YALE UNIVERSITY . LIBRARY 1937 LAST JUDGMEIvlf, AND THE DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON. l?Tfic I'S SftjLL^NGS and Sj^pen|*.]^ ?^J^.fcA T, I .S E ?#CLN^S fe lC'1^ ^4 THE itAST JlTDGMBfsITj and likewife where it treats of the Form of Hea ven, according to which Confociations and Com munications are there regulated, n. 200 to 212 j and concerning the Wifdom of the Angels of Heaven, n. 265 10^275. 13. That every Divine Work has RefpeElto Iri" finity and '^Eternity, may appear evident ' from , many Things which exift b^h in Heaven an^ in the World ; no one Thing is to be found,^ either , in the Spiritual or the Natural World, exadlly ; like, or the fame as another; there is npt one Faqe exat^y like,^or the fame as another, nor ever will AND THE Destruction OF Babylon. 19 be to Eternity; in like Manner the Mind of no one Man or Angel is exadlly like that of another; wherefore there are as many Faces and as many Minds, as there are Men and Angels ; there is never to be found ijl ai>y one Man, in whom notwithftanding- there are innumerable Parts which conftitute his Body, and innumerable Af- fedlions which conftitute his Mind, a fingle Thing exadlly like, or' the fame as in another Man ; hence it is, that every Man lives a Life difl:in£l from the Life: of another : The fame holds good in 51II and every Thing belonging to Nature, The Reafon why fuch an infinite Variety prevails in all and every Thing of Creation,, is becaufe they all derive their Origin from the Divine Principle, .which" is I@finite; hence it is, that a Kind of Irriage of Infinity is every-where jnanifefted, to the End that all Things may be viewed by the Divine Being as his o\^n Work, and at the fame Time that all Things may have Refpedl to Him, as the Supreme Caufe. How every Thing in ISfature has Refped to Infinity and Eternity, may eafily be illuftrated by a fingle Inftance^j every Seed, whether it be the Fruit of a Tree, of of Corn, or of a Flower, is fo created, that it is capa ble of being multiplied tp In|^nity, and enduring to Eternity; for froin orie Seed are produced many, even to Sj iQ. 29, 100, and from each of^ thefe again as many piore ;. fuch Frydlification C 2 from 5p Of the Last Judgment, - 'from each Seed continually reproduced, within tfeg Space only of One Hundred Yea^-s, would cover the Surface not only of one Earth, but even of Myriads of Earths ; thp fame Seeds are alfo fo created, that their Durations piay be to Eternity : Hence it appears, hovy in this Inftance is con^ taihedan Idea of Infinity and Eternity ; the Cafe is the fame in others. The Angelic Heaven in the End for which all Things in the Univerfe ' tvere created, being the End for which Manrf kind was created,' and Mankind is t.he End for which the vifible Heaven and all the f arth^* ^herein >yeFe created : Wherefore th^ Piyin? Work, namely, the Angelic Heaven, primarily ^rid chiefly has Refpedl to Infinity and Eternity, tronfequently to'it's Multiplication without Eflii; for ihe Effentijil Diyine Principle dwells in thf Angelic Hgaveti^ Hence alfo it m^y appearj that the Human Race will never have an Find, for were it to ceafe, the -Divine Work, namely, the Angiclic Heaven, would be limited by a cer.. tain Number, and thus it's Refpedl to Infinity ^puld perifh, Tht '/VND the Destruction of Babylon. Ii That Heaven and Hell are from , Mankifid, JJ..TT is altogether unknown in. the Chriftian ¦9- World, that Heaven and Hell are from Mankind, for it is fuppofed that Angels were created fuch at the Beginning, and that Heaven was formec^ of them ; it is alfo the common Opinion, tfiat the Devil or Satan was an Angel of l^ight, but in Confequence of his rebelling, he was. caft down with his Crew, and that hence <;ame Hell. "The Angels are greatly aftonifhed that fuch a Faith obtains at this Day amongft Chriftians, and ftill more, that they know No thing at all concerning Heaven, ' when yet it is a principal Dodlrine in the Church; s^nd^whereas fuch Ignorance prevails, they are rejoiced^ in Heart, that it has pleafed the Lord at this Time to reveal to Men many Things concerning Hea ven .and alfo concerning , Hell, and thereby as much as poffible to diffipate the thick Darknefs, which daily increafes, in Confequence of the Church having come to it's End : Wherefore it^ is their Defire that I would declare from them, that there i| not in the univerfal Heaven a fingle Angel that "was created fuch at firft, nor a fingle Pevil in all Hell that had been created an Angel 6 ' ' of 2^ Of the Last Judgment, of Light, and was afterwards caft out of Heaven, bpt that all both in Heaven and Hell are from the Human Race ; in Heaven fuch as had, lived in the World in heavenly Love and Faith, and in Hell fuch as had lived inhellifli Love and Faith i and that Hell in it's whole Complex, or coUedlively, is called the Devil and Satan, that Hell which is be hind,* jn which aire evil Genii, being called the Devil, and that Hell which appears in Front, in which' are evil Spirits, being called Satan..(c), The Nature of each of thefe Hells may be feen in the Treatife on Heaven and Hell towards the^ End. That the Chriftian World have embracecl fuch a Faith relative to thofe. in Heaven and Hell, the Angels further f^id, proceeds; from. certain Paffages in the Word taken according to their literal^enfe only, and not illuftrated and ex plained 'by genuine Dodlrine from the Word ; when neyerthelefs th? Letter of the Word, if not enlightenett * Here the Author is be underftood as fpeaking of- the Situation of Things and Places , as they appear to the Speo Utor in,th^- Spiritual World, and which always have the feme Afpeft with Refpeft tjo his Body, as to right and left, tiehind and before, above and beneath, &c, wherefQever he is, or which Way foeverhe turns. Tr. - ¦•' ' (c) That the Hells, or Infernal Spirits, tsken colleftively, arc called the Devil and Satan, n. 694, That they who have been Devils in the World, become Devifs after. Death, n, 968. , And the Destruction of Babyxon. t^ enlightened by the genuine Dodlrine of the Church, mifleads the Mind into various Con ceits, and gives Rife to Ignorance, Herefies, and Errors, (d) ' 15. Another Reafon why the Man of the Church entertains fuch a Belief, is,~ becaufe he imagines that no one goes to Heaven or Hell before the Time of the Laft Judgment, concern ing which he is of Opinion that all Things which vifibly appear will then perifh, and be fucceeded by a new Creation, and that the Soul will then be reunited to it's Body, and in that State live again as a Man : This Belief involves an'other concerning the Angels, namely, that they were created fuch from the Beginning; for it cannot # -be . ' » {d) That theDoElrine of the Cfiurch mult be derived from the Word, n. 3464, 5402, 6832, 10763, 10765. That the Word is unintelligible without Doftrine, n. 9021, 94^)9, 9424,9430, 10324, 10431, 10582. That true Doftrine is as ^ Candle to thofe who read the Wordji^n. 10401. That genuine Doftrine muft be formed by thofe who are in ^lumination from the Lord, n. 2510, 2516, 2519, 9424, 10105. That they who abide in the literal Senfe of the Word without Doftrine, can ,attain to no Underiftanding of Divine Truths, n. 9409, 9410, 10582. And that they fall into many Errors, n. 10431. Th^ Difference between thofe -who teach and learn from the Doftrine of the Church derived from the Word, and thofe who teach and learn only from the literal SenfeiOf the Word, defcribed, n. 9025. ^ Of the Last JiiDOM^Nti be believed that Heaven and Hell are from Matij. kind,, when it is fuppofed that none go to either till the End of the World. But in Order that Man may be convinced of the contrary, it has been granted me to have Fellowfhip with An gels, a^d alfo to converfe wit|i thofe who are in Hell, and that now for feveral Years together, fometimes from Moraing till Evening witliout Interruption, and fo to receive Information con cerning Heaven and Hell; and alibis to the End, that the Man of the Chureh may no loHgfer remain in his erroneous Faith concerning the RefurredHon at the Time of thfe La^ Judgment, and concerning the State of "Souls in the mean Time", and 4fo concerning Angels and concern- j^ing the Devils which 'l^ith, inafmuch as it is- a Faith in what is falfe, involves the Mind in "Darknefs ; and with thofe who think concerning fuch Things'from felf-derived Intelligence, leads to Doubt,,and at length to a Denial ofthpm; for they fay in their Hearts, how can fo great a Hea ven, and fo«rpny Stars, together with thp Sun and Moon, be deftroyed and diflipated ? and how. can the Stars fall from Heaverf upon the Earth, ¦which yet are fo much bigger than the Earth ? or how can Bodies, which have been devowed: Jay Worms, deftroytd by Corruption, and difpei*fed by all the Winds, be cdlledled together again for the Ufe of their refpeclive Souls? what in the meart AND THE DESTRUCTION OF BaBYLON. 2^ mean Time bSebmes of the Soul, and what Soifc of a Being is it without thenSenfation* which it enjoyed in the, Body ? with many Suggeflions of a like Kind, which being incomprehenfible, fall not within the Province of Faith, but deftroy in many the Belief of Man's eternal Life, and of the Exiftence of Heaven and Hell, and therewith all other Articles%f Faith belo^nging to the Church. That this is adually the Confequence, we have fufficient Proof in thofe who fay. Who ever came from Heaven to tell us that there is fuch a Place? What is Hell ? Surely it is only a Creature of the Brain ? What is the Meaning of Man's beinff tormented for ever with* Fire? And what is the Day of Judgment ?.Have not Men been looking for it many Ages in vain ? Not to men tion a Variety of other Suggeftions,'*which imply a Denial of the Whole. Left therefiM-^they who think thus (as is the Cafe with ma^ who from their Knqjvledge in worldly Matters are reputed wife and learned) fhould any longet difturb ,and feduce the Simple in Faithnand Heart, and bring on infernal Darknefs in Relation to a Belief of •^God, of Heaven, of eternal Life, and of other Things dependent thereon, the Interiors of my Spirit have been opened by the Lord, and thus I have been permitted to converfe with all whom I knew in the Life of the^ody, -after their De- ceafe, with fome for Da]^ with fome for Months, D and 26 Of the Last Judgment, and with fome, for a Year together, and alfo with fo many others, thjt I fhould come Ihort if I reckoned them at an Hundred Thoufandi many of whom were in the Heayens, and many in the Hells. I have a.lfo fpoken with fome two Days after their Deceafe, and told them that thek Friends were at that Time preparing for their Fun^bl; to ;which they repied, that they did well to remove out of the Way that which had ferved them for a Body and it's Fundlions tn the World; and they defired me to tell them, that they were n6t dead, but living Men equally as before, that they had only paffed out of one World into anoth^, and did not know that they had loft any Thing by thcChange, having a Body and Senfes as before, with Underftanding and Will as befofe, and alfo Jike Thougfits and Affedlions, . like Senfations, like Pleafures, and like Defires. as when t^ lived in rtiis World. Moft of thofe who" were newly departed, on finding themfelves • living Men-as before, and in a fimilar State, (for j .after Death the Statepf every one's Life is at firft the fame as it l\ad been in the World, but is fucr ceffively changed either for Heaven or Hell J were affedled with a new Joy at their being ali\p, and faid that they did not before believe it would be fo; but, greatly wondered at their former Ig norance and Blindnefs with Refpedl to the State' and Condition of theic Life after Death; and more and the Destruction of BabylOn. a"; more particularly, that the Men of the Church ihould be in fuch Darknefs as to thefe Points, when neverthelefs above all Perfons in the whole World they might be. acquainted with them, (e') They then for tl^ firft Time faw the Caufe of fuch Blindnefs and -Ignorance, which is, t'Kat ex- terijal Things, fuch as relate to the World and the Body, had fo engaged and filled their Minds, that they could not elevate them into the Light of Heaven, and penetrate into the Things of the Church any farther than as to fome Points of , Dodlrine; - (e) That at this JDay few in Ghriftendbm believe, that Man jifes again immediately after Death, fee the Preface to Chap, xvi. of Gen. and n; 4622,10758; but at the Time of ^he Laft Judgment when the, vifible W^lld is to pefifli, n. 10595,. Tf'^ Caufe of fuch Belief, n. 10594, 10758. Tiiat 'neverthelefs Man rifes again immediately after Death, aind tliftt 'then he is a Man as to all ahd evtety Particular, n- 4527. 5006, ^8, 8939,: 8991, ios<94, 16758. , That the Soul, which liveth after . Death, is Man's .Spirit, which is the real Man within him, and which alfo in the other Life is inaperfefl; Human Form, n. 322,1880,1881, 3633,4622, 4735) 5®^3> ^054! ^^°5! 6626,7021,10594. Proved from 'Experience, n.'4527, 5006, 8939;'awd from the Word, n. 10597. An Explanation of what is fignified by the Dead being feen in, the Holy City, Matt, xxvii. 53, n, 9269. How Man is raifed fromjthe Dead, by Experience, n. 16S to 1 89'. Of Man's State after Refufcitatioii, n. 3 1 7, 3 1 8, 3 1 jj^ 2119,5070, 10596. Falfe Opinions refpefling the Soul and the Refurreaion,,n. 444, 445, 45?7, 462 2^ 4658. D2 ^f * Of the Last Judgj4ent, Dodlrine; for corporeal, and worldly Tbii^s^ when dwey are fo much loved as at this Day, occafioo mere Darknefe in tbje Mind, wh^en Man isdefirous of thirfting concdrtting the Things of Heaven beyond the Limits jprefcribed in the. Dodlrine of Faith belonging- td his Church* 1 6, Many of the Learned from the Chriftiasi World, When they find themfelves after Deatii i^ a Body, in Garments, and in Houfes, as they had been in the World, are ^11 Amazement; and when they ^recall to Mind, what they J^d thought concerning a Life after Death, the Soul, Spirits, and cohcerailig Heaven and Hell, they are af fedled with Sfcame, acknowledge their paft Infa tuation, and that the Simple in Fairh were much \vifer than tKy. On examining thofe learned Men who had confirmed themfelves In fiich Er- xais, and wjuo had attributed all Things to Mature, it was- found, that the Interiors §f their Mind were fliutj and the Exteriors open, a Prodf that they had not looked towards Heaven, but to^ wards the World, and confequently alfo towards Hell ; for in Proportion as the Interiors , /./-^ ¦•'. £0 Of the Last Judgment, Foundation or Bafis, and that without fuch a Senfe the Letter could not poffiWy be the Divine Word, nor ferve as the Dodlrine of Life and Faith to Heaven as well as the World, and for their Conjundlion: Whoever therefore is ac quainted with the fpiritual Correfpondertccs of the natural Things in the Word, may know, that by the Coming of the Lord in the Clouds of Hea ven, is not underftood his Appearance in the Clouds, but his Appearance in the Word; for the Lord is the Word, inafmuch as he is Divine Truth ; the Clouds of Heaven, in which he is to come, are the literal Senfe of the Word, and Glory is it's fpiritual Senfe ; the Angels are Hea ven, from whence the Lord makes his Appear ance, and they likewife are the Lord with Refpedl to Divine Truths : (/) Hence appears what is meant (/) That the Lord is the Word, becaufe he is Divine Truth in Heaven, n. 2533, 2818, 28^, 2894, 3393, 3712.' That the Lord is the Word alfo for this Reafon, becaufe it is from him, and treats of him, n. 2859 ; and becaufe it treats of the Lord alone, and chiefly of the Glorificatioff of his Humanity in it's inmoft Senfe, thus the Lord Himfelf is therein, n. 1873, 9357. That the Coming of the Lord is his Prefence in the Word, and Revelation, n. 3900, 4060. That Clouds ii) the Word fignify the Word in the Letter, or it's literal Senfe, n. 4060, 4391, 592a, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8781,9430, 10551, 10574. That Glory in the Word fig nifies Divine Truth, fuch as it is in Heaven, and in the fpti-itUsl and' THE Destruction of Babylon. 