 4. Of your hafting to it, Amos vi,3. 5, Of the Day of Judgment. 2. Prayer, S. Jam. i. t5. 3. Hearing, Rom.x. 17. 4. The Sacrament. Motives. I . We have abounded in Sin too long, i S. Pep. iv. 3. 2. Our Life is continued for that end, that we abound in Grace. 3. The more we abound, the more Comfort we fliafl have here. 4. Abounding is the beft Sign of the Truth of Grace, S. Jam. ii. 25. 3. Heaven wifl make amends for afl, i Cor. XV. 58. I Th'ess. ^6i Thefaurus Theologicus, *i Thess. iv. i. Furthermore, then., we befeech you., Bre thren., and exhort you bjj the Lord Je fus., that as ye have received of us how you ought to walk.^ and tfe- iii. 34- AB. vii. 35. S, Luk. xi. 13. compar'd with S. Matth. vii. 1 1 . Ephef v. 1 8. II. What by Quenching ? To wzHf^.A [xii irCivyvJs. It is a Metaphor taken from Light and Fire. I. GOD works in and of Himfelf. 2. No Creature can ad, but by Hira, AB. xvii. 28. 3. In fpiritual Adings, we do not onjy need the general Concourle of His Providence, but alfo the fpecial Influence of His Grace, S. Joh. vi. 44.- ' I. Becaufe of the Darknefs of our Minds, I Cor- ii. 14. 2. The Perverfenefs of our Wills, Jer. xvii. 9. 4. When GOD is pleafed to vouchfafe the In fluences of His Grace, we are not to ftifle them ; as. Cant. i. 4. I . Good Thoughts, Rev. Hi. 20. 2. Holy Defires. 3. Heavenly Delights. 4. The Beginning of any Grace, Zech. iv- 10. 5. The Adings of it, when begun. 5. Inclinations to Duty. Uses. I. Have a Care ofthe Impediments that hinder the Influences of Grace. ' I . Blindnefs and Hardnefs of Heart, S.Matt. xiii. 13. 2. Carnal Security, Cant. v. 2, 5. 3. Pride, Pfal. xxv. 9. i S. Pet. v. 5. 4. Earthly-mindednefs, S. Luk. xviii. 23, 3. Unbelief, Hebr. iv, 2. '' 1. Wait 3i6 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. Wait upon GOD for His Spirit, in the ways appointed. I. Reading the Scriptures, Pfal. xix. j,S. 2. Praying, AB. ii. i, 2. 3. Hearing, AB- x. 44, and ii, 37, 4, Meditation. 5. Sacraments. 3. Refift not the Motions of the Spirit. Confider, I. We are comraanded not to quench the SpiriL 2. It is a Fight with GOD againft ourfelves. 3. If we once quench the Spirit, He may never come again. Gen. vi. 3. Dcfpife not Prophecying, I. What Prophecyings ? I. The Scriptures written, 2 S. Fet. i. 20, 21. 2 Tim. iii. i5. I. TheTruthsafferted,^c'if.xxvi.27. 2. Comraands enjoined, S. Mar. vii. 8, 9. 3. Promifes made, Rom. iv. 20, 4. Threatnings denounced, Prov. i, 30, Amos iii, 8, 2, The Scriptures preached, i Cor. xiv. I, 2, 3. Which They defpife, I. Thatdonotcome to hear them, S. Luk. iv. 1 5. 2. That do not regard what they have heard, S. Luk. iv. 20. 3. That do not pradife what they hear commanded, Lev. xxvi- 13. S. Joh. xiii. 17. Why not defpife them? I. They are the Word of GOD, I Thef. ii. 13. 2. They Thefamus Theologicus. 317 - - - .1 ¦ ¦ ¦" — - ¦ - ¦ ¦ 2. They that defpife them, de fpife Him, S. Luk. X. 16. 