YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY vXSS«,j 1795 ' 4 rcliurl cincL T.KfUey Sc WARD FAMILY; DESCENDANTS WILLIAM WARD, WHO SETTLED EST SUDBUKY, MASS., IN 1639. WITH AN APPENDIX, ALPHABETICALLT AKKANGED, OF THB NAMES OF THE FAMILIES THAT HAVE INTERMARRIED WITH THEM. BY ANDREW HENSHAW WAED, A.M., MEMBER OF THE KEW ENGLAND HISTORIC AHD GENEALOGICAL SOCIETT. They, who care not to know their ancestor.'?, are wanting in natural affection, and regardless of filial duty. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL G. DRAKE, NO. 66 CORNHILL. 1851. ERRATA. Page I6th, 6th line from the bottom, dele "deceased." " same, 7th line from the bottom, dele " late." " 59th, 9th line from the top, for " Moors," read Moores. " 66th, llth line from the top, for " 575," read 755. " 79th, 10th line, for ," 1820," read 1720. " 89th, 5th line from the top, for " Barrett," read Barrell. " same, 1119.10 for " Catharine," read Caroline. " 116th, 5th line from the bottom, for " Hawks," read Eanks. " 119th, 2d line from the bottom, for " Aaron," read Mason. " 124th, 6th liue from the top, for " 567," read 557. " 145th, 4th line from the bottom, for " Chafflin," read Clafflin. " 147th, 18th line from the top, for " Boot," read Boott. " 164th, the death noted against 2441.6 should be against 2442.7. If the reader will make the above corrections with his pen on the pages desig nated, he will not forget them, or have to recur to them here. Information regarding errors in names or dates herein, and also further informa tion respecting the Waed Family, will, if post paid, be cheerfully received by A. H. WARD. •J ft L « J, - , -, C; C. p. MOODY, PRINTER, OLD DICKINSON PRINTING OFFICE, 62 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON. PREFACE. Names are apellations, which, when applied to persons, are used to designate one family from another, and one individual from another of the same family. Family names are surnames, and are arbitrary; depending upon the sole wiU and choice of the persons taking them. Hence many persons have relinquished their family or surname, and taken some other ; whUe others for the novelty of it, or from some other cause have changed the orthography of their surnames, whereby the number of names has not only been greatly increased, but a knowl edge of the ancestry of some families entirely lost. While the right of a person to assume a new nairie is conceded, there is also high authority for saying, that every man has a right to spell his own name as he pleases, iut not that of another. To surnames are prefixed other and various names to designate indi viduals, the offspring of the same paternity — such are called christian names. The orthography of both christian and surnames in the foUowing pages will be thought, in some instances by most readers, to be incor rect, and, perhaps in some, known to be so by those to whom they are applied. However that may be, I have followed the orthography, as also the dates without regard to old and new 4tyle, as found in public records and in the communications sent me ; prefering, in a few in stances excepted, where the orthography was manifestly erroneous, to take it as I found it. An article upon the origin of names, and one upon old and new style may be found at the close of the volume. EXPLANATIONS. The figures in the first left hand column denote the number of each individual in the whole number traced. Those in the second, the num- IV PREFACE. ber of children in the family. Those in the right hand column that the person against whose name they are placed had or has descendants or is further noticed — such may be found with his or her family by cor responding figures on the left hand against his name or that of her hus band in the succeeding generation. Those in brackets following the name of the husband or wife refer to his or her number in the whole number traced and to his or her number in the family to which he or she belonged. Towns, when mentioned are to be understood as in Massachusetts, unless otherwise designated or implied. Places of resi dence, when known, are also mentioned. It is matter of regret that so many omissions in that particular are found in the documents sent me. A knowledge of one's residence, who had a family, is not only desirable but essentially necessary to aid the enquirer where to look for his descendants or a record of them — without it he is not unlike a ship in the midst of a broad and trackless ocean seeking her destined port without chart or compass. ABBREVIATIONS. b. born — m. married — unm. unmarried — d. deceased — dau. daugh ter — • chil. children — wid. widow — H. U. Harvard University — Y. C. Yale College — D. C. Dartmouth CoUege — and others, that wUl be understood by the reader. INTRODUCTION. A desire to know my ancestors, paternal and maternal, in a continu ous line to the period of their first settling in this country, gave rise to this publication. While accomplishing it, collaterals and their descendants met me on every side, and claimed of me that notice, which had been so long neg lected THAT THE KNOWLEDGE OP THEM MIGHT NOT DIE WITH THEM. That appeal was not made in vain — it has been complied with, and the result is here embodied in a record of the Ward family, not only in discharge of a duty to the departed, but for the information of their descendants now on the stage, and of those that are yet to come. It embraces the names of all the descendants of William Ward, so far as they have come to my knowledge from county, town, parish and family records. Further time and researches would no doubt lead to the discovery of others,, and to what became of some herein mentioned, of whom but little is known. The first mention of WUliam Ward, and of his being in America, that I have been able to find, was in 1639. In that year, according to the records of Sudbury, the proprietors of that plantation made three divis ions of their lands ; the firsf in 1639, the second and third, in 1640 — it appears of record, that William Ward shared in eaoh of these divisions ; then having a second wife and several children. Tradition, transmitted from his early descendants, says he came from Yorkshire or Derbyshire in England. Investigations have recently been made in England to ascertain his paternity, but without any satisfactory result. They are still being made for that purpose, and to learn the names of his wives and births of his chUdren, who came here with him. Yet, as consider able time may elapse before the final result can be obtained, and, when obtained, may not be conclusive, it is deemed not advisable to delay this pubUcation for information from abroad to the disappointment at home, of many of his descendants, who are impatient by reason of their ad- VI INTRODUCTION. vanced age, to be informed of their ancestry, at least in America, before they go hence. • Information already received, renders it improbable that he came from Yorkshire, although it is quite certain, that his early ancestors were of that place. Seven hundred and ten distinguished persons, each bearing but one name, accompanied WiUiam, the Conqueror, from Nor mandy to the conquest of England in 1066 ; a record of all of whose names is yet preserved. Among the number, was " Ward, one of the noble Captains." This is the earUest period in which the name is found in English history, and the first which appears there with an additional name was WiUiam de la Ward, residing in Chester, in 1175. From 1349, a succession of eleven generations of one family is found there, in each of which, the name of the head of the family was, in the first, Ralph; inthe second, i?icAart Waterbury, Vt. ; resid ing, unra., at Duxbury, Vt. 1986. 3 Eari, Aug. 28, 1800, at Waterbury, Vt., m. Eliza beth Munson. (594) 1987. 4 Oren, Jan. 28, 1803, at Duxbury, Vt., d. Infant. 1988. 5 Fanny, Aug. 28, 1804, at Duxbury, Vt., m. John Wesley BushneU. • (596) 1989. 6 Hezekiah, Oct. 7, 1806, at Duxbury, Vt., m. Ada hne Walbridge. (596) 1990. 7 Jemima, June 15, 1808, at Duxbury, Vt., m. My ron T. Holcomb. (597) 1991. 8 Elvira, March 24, 1810, at Burlington, Vt., m. Moses BuU. 1992. 9 Chariotte, Aug. — 1813, at Duxbury, Vt., m. Dan iel Shepard. (698) 1993. 10 Oren, 1816, at Berlin, Vt., d. infant. 1994. 11 Edwin R,, July 6, 1834, at Richmond, Vt, 1996, 12 Tertullus, Nov, 29, 1836, at Duxbury, "• 1996. 13 Zalucus, June 8, 1838, at Berlin, " (351) VI. JONATHAN WARD [1025.1] went to Ston ington, Ct., and there m, Zeruiah Cheesebrough, (b, March 17, 1777,) March 3, 1802 ; resided at Ston,, and d, there Dec 9, 1848, in his 74th year. His chU, were, 1997, 1 Gurdon, b. July 1, 1803, d, Sept. 16, 1803. ' 1998, 2 Dec, 1, 1807, d. infant, 1999. 3 Albert, Aug. 11, 1810, d. Jan, 4, 1811, 2000, 4 Winthrop, March 2, 1819, residing at Stonington, Ct,,1848, (352) VI. JONATHAN WARD, [1046,1] m, Mellta Daniels, of Frankhn, Sept. 29, 1789 ; they m. in early life ; she was b, Jan, 14, 1774, He was not 20, nor she 140 WARD FAMILY, re- ^5 16 years of age at the time of their marriage. He sided at Upton, and is stiU hving there. His chU, were, 2001, 1 Nahum, b, Jan, 7, 1790, d. 1796. 2002. 2 Lois, AprU 25, 1792, m. Jonas Warren. 2003, 3 Prudence, Feb. 14, 1797, m, Perley Rockwood, 2004. 4 Pardlus Thurston, July 12, 1803, d. 1804. 2005. 5 Anna Marilla, Aug. 6, 1805, m, Eramons H, Fisk. 2006, 6 Calvm Judson, May 25, 1808, m, Eliza Ann Hay ward, in 1829, and d. 1830, 2007, 7 Jonathan Erwin, Nov, 14, 1811, m, Ehza Ann, his brother's wid, (599) 2008, 8 Mllcah Mehta Selina, Jan, 24, 1814, m, Charies A, Fiske. (353) VI. BERNARD WARD [1053.1] ra. Rachel, dau. of Dea. Oliver Strong, of Norfolk, Ct., at Poultney, AprU 7, 1785, and resided at P. untU March, 1794, when he reraoved to UtiderhiU, Vt, ; where his wife, Rachel, d. March 8, 1844, and he, Dec, 10th, of the same year, m his 81st year. Their chU, were, 2009, 1 Chandler, b, July 16, 1786, m. Clarissa Whlpple.(600) 2010. 2 Almira, May 11, 1788, m, Jonathan Scott, (601) 2011, 3 Chauncy, Jan. 12, 1790, m. Parlay L, Scott. (602) (354) VI, PHILIP BROOKINS, of Poultney, Vt., m. Lucy Ward, [1064,2] and resided at P,, where he d. Oct, 5, 1836, aged 71 ; and his wid., Lucy, Oct. 12, 1839, in her 72d year. Their only chUd, name unknown, d, infant, (355) VI, DEXTER WARD [1066.3] m. Hannah, dau, of Reuben Stevens, of Poultney, Vt,, Oct. 20, 1791, and removed thence to Underbill, Vt., in 1793, where they now reside. Both his legs were amputated above his knees. Sept, 20, 1810, in consequence of a disease that caused thera to mortify ; since which he has enjoyed good health, and transacted an active and extensive busi ness. Their chil. were, 2012, 1 Salmon, b, Jan, 31, 1792, m, Susanna Proctor. (603) 2013. 2 Periey, Nov, 20, 1793, m, Josiah Boynton, (604) 2014. 3 Matilda, Nov. 30, 1796, m. Abner Adams. (605) 2015, 4 Melinda, March 6, 1798, m. Sarauel CadweU. (606) 2016, 5 Lucy, July 20, 1800, d. Oct., 1800. 2017. 6 William, Oct. 2, 1801, d. Aug. 6, 1802. WARD FAMILY. 141 2018. 7 Reuben, Nov. 14, 1803, d. at Peoria, IU., July 8, 1826. 2019. 8' Asahel P., June 26, 1806, m. Susan Converse. (607) 2020. 9 Hannah S., May 27, 1809, m. Ryan Ballard. (608) 2021. 10 Dexter, Sept. 25, 1812, ra. CecUia Wood. (609) (356) VI. Maj. ASAHEL POND, son of Daniel, of Poultney, Vt., m. Louisa Ward, [1056.4] Dec. 9, 1792, and resided at Poultney, where he d. Oct. 12, 1830, and where his wid., Louisa, now resides. Their chil. were, 2022. 1 Munson, b. Nov. 4, 1793, m. Esther Fuller. (610) 2023. 2 Daniel, AprU 29, 1795, m. Minerva Skinner. (611) 2024. 3 PhUip, Oct. 12,1796, m. Julia Ransom, (612) 2025, 4 Hu-ara, Dec. 12, 1798, resides at Panton,Vt., unm. 2026. 5 Louisa, Sept. 28, 1800, ra, Solomon FarweU. (613) 2027. 6 Angehne, June 26, 1802, m, Silas Pond. (614) 2028. 7 Zellraa, May 29, 1804, m. Archibald Dewey. (615) 2029. 8 Asahel P., May 20, 1807, ra. Calista HartweU. (616) 2030. 9 Evelina, Dec 3, 1809, m. Abel Thornton. (617) 2031. 10 Paulina, AprU 14, 1811, m, John Mason, jr, (618) 2032, 11 Charlotte, Dec. 7, 1813, m. John Baker, (619) (357) VI. WILLIAM CILLEY, of Poultney, Vt., m, AbigaU Ward, [1057,5] Sept. 10, 1795, and resided at Poultney, UnderhiU, &c., and lastly at Jericho, Vt., where he d. AprU 6, 1847, aged 77. His wid., AbigaU, resides there. They had, 2033. 1 Llndamlra, b. May 6, 1797, m. MarshaU Castle. (620) 2034. 2 Lucy, June 5, 1799, m. Almon FenneU. (621) 2036. 3 Wilham, Sept. 20, 1801, m. Roxana Castel, of Es sex, Vt,, Feb,, 1830 ; reside in Wisconsin, 2036, 4 Spencer, June 12, 1804, m, Atarah Ward, [2044,4] (622) 2037, 6 Ehza, m, Paul Castle, (623) 2038, 6 Albert, Sept. 24, 1809, m. AbigaU Castle, of WU- llston, Vt., Aug. 6, 1836, and resides at Jericho, Vt. 2039, 7 EmUy, May 17, 1812, m, Ira Abbey, of Essex, Vt,, AprU 18, 1841, 2040, 8 Jackson, June 30, 1816, m, Lucretia HiU, Sept, 11,1841. ¦•J - (358) VI. WILLIAM WARD, [1058.6] m. Anna, at Poultney, Vt., March 7, 1803 ; dau. of John Spencer, of East Hartford, Ct., and resides at P. ; a Magistrate. 142 WARD FAMILY. His wife, Anna, d. there Jan, 3., 1819, aged 38, He next m., at Hebron, Wash. Co., N. Y,, Anna, wid, of Abner P. Hitchcock, of Granville, N. Y., March 7, 1821,* His chU., aU b, at P,, were, 2041. 1 Elisha, b, June 20, 1804, m, Eliza Pease. (624) 2042, 2 Spencer, Jan, 7, 1806, m. wid. Ann Rice. (625) 2043, 3 Atarah, AprU 15, 1808, d. Infant. 2044. 4 Atarah, April 16, 1.809, m. Spencer CUley, [2036,4] 2045. 5 William W., July 6, 1811, (626) 2046. 6 Charies, June 27, 1813, ra, Sophia Sinclair. (627) 2047. 7 Anna, Nov. 18, 1816, d. at Poultney, Vt., unm., Aug. 26, 1839, 2048, 8 Almira, June 3, 1818, m, Morgan Sacket, (628) 2049. 9 Fanny, May 28, 1823, d, at SUver Creek, Chau tauque Co., N. Y., unm., Aug, 22, 1846. 2050. 10 Ehza, Jan. 23, 1825, m. Benjamm F. FarweU. (629) * WiUiam Ward, Esq.,d. at Poultney, Vt., Oct.ll, 1850, in his 73d year. His funeral sermon was from a text of his own selection. " He shall retum no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more." — Job, 7 : 10. (369) VI. ELISHA WARD [1059.7] m. Zehma Denzelo, of Kent, Ct., Nov. 14, 1803, and now resides at Milan, Erie Co., Ohio. Their chil., all b. at Readmg, Steuben Co., N. Y., were, 2061. 1 Lucy M., b. Aug. 15, 1805, m. Anthony Thomp son. (630) 2052. 2 Eliza, Oct. 15, 1806, m. Caleb Townsend. (631) 2053. 3 Polly D., Dec. 2, 1808, kiUed by Isaac Baldwin, insane, Aug. 16, 1809. 2054. 4 WUliam C, Nov. 4, 1810, m. Jane Johnson. (632) 2065. 6 Clark Kendrick, Oct. 17, 1812, m. Ahce Demott Selfridge. (633) 2056, 6 Zehma, Jan, 8, 1815, resides at Oxford, Erie Co., Ohio, unm. 2057, 7 Publius G., Jan. 27, 1817 ; residence unknown, 2068, 8 Rosetta, Oct. 22, 1818, m. Edward C. Andrews, (634) 2059, 9 John W,, AprU 21, 1821 ; residence unknown, 2060. 10 Chapman Denzelo, June 22, 1823, living, and unm. (360) VI. LORENZO WARD, [1061.9] m. AbigaU, dau. of Solomon Cleaveland, of Poultney, Vt., Feb. 16, 1806, where he resided, and d. Dec. 18, 1841, in his 57th year. Their chil. were, WARD FAMILY. 143 2061, 1 Obadiah L,, b, Dec, 19, 1806, m. Caroline Vick ery. (636) 2062. 2 Elsy,Feb, 3, 1809, m, Dana Columbia. (636) 2063. 3 Lucy, Feb. 3, 1811, ra. Alexander Tappan, (637) 2064, 4 Whitman R,, Feb. 8, 1813, d, Feb, 16, 1814. 2065, 5 Sarah, Oct, 16, 1814, ra, James Gorham. (638) 2066. 6 Whitman R., Sept. 26, 1816, m. in Wisconsin, and resides there. 2067. 7 Esther, Jan. 31, 1819, m. Walter Blackman, (639) 2068, 8 Henry C, May 3, 1820 ; is in Wisconsin, unm. 2069, 9 Hirara P., June 4, 1822, hving, and unm. 2070. 10 Chauncey C, May 3, 1824, d, Dec. 21, 1825. 2071. 11 Eliza, March 16, 1826, ra. Arrabot F. Holt, of Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1849. 2072. 12 Chauncey C, AprU 13, 1828, ) 2073. 13 Parley M., Dec 14, 1830, (-living, and unm. 2074. 14 Orson, March 29, 1833, ) (361) VL ORLANDO WARD [1062.10] m. Phebe, dau. of Hezekiah Wood, of Castleton, Vt., June 29, 1804, and resided at Jericho and UnderhUl, Vt. ; subsequently, at Hadley and Luzerne, N. Y. They now reside at Newfane, Nlag. Co., N. Y. They had, 2076. 1 Dexter, b, Oct, 20, 1804, m. Cynthia Sacket, (640) 2076, 2 Elvira, April 3, 1808, m, S, Winchester, They reside in Michigan. 2077. 3 Noah Church, Sept. 30, 1809, m, Betsy Rowley, (641) 2078, 4 Orlando, Jan, 22, 1812, m. Electa Barnum. (642) 2079. 5 Philander, May 15, 1814, ra. Hoit. (643) 2080. 6 Mandana, Feb. 12, 1816, ra. Timothy Baker ; both deceased, • — resided in Michigan. 2081, 7 Lorenzo, AprU 25, 1718, ra, Harriet CaldweU, (644) 2082, 8 Clarissa, March 17, 1820, m. Egbert. They reside in Michigan, 2083, 9 Carlos, AprU 29, 1822, m, Cornelia, dau. of Samuel and Betsy Cudderbuck. Nothing more known of them. 2084. 10 Zeruiah, July 14, 1828, d. at Newfane, Nlag. Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, 1849. (362) VI. ELIOT PORTER, of Fayston, Vt., m. Sidna Ward [1063.11] Oct. 8, 1812 ; they reside at Fayston, where they had, 2085. 1 William E.,b. Feb. 5, 1815, ra. Maria Smith. (645) 2086. 2 WUlard B., March 1, 1817, m. Mary M, IngaUs, (646) 144 WARD FAMILY, 2087, 3 A W., Nov. 8, 1820, d. infant. 2088. 4 Tamar, March 19, 1822, d. Sept. 12, 1823. 2089. 5 Warren C, March 16, 1824, ra. Amanda C. Eliott.(647) 2090. 6 Wilfred W., July 24, 1826,llvlng,and unra., 1849. (363) VI, CHARLES WARD [1064.12] m. Lydia, b. at Mlddleton,Vt., Dec. 12, 1791, dau. of Theodore King, of Poultney, Vt., Sept. 11, 1814. Her father, whose wife was Lydia Smith, was an early settler In Vt., from Windsor, Ct. Charles Ward removed to Steuben Co., N. Y. ; thence. In 1821, to Great VaUey, Cataraugus Co., N. Y., and thence, in 1846, to Rochester, Wiscon sin ; where his wife, Lydia, d. Aug. 26, 1847, aged 66, The death of his wife, and two promising sons, in early manhood, all within one year, at Rochester, where they lie, burled side by side, on Cadwell's prairie, induced him to return to Great Valley, in 1849, where he now resides. His chil. were, 2091. 1 Verres, b. Aug. 21, 1816, m. Jennet Roy. (648) 2092. 2 Pherson, Nov. 8, 1817, m. EmUy A. Cox. (649) 2093. 3 Arunah, Sept. 30, 1820, hvmg at Great Valley, unmarried. 2094. 4 Stene, May 4, 1825, d. at Rochester, Wisconsin, unm., Oct. 2, 1846. 2095. 6 Loyal, June 4, 1827, resides at Great VaUey, unm, 2096. 6 King, July 8, 1828, d. at Rochester, Wis., Aug. 1, 1847, 2097. 7 Theresa, Aug. 14, 1831, resides at Great VaUey, unm., 1849. (364) VL NATHANIEL WHITE m. Ehzabeth Ward, [1080.1] Nov. 18, 1800, and resided several years at PhlUlpston ; subsequent to 1813, he removed to Plainfield, where they now reside. They had, 2098. 1 Patty, b. May 19, 1802, ) these, and three other 2099. 2 Enderson, May 28, 1804, ( chU., naraes, unknown, d, before 1813. 2100. 3 Benjamin, AprU 13, 1813, m. Miranda Packard, of Plainfield, and resides there. 2101, 4 Joseph Nelson, — 1816. 2102. 5 Lucy, — 1817, m. Cyrus Bird ; they reside at Cummington. 2103. 6 Eliza Elizabeth, m. Benjamin F. Bigelow ; they reside at Springfield, WARD FAMILY. 145 2104. 7 Sally, m. Abel Streeter, of Plainfield, in 1849 ; they reside at Johnstown, N. Y. (365) VI. NAHUM WARD [1081.2] m. Dinah Rich, May 26, 1807, and resided at PhUhpston — Capt., Se lectraan, &c. ; where he d. March 31, 1838, in his 57th year, and his wid., Dinah, March 5, 1849. They had, 2105. 1 Ithamar, b. May 17, 1808, m. Mercy Rogers. (650) 2106. 2 Thomas Walter, AprU 9, 1810, d. Aug. 15, 1817, 2107, 3 Adaline, Nov, 21, 1811, ra, Capt. Lewis Maynard, May 6, 1835 ; they reside at La Harp, Hancock Co., IU. 2108, 4 Augusta, May 25, 1813, m. Nathaniel Smith, Dec. 4, 1838, and reside at Natick ; no issue. 2109, 6 Harrison, May 14, 1815, m. Luana L. Thompson. (661) 2110, 6 Phny N., May 16, 1817, Instructor of youth, at Brighton, and unm., 1850. 2111. 7 Catharine M., May 6, 1819, hving, unm., at Phil lipston. 2112. 8 Phebe Parker, July 7, 1822, living, unm., at PhU hpston. (366) VL WALTER WARD [1082.3] m. Mary Stratton, of PhUhpston, Jan. 21, 1810, and removed to Edgcomb, Me. ; returned to P. prior to 1813 ; resided in Athol sev eral years, and, about 1839, removed to Marietta, Ohio, where he now resides. They had, 2113. 1 Ambrose, b. Nov. 3, 1810, d. Oct. 13, 1819. 2114, 2 George Austin, Jan. 22, 1813, m. Susan U. Bailey. (662) 2116. 3 Alfred, AprU 19, 1815, d. at Athol, Nov. 2, 1838. 2116. 4 Susan S., June 1, 1817, ra. RusseU Carruth. (653) 2117. 5 Gershora, Dec. 6, 1819, d. at Athol, July 6, 1822. 2118. 6 Mary Annette, April 23, 1822, m. BaUey, of Warren, Wash. Co., 0., 1848, and d. there, June, 1849. 2119. 7 Sarah Childs, June 10, 1824, living, and unm. 2120. 8 CarolineGeneva, Feb. 9, 1827, resides in Ohio, unm. (367) VL THACHER RICH m. Phebe Ward, [1083.4] March 8, 1817, and resides at PhUhpston. They had, 2121. 1 Lewis Demond, b. July 3, 1818, m. Susan Nutting, of Winchendon, and resides at Templeton. 2122. 2 Thomas Walter, May 13, 1820, m. Eraily Chafflin, of HoUiston, July, 1845, and resides at East Randolph. 2123. 3 Benjamin Ward, Sept. 27, 1821, m. Lydia Witt, of Royalston, and resides there. 19 146 WARD FAMILY. 2124. 4 Anna R., May 12, 1823, 2125. 5 Jeremiah T., May 8, 1825. 2126. 6 Phebe Ann, Aug. 22, 1826, m. Lysander Turner, Jan., 1849. 2127. 7 George, Sept. 20, 1828. 2128. 8 John E., Nov, 3, 1830. 2129, 9 Harrison, Jo j. oa iooc 2130, 10 Harriet, i ^^P*- 20, 1835, (368) VI, BENJAMIN WARD, [1084.6] read law, and, having been admitted to the Bar In Worcester Co., settled at Rindge, N. H. ; where he m. Linda Raymond, and d, there, Feb., 1828, in his 36th year. They had, 2131. 1 Mary Ann, now an Instructress at Decatur, Mississippi. Linda, wid. of Benjamin Ward, m. Dr. Nathaniel Kingsbury, of Rindge. (369) VI. ANDREW HENSHAW WARD, [1094.1] H. U. 1808, ra. Sarah, b. AprU 10, 1787, dau. of David Henshaw,* Esq., of Leicester, in 1809, and in 1811, set tled at Shrewsbury in the practice of law ; In 1829, ap pointed an officer of the Customs, and In that year removed to Boston ; reformed out of office in 1841 ; re formed In again In 1843, and has since continued in office ; * David Henshaw, Esq., b. Boston, Aug. 19, 1744, d. Leicester, May 22, 1808; m., 1773, Mary Sargent, of Leicester, b. there Aug. 27, 1755, d. Sept. 9, 1831 ; son of Daniel, of Boston and Leicester, h. Boston, Deo. 3, 1701, d. Leicester, Nov. 18, 1781 ; m., March 30, 1724, Ehzabeth Bass.b. Feb. 2, 1704, d. Leicester, Oct. 25, 1774 ; son of Joshua, b. Dorchester, 1672, d. Boston, April 27, 1747; m., 1700, Mary Webster, b. 1672, d. Boston, Dec. 15, 1747; son of Joshua, b. Eng., 1643, came to Dorchester 1653, and d. 1719; m., 1670, Elizabeth, b. about 1640, dau. of William Sumner, of Dorchester, and d. there, 1728, aged 88 ; son of William, killed by the King's troops, under Prince Rupert, during the civil wars, 1644; m., 1627, Catharine, who d. 1651, dau. of Evan Houghton, of Wavertree Hall, in the county Palatine, of Lancaster ; son of Thomas Henshaw, of Derby, in said Co. of Lan., who d. at To.xter Park, near Liverpool, about 1630 ; m. a daughter of- Kendrick, of Kendrick's Cross, in the town of Prescot, Co. of Lancaster. Evan Houghton, and William Henshaw belonged to the Parlia ment army, and were both killed in the taking of Liverpool. The wife of Evan Houghton, and mother of Catharine, wife of William Henshaw, was Ellen Parker, of Bridge Hall, in the Co. of Lancaster. WARD FAMILY. 147 thirty-six years a Magistrate, and, in 1842, removed to . West Newton, where he resides. Their chU. were, 2132. 1 Sarah Ann Henshaw, b. Sept. 28, 1809, m. Francis Suraner Carruth. (664) 2133. 2 WiUiam, July 16, 1812, m, Mary LeffingweU Henshaw. (665) 2134. 3 Joseph Walter, July 2, 1814, m. Catharine Mary Appleton. (666) 2136. 4 John Tucker, June 4, 1816, d. at Boston, Nov. 2, 1840 ; of the House of Henshaw, Ward, & Co. 2136. 5 Eliza Maria Antoinette, Feb. 8, 1818, d. at Shrews. Oct. 16, 1821. 2137. 6 Frances Caroline Augusta, Feb. 2, 1820, d. at Shrews. Oct. 23, 1821. 2138. 7 Frances Antoinette Elizabeth, AprU 19, 1822, m. Joseph Lewis Danforth. (657) 2139. 8 Andrew Henshaw, Jan. 28, 1824, unm. ; of the House of Ward & Boot, Boston. 2140. 9 David Henshaw, June 23, 1830, member of Soph. class, H. U., Oct., 1850. (370) VI. NAHUM WARD [1095.2] went to Marietta, 0., In 1811, and there ra. Sarah Catharine, b, Aug. 16, 1796, dau. of WUham Skinner, Esq., of Marietta, Oct, 21, 1817, where she d, Aug. 4, 1844. He nextm., Jan, 4, 1848, his cousin, Harriet, b. 1795, dau. of Daniel Denny, (b. Leicester, Aug. 6, 1758, m. Nancy Watson, of Leicester, Oct., 1783, and d., Worcester, May 22, 1822.) He resides at Marietta, and has been Mayor of that city. His chU. were, 2141, 1 Sarah Catharine, b, March 18, 1819, m, WUliam L. Ralston. (658) 2142. 2 Ann Maria Skinner, Sept, 30, 1820, d. Aug. 11, 1839. 2143, 3 WUham Skinner, Feb. 12, 1822, m. Catharine Vaughn Clark. (659) 2144. 4 Mary Ehzabeth, Aug. 7, 1824, m. Charles R. Rhodes. (660) 2146. 6 George W, Lafayette, Sept. 29, 1826, d, Aug. 27, 1826. 2146. 6 Harriet Caroline, Nov. 6, 1826. 2147. 7 Henrietta Dana, March 31, 1830. (371) VI. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, of Pomfret, Ct., m. Harriet Ward, [1096,3] May 19, 1817, and, after re- . 148 WARD FAMILY, siding there a few years, removed to Shrewsbury, where she d. Nov, 13, 1824, in her 37th year. He removed to Marietta, 0., about 1832, and resides there. Their chU., aU b. In Ct., were, 2148, 1 Artemas Ward, b. March 2, 1818, m, and resides in Ohio. 2149. 2 William Gardiner, Feb. 22, 1820, unm., and resides in Ohio. 2150. 3 Thoraas Walter, March 24, 1822, m., and resides In Ohio. (372) VL NATHAN BALDWIN, of Shrewsbury, b. there Sept. 24, 1790, m. Elizabeth Denny Ward, [1099.6] May 26,1817; resided at Shrews., Capt., &c., and d. there Jan. 26, 1850, in his 60th year. She sur vives. They had, 2151. 1 Catharine Maria, b. Jan. 6, 1818, m. Thomas Lyon, of Northboro'. May 31, 1838. He resided, and d. at Shrewsbury, Dec. 15, 1850, aged 38. 2162. 2 Henry Walter, Jan. 5, 1820, m. Louisa B., b. Sept. 21, 1824, dau. of TheophUus Nourse, of Beriin, June 14, 1850, and resides at Shrewsbury. 2153. 3 Charies Smith, March 22, 1823, d. young. 2154. 4 James Hammond, March 18, 1836. (373) VI. Rbv. HENRY DANA WARD, [1100.7] H. U. 1816, m. Ablgail Porter, dau. of Samuel Jones, Esq., of Lebanon Springs, and resided in the city of N. Y. ; where she d. Dec. 23, 1837. He next m. Charlotte, in Fairfax Co., Va., May 26, 1842, dau. of Richard Gal braith, of Dublin, Ireland ; settled an Episcopalian Clergy man, at Charieston, Kanawha C. H. Va. in 1845, and, in 1849, over St. Jude's Church, in the city of N. Y. His chU. were, 2156. 1 Henry Dana Artemas, b. March 9, 1843. 2156. 2 Chariotte Ehzabeth, Dec. 6, 1846. 2157. 3 Artemas, May 20, 1848. (374) VI. THOMAS WALTER WARD [1101.8] m, Harriet P. Grosvenor,* of Pomfret, Ct., AprU 6, 1825, *Her father, Charles Grosvenor, was b. at Pomfret, Ct., Oct. 1, 1775, and d. Aug. 9, 1801 ; m. Rebecca Plympton, of Sturbridge, April 20, 1 798, who d. 1802, aged 24 ; son of Oliver, b. at Pomfret, May 19, 1743, and d. May 13, 1824 ; m. Zeruiah Payson, of Pom fret, who d. July 16, 1828, aged 84; son of Ebenezer, b. at Pom- WARD FAMILY. 149 and, after residing there a few years, returned to Shrews bury, is a Magistrate, and resides there on the homestead of his fathers. Their chU, were, 2158, 1 Samuel Denny, b. AprU 3, 1826. 