51 meant by thofe Words, viz. that the Lord, when the Church is at an End, will reveal the fpiritpal Senfe of the Word, and thus manifeft Divine Truth fuch as it is in itfelf; confequently that this is the Sign of the Laft Judgment taking Place. That there is a fpiritual Senfe in every Particular of the Word, yea in every fingle Ex- preflion, and what the Nature and Quality of that Senfe is, may be feen in the Arcana Cce- l^stia, wherein are explained, according to that Senfe, all and fingular the Things contained in the Books of Genefis and Exodus, from which Work fome Particulars are colledled relative to the Word and it's fpiritual Senfe in a fmall Trad: concerning the White Horse mentioned in the Revelation. ' 29. That the Laft Judgment is to take Place in the Spiritual World, and not in the Natural World or on the Earths, is evident from the two preceding Articles, and al^fo from what follows: In fpirjtual Senfe of the Word, n. 4809, 5292, 8267, 8427, 9429, J 0574. That by Angels in the Word are fignified Divine Truths proceeding from the Lord, inafmuch as An gels are Recipients thereof, and do not fpeak Truths from themfelves, but from the Lord, n. 1925, 2821, 3039, 4085, 4295, 4402, 6280, 8192, 8301. That Trumpets or Cornetsi, when fpjrfien of the Angels, fignify Divine Truths in Hea- veiij and revealed front Heaven, n. c8j5, 8823, 8915. G 2' 52 Of the Last Judgment, In the two preceding Articles it was fhewn, that Heaven and Hell are from ManT known from the Word; but it is riot as yet known, ¦^that there is no Faith where there is no Charity j wherefore Something Ihall now be faid relative to .this Subjedl. That there would be no Faith at the End of the Church, is foretold' by the Lord in thefe Words, " WbenibeSonofManJhall come, «' will he find Faith on the Earth f" Luke xviii. 8 : H And ^8- ' Of THE Last Jodcment, And alfo that then there would be no Charitfy " In the Confummation of the Age Inquity fhaU be "multiplied, the Charity ef many fhall grow cold; " and this Gof pel fhall be preached to all the World -^ "and then fhall the End come," Matt. xxiv. 12,, 14. The Confummation of the Age is the Laft Time of the Church : The fucceffive States of the Declenfion of the Church with Refpeft to Love and Faith, are defcribed by the Lord in that Chapter, but they are defcribed by mere Cofre- fpondences ; and therefore the Things which are there predidled by the Lord cannot be under ftood, unlefs the fpiritual Senfe correfpondir^ with every Particular be known ; for which Rea fon it has been given me from the Lord to ex plain tht whole Contents of that Cffrapter, and Part of the next, which treat of the Confumma- tion of the Age, the Coming of the Lord, and the fucceffive Vaftation of the Church, and of the Laft Judgment, as may be feen in the Arca na CcpxESTiA, n. 3353 to 3356, 3486 to 3489, 3650 to 3655, 3751 to 3759, 3897 to 3901, 4056 to 4060, 4229 to 4231, 4332 to 4335,' 4422 to 4424, 4635 to 4638, 4661 to 4664, 4807 to 4810, 4954^0 4959, 5063 to 5071. , 36. Something fliall now be faid in Relation to this Point, that there is no Faith where there is no Charity: It is imagined that there is Faith fo long AND The Destruction of Babylon. 59 long as the Dodlrinals of the Church are bdievcd in, confequently that they have Faith who fo be lieve ; but Faith does not confift in merely be lieving, but in willing and doing what is believed. When the Dodlrinals of the Church are only be lieved, they are not in the Life of Man, but mere ly in his Memory, and thence in the Thought of his external Man ; neither do they enter into his Life, until they enter into his Will, and thence into his Adlions ; theii for the firft Time is Faith in Man's Spirit, for the Spirit of Man, the Life of which is his real and true Life, is formed from his Will, and fo far from the Thought, as this proceeds from the Will : The Memory of Man, and Thought thence derived, is only the outer Court that leads to the real Man. Whether we fay Will or Love, it amounts to the fame Thing, for whatever any one wills, that he loves, and what, he loves, that he wills; and the Willis the Receptacle of Love, and the Underftanding; whofe Province it is to think, is the Receptacle of Faith. A Man may know, think, and under ftand many Things, but fuch Things as do not accord with his Will or Love, he rejedls, when left tohimfelf to meditate from his own Will and from his own Love ; and therefore he alfo rejedls them after the Life of the Body, when he becomes a Spirit ; for that only remains in a Man's Spirit, which has. entered into his Will or Love, as ob- H 2 ferved '^Q Of the Last Judgment, ¦ lerved above j other Things after Death are re garded as foreign, and having no Place in his Affedlions, are entirely rejedled, and even abj horred. But the Cafe is otherwife, when a Man not only believes the Dodlrinals of the Church derived from the Word, but alfo wills them, and lives according to them ; then Faith takes Place ; for Faith is the Affedlion of ^ruth derived from the Love of Truth for it's own Sake, and to love or will Truth for it's own Sake, is the real fpiri tual Principle in Man, being diftindl from his natural Principle, which confifts in willing Truth, not for the Sake of Truth, but for the Sake of Self-Glory, Reputation, and Wealth ; but Truth, confidered abftradledly from fuch Things, is fpi ritual, being in it's Effence Divine ; wherefore to will or defire Truth for the Sake of Truth, i^ likewife to acknowledge and love what is Divine "• Thefe two are perfedlly conjoined, arid are alfo ' (Confidered as one in Heaven, for the Divine Pro ceeding from the Lord in Heaven is Divine Truth, as may be feen in the Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 128 to 132 ; and they are Angels in the Heavens, who are recipient thereof, and bring it forth in their Lives. Thefe Obfervations are made, in Order to fhew, that Faith does not con fift in barely believing, but in willing and doing,^ and confequently that there is no Faith where 2 there AND THE DeSTRITCTION OF BaBYLON. 61 .there is no Charity ; Charity or Love confifts in willing and doing. 37. That at the prefent Day Faith is fo very rare, that it can fcarcely be faid there is any, ap* peared evident from many, as well among the Ltarned as the Simple, who after Death were ex amined as to what Faith they pofleffed in the World, and it was found that every one fuppofed Faith to confift merely in believing, and perfua- ding themfelves that fuch or fuch a Thing was true ; and the more learned among them thought it was only a Belief from Truft and Confidence, that they are faved by the Pafllon of the Lord, and his Interceflion : It was alfo found, that fcarce any Perfon knew, that there is no Faith where there is no Charity or Love ; nor did they even know what Charity towards their Neighbour was, or the Difference between thinking and willing ; the greater Part of them entirely rejedled Charity, declaring that it availed Nothing, but Faith alone. Whien they were told that Charity and Faith are one, like Will and Underftanding, that Cha rity refides in the Will, and Faith in the Under ftanding, and that to feparate the one from the other, is Uke feparating the Will and the Under- jftanding, they had no Comprehenfion of the Matter : Hence it was evident, that there is fcarce any Faith at the prefent Day. This was alfo proved 63 Or THE Last Judgment, proved to them by lively Experience ; they whon were in the Perfuafion^that they had Faith, were led to an Angelic Society, which was principled in genuine Faith, arid then, on a Cbmrnunicatioh taking Place, they clearly perceived, that they poffefled no Faith ; as they likewife confefTed in the Prefence of many. The fame was alfo made manifeft by other Means to thofe who profefTed Faith, and fuppofed they believed, and yet had not lived the Life of l-aith, which is Charity ; every one of whom confeffed they had no Faith, becaufe there was Nothing thereof in the Life of their Spirit, but only in their external Thought while they lived in the Natural World, 38: Such is the State of the Church at this Day, namely, that there is no Faith therein be caufe there is no Charity, and where there is no Charity, there is Nothing of fpiritual Good, for that Good is folely derived from Charity : It was faid from Heaven, that there is ftill Good in fome Individuals, but that it cannot be called fpiritual Good, but natural Good, by Reafon that eflfcntial Divine Truths are in Oblburity, and Divine Truths introduce to Charity, for they teach it, and regard it as their End ; hence the Quality of Charity is always determined by the Truths which give it Form and Exiftence. The Divine Truths, from which the Dodlrines of tjie prefent Churches are and ,the Destruction of Babylon. 6^3 are derived, refpedl Fa|ith alone, wherefofe they are called the Dodlrines of Fait h,(i and have no Regard to Life ; yet Truths that only regard Faith and not Life, cannot make Man fpiritual; for fo long as they are without Life, they are rnerely natural, being known and thought of only as other common Matters : Hence it is, that at this Day there is no fpiritual Good, but only natural Good in certain Individuals. Moreover,- every Church at it's Commencement is fpiritual, for it .takes it's Rife from Charity ; but in Procefs of Time it declines from Charity to Faith, and then from an Internal Church becomes External ; and when this is the Cafe, it is at an End, or no lon ger a Church, inafmuch as the Whole of Religion is then made to confift in Science or Knowledge, and little if any Thing in Life; and in Proportion as Man from Internal becomes External, fo is fpiritual Light darkened within him, to fuch a Degree, that he does not fee Divine Truth from real genuine Truth, or from the Light of Hea ven, which is the fame Thing, but only from na tural Light, which is of fuch a Nature, that when alone, and not enlightened by fpiritual Light, it fees Divine Truth as in the Dark, bel.eving it to be Truth for no other Reafon than merely be caufe it is fo called by the Leaders of the Church, and received as fuch by the Conimonaity : Hence ^it is, that the intelkaual Faculty of fuch Perfons cannot ^4 Of th* Last Judgment, cannot be illuminated by the Lord, for in Pro portion as natural Light fhines in the intelledlusd Part, in the fame Prbportion fpiritual Light i« obfcured : Natural Light fliines in the intellec- tual Part, ;when woridly, corporeal, and earthly Things are loved in Preference to Things fpiri tual, celeftial, and Divine; in the fame Degree j alfo is Man external. 39. But whereas it is not known in the Chrif tian World, that there is no Faith where there is no Charity,* nor in what Charity towards our Neighbour confifts, nor even that the Will con- ilitutes the real Man, with only fo much of' .Thought as is derived from the Will; therefore, in Order to bring thefe Matters into the Li^ of the Underftanding, I {hall here add fome Ex- tradls from the Arcana Ccelestia, which may ferve for Illuftration. JExTJRACTiS A^B i'iijE DESTRiJbfi&^ bF Babylon. ' 6| feXTRACtS tROsl^THE IrCANA' C&I#ESTIA; • jrSONGERNiNG FAITH. Tkt they whb ^'^ do not krioW that all Things in the Uni- Verfe haVe Relatioii to Truth and Good, and to the Cbnjurtdlion of bbth, in Order to the PrO- dudlion bf any Thingj arc alfo ignOrant that all Things appiertaining to the Church haveRfelatiort io Faith and LovEi and to the C^undliori of both, n. 77i 2 to 7762, 9i86i 9224. That all ^Things ill the Univerfe havfe Relation to Truth and Good, ahd to thfeit Cohjundlioh, n, 245 13 3166, 439OJ 4409, 5232; 7256, 1G122, 1D555. That Truths havfe Rfefpfedl to Faith, and GOods to Love, n. 4353, 49^7, 7178; 10367; That thfcy who do nbt know that fevfei-y Thing in Man, both in general and in particular; ha» Relation to the Undjerstanding and the Will^ and to the Conjundlion Of both, in Order that Man may be Man; are ignorant that all Things appertaining to the Church have Rtlation td Faith and Love, and to their Ct^hjuntjion, iri Order that the Church may eXift in Man, n. 25(31, 7752, 7753. 7754, 9224, 9995, 10122. That ]^an has two FacultieSj one of which is called .the Underftanding, and the other the^illj I n. 641, 66 Of the Last Judgment, n. 641, 803, 3623, ^939- That the Under ftanding is till Recipif/it of Truths, cohfequently of thofe Things which ap^ertg^n to Faith ; and the Will 'the Recipient of Goods, confequently of what appeiitains to Love, n. 9300, 9930,10064. That hence it follows, that Love or Charity coni* ftitutes the Church, and not Faith alone, or Faith, feparate from Charity, n. 8og, 916, 1798, 1799* 1834, 1844, 4766, 5826. That Faith feparate from Charity Is no Faith,' n- 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2049,-2116, 2340, 2349, 2419; 3849, §868, 6348, 7039, 7842,1 9782, That fuch a Faith perifhes in another: Life, n. 2228, 5820. That the dodlrinal No tions concerning Faith alone deftroy Charity, n. 6353, 8094. That they who feparate Faith from Charity are reprefented in the Word by Cain, by Ham, by Reuben, by the Firft-born of the Egyptians, and by the Philiflines, n. 3325:,' 7097. 7317, 8093. That in Proportion as Cha rity departs, in the^fame Proportion prevails the Religion refpedling Faith alone, n. 2231. That the Churgh in Procefs of Time declines from ' Charity to . Faith, and at laft to Faith alone, n. 4683, 8094. That in the laft Time of the . Church there is no Faith, becaufe there is no Charity, n. i 843, 3489, 4649. That they whq makdWFaith alone to be of a faving Efficacy, ex- cufe AND THE DeSTRU»CTION OF BaBYLON. 67 • cufe an evil Life; and that they who are in a Life of Evil, have no Faith, becaufe they have no Charity, n. 3865, 7766, 7778, 7790. 7950, 8694. That they are inwardly in the Falfes of their Evil, although ignorant of it, n. 7790, 7950. That therefore Good cannot ,be con- .•joined to them,«n. 89 8 1 , 89 83. That ia another Life they are in Oppofition to Good, and to thofe who are principled iri Good, n. 7097, 71 27, 7^17, 7502,^7945, 8096, 8313. That the OTmple in Heart know what the Good bf Life is, and alfo what Charity is, better ^han thofe who are reputed wife; but not what Faith feparate' »irom Charity is, n. 4741, 4754. ' That Good is the Efre,and Truth the Exiftere thenfce derived, and thus that the Truth of Faith has it's Efte of Life froni the Good of Charity, n. 3049^, 3180^4574, 5002, 9144. Hence that 'the Truth of Faith lives from the Good of Cha rity, confequently that the Life of Faith is Cha rity, n. 1 5 89, 1 947, 1997, 2 f 7 9, 4070^ 409 6, 4097, 4736, 4757, 4884, 5^47, 5928, 9? 54, 9667, 9841, 10729. That Faiith has no Life in Man, when he only knows^ and thinks of the Things, belonging to Faith, but when he*wills t'hem, and in Confequence thereof does them, n. 9224- That the' Conjundlion of the jLord with Man is not wrought by Faith, but by^fhe I 2 Life 68 Of the Last Judgment, Life of Faidi. which is Charity, n. 9380, 10143, J0153,- 10578," 10645, J0648. "That Worftiip from the Good of Charity is true Worfliip, but when proceeding' from,.the Tnjfh of F^ith with out the'Good of Charity, it is merely an external Aft, n. 7724. it That Faith alone, or Faith feparate from Char rity, is comparatively as ^he Light of. Winter, iii which, all tlie Subjedls of the Vegetable "Greatipii are torpi^ and lifelefs, and Nothing ^s prcJ^qced? but that Faith united with Charity is Comparat tively as the Light of Spring and Summer, in which all Things bloffem and produce thel| Kinds, ri. '223 1 , '3 1 ^6.