grease •l..•5.. >, '* -, . 4 iJ^lCil ^* . ir _ ^ JfXJ' _ ¦• ,:* "Ius *¦• * *3 ^j'-"- "^ "^h^-. W- . -A '^r ^^ ',> Yale Center for British Art and British Studies C{)e ^utl) aibrarj. 1 30 Copies only printed for sale. Cfje ^utf) Etbrar^. A CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. AND ENGRAVINGS, COLLECTED BY HENRY HUTH, WITH III COLLATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONS. ? ' ' L'etude de la bibliographie, si aride en apparence pour qui ne la considere que superficiellement, est loin, pour qui I'examine de plus pr^s, d'etre depourvue d'un certain charme ; elle offre i I'esprit observateur bien des faits curieux, bien des anecdotes piquantes, bien des rapprochements singuliers. Voila pourquoi sans doute plusieurs hommes de lettres distingues, des poetes meme, se sont livres a cette etude avec autant d'ardeur que de sueces. " — Brunet. VOL. III. I-O. ELLIS AND W^HITE, jLonDon. 1880. CItrsWICK PRESS :— CIIAKLES WHITTINGHAM, TOOKS COUKT, CHANCERY LANE. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HENRY HUTH. I., A. A godly Ballad declaring by the Scriptures the plagues that haue insued whordome. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London at the long Shop adioining vnto Sai^ict Mildreds Churche in the Poultrie by John Allde. Anno Domini 1^66. Nouembris 2$. A Broadside. Black letter. Twenty-five stanzas of four lines. No other copy is known. Reprinted in "Ancient Ballads," &c., 1867. I., R. Nova Britannia. Offering fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. London Printed for Samvel Macham, and are to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe ofthe Bull-head. 1609. 4to. Black letter. R. M. A — E 3 in fours. This tract, which has been reprinted in facsimile, is perhaps the rarest of all those of an historical character relating to Virginia, except Rich's metrical narrative. It would appear from the dedication, which is addressed to Sir Thomas Smith, that the attempt to found the Colony of Virginia was the occasion of no small amount of ridicule, and that it was not spared by the dramatists of the day. The author thus begins his dedicatory epistle : — " It is come to passe (right WorshipfuU) with the businesse and plantation of Virginea, as it is commonly seene in the attempt and progresse of all other most excellent things, (which is) to be accompanied with manifold difHculties, crosses and disasters, being such as are appointed by the highest prouidence as an exercise of patience and other vertues, and to make more wise thereby the managers thereof : by which occasion not only the ignorant and simple minded are much discouraged, 752 /., R.—IDOL OF THE CLOWN ES. but the malitious and looser sort (being accompanied with the licentious vaine of stage Poets have whet their tongues with scornful! taunts against the action it selfe, in so much as there is no common speech nor publike name of any thing this day (except it be the name of God) which is more vildly depraued, traduced and derided by such unhallowed lips, then the name of Virginea." I., R. The New Life of Virginea : declaring the former svccesse and present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Noua Britannia. Published by the authoritie of his Maiesties Counsell of Virginea. London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Welby, dwelling at tJu signe of the Stvan in Pauls Churchyard. 1612. 4to. R.M. A — G in fours, first leaf blank. Dedicated by R. I. to " Sir Thomas Smith of London, Gouernour of the Moscouia and East Indie Companies," &c. After giving an account of the several disasters which had befallen the colony and the loss sustained by the adventurers, the author continues : " You shall know that our Colonie consisteth now of seven hundred men at least, of sundrie arts and professions, some more or lesse, they stand in health and few sicke, at the ships comming thence, hauing left the fort at Cape Henry fortified and kept by Captaine Dauies, and the keeping of James towiie to that noble and well deserving Gentle man Master George Percie. The Colonie is remoued vp the riuer foursescore miles further beyond James towne to a place of higher ground, strong and defencible by nature, a good aire, wholesome and cleere (vnlike the marish seate at James towne) with fresh and plentie of water springs, much faire and open grounds freed from woods, and wood enough at hand." I., R. Dives and Lazarvs : Or rather, Divellish Dives. Delivered in a Sermon at Pauls Crosse, by R. I. Preacher of the Word. Very necessary for these times, and purposes : Published for the great com fort of those that taste the bitternesse of affliction. [Quotation from Matth. v. 2. J The eight Edition. London Printed by W. I. for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop in Cheap-side at tlie signe of ihe Bible. 