2159, 2 Arteraas, July 16, 1828, d, Oct, 29, 1833. 2160. 3 Charles Grosvenor, Dec. 30, 1829. 2161, 4 Ellen Grosvenor, Jan. 12, 1832. 2162. 6 Thomas Walter, July 6, 1834. 2163. 6 Elizabeth, Dec 18, 1840, 2164, 7 Harriet, June 27, 1843. (375) VI. BENJAMIN PERKINS PUTNAM, of Mari etta, 0., m, Sarah Henshaw Ward, [1102.9] Oct. 3, 1824, and d. there Jan. 2, 1826, aged 25. She returned, remains his wid., and resides at Shrewsbury. (376) VI. BENJAMIN P. DIX, of Groton, son of Benja min, Esq., of Littleton, ra, Caroline Ward, [1103,10] Dec 30, 1830. They reside at Groton, and had, 2165. 1 Benjamin Ward, b. March 16, 1833. 2166, 2 Sarah Elizabeth, Oct, 31, 1834, 2167, 3 Henry Dana, Jan. 18, 1838. 2168. 4 Alfred Perkins, Dec 12, 1839, 5 Harriet Carohne, Sept. 2, 1842. (377) VI. Rev. ALVAN LAMSON, native of Weston, H. U. 1814, D.D. 1837, S. H. S., ord. Dedhara, Oct. 29, 1818, m. Frances Fideha Ward, [1106.3] July 11, 1826. His Parish Is the same, of which her gr. -gr.-father Dexter was the Minister, In 1724. Their chU, were, 2169, 1 Catharine Maria. 2170. 2 Frances Artemisia. 2171. 3 Artemas Ward. 2172, 4 Mary Dexter, (378) VI, CPIARLES TROWBRIDGE WARD [1109.6] m. Amanda, b. March 17, 1810, dau. of Abner Atherton, of Dedhara, son of Abner, of Sharon, Oct. 10, 1827, and resides at Boston, Their chU, were, fret, Dec. 13, 1713, and d. 1794, m.Lucy Cheney, March 15, 1737, who d. Dec. 29, 1792 ; son of Ebenezer, b. at Ro"bury, Oot. 9, 1684, and m. Anne Marcy, of Woodstock, Ct. ; son of John, who, with wife, Esther Clark, came from Cheshire Co., Eng., and was of Rox bury as early as 1672, having a son, WiUiam, b there on the Sth of Jan., in that year. 150 WARD FAMILY. 2173. 1 Charies Trowbridge, b. March 19, 1829. 2174. 2 Henry Vincent, AprU 21, 1836. 2175. 3 Henry Artemas, Jan. 10, 1839. 2176. 4 John MarshaU, July 19, 1841. 2177. 6 Catharine Dexter, Aug. 26, 1847. (379) VI. JONATHAN BARNS, Y, C. 1810, Counsellor at Law,ra. Maria Ward Tracy, [1110.1] April 29,1819, and resides at Middletown, Ct. Their chU. were, 2178. 1 Jane Randolph, b. March 17, 1820, m. Rev. Mr. Jones, of Southington, Ct., AprU, 1844. 2179. 2 Emily Tracy, March 26, 1821. 2180. 3 Maria Eliza, Dec. 7, 1823. 2181. 4 Catharine Steele, Feb. 12, 1826. 2182. 6 Jonathan Ebenezer, March 8, 1828, 2183, 6 Henry Ward, Feb. 10, 1830. (380) VI. CHAUNCY WHITTELSEY, b. June 18, 1783, Y. C. 1800, Counsellor at Law, m. Sarah Lathrop Tracy, [1111.2] AprU 14, 1818, and resided at Middletown, Ct. ; rose to the rank of General, and d. there Dec. 24, 1834; son of Chauncy, b. Nov. 7, 1746, and d. March 14, 1812 ; m., Feb. 14, 1770, Lucy Wetmore, b. AprU 27, 1748, and d. Jan. 23, 1826, Sarah L., wid. of Gen. W., resides at Middletown, Ct. Their chU. were, 2184. . 1 Charies Chauncy, b. Feb. 6, 1819, resides at St. Louis, Missouri. 2186. 2 Henry Ward, Dec. 12, 1820, d. Aug. 2, 1842, In Florida. 2186. 3 Maria Tracy, Dec.' 28, 1822, d. unm., at Mid.. Ct., Nov. 4, 1849. 2187. 4 Ebenezer Tracy, Oct. 23, 1824, resides at San Francisco, California, 2188. 5 Franklm Ward, May 31, 1827, resides in city of New York. 2189, 6 Lucy Alsop, AprU 7, 1829, resides at Mid., Ct. (381) VL JOHN H. WELLS, m. Juha Tracy, [1114.6] May, 1829, and reraoved to Wethersfield, 111., where he d. in 1844. They had, 2190. 1 Henry Dana, b. June 18, 1833. 2191. 2 Ebenezer Tracy, May 16, 1836. 2192. 3 Frankhn, Dec. 24, 1836. 2193. 4 Martha Carohne, Jan. 6, 1839. 2194, 5 John Howard, March 28, 1842. WARD FAMILY. 161 (382) VI. SAMUEL FRANKLIN TRACY [1118.9] m. Maria de los Angeles AreveUo, Jan. 13, 1833, and had, 2195. 1 Maria de los Angeles, b. Nov. 21, 1833. 2196. 2 Maria de los Mercedes, Oct. 27, 1834, d. Jan. 13, 1837. 2197. 3 Joseph Charies Samuel, Nov. 3, 1836. 2198. 4 Josephine Caroline Eliza, AprU 15, 1837. 2199. 5 Henry Franklin, Oct. 3, 1843. 2200. 6 Maria Christina, Oct. 5, 1844. 2201. 7 Julia Elvira, May 21, 1848. 2202. 8 dorinda Emily, June 3, 1849. (383) VI. CYRUS L. WATSON m. Caroline Tracy, [1119.10] AprU 25, 1832, and reraoved to Rushville, Schuyler Co., IU. ; where she d. AprU 6, 1836, in her 27th year. (384) VI. HENRY DANA ARTEMAS WARD, [1120.1] Y. C. 1819, m. Eliza Ann Tracy, [1115.6] Nov. 9, 1820, and d. AprU 2, 1827, In his 27th year. His wid. resides at Mid., Ct. Their chU. were, 2203. 1 Henry Dana Artemas, b. AprU 27, 1821, Y. C, Atty. at Law, num., Detroit, Michigan. 2204. 2 Maria Ehza, April 18, 1823, d. Dec 25. 1823. 2205. 3 Franklin Samuel, AprU 6, 1825, d. Aug. 20, 1826. (385) VI. CoL. ARETAS FERRY, of Granby, m. Mary Jones Ward, [1121.1] in 1821, and resided at Shutes bury, -Montague, and is now of Barnardston. Their chU. were, 2206. 1 Susanna Sanderson, b. Jan. 13, 1822, m. Henry H. Perkins, Esq., of Hartford, Ct., June 10, 1844. 2207. 2 Ward Aretas, Aug. 21, 1829. (386) VI. NOADIAH MONTAGUE, of Montague, m. Lucretia Ward, [1123.3] In 1832, and resides there. They had, 2208. 1 Henrv Ward, b. Oct. 15, 1833. 2209. 2 Mar/ Jones, April 9, 1837, d. May 5, 1839. 2210. 3 Mary Jones, July 1, 1840, d. Oct. 9, 1842. 2211. 4 Helen Mandana, Aug. 25, 1843. (387) VI. JONATHAN WARD [1125.5] m. Aureha, dau. of SUas Burnhara, of Montague, Oct. 22, 1835, and resides there. They had, 162 WARD FAMILY. 2212. 1 Harriet Aureha, b. July 9, 1836. 2213. 2 Truman Eleazer, June 19, 1838. (388) VI. JOHN SANDERSON WARD [1127.2] m. Emehne, dau. of Elias VUes, of Lexington, Dec. 22, 1847, and resides at Montague. They had, 2214. 1 Wilham Henry, b. June 26, 1849. (389) VI. ERASTUS COWLES, of Amherst, m. Eliza Ward, [1128.3] Dec 29, 1846, and resides there. They had, 2215. 1 Henry Ward, b. Nov. 24, 1847. Of the two famUies next following, no further particulars than here given, are known ; application therefor has not met with a response. (390) VI. WILLIAM WARD [1149.5] m. Olive Alex ander ; resided at , Vt., and has deceased. His wid. resides at MUton, Vt. They had three or more chU. ; some of them yet living at M. (391) VI. AARON WARD [1160.6] ra. Irena Dudley ; resided at , Vt., and deceased many years since. His children are said to have been, but perhaps not in this order, 2216. 1 Daniel. 2217. 2 Sylvester. 2218. 3 Sarah. 2219. 4 WiUiam. 2220. 5 Mary. (392) VI. JESSE WARD [1151.1] ra. Susanna Booth, in 1790, and resided at Henniker, N. H. ; where he d. Aug. 10, 1809, in his 48th year ; and his wid., Susanna, Sept. 26, 1809. Their chU. were, 2221. 1 Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1791, m. David Hardy. (661) 2222. 2 Sarah, Nov. 16, 1792, m. WUhara Bracket. (662) 2223. 3 Susanna, AprU 29, 1795, m. Titus V. Wadsworth. (663) 2224. 4 Jesse, Oct. 28, 1796, m. Sally Nichols. (664) 2225. 6 George, March 8, 1798. 2226. 6 Polly, March 10, 1800, m. John Tucker, of Hen., N. H., May, 1821, and reside at Munroe, Ohio. 2227. 7 Solomon, Nov. 7, 1803, m. Lydia Elhs, of Thetford, Vt., 1831, and removed to Ohio. WARD FAMILY. 153 (393) VI. GEORGE TALBOT m. Elizabeth Ward, [1163.3] In 1790, and removed to Athol, where she d. in 1838, aged 71. They had, perhaps not in this order, 2228. 1 Josiah. 2229. 2 Sally. 2230. 3 George. 2231. 4 KendaU. 2232. 5 Solomon. (394) VI. JOSIAH WARD [1154.4] m. Betsy Hoyt, of Dunbarton, N. H., in 1794, and resided at Henniker, N. H., untu 1807 ; when he removed to Croydon, N. H., and d. there in 1826, aged 57, His wid,, Betsy, d, there in 1829, Their chU, were, 2233, 1 Sally, b. Oct. 26, 1796, m. Gideon Gould, in 1838, They reside at Newport, N. H, 2234, 2 Daniel, Nov, 26, 1796, m,, and removed to Adrian, Michigan. 2235, 3 Josiah, Jan, 28, 1798, m., and removed to Adrian, Michigan, 2236. 4 Calvin, Dec 12, 1799, d. 1814. 2237. 5 Elisha, Feb. 16, 1802, 2238, 6 Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1803. 2239, 7 Thomas, July 11, 1806, 2240. 8 Alfred, Feb. 7, 1807. 2241, 9 Daniel, 2242. 10 GUbert. 2243, 11 Levonia, (396) VI. MOSES PEABODY, of Newport, N. H., m, Hannah Ward, [1167,7] In 1796, and resided at N,, where he d. in 1836 ; and his wid., Hannah, in 1836, aged 61, They had, 2244. 1 Josiah, b. — 1797, m. 2245, 2 Sally, " 2246, 3 Clarissa, " 2247, 4 Solomon, d. young, 2248, 5 Stillman, d. young, 2249, 6 Ira, m,, and resides in N, Y, 2260, 7 Hirara, m, 2251, 8 Sophia, resides in N. Y,, unm, (396) VI. AARON CHILDS m. Lucy Ward, [1158.8] In 1799, and d. In 1839, His wid,, Lucy, resides at 20 164 WARD FAMILY. StryhersvlUe, N. Y. They had. 2252. 1 Ward. 2253. 2 Martha. 2264. 3 Lucy. 2256. 4 WiUiam. 2256. 5 Asa. 2267. 6 Juhana. (397) VL JOSIAH CHILDS m. AbigaU Ward, [1161.11] in 1805. They reside at HennUier, N. H., and had, 2258. 1 Aaron, b. Dec. 1, 1806, m. Hannah Beaman, and resides at Augusta, Michigan. 2259. 2 Ira Goodale, Feb. — 1809, m. AbigaU Wilder, of Lancaster, and resides at Fitchburg. 2260. 3 Josiah, March 1, 1811, m. Louisa Toombs, of Lan caster, and resides at Augusta, Michigan. 2261. 4 Carlos, May 20, 1813, m. Philenia Bracket, of Colebrook, N. H., Aug. 22, 1848, and resides at Henni ker. 2262. 6 RoseUa, Aug. 24, 1815, m. John Whitney, of Lan caster, May 8, 1838, and resides there. 2263. 6 WUliam Carey, Nov. 4, 1817, d. at Henniker, N. H., unm., Oct. 31, 1842. 2264. 7 Sereno Austin, Sept. 17, 1819, m; Mary H. Lowe, ofFltchburg, lnl849. 2265. 8 Addison, Oct. 10, 1821, d. at Duxbury, unm., Nov. 5, 1844. 2266. 9 Sarah, Aug. 6, 1823, d. Aug. 6, 1826. 2267. 10 James Webster, June 16, 1826, ra. Lucy A. Hub bard, of Claremont, N. H. ; resides at Augusta, Michi gan. 2268. 11 Mary Elizabeth, AprU 24, 1829 ; resides at Henni ker, N. H. ¦-, (398) VI. SIMON PIPER, of Marlboro', N. H., m. Abi gaU Ward, [1171.2] and settled In Maine ; perhaps returned, as his two last named chU. were b. at Marl. They had, 2269. 1 AbigaU, b. 2270. 2 Simon. 2271. 3 John. 2272. 4 Fanny, Aug. 29, 1798, ra. Ehsha W. Bishop. (665) 2273. 5 Ohve, Jan. 24, 1801, m. Frederic MUls. (666) WARD FAMILY. 166 (399) VI. JONAS ROBINSON, m. Ehzabeth Ward ; [1172.3] residence unknown. They had, 2274. 1 Jonas. 2275. 2 Ehza. 2276. 3 Maria. 2277. 4 John. (400) VI. REUBEN WARD [1173.4] m. Rebecca, dau. of Samuel Coohdge, June 3, 1804 ; resided at Marlboro', N. H., and d. there June 2, 1808, aged 33. His wid. m. John Stone, of Dublin, N. H. ChU. of Reuben were, 2278. 1 Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1805, d. April 21, 1813. 2279. 2 Mary, Feb. 8, 1807, m. Aaron Stone. (667) 2280, 3 Reuben, Dec. 3, 1808, — posthumous, ra. Mary L. Hunt. (668) (401) VI. DANIEL WARD [1176.6] m. Lois Whitney, of Winchendon, Dec. 13, 1802, and resided at Marlboro', N, H,, untU after the birth of his second child ; when he removed to Greene, Chenango Co,, N, Y,, and thence, after the birth of the third, to LeRoy, Genesee Co,, N, Y., where he now resides. Their chil. were, 2281. 1 Daniel, b. Sept. 10, 1805, ra. Sarah M. Webb. (669) 2282. 2 Josiah WUder, May 18, 1807, d, unra., at LeRoy, N. Y,, June 18, 1831, 2283. 3 Caroline, Nov. 6, 1809, d. at Le Roy, N. Y., Aug, 26, 1812, 2284, 4 Calvin Thompson, Nov, 24, 1812, m. Eunice B. Carpenter, (670) 2285. 6 Emery Whitney, Oct. 4, 1815, d. at LeRoy, N. Y., AprU 6, 1833, 2286, 6 Charles KendaU, July 7, 1819, m, Laura C. Dav enport. (671) 2287. 7 Adahne Nancy, Dec. 11, 1822, ra. Leonard H. Newton. (672) (402) VI. LEVI WARD [1176.7] m. Nancy Whitney, of Winchendon, (sister of the wife of his brother Daniel,) Sept, 20, 1809. Their two first chU. were b, in N. H. ; the others, at Covington, Wyoming Co., N. Y., where the parents are supposed to reside. Their chil. were, 2288. 1 John, b. Sept. 16, 1810, m. Mercy Shumway. (673) 2289. 2 Emery, AprU 13, 1814, m. Susan Higgins. (674) 2290. 3 Daniel, Feb. — 1818, m. Catharine Phelps. (675) 156 WARD FAMILY. 2291. 4 Sarah Ann, Aug. 31, 1820, m. MitcheU Moore, of Covington, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1846. 2292. 6 Mary Ann, Aug. 14, 1823, m, Horace Coe, of Pa- vllllon, N, Y., Oct., 1846. 2293, 6 Nancy Ann, Aug, 11, 1827, (403) VI, TIMOTHY THOMPSON, of Swanzey, N, H,, m, Lucy Ward, [1177,8] March, 1805, and resided at S, untu 1818 ; when he removed to LeRoy, N, Y., and thence, in 1823, to Cambria, N, Y., where he d. Sept, 13, 1830, They had, 2294, 1 Eliza Ann, b, Nov. 20, 1806, ra. Alvah Tenant. (676) 2296. 2 Calvin Ward, AprU 19, 1809, ra, Mary Burchard. (677) 2296. 3 Adahne, Dec, 27, 1810, m. John Burchard. (678) 2297. 4 Sarah, Nov. — 1812, m. WUhara Talbot. (679) 2298. 6 Nancy Ward, Feb. 5, 1816, ra. WUUam Gould. (680) 2299, 6 David, Oct, 22, 1817, 2300, 7 Angela, May 6, 1819, m, WUhara Carpenter, of Lockport, N, Y., AprU 2, 1839, and d. June 13, 1844 ; no Issue. 2301, 8 Harriet, May 22, 1822, m. Daniel Bromley, of Vt,, June 23, 1845, 2302. 9 Lucy, Sept. 23, 1825, m. WUham Carpenter, of Lockport, N, Y., Dec. 10, 1845. 2303, 10 George, (404) VI. AMOS FIFE, of Boston, m. Nancy Ward, [1179.10] in 1816, and resided at Boston, where he d. Dec 26, 1830. His wid., Nancy, removed to Le Roy, N. Y., in 1832, with her chU., and d, there May 4, 1834, In her 41st year. They had, 2304. 1 George G., b. Feb. 25, 1817, ra. Eraily Watson, of Covington, N. Y., Oct., 1840, and d, there May 8, 1844. 2305, 2 Nancy Ward, Nov, 26, 1818, m, Oriando Morgan, of LeRoy, N, Y,, Nov, 6, 1845. 2306. 3 Eliza A., Dec. 11, 1820, d. at Boston, May 18, 1825 2307. 4 Amos E., AprU 6, 1822. 2308. 6 Franklin G., Jan. 1, 1824, d. Oct., 1828. 2309. 6 Mary E., July 26, 1827. 2310. 7 Emeline, Oct. 29, 1828. 2311. 8 Calvin Ward, June 3, 1829, d. at Le Roy, 16,1838. ^ WARD FAMILY. 157 (405) VI. CALVIN WARD [1180.11] removed to Le Roy, N. Y., and m. Thankful Smith ; thence to Penolton, Nlag. Co., N. Y., where he d. May 6, 1824, aged 26. They had, 2312. 1 Roraella, July 12, 1822, d. Sept. 10, 1844. 2313. 2 Calvin, June 12,1824. (406) VI. NATHANIEL WARD [1181.1] m. Cynthia, b. July 1, 1778, dau, of Nahura Clark, of Holliston, Mass,, Feb, 14, 1802, at Wardsboro', Vt, ; resides there, and has represented that town in the Legislature. Her gr.-father, TheophUus Clark, was kUled at Ticonder oga, in the French war. Their chil. were, 2314. 1 Eliza, b, Dec, — 1802, ra, Amasa Fitts, (681) 2316, 2 Calvin, AprU 2, 1806, m. Emily A. Higbee. (682) 2316, 3 Archelaus, Sept. 19, 1807, d. April 2, 1808, 2317, 4 Asa, March 23, 1809, m. Sarah S, Dunklee. (683) 2318. 5 Maria, Aug. 9, 1811, resides at Simcoe, Canada West ; Preceptress in the Seminary at Saxton's river, Vt., in 1848 and '49, 2319, 6 Jonathan S,, Oct, 28, 1815, d. AprU 11, 1816, 2320, 7 Nathaniel, Aug, 16, 1821, d, Feb, 27, 1834. 2321. 8 Lafayette, Nov. 17, 1824, D. C. 1847, ra. Emily Henrietta Leach. (684) (407) VL EBENEZER F. BALDWIN m. Theresa Maria Ward, [1182.2] May 17, 1831, and resides at Wards boro', Vt. ; Post Master there. They had, 2322. 1 Frederick, b. May — 1832. 2323. 2 Eliza, Aug. — 1836. 2324. 3 James M., May — 1837. (408) VI. CHARLES COBB, b. 1816, son of Jona. B., of Taunton, who d. in Louisiana, in 1820, m. Adaline L. Ward, [1183.3] Feb. 16, 1844, and resides at Stough ton, Mass. They had, 2325. 1 Eunice Adaline, b. April 7, 1844. 2326. 2 Sarah Maria, Nov. 13, 1846. 2327, 3 Carohne, July 22, 1848. (409) VI. ELIOT DAVID WARD [1184.4] m. Mary Elhs, Dec, 1844, and resides at Dover, Vt. They had, 2328. 1 Ozro EUis, b. 1845, d. 1846. 2329. 2 Dwight, 1846, d. 1848. 158 WARD FAMILY. (410) VI. ABEL S. WARD [1185.5] m. Mary W., dau. of Samuel and Mary (Whiting) Phillips, Esq., of Marl boro', Vt., June, 1844, and resides at Newfane, Vt,, where she d. Feb. 16, 1851, aged 28. They had, 2330. 1 Emraa Francena, b. 1846, d. 1849. 2331. 2 Samuel Clark, 1847, d. 1847. 2332, 3 Charles Francis, 1848, (411) VI, FRANKLIN J, WARD [1186.6] m. Catha rine M., dau. of Benjamin Pierce, of Newport, R. I., AprU 1, 1843, and resides in the city of N, Y, They had, 2333, 1 Theresa E,, b, Sept. 12, 1845. 2334. 2 Sarah A., Aug, 5, 1849, (412) VI. JOSIAH WARD [1187,1] m. Hannah Morse, of Southboro', Dec 4, 1777, and resided there until after 1793. Their chU., excepting the last one, were b. at S. He removed with his family to Bradford, N. H., where he resided untU his death, April 20, 1824, at the age of 68 years. His wid,, Hannah, d. there May 26, 1845, aged 87. They had, 2335, 1 Windsor, b, Feb, 12, 1778, m, Nancy Gullker. (685) 2336, 2 Jeremiah, March 12, 1781, m., and resides at Cov entry, Vt. 2337. 3 Levi, AprU 7, 1783, m. Nancy Brigham, of South boro', and d. at Westboro' in 1836 ; no issue. 2338. 4 Josiah, AprU 24, 1786, ra. Nancy Hunt. (686) 2339. 5 Sylvester, Sept. 4, 1790, m. Lydia Cheney, (687) 2340, 6 Joanna, Feb, 11, 1793, m, Asa Messer, of New bury, N. H. 2341. 7 DoUy, m. Sarauel Sargent, of Warner, N, H, (413) VI, ABNER WARD [1189.3] m. PoUy Davis, and resided at Sutton, N. H., where he d.. May, 1841, His wid., Polly, resides there. They had, 2342. 1 Polly, b. May 10, 1785, m. Stephen Squires ; they resided in Vt., where she d., May, 1849, 2343, 2 Wilham, Aug. — 1786, m. Happy Sargent. (688) 2344. 3 Asa, 1787, d. 1787. 2345. 4 Isaac, July 14, 1789, m. Catharine Davis. (689) 2346. 5 Sally, July 19, 1791, m. Jaraes Ward [2366.2], 2347. 6 Lucy, June — 1793, m. Gideon Packard, in Canada East. • WARD FAMILY. 159 148. 7 John, May — 1795, m. Sally Davis, (690) !49, 8 Betty, 1796 ; klUed by a faihng tree, in 1798. 550, 9 Patty, Nov. 1, 1798, m. David Gilmore ; reside in Henniker, N. H. !51. 10 Abner, 1800, m. Sally Bagley; resides at Sutton, N. H. ; no issue. 552. 11 Susan, Nov. — 1803, m. Nathan G. Holt ; reside at Henniker, N. H. 553. 12 Hannah, June 29, 1807, ra. James M. Wadleigh ; reside in Canada East. 114) VI. STEPHEN WARD [1191.6] m. Betsy Davis, and resided in Bradford, N. H., where he d. June 12, 1843. His wid., Betsy, resides there. They had, 564. 1 Ebenezer, b. May 23, 1787, ra, Nancy Sargent. (691) 565. 2 Jaraes, Oct. 5, 1789, m. Sally Ward [2346.5] (692) 566. 3 Samuel, Feb. 24, 1797, m. Polly Day. (693) 115) VI. EPHRAIM WARD [1199.3] m. Mary, b. 1784, dau. of Nathan Fay, of Southboro', May 5, 1806, and resides at Southboro', where she d. June 29, 1819. He next m. Sophia, b. l788, dau. of Hezekiah Fay, of Southboro', in 1820. His chU. were, 357. 1 Lyraan, b. June 25, 1807, m. Phebe MlUer Cady.(694) 358, 2 Lyscora, July 12, 1808, d, Nov, 7, 1821, 359. 3 Mary, Feb, 21, 1810, d. Feb. 8, 1816. 360. 4 Nathan, May 6, 1816, m. Lucy Ann Howe. (696) 361, 5 Mary Sophia, May 11, 1821, d, Aug. 3, 1832. 362. 6 Charies Ephraira, July 2, 1822, m. Abigail Muzzy, of Grafton, June, 1848, and resides at Winchendon. 363. 7 Martha Maria, Feb. 29, 1824, m. John B. Eastman, of Norwich, Vt., May 18, 1850, and resides at LoweU. 364. 8 Elizabeth Jane, March 21, 1825, d. Aug. 1, 1832, 366, 9 Elijah, Feb. 20, 1827, living, unm., at S. 366. 10 Geraldine, March 24, 1830, " " 416) VI. ELIJAH WARD [1200.4] m. Azubah Newton, of Southboro', July 16, 1802 ; resided at Southboro', had three chil. b. there, and removed to Chautauque, Chautauque Co., N. Y., where he resides. Their chU. at S. were, 367. 1 Melinda, b. Oct. 7, 1802, ra. Johnson, who was drowned at Chautauque, N. Y. She m. again. 368. 2 Loring, Oct. 30, 1803, d. Oct. 6, 1805. 160 WARD FAMILY. 2369. 3 Polly, AprU 12, 1806, m. at Chautauque, N. Y., and d. there. (417) VI. EZRA WARD [1205.4] m. DelUah, dau. of John Cowles, of Belehertown, June 16, 1803. Their residence, and the birth place of their chU., unknown. He d. at Middleton, Ct., Nov. 25, 1825, in his 48th year. His wid., Delilah, resides at New Haven, Ct. Their chil. were, 2370. 1 Almira, b. Oct. 17, 1803, living, unm., at Beleher town, 1850. 2371. 2 Mendana, Jan. 28, 1805, d. In N. Y., 1840. 2372. 3 Elijah S., June 25, 1807, d. at Middletown, Ct., 1845. 2373. 4 Fidelia, Feb. 20, 1809, m. Luther Chamberlain ; reside at Belehertown. 2374. 5 Edward E., Feb. 26, 1812, d. at Charleston, S. C, Nov. 25, 1838. 2375. 6 Eliza, m. George Brown ; reside at New Haven, Ct. 2376. 7 Maria, ra. Tuttle ; reside at New Haven, Ct. 2377. 8 Mary Jane, m. BushneU ; reside at West Brook, Ct. (418) VI. ISAAC WARD [1207.6] m. Esther Root, of Belehertown, AprU 17, 1811. They had two chU. at Bel., and the last naraed at Barre. His wife, Esther, d. at East Groveland, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov., 1846. He resides at Winchendon, Mass. Their chU. were, 2378. 1 Porter, b. Nov. 12, 1811, d. at East Groveland, N. Y., in 1846. 2379. 2 Electa R., m. George Fisher; reside at East Groveland, N. Y. 2380. 3 George, m.,and resides at East Groveland, N.Y. (419) VI. PUTNAM WARD [1209.1] m. Elizabeth Johnson, Jan. 23, 1809, and resides at Southboro'. They had, 2381. 1 Horace, b. Feb. 25, 1810, m. ; has a family, and resides at Woburn. 2382. 2 Charlotte, )^ .,„ _, m. Thomas Dennehe. (696) 2383. 3 Catharine, \ ^^-^^^- l^-l^l^. ^_ ^^^^^^^ Warren, of Westboro' ; reside there. WARD FAMILY. 161 2384. 4 Clarissa, living, unm., 1860. 2385. 5 Eliza, " « " ^5 (420) VI. AVERY WARD [1212.4] m. Jane Maynard, of Southboro', July 6, 1814, and after residing there several years, removed to Sutton, where their six last named chU. were b. In 1849, he was residing at Lynn, Their chU. were, 2386. 1 Henry Augustus, b, Aug. 26, 1814, m, Sylvia J, Sarvey. (697) 2387. 2 Harriet Maria, Nov, 7, 1816. 2388. 3 Mary, Nov. 7, 1818, d. July 31, 1820. 2389, 4 George Lorenzo, Jan. 17, 1821, m. Joanna Dud ley, (698) 2390, 5 David, March 14, 1823. 2391. 6 Mary Ann, July 4, 1825, d. AprU 10, 1832. 2392. 7 James Munroe, July 24, 1827. 2393. 8 Sarah Jane, Nov. 17, 1830, m. Gardner Stone, of N, H., in 1847. 2394. 9 Achsah, Nov. 25, 1832. 2396. 10 Charies, AprU 18, 1834. 2396. 11 RusseU, Nov. 24, 1836. (421) VI. SIMON WARD [1215.1] m. Olive, dau. of David Hammond,* of Charlton, Jan. 19, 1796, and re sides there. She d. at C, Feb., 1813, aged 39. He next m. Martha, dau. of Nathaniel Blood, of Charlton, March 31, 1814, where she d. March 24, 1832, aged 51. His chU. were, 2397. 1 Hammond, b. Feb. 5, 1798, m. Laurlnda Lathe. (699) 2398. 2 Willard, Sept. 22, 1799, d. Nov., 1817. 2399. 3 Jacob, May 29, 1803, m. Sarah Gould. (700) 2400. 4 Ruth, Oct. 13, 1809, m. Rufus Dodge. (701) 2401. 6 Fanny, July 2, 1815, m. Wilham Sibley. (702) 2402. 6 Emily, Dec 24, 1816, m. Lewis L. Fitts. (703) 2403. 7 WiUard, July 6, 1818, ra. Louisa M. WiUard, (704) 2404, 8 Siraon B., Nov, 22, 1820, m. Augusta AUen Ward. (705) * David Hammond, b. 1733 ; son of Nathaniel, b. 1678, d. 1749 ; m. Margaret, b. 1688, d. 1776, dau. of Hon. Ebenezer Stone and Margaret Trowbridge son of Nathaniel, (wife Mary) who d. 1691 ; son of Thomas Hammond, who d. Sept. 30, 1675; all of Newton. Thomas was of Hingham, 1637; had son, Nathaniel, baptized there, March 12, 1643, and removed to Watertown, thence to Newton, in 1650, or soon after. 21 162 WARD FAMILY. (422) VL SAMUEL WARD [1217.3] m. Anna Baldwin, of Spencer, March 13, 1804, and resided at Charlton ; where she d. Feb. 20, 1815, aged 32. He next m, Polly, dau, of Benjamin Smith, of Sturbridge, Feb, 20, 1817, and for nearly eighteen years resided in Penn. ; where he d. in 1849, aged 73. His chU. were, 2405. 1 Jonas, b. July 1, 1805, m. Mary Bannister, of Boylston, and resides at MUlbury. 2406. 2 Braman, Dec. 8, 1807, m. Betsy, dau. of Otis Rice, of South Brookfield ; son of Rufus, and resides at MiU bury. 2407. 3 Mary Ann, May 13, 1809, m. WUham MlUer, of Penn, ; reside there, 2408. 4 Ann Maria, Oct, 30, 1811, d, at MUlbury, unm,, Jan. 8, 1846. 2409. 6 Laura, AprU 20, 1814, d. in Penn., unm., in 1849. 2410. 6 John S., May 24, 1818, m. Temperance Whalan, of Penn., and resides there. 2411, 7 Royal, June 25, 1820, d. March 22, 1822, 2412, 8 Julia, Feb, 24, 1823, m. John Hudson, of Penn. ; next. Whitman Brown, of do. 2413. 9 Samuel, Jan. 19, 1827 ; resides in Penn., unm. 2414. 10 Edward, Feb. 9, 1829 ; resided at Millbury, unm., in 1846. (423) VI, WILLIAM NICHOLS, of Chariton, m, Ruth Ward, [1219.6] April 16, 1806, She was residing at Long Meadow, in 1846, with her daughter, 2415. 1 Ruth, b. Oct. 10, 1810, m. Abdell Loomis, of Long Meadow, in 1838 ; reside at Springfield. (424) VI. JONATHAN WARD [1220.6] ra. Susan, dau, of Eleazer Rider, of Chariton, Sept. 2, 1816 ; they resided a short time at Stafford, Ct., and removed to Cincinnati, 0., where she d. about 1821, They had, at Stafford, Ct,, 2416, 1 Thomas Denny, b. 1817, (425) VI. PETER WARD [1223.3] m. Tamasin Tucker, and settled in Maine. Of his chU., was, 2417. 1 Tamasin, who ra. Elisha Dariing, at Chariton, Aug. 19,1844. ' ^ (426) VI. AARON WARD [1240.1] m. Sally Brown, at Chariton, in 1816, and resided there, where she d. Aug. 9, 1833, aged 35, They had, WARD FAMILY. 163 2418. 1 Gilbert Dwight, b. May 31, 1820, 2419, 2 DUly Groe, Sept, 17, 1821. 2420, 3 Sarah Brown, July 2, 1824, SEVENTH GENERATION. (427) VII. JOSIAH WARD [1268.1] m. Sally Perkins, of Buckland, March 26, 1818, and resides there. They had, 2421, 1 SaUy Maria, b, April 3, 1820. 2422. 2 Josiah Perkins, AprU 23, 1822, m. Catharine Isa dore Taylor, Oct., 1847, and resides at Buckland. 2423. 3 Jeremiah Sumner, May 24, 1824, m. Caroline Hitchcock, Dec 1, 1847, and resides at Buckland. 2424. 4 Alanson, (WendeU,) Jan. 16, 1827, 2425. 5 Luke Augustus, Nov. 1, 1829. 2426. 6 Sarauel Ashmun, AprU 20, 1832, 2427, 7 Cynthia Ehza, Oct, 31, 1834, (428) VII, SUMNER WARD [1270.3] ra. Sabra Lo throp, of Dover, Me., March 6, 1827. Several of their chU. were b. there. They now, 1860, reside at Windsor Locks, Ct. They had, 2428. 1 Sarah, b, Sept. 15, 1827, d. at West Springfield, Oct. 26, 1846. 2429. 2 Josiah, March 15, 1829. 2430. 3 Martin, Feb. 9, 1831. 2431. 4 Lucy Jane, May 12, 1833, m. WUhara Lothrop, in 1849. 2432. 5 RoseUa, May 9, 1836, 2433, 6 Suraner P., Dec. 25, 1836, 2434, 7 Alfred L., March 18, 1840. 2435, 8 Edward S., Nov. 25, 1843. (429) VII. JEREMIAH WARD [1271.4] m. Sarah HUl, of WiUiamsburg, Aug. 27, 1827, and resides at West Springfield. They had, 2436. 1 Harrison Otis, b. Feb. 7, 1829, at Buckland, and d. West Springfield, Oct. 21, 1849. 2437. 2 Mary Ann, May 3, 1830, at Chariemont. 2438. 3 Henry Clay, Jan. 21, 1832, at Hawley. 2439 4 Lucretia HUl, Aug. 23, 1833, at Williamsburg, and d. Sept, 2, 1833, 164 WARD FAMILY. 2440. 5 Laura Almira, Aug. 6, 1834, at WiUiamsburg. 2441. 6 Ansel HUl, Nov. 7, at 1837, Goshen, and d. AprU 18, 1841. 2442. 7 Suraner Wayne, AprU 21, 1839, at Goshen. 2443. 8 EUen Elizabeth, AprU 18, 1841, at W. Springfield. 2444. 9 Sarah Jane, Sept. 20, 1842, at Goshen, and d. W. Spring., Jan. 27, 1848. 2445. 10 Catharine Ameha, Aug. 8, 1844, at Goshen, 2446, 11 Albert Sumner, Jan, 10, 1846, " " (430) VII, JOHN WARD [1272.6] m. Mary Burns, of of Boston, where he resided in 1849, with a family of chU. Removed to Buffalo, N. Y. (431) VII. JOHN WARD [1293.1] m. Mary Kingsbury, Oct. 2, 1822, and resides at Newton. They had, 2447. 1 George K., b. Aug. 29, 1823. 2448. 2 John, Oct. 18, 1825. 2449. 3 Mary Ann, March 2, 1828. 2450. 4 WUliam Henry, Oct. l4, 1829. 2451. 5 EmUy, Jan. 13, 1832. 2452. 6 Louisa, Nov. 5, 1834. 2463. 7 Samuel Francis, Aug. 16, 1837, d. Oct. 9, 1838. 2454. 8 EUen Maria, Oct. 15, 1839. 2465. 9 Charies, Dec, 29, 1841. 2456. 10 Samuel, Dec. 31, 1846. (432) VIL ARTEMAS WARD [1294.2] m. Patience Pigeon, of Newton, Jan. 28, 1816, and resided there until 1840 ; when he removed to 111,, where she d., at at Quincy, Aug. 12, 1849 ; and he, on the day following, in his 57th year, both of cholera. They had, at New ton, 2457. 1 Patience, b. Nov. 22, 1817, hving, and unm. 2468. 2 Charies DeMerritt, Nov. 2, 1818, d. at Portsraouth, Va., unra., in 1840. 2459. 3 Albert, 1820, d. 1824. 