ti »'^ '-4^0. HI »,-aMm_jii«jjii»ji ,j MHLVERri PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. This book was presented by Date lCj%% MALVERN PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. BOOKS in the Reference Department are only issued for^ reading through a member of the Library Staff. No book, manuscript or map may, under any pretext,, fie ' removed from the Reference Library without permission,,, i blit must be handed back to a member of the Staff before ' the reader leaves the building. ; ' -.-; Under certain circumstances students are allowed to borrow reference books for home reading. Applica-lion '¦ should be made to the Librarian. ._ Any person writing upon, marking, creasing or other wise injuring- any work, will be required to make good the same. : Permission must be obtained for copying and tracing. CATALOGUE ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS CATALOGUE ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS I'RESERVED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS BRITISH MUSEUM, Pe^t .^ ?^/.,-t. FREEMAN O'DONOGHUE, F.S.A. FORMERLY ASSISTANT-KEEPER IN THE DEPARTMENT OP PRINTS AND DBAWINC.S VOL. Ill (L-R) PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND BY Longmans and Co., 39 Paternoster Row; Bernard Quaritch, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. ; AsHEB and Co., 14 Bedford Street, Covent Garden ; AND Henry Pbowdk, Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, London. 1912 [All rights reserved] LONDON : FEINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STEEET, STAMFOED STEEET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STEEET, W. PREFACE The following is the third volume of the Catalogue of ' Engraved British Portraits,' the work of Mr. Freeman O'Donoghue, the first volume of which was published by the Trustees in 1908, and the second in 1910. It includes the letters L — R. The same general principles of order and arrangement have been followed in this as in the former volumes. They are fully stated in the Preface to Yol. I., and are here recapitulated in order to save uncertainty and trouble to those using the present volume separately. Eoyal personages are in all cases entered under their Christian names. When two or more persons, not being peers or peeresses, bear the same surname, they are catalogued in the alphabetical order of their Christian names. Peers and peeresses are placed under their titles, the ladies following their husbands. In cases where the same title has been held at different periods by persons of different name and family, the several groups of holders are arranged not in the alphabetical order of their family names but in order of date. Successive holders of the same title who belonged to the same family are similarly arranged in order of succession and not in the alphabetical order of their Christian names. In cases where the title of nobility is also the family name, the holder of the title is placed before commoners of the same name. All titled persons are catalogued under the latest style or title to which they attained, cross-references being given from any earlier style or title appearing on portraits of them engraved before their final promotion. Women are catalogued under their latest married names ; when portraits of them exist under their maiden or earlier married names, cross-references are given from these. In the arrangement of the various portraits of a single person, those of which the painters or designers are known precede those of which the engravers only are known. Portraits after known painters are placed in the alphabetical order of the painter's names, all those done from the same picture being grouped together, with the original or first engraving from the picture at the head, and copies, repetitions, or derivatives following. Portraits vi Preface by known engravers after painters unknown are placed in the alphabetical order of the names of the engravers. Those which are altogether anony mous follow last. In cases where either the painter's or engraver's name is known but not given on the published state of the plate, it is placed within brackets. As a general principle only the published state of a print and any later issues of it are described ; but of all the more interesting and important examples of the engraver's art the proof states and the number of im pressions preserved in the collection are also recorded. Engraved portrait groups will be catalogued in a special section at the end of the work, a cross-reference being in the earlier volumes given from the name, placed in its proper alphabetical order, of every person who figures in such a group. When any print has been described in an already published catalogue of engravings belonging to a particular class, or executed by a particular master, a reference is given to such catalogue. The following is a list of the works so cited in Yol. III. : — PUBLISHED WORKS REFERRED TO IN VOL. III. Alvin = L. Alvin. Catalogue raisonni de I'CEuvre des trois freres Wierix, 18GG. Baker = W. S. Baker. William Sharp, Engraver ; with a descriptive catalogue, 1875. Booher = B. Booher. LesGravures frangaises du XVIII' Siecle. 5' fasc. Atigustin de Saint-Aubin, 1879. Dutuit = E. Dutuit. Manuel de V Amateur d'Estampes, 1881-85. Pagan = L. Pagan. A descriptive catalogue of the Works of William Faithorne, 1888. Pirmin-Didot = A. Pirmin-Didot. Les Drevet ; catalogue raisonni de leur Giitwe 1876. Prankau = Julia Prankau. John Raphael Smith, his Life and Works, 1902. ,, = ,, William and James Ward, their Lives and Works, 1904. Pranken = D. Pranken. L'CEuvre des van de Passe, 1881. Goodwin = G. Goodwin. James McArdell ; catalogue of his works, 1903. ,, = ,, Thomas Watson, James Watson and Elizabeth Judkins ; catalogue of their works, 1904. Hymans = H. Hymans. Lucas Vorsterman ; catalogue raisonni de son CEuvre, 1893. Laing = D. Laing. Etchings by D. Wilkie and A. Geddes, 1875. Malassis = A. -P. Malassis and A.-W. Thibaudeau. Catalogue raisonni de V CEuvre de Alphonse Legros, 1877. Nagler = G. K. Nagler. Die Monogrammisten. 5 vols. 1858-1879. Parthey = G. Parthey. Wenzel Hollar ; beschreibendes Verseichniss seiner Kupfer- stiche, 1853. C. S. = J. Ghaloner Smith. British Mezzotinto Portraits, 1878-83. Soulier = G. Soulier. L'CEuvre grave et lithographii de A. Legros, 1904. Preface Vll Wessely = J. B. Wessely. Abraham Blooteling ; Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche und Schabkunstblatter ; printed in Naumann's Archiv, 1867. „ „ Jan van Somer ; Verzeichniss seiner Schabkunstblatter ; printed in Naumann's Archiv, 1869. „ „ Jan Verkolje ; Verzeichniss seiner Schabkunstblatter ; printed in Naumann's Archiv, 1867. „ „ Qeorg Friedrich Schmidt ; Verzeichniss seiner Kup ferstiche und Badirungen beschrieben, 1881. „ ,, Wallerant Vaillant ; Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche und SchabkunstblUtter beschrieben, 1881. A. Whitman. Samuel Cousins ; catalogue of his works, 1904. „ Valentine Green ; catalogue of his works, 1902. ,, Samuel William Reynolds ; catalogue of his works, 1903. „ Charles Turner ; catalogue of his works, 1907. L'Iconographie de Van Dyok, 1877. Jonas Stiyderhoef ; Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, 1861. Whitman Wihiral = P. Wibiral Wussin = J. Wussin. THE FOLLOWING ABBREVIATIONS ARE USED IN THE CATALOGUE :— H.L. half-length. T.Q.L. three-quarters-length. W.L. whole-length. w. wife. s. son. d. daughter. pi. plate. CAMPBELL DODGSON. CATALOGUE OP ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS E Subject LABILLIERE, (Major) PETER; 'Christian Patriot & Citizen of the World ' ; d. 1800. 1. T. Q. L., nearly fuU face, seated, holding book inscribed ' American Petition presented by Penn ' ; other docu ments before him. Pub. J. Strongitharm & Stockdale 1780. (C. S. 7, II.) Mezz. ; 10 X 8 in. same plate, retouched ; letters filled in, Stockdale's name erased. LABLACHE, LUIGI ; vocalist ; 1794-1858. 1. As Dulcamara in L'Elisir d'Amore; T. Q. L., to 1., standing, holding phial of ' Elixir d'Amour.' Coloured. Lith. ; 10| X 8 in. 2. H. L., full face; oval in reot. border of machine ruling. Pub. E. Gambart 1846. Stipple ; 16^ X 13 in. 3. As Paliero in Marino Faliero ; W. L., to L, standing; vignette. Pub. J". Mitchell 1836. Lith. 4. H. L., to r. ; with facsimile of autograph ; 1835. Lith. ; 9J X 8t in. 5. As Palstaff; W. L., to r., standing; vignette. Pub. Hodgson & Graves. Coloured. Lith. 6. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. LABOUCHERE, (Right Hon.) HENRY, M.P. See Taunton. LABOTJCHERE, (Right Hon.) HENRY, M.P. ; nephew of the preceding; journalist and politician ; b. 1831. 1 Nearly W. L., standing, looking to 1. Prom photo graph. Cutting from Illust. London Neivs, 1894. Process block. VOL. III. Painter J. Wright J. Brandard T. Carriok A. E. Chalon E. Salabert Engravbr H. Kingsbury J. Brandard H. Robinson R. J. Lane E. Salabert Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LABOUCHERE, JOHN, (of Broome Hall, Surrey); brother of Lord Taunton ; 1799-1863. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated in armchair, gloves in 1. hand, Mezz. ; 14i X lOJ in. Proof before inscription. W. Walker See Taunton, Henry, Baron. LACEY, HENRY ; dissenting minister. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair, book in 1. hand ; vignette. PI. to Evangelical Mag.; pub. P. Westley Stipple. J. Renton T. Blood LACKINGTON", JAMES ; bookseller ; 1746-1815. 1. H. L., to 1. Pront. to his Memoirs, 1792. Stipple ; 5i X 4| in. J. Keenan E. Scott 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding book ; oval in reot. frame. PI. to New Wonderful Mag. Line ; 6J X 3| in. E Maybry J. Goldar LACY, JAMES ; patentee of Drury Lane Theatre ; 1696- 1774. 1. H. L., looking to r., in hat; oval. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1802. Stipple ; 4i X 3§ in. Anon. LAC i!, JOHN; playwright and actor ; 1622-1681. 1. W. L., standing, in three of his principal characters. Parson Scruple, Sandy the Scotsman and M. De Vice. Prom picture now at Hampton Court. Etching ; 12§ x 9} in. (M. Wright) W. Hopkins 2. Same picture ; vignette. PI. to Dramatic Mag. Etching. S) Anon. 3. Same picture. Pen drawing on tinted paper. S5 5J LACY, MARIA ANNE, (Mrs. G. W. Lovell) ; actress ; 1808-1877. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PI. to Ladies' Monthly Museum; pub. Dean & Munday 1823. Stipple. R Drummond T. Woolnoth 2. H. L., standing, looking to r., in evening dress; vignette. Stipple. W . MeCall H. Meyer 3. As Annabel in Julian ; H. L., to r. •Stipple ; 4J X 3j in. Anon. 4. As Princess Diana in Love's Victory ; W. L., standing; vignette. Lith. " LACY, MICHAEL ROPHINO ; violinist, composer and actor; 1795-1867. 1. Aged 12 ; H. L., to r. ; with title ' Master M. M I R Lacy.' Pub. 1807. -Stipple ; 4t X 8| in. J. Smart A. Cardon LjACY, WALTER ; actor ; 1809-1898. 1. As Naroiss Boss in Single Life; W. L., standing, holding up mirror ; vignette. Pub. J. W. Gear. Lith. J. W. Gear J. W. Gear Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LADBROKE, Sia ROBERT, M.P. ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1748 ; 1713-1773. 1. W. L., to 1., standing, in robes, with insignia of lord mayor, pointing with r. hand ; 1750. (0. S. 213.) Mezz. ; 19J x 13J in. Two impressions. same plate, reduced ; before line of publication. 125 X 9J in. LADBROOKE, ROBERT ; painter at Norwich ; 1768- 1842. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Lith.LADE, Sir JOHN, bart. ; 1759-1838. 1. T. Q. L., full face, reclining on a bank with a dog, hat in 1. hand. Prom picture now belonging to Mr. G. H. Peck. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4i X 4f in. LADE, L.S1TITIA (SMITH), Lady ; mistress and after wards w. of the preceding ; d. 1825. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., in hat, drawing on glove. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 5 X 3f in. ' LADY.' See Harford, Louisa. •LADY ABBESS OF ENGLISH NUNS.' See Howard. 'LADY AND CHILD.' See Seaporth, Mary, Lady. 'LADY AND DOG.' See Stratton, (Mrs.) ' LADY IN CHARACTER.' See Goodall, Charlotte. 'LADY IN A GRECIAN DRESS.' 'See Baldwdst, Jane. ' LADY WITH SPANIELS.' See Power, Ellen. LAPLECHE, LOUIS PRAN9OIS RICHER; Roman catholic bishop of the Three Rivers, Canada ; b. 1818. 1. Bust, to r., face in profile ; vignette. Coloured. Lith. LAGDEN, (Mrs.) ; innkeeper at Bournbridge, Cambs. ; b. 1698. 1. Aged 76 ; H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. Etching ; 4 X 3J in. 2. Aged 74; H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Etching. LAIDLAW, WILLIAM ; friend and amanuensis of Sir Walter Scott ; 1780-1845. 1. A head, looking downwards to r. Prom drawing now in Scottish National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 3| X 3| in. LAING, DAVID, LL.D.; librarian to the Signet at Edinburgh; antiquary; 1793-1878. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; vignette, with fac simile of autograph. Etching. Painter T. Hudson J. Reynolds J. Reynolds M. Tyson W. Allan E. H(arrison) Engraver J. Paber jun. Anon. (P. Bromley) (P. Bromley) Anon. M. Tyson P. H(arrison) K 2 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LAING, JAMES. 1. H. L., to r., r. hand in coat. Pub. C. Turner 1819. (Whitman 297.) Mezz. ; 10 X 7J in. LAING, WILLIAM ; surgeon ; d. 1789. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). LAKE, GERARD LAKE, 1st Viscount ; general ; 1744- 1808. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; octagon. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1808. Stipple ; 3| X 2| in. 2. W. L., standing by his fallen horse, his son George bringing him another ; battle in background. Stipple ; 19J x 143 in. Proof before inscription. LAKE, ARTHUR, D.D.; bishop of Bath and Wells- 1569-1626. 1. H. L., to r., in rochet, book in 1. hand, r. on table before him ; oval frame with ornaments and eight Latin lines Front, to his Works, 1629, fol. Line ; 8| X SJ in. same plate, later state, with six Latin lines. 2. Copy from the last. Pront. to his Sermons, 1641 (Parthey 1452.) Etching ; 6 X 4i in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; in border of flowers and insects. PI. to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 5\ X 4J- in. LAKE, Sir BIBYE, bart. ; sub-governor of the African Company; 1684-1744. 1. Aged 10; H. L., with his sister Mary; two ovals urider a curtain, with arms below, 1694. Line ; 6^ X 9i in. LAKE, EDWARD, D.D. ; archdeacon of Exeter ¦ 1641- 1704. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap, gown and bands ; oval frame with arms. Pront. to his Sermons, 1705. ' Line ; 6J X 4 in. LAKE, EDWARD ; dissenting minister at Worcester. 1. Bust, looking to 1., in gown and bands ; vignette PI to Congregational Mag.; pub. Holdsworth & Ball 1831. Stipple. LAKE, (Hon.) GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK • s. of 1st Viscount Lake ; general ; fell at Roleia 1808. ' 1. Bust, nearly in profile to 1., in uniform; oval PI to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1808. Stipple ; 3J X 3 in. See Lake, Gerard, 1st Viscount. LAKE, (Col.) Sir HENRY ATTWELL, K C B • chipf engineer at Kars 1854 ; 1808-1881. ' ' ' ¦^•¦.?-^-'^-',-^°°^™S *° ^•' ^^ uniform; vignette Pub E. Gambart 1857. ^ ^°- Lith. E. Pingret S. Drummond R. White R. Woodman Andrews C. Turner Ridley & Blood R. Cooper C. Baugniet J. Payne W. Hollar Anon. R. White M. vr. Gucht R. Woodman. Ridley & Blood C. Baugniet Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LAKE, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Chichester ; 1624-1689. 1. Bust, to r., in cap and rochet ; oval frame on pedestal. with arms. Pub. Loggan 1683. D. Loggan Line ; 12J X lOJ in. 2. Bust, to 1., in rochet ; circular decorated frame. Pub. J. Overton. Anon. Line ; SJ X 8J in. See Groups (Seven Bishops). LAKE, MARY ; b. 1686. See Lake, Sir Bibye, bart. « L' ALLEGRO.' See Hale, Mary. LAMARTINE, MARIANNE ELIZA DE, (born Birch) ; w. of Alphonse de L., the poet; 1795-1863. 1. Bust, to r., veil on head; in fanciful composition; without title. Pront. to A. Lebailly's Madame de Lamartine, 1864. G. Staal Line ; SJ X 2i in. LAMASH; actor. 1. As Columbine's Lover in the pantomime Harlequin's Frolick, 1790; W. L., standing, holding snufi-box; vignette. Soft-ground etching. Impression with inscription masked. LAMB, Lady CAROLINE, (born Ponsonby); w. of Hon. William L., afterwards 2nd Viscount Melbourne; d. of 3rd Earl of Bessborough ; 1785-1828. 1. When Miss C. Ponsonby; a child, T. Q. L., full face. holding up arms ; oval. Pub. T. Simpson 1788. R. Cosway P. Bartolozzi Stipple ; 3 X 2^ in. 2. H. L., full face, standing. Prom picture at Althorp. PI. to McKay's Hoppner, 1809. J. Hoppner Eeproduotion ; 7J X 6i in. 3. H. L., full face; 'from an original miniature.' PI. to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. H. Colburn 1819. H Meyer Stipple ; 6J X 4| in. T. A MB, CHARLES; essayist; 1775-1834. 1. Aged 23; bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Prom drawing now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Cottle's Recollec tions, 1837. R. Hancock R. Woodman Stipple. 2. N. Branwhite's copy from the above drawing. j» Photogravure. 3. Aged 29; H. L., directed and looking to r., in Spanish dress. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. W . Hazlitt Photogravure ; 4J x 3| in. 4. Same picture. Pront. to his Poetical Works; pub. B. Moxon 1836. >s E. Smith Line ; 3J X 3 in. 5. H. L., fuU face, seated in armchair; vignette. Pub. H. Colburn 1828. H. Meyer H Meyer Stipple. 6. Aged 50; W. L., standing, r. profile; without back ground. Etching. B. Pulham B Pulham Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAMB, CH.A'RJj'ES— continued. 7. H. L., full face. PI. to Hogg's Weekly Instructor. Line ; 4^ x 3i in. 8. Bust, full face ; at head of an account of him. Illust. to Art Journal, 1865. Woodcut.LAMB, (Hon.] FREDERICK JAMES ; afterwards 3rd Viscount Melbourne. See Groups (The Afiectionate Brothers). LAMB, (Hon.) GEORGE, M.P. ; s. of 1st Viscount Melbourne ; under-secretary of state ; 1784-1834. 1. W. L., standing, 1. profile, in hat. Pub. T. McLean 1819. Etching. LAMB, JOHN MUSGRAVE; hat manufacturer at Warwick; 1781-1835. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair. Prom a, drawing. Private plate, 1834. Stipple ; 8| X 6| in. LAMB, (Hon.) PENISTON, M.P. ; eldest s. of 1st Viscount Melbourne ; 1770-1805. See Melbourne, Elizabeth (MUbanke), Viscountess. See Groups (The Affectionate Brothers). LAMB, (Hon.) WILLIAM. See Melbourne, William, 2nd Viscount. LAMBARD, MULTON, (of Sevenoaks) ; 1757-1836. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Private plate. (Whitman 172.) Mezz. ; 10 X 7J in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. LAMBARDE, WILLIAM; topographer; keeper of the records in the Tower ; 1536-1601. 1. Bust, to 1., in cap ; oval in frame of masonry ; 1730. Line ; 12^ X 8i in. ¦ same plate, reduced. Front, to his Description of the Chief Places in England, 1780. S} X 6 in. 2, Copy from the last ; plain rect. with ' Deo Patriie tibi ' above. Line ; 6J x 4| in. 3. Another copy; octagon. Without any inscription. Woodcut ; 6f X 4J in. 4. H.|L., to r., between two columns. Cut from a sheet. Line ; If X IS in. See Groups. LAMBART, Lady LYDIA GUNDRED; d. of 7th Earl of Cavan ; m. Charles Best ; d. 1880. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated by table, holding rose; octagon. Pub. J. Hogarth 1845. Stipple ; 8J X TJ in. LAMBE, (Dr.) JOHN ; astrologer ; murdered 1628. 1. Being assaulted by a mob in the street. Modern copy from woodcut in an account of him, 1628. Woodcut. Painter Engraver R. Dighton P. Cruick- shank P. CroU Anon. R. Dighton E. Scriven T. Phillips T. Carriek S. W. Reynolds G. Vertue Anon. H. Robinson Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject 2. Copy from figure of Lambe in same woodcut, T. Q. L. ; circle. Line ; 3J in. LAMBE, R. CAPEL. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, r. hand on portfolio; vignette, with facsimile of autograph ; 1843. Lith. LAlMBE, WILLIAM ; benevolent citizen of Loudon ; 1495-1580. 1. His monument in Lambe's chapel, Monkwell Street. Line. LAMBERT, ANTHONY. 1. Nearly W. L., seated at a table, looking to 1., holding hookah ; open book before him. Pub. Blacks & Parry 1806. Stipple ; 12S- X lOJ in. LAMBERT, AYLMER BOURKE, P.R.S. ; botanist; 1761-1842. 1. T. Q. L., directed and looking to 1., seated at table, hands clasped ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PI. to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1810. Stipple.LAMBERT, DANIEL ; keeper of Leicester gaol. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Etching. Proof before any inscription. LAMBERT, DANIEL ; s. of the preceding ; fat man ; 1770-1809. 1. W. L., to 1., seated ; hat on table to 1. Pub. D. Lambert 1806. (Whitman 298.) Mezz. ; 23t X 17J in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, printed in colours. 2. W. L., seated, looking to r. Coloured. Etching ; 9 X 8 in. Clipped impression. 3. Similar to the last, reversed ; with letterpress account of him. Coloured. Etching ; 6.f X 10| in. 4. W. L., seated, looking to 1., 1. foot on stool. Pub. J. Robins 1821. Stipple ; 6J X 4 in. See Groups. LAMBERT, GEORGE ; landscape painter ; 1710-1765. 1 H. L., to 1., standing, holding a print in c. hand; 1727. (0. S. 214.) Mezz. ; 12J X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. same plate, retouched, with address of Paber ; date erased. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, to r. PI. to Walpole's Anecdotes, ed. 1762. Line ; 6i X 6| in. 3. Same picture, to I. PI. to same work; pub. J. Major 1827. Line ; 4| X 3J in. same plate, re-issue. PI. to same work, ed. 1862. Painter R. Home C. W. Engraver Anon. C. Baugniet C. Baugniet Anon. A. Cardon H. Edridge W. Evans H. Singleton C. Turner C. W. Anon, R. Cooper J. Vanderbank I J. Paber jun. A. Bannerman H. Robinson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAMBERT, JOHN ; parliamentary general ; 1619-1683. 1. Bust, in armour and cravat, looking to 1. ; oval. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Gardiner's Cromwell, 1899. Photogravure ; 7 X 6J in. 2. Same picture, reversed ; oval, with title only. (0. