> 'I , ' ¦( '¦¦((•'J ¦> fj- ' I ',j ,j Kftwll .'It % Vi'l'"' ''*!? 4"' '¦'• ''si ' , > ? . C .J ¦! M> ,1' '^' f^^ H^^ ?}. f ••t- r 1 4 ?¦11 , f ; .^ >.4\ Mil,,', . 1^ ,'V '• '"#: Illustrated Monographs issued by the Biblio graphical Society, No. XVIII. ^^A^'' [hi^mm^^ ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPHS No. XVIII FIFTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH BOOKS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND DOCUMENTS PRINTED IN ENGLAND AND OF BOOKS FOR THE ENGLISH MARKET PRINTED ABROAD By E. GORDON DUFF PRINTED FOR THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1917 NOTE The work here printed has been growing up in the note-books of Mr. Gordon Duff for nearly thirty years, and is mainly based on his own first-hand collations of books in libraries scattered all over the country. But while the bulk of the work was already done when Mr. Duff consented to its publication by the Society, some books still remained to be described, and the titles written out at various times were naturally not of uniform fullness. Much has been done in completing his material by Mr. Duff himself, but at the request of the Council, and with Mr. Duff's consent, Mr. Henry Thomas, Litt.D., of the British Museum, has given help of great value in describing some of the omitted books, extending the shorter titles, and selecting specimens of types for the facsimiles. This work has all been done in communication with Mr. Duff and under his control, b ut it is right that Mr. Thomas's share should be fully noted, both because of the debt which the Society owes him for it, and because it has introduced an element into the work for which Mr. Duff is only partly responsible. In addition to the thanks due to Mr. Duff and Mr. Thomas the Society is indebted to numerous private collectors and owners of libraries for lending or giving other facilities for the examination of their books. The gratitude of the Society is also due to His Majesty's Government for the grant of the sum of One Hundred Pounds from the Special Service Fund as a contribution to the cost of completing and producing this book. After all that has happened in the intervening years it seems one of the smaller ironies of history that the privilege of publishing a work which must be taken as the foundation- stone of any future attempt at a national bibliography was obtained for the Society as a result of its efforts to co-operate with the German Commission for a General Catalogue of Incunabula in 191 2-1 3. An article in The Times drew Mr. Asquith's attention to the desirability of this country registering its own fifteenth-century books as a contribution to the larger work, and elicited the grant, which has enabled the book to be fully illustrated. ALFRED W. POLLARD, Hon. Sec. PREFACE The task on which the compiler of the present book set out, light-heartedly, some twenty-eight years ago, was at first limited to a short description and collation of all known English fifteenth-century books, to be collected from the various bibliographical works and the catalogues of public and private libraries. It soon became apparent that this simple object was beset with difficulties. Books printed by Caxton had been more or less fully described by Blades in his Life and Typography of William Caxton, but there were no special studies on the books from other presses, and in the description of single books the different bibliographers rarely agreed. Gradually, as opportunity occurred, their accounts were corrected from the originals in the British Museum, the Bodleian, and the Cambridge University Library. In the meanwhile a more ambitious plan took shape. The descriptions of bibliographers were to be ignored, and every available book personally examined and described. As opportunity offered, the books in our three great libraries were collated afresh and on a more detailed plan. Next, the libraries in Scotland, those of the University, the Faculty of Advocates, and the Writers to the Signet at Edinburgh, the Hunterian Museum at Glasgow, and the University Libraries of Aberdeen and St. Andrews were visited. Finally the College Libraries of Oxford and Cambridge, some of the Cathedral Libraries, and semi-public collections like that at Bamburgh Castle were laid under contribution. The Spencer collection, transferred to Manchester in 1893, and the Bennett Library, added to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan's collections, afforded much additional matter, while some very scarce early books were seen in other American libraries. By the kindness of private owners many books, of which there were no examples in any of the public libraries, were made available for examination. From the examination of so many books certain date-tests were evolved — the breaks and changes in woodcuts and devices, and the introduction or modification of types, by means of which many of the undated books could be more accurately placed. This entailed a fresh examination of the books and more journeys to many of the libraries. vii When the first proofs of the book were struck off the descriptions were as far as possible checked and corrected with the books themselves, and the verification of all the small details was only brought to a close by the rigid restrictions on the access to books made necessary by the war. During all this period fresh discoveries were being made, and it is calculated that during the last twenty years some fifty-four books, or, in most cases, fragments of books, so far unknown, have come to light. It is wonderful by how slender a chance the existence of many of our early English books has been preserved. Roughly speaking, one half of the books here chronicled are now known only from single copies, from a leaf or two, or even from fragments of a leaf. The sole remains of The Ghost of Guy, a quarto printed by Pynson early in his career, are two small strips of paper with portions of four lines of verse on either side. Another of Pynson's early quartos, the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, is repre sented by two leaves. The majority of such fragments have been recovered from old bindings where they have been used to line the boards, or pasted together to make the boards themselves. From this source it is to be hoped that there are still new discoveries to be made. Certain other books, of which no traces now remain, can be proved with reasonable probability to have once existed. When we find scattered in various books odd woodcuts which manifestly belong to a series intended to illustrate a particular book, we are justified in supposing that that book was printed. In a number of books De Worde used cuts belonging to sets illustrating Reynard the Fox and the Seven Wise Masters of Rome. No trace of fifteenth-century editions have been found, but we are justified in supposing that they were printed. Again, certain books were issued in pairs : the Pars Hiemalis and Pars Estiualis of the Breviary, the Expositio Hymnorum and Expositio Sequentiarum, Garlandia's Synonyma and Equiuoca, and, very frequently, the Liber Festiualis and Quattuor Sermones, Where the one half exists, the former existence of the other half may be presumed. There is one class of document here chronicled in which many new discoveries may be hoped for, the Bulls, Proclamations, and Indulgences, printed on one side of a single sheet. They were ephemeral publications, soon out of date and invalid, and, having a blank side, lent themselves admirably to the purpose of lining bindings. Even when preserved as documents they are not to be sought for in a library, but stowed away in charter-chests and muniment-rooms, where it is probable that many still lie unnoticed. In the present volume the single sheet woodcuts and Images of Pity have not been included as being rather outside its scope, but it is hoped that they may be described and reproduced at some future date. viii With regard to the typographical index at the end of the volume a word or two of explanation are necessary. Owing to the large number of books known only from imperfect copies or fragments, the types used in them are not ascertainable, and the list is therefore so far incomplete. Again, as regards the measurements, given in millimetres, of twenty lines of type. These are as far as possible the measure ments of the type as normally used, but it is clear that almost all the early English printers well understood what is now called ' leading ', that is, producing a greater space between the lines by inserting slips of metal, so that we find the same type often with two, sometimes with three, different measurements. At the end of the description of each book a list is given of the libraries, public and private, where copies are preserved. In the case of books printed by Caxton, when more than four or five copies are known, only those in the four most acces sible libraries are mentioned ; for the remainder the reader is referred to M. de Ricci's Census of Caxtons [Bibliographical Society's Illustrated Monographs XV]. Occasionally some copies not mentioned by de Ricci have been noted. The asterisk denotes that the copies so marked have been examined by the author, and in the case of those in the British Museum by Dr. Thomas as well, who also made the collations and descriptions of some unique books from private libraries lent for examination to the Museum. To Dr. Thomas very special thanks are due for assisting in every possible way in the production of the present book. Besides correcting and amplifying the notices of Museum books and describing special copies, he has, during the whole of the printing, read and revised the proofs, and made many valuable suggestions and improvements. The author gratefully thanks all the librarians and owners of books who have allowed him to examine the books under their charge. In the case of Cathedral and College Libraries these facilities were often afforded at considerable inconvenience, but with unfailing kindness. Private owners also have most generously made their treasures available. Special thanks are due to M. Polain of the BIbllotheque Nationale, Mr. A. C. de Burgh of Trinity College, Dublin, and Mr. E. V. Stocks of Durham University, for detailed Information regarding certain books. E. G. D. IX BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbey. The Abbey of the Holy Ghost. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, [1496]. ab^ c d^, 20 leaves, 2 columns. 29 lines, I a \woodcui'\ I C The abbaye of the holy Ghost, j i'" \woodcui\, 2». C Here begynneth a ma^ltere spekynge of a place \ that is namid the abbaye | of the holy ghost / y shall | be fouded or groiided in | a clene conscyence / in whijche abbaye shall dwelle. | xxix. ladyes ghostly. |{ I°N this ab|baye Cha|ryte shall I be Abbesse | Wysdome | Pryouresse. Mekenes suplpryouresse. And thyse ben | in the Couent. Pouertee j Clennesse Temperaiice | . . . 20*. col. 2, /. 4 : ... And | calle ye to your counsell | Reason 1 Dyscrecon. Pajcyence i Peas. And go ye | forth to Oryson / % crye | ye in soule to y holy ghost | And inwardly praye him j that he come t defende | charyte. That he thrugh | his gracyous helpe kepe | you fro euyll chauce And j he that made vs all with j blysse vs auaiice. Amen. ||| C Enprynted at West|mestre by Wynken | de worde. j 20^ \Caxton's device\. *B.M.\wantsleafi\. *U.L,C, * Bamburgh Castle. *i* This work is usually ascribed to Bishop Alcock, but it was written considerably before his time. Abbey. The Abbey of the Holy Ghost. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, [1500]. ab^ c d*, 20 leaves. 2 columns. 2Q lines, I" \woodcui\ I The abbaye of the holy Ghoost. | i'' [woodcut], 2». C Here begynneth a ma<;ftere spekynge of a place | that is named the abbay | of the holy ghost / y shall | be foiided or groiided in | a clene conscyence/ in whi|che abbaye shall dwelle. | .xxix. ladyes ghostly. |l PN this abjbaye Cha|ryte shall I be Abbesse ( Wysdome | pryouresse. Mekenes sup^lpryouresse. And thyse ben j in the Couent. Pouerte. | Clennesse. Temperauce. | . . . 20*. col, 2, /. 4 : ... And j calle ye to your counsell j Reason ^ Dyscrecon. Pajcyence x Peas. And go ye j forth to Oryson / t crye f ye in soule to y holy ghost | And inwardly praye him j that he come t defende j charyte. That he thrugh j his gracyous helpe kepe j you fro euyll chaiice And j he that made vs all with j blysse vs auauce. Amen. 1|| C Enprynted at West|mynster by Wyn^jken de worde. j [ IVyniyn de Worde' s device 3\. 20^ blank. * Advocates Library, Edinburgh, Britwell Court. Aegidius de Columna. Tractatus de pec- cato originall. 4°. [Theodoric Rood,] Oxford, 14 March, 1479. a-(?. 24 leaves, i, 34 blank, ss lines. I blank. 2*. Incipit tractatus solenis fratris Egi|dii de ordine fratrum Augustinensiuj de | peccato originali | [E']go cum sim puluis 1 cinis loquar | ad dorninii meu dices. Domine | deus iust* iudex. si omes anime I tue sunt sicut anima patris sic % anima fi|lii. Portabit ne filius iniquitate3 patris : 23*. Sed tu p tua pietate miserere nobis vt | facie ad faciem te videre possum' qui es | benedictus in secula seculoij. Amen ||| Explicit tractatus breue et vtilis de | origiali peccato Editus a fratre Egidio | Romano ordinis fratru herimitaif. san|cti augustini. Impresso et finito Oxonie. | A natiuitate diii. M.cccc.lxxix. xiiij. die | mensis marcij | 24 blank. * Bodleian. *J. R. L. [wants leaves i, 8, and 24]. Oriel College, Oxford, *^* In all the copies the incorrect words of the colo phon, breue, impresso, and finito, have been corrected to breuis, impressus, and finitus in a contemporary hand with red ink. The colophon is printed in red, and is the only example of that kind of printing found in Oxford fifteenth-century books, 4 Aesop. Fables. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 26 March, 1484. a-s*, 144 leaves, 143, 144 blank, J7, 38 lines. With head-lines and foliation, \^ blank, i^ [woodcut], 2*. C Here begynneth the book of the subtyl historyes 1 and Fables of Esope B whiche were translated out | of Frensshe in to Englysshe by wylliam Caxton | at westmynstre In the yere of oure Lorde .M.|.CCCC.lxxxiij. || F'Irst begynneth the lyf of Esope with alle his fortune | how he was subtyll/ wyse / and borne in Grece/ not ferre | fro Troye the graunt in a Towue (sic) named Amoneo/ | whiche was amonge other dyfformed and euylle shapen / . . . 21''. C This historye maketh mencion / how the wolues sente ami^lbassatours vnto the Sheep | I'N a tyme whan the bestes could speke the wolues ma|de werre ageynst the shepe/ And by cause that the she^^lpe myght not kepe them ne hold ageynst the wolues j they demaunded helpe of the dogges / . . . 31*. C Here begynneth the preface or prologue of the fyrste book of] Esope II [woodcut] ||| P Romulus sone of thybere of the Cyte of Atyque/ gre^jtyng / Esope man of grece / subtyle and Ingenyous/ | techeth in his fables how men ought to kepe and rew<;|le them well / . . . 142*. /. 15 : . . . I haue | herd say sayd the mayde/ that ye be assured and shalle wedde | suche a man / And what thenne sayd the wydowe / Alias sayd | the mayde I am sory foryow / by cause I haue herd saye that | he is a peryllous man / For he laye so ofte and knewe so moch I his other wyf that she deyde thereof/ And I am sory thereof / | that yf ye shold falle in lyke caas / to whome the wydowe ani^|swerd and sayd/ Forsothe I wold be dede / For ther is but soi;|rowe and care in this world / This was a curteys excuse of a | wydowe | N'Ow thenne I wylle fynysshe alle these fables wyth I this tale that foloweth whiche a worshipful preest and | a parsone told me late / . . . 142''. /. 21 : . . . And with that word the ryche dene was abasshed | And thought he shold be the better/ and take more hede to his | cures and benefyces than he had done / This was a good an^jswere of a good preest and an honest / And here with I fyi5|nysshe this book / trans lated z emprynted by me William CaxiJJton at west mynstre in thabbey / And fynysshed the xxvj daye | of Marche the yere of oure lord M CCCC Ixxxiiij / And the I fyrst yere of the regne of kyng Rychard the thyrdde | 143, 144 blank, *B.M. [wants leaf i, supplied in facsimile, and the blank leaves], * Bodleian [wants 8 leaves]. Windsor Castle. *^* The copy in the British Museum is in an early sixteenth-century binding by John Reynes. Aesop. Fables. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1497]. . . . d-f^ g-i" A B» C-E' FG\ 40 lines. Beginning not known, d I*. C! Here begynneth the prologue of the first booke of Esope : | [woodcut] |{| Romulus Sonne of Tyber of the cytee of Atyque gretyng Esope | man of Grece subtyll and ingenyous techeth in his fables How | men ought to kepe and rule them well ... G 7''. /. 25 : ... I haue herde saye sayde the | mayde. that ye be assured and shall wedde suche a man. And what then#|ne sayd the wydowe. Alas sayd the mayde I am sory for yow. by cause I | haue herd saye that he is a peryllous man. For he laye so ofte and knewe | so moche his other wyf that she deyde therof. And I am sory therof. That j yf ye shold falle in lyke caas to whom the wydowe answerd and sayd. | Forsothe I wolde be dede For there is but sorowe and care in this world | This was a curteys excuse of a wydowe iz. || C En- prented by me R. Pynson. | G 8» [Pynson's device i]. G S*" blank, * Britwell Court [wants all before d i\, *^* This copy, which wants all the Life of Aesop, was in the collections of J. Ratcliffe, G. Brander, Voight, and Heber, Aesop. Fables. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1500]. . . c-s^, 41 lines. Beginning not known, c I* [with woodcut to left of lines 1-20] : I'N tyme whe<;|ne beestes coui^jde speke The wok|ues made warre a<^|gainest the Sheepe | And bicause thatthe | Shepe myght nat | kepe them ne holde | ayenst the wolues | They demaundyd | help of the dogges | . . . s S*. /. S : . . . I haue herde say said the | maide that ye be assured and shall wedde suche a man. x what thane | saide the wedowe. Alas saide the maide I am sory for you bycause 1 1 haue herde say that he is a perillous man for he lay so oft / and knewe | so moche his other wyfe that she dyed therof. and I am sory therof y* | ye shulde fall in lyke cas to whom the wedowe answered x saide. For|sothe I woU be dede for here is but sorowe and care in this world this | was a curteyse excuse of a wedowe xc. || C Finis. Emprynted by Richard Pynson |||| [Pynson's device 3.] s 6 not known, probably blank. *B, M. [wants all before c I, also leaves e 4 and s 6\. *,* Between the colophon and the device is written ' R. Johnson, pt'. xii. d. 1520 '- Albertus. Liber modorum significandi. 4°. St. Albans, 1480. a-^f. 46 leaves, I blank. 32 lines. I blank. 2\ [Q']Vonia autem Itellige x scire gtigit 1 oi scia I ex co^coe pncipioij. ut scribi p° phisicorii : | Nos g uoletes hfe scle gma» noticia circa | e' pAcipia c9modi St modi signdi pse p" 05 istare : | S3 aii^ eo]{. iqra' noticia I spali p)mitteda st quedj | I gnali sine qbj plen' hen no ptitellcus . . . 46*. /. 13 : Et vt habeam* distlctii mdj Ifrogadi de ipis pasjsiolb^ gmatice Sciedj e qj de differeciis 9° im. q | sunt tiisitiuu % itnsiti™ possu' qrere p h° Ifrogati" | que. S3 de istis dmciis q sunt cogruii x icogruum | possum' qrere p hoc iterrogatiuii qualis. S3 de istis | drnciis q sut pfectii X Ipfectii possum* qrere per hoc | interrogatiuii ^ta. vnde ¦^sus | Que trans intras. qlis conico $ta p imp {||| Explicit liber modoij. signdi. j Alberti if>ss'' apd' villam ] sancti Albani a° m"cccc°lxxx° | 46* blank. Bibliothique Nationale [formerly Harley, West, Tutet, and Wodhult], *,* Leaf I is unsigned, leaf 2 is signed a i, leaf 3 is signed a 2. This peculiarity is found in the Antonius Andreaefrom the same press. On the last leaf is written in a fifteenth-century hand ' Iste liber constat lohi Bawmborght '. 8 Albertus. Quaestiones de modis signifi candi. 4°. Julian Notary, Jean Barbler, and I. H., London, [1496]. a-f^gh^. 60 leaves, 60 blank. 30 lines. With head-lines. I*. C Questiones Alberti de . modis | significandi. | I* blank. 2*. V'Trum gramatica sit sciencia. videt I qj non qr ols scietia est ex necessariis : S3 gra|matica no e huiusmodi ergo xc. Maior patj ex prio I posterio)}.. scietia est eoif. que Ipossibile est se aliter ha|beri. vt patet ei per diffinicione scire ibi posita ilia qi I ide de quo est scietia ipossibile e se aliter habere x per | pseques e necessariii. Minor patet qr sermo de quo e | gramatica no est aliquo necessariii : qr est a voliitate | nra x tale no est necessariu. C! Ite ols scietia est eade | . ¦ . S9^. C Questiones magistri Alberti | de modis significadi nouiterim|presse Londoii apud sanctu tho*|ma apostolu expliciut feliciter. | [Device of Julian Notary, Jean Barbier, and I. H.] 60 blank. *B,M. [i leaf in the Bagf ord fragments]. * Bodleian. *U.L. C, 9 Albertus Magnus. Liber aggregationis. 4°. William de Machlinia, London, n. d. a-d^ e'f*. 42 leaves, I blank. 27 lines. I blank. 2*. C Liber aggregationis seu liber secrejtoij. Alberti magni de virtutibus herbal). | lapidum X animalium quorumd! C Lijber primus de viribus quarum(f herbaij. ||| s^Icut vult phs in pluribus locis. Ois I scientia de genere bonoi;. est . . . 40''. /. 2: . . . Tunica ad volan|dum debet esse longa : gracilis : puluere illo optime ple*|na ad faciendum vero toni- truum breuis grossa x semi [wood cut], 2*. Ihesus clamabat (Qui habet aui^jres audiendi audiat) Luc .viij. | T'HYSe Wordes ben wryten in the I gospell of this daye / And thus to be | englysshyd (Ihu our sauyour made | a proclamacon with a highe X gre-iJ|te voyce to the people that came to | here him. sayeng Euery man whii^iche hath eeres of heryng maye yf he be well dispo^jsyd here what is sayde vnto hym) . . . 26". /. 21 : ... And yf ye haue j grace thus to do. I answere 1 dare promyse in the | name of Cryste Ihu / ye shall haue loye y the eye | may not se. nor hert can thynke. nor tonge can spe h [i] k' I m'. In this, as in the Deventer and Cologne reprints. Part H came between Parts III and IV. There are four leaves of either this or the preceding edition in the library of Lord Dillon at Ditchley, 30 Anw^ykyll. John. Compendium totius grammaticae. 4°- Richard PaflFroed, Deventer, 4 May, 1489. a-m^ n*. 76 leaves, 26, 27 lines [large type], I*. Copendiii toti* gramatice ex varijs autorib*. | lauretio. seruio : potto, diligeter collectii. x versib* 1 cu eoij. interptatione coscriptu toti* barbariei de|stru- ctoriu. X latle lingue ornametum no minus p|ceptoribus qua pueris necessarium. | [woodcut^ i", Carmeliani Poete in operis commejdationem Carmen | Vos teneri iuuenes vestru celebrate loannem Qui bene vos docuit verba latine loqui | . . . 2*. [G°]Ramatica vel gramatice quid est. | Est ars recte scribedi recteqp loquendi. | Vnde dicit gramatice a gra- maton gre<;|ce quod est littera latine Quia litteratos | hoc est doctos efificiat. t . . . 75*. /. I : Est infinitus pro tempore sepe secundo Indicatiuorum positus pars abdere sese. Scilicet abdebant sese sic dicere possum. Nos tedere bonoscj pudere pios miserere Pro nos tedebar miserebat siue pudebat. ||| Hec de verborii que snnt (sic) conscripta Perotta Ordine multiplici carmina sufificiant Vos nuc grammarici (sic) laude celebrate Perotti Quo preceptore tot documenta patent || Finit dauatrie Anno. M. CCCC. Lxxxix. Per | me Richardii pafroed. quarta die Maij | 75'' blank. 76* blank. 76'' [woodcut]. *B. M. [wants leaf 76]. * U. L, C. [2], */. R. L. Trinity College, Cambridge. *i * Part II comes between Parts III and IV. 31 Anwykyll, John. Compendium totius grammaticae. 4°. [Heinrlch Quentell, Cologne, 1492.] a-k', 60 leaves, 27 lines. With head-lines. I*. Compendium totius gra|matice ex varijs autori- bus. Laurentio Seruio Perotto | diligenter collects, t versibus cii eoij. interptatione coscri^jptum totius bar bariei destructoriii. x latine lingue orname|tum no minus pceptoribus ^ pueris necessarium. || [woodcut,] i\ Carmeliani Poete in operis comen'-jdatione Carmen. | Vos teneri iuuenes vestrum celebrate loannem Qui bene vos docuit verba latine loqui | . . . 2*. [G°]Rammatica vel | grammatice quid est. Est ars recte scriben|di rectecg loquendi. vnde dicitur gram- majtice a grammaton grece quod est littera la^jtine. Quia litteratos hoc est doctos efficit. | . . . 6o». /. 22 : Est infinitus pro tempore sepe secundo Indicatiuorum positus pars abdere sese Scilicet abdebant sese sic dicere possum Nos tedere bonosc^ pudere pios miserere Pro nos tedebat miserebat siue pudebat. || Hec de verborum qne (sic) sunt conscripta Perotta Ordine multiplici carmina sufficiant Vos nunc grammatici laudem celebrate Perotti Quo preceptore tot documenta patent | Et sic huius copendij finis feliciter habetur | 60'' blank. Royal Library, Munich [2], Stadtbibliothek, Liibeck. *,* Pari II comes between Paris III and IV. One of the Munich copies has a wrong head-line ' Compendia gramatice ' on 7^; the other copy has the correct head line ' De litteris ', 32 Aristotle. Textus ethicorum per Leonar- dum Aretinum translatus. 4°. [Theodoric Rood,] Oxford, 1479. blank. *B.M. *^* This was originally bound up in a volume of fifteenth-century Low Country tracts, two dated 1482 and 1484. It was sold in that condition in 1728 in the Colbert sale. 39 Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De proprieta- tibus rerum. Fol. [Printer of the Flores Sancti Augus tini, Cologne, 1471.] [A-Z dy> i'.] 248 leaves, 248 blank. 2 columns; table in 3 columns. 33 lines. I". Incipit prohemiu de proprietatibus reru | fratris bartholomei anglici de ordine fratrii | minorum. | 10 [C"]Vm proprietates | reijL sequant sublstancias se- cundii | distinctionem x \ ordine substacia|rii erit ordo X dis|tinctio ppetatu | . . . [col. 2, 1, 33] Incipit Liber primus de ppetatibo reru . | . . . 243*. col. 1, 1. 52 : gloiosus vines x {¦gnas in scla sclo^ Ame :• || Explicit tractat* de ppetatibo reif. edit* a | fre bartolomeo aglico ordls fratij. minoi;. • :• | [col. 2] Auctores de ^rii scriptis hie tractat sut isti | . . . 243'' blank. 244*. Incipiunt tituli libro){. et | capituloij. veneabilis bertholo|mei an glici de ppetatibD reif. | . . . 247^ col. 3, /. 15 : Ex- pliciunt tituli libroru | et capittulorum (sic) bertholomei | anglici de pprietatibus reru | 248 blank. *B. M. [2, both want leaf 248]. *U. L. C. [2], *J. R. L. *Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. *«* This book is included, since there is very little doubt that it is the edition which Caxton assisted in printing when on his visit to Cologne, and which is alluded to by Wynkyn de Worde in the prohemium to the English translation. 40 Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De proprieta tibus rerum. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, I495-] a" 5« 3« c-2» x' 9' A- V X-Z' aa-c(* dd-gg* hh-mm' nn* 00*. 478 leaves, 6 blank. 2 columns. 42 lines. With head-lines. i». Bartholomeu' de | proprietatib3 reij. 1 i*. In nole patris X filii x spiJssacti. a. j Assit principio sancta maria meo. || C'Rosse was made all of red In the begfynnyng of my boke That is callyd god me sped. In the fyrste lesson that j toke. Thenne j lerned .a. and .b. And other letters by her names, j . . . 2*. Prologue of the translatour. | . . . 3* [woodcut] \ Incipit liber, i. de. trinitate x de. capFis istoru librorii secjuenc' I • • • 476*. col. 2, /. 9 : Explicit tractus (sic) qui vocai^ltur Bartholomeus de propri|etatibus rerum. | 476*. Prohemium Bartholomei ] de proprietatibus re rum. II E'Temall lawde to god grettest of myght Be hertely yeue of euery creature | . . . 477^ /. 19: CLenuoy |||| C Ye that be nobly groundid all in grace Experte in wysdom and phylosophy To you this processe comyth a myghty pace whyche I dyrect to you that perfytlye Ye may reforme to voyde all vylenye Of euery thyng yf ought be here amysse Excusyng theym whiche ment ryght well in this | 478* [CaxtotCs device], 478*. Bartholomeu' de | pro- prietatibj reif. | *B.M.[2, both want leaf 6]. * Bodleian [2]. *U,L,C. [imp.]. *f.R.L, Sion College. Duke of Devonshire, *f, Pierpont Morgan [wants 3 leaves], *^* The title, which is repeated on the last leaf, is printed from a wooden block, with white letters on a black ground. There are numerous illustrations in the text. In the prohemium at end the printer's name is given, and Caxton is spoken of as printing the Latin edition at Cologne. It is also there stated that the book is printed on paper made in England [watermark, an eight-pointed star in a circle], 41 Bernard, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. Medi tations of St. Bernard. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 9 March, 1496. A* B-E^, 32 leaves. 28 lines. I* [woodcut] I Medytacons of saynt Bemarde | i''. F'VU prouffitable ben to vs traueylyng pyl|grymes x freyll synners the fruytfuU wer#|kes x treatyses of holy faders ... 3*. C|Themeditac6nsof saynt Bernard || C How man by knowlege x vnd'stondyng of hym|self : mayeknowe god. And howthe soule of man | is theymage of god. I . . . 31^. /. 18: C Here we make an ende of this ryght pronffyta^jble (sic) treatys : the Medita- cyons of saynt Bernarde / | whyche for very fauour 1 charytable loue of all sujche persones as haue not vnder- stondyng in latyn : | hath be translated fro laten in to englissh by a de#|uonte (sic) Student of the vnyuersytee of Cambrydge / | And hath put it to be enprynted at Westmestre : by | Wynkyn the Worth the .ix. daye of Marche : the ye|re of lorde (sic). M. CCCC. Ixxxxvi | 32* [ Wynkyn de Worde' s device 2]. 32'' [woodcut of the crucifixion]. *Bodleian. *ff* The crucifixion is unbroken. 42 Medi- II Bernard, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. tations of St. Bernard. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, '9 March, 1496' [1499]. A B^ C*D E'. 32 leaves, 28 lines. 1*. C The meditatons of saint Bernard. | [woodcut.] jb F^VU prouffytable ben to vs trauaylynge pyl^l grymes and freyll synners the fruytfuU wer|kes and treatyses of holy faders ... 3*. C The medytacyens of saynt Bernarde 1 1 C! How man by knowlege x vnder- stondynge of | hymselfe : maye knowe god. And how the soule of j man is the ymage of god. | . . . 3 1''. /. 18 : C Here we make an ende of this ryght prouffyta must surely come before ' The seruice for the moneth of lanyuere', and the dishes for the first two months should be completed by those for March — December. The heading in the middle of . /. 23 : C Emprynted at westmynstre by desiryng | of certeyn worshipfuU per sones : • I *B, M, [leaves 97-Z28]. *U,L.C. *J.R.L. * Dur ham Cathedral [imp.]. Ham House [wants leaves 97-Z28]. *J. Pierpont Morgan [imp.]. 56 Book. The Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Biasing of Arms. Fol. St. Albans, i486. a-c' d* ef ; a b' c-e^f^". go leaves, z, 36 blank. 32 lines. I blank. 2\ PN so moch that gentill men and honest persones haue greifjete delite in haukyng and desire to haue the maner to take | haukys : and also how and in waat (sic) wyse they shulde gyde theym | ordynateli : and to knaw the gentill termys in com- munyng of | theyr haukys . . . 40*. /. 28 : C Explicit Dam lulyans | Barnes in her boke of huntyng. | 44*. I, 28 : Prouynces of England. || Cannturburi. and Yorke. Stafford. Darby. Notingham. | Northumber- londe. Durham. Westmerlond. Tendale. Karlile | 44'' blank. 45". H^Ere in thys booke folowyng is deter- myned the lynage | of Coote armuris : and how gentil- men shall be knowyn | from vngentill men. and how bondeage began first in aungell | and after succeded in man kynde . . . 55*. /. 24 : Here endeth the mooste special! thyngys of the boke of the | lynage of Coote armuris and how gentylmen shall be know^|yn from vngentylmen. and now here foloyng begynnyth the | boke of blasyng of all man armys : 1 latyn french x English nil C Explicit prima pars. | yoblank. 57*. Here begynnytli the blasyng of armys | . . . 89''. /. 18 : C Here in thys boke afore ar contenyt the bokys of haukyng | and huntyng with other plesuris dyuerse as in the boke apperis | and also of Cootarmuris a nobuU werke. And here now en^|dyth the boke of blasyng of armys translatyt and compylyt to|gedyr at Seynt albons 15 the yere from thincamacion of owre j lorde Ihu Crist .M. CCCC. box vi. | 90*. C Hie finis diusoif. geAosis valde vtiliu vt ituetib3 pateb' || [Printer's device] \\ C Sanctus albanus. | 90* blank. *B, M, [wants leaves 40 and 37, both supplied in facsimile], *Bodleian [fragment], * U. L. C. [wants 4 leaves], *J.R.L, [wants 2 blanks]. Society of Antiquaries. Marquis of Bute. Earl of Carysfort. Earl Fitzwilliam. Earl of Pembroke [sold in zgzf]. Sir T. Brooke [wants zo leaves j sold in zgzf], Lt.-Col. W. Bromley-Davenport [imp.]. *J, Pierpont Morgan [3, wanting the blanks, 3 leaves, and Z7 leaves respectively], SI Book. The Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Biasing of Arms. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1496. a-e'fg* h^ i* • a-c^ d'. 74 leaves. 38 lines. I* [woodcut]. 1^ [woodcut] \\ C This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge x hun^jtynge : and also of diuysynge of Cote armours? It shewyth also | a good matere belongynge to horses : wyth other comend- able I treatyses. And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys : as here af|ter it maye appere. | 2*. PN so moche that gentylmen and honeste persones haue | grete delyte in hawkynge^ and desyre to haue the mane|re to take hawkys : . . . 26''. /. 6 : C Explicit dame lulyans Bemes doc^tryne in her boke of hunt- ynge. | . . . 29*. /. 36 : C Prouynces of Englonde. | C Caunterbury : Yorke : Stafforde : Derby : Notyng- ham : North|umbrelonde : Durham : westmerlonde : Tyndale : Karlyle. j 29''. A' P'aythfuU frende wolde I fayne fynde j To fynde hym there, he myghte be founde | . . . 30°'. H'Ere in this boke folowynge is determyned the lygnage | of Cote armures : . . . 37». /. 28 : C! Here we shall make an ende of the moost specyall thynges of | the boke of the lygnage of cote armurys : and how gentylmen I shall be knowen from vngentylmen. And consequently shall fo|lowe a compendyous treatyse of fysshynge wyth an anglej whi|che is right necessary to be had in this present volume: by cause | it shewyth afore the manere of hawkynge x huntynge wyth o«|ther dyuers maters right necessary to be knowen of noble men | and also for it is one of the dysportes that gentylmen vse. And | also it is not soo labororyous (sic) ne soo dishonest to fysshe in this I wyse as it is w' nettes x other engynes whyche crafty men do|ne vse for theyr dayly encrease of goodes. I 37''. C Here begynnyth the treatyse of fysshynge wyth an Angle. || [woodcut] \, . . 49*. C Here begynnyth the blasynge of armes | . . . 73''. /. 32 : C Here in this boke afore ben shewed the treatyses pertey#^|nynge to hawkynge x huntynge with other dyuers playsaunt | materes belongynge vnto noblesse : and also a ryght noble trea|tise of CotarmoursJ as in this present boke it may appere. And | here we ende this laste treatyse whyche specyfyeth of blasynge | of armys Enprynted at westmestre by wynkyn the worde 16 the I yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde .M. CCCC. Ixxxxvi. I 74» [woodcut]. 74* [Caxton's device in red]. *B. M, [2, one on vellum, the other wants leaf 74, supplied in facsimile]. * Bodleian [4, imp.], *J. R, L, [on vellum], * Trinity College, Dublin[imp,]. Norwich Public Library, Britwell Court. Earl Fitzwilliam, Earl of Pembroke [on vellum, sold in zgzf]. Lord Amherst [sold in zpo8]. *f. Pierpont Morgan. *^* Printed entirely in the type which Wynkyn de Worde obtained from Govaert van Ghemen about Z4gz. It was used in no other book in England. In this edi tion the treatise of fishing with an angle first appears. Treatise of Fishing with an Angle. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, n. d. *^* Several bibliographers have spoken of an undated edition of this book printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde. It is, however, almost certain that no such edition exists. Only one separate edition was printed by Wynkyn de Worde, of which the only known copy is in the library at Britwell Court, and this was evidently printed about Z330, 58 Book. The Book of the order of Chivalry or Knighthood. 4°. William Caxton, Westminster, [1484]. a-f g*, 32 leaves, z, 52 blank. 26 lines. I blank. 2\ C Here begynneth the Table of | this present booke Intytled the j Book of the ordre of chyualry | or knyghthode | . . . 3*. C Here after foloweth the mater | and tenour of this said Booke. | And the Fyrst chapyter saith hou | the good Heremyte deuysed to the | Esquyer the Rule x ordre of chy| ualrye | A' Contrey ther was | in which it happed that I a wyse knyght whiche | longe had mayntened | the ordre of chyualrye | . . . 49*. /. 12: ... C In this book here | haue we spoken shortly ynough of thordre | of chyualry / therfor we make now here I an ende / to thonour and the lawde of god | ouy (sic) glorious lord / and of our lady saynt | Mary / whiche be blessyd in secula seculora | Amen ||{| ct Here endeth the book of thordre of chyjualry / whiche book is translated oute of | Frensshe in to Englysshe at a requeste of | a gentyl and noble esquyer by me Will<;| iam Caxton dwellynge in Westmynstre | [49*] besyde london in the most best wyse that god | hath suffred me / . . . 51*. /. 20 : . . . And I shalle pray almy3if|ty god for his long lyf x prosperous wel<;|fare / x that he may haue victory of al his | enemyes / and after this short X transitory | lyf to haue euerlastyng lyf in heuen / whe<;|re as is loye and blysse world without | ende Amen/ | 51* blank. 32 blank. *B. M. [2, one wants leafz, the other leaf 8, supplied in facsimile, and the blank leaves], */. R. L. [2, one wants leaves z and 32, the other leaves Z-Z3]. *J. Pier pont Morgan [wants leaves 30-32], 59 Breuiarium. Breularium ad usum Ebor. 8". Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, (for Frederick Egmondt), Venice, i May, 1493. [7J-25' ; 200 leaves (z-200) Temporale, etc. [26]' ; 8 leaves (20Z-208) Kalendar. 27-33^ ; 36 leaves (2op- 264) Psalter. 34^, 33^^ ; 20 leaves (263-284) Commune Sanctorum, a-x^y^'; z8o leaves (283-464) Proprium Sanctorum and Tabula. 464 leaves. 2 columns, 36 lines. With head-lines and foliation. I*. Breuiariii scd'm vsum | ecclesie Eboracensis. | i^ blank. 2\ C In nomine sancte et indi^|uidue trinitatis Amen. Inci^'lpit ordo Breuiarii scd'm mo|rem X consuetudinej ecclesie | Eboraceti. anglicane In par<'|te hyemali . . . 462*'. /. 13: Breuiarium scd'm morem x consuetudinem sancte ecclesie | Eboracensis anglicane : ad laudem x gloria sanctissime trini|tatis : itemerate quo(^ genetricis dei virginis marie : totiuscf | hyerarchie celestis : Ipsius($ sacrosancte ecclesie Ebo- racesis | cleri deuotissimi reuerentiaj x honorem : Singulari cura ac | diligetia impensiscj Friderici egmundt bene reuisum emen|datum(B : feUciter est expMcitum. Impressum venetijs p lo^jhannem haman de Landoia dictu5 hertzog: limpidissimis : | vt cemif : caracterib* : Anno salutis post millesimu5 quatercj | centesimii nonagesimotertio. Kalendas madij. | .S. [woodcut of bishop] .W. | 463*. C! Tabule super breuiarium | Eboracen. comoditate repe''|riendi ce- leriuscule prestates : . . . 464*. col. 2, ends : Finit tabula. | 464* blank. *B. M. [leaves 49-36 and Z2g-Z33]. * Bodleian [wants leaves 463 and 464]. * Ashby-de-la-Zouch Church Library. *** The initials and cut at the end refer no doubt to St, Wilfrid of York. 60 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 4°. [Cologne, 1475.] Collation not known. 2 columns. 3Z lines. Known only from a few leaves. Three leaves begin : Ibauit ilium pane | vite et intellectus x | aqua sapiencie salutaris | . . . t nos exaudire digne|ris t. Fili dei te rogam* | . . . orp* licet fatisces iaceat | recliue paululum cristum | . . . * Bodleian. * U. L, C. * Brasenose College, Oxford. Grammar School Library, Lincoln. *»* One other book is known printed with the same type, an edition of Gregory's Homiliarius. 61 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. Raynaldus de Noulmaglo, Venice, 22 September, 1483. a-h [ik] l-fi t-"; 164 leaves (Z-Z64) Temporale. [*«] ; 8 leaves (Z62-Z72) Kalendar. A-F'; 48 leaves (z73-22o) Psalter and Litanies, aa-ii [kk] ll-qq' rr^' ; Z40 leaves (22Z-360) Proprium and Commune Sanctorum. 360 leaves, z, Z63 blank, 2 columns. 40 lines. I* blank. 2\ In nomine sancte x indiui^jdue Trini tatis. Amen. Inci^^jpit ordo Breuiarij: secundum | morem et consuetudinem Ec^jclesie Sarum: Angli cane. I . . . 164''. col. 2, /. 13 : Quatuor x reliqui tenet idus I quilibet octo. | 165*. lani prima dies x septima fine timetur | . . . 173^. Incipit ordo Psalterii sejcundu ritum et consuetudine5 I Ecclesie Sarum : Anglicane. | . . . 221*. INcipit ppriQ sanctorum. | In vigilia sancti Andree j apostoli ad .j. vs. . . . 359*. col. i, /. 31 : Explicit breuiarium secundu3 j ordine saru magna dili- gentia j Venetijs impressum per magilstruj Reynaldu3 de noui ma'jgio alamanum. Anno domi'|nice incar- nationis. M. cccc. | Ixxxiii. x. kalen. Octobris. | Deo gratias. 359*, 360*: registrum. | 360'' blank. Bibliothique Nationale [on vellum], *if* The only known copy was at one time in the Cambridge University Library, It was stolen from there and passed into the hands of Count MacCarthy, at whose sale it was purchased by the Bibliothique Nationale for 31 francs, 62 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8". [Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, Venice, 1493.] Collation not known. 2 columns. 36 lines. With head-lines and foliation. Known only from 8 leaves, numbered 329-336, being part of the Proprium Sanctorum, of the Pars Aestiualis [May 28-fune 24]. 329* begins : C Incipit propria de Sanctis | tpe esti- uali. C! Sci germani | epi. iij. lee. fiant sine regimine | chori. Ofo X cetera de comui | vni* confessoris x potifi. cum I his tribus lectionib*. . . . *St. John's College, Cambridge. *,* These leaves were used to line the boards of the binding of a copy of the Expositio Canonis Missae by G. Biel, printed by J. Bienayse and J. Ferrebouc at Paris in Z3Z6. As the lower portions of leaves 329 and 330 are cut off, no signatures are present. 63 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. [Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, Venice, 1494.] Collation not known. 2 columns. 36 lines. With head-lines and foliation. Known only from 8 leaves, partly mutilated, being leaves z, 4, 3, 8, 34, 35, 38, and 39. I*. Breuiariii scd'm mojrem ecclesie Sarum | i^ blank, * Corpus Christi College, Ox/at d. D 64 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. [Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, Venice, 1494.] Collation not known. 2 columns. 36 lines. With head-lines and foliation. Known only from 6 leaves, 204-209, the Proprium Sanctorum, for fuly z6-22. One leaf begins : F^'Vit itacg bta Lee. ij. | margareta atiochenis | ingenuis orta natalib* : theofdosij idolorU principis filia. | . . . * Lambeth Palace. *^* In the binding of Sermones Berirandi, Strass- burg, Z30Z-2 (Maitland, N0.Z48), with a panel stamp of the arms of Henry VIII and Catharine of Aragon. These and the No. 62 fragments cannot belong to the same edition. 65 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. Pierre Levet, Paris, 11 February, 1494. a-zx'; Z92 leaves (Z-Z92) Temporale. A'; 8 leaves (zc)3-20o) Officium B.M.V. A*; 8 leaves (20Z-208) Kalendar. a-k^; 80 leaves (209-288) Psalter, Com mune Sanctorum, etc. aa-vv' xx^" ; Z70 leaves (289- 438) Proprium Sanctorum. 438 leaves, Z92, 200 blank. 2 columns. 38 lines. With head-lines. Foliation on 8 leaves only. I*. Breuiariii scd'm vsum Sarum | 3*. C In nomine sancte x indiui|due trinitatis. Ame. Incipit | ordo bre uiarij f m more x c6su|etudine ecclesie Sarum angli|cane. C[ Dominica pma in ad|uentu diii ad vs a. Benedict* | ps. Ipm. cu ceteris pis x suis | ais : vt in psalterio. Capitulii I . . . 191^. col. 2, /. 22 : C Ad laude dei oipotet5 eius|c5 intemerate mf is x virginis | marie totiusqg curie celestis : | actu attj pfectii extitit piis or|dinariii seu breuiaru (sic) scd'3 vsu | Sarii. exaratii in preclarl pa|rip. suburbiis sci Germani de | pratis : per Petri! Leuet In | intersignio crucis auree. An|no diii .M. cccc°. xciiij. iij. Id* I Februarii. | V)i^ (Officiutn B.V.M.): CVespere p aduentu de seta | maria vscf ad vigil', natal' dni | an. Prophete pdicaueriit na|sci saluatore3 de ygine maria | . . . 211*. P'Rimo dierii olm Hymn* | quo miid* extat coditus : I . . . 289* (Proprium Sanctorum) : C In vi gilia sancti Andree | apl'i. Ad vs srpos hec sola 5 | [V°]Nus ex duob' | q secuti siit diij | erat andreas | frater simonis | petri all'a . . . 458*. col. 2,1.%: D^'Eus qui beato cedde c6|fessori tuo atcj pontifici trasi|tus sui diem angeloij. voce re#|uelasti : da nobis quesum* me-?|ritis ei* X precib* ipoif. in piiti j consolatione : x futuro societajtem. Per diim. | 458'' blank. * U. L, C. [wants leaves z and 8]. * Trinity College, Dublin. *t,* In the Dublin copy the Officium B. V. M. is placed at the end. 18 66 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. Fol. [Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, Venice, 1494.] Collation not known. 2 columns, 47 lines. With head-lines and foliation. Known only frotn the leaves numbered Z73, Z74 [part of the Rubrica Magna in the Temporale], 416, 432-3, 437, 438, 469 [part of the Sanctorale], S iii* [fol. CLXXiii] begins : octa. cii regimie chori vel festu sine | regi . . . Z iii* [fol. CCCCLIII] begins : angeli stabat 1 circuitu throni ... _ _ Z iiii* [fol. CCCCLIIIl] begins : Animabus qms dne. et cetera ola | vt post . . . [Z vij*, fol, CCCCLVII''] begins : E^T cii de a(jue pe- nuria septus a | fratribus fieret qrimonia: pce|pit sicca scrobe fieri ad modii putei | Ciiqg finissj sup ea orone : X discipu|li qui aderat respodissent ame : cofe|stim puteus recepit aqua : et indefii^jneter incolis potii pstat vsqp in pre«| sente die . . . *U,L.C, 67 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 16°. Johannes Hertzog de Landoia, (for Frederick Egmondt), Venice, I March, 1495. A-G' •,36 leaves(z-36)Temporale. [*^**']; zo leaves (57-66) Kalendar. a-p'; Z20 leaves (67-Z86) Psalter, Commune Sanctorum, etc. H-Z aa btfi cd^ ; Z48 leaves (Z87-334) Propriujn SanctoruTn. 334 leaves. 2 columns. 34 lines. With head-lines and foliation. 1*. Breuiarii secUdum | morem Saru pars | Esti' ualis. I i'' blank, 2*. C! In dei nole ame. Breuia'jrii pm vsum Saru pars esti-'|ualis incipit. C In festo sanjcte trinitatis ad ves. sup spal. (sic) \ . . . ^€°. col. 2, 1. 29 : Explicit pars estiualis de tem^'lpor (sic) videlicet scd'm vsum Ecjclesie Sarum | 58*. Tabule partis Estiualis | breuiarij Saru : comoditate | reperiedi celeriuscule pre- stan|tes : eoru videlicet que inibi | cotinent : x primo tabula diii''|nicarii (sic) in parte estiuali. | 67*. P^Rimo dierii Hymnus | omniu quo miidus ex' [tat conditus . . . 187*. C Incipit propriii de Sanctis | in tpe estiuali. Sancti germa|ni epi. iii. lecti. fiant sine regie | chori . . . 334*. /. 