2460. 4 Caroline, 1822, d. Infant. (433) VII. NATHAN TROWBRIDGE, of Newton, m. Beulah Ward, [1295.3] Oct, 25, 1838, his second wife, and resides at Newton ; no Issue, He was b., Aug. 20, 1788 ; son of Samuel, b. June 24, 1757 ; (wife, Elizabeth Bond,) son of Thaddeus, b, AprU WARD FAMILY. 165 20, 1728 ; (wife, Mary Craft ; her second husband was John Rogers,) son of Dea. Willlam, by second wife, Sarah FuUara, of Weston — first wife, Sarah Ward [105.1] — Dea. William, b. 1684 ; son of Dea. James, b. 1636, (all of Newton ; first wife, Margaret, dau. of Maj. Humphrey Atherton, of Dorchester ; second wife, Mar garet, dau. of John Jackson, of Newton,) removed from Dorchester to Cambridge vlUage, now Newton, 1664 ; d. 1717, aged 81 ; son of Thomas, of Dorchester and New Haven, Ct. ; who had lands assigned him by the name of Strohridge, at Dorchester, in 1638, and returned to Taunton, Eng., his native place, leaving his " chUdren in charge of Sargent Thomas Jeffrey, to bring up in the fear of the Lord ; and, when he returned, would refer it to the Court to determine what was equal for it." He d. at Taunton, Eng., subsequent to 1663. (434) VII. EPHRAIM WARD [1296.4] m. Lucy Hovey, Nov. 9, 1828, and resides at Newton. They had, 2461. 1 Thomas Albert, b. Dec. 18, 1830. 2462. 2 Elizabeth Louisa, Aug. 26, 1833. 2463. 3 Ephraim, Dec. 29, 1834. 2464. 4 Joseph Grafton Hovey, Dec. 5, 1837. 2465. 5 Lucy Eleanor, May 20, 1840. 2466. 6 Ann Caroline, Aug. 21, 1841. (435) VII. JOSHUA FLAGG WARD [1299.7] ra. Mary Ann Noyes, of Salem, Nov. 1, 1832, and resides at Cambridgeport. They had, 2467. 1 Edward, b. Sept. 29, 1833, d. March, 1836. 2468. 2 Francis, Sept. 1, 1835, d., Aug., 1837. 2469. 3 Edward Francis, Dec. 11, 1837. 2470. 4 Charies Henry, Oct. 7, 1839. 2471. 6 Williara Flagg, Nov. 14, 1841. (436) VII. SAMUEL WARD [1300.8] m. Sarah Rhodes, dau. of Capt. Thomas Shed, of Brighton, AprU 10,1830, and resides at East Cambridge. They had, 2472. 1 Andrew Austin, b. July 17, 1831. 2473. 2 Winthrop Arnold, Aug. 15, 1833. 2474. 3 Samuel Murdock, Aug. 1, 1835, d. July 18, 1839. 2475. 4 Henry, Sept. 9, 1837, d. June 21, 1838. 2476. 5 Esther Murdock, April 6, 1839, d. May— 1840. 2477. 6 Henry Lyman, March 31, 1841. 166 WARD FAMILY. 2478. 7 Samuel, Oct. 28, 1843. 2479. 8 Frances Augusta, July 16, 1846, d. June 21, 1848. (437) VII. WILLIAM FLAGG WARD [1307.1] m. Myra, AprU 25, 1827, dau. of Henry Craft, of Newton, b. AprU 26, 1768, m. Anna, dau. of Amariah FuUer, Jan. 19, 1797. She d. Nov. 29, 1840, aged 70, and he, July 14, 1834 ; son of Samuel, b. Nov. 29, 1729, m. Rebecca Parker in 1753 ; son of Col. Moses, of Newton, b. Roxbury, 1704, m. Esther Woodward, and resided at Newton, where she d. Feb. 2, 1789, in her 86th year, and he, Dec. 3, 1768 ; son of Samuel, of Rox., b. 1667 ; son of Samuel, of do., b. 1637 ; son of Griffin Craft, of Roxbury ; the birth of whose son, John, July 10, 1630, is the first birth recorded In Rox. Records. WUham F., and Myra Ward, reside at Newton, and have, 2480. 1 Joseph Jackson, b. March 4, 1828. 2481. 2 Martha Jackson, Jan. 26, 1834. (438) VII. JONAS PUTNAM, m. SaUy Ward, [1308.1] and resides in Iowa. They had, perhaps not in this order, 2482. 1 Hannah. 2483. 2 Mary. 2484. 3 Janes. 2486. 4 Jason. (439) VII. RICHARD WARD [1309.2] m. Sophia Dudley in 1823, and resides at Andover, Vt., where she d. in 1831. He next m. Mary HuU, March, 1832. His chU. were, 2486. 1 Mary Ann Sophia, b. July 22, 1826, m. Albert Putnam. (706) 2487. 2 Susan Ann Janette, April 25, 1827, m. Henry Willard, March, 1849. 2488. 3 Edward MUton, March 14, 1829. 2489. 4 Joseph H., Nov. 4, 1832. 2490. 5 Mary, July 23, 1834. 2491. 6 Maria, July 8, 1836. 2492. 7 Myron, Aug. 8, 1839. 2493. 8 Mark, Oct. 3, 1842. 2494. 9 Caroline, July 26, 1844. (440) VIL ENOCH TOWN ra. Margaret Ward, [1310.3] WARD FAMILY. 167 In 1825, and resided at Andover, Vt., where she d, Feb, 20, 1844, In her 40th year. Their chU,, perhaps not in this order, were, 2496, 1 Henry. 2496, 2 Minerva, 2497. 3 Nelson. 2498. 4 Abigail. 2499, 5 NeweU, 2500, 6 Eraily. (441) VII. WILLIAM WARD [1312.1] m. Sophia Maria Hararaond, (b. Dec. 24, 1807,) of CaldweU, N. Y., AprU 7, 1826 ; resided at Bolton, Warren Co., N, Y. ; thence he removed to Hague, In that Co., and re sides there. They had, 2501. 1 Wilhara Henry, b. Feb. 21, 1826. P. M. at Ward- boro', Warren Co., N. Y. 2602, 2 Henrietta, Dec. 16, 1827, 2503, 3 Susanna Matilda, Feb, 21, 1830, ra, Lewis Scott Dalrymple, of Bolton, N, Y., Nov. 11, 1849. 2504. 4 Benjamin, May 25, 1832. 2505. 5 Zachariah Chandler, Sept. 27, 1834. 2606, 6 Edwin, Nov. 26, 1837, 2607, 7 EmUy Sophia, Oct, 23, 1841, (442) VII, SAMUEL SHATTUCK, of Ticonderoga, N, Y,, b, in 1800, m, Polly Ward, [1313,2] Feb,, 1826, and resides at Ticonderoga, They had, 2608, 1 Melissa, b, Nov., 1826, m, Levi CovU, of Ticonder oga, N, Y,, In 1849. 2509. 2 Chandler Ward, March 15, 1828, 2510. 3 Laura, Aug. — 1829, m, James MUton Delano, of Ticonderoga, March, 1849, 2511, 4 Emeline, AprU 22, 1832, 2512. 6 Martin, Oct. 31, 1836. 2513. 6 Eliza, 1839. 2614. 7 Geo. Washington, 1843. (443) VII. FLAVEL CROUCH, of Jefferson Co., N. Y., m. Eliza Ward, [1314.3] and resides at Hague, N, Y, They had, 2516, 1 David, b. AprU 17, 1824, m. Fanny Reed, (b. May 16, 1824,) Aug. 2, 1846. 2616. 2 Zachariah Ward, Nov. 8, 1825, m. Elizabeth Baker Whitney, (b. May 11, 1827,) July 23, 1846, 168 WARD FAMILY. 2517. 3 Betsy, Sept. 8, 1827, m. Phineas Reed, b. Feb. 21, 1826, bro. of before named Fanny, March 19, 1849 ; a volunteer, and In several battles in the Mexican war. 2518. 4 WUlard Warner, Jan. 25, 1829. 2519. 5 Eliza Ann, AprU 3, 1834. 2520. 6 Flavel, April 13, 1846. (444) VII. AMASA BURT, Jr., of Hague, N. Y., m. Sally Ward, [1315.4] and resides at Big Flatts, Che mung Co., N. y. They had, 2521. 1 Cordelia Emily, b. AprU — 1829. 2522. 2 John Myron, June — 1831. 2523, 3 Charies WUlard, 1834, d, March 21, 1849, 2524. 4 Sarah Elizabeth, 1840. (445) VII. EPHRAIM WARD [1316.5] ra. PoUy Dow Norton, (b. June 22, 1818,) of Bolton, N. Y., AprU 5, 1838, and resides at Hague, N. Y. They had, 2525. 1 Joel Ephraim, b. June 11, 1841. 2526. 2 Betsy Ellen, Aug. 18, 1843, 2527, 3 Mary Eliza, Jan, 7,1847, 4 Wilham Chandler, Oct, 6, 1850, (446) VII. DEAN PHILLIPS, of Hague, N, Y., m. Rebecca Ward, [1317.6] and resides at Hague. They had, 2528. 1 Betsy Lucinda, b. Feb. — 1837. 2529. 2 Eliza Sophia, 1838. 2530, 3 Henry Forrest, 1841. 2631. 4 Ephraira Ward, 1846. (447) VII. THOMAS CHANDLER WARD [1319.8] m. Louisa Smith, (b, Jan. 28, 1816,) of Hague, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1840, and resides there. They had, 2532. 1 AravlUa Mehala, b. Oct. 12, 1841. 2533. 2 Cynthia L., March 9, 1843. 2534. 3 Cordeha Maria, May 12, 1846. 2535. 4 Sarah Welthea, Dec, 25, 1846. 5 Levlnah Jane, Jan. — 1850, (448) VII. ANSEL POTTER m. Keziah P. Ward, [1322.3] In 1839, and resides at Hague, N. Y. They had, 2536. 1 Sarah Azubah Fowler, b. 1839, WARD FAMILY, 169 2537, 2 Mary Margaret, 1841. 2638. 3 Royal Ward, 1843. (449) Rbv. LYMAN SMITH, of Essex, N, Y,, m, Sarah Lord Ward, [1324.6] In 1841. She d. in 1842, aged 23, leaving a son, 2639. 1 Lyman Ward, who d., Oct., 1848. (460) VII. Rev. HORACE SMITH, a native of Hadley, m. Mary Dexter Ward, [1325.1] Nov. 2, 1829, and re moved to Richfield, Summit Co., 0., where they reside. Her mother and her husband were cousins. They had, 2540. 1 William Ward, b. Nov. 10, 1831. d. Sept. 28, 1832. 2541. 2 Mary Dexter, Sept. 5, 1833, d. Aug. 16, 1850. 2542. 3 Sarauel Horace, June 12, 1836, d. Sept. 7, 1850, (451) VII. Hon. ORAN M. OVIATT m. Lucretia Smith Ward, [1328.4] Oct. 24, 1836, his second wife. They reside at Cleaveland, 0., and had, 2543. 1 Rosaline Lucretia, b. AprU 14, 1838. 2544. 2 WiUiam Henry, March 10, 1840. 2646. 3 Lewis Dexter, March 30, 1842. 2546. 4 Ellen Phebe, Aug. 24, 1845. (452) VII. LUCIUS W. LEFFINGWELL m. Emily Gaylord Ward, [1330.6] Aug. 10, 1843, his third wife. They reside at EUsworth, Mehonlng Co., 0., and had, 2547. 1 Lucius Dexter, b. Sept. 20, 1846. (463) JEREMIAH MYERS, of Middlebury, Vt., m. Mary Colraan Ward, [1332.1] Nov. 27, 1845. They had, 2548. 1 Edward Pemberton, b. Oct. 1, 1846. 2549. 2 Ephraira Ward, Aug. 16, 1848. (454) VII. GEORGE H. DEAN, of Boston, ra. Maria HaU Ward, [1336.4] May 8, 1843, and resides there. They had, 2660. 1 Charies Peraberton, Jan. 20, 1846. 2551. 2 Isabella Ward, Aug. 28, 1846. (455) VII. THOMAS MOREY, of Boston, m. Lucy Ann Ward, [1336.5] May 1, 1843. They had, 2652. 1 Arthur, b. Sept. 7, 1847, d. at West Brookfield, Aug. 3, 1850. 22 170 WARD FAMILY, (456) VIL WILLARD WARD [1364.1] ra. Myra Sibley, ' of Orange, and resides there. They had, 2663. 1 Miranda, b. • d. June, 1849, 2554. 2 James Madison. 2565. 3 Asa Albee. 2556. 4 Peter Sibley. 2557. 5 Nathan WUlard. 2558. 6 Davis Goddard. (467) VII. ASA ALBEE WARD [1365.2] m. Nancy G. Clark, Jan. 1, 1834. She d. Jan. 4, 1836. He next m. Jane C. Sawyer, in 1837, and resides at South Orange. His chil. were, 2559. 1 Georgiana A.,b. Dec. 18, 1839. 2560. 2 Frances Ann, Nov. 19, 1841. 2661, 3 Charles Wallace, July 10, 1843, d, Jan. 7, 1849. 2562. 4 Henry Albee, Dec. 1, 1845. 2563. 5 Williara Austin, Sept. 10, 1847, d. Sept. 28, 1848. 2564. 6 Saloma, Jan. 10, 1850. (468) VII. HOLBROOK WARD [1386.2] m. Lydia Battle, April 17, 1828, and resides at Cambridgeport. She d. Feb. 4, 1848. He next m. her sister, Mary C. Battle, Jan. 1, 1849, and had, 2565. 1 Jaraes A., b. Sept., 1849, d. June 29, 1850. (459) VII. CHANDLER H. WARD [1386.3] m. MiUee, dau. of John Morse,* of Winchester, N. H,, and resided at Boston, where she d., say, in 1840. He next ra. Rox ana Hunting, of Londonderry, Vt., and now resides at Hanover, N. H. His chU., two first by first wife, were, 2566. 1 Chandler H, 2567. 2 Mary. 2668. 3 Sophia MUlee. » John Morse, b. 1 783, m. Millee French, and d. May 26, 1838 ; son of David, b. 1743, m. Esther Sanger, and d. 1808 ; son of Paul, b. 1700, m. Sarah Sheffield, 1725, and d. 1760; son of Jonathan, b. 1667, m. Jane Whitney, 1693 ; son of Jonathan, b. . m. Mary Barbour, 1666, and d. 1700 ; son of Daniel, b. 161 3, m. Lydia and d. 1688 ; who came over with iiis father, Samuel, who, b. Eng., 1585, (wife, Ehzabeth,^ was first of Watertown, next of Dedham, in 1637, and d. at Medfield, April 5, 1654. — Memorial ofthe Morses, by Rev. Abner Moise. (460) VII. CONVERSE WARD ra. Harriet Ward [1387.4]. See [1696.3]. WARD FAMILY. 171 (461) vn. MASON GODDARD, of Orange, m. Sophia Ward, [1389.6] and resides there, where she d. June 6, 1840, in her 27th year. They had, 2669. 1 Martha, b. June 26, 1838, 2570, 2 Sophia, May 30, 1840. (402) _ VII. JOHN SCAMMEL WARD [1396.4] m. Ohve Phelps, of Lancaster, in 1834, and resides at Or ange, where she d. Jan, 18, 1841, He next m, Caroline E, Warner, b. Jan. 11, 1814, of Londonderry, Vt., Oct. 1846. His chU. were, 2571. 1 George Phelps, b. Nov. 4, 1837. 2572. 2 Julia Ann, June 16, 1839. 2673. 3 Ohve, Jan. 2, 1841. (463) VII. CALEB MAYO, of Orange, m. Mary Wheeler Ward, [1396.5] Sept. 16, 1830, and resides at Orange. They had, 2574. 1 Sarah Ward, b. AprU 18, 1833. 2676. 2 Desire Goddard, Sept. 6, 1836. 2576. 3 Hannah AUen, April 26, 1838. 2677. 4 Henry Harrison, Nov. 29, 1840. 2578. 5 Abby Maria Whitman, Nov. 24, 1843. 2579. 6 Roxy Johnson, Aug, 3, 1846, 2580, 7 David Frost, Nov, 2, 1849, (464) VII, THOMAS HARRIS WARD [1397.6] m. Esther Kellogg Mayo, of Orange, Oct. 27, 1835, and had, 2581. 1 Marcus Harris, b. Nov. 24, 1836. 2582. 2 West Allen, July 20, 1838. 2583. 3 Laura Jane, Jan. 22, 1842. 2584. 4 Julia Eliza, Aug. 10, 1844. ml: IS7not7y,!'-^^.i«^«- 2587. 7 Maria Wheelock Frost, Nov. 27, 1847. (465) VII. CALVIN HEALD m. Polly Clapp Ward, [1413.2] July 25, 1830, and resides at Carlisle. They had, 2588. 1 Mary Joanna, b. Nov. 25, 1832. 2689. 2 EdWard Ward, July 25, 1833. 2690. 3 Harriet Morris Ward, Jan. 6, 1835. 2591. 4 Calvin Israel, Nov. 9, 1837, d. Feb. 17, 1838. 172 WARD FAMILY. 2592. 5 Sarah Green, July 17, 1839. 2693. 6 Alfred, July 9, 1840. (466) VII. JAMES OTIS WARD [1414.3] m. Martha T. Dame, of Orford, N. H., Nov. 16, 1829. She d. May 8, 1837, aged 30. He next m. Eliza Gould, of Roxbury, Nov. 21, 1837 ; she d. Feb. 12, 1838, aged 29. He next m. Hannah D. Fairbank, Oct. 2, 1839, and resides in the city of N. Y. His chU. were, 2594. 1 WUham Samuel, b. Jan. 27, 1832, d. Jan. 1, 1837. 2595. 2 Martha Jane, Jan. 24, 1834. 2696. 3 James Edward, Feb. — 1836. 2597. 4 Joseph Otis. 2598. 5 George Edgar. 2599. 6 Anna Cordeha, Dec. 29, 1846. (467) VII. HENRY SHED WARD [1416.6] m. Hannah Gaffield Parker, of Roxbury, April 15, 1828, and re sided at Roxbury, where she d. May 6, 1830, aged 19. He next m. Nabby Ross, of Jaffrey, N. H., Aug. 17, 1830, and d. at Roxbury, Oct. 17, 1844, m his 38th year. His chil. were, 2600. 1 Martha Elizabeth, b. April 1, 1830, d. infant. 2601. 2 John Samuel, Jan. 9, 1832, d. Oct. 12, 1832. 2602. 3 John Ross, July 18, 1833, d. Sept. 1, 1838. 2603. 4 Hannah Gaffield Parker, AprU 2, 1836, d. Sept. 1, 1838. 2604. 5 Wilham Sweetser, Nov. 17, 1836, d. next day. 2605. 6 Nabby Merriam, Nov. 16, 1837, d. Aug. 25, 1838. 2606. 7 James Otis, Sept. 5, 1841. (468) VIL AMASA WALES, of Dorchester, m. Martha Elizabeth Ward, [1419.8] Nov. 12, 1833, and resides there. They had, 2607. 1 Martha Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1, 1834, d. July 17, 1835. 2608. 2 Elizabeth Helen, Dec 12, 1837, d. Dec 25,1837. 2609. 3 WiUiam Amasa, March 12, 1840. (469) VII. NEHEMIAH FRANKLIN DYER m. Joanna Bird Ward, [1421.10] Nov. 4, 1835, and resided at Brighton. He was a passenger in the steamer Lexington, burnt In the night time, on Long Island Sound, while on her passage from New York, Jan. 13, 1840, and perished in that terrible disaster, which wiU long be remembered for WARD FAMILY. 173 the loss of raany hves, and under the most frightful and appaUlng circumstances. His age was 27. His wid. m. James Dexter Holden, of Milton, (b. Oct. 12, 1812,) May 14, 1843. They removed to Rochester, N. Y. Her chil. were, 2610. 1 William Franklin, b. June 22, 1837. 2611. 2 Sarah Joanna, Oct. 6, 1839, d. July 25, 1842. (470) VII. JOHN WARREN HOLLIS, m. Judith Bussy Ward, [1424.13] May 9, 1838, and resides at Brighton. They had, 2612. 1 Harriet Amelia, b. Oct. 4, 1839. 2613. 2 George Warren, Nov. 21, 1841. 2614. 3 Martha Ward, Dec. 23, 1846. 2615. 4 Ann WeUs, Aug. 16, 1849. 2616. 5 Lyman Hosmer, Sept 13, 1850. (471) VII. OLIVER CUZZENS, m. Sarah Moores Ward, [1426.14] June 13, 1847, and resides at Brookhne. They had, 2617. 1 Henry Oliver, b. June 4, 1848, d. March 16, 1850. (472) VII NATHAN WARD [1456.1] m. Hannah Clark, of Brownington, Vt., Jan. 8, 1833, and resided at Durham, N. H., in the practice of Physic. Having been requested by the A. B. C. F. M. to join the Mission in Ceylon, he complied, and sailed from Boston, for that sta tion, July 1, 1833, and arrived there about the first of Oct. foUowing; where he remained nearly fourteen years, when he returned, and, at his request, was dismissed by the Board of Missions, and is now (1850) in the practice of Physic, at Burlington, Vt. Their chU. were, 2618. 1 WiUiam Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1834. 2619. 2 Laura Ehzabeth, May 24, 1836, d. June 29, 1837. 2620. 3 Edward Clark, July 1, 1839. 2621. 4 Samuel Read, Aug. 7, 1842. All b. at Battacotta, in the district of Jaffna, in the Island of Ceylon. (473) VII. JOHN CLARK m. Mary Ward, [1467.2] Oct. 11, 1830, and resides at LoweU. They had, 2622. 1 Lorenzo, b. March 22, 1831. 2623. 2 Laura Ann, Aug. 7, 1832. 2624. 3 Marietta, March 30, 1834. 2626. 4 Sarah Ellen, June 3, 1842, 174 WARD FAMILY. (474) VII. PAGE REMICK, of Brownington, Vt., m. Laura Ward, [1458.3] Jan. 8, 1829, and resides there. They had, 2626. 1 Charies Frederick, b. Nov. 11, 1829. 2627. 2 Laura Jane, Sept. 30, 1831. 2628. 3 John Page, Jan. 18, 1836, d. Jan. 24, 1842. 2629. 4 Sarah Helen, July 13, 1838. 2630. 5 Cassius Nathan, Dec. 8, 1844. 2631. 6 Alice Tola, June 25, 1848, (475) VII, WILLIAM FULLER m. Sarah Ward, [1461.6] March 30, 1836, and resides at Irasbury, Vt. They had, 2632. 1 Charles, b. Jan. 20, 1837. 2633. 2 MUo Joseph, July 1, 1841. (476) VII. URIAH WARD [1521.1] ra. Mercy Nichols, (b. April 13, 1771,) at Brimfield, Nov. 26, 1789, and resided at Monson, where he d. Feb. 22, 1848, in his 7Uth year. She survives. They had, 2634. 1 Bathsheba, b. Sept. 15, 1790, d. unm.. May 3, 1842. 2635. 2 Sally Colhns, Feb. 21, 1792, m. WUson Stacy. (707) 2636. 3 Samuel Nichols, June 20, 1795, m. Betsy Pepper.(708) 2637. 4 Comfort Ingraham, Oct. 9, 1798, m. Caroline Cleaveland. (709) (477) VII. ETHAN WARD [1523.3] m. Polly Merrick; when, and his residence unknown. He d., April, 1826, in his 53d year. His wid., Polly, d. July 6, 1834, aged 63. They had, 2638. 1 Obed Merrick, b. Sept. 3, 1801. 2639. 2 Harriet, June 12, 1803. 2640. 3 WiUiara Ely, Aug. 22, 1807. 2641. 2 Minerva, May 27. 1811, d. Sept. 24, 1832. 2642. 5 Patty Moody, Dec. 17, 1813. The surviving chil. went to Michigan and Ohio, (478) VII. OWEN, m. Mary Ward, [1624.4] inthe State of N. Y., 1802, where he resided, and d. before the birth of their last named child. His wid., Mary, re sides In city of N. Y. They had, 2643. 1 William, b. June 12, 1803, d. 1821. 2644_. 2 Maria, March 23, 1806, m. Burnap ; reside in Hartford, Ct. WARD FAMILY. 175 2645. 2 Caroline, March 2, 1807, m. Thomas Fitch ; reside in city, N. Y. (479) VII. CALEB HANNUM, of Belehertown, m. Abi gaU Drake [1528.1]. She d. at Greenwich, since 1840. Thus much, and the names of their chil., contains all the Information received, respecting the family. They had, 2646. 1 Perez. 2647. 2 Charies. 2648. 3 Sophia. 2649. 4 Sally. 2650. 6 Park. (480) VII. SIMEON FISKE m. Lydia Drake, [1530.3] at Deerfield, AprU 28, 1808, and resided at Belehertown, where she d. AprU 28, 1830, aged 64. They had, 2651. 1 Clarissa K., b. AprU 7, 1814. 2652. 2 James B., Oct. 4, 1816, m. Jane C. Retts. (710) (481) VII. JOSEPH FISKE m. Molly Drake, [1531.4] Sept. 2, 1806, and resided at Ashfield, where she d. In 1840, aged 60. They had, 2653. 1 Mary, b. June 25, 1807. 2654. 2 Joseph, Feb. — 1809, m. Clarissa Kimberiy. (711) 2665. 3 Nathaniel, Dec. 11, 1811, m. Sophia Keith in 1838 ; removed to Michigan. 2656. 4 Simeon, Aug. 24, 1813, m. Almira HaskeU, in 1838 ; removed to Paperton, Penn. 2657. 5 Marietta, July 1, 1815. 2658. 6 Lydia, April 17, 1816, m. Albert Burnhara, of Greenfield, in 1840. 2659. 7 Jonah, March 12, 1818. 2660. 8 Sarah, Dec. 6, 1820, ra. Dr. Daniel Peabody. (712) 2661. 9 Daniel, Dec. 11, 1822, m. Adaline Chambers. (482) VII. WILLIAM N. MOORES, of Belehertown, m. Hannah Drake, [1632.5] Dec 31, 1802. He was b. at Monson, May 11, 1769, and d. at Belehertown, Jan. 26, 1847. His wid., Hannah, survives. They had, 2662. 1 Emily S., b. Aug. 24, 1805, m. Joab Squires. (713) 2663. 2 Harrison, March 8, 1808. 2664, 3 ArabeUa, Nov, 26, 1809, m. Ashur Town. (714) 2665, 4 Sophia, Dec. 11, 1811, m. Otis WUey. (715) 176 WARD FAMILY, 2666. 6 Mary Ann H., ) m. Samuel Wiley. (716) (.Dec 20,1814. 2667. 6 Marcia Ann E.,) m. Arnold Draper. (717) 2668. 7 Julia Ann P., Feb. 28, 1817, 2669. 8 Nancy J., March 12, 1819. (483) VIL JAMES HANKS, of Belehertown, m. Polly Ward, [1533.1] March 17, 1787, He resided and d. at Belehertown. They had, 2670. 1 John, b. April 23, 1787, m. Esther RandaU. (718) 2671. 2 Bethia, Jan. 25, 1789, d. March 18, 1793. 2672. 3 Hannah, Nov. 25, 1790. 2673. 4 Melinda, July 2, 1792, d, Aug. 6, 1810. 2674. 5 Bethiah, Aug. 17, 1794, ra. Ehsha RandaU. (719) 2675. 6 Nathaniel, July 2, 1796, m. Hadessah Howard. (720) 2676. 7 William, March 26, 1798, m. Susan Smith. (721) 2677. 8 Sally, April 13, 1800. 2678. 9 Ira, March 24, 1802. 2679. 10 Jacob, Feb. 10, 1804, d, June 4, 1822, 2680. 11 Betsy, June 1, 1806, d. Jan. 26, 1826. 2681. 12 Daniel, Dec. 24, 1808, m, AbigaU H. Ward [2812.1]. (722) 2682. 13 Melinda, Aug. 10, 1810, d. 1810. 2683. 14 Benjamin, AprU 14, 1812, d. July 22, 1829. 2684. 15 Melinda, Feb. 16, 1814, d. March 12, 1833. (484) VII. WILLIAM WARD [1534.2] m. Molly Clough, of Belehertown, AprU 23, 1796, and soon after removed from Bel. to Madison, N. Y., where he had a large family of chU., and d., 1827, aged 53. (486) VII. SAMUEL WARD [1537.6] m. Mabel, dau. of Amasa Clough, of Belehertown, Nov. 29, 1803, and removed to Madison, N. Y., where he d. about 1820. They had several chU. ; of whom, were, 2686. 1 Ozias. 2686. 2 Samuel. (486) VII. OTIS SHAW, of Belehertown, m. Hannah Ward, [1538.6] Sept. 7, 1801, and soon after removed to Madison, N. Y., where she d. in 1806, aged 22. They had, at Bel., 2687. 1 Louisa, b. July 24, 1802, m. Alvah Ward [1666.2] WARD FAMILY. 177 (487) VII. REUBEN H. WARD [1539.7] m, Mary, b, , Aug. 14, 1787, dau. of Wilham Shaw, of Belehertown, May 21, 1807, and resides there. They had, 2688. i William, b. Nov. 29, 1807, m. Melinda Bassett. (723) 2689. 2 Reuben, March 26, 1809, m. Parside Smith. (724) 2690. 3 Asa, Jan. 30, 1811, m. Eunice Safford. (725) 2691. 4 John Baptist, March 15, 1813, m. Louisa Cook. (726) 2692. 5 Hannah, July 4, 1815, d. Jan. 23, 1837, 2693. 6 Olive, Oct. 5, 1817, d. Oct. 18, 1817, 2694. 7 Ellas, Sept. 30, 1818, m. Louisa tieath. (727) 2695. 8 Mary, Jan. 14, 1821, d. Jan. 7, 1834. 2696. 9 Luthera, Jan. 6, 1823, m. Prentiss Davis. (728) 2697. 10 Warren S., Nov. 18, 1824, m. Sarah G. Chapman.(729) 2698. 11 Alfred, March 7, 1827, m. Ehza Ann RandaU. (730) 2699. 12 Eliza, Oct. 7, 1828, ra. Lucien Goodale. (731) 2700. 13 Eraily, Feb. 19, 1831, d. March 25, 1837. (488) VII. JOHN WARD [1540.4] m. Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1783, dau. of Phineas Davison, of Pelham, Feb. 14, 1807, and resides at Belehertown, where she d. March 4, 1848. They had, 2701, 1 Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1807. m. Abel Brown. (732) 2702. 2 Mary, AprU 30, 1810, m. Philander S. Knight. (733) 2703. 3 Bethiah, July 6, 1812, m. Horatio Seagraves. (734) 2704. 4 John, Sept. 13, 1814, d. July 1, 1832. 2705. 5 Lucretia, May 14, 1817, m. Nathaniel K. Bachel ier. (735) 2706. 6 Martha, Sept. 21, 1821, ra. Aaron H. Ingram. (736) (489) VII. ELISHA WARD [1641.9] ra. Adelphia, dau. of Silas Howard, of Belehertown. When, and their sub sequent residence, unknown. They had, 2707, 1 Bethia, b. June 22, 1816, m. Nathaniel Cook, (737) 2708. 2 Samuel, 1818, d. infant. 2709. 3 Horace, Sept. 3, 1819, m. Mary Robinson, (738) 2710. 4 Elijah, April 17, 1821. 2711, 6 Almira, Aug. 8, 1822, m. Esek Cook, of Pelhara, Dec 31, 1844. 2712. 6 Franklin, Julv — 1824. 2713. 7 Ransora, June — 1827 ; in California, 1849. 2714. 8 Sylvia, Sept. — 1828. 2715. 9 Gardner, d. Infant. 2716. 10 Richard B., April 9, 1832. 2717. 11 Gardner, Sept, 27, 1834, 23 178 WARD FAMILY. (490) VII. JOSEPH RAMSDELL. of Belehertown, b. May 14, 1786, m. Olive Ward, [1542.10] May, 1807, and resides at B. They had, 2718. 1 Porter, b. Oct. 10, 1808, m. Sarah KendaU. (739) 2719. 2 Dexter, Jan. 3, 1810, m. Laura A. Bishop. (740) 2720. 3 Joseph, June 13, 1813. 2721. 4 Richard, Oct. 11, 1815. 2722. 5 Catharine, 1818, ra. WUliam LoweU. (741) 2723. 6 Edwin, May 12, 1819. 2724. 7 Amy Ann, June 16, 1821, m. Moses Mason. (742) 2725. 8 Olive, Sept. — 1822, m. Francis Bishop. (748) 2726. 9 Jane M., Aug. 29, 1831, m. Amos Clark. (744) (491) VII. HARMAN HAWES, of Belehertown, b. June 15, 1784, m. Mehitable Pease, [1551.1] Nov. 24, 1807, and resided at B., where she d. May 13, 1836, in her 47th year. He d. there Sept. 22, 1841. They had, 2727. 1 WiUiam, b. Sept. 5, 1808. 2728. 2 Nancy, Nov. 5, 1809, m. Franklin Dickinson. (745) 2729. 3 George, Nov. 26, 1813, d. Aug. 8, 1835. 2730. 4 Estes, June 29, 1817. 2731. 5 Christiana, June 23, 1820. 2732. 6 James F., April 10, 1832. (Perhaps an error, for 1822.) (492) VIL HARVEY HAWES, of Enfield, m. Ruth Pease, [1552.2] 1809. They had, 2733. 1 David, b. Oct. 19, 1809. 2734. 2 Chester, Aug. 8, 1813, d. unm. 2735. 3 Mary E., Jan. 25, 1818. 2736. 4 Charles W., May 12, 1821. 2737. 5 Harvey G., June 28, 1824, d. unra. 2738. 6 Ursula A., Sept. 9, 1826, d. unm. 2739, 7 Sylvia J,, Nov, 28, 1827. (493) VII, JOHN W, PEASE [1553,3] m. Sarah, b. June 2, 1790, dau. of SUas Howard, of Belehertown, March 19, 1833. They had, 2740. 1 Jay M., Sept. 11, 1823. 2741, 2 Ruth, Sept. 19, 1824, m, James A, Hanks. (746) 2742. 3 Mary Ann, Aug. 14, 1826, d. Dec. 30, 1826. 2743. 4 Henry J., Dec. 17,1827. 2744. 5 Noble F., Dec. 7, 1829, d^ AprU 6, 1830. WARD FAMILY, 179 (494) VII, OCRAN HANKS [1560.6] m. Esther Pease, [1654.4] Dec 2, 1817, and resides at Palmer. They had, 2745. 1 Alma Ann, b. Dec 31, 1819, d. Nov. 4, 1836. 2746. 2 Aaron A., March 31, 1822, d. Feb. 17, 1823. 2747. 3 Laura Esther, Aug. 23, 1824, m. Lester M. Squiers. . (747) 2748. 4 Jane M., Nov. 20, 1831, d. Feb. 10, 1833. 2749. 5 Ocran P., ) j oo loon 2750. 6 John W., \ ^^''' ^^' ^^^^' (495) VII. JOSEPH RANDALL, of Pelham, m, Sally Pease, [1556.6] AprU 8, 1819. They had, 2751. 1 George W., b. Sept. 17, 1819, m. Julia E. BaU. (748) 2762. 2 Hiram M., Dec. 22, 1820, ra. Clarissa E. Flagg. (749) 2753. 3 Emehne, Aug. 14, 1822, ra. Samuel Ward [2815.4]. (496) VIL ISAAC HANKS [1656.1] ra. Ehzabeth, b, Oct, 9, 1783, dau. of Thomas Wilson, of Belehertown, Nov. 24, 1808. They had, 2754, 1 Thomas W., Sept. 16, 1809, d. Feb. 12, 1810. 2756. 2 Esther A., March 25, 1811, ra. Daniel T. Trask. (760) 2756. 3 Elizabeth W., May 21, 1812, m. Benjamin Ward [1572.8]. 2767, 4 Ebenezer B., Jan. 20, 1814, m. Mary Church. (761) 2758. 5 Hepzibah W., June 3, 1816, d. Nov. 8, 1838. 2759. 6 Roxana M,, May 29, 1817, m. Benoni E, Rust, (752) 2760. 7 Vesty W., July 27, 1818, d. Nov. 10, 1839. 2761. 8 Isaac W., Aug. 18,1821, m. Henrietta Kennedy. (753) (497) VII. ASA SHAW, of Enfield, m, AbigaU Hanks, [1557.2] Dec. 29, 1803. She d, Nov, 15, 1839, In her 63d year. They had, 2762. 1 Hepzibah W., b. Dec. 8, 1804, ra. Z. RandaU. (754) 2763, 2 Sylvia H., March 6, 1807, ra. John Ward [1567.3], 2764. 3 Frederick W., March 24, 1809, m. Eliza Chand ler. (755) 2765. 4 Harriet T., April 18, 1811, m. Perez S, Wood, (766) 2766, 6 Mary E., March 2, 1813. 2767. 6 Dexter G., Feb. 23, 1815, d, 1826. 2768. 7 George L., May 28, 1817, m. Amy A. Cook, (757) 2769. 8 Ebenezer F., Jan. 29, 1820, m. Olive Packard, (768) 2770. 9 JuUa A., AprU 16, 1824. 2771. 10 Evehna S., May 22, 1826, 180 WARD FAMILY, (498) VII, ISRAEL WARD [1665.1] ra. Rachel, b. Feb. 18, 1793, dau. of Ephraira Thayer, of Dana, Feb. 8, 1827. They had, 2772. 1 Julia Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1830. 2773. 2 Horatio N., May 20, 1832. (499) VII. ALVAH WARD [1566.1] m.' Louisa, [2687.1] dau. of Otis Shaw, AprU 7, 1824. They had, 2774. 1 Sarah, b. Oct. 19, 1827, m. Anson Basset. (759) 2775. 2 Otis S., July 14, 1830. 2776. 3 CevlUa, Julv 15, 1832. 2777. 4 Ebenezer, Sept. 7, 1834. 2778. 5 Hannah, Dec 3, 1836, d, Feb, 16, 1840. 2779. 6 Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1839. 2780. 7 Horton B., AprU 23, 1841. 2781. 8 Mary, AprU 30, 1843. Where the parents of the two preceding famihes resid ed, or now reside, if living, information has not been ob tained. (500) VII. JOHN WARD [1567.3] m. Sylvia H. Shaw, [2763.2] June 9, 1828, and resides at Enfield. They had, 2782. 1 Charles R., b. AprU 27, 1834. 2783. 2 Verona A., May 11, 1836. 2784. 3 Caroline F., AprU 1, 1839. 2785. 4 Proctor L., May 23, 1841. 