Yale Center for British Art and British Studies CATALOGUE OF THE EARL OF RADNOR'S COLLECTION OF PICTURES by HELEN MATILDA, COUNTESS OF RADNOR. THIRD EDITION, EDITED AND REVISED BY WILLIAM BARCLAY SQUIRE, F.S.A. * TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE HOUSEKEEPER LONGFORD CASTLE 1910 Price One Shilling /.#* ' X ¦^ fe ^^ ^^ M pf n w ^ |. ^' ^. t R. '^ fil 5!^r L. If jj'lri 'fiiB ^ y CATALOGUE OF THE EARL OF RADNOR'S COLLECTION OF PICTURES BY HELEN MATILDA, COUNTESS OF RADNOR. THIRD EDITION, EDITED AND REVISED BY WILLIAM BARCLAY SQUIRE, F.S.A. ^ TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE HOUSEKEEPER LONGFORD CASTLE 1910 First Edition, 1890. Second Edition, 1898 Third Edition, 1910. ^Ih^ ^chnoorttp/iu.of tlicjl'rst ^loore of J^tiafordJiouse IT 'The Portuo 97i« Sn.lru ^lur SKre^ m ^ ar^al hall "T/i^ pafieura to 4 qreat Slaira ¦STut areat Jxtfloof 01^ d.upUaj ofroynAofVCJ <7UtJ^HU Jkrlottr ^ht Jrii ifffj^f 0ha Jujitnj foorn.^ 9ft« ji-afifu.ai'na ro ante uJ't/lt nruuio Q orKolSaUmr ana. Siat>t ¦-- ¦-¦ [$^ ffia Sianjt^rtir rootnactryt A.D. 1678 ^ Schno^raphta pttma Contw- m D 1 E .Poff4£lU 'Mitln xy^napaUif yScaiartUTL areola F Adltuf ad nJealaj fTlaarubi ^- Procejh^um _ Or4ja^dum grandiuj H Teriefirarutn. JHfpihr Aecejp^^uj a- Catia€.uto , -_ Sa^euiun |N Attiolumj&brvru?n ..^cuit^Vei Sgrinxa Canetcaliun. tfljruu QtJ"pophulcLc\< CeUa. earn 04 Cello, p Cuitnci . Coif- - iccU^c^feren-tAf adJJefipfitoria adJ^ojUctifn adHiu Cupediafufn. Coom'/jo. iA)fJdih*f ad Ce^a^'ut lupeaai \bc) Cubutdum. k. Cofulave J>if: enfatorv Ol) Jcala tteta frl fCTr^tuayiurn(f) Gradus v-— J^tnptuAfii (gopyCoehii dta t-Jit-Mf -trin-n^idarij JcJi£rna, tCiyhyTtaJi^f/f^rur/n aymp itrnpi carnoftfi vcinarvQ. ; MMBIiillilllliBillillll^^ tl ll M^i4l r M ^ >^ >^ iiiiinEHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiBiiH^ I CONTENTS Preface page 5 Catalogue : Long Parlour . . ... IS Smoking-Room . ... 18 Tile Lobby . 18 Dining-Room . 18 Saloon . . 19 Square Drawing-Room . ... 20 Staircase and Corridor 23 Green Drawing-Room .... 24 Gallery 25 Chapel Lobby ... . . 27 Chapel 29 Triangular Gallery . . . . 30 Old Smoking-Room 35 Chapel Bedroom and Dressing-Room . 35 36 Pictures at i 2, Upper Brook Street . 37 Family Portraits 38 Miniatures 52 PREFACE I T has been suggested that in issuing a new edition of the Catalogue of the Earl of Radnor's Collec tion of Pictures a welcome addition might be made to it, in the form of a slight history of Longford Castle and of its former owners. For the benefit of those, therefore, who take an interest in old historical places, this suggestion has been adopted, and it is to be hoped that the following little sketch may not be found out of place, by way of a Preface. The triangular portion of the present Castle has been built a little over three hundred years, but from very early times a Manor House stood close to the present site; a manu script History of Longford^ (written in 1678 by the Rev. H. Pelate, Chaplain to the second Lord Colerane) gives records, dating from 1166, of the families of de Langford, Waleran, Plugenett, de Bohun, de la Bere, and Servington (or Cervington) who were successively Lords of Longford or Langford. The family of Servington lived there for over two ^ In the possession of the Earl of Radnor. 6 Collection of the Earl of Radnor hundred years (from 1329 to 1574) but the last of that name gambled away his house and lands to a Mr. John Webb of Salisbury, and in 1574 the estate passed into the hands of Thomas, fifth son of Sir Edward Gorges, of Wraxhall, Somerset. About 1584 Mr. Gorges (who was a Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber to Queen Elizabeth, by whom he was knighted in 1586) married the widow' of Sir William Parr, Marquess of Northampton, and she " incited " " her husband to build a Castle at Longford, in order (as she said) "to be a more convenient Lodge to her Ma"^ (when her Ma"° came to hunt in Clarendon) then Wilton might bee, that was three miles further off."' Lady Northampton adopted, for the ground-plan of her Castle, the shield assigned in mediaeval heraldry to the Holy Trinity, and it was according to this quaint device that the ^ She was Helena Ulfsdotter Snalcenborg, a daughter of Ulf Henriccson Snakenborg (of Fyllingarum, Ringarum, East Gothland) and his wife Agneta Knutsdotter Lillie. The original name of the family was BSt (Anglice Boat) but Helena's grandfather took the name and arms of Snakenborg. The crest of the B3.t family was a Boat, which appears in Lady Northampton's arms on the ceiling of the present Boudoir (formerly the Great Parlour). Helena came to England in 1565 with Cecilia, Margravine of Baden, who was a daughter of Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden; about 1566 she married (as his third wife) Sir William Parr, Marquess of Northampton (brother of Queen Katharine Parr and step-uncle to Queen Elizabeth) and for many years she was a favourite Lady-in-Waiting of Queen Elizabeth, at whose funeral she acted as chief mourner. In 1592 Spenser dedicated to Lady Northampton his " Daphnaida " (an el^gy on the death of her niece, Lady Douglas Gorges) and in his " Colin Clout's come home again " he thus cele brates her under the name of Mansilia : " She is the pateme of true womanhead. And onely mirrhor of feminitie, Worthie next after Cynthia to tread. As she is next her in nobilitie. " " Pelate MS., at supra. Preface 7 plans were prepared by John Thorpe for a building with three towers, each named after one of the Persons of the Trinity. The work was commenced about 1578, but owing to the great difficulties and expense of laying the foundations of the Castle ("which being sett soe neare the River, and upon soe many springs was founded on piles and woollpacks " '), it went on " but slowly till the danger of the Spanish Armada was blowne over, togeather with the feare of King Phillips Invadeing this Land."^ Sir Thomas was then Governor and Defender of Hurst Castle and when (in 1588) the Armada was destroyed, one of the Spanish vessels was driven ashore near that place. About 1591 Lady Northampton begged the wreck of this " Spanish Galeon " ' from the Queen " and in that Hull (tis reported) there were Silver barrs as well as Iron ones and such a vast (though conceald) Treasure as served both to compleate their pile at Langford and to inrich their steward Richard Grobham." ' The date on the keystone of the centre arch in the front of the house is 1591. ^ Pelate MS., ut supra. 