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 9| X 8i in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 3. Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval in rect. PI. to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6J x 4J in. 4. Another copy, to r. Pub. S. Woodburn 1812. ; plain oval. 'The Hon"" Major Contemporary plate. Mezz. ; 4} x Si in. 5. Another copy, to 1. Generall Lambert.' Etching. 6. Similar picture belonging to Earl of Bradford ; to r. ; oval frame with ornaments. PI. to Birch's Heads, 1739. Line; 14J x 8J in. One unfinished proof ; one with engraver's name only ; two fully lettered impressions. 7. Copy from the last, to 1., with the ornaments. PI. to Universal Mag. Line ; ej x 4 in. 8. Another copy, to 1. ; plain circle. PI. to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1758. Line ; 3^ in. diam. 9. Another copy, to r. ; oval in rect. frame. PI. to Harrison's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1784. Line ; 7\ x 6| in. 10. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. PI. to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4 x 3J in. 11. Same picture, to r. ; plain oval, with ' Lieut' Gen' Lambert ' above. Line ; 2 x IJ in- 12. Similar to the preceding, but with sash added, looking to r. ; plain oval. Contemporary plate. Line ; 5^ x 4^ in. 13. Copy from the last ; oval frame. PI. to Ward's Hist. of the Rebellion,' UIZ. Line ; 6|- x 3J in. 14. IT. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval frame. (Pagan p. 7.) Line ; 9 X 7i in. [Altered from Charles, Prince of Wales.] 15. W. L., in armour, on horseback, riding to 1., and looking back. ¦ Sould by Math. CoUinge at the Hand in hand in Canon Street.' Line ; 9| x 7i in. [Said to be the only impression known.] LAMBERT, JOHN, (of Calton, Yorks) ; s. of the pre ceding ; amateur artist ; d. 1701. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated at easel, holding brushes and palette. (C. S. 154.) Mezz. ; 10 X 79 in. LAMBERT, J. C. ; actor; fl. 1850. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval ; with six other representations of him in his favourite characters. Pub. Ashbee & Dangerfield. Lith, * Painter Engraver R. Walker J. Lambert (P. Place) A. Bannerman R. Dunkarton Anon. J. Houbraken Anon. C. Grlgnion PageAnon. M. vr. Gucht W. Paithorne Anon.John Smith Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAMBERT, P. ; engraver. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame. Without title. Stipple ; 2J X 2i in. LAMBETH, HENRY ALBERT ; musician ; 1822-1895. 1. T. Q. L., seated, in hat. From a photograph. Process block. LAMBTON, GEORGE, Viscount. See Durham, George, 2nd Earl of. LAMBTON, Lady ALICE ALINE CAROLINE. See Morton, Alice, Countess of. LAMBTON, Lady ANNE BARBARA PRANCES. See Wyndham. LAMBTON, (Hon.) CHARLES WILLIAM ; eldest s. of John George, 1st Earl of Durham ; 1818-1831. 1. A hoy, W. L., full face, seated on a rook, in contempla tion. Prom picture belonging to Lord Durham. Pub. Colnaghi Jan. 1827. Without title. (Whitman 98.) Mezz. ; ISJ X llj in. same plate, with inscription re-engraved; pub. March 1827. One before title ; one with title. same plate ; with quotation from Childe Harold. Pub. 1837. 2. Same picture. PI. to The Bijou, 1829. Line ; 8J X 2J in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. 3. Same picture. Illust. to L'Art, 1876. Woodcut ; 9J X 7| in. 4. Same picture. Pub. Hodgson & Graves. Mezz. ; 9 X 6J in. 5. Same picture. Without any inscription. Aquatint ; 15J X Hi in. LAMBTON, GEORGE P., Viscount. See Durham. LAMBTON, JOHN GEORGE, M.P. See Durham, John George, 1st Earl of. LAMBTON, RALPH JOHN ; M.P. for Durham ; uncle of 1st Barl of Durham ; d. 1844. 1. W. L. on his horse Undertaker, with hounds. Pub. 0. Turner 1821. (Whitman 299.) Aciuatint ; 19 X 29} in. LAMINGTON, ALEXANDER COCHRANE- BAILLIE, 1st Baron ; 1816-1890. 1. When Mr. BaiUie-Coohrane ; H. L., I profile; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Mitchell. Lith. LA MOTTE, PRAN9OIS HENRI DE ; spy ; executed for treason 1781. 1. H. L., r. profile; oval. Stipple ; 2i X IJ in. 2. H. L., r. profile ; oval with ornaments. Pub. J. Smith. Etching ; 6| X 4J in. 3. Bust, face in profile to 1. ; vignette. Pub. J. Walker 1781. Line. Painter S. Einslie T. Lawrence J. Ward A. D'Orsay MorseJ. Smith Engraver P. Roberts S. Cousins W. Ensom Maurand G. H. Phillips C. Turner A. D'Orsay Anon.J. Smith J. Lodge 10 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LA MOTTE, JOHN ; merchant of London ; 1570?-1655. 1. H. L., to 1., in lace-edged cap; oval frame with arms. Pront. to his Funeral Sermon, by Bellers, 1656. (Pagan p. 44.) Line ; 64 X 4J in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. LAMPE, JOHN FREDERICK; musical composer; 1703-1751. 1. T. Q. L., seated at table, looking to 1., writing music. (G. S. 115, Goodwin 141.) Mezz. ; 12J X 9J in. same plate, with number 56 added. LAMPERT, I. A.; German Lutheran minister at St. Mary le Savoy ; 1744-1780. 1. Bust, r. profile, in •wig and gown ; circular frame. Line ; 3i in. diam. LAMPLUGH, THOMAS, D.D. ; archbishop of York; 1615-1691. 1. Aged 74; H. L., to 1., in cap and rochet ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. P. vr. Banc exo. Line ; ISi X llj in. LANCASTER, AVELINE (DE PORTS), Countess of. See AvELiKE. LANCASTER, EDMUND PLANTAGENET, Earl of. See Edmund. LANCASTER, HENRY (' of Grosmont'), 1st Duke of. See Henry. LANCASTER, JOHN PLANTAGENET, Duke of, K.G. (' John of Gaunt '). See John. LANCASTER, WILLIAM, D.D. ; provost of Queen's College, Oxford; rector of St. Martin's-in-the-Pields, and archdeacon of Middlesex ; 1650-1717. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, gown and bands; oval frame on table, on which are books and a view of Queen's College. Line ; 14J x 9| in. LANCE, GEORGE ; painter ; 1802-1864. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Art Union Journal, 1847. Line.2. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Woodcut.3. Bust, to 1, ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Aquatint.LANDELLS, ROBERT THOMAS; artist and war correspondent ; 1833-1877. See Groups (Ilhtst. London News artists). LANDER, RICHARD LEMON; African traveller; 1804-1834. 1. H. L., looking to 1., in oriental dress. Pront. to his Records of Clapperton's last Expedition ; pub. Colburn & Beutley 1830. Stipple ; 4f X 3J- in. Painter Engraver S. Andrea C. Burchard G. KneUer W. Paithorne J. McArdell T. Trotter P. Vanderbank T. Murray G. CUnt J. Gilbert W. Bagg jun. G. Vertue J. Smyth Anon. T. A. Dean Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits M Subject 2. H. L., looking to 1., in African cloak. Pub. Colnaghi, Son & Co. 13 July 1835. (Whitman 300.) Mezz. ; lOg x SJ in. Proof with open letters. same plate, with address of P. & D. Colnaghi, 1 Deo. 1835. 3. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Pront. to his Journal ; pub. J. Murray 1832. Line ; 3J x 2t LANDON, LETITIA ELIZABETH. See Maclean. LANDON, WHITTINGTON, D.D. ; dean of Exeter ; provost of Worcester College, Oxford ; 1758-1839. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to 1., in gown and bauds, r. hand on legal document. Pub. Ryman, Oxford, 1839. Mezz. ; 16f X 13 in. LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE ; author ; 1775-1864. 1. Aged 77 ; bust, full face _; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pront. to vol. ii. of his Life, by Porster, 1869. Stipple.2. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Reproduction.Proof before inscription. 3. Aged 29 ; a head, 1. profile ; vignette. Front, to vol. i. of his Life, by Porster, 1869. Stipple. 4. Aged 64 : H. L., to 1., seated, face in profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Mitchell 1839. Lith. 5. W. L., standing, 1. profile. Prom a sketch. Illust. to his Letters, ed. Wheeler, 1899. Reproduction. 6. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. From a photograph. T. S(cott) del. Woodcut ; 5 X 4 in. LANDSEER, CHARLES, R.A. ; painter ; 1799-1879. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Woodcut.LANDSEER, Sir EDWIN HENRY, R.A. ; animal painter; 1802-1873. 1. W. L., standing, r. profile, holding hat and stick ; with title 'A Royal Academician.' Prom a drawing. Pub. T. McLean 1843. Lith. 2. H. L., full face, holding palette. Prom a pen sketch. Photograph.8. Aged 11 ; bust, r. profile. Prom a dravfing. Vignette on title to library ed. of his Works ; pub. H. Graves & Co. Stipple.4. T. Q. L., seated, full face, sketching, with two dogs looking over his shoulders ; with title ' The Connois seurs.' Prom picture in the Royal ooUeotiou. Pub. H. Graves & Go. 1867. (Whitman 99.) Mezz. ; 16| X 12| in. Signed artist's proof. Painter W. Broekedon Enoraveh J. Bridges W. Boxall N. Bran'white N. Dance A. D'Orsay W. Pisher A. D'Orsay P. Grant J. Hayter E. Landseer C. Turner Anon. H. Cousins J. Brown A. D'Orsay Swain Anon. A. D'Orsay Anon. S. Cousins 12 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LANDSEER, Sir EDWIN ^'ENRY— continued. 5. Same picture. Without inscription. PI. to library ed. of his Wm-ks; pub. H. Graves & Co. 1881. Mezz. ; 7J- X 6| in. 6. Bust, full face ; oval. Prom a photograph. Woodcut ; 9J X 7} in. Proof before inscription. 7. Same photograph ; oval. Woodcut ; 11 X &\ in. Proof before inscription. 8. H. L., full face ; with facsimile of autograph. Prom a photograph. Pub. P. Cartwright. Lith ; 111 X 91 in. 9. Bust, full face ; vignette. From a photograph. Woodcut. 10. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; rect. Stipple ; 2J X 1| in. Proof before any inscription. 11. H. L., seated, using palette as a violin; humorous design. Cutting from an illustrated paper. Woodcut. LANDSEER, JOHN, A. E. ; engraver; 1769-1852. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, holding open book. Without inscription. PI. to library ed. of Works of Sir E. Landseer, R.A. ; pub. H. Graves & Co. 1884. Mezz. ; 7i X 5J in. E.; s. of the preceding; Jessica LANDSEER, THOMAS, A, engraver; 1795-1880. 1. H. L., 1. profile, asleep ; vignette, without title. Landseer Oct. 1858.' Lith. See Groups (Illust. London Neios artists). LANE, EDWARD WILLIAM; orientalist; 1801-1876. 1. In dress of a bedouin Arab ; W. L., seated in an Egyptian landscape, in profile to r. ; vignette. Lith. Proof before any inscription. LANE, JANE. See Pisher, Jane, Lady. LANE, RICHARD JAMES, A. E. ; engraver and litho grapher ; 1800-1872. See Groups. LANE, SAMUEL ARMSTRONG, F.R.C.S.E. ; surgeon. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing by table, holding surgical specimen ; vignette. Lith. 2. H. L., standing, looking to r., r. hand in coat. Pub. W. Walker 1849. Mezz. ; 9:1 X 6J in. LANE, THOMAS; secretary to the Goldsmiths' Com pany; 1754-1824. 1. W. L., to 1., standing by table, in gown, r. hand resting on papers. Pub. C. Turner 1814. Without title. (Whitman 301.) Mezz. ; 24J x 14J in. Three impressions. Painter E. Landseer E. Landseer J. Landseer R. J. Lane T. Lewis E. Walker W. Beechey Engraver J. Scott W. B. Gardner Anon. A. Rimanoczy R. & E. Taylor H. H. J. Scott J. Landseer R. J. Lane R. J. Lane W. Walker C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 13 Subject Painter JOHN DANVERS 1791-1866. LANE-POX, KATHERINE, (born Stein) ; w. of George L.