£ Jl'; Bk'JfrL ' • 1 '' '' ,• ' \'-''7 'i"H'''^'i|iP?'V«''- '• _^ . :,': 5'r 1.^ V'flSt-'-v ' li,t %.£«« .' 'r*^ * . . ' .K.ti t "^ ^ "ReaAing ma\eth a full man, conference a readye man, and uniting an exacte man" — Bacon ^Mijm b^ere our #uspels WBxittmf AN AEGUMENT CONSTANTINE TISCHENDORF. NAERATIVE OF THE DISCOVEEY THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. [THIBD EDITION.] LONDON : THE RELIGIOUS TEAOT SOCIETT, 66, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND 16*, PICCADILLY. 1867. Published vmder arrangement with the Author. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The name of Dr. Constantine Tischendorf is too well known to need any introduction to the English readen As a critic and decipherer of ancient manuscripts he is .¦without a rival, and to his other services in this impor tant department of sacred literature he has added one which, alone, would reward the labour of a lifetime in the discovery of the Sinaitic Manuscript, the full particulars of which are now given to the English reader for the first time in the following pages. The original pamphlet of Dr. Tischendorf, Wann wurden unsere Evangelien verfasst, attracted great attention on its publication, now upwards of two years ago ; but as it was -written in the technical style in which German professors are accustomed to address their students and the learned classes generaUy, it was felt that a revision of this pamphlet, in a more popular form and adapted to general readers, would meet a want of the age. Dr. Tischendorf accordingly complied with this request, and prepared a popular version, in which the same arguments for the genuineness and authenticity of our Gospels were reproduced, but in a style more attractive to general readers, and with explanations which clear up what would otherwise be unintelligible. Of this revised a2 iv translator's preface. and popular version of his proof of the genuineness of our Gospels the following is an accurate translation. It may interest the reader to know that the pamphlet in its popular form has already passed through four large impressions in Germany : it has also been twice translated into French ; one version of which is by Professor Sardinoux, for the Religious Book Society of Toulouse. It has also been translated into Dutch and Russian ; and an Italian version is in preparation at Rome, the execution of which has been undertaken by an Archbishop of the Church of Rome, and with the approbation of the Pope. We have only to add that this version into English has been undertaken with the express approbation of the Author, and is sent forth in the hope that, ¦with the Divine blessing, it may be instrumental in con firming the faith of many of our English readers in the " certainty of those things in which they have been instructed." If the foundations be overthro^vra, what shall the righteous do ? On the credibility of the four Gospels, the whole of Christianity rests as a building on its foundations. Hence it is that the Infidel and the Deist, with their unnatural ally the rationalising Christian professor, have directed their attacks to the task of sapping these foundations. How unsuccessful as yet these repeated attempts of negative criticism have been, may be seen from the fact that the assault is repeated again and again. Infidelity, we are sure, would not waste her strength in thrice slaying the slain, or in raking away the ruins of a structure which has been demolished already. If the objections of Paulus and Eichorn had been successful, the world would never have heard of Baur and the school of Tiibingen. And again, if the Tiibingen school had prevailed, there would not have been any room for the labours of such destruc- translator's preface. V tive critics as Volckmar of Zurich and others. The latest attack is, we are told, to be the last, until it fails, and another is prepared more threatening than the former. Thus every wave which beats against the rock of eternal truth seems to rise out of the trough caused by some receding wave, and raises its threatening crest as if it would wash away the rock. These waves of the sea are mighty, and rage terribly, but the Lord who sitteth on high is mightier. It is of the nature of truth, that the more it is tested the more sure it becomes under the trial. So it has been with the argument for the genuineness ofthe Gospels. The more that infidels have sought to shake the character of St. John's Gospel, the more collateral proofs have started up of the apostolic character of this Gospel. Thus, though they mean it not so, these attacks of opponents are among the means whereby fresh e^vldences of the certitude of the Gospels are called out. No one has contributed more to this department of Christian literature than Dr. Tischendorf. This is an age when little books on great subjects are in greater request than ever. No defence of truth can therefore be more ser'viceable than the following short pamphlet, in which, in a few pages, and in a clear and attractive style, the genuineness of the Gospels is traced up inductively, step by step, almost, if not quite, to the days of the Apostles. The method of proof is one which is thoroughly satisfactory, and carries the convictions of the reader along with it at every step. Circumstantial evidence, when complete, and when every link in the chain has been thoroughly tested, is as strong as direct testimony. This is the kind of evidence which Dr. Tischendorf brings for the genuineness of our Gospels. By what logicians call the method of rejection, it is shown successively that the Gospels which were ¦n translator's freface. admitted as canonical in the fourth century could not have been written so late as the third century after Christ. Then, in the same way, the testimony of the third century carries us up to the second. The writers, again, of the second century not only refer to the Gospels as already commonly received as parts of sacred Scripture, but also refer their origin to a date not later than the end of the first century. The induction is thus complete, that these -writings which the earliest of the apostoKc fathers refer to, and quote as apostolic writings, must have had their origin in apostolic times. Thus we see, that of aU theories, the most irrational is that of the Rationalists, who would have us believe that the Gospel of St. John was not written before the middle of the second century, and by a ¦writer who palmed himself off as the Apostle John. "We are at a loss to understand how the Church of the second century could have been so simple as not to detect the forgery — as it did in the case of the so- called Apocryphal Gospels. The Rationalists give us no explanation of this, but would have us believe, on grounds of pure subjective criticism, that the deity of our Lord was a development of the second and third centuries, after that the earlier Ebionite view of Jesus of Nazareth had been mixed up with the Alexandrian doctrine of the Logos : and that, as an amalgam of these two elements, the one Jewish and the other Greek, there resulted the Athanasian formula of the fourth century. The historical proofs of Dr. Tischendorf blow to pieces this unsubstantial structure of inner or subjective criticism. No English reader of common sense wiU hesitate for an instant tp decide to which side the scale inclines. With that reverence for facts which is our English birthright, we should set one single documen- translator's preface. vii tary proof like that, for instance, of the Codex Muratori, referred to in the following pages, against all the subjective criticism of the Tiibingen sahool. Too long has Germany dreamed away her faith in the' historical Christ, under the sleeping potions of these critics of the ideaKst school, who, with Baur at their head, only apply to theology the desolating and destructive theory of Hegel, that thought, when it projects itself outward, produces things ; and that all things exist because they seem to exist. With such a school of metaphysics to start from, it is easy to see what the results would be when applied to historical criticism. " As with an enchanter's wand," facts which inconveniently did not square ¦with the professor's theory were waved away into thin air, and history became a kind of phantasmagoria, a series of dissolving -views. But the " magic lantern school," as they have been happily called, has been already discredited in Germany, and is not likely to gain much ground in this country. To complete their discomfiture, the labours of such textuary critics as Dr. Tischendorf are invaluable : critical proofs such as his are all the more acceptable as coming from Germany. The good ness and ¦wisdom of God is seen in this, that as negative criticism had struck its roots deepest in German soil, so from Germany it is now receiving its deadliest blow. In nature, we know the antidote to certain poisons is found growing close beside the bane. In Corsica, for instance, the mineral springs of Orezza are considered a specific for the malaria fever produced in the plains below; so healthy German criticism has done more than anything else to clear the air of the miasma caused by unhealthy speculation. The results of a single discovery such as that of Tischendorf -will neutralise to every Unprejudiced mind viii translator's preface. all the doubts which subjective criticism has been able to raise as to the genuineness of St. John's Gospel. Thus it is that God's word is tried to the uttermost, and because so tried and found true, his servants love it. If the doubting of Thomas was overruled to the confirma tion of the faith of all the Apostles, we see the reason why the subjective criticism of the Tubingen school has been allowed to sap, if it could, the evidence of the Gospel of St. John, in order that additional testimony should be brought from a convent on Mount Sinai to confirm us still more fully in " the certainty of those things in which we have been instructed." The Tbanslatok. October, 1866 THE DISCOVERY THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. As the Conference of the Evangelical Church of Grermany, held at Altenburg, in the month of September, 1864, turned its attention to certain recent works on the Life of Jesus, I -was re quested by my friends to' put together a few thoughts on this important subject, and read them before the Congress. This I consented to do, and pointed out that M, Renan has taken strange liberties with the Holy Land ; and that the history of the early Church, as well as that of the sacred text, contains abundant arguments in reply to those who deny the credibility of the Gospel witness. My address was so favour ably received by the Congress, that the Editor 10 NARRATrra OF THE DISCOVERY of the Allgemeine Kirchenseitung, on the 3rd of June last, made use of the following *^language : " I venture to say that no address has ever stirred our hearts like that short one of M. Tischendorf. As a critic he is here on ground on which he has no rival. When history speaks, it is the duty of philosphy to be silent." Familiar as I am through my long studies with those facts wliich are best calculated to throw light on that great question which now agitates Christendom, I have thought it right to publish the sketch of the subject, hasty as it was, which I had prepared at Altenburg. My work, printed in the month of March of this year, has been so favourably received, that in three weeks an edition of 2,000 copies has been exhausted : a second edition was brought out in May, and translations into French and English were also prepared. At the same time, the Committee of the Religious Tract Society of Zwickau expressed a desire to circulate this pamphlet, provided it were recast and adapted for popular use. Although I had many other occupations, I could not but comply with their request, and without delay applied myself to the task of revising the OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 11 pamphlet. I was glad of the opportunity of addressing in this way a class of readers whom my former -writings had not reached; for, as the real results of my researches are destined to benefit the Church at large, it is right that the whole community should participate in those benefits. This popul^" tract, in the shape in which I now publish it, lacks, I admit, the simple and familiar style of the usual publications of the Zwickau Society ; but, in spite of this fault, which the very nature of the subject renders inevitable, I venture to hope that it "will be generally understood. Its chief aim is to show that our inspired Gospels most certainly take their rise fi-om apostolic times, and so to enable the reader to take a short but clear view of one of the most instructive and important epochs of the Christian Church. In sitting down to write a popular version of my pamphlet, the Zwickau Society also ex pressed a wish that I should preface it with a short account of my researches, and especially of the discovery of the Sinaitic Codex, which naturally takes an important place in my Kst of documentary proofs. The account of these 12 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCOVERY discoveries is already before the public, but as it is possibly new to many of those who read the Zwickau publications, I yielded to the -wish of the Committee, having no other desire in this attempt than to build up my readers in their most holy faith. As several literary and historical essays, written by me when a very young man, and in particular two theological prize essays, were favourably received by the public, I resolved, in 1839, to devote myself to the textual study of the New Testament, and attempted, by making use of all the acquisitions of the last three centuries, to reconstruct, if possible, the exact text as it came from the pen of the sacred writers. My first critical edition of the New Testament appeared in the autumn of 1840. But after giving this edition a final revision, I came to the conviction that to make use even of our existing materials would call for a more attentive study than they had hitherto received, and I resolved to give my leisure and abilities to a fresh examination of the original docu ments. For the accomplishment of this pro^ tracted and difficult enterprise, it was needful not only to undertake distant journeys, to OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 13 devote much time, and to bring to the task both ability and zeal, but also to provide a large sum of money, and this — the sinews of war — was altogether wanting. The Theological Faculty of Leipzig gave me a letter of recom mendation to the Saxon Government ; but at first without any result. Doctor Von Falken stein, however, on being made Minister of Public Worship, obtained a grant for me of 100 dollars (about £15) to defray my travelling expenses, and a promise of another hundred for the fol lowing year. What was such a sum as this with which to undertake a long journey ? Full of faith, however, in the proverb that " God helps those who help themselves," and that what is right must prosper, I resolved, in 1840, to set out for Paris (on the very day of the Feast of the Reformation), though I had not sufficient means to pay even for my travelling suit ; and when I reached Paris I had only fifty dollars left. The other fifty had been spent on my journey. However, I soon found men in Paris who were interested in my undertaking. I managed for some time to support myself by my pen, keeping, however, the object which had brought me to Paris steadily in view. After having 14 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCOVERY explored for two years the rich libraries of this great city, not to speak of several journeys made into Holland and England, I set out in 1843 for Switzerland, and spent some time at Basle. Then passing through the south of France I made my way into Italy, where I searched the libraries of Florence, Venice, Modena, Milan, Verona, and Turin. In April, 1844, I pushed on to the East. Egypt and the Coptic convents of the Libyan desert. Mount Sinai in Arabia, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Convent of St. Saba on the shores of the Dead Sea, Nazareth and its neighbourhood, Smyrna and the island of Patmos, Beyrout, Constanti nople, Athens ; these were the principal points of my route, and of my researches in the East. Lastly, having looked in on my way home on the libraries of Vienna and Munich, I returned to Leipzig in January, 1845. This journey cost me 5,000 dollars. You are ready to ask me, how the poor traveller, who set out from Leipzig -with only a few impaid bills, could procure such sums as these. I have already partly given you a clue to explain this, and will more fiilly account for it as we go on with the narrative. Such help as OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 15 I was able to offer to fellow-travellers, a great deal of kindness in return, and, above all, that enthusiasm which does not start back from privations and sacrifices, will explain how I got on. But you are naturally more anxious to hear what those labours were to which I devoted five years of my life. With this view I return to that edition of the New Testament of which I have spoken above. Soon after the Apostles had composed their writings, they began to be copied; and the incessant multiplication of copy upon copy went on down to the sixteenth century, when printing happily came to replace the labour of the copyist. One can easily see how many errors must inevitably have crept into writings which were so often reproduced ; but it is more diffi cult still to understand, how writers could allow themselves to bring in here and there changes, not verbal only, but such as materially affect the meaning, and, what is worse stUl, did not shrink from cutting out a passage or inserting one. The first editions of the Greek text, which appeared in the sixteenth century, were based upon manuscripts wliich happened to be the 16 NARRATIVE OP THE DISCOVERY first to come to hand. For a long time men were satisfied to reproduce and reprint these early editions. In this way there arose a dis position to claim for this text, so often reprinted, a peculiar value, without ever caring to ask whether it was an exact reproduction or not of the actual text as it was -written in the first century. But in the course of time manuscripts were discovered in the public libraries of Europe, which were a thousand years old, and on comparing them with