^ 24;^ 2, 3413. That the y^intery Light, which; is' that of Faith alpne, is changed in .^nother Life into thick Darknefs, oq the Approac:!^ of Light from H?avcn; and tha| they who;&re,in that faithj, become at; fucl\ Time^ ^lind and jftupid, n. 34152, 3413. That they \vh9 feparate Fa^th frotn Charity, are ii^ Darknefs, coaj^qipntly ir^ Ignorance, of Trutb^, I and thereby in Falfes, for Falfes a.re Darknefs,' n. 918,6. - That they caft themfelves int^ Falfes, and thenc? into Evils, ri. 3325, 8,0914. The Errofs ani Falffes into T;vhi,ch they caft themfelves, n. 47,21, 4739, 4776, 4783, 4925. 7779, 8311, 8765, 9224. That th(f Word is clofed . tp fuclbi I?.- 1773' 47 83>' 87 8.0. That they do no^ fee 0^. attend AND THE DeSTRITCTJON OF BaBYI.ON. 0tOf. ;»tt€nd unto all the Things .which the Lord fo often fpake concerning Love and Charity, con^. cerning which fee n. 1Q17, 3416. that thcjr do not know the Nature either of Good, or of heavenly Love^ Of of Charity, n.''25P7, 3603, 4136*9995'? ..ThfaV Charity conftitutes the Church, and not yafh'lepar*ate from Charity,, n. 809, 916, 1798, 17^9,1834,1844. What Degree of Goodnefs would exift. in the Church, if Charity was re garded as the principal Conftituent thereof n. 6269, 6272. TThat the Church would be but one, .and not dividtd into many, if Charity was pgarded as the Effential of the -Church ; and that in fuch Cafe^he Differences which might pxift as to dodlrinal Opinions^i^ and Matters ret- lating to extern^ Worfhip, would be of no Ac count, n. i?S5, 1316, 23155, 2853, 2982, 3267, 3445. 3451, 3452.. That all in Heaven are re garded from Charity, and none from Faith alone, P-,.?258, i354»2364. iU^- That the twelve Difciples of tTie Lord repre fented the Church at large, as to all Things be longing to Faith and Charity, in like Manner a$ the twelve Tribes of Jfrael, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397. That Peter, James, and John, re* prefented Faith, Charity, and the Goods, of Cha^jf •^ity, in their Order, n. 3759. That Peter reprq-fente4 no Or the Last- Judgment, fented Faith, n. 4738, 6000, 6073, 6344, 10087, 105 80. And John the good Things of Cfiarity, Preface to the i Sth and 2 2d Chapters of Genefis. That in the laft Times, orlaft State of the Church, there would be no Faith in the Lord, becaufc no Charity, is reprefented by Peter's tliree Times denying the Lord before the C-gck crew ihrice ; for Peter there in a reprcfcntative Seiife is.I^tli^ n. 6poo, 6073. That Cock-Crowitig, aswmas Twilight, fignifies in the Word the laft Time of jhe Church, n. 10134. And that three, or thrice; fiWnify a Thing complete to it's End, n. 2788, 4495, 5^59> S^9^> 10127. The like is fignified by what the Lord faid to Peter, when Peter faw John follow the Lord ; " What is it io thee~, " Peter f follow thou me, Johntf" for Peter faid of John, "Whatishir John xxi. 21, 22, n. 10087. That John refted on the Breaft bf the Lord, be caufe he reprefented the Goods of Charity, n. 3934; 1008 1 . That all tha Names of Perfons and Places contained in the Word fignify Things abftradled from them, H 4768, 1888,4310,4442, 10329. Concerning CiHarity. That Heaven is dif- linguifhed into two Kingdoms, one of which is called the celeftial Kingdom, and the other the fpiritual ; the prevailing Love in the celeftial •^Kingdom is Love to the Lord, and is called ce leftial Love; and the prevailing Love in the ' fpiritual AND THE Destruction of Babylon. 71 fpiritual^ Kingdom is Charity towards their Neighbour, and is called fpiritual Love, n. 3325, 3653, 7257, 90°2, 98331 9961. That Heaven is thus diftinguiflied, fee the Treatife on Heaven AND Hell, n. 20 to 28. And that the Divine Principle of the Lord in the Heavens is Love to Ijim, and Chtirity towards their Neighbour, ni,ii3 to 19, in the fame Work. That none can know what Good and Truth are, unlefs it be known what Love to the Lord and Charity to our Neighbour are, becaufe all Good is the Offspring^of Love and Charity, and all Truth is the Offspring of Good, n. 7255,' 7366. That Charity confifts in knowing Truths, in willing them, and in being aflTeded with them for their own Sake, that is, becaufe they are Truths, n. 3876, 3877. That Charity is an in ternal Affedlion of adling according to Truth, and not an external Affedlion deftitute of that which is internal, n. 2430^^442, 3776, 4899^ 4956,8033. Confequently tnat Charity confifts in performing Ufes for the Sake of Ufes, and that it's Quality is according to the Ufe, n. 7038, 8253. That Charity conftitutes fne fpiritual , Life of 'Man, n. 7081. That the whole Word is the Dodlrine of Love and Charity, n. 6632, 7262. . That Men at this Day do not know what Charity ig, n. 2417, 3398, 4776, ,6,63 2, That neverthe lefs it may be difcovered from the Light of Rea fon, "7f (^^ THE Last juDdiiENTj fon, that Love and Charity conftitut^ Mi&i n. 3957, 6273. Likewife that Good and Truth accord together, and mutually refpedl each othefi confequently that Charity and Faith do in' lik^ Manner, n. 7627^ That the Lord is our Neighbourlh the fuprefti^ Senfe, becaufe he is to be loved above all Tilings; and hence that every Thing derived from hitn, in which he is prefent, is our Neighbour, confe quently that Good and Truth are our Neighbour,' n. !?425, 3419, 6706, 6819, 6823, 8124, That the Diftindtion of Neighbour is according to thd Quality of Good, and thus according to the- Prefence of the Lord,n. 6707, 6708, 6709, 67 lO; That every ' Man, and every Society, alfo our Country, and the Church, and in an univerfal Senfe the Kingdom of the^Lord, are our Neigh bour; and that to do kind and ferviceable Of fices to them, according to their feveral States^ from a Love of Goodnefs, is to love our Neigh-' hour; confequently that the Term Neighbour' figrafies their Good which we ought to have ae Heart, n. 6818 to 6824, S123. Thatcivil Good which confifts in Juftice, and moral Cood which regards a good Life in Society, ate aHb oat Neighbour, h. 2915, 4730, 8120, 81 21, 8122'. That to love our Neighbour does not confiH it* the Love of his Perfon, but in loving that in bin* which makes him our Neighbour, confeqnentl/^ Goodt AND TllE DeSTRIJCTION OF BaBYLON. 73 Good and Truth, n. 5025, 10336. That they who love the Perfon, and not the Quality within him which conftitutes a Neighbour, love what is Eviljas well as what is Good, n. 3 820. And that they confer Benefits on lihe Wicked as well as on the Good, when neverthelefs to confer Benefits on the Wicked, i^ really to injure the Good, and Confequently cannot be faid to be loving one's Neighbour, n. 3820, 6703, 8120. The Judge who punifhes the Wicked in Order to their Amendment, and that the Good may not be cor rupted by them, loves his Neighbour, n. 3820, Si2b, 8121. That to I0V6 our Neighbour is to do what is good, juft, and upright in all our Dealings and Concerns, n. 8120, 81 21, 8122. Hence that Charity towards our Neighbour extends itfelf, both in general and in particular, to whatfoever a Man thinks, wills, and does, n. 8124. That to do what is good and true for the Sake of Good nefs and Truth, is to love our Neighbour, n. 1 03 1 o, 1 033 6. That they who do this, love the Lord, who is our Neighbour in a fupreme Senfe, n. 9212. That a Life of Charity is a Life in Conformity to the Commandments of the Lord ; confequently to live according to Divine Truths, is to love the Lord, n. 10143, 10153, 103,10, 10578, io%8. K- that y4 Qf the Last Judgment, That genuine Charity does ndt claim Merify, n. 2340, 2373. 2400, 3887, 6388 to,6^:i. Be eaufe it proceeds from an internal Aifec^on, con.^. fequently from the Delight of doing Good, n. 2373, 2400, 3 887, 63 8^ 6393. That th^ wbo^ ' feparate Faith from Charity, in another Life hold Faithy^ and the good Works which they did merely in an CJiternal Form, as meritorious, n. 2373- That the Dodlrine of the Ancient Church was the Dodlrine of Life, which is the DoiBrine of Charity, n.- 2385, 2417, 3419, 3420, 484^ 6628. That the Ancients, who belonged to the Church, rediiced the Goods of Charify into Or der, and diftinguifhed them into Claffes, giving to each it's proper Name, arid that herein eoij- fifted their Wifdorti,' n. 2417, 6629^ 7^5$^ tff 7262, That^thcy, who in the World haVe lived a Life of Chajrity, are gifted With an immenfe Increafe of Wifdom and Intelligence in another Life, n. 1941, 5859. That the Lord flows with Divine Truth into Charity, becaufe imo the very eflentia'l Life of Man, n. 2363. That Maw' is comparatively as a Garden, when Charity and Faith are conjoined in him, but as a Dcfcrt whefi not conjoined, n. 7626^ That Man recedes from Wifdom, in Proportion as he recedes from Charity, n. 6630. That they who are not in Charity^ and IjHE Destruction op IBabylon. 1^5 Charity, are in Ignorance refpe^ing Divine Truths, «h(^foever wife they may think them- Telves,i^n.'24i6, 2435. That the Angelic Life copfifts in performing Works of Charity, which are Ufes, n. 454. That the fpiritual Angels are ibrrns of Gharity, n. ^53, 3804', 4735. Concerning the Wii-t arid the Understand ing! That there are two Facurties belonging to Man, one of which is called the Underftanding, and the other the Will, n. 35, 641, 393^, 10122. That thofe two Faculties conftitute the real Man, n. 10076, 10109, loiio, 10364, 10284. That the Quality of Man is deterinined by the Quality of thofe two Faculties in him, n. ^7342, 8885, 9282, 10264, 1018I4. That by therri alfo Man 'is diftinguiflied from the Beafts, by Reafoi^ that the Underftanding of Man may be elevated by the Lordj fo as to fee Divine Truths, and in like Manner his Will may be elevated fo as to per ceive Divine'Goods ; and thus Man may be con joined to the Lord by thofe two Fatuities, which are his conftituent Principles ; but that the Cafe is otherwife with Beafts, n. 4525, 5392, 5114, ($323, 9232. And fince Man, by Virtue of that .Capacity, is fuperior to Beafts, that l^e cannot die as. to his Interiors, which belong to his Spirit, |3ut that he liveth for eyer, n, 5302. K 2 That ^. 7^ Of the Last Judgment, , *•* ' ^ That all Things in the Univeife ha,ve Rel^ion' ^to Good and Truth, confequently thajt,?^ Things in Man have Rela'tion to the Will and the Under-! ftanding, n." 80^3, 10122. For the Underftanding is the Recipient of TruEh, a.nd the Will the Reci pient of Good, n. 3332, 3623, 5332, 6o65» 6125, 7503, 9300, 9930. It amounts to the fame whether you fay Truth or Faith, for Faith ,\s of Truth, and Trutii is of Faith ; and it is alfo the fame Thing whether you fay Good or Love, for Love i? of Good, and Good is of Love ; for what a Man believe?, that he calls true; and what he loves, that he calls good, n. 4353, 4997, 7178, 10122, ro367. Hence it follows, that the Underftanding is the Recipient of Faith, and the Will the Recipient of Love, n. 7178, 10122, 10367. And fince the Underftanding of Man is capable of receiving Faith towards God, and his Will of receiving Love towards God, that by Faith and Love he may be conjoined to God, an,d whoever is capable of Conjundlion with God by Faith and Love, cannot die to Eternity, n. 4525, 6323, 9231' That the Will of Man is the very EflTe of his Life, inafmuch as it is the Receptacle of Love or Good, and that the Underftanding is the Exif tence of his Life proceeding therefrom, inafmuciti as it is the Receptacle of Faith or Truth, n. 3619, 5002,, AND Tip Di:STR15CTI0N OF BaBYLON. 77 59027 9282. Confequen'tly «hat the Life of the Will is ^ .mnci ijaj Li fe of Man, and that the Life of tjie Underflaq^ding proceeds therefrom, "• 585. 59O3 36^9^ 7342. 8885>9282, 10076. 10109, loito.* r^lomparatively as Light pro ceeds from Fire or Flame, n. 6032, 6314. That whatever Things enter into the Underftanding, and at the fame Time into the Will, afe applopri- ated to Man, but not thofejpvhich are received in the Underftanding alone, n. 9009, 9069, 9071, 9129, 9182, 9386, 9393, 10076, 1 0109, lOIIO. fhat thofe Things become appropriated to the Life of Man, which are received by the Will, n. •3161, 9386, 9393. Hence it follows, that Man is Man by Virtue of the Will, and the Under ftanding proceeding therefrom, n. 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 1OJO9, loiio. Every Man alfo is loved by others, and eftimated according tp the Good of hi? Will and his Underftanding thence derived ; for he who intend^ well, and underftands well, is loved and efteemed, but lie who under.. ftands well, and does not intend well, is rejedled and defpifed, n. 891 1, 10076. That Man after Death abideth as his Will is, and it's derivative Underftanding, n. 9069, 9071, 9386, 10153. And that whatever Things engage the Under ftanding, and have not at the fame Time Root in the Will, then vanifli away, becaufe they are not jn Man, n. 9282. Or, what amounts to the fame. I'g 6r THE LASlf'fVDGSJENjfe fame, that IVfan after Deajh remains as his Love is, and it's deriyjttive Haihj or as his^ood and it's derivative Trjjth ; and,, that the Things per taining to Faith, and not a^he fame Time to Love, or the Things pertaining to Truth, and not ^t' the fame Time to Good, then vanifh away, in- afmuch as they are not in Man, confequently not belonging to him, n. 553, 2364, 10153. That "Man is capable of ccimprehending with the Un- derftaniUlg' what he does not praftife from this Will, or that he inay underftand what hp cannot will, becaufe it is againft his Love, p. 3539. That Man hardly knows the Diftindlion between: thinking and willing, with the Reafon thereof, n. 9991. How perverted a State they are in, whofe Uiw 4etftanding and Will do not aft in Unity, n. 9075. That fuch is the State of Hypocrites, of the Deceitful, of Flatterers, and of Diffembler§,. 0.4316,3573,4799,8250. That alkWill of Good, and Underftanding of Truth thence derived, is from the Lord, but not fo the Underftanding of Truth feparate fron:|, |he Will of what is Good, n. 1831, 3514, 5483, 5649^ 6027, 8685, 8701, 1 01 53* That it is the Underftanding which is enlightened by the Lord, n, 6222, 6608, 10659. That the Underftanding is A*SD ij^fi ElESrHtfcTibN Of BabyLon. ^if h e'^htened'irf**Propor|op*as Man receives Truth wij^l^ Wi^,,t^^%,i^roporEion as J^if wills to a(3: according, thereto, n. 3619. Thk i^he UiideflftandiBgy-eceives Irfght from Heaven^ juft as the Eye receives Light from the Worlds n. 1524,5114, 6608,9128. That the Undc|F iftnding takes it's Quality fi-omthofe,Ji;uth^ de rived from Good, of which it is formed; ni 10064. That the Undejftanding is what ig formed by Truths derived from Good/but no^ what is formed by Falfes derived from Evil, ni 10675. That the Underftanding Qonfifteth in , feeing, fromi Matters of Experience and Science^ Truths, the Caafes of Things, their Connedlion^ and Confequenccs, in regular Order, n. 6125. That the Underftanding confifteth in feeing and perceiving whether, a Thing be true or not, befosc it is cpnfirmedy but not in being able to confirm every Tiding, n. 4741, 7012,7680,7950, 8521^ .8780. That to fee and perceive whether a Thing be true or not before Confirmation, is only given to thofe who are affefted with Truth for it's own Sake, confequently to thofe who atti in fpiritual jLight, n. 852 r . That the Light of Confirmation is natural Light, and may be poflTefiTed even by the Wicked, n. 8780. That every Tenet, hojw- ever falfe, may be Confirmed, even fo as to appear •Srue, n. 2482, 2490, 5033,- 6865, 795©. ' That «o Of the LAST^JBpGVEN|5 That all Things**pTdi^ed In^he Re- velatiori arej.at this,^,ay fmfilleU.' a" »» 0ntained in the Revelation fignify and invoTvCi unlefs he is acquainted with the internal or fpiritual Senfe of the Word; for whatfoever is there mentioned, is written in a Style fimilar to the Prophetic Parts of the Old Teftament, where in every Word fignifies Something fpiritual, which does not appear in the Senfe of the Letter. Befides, the Contents of the Revelation cannot be explained as to their fpiritiial Senfe, except by one who is acquainted with what has pa^ed rela tive to the Church, even to it's final Period,^ which Knowledge can only be obtained in Hea ven ; and this is the Subjedl treated of in the Re velation : For the Word in the fpiritual Senfe every where treats of the Spiritual World, that is, of the State of the Church both in the Hea-^ vens and on the Earths ; hence the Word is fpi ritual and Divine ; it is this State which is the^ defcribed in it's Order : Whence it may plainly appear, that the Things contained in the Apo- calypfe, could never be explained by any Perfon, except by one, to whom a Revelation has beeii made concerning the fucceflive States of the 6 . Church ¦ ,i a „.', : .... :*. -, ,« AND the Des*Ructidn bp BA^YLoJir; si Church in the HeaVens ; for thfete is a Church iri the Heav'efes as well as on»the Earths, Concerninjg Which fome Partitula^s fhall be related in whdt follows. 