8 Collection of the Earl of Radnor There is no official record in the "Progresses of Queen Elizabeth " of that Monarch's residence at Longford, but the old plans show "The Queene's Chamber," and the second Lord Colerane, in his " Longford Inventory," a poem ' written in 1694 mentions: the third Round Tow'r (most vs'd tho' least) Haueing two bedchambers (the house's Best) Where the two happiest Queens which e're did reign The first and second Elizabeth have layu. The " second Elizabeth " was the Queen of Bohemia, one of whose Maids of Honour was Mary Gorges, daughter of Sir Edward Gorges (son of Sir Thomas) who succeeded his father in 16 10: he was created Lord Gorges of Dundalk, and was in his turn succeeded by his son Richard, second Lord Gorges. This Richard having lost much money in unsuccessful specula tions, was forced to sell his property at Longford, and thus, in 1641, the castle and lands passed into the hands of Hugh Hare, first Lord Colerane, who had been a youthful companion and great personal friend of King Charles I. He had hardly settled in his new home when troublous times began, and (according to our Chronicler) " His Ma'"= thought fitt to make a horse Garrison thereof, and according to his Ma"'' Order itt was given upp by his L'*" in Aprill 1644 . . . Hereupon my L" of Colerane with his greate little family gott into an Un speakable small house att Burtford,"' near by. "After the fatall Battell at Naseby . . . Oliver Cromwell thought fitt to summon in Langford by the way. And Langford nott only stayed his fury but was hkely to have given a de served Bloody death to that too prosperous and sanguine ' Manuscript, in the possession of the Earl of Radnor. " Pelate MS., ut supra. Preface 9 Tyrant. For while hee with some few Officers were viewing where they might best storme or batter the house, a shott from thence killed the very next man to Cromwell (being a Captaine Lieutenant) and had done worthier Execution had itt tooke him off too." ' The Castle surrendered to him on October 1 8th, 1645, "as soon as he had finish'd his battery in Pick Mead against the Garden Front.'" The place having surrendered, the defensive works about it were slighted, but it was ordered by Parliament, through the influence of the Cromwellian partisan Lord Kimbolton (Lady Colerane's brother) " that especial care be taken to preserve the house." On the return {circa 1650) of Lord Colerane to his home he found the house in a terrible state. The beautiful vines on the walls had been cut down, and "his Lordship was saluted with nothing but filthinesse and desolation, except itt were an Infinite Swarme of fleas, that pitched upon his white boote hose, there was noe other Liveing Creature left for him." ' However, he took heart and did the work of restoration so well that he left the place in much better condition than when he first bought it, and this work was carried on by his son Henry, second Lord Colerane, who succeeded his father (who was " choak'd endeavouring to swallow the rump of a Turky"') in 1667. This Henry was a great antiquary and brought many stone carvings, marble-topped tables, etc., from Italy to embellish the Castle. He was succeeded (in 1708) by his grandson, Henry, who apparently preferred the other family place (at Totteridge, near Tottenham, Herts) as a residence and obtained an Act of Parliament to allow him to break the entail and sell Longford, to provide the money for the dower of his Aunt Cecilia, his grandfather's favourite child. Thus in 1 71 7 Longford, and the lands belonging to it at that time, ^ Pelate MS., ut supra. I o Collection of the Earl of Radnor passed into the hands of Sir Edward Des Bouveries, Bart., from whom they have descended to the present owner. Sir Edward made great alterations in the house, turning the Chapel on the ground floor into a Long Parlour and making a large Entrance Hall, two stories high, quite out of keeping with the style of the building. Sir Edward died in 1736, and, leaving no children, was succeeded by his brother Jacob, who in 1747 was made first Viscount Folkestone. This Jacob, who was a man of great artistic taste and judgment, was the first President of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences. He greatly beautified the place ; bought Chippendale furniture for the Gallery, Green Drawing-Room, etc.; imported velvet and damask from Lyons for the walls and tapestry from M. Neptune at Brussels; employed Peter Scheemakers to carve marble mantelpieces, John Michael Rysbrack to execute busts and Thomas Hudson to paint portraits of himself and his family. He bought over a hundred of the principal pictures (including " Erasmus," "^gidius," the two Claudes, the two Poussins, etc.) — and thought nothing of giving ^^25 for an embroidered waistcoat for himself! He was altogether a princely gentleman in his ideas as to spending money, but his descendants may indeed thank him for the very judicious way in which he laid out so much in the lasting embellishment of his house and on the art treasures he placed in it. He was succeeded in 1761 by his son William, who was created first Earl of Radnor in 1765. He also was a very judicious buyer, and there are notes in his account books of his having bought about seventy-five pictures. He did not acquire other works of art, but he employed Reynolds and Gainsborough to paint portraits of many members of his family, he himself being depicted by Gainsborough and his three wives respectively by Hudson, Preface 1 1 Reynolds and Cotes. His successor, Jacob, second Earl of Radnor, reigned as lord of Longford for over fifty years, from 1776 to 1828. He added over eighty pictures to the collection and it was he, alas ! who conceived the idea of rebuilding the Castle with six round towers instead of three. All the plans were made and the work was begun towards the close of the eighteenth century. He got as far as pulling down the North West tower (the " Filius " of the three Elizabethan towers) and had actually built three of the six contemplated new towers, when fortunately money failed, and the greater part of the work was left a shell, until completed by his grandson, the fourth Earl of Radnor, in 1874. The second Earl added one great treasure to the collection, viz., the Imperial Steel Chair. He bought it at the close of the eighteenth century from Gustavus Brander, F.R.S., a descendant of a Swedish family to whom it had be longed since the days when it was looted by the Swedes from the Imperial Museum at Prague, where it had been placed by the Emperor Rudolph II, to whom it had been presented (about the year 1577) by the Town of Augsburg. The second Earl also bought the inlaid ivory chairs in the Gallery, to which a certain amount of interest attaches owing to their having formed part of a set brought from India by Warren Hastings for Queen Charlotte. Jacob, second Earl of Radnor, was succeeded in 1828 by his son William, whose inclinations were political rather than artistic, and since that date no important additions (other than family portraits) have been made to the Collection of Pictures. Under the superintendence of the third Earl's second wife (Judith Anne St. John-Mildmay, great grandmother of the present Peer) the formal garden in front of the house was replaced, having been swept away in the previous generation 1 2 Collection of the Earl of Radnor by "Capability" Brown. On the death (in 1869) of his father, the third Earl, the fourth Lord Radnor employed Mr. Anthony Salvin to prepare plans for the completion and restoration of the building at Longford; the work was commenced in 1870 and finished in 1874. In addition to altering the Front Hall (partly in accordance with the Elizabethan plan) he covered in the Open Court Yard (thus forming the Triangular Hall), built a new Dining-Room (the carving in which was executed by Mr. Kemm, of Salisbury) and completed the buildings left as a shell by the second Earl, adding a square tower and finishing the interior as a Saloon, etc., containing much beautiful furniture, particularly noticeable among which is a suite of brass chairs and settees, covered with old brocade. The fifth Earl succeeded to the Longford estates on the death of his father in 1889, and it has been the privilege of his wife (the present writer) to arrange and classify the family Collection of Pictures. It had always been believed by the last generation that there was no authentic record as to when, where, or by whom these