"' i V » I .1- lAiaer.Geog.an-i Statir.Soc. Report, 1861- .'"'Y4^,fi'^^.'^ ''v'c.T ¦ji" 4"^ i*^ ' „ i'i V '., , ^'tth-j''r'-1;'''i- JO -7i fe*- *'j :\ /\m65c mi m^^^^^^^ Ameeican Geogeapiiical and SxATistiCAL Society Kooms. New Yoek, Oct. Zd, 1861. At a meeting of the American Geographical find Sta tistical Society held tliis evening, Arch'd Knssell, Esq., Vice-President, in the Chair — The Hon. Luther Bradisli, Cliairman of a Select Com mittee appointed at the last regular meeting of the So ciety to prepare a Code of By-Laws for the government of the Society, with instructions to report the same at this meeting, presented the following REPORT, The American Geographical and Statistical Society, at its stated meeting on the 6th of June, 1861, was pleased to appoint the undersigned a Committee to revise its Code of By-Laws, with instructions to report thereon to the Society, at its meeting in October then next. The Committee entered on a discharge of the duty thus devolved upon them, fully sensible of its delicacy and its difficulty. They have, therefore, given to the whole subject referred to them, and to its several parts, the most deliberate and careful attention; and while in 4 EEPOET OF THE both they Jiave adopted material modifications, they have yet endeavored, throughout, to preserve as much, both in form and substance, of the original Code, as was consistent with the supposed views and wishes of the Society, and as accorded with the changes wliich time and experience had suggested, and which, upon careful consideration, appeared to the Committee desirable and proper. Much of the obscurity in the existing Code appeared, to your Committee, to arise from many of its provisions being adopted at different times, and, of course, not placed under their appropriate heads, but connected with other provisions, to which they have no particular relation. The Committee have not hesitated, therefore, to transfer and arrange under their general subjects, all such provi sions, thus aiming to produce a more clear and natural classiiication of tlie several provisions of tlie Code, and a more perfect digest of the whole. They have also ven tured to omit what seemed to be surplus or useless, and to supply palpable defects. The change proposed in the organization of the Society, it is believed, will be found, in practice, to promote both efficiency and economy in the administration of its affairs. The merging of the two offices of Foreign and Domestic Corresponding Secretaries into one, is but returning to the original provision of the Charter ; and, while it will promote simplicity of organization, will not, it is believed, impair either the efficiency, the interest, or the usefulness of the Society's correspondence. The reduction in the number of Councillors from twelve to five, will relieve the unwieldiness of a too numerous executive body, supersede the necessity of a classification of those and other officers, and thus remove an embarrassing complica tion ; while the annual election of all the officers of the Society, with power to hold over until their successors are elected, will greatly simplify the elections and terms of office, and safely provide for the contingency of a GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 0 failure of the annual election, which the Society is now experiencing. This latter is also provided for in the con tingent election authoi-ized by the first section of Chapter VI. of the revised Code. Tlie new provisions proposed for regulating the debates of the Society, while they will not restrict unduly the freedom of discussion, so desirable in a Society like this, will, it is believed, be found in practice favorable to an orderly and expeditious despatch of business. The modified provisions in regard to the office of Treasurer, it is confidently thought, will be found safe and wise. In other similar institutions they have worked well. They will relieve the Treasurer of an unnecessary responsibility, and the Society of what, in the event of the death, at any time, of an incumbent of the office, miglit be an embarrassment. As the modifications proposed by the Committee run through the whole Code, instead of reporting merely those modifications, the Committee have thought it more favorable to an intelligent comprehension and just appre ciation of the modifications, to embody them with the text of the Code, showing tlieir relations and dependen cies, and thus presenting the Code as a whole. The Com mittee have, therefore, prepared a di'aft of the entire Code, with the modifications proposed by them, incor porated therein. In the preparation of the Code in its present form, it has been the aim and endeavor of the Committee to ren der its several provisions clear, concise, aud practical; and, as a whole, full and complete. How far they have succeeded in this, and in the acconiplishraent of their own intentions, they now leave to the enlightened judg ment of their constituents. The Committee, therefore, now respectfully sui)Mn't to the Society, with this tlieir report, and as forming a part of it, the Draft of the Code of By-Laws, as prepared by them, and which, they humbly trust, will, if adopted, 6 EEPOET OP THE promote the orderly, expeditiou,«, and economical admin istration of tlie affairs of the Society. All which is respectfully submitted, L. BEADISH, WIL COVENTRY H. WADDELL, GEOEGE H. MOORE. Oormnittee. New Yoek, October 3, 1861. After the reading of the Eeport, Mr. Bradish re- mai-ked, that, by the instructions of the Committee, he