114^- The Natui-e and Quality of the Lord^s Church oh the Earths cannot be f^n bV any Man, fo long as he lives in the Worid, and ftill iefs, how in Procefs of Tihie it hath declined from Good to Evil ; the Reafon whereof isj be- fcaule Man during his Ltfe in the Worid is in Externals, and only fees what is before his natiiral Ey'eS; but the Quality of the Church as to fpi ritual Thitigsj which conftitute it's Internals, is hot A^patttit in this World, although in Heaven it appears as in Clear Day-Light ; for the Angels are in fpirituaf Thought, and alfo in fpiritual Sight, confequently i;hey fee only fpiritual Things: Moreover, in the Spiritiial World all Men afe fathered together who have exifted fince the Begiiining bf Creatioh, as was fheWn above, and they are alfo all diftingirifhed thfereihto Societies {according to rhe Goods of Love and Faith, fee thie Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 41 to 50 ; he|ite it isj that the State of the Church, and alfo it's ProjgrefTions, appear manifeft in Heaven before the Angels. Now inafmuch as the State of the Church with Refpeit :o Love and Faith is da fcribed in the fpiritual Senfe of the Book of Reve* L lationi j2 Of tHe LAs;r JuD^MEifT, lation, therefore fto one can kfiSw what is fignified and implied by the Gpntents therec^ in regular Series, excep|,him who has received a Revelation from Heaven, and to whom it has been'given at the fame Time to know the internal or fpiritual Senfe of the Word. This I can pofitively aflTert, that every Particular therein, even to a fingle Word, contains'^ithin it a fpiritual Senfe ; and that in this Senfe, all Things appertaining to the Church, in Regard to it's fpiritual State from Beginning! to End, are fully defcribed : And whereas every Expreffion. therein fignifies Something fpiritual, therefore not a fingle Word can be omitted, with out the Series of Things in the internal Senfe fuffering a Change thereby ; for this Reafon the following Words are added at the- Conclufion of that Book, " If any one fhall take away from the " Words of the Book of this Prophecy, God will take " away h.is Part from the Book of Life, and from " the Holy City, - and from the Things which are '* written in ihis Book," Chap. xxii. 19, The Cafe is fimilar in Regard to the Books of the Old Teftament, wherein every. Circumftance re corded, and every Word, contain an internal or fpiritual Senfe ; wherefore neither can. any W)rd be taken away from them, without injuring the internal Senfe : Hence it is, that by the Divine Providence of the Lord thofe Books have been preferved entire even to a Tittle, ever fince the Time AND THE Destruction of ,Babylo% 8j Time they were firft written, which was effedled by the Careof feveral of the Learned, who have numbered every minute Particular. therein; this was provided by the Lord on Account of the Siandlity in every Poipt, Letter;j Word, and Thing therein contained. , 42. As, there is in like Manner an imernal or fpiritual Senfe in every Word of the Book of Re- v^iadbn, and as that Senfe contains Arcana rela- tive to the State of the Church in the Heavens ahd on the Earths, and fince they cannot be re vealed to any one, except to him who is acquainted with that Senfe, and who at the fame Time is permitted to be in Confort with Angels, and to hold fpiritual Conyeffation with theip, therefore, .l§ft the Things which are written in that Book ihould , be hijdden from Mankind,, and be re-r jedled by Pofterity by Reafon of their not being i^nderftood^ It's Contents have been revealed to me ; but on Account of their Multiplicity, they. cannot be defcribed in this fmall 'freatife : For j^hich Reafon I intend 10 explain the Whole of that Book from Beginning to End, and make, known the Myfteries therein contained : . Which Expfication will be publiflied within the Courfd of two Years, together with fome Paffages in Daniel, which, through Ignorance as to the fpi-. 4tual Sehfej haVe hitherto lain conceale^. " ¦ '¦ L 2 43. With- $^ O^ THE Last ^\ipG^ti<^¦tl 43. Without a Knowledge of the internal or fpirituaf Senfe, it is ilhpdffible to guefs what i^ mejint in the "Book of Revelation by the Dragon, a^nd by Michael and his Angels fighting with him; or what by the Tail whereby the Dragor| drew down frorn Heaven a third Part of the Stars ; or by the Woman who brought forth the Man Child, which was caught up to God, and who was perfecuted by the Dragon, o'r by the Beaft afcending from the Sea, and the Beaft' afcSndin^ from the Earth, which had fo rhariy Horns ; "or what by the Whore,^ with whom the Kings of the E^rth committed Whoredom ; or by the firft and fetqnd Refurredlion, and by the thoufarld Years ; or what hy the Lake of Fire and Brimftone, into which the Dragon, the Beaft, and the falfe Prophet y?ere caft ; or by the^ White Horfe : Nor is it poffible, without the fpi ritual Serife, to tell what is meant by the formeic' Heaven and the former Earth, which paffecj' away ; or what by the New Heaven and the New Earth in the Room of the former ; and by the Sea which was no more; or what by the City the New Jerufalcm defcending out of Heaven, it's Meafures, Walls, Gates, and Foundation of precious Stones ; or what b) the various Numtnjr^ jftentioned in the fame Book, with other ThingsJ moft myfterious. to fuch as are igiiorant of the 6 fpiritual ANP T^E Destruction of Babylon. 8 j fpiritual Senfe of the Word. But all thefe Par ticulars will be elucidated in ^he Explication of the Apqcalypfe prorpffed above^ 44, It has been before remarked, that all Things therein contained in the heavenly Senfe, are now fulfilled : In the prefent Treatife I fliall make fome general Obfervations concerning the Laft Judgment, the DeftrfK^ion of Babylbn, the firft Heaven and the firft Earth which paffed ^way, the New Heaven and the New Earth, and concerning the New *Jerufalem, in Order that '\% jnsy be known that all Things are now accom- pjifhed : But it is impoflTible to enter into a minute Derail, until I cpme to explaih eacli Particular, according to the Deferiptibns given i^ the Book of Revelation. Thai 8^ . Of THE .Last Judgment, • That the Laft Judgment : is accom" * plifhed, 4^. TT waig jfhewn in a preceding Chapter, that -^ the Laft Judgment does not take Place in. 8|ife Earths; but in. the Spiritual- World, where ; alj are colleded together from the Beginning, of i Creation ; and fuch being^he Cafe, it is impoCr fible for Man; to know \vhen the Laft Judgments if accomplifhed, for every one expefls it tO;; take Place on this Earth, and at the fame Time, , that all Things which appegr in the vifible Hea- . Tens.and ,in the Earths will undergo a Change, tqgqthef with Mankind who dwell thereon. Left : t^feforg the , Man, of the Churph fhould from I Ignorance continue in fuchpAJph, and left they;. who think concerning the Laft Judgment fhould cxpedl it for ever, and thereby the Belief of what is faid about it in the literal Senfe of the Word fhould perifh, and in Confequence- thereof many depart from their Belief in the Word, it was granted me to fee with my Eyes, that the Laft Judgment is now accompliflied, and that the Evil are caft into the Hells, and the Good ele vated into Heaven, and thus that all Things are reduced to Order, and thereby the fpiritual Equi- libriijm reftored, which fubfifts between Good »nd Evil, or between Heaven and Hell. -In what Manner AND 7HE Destruction o* BAfivfoN. '87 -Manner the Laft Judgment was accompiifhed, it was given me to be an Eye- Witnefs from Be ginning to End, and likewife how Babylon was deftroyed, and they who are meant by the Dra gon caft into the Abyfs ; I was further permittai to fee in what Manner the New Heaven wJis formed, and a New Church eftablifhed m the Heavens, which is underftood by the New Jerii- -falem. All thefe Things it was given me to fdc with my Eyes, in Order that I might be able to -teftify of the fame. This Laft Judgment com menced in the Beginning of the Year 1757, anfl was fully accompiifhed at the End of the fairie Year, 46. But it is to be obferved, that the Laft Judgment was performed on thofe who ha'wc lived from the Time of the Lord to the prefers: Day, but not on thofe Who lived before that Pe riod : For in this Earth a Laft Judgment had taken Place twice before; one, which is defcribed in the Word by the Flood ; the other was accom piifhed by the Lord himfelf when he was in the World, which is alfo underftood by thefe Words of the Lord , " Now is the Judgment of this World, f now is the Prince of ihis World caft out," John xii. 31 ; and in another Place, " Thefe Things I " have fpoken unto you, that in Me ye might ha%^ " Peace ; be of good Cheer,' I have overcome we ''' " WorU," ^t ^P Tri'fi Last JubiSMfeNfi *' World," John xvi. 33 ; alfo by thefe Wbirds iii Ifaiah, " Who is this that cometh from Edom, walh " mg in the Multitude of his ^irength, great to ^'fave ; I have trodden the Wine-Prefs i^lone, tberei. ^^ fore I have trodden them in my Anger, whemt ** their FiSory is fprinkled upon' my Garments-, for " the Day of Vengeance is in my Heart, and the Tear ** of my Redeemed is come ;fo he became tbe Saviour,"' Chap. Ijciii. i to 8 ; and in many other Places; The Reafon why there has been a Laft Judgment in this Earth twice before, is becaufe every Judg-i men! takes Place at the End of tbe Church, as was fhewn above in it's proper Article ;' and oil this Earth there have been two Churches, the firft before the Flood, arid thfe fecond after the Flood ; the Church before the Flood is defcribed in the firft Chapters of Genefis by the new Creation of Heaven and Earth, and by Paradife ; and it's End by eating of the Tree bf Knowledge, with the Particulars which follow ; but it's Laft Judgi ment is defcribed by the Flood, and all accord ing to the Style of the Word by mere Corref- pondences; in the internal or fpiritual Senfe whereof, by the Creation of Heaven and Earth is meant the Eftablifhment of a jMew Church, aS inay be feen above in the firft Article ; by Par»i dife in Eden, the celeftial Wi|fiom of that iphurch ; by the Tree of Knowledge, Scientifics V(Hiipi> deftroyed that Church, the fame being fignified And the Destruction op Babylo^? §9 • fignified by the Serpent; and by the Flood is meant the Laft Judgment on thofe who were of that Church.. The; fecond Church, which was after the Flood, is alfo defcribed in feveral Places in the Word, as Deut. xxxii. 7 to 14 ; and elfe* where. This Church extended itfelf throiigh a great: Pa|t of Afia, an^ was continued among the Pofterity of Jacob ; it's End was when the Lord camej:nto the World; then the Laft Judgment was accomplifhet^by him on all who had lived from the firft Eftablifhment of that Church, and at the fame Time on thofe who remained of the firft Church. The Lord came into the World for this End, that he might reduce to Order all Things in the Heavens, and by the Heavens all Things on the Earths, and at the fame Time to tnake his Humanity Divine, which unlefs he had done, no one could have been faved. That there were two Churches on cBis Earth befofe the Com ing of the Lord, is fhewn in many Places in the Arcana Ccelestia, as may be feen in the Ex- tradls underneath ; (/} and that the Lord came ^ into (IJ That the firft and Moft Ancieiit Church on this Earth was that which is defcribed in the firft Chapters of Genefis, and that it was a celeilial Church, and the chief of all the reft, n. 607, 895, 9^0, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124^ 2896,4493, 8891, 9942, 10^5. Of the States of thofe in Heaven, who were of that Chu/ch, n, 1114 to 1125. That they are in the higheft Degree of Light there, n. 1117. Thatthtfe M were ^o ¦ Of the Last Judgment, into the World that he might reduce to Order all Things in the Heavens,*^ and thereby in the Earths, and make his Humanity Divine, (m) The were various Churches after the Flood, which are termed,; in one Word, the Ancient Church, n. iisj, 1126, 1127, 1327, 10355. Through what Kingdoms of Afia the An- cient Church was extended, n. 1238, 2385. The. Nature of the Members of the Ancient Church, n. 609, 895. That the Ancient Church was a Reprefentative Church,' n. 519, 521, 2896. The Nature of the Angient Church, when it began to. decline, n. 1128, The Difference between the Moft Ancient and Ancient Churches, n. 597, 607, 640, 641, 765, 784, 895, 4493. Of the Churdh that took it's Rife from Eber, which was called the Hebrew Church, n. 1238, 1241, 1343, 4516,4517. The Difference betwedh ; th€ Ancient and the Hebrew Churches, n. 1343, 4874. Of the Church inftituted among the Pofterity of Jacob, or the Children of Ifrael, n. 4281, 4288, 4310, 4500, 4899, 4912, 6304, 7048, 9320, 10396, 10526, 10531, 10698. That ther ' Statutes, Judgments, and L^ws, which were commanded ] among the Children of Ifrael, .were in Part like thofe that .exifted in the Ancient Church, n. 4449. In what Refpeft, ¦ the reprefentative Rites of the Jewiih Church, which was eftabliflied among the Children of Ifrael, differed from thofe of the Ancient Church, n. 4288, 10149. That in the Moft Ancient Church there was immediate Revelation from Heaven : in the Ancient Church Revelation by Cor- refpondences ; in the Church among the Children of Ifrael by an audible Voice ; and in the Chriftian Church by the Word, n. 10355. That the Lord vvs the God of the Moft Ancient CJiurch,. and alfo of the Ancient, and was called , Jehovahi,. n. 1343, 6848. , {mj Tliat th^Lord, ,during his Abode in the World, re; duced AND THE Destruction OF Babylon. 91 The third Church on this Earth is the Chriftian ; mpon this Church, and upon all who fince the Timd duced ajl Things to Order both in the Heavens and in the Hells, n. 4075, 4286, 9937. That the f^ord at that Time delivered the Spiritual World from the evil Influences of the Antediluvians, n. 1 266. The Quality and Charafter of thofe People defcribed, n. 310, 311, 560, 562, 563, 570, 581, 586, 607, 660, 805,808, 1034, 1120, 126510^272. That the Lord by Temptations and Viftories fubdued the ]p[ells, and reduced all Things to Order, and at the fame Time glorified his Humanity, n. 4287, 9397. That the Lord effefted this by himfelf or by his own Power, n. 1 692, 9937. That the Lord alone fought, n. 8273. That hence the Lord became alone Righteoufnefs and Merit, n. 1813, 2025, 2026, 2027, 9715, 9809, 10019. That thus'the Lord united his Humanity with the Divinity, ,n. 1725, 1729, i733j 17375 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286, That the Paffion of the Crofs was the laft Temptation, snd complete Viftory, whereby he glorified himfelf, that is, made his Humanity Divine, and fubdued the Hells, n. 2776, 10655, 16659,^ 10829. That the Lord could not be tempted as to his ef fential Divinity, n, 2795, 2803, 2813, 2814. On which Account he affumed 3 Human Nature from the Mother, into which he admitted Temptations, n. 1414, 1444, 1573, 5041,5157,7193) 9315. That he expelled whatever was hereditary in him from the Mother, and put off the Huma- nity which he received from her, even fo far as to be no ^nger her Son, and that he put on the Divine Humanity, n. 