3. If we defpife the Word, GOD may juftly deprive us of it, 4, If we defpife GOD's Word, He wifl defpife us, i Sam^, ii. 30. Prov. i. 23, 28, 5, By our defpifing His Word, wc make it ineffedual to ourfelves, Hebr. iv. 2. Why are the Scriptures called Prophecyings? I. They foretefl the firft Coming of Chrift, Ce«. iii. 15. and xlix. 10, Ifa. vii, 14. Md. iii, i. 2, The fecond, Job xix. 23. AB. i. II. 3. The Refurredion from the Dead, J^>b xix. 25, i Cor. XV. 32. 4. The Day of Judgment, Ecclef xii. 14. 2 Cor. V. 10. 5. The Affair's of the World to come, S. Matth. xxv. 45. I. The Punifliment of the Wicked, 2 Thef. i. 7, 8, 9. 2. The Glory of the Right eous, Ifa.i Ixiv. 4. I Cor. ii. 9. I T I M. giS Thefaurus Theologicus. * i Tim. i. 15. This is a faithfid Saying., and worthy of of all Acceptation.^ that Jefus Chrift came into ihe World to fave Sinners ; of whom I am chief. C Hrlfi Jefus came into the World to fave Sin ners. I. Who. was this Chrift Jefus ? One that liv'd ii^ g^We^, about 1700 Years ago, cafl'd Christ, ab Of clo ; J e s u s, P'''«>'erj, or Petitions. 3. 'Ei/J^ ^ UAeiAf <*p%o- /u&fioy, Greg, Nazianz. 3. This His Being was truly Divine, S. Joh. i, 1 , 2. I S. Joh. V. 20. Rom. ix. 3. Ouod efent foliti ftato die ante lucem con- venire, carmenque Chrifto quafi Deo di cere, Plin. Epift. ad Trajan. 4, This His Divine Nature was the fame with the Father's,' P/);7, ii. 6, 7, Ifa. xl, 23. 5. This Chrift received of the Father, S.Joh. V. 25, Pater vita in femetipfo, non a F'll'io; Filius vita in femetipfo, fed d Fatre, S. Auguft. &ioi la 05K, ip^i =* ipaToi, -iTttTwp /jiW ydf '£bv 5 irifO) n fl) i(p tIw ifj.o'iAv icuuTM dfyluj 'UA^.^dy, S, Bafil. 2, He Thefaurus Theologicus. 325 2. He is Man as wefl as GOD. I. He had a Body, Hebr. ii. 14. S. Joh.i. 14. S. Luk. xxiv. 39- I S. Joh. iv. 3. Simon Marus, Saturnus, Ifiiorus, Secundus, Mareofians, Heraclionlta, Ophia., Cer don, Marcion, &c. thefe were J'oKttldi !) ganA- ffiAToi, fuppofing Chrift to have no real Body. 2. A Soul, S. Luk, ii. 52. S. Matth. xxvi. 38. S. Lui. xxiii. 45. Arius and Evnomius faid, Q-'oTids, '^uyj'i IvifyiKiyAt tIw -xj^aAy , Theodoret. 3. This Soul and Body He had by the Power of the Holy Ghoft, S. Luk. i. 33. and iii. 23. 3. He is both GOD and Man, and yet but One Chrift or Mediator. O Aoj/©-, 0 //ol'©- dy.(pii/ Qi'si T5 }q at'9pe)T©", Clem. Alex. So that, I. His Natures were not mix'd 2. Nor changed one into the other. A(TtjyyyT&>; , dTp'nr]ai, dJ'lAfi.Tu;, a;;^ Hefiod. 'Ef/o//t*T» sat, Theophil. Antioch. But now it is the firft •, Dies ceremonialis quies moralis. It is. Remember the Sabbath. T? h'aik «;-i4foi, Juft. 2. Particularly. 1. Not to mind worldly Bufinefs, Ifa. Iviii. 13. 2. To be prefent at the Publick Worfliip of G O D. 3, To fpend the reft of the Day in Prayers, Meditations, Reading, holyConference, and the like. Use. Live Godly. 