proposed the By-Laws now presented as an alteration or amendment of the present By-Laws of the Society, in accordance with Chapter XIV. of the same: that they might be " entered on the minutes with the name of die member proposing tlie same," and be considered " at a subsequent regular meeting " of the Society. Whereupon, on motion of Frank Moore, Esqr, it was fiesolved : That the Report be accepted with the thanks of tho Society for the able manner in which the Com mittee had performed tlie duties imposed upon them ; and that the Treasurer of the Society be, and lie is hereby, instructed to cause a sufficient number of cop ies of the whole Eeport, including the By-Laws as submitted to the Society, to be printed for the use of the members of the Society at its next stated meetino- in November. A true extract from the minutes. Wm. Coventry H. "VVaddell, lieoording Seo. jjro Tevi. g^mericait ^^ogra^|iral anir Statistical Soci^t^, BY-LAWS. REVISEU, 1861, CHAPTEE I. title. The title of the Society is, " The American Geographi cal and Statistical Society." CHAPTEE II. OBJECTS. The objects of the Society are, " The collecting and diffusing of geographical and statistical information." CHAPTEE III. MEMBERS. The Society shall consist of Eesident, Non-Eesident, Honorary, Corresponding, and Ex-officio members. 1. Eesident members are those residing in the City of New York, or its vicinity. 2. Non-Eesident members are those residing at least twenty-five miles distant from the city. 3. Honorary members shall be chosen on account of their distinction in the science of Geography or Statistics, and not more than twelve of them shall hereafter be elected in any one year. 8 by-laws of the 4. Corresponding members shall be chosen from those who have aided the advancement of Geography or Sta tistics. 5. Ex-officio members to be foreign diplomatic repre sentatives and consuls, resident in the United States ; and United States diplomatic representatives and consuls in foreign countries. 6. Eesident, Non-Resident, Corresponding, a»d Hon orary members shall be elected as follows : all nomina tions of candidates shall be openly made in writing at a stated meeting of the Society, by a member thereof, and, together with the name of the member making them, entered on the minutes, and referred to the Council. The persons thus nominated, when approved by the Council and elected by the Society at a subsequent btated meeting thereof, shall, on payment of the initiation fee, if nominated as a Eesident or Non-Eesident member, and without such payment if nominated as a Correspond ing or Honorary member, become members of the Society accordingly. 7. Persons entitled to become Ex-officio members of the Society, shall, on the recommendation of the Council, • be, by the Society, constituted and declared to be such raembera 8. The name of any member of the Society may, on the recommendation of the Council, and by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a stated meeting of the Society, be dropped from the roll of its members. CHAPTEE IV. initiation fee and annual dues. 1. The initiation fee, including the dues for the cur rent year, shall be, for a Eesident member, Ten Dollars ; and for a Non-Eesident member. Five Dollars ; in both cases to be paid immediately on election. 2. The Annual Dues thereafter shall be, for a Eesi dent member. Five Dollars; and for a Non-Eesident GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 9 member, Two Dollars and a Half; both to be paid in advance. 3. Any member of the Society, not in arrears, may commute for life all dues for membership, by the pay ment atone time, if a Eesident member, of Fifty Dollars ; and, if a Non-Eesident member. Twenty five Dollars. 4. The name of any Eesident or Non-Eesident mem ber of the Society, neglecting for two successive years to pay his annual dues, or at any time wholly refusing to pay them, may, by the Council, be erased from the list of members of the Society. 5. The Fiscal year of the Society shall, for all pur poses, be the calendar year, that is, commence on the first day of January, and end' with the thirty-first day of December, in each year. CHAPTEE V. officees. 1. The officers of the Society shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Ee- cording Secretary, a Librarian, a Treasurer, and five Councillors; and these officers together shall form the Council of the Society. 2. The officers of the Society shall be chosen from among its members ; they shall be elected annually by ballot, and shall hold their offices respectively until others are elected in their places. 3. On the adoption of these by-laws, the term of office of all the present officers of the Society shall expire, and a full board of officers of the Society shall then be elected, who shall hold their offices respectively until the next annual election of officers of the Society, and until others are elected in their places. 4. AU officers of the Society, to be chosen at any election, may be voted for on one ballot. 10 BY-LAWS OF THE CHAPTEE VI. ANNUAL MEETI.MG. 1. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Thursday after the first day of May in each and every year hereafter, when the annual electif)n of the officers of the Society shall take place ; and if, from any cause, there shall be a failure of the annual election at the time above designated for that i)urpose, the same inay be held on the Thursday next following, that is, on the second Thursday after the first day of May in each year, and of which due notice shall be given. 