pictures had been collected : indeed, it has been stated in print that they were bought en masse from Mr. Seguier, a picture-cleaner employed by the National Gallery in the first half of the nineteenth century. The writer had, however, the good fortune to find in the Muniment Room at Longford several private account-books, embracing a period of over a hundred years, which had been very carefully kept by the first Viscount Folkestone and the first and second Earls of Radnor, and a searching perusal of these resulted in the very satisfactory discovery, not only of the dates of the different sales where the purchases were effected, but also of the prices given for nearly all the more important pictures between the years 1720 and 1823. Preface 13 In 1909 a complete catalogue of the Collection, prepared with the assistance of Mr. W. Barclay Squire, and containing illustrations of over a hundred of the principal pictures, was privately printed by Jacob, sixth Earl of Radnor. HELEN M. RADNOR. fuly, 1909. NOTE The following pictures have been engraved : details of the various prints, etc., will be found in the complete catalogue: I. 2, 3, 6, 7, 11-13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 33, 34-42, 47, 5°. 53, 55. 56. 58-62, 64, 70, 80, 81, 83, 85-87, 89, 90, 92-95, 97, 99-101, 103, 104, 112, 119, 122, 130, 136, 137, 143-145, 157, 159-161, 163, 165, 168, 173, 174, 177, 182, II-IV, VIII, IX, XXI, XXIII, XXIV, XXVIL XXXVIII, XLVII, XLVIII, LIX, LXII, LXIII, LXV, LXIX, LXXII-LXXX, LXXXIII- LXXXVI, LXXXVIII, XC-XCII, XCIV, XCV, XCVIII, CI; Miniatures 1-5. Two of the plans in the present catalogue are reproduced from a series of etchings of Longford Castle, executed for the second Lord Colerane by R. Thacker in 1678; the others show the ground and first floors of the Castle in its present state. Collection of the Earl of Radnor LONG PARLOUR I. Stable with Travellers ("Poste pr^s d'Anvers"). Philips Wouwerman (i6 19-1668). Bought at Baron Fagel's sale, 1795. 2. View on the Grand Canal, Venice. Caspar van Wittel, called Gasparo degli Occhiali (1647-1736). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 3. Return from Shooting. David Teniers the Elder (1582-1649). Bought at Sir F. Frankland's sale, 1748. 4. Landscape with Bathers. Cornells van Poelenburgh (1586-1667). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 5. Landscape with Bathers. Cornells van Poelenburgh (1586-1667). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 6. Landscape. Meindert Ilobbema {i6^?)-i']0()). 1 6 Collection of the Earl of Radnor 7. Landscape by Moonlight. Aert van der Neer (1603-1677). 8. Storm at Sea. Aelbert Cuyp (1620-1691). 9. Portrait of Rembrandt (?). Gerbrandtvan den Eeckhout {i621-i6t i\). Bought at Paley's sale, 1801. 10. Portrait of a Woman. Gerbrandt van den Eeckhout (1621-1674). Bought at Paley's sale, 1801. II. Rubens's Boy. Peter Paul Rubens (T.<,Ti-\(iit6). Frans, eldest son of Rubens by his second wife, the beautiful Helena Fourment. Bom at Antwerp in 1633, died at Brussels in 1678. Bought from Mr. Kneller, 1773. 12. Marie de Medicis (1573-1642), Queen of France. Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641). Daughter of Francis, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Married in 1600 to Henry IV, by whom she was the mother of Louis XIII, Henrietta Maria, Queen of England (No. 18) and Gaston, Duke of Orleans (No. 39). 13. Dutch Boors Playing Bowls. David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 14. Dutch Boors Quarrelling. Pieter Pietersz de Ploof (1601-1658). 15. A Dutch Fair. Philips Wouwerman (1619-1668). Probably bought in r747. 16. Landscape. foos de Momper the K)M«^er (1564-1635). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 17. Sea Piece. Willemvande Velde the Younger {le^yijo-j). Bought at Blackwood's sale, 1760. Long Parlour 17 18. Henrietta Maria (1609-1669), Queen of England. Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641). Youngest daughter of Henry IV, King of France, and Marie de Medicis (No. 12); married Cliarles I (No. 24) in 1625; died near Paris in 1669. Dated 1632. 19. Cupids Harvesting. Peter Paul Rubens (157 7-1640), and Lucas van Uden (1595-1672). This picture was given by Prince Charles of Lorraine, Governor of the Netherlands, to Solomon DayroUes, Esq., British Resident at Brussels. Bought from R. Cosway in 1791. 20. Fruit, with a Tankard and Flowers. Jan Davidsz de Heem (1606-1684?). 21. Portrait of AN Old Man. Prans Ifals {i^So'f-iSdS'). 22. Portrait of an Old Woman. Frans Hals (i58o?-i666). 23. Landscape. Lucas Van Uden (1595-1672). Bought from Mr. Heath, 1744. 24. Charles I (1600-1649), King of England. Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641). 25. Conversation Piece. Anthonie Palamedesz Sfevaerts, called Palamedes (?) (i6oi?-i673). 26. Landscape. Lucas van <7&« (1595-1672). Bought from Mr. Heath, 1744. 27. Skating Scene. Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1663?). Bought (through P. Scheemakers) at Bragge's sale, 1743. 28. Landscape with Gipsies. Jan Brueghel the Elder, called ' Velvet ' Brueghel (1568-1625). 29. The Fortune Tellers. Philips Wouwerman (1619-1668). 1 8 Collection of the Earl of Radnor 30. Landscape with Travellers. Jan Brueghel the Elder, called ' Velvet ' Brueghel (1568-1625). 31. The Piazza of St. Mark's, Venice. Caspar van Wittel, called Gasparo degli Occhiali (1647-1736). Bought at Bragge's sale, 1743. 32. Battle Piece. Jacques Courtois, called II Borgognone (1621-1676). SMOKING-ROOM 211. View in Salisbury (1795). John Claude Nattes (1765?- 1822). TILE LOBBY 178. Boys' School. Giacomo Francesco Cippor {i2,th Century). 179. Fowls. Melchior d'Hondecoeter {i6T,6-ie7-i'] 6 5) Bought from the painter, 1739. 189. A River Scene. De Mans (J) {igth Century}). 190. Landscape. Jan van Goyen (1596-1656) 191. Landscape. Allart van Everdingen {1621-161 5). 192. Landscape. Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568-1625), 193. Sea Piece. Hermanus Koekkoek (1815-1882). 194. Landscape. Salvator Rosa {1615-1612,) Bought at Christie's, 1777. 195. Windsor Castle. Hendrik Frans de Cort (1742-1810), 196. Sea Piece. Ludolf Bakhuysen (1631-1708) 197. St. Paul. Jan Sanders, called van Hemessen (r5oo?-i575?) 36 Collection of the Earl of Radnor 198. Evening. John Wootton (1678?-! 765). Bought from the painter, 1739. 199. Sandy, the Pony ridden by the Children of the Fourth Earl of Radnor, with their Dog, Ranger. William Luker (1827-1905). Bought from the painter, 1850. 200. Still Life. BEDROOMS AND PASSAGES 201. Poultry. Peter Casteels (1684-1749). 202. A Member of the Raleigh Family. School of Van Dyck. Probably Gilbert Raleigh (1622-1675), M.P., of Downton, or his brother Walter. Bought at Mrs. Kearton's sale, Salisbury, 1781. 203. Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman. David Beck {d. 1656). 204. Poultry. Peter Casteels (1684-1749). 205. The Blessed Virgin and Holy Child. School of Murillo. 206. Horses in a Meadow. Dutch School {igth Century). 207. View of a Town. P. C. Demmersen {igth Century). This and the following picture are probably views of Copenhagen. 208. View of a Town. P. C. Demmersen {igth Century). 209. Landscape. /. de Saedeler {igth Century). 210. Landscape. German School {igth Century). 12, Upper Brook Street 37 PICTURES AT 12, UPPER BROOK STREET 212. Landscape, with the Walk to Emmaus. Italian School {iith-i8th Century). 213. Landscape, with a Saint. Italian School {iith-i8th Century). 