1 ii I ' !P ' ||l li !li||,i II I 'ill iil' iiilliiiiJilhliiiliiii, liiiji .;¦¦¦: to' ^iin-kS* ¦¦¦*¦¦¦ 'f l?P- *":' W ..liBi ¦ ¦*'•¦' jSij,-- - -'¦ , =' ¦ '''!!;>>¦!!-< .' -' ¦ II '»> ¦¦ ¦' liiSllili ¦ '-¦¦'! 'i f S'.'-i i '. ¦/ '^ '' ''' 'I! ' : *»W nHrili ¦. nHB ^.. ..fl " 3d '¦ - 4th " First Division of the Vision. The door being open, the war trumpets begin to blow. A King of the Government is seated on his throne. The officers of the King stand round the throne. War is proolairaed against Christians. The four beasts are kings or creatures. The sea are the nations in the four quarters of the world. The first be^st is the king of the North— a Lion. ' The second beast is the king of the East — a Calf. The third beast is the king of the South — had a face as a man. The fourth beast is the king of the West — a flying Eagle. Six wings with eyes — the military power of the kingly Government. The homage paid to kings, highly blasphe mous. The Book sealed or the seals are the laws of kingly Governments. Violation of kingly laws procured death. No man was able to break the seals with in-ipunity. The misery of such refusal to obey kingly laws was great. The Churches pray for the destruction of wicked kingly power. The Prophets had foretold the destruction of kingly governmei-it. The Lion of the tribe of Juda destroys them. The kingdom of Jesus Christ supercedes them. Second Division, Jesus Christ commences opening the Seals. A warrior on a white horse, or the Lion of lhe North. A warrior on a red horse, or the Calf of the East. A warrior on a. black horse, or the face of a Man— South. A warrior on a pale horse, or the flying Ea^Ie of the West. 11 - ^th Seal Opened. Gth " CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VIII. 7 ill Seal Opened. ist Trumpet of -VVo. 2d 3d 4th.Oth 6th 7lh CHAPTER IX. ^:HAPTER X. Persecution of Christians. Great destruction of men in war. Crowns of kings drop like untimely figs. The Churches of Jesus Christ stop wars in the world. The Church in the East, having the seal of the living God, arises. Great nurnbers of the Jews yield to the king dora of Jesus Christ. A great raultitude of all the nations submit to the kingdom of Christ. No wars for six months. Seven Trumpets given to the Seven Church es. Another Angel or Church, having a golden censer. Much prayer is made, in presence of kingly governments. War commences again araong the nations. Ephesus sounded — wo against kingly govern ments. Smyrna " '•' " " Pergaraos " " " " Thyatira " '• " '= Sardis " " " Philadelphia '¦ " " " Laodicea " " " " 1st wo — great destruction of men. 2d wo — great " " 3d wo — great persecution of Christians. 4th wo — great feoral darkness. 5th v^o — bottomless pit opened. 6th wo — great army of horsemen. 7th wo — great judgments, war, pestilence and famir^. The woes and miseries that wars have pro duced, can never be told. The history of kingly governments is a his tory of blasphemy, idolatry and murder. Wicked governments will be destroyed. ''iVhen the seventh trumpet sounds, the mys tery of God shall be finished. Kingly governments will be no more. Behold He whose right it is to rule, cometh with clouds. 12 CHAPTER XI, CHAPTER XIL Third Division. Measuring the temple, the altar, and the wOr-- shipers. But the court of the temple is to be left out. Two witnesses prophesy. First witness — Two olive trees. Second witness — Two candlesticks. These prophesy 1260 days, and destroy king ly governments. The kingly governments shut up the king dom of heaven among men. When the kingly government comes to an end, the people rejoice. The people set up Free Governraent, under Gospel rule. War commenees again araong the nations of the earth. Thousands of men are killed in battle. The seventh wo trumpet is blown. Christians say the kingdoms of this world belong to Christ. The Church of Christ preserved. She breaks forth from the clouds, like the sun. Kingly Government at her feet. Twelve stars on her forehead, her crown. Being greatly oppressed by kingly govern ment, prays for deliverance. Seven kings arise, known as the Petty Kings, or Gongs. They have seven names — Dragon, Serpent, Devil, Hell, Death, Satan, and Bottomless Pit. They cannot prevent Jesus Christ from ruling all nations. The prophets had foretold that Christ should destroy all of thjm. The church in opposition to kingly Govern ments. The kingly Governments cannot destroy the Church of Jesus Christ. But the Church of Jesus Christ overcomes them by faith and prayer. The Kings make great wars — their time is short. Now is seen the kingdom of God, and thc- power nf nhi-;=t 13 ¦t CHAPTER XIII. t.'HAPTER XIV. 1st Seal opened, or 1st wo trumpet. 2d Seal opened, or 2d wo trumpet. 3d Seal opened, or 3d wo trumpet. 4th Seal opened, or 4th wo trumpet. Sth Seal opened, or Sth wo trumpet. 6th Seal opened, or 6th wo trumpet. CHAPTER XV. 7th Seal opened, or 7th wo trumpet. Liberty and Freedom are proclaimed by the people. Seven kingly governmeiils — confederate. The first — a warrior on a white horse, like a leopard, with a lion's mouth. The fourth — a warrior on a pale horse, con federate with the first. Death and Hell ibllowing the warrior on the pale horse. Serpent, Satan and Bottomless Pit say, who is like this kingly power? The battles of these kings produce great de struction of men.' They declare to lhe world that they take kingly laws as their rule. They deceive the wicked by' such declaration. The number ofa man, or kingly government, 666, is their power. The Jews, in great numbers, become Christ's people. The Church of Jesus Christ is called the New Jerusalem, by the Jews. The Church sings a new song in the presence of kingly governments. The Gospel is sent to all nations, by the con verted Jews. Babylon or kingly power ends — is fallen. — Kings are no more. Idolatry or Paganism comes to an end. Jesus Christ is king. The harvest of the world — while persecution and death does not end. The wine press of wrath, or kingly power, makes blood to flow a long time. The nations rush to battle, while the Gospel is sent to them. The judginents of the Lord are upon all na tions. War, pestilence, famine, avarice, murder, theft and death. The church sings a new song — Lord God Al mighty, just and true are thy ways. The warrior on the white horse, which is the Lion, furnishes seven vials of wrath. The smoke of the battle field obscures the vision for a time. 14 CHAPTER XVI. 1st Vial of wrath, or Church of Ephe sus. 2d Vial of wrath, or Church of Smyr- 3d Vial of wrath, or Church of Perga- 4th Vial of wrath, or Church of Thya tira. Sth Vial of wrath, or Church of Phila delphia. 6th Vial of wrath, or Church of Laode- 7th vial of wrath, the headof thechurch. No entering the Jewish Temple to do accep-' table worship. Fourth Division. The seven churches are comraanded each one to pour his yial on kingly power. Ephesus Church pours out upon the earth her vial, which proved to kingly powers of the North that their power is wicked, that men are morally depraved by means of such pov/er. Smyrna Church poured out upon the sea her vial, which proved to the kingly powers of the East rnoral death, and that the nations of men, were destitute of moral life, dead ii-i sin. Pergaraos Church poured out upon the foun tains of water her vial, which proved to the kingly powers of the .West that they were blood-thirsty — that they were defiled by the blood of men — that they were i-nurderers. Thyatira Church poured out upon the Sun her vial, which proved that the kingly throne destroyed men with its wars, and were scorched with great heat, and men blas phemed God. ¦ Philadelphia Church poured out upon the seat of the beast, the throne, which proved that the throne- itself was destitute of moral goodness, and men blasphemed God, be cause of their pains and their sores. Laodicea Church poured out upon the great river Euphrates, which proved to the kingly power on the great ri\"er of the U'est, de struction. The kingly power was' dried up, fbr the salva tion of the East. Three wicked spirits rome from kingly Gov ernments — war, theft and raurder. They bring on the battle of that great day of God Almighty, in the east quarter of'the earth, Asia. Behold I coi-ne as a thief. It is done n-reat war commences, which prov5 to the kingl-y- powers. their destruction. Great Babylon is destroyed bytbe fierceness of his wrath. 15 CHAPTER XVII, 1st Vial poured out. CHAPTER XVIII- 2d Vial poured out. 3d " CHAPTER XIX. 4th Vial poured out. Sth Vial poured out. CHAPTER XX. 6th Vial poured out. 7th Vial. [Jesus Christ shows John the judgment of- Great Babylon or kingly power. Kingly power is seated on a war horse — scar let colored. The inhabitants of the earth have been into.xi- cated by her. Kings have been corrupted by her — they now lose the kingly power. Great Babylon or kingly power is drunken with the blood of saints. Kingly power carae from the bottomless pit. It is at war with Christ's kingdom, and he de stroys it. The Church of Jesus Christ is lighted with his glory. Babylon the Great, or kingly government, is fallen. The people of God are coraraanded to eome out of her, and to rejoice over her destruction. With violence shall that great power be de stroyed. A great raultitude of the subjects of Christ's Kingdom say Alleluia; salvation, and glory, and honor, and power unto the Lord our God: for he is a KING OF KINGS. The people of God are comraanded to praise God for his wonderful works to the children of men — and now, as vvith the voic9 of many waters, they say, Alleluia; for the Lord God Omnipotent- reigneth. The kingly governments of the West — war. The kingly power is desti'oyed for- a thousand years (days). The Gospel of Peace destroys thera, casting thera into the bottomless pit, till the thou sand days are fulfilled. The bottomless pit, the great raaelstrora of kingly governments. The mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Kingly thrones continue to make war and murder, till the expiration of 1000 days. This 1000 days the first resurrection period of the Church. Kings then gather great armies of tha Gen tiles to battle. 10 CHAPTER XXI. 7th Vial. Destroying (kingly) is declared to be the second death. Triumph of Christ's Kingdom. The Governraent of Jesus Christ, who is Prince of Peace, is established. Kingly governments pass away, or are no longer. The Holy City, with its inhabitants. New Jerusalem, with iis king, who -is King of Kings. He came down from heaven to dwell with men. The Church receives him as her husband, and her king. God himself shall be with them, their God. Behold I make all things new, said the Lord Jesus Christ to John. It is done: that is, it is accomplished — the old has passed away. I will give unto him that is athirst of the foun tain of the water of life freely. But all wicked kings and men shall be de- troyed in the destruction of kingly govern ments, which is the second death. He that overcometh sliall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Description of New Jerusalem, the church of Jesus Christ. Four square, or four quarters of the globe. Twelve gates — 3 East, 3 North, 3 South, 3 West quarters. Twelve apostles—the twelve foundation stones, as named. The wall round the church — the defence of the people of God in all the world. Tho measure of the wall is the extent of the church in all the world. The measure of a man is the measure or rule of the church. The wall, beautiful as jasper, in all quarters of the world. The church of Jesus Christ, pure gold, like unto clear glass. Tho people bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. 17 CHAPTER XXII. The nations are saved from kingly govern ments. Then shall they walk in the light of the Holy Jerusalem. Those who have their names written in the Book of the Prince of Peace. Conclusion, or the End of the Vision. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, shows John a pure fountain of Life. The water of life came from the Fountain of Holiness. The throne of God and the Lamb is in the Holy City, New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem street is lined with peace able citizens. The water of the river of life sustains the tree of life, or man. The tree of life yields her fruit every month in the year. Twelve fruits, the product of the labors ef the twelve apostles. The leaves of the tree — the Gospel of the Prince of Peace. This is for the healing of the nations afflicted by warring governments. There shall be no i-nore curse of warring governments. The servants of God sfiall obey and serve him. They see his face, as Prince of Peace, and are like hii-n. For there is no destitution of light. They heed no wicked kingly government. The Lord God giveth them Light, Liberty and Peace. They shall reign with Christ for ever and ever. The Prince of Peace said, I eome quickly. Blessed is he who obeys the Prince of Peace, the Alpha and Omega. Seal not, or keep secret, what is revealed. I shall reward every man, according as his work shall be. Blessed are those that obey the Lord Jesus Christ. B. 18 They have right to the tree of life, and enter the Holy City. The Spirit and the Bride give invitation to all men. Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Whosoever will not obey, God shall take away his part. ^EW COMMENTARY, EXPLANATION OP WHAT IS COMMONLY C.4LLED THE EEVILITIONS OF ST. JOM-THE DIME. CHAPTER I. 1 The Revelation -of Jesus Christ, which God gave na to liim, to show onto his servants things whicli must shortly coitte to pass : and he sent and signified ijt by his angel unto litis servant John, 2 Wko bare record of tho Word of God, and of the testimony of Jesas Christ, and of all things that he saw. CHAPTER I Introduction, Before the time this Revelation Was made to John, the Roman Government had extend ed her power over Asia — war had been made for conquest. The beloveJ disciple John, being there preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, had a vision, which appeared to hira to be in an is land in the jEgean sea: and Jesus Christ, who is King of Kings and Prince of Peace, (John 3: 35,) revealed to his servant John, things which must shortly come to pass am.ong the na tions that were subjected to kingly power. — ¦ Dan. 1: 1. The Revelation is a revealing of the way and manner of the accomplishment or fulfill ment of the prophecies of tho prophets, which were sealed up, to be opened at the time of the end of the idol kingdoms of the east quarter of the earth.— A. D. 66. John, as a faithful witness of the visions made known to him, of the wicked a6ts of kingly governments, makes known to others, in truth, just such things as he saw. — John 1: 1. All things that he saw, were revealed to him by Jesus Christ. 20 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and thoy ihat hear the worda of this prophecy, and keep those "things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. , 4 John to the sev en churches which are iu Asia; Grace he uuto you, and peace from him which is, and which -was, and which is to come ; and fromjhe seven Spirits which are before his throne; 5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful V/ itiiBss,- and tha first begotten of the dead,, and the Prince of the kings of the,- eartli. Unto him, that loved us, aijd washed us from our sins in his own blood, 6 And hath made us kings and priests -unto God and his Father ; to him be giory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 7 Behold, he com eth with clouds ; aud overy eye shall see him, and tljey also which pierced him ; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. — . £3von so. Amen., 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begin ning aijd-the ending, aailh the Lqrd, which is, and which was, and which is to coma, 4hQ Al.mig'nty. Blessed are all who read the Revelation made to the churches, and doeth those thing? which are commanded to be done: for the time is at hand, when every man shall receive according as his work shall be. The effect of righteousness is peace. The time is at hand when the wicked kingdoms shall be no more. — l\Ial. 4:1. Ths-seven churphesof A-sia, to whora John writes, are thus named: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergaraos, Thyatira, Sardis, PJiiladelphia, La odicea. The favor of God be unto you, in the enjoyment of peace, which is and which was, and which is to come from .God, and from the spirits of the seven churches, which are in adoring worship before the throne of God. And from Jesus Christ, the Prince of P-eace, viho is the faithful and true witness, who hath seen -and known all things frora the beginning to lhe end, who is the Son of God, who was crucified by raen, and the first to rise from the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth, purposing peace on earth, good will to man. John 8: 14. This sarae Jesus Christ hath-made us kings and priests unto God.^ He loved us and washed us frOra. our sins in his own blood. Unto Hira be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Araen. Behold, He cometh to punish the nations, with their armies (Dan. 7: 13); and every king,- with his men, shall have knowledge of Hin-i; and they also who rejected and crucified Him, and all kingdoms on earth, shall experi ence woes, because they do not obey Him: surely it is so. Amen. Luke'21: 10. Wars between kingly governments produce great misery. Even so: Amen. Luke21: 22. I am the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega. The Lord Jesus Christ declared that He was. the Almighty. He is now God: in ao-es past He was God, in ages to come will be God. tie made all raen, and will save the righteous. The wicked kingdoms, He will. ^destroy. Dan. 7:. St, 21 9 I John, who al so am your brother, and companion iii ' tribulation, and in the kingdom and pa tience of JesusCbrist, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Je sus Christ. 10 I was in the Spu-it on the Lord's day, and heard be hind me a great voice - as of a trunipet, '11 Saying, I ara Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the geven churchegwhich are in Asia f unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto PergamoB, and unto Thyatijca, and unto Sardis.aud unto Phil- ,ad6!phia, and unto . .Laodicea. The Almighty is the Prince of the kings of the earth. Dan. 7: 14. A KING OF KINGS, THE CONQUEROR. 1 234 5 6 7 sgioiua 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 Opening of the Vision. I John, am yoUT brother in the church of 'Jesus Christ, at Ephesus. I am to be a com panion with you in the persecution and afflic tion that the kingly governments-subject us to. I was in a vision, in the isle of Patmos, for adhering to Christ, aud preaching the word of God, and would not submit to kingly authori ty, in jilatfe of JesUs Christ, over me; and the things which I saw I was commanded to write to the seven churches. And being in a trance, and wrapped in vision, I was in the spirit worshiping God on the 'Lord's Day, at Ephesus, and I heard a great voice behind me, like a trumpet. Years before John's banishment, the primi tive christians had set apart the first day of the week for religious worship. A trurapet is raostly used by great armies, in war, as an erablera of war. A' trumpet is also used as an emblem of the gospel. John's attention being called to this great voice, he heard Jesus Christ saying to him, I am God Almighty, JEHOVAH: what thou seest, and knowest, write it in a book, and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia, for their benefit. The Alpha and Omega, in this verse, is in regard to kingly government. The oppressive power of kingly govern ment is the subject under consideration, and has relation to time and not to eternity. It is war. Probably, in writing and sending this reve lation to the seven churches, he offended the Lydian 'feings, and the persecution they com raenced against the christians at Ephesus in 66 was in consequence of it. The island of Patmos, as he had seen in the 22 13 And I turned to. see the voice that spake with me. And- being turned, I saw seven golden caudle- sticks ; 13 And iu the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a gar ment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a gold en girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow ; and his eyes were as a flame of fire ; 15 And his feet like tinto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace ; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right-hand seven stars ; and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword; & his countenance was as the sun shineth iu his strengtli. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon rae, saying un to me, Foar not ; 1 am the fijst and the last; 18 I anL. he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. vision, appeared to him to be the place where- he was. The seven churches of Asia are in his mind' and sight. And being turned in the vision I' had at Ephesus, I saw the seven churches,. which were in Asia Minor., He sees Jesus Christ present with these - churches. His garment and girdle designate- that He is King and Priest. This description of Jesus Christ denotes; Him ancient and glorious. Christ sees all things — is omniscient. Dan. 10: 6. The majesty, celerity and permanency of his government-^the fire of his eyes more brilliant than a furnace of fire — ^bis commands more distinct and imperative than those of any earthly king. The seven presidents of the churches are in his keepina;. THE WORD OF GOD is sharper than 123, 4567 89 101112 any kingly, sword. He goeth forth like the sun, giving light to the nations, and He goeth forth in his might, . to destroy wicked kingdoms. This vision of Christ's power and glory- overpowered John — he fell to the earth a* dead, as one frorn whom life had departed. The Lord Jesus Christ laid his' right hand on John, and he received strength: and the Lord said to him. Fear not; I am the Prince of the kings of the earth. Dan. 10: 9, in. I am he that was crucified, and behold I am alive forevermore. I have power and authority over every king ly or human governments. Kingly governments have been graves and bottomless pits to natioEs: but Jesus Christ has the keys oi power over them. Dan. 10: 14. Amen. 23 19 Write thethings Which thou hastseen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be here after : 20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candle sticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven ehurch- OB ; and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. CHAP. II. 1 Unto the angel of the church of Eph esus write ; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, wJio walketh in the midst of the seven golden candle sticks ; 2 I know thy works, and thy la bor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil : and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, aud are not, and hast found them liars : 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for ray name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted. 4 Nevertheless, I have somewhat a- gainst thee, because thou h»st left thy first love. Explanation of the Terms Used. John is commanded to write what had been made known to him of things pertairiing to Christ's kingdom among men, and with the spirit of prophecy, things that are to ^;ome hereafter: for yet the vision is for many days. Dan. 10: 14. The prophets of the old dispensation had predicted the rising of a star in Judah, who should be a prince and a Savior. The mystery of the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks are thiis e.x plained. The seven stars in the hand of the Prince are his apostles, messengers, angels, bishops, or presidents, elders or stars, officers of his churches — lights to the church. The candle sticks or lamps are the churches. CHAPTER II. To the Church of Ephesus. The. church of Ephesus was organized, probably, by John ; and Tiraothy probably be ing the minister or president at the time, unto him was this book sent, for the benefit of the churches. The Lord's ministers are the seven stars of the churches. The Lord, by his Spirit, is in these churches, guiding thera. I know how patiently ye have borne the op position of the wicked government, and how you have manifested your hatred to it, by your \Vorks. Thou hast tried many who pretend to be apostles, and are not. Such as would yield to wicked laws, you found to be liars, or liar makers — makers of idols, and are evil. Such as would yield obedience to the king ly laws, were offensive — such as would yield obedience to Christ, were approved — such as loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all the heart, were steadf^.st. But I have against some of thee, that thou hast left thy first jlove, and hast joined and ap proved the wicked idol government. 24 5 Remember.there- fore, from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do thy first works ; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will re move thy candlestick out of his place, ex cept thou repent. 6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Wic- olaitanes, which I alsoTiate. 7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches ; To him that over cometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. 8 And unto the an gel of the church iu Smyrna write: These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is a- live; 9 1 know thy works and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich,) and 1 know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: be hold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried ; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and 1 will give thee a crown of life. All such should of their wicked conduct re pent, and obey Christ, or else, said Christ, I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove the church frora Ephesus. Except ye repent and reform, the, wicked governraent will -destroy you, and a church cannot flourish ariy longer in Ephesus. Consider what a loss this would be, repent immediately, and do thy first works. The Nicolaitanes loved the wages of iniquity. They also taught the doctrine of coramunity of wives, and other pagan rites, and were of fensive to the church, and to Jesus Christ. .Every individual should be obedient to the teachings of the Spirit. He that resisteth and overcometh the temp tations of the wicked gavernment, by obedi ence to the gospel of Jesus Christ, hath right to eat of the tree of Life, in the Paradise of God, To the Church of Smsrma. And unto the president of the church of Smyrna write, These things saith the Prince of the earth, which was crucified, and is alive. 'Probably Polycarp was the minister of the church of Srayrna, and the persecution of this church was great, because of their faith. The unbelieving Jews professed to worship God, and they blasphemed the name of Jesus Christ. They also joined in the persecution of the church in Smyrna, being the king's counsellors and supporters. Fear not what you shall suffer from the governraent or the Jews. Behold, the wicked shall imprison sorae of the church members, and the persecution will continue days. . Ten days, here, is understood prophetically as ten years, in tirae. Be faitiiful in obeying my commands unto death, and I will eive von a pi-n«.T, ^e i--^ 25 11 He that hath au ear, let hira hear what the Spirit saitli unto the churches ; He that overcometh shall not be hurt. of the second death. 12 And to the an- fsl of the church in ergamos write: — These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two ¦ edges ; 13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou boldest fast my name, and hast not denied , my faith, even in those days wherein Anti- pas was my fellow martj-rjWho'was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. 14 But I have- a few things against thee, because thou hast there them: that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who ta(rght Balakto cast a stum- blingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. 15 .So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing 1 hate. 16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee , quickly, aud will fight No human government can give you such a reward. Every person who hears should be obedient, and not grieve the Spirit. He that overcometh shall bo restored to life, when put'to 'death. He that is faithful to me, shall not- be hurt, when the kingly govern- raetits of this world are destroyed, which is the second death to kingly governraents. To the Ohurch of Pergamos. Perhaps Antipas, the- minister in the church of Pergamos once. Write unto the angel, of things, saith he, that hath the two-edged sword. The two-edged sword is so called, because it destroys two enemies, the Jew blasphemers, and kingly -wicked governments, idolaters. I know your trials in the persecution, where wickedness reigns, where the idol kingly gov ernraent requires you to worship. "My narae and faith was ¦ held fast by thee, when Antipas was slain, and would not be in subjection to their comma-nds. It is supposed that he was put to death by the wicked people, but more probable by tha soldiery of the Government, The kingly governraent with propriety is called Satap. 'But [ have -against some that TSsIde at Per gamos, that hold the doctrine of Balaam, and are idolaters, and fornicators. They love the honor and pay -that comes from the Govern ment: they do neither love nor obey rae. See Chapter 8: 10, 11. They love this present world, and the wa^es of iniquity. 2 Peter 2: 15. They fear the loss of life, and turn idola ters. As in Smyrna, so also in Pergamos were there Nicolaitane sinners.' The character of sinners is hateful to Jesus Christ. Repentance necessitates obedience to Christ, and there can be no obedience without repeni-. ance. 26 sgainst them with the sword of my mouth. 17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches : To him that over cometh will I give to eat of the hidden raanna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man know eth, saving he that receiveth it. 18 And unto> the angel of the church in Thyatira write ; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like un to a flame of fire, and his feet are hke fine brass; 19 I know thy works, and ,'cbarity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works ; and the last to be more than' the first : 20 Notwithstand ing, I have a few things against thee, because thou suffer- est tha,t woman Jeze bel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to se-i duce my servants to commit fornication, aud to eat things sac rificed onto idols. The word of God is a sharp sword to th*' wicked. Every person hearing the gospel is respon-- sible to Jesus Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ, every one hear ing the gospel should possess. ' He that overcometh the temptations of the wicked government, I will give him better- food to eat than that furnished by kings— the- bread that comes down, like manna to Israel, from heaven. He shall have a new and better name than is placed on white Italian marble; and the value of this name no man knoweth, but he that has it. To be called christian is better than to be called king. To the Church of Thyatira. Written unto the elder of the church of Thyatira. tSee Chapter 8: 12, 13. The Lord Jesus Christ — the Son of God — - He is the Prince of Kingdoms. His omni scient power is every where in the world. — Dan. 10: 6. Of his government and peace, there is no end. His throne is established, as the sun be fore Him. The church of Thyatira is commended for their faith and .good done by thera, for their increase, in piety, when tempted, persecuted, and opposed, for their love to Christ and ha tred of the wicked laws of government. And their faith, and zeal and piety increased great ly under the faithful preaching of the gospel. But I have against some, that they go after that wicked woman Jezebel, who seduces many from the path of duty, to do wickedly:: they becorae willing slaves to sin, and are not my servants: they commit fornication, audi are idolaters. — 2 Peter 3: 3. n ' 21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will east her into a bed. and them that com mit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death ; ¦ and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts : and will give unto every one of you according to your worlss. 24 Bat unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyati;-a, As ma ny aa have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak ; I will put upon you none other burden : 25 But that which ye have already, hold fast till I come. 26 And he that overcometh, & keep eth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations : 27 (Aud he shall rule thera with a rod of iron ; as the ves sels of a pottershall they be broken to shivers :) even as 1 received of my Fath er. 28 And I -will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him. hpai; Jezebel had space to repent, but would nof. Idolatry is lifeless. Bshold, I will cast Jezebel and her follow ers into great affliction. Without repentance for sins, raen must suf fer. Justice requires it. Sin is a reproach to any people, and will destroy them. Jesus Christ is the searcher of all hearts. He knows those who choose idolatry, and will give to every ixian, as his work shall be: they have their reward. Those that obey God, seeking happiness from Him, they also have their reward. Such in Thyatira as have not been seduced by the wicked arts and power of the govern ment, to blaspherae my name and becorae idolaters, I will not put upon them any severe affliction or other burden. The doctrine, the king can do no evil, ia the depths of Satan, as they speak. The christian's burden is the trial of his faith. Continue steadfast in obedience to my com mands till I come. Behold, I come quickly to destroy the wick ed kingdoms. He that doeth continually what I command, till I corae to destroy, to hira will I give power, as my servant, to destroy kings over the na tions. See Chap. 19: il. The kingly governments among nations shall be destroyed. Kings shall lose their crowns and power. See chapter 19: 18. With, violence shall they be destroyed and broken. Even so, as I have received of my Father. Jesus Christ is A MORNING; STAR. Iwiil give to such an one who overcomes to be a morning star, in my kingdora on earth. Every person who hears, should understands what is said to the churches. 28 what the Spirit saith onto the churches. CHAP. III. And unto the angel ' of the church inSard- - is write.These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the sev en stars ; I know thy works, that thou hast a name, that thou livest, and' art dead. 2 Be Watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to, die : for I have not found thy works pSrfect before -God 3 Remember there fore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and re pent. If therefore thou shall not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour 1 will come up on thee. 4 Thou hasta few names even m Sardis which have not defil ed their garments ; and they shall walk with me in whitq; : for they are worthy. 5 He that over cometh, the same -shall be clothed in white raiment ; and ,1 will not blot out his For the Spirit convinces of sin, of right eousness, ahd judgraent. He that believeth shall be saved, but the wicked shall be ^destroyed. CHAPTER, IIL To the Church of Sardis. Write unto the church of Sardis (to the bishop or -president): -He tliat hath the seven spirits of God, which are in the seven churches, and tho seven stars or officers which are - in the seven. churches, saith to the church of Sardis. ; (Sardis was the seat of government of the Lydian kings. Opp,"isition to Christ produced a'deadness in Sardis.) The duty-of christians is to watch andpray and grow in grace, to strengthen the church, and assist others in yielding to Christ. When great opposition prevails, this duty is not per fectly performed. Christiaiis often need exhortation to th© performance of duty. If they neglect their duties, they may lose life suddenly, and they may not be aware that their time is short. The exhortation is, work while it is day, lest night come upon you unawares. Time, like a thief, steals all our days away. "A few persons there were in Sardis who had not been bribed by kings: they maintained their love, faith and obedience to Jesus Christ. They ^hall walk with Christ in white, for they are worthy. One star in the church was seduced back to Paganisra, and he became a wicked persecu tor of tbe church. See chapter 9. He that ovei'coraeth, by obeying Christ, shall be clothed- in white, and be honored with a name in- the book of life. The Prince of Peace assures him df the 29 namB out of the book of life, but I will con fess his name before my Father, and be fore his angels. 6 He -that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith. unto tbe ohurches. -. 7 And to the angel of the church in Phil adelphia write : These things saith he that is.holy,he that is true, he that hath, the key of David, he that openeth, aud no man shutteth ; and shut teth, and no man openeth : 8 1 know, thy, works: behold, I have set before thee an open door,, and no man can shut it : for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept ray- word, aiui hast not denied my name. 9 , Behold, I • will make thera of the synagogue of Satan, whieh say, they are- Jews, and are not, but do lie,; behold, I will make them to come and worship be fore thy feet, and to know that I have lov ed thee. . IQ Because then hast'kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of tempta- tion.whioh shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell ajpon-thfl, earth. love of God, and his love, and of the love and companionship of all the officers of his church. - The rewards of kingly governments are nothing in comparison. He that hath- an ear, let him- hear whati the Spirit, saith unto the churches. For the spirit of! obedience is the spirit of Jesus Christ. 1, To the Ohurch of Philadelphia. Write to the bishop of, the church of Phila- - delphia, saith Jestis Chi^ist-,,,the Holy- One-— God manifested in raan: Kingly power belongs to Jesus Christ, as it did to king David. His authority is the only supreSie authority. aniong men. He openeth the prophecies of the , ancient prophets, and, bringeth. to light the wickednessof Paganism. The persecution that the church of Phila delphia suffered from -the kingly government, eould not be revoked. It was 'constantly be fore their eyes- — it could not be forgotten -by them. They kept the commands of the Lord Je- - sus Christ, and would not yield to the com mands of- thfe kingly government, when perse cuted. The Jewe also persecuted- them, blasphem ing Christ: and the fulfillraent of the prophe cies is an open door- The Loi-d said that He would make the un- believingi Jews of (belong, to, ^ part of) the wicked kingly governraent, or synagogue -of Satan: for they are liars, and blasphemers of my narae. .But. I will bring thera ultimately to submit to my government. They shall worship me, in* your sight,-. and aeknowledge my love to thee. The Lord's • protection is promised to such ^ as obey Him. . Temptation shall not destroy their faith. The hour of temptation, which shall come in the kingdoms of the earth, shall try the faith of christians: every man's work will, be pj-oved. See Chap. .9: 15—31; 11: 1—13.. so 11 Behold, 1 come ¦quickly : hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy came pagan. 34 9 Arid when those beasts give ^lory, and honour, and thanks to hira that sat on the throne, wlio liveth for ever and ever, 10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liv eth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne say ing, 11 Thou art wor thy, O Lord, to re ceive glory, and hon our, and power : for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. CHAP. V. 1 And 1 saw in the right hand of hira that sat on the throne a book written within and on the back side, sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a strong angel pro claiming with a loud voice, -Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof ? 3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open tho book, neith- e r to look thereon. When these kings or kingdoms do homage to him that sat on the throne, they prostrate themselves before the king on his throne, saying, O king, live for ever: we are your obedient subjects, &c. Dan. 3: 9. The counsellors round the throne fall down in adoring worship of the king ou his throne, to whora the other kings are subject; and these pagans cast their crowns before the king or creature, saying. Live for ever and ever, O king. (This is worshiping the idol, which God's law forbids. Dan. 3: 10; Jude 1: 4, 6; 13: 16.) Saying, thou art worthy, O king, O Lord, to receive glory and honor, and power: thou hast created all things, all kingdoms over men: and for thy honor and glory, they are, and were created by thee. And whoso falleth not down and worship- eth, shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Dan. 3: 6. CHAPTER V. I saw in the king's hand the written laws of his kingdoms, his decrees. Every decree was sealed with the king's seal. These decrees were sent east and west, to all his subjected kingdoms. The decrees against the seven churches were sealed with corresponding numbers. Hence we see the necessity of Jesus Christ ordering John to write to these churches. The question with the rainisters of these churches was. What shall be done, and one of them, a strong bishop or rainister, asks the question. Who among us is able to break and make nugatory these seals of the king. No man was able to do it; the king's de crees must be executed; and these decrees against christians were painful to look upon: they were cruel, oppressive and arbitrary — in the highest degree wicked. 