2786. 6 Henry W., Aug. 19, 1847. (501) Yll. SAMUEL TINKHAM, of Enfield, m. Mercy Ward, [1568.4] Sept., 1823. They had,' 2787. 1 Albert W., b. Feb. 12, 1824, ra. Fiducia, dau. of Ephraim Thayer, of Springfield, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1848. 2788. 2 Betsy T., Oct. 22, 1826, m. SUas Shumway, of Sturbridge, Oct. 4, 1846. 2789. 3 Christopher M., Jan. 24, 1832. 2790. 4 Emeline A., Dec 27, 1833. (602) VII. ALVAH THAYER, b. at Dana, Oct. 4, 1799, ra. AbigaU Ward, [1569.5] May 6, 1826, and re sides at Palmer. They had, 2791. 1 AbigaU, ) ra. Albert F. Nichols, of Palmer, Nov. y-b. Dec 13, 1826. [18,1846. 2792. 2 Alvah W., ) m. Sophia Henry, March 29, 1848. WARD FAMILY. 181 2793. 3 Augustus, Jan. 17, 1828. 2794. 4 MaryE.,) , ., „, ,„,^ 279.5. 6 Albert, ' j AprU 25, 1830. 2796. 6 Morton M., Feb. 18, 1832. 2797. 7 George, Sept. 9, 1835. 2798. 8 Frederick D., Sept. 29, 1837. (503) VII. BENJAMIN WARD [1672.8] m. Elizabeth W. Hanks, [2756.3] Dec. 19, 1838, and resides at En field. They had, 2799. 1 Benjamin H., b. July 26, 1845. 2800. 2 Arthur J., June 11, 1849. (604) VII. OROMEL WALKER, of Enfield, b. May 9, 1800, ra. Mary Ward, [1573.9] Oct. 17, 1832, and re sides at . They had, 2801. 1 Fayette, b. Sept. 18, 1849. (605) VII. JULIUS WARD [1578.3] ra. FlavUla Janes, and resided at Brimfield, where he d. Nov. 14, 1828, in his 41st year. His wid, resides atBrlrafield. They had, 2802. 1 Emily, b. Dec. 14, 1814. 2803. 2 Calvin M., Feb. 25, 1820, m. Sarah Ann Brown, Nov. 27, 1846, 2804, 3 Augusta AUen, March 28, 1822, m. Simon B, Ward [2404.8]. 2806. 4 Jane Elizabeth, March 22, 1824. 2806, 6 Lucy Morgan, June 3, 1826. 2807. 6 Mary EUza, Feb. 25, 1829, posthumous. (506) VIL WILLIAM M. WARD [1681.6] m. Eliza L. and resided some time at Providence, R. I., and removed to Brimfield prior to 1836 ; where he now re sides, and where his wife, Eliza L., d. May 5, 1845. His ' chil., as per Brimfield records, were, 2808. 1 Frances AbigaU, b. April 18, 1830, at Providence, m. Horace B. Tuttle, of Whippany, N. J., Nov. 29, 1849. 2809. 2 Adalme, Jan. 14, 1835, at Brimfield. 2810. 3 Edward Calvin, May 7, 1837, 2811. 4 Calvin C. L., who d. at Brimfield, Jan. 13, 1840. (607) VIL MOSES WARD [1585.3] m. Fanny Barns, of Hardwick, March 7, 1816, and d. July 11, 1845, In his 58th year. Residence unknown. They had. 182 WARD FAMILY. 2812. 1 AbigaU H., b. Feb, 11, 1817, m. Daniel Hanks [2681.12]. 2813. 2 Moses L., Feb. 4, 1819, m. Sally Kingman. (760) 2814. 3 Lydia S., March 7, 1821, m. James Barns. (761) 2815. 4 Samuel, Aug. 16, 1823, m. Emeline RandaU [2763.3]. (T62) 2816. 6 Mary A., Aug. 26, 1825, m. LendaU Whipple. (763) 2817. 6 Hosea, June 17, 1829. 2818. 7 Ruth J., July 15, 1833. 2819. 8 Harriet N., Jan. 13, 1837. (508) VII. ASA WARD [1587.2] m. Susanna Whipple, at ToUand, Ct., March 30, 1806 ; where he resided, and d. Sept. 14, 1818, in his 39th year. His wid., Susanna, d. there Oct. 24, 1823, aged 35. They had, 2820. 1 Orrin, b. Nov. 5, 1808, m. Laura Grover. (764) 2821. 2 WiUiam A., Nov. 23, 1818, posthumous, m. Electa Simonds. (765) (509) VII, SAMUEL WARD [1588.3] m. Mehitable Whipple, of Tolland, Ct., Jan. 15, 1812, and removed. In 1813, to Ohio, where they reside, at KingsviUe, Ashtabula Co. They had, 2822. 1 Laura E., b. AprU — - 1816, m. Victor HiU. (766) 2823. 2 Lysander J., Oct. 6, 1817, m. Susan BaUard. (767) 2824. 3 Maria M., Nov. 23, 1819, m. Joseph Crosby. (768) (610) VII. ELIPHAZ WARD [1689.4] m. Lydia, dau. of Elijah Grover, of ToUand, Ct., March 30, 1809. They reside there, and had, 2825. 1 Laura, b. Nov. 11, 1811, m. Horace CasweU. (769) 2826. 2 Mary G., Oct. 11, 1814, m. Levi Drake. (770) 2827. 3 Lydia M., July 30, 1817, m. Miles Doan. (771) 2828. 4 Elijah, Nov. 28, 1819, m. Jane McFaU, March 16, 1848. 2829. 6 Elizabeth A., June 16, 1825, m. Isaiah M. Bab cock, of ToUand, Ct., Jan. 23, 1849, and d. Nov. 27, 1850. 2830. 6 Juhana V., Sept. 26, 1827, m. Stephen Whiton, 2d, of ToUand, Nov. 26, 1848. (511) VII. OBADIAH WARD [1590.5] m. Ann M. Chadwick, of EUington, Ct., In 1816, and removed to Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., 0., May, 1830 ; where she d. WARD FAMILY. 183 on the first of Oct. following, aged 37. He next m. PoUy Russell, of that place, Nov. 11, 1830, and removed to Sheffield, 0., where he now resides. ¦ His chil., aU b. at Ellington, Ct., were, 2831. 1 Samuel, b. Jan. 27, 1817, m. Laura Amsden. (772) 2832. 2 Louisa, July 10, 1818, m. Jonathan DlbeU. (773) 2833. 3 Wilham, Aug. 28, 1821, saUed from Boston, July, 1850, Missionary to Assam, India. 2834. 4 Harriet N., Aug. 25, 1823, m. David Richmond. (774) 2835. 5 Mary Ann, July 9, 1826, m. Monroe Hunter. (775) 2836. 6 Caroline, July l2, 1829, m. Orsan Harper. (776) (612) VIL Dr. SETH HEATH, of Tolland, Ct., m. Relief Ward, [1591.6] at Stafford, Ct., Nov. 28, 1813, and resided at T., untU May 16, 1835, when they re moved to KingsviUe, 0., where they reside. They had, 2837, 1 Mary, b, Oct. 30, 1816, d. at Kingsville, 0., Dec. 19, 1843. 2838. 2 Elvira, Aug. 21, 1817, ra. Lyraan Minchent, (777) 2839, 3 Eliza E., June 27, 1819, m. James BaUard. (778) (613) VII. JEREMIAH KING m. Esther Ward, [1592.7] at EUington, Ct., Nov. 15, 1822, his second wife. They removed to KingsviUe, 0,, in 1823, and reside there. They had, 2840. 1 Van Rensselaer, b. Sept. 12, 1823, d. May 9, 1835, 2841, 2 Mary Esther, Oct, 11, 1826, m, Wilham H. Mills, Sept, 28, 1846. 2842. 3 Caroline, Aug. 7,1827, d. Aug. 24, 1827. 2843. 4 Clarissa Maria, Dec' 1, 1828, m. Jacob R. Brown, Jan. 24, 1860. 2844, 6 Luna Ward, May 16, 1830. 2846. 6 Elizabeth Jane, May 30, 1832, d. Sept. 8, 1834. 2846. 7 Jane, Oct. 29, 1834. 2847. 8 Henry, Feb. 8, 1837. 2848. 9 Helen, AprU 26, 1840. (614) VII. ANSON MUNSELL, of Plymouth, Ashtabula Cc, 0., m. Priscilla Ward, [1593.8] Nov. 1, 1816, where they resided ; she d. there, May 29, 1828, in her 30th year. They had, 2850. 1 Harvey A. J., b. Sept 19, 1817, m. Elvira War den. (779) 184 WARD FAMILY. 2851. 2 Elijah, July 16, 1820, d. Sept. 16, 1833. 2852. 3 Matilda C, July 24, 1827. (615) VII. ELIJAH WARD [1596.10] m. Hannah Morse, In 1825. Residence unknown ; said to have had five chil. ; name of but one obtamed, viz., 2853. 1 Lester. Further information of this family has been received, but too late to be inserted here. (See Supplement No. 5) (616) VIL HEZADIAH SMITH, a Baptist Clergyman, m. Lydia Ward, [1698.13] and removed to IU., thence to Kingsville, 0., and next to Iowa ; had four chil., name of but one obtained, viz., 2854. 1 Louisa. (517) VIL EDSON HEATH m. SaUena Ward, [1599.14] and removed to III. They had, 2856. 1 Elizabeth, b. m. R. Mix, of Warren, 0. (518) VII. BENJAMIN WARD [1603.1] m. AbigaU Wood, of Hopkinton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1807, and re moved to Bradford, N. H., thence to Wisconsin, They had, 2856. 1 Sarah, b. Oct. 3, 1808 ; went to Wisconsin with her sister Staples. 2857. 2 Jonathan W., Nov. 15, 1813. 2858. 3 Harvey, Jan. 22, 1811. 2859. 4 AbigaU, Nov. 26, 1815, m. Richard Staples ; re moved to Wisconsin. (519) VII. SAMUEL WARD [1605.3] m. Nancy Wood, of Upton, May 19, 1808, and resides at Hopkinton ; where she d., 1828. He next m. Nancy Fairbank, Nov. 26, 1829. His chU. were, 2860, 1 Thomas Jefferson, b. Jan. 29, 1809, ra. Mary Fair- bank, and resides at Upton. 2861. 2 Abner, Aug. 24, 1810, m. Almira Ward [2869.1]. 2862. 3 Samuel, Dec. 6, 1811, m. Martha Brown, of Hop kinton ; removed to Illinois. 2863, 4 Polly, Sept. 11, 1713, ra. Alpheus Pierce ; reside at Plopkinton. 2864. 5 Nancy, July 20, 1815, d. unm., Sept. 5, 1835. 2865. 6 Sylvester, Jan. 17, 1818, m. Betsy Dunton; re sides at PhUhpston. WARD FAMILY, 185 2866, 7 Prudence, \ m, Richard Peckam, of Milford ; >¦ [reside at Providence, R. I. 2867. 8 Julia Fairbank, ) m. Charies Danforth ; reside In Ohio. 2868. 9 Loring, March 4, 1823. (520) VII. SYLVESTER WARD [1607,5] m. Cynthia Bryant, a wid. Her faraily name was Smith. They had, 2869. 1 Almira, b, m. Abner Ward [2861.2] . (521) VII. AARON WARD [1625.3] m. Ohve B. South- worth, AprU 22, 1813, and resides at West Rutland, Vt. They had, 2870, 1 Eleanor, b. Feb. 12, 1814, m. Aaron B. Aldrich, (780) 2871. 2 Clarissa, Nov, 10, 1816, d. April 5, 1824. 2872. 3 Franklin F., Dec. 6, 1817, ra. Elizabeth ChurchiU. (781) 2873. 4 Lorenzo, May 23, 1820, m. Clarinda Freeman. (782) 2874. 5 WUliam, June 29, 1822, m. Louisa S. Nicholson, (783) 2876. 6 Martha, May 3, 1826. 2876. 7 Silas, May 11, 1827, living — deaf and dumb, 2877, 8 Selah G,, March 27, 1829 ; resides at Castleton, Vt, 2878. 9 Sarah L., June 6, 1831, d'. AprU 1, 1847. 2879. 10 Juliana, March 18, 1833, d. Dec. 11, 1833, 2880. 11 Charity, Dec. 6, 1836, d. Aug, 13, 1846, 2881, 12 Rollin, April 6, 1838, (622) VII. LUKE WARD [1627.6] m. Fanny Watkins, Feb. 11, 1823, and resides at West Rutland, Vt. They had, 2882. 1 Charles E., b. March 3, 1824, ra. Louisa ChurchiU, AprU 25, 1848. 2883. 2 George H., Jan. 6, 1826 ; resides at Joliet, Wills Cc, IU. 2884. 3 Jabez W., Nov. 6, 1829 ; resides at West Rutland, Verraont. 2886. 4 Henry M,, Dec. 24, 1833, d. June 24, 1835. 2886. 5 Fanny E., AprU 30, 1841. (523) VIL CHESTER WARD [1628.6] ra. Hannah Peake, Dec. 6, 1822, and resides at Highgate, Vt. She d. Oct. 2, 1843. He next m. SUence Randall, July 11, 1844. His chil. were, 2887, 1 Luther H,, b. Sept, 13, 1823, m, Joanna RandaU.(784) 2888. 2 Erastus W., Aug, 12, 1826, m. Ruth RandaU. (785) 24 186 WARD FAMILY. 2889. 3 Susan, Oct. 31, 1827 ; resides at West Rutland,Vt. 2890. 4 Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1833, ) 2891. 5 Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1836, (reside at Hlghgate,Vt. 2892. 6 Jane, Dec 15, 1848, ) (524) VII. JABEZ WARD [1629.7] m. Harriet Rug gles, Jan. 14, 1824. She d. Dec, 1837. He next m. Hannah Smith, June, 1840, and resides at West Rut land, Vt. His chU. were, 2893. 1 Albert, b. AprU 29, 1826 ; resides in city of N. Y. 2894. 2 Mary L., Feb. 3, 1827, ra. Franklin JPatterson, Feb. 1, 1847 ; reside at Castleton, Vt. 2895. 3 Harriet L., Dec. 10, 1833, m. Henry M. Brown. (786) 2896. 4 Rosaline M., Nov. 29, 1846. 2897. 6 Palemon, Jan. 15, 1848. (525) VIL MASON DENNISON m. Phebe Ward, [1630.8] Dec. 20, 1820, and resides at Castleton, Vt. They had, 2898. 1 Rollin C, b. Jan. 29, 1823, m. Caroline C. Pen- field. (787) (626) VIL ARTEMAS WARD [1631.9] m. Jane C. Stearns, Sept. 20, 1824, and resides at West Rutland, Vt. They had, 2899. 1 Jabez S., b. June 19, 1825, d. AprU 6, 1849. 2900. 2 Charity, May 13, 1827, d. Jan. 9, 1829. 2901. 3 Asahel W., Jan. 29, 1829. 2902. 4 Henry C, Sept. 22, 1830, d. Aug. 20, 1831. 2903. 5 Elias C, July 11, 1832. 2904. 6 Mary A.. Jan. 16, 1834. 2905. 7 Nancy, Oct. 11, 1835. 2906. 8 Fanny, May 23, 1837, d. Oct. 26, 1847. 2907. 9 Theresa E., April 26, 1839. 2908. 10 Amos D., May 31, 1841. 2909. 11 Moses W., Nov. 26, 1844. 2910. 12 Phebe J., Aug. 13, 1848. (527) VII. JABEZ WARD [1634.1] m. Betsy Martin, at Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., and resided at Perry Centre in that Co., where she d. AprU 30, 1819. He next m. AurUla Tufts, of that place, April 25, 1830, and d. there July 16, 1843, in his 66th year. He was a Surgeon and Practitioner of Physic, at P. C, nearly 30 years. His wid., Aurilla, resides there. His chU. were. WARD FAMILY. 187 2911. 1 Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1831. 2912. 2 Butler, Oct. 19, 1833. 2913. 3 Joseph, May 6, 1838. 2914. 4 Cullen, May 19, 1840. (528) VII. PHICOL MUNRO WARD [1637.4] m. Juha Howard, of Perry Centre, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1825, and resides there, where he has been a Magistrate up wards of twenty-two years. They had, 2915. 1 Jabez Ralph, b. July 22, 1826. 2916. 2 Phebe, Feb. 17, 1829. 2917. 3 Sidney, Sept. 14, 1830. 2918. 4 John Howard, July 2, 1833. 2919. 5 Catharine Bertha, Dec. 24, 1834. 2920. 6 Rachel Lorain, Sept. 11, 1837, d. Jan. 9, 1842. The others aU living, Dec. 15, 1849, and unm. 2921. 7 Ehza Ann, June 15, 1839. 2922. 8 Arthur, Nov. 6, 1844. 2923. 9 Julia Gertrude, May 6, 1848. (529) VII. ELIAS BATHRICK m. Clarissa Ward, [1639.6] at Perry Centre, N. Y., Jan. 3,1828, and re sides there. They had, 2924. 1 Charlotte, b. Aug. 25, 1829. 2925. 2 Linus, Sept. 2, 1831. 2926. 3 Lorain, July 7, 1834. 2927. 4 Martha, March 12, 1837, d. March 4, 1842. 2928. 5 AbigaU, June 9, 1839. 2929. 6 WUliara Ralph, June 9, 1842. (630) VII. DANIEL NOTEWAIRE m. Phebe Ward, [1650.1] at New Marlboro', Oct., 1812, and resides at Owego, Owego Co., N. Y. They had, 2930. 1 Louisa Maria. 2931. 2 Laura Lovisa. 2932. 3 Huldah Pauline. 2933. 4 Calvin Ward. 2934. 5 Horace Sheldon. 2936. 6 Warren Norton. 2936. 7 WiUiara Henry. 2937. 8 Belinda PhUenla. (531) VII. EPAPHRAS WARREN m. Belinda Ward, [1651.2] at New Mariboro', in 1814, and removed to 188 WARD FAMILY. Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., thence to Ithica, Tompkins Co., N. Y., where they reside. They had, 2938. 1 Adaline Adeha, b. m. Hart ; " re side near city N. Y." 2939. 2 Esther, m. Justus Slater, of Jersey City. 2940. 3 Dorus, m. 2941. 4 Mary, 2942. 5 Chariotte Elizabeth, 2943. 6 John Calvin, d. (532) VII. HORACE SHELDON m. PhUenia Ward [1652.3] at New Mari., Aug. 23, 1816, and in that year removed to Perry Centre, N. Y., where they reside. They had, 2944. 1 Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1817, m. Harrison G. White, AprU 3, 1844 ; reside at Perry Centre ; no issue. 2945. 2 Martha Asenath, Sept. 14, 1819, d. at Perry Cen tre, Jan. 4, 1842. 2946. 3 Joseph Nathan, Oct. 13, 1821, m. Caroline How ard. (788) 2947. 4 Stuart, Dec. 20, 1823, had a CoUege education, and is in California. 2948. 6 Andrew, June 13, 1826. 2949. 6 Catharine Ward, Oct. 12, 1828. 2950. 7 Maynard, June 13, 1832. (633) VII. ISAAC NORTON, of New Marlboro', m. Paulina Ward, [1653.4] in 1818, and resided there. They had, 2961. 1 John, b. m. 2952, 2 Mary, m. Baldwin, of New Marlboro'. (634) VII. CALVIN RAYNSFORD WARD [1654.5] m. Catharine M. Squiers, Dec 17, 1828, and resides at New Mariboro'. They had, 2953. 1 Mary Lovina, b. Sept. 15, 1829. 2954. 2 Jabez, July 25, 1831, d. March 2, 1835. 2965, 3 Catharine M., Nov. 27, 1833. 2956. 4 Jabez C, April 3, 1836. 2957. 5 Edmund R., April 16, 1841. (635) VIL WESTOL C. WARD [1660.1] m. Esther ¦ Chapin, of New Mariboro', Dec 4, 1817, and resides at Sheffield. They had, WARD FAMILY. 189 2958. 1 Ameha E., b. Feb. 15, 1819, m. Darius S. PoweU, June 16, 1841. 2959. 2 Edmund, AprU 14, 1827. (536) VIL NATHANIEL FOSKET, of West Stock- bridge, ra. Clarissa Ward, [1666.3] Nov. 20, 1820. They had, 2960. 1 George G., b. Aug. 31, 1822, m. Hannah E. BrowneU, of Alford, Oct. 12, 1844. 2961. 2 Lydia L., Dec. 24, 1823, m. Gideon HaU, Esq., of Winsted, Ct., Jan. 30, 1844. (637) VII. MORRIS WARD [1666.4] m, Eliza Parks, of Austeriitz, Columbia Co,, N, Y,, Feb, 4, 1830, and resides at West Stockbridge, They had, 2962, 1 Jane E., b. Jan. 17, 1834. 2983, 2 Harriet E., Jan, 8, 1843. 2964. 3 Lydia M,, May 9, 1845, (538) VII. CHAUNCEY LEET, of West Stockbridge, m. Mary Ward, [1667.5] July, 1832. They had, 2965, 1 Chauncey Ward, b. March 6, 1834, 2966, 2 Sarah Evelina, June 7, 1838. (539) VII. HIRAM H. BIDWELL, of West Stock- bridge, m. Evelina Ward, [1668.6] Jan., 1831, and re moved to Egremont, where she d. July, 1843, in her 34th year. They had, 2967. 1 George Ward, b. Sept. 24, 1832. 2968, 2 Jane L,, May 20, 1834, ¦2969, 3 Hiram H., Feb. 2, 1836. 2970. 4 Mary E., May 23, 1838. 2971, 5 Lydia F., Sept. 13, 1840, d. Oct. 13, 1841. 2972. 6 Lydia F., Dec 28, 1842. (540) VII. JOHN L. CHAMBERLAIN m. Alzora Ward, [1669.7] Nov., 1834, and resided at West Stock- bridge. Subsequent to AprU 2, 1843, they removed to Roxbury, N. Y. They had, 2973. 1 Charies L., b. Aug. 23, 1836. 2974. 2 Calvin H., March 2, 1838. 2975. 3 Morris D., March 27, 1840, d. Sept. 18, 1841. 2976. 4 Julia, April 2, 1843. 2977. 5 WiUiam Ward, X849, 190 WARD FAMILY. (541) VII. NATHANIEL KINNE, of Alford, ra. Melinda Ward, [1670.8]. They had, 2978. 1 Clarissa, b. March 13, 1838, d. AprU 18, 1838. 2979. 2 Agnes M., Jan. 8, 1840, d. Dec. 20, 1841. 2980. 3 Francis A., Aug. 28, 1843. 2981. 4 Henry Clay, Nov. 8, 1845. (542) VII. Capt. HILON TOBEY, of West Stockbridge, m. Florilla Hitchcock, [1672.2] AprU, 1815, and d. there Nov. 9, 1822, aged 29. His wid., FlorUla, m. David Raymond, of KendaU, Orieans Co., N. Y., in 1846. They removed to Cincinnati, 0. Her chU. were, 2982. 1 Mary S., b. Jan., 1816, d. 1840. 2983. 2 Clarissa, Sept., 1818. 2984. 3 George H., Sept. 4, 1822. (543) VII. Dea. JOHN E. WARNER, of New Canaan, N. Y., ra. Sarah E. Hitchcock, [1674.4] Dec, 1824, and resided there, where he d., Feb., 1842. They had, 2985. 1 Ehas E., b. Feb. — 1826. 2986. 2 Henrietta, 1828, d. Infant. 2987. 3 Henrietta, Sept., 1831, d May, 1832. 2988. 4 John H., Aug. 1, 1833. 2989. 6 Frances L., 1837, d. infant. 2990. 6 WiUiam Ward, 1838, d. 1841. (544) VII. CHARLES R. HITCHCOCK [1676.6] m. Julia Arnold, of West Stockbridge, Jan. 6, 1829, and resides there. They had, 2991. 1 Homer W., b. Aug. 19, 1830. 2992. 2 Ralph G., Aug. 23, 1832. 2993. 3 Mary Jane, AprU 26, 1834. 2994. 4 Alvan W., Aug. 17, 1836. 2995. 5 Melinda H., Nov. — 1838, d. Jan., 1840. (645) VII. OBADIAH WARD HITCHCOCK [1677.7] m. Mary MUler, of West Stockbridge, 1834, and d. April 26, 1840, in his 33d year. They had, 2996. 1 Henry, b. AprU, 1836. (546) VII. MARTIN REESE, m. Louisa M. Hitchcock [1678.8] Oct. 14, 1830, and had, at West Stockbridge, 2997. 1 Helen F., b. May 10, 1833. 2998. 2 Ward R., Jan. 17, 1841. WARD FAMILY. 191 (547) VII. ENOS BROUGHTON, Jr., m. Clarissa M. Hitchcock, [1679.9] Feb. 17, 1836, and had, at W. Stockbridge, 2999, 1 George R., b. May 18, 1840. 3000, 2 WUham H,, Oct, 12, 1846, (548) VII. WILLIAM WARD [1680.1] m. Zebiah C. Sandln, June 26, 1842, and resides at Warwick. They had, 3001, 1 Wilham J,, b, June 22, 1843. 3002. 2 Harriet E., July 1, 1844. 3003. 3 Stephen G., June 21, 1847, (549) VII. SYLVANUS WARD [1681.2] m. Anna Draper, of Warwick, AprU 6, 1824, and resides there. They had, exclusive of their first child, that d. Infant, name unknown, 3004, 1 Harriet A., b, Oct. 23, 1828. 3006. 2 Augusta M., June 24, 1830. 3006. 3 Artemas B., Dec. 20, 1837. 3007, 4 Justin E,, May 27, 1847, (650) VII, EBENEZER G. WARD [1682.3] m. Nancy D, Godfrey, of Orrington, Me., in 1833 ; resided at Bangor, Me., and d. in Wisconsin, Sept. 26, 1839, in his 36th year. She d, on the 10th of Nov, following, aged 28, (651) VII. GEORGE JONES, of Orange, m. Esther Ward, [1696.2] AprU, 1817, and had, 3008. 1 Deborah N., b. Sept. 28, 1828. 3009. 2 Emeline W., July 1, 1830. 3010. 3 Caroline J., May 22, 1836. 3011. 4 Jonathan S., May 1, 1839. (552) VIL CONVERSE WARD [1696.3] m. Harriet Ward, [1387.4] of Orange, AprU 17, 1834, and resided at Boston, where he d. May 25, 1844, in his 36th year. His wid., Harriet, resides at Orange. They had, 3012. 1 Pamelia, b. Dec. 12, 1834. 3013. 2 Julia, May 20, 1836. (663) VII. FRANKLIN WARD [1697.4] m. Mary A. Mayo, of Orange, and had. 192 WARD FAMILY. 3014. 1 Dolly A., b. July 17, 1840. 3015. 2 Converse W., Sept. 23, 1845. (564) VII. STEPHEN RANDALL, of Winchester, N. H., m. Laura Ward, [1698.6] Jan. 13, 1842. They had, 3016. 1 Sarah, b. Feb. 14, 1843. 3017. 2 Laura, Feb. — 1844. 3018. 3 Augusta, July — 1847. (555) VII. PHILBROOK WARRICK, of Orange, m. Dorothy Ward, [1699.6] Jan. 12, 1844, and resides there. They had, 3019. 1 Georgietta A., b. March 4, 1849. (566) VII. SILAS M. WARRICK, of Orange, m. Minerva M. Ward, [1700.7] May 12, 1847. They had, 3020. 1 Flora A., b. Dec. — 1848. (667) VII. ARTEMAS HOWARD, of Orange, ra. Susanna Ward, [1702.2] Nov. 29, 1827. They had, 3021. 1 Hannah W., b. at Athol, May 3, 1829. 3022. 2 Julia A., " Jan. 26, 1831. 3023. 3 Levi C, " May 11, 1833, d. Sept. 17, 1846, 3024, 4 Emily A., at Athol, Dec. 19, 1835. 3025. 5 Hoyt E., at WendeU, May 19. 1838. 3026. 6 Marcus M., at Orange, AprU 15, 1840. 3027. 7 James S., " Dec. 13, 1842. 3028. 8 EUen J., at Warwick, March 21, 1848. (568) VII. WILLIAM HILTON m. Esther Althine Ward, [1758.2] Aug. 22, 1844, and resides at Andover. They had, 3029. 1 Catharine Richardson, b. Oct. 16, 1845. (559) VII. JONATHAN WHITTEMORE, of Fitchburg, b. Oct., 1769, m. Eunice Glazier Ward, [1781.2] Jan, 24, 1796 ; removed to Vt., and d. there Jan. 12, 1842. His wid., Eunice G., d. at Fitchburg, Dec. 23, 1842, in her 71st year. They had, 3030, 1 James, b. March 28, 1797, d. Nov. 8, 1800. 3031. 2 Sophia, Dec. 16, 1798. 3032. 3 Jonathan, Aug. 13, 1800, m. Elizabeth Chesmore, of Fitchburg, April 16, 1825. WARD FAMILY. 193 3033. 4 Elizabeth, April 28, 1802, m, Isaac N, Davenport, ofFltchburg, Dec, 10, 1825, 3034, 6 Mary L., Jan. 12, 1804, m, Anson Tuttle, of Lit tleton, March 6, 1828. 3036. 6 Eunice, Dec. 18, 1805. 3036. 7 Alice S., Sept. 12, 1807. 3037. 8 Levlnah G., June 19, 1809, ra. Abner Whitney, of Westminster, Dec. — 1831, 3038, 9 Lucy, Sept, 8, 1811, ra. Job S, Bigelow, of Fitch burg, May 20, 1836. 3039, 10 Nathaniel, AprU 21, 1813, m. Maria Sargent, of Harvard, Sept. 26, 1843. 3040. 11 David, July 27, 1815, (560) VII, JOHN FLAGG, of Worcester, m, Sarah Ward, [1783.1] AprU 22, 1800. She d. there Sept. 14,1843, in her 69th year. He resides there. They had, 3041. 1 Rhoda, b. March 12, 1801, m. Darius Rice. (789) 3042. 2 Phineas, Sept. 30, 1802, d. Jan. 20, 1807. 3043. 3 Sarah, Nov. 13, 1804, ra. Brigham Goss, of Wor., March 20, 1834, and d. Sept. 3, 1838. 3044. 4 Lucy, Nov. 14, 1807, d. May 8, 1810. 3045. 5 Mary,May 26, 1810, m. Eden Davis, Oct. 19,1848. 3046. 6 Nahum, AprU 27, 1812, m. Lydia Harrington. (790) 3047. 7 Hannah, Oct. 1, 1815, living, and unm. 3048. 8 Charies, Nov. 3, 1821, " ii (561) VII. JOHN WOODWARD, of Westminster, son of Nathaniel, (who went to W, at the age of 7 years, and settled there,) ra, Polly Ward, [1784.2] July 3, 1820. He resided and d. at W, They had, 3049, 1 John G,, b. m. Mary Ward [3060.1]. (791) (562) VII. JOHN CROXFORD m. Betsy Ward, [1785.3] Feb. 2, 1804, and settled at Barre, Vt., where she d. May 21, 1844, In her 67th year. They had, 3050. 1 Charlotte, b. March 23, 1804, m. Oliver Cutts, April 29, 1823. 3051. 2 Betsy, AprU 16, 1805, m. Vlnal Nye, June 6, 1826. 8052. 3 Leonard, Dec. 25, 1807, d. AprU, 1809. 3053. 4 Mary, Aug. 12, 1808, d. Aug. 21, 1817. 3064. 5 Samuel, AprU 12, 1810, living, and unm. 3055. 6 Lucy, Oct. 16, 1811, d. Infant, 25 194 WARD FAMILY, 3066, 7 Hannah, Oct, 28, 1812, d, Aug,, 1817, 3057, 8 Wilham, Sept, 22, 1814, d, March, 1836, 3058, 9 AbigaU, Dec, 10, 1817, m, Thomas Davenport, Jan, 2, 1839. 3069. 10 John W., Dec. 28, 1819, living, and unm. (563) VII, JOHN WARD [1786.4] m, DoUy Townsend, of Ashburnham, AprU 9, 1811, where he resided, and d, AprU 27, 1843, in his 63d year. She survives. They had, 3060. 1 Mary, b. May 21, 1812, m, John G, Woodward [3049.1], (564) VII, JONAS WARD [1787,5] m. Anna ChUds, of Westminster, June 1, 1816, where he resided, and d, June 16, 1822, in his 40th year. His wid,, Anna, m, America Amsden, of Windsor, Vt, The chU, of Jonas and Anna were, 3061, 1 Nancy, b, June 6, 1816, d, at Windsor, Vt,, June 10, 1832, 3062, 2 Mary, Oct, 26, 1818, m. Dean Cabot, (792) 3063, 3 John, Feb, 4, 1821, D, C. 1847 ; Atty, at law, and resides in Vt,, umn, (566) VII. JOHN MOSSMAN, m. Copia Ward, [1788.6] at Westminster, May 8, 1810. They resided at Ash burnhara, where he d. June 11, 1841. They had, 3064. 1 Leonard, b. Sept. 16, 1810, m, Clarinda Richard son, (793) 3066. 2 Aaron, Nov. 21, 1811, m. Martha BaU. (794) 3066. 3 John W., Sept. 26, 1813, m. Mary E. Libbey. (795) 3067. 4 Lucinda, March 8, 1816, m. Joseph Woodward, Nov. 16, 1838, and d. May 10, 1842. 3068. 5 Dorothy, Sept. 29, 1822, m. Jonathan Hapgood, March 26, 1844 ; reside at Harvard. (666) VII. SILAS WARD [1789.7] m. Deidamia Moss man, AprU 27, 1815, and resides at Westminster. They had, 3069. 1 Susanna F., b. Oct. 13, 1816, living, and unm. 3070. 2 Horace H., Aug. 10, 1824, d. Nov. 6, 1849. 3071. 3 Sarah F., Dec. 4, 1831. (567) VII. ISAAC BALL [1822.6] m. Huldah Squier, WARD FAMILY, 195 b, Jan, 14, 1781, (both twin chU,,) Aug, 21, 1799 ; res idence unknown. They had, 3072, 1 Josiah, b. May 17, 1800, d, Oct, 18, 1802, 3073, 2 Squier Bishop, May 21, 1802, d, July 31, 1803. 3074. 3 Adaline, Nov. 13, 1803. 3075. 4 Carohne, Sept. 7, 1805, m. A, Burr Phillips, June 12, 1828. 3076. 5 Albert, May 13, 1807, d, Feb, 9, 1814. 3077. 6 Nancy, March 31, 1809, m, W, H, Sexton, March 31, 1831, and d. Nov, 5, 1839, 3078, 7 Isaac, June 6, 1810, 3079, 8 Catharine, Nov. 26, 1811, 3080, 9 John, Feb, 20, 1814, m, Eunice Pease, Oct. 27, 1835. 3081. 10 AbigaU, March 19, 1816, m. Wilham A. Snow, July 1, 1841, 3082, 11 Sarah, Dec, 17, 1817, m. Philander Dickinson, Sept. 26, 1844, and d. Oct 12, 1846. 3083. 12 Elizabeth, June 27, 1820, d. May 16, 1828. 3084. 13 Lydia Elizabeth, AprU 29, 1823, m. Asa C, BaU, Sept, 26, 1844, (568) VII. HENRY BALL [1826.9] m. Hannah Her family name, and his residence, unknown. They had, 3085. 1 Rhodolphus, b. AprU 6, 1804, ra. 3086. 2 Sophronia, Sept, 10, 1806, d. May 23, 1813, 3087. 3 Daniel Dexter, Sept. 22, 1808, m. 3088, 4 Henry Ward, May 9, 1811, m. 3089. 5 Charies, Aug. 12, 1813, m, 3090, 6 Sophronia, Dec, 4, 1814, 3091. 7 Emory, Jan. 16, 1816, 3092, 8 Clarissa, May 25, 1820, m, 3093, 9 Asa Conant, May 13, 1822, m, 3094, 10 Francis Marion, Aug. 23, 1824, m, 3096, 11 Albert, Oct. 20, 1826, m. 3096. 12 Hannah, Sept. 3, 1830. 3097. 13 Sarah, Jan, 21, 1834, (569) VIL FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BALL [1827.11] m. Mary S, (or L.) CortheU, of Hingham, (b. Feb, 22, 1801,) Dec, 3, 1820, Their residence unknown. They had, 3098. 1 Samuel Ward, b. Nov, 24, 1821, 3099. 2 Frederic Augustus, Nov, 18, 1823, 196 WARD FAMILY. 3100. 3 Mary, Feb. 6, 1826, d. Feb. 28, 1843. 3101. 4 Hannah, Oct. 19, 1827, d. April 4, 1828. 3102. 5 Bishop, May 20, 1829, d. July 29, 1829. 3103. 6 Jonathan George, May 15, 1830. 3104. 7 Loring CortheU, Sept. 18, 1832, d. Aug. 16, 1843. 3106. 8 Abby, Nov. 8, 1835, d. Feb. 6, 1836. 3106. 9 Benja. Absalom, Oct. 25, 1836. 3107. 10 Eunice Kimberiy, Sept. 29, 1838, d. Feb. 23,1839. 3108. 11 Martha Proctor, July 25, 1841. This Is all the Information obtained respecting the de scendants of Lydia Ward of this generation. (570) VII. CHARLES WARD [1830.1] m. Sarah Mal lory, at Eaton, Lower Canada, and d. at Stow, Mass., Dec. 15, 1825, in his 36th year. Their chU. (aU b. in L. C.) were, 3109. 1 Charies H. S., b. June 20, 1812, d. at LoweU, Feb. 8 1 835 3110. ' 2 George P., June 30, 1814. 3111. 3 Harriet B., AprU 16, 1816, m. Horace H.French, of Eaton, L. Canada. 3112. 4 Martha P., d. at the age of 23. 3113, 6 Ephraim A, 3114. 6 Esther M. (571) VII. WILLIAM BRIGGS, of GuUford, Vt., m, Sarah Ward, [1831.2] Oct. 22,1818, and d. there, Nov. 6, 1825, aged 36. She next m. Levi Stoddard, Esq., of Brattleboro', Vt, where he d. Jan. 27, 1842, aged 54. His wid., Sarah,residesat B. Her chU. were, 3115. 1 PrisciUa, b. July 29, 1821, d. Sept. 20, 1824. 3116. 2 Harriet PrisciUa, June 20, 1833, d. Nov. 6, 1838. (572) VIL HENRY WARD [1833.4] ra. Eliza E. Houghton, at Guilford, Vt., Sept. 23, 1826, and resides there. They had, 3117. 1 Martha P., b. AprU 10, 1828, m. Henry S. Chase. (796) 3118. 2 Henry H., Feb. 2, 1830. 3119. 3 Eliza M., Aug. 26, 1832. 3120. 4 Samuel B., Aug. 30, 1836. 