22 : Ad laudem x gloria omnipotentis dei eiustf intemerate ge|nitricis marie totiusqp militie celestis. Ad honore quoqg san|cte ecclesie Sarum Anglicane: hoc breuiaru (jzV) diuinoru ofiicio|rum vigilanti studio emen- datu : atcj deuotissimo clero onu'|stam deferendi volu- minis adimes grauedine : in duas par-'ltes hyemalem videlicet xestiuale diuisum ipsis quo(^ parti-'|bus singulis singula tam dominicarii ^ festiuitatum sancto|rum : seruitiorfi item comuniii integerrima propriis in locis | officia adijciens : completii est feliciter Impressum Venetiis j per loannem Hertzog de Landoia. Anno natiuitatis chri''|stianissime : post millesimii quaterqp- centesimu nonagesimo | quinto Kalendas Martias. j 334" [Device of Egmondt and Barrevelt] \ Fredericus egmondt | me fieri fecit. | * Bodleian. Brasenose College, Oxford [fragment of z6 leaves, sigs. o,p,ff. 40Z-4Z6]. *»* This is the Pars Aestiualis only. No copy of the Pars Hiemalis is known. 68 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. Fol. Martin Morln, (for Jean Richard), Rouen, 3 November, 1496. [Title-pagef ; a-z' • Z84 leaves (2-Z83) Temporale. X ; 8 leaves (Z86-Z93) Kalendar, Benedictiones, etc. A-E' ; 40 leaves (Z94-233) Psalter. F^G^; Z4 leaves (234-247) Noua Festa. H' P ; Z4 leaves (248-26Z) Com mune Sanctorum, aa-y^ ; 776 leaves (262-437) Pro prium Sanctorum. 437 leaves. 2 columns. 30 lines. With head-lines. I*. [BjReuiarium ad vsum Saij. j [woodcut^ 2*. In nomine sancte et indiuidue trinijtatis Ame. Incipit ordo breuiarii scd'm j more et psuetudine eccl'e Sai;. agli- cane . . . 436^ /. 19 : Diuini officii per totius anni cir- culum tam de tempore^ de sactis ne | dicam breuiarium : sed vt verius et ita loquar / ordinarium saij. : iaiam j necnon x nuper cura solerti ac peruigili eruditissimoru virorum celo lii;|ma<5 correctionis multa lucubratione castigatum ac iterum emendaj^jtum. Ad laudem honorem magnificentiam et gloria ipsius veri dei su|mi optimi maximi totiuscj celestis exercitus : ac insuper comen- datione | celeberrimi cleri famosissime ac iter occiduas nomiatissime ecclesie saij. I prelibate: ere x Ipensa honesti viri lohanis richardi mercatoris Indui^lstriae^ experti in arte impressoria viri magistri Martini Morin incli^lte ciuitatis Rothomagensis ciuis non imeriti terse / luculenter et accujrate impressum Anno gratie Mille- simo quadringentesimo nonagesijmo sexto, tercio Nonas Nouembris feliciter finit. | [Device off. Richard.] 437 not known. * University Library, Edinburgh. *,* The title-page is a separate leaf, so that probably something is missing at the beginning. 69 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. Martin Morin, Rouen, 2 June, [1497]. [*'] 8 leaves (z-8) Kalendar, etc. a-x'y^; Z74 leaves (9-Z82) Temporale. A-PK^"; 82 leaves (Z83-264) Psalter. L M' N^° OP' -,42 leaves (263-306) Commune Sanctorum,, i*, 4 leaves (307-3 zo) Commemoratio D. Thome, etc. a-f'g^" h* ; 62 leaves (3ZZ-372) Proprium Sanctorum. 372 leaves. 2 columns. 33 lines. With head-lines; parity foliated. I*. lanuarius habet dies. xxxi. Luna xxx. | Prima dies mesis x septima truncat vt ensis. | . . . 10*. col. i : In nomine sancte et indiui|due trinitatis. Ame. Incipit orjdo breuiarii scd'm more et c6sue|tudine ecclie Saif. 19 anglicane : in | parte hyemali Dnica prima in j aduetu dm ad ves an. sup psal. | . . . 183*. [P^JRimo diei;. oim Hy*. I quo mudus extat conjditus . . . | 265*. In natali vni* apostoli siue | plurlo!^ aploij. per totu anu ex'jtra tps pasche Ad pri. ves. an. | . . . 311*. In vigilia sacte andree apo'lstoli Ad ves sr pos hec sola a. | . . . 371^. col.2,l.i^: Breuiarii ad vsu Saif. | pars hyemalis castigatone | peruigili diligenter emeda^fta ac Rotho- magi per Ma. | M. morin Ipressorem iuxta | prioratum sancti Laudi in | eadem vrbe commorantem | exarata qrto nonas lunii | finit feliciter. | 372* blank. n7> [Device of M. Morin]. * Bodleian [on vellum; wants 2 leaves in sis: sr ; formerly Wodhull]. *** Of this edition only the parts containing the Pars Hiemalis exist, but the Pars Aestiualis must have been printed at the same time, though no copy is at present known. 70 Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. [Georg Wolf for Thielmann Kerver,] Paris, 1499. Pars Hiemalis: a-^; Z44 leaves (Z-Z44) Temporale. 1i,';8 leaves (Z43-Z32) In dedicatione ecclesiae, etc. [*'] ; 8 leaves (Z33-Z60) Kalendar. A-I' ; 72 leaves (Z6Z-232) Psalter, a el'; 24 leaves (233-236) Comtnune Sancto- rwn. A-F'; 48 leaves (237-304) Proprium Sanctorum. Pars Aestiualis [omitting all duplicate portions] : aa-ff'; 48 leaves (z-48) Temporale. A-O'; ZZ2 leaves (49-Z60) Proprium Sanctorum. A A BB' ; z6 leaves (Z6Z-Z76) Noua Festa. 304 and Z76 leaves. 2 cohcmns. 37-39 lines. With head-lines; partly foliated. Pars Hiemalis: i^.^C Quotienscuncp fiut .ix. lee. p totu3 annum dicant iste sex | benedictiones . . . 2*. C In nomine sancte et indiui^jdue trinitatis Incipit ordo bre|uiarii scd'm cosuetudine eccle<5|sie Sarum in anglia . . . 233*. C! In natali vnius apostoli si|ue vnius euageliste vel plurijmoi}. apostoloi{. paschal' tpris | videl5 ab oct. pasche vscp ad | penthecoste . . . 257='. In vigilia scti Andree apolstoli . . . 304*. col. 2, /. 22 : Quo leuato scus episcop* [ pergens ad celsum in eodem orjto sepultum : vtrostp transtulit | ad basilicam aposto- lorum que | est in roma. Inuenti autem et | translati sunt pridie id* iunij : | festiuitas vero eoru5 agitur qn|to kalendas augusti de marty{^|rio. Cetera de comuni plurimojrum martyrum | 304'> blank. Pars Aestiualis : I*. C In festo sancte trinitatis ad | vs super, p. a. Gloria tibi trii;|nitas equalis vna deltas . ._. 49*. Sancti basilij epi. Oratio. | D'eas (sic) qui btm basiliu con|fessore tuii doctore pcipu|um catho- lice(5 fidei pdicatore5 | eligere dignatus es . . . 161*. C Festii dulcissimi nols. lesu | fiat septimo idus augusti mai* I duplex. Octane cii regi. chori. | . . . 176''. col, 2, /. 37 : Impressuj parisius Anno diii | M. cccc. nonagesi- monono. | *B. M, [Pars Aestiualis : Temporale, Commune San ctorum, Proprium Sanctorum, Noua Festa; on vellum.] *St. John's College, Cambridge [all Pars Hiemalis, but D2 a few leaves missing]. * Jesus College, Cambridge [Pars Hiemalis: Psalter, Commune Sanctorum, Proprium Sanctorum; Pars Aestiualis : Proprium Sanctorum ; all imperfect?^ Bibliothique Nationale [Pars Hiemalis : Kalendar, Commune Sanctorum, Proprium Sancto rum; Pars Aestiualis: Proprium Sanctorum, Noua Festa]. Breuiarium. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. 8°. Thierry Martens, Louvain, 29 May, 1499. Pars Hiemalis: A-X' Y*; 772 leaves (Z-Z72) Tem porale. AA-GG' ; 36 leaves (Z73-228) Proprium San ctorum. [*']; 8 leaves (229-236) Kalendar. a-n';zo4 leaves (237-340) Psalter, Commune Sanctorum, etc. Pars Aestiualis [omitting all duplicate portions] : a-M' ; 80 leaves (z-80) Temporale. 1-v u-z x 9 AA-CC^ DD*; Z36 leaves (8Z-236) Proprium Sanctorum, etc. 376 leaves, 376 blank, 2 columns. 32 lines. With head-lines. I*. Breuiarium Seciidu | vsum ecclesie Sarum | 3*. C In nole see x idiuidue trijnitatis ame Incipit ordo brejuiarij f m more x psuetudine | eccl'ie. Sarum angli cane In I pte hiemaU . . . 173*. <[ Incipit propria de sanct5 tpe hyemali . . . 341*. Breuiarij secudii vsu5 | Saru Pars estiualis. | 341* blank, 342*. C[ In dei nole ame. Breuia|rij Pm vsu3 Sarii pars estiuajlis. in cipit ... 421*. Clncipit ppriii de Sanctis | tpe estiuali . . . 'il^- C[ In laude et gloria celorii regis : et beatissime virginis ma|rie : totiuscp militie celestis. Ad honore (| et decore sancte ec]clesie Saru aglicane : eiuscg cleri de uotissimi : hoc breuiariuj | diuinoru officioru : vigilati studio : et diligetia reuisum : emejdatumc} : iussu x impesis Theoderici martini Alosteii : hac | characterii cii formula : tii arte laudatissima : in alma L.oua|niensiii Academia : feliciter absolutii e Anno saluatoris no|stri .M. CCCC. xcix. ad quartii calend'. lunii. | 576 blank. Musie Plantin, Antwerp. *if* In this, the only known copy, the Kalendar, Psalter, Commune Sanctorum, etc., of the Pars Aesti ualis have been discarded as being duplicates of those in the Pars Hiemalis, This was generally done when the two parts were bound up in one volume. 72 Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n. d. [«'"]. 70 leaves, zo probably blank, 24 lines, I*. Here begynneth a litil boke the whiche | traytied and reherced many gode thinges | necessaries for the infirmite x grete seke«;|nesse called Pestilence the whiche often tijmes enfecteth vs made by the most expert | Doctour in phisike Bisshop of Arusiens | in the realme of Denmark xc" ji [A']T the reuerence x worschip of the blesjsed Trinite x of the glorious virgyn | saynt Marye x the conseruacion of the | comyn wele of alle cristen people / as wel for | them that ben hole as for remedie of them that | been seke / I the bisshop of Arusiens in the roy|alme of denmark doctour of Phisique wille | write by the moost experte and famous doc«|tours auctorised in Phisike somme thynges | of the infirmite of pestilence whiche dayly en«|fecteth / x sone suffreth vs to departe oute of | this lyfe j . . . 9^. /. 1 5 : Medill that water with womans milke x | gyue it to the pacient fasting before slepe x it j wille werke to better for to remeue the swel^flyng : Also for the swellyng whan hit apped | Take filberd nottes fygges X rewe / Bruse j them to gyder x laye it vpon the swelling | These remedyes be sufficient to eschewe thys I grete sekenesse with the helpe of god To whom j be eulastastyng (sic) laude x praysing world with|outen ende A M E N | zo not known, probably blank. *J. R. L. 73 Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n. d. [c?]. 8 leaves. 24 lines, I*. Here begynneth a litill boke necessarye | x behouefull a3enst the Pestilence || [A']T the reuerence X worschip of the bles|sed Trinyte x of the glorious virgyn | saynt marye x the conseruacion of the [comyn wele of alle cristen people / aswell for | them that ben hole as for remedie of them that | ben seke. I the Bisshop of Arusiens in the roy|ame of Denmarke doctour of Phisike wille | write by the moost experte X famous doctours | auctorised in Phisike somme thinges of the injfirmyte of pestilence whiche dayly enfecteth x | sone suffreth vs to departe oute of this lyfe. I . . . 8^ /. 15: . . . Medyll | that water with womas mylke x gyue it to | the pacient fasting before slepe X it wil werke | to better for to remeue the swelling. Also for | the swelling whan it apped Take filberd not|tes fygges x rewe : bruse them to gider x laye | it vpon the swelling These remedies be suf|ficient to eschewe this grete sekenesse with the | helpe of god to whom be eulastlg laude x pray|sing worlde withouten ende A M E N | *B.M. *U.L.C.[imp.]. 74 Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n. d. [a b']. Z2 leaves. 2Z lines. I*. A passing gode lityll boke necessarye x | behoue full a3enst the Pestilence | 1^ blank. 2*. Here be gynneth a litil boke the whi^|che traytied and reherced many gode thin-^jges necessaries for the infirmite and grete | sekenesse called Pestilence the whiche often | ao times enfecteth vs made by the most expert | Doctour in Phisike Bisshop of Arusiens ||| a'T the reuerence and worschip of | the blessed trinite x of the glorious | Virgyn saynt Marye and the cojseruacion of the comyn wele of alle cristen peoi;|ple / as wele for them that ben hole as for reme|dye of them that been seke / I the Bisshop of | Arusiens Doctour of phisike wille write by | the most expert and famous doctours auctori|sed in Phisike somme thinges of the infirmite | of Pestilence whiche dayly enfecteth and sone | suffreth vs to departe out of this lyfe | ¦ ¦ ¦ 12*. /. 8 : . . . Medill that | water with womans mylke x gyue yt to the I pacyent fastyng before slepe x it wille werke | to better for to remeue the swellyng : Also | for the swellung (sic) whan it apped Take filberd | nottes fygges X Rewe / bruse them to gyder x | laye it vpon the swellyng These remedies [ be sufficient to eschewe thys grete sekenesse with | the helpe of almyghty god To whom be euerjlastyng laude x praysing world with outen I ende A M E N | 12'' blank. *B.M, 75 Caorsin, Gulielmus. The Siege of Rhodes. Fol. [London,] n. d. [a-rf^] 24 leaves. 26 lines. I*. [T^]0 the moste excellente / moste redoubted / and I moste crysten kyng : Kyng Edward the fourth j lohan kay hys humble poete lawreate/ and | moste lowly seruant : knelyng vnto the ground | sayth salute ... 2*. [S^jYth that I haue aplyed me to declare and I publysshe to alle crysten people the siege of | the noble and inuyncyble cytee of Rhodes : | Fyrst I purpose to telle and opene the causes | that meued the cruell tyraunt Mahumete | grete Turke and in- sacyable enemye to oure | crysten fayth / that he with so grete might x so grete streynght | vexed the Rhodyans . . . 24''. 1.6: ... wherfore the Rhodyans alle wyth one voyce | thanked God and magnefyed wyth grete praysynges our | holy father the pope Syxte the fourth: the whyche tythynges | wente anone to the oste of the Turkes and fered theym sore | wher fore they the soner departed from Rhodes : wher they had I ben at the siege thre monethes saue a daye. x toumed agayn | to the countrey of Lycya x arryued to the grete towne Vh.ys-f\cwa\ : where they taryed and refresshed theym nerehand .xi. | dayes : and afterward toumed to their countrey / with their | grete shame / their hurte x grete myschefe. Deo gracias. | *B, M. [2, one wants leaf 24, supplied in facsimile], *J.R.L. Blickling Hall. *^,* It is impossible to settle with certainty either the printer or date of this book. The type appears for the most part identical with that used by Lettou a7id Machlinia about Z482-Z484. The Grenville copy in the British Museum has been taken to pieces by Charles Lewis the binder and made up ingatherings of four leaves. 76 Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus. [First edition]. 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. [a-c' fl^°.] 34 leaves, z blank. 23 lines. I blank. 2*. .Hie Incipit paruus Catho. || Cii aladutere qua plurimos holes guiter errare | Whan I aduerte to my remembrance And see how fele folkes erren greuously In the wey of vertuouse gouernance | . . . 3*. /. 15 : .Hie finis parui cathonis. | 3*. .Hie Incipit magnus Catho. | . . . 34*. /. 13 : Than dar I afferme withoute drede Ye shul acheue and be ful vertuous Here haue I fonde that shal you guyde x lede Streight to gode fame x leue you in hir hous | .Explicit Catho. | *U.L.C. *^ This book consists of the Disticha of Cato or Cato Magnus and the precepts of Daniel Church or Cato Paruus translated by Benet Burgh. 11 Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus. [Second edition.] 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. [a-i? (Z'".] 34 leaves, z blank. 23 lines. I blank. 2*. Hie Incipit paruus Catho || [C]Vm alduerterem qua holes grauiter errare | Whanne I aduerte to my remembrance And see how fele folkes erren, greuously In the wey of vertuouse gouernance | . . . 3*. /. 15 : Hie finis parui cathonis | 3''. Hie Incipit magnus Catho. | . . . 34^ /. 13 : Than dar I afferme withoute drede Ye shul acheue and be ful vertuous Here haue I fonde that shal you guyde x lede Streight to gode fame x leue you in hir hous || Explicit Catho . : . | *Duke of Devonshire [wants leaf z]. 78 [Third Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus. edition.] Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. ' a-c? d*. 28 leaves, 7 blank. 29 lines. I blank. 2*. Hie incipit paruus Chato || [woodcut] \\ [C^JVm aia aduertere quam holes grauiter errare | Whan I aduerte in my remembraunce (sic) And see how fele folkes erren greuously (sic) In the wey of vertuous gouernaunce | . . . ai 3*. /. IS: Hie finis parui cathonis || [woodcut.] ^\ Hie incipit magnus Chato | . . . 28*. /. 17 : Than dar I afferme without drede Ye shul acheue and be ful vertuous Here haue I fond that shal ye guyde and lede Streyght to good fame x leue you in hyr hous || Explicit Chato | 28b blank. *B.M. *J.R.L.[wants leafz]. *St. John's College, Oxford [wants leaf z]. 79 Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus. [Translated into English, with a commentary, by Benet Burgh.] Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, after 23 December, 1483.] (ijiijf a-h' j". 80 leaves, z, 6, 7, 80 blank. 38 lines. I blank. 2*. C Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid | Caton / whiche booke hath ben translated in to Englysshe by | Mayster Benet Burgh / late Archedeken of Colchestre and f hye chanon of saint Stephens at westmestre / which ful craftly | hath made it in balade ryal for the erudicion of my lord Bou<^]sher / Sone x heyr at that tyme to my lord the erle of Estsex | And by cause of late cam to my hand a book of the said Caton | in Frensshe / whiche reherceth many a fayr lernynge and notajble ensamples / I haue translated it oute of frensshe in to Enjglysshe / as al along here after shalle appiere / whiche I presente | vnto the Cyte of london I \ . . . 79* ends : Here fynyssheth this present book whiche is sayd or called | Cathon translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe by Will«|iam Caxton in thabbay of west mynstre the yere of oure lord | M CCCC Ixxxiij / And the fyrst yere of the regne of kynge | Rychard the thyrd the xxiij day of decembre | 79* blank. 80 blank. *B. M. [wants leaves z, 6, 7, and 80]. * Bodleian. * U. L. C. *J. R. L. * Exeter College, Oxford, * Hun terian Museum, Glasgow, etc, 80 Caxton, William. Advertisement. 146 X 76 mm. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1477.] Single sheet. 7 lines. If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracios of sahsburi use enpryntid after the forme of this preset lettre whiche ben wel and truly correct / late hym come to west- mo«|nester in to the almonesrye at the reed pale and he shal | haue them good chepe -•." | Supplico stet cedula. | * Bodleian, */. R, L. *,* This adveriisement refers to the edition of the Ordincde secundum usum Sarum, printed by Caxton (No, 336), which is now only known from some frag ments in the British Museum rescued from the binding of Caxton's Boethius formerly in the Grammar School of St, Albans and now in the British Museum, 81 Cessolis, lacobus de. The Game of Chess. Fol. [William Caxton and Colard Mansion, Bruges, 1476.] [a-h' i'".] 74 leaves, z, 74 blank. 3Z lines. I blank. 2*. [T']0 the right noble / right excellent x vertuous prince j George due of Clarence Erie of warwyk and of I salisburye / grete chamberlayn of Englond x leutenant | of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace | of god kynge of England and of fraiice / your most | humble seruant william Caxton amonge other of your | seruantes sendes vnto yow peas, helthe. loye and victoi^lrye vpon your Enemyes / . . . 3*. This booke conteyneth .iiii. traytees / The first traytee | is of the Inuencion of this playe of the chesse / . . . 4*. This first chapiter of the first tractate sheweth vnder j what kynge the play of the chesse was founden and | maad . : . ] [A^jMonge all the euyll condicions and signes | that may be in a man the first and y grettest | is whan he feereth not / ne dredeth to displese j and make wroth god by synne I . . . 72^. I. 21: . . . And a man that ly|uyth in this world with out vertues liueth not as a man | but as a beste / And therfore my ryght redoubted lord I | pray almighty god to saue the kyng our souerain lord x | to gyue hym grace to yssue as a kynge . . . 73*. /. 8 : . . . And I shall praye al mighty I god for your longe lyf x welfare / whiche he preserue | And sende yow thaccomplisshement of your hye noble. | loyous and vertuous desirs Amen : / : . Fynysshid the | last day of marche the yer of our lord god .a. thousand j foure honderd and Ixxiiii .•.:.:.•.! 73* blank. 74 blank. *B. M. [2, one wants leaves z and 74], * Bodleian [imp.]. *U.L.C. [imp.]. *J.R.L.,etc. 82 Cessolis, lacobus de. The Game of Chess. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster,] n.d. [d\ b-i^ k P, 84 leaves, z blank. 29 lines. I blank. 2*. t'He holy appostle and doctour of the peple saynt | Poule sayth in his epystle. Alle that is wryten ] is wryten vnto our doctryne and for our ler«|nyng. Wherfore many noble clerkes haue en- deuoyred | them to wryte and compyle many notable werkys and | historyes to the ende that it myght come to the knowlege | and vnderstondyng of suche as ben ygnoraunt ... 2*. /. 1 1 : This book is deuyded and departed in to four traytyes | and partyes || The firs traytye || How the playe of the chesse was fyrstfounden | and vnder what kyng capitulo j j . . . 4*. This first %% chappitre of the first tractate sheweth vn*^|der what kyng the playe of the Chesse was founden and | maad. Capitulo primo || [woodcut] \\ a^'Monge alle the euyl condicions x signes that may | be in a man the first and the grettest is. whan he fejreth not ne dredeth to displese x make wroth god by synne | . . . 84*. /. 23 : . . . And a man that | lyuyth in thys world without vertues lyueth not as a | man but as a beste. Thenne late euery man of what | condycion he be that redyth or herith this litel book redde. | take therby ensaumple to amende hym. || Explicit per Caxton | 84'' blank, * B. M. [wants leaves 2, 3, 34-37, and 37, supplied in facsimile, and the blank leaf], * Bodleian. *J. R. L. St. John's College, Oxford. *Pepysian Library, Cam bridge. Trinity College, Cambridge, etc. *,* Contains sixteen different woodcuts, many of which are used twice. 83 Charles the Great. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster,] I December, 1485. a-m'. 96 leaves, z, 96 blank, 2 columns. 39 lines. I blank. 2». S'Aynt Poul doctour of | veryte sayth to vs that I al thynges that ben re^|duced by wrytyng/ ben wryton | to our doctryne / And Boece | maketh mencion that the helthe) of euery persone procedeth dy^juercely / . . . 3*. C Here begynnen the chapy tres I X tytles of this book folowyng | nombred for to fynde the more | lyghtly the mater therin compri|sed | ... 6*. A'S it is redde in thystory|es of the troians / After I the dystructyon of the | noble cyte of Troye / there was a | kyng moche noble named fran|cus the whyche was felowe of | Eneas / . . . ggb. col, 2, 1. 19: I shal praye god for them / who | brynge them and me after this j shiort and transytorye lyf to e;j|uerlastyng blysse Amen / the j whyche werke was fynysshed | in the reducyng of hit in to en^jglysshe the xviij day of luyn the j second yere of kyng Rychard | the thyrd / And the yere of our | lord MCCCClxxxv/ And | en prynted the fyrst day of de blank, 67*. Here endeth the thyrd book of Troylus || And here begynneth the prolog of the fourth | book | . . . 118*. /. 25 : Thou one and twoo / and thre eteme a lyue That regnest ay in thre twoo and one Incircumscript / x al mayst circumscryue Vs from vysyble and Inuysyble foon Defende x to thy mercy euerychone So make vs Ihesu for thy mercy dygne For loue of mayden / x moder thyn benyngne |||| Here endeth Troylus / as touchyng Creseyde ||| Ex plicit per Caxton | 118" blank. 119, 120 blank, *B, M, [2, both want leaves z, ZZ9, and Z20], *J. R. L. [imp.], *St. John's College, Oxford, 95 Christine Pisan. Moral Proverbs. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 20 February, 1478. A*, 4 leaves, 28 lines. I*. The morale prouerbes of Cristyne || t He grete vertus of oure elders notable Ofte to remembre is thing profitable An happy hous is. where dwelleth prudence For where she is Raison is in presence A temperat man cold from hast asseured May not lightly long saison be miseured %S Constante couraigis in sapience formed Wole in noo wise to vicis be conformed Where nys lustice/ that lande nor that coutre May not long regne in gode prosperite Withouten faith may there noo creature Be vnto god plaisant. as saith scripture | . . . 4^ /. 19 : Go thou litil quayer/ and recomaund me Vnto the good grace / of my special lorde Therle Ryueris. for I haue enprinted the At his comandement. folowyng eury worde His copye/ as his secretaire can recorde At westmestre. of feuerer the .xx. daye And of kyng Edward/ the .xvij. yere vraye || Enprinted by Caxton In feuerer the colde season | *J. R. L, Britwell Court, *J, Pierpont Morgan. 96 Christine Pisan. The Book of the Feat of Arms and Chivalry. Fol. William Caxton, [Westmin ster,] 14 July, 1489. [*°] A-R? S'. Z44 leaves, Z44 blank, 3Z lines, I*. H'Ere begynneth the table of the rubryshys of the I boke of the fayt of armes and of Chyualrye whiche | sayd boke is departyd in to four partyes/ | ... 3*. Here begynneth the book of fayttes of armes X of Chyual<;|rye / And the first chapytre is the prologue / in whiche xpry;j|styne of pyse excuseth hir self to haue dar enterpryse to speke | of so hye matere as is conteyned in this sayd book | . . . 143*. /• 7 : C! Thus endeth this boke whiche xpyne of pyse made X dre|we out of the boke named vegecius de re militari x out of | tharbre of bataylles wyth many other thynges sett in to the | same requisite to werre x batailles whiche boke beyng in frejshe was delyuered to me willm Caxton by the most crysten | kynge x redoubted prynce my naturel x souerayn lord kyng | henry the / vij / kyng of englond x of fraiice in his palais of | westmestre the / xxxiij / day of lanyuere the / iiij / yere of his rejgne x desired x wylled me to translate this said boke x reduce | it in to our english X natural tonge / x to put it in enprynte | . . . I43''- /. 2 : ... Whiche translacyon was finysshed the / viij / day of luyll the sayd yere x enpryn|ted the / xiiij / day of luyll next foloviryng x ful fynyshyd /...[/. 22] .. . In I whyche hye enterprises I byseche almyghty god that he may | remayne alleway vyctoryous / And dayly encreace fro ver|tu to vertue x fro better to better to his laude x honour in this | present lyf/ that after thys short x transitorye lyf/ he may ati'lteyne to euerlastpng (sic) lyf in heuen / Whiche god gaunte (sic) to I hym and to alle his lyege peple AMEN/ || Per Caxton 1 144 blank. *B. M. [3, one wants the blank leaf, one wants leafz, supplied in facsimile, and the blank leaf]. * Bodleian.- *U,L,C, *J,R.L.,etc. 97 Chronicles. Chronicles of England. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 10 June, 1480. (ii-iiii)' a-x^y'. z82 leaves, z, 9 blank. 40 lines. I blank. 2*. PN the yere of thyncarnacion of our lord Ihii crist M. | CCCC.lxxx. And in the xx. yere of the Regne of j kyng Edward the fourthe / Atte requeste of dyuerce | gentilmen I haue endeuourd me to enprinte the cro«|nicles of Englond as in this booke shall by the suf^|fraunce of god folowe /...[/. 12] First in the prologue is conteyned how Albyne with hir sustre^ | entrid in to this He / and named it Albyon | The beginnyng of the book conteyneth how Brute was engedrid | of them of Troye x how he slew his fadre X moder Ca. j | . . . 10*. How the lande of Englonde was fyrst namd Albyon And | by what encheson it was so namd | N (sic) the noble lande of Sirrie ther was a noble kyng and myhty x | a man of grete renome that me (sic) called Dioclisian that well and | worthely hym gouned and ruled thurgh hys noble chinalrie (sic). I So that he conquered all the lande^ about hym so that almost al | the kynges of the world to hym were entedant . . . 182*. /. 16 : whom I pray god saue X kepe x sende hym the accomplisshement of | the remenaunt of his rightfuU enheritaunce beyonde the see/ x that he | may regne in them to the playsir of almyghty god helthe of his sou|le honour x wurship in this present lyfe / x well x prouffyt of alle | his subgettis / X that ther may be a verray finall pees in all cristen rejames that the infidelis x mysscreauntes may be withstaden x destroijed x our faith enhannced which in thise dayes is sore mynusshed by | the puissaunce of the turkes x hethen men / And that after this pre^isent x short lyfe we may come to the euer- lastujg (sic) lyfe in the blisse of | lieuen Amen |||| Thus endeth this present booke of the cronicles of englond / enpn|ted by me william Caxton In thabbey of west mynstre by london | Fynysshid and accomplisshid the X. day of luyn the yere of thin#|carnacion of our lord god M. CCCC.lxxx. And in the xx. yere of | the regne of kyng Edward the fourth | 182'' blank. *B. M. [wants Z2 leaves and has other leaves mutilated], *Bodleian[2]. *U .L. C. [wants leaf 9]. St. John's College, Oxford. * Hunterian Museum., Glasgow, Lambeth Palace, etc. 98 Chronicles. Chronicles of England. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 8 October, 1482. (ii-iiii)' a-3^ y'. Z82 leaves, z, 9 blank. 40 lines. I blank. 2*. i^N the yere of thyncarnacyon of our lord Ihii crist M | CCCC / Ixxx/ And in the xx yere of the Regne of | kyng Edward the fourth / Atte request (sic) of dyuerse gen|tylmen I haue endeuoyryd me to a; E 2 enprynte the Cro|ble kyng ad myhty x a man of grete renome | that me called Dioclisian that well ad wor<;|thely hym gouned and Ruled thurgh hys noble chinalrie (sic) \ So that he conquered all the landes about hym so tliat | almost al the kynges of the world to hym were entedat | . . . 238*. /. 24 : ... who5 | I pray God saue x kepe x sede him the acoplissemet of the | remenaiit of his right full eheritaiice beyonde the see X that I he may regne in them to the plisir of almyghty god helthe | of his soule honour x wurship in this preset lyfe x well x | poufit of alle his subgets x that their may be a verry fi|nall pees in all cristen reames that the Ifidelis x miscreaiits | may by withstande x de- stroied x our faith echaiiced which | in thise dales is sore mynushed by the puissauce of the tur|kes x hethe men x that aft' this preset x short lyfe we may j coin to the euerlasting lyfe in the blisse of heuen Amen i 238!^ blank. *B.M.[imp.]. *Bodleian[2,imp.]. *J,R.L. * Pem broke College, Cambridge [imp.]. *Pepysian Library, Cambridge [imp.]. Blickling Hall [imp.]. *Earl of Crawford. *J, Pierpont Morgan [3, all imp.], ¦",(* In all copies of this book leaves 39 and 66 (G z and 8) are printed on quarto paper. In the Rylands copy the initials of the chapters are throughout filled in with gold, the only instance of its use I have found in an English fifteenth-century book. The gold is in the form of gold paint not gold leaf. 100 Chronicles, Chronicles of England. Fol. Gerard Leeu, Antwerp, 1493. A a-^f^ g h' i ff f m' n' o-q' r' s-v' xy^ .z*. 7plied in facsimile, and the blank leaves, the other wants leaves 2, 3, 6, 8, supplied in facsimile, and the blank leaves], * Bodleian [3, imp,]. *U,L,C. [imp.]. *f.R.L. [wants 6 leaves], * Corpus Christi College, Cambridge [wants Z2 leaves], Emmanuel College, Cambridge. * Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaves z, 9, 289, and 290]. Marquis of Bath. Earl of Ashbumham [sold in z8g'f]. Sir T. Brooke [wants zo leaves ; sold in Z9Z3]. A.II. Huth [on vellum; sold in Z9Z3]. R. Hoe [sold in Z9Z2], *J. Pierpont Morgan. *,' The St. Albans Chronicle is not a reprint of Caxton's, but a separate compilation, comprising the same text, with a history of the Popes and other eccle siastical matters interpolated throughout. 102 Chronicles. Chronicles of England. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1497. Aaa-z 9 A-H^ I*. 202 leaves. 2 columns, 4Z lines. With head-lines, i''. H^Ere begynneth a shorte x a breiJ|ue table on these Cronycles / x | ye must vnderstande that euery leef of 1 the a b c is marked in the margyne .j. | .ij. and .iij. and so forth to .vi. all the | letters vnto the bokes ende. What so^|euer ye fynde shortly wryten in this ta|ble / ye shall fynde it openly in the sa<;|me nombre of that letter. | . . . 7*. PN so moche that is (sic) is necessary | to all creatures of crysten relygy|on / or of fals relygyon / or gentyles : x j machomytes. to knowe ther prynce. or | pryncis / that regne vpon them, x them I to obey : So it is comodious to know | ther noble actes x dedes / x the circumjstaunce of ther lyues / Therfor in the | yere of our lorde .M. CCCC. Ixxxiij. | yere of the regne of kyng Edwarde y j fourth / at saynt Albons / soo that alle | men may knowe the actes namely of | our noble kyngs of Englonde. is com|pyled togyder this boke . . . 202*. col. \, 1.2,7: ... And that meued the pope / y | he sholde dyspose him to goo to wyth|stonde hym. And for an armye to be | made ayenst the Turke : the pope ga|ue grete indulgences (sic) of pardon of the | [col. 2] tresory of the chyrche vnto all crysten | reames / that he myghte ordeyne some | tresour. to withstond that mysbyleued | Turke. And in the londe of Englon|de. lohri abbot of Abyngdon was the I popys Legate, to dyspose this goodly | tresour. of the chyrche to euery faythi;|full man / chat (sic) was dysposyd / x that | wolde able hym to receyue it. ||| C Here endyth this present crony*|cle of Englonde wyth the frute of ty^|mes : compiled in a booke / x also en^jprynted by one somtyme scole mayster | of saynt Albons. on whoos soule god | haue mercy / CE And newely in the yer | of our lord god .M. CCCC.lxxxxvij. | enpryntid at Westmestre by Wynkyn | de Worde. | 202'' [Caxtotis device], *B.M.[2]. * Bodleian. * U, L. C. [imp,]. *f,R.L, [2, imp.]. Marquis of Bath. *f, Pierpont Morgan, 103 Cicero, Marcus Tulllus. Of Old Age. Of Friendship. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster,] 12 August, 1481. 7, (^ b-h' i*; a-f. Z20 leaves, z, Z2, 72 blank. 29 lines. I blank. 2*. h^Ere begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge / | both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh | tongue / of the polytyque book named TuUius de senec«]tute ... 1 71*. /• 6 : Thus endeth the boke of Tulle of olde age translated | out of latyn in to frenshe by laurence de primo facto at | the comaundement of the noble prynce Lowys Due of | 39 Burbon /and enprynted by me symple persone William j Caxton in to Englysshe at the playsir solace and reue<;|rence of men growyng in to olde age the xij day of Aui^lgust the yere of our lord .M. CCCC. Ixxxj : | 72 blank, 73*. Here foloweth the said TuUius de Amicicia translated in | to onr (sic) matemall Englissh tongue by the noble famous | Erie / The Erie of wurcestre . . . 120^ /. 8: . . . Thenne I | here re- commende his sowle vnto youre prayers / and also | that we at our departyng maye departe in suche wyse / that I it maye please our lord god to receyue vs in to his euir#|lastyng blysse. Amen : || Explicit Per Caxton | *B. M. [2, one wants leaf z, the other leaves z and 72]. *J. R. L. * U. L. C. [3, wanting 2, zo, and zs leaves respectively], etc. 104 Cicero, Marcus TuUius. Oratio pro T. Milone. 4°. [Theodoric Rood, Oxford, 1483.] Collation not known. Z9 lines. Known only from 8 leaves, from quires b, c, and e. b 3* begins : fortissimii virum inimicissimii suii certis- simii psule5. Id(5 | intellexit no solii Pmonibj / S5 etia suffragiis Po. Ro. se^|pe ee declaratii: pala agere cepit/ X apte dicere occidendii | . . . \}ai^.] /. 18 : . . . At qui milone interfecto Clodius hoc asseqbaf : no | modo vt pretor esset Non eo psule / quo sceleris nichil | e 3* begins : ma vi)}. psulare crudelissime necatii ee me- miniss3 : 01a possi|deret : teneret : lege noua : q est inueta apd' eu cii reliqs le<^|gib3 Clodianis puos nros libertos suos feciss5 . . . [e 4^^.] /. 18 : . . . nee tii eos mipos : t\ biifico ciues sulos vicerint. S5 tn ex 6nib3 pmiis virtutis Si eet hrida | * Bodleian [4 leaves, b3 and 4, e3 and 4], *Merton College, Oxford [4 leaves, cz,c2, 03, andc 6], *^* The Bodleian fragnents were taken from the binding of a folio volume, containing books printed between Z49Z and Z303, in the library at Bramshill, and presented to the Bodleian in Z872 by Sir W. H. Cope. 105 Commemoratio. Commemoratio lamen- tatlonis Mariae. 4°. [WUUam Caxton, Westminster, 1490.] a-d'- 32 leaves, 24 lines. I*. Comemoraco Lametacois sine (sic) copassiois bte I Marie I morte filij x df Comemoraco bte ma<;|rie pietatis vl' gmemoraco pietatis q celebrari | debet feria sexta Tmediate pcedete domica I passi|one p eo tp ipo die legit i eccl'ia de resuscitacoe | lazari Post qua iudei sibi supserut occacone c6|spiradi I xpo morte Et si ibide 9grue (pf festii | anSciacois 1' alid' simile cele brari no possit. Tiie | de ea pxia feria postea vacate fiat seruiciii. Ad | pmas vesperas / An. | . . . 32*. /. 7 : In ea confide in ea spem ponere ne dubites / | Non enim te fraudabit. que nemine frandare (sic) \ nouit Nempe sui memorum inmemor nequaiJ|quam existit. vel aliter sic accipe eam in tua. | quasi in tua presidea in tua tutamina ab ilia | namcg hora / qua filius matri recommendauit | peccatores / niiq) cessat ipsa maf pro eis interiJJpellare apud patrem vt filijs recomissis. venia | optineat. x in eterna beatitudine permansuram | felici- tatem / Na de seipa dicit Qui elucidut me | vitam etemam habebunt. quam nobis cocedat | precibus pie matris xpc Ihesus diis noster qui | cum patre x spiritu sancto viuit per infinita | secula Amen / | 32'' blank. * Ghent University Library. 106 Contemplation. The Contemplation of Sinners. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 10 July, 1499. A-C P^. 88 leaves, 29 lines. With head-lines. \^ [woodcut]. \° [woodcut]. 2*. C At the deuoute X dylygent request of the ryght j reuerende fader in god X lorde Rycharde bysshop | of Dureham and lorde pryueseall of Englonde / | this lytell boke named Con- templacon of synners | is compyled x fynysshed. The sayd blessyd fader | in god desyrynge gretly all vertue to encreace and | vyce to be exyled / hath caused this booke to be en^|prynted to the entente that oft redynge this booke | may surely serche and truely knowe the state of his | conscyence. | . . . 88*. C Here endeth the treatyse called the Contemplai^lcyon of synners / for euery daye of the weke a synif|guler medytacyon. Emprentyd at Westmynster | by Wynken de worde the .X. daye of luly / the ye<^|re of our lorde .M. CCCC.lxxxxix. II Nam<5 huius mundi fallacis gaudia vite Et quibus exuere se debet omnis homo Sunt miseranda nimis vexant mortalia corda Virtutum faciunt quamlibet immemorem Quos igitur cristi baptisma sacrum renouauit Librum hunc perlegite qui facit esse sacros Quid iusto prodest aut quid peccator egebit Si libet inspicere vos docet istud opus || [ Wynkyn de Wordes device 2.] 88'' [woodcut]. *B.M. * Bodleian [2]. *f.R.L. * Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Duke of Devonshire. *i^ A seventh copy in the original panel stamped binding was in a London sale in Z870. 107 Contemplation. A Contemplation of the shedding of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, n.d. c^ b^, zo leaves. 29 lines. I not known. 2"'. C Here begynneth a Contempla- cyon or medyta#|cyon of the shedynge of the blood of 30 our lorde Ihe|su Cryste at seuen tymes. | . . . lo*. /. 6 : C The .ix. order of seraphyns I beseche you to | pray for me that I may haue the gyfte of feruent | loue in my lorde god / x the swetnes of deuocyon | in his seruyce with holy medytacyon / that my sou^|le be enflammed with loue of the gloryous tryny^jte / and endles loye of his moost blessyd presence. | Amen. || CE Here endeth a medytacyon of the .vij. shedyngs | of the blood of our lorde Ihesu cryste. Enprynted | at Westmynster by Wynken de worde. |||| [Wynkyn de Worde' s device 3.] R, Hoe [sold in zgz2 ; formerly Fletewode, Fuller Russell], 108 Cordiale. Les (juatre dernieres choses. Fol. [WiUIam Caxton, Bruges, 1476.] [a-d' ^"f-i'.] 74 leaves, z, 74 blank, 28 lines, I blank. 2*. Ce present traictie est diuise en quatre parties principa|les : Desquelles chascune contient trois autres singulie/|res parties en la fourme qui sen- suit: II l^'a premiere partie principale est de la mort corporel|le et contient en soy trois parties singulieres. j ... 4*. Cy commence la premiere partie des quatre derrenieres choses qui sont a aduenir: || 1*A premiere partie des quatre derrenieres cho;j|ses Dont la memoire Retrait lomme des pe5J|chiez cest la mort presente ou temporelle . . . 73*. /. 10 : . . . Or | pleust adieu quilz fussent bien sages et bien entendus et | quilz pourueissent aux choses derrenieres / dont la frequete | memoiere et recordacion Rappelle des pechiez a culpe aux verjtus et conferme en bounes (sic) oeuures / par quoy on paruient a | la gloire etemelle : Amen || Ex plicit liber de | quatuor Nouissimis | 74 blank. *B. M, [wants leaf 67, supplied in facsimile, and leaf 74], *J. Pierpont Morgan [wants leaves 68 and 73, supplied in facsimile], 109 Cordiale. Memorare nouissima. [In Eng lish.] Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster,] 24 March, 1479. [«-«¦' k',] 78 leaves, z, 78 blank. 28-29 lines. I blank. 2*. a*L Ingratitude vtterly settyng apart / we owe I to calle to our myndes the manyfolde gyftes | of grace / with the benefaittis. that our lorde | of his moost plentiueuse bonte hath ymen (sic) vs | wretches in this present transitoire lif . . . 3*. t^'His present tretys is deuided in four principal parties | Of the whiche euery parte conteyneth thre other sin^|guler parties as in the maner folewyng is shewed | . . . 4*. m'Emorare nouissima et inetemum non pecca|bis. Ec clesiastic!, septimo capitulo. Ecclesi|asticus saith in his seuenth chapiter thise wordes | folowyng . . . 77^. /. 14 : . . . Whiche werke pre<;|sent I began the mom after the saide Purificacion of our | blissid Lady. Whiche was the the (sic) daye of Seint Blase | Bisshop and Martir. And finisshed on the euen of thanjnunciacion of our said bilissid Lady fallyng on the wed|nesday the xxiiij daye of Marche. In the xix yeer of | Kyng Edwarde the fourthe | 78 blank. *B. M. [wants leaf z]. *U. L. C. * Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaves z and 78]. *f. Pier pont Morgan, 1 10 Cordiale. Memorare nouissima. [In Eng lish.] 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, n.d. a-J?lm^. 92 leaves. 2 columns. 28 lines. With head-lines and foliation. I* [woodcut] I Memorare nouissima xc. | i* [wood cut] I Memorare nouissima xc. | 2*. A°Lle In^|grati- tu^de vtter^|ly settyn|ge a par|te / we 0i;|we to call to our myndes | the manyfolde gyftes of | grace . . . 4*. CE Here after foloweth | the prologue of the foure last thynges. || M°Emora^|re nouis|sima et | in eternu | non pec!;|cabis Ec|clesiastici septimo capi#|tulo. Eccle- siasticus sayth | in his seuenth Capitre | these wordes folowynge | . . . 91''. col. I, /. 14: . . . Whiche wer^|ke presente I began the | morne after the sayd Pu|ryfycacyon of oure blys;j|sed Lady. Whiche was | the daye of Saynt Bla|se Bysshop and Martyr | And fynysshed on the e^juen of the Annuncyacy illoij. | pcepcoes : qui easde x epistolis x oroib5 ptes tribuiit : qif. penit* eri|pied* e error: at5 ita sentied vt I Iris ipis apte: 9cinne : lucide3 scri|bam*: ac nram sentencia at3 mete qjcomodissie apiam*: Od (sic) cu | hec diligeter tenueris : 31 ex ifinito pene hai{. reij. nuirio alia queda non | min* fortasse vtilia 33 mlto grauiora subnecta. Qua ob re : vt cu<^|pidissie facis : studia Iraif. gplecte : x q Idles assequere : ad exercitac6|ne accomoda. Impressum fuit op* hoc apud Sciii Albanii | *U.L.C. 112 Death-bed prayers. Fol. [WiUIam Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. Single leaf. 4Z lines. Begins : O' Glorious Ihesu. O mekest Ihesu. O mooste I swettest Ihesu / I praye the / that I may haue trewe con^|fession / contricion / and satisfaction or I dye/ ... [/. 15] . . . I crye god mercy/ wel come my maker / welcome | my redemer / welcome my I sauyour / I crye the mercy with herte con|- tryte of my grete vnkyndenesse that I haue had vnto the / II O' The moost swettest spouse of my soule Cryste | Ihesu desyryng hertely euermore for to be with the in myn«|de and wyll / And to lete none erthely thynge be soo nyhe \ . . . [1. 39] thou wylt be ful nyhe me / and comforte me bothe bodyly and gOi;|ostly with thy gloryous presence/ And at the last brynge me vnto I thy euerlastynge blysse / the whiche shalle neuer haue ende / Amen / j verso blank, *J. R. L, 113 Description. The Description of Britain. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster,] 18 August, 1480. [a-(? d'\ 30 leaves, 30 blank, 40 lines. I* blank. I^. Hit is so that in many and diuerse places the comyn cronicles | of englond ben had and also now late enprinted at westmynstre | And for as moche as the descripcion of this londe whiche of olde | tyme was named albyon/ and after Britayne is not descriued | ne comynly had/ ne the noblenesse and worthynesse of the same is | not knowen / Therfor I entende to sette in this booke the discripcon | of this said He of Britayne with the commoditees of the same | . . . 29*. /. 15 : Here endeth het (sic) discrip- cion of Britayne the / whiche conteyneth en|glond wales and Scotland / x also bicause Irlonde is vnder the reu|le of englond x of olde tyme (sic) it hath so continued therfore I haue | sette the descripcion of the same after the said brituyne (sic) I which I ha|ue taken oute of Policronicon / And bicause it is neces- sarie to alle | englisshmen to knowe the propretees comoditees x meruailles of | them/ therfore I haue sette them in enprinte according to the trans;j|lacion of Treuisa / whiche atte request of the lord Barkeley transjlated the book of Policronicon in to englissh/ Fynysshed by me | william Caxton (sic) the xviij. day of August the yere of our lord god | M. CCCC. Ixxx. and the xx. yere of the regne of kyng Edward | the fourthe. | 29*" blank, 30 blank, *B. M. [wants leaves 8 and 30], * Bodleian. * U. L. C. *J. R. L, * Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaves z, 2, and 30], etc. 114 Description. The Description of Britain. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1498. A-D'. 24 leaves. 2 columns, 42 lines. With head-lines. I*. The descrypcyon of Englonde. || Here foloweth a lytell treatyse the whiche treateth of the de^| scrypcyon of this londe whiche of olde tyme was named Al<;|byon And after Brytayne And now is called Englonde | and speketh of the noblenesse and worthynesse of the same | [woodcut]. l*". CE Hit is so that in many and dyuerse | places the comyn Cronycles of En;>|glonde ben hadde and also now late I enprynted at Westmynstre . . . 24''. col. i, /. 29 : C Here endeth the descrypcyon of Bry|tayne / the whiche conteyneth Englon|de Wales and Scotlonde / and also by | cause Irlonde is vnder the rule of En|glonde x of olde tyme it hath so con^|tynued/ therfore I haue sette the desryp|cyon (sic) of the same after the sayd Bry<;|tayne/ whiche I haue taken out of Po|lycronycon. And by cause it is necessa^|rye to all Englysshmen to knowe the | propretees como- dytees and meruayl. I. 36 : Hic quocj vult finem. carmen habere suum. || C Finis, j Montpellier (Pellechet-Polain, No. 4222). *g* The foreign printed editions of the Dialogus linguae et uentris are founded on Pynson's, and the printers have attempted to omit the English words in the glosses, but not with entire success. Some remain in No. zz8 and a less number in No. Z2Z. 123 Diets. The Diets or Sayings of the Philo sophers. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 1477- [a-i? k'^ 78 leaves, z, 77, 78 blank. 29 lines, I blank. 2*. w'Here it is so that euery humayn Creature by the | suffrance of our lord god is borii x ordeigned to | be subgette and thral vnto the stormes of fortune | And so in diuerse x many sondry wyses man is perplex^|id with worldly aduersitees/ Of the whiche I Antoine wydeuille Erie Ryuyeres/ lord Scales xc haue largely x | in many diffirent maners haue had my parte . . . 74*. h'Ere endeth the book named the dictes or sayengis | of the philosophhres (sic) enprynted / by me william | Caxton at westmestre the yere of our lord .M. | CCCC. Lxxvij. Whiche book is late translated out of | Frenshe into englyssh. by the Noble and puissant lord | Lord Antone Erie of Ryuyers lord of Scales x of the | He of wyght / . . . 