1. What Godlinefs ? I , Scriptural, Num. xv. 40, 2. Obediential, i Sam. xv. 22. 3. Sincere, 2 Ttm. i'H. 3, 4. Univerfal, i S. Pet. i. 1 3. Pfal. cxix. 6. S:Luk..i. 5. $. Conftant, Pfal.-cxix. 20. and Ixii. 8. 2. What Means muft we ufe? I. Search the Scriptures, S. yofe. V. 39. 2. Above afl Keepings, keep thy Heart, Prov. iv. 23. 3. Set the Lord always before thee, Pfal. xvi. 8. 4. Pray without ceafing, 1 Thef, v. 17. Z 4 3. Watch 360 Thefaurus Theologicus. 5. Watch daily at Wifdora's Gates, and wait at the Pofts of her Doors, Prov. viii. 34- What Motives ? I, Godlinefs is profitable for afl Things, I Tim. iv. 8. and vi, 5. 2. The Lord hath fet apart hira that is Godly for Himfelf, Ffal, iv- 3. 3. Be ye holy, for 1 am holy, i S. Pet. i, i5.. Lev- xix. 2. 4. Without Holinefs, no Man fliafl fee GOD, Hebr. xii. 14. 5. The Righteous fliafl go into Life eternal, S. Matth. XXV. 45. 5. The Grace of GOD hath appeared, &c. Tit. ii. 12. T I T. ii. 1 3. Looking for that bleffed Hope., and the glorious Appearing of the Great GOD^ ' and our Saviour Jefus Chrift. TH E Expedation of Glory promifed in Hea ven, fliould ftir us up to perform the Duties enjoined us on Earth. I. What is the Bleffednefs ? I. Freedom frora Evil. 1. Of Sin. I. Guilt, 2. Strength, Hebr- xii, 23. 2. Punifli- Thefaurus Theologicus. ¦ 361 2. Punifliment. I. The Wrath of an offended GOD. 2. The Temptations of a fubtle Devil. 3, The Gnawings of a guilty Confcience, S. Mar. ix. 44. 4. The Company of damn'd Spirits , S. Matth. XXV. 41. 3. The Fear of future Mifery. 2. The Enjoyment of Good. I . GOD-, fo as, I . To know Him perfedly, S. Joh. xvii. 3. 2. Love Him. 3. Rejoice in Him perfedly. 2. Chrift, S. Joh. xii. 25. and xvii. 24. Rev. iii. 20. 3. Glorified Saints and Angels, Hebr. xii. 23. II. This Glory may be expeded •, for, I. GOD propounds it as a Motive to Duty, Rev- ii. 1 o. S. Matth. v. 1 2, S. Jam. v, 7. 2. The Saints have ftifl done it, S. Paul, PhiL iii. 14. I Cor. ix. 27, Mofes, Hebr.xi- 25. 3, Our Saviour Himfelf did fo, P/ei^r. xii. 2. 4. Confider, the Nature of Glory is Grace and Duty. IIL How muft we exped it ? I. Not as merited by ourfelves, but purchafed by Chrift. OJcTeJj j55 toicwtIuj amJ^eiX.vv^ 'suKithav l>zi ^a- t xxi, 1 3, 2. Attradive, 3. Moral. Afl the Reafon a Man fliould win, before he wears, the Crown ¦, and who would not perform any Duty for fuch Glory ? Confidering, I. Our Duties arc- imperfed. Glory per fed. 2. Our Duty for a time. Glory eternal. Uses. I. Reproof; that thofc that exped Heaven, live fo loofly. 2. Exhortation. I. You that exped Glory, perform Duty ; for there is an infeparable Connexion betwixt thefe two. I. From the Word of GOD, Hebr. xii. 14, 2. From the Juftice of GOD, 3. From the Reafon of the Thing. 2. You that would perform Duty, exped Glory, Hebr. xii. 2. 3. Do ye all fet upon your Duty now, fee ing there is fo much Happinefs pre pared for you. L Chrift is the Great GOD. UiyAV 3 Qih dyoi/.A^ei ^ XvTov, Theodoret, n« eifiv OJ TO 'TTAJ(ji i\AT]oyA T Hot }Ayoy']i< ; S. Chryfoft. It Thefaurus Theologicus. 