214. Flower Piece. Jean Baptiste Monnoyer (i634?-i699). 215. Flower Piece. Jean Baptiste Monnoyer (i634?-i699). 216. Seascape. William John Roffe {igth Century). 217. Seascape. William John Roffe {igih Century). 218. View near Papendrecht. Auguste Henri Musin {b. 1852). Bought in 1877. 219. View near Dordrecht. Auguste Henri Musin {b. 1852). Bought in 1877. 220. Longford Castle. English School {18th Century). 221. Cows. Dutch School {igth Century). 222. Cows. Dutch School {igth Century). 38 Collection of the Earl of Radnor FAMILY PORTRAITS' I. Gabriel Bouvery (1506-1572), Bishop of Angers. H.R. Son of Jean Bouvery, Sieur de Lausserie, Mayor of Angers, by Guillemine Poyet. Appointed Bishop of Angers in 1540. This picture formerly hung on his tomb in the transept of the Cathedral ' of Angers ; it was given to the second Earl of Radnor by the Dean of Angers in 1 787. II. Laurens Desbouveries (i536?-i6io). The Huguenot founder of the English branch of the Bouverie family. He was born at Sainghin (near Lille) and about 1568 was (according to a copy of an old pedigree) " expatrie pour I'her^sie " and settled at Sandwich, moving to Canterbury in 1575 and between 1604 and 1610 to London, where he died. III. Edward Des Bouveries (is88?-i625). Michiel Jansz van Miereveld (?) (1567-1641). Second son of Laurens Desbouveries by his first wife, Barbe Van Nynove. He married Marie Fourmestraux, whose matemal grand father was a Protestant martyr. IV. Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. (1621-1694). Friedrich Kerseboom (1632-1690). Of Cheshunt, Herts. Only son of Edward Des Bouveries and his wife Marie Fourmestraux. He was a successful Turkey merchant and was knighted by James II in 1684-5 " °ii board ship." V. Anne Forterie (1636-1677), Wife of Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. Friedrich Kerseboom (?) (1632-1690). Daughter of Jacob Forterie by his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Priaulx, of Southampton. Married Sir Edward Des Bouverie in 1655. Her father was nephew of Lea, daughter of Laurens Des Bouveries: she was therefore her husband's first cousin once removed. ^ In the following list portraits at 12, Upper Brook Street are marked with an asterisk (*) ; those at Cliff House, Folkestone, with a dagger (t). No. CIV is now (1910) at 6, Cadogan Place. Family Portraits 39 VI. Mary Edwards (i662?-i68s?), first Wife of Sir William Des Bouverie, and her Son Edward (d. 1683?) Friedrich Kerseboom {16 2,2-i6go). Daughter of Sir James Edwards, Lord Mayor of London (1678-9).. She was married in 1682 and died before 1686. VII. Alice Edwards (b. 1653?) Wife of Paul Docminique, Esq. Friedrich Kerseboom (1632-1690). Sister of Mary Edwards, first wife of Sir William Des Bouverie. VIII. Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. (1656-1717). Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Of Whitefriars and Bury Street, St. Katherine Cree. Eldest son of Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. IX. Jacob Des Bouverie, M.P. (1659-17 2 2). SchoolofLely. Of Folkestone. Third son of Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. ; M.P. for Hythe under William III and Anne. He bought the house and lordship of Folkestone and Tyrlingham about 1697, and in 1707 bought the manor of Morehall ; he left his landed estate to his nephew Jacob, afterwards first Viscount Folkestone. X. A Member of the Bouverie Family. School of Lely. Probably one of the sons of Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. XI. Sir Christopher Des Bouverie, Knt. (1671-1733). School of Kneller. Of Betchworth, Surrey. Seventh son of Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Knt. He married (in 1702) Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Freeman, of Betchworth, Surrey. XIL John Bouverie (1722-1750). Second son of Sir Christopher Des Bouverie. He was a great traveller and collector, and died on a tour in Asia Minor in the company of James Dawkins and Robert Wood. XIII. Anne Urry (i666?-i739). Lady Des Bouverie. Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Daughter of David Urry, of Calborne, Isle of Wight, by his wife Anne Church. She married (in 1686) Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart., as his second wife. Painted in 1695. 40 Collection of the Earl of Radnor XIV. Anne Church (d. 1690), Mrs. Urry. Daughter of James Church and wife of David Urry of Calborne, Isle of Wight, and mother of Anne Urry (No. XIII), the second wife of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. Painted after her death. XV. Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Bart. (1688-1736). Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Of Longford Castle, eldest son of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart., by his second wife, Anne Urry. He bought Longford Castle in 17 17 from Henry Hare, third Baron Colerane; suc ceeded his father as second Baronet in 171 7. Painted in 1703. XVI. William Des Bouverie (1690-1707). Sir Godfrey Kneller {1646-112$). Second son of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. Painted in 1705. XVII. Sir Jacob Bouverie, Bart. (1694-1761), First Vis count Folkestone. Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-17 2 3). Fourth son of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. He succeeded his brother Edward as third Baronet in 1736, and in 1747 was created Viscount Folkestone. Painted in 1706. XVIII. Christopher Des Bouverie (1699-1719). Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Seventh son of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. Painted in 1706. XIX. Jane Des Bouverie (1700-1742), Mrs. Allen-Pusey. Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-17 2 3). Third daughter of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. She married John Allen-Pusey, of Pusey, Berks, and by this alliance the Pusey estates eventually passed to her nephew Philip (son of her brother Jacob, Viscount Folkestone) who assumed the name of Pusey. Painted in 1707. XX. Ann Des Bouverie (1704-1761). Sir Godfrey Kneller {1646-112'^. Youngest child of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. Painted in 1708. XXI. Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Bart. (1688-1736). Michael Dahl (1656-1743). Eldest son of Sir William Des Bouverie, Bart. Painted in 1724. (See No. XV.) Family Portraits 41 XXII. Mary Smith (1698?- 1720), Lady Des Bouverie. fohn Closterman (1656-1713). Second daughter of John Smith, Commissioner of Excise and Director of the Bank of England. She married Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Bart., in 1718. Painted in 1706. XXIII. Sir Jacob Bouverie, Bart. (1694-1761), First Vis count Folkestone. Michael Dahl {1656-114$). (See No. XVII.) Painted in 1725. XXIV. Sir Jacob Bouverie, Bart. (1694-1761), First Vis count Folkestone, in Peer's Coronation Robes. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. XVIL) Painted in 1751. XXV. t Sir Jacob Bouverie, Bart. (1694-1761), First Vis count Folkestone. Thomas Hudson (i 701-1779). (See No XVII.) Probably painted about 1751. XXVI. Mary Clarke (1700?-! 739), Lady Bouverie. Michael Dahl (1656-1 743). Daughter and heiress of Bartholomew Clar8e by his wife Mary Young. Married (in 1723) Jacob Des Bouverie, afterwards first Viscount Folkestone. Painted in 1724. XXVIL Mary Clarke (1700?-! 739), Lady Bouverie. fean Baptiste van Loo (1684-1745). (See No. XXVI.) XXVIILf Mary Clarke (1700?-! 739), Lady Bouverie. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. XXVI.) Probably painted (as a companion to No. XXV) after Lady Bouverie's death. XXIX. Bartholomew Clarke (d. 1746). fean Baptiste van Loo (i 684-1 745). Son of John Clarke, of Hardingstone, Northants, by his wife Elizabeth Johnson. Painted in 1740. XXX. Mary Young (d. 1768), Mrs. Clarke. Michael Dahl (1656-1743). Mary Young is said to have been descended from Sir Peter Young (1544-1628). Painted in 1725. 42 Collection of the Earl of Radnor XXXI. Hitch Young, M.P. (d. 1759). Jean Baptiste van Loo (1684-1745). Of Roehampton, Surrey. Brother of Mrs. Clarke, and uncle of Lady Bouverie. M.P. for Steyning. He left the Delapre Abbey Estate to his nephew, the Hon. Edward Bouverie. Painted in 1740. XXXII. Bartholomew Clarke (d. 1746). Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. XXIX.) XXXIII. Mary Young (d. 1768), Mrs. Clarke. Thomas Hudson (i 701-1779). (See No. XXX.) XXXIV. Hitch Young, Esq., M.P. (d. 1759). Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. XXXL) XXXV. The Hon. Elizabeth Marsham (1711-1782), Viscountess Folkestone. Jean Baptiste van Loo (1684-1745). Eldest daughter of Sir Robert Marsham (afterwards first Baron Romney) by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Admiral Sir Cloudisley Shovell. Married (as his second wife) in 1741 Sir Jacob Bouverie, Bart., afterwards first Viscount Folkestone. XXXVI.* William Bouverie (1725-17 76), SECOND Viscount Folkestone, first Earl of Radnor. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Eldest son of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his first wife, Mary Clarke. He succeeded his father as second Viscount in 1 761, and in 1765 was created Baron Pleydell-Bouverie and Earl of Radnor. Probably painted in 1757' XXXVII. t William Bouverie (1725-1776), second Vis count Folkestone, first Earl of Radnor. (See No. XXXVL) Painted in 1765. XXXVIII. William Bouverie (1725-1776), second Vis count Folkestone, first Earl of Radnor. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (1727-1788). (See No. XXXVI.) Painted in 1770. Family Portraits 43 XXXIX.* William Bouverie, second Viscount Folke stone, FIRST Earl of Radnor (1725-1776). Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (172 7-1 788). (See No. XXXVI.) Painted in 1773 or 1774. XL. The Hon. Edward Bouverie (1738-1810), of Delapr£ Thomas Hudson (i 701-1779). Fifth son of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his first wife, Mary Clarke. Painted in 1747. XLI. The Hon. EdwardBouverie(i 738-1810), OF Delapr]^. Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779). (See No. XL.) XLII. The Hon. William Henry Bouverie (1752-1806). Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (i 723-1 792). Eldest son of William, first Earl of Radnor, by his second wife, Rebecca AUeyne. Painted at the age of eight, from a sitting given the artist in March, 1760. XLIII. The Hon. Philip Bouverie-Pusey (i 746-1828). Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. (1741-1807). Second son of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his second wife, the Hon. Elizabeth Marsham. He inherited the Pusey estates from the sisters of his uncle by marriage, John Allen- Pusey, and assumed the name of Pusey in 1 784. The Rev. Edward Bouverie Pusey, Canon of Christchurch (1800-1882), was his second son. XLIV.* The Hon. Mary Bouverie (i 730-1804), Countess of Shaftesbury. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Third daughter of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his first wife. In 1759 she married (as his second wife) Anthony Ashley Cooper, fourth Earl of Shaftesbury. Painted in 1760. XLV.* Anthony Ashley Cooper (1710-1771), fourth Earl of Shaftesbury. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Only son of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury, by Jane, daughter of Thomas Ewer. Painted in 1760. 44 Collection of the Earl of Radnor XLVI. The Hon. Charlotte Bouverie (i 732-1809), Mrs. Grant. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). Fifth daughter of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his first wife. She married (in 1788) John Grant, of White Waltham, Berks. Painted in 1749. XLVII. The Hon. Harriot Bouverie (1736-1777) Lady Tilney-Long. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Sixth daughter of Jacob, first Viscount Folkestone, by his first wife. She married, in 1775, Sir James Tilney-Long, Bart., of Draycot Cerne, Wilts. Painted in 1764. XLVIII. Harriot Fawkener (1750-1825), The Hon. Mrs. Edward Bouverie, of Delapre, afterwards Lady Robert Spencer, and her eldest son, Edward (1767-1858). Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Only daughter of Sir Everard Fawkener, K. B. , by his wife Harriot Churchill. She married firstly va. \l(i4 (when only fourteen) the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapr^, and secondly in 1 8 1 1 (when over sixty). Lord Robert Spencer, third son of the third Duke of Marl borough. XLIX. Harriot Churchill (1726-1777), Lady Fawkener, AFTERWARDS MrS. PoWNALL. Daughter of Lieutenant-General Charles Churchill (d. 1745). In 1747 she married Sir Everard Fawkener, by whom she was the mother of Harriot, wife of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapre. She is depicted in a fancy dress as a Dame of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. L. Sir Everard Fawkener, K.B. (1684-1758). Son of William Fawkener, of London. Ambassador at Constanti nople in 1735 and (from 1745) Joint Postmaster-General. By his wife Harriot he was the father of the Hon. Mrs. Edward Bouverie (No. XLVIII). LI. Edward Bouverie (i 767-1858), of Delapr£. Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828). Eldest son of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapre, by his wife Harriot Fawkener. Painted in 1788. Family Portraits 45 LII. The Rev. John Bouverie (1779-1855). Second son of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapre, Rector of Woolbeding, Sussex, and St. Mary Tydd, Lincoln. Painted in 1798. LIII. Sir Henry Frederick Bouverie, K.C.B. (i 783-1852). Third son of the Hon. Edward Bouverie, of Delapr^. He served in Egypt and in the Peninsular War and from 1836 to 1843 was Governor of Malta. Painted in 1800. LIV. Edward Bouverie (1767-1858), of Delapr£. Frederick Richard Say (i8oo?-i858?). (See No. LI). Painted in 1853. LV.fGENERAL Everard William Bouverie (1789-1871). Eldest son of Edward Bouverie, of Delapre. Served in the Peninsula and in the Waterloo campaign. Equerry to the Prince Consort and to Queen Victoria. LVI.fGENERAL Everard William Bouverie (1789-1871). Cornells Cels (1778-1859). (See No. LV.) Painted at Brussels in July, 1815. LVII. Harriot Pleydell (1723-1750), the Hon. Mrs. Bouverie. Charles Philips (1708-1747). Only daughter and heiress of Sir Mark Stuart Pleydell, Bart., of Coleshill, Berks. Painted in 1746. LVIII. Harriot Pleydell (1723-1750), the Hon Mrs. Bouverie. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. LVII.) Painted in 1749. LIX. Harriot Pleydell (1723-1750), the Hon. Mrs. Bouverie. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779). (See No. LVII.) Painted in 1749. LX. Mary Stewart (1700-1747), Lady Pleydell. Michael Dahl (1656-1743). Daughter and heiress of Robert Stewart, Solicitor-General in the Island of Barbadoes, by his wife Mary Spire. In 1 719 she married Mark Stuart Pleydell, of Coleshill, Berks (created a Baronet in 1732). Painted in 1729. 