35 4 And I wept Wiuch, because no man was found wor- tEiy to open, and to read the book, neith er to look thereon. 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, -Weep not : behold, the Lion of the ti-ibe •of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. G And 1 beheld and lo, in the midst of the thfonf, and of the four boasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth in to all the eafth. 7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. 8 And when he had taken the book, Uie four beasts, and four and twenty el ders fell down before the Lamb, having evei-y one of them harps, and golden vi als full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. 9 And they sung a new song, saying. Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals there of: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and na tion: And John wept rauch in view of the suffer ings of the church, in the vision, as he could not see that any human means could prevent. And one of the servants of God in the church said to John, Weep not: Behold, God will defend and rescue those that put their trust in Him. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, by his life, death and resurrection to the throne of God, hath power to open the book, and loose the seals thereof. Chap. 13: 18. And I saw, in the decrees of the king with his counsellors, that the Lord Jesus Christ was the person in their minds; the Lamb as it had been slain, for the salvation of men, stand ing, having seven ho^rns and seven eyes (which are the seven spirits of God.) And by these wicked kings, the decrees were sent forth against these seven churches. They sent them forth into the four quarters of the earth. The Lord Jesus Christ, by his power, took these decrees out of the king's hand. The kings could not destroy the churches by these decrees. 'Dan. 4: 31. For the Word of God is KING OF ISRAEL. And after He had taken in hand these laws and broke the seals, and an end was made to war, persecution, theft, hist, lying, slavery and murder, then the kings, with the counsellors and the presidents, in the four quarters of the earth, prostrate themselves in hurable worship before Jesus Christ, every one with harps and golden vials full of odors, which constitute the prayers of saints. These worshipers were Jewish converts. The whole world, or kingdoms of men ,that had been made miserable by the wicked pas sions of men, now sing a new and glorious song, saying. Thou, O Lord, art worthy to take in hand these decrees that were written against the seven churches, in the king's hand, and sealed with his seal, and open the roll, or book, and break the king's seal: for thou wast slain, arid hast redeemed us from 36 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests : »ind we shall rpign on the earth. 11- And-I beheld, Sind I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the beasts, and the elders: and the num ber of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thou sands of thousands ; 12 Saying with, a loud voice. Worthy IS the Lamb that was slain to receive pow er, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glo ry, and blessing.. 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such . as- are in the sea, and all that are in,, tliem, lieard 1 saying,B-less-- ing, and honour, and glory, and power, le unto hira. that sitteth i^poq the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ewr and ever. bondage to them, to serve our God, by thy blood, out of every nation on earth, in the east quarter of the earth: And hast made us unto our God, kings and. prjests, and we shall reign on earth. Then was answered the prayer that Jesus Christ taught his disciples, saying, When ye pray, say. Our Father in heaven. Hallowed be thy name.. Thy kingdora come. Thy will, be done; as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins: for we forgive every one that is in debted to us. And lead us not into tempta tion; but deliver us frora evil. And in the vision, I beheld the kings and the churches round about the throne. Then I heard the voices of raany ministers, standing round the king, and round about the kings and counsellors in the four quarters of the earth; and the nurabers of. thera were imraense — thousands. — Dan. 6: 26. The arraies of these kingdoras in the four quarters of the earth, were thousands of thousands of men. in the east quarter. . Saying, with a loud voice, bold as a lion, fearing no raan. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for the sins of raen, to receive power, and riches, and strength, and glory, and bless- . ing from men. The consciences of men are convinced that Jesus Christ isking of the whole world, while they are engaged iu war for another king. And every, man which is in the church of Jesus Christ, or king on the earth or sea, ia the four quarters of the globe, or world, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Jesus Christ, fhe Son of God the Prince-of Peace, the Lamb that was slain and lives for ever and ever. He shall subdue the nations by his pow er, being set down on the throne of his Fa ther, the Almighty, for ever and ever, being- JEHOVAH,, the LAMB OF GOD, the first 12345 6 7 1234 56 78 9 andthe last — the nuraber given to Daniel 7: ,6a, TJiafirstJ.aBdthe lasts, make 9. ' m 14 And the four lieasts said Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and wofshipped him that liveth for ' ever and ever. CHAP. VI. 1 Audi saw when the Lamb openedbne of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts, -Saying, Come aud 2 And I saw, and behold,a white horse : and he that sat on him had a bow ; and a crown was given unto hira : and he went forth conquer ing, and to conquer. 3 And when he ¦had opened the sec ond seal, I heard the second beast say, Come aud see. 4 And there went out another -horse 4hat was red: and ower was given to Wm that sat theteo^i to take peace from And the kings in the four quarters of the earth said. Amen: and the four and twenty el ders, or counsellors of the kingdora, fall down and worship Him that liveth forever and ever, in the four quarters ef thejeast quarter of the earth. SECOND D8VISI0N. CHAPTER YI. I saw things to corae to pass in the four quarters of the earth. When the Lord JeSus Christ opened the first decree that was raade, which was against the church of Ephesus, I heard a great noise araong the people, and so great was the opposition to the church, it was as thunder. — Ezekiel 1: 26. The king of the north quarter claimed my attention. — Jer. 6: 22, 23; Zech. 6: 5. I saw a white people, with a king on a white war-horse. He went forth with his ar mies, for conquest, and did conquer. This opening of the first seal was with the gift of a crown to the North — warrior on the the white horse. And he went forth to war in the North, to conquer. — Jer. 51 : 27;' Ez. 1: 4; Zeph. 6: 3; Dan. 7: 4. A. D. 66. When Jesus Christ opened the second de cree, which was against the church of Smyr na, I heard the king of the east quarter say, Come and see, claiming my attention. The jirophets of God had prophesied that a king of righteousness should arise and subdue the nations by his power. These decrees, with corresponding seals, against the seven churches, are to be con sidered as in opposition to Christ's kingdom in all the world. He therefore opens them, to exhibit to man the wickedness of men. — Zech. 6:2; Dan. 7: 5. A. D. 67 or 68. I saw a people that were red, with a king on a red horse — Hindostan. He or (hey make great wars, taking away peace from men, killing great numbers of men with the sword. Zech. 1: 8. se the earth, and that they should kill one another : and there was given unto him agreat sword. 5, And when he had opened the thi.d seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld. audio, a black horse; and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his band. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny ; and sec thou hurt not the cil and the wine. 7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I lieard the voice of the fourth beast say. Come and 8 And 1 looked and behold, a pale horse : and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell fol lowed with him. And power was given un to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with He or they that kill by the sword, must, in< turn, be killed by the sword. The East had a great sword given them, and great was the destruction of men. It is said, by historians, that not less than 580,000 Jews, alone, were killed, and 460,0(10 others in the provinces in Asia.— Zech. 6: 2; Dan. 7: 6. And when Jesus Christ opened the third seal, my /attention was directed to consider a people vvith a black face, with a warrior on a black horse — South. This warrior or people go to war, not for conquest, but for self-de fence — to promote and protect themselves in what they thought their rights, in opposition to the oppression and wickedness of the gov ernment. The pair of balances in his hand, exhibit their notion of justice. This is the third quarter — Arabia. — Zech. 6: 6; Dan. 6. A. D. 68 or 69. Then I heard a voice from all the kingdoms of the four quarters of the earth. This,, voice proclaimed that the whole earth belonged -to Jesus Christ, that man should till the earth, and live by the sweat of his brow, and that a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, was an act of wicked warring kingdoms, taxing the peo ple to sustain their arraies, and the kingdoras usurp.ed: and see that thou do no hurt to tha church, by taxing the oil and wine. When Jesus Christ opened the fourth seal, ray attention was called to consider a people in the west quarter of the earth, with a king on a pale horse, with all their iraraense ar raies. — Zech. 6: 6, 7. The fourth quarter is Asia Minor Dan. 7:- 7. A. D. 69J, or the end of the 42 months, or Daniel's time, .times and half a time. This nation or kingdom, in the west quarter,, with a warrior on a pale horse, was the great est and most terrible war kingdom on earth, I beheld. The name was Death to nations^ wherever their armies went: and the graves of men were seen in the rear of their march. And this great power was given to them in the west quarter of the earth, lo kill with th» 89 sword, and,withhun. ger, and with death, and with the beasts of tho earth. 9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, 1 saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony w'hich they held : It) And they cried with a loud voice saying. How long, O /jord, holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood cn them that dwell ou the earth ? 1 1 And white robes were given un to every one of them; arid it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their breth ren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 19 And 1 beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake ; and the eun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as ii,luQd ; sword, and with hunger, all descriptions of people with death. And with the kings of the earth they were at war, killing with sword and hanger.— Zech. 6: 6. Dan. 7: 8. And when Jesus Christ opened the fifth seal, I saw those who were christians, who had been put to death because they would serve God and obey the Lord Jesus Christ, and would not obey the wicked laws of the wicked kingdoras. They were put to death, because they de clared they woiild obey Jesus Christ, who was prince of the kings of the whole earth. This was declared to.be treason against the king. — 1 Peter 4: 14. A. D. 69, 7 raonths, making Daniel's twelve hundred and ninety days. And these christians prayed to Jesus Christ with a strong and distinct voice, not afraid of men, but confident that He would hear. And the burden of their prayer was not for them selves, individually, but saying. How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge, and avenge, for thyself, and the honor of thy king dora, our blood, on these wicked kings that are on the earth. The Lord Jesus Christ honors them that honor Him. White robes were given to eve ry one of them: and it was said unto them, that they should be quiet and at rest in regard to the time when Jesus Christ would destroy the wicked governraents, for it would be but a little tirae, when they shall be destroyed, and thai these wicked governments would continue to exist, fpr trying and proving every man's work; and raany also of their brethren would be put to death, as they were, for obedience to the laws of God, and what was foretold by the prophets raust be fulfilled. 1 Pet. 4: 17; 5: 10. And when Jesus Christ opened the sixth seal, I saw the nations in the west quarter of the world, greatly agitated and convulsed with war: and the thrones of kings, which had been the sun of their system of govern ment, now became black as sackcloth of hair in their sight, because of the miseries they 40 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her un timely figs, when she IS shaken of a migh ty wind. 14 And the hea vens departed as a scroll when it is roll ed together; and eve ry mountain and is land were raoved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich raen, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond-man, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains ; 16 Aud said to the' mountains and rocks, F611 on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of tlie Lamb : 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand 7 were compelled.,, to suffer; and "their armies were covered with the blood of the slain. And the kingly governments of the nation in the fourth quarter of the earth fell to the earth, in the great convulsion and earthquake, and were destroyed, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind' so these wicked governments will be cast down, and the kingdom of Jesus Christ, who is King of Kings, set up. — Zech. 1: 17. They shall depart in haste, as a raessenger is -sent with written decrees. — Jer. 51: 31. And every kingdom, on the mountains, or on the islands, were overturned. A. D. 69, 8 months. And the kings in the fourth quarter of the earth, the great and rich men connected with and sustaining the wicked kingly government, and the captains of their armies and navies, and every bond man, and every freed man, or citizen living upon the gifts of the wick ed governraent, hide themselves, in terror and dismay, from the storra that is breaking on their heads, from an iigured and oppressed people — they fly for refuge to the dens and rocks of the mountains. And said. Fall on us, and shield us from kingly power, which has brought such misery upon the earth, and from the wrath of the Lamb, who has opened the seals, and is setting up hisj and (destroying our kingdom, the king dom of men. For the great day, predicted by the proph- ets, ,of his wrath, is come; and who shall be able, to stand before Him, in opposition? — Dan. 7: 26. A. D. 69, 8 months, or Daniel's 1335 days. m CHAP. VII. ¦1 And after these ithings I saw four an gels standing on the 'four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow ou the earth, nor on the -sea, nor on any tree. 2 And I saw an- ¦other angel ascend ing from the east, having the seal of the living God : and he cried with a loud voice to the four an gels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea. 3 Saying, Hurt not tho earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their fore heads. '4 And I -heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. 5 Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand. Of tho tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thou- Agaud. The Number of Jewish Gonvetts> CHAPTER VII. After having seen the thino-s which are to take place araong the nations in the fourth or east quarter of the earth, as predicted by the prophets, of the wrath or judgraents of God that were to come on them for their wicked ness, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, the head or angel_ of all the churches, standing in the raidst of thera, in the four quarters of the earth, holding the evil passions of raen, that they should not burst forth like a torna-do, to destroy men, in the four quarters of the earth, on the earth, or on the sea. And I saw another angel or church, making its appearance from the east quarter of the earth, this church having obtained the seal of obedience of the laws of the living God. They had constantly been, before this, a very rebellious and disobedient people; they had hated and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, but now they proclaim to the churches in the four quarters of the earth, with a loud voice, not fearing man, their love for Jesus Christ. They say to the churches in the four quar ters of the earth, to whom it was given to do hurt, by their lukewarraness, not to hurt the people that live on the earth or sea any longer. We have a great work to do — to baptize our Jewish brethren into the faith of Jesus Christ. — Jer. 50: 4, 5. And I heard the number of the Je\^s that were brought to obedience and voluntarily re ceived the seal of Jesus Christ in their fore heads. And the nuraber, in the east quarter of the earth, of Jews, of the tribes of the chil dren of Israel, that were sealed, was an hun dred and forty four thousand. A. D. 69. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob — his mother Leah. Reuben was the first son of Jacob — his mother Leah. Gad was the seventh son of Jacob — his mother ZilpaL 42 8 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nep- thalira were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manas.ses were sealed twelve thousand. 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thou sand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thou sand. 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the! tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelVe thousand. 9 After this I be held, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands : 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto tho Lamb. 11 And all the an gels stood round a- vout the throne, and Asher was the • eighth son of Jacob — his mother Zilpah. Naphtali was the sixth son of Jacob — hi» mother Bilha. Manasses the first son of Joseph — put in place of Dan, the fifth son of Jacob — his de scendants became worshipers of idols. Simeon was the second son of Jacob — his mother Leah, i Levi was the third son of Jacob — ^his moth er Leah. Issachar was .the fifth son of Leah — the ninth son of Jacob. Zebulon was the sixth son of Leah — the tenth son of Jacob. Joseph the first son of Rachel — the eleventh son of Jacob. Benjamin the second son of Rachel — the twelfth son of Jacob. After this revelation of the conversion of so many Jews in tbe East quarter of the earth, to the faith or belief of the word of God, and obedience of Jesus Christ, the Prince of the kings of the earth, lo, I saw an innumerable number, in the four quarters of the, earth, of all nations, stnndifig before the throne of the Lamb, who is king of kings and lord of lords, clothed in white robes, which they had put on, which had been prepared for them by the king of the four quarters of the earth; and they had in their hands palms of victory. And the innumerable nuraber in the four quarters of the earth of the nations of men, cried with a loud voice, saying. Salvation to us from our God, who sitteth upon the throne of majesty on high, wbo is appointed heir of all things, and upholdeth all things by the word of his power, who is the Son of God, the- Lamb -of God. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and everi a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. And all the churches and their officerSj standing in the four quarteis of the earth, round about the throne of Jesus Christ oa 43 ibout the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God. 12 Saying-, Amen: Blessing, and glory, nnd wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen. 13 -And one of the elders aijswered, say ing unto^ me. What are these which are arrayed in white robes ? and whence came they? 14 And r said un to him. Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me,. These are they which came out of great tribula tion, and have wash ed their robes, and made thera white in the blood of the Lamb, 15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and iiight in his temple : and he that sitteth on the throne -shall dwell a- mong them. leTheyshallhun- ger no more; neither thirst any more; nei ther shall the sun light on thera, nor ;uiy heat. earth, and in the presence of councilors and kings in the four quarters of the earth, pros trate themselves in humble adoration before the throne of God and the Lamb — JEBO^ VAH, LAMB OF GOD. Saying, Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, antl might, be unto our God, for ever and ever. Amen. For Jesus Christ is the LAMB OF GOD, THE SAVIOUR. For it is written by the prophets, HE shall come and save us; for we have tru.sted in HIM. And one of the angels or elders of the church said to me, asking a question which he could answer himself. Who and what are those arrayed in white robes? Whence came they? I said. Sir, thou knowest, and can easily answer. And he said. They are our Jewish brethren, which have been persecuted and trodden down under foot by the kingly govern raents: tliey have not implicitly yielded to their laws, to obey thera: they now have washed their filthy, polluted garraents, and made their robes white: they have washed' them, by faith in Jesus Christ, in the blood of the Lamb, who was slain. Therefore are they round about the throne of God and the Lamb. Therefore are they, who are the children of the tribes of Israel, before the throne of tha God of Israel, and serve him continually,, in his temple, which is the church of the liv ing God, which is the house of prayer for all nations, and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell' among them, and be their God. Rev.. 21: 4. And the children of the tribes of Israel, who believe in Jesus Christ and obey Him (as their prophet, foretelling their character, and mise ries, teaching, warning, and reproving thera, for their sins); as tiieir priest, atoning for their sins; and as their king, to rule over thera: they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the decrees of any kingly u 11 For the Lamb -which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead thera unto living fountains of waters; aud God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. CHAP. VIII. . 1 And when he -^ad opened the sev enth seal, there was «ileiice in heaven a- bout the space of half an hour. 2 And 1 saw the ^even angels which stood before God : and to them were given seven trum pets. 3 And another an gel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer ; and there was given unto him much incense, -that he should offer it with the prayer of all saints upon the golden altar which was beforethe throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, which carae with the pray ers of the saints, as- ceudediup before God „out bf ,lha angel's *.and. government oppress them, neither shall they suffer persecution; for the Lamb, who is thef Son of God, and is the God of Israel, and is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and -as a good shepherd shall lead thera untt> living fountains of water: and God sRall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Isa. 25: 8. And there was a great time of rejoicing ia the church. CHAPTER VIII. And when Jesus Christ opened the seventh seal, there was silence or rest from the oppres sive and persecuting power of the kingly power in the fourth or east quarter of the earth, in the churches, about the space of half an hour, or year, or about half a month, or fifteen days. A. D. 70, 8 months, and 15 days, or Daniel's 1335 days. And I saw the seven churches, with the pre siding officers, which are Christ's kingdora on earth, and against which the decrees of the kingly governraent had issued, stood, worship ing God; and to thera were given seven trum pets, proclaiming righteous or good war, or opposition to the laws of the wicked kingly governments. Seven trumpets — one for each month, after three years. And I saw the church which made its ap pearance in the east quarter of the earth, of the children of Israel, come and stand at the altar of prayer; and they had much incense of blessing, and glory, and wisdora, and thanksgiving, and power, and might to offer, and they offered it to him who is king of kings, God over all kingdoms, with the prayer of all saints in the four quarters of the earth, and they offer upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the sraoke of the incense, or prayers which they offer, with the prayers of all saints in the four quarters of the earth, ascended up before God, out of the angels' or churches' hand. 4'5 5 And the angel took the censer, and, filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth ; and there were voices, and thund^pngs, and lightilings, aud an earthquake.. 6 And the seven^ angels whichihad the seven trumpets pre pared themselves to sound. 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth ; and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass wasburnt up. S And the second- angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning- with fire was cast in to the sea : and the thu:d part of the sea became blood,; 9 And the third part of the ci-eatui;es which were in the sea, and had life, di ed; and the third part of the ships were de stroyed. 10 And the third angel, sounded,, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the thurd part of the riv ers, and upon the fbuntaiiu of waters; And. the Lord Jesus Christ, the angel' on- head of the churches, took the censer, and' filled it with the fire of the altar of sacrifice, . with his holy, obedient spirit, which is the Ho ly Ghost, and cast it abroad in the earth: and' there was great opposition, from wicked men, and from kingly governraents; and there was curses,, and decrees, and: wrath, and war, against, the churches; and- there was thunder and lightning, and a great earthquake. The seven churches, or the kingdom of Je sus Christ on earth, to whora were given the seven trurapets, proclairaing righteous opposi tion to the wicked kingly governraents,, pre-- pare to sound. The first church to whom John was direct ed to write, was Ephesus: they probably were the first to begin to blov/ the trumpet of the gospel, in opposition to the wicked kingly gov- - ernraent, and they were overrun by the king's army, and crushed to the earth: and a third part of the trees, and green, grass, were burnt up by thera. , First month of A. D. 70, was May, when the church blew the trurapet. The second church to whora John was di-- rected to write, was Smyrna: when they sounded the gospel trumpet, powerful armies were poured in upon them: it was like to -a burning raountain, when the lava issues out and runs in torrents over the earth,- to the sea:: so blood ran in torrents over the third part of the nations. Second-raonth^-June. And so great and fierce were the battles of the- kings ia the east, quarter of the earth, that one third part of the kingdoras that- had life, or existed,.,ceased to exist: they died, or were no raore; and one third part of; their ships. were destroyed. The third church to whom-i John was direct-* ed' to write, was Pergaraos. When tbey sounded the gospel trurapet, a fiery persecu-' tion comraenced by the kingly government: it was in comparison like a bui-ning star, falling upon the third part of the nations of the east quarter, of tb« earth; upon the rivei-s and oceaa. 48 11 And the name of Ihe star is called 'Wormwood; and the tbird part of the wa ters became worm wood ; and many raen died of the wa ters, because they were made bitter. 12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the Eun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars : so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night like wise. 13 And 1 beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, say ing with a loud voice. ¦Wo, wo, wo, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the oth er voices of the trum pet of the three an gels, which are yet to cound '. CHAP. IX. 1 And the fifth an gel sounded, and 1 saw a star fall from heaven unto' the earth : and to him was given the key of tlie bottomless pit. Pergamos city was the seat of government. Third month — July. ' And the star or governraent was known by the name of wormwood, or bitter and satanic persecution against the Jewish church or chris tians: antl the third part of the nations be came like the government: they also persecu ted the church, or christians; and raany raen died of the persecution by the nations, and the nations were made hitter against christians, by the wicked kingdoni, and also against tha Jews. The fourth church to whora John was di rected to write, was Thyatira. When they sounded the gospel trumpet, the great central power in the systera of kingly government was paralyzed or smitten, as also the moon or subjugated kings, and the stars or officers in the system of kingly governraent: the third part of them were paralyzed, and ceased in a great degree to obey the decrees. And such was the darkness and destitution of power for a period of time, four months, or one third of a day or year, the night included in the day, or twelve hours to the day light. A. D. 70. Fourth month — August. And I saw and heard the rapid flight of the church of Jesus Christ into the east part of the fourth quarter of the earth, in the midst nnd presence of the wicked pagan kingly gov ernments, which said with a loud voice. Wo, wo, wo, to the inhabiters of the earth, by rea son of the other voices of the trumpet, of the gospel, of the three churches which are to sound. CHAPTER IX. The fifth church fo whora John was direct ed to write, was Sardis. When they sounded the gospel trumpet, I saw that the pagan king ly government sought to turn many from the faith of Jesus Chrifet: and one distinguished person, a star in the church, was seduced by ihem to deny Christ and leave the church: 47 S And he opened the bottomless pit; aftd there arose a smoko out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace ; ' and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came outof the smoke lo custs upon the earth: and unto them was ^ven power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was com manded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. ¦S And to them it "was - given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months : and their torment was as thb torment of a. scorpi on, when he s.trikett a man. and he became so noted for his wickedness and bloody persecution of the church, that he obtained the iiarfie, Key of the Bottomless Pit, for his wickedness. — Jude 1: 6. Fifth month — September. And he, by his wicked conduct, opened the bottomless pit, and there was a great and lengthy time of persecution of the church of Jesus Christ: the smoke of the fires of perse cution, like the smoke of a great furnace, arose, filling the air with a dark cloud of smoke, so that the sun was not seen, by reason of the smoke of the fires. Aud as soon as these fiery furnaces of per secution sent out their smoke, there came ths king's army, and like locusts covered tho earth; and like scorpions, they had power to torment men; and thousands of Jews were slain. A. D. 70. And it was commanded the army^ that they should not hurt or destroy the grass or any green thing of the earth, neither any tree, but destroy only those men, which have not tha seal of God in their foreheads, who had not been baptized as convertf, from Judaism, or paganism, to Christianity, but were bitterly opposed to it, and kindled the fires of persecu tion against the christians. Probably the Lybean kings, who resided at Sardis, ordered a tax for their own benefit. The christians and unconverted Jews refusing to pay a tax to support them in their pro9iga- cy and wickedness, the kings answered, saying, every one who will not pay his tax, shall bs burned to death. The fires were kindled, the smoke ascended ; tidings of the affiiir reached the throne ; it had all been done without au thority frora the king. Iramediately nn army was sent to stop the persecution, .and punish the persecutors. .The army^was coramanded not to kill any christian or Jew, but that they should be tor mented five raonths i and the suffering and miseries they endured were only mitigated by the mode of their sufferings. They were mada 1 slaves to the arsny. The converts to chris- 4B' S' And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it ; and shall de sire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses pre pared unto battle ; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of nien. 8 And they had hair as the hair of woraen, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9 And they had breast-plates, as it were breast-plates of iron ; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses run ning to battle. 10 And they had tails like unto scorpi ons, and there were stings in their tails ; and their power was to hurt men five months. 11 And. they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew, tongue isA- baddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name ApoUyon. 12 One wo is past: , and behold, there come two woes more hereafter. 13 And the sixth angel:sounded, and tianity were Jewish converts raostly, therefore- they were not to be killed, but only torraented, because they were Jews, their brethren, of the- house of Israel. Their miseries were so great, it appeared to them that death was to be preferred : it would end all their sufferings. But they were to be thus tried, to prove their works and faith. Their faith was strong — they could triumph- over death, saying "O death, where is thy sting ! O grave, where is thy victory ! "' , The appearance of the horsemen was like- an army ready for battle. On tbe heads of the horsemen were crowns like gold, and their faces were raen from the east quarter of the earth. Micah 7:. 17., Their hair was long, like that of a woraan^ their teeth exhibited the fierceness and bold ness of lions. They were- dressed' and arraed with iron breast-plates, and the celerity with which they used their weapons was great, And the move- - raent of the array was as if they bad wings; and the noise of the tramping of their horses, and the rumbling of their chariot wheels was like rushing to battle. And they were armed- with weapons, look ing like Sagittarius,, the archer, witl\ his bow and arrow, and with them- they hurt men five raonths. And the commander of the army,, that wag sent from, the east quarter of the earth, was the star that fell and denied Christ, and be came noted for his wickedness, and- obtained the name Key of the Bottomless Pit. In the Hebrew tongue he was called Abaddon, signi fying his character, as an apostate ; and so in the Greek. He it. was that unlocked with the- key the bottomless pit, or furnaces. And the first wo spoken of, as the result of-the gospel, trumpet, is endei A. D. 70. The first wo being accomplished, the other- two woes were to come. The sixth ohurch to > whom John v/as direct ed to write was- Philadelphia. I; heard, said John,, the voice of ardent player to God and 49 S lieard' a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before Crod, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loosp the four an gels which' are bound in the gre?it river Euphrates. - IS And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the num» ber of the army of the horsemen- were two hundred thous and thousand ; and I heard tha number of them. 17 And thus 1 saw the horses inthe vis ion, and them that sat on them, having breast plates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone : and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lioris ; aud out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone. 18 By these three was the third -part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, >nd by the brimstone, which is sued out of their mouths. D- the Lord Jesus Chri.st, from the church of Phil adelphia, in public worship, and their prayer came from the four horns of the golden altar, from their consecrated hearts, which is before God; and their prayer was heard and an- sweredv Saying to them, I will set those free from kingly power and oppression in the four quar ters of the east quarter of the earth, who are -subjugated to -the idol kingly governraents in' the valley of the great river Euphrates. There shalL be- no raore kingly government there.. A. D. 70, the sixth raonth, October. I saw, then, that the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the four quarters of the east quarter of the earth, where the great river Euphrates is, were- loosed from the kingly power which oppressed them, and that tho kingly governraent was teraporal, and prepared to slay- men. The- terms, an hour, a day, a month, a year, are each understood as a year, making in all 4 years. And the army of the kings, in the east quar ter of the- earth,- with their horseraen, were two hundred thousand thousand; and I heard and knew the number of- tbem. Jer. 46: 9, 10. Thus it was, I- saw the destruction of those immense- armies in the east quarter of the earth: in the vision I saw the horses and their riders, having breastplates of different colors, red, blue, and yellow. The faces of the horse raen were like lions, and their savage yells and thundering voice, with - curses dire, blas pheming Jesus Christ andcondemningchris- lians to be burnt alive in furnaces of fire — suffocating, them with smoke and brimstone. Jacinth indicates that they were descend ants of the tribe of^loseph. Red with yellow hue (brimstone) indicates the tribe of Judah. By these three, fire, smoke and brimstone, was the third part of men killed, in the east quarter of the earth. Zech. 13: 9. The Jews of the ten tribes of Israel in- Persia raake [the army. 50 19 For their pow er is, in their mouth, and in their tails ; for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and -with them they do hurt. 20 Alid the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet re pented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols cf gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor Walk. 21 Neither repent ed they of their mur ders, nor of their sor- cerips, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. CHAP. X. 1 And 1 saw an other mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rain bow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the hun, and his feet were as pillars of fire : 9 And he had in his hand a little.book open : 'and he set his right foot upon -the sea, and his left foot on the earth. 3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth : and when ho' had cried, seven thunders ut tered their voices. 4 And when the For their power was continually ' in (belt mouth ; as they decreed to do, they did: they had power, with their arrows, lilte Sagitta rius, the archer, to hurt men and kill thera. - Those,, who were not killed by these plagues, monsters or devils, repented not of the wicked works of their hands — for they vvere pagans; they worshipped monsters or devils — they also worship idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood, which they knew could not see, nor hear, nor walk. Neither did they repent of the wickedness they knew they had done: they still continued to murder christian men and transgress the laws of God, developed in their minds. They knew the revealed law of God, thou shalt not kill, but they regarded it not. They were Jews turned idolaters. CHAPTER X. And I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, who as God carae down on Mount Sinai in a cloud, in great majesty, and terrific splendor,- and causing the law to be written for man, the same law which -was developed in their un derstandings, but which they would not obeyj and great glory was about his person; and his face, as the sun, shineth in his strength; his appearance from- his feet up, as it were im mense columns of fire. And he had in his hand the law, which had been written on rolls of parchment, to be con stantly before the eyes of men: and the right and left feet of his authority, east and west, were on the nations of the earth. Zech. 5: 2, 3, 4. « And tho voice of his authority was loud and long, waxing louder and louder, as when a li on roareth: and when the law was proclaimed, seven thunders of denunciation uttered their voices, against idolatry, murder, profanity, sabbath desecration, lying, (heft and adultery. Arxd when the law had uttered the seven 51 'seven thunders had 'uttered their voices,^ I was about to write : and 1 heard a voice from heaven, saj-ing linto me, 'Seal up those 'things which the seven thunders uttered, - and write theui not. 5 And the angel whieh I saw stand upon the sea and up on the earth, lifted up his hand to hea ven,' 6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who, created heaven, and thS things that there in are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things, which are therein, that there should be time no longer ; 7 But, in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of . God should be fiuighed, as he hath declared to his ser vants the prophets. 