363 It appears, I, In that the fame Names are attributed to the Father and the Son. I. COD,S.Joh. i. I. and xx. 28. AB.xx. 2S. I S. Joh. V. 20, Athanaf. c- Ar. Rom- ix. 3. Interea de falvatione dicit, qui eft fuper omnia Deus benediBus infecula. S. Ambrof 2. LORD, Ifa. xl. 3- S. Joh. i. 23, Jer. xxiii- 5,5. 2f The fame Properties. I . Eternity, Rev. i, 1 7, 1 8, Ifa. xliv, 5. 2. Omnifcience, S. Joh. xxi. 17. 3. Omniprefence, S Matth. xviii. 20. 4, Omnipotence, Rev. i, 8. 3. Works. 1. Creation, S. Joh. i. 3. Colof i. i5. 2. Prefervation, Hebr. i. 3. Colof. i. 17.- 3. Redemption, i Tim. ii. 5. 4. Forgivenefs of Sins, S. Mar. xxv. 7, 9, 4, Honour, S, Joh. v. 23. and iv. i. Uses. I . Chrift, as GOD, not Inferior to the Father, though begotten. 2. Arians, Cerinthians, Photinians, Socinians, er roneous. 3. Honour the Son as GOD. II. He is our Saviour, S- Matth. i. 2 1 . III. He wifl glorioufiy appear. I. That He wifl, AB. i. 11. 2.. How, S, Matth. xxiv. 30. i Thef.iv. 16. 3. Why. I. To raife the dead, S. Jeh. v. 28. i Thef. iv. 15. 3- To 364 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. To gather thera together, S. Matth. xxv. 32. 3. To examine their Adions, Rev.xx. 1 2. 4. To judge, and pafs a final Sentence upon them, S. Matth. xxv. 41. IV. Seeing He wifl thus appear, we fliould live foberly, &c. Oh, how can that Man but live Soberly, Righteoufly, and Godly, that believes, I. He muft die, 2 S. Pet. iii. 11. 2. Rife again. Job xix. 23, 25. 3. Be furamoned to appear before GOD. 4. Haye afl his Adions reviewed, S. Matth. xxv. 42, 43. 5. Be judged according to thera, 2 Cor. v. 10, II. 5, He muft live in Hefl, if he doth not, S. Matth. ^ XXV. 45. 7. In Heaven, if he doth, live foberly, &c. U S E S. I . Get your Faith in thefe Things increafed. 2, Think often of them, S'lve comedo, five bibo, five allquid facia, femper vox ilia terribilis fonat in auribus mels, Sur- gite, mortui, venite ad judicium, S, Hieron. Sive leges, five fcribes, five vigilabis, five dormies, hac tibi femper buccina in auribus fonet,f ibid. Tit. Thefaurus Theologicus. 365 T IT. ii. 14. Who gave Himfelf for us., that He might redeem us from all Iniquity., and purifie ' unto Himfelf a peculiar People., zealous of good Works. Doctrine I, I. XliTHO; Chrift, GOD-Man, GOD and VV Man, II, Gave. I. Truly. 'Aa«9»? d-Tri^AVi, !s J^omffB, « \ >«7,iii.20. I. His Perfon and Perfedions. 2, Law. • 3- Works. 5, By Thefaurus Theologicus. 419 6. By praifing and adrairing Him, Exod. XX. 7. 7. Sandifying His Sabbaths, Exod.xx. 8. 8. Growing in the Knowledge of, and Obedience to Him, 2 S, Pet. iii. 1 8. 2. Outward. I. Praying. 2. Hearing. 3. Receiving Sacraments. 2. Works of Equity. I. GeneraUy, doing as we would be done by, S. Matth. vii. 1 2. 2. Particularly. I. Giving that Refped to afl, as is due unto them, Rom. xiii. 7, 8. 