46 Collection of the Earl of Radnor LXI, Anne Kingsmill (i6oo?-i673) Lady Forster. Anthony Van Dyck (i 599-1 641). Daughter of Sir William Kingsmill, of Sidmonton, Hants, by his wife Anne Wilkes. She was the mother of sixteen children. Her daughter Margaret married Sir George Pratt, of Coleshill, Berks, Bart., and their only daughter (who married Thomas Pleydell, of Shrivenham) was the great -grandmother of the Hon. Mrs. Bouverie, who brought the Coleshill estate to the Bouverie family. LXII. Portrait ofa Gentleman of theKingsmill Family. Cornells Janssens van Ceulen (1593-1664?). Dated 1627. LXIII. Portrait of a Lady of the Kingsmill Family. Cornells Janssens van Ceulen (1593-1664?). Dated 1632. This picture and its companion (No. LXII) were bought from Aldermaston (the seat of the Forster family) in 1776. They probably represent a brother and sister (or sister-in-law) of Anne Kingsmill, Lady Forster, but their identity has not been established. LXIV.*Rebecca Alleyne (i725?-i764). Viscountess Folkestone. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). Daughter of John Alleyne, of Four Hills, Barbadoes, by his wife Mary Terrill. Second wife of the Hon. William Bouverie, afterwards first Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1757. LXV. Rebecca Alleyne (i725?-i764) Viscountess Folke stone. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). (See No. LXIV.) Signed " 1760. J. Reynolds pinx*." LXVI. Mary Waters (1527-1620), Mrs. Honywood. English School. Daughter of Robert Waters, of Lenham, Kent. She married Robert Honywood, of Charing, by whom she was the mother of sixteen children, and had, at the time of her death, 367 descendants living. This picture commemorates a story which is thus told by Thomas Fuller: "Being much afflicted in mind, many ministers repaired to her, and amongst the rest, Reverend Mr. yb/zM/bj;. . . . All his counsels proved ineffectual, insomuch that in the agony of her soul, having a Venice-glass in her hand, she brake forth into this expression, / am. as surely damtCd as this glasse is broken, which she immediately threw with violence to the ground. Here Family Portraits 47 happened a wonder, the glasse rebounded again, and was taken up whole and entire. . . . However the Gentlewoman took no comfort thereat . . . until at last God, the great Clock-keeper of Time . . . suddenly shot comfort like lightning into her soul . . . so that she led the remainder of her life in spiritual gladnesse. " LXVII. Anne Hales (1736-1795), Lady Feversham, after wards Countess of Radnor. Francis Cotes, R.A. (17 25?-! 770). Fifth daughter of Sir Thomas Hales, of Beakesbourne, Bart., by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Marsham, Bart. She married firstly (in 1758) as his third wife, Anthony Duncombe, Lord Feversham of Downton, by whom she had one daughter, Anne, who married Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. Her second husband was William, first Earl of Radnor. Her father was lineally descended from Ann, seventh child of Mary Waters (Mrs. Honywood). Painted in 1766. LXVIII. Jacob Bouverie (1750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Eldest son of William, first Earl of Radnor, by bis first wife, Harriot Pleydell. Painted about 1752. LXIX. Jacob Bouverie (i 750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (1723-1792). (See No. LXVIII.) As 'Master Jacob Bouverie.' Signed and dated 1757. LXX. Jacob Bouverie (1750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793-1872), after Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland, Bart., R.A. (173S-181 1). (See No. LXVIII.) The original of this picture (at Coleshill House) was painted in 1774. LXXI.t Jacob Bouverie (i 750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Francis Cotes, R.A. (?) (i725?-i77o). (See No. LXVIII.) Probably painted in 1767. LXXII. Jacob Bouverie (1750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). (See No. LXVIII.) 48 Collection of the Earl of Radnor LXXIII.*The Hon. William Henry Bouverie (1752-1806). Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (1727-1788). (See No. XLII.) Painted in 1773 or 1774. LXXIV.*The Hon. Bartholomew Bouverie (1753-1835). Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (1727-1788). Second son of William, first Earl of Radnor, by his second wife, Rebecca Alleyne. Painted in 1773 or 1774. LXXV.*The Hon. Edward Bouverie (1760-1824). Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (1727-1788). Third son of William, first Earl of Radnor, by his second wife, Rebecca Alleyne. Painted in 1773. LXXVI.*The Hon. Frances Duncombe (1757-1827), Mrs. BowATER. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (1727-1788). Only daughter of Anthony Duncombe, Lord Feversham, of Downton, by his second wife, Frances, daughter of Peter Bathurst. She married (in 178S) John Bowater, Esq. Painted in 1773 or 1774- LXXVII. The Hon. Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), Countess of Radnor. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (172 7-1 788). Daughter and co-heiress of Anthony, Lord Feversham, of Downton, by his third wife, Anne Hales. Painted (at the age of eighteen) in 1778. LXXVIII.*The Hon. Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), Countess of Radnor. Richard Cosway, R.A. (i 740-1821). (See No. LXXVII.) Drawn (at the age of twenty-two) in 1781. LXXIX. The Hon. Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), Countess OF Radnor. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (i 723-1 792). (See No. LXXVII. ) Painted (at the age of twenty-eight) in 1 787. LXXX.*The Hon. Anne Duncombe (1759-1829), Countess OF Radnor. John Hoppner, R.A. (1758-1810). (See No. LXXVII.) Painted (at the age of thirty-seven) in 1796. Family Portraits 49 LXXXI.*Anthony Duncombe (i695?-i763). Lord Fever sham, OF Downton. Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). Only son of Anthony Duncombe, of Barford, by his wife Jane, daughter of the Hon. Frederick Cornwallis. Created Lord Fever sham, of Downton in 1747. Father of the Hon. Anne Duncombe, Countess of Radnor. (See No. LXXVII.) LXXXII. Anthony Duncombe (i695?-i763). Lord Fever sham, OF Downton. Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723). (See No. LXXXI.) Painted in 1718. LXXXIII. *WiLLiAM Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), THIRD Earl of Radnor, and his Sister, Lady Mary Anne Pleydell-Bouverie (1778-1790). Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). The two eldest children of Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1 785. Signed, right lower corner. LXXXIV.*Admiral the Hon. Duncombe Pleydell- Bouverie (1780-1850). Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). Second son of Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1785. LXXXV.*The Hon. Laurence Pleydell-Bouverie (1781- 181 1). Richard Cosway, R.A. (i 740-1821). Third son of Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1788. Signed, right top corner. LXXXVI.*The Rev. and Hon. Frederick Pleydell- Bouverie (1785-1857), AND THE Hon. Philip Pley dell-Bouverie (1788-1872). Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). Fourth and fifth sons of Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1799. LXXXVII.*Lady Barbara Pleydell-Bouverie (1783- 1798). Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793-1872), after Richard Cosway, R.A. (i 740-1821). Third daughter of Jacob, second Earl of Radnor. A copy (with alterations) of a picture painted by Cosway in 1799. D 50 Collection of the Earl of Radnor LXXXVIII. William Pleydell-Bouverie (i 779-1869), THIRD Earl of Radnor. Marie Louise Elizabeth Vigke-Lebrun (1755-1842). (See No. LXXXIII.) Painted in 1800. LXXXIX.