76*. /. ID : . . . In why|che I am bounden so to do for the good reward that I ha#|ue resseyuyd of his sayd lord ship / Whom I beseche Al^|myghty god tencrece and to contynue in his vertuous disjposicion in this world/ And after thys lyf to lyue euer^jlastyngly in heuen Amen || Et sic est finis . : " | 77, 78 blank, *B,M. [2, one wants leaf 74, supplied in facsimile, and the blanks, the other wants zz leaves, including the blanks], * U, L. C, *J, R. L., etc. 123 a [Another copy, with an additional colophon.] 18 November, 1477. 76*. /. 14 : . . . And after thys lyf to lyue euer<;| lastyngly in heuen Amen || Et sic est finis . * . ' | Thus endeth this book of the dyctes and notable wyse say<;|enges of the phylosophers late translated and drawen | out of frenshe into our englisshe tonge by my forsaide lord | Therle of Ryuers and lord Skales and by hys comanis|dement sette in forme and em prynted in this manere as | ye maye here in this booke 34 see whiche was fynisshed the 1 xviii day of the moneth of Nouembre x the seuententh | yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourth | *J. R. L. *,* This copy is identically the same as the other copies of this edition, but has at the end the colophon, which is not in the other copies. 124 Diets. The Diets or Sayings of the Philo sophers. Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. [cir-f jJ'.] 78 leaves, z, 77, 78 blank. 29 lines. I blank. 2*. rw']Here it is so that euery humayn Creature by the ] sufirance of our lord god is borii x ordeigned to | be subgette and thral vnto the stormes of fortune | And so in diuerse x many sondry wyses man is perplexid | with worldly aduersitees. Of the whiche I. Antoine wy<;|deuille Erie Ryuyeres. lord Scales xc haue largeli and | in many diffirent maners had my parte . . . 76^. /. 12 : ... Whom I beseche Almyghty | god tencrece and to contynue in his vertuous disposicion | in thys world. And after thys lyf to lyue euerlastyngly | in heuen. Amen. {|{ Et sic est finis. | Thus endeth thys book of the dictes and notable wyse say^|enges of the phylosophers late translated and drawen | out of frenshe into our englisshe tonge by my forseide lord | Therle of Ryuers and lord Skales. and by hys coman<;|dement sette in forme and emprynted in thys manere as | ye maye here in thys booke see Whiche was fynisshed the | xviij. day of the moneth of Nouembre. and the seuenteth | yere of the regne of kyng Edward the. fourth. | 77, 78 blank. *B, M. [wants leaves z, 77, and 78]. Trinity College, Dublin. Gottingen University Library, etc. *^* Blades [Life of Caxton, vol. 2, p. 77] says this edition has only 76 leaves, giving the last two quires six leaves each. A collation by watermarks of the B, M, and Gottingen copies shows clearly that all the quires are in eights except the last, and that the last two leaves are blank. 125 Diets. The Diets or Sayings of the PhUo- sophers. Fol. WiUiam Caxton, [Westminster, 1489]. [*'] A-G' H P. 70 leaves, 70 blank. 30-32 lines. I* [Caxton's device], i*. W^Here it is so that euery creature by the suffraunce of | our lord god is born and ordeyned to be subgette and | thrall vnto the stormes of fortune. And so in diuerse and | many sondry wyses man is perplexid wyth wordeley aduer^j sitees / Of the whiche I Anionic wydewylle Erie Ryuers. | lord Scales xc. Haue largely and in many different mariners haue had my parte . . . 69*. /. 27 : Whom I beseche Almyghty god tencrece and to continue | in his vertuous disposicion in this world. And after this | lyf to lyue euer lastyngly in heuen. Amen. || C Caxton me fieri fecit. | (i blank. 2*. C Diiica prima aduentus. | s^Alus eterna indeficiens mudi vita lux | sempitema/ x redeptio vere nostra. | . . . ^t,^ ends: C Sequential}, seu Prosaif. scd'm vsum | Sarum / in ecclesia Anglieana p totum an^jnum cantandaru dili- gentercj correctarum | [55''.] Finis imprimitur. Anno .M. cccc. I Ixix. ix. (jzV) xvii. Die Martii. || .-. Tabula Sequentiarum | . . . ibid, ends : Finis sequentiarum. Sesundum («Vr) vsum | Sarum. SiclFinitur | i&>[Wynkyn de Worde's device 2]. * Magdalene College, Cambridge [wants leaf 36], * Exeter College, Oxford. *^,* The device has the nicks in the margin, so that the real date must be March 77, Z300. This is the only instance I have found of Wynkyn de Worde's following the practice of dating the year from March 23. 143 Festum. Festum nomlnis lesu. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. aa-C(?. 24 leaves, 23 lines. I*. C Festum dulcissimi nominis iesu fiat septimo | idus Augusti. festii maius duplex Oct. cii regi|mine chori. Ad primas vesperas sup pos. Aii. | A soils ortu vsqj ad occasii laudabile nomen j diii iesu benedictii. AUeluya. Psalmus Lau^|date pueri diim. aii. Omnis enl quicuntp iuo^^jcauerit nomen domini salu* erit. AUe luya. 23''. /. II : S^Acro sancta misteria q sup C Post coin I simus domine ad honore nols copla- cenjtissimi fili tui diii nri ihii cristi deuotis pcordiis | recolentes / quesumus vt Icremeta spiialis exi^jultacionis accumulent x effectum nostrum ad | hoc salutiferu nomen nobis iugif Iprimenduj | accendant x ad iubi- lacione iubilandii in ihesu | saluatori nfo dulcissimo tola mentis intencoe | promoueant. Per eundem dorninii nrm ihrn. | Per totas oct dicat missa predict qii de octauis I agitur sed sine Credo. Sequencia per octa. | Iesus pulcer in decore. xc. || Per me Ricardum Pinson. | 24* blank. 24'' [Pynsoifs device z]. *B.M. 144 Festum. Festum nominis Iesu. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1497]. a b' [c^]. 20 leaves. 29 lines. I*. Festii dulcissimi nominis Ihesu fiat septimo idus j Augusti : festum maius duplex oc( cii reglne chori. j Ad primas vesperas super psalmos. Aii. | [woodcut to left of lines 4-z6.] A soils ortu vscg ad occajsum laudabile nome do#|mini ihesu benedictum. | AUeluya. ps. Laudate | pueri dorninii. aii. Ois | enim quicuncj inuocaue|rit nomen domini salu* | erit. alleluya . . . 20*. /. 8 : S'Acro sancta misteria que sumpsimus diie j ad honorem nominis complacentissime (sic) flii (sic) \ tui diii nri ihii cristi deuotis precordiis reco^|lentes que sumus vt incremeta spiialis exultaconis | accumulent et effectum nostrum ad hoc salutiferuj I nomen nobis iugiter imprimendum accendat x ad [ iubilacionem iubilandum in ihesu saluatori nostro | dulcissimo toto mentis intencio promoueant. Per. j Per totas ocf dicat missa predict quado de octauis | agitur sed sine Credo. Sequencia per octa. | Ihesus pulcer in decore xc. II Per Ricardum Pynson | 20'' [Pynson's device 2], *SirJ. F. F, Homer. 145 Festum. Festum transfigurationis Iesu Christi. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n.d. a 3'. z6 leaves. 24 lines. I*. Octauo Idus Augusti fiat offm TiisfigU!>|racionis dni nri ihu xpi institutii p sclssimii | dnm nrm Calixtii papa terciii / p gfaij. actio|ne illius victorie miraculose facte contra Tur|cum i Vngaria eodem die. s. Sci Sixti ano I diii .M. cccc. Ivij. lussitcp cii hijs indul|gencijs celebrari quibj solemnitas corpis xpi ce|lebratur || Ad pmas vas Antiphona | [A']Ssumpsit ihesus discipulos X ascendit I | monte x tiisfiguratus e ante eos pi | Lau date pui dnm aii Dum tiisfiguraretur | . . . II''. /. 18: Explicit OflHi festi Tiisfiguracio|nis secundii vsii Saij. Incipit a<^|liud Offitn secundu vsum Romai^lne Curie x qj ipsemet sclssim* diis | Calixtus papa tercius com- posuit xc I 12*. Ad pmas vas sup pos Laudate piii Lau|date diim orris getes Lauda aia mea Lauda | . . . 16''. ends : nolite timere. Alia. Ad missa offin vt supra j Explicit. I * Marquis of Bath. 146 Festum. Festum transfigurationis Iesu Christi. 4°. William Caxton, [Westminster,] n.d. a' 3*. zo leaves. 24 lines. I*. C Octauo Id* Augusti fiat seruif / de tnsfigu| racoe Ihii xpi diii nostri / Ad pmas vS An / | [woodcut to left of lines 3-Z3] A'Ssiipsit ihiis 1 discipl'os x as|cendit I monte x tns|figurat* est ate eos. | ps / Lau date pueri I An / Dum tnsfigulraretur ihus / moy«|ses X helyas cii dno | loquetes discipulis j apparueriit . . . 10''. /. 16 : D^'Eus qui hodiema die / C Post co. | incar- nati verbi tui transfiguracione tue | que ad eum missa paternitatis voce consecras#|ti. tribue quesumus vt dininis (sic) pasti alimonijs | in eius mereamur. membra transferri / qui hec | in sui memoria fieri pcepit. Ihes* xps fili* tu* I diis nf . qui tecu viuit et regnat in vnitate spiis I sci de*. Per ola scfa seculorii amen | C Caxton me fieri fecit / | "B.M. 40 147 Festum transfigurationis Iesu Festum. Christi. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1496]. A' B*. zo leaves. 28 lines. I not known. 2*. Octauo idus Augusti fiat seruiciii de transfigura^|tione ihii cristi diii nostri. ad primas ve speras aii. I A^Ssiipsit ihus discipulos et ascendit i monte | et transfiguratus est ante eos. ps. Laudajte pueri. a. Du transfiguraretur ihiis moilses/ et elias cu diio loquentes discipulis aparueriit. j . . . lo*. /. lo : D'Eus 4 hodierna die incarnati verbi transfi|gurac6ne tue que ad eum missa paternita'S^ltis voce consecrasti : tribue qms vt diuinis | pasti alimoiis in eius mereamur membra transferif jri : qui hec in sui memoria fieri precepit. Ihesus cri|stus filius tuus diis noster: qui tecum (sic) viuit et reg#]nat in vnitate spiis sancti deus per omnia secula se(culorum. Amen. || Per me Ricardum Pynson. | 10'' [Pynson's device z, with four border-pieces]. *SirJ. F. F. Horner [wants leafz]. 148 Festum. Festum uisitatlonis beatae Mariae uirginis. 4°. [WiUiam Caxton, Westminster,] n. d. Collation not known. 26 lines. Known only from 7 leaves, the last blank. First leaf begins : p^Rima aiit mihi tunc aurora reftilsit X | horridis polo fugientibj vmbris celo ru-| bescente die vtcuntj a nocte distinxi. tiie quo|(5 mihi audita vox est x quasi sibilus pdijt | ex vtero meo. En post pariete iiginalis vtej^lri. celi terrecg conditor latitat. p fenestras sen|suii respicit. p cancellos mentis pspectat . . . Sixth leaf verso, 1. 16: Parens denique ipsa tua vscg ad parts nostra | cum parente conmaneat. foueat ea votis. me|ritis consoletur. vt contra paganoi^ heretico^|rii(5 insultus quibj incessanter affligitur suo | presidio muniatur. x sancte visitatiois I nos f misterijs renouatis. qui tibi cii lacrimis et | labore concepti sumus. cum gaudio tandem | et exultatioe ppetua rena- scamur. Per xprn | dorninii nostrii | Last leaf blank. *B.M. *j,"' The seven leaves in the British Museum are all that now remain of this tract, and as they contain only the services for the days following the Feast day itself we may presume that more than half the book is wanting and that it consisted originally of at least sixteen leaves. 149 Festum. Festum uisitatlonis beatae Mariae uirginis. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n.d. Collation not known. 24 lines. Known only from 2 leaves. First leaf begins : S'^Edeat aia fidelis cii nSa I gclaui gscle I vacans deliciis gtemplacols supne Cojsolabitur ea celestis niicius deliciosus/ vij sa|p[o]r feruentissime deuocionis I pposito felici c6|[cep]it xprn honesta uo opacoe pdeiite i luce . . . Second leaf verso, I. 16 : ei Biidca tu inter mulieres x bridictus fruct* | ventris tui Et vnde hoc michi vt veniat [ ] | dSi mei ad me Ecce enim vt facta e vox salutajcionis tue I auribj meis exultauit I gaudio in|fas I vfo meo x beata q credidisti qin pficietur | i te ea q dicta siit tibi a dno Et ait riia Magt I aia mea diim x exultauit sps me* I deo saluta|ri meo Credo I vnii Offif. Aue ma gra plena | e Cclesie tue diis tecu xc" Secret | *Bodleian. *^* These two leaves were at one time used to line the binding of a copy of Pynson's Dives and Pauper, Z493. They agree typographically with the Festum transfigurationis of the same printer and were probably issued about the same time. They are from near the end of the book as they belong to the service for the octave. 150 Fifteen Oes. 4°. William Caxton, [Westminster, 1491]. a Ifi (^. 22 leaves. 2Z lines. I* blank. I* [woodcut]. 2*. 0° Ihesu endles swetnes of | louyng soules / O Ihesu | gostly ioye passing x ex<;|cedyng all gladnes and j desires. O Ihesu helthe x | tendre louer of al repentaiit sinners that I likest to dwelle as thou saydest thy seUe | with the children of men/ For that was j the cause why thou were incarnate/ . . . 22''. /. 11 : CThiese prayers tofore wreton ben en|prlted bi the comaiidementes of the mqs|te hye x vertuous pryncesse our liege lajdi Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene | of Englonde X of Fraiice. x also of the | right hye x most noble pryncesse Marga|rete Moder vnto our souerayn lorde the I kyng / xc [j C By their most humble subget and | seruaiit WiUiam Caxton | *B. M. Baptist College, Bristol [4 leaves]. "^j^ Every page is surrounded by border-pieces. TTie book was intended as a supplement to an edition of a Horae of which no copy is now known. The British Museum copy formed part of a volume, in the original binding, containing also some tracts printed by Wynkyn de Worde, purchased in Z83Z for £230 from Pickering. It has since been taken out and newly bound. 151 Fitzjames, Richard. Sermon. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, . . . [^495]- a-^f g'. 40 leaves. 29 lines. I* [woodcut] II Sermo die lune in ebdomada | Pasche | i'' blank. 2*. Ipse Ihiis apropinquans ibat | 41 cii iUis. II T'Hyse wordes ben conteyned in the | xxiiij. chapytre of Luke, and rad in | the holy gospel of this day. To say | in englyssh tonge The same Ihiis ] nyghynge walkyd with mankyn#^|de / This loyous trouth conteyneth | in itself two partyes / In wlioos declaracyon wyth | our lordys mercy x your suffraiice. shall stonde the | some of this poore coUaoon . . . 40*. /. 14 : ... all his true seruauntes shall ha|ue euerlastyng rewarde x rest in henen. (sic) hyself thys promysed whyche may not erre ne faylle (Ye shall sayth our sauyour. receyue an hundryd folde more than ye paye or geue. x wyth all ye shall haue full possessyon of euerlastynge lyfe. the .xix. chapytre of I Mathu/ whiche graunt vnto vs. the same our sauy|our Ihiis Cryste. AMEN || CPer reuerendii doctore Ric fitz lames. ||| C Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn de Word | 40'' [Wynkyn de Worde's device z]. *B. M. * Bodleian [imp.]. * U. L. C. 152 Four Sons of Aymon. Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1489.] A'(f) B-Z aa-W mm'. 278 leaves. 3Z lines. Beginning not known. B 3*. Reynawde one of the sones of Aymon / wherof specyally trejateth now this historye / Thenne marched fourthe Lohier | x wente in the firste of alle. and after hym his folke by goo|de conduytte/ And salued the duke Benes of Aygre- moun|te in this wise/ Wherby moche grete euyll happed to hym at I laste . . . mm 5''. /. 17 : ... The memory of hym was that tyme put in wrytynge | anctenlykly (sic) and euery yere is there kepte for hym grete so^|lempnyte x feest. And after the sepul- turynge of the holy cor|ps the brethem wente ayen in to theyr countree. | M'^Y fayr lordes thenne that this present boke shall re«|de or here, we shall praye god x the gloryous saynte | Reynaude the marter/ that he gyue vs grace to perseuere/ and | contynue our liff in good werkes. by the whiche we may ha|ue at our endynge the liff that euer shall laste. Ill A M E N. | Last leaf not known. *J. R. L. [wants all before B3, also D 8, N8, and mm. 6]. *,* This copy was in the libraries of James West, John Ratcliffe, and Earl Spencer. This book was reprinted by Wynkyn de Worde in 1304, but only a fragment of a copy is known. In Z334 it was again reprinted by William. Copland, who has preserved Caxton's interesting prologue, from. which we learn that the work was translated from the French by the printer himself, at the request and com mandment of the right noble and virtuous Earl, John Earl of Oxford. 153 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca. 4°. [Richard Pafifroed, Deventer,] n. d. a-f-'-' }f. 74 leaves. 38 lines [small type]. I*. Multo)^ vocabuloi;. equiuocorii interpre!f|tatio gra matice et volenti latine loqui ma|xime necessaria. | 1" blank. 2*. [A'JVgustus. ti. to. cesar vel mensis habeto. Augustus, tus. vi. vult diuinatio dici. Mobile cum fiat August* nobile signal. Augeo dat primii. dat gust* auisq^ scd'm | [AjVgustus ti to. C In supiori libro tractauit autor de Si|nonimis. quib* sufficieter scd'm ordinem alphabeti tractate In isto | seciido libro suo. et vltimo de equoca- tione noim x iha% aliariicg parti|um oronis eodem ordle qui superi* est seruat* intendit pleni* edocere. | . . . End not known. *B. M. [wants leaf 74]. *^* This work is wrongly attributed to loannes de Garlandia. 154 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca. 4°. FeUx Baligault, Paris, [1494]. a-l?'' 1*. 74 leaves. 40 lines. I*. Multorum vocabulorum | equiuocorum interpre- tatio grammatico et vole|ti latine loqui maxime necessaria j [Device of Baligault], \'° blank, 2*. [A*]Vgustus. ti. to cesar vel mensis habeto Augustus, tus tui. vult diuinatio dici. Mobile cum fiat August* nobile signal Augeo dat primu. dat gust* auiscj scd?m | C Augustus, n. (sic) to. C In superior! libro tractauit autor de Sinoni|mis . . . 74*. /. 23 : Finit liber Equi- uocoif. quorumdam voca-^lliulorum secundum ordinem alphabeti cii | interpretatione lingue anglice diligeter e^lmendatus x impressus parisius | 74'' blank, *U.L.C. 155 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca. 4°. Felix BaUgault, Paris, 7 August, 1494. a-^'' P. 74 leaves, 40 lines, 1*. Multorum vocabulorum | equiuocorum interpre- tatio grammatico et vole|ti latine loqui maxime neces saria. II [Device of Baligault], i* blank. 2*. [A*]Vgustus. ti. to cesar vel mensis habeto Augustus, tus tui. vult diuinatio dici. Mobile cum fiat August* nobile signal Augeo dat primii. dat gust* auis(^ scd'm | C Augustus, ti. to. C In superiori libro tractauit autor de Sinoni|mis. quibus sufficienter scd'm ordinem alpha beti Iractatis. In isto | secudo libro suo. et vltimo de 4a equiuocatione noim et verboij. alia|rii(5 ^liu orois eodem ordine q supi* est seruat* intedit pleni* edo|cere . . . 74*. /. 23 : Libro Equiuocoru quoriidam vocabulorum | secundum ordinem alphabeti cum interpretatio|ne anglice lingue prima cocurrete causa finis im|positus est que} Felix baligault ciuis parisiensis | in monte beate genouephe in signo sancti stepha|ni mira arte castigatum exarauit Anno immense f reparalionis. M. quadxingetesimo nonagesimo | quarto sole quidem augusti oriente septimam | 74* blank, *B,M. 156 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca. 4°- Richard Pynson, London, 8 October, 1496. A-K'-' L^. 74 leaves. Mixed lines, I*. Multoi}. vocabulorQ equiuocoru interpretatio / j Magistri lohanis de Garlandia / grammatico | x latini cupido pmaxime necessaria / Incipit | l'' blank. 74* etids : C Libro equiuocoij. quorunda vocabulorum | scd'm ordinem alphabeti / vnacii interpretatione | Anglice lingue / finis impositus est feliciter. que | Ri chardus pynson / extra Berram noui templi / | Londoii moras / mira arte imprimi / ac diligenti | studio corrigi / orthographiecg stilo / put facultas | suppelebat enuclea- tumqi soUicitus fuit. Anno | christiane redemptonis. Millesimo quadiingen|tesimo Nonagesimo sexto. Die octaua octobris | 74'' [Pynson's device 2, cracked], * Bodleian, *Peterborough Cathedral [wants leaf z], iS7 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 19 April, 1499. a' b-/^. 62 leaves. Mixed lines, I not known. 2*. [A']Vgustus / ti / to / cesar vel mensis habeto. Augustus / tus / tui / vult diuinatio dici. Mobile cum fiat auguslus/ nobile signal. Augeo dat primii/ dant gustus auiscj secundum. | C In superiori Ubro tractauit autor de synonymis : qui bus sufficienter pm or<;|dinem alphabeti iractatis. In isto secundo libro suo x vltimo de equiuocaloe ] nominum X verborum aliarumcj parlium orationis eode ordine (qui superi |us est serualus) intendit plenius edocere . . . 61'' ends : C Libro equiuocoij. quorunda vocabulorum | secundum ordinem alphabeti / vnacii interprelati|one. Anglice lingue / finis imposit* est feliciter. que | Wy- nandus de worde. Moranti in Westmonaste#|rio / mira arte imprimi / ac diligenti studio corrigi / | ortho- graphie(5 stilo / prout facultas suppelebat / 1 enuclea- tumcj sollicitus fuit. Anno christiane re [Printer's device in red] \ Hore beate marie scd'm vsujSai^ | diligetur emedate ac nouit impresse | London, apud sanctii Thomam apo|stolii pro winando de worde expliciut | feliciter. Anno diii mille" cccc" nonai^lge" vii" tercia die mensis aprilis. | *Bodleian. 50 191 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. Thielmann Kerver, (for Jean Richard), Paris, 1497- a-^ r* xK Z40 leaves. 23 lines. With borders. I*. C Hore beate Marie fgis \ secundii vsum Sarum | [Device of Thielmann Kerver.] i''. C Almanach pro .xxvii. Annis. \ • . . 16'' [woodcut] \ [D*]Omine labia mea apies. [Ejt | os meum annunciabit laude | tuam . . . 132''. I. i: ... an anthen (sic) wyth a | colet of saynt iheron Saint iheroms | psaulter. The rosare. |1 Hoc presens officium beate marie cii | multis deuotis suffra giis ad vsum sa^lruj finita sunt. Anno domini millesimo | quadringentesimo nonagesimo septimo | Pro iohanne ncardo mercatore librario | rothomagi commoranti iuxta magnaj | ecclesiam beate marie. \{pevice of Jean Philippe.] 133" [woodcut] \ [A^jVxiliatrix sis michi trinitas seta | deus in nomine tuo leuabo manus [ meas. Crux triumphalis passionis diii j nostri iesu christi . . . 140''. /. II : ... Qui cum patre et spiritusancto | viuis et regnas deus. Per omnia secula | seculorum. Amen. | *B. M. [on vellum]. *Bodleian [Bayntun's copy], * U, L, C, *J. R. L, Rev, E, S, Dewick. *J. Pier pont Morgan, *„,* The Dewick copy differs from the others in not containing Jean Philippe s device, 192 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1497]- A & O ly a-f^, Z48 leaves. 22 lines. With borders. I*. C Hore intemerate beaiJJtissime virginis Marie | secundum vsum Sarii | nouiter impresse cu mul|tis ora- tionibus et suffra|giis nouiter additis. | feliciter inci piunt. I I* [woodcut]. 2*. KL^ Mensis lanuarii hj dies .xxxi. I Luna .xxx. Nox hj horas .xvi. | . . . 28*. /. 20 : Hore beate marie virginis scd'm | vsum sarum. | 28'' [woodcut], 29*. D*Omine labia mea aperies. | Et os meii anniiciabit lau|de tua . . . 148*. /. 11 : A deuout prayer to the trynite made by | saynt gregory e. An antym with a collec|te of saynt ierome. Saynt ieromes psaulter. The rosarye of our lady. |||| C Expliciunt hore beate marie virginis | scd'm vsu Saij. nouiter impresse cii mul|tis orationibus x suffragiis nouiter ad^|ditis. Per Ricardum Pynson. | 148'' [Pynson's device 3]. * Bodleian [on vellum ; Harleian copy f]. *,* Copied very closely from the edition of Z493, 193 Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. Philippe Pigouchet, (for Simon Vostre), Paris, 16 May, 1498. '. Z28 leaves, 26 lines. With borders, I* [Device of Pigouchet] \ Hore presentes ad vsum Sarum impresse fueriit Pa|risius per Philippii pigouchet Horae. a-q 51 Anno salutis .M. CCCC. | xcviii. die vero .xvi. Mail, pro Symone vostre : librario | comorante ibide : in vico nun cupate nouo beate Marie, in | intersignio sancti lohannis euangeliste. | l''. Almanach pro .xxi. an. | . . . 23* [woodcut] I [D'jOmine labia mea aperies [E]t os | meum annunciabit laudem tuam. | [D]eus in adiutorium meum intede | 128''. /. 16 : A prayer ayenst thonder and tepeste she | wed by an angel to seynt edvvard. | Titulus triumphalis iesus. Place<;|bo / dirige / and comendacyon. A deuoute | prayer to the crosse. Psalmes of the pas|sion. A deuoute prayer to the trinite / ma|de by saynt gregory. An anthe with a | colet of saynt hiero. Saint hieroms psauk|ter. The rosare. | *B.M. * Bodleian [2]. *U.L,C. Fitzwilliam Museum [imp.]. J. Pierpont Morgan. [All on vellum.] 194 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. Jean Jehannot, (for Nicholas Lecomte), Paris, 1498. A-I'J'K-Q'R^; x'. Z48 leaves, 26 lines. With borders. I* [Device of fehannot] | Hore beate marie virginis secun|dum usum Sarum |1 I. lehannot | 9*. [P]N prin cipio erat verbuj x verbum | erat apud deuj et deus erat verbuj | Hoc erat in principio apud deii . . . 139''. I. S [after 4 blank lines] : Hoc presens officiii beate marie virginis | de nouo reuisii x correctu cum multis suf|fragiis ad vsum insignis ecclesie sarisbu|riceri i pclara vniiisitatf parisieii. Pro ni|colao coltis eiusdem vniuersitatis sup^|posito pro nunc in anglia librorum merca|tore. Anno dominice incamalionis nona|gesimo octauo Per iohannem lehannot. | 140* [Device of Lecomte]. 140'' blank. 141*. These prayers folowyng ought to I be sayd or thou departe out of thy cham«|bre al thyn uprisinge | . . . 148". /. 10 : Per te iesu christe salualor mundi. | Qui cum patre el spiritu sancto viuis et I regnas deus. Per omnia secula seculoruj | Amen. | */• R- L. [on vellum; wants 47 leaves]. * U. L. C. [on vellum, wants 23 leaves]. * Trinity College, Cam bridge [wants leaves z and z6], *,* The quire sigtied x is at the end in the U. L. C. copy : it is between quires f and K in the Trinity College copy, 195 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. PhUIppe Pigouchet, (for Simon Vostre), Paris, [1498]. a [ad\ b-p'. Z28 leaves. 27 lines. With borders. 1* [Device of Pigouchet] \ C Incipiunt hore beate marie virginis seciidum | vsum sarum nouiter impresse parisii pro symone | le vostre comorante in vico nouo beate marie vir|ginis in intersignio sancti lohannis euangeliste. | 128''. /. 11: C Expliciunt hore beate marie virginis | secundii vsum sarum nouiter impresse H a pa|risii pro symone le vostre comoranlem in | vico nouo marie in intersignio sancti ioha|nis euangeliste. | *J. R. L. [on vellum, wants leaf 9]. Comte de Villa Franca [on vellum, wants leaf z]. *** A quire of eight leaves, containing preliminary prayers, is inseried between quires a and b. The book is complete without it, every page ninning on to the next, but that it forms part of the book is clear as the prayers in it are mentiotied in the index. 196 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. For Jean Poitevin, Paris, [1498]. a-q'. Z28 leaves. 26 lines. With borders. I* [Device of Poitevin] \ Hore ad vsii Sarrum im presse pro lohane Poileuin | comorate parisius in vico nouo beate Marie. | l''. Almanach pour xxi an. | . ¦ . 128''. /. 18: Titulus triumphalis iesus Place|bo dirige and comendacion. A deuoute | prayer tho (sic) the crosse Psalmes of the pas|sion A deuoute prayer lo the trinite maide by saynt gregory An anthe with a I colet of saynt hyero Sainlhieroms psaul|ler The rosare | * Trinity College, Dublin. 197 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. i6». [Richard Pynson, London, 1498.] Collation not known. 2Z lities. Known only from 4 leaves, being quire bb. bb I*, xii b sancti Bricii episcopi | i c Translalio sci erkevual. | . . . bb2'' [woodcut] \ [A*]Vxilialrix sis michi lrini|tas sea Deus in noie tuo | leuabo man* meas Crux | triiiphalis passioins (sic) dm \ nri ihu xpi . . . bb 4*. /. 14 : . . . Dign* es drie accipe gllaj X ho|nore x virtute qr tu creasti omia. el | ipter nome tuii eranl x creata siil | Salus el honor deo meo qui sedes | sup ihronii x agno alleluya. || C Incipiunt hore beate marie. | secundum vsum Sarum. | bb 4'' [woodcut]. *U.L.C. *^* The woodcuts are of God holding the crucified Christ, with the Holy Dove hovering at the side, and the Annunciation. 198 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 64°. Paris, 1499. Collation not known. The following description is copied from the Offor catalogue : 2733. Horae ad usum Sarum, Forma minima, very imperfect, but has end with imprint, morocco. 64mo. Paris. 1499. After two days' sale of the Offor collection had been finished, a fire broke out at Sotheby's and the remainder of the collection was almost totally destroyed, so it is to be presumed that this book has perished. 5a 199 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. [Richard Pynson, London, 1500.] Collation not known. z8 lines. Known only from z6 leaves, being quires E F, E I*, imicos meos despexil oc . . . | Laudate dominii o . . . |date eii oes populi ... [la est sup nos mla ei* X V . . . |net in eternii. Gloria pa . . . F 8''. /. 10: aliter edificauil sibi domu. Et inq'bus | ipse filius dei/ ob sincerissle dignitatis | meritu dileccioiiis sue pfirmauit puilejgiu I cruce pendens vni vfm ita dicens | Mulier ecce filius tuus. Deinde dixit | discipFo Ecce mater tua. In hui* ergo | la sctissimi dulcedine qua tlie ore driico | velul mater x filius ad inuice piuncli | eslis vobis duob* ego miserrimus pec-^| * Durham University Library, *»* These leaves were found in the binding of a Liber Sextus Decretalium, Lyons, Z307, There are five woodcuts in the fragment, and no red printing, 200 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 8°. [Richard Pynson, London, 1500.] Collation not known. 20 lines. Known only from 2 leaves containing the concluding poriion of the Dirige. Begins : lis pturbat me. Quia in | . . . Ends : de- pcamur / vt alas famuloit famula j * Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 201 Horae. Horae ad usum Sarum. 64°. Julian Notary, Westminster, 2 April, 1500. Collation not known, zz lines. Known only from a quarter sheet, containing z6 leaves, being quires i k. i I*, lim : quid madala tua | equitas ... k 5*. C The contentes con|teyned in thys boke. j Frysl (sic) A kalendar. A | prayer lo say at youre J uprysynge Auxilia|lrix sil mihi ... k 8''. /. 5 : C Thys Em- prynteth | al westmynster by me | Julyan Noary (sic) \ Dwellynge in kyng | strete. Anno domini. | M.v. Cii. Die men^lcis. Aprilis. | * W. C. Van Antwerp [sold in Z907. Formerly Sir John Fenn (collection of fragments), and J, T. Frere], 202 Hortus uoeabulorum. Fol. Wynkyn deWorde, Westmin ster, 1500. A-F' G-0' P-XAA-DLfi EE-IP KK-NN' OC PP' QQ'. 266 leaves. 2 columns. 43 lines. With head-lines. I*. C Ortus. Vocabulorum. | H". C Prologus in libru qui ortus vocabuloij. dicitur felicit incipit. || C Vt etenim multos (noslie precipue natiois anglicos : qui igitur cp \ procul a latio vbi roma est in orbis angulo sumus gstituti dicimur) | bonaif. artiii studiosos ex latinai|. dicctionu (sic) difficullate illai;. signifi|calionu se inscios censenies non solum magno tedio affici : veru stu|dia exqbus sumos magislratus emolimetu vtiij maximii adipisce|rent puifacere intellexerim : multoif. rogacioni- bus ad^hoc exile opus | diuersis ex auctorib* collectii vigilant: q correctii imprimedu sii coa|clus que pptea

blank. 2*. H°Ow many parties of reason be | ther? viii. Nowne. Pronowne. | Verbe. Particyple. Preposicio | Aduerbe. Interiection and con|iunclyon. Of the whyche .viii. | partyes .iiii. be declyned. Nowne. pronowne and | Particyple with case. Verbe only withoute case. | That other .iiii. be vn- declyned. C How many | of these be necessary lo make a perfyte reason? ... 19'' ends: CAnd yf thei be of sondry persons or gendyrs ? | the Concorde mousl be after the person or gendyr | conceyuyng. C If •»• nominalif cases be ioyned | with a coniiiclyon disiunclife. the verbe shall ac«|corde with the next/ whether the verbe be set bifor | or after / or in the myddis. ||| Finis. | C Emprynted by Richard Pynson. 1 20 blank. * Pepysian Library, Cambridge. 224 Informatio. Informatio puerorum. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1500]. A' B'^ C D*. 20 leaves. 28 lines. I*. C Libellus/ qui Informatio puero)}. appellalur | cu modico apparatu nouiter copilat* / Incipit. | [wood cut.] i'' [woodcut]. 2*. H'*Ow many parlys of reason be | there ? viii. Nowne. Pronown | verbe. par- lyciple. preposilyon. | aduerbe. Interiection and con!f|iunciyon. Of the whiche viii. | parlys iiii. be 6% declyned. Nowne. pronowne and | Participle with case. Verbe oonly withoute case | That other iiii. be vndeclyned. C Howe many | of these be necessary lo make a parfighl reason ? | . . . l<^ ends : C And if they be of sundry persons/ or genders. | the Concorde musl be after the psone or gender c6jceyuynge._ C If two nomynatife cases be ioyned | with a coniuction disiiictyfe. the verbe shall accor|de with the nexle. whether the verbe be sette befo|re or after : or in the myddys. || C Here endeth the accidence made at the inslaun|ce of George Chaslelayn, and Iohn Bars : Emi^lprynled by Rycharde Pynson. | 20 not known. * Bodleian. Ham House. 225 Information. Information for Pilgrims. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n.d. a-e'. 30 leaves. 28 lines. I*. Informacon for pylgrymes | vnto the holy londe. | l'' blank. 2*. Fro Calays to Rome, by Frauce || C Fro Calays lo Boloyne. lyeux .x. myles .xx. | C Pycardy | To Monlrell lyeux .x. myles .xx. | . • . I4''' I'N the seuen and twenty daye of the mon^jlhe of lune there passyd from Venyse vn|der saylle out of the hauen of Venyse atte | the sonne goyng downe. certayn pylgrymes towar|de lerusalem in a shippe of a marchauntes of Ve|nyse callyd Iohn Moreson. The patroii of the sa^|me shippe was callyd Luke Mantell. lo the nom^lbre of .xlvi. pilgrymes. euery man payeng some mo|re some lesse as they myghte accorde wyth the pa^llrori. Some that myghte paye wel payed .xxxij. du|kates. and some .xxvi. and .xxiiij. for meete x dryu::* |ke and passage lo porte laffe . . . 29''. /. 27 : . . . C Sinistra pars | vallej lacrimal}, signi. vnde sacerdos slans in dex|[3o*]tera parte allaris recedens ad sinislram significat | adam missti in paradysU in vallem lacrima)).. ||||||||| [Wynkyn de Worde's device z\ 30'' blank. * Advocates Library, Edinburgh. 226 Innocent VIII. Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones. 4°. [William de Machlinia, London,] n.d. cf b'. Z4 leaves, Z4 blank. 26 lines. \\ Regule Ordinalioes el gstitutioes Cacellarie scls| simi dni nri diii Innocetii dina puidenlia pape .viii | scriple el correcte in Cacellaria aplica. | [S']aclissim9 in xpo pf el dris nf diis Innocelig | d'ina puidelia papa .viii. suoru pdecessorii vesti|giis inhendo norma el ordine geredis dare voles 1 'cs|linii assiipliols sue ad sumi apl'ata apicem videlicet | die .xxx. iiisis aug9ti Anni a ntiuitate diii MillesI | qdrlgelesi ocluagesi qrti Resematioes pstitulioes el j regulas Ifrascriptas fecit qs ecia extiic tpe obserua|ri voluit Et qs de ei9 madato xc. Nos Roderic9 mise|ralioe d'ina epus Por- lueii see Ro. ecce vice cacellari9 | die lune .xiii. mesis Seplebris in Cacellaria aplica | fecim9 publicari | . . . 13''. /. 23: Plaj publicelur el scribalur in Ca. Lee x pub|licalefueft supscripte Re. Ro. in Ca. apo. die iouis. | xxiii mp Sep. An", do. M.cccclxxxiiii. p6. pfati. S | doi nri diii Inno. d'ina puidelia. pape viii. ano ^mo | 14 blank. *J. R. L. *t'' It is very difficult to determine whether this is really a product of the press of Machlinia, or whether it was not rather printed by Veldener, whose type seems to be identical with that used by Machlinia. In the present book the type is singularly fresh and clear, whereas in most of Machlinia's productions it is blurred and thick. 227 Innocent VIII. Bull. Fol. [William de Machlinia, London, after 27 March, i486.] Single sheet. 32 lines. 0*ur holy fadre the Pope Innocent the .viij./ To the ppeluall memory of this here after | lo be hade / by his ipre mocion without pcuremenl of our souerayn lord the Kyng or of any | other person for conseruacyon of the vniuersal peas and eschewyng of Sklaundres as shuld I gendre the contrary of the same. Vnderslanding of the longe x greuous variaunce / discenci|ons x debates that hath ben in this Realme of Englond belwene the house of the Duchre of Lancastre of that | one parly / And the house of the Duchre of Yorke on that other party, wylling alle suche diuysions 1 tyme | folowyng to be put a part By the Counsell X consent of his College of Cardynalles approueth confermeth | x slablishyth the matrimonye x coniunccion made betwene our souaynlord King Henre the seuenth of the house | of Lancastre of that one party And the noble Princesse Elyzabeth of the house of Yorke of that other partye | with alle thaire Issue laufully borne belwene the same | ...[/. 44] ... So that if they for drede shall not moue lo publisshe the same ; Il is to | them lefult to curse Iheire resislentis lo the same and to oppresse Iheim by power lemporall/ whiche they shalle I calle for theire assislence lo the same in the sayde our holy faders Name || And as touching the articles of this Bulle The Popys holines by this pre sente Bulle derogatelh and | maketh voide alle maner grauntes / Priueleges and Exempcions made by hym or hys predecessourej to a^|ny persone or place where as thay shulde or myghte be preiudiciall lo the execucion of this presetis and hath | alle suche as expressely reuoked by thys same as Ihaugh they were written worde by worde within thies pre<;|sentis Bulles as by hit vndre leyde here more largely doilh apere | *B. M. *J. R. L. * Society of Antiquaries. *^* This Bull was issued by Innocent VIII, 27 March, Z486, confirming the marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. It was reissued in Z494 by Alexander VI (see No. 228). The British Museum copy is perfect ; those in the John Rylands Library and the Royal Society of Antiquaries are tnuch cut down and want the ends of the lines atid the last paragraph. 228 Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Bull. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1494.] Single sheet. 87 lines [of which two are blank]. A'Lexander eps semus seruoi). dei ad fuluram Rei memoria. licet ea que per sedem apl'icam presertim p pace et quiele ac tranquillillale Calholico)). Regum et principii illo)).cg status conserualione el manulencione el a scandalis bellis ac discensionibus preserua<^|tione prouide concessa fuerunt plenam obtineanl roboris firmilalem non nun^ tamen Romaii pontifex ilia libenter de nouo ap^lprobat. et etiam innouat vt eo firmi* illibata persistant quo magis suo fuerint presidio comunila. dudum siquidem a felicis Recordalionis | Innocenlio papa octauo predecessore nostro emanarunl liltere tenoris subsequentis. || PNnocenlius eps seruus seruoi). dei Ad perpetua Rei memoria Romaii Pontifex in quo poteslati plenitudo psislit inter curasmul|tiplices quibj rei}. negolio)).cg varietatibj ptinue premif ...[/. 81] Nos igilf cupienles no min* pspicere et psulere quieli prefati regis ac Regni sui ^ fecerit ipe Innocenlius predecessor molu proprio no ab | ipi* regis vel alteri* p eo nobis sup hoc oblate petitionis Inslantia Sed de nra liberalitale Ifas pdiclas ac ola el singula in eis plenla auC'*|lorilate apfica thenore presentiii approbam* ac plenii firmilalJ robur obtinere decernim* illasc^ in oibj X p ola de nouo innouam* x pcedim* | no obstan- tibj pslitutiolbj x ordinaliolbj apHcI necno oibj illis q pfal* Innoceli* in Ifis pdiclis voluit no obslareceterisqj ptrarijs qbusciitj. | NuUi ergo onino holm liceat banc pagina nre approbationis pstilulionis innoualionis el pcessionis infringere vel ei ausu Ihemerario c6|tra- uenire. Siquis aute hoc allemptare presumpseril indi gnations onipotentis dei ac beatoi). Petri el Pauli apfoi}. eius se nouerit incursurii. | Dat! Rome apud Sanctii Petrii Anno Incamalionis diiice .M. CCCC. Ixxxxiiij. Noii Octobris Pontifical* nri Anno .iij. | * Lambeth Palace [Maitland, Fragment No. 7]. *St. fohn's College, Cambridge [lower portion of 2 copies]. *^* This is a reissue of th^ Bull of Innocent VIII of 27 March, i486, confirming the tnarriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York and establishing Henry's suc cession. This reissue was probably occasioned by the troubles connected with the pretensions of Perkin War beck. Printed on English tnade paper. 229 Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Bull. Obi. fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westmin ster, 1495.] A sheet oj 2 leaves, containing the two variant settings-up described below on the recto of one leaf, repeated on the recto of the other leaf. 2 cols, zz lines to each setting-up, C Innocenli* el Alexand' ponlifices predicti ad per petua X fu<;|turam rei memoria ad omnes discordias q olim inter domes Lan!f|castrie et Eboraceti viguerant 63 lollendas alcp in ppetuo abolendas | molu pprio el de cerla scientia x no ad inslantia alicuius inter alia I in ista bulla content! s pnuntiaueriil ius suc- cessionis Regni Anglie | ad serenissimii dnm Henricii .vij. Anglie regem suose^ heredes in;j|dubitanler et de iure perlinere. | C Item predicti ponlifices monent precipiiil et requiriit motu sci^|enlia et auclorilate pdiclis omnes Anglicos x alios subdilos prefati | Hen rici Anglie regis cuiuscii(5 status seu pditionis exislanl ne ipsi | aut aliquis eo)). tumultus occasione iuris suc- cedendi vel quouis qne-f\[col. 2]sito colore aut quanciicp alia cansa (sic) in eodem Regpio per se vel aliii [mouere seu moueri facial aut pcurent sub excoicalionis et maioris | anathemalis pena ipso facto incurrisse aquo quide excoicalionis et | anatliemat? vinculo ab alio ^ sede apl'ica pfata nequeant absolu^|tionis beneficiS obtinere vt latius supra continelur. j C Item pprio molu scientia x auctorilale pdiclis phibent quoscuc^ | tam principes exteros ^ dicli regni Incolas pslantes opem X succursu | eidem serenissimo Henrico regi eius(5 descendetibj pira eo)}. rebelles I aut aliq pira pmissa quouis paclo moHetes aucloritale apl'ica bene] dicut illis el quos sic faciendo in lam iusta causa decedere plingeril j plenaria^ oim suoi). pcco)}. indul gentia el remissione elargiunt. | Variant setting-up. C Innocenli* el Alexand' ponlifices predicti ad perpetua x fu«|lura rei memoria ad omnes discordias q olim inter domes Lan<;|castrie et Eboraceii viguerant lollendas at(5 in ppetuo abolendas | motu pprio et de cerla scientia x no ad instancia alicui* inter alia | in ista bulla contends pnunliauerut ius successionis Regni Anglie 1 ad serenissimii diim Henricu .vij. Anglie regem suoscg heredes in^|dubilanler el de iure perlinere. | C Item predicti ponlifices monent preci- piiit X requiriit molu sci«|enlia et auclorilate pdiclis omnes Anglicos x alios subdilos prefati | Henrici Anglie regis cuiusciicp status seu pditionis exislanl ne pi I aul aliquis eoi). tumultus occasione iuris succe- dendi vel quouis que^|[co/. 2]sito colore aut quanciicj alia causa in eodem Regno per se vel aliii | mouere seu moueri facial aul pcurent sub excoicalionis el maioris | anathemalis pena ipso facto incurrise aquo quide excoicalionis el | anathemal? vinculo ab alio ^ sede apl'ica pfata nequeant absolu^|lionis beneficiii obtinere vl latius supra continelur. ] C Item pprio molu scientia x aucloritale pdiclis phibent quoscue^ | lam principes exteros ^ dicti regni Incolas pslantes opem X succursii | eidem serenissimo Henrico regi eiusqg descendelibj pira eoi). rebelles | aut aliq pira pmissa quouis paclo molietes auclorilate apl'ica bene| diciit illis x quos sic faciendo in lam iusta causa decedere ptingerit | plenaria^ oim suo)}. pcco)). indul gentia el remissione elargiunt. | *B. M. * Bodleian. * U. L. C, Magdalen College, Oxford. *Eton College. *.^* The Eton copy was found in the binding of a book in the college library ; all the other copies came from a binding in the library of Magdalen College, Oxford, Printed on English made paper. 64 230 Innocent VTII and Alexander VI. Bull. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1497.] Single sheet. 81 lines [of which two are blank]. l.i: . . . acte matris ecclesie filiis ad quos piites litlere noslre siue hoc presens publicii Iransumpli inslrumentii puenerint seu puenerii : x quos infrascripta tagunt seu tagere poterul quomodolibet in futuru ... /. S3 : Pre- senlibus tunc ibidem venerabilibus viris Magistris Thoma Routhale decreloi). doctore aplice sedis pthono- lario. et Thoma Madeys sacre theologie pfessore testi- bus adpremissa vocalis specialiter el rogatis. || [wood cut; to the right, in large woodcut letters, the word:] E ' | Inter alia que ad ppetua rei memoria summi potifices suprascripti : videlicet felicis recordatiois Innocelius papa oclauus : el Alexader sextus papa modemus : suis bullis quarU tenor in inslmmeto publico suprascriplo aucletice irasumpto cotinef: ... I. 71: sigillo reuerendissimi drii Cardinalis Archiepi Canluarien. auctentice iransumpla. || Oure moste holy faders the popes aboue specified, thai is lo say pope Innocent of blessyd memorie the .viii. and Alexandre the sexl the pope that nowe is : for the reslfulnes of thys land haue cofermed decreed and ordeigned diuers and many thinges as a lawe and ordenaiice p|petually lo be obserued : as by their bulles under lede more playnly apperelh. the veray copies wherof be aboue written. of the which / two thinges here vnder wrilleii be to be had specially in remembraunce j The first is Howe that thesaid moost holy faders ceriainly knowyng and cosidering that oure souueraign lord kyng Henry the .vii. is the true and rightwous enherilour vnto the crowne of England of their owne mocion mere liberalite certayn knowlege & by the auctoryle of the see apo|ilougue (sic) with the expsse aduyse and cosent of all the holy college of Cardinallys : haue declared decreed and establysshed : that all suche of the subgetles & inhabilaiiles of this reame of England as doo or wol presume to moue or stirre or cause or pcure lo be moued or stirred any commocios or assebles | ayenst the kyng oure said soueraign lord or his heires or vnder any other colour or cause whalsoeuer il be : do any thyng cotrary lo the peas tranqllite and reslfulnes of oure sayd souueraign lord his heires or this his reame falle I their so doyng into the ferestful cesures of the church & the dredfull pey|nes of the great curse. & not to be assoiled thereof by any other psone then by the see apostoliq : or by such as the kyng oure said soueraign lord hath auclorite of the pope to depute I that behalf nolwilhsloding any other idulgeces priuileges or graiites lo the 9trary. | The secound is that the forseyd moost holy faders by the sayd mocion knowledge & auclorite : haue yeven theyr blessyng lo all psones aswel prynces of other landes ; as the inhabilanles wylhin thys land / that serue helpe or socoure oure said souueraign lord kyng Hery the .vii. and his heires | ayenst theyr rebelles or any other that wol attempt any thyng ayenst hym or theym or theyr successyon. And if it fortune any man lo dye in the title or quarell of oure sayd souueraign lord or any of hys heires : the sayd moost holy faders haue graunled vnlo Iheym plenary indul gence & remissyon of all | theyr sinnes, the which I premysses & dyuers other thynges Ihem concernyng / be more al large conteigned in the aboue written copy of the sayd Bulles autentiquely Iransumed vnder the seall of the abouesaid lord Cardinal Arshebisshop of Canlurbury and prymal of all England. | Canterbury Cathedral [on vellum]. *** The beginning of the text is mutilated. This is an exemplification of previous bulls of Innocent VIII and Alexander VI, affirming Henry as heir of Lancaster and dispensing the King and \ Queen from disabilities of affinity. It also is directed against rebels stirring up rebellion in England. 231 Introductorium. Introductorlum linguae Latinae. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster, 1495]- A' B-E' F*, 36 leaves. 29 lities. With head-lines andfoliation, I*. C Introductorium lingue latine. | [woodcut.' i''. C Nominatiuo singularis. Primus, prima, primii. geniliuo primi. prime, primi. xc. sicut bonus. Sic re^f liqua sequenlia declinanlur. | C Primus the fyrst .i. secSdus the seconde .ii. tercius. | . . . 