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10829. That the Lord faved Mankind by the Subjygation of the Hells, and the Glorifi- eation of his Humanity, n. 4180, 10019, 10J52, 10655, 10659) 10828. Mi 02- Of the Last Jodpn^ent, 'J'jme of the Lord were in the firft Heaven, the Laft Judgment, of which we 'are now treating; was accompliflied. 47. In what Manner this Laft Judgment was executed, canniit be defcribpd in this fmall Worlj as to all Particulars, becaufe they are niany, biaj they fliall bp defcribed in the Explication of the Bbok of Revelation ; for the Judgment wa^ not only accompiifhed on all who were from the Chriftian Church, but alfo on all who are called Mahometans, -and likewife on all the Gei^^riles ot\ this Globe : The Order in which it took Place, was as follows ; firft on thofe who were of the Romifli Religion, then on the Mahometans, after that on the Gentiles, and laftly on the Reformed pr Proteftants. An Account of the Judgment ot> thofe who were of the Romifti Religion, will be giyen in the following Chapter on the Deftrudlioii pf Babylon : Concerning the Judgment on the Reformed, fee the Chapter on the former Hea ven which pafled away : But concerning thp Judgment on the Mahometans and Gentiles, Something ftiall be faid in this Chapter. 48. The Arrangernent of all the Gentiles and People in the Spiritual World, on whom Judg ment was executed, was feen in the following Order. .In the Middle appeared collecaed togp- K ^hef AND THp DESTRUpTION OF BApy|.0N, 9* fher they who are called Reformed or Protef, tants, ?nd there they were alfo diftinguiijied according to their refpedive Countries; the Ger, mans towards the North, the Swedes towards the Weft, the Danes in the Weft, the^Hollanders to wards tbeEaftand South, a|i the Englifla in the Middle. Surrounding this middle Part, Adhere all the Reformed were, ther6 appeared colledled together they who were of the Popifli Religion, the greater Part in tfee weftern, and fome ih Se fouthern Quarter, beyond them were the Mai hometans, diftinguiflied alfo according to their Countries, all of whom at fhat Time appeared in the Weft near the South, Beyond the Mahome tans were affembled the Gentiles in immenfe Numbers, who thus formed the outermoft Cir cuit ; and beyond them again appeared as it were a Sea, jvhich bounded the whole. The Reafon why this Arrangement of the Nations was made according to the Quarters, was, becaufe of it's Agreement with fhe common Faculty in each of repeiving Divine Truths ; wherefore in the Spirit ^al World every one is known ftom the Quarter and Place where he dwells, and alfo, when in So ciety with feveral others, from his tarrying in fuch or fnch a Quarter; concerning which Cir, Cymftance fee the Trea^tife on Heaven and Hell, n. 148, 149. The Cafe is the fame when they go from Place to Jlace, for al} J^e Progreffion of Spirits ^4 Of the Last Judgment, •* Spirits is diredled towards the Quarters according tb the fucceffive States of their Thoughts derived from the AfFedlions which conftitute their proper Life : In this. Manner they, of whom we are go ing to treat, ivere led to their own Places. In a Word; the Ways iti t^e Spiritual World, wherein every one walks, are adlual Determinations of the Thoughts of the Mind ; hence it is, that Ways, Walkings, and the Uke, in the fpiritual Senfe of tlK Word, tignky Determiiaitions and Progref-*; Hons of fpiritual Life. 49. The four Quarters in the Word are called the four Winds, and the Gathering together of the Eledl is called a Gathering together from the four Winds, as in Matthew, whcrg the Laft Judg ment is treated of, " He Jhall fend his Angels, " and they fhall gather together the Ele5l from the "four Winds, from one End of the Heavens, to the ^' other," xxiv. 31. And again, "All Nations ^^ Jhall he gathered together before the Son of Man, " and he ftiall feparate them one from another, as a " Shepherd feparate s the Sheep from the Goats, ani-., " he fhall fet tbe Sheep on the Right, but the Goats ", m the Left," xxv. 3,1, 32 ; by which is fignified, that the Lord will feparate thofe who are in Truths and at the fame Time in Good, from thofe who are in Truths and not in Good, for in the fpiritual Senfe of the Word, by the Right is figni, fied ANi> THE DESTRtJcflOiJ OF BAB:iri,ON. ' ai *- '• fied Good, and by the Left Truth ; the fame alfo is fignified by Sheep and Goats : Nor was the Judgment executed upon any others, the Wick ed, who were deftitute of Truths, being in the Hells long before ; for all fuch as in Heart deny the Divine Being, and rejecx the Truths of the Church, are caft down thither aftfr Death, confe- ¦ quently before the Judgment. The former Hea ven, that paffed away, confifted of thofe whdfe' were in Truths and not in Good ; and the New* Heaven was formed of thofe who ire in Truths and at the fame Time in Good. 50. With Refpedl to the Judgim:nt on the Mahometans and Gentiles, alluded to albve, it was executed in the following Manner. The Mahometans were led from the Places where they were affembled, which were near the South in the Weft, by a Way round the Chriftians, from the Weft by the North to the Eaft, till they came to the Confines of the South; and in the Way the Eviljvere feparated from the Good, many of the foriror'being caft intq, Fens and ftagnated Lakes, and many difperfed into a certain Defert hpyond the Lakes ; but the Good were led by the Eaft to a Land of great Extent near the South, Mjhere Habitations x^cre allotted them : They who were led thither were fiach as in the World had ac- J^nowledged the Lord to l?e the greateft Prophet, and ^ " Of the La^ JUDGMENT; and the Son of God, and believed that he w^A' fent by the Father t6 inftrudl Mankind^ and who at the fame Time had lived a fpiritual moral Life a<|pording to their Religion. The greater Paft of them^ when inftrudled, receive Faith in the Lordi and acknowledge him to be One with the Father: Communication is alf^ granted them with the Chriftian Heaven by Means of Influx from the LOrd,*but they are not commixed, by Reafon of the different Quality of their Religion* All of that Heligion, immediately on their com ing into another Life among thofe of their own Perfuafion. firft make Inquiry for Mahomet; ne verthelefs he does not appear, but in his Stead two Hfiers, who call themfelves Mahomets ; thefe two have Seats allot|ed them "in the middle Part under the Chriftian Heaven, to the Left : -The Reafon why thefe two appear inftead o( Ma homet, is becaufe all, of whatever Religion they be, after Death are firft condudled to thofe whom they worfhipped in the World, for every one's re-* ligious Principles adhere to him ; but when they find that t|iey have no Pow^ to help, th^y retire frqin^hcm ; for no Perfbnxan be withdrawn from his religious Perfuafioos by any other Means^ than by being firft fuffered to enjoy them. Where the real Mahomet is, and what his State and Con dition, and alfo whence the two are who repre- fcnt AND THE Destruction of Babylon. 97 Tent him, will be fhewn in the Work whfch is 10 Ckpiairi the Revelation. 5 1. -The Judgment on the Gentiles was exe- ciited nearly in the fame Manner asi-on the Ma hometans, but they were-^not like them led round in a Circuit, only a little Way in the Weft, where the Evil vvere feparated from the Good, and caft intotwogreat Gulphs, which tended ob-liqucly into the Deep j but the Good were led above the mid dle Part where the Chriftians refided, towards a Land in rhe eaftcrn Quarter, where the Maho metans were, and Habitations were^^lotted them behind the Mahometans, and beyond them to a great Extent in the fouthern Quarter. But fuch among the Gentiles as.in the World have wor- fliipped God under a Huan^jn Form, and have lived a Life of Charity according to their Reli gion, are conjoined to Chriftians in Heaven, for they acknowledge and worfhip the Lord more rhan.the reft; the moft' intelligent of them are from Africa. The Multitude of Gentiles and Mahdme,tans that appeared was fo great, that they could only be numhered^by Myriads, The Judgment on fo great a Multitude was executed in the Courfe of a few Days; for every one, on being let into his own Love and Faith, imme^- diately receives his Deftination, and is conveyed -^ thofe like himfelf. ^ N 52. Froii) gi Of THE Last Judgment, 52. From what has been related, \>he Truth of the Lord's Predidlion concerning the Laft Jud^ ment manifeftly appears, that " then they fhall " come from the Eaft and from the Weft, and from " the Nor-lh and from the South, and fhall fit doVM * in the Kingdom of God," Luke xiii. 3^ X.X ¦f AND THJE DES^iltJCTlON OF BaBYLON. 99 Of Babylon j and it's DeftruSlion. . SJ. "T^HAT all Things, which are predified -*¦ in the Revelation, are at this Day ful- ¦fillcSfl^ may be feen above, n. 40" to 44'; and that the Laft' Judgment is already accompiifhed, fee the Chapter preceding, whCre it is alfo fliewn in vvhat Mariner the Judgrhent was executed on the Mahometans and Gentiles : I^ follows now to declare, how it was acconVplifhed On the Papifts^ who are underftood by Babylon, which is much treated of in the Revelation, particAarly it's De- ftiruQion in Chap, xviii. which is th*s defcribed, , ^ An Angel cried vehemently with a great Voice, '^''Babylon hath fallen, hath fallen, and is hccome the ^''Habitation of If evils, and the Hold of every foul " Spirit, and the Cage of every unclean and hateful " Bird," Verfe 2. But before we relate in what Manner that Deftrudlion was accompiifhed, we ihall ' premfe, I. What is underftood by Baby lon, and tbe Nature and Quality thereof. IL The Quality of thofe in another Life who are from Bafeylon. ' III. Where their Dvyellings hfive hi therto been. IV. The Reafon why they were there tolerated till the Day of the Laft Judg ment. V. In what Manner they were deftroyed, and their Habitations made a Dcff rt. VI. That fiiCh among them as were in the Affedlion of, N 3 Truth i66 Of THE tiASX. -Judgment, Truth from Good, were preferved. VII. Con cerning the State of thofe hereafteri vrhcy come thence from' the Earths [into the Spiritual Worid]. 54. What is underftood .by Babylon, andtbe-^a.^ iur'e and ^lality thereof. .By- Babylon are under ftood all they, who by Means of Religion 4cfire to bear Rule ; to rule by,Reljgion, is to rule.oyer the Souls of . lyien, confequently over their, very fpiritual Life, ^nt} to. ufe the, Diyine Things which appertain \o Religion. as Means to promote that End, All they who.hwke Dorainioa. their End, and Religion as .a Means conducive, thereto* fconftitute Babylon in general. The Rca.fon ^((hy they are tailed Babyjoij. is, .becaufe in ancient Times fuch Dominion began.to take Place, but was deftroyed at it's Commeocemqit : It's firft Rife is defcribed by a City and a Tower, whofe Head might rea.ch ,tQ-I|jpaveA;^ and it's Deftruc;- tioii is defcribed by the C^^ufion -qf • Topgije-^) whence it obtained the.Name.BABEi,, Gen. xi. i tcj 9 ; what is underftood by every Particular- thet^,« ih the internal or fpiritual 5«ife of theWoirdi may be feert explained in-the Arcana CcE,LEST4At h.,1283 to" i3'28. That fuch Dominion W3§ alfo begun and eftablifhed in Babylon, is eyiden| in Daniel, where it is faid pf Nebuchadnezgar, "that he fet. up an Im?.ge, which all AiomI^ vyor- fhip, And tHe Destruction of Babylon. i©r -ibip, Chap. iii. i to tbe End : It is alfo undera flood by Belftiazzar and his Lords drinking out of the Veflels of Gold and Silver, which Nehiri cbadnezzar carried from the Temple of Jerufa- leni, and at the fame Time worfhipping Gods of Gold, Silver, Copper, and Iron ; wherefore it was written on the Wall, " He hath numbered, he f' hail weighed, he hath divided -f and the King Jiimfelf was flain the fame Night, Chap. v. i to t^he End : By the Veffels of Gold and Silver from th'e Temple of^Jerufalem, are figt^fied the Goods and' Truths' of the Church J by-driaking out of them,, and at the fame Time worfhipping Gods of 'Gold. Silver,' Copper, and Iron, , is fignified Profanation; and by the Writing on*the Wall alnd by the Death of the King,' is fignified Vifi* tation and Deftrudlion, denounced againft thofe who ufed Divine Goods and Truths as Means whereby to obtain Dominion oyer the Souls of Men. The Nature and .Quahty of , thofe who are called Babylon^ is alfo defcribed in the Pro.- Phets jhroiigiiput ; :4s in Ifaiah, " Thou mayeft "iMe up ihis Parable concerning the. King of Baby- "'''' Ipnf Jehovah hath broken the Staff of the Wicked " the Sceptre of the Rulers : Thou haft~ fallen from ** Heaven, 0 Lucifer; Ibou art cut^ down eventojbe *' -^^^'^ ' ^^°^ haft fa/din thy Mind, IwUlafcend " into the Heavens, I will exalt my Thronf above the " Stars of GodJ'and f will fit on lh9Iylpuntai^, qf " the 162 Of the Last JuocMENTi «' the Congregation, in the Sides of the North, Tilftll " become like the Moft High. Tel thou Jhalt be caft " down into Hell, tv the Sides of the Pit ; / will " cut off from Babylon the Narne and the Refidue^ " and I will appoint her that fhe may be anhsredi^ " tary Pofejie^' for the Bittern," xiv. 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22. Again, in the fame Prophet, " The " Lion faid, 'Babylon hath fallen, hath fallen, and " all the graven Images of her' Gods are caft down^'* xxi. 9. Again, in Chap. Xlvii. 1 to the End. Chap-, xlviii. 14 to 20. And in Jeremiah,.Chap. 1. I-, 2, 3. Hence nbw it appears, what is the Nature and^ Quality of Babylon. 'It is to be ob ferved, thjO; the Church becomes Babylon, when Charity and Faith ceafe,' and the Love of Self begins to reign in their Place ; for in Proportion as this' Love is left unreftrained, it burfts forth, fo as 'to afpTre at Dominion not only over all on Earthj'vvhom it can fubjedl to itfelf, biit alfo over Heaven;'"ne'ither does it reft there, but climbs tip ev-ien to the Thrphe of God, and transfers to itfelf his Divine Power. ,That this was alfo ,tl^t Cafe before the' Coming of the Lord, appears from the Paffages above cited. But that Bc^byc •Ion was deftroyed by the Lord, when hie was in the World, as well by his fuffering them to.ba* come mci^ Idolaters, as by the Lafl Judgment at that Time executed upon them in the Spirit tual World *¦ This "is underftood by the above Prophecy, and the Destruction of Babylon. 