8 , And the voice ¦whicii 1 heard, from heaven spake unto me again, and said. Go, and take the ht tle book which is o- pen in the hand of the angel which standeth upon ilie sea and upon the eai'th. 9 And I went,unto the angel, and said nnto him. Give me the little book. And he said unlo me, Take it, and eat it up; anditstiall make thy belly bitter, bat thunders of denunciation against every man disobeying thera, or not implicitly obeying them, I was about to Write out the law again: And I heard a voice frora heaven, saying unto me. Write not those things which the law has uttered; write them npt: for the law- secures not obedience frora men, in the kingly govern ments, to Jesus Christ. Zech. 5: 8. And the Lord Jesus Christ, who had authori ty over all the kingdoms of the earth, lifted up his hand of po\yer tP build up his kingdom; And sware by Himself, for He could swear by no greater king, who created' heaven, the earth, the sea, and all the things which are therein, tha-t there should be time no longer to the kings of the earth, in the east quarter of the earth (Zech. 7; 1,3), that the time of his second coming. was at- hand, as predicted by the prophets, to establish, and build up the kingdom to Messiah, the Prince. A. D. 70. But when the ohurch'of Laodicea shall blow the gospel trumpet, the mystery of God's gov ernment, in the kingly governments, shall be finished.,- and at an end, and' all things accora plished, as have been declared or predicted by the prophets of God. Zech. 9: 14, 10: 6— 12. For tbe vision is for many days. Dan. 8^ 26; 9: 25; 1 Cor. 15: 53. And the word of God, which came down from heaven, spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the law, which is in the hand of Jesus Christ, whose autiiority is over the king doms, and which law has been raade known to .all people. Take it, and make it the rule of perfect obedience. Be ye holy, as I ara holy. ¦ And I went, in accordance with the com mand,, unto him, and said unto him, Give me the law, or little book. And, he said unto rae. Take it, and eat it up; your obedience to it will bring upon you bitter persecution and fa- fliotion; but it shall be in thy raouth sweet as honey. Aud when Jes,is Christ revealed to 53; it shall be in thy mouth sweet as ha ney. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand.iand ate it up ; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as 1 had, eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And i'he said unto me. Thou must prophesy again be fore raany peoples, and nations, and tqngues, .emd kings. me th'9 fulfillment of the 70 years of' desola*- tion and dispersion of the holy people or church, and that there should be, no longer de lay in, bringing, to an , end the idol kingdoms,, in Ai D., 70, by breaking them, down,,, and making, a new covenant with the -house of Is rael, and writing the law in their -hearts ; I took;,;the book of the law frorathe- hand of Jesus Christ; it, was in... my raouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I. had eaten it, J experi enced bitter persecutibn. And in the vision which I had of the fulfill ment of the prophecies,. making them known, to me, I saw the persecution which I was to, endure — ^to be cast into a. cauldron of boiling ojl, and after thai, an exiie to the isle of Pat raos. A. D. 96.. The cup that John was. to .drink; was very bitter. And the Lord Jesus Christ said unto me, . Thou must prophecy again: - my. people are scattered into the four qiiarters ofithe earth; the children of the tribes of Israel are not all , in the east quarter of the earth, to which the • vision has directed your eye: they are also in the west quarter of the, earth: . they will next claira, your attention.. For when God made promise to Abrahara, because He could swear by no ..greater. He sware by Hiraself, saying. Surely blessing, I will bless thee, and multiply ing I will multiply thee. Fbr yet a little while, and he that shall come will corae, ?.nd > will not tarry: and that which has been fore told by the prophets must be fulfilled. And: thou must write the prophecy again, to come before many people, nations, tongues an,d kings: and write it as I bid thee, so that he that readeth it with attention may understand, and do the things which are coramanded. The reader will keep in mind that probably John had the vision four years before the de struction of Jerusa lem, by Titus. „ XtfAP. XI. , 1 And there was ? given me a reed fike •^into a rod; and the angel stodd, sayiug. Rise, aiid measore the temjile of God, and the 'altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is withourthe temple, leave out, and measure it not ; for it is given unto the (Jen^iles : and : the holy city shall ' they tread undeif foot ' fortyMid two mouths. 3 And'I'will give •power uhto-ray two witnesses, and they shall propl\esyathou- sand two hundred and threescore days, • clothed iu sickcldth. 4 These -are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks, standing before the • God of the earth. ¦ 6 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and de- voureth their -ene mies; arid if ariy m an will hurt them, he 'must in Siismannor %e.UUed. THIRD OIVISIOK CHAPTER XI. And the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel were in my mipd: and a measuring reed was |;iven meto rneasure,' the house of prayer, and the Lord 'Jesus Christ said, -Rise and measure the church of God: measure the prayers of them who worship therein. I hear the ardent prayers of the church of Philadelphia and Sardis. Zech, 2: l,-.3. >But the (prayers of pagans, who worship idols and devils, or beasts, leave out, aud meas ure them not: for their worship is given to beasts or kings, and they are eneraies of my kiqgdora; they tread under foot my children and persecute me, and they will continue to do it three and a half years longer. The kings, who live in cities (Nineveh and Baby. Ion), will tread down New Jerusalem, the Ho- ly'City, under foot, forty-two months. Dan. 9: 25,86. - And I will give power unto the church of Philadelphia and Sardis, for their faith and prayer are my witnesses of ardent zeal, to build up my kingdom: and they shall continue to preach my gospel, and prophesy what the prophets have prophesied should come to pass, which will be in three years and a half, or forty-two months; but, they will suffer perse cution, and be clothed in mourning. These two churches, hy faith and prayer, are the oliye oil branches, which erapty of themselves, of the holy burning oil in the two candlesticks or churches; and the two church es, Sardis and Phikdelphia, pray to God con tinually, standing steadfast in faith before God. Zech. 4: 2, 3, 6, -12. . And'if any raan will hurt or kill them, they pray with burning love for the church, and for my enemies and their -enemy; and their prayer is heard and answered, and devoureth their enemies: they do not kill them, when they are imurderers; for if any man will hurt or -till them, he must -in this manner be killed. 54 6 These have pow er to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prpph- esy : and have pow er over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite j^the earth with all plagues as often as they will. 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast tha.t ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make- war against them, and shall overcome them and kill thera. 8 And their bod ies shall Tie in the street of the great city, whieh ,spirilual- ly is called .Sodom and Egypt, where al so our Lord was cru cified. 9' And they of the people, and kindreds and tongues, and na tions, shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make mer- r^'-, and shall send They regard the law. Thou shall do no mur der, but they pray for Christ's kingdom to come among the nations. These two witnesses, or churches, with strong faith and prayer, have power to stop the rain from descending to bless the wicked: they have power, when they lay hold of the arra of the King of kings, or Jesus Christ, to make the rivers of nations- run with blood, and plagues, or kings destroy the wicked. They pray that the wicked kings and idola trous people might be destroyed, and Christ's kingdom be established. And when they have finished or made a stop of their witnessing or praying, the crea ture, or the 'apostate of the church of Sardis, who for his great wickedness obtained the name of "Key of the Bottomless Pit,"- opened the bottomless pit, ascended out of the bot tomless pit, and as a king he is seated on a war-horse, making war against the church of Jesus Christ, overcoming and killing thera. And when the churches stopped faith and prayer,, then were they taken' as captives, and marched in triumph in the street of the great city of the king, and their lifeless bodies were seen lying- in the street of the wicked city, which was wicked like Sodom and Egypt, and Jerusalem also, which crucified our Lord. The unbelieving Jews "kill the converted Jews or christians, and many Jew converts apostatize from Christ. And the people of nations shall see the life less bodies of men of these two churches, for three days and a half, or forty-two months, and shall hinder their lifeless bodies from being buried and put into graves. The three 'days and a half are the three years and a half, or the forty-two months, in which their dead bodies were raised to life: therefore they would not suffer the dead to be put into graves. 1 Cor. 15: 54, 55. ¦ And fhe people that are subject to the wick ed kings, rejoice over the miseries the church es are suffering. They make themselves merry over thera, indulging in all acts of 55 gifts to one another ; because these two prophets tormented thera that dwelt on the earth. H And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered ini;o. them, and they stood upon their feet, and gteat, fear fell upon them, which saw them, 12 And they heard a -great voice ftom hea:^en, saying, unto them, come up hith- elr. And they as cended to heaven in a cloud ; and their enemies behel d, thera. 13 And the sain'e hour was there a great earthquake And Sie tenth part- of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand ; and the remnant were af frighted, and gave glory to the God of hea-jfeft. 14 The second yro is past ; and be hold, the third wo eometh quickly. ' 15 And the sev enth angel sounddd; and there wore great voices in heaven, , wickedness, and. congratulating one another, because these two churches, by their faith and prayer, witnessed against their wickedness, which was a continual torment before their eyes. And after' the expiration of three years and a half, in which they had endured so much, the spirit of life from God entered into thera, and they were no longer lifeless bodies: their faith and prayer restored, th^y no longer lie in the street of the great city of -¦ the king: they stand up, living bodies, on tbeir feet: their prayers vvere heard and answered, arid great fear fell upon them which saw them. Dan. 9: 25, 26. And they heard a great voice from the great head of the church, 'saying unto them. Come up hither; cbme up lo me, to closer inspection of what is to take' place in the earth, under kihgly power. And they ascended up to the great head of the church in the presence of a cloud of witnesses, and their enemies beheld thera. John' 6: 39, 40. This is the resur rection bf many who -\yere killed. They were restored to life. John' 6: 44. And the sarae hour, or month, or year, there was a great earthquake and convulsion amopg the nations, and in war the tenth part of the city fell — the great city of the king, that opened the bottomless pit. And in the earthquake and war, seven thousand men were killed:' those who escaped death were fright ened, and yielded to the power of faith and prayer, and gave glory to the God of the church— td hira who ia the RESURREC- 12,345078 TION, AND THE LIFE. A. D. 70, 7th 9101112 1 2, 3 4 5 6 789 10 month. The second wo, denounced against the east quarter of the earth, is past; and behold, the third wo cometh quickly upon them. A. D. 70, Sth month- The seventh churchy to whom John was di rected to write, was Laodicea. This was the church of whora- it was said, W^hen he shall "56 saying. The king doms of this world Ere become the king doms of our , Lord, and -of his Christ; and he shall > reign for ever and- ever. 16 Arid the foajr : and twenty elders, -which sat before I God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God. 17 Saying, We five thee thanks, O lOrd God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come ; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 18 And the na tions were angry, and thy wrath is | come, and the tirae of the dead, that they should be judg ed, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy narae, small and gi'eat ; and shouldst destroy thera whioh destroy the earth. 19 And the tem ple of God was open ed in heaven, and there was seen iu his teinple the ark of his testaraont ; and there were light- begin to sound, the mystery of God should %8 finished, as he hath declared to his servants, the, prophets. This church sounds the trum pet -of the -.gospel, saying. The kingdcMjtis of this world are becorae the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reiga for -ever and ever. Here is the fulfillment or accomplishment of all the prophecies. Luke 22: 37. A. D. 70, 8i months. The number of four and twenty elders or ministers in Laodicea, who ministered before God on their seats, or organizations, went down on their faces, in humble, adoring wor ship to God (these were Jewish converts, for -the most part). Saying, We give thanks, 0 Lord God Al mighty, which art Gad, and which wast God, and art to come, God. We give thee thanks, because thouhast taken to thee thy great pow er, and hast reigned, ^and hast fully accom plished all the prophecies, and the kingdoras of this world are becorae the kingdoms of Je sus Christ, and he shall reign among them for ever and ever; and what was obscure in the writings of the prophets is now made plain, and fully known. A. D. .70. And the nations were angry, end made war with each other: and the tirae, as predicted by the prophets, to pour out tthy wrath, is come, that the wicked .kingdoms should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward to thy ser vants, the prophets, and to the saints, and all that fear and love thy name (Matthew 25: 33, 34), and destroy the wioked kingdoms bf the earth, which, with their -immense armies, do destroy the lives of men on the earth. Ezekiel 39: 12. And there was a great measure of faith and prayer in the church of God in Laodicea, and the ark of his testament, or raanifestation of his glory, was seen in the church: and there were, in the wicked kingly -governments, ligiht- nings, and voices, and ithunderings, and ajj ¦57 'iinga, arid 'voices, and thunderings, .and an earthquake, andjgreat bail. CHAP. XII. And there appear ed a great wonder .in heaven;: a wo man clothed with the sun, and the •jmoon under her feet, and upon her head .a crown of twelve stars : 2 And -she being with child, cried,' travailing in birth, and pained.to be de- . livered. 3 And .there ap peared another won der in the heaven ; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten hpros, arid seven , crowns upon his 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of hea ven, and did cast them to the earth : and the dragon stood .befoiB the woman earthquake, and great hail. A. D. 70, Sept., 8i months, or Daniel's 1335 days. Jerusa lem destroyed by Titus. CHAPTER XII. And the appearance and manifestation of God's glory in 'the church qf Laodicea was wonderful. Thechurch appeared like a beau- ifUl woman, withiher bridegroom or husband. She was clothed -^with light, like the sun, and the'kings of the earth were under her feet; and on her head as it were a crown of twelve stars. The church of Laodicea numbered a great many members, and prayed -earnestly to God, to be delivered from pagan power. Zech. 2: 7., They also prayed for the conversion of the people who -were pagan. With such a -manifestation of God's power 'in the 'church bf Laodicea, it is a 'matter of astonishment and wonder that there should be a huraan being .to oppose: but paganisra is a ^reat wicked power. Here is brought to view a certain noted pagan, whose name is not mentioned, but who, by great wickedness and persecution of the church, obtained the narae, "Great Red Dragon," with a crown on his head, with seven -other crowned heads in Asia iWinor, who were subject to hira in part. The names of the sev.en crowned heads are not -raentioned also; but for sake of designation, we will call them Gongs, or Gogs,, they being the descendants of their father Magog, the grand-son of Noah. And the power of the red dragon was so great that he subjected the seven gongs to his will. Dan. 8: 21; 11: 3. The great pagan red dragon stood up in op- position to the church, claiming obedience from every raan to his governraent, and pagan rights; and as fast as converts were made te Christianity, he Would kill them. Jude 1.: 4^ Dan. 7: 8, 21; Mic. 4: 10—13. 59 Vhich was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as Soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, vvho waa to rule .all nations with a rod of iron ; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilder- -ness, wjiare she hath a place prepared for God, that they should feed her thero a thousand two hun dred and threescore days. 7 And there was war in -heaven; Mi chael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and hi^ angels. Jesus Christ being driven from the house of Shem, in the persecution which was made against his disciples and his brethren, with draws to the house of Japheth, there to set up his kingdom. Churches were organiz^ in many places throughout all Asia Minor, and paganism appeared to be fast coming to an end: then this great pagan dragon arose. Jude 1: 8; Dan. 8: 21. The church of Laodicea refused to obey the laws of this great red dragon, and brought forth their strong reasonsj saying. That God, who created the world, and created all men, hath .given them laws, for obedience to him, and that he revealed through his prophets that a raan child should be born, who should rule all nations with ,a rod of iron, and that Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God, and that, being put to death by the wicked people, he wasraised-uptosit on God's throne. Ps. 1: 6. And the pagan red dragon was filled with wrath against the church. He sent out his or ders to the seven gongs, throughout all Asia Minor, to assemble a very great army and march against Laodicea, to subdue theni to obedience, for they were rebels against his kingly power, and not to spare any man who should say that Jesus Christ was king. The church, or christians of Laodicea, seeing such destruction coming, fled frora the city, and sought refuge in the country, hiding in rocks, in dens and caves of the earth, believing that God woujd, according to his promise, protect -them and feed them to the end of the three years and a half, as predicted by the prophets, which would shortly be ended: and the Jews were persecuted, as well as the christians which .brought Michael against him. A. D 67— May. And the raising of thife great army, by the great pagan dragon, brought the prince of Persia against him — a pagan prince. Michael and his, officers fought the great red dragon and his gongs; and the great red dragon and his gongs fought. Jude 1: 9 — 11; Dan. 12'- 1,2; 8: 21; 11: 4; Haggai 2: 22. 59 8 ,And prevailed nut ; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 ,Aud the' great dragon vvas cast out, that old serpent, call ed the Devil, , and Satan, which decei- veth tlie whole world : he was cast out iito the earth, and^h'S angels were cast out with liim. ' - 10 And I heard a loud voice Saying iu heaven. Now is come salvation, and s.trength, and the kiugdom of our God, and the power of his Christ : for the ac cuser of,our brethren is cast down which accused them before our -jGpd day and night. - 11 And they over- ' came him by tlie blood of the Lamb, and 'by ,th6 word of their tpstimouy : and they loved not their lives unto death. 