*WiLLiAM Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), third Earl of Radnor. Eden Upton Eddis (1812-1901). (See No. LXXXIII.) Painted in 1840. XC. Lady Catherine Pelham-Clinton (1776-1804), Vis countess Folkestone. Sir foshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (i 723-1792). Only child of Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, by his wife Frances, daughter of Francis, Marquess of Hertford. She married William, Viscount Folkestone (afterwards third Earl of Radnor) in iSoo. Painted in 1781. XCI. Lady Catherine Pelham-Clinton (i 776-1804), Viscountess Folkestone. Sir William Beechey, R.A. (1753-1839). (See No. XC.) Painted in 1801. XCII.*JuDiTH Anne St. John-Mildmay (1790-1851), Countess of Radnor. fohn Saunders (1750-1825). Third daughter of Sir Henry Paulet St. John-Mildmay, Bart., by his wife Jane, daughter of Carew Mildmay. Married (in 1814), as his second wife, William, Viscount Folkestone, afterwards third Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1821. XCIII. Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie (1815-1889), fourth Earl of Radnor. /. J. Pittar. Eldest son of William, third Earl of Radnor, by his second wife, Judith Anne St. John-Mildmay. XCIV. Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie (1815-1889), fourth Earl of Radnor. George Richmond, R.A. (1809-1896). (See No. XCIII.) Painted in 1873. Family Portraits 51 XCV. Lady Mary Augusta Frederica Grimston (1820-1879), Countess of Radnor. Frederick Percy Graves (1837-1903). Third daughter of James Walter, first Earl of Verulam, by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Charles, first Earl of Liverpool. Married (1840) Jacob, Viscount Folkestone, afterwards fourth Earl of Radnor. Painted in 1872 from a sketch by C. R. Leslie, R.A., for the picture of the coronation of Queen Victoria. XCVI. Lady Mary Augusta Frederica Grimston (1820- 1879), Countess of Radnor. August Wilhelm Rudolph Lehmann (1819-1905). (See No. XCV. ) Queen Victoria's Bridesmaids' order lies on the table beside her. Painted in 1877. XCVII. fWiLLiAM Pleydell-Bouverie (1841-1900), fifth Earl of Radnor. L. Bruck-Lajos (1846-1894?). Eldest son of Jacob, fourth Earl of Radnor, by his wife. Lady Mary Augusta Grimston. Painted in 1888, as the Treasurer of the Royal Household. XCVIII. William Pleydell-Bouverie (1841-1900), fifth Earl of Radnor. James Jebusa Shannon, R.A. {b. 1862). (See No. XCVII.) Painted in 1895, in Peer's Pariiamentary robes. XCIXfHELEN Matilda Chaplin, Countess of Radnor. L. Bruck-Lajos (1846-1894?). Second daughter of the Rev. Henry Chaplin, of Blankney, co. Lincoln, by his wife Caroline Horatia, third daughter of William Ellice, of Logie Castle. Painted in 1888. C.fWiLLiAM Pleydell-Bouverie (1841-1900), fifth Earl OF Radnor; Helen Matilda Chaplin, Countess of Radnor; and Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie (b. 1868), sixth Earl of Radnor. Edward Clifford (1844-1907). (See Nos. XCVIII, XCIX, and No. CIII.) Painted in 1882. 52 Collection of the Earl of Radnor CL Helen Matilda Chaplin, Countess of Radnor. James Jebusa Shannon, R.A. (b. 1862). (SeeNo.XCIX.) TheCoburgorder"fiirKunstundWissenschaft" lies on the pianoforte. Painted in 1897. CIL Lady Wilma Pleydell-Bouverie, Countess of Lathom. James Jebusa Shannon, R.A. (b. 1862). Second daughter of William, fifth Earl of Radnor, by his wife, Helen Matilda Chaplin. Painted in 1889-91. CIII. Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie (b. 1868) sixth Earl of Radnor. George Frederick Watts, R.A. {i8ii-igo4). Eldest son of William, fifth Earl of Radnor, by his wife, Helen Matilda Chaplin. Drawn in 1890. CIV. Julian Eleanor Adelaide Balfour, Countess of Radnor. George Frederick Watts, R.A. (18 17-1904). Only daughter of Charles Balfour, of Newton Don, by his second wife, Minnie Georgiana, elder daughter of Colonel George Augustus Frederick Liddell. Married (in 1891), Jacob, Viscount Folkestone, afterwards sixth Earl of Radnor. Drawn in 1890. MINIATURES I. Elizabeth (1533-1603), Queen of England. Nicholas Hilliard (1537-1619). 2. A Lady in Black and White. Nicholas Hilliard (1537-1619). 3 . A Youth in Yellow. Nicholas Hilliard (1537-1619). 4. A Young Man in a Grey Robe. Nicholas Hilliard (153 7-1 6 19). 5. A Man in Black. Nicholas Hilliard (1537-1619). Miniatures 53 6. Mary (1542-1587), Queen of Scots. The above miniatures were bought by the second Earl of Radnor in 1796 in a small carved and gilt cabinet. Nos. I -5 are enclosed in ivory boxes ; No. 6 is in a silver filagree and crystal pendant. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 were formerly called Henry Darnley, David Rizzio and James I. 7. "La Bella di Tiziano." 18th century, after Titian. 8. Sir Edward Des Bouveries, Kt. (1621-1694). 9. Sir Charles Duncombe, Kt. (i648?-i7ii), Lord Mayor OF London. 10. Archibald Hutcheson, M.P. (1660-1737). II. Eliza Laurence (1689-1737), Mrs. Hutcheson. Mrs. Hutcheson was the step-mother of Lady Pleydell. 12. Anthony Duncombe (i695?-i763). Lord Feversham. Dated 1 718. 13. Anthony Duncombe (i695?-i763) Lord Feversham. 14. Christopher Des Bouverie (1699-1719). 15. Bartholomew Clarke (d. 1746). 16. Mary Young (d. 1768), Mrs. Clarke. 17. Mary Clarke (i7oo?-i739), Lady Bouverie. Christian Friedrich Zincke {i6?>4>-ii6l). 18. Mary Stewart (1700-1747), Lady Pleydell. 19. Mary Stewart (1700-1747), Lady Pleydell. 20. Harriet Pleydell (1723-1750), Hon. Mrs. William Bouverie. 21. William Bouverie (1725-1776). second Viscount Folkestone, first Earl of Radnor (as Master Billey Bouverie). Christian Friedrich Zincke (1684?-! 767). 54 Collection of the Earl of Radnor 22. William Bouverie (1725-1776), second Viscount Folkestone, first Earl of Radnor (as the Hon. William Bouverie). Christian Friedrich Zincke (i684?-i767). Dated 1748. 23. The Same. Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-182 1), after Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. (No. XXXIX.) 24. Anne Hales (i 736-1 795), Lady Feversham, afterwards Countess of Radnor (as Lady Feversham). 25. The Same (dated 1777). 26. The Hon. Edward Bouverie (1738-1810), of DelaprI 27. Jacob Bouverie (1750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). 28. Jacob Bouverie (i 750-1828), second Earl of Radnor. Richard Cosway, R.A. (1740-1821). 29. Jacob Bouverie (1750-1828), second Earl of Radnor, AND Hon. Anne Duncombe (i 759-1829), Countess OF Radnor. John Smart (1741-1811). Set in a gold and enamelled tablet case. Painted in 1778. 30. Lady Mary Anne Pleydell-Bouverie (i 778-1 790). I. S, after Richard Cosway, R.A. (No. LXXXIII). 31. William Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), third Earl OF Radnor. /. S., after Richard Cosway, R.A. (No. LXXXIII). 32. Hon. Duncombe Pleydell-Bouverie (1780-1850). I. S., after Richard Cosway, R.A. (No. LXXXIV). 33. Hon. Lawrence Pleydell-Bouverie (i 781-181 i). /. .S., after Richard Cosway, R.A. (No. LXXXV). 34. Lady Barbara Pleydell-Bouverie (i 783-1 798). Miniatures 55 35. William Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), third Earl OF Radnor. William Wood {11 6o?-i&og). 36. William Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), third Earl OF Radnor. 37. Judith Anne St. John-Mildmay (1790-1851), Countess of Radnor. 38. Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie (1779-1869), fourth Earl OF Radnor, as an Infant. 39. Hon. Anna Maria Pleydell-Bouverie (1817-1825), Daughter of William, third Earl of Radnor. 40. A Daughter of James Walter, first Earl of Verulam, as a Child. Either Lady Katherine Grimston (1810-1874), Countess of Clarendon, or Lady Emily Mary Grimston (1815-1901), Countess of Craven. 4i.*WiLLiAM Ellice (1814-1892) and his Sister Caroline Horatia (1815-1858), Mrs. Henry Chaplin, as Children. fames Holmes (1777-1860). 42.*Helen Matilda Chaplin, Countess of Radnor. Edward Tayler (1829-1906). Painted in 1856. 43.*Ernest Chaplin (born 1849). Edward Tayler (1829-1906). Painted in 1856. 44. William Pleydell-Bouverie (born 1895), Viscount Folkestone. Mrs. Mabel Lee Hankey (born 1867). Painted in June, 1899. 45. Judith Anne St. John-Mildmay (1790-1851), Countess of Radnor. After fohn Saunders (No. XCII.) 46, 47. James Walter Grimston (i77S-i84S)> fi^st Earl of Verulam, and Lady Charlotte Jenkinson (1783-1863), Countess of Verulam. Set in a silver-gilt case. INDEX OF PAINTERS Allegri (Antonio) da Correggio, 26. Anthonissen (Hendrik van), 28. Avercamp (Hendrick), 17. Bakhuysen (Ludolf), 35. Bassano (Giacomo). See Ponte (G. da). Beechey (Sir William), 50. Beck (David), 36. Berettini (Pietro) da Cortona, 27. Bles (Herri met de), 30. Bloot (Pieter Pietersz de), 16. Bordone (Paris), 25. Borgognone, II. See Courtois (J. ). Bruck-Lajos (L.), 51 (2). Brueghel (Jan) the Elder, called 'Velvet Brueghel,' 17, 18, 27, 34. 35- Callot (Jacques), 20, 21. Carpenter (Mrs. Margaret Sarah), 47. 48. Carracci (Ludovico) 24, 27, 164. Casteels (Peter), 36 (2). Cels (Cornelis), 45. Cippor (Giacomo Francesco), 18 (2). Cleef (Joos van) the Younger, School of, 31. Clifford (Edward), 51. Closterman (John), 41. Correggio (Antonio Allegri da). See Allegri. Cort (Hendrik Frans de), 35. Cortona (Pietro da). See Berettini. Costanzi (Placido), 29 (2). Cosway (Richard), 47, 48, 49 (5), 54 (3). Cotes (Francis), 47 (2). Courtois (Jacques), called ' II Bor gognone,' 18, 34 (2). Cuyp (Aelbert), 16. Dahl (Michael), 40, 41 (3), 45. Dance-Holland (Sir Nathaniel), 47. Demmersen (P. C), 36. Diepenbeeck (Abraham van), 20. Diest (Adriaen van), 23 (2), 35. Dobson (William), 31. Dolci (Cario), 27, 31. Dughet(Gaspard)[GaspardPoussin], 32, 34 (3)- Dutch School, 28, 36, 37 (2). 58 Collection of the Earl of Radnor Dyck (Sir Anthony van), l6, 17 (2), 19 (3). 21 ; School of, 35, 36, 46. Eddis (Eden Upton), 50. Eeckhout (Gerbrandt van den), 16(2). English School, 18, 37, 46. Everdingen (Allart van), 35. Ferg (Franz de Paula), 23, 24. Flemish School, 28. French School, 33. Gainsborough (Thomas), 42, 43, 48 (5). Garofalo. .See Tisi (B.). Gelee or Gellee (Claude), called Claude Lorrain, 25, 26. German School, 32 (2), 33, 35, 36. Gheeraerts (Marcus) the Younger, 33 (2). Gossaert (Jan), called Jan van Mabuse, 26, 27. Goyen (Jan van), 35. Graves (Frederick Percy), 51. Hackert (Jacob Philipp) or Hackert (Johann Gottlieb), 23. Hals (Frans), 17 (2). Hankey (Mrs. Mabel Lee-). See Lee- Hankey. Heem (Jan Davidsz de), 17. Heemskerk (Egbert van), the Elder, 32. Heere (Lucas d'), 33, 34. Heeremans (Thomas), 31. Hemessen (Jan van). See Sanders. Hilliard (Nicholas), 52 (5). Hobbema (Meindert), 15. Holbein (Hans) the Younger, 24, 30. 31- Holland (Sir Nathaniel Dance-). See Dance-Holland. Holmes (James), 55. Hondecoeter (Melchior d'), 18. Hoppner (John), 48. Huchtenburg (Johan van), 35. Hudson (Thomas), 41 (3), 42 (3), 43. 44. 45 (2). Huysmans (Cornelis), 34. Italian School, 37 (2). Janssens van Ceulen (Cornells), 20, 22, 30, 46 (2). Kauffmann (Angelica), 43. Kerseboom (Friedrich), 38 (2), 39 (2). Kneller (Sir Godfrey), 19, 23, 39 (2), 40 (6), 49 (2) ; School of, 39. Koekkoek (Hermanus), 35. Lajos(L. Bruck-). .Si!i» Bruck-Lajos. Lauri (Filippo), 24. Lebrun (Mdme. Marie Louise Elisa beth Vigee-), 50. Lee-Hankey (Mrs. Mabel), 55. Lehmann (August Wilhelm Ru dolph), 51. Index of Painters 59 Lely (Sit Peter), 31 (2); School of, 39 (2). Lievens (Jan), 34. Loo (Jean Baptiste Van), 41 (2), 42 (2). Lorrain (Claude). See Gel^e. Luciani (Sebastiano di Francesco). See Piombo (S. del). Luker (William), 36. Mabuse (Jan van). See Gossaert. Man (Cornelis de), 21. Mans(de), (?), 35. Maratti (Carlo), 29 (2), 30. Mariow (William), 18. Matsys, Massys or Metsys (Quentin), 24. Mazzuoh (Francesco) called II Parmigiano, 29. Mengs (Anton Raphael), 43. Meyer (Hendrick de), 31. Miereveld (Michiel Jansz van), 21 (3), 22 (2), 33, 38- Minderhout (Hendrik van), 28. Mola (Pietro Francesco), 24, 31, 32. Momper (Joos de) the Younger, 16. Monnoyer (Jean Baptiste), 37 (2). Mor, Moor, or Moro (Sir Antonis), 22. Murillo (Bartolome Esteban), 26, 36. Musin (Auguste Henri), 37 (2). Mytens (Daniel) the Elder, 19, 27- Nattes (John Claude), 18. Neer (Aert, or Aemout, van der), 16. Netheriandish School, 26, 3° (2)- Netscher (Caspar), 23, 27, 35. Occhiali (Gasparo degli). See Wittel (C. van). Palamedes (Anthonie). See Ste vaerts. Parmigiano. See Mazzuoli (F.). Patel (Pierre), 28. Peeters (Bonaventura), 28 (2). Penni (Giovanni Francesco), 27. Philips (Charles), 45. Piombo (Sebastiano del), 24. Pippi ( Giulio), called Giulio Romano. See Romano. Pittar (L J.), 50. Poelenburgh, or Poelenborch (Cor nelis van), 15. Ponte (Jacopo da), called Bassano, 19 (4)- Poussin (Gaspard). See Dughet. Poussin (Nicolas), 25, 26. R., H., 38. Ravesteyn (Jan Anthonisz van), 20. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, School of, 23, 26. Reni (Guido), 26, 27. Reynolds (Sir Joshua), 42, 43 (3), 44 (2), 46 (2), 47, 48. 5°- Ribera (Jusepe de), called Spagno letto, 23, 24. Ricci (Sebastiano), 29, 30. Richmond (George), 50. Robusri (Jacopo), called Tintoretto, 25- 6o Collection of the Earl of Radnor Roffe (William John), 37 (2). Romanelli (Giovanni Francesco), 20, 21. Romano (Giulio) [Giulio di Filippo dei Granazzi], 29. Rosa (Salvator), 22, 35. Rottenhammer (Johann), 27, 29. Rubens (Sir Petrus Paulus), 16, 17, 22, 25, 27, 32. Ruisdael (Jacob Isaacksz van), 23, 34. S., I. Miniatures, 54. Saedeler (J. de), 36. Salvi (Giambattista), called Sasso ferrato, 33. Sanders (Jan), called van Hemessen, 35- Sarto (Andrea [d'Agnolo di Fran cesco] del), 21. Sassoferrato. j'«e Salvi (G. ). Saunders Qohn), 50. Say (Frederick Richard), 45. Schut (Cornelis), 20 (2). Scott (Samuel), 25 (2). Shannon (James Jebusa), 51, 52 (2). Smart (John), 54. Snyers (Pieter), 28 (2). Spagnoletto. See Ribera (J. de). Stevaerts(Anthonie Palamedesz), 17. Stretes (Guillim), 30. Stuart (Gilbert), 44. Subleyras (Pierre), 32. Tayler (Edward), 55 (2). Teniers (David) the Elder, 15, 34. Teniers (David) the Younger, 16. Tintoretto. See Robusti (Jacopo). Tisi (Benvenuto), called " II Garo falo," 29. Titian (after), 53. Uden (Lucas van), 17 (3). Vandyke (Sir Anthony). See Dyck (Sir A. van). Van Loo (Jean Baptiste). See Loo. Veen (Otto van), 22. Velazquez (Diego Rodriguez de Silva y), 25. Velde (Adriaen van de), 23. Velde (Willem van de) the Younger, 16. Venetian School, 31. Verhulst (Pieter), 25. Vigee- Lebrun (Mdme. Marie Louise Elisabeth). See Lebrun. Vliet (Hendrick Cornelisz van), 32. Vos (Simon de), 32. Walker (Robert), 23. Watts (George Frederick), 52 (2). Wittel (Caspar van), 15, 18. Wood (William), 54. Wootton 0ohn), 35, 36. Wouwerman (Philips), 15, 16, 17; School of, 23. Wynants (Jan), 23, 28. Zincke (Christian Friedrich), 53 (2), 54- Zuccaro (Federigo), 28, 34. chiswick press : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS court, chancery LANE, LONDON.