36''. /. 13 : C Hec media syllaba. qua nos solam posuimus. a<;|pud viros lilleraliores perraro reperit breuis. | [Wynkyn de Worde's device 2.] *Pepysian Library, Cambridge. *j,* In the preface occur the words 'nos sumus in anno salutis millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo quinto .M. cccc. xcv '. The W. H. tnentioned as author in the prefatory verses was most probably William Horman. 232 Introductorium. Introductorium linguae Latinae. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster, 1499]. A-F'. 36 leaves, 29 lines. With head-lines and foliation. I*. Introductorium lingue latine | [woodcut^ i''. C Nominatiuo singularis Primus, prima, primii | geni- tiuo primi / prime, primi. xc sicut bonus. Sic re|liqua sequenlia declinantur. | C Primus the fyrst .i. seciidus the seconde .ii. lerci* | . . . 36''. /. 13 : C Hec media syllaba. qua nos solam posuim*. a no. Na cuicun(5 natural c6|sbieclla gpelit : eid' 9petil ro qdilalijua . . . 163*. col. 2, I. 2: Dice q> creare di* duo .s. aliq) rea|le x aliq? racionis. creare enim dicit | rem ee : x hoc e in re. x dicit ecia re | nuc ee pmo : x hoc est ens racionis. | h*modi enihi pmitas est tantum se|cund' racionem. nee est alicp dare I | re. Et sic finitur liber octau* Johainis canonici cui* anime propicielur j deus AMEN ||||||||||| Expliciunt questioes Jo|hannis canonici super octo | libros phisicorum arislolil | 'Impresse apd' villam san|cti Albani. Anno domini | M". CCCC. Lxxxi" | I65^ [N^jOland' q> I tabula i* | sequenti breuiter gtineltur oes qsliones isti* libri | . . . 174*. col. I, I, 42 : vnii dicitur raulli- pliciler. s iii lale|re pmo. co pma | Explicit tabula | 174'' blank, * Bodleian [wants leafz], * Clare College, Cambridge [24 leaves]. * York Minster, * ^^* The Bodleian copy is bound in a contemporary stamped leather binding with a copy of Aquinas, Commentum super libros physicorum, Z480 [N.Jenson, Venice. Hain * Z327]. Below the colophon is the inscription in large letters, apparently by the rubricator, ' Praes huius li^ efr arnoldus vitis'. The York copy, which is quite perfect, is bound up in a contemporary binding with a copy of Antonius Andreae, Quaestiones (see No. 26). 66 238 Lathbury, John. Liber moraUum super threnis leremiae. Fol. [Theodoric Rood, Oxford,] 31 July. 1482- a-j A-M' N O". 292 leaves, z, 272, 292 blank. 2 colutnns. 40 lities. With head-lines. I blank. 2\ [P]N | no|mi|ne | pa|lris et filii et | spiritus san:#|cli Amen | . . . 16''. col. 2, /. 26 : Explicit plogns Sequitur li|led the xj day of Maye after / xc || Laus deo | 66'' blank. *B. M. [wants leaves z, 20, 2z, 43, 37, and 66, and has some leaves cropped]. * U. L. C. Lambeth Palace [itnp.]. Royal Library, Copenhagen. *if* An edition in French was printed at Chablis in Z478, and it was no doubt from it that Caxton made his translation, 249 Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London,] 30 September, 1494. cf b' c d' efg*. 46 leaves. 2 columns. 38-40 lines. Beginning not known. 3°' (table to book 4) : Of thestale of the comonalte of the people cap" i" | ... 3''. The first pte of this boke wherof the | first chaptre speketh. cap" l. || E'Very proude psone wolde co^lpare him silf lo god in so mo^|che as they glorifie theym sylf | in the goodes that they haue. Of whi<;|che thinges the glory is due principally | lo god . . . 46''. col. I. /. 38 : And if thou dye in grace the same houfre / thou shall be saued. or in the way | of saluacion. wherfore il apperith that | [col. 2] lytyl auaylelh the hope of them y saye | that the world shal endure moch longe ||| Finysslied and translated out of fre|she in to englissh tlie viii day of lune I in the yere of oure lorde M CCCC | Ixxxvi / and the first yere of the regne | of kynge henry the vii. and emprynted | the last day of septembre in the yere of I our lorde M CCCC lxxxxiiii. By | Richard Pynson. || Laus deo |||{|| [Pynson's device 1 within four border- pieces.] *B. M. [wants leaves i and 2]. 250 Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1500]. a-p' q'. 98 leaves. 29 lines. I* [woodcut], i'' blank. 2^. W'Han I considre the condicyons x | maners of the comon people whi|che withoute enformacyon x leri;|nyng ben rude and nat manered ] lyke vnlo bestes brute accordinge ] lo an olde prouerbe/ he that is nat manered is noo | man. for maners make man. Thanne it is requyi#|sile and necessary that euery man shulde vse goode | and vertuous maners ... 2''. /. 1 5 : H'Ere begynneth the table of a boke named x j intytuled the boke of gode maners/ the why|che was made x composed by the venerable x disi^lcrete persone Frere laques le graunt lycencyal in | Theologye relygyous of the order of saynt Austen | of the couent of Parys ... 5*. C The fyrst partye of this boke wherof the fyrste | chapitre speketh of pryde. Capitulo primo. ||| E*Very proude person wolde compare him | sylfe to god / in so moche as they gloryfye | themsylfe in the godes that they haue. I Of the whych thynges the glorye is due pryncy- pally to god . . . 96''. /. 13 : . . . and if thou dye in grace the same houre | thou shalt be saued or in the wey of saluacon wherifore it apperelh that lytell auaylelh the hope of the | that sayen that the worlde shall endure moch lon#|ge. i| C Thus endeth the fifl boke. II C Here endeth and fyuyssheth (sic) the booke named x | Inlilled gode maners. Emprenled by Rycharde | Pynson. || . : . C Laus deo . : . | 97, 98 not known. * King's College, Cambridge [wants leaves 6, 97, 98]. *^* The signatures are to the sheet. The first leaj in the book contains only a woodcut of a man sitting at a desk, but though a cut used by Pynson it almost ceriainly does not belong to the book, which would have had a first leaf with a short title and a woodcut like the Wynkyn de Worde edition. 251 Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, n.d. A-<^. Z28 leaves, Z28 blank. 29 linesi I*. C Here begynneth a lytell boke | called good maners. | [woodcut.] i'' [woodcut]. 2*. W^Han I con- syder the condycons and | maners of the comyn people / whi^lche without enformacyon and ler-^lnynge ben rude and not manered | lyke vnlo bestes brute acordynge lo I an olde prouerbe / he that is not ma|nered is no man / for maners make man. Thenne | il is requysyle and necessary that euery man sholde | vse good x vertuous maners ... 2''. /. 15 : H^'Ere begynneth the table of a boke named x | Intytuled the boke of good maners/ the whijche was made x composed by the -venerable x dys#|crele persone Frere laques le graunt lycencyal in | Theologye relygyous of the order of saynt Austen | of the couent of Parys ... 5*. CThe fyrste partye of this boke wherof the fyrste | chapytre speketh of pryde. Capitulo primo. | E'Very proude persone wolde compa|re hymselfe to god / in so moche as | they gloryfye themselfe in the goo<^|des that they haue. Of whiche thy^|ges the glorye is due pryncypally | lo god . . . 126''. /. 13 : . . . x yf thou deye in grace the same houre / | thou shalt be saued or in the waye of saluacyon / | wherfore il apperylh that lytell auaylleth the hope | of them that sayen that the worlde shall endure | moche longe. || C Thus endeth the fyflh boke. || C Here endeth and fynysshed the boke named and | Intytled good maners. Enprynted al Westmynster | by Wynken de worde. 1 1 4* •{• ¦{".:. C Laus deo . : . -I" 4' -l- ] 127* [Wynkyn de Wordes device 2]. 127'' [woodcut]. 128 blank. * U. L. C. [wants leaves 9Z and 98]. *Duke of Devonshire [wants leaves Z2Z and Z28]. *^* The woodcuts which occur in this book really belong to a set made to illustrate the ' Seven Wise 70 Masters of Rome', of which Wynkyn de Worde pub lished an edition about Z303. Their use as early as this makes it probable that Wynkyn de Worde issued an edition in the fifteenth century of which all trace has disappeared. The woodcuts are nos. 2 and 8 of the set of eleven. The device has no nicks in the border. 252 Libellulus. Libellulus secundarum inten- tionum. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1498]. a' b*. zo leaves. Mixed lines. I*. Libellulus secundaru intentionii logicalium | nouiter compilatus. pro scholaribus | [woodcut], i'^ [woodcut]. 2*. C Incipit tractatus de quincp vniuer- salibus I logycalibus perulilis / nouiter inuenlus. || B'Ene fundatum/ preexigil debitum funda#|mentum. | C Nobis ergo intentoneslogycales arlificialiler fundare volenlibus | opus est. vt primo nobis manifestenlur eai}. fundamenta ... io». /. 10: . . . Est indiuiduu qd' est correlaliuii proprie. x potest dici di|slinguendo contra alia indiuidua proprietatis. ||| H.ec ergo ad erudilione fundamenlale puuloi). qui | se ad philosophia vel theologia realium doctorum | applicauere scrips!. | Io'> [Pynson's device 2], *B. M. *,* This book was one used for the schools in Oxford. It is found frequently mentioned in fohn Dome's day book of Z320 as ' Bene fundatum ', ' Bene fundatum Oxonie', and ^ Bene fundatum vosgraf at prices ranging from one penny to twopence. The natne 'vos graf of the last entty may represent a possible author Foxgrave. A copy of an edition of this book printed at Paris, probably before 1300, in the Cambridge University Library contains manuscript notes relating to Oxford, while another edition was printed by Peter Treveris in Z327 for the Oxford bookseller John Dome or Thome mentioned above. Pynson printed for George Chastelayn, the Oxford bookseller, an edition of the grammar called Informatio Puerorum (No. 223) about the end of the fifteenth century, and in Z306 an edition of the Principia of Peregrinus de Lugo, so that the present book may have also been printed for him. 253 Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westmin ster, 1498.] AB'C*. 16 leaves, z6 blank. 2 columns. 42,43 lines. I* [woodcut] II Hrre (sic) folowyth the Interprelacon of the names of goddis and goddesses of this j treatyse folowynge as Poetes wryte. || [col. i] C Phebus is as moche to saye as the sonne | Appollo is the same or ellys god of lyghte | Morpleus shewer of dremys | Pluto god of helle | Mynos luge of helle I . . . i''. Here begynneth this present | treatyse |{| W'han Pheb* in y crabbe had ner his cours And toward y lyo his iomey take (rone To loke on Piclagoras spere I had begone Syltynge all solytary alone besyde a lake | . . . X'^.col. 2 : Now benygne Ihesu y borne was of Mary | All y lo this visyon haue geuen ther audyence | Graunte etemall Ioye after thy last sentence || AMEN. || C Thus endeth this lytyll moralized treatyse | compiled by dan Iohn Lydgat somtyme mon|ke of Bury/ on whose soule god haue mercy. |||| [Caxton's device^ 16 blank. *B. M. [wants leaf z 6]. *J. Pierpont Morgan. *^* The woodcut used on the first leaf for the ' assembly of the gods ' was originally used in Caxton's second edition of the Canterbury Tales for the pil grims at supper, 254 Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods. 4". [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster,] n.d. cf b-e F' G*. 42 leaves. 30 lines. I*. Here foloweth the Inlerprelacoin (sic) of the na|mes ofgoddes and goddessesas is reherced | in this tretyse folowjmge as Poetes wryte | [woodcut]. i\ C Phebus is as moche to saye as the Sonne, j C Apollo is the same or elles God of syghl. (sic) \ C Morpleus Shewer of dremis | C Pluto God of hell. I C Mynos luge of hell. | . . . 2*. W'Han Phebus the crabbe had nere his cours ronne And toward y Leon his lour ney gan take To loke on Pyclagoras spere/ I had begonne C Syttyng all solytary allone besyde a lake. 1 . . . 41''. /. 29: C Now benygne Ihesu that boren was of Mary | C All that to this vysyon haue gyue her audyence | [42*] C Graunte eternal Ioye after thy last setence || AMEN. || CHere endeth a lytyll Treatyse | named The assemble of goddes ||| [wood cut]. 42'' [Caxton's device]. *U.L.C. *,* On the title-page and the last leaf is the cut of the Canterbury pilgrims at sufiper, here used for the ' assembly of the gods '. It is printed sideways on the title-page. 255 Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n.d. a-e' f. 46 leaves. 28 lines. I* [woodcut]. l'' [woodcut]. 2». CHere foloweth the Inlerprelacyon of the na|mes of goddys and 71 goddesses as is rehersed | in this treatyse folowyng as Poetes wryte. || Phebus is as moche to sey as the Sonne | Apollo is the same or ellys God of syghl (sic) \ Morpleus Shewer of dremes | Plulo God of helle I Mynos luge of helle | . . . 3*. W'Han Phebus in the crabbe had nere his cours ronne And toward the Leon his lour ney gan lake To loke on Pyclagoras spere I had begonne Syllyng all solytary allone besyde a lake | . . . 45''. /. 28 : Now benygne Ihesu that boren was of Mary | [46*] All that lo this vysyon haue gyue her audyence | Graunte etemall Ioye after thy last sen tence II A M E N III C Here endeth a lytyll Tralyse [ named Le assemble de dyeus || [Wynkyn de Worde's device z]. 46''. C Le assemble de dyeus | [woodcut.] *B.M. *.if* On the recto of the first leaf is a woodcut of a knight in armour printed sideways, and on the verso of the first and last leaves is the cut of the Canterbury pilgrims at supper, here used for the assembly of the gods, in both cases printed sideways. 256 Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird. 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n. d. [a'".] zo leaves, z blank. 23 lines. I blank. 2*. p Roblemes of olde liknes and figures Whiche prouyd ben frucluo* of sentence And auclorilees grounded on scriptures By resemblance of notable apparence With moraliles concludyng on prudence Lyke as the bible reherceth by wrilyng How trees chees hem somtyme a kynge | . . . 10''. /. 6 : Belter is fredom with litell in gladnes Than lo be thrall with alle worldly riches || Goo litell quayer and recomande me Vnlo my maister with humble affection Beseke hym lowly of mercy and pyle Of thy rude makyng to haue compassion And as touching thy Iranslacion Out of frenssh/ how that hit englisshid be Alle thing is said vnder correction With supportacion of his benygnyie || .Explicit the chorle and the birde. | *B.M. [leaves 4 and 7, formerly St. Albans Grammar School]. *U.L.C. 2S1 Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird. 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n. d. [a'°.] ZO leaves. 23 lines. 2°'. [P^Jroblemes of olde liknes and figures Whiche prouyd ben fructuo* of sentence And auclorilees grounded on scriptures By resemblance of notable apparence With moralilees concludyng on prudence Lyke as the bible rehercetli by wrytyng How trees chees hem somtyme a kynge | . . . 10''. /. 6 : Better is fredom with lytell in gladnes Than to be thrall with alle worldly ryches || Goo litell quayer and recomande me Vnlo my maisler with humble affection Beseke hym lowly of mercy and pile Of thy rude makyng to haue compassion And as touching thy Iranslacion Out of frenssh, how that hit englisshid be Alle thing is said vnder correction With supportacion of his benygnyie || Explicit the chorle and the birde . : . | * York Minster. 258 Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. a' b*. zo leaves, z probably blank. 23 lines. I not known, probably blank. 2». P^Roblemys of olde liknesse and figures. whiche puyd been fructuous of senlens And haue auclorilies grounded on scripture By resemblance of notable apperannce (sic) with moralilees concludynge on prudence. Lyke as lo the byble rehercilh by wrilynge. Howe trees somtyme chose them a kynge | . . . 10''. For betlre is fredome with lytel in gladesse. Than to be ihralle with al worldly richesse || Go lytel squyer (sic) and recomaunde me Vnlo my master with humble affection Besechynge him lowle of mercy and pyle Of this rude makyng to haue compassion. And as louchynge the Iranslacion. Oute of frensshe howe so il englisshed be Alle thinge is saide vndre correclioy (sic) with supportacion of your benignyte || Here endeth the tale of the chorle x the byrd. | Em prentyd by me Richarde Pinson. | *B.M. 259 Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird. 4°. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster,] n.d. A'. 8 leaves. 29 lines. I». Here begynneth the chorle x the byrde | [wood cut], i''. P^Roblemes of olde lykenes and fygures C Whiche prouyd ben fructuous of sentence CAnd auctorytales grounded on scryptures C By resemblaiice of notable apparence CWilh moralytees concludynge on prudence 7a CLyke as the byble reherceth by wrytynge CHow trees chese hem somtyme a kynge | . . • 8". /. 4 : C Belter is fredom with lytyll in gladnes C Than to be thrall with all worldly ryches || C Goo lytyll quayer and recomaunde me CVnto my mayster with humble affeccyon C Beseke hym lowly of mercy and pyle C Of thy rude makynge to haue compassyon CAnd as louchynge thy translacyon C Out of Frensshe / how that il Englysshed be C All thynge is sayd vnder correccyon CWilh supportacyon of his benygnyie || C Explicit the chorle and the byrde. Empryn|led all Westmynstre in Caxtons house by | Wynken de worde. || [Wynkyn de Worde's device z.] *Duke of Devonshire. 260 Lidgate, John. Curia sapientlae. [In Eng- hsh.J Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1480.] a-e*. 40 leaves, z, 39, 40 blank. 39 lines. I blank. 2». He labero* x y most merueylo* werkes Of sapience syn firste regned nature t My purpos is to tell as writen clerkes And specyally her moost notable cure In my fyrst book I wyl preche x depure It is so plesaunt vnlo eche persone That it a book shal occupye alone | . . . 36''. /. 33 : Explicit Tractatus de Fide et Canlus famule | sue | 37*. These thynges folowyng is euery Crysten man and woman hol^|de / and bounde to leme / and to conne to theyr power in waye of | theyr saluacyon | . . . 38''. col. 2, I. 8: The fyue wyttes ghoostely | Mynde of the kindenes of god | and of thy last ende | Vnderstondyng of his bene<;|fellys / and of his lore | Wylle to worshyppe hym in [ thought / worde / and dede | withoute ony werynes | Reson to rewle with thy wil|les/ both inward x outward | withoute ony blyndenesse | Ymagynacyon of vertuous | lyuyng / nedeful werkes / and | dredeful dedes of ioye and of I peyne | 39, 40 blank. *B. M. *J, R. L, [wants leaves z, 39, and 40]. *St. John's College, Oxford [wants leaves z and 40]. Lidgate, John. and the Goose. 261 The Horse, the Sheep, 4°. [WiUIam Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. «" 3'". z8 leaves, z probably blank, 23 lities. I not known, 2*. c Ontreversies / plees and discordes Bitwene persones were two or thre Sought out the groundes be recordes This was the cusloiii of antiquite lugges were sette/ that had auclorite The caas conceyued stondyng indifferent Betwene parties to yeue lugement | . . . 14''. /. 14 : Alle in one vessell lo speke in wordes pleyn That noman sholde of other haue disdayn || .Thus endeth the horse the ghoos x the sheep. IS»: Hit is ful hard to knowe ony estate Double visage lokelh out of euery hood | . . . i6». 1.6: Though I goo loose I am leyde with a lyne Is hit fortune or Inforlune thus I fyne || .Explicit. I 16''. an Herde of herles | an Herde of dere | an Herde of swannys | an Herde of cranys | . . . 17''. /. 10: .Explicit. I 18*. An hare in his forme | is sholdring or lening j . . . ibid, col. 2, /. 12 : A herte yf he be chasid he j will desire to haue a riuer Assone as he taketh the | Riuer he sulelh / yf he lake ouer the ryuer he crossith | Yf he relome he recrosselh and yf he take with | the streme he fletelh | Yf he lake agayn the stre|me he beteth or els breketh | Yf he take the londe he | fleelh. Explicit. | 18'' blank. *B. M, [4 leaves, two mutilated], *U, L, C, [wants leaves z and 6], 262 Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose. 4°. [WUUam Caxton, Westminster,] n.d. [a' b'"'.] z8 leaves, z blank. 23 lines. I blank. 2\ The hors . the shepe x the ghoos | [C'jOntreversies . plees and discordes Bitwene persones were two or thre Sought out the groundes be recordes This was the custom of antiquite lugges were sette/ that had auclorite The caas conceyued stondyng indifferent Betwene parties to yeue lugement | . . . 16* /. 6 : Though I goo loose I am leyde with a lyne Is hit fortune or Inforlune thus I fyne |||| .Explicit. I 18*. An hare in his forme | is sholdryng or lening | . . . ibid. col. 2, I. 12 : A herte yf he be chasid he | will desire lo haue a ryuer | Assone as he taketh the | Riuer he sulelh / if he take | ouer the ryuer he crossith | Yf he relome he recrosselh | And yf he take with | the streme he fletelh | Yf he take agayn the slre|me he beteth or els becketh | Yf he take the londe he | fleelh .Explicit. I 18'' blank. * York Minster. n 263 Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n.d. a b'. Z2 leaves. 29 lines. I* [woodcut]. \° blank. 2*. C Here begynneth a lytell treatyse of | the horse/ the sheep/ and the ghoos. II G'Ontreuersyes / plees and dyscordes C Bytwene persones were two or thre C Sought out the groundes by recordes C This was the cuslome of antyquyle C luges were sette / that hadde auctoryle C The caas conceyued slandynge Indyfferent C Bytwene partyes lo gyue lugement | . . . 12". C Though I go louse I am lyed with a lyne C Is it fortune or Inforlune thus I fyne || C Explicit. II An Hare in his forme is | sholdrynge or lenynge ibid. col. 2, /. 16 : a Herte yf he be chasid he | wyll desyre to haue a | ryuer. As soone as he I taketh the ryuer he sui;|leth / yf he lake ouer the | ryuer he crosseth / yf he | relome he recrosselh / x | yf he lake with the strejme he fletelh / yf he la<;|ke agayn the streme he | beteth or els beketh / yf | he lake the londe he | fleeth. | C Explicit. 1 12'' [ Wynkyn de Wordes device z]. *U,L,C. 264 Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n. d. A B', Z2 leaves, 29 lines, !» [woodcut], i'' [woodcut]. 2K C Here begynneth a lytyll treatyse of | C the horse/ the sheep/ and the goes. II C^Ontreuersyes / pleyes and dyscordes C Bytwene persones wer two or thre C Soughte oute the groundes by recordes C This was the cuslome of antyquite C luges were sell/ that hadde auctoryle C The caas conceyued stondynge in dyfferent C Bytwene partyes lo gyue lugement | . . . I2». C Though I goo lose I am lyed with a lyne C Is il fortune o Inforlune thus I fyne || C Explicit. II An hare in his fourme is | sholdrynge or lenynge | . . . ibid, col. 2, 1. 16: a Herle yf he be chased he I wyl desyre lo haue a ry|uer. As soone as he ta:>|keth the ryuer he sulelh | yf he take ouer the ry«;|uer he crosseth / yf he re|torne he recrosselh / x yf I he lake with the streme | he fletelh / yf he take ajgayne the streme he be|telh or els he beketh / yf | he take the londe he fle<5|elh. | C Explicit. | 12^ [Wynky de Wordes device 2]. *Duke of Devonshire [from the Roxburghe Library], 265 Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose. 4<*. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1500.] aa bb', Z2 leaves, 29 lines, I* [woodcut], I*" [woodcut], 2\ C Here begynneth a lytell treatyse of | the horse / the shepe / and the goos. II COnlreuersyes / playes and dyscordes C Bytwene persones were two or thre C Sought out of the groundes by recordes C This was the cuslume of anliquyte C luge were set . that hadde auclorytes C The caas conceyued stondynge in dyfferent C Belwene partyes to gyue lugement | . . . Last leaf not known, J. Pierpont Morgan [formerly Haworth, Sir William Tite, F. Locker- Lampson, E. Dwight Church]. *,* The woodcut on the first leaf has a break in th£ framework, while the cut in the Cambridge copy is complete. The last leaf in this copy is a facsimile from the Cambridge copy. 266 Lidgate, John. The Life of Our Lady. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster, 1484]. [*^] a-f m'. 96 leaves, 96 blank, 39 lines, I*. I'His book was compyled by dan Iohn lydgate monke of | burye / at the excitacion and slyryng of the noble and | victoryous prynce / Kyng harry the fyfthe / in thonoure | glorye x reuerence of the byrthe of our moste blessyd lady/ mayde j wyf/ and moder of our lord Ihesu cryst/ chapytred as foloweth | by this table I . . . 3». o Thoughtful herte plungyd in distresse With slobre of sloulh this long wynlers nyght Out of the slepe of mortal heuynesse Awake anone x loke vpon the light | . . . 8''. How our lady receyuyd the seuen yefles | of the holy ghoost capitulo quinto ||||| [T]He fyrst yeft was the yefte of drede To eschewe eche thyng that shal god displese The next pyle of veray womanhede To rewe on al that she sawe in dysease The thyrd connyng god / and man to please The fourth slrenglhe thorow hyr stedfastnesse Onely by vertu al vyces lo oppresse | . . . 94''. /. 26 : Here endeth the book of the lyf of our lady 1 made by dan Iohn lydgate monke of bury/ | at 74 thynslaunce of the moste cryslen kynge / | kyng harry the fyflh |||| Goo lilyl book and submytte the Vnto al them/ that the shal rede Or here/ prayeng hem for charite To pardon me of the rudehede Of myn enprynlyng / not takyng hede And yf ought be doon lo theyr plesyng Say they thyse balades folowyng | 95*. Sancte x Indiuidue Irinitali/ Ihesu cristi crucifixi | humanitati gloriose beate marie virgin! / sit sempi|lerna gloria/ ab omni crealura/ per Infinita secu|lorum secula / Amen | . . . [/. 14] Benedictum sit dulcissime nomen Ihesu crysti / x f gloriosissime marie matris eius ineternii x vltra | Nos cum prole pia benedicat virgo maria Amen || Blessid be the swettest name of our lord Ihesu crist/ and most glorious marie His blessyd moder/ with eternal accord More then euer/ tendure in glorye And with hir meke sone for memorye Blesse vs marie/ the most holy virgyne That we regne in heuen with the ordres nyne ||| Enprynted by Willyam Caxton | 95'' blank. 96 blank, *B,M.[wantsleaf96]. * Bodleian. *U.L.C. *J.R.L. Exeter College, Oxford. * Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaves z, 2 and 96]. *J, Pierpont Morgan [2, otie wants jo leaves]. 266 a Lidgate, John. The Life of Our Lady. Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1484.] Collation ttot known, 39 lines. Known only from 4 leaves, being leaves 2, 3, 6, and 7 of quire a, a 6''. How our lady receyuyd the seuen yefles of | the holy ghoost capitulo quinto |||| [T]He first yefte was the yefte of drede To eschewe eche thynge that shal god displese The next pyle of veray womanhede To rewe on al that she sawe in dyssease The thyrd conyng god and man to please The fourth slrenglhe thorow hjrr stedfastnesse Onely by vertu aJ vyces lo oppresse | . . • *B, M. [leaves 3 and 6, and 2 copies of leaves 2 and 7]. * Bodleian [leaves 3 and 6], *U. L. C. [leaves 3 and 6], etc. *^* These leaves, in which the text varies consider ably from that of the corresponding leaves of the previous entry, are more probably cancelled leaves than part of a separate edition, A nutnber of copies were recovered from an old binding. It is curious that though Blades gave a photograph of two of these leaves in his 'Enemies of Books' to illustrate the ravages of a bookworm, yet he never noticed how much they varied from the complete edition. 267 Lidgate, John. The Pilgrimage of the Soul. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 6 June, 1483. [**] a-n' 0', ZZ4 leaves, z, 3, ZZ3, ZZ4 blank, 40 lines. With head-lines andfoliation. I blank. 2*. This book is intytled the pylgremage of the sowle/ translated | oute of Frensshe in lo Englysshe/ whiche book is ful of deuonle (sic) \ maters touchyng the sowle/ and many questyons assoyled to cau|se a man lo lyue the better in this world/ And it con teyneth fyue I bookes / as il apperelh herafler by Chapytres | . . . 6^ Here begynneth the book of the pylgremage of the sowle | late translated oute of Frensshe in lo Englysshe | . . . 112''. /. 12: Here endeth the dreme of pylgremage of the soule trans- latid I oute of Frensshe in lo Englysshe with somwhat of addicions / the | yere of oure lord / M. CCCC / x ihyrlen / and endeth in the Vigyi;|le of seynt Bartholo mew II Emprynted at westmestre by William Caxton/ And fynysshed | the sixth day of luyn/ the yere of our lord / M. CCCC / Ixxxiij | And the first yere of the regne of kynge Edward the fyfthe/ | 113, 114 blank. *B. M, [wants leaves 3, ZZ3, and ZZ4]. *J. R. L. [wants 3 blank leaves]. *St. John's College, Oxford [itnp.]. Sion College [imp.]. Britwell Court [imp.]. *^:* There are two issues of this book: in the origitial issue (B. M.) the two inner pages of sheet f 3 have been imposed wrongly, so that what should be on f 3'^ is on f6^ and what should be on f 6* is on f3'°, atid the whole book is in type 4. In the second issue (Britwell) this whole sheet has been reprinted in type 4*, so as to read correctly. 268 Lidgate, John. The Siege of Thebes. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n.d. a-l'. 88 leaves, 88 probably blank, 28 lines. With head-lines, I* [woodcut], i'' [woodcut] \ C This is the Royall Cyte of Thebes. | 2^ Prologus || C Here begynneth the prologue | of the Slorye of Thebes. || W^Han bryght phebus passed was the Ram Myd of Aprell x in lo the Bo le cam And Satoume olde. with his frosty face In Virgyne. taken had his place Melencolyke. and sloulh of mocyon And was also, in thopposycyon Of Lucyna the mone. moysle and pale That many shoure. fro heuen made auale | . . . n La 87*. l-'i^o: And lele vs praye lo hym that is moost good That for mankynde. shed his herte blood Thmgh besechyng. of that heuenly quene Wyfe and moder. and a mayde clene To sende vs peas, here in this lyfe presente And of oure synnes. parfyle amendemenle And Ioye elernall. whan we hens wende Of my tale, thus I make an ende | AMEN I C Here now endeth as ye maye see The destruccyon of Thebes the Cytee | [Wynkyn de Worde's device z.] 87'' blank, 88 not known. *B. M. [wants leaf 88]. *jf* On the recto of the first leaf is the woodcut of a knight in armour, printed sideways, which is used in Lidgate' s Assembly of the Gods (No. 233). 269 Lidgate, John. Stans puer ad mensam. 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n. d. [cf.] 4 leaves, 23 lines, I*. .Stans puer ad mensam. | m'^I dere childe first thy self enable With all thin herte to verluo* discipline Afore thy souerayn stondyng al the table Dispose thy yonglhe after my doctrine To alle norlure thy corage enclyne First whyle thou spekest be not recheles Kepe fole and fynger styll in pees | . . . 3*. /. 9 : Go litill bylle bareyn of eloquence Pray yong children that the shal see or rede Though thou be not compendious of sentence Of the clawses for lo take hede Whiche to alle vertue ^hal thy yongth (sic) lede Of the wrytyng though ther be no dale Yf ought be amys put the faule in lidgate | .Explicit. II Aryse erly | Serue god deuoutly | . . • [col, 2, 1. 23] .Explicit. I 3''. .An lioly Salue regina in englissh. || [S^'JAlue with all obeisance lo god i humblesse Regina lo regne euyr more in blysse Mater lo crist as we byleue expresse Misericordie / vnto alle wrecchisse | . . • 4". Wylle hath wonder and kynde ne can How mayden is moder and god is man Leue thyn askyng and beleue that wonder For myght hath maislry x skyll goth vnder | .Deo laus xc. || Who so of wellhe taketh no hede He shal fynde faule in tyme of nede | . . . ibid. 1.22: Knowe er thou knylle x than thou maisl slake Yf thou knyt er thou knowe than it is to late | *U. L. C, [wants part of leaf z], *Duke of Devon shire. ^6 270 Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass. 4°. [William Caxton, Westminster,] n. d. [a-f d^',] 34 leaves, z blank, 23 lines. I blank. 2*. .The temple of glass. |1 fOr thought constreynt x greuous heuynes For pensifhed and high distres To bed I went now this other nyght Whan that lucina with hir pale light Was Ioyned last with phebus in aquarye Amyd decembre / whan of lanuarye Ther be kalendes of the new yere | . . . 34^ 1-9- Now go thy way thou litil rude boke To her presence as I the comande And first of all thou me recomande Vnlo hir and lo her excellence And pray to hir / hit be non offence Yf ony word in the be myssaid Besechyng her / she be not euyl a paid For as her list I wil the efle correcte Whan that her liketh ageinward the direcle I mene that benygne and goodly of face Now go thy way and put the in her grace || .Explicit the temple of glas. | 34'' blank. * U. L. C, [wants leafz]. 271 Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster,] n.d. a-f d*, 28 leaves, 28 lines, i\ C Here begynneth the Temple of glas || F^Or thought constreynt x greuous heuynes For pensyfhed and hyghe distres To bed I wente now this other nyght whan that lucjma with hyr pale lyghl was Ioyned last with phebus in aquarye Amyd decembre / whan of lanuarye Ther be kalendes of the new yere | . . . 28*. /. 17 : Now goo thy waye and put the in her grace || C Explicit the Temple of glas. || C Duodecim abusiones. | . . • 28''. Goo forth kyng reule the by sapyence Bysshop be able lo mynystre doctryne Lord to treu counceyle yeue audyence womanhed lo chaslyle euer enclyne Knyght lete thy dedes worshyp determyne Be righluous luge in sauyng thy name Ryche doo almes lest thou lese blys with shame || People obeye your kyng and the lawe Age be thou ruled by good religyon Tme seraaul be dredfull x kepe the vnder awe And thou poure fye on presumpcyon Inobedyence lo youglh is viler destruccyon Remembre you how god hath sette you lo And doo your parte as ye ar ordeyned to |||| [Wynkyn de Worde's device /.] *B, M. * U. L. C, [wants leaves 23-28], Britwell Court. 272 Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass. 4". Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster, 1500]. A-C D*, 28 leaves, 28 lines, i». C Here begynnyth y temple of Glas || F'Or through constreynt x greuous heuynes For pensythed and hyghe distres C To bed I wente now this other nyghl Cwhan that lucyna with hyr pale lyghl Cwas Ioyned last with phebus in aquarye C Amyd decembre, whan of lanuarye C Ther be kalendes of the new yere | . . . 28». /. 16 : CGoo forth kyng reull the by sapyence C Bysshop be able to mynystre doctryne C Lord lo treu counceyle yeue audyence C womanhed to chaslyle euer enclyne C Knyght lete thy dedes worshyp determyne CBe righluous luge in sauyng thy name C Ryche doo almes lest thou lese blys with shame || C People obeye your kyng and the lawe CAge be thou ruled by good religyon C Treu semaiil be dredfull x kepe the under awe CAnd thou poure fye on presumpcyon C Inobedyence to youglh is utter destruccyon C Remembre you how god hath sette you lo CAnd doo your parte as ye ar ordeyned to | 28'' [ Wynkyn de Worde's device 2]. * Advocates Library, Edinburgh. 273 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli. Fol. John Lettou and William de MachUnia, London, n. d. a-^ i'. 70 leaves. 38 lines. !» blank. l''. Incipit Tabula h* libri | . . . 2*. [T*]Enanl en fee simple est celuy qi ad fres ou teiilz | a tener a luy x a sez heirez a loules iours. x est appelle en I laten feodii simplex cp feodii id est qd hereditas X sim^lplex id est qd legiilimii uel purii / x sic feodii simplex | id e qd hereditas legittima vel heredilas pura C Qar si home voill | purchap fres ou teiilez en fee simple il coueinl auer ceux polx en son | purchas a auoir x tener a luy x a sez heirz qr ceux polx cez heirz font I lestale denheritance . 70''. /. 32 : Nienl- meyns co* q c'len choses q sot motes | x specifiez en lez ditez lyuers ne sot pas ley vnc' lielx chop ferrol loy I pi* apte x able de entedr' x appndre lez argumetez X lez reasos del ley | qr p lez argumetz x reasons en la ley home pl* lost auiedra a le c'teinte | x a la conus de la ley C Lex pl* laudal^ qii roe pbat' | C Expliciiil Tenores nouelli Impssi p nos lohej lettou x Wil^ | de machlinia I Citale Londoniai). iuxta ecc'aj oim scoij. | *B,M,[3,oneimp.]. "U.L.C.y]. *J.R,L, All Souls College, Oxford, Duke of Devonshire, *J. Pier pont Morgan, Imperial Library, Vienna, 274 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli. Fol. William de Machlinia, London, n.d. a-g' h i'- 68 leaves, 40 lines. 1* blank, i''. C Incipit tabula huius libri | . . . 2*. [T'°]Enaunl en fee simple, est celuy qui ad ter|les (sic) ou lenementes a tener a luy x a sez heires a | loulz iours El est appelle en laten feodum sim^jplex quia feodum idem est qd' hereditas x simplex | idem est qd' legilli- mum vel purum x sic feodum | simplex idem est qd heredilas legittima vel here^|ditas pura C Qar si home voille purchap lerij|res ou lenementes en fee simple il couienl auoir | ceux perolx en soun purchace. a auoir X tener a | luy x a sez heires qar ceux perolx sez heires fount I lestale denherilaunce . . . 68*. /. 39 : Nient- meyns co* q cerf chocez queux sont moles | x specifiez en lez dilz lyuers ne sount pas ley vncore lielx chosez ferrol toy | [(X"] pluis apte x able de entendre x apprendre les argumenles x les reasons | del ley qar p les argumetes x reasons en la ley home pl* tost auiendra a | la certejmte x a la conus de la ley [ C Lex plus laudalur quando racione probalur ||| C Expli ciunt Tenores nouelli Impressi | per me wilhelmii de machlinia in opulen|tissima Ciuitate Londoniai). iuxta ponte I qui vulgariter dicitur Flete brigge | *B.M. *J,R.L. Private Library. 21s Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli. Fol. GuIUaume Le Talleur, (for Richard Pynson), Rouen, n. d. A' B-F' G*. 42 leaves, 42 blank, 47 lines. I* [Le Talleur's device], i^, C Incipit tabula huius libri. I . . . 2*. [T^jEnannt en fee simple est celuy qui ad terres ou lenementes a tener a luy et a | sez heires a loulz iours Et est appelle en laten feodum simplex quia feodii idem est qd | heredilas x simplex idem est qd' legitimum vel purum x sic feodum simplex idem est I qd hereditas legitima vel heredilas pura. C Qar si home voille purchaf terres | ou lenementes en fee simple il couienl auoir ceulx perolx en sonn purchace. a auoir el | tener a luy x a sez heires qar ceulx perolx sez heires fount lestale denheritannce ... 41''. /. 31 : . . . Nienlmeyns CO* q certf chocez queux sont moles I X specifiez en lez dilz lyuers ne sonnt pas ley vncore tiebc chosez ferronl toy pluis apte x able de enten|dre x apprendre les argumetes x les reasons del ley qar p les argumenles x les reasons en la ley home | pluis lost 77 auiendra a la cerleynte x a la conusPde la ley. | C Lex plus laudalur quando ratione probalur. ||||| Expliciunt Tenores nouelli Impressi per me | vvilhelmn (sic) le tailleur in opulentissima ciuitate | rolhomagensi iuxta prioratum sancti laudi ad | instanliam Richardi pyn son. I 42 blank. *B. M. [wants leaves z and 42]. * U. L. C, *J, R. L, Inner Temple. 276 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1496]. AB'Ciy EF' G-P. 62 leaves, 38, 39 lines, I* [woodcut]. i\ Incipit tabula huius libri | . . . 2\ T^Enannt en fee simple est celuy qui ad' terres ou tenements a | tener a luy x a sez heires a loulz iours. El est apelle en laten fe|odum simplex quia feodum idem est qd" heredilas x simplex ide | est qcf legitimum vel pumm x sic feodum simplex idem est qtf | hereditas legitima vel heredilas pura C Qar si home voill e p|chap terres ou lenementes en fee'simple il couienl auoir ceulx perolx en sonn pur|chace. a auoir x tener a luy X a ses heires qar ceulx perolx ses heires fount lestate | denheritannce . . . 62*. /. 14 : Nienl- meyns co* q cerlf chosez queux sont moles x specifies en lez dilz lyuers ne sol | pas les vnquore lielx choces ferronl toy pluis apte x able de entendre x apprendre | les argumentlers x les reasons del ley quar per les argumenles x les reasons en la | ley homme pluis tost auiendra a la certeynle x a la conup de la ley. | C Lex plus laudalur quando ratione probalur. 1 1 C Expliciunt Tenores Lytyllon | 62'' [Pynson's device 2]. * Harvard Law Library [wants leaves z and 62]. *J. Pierpont Morgan. *** The Morgan copy contains the following inscription : ' Isle liber pertinel Radulpho hulme de mancheslur In comitate lancastre'. A similar in scription is in Pynson's Natura Breuium at King's College, Cambridge, so that perhaps the two were originally bound together. 277 Logic. 4°. [Theodoric Rood, Oxford, 1483.] A-Z Aa-Cc' Dd', Z64 leaves, z probably blank. 3z lines. I not known, probably blank. 2*. [Q]Vonia ex fmis filii ^poes x ex ppoibj argu|mela coes I qbj tola logicoru vsat psideraco : | Ideo de fmis pmo aliq dicem*. Termin* e | signii orois pslitutiuii vl ps ppinq. Ex no|lanler d'r ps ppinq : qr oro hj ptes ppinws. x remotas : | . . . 164* ends : Ad leclores carmen, f Abdila si cupias. logicorum noscere dicta Me lege : precepta que cupis apta dabo Non tibi noua fero q firmanl robora nulla Maiorum firma dicta docenda lege Si me pressoris uiolauil inarlia : lector Te precor errata corrige: vera lene | 78 Registrum cartarum. jABCDEFGHIKLMN OPQR|STVXYZAaBbCc omnes isti sunt lerni | Dd vero est quatemus . : . | 164'' blank, *New College, Oxford, *Merton College, Oxford [imp.]. 278 Lyndewode, WiUIam. Constitutiones pro- uinclales. Fol. [Theodoric Rood, Oxford, 1483.] a-f d' e-f }f l-o'p' q-f f v xf z' A-D' E^ F-N' C P-R' S^' aa-cf dd>\ 342 leaves, 308, 309 blank, 2 colutnns, 46 or 60 lines. With hecui-lines, I* blank, i'' [woodcut], 2*. De summa trinitate et fide ca^|lholica | [R']Eueredis|si6 in xpo | patri ac do|mino do*|mino hen|rico dei %<\c\2, Cantu|rieii. (sic) archijepiscopo tocius anglie pri(«V)mali | x aposlolice sedis legato veslre reuerendissi|me paternitatis Capel- lan* deuolissim* quil|lielm* (sic) lyndewode inter vlri- usqg iuris docto|res minimus . . . 307''. col. 2, I. 19 : Explicit opus magistri wil|helmi lyndewoode Super con-?|stiluc6nes prouinciales laus deo | 310* (table) : In cipit liber primus. | . . . 339''. col. 2, I. 21 : Explicit tabula copendiosa super librum j qui inlilulatur puin- clalis copilata per wil:#|helmii de Tylia nemorecompleta In festo] couersacionis Sancti Pauli. anno dm | Mille simo. CCCC.xxxiij. 1 340*. Per labulamsequentem potest lector eiusdem agnoscere que fuerunt x sunt c6|stilu- ciones vtiliores singulorii archieporii Canluarieii. . . . 342*. col. 2, ends : Thomas Ariidell ix. | Henrici Chycheley iij. | 342'' blank. *B, M. [3, one wants leaf 308, one leaf 309, otie Z3 printed leaves]. * Bodleian. *U,L.C. *J.R.L. *King's College, Cambridge [wants 2 leaves], "University College, Oxford[imp.]. "Advocates Library, Editiburgh [wants 3 leaves]. "Durham Cathedral. Thetford Grammar School. Bibliothique Nationale [on vellum]. "Harvard Law Library [wants 3 leaves], *** The woodcut of the author at work on the verso of the first leaf is really intended for lacobus de Voragine, and forms otu of the series of woodcuts used in the Oxford Liber Festiualis, though really made for an edition of the Golden Legend, There are two issues of the first 72 leaves. A very careful analysis of the variations will be found in G. Chawner's List of the Incunabula in the library of King's College, Cambridge, 279 Lyndewode, WiUiam. Constitutiones pro uinciales. 8°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 31 May, 1496. A-X'. z68 leaves. 20 lines. With head-lines. I*, constitutiones prouin|ciales ecclesie anglicae. | per. d. wilhelmii Lyndewode | vlriustj iuris doctore edile. | Incipiunt feliciter. | [woodcut of bishop], i''. C lohannes Pecham | I'Gnoranlia sacerdotu x Ifra | C Ne quis per ignorantiam | se excuset. quin scial articulos fidei | quos omnes ecclesie minislri scire tenetur. eos summaria (vl sequitur | pslringimus breuitate . . . 159''. /. 13: . . . nee no siluai}. possesso|res huiusmodi ad pstacioej decima|rii ligno)}. excise)}, in eis sicut feni [ bladoi). omnium censura ecclesiasti|ca fore canonice compellendos etc. | 160*. C Explicit opus Magistri wilhel^]mi Lyndwode super conslilucioes | puinciales. C Laus deo. | 160'' [ Wynkyn de Wordes device z]. \()\^. Incipitl (sic) tabula | con- slitucionum | proulcialium. | . . . i68^ Opus Presens Fabricalum | est. El diligenter correctum | Per wynandum de worde. | Apud westmonasleriii. In do|mo caxslon. Anno Incarna|cionis Millesimo qua- dringe|tesimo nonagesimo sexto. | Vllima die May acabatii(^. | Gloria deo. | leS*" [Wynkyn de Worde's device z]. "B. M. [2], "Bodleian [wants 7 leaves], * U. L. C. "J, R. L. ''Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Jesus College, Oxford. Lambeth Palace. "Peterborough Cathedral. "Harvard Law Library, "J, Pierpont Morgan, *,* The signatures are only on the first page of each gathering, which has one line less than the other pages to make room for the signature. There are two issues of the first 32 leaves. The title in the variant issue reads: C^Onslituciones prouin|ciales ecclesie anglicae. | per. do. wilhelmii (sic) Lyndewo|de vtrius<5 iuris doclorem | edile. Incipiunt feoliciler (sic). Both issues are represented in the British Museum. 280 Lyndew^ode, William. Constitutiones pro uinciales. 8°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 15 April, 1499. A-S', Z44 leaves, 2Z lities. With head-lines. i». C Constitutiones prouincia^jles ecclesie anglicae. per. d. wil|helmum Lyndewode vtriusqp | iuris doclorem edile. Incipiunt | feliciter. | [woodcut of bishop], i"". lohannes Pecham | PGnoralia sacerdotum x infra | C Ne quis p ignoralia se excu|sel. quin scial articulos fidei quos omlnes eccl'ie minislri scire tenetur. eos sii|maria (vl seq'lur pstringim* breuita<^|le . . . 139''. /. 18 : C Explicit opus sup coslilutiones p^|uinciales. Laus deo. | 140*. Incipit tabula coslitutionii puincia<;| Hum I . . . 143''. C Explicit tabula coslitutionii puiu« (jz<:)|cialium. || C Islud opus presens fabricalum est. | Diligenter correctum. Impressum p | wynandum de worde apud westmo^|nasteriiiu (sic). Anno millesimo quadrin;f|genliimo (sic) nonagesimo nono die deci|ma qninta (sic) Aprilis. | 144* blank, 144'' [Wynkyn de Worde's device z], "Bodleian, *J,R,L, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, "Lambeth Palace. St, Mary's Seminary, Oscott [wants leaves 73 and Z44]. 281 Lyndewode, WiUiam. Constitutiones pro uinciales. 8°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1499]. a-v A' B^- 772 leaves, 20 lines. With head-lines. I*, r^euerendissimo i xpo pfi ac | diio diio I dei gra canlu|ariensi archiepiscopo loci* an^^lglie primali x aplice sedis le^|gato ac ei* venia celis psens c6^|slilu- cionu op* inspecturis RiiJ|chard* Pynson circa vfe puin|cialis psliluconii vera atcj or<;|nata ipressura debitii obseqii | loco salutis. Bonarii menciii | horta- mentis isligalrix adslu<;|dendii vtilitate I dictis psliluci-| oibj resecalis el volumlis mag|niludle el podorosilale I encheiJ|redion seu librii manuule (sic) colle|gere accreui a tilulo seu rubrica. | i*". PGnorancia sacerdotu el in<^|fra ne quis per ignoranciam | se excuset quin scial articulos fidei | quos omnes ecclesie minislri scire | lenentur eos summaria vt sequit | perstringimus breuitate . . . 166''. /. 19 : nee non siluarum pos- sessores huius|modi ad preslacionem decimarum | [167*] excisorum in eis sicut fenl (sic) bladorii | omnium censura ecclesiastica fore | canonice compellendos ||| C Explicit opus magistri wilhelmi | Lyndwode super constituciones p|uinciales : laus deo. | 167'' (table) : Incipit liber Primus. | . . . 171''. /. 8 : Explicit tabula conslilucionum | prouincialium. | Emprinted by 172* blank. 172° [Pynson's Richard Pynson. device z]. "B.M. [wants leaf Z72]. "Bodleian. "J.R.L Pierpont Morgan. Harvard Law Library. *„,* The I mentioned in the dedication as Archbishop of Canterbury is fohn Morton, who diedz3 Sept. zjoo, so that the book must have been printed earlier than that date. It is evident, too, from the state of the device that it was printed before the Abbreuiamentutn statutorum of 9 October, Z499. 