>77£ ite A F OR M P R A° Y E R A N D THANKSGIVING T O Almighty God ; T O _BJ?._I2JJELIX At Morning and Evening Service, After the General Thanksgiving, t Throughout the Cities, of London mAJPe/fatm/ier, and eHg^are within the Bills of Mortality, on Smiday f£fe Twenty-eighth Day of Jtyril, 1776; and in all\ Churches and Chapels throughout Eng land 'and IVales, on jthe Sunday after tie Minifters WB&t revive the fame ; on the Me peliyery of the "Queen;' and happy 8kti*qf a Prints. 1 Ogg tyise&ways ©pe*&l Canwtfint). LONDON: Printed by Charles Eyrs and William §^«ahak, Printers to the King** moft Excefrpnt Majefty. 1776. M rjp.52. 17,76 — '^'/2gc:; C 3 J ft ' i ' ¦' i * ¦! 11 m , , ¦ i A T O R M of P R A Y E R THANK S G I V I N G t o AtMi g tf tv God MeirctCul God, we moft humfrly Be- feeeh thee to accept our fineerefl Thanks for thy $cea£ Gpodhefs; In vouchfefemg to the Q^ten the Com-' fort of thy Grace and Protection, by giving Her a fafe Delivery ; and granting to Their Majes ties the Bleffing of anq^ner laughter. Con tinue, we. pray thee, to pour down the choiceft of thy Mercies upon Whem ; and make every Increafe of Their Family to be unto Them an Increafe of Happinefs. May They and Their Defcendants be Examples and Promoters of whatfbever C..4 J wh£#o§?v£r is praife- worthy: And may They be theM-MIed Inftruments of maintaining and" "advarfdi% £%. true Religion. Fill our Hearts witlu Gratitude for the many Inftances of thy loving Kindnefs to us : and incline us to fhew it by dutiful Affection to thy Servant our Sove reign; by unfeigned and well-governed Zeai for the common Welfare ; and by thtt con- fcientious Practice of all Chriftian Virtues: That fb, having made a proper Ufe of the diftinguifhed Bounties of thy Providence, which we enjoy here go Earth, we may attain ever- lafting Felicity in Heaven, through the Merits and Mediation of Jefus Cferjft, our blefled Re deemer ; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Ghoft, be all Gflory and Honour, World withoBl'End. Amen. '£ l \l I s. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08866 3035