-F. of Bramham Park ; d. 1873. 1. H. L., full face, resting elbows on table on which is open album ; octagon. PI. to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1838. Stipple ; 6i X 4i in. Proof before any inscription. LANESBOROUGH, ELIZABETH (LATOUCHE), Countess of ; w. of Robert H. Butler, 3rd Earl ; d. 1788. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval. Pub. B. M. Diemar 1791. Stipple ; 4J X 3| in. LANESBOROUGH, GEORGE BUTLBR-DANVERS, 5th Earl of 1. H. L., looking to r., in robes ; oval. Mezz. ; llj X 9 in. Proof before any inscription. LANESBOROUGH, FREDERICA EMMA (BISHOP), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; m. 1. Sir Richard Hunter ; d. 1870. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Mezz. ; llj X 9 in. Pi'oof before any inscription. LANG, ANDREW, D. Litt. ; author ; b. 1844. See Groups. LANGAN, JOHN ; Irish pugilist ; 1798-1846. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; rect. Stipple and line ; 31 X 2f in. LANGDALE, MARMADUKE LANGDALE, Ist Baron ; royalist general ; 1598 ?-1661. 1. H. L., to r., in cravat and armour. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 5i X 3S in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval. PI. to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4 X 3J in. LANGDALE, HENRY BICKERSTETH, Baron; master oftheroUs; 1783-1851. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. PI. to Bentley's Mis cellany, 1852. Stipple.2. Nearly W. L., sitting on the bench, 1. profile. Lith ; 6i X 4i in. LANGDALE, MARMADUKE ; 1756-1832. 1. Bust, looking to 1., in spectacles ; vignette. Lith.LANGDON, TOBIAS ; priest vicar of Exeter Cathedral ; musician ; d. 1712. 1. H. L., to r., looking to 1., in gown and bands, scroll in r. hand. (C. S. 215.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9J in. Two impressions. LANGPORD, ABRAHAM; auctioneer; 1711-1774. 1. H. L., to 1., holding up hammer. Pub. Baldwyn. (0. S. 102.) Mezz. ; 13i X lOi in. Two proofs before inscription (one before wig was lengthened) ; one lettered impression. A E. Chalon H. Hone R. Buokner R. Buckner G. Richmond N. Tucker Engraver W. H. Mote P. Bartolozzi W. Walker W. Walker Anon. (W. Humphrey) Anon. S. Preeman Anon.Anon. J. Paber jun. Anon. 14 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LANGPORD, JOHN; dissenting minister ; d. 1792. 1. In the pulpit, to r., preaching, 1. hand on open bible. Pub. C. Bowles 1775. (C. S. 68.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. 2. Bust, to 1., in wig and bands, 1. hand on book; oval frame. PI. to Gospel Mag. ; pub. T. Vallance 1777. Line ; 4 X 3 in. LANGHAM, HENRIETTA ELIZABETH PREDERICA (VANE), Lady; 1st w. of Sir WiUiam L., bart. ; d. 1809. 1. H. L., to L, 1. hand on bosom. Pub. C. Wilkin 1800. Stipple ; 8J X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last. PI. to La Belle AssembUe, 1809. Stipple ; 4J X S| in. 3. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, r. hand on rock. PI. to Christie's sale cat. 10 June 1909. Seproduction ; 6i X SJ in. LANGHAM, MARY (ALSTON), Lady ; w. of Sir James L. ; d. 1660. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame with arms. Front, to her Funeral Sermon, by G. Reynolds, 1662. (Pagan p. 18.) Line ; 8| X 6i in. LANGHAM, SIMON; cardinal archbishop of Canter bury ; chancellor of England ; 1310-1876. 1. His monumeut, with recumbent effigy, in Westminster Abbey. Line ; llj X 7J in. LANGHORNE, RICHARD ; Roman catholic lawyer ; executed tor complicity in the ' Popish Plot ' 1679. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and gown. Copy from the print by Luttrell. Pub. W. Richardson 1802. Mezz. ; 5| X 5| in. LANGLEY, BATTY; architect; 1696-1751. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., holding large plan in 1. hand; 1741. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 9i X 7J in. One proof with name only ; one lettered impression. LANGLEY, WALTER; 1. A head, to 1. ; vignette. Process block. living artist. Prom a crayon drawing. LANGSTON, JOHN, D.D. ; independent minister at Ipswich; 1641?-1704. 1. H. L., to 1., in wig, gown and bands. PI. to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1819. Stipple ; 3 X 2| in. friend of Dr. Johnson ; LANGTON, BENNET, D.C.L. 1737-1801. 1. H. L., r. profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing now in the British Museum. Pub. W. Daniell 1809. Soft-ground etching. 2. Nearly W. L., seated by table, directed and looking to r., r. arm on book. Copy from an oil painting. Watercolours. 3. Same picture. Photograph. J. Russell J. Hoppner ; R. Houston Anon. C. Wilkin R. Cooper W. Paithorne Anon. Anon. J. Carwitham H. Vos G. Dance J. Reynolds Anon. W. Daniell Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 15 Subject LANGTON, MARY ; d. of the preceding. 1. H. L., to v., standing, face nearly in profile. Without title. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1796. (Whitman 316.) Mezz. ; 9J X 8| in. LANGTON, ZACHARY. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair, hands folded ; 1836. Mezz. ; 15| X 12| in. LANGTRY, EMILY CHARLOTTE, (born Le Breton), [now Lady De Bathe] ; actress ; b. 1852. 1. Bust, slightly to r., in fur toque ; vignette. Drypoint.2. Bust, face in profile, to r., in similar dress; vignette. Drypoint. 3. H. L., full face. Photograph by Downey. Woodbury type. LANIER, NICHOLAS ; master of the King's music and artist ; purchased pictures for Charles I. ; 1588-1666. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in cloak, holding hat and stick. M. vanden Enden exe. (Hymans 174.) Line ; 9i X 7J in. same plate, with address of P. vanden Wyngaerde. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last. PI. to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6J X 4| in. 3. Another copy. PI. to same work, ed. 1862. Stipple and line ; 4J X 8J in. .^ LANKESTER, EDWIN, M.D., P.R.S. ; man of science ; coroner for Central Middlesex ; 1814-1874. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r. ; vignette. One of set Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome 1852. Lith. LANSDOWNE, GEORGE GRANVILLE, Baron; treasurer of the household ; poet ; 1667-1735. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in robes, holding wand. Line ; 12| X 10| in. 2. H. L., nearly full face, in cap, hand thrust into coat. Pront. to his Poems, 1726. Line ; 4 X 2^- in. 3. Copy from the last, bust only ; oval. Stipple ; 3J X 2i in. 4. Same picture. Front, to his Works, 1732. Line ; 8^ X 6i in. 5. Same picture, to 1. Pub. T. Rodd 1816. Stipple ; 4 X 3| in. 6. Same picture, head only; oval at head of memoir of him. PI. to Biographical Mag.; pub. Harrison & Co. 1796. Line ; If X If in. 7. H. L., to r., in long wig, lace cravat and gown. Pub. S. Harding 1798. Stipple ; 4| X 3| in. 8. Small W. L., standing by table, in gown. Line ; 4i X 2f in. See Groups. Painter C. P. de Breda J. Liniiell Engraver S. W. Reynolds J. Linnell G. Pilotell J. Livens : L. Vorsterman ij T. Chambars R. Cooper T. H. Maguire T. H. Maguire C. D'Agar Anon. G. Kneller M. vr. Gucht j> Strange )S G. Vertue JS Anon. " Roth well Anon. Aveline 16 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LANSDOWNE, MARY (VILLIERS), Baroness ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1735. . See Jersey, William, 2nd Barl of. LANSDOWNE, WILLIAM PETTY, 1st Marquess of, K.G. ; prime minister ; 1737-1805. 1. H. L,, to 1., wearing riband and star; oval. Pub. Bartolozzi 1787. Stipple ; 8J X 65 in. 2. Same picture, Bust only ; oval, with title ' Barl of Shelburne.' Pub. Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 8| X 2J in. 3. When Earl of Shelburne; nearly W. L., to 1., seated by table, in peer's robes. Prom picture at Lansdowne House. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1824. Mezz. ; 5J X SJ in. 4. When Earl of Shelburne; nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., holding pen and roll of papers. From picture belonging to Earl Carrington. PI. to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction ; 5^ X i\ in. 5. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette ; with title ' Chauvelin.' Satirical. Etching. 6. When Barl of Shelburne ; bust, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. PI. to Universal Mag. Line ; 5| x 3f in. 7. Bust, to 1., in hat ; oval, with another of Mrs. Abington : with titles ' Thalia ' — ' Malagrida ' ; one of the ' tete-a- t^te ' portraits from Town and Country Mag., nil. Line. See Groups (with Lord Ashburton and Barr^). LANSDOWNE, HENRY PBTTY-PITZMAURICE, 3rd Marquess of, K.G. ; secretary of state ; 1780-1863. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to 1. Pub. Pores 1857. Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. 2. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to 1., 1. hand to face, holding letter. PI. to Saunders's Political Refortners ; pub. J. Dowding 1840. Stipple ; 5J X 4J in. 3. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., arm resting on high pedestal. Pub. Colnaghi 1831. Mezz. ; 13i X 9 in. 4. Same picture. PI. to Jordan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ¦ pub. Pisher 1833. Stipple ; 4| X Sf in. 5. Same picture. Lhie ; 4 X 3i in. Proof before inscription. 6. When Lord Henry Petty ; aged 7 ; W. L., to r., standing, holding book. Prom picture at Lansdowne House. PI. to Ward & Roberts's Romney, 1904. Photogravure ; 1h X 4J in. 7. When Lord H. Petty: H. L., looking to r. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. Pub. R. Cribb 1806. (Whitman 424.) Mezz. ; HJ X 10 in. One touched engraver's iiroof ; one lettered impression. Painter Engraver Gainsborough J. Reynolds J. Sayer P. Grant B. R. Haydon T. Lawrence P. Bartolozzi Kennerley S. W. Reynolds J. Sayer Anon. J. R. Jackson B. HoU I J. Bromley H. Cook H. Robinson G. Romney H. Walton C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 17 Subject Painter 8. Same picture, bust ; oval. PI. to Universal Mag. Stipple ; 3i X 2.| in. 9. In old age ; H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. See Groups (' Aberdeen Cabinet '). LANSDOWNE, HENRY THOMAS PETTY-PITZ- MAURIOB, 4th Marquess of, K.G. ; 1816-1866. 1. When Lord Shelburne ; nearly W. L., to 1., standing, leaning against a pedestal. Lith.LANT, THOMAS; herald; 1556?-1600. 1. Aged 32 ; H. L., to r., in hat ; oval in cartouche. Gut from pi. I. of his IFtmeral Procession of Sir Philip Sidney. Line. LARDNER, DIONYSIUS, LL.D.; scientific writer; 1793-1859. 1. W. L., standing, r. profile, in hat and cloak. ' Alfred Croquis del.' PI. to Eraser's Mag., 1832. Lith. LAROCHE, JAMES ; singer; fl. 1696-1713. 1. In his musical interlude The Raree Show ; W. L., ex hibiting his show to some children; with title '0 Rare Show.' J. Smith ex. (0. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 11 1 X 8| in. 2. Same picture, with words and music of his song below. Sold S. Lyne. Line ; 13 X 8J in. LAROON, MARCELLUS, Jun. ; painter ; 1679-1772. See Groups (Society of Artists). LASCELLES, ANNE. See Harbwood, Anne, Lady. LASCELLES, Lady CAROLINE GEORGIANA, (born Howard) ; w. of Right Hon. WiUiam S. S. L., M.P. ; d. of 6th Earl of Carlisle ; d. 1881. See Sutherland, Harriet, Duchess of, LASCELLES, PRANCES. See Douglas. LASCELLES, (Right Hon.) Sir PRANK CAVENDISH, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. ; diplomatist; b. 1841. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated. Cutting from Illust. London j News, 1895. } Woodcut ; llj X 9 in. LASCELLES, JANE. See Harewood, Jane, Lady. i LASCELLES, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM SAUNDERS SEBRIGHT, M.P. ; s. of 2nd Earl of Harewood ; 179S- 1851. 1. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to 1., scroll in r. hand. Pub. Ackermanu & Co. Mezz. ; 16J X 12J in. Proof before title. LASKI, [or A LASCO], JOHN ; reformer ; 1499-1560. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; four Latin lines below. PI. to Verheiden's Tlieologorum Effigies, 1602. Line ; BJ X 4| in. VOL. III. H. Walton C. Baugniet T. Lant (D. Maclise) E. Heemskerk Engraver J. Hopwood M. Jackson C. Baugniet J. T. De Bry (D. Maclise) Anon. W. Briggs P. Naumann W. O. Geller H. Hondius c 18 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LASKI, [or A LASCO], JOHN— cowimjied. 2. Reversed copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. PI. to Strype's Memorials of Cranmer, 1694. Line ; 8| X 6J in. LATEY, JOHN ; journalist. See Groups. LATEY, JOHN LASH; editor of Illustrated London News ; d. 1891. See Groups. , M.D., P.R.S. ; physician; 1761-1843. vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. LATHAM, JOHN; 1. H. L., r. profile ; Pub. W. Daniell 1812.' Soft-ground etching. 2. H. L., to 1., seated in chair of president of College of Physicians, book, mace, etc., before him. Pub. R. W Sievier 1816, Stipple ; 12§ x lOJ- in. LATIMER, HUGH ; bishop of Worcester and protestant martyr; 1485?-1555. 1., H. L., to r., in pulpit, preaching; open bible on cushion before him; four lines below :—' Thus while he liv'd.' Pront. to his Sermons, 1635. Line ; 6J x 4J in. 2. H. L., 1. profile, in cap and furred gown, i. hand on book. PI. to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 701.) Line ; SJ X 4i in. 3. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. PI. to T. Fuller's Ahel Redevivus, 1651. Line ; 2J x 2J in. 4. Similar to the preceding, to r. ; in frame with ornaments. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PI. to Larrey's Hist, d' Anqleterre, 1697. Line ; llj x 7 in. 5. Copy from the last, bust, to 1. ; oval at head of memoir of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison 1795. Line ; IJ x If in. 6. Similar to the preceding, to 1. From picture at Thur- caston rectory. Pub. J. Brydone 1822. Mezz. ; 12| X 93 in. 7. Same picture, bust only ; oval. PI. to J. Nichols's Hist. of Leicestershire, vol. iii., 1795. Line ; 6\ x 6| in, 8. Similar to the preceding, bust, to r. ; oval frame. PI. to Middleton's Biographia Evangelica, 1779, etc. Line ; 4g x 3J in. 9. Similar, to r. ; reot. Line ; 41 x 3J in. Proof before any inscription. 10. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding stafi, bible at his waist ; oval frame on pedestal. Prom picture in deanery at Canterbury, PI, to Strype's Life of Cranmer, 1694. Line ; 9| x 4^ in. 11. H. L., to 1., in cap and rochet ; oval frame on pedestal PI. to Burnet's Hist, of the Reformation, 1715. Line ; 8J X 5i in. G. Dance J. Jackson J. Savage W. Daniell R. W. Sievier G. Gyfford (Passe) Anon. P. v. Gunst KiddT. Lupton J. Basire T. Trotter R. Graves J. Savage G. Vertue Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 19 Subject Paisteu 12. Exact copy from the last. PI, to same work, ed, 1731. Line ; 8| X 6j in, 13, Another copy, bust ; oval frame. Line ; 6J X 3J iu. 14. Another copy, to r. ; vignette. Pub. Wetton & Jarvis 1820. Stipple. 15. Bust, 1, profile ; a medal, on sheet with four others, PI, to suppl. to Perry's series of medals, 1762. Etching and line ; 3J iu. diam. 16. W. L., seated by table. PI. to a history of England. Line ; 4|- x 21 in. See Groups. LATOUCHE, ELIZABETH, (born Vicars) ; 2nd w. of Peter L. of Bellevue, M.P. for co. Leitrim ; b. 1758, 1, Aged 73 ; W, L., to r., standing, hands folded. Private plate, Mezz. ; 19J X 13J in, LA TOUR, JEAN; captain of a French privateer; charged with murder 1744. 1. W. L., to 1., standing, with hands clasped ; account of the incident below. Line ; 11 X 7f in. LA TROBE, BENJAMIN ; Moravian minister ; 1728- 1786. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1, ; oval. Pub. J. Stock- dale 1792. Line ; 6g X 5i in. 2. Bust, to r, ; oval. Pub. J. Spilsbury 1781. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 5g X 4J in. ' LATTICE.' See Lewis, Lady Maria Theresa. LATUS, HENRIETTA, (born Tempest) ; w. of Perdinando L. ; d. of Sir .John Tempest, of Tong, bart. 1. WhenMadamTempest; H.L.,fullface; oval. (C. S. 114.) Mezz. ; 8J X 6J in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. LAUB, FERDINAND ; violinist ; 1832-1875. See Groups (' Musical Union 1851 '). LAUD, WILLIAM, D.D. ; archbishop of Canterbury; 1573-1645. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing, in rochet, r. arm on plinth of a column. From picture now at Petersburg. PI. to Houghton Gallery ; pub. Boydell 1779. (0. S. 90.) Mezz. ; 15 X 12 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' and publisher's names scratched ; three lettered impressions, 2, Similar picture at Lambeth. PI. to fol, ed, of Lodge's Portraits, 1815. Stipple ; 7| X 6} in. 3. Same picture. PI. to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1823. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 4. Same picture, to r. (C. S. 5, II.) Mezz. ; 12J- x 10 in. 5. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. (Pagan p. 44.) Line ; 3 X 2J in. A. E. Chalon G. Biekham J. Astley R. Spilsbury A. Van Dyck Ehghaver P. S(iminB) Anon. H. Adlard J. Lodge Pougeron W. J. Ward G. Biekham W. Bromley J. Spilsbury Anon. J. Watson C. Pieart D. Loggan exe. (W. Paithorne) c 2 ¦20 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAUD, WILLIAM, jy.T).— continued. 6. Copy from the last ; oval. (Parthey 1304.) Etching ; 2J X 2 in. 7. Another copy, with cord attaching him to a ring added ; oval. Line ; 3 x 2i in. 8. Another copy. Pront. to Hist, of his Troubles and Tryal, 1695. Line ; 3 X 2J in. Two impressions. 9. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; with Latin and English inscriptions, and without painter's name ; 1640. (Parthey 1453.) Etching ; 4| X 3J in. same plate, with painter's name added. same plate ; inscriptions erased and an English one substituted, with date 1641 ; name spelt ' Lovd.' same plate, with spelling corrected. 10. Copy from the last. Sold P. Stent. Etching ; 4i X 3J in. 11. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; decorated oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 12J x 9| in. 12. Same picture, bust, to r. ; circle, with group of Hampden, Strafford and Falkland below. Line ; 7i X 4| in. 13. Same picture, bust only ; in ornamental frame. Line.14, Same picture, bust, to 1, ; oval, with another of Juxon, in set of plates of The Loyalists. Line, 15, Same picture, bust, to r, ; plain oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 90 X 6J in. 16. Same picture ; decorated oval frame with crown of stars above ; Latin inscription. Line ; 9J X 6 in. 17. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PI to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; ej x 3J in. 18. Same picture, H. L., Line ; 3J X 2| in. to 1. Dutch book illustration. 19. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6| x 4 in. 20. Same picture, bust, to r. ; oval. Line ; 2> x 2J in. 21. Similar picture at Went worth Woodhouse ' T Q L • circle. PI. to Gust's Van Dyck, 1900. Photogravure ; 3| in. diam. 22. H. L,, to 1,, in rochet, cap and ruff; oval inscribed frame, (Parthey 1454.) Etching ; 7 x 5J in. same plate, with address of John Garrett added. Painter Engraver A. Van Dyck (W. Hollar) W. M(arshall) Anon. W. Hollar E. Gay wood?) D. Loggan exc. T. A. Prior TringbamG. Vertue R. White Anon. I (W. Hollar) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 21 Subject Painter 23. Copy from tho last, reversed, in similar frame ; Dutch and English inscriptions below. Line ; 6J X 5g in. 24. Another copy, to r. ; stag-hounds in distance ; oval, with French and English inscriptions. Line ; 5| X 4^ in, same plate, with arms and palms added in upper corners, 25, Another copy, to 1, ; his execution in background ; oval ; in German broadside. Line ; ej X 4J in. 26. Another copy, bust, to 1. ; with Dutch inscription. Line ; 5^ X 3^ in. 27. Another copy, bust, to 1. ; with Dutch inscription. Pub. J. Hartgers. Line ; 4i X 3J in. 28. Another copy ; small oval in rect. Cut from a sheet of heads of loyalists. Line.29. Facsimile of another copy, with his execution in back ground ; inscribed oval in reot. frame. Line ; 4| x 3^ in. Proof with engraver's name scratched, 30, T, Q, L., standing, in gown and skull-cap, 1, hand on breast ; with title : — ' Gull, quondam Arch, Cant.' and six English lines : — ' Lend me but one poore teare,' etc. Line ; 3J X 3 in. 31. H. L,, to r,, in rochet and skull-cap, book in r. hand ; oval inscribed frame ; with title ' William Lord,' etc. Contemporary plate. Line ; 4J x SJ in. 32, W, L., standing. PI, to a history of England. Line ; 4-1 X 2i in. See Groups. LAUDEN. See Loudoun. LAUDER, ROBERT SCOTT, R.S.A. ; painter; 1803- 1869. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; circular medallion. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1872. Woodcut. 2, Bust, to r,, in cap ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Cutting from Art Journal, 1850, Woodcut. LAUDERDALE, JOHN MAITLAND, Duke of, K.G. ; [ member of the ' Cabal ' administration ; 1616-1682. \ 1. T. Q. L., to 1., with William, Earl of Lanark (afterwards , 2nd Duke of Hamilton), to whom he hands a scroll. Prom a picture in National Portrait Gallery of Scotland, PL to S, R. Gardiner's Oliver Cromwell, 18t9. Keproduction ; 6 X 7J in, ; 2, Nearly W, L,, seated, full face, with his Duchess, Prom picture at Ham House. R. Tompson exc. (C. S. 32.) ilezz. ; 12i X 6J in. Five impressions. 3. Copy from the last. Pub. T. H. Rodd 1820. Line ; 4J X 5i in. J. Hutchison Engraver C. J. Visscher exc. Anon. J. Swaine W. Marshall Anon.Pougeron Anon. Green C. Janssen P. Lely R. Williams B. Reading 22 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAUDERDALE, continued. JOHN MAITLAND, Duke of- 4, Bust, face slightly to L, with star and riband; oval frame with ornaments, PL to Birch's Heads; pub, Knapton 1740, Line ; 14i x 8J in. One proof witli engraver's name only ; tliree lettered impressions, 5. Copy from the last, to r. ; oval. PI. to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 3f x 3i in. 6. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6J x 3| in. 7. Same picture, H. L., to L; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple.Proof before inscription. 