282 Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones pro uinciales. 8°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1499]. a-r*- Z36 leaves. z8, Z9 lines. With head-lines. 1* (head-line): De siima trinitate x fide catholica || De summa trinitate x fide catholica | I'Gnorantia sacerdotu. x infra. Ne qs p | ignoranlia se excuset qn scial articulos | fidei oes quos minislri ecclesie scire tenent eos | siimaria vt sequit pstrlxim* breuitate . . . 133^. /. 9: . . . nee I no siluarum possessores huiusmodi ad eslima|lionem decimarum lignorum ipso rum excisa|mm in eis sicut feni x bladorum ofiii censura | fore canonice compellendos. | De augmen- talione vicariaru. | . . . 134''. I V] : , , . In quibus ci{^|lalionibus ad comparenduj ipis sic citalis ad I [I35»] minus denlur Iriginla dies predicti reclores el j proprielarii perinde arceanlur ad comparedii | ac si esset huiusmodi cilatione personaliter ap|prehensi. xc. | 79 135'' blank. 136" Richardii Pynson. | border], *B.M. blank. 136''. Impressum per [Pynson's device 3, without the *JR.L.[imp.]. *»* The Rylands copy, which is bound up with a copy of the other Pynson edition, formerly belonged to Herbert, and is the one mentioned by Dibdin, vol. ii, P-539- 283 Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d'Arthur. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, 31 July, 1485. (i-iiii)' (v-viHy ; a-J &" A-Z aa-dd^ ee'. 432 leaves, z blank. 38 lines, I blank. 2°'. A'Fler that I had accomplysshed and fynysshed dyuers | hystoryes as wel of contemplacyon as of other hysto|ryal and worldly actes of grete con- querours x pryn|ces/ And also certeyn bookes of ensaumples and doctryne / | Many noble and dyuers gentylmen of thys royame of Eng<;|lond camen and demaunded me many and oftymes/ wherfore | thai I haue not do made x enprynte the noble hyslorye of the I saynt greal ... 19*. C Capitulum primum || H'll befel in the dayes of Vther pendragon when | he was kynge of all Englond / and so regned | that there was a myjty duke in Comewaill | . . . 432*. /. 13 : C Thus endeth thys noble and loyous book enlytled le morte | Darlhur/ Notwylhslondyngil treateth of the byrth / lyf/ and | actes of the sayd kyng Arthur / of his noble knyghles of the | rounde table / theyr mer- uayllous enquestes and aduenlures / | thachyeuyng of the sangreal / x in thende the dolorous deth x | departyng out of thys world of them al/ whiche book was re|duced in to englysshe by syr Thomas Malory knyght as afore | is sayd / and by me deuyded in lo xxi bookes chapytred and | enprynted / and fynysshed in thabbey westmestre the last day | of luyl the yere of our lord / M / CCCC / Ixxxv/ II C Caxton me fieri fecit | 432'' blank. "J. R, L, [wants 12 leaves], J, Pierpont Morgan. 284 Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d'Arthur. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 25 March, 1498. .':' a-f-' t if A-C D-IP I- V X* K A-aJ^ 326 leaves, 2 columns, 42 lities. With head-lines. I not known. 2*. Prologus || A'Fler that I had acomplysshed | x fynysshyd dyuers hystoryes | as well of contemplacyon as of other | historiall x worldly actes of grete con|querours x prynces/ and also cerleyne | bokes of ensamples x doctrine : Ma^|ny noble X dyuers gentylmen of thys | reame of Englonde / came/ x demaun|ded me many x ofte tymes/ wher fore I that I haue not do made / x enprynte | the noble history of the Sancgreall. ... 15* [woodcui] \ Here begynneth the fyrst bo<;|ke of the noble kyng. Kyng | Arthur, somtyme kynge of | Englonde and of his noble I actes and feates of armes of | chyualrye x his noble knygh|tes x table roiide. and is deuy|ded in to .xxi. bookes. | . . . 325. col. 2, /. 19 : C Thus endyth this noble x loyous | boke enlytled Le morte dalhur. Not^lwylhslondyng it treateth of the byrth | lyf x actes of the sayd kynge Arthur | of his noble kayghU (sic) of the rounde ta|ble. theyr merueyllous euquesles (sic) X adjuenlures. ihachyeuynge of the Sanc-^fgreall. And in the ende the dolourous | deth. x depaylynge (sic) out of this worlde | of them al. Whyche boke was reduced j in to Englysshe by the well dysposyd | knyghle afore namyd. And deuyde[d] | in to .xxi. bokes chapitred. x enprynt[ed] | fyrst by Wylliam Caxton, on wh[ose] I soule god haue mercy. And newel[y em-]| prynted. and chapitres of the sam[e ra]|brisshed at Westmestre by Wynk[en de] | Worde y yere of our lord .M. C[CCC.] | .Ixxxxviij. and ended the .xxv [daye of] I Marche. the same yere. | 325'' [Caxton's device], 326 not known. "J. R. L. [wants 2Z leaves ; some leaves mutilated], "i^ This copy was in the collections of Ratcliffe, Herbert, and the Duke of Roxburghe, At the sale of the last-named it was purchased by Earl Spencer for £31 los. 285 MandeviUe, Sir John. Travels. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London, 1496]. a-g' h i' k*. 72 leaves, 30 lines. I not known. 2*. F'Or as moche as the Lande ouer the see / that is | lo say the holy lande that men call the lande of | helynge / amonge all other landes it is mooste I worthy lande and soueraigne of other landes / and it is j blessyd and halowed and sacred of the precious blode of | oure lorde iesu cryst. In the whyche lande it lyked hym | to take flesshe and blode of the virgyn mary/ and lo en*|uiron that lande with his owne fete . . . 72*. /. 2 : . . . and I pray lo god of whom all grace co^|melhe that he woU all the reders and herers that ar criste | men fulfyll of his grace/ and saue them body and soule | and brynge theym lo his ioy that euer shall last he that is | in the Irynyte fader/ son / and holy goosl that lyuethe and | regneth god withoute ende amen || C Here endeth the boke of Iohn Maunduyle | knyght of wayes to lerusalem x of marueylys | of ynde and of other counlrees. | Em prenled by Rychard Pynson. | 72'' [Pynson's device 3]. *B. M. [wants leaves z, 8, Z7, and 24]. "Bodleian [fragment]. *^* The border part of the device is printed upside down, and is quite unbent. The British Museum copy was purchased at the sale of Sir Francis Freeling's library by the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville. Sir F. Freeling had purchased it from Ford, a bookseller in Manchester, 80 286 MandeviUe, Sir John. Travels. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, [before December,] 1499. A*; A-S', ZZ2 leaves. 29 lines. With foliation. I not known. 5». C Here begynneth a lytell treatyse or booke na^|med lohan Maudeuyll knyght bom in Englonj^lde in the towne of saynt Albone x speketh of the I wayes of the holy londe towarde Iherusalem / x | of marueyles of Ynde x of other dyuerse coiilrees. || F'Or as moche as the londe ouer the | see / that is to saye the holy londe | that men calle the londe of helynge | Amonge all other londes it is the | moost worlhyesl londe x souerayn | of other londes / and il is blessyd x | halowed x sacred of the precyous blood of our lor|de Ihesu cryste ... Ii2». /. 11 : . . . and I | praye to god of whome all grace cometh that he | wyll all the reders x herers that are cryslen ful«|fyll of his grace / x saue theym body and soule x | brynge theym to his Ioye that euer shall laste he | that is in the Trynyle fader/ sone/ x holy ghoost | that lyueth x regneth god without ende Amen. || C Here endeth the boke of lohan Maiideuyll | knyght of the wayes towarde lemsalem/ | x of meruayles of Ynde x of other coiilrees | Emprynted at Westmynster by Wyn ken de I worde. Anno dm .M. CCCC.lxxxxix. | 112'' [ Wynkyn de Worde's device 2]. * U. L, C, [wants leaves z-4, z8, 4z, 46, 47, 32, 77, and ZOZ-Z06]. "Stonyhurst College [wants leaves z, 4, and 77-ZZ2]. *»* The device has no nicks in the margin, so that the book must have been printed before December, Z499. The first quire contained the title-page and the index to the chapters, 287 Manuale. Manuale ad usum Sarum. Fol. Berthold Rembolt, [Paris, 1498]. a-if x^. Z64 leaves, Z64 not known. 32 lines. With head-lines andfoliation. I*. Manuale ad vsum insignis ecclesie | Sarii. sum- maqp diligetia emedatii | [Device of Rembolt], 2*. Biiaiclio sails et aque || 0*Mnib* diiicis dieb* p annii X in feslis | simplicib* in diiicis pligetib*. post pri^|ma X capf. vel missa in capit. si habeat | tres capane breuiter pulsent singillali | ad aqua biidicta Icipiendo a maiore capana deinjde in fine pcessi. cii dicit an. in introitu chori pul<;|sal ad tercia dicto mo nisi sermo diceret ad popui;|lum. tiie in fine sermonis pulsat ad tercia . . . 163* ends : spera cocedat. habeat i hoc scFo bone acliois documelii | caritatj sludiu. sell amor^ affectii. X I futuro cii sells an|ger gaudiii adipiscai ppeiuii. Per eiide do. no. ies. xc. | 163'' blank, 164 not known. "Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. *,* On the verso of the first leaf is written ' Donatus liber iste coUegio annunciacionis beate Marie Canla- brigiensi a venerabili viro domino humfredo de la poole ducis suffolkensis filio ad usum capelle el scolamm collegii supradicli anno domini M°CCCC'' nonagesimo octavo mensis septembris die xiiij '. The Greek in Rembolt' s device reads : X € P 1 0 H X I ; the book must therefore be after Z4q6 when it read xepeeiXH. 288 Manuale. Manuale ad usum Sarum. 4°. Pierre Olivier and Jean de Lorraine, (for Jean Richard), Rouen, 1500. a-nf x^. Z64 leaves, Z64 probably blank, 32 lines. With head-lines andfoliation. !»¦_. M*Anuale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sai).. | Rotho magi nuper impressum impensis | lohannis richardi mercatoris librarii/ in | eadem vrbe iuxta ecclesiam diui Nicolai | moram trahentis | [woodcut of St. George and the dragon]. 163''. /. 7 : Finis tabule Manualis / et ex cosequenti toti* opis | Rothomagi nuper Impressi in vico Damiele iuxta j ecclesiam diui Maclouii : opera et arte Petri oliuier el | lohariis de lorraine socio)}.. Anno dni M.ecccc. primo | in pascha. SUme trinitali laus honor et gloria. | [Device off. Richard]. 164 not known. "Bodleian [on vellum ; wants leaves Z30-Z37 and Z64]. 289 Margaret, Saint. The Life of Saint Mar garet. 4°. [Richard Pynson, London, 1493.] Collation not known. 23 lines, I blank. 2\ H'Ere begynneth of seint margarete The blissid lif that is so swele To Ihu cryste she is fuUe dere If ye wyll lislyne ye shall here Herkenythe now vnlo my spelle Of hir lyf I wyll you telle Olde and yonge that here be Listyn a whyle vnlo me What I shall lo you say How il be felle vpon a day Of a virgyn fayre and swele Whos name was margarete Hyr fader was a noble clerke And aman that coude myche werke | . . . End not known. * Bodleian [4 leaves, of which z is blank]. 290 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, [1487]. (i-iii)' a-q' r^" s f. z6o leaves. 33 lines. With head-lines, W KL' Prima dies mensis. x septima truncal vl ensis | lanuarius het dies xxxj / luna vero xxx | . . . 8». 81 M C Incipit prologus in tractatu sequentem Qui dicitur Di|reclorium Sacerdotum I .. . 139*. /.ii: C Explicit directoriii sacerdotu / Et incipit Defensoriu eiusd' | direclorij I noie dni | . . . 144*. /. 19 : C Impressum e hoc directoriii cu defensorio eiusd' p william | Caxton apud weslmonasleriu prope London/ | 144'' blank. \/^l'^ (head-line) : Crede michi || C Sequentes articuli venlulali sut x approbati per canoni^|cos Ecclesie Sarum / El in primo de ocf corporis Cristi. | . . . 160''. /. 25 : C Quia vero in h". ope non scribit aliqua regula nisi sil vera | scd'm ordinale Saru x bene ventilala / ac peritorii virojii lesti|monio ac sigillis confirmala. Ideo piis opuscula vocal Crej^lde michi/ Na qui predcas regulas memoriler tenet vix polei^lrit errare in seraicio diuino/ Deo gras/ || C Caxton me fieri fecit. | * B. M. [wants leaf 7]. Lincoln Cathedral [2 leaves]. *^* The British Museutn copy was stolen frotn the Cambridge University Library, and sold to Mr. Bayntun of Gray's Inn. At his sale it was bought by the king and passed with his library into the British Museum. A large Itnage of Pity, printed by Caxton, is inseried before the first leaf. 291 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. 4°. Gerard Leeu, Antwerp, 1488. [*'] ; a-if x". 772 leaves. 33 lines. With head-lines. I*. Prima dies mensis x septima trucat vl ensis | lanuari* habj dies xxxi/ luna vero xxx | . . . 7*. C Incipit prologus in traclatii sequentem. Qui dicitur | Directorium sacerdotum | . . . 149*. C Incipit De- fensoriii eiusde direclorij in noie diii. | . . . 155* (head-line) : Crede Michi || C Sequentes articuli venli- lati sunt x approbati J per canonicos eccKe Sai). El pmo de oct! corpo/|ris christi. | . . . 172*. /. 27 : . . . C Quia vero in B ope no scribit! aliq | regula nisi sit vera p"" ordinale sarii x bn vetilala / ac perito<;|rum viro)). leslimoio ac sigillis pfirmata Ideo piis opus^|culii vocaf Crede michi. Na qui pdiclas regulas meori ler tenet vix poteril errare in puitio diuino. Deo gras. Explicit ordinale p™ vsii sa)}. Impssuj Anlwerpie p me Gerardii Leeu Anno diii M. CCCC. Ixxxviij. | 172'' [Device of Gerard Leeu]. *B. M. [wants leaves z-6]. "Bodleian [2]. * U. L. C. * St. John's College, Cambridge. Duke of Devonshire. 292 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, [1489]. a' ; a-f z^". Z94 leaves. 3Z lines. With head-lines. \\ KL Prima dies mensis et septima iriical vl ensis | lanuarius habet dies xxxi/ luna vero xxx. | . . . S*" [Caxton's device]. 9*. C Incipit prologus in traclalum sequen|lem Qui dicif directorium Sacerdotum | . . . 1 70*. /. 1 8 : C^xplicit directorium sacerdotum x incipit ' 8a Defensorium eiusdem directorii In nole dni | . . . 176*. /. 14 : C Impressum est hoc directoriii cu defensorio eiusdem per | Willelmii Caxton apud Weslmonasleriu prope London/ |||| C Sequentes articuli velulali siil x aprobati per canoni^flcos eccKe Saru : El in primo de oclabis (sic) corporis Cristi | . . . 194''. /. 22 : C Qr vero in hoc ope no scribitur aliqua regula nisi sit ve|ra scdj ordiale saru x bene ventilala/ ac peritoi). virorii lesli|monio ac sigillis confirmala. Ideo pns opusculu vocatur/ | Crede michi/ Nam qui prediclas regulas memoriler tenet | vix poteril errare : in semicio diuino. Deo Gracias. || C Caxton me fieri fecit. | *B. M. [fragment]. "Bodleian. 293 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1495- (i-iv)'; a-z xp A-C 232 leaves. 29 lines. With head-lines. i''. KL lanuarius habet dies .xxxi. Luna .xxx. | ... 9*. C Incipit prologus in traclalum sequen|lem (qui dici tur directoriu sacerdotum | . . . 202*. /. 16 : C Incipit Defensorium eiusdem | direclorij. In nomine domini. | . . . 208''. /. 27 : C Impressuj est hoc Directoriii cii defensorio eiusde | p wynandii de worde. apud wesl monasleriu morale | 209*. C Incipit libellus putifis (quod I Crede mihi vocitatur) Feliciter. | . . . 231*. I- 13; CQuia ^o in hoc opere seu libello no scribif aliqua | regula nisi sil vera scdm Ordinale Sai}.. x bene ven|tilata. ac perito)}. viro)}. lestimonio ac sigillis pfir- ma|ta. Ideo presens opusculu? (Crede mihi) vocaf. Nam I qui prediclas regulas memoriler tenet vix poteril erif|rare in seruicio diuino. Deo Gratias. Finis || In domo Caxton wynkyn fieri fecit. | 232°' (head-line) : C In domo Caxton. || Explicit libellus. quod Crede michi ap^lpellalur. pemtilis Sai}. cleris. ac perui#|gih opera correct*, x impressus in west^|monaslerio per wynkyn de worde. ano | domini .M. cccc. nonagesimo- quinlo. || Cuius ventilabi). in manu eius. x pur-?|gabil area sua. Verba hec quauis euan«|gelica sinl. Myslice tame x allegorice co^^lparari isti libello possint sic. vt predictii | est Ad laude ventilatoris. sic. Cuius in | mau vetilab)}.. id est. libellus isle. purga<;|bil area sua. id est. 9scientia5 i orando. || [Wyttkyn de Worde's device z]. ' *B. M. * U. L. C. [imp., formerly Rev, C, Wordsworth]. 294 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. 4°. Richard Pynson, London, 1497. a' ; a-z x* ?° ; A B' C*, 226 leaves, 30 lines. With head-lines, i». C Animaduerlendii | Liber presens/ directoriii sacerdotu / que pica Sarum | vulgo vocitat clerus. ^5 iste pluribus vicibus intra [ nostras al<| trasmarinas terras/ impressus ac coposi|lus exislat. nus^ lame scdm vei}. Sal}, ordinale can^lcellatus seu correclus fuerit nee enucleat*. Sed quia | vnus pastor ecclesie x vnum ouile est / erit itatf ouium | cleri videlj Sa)}. vnus canonice oronis ordo. ne qs^ | quod absit / dicat Erraui sicut ouis que periit xc. | Hinc e venerabiles atcj honorabiles domini leclores | pnliu quod vos no igno- rare cupio qi ppter id x bonii | necessitatis coe el vt concordel psalleriu cii cylhara in | sancta nostra ecclesia cleri Sa)}. / Veneranda sempa | laudada studii disciplinarii vniuersilas canlabrigien. [hoc onus laboris hmoi correctonis atcp cancellatiois | seu collalionatiois ordinalis Sai). necessarie fiedai). | Venerabili viro rnagislro clerke. collegii regalis can«|lori credidil atcp comisil. Quiquide magister clerke | hmoi onus cor- reclois sua sponte ppter causaj pdicta | suscepil emedauil correxit attj scdm verum ordinale | Sa)). coUationauit. Insup honesto Ricardo pynson | extra barra noui tepli londonia)}. moranti / ad impri^|mendii dedit attj finiri iussit. Anno salutis noslre f Millesimo .cccc. xcvii. I 2*. KL lanuarius habet dies .xxxi. Luna .xxx. I . . . 9*. C Incipit prologus in traclalum seque|tem/ qui dicitur directoriii sacerdotum | . . . 203". C Incipit defensoriu eiusdem | directorii. in dei nomine. | . . • 207*. C Incipit libellus pulilis. quod | Crede mihi vocitatur. Feliciter. | . . . 226*. /. 22 : C In epistola vnius cofessoris x doctoris scilicet. De^| dil dominus confessionem. legal sic. Dulces fecit mo|dos non modules, xc. | Finis. | 226'' [Pynson's device 2]. *B, M, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge [z leaf]. 295 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. 4°. Richard Pynson, London, 1498. (f ; a-z x' ;>' A B" C*, 226 leaves, 30 lines. With head-lines. I*. C Animaduertendum | Liber presens / directoriii sacerdolii / que pica Saru? | vulgo vocitat clerus. ^ ^ iste pluribus vicibus intra | nostras at(5 trasmarinas terras impressus ac c6posi|lus exislat. nus^lame scd'm ve)}. Sal), ordinale can|cellalus seu correclus fueril nee enucleat* ... [/. 18] . . . Quiquide magister Clerke | hmoi onus correctois sua sponte fpter causa? pdicta | suscepit emedauil correxit atcp scd!m verum ordi nale I Sal). coUationauit. Insup honesto Ricardo pyn son I extra barra noui tepli londonia)}. moranti / ad impri^|mendii dedit atcp finiri iussit. Anno salutis noslre | Millesimo .cccc. xcviii. | 203*. C Incipit de- fensoriii eiusdem | directorii. in dei nomine. | . . . 206*. /. 29 : Explicit Defensorium directorii. j 206'' blank. 207*. C Incipit libellus perulilis. quod | Crede mihi vocitatur. Feliciter. | . . . 225''. /. 29 : Quis mihi Iribual no dicit hoc. C In octaua leclio|ne sic. Aut pliibi lamina vel eerie, no celle. Gregori* | 226*. /. 22 : C In epistola vnius cofessoris x doctoris scilic?. De|dil dominus con^ fessionem. legal sic. Dulces fecit mo|dos non modulos. xc. I Finis. | 226'' [Pynson's device 3]. *J. R, L, "Lincoln College, Oxford. * ^* In the copy in the John Rylands Library the last leaf is wanting, but a fortner owner has inserted a Pynson device No. 3, which has been taken, as is clear from the bend in the lower margin, from a book printed about Z303. 296 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacer dotum. 4°. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, I499-] (i-iv)' ; a-z x' p° A E' C*. 226 leaves, 30 lines. With head-lines. l» blank, 1^. KL lanuarius habet dies .xxxi. Luna vero .XXX | . . . 9*. Incipit prologus in traclatii sequen-| lem qui dicitur directoriu sacerdotum | . . . 203*. C In cipit defensoriii eiusde | direclorij in del nomine. | . . . 206". /. 29 : Explicit defensorium directorii. | 206'' blank. 207*. C Incipit libellus perulilis. quod | Crede mihi vocatur. Feliciter. | . . . End not known, *U, L. C. [wants leaf 226]. *if* A very small piece of the device on the last leaf still remains, and it is clear that it was Wynkyn de Worde's device 2. Michael de Hungaria. Tredeclm Sermones. *if" Many editions of this book printed abroad during thefifteenth century contain at the end a sermon which gives an account of the ceremony ofinceptingin theology at Oxford and Cambridge, and which contains several sentences in English, 297 Miracles. The Miracles of Our Lady. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, [1496]. A-D' E*. 28 leaves. 29 lines. With head-lines. I*. The myracles of oure | blessyd Lady. | [woodcut.] I* [woodcut]. 2\ CTHe myracles of oure Lady. || C HEre begynnen the myracles of y gloryouse | vyrgyn and moder of god oure blessyd Lady | saynt Marye. || I'N fraiice somtyme there was a noble man / | x a ryche / the whiche loued x worshypped | well god x holy chirche and specyally oure | blessyd lady saynt Mary. This man had a yonge | man to his sone whom he taught well to loue oure | lady/ and bad that he sholde saye dayly to her wor^|shyp .1. tymes the angels salutacyon / . . . 28*. /. 2 : . . . And as he was de uoully prayenge a ceri;|layne voyce sayd lo hym. Euery daye through the | yere saye .1. tymes Pater 83 Ma noster/ and so many woii|des hadde Ihesu chryste. || C Here enden the meracles of our lady saynt Ma<;|rye. Enprynted at Westmynster/ In Caxtons houi;|se. by me Wynkyn de Worde. | [Wynkyn de Worde's de vice 2.] 28'' blank, * Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. *,* On the recto of the first leaf is a cut of the Tree of Jesse; on the verso the Crucifixion, unbroken. There are no nicks in the device. This book was No. Z482 in the West sale, and was bought by Ratcliffe for eight shillings. At Ratcliffe' s sale it was bought by Dr. Hunter, Mirk, John. Sermones. 298-320 Liber Festiualis. — Quattuor holy comynges out of bon sowle to These two books were mostly printed and published together. Editions of them are, therefore, arranged in a single sequence. 298 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. Fol. WiUiam Caxton, Westminster, 30 June, 1483. a-n' op'. zz6 leaves, z blank, 38 lines. I blank. 2\ t^His day is callyd the first sonday of aduenl / that | is the sonday in cristys comyng/ Ther fore holy chirche this day maketh mencion of ij The first comyng was lo bye mankynde age of the deuyll and lo brynge mannys ysse / . . . 116". /. 22 : . . . And thenne | anone the abbot assoyled hym / x than he laye slylle in reste for | euermore and wente lo blysse / to the whyche blysse he brynge | vs that for vs deyed on the rood tree / Qui cum deo patre x spii | sancto. viuit et regnat deus AMEN/ || ExpUcit | Enprynted at west mynster by wyllyam Caxton the laste | day of luyn Anno domini MCCCCLxxxiij j *B, M. [wants leaf /]. *Bodleian. *J. R. L. "Lambeth Palace, etc. 299 Quattuor Sermones. Fol. WiUiam Caxton, Westminster, [1483]- a-f d'- 30 leaves. 38 lines, i». [T']He mayster of sentence in the second booc and the first | dyslynclion / sayth that the souerayn cause/ why god made | al creatures in henen (sic) erlhe or water / was his oune good«|nes / by the whiche he wold thai some of them shold haue parle I and be comoners of his euerlastyng blisse . . . 30''. /. 21 : Absolue quesumus domine alas famuloru luorii pontifi- cum regii | sacerdotum parentum parochianorii amicorii benefaclorii nostrorii | et omniii fidelium defuctomm ab omni vinculo delictorum / vt in | resurrectionis 84 gloria inter sanctos et electos tuos resussitali respii;| rent/ per xprislum dominum nostrum Amen/ || En prynted by wylliam Caxton at westmestre / j "B.M. *Bodleian[wants leaves 23 and 30]. *J,R,L, * Lambeth Palace, etc, 300 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. Fol. [Theodoric Rood and Thomas Hunte, Oxford,] 14 October, i486. (i-iiij)' alf c' d df e'f g* h' i' kl'm'n if p' q' t" f tififf^. Z74 leaves, Z74 blank. 2 columns. 33 lines. I* [woodcut], i'' [woodcut] \ The helpe x the gee of I almyghty god thourgh (sic) \ the be sechyng of his bles|[co/. 2]syd modyr seint mary be | with vs al oure beginnyg | helpe vs x spede vs here in | [2"] our leuing X bryng vs vn|lo the blysse y neuer shall | haue endyng Amen. | . . . 2». col. 2, I, 10 : Incipit liber qui I vocatur festialis. || G'Ood men and wymme this day I is callid the firste | sonday in aduenle werfoiJ|re hooly churche makith | mencion of the comyng | of criste goddis sone in lo | this world lo be mankyn|de out of the deuyllis bon|dage x lo bryng all well | doers I lo the blys y euer | shall laste . . . 173*. col. i, /. 29: ... X a non the | abbot a soyled him x he | wele lo reste x ioye e^|uer more the ioye x blys | brynge vs alle to he that | [col. 2] dyed fore vs uppon the | rode tree Amen. || Here endith the boke | that is callid festiuall. | the yere of oure lord M | cccc. Ixxxvi. the day aftir | seint Edward the kyng. | 173'' blank. 174 blank. *B.M.[zleaf]. "Bodleian [2, itnp.]. *J.R.L. [wants 3 leaves]. "Lambeth Palace [wants leaf Z74]. 301 Mirk, John. Liber FestiuaUs. Fol. WiUiam Caxton [Westminster, 1491]. a-fi q"^ Bf f. Z36 leaves, z blank, 2 columns. 33 lines, I blank. 2\ C The helpe and grace of al#|myghty god thrugh the besechyn|ge of his blessed moder saynt ma|ri be wyth vs at our begynnyng | helpe vs x spede vs liere in our ly«|uyng / and bryng vs vnlo the bli|sse that neuer shall haue endyng | AMEN | . . . 2': col. 2, /. 8: C Incipit liber qui vocatur | fesliahs/ || G^Ode men x wymen | this daye is called | the first sonday in | aduente / wherfore | holi chuche (sic) maketh mencion of the comyng of criste | goddis sone in lo this worlde to | bye mankynde out of y deuylles | bondage / and lo brynge all well | doers in lo the blis that euer shal | last / . . . 122''. col. 2, /. 25 : ... and anone thabbot assoyled | hym / x he wente to rest x ioy for e^|uer more / the whiche ioye x blisse | bryng vs all to / he that deyed for | vs on the rode tree / AMEN I I23». CSctfo die lulii celebra«|tur festu Visilaciols bte marie | . . . 134*. C A shorte exhorta- cyon I ofte to be shewed to the peple. for | in this / specyally resleth the we*|le of man and woman/ | . . . 13s". col. 2, 1, 12 : Sicut mandatu dedit michi j pater sic facio. lohls xiiij. As | the fader hath gyuen me in comi;|maudemenl soo I doo / The whi|che he graiite that thou may / and j the rather by the helpe of his bles|sid moder mary/ x his holy spow^|sesse saynt brygytte/ and all sayn|tes. AMEN |||| Caxton me fieri fecit | 136* blank, 136'' [Caxton's device], *B. M. [wants leaves 1-8, 3Z, Z36, and part of 46], "Bodleian, *U,L,C, *J.R,L.,etc. 302 Quattuor Sermones. Fol. WUUam Caxton, [Westminster, 1491]. A-C D^', 34 leaves, 2 columns, 33 lities, I*. T'He mayster of sentence 1 in the seconde boke. and I the fyrst dyslynclion / sa^lyth that the souerayn cause / whi | god made all creatures in heuen | erlhe / or water / was his owne | godnes / by the whiche he wolde I that some of them shold haue par|le / and be comoners of euerlas^|tyng blisse / . . . 33''. col, 2, I, 6 : A'Bsolue quesumus domi|ne animas famulorum | tuorum ponlificum/ re#|gum. sacerdotum/ parentii/ pa'#|rochianoru amicorum / benefac<;|lorum nostrorii / et omniu fideli#|um defunclorii ab omni vincu^|lo delicto rum / vt in resurrectiois | gloria inter sanctos el electos | tuos ressussitati respirent/ Per | xpm diim nostrum Amen / | 34* [Caxton's device], 34'' blank, "B, M. [wants leaves 23, 3Z-34, and half of 30]. "U.L.C. *J.R.L.,etc. 303 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. a-d' e-h' i-m' n*. 92 leaves, 2 columns. 40 lines. I not known. 2*. col. i : C The helpe and grace of alj^lmighty god thrugh the besech^|inge of his blessed modre saynt | mary be with vs at oure begyn|nynge / help vs and spede vs he|re in oure lyuynge/ and bringe | vs vnlo the blisse y neuir shalle | haue endynge. Amen. | . . . 2». col. i, /. 38 : C Incipit liber qui vocatur | festialis ... 2*. col, 2 : G'Ode men and wemen this day | is called the first sonday in ad|uent. wher fore holy church ma|keth mencion of the comynge of criste. | goddes sone into this worlde to by ma|kinde oute of the deuylles bondage, x | to bringe all well doers into the blisse | that euir shall last . . . 92''. col. 2, /. 27 : C And thus lo bury in holy place is | but lytell avayll to theym that be da|ned C Also there be many that walke | on nyghtes whan they be buryed in holly place but that is nat longe of the fejde but of the grace pf almyghty god. | whiche grace, he graunte vs all that I for vs shedde his blode on the rode tree | Amen: ||| C Per me Ricardum Pynson. | "Pepysian Library, Cambridge [wants 3 leaves]. 304 Quattuor Sermones. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. A-C- 24 leaves. 2 columns. 40 lines. I*. T'He maisler of sentence in the se|counde booke and the firste de|slinccion sayth. that the souei^lrayne cause why god made all creatu|res in heuyn erth or water was his ou|ne godenes by the whiche he wold that I some of theym sholde haue parte and | be com- muners of his euirlastinge blis | . . . 24''. col, 2, 1. 14 : C Absolne (sic) quesum* domine (sic) animas | famu- lornm (sic) lucrum ponlificum regii | sacerdotum parentum parochianorii. | amicorum benefaclorum noslrorum x | omnium fidelium defunctorum ab oi | vinculo delictorum : vl in resurreclio<;|nis gloria inter sanctos et electos tuos | resuscilali respirent. Per cristum do#^|minum nostrum Amen. ||| Emprentyd by me Richarde Pinson. |||| [Pynson's device z.] *U.L. C. "Pepysian Library,. Cambridge. 305 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. a-d' e-h' i-m' n* o'p*. Z02 leaves. 2 columns. 40 lines. I not known, 2\ col. 1 : The helpe and grace of almy«|ghly god Ihrughe the besechyn|ge / of hys blessed modre saynt | mary be wyth vs at oure begin|nynge / help vs and spede vs he|re in oure lyuynge/ and brynge | vs vnlo the blisse y neuir shalle | haue ending amen. | . . . 2*. col, I, /. 40 : Incipit liber ^ vocat festialis. | 2*. col, 2 : G'Ode men and wemen this day | is called the first sonday in adi^luent. wherfore holy church ma|kelh mention of the comynge of criste. | goddes sone into this worlde to bye majkinde oute of the deuylles bondage, x | lo bringe all well doers into the blisse | that euir shall last . . . 92''. col. 2, 1. 26 : C And thus lo burry in holy place is | but litell auaile lo them that be damp|ned Also there be many that walke on | nighles whane they be buried in holy | place but that is nat longe of the fen«|de but of the grace of almighty godde | which grace he graQt vs al that for vs | shed his blode on the rode tre Amen. | 93*. C Scdo die lulii celebrat | festii visilaciois bte marie. |||| I'N this day amonge deuoute | cristen peple is singulerly wor|shiped oure blessed lady mary | . . . 99*. col. I, I. 27 : CA shorte exhortacion oft lo be shew|ed to the people, for in thys specially | resleth the wele of man x woman. | . . . 102*. col. 2, 1. 24 : . . . Sicut mandatum dedit mihi | paler sic facio. lohls xiiii. As the fa*|der hath gyuyn me in comaundemele | so I doo. The whiche he graunte that | thou may / and the rather by the helpe | of his blessed moder mary / X hjs holy I spowsesse saint brigitle and al sainles | ame. | 102'' blank. * U. L. C. [imp.]. Trinity College, Dublin. *,* This edition seems to be a reprint of the last, with ten extra leaves added containing the extra feasts 85 of the Visitation of the B. V, M., the Holy Name, and the Transfiguration. As in the second Caxton edition a reference is tnade in the text under its date to the Visitation. 306 Quattuor Sermones. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1493]. A-C, 24 leaves. 2 columns. 40 lines, I*. t'He maisler of the sentence in | the seconde booke and the fir|sle destinction saithe that the | souerayn cause why god made al crea|lures in heuen erlhe or water : was his ] owne godenes by the whiche he wolde | y some of them shulde haue parle and | be communers of his euerlasting blis | . . . 23*. col. I, /. 2 : C Absolue quesum* domine animas | famulorum tuorum ponlificum regu | sacerdotum parentum pa rochianorii I amicorum benefaclorum noslrorum x | omnium fidelium defunctorum ab ol | vinculo delicto rum. vt in resurrectio^lnis gloria inter sanctos el electos tuos | resuscilali respirent. Per cristum dO'^jnum (sic) nostrum Amen. ||| Emprentyd by me Richard Pynson. |||| [Pynson's device z, with four border-pieces^ 23'' blank. 24 not known, probably blank. Trinity College, Dublin. IPI Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1493- a-s* X D 1}.^. 202 leaves, 202 blank, 2 columns. 29 lines. With head-lines andfoliation. I not known. 2\ C The helpe and grace | of al myghty god thrugh | the besechyng of his bles|syd moder saynt mary | be with vs at our begyn<;|nyng helpe vs and spede | vs here in oure lyuynge / | and brynge vs vnto the | blysse that neuer shall ha|ue endynge. Amen. | . . . 199*. col. i, /. 5 : . . . x anone thabbot I assoyled hym / x he went | to rest x Ioye for euermo|re. the whiche Ioye x blysjse bryng vs all to. he that | deyed for vs on the rode | tree Amen. 1 C A short exhorlacon | ofte lo be shewed lo | the peple. for in this I specyally resteth the | wele of man x woi;|man. | . . . 201''. col. 1,1.26: . , , (Sicut man|datum dedit michi paler | sic facio. lohls xiiii.) As | the fader hath gyuen me | [col. 2] in commaundemenl soo | I doo. The whiche he | graunt thai thou maye/ | and the rather by the hel|pe of his blessyd moder | mary. and his holy spow|sesse saynt Brygytte. and | all sayntes Amen. || C Finitum el comple|lum in weslraorie<;|slerio Anno domii^lni .M. cccc. Ixxxxiii. || C Registru quater- no)}.. I abcdefgh iklmno I pqrs t vxyzxQ)). III! [Wynkyn de Worde's device z.] 202 blank. *B. M. [wants leaves z-3, 7, 88, part of Z13, and the blank leaf]. "Bodleian. Trinity College, Cambridge. "J. Pierpont Morgan [imp.]. *^* In this and all succeeding editions the Noua Festa are incorporated in their proper place in the text. 308 Quattuor Sermones. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1494. A-Lf^ E-G'. 30 leaves, 2 columns. 29 lines. With head-lines andfoliation. I*. T^he mays|ler of sen|tence in y | secode bo|ke / X the I fyrste dys|lynccion / sayth that the | souerayn cause / why god | made all creatures in he|uen / erthe / or water / was | his owne goodnes / by y | whiche he wolde y some | of them sholde haue par|te/ x be comoners of euer|laslyng blysse/ . . . 49''. col. 2, I. 25 : A^Bsolue quesumus | domine animas fa|mulorum tuorum pontii^lficura. regum. sacerdotii. | parentum. parochianoi}.. | [50*] amicorum. benefaclorum | noslro rum. et omnium fi|delium defunctorum ab | omni vin culo delictorum | vt in resurrectionis glo«|ria inter sanctos x electos | tuos resuscilali respirent | Per xpristum dominum | nostrum Amen. || C Finitum et completii | in weslmoneslerio. Anno | domini .M.CCCC xciiij. || C Registrii qualernoi}.. |[ ABODE F G I [ Wynkyn de Wordis device z.] 50'' blank. *B. M. [wants leaf 30]. "Bodleian. Trinity College, Cambridge [imp.]. *f. Pierpont Morgan [itnp.]. 309 Mirk, John. Liber FestiuaUs. 4°. James Ravynell, Rouen, 4 February, 1495- a-^ X p )}.*. 202 leaves, 2 columns, 29 lities. With head-lines andfoliation. I* (title within a woodcut) : Incipit liber qui | vocatur festialis. | l'' [woodcut]. 2^. C The helpe and grace | of almyghty god thrugh | the besechyng of his bles|syd moder saynt mary | be with vs al our begyn|nyng helpe vs and spede | vs here in oure lyuynge | and brynge vs vnlo the | blysse that neuer shall ha|ue endynge Amen. | . . . 2''. [G']Ood me | x wymen | this daye | is callyd | the fyrste | soday in | aduel wher fore holy chir|che maketh mecion of y« | comyng of criste goddis | sone in to this worlde lo | bye man kynde out of the I deuylles bodage / x to bri|ge all well doers in lo y^ | blys that euer shall last / | . . . 201''. col. I, /. 26 : . . . Sicut man^ldalum dedit michi pater | sic facio. lohls xiiii. As | the fader hath gyuen me j [col. 2] in commaundemenl soo | I doo. The whiche he I graunt that thou maye / | and the rather by the hel|pe of his blessyd moder | mary. and his holy spow|sesse saynt Brygytte. and | all sayntes Amen |lj C Finitum et co;J|plelum Rothomagi. | Anno domini Millesii>|mo / quadringentesimo / | nonagesimoquinto. die I quarta mesis Februarii ||| Registrum quatemo))- || abcdefghiklmnoplqrstvxyzxpi}.. | 202* blank. 202'' [RavynelPs device, with initials P. R.]. *B. M. "Bodleian [leaf 20Z.] *King's College, Catnbridge [wants leaves 97-Z04, Z43, Z44, and 202]. 86 3IO Quattuor Sermones. 4°. James Ravynell, [Rouen, 1495]. A-Tf E-G'. 30 leaves. 2 columns, 29 lines. With head-lines and foliation. I*. [T°]He mays|ter of sen|lence in y« | secode bo|ke/ X the | fyrste dys|lynccyon/ sayth that the | souerayn cause, why god | made all creatures in he|uen. erthe. or water, was | his owne goodnes. by y« | whiche he wolde y some | of them sholde haue par|le. x be comoners of euer|lastyng blysse / . . . 49''. col. 2, 1. 25 : [A'jBsolue quesumus | domine animas fa|mulorum tuorum_ ponli|ficum. regum. sacerdolii | parentum. parochianoi}. | [50*] amicorum. benefaclorii | noslroru. el omnium fi-!;|delium defunctorum ab | omni vinculo delicloru : j vt in resurrectionis glo^|ria inter sactos X electos | tuos resuscilali respirel. | Per chrislum dominum | nostrum, amen. ||||| Registrum qualernoi}. || ABCDEFGIII By me lames rauynell | 50'' [Ravy nelPs device, with initials P. R.]. *B.M, * King's College, Cambridge [wants leaves 49, 50]- 311 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. — Quattuor Sermones. 4°. Wolfgang Hopyl, (for Nicholas Le comte), Pans, 26 February, 1495. a-p' q' r-t' tfi, Z36 leaves, 2 columns, 36 lines. With head-lines andfoliation, I*. C Incipit liber qui vocatur festiualis | de nouo correclus el impressus. | 2*. C The helpe and grace of I almyghty god thrugh the bese^|chyng of hys blessyd moef saint | mary be wyth vs at oure begin- 1 nynge : helpe vs and spede vs | here in oure lyuynge : and bryn|ge vs vnlo the blysse that neuer | shall haue endinge. Amen. | • • • ibid, col. 2, 1. 7 : Incipit liber q vocat festiualis || g*Ood men and wime | this day is called the | fyrste sonday I aduel | wherfore holy chur''|che maketh nielion of the com-'|myng of criste goddis sone I lo | this worlde lo bye makide oute | of the deuylles bodage : x lo brl|ge all well doers into the blysse | that euer shall last ... 125''. col. i, /. 21 : . . . (Sicut I mandatii dedit michi paler sic | facio lohanis xiiij.) As the fa(f | hath gyuen me in c5mandemet | soo I doo The whiche he graiit | y thou maye : x the rather by the | helpe of his blyssed mod' mary : | and his holy sposesse saynt Bry|gylle : and all sayntes Ame. Ill CFinitii et complelu extat hoc | opusculii In celeberrima vrbe | Parisiensi. Anno diii M. cccc. | xcv. die vero. xxvi. Februarii. | inpensis (sic) Nicolai Co mitis. I ibid. col. 2, 1, 6: C Tabula Sermonu toci* Ii-'|belli. Et primo de tempore. | . . . 126''. col. 2, I, 14 : De scto thoma catuari. fo. Ixi. | [Device of Lecomte.] 127*. [T^JHe mayster of sen|lece in the seconde ] boke. x the fyrste | dislynccio sayth y | the souerain cause | why god made all creatures in | heuen. erthe. or water, was his | owne goodnes by the whiche he I wolde y some of he sholde haue j parte, x fee comoners of euerla|sting blysse . . . 156*. col, 2, 1. 27 : [A^jBsolue qs diie (Oremus | alas famuloi). tuoi). poti^'l ficii : regii : sacerdotu : parelii pa|rochiano)}. : amicoi}, : bnfacloi}. | nroi}. x 01m fideliii defiiclo)). ab | ol viculo deliclorii vl i resurre^|cli6is gl'ia inter sctos x electos | tuos resuscilali respirent. Per | C Finitii in alma vniuersitate | parisiensi per wolfgagii hopyl. | 156'' [Device of HopyP] | C No viribus : aul velocilalib* : aul celerilale corpoi}. | res magne geriit : sed Cosilio / Selelia / et Aulorilale | *B. M. [2, one imp.]. "Bodleian [2]. 312 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1496. a-z' X p 1}.°. 202 leaves, 202 blank. 2 columns, 29 lines. With head-lines andfoliation, I* [woodcut] I C Incipit liber (qui Festialis appe- lalur ( I i'' [woodcut], 2*. C The helpe and grace | of almyghty god thrugh | the besechyng of his bles|syd moder saynt Mary : j be wyth vs at our begynjnyng / helpe vs and spede | vs here in oure lyuynge : | And brynge vs vnlo the | blysse that neuer shal ha|ue endynge C Amen | . . . 2''. G'ood men | x wymen | this daye | is callyd | the fyrste | sonday in | aduet / wherfore holy chir|che maketh mencyS of y | comyng of criste goddis | sone in lo this worlde lo | bye mankynde oute of y I deuilles bodage x to brin|ge all well doers in lo y I blys that euer shall last. | . . . 201''. col. 1, /. 25 : . . . (Sicut man<;|datum dedit michi paler | sic facio. lohannis .xiiij) J As the fader hath gyuen | me in commaundemenl | [col. 2] so I doo. C The whiche he graule that thou may | x the rather by the helpe of his blessyd moder ma|ry/ x his holy spowsesse saynt Brygytte / and all | sayntes. CAmen. || CFini tum et completii | in Westmonasterio | Anno diii .M. cccc. I Nonagesimosexlo. || C Rgistrum (sic) qua lernoi).. II abcdefghiklmno|pqrstvxyz X p )}. IIII [Wynkyn de Worde's device z.] 202 blank. *B. M. [wants leaves z and 202]. "Bodleian [wants leaves 20Z and 202]. "J. R. L. [wants leaves z and 202]. *,* On the recto of the first leaf is a cut of the Virgin and Child, on the verso the Crucifixion, 313 Quattuor Sermones. 4°. [Wynkyn de Worde,] Westminster, 1496. A-D' E-G', 30 leaves, 30 blank. 2 columns, 29 lines. With head-lines andfoliation, i». T^he mays|ter of sen|tence in y | secode bo|ke/ and y | fyrst dys<;|lynccyon / saylhe that the | souerayn cause / why god | made all creatures in he|uen / erlhe / 87 or water/ was | his owne goodnes/ by y | whiche he wold y some of J theym sholde haue parte | and be comoners of euer|lastyng blysse / 49°. col. 2,1.7: A'Bsolue quesumus | dne alas famuloi). | tuo)).. pontificii. regii. sa#|cerdolu. parenlu. parochi | ano)).. amico)}.. benefaclo|rum nostro)}.. x omniii fi|deliu defunclorii. ab omi | vinculo delicto)}., vl in re|surrectionis gloria inter | sanctos x electos tuos re{j|suscitali respirent.) Per I Christum dnm nostrum) || C Finitum weslmo- naste|rio. Anno xc. Ixxxxvi. || Registrum quatemo))..) || A B C D E F G. I 50 blank. "Bodleian, "J, R, L. 314 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis.— Quattuor Sermones. 4°. Martin Morin, (for Jean Richard), Rouen, 22 June, 1499. a-z X p 9'. 208 leaves. 2 columns. 3Z lines. With head-lines. Liber Festiualis only with foliation, !"¦ [woodcut] I C Incipit liber qui voca|lur festiualis de nouo cor|reclus x Ipressus rolhoin | 2». C The helpe and grace of | almyghty god thrugh the | besechyng of hys blessyd | mod' sail mary be wyth vs | at oure beginnynge : helpe | vs and spede vs here in ou!^|re lyuynge : and brynge vs | vnto the blysse that neuer | shall haue endinge. Amen | . . . ibid. col. 2, I. 16 : C Incipit liber qui vocat | festiualis. | COod | men | ad wi|men | this [ day is | called | the fyrste sonday in aduenl | wherfore holy churche ma|kelh melio of the comyng | of criste goddis sone i to this | worlde to bye makide oute | of the deuylles bSdage : x to | brige all well doers into the | [2''] blysse that euer shall last. I . . . 165''. col. 2,1. II : (Sicut mandatum dedit | michi paler sic facio. Ioha|nis .xiiii. capitulo.) As the I fad' hath gyuen me in com<;|maundement soo I doo. I The whiche he graunt y | thou maye : x the rather by | the helpe of his blyssed mod' | mary : an his holy sposesse | Saynt Brygyde: and all | sayntes. ||| Amen. | 166*. C Finitum et complelum extat hoc | opusculii In celeberrima vrbe RothoiJ|magensi / per Magistrum Martinum | Morin. Anno domini Millesimo quai5|dringenlesimo nonagesimonono / die | vero vice- simasecunda mensis lunii / | impensis lohannis Richardi. | . . . 166''. C Tabula Sermonii toti^lus libelli._ El primo de tpe. [ . . • i68». T'E mai|ster of I selece | in the | secode | boke x | the fyr|sle dislinctio sayth y the sou|uerayn cause why god ma;^|de al creatures i heue. erlhe | or wat. was his owne go^lodnes by the whiche he w<;|olde y some of he sholde haeo gracias. ]|| [Caxton's device], 196* [woodcut], 196'' [woodcut], "B.M. "Bodleian. * U.L.C, "J.R.L. King's College, Cambridge. Trinity College, Dublin [itnp.]. "J. Pierpont Morgan. *<,* The woodcut on the recto of the last leaf is that of the Virgin and Child which occurs first on the title- page of the Scala perfectionls of Z494. On the verso of the last leaf is the woodcut of Dives and Pauper, the same as on /* and zd". 341 Parron, William. Prognosticon. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London,] 24 December, 1499. a b', Z2 leaves, 30 lines. I*. C Ad serenissimu ac inuictissimu olmcj genere | virtulii preslanlissimii diim Henricii Anglie x | Francie rege seplimii dfimcp Hybemie. vvilli<;|elmi parroni placentini phisici de astroi). influ:f|xu. anni presentis .M. d. pronoslicon libellus. || V'Num celeste: vniicp terrestre deii inlime colo. | atcp opus primi vnu cosidero mundii: vl ipsu mee arboris dt^ primii coleplari: alteri vero fructus dicare melius valea. accipe igif grate supplico inuic^ltissime rex deus terreslris mens hac iniidanis cislela | . . . 12''. CPronoslica anno diii .M. d. ab vndeci!f|ma die marcii incipienlia. magistri williel [woodcut]. 2\ C The statutes concernyng the comyn weele made in the parliament holde atte | west mestre the fourlenth day of Octobre. In the reygne of our souerayne lorde | the king, kyng henri the leuenth (sic) the enleuenth yere. | . . . 25^. /. 14: . . . And ouer this be il ordeyned by the sayd auctoryle / that the ma|yr and wardeyns of sherman of the Cyte of London for the tyme beyng haue | auctoryle lo entre and serche the werkmenshyp of all manere persones occupy<^|eng the brode shere as wel fuslyans as cloth aud (sic) the execucyon of this present acjte to aswell of deynezyns as of forens and straungers. | 26'' [wood cut], 26* blank, "King's College, Cambridge, 106 384 Statutes. II Henry VII. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 1496.] A' B-E'. 32 leaves. 39 lines. With head-lines. i» (head-line) : Anno .xj". Heiirici .vij. | STaluta bonum publicum | concemencia edila in parliamento ten|lo apud westmonaslerium .xiiij. die 1 Octobris Anno regni Illuslrissimi | Diii nostri Regis Henrici seplimi .xj". I i'' [woodcut]. 2» (head-line) : Anno .xi°. Hen rici .vii. II CThe statutes concemynge the comyn wele made in the perlia^jmeni holden all Westmestre the fourlenth daye of Octobre. In | the reygne of oure souereyne lorde the kynge. kynge Henry the se«;|uenth. the enleuenth yere. f . . . 32*. /. 33 : . . . that the mayre x wardens of shermen of the cyte of | London for the tyme beynge haue auctoryle lo entre x serche the I werkmenshyp of all maner persones occupyeng y brode shere as | well fuslyans as cloth and the exe cucyon of thys present acte to be | aswell of deynezyns as of forens and straungers. | 32'' (head-line) : Anno .xi". Henrici .vii | [Caxton's device.] "JR.L. 385 Statutes. II Henry VII. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster, 1496]. A' B-Ff. 32 leaves, 39, 40 lines. With head-lines, i^ (head-line) : Anno xi9. Henrici. vii. | [S]TAtuta bonutji publicum | concemencia edila in parliamento ten|lo apud westmonaslerium .xiiij?. die | Octobris Anno regni Illuslrissimi | Dni nostri Regis Henrici septirai. xi9 | i*" [woodcut], 2" (head-line) : Anno .xi9. Henrici .vii. || C The statutes concemynge the comyn wele made in llie perlia^|ment holden alle Westmestre the fourlenth daye of Octobre. In | the reygne of oure souereyne lorde the kynge. kynge Henry the seiJ|uenth. the enleuenth yere / | . . . 