the printed text, critics could not help seeing how -widely the received text departed in many places from the text of the manuscripts. We should also here add that fi-om the very earliest age of the Christian era the Greek text had been translated into different languages — into Latin, Syriac, Egyptian, etc. Ancient manuscripts of these versions were also brought to light, and it was impossible not to see what variation of readings there had been in the sacred text. The quota tions made by the Fathers, from as early as the second century, also confirmed in another way the fact of these variations. It has thus been placed beyond doubt that the original text of the Apostles' writings, copied, recopied. OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 17 and multiplied during fifteen centuries, whether in Greek or Latin, or in other languages, had in many passages undergone such serious modi fications of meaning as to leave us in painiul uncertainty as to what the Apostles had actually written. Learned men have again and again attempted to clear the sacred text from these extraneous elements. But we have at last hit upon a better plan even than this, which is to set aside this textm receptus altogether, and to construct a fresh text, derived immediately from the most ancient and authoritative sources. This is un doubtedly the right course to take, for in this way only can we secure a text approximating as closely as possible to that which came from the Apostles. Now to obtain this we must first make sure of our ground by thoroughly studying the documents which we possess. Well, in com pleting my first critical edition of the New Testament, in 1840, I became convinced that the task, so far from completed, was little more than begun, although so many and such cele brated names are found on the list of critical editors; to mention only a few out of many: 18 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCOVERY Erasmus, Robert Stephens, Beza, Mill, Wet- stein, Bengel, Griesbach, Matthsei, and Scholz. This conviction led me to begin my travels. I formed the design of revising and examining, with the utmost possible care, the most ancient manuscripts of the New Testament which were to be found in the libraries of Europe ; and nothing seemed to me more suitable, with this end in view, than to pubHsh with the greatest exactness the most important of these docu ments. I should thus secure the documents as the common property of Christendom, and ensure their safe keeping by men of learning should the originals themselves ever happen to perish. I extended, for this reason, my investigations to the most ancient Latin manuscripts, on account of their great importance, -without passing by the Greek text of the Old Testa ment, wliich was referred to by the Apostles in preference to the original Hebrew, and which, notwithstanding its high authority, had during the lapse of two thousand years become more oorrupt than that of the New Testament. I extended my researches also to the Apocryphal books of the New Testament, as the present OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 19 treatise will readily show. These works bear upon the canonical books in more respects than one, and throw considerable light on Christian antiquity. The greater number of them were buried in our great libraries, and it is doubtful if any one of them had received the attention which it deserved. In the next place, I proposed to collect together all the Greek manuscripts which we possess, which are of a thousand years' antiquity, including in the list even those which do not bear on the Bible, so as to exhibit in a way never done before, when and how the different manuscripts had been -written. In this way we should be better able to understand why one manuscript is to be referred to the fourth century, another to the fifth, and a third to the eighth, although they had no dates attached to determine when they were written. Such then have been the various objects which I hoped to accomplish by my travels. To some, all this may seem mere learned labour : but permit me to add that the science touches on life in two important respects; to mention only two, — to clear up in this way the history of the sacred text, and to recover if possible the b2 20 NARRATI-STE OF THE DISCOVERY genuine apostolic text which is the foundation of our faith, — these cannot be matters of small importance. The whole of Christendom is, in fact, deeply interested in these results. Of this there can be no doubt ; and the extra ordinary proofs of interest that the Christian world has given me are alone a sufficient attestation. The literary treasures which I have sought to explore have been drawn in most cases from the convents of the East, where, for ages, the pens of industrious monks have copied the sacred writings, and collected manuscripts of all kinds. It therefore occurred to me whether it was not probable that in some recess of Greek or Coptic, Syrian or Armenian monasteries, there might be some precious manuscripts slumbering for ages in dust and darkness ? And would not every sheet of parchment so found, covered with writings of the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries, be a kind of literary treasure, and a valuable addition ito our Christian literature ? These considerations have, ever since the year 1842, fired me with a strong desire to visit the East. I had just completed at the time a work which had been very favourably received in OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 21 Europe, and for which I had received marks of approval from several learned bodies, and even from crowned heads.* The work I advert to was this. There lay in one of the libraries of Paris one of the most important manuscripts then known of the Greek text. This parchment manuscript, the writing of .which, of the date of the fifth century, had been retouched and renewed in the seventh, and again in the ninth century, had, in the twelfth century, been submitted to a twofold process. It had been washed and pumiced, to write on it the treatises of an old father of the Church of the name of Ephrem. Five centuries later, a Swiss theologian of the name of Wetstein, had attempted to decipher a few traces of the original manuscript ; and, later still, another theologian, Griesbach of Jena, came to try his skill on it, although the librarian assured him that it was impossible for mortal eye to decipher a writing which had dis- * M. Tischendorf, then 27 years of age, received from a German University the degree of Doctor of Divinity just as a Swiss University was about to confer it. Three foreign governments decorated him. Others sent him gold medals. The Dutch Government caused one to be engraved expressly in recognition of this ¦work. 22 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCO-^ERY appeared for six centuries. In spite of these unsuccessful attempts, the French Government had recourse to powerful chemical re-agents, to bring out the effaced characters. But a Leipzig theologian, who was then at Paris, was so un successful in this new attempt, that he asserted that it was impossible to produce an edition of this text, as the manuscript was quite illegible. It was after all these attempts that I began, in 1841-2, to try my skill at the manuscript, and had the good fortune to decipher it completely, and even to distinguish between the dates of the different writers who had been engaged on the manuscript. This success, which procured for me several marks of recognition and support, encouraged me to proceed. I conceived it to be my duty to complete an undertaking which had hitherto been treated as chimerical. The Saxon Govern ment came forward to support me. The king, Frederick Augustus ii., and his distinguished brother, John, sent me marks of their approval ; and several eminent patrons of learning at Frankfort, Geneva, Rome, and Breslau gene rously offered to interest themselves in my attempt. OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 23 I here pass over in silence the interesting details of my travels — my audience with the Pope, Gregory xvi., in May, 1843 — my inter course with Cardinal Mezzofanti, that sur prising and celebrated linguist — and I come to the result of my journey to the East. It was in AprU, 1844, that I embarked at Leghorn for Egypt, The desire which I felt to discover some precious remains of any manuscripts, more especially Biblical, of a date -which would carry us back to the early times of Christianity, was realised beyond my expecta tions. It was at the foot of Mount Sinai, in the Convent of St. Catherine, that I discovered the pearl of all my researches. In visiting the library of the monastery, in the month of May, 1844^ I perceived in the middle of the great hall a large and wide basket fuU of old parchments ; and the librarian, who was a man of information, told me that two heaps of papers Hke these, mouldered by time, had been already committed to the flames. What was my surprise to find amid this heap of papers a considerable number of sheets of a copy of the Old Testament in Greek, which seemed to me to be one of the most ancient that I had ever 24 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCO-VTiRY