8. T. Q. L., to r., in loose robe, PL to fol, ed, of Lodge's Portraits, 1820, Stipple ; 7; X 6 in, 9. Same picture, PL to 8vo ed, of same work, 1825. Stipple ; 45 X 3^ in. 10. A head, to 1. Prom drawing in the British Museum. PL to O. Airy's Charles II., 1901. Eeproduction. 11. H. L,, to 1, Prom picture belonging to Barl of Ancaster. PL to Willock's A Scots Earl in Covenanting Times, 1907, Process block, 12, H, L,, to L, with riband and star ; oval, Beckett exc, (C. S. 61.) Mezz. ; llj x 9J in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions, same plate, retouched, with address of J, Smith, Two impressions, 13. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in Garter robes, hand on table, on which his hat lies. Line ; 11| x 9J in. Proof before inscription. same plate, with the false title ' James Prince of WaUes.' LAUDERDALE, ELIZABETH (MURRAY), Duchess of, istw jure Countess of Dysart) ; w. of the preceding • d. 1698. i- 5, See Lauderdale, John, Duke of. LAUDERDALE, RICHARD MAITLAND, 4th Earl of; 1653-1695. 1. When Lord Maitland, aged 31 ; H. L., to r., in wig and cravat ; oval frame decorated with escutcheons. Line ; 16i X llj in. LAUDERDALE, JAMES MAITLAND, 7th Earl of ¦ 1718-1789. 1. W. L., to L, standing, in peer's robes, leaning on plinth of a column. Private plate ; 1792. Stipple ; llj X 7f in. Proof before any inscription. Painter P. Lely C. Netseher J. Riley G. Kneller Brown Engraver J. Houbraken Ryland Anon. Page J. S. Agar I. Beckett G. Valek P. Vanderbank S. Harding Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 23 Subject LAUDERDALE, JAMES MAITLAND, 8th Earl of; friend of Charles James Pox ; 1759-1839. 1. Bust, face in profile to r., with satirical title ' Brissot.' Pub, H. Humphrey 1794, Etching.LAUDERDALE, ELEANOR (TODD), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; d. 1856. 1. Bust, looking to L, in cap; vignette; without title. Private plate. Lith. LAUGHARNE, mander in Wales. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. 1647. Line ; 2J x 2i in. 2. Copy from the last. Line ; same dimensions. ROWLAND ; parliamentary com- Pl. to Vicars's England's Worthies, PL to reprint of same work, 1845. Painter LAUGHER, THOMAS ; centenarian; 1700-1812. 1. Aged 111 ; H. L., L profile, in hat. Pub. J. Read. Stipple and line ; 7 X 6| in. 2. Aged 112 ; H. L., 1. profile. Stipple and line ; 6^ X 4J in. 3. Aged 107 ; W. L., seated by table, directed and looking to r. Pub. P. Walker 1807. Coloured. Etching ; 8} X 6^ in. 4. Aged 107; W. L., nearly full face, standing by table, hand on 'Register.' Pub. J. Cundee 1807. Etching ; 6 X 3i in. LAURENCE, JOHN, M.A. ; rector of Bishop Wear- mouth and prebendary of Salisbury ; horticulturist ; d. 1732. 1. Bust, face to r., in wig, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal, with fruit, etc. Pront. to his Clergyman's Recreation, 1714. Line ; 6 X 5| in. LAURENCE, WILLIAM ; physician. See Groups. standing Coloured. LAURENT; actor. 1. As RoUa in the spectacle of Cora; W. L. struck by an arrow. Pub. Beauclerc 17 Etching ; 7i X 6i in. LAURIE, Sir ROBERT, bart., M.P. ; general ; d. 1804. 1. H. L., looking to L, in uniform, resting hands on sword, (C. S. 29, Prankau 49.) Mezz. ; 13| X lOJ in. Seven progress proofs ; two lettered impressions. LAUZUN, (Mrs.) ANNB NEALE ; 1776-1861. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated. Prom picture in the National Gallery. Without title. Mezz. ; 8J X 6J in. LAVERY, JOHN, A.R.A., R.S.A., R.H.A. ; painter; b. 1857. 1. H. L., full face. Prom a photograph. Process block. J. Sayer J. R. Swinton Engraver J. Read J. Sayer J. R. Swinton Anon. C. Jenkinson J. Hawkins Anon. J. P. Roberts W. Owen H. Raeburn G. Vertue C. Tomkins J. Ward E. Pinkerton 24 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAW, Lady ADELAIDE EMELINA CAROLINE, (born Vane) ; w. of Rev. Frederick H. Law, rector of Lee, Kent ; d. of 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ; d. 1882. 1. When Lady A. Vane ; bust, to 1. PL to Bogue's Court Album. Stipple ; 9i X 7 in. Proof before inscription. LAW, EDMUND, D.D. ; bishop of Carlisle ; 1703-1787. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, in rochet, hands clasped. (C. S. 42.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, LAW, Sir EDWARD, See Ellenborough, LAW, GEORGE HENRY Wells; 1761-1845, 1, When bishop of Chester ; H, L dress. Pub, R, Cribb 1820, Mezz, ; 12 X 9J in. D.D. ; bishop of Bath and to L, seated, in private LAW, JAMES, (of Elvingstone), F.R.C.S.E. ; surgeon. 1. H. L., to r. Pub. H. Paton, Edinburgh. Mezz. ; llj X 9i in. LAW, JOHN, (of Lauriston) ; financier ; projector of the Mississippi scheme ; 1671-1'729. 1. H. L,, looking to r,, in gown ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. (Wessely 58.) Line ; 6J X 3| in. One proof before any inscription ; one before address ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Same picture ; plain rect, ; with title ' Jean Law,' Stipple ; 3J X 3 in, 3, H, L., looking to r., holding paper inscribed ' Dice Ego mea opera Regi ' ; oval frame with Latin and French lines below. Line ; 5| x 33 in. 4. Copy from the last ; oval in rect. frame, with French title on tablet below. Line ; 6| X 3J in. 5. Another copy ; plain rect. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6} X 4J in. 6. H. L., looking to r, ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6§ X 3J in, 7, W, L,, standing on a terrace, looking to 1, holding gloves and cane and a paper inscribed as in No. 3. Pub. P. Schenk, Amsterdam. lice. 8. Copy from the last. Pub. R. Bentley 1851. Mixed; 4} x 3;- in. LAW, JOHN, D.D. ; archdeacon of Rochester ; 1739-1827. 1. Nearly W. L,, to r., seated in armchair in library, in private dress; open bible on table beside him. Pub. C. Turner 1818. (Whitman 302.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 83 in. Three impressions. Painter J. Hayter G. Romney H. Pickersgill H. Raeburn H. Rigaud Engraver J. Brown W. Dickinson H. Edridge W. Say A. Hay G. P. Schmidt Anon. E. Desroehers Anon.R. Grave J. vr. Gucht L. Schenk W. Greatbach C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 25 Subject Painter LA WES. HENRY ; musical composer ; 1596-1662. 1, H. L., to 1., iu cloak; oval frame of laurel in rect. Front, to his Ayres and Dialogues, 1653. (Pagan p. 45.) Line ; 4S x SJ iu. 2. H. L., to 1. From picture in Music School, Oxford. Gutting from Musical Times. Process block. LA WES, Sir JOHN BENNET, bart., P.R.S.; agri culturist; 1814-1900. 1. Bust, full face. From the Rothamsted jubilee portrait. Plate presented to the subscribers. Photogravure ; 6J X 3J in. LA WES, WILLIAM ; musical composer ; killed at siege of Chester 1645. - 1. H. L., to r., in hat and lace collar. From picture in Music School, Oxford. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. LAWFORD, EDWARD; solicitor to the Bast India Company; 1787-1864. 1. W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to r,, in gown, holding pen. Pub. 1839. Mezz. ; 23| x 15 in. Proof before title, LAWPORD, (Lady) ; w, of Admiral Sir John L,, K,C,B. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated iu armchair, holding flowers ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Tinted. Lith. LAWLESS, JOHN ; Irish agitator ; 1773-1837. See Groups. LAWLESS, ROBERT. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, writing in a note book. Private plate, with engraver's name only. Line ; dj x 3^ in. LAWRENCE, JOHN LAIRD MAIR LAWRENCE, 1st Baron, G.C.B. ; governor-general of India ; 1811-1879. 1. Bust to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Photograph. LAWRENCE, HENRY ; barrister-at-law. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Tinted. Etching. LAWRENCE, JOHN, jun. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated at a round table, writing; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. R. Polthorp, Brighton, 1854. Stipple ; 20 X 16| in. LAWRENCE, LUCY, (born Read) ; mother of Sir Thomas L., P.R.A. ; d. 1797. 1. A head, full face, in cap; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Pub. Colnaghi 1831. Chalk manner. H. Herkomer H. Pickersgill W. Carpenter A. Helmieh W. Drummond T. Lawrence Engraver W. Paithorne W. J. Ward M. Gauci R. H. Cromek J. Cochran P. C. Lewis 26 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAWRENCE, MARY, (born Hall) ; w. of Richard J. L., of Jamaica ; 1749-1815. 1. When Miss Hall; in character of Una; W. L., to r., reclining under a tree; head of an ass to L, crouching lion to r. With title ' Una.' Pub. J. Boydell 1772. (C, S. 19.) Mezz. ; 17J X 223 in. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched. LAWRENCE, SOPHIA ELIZABETH ; d. of William L. , M.P. ; 1761-1845. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, hands joined. PL to Ward and Roberts's Romney, 1904. Photogravure ; 7i X 6 in, LAWRENCE, Sib SOULDEN ; judge ; 1751-1814, 1, T. Q, L,, standing by table, looking to L, in robes, paper in 1, hand, pen in r. Pub, C, Turner 1808, (Whit man 303.) Mezz. ; 17J X 13} in. Three impressions. same plate, with address of Reeve & Jones 1808. LAWRENCE, STRINGER; general; commander-in- chief in India ; 1697-1775, 1, W, L,, to L, standing before tent in India, in uniform, r. hand on cane, 1. grasping sword. Pub. Ezekiel 1795, Stipple ; 19J X 12J in, 2. H, L,, full face, in cuirass ; oval frame. Pub, J. Bowles and Son 1761. (0. S. 69.) Mezz, ; 13i X 11 in, same plate, reduced, with inscription re-engraved, 3, Copy from the last. Pub, R, Withy, (C, S, 50,) 112 X 9J in. PI , to Universal Lawrence, Facsimile of Mezz,4, Another copy ; oval frame on pedestal, Mag. Line ; 6§ X 3| in, 5, Another copy; plain oval, PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 4 X 34 in. LAWRENCE, THOMAS ; father of Sir T. P.R.A. ; 1725-1797. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, full face ; vignette. a pencil sketch. Pub. Colnaghi 1830. Stipple. LAWRENCE, Sir THOMAS, P.R.A. 1769-1830. 1. A head, r. profile ; vignette. memory 1828. Lith.2. H. L., r, profile ; vignette. Pub. W. Daniell. Soft-ground etching. Proof before any inscription. 3. Aged 13; H. L., standing, full face, holding vol. of Paradise Lost. Dedicated to the University of Oxford Pub. T. Lawrence, Bath, 1783. Line ; lOJ X 8i in. 4. Copy from the last. Pub J. Dickinson 1830. Lith , ; 6-3 X 4| in. portrait painter ; From a sketch done from From a crayon drawing. Painter B. West G. Romney J. Hoppner J. Reynolds T. Lawrence A. E. Chalon G. Dance (P. Hoare) Engraver R. Earlom C. Turner E. A. Ezekiel R. Houston R. Purcell Anon. W. P. Sherlock P. C. Lewis M. Gauci W. Daniell J. K. Sherwin dir. I. W. Taylor Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 27 Subject 5. H. L., slightly to r., seated, holding badge of office with 1. hand. PL to Jordan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1831. Stipple ; 4J X Si in. same plate ; as used for Library of the Fine Arts, vol. 1, 1831. 6. When a boy ; H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. PL to his Life by D. E. Williams ; pub. H. Colburn 1831. 7. When young; H. L., directed to r., full face; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to same work. Line, 8. Same drawing ; vignette. Pub. H. Colburn & R. Bentley 1830. Stipple.9. Same drawing, reversed ; vignette. Without title. Woodcut. 