2. Not defrauding or over-reaching our ' Neighbour, i Thef. iv. 5. Lev. xix. 13. 3. Speaking Truth to, and of afl. Lev'. xix. II. 4. Endeavouring our Neighbours Good, and rejoicing in it, Rom. xii. 15. 3. Works of Love and Charity. I. Praying finccrely for their Good, S. Matth. V. 44. 2. Reproving thera difcrectly for their Sins, Lev.xix.\'^. Gal.vi. i. 3. Provoking them to good Works, Hebr. X. 24. 4. Diftributing to their Ncceffitics. I. Freely. 2. Proportionably. 3. Sincerely. 4. Vi^orks of Temperance and Moderation. I. In refped of a Man's felf, that we do not think too highly of ourfelves, Rom. xii, 3. Dd 2 I. Of 420 Thefaurus Theologicus. I. Of our Parts, Prov. xxvi. i, 2. ?, Graces, Phil.ii. 3. Ephef.iii.2. i Tim. i. 15. 3, Degree in the World, 2, In refped of Meats and Drinks. I, For the Quality. 2. Quantity, Ephef. v. 1 8. S.I.i'ixxi.34. 3. In refped of the World. That wc be moderate, I . In our longing for it, Frov. xxx. 8, 9. 2- Endeavouring after it, 3 . Enjoymient of it, i Cor. vii. 29,30,40. 4, Our grieving for it. Job i. 21. II, What Qualificadons are requifite to thp making a Work good ? I. That we know our Duty. 2. Do what is commanded, Ifa. i. 12, 3, Obedience to that Comraand, PfaL cxix, 5. 4. Love to the Command, 2 Tim. i. 7. 5. That we do it chearfufly, Pfal. xl. 8. 5. Orderly and regularly. I. As to Time, Ecclef. iii. i, 2. Place, S. M^tth. vi. 5, 5. 3. Perfons, S. M*tth. vii. 5. 4. Means, Pow. iii. 8. 7. Spirituafly, $. 5^0/7. iv. 24. 8. With all our Might, Ecclef. ix. i Q. 9, With Huraility. I, So as to acknowledge, that what we dp is not done by oqr own Strength, i Car. iv. 7, I Chron. xxix. 4, 7. 2. That it comes fhort of what we ought to do, S. Luk. xvii. 10. 3. And therefore, that we do not merit any thing by v?hat we do. ' 20. To right Ends. 1. Nega- Thefaurus Theologicus. 421 I. Negatively. I . Not that we my be applauded before Men. 2. Nor that we may be, juftified before GOD ; for, 1, The Covenant of Works is now unable to juftify us, Rom. viii. 3. 2. Our beft Works are imperfed, Ifa. Ixiv. 5. 3, GOD hath found out another wgy for our Juftification, Rom. iii. 20,, 21, &c, GaL ii, i5, 2, Pofitively. I. For G 0 D's Glory, Prov. xvi. 4. ¦ S. Matfh. y. 16. 2. The Furtherance ofthe Gofpel, 2 Thef: iii. I- 3. To manifeft our Obedience and Love to G O D- 4. To manifeft the Truth of our Faith- , III- How are Works a Sign of Faith ? In that there can be no good Works done without Faith : For, I . Unlefs we believe, we can have no Strength to do them- 2. It is only by Faith, that our Works are ac cepted as good, and their Iraperfedions pardoned by Chrift. Uses- - , ¦ .1 . How few have this fure Sign of their Faith ? S. Luk. xviii. 8. 2. See what Comfort foflows, upon the Perfor- ' mance of good Works, Pfal. xix. 1 1 . Confider, I - What a rare Thing it is, to know that we ' are GOD's Children, 1 S. Joh. v. 19. ' 2, That 422 Thefaurus Theologicus. 