K<^1'\ s'.\ ^'"W^ ^ YALE \ CENTER , Art / ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF A LOAN COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH NEW YORK AND TORONTO Frontlipiccc No 56 WILLIAM HARVEY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OP A LOAN COLLECTION OP PORTEAITS OF ENGLISH HISTORICAL PERSONAGES WHO DIED BETWEEN 1625 AND 1714 EXHIBITED IN THE EXAMINATION SCHOOLS, OXFORD APRIL AND MAY, MDCCCCV OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1905 OXFORD PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY GENERAL COMMITTEE The Viscount Goschen, Chancellor OP THE University. The Earl or Hausbuhy, Hish Steward. The Rector op Lincoln, Vice- Chancellor. The Earl op Jersey, Lord-Lieu tenant op Oxfordshire. The Lord Bishop op Oxford. The Mayor op Oxford. The Archbishop op Canterbury. The Duke op Marlborough, K.G. The Earl op Rosebery, K.G. The Earl op Abingdon. The Viscount Valentia, M.P. The Viscount Dillon. The Lord Teignmouth. Sir George Dashwood, Bart. The Lady Wantage. The Lord Balcarres, M.P. Sir Walter Gray. Mb. Lewis Harcourt, M.P. Mb. G. H. Morrell, M.P. Mr. E. A. Abbey, R.A. The Master op University. The Master op Balliol. The Warden op Merton. The Rector op Exeter. The Provost op Oriel. *The Provost op Queen's. The Warden op New College. The Warden op All Souls. *The President op Magdalen {OhairrrMv). The Principal op Brasenose. The President op Corpus. The Dean op Christ Church. The President op Trinity. The President op St. John's. The Principal op Jesus. The Warden op Wadham. The Master op Pembroke. The Provost op Worcester. The Principal op Hertford. The Principal op St. Edmund Hall. The Warden op Keble. The Censor op Non-Collegiate Students. *The Master op the Temple. *Db. Shadwell. Dr. a. j. Butler. * Mr. Lionel Cust, M. V. O. , Director OP THE National Portrait Gallery. *Mr. a. H. Church, D.Sc, F.R.S., Professor op Chemistry in the Royal Academy op Arts. Dr. j. W. Clark, Registrary of the University of Cambridge. Mr. Sidney Colvin, Keeper op Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Professor Burrows. Professor Firth. Professor Gardner. * Professor Doling, F.R.S. Professor Oman. Professor Raleigh. The Rev. H. E. D. Blakiston. The Rev. W. H. Hutton. *Mr. G. E. Baker {Hon. Treasurer). *Mr. T. W. Jackson. Mr. a. Macdonald. Mr. F. Madan. Mr. F. p. Morrell. *Mr. j. L. Myhes. Mr. R. L. Poole. Mr. R. W. Raper. Mr. F. Ryman Hall. Mr. W. S. S. Tyrwhitt. *The Rev. W. Warner. Mr. H. E. Wooldridge. *Mrs. R. L. Poole ) Hon. Secre- *Mr. C. F. Bell J taries. * Members of the Executive Committee. 5 INTRODUCTION By Lionel Cust, M.V.O., M.A., F.S.A., Director of the National Portrait Gallery, Surveyor of the King's Pictures and Works of Art, &c. IN the introduction to the Catalogue of the first Exhibition of Historical Portraits at Oxford, the history of portrait- painting in England was lightly sketched from early days down to the accession of Charles I. During the reign of this king, whose true appreciation and cultivated patronage of the Fine Arts have done much to temper the criticism of posterity on the disastrous part played by Charles in the history of his country, a most important event occurred, which finally closed an epoch in the history of portrait-painting in England, and opened another, which has continued with episodes up to the present day. This event was the arrival in England of Anthony Van Dyck, as painter to the Court and aristocracy of England. The effect of Van Dyck's