10. A head, full face ; vignette. Prom a drawing done in 1812. Pub. J. Dickinson 1830. Lith. 11. H. L., full face. From picture at Royal Academy. Pub. W. B. Tiffin 1830. (Whitman 100.) Mezz. ; 12J x 9Jin. Two impressions. same plate, with additional inscription ; address of Rittner, Paris, added. Five impressions ; one printed in colours. 12. Same picture. Front to vol. ii. of his Life by Williams ; pub. H. Colburn 1831. Stipple ; 5J X 4 in. Proof before any inscription. 13. Same picture. Pub. 1877. Line ; 8f X 6| in. Unfinished proof with artists' names scratched. 14. Same picture ; with facsimile of autograph. Pront. to vol. vi. of Cunningham's Lives ; pub. J. Murray 1833. Line ; 3| X 2J in. Proof with autograph only. 15. Same picture, bust only ; vignette on title to Engrav ings from the choicest Works of Sir T. Lawrence. Mezz. Cutting from L'Art, 1875. circle. PI. to Lord R. 16. Same picture ; rect. W^oodcut ; 6| X 4f in. 17. Same picture, bust only ; Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure ; 4 in. diam. 18. Aged 35 ; a head, full face ; circle. From a drawing. Stipple ; 2§ in. diam. 19. H. L,, looking to L, wearing badge of office : vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub, J, Dickinson 1830. Lith.20. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. From picture of Royal Academicians. Woodcut ; 3| X 3 in. 21. Similar to the preceding, T. Q. L., seated; vignette. Pub. C. Bestland 1830. Lith. Painter C. Landseer T. Lawrence W. C. Ross H. Singleton Engraver J. Thomson 59 T. A. Dean J. Worthington T. A. Dean L. Dujardin R. J. Lane S. Cousins T. A. Dean G. T. Doo \ W. C. Edwards W. Giller P. MoUer P. C. Lewis Anon. C. Bestland 2S Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LAWRENCE, Sir THOMAS, 'P .'R.k.— continued. 22, H, L,, nearly full face, wearing badge of office; rect, frame. Pub, C, Turner 1830, (Whitman 304,) Mezz, ; II X 9J in. Two proofs before inscription, line of pub, scratched ; two lettered impressions, 23. Three views of a plaster cast taken at the age of 34. Pub. Colnaghi 1830. Lith. 24. H. L., face to 1, ; from a bust ; vignette. Stipple,25. A marble bust, to r. ; vignette. Line. 26. H. L., looking to r,, iu gown and badge of office ; octagonal frame with ornaments. Stipple. 27. H, L,, standing, looking to r, ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub, S, Gans, Lith. 28, H, L,, 1., profile, seated in presidential chair ; vignette. Prom sketch done at Royal Academy, Dec. 17, 1829. Lith. See Groups (Royal Academicians). LAWRENCE, Sib WILLIAM, P.R.S. ; sergeant-sur geon to Queen Victoria ; 1783-1867. 1. When Mr. Lawrence; T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to r., in gown. Prom picture at St. Bartholo mew's Hospital. Pub. Colnaghi & Puckle 1842. Line ; 16J X 13 in. 2, When Mr, Lawrence ; nearly W, L,, to L, seated by table, hands clasped. Pub. C. Turner 1839. (Whitman 305.) One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. Jlezz. ; 14J X lOJ in, 3, Bust, to 1, Cutting from Illust. London News, 1867. Woodcut. See Groups. LAWRENSON, THOMAS; Irish portrait painter; d, 1777? 1, H. L., to L, in cap, resting chin on 1. hand and laugh ing ; without title. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 6J X 4.5 in, LAWSON, CHARLES, M.A, ; headmaster of Manchester school; 1728-1807, 1, T, Q, L., to r., seated, in private dress, book in r. hand. Line ; llj x 9J in. LAWSON, GEORGE, D.D. ; presbyterian minister at Selkirk; 1749-1820. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Pront, to his Exposition of the Book of Proverbs, 1821. Line.LAWSON, GEORGE ANDERSON ; sculptor ; b. 1832. 1. W. L., at work in his studio. Cutting from Centiirv Mag., 1883. Woodcut. Painter C. Turner H. Pickersgill C. Turner W. Lawrenson W. M. Craig J. Pairman T. E. Wirgman Engraver C. Turner R. J. Lane P. C. Lewis C. W. Marr Anon. W. R. Whitfield C. Turner W. Lawrenson J. Heath J. Horsburgh Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 29 Subject No, 363 Lavsson LAWSON, JAMES, (of Belvedere) ; presbyterian minister at Edinburgh ; d. 1788. 1. W. L., to L, standing, receiving General Assembly's bible ; petition in left hand ; with title, ' The Persever ing Petitioner,' &c. Etching ; 7§ X 6J in. LAWSON, Sir JOHN; admiral; fell in action oft Lowestoft 1665. 1. Bust, to r., in armour and sash; oval frame. of an Italian set ; with title ' Giovanni Ammiraglio Inglese.' Line ; 7| X 6J in. 2. Copy from the last; oval in rect. Pub. W. Richard son 1811. Line ; 6 X 4 in. 3. Another copy, reversed ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto graphy. Line ; 4| X 3J in. LAWSON, JOHN, D.D. ; librarian of Trinity College, Dublin ; writer on oratory ; 1712-1759. 1. Bust, looking to r., iu wig, gown, and bands ; oval frame on pedestal ; four lines below. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 12i X 10 in. same plate, reduced ; title altered to ' William Burkitt, M.A.' 12i X 7i in. LAWSON, JOHN JOSEPH; printer of the Times newspaper; imprisoned and fined for a libel on Sir John Conroy 1839. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated iu prison, holding a copy of the Times ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. P. G. Moon 1840. Mezz. ; 9J X 7S in. LAWSON, Sir WILFRID, bart. ; 1764?-1806. 1. W. L., standing in landscape, looking to l-ijn y^°^^^^J uniform, helmet in r. hand, " " " (Whitman 306.) Mezz. ; 24 X 15 in. Painter Pub. 0. Turner 1807. temperance Suppl. to LAWSON, Sir WILFRID, bart., M.P. advocate; 1829-1906. 1. H. L., looking to r. Prom a photograph, Illust. London News, 23 March 1889. Woodcut ; loj X 12 in. LAWSON, (Mrs.) ; lady of the court of Charles II. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated. Prom picture now at Hampton Court. PL to Mrs. Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II, 1833. Stipple ; 6i X 6i in. Proof before inscriptiou, artists names scratched. LAWSON, (Madam) [The identity of this person is uncertain.] 1. H. L., full face ; oval. B. Cooper ex. (C. S. 62.) Mezz.; 6J X 5Jin. , ,.. ^ . One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. LAWTON, JOSEPH ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., looking to r. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4t X 4 in. J.Kay Engraver J.Kay Anon. A. Miller J. Sant J. Hoppner W. Wissing G. KneUer W. Gush D. Lucas C. Turner M. Klinkicht B. HoU I. Beckett J. Cochran 30 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LAYARD, (Right Hon,) Sir AUSTEN HENRY, G.C.B,, D,C,L,, P,R,S. ; explorer of Nineveh, politician and diplomatist ; 1817-1894, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, arm on rock, beads in r, hand. Pub. P. & D. Colnaghi 1850. (Whitman 505.) Mezz, ; 16JX 12J in, 2. Same picture, H. L. only; vignette. PL to Bentley's Miscellany, 1851. Stipple. 3, H, L,, to r, ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1894. Process block. LAYER, CHRISTOPHER ; lawyer and Jacobite con spirator ; hanged for treason : 1683-1723. 1. H, L,, full face, in long wig and cloak; rect, frame with ten lines on tablet : — ' Kings have by Kings been Wandring beggers made,' etc. Printed on the river Thames Jan. 21, 1740. Line ; lOJ x 9 in. 2. W. L., in prison, taking leave of his family ; in broad side The exact Effigies, Life, and Character of C. L. esg. Coarse woodcut ; 7 X 5J in. 3. H. L,, directed and looking to r, PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persoris, 1819, Line ; 6| X 4^ in, LAYER, THOMAS ; mayor of and M,P, for Norwich ; 1536-1614. 1. T. Q, L,, to L, standing, in hat and gown, r. hand on a skull. Prom picture in Norwich guildhall. Line ; 7 X 6J in. LAZARUS, HENRY ; clarionet player ; 1815-1895. 1. H, L,, looking to r, ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph; 1846, Lith, LAZELL, MARY ; centenaria,n : b, 1703, 1, Aged 102 ; T, Q. L,, full face, in bonnet and cloak ; oval. Pub. S. N. Summers 1805. Stipple ; 9i X 8i in. LAZENBY, ELIZABETH, (born Ivors) ; actress ; sister of Mrs, Orger, 1. Nearly W. L,, to L, seated in armchair ; vignette ; 1854, Lith. LEACH, (Right Hon.) Sir JOHN ; master of the rolls ; 1760-1834, 1, H, L., full face, in private dress, resting face on r, hand ; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing in the British Museum. stipple. Proof before inscription. 2. When vice-chancellor ; W. L., seated on the bench, in wig and gown, directed and looking to 1. Pub. Z. Sweet 1825. Mezz. ; 9| X 8 iu, 3, When vice-chancellor ; T, Q, L,, seated, r, profile, in wig and gown, paper iu 1, hand ; vignette. Pub, T. Kelly 1821. Stipple. H. W. PhiUips S. W. Reynolds jun. J. Brown Anon. (W. C. Edwards) C. Baugniet C. Baugniet S. N. Summers I J. Osborne C. Baugniet ! C. Baugniet G. R. Lewis C. Penny h. Dawe A. WiveU T. Wright Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 31 Subject Painter LEADER, BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, R.A. ; landscape . painter; b. 1831. 1. At four different ages ; from photographs. Woodcut. LEADER, JOHN TEMPLE; M.P. for Westminster; connoisseur and author ; 1810-1903. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to r, ; with facsimile of auto graph, P), to Saunders's Political Reformers, 1840. Stipple. LEAK, (Miss) ; actress. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding up mask. PL to Monthly Mirror, 1799. Stipple ; 3| X 3 in. 2. As Peggy in Tickell's The Gentle Shepherd; W. L., standing ; oval, in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre ; pub. G. Oawthorn 1796. Line ; 4J X 3J in. LEAKE, Sir JOHN ; admiral; 1656-1720. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding truncheon ; ships in background. From picture in the Royal collection. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 216.) Mezz. ; 12J X 9J in. Two impressions. same plate ; with addresses of T. & J. Bowles. [Afterwards altered to Sir Chaloner Ogle.] 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. ; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle ; pub. J. Gold 1806. Stipple ; 4J X 3i in. 3. H. L.. to 1., in gown; oval. From picture in the Trinity House. Pub. E. Harding 1808. Stipple ; 5J X 4J in, LEAKE, JOHN, M,D. ; man-midwife ; 1729-1792, 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. Front, to his Medical Instructions, 1781. Stipple ; 4J X 3J in. LEAKE, STEPHEN MARTIN; Garter king of arms; 1702-1773. 1. H. L,, looking to r. PL to Noble's College of Arms ; pub. J. Debrett & T. Egerton 1803. Line ; 6J X 5 in. LEAN. See Stuckey-Lean. LEAR, SAMUEL ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., looking, to 1. PL to Methodist Mag., 1827. Stipple ; 4 X 34 in- LEARY, (Miss); singer. 1. 'As performing in the Orchestra at Vauxhall' ; W. L., standing, holding music book; oval with ornaments. Pub. W. Locke 1792. Line ; (pi.) 6x7} in. LEATE, NICHOLAS ; merchant of London ; d. 1631. 