2. Every member of the Society, who has been such for twenty days or more, and who is not in arrears for his dues, shall be entitled to vote at the said election. 3. At the annual meeting of the Society, the Council shall present a general report of its proceedings, and of those of the Society during the past year ; and the Sec retaries and Treasurer shall also present their annual reports. CHAPTEE VII. MONTHLY AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. 1. The Society, unless otherwise specially ordered by the Society or the Council, shall hold its stated meetings for the transaction of business, on the first Thui-sday of each month of the year, except July, August, and Sep tember. 2. The President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice- Presidents, may, and, upon the written request of five members, shall call a special meeting of the Society, liy giving three days' notice thereof in two daily newspapers, published in the city of New York. CHAPTEE VIII. ORDER OP BUSINESS. 1. At all stated meetings of the Society, for the trans- GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 11 action of ordinary business, the order of proceedings shall be as follows : 1. Eeading of the minutes. 2. Eeports and Communications from officers of the Society. 3. Eeports from the Council. 4. Eeports from Committees. 5. Nominations of Members. 6. Special Orders. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. Miscellaneous Business. 9. Papers read and Addresses delivered before the Society. 2. All propositions presented for the action of the Society, at any of its meetings, shall be in writing when requested by the presiding officer, or auj member. A proposition, thus presented, when seconded, aud the ques tion thereon stated from the chair, shall be deemed to be iu the possession of the Society, and open for discussion ; but may be withdrawn by the mover, at any time before amendment or decision. ' 3. No member shall speak more than once upon the same question until all the other members present desiring to speak shall have spoken ; nor more than twice on any question without leave of the Society'. CHAPTEE IX. QUORUM. At all meetings of the Society, nine members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. CHAPTEE X. COMMITTEES. All Committees, authorized by the Society, shall, un ess otherwise specially ordered, consist of three members each, and be apiJointed by the presiding officer. 12 BY-LAWS OF THE CHAPTEE XI. PRESIDING OFFICEE. At all meetings of the Society, on the arrival of the appointed hour, and the presence of a quorum, the Presi dent, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, or, in the absence of both, a Chairman pro iem., shall immedi ately take the chair, call the meeting to order, and pre side. He shall have only a casting vote. He shall pre serve order, and decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. He shall, also, unless otherwise specially ordered, appoint all Committees authorized by the Society ; and, at every annual election, before the opening of the polls, he shall appoint two Tellers of the Election. ,, CHAPTEE XII. SECRETARIES. 1. Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct the Society's gen eral correspondence with individuals and associate bodies, both in the United States and in foreign countries. He shall keep, in suitable books to be provided for that pur pose, at the Eooms of the Society, true copies of all letters written by him on behalf of the Society, and shall pre serve, on proper files, to be kept at the said Eooms, all letters received. At the stated meetings of the Society and of the Council, he shall report his correspondence, and read such portions thereof as may be required. 2. The Society may designate a' particular officer, or appoint a committee to prepare a letter or letters on any special occasion. 3. Eecording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Eecording Secretary to give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and to attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and record the same, when GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 13 approved, in tlie Society's Journal. He shall give imme diate notice to the several officers and committees of the Society, of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society, affecting them, or appertaining to their re spective duties. He shall prepai-e a list of the members of the Society entitled to vote, to be handed to the Tellers before the opening of the polls at each annual election. He shall officially sign and affix the corporate seal of the Society, to all diplomas, and other instruments or docu ments authorized by the Society or Council. He shall have charge of the Corporate Seal, Charter, By-Laws, Eecords, and general archives of the Society, except so far as they may be expressly placed under the charge of others. He shall certify all Acts and proceedings of the Society, and shall notify the Council of the death, resig nation, or removal of any officer or member of the Society. He shall have charge of the Eooms of the Society, and shall perform all such other and further duties as may, from time to time, be devolved upon him by the Society or the Council. He shall receive, for his services, such salary or pecuniary compensation as shall be determined by the Society or the Council ; but neither in the Society nor the Council, shall he have a vote on any question relating to, or affecting his salary or pecuniary compen sation. 