3121. 5 Francis E., Sept. 3, 1839. 3122. 6 Victoria A., Dec. 16, 1840. 3123. 7 M. E. PriscUla, Oct, 1, 1844, d. Sept. 12, 1847, WARD FAMILY. 197 (673) VII. SAMUEL WARD, [1834.5] m. Mary Enos, at Oneonta, Otsego Cc, N. Y., AprU 2, 1830, where their chU. were b. They now reside at Brattleboro', Vt. They had, 3124, 1 Harriet S., b. June 7, 1832, 3126, 2 PriscUla M., Jan, 3, 1838, (674) VIL SAMUEL WARD [1836.2] m. Sarah, dau. of Charies Chandler, of Worcester, June 25, 1816 ; at which time he was of Woodstock, Vt., where he subse quently resided. He removed to Worcester, where he rose to the rank of Col., and in 1837, removed to Boston, where he d. an officer of the Customs, March 1, 1842, aged 49. His wid., Sarah, resides at Boston, They had, 3126. 1 Sarah Chandler, b. May 5, 1817, m. Harrison Gray Otis Blake. (797) 3127. 2 Harriet Wheeler, July 20, 1821, living, and unm. 3128. 3 Frances Caroline, Dec 26, 1824, m. Robert W. Lord. (798) 3129. 4 Charies Chandler, Oct. 23, 1828 ; resides at Bos ton, unmarried. (575) VII. LYSANDER WARD [1885.2] m. Nancy Hastings, in 1842, and resides at Heath, where she d. In 1847. He next m. PriscUla Avery, of Chariemont, in 1848. His chU., aU by the first wife, were, 3130. 1 Joseph. 3131. 2 Lysander C. 3132. 3 Solomon Reed. (576) VIL MATHEW SMITH, Jr., of Middlefield, m. Betsy Ward, [1893.1] Dec. 12, 1813, and resides there. They had, 3133. 1 Mathew, b. Sept. 13, 1814, ra. Maria D. Root. (799) 3134. 2 John, March 18, 1816, ra. Elvira Root. (800) 3135. 3 Elizabeth, April 29, 1818, ra. Ellas T. Spurr. (801) 3136. 4 Asenath, Sept. 8, 1820, m. Elisha Strong. (802) 3137. 5 Azuriah S., Dec — 1822, d, Oct, 6, 1827, 3138, 6 Benjamin F., June 17, 1826, d, AprU 18, 1826, 3139, 7 Mary Ann, AprU 9, 1828, d. Oct. 31, 1831. 3140, 8 Sally, AprU 19, 1830, resides, Middlefield, 3141, 9 Mary Ann, Aug. 13, 1832," 3142. 10 Elmira W., Dec. 27, 1834, d. Sept. 7, 1850. 198 WARD FAMILY. (677) VII. ARTEMAS WARD [1894.2] m. Serepta Smith, of Middlefield, March 1, 1821, and removed to Richmond, 0., where she d. June 20, 1846. They had, 3143. 1 Sarah Lovisa, b. Oct., 1822, m. Lewis D. WUliams ; reside in Ohio. 3144. 2 John P., June, 1829 ; resides at Riohmond, 0., (578) VIL JOSIAH MACK, of Middlefield, m. Maria Ward, [1897.5] Sept. 26, 1822, and resides at Lenox. They had, 3145. 1 Sarah, b. Sept. 1, 1823. 3146. 2 Minusa, Aug. — 1826. 3147. 3 William, Feb. — 1827. 3148. 4 John, Feb. — 1829. 3149. 6 George, Feb. — 1831. 3150, 6 Amos, June — 1833. 3151. 7 Elisha, March — 1836. 3152, 8 Henry, Jan, — 1838, 3153. 9 David, Feb. — 1840, d. Infant. (579) VII. LYMAN HINMAN, of Atwater, 0,, m. Rebecca Ward, [1898.6] Aug. 29, 1834, and resides there. They had, 3154. 1 Lyman Ward, b. Dec, 1835. 3155. 2 John Smith, Nov., 1838. 3156. 3 Ellen, Sept., 1841. 3157. 4 William Mack, 1847. (580) VII. NIOL BENTLEY, of Pittsfield, m. Lucy Ward, [1899.7] Aug. 28, 1828, and d. there, Feb., 1843. She resides there. They had, 3158. 1 Frances, b, March, 1831. 3159. 2 George, March, 1834. 3160. 3 Clarissa, May, 1838, 3161, 4 Mary, April, 1840, (581) VII. EBENEZER WHIPPLE, of Chester, m. Minerva Ward, [1900.8] March 8, 1830, and removed to MeadvUle, Penn. They had, 3162. 1 Hastings, b. 1834. 3163. 2 Eunice, 1889. 3164. 3 Sarah B., 1843. 3165. 4 John W., 1849. WARD FAMILY. 199 (582) VII. JOHN WARD [1901.9] m. Phebe Church, of Middlefield, July 4, 1837, and d. there Nov. 30, 1841, in his 33d year. His wid., Phebe, d. June 25, 1842, They had, exclusive of two chU, who d. Infants, 3166, 1 Myra, b, Jan, 30, 1840, (583) VII, SAMUEL ELDER, of Farmington, Ct., m. Elraira Ward, [1902.10] April 8, 1834. She d. on the 29th of Oct. following, in her 23d year, (584) VII, HENRY WARD [1909,1] m. Mary BeU Aus tin, of Portland, Me,, say. In 1825, and resides at Bethel, Me, They had, 3167, 1 Henry, b. 3168, 2 Maria, 3169, 3 Albert P, (586) VII. PARKER BAYLEY, of Newbury, Vt,, m, Eliza Ward, [1910,2] l8l7, and resides at Wentworth, N, H. They had, 3170, 1 Henry W.,b. 3171. 2 Williara W. 3172, 3 Horace, not hving, 1848, (586) VIL SAMUEL LADD, of HaverhiU, N. H., m. Mary Ward, [1911.3] Oct, 24, 1821, and resided at H., where he d, April 2, 1841, She next ra, WUliam Bay- ley, of Greensboro ', Vt., Oct., 1843, where they reside. Her chil,, three by the first, and one by the second hus band, were, 3173, 1 Maria Thatcher, b, 3174, 2 Henry, 3175, 3 Mary Isabella, 3176, 4 Martha P, (587) VII. SAMUEL WARD [1912.4] m. Clarissa Cham berlain, of Stanstead, L. Canada, In 1834 ; resided at Methuen, Mass., In 1848, and was then employed In the Coast Survey. They had, 3177. 1 Horace, b. 3178. 2 John. (588) VIL HORACE WARD [1913.6] m. Abby Patten, at Portland, Me., In 1833, and removed to New Orleans, 200 WARD FAMILY. kept the Verandah Hotel, and d. there of yellow fever, Sept. 9, 1847, aged 41. They had, 3179. 1 John, b. 3180. 2 George. 3181. 3 Charies. (589) VII. H. C. BAYLEY, of Newbury, Vt., m. Lucy Ann Ward, [1914.6] May 26, 1829. She d. March 22, 1841, In her 33d year. They had, 3182. 1 Elizabeth, b. 3183. 2 Sarah. (590) VII. E. C. SANDERS, of Montgomery, Alabama, m. Nancy Gilbert Ward, [1915.7] Aug. 26, 1834. She d. of consumption, Feb. 20, 1847. They had, 3184. 1 Leonora, b. (591) VII. JOHN A. PAGE, of Newbury, Vt., son of Ex-Gov. Page, of N. H., m. Martha Ward, [1917.9] Sept. 4, 1839. They had, 3185. 1 John W., b. (592) VII. JOHN GRAHAM WARD [1971.2] m. Su sanna Carter, of Buckland, June 29, 1801, and d. at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1806, in his SOth year. His wid., Susanna, m. Elisha Pike, at Buckland, March 10, 1819. The chil. of John G. and Susanna were, 3186. 1 Emily, b. m. in N. Y. 3187. 2 John G., m. and resides In Northampton. (593) VII. JONATHAN WARD [1972.3] m. Ruth Tay lor, of Buckland, Nov. 26, 1801, and resides there, where she d. He next m. her sister, Susanna Taylor, Sept. 27, 1805. His third wife was Relief Ingram, who d. tbere July 31, 1844. His fourth was Electa Bigelow. His chU., all as follows, were by the second wife, viz., 3188. 1 Jasher Taylor, b. Dec 15, 1806 ; resides at Buck- land. 3189. 2 Susanna KeUey, July 28, 1808 ; resides in Wis consin. 3190. 3 Ruth Lumira, May 19, 1810 ; resides in Plainfield. 3191. 4 Elvira Ehza, Feb. 29, 1812, m. Bela MiteheU, Sept. 28, 1843 ; they reside at Plainfield. 3192. 6 Jonathan, Feb. 4, 1814 ; resides in Wisconsin, WARD FAMILY. 201 3193. 6 Hezekiah, Feb. 26, 1816 ; resides at Buckland. 3194. 7 Gratia, Dec. 20, 1817, ra. William Jewett, Sept. 26, 1844 ; they reside in Wisconsin. 3196. 8 Kerly Graham, March 22, 1820, m. Juha Howard, in 1847 ; they reside at Buckland. 3196, 9 Samuel, June 1, 1823, m, Rebecca Fleld, In 1846 ; resides at Buckland, 3197, 10 Deucy, Aug. 4, 1825 ; resides at Buckland. 3198. 11 Catharine, Nov, 10, 1827," " Plainfield. (594) VII, EARL WARD [1986.3] m. Elizabeth Munson, of Duxbury, Vt., March 12, 1828, and resides there. They had, 3199. 1 WUhara E., b. June 3, 1829, 3200, 2 Emily Elizabeth, June 29, 1831, 3201. 3 Deucy L., July 17,1834. 3202. 4 Eari J., Oct. 9, 1837. 3203. 6 Chester W., Sept. 9, 1839. 3204. 6 Hiram 0., Jan. 10, 1842. (595) VII. JOHN WESLEY BUSHNELL ra. Fanny Ward, [1988.6] at Starksboro', Vt., Oct. 29, 1829. They resided at Murray, N. Y., whence they removed to Adrian, Michigan, between 1844 and 1846. They had, 3205. 1 Susan Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1830. 3206. 2 Sarauel Ward, Sept. 11, 1832, d. March 20, 1844. 3207. 3 Deucy Ameha, Dec. 29, 1834. 3208. 4 Mary Almira, May 26, 1838, d. Nov, 26, 1838, 3209, 5 Frances Adaline, March 18, 1844, 3210, 6 Sarah Elizabeth, June 30, 1846, d. Aug. 18, 1847. (696) VIL HEZEKIAH WARD [1989,6] m. Adaline Walbridge, at Cabot, Vt., In 1830, and resides at Mont peher, Vt, They had, 8211, 1 Julia Adaline, b, July 16, 1833, 3212, 2 Helen R,, Oct, 26, 1835, d, Nov, 8, 1840, 3213. 3 Sarah E,, Nov, 12,1837, 3214, 4 Susan C„ Nov, 8, 1842. 3215. 5 Rosette R., AprU 22,1845, 3216, 6 Hezekiah C, Feb. 24, 1848. •) (597) VII. MYRON T. HOLCOMB, of Starksboro', Vt., m. Jemima Ward, [1990.7] and resided there, where she d. Sept, 7, 1845, in her 38th year. They had, 26 202 WARD FAMILY. 3217. 1 Wesley, b. Dec. 15, 1829. 3218. 2 Mary E., Sept. 6, 1831. 3219. 3 JuhaE., Sept. 20, 1837. 3220. 4 Ruth E., Sept. 17, 1843. (698) VII. DANIEL SHEPARD, of Fayston, Vt., m. Charlotte Ward, [1992.9] July 4, 1831, and resides there. They had, 8221. 1 Lovina Richardson, b. May 20, 1832. 3222. 2 Daniel Perry, June 16, 1834. 3223. 3 Semira Rosina, AprU 6, 1836. 3224. 4 Almira Medora, June 9, 1838. 3226. 6 Deucy Mehssa, Dec. 7, 1840. 3226. 6 Mason Chellis, May 28, 1843. 3227. 7 Hulsa Walbridge, June 29, 1846. 3228. 8 Myron Joseph, May 22, 1849. (599) VIL JONATHAN ERWIN WARD [2007.7] m. Ehza Ann Ward, b. May 9, 1811, wid. of his brother, Calvin Judson Ward, Jan. 2, 1833, and resides at Upton. They had, 3229. 1 Melissa Ann, b. AprU 8, 1834. 3230. 2 Waldo Flint, Aug. 31, 1836. 3231. 3 Selina Mellta, Feb. 14, 1843. (600) VII. CHANDLER WARD [2009.1] m. Clarissa Whipple, at UnderhiU, Vt.,in 1806 ; where they had the chU. here naraed, and afterwards removed to Burlington, Bradford Co., Penn., where they now reside. They had. 3232. 1 Bernard, b. — — resides in III., if living. 3233. 2 Augustine, " Penn. 3234. 3 Harvey, unknown. 3235. 4 Alcenas, n 3236. 5 Whipple, IU. 3237. 6 Candace, " Penn. (601) VII. JONATHAN SCOTT, of Fairfax, Vt., m. Almira Ward, [2010.2] March 6, 1809. He resided and d. there, March 20, 1839, aged 52. His wid., Almira, m. George King, and resides at F. The chU. of Jonathan and Almira were, 3238. 1 Maria, b. m. Aaron Drew ; reside at Fairfax, Vermont. 3239. 2 Almira R., resides, unm., at Fletcher, Vt. WARD FAMILY. 203 3240. 3 Madison, m. Hannah Beade ; reside at Falrfax,Vt. 3241. 4 Harrison, July 4, 1814, m. Esther A. Loursbury, at GranviUe, 0., July 4, 1838, and resides at Clncin., 0. 3242. 5 Jackson, d. at the age of 2 years. 3243. 6 Nelson, m. Esther Gaylord, of East Windsor, Ct,, and resides there, 3244, 7 Zeruiah, resides, unm,, at Fairfax, Vt, 3245, 8 Eliza, m. Rufus Montague. 3246, 9 Chauncy Ward, m. Prudence C, Chase, and resides at Fletcher, Vt. 3247. 10 Chandler Ward, June 4, 1827, m. Sarah Carrlng- toi}, of Mason, 0., Oct., 1849, and resides at Clncin., 0, 3248, 11 Benjamin F,, resides, unra., at Fletcher, Vt. (602) VII. CHAUNCY WARD [2011.3] m. Periey L., dau, of Paul Scott, of Poultney, Vt,, Sept, 12, 1811, and resided at Fairhaven, Vt,, where they had three chU. They removed, soon after 1820, to Athens, 0., where his wife d, Aug. 8, 1825. He next ra. Hannah T. Brown, of Athens, 0., Dec. 20, 1825. She d. July 29, 1828, He next m. Patty C. Hayward, at Gallipolis, 0., Oct. 22, 1829, and resides at Amesville, Athens Co., 0, His chil. were, 3249, 1 Paul Scott, b, July 21, 1813, m, Sarah Alfrey, (803) 3260. 2 Samuel NeweU, April 15, 1816, is in Gallia Co., 0,, insane, 3261. 3 Adelia D., Feb. 6, 1820, m. Charles Ames. (804) 3262, 4 Periey * Jane, Oct, 2, 1826, living, and unm, 1860, 3253, 6 Hannah B,, July 21, 1828, d. Sept, 27, 1828, * This name is herein variously written Perley, Parley, and in some instances Parlay, and, as appears, is indiscriminately apphed to either sex. As received, so imparted. (603) vn,. SALMON WARD [2012,1] m, Susanna Proctor, at UnderhiU, Vt,, Aug, 16, 1818, and resides there. They had, 3254, 1 Mary, b, 3265. 2 MatUda. 3256. 3 Mehnda. 3257. 4 Clarinda, 3258, 6 Washington, d. Infant. 3269. 6 Madison, 3260, 7 Emily, 3261, 8 Clarissa, d, infant. 204 WARD FAMILY. 3262. 9 Columbia. 3263. 10 Jane Ann. 3264. 11 Oscar. 3265. 12 Amy. 3266.3267. It^Sh™'"'- 3268. 16 Julia. 3269. 16 Reuben. (604) VII. JOSIAH BOYENTON, of UnderhiU, Vt., m. Pariey Ward, [2013.2] May 16, 1811, and removed to Burlington, Vt., where she d. Dec. 27, 1820, in her 28th year. He d. soon after. They had, 3270. 1 Mary, b. 3271. 2 Charles W., m. and resides in Wisconsin. 3272. 3 Samuel H., m. and resides at Essex, Vt. ; no issue. 3273. 4 Eliza M., m. Chester Blanchard. (SOi (605) VII. ABNER ADAMS, of Poultney, Vt., m. MatUda Ward, [2014.3] Nov. 9, 1823, and resides m Wisconsin. They had, 8274. 1 Pariey, b. 3275. 2 Eliza, (606) VII, SAMUEL CADWELL m, Melinda Ward, [2016.4] at UnderhiU, Vt,, Oct, 26, 1830, and resides in IU, They had, 3276, 1 Lucy, b, 3277. 2 George, d. young, 3278, 3 Norman. 3279. 4 Dexter W. 3280. 6 Hannah. (607) VII. ASAHEL P. WARD [2019.8] m. Susan Converse, Feb. 25, 1881, and resides in Wisconsin, They had, 3281. 1 Nelson, b, (608) VII, RYAN BULLARD m, Hannah S, Ward, [2020.9] at Underbill, Vt., AprU 27, 1830, and resides at Fairfax, Vt, They had, 3282, 1 Harriet, b, Nov. 16, 1831. 3283, 2 Franklin, Nov, 20, 1834, 3284, 3 Hiram, Oct. 14, 1836, 8285, 4 Judson, March 1, 1838, WARD FAMILY. 205 3286. 5 Loomis, July 19, 1840. 3287. 6 Riando, Nov. 30, 1842. 3288. 7»JosephB., June 12, 1844. 3289. 8 Alfred M., Sept. 11, 1849. (609) vn. DEXTER WARD, Jr., [2021.10] m. CeclUIa Wood, at UnderhUl, Vt., Feb. 8, 1836, and resides in Wisconsin. They had, 3290. 1 WUliam. 3291. 2 Henry A. 3292. 3 Ellen M. 3293. 4 Adaline. (610) vn. MUNSON POND [2022.1] m. Esther, dau. of Rev. Isaac FuUer, of Poultney, 1824, and resided at Poultney untU 1840, when they removed to MUan, 0., where she d. June, 1841. Their chU., all b. at Poultney, but not in this order, were, 8294. 1 Harriet, b. d. at the age of 8 years. 3295. 2 Josephine, ' 32961 3 Alphonsine, 3298." 5 Justm ' ^^^ ^^'^^°^' ^'^^ "°™-' ^^ ^^^'^' ^- 3299. 6 Brayton, 3800. 7 Clark K., (611) VIL DANIEL POND [2023.2] m. Minerva, dau. of Hon. Reuben Skinner, of GranvUle, Wash. Co., N. Y,, and resides at WhitehaU, N, Y., in the practice of Physic. Their chU., all b. at GranvUle, were, 3301. 1 Frederic, b. 3802. 2 CaroUne. 8303. 3 EUen. (612) vn. PHILIP POND [2024.3] m. Juha, dau. of Col. John Ransom, of Poultney, Vt., AprU, 1823, and resides at Castleton, Vt. They had, 3304. 1 Horace R., b. Jan. 11, 1824, M. D., d. at Sacra mento City, California, Aug. 16, 1849. 3306. 2 Mary Jane, Nov. 14, 1825, m. Delos Herrick, Sept, 30, 1846 ; reside at Troy, Bradford Co,, Penn, 3306, 3 Julia A,, Dec 29, 1827. 8307. 4 Bushrod W,, Dec, 31, 1829. 3308, 5 Martha P,, June 10, 1832, 206 WARD FAMILY, 3309. 6 Henry A., Dec. 21, 1834. 3310. 7 John R., Nov. 22, 1837. « (613) VII. SOLOMON FARWELL, son of Benjamin, of Poultney, Vt., m. Louisa Pond [2026.5] Dec, 1830, and resides at Castleton, Vt. They had, 3311. 1 CoUingwood C, b. 3312. 2 Marietta. 3313. 3 Caroline. 3314. 4 Louisa. (614) VII. SILAS POND, of Panton, Vt., m. Angeline Pond, [2027.6] at Poultney, Vt., in 1822. They reside at Panton, and had, 3315. 1 Lovisa, b. 3316. 2 Sophia. 3317. 3 Paulina. (615) VII. ARCHIBALD DEWEY, of Poultney, Vt.,m. Zehma Pond, [2028.7] at P., Dec, 1830, and resides there. They had, 3318. 1 Asahel P., b. 3319. 2 Lycurgus. 3320. 3 Henry. 3321. 4 Paulina. (616) VII. ASAHEL P. POND [2029.8] m. Celista HartweU, at Castleton, Vt., Oct. 7, 1834, and resides there. They had, 3322. 1 Silas J., b. June 16, 1838, d. Feb. 6, 1842. 3323. 2 Ira 0., July 9, 1842, (617) VII. ABEL THORNTON, of Ira, Vt., m, Eveline Pond, [2030.9] at Poultney, Vt., 1822, and resides at Ira. They had, 3324. 1 FlorUla, 3325, 2 Asahel P, (618) VIL JOHN MASON, Jr,, of Castleton, Vt,, m, Paulina Pond, [2031,10] at Poultney, Vt,, Dec, 1830. They removed to MonticeUo, IU,, where she d. May 26, 1843, in her 33d year. They had, 3326. 1 Louisa, b. 3327. 2 Charies H. 3328. 3 Helen P. WARD FAMILY. 207 (619) VII. JOHN BAKER, of GranvUle, N. Y., m. Char lotte Pond, [2032.11] 1834, where he resided, and d. Aug. 4, 1849, His wid,, Charlotte, resides at Poultney, Vt. They had, ^' 3329. 1 Albert, b. 1837. (620) VIL MARSHALL CASTLE,* of Essex, Vt., m. Llndamlra CUley, [2033.1] at Jericho, Vt., Nov. 20, 1825, and resides at Essex. They had, 3330. 1 Hawley, b. Aug. 4, 1827, *This name, of frequent occurrence herein, is invariahly written as above. The correct speUing, is, no doubt, Castel. (621) VII. ALMON FENNELL, of Poultney, Vt., m. Lucy CUley, [2034.2] at P., Dec. 8, 1818, and d. at UnderhUl, Vt., AprU 9, 1843, where his wid., Lucy, yet resides. They had, 3331. 1 WUliam G., b, June 7, 1823 ; resides, unra., at UnderhUl, Vt. 3332. 2 Rollin C, Feb. 26, 1826, d, at Jericho, Vt., Aug. 13,1835. ' ' s (622) VII. SPENCER CILLEY [2036.4] m. Atarah Ward, [2044.4] at Poultney, Vt., Sept. 25, 1828, and resides at Jericho, Vt. They had, 33-33. 1 Curren, b. Oct. 18, 1832. 3334. 2 Frances Athelia, June 13, 1836. 3336. 3 Charles W., March 26, 1838. 3336. 4 Spencer W., June 26, 1840. 3337. 6 WUliara, Jan. 31, 1846. 3338. 6 Lysander E., Dec. 28, 1848. (623) VII. PAUL CASTLE, of Essex, Vt., m. Eliza CiUey, [2037.5] at Jericho, Vt., Dec 1, 1831, and re sides at E. They had, 3339, 1 Herraan F., b. May 23, 1839, d. Sept. 6, 1844. 3440, 2 Mary E,, June 23, 1846, ' (624) VII, ELISHA WARD [2041,1] m. Eliza, dau. of Royal Pease,* of Poultney, Vt., May 28, 1833, and re- *Eoyal Pease, h. April 15, 1762, m. Deborah Meacham, Dec. 10, 1798, and d. at Poultney, Vt, 1830 ; son of Joseph, of Suffield, Ct, b. Aug. 10, 1728, m. Mindwell King, July 28, 1756, and d. Oct 16, 208 WARD FAMILY, sides at SUver Creek, Chautauque Co., N. Y. ; Counsel lor at Law, and recently of the N. Y, Assembly, Their chil. were, 3341. 1 Albert Pease, b. AprU 7, 1834. 3342. 2 Royal Pease, Sept. 10, 1835. 3343. 3 Delia Pease, Jan. 12, 1838. 3344. 4 Eliza Pease, Oct. 3, 1841. 3345. 6 Elisha, Aug. 30, 1843. (626) VII. SPENCER WARD [2042.2] m. Ann, wid. of RandaU Rice, of Fairhaven, Vt, and dau. of Thomas Wilmot, of that place, March, 1833, and resides at Silver Creek, N. Y., in the practice of Physic They had, 3346. 1 Thomas Wilmot, b. March 30, 1835. 3347. 2 Martha Tuttle, July 7, 1837. (626) VII. WILLIAM W. WARD, [2046.6] resides at Cincinnati, 0. (627) VII. CHARLES WARD [2046.6] m. Sophia Sin clair, of Gerry, Chautauque Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1839, and resides at Poultney, Vt. They had, 3348. 1 Helen S., b. June 6, 1841. 3349. 2 Williara S., Sept. 9, 1849. (628) VII. MORGAN SACKET, of La Grange, Chau. Co.,N.Y., m. Alraira Ward, [2048.8] July 4,1840, and resided there. Between 1846 and '48, he removed to North Bend, HamUton Co., 0., where they reside. They had, 1794 ; son of Joseph, h. at Enfield, Ct, 1693, m. Mary Spencer, of Hartford, Ct, 1727, and d. 1757 ; son of John, h. March 30, 1654, at Salem, Mass., m. Margaret Adams, removed to Enfield, Ct., 1679, and d. 1734 ; son of John, b. Eng. 1629, and was at Sa lem, 1637, whose first wife, Mary, d. Jan. 5, 1668 ; next m. Ann Cummings, Oct 8, 1669, removed to Enfield, Ct, 1681, and d. 1689 ; son of Capt. John Peas, who came from Ipswich, Eng., in the ship Francis, 1634, at the age of 27, and was of Salem, 1637, and supposed to have d. soon after. — Pease Family, by Frederick S. Pease, of Albany, N. Y. The name of Pease is supposed to have been, originally, Pea. The transition from Pea to Peas is a natural one ; the latter heing the possessive case of the former. The e final, has been in use for a long period. In the Arms of an ancient Pease famUy, a Dove, holding in her beak a pea-stalk, with blossoms and pods, as said by F. S. Pease, is significant of the origin of the name. WARD FAMILY. 209 3350. 1 Leon, b. May 9, 1842. 3351. 2 Fanny Maria, March 10, 1846. 3362. 3 WiUiam Ward, Dec. 21, 1848. (629) VIL BENJAMIN F. FARWELL, of Poultney, m. Eliza Ward, [2050.10] March 28, 1841, and resides there. They had, 3353. 1 Fanny L., b. Dec 10, 1841. 3364. 2 Maria T., AprU 1, 1846. (630) VII. ANTHONY THOMPSON, of Erwin, Steuben Co., N.Y., m. Lucy M.Ward, [2051.1] Feb., 1833, and resides there. They had, 3365. 1 Helen M. 3366. 2 Mary Elizabeth. 3357. 3 Annable. 3358. 4 Jaraes Ward. 3369. 5 Robert Emmet. (631) VIL CALEB TOWNSEND, of Reading, Steuben Co., N. Y., m. Ehza Ward, [2052.2] Jan., 1828. He deceased, and she nextm. Root, of MUan, Erie Co., 0., Feb., 1846. They reside at Milan. Her chU., six first by her first husband, were, 3360. 1 Clarissa Maria, b. m. Warren Smith, of Sandusky City, Aug., 1849. 3361. 2 Aura (Laura?) Ann. 3362. 3 Zehma. 3363. 4 Zeruiah. 3364. 5 Grotius. 3365. 6 Grandison. 3366. 7 Ward, b. 1848. (632) VIL WILLIAM C. WARD [2064.4] m. Jane John son, of HuntsviUe, Butler Co., 0,, in 1838, and resides in Fountain Co., Ia. They have chil., — names unknown. (633) VIL CLARK KENDRICK WARD [2055.6] m. Alice Demott Selfridge, at MUo, Yates Co., N. Y., In 1839, where she d. in 1842, as also her Infant child. He next m. Mary Ann Porter, of Huron, Erie Co., 0., June, 1845, and now (1860) resides at Bucyrus, Crawford Co., 0. They had, 3367. 1 Sarah Ann, b. 1846. 27 210 WARD FAMILY, (634) VII. EDWARD C. ANDREWS, of Reading, Steub. Cc, N. Y., m. Rosetta Ward, [2058.8] May, 1836, and resides there. Further particulars unknown, (635) VII, OBADIAH L. WARD [2061.1] m. Carohne Vickery, In 1836. Residence unknown. They had, 3368. 1 Ceylon, b. 1837. 3369. 2 Caroline, 1841. 3370. 3 Cornelia, 1849. (636) VII. DANA COLUMBIA, (so written, but can hardly be supposed a man's name,) of Fort Wayne, AUen Cc, la., m. Elsey Ward, [2062.2] in 1837, and had, 8371, 1 Thomas B., b, 1841. •J (637) VII. ALEXANDER TAPPAN, of Dutchess Co., N. Y.,m. Lucy Ward, [2063.3] at Poultney, Vt., 1830 ; and had, 3372, 1 George, b, 1832. 3373. 2 Henry, 1836. (688) VII. JAMES GORHAM, of Poultney, Vt., m. Sarah Ward, [2065.5] 1884, and resides there. They had, 3374. 1 Lucy A., b. 1835. 3375. 2 Marietta, 1838. 3376. 3 Jason, 1842. (639) VII. WALTER BLACKMAN, of Pembroke, Gen esee Cc, N, Y,, m, Esther Ward, [2067,7] in 1839, and had, 3377, 1 Francina, b. 1840, 3878. 2 Leander, 1842, (640) VII, DEXTER WARD [2075,1] m, Cynthia, dau, of Joel and Betsy Sacket, of Stanford, Dutchess Co,, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1841, and resides at Newfane, Nlag, Co,, N, Y. They had, 8379, 1 Lovantia, b, Aug. 25, 1844, d. Aug. 19, 1847. 3380, 2 Caroline Z., AprU 12, 1846. 3381. 3 Adra P., Nov. 10, 1848. (641) VII. NOAH CHURCH WARD [2077.3] m, Betsy, dau. of Phineas and Jane Rowley, and resides at Wilson, Niag. Co., N. Y. They had. WARD FAMILY. 211 3382. 1 Lorenzi, b. 3383. 2 Margaret. (642) VII. ORLANDO WARD [2078.4] m. Electa, dau. of Willard Barnum, of North Lee, Mass., June 22, 1836, and resides at MUwaukie, Wisconsin. They had, 3384. 1 Helen Lovisa, b. AprU 22, 1847. 3385. 2 Louisa, July 1, 1849. (643) VIL PHILANDER WARD [2079.5] ra. Emeline, dau, of Jonah and Anna Holt, and resides at Newfane, Nlag, Co,, N. Y., where they had, 3386, 1 Sarah Ann, 3887, 2 Henry C. 8388. 3 John T, (644) VII, LORENZO WARD [2081.7] m. Harriet Caldwell, and resides at Milwaukie, Wisconsin, and keeps a public house there. They had, 3389. 1 EUen. 3390. 2 Lorenzo. 3891. 3 Orlando. (645) VIL WILLIAM E. PORTER [2086.1] m. Maria, dau. of Jedediah Sraith, of East WUharastown, Orange Co., Vt., April 14, 1840, and resides at Fayston, Vt,, where they had, 8392, 1 Henry, Dec 20, 1841. 3393. 2 Clark E,, March 18, 1845. (646) VIL WILLIAM B. PORTER [2086.2] m. Mary M,, dau, of Daniel Ingalls, of Berkshire, Orange Co,, Vt,, May 28, 1841, and had, at Fayston, Vt,, 3394. 1 Tamar, b, April 8, 1843, (647) VII. WARREN C, PORTER [2089,5] m, Amanda C, dau. of Aaron Ehott, of Fayston, Vt., Oct. 27, 1846, where they had, 3395, 1 Albro C, b, Aug. 27, 1847. 3396. 2 Lydia S., July 18, 1849, (648) VII. VERRES WARD [2091.1] m. Jennet Roy, of Great VaUey, Cattaraugus Co,, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1845. (She is a native of Scotland, and came to G, V, with her parents, who settled there,) They reside there, and had, 212 WARD FAMILY, 3397. 1 Adaline, b. July 24, 1846. 3398. 2 Lydia, May 17,1848. (649) VII. PHERSON WARD [2092.2] m. Emily A., dau. of Edwin and AbigaU (Mann) Cox, of Olto, Cattar raugus Co., N. Y., June 4, 1842, where they had, 3399. 1 Mary Lawrence, March 13, 1848, 3400. 2 Charles Edward, June 20, 1846. (650) VII. ITHAMAR WARD [2105.1] m. Mercy Rogers, 1836, and resides at PhUhpston. They had, 3401. 1 Harrison, b. Oct. 13, 1836. 3402. 2 Joseph Frankhn, Aug. — 1840. 3403, 3 Charies Artemas, July 3, 1846, (651) VIL HARRISON WARD [2109.6] m. Luana L. Thompson, of Phillipston, Dec, 1841, and resides there, where they had, 3404. 1 Adahne Maynard, b. June 29, 1843. 3405. 2 Frederic Henry, Jan. 31, 1845. 3406. 3 Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1848. (652) VII. GEORGE AUSTIN WARD [2114.2] m. Susan U. BaUey, of Warren, 0., and resided at Marietta, 0., in 1848, where they had, 3407. 1 Frances Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1842. 3408. 2 Oriando Alfred, Sept. 9, 1844, d, Jan, 21, 1845, 3409, 3 George Rollin, Oct, 20, 1845, 3410, 4 Mary Celeste, June 20, 1847, (653) VII. RUSSEL CARRUTH m. Susan S. Ward, [2116.4] at PhUhpston, Aug. 20, 1839, and resides there, where they had, 3411. 1 Cathleen Maria, b. Oct. 19, 1841. 3412. 2 Mary EUen, May 11, 1843. 3413. 3 Sarah Annett, May 6, 1845. 3414. 4 George RusseU, Sept. 6, 1848. (654) VII. FRANCIS SUMNER CARRUTH, of Bos ton, (son of Francis and Martha (Hale) Carruth, of North Brookfield, son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Whip ple) Carruth, of N. B. ; son of John and Miriam (May nard) Carruth, of Westboro', son of John, one of the founders of the church of Northboro', 1746,) m. Sarah WARD FAMILY. 218 Ann Henshaw Ward, [2132.1] July 7,1831, and resides at Boston, where they had, 3416. 1 Francis Ward, b. Aug. 4, 1832, d. Aug. 6, 1883. 3416. 2 Francis Ward, July 2, 1834, d. Oct., 1836. 3417. 3 Sarah Henshaw, Nov. 12, 1836. 3418. 4 Andrew, Oct. 30, 1838, d. Feb. 11, 1839. 3419. 6 WiUiam Ward, AprU 8, 1840. 3420. 6 Antoinette Hale, Nov. 4, 1842. 3421. 7 Emily Frances, -n, , ^o hoac 3422. 8 Frances Emily; P^^-28> 1846. (655) VII. WILLIAM WARD [2133.2] m. his cousin, Mary Leffingwell Henshaw, dau. of Joshua, son of David, Esq., of Leicester, Sept. 10, 1838, and resided at Boston, untu the Spring of 1848, when he removed to Cambridge, where he now resides. They had, 3423. 1 Ehzabeth, b. July 15, 1839, d. infant. 3424. 2 Wilham LeffingweU, June 28, 1841. 3425. 3 Florence, Aug. 11, 1843, d. Dec. 20, 1844. 3426. 4 Florence, March 8, 1847. (Q56) VII. JOSEPH WALTER WARD [2134.3] m. Catharine Mary, dau. of Benjamin B. and Catharine (Hooton) Appleton, Esq., of Boston, June 22, 1841 ; resided at Boston, and removed to Cambridge, 1848, where he resides. (He and his brother, WiUiam, were several years, and until 1848, of the House of Henshaw, Ward & Co., Druggists, Boston.) His chU. were, 3427. 1 John Tucker, b. July 29, 1842. 3428. 2 Catharine Appleton, May 12, 1844. 3429. 3 Joseph Walter, May 26, 1847. (657) VIL JOSEPH LEWIS DANFORTH, of Louis vUle, Ken.,H. U. 1839, son of Joseph and Lucy (Lewis) Danforth, of L., ra. Frances Antoinette Elizabeth Ward, [2138.7] May 12, 1845, and resides there, where they had, 3430. 1 Florence Ward, b. AprU 27, 1846. 3431. 2 John Henshaw, Sept. 18, 1847. 3432, 3 Josephine Lewis, Sept, 13, 1849. (668) VII. WILLIAM L. RALSTON, of Marietta, 0., m. Sarah Catharine Ward, [2141.1] Aug. 31, 1847, and resides there. They had, 3433. 1 Sarah Vandlver, b. Feb. 19, 1860. 214 WARD FAMILY. (659) VII, WILLIAM SKINNER WARD [2143,3] m. Catharine Vaughn, dau, of Ellis Clark, of PhUadelphia, and resides at Marietta, 0. They had, 3434. 1 Elizabeth Clark, b. April 29, 1846. 3435. 