32*. /. 33 : . . . that the Mayre x wardens of shermen of the cyte | of London for the tyme beinge haue auclorite lo entre x serche the I werkemenshyp of al manere persones occupyeng y brode shere as | well fuslyans as clothe and the exe cucion of this present acte lo be J as well of deynezyns as of forens x straungers / | 32* [ Wynkyn de Worde's device 2]. *B. M. [on vellum]. "Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. Earl of Elgin [has duplicates of leaves Z3 and 20, but wants leaves z6 and Z9]. 386 Statutes. II Henry VII. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] A' B-E'. 32 leaves. 39, 40 lines. With head-lines. I not known. 2». C The statutes concemynge the comon wele made in the parlia|ment holden at west- mynsler the xiiii day of October In the reyg|ne of oure souereyne lorde the kynge : kynge henry the seuenthe : I eleuenth yere. | . . . End not known. "Bodleian [wants leaves z atid 32]. 387 Statutes. Statutes of War. 4°. [Richard Pynson, London, 1493.] Collation not known. 23 lines. Known only from 6 leaves. I*. F*Or asmoche as it is often seen y man^|nys reason wherby he shulde decern the | good from tlie euyl / and the right from | the wronge / is many tymes by seduc5J|lion of the deuyl/ worldly couetise and sensual | appetites repressed and vanquysshed / wher- up^lpon comunely ensuen discordes. murdres. rob^j bries. diuisions. disobeissance to soueraignes. | sub- uersion of royalmes. and distruclion of peo|ple/ soo that where thies reigne viclorye in tym | of warre and iustice in tyme of peax (sic) be vtterly | dampned and exiled. Therfore Emperoures | princes and gouemours of tyme past for refraijnynge of suche inordinal appe tites and punys|shemenl of thoes folkes which rather exchue. | lo offende for fere of bodily peyn or losses of go|des then for the loue of god or iustice ful wise<;|ly and polleliquely ordeyned diuerse lawes ser|vyng to the same purpos aswele in tym of war | as peas. Semblably oure soueraigne lorde | Henry of this name the .vn. (sic) by the grace of god | kinge of Englonde and of Fraunce and lorde | of Irelande entendynge by the same grace with | al goodly spede lo passe the see in his owne per|sone with an armye and oste royalle for the rei;|[i'']pressinge of the greate liranny of the frenshmen j . . . [ibid. I. 15] ... hathe made or-| deyned and eslablisshed / certayne statutes x or<;| dynaunces herafler ensuynge | . . . ends: Here endeth certeyn statutes x ordenaunces of | warre made ordeined enacted x establysshed by | the most noble viclorius and most cristen prin|ce oure moste drad souerayn lorde kyng Henry | the vii. king of frauce X of Englond by the ad;;|uyce of his noble x discrete coiicel holding than | his high Courte of his parliament at his paleis [of westmynster the xvii. day of October in the | [year o]f oure lo[rd go]d M.CCCC.lxxxxii. and | Last leaf not known. "Society of Antiquaries [5 leaves, the fifth slightly mutilated]. "Lambeth Palace [2 leaves, the first being a duplicate of leaf 2 in the preceding set], *^* The Lambeth Palace fragment was found in the bitiding of Lyndewode, Constitutiones, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, Z499 (No. 280). 388 Sulpitius, loannes. Opus grammatlcum. 4°. Richard Pynson, London, 10 January, 1494. a-c' d-k' P. 70 leaves. 4Z lines (small type). With head-lines atid pagination. I*. Pagina prima. | Sulpitii Verulani oratoris prestalis#| simi opus insigne grammalicum feli^|citer incipit. | [Pyn son's device z^ x''. De arte puncluandi. Pagina ii. || Cum in arte puncluandi (vt in aliis multis) plus doctrine confe^l rat autorum imilatio : ^ precepta : de punclis non mul- tum di blank. "U, L, C. "J, R. L. "Pepysian Library, Cambridge. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, "Hunterian Museum, Glasgoiv, Lincoln Cathedral [wants leaves 44-48]. Duke of Devonshire. Gottingen University Library. 400 Twelve Profits. The Twelve Profits of Tribulation. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, [1499]. A-C Ef. 26 leaves. 30 lines. I*. C Here begynnethe a lytyll treatyse whiche | is called the .xii. profyles of trybulacyon. | [woodcut.] 1^ [woodcut], 2*. H'^Ere begyneth a lilyl shorte treatyse y teUelh | how there were .vii. maysters assembled to|gyder euerycheone asked other what thynge they | myghte beste speke of that myght plese god and we|re moost profytable to the people And all they were | accorded lo speke of irybulacion. | . . . 25''. C It behouyth vs by many trybulacyons to entre | in lo the kyngdome of heuen / He brynge all vs that | suffred delhe/ oure lorde Ihesus. AMEN. || C Thus endeth this treatyse shewynge the .xii. p|fytes of trybulacyon. Enprynted al Weslmysler | in Caxtons hous. By me Wynkyn the worde. | [Wynkyn de Worde's device 2.] 26* [woodcut]. 26'' blank. "J. R. L. "Bamburgh Castle. *** From the state of the device and the woodcut of the Crucifixion it is clear that this book was printed between July and December, Z499. This tract was first printed by Caxton about Z49Z as one of the three parts of the Book of Divers Ghostly Matters. 401 Vincentius. Mirror of the World. Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1481.] a-»z' rf. zoo leaves, z blank. 29 lines. I blank. 2*. Here begynneth the table of the rubrices of this presenile volume named the Mirrour of the world or thymage | of the same | The prologue declarelh to whom this volume appteyneth | and al whos requeste it was translated out of ffrenshe in|to englissh | . . . 4*. /. 6 : Prologue declaryng lo whom this book apperteynelh || [woodcut to left of text] c^Onsideryng | that wordes ben | perisshyng / vayne / X I forgeteful/ And wri*|tynges duelle x abiij|de per- manet / as I rede | Vox audita peril / lil|tera scripta manet/ | . . . 6*. Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde / | And treateth first of the power and puissaunce of god | capitulo primo. | . ¦ . loo*. /. 7 : . , . And yf tlier be | faulte in mesuryng of the firmament/ Sonne/ Mone/ or | of therlhe/ or in ony other meruaylles herin conteyned/ I | beseche you not larelle the defaulte in me / but in hym that | made my copye / whiche book I began first to traslale the | second day of lanyuer the yere of our lord .M. CCCC. | .Ixxx. And fynysshyd the viij day of Marche the same | yere/ And the xxj yere of the Regne of the most Crysten | kynge / kynge Edward the fourthe / vnder the Shadowe of | whos noble proleccion I haue emprysed x fynysshed this | sayd lytil werke and boke/ Besechynge Almyghty god I to be his proleclour and defendour agayn alle his Ene^|myes / and gyue hym grace to subdue Ihem/ and inespeci{;|all Ihem that haue late enler- prysed agayn right and re^|son to make warre wylhin his Royamme/ And also lo | preserue and mayntene hym in longe lyf and prosperous | helthe / And after this short X transitorye lyf he brynge | hym and vs in lo his celeslyal blysse in heuene Amen/ | 100'' blank. *B. M. [2, one wants leaf z]. "Bodleian. *U. L. C. "J.R.L., etc. 402 Vincentius. Mirror of the World. Fol. WUUam Caxton, [Westminster, 1490]. a-P. 88 leaves. 3Z lines. I*. H'Ere begynneth y table of the rubrices of this presen^|te volume named the myrrour of the world or thy5j|mage of the same/ | CThe prologue declarelh to whom this volume appertey«|neth and at whos request il was translated out of frenshe | in to englyssh / | . . . 3*. C Prologue declaryng to whom this book apperteynelh/ | [woodcut to left of text] C'Onsyderyng | that wordes | ben perisshing [vayne. and forgele<=|ful/ And wrilynges | duelle/ and abyde per|manenl/ as I rede. | C Vox audita peril | littera scripta manet | . . . 4''. C Hier begynneth the booke callyd the/ Myrrour of the | worlde. And treateth first of the power and puyssaunce | of god / Capitulo primo . . . 87*. /. 26 : C And yf ther be faulte | in mesuryng of the firmament / Sone / Mone/ or of lher«|the. or in ony other meruaylles herin conteyned / I beseche | you not larette the faulte in me but in hym that made my | copye. whiche book I began first to Irauslale (sic) the second | day of lanyuer the yere of our lord / M. CCCC. Ixxx. | [87''] And fynysshyd the viij day of Marche the same yere / And I the xxi yere of the Regne of the most Crysten kynge. Kyn|ge Edward the fourthe. Vnder the shadowe of whos noble | proleccion I haue emprysed and fynysshed this sayd lytyl | werke and boke. Besechynge Almyghty god lo be his pro|lectour and defendour agayn alle his Enemyes and gyue | hym grace lo sudue (sic) them / And inespeciall them that haue | late enlerprysed agayn ryght x reson to make warre wyth^lin his Royamme. And also to preserue and mayntene him | in longe lyf and prosperous helthe. III And after this short | and transytorye lyf he brynge hym and vs in lo his celesly-(i|aU blysse in heuene AMEN II C Caxton me fieri fecil. | 88" blank. 88'' [Caxton's device^ " U. L. C. "J. R. L. "Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaf 88], etc. *„,* Blades is in error in saying that the leaf marked a z is really the second leaf and should be preceded by a blank leaf. 403 Life of St. Kathe- St. Elizabeth of Vineis, Raymundus de. rine of Sienna and Hungary. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster,] n.d. cf b-p' q*. 96 leaves. 2 columns. 42-44 lines. l^. C Here begynneth the lyf of saint | kalherin of senis the blessid virgin || C Andi (sic) filia et vide | H"Ere dou^lghter x see | fructuous ( example | of vertu^lous liuin|ge to edyiJ|fycaci6 of | thy sowle | and to co|forle and [ encrese of thy gostly labour in all werkis | of pyle : For as I truste by the gracious | yefles of oure lorde Ihesu / thy wyU is | sette lo plese hym and to do hym serayce | in aU holy excercise by the vertue of obe<^|dyence vnder counseyll and lechinge of I thy goslely gouemours / . . . 91*. col. 2, I, 24 : . . . And thus I make an ende of | this recapylulacion of this holy booke lo | the honour and worshyppe of our glory^lous reuerend lord almyghty god all the | reuerend Trynyle / Cui referantur lau<;|des / honor et gloria in scla sclo)}. Amen / |||| C Here endeth the lyff of that gloryous | vyrgyn and Martyr saynt Kalheryn off I Sene / | 91''. C Here begynnen the reuelacios | of Saynt Elysabelh the kynges ] doughter of hungarye / 1 96*. col. 2, 1. 12: C Here enden the reuelacions of saynt | Elysabelh the kynges doughter of hun{5| garye/ ||| [Caxton's device.] off' blank. *B. M. [2]. "J. R. L. "U. L. C. Winchester Col lege. Duke of Devonshire. Lord Zouche, Royal Library, Copenhagen. 403' Another copy, with leaves 46, 49 (the second sheet of quire h), 73, 80 (the outer sheet of quire n), 93, 96 (the outer sheet of quire q) set up in a different type, but without any break in the text, 96''. col, 2, 1. 12: C Here endeth the reuelacyons of saynt / | Elysabelh the kynges doughter of hiiga|rye / | Enprynted al weslemynster by Wynkyn. | de worde. | [Caxton's device.] 96'' blank, "Duke of Devonshire [wants leaves 64-67]. *,* The two inner sheets of quire I are missing, having been accidentally supplied by the corresponding sheets of quire i. 404 Virgilius Maro, Publius. Aeneid. Fol. William Caxton, [Westminster, after 22 June, 1490]. A*' A iii^ ; B-D. 86 leaves, 6, 86 blank. 3Z lines. I*. After dyuerse werkes made/ translated and achieued/ ha|uyng noo werke in hande. I sittyng in my studye where as | laye many dyuerse paunflettis and bookys. happened that | lo my liande cam a lytyl booke in frenshe. whiche (sic) late was | translated oute of latyn by some noble clerke of fraiice whi|che booke is named Eneydos / made in latyn by that noble | poele X grete clerke vyrgyle / . . . 3*. C Here foloweth the table of this present boke | . . . 7*. T^O the honour of god almyghty / and to the | gloryous vyrgyne Marye moder of alle gra^jce / and lo the vlylyte x prouffyt of all the po;j|licye mondayne. this present booke com pyled I by virgyle ryght subtyl and Ingenyous ora!f|lour X poele / Intytuled Eneydos. hath be translated oute of I latyn in lo comyn langage/ . . . 85". /. 19: HERE fynyssheth the boke yf Eneydos / compyled by Vyr|gyle / whiche hathe be translated oute of lalyne in lo frenshe/ | And oule of frenshe reduced in lo Englysshe by me wylliii | Caxton / the xxij. daye of luyn. the yere of our lorde .M. iiij | Clxxxx. The fylhe yere of the Regne of kynge Henry | the seuenth | 85'' [Caxton's device]. 86 blank. "B. M. [3, all want the blank leaves, one also wants leaf 3, supplied in facsitnile]. "Bodleian [3, imp.]. * U. L. C. *J. R. L. "Hunterian Museum, Glasgow [wants leaves 6, 83, and 86], etc. Virgilius Maro, Publius. Moretum. 4°. Richard Pynson, London, n. d. The following entry is taken from a manuscript note-book of R. Rawlinson: ' R. Pynson, sans date, a sheet in 4'° Publii VirgUii Maronis mantuani vatis clarissimi moretum feliciter incipit in fine sic feliciter finit. W. H. on y« Reverse of the Leafe his Insigne.' *^* This tract is now unknown, but was almost certainly one of the small school-books printed by Pynson, like the Dialogus linguae et uentris, and a grammar, at the close of the fifteenth century for William Horman, appointed a master at Eton in Z483. 405 Vocabulary. Vocabulary in French and English. Fol. [William Caxton,] Westminster, [1480]. a If c"'. 26 leaves, z blank. 2 columns, 42 lines. With head-lities. 1 blank, 2\ Cy commence la table Hier begynneth iia the table | De cest prouffytable doctrine Of this prouf fytable lernynge. | Pour trouuer tout par ordene For to fynde all by ordre | Ce que on vouldra aprendre That whiche men wylle leme || Premiermenl linuocacion de la trinite Fyrst the caUyng of the trinite | Comment on doibt chescun saluer How euery man ought grete olhir I . . . 3*. o*V nom du pere. In the name of the fadre | Et du filz And of the soone | El du saint esperile And of the holy ghoost. | Veul commencier. I wyU begynne. | Et ordonner vng liure. And ordeyne this book. I Par le quel on pourra By the whiche men shaU mowe (sic) \ 'Roysonnablement entendre Resonably vnderstande. | Fransoys el engloys Frenssh and eng lissh I . . . 25''. /. 37 : Cy fine ceste doctrine Here endeth this doctrine | A westmestre les loundres At westmestre by london | En formes impressee. In fourmes enprinted. | En le quelle vng chescun In the whiche one euerich | Pourra briefment aprendre. May shortly leme. | Fransois et engloys Frenssh and eng lissh I [26*] La grace de saincl esperit The grace of the holy ghoost | Veul enluminer les cures Wylle enlyghle the hertes | De ceulx qui le aprendront Of them that shall leme il | Et nous doinsl perseuerance. And vs gyue perseueraunce | Et bonnes operacions In good werkes | Et apres ceste vie transilorie And after this lyf transilorie ] La pardurable ioye x glorie The euerlastyng ioye and glorie | 26'' blank. "J. R. L. Ripon Cathedral. Bamburgh Castle, etc. 406 Vocabulary. Vocabulary in French and English. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London,] n. d. a-f. Z2 leaves, 28-30 lines, I". H'Ere is a good boke to leme to speke french | Vecy ung bon liure a apprendre a parler | fraunchoys. | In the name of the fader of the sonne | En nom du pere et du filz. | And of the holy goosl I will begynne | Et du saint espirit ie veuel comenchier. | To leme to speke frenche. | A apprendre a parler franchois. | So that I may doo my marchaundise. J Affin que ie puisse faire ma marihandise. (sic) | . . . x x*. /. 20 : . . . Mais par la I grace de dieu Je troueray tel moeyn et voyes en ce que I no* eschoppes seront ausi bien gamiez de loules maglnieres de marchandises que vous dires uenez Que dil|les vous de ce. vous ne veisles onques noz eschop^lpes en si bon point Pour ce ie vous requirer come ie | puis auoir trois cens mars pour vostre part El ien | emploiray a tant pour ma part Et en tout ce que ie a|chaleray vous aures la moiltie Et ce pour lez bons x | agreables juices q mauez faiz plusieurs foilz escript | CPer me Ricardum Pinson. | 12 not known, *B,M, 407 Vocabulary. Vocabulary in French and English. 4°. W3mkyn de Worde, Westminster, [1497]- A B". Z2 leaves. 29 lines. With head-lines. X*. Here begynneth a lytell treatyse for to leme | Englysshe and Frensshe || [woodcut.] 1^. C Eng lysshe and Frensshe. || H'Ere is a good boke lo leme speke Frensshe | Vecy ung bon liure a apprendre parler frai^Kcoys [in line below] \ In the name of the fader x y sone | En nom du pere el du filz | And of the holy goosl I wyll begynne | Et du saint esperit ie vueil commencer | To leme to speke Frensshe] A apprendre a parler francoys | Soo that I maye doo my mar- chaundyse | Affin qne (sic) ye puisse faire ma mar- chandise | . . ¦ 12''. /. 16 : ... Mais par la | grace de dieu ie Irouueray moyn et voyes en ce que | no* escoppes seront aussi bien gamiez de loules mag|nieres de marchandises que vous dires venez. Que | dilles de ce vo* ne veisles onques noz eschopes en si | bon point (sic), pour ce ie vous reqer comme ie puis auoir | trois cens mars pour vostre part, el ien emploiray | aulanl pour ma part. El en tout ce que ie achateray | vo* aures la moiltie. Et ce pour lez bons et aggrea|bles seruices que mauez faiz plusieurs foiz. escript. || C Here endeth a lytyll treatyse for lo lerne | Englysshe and Frensshe. Emprynted at | Westmynster by my Wynken de worde. | 12'' [Wynkyn de Worde's device 2], "B.M. *f The device has no cracks in the margin. Vocabulary. Vocabulary in French and English. 4°. Richard Pynson, London, n. d. *,* ' Only known from a mutilated leaf in B. M. 643 m 9 (2Z) ' — Copinger, Supplement to Hain, pt, 2, vol. i, no. z8z8. But thisfragment [now C,4om9 (2/)] is clearly frotn an edition printed in the sixteenth century. 408 Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Le gend. Fol. William Caxton, Westminster, [after 20 November, 1483]. AA'; a-z x' ¦?' A-V X' Y ( + 2*f aa-fi^gg' hhii' kk', 449 leaves, z, 449 blank, 2 columns, 33 lines. With head-lines andfoliation, I blank. 2» [woodcut] \ t'He holy x blessed doctour | saynt Ierom sayth thys aucto|ryte / do alweye somme good I werke / to thende thai the deuyl fynde | the not ydle/ ... 3* [woodcut] \\ [A°]Nd for as moche as 13 Q this I sayd werke was grete x ouer]chargeable lo me laccomplisshe | I feryd me in the begynnyng of the | translacyon to haue conlynued il / by | cause of the longe tyme of the transla«|cion / x also in ihenpryntyng of y same | . . . 7*. [T']He tyme of thaduel | or comyng of our I lord in lo this world | is halowed in holy chir|che the tyme of iiij we<;|kes in belokenyng of iiij | dyuerse comynges / . . . 42''. col. 2, I. 7: Thus endeth the feste of dedica|cion of the chirche/ ||| Here folowen the storyes of | the byble I \ ... 88''. After the festes of our lord Ihe^|su crist to fore sette in ordre fo^|lowen the legedes of Sayncles | x first of saynt And'rewe (sic) | . . . 448*. col. 2 : Thus endeth the legende named | in latyn legenda aurea / that is lo saye | in englysshe the golden legende / For | lyke as golde passeth in valewe alle | other melalles / so thys legende excedelh | alle other bookes/ wherein ben conley*|ned alle the hygh and grete festys of | our lord/ the festys of our blessyd laldy/ the lyues passyons and myracles | of many other sayntes / and other hys^|toryes and actes / as al allonge here | afore is made mencyon / Whiche werke | I haue accomplisshed at the commaun(j|demente and requeste of the noble and | puyssaunte erle / and my special good | lord Wyllyam erle of arondel / x haue | fynysshed il at westmestre the twenty | day of no uembre / the yere of our lord | M / CCCC / Ixxxiij / x the fyrst yere | of the reygne of Kyng Rychard the | thyrd ||| By me wyllyam Caxton | 448'' blank. 449 blank. *B. M, [imp., cotnpleted from the second edition], "Bodleian, "U.L.C. "J.R.L., etc. *** This first edition may be distinguished from the second by its having the head-lines printed in type 3, In the second edition they are printed in the smaller type 3. 409 Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Le gend. Fol. [William Caxton, Westminster, 1487?] AA' ; a-z x' ?' A-X' aa-ff' gg' hh if kk'. 448 leaves. 2 colutnns. 33 lities. With head-lines and foliation. I blank. 2* [woodcut] \ t'He holy and blessed doctour I saynt Ierom sayth this auclo|ryle / do alweye somme good | werke / lo thende that the deuyl fynde | the not ydle / . . . 448''. col. 2 : Thus endeth the legende named | in latyn legenda aurea/ that is lo saye | in englysshe the golden legende / For | lyke as golde passeth in valewe aUe | other melalles / so thys legende excedelh | alle other bookes / Wherein ben conteyi5|ned alle the hygh and grete festys of | our lord / the festys of our blessyd la|dy / the lyues pas syons and myracles | of many oilier sayntes / and other hys|toryes and actes / as al alonge here | afore is made mencyon / whyche werke 1 1 haue accomplis shed at the commaii^ldemente and requeste of the noble and | puyssaunte erle / and my specyal good | lord wyllyam erle of arondel/ x haue | fynysshed it at westmestre the twenty | day of nouembre / the yere of our lord | M / CCCC / Ixxxiij / x the fyrst yere | of the reygne of Kyng Rychard the | thyrd |||| By me wylyam Caxton. I "B.M, [portions, completing the imp. copy of the first edition]. "Bodleian. "U.L.C. "Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. "King's College, Aberdeen, etc, "j," In this edition the nine leaves of quires X and Y have been compressed into the eight leaves of quire X, There is no blank leaf at the end of this edition as the life of St. Erasmus has been added. Parts of this edition are identical with the first, i.e. signatures a-t, Z32 leaves [7-Z38], and signatures A-E, 40 leaves [203-244]. It is impossible to separate definitely the copies of the two editions since so many have been tnade up indiscritninately with leaves from either. 410 Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Le gend. Fol. [Wynkyn de Worde,] Westminster, 20 May, 1493. [**] a-f F' f-z X9' e* A-Y aa-ef ff' gg*. 436 leaves. 2 columns, 43-43 lines. With head-lines andfoliation, I*. C Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea / that is to say in englys|he the golden legende : For lyke as passeth golde in valewe al other melallys / soo | thys Legende excedelh all other bokes : | [woodcut.] I*. T^'He holy and blessed doctour ( saynt Ierom sayth thys auctory|le / do alwaye somme good werke | lo thende that the denyl (sic) fynde the | not ydle ... 5*. [T*]He tyme of thaduent | or comyng of our lord' | in lo this worlde is | halowed in holy chyr^lche the tyme of iiij. we|kes in betokenyng of I foure dyuerse comynges / . . . 436". col. 2, /. 41 : . . . whii^lche ioye x ghostely helthe : Late vs praye | that he for vs aUe of our lord god maye | opteyne Amen / | 436''. T^^Hus endeth the legede named | in latyn legenda aurea / thai | is to say in englisshe the gol|de legede For lyke as passeth | golde in valewe al other me|tallis / soo thys Legende exce|delh all other bokes / wherin | ben conteyned alle the hyghe | and grete festys of our lorde | The festys of our blessyd la|dy/ The lyues passios x my|racles of mani other sainles | hystoryes x actes / as aU alon|ge here afore is made mency|on / whiche werke I dyde ac|complisshed at the commaundemete and requeste of the noble and puys|saunle erle. x my specyal good lord wyllyam erle of Arondel / And now | hane (sic) renewed x fynysshed il al westmestre the xx day of May / The yere | of our lord M CCCC Ixxxxiii/ And in the viii yere of the reygne off | kynge Henry the vii / C By me wyllyam Caxton / I [woodcut.] *B, M. [wants leaves z-3, most of 390, and 436, all supplied in Jacsimile]. "f.R.L, "Trinity College, Oxford. Cathedral. Canterbury Cathedral [imp.]. Lincoln Stonyhurst College. Marquis of Bath. 114 Lord Amherst [sold in zgog]. Earl of Ashbumham [sold in z8g8]. "John Carter Brown Library, Provi dence [wants leaf 436]. *J. Pierpont Morgan [3]. 411 Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Le gend. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, 8 January, 1498. Aa-Ff Gg' [Hh*] a-h' P' k-z A-Y aa bb' cc dd'. 448 leaves. 2 columns. 47 lines. With head-lines and foliation. !» [two woodcuts], i''. C Here foloweth a lyleU Table contey«|nynge the lyues and hystoryes shortly ta<;|ken out of the Byble. | . . . 53 . col, 2, I, 45 : C After the feestes of our lorde Ihesu cryst | tofore sette in order folowen the Legendes | of the Sayntes. | 54* [Caxton's device], 54'' [two woodcuts], 55*. Here begrynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea That is to [ saye in Englysshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe | all other metallys. so this legende excellelh all other bookes. | [woodcuti] ss''. T^He hooly and blessyd doc«|tour saynt Iherom sayth I this auctoryle/ do alwaye | some good werke lo the en|de that the deuyll fynde the | not ydell . . . 447''. col, 2, I. 24: , . . Whyche ioye x | ghostely helthe. Late vs praye that he for | vs alle of our lord god maye opteyne. | Amen. | 448*. T^Hus endeth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea that is lo | say in englysshe the golde legende. For lyke as golde passeth aU | other melalles/ wher in ben conteyned all the hyghe and grete fesi^|tes of oure lord. The festys of oure blessyd lady / The lyues pas«|syos and myracles of many other sayntes hystoryes and actes / as I all alonge here afore is made mencion/ Whyche werke I dyde accomplysshe | and fynysshe all west mynster the .viii. daye of laneuer The yere of oure lorde I Thousande .CCCC. Ixxxxviii. And in the .xiii yere of the reynge (sic) of kynge | Henry the vii. By me wynkyn de worde. ||||| [two woodcuts.] 448'' blank, "B, M, [wants leaves z, 8, 33, and 448, the last sup plied in facsimile], Bodleian [very imp.]. U. L. C. [very imp.], "J, R, L, Trinity College, Cambridge [very imp,], Lampeter College [imp.]. Earl ofAsh- burnhatn [sold in z8g8]. "John Carter Brown Library, Providence [wants leaf 448], "J. Pierpont Morgan [imp,], *,f" This book is printed on English-made paper like that used in the Bartholomaeus Anglicus (No. 40). The dating of this book shows that Wynkyti de Worde began his year on January z, 412 Walsingham. The Foundation of the Chapel of Walsingham. 4°. Richard Pynson, [London,] n. d. a*, 4 leaves, 3Z lines. I not known, 2». C Of this chapell se here the fundacyon Bylded the yere of crystes incamacyon A thousande complete syxly and one The tyme of sent edward kyng of this region |||| B'Eholde and se ye gooslly folkes all which to this place haue deuocyon whan ye to our lady askynge socoure call Desyrynge here hir helpe in your trybulacyon Of this hir chapeU ye may se the fundacyon If ye wyll this table ouerse and rede How by myracle it was founded in dede | ¦ . . O gracyous lady glory of lerusalem Cypresse of syon and ioye of Israel Rose of leryco and sterre of Belhleem O gloryous lady our askynge nat repell In mercy all wymen euer thou doste excell Therfore bhssid lady graunt thou thy great grace To all that the deuoutly visyle in this place. | CAmen | [Pynson's device 3^ "Pepysian Library, Cambridge, 413 Wednesday's Fast. 4°. Wynkyn de Worde, [Westminster, 1500]. [A*]. 4 leaves. 29 lines. I". C Here beginneth a lytel treatyse that she|weth how euery man x woman ought | to fasle and absleyne Ihem from flesshe | on y Wednesday. | [four woodcuts.] i''. C Sequnlur hic decem fructus x verlilitales. leiu-] nii : el abstinencie. quibus omnibus x singulis me^|rita. ac premia. adquirunlur etema. proul hic cose^lquenler exaral quidam merisla. | . . . 4''. The Wednesday the clargye and our faders afore Forsoke flesshe/ and some dyde moche more Fasted lo one mele/ theyr soules lo saue And the kyngdome of heuen / the rather lo haue The whiche he vs graunte / that hanged on y rode Cryste that vs bought / with his precyous blode | AMEN I [Wynkyn de W or d^ s device 3^ "Pepysian Library, Cambridge. 414 Winifred. The Life of Saint Winifred. Fol. [WiUiam Caxton, Westminster, 1485] a If. z6 leaves, z blank, 38-39 lities, X blank, 2*. C Here begynneth the lyf of the holy X blessid vyrgyn saynt | Wenefryde/ | I'N the west ende of grete Brilayn/ whiche now is cal|lyd Englond is a prouynce whiche is named walys/ | This said prouynce was somtyme inhabyled of sayn«|les of many x dyuerse meryles/ x embelisshed x decorate vnlo I this day with Innumerable prerogatyuys in many wyses/ | . . . 8*. /. 27: CThe Translacion of saynt Wenefrede | . . . 14^ /. 28 : C Thus endeth the decoUacion / tlie lyf after / and the transla^|cion of saynte Wenefrede virgyn and martir/ whiche was "5 Q a rey|sed after that her hede had be smylon of the space of XV yere / | reduced in to Englysshe by me William Caxton/ I 14*. CGaude Wenefreda pura/ virgo iuuentulis iura dei dans | obsequijs/ Gaude Beunoi preceptis/ te conformas et in ceplis | excerces vesti- gijs/ . . . 16*. /. 5 : Diffusa est gracia in labijs tuis/ propterea benedixit le deus | in elemum / Post com / Sumpto vilalis Alimonie sacra;^|menlo/ tuam domine supplices imploramus clemenciam / vt per | hec merita sancte virginis tue wenefrede / cuius venerandam | celebramns (sic) translacionem / cunclorum adipisci mereamur pec^|catorum remissionem/ Per dominum nostrum/ el cetera/ | 16'' blank. *B. M. [wants leaf z ; leaf 2 in Bagf ord fragments]. Lambeth Palace. Ham House. "J. Pierbont Morgan [leaf 6]. 415 Wotton, John. Speculum Christian]. 4°. William de MachUnia, (for Henry Frankenberg), London, n. d. [a-P m' n* o' p q'.] zz8 leaves, z, zz8 blank. 23 lines. X blank. 2*. Incipit liber qui vocatur | Speculum Xpristiani ||| [I'jEronimus In pncipio cuiuslibel | operis pmitle diiicam of oem x signum | Crucis in fronle. In nomine pa|tris x filij et spiritus sancti Amen | [M^jAgna est differencia inter pdicacione x | doctrinam. Pre- dicacio e vbi e conuo«|cacio siue ppli Imilacio .•*... 98*. /. 6 : Explicit liber qui vo|calur Speculii Xpiani j 98'' blank. 99*. Sequitur exposicio oracionis domii^l nice cii quodam bono notabili x septe ca«|pilalia vicia cii aUquibus ramis eorii | . . . 117''. /. 6: . . . nichil facias | ppter laudem. nichil ppter temporalem opini|onem s? propt vita etema Ad quam nos per-| ducat deus Amen Explicilu monila xc || Iste Libellus im^ssus est I opulentissima Ci<^|uilate Londoniai}. p me willelmii de Machli|nia ad inslanciam necnon expensas Henrici | Vrankenbergh mercatoris | 118 blank. "B. M. [2, both want leaves z and zz8]. "Bodleian. * U. L. C. J R. L. Lambeth Palace, Trinity College, Cambridge. "Peterborough Cathedral. Winchester College, Duke of Devonshire, Marquis of Bath. Earl of Ashbumham [sold in z8g8], "Earl of Crawford, A, H, Huth, *J. Pierpont Morgan. 416 Year-Book. 9 Henry VI. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1500.] cf b (f ^ e'fg' h' i-o'. 92 leaves, z blank, 33-37 lines. With head-lines. I blank. 2*. Anno nono Henrici sexti Termino Michaelis || C Quare Impedit. fuit port per Bowe vers le priour de Calewyll | x vers vn A. lencombenl x le priour plede en barre come patron x le pt | x il fue? a issue sur ceo x le dil encombent plede come le patron auoil p} I X CO* il est einz per le present le dit priour xc. X sur ceo fue? a issue come f' | dit. sed non interfui El ore. Hals dde iugf de brief qar il dit q p* t darf | conlenuans le dit priour est mort issinl nad il nul patron en le brief . . . 92''. /. 23 : . . . le pl poet dire qun estraunge fuist seisie xc. el luy enfeoffe | per force de qll il fuist seisie tancj dissi xc. et ceo est bon title saiiz iraiip | le dissrii xc issinl icy quere siU duisl auer trauerse saunz ceo q ill entra | oue fort mayn_qar autermenl chnii est en le affirmatif xc. | C Nota q est dit q qnnt vn homme Juslifie vn tiis ou auter cho« per e|specyall mater iU doit dire q ceo est mesme le Iris de qU le pt ad coceiue | son accyon auxibn come en p? q(J ? le tenaiit pled' feffemenl dun acre c« | nest pas pie sil ne plede de mesme le acre en dde xc. || C Ex plicit Annus Nonus Henrici vi**. | "Harvard Law Library. "Exeter College, Oxford, 417 Year-Book. 20 Henry VI. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1500.] a If c-f g', 48 leaves, z blank, 34 lines. With head-lines. I blank. 2*. De termino Michaelis. Anno xx° Hen rici sexti II CEn Brief danuite lez letlerz del ComisssJ del euescp de Sal}, fuer | gellez auiil puiit q le pt fuit excomeng xc. C Fortescue nul % brez soiit | . . . 48*. /. 7 : xc. C Markham de vostre tort demene saunz liel cause C Neulo ce ne | pie qar si ieo pt bre detris vers vous X vous dites q le lieu ou xc. f* vostre | franct xc. iugf xc. nest riis pur moy adif q de vostre tort dem^ suiisliel | cause ergo nee hic Et puis C Marknha wayna le pie x trauersa le les a | terme de vie xc. ||| C Explicit Annus xx°. Henrici sexti. | 48'' blank. "Exeter College, Oxford. 418 Year-Book. 33 Henry VI. Fol. (John Lettou and WUUam de Machlinia, London,] n. d. a-^ h^". 66 leaves, z blank. 38 lines. I blank. 2*. C De termino hiUarii anno henrici sexti .xxxiii°. II E*n brief de delte sur obligacion le ptchalt vne iurro* | pur ceo q auterfoitz il passa encont? lept en b?e de mesrii | le delte q fuit reuerce p errour CHuU ou est le record | C Rolff en bank le roy ... 15*. /. 20 : De termino pasche anno henrici sexti xxxiii" | . . • 29*. De termino Trinitatis | Anno henrici sexti .xxxiii". j . . . 34''. /. 25 : De termino Michaelis anno henrici sexti xxxiii" 1 . . . 66*. /. 30 : . . . x tout cest mater dil per Prisol fuist | afferme p loules les aulers lustices C Mes Prisol semble q le Cri|our fra fyn pur c qii ne vienl hasliement al court mes aia a aut! lieu | Issinl q deuant s vener la court fuit leue xd || C Ex plicit annus xxxiii* | Henrici sexti | 66'' blank. "B, M, [wants leaves z, 50, atid 33]. " U, L. C. 116 419 Year-Book. 34. Henry VI. Fol. William de Machlinia, London, n.d. [a] b-p }f P m', 92 leaves, z blank. 33 lines. With head-lines. X blank, 2*. Termino sci Michis Anno. H. vi. xxxiiij. II [E']N brief de Detenu des chfes porles p le baron | et sa feme le defendant pa gamisement xc/ El I ore \ gamise dit p Litlelton q les chres ap|penl a lui el nemy a le pl. qr il dit q vn henre Elianore | fuit ssl de certain Ire xi. en fee xc . . . 42*. De Termino sci hillarij ano Henrici sexti xxxiiij | . . . 59''. De Termino Pasche Anno H vi xxxiiij | . . . 74*. De tmino see Trinitatis Anno H vi xxxiiij | . . . 92*. /. 4 : adonq? en t cas si fuit troue issinl / il serra ressu de pleder en | barre Et puis Choke Adonques nous voillo* loynal | demauncjx sic feceriil qcF no Com- berford'lll Enpnle p moy willia Maclyn en Holborii | 92'' blank, *B, M. [2], " U, L, C. "Exeter College, Oxford. 420 Year-Book. 35 Henry VI. Fol. [John Lettou and William de Machlinia, London,] n. d. a-}f i'. 70 leaves. 38 lines. X*. C De termino Michaelis anno regni regis, h. vi. xxxv° II [L*]e roy porte vn brief de delte enuers vn home sur I vn obi x le def J dedit le fait Et auer nisi pri* troue le I fait Ie def J x deuant le io* en bank Ie roy. le roy ly pdon I toulez dettez x qrels xd . . . 70*. 1. 15 : . . . El pur i. en | lielx cases il est meliour de mre le mater especiall al court come il est | x de d mitf en discred dez lustices issinl icy qni la ley ceo fist a tener al | volume le def 5 i\ est meliour pur luy de mfe le lees x de conclud et | qii fuit p force de s poss sans pl* qii serra compelle de adiu^ qll aslat { qii auer ^ cell leez le qU pauenture est vne doule en ley x issinl il aiel I fait meliour ore qii vst ps sur luy le conus de la ley issint moy semi;|ble q le plee est assez bon xd |||| Explicit ann* xxxv* | Henrici Sexti | 70'' blank, "B,M. "U.L.C. 421 Year-Book. 36 Henry VI. Fol. [John Lettou and William de Machlinia, London,] n. d. a-f. 40 leaves, 40 blank. 38 lines. I*. Michaelis .xxxvi. Henrici sexti |[ [B*]Rief dentre sur leslalut fuit porte en le counte | dessextf vers le baron x la feme sur leslatut de forcible | entre x le vid f al plur cap qd maud a vn tiel x vne | liel baill de Colcheslf qux rnd que ils auer pris les | corps de le baf X la feme x sur d les baill fur dd de amesne eniz § pso^lnez X le baro viet x la feme fist defj . . . 39*. I, 7: . . . Et issinl | moy semble p d mater Ie dis- claime pra wayne Et puis CLaycon | pled noun- tenure generalment pur ambid xd C Billyng auerer 1 1 bre p lestai; come deuaiil xd C Laycon tend dauerer q i\ ne prist | lez pfitez xd iour de bre prchad xd IIII C Explicit annus .xxxvi*. Hen^|rici sexti Ter mino michaelis | 40 blank. *B. M. * U. L. C. "J. Pierpont Morgan. 422 Year-Book. 37 Henry VI. Fol. [William de MachUnia, London,] n.d. [a""*] b-f gh'. 39 leaves, z blank. 33 lines. With head-lines. I blank. 2*. De termino Michis anno .xxxvij. Henrici sexti II En brief derrour port! en bank le roy p le Priour de wal|singham us le Duke de Bokyngham x aufs X il assigii pur | errour q lou le seignour fuisl emz en la fre p voye deschele pur | ceo q s tenaunt murusl ssl sans heire q lenlre celuy qi auer | leigne droit fuit aiuge loiall lou il fuit lorcious / . . . 19* (head-line) : De fmino hill' anno H sexti .xxxvij. | . . . 26* (head line) : De termino Pasche anno xxxvij Henrici sexti j . . . 40'' (head-line) : Triii xxxvij [41*] Henrici sexti | . . . 59*. /. 12 : En Ass de rent puis le verdil passe p le pl il f)a s lug | del ret x s daiii de lez arf encurruz pend' le bre. Et le court | ne will pas mez tm del rent oue daiii x nemye de null arr | mez il dis q en bre Dannuile il au lugemel ^ red lannuile | x sez daiii ouster lez arf encurrus pend' le bre mez nemy icy | quere difisilatem Casuii xc ||| Explicit Annus .xxxvij*. Henrici sexti | 59* blank. "U.L. C. [imp.]. "Exeter College, Oxford. "Mar quis of Ailesbury [wants leaf z]. 423 Year-Book. i Edward IV. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1492]. A*, • 4 leaves, z blank. 37 lines. With head-lines, X blank. 2\ De fmino Michis A", priiiio. E. iiii. ||| En breue dentre. Lylellon pled iointenaunce oue vn I del feoffemet | un S Laken nous fuim* ss! tan(^ p Ie tenaunt soule dissi le quel fist feof^|ment as diuers psones disconuz x reprist estate xc. oue ceo que voille* aUer | quell prist lez profitez xc . . . 4*. /. i x : . . . Danby. | nient semble de red dez aulers terrez p le Scire facias que fuist en le primer re|d x lou terrez sount encrochez de puisue temps El puis fuisl agf que nient p | celt serra enl? come ieo x plusourz aulers enlend quod nota. xd. ||| Per me Ricardum Pynson. | 4'' blank. *B. M, [wants leaf /]. */• ¦'?• -^^ ['^fants leaves z and 4], 117 Year-Book. 2 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] No copy is at present known. 424 Year-Book. 3 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] a-f d e', 36 leaves. 36 lines. With head-lines, x*. De termino see Triii a° iii regni E iiii | C Robertus wodlac Clericus prepositus Collegii Regalis beate ma^|rie et sancti Nicholai Canleb? in Comelatu prediclo in mla pro plurib* | defallis el idem robertus allachealus fuit ad respondendum lam dno re<5|gi qiii henrico Sewer clerico cuslodi collegii siue domus Scolarium de | marto in oxonia . . . 10*. /. 35 : C De termino Sci Mechaelis anno tercio Edwardi quarli. | 10''. CEn bre de liis quare clausii fregil xc . . . 34». /. 17 J CDe tennino HiUarii || CEn Tiis pt vers vn le Bre Fuit Pone p vadm xc. I B. de lresmo| reiii yoman xc. . . . ss*". /. 17 : El le plie pl recoua for^ daiiiz, issenl q le mre x lengnesl (sic) doiia da| magez accord a le cas Et si ceux ij. scopes soienl pcell del mese issinl que | le difne a preiudice quar donques lez damagez serroiit entre x Ardern. | p assent de cez compaigii dit a le diff respoignez xc. | 36 blank. "J. R.L. 425 Year-Book. 4 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] a-f dffg'. 32 leaves. 37 lines. With head-lines. I*. De termino pasche A", iiii. E. iiii. ||| C En accion personel port en bank le roy enus vii T. Shirwood el le I ptiez pled? a issue sur q veni? fad full agard et le arrey fait el relume | el puis nisi p'us f gunt enl? lez perliez . . . 23''. /. 34 : C De termino see Trinitatis a" E iiii" iiii. | 24*. Curia Diii Regys Apud westiii fue? adiomal vs(5 I quindenam sci f Michaelis . . . 24''. /. 22 : C De termino sci Michaelis. Anno E. iiii. iiiio II C Et Alle JTerme De Seynt Michaelis qll comenc all xv prochm | appris le oct de Seinte Michaell . . . 46''. /. 26 : Termino. HiUarii. a^ E iiii. iiii". || C El Appris cest aiourmet q fuit Trinit E iiii. auxi bii de bank le roy | come le comon bank ... 58*. /. 7 : CVide le cas de Gardyn de fflelt anno iii.x iiii: de iii le roy lou suit te-#|nuz p toulis lez iuslicz q le barre full suffid X diuersile fuit mys lou le no|me le pt est materiall x on nemy co^ en ths dexed de bonis asportat* in vi|la testiloris x lou nest materiall come de lour iprie briez ps ou delle den | aU exed xd mez en ceo cas le nom deU Gardyn est materiall x cetera. | C En le Cas leuney Sur Lez Errours. | 58'' blank. *J.R,L. 426 Year-Book. 5 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] a' b', Z4 leaves. 33 lines. With head-lities, I*. De termino pasche A", v. E. iiii. ||| Si ieo Port bre de tiis enuers vous. et vous ditlis que le propertie est I en vous deuiil le liis el baUliaslis a vii agarder q don al pl el d el le pl | dil q il fuisl poss*" lancj le dep pst sunz ceo q le prople full a luy moy se'*' | • • • 5*. C De termino Trinitatis anno E. quarli. quinto. || C Quare Impidil fml port p D vers C x coiit acomenl ill fml ssl duii a|uows de iii le esglis x psent le dit C . . ¦. 9*. De termino sancti michis anno quinli E. quarli. || CwyUiam Babyngton Sml assise vera Ie feme venour duii meas x le | tenaunt pleid . . . 14''. C De termino HiUarii. anno E. iiii quinto. | C Le Offid le Roy de Harrold* fml graunt a Garte? cu feodis X pfic | ab anliquo xd : . . . 14''. /. 19 : C Vn Byll Fmt en Bank le Roy x fml coram luslid de Banco X ne I dil apud weslrii ne lou le banke fmt x le byll fml agard boii pur ceo q | eslalul est in loco certo mez aut est de banke le roy x pms le difp iustip | pur ceo^que vne dell counceU le pl pur que est supp q ill mamt vienl a | a luy a don qs tenaunt a voluunle dell terre dount iU supp. | "J.R.L. Pages j», 7J% zj^, Z4^ are blank. 427 Year-Book. 6 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] a' b'. Z4 leaves. 37 lines. With head-lines. l^ De ler". Mich. A", vi. E. iiii. ||| C Nota q un home port accion de delte enus execulours sur vn obligais|cion fail p lour testalour et ilz plede? nient s fail el sur ceo fue? a issue x | at nisi prius fuit troue s fait el at iour en bank, yonge ... 11*. /. 24: C Terminus HiUarii. Anno vi. E. iiii. || CVn home q fuisl en execucion pur daiii red en vn accion de liis pf. I audita querela ... 14*. /. 23: Per x. E. iiii. issue fuit resceu sur q estate lou lis claytii p vn iii. psoii. I xc. X cii ascun mane? q il di? saunz ceo q il auoit s estate deuant le feof|femenl a luy fail xd. a q fuit dit q il pra negatia pregnans x auxi il ne | doit tra&^l forscj ceo q est surmylle deuant. xd. || Explicit annus Sextus Edwardi quarti. | 14'' blank. "J.R.L. 428 Year-Book. 7 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] a-d'. 32 leaves, z blank. 37 lines. With head-lines. I blank. 2\ De termino pasche a", vii. Edwardi iiii. Ill Vn bref de tns fuit port enuers vn T de H. en 118 le Com de Norp que vi|enl. p Bryan el dil q lou U e nosme T de H. xd. il dil q deinz le dit coii|tie de N. e nul tiel vile ne hamelel ne lieu conuz hors del viUe el hamelel | conuz p le uosme de H. lugement xd. Cates- by: . . . 12*. /. i6: CDe termino Trinitatis Anno vii. Edwardi iiii. || Vn bre de tiis fuit port enils iii. homes p le baron x la feme de lod close | debruse x tenenlibus suis tales X tanlas minas xd. ... 17''. /.is: C De termino Michaelis Anno vii. E. iiii. | Vn home fuit endile en banke le Roy quare vi x armis bona capelle in | cuslod huioi ppoltorii inuent xc. . . . 30*. /. 18 : CDe termino HiUarii Anno Septimo. || CVn home port bre de dell enus vn auter de ceo q il fuit retenuz oue | luy p iii. anz en loffice de Talugh- chaundeler . . . 32*. /. 28 : . . . Et fuist louche en ceo case q si leutil | dit issue vst ee trie encounter lapp. vnd lez de§ serronl areignez al suisl | le roy de felonie pur ceo q ils ne millerunl vnqs lour viez en ieoperdie de | le felonie. || C Explicit annus Septimus Edwardi quarti. | 32'' blank. "J. R. L. 429 Year-Book. 8 Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1496.] if b' c d' e'. 36 leaves. 37 lines. With head- lines, I*. De lermio pasche A°. viii. E. iiii. ||| CVn home port bre de delle enias vn auter de ceo q il full retenuz | oue luy p in. annz en loffice de Tallughchandele? pnant p le semayne | ii. s. xc. x le de§ gage s ley xd. . . . 8''./. 16: C De termino Trinitatis Anno viii. E. iiii. II CVn sub penajuit sue enus iii. execulourz et luii vienl et le pt pia | q il soil mys a resp xc. . . . 10''. /. 1 1 : De termino Michaelis. Anno viii. Edwardi iiii. II CEu (sic) Lescheker chamb? fuisl agre p les iuslicz q quant home plede vn | de lez general pdon q fuit graunt . . . 28''. /. 9 : De termino HiUarii. Anno viii. Edwardi quarti. || CEn banke le Roy fuist tenuz p toulez les iuslicez que si le de§ dil en | nuUo° est erralii q en aps U ne allegera diminycion xd. . . . 36*. /. 14 : q le por xd. x s pdecessour de temps xd. x q puis il fuisl psesse en abbe | x q puis labbe et s sued el cetera ount ee ssiez || Explicit annus oclauus Edwardi quarti. | 36'' blank. "J. R. L, 430 Year-Book. 9 Edward IV. Fol. Richard Pynson, [London, 1492.] a-f d-f'gh'. 38 leaves, 38 blank. 37-38 lines. With head-lines. 1*. De termino Pasche Anno ix Edwardi iin (sic) \\\ Delte fuisl port p A vers B de se q le dit B posuil eins (sic) vxorem x fi^|lium suii ad mensa cum predicta a p spaciu irium annorii x eadem A dimi|sit pdco B vna camera in domo sua ppdcis vxore et filio xc . . . 6*. /. 22 : De termino Trinitatis Anno ix E. iiii. | . . . 33*. /. 4: De lermiun (sic) Michis Anno ix" E. iiii. | . . . 51". /. 20 : De termino Hilf Anno ix" E. iiiii. (sic) \, , , 57''. /. 13: . . . Yong quid (sic) si chaunceller veil comaund? moy sur : | peyne que ieo ne luy sue? ByUyng vous neslez p tenuz doboeiar ceo quar | cell comaundement est encont ley xc.' ||| Explicit Annnus. (sic) Nonus. Edwardi. quarti. | Per me Ricardum. Pynson. ||| [Pynson's device z.] 58 blank. "B. M. [wants leaf 38]. "J. R. L. "if* It is clear from the state of the device that this book was printed before November, Z492, 431 Year-Book. n Edward IV. Fol. [Richard Pynson, London, 1500.] ab' f. 16 leaves, z blank. 33 lines. With head-lines. I blank, 2». C De termino sancte Trinitatis Anno xi" Edwardi iiii. ||| C Le Roy p ses letters palentz dona Toflfice dun des chamberlainez del | escheker a H senior de Cornwel a auer x lene? a luy x a ses heires malez |^de son corps engendres excercef p se 1 p sufficient depud suu p force de ql | Ul fuisl ssi x puis le senior de C guiif mesme loffice a vn I L . . . 12*. /. 6 : C De termino sancti Hill anno xi" Edwardi iiij. || C En breif de annuite vers vn person le vid relourii did e et biificial x | non habet laicum feodum . . . 16*. /. 3: . . . vid triu xxii" Ed Hi | fyne accord a loppinion de Choke site adiudicat Hill xv Ed. iii. folio. 