4. All documents relating to the Society, and under the charge of the Secretaries respectively, shall be placed in such depositories in the Eooms of the Society as the Council may provide and designate for that .purpose. 5. During a vacancy in the office of either the Cor responding or Eecording Secretary, or in the absence or disability of either of these officers, the duties of both may be performed by the other Secretary. CHAPTEE XIII. LIBRARIAN, The Librarian, together with the Council, shall have 14 BY-LAWS OF THE the charge and arrangement of the Books, Maps, and Collections belonging to the Society. He shall cause to be kept in the Eooms of the Society, a Eegistry of all Donations to the Library or Collections of the Society, acknowledge their receipt by letter to the donors, and report the same, in Avriting, to the Society, at its next stated meeting. CHAPTEE XIV. TEEASUEER. The Treasurer shall liave charge of, and safely keep all contracts, certificates of stock, securities, and muni ments of title belonging to the Society. He shall collect the dues and keep the funds of the Society, and disburse the same under the direction of the Council : and so often as the said funds in the hands of the Treasurer shall amount to one hundred dollars, he shall deposit the same, in the name of the Society, in some incorporated Bank in the City of New York, to be designated for that purpose, by the Council ; and the said funds, thus deposited, shall be drawn out of the said Bank on the check of the Treasurer, countersigned by the Chairman of the Council, and only for the legitimate and authorized purposes of the Society. The Treasurer shall, previous to the annual meeting of the Society, prepare and submit to the Council, for audit, a detailed account of his receipts and disbursements for account of the Society during the past year ; and which annual account, duly audited, he shall present, with his general report, to the Society, at its annual meeting. CHAPTEE XV. COUNCIL. 1. The Council shall have the management and control of the affairs, property, and funds of the Society; and shall designate an incorporated Bank in the City 6f New York, where the said funds shall, from time to time as they accrue, be deposited by the Treasurer. GEOGEAPIIICAL AND STATIS'nCAL SOCIETY. 15 2. It may frame its own By-Laws not inconsistent with the Charter or By-Laws of the Society. 3. It maj', from time to time, determine the salary or pecuniary compensation of the Eecording Secretary ; and shall also appoint the necessary agents, cloii-ks, and ser vants of the Society, with such powers, duties, privileges, and compensation, as it may, from time to time, deter mine ; and may, at pleasure, revoke such appointments, and make others in their stead. 4. It shall have power to fill, for the unexpired term, any vacancy that may occur in any of the offices of the Society. ' 5. It shall have power, at its discretion, to declare vacant the seat of any member of its own body (except the President and Vice-Presidents) who shall have been absent from its meetings for three successive months ; and also, by a vote of a majority of the whole Council, to remove, from its own body, any member thereof for cause ; but in such case it shall be the duty of the Coun cil to report every such vacancy or removal to the So ciety, at its next stated meeting thereafter, when such cases shall be subject to review by the Society. 6. It shall not, without an approving vote of the Society, at a stated meeting thereof, make any contract whereby a liability in amount above one thousand dollars, may be incurred by the Society ; nor, without such vote, make any sale or disposition of the property of the Society, exceeding that sum in value. 7. The Council may, in its discretion, remit the initia tion fee, or annual dues,- of any member of the Society. 8. No member of the Council, except the Eecording Secretary, shall receive any salary or pecuniary compen sation for his services. 9. The Council shall hold stated meetings for the transaction of business, at least once in every month, except the months of July, August, and September. 10. At all meetings of the Council, five members 16 BT-LAWS OF THE present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. CHAPTEE XVI. •general provision as to DEBT. No debt on account of the Society, beyond the funds in the Treasury for its payment, shall, for any purpose, at any time, be incurred : and if, at any time, it shall appear that there are resting upon the Society, pecuniary obligations beyond the funds in the Treasury for their liquidation, no appropriation of funds from the treasury whatever, except for the necessary current expenses of the Society, shall be made, until the said pecuniary obli gations shall be fully discharged, or the funds necessary for their extinction shall have been set apart for that purpose. CHAPTEE XVII. ALTERATION OF THE BY-LAWS. No alteration in the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless openly proposed at a stated meeting of the Society, entered on the minutes, with the name of the member proposing the same, and adopted by the Society at a subsequent stated meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. CHAPTEE XVIII. ADOPTION OP THE BY-LAWS. The foregoing are hereby adopted and declared to be the By-Laws of the Society ; and all By-Laws of the So ciety heretofore adopted, are hereby rescinded, and de clared to be null and void. 3 9002 08561 9584 ''t ' . ^ t-r"^* *" .* I ^*i- V ,* U - " , .< '> r ss^fc