12 Therefore re joice, ?/c heavens, and ye that ¦ dwell in, theni.' "Wo to the inhabiters bf the earth, , and. - of the a^s. '. fo^ the d^vil is come down unto you having gi'eat wrath, because ho knoweth that he hath but a short tinjs. , 1.3 Aud jwhen the (h-agon saw that .he was ca^t unto the earth, hs persecuted the woman that brought , forth the f&a.Ti-child, And the result bf these great battles that were fought, yv&s the destruction of the great pagan power in Asia Minor: their kings lose ; their crowns, being conquered by another pa gan power. Jude 1: 13; Ps. 2: 9; Dan. 7:26. The great red dragon, or paganism, which held the people in subjection, and compelled them to worship kings or beasts, which were continually deceiving, them, came to an end. The great red dragon and his gongs lose their crowns, and wore reduced to a leyel with the rae'n of the earth. Dan. 11: 4. And the church of Laodicea, in public wor ship, say, God hath fulfilled the prediction \vhich was made by his prophets, and hath heard and answered our prayers, and delivered us but of the hands of our enemy. Now is cbme salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God; arid the po.wer of his Christ, in Laodicea,- for the great red dragon and his gongs are cast down, who denounced our Jew brethren continually as rebels against him, when w.e we're praying for their conversion 'and Salvation. The ohurch prayed that Christ's kingdom might "be built up, g,nd that wicked kingly gov ernments might come to an end. They over- carae him by their faith and prayer, by tbe blood of the Lamb ; and they loved not their lives, and preferred death to renouncing Christ and yielding obedience to the wicked kings. Therefore rejoice, ye members of the church of Jesus Christ in all parts of the earth, and ye that live in the house of jirayer. 'Wo to the pagan inhabitants of the earth, and of the sea — Flag. 2: 22 — for the devil, or the wicked kings, is in the raidst of you, having great wrath against the church, and he knoweth that he hath but a short time to deceive and oppress mankind. ' When the great red dragon saw that he had lost his crown, and was- reduced to a level with the people, he persecuted the church of Lao- dicea, who said that Jesus Christ was their ruler, that he was the Son of God, and sealed on the throne of God. Jude 1: 14; Ps. 2: 5, '60 '14 Andtothewo- tman were-given two wings of a great ea- - ffie, that -she might ny into the wilder ness, into her place, where she is nourish- - ed for a time, aud times and half a time, from the face of the serpent. ISAnd the serpent cast out of hie quer in war. And all nations of the earth are pagan who have their kings : they bow down to them, and worship them. All men, whose names are not written by Jesus.Christ in the book of life, as subjects of his kingdom among men, are the subjects of pagan kings. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, vvho, frora the beginning of the world, was slain for the sins of the people, that he might set up his kini,'d-im among raen, and destroy paganism, or kingly government. Men should hear what Jesus saith to thera, in all parts of the world. He that leadeth his enemy into captivity by raeans of war, shall go into captivity by war — he that killeth men 'by the kingly authority of men on the throne, with the sword, shall be killed with the sword. Here is the rule for the obedience of the churches of Jesus Christ. This, then, is the manifestation of the patience of Christians, in sufferings; and the faith of the saints — of those who are perfect in Christ. They who are filled with the Holy Ghost are perfectly sanctified. And in the same direction, but beyond, 1 saw another king coraing up out of the earth, and he was different from the others I had seen, and he had two horns of a lamb, or like the two horned ram spoken of b}^ the prophet Dan iel, which, interpreted, was Media and Persia : he was for war, and , his blasphemous words were pagan. Dan. 8: 3; Hab. 1: 6. The coming of this pagan king of Media and Persia soon brought back that gong, who had received a deadly wound by the faith and pray ers of the church, to paganism, which caused the pagan people to worship the king, now that he was returned to paganisra. Dan. 7: 8, 25, and 8: 20; Jude 1: 9. And he, by his great wickedness in carryino- on great Wars with the nations around hira, caused an immense number of pa2;an men to be killed. He also persecuted the church With fire, kindling the furnaces of fire with brim- 63 14,And deceiveth' them that dwell on the earth by the means of those, mir acles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast ; saying to tliem that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live. 15 And he had power to give life un to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the iuiage of the beast should be kill ed. 16 Aftd he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to re ceive a raark in their right hand,or iu their foreheads, 17 And that no man might buy' or s6ll, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his ISHere is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Si.x hundred three score and si-x. stone. Dan. 8: 24, 25; Deut. 4; 3; Matthew 13: 42. And he deceived the pagan people with the great display of his mighty army, and what he was able to do in the presence of the king, say ing to them, that they should make an image to the king, which had the wound by a sword, (which was the sword of the Spirit, which waa the word of God, which was the faith and prayer of the church, that gave him such a deadly wound,) for he is now returned to pa ganism, and is alive to your rights, as your king. Zech. 11: 6. And, as a.king, his will was to give life and effeot to this decree, that the image of the king should be set up, to be worshipped by the pa gan people— that it .would be both a m.onuraent of his power, and remind them of their diity; and as many as would not worship the imaga of the king should be put to death, in a furnace of fire. Dan. 3: 4—6. This was like the de cree of Nebuchadnezzar. Hab. 1: 11; Dan. '7:' 25. ¦ ¦ ' And he caiised all the pag,ans, of all ages and conditions, to carry a distinct raark in their hands, or on their heads, which would show who were not christians, but who were pagans, worshipping the king. Jer. 28: 14. And that nb pagan raan should trade with those who were followers of Jesus Christ, and worshipped him. The king's name- must be the mark they raust carry, or the nuraber 666, or 18. Jer. 52: 21. The beast was the lion with wings, with a human face, subjecting men to kingly power, compelling them to worship the creature, whioh is idolatry. Here is exhibited the wicked wisdom of tbe pagans. Let hira who has raade the word of God his counsellor, and hath understanding of the prophecies of the prophets of God, count up the number of this king's name. The num ber, being pagan, must indicate kingly power ; for instance, NEBUCHADNEZZAR, KING, 123456789 10U13J314 15161718 or name of a man, BELSHAZZAR YOUR ' - I 3 3 45 6 7 8 910 11131314 64' GHAP. XIV. 1 And I looked) and lo, a Larab stood on the mount SioUj and with him an hundred, forty and four thousand, hav ing his Eather,'s name written in their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, emd as the voice of a great thunder : and 1 heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps : 3 And tbey sung as it were a, new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders : ¦ and no man could learn that song but the hun dred and forty and four thousand, which- iKING, or MEDIA AND PERSIA KIN"®;. ,15161718 12 345 678 91011-12131415161718 or Other names. This decree was mad;e to test the faith of christians ;. and -wbateverTnay- be indicated by the number,. it shows the wick edness of the pagan kingly governments.- Pa ganisra is antichrist; and all people who have- kings are antichrist, or pagan ; for Jesus Christi is A KING. OF KINGS, the Alpha and Grae- ga. The first and the last 6 make twelve ALMIGHTY KING. Dan..7:-27. 1 2,3 4 5 6 7.8 9101112. CHAPTER XIV-.. 'While the distinctive marksj which were- ordered by the pagan kings, was seen on the pagan people, I looked to see how it was with the people of God, with tbe church of Jesus Christ;, and lo, I saw Jesus Christy the Lamb of God, stood as a King-(as David did), on the mount Sion (when he was king of Is rael), and with him an hundred forty and four thousand of converted Jews, of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, then being in the four quarters of the east quarter of the- earth. I saw that they had his Father's narae Jesus, as their King, written on their fore-- heads.. Zech. 12: 7, 8. Daniel 9: 25,26. Hosea 3:;5. And there was great comraotion and war- araong the pagan people. But in the churches of Jesus, I heard the voice of prayer and praise to God, their King, in -public worship — harp ers harping with their harps.. Zech.lS: 2. Dan. 9: 27. A. D. 67. And the converted Jews sung a new and different song of praise from vyhat they once did, to Jesus, their King, before the kings of the earth in the four quarters of the east quar ter of the earth ; and no man, who was not a redeeraed Jew, could so learn that sons, but only the hundred and forty and four thousand whO' vvere redeemed from: the bondage they 65 were redeenSed from the earth. 4 These are they which were not de filed with women ; for they are virgins. These are they which follow . the Lamb w-ilharsoever- he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unlo God aud to tho Larab. 5 And in their mouths was found no guile ; for they are without fault be fore the throne of God. 6 And I saw an other angel fly- iu tho midst of heaven liaving the everlast ing gospel lo proach unto ihem that dwell on the earth, and to every nations and kindred, and tongue and people, 7 Saying with a, loud voice. Fear God and give gloi-y to hira ; for the hour 'of his judgment is come : and worship him that mad« hea ven, and earth, and sea, and- the foun tains of waters. 5 And there fol lowed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that g-l-eat city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her for nication. E were in to serve tho pagan kings, but whom they would not servo. Mai. 3: 16, 17. They that had been carried away by pagan kings, from the land of Judea, had not defiled themselves with pagan image worship — the Babylonish woman ; and although they were constantly seeing it, they would not do it, bul kept theraselves as virgins free from defile- raent. These are the number that sung the new song of praise to God and the Lamb, which obey Jesus Christ as their king and leader. These were the first fruits of the pro mulgation of the gospel among them. Dan. 9: 27. Hosea 14: 5—9. And no false profession did they make iri religion; they w#re sincere and consistent in their faith of Jesus Christ. They are perfect, and without fault, before the throne of God. And I saw another church, different from the Laodicean, who had fled when paganisra threatened her with death, and this church (the hundred and forty and four thousand) vvas with out fault before the throne of God — they fly in the raidst of the kingly pagan idol powers in the north, having the everlasting glorious gos pel of Jesus Christ to preach to every > nation, kindred, tongue and people. A. D. 6S. Saying with a loud voice (fearing no king or huraan power), to the people. Fear God, and give glory to hira ; for the hour of his judgraents on the nations that worship idols, or images of their own hands' forming, is come ; and worship God, that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters, for the idol can neither see, nor hear, nor walk ; for God hath said,- I will destroy her shortly, or quickly. Zeph. 3: 14, 15. And there followed the church in the north, a church in the east, or second quarter of the earth, saying, Babylon, or idol power, is fallen, is fallen, that great city which gave it its first e.tistence ; because she, by her power, mado all nations drink of the wine cup of Gcd's wrath ; for God has judged and will judge all wicked pagan kingly governments, and de- 66 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice. If any man worship the beast and his imago, and re ceive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of tho wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation ; and he shall be tor mented with fire and brimstone in the pres ence of the holy an gels, and in the pre sence of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of thpir torment as cendeth up for ever and ever ; and they have no i;est day nor night, Vv'ho worship tho beast andhis im: age, and Vt-hosoever receiveth the mark of his narae. 12 Here is the pa tience of lhe saints here are they ihat keep the command ments of God, and Jhe faith of Jesus. 13 And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me. Write Blessed are the dead whioh die iu the Lord from Ijcnceforlh : Yea, saith lhe Spirit, thai stroy thera. For she has caused, by her ex» ample, all nations to commit forniealion,^or to become idolaters. Mai. 3: 5. A. D. 69; And tbe third church (coraprehending the seven churches in Asia Minor) follov,'ed, saying with a loud voice. If any man worship the king, and his iraage, and carry in his hand a distinct mark of tho number of his name, or have it on his forehead. He shall drink of the wine of the wralh of God, v/hioh is bein,g poured forth like a deso lating flood of v/atars, to drown the earth, for its pagan idol worship, and is j^oured out from the word of God, without mixture of mercy, into the cup of his indignation: and every pa gan man, who is an idolator, or worshiper of an image, set up by order of the king, as the likeness of any creature, shall be torraented with fire, apd sraoke of brimstone, iu the sight of the obedient, perfect or holy churched of Jesus Christ, and in the sight of the Lamb of God. Ezek. 20: 47. And the suffocating sraoke of brirastone, their torment, ascends up without any inter mission; and they have no peace or rest, so long as day and night shall continue, and the sraoke of their fires ascend up for ever and ever, or continually: they who worship the king, and his image, shall be destroyed; and those who are pagan, sacrifice theraselves in the fires their own hands kindle. A. ,D. 70. Etere ia distinctly brought to view the char acter of the two classes of m.en — the righteous and the wicked — the servants of Jesus, and the servants of Nebuchadnezzar^- the pagan, and the christian — the sinner, and the saint: hers is manifested the condition of the heathen, and the patience of the saints. Malachi 3: IS. And I was comraanded to write these things to the churches, by the word, which was raada flesh, and dwelt among us, saying unto me, Blessed are the perfect, and without fault be fore the throne of God: they cease to live pa gan lives; they are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man. 67 iJiey may rest frdm iheir labours ; and their worka do fol low them. 14 And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and upon the cloud oilB-sat like un to the Son of man, having- on his head a golden crown, and iu his haud a sharp sickle. 15 And another angel ca-mfe out of -the temple, crying with a ,loud voice to him that sat on the cloud. Thrust in thy sickle, and reap : for the time is come lor thee to reap ; for the harvest of the earth -jsripo-. 16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the eartli ; and the earlli -i\-ds reaped. 17 And another angel carae out of IhS temple which is in heaven, ho also l»-aviug a sharp sic kle. 18 And another angel <;amo out from but of Gnd: in their mouth was found no guile: thebO are they which die in the Lord frora henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit of God, witnessing in thera and of thera, that they raay rest and have peace, so long as day an'd night continue, which God bas created, and their works of faith do follow as an exaraple, when their labors are ended. And ray attention was now called to look, and behold, a mig'hty conqueror, THE MAN, 12 3 4 5 6 the Son of Man, and before hira an ira-raense army, coming up in the horizon like a white cloud: they were clothed in white robes, with palms in their hands, and HE had on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. Hab. 3: 4. And another church .(Sardis), in the fourth or west quarter of the east quarter of the earth, or in Asia Minor, carae out of the tem ple, or house of prayer, saying with a loud voice to THE MAN, the mighty conqueror, the leader of the iraraense army of the hun dred and forty-four thousand, clothed with white robes. Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and reap the earth, for the time predicted by the prophets, of the forty-two months, is come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And the mighty conqueror, as head of this army of believers of thousands of thousands, thrust in his sharp sickle on the earth, vvhich is the harvest field, and the earth was reaped: for as the lightning that lighteneth out of one part of heaven shineth unto the other part un der heaven, so shall the Son of Man be in bis day. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed, taking vengeance on his enemies. And another church, the church of Phila delphia, carae from the house of prayer, also having a sharp sickle, as one of the reapers in the harvest field. And another church, the church of Laodi- 'cea, came from the altar of faith and prayer. 68 t'he altar, which had poorer over fire ; and cried with a, loud dry to him that had the sharp sickle, say ing. Thrust in thy sharp, sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for hor grapes are tul ly ripe. 19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, aud gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. 20 And the wine press was trodden without the city, and biood came out of the wine press, even unto the horse-bri dles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.,. CHAP. XV. 1 And 1 saw an other sign in heaven, great and marvelous, 8i3Veh angels having tlio seven last plagueis, for in thera is fil led up the wrath of God, 9 And I saw- as it were a sea of which had power over fire. This church had a great raeasure of faith and prayer, and cried to THE MAN, the mighty conqueror, the 1-2 3 4 5 6 King of kings,, who was the head of the hun dred and forty-four thousand, that had the sharp sword ;Qr sharp, sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and, gather the wicked pagan kingly governments, as a man gathers the clusters of the vine: for her grapes are fully ripe.. And THE 1\IAN, who w,as the "Word of God, the raighty conqueror, thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the wicked vine, or pagan kingly governnients on earth, and cast them into tbe great wine-press of the wrath of God. And after the harvest, or gathering, of the grape clusters of the vine of the wicked king ly governments was made,^ and HIS kingdom 123 fully established, then the great wine-press- of his wrath was opened by the bloody wars of these pagan kings; and the wicked cities were the great wine-press, and rivers of blood flow ed frora thera for the space of time of four years, and this after the kingdom of Jesus Christ was set up. Dan. 10: 20, 21; Dan. 11. A. D. 70. CHAPTER XV. And I saw a great and raarvelous sign in each of the seven churches: on which was indel ibly written the seven last plagues, or the de crees of pagan kings: for in them is found the wrath of .God, namely. Idolatry, War, Perse cution, Adultery, Theft or Kingly Power, Ly ing, and Murder: for in thern is filled up the wrath of God, as written in his law. A. D. 70. And in this state of things I saw, in tha •I revelation made to me, as it -were, slandin? on 69 'Mingled with fire : ¦and them that had goiten the victory Over the beast, and Over his image, and ov.er his mark, and Over the nuraber of his name, stand on the sen- of glass, havinor the harps of God. 3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying. Great and marvellous arc thy works. Lord God Almighty : just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. 4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and . glorify thy name ? for thou only art holy : for all na tions shall come and worship before thee; for thy -judgments are mado manifest. 5 And after that 1 looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the tes timony in heaveu w-as opened : ''e-.