1 vltimo el vide la leire auer le breif comaund les lustices daler auaunt | et en ascun lui es ill est dil que ill couient sue? a veil auter transscripl de | le fyne vide xvi. Ed iii. en scire facias xc. | 16° blank. "J.R.L, 119 [I- II. in. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XIL XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. LIST OF FACSIMILES Type. I (120 mm.) 2 (135 mm.) 2* (135 mm.) 3 (135 mm.) 4 (95 mm.) 4* (100 mm.) 5 (113 mm.) 6 (120 mm.) 7 (81 mm.) 8 (114 mm.) & WESTMINSTER William Caxton. Raoul Le Fevre : The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy. fol. zsii*.] The Diets or Sayings of the Philosophers, 1477. fol. 74I'. lacobus de Cessolis : The Game of Chess. Ordinale secundum usum Sarum. fol. 5*. Godfrey of Boloyne, 20 November, 1481. Charles the Great,, i December, 1485. m The Royal Book, a 2''. Publius Virgilius Maro : Aeneid. A !*>. Indulgence granted by Innocent VIII. 6. John Mirk : Liber Festiualis. g 8*. d 2I'. I (Caxton 4* modified). 2 (Caxton 8). 3 (Caxton 6). 4 (95 mm.) & 2. 5 (Caxton 7) & 2. 6 (Caxton 3) and 4. 7 (103 mm.) Wynkyn de Worde. Raymundus de Vineis : Life of St. Katherine, &c. fol. 95' 8 (93 mm.) & 9 (53 mm.) I (92 mm.) 2 (no mm.) 3 (60 mm.) lacobus de Voragine: The Golden Legend, 20 May, 1493. Colophon. The Book of Courtesy, bb i». St. Jerome: Vitas patrum, 1495. cccxxvl". Indulgence granted by Innocent VIII; regranted by Alexander VI. Lower version. Clement Maydeston : Directorium sacerdotum, 1495. Colophon. The Book of Hawking, &c., 1496. f 2". loannes de Garlandia : Synonyma, 12 March, 1500. f6''. Julian Notary. John Mirk ; Liber Festiualis, 2 January, 1499. cvi*. Missale ad usum Sarum, 20 December, 1498. ccxxix". Horae ad usum Sarum, 2 April, 1 500. Part of quire k. LONDON John Lettou. XXII. I (83 mm.) Antonius Andreae : Quaestiones super xii libros metaphysicae, 1480. 2 (120 mm.) See below: Lettou & Machlinia i. John Lettou and William de Machlinia. XXIII. I (Lettou 2) & 2. Abbreuiamentum statutorum. E i». XXIV. 2 (102 mm.) & I. Abbreuiamentum statutorum. H i^. 131 A I". xxv. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. xxx. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. xxxv. XXXVI. XXXVII. Type. William de Machlinia. I (102 mm.) See above: Lettou & Machlinia 2. 2 (100 mm.) The Revelation of Saint Nicholas to a Monk of Evesham. 3 (100 mm.) Albertus Magnus : Liber aggregationis. a e*". fol. 4" 4 (116 mm.J ( '•) &6. 5 (n6 mm.) & 4. John Wotton : Speculum Christiani. fol. 43^. John Wotton : Speculum Christiani. fol. 39"^ Printer of the Siege of Rhodes. XXIX. I (138 mm.) Gulielmus Caorsin : The Siege of Rhodes, fol. 20*. I (120 mm.) 2 (loi mm.) 3 (64 mm.) & 7. 3* (64 mm.) 4 (114 mm.)& 5 (114 mm.) 6 (114 mm.) 7 (95 mm.) Richard Pynson. Geoffrey Chaucer : The Canterbury Tales, n ^^. Geoffrey Chaucer : The Canterbury Tales. H 4^. loannes Sulpitius : Opus grammalicum, 1498. xxil>. Abbreuiamentum statutorum, 9 October, 1499. clxviiil'. Henry Parker: Dives and Pauper, 5 July, 1493. Second a 2». (Four lines opposite the woodcut capital, and the words * Sapiencie. vii. ca. , ' Pauper', and ' lob v.', are in type 4.) William Lyndewode : Constitutiones prouinciales. a i». John Alcock : Mons perfectionis. c 2^. 2, with capitals from 7. Guy of Warwick. 1 i\ OXFORD Printer of Expositio S. Hieronymi [Theodoric Rood?]. XXXVIII. I (97 mm.) Saint Jerome: Expositio in symbolum apostolorum, 17 December, i4[7]8. b 8*. Theodoric Rood. XXXIX. I ( 1 00 mm.) & Alexander de Hales : Expositio super libros Aristotelis de anima, 1 1 October, i. I (ic 2 (200 mm.) 1481. 1 3I'. XL. 3 (88 mm.) & Publius Terentius Afer : Vulgaria Terentii. n 4». 4 (115 mm.) XLI. 5 (92 mm.) & 3. William Lyndewode : Constitutiones prouinciales. O 3*, lower portion of col. 2. XLII. 6(ri5mm.) John Mirk : Liber Festiualis, 14 October, i486, k 2 », upper portion of col. i. ST. ALBANS XLIII. I (89 mm.) Augustinus Datus : Libellus super TuUianis elegantiis. XLIV. 2 (124 mm.) & 4. The Book of Hawking, &c., i486, d i*. XLV. 3 (90 mm.) Exempla sacrae scripturae, 1481. e 6^. 4 (140 mm.) See XLIV. fol. 122 FOREIGN TOWNS. PARIS Wolfgang HopyL XLVI. John Mirk: Liber Festiualis, 26 February, 1495. xii^. ROUEN Guillaume Le Talleur. XL VII. Nicholas Statham : Abridgement of Cases, q 4''. Martin Morin. XLVIII. John Mirk: Liber Festiualis, 22 June, 1499. cxx*. James Ravynell. XLIX. John Mirk: Liber Festiualis, 4 February, 1495. iiii*. ANTWERP Gerard Leeu. L. Chronicles of England, 1493. Titlepage. LI. Chronicles of England, 1493. e i». LII. The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolphus. b 3*. Thierry Martens. LIII. loannes de Garlandia : Synonyma, 21 July, 1493. i ib. 133 , i0«ftt)et9t9<7^fftbe£boKofi9ctreiifeofi9e9tf# fu6fib Cibp bucQ<0 of jd&ourj^Hc : 2inbifoi ae moc§« ao } ftifpofe t^c fbiii? hxio B3§€0 Bst) no( ^b? to fovt H^ie ^me tt) out« cttj^BH'^ Qiftj^aj^/ tl^cc } ^{^ tQ« GHtcr Xbiff to occom |>Bff ^ t(^i0 /hit? Xb«rKc/ Ob^c^c Xbcr^e toom G^onttc n^ iBvuQiel n coni:^iim^^ tt) $awii: 2Cftb fm^fjmibi n) Co(^t) ^n t§e ^i^mc of ^ trouBG>uo Vjoiibil afCb of i^c ^tcte bsup ion^ B(i}^n$atibi tt^^^ng ao aii«ff tt^t§ur^e btbz hvtttfCitc ^\i But Cite / affrr l]}^^ OnerKe ) fctv to iof^« vpotj m€ t^ At ati; ttot luoaf^f to Bzt« $10 fKHHcr ^ I'tif^c ^2n< aftrr ^1^^ . fo m«bCe mc m i^at ODcrRc.^ut pet fx>2 ao moc^c iiojj am 6;>unbe to coti^ trmy)(2i'i« mf» fapt? Qibj^ce i^oSi^ (^ce anbfui t$ foij^b (bo6c M) otpttntc .^^ntg ^^u0 o6s^% ^ vequep an^7 (o matm^mmt 3 ^ue put me >t^ "^euo^r h oucyJcc t^» ^ fft^ 6»o6 anb? fe^of oet) a(^ n^^c a^ ^ eou« ^ITe jft aocojt ftjt? 1Sgt§ t^Dtigimat ftjwg^ i^ iJ«ttf5 ? QtnD? 3 f^» not^jpngj '^jufcojMtmi t?e«ti; ? ^auf cnefg ivf i^ '^^9 «nt)2 f*H««3^^« of ^^«tce^T^5?«»> J fgn» t?;*t mg (at«e (b;tti2 ^t^ &f t out ttt^tpt) anb? '^i^uem eoncdtjion^ ^^^ c^fl|2 tBomci^^tJOSKtof 3 mcruagCOc t^at mg f^gb? Eoitb? ^t^ not tBtc^i) t^n) « nc tB^t fSit^ mcugb^ ^pn) (o 6) ^ i^t tB^t otufc ^ ^bd^ ae tfjoit twnt * (§ut 3 ^mfz tfyi ^n) fftgt Gtbg ^t^ oe^veb? ^ to 6uc tt out of §ic» feoSe Oit cQ^gs ^ ^« ammu« oi) ^mmc noB(^ G»bg « fot IB^ Ibuc^ tBofb? not f«tec gt M^ ^ &o^ ., 0!2 cCtge for tQ^ ^^ «g aff««goi^^(buc anb? goob? SgCtc t^iit ^e ^9 Sn^ aC^e EibgCf^an^ (B^mtgnBomet^^^t t9:>uo;^t^t ^0(m(tc» fpaoeb i^ ^tg^ ^Q^nb? tB«»et of Somci) move t^t) tt^utQu Q^cQc 3 <<^!^ not t^m^c tfitt fo &f!Sk amat^ g ^ nM a t$At^ 6:Out9^ ^ J^ 3f ^ ^b? ma« fftiEte n^ SrgtincQ of tBomct^ « 1^ ou^ not nc ^fb? not Cb Ce&ugt? M)f ^ 0^ ^ ^pdt^ tM058r/^eg cO««c^ e oCfo f[>« fc^e wcwpemaotj of e^c ^Cg fonoe ff ^Pg Cgft of SjemtfaOetjj/ai) tp^itei? out eCfeffgJ)? fau^uv Sl^fu Cctft oeocmeO ^o tSiCQ Oic» pndoue 6fi)oO«7Cno fo coo ao fi^to no ^pi^ce^occffto^of M^c 0^^ ^ie^ot^cr tto6G7 and? ^ge pc^nccen) Qie compcin^c^^^nne ^>t i^^^tfoaou of od^c Cdfiieti ptgnc!ee/i«Ce6'(^oton6'Rnp3O&0/©€neiemeo"matc6«nnfte' ono aS £^ com^ )xp0; of ^te no6& (Ko^amme tBoC^e ^ ^tfbnb Q toe cwpt^fc?* fo ftanftaft t^ie fiboft of <§e conqwcf^l of 30«u^ fa0;tt) out of ff tenffi^ tt) fo ouv madnnaC fon^C/fo £^cna?nfo tcm eoumgc ^«»»j 6g fi^c tcO^g onO ^ctgng of $c tncwcgffouo §if^ fo:g«0 fynt) oomptgfcd? an?? of t^ ^C^mptocO?c f^tB^O,t§ot c « uct}) tnat) It) $t0 patt^ cnoeuo^ve t^e^tt) ^nfo tOs teftf^ence a fott fa^O/Ttno tvcufxcadot) of t^e fa^o ^o^s ^noe« ^ fbt ae moxQr ao ) ^0^9 no Cctftct) ft^^c 0et^Sato 6]9 (Qc gmor of goO tt^n^Q of enotCbnO and of ffmuncs an^ a»D of ^z^nO/^ti oez t^e f^^otoc of S^o no6fi» ptntrcttot)/^ ^ue acQecuco tQte fgmpD} tainfeac{oi)/t9at ^ of 0te mooft no6Cr ^caoe ^oCd; odtieffe ifyvs • oz commounoc fbmme no6& Cap^tapt^ of Qie fuBgetfoo fo «mpt^fe tj^ie tSatcc aga^t) t^e fa^O 6it6e s 9^t§ei) ixf)G;*fo ^tcQs 3 OKI) t^^nfte a^ai eu«vs mat) ^jtff put 6ant)? fo it) (Qc^ ptopw petfoneo/anOfi) tQ^S^mcuaQQ^soo^e/^^mnefo^^tn m^moof^ 920$ na6utcC and? fbuem^ (btd? 3 odteffe t6ie fsntp^ <>n^ ^^ fooSe foftc^ng Qte moo^ Cbuntcuoue ano 6a6bundaunt stnoe fo teoe^e it of mc ^le MOie^nc qtiO Qum6& fuSgetft DotCCtatt) Ca^^ fot)«7lnO fo pavdonnc mc fo pre^im^nge^fiefccO^n^ atm^^tp ^o9 t^t t^te fa^O foo6 ma^ cnooucao$e/mocuc«anO enf Samme $c ^ tee of fbmme no60; m^'H^i 6^ tQc fame tQe mcfctcautitee maTgn fe vcf^ftcd? and? putte fo tte6u6c*^af^ fovfiQ encveao^d? and? en ^ 6auno;d.anO e^e fy>tj^ Cande*tSit^ i^e 6CS?fT^d cjite of ^Qmtfa&m* veoouetd? and? ma^ oome a^a^ tt) fo cciflNi mene fbnoee'^Qenne ^ c^^tte afi^e no66? nten of ^e coutage fo f^e i^ie 6bo^ and ^te tt ixddc«6$ tBQicO ^ fi^C fee tB6at tSa^eo tBeve foaetjttS^t m^Ct pvotB^eo and? isue^undse tbete acO^u^d? 6^ t§e no6G; comfm; V. WILLIAM CAXTON 4 (95 mm.). 6bo6 / 3 fyiw tnQct) ^ Omtbei) &ne^ one of tFe torfbnro of t^e cufo of a 6006 named? m^ouc ^elbeff^ of t^e noGfe g moofS ^Sftox^^^ fot f^e mooft pat^ /^ asftcQ ^sng? /our natuceC an^ tt)c fecond; 6boS 1 ^ue oneCg a fouempi) Cbtd? 0aCe of no6G? mef duied it out of at) oCoe tomauK mor^ fi^n^ ^dtbotd t^e fonrtQ *») f wnfT^ / Tt n5? ibit^out ot^et et) ib^« fouCe aBcfu ftiue metcg Onfbxm^ceoi) t§at) of t^ fame (To nXm(x a2 tQcfe fa^d? ^^f^o^ Q006 3 fnue nducsd? it tt) fo x^^ h) fo ouv engC^ffQ? fongue 1)to|e fuBftStBottp ldg»6ou( fap? 3 ftiuc put me tt) dcuo^v fo toaif Cf o^/Cp otOpnauR of c^ip^tve9 feaCc %6 fajid? 6bo6 ae {« &« g patf^e of t^e fa^d? ^o^ af ers fofbte map fee aC a Cbn^e and; t^ maect ti) t^e jatiie oonCcpned? pC gi) /pw^tig? atte t§em iQot i nd? i?f tt) aC t^e 6008 3 fiflue fjaC wW/ fee oz eew tt/ fo pardoti mefptpfcd ot fpo6en oi^ttl)sr^^ou|ttoltepet^ latoe^ comauicmetd of got).to fiilotbe teciu & See (fc eCcf^toe b]^ft ft»tttte9anbmani?ot(;(t iiplHtin^nsesftmatnw goob ft pvouffj^tabte fbt t^ ifoele of mineo Coule. ^nne J ti^xU ft ttCpeuet]^ ma tl)at ententtt^ to tl^ ptoufl^ ft tal^ uacson of \)\» (bitle /to ouer Cee t^a 0i^O took/ in tblytt^ te Q)al ^nte sooO ft pooufij^talrie bi^ne bg tdl^ic^ t)^ ma]? ^ tatli^t attagne to osme to euetlafi]^gbls(fe *ft alxaag^ "iH^Bi tt)9,t ia ^tati ia bmtt cotttctson til letneb men/fyumUg ie (h^sn^t^mtoaitncteftamente lito^teaaiaon^b&ute^ft Co b^ng tte]^ (l^al too a metstot)? tete.^: aa npg^ aa gob l^a^ jQjSuen me omngngS l)aue fiilotoeb tiji op^e aa n^ aa 3 camft 3 1)^ alms9t)t|? S^ ^dt t^a (agb uieth mai^ pQ)ufi^t(pt^bazo«fttljatta^(i)e(talcau(^il^t itia mate fbte/^at imotbet^ gob to tol^me noo ti^ (a l^d /tbligc^ ague ba giate (b to Igue >}n:tuoufl^ tu tl^ia (&2t lgf.tl)at aft» ^a igf tii»e ma^ come to ^a euet(aft^n0 Usae in teuen ame VII. WILLIAM CAXTON 5 (113 mm.). fai>i)tbolb^3r^fi?6cuezgmat)/anb|otoboo toEisat)oloe fe^e anb tebde t^ti)/anb cettapnlp t^ ena;l2>(f^ tbae (o tu be anbBo»ob t^at 3 oouot nof tbelib ^ndetpande H^^n^ al|o mg (^tde a80>t of tbepmpnpet b:b do fl^tbe to me hk mUti gi) eugd;nce6 tbtj^toi) tt) olde ena;l{>fri^ fbz to tebuce tt tt) to outeno;lg(f^notb9(tb/@rnb ea:tapni]f> tttbadtbtetoi^tt) fucQ: tbjPifc ^at tt tbae mote Ip^e to butc^ t^at) e)io;lg(f9c 3 ooudc not tebuce ne Btgnge tt to fe Sndetpondc^Qlnb cez; tagnlg our langage nolb S(«b Sarget^ prtc fwti) ^at,tb§t cSe tbac 15f«b anb fpo^etj Vol)Xt) 3 tbae feme/ Af or Xbe enj glpfr^ mei)/0:i) feme 9ndn; t^e oompnacgoi) of t^e mone. fb^tc^ t0 neuez pcbfape/Buteuez tbauerj^nge/tbc^pnge o ; ne pafoi)/ anb Ibanet^g b|ftfct?a(i)engl];(ri^t^att6 fpo^ei) ti) one fbi^te ^arpet() foon) a noi^er.3t) fo moe^s t^at it) mi> ba^iee ^appmcb t^af otrta]n) marcbau^ee tbete tt) a fl^tp it) t^wp\k foz to f;aue fag^b ouez i^e pe m6o 5clande/anb fbz lac^e of tbpnde t^et targeb at^ for&nb.anb tbentt to Und? for to tef cef^ i^en) ^n^ one of t^ejit^ namcb f^effelde a mercer can) it) to at) ^tbc anb a^b foz mete .anb fp^cpaUg 9t aj?)?^ af 6ez egggc Q^nb t^e goods tbpf anftberde.i^at f^ ooudt fpt^e noftxn; f|z . (^n^ t^e marc^aut tbac^ angrp.fbr ^ alfo couds fpe^e no ftenf^. But tbolde ^aue ^aod; eggee/ anb ffy ^nderf^ode fen) not/ (^n^ t^nne at lape a notfcer fapb ^at ^ tbold: 6aue egttei)/t§et) tfce goob tbpf fagd t§at f^ Snderftob §pn) U)el/^oo tb^at f^ld; a mat) tt) t^pfe bapccf notb tbrg^.cg; gee oz eptct)/ ccrtagnlp tt 10 ^ardc ^ plarfe eucrp mat)/ ^ caup of bguerfife g cbauge of langage .:5Foz it) t§jp bagee euer)? mat) tfcat ie tt) ong ceputacpot) it) §10 ojutrc.Ujplt St tet bte comgnpcacpot) an^ ma^ze ttj fuc^e manere ^ ter; mee/tbat plbe meo f§atl Snderftonde t^egn)/ (^t(0 (ott) ^j; VIII. WILLIAM CAXTON 6 (120 mm.). ^M^ 6>9«Follertbt/ €ugnanbu mUbtke n refttenbu «m owiatibi/a:ant6 «uaht« (Tre© brl Puoa bd bnii flowno_0jiuri Od tm qntum per nos (Tomtiranao p:cfatoa txinpx teputato0/feu c5 Colkctozibi a nobid fupec Ipc pftttuoibi© tel facultatc bnnbua ouiuemrmt /» tu t«t(tu perfdumnt/aJt «'3cn'»a.1«f* erio afffquntntuc 3n bifitac ione liminii TBt&toif. apl 09 JPetri a Piuli/* 36afilicav fanctijJobSnie laferancn <2t teate CCJattcmaionff be btb? ac tecuperaciom terre fanctc eoriitem infiWium cgpugnacioc/ac Tlnno 3ubileo qnr ecw a6 iwti obltta rt que alias alii© CaccctotI bus co&ffi fowtegtrnftaf 3pfis in ficerifate fitei * bnMafe fee f omanc eccfic ac oteWecia t imodom fciffimiftiii noftri it fucaflb^i merit ?om«noi? Pontificii «anom« tntaidum perfiftcntA? impenlm it falutare penitecia iniwigcre 3ta bt fi ipfi0 in bmoi mmti0 articuU trptU0 coftituti0 abfolucio ip(a impenbacy^icbilomm? iterato in bero moitio arttculd poUit itnpoM it tmpKa fuGEcagetur d(be auc6t ritafe a{d:ica be apPttf poteftatid plcnttudim comSii faniltatem p:out in jpf 10 littecio apfido tufot \j)C emanatio fiemm inntinetm; Cu aut/ Onrt^fhr t\fnnmer,aii(^ ^titta pxtatfi iepu» bicti tentpiactti h faculfatib? Cuie (Tompetimtem quatitafem ab opus ififcei Iwioi ac abegpngnacionem 3nfil)ditwi Contuteir /3btitoi ^noit pKfttttiam ^moi Confdruto eligendi et 2(uc6)ritatr apoRblica qualn bac pat& Eungimur fattftacAi tmun \)ii& qu^o fumt fatiftacctoimpenbenba plenam ac literam ftihuMf facu(tiifenv3?9tumSatb SiaAlo SutKtt CnuM6p Timo Jmnxmrnnis Pmie <$lnIdtmo e^tmdmisttcftmo (^tuageftmi^ Tlono iE>t(buvrnn0ipMtrt« t^^nfto^ptts IX. WILLIAM CAXTON 7 (81 mm.). d^a( t^bomae bab mabe for fen) anb pzatb i^e 6png 4at ^ mggb' te baue ti/anb Je tbolb gpue &gn) afmoc^ golde ae ^ te^e (t)omae ^^ne t^e ^png to^e Ine coufeii! ft ^ fapb nag/3 tbgl baue it mgf4 fe/^6e 9gn) ma^e fh^ a notfier/ fbz |;te Btobez ^ab feei) tt)e pafttcc it) pazabgfe made Ibti^ golde/anb atageblbgt^ pvtcione ffonee.^ c^^e of golds/^S^nne ige Bgng to^e cztf^endon) g mang a t^ou; fatide tbgtQ fen)/ anb Ibban (be feir^opfatb i^att^e^gnge anb (oo mocQs ot$er ptpHe ^rfo^e ^t la\bee/anb toznebfocrt^endon) tl^eg tbcve |ote tbtotQ tbgi^ t$o^ maeit^om oft^tn^fagb^KUjol 0? Senge ^te gobf anb Vbg4 ^ fpc te fmo^e ^omae t^ozugl ^e 0^; bg £ W^ 6gn)/^9tf!e g^t Itogftg to god mp f adet ; it} \)m ^"^ ^ f^att Iberke and ^ f^att le 0ot6clg ^ fuffad fi^e pagnce of att fi^n de out ae Cgg^t / 5:^g rggljt tbgf nee ^ futt and t^c tbrongee of t^cgwj/ SI ba« e^P dome ae mgddagec^ t§ou fuggettc tr; mg ^tt t^zt oyx not fgnne / ne gg(e fo our lo2d and prape \)^nf / Ot) a dape tbae fbunivt) tt) mg mout^ : Xb^plce u ^ and f^e palmc targe and brode : ble t^e not ne be not forg fbt mgnde off Qtnd ti) t^ mgddeo of t^e palme tbae a t^ fgnnee/ J=oj Ib^j^ att tfeg fgnnee bet) tbounee att cedde of blo&e / Q?nd ao foi^yuit) t^e/ Q^nd n/^an^fj^e anftbesgd /bone ae f^e ^nderf^ode i^at ii tbae i§e t^e ootttrarg and fagde i^at f^ Xbae cer ^nde of £xpfii : ^^ Ibondoede i^at it iapr^'H^t gf ^ tbotde doo tbgiQ ^r rtg^t tbae fbo fmatt and fbo longe/ Qtnd alfo futtg and not mercgfuttg/f^c tbae tbot^ ne it tbae anftberde fo ^r*i^tit tbae fb i9g fo be dampned fo t^e pagnee of ^Ue fmatt / ^^nnz our lotde gf^efu CrgfZe anf tbe^ Jot tb^ic^ ctgfj igued ii) f teff^/ de'.i>ougt;for rgg^tuofneffe g^^e tb^t) ^ praged / ^ ^oe \)io fy>n i to notb done fogod tnp fader/ J=or t^y dee fXwgf^ fb2tS/(§nd on dagee,^ (ta * fgnnee/andfatgffacttot)te futtg ma&e uegled tbgt^ ^ndee and ^ie fete/ and a> l)gtt)/fbr (gegti) att/af ter i^at r)>g^tu ^ aU \)i& bodg bg founee and cafSettge pre^ oufneffe af ke$. J=oi gf f^ou tjauc offen c^gnge t^e kgngdome of god . ^nd af ^ Ogd god/tbpt$ att t^e membrge of t^g bo ftr H^ie f5c ^dc a ^gce fageng fo ^t/ Og/3 ibae foementj^d it) att i§e membiie (BEgfabetfi loo/$^te ftgrde tgme 3 fag e of mg bodg for (§g)) and for att tnat) kin fo ^e/t^g fg nnce bet) fbgguet) / Qtnd dee fpnnee/ Jor j?f t^ou ttefpafed tbgt§ t§3u ^af2 mg grace:^o tfie tb^ic^ 5ogce ^nJ« ano tbpt§ f efe/ ohg f^e anf tbertje . ;Eotd gf 2( *»« ^alotbed ^andj^e and mi^ feet tbeot nagled fo t^e ae t^u f agf2e tb^erof ie it t6at ^ mage croffetbgi^^arde naglee/gf fi^ou ^aue not tbgt^^lde me but t^at^ offende tcef pafed tbgt§ i^g tptt) . ompt) e)>ee tbe^ ($g magc(?e ec^ dage it) fbmme t§gngc IK bf)^nf j>ld tttgf^ a ceot§e / gf i^ou ^aue (^nd t^e 15ogce fagfic fo ^ / jpot gf teEfpafed tbgt§ t^gt) eerge mgt) etgo ^r t^ou noo tgme offended/l§ou f ^tue not de blafpft mee and gtete tbrongee / gf jJ be fb moc^ mekgd/ (5t nd bg ^at S( f<> * ^aue teefpafed tbgi^ i^gt) ^te mg Srfo lotbed/f^at t^ou tboldefJ not loue me fbo lbaepetredlb)>l$afpetKandpft^ott$a{ mocge, Q«nd<$ue^ouf5ol5ef2tb3ge ue offended tbgt^ att t^g todg/ntp bodg tbotfe H^tim fendce t|at bat^ truflet^ (t Ibaef^otgedfbotQatfrottjt^efbleoff^e dtedef^/ fbte Snfo t^ fope of mj> ^de/ apperj>d ii) fC 5:^afbt» S ^aue not fbo ^alotbeflj/^ me noo fieoc ^fe. but t^at t^u mage fgnne ' ^nt tt C t^tfoti Oowg^&r i§gnk« not but fu|f gfet^ fo t§e t^at S( ^aue ggue i^e fbo XI. WYNKYN DE WORDE i (99 mm.). 0tt0cnJKtj) f^e legedr nameb in latpn icgenDa aucca/ tjjat 10 to fap in cngli(rr)e ^c gol be legcte ;|Fo2 \vht aa paflfe^ goltie in baletbe al ot^ti me taliia / foo ^)?0 iegen je eitr e ist;) all otliez bol^/ tbl)ertn ^ ben conteimeD alle t{)e ^)^i)e ano grete f eftjjo of our lorte f&e fcftpa of ouj bleffj^D to usp I (r!)eD it at tbeftmeftre ^e n Dap of ;y5ar/C!^c yere of our lozD sp ceee llW^tmV ^nb in tf)^ ^«^ J'cre of tbe reggne off J^ynge 0ent)> fte bii/ C% "^^ tbgllj^am carton/ XII. WYNKYN DE WORDE 2 (114 mm.). O^z^^ l)t©tt?er%« fuU of pH^faunce Cftrc it) (en&ncc tt) langage excellent Ol^igef Ig eo tbrgte fuc^j tbae ^te [uff gfaunce 'ft)§at cucr to fage ^ ziacgoi) @Je to t^e ^geft g: coude B^ft deugfc Of itout^e.pcee.metcg.anb 3upgce Q?nb Ccrtuee fteigng fot no fifeuf^e ^0 bo gte btuogr g qujjte ^grt) of ^ie <» Bb XIII. WYNKYN DE WORDE 3 (120 mm.). Cerciaparo to hyw to fote t[)e i)0ur acmaomeo . noo tl))>ng / as touct))>ng to t^t mtty^ Hno |)e anttbereo to bs^^p frenoes )>e te ano ijelt^e of my foule * 3 bnovbe be not altba)>e ttittl) me/but fattj^ng a^ tbell tl)at 3 (ball be lette io oopng con^ b)^etb almyt ^m/^ (o 3 map aixoay templa()>oo/toz to tabe bede ano tbpn recouer to faae/but not yon/^ tberfbt be 00 t^tvm t^at bane knte eben) to ibbples f>yth€ bere « 3 tbpll ibell tbat to me . Bno tbetfoie 3 (ball conduoe pe ete tbttb me* jfoz 3 Ib^ll tbell motbe tbat tbe(e lettres (ball neuer be openeo atter recouer mp fadpng* ne reooe / ano (00 be (btevbe t^tix) 10 tbe fpce to (apeng . (5oo pe tbttb t^t C^f a monte tbbicbe neuer ete allo^ tbougbtps ot my contrees / ano b!en^ ne / begpnnpng to latpo . :iDiOtmus et ne tbitb ttttit lettres / to tbenoe tbat aliii to (oUtuOine. £apfn)-jc):bi. pe bipnge me not to tbat vm^Ulfz 3 ba ueonesrenounceo. ; jBmblablp Ybe bane feed ao 0^ jtberbiod/Ybbtcbe neuer tboloe C£)ftbabbotirbPoooie/begpnnpng ^te allone/butialtbape tboloe be jbiotm^ et aliu abbate* Capraj^rrbiij accpoanpeO.Hno pf bpaouentuie none can) not to bpfpte bpn)/bc opfferreo to ^T-if 5fter tttis tbe (atbe an bolp fa^ ete tyii f> tt^ty cartj/^ yf tftey can) not flpjl oer nameo CbcoOdte/tbe tbbt ^e Tboloe abpoe tpll tbe (onoape/^ can) Sf«-J\cbe Ybas a grete clerbe ano mo (0 tiit cbircbe/^ tbt fytiJt pplgrpn; tbat tltt pzuoent / as ibeil to maner ot l^is t)e fouoe/be leooe bpn) bnto bis celle/ Ipupng as to \io\y (crppture / tbe tbbt^ ano ete tbitb bM- ^^^ t)e bneote moie bp tin grace of goo tbao hy ettuope neptber bp erperpence* Ci^fa Deuoute relpgpous nameD£^a £)ne 00 a tymt foi to bnotte tbe (olu^ cbetes/begpnnpng to iatpo!biOim^ et cpoo of a queapoo mocbe batoe ano aliu (men)' £aptn)-rjcbr)> opffpcple/be tbas .bt|- oapes to ojp(ons ano piapers bnto ttft tymt t^at bp re^ ^fter fbis tbe baue bnotbeo ao uelacpoo opupne f (ame queffpoo Vbao otber bolp man nameo ^afi to bpn) oetermpneo. icbetes/to tbbon) goo bao gpue tbis grace tbat pf be baooe one oape c ^^ ao \)o\y bermpte to a meruapl^ (Z one npgbt to bere t^t (erupce of goo ious oefette / begpnnpnge to latpo • be tboloe neuer iaue (lepte . j^ts faoer 3caq5 vc* iDiptb).|trtr* Untc io bpn) 0^ of bis tpOpnges/(oo opoe bis mooer ano bis otber f2pnne(^ ^ mM'*fl compng tbenne fro paleSp meo/tbberfbie 00 a tpme / be toke all nl* ne to a caOell of iBgppt called bis lettres V9 bis ttbepne bonoes / ano c-'^lDiulcus/tbe f ouoe ao otber ot began to (ape.'^bc lecture o^tbus ma oer of uelpgpoufes (^ mote ercellent np lettres (ball gpue to me bapnejope tbao ti^e otber/of xo>\)i(^t otoer tt\t bie 01 Ifmytite J tbbicbe (ball (true me of tbem be talleo Snacboipteo moie bolp XIV. WYNKYN DE WORDE 4 (95 mm.) and 2 (head-line). Hi Xnbei nomine MmtU ^biim'Mibniuctfiffif^etbcIesquaWerSancfifftHtuo Jomwtu« notietUliM rK0:5actontd3'unocmiib?p9pa ocfau? conceGrit^fpecidlipKuilcsiot gracia bi animarum illom qui cii <^ntHatt ab bat luce bccef ermt falus ptocurctut quob ft qui patmte& amici aut alii jcpziftififiielee pietate commoti cuiufuid nationioctpzolnncie rfcbbicunqi fuerint *acbbtcunq^ degant biccftmam pcttembntue bucattpioanim^ bniufcuiu^ificbetuncttbebcn'nt autmiferintpmreebiftcationc^ofpitaliematojidapub fanctum ^acinntm in co poftella ncc non pio buavum capellamm in Utt o ^pttali f unbaeionc quarum bna birid alia mulieribus t^mb&n tee ft wtttente© q> befuncti paWcti 3n omnibus Suffragite |O»cibu0. ft uiftis pto anima Concebuntutbobts littetc te(ttmonialeo«Si0tllo (T^fautaeii usillate Ct fixate ab Munto te lota Sflotario dppoftoHco deputato. Zfoino (cmmu^tCCcrCt Isss^biii. XV. WYNKYN DE WORDE 5 (81 mm.) and 2 (opening words). C^noomo £a);ton. ^^pltdt libellud* quoD €xtlx mid)i ap^ pebatut^pttutiliQ Sa;^ (leti9**ac petur^ gili opera toituts^fkitnfitttm in vxiefi; tttonaCetio p^r )^pt\hpn D^ Vdozbe* ano ijomini^f^ .ccccnonagerimoquima* Cuiud Yi^ntilab;^ in manu tim^fk put; gabtf atea fua* Uetba 1^ quauie euan'/ geltca fint C^pfiice fame ^ MtQoiite ti^ patati iSi ItteUo poffint (ic t^t p^eDictii tft TkXy lauDe xientilatozis, fie. €uiu9 in mau Kxefilab^'iD e64tbdlu9 iQepurga^ bif atea (ua .tH eQ-pfttentia^ i ozanDo « XVI. WYNKYN DE WORDE 6 (135 mm.) and 4 (head-line). ii)ept mtt atmute tree^e p ttotit iCbpfe (g Mntumff 19 tl)tpt Vbet^ hpng ti| ti)tpt hpttQ}^» batapUe (t)alt be.tl;e Vbbpcl;^ io ref^zueo to (Donuo caouine tt)at \)pa0 \]apfe ^ Deatuo? 19 f)i& kpngpo ba tapUe of ^eue9 Qj^ao tbepfaugE)t UjptI) liuctfrr. |[iDctauuo lapis i[d)i0 flone io blacke ano it ie callpo ^abplK |[Cb£ ^PBl)te Hone id j( tDpamonoia blache Etonc^^able it fe calipo it) atmp0.^\)t tjatuz ti)tiof i0:^l)&i gentplmao tbat iff ^ie cote acmuce tbat ftcme beeaptb:ourame and ttnfapnt (9 bie hpnQp& batapllc (l)all he^iD)e tt)t)pct)0 (tone Uiae ceteaupo 19 p Cb^rubpno cao\]bne p \]bae durable ^ tmfapnt io bi)^' itpngee ba tapile of t)eueo:\]bbao t\izp faug^te ^ptA^ lucifer. |[Ponu0 lapidi f[^ ibpnpnge ttont ano ie callpo (pluer I'o armpe |[Cb^ npntbe llone io callpo Carbuncle a fbpnpnge |}one.fpl uer ic ie callpo ix) armpe.Cb^ Ueatue tt)eaof io;\)pbar gentplmi p k) l)ie cote armure tbie ttottt beeaptl):(ull oougbtp gloapoue (e fbpnpnge i^ b(0 Hpngpo bataplU be (ball be.Cb^ tt)t)pcbe fid ne Uiao reteaupo it) y ^erapbpno caoUone :^ tt)a0 full oougbtp gloapoue ^ ifypttptt^c ix) \)i0 bpngeo bataplle of beueo tt)t)anne tbep fbugbte ^pti) f ucif er. f[iDf tbe opueao colouae foa tl)t feloe of cotearmurpe fpue heq \)mit\)p ano foure be^ rpall. »1^eaefie9.i]copue2e coloure foa p feloe of cote armutee j|D.\boatbP ^.ii^.rpall. QPhe.la.y]boacbp beo tt)pfe:(l3oloo ^-^"tleate fiSrutfe piumbp ^ ^pname. 2tno tbe foure rpall bet) tbpie:(6o\blp0 2(iure ^able ^ ^pluer. i6ut noVb after bia fouco of armpo tbeae be^ butbi-coloure of p Q)bpcbe.9- be^me tall ^.ii9.colouro.a5oloe ^ (pluer foa metalLVIeate:go\)blee:afui te (z fable foa colQure.2tj.be9l(eiarcl)p ^.iio.Caonlp CCbeie beg.i]c.oaoea0 of angele.D.i[eaatcl)ipe ano,im.aCMmlp XVII. WYNKYN DE WORDE 7 (103 mm.). Xccrrft I«mu9!truB?*rua tlirsilji int»uct»inct» cmplQ quo Tufho taaoe ed quot> tt}unRcare vel fuffuniisarc 3Intenmit:periniit;:mterftcit:^necat:occat. £[)cctOtt:mactat:e):tmguit:rmettuaDat ^uffocat:iugulat:funeftat:rtucfugillat ^o;ittftcac:tcuncat:Diaernunat:e);ammatq^ 4I3(la verba conuenfunttn nenificatione cul^oc verbo mterimo mia.qtf cos pomtiiroemterienioiB.emire.GPenmomiB.Ceper'i cntoie. 3nterltao ne.Oe inter <; facio./^eco as au-arc; couoniE eneco perneco aa- £t nota v neco ae:'; oiimia rua coiiipon ta faciunt pteritu in am vel in ui:vt neco ae^ui' vel neciii i fupina in a tu pel m nectu:vt nccatiini tu.vel nectu tu vt oicit i;us. ©ceo aaaui.re.oeob i ceco ceriuaf .£t^piieoccarceftcu ruftiaaranone i irationeDimilTis:srant)e6elebascet)unt:'ilisonibiistrangunt:reoponiiur pto Tanbere/recare/'! trancare:vnbe!^coccacr>quobDa inftrunientu ab per Tcmbenbu terrnni aptfi.rcut raflrQ:': conipontf occo cic occo aeti e actiuiim. cumrut0conH>oritie<^t^' C3fla nomlnafttnt einroJ fienificationiaifjec vencfica ce (anglice vvf tcbc)t tir a venenG 1 facio cts.t poted beclmare mobiUter: vcneficue a unt. CSee maeica ce-vclttiaettue a.um.l;ec lana nc.a lanio ac.a br lanna qiiafl tania: fl lamanbo Tcj pueroa. Jfabule tinsunt lainnae daufie lanme mtrare:i mfati fcscoirCvereitnnisrCiipbftcaviuosreftituerewljabct Ijominie vitltC-.tcb coipu0t)afh«p.Cl;ccraBase.ar98io6is.i'mgemorcl3liqinb facere: ijt eft laea mgeniora vel incantatrij: vel buunatrit: vnbe Ijcc faaana fiiit nomen cu luroam mcantatnne^fcb poniE mono ,p qualibet uicantatrice. gtej Caeana «._« eft genuecumnii velfcftifr JUlJCcincantatrir cis.ab incanto as-br mcitare * ¦ engUce to cncl}ai'nt:finit faciunt mag\ci. Cljcc ar: jr^puecft qucbam auis noctorna be fono voae Wctasqfi eni clamat ftrib£t;l3cc ame fc5 (my vulgo br « mare pueroe vnbe <: lac ptebere fertur narcentit)ue.i bicitiir a llnbeo bee: gnterimopcrimo ^cco /lotabile Occo Oectbd 2paao Crucibo ^uffoco ^unelcft Sugillo mottifica £jC3mu»> Genefics 3ncantatn>; zoagtca Sags XVIII. WYNKYN DE WORDE 8 (93 mm., leaded) and 9 (53 mm.). Be t)ifttattone matte. io.cMU anD(iooonaoapetDl)an tl)e bece to tl)ebp(n)op.anD t&yo c^urcl)eof fapnt^aecer ri)ol« t^acifenoeljpmt^tff;! Don ne be l)oloioeD . Co in tl)ac l)p» t^is bpD l)pm Do no mo?e to» 9l)taf07eti}asamantplll)tn . tl)eI)alo1i)pngot t^e cDurc^ grintt)etemre« Dnoertoea^ butfpngama(ret^ere.itma mrnace.$alptelbeCd;emio bea fecmoncotl^e peple c^at npgl)t cametapnt peter Ipbe t^ei map bpleue t^io. % (ot to a pplgrpm » p;apeD tlje (yO p;eue ei)e croutl) « HQyo ^piu ri;er to ret ^pm ouec cl|e tua/ go to cl)urcl)e . ano Teto ^ere ter.ft l^eOpDfo/ (tpeter toent t^e caoeUpoapkeonttjelDal to t^e cl)urcl)e.(t t^ere t^e fpC Ies . $ all tl|e cl)urcl)e toete of fljerratueagrecelpgl)t (t tlie l)Olptuater. 2lnDroot^efprec6oo bfe31ultieeleb;a( nap. JTo; H ioas Co aonpeo teanOificaciottio merie. tnptb IPSbte ano Initb meloi^ 'HT'i^ tbps oape amonge 0petbat3f mpgbtoono ma» «X.zruoutecrp(ten people nertbpng. |[Cbanfapope is fpngulerlp ino^tbPPPeo ter*c ^icte retbe in mati) oureblelTpO laop Caput ^a> Caa tbP nette in tbe fee ano rp.f o? bii^ 9t:eac mekenelTe (t 31 lupllbelpecb?* aofoo tbep lotolpopfp tarpon of bir cot tooke a greate muitptuoe of fpn ieip5abetb.tbe topf of 5a# tpflfbts^CbanneC^poepecer cbacp tbe p;;opbete$ mooer totbefp(n)er3i| amfapnt pe« tofapue3fobnbapti(t. fapnt ter tbat baue bolobieD mp ^b^romefapoe c^^utcquio cburebe tbps npgbt. 2lino to buntanis potelt Diet tottbis 6ea0retefpffbe{tfAiO!l®*FIQ.MJ» 3»l|l'UJ3)3.'OJIQllitld HiamtitJUftUfiitpu dmvumirptitfiV }(loiqo}}qii)mi»Q3) ^uoAJK] ^/onmoyut •oiiivdxpjogauqujd3(1^!^ 'euomfQtuui » oq3)C|0( 9'3iUIvw| a()i i>/g)m|Hjd'qJ'jlil KMat^auiivjdJtuiuj Q0fiQr0|(I9'3ipip}Q3| ^i3iqi|ooui s4)0(DU)gmionoQi tivriai-40joi/a)jiiul lE'»Nvq |iPUi4enuiirfM poittiiorctiiri'mo.'iitf reriainiuciiicgrtKii ftio.aiinr.i&aKriit. ^iie.CretDm.tEcne. (auctitSiieec^co**C3iFiugiii(rietinc •*^crrt rpc refpice Cuomcmefcrnpctoig CimeiniC(ll((|bli0 4 ewRtpttroiudWia gipflScrtofafHifctiSe 3ip}rircr(ofa(t<£rcfe m'sccba-rfftne.aips (rre;ct)ci , ')r9 piajYivto ' "t » ttKtoojfijmofgoOi* «Hn,»l£\ORCfo> !•;;««;< 8 etaliofutiibandeUlM itanic^etfpmtIL(3rf)P3£Emp>rntnfj AttoeRnirnftcch^iiw Mt«lfU9^9BXt* IStodlKngcin.Rp/iJi Qrm. Sliiuo Bomini. ei9.t.£.iY. Dumeiw J9tD;oKDneKfU (rcpuicbiopofltfii diaiiaromrin'o't cu:0cp:ctO!tc0fl(i fpcbtma:0ttiafl famca.3Jinc.iOi. OnccOcntcaOinfc ''bccAtcq? captluoi XXI. JULIAN NOTARY 3 (60 mm.). UrumcelidrcuftiiTo b.ecdaftia'FP'iii* Secundii axcruiam Bl^.eteii coiter fequetiii fcia metba . que tbeolojpa pboruni et fapia nolatur • uerfaf drca totit ens . et ft^nicer drc^ fbaa fegafas uc cc^ nobilio:ea ptea fut (ubiecti pmi . ^c io qi ed cca nobili nima entia . nobiliifia fda e inf oes Tdss na curalif aoinuetas , Tlobilitas em fcia;: ep no bilitatc oiif fiAiecf o;« • ejf pnmo oe aia /Ja in gfona bui' fcie cogrue pt ^ic< £i? celi « ic Cibi oefcribtf eiue tignitas ax>miraoa qncii aX> qtuo) .f. qntii a 8cdm jjbat qiiis if luen'cisi mrtuat di ioxtif cell Sicut emi celu influit in bee cna inferioza ficfcia metfca. in oes alias Tcias buanda uc pote q babec.iita fcilm « oes ah'as et ea;2 pri cq>ia pfit corn^ere n'r^a uericatis oefenoere rnita fiiitttiB . aj^nobare 1 rotoiare noima cquitattarieutinuitHft .i primo pafterio. pa;! ante illuv capftulii . DiiFidle eft atle not cere« T^circooebacrdapfftellintelligitl luo ecde . qoi^gefimo tercio . HItituOls fun Damentunipulcbritute eius fpls ceUin tiifio nt gloiie .ffCierdum ^bac eilicatta regula rfe cum rubiugif drcuftn ^ircuifqufoem itti| renoa oe oibus ueraciter fine oecqjtione . ^plurimii eificadter fine oefeccione et gene raliter finz tfceptoe . ixzo in ftgura ipfa efB ille f luutus pbifon oe qao Tticif genefi8 fecun to qd ipfe circuit omne terra eiulatb ubi naf cif 8u;z X fapientie . t aurii terre illius opti mum e ^iulad? interptaf (totious « cui^^ funt oes fcie buahe oe fe metba . ert.epta <2U3rtum nbat dus emfnentia I'^litaris dl cocluoitur ^la .l^nter oes enim fcTas buanafl idsfolapcellitet oibus pn'ndpatur * ipfa enim fola ell cui nulla alia affimulatur » Sola enim e cm' ois alia famulatur s Sola eft qui ois alia aoiniratur . ut 8T>mjratiue dicere poC fimus illu9 tripltdf prio * <2uomorD feoec fda ciuitas . p. p . tc ete feoet ut regina om mumfdarum. Cliafecun^umtoc6 nam Hft < primo pollerioru « notfda fubiecti pfupponitur toti fde / fla oe fubiecto opsztet pfuppsnere quia eft et quio e < T^cco a c m Curia 5?a ^ amcrnamSfe q: fftt angWcc ten Tome gaeeicc ;J^(eDlUi(C ^c eft qute? §1 8g amcrctam?ft6 cum qui« 5t Cagat? fugibu? Veniat ao pac§ oni rcgio fvonix 'CeCeiccnciaewe -ffUi menedUite ^ccftq? Oafeatto cnedfieartucamerciamwen ^i6 Wttt fugitiui I^Ct^CtlOtf e ^c ?q2 capiatie emcnOasaG ipfo qui corruptt naft^ra Mtrortn« Ciccncia 5Pa ChUDUJite ^* eft q? mpiatie gctfum ma &2 naewra ^cftra corrupfo g ptgnato fmc eictncia ^cffra 4o2£taQ ^c eft quictu ?? &2 amcrciamcntis ^ oaeaKte arreftatts mN tra ^m g amcrcjamcfo mOc $ucnifcta gcof ^c eft quiets ?5 oe Q^fi confuc tuomc fie &j c6i tdKagio fac? aO op? 5i ? 5ee EaKtuo^ ciu6 &K)e ft" eft quic? c§Oc oonfu€fuOmt6?:fuiCi6? qquonOj oari opnfucucrut g ao ^uc oant* ftcut ^tncgeC&e g ^ t^lio {imimf gltJaUC ^'^ «rt qutcta #n One rcj? tufieiaucrit t»ta tra fuoa^^iOao CaiuaUC ^c eft fi One rev tuGeiauertt ix>tcim fra fua ]? mruocie IDangcld ^^ ^ft quic tu ee cie quaOl confuediOtne q currtt aCiquo tempore qua qutdi oani Ceuauevut m angtta I^QinCgClDl ^^ ^ft quief effe ^ quad2 confue tuOme e$ac? £ taKia^ ^ (ota tra ftcut de qcutiq^ 6cftia cornumtti Ita^ ftajC ^c eft qutcf 55 ^ q»a02 confuctuOme e^acf m nuDmie i? mer:; cQtte a? ^6ue mnanOte ^6i ^mo ^nli ^t^Us^e ^^ ^ft quie? ef de quam oonfuefttOie e^ac? a? P^atea oip^Ei ^eC afftgnaf m nuOmie ^ met Otis ([¦ ^(^elUtnge ^c^ft qw»^f fS cuatfoc^tamcnto m atiq wP "Seeooraqut&JCMnqjoeqreEie oftenfie gno aouomf (l)lC{jetCing* ^c eft quic? 55 Oe amerciamcnfte cora quiBufcunq? in trA|uP«o5 $6ato iSurijgbteclje ^c ? qute? 5e de trangftioniB? factie m ftapSc ofiii C 'Wutt marc^ut (gngCoie :)rroie ne gaCoie ne eftraugc marcOaunt fiCo «upnoipor?aremarc^u0iree^re.dc?oi6e6fre?rur pepne oe 5te g de mcmSrc g de fbtfiiiture de Ce? matc^auOtfee g Cour 6iene et free ^ere Ce cftief f g eicnt 6? djfc^ ge € t q c^fcun marcOount «6rt gCoie jrrote g * co^ a^'g ftafitto ai« ^i C Warc^ttitt dcmiem cu eftraRge ro66e g Ee? 8tcne ?etgH cy Kft f te XXIV. JOHN LETTOU & WILLIAM DE MACHLINIA 2 (102 mm.) and i (head-line). C l^ei'c KgpHttrtSamci'uelfotto t»cttel[dciott f^at Ojae fc^OJcdi of almpg^tg goW bg fent Tflpcftolaa to a monbe of lEwBf|»amme p« t^ feaga of fepnge IRic^arOiz t^ f e^ft 2ndl t^ gtK of oBbre lordi.Q© C . Lj:/cff 3i ? CT ^a primum 13 a QQoMaHerge caUgdl ^ugffl^am ttje^e i^jao a cer ttn tons ntan tnrn^Cfl Wi H^t^fnlt fituocpon fjot^gBOjoJlcpa 3aitBte"to t^ lefe of a 09onbc t^ Dsfciic^ atoajte tlje begennpn^ of ^gs conucrfton f gtte en to a gjete andz a grcuge fefeenca aHb be tl)t fpacc of .jcs,mont^g3 Ojas fo?e (atoargb itoit^ gret f cbulnes ancn Ojcbcnes of ba&p . 2l|b |)ge ftoma^ be ab^JtBCn fo gjttlg mctc i ozpnfee t^at fum tgme bg t^ fpace of .fp. bags or mo:c ^ mpg^t rcfccpue Hoo t^gng but algtgl Ttoajme tbatB?.2«dl tb^at fnm cucKBens of Icc^ crafte o?fcfgbc aug mannc lo^s fi fucus eius bibdt* goluit etiam Pntium doloaes 7 Tt fucus eius m ok te^ neatur ; oms o^is curat pafTiones • c£t fi quis fecit bfi, rat opus bat 7 auritium • amplius fi quis oult a rege eel a Principe petere aliquib copiam 5at- etoquentie / ft fe jcum eam ^abeat 7 obtmebit quib tToMt • iDatet etia m lit^aft et bifuria fuccns eius bibitas ![¦ ja^e?ba fej;ta 3ouis / bicitur ^c}^vom /a quibuf^ bam autem alijs 3ufquiamus . ^abijc eius pofit? fu^ per bubones eos bifpe^^it 7 obfe^uat locum a p^legmo^ ne • fl quis autem eam po^taue^it ante$ panio ei fupc^^ tttmat.nun$ buboncm ^abebit t feS^C^ Ot) ^\t tgeit &ttc mofi t0e^ (edte T^nt) Qit 6e G>tte of j^oO mo|i ^tCSc (^^ 3^ (c^SetQ eo ^n^ ntang a t^gn^ ^^e to e^ fCe|c^ to Qistt Ct^gntt :gte eio^e^n; ^itBe an9 fcg)S3e Qte ^t^ft @H$ ac& @g0 tsie& ^ (c6»et fuef tee 6)tang $gt)| fblb^e dn^ ^o H )Ce &9etfbts t^^ of 6^ fae& in i^vetlt ptctC^ :gc(^$t9t£))9rott§t3tt9tmutte(«^ ^t(^« (^ut atte Oufi ^ §]2H> 6e^gae ^0 1^ feea^ 6e te txs^^ (ctuauHe j?ot 6b 6«gH^e §te fieenoge to gie ftiintlt (ge etcgtei^^^it (teen$e mang a e^gn^ t3^ fo #t^tt6i& fv^ii^ ^1^^^ &e XXVII. WILLIAM DE MACHLINIA 4 (116 mm.) and 5. Q?ej5«tteee55tt>J6|5tym Httfleo|>«c«tto ^Mfne weit rmttt6xf ut: t&fSe ^ DiCigen^ tncjutxefttt a jJ9tcfie 56tory§?0 q 5 cttufSk ^ Ifbtinnia wia gie agex«w6it iptiti m tj^ fuo / ^ m fempow )>ct^ceffom fuorum $ae t>i|ote ^igl^t 10 «g^t i»tt»tfu luT>i(itt/(5 ittffitia fhn^ (lefit /cotttitt C pGsieta tit^e g equifee m^ pofiutt t^x>% Oxi qmt9 : ®m» qm ^ tcf»mCi8^ g wu^ftSf a 6jtMfiittS ^fcaXt /IDcuqm iw^iaa c SJHt)UHt lig^t ie tti0^t (3tti tit eojangtlio <5e §3i iCft 3? que ftaK^Ctt ^Kit / 5 cS (c5 ^(u %me qui aCtoe nta& e$emp& cotrttnt))t« 0»go9 ptimo )|>afto^ ^ot «to;tiBtte ^t^t fuHt / quot 0^ (uB^itoe fuoe pct^tctoTe c^jempat tmnfmiftue 1Sa0ulp|ii9 Cufi lltittf Out^^gmti (ut confctam aCtq ^jvaua pet; f uafJone ^^ C|^emp& conu))!^ * (t (cmettpf utn (t a)5tt»ttmf^i)»^jtCite¥ nttetftctt JDttd au i^m ttt |cuk^ Dieii^ ^tmc ntqutt ^miMttm ^nhQ it 'Siue poffitfiratitir dtue ap^ ui^c tfi ^t (tc ^iuae ^ ^acct ^ue ^ (utim cj; cm^ XXVIII. WILLIAM DE MACHLINIA 5 (116 mm.) and 4. 3(nb2 fo i^^ Q?^opane ^g^tpng manCp g ^tteC^ yeTpft^O hn;^ Ibi^ftode tge grete pteeffc cf t^e ttttCee « ^(krc Ijboe tfy Vbot^ ^ipfuC J^otde / 1^ f o:8e of Wont^Cpon mpetepn of t$j met; of Bbem of fK^siee : anO 6:ot§ev to t^ CoJde mapftet • 3(nb2 ^^^ Ibere Kbpt§ ^pm manp monCp Cnpg^eee of t^ 0T0:e of a?5oi 5ee : ftttbj manp ot^et mei; of t^ cptee:of t^ Oj^pc^ tn tll^oi ctflaute anbi Batopfiee / fomme Ujete fCapne g manp Ibondeb^* 3E;6et Ojete m t^t fgOz of t^ affoute four grete Caodcte itt op utto pGaoeo ft>r to goo ^p g Oolbne to t^ tbaKee:of t§e tt»5t^ one Ujae toltoaatbi t^ 3uee ftrete . anbi Cp tOat CaOdet anb? peace t^ totfiee mme tolfen ttito t^ cptec .(^ut anon t^ CotD Wapftec oummandebj : tSat pt /^uCde 6b Cptte g puCde dotbnc 3lnb2 ^ ^pm feC/c m an ot^t pCa« 6p :0)wte ^pon t^e BbaCi: Cee ft)i^ $P6 oompanpe : g t^re t^p friug^t agapnee t^ en:: ncmpec of crpfiice fapff^z I ae manCp ae ewer Opbj f^ remap nee for t^iv cmppre ? 3(nb2 fCelbe monp torKee: anO fpnaO^p &te>i t§epm offe • (^ut t6e ;Eotde mapfter eoo fpue Ojoundce Of t^ a>0ic^ one Ibae 3u6?tte of $pe C|>/e : dut t^roe tge gta ce of ©obi m7n ^Cpe of Ceec^e g furgeone ^ li>ae fyCpeb? * 3ln0 ^ fat $pe greee man^de g itoBCe ^te to 6ob2 g to $pe otOte / t§roug$ m fK^odce Ijbae otEGebi t^ ^etp /h<§cr ano de Wour of t^ cptee g of t^ fapte of S^u crpf« , 3(„o j^^ gtete gCotpe an^ CaQpde ^ g ^pe oompanyi libtt^ aCe t$e ^g$ ipng? md;; of r)?^dee t()at fame Oape deferuebi : t^ no6Ce anO wanCp acte fi^elbeb? ^pt ? for "Spon t^ 6:oftcn tha^t^ of 02^ bee ? ftnb2 m t§e pC<<«e t^t Vo^ Oaue fag^ Itoete^i't^JufanOZ XXIX. PRINTER OF THE SIEGE OF RHODES i (138 mm.). &t^titt6,amtteK&tt af f aCee of iope attb Beiffe is f 5e paCepe anb fuf of inflrumentee anb ^ptapU 2:6c mooftbcpnttotteof aKcpta^fe l^if ozi? iitt) (tobc inflrumen tee of fucje a fou^ S5at SDzpgtte ne of 2:5e6ee ampgioui? 5Qc niabe nmiz fucge a mcCobpe at euerpcourecatijCoube mpnfltaCt^ e 2:gat neuiz ioa6 trompeb f oz to fere 5Qeptgez tfe t&omobae 5aEf fo cferc at tgeBee M^i? tfe cpte XDae 19 bonte llacSue tit yx>j^nt tfen) fSenbttg acee a6onte anb Senue CougS l^po? euetp tt)i00t jFoz^anuarp U)ae Becomes Qez hn^fjSt anb IDoCbe 6otfe affaj^ei? ^id cozage ifi? ei6ettpr ae ebe it} mariage anb IDitl &z f tre6ronbe it) fez gonbe a6onf e t)mnfiti Bifoit) tgc 6rpbe anb aCfe tfe route anb certapnfp 9 ^^ n)eee fap? tigfe t^ie ptnenpue tgat gob of IDebbpng te iSal^e nmiz it) fee tpf fo merp a ^tbbtb m&t) fytbe tion tip pea jfe tgon poete marciap &fLt Ibrtteft Be tgat itht a IDebbing merp JDf fez pfeMogpe anb of fe'tij mercurpe anb of fongee tgat tfe mnfee fong Eo f macee ie 6otfe penne anb ehe tong f 02 to bifcrpuei? of tfe'e mariage Mat) ttnbxt poutfegabbe Ibebbeb flonppngage 2:fere ie fmfe mprtfe f gat it map nat 6e tbritei? aflap pottrc fcCne anb tiaf) map pt Voptttt} Pf tgat 9 ^acbe oz none it) tiie matere £$ap tiat fittpti TDit? fo 6enpgnec5erc i5ez f 0 6e goebei? it femetg a fa j>rpc ©nene fefler fobcb ntniz Uti fnc^e at? tpt XXX. RICHARD PYNSON i (120 mm.). ar^e pttfom xaCe 6owtfeof(0el)oofpg0oof?. floVi fjat^ tnatyte ttbo fpprce ttiat 16 to fayc i^orbptiee of ^rrte ritte.ttof^ic0ci6 tfjc fjatbyme off t6cbeM)>f X^ttfof^crfppreofmjj ttj>e 16 tto^ftt) a mtfp VParrj>t9 apenfi (routl) Y))6at) t^af $e Yboote tf^at His troiit^. ^ttb36eU)6t5 tBe^raa tfjat ^obdatf^yate to ^|>e ne}>^60our. ?lnb of t6w w mupe £etf ea tljf)>nnet$atitnc ^at^ fomme l>e^ (ytdt) (jyti) (aueonSy enwpet^at euer M m ^rm f<^f ceeofenu](x Bejj^ferCereteftr/l foiovtfeofo^ tfjer mmnye goobnce.?inb of ^er :iiff p(tyt( oiig^t to 6e ^ynbty mater o^ iope XfihK ie muy€ a fynnc ayenfl ^ynbe x^c fefonbefppreof euitpc te 3o}>eof ot6et mennii>e0arme. ©ft^tefeconbffpprecometO 0ar6p tyn^ 01 bdxadiot) tf^at f^att) ttbo fpi cee ae (0«e ^oit) met) p:cj>fe ^er nej>g66ottr By Vtyt&eb enttnf e . jfot $e maM aftbap a Viyc^eb 9inotte at tfjc faff mbc ofttoap ^e ma Ket^ But tfiat te ft^ne of mou; Bfame t^S tbozt^te af (9epiepfpng.3D6cfwonb fp)>ce te tffat a mat) Be goob onb bo mb fayi a t^yn$ to goob mtmte. Z$e6ac6j>terYbpftomeaft$( goob nee 6p foo bout) to $(e f^retbbe en ^ tentc Xfjc t^trb te to amenufe tf^c Bouute of Qte nepg^Bour .2^e four tfjt fppce of BacBptpng te t^te tfjat if tmt)fp€iit$cbneBofamat)Ui€ Bac Bpter tbpf fape.perfap ^ef te fwfft a ma»)lBettet tf^at) ^e ti) bpfprepfpnge of^pmt^utmcijprapfe. iLf^fyftfjc isto fonfente gifabfpto ^erBnc tfje fjotmc tf^at met) fpe^»> of ot^e r fof^ ^cx^te fynmie fu(^tetc ano Bp fttcrefpt^ after tf^e Xoyc^cb entmteof tiie BacBpter. lifter Bar Bpf j>ng coji tnytf^ grutc^png o! mwmuraunte "^nb fomtyme it fprpngct^ opmfia rjvnce aymflciob onb fomtym(aye^ nfiema»).^j>enf? gob te TD^ai) a mit gmtc^ptl) agapnftt^epepneof 9e(lfc 02 apenff pouerte otfoffe of catef ot oyenfl rapt) ot tempefi .oz effpe gntt (f}et tifat fi^retPee fjow pu)fperpre .ot effpe tfjat gobe met) fjoue abucvfyte ^nb affe tfiyfe ti^yn^es f^ofb wei^ fitffrepacicntfp. fott(fcycoma}By t^c rtg^tfuf jRitgement anb oibpnaii ce of gob ^omme tyme romet^ gtttt tfjyn^of auatyce aejutae gratis c^pb aymfl (39agbafene tb^at) fi^e a nopmebt^egebe of owr foibe 3^eftt £tyfl Voytti ffet pjerpowe oynement TEfjie manet ofmuvmm ie fttc^e ae vtff^at) met) grtitr^CDof goobnee. off tfjat met) 6em feff booi).o: ti^at otfjet fofge boot) of 0er ot»ei) catef: J>omtpme comet? mwrmwr of prp^ beao xotjat) J>pmot) t6e pfiarpfee grwtfl^pbapmfJ mag,ba(etK vofjat} f^copptoc^pb to jB^efw £rpf?e, XXXI. RICHARD PYNSON 2 (loi mm.). Seneca notntnum « ruIgao.cjnoD cttam mafcuKitJi eft. lL8d teroeSi (n vs finita: ter.runt oeclmtSig. ct amitttnt v h ffSt l\int neutra.vt \foc mums inunerte.Iepu8 tii marcudnu ed. vetu« omnis e(l gencrfcSt vero v l^abcont in gtoret crefcancrunif emi nina.vt t^ecfolue ralut{s.interot0/et mns marcokna rimt.cru8/tu« et tl^8 neutra Uguo/etfus cSmnnia. lE^e quarteSi quar. Tunt oed(natiom8:marcuUnarunt. vt l^ic vifua £icctpimu8 nou2 feminina:l?ec acu8/aiiU8/it>U8/tribU8/nuru9/ (• crue/Domu8/manu8/ct poiticus. ^Ud.^n au8 tnpbtl^ongon f!nita:Feminfiia funt.vt ipec f raus. C^H littera terminatarfunt feminina. vt l^c ftUt- aoiecttua ois runt generis, vt aubajc/ migaploquar/ rapac/ pzocar/ fattaxi pf rtinaici minar/concnnac/panucar/optfeje/art(fei»aunfeic/penir/feluplepet buturmot>i.feroje/pemoK/artroptru)e/ et plura. Se liqua phirium rpUabarom nomtna (nifl (bit Fetue terre) fl e ante le l7abeattt:m3rcuU'narunt.vt l^ic codec/et pdler/reneK: quoo ettant feminino genere CibuUua enunciauit.9mber tncertigenerfe re« peritur: 9$ vertus Fenifnino Dfo'tur.l^mer marculCnnm eft ge^ nus. Catullus tamen femfnino pzotuUt genere. ftbis vero Ipec funt fem(nina:rupeUe)c.pelle»:. vtbe^E.obel^(quo& telleSeruio) re ctiuo efl niarculinum)foifeit foipeicrameit.carejr. fllejccoztejc: que buo etiam marculini genen's reperiontur. f uuenaUs. Siticcmqy eonturft atrum.et SirgUfus.Stabat acuta fTlei:«99cm in feptimo* £taptust>eruberecotter.CtinbuccoUd8.ZiLpl7etont(at)e8murCO cfrcfioat amare.Co:t{ci8.f omi jc autZtl?otat/re)c/g:ei:/calir/dliic et catie p taw et natrix rerpentis appellatiuum maf culf na funt. X,ucanu0.£t tratrd: violatoi aque.Cctoie quocp nauts appelladuS maroilinum eft.SiarOQn(ie:(ncerti generis repcrftur. ^uuenalis. Conbucta agebot rarbontee.£t {nrecunbo.&enn rabiant telhit>l« ne tota Sarbonf ces. ©up/eirier/et conlunie cSmunfa funt.aerbao Ua (n tric/que ven'fir.a mafcuUnis fn oz/feminina ffit.ct babet nea tra fn numero pIuraU'.vt cultrteia/ animalia.Uucanus. ColU'te ii Ptloem.vfctricfa toUfte figna. CS Mttera belTnentfa/ confonantc ptececente: f eminfnafiinf.vtlje* pars/bec fUrperquob pJo trunco arboiia mafculinum efl Serobo mafcuUno genere magis vtimur.Bcdoenrfa tamen omnfs gene* ris Tunt.vt p!u^e^s/ttlops/(nro^a/elcper6/9mane/tcgens.71^a^CI» Ifna fiitrmonB/pona/fons/Oens/toirens/qufcCB/triens/ qua»ran» ct ceteta ab vnda/et afTe &coucta.a»be ctfepsferpentts appella* p°uum.S^eanu8.@etinficnsreps.Scb poU'ffUabafn pamarnjlf* na funtvt maneeps/abeps/ct fotccps fnccrtf generis reperiuntur Ibecautem commtinfa fut»tMron9.efffon8.p8rcn0.tnfaiJ6.pilB# XXXII. RICHARD PYNSON 3 (64 mm.) and 7. •T coe ler faluc que marcT^antej aU«is poiit fuer bur pleintc3iquerel]cribn oetreTpas coeoautereocinjie ftaple ou al coe leftc.faluc auicint que Ie meire oele« ftaple eit poair oe ptendF cenuF oc quccomc; cfon lu 'S.trrei.eiiLcaM, CWar^ant engloie ne carfe mard?andire be Iefla# pleboze Du roralme Tur peyii oe fbvoesnicfs.Q.jcltil £.ii(.ca.i.ZVermeIeflatut£lemoItfkomeauterecfla Cites oeuamidco ride. CTLcftaplc faiit remoeue oe m^ddelburgb a caleire* S-ni.£t.ca.Tlt{mo. CL^outc) officers t mtniflers be leftaple foi et (urre) encl^efjlieuouleflaplecfl pzimeremetal roy ipuia aleflaple.a.]tf{ii.».ca.ii. ClAuI marcl7aHdire bcleflapIeMt mefnc p bela tan q^UroCtpmiranftpoztealeflapUrurperfibe fbvoet mord^andire (Dne rob c licence lerof fbifpzlseceujr qutront fbzrpzire6.B.a.B .(i.ca .iii. en niarcbantee % Sif.!l7.v.flatuto.((.ca.vlt{mo.en Icrnesficome efl l3 reberce pluis a target que d^efc qui carie tteU mar# ct^aoiTee l^oze bu rof alme troua ruertye as cufhimeri que il les ameTncra a leftaple t c.£odem capitulo. ILlLenn'er repaire be5 mard^Idif be Idlaple 1 0fCtS t)pn f ffant oengUterre birlande 7 galee foCt a caleys fur peyne oe fozfiiiturebel value tLflnon que (I eit licence 4£.fbzfpzi6 ales stfes be YPeft que efl fbzfpzfs itii.t que nuUlicenccroitgrafit a cotrarie crccpt pur lerns pealxlauntee f quiersbe nozri?uniberlond tt)eflmer londe £umberIonde i lenerci^reoe^url^amraluele pzerogatif te roy i fllseOtipp auters \ayne fur colour XXXIII. RICHARD PYNSON 3* (64 mm.). SDfiotppotttmt C^fgof^pouerfie. C§efit/lecgaptre. hueeipanperobni|auerne(ibi:l9trin(/k^operatozefl:Dtie ipzouerbi. jcjcii. CJefe dtt) t§c Ibozbee bf ^afo mot) t^ie moc§e to fap I engftff§ C$e r^cpe atth t§e pott ttitttc to t^emfeff/tpefozbeiolbozcferof eutrettger'^gie tt^tt Xbozfgtp^ fulffej&ebee^polbnetp t^ue* 3 t(c$e mai> io ttat to 6e tbozf^ip^ ptb foztgio caufeonfjptpat ge id rtcpe/ ne a pott mat) ie to Be bif^ ppfeb*6icaufe of pie ponettpe* 6ut tgeibechof^obio to 6eQ}oz fgipppbiotgem 6ot?e/foz tftp 6ot$e6eei)mabe tot^t pmaqe^ (ttotgefpknefTeof^ob. ^ttba^ itiotbritei^. ;^apiencie. Dii. ca* ^»te maner of erttrtrt^ into t^io Kbozftte/ attb a tike matter of out ^^hptt^ f to t^ie KbrecgibUbozfb iB to atit met) 6otg ricge atih pof w: jFoz 6otgeric0e anb pott to^ mei) Ito t^io Iboifbe nahpb artb poze/tbeppn^ anh Ibeifpn^e/ot BotfetfepKbenbei? Bcnonabpb tfeit tpnpni^to it) t^o IftJOifbe ii> manp tjitttjeo 6eei? fuf Snfpbe iPoztge ric6emai> a8oilbetgii> itefoute<(of6 artbfifuer/aotjec (^tSeffeo l^e gatg §onoure gret^ anb ertgfp befifceo/ibfere f Be po^ re creature fpuetg it) grete penu/ rp. anb fozlbantpttg of rtcgeffe^ fuffcetg coH^eartb puttger/oitb ioofttit) tiipptt. paupez. 3 egatati)apo2ecaptpf fpmpfed tpttt (tt Bp.6i§orb|^rtgetgepzo/ fperife of t§ttt}t§at dttt) rtcge. attbt^tbiftftt^at Jfuffct attb otgerpoze mtt) ftbeSnto me an) manp a tpmt flttpb to gtutcge* ortb to Be Iberp of mp fpf. 1£>ut t^anntt^ntt) to mp mpnbt t§c tb ozbeo of ;^aromot) Btfozere^ gerrpb/golbetgefozbe mabt ao VDtttt§tpottaot§tti€^c Znb tgerto 3loB tbitneffitg/tgatnoo t|tngeii) ertge to mabelbttfou^ fei>caure.3IobU. 'C0atme 31 fnppoft Ibttgtf^mp fttf/ t^at Bp f ge pttttp homto of gob t^at Be to me Sntittolbe))/ it to to me ^^ fitaBfe to Be pott, fot ttJefe 3 ibotetgatgob iono npgarbeof gio gtffeo. Ibat ae ti^t apofttt fapt^Moih* Siii.^0 tgert) tgat dttt) ciofet) of gob affe tgtngee XOncBct) to gpbce into gbbe. Unb fo fitgei) 1 truff e tgcougge tgegobeneo of gob coBeoot)of gio cgofei)/ 3! cai) nat bemeBuC tmtottititieqobtto Be poze» 0»ozeottirfeitit poutt^u'Z.Bp mot9^^'^umitttmt)tUe matter (^tp t^at U)pffe ot befire f o Be mabericgef affe into ttmptati-^ oDdintotgefnareoftge bttxpt na XXXIV. RICHARD PYNSON 4 (114 mm.) and 5 (114 mm.). ^fytnttmU^imoixpoptiat JtC%.bno bno 3 neigfa cantu •arienCt arcfjteptfcopo toci^an^ $Ue pzimati ^ apltcc febis le^ gato ac ei^ benta ce^cs pfens cd^ (ittuctonu op^ tnCpeccnrts tat; cbarb^ ^^nfon circa bre^p utn cialts^Sttuconu bcra atq^oz^ nata ipzeflfura bebttu obfetju locoralutt0» 26onari( mmciu l)oitamentts tftigatrijc abdu^ DenDubttUtat^t Dictts^atcuct Dibnefecatiset bolumusmag nttubieetpoDoiofitatetencl^e:: rebton CeutibzumanuulecoUe gere acaeui a tttulo ttu mbiica a xxxv. RICHARD PYNSON 6 (114 mm.). etmabtl^ftn Rlf abottbc Sbntuerfas/^goot^ nat inati3lnDaIfucbmenbe to^euebutfleet^/Dequo t^e beep confelToucs of brpfape.