1628. Sm. Svo. Black letter. A — C 7 in eights, the title on A 2. The only edition cited by Lovrades is one of 1677. IBRAHIM EFFENDI. [A description of America. In the Turkish language. Printed at Constanthtople. About 1770.] 4to. Woodcuts. The woodcuts are extremely curious. IDOL OF THE CLOWNES. The Idol ofthe Clownes, or. In surrection of Wat the Tyler, With his Priests Baal and Straw ; Toge ther with His fellow Kings of the Commons, against the English Church, the King, the Laws, Nobility, and Royal Family and Gentry, in the fourth year of K. Richard the 2^ An. 1381. hi rebus humanis TGNA TI VS—INDA GINE. 753 smcula ac persons intereunt, causes &' eventa eadem recurrunt. Nulla tyrannis vel quieta est vel diuturna. London, Printed in the Year, 1654. Sm. Svo. BL. M. A — L 3 in eights. Two editions were printed in the same year. Although usually attributed to Cleveland, it seems more probable that the writer of the tract was Francis White, of Gra/s-Inn. See " Notes and Queries." IGNATIVS his Prophecie Concerning these Times. Sent from France where it was prophecied 159. into England and found in the Abby of St. Benedict neere the City of Norwich in Norfolke London, Printed for lohn Greensmith, 1642. 4to. Four leaves. IGNATIUS DE LOYOLA. Exercitia Spiritvalia. [Colophon.] Romcs apud Antonium Bladum, XI. Septembris. 1548. Sm.Svo. BR.M. A— P iii in eights, including title. Vita B. P. Ignatii de Loyola Fundatoris Societatis Jesv. Hieronymus Wierx invenit, incidit et excudit. [Antverpice. s. a\ Sqr. Svo. BR. M. Engraved title and twelve plates. Ignatii Loyolae Vita. Romcs. 1609. 4to. Engraved title and seventy-nine plates. Ignatii Loyolae Vita ad vivvm expressa. Antverpics 1610. Folio. Engraved tide and plates numbered 1-15. Engraved by Mallery, Cor. Galle, and Adr. CoUaert. IHRE, Joh. Glossarium Suiogothicum, in quo tam hodierno usu frequentata vocabula, quam in legum patriarum tabulis aliisque sevi medii scriptis obvia explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis, Moesogothica, Anglosaxonica, Alemannica, Islandica ceterisque Gothics et Celticae originis illustrantur. Upsaliee. 1769. 2 vols, in i. Folio. INDAGINE, Joh. Die kunst der Chiromantzey, usz besehung der hend. Physiognomey, usz anblick des menschens. Natiirlichen Astrologey noch dem lauff der Soiien. Complexion eins yegklichen menschens. Natiirlichen ynflijssz der Planeten. Der zwolff zeichen Angesychten. Ettliche Canones, zu erkantniisz der menschen kranck- heiten, solicher weisz vormals nye beschriben oder gedruckt [Colophon.] Getruckt zu Straszburg, durch Joannem Schott Buchtrucker zum Thyergarten. Anno . M.D. xxiii. Folio. Woodcuts. a, 4 leaves ; b— g in sixes ; h, i, 1 — n, in fours ; k and o in sixes. The last leaf blank. 4R 754 IND A GINE— IND UL GENCE. INDAGINE, Joh. Brief introductions, bothe naturali, pleasaunte, and also delectable vnto the Art of Chiromancy, or Manuel diuination, and Phisiognomy : with circumstances vpon the faces ofthe signes. Also certain canons or rules vpon diseases and sickenesse. Whereunto is also annexed aswel the artificiall, as naturali Astrologye, with the nature of the planets. Written in the Latin tonge, by Ihon Indagine Prieste. And now latelye translated into Englishe, by Fabian Withers. Londini. Apud lohajinis Day. 1558. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London by Ihon Dale, for Richarde lugge, dwellinge at the Northe dore of Poules Churche, at the signe of the Bible. Sm.Svo. Woodcuts. R.M. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A — Qiv in eights. The first leaf of A and the last of Q are blank. INDULGENCE. Forma confessionalis. Pateat universis presentes litteras inspecturis. Qualiter deuot in xpo / diocess ad op^ sancte cruciate p sactissimi in xpo pre3 et drim nrm dnm Sixtii diuina puidetia papa quartQ/ ordinatum debitam fecerit Dtributione. Qua- propter auctoritate prefati domini nostri ppe ptate sit eligendi/ sibi confessorem prespiterum ydoneum religiosum vel seculare. qui audita diligenter eius ofessione absolvere eum/ possit auctoritate pdicta ab omib® c5missis per eum excessibus et peccatis quibuslibet quantum- cuqj enormibus./ Etia si talia forent ppter . . . sedes apostolica esset cosulenda. Et a censuris et penis ac excoicationibus omnbus./ A iure vel g statuta quecuq^ pmulgatis et seda apPice reseruatis semel dum taxat. A non reseruatis vere eidem . . . . / totiens quotiens id petierit. Ac semel in vita et in mortis articulo plenaria omnium peccatoi; suorum indulgentia/ et remissionem impendere. Non obstatibus qui- busciiqj reservationibus a pfato pontifice. vel eius predecessoribus/ factis prout in bulla data M . CCCC . LXXX pridie nonas decebris pontificat® eiusdem anno decimo plenius/ continetur. In cui^ rei fidem et testimoniu Ego frater Petr® Gardian® & pdicator ouet® mo- naceri. ordinis mino/ rum subcommissarius eiusdem sanctissimi dni nostri Sixti pape quarti super prefato negocio deputatus presetes/ litteras fieri feci. Et sigilli cruciate impressione muniri. Anno domini. M.CCCC. LXXXII. die/ [Here follows a blank space for the date to be filled in in MS. This occupies fourteen lines, and beneath fol lows] Forma absolutionis. A Broadside. io| by 6|in. A curious specimen of block printing. The whole occupies twenty-three lines, and is entirely engraved on wood and printed on paper. There are some lacunae, which are indicated by dots. It was no doubt printed at Munich, where letterpress printing was not introduced till quite the end of the century. Raymundus miseratiSe diuina Tituli sancte marie noue. sancte Romane ecclesie psbyter Cardinalis Gurcensis : ad vniuersam Germania: Daciam : Suetia : Norwegia : Frisiam : Prussia : oesq^ x singulas illav INGERSOLL— INSTITVTION. 755 puincias : ciuitates : terras % loca : eua sacro Romano impio in ipsa Ger mania subiecta % eis adiacetia apllce sedis de latere legatus Universis T singulis psentes Ifas inspecturis salutem in diio. Notu faeimus q, sanc- tissim® in xpo pater t diis noster diis Alexader diuina puidentia papa sextus % modernus. concessit oibus et singulis vtriusq3 sexus xpi fideli bus. p tuitoe orthodoxe fidei cotra Thurcos eiusde fidei inimicos iuxta ordinatione nostra man® adiutrices porrigetib® pier Jubileum. i alias indulgetias : gras 1 facultates Datu sub sigillo nostro ad hoc ordinato die .... mensis .... Anno dni M. ccccc. ij. [Then follow the forms of Absolution.] A Broadside. Printed on vellum. BL. M. It consists of twenty-nine lines, and measures 5| in. by 7|- in. The name and date of the month are left blank, that they may be filled in in manuscript. INGERSOLL, J. Mr. IngersoU's Letters relating to the Stamp- Act. New-Haven : Printed and Sold by Samuel Green, in the Old State-House. 1^66. 4to. BL. M. A — S, 2 leaves each, and the title. At the end of this copy are inserted copies of letters addressed on the same subject by different persons to Mr. IngersoU, with a transcript ofthe bond given by Mr. IngersoU for the due execution of his office of distributor of stamps. INJUNCTIONS. Inivnccions geue by the moste excellent prince, Edward the sixte, by the grace of God, Kyng of England .... To all and singuler his louyng subiectes, aswell of the Clergie, as of the Laietie. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London, the last dale of Ivlii, in the first Yere of the Reigne of ovr Sovereigne Lord Kyng Edivard the. VI. By Richard Grafton Printer to His Moste Royall Maiestie. Anno. 1547. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 4to. Black letter. BL.M. a — d 2 in fours, with Grafton's device occupying the last page. Following this device begins, on A j, without any regular title-page : — "^: ?* : Articles to be enquired of, in the Kynges Maiesties Visitacion." This ends on the verso of B ii (the sixth leaf) with the colophon, " C Richardus Grafton Regis Impressor excudebat. Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum \sic\ solum!' This was the earliest publication of Edward VI.'s reign towards the further reformation of ecclesiastical affairs. INQUISITION. Forma Inquisitionis Hispanicae instituta in in feriori Germania Anno 1550. [Colophon.] Impressum Magdeburg