2. That our Sins are pardoned. 3. That we have an Advocate in Heaven. 4. That afl the Promifes belong to us, Hebr. xiii. 5, 5. 5. That we fhafl live in Heaven. Afl thefe Things good Works evidence by fliew ing our Faith, 2 Car. v. i . 3. Live like thofe that believe, and would fliew forth their Faith by their Wprks, 2 Tim. il. 19. i; Live like thofe that believe there is a GOD. 2. Their Souls are immortal. 3. There is a Heaven and a Hefl. 4. That Chrift died for their Sins. 5. That they have a Title to everlafting Glory, S. Jam. ii. 26. For as the Body without the Spirit is dead., fo Faith without Works is dead al/o. F Aith VDtthisut Works is dead. I. What Faith? •I. Hiftorical. 2. Dogmatical. 3. Miraculous. 4. Temporary, S. Luk. viii. 13. 5. Saving ; that is here fpoken of. II. What are thofe Works, without which Faith is dead ? i Theff i. 3. I. Works Thefaurus Theologicus. 423 I. Works of Piety towards GOD. I. Humility, Mic.vl 8. 2. Love, I Thef. i. 3. I. To His Perfon. 2. Word. 3. Ordinances. 4. Saints, GaL vi. 1 o. 3. Joy. 4. Zeal, Rom. X. 2. 5. Patience, S. 7^w. i. 3- 6. Hope, Pow. iv. 1 8. 7. Thankfulnefs, £;)Aey; v. 20. 8. Heavenly-mindednefs, PhiL iii. 20.' 2. Works of Charity to our Neighbours. I . Reproving their Sins, Lev. xix. 1 7. 2. Supplying their Wants. 3. Conquering their Unkindnefs with Love, S. Matth. V. 44. Ill, How dead ? It hath no Vertue or Ener gy, as a lively Faith hath, I. For the Pardon of Tranfgreffions. 2. The Juftification of our Perfons, S. Jam. ii. 24, GaL ii. 15, Juftified by Faith, 'Ex. -srWiui it'ovov. 3. The Acceptance of our Performances, Hebr. xi.6. 4. The Subduing of our Corruptions, AB.xv.9. 5. The Sandifying our Natures. 5. The Comforting our Hearts, Rom. v. 2. and XV. 13- 7. The Quickning our Spirits, Ram. i. 17. 8, The Reconciling of our GOD, Rom. v. i- 9, Conquering our Enemies, I. The Flefli. 2. The World, 1 S, Joh. v. 4, 3. The Devil, i S. Pet. v. 9. Ephef vl 1 5. 10. The, Saving of our Souls, AB. xvi 3 1 • Uses. 4^4 Thefaurus Theologicus. Uses. 1. Inftrudion. Ho\^ little lively Faith ! 2. Examine whether your Faith be a dead or living Faith, or no, by your Works. I. By the Principle. 2. The Manner, by Love, GaL v. 5. 3- The End of your Works. 3. Exhortations. I. Ad Faith on Chrift. 2. Add Works to your Faith, Tit. ii. 1 2. I. Of Piety to GOD. 2. Of Equity to others. 3. Of Sobriety to ourfelves. Confider, A dead Faith X. Wifl do you no Good. 2. Much Harm. I. To increafe your Sins more. 2. Incenfe GOD's Wrath more; 3. Damn your Souls more. Whereas, I. Good Works are jJleafing to GOD. 2. Conformable to Chrift, AB. x. 38. 3. Advantageous to others, i S.Pet. iii. I. 4. Comfortable to yourfelves here, S. Jam. ii. 1 8. 5. Profitable for your Souls hercf after, Pei-.^iv. 13. End of the Third Volume, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08561 5038