seen. The authorities of the convent allowed me to possess myself of a third of these parch> ments, or about forty-three sheets, all the more readily as they were destined for the fire. But I could not get them to yield up possession of the remainder. The too lively satisfaction which I had displayed had aroused their sus picions as to the value of this manuscript. I transcribed a page of the text of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and enjoined on the monks to take religious care of all such remains which might fall in their way. On my return to Saxony there were men of learning who at once appreciated the value ofthe treasure which I brought back with me. I did not divulge the name of the place where I had found it, in the hopes of returning and recover ing the rest of the manuscript. I handed up to the Saxon Government my rich collection of oriental manuscripts in return for the pa5Tnent of all my travelling expenses. I deposited in the library of the University of Leipzig, in the shape of a collection, which bears my name, fifty manuscripts, some of which are very rare and interesting. I did the same -with the Sinaitic fragments, to which I gave the name of OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 25 Codex Frederick Augustus, in acknowledgment of the patronage given to me by the King of Saxony ; and I pubhshed them in Saxony in a sumptuous edition, in which each letter and stroke was exactly reproduced by the aid of lithography. But these home labours upon the manuscripts which I had already safely garnered did not allow me to forget the distant treasure which I had discovered. I made use of an influential friend, who then resided at the court of the Viceroy of Egypt, to carry on negotiations for ¦procuring the rest of the manuscripts. But his attempts were, unfortunately, not successful. " The monks of the convent," he wrote to me to say, " have, since your departure, learned the value of these sheets of parchment, and will not part with them at any price." I resolved, therefore, to return to the East to copy this priceless manuscript. Having set out from Leipzig in January, 1853, 1 embarked at Trieste for Egypt, and in the month of February I stood, for the second time, in the Convent of Sinai. This second journey was more successful even than the first, from the discoveries that I made of rare Biblical 26 NARRATIVE OP THE DISCOVERY manuscripts; but I was not able to discover any further traces of the treasure of 1844. I forget : I found in a roll of papers a little fragment which, written over on both sides, contained eleven short lines of Genesis, which convinced me that the manuscript originally contained the entire Old Testament, but that the greater part had been long since destroyed. On my return, I reproduced in the first volume of a collection of ancient Christian documents the page of the Sinaitic manu script which I had transcribed in 1844, without di-vulging the secret of where I had found it. I confined myself to the statement that I claimed the distinction of having discovered other docu ments — no matter whether published in Berlin or Oxford — as I assumed that some learned travellers who had visited the convent after me had managed to carry them off. The question now arose how to turn to use these discoveries. Not to mention a second journey which I made to Paris in 1849, I went through Germany, S-witzerland, and England, devoting several years of unceasing labour to a seventh edition of my New Testament. But I felt myself more and more urged to recommence OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 27 my researches in the East. Several motives, and more especially the deep reverence of all Eastern monasteries for the Emperor of Russia, led me, in the autumn of 1856, to submit to the Russian Government a plan of a journey for making systematic researches in the East. This proposal only aroused a jealous and fanatical opposition in St. Petersburg. People were astonished that a foreigner and a Protestant should presume to ask the support of the Emperor of the Greek and orthodox Church for a mission to the East. But the good cause triumphed The interest which my proposal excited, even within the imperial circle, inclined the Emperor in my favour. It obtained his approval in the month of September, 1858, and the funds which I asked for were placed at my disposal. Three months subsequently my seventh edition of the New Testament, which had cost me three years of incessant labour, appeared, and in the commencement of January, 1859, I again set sail for the East. I cannot here refrain from mentioning the peculiar satisfaction I had experienced a little before this. A learned Englishman, one of my friends, had been sent into the East by his 28 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCO-VPIRY Government to discover and purchase old Greek manuscripts, and spared no cost in obtaining them. I had cause to fear, especially for my pearl of the Convent of St. Catherine ; but I heard that he had not succeeded in acquiring anything, and had not even gone as far as Sinai ; " for," as he said in his official report, "after the visit of such an antiquarian and critic as Dr. Tischendorf, I could not expect any success." I saw by this how well advised I had been to reveal to no one my secret of 1844. By the end of the month of January I had reached the Convent of Mount Sinai. The mission -with which I was intrusted entitled me to expect every consideration and attention. The prior, on saluting me, expressed a wish that I might succeed in discovering fresh supports for the truth. His kind expres sion of goodwill was verified even beyond his expectations. After having devoted a few days in turning over the manuscripts of the convent, not with out alighting here and there on some precious parchment or other, I told my Bedouins, on the 4th February, to hold themselves in readiness to set out with their dromedaries for Cairo OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 29 on the 7th, when an entirely fortuitous circum stance carried me at once to the goal of all my desires. On the afternoon of this day, I was taking a walk with the steward of the convent in the neighbourhood, and as we returned towards sunset he begged me to take some refreshment with him in his cell. Scarcely had he entered the room, when, resuming our former subject of conversation, he said, " And I too, have read a Septuagint, i.e, a copy of the Greek translation made by the Seventy ;" and so saying, he took down from the corner of the room a bulky kind of volume wrapped up in a red cloth, and laid it before me. I unrolled the cover, and discovered, to my great .surprise, not only those very fragments which, fifteen years before, I had taken out of the basket, but also other parts of the Old Testament, the New Testament complete, and, in addition, the Epistle of Barnabas and a part of the Pastor of Hermas. Full of joy, which this time I had the self-command to conceal from the steward and the rest ofthe community, I asked, as if in a careless way, for permission to take the manu script into my sleeping chamber to look over it more at leisure. There by myself I could give 30 NARRATIVE OP THE DISCOVERY way to the transport of joy which I felt. I knew tbat I held in my hand the most precious Biblical treasure in existence — a document whose age and importance exceeded that of all the manuscripts which I had ever examined during twenty years' study of the subject. I cannot now, I confess, recall all the emotions wliich I felt in that exciting moment with such a diamond in my possession. Though my lamp was dim and the night cold, I sat down at once to transcribe the Epistle of Barnabas. For two centuries search has been made in vain for the original Greek of the first part of this Epistle, which has been only known through a very faulty Latin translation. And yet this letter, from the end of the second down to the begin ning of the fourth century, had an extensive authority, since many Christians assigned to it and to the Pastor of Hermas a place side by side with the inspired -writings of the New Testament. This was the very reason why these two -writings were both thus bound up with the Sinaitic Bible, the transcription of which is to be referred to the first half of the fourth century and about the time of the first Christian emperor. OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 31 Early on the oth of February, I called upon the steward. I asked permission to take the manuscript with me to Cairo to have it there transcribed completely from beginning to end ; but the prior had set out only two days before also for Cairo, on his way to Constantinople to attend at the election of a new archbishop, and one of the monks would not give his consent to my request. What was then to be done ? My plans were quickly decided. On the 7th, at sunrise, I took a hasty farewell of the monks in hopes of reaching Cairo in time to get the prior's consent. Every mark of attention was shown me on setting out. The Russian flag was hoisted from the convent walls, while the hill sides rang with the echoes of a parting salute, and the most distinguished members of the order escorted me on my way as far