appearance in English art may be compared to that at a later date of Byron in the world of literature. When Anthony Van Dyck arrived in England in 1632, the art of portrait-painting, which was at the time the only one of the pictorial arts which could be said to be flourishing in England, was still hide-bound in the stilted formulas of the Netherlandish schools, as represented by the schools of Mytens, Miereveldt, and Honthorst. Van Dyck himself did not anywhere destroy the formulas and conventions which he found existing, but assimilated them to his own style, and by so doing laid down a new set of formulas and conventions, which have been followed more or less continuously by portrait-painters up to the present day. The immense influence exercised by Van Dyck is the more remarkable seeing that of his short life of forty-one years only 7 INTRODUCTION some six and a half were spent in England, and that his circle of patronage was almost entirely confined to the Court and to the great territorial families of the aristocracy with whom the Court was chiefly associated. It is not surprising therefore to find that the Universities were but little aifected by the dazzling incursion of Van Dyck into the world of art in England. Short, however, as was the career of Van Dyck in England, its effect was of instantaneous importance. Among his numerous pupils and assistants, who were employed in turning out of his workshop the many repetitions and copies of such portraits as were most in demand by the King or Queen or the nobility or by the royalist adherents during the Civil War, there were painters of English birth, like Dobson, and others, whose deri vation from Van Dyck is sufficiently obvious, such as Robert Walker and John Michael Wright, to say nothing of the greatest of all portrait-painters in miniature, Samuel Cooper. It is a habit, which recent historians such as Dr. Gardiner and Professor Firth have done something to dispel, to look upon the years of the Commonwealth as a period of gloomy negation with regard to the study and practice of art. It is true that after the glamour of Van Dyck and the reflected twilight of Dobson diu-ing the residence of the Court at Oxford, the Cromwellian period seems somewhat sombre and uninteresting, but in reality there was being engendered in the country a school of native-born artists, such as Robert Walker, J. M. Wright, John Riley, and later on Sir James Thornhill, to whom is due the credit of being the pioneers of a national school of painting, a credit which is often unduly bestowed upon William Hogarth. The career of William Dobson is a pleasing tribute to the character of Van Dyck, who discerned his talent and made him one of his special assistants, it being Apossible to trace Dobson's hand in the completion of many portraits which issued from Van Dyck's studio about the time of or after the great painter's death. When that event occurred unexpectedly in December, 1641, the mantle fell upon Dobson, who succeeded Van Dyck in the favour of royalty, and resided at Oxford as Court painter while 8 Oir Wilhamj/ojrieofJy^ oridraUe ore of^the^Jiath and JDarrone %Jkj.aX\s OucB 52 J\r}icjnt of the' 16Z4 tV /Pii! F ¦ * -!5«« '3<"« >^ (i!^^ Mavtus Oheerae Mc^^ and Child ; 29. Men; 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 137. Ussher, James, 68. Villiers, Barbara, Duchess of Cleve land ; 206. ?Walker, Robert ; 69. ?Wall, John ; 93. ?Wallis, John ; 163. ?Ward, Seth ; 170. Warner, John ; 96. Wendy, Sir Thomas ; 114. White, Thomas ; 180. Wightwick, Alexander ; 68. ?Wilkins, John ; 112, 113. William III, King ; 193. ?Williams, John ; 48. Williamson, Sir Joseph ; 194. ?Wilson, John ; 108. Woodroffe, Benjamin ; 219. ?