1 Wilham Nahum, May 29, 1848. (660) VII. CHARLES R. RHODES, of ZanesviUe, 0., Counsellor at law, ra. Mary Elizabeth Ward, [2144.4] Nov. 12, 1846. They had, 3436. 1 Kate Rathbone, b. Oct. 10, 1847. 3437. 2 Dudley Ward, Feb. 25, 1849. (661) VII. DAVID HARDY, of Henniker, N. H., m. Elizabeth Ward, [2221.1] June, 1810, and resides in Michigan. They had, 3438. 1 Juhanna. 3439. 2 Thurston. 3440. 3 Fideha. 3441. 4 Susan. 3442. 5 Mary. (662) VII. WILLIAM BRACKET, of HUlsboro', N. H., ra. Sarah Ward, [2222.2] Dec. 27, 1812, and, In 1833, reraoved from there to Colebrook, N. H., where he d. AprU 19, 1835. His wid., Sarah, resides at HennUier. They had, 3443. 1 Samuel Howard, b. Sept. 29; 1813, ra. Elizabeth Wiggins, of Colebrook, N. H. ; reside there. 3444. 2 Leonora, May 3, 1816, m. Columbus Jewett, of Colebrook ; reside at Aurora, 0. 3446. 3 George Ward, April 6, 1818, m. Sarah Lewis, of Townsend, Mass ; reside, Exeter, N. H, 3446. 4 Philenia, April 23, 1820, m. Carlos ChUds, of Hen niker, N. H. ; reside there, 3447. 5 John, Oct. 1, 1822, ra. Hannah Gould, of Cole brook, N. H. ; reside there. 3448. 6 Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1824, living, and unra, at Exeter, New Harapshire. 3449. 7 Joseph, Oct. 12, 1827, living, and unra, at Cole brook, N. H. 3450. 8 Sarah Maria, April 19, 1832, hving, and unra., at Exeter, N. H. (663) VII. TITUS V. WADSWORTH, of Henniker, N. WARD FAMILY. 215» H,, m, Susanna Ward, [2223,3] Nov,, 1824, and re sides there. They had, 3451. 1 Titus Hutchinson, b, March, 1826 ; resides In Wis consin, unm., and aU the others In Henniker, unm. 3452, 2 George Goodale, Jan, 2, 1828. 8458. 3 Susan M,, Dec, 13, 1829, 3454, 4 Williara B., July 8, 1832, 3465, 5 Caroline S,, Jan, 4, 1835, 8456, 6 Mary L,, May 7, 1836, 3457. 7 Franklin, March 2, 1839. (664) VII. Capt. JESSE WARD [2224.4] m. Sally Nichols, of Hopkinton, N. H., 1818, and resided at Hen niker, N. H., where he d. May 14, 1838, in his 42d year. They had, 3468, 1 William, b, Nov, 1, 1819, d, Oct, 80, 1828, 3459, 2 George B,, Oct, 18, 1821, m. Phebe Tracy, of Keene, N, H, ; reside, HUlsboro', N, H, 3460, 3 Jesse Goodale, AprU 15, 1825, d, Oct, 24, 1828. 3461. 4 Mary Ann, March 6, 1826 ; resided at Henniker, N, H,, unm.. May, 1850. 3462, 6 Daniel Andrew, Feb, 1, 1828, 3463, 6 Jesse Goodale, March 25, 1830, 8464, 7 Wilham, AprU 16, 1832, 3466, 8 Charles Henry, May 11, 1834, 3466, 9 Sarah Jane, AprU 17, 1836. 8467, 10 Caroline, Dec, 80, 1838, posthumous. (665) VII. ELISHA W, BISHOP m, Fanny Piper, [2272.4] Feb, 3, 1817, at Swansey, N, H,, and re moved to Le Roy, N, Y,, where their two first chU, were b, ; they afterwards returned to Swansey, were next of Warwick, Mass,, and lastly of Pennfield, N, Y, They had, 3468, 1 Levi B,, Nov, 29, 1819, d, Feb, 18, 1820, 3469, 2 Frederic F,, Sept, 6, 1821, m. Lydia P, Whitney, ofLeRoy,N,Y,, Oct, 1844, 3470, 3 Levi B., ) (.May 9, 1825, at Swansey, N. H, 3471. 4 LoweU B , ) d. AprU 28, 1826, 3472, 5 George F,, Oct. 2, 1828, at Swansey, N. H, 3473, 6 Henry F,, Sept. 8, 1881, at Warwick, Mass, 3474. 7 Olive M,, June 22, 1834, " 3475, 8 Charies W,, Dec, 26, 1838, at Pennfield, N, Y, ,216 WARD FAMILY. (666) VII, FREDERIC MILLS, of Le Roy, N, Y,, m, Olive Piper, [2273.5] Oct. 21, 1822, at Le Roy, and had, 3476. 1 Jane Rosella, b. Aug. 10, 1823. 3477. 2 Fanny AbigaU, May 27, 1824, 3478, 3 Mary P„ March 18, 1826, 3479, 4 WiUiam Monroe, Aug. 11, 1828. 3480, 6 Ohve Adahne, Feb. 12, 1831, d, Aug. 18, 1831, (667) VII. AARON STONE ra. Mary Ward, [2279.2] June 1 2, 1828, and resides at Marlboro', N. H. They had, 3481. 1 Ellen Rebecca, b. Dec 16, 1830, 3482. 2 Eliza Ann, Jan. 4, 1833. 3483, 3 Mary Jane, Dec. 7, 1836. 3484, 4 Andrew Coolidge, May 16, 1839. (668) VII, REUBEN WARD [2280.3] m. Maria L., dau. of Moses Hunt, May 17, 1840, and resides at Marl boro', N. H. They had, 3486. 1 Frederic Elbridge, b. AprU 10, 1841, 3486, 2 Henry Hubbard, Sept, 4, 1842, 8487. 3 Orville AUen, March 8, 1846. (669) VII. DANIEL WARD [2281.1] m. Sarah M. Webb, of Le Roy, N, Y., Dec 6, 1827, and resides there, where they had, 3488. 1 Charles MUton, Nov, 26, 1828. 3489. 2 Jerome Wilder, Dec. 6, 1831. 3490, 3 George Ransom, AprU 13, 1837, (670) VII. CALVIN THOMPSON WARD [2284.4] m. Eunice B. Carpenter, of Plymouth, Vt., June 9, 1833, and resided at Le Roy, N. Y., where they had, 3491. 1 Caroline Lovisa, b. March 27.1834. 3492. 2 Alice R., at Covington, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1845. (671) VII. CHARLES KENDALL WARD [2286.6] m. Laura C. Davenport, of Elkland, Penn., May 31, 1841, and resides at LeRoy, N. Y., where they had, 3493. 1 Maria Adaline, b. July 14, 1844. (672) VII. LEONARD H. NEWTON, of Le Roy, N. Y., m. Adaline Nancy Ward, [2287.7] March 6, 1844, and had, 8494. 1 Gelana Lois, b, Dec. 26, 1845. WARD FAMILY. 217 (673) VII. JOHN WARD [2288.1] m. Mercy Shumway, of Covington, N. Y., in 1836 ; where they had, 8496. 1 WUUara, b. June 10, 1836. 8496. 2 Hannah, April — 1838. 3497. 3 George Nelson, July 22, 1840. 3498. 4 Nancy Jane, Jan. 7, 1844. (674) VII. EMERY WARD [2289.2] m. Susan Higgins, of Le Roy, N. Y., June, 1838, and had, 3499. 1 Sarah Adahne, b. Jan. 6, 1839. 3600. 2 Washington Emery, Dec. 10, 1840. 3601. 3 Warren, June — 1843. (676) vn. DANIEL WARD [2290.3] m. Catharine Phelps, of Covington, N.Y., Oct., 1841, where they had, 3502. 1 Albert Wesley, b. Nov., 1843. (676) VIL ALVAH TENANT, of Lockport, N. Y., m. Ehza Ann Thompson, [2294.1] Oct. 12, 1824, where she d. April 25, 1842, In her 36th year. They had, 3603. 1 Harriet Amanda, b. July 12, 1825, d. Sept. 26, 1836. 3504. 2 Alfred, July 26, 1826. 3 MUton, Feb. 12, 1881. (677) vn. CALVIN WARD THOMPSON [2295.2] m. Mary Burchard, of Lima, N. Y., May 12, 1882, and had, at Cambria, N. Y., 3505. 1 Henry Burchard, b. Sept. 16, 1836. 8506. 2 George W., July 31, 1843. (678) vn. JOHN BURCHARD, of Lima, N. Y., m. Adahne Thompson, [2296.3] Dec. 4, 1831, where they had, 3607. 1 Barret, b. Jan., 1833. 3608. 2 Frances. 3609. 3 Clarissa. (679) VII. WILLIAM TALBOT, of Cambria, N. Y., m. Sarah Thompson, [2297.4] AprU 5, 1842, and had, 3510. 1 Haven, b. March 5, 1844. 3511. 2 Lucy, March 13, 1846. (680) vn. WILLIAM GOULD, of Cambria, N. Y., m. 28 218 WARD FAMILY. Nancy Ward Thompson, [2298.5] Dec. 4, 1831, and resided there, where they had, 3512. 1 Timothy Thompson, b. Sept. 18, 1832. 3513. 2 Frances E., Sept. 26, 1834. 3614, 3 Charles Alexander, Aug, 18, 1837, 3515. 4 William, Aug, 23, 1841. (681) VII. AMASA FITTS m. Eliza Ward, [2314.1] AprU 26, 1826, and resides at Wardsboro', Vt, They had, 3516, 1 Stearns, b, 1826, 3517, 2 Angeline M,, 1828, m, Hiram B, Kidder, of Wards boro', Vt., May 80, 1860, son of Aaron, of Vienna, Me. 3518. 3 Nathaniel, 1830, d, 1830. 3519. 4 Albert, 1831. 3520. 5 Mary E., 1836. 3521. 6 Elmer, 1838. 3522. 7 Emma, 1840. 3623. 8 Oscar Amasa, 1843. 3524. 9 Francis F., 1847. (682) VII. CALVIN WARD [2316.2] m. Emily A. Higbee, of Claremont, N. H., 1838, and resides at New fane, Vt. They had, 3625. 1 John S., b. at Weathersfield, Vt., 1840. 3526. 2 Alice, at Newfane, 1847. (683) VII. ASA WARD [2317.4] m. Sarah S., b. Feb, il, 1811, dau, of Jonathan and Anna Dunklee, of Marl boro', Vt,, March 6, 1833, and resides at Wardsboro', Vt, They had, 3527, 1 Nathaniel, b. May 9, 1834. 3528, 2 Alathea Ann, AprU 7, 1836. 3629. 3 Jonathan S., March 24, 1841, d, AprU 21, 1841, 3530, 4 Maria Cynthia, May 6, 1842, 3531. 6 Mortier CarroU G., Oct. 28, 1844. 3632. 6 Evelme Josephine, Jan. 27, 1846. (684) VII. LAFAYETTE WARD [2321.8] D, C, 1847, Principal of Saxton's River Seminary, at Saxton's River, Vt., 1848 and '49, m. Emily Henrietta, dau. of Joseph Leach, of Rockingham, Vt., Feb. 28, 1850 ; resides at Westminster, Vt., and is Principal of the Seminary in that place. WARD FAMILY, 219 (686) VII, WINDSOR WARD [2335.1] m. Nancy Gul- liker, at Marlboro', Mass., June 9, 1804, and resides at Henniker, N, H. They had, 3633, 1 John Gullker, b, Dec, 15, 1805. 8534. 2 Alfred Augustus, Oct, 30, 1807, 3586, 3 Henry Brown, Sept, 28, 1809, 3586, 4 HoUis, Dec. 15. 1811, d. March, 1817. 3537. 5 Jane Brown, June 7, 1813, d. 1829. 8638. 6 Caroline Ann, Aug. 5, 1817, m. William Lord ; re side, Danvers. 3539. 7 Brigham, Dec. 8, 1819. 3640. 8 Ehzabeth, Nov. 28, 1821. 3541. 9 Frankhn, Jan. 28, 1823. 8542. 10 Emerson, March 31, 1826. (686) VII. JOSIAH WARD [2838.4] m. Nancy Hunt, of Marlboro', Mass., and resided at Northboro', where their four first chU. were b., whence he removed to Brad ford, N. H., and d. there. His wid, Nancy, resides at Lowell. They had, 3643, 1 Edward, b, Aug. 26, 1809, 3644. 2 Hannah Morse, Oct, 2, 1811. 8646. 3 Levi Brigham, Jan, 28, 1816, 3646, 4 Catharine Bruce, Sept, 20, 1818. 3647. 5 Nancy, 3548, 6 Harriet A,, m, James Leonard ; reside at LoweU, 3549, 7 Lydia Anna, 3550, 8 Henrietta, 3551, 9 Josiah, (687) VII. SYLVESTER WARD [2339.5] m. Lydia Cheney, of Bradford, N, H., where he resided, and d. Sept, 26, 1849, aged 49, His wife, Lydia, d, there, Feb,, 1848. They had, 8552, 1 Sumner, 3558, 2 LoviUa, 3664. 3 Levi, 3556, 4 Henry, 3566, 6 Daniel Webster. 3567. 6 Charles Wesley. (688) vn. WILLIAM WARD [2843.2] m. Happy Sar gent, in 1808, and resides at Bradford, N. H., where she d., May, 1847. They had. 220 WARD FAMILY. 3658. 1 WUliam, b. AprU 28, 1809. 3659. 2 Eliza, Dec 28, 1810. 3560. 3 Maria Darling, Dec. 14, 1812, m. Lynden Smith Ward [3577.1]. 3661. 4 Curtis Barns, Sept. 18, 1814. 3562. 5 Joel Whitcomb, April 26, 1816. 3563. 6 Demond Davis, Oct. 1, 1819, m. Lucy Jane Cheney. 3564. 7 Priscilla Martha, Feb. 1, 1821, m. John W. Jame son, Oct. 22, 1844, and d. April, 1846. 3565. 8 Clarissa Danforth, Sept. 6, 1828. 3666. 9 Mary Susan, July 13, 1825. (689) VIL ISAAC WARD [2346.4] m. Catharine Davis, and resides at Cornish, N. H. They had, 3667. 1 Harvey, b. Aug., 1816, 3568, 2 Walden Sanborn, 3669, 3 Stephen Davis. 3670. 4 Mary L., 1822, d. unra., Jan. 21, 1846. 3671. 6 StUlman. 3572. 6 James. 3673. 7 Ehzabeth. (690) VII. JOHN WARD [2348.7] m. Sally Davis, and resides at Claremont, N. H. They had, 3674. 1 Albert Cressy, b. 1814, m. Betsy Lake ; reside at Claremont, N. H. 3675. 2 Caroline, 1816, m. Harrison Davis ; reside, Clare mont, N. H. 3676. 3 Betsy, 1819. (691) VIL EBENEZER WARD [2364.1] m. Nancy Sargent, and resided at Henniker, N. H., where he d. June 6, 1842, In his 66th year. They had, 3577. 1 Lynden Smith, b. June 14, 1809, m. Maria Dariing Ward [3560.3]. (806) 3578. 2 Betsy, Feb. 19, 1811, living, 1860, unm. 3679. 3 Laura, Aug. 29, 1813, m. Ebenezer HemphiU ; re side at Henniker. 3680. 4 Nancy, Dec. 10, 1816, living, and unm. 3581. 6 Dighton, Nov. 13, 1827, d. 1846. 3582. 6 Mary Almeda, m. Albert A. Moore, April 1, 1849 ; reside at Roxbury, Vt. WARD FAMILY. 221 (692) VII. JAMES WARD [2355.2] ra. Sally Ward, [2346.6] and resides at Bradford, N. H. They had, 3583. 1 Alvan, b. July 10, 1813, living, and unra. 3684. 2 Mary Ann, Jan. 9, 1816, m. Charles C. Chandler. (807) 3686. 3 James Madison, July 11, 1819, m. Mary Ann Grant. (808) 3687. 4 Stephen RusseU, Oct. 4, 1820, m. Martha Jane Smith. (809) 3588. 5 Sally Jane, Oct. 12, 1823, d. unm., June 27, 1845. 3589. 6 Horace Jackson, Aug. 15, 1827, m. Elmira B. Bowman, March 21, 1860, and reside at Bradford, N. H. 3590. 7 Adahne Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1832, living, and unm. (693) VII. SAMUEL WARD [2366.8] m. Polly Day, and resided at Carabridgeport, Mass., where he d. Oct., 1842, in his 46th year. They had, 3591. 1 Proctor Darling, b. Sept, 2, 1822, m, Asenath Palmer ; reside, Carabridgeport, 3592, 2 Joseph Warren, Sept, 18, 1827. (694) VII. LYMAN WARD [2357.1] m. Phebe MUler Cady, May 20, 1846, and resides at Southboro', where they had, 3698, 1 Alpha Miller, b, March 19, 1846, 3594, 2 Orlando Cady, Dec, 5, 1847, 3595, 3 Edward Josiah, Sept, 13, 1849, (695) VII, NATHAN WARD [2360,4] m, Lucy Ann, dau, of Dr, Peter Howe, of Hopkinton, March 31, 1841, and resides there, where they had, 3596, 1 Mary Ehzabeth, b, Feb, 21, 1842, (696) vn, THOMAS DENNEHE, m, Chariotte Ward, [2382.2] June 3, 1842, and resided at Chariestown, where he d, Feb, 6, 1848, His wid, resides there. They had, 3597, 1 John, b, AprU 3, 1843, 3698, 2 WUham, Nov, 29, 1845, 3599, 3 Josephine, March 23, 1847. (697) VIL HENRY AUGUSTUS WARD [2386.1] m, Sylvia J, Sarvey, of Sutton, April 2, 1840, and resided there, where she d. May 20, 1846, He next m, Sarah A, Whitney, of Sutton, Aug, 3, 1848. His chU. were. 222 WARD FAMILY. 3600. 1 Mary J., b. May 24, 1844. 3601, 2 Sylvia Maria, March 8, 1846, (698) VII, GEORGE LORENZO WARD [2389,4] m. Joanna Dudley, of MUlbury, and had, 8602, 1 Harriet Eugene, b, Aug. 30, 1846. (699) VII. HAMMOND WARD [2397.1] m. Laurlnda, dau. of Zephaniah Lathe, of Charlton, AprU 7, 1822, and resides there, where they had, 3603. 1 Ruth Eliza, b. Jan. 25, 1823, d. at Pittsfield, July 7, 1843. 3604. 2 Julius H., Oct. 12, 1837. 3605. 8 Ruth Eliza, Oct. 1, 1844. (700) VII, JACOB WARD [2399.3] m. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Gould, of Charlton, April 5, 1831, and resides there, where they had, 3607. 1 Mary, b. Nov. 29, 1838. (701) VII. RUFUS DODGE, son of David, of Dudley, m. Ruth Ward, [2400,4] May 31, 1837, and resided a short time at Pittsfield, whence he removed to Boston, and thence to Newton, where they now reside. They had, 3608, 1 Emily Frances, b. Sept, 22, 1841, (702) VII, WILLIAM SIBLEY, son of Paul, of Spencer, m, Fanny Ward, [2401.6] April 10, 1838, and resides at Charlton. They had, 3609. 1 Jane Frances, b. June — 1839. 3610. 2 Ellen AbigaU, Aug. — 1840. 3611. 8 Henry Harrison, March — 1843. 3612. 4 Mary Augusta, Oct. — 1848. (703) VII. LEWIS L. FITTS, of Chariton, m. EmUy Ward, [2402.6] AprU 10, 1842, and resides at Spring field. They had, 8618. 1 Edwin, b. March — 1843, d. Sept., 1848. 3614. 2 Louisa Town, May — 1845. 3616. 3 Edward, June — 1847, d. Aug., 1860. 3616. 4 Anna Rebecca, Aug. — 1849, d. 1860. (704) VII. WILLARD WARD [2403.7] m. Louisa M., dau. of Aaron WiUard, of Chariton, May 9, 1843, and resides at Worcester. They had, WARD FAMILY. 223 8617. 1 Martha Blood, b. June, 1845. 3618. 2 Aaron-Willard, Sept., 1846. 8619. 8 Charies Lewis, 1847, d. infant. 3620. 4 Charles Lewis, 1849, d. infant. (705) VIL SIMON B. WARD [2404.8] m. Augusta Allen Ward, [2804.3] Nov., 1844, and removed to Boston, thence to Montpelier, Vt., where they had, 3621. 1 Mary Ehzabeth, b. Nov., 1849. EIGHTH GENEKATION. (706) VIII. ALBERT PUTNAM m. Mary Ann Sophia Ward, [2486.1] Feb., 1845, and had, 8622. 1 Harriet Sophia, b. Aug. 27, 1847. (707) VIII. WILSON STACY, m. Sally Collins Ward, [2635.2] March 16, 1824 ; residence unknown. They had, 3628, 1 William Ward, b. Feb, 10, 1825, d, Oct, 25, 1847, 3624, 2 Mercy Nichols, Dec, 17, 1826, d, Dec. 17, 1847. 8625. 3 Caroline Amelia, July 23, 1829. 8626. 4 Sarah Ann, Oct. 7, 1831. 3627, 5 Lavllla Maria, Feb, 20, 1834, (708) VIII, SAMUEL NICHOLS WARD [2636.3] m. Betsy Pepper, Oct. 15, 1822, and resides at Monson, They had, 3628, 1 Ehza Ann, b, Jan, 30, 1825. 3629, 2 Mary Chipman, Feb, 12, 1827, 3630, 3 Samuel Henry, June 4, 1829, 8631, 4 WiUiam Francis, Aug, 5, 1831, 3632, 5 Alexander Avery, Jan, 12, 1835, 3638, 6 George Edwin, Nov. 24, 1841, (709) VIII. COMFORT INGRAHAM WARD [2637.4] m. Caroline Cleaveland, Oct. 9, 1828 ; she d, March 7, 1886, He next m, a wid, Dow, of South Carohna, and has resided there since 1832, His chil, were, 8634, 1 John Ingraham, b. July 28, 1829. 3635, 2 Caroline S., April 14, 1831. 8686, 8 William Cleaveland, Feb. 23, 1833. 8687. 4 Aaron, May 81, 1836. 224 WARD FAMILY. (710) VIII. JAMES B. FISKE [2652.2] m, Jane C. Retts, of Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N. Y,, June 26, 1845. They had, 3638. 1 James M., b. Aug, 4, 1848, (711) VIII, JOSEPH FISKE, [2664,2] m, Clarissa Kimberly, of Ashfield, in 1834, and removed to Otisco, Michigan, subsequent to 1836, where his wife, Clar issa, d. In 1844, He next ra, AbigaU, sister of his first wife. He had by his first wife, 3639. 1 Phineas, b, 1836, (712) VIII, Dr. DANIEL PEABODY, of Warren, Mass., m. Sarah Fiske, [2660.8] In 1847, and had, ^640. 1 William, b. (713) VIII. JOAB SQUIERS, of Belehertown, b. May 23, 1803, m, Emily S, Moores, [2662,1] Dec. 19,1828, and resides there. They had, 3641, 1 Ann S,, b. May 23, 1829. 3642. 2 Joab D., Nov. 4, 1831. 3643. 3 Emily F., Nov. 9, 1832. 3644. 4 Nancy N., Mareh 23, 1835. 3645. 5 Jairus W., Feb. 8, 1838. 3646. 6 Susan S., Jan. 13, 1840. 3647, 7 Charlotte B., Feb. 7, 1842. 3648. 8 Lyman C, Aug. 4, 1846. 3649, 9 Mary L,, Aug, 12, 1848, (714) VIII, ASHUR TOWN, of Belehertown, m. Arabella Moores, [2664.3] July 7, 1836, and resides there. They had, 3650. 1 Hiram D. 3661. 2 Mary Ann E. 3662. 3 Julia Ann E. 3653. 4 Emily S. 3654, 6 Lucy S, (716) VIII, OTIS WILEY, of Belehertown, b, Dec, 14, 1810, m, Sophia Moores, [2666,4] May 16, 1834, and resides there. They had, 3666, 1 Lyraan, b, Feb, 23, 1835, d, Aug. 29, 1889. 3656. 2 Edward F., Feb, 29, 1837. 3657. 3 Otis N., May 3, 1839. 3658. 4 Maria M., March 3, 1841. WARD FAMILY, 225 3659. 5 Sarah S., July 4, 1843. 3660. 6 Elvira, Dec 14, 1846. 3661. 7 Henry, 1848. (716) VIIL SAMUEL WILEY, of Amherst, b. Dec. 22, 1814, m. Mary Ann H. Moores, [2666.6] AprU 6, 1846. They had, 3662. 1 Sarauel W., b. Jan. 18, 1847. 3663. 2 Joseph, Nov, 6, 1848. (717) VIII, ARNOLD DRAPER, of Belehertown, m, Marcia Ann E. Moores, [2667.6] Oct. 18, 1838. They had, 3664, 1 Mary J,, b. Feb. 28, 1839. 3666. 2 George A., Sept. 3, 1841. 3666. 3 Juha Ann, Jan. 30, 1843, d. July, 1848. 3667, 4 Lyraan, Sept, 6, 1844. 3668. 5 Jerome, Sept. 24, 1845. 3669. 6 Julia Ann, May 12, 1848. (718) VIII. JOHN HANKS [2670.1] m. Esther RandaU, of Belehertown, April 23, 1813, b. Aug. 5, 1794. They had, 3670. 1 James, b. Feb. 11, 1814. 3671, 2 Nehemiah R., July 28, 1819. 8672. 8 Warner, Dec 26, 1821. 3673. 4 John M., Aug. 29, 1823, d. Jan, 3, 1829, 3674. 6 Ziza A,, May 31, 1835, (719) VIIL ELISHA RANDALL, b. Dec, 8, 1787, m, Bethiah Hanks, [2674,5] July 11. 1814, and had, 3675, 1 Warren, b, Dec. 19, 1817. 3676. 2 Joel R., Sept. 22, 1822, 3677. 3 Clarissa, Nov. 3, 1829, (720) VIII, NATHANIEL HANKS [2675,6] m. Hades sah Howard, of Belehertown, Dec, 2, 1819, b, March 16, 1796. They had, 8678. 1 Mary, b. May 31, 1821, m. Dexter Blodget. (810) 3679, 2 Sarauel B,, Oct, 6, 1826, m, Arminda RandaU. (811) (721) VIII, WILLIAM HANKS [2676,7] m, Susan Smith, of Northampton, b, at Haddara, Ct,, Sept, 28, 1794, They had, 29 226 WARD FAMILY. 3680. 1 Susan Maria, b. Feb, 9, 1825, 8681, 2 Betsy, June 17, 1827, m, Delphi Yearo, of Dover, Vermont, 3682, 3 Serina, July 6, 1829, m, Benjamin B. Burroughs, of Warren, Mass, 3688, 4 Elsamena, March 29, 1831, 3684, 5 Harriet Louisa, Sept. 10, 1833. 3686. 6 William Watson, Feb, 18, 1835, (722) VIII, DANIEL HANKS, [2681.12] m, AbigaU H, Ward, [2812,1] AprU 6, 1835, and resided at Bel ehertown, where he d. May 11, 1841, in his 88d year. His wid., Abigail H.,m. Sewall Randall, of Belehertown, Jan. 29, 1845, b. AprU 9, 1808. Her chU. were, 3686. 1 Juha, b. Jan. 3, 1886. 3687. 2 Mary W., July 13, 1845. 8688. 3 Laura S., July 6, 1849. (723) VIII. WILLIAM WARD [2688.1] m. Mehnda Bassett, dau. of WUham, of Hardwick, March 10, 1881. She was b. July 11, 1809, and d. Jan. 10, 1836. He next m. Hannah Bedford, Sept. 18, 1886, b. at Leeds, in Eng., Dec. 1, 1816. They reside at Ware. His chil. were, 8689. 1 William F., b. Dec. 8, 1831, d. May 21, 1883. 3690. 2 Mary E., Oct. 5, 1836. 8691. 3 Charles L. A., Dec. 20, 1888. 3692. 4 Albert B., Nov. 27, 1843. 3698. 6 WUliam E. F., Feb. 24, 1849. (724) VIII. REUBEN WARD [2689.2] m. Parzlde Smith, of PhlUlpston, March 25, 1882. She was b. Feb. 14, 1808. They reside at Ware, and had, 3694. 1 WiUiara S., b. Oct. 18, 1885. 3695. 2 Samnel A., Nov. 12, 1837. 3696. 3 Henry J., May 28, 1839. 3697, 4 George F,, June 22, 1845. 3698. 5 Julia E., Dec. 16, 1846. 3699, 6 Martha M,, Nov, 9, 1849, (726) VIII, ASA WARD [2690,3] m, Eunice Safibrd, of Brimfield, May, 1833, and resides at Southbridge, They had, 3700, 1 Reuben H,, b. June, 1834. 3701. 2 WUham F., Oct,, 1843. WARD FAMILY. 227 (726) vm. JOHN BAPTIST WARD [2691.4] m. Louisa, b. June 28, 1816, dau. of Ziba Cook, of Pel ham, June 17, 1837, and resides there. They had, 3702. 1 WUber H, H,, b. April 8, 1846, (727) Vin, ELIAS WARD [2694,7] m, Louisa Heath, of Springfield, March, 1848, and resides there. They had, 3703, 1 Edwin R,, b, Jan, 9, 1849. (728) vm. PRENTISS DAVIS, of Orange, b. Oct. 30, 1819, m. Luthera Ward, [2696.9] Sept. 11, 1845. They had, 3704. 1 Emma G,, b. May 1, 1847. (729) Vni, WARREN S, WARD [2697.10] m, Sarah G,, b. May 18, 1827, dau, of Daniel Chapman, of Bel ehertown, Nov, 16, 1848, and had, 3705. 1 Evelyn M. C, b. Oct. 16, 1849. (730) vm. ALFRED WARD [2698.11] m. Eliza Ann, b. May 31, 1828, dau. of David Randall, of Belehertown, April 17, 1845, and had, 3706, 1 Colquit D,, b. June 16, 1846. (731) vm. LUCIEN GOODALE, of Belehertown, b. Sept, 14, 1826, m. Ehza Ann Ward, [2699.12] Nov. 26, 1846, and had, 3707. 1 Reuben H., b. Feb. 7, 1847. . (732) vm. ABEL BROWN, of Belehertown, b. Dec. 27, 1802, m, Hannah Ward, [2701,1] Dec, 16, 1827, They had, 3708. 1 Sally B., b. June 1, 1830. 3709. 2 Hannah Jane, Feb, 4, 1832, 3710, 3 Mary L,, AprU 1, 1883, 3711, 4 Abel P,, Aug, 25, 1834, ,3712. 5 John B., Sept. 11, 1836, 3713, 6 Martha B,, Sept, 23, 1888. 3714. 7 Perez R., Jan. 3, 1840. 3715, 8 Alfred H., May 27, 1842, 3716, 9 EUen M., Dec; 27, 1843. 3717. 10 Lafayette. F,, Aug. 1,1846. 228 WARD FAMILY. (733) VIII, PHILANDER S, KNIGHT, of Pelham, b. Dec. 23, 1811, m, Mary Ward, [2702,2] June 9, 1837, They had, 3718, 1 George W,, b, April 9, 1840. 3719. 2 Charies S., AprU 7, 1842. 3720. 3 Mary, June 31, 1844. 3721. 4 John W., Feb. 16, 1847. • (734) VIII. HORATIO SEAGRAVES, of Amherst, b. AprU 2, 1808, m. Bethiah Ward, [2703.3] May 9, 1834. They had, 3722. 1 MatUda, b. at Uxbridge, May 28, 1836, d. Aug. 26, 1835. 3723. 2 Matilda M., Aug. 22, 1844. (735) VIII, NATHANIEL K. BACHELLER, of Am herst, b, at Panton, Vt,, May 3, 1816, m. Lucretia Ward, [2706.6] March 20, 1841. She d, June .30, 1849, in her 33d year. They had, 3724. 1 Bertha A., b. Dec. 19, 1841. 3725, 2 Lucretia A,, May 31, 1849, d, infant. (736) VIII. AARON H. INGRAHAM, of Amherst, b. Feb. 26, 1818, m, Martha Ward, [2706,6] Sept, 22, 1841. They had, 8726, 1 Lydia J,, b, March 22, 1843, 3727, 2 AhFreda G,, June 22, 1845, d. June 4, 1846, 3728. 3 Zacheus C, AprU 4, 1848, d, July 16, 1848, (787) VIIL NATHANIEL COOK, of Pelham, b. June 16, 1811, m, Bethia Ward, [2707,1] Nov, 24, 1833, They had, 8729, 1 Sarah M,, b. July 20, 1835, 3730, 2 Horace W,, Sept, 19, 1836, 3731, 3 Nathaniel H., April 25, 1888, 3732. 4 Rosalind B., Oct. 8, 1839. 3788. 5 Smith M., July 8, 1842. 8734, 6 Fenner D., Dec. 30, 1846. 3736. 7 Almira T., Feb. 2, 1847, 8736, 8 Theodore F,, Jan, 6, 1849, (738) vm, HORACE WARD [2709,8] m. Mary, b. May 26, 1826, dau. of Dea. Robinson, of Pelham, May 23, 1844. They had. WARD FAMILY, 229 3737, 1 Anna H., b. May 6, 1845. 3738. 2 Mary S., June 5, 1847. 3739. 3 Harriet F., April 6, 1849. (739) VIII. PORTER RAMSDELL [2718.1] m. Sarah KendaU, of Ludlow, and d. in 1838, aged 30. They had, 3740. 1 Reuben. 3741. 2 James. 3742. 3 Amos. 3743. 4 Wilham. 8744. 5 Sarah. (740) VIII. DEXTER RAMSDELL [2719.2] m. Laura A., dau. of Seth Bishop, of Belehertown, Sept. 5, 1836. They had, 3745. 1 Angeline A., b. Jan. 28, 1837. 3746. 2 Francis, May 8, 1889. (741) vm. WILLIAM LOWELL, of Belehertown, m. Catharine RamsdeU, [2722.6] in 1836. They had, 3747. 1 Calvin, b. 1888. 3748. 2 Elizabeth, 1840. 3749. 3 George, 1846. 3760. 4 Stephen, 1847. (742) VIIL MOSES MASON m. Amy Ann RamsdeU, [2724.7] June 6, 1843. They had, 3761. 1 Josephine B., b. Oct. 28, 1843. 3752. 2 Lemuel S., Nov. 10, 1845. 3753. 3 Andrew J,, Oct, 12, 1849, (743) VIII, FRANCIS BISHOP, of Belehertown, m, Olive RamsdeU, [2725.8] Sept. 8, 1841, They had, 3754, 1 William L,, Nov, 16, 1842, 3765, 2 Nancy, Feb, 24, 1845. 3756. 3 Alraa Ann, Oct, 18, 1847. (744) VIII. AMOS CLARK, of Belchertowu, m. Jane M. RamsdeU, [2726.9] March 6, 1847, They had, 3757, 1 Henry F., b. Oct. 6, 1848. (745) VIII, FRANKLIN DICKINSON, of Belehertown, m. Nancy Hawes, [2728,2] Nov. 27, 1832. They had. 230 WARD FAMILY, 3758, 1 Martha M., Aug, 28, 1833, 3769, 2 Emeline E., Jan. 10, 1836, 8760, 8 Mary M., Nov, 7, 1837, 4 George F., March 1, 1849. (746) VIIL JAMES A. HANKS, of Palmer, b. June 3, 1820, m. Ruth Pease, [2741.2] Nov, 23, 1842, They had, 3761. 1 George E., b. May 28, 1844, 8762, 2 James A,, July 3, 1848, (747) VIII. LESTER M. SQUIERS, of Enfield, b, Jan. 6, 1826, m. Laura Esther Hanks, [2747,3] May 2, 1848. They had, 3763, 1 Aldona E., b, Jan, 11, 1860. (748) VIII. GEORGE W, RANDALL [2751,1] m, Juha E, Ball, of Palmer, Dec, 11, 1841, They had, 3764, 1 Julia E., b, Nov, 21, 1842. 3765. 2 Eber S., Nov, 2, 1846, d. Infant. 3766. 3 George A., Sept. 15, 1847. 8767. 4 Eber S., March 20, 1849. (749) VIII. HIRAM M. RANDALL, [2752.2] m. Clarissa E. Flagg, of Palmer, March 28, 1844. They had, 3768. 1 Reuben B., b. Jan. 6, 1846. (760) VIII. DANIEL T. TRASK, of Enfield, m. Esther A. Hanks, [2766.2] May 15, 1832. They had, 3769. 1 Elizabeth S., b. Nov. 4, 1883. (751) vm. EBENEZER B. HANKS [2757.4] m. Mary Church, of Granby, b. Aug. 16, 1814, and d. June 1, 1844. He next m. Ehzabeth Bruce, b. Dec. 5, 1816. His chU. were, 3770. 1 Edwin C, b. Nov. 27, 1841. 3771. 2 Charies A., Nov. 80, 1843. 3772. 3 Mary E., Feb. 16, 1847. 3773. 4 Francis W., Sept. 25, 1848. (752) VIIL BENONI E. RUST, of Amherst, m. Roxana M. Hanks, [2759.6] April 7, 1840. They had, 3774. 1 Ellen M., b. April 30, 1841. WARD FAMILY. 231 (753) vm. ISAAC W. HANKS, [2761.8] m. Henri etta, b. Oct. 10, 1824, dau. of Joseph Kennedy, of Bel ehertown, Jan. 18, 1843. Thev had, 3775. 1 Theron W., b. March 19,''l844. 3776. 2 Vesty H. W., Nov. 27, 1846. 3777. 3 Emraa E., Jan. 18, 1848, (754) ym, ZERIMBA RANDALL, b. May 3, 1800, son of Nehemiah, of Belehertown, m, Hepzibah W, Shaw, [2762.1] July 4, 1837, and settled at Enfield. They had, 3778. 1 Alton S,, b, March 30, 1888. (755) vm. FREDERIC W, SHAW [2764,3] m, Eliza, dau. of Dea. Chandler, of Enfield, Feb. 6, 1833. They had, 3779. 1 Kirk W., b. Dec. 19, 1833. 3780. 2 Marcia A., June 22, 1836. 3781. 3 George D., AprU 12, 1840. (756) VnL PEREZ S. WOOD, of Enfield, b. March 20, 1807, m. Harriet T. Shaw, [2765,4] Oct, 6, 1881, They had, 3782, 1 Louisa Ann P,, b, Dec. 28, 1832, (757) VIII, GEORGE L. SHAW [2768,7] m.AmyA., dau, of Ziba Cook, of Pelham, June 8, 1841, They had, 3783, 1 George W,, b. July 20, 1842, (758) vm, EBENEZER F, SHAW, [2769,8] m, Olive Packard, AprU 15, 1840, and settled at Enfield, They had, 3784, 1 Webster A,,b, Sept, 11, 1841, 3785. 2 Ella F., June 3, 1846, 3786. 3 Mary C, July 23, 1848. (759) vm. ANSON BASSETT, of Hardwick, m, Sarah Ward, [2774,1] Nov, 28, 1848, They had, 3787, 1 WiUiam A., b, Aug, 23, 1849, (760) VIII, MOSES L, WARD [2813.2] m. Sally, dau, of Henry Kingman, of Pelham, March 3, 1845, and re sides at Pelham, They had, 3788. 1 Luthera, b. 232 WARD family. (761) VIII. JAMES BARNES, of Sutton, m. Lydia S. Ward, [2814.3] March 16, 1848. She d. July 3, 1848, In her 28th year. They had, 3789. 1 Lydia, b. June 24, 1848. (762) VIII. SAMUEL WARD [2816.4] m. Emeline Randall, [2763.3] Jan. 30, 1846, and resides at Bel ehertown. They had, 3790. 1 Fanny E., b. March 12, 1846. 