103 Prophecy, that Lucifer, who there fignifies Ba bylon, was Caft into Hell, and that Babylon hath fallen ; and alfo by the Writing on the Wall, and by the Death of Belfhazzar; moreover by the Stone cut out of the Rock, which deftroyed the Statue, concerning which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed. 55. But the Babylon, which is treated of in the Revelation, is the Babylon at this Day, which took it's Rife after the Lord's Cbming, and which is well known to be among the Papifts ; This Babylon is of a more pernicious and criminal Nature, than that which was before th'4 Coming of the Lord, inafmuch as it profanes the interior - Goods and Truths of the Church, which thc- Lord in Perfon revealed to the World. How pernicious and inwardly abominable it is, may appear from the following brief Defcription. *They acknowledge and worfhip the Lord, with out attributing to him any Po}ver of faving ; they ^altogether feparate his Divinity from his FIu- manity, and transfer unto themfelves his Divine IPower, which belonged to his Humanity ;(k) for they (n) That the Church's attributing two Natures to the Lord, ?ind thi^s feparating his Divinity from his Humanity, was brought to pafs in a Council, on the Pope's Account, tbat he might be acknowledged as his Vicar, difcovered from Heaven, in the Arcana Ccelestia, n, 4738; r04 ^^ ¦''"'^ Last Judgment, they remit Sins, they fend to Heaven, theylcjfft into Hell, they fave whomfbever they pleafe, they fell Salvation, and thus arrogate to therar felves what belongs to Divine Power alone; and whereas they pradlife fuch Things, it follows, that they make themfelves Gods, every one according to his Rank, by Trandation from their Head or Supreme, whom they call the Vicar of Chrift, even "unto the loweft of their Order; thus' they ¦regard themfelves as the Lord, and worfhip him, not for his own Sake, but for the Sake ofjthem- felves. They not only adulterate and falfify the Word, but they alfo take it away from the Peot. pie, to prevent their receiving iany Light '-of Trath ; neither are they fatisfied with this, they even annihilate it, acknowledging the Edi6ts 4vom Rome to be more Divine, and of fuperior Authority to the Word ; tlius they fhut up from every one the Way that leads to Heaven; -.for .the Way to Heaven, is by the Acknowledgment|, of the Lord, and by Faith and Love to him, and,| jhe Word is what teaches the Way ; whence it follows, that without the Lord, by the Medijim' •of the Word, there is no Salvation.' The^ ^hole Study is direfted to extinguilh the Light of Heaven, which is from Divine Truth, and to keep the People in Ignorance ; for the more dd'nft and grofs their Ignorance is, fo much the more accepDable is it to them. They extinguifh th? 2 Liglit AKD THfe Destruction of BABYloNi 1S| X-ight of Heaven by forbidding the Reading of the Word, and fuch ,Books as contain Dodlrines from the Word ; inftituting a Worfhip by Maffes in a Language no? underftood by the Simple, and wherein there is no Divine Truth; and be- fide? they fill the World with their Falfes^ which, being no better than mere Darknefs, remove and diffipate the Light : They alfo perfuade the Vul gar to believe, that they may have Life in their faith, confequently, that it is fufficient for Salva tion to depend on the Faith of others, and not on < their own. Tney moreover place all Worfhip in a^ holy. External, without any Regard to the Inter- jial,^l^husj making the Internal as a Something void p/. Contents, beiiig without the Knowledges of .Good and Truth ; when neverthelefs Divine Worfhip is only fo far external, as it is internal, for tljie former is derived from the latter. Befides the Things above-mentioned, they alfo introduce .Idolat:ries of various Kinds ; they make and inul- tiply Saints, whom they fuffer to be worfhipped and prayed unto, almoft as if they were fo many .Gods ;.. they every where expofe . their Idols to .YieWj.boal^ of the Miracles performed by them, fet them; up as tutelar Deifies over their Cities, .Chiirqhes,. and Monafterieis, and account their very. J^ones taken fycm the Graves, as holy, which' yet are moft vile and filthy ; thus they turn the Minds of all from the Worfhip of God, O to jo6 Of The Last Judgment, to the Worfhip bf Men. Further, left any one Ihould emerge from this Darknefs into Light, and from idolatrous to Divine Worfhip, they provide againft it by many Arts ; for they multi ply Monafteries, from which they fend out Spies into all Quarters, and place Sentinels ; they alfo txtort Confeffions from the Heart, which betray the very Thoughts and Intentions, and if they do not confefs, they terrify their Minds with Thfeats of infernal Fire, and the Torments of Purgatory ; and fuch as dare to fpeak againft the Papal Throne and their Dominion, , they fhut up in a dreadful Prifon, called the Inquifition. All this is done for no other End, but that they may pof fefs the World and it's Treafures, and indulge themfelves in their natural Lufts, and become the greateft,, while the reft of the World are their Servants : But fuch is not the Dominion of Hea ven over Hell, but of Hell over Heaven ; for in Proportion as the Love of Dominion increafes mth. Man, particularly with the Man of the Church, in the fame Proportion Hell prevailsll" That this Love prevails in Hell, and conftitutes' Hell, may be feen in the Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 551 to 565. Hence it may appear evident, that there is no Church amongft the Pa pifts, but Babylon ; for vfherefoever the Lord himfelf is worfhipped, and the Word read, there, and there only is the Church. 56. Tbe and the Destruction of Babylon. 107 56. Tbe Nature and ^ality of them in tbe other Life^ who are from Babylon, cannot appear to any one, unlefs it is given him of the Lord to be in Confort with them, who are in the Spiritual World ; and as this has been granted to me, I am enabled to fpeak from Experience, having feen, he^rd, and alfo converfed with them. Every Man after Death is in a fimilar Life to thatvvhich he enjoyed in the Body ; this cannot be changed, only as to the Delights which proceed from his Love, which are converted into Correfpondences, as may be feen in two Chapters in the Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 470, to 484, and n. 485 to 490, The Life of the Perfons now treated qf, is, in like Manner, altogether of a Nature fimilar to what it was in the World, attended only with this Difference, that then the hidden Things of their Heart are openly manifefted, for they are in the Spirit, wherein the interior Thihgs appertain ing to Thoughts and Intentions refide, which in the World. they had concealed, and covered over with an holy External ; On the Difcovery and Jvlanifeftatipn of thefe Things, it is plainly per ceived, that more than the half of them, who liave ufurped the Power of opening and Ihutting Heaven, are downright Atheifts ; but inafmuch as the Luft of Dominion poflTeflTes their Mind, as in^e World, founded on this Principle, that all 'Power was given unto the Lord by the Father, O a which 1(58 Of the Last Judgment, which; was transferred to Peter, an4 by. a Suc- ceffion of Order defceiided to the Heads of- the Church, therefore an Oral/Cohfeflion df the Lord remains adioined to tlieir A tHeilm ; biit even this Confelfibnis made by thpm rio longer than while they can o'btain fome Dqminion. thereby : But as for the reft' who are riot Atheifts, they are fo de void of Knowledge,' that they are altogethef igno rant of the fpiritual Life of Man, of tlie' Means of Salvation, of Divine Triithsthat lead>l:o'. flea ven, iand of every Thing relating to celeftial Fafth'and Love, imagining 'that' Heaven may be'beftbwed on any one, of vvhatever Quality he, be, mei-ely by the Pope's Favour. Sjnce every one is. in a fimi lar Life in the Spiritual World, to what he^was in the Natural World, with ao Difference at aUTo long as they are neither in Heaven nor in^Hell, as may be' feen in the' Treatife on Heaven and Hell, ri. 453 to 480 ; and as the Spiritual World •with Refpedl.to it's outward Appearance is' alto gether likfe the Natural 3y Of Id, n. 17Q 10,176 ; therefore they live the; fame moral and civil Life as before, and particularly exercife a fimilar -- 'i ¦;;,. ., .. '..""¦^': „ i'. ¦ *j. ¦. T ? ; j ... -i«j['- - Worfhip, inafmuch as, this .takes Root and ad- heres to a iVtan's inmofl Parts,; nor is it pofljbie for any one to be withcjrawn therefrom, unlefs Ji? be in Gpod derived from Truths, and" iri Truths derived frpm Good ; But this NatimT iwherepf we a;-e now treating,, is with greatefjSifficulty drawn AND THE Destruction of Babylon. loa * cP drawn from their particular Worfliip that) other Nations; becaufe they are hot in Cj^qd derived fi-Oh-.'Truths, arid ftilflefs iri Truths derived 'from Good; for their 'Truths are 'not taken from'ttie Word, except a few, Which the/ have falfified by ai>plying therri to'^Domihion • -^'n Confequence v^hereof-they are in-Poffeflion ofrib' Good, but what is fpurious'V fi^r the Quality of'Cfpod is always according to the Quality of the Tryths of which it is'-Tdrrii'^d; ' Thefe *6bfer'vatipns arc made, in Order that it may be 'known, that the W^if) of this- Na'trbn-is altogether fimilar 'in the Spiritual World, to what -it Vas iti'the-'NktVral Worid. Thus much being premifed, I fhalj rip\^ Vclatb fome Pkriicularrs refpifaing tti9i- ^^orSiip 'arid 'Life in thfe Spiritual W<)rid':' They have a tertain Council or 'Synedriu'm,. inftead ' bf"^ the Confiftory dt Rome, where the ' 'ifeads of ;;(heir Church afreirtbife,"'and cdnfuit'' a"B()uf 'vanoiis Things relating TO their R^^on?^lJ)^ip{$- iifie Vulgar We tb b'e kept in blffldbb^e'clpc^ tJih tbteir Donrrinioh eiterid^d • thfe;'Piye w|efe^.'|ii's Cotmcfl meets is in'iHefOuthe'rrt Qudte5earthe ¦^ft:"But'nb on'e,' who in tlife World "hacl' been •either a Po'p'e or a Cardinal, ' dares fo enter, hy Reafon that ^tH^ir Minds' are filled' with an I'dea «r'Divine Authority",' by having "arrogated to themfelves,- ^ while' in the '^WbrTc/i %e Lord's 'Frt^er;- Wherefoi-e-as foon 'as 'evef they-pi^efent themfelves no Of THE Last Judgment, themfelves there, they are conveyed away, and caft out into a Defert among their like: But thofe among them, who had been of a fincere Mind, and had not ufurped fuch Power from a confirmed Faith, are in a certain obfcure Cham ber behind that Council. There is another Con vention in the weftern Quarter near the South, .whofe Employment there is to admit the credu lous Vulgar into Heaven; they there difpofc round about themfelves feveral Societies, that arc in various external Delights, in fome of which they play, in fome they dance, in fome they mo dify their Features in various Ways expreflive of Gladnefs and Joy, and in fome they converfe in a friendly Manner, in this Place on civil Con cerns, in that on religious Matters, and in other Places lafcivioufly, and fo on ; into one or other of thefe Societies, according to the Defire of each refpedlively, they admit their Clients, and give it the Name of Heaven : But all of them, after being there a few Hours, grow weary and depart, for thofe Pleafures are external, and not internal; thus many are'withdrawn from the Faith of their Dodrinc, concerning Admiffion into Heaven. With Refpedl to their Worfliip in particular, it is nearly fimilar to their Worfhip in the World; confifting in Mafles as before, which they utter in » Language not common to Spirits, but compu||^d of high-fpuriding'Words, whijh affedl with an external AND THE Destruction of Babylon. 1 1 1 external Sandlity and Fear, but which are totally unintelligible. In like Manner they worihip Saints, and expofe Idols to View ; yet their Saint? are no where to be feen ; for all of them, who fought to be worfliipped as Deities, are in Hell ; as to the reft, who had not fought to be v^or- fhipped, they are among common Spirits : This is known to their Leaders, for they inquire for them, and on finding them rejedl and defpifc them; but this they conceal from the People, that their Saints may be ftill worfhipped as tu telar Gods, but the Primates themfelves, whp govern the People, as Lords of Heaven. They alfo multiply Temples and Monafteries in like Manner as they had done in the World^ hoarding up Wealth, and accumulating precious Things^ which they hide in Vaults ; for in the Spiritual World, as well as in the Natural World, there are precious Things, and in much greater Abun dance. They there in like Manner fend out Monks to entice the Gentiles to their Religion, and thereby fubjedl them to their Dominion. It i$ cuftomary with them to eredt Watch-Towers in the Midft of their Affemblies, whereby they may extend their Sight to all who dwell in the neigh bouring Parts ; they alfo form to themfelves; Communications by various Ways and Arts, bo^ with thofe who are near and afar off, binding them by Covenants, and drawing them over to their own iii ¦ Of *tiie Last JuDdMEii¥, f bwn Party. Such is their State -ihi^eriefal : Bii't is tb Pari:ictiklfs, there afe mahj of the Prelates t)f that Religion, who take away all Power from the Ldrd, arid attribute irtd therhfelves ; ih'Coh- req'u^ricei:(f which they ackntjwledge no Divine ^temg Whatever ; ftill however in their Externals they put on the Appearance of San6lity, whic^ neveVthelefs ih itfelf is profane, becaufe in theii: Internals there is no AcknowTed'gmerit of a Divine •Pein'^. Hence it is, that by Means of ari holy "Extefrnal they have Communication with fome 'of the Sbcieries of the loweft fcavieri, aad by Me^ns of a profane Internal with the Hells, lo that they rriay be faid to he in feoth; fOr which Reafon alfo they entice limpregood Spirits, "al- lottirig them Habitations near "them felves, arid they colledl tdgether evil Spirits, placing thern rOurtd about thfelr'Afleriiblies • thris alfo by Means tff the finiple good Spirits they corijoin them felves with Heaven, Jtnd by Means of the ev?l Spirits with Hell; hence it is, tbkt: they can Attempt the moft, wicked Dbfignsj ^hich they 'effedl flrbhi Hell; for the fimple goPd Spirits, who Ait in the Ultiiriates of Heaven, look no far ther than to their holy External, and to thei't moft holy Adoratibn of the Lord in Externali^, hot difcerning their abominable Pradlices ; whei-e* fore they favour them; hence they derive their gt^eateft SecaMy : But neverthelefs they* all in Proceft AND THft Destruction 01' Babylon. ii_j Procefs of Time recede from their holy External; and then on being feparated frorri Heaven, they are caft into Hell. From what has been- re lated, it may in fome Meafure appear, what is the Nature and Quality of thofe, in another Life, who are from Babylon. Btit I ani well aware^ it -Will be a Matter of Wonder to Men on Earth, that fuch Things- exift in the Spiritual World, particularly to thofe who have no other Idea of Heaven and Hell, and of the State of Man after ¦ Death, than what is vain and empty ; but that Man is equally a Man after Death as before, that he lives in Society, dwells in Houfes, attends to Difcourfes from the Pulpit, performs Offices, and fees the like Things in that World, as he did in the Natural World which he left behind him, may evidently appear from what has been faid and fhewn in the Treatife concerning Heaven and Hell. 57. I have converfed with fome of that Nation concerning the Keys given to Peter, and afked them, whether they belieVed, that the Lord's Power over Heaven and Earth was thereby tranf- ferred to hitn ; which being a fundamental Doc trine of their Religion, they vehemently infiftcd upon, faying, that they had no Doubt of it, becaufe it is plainly and pofitively afferted : But on be ing queftioned further, if they did not know, that P in 114 ^^ ^"'^ Last Judgment, in every Expreffion of the Word there is a fpi ritual Senfe, which is the §enfe of the Word in Heaven, at firft they faid, they did not know, but afterwards they faid they would inquire ; and on Inquiry they were inftrudled, that there is a fpi ritual Senfe in every Part of the Word, which is as diftinSl from the literal Senfe, as fpiritual Things are from natural Things ; and moreover they were told, that none of the Perfons men tioned in the Word, are named in Heaven, but inftead of them Something fpiritual is there un derftood ; laftly, they were informed, that by Peter in the Word is meant the Truth of Faith appertaining to the Church derived from the Good of Charity, and that the fame is underftood by a Rock, mentioned in the fame Paflage with Peter, for it is faid, " Thou art Peter, and upon '.' this Rock I will build my Church," Matt. xvi. 1 8, and in the following Verfes ; by which is not underftood, that any Power was given to Peter, but that Power is in Trulh derived from Good, for all Power in the Heavens belongs to Truth from Good, or to Good by Means of Truth ; and as all Good and Truth are from the Lord, and not the leaft Portion thereof from Man, by the ?Words above alluded to is fignified, that all Power .belongs to the Lord. On hearing this they be came atigry, and faid, they wiflied to be certified -whether that fpiritual Senfe is contained in thofe Words ; ANa THE Destruction of Babylon. 