\nd the seven an gels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clolh- •«d in pure and white an iraraense mirror, which reflected with daz zling brightness and clearness, the immense mass of huraan beings, all raingled together, burning with fire and wrath against Jesus Christ and his churches. And I saw them that had gotten the victory over the pagan king, and would not worship the iraage, nor carry his mark, nor have the nuraber of his narae, I saw thera stand on the sea of glass, like a band of brothers or musicians, having in their hands the harps df God. And these converted Jews, or children of the ten tribes of Israel, sing the song of Mo ses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying. Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou -King of Saints: thou hast re deemed us by thy blood. 'Who, they ask with a voice of triumph, shall not fear thee, 0 Lord, and glorify thy narae'? for thou only art holy: for it is written by the prophets. All nations shall corae, and worship before thee; for thy judgments in de stroying the wicked pagan people, and their kings, are raade raanifest. Hab. 3: 13. .And after what I had seen, I saw Jesus Christ, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, the' great head of the church, a rainister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not raen. For thus it is written, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: and again; For this.ismy covenant that I will make with the house of Israel: after those days, saith the Lord, I will put ray laws into their rainds, and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. And the seven ministers of the seven churches, naraely, Ephesus, Srayrna, Perga mos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and La- I odicea, having the marvelous sign, on which 70 linen, .and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. 7 And one of the four beasts gave un to the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for over, and ever. 8 And the temrple wasfilled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power ; and no man was able to enter in to the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. was written the seven - plagues, came out of the Jew Tabernacle, or Temjilfe, clothed witli the garments of the new tabernacle, whioh the Lord had pitched, and not man, having clothed themselves in pure white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. And the king, or kingdom, of- the fourth quarter of the east quarter of the earth, fur nished to the seven churches a cup of the wrath of God, which they had filled by viola tion of his laws, which were enumerated on the sign they brought out of the teraple, and this cup of svrath was the seven golden vials full of the v/rath of God, who liveth for ever and ever, v.-hich they gave to the seven churches. And the temple, which, the seven churches came out of, bearing the marvelo.us sign,, on which was written the denunciations of the law, was filled with smoke, to that' the glory of God was no longer visible in it, and his power was no longer di.^plaved in it, and no man was able to enter the temple of Judaism to do acceptable worship, until the seven viala were emptied, or fulfilled, as had been predict ed by the prophets, and. the word of God. FOURTH D.SVISION.- CHAP. XVI. 1 And 1 heard a great voice out of the temple, saying, to the .seven , angels. Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon tlie earth. 3 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth ; and there fell a noisome and grev- CHAPTER XVL And I heard a great voice of the denuncia tions of thelaw which came outof the church of Jewish converts, saying to the seven churches in Asia Minor, Go your v.-ays and proclaim the wrath of God ag.iinst the pagan people and their kings, for their iraage wor- shi|) on the earth. A. D. 70. And the first church, which was Ephesus, went and did as thoy vvere coraraanded, not fearing any man, and in answer to their faith and prayer, there fell a noisome ancj .grievous VI isus sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon the ni which worshipped his image. 3 And the second angel .poyired out his vial upon tha sea ; and it became as the blood of a dead man; and every . living soul died in the sea. 4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of v/a- le.is : and they be came blood. 5 And 1 heard the nyigcl of the waters 'iny, Thou Qi'trifhle- Ous, O Lord, which arl, and waat, and shalt ba, bsfauso thom hast judged thnr. 6 For they have shed lhe blood of saints and proph-cts, and thoij hast given them blood to diink; for they ar,e worlhy. 7 And I heard an - other out of the all-ar say. Even .so. Lord God Almighty, trite and righteous are t-hy judgments. P And tho fourth anj-:;! poured out his ¦\iiil upon the sun ; and power was gi,'\?-cn unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And mea were scorched with great sore, or plague, upon the pagan king and the pagan people, who were idolaters, worshiping the king, and the image he had set yp, and thousands of pagans died of the plague, in the first quarter, and Nineveh was overthrown. Zeph. 2: 13. Nabum 3: 7; Ezk.. -3: 8—10. And the second church, which was Srayrna, did as they were commanded, and the sea be came red with tho blood of raen killed from, or by reason of, their ships of war, and so great,, was the slaughtering of men, that every living soul died, and their power becoi-ne ex tinct in India, the second quarter. And the third church or angel, which was Pergamos, did as they were commanded, and the- rivers and fountains of paganism and idolatry in Arabia poured forth a streara of blood, whieh inundated the earth in the third quarter. And I heard the angel, or the church in Arabia, say. Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shall be, because thou hast judged -^hus. For they have shed the blood of .saints and prophets without mercy, in their adhesion to paganism: and thou h.'ist given thera blood fo drink;- for they are worthy. And Babylon was overthrown. And I heard another, who served at tho al tar of gifts, and thanksgiving in tho temple worship, say, Even so, Lord God Alraighty; true and righteous arn thy judgraents cn the wicked nations: for the way into the holiest of all is now open. Mai. 2: 7; 3 Pet. 1: 21. And the fourth church, which was Thyatira, did as they were comraanded, and paganism, in tho exercise of its wicked power and idola trous rights and worship of tho sun, had power to scorch raen with their furnaces of fire. This cup of wrath was poured upon the great red dragon, or paganisra. And men were. scorched with great heat, burning, themselves in the fires their own 72 heat, and blasphem ed the narae of God, which hath power over these plagues : and they repented not to give him glo- ry- 10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon tiie seat of the beast ; and his kingdom was full of darkness ; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, 11 And blasphem ed the God of hea ven, because of their pains and their Bores, and repented not of their deeds. 12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the ways of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of tho moulh of tho dragon, and out of the raouth of the beast, and' out of the raouth of the faJse prophet. 14 For they are tho spirits of devils, working rairacles, which go forth unto the kings of tho oarth, and of the whole world, to gath- ^ them to tho battle hands had kindled; and tbey blasphemed the narae of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not of their wick edness, to give glory to God, as they should -do. And the fifth church, which was Sardis, did as they were coramanded, and the throne, with the king and his kingdora, was full of dark ness, and both pagan king and people gnawed their tongues, for the pain and misery they experienced; and in war many thousands of pagans lost their livea. This cup of wrath was poured upon the king and his kingdom. And tbey blasphemed the God of Israel end the name of Jesus Christ, because of the pains and miseries they e.xperienced, as the just judgment for their wicked persecution of the church; and lliey repented not of their deeds of v.-ickedness. And the- sixth church, which' wag Philadel phia, did as they were coraraaEded; and the nations which are pagan, and surround and are in the great valley of the Euphrates, lose their kingly governraent, that ifiey have no- more kings, and tbat the way nftight be .pre pared to set up tbe kingdom of Jesus Christ. This vial of wrath was poured out on the Euphratean kingdoms. Jer, 50; 2;; Zeph. 2: 12; Dan. 11: 36. And I saw the three wicked quarters of the earth come up, with unclean war Spirits, with immense armies, and cover the ear-th like the frogs in Egypt: and they came at tho com mand of the great pagan dragon, the king, and the false pagan prophet, making war with eaeh other, killing thousands of thousands of pagan mon. 2 Peter 2: 1, 3; 3: 3. For they are the spirits and devils, working wonders araong the pagan people, killing thom in battles, to make conquest, and thereby extend their wicked power: and these kings, with their immense arraies of thousands 'of thousands, go forth to battle, one with an other, and gather their armies to the battle of 73 '^f that great day ofl God Almighty. 15-Behold, I come ns a thief. Blessed is he that watcheih, and keepeth his gar ments, -lest he walk naked, and they see hig shame. 16 And he gath- cr, was arrayed in splcii- 75 Jilo and scarlet-col our, and decked with gold and pre cious stones and pearls, having a gol den cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication : 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTE RY, BABYLON THE GRE-\.T, THE MOTHER OF HAaLors AND ABOMINA- TlOi^S OF THE EARTH. G And I saw tlie woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and ,with the blood of tho ma,r- tyrs of Jesus : and when I saw her, 1 wondered with o-rcat admiration-. 7 And, the angel said unlo me.WheiM- fore didst thou mar vel ? 1 will tell thee tho raystery of tlie woman and of the beast that carricih her, which hath the *even heads and ten horns. 8 Tlie beast thou Bwcst, was, and is not r and shall as- rcnd out of the bot tomless pit, and go into perdiiion : and they that dwell on the earth shall won der, (wliose names wore not written- in (|4p book o.f life, from. did costly garments, of purple nnd scarlet col or, decked with gold and precious- stones and pearls, having, as it were, in her hand a gold en cup, full of abominations, and her filthiness was seen in the worship of the idol god: and the persecL'tion of the churches of Jesus Christ, by this great red dragon, killing her children as soon as they wero born, was very great. And upon her forehead, in the sight of the churcl^, and of all tho pagaii people, was this mystery written: and the mark and nuraber of her narae was carried by this red dragon,, which- I saw Jn the wilderness, which was Babylon tho great (Nebuchadnezzar king), THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS and aborai- nations of the earth; and this red dragon, with a crown, and. his ten Kongs with crowns, wear the same -raark (decree), written, on their fore heads. And I saw THE. MOTHER OF HAR LOTS, drunken with tho blood of the saints, and with the blood of tho raartyr-s of Jesus: and when I saw hor, in the red dragon, pour ing out his flood after the ohurch- that had fled into the wilderness, I wondered- greatly. And tho church, of Sardis said, Why didst tho4j marvel] I will tell and explain the rays tery of the woraan and the king, v/honi you sav/ carrying her raark and the number of her name — the same red dragon, who hath a crown. And the ten heads, or gong'?, with crowns, are petty king^, seven heads of prov inces, or kingdoras:, Mysia, Lydia, Caria, Bi- thynia, Paphlagonia, Phrygia, Galatia, Ly- caonia, Lysia and Pisidia. , The king that thou sawest, is, tho star that fell from, tho church and went back to pagaii- ism, and for his great wickedness obtained the name, "Key of the Boltoralcss Pit:" he was raade king or conimander of the army that was sent to Sardis for five raonths: he opened tho bottoraless pit, or kindled the furnaces of fir,? with brirastome, to burti christians: he shall go into perdition: and the pagan vyodi 76 nhe founda'tion of-the world,) when they '¦{lehold the beast that ¦was, and is not, and vet is. '.,.,9 And here is the mind vvhich hath wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains, on which tho woman sitteth. 10 And there are_ - feven kings : five are fallen, and one 'is, and the other is -not yet come ; 'end when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was. and is not, even he is the eighih, Hnd is of the seven, and goeth into perdi tion. -12 And the ten lionis which thou -sawest are ten'liings. Which have received ¦-no kingdoni as yet; but receive pov.-er as -kings one hour vvith the beast. 13These have one >niind, and shall give their po-/.-er and 'Btrcngth unto lhe 'iieast. 14 These shall -make war vvith the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome tliem; for ho 'vis Lord of lords, and King of kings ; and they that are with him are.call- 'od, and chosen, and fatUifuI. ,1,5 And he saith -anto nio, The waters wonder, when they behold the ki-ng that wass, and is nnt a king at the present time, and yet is to be a king. The seven gongs, with crowns on their heads, are the seven mountains of pagan op position to Christ's kingdom, which are carry- inn- the mark of the mother of harlots on their foreheads: and here is the raind of paganism, uhioh hath exhibited so much wisdom against his kingdom. And five of the gongs, or kings, are fallen under the power of Michael, the prince of Media and Persia, and one is yet standing, and one is yet to come, and v.-hen he coraeth, he will continue but a short time as king. Dan. 12: 1. And the king, whc was the fallen star, and was raade a king, and is not a king now, even he was, and is, the eighth, and is in opposition to the church, in the character of the seven kings, and goeth into perdition. And tho ten horns, which are Mysia, Ly dia, Caria, Lysia, Pisidia, Phrygia, Bithynia, Paphlagonia, Galatia, and Lyoaonia, are ten kings, or kingdoms, which 'have received from the prince of Persia no kingdom as yet, but re ceive power as kings, or gongs, with the red dragon that was cast down by Michael the prince, for the short period of one m.ontb, or year. But Michael, the prince of Persia, is soon no raore, Dan. 11: 19, 23. These kings, being in subjection, have bu-t one mind, and that to be obedient to the king set over them; and they give their power and strength to hira, the great red dragon. These shall raake war with the- Larab, tha Lord Jesus Christ, and he shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords nnd King of kings; and the- churches, and all that are with Christ io them, are called, and chosen, and faithfuL Mai. 1: '11. And the officer of the church saith, you are to understand spiritually, and witb your ration- 7T which thou sawest, where tho whore sit teth, are peoples, and multitudes, and aations.and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her des olate and naked, and, shall eat her flesh, and burn her with lire. 17 For God hath put in their beans to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdora unto the beast, until the words of God shall be ful filled. 18 And the wo man which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth o;iier the kings ef the eartli. CHAP. XVIII. 1 , And after these things 1 saw another angel corae down from heaven, having great power ; and the earth was light ened with his glory. S A-ad he cried mightily with- a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen^ is fallen , and al mind. The waters of Babylon, where the- mother of harlots sitteth, are nations of pagan,i raen, over whora she has caused the flood of wickedness- and idolatry to roll. And the great wars that have been raade, she is the moiher of thera. And the ten horns, M,ysia, Lydia,. Caria,, Lycia, Phr.ygia, Bithynia, Paphligoniar Gala tia,. Lycaonia nnd Pisidia, which thou sawest obedient to the king set over thera, these shall hale the moiher of harlots, nnd shall raake her desolate, and- naked, and shall, as it were, ent her, or devour her flesh, . and. consume her- body with fire, and destroy, her. . For God, Who ruleth . over all kingdoms, hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, to agree and give their kingdora to the king, who is the great-red dragon, the persecutor of the church, until the end of the three yeq.rs and an half: and the words of God, as spoken by tha prophet Daniel, shall be fulfilled. Dan. 11 : 18. Aud THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, which thou sawest, is that GREAT IDOL CITY BABEL, who reigneth over the kings in. the kingdoms of tho earth, and his name in the Hebrew is- Abaddon, the field, of slaughter. Jer.. 7: 3-2. CHAPTER XVIIL And after tbe church of Sardis, by faith and prayer, had poured out her vial of wrath, I sa.w the church of Philadelphia, having great power, by reason of strong faith and ardent prayer, which, like lightning shining out of one part under heaven> shined and lightened the earth with the glory of Jesus Christ's kingdom, and this was her vial of wrath on theldol, or Babylon. A. D. 70. - And the church cried with a strong voice, saying, "The prophecies of the prophets are fulfilled, for Isaiah said, Babylon is fallen, ia fallen, and all the graven images of hsr gods 'rs is become thfe ha;b- itation of devils, ila, and lhe hold of overy foul sp-iril, and a cage of every un clean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the eartli have committed J'or- Eication with her.and the merchaiiLs of the earth are waxed rich ihrough the abun dance of hor delica cies. 4 And I heard an- ¦oiher voice from heaven,saying,Come out of her, my peo- ¦ple, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues, 5For her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath re- mombered her ini- quiiies. ¦6Reward hereven as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according lo her works : in lhe vup which she hath. filled, fiU 10 her dou- iilo. 7 Hovv much she hath glorified her- ittlF, a-i-J livd deli- he hath broken unto the ground ; and tha church of Philadelphia lift up their voice, saying, .Babylon the greac is. fallen, is fal len, nnd is become the habitation of devils-, or persecutors, and the den of serpents, or persecutors, and a cage of hateful birds, or persecuting kings. Isa. 46: 11; Jer. 50: 1,2. For all nations, in the east quarter of the earth, have drunk of the cup of wraih, which has been poured out without raixture of mercy upon the pagan people, and their kings, who have worshipped idols, and carried the nui-nber of his name on their Ibreheads : and the mer chants that traded, or sold her graven images', and become rich through the abundance of her manufactured gods, of gold, and silver, rfnd iron, and brass, of stone and wood, have drunk of the cup of God's wrath. 2 Pet. 3: 12. And I heard the word of God, as spoken by his prophets, which was in the church of Phila delphia, saying, corae out of Babylon, my people, that ye drink not of the cup of wrath, which is to be poul-ed out upon her, and that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that yo receive not of her wralh, or plagues. Jer. 50: 8; 1 Pet. 5: 10. For the sins of the MOTHER OF HAR LOTS hath reached unto us, and we have suffered persecution by her pagan kings, and God hath seen her great wickedness, nnd hath reracmbered to destroy Babylon and her idols, as was predicted by his prophets. 2 Pel. 3 • 1, 2, 3. And the church prayed unto God that he would fulfil the prophecies, and reward ihe mother of harlots, for her great sins, as thoy wero coramanded to dO, when they had suff'ered persecution and death frora her, for not wor shipping her idol, and wearing the mark, 6r narae. They pray, that in the cup which she hath filled for them, they might drink a double portion of wi-ath and suflering, and drink out of their own cup. Jer. 50: 29; Heb. 10: 27. She hath glorified hersolf, in her great rich es, and lived sumptuously on hor wicked traf fic, therefore so much toiincnt and s-orrow c-ivo eiQusly, so much tor ment and sorrow give her : for she saith in her heart, 1 sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall s>ee no sorrovi'. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and fam ine ; and she shall be pttorly burned with fire : for strong is the Lord God who who judgelh her. G And the kings of the earth, who have committed for nication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for hor, when fhey shall see the smoke of her burn ing, 10 Standing afar oif for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas! that great city Babylon, that mighty city ! for ih one hour is [thy judgment como. 11 And the mer chants of the earth iihall weep and mourn ove r her ; for no man bayblh their merchandise any more : 12 The merchan- d-ise of gold, and sil ver, and ¦ precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all man ner vessels of most' precious wood, her: for she saith, in the pride and wickedness of her heart, I sit on my throne a queen, and I am no poor and obscure widow, who hath lost her husband, and I shall never see sorrow and death. Isa. 47: 7. Therefore shall her destruction corae in a j^ear, or one day, for she is not able to put it off: death, raourning and famine shall waste her (//ie •mother of harlots), for she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord who destroy eth her. Isa. 47: 11; Jer. 50: 9, 25; 2 Pet. 3; 8 10. AnJ the kings in the east quarter of the earth, who adopted her worship of idols, and becarae rich througii her merchandize, and trade with her, shall bewnil and lamont for her trade, when they see the smoke of her burning ascend up like the smoke of an immense fur nace of fire and brimstone. And standing afar off, and beholding the conflagration, and fearing her torment, they cry out in great distress, Alas, alas! that great city; alas for BABYLON THE IDOL CITY, that mighty and magnificent city {]er. 50: uC), for in one hour, or one day, is thy destructioa come. And the merchants, in the east quarter of the earth, shall weep and moui-n over her, for no more trade can they have with Babylon, for no man buyeth their merchandize any raore, for her destruction is come. 1 Thes. 5: 1 — 4; 2 Thes;i: 6—9. The merchants of Babylon were as intent on tbe acquisition of wealth as they were on the propagation of pagan superstition ; (and in fact, the acquisition of gold and new territory- is g.n unniistakeablo index of the character of wicked nations in any age.) The merchan dize of gold and silver, and precious stones, and pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, all man ner vessels of fvory, nnd all manner vessels of snd of brass, and airon, anU-inarble, 13 Andcinnamon,- and odours, and oint ments, and irankin- ccnse, and wine,. wine, and oil, and fine flour,,and wheat and beasts, and eheep, and horses slaves, and souls of raen, 14 And, the fruits that thy soul lusted after, are departed from thee, and thou- shalt find them ns more at all. 15 The merchants- of these things, whieh were raade rich by her, shall staijd afar ofl', for the fear of her torment, weep ing and wailing, 16 And saying, Alas, alas; that great city, that was clothed in fine linen,- and pprple, and searlet, . and decked with gold, and pnecious Bionea, aud pearls ! 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmas ter, and allthe com pany in ships, and sailors, and as raany as trade by sea, stood- afar off", 18And cried wheif- they saw the- smoke of her burning, say ing, -What city is like unto this great city ! most precious wpod, and brass, and 'iron, arird!-- raarble, was, in the oyes of the Babylonish- merchants of more value than the christian re ligion, vvhich had been raade known to them- by the labors of the apostles. And cinnamon, and odors, and ointraents, and- frankincense, and wine, and wheat, and^ beasts, and sheep,- and horses, and-- chariots, andslaves, and souls of men, were -indiscrim inately alike articles of merchandizs, and they were excited to treat with rauch severity and violence the followers of Christ, vvho warned thera of coraing wrath for their wickedness. Therefore the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed frora thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and-thou shalt find them no raore. ' The merchants- of this great city, .standing afar off, beheld with fear and astonishraent her destruction, and, with weeping, and wailing, they say,. Alas, alas, that great city, Babylon. Her citizens were clothed in fine linen and pur ple silk, and scarlet cloth, and their head orna ments were of the finest gold and precious stones and pearls. Pier splendid palaces and- costly images, her iraraense riches and extend ed trade, her dainty fruits and goodly drinks, her ra.ellow wines aild sumptuous feasts, ber golden chariots and rich caparisons, are no - more. Alas, alas, Babylon is destroyed. For in one year so great riches is brought to an end. And in haste, and astonishraent, every ship-raaster, and a great raultitude of terror- stricken people in ships, and raariners, and many that traded with distant places by sea, fled from Babylon, and stood afar off, Amd cried, when they saw the immense con flagration; saying, What city i» like great Babylon ! 81 13 And they cast ¦^ust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas ! that great city, , wherein were raade rich all that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness ! for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets ; for God hath avenged you on her. 21 And a mighty- angel took up ' a .stoae^ like a great mill-stone, and 'cast it unto the sea, say ing, -Thus with vio lence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall bo found no more at all. 22 And tho voice of harpers, and mu sicians, aud of pi pers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee ; and ho craftsmsin, of whatsoever craft he be,, shall be found any niore in theo ; and the sound of a mill-stone shall bo heard no more at all in thee ; 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee ; and the voice of the bride groom and , cf the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee : for thy , mer chants were the great men of the And the raerchants of Babylon, being pagan. idol worshippers, besmear their bodies with pigment, or paint, and cast earth of various colors on their heads, making theraselves look horrid, crying out, in great anguish and dis tress to their idols, to save them, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, Babylon the great, where in were made rich all that traded vvith different seaports, having ships sailing on the sea, at ¦ great cost and expense, for iu one year is she raade desolate arid waste. 'While the pagan raerchants and persecutors of thechurch of Jesus Christ are laraenting their raiseries and destruction, -the church is coramanded to rejoice at her destruction, be cause God hath heard and answered their prayers for her destntption. And a mighty angel, or the church of Laodi cea, whose prayers came from the four horns of the golden altar which is- be.%re God, took up, with strong arras of faith and prayer, a great stone, thus -suiting the action to their prayers, which was like unto a great mills-tone for its crushing weight, -and cast it vvith great violence into the waters, or sea, sxying, Thus with violence shall that great cit'/ be thrown down, and sunk- in the waters, and shall be no more at all. Jer. 51: 63, 64. And there shall- be no church of Jew con verts any longer in Babylon, and no voice of prayer and praise with rausical instruments. And all coraraerce and trade, of every kind, shall come to an- end ; and the great city of Babylon shall be without inhabitant. Ahd no man shall light a candle there any more. And the voice of Jesus Christ, andthe voice of the church of Jew converts, whioh is the bride, the Lamb's wife, shall be heard no more at all in Babylon, THE MOTHER OF 1.2 3 4 .-5 9 7 8 9 1011 HARLOTS. For the merchants - and great 12 13 14 13 16 1718. men of Babylon are idolaters, and by their sorceries and' wioked traffic, they have deoeiv- - F, 82 earth ; for by thy 'sorceries were all na tions deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. CHAP. XIX. 1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Allelulia : Salvation, and glory, and honor, and pow er, unto the Lord our God : 2 For true and righteous are his judgments : for he hath judged .the great whore, vvhich did corrupt the earth with her fornicatioa, aud hath avenged the blood of his ser vants at her hand. 3 And again they said. Alleluia; And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. 4 And the folir and twenty elders and the four beasts ell d own and wor- ed all nations with whom they traded. God was righteous in destroying Babylon. Jer. 51: 47, 61, 62. - For in her was found the blood of prophets and saints. And her pagan idol worship, set ting up kingly government, and raising large arraies, and raaking war, and killing thousands of men, was displeasing and offensive to God. And he took her away, in answer to ardent prayer. Jerem. 52: 49. CHAPTER XIX. And after the vision I had, which I was or dered to write, of the destruction of Babylon, the moiher of harlots, and her kingly systera of iraage worship imposed on the pagan, people, and the setting up of Christ's kingdora in the hearts of men, and the power they possessed in their separate seven organizations, I heard a great voice of rauch people in the churches, saying, ALLELOIAPI, or JEHOVAH is 1334 5-6789 1 -2 34367 King. Salvation, glory, honor and power be long unto the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. For true and righteous are bis judgments. for he hath set in judgraent on THE MOTH ER OF HARLOTS, which did 'corrupt \he 8 9 lOU 1313141516171S people in the east- quarter bf the earth, -n-ith her kingly image worship, persecuting and burning with fire and brirastone all who would not yield to thera ; and bath avenged, in her destruction, the blood of his servants, shed by tbeir wicked hands. And again they said, Alleluiah, and the sraoke of the burning of the MOTHER OF HARLOTS rises up for ever and ever. This voice again was frora the church of Jew con verts. And the kings-and officers, of all ranks and conditions, in the four quarters, of the east quarter of thev world, fell down and worshiped 83 skipped God that sat I God, who is King, saying. Amen, Alleluiah, r. AraeuTliefuT J^h°^^'^' ^^^l^^ OUR GOD, A KING OF mg. Araen, Alleluia. I 12 3430 78 9 101112 1 234 5 67 KliNGS. 8, ame thyst. 21 And tha twelve :gates were twelve pearls; every sever al gate was of oue pearl ; and tha street of the city was pure gold, as it vvere transparent glass. 22 And 1 saw no temple therein : for the Lord God Al mighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of tho moon, to shine in it: fpr the glory of God did , lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. the new Jerusalera church was like pure g.oId,„ clear as glass or crystal. And the foundation stones were of curious workmanship, of all raanner of precious stones, beautifully arranged: 1. Jasper, very hard, in color sea-green, represents the tribe of Reuben. 2. Sapphire, fine blue, represents Simeon. 3. Chalcedony, pelucid gem, represents Levi. 4. Emerald, bright green, represents Judah. 5. Sardonyx, raixed black, vvhite and red, represents Manasses. 6., Sardius, blood red, represents Naphtali. 7. Chrysolite, or gold stone, green with yellow, represents Gad. 8. Beryl, ,bluish green, represents Asher. 9. Topaz,, pals dead green, with yellow, represents Issachar. . 10. Chrysoprasus, cloudy green with blu ish hue, represents Zebulon. 11. Jacinth, very precious, red.with yellow hue, represents Joseph. , 12. Amethyst, a gem, strong blue with deep red, represents Benjamin, And each twelve gates, or apostles of the Lamb, were like twelve beautiful white pearls, clear as crystal, or glass ; and the street, or way of righteousness, in the churcli of the New Jerusalem, was precious, like pure gold, transparent as glass. , Ps. 24: 7. And in the new Jew church of Jewish con verts, I saw that they had no temple vvhicit they worshiped, as they did when they turned away their heart frorn, God and worshiped idols: for the Loi'd God Almighty, even Jesus Christ, is the temple, the obje'ct they now wor ship. And the New Jerusalem has no need of kingly governments, or of their reflected light to shine in it: for the glory of God did light en it, by TI-IE WORD OF GOD. Isa. 60: 20., The kingly governraent of Josus Christ was all goodness — favor to the righteous, and 1 punishraent to fhe wicked. 94 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it : and the kings of the earth do brfng their glory and honor in to it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day : for there shall be uo night there. 2S And they shall bring the glory and honor of the, nations into it. 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that de fileth, neither what soever worketh a- bomination or mak eth a lie ; but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. CHAP, XXH. 1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceed ing outof tho throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, vvas there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yield ed her fruit every And the nation's of them who are saved, shall walk in the light of THE WORD OF GOD; and the kings of the nations in the east quarter of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. Ps. 22: 27, 31; Isa. 60: 16. And the gates and streets that lead to THE WORD OF GOD shall not be shut at all, but shall stand open by day; for there shall be no night in her gates or streets. Isa. 60: 11. The apostles, with great zeal and wisdora, preach the gospel kingdom, urging men to enter the city. New Jerusalera, through the gates. And the nations, through these gates, shall bring the glory and honor to Jesus Christ, THE WORD OF GOD. And the,re shall not enter, through these gates, an}' that defile theraselves with kingly idol worship ; neither any that worketh abora- ination, by carrying the raark of persecution, or any one that maketh a graven iraage, i. e. a lie ; but they whose, names are written in the Lamb's book of life, shall enter through, and be SAVED. CONCLUSION. CHAPTER XXIL .And the star of tbe church of Laodicea showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, like the river in the garden of Eden, and it proceeded out of the throne of God aud the Lamb. Ezekiel 47: 6 — 8- Ps 12: 5. In the midst of the street of the New Jeru salem, and on either side of the river, north and south, through the length and breadth of the earth, was there THE WORD OF GOD the TREE OF LIFE, in the garden of Eden^ which begat twelve apostles, which vvere born, not of blood, nor of tho will of the flesh, nor 95 month : and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. • 3 And there shall be no more curse : but the throne of God and the Lamb sllall be- in it ; and his servants shall serve him : 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be iu their foreheads. 5 And there shall be no night there ; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun ; for tho Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. 6 And he said un to me. These say ings are faithful and true. . And the Lord God of tho holy prophets sent his an gel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. 7 Behold I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of this book. 8 And I John saw these things, and heard thera. And when I had heard and seen, 1 fell down to worship before the feet of the angel whieh shewed me these things. of the will of man, but of God, which bear each of them, fruits of holiness and perfec tion ; yielding fruits every raonth, or year ; and the leaves of this tree of life, which is THE WORD OF GOD, are for the healing 123456789 10 11 12 of the nations. There shall be, araong the apostles, no sell ing of their birth-right ; no more curse shall they inherit, by- reason of not obeying THE WORD OF GOD. And the throne of God and of the Larab shall be in THE V/ORD OF GOD, in the churches, and his servants shall serve him. Dan. 9: 24. And they shall live in his presence, behold ing the glory of his face, and they shall wear his raark, or name, in their foreheads. And there shall be no night or darkness in the church; for THE WORD OF GOD shall be in thei-r^, giving them' light: and they need no candle,' neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. Mai. 4: 2. And the star or angel of the church of La odicea said uuto me. These sayings are faith ful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets, sent his star, or angel, to show unto his -Servants in the churches the things whioh must shortly be done. Dan. 12: 9. Behold, I corae quickly, to destroy the wick ed nations: blessed is he that keepeth the prophecy of this book until I come, that he raay escape the destruction that is coming in a few days upon the wicked. Dan. 13: 12; Mai. 4: 1. And I John saw these thingsin vision, and heard thera. And when I had heard and seen the glorious appearance of the church of con verted Jews, or New Jerusalem, pure, holy, perfect, precious as glass, glowing with light, and zeal, and love, I fell down to worship it, before the feet or in the presence of the bish op of the church of Laodicea, v/ho was a prophet or preacher. m 9 Then saith he ttnto rae. See thou do it not ; for I ara thy fellow servant, *nd of thy brethren the prophets, and of thera which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. 10 And he sailh- nnto me. Seal not the sayings of the prophecyof Ihisbook : -for the time is at hand. 11 He that is un just, let him be un just still ; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still : and he that is right eous, let him be righteous still ; and he ihat is holy, 1ft him be holv still. 12 And behold, I come quickly ; and my reward is with me, lo give every raan according as his work shall be. 13 1 am Alpha and Omega, the be ginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 - Blessed - are they that do his com mandments, that Ihey may have right lo the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. He saw rae do it, and knowiiig I had made s- raistake in ray zeal for the service of God, and in ray ardent love for the church: he said' to rae in great kindness. See* not thou art mis taken; for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy- Jevv brethren, one of the prophets, and of thera which keep the coramandraents or THE . 12 3 WORD OF GOD: WORSHIP GOD. 4 5 S 7 8 9 10 11 1-2 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10' And Jesus Christ, THE WORD OF GOD, saith unto me. Seal not the sayings of this book, which I have ci^mraanded thee to write, . but prdaoh the preaching that I bid thee: for the tirae is close at hand when the prophecies !jire to be fulfilled, and the wicked idol nations destroyed. Dan. 12: 9, 13;- Mai. 4: 1. He that is unjust, or not justified by fait.h in my- name, let hira be unjust still: and he who is filthy, or polluted with his filthy, ob scene idol worship, let him be filthy still: and he that is holy and righteous or obedient to my commandments,, let hira be righteous, .let hira be holy. . And behold I corae -in a few days, in the KINGDOM OF GOD; and ray reward is with me to give to every man, whether he be Jew or Gentile, according as his work shall be. I am THE ALPHA AND OMEGA: 7 133 4 5678 91011 1213141310 and 9 are 16: I ara THE WORD OF GOD, 123 4567 80 10 1113 A KING OF KING.S, the- Alpha and Ome- 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9)0 111-2 ga, the first and the last, GOD ALMIGHTY. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ps. 24: 10. His number 7, 6, 2, or 15, A KING OF THE KINGS. Dan. 9: 15. The first, 7, ai-id the last, 2, raake 9, LAMB OF GOD. 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 Blessed are all men who- keep or obey the coraraandments of God, that they may have authority given them to coraraand the blessing of God, and right to the TREE OF LIFE, and raay enter, wiih his mark or narae, through the gates, or. twelve aposlles, of the city, NEW JERUSALEM. Jer. 1: 15. m %S For withont are 'flogs, and sorcerers, •and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and who soever loveth and raaketh a Ue. 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the church es. 1 am the root and the oiFspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17 Andthe Spirit and the bride say. Come. And let him that heareth say. Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the wa ter of life freely, 18 For I testify -unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this hook. If any man ehall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the , book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy cily, and frora the things which are written in this book. 20 He which les- tifieth these things, saith. Surely 1 come