3791. 2 Alnoro A., Jan. 10, 1847, (763) VIII. LENDALL WHIPPLE, of Greenwich, m. Mary A. Ward, [2816.5] April 13, 1848. They had, 3792. 1 Warren L., b. Jan. 21, 1849. (764) VIII. Dea. ORRIN WARD [2820.1] m. Laura Grover, of ToUand, Ct., Nov. 20, 1831, and resides there. Their chU. were, (besides five that d. infants, previous to 1841,) 3793. 1 Juha L., b. April 18, 1841. 3794. 2 Orrin, Oct. 31, 1842. 3795, 3 Joseph Bond, May 26, 1848, (766) VIII, WILLIAM A, WARD [2821,2] m. Electa Simonds, of Vernon, Ct,, Jan, 18, 1843, and resides at Vernon, where they had, 3796, 1 George H., b. June 15, 1846, 3797, 2 Mary D,, March 25, 1848. (766) VIII. VICTOR HILL ra. Laura E. Ward, [2822.1] May, 1834. They reside in Wisconsin, Of five chil. three had deceased prior to 1850, their names unknown. The surviving, are, 8798. 1 Orson, b. April 5, 1837. 3799. 2 Ellen, Sept., 1849. (767) VIII, LYSANDER J, WARD [2823.2] m. Susan Ballard, Oct. 12, 1843, and resides in the Western Country. They had, 3800. 1 Albert, b. Nov. 4, 1844. (768) VIIL JOSEPH CROSBY m. Maria M. Ward, [2824.3] Aug. 1, 1844, and resides at Ashtabula, Ohio. They had, WARD FAMILY. 233 3801, 1 Agnes A., b, June 26, 1846, 3802. 2 Ann Maria, May 10, 1849. (769) VIII. HORACE CASWELL, of Tolland, Ct., m. Laura Ward, [2826.1] Dec. 1, 1834, and resides at Middletown, Ct., where they had, 3803. 1 Hairvey E., b, Oct, 20, 1841, (770) VIII. LEVI DRAKE, of Tolland, Ct., m. Mary G, Ward, [2826,2] Aug, 21, 1833, and resided there, where he d, Nov. 16, 1846, aged 37, His wid, resides there. They had, 3804, 1 Jane A,, b, Oct, 30, 1834, 3806, 2 Martha M., March 23, 1837, 3806. 3 Alzina E., June aO, 1838. 3807. 4 Charles, Nov. 21, 1889. 3808. 6 Henry, Nov. 2, 1841. 3809. 6 Lucy E., Sept. 24. 1843. 3810. 7 Jaraes, June 4, 1845. 3811. 8 Levi, May 13, 1847, posthumous. (771) VIII. MILES DOAN, of Tolland, Ct., m. Lydia M. Ward, [2827.3] March 10, 1841. They reside at East Windsor, Ct., where they had, 3812. 1 David, b. June 8, 1842. 3813. 2 Julia E., May, 1849, (772) VIII, SAMUEL WARD [2831,1] m, Laura Ams den, of Ashtabula, 0., Feb, 28, 1842, and resided at Sheffield, 0., whence he removed, and now resides at Plymouth, 0. They had, 3814, 1 Ann Maria, b, Feb, 11, 1843, at Sheffield, 3815, 2 WUhara H., Aug, 28, 1849, at Plymouth, (773) VIII, JONATHAN DIBBELL, of Sheffield, 0,, m, Louisa Ward, [2882,2] April 13, 1843, He Is a Baptist Clergyman, and resides at Chester, 0, They had, 3816, 1 Dorance, b, Feb, 16, 1844, (774) vm, DAVID RICHMOND, of Ashtabula, 0,, m, Harriet N, Ward, [2834,4] April 11, 1845. They re side at Sheffield, 0,, and have no Issue, 30 234 WARD FAMILY. (776) VIII. MUNROE HUNTER, of Sheffield, 0., m. Mary Ann Ward, [2835.6] May 7, 1845. They had, 3817, 1 Edgar J., b. at Bloomfield, 0., March 4, 1847. 3818. 2 Edward 0., at Sheffield, 0., Oct. 16, 1848. (776) VIII. ORSAN HARPER, of Sheffield, 0., m. Car ohne Ward, [2836.6] March 20, 1846, and had, 3819. 1 Ehza C, b. at Perry, 0., Dec. 25, 1848. (777) VIII. LYMAN MINCHENT, of , m. Elvira Heath, [2838.2] AprU, 1838, and removed to Newark, Licking Co., 0., where they had, 3820. 1 Mary EUen, b. 1843. 3821. 2 Alice, 1847. (778) VIII. JAMES BALLARD, of Ashtabula, 0., m. Eliza E. Heath, [2839.8] Oct., 1839. They reside there, and had, 3822. 1 Mary Jane, b, July, 1841, 3823, 2 Charlotte Adelaide, 1843, (779) VIII, HARVEY A. J. MUNSELL, [2850.1] m, Elvira Warden, Jan, 1, 1840, and had, 3824, 1 Wilbur, b. Sept, 28, 1841. 3825. 2 Louisa, Dec, 24, 1845. (780) VIII. AARON B. ALDRICH ra, Eleanor Ward, [2870,1] Dec, 31, 1839, They had, 3826, 1 William H, H,, b. Oot. 6, 1840. 3827. 2 Charies E., May 14, 1842. 8828. 3 Silas E., Oct. 6, 1846, d. Feb., 1847, (781) VIII, FRANKLIN F. WARD [2872.3] ra. Ehza beth ChurchUl, Dec. 27, 1841, and had, 8829. 1 Mary J. A., b. Oct. 11, 1842. 3830. 2 Helen E., Jan. 24, 1844, d. AprU 6, 1844. 3831. 3 Helen A., Jan. 16, 1846. (782) VIIL LORENZO WARD [2873.4] m. Clorlnda Freeman, Feb., 1843, and resides at Castleton, Vt. They had, 8832. 1 Elton E., b, Jan. 28, 1844. 3833. 2 Idean, Feb. — 1846. 3884. 3 Allison, June — 1849. WARD FAMILY. 235 (783) VIII. WILLIAM WARD [2874.5] m. Louisa S. Nicholson, June 17, 1846, and resides at West Rutland, Vt. They had, 3835. 1 EUen, b. Sept. 5, 1847. (784) vm. LUTHER H. WARD [2887.1] m. Joanna Randall, Jan, 1, 1848, and resides at Highgate, Vt, They had, 8836, 1 Emma A,, b, April 26, 1849, (785) VIII, ERASTUS W, WARD [2888.2] m. Ruth RandaU, Jan. 1, 1848, and resides at Highgate, Vt. They had, 3837. 1 Gertrude, b. Dec. 15, 1849, (786) vm. HENRY M. BROWN m. Harriet L, Ward, [2895.3] Aug, 10, 1848, and resides at Poultney, Vt, They had, 3838. 1 Albert G,, b. May 26, 1849, (787) VIII, ROLLIN C. DENNISON [2898.1] m. Caroline C, Penfield, June 25, 1846, and resides at Hastings, Barre Co., Michigan. They had, 3839. 1 Charies Benjamin, b. Oct. 11, 1848. (788) vm. JOSEPH NATHAN SHELDON [2946,3] m, Caroline Howard, April 2, 1844, and resides at Scio, AUegany Co,, N, Y. They had, 3840. 1 Howard Ulysses, b. March 10, 1845. 2 Martha Asenath, Dec. 16, 1848, (789) VIII. DARIUS RICE, of Worcester, m. Rhoda Flagg, [3041,1] Nov, 18, 1829, and resides at Worces ter. They had, 3841. 1 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1830. 3842. 2 Francis Rodney, Nov. 28, 1833, d. June 11, 1836. 3843. 3 Ellen Maria, March 1, 1888, d. Nov. 29, 1889. 3844. 4 George Henry, Nov. 28,1840. (790) vm. NAHUM FLAGG [3046.6] m. Lydia Har rington, April 13, 1843, and resides at Worcester. They had, 3845. 1 Albert Dwight, b. Aug. 22, 1844. 3846. 2 Ellen Maria, Oct. 4, 1847. 236 AVARD FAMILY. (791) VIIL JOHN G. WOODWARD [3049.1] m. Mary Ward, [3060.1] Nov. 24, 1885, and resides at Ash burnham. They had, 3847. 1 Charles Edward, b. AprU 23, 1842. (792) VIII. DEAN CABOT m. Mary Ward [3062.2] May 29, 1888, and resides at Hartland, Vt. They had, 3848. 1 Lucretia, b. Sept. 30, 1841, (798) VIII. LEONARD MOSSMAN [3064.1] m. Cla rinda Richardson, Nov, 31, 1843, and resides at Ash burnham, They had, 3849, 1 Hollis, b, Oct, 15, 1849. (794) VIII, AARON MOSSMAN [3065,2] ra, Martha BaU, Nov, 26, 1847, and resides at Worcester. They had, 3850. 1 Loretta C, b, Aug, 25, 1848, (795) VIII, JOHN W, MOSSMAN [3066.3] m. Mary E, Libbey, and resides at Charlestown. They had, 3851. 1 Lucinda, b. Nov. 13, 1843. 3862. 2 Charles Franklin, Oct, 81, 1846, 3863, 8 Mary Elizabeth, July 4, 1849, (796) VIII. HENRY S, CHASE m, Martha P, Ward, [3117.1] and resides at , They had, 3864, 1 Prince Albert, b, June 12, 1844, 3856, 2 Frances E,, Feb. 16, 1846. 3856. 3 Eliza P., AprU 17, 1849. (797) VIII. HARRISON GRAY OTIS BLAKE, H. U. 1885, son of Hon. Francis, late of Worcester, deceased, m. Sarah Chandler Ward, [3126,1] June 25, 1840, and resided at Worcester, where she d. May 11, 1846, aged 29, They had, 3857, 1 Sarah C, b, Mareh 22, 1841, 3868, 2 Henry, May 8, 1846, d, infant, (798) VIII, ROBERT W, LORD, of Boston, m, Frances Caroline Ward, [3128,3] June 18, 1844, and resides at Boston. They had, 3869, 1 Robert, b. June 6, 1846. 3860. 2 John Heywood, Dec. 1, 1847. WARD FAMILY, 287 (799) VIII, MATHEW SMITH [3133.1] m. Maria D, Root, March 16, 1840, and resides at Middlefield, They had, 3861, 1 Helen, 3862, 2 Eliza. 3863, 3 Martha. (800) VIII. JOHN SMITH [3134.2] m. Elvira Root, May 19, 1841, and resides at Middlefield, They had, 3864, 1 Henry. 3865. 2 Sophia. (801) VIII ELIAS T. SPURR m. Elizabeth Smith, [3135.3] Sept. 3, 1839, and resides at . They had, 3866. 1 Eliza Ann. 3867. 2 Lucy. (802) VIII. ELISHA STRONG m. Asenath Smith, [3136.4] and resides at Northampton. They had, 3868. 1 Ebenezer W. (808) VIII. PAUL SCOTT WARD [8249.1] m. Sarah Alfrey, at Farmington, Van Buren Co., Iowa, March 9, 1846, where he d. in 1845. They had, 8869. 1 Adelia Jane, b. Dec 21, 1845, (804) VIII, CHARLES AMES, of West Rutland, Vt,, m, Adaline A, Ward, [8261,3] March 8, 1843, and re sides at Poultney, Vt, They had, 8870, 1 Annetta Jane, b, 1844, 3871, 2 Charies, 1846 ; both at West Rutland, (805) VIII. CHESTER BLANCHARD, of UnderhiU, Vt,, m, Ehza M, Boyenton, [3273,4] Aug, 18, 1847, They had, 8872, 1 Sally E. 3873, 2 DucUla, (806) VIII. LYNDEN SMITH WARD [3577,1] m. Maria Darling Ward, [3660,3] Nov. 15, 1835, and re sides at Bradford, N. H. They had, 8874. 1 Helen Maria, b. Nov. 20, 1836. 8875. 2 Ellen Sophia, June 22, 1838, 238 WARD FAMILY. 3876. 3 Mary Almeda, March 14, 1840. 8877, 4 George Curtis, AprU 3, 1842, 3878, 6 Chester Delano, June 4, 1848, (807) VIII. CHARLES C. CHANDLER m. Mary Ann Ward [3684.2] and resides at Bradford, N. H, They had, 3879. 1 Mary Jane, b, June 1, 1842, 3880, 2 Charles Henry, Jan, 30, 1845, (808) VIII. JAMES MADISON WARD [3586.3] m. Mary Ann Grant, and resides in the city of N, Y. She d. May 6, 1844, He next m. Harriet Araeha MeUen, Nov,, 1846, She d. June 7, 1848 He had, 8881, 1 Charles C, b, AprU, 1844, (809) VIII, STEPHEN RUSSELL WARD [8587,4] ra, Martha Jane Smith, and resides at Bradford, N. H. They had, 3882. 1 George R,, b. March 24, 1842. 3883. 2 Martha Ann, July 22, 1844. 3884, 3 Edwin, May 10, 1847. 3885, 4 Jaraes Herbert, June 3, 1860, NINTH GENERATION. (810) IX. DEXTER BLODGET, b. June 27, 1807, m. Mary Hanks, [3678.1] April 20, 1887, and resided at Enfield, where he d. Oct, 13, 1841, They had, 3886. 1 Francis A., b. May 4, 1888. 3887, 2 Sarah, AprU 14, 1841. (811) IX. SAMUEL B, HANKS [3679,2] m, Arrainda RandaU, (b. AprU 30, 1829,) of Pelhara, Nov. 29,1848. They had, 3888. 1 Orman, b. July 18, 1849. WARD FAMILY. 239 SUPPLEMENTS, In the following Supplements, only the number of gen erations from WUham Ward, the first ancestor, and the number of chil. in each famUy, are stated. The informa tion respecting these families was not obtained in season to give them their place in the body of this work and at the same time assign to each Individual his number of the whole family traced. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1. V, JOSIAH WARD [286,1] m. Deborah Sheffield, of Men don, Sept, 1, 1748, where he resided, and d, Oct, 8, 1760, In his 37th year. His wid., Deborah, m. John Fish, of Mendon, May 7, 1752, They removed to Townsend, Vt., where she d. in 1826, aged 92. Josiah and Deborah had, 1 William, b. June 28, 1749, m. Hannah Taft. 2 Silence, Jan. 28, 1750. (Mendon Rec;) probably should be 1750-1, three months after her father's decease. VI, WILLIAM WARD m, Hannah Taft, of Mendon, or that vicinity, about 1778, and removed to Newfane, Vt,, which was organized as a town. May 17, 1774, In the records of that town, he is styled Captain, and subse quently, Colonel, He was chosen its first Representative to the Legislature, in 1780, and on the 7th of Nov, in that year obtained a grant of a township adjoining to and East of Newfane, for which he was the head petitioner. Frora him it derives its name, having been chartered to him and others by the name of Wardsborough, on the same day it was granted. Of Col. Ward, but little more is known. The names of his children are not on record at Newfane, although it is known that the two youngest were b. there. It is said he d, in Canada, at what time unknown, where he went to procure a load of furs. His wid,, Hannah, m, Moses Joy, of Putney, Vt,, and d, there, In Feb,, 1842, aged 86. The chU. of Col, Ward were, 240 WARD FAMILY. 1 Josiah, who is said to have resided at Chesterfield ; per haps Chesterfield, N. Ii. 2 Hiram, who m., and supposed to have resided and d. at Boston. 3 Chloe, b. April 4, 1784, m. Joseph Black. 4 Walter, who Is said to have d. unm. at Troy, N. Y, VI, STEPHEN RAWSON,* of Conway, m, SUence Ward, dau. of Josiah and Deborah, and removed to Townsend, Vt., where he was Deacon of the Church, and d. In 1827, aged 84. His wid.. Silence, d. there in 1830, aged 79, In the compilation of the Rawson Family Genealogy, Silence Ward is erroneously called Silence Wood. Their chU, were, 1 MindweU, b. Sept, 26, 1777, m, Elijah Wilkinson. 2 Patty, 1779, m. Elkanah Reed, 3 Betsy, 1781, m, Benjamin Livingston. 4 Deborah M., Nov. 29, 1786, m. Luther Murdock, of Townsend, Vt., Jan. 12, 1806. He d. July 4, 1831. She next m. Dea. Bernard Salisbury, of Townsend. 5 Nancy, Sept. 1, 1788, m. Jacob AUen, of Townsend, and d. at Newfane, Vt., Feb., 1860. No Issue. * Stephen Kawson, b. March 2, 1743, was son of Thomas, of Mendon and Milford, (wife, Anna Waldron,) and d. at Mil., in 1802 ; son of Wilson, of Mendon, h. 1692, (wife, Margaret Arthur,) and d. there in 175 7; sonof Eev. Grindall, of Men., b. 1659, H. U. 1678, settled in the ministry at M. in 1684, (wife, Susanna Wilson,) and d. there in 1715; son of Edward, b. in Eng. 1615, (wife, Kachel Perne,) came to Newbury in or before 1637, of which he was town clerk, 1638 to 1651 and from 1651 to 1686, Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and d. Aug. 27, 1693, aged 78 years. VIL JOSEPH BLACK, of Putney, Vt., m. Chloe Ward, Dec, 1805, and d. at Whitehall, N. Y., In 1816, — no Issue. She next m. George C, Morris, who d. at Hamp ton, N. Y,, Feb,, 1848, where she now resides. They had, 1 George B., b, Aug, 24, 1817, d. Aug, 13, 1841. VIL ELIJAH WILKINSON m. Mindwell Rawson, and re sided at Townsend, Vt. They had, 1 Ward, b, Aug. 6, 1799, ra. Mary Rand. 2 Ware, May 4, 1801, m. Ehza Dennis, 3 Nancy, May 24, 1803, d. 1824. WARD FAMILY. 241 4 Sophia, May 18, 1806, ra. Arad Knowlton. 6 Welthea, AprU 29, 1807, m. John McElroy, and resides at Roxbury, Mass. 6 Clarlntha, May — 1809, living, and unm. 7 Stephen, 1811, m, Mary WUson ; resides at Pittsburg, Penn, 8 Philetus, July — 1823; is In California, unra. VII, ELKANAH READ, of Townsend, Vt., m. Patty Rawson, In 1803, and resides at FishkiU, N. Y, They had, 1 Laurana, who m. David H, Baird ; he resided at Troy, N, Y., and has deceased, 2 Emily, who m. John H. Skinner ; reside in Indiana, 3 Olive, who m, Joseph Dunton, and d, at Harlera, N. Y. 4 Eunice, who m. Parker ; reside at Bakersfield, Vt, 5 Nancy, who m, Wheeler Barns " " " 6 WUham N, 7 Luther M, 8 Luke W,, m, and resides at Troy, N, Y, VII, BENJAMIN LIVINGSTON, of Townsend, Vt,, m, Betsy Rawson, and removed to Peacham, Vt, He has deceased. His wid., Betsy, resides at Pittsburg, Penn. They had, 1 Lauriston R., who ra. and resides at Pittsburg, Penn. 2 Julia, who ra. and resides at Pittsburg, Penn, VIII. WARD WILKINSON m. Mary Rand, of Townsend, Vt., and resides at Troy, N. Y. They had, 1 Williara, who d. young. 2 Orman. 3 RoseUa. 4 Frances. 5 Isabella, who d. in 1849, aged 3 years. VIII. WARE WILKINSON ra. Eliza Dennis, and resides at Boston, where she d. June, 1850. They had, 1 Frances. 2 Charies, 3 Elizabeth, VIII, ARAD KNOWLTON, of Townsend, Vt,, ra. Sophia WUkinson, Oct., 1826, and resides at Boston. They had, 31 242 WARD FAMILY, 1 Norraan, b. Sept. 3, 1828. 2 Nancy, May 5, 1830. SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. V. ELIJAH WARD [294.9] m. Hannah Reed, at Mendon, July 27, 1749, and had, 1 Sarah, b, there March 3, 1760, 2 Caleb, " Nov, 6, 1751, 3 AbigaU, Aug. 5, 1753, at Uxbridge, whence the parents removed to Maine. SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. JOSIAH WARD, [297.1] and his descendants, V, JOSIAH WARD ra, Leah Webb, supposed about 1759 ; it is thought by his descendants she was originally of Men don, He resided in several places in Mass., and was last of Guilford, Vt., where he d. near the close of the Revo lutionary war. His wid., Leah, m. Oliver Cook, of Brat tleboro', Vt., about 1786 ; she was his. second wife. The chil, of Josiah and Leah were, 1 Josiah, b, about 1760, m, Sarah Cook, 2 Jared, who, with a wife and chU., was residing in Ohio, in 1830, 3 Miriam, 1790, m, John Ackley. 4 Ithamar. VI, JOSIAH WARD m, Sarah, dau. of Oliver Cook, of Brat tleboro', Vt., by his first wife, and resided there, where she d. in June, 1802. He next m. Hannah Field, of Northfield, Mass., and soon after made an excursion to the West, and was drowned, as is understood, from a raft in the Ohio river. His chU. were, 1 Josiah, b. March 10, 1787, ra. SybU Pratt. 2 Sarah, Feb. 28, 1789, m. Chester Warner. 3 William, April 8, 1791, m. Ohvia Stebbins. 4 Sabra, Feb. 13, 1793, m. Stephen Stone. 5 Electa, Jan. 18, 1795, ra. Derastus Bennett, Sept. 15, 1813 ; they reside at Brattleboro', Vt. ; no issue, 6 Lewis, Feb, 1, 1797, d, unra., on the YeUow Stone river. In the U. S. service, soon after the war of 1812, 7 Hannah, .Jan. 1, 1799, m. Stephen Prouty. WARD FAMILY, 248 8 George, Aug. 4, 1800, m. Emily StockweU. 9 Jared, June 12, 1802, d. June, 1804. VI, JOHN ACKLEY, of Brattleboro', ra, Miriam Ward, and resided at B., but for many years has been in parts un known. She was residing at Weathersfield, Ct, in 1845. Their chU, were, 1 John. 2 Polly, m, Flint. VII. JOSIAH WARD m. SybU, dau. of Asa Pratt, of Dum merston, Vt., Feb. 9, 1809, and resided at Brattleboro', Vt., where he d. Feb. 14, 1860, In his 68d year. His wid., SybU, resides there. They had, 1 Nancy A., b. July 9, 1809, m. Marcus Warden. 2 Nelson, Nov. 17, 1810, m. Jerusha Thomas. 3 Sarah, AprU 11, 1813, m. Royal Mixter. 4 WUliam, Jan. 2, 1816, ra. Mary Newton. 5 John W., June 20, 1818, m. Electa EUiot, of Newfane, March, 1847, and resides In Brookfield, N. Y. 6 Stephen H., Oct. 12, 1820, d. Sept. 13, 1824. 7 David P., Jan. 4, 1828, m. Anna Winchester. 8 Henry, Jan. 21, 1824, d. Oct. 26, 1828. 9 Lucy R., Feb. 8, 1827, d. July 22, 1831. 10 Juha A., May 7, 1829, living, and unm. 11 Lauraetta, Sept. 11, 1831, d. Feb. 16, 1860, The funeral solemnities of father and daughter were both at tended at one time, VII, CHESTER WARNER, of Sunderiand, Mass., m. Sarah Ward, and resides at Marcellus, N. Y., where she d. in 1830, aged 40. They had, 1 Levi, b. 2 Henrv. VII. WILLIAM WARD m. Ohvia, dau. of Ebenezer Steb bins, of Deerfield, Jan. 31, 1820, and resides at South Deerfield. They had, 1 Royal Livingston, b. Aug. 21, 1820, m. Corintha A., dau. of Dea. Daniel Brown, of Whately, Dec. 13, 1848, and resides at Whately. 2 Juha Leonard, AprU 19, 1822. 3 WUliam Wainright, Aug. 21, 1823. 4 Sept. 3, 1825, and d. same day. 244 WARD FAMILY. 5 Fanny Graves, Jan. 12, 1827, 6 Moses Stebbins, Jan. 2, 1829, 7 Lota Root, Aug. 8, 1830. VII. STEPHEN STONE m. Sabra Ward, AprU 29, 1816, and resided at Brighton, where he d. Feb, 10, 1832 ; no issue. He was b. at Newton, Dec 21, 1786 ; son of Dea. Jonas, b. 1749, m. Martha Winchester, 1776 ; son of Dea. Jonas, b. 1722, m. Anna Stone, 1746 ; son of Dea. John, b. 1692, m. Lydia Hyde, 1717 ; son of Hon. Ebenezer, (aU of Newton,) b. at Watertown, 1663, m. Margaret Trowbridge, 1686 ; son of Simon, b, Eng, 1631, came over with his father In the ship Increase, 1634, and ra, Mary Whipple ; son of Dea. Simon, who, with his wife Joan, settled at Watertown, and d. there Sept. 22, 1666, aged 80 years, Sabra, wid. of Stephen Stone, m. Seth WeUington, in March, 1833, They re side at Boston, VII, STEPHEN PROUTY m. Hannah Ward, In 1820, and resides at Brattleboro, Vt. They had, 1 Elvira, b. Aug. 25,1820, m. Edward Samuels. 2 Harriet, Feb. 3, 1822, m. Charles Fowler. 3 Stephen, Jan. 26, 1824, d. Dec, 1831. 4 Charies, Feb. 1, 1826. 6 Austin, Jan. 26,1829. 6 Samuel, March 22, 1831, d. Sept., 1831. 7 Edward, March 5, 1833. 8 Louisa, March 22, 1834. 9 Jane, Aug. 25, 1839. 10 Henry, Dec. 23, 1841. VII. GEORGE WARD m. Emily, dau. of Arad StockweU, of Brattleboro', May 4, 1826, and resides at B. They had, 1 Emma Rockwood, b. Feb. 1, 1826, m. George Houghton. 2 Cahsta C, April 21, 1828, ra. Isaac MiUer, of South Royalston, Mass., Oct. 24, 1848. He d. Dec. 13, 1849. She resides at Brattleboro' ; no Issue, 3 George P,, May 6, 1830, 4 Elizabeth E., June 9, 1832. 6 Lawson F., May 31, 1835. 6 Arad Stockwell, July 9, 1837. 7 Joseph J., Dec. 13, 1844. WARD FAMILY. 245 VII. FLINT, m. Polly Ackley. They reside at Wethersfield, Ct., and had, 1 Maria. 2 Jared, and others. VIII. MARCUS WARDEN, son of Peter, of Halifax, Vt., m. Nancy A. Ward, March, 1835, and resides at Brat tleboro', Vt. They had, 1 Henry, b. June, 1836, d. Jan., 1838. 2 Henry, 1838. 3 Herbert, 1840. 4 Susan, Sept., 1842. 6 Baxter, Sept. 16, 1847. VIII. NELSON WARD m. Jerusha, dau. of Benjamin Thomas, of Halifax, Vt., AprU, 1832, and resides at Brattleboro', Vt. They had, 1 Oscar J., b. Jan, 16, 1834. 2 Sarah Ann, March 20, 1845. 3 Austin, March, 1849. VIII. ROYAL MIXTER, son of Capt. Daniel, of Brattle boro', Vt., m. Sarah Ward, April, 1835, and resides at . They had, 1 Lucy R., b. June, 1835, d. March, 1850. vm. WILLIAM WARD m. Mary, dau. of Winchester Newton, of Brattleboro', May 6, 1840, and resides at B. They had, 1 WUlard, b. July 28, 1841, 2 Anna, March 16, 1844, 3 EUen S., June 29, 1848, VIII. DAVID P. WARD m. Anna, dau. of Jubal Winches ter, of Brattleboro', Aug. 28, 1844, and resided at B., where she d. AprU 26, 1846, aged 20. He d. there Oct. 30, 1850, in his 27th vear. They had, 1 Anna, b. March 22, 1846. VIII. EDWARD SAMUELS m. Elvira, dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Ward) Prouty, Sept. 3, 1838, and resides at Brattleboro'. They had, 1 Emma, b. Sept. 25, 1840. 2 Harriet, July 28, 1845. 246 WARD FAMILY. VIII. CHARLES FOWLER, son of John, m. Harriet, dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Ward) Prouty, May 6, 1846, and resided at Brattleboro', where he d. May 5, 1860. They had, 1 Harriet, b. Sept. 26, 1848. VIII. GEORGE HOUGHTON, son of Henry, of Putney, Vt., m. Emma Rockwood Ward, July 27, 1846, and re sides at Rockingham, Vt. They had, 1 Frederic, b. Sept. 20, 1847. SUPPLEMENT NO. 4. VI. WALTER MERRITT, of Chariton, m. Sarah Ward, [1218.4] March 26, 1800. They had, 1 Lory, b. March 28, 1801, m. Harriet Davis. 2 Lucina, April 23, 1803, d. July 28, 1842. 3 Persis, Dec. 20, 1804, d. Feb. 10, 1812. 4 Simon, March 19, 1811, m. Maria Pendleton. 6 Augustus, April 7, 1823, resides in HawklnsviUe, Ga. VII. LORY MERRITT m. Harriet Davis, of Brookfield, in 1824, and resides at Brookfield. They had, 1 Adolphus, b. Nov. 16, 1826, m. Sarah Davids, of Brook field, in Oct., 1850. 2 Harriet, June 18, 1827, m. John N. Mclntire, of Charl ton, in 1848. 3 Sarah A., June 22, 1829, ra. Seth AUen, of Brookfield, in Oct., 1849. 4 George W., Dec— 18.30. 6 Zella F., July — 1832. 6 Joanna E., June — 1835. 7 Thaddeus, Nov. — 1837. 8 Edwin R., March — 1840. 9 Andrew T., Aug. — 1844. 10 Oliver, 1846. 11 Herbert U., Oct., 1848. VII. SIMON MERRITT ra. Maria Pendleton, of Stonington, Ct., in Oct., 1841, and resides at HawklnsviUe, Georgia. They had, 1 Agnes, b. March, 1825. WARD FAMILY, 247 SUPPLEMENT NO, 5. VII. ELIJAH WARD [1596,10] m, Hannah Morse, at KingsviUe, Ashtabula Co., 0., Jan. 8, 1826, and removed to Ashtabula, in that Co., In 1841, where he now resides. They had, 1 Lester, b, Nov, 12, 1825, m. Zilpha FuUer, Nov,, 1848, and had, Harriet, b, Aug, 8, 1849, 2 Calvin, Aug, 22, 1830. 8 Erastus, Aug. 18, 1834. 4 Emily, Dec 3, 1839. 6 Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1846. SUPPLEMENT NO. 6. VII. ELIHU WARD m., at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., 0., Rachel Ingersoll, Sept. 13, 1834, and removed to Maiden, Upper Canada, thence, in Aug., 1838, to Farmington, Oakland Co., Michigan. They had, 1 Cordeha, b. Jan. 9, 1838. 2 Mary, Feb. 13, 1843. 3 Healy, Nov. 4, 1849. 248 INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NAMES. INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NAMES. BY THE REV. WILLIAM COGSWELL, D.D. " WHAT 'S IN A NAME ? " Imago animi, vultus ; vitae, Nomen. est. — Puteanus. Individual Names, or Names of Individuals, were given for the distinction of persons, one from another, as Adam, Eve,^Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Paul and John. Such naraes have always been In use, and, at the |)resent day, are generally termed christian or baptismal names. They were adopted originally, to a great extent, from the consideration of their signification. As an illustration of this reraark, we present the following names : — First, of men ; namely, Adam — earthy, taken out of the earth ; Abel — just ; Alexander — helper of raen ; Andrew — manful ; Benjamin — son of the right hand ; Caleb — hearty ; Chrysostom — golden mouth ; Constantine — firm; Daniel — judgment of God; David — be loved ; Edmund — happy ; Edwin — happy victor ; Edward — happy keeper ; EUis, (corruptly for Ehas) — Lord God ; Erasmus — amiable ; Francis — free ; Frederic — rich peace ; Gabriel — man of God ; George — husbandman; Godfrey — God's peace ; Goodrich — rich in God ; Hector — defender ; Humphrey — house peace ; Hierome — holy name ; Isaac — laughter ; Israel — pre vaUing in the Lord ; John — gracious ; Joseph — Increase of the Lord ; Leonard — lion-hearted ; Luke — luminous ; Matthew — reward; Moses — drawn forth; Nathaniel — the gift of God; Neale — blackish; Nicholas — conqueror; Oswald — Steward; Paul — wonderful; PhUlippe — lover of horses ; Robert — famous In counsel; Roger — quiet; Reuben — vision of the sun ; Seaborn — born upon the sea ; Sebastian — majestic ; Sylvanus — wood man ; Stephen — a crown; Theophilus — lover of God; Thomas — a twin ; Vincent — victorious; Williara — a defence of many ; Wilfred — much peace ; Zachariah — the memory of the Lord : — Secondly, of women : namely, AbigaU — the father's joy ; Ahce — noble ; Adeline — descending from nobles ; Barbara — strange ; Catharine— chaste; Clara — bright ; Dorcas — a roebuck ; Elea nor—pitiful; Eve — giving hfe ; Florence — flourishing ; Joanna — grace of the Lord; Judith — praising ; Lucia — lightsome ; Mary — exalted ; Margaret — precious ; PriscUla — ancient ; Rosamund — rose ofthe worid; Susanna — lily; Sophia — wis dom ; Theodosia — God's gift ; Ursula — little bear. Thus, chris- INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NAMES. 