115 Words ; wherefore the Word which is ufed in Heaven was given unto them, in which Word there is not the natural but the fpiritual Senfe, being adapted to the Ufe bf Angels, who are fpi ritual ; (that fuch is the Nature of the Word in Heaven, may be feen in the Treatife on> Heaven and Hell, n. 259, 261 ;,) when they read ir, they plainly faw that Peter was not mentioned therein, but inftead of him Truth derived from Qood, which proceeds from the Lord.(o) On feeing this, ^ (0) That the twelve Difciples of the Lord reprefented the Chufch as to all Things belonging to Truth and Good, or Faith and Love, as in like Manner did the twelve Tribes of Ifrael, n. 2179, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397. That Peter, James, and John, repi'efented Faith, Charity, and the Goods cf Charity, n. 3750. That Peter reprefented Faith, n. 4738, ' 6000, 6073, 6344, 10087, 10580. That by the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven being given to Peter, is fignified that all Power belongs to Truth from Good, or to Faith from Charity, which proceed from the Lord, and thus that all Power belongs to the Lord, n. 6344. That a Key fignifies the Power of opening and fhutting, n. 9410. That all Power belongs to Good by Means of Trjaths, or to Truths derived from Good, which proceed from the Lord, n. 3091, 3563) 6344, 6413, 6948, 8200, 8,304, 9327, 9410, 9639, 9643, 10019, 10182. That a Rock in the^Word fignifiesthe Lord as to Divine Truth, n. 8581, 10580. iThat all Names of Perfons and Places in the Word fignify Things and States, n, 768, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10239. That thofe Names da not enter Heaven, but are changed into the Things fignified jthereby, and that they cannot be pronounced in Heaven, P 2 n. 1S78, ii6 Of the Last Judoment, this, they rejefted it with Rage, and were ready to tear it to Pieces with their T.eeth, if it had not been inftantly taken "away from them. Thus they were convinced, akhoiigh againft their Will,^ that the I^ord alone is poflTefled of that Power, which being Divine, cannot ppffibly be afcribed to any Man, 58. Where their Dwellings have hitherto been in the Spiritual World. It was faid above, at n. 48, that the Arrangement of all the Nations and People in the Spiritual World was ken as fol lows : In the middle Part, or Center, appeared colledled together they who are called Reformed; •furrounding them were thofe of the Pppifh Re ligion '; beyond thefe were the Mahometans, and in the outer Circumference the various Gentile Nations : Hence it may appear, that the Papifts ¦|vere in the Circuit next round the Reformed, who conftituted the Center : The Reafon why the Papifts were next the Reformed, is becaufe they who are in the Light of Truth from the Word, occupy the Center ; and fuch as are in the Light pf Truth from the Word, are alfo in the Light of |ieavcn, for the Light of Heaven is derived from Divine* ts. 1878, 52?5, 6516, 10216, 1028a, How elegant the in- tetnal Senfe of the Word is, where it confifts of mera M.inies in the Letter, illuftrated by Exaftiples, n. 158^, AND THE Destruction of Bapyi,0n. ^ii Laws and new Articles of Dodlrine; for the fame; Schemes are purfued in another Life, as had been fet on Fo.ot in thjs, inafmuch as every one after ' Death ipm Vt> fHE lilsTtuc^N QF Babylon. | 123 *'tDcafni retaiias the fame^.^.Natui'e and Quality he poffelfed in the Wflrld, particularly as to Matters bf Religion. It wal! granted me to hear certain of their Heads confulting together about a Doc- *trine, which wife propofed ao be iffued as a Law to the People ; it confifted of feveral -Articles, everyone of which h|d for it's End ifejie Domi nion mer Heaven and Earth, and arrogantly at- ijtributed all Power to them, and none to the ¦ Lord : Thofe Articles of Dodlrine were after wards read befdie fome that Avere prefent, and immediately a Voice was he^rd from Heaven, faying,, that they were didlated from the loweft Hell, although it was unknown to them ; which was moreover confirmed by the following Cir cumftance ; a Croud of Devils from that Hell, of a moft black/ and direful Appearance, afcen- ded, and tore away thofe Articles of Dodlrine from them, not with their Hands, but with their Teeth, and carried them down into their own Hell : The People, who beheld it, were ftruck with Aftoniftiment, 59. Tbe Reafon why they were toWated there until the Day of the Laft Judgment, was, becaufe it is agreeable to Divine Order, that all fh-ould be faved who can b'e faved," and x\^ they fhould be preferved even until they can no longer remain limong the Good ; where,fore all are preferved, 0^2 who 124 ^^ "^^-^ Last .JtjDe|i{ENT^ who can^put oil the Appearance of/piritiiwli^ in Externals, manifefting it in a moral Life, as if it were adlually therem, vvhatever their Nature and Quality may be ai^tp Faith and Lp^ inter nally ; thu§ alfo they are prefervfd, who are in a holy external Principle, althpughkin none that ia internal : Such were many qf that Nat|pji, for - they cpuld difcourfe pioufly with the qpmmon People, they could pay holy Adoration to the Lord, they could implant a Principle of Religion in the Soul, lead the People to think concerning Heaven and Hell, and keep them in the Pradlice pf doing Good", by preaching the Neceflity of Works ; hence they were enabled to lead many to a good Life, and cotifequently in the Way tp Heayen ; wherefore alfo many of that Religioq were faved, though but few of their Leaders ; for • thefe are fuch as the Lord means by "falfe Pro- " phets who come in Sheep' si Clothing, but inwardly. '.' are ravenous Wolves," .Matt, vii- 15 ; by Pfo- phet^, in the internal Senfe of the Word, areun- {lerftood they who teach Truth, and thereby lead ^o Good ; but by falfe Prophets, they who teach Falfes, arid thereby fe^iuce : They are alfo like ^he'Scribes and Pharifees, defcribed by the Lord in the fpllowirig Word§, " They fit in Mofes' '.'Seat; all Things that - they bid you obferve, cb- 'i'fcrue and do, but do not according to their Works;, "for ihey fay, and do not ; all their Works they do, 'Ukat mV THE DEslRtfCTION OF BaByI-ON. Il^f '* * ' ' ' ' '' *' " '" 'Uhft they may he/een of Men ; tl?ey fhut up the ^* Kingdom 6f Heavenmgainft Men, but they go tiQt "in themfelves ; they <^our Widows' Ploufes, for a " ^rete^ce uttering long Pfayers. Wo mto you ?• Hypocrite^ J* ^^^e clean the Outfide of the Cup *f and Platter, but within^ they are full of Rapine " and Iniquity'; Kleanfe firft tbe Infide of the Cup f ' aM Platter, that tbe Outfide may be clean alfo : '' Te are like unto zvhited Sepulchres, which dut~ f* w^rdly fppear beautiful, but within are full of " the Bones of tbe Dead : Thus ye outwardly 'appear Vjuft to Men, hut within ye are full of Hypocrify ".and Iniquity/' Matt, xxiii. i 1034. Another Reafon why they were tolerated, is, becaitfe every pne-after Death retains the fame Religious Prin ciples which he had imbibed in the World; wherefore on his firft Entrance into another Life, ]ie is alfo pertpifted the Exercife thereof: Now the Religious Principles with the Nation here treated of, were implanted by fuch as had made J great Pretences to Holinefs both with their Lip^ and Geftures^ and had alfo impreffed in the Peo ple a Belief, that they were able to fave them ; for this Reafon, likewife, they were not feparated, but preferved among thofe of their own Perfua- fioi^. The chief Caufe of their being kept toge-j ther is, becaufe from one Judgment to another "all are preferved who outwardly live like fpiri- ,- tual Men, and who put on the Appearance of 6 Piety 126 Of the Last Judgment, Piety and Sandlity, as if it proceeded from aaf internal Principle of Holinefs ; for fuch as thefe may inftriidl and guide th^imple in Faith and Heart, who look no ftrther than to what is T)efoi£ we explain what is meant by the firft Heayen and the firft Earth, it muft be nbtedi that by the firft Heaven is not underftood the^Heaven cOTififting of thofe who have become Asngels from the firft Creation Of thjs World to the prffent Day, for that Heaven is permanent, and endures to Eternity ; for all wlto come into Heaven are under the Lord's Protedlion, and whofoever is once received by the Lord, can ne ver be plucked out of his Hands : But by the firfl AND the Destruction of Babylon. 139 firft Heaven is meant that which was compofed of fuch as were not Angeis, and for the greater Part of fuch as could not become Angels, the Nature and Quality of whom fhall be defcribecf in what follows : This is the Heavep, which is faid to pafs away. It is called Heaven, becaufe they who were in it, dwelt in F^lowfhip together on high Places, fuch as Rocks and Mountains, where they indulged themfelves in Delights fimi lar to natural Delights,' without any Thing of Spi rituality within them ; for the greateft Part of thofe jvho come fi'om the Natural into the Spi ritual World, imagine that Heaven confifts in being elevated on high, and' that they tafle of heavenly Joy, when they are in fuch Pleafures, qs they enjoyed in the Body : This is the Reafon why it was called Heaven, but the firft Heaven which fhould pafs away. '' 67. It is further to b^ obferved, that this Hea^ ven, which is called the firft Heaven, was not compofed of any that lived before the Lord's Coming into the World, but only of tnofe wha have lived fince that Time ; (for, as was fhewp above, n. 33 to 39, at the End of every T^hurch ^ Laft Judgment takes Place, and then the for- iner Heaven is abolifhed, and a new one created or formed ;) for from the Beginning to the End of the CJiurch all were tolerated who had lived an S 2 external 140 Of the Last Juogmentt^ *¦ external moral Life, and who had put on the out, ward Appearance of Piety and Holinefs, thougji not influenced ~ by any internal Principle, pro vided their Internals, which are of^he Thoughts and Intentions, could be kept within Bounds by the civil and nioral Laws of Society ; but at the End of the Church their Internals are made ma nifeft, and then Judgment is executed upon them. Hence it is, that a Laft Judgment has, taken Place upon the Inhabitants of this Earth twice before, and is now accompiifhed for' the third Tinie, (f) fee above, n. 46 ; fo alfo a for mer * (*) Our Author, in the Arcana Ccelestia, n. 2n8,, 4333> and i" various other Parts of his "Writings, declares, that a Laft Judgment had. taken Place three Times before, and confequently that the Judgment accompliflied in the Year 1 757; was the fourth Laft Judgment on the Inhabitant^ of this Earth, anfwerable to the four Churches, which have pifted fince the Creation to the prefent Time, namely, the Moft Ancient, the Ancient, the Jewifh, and the Chriftiati Church. See alfo the True Christian Religion, ox UnIversa^l Theology of the New Church, n. 760, 762, 786. Thefe Paffages, however they may appear tQ clafh with what the Author afferts in the prefent Treatife,' yet in Reality do not, when rightly underftood; for the Jewifli or Ifraelititb Church never was a real Church, but merely the Reprefentative of a Church, and indeed a Kind of ReftoraMon or Continuation of the Ancient Church Tvhichhad periled; fo that it could not with flrift Pro, priety be called^a New Church. See thfOTE OJ THE TRANSIATOJI, 142 Of the Last Judgment, 68. As we are now treating of the firft Hea, ven which pafled away, and no other Perfon hasi any ^Knowledge about it, I fliall give a Defcrip tion therieof in the following Order : I. Of whom the firft Heaven confifted. IL The Nature and Quality of that Heayen, III, In what Manner it palfed away. 69. Of whom the firft Heaven confifted. The firft Heavdn v/as compofed of all thofe on whom the Laft Judgment was accompliflied, for it was not executed on thofe who were in Hell, nor on thofe who were in Heaven, nor on thofe who were in the World of Spirits, (*) (concerniifg ¦ which {*) It may be neceffary to ej^plain the Meaning of pur At^- thqr in this Paffage, where he fays, that the Laft Tudgmen,t was not performed on thofe who were in Heaven, nor on thofe who were in Hell, nor on thofe who were in the World of Spirits, nor on any in the Natural World, but qrJly on thofe, who had formed to themfelves imaginary Heavens. Thefe imaginary Heavens were on the Summits pf Mountains an^ RpcHs, ¦yvhofe Found^itions wpre jn thp World of Spirits ; fp that, ftriftly fpeaking, they were nei ther in the World of Spirits, npr in Heaven, but between both ; and therefore, agreeable to thii Idea, it is faid in th? Revelation, Chap. xii. 9, 12, 13, that the Dragon was caft: down intOj^he Earth, which fignifies into the World pf Spirits. Our Author hkewife diftinguilh^s between thp World of Spirits and the interior Spher^ of ^hat; Wprl,4 ; (fi^p Ae|.can4 CaLESTiA, n._ 2121 ;) the fprmer being fo called AND tMe Destruction of BAfiyioN. 143 Avhich World fee the Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 421 to 520,) nor on any Man while living in the Body, but only upon thofe who had ¦formed to themfelves a Refemblance of Heaven, the greater Part of whom dwelt on Mountains and called becaufe it is the firft Refort of all who pafs from the Natural into the Spiritual World ; whereas the lattet is the 'Receptacle of fuch Spirits, as have been ihWardlJr wicked as to their Intentions and Ends of Life, and confequently were in a fimilar State with thofe who are here faid to con ftitute the firft Heaven, which paffed away. But in a ge- heral afid rhore extenfive Senfe, the World of Spirits means the Univerfal Region between Heaven and Hell, as well the lower, Part, where all Spirits recently deceafed ard firft col- lefled together,' as the more elevated Parts, where many had beeri petmifted to dwell for Ages, and by the Abufe of Cor refpondences to form to themfelves imaginary Heavens. In this Senfe it is, that our enlightened Author, in various Parts of his other Writings, defcribes the Laft Judgtaent as having taken Place in the World of Spirits, particlilarly in the Work entitled Apocalypsis Revelata, n. 342,791, 865, 866 ; to which the Reader is referred. Thefe Obfer vations are made, in Order to obviate any DifHculties which may prefent thettifelves on a hafty and partial R.eading of our Autltor's Works; -for however certain Paffages may at firft Sight appear to militate againft each other, by Reafon of the different Points of View, wherein the Subjeft Matter is at different Times centered, it will always be found, after due and attentive Examination, that the ^e^ft Har mony and Confiftency run throughout the Whole, and fur- ilifti an Evidence in Favour of their Divine Authority, which cannot eafily be withftood. N0T£ OF THB TRANSLATOR, 144 ^^ "^'^ ^^^"^ j'^J'G^^N*, and Rocks ; thefe alfo are the Perfons wham rfttf Lord meant by the Goats, which he placed at his left Hand, in Matt. xxv. 32, 23* and the follow ing Verfes : Hence it may appear, that the firft Heaven confifted not only of Chriftians, but alfo of Mahometans and Gentiles, all of whom had formed to themfelves imaginary Heavens, in their refpedlive Places. What was their Nature and Quality, Ihall now be declared in a few Words : During their Life in the World, they had lived in exterrfal Holinefs, deftitute of that which is in ternal ; and had been juft and fincere in Obedi-* ence tocivil and, moral Laws, but notin Obedience to thofe which are Divine ; c^fequently,thcy liad been external or natural Men, and not internal or fpiritual Men : They had alfo been acquainted with the Dotftrinals of the Church, and were ca- pable^of teaching them, although their Lives were not in Conformity thereto : Moreover they had been employed in various Fundiions, and performed Ufes, but not for the Sake of Ufes., Of thefe and fuch like Spirits, out of every Nation and Peoplethroughout the Earth, who have liv^d fince the Coming of the Lord, was the firft Hea ven formed : This Hea veA •'therefore was fimilar to the World and Church among thofe who do Good, not for the Sake of Good, but through Fear of the Law, the Lofs of Charadler, Honouii ©r Gain ; they who do Good from fuch Motive^ 6 do And the DestrItction of Babylon^ 145 do not fear God; b^kit Men, neither do they pof fefs any Confcience. In the firft Heaven which confifted of the Reformed, the greater Part be lieved that Man is faved by Faith alone, without living the Life of Faith, which is Charity; they > alfo loved much to be feen of Men. All thefe, while they were alTociated together, had their In teriors Ihut, fo that they could not be feen ; but ' when the Laft Judgment took Place, they were laid open, and then it plainly appeared, that in wardly they were filled with all Kinds of Evils and Falfes, t^at they were in Oppofition tq the Divme Princ^Ie, and that: they were acflually in Hell: For every ong., after Death is inimed^tely bound to, or united with fuch as are like himfelf, the Good to their like in Heaven, and the E' il to their like in Hell ; but they do rot come among them, until their Interiors are laid dpen, for in the mean Time they may be aflbciated with thofe, who in Externals are like themfelves. Bi t it is to be obferved, that all who were interiorly good, or fpiritual Men, were feparated from them, and elevated into Heaven ; and th'at all who were not only inwardly but alfo outwardly evil, v gre, li'kewife feparated from.them, and caft into Hell ; and this from the firft Period after the Lord's Advent, to the laft Time, when the Judgment took Place ; fuch only, as were of the Quality ,above defcribed, being left to form themfelves T *¦ in^ 146 Of the Last JuocirfENty into Societies, of which tht fi^ft Heaven wilS* compofed. 