£luifuttfttibc ccpS/ If tl)cp pecfeuer t^c nubes boISt.beri ceUgto rettt.31nDt^erfo?QODal ft obcotetes.iLpftefto p^ mps^tpCant.b.fpeUtt^ ert^tefccir^eD\t)tt^ god tntol^ts obcDtmtlouet;/ Ip^tepiacton/^natoppO SBtlectUB me^tnt^i $ ego feo bp cacnaUe Defpi;cs« (IU .3Deus.f f facte ac ft to butfteet^ tbit^ tt^o tbpti tauter eet cti obeotentta. gee^one of obeotece ano^ q; obeDtetfa totaltter eS t^ec of c^arptc bnto t^e tntUo.bictt.tt.ber'^obeDf throne of almpg^tp goo enceilUiD ao coma, rtttf. €>beDpence 10 t^e fprfte l^ettto nrm ftbf btutt. Doughter of l^umiUte/ cp (Cl^ecfo^e f att^ fatnt gre g^t as tbe ;pP7e vbpU of a go;p/ (ftbebeobebtetbn tnan^ folotpctl^tt/ist^e to ouc^eDes/goots obe^ fpcftooug^tecof p?pDe. Dpent bnto oue ptapecs^ 3ln obeopent celpgpouB 3nD faint ^DuQen be o0 man as fapnte ^cegocp bus monac^o^ fat tbe/ ff f at tb bat^ euer tbe bicto Conec ts ^ecbe t^e p?apec cp as it ts toctten Ainecb. of an obebpent man tba icbiL^eUo? cK 4 oftatu? t^e p;apec of .r*^.! nobe ato fuo/ejcpugnatoje bc^ Diet tnen. ^anp Doagl) biu.3 Ipon 0? otbec tbpl/ tecs of almpgl)tp gob/^ oebeftps oncmap ouec^ tstofapil^cuesljauega^ come anotbec/ but one bceb gcete cpcbes of tne^ map nat ouercome ^pm cptesto p Vefuce of gob filf as man map.Cbec^ 29ut obeDtete/ fuegcetfa to?e fapt^ S)tncca. iSlui xxxvi. RICHARD PYNSON 7 (95 mm.). Jbmtfftttif of (}i0 $uy0io anone Cati}tenitpn9e^iaube (o ffotte ^nb yet fot aflf (Qe tboitnbed fje Qabbe, S^ftSfeytt) afri^e Viaenat abta^ fieuMfitUe (je wieu) %teatt bonte foitfjty Befettetiytt) (ttf a6ou(e. C^ep $aue Qetaube many a Snocife. £)ff t ^caube fiabbe fo O10 ffocicr 3lf t^ep 5ab (jym tffetc tbffl C^ey tbofbe ^iie mette $ytf) U)]^ (0^ ^ft Ci^ere Voae a fumBotbe ean) futtnttt $eraube fmote fjyn) vtytfj Qatbp djerc. ^:i^t fjt^ fjebc ftayt of f uff n0* Qetaube fau0 fafl a pti0 C^af $t0 fu)etbe 6iale u) (jie f^ef 62 ]&ftt (0 no mat} fje tbofbe fjytt) ye[be» toibe quob Qerattbe xo^at fW % bo ttoVf€ £^e to befenbe 3! tbote nat Qotbe 31 fttmBatbe to^f $ptt> 6p tQe 6ief{ pef be t9e 0e faybe t^ou feef! t^p pteff • i^etabe ftneff ijyn} v^ytfj fjia $onbf . ^at ije fed btbe bourne ot) (Qe fh;onbe llye ($ere f|e fapbe eupOT mote t^on t^e 5fo! mpfptefi f^oft tf^ou ntuet 0e 31 $ny0 can} fonfjvtfft^ fjatby cQete C^at QM10 of fraunce of montebece* IbpitQ bufe ottot} $e ttiae fefe 3nb of ^10 cottnffKe t^ec^f ^eube Qe faybe pefbe (Qeto me. J2of^a(i}($at}fW3l^r^e. XXXVII. RICHARD PYNSON 2, with capitals from 7. tii efle ree^UaUmbiO *tA fenietipfum ejefnamuttf^atnamlTecui aixiipies'm finri UtuDme t^mtnttm factus'ai^abitu vepet; tus vt |)omo*factu6 efl oU^^tentf v[(\j ad mottenfmotfaztn aufxm ccuas Pttia etgo iUe magnus magtflreti ef);«iennam <)ue pijs a (tifpec ta moite feeitatiOa efl.2>ocutt ipfe pto i>ae pcttis moitenbo (evunvi SbtO fbitaffe tet; ceatui: ah^nis m |)uiufcemoOi Ooctcttia tfi ^uem paulo ante cum Oeo patre t>i]e tmtisfempitetinum ac de eius fitbflrancia efle ptogemtiim«4uemc}^ r^gno .etecitita teomageflate'vntim cum patce effe doeii tmus'tiuc de etus moste tcactamus.f^ no U> tei!ceat:ts o fidelis audito: paulo pofl tfliim (]uem audts mosttium > cutfnm tm moitalem \)idebt8 AVozs emm ab eo mots tem fpoUatam fttfciptt flam faccameti tum iUud fufcrpte cams c)uod fupei; ejs pofuimus i^nne ^abuit catifam vt diuma fitij ^'ittus.vetitt (^umantts Quidam ^abi tu bumane cat!ttis obtectus et Rent apof tolas paulus ante ^\p\t {)abitu t«peiH:fi0 vt fyomo ptsmetpem mnnbi muitave pofTit XXXVIII. PR. OF EXPOSITIO S. HIERONYMI [TH. ROOD?] i (97 mm.; f! 8iAt p[iue«aia tim folu eft ftm'et fiti^ca Agit ttafum ff ^ aima e tS ott^qtto e tllub qS fit ^ ftc aid e |i tn'0 £ f>«ma« films qutOe qt j^mtta ei^agit ttftittra*f0^ma aut t\t e ptt l^mt qtio e|l ipm ataiu iDemte tn St ^isto«onait $ aia e tliu9 vH efl mottts m audib; ^ ftc {i$ tS tte effiarfts*^ pmo ^c fatit*femdi temotietqnda obiettione ibi* ^on oib^at (S^tiatnetjjoabpmtiSt tp aia e ra ^ttee t)tt ^ motns tot pvdo aiatt-m'c[;if etti |j| q$ ^ fe ma ueat^m lom mft ab aia iDe'mbs m dt0t oib| aiit* temoutt qnOa obtetf $tte«Ocm eft eiit q; aia eft ea motuo (o(alt0*poffj aiit altqeftc tbittte motne lotalis n9 e ht oib^ aiaiibf t)t dcrit e |tf ^ ita ninlcp aia ti$ fit vm'tifalitet cS mot^ ^H fyit ctiQ^tpfitis cp tictt ht o&j aia iib^ tx\ meHb^ n$ ht(it t|le mot^ lotaiie nee piff tia mottua tali mo^ tn tit aiaiib) hteft motus qui f al tetatto oti^moftte ca efl al9*^en tiee eiii e|l queda altetac6 q qutOg ttS me(t Mtfil jjittib^ aiam qt mcjjif fentit q$ no ^j aiam«aia eita f mo itto au^mentt ^ leccemett oti^ cS eft (\t mcjiil pafif teei«mettim txi aujjmetat pjiifite tnft alat* aiit at mj^\\ qd n$ 9imt vita ^ ata*atma et0o efl ra augmentt ^ teceementt H^ofandii e(l tp p^uo p \ftt mba vult bee ^ aia eft ca tciplitte mo^ itis ft) motue lotalis ^ uiotn^ al^ tem(6i6 ^ motne qtti ejt au^iiit^ XXXIX. THEODORIC ROOD (!I1I#P ^ttp^Sdiil^i^quS al4 Vt^ aia ejt ca m teplld ^i nets mufe et cp opa que|)ft9imta patSaa txgtititain fmt ab aia qttis ab ea efl attjjmeftiw in pte ifla fm a^bat p|)i(0 9i(ta quo^9a qitt otflS ^c ettauetiit ^ duo fadt ^m duos ctwcce quo6 fw^bat»fcmda ibi» 30M atif qtttbt)fda*pttma po i euae pfe6.qi ^mo itmtf ipe e*to« fetuto iwybat ibt»jfecq^ elit I (tit fttm @d enilenda ^mt nofandii tp dupleic ejl foMa*efl eitt queda fo^ma nS vitolts filatt e fbima ele* menti ^ ab jiae fbma spttitit mo ^ ttte ftiefttm ^ ti^oifti qui n6 I mo^ tus oifali0*ab (lac tiit fdtma ^ em pedicle efl au^^mentQ^'lii^o au^iit ts efl m t>tuentjb^ qt 0t9attia mo ^ ntbxt tsfuftm pint p) ht piafte q nttttSt taditt0 tso^flim ^ |itc mo^ tu0 efl a ^tomt&tt tecee que efl i spoftfiotte plante^au^Huc etia mp uenoa ht futftim ftcut p j ht eamis planiia:^ et ^c efl p natnea i0nt0 qttt eemanet vittuaitiec ht miicte* Qiiia efl fd^ma vifalto ^ ab [lac ^ pp efl auj^mentit et Zsceemeni3 m t)tuenttbu0 et non a fb^ma ele a mentt fiaiiptfuit (Bmpmtleo m jMO eetoeem teatat pfiiis ht iitfe^ la dicens cp (i^mpedjcies tiott bme dijcitdids^Auimeuium acodit plantts e]c^tmaelemefi(t«S)tjcit emm ^ planfie ntttttitfte iddiitii I (loo mm.) and 2 (200 mm.). 9C]fty fop ot men fay twp fen lO a Itiffce fi^tum c(na^m tnmot eji attiats^ ICen fflp t^ b)>n9 finall com |)p0:t». ^tunt tegem ^uc eflc tjcndititint Or^p fep bpnge sie;;anOee (6quecpo aU t;e tootloe A^atna e aUjcanO^u tege toti'i cibem fub^ 3l>atte fufftjrb ot latt ^ym ^aUe all I;t0 wpU* 0iut animutn vt ejcpUtet fuum 3lf ^ efpp tbat ) go ab»ute to btfcep^ j^tin ) am (o(le tDtaclp. ^i fenfcri't qutc$ nte faliacie ^onacl p^ teo fun^t^e . QCIt^u ttm|l voebd a wifi to dap dOpcf tibi Ottecn^d e ^odtc mqtiif « ^towpfl oe voenpfl t^u t^at ) cdu^x fprae onp t»Ot0l ^STefen mc ^bii t^Uti po^tffe ptoloqut 1»ol9c 0000 31 {^abb known it be fctse 30tmam ib vtfhffetn ptiu^ ^ am (btp ot fynp of l^ie Oape C^ t?oc (blltctiue fum Die 'l^cc &tee me multum foUidtat Q^t)i0 ooa t^pn^e j bnoto we le fjpt i^atj^ Ocjet»)^d t^at ^i^ttf|;Ht»j^«ttliebpttppe n 119 XL. THEODORIC ROOD 3 (88 mm.) and 4 (115 mm.). ct qt tftlt0 oedtnado nee ei tuee nee oe a>tt futlubine ap^bat ($t ai jpoc bco ocot. 1lo . jin.g antjpomu0 tx buttio bco (.ti).S$ebl!o tn (oU.e.c.bidt ql$ no t>ioeC bona fepaconiet pb di mtet mitiotee x>fttteat (Jt iOjo f m eii nwliue efl bittnbii qS (»c ai te^tU0 ibite lo ^uitmbilimctcJlCicbieieetg) opinio |?o(l» infeUtgi pt »ta *t ftj m genceali tclcbtacoe Otbmu ^ma tonfuta no 0e6 m altje quatuoa in apto pt tfi coS eie ait inc^acSncm miffe iciebnacoiootbinu ^nate djttei (St ftc pi ht teUigi opinio ^lo »n coU,Sh>J) nuquib cunt i?no ee mioetb} cebmib} poffit eice pfcne eo5 bte £>fetti o^do fubdiaconatue ^fl.^ jllo.an ^ de eo 4 fiicfiUe otbmes «cdpit e.Cit lb* bidit plane qS no quib) ocot.^o.tn toU.Ot (to c.iij.Oe iemp.d($.Ctcoclu5tt^o.ifuni ma ;9f«f.ii.i^.ti.;:;:tj«q«;eii].(!Bt xfiik (poe (ea tt0 oedfum m cCii ^.t)bi e«iictu p) e;e tvi bu0 petmoq^eedpieniiotbmefubdiaoona iu0 di mhtoee otbitie %cfi die impuiat teme Ht9i0 ^eoindoqtetue tftt^ne magnueet tttultU0 effe mdicat^eedo c)t ab e^eoicone tedimofufcepfifufpenbiiotibip} JCtttn* rieSiiiJ'Set.l&atta tttO*i.abfq) fcandab 3fleticrftiaq*w«i?«^q»»fiaiU«fim tedpi ttne,Cflnblttfltt r« btio »na ©io? « poflca duo flUa^eO jpec qU pic 8idt no efl ce neatf fieatefcapodue Oe ^neflafe @tmttl ^Jt bac Im p) ^ (latueno no tutencebat ptpibeise » iaxic dlloern 4n ««fi^ mmotco otbhteepf fint tjni pfotlc toti bie ofctti K)ttlSftt:i ttstta iaiie( fq ^otdmaiuo fciac ctaeehu teUijetc lOtlbttce fcj tpe «bmacoi0 ^Itl f truatttnt; 5 cpm «l aliii 8» manbato fito ^Dtftitlttae OtiaittU qui babet ;;:o.bi.e Icdiff ttmnQ tjt holptta iitateamatenti^o ntxd Bt noliitate dei rcflmrat ^ettmua ettntfatxendanwc^ rerent ^ndetimua ut tatitate amtcta et tnntmttte toiata <5>mnca tini o^ detant Deitm de ttt htta b^emtec tntt^ tnxit Iriltcet nt tt^ tleCxam dxlx^erent ^acetrdotea bono^a ttnt <^t atlidne aO oetbumdexconxteni rent* XLII, THEODORIC ROOD 6 (115 mm.). g^ijuftmi jQocti 3(n&e (ug UTuCCianie e&sfitictje a nxc8ie SfoA civ ti) fua faotn^irftma iSlci^iica inapii $oim(st Z\ki£uQi ' (Ke^nn9 jam^u^ o p^mtp cmbb eaonj ?ifet6ffu8 pfuaf?: fitn) aentu ftttett) qutpiati) '»} diotnio nomiCCa afitpifci: fi &$ fctun) otqt etu^eo^t (cdadie ^ftisia op6ma fl6i qirifq^ rmitendutii ^}ftie(U. (YTt9) cm qiri ttiia9 1 (Sioettinie tlettione^iffldie fit: not) effe M) ^otnao a otmdts a cDptofne! roftnC . O'lanj a ^andioja etc En^ cwfectoftipft (^ anbuisiiiniia inatCd fiati(:n«c«fre eft . Jlacfi fttna tgot* tnft^t Stcttonie %6»mino:quett} cSbquttiae )aant« mt neoa^ptCCaiRRtijiiaucoontiotaaoi digna irifa runt;qui6) fl nstem* roJCjonutt) fetmonstt) afp«tnati: ft) cCbqueteti) omaotie ^(orrni? accif teniue.9; eamn) iO n) f mie qinft^ odmonen^us fie:quQt> rcifbt tiSgeaifim? a niBstrts MCitea JfaSius Qutti^Samie ie o»ach|9 incaS; dtcots (ofii«irit» (Yl«<{) cititt) Cegits fft ondiiK quota Kfo A mtntiinSiG m»^\ta(s epnftidu6s: nic coga6omb; u< liett) biaft,i! iRcU&Sifctad ^cte fiii iffo poapOt.S; ret it) fto&tie:pic6tn3:^S maAs: oBMnfqt : in e{»02ncnia §( rata tEbquenAoi oaon« p&nniu (c^ ^lows ae CenuftoAa $i6\r( riantdra . TLttfK quob bia fo&C: caucb] i fentnbu^iCCubsf^aneeoMimaznoQffiuCCo biornbt;fi fitnf>:6efii cm^ viscaAic Qec tgidit &i9 pmo fit eommutatom roaneMAeq) : ^uaaubitoniii) outcs tiot) biffidCCime iu^cci. Q^oc 3 taHo ftttntneto f fnuoa Miiiot«e fcnEatt) artticc fttairiffitm: que afi tioi) ftp: not pQi nmutt) 6am« ^ije mccniSj fetuonta ASi etutit 3) iotq ncftB inftiAt 6° jwfRAjt e6)qui) ^mneet oonuecfo f>o9. leAtnAtt otbine: Gae (^it)«n) Socio flfnca-ms e(&ibe.3CCi.o>Cn.Siei«D ^miSont XLIII. ST. ALBANS i (89 mm.). f« tfe ^itqpwn^nc^ of ^ ptra . Qtn^ ftf fet 5)t idkcitttoe !26ati |»«^ etic^faffc ()et 2ttu)tg;ct3[ l^&uc f^snfbm ma^fum fo fU tt^pte fum fof t« th? CeU ^^f ot) tip Queues : at ih '^utta (cimc to f U ^ ^o^eo\z an^ fun) ^% tfy bUtcUe bttte aitotli^ ti^mfH: . CC '^l^sISo^colt t0 combtoue fo fU r bt tf ti)€2 k cmfte . t^t fotc!S^ ^c cottie fo alSSo^ o/i aquec^ of bitfi^uc-cctfe T^oVota ^aixlKtDbWc m fo a tee anO bete t^ burgee ^ an^ tf an]? ^o ^coh oxifz f b ^ttt be fute t(^e»of . Cu ^Q ntoft fttft make ^tt to a foDbU ng . aa %nt ."intXTg tpp • Ct}oume C^aunDon • Crepe • £nneVdeD * XLIV. ST. ALBANS 2 (124 mm.) and 4 (140 mm.). Mpozestobtttto^ottit (t mAlebistt alt^e p^ SeocSattit (ytecmie.pii;, 3am fiUa vacsueUe btcclxkt t ozoe ftia.tttcu & cu fitnoze tuo tto cii Ubt'bine ttiea gfotifi ftifri^e.tbo.i^ &i}oit 32cl9 i^i tl^obt'e tuniaztit eo8 ^ t6!t gittosf tin) fufctpttit ut ceti a f« cepell^f (i ftte Ubt&t i6ct nat cant ftcut eq9 (i mutusitgctbet cemoniii fug eo$ pote rtate.'^^btc.07i. 'C^bias ^ma ttocte q tbuct^ e ob O)2?02e:^s6t fu8 e O^sine dicens :ruc(9 .t^bte.O)i Suramta (|^ fc^batfiOs matttmontf :mot6(^ ;bu$ Ofe f«ne3 odiu^t'cttte^ iamele UM6k« S(t}i.;oit'i. 3a(ua6o« noftet nupfue itetfuit (t^ nouo tniasuto Ceoo^t Qfob^nie.tt. j^etoocs malcbu^ttfSie Oj^otSi^c? fuiti^tlo bctntie bapt(f(3 {)ccoUacct.intbt.i2?.ttiata.(k)t. (SiucDcn^b; iuOet'e ft I; bot ^nttttfcce C^^oosS qcuii q; <]o c3 :tnOtt ^m . q& C«9 gt'ttnstt ^mo tto fi^ei^* ^atbi. jot's Qftttet tUoe 4 ^ oenS tnQsn'ii (bocftft funt.^m fauit f« ^nj Oice9:(y);^o«e^U3oitjECH(e.5tist'.<^jo q p; gp nimis tmox tttuUeos utcii tetmbtt a^Hiinie iPctutus.i.ob ootintbo6*0'ti'<^i^**tii(t{et y6tiif((t fe»} 00(^10 fili no b; : fe : tbat ba^e ft?>ng manfl^all flee an abber mu^yt coine to ^oli^ cl^trcbe:^ bobel^ : tl^enne tnocije tnore tt talteairbe0oftbep?efte0b5be0 fleetly t^etmgtbeoft^eolbeab anbt^^t(eontbetDo?be0tDeU berf'tetijefebeofi^ellettliatco tl^atbefat>tbouerii>ourel^ebe0 tnetoeuet'n parab^fetlvftene- £0entetobo(i]3 etnt0e0ettnct fleofanabbert^ t^pteb l^erto nergrcttertert0) !^awetn?>nbc glotoni^etbajneg^o^^t^cotte- tnan of ain^e0 tbat tbou artco trleifltgbtlb^efenbecotneto tneof^eto a(n)C0tboufbaUto? crtfte int^feenelfeofatnantleft ne ayen.Cl^entte ben tbere by- b^ bab-be ftnotden.3nb tepteb uerfeffeyHe0tDb?yefba!lfaft criftea0tl)egofpeUfartb (Ca tbKe]rl«ba;'e0onei0a0tbegof tetunalfet quabragtta btebU0 liellteUeti) tl^i0ba?>etbU0)Buc ^ quabraginta ttoctib' poftca tU0e(ttbefu0 tnbefcrtubttep efurttt)tDl$anCnftebabtaffeb taref a bi?aboIo)i^oto tbe bol^ fourtj? nayts^ fourth ni^gbtes gboftbabourio?b. ^t^tfttcty-^ Cbeneb^ fe?>nbe of tnanbobe fte goo tn to beferte bipttoene . b^bungereb* Cbene cotne tbe 3Iberufale ^ Jfyetico to be tip- fenbe to biptn ^ tbetoeb bptn Ito teb of tbefebe:ettDa0 tberejrl. ne0:anbfaybe;S)ifilitt0 betes myts taftii>ng f ]ri»n?'gbtc0 fo? tfic bt Iapibt0 tfti pane0 fiat)yf l>ourefakefl)etoi'ngeto allcr^ tboubegobbtffoneofbeuetna ften people tbe bertu ^ tbe tne- be tbifeftone0 brebe.f o? ngbt be tbat cotni>tb of faftpng : tbe as^iEue tDa0 rauyffbeb toffan tDbtcbebenejrpjeflfeb tntbep^e f^efatDetbeapellbptetnptaci^ faceoftbeinaffetbati0fa^bin onoftbefebetoetetberofCbc bol?> d^ircljetbe ri* bave0 tbat fame toyfe^etoete to fjaue tna tstbus (^utco;po?alttetunto becrtfteto eteoftbebrebe. f o? bicta c5p?t'tni0 inetetn eleua0 glotoni^e t0 not onIi[> tn tnan^s birtutetnlargtrts) Cbatbol^ tnete:buttntbefouletufteattb faftpng tbprftetl) Home )oyctB appet^e of a tnanCi^ene fapb ^Il^ad^bptbetbougbtoftna crtfte anone to bi^n to bertuous^to largee0ofaU C/t^c^t^ntiblopanebtutt* XLVI. WOLFGANG HOPYL. 1 Si J. •ia£ J 'S ..s ^ ^j* 1.1 r -s- ©sjk Jo^ 9.2 iC IB OS'S .Qt<»^% (to %> 2 g c re :"S. - »* — SHo %% Jo "S- . '3 «i^ rs op rs B re J § .«= JO « ^ ~ ^ ^ »*i w» ^s *»w^—" ^ »*A « O P^Siflii f 'g •I (f JO '5 ^ •• 4S rc - « gr§'5S" »J o IP " •S ^^'I* 5 _ 'S =" 5S--1- ^W ^2 t** r s 5» te c " <» -ti ^ P w tftitpmeofgra (ttbenetbepbebelbebtslD^ cer opoc penaunce fo^ fbc ofittsab^pbcbeplD^agra babloSegracebpfletblpIu ctoustbattDoiitebtbeptb' fte(bo(beismateamp;our 3inb foo lapbe bt tn fb^tne: to all o^er fptiere tbacttpl (t couereb tc totcb dotbc of fo^fakefpneab boo penau^ 90liie(t fee tourcbcsabou' cetbeptbal bauegrace:tbi^ te it b^enpngift tbe peple to xotcbe tons tod bp fpnne. iDakett allnpgbt . Cbehe ^bc bab a faber ^ toasa ontbemo?ob)c5ealcbefta gretelo;(lE:(inpeofcbekptt tesoftbifelonoetftbaretbe gisblooKao be bab agrees (b^pnetotbeplacetbereas celo^oCbtptnbtrttntbetDt^ it 18 noiDivt^aUtl^ereue^ c^e^egaftol^ar^tslbne XLVin. MARTIN MORIN. ^omintcapntnaabucnetuo ttii. tD^antI)erpc^e bonet^e role anb beparteb ^tego pouretorounge tljep can iks ut foureparctcff/anb boo nomore but p^ape to aU f)is obmt parte be ga gobtoqupce tbepmacp* uetopoure mm/(ttDen bap of borne. 3inb too be te anb bias a monlte tn topUtb? gob laptb tbue* an abbep tbat bias np^e ;^tcl)ttitnbtccam etego tbebiater fpbe. 3nnto tbe vecrtbuam* )SucaUeto bibtcbe biater be biente mc/(t 31 pelbe euerp matt enerp npgl)t/ btcre tcne< attet^^ts beferupng.tbec uer Ibo route / anb Kobe tb?e bt^ple pe ben bcre/ tberin longcanb fuf reb malte pe amebesto? pou grete penauce. 3inbb)^a re bipcbebnes. 3inb ma^ b^ bias aflteb bibp b^ tip Itetbcpm poure frenbes be loo ro luf re tbat gre^ tbat l^all be pour tomps te penaitce / be lapD to men ac tl)t oape of oo^ elcbc bie a greter pepne me. 3lnb trulte not to tbae i)t bab f een. 3nb be tbepm cbat fbail come at biolbe ete but barlep bit* ttt pou / left pe be begp^ be anb brinbe biacer all Ieb.3inbb;ebetbepapite t)isliSaUet* 3inbtolbe of Ijelle tbat neuer fb^ll tb^a reltgious men tbe ^aue tnoe, pepnes cbat be b^b Hren 0£jlinttncio» 3lnb tbep biere foo grete C^apnte:iaebe tcUetb tbat tbep cobjb enot telle bobi tbere teas an buf^ tbepmopenlp . i^elapbe bonbe man in. j^nglonb tbae an angell lab bpm tbat fpU fpHe anb lep be in ro a place tbere tbat be from tbe tnyn tpll on one fpbe Ms Ibo colbe tl)tnmotxj* Cbennebe tbat noo tonge mpgbce XLIX. JAMES RAVYNELL. ^a\oiOutoftdtatnctttci5ofitm(4mpmoo(l ftf «d:eOe/ii t^t lozOofmr fnO^e $rtt0 «irtOe 00^ McrttoHrc ovyz fji^ people:^flr.i3 ft«o wc.wcle a tabf\c\otfy.m^of}»f^at vott&titi^ma^,^^ Iom9 /leDe wrtJ«?»t$ ti rig^t v»fft mH to Oo twit Qlat^TiC^cwolftffatieta^pnii^fctfafHtpt^t ftcertct^o2f^ptpt^l$>all»tttitfotffatsoOia Ic t^c xoozU^ »«02e f«f po)i^r $fiD fet/ it f$u lOe fMffffcttie/i«iirc.i«eiikmi«ot^fct$el{rttfc (omocBt/But t$(ttf^e tt)oU $f 2 tii^le):^00e« ^all^t^atlattcomft^to^fnttl^i^patttie leefl fft tfjtmttt Mfvc* ^$e gloticoii Itan ttot fe 02 rentfeitlaBotftc/ ^nlo .^$otf0$ lt6e fot^itf t$fWif6efo»):efere6itffot/iKri[;6ef5ep§Det^aty»akf^ vocltit^tiBall ^eiuoif no ixiolle f^ptti^aHJtBecdt^ nofo{t0to fpcf«co2tu6ifii gtfott^ any wj^ferenfon. i^rtr .31 becotnf^ nota9o0geto6ere^fii9Ht7 ^alol }»^f\tot^c c^il^tnattlptplUmg^tttfftfztlpmmtoi^mamtei Matc'^t t^at ^pffpt^ t$e iambtilovptO tBtf^tpti^alo.Z\\tttps^tpat^p0$o^tovaatf ^te oon vocpt: Mate/ ^0 Done nlle t^e tttptiee ttnntto}(t>(iti^t0 t^tatei^alo. Of a0oo9 man comt^ rt0ood v&pfiMatcolfBfa 0OOO rtiele co myt^ a 0reflt toiU t^at men tiO}^t^ t^pzt fttc ftc^§>otfntflcm^a\fola\\tt^Btftpa\Xv^)mte treDc »ttD2e fote/^fllo: Z fapzt xopfbteomyt^ yt)t\\ey^itftuM9IMatc.Zpotfu\\y»pt^y»p^ tit etcomt^ well bp t^t t^zuftpl^alo. wel 6eco L. GERARD LEEU. 0anprlesDrtlie lon0eofiBngl00 LI. GERARD LEEU. tantKtCo ^tfpWmofi btibt int^e place/z tS^tp of tl;e tpxt mabe gre^ tefototttetbt 1f^i;olte/ neuertlrelee tliep anoti poioe^l to itpg art|iui n, f toxone alfo/n became btetnm )! OpOe to bp liomage 7, teaultc: « i^evnbtttiQt be k tofteof lie gooO ^aage0.:^nD King artliur aftci;. tbat tnettt fottl; niptl; |ita liooft « coqu^reO ^nfftfli :^ti0^i^^ ^^^* cotgne ]Pebpto/^au^i:ne/!:6ouiy 0Oigne:$arrt>3ot|)eme^urp n "^vi^vuo anb alt tie ot^tt lab of :^raute lie conqtteceD |]olp'c0/ ad tn^an ^^liaO attconqueceo 7 ta' &g bp liomagee « feauitea lie tut;« ti^ apeB to {iati0/% tliec ^e Dwel^ lebl5gt}nYre/i; otbeptieb pees 15^ tpttteoiteralltliecStrepttljtug^ outaUeiFrauce.H;no niliapeea tnaetnabeouei; ailtliurgli bp& ItobleKntgi^t^oob t|iat |ie |iaO/ « alfof(B§pd ott)nett)oit|ipneire/« ho man mas fo 0tete a lotb tliat turltttieueuietieapfaiip.notliu to avpfe foi to ma^ %bt lanD of iFtaucetnaeall tnqupteii pees: ^liebniellcb tl;ei:et]t:;^e'aO Opbe libere manp grete monbree^anb^ repu)ueD man^ ptouOe man gb^ Ipttiet tprnunr. 7 bt clialtpfeD af" tei:|iptbeG^ng %oto ttpng ^r^nt auaOceo alt ^ta men tbat baO tianattfeo t liia ret;upce Capitulo imx ID aftetwarO it beta t|i^ : 6ai;e*t^et; t^at be btU id feft atl^ario .rpc|iel|^ lie began to auauce l^idhniglites Cotbirferupcet^attljepliaD btm liolpen tn bio conqueft. T^e pate to^t6^tpn)ar0tl;attt)ao called 3kap 3^n0pe « angtero.'i to %eOf Delet: liio btottieelie paf ^otma\t tpelt^at tbo mas calleD ^etttie* 3^nDto ^olDpnelitecbabtrlapfi j^eprtfJFlaitDtee « il!ace.« to.Bo^ tell bio cofpniiepaf !:^oIofgne/aD ro ^tcliaiti lite neifew bt pat^d> tpf/ntoatt otbtr be pof large lan" Dee 7 fees aftpr f tbep tncre of eC' tate/n tobS. Ht^tbout baO tb^ lipa ^niglitea feffeb at auertU nettaf* tet;fewpg/|ie cameapen tn to bit^ tatgne bteoninelao/SlnD aftit at tubptfontpoeneirtfeujpgbt coil> fetlof bte baro6iieu)OID be crou^ neD btngof ©lomergo. %lieiDea folepne feft:% let fompne kpngc& 6rle6 7 barons tliatt^ep I^oioe come tbiDbei: euericbone :f Etjere t^ae fearer hp^ of ^cotlaD. CaD^ ttne Hingof fouttmialee/^ttnllo^ mer kmg of nottbwaleo/ j^abeo htng of 3rIanO:O)Ql0Qm^&tng of @unanb/^cl;tUe6 fttngof 3fe^ Ianb:3CIot|i hpng of Benmarc^/ (gioneraae fttng of ^Soitnepmnb^ ^eS lipo cofpn Upg of Boihenep .Cabot king of Ipttell^tetatgne/ J^oivoptb erle of Cotnemaitt/ ^aura erle of 0louceltre:6ttiet!" Don erle of V^pncbellre.O$oetlet> le of ODertfotb/^ztegp erle of ou afotD. Curfall erleof battle .30^ naa erle of C^eHre: 6nerall erle LII. GERARD LEEU. I^ectotid at ptoptte fpinter pan'terc^ tnonile Otnatue collt fit totques i auris inanrie a(nulu8 eft manuuifunt artnille fcapularutn ^tc^pmcbelides efozmntbiachia nimpbe Xunule funt genus monilie i p:op:ie lunuIe funt aarit t»pDS veftimentozii ptene V oineriis colojibus «.]paricbelidee flnglice a bee. a bovveD a t^ng] in fb ef re. a vvoni3us.drme. 02 fO piMat tbe bende.zilbutatoua bolf daf dotbf nge. Olfacto; riii. a bo]c vvt ojntement l&ancbelides 6i a piri quod ed drcuo « cbilonm cmrn qlt drca crura. Slamtnea flamtncolucttm victa fafcta pq>Ittitt j^c;ctreola8 addad antiillad atcg tnonile 0eitum crinale fpinter vel fibula mitn Mmlao X gemma limbus ciroteca trara ^ftis pilliotii comungaa atc^ salentin Ibe tricatura mulieribus eft fua cura "bicponnf oinameta qmVmuIieresvtunf.'botnimeu inti.Clri boc nameolu li.oe bee llama me 5:.bec victa te.&e vincio eis d.ce re.i.ligareJ}ec f afda ete qdd ligatura.vri bee falciola le oiminu!! nuu.De bic facis ds 9:.1}oc peplii pli.p:imitiuii vel be pello is. vt quedam volunt quia pellit Trigus a capite.iOmnia ilia funt oaia menta capitisJxc 2lrmilla le.De bic arm'mi.i.bracbiii o:namen tu bijcbu.': fifr !> Monile lio.a moneo nes.c bee oejctriola le a oc i:tracre.l)rertii ti.Deraoris.l7oc crinale lis.o;nametii circuena crincs.boc Spincter indedinabile vd rpincrris in gt$ a fp.na ne. anglice a pf mne.vii (pinterculii li biminuriuii. I7ec libula le>an^ glice a laico: a boron. vii (ibiilo as.-; dt (ibulare ligare vd vmce re cum fibula <: dt fibula quodda firmaculii. bee mitra tre be mf too q6 dt filii 7 trabo fs.q: cii oiuerfis filis cdtrabitnr 7 ptexitur Iric anuluo ii,oe annuo ni.p:op(er rotunditate.'&ec gemma mc» LIH. THIERRY MARTENS. INDEX TYPOGRAPHICAL INDEX WESTMINSTER, ETC. William Caxton. Types: i (used only in Bruges) = 120 mm. [Facs. I]; 2 = 135 mm. [Facs. II] ; 2* = 135 mm. [Facs. Ill]; 3 = 135 mm. [Facs. IV] ; 4 = 95 mm. [Facs. V]; 4* = 100 mm. [Facs. VI] ; 5 = 113 mm. Facs. VII]; 6 = 120 mm. [Facs. VIII; see also XJ; 7 = 81 mm. [Facs. IX]; 8 = 114 mm. [Facs. X]. {a) In Bruges. Type. No. [1475-1476.] Le Fevre, Raoul. The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy Cessolis, lacobus de. The Game of Chess Cordiale. Les quatre derniferes choses (3) In Westminster. 18 Nov. 1477. The Diets or Sayings of the Philosophers 20 Feb. 1478. Christine Pisan. Moral Proverbs [1476-1478.] Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae The Book of Courtesy Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus Caxton, William. Advertisement Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Geoffrey. Queen Anelida and the False Arcjte Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Temple of Brass Horae ad usum Sarum Infantia Saluatoris Le Fevre, Raoul. The History of Jason Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose Lidgate, John. Stans puer ad mensam Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass Ordinale secundum usum Sarum Russell, John. Propositio ad Carolum ducem Burgundiae 24 Mar. 1479. Cordiale. Memorare nouissima The Diets or Sayings of the Philosophers Saona, Laurentius Gulielmus de. Rhetorica noua [1480.] Festum uisitatlonis beatae Mariae uirginis Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV [before 31 March, 1480] Vocabulary in French and English 10 June, 1480. Chronicles of England 1 8 Aug. 1480. The Description of Britain 125 I 242 I 81 I 1 08 2 123 2 95 and 3 47 2 53 2 76 2 11 3 80 2 87 2 92 2 93 2 174 2 222 2 245 2 256 2 257 2 261 2 262 2 269 2 270 3 336 2 367 and 3 109 2* 124 2* 368 4 148 2* 204 4 405 4 97 4 "3 S ra Aug. 1481. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Of Old Age, Of Friendship 20 Nov. 1 48 1. Godfrey of Boloyne 8 Oct. 1482. Chronicles of England 6 June, 1483. Lidgate, John. The Pilgrimage of the Soul [1480-1483.] Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus Cessolis, lacobus de. The Game of Chess Higden, Ranulph. Polycronicon. [after 2 July, 1482] Horae ad usum Sarum Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1480 Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1481 Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1481 Lidgate, John. Curia Sapientiae Psalterium Reynard the Fox. [after 6 June, 1481] Vincentius. Mirror of the World, [after 8 March, 1481] 30 June, 1483. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 2 Sept. 1483. Gower, John. Confessio amantis 31 Jan. 1484. La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de. The Knight of the Tower 26 Mar. 1484. Aesop. Fables , 31 July, 1485. Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d'Arthur I Dec. 1485. Charles the Great 19 Dec. 1485. Paris and Vienne [1483-1485.] The Book of the order of Chivalry Cato. Paruus Cato et Magnus, [after 23 December, 1483] Chartier, Alain. The Curial Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Book of Fame Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troilus and Cressida Death-bed prayers Lidgate, John. The Life of Our Lady Quattuor Sermones. [1483] Sixtus IV. Sex epistolae. [after 14 February, 1483] Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Legend, [after 20 November, 1483] Winifred. The Life of Saint Winifred [1486-1487.] Bonaventura, Saint. Speculum uitae Christi Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum The Royal Book 1 1 May, 1487. Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners Donatus, Aelius. Donatus Melior Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Legend 14 July, 1489. Christine Pisan. The Book of the Feat of Arms and Chivalry [1489-1491.] Ars moriendi The Art and Craft to know well to Die. [after 15 June, 1490] Blanchardyn and Eglantine Bonaventura, Saint. Speculum uitae Christi The Book of Divers Ghostly Matters Commemoratio lamentationis Mariae The Diets or Sayings of the Philosophers The Doctrinal of Sapience, [after 7 May, 1489] Festum transfigurationis Iesu Christi Fifteen Oes Four Sons of Aymon 136 Tim. No. 2* and 3 103 4 164 4 98 4 267 2* and 3 78 2* 82 4 172 3 175 4 207 4 209 4 210 4 260 3 354 2* 358 2' 401 4* 298 4 and 4* 166 4 and 4* 241 3 and 4* 4 4* 283 4* 83 4* 337 3 and 4* 58 2* and 4* 79 4* 84 4* 86 2* and 4* 88 4* 94 3 and 4* 112 4* 266 4* 299 4 and 4* 371 3 and 4* 408 4* 414 5 48 5 290 5 366 5 248 5 129 4* and 5 409 6 96 6 and 8 33 6 35 6 45 5 49 6 55 5 105 6 125 5 127 5 146 6 and 8 150 6 152 Type. No. 6 165 5 178 5 179 7 2If 7 212 ' and 6 292 6 30 r and 8 302 6 359 6 380 6 402 6 404 The Governal of Health Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum Indulgence. Granted by Innocent VIII. 1489 [before 24 April, 1489] Indulgence. Granted by Innocent VIII. 1489 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum 4* Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis Quattuor Sermones 6 Reynard the Fox Statutes. 1, 3, 4 Henry VII Vincentius. Mirror of the World Virgilius Maro, Publius. Aeneid. [after 22 June, 1490] Wynlcyn de Worde. Types: i = Caxton 4* modified [Facs. XI]; 2 = Caxton 8 [Facs. XII; see also XIV, XV 3 = Caxton 6 [Facs. XlIIj; 4 = 95 mm. [Facs. XIV; see also XVI]; 5 = Caxton 7 [Facs. XVj, 6 = Caxton 3 [Facs. XVIJ; 7 = 103 mm. [Facs. XVII]; 8 = 93 mm. [Facs. XVIII]; 9 = 53 mm. [Facs. XVIII]. [1491-1493.] Vineis, Raymundus de, Life of St. Katherine, &c. The Book of Courtesy 20 May, 1493. Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Legend 1 493. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis The Treatise of Love The Chastising of God's children 1494. Bonaventura, Saint. Speculum uitae Christi 1494. Hylton, Walter. Scala perfectionis 1494. Quattuor Sermones Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Bull 13 Apr. 1495. Higden, Ranulph. Polycronicon 1495. Jerome, Saint. Vitas Patrum. [before 21 August] 1495. Introductorium linguae Latinae 1495. Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum Donatus, Aelius. Accidence Fitzjames, Richard. Sermon Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Bull 9 Mar. 1496. Bernard, Saint. Meditations of St. Bernard 31 May, 1496. Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones prouinciales 22 Sept. 1496. Alcock, John. Mons perfectionis 3 Dec. 1496. Parker, Henry. Dives and Pauper 1496. The Book of Hawking, &c. 1496. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 1496. Quattuor Sermones The Abbey of the Holy Ghost Alcock, John. Spousage of a virgin to Christ Donatus, Aelius. Donatus minor cum Remigio The Miracles of Our Lady Paruula 127 S 2 I anct 2 403 3 54 I and 2 410 4 307 2 and 3 399 2 and 3 85 2 and 5 50 2 203 4 308 2 and 4 182 2 and 4 183 2 185 4 and 6 228 2 and 4 •73 2 and 4 235 4 and 6 231 4 and 6 293 4 and 6 40 4 133 4 and 6 151 2 and 4 229 4 and 6 41 2 and 4 279 4 12 4 and 6 340 7 57 2 and 4 312 2 and 4 313 2 and 4 I 4 and 6 19 4 and 6 131 4 and 6 297 4 and 6 343 Type. No. The Rote or Mirror of Consolation 4 3^4 Statutes. I Henry VII 4 381 Statutes. 7 Henry VII 4 and 6 382 Statutes. II Henry VII 4 and 6 383 Statutes. II Henry VII 4 and 6 384 Statutes. II Henry VII 4 and 6 385 The Three Kings of Cologne 4 [and 6 ?] 397 23 May, 1497. Alcock, John. Mons perfectionis 2 and 4 13 1497. Chronicles of England 4 and 6 102 Alcock, John. Sermon on Luke VIII 4 and 6 17 Alcock, John. Sermon on Luke VIII 4 and 6 18 Alcock, John. Spousage of a virgin to Christ 4 20 Ars moriendi 4 and 6 34 Paruula 2 and 4 342 Prognostication for 1498 4 350 Vocabulary in French and English 2 and 4 407 8 Jan. 1498. Voragine, lacobus de. The Golden Legend 2, 4 and 6 411 25 Mar. 1498. Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d'Arthur 4 and 6 284 1498. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales 4 and 6 90 1498. The Description of Britain 4 and 6 114 Alcock, John. Sermo pro episcopo puerorum 4 and 6 16 The Doctrinal of Death 2 and 4 126 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1498 2 and 5 213 Information for Pilgrims 4 and 6 225 Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners 2 and 4 251 Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods 4 and 6 253 Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones prouinciales 2 and 4 280 Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca 8 and 9 157 Psalterium 8 355 The Contemplation of Sinners 4 and 6 106 Sulpitius, loannes. Opus grammalicum 8 and 9 390 Introductorium linguae Latinae 4 and 6 232 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 2, 4 and 6 317 Quattuor Sermones 2, 4 and 6 318 MandeviUe, Sir John. Travels, [after 10 July, 1499] 4 286 Alcock, John. Sermo pro episcopo puerorum 4 15 Bernard, Saint. Meditations of Saint Bernard 2 and 4 42 Cordiale. Memorare nouissima 2 and 4 no Indulgence. Granted by William Patten and others 4 221 Jerome, Saint. Life of Saint Jerome 4 236 Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum 2 and 4 296 The Rote or Mirror of Consolation, [after 10 July, 1499] 4 3^5 Skelton, John. The Bowge of Court 4 372 The Three Kings of Cologne, [after 10 July, 1499] 2 and 4 398 The Twelve Profits of Tribulation, [after 10 July, 1499] 2 and 4 400 6 Feb. 1499 [1500]. Expositio hymnorum 6, 8 and 9 142 12 Mar. 1500. Garlandia, loannes de. Synonyma 8 and 9 162 17 Mar. 1499 [1500]- Expositio sequentiarum 6, 8 and 9 142 1500. Hortus uoeabulorum 2 and 4 202 The Abbey of the Holy Ghost 4 and 6 2 Betson, Thomas. A Profitable Treatise 4 43 Bevis of Hampton 4 44 A Contemplation of the shedding of the blood of Christ 4 107 138 15 Apr. 19 Apr. 20 May, 10 July, 4 Dec. I 1499.1499. 1499. 1499. 499. 1499. [ 1499. 1499.] 1499. Type. No. 8 134 4 135 4 171 i and 8 254 4 255 ( and 6 259 4 263 4 264 4 265 1 and 4 268 4 271 t and 8 272 344 353 4 356 4 361 ! and 4 413 Donatus, Aelius. Accidence Eglamoure, Sir Guy of Warwick Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods Lidgate, John. The Assembly of the Gods Lidgate, John. The Churl and the Bird Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose Lidgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose Lidgfate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose Lidgate, John. The Siege of Thebes Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass Lidgate, John. The Temple of Glass Paruula The Properties and Medicines for a Horse Remigius. Dominus quae pars Robin Hood Wednesday's Fast Julian Notary. Types : I = 92 mm. [Facs. XIX] ; 2 = no mm. [Facs. XX] ; 3 = 60 mm. [Facs. XXI]. (a) In London, with Jean Barbier and I. H. [1496.] Albertus. Quaestiones de modis significandi i and 2 8 3 Apr. 1497. Horae ad usum Sarum i 190 (3) In Westminster, with Jean Barbier. 2o Dec. 1498. Missale ad usum Sarum i and 2 328 (r) In Westminster, alone. 2 Jan. 1499 [1500]. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis i 319 2 Apr. 1500. Horae ad usum Sarum 3 201 1499 [1500]. Quattuor Sermones i 320 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Mars and Venus 9 1 LONDON. John Lettou. Types: I = 83 mm. [Facs. XXII]; 2 = 120 mm. [Facs. XXIII]. 1480. Andreae, Antonius. Quaestiones super xii libros metaphysicae Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1480 Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1480 Indulgence. Granted by Sixtus IV. 1480 1481. Thomas Wallensis. Expositiones super Psalterium Jolin Lettou and William de Machlinia. Types: i = Lettou 2 [Facs. XXIII; see also XXIV]; 2 = 102 mm. [Facs. XXIV; see also XXIII]. [1482-1483.] Dialogus inter Hugonem, Catonem et Oliuerium i and 2 116 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli i and 2 273 Statutes. Abbreuiamentum statutorum i and 2 375 1.39 S 3 I 26 I 205 I 2C6 I 208 and 2 396 Type. No. I and 2 418 I and 2 420 I and 2 421 Year-Book. 33 Henry VI Year-Book. 35 Henry VI Year-Book. 36 Henry VI William de Maclilinia Types: i = Lettou and Machlinia 2 [Facs. XXIV]; 2 = 100 mm. [Facs. XXV]; 3 = 100 mm. [Facs. XXVI]; 4 = 116 mm. [Facs. XXVII; see also XXVIII]; 5 = 116 mm. [Facs. XXVIII; see also XXVII]. [i 483-1 486.] Albertus Magnus. Liber aggregationis Albertus Magnus. Secreta mulierum Horae ad usum Sarum Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli The Promise of Matrimony, [after March, i486] The Revelation of Saint Nicholas to a monk of Evesham Statutes. Noua Statuta Terentius Afer, Publius. Vulgaria Terentii 3 9 3 10 2 and 3 176 I and 2 274 I and 2 351 I and 2 357 I and 2 378 2 and 3 393 4 and 5 72 4 and 5 73 4 and 5 74 4 and 5 99 4 and 5 128 4 and 5 145 4 149 4 226 4 and 5 227 4 and 5 379 4 and 5 394 4 and 5 415 4 and 5 419 4 and 5 422 [i 486-1 490.J Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence Canutus. Treatise on the Pestilence Chronicles of England Donatus, Aelius. De octo partibus orationis Festum transfigurationis Iesu Christi Festum uisitationis beatae Mariae uirginis Innocent VIII. Regulae, ordinationes et constitutiones Innocent VIII. Bull, [after 27 March, i486] Statutes. I Richard III Terentius Afer, Publius. Vulgaria Terentii Wotton, John. Speculum Christiani Year-Book. 34 Henry VI Year-Book. 37 Henry VI Printer of the Siege of Rhodes. Type : i = 138 mm. [Facs. XXIXJ Caorsin, Gulielmus. The Siege of Rhodes i 75 Richard Pynson. Types : 1 = 120 mm. [Facs. XXX] ; 2 = loi mm. [Facs. XXXI ; see also XXXVII] ; 3 = 64 mm. [Facs. XXXII] ; 3* = 64 mm. [Facs. XXXIII] ; 4 = "4 mm. [Facs. XXXIV] ; 5 = 114 mm. [Facs. XXXIV]; 6 = 114 mm. [Facs. XXXV] ; 7 = 95 mm. [Facs. XXXVI; see also XXXII and XXXVII]. [1490-1491.] Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales Donatus, Aelius. Donatus melior Guido of Alet. The Ghost of Guy Year-Book. i Edward IV Year-Book. 9 Edward IV 13 Nov. 1492. Alexander Grammaticus. Doctrinale 5 July, 1493. Parker, Henry. Dives and Pauper Festum nominis Iesu 130 I and 2 89 I 130 I 169 I and 2 423 I and 2 430 2 and 3 23 4 and 5 339 4 143 303 304305 Type. No. Lidgate, John. The Churi and the Bird 4 258 Margaret, Saint The Life of Saint Margaret 2 289 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 2 and 5 Quattuor Sermones 2 and 4 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 2, 4 and 5 Quattuor Sermones 2 and 4 306 Seven Wise Masters of Rome 4 370 Statutes of War j -87 10 Jan. 1494. Sulpitius, loannes. Opus grammatlcum 2, 3 and 5 388 27 Jan. 1494. Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Fall of Princes 2 and 5 46 30 Sept. 1494. Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners 2 249 Bonaventura, Saint. Speculum uitae Christi 2 51 Dialogus linguae et uentris 3 and 5 117 Natura Breuium 2 and 5 332 Reynard the Fox 2 360 20 Jan. 1495. Terentius Afer, Publius. Hecyra 7 391 The Art and Craft to know well to Die 2 36 Horae ad usum Sarum 6 and 7 188 Terentius Afer, Publius. Adelphoe 2 and 3 391 Terentius Afer, Publius. Phormio 7 391 8 Oct. 1496. Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca 3 and 7 156 1496. Garlandia, loannes de. Synonyma 3, 6 and 7 161 Expositio hymnorum et sequentiarum 3 and 7 139 Festum transfigurationis Iesu Christi 7 147 Jasper, Duke of Bedford. Epitaph 2 233 Latin Grammar 240 Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores nouelli 2 276 Mandeville, Sir John. Travels 2 285 Old Tenures 2 335 Petronilla 2 347 Stanbridge, John. Vocabula 7 373 Statutes. 1 1 Henry VII 6 and 7 386 Walsingham. The Foundation of the Chapel of Walsingham 6 and 7 412 Year-Book. 3 Edward IV 2 and 5 424 Year-Book. 4 Edward IV 2 and 5 425 Year-Book. 5 Edward IV 2 and 5 426 Year-Book. 6 Edward IV 2 and 5 427 Year-Book. 7 Edward IV 2 and 5 428 Year-Book. 8 Edward IV 2 and 5 429 [1497.] Alcock, John. Mons perfectionis 6 and 7 14 1497. Expositio hymnorum et sequentiarum 3, 6 and 7 140 1497. Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum 2, 6 and 7 294 1497. Terentius Afer, Publius. Andria 3, 6 and 7 391 Aesop. Fables 5 Festum nominis Iesu 7 144 Horae ad usum Sarum 3, 6 and 7 192 Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Bull 7 230 Prognostication 2 349 Terentius Afer, Publius. Eunuchus 2 and 3 391 Terentius Afer, Publius. Heauton timorumenos 2 and 3 391 Vocabulary in French and English 2 406 [1498.] Alcock, John. Gallicantus 7 11 1498. Alexander Grammaticus. Doctrinale 3* and 7 24 1 498. Expositio hymnorum et sequentiarum 1498. Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum 1498. Sulpitius, loannes. Opus grammatlcum Elegantiae. Elegantiarum uiginti praecepta Guido de Monte Rocherii. Manlpulus curatorum Horae ad usum Sarum Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1498 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1498 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1498 Libellulus secundarum intentionum 15 May, 1499. Promptorium puerorum siue medulla grammaticae 6 July, 1499. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 9 Oct. 1499. Statutes. Abbreuiamentum statutorum 9 Oct. 1499. Statutes. Abbreuiamentum statutorum 24 Dec. 1499. Parron, WiUiam. Prognosticon 1499. Quattuor sermones Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1499 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1499 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1499 Indulgence. Granted by Alexander VI. 1499 Informatio puerorum Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones prouinciales Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones prouinciales 10 Jan. 1500. Missale ad usum Sarum 28 Apr. 1500. Guido de Monte Rocherii. Manlpulus curatorum 1500. The Book of Cookery 1500. Garlandia, loannes de. Synonyma Aesop. Fables Assises. Liber assisarum Donatus, Aelius. Donatus pro pueris Guy of Warwick Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum Informatio puerorum Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners Natura Breuium Robin Hood Year-Book. 9 Henry VI Year-Book. 20 Henry VI Year-Book. 1 1 Edward IV Julian Notary. See supra: WESTMINSTER, etc. OXFORD. Printer of Expositio S. Hieronymi [Theodoric Rood?]. Type : I = 97 mm. [Facs. XXXVIII]. 17 Dec. 1478. Jerome, Saint. Expositio in symbolum apostolorum i 234 1479. Aristotle. Textus ethicorum per L. Aretinum translatus i 32 14 Mar. 1479 [1480]. Aegidius de Columna. Tractatus de peccato originali i 3 132 Type. No. 3* and 7 141 2, 6 and 7 295 3> 5 and 7 389 136 3, 6 and 7 167 3 197 214 6 and 7 215 6 and 7 216 3, 6 and 7 252 2 and 6 352 315 3* and 7 376 3* and 7 377 3*, 6 and 7 341 316 7 217 7 218 7 219 7 220 3* and 7 223 3*, 6 and 7 281 2 282 6 and 7 329 3* and 6 168 6 and 7 52 3* and 7 163 6 6 3* and 7 37 7 132 a 170 6 and 7 199 200 3*, 6 and 7 224 7 250 3 333 7 362 2 and 7 416 2 417 2 431 Type. No. I and 2 21 I and 2 238 3. 4 and 5 28 3 and 4 29 3. 4 and 5 38 I 104 I 239 3 and 5 277 2, 3, 4 and 5 278 3 and 5 363 3 and 4 392 2 and 4 348 2, 4 and 6 22 4 and 6 300 Theodoric Rood. Types : 1 = 100 mm. [Facs. XXXIX] ; 2 = 200 mm. [Facs. XXXIX] ; 3 = 88 mm. [Facs. XL ; see also XLI]; 4 = 115 mm. [Facs. XL]; 6 = 92 mm. [Facs. XLI]; 6 = 115 mm. [Facs. XLII]. II Oct. 1 48 1. Alexander de Hales. Expositio 31 July, 1482. Lathbury, John. Liber moralium super threnis leremiae [i 482-1 484.] AnwykyU, John. Compendium totius grammaticae Anwykyll, John. Compendium totius grammaticae Augustine, Saint. Excitatio ad eleemosynam faciendam Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Oratio pro T. Milone Latin Grammar Logic Lyndewode, William. Constitutiones prouinciales Rolle, Richard, of Hampole. Explanationes in lob Terentius Afer, Publius. Vulgaria Terentii 1485. Phalaris. Epistolae Alexander Grammaticus. Doctrinale 14 Oct. i486. Mirk, John. Liber festiuaUs ST. ALBANS. Types: i = 89 mm. [Facs. XLIII]; 2 = 124 mm. [Facs. XLIV]; 3 = 90 mm. [Facs. XLV]; 4 = 140 mm. [Facs. XLlVJi [1479.] Datus, Augustinus. Libellus super TuUianis elegantiis i m 1 480. Saona, Laurentius Gulielmus de. Rhetorica noua i and 2 369 1480. Albertus. Liber modorum significandi i and 3 7 1 48 1. loannes Canonicus. Quaestiones in Aristotelis physiea 1 and 3 237 1 48 1. Exempla sacrae scripturae 3 '37 [1483.] Andreae, Antonius. Scriptum super logica 3 27 [1485.] Chronicles of England 2 loi i486. The Book of Hawking, &c. 2 and 4 56 UNASSIGNED. Nouae narrationes 334 FOREIGN TOWNS COLOGNE. Printer of the Flores Sancti Augustini. [1471.J Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum 39 Printer of the Sarum Breviary. [1475.] Breuiarium ad usum Sarum 60 ^33 [1492.1[M9<5] 20 Sept . 1483 I May, 1493. .1493-. 1494. 1494. 1494. I Sept. I Dec. I Mar. 1494. 1494. 1494. 1495- Heinrich Quentell. 1492.J Anwykyll, John. Compendium totius grammaticae [496.J Expositio hymnorum. Expositio sequentiarum VENICE. Reynaldus de Noulmaglo. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum Johannes Hertzog de Landoia. Breuiarium ad usum Ebor. (For F. Egmondt) Breuiarium ad usum Sarum Breuiarium ad usum Sarum Breuiarium ad usum Sarum Breuiarium ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum. (For G. Barrevelt and F. Egmondt) Missale ad usum Sarum. (For G. Barrevelt and F. Egmondt) Missale ad usum Sarum. (For F. Egmondt) Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. (For F. Egmondt) BASEL. Michael Wenssler. [i486.] Missale ad usum Sarum 30 Sept. 1 500. Missale ad usum Sarum II Feb. 1494. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum PARIS. Jean Dupr^. Pierre Levet. [1487.] 4 Dec. 1487. 1495- [1495-] 16 May, 1498. [1498.] 23 Nov. 1494. 26 Feb. 1495. 22 June, 1500. Guillaume Maynyal. Legenda secundum usum Sarum Missale ad usum Sarum. (For W. Caxton) Philippe Pigouchet. Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum Horae ad usum Sarum. Horae ad usum Sarum. (For S. Vostre) (For S. Vostre) Wolfgang HopyL No. 3» ¦38 61 5962 6364 66 181 324 325 67 321 33' 65 247 322 186189193 195 Garlandia, loannes de. Synonyma. (For N. Lecomte of London) 1 60 Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. — Quattuor Sermones. (For N. Lecomte of London) 311 Missale ad usum Sarum. (With Johann Higman, for J. B. and G. H.) 330 134 No. Felix Baligault. [1494.] Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca i54 7 Aug. 1494. Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca J 55 Jean Philippe. [1495.] Horae ad usum Sarum 187 Berthold Rembolt. [1498.] Manuale ad usum Sarum 287 Thielmann Kerver. 1497. Horae ad usum Sarum. (For Jean Richard of Rouen) 191 Jean Poitevin. Dialogus linguae et uentris 1 1 8 Dialogus linguae et uentris 119 Dialogus linguae et uentris. (For Claude Jaumar) 121 Jean Jehannot. 1498. Horae ad usum Sarum. (For N. Lecomte of London) 194 Georg Wolf. 1499. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. (For Thielmann Kerver) 70 Gaspard Philippe and Pierre Poulhac. Dialogus linguae et uentris 1 20 Nicole Marcant. [1500.] Paruula 345 Unassigned. [c. 1488.] Horae ad usum Sarum 177 [1498.] Horae ad usum Sarum. (For Jean Poitevin) 196 1499. Horae ad usum Sarum 198 ROUEN. Guillaume Le Talleur. Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenores noueUi. (For R. Pynson) 275 [1490.] Statham, Nicholas. Abridgement of Cases. (For R. Pynson) 374 Martin Morin. 12 Oct. 1492. Missale ad usum Sarum 323 3 Nov. 1496. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum. (For Jean Richard) 68 2 June [1497]. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum 69 Missale ad usum Sarum 326 4 Dec. 1497. Missale ad usum Sarum. (For Jean Richard) 327 22 June, 1499. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis. — Quattuor Sermones. (For Jean Richard) 314 James Ravynell. 4 Feb. 1495. Mirk, John. Liber Festiualis 309 [1495-] Quattuor Sermones 310 ^35 Pierre Olivier and Jean de Lorraine. Manuale ad usum Sarum. (For Jean Richard) Unassigned (doubtful). 1500 [1494 ?] Horae ad usum Sarum DEVENTER. Richard PalTroed. 4 May, 1489. Anwykyll, John. Compendium totius grammaticae Garlandia, loannes de. Equiuoca LOUVAIN. Aegidius van der Heerstraten. [i486.] Perottus, Nicolaus. Regulae grammaticales Thierry Martens. 29 May, 1499. Breuiarium ad usum Sarum BRUGES. Colard Mansion. 1477.1 Petrus de Aliaco: Meditations sur les sept psaumes 1477.' Le Fevre, Raoid. Le recueil des histoires de Troie 1 47 7.] Le Fevre, Raoul. Les faits et prouesses du Chevalier Jason [See also 81 and 242] ANTWERP. Gerard Leeu. 22 Dec. i486. Vulgaria Terentii 1488. Maydeston, Clement. Directorium sacerdotum [1491-1492.] Horae ad usum Sarum 2 June, 1492. Le Fevre, Raoul. The History of Jason 23 June, 1492. Paris and Vienne [1492.] The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolphus 1493. Chronicles of England Thierry Martens. 21 July, 1493. Gariandia, loannes de. Synonyma UNASSIGNED. Dialogus linguae et uentris No. 288 184 30 153 346 71 25 243244 395 291 180 246 338 "5100 159 136 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08854 5091 ni'ii m. W Ht. v.n 'il f , '!¦ i- 'I li .1 lliiif "i "''t-'i 'i.',r' . ' rft*i' 1" t I u ':?: i'lpi Sj'X I'vaj" ^ S.' .t ' 1^:'^^"" -%!, // -. *"'W^*>- Wf*"^^*!.. ¦"VTm^.^j^ ^Mt 1 1 „, I ' r