¦Wotton, Sir Henry ; 18. Wright, Robert ; 23. Yate, Thomas; 139. 101 INDEX OF PAINTERS Ashfield, Edmund ; pupil of Michael Wright ; worked in London ; a portrait of the Duke of Lauderdale by him, dated 1674-6, is at Ham House ; 169. Bathurst, George ; amateur artist ; Fellow of St. John's College ; d. 1647; 24. Beale, Mary ; b. 1632 ; pupil of Ro bert Walker (?) ; friend and copyist of Lely ; worked in London ; d. there 1697 ; 112, 171, 172. Bower, Edward ; worked in London ; a portrait by him, dated 1648, is at Belvoir Castle ; 77. Byng, Robert ; assistant of Kneiler ; worked in London and Salisbury ; 226. Carwarden, J. ; his name appears upon the engraving by Faithorne from his portrait of Christopher Simpson ; 99. Crats, Oliver de ; known only in connexion with this portrait ; 82. Dahl, Michael ; b. at Stockholm, 1656 ; settled in London, 1688 ; d. there 1743 ; 208, 227. Dandridge, Bartholomew ; said to have flourished about 1760, and died young ; 218. Dobson, William ; b. 1610 ; pupil of Van Dyck, sergeant painter to King Charles I, 1641 ; worked in London, and Oxford 1642-6 ; d. in London, 1646 ; 84. Dyck, A. V. ; known only in con nexion with this portrait ; 116. Fisher, Robert ; known only in con nexion with this portrait ; 108. Gandy, William ; son of a painter of Exeter, where he likewise settled about 1700 ; d. 1729 ; 199. Gheeraerts, Marcus, the younger ; b. at Bruges (?) 1561 ; accompanied his father, also a painter, to Lon don, 1568 ; d. there 1635 ; 8. Gibson, Thomas ; b. 1680 (?) ; assist ant of Sir James Thornhill ; worked in London, and at Oxford about 1730 ; d. in London, 1761 ; 204. Greenhill, John ; b. at Salisbury, 1644 (.'') ; pupil of Lely ; worked in London ; d. there 1676 ; 147, 170. Huysmans, Jacob ; b. at Antwerp, 1636 Q) ; pupil of Gilles Backer- eel (.'') ; settled in London about 1660 ; d. there 1696 ; 203. Jackson, John, R.A. ; b. 1778 ; pupil of the Royal Academy ; worked in London ; d. there 1831 ; 171. Kneiler, Sir Godfrey ; b. at Liibeck, 1646 ; pupil of Ferdinand Bol ; settled in London, 1675 ; d. at Twickenham, 1723; 128, 158, 161, 163, 176, 196, 206, 206, 211, 223. Lanier, Nicholas ; known aa a painter only in connexion with this por trait ; 91. Laroon, Marcellus, the elder ; b. at the Hague, 1653 ; settled in Lon don before 1680 ; assistant of KneUer ; d. in London, 1702 ; 160. Lely, Sir Peter ; b. at Soest near Utrecht, 1618 ; studied at Haar lem ; settled in London, 1641 ; d. there 1680 ; 73, 109, 125, 126, 132, 134, 148, 153, 159, 171, 172, 183, 184, 228. loa INDEX OF PAINTERS Maubert, James ; worked probably in London ; d. 1746 ; 196. Miereveldt, Michiel Janszen ; b. at Delft, 1667 ; worked in Holland ; d. at Delft, 1641 ; 12. Murrey, Thomas; b. in Scotland, 1663 ; pupil of Riley ; worked in London ; d. 1734 ; 4. Neve, Cornelius ; known only in con nexion with portraits, signed by him, at Knole, Petworth, and in the National Portrait Gallery, and, attributed to him, in the present collection ; 64, 66. Parry, William, A.R.A. ; b. in Lon don, 1742 ; pupil of Reynolds ; worked in Rome, and London where he d. 1791 ; 7. Quinkhardt, Jan Maurits ; b. at Rees near Cleves, 1688 ; worked at Am sterdam ; d. 1772 ; 177. Rieder or Reader, William ; b. at Maidstone ; pupil of Soest ; painted