70. There are many Reafons why fuch Soeiev ties or Heavens were tolerated, the principal whereof is, becaufe by Means of external Holi- ne(i, and an outward Shew of Sincerity and Juf tice, they were conjoined with the fimple good Spirits in the Loweft Heaven, and with thofe who were ftill in fhe World of Spirits, and not yet introduced into Heaven ; for in the Spiritual World all have Communication with each other, in Cofifequence whereof Conjunftion takes Place ¦ivith|,thofe who are in fimilar Affetflions ; and the fimple good Spirits, who are in the Ultimate of Heaven, and in the World of Spirits, princi pally regard Externals, but ftill they are not in wardly evil ; wherefore if they had been violently feparated from the others before the Time ap pointed. Heaven would have fuffered in it's Ulti mates, and yet the ultimate Heaven is that whereon the higher Heavens reft as on their proper Bafis, That this was the Reafon why they were tolerated until the laft Time, the Lord teaches in the fol lowing Words, " The Servants of the Houfeholder " came and faid unto him, Didfi ibou not fow good " Seed in thy Field, tvhence then are the Tares? " and they faid, Wilt thou then that we go and gather " them Hj|.^ But he faid. Nay, left, ¦while ye gather " up . AND THE Destruction of Babylon. 147 ** up tbe Tares, ye root up alfo the Wheat with themi " kt both therefore gfow together until the Harvefi, " and at the , Time of Harveft I will fay to the *• Reapers, Gather ye together firft the Tares, and " hind them in Bundles to burn ; but gather ihe * ' Wheat into the Barn. He that hath f owed tbe good " Seed, is the Son of Man; ibe Field is the World; *' the good Seed are the Sons of the Kingdom, the *' Tares are the Sons of the Evil One ; the Harvift *' is the Confummation of the Age : As therefore tbe ", Tares are gathered together, and burnt with Fire, "fo Jhall it be in tbe Confummation of this Age," Matt. xiii. 27 to 30, 37 to 42 : The Confum mation of this Age is the laft Time of the Church ; the Tares are thofe that are inwardly . evil ; the Wheat, thofe that are itiwardly good ; the gathering them together, and the binding them in Bundles to burn, is the Laft Judgment, [p] The (A) That Bundles in the Word fignify the ordejily Ar- irangement of Truths and Falfes in Man, confequently alfo the Arrangement of Men in whom Truths and Falfes are, n. 4686, 4687, 5339, 5530, 7408, 10303. That the Son of Man is the Lord as to Divine Truth, n. 1729, >733, 2i59» is628, 2803, 2813, 3255, 3704, 7499> 8S97, 9087. That /Sons are the Affeftions of 'Truth derived from Good, 11.489, 49<, 533> 2623. 3373> 4»57. 8649. 9807 '> cof^C' quently the Sons of the Kingdom are thofe who are in the Affeftions of Truth derived from Good ; and the Sons of the .Evil One, thofe who are in the Affeftiolispf F«ty , T 8 derived 148 Os the Last Judgment, The fame is underftood in that Chapter by the Lord's Parable concerning the Fifhes of every Kind which were gathered together, and the good put into Veffels, but the bad thrown away, con cerning which it is alfo faid, " So Jhall it be in *' the Confummation of the Age ; the Angels fijall " go forth, and feparate the Evil from the Midft of '' ihe Juft," Vejfe 47, 48, 49 : They are com pared to Fifhes, becaufe by Fifhes, in the fpiri tual Senfe of the Word, are fignified natural and external Men, both good and evil ; what is fig nified by the Juft, may be feen in the -Reference below, [q) fl. What . derived from Evil ; whence the latter are called Tares, and the former the good Seed ; for by Tares is fignified the Falfe derived from Evil, and by good Seed, Truth derived from Good : That the Seed of the Field is Truth derived from Good in Man from the Lord, n. 1940, 3038. 3310, 3373) 10248, 10249. That Seed in the oppofite Senfe is the Falfe derived from Evil, n. 10248. That the-Seed of the Field is alfo the Nourifhlng of the Mind by Divine Truth from the Word, and that to fow fignifies to inftruft *i n. 6158, 92 72. That the Confummation of the Age is the laft Time of the Church, n. 4535, 10622. {q) That by Fifties in the fpiritual Senfe of the. Word are fignifj^d Scientifics, which appertain to the natural or external Man, and hence alfo natural or external Men, whether evil or good, n. 40, 991. That Animals of all KlriSs correfpond with fuch 1 hings as are in Man, n. 45, #, 24^', TMs 716, 719, 2i;2, 2180, 3519, 928o,.io6oo. That and the Destruction of BABYtON, 14^ 71. What the Nature and ^ality of ihe fif^ Heaven was, wjay be concluded from what nas been obferved above ; and may alfo further ap pear froin this Confideration, that they who are not truly fpiritual by an Acknowledgment of the Divine Principle, a good Life, andnhe Affedlion of Truth, and yet appear as if they were fpiri tual, by an holy External, by Difcoiirfes on divine . Subjeds, and by Uprightnefs of Bebaviqur for the Sake of themfelves and the World, when left to their Internals, rufh into every Enormity a^ cording to their Lufts ; for then Nothing reftrains them, neither the Fear of God, nor Faith, nor Confcience ; Hence it was, that they who were in the firft Heaven, immediately on being let info , their Interiors, appeared to be conjoined with the Hells, 7 2 . /b zvhat Manner the firfi Heaven paffed away, has been already defcribed in the Chapters treat-. ing of the Laft Judgment on the Mahometans ^nd Gentiles, n. 50, 51, and on the Papifts, n. 61, 62, ^3, inafmuch as they alfo in their ref- pedive Places conftituted the firft Heaven : It remains now to fay Something concerning the Laft Judgment on the Reforfned, who are alfo called That they are called Juft in the Word, to whom the Lord's i Juftice and Merit m attributed ; but Unjuft, to whom gelf-Juftkc and Merit is-attribut'ed, n..3648, 5069, 9263, I^p * Of the Last Judgment, ^lled Proteftants and Gofpellers, or in what Isfanner the fijft Heaven, which confifted of them, paffed away ; for, as obferved above, the Judgment was accompiifhed only on thofe who compofed the firft Heaven. , Thefe, namely the Proteftants, after being vifited, and let into theii: Interiors, were feparated and divided into Claffes According to their Evils and the Falfes thence derived, and according to their Falfes and the Evils thence derived, and then caft into Hells ftrrefponding with their Lovps ; their Hells were on every Side furrounding the middle Part, fa^ the Reformed were in th^ Center, roundabout them were the Papifts, beyond them again were the Mahometans, and in the outermoft Circuit were the Gentiles, fee above, n. 48 ; they who were not thruft into Hells, were caft out into De- ferts: But certain of them were fent into Plains in the fouthern and northern Quarters, in Order that they might form themfelves into Societies, and by Inftrudion be prepared for Heaven ; thefe were faved, But in what Manner all thefe Things were accompiifhed, cannot be particularly defcribed in this Treatife ; for the Judgment con^- tinued longer on the Reforrped, than on others, and was effeded fucceffively from Time to Time ; and whereas many Things were then feen and heard, which defcrve to be recorded, I fhall give an orderly Defcription theicofrin the Explication pf the Revelation, * Qf AND trtE Destruction-jOf '^AsylHH. "i ^^ of the State of the World and Churc/fm hereafter* 73. 'TP'HE State of the World hereafter will h& -*• altc^ether fimilar to what it has been heretofore; for that great Change, which took Place in the Spiritual World, v^ill not produce» any Change in the Natural World as to it's esd^^ .ternal Form ; and therefore there will be the fame Order in civil Concerns as before, there will be Treaties of Peace, and alfo Wars as before, and other Things which relate to the general and particular Government of Societies. By the Lord's faying, that in the laft Times there would be WarSi and then Nation would rife up agafnft Nation, and Kingdom againft Kingdom, and that there would bfe Famines, Peftilences, and Earth quakes in divers Places, Matt. xxiv. 6, 7, is not fignified that fuch Thiiigs would take Place in the Natural Worldi,'but Events correfponding thereto in the Spiritual World ; for the prophetical Parts of the Word do not treat of Kiiigdoms and Na tions on Earth, nor confequently of their Wars, ¦> _^neither do they treat of Famine, Peftilence, -and Earthquakes in this Wgrld, but of fuch Things as correfpond .thereto in the Spiritual World, the *Nature of which may be feen explained in the Arcana ip Of the I-AST JUDGMENt, Arcana Ccelestia, as quoted below, (r). But with Regard to the State of the Church, that ffill not be fimilar hereafter; it will be fimilar indeed as to external Appearance, but diffimijar as to internal; in Regard to* the external Ap pearance, there will be diftind Churches as be- ffbre-, their Dodrines will be taught as before, and there will be the- like religious Worfhip among ,|;he Gentiles ; but the*Man of the Church will ^l^ereafter be in a freer State pf thinking about Matters of Faith, confequently about fpiritual Things which appertain to Heaven, inafmuch as fpiritual Freedoiji is reftored; for all Things are jiow reduced to Order, both in the Heavens and in the Hells, and all Thought whether concern ing (r) That Wars in the Word" fignify fpiritual Combats, n. i'^59, 1664, 8295, 10455. That hence all Arms ufed in War fignify Something relative to fpiritual Combat, as a Bow, a Swor,d, a Shield, n. 1788, 2686. That Kingdoms fignify Churches both with Refpeft to Truths, and Falfes, n. 1672, 2547. That Nations fignify thofe in the Church, who are either in Goods or Evils, n.'"'ios9, '159» 1205, 1^258, 1260, 1416, 1849, 4574. 6005, 630^ 7830^ 8054, 831-7S 9320, 9327. That Famine fignifies a Want of the Knowledges of Good and Truth, n. 1460, 3364, 5277, 5270 *S28i, 5300, 5360, 5376, 5893.' That it alfo fignifies the Deffelation of the Church, n. 5279, 54>5.5576, 6iio,6i44,i. 7102. That Peftilence fignifies the VaftaUon and Con fummation of Good and Truth, n. 7102,7505, 7507, 7511. That Earthquakes fignify Changes in the State of th« Church, n. 3355. AND THE DfiStRUCTION OF BABYLOlf. ^ t% ihg or againft Divine Things cometh by Ihflujt IthcrefrOm; that which is in Favoiir of Divine IMngs flowing from the Heavens, wiiile that which is againft Divine Things flcfweth from the Hells : But this Change of State Man doth not notice inhimfelf, for Want of refleding thefeon,- being totally ignorant of fpiritual Freedom, and alfo of the Nature of Influx : Neverthelefs it is IterGeivtdi in Heaven* and ^o by Man himfelf sker Death. As fpititOal Freedom is reftored to Man, therefore the fpiritual Senfe of the Word is now difcovered, and ^thereby interior Di vine T«^4is revealed; |pr Mart irifthis^ formef ' State before tne Lalt Ju%ment would not have underftood them, or had they 'been underftood, he would have profaned them. That Man's Li berty is derived from the Equilibrium which fub fifts between Heaven and Hell, and that none can be reformed except in a State of Freedom, may be feen in the Treatife on Heaven and Hell, n. 597 to the End. 74. I have l^d Variety of Gonverfation with Angels concerning the State of th& Church here- j^fter, who declared, they knew not future Events, for diefe were known only to the Lord ; but this »they knew, that the Servitude and Captivity in which the Man of the ClTurch has heretofore been,; is removed, and that now, by Virtue of the U Freedom ifn. Pf th;^ Last JiiDGMENt, Sic. Freedom which is reftored, he is better enabled to perceive interior Truths, *if defirous thereof, and thus to become more internal if he is fb dif- pofed : Bi|t the Angels faid, that nev^helefs they had but flender Hopes of the Men of the Chriftian Church, but great Hopes of a certain Nation far diftant from the Chriftian World, and thus removed from Infeftators, which Nation is fuch, that they ca^receive fpiritual Light, and become celeftial fpiritual Men : They further added, that at this Day interior Divine Tjpths are revealed to that •Nation, who alio receive them in fpiHtual Faithf that is^i" Heart and Life, and that they worfhip the I.x)rd. f I N 1 a ' ? LlS'j; gf BPOKS^ pr||»nte5 and sold by ||. HINDMARSM, Printer to His Royai Highnefs ijig Prince of Wales, tlo;32, CLERKENWELL. CLOSE, LONDON. *. ArcANA dCElESTIA, 3 Vols,^ *- o 19 6 4. ^ua^ ^riftian Rriigion, or' tftig Univerfel 13. A Treatife on ^e NatuW-of Iiifluxj-ot-of the- Coifimunication between Soul and Body 016 J^ A Treatife coni^rning Heaven and Hell e 4 o ¦5. Of the iNew Jerufaffin and, it's Heavenly l^o&ine » >— — — 040 icDoftrine: of the New J^rufaiemcoiicern- i ^ ijj^the Lord , ¦¦ o a 6 7, Tiie Doftrine of the TJew Jerufalem concern- . ; ing the Sacred Scripture — j — a z o 8. The Dc^rine of Life for tte New Jferufalem 016 9. Of the Earths in the Univerfe — & a 6 % JO, The Pfalras of Davidj with a Summary gx- f)ofitiQn of the Internal Senf« .*¦ 030 n.Of 3p^ife*J|^||)t.J8V R, HlNTJMARSli^. 'W^'-f ,¦'¦.- if « .;tf^\^^^^4fe^ent;^ l^e *,^^^ '.%' ' felaisoin Chap.*XIX'. wSfllcurOT^s Rei*. ¦' "^ 'liiarks on the Souls of BealW.and«the Li*j * of Vegetables -L-L^ 'W -TS'fh d U i^ ;3|#;, AjiEulp|ium,d^|^^r«d.onf-fll|^ - • for lhafWcw- - w 1 7. A Short Account of the Hon. E. S wedenborg, ' is* and his Theological WriM^s — /^ g Q^ 18. Extrafts from the Manurfcri]^ pf Emanuel .SJvedcnbo'rg** * tf o * '« Kxxxxy sit 3 9002 08837 7016 ; '^ iV i tSi s i t,^i IS hS s.i? iiiiililinl *n 'i A ,! id'