as the plain. The foUo-wing Sunday I reached Cairo, where I was received with the same marks of good will. The prior, who had not yet set out, at once gave his consent to my request, and also gave instructions to a Bedouin to go and fetch the manuscript with all speed. Mounted on his camel, in nine days he went from Cairo to Sinai and back, and on the 24th February the price- 32 NARRATIVE OF THE DISCOVER^ less treasure was again in my hands. The time was now come at once boldly and -without delay to set to work to a task of transcribing no less than a hundred and ten thousand lines, — of which a great number were difficult to read, either on account of later corrections, or through the ink having faded, — and that in a cKmate where the thermometer during March, April and May, is never below 77° of Fahrenheit in the shade. No one can say what this cost me in fatigue and exhaustion. The relation in which I stood to the monas tery gave me the opportunity of suggesting to the monks the thought of presenting the ori ginal to the Eraperor of Russia as the natural protector of the Greek orthodox faith. The proposal was favourably entertained, but an unexpected obstacle arose to prevent its being acted upon. The new archbishop, unanimously elected during Easter week, and whose right it was to give a final decision in such matters, was not yet consecrated, or his nomination even accepted by the Sublime Porte. And while they were waiting for this double solemnity, the Patriarch of Jerusalem protested so vigorously against the election, that a threfe months' delay OF THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 33 must intervene before the election could be rati fied and the new archbishop installed. Seeing this, I resolved to set out for Jaffa and Jerusalem. Just at this time the Grand-Duke Constan tine of Russia, who had taken the deepest interest in my labours, arrived at Jaffa. I accompanied him to Jerusalem. I -visited the ancient libraries of the holy city, that of the monastery of Saint Saba on the shores of the Dead Sea, and then those of Beyrout, Ladikia, Smyrna, and Patmos. These fresh researches were attended -with the most happy results. At the time desired I returned to Cairo ; but here, instead of success, only met with a fresh disappointment. The Patriarch of Jerusalem stUl kept up his opposition, and as he carried it to the most extreme lengths, the five repre sentatives of the convent had to remain at Constantinople, where they sought in vain for an interview with the Sultan to press their rights. Under these circumstances, the monks of Mount Sinai, although willing to do so, were xmable to carry out my suggestion. In this embarrassing state of affairs the arch bishop and his friends entreated me to use my influence on behalf of the convent. I therefore c 34 NARRATIVE OP THE DISCOVERY set out at once for Constantinople with a -view of there supporting the case of the five repre sentatives. The Prince Lobanow, Russian ambassador to Turkey, received me with the greatest goodwill, and as he offered me hospi tality in his country-house on the shores of the Bosphorus, I was able the better to attend to the negotiations which had brought me there. But our irreconcileable enemy, the influential and obstinate Patriarch of Jerusalem, still had the upper hand. The archbishop was then advised to appeal himself in person to the patriarchs, archbishops, and bishops, and this plan succeeded ; for before the end of the year, the right of the convent was recognised, and we gained our cause. I myself brought back the news of our success to Cairo, and with it I also brought my own special request, backed -with the support of Prince Lobanow. On the 24th of September I returned to Cairo. The monks and archbishop then warmly expressed their thanks for my zealous efforts in their cause, and the following day, I received from them, under the form of a loan, the Sinaitic Bible, to carry it to St. Petersburg, and there to have it copied as accurately as possible. OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. 35 I set out for Russia early in October, and on the 19th of November I presented to their Imperial Majesties, in the Winter Palace at Tsarkoe-Selo, my rich collection of old Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, and other manuscripts, in the middle of which the Sinaitic Bible shone like a crown. I then took the opportunity of submitting to the Emperor Alexander ii. a pro posal of making an edition of this Bible worthy of the work and of the Emperor himself, and which should be regarded as one of the greatest undertakings in critical and Biblical study. I did not feel free to accept the brilliant offers that were made to me to settle finally, or even for a few years, in the Russian capital. It was at Leipzig, therefore, at the end of three years, and after three journeys to St. Petersburg, that I was able to carry to com pletion the laborious task of producing o, facsimile copy of this codex in four foKo volumes. In the month of October, 1862, I repaired to St. Petersburg to present this edition to their Majesties. The Emperor, who had liberally pro-vided for the cost, and who approved the proposal of this superb manuscript appearing on the celebration of the Millenary Jubilee of c2 36 DISCOVERY OP THE SINAITIC MANUSCRIPT. the Russian empire, has distributed impres sions of it throughout the Christian world, which, without distinction of creed, have expressed their recognition of its value. Even the Pope, in an autograph letter, has sent to the editor his congratulations and admiration. It is only a few months ago that the two most celebrated universities of England, Cambridge and Oxford, desired to show me honour by con ferring on me their highest academic degree. " I would rather," said an old man — himself of the highest distinction for learning — " I would rather have discovered this Sinaitic manuscript than the Koh-i-noor of the Queen of England." But that -which I think n^ore highly of than all these flattering distinctions is the fact that Providence has given to our age, in which attacks on Christianity are so common, the Sinaitic Bible, to be to us a full and clear light as to what is the real text of God's Word -written, and to assist us in defending the truth by establishing its authentic form. WHEN WERE OUR GOSPELS WRTTTEN ? CHAPTER I. ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. And now what shall we say respecting the life of Jesus ? What do we certainly know on this subject ? This question has been much discussed in our days. It is well known that several learned men have, quite recently, written works on the life of Jesus, purporting to prove that He whom Christendom claims as her Lord did not really live the life that the Gospels record of Him. These works, which have been very freely circulated, have found a large number of readers. It may be that there are some points not yet fully understood, but this at least is undeniable, that the tendency of the works referred to is to rob the Saviour of his Divine character. But, perhaps, it will be said that the Deity of Christ is not an essential element of Christianity. 40 THE DATE OP THE GOSPELS. Does there not remain to us its sublime system of morals, even though Christ were not the Son of God ? To reason in this way seems to us to imply either that we have no idea at all of what Christianity is, or, which comes to the same thing, that we have an essentially wrong idea. Christianity does not, strictly speaking, rest on the moral teaching of Jesus, however sublime that is, but it rests on his person only. It is on the person of Christ that the Church is founded ; this is its corner-stone ; it is on this the doctrines which Jesus and his Apostles taught rest as the foundation truth of all. And if we are in error in believing in the person of Christ, as taught us in the Gospels, then the Church herself is in error, and must be given up as a deception. The link then which unites the Church to the person of Christ is so close, that to determine the nature of that Person, is to her the vital question of all. The Christian world is per fectly sure that it is so, and I need appeal to no other fact than her anxiety to know all that can be kno-wn of the life of Jesus, since the nature of his person can only be kno-wn through his life. All the world knows that our Gospels are succinct narratives of the life of Christ. We must also frankly admit that we have no other ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 41 source of information -with respect to the life of Jesus than the sacred writings. In fact, what ever the early ages of the Church report to us concerning the person of Christ from any independent source is either derived from the Gospels, or is made up of a few insignificant details of no value in themselves, or is some times drawn from hostUe sources. These are the only sources from which opponents of the life of Christ, of his miraculous ministry, and his Divine character draw their attacks on the credibility of the four Gospels. But it wUl then be said, how has it been possible to impugn the credibility of the Gospels — of these books wliich St. Matthew and St, John, the immediate disciples and apostles of the