Dr. Plot (d. 1696) and Dr. Blow (d. 1708) ; 188. Riley, John ; b. in London, 1646 ; pupil of Soest ; worked in London ; d. there 1691 ; 127, 144, 178, 224. Scheffer, F. ; perhaps an engravers' copyist, known only in connexion with an engraving by Vertue from the present picture ; 216. Shorter ; known only in connexion with this portrait ; 66. Soest, Gerard ; b. at Soest near Utrecht ; settled in London, 1666 ; d. there 1681 ; 166. Sonmans, WUlem ; b. in Holland ; painted in Oxford, and London where he d. 1708 ; 173, 186, 197. Taylor, John ; worked in Oxford ; earliest authenticated picture dated 1665; Bailiff of Oxford, 1687, Mayor, 1696 ; 60, 86, 93, 96, 101, 176. Tuer, Herbert ; b. in England ; worked in Holland ; d. at Utrecht (?) before 1680; 156. Van der Gucht, Benjamin; b. and worked in London ; d. there 1794 ; 115. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony ; b. at Ant werp, 1599 ; pupil of Rubens ; visited London, 1620 ; settled there 1632 ; d. there 1641 ; 36, 36, 37, 38, 39, 71, 72, 74, 76, 106, 121, 131. Van Somer, Paul ; b. at Antwerp, 1676 ; settled in London, about 1606 ; d. there 1621 ; 14. Walker, Robert ; worked in London ; d. 1658 (?) ; 69, 78. Wissing, Willem ; b. at Amsterdam, 1656 ; settled in London about 1680 ; assistant of Lely ; d. at Burleigh House, 1687 ; 192. Wright, John Michael ; b. in Scot land, 1625 (?) ; pupil of Jamesone ; worked in London ; d. there 1700 (?) ; 142. 103 INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS All Souls College ; 15, 41, 77, 94, Lincoln College ; 48, 98, 150. 136, 171. Ashmolean Museum, Visitors of the ; Magdalen College; 81, 95, 96, 142, 13, 14, 16, 27, 64, 64, 66, 70, 71, 166, 180, 185, 225. 73, 82, 83, 84, 106, 122, 137, 138, Merton College ; 67, 103, 125, 183. 140, 141, 188. New College ; 46, 182, 200, 216, 217, Balliol College; 10, 11, 107, 114, 221. 118, 124, 222. Bodleian Library, Curators of the ; Oriel College ; 30, 32, 97, 167, 227. 2, 18, 31, 36, 60, 55, 58, 92, 100, Oxford, City of; 66, 85, 93, 101, 176, 102, 109, 131, 132, 158, 161, 163, 174, 186, 187, 189, 199, 204, 208, 209, 228. Brasenose College ; 26, 44, 45, 139, 177. Christ Church : Deanof; 121,153,164. Dean and Canons of; 42, 179, 210, 212. Governing Body of ; 12, 21, 43, 79, 127, 148, 152, 178, 205, 211. Lady Margaret Professor of Di vinity ; 213. Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 143, 144. Dillon, Viscount ; 184, 192, 206. Divinity, Lady Margaret Professor of; 214. Ecclesiastical History, Regius Pro fessor of; 143, 144. Exeter College ; 25, 40, 47, 49, 53, 111, 117, 119, 147, 166, 181, 216. Harcourt, Lewis, Esq., M.P. ; 115. Hertford College ; 133, 172, 226. 191. Pembroke College ; 63, 68, 149, 214. Queen's College ; 28, 34, 61, 62, 76, 104, 120, 161, 164, 165, 169, 176, 194, 196, 224. Dr. Radcliffe's Trustees ; 223. Saint John's College ; 4, 5, 20, 37, 38, 39, 72, 74, 89, 129, 207, 220. Schools, Curators of the ; 6, 33, 60, 86, 87, 88, 91, 99, 108, 116, 136, 146, 157, 162, 197. Sheldonian Theatre, Curators of the ; 159. Spencer, Earl, K.G. ; 78. Trinity College ; 3, 8, 9, 19, 24, 134, 146, 170, 196, 203. University College ; 17, 22, 190. Master of ; 66. University Picture Galleries, Curators of the ; 61, 69, 126, 218. Jesus College ; 1, 7, 29, 76, 90, 123, Wadham College ; 23, 52, 69, 67, 128, 130, 155, 168. 80, 106, 110, 112, 113, 160, 173, 193, 198, 201. Keble College ; 36. Worcester College ; 202, 219. 104 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08854 2866