249 tian names were originally given as expressive of sorae circurastance of birth, personal quality possessed, good desired by parents, or sorae other reason. Much Importance was attached to the name as Indi cating the fortune ofthe chUd. Hence the proverb, "Bonum no men, honum omen." Family names were given for the purpose of particularizing fam ilies. They are a sort of hereditary distinction, and are called by the French and English, surnaraes, because added to christian or baptismal naraes. In the eariy state of society araong the Jews, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Gerraans, Gauls, Britons, indeed among every nation, no individual had more than one name ; but in a more advanced or refined period, an additional name was given. In order to mark the difierent famUies to which individuals belonged, as well as to distinguish merabers of the same family from each other. Among the Greeks a few families at Athens and Sparta had family names. When the league was established be tween the Romans and the Sablnes, to confirm which it was cove nanted that the Romans should add Sabine names to theirs, and that the Sablnes should add Roman names to theirs. These were terraed nomina G-entilitia, et cognomina, as their previous names were termed prcenomina. Comraonly among the Romans, each person had three names ; namely, a proper name (proenomen, which dis tinguished the individual,) the name of the clan, (nomen,) and the family name, cognomen.) Sometimes also a surname was added, which was given on account of some distinguished exploit or re markable event. The proenomen was placed first, and usually writ ten with one or two letters ; as M. for Marcus, Q. for Quintus, Gn. for Cneius. Then followed the nomen ; as Fahius, Julius, (from the clan (gens,) Fabian, Julian.) Lastly came the cognomen; as Cicero, Scipio. In the name M. Tullius Cicero, M. is the prceno- men, which distinguishes him from his brother Quintus ; Tullius, the nomen, which distinguishes the clan, (gens ;) and Cicero, the cognomen, which shows his family. An Instance of a surname, (agnomen^ is Africanus, added to Scipio ; as Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. The Hebrews in their genealogies, instead of surnames, used the name of the father with Ben, which signifies son, as Melchl, Ben Addi ; Addi, Ben Cosam ; Cosara, Ben Elraadam ; — that is, Mel chl, son of Addi ; Addi, son of Cosam ; Cosam, son of Elmadam, A similar practice prevailed among our English ancestors, as Ceon red Ceolwalding, Ceolwald Cuthing, Cuth, Cuthwinning ; — that is, Ceonred, son of Ceolwald, Ceolwald, son of Cuth, Cuth, son of Cuthwin, the termination or suffix, ing, meaning son or offspring. In the same sense, the Welsh Britons used Ap, (son,) as Ap Owen ; 32 250 INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NAMES. Owen, Ap Harry ; Harry, Ap Rhese ; — that is, son of Owen; Owen, son of Harry ; Harry, son of Rhese. The same may be said with regard to the Scotch in the use of Mac, (son,) as Donald, Mac Wharter ; Wharter, Mac DoweU ; DoweU, Mac CleUand ; — that is, Donald, son of Wharter ; Wharter, son of DoweU ; DoweU, son of Clelland. With the Irish, the expression for son is Oy or 0' ; as O'Neal ; Neal, O'RUey ; RUey, O'Brien ; Brien, O'Con- nel ; Connell, O'Harra ; — that is, son of Neal ; Neal, son of Riley ; RUey, son of Brien ; Brien, son of Connel ; ConneU, son of Hara. In like manner, the old Normans in their surnames used Fitz, a corruption for Fitz, (son,) as John, Fitz Robert ; Robert, Fitz Williara ; Williara, Fitz Hugh ; Hugh, Fitz Gerald ; Gerald, Fitz Herbert ; Herbert, Fitz Roy. Surnames began to be used by the French nation about the com mencement of the eleventh century,* and by the English nation about the time of WilUam, the Conqueror, in 1066, when the Con quest was achieved, or, as some suppose, as early as Edward, the Confessor, who began his reign in 1041, It is certain that the occasional use of surnames In England dates beyond the ingress of the Normans. But before the Conquest it was usual for persons to subscribe to deeds and all legal instruments, with a cross and a sin gle name, without a surname, in the following manner : -j- Ego Eadredus confirmani ; -f- Ego Edmundus corroboranl ; -j- Ego SI- garlus conclusi. In the authentic record of the Exchequer in England, called the Doomsday Book, surnaraes are first found in public records in established order. The Scotch date the use of surnames about the time the English do ; but it is not certain that they are correct in doing it. In England these naraes were intro duced gradually. They were first assuraed by the people ofthe " better sort," generally, who took the naraes of their estates, and It was not untu the reign of Edward II., (1307,) that they were " settled among the common people fully." In Germany and some kindred nations, family names were little used by the commoners before the fourteenth century. The most current opinion is, that surnames can scarcely be said to have been permanently settled be fore the era of the Reformation, in the sixteenth century. f The origin of surnames is various. The greatest number, proba bly, are derived from towns, vUlages, seats or patrimonial posses sions. The most ancient, says the learned Camden, are from places in Normandy, and countries adjoining It. All names having the French De, Du, Des, De la prefixed, or beginning or ending * Ducange says the use of surnames in France began about the year 987, when the barons adopted the practice of designating themselves by their estates. t Archmlogia, Vol. XVlll., p. 108. INDIVIDUAL AND FAMTLY NAMES. 251 with Font, Fant, Beau, Saint, Mont, Bois, Aux, are of this descrip tion. The names of Warren, Mortimer, Percy, Devereaux, Har court, Tracy, Montfort, and Cayly are derived from places In Nor mandy. Indeed, there Is scarcely a vUlage In that country which has not given a name to some family In England. From places in France are derived the names of Courtney, Bollein, Paris, Corby, Bohun, Saint George, Saint Andrew, Cressy, Lyons, Loring,* and Beaumont. Nearly aU the towns, vUlages and hamlets, also, In England and Scotland, have given names to famUies, as Murray, Clifford, Stafford, Gordon, Douglass, Heydon, Barkeley, Leigh, Hastings, Haraleton, Booths, Clinton, Cotton, Hume, Stanhope, Sydenham, Arlington, Whitney, Wentworth, Fanshaw, Carie, Hartshorne, Gifford,,Bassett, Howard, Talbot, LoveU, TireU, Blunt, and Bissett. Most of the famUies in Cornwall have names, a con stituent part of which is contained in the foUowing distich : " By Tre, Ros, Pol, Lan, Caer and Pen,f You may know the most Cornish men." AU names, which in England had Of set before them, which in Cheshire and the North was contracted into A, as Thomas, a Dut ton, John a Standish, Adara a Kirby, or which in Latin had De prefixed, were derived frora places. The same may be said, to a considerable extent, of those names which had Le before them. Under the head of local names may be placed also such as HUl, Wood, Field, Pool, Pond, Next to local names or those derived from places, the most nume rous are those derived frora trades or professions, as Archer, Brew er, Brazier, Baker, Carpenter, Goldsmith, Cutter, Fisher, Taylor, Potter, Smith, Saddler, Painter, Webster, Wheeler, Wright, Wheelwright, Mason, Gardner, Turner, Some names have been assumed from office, as Chamberlain, Cooko, MarshaU, Sergeant, Foster, Fowler, Page, Butler, Clarke, Proctor, Abbot, Bishop, Priest, Dean, Names have been taken frora titles of honor, dignity, or estate, as King, Prince, Lord, Baron, Knight, Squire, Names also have been derived from bodily or mental qualities, as Goodman, Wise, Proud, Strong, Arrastrong, Long, Low, Short, Little. Periods of life have given rise to names, as Old, Young, ChUd, Baby. * The name of Loring, though not found in the Roll of Battel Abbey, by Fox, is found in Leland's copy of the Roll, to which Lower, in his Essays on English Surnames, says " The preference ought unquestionably to be con ceded." The name Loring is derived from Lorraine, a province in France. t These words signify in order a town, a heath, a pool, a church, a castle, a promontory. 252 INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NAMES. Some names have been derived frora parts of the body, as Head, Whitehead, Legge, Foot, Arm, Heart ; and others from the color of complexion or dress, as White, Black, Brown, Green ; and others again from fruits and flowers, as Pear, Peach, LUly, Rose. Many names are derived from beasts, as Lamb, Lyon, Bear, Buck, Fox, Wolf, Hog, Roe, Badger, Hind, Hare ; others from birds, as Dove, Lark, Nightingale, Swallow, Peacock, Sparrow, Swan, Woodcock, Crow, Wren, Parrott ; and others from fishes, as Pike, Crab, Bass, Salmon, Haddock. A considerable nuinber of surnames have originated from chris tian names, as Francis, Leonard, Herbert, GUes, Lewis, Humph rey, James, Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, Anthony, Alexander. The names of Corbet, Goodwin, Goodrich, Fabyan, Hervey, Howard, Osburn, Payne, Searle, Star, Swain, Wade, Warner, Hamlin, Talbot, Wade, and Maynard were formerly christian names, and in use about the time of Williara the Conqueror. Many surnames are formed by the addition of son to a christian name, as WiUiamson, Robertson, Richardson, Johnson. Nicknames or nursenames have, in process of time, become fam Uy names : as BiU, or BUly, for WUhara ; Dick, or Dickey, for Richard. We might proceed to give other specimens of the origin of names ; but our limits will not permit us to enlarge. A sufficient number has been presented to show that it is almost indefinitely various. It is computed that there are between twenty and thirty thousand surnames in England alone. Their origin, too, is often curious. Persons fond of the study of Individual or family nomenclature, will be entertained and Instructed with the perusal of Camden's British Remains, Lower on English Surnames, Charabers' and Brando's Dictionaries, and the different Encyclopasdias on this subject, to which we have been greatly Indebted In preparing this piece, [ The forgoing article is from the second number of the New England His torical and Genealogical Register, for 1848 ; a quarterly publication, com menced in 1847, and continued to be pubUshed, at Boston, in quarterly numbers, exceeding 200 pages each, by Samuel G. Drake, at $2 per annum, or $2.37 per vol., the four numbers, handsomely bound, — a work highly in teresting, and abounding in matter " curious, useful and entertaining," and worthy the patronage of every one who lias the least mental rehsh for genea logical and antiquarian lore. ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF THE DATS OF THE WEEK, AND OF THE NAMES OF THE MONTHS. Sunday, the first day of the week, now generaUy termed Sab bath day, was caUed Sun's day, being a day anciently dedicated to the Sun. Monday, a compound word of Moon and day ; a day formerly sacred to that planet. Tuesday, Is from Tnesdaeg, the name of a deity, that presided over combats and litigation ; hence Tuesday Is Court day, assize day, the day for combat or commencing litigation. Wednesday, anciently Wodin's day, from Wodin, a deity among the northern nations of Europe, Thursday, frora Thor's day ; the day consecrated to Thor, the god of thunder, Friday, from Friga' s day ; a day consecrated to Friga, the venus of the north, Saturday, from Saturn's day ; a day devoted to Saturn, one of the most ancient of the heathen gods ; the reputed son of Coelus and Terra, (Heaven and Earth,) and father of Jupiter. Instead of these names, the eariy settlers of New England used the words, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh, to de note the several successive days of the week, and the like words, up to the twelfth, to designate the several months in the year ; but, when writing, they more frequently made use of Arabic numerals, from 1 to 12, to designate the months; " because they would avoid all memory of heathenish and Idol's names." At the foundation of Rome, about 750 years before the Christian era, the year consisted of ten months, and of them March was ac counted the first month in the year. Two others, January and February, were subsequently added by Numa Pompilius ; whereby the year consisted of twelve months, January being the eleventh and February the twelfth and last month in the year ; the length of which was established by Julius Caesar, who appointed it to consist of 365 days and 6 hours ; which 6 hours made one day in four years ; and that day every fourth year, added to the number of days In February, raakes that year to consist of 366 days, and Is caUed leap year, on account of Its leaping forward one day. He also placed January at the Winter solstice, foUowed by Feb ruary ; whereby January became the first month, March, the 254 DAYS OF THE WEEK AND MONTHS, third, and December the twelfth and last month in the year. This is caUed the Julian Calender. January is from the Latin, Januarius, so called frora Janus, an ancient Italian King, who was deified after his death, A Temple, and in it a Statue, was erected in honor of him ; the latter repre sented him with two faces, looking in opposite directions ; upon the past and upon the future, January being the boundary month be tween successive years, the one face was towards the retiring, the other towards the coming year. Hence the expression " Janus- faced," now used as a term of reproach. February Is from the Latin, Fehruo, to purify by sacrifice, and thus signified the month of purification. March, from the Latin, Martius, Mars, the god of war. April, frora the Latin, Aprilis, opening, open ; because in this month aU things are, as it were, opened and budded. May, from the goddess Maia, wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mercury ; to her sacrifices were offered on the first day of the month. At this late period flowers are sacrificed on that day, if not to her. June, from Juno, the queen of the goddesses, and patroness of marriage and wedded life. July, from Julius, the surname of Caius Caesar, the Dictator, who was born in this month. Mark Antony first gave this month the name of July ; previously it was called QuintUis, signifying the fifth month in the year according to the old Roman calender. August was so called in honor of the Eraperor, Octavius Augustus, who entered upon his first consulate in this month ; previous to which it was called Sextilis, six, the sixth month from March. September, from the Latin, septem, seven, the seventh month, October, from the Latin, oclo, eight, the eighth month of the primitive Roman year, November, from the Latin, novem, nine, the ninth month, and December also from the Latin, decem, ten, the tenth and last month in the year of the early Romans,] OLD AND NEW STYLE, Style, in Chronology, is the method of computing time accord ing to the Julian and Gregorian calender. The former is caUed old, and the latter, new style. The Julian calender, of which we have already spoken, was found to be erroneous, as it contained raore than eleven minutes In a year too much. This excess araounted to ten days In 1582 ; In which year Pope Gregory XIII,, corrected that calender, and, to bring the vernal equinox, which happened on the ninth of March In that year, to the twenty-first of that raonth in future years, and as it occurred in 825, directed that the year 1582 should consist of 365 days only, and that ten days be abated between i^e fourth and fifteenth of October in that year ; and furthermore, to preserve fu ture regularity in the seasons, he ordered that no year ending a century should be leap year, excepting each four hundredth year ; whereby three days are abated in every four hundred years, three days being nearly equal to eleven minutes for every year in that period. By each four hundredth year Is meant the closing year of that number of centuries, that can be divided by 400 without a remain der. Such are leap years of 366 days ; when there is a remain der, they are common years, or years of 365 days. Thus 1600, 2000, and 2400 are leap years while 1700, 1800, and 1900, are common years ; and all other years in a century, which can be di vided by 4 without a remainder, are also leap years, as 1804, 1808, 1812, &c. This calender was soon adopted in most countries, but for a time rejected by our Protestant ancestors, on account of its pagan and popish origin. At length, by an act of Parhament, in 1751, it was adopted in England, and thereby extended to her colonies. That Act provided for regulating the commencement of the year, abated eleven days of September, 1761, the third to be accounted the fourteenth, and the year to commence on the first day of Janu ary, 1762. The difference between old and new style, was, previous to 1700, ten days only : but as that year contained only 366 days, by the Gregorian calender, instead of 366, as by the Julian, it became, after 1700, eleven days, and another being lost by the omission of 1 ap year in 1800, the difference now is twelve days. 256 OLD AND NBW STYLE, Previous to 1762, two methods of commencing the year pre vailed in England ; the Ecclesiastical, as also the Legal year com menced on the twentyfifth of March, and the Historical year on the first of January. This two-fold practice of beginning the year, led to double dating the year, between the first of January and the twenty-fifth of March ; as, for instance, 10th of Feb,, 1725-6, These figures denote, the 4 first the Ecclesiastical and Legal year, beginning in March, while the fifth, or suffix 6, denotes the Historical year. These months were frequently written in Arabic numbers, in stead of being expressed by their names, and preceded by the num ber of the days in the month. This practice ceased In 1752, when the year for all purposes was made to begin on the first day of January, INDEX Op names of famUies that bave intermarried with the Ward famUy and its descendants of various names, A name may occur several times in the same page ; to such pages there is but. one reference. Baldwin 50, 134, 148, 157, 162, 188 Ball 42, 80, 124, 130, 195, 230, 236 BaUard 232, 234 Bancroft 80 Bannister 162 Barber 137 Bamard 135 Barnes 16, 50, 91, 92, 150, 181, 232, 241 Barnum 211 BarreU 89 Baxrett 1 4 Bartlett 23, 54, 64, 65, 81, 111, 137 Barton 101, 132 Bascom 66 Basset 226, 231 Bates 109 Bathrick 187 Battle • 170 Bayley 13, 199, 200 Beade 203 Beaman 10, 27, 154 Bean 105 Bedford 226 BeUows 44, 81 Bemis 134 Bennet 101, 242 Bently 198 Bickford 137 BidweU 189 Bigelow 50, 134, 144, 193, 200 Bird 61, 108, 144 Bisbee 131 Bishop 124,215,229 Bixby 130 Black 240 Blackman 210 Abbe 67 Abbey 141 Abbott 94 Ackley 243 Adams 30, 79, 81, 109, 136, 137, 204 ^ Ainsworth 137 Albee 105, 106, 123 Alden 98, 100 Aldrich 234 Alexander 152 Alfrey 237 Allen 63, 70, 107, 135, 240, 246 Ames 95, 237 Amsden 24, 194, 233 Andrews 210 Angier 18, 52, 94 Appleton 213 AraveUo 151 Arnold 190 Ashley 70 Atherton 19, 149 Atwater 86 Atwood 123 Austin '199 Avery 77, 197 Ayling 87 Ayres B 68 Babcock 182 BacheUer 60, 124, 228 Bacon 32 Bagley 159 Bailey 145, 212 Bakd 241 Baker 38 , 64, 78 33 123, 143, 207 oooo W w td M bd te l-g.l.g. S C pi c g w I-i i-S H f^ f^ ^ B g-^s s (Tl CD ^ (3> s aq e e g; Cg^o °- § • n> CO WWW H I-i t-i ¦ . ¦ . IsD M O o O 05 Hi- J. Sl d OO o> 5 B o «o'lS,25 £-¦ d sl WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !3Sooooo S' ^ B B ty, CD r+ — B . 1^ CD SO ft" a. o o O (i, &jCrq B Pi Ol00 oo 00 o to ^s to to l_i K) o OS CO00 cs to to I-l CO O 05 C» h-- oo to on CO,!-' o02 too 00 h-l hf.- to to"o irt CO Lis. " to !r' OS 00 to .?'' to CO CO to Ox to i_iv_i|-ii_i toto r-r-1— I— toi-'oso^^oih-'oootoooooco o^cOhf^Cjxi^C'ico<]>^Oh-'Oicoi— 1 to H-- ,_, ,_, toCDJ, h-l M hJ to to to ^COOtOOCnt— »OOOI— ' O to J^OJtOh-'OOOhl^H^rfa.hlxi-i CO I 03 ¦ CO Ol I— ' C^ I— ' to •*^rT— — "pr-w^-'^.n— >— '' s... ..*^ I ..V. VJJ ¦ — ' .i' (J.) l>i^ r— *.W I — > H^ 4^ 4^ 4:,. f— . ^— Dwl -M H— pppooo 0000000000000000000000000000 I-! sremcDE'P- p fg to to to 00 OD 00 00 ~a 05 !2| oooooooo o o o B Or OS to I-l OS to h-l ^ O 00 Ol *^ IB tr' CD -^ 05 l>0 I-. 1^ Ol to M I—* I-. 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CO to M l-J to OS Tj trj >T] >Tj p so so CO I-j 1 I-i a ¦ ^ g o 3- C3 g B W H W H W.t?d W B^ E £^ B B - g M B ® ° s s W-t?d W t?d H fe] tri= tn e !:- & OS OS 05 GO" " 1— » *- OO OS Ol to t-J I-- to I— ' CJS OS 1— ' 05 to CO OS Oto •Ot-' h-l- h-l .J -4CDOOOSbO>f^CDCJ3tOOSC005l-iCT305c:2COC0050.- OS 00 CO 03 Ol hF^ too H J-" h~^ H-* o a> Ol "J Ol t—i t— » to Jn3 Jf-J^ h-' to t— » (— » •-- to OS N. 00 C3 CO 1-. P to t-" vP OS 00 J^ S^ OS00 J- *¦ OS 00 ^ COC0Ot-'C0OCDI-'M^Ol Ol Ol ^ oa Ml—tOtO to "tOtOtOtOH' tOtOH-i to to" t-'COtOi^COOtOOStOOOitOOo>t^coosc»o5 co 260 INDEX. Fay 27, 28, 52, 58, 94, 97, 126, Gove 133 169 Graham 138 FenneU 207 Granger 122 Ferrin 106 Grant 238 Ferry 151 Green 43, 66, 76, 85, 137 Fessenden 52 Greenwood 18,29 Field 79. 80. 81. 107, 201, 242 | Grosvenor 148 Fife 156 Grover 66, 182, 232 Finney 75 GuUker 219 Fitch 121, 175 Gunn 80 Fisher 34, 71, 100, 160 Gurney 127, 131 Fisk 140 Fiske 59, 105, 175 H Fitts 96, 218, 222 HaU 21, 59 103, 128, 129, 189 Flagg 55, 138, 193, 230 Hamilton 96 FUnt 245 Hammond 161, 167 Fload 22 Hanks 116, 176, 179, 181 Flowers 54,97 Hannum 175 Fosket 189 Hapgood 15, 194 Fowler 246 Harback 129 Freeman 234 Hardy 40, 214 French 36, 196 Harman 69 FuUer 19, 114, 174, 205, 247 Harris 64, 107, 112 Harrington 23, 78, 128, 235 G Harroon 54 Galbraith 148 Harper 120, 234 Gale 83, 100 Hart 188 Gardner 65 HartweU 206 Garfield 118 Harvey 99 Gates 23, 135, 136 Harwood 52 Gay 20 HaskeU 51, 129, 175 Gaylord 102, 119, 121, 131, 203 Hastings 33, 133, 197 Gerald 56 Hawes 178 Gilbert 134 Hayden 76 GiU 64 Haynes 16 Gilmore 159 Hays 113 GiUet 120 Hayward 140 GiUis 54 Hazeltine 111 Glazier 127 Head 85 Gleason 62, 79, 90, 102 Heald 96 Goddard 41, 72, 105, 106, 123, Heath 66, 183, 184, 227 126, 136 ), 171 Hedge 24 Godfrey 191 HemphUl 220 Goodale 92, 227 Henry 135, 136, 180 Gorham 210 Henshaw 146, 213 Goss 193 Herbert 134 Gould 153, 172, 214, 217, 222 Herrick 205 Goulding 41 Heywood 40, 45, 78 INDEX. 261 Higbee 218 Jennison 40 Higgins 217 Jewett 95, 201, 214 HiU 141 Johnson'13, 24, 105, 106, 117,124, Hilton 192 136, 138, 139, 159 ,16C ,209 Hinman 198 Jones 41, 68, 69, 71 95, 105, 106, Hitchcock 122, 142, 163 148, 191 Hobbs 53 Jordan 71 Hobart 80,81 Joy 93, 239 Hodge 54 K Hoit 159, 211 Kassan 71 Holbrook 83,84 Kasson 129 Holcomb 201 Keet 80 Holden 173 Keith 79, 175 HoUand 24,74 Kelton 74,98 HoUis 173 KendaU 93, 229 Hohnes 136 Kendrick 79 Holt 143 Kennedy 231 Hook 54 Kenney 105 Houghton 59 103, 196, 246 Kenrick 21 Hovey 165 Keriey 13 Howe 10, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 65 Ketchum 135 104, 221 Keyes 14, 4S , 71, 128 Howard 106, 177, 178, 187, 192, Kibbe 69, 118 201, 235 Kidder 218 Howell 77 Kimberly 224 Hoyt 153 King 110, 137, 144, 183, 202 Hubbard 42 103, 131, 154 Kingman 231 Hudson 162 Kingsbury 21 63, 100, 164 HuU 166 Kinne 190 Humphrey 73 Knapp 26 Hunt 216, 219 Knight 228 Hunter 234 Knowlton 86, 241 Hunting 170 L Huntington 131 Ladd 199 Hyde I 99, 119 LafflinLake 67 220 IngaUs 211 Lamb 24, 111 IngersoU 247 Lamson 149 Ingraham 65, 228 Langdon 121 Ingram 200 Lathe 222 Ireland J 35 LawrenceLazeULeach 59 132 218 Jackson 20,30 101, 114 Lee 80 James 100 Leet 189 Jameson 220 LefiingweU 169 Janes 181 Leonard 219 Jenkins 103 Lewis 214 262 INDEX. Libbey 236 Mixter 245 Livermore 17,83 Monefeldt 104 Livingston 241 Montague 80, 151, 203 Locke 91 Montandon 101 Loomis 162 Montgomery 65 Lord 102, 106 107 125 , 219, 236 Moore 13, 41, 42, 156, 220 Lothrop 163 Moores 59, 175 Loursbury 203 Morey 169 Love 133 Morgan 117, 156 Lovering 20, 126 MorriU 112 Lowe 87, 154 Morris 108, 240 Lowell 229 Morse 23, 34, 62, 91, 96, 135. 158. Lyon 54, 148 170, 184, 247 Lyscom 97 Morton 124 LuU 115 Mossman 194 M Mower 45, 75, 76 Mace 124 MunseU 183, 234 Mack 198 Munson 201 McClennan 125, 126 Murdock 55, 100, 125, 240 McEboy 241 Muzzy 159 McFaU 182 Myers 169 McFarland . 84 N Mclntire 52, 246 Nelson 129 Macumber 82 NeweU 117 Mallory 97, 196 Newhall 107 ManningMarble 137 128 Newton 17, 28, 52, 81, 94, 127, 138, 159, 216 Marsh 42 Nichols 95 ,162,174,180,215 Martin 186 Nicholson 235 Martyn, 45 Norcross 93, 99 Mason 77, 133, 206, 229 Northup 136 Mather 45 Norton 70, 71, 120, 168. 188 Mattocks 31 Notewaire 187 Maynard 23, 129, 145, 161 Nourse 148 Mayo 57, 171, 191 Noyes 165 MeUen 238 Nurse 57,82 Melvin 64 Nutting 117, 145 Merrick 174 Nye 193 Merritt 95 , 96, 246 0 Messer 158 Oaks 52,53 Millard 99 OUver 18, 72, 74 Miller 33, 112, 119, 162, 190, 244 1 Orcutt 131 MUls 183, 216 Osborne 100 Minchent 234 Osgood 73,81, 92, 110 Mirick 32, 55 Overbaugh 118 Mitchell 131, 200 Oviatt 169 Mix 184 Owen 174 Mixer 12 INDEX. 263 Packard 144, 158, 231 Page 83, 200 Paine 136 Palmer 61, 97, 221 Park 28, 30, 129 Parker 35, 76, 82, 83, 86, 99, 129, 132, 172, 241 Parks 189 Parmenter 80 Parsons 37 Patten 199 Peabody • 153, 224 Peache 67 Peake 186 Pease 69, 115, 178, 179, 195, 207 Peckham 185 Peuce 158, 184 Pelton 99 Pendleton 246 Pepper 223 Perkins 64, 151, 163 Perry 43, 53, 96, 135 Phelps 26, 77, 91, 171, 217 PhUhps 87, 99, 109, 137, 158, 168, 196 Pigeon 164 Pike 44, 200 Pinney 77 Piper 154 Pitkm 69 Pond 58, 141, 206 Pool 58 Porter 131, 143, 209 Post 71 Potter 168 PoweU 189 Powers 53, 83, 86 Pratt 67, 99, 243 Presby 93 Prescott 27 Priest 93 Proctor 203 Prouty 244 Purdy 114 Putnam 72, 129, 132, 149, 166, 223 R Ralston 213 RamsdeU 178 RandaU 116, 179, 185, 192,225 226, 227, 231, 235, 238 Ransom 205 Rawson 75, 129, 240 Raymond 72, 73, 74, 146 Raynsford 121 Read 110, 241 Reed 77, 103, 167, 168, 242 Reese 190 Remick 174 Retts 224 Rhodes 214 Rice 14, 16, 17, 24, 26, 4'2, 44, 50, 79, 92, 118, 128, 162, 208, 235 Rich 73, 96, 145 Richards 131 Richardson 24, 33, 34, 73, 127,236 Richmond 233 Rider 162 Risiog 133 Eooinson 113, 155, 228 Rockwood 69, 140 Eogers 133,212 Rood 67 Root 160, 209, 237 Ross 59, 133, 172 Rowley 210 Roy 211 Ruggles 58, 67, 186 RusseU 77, 120, 183 Rust 230 Rutt 101 Ryan 35 S Sacket 208, 210 Saddler 43 Saiford 226 Salisbury 79, 240 Samuels 245 Sanders 200 Sanderson 86, 90 Sandui 191 Sargeant 111, 168, 193, 219, 220 Sarvey 128, 221 Sawtell 59 Sawyer 170 Scott 64, 202, 203 Scribner 113 264 INDEX. Seagraves Seely SelfridgeSewallSextonSeymour Shattuck 228 64 2 09 109 195 132167 Shaw 131, 176, 177, 179, 180 Shed 58, 165 ShetReld 239 Sheldon 71, 86, 121, 188, 235 Shepard 19, 138, 202 Sherman 17, 66 Sherwin" 99 Sherwood 107 Shumway 180, 217 ShurtUff 64 Shute' 111 Sibley 170, 222 Simonds 93, 232 Sinclair 208 Skinner 147, 206, 241 Slater 188 Smith 18, 25, 29, 63, 76, 79, 80, 90, 101, 102, 106, 114, 122, 125, . 127, 145, 157, 162, 168, 169, 184, 186, 197, 198, 209, 211, 226, 226, 238 SneUing 104 Snow 101, 195 Soule 69 Southworth 185 Spauldmg 96, 121 Spencer 141 Spinney 99 Spokesfield 112 Sprmg 18 ,Spurr 237 Squiers 158, 188, 194, 224, 230 Stacy 223 ¦StaflFord 65 Staples 184 Stearns 30, 44, 106, 186 Stebbins 243 Stedman 30 Steele 97 Stevens 77, 135, 140 Stickney IO3 Stinipson 12 Stocking 9 StockweU 128, 129, 139, 24 Stoddard 196 Stone 16, 32, 35, 41, 59, 82, 100, 101, 108, 133, 155, 161, 216, 244 Storrs 108 Storer 110 Stow 18, 39, 95, 120 Stratton 14, 74, 91, 106, 107, 124, 145 Streeter 131, 145 Strong IW, 140, 237 Symonds ll3 T Taft 129, 239 Taintor 13, 39 Talbot 153, 217 Tappan 210 Tatman 138 Taylor 17, 18, 54, 163, 200 Temple 106, 106 Tenant ' 217 Tenny 138 Thayer 180 Thomas 108, 123, 245 Thompson 97, 135, 137, 156, 209, 212, 217 Thornton 206 Thurlo 64 Thurston 84 Tileston 17, 131 Tinkham 180 Tobey 190 Tomlin 28 Toombs 164 Torrey 53 Town 166, 224 Townsend 194, 209 Tracy 89, 215 Trask 230 Trowbridge 18, 19, 20, 30, 45, 75, 76, 164 Trusdale 32 Tucker 129, 152, 162 Tufts 186 Turner 83, 146 Tuttle 160, 181, 193 INDEX. 265 TwitcheUTyler UnderwoodUpham Van Horn Vickery Viles U V "VV 67, 58 133 125,126 56, 83, 104 65 210 152 Wadleigh 159 Wadsworth 214 Wait 41, 129 Walbridge 201 Wales 172 WaDcer 64, 66, 83, 124, 181 Walter 45 Warden 245 Warner 104, 119, 131, 171, 190, 243 Warren 131,140,160,187 Warrick 192 Washburn 114, 125 Watei-s 131 Watkins 185 Watson 110, 161, 156 Webb 216, 242 Webster 81, 112 Weeks 51 WeUington 244 WeUs 150 "Whalan 162 "Wheeler 17, 22, 24, 35, 73, 81 Wheelock 18, 26, 40 AVhipple 38, 182, 198, 202, 232 Whitaker 65 White 62, 66, 136, 144, 188 Whittelsey -150 Whittemore 100, 192 Whiton 182 Whitney 57, 58, 154, 155, 167, 193, 215, 221 Wiggins 214 Wilder 81, 154 WUey 224, 225 Wilkinson 52, 240 Willard 85, 101, 166, 222 WiUiams 10, 80, 91, 94, 119, 147, 198 WiUiamson 80 Wilmot 208 Wilson 18, 28, 31, 32, 66, 179, 241 Winchester 20, 143, 245 Winslow 104 Wiswall 29, 98 Witherby 24, 27 Witherell 103 Witt 145 Wood 16, 25, 52, 59, 68, 83, 14S, 184, 205, 231 Woodbury 80 Woodcock 20 Woodward 21, 33, 35,60,193, 194 Wyman 96 Wythe 19 Yearo 226 YA LE ""^- 3 9002 08867 0501 YALE