Lord, and St. Mark and St. Luke, the friends and companions of the apostles, have written. It is in this way : by denying that the Gospels were written by the authors whose names they bear. And if you ask me, in the next place, why it is that so much stress is laid on this point ? I will answer that the testimony of direct eye-witnesses, like John and Matthew, or of men intimately connected with these eye witnesses like Mark and Luke, is entitled, for this very reason, to be believed, and their 42 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. writings to be received as trustworthy. The credibility of a -writer clearly depends on the interval of time which Hes between him and the events which he describes. The farther the narrator is removed from the facts which he lays before us, the more his claims to credibility are reduced in value. When a considerable space of time intervenes, the -writer can only report to us what he has heard from intermediate witnesses, or read of in -writers who are perhaps unde serving of credit. Now the opponents of our Gospels endeavour to assign them to writers of this class, who were not in a position to give a really credible testimony ; to -writers who only composed their narratives long after the time when Christ lived, by putting together all the loose reports which circulated about his person and work. It is in this way that they undermine the credit of the Gospels, by detaching them completely from the EvangeHsts whose names they bear. This is certainly one most successful way of overturning the dignity and authority of the Gospels. There is another plan even more likely to effect the same end, and which they have not failed to have recourse to. There are men who call themselves enlightened who think that com- ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 43 mon sense is quite superior to Divine Revelation, and who pretend to explain the miracles of Scripture, either by the imperfect ideas of these times, or by a certain prejudiced theory of the Old Testament, or by a sort of accommodation, according to which Jesus adapted his words and deeds to meet the hopes of the Jews, and so passed himself off among them as something greater than he really was. This exaltation of common sense is not with out its attractions for men of the world. It is easily understood, and so, Httle by Httle, it has become our modern form of belief. Men have -withdrawn themselves from God and Christianity, and it must be confessed that many of these empty and sonorous phrases about liberty and the dignity of man have con tributed not a Httle to this result. "Do not beHeve," they will tell you, " that man is born in sin and needs to be redeemed. He has a nature which is free, and which has only to be elevated to all that is beautiful and good, in order that he may properly enjoy life." Once admit this, and it is easy to see that this kind of unbeHef -will soon make away -with the Gospels, as weU as the rest of the Scriptures. It wUl despise them as the expressions of an antiquated and bygone state of feeling, and 44 THE DATE OP THE GOSPELS. ¦will shake them off as cumbrous chainSj as soon as it can. The volume which appeared in Paris in 1863, and which has since made such a stir in the world, La Vie de Jesus, by M. Renan, is one of the fruits of this unbelief. This work has nothing in common -with those that loyally and honestly enquire into the facts of the case. It is written on most arbitrary principles of its own, and is nothing else than a caricature of history from beginning to end. Can we suppose, for instance, that M. Renan seriously believes his own theory, that St. John -wrote his Gospel because his vanity was offended, either through jealousy of St. Peter or hatred of Judas ? Or, when he accounts for the interest of the wife of PUate in Jesus in these terms. "That she had possibly seen the fair young Galilean from some window of the palace which opened on the Temple court. Or perhaps she saw him in a dream, and the blood of the innocent young man who was about to be condemned gave her a nightmare." Again, when he attempts to explain the resurrection of Lazarus by a deception of this same Lazarus, which was afterwards found out by Jesus, and by an act of extravagance of his sisters, which is excusable on account of their fanaticism. ECCLESLA.STICAL TESTIMONY. 45 "Lazarus," M. Renan says, "yet pale with sickness, had himself wrapped up in grave clothes, and laid in the family sepulchre." These examples, which we could easily add to if we did not wish to avoid giving our readers unnecessary pain, seem to us sufficient to give an idea of M. Renan's book ; and since, in spite of all its frivolity, its historical inconsistency, and its tasteless disfigurement of facts, this production has made, even in Ger many, such an impression, is it not plain that, alas ! even among us, infidelity is widely diffused ? — partly produced by, and partly the cause, in return, of our ignorance of the history of the Bible. For this book of Renan's, German criticism is in a certain sense responsible. The manner of handling the Bible which we have described already, and which consists in setting common sense above revelation, took its rise on the soil of Germany. M. Renan sets out with this principle, and there are not wanting learned men in Germany who endeavour to give it completeness, by supplying it -with the scientific base which it wants. This leads us quite naturally, to speak of the direct attacks against the authenticity and apostolic authority of the Gospels, though, as far as this French work is 46 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. concerned, it is -written in too thin and super ficial a style to be of much account one way or the other, and would certainly not have much effect in shaking any thinking person in his belief in the Gospel, or cause him, without further enquiry, to give up the traditional view, that the Gospels really came from the -writers to whom the Church refers them. To know what we are to believe in this matter, we must carefully examine the proofs which our adversaries bring forward. The chief points in their case are the assertions which they make, and pretend to support by the history of the second century — that the Gospels did not see the light till after the end of the apostolic age. To support this point, they appeal to the testimony of the most ancient Church literature. They maintain that the Christian writings composed immediately after the Apostles do not show any trace of acquaint ance with, nor use of, the Gospels, which we possess, and especially with that of St, John, and they conclude that the Gospels could not, consequently, have been in existence. If this assertion of theirs is well-founded — if there exists such a Christian literature as they speak of, that is, a series of works written between the end of the first century and the ECCLESLA.STICAL TESTIMONY, 47 middle of the second, and if we do not find in these writings any reference to our Gospels, then I should admit that the faith of the Church, which teaches that the Gospels were -written during the second half of the first century, would be seriously compromised. Against such an assertion as this we could only raise one objection : we should ask if the nature and extent of the literature absolutely and inevitably required that it should refer to and quote the Gospels, and whether we should be entitled, from its silence on the subject of the Gospels to claim such an inference as this ? — for it is conceivable that many excellent things might have been -written on the subject -without any direct reference to the Gospels, But what could we say if we had to prove the direct con trary ? I mean, if we were to find in works written a little after the apostolic age, direct quotations from the Gospels ; or if we see them treated with the greatest respect, or perhaps even already treated as canonical and sacred writings ? In this case, it would be beyond doubt that our Gospels would have been really composed in the apostolic age — a conclusion which our opponents resist and deny with all their might. The writer of this pamphlet, in common with 48 THE DATE OP THE GOSPELS. many other impartial critics, is firmly con- -vinced that a conscientious examination of the question proves precisely the very opposite to that which the adversaries of the Gospel affirm; and this is especiaUy true of the Gospel of St. John, the most important of the four. To throw light on this important question, we must enter without delay on this enquiry, and ascertain as clearly as possible, whether the most primitive Christian literature bears any testimony for or against our EvangeHsts. To do this, let us transport ourselves back to the latter half of the second century, and enquire how the Christian Church of that day thought of the four Evangelic narratives. The first thing which strikes us is, that in all parts of the Church the four Evangelists were treated a,s a part of Holy Scripture, The Church Fathers of that age, belonging to many different countries, have written works in which they are very frequently quoted, and are always treated as sacred and apostolic -writings. At Lyons, where the first Christian Church in Gaul was founded, the Bishop Irenaeus wrote, at the end of the second century, a great work on those early Gnostic heresies, which arbitrarily attempted to overturn the doctrine ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 49 of the Church: and in combating these errors he made a general use of the Gospels. The number of the passages which he refers to is about four "hundred, and the direct quotations from St. John alone exceed eighty. We may say as much for the energetic and learned Tertullian, Xvho lived at Carthage about the end of the second century. His numerous writings contain several hundred pages taken from the Gospels — two hundred of these, at least, taken from St, John. It is the same with Clement, the celebrated teacher of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, in Egypt, who also lived about the end of the second century. Add to these three testimonies a catalogue which bears the name of Muratori, its dis coverer, and which enumerates the books of the New Testament which from the first were con sidered canonical and sacred. The catalogue was -written a little after the age of Pius i. (a.d. 142-157), about a.d. 170, and probably in Rome itself ; and at the head of the list it places our four Gospels. It is true that the first lines of this fragment, which refer to Matthew and Mark, have perished, but immediately after the blank the name of Luke appears as the third, and that of John as the fourth ; so that, D 50 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. even in this remote age, we find even the order in which our Evangelists follow each other thus early attested to — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Let us quote two other witnesses, one of whom carries us back to an antiquity even more remote. We here refer to the two most ancient versions made of the New Testament, One of these translations is into Syriac, and is called the Peschitto, The other, in Latin, is known by the name of the Italic, and both assign the first place to the four Evangelists, The canonical authority of these four Gospel narratives must have been completely recog nised and established in the mother Church before they would have been translated into the dialect of the daughter Churches, Syriac and Latin. When are we to say that this took place ? The Syriac version which carries us as far East as to the banks of the Euphrates, is generally assigned to the end of the second century, and not -without good reasons, though we have not any positive proof to offer. The Latin version had acquired, even before this period, a certain public authority. Thus the Latin translator of the great work of Irenaeus, written in Greek, which we assign to the end of the second cen- ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 51 tory (Tertullian, in fact, copies this translator in the quotation which he makes from Irenaeus), and Tertullian also, at the end of the same cen tury, follow the Italic version. The estimation in which the Latin version of the Gospels was then held, necessarily supposes that this transla tion must have been made some ten or twenty years at least before this. It is thus a well- established fact that already between a.d. 150 and 200, not only were the Gospels translated into Latin and Syriac, but also that their number was defined to be four only, neither more nor less ; and this remarkable fact is well calculated to throw Hght on the question of their true age and origin. We shaU return to this farther on. Let us pause here to consider again these two great church teachers — Irenaeus and Tertullian, Their testimony is decisive, and no one, even among those who deny the authenticity of St, John, is able to question it. We have here only to inquire whether their testimony is to be limited to the time only when they wrote — that is to say, whether it proves nothing more than the high consideration in which the Evangelists ¦were held at the time when they -wrote. In his refutation of these false teachers, Irenaeus not only refers to the four Gospels with perfect confidence, and with the most literal exactness, d2 52 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. but he even remarks that there are necessarily four, neither more nor less; and in proof of this he adduces comparisons from the four quar ters of the world, the four principal winds, and the four figures of the cherubim. He says that the four Evangelists are the four columns of the Church, which is extended over the whole world, and sees in this number four, a peculiar appoint ment of the Creator of the world, I ask then is such a statement consistent with the assertion that the four gospels first became of authority about the time of Irenaeus, and that Christians then set up a fourth and later Gospel, that of St. John, besides the other three older Gospels ? Are we not rather constrained to admit that their authority was already then ancient and established, and that their number four was a matter already so undisputed that the Bishop Irenaeus could justify and explain it in his own peculiar way as we have just now seen ? Irenaeus died in the second year Of the third century^ but in his youth he had sat at the feet of the aged Polycarp, and Polycarp, in his turn, had been a disciple of the Evangelist St. John, and had conversed with other eye-witnesses of the Gospel narrative. Irenaeus, in speaking of his o-wn personal recollections, gives us Polycarp's own account of that whieh he had heard from ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 53 the lips of St. John and other disciples of our Lord, and expressly adds that all these words agree with Scripture, But let us hear his own words as contained in a letter to Florinus : — " When I was yet a child I saw thee at Smyrna, in Asia Minor, at Polycarp's house, where thou wert distinguished at Court, and obtained the regard of the bishop. I can more distinctly recollect things which happened then than others more recent ; for events which hap pened in infancy seem to grow with the mind and to become part of ourselves, so that I can recall the very place where Polycarp used to sit and teach, his manner of speech, his mode of life, his appearance, the style of his address to the people, his frequent references to St. John and to others who had seen our Lord ; how he used to repeat from memory their discourses, which he had heard from them concerning our Lord, his miracles and mode of teaching, and how, being instructed himself by those who were eye witnesses to the Word, there was in all that he said a strict agreement with the Scriptures." This is the account which Irenaeus himself gives of his connection with Polycarp, and of the truths which he had learned from him. Who will now venture to question whether this Father had ever heard a word from Polycarp 54 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. about the Gospel of St. John ? The time when Irenaeus, then a young man, was known to Polycarp, who died a martyr at Smyrna, about A.D. 165, could not have been later than a.d. 150 ; yet they would have us believe that Irenaeus had not then heard a word from his master, Poly carp, about the Gospel of St. John, when he so often recalls the discourses of this apostle ! Any testimony of Polycarp in favour of the Gospel refers us back to the Evangelist himself; for Polycarp, in speaking to Irenaeus of this Gospel as a work of his master, St. John, must have learned from the lips of the Apostle himself whether he was its author or not. There is nothing more damaging to these doubters of the authenticity of St. John's Gospel than this testimony of Polycarp ; and there is no getting rid of this difficulty unless by setting aside the genuine ness of the testimony itself. This fact also becomes more striking if we consider it under another aspect. What I mean is this : those who deny the authenticity of St. John's Gospel, say that this Gospel only appeared about a.d, 150, and that Polycarp never mentioned the Gospel as such to Irenaeus. But in this case can we suppose that Irenseus would have believed in the authenticity of this Gospel, a work that professed to be the most precious legacy of St. ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 55 John to the Christian Church, as the narrative of an eye-witness and an intimate friend of the Redeemer, and a Gospel whose independent character, as regards the other three, seemed to take away something from their authority ? The very fact that such a work of St. John had never once been mentioned to him by Polycarp would haye at once convinced Irenaeus that it was an , audacious imposture. And are we to believe that Irenaeus would produce such a forgery as this with which to reply to these false teachers, who themselves falsified Scripture, and appealed to apocryphal writings as if they were genuine and inspired ! And are we further to suppose that he would have linked such a writing up with the other three Gospels to combine what he calls a quadruple or four-sided Gospel ! What a tissue of contradictions, or rather, to use the right word, of absurdities ! These arguments, as we have just stated them, are not new ; they are at least found in Irenaeus. They have been stated before, but they have scarcely ever received the consideration which they deserve. For our part we think serious and reflecting men quite right in attaching more weight to these historic proofs of Irenseus, derived from Polycarp, in favour of the authen ticity of St. John's Gospel than to those scruples 56 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. and negations of learned men of our day, who are smitten with a strange passion for doubt. We say as much for Tertullian and his tes timony. This man, who from an advocate of paganism became a powerful defender of the Christian truth, takes such a scrupulous view of the origin and worth of the four Evangelists that he will allow to Mark and Luke, as apostolic men, i.e. as companions and assistants of the apostles, a certain subordinate place, while he upholds the full authority of John and of Matthew, on account of their character of real apostles, chosen by the Lord himself. In his work against Marcion (book iv., ch. v.), Tertullian lays down the principle by which we should decide on -the truth of the articles of the Christian faith, and especially of that most important one of all, the authenticity of the apostolic writings. For this, he makes the value of a testimony to depend on its antiquity, and decides that we are to hold that to be true for us which was held to be true in former ages. This appeal to antiquity leads us back to the apostles' day, and in deciding what is the authenticity of any writing which claims to be apostolic, we must refer to those churches which were planted by the apostles. I ask, then, is it credible in any degree that this man, so sagacious, could have acted hastily and uncritically in accepting the ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY, 57 credibility and authenticity of the four Evan gelists ? The passages I have referred to are taken from his celebrated reply to Marcion, who, on his own authority, and in conformity -with his own heretical tastes, had attacked the sacred text. Of the four Gospels, Marcion had completely rejected three, and the fourth, that of St. Luke, he had modified and mutilated according to his o-wn caprice, Tertullian, in his reply, formally appeals to the testimony of the apostolic churches in favour of the four Gospels. Is such a challenge as this, in the mouth of such a man as Tertullian, to be passed by as of no weight ? When he -wrote his reply to Marcion, the apostle St, John had been dead only about a century. The Church of Ephesus, among whom the apostle St. John had so long lived, and in which city he died, had surely time to decide the question once for all, whether the Gospel of St. John was authentic or not. It was not difficult to find out what was the judg ment of the apostolic Church on this question. Moreover, we must not forget, that in Tertullian we have not merely a man of erudition, occupied in laying do-wn learned theses, but a man of serious mind, to whom a question like this was one on which his faith, and with it the salvation of his soul, depended. Is it then likely that such a man would have given easy 58 THE DATE OF THE GOSPELS. credence to writings like these, which concern the fundamental doctrines of Christianity — writings which distinctly claimed to be apostolic, and at which the wisdom of the world in which he had been educated professed to be offended ? Now, since Tertullian expressly asserts, that in de fending the apostolic origin of the four Evan gelists he rests his case upon the testimony of the apostolic churches, we must be incorrigible sceptics to doubt any longer that he had not thoroughly examined for himself into the origin of these Gospels. We maintain, then, that the attestations of Irenaeus and Tertullian have a weight and a worth beyond the mere range of their own age. These attestations carry us up to the four first witnesses, and the evidence which they depose is in favour of these primitive times. This is the conclusion which we think we are warranted in drawing ; and it is best established, iiot only by those more ancient witnesses above referred to and given by the writer of the list of books in the New Testament kno^wn as the Muratori catalogue, as well as the author of the ItaHc version, but also by the consent of the Church and the uncontradicted records of the earliest times prior to those of Irenaeus and Tertullian, My reader has doubtless heard of those works called " Harmonies of the Gospels," in which ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY, 69 the four narratives are moulded and fused into one. They sought in this way to produce a complete picture of our Lord's life, by supple menting the narrative of the one Gospel by details suppHed from another, and especially by interpolating the discourses of St. John between those of the other Evangelists, so as to trace out in this way, step by step, the three years of the Lord's ministry. As early as a.d. 170, two learned men undertook works of this kind. One of these was Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, in Syria; and the other Tatian, a disciple of the great di^vine and martyr, Justin. These two books are lost ; but Jerome, in the fourth century, gives us some account of that of Theophilus, which he caUs a combination of the four Gospels into one; and Eusebius and Theodoret, in the fourth and fifth centuries, speak of that of Tatian in the same way. Tatian had given his the name of Diatessaron, that is, the Gospel according to Four. These two writers produced other works, which are stUl extant, and in which there are undoubted quotations from St. John's Gospel, not to speak of the other three. But these Harmonies, which have not come down to us, are of much higher value than mere isolated quotations, and furnish a proof that at the time when they were first attempted the four Gospels were regarded as a 60 THE DATE OP THE GOSPEM. single work, in which the variety of the nar ratives, which sometimes amounts to a real difference, was plainly perceptible. Hence a desire arose to draw out of these differences a higher unity, and combine them as one har monious whole. These two attempts to write a " Harmony" were made soon after the middle of the second century, whence we may certainly conclude that the Gospels themselves were generally recognised and received as such for at least a long time previous. We here pass by other testimonies, in order to say a few words on the letters of Ignatius and Polycarp, the disciples of the Apostle, which carry us up to an age as early as the beginning of the second century. When the holy Igna tius, whom his master, St, John, had conse crated Bishop of Antioch, was led as a martyr to Rome, between a.d. 107 and a.d. 115, he wrote several letters while on his journey to Rome, of which we have two versions, one shorter and the other longer. We shall here refer only to the shorter, which is enough for our purpose, since its genuineness is now generally admitted. These letters contain several passages drawn more or less directly from St. Matthew and St, John, Ignatius thus writes in his letter to the Romans : — " I desire the bread of God, the bread of ¦ECCLESIASTICAL TESTIMONY. 61 heaven, the bread of life, which is the flesh "of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And I desire the drink of God, the blood of Jesus Christ, who is undying love and eternal life," These words recall the sixth chapter of St. John, where it is said, " I am the bread which came The Translation by B. Harris Oowper. ' 8vo, Is. in coyer. -J'"- , ...GOD'S WORD WRITTEN: the Dactrine of the •Vlnsraration of the Holy Scripture Explained and Enforced. 'By " the Eev. E. Gabbett, m.A., Author of "Eeligion in Daily Life," Boyle Lectm-er for 1861, 1862, and 1863. Oro'wn 8vo, 4s. 6d. cloth boards. SCIENCE and CHRISTIAN THOUGHT. By JoHfi DuNSj.D.D., F.E.s.E., ProfessoT of Natural Science, Ne'w CoUege, Edinburgh. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. cloth boards. THE CHRIST of the GOSPELS and the ROMANCE of M. EENAN. Three Essays by Dr. Schaff and M. Eoussjbl. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. cloth boards. ' ' THE AWAKENING of ITALY and the CRISIS of EOME : being a Four Months' Tour of Observation in the Summer of 1864. By the Eev. J. A. Wylie, ll.d., Author of " The Papacy," etc. Crown 8vo, 5s. 6d. cloth boards. THE BIBLE and MODERN THOUGHT. With an Appendix. By the Eev. T. E. Bieks, m.A., Eeotor of Holy Trinity, Cambridge. 8vo, 7s. cloth boards; 12mo edit., 4s. cloth boards. THE EXODUS of ISRAEL: its Difficulties Examined, and ita TrutK Confirmed. By the Eev. T. E. Bieki?, m.A. 8to edit., 7s. cloth boards; 12mo edit., 2s. 6d. cloth boards. THE NOVELTIES of ROMANISM. In Three Parts. ; By Charles Hastings Collette. Second Edition, Ee^vised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. cloth boards. .,, : THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a FRENCH PROTES- TANT, condemned to the Galleys for the sake of his Eeligion. Translated from the French. Cro^wn 8vo, 33. 6d. clotli boards. THE EELIGIOIJS TEAOT SOCIETY: 56, PATBENgSXE^ UOW, AND 164, PICCADILLY, LONDON, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08844 8734 *?" IT. A Siq .¦l..vlv> K-i ?in.-iBiB."'" 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