1 H. L., to L, in cap, rufi and furred gown, gloves in 1. hand ; oval .with ornaments ; seven English lines below. Line ; 6| X 4} in. B. E. Duppa W. Beechey J. Roberts G. Kneller J. Paber jun. Engraver R. Taylor W. H. Mote W. Ridley Wilson (J. Richardson) D. Gardner R. E. Pine W. Le Page H. R. Cook Anon. P. Bartolozzi T. Milton W. T. Pry Anon. J. Payne Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEBECK ; tavern keeper ; fl. 1710. 1. H. L., to r., in cap, glass of liquor in L hand. Sold A. Miller 1739. (C. S. 29.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9J in. same plate ; with address of J. Bowles & Son. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. PL to Lavater's Physiognomy. Line ; 6-1 X 5 in. LE BELOMAN; teacher of short-hand writing; 17th cent. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap; oval with two lines below: — ' Quodcunque manus tua,' etc. (Pagan p. 22.) Line ; 7| X 6} in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. LE BLOND, (Monsr) ; dancer at the Haymarket theatre. 1. W. L., dancing. Pub. H. Berthoud jun. 1822. .Stipple ; 75 X 5| in. LE BRETON, Sib THOMAS ; bailly of Jersey ; 1763- 1838. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., r. hand on a book. Pub. Colnaghi 1827. (Whitman 307.) Mezz, ; 16J X 12 in, 2, Same picture, H, L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1830. Stipple ; i', X 3J in. LE BRETON, Sir THOMAS ; bailly of Jersey ; 1790- 1858. 1. T. Q. L,, standing, looking to L, L hand on book ; mace beside him. Pub, Palle, St, Holier, Mezz, ; 15^ X 12f in, LECHMERE, Sir NICHOLAS; baron of the ex chequer; 1613-1701. 1. H. L,, to L, in robes; oval frame. Pub, 1776, PL to Nash's Worcestershire, 1781. ' G. Powle del.' (C. S. 81, Whitman 56.) Mezz, ; 5 X 4; in, LECKY, (Right Hon,) WILLIAJI EDWARD HART- POLE, LL.D., D.G.L., M.P, ; historian ; 1838-1903, 1, T, Q, L,, seated, looking to 1. Lith, 2, H. L,, looking to 1, From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Process block. 3. H. L., to 1. From photograph. Cutting from same, 1894. Process block. LECONPIELD, GEORGE WYNDHAM, 1st Baron; 1787-1869. 1. When Col. Wyndham; H. L., directed and looking to r. Mezz. ; 11 X 9 in. Proof before any inscription. Painter G. Kneller P. Waldeck T. Lawrence J. Lucas W. Rothenstein Engraver A. Miller T. Trotter (W. Paithorne) R. Cooper C. Turner B. HoU S. Bellin V. Green W. Rothenstein Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 83 Subject LE COURAYER, PETER FRANCIS, D.D.; 1681-1776. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. On plate with another of Rev. Francis Peck. PI. to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1828. Line ; 2| X 2| in. LE DESPENCER, FRANCIS DASHWOOD, Baron, D.C.L. , P.R.S.; chancellor of the exchequer; founder of the ' Hell-fire Club ' ; 1708-1781. 1. When Sir P. Dashwood ; H. L., nearly full face, r. hand holding coat. (C. S. 108.) Mezz. ; lOf X 9| in. Tliree impressions. 2. When Sir F. Dashwood ; as a monk, kneeling in a cave, worshipping a figure of Venus. Prom picture belonging to Viscount Boyne. Line ; 12 x 8J in. Proof before any inscription. LE DESPENCER, MARY P. E. STAPLBTON, Baroness. See Falmouth. LEDIARD, THOMAS; author; 1685-1743. 1. Aged 40; H. L., looking to r. ; oval in rect. Pront. to his Grammatica Anglicana, 1726. Line ; 5J X 3g in. 2. H. L., face to L; oval surmounted by emblematical subjects designed by himself. Front, to his Naval Hist. of England, 1735. Line ; 12} X 7| in. LEDSAM, JOSEPH FREDERICK, J.P., D.L., (of ChadhiU) ; chairman of the London and North-Western Railway; 1791-1862. 1. W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, holding docu ment ; organ to 1. Private plate. (Whitman 101.) Mezz. ; 23 X 17 in. LEE, LADY ELIZABETH, (born Harcourt) ; w. of Sir WILLIAM L., bart. ; d. of 1st Earl Harcourt; d. 1811. 1. W. L., to r., seated on bank, 1. arm on parapet. Pub. B. Pisher. (C. S. 37.) Mezz. ; 19J X 14 in. One proof before any inscription; four lettered impressions, one modern. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6J X 4} in. LEE, FRANCIS ; translator ; fl. 1810. 1. H. L., nearly full face, looking to L, pamphlet in r. hand ; with title ' Pr* Lee.' Stipple ; 4i X 3| in. LEE, (Right Hon.) Sir GEORGE, D.C.L., M.P. ; dean of the arches and; judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury; 1700-1758. 1. H. L., to L, in private dress; oval. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 217, II.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 9 in. LEE, Sir HENRY, K.G. ; champion to Queen Elizabeth ; 1530-1610. 1. T. Q. L,, to 1,, standing, in cap, rufi and cloak; head of dog to 1. ; rect. frame. ' M. Griffith del.' Pront. to Pennant's London, 1790. Line ; 7i X ej in. VOIi. III. Painter (Hamilton) A. Carpenti^r W. Hogarth J. S. Wahl Engraver P. Audinet J. Paber jun. Piatt E. U. Eddis J. Reynolds J. Opie J. WiUs C. Pritsch Anon. S. Cousins E. Pisher S. W. Reynolds J. Heath J. Paber jun. J. Basire 34 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject (C, S. LEE, Sib HENRY— cowiimtetZ. 2. H. L., to r. Prom picture at Ditchley. Blust. to Cat. of Oxford Portrait Exhibition, 1905. Process block. LEE, JAMES ; nurseryman ; introducer of the fuchsia into England ; 1715-1795. 1. H. L., to r., seated under a tree, examining a flower. Pront. to his Introduction to the Science of Botany ; pub. Sherwood, Neeley & Jones 1810. stipple ; 3J X 3 in. LEE, JANE ; centenarian ; 1625-1728. 1. H. L., looking to L, in hat. Etching ; 6} X 6i in. LEE, JOHN ; attorney -general ; counsel for Admiral Keppel; 1733-1793. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to r., in robes. Pub. Boydell 1788. (C. S. 22.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; two with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Same picture. Pub, S, W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 5| X 4J in. 3. Bust, 1. profile; oval. Pub. R. Stewart 1778 not descr.) Mezz. ; 2| X 2J in. LEE, JOHN ; actor. See Powell, William. LEE, JOHN, D.D. ; principal of Edinburgh University ; 1779-1859. 1. Bust, full face; vignette. Lith. LEE, JOHN, Q.C, LL.D., P.R.S., F.S.A. ; collector and man of science ; 1783-1866. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r. ; vignette. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome 1852. Lith.2. H. L., to 1. ; vignette, Lith, LEE, J, ; actor ; fl. 1837. 1. As Alfred Jingle in the burletta of the Pickwickians ; W. L., to L, holding tickets. Lith, ; llj X 9 in, LEE, (Mrs,) MARY. See Whitbpoobd. LEE, NATHANIEL ; poet ; 1653 ?-1692. 1. H. L., looking to r., 1. hand holding gown on breast; oval frame ; account of him, with lines from his CEdipus below. From picture in the Garrick Club. Pub' J. Watts 1778. (C. S. 5.) [Doubtful,] .Mezz, ; 12J X 9J in. Two impressions, 2, Copy from the last ; oval in rect. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1820. Line ; 4J x SJ iu. 3. Similar to the preceding. Prom a crayon drawing. Photograph. Painter A. Mor W. Goldfinch J. Reynolds R. Stewart J. Archer T. H. Maguire J. W. Gear W. Dobson W. Paithorne Engraver S. Preeman W. Goldfinch C. H. Hodges S. W. Reynolds (R. Stewart) J. Archer T. H. Maguire Anon. J. W. Gear J. Watts B. Reading Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 35 Subject Painter 4. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirrsr ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1802. [False.] Stipple ; 8{ X 3J in. See Leigh, Anthony. LEE, RACHEL FANNY ANTONINA ; w. of Matthew L. ; natural d. of Sir P. Dashwood ; abducted by the Gordons; 1774?-1829. 1. ' Ruminating on her extraordinary Dream ' ; nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., in night attire ; oval. stipple ; 4 X 3J in. LEE, SAMUEL, D.D. ; orientalist ; 1783-1852. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated in armchair, in gown, holding book on knee. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1833. Stipple ; 4| X 3g in. LEE, SOPHIA ; writer ; 1750-1824. 1. H. L., full face, in turban headdress ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. T. Bellamy 1797. Stipple ; 3i X 3 in. LEE, SiB THOMAS. See Leigh. LEE, William, (of Abingdon) ; 1548-1637 ? 1. Aged 87; H. L., in furred gown; oval frame at foot of a genealogical tree. Line ; 22 X 16| in. 2. Copy from the last (the oval only). Pub. W. Richardson. Line ; 3i X 2f in. LEE, (Right Hon.) Sir WILLIAM ; chief justice of the king's bench ; 1688-1754. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in robes, r. hand raised. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 12| x 9J in. 2, W. L., to L, standing, in robes, pointing to scroU which lies on table. Sold J. Paber. (C, S. 218.) Mezz. ; 18| X 13J in, LEECH, Sir BOSDIN ; alderman of Manchester. 1. H. L,, to r, ; vignette. Lith. LEECH, JOHN ; humorous artist ; 1817-1864. 1. Bust, to r. ; circle, with facsimile of autograph. Woodcut ; 5f in. diam. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Woodcut.LEEDS, THOMAS OSBORNE, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; lord high treasurer ; 1631-1712. 1. When Earl of Danby ; H. L., to 1., in peer's robes; oval frame on pedestal. Blooteling exc. (Wessely 33.) Line ; 9| X 6| in. One proof before any inscription ; one with Osborne spelt ' Asborne ' ; one with spelling corrected. 2. When Earl of Danby; W. L., to 1., standing, in robes, holding wand. From picture at Hornby Castle. PI. to 0. Airy's Charles II., 1901. Photogravure ; 9J X 6f in. R. Evans T. Lawrence Engraver W. Ridley G. Johnson J. Vanderbank W. Rothenstein P. Lely J. vr. Vaart & Kerseboom Anon. W. T. Pry W. Ridley W. Porter exc. Anon. G. Johnson J. Paber jun. W. Rothenstein Butterworth & Heath M. Jackson A. Blooteling D 2 86 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEEDS, THOMAS OSBORNE, 1st Duke oi— continued. 3. H. L., to r., in Garter robes; oval frame on pedestal. Sold J. King. Line ; 13J X inj in. LEEDS, FRANCIS GODOLPHIN-OSBORNE, 5th Duke of, K.G. ; secretary of state ; 1751-1799. 1. W. L., standing on a terrace, directed to r., looking to L, iu Garter robes, holding hat. Stipple ; 24 X 15J in. — — See Groups (Dilettanti Society). LEEDS, FRANCIS GODOLPHIN D'ARCY D'ARCY- OSBORNE, 7th Duke of; 1798-1859. 1. Small W. L., to 1., standing, in hat, holding umbrella. Prom pen drawing. PL to Wildrake's Cracks of the Day, 1841. Lith. LEES, Sir HARCOURT, bart. ; rector of Killaney, co. Down ; Irish protestant pamphleteer ; 1776-1852. 1. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to 1., in private dress, pen in r. hand ; vignette. Stipple.LE PEVRE, CLAUDE ; portrait painter ; 1633-1675. 1. Bust, looking to L, in fur cap ; oval frame, with smaller oval portrait of John Hayls, after Hoskins, resting against it. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 1762. Line ; 6| X 4? in. LE PEVRE, (Mrs.) ; actress. 1. As Richard III. ; W. L., standing, holding sword ; with title ' Richard III., Act V. Richmond, I say, come forth ' etc. Pub. Torre & Thane 1782. Etching ; 7i X 6 in. LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD ; writer ; b. 1866. 1. T. Q. L., seated, 1. profile. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype,LE GEYT, CHARLES WILLIAM, (of Jersey) ; captain 63rd regiment ; 1733-1827, 1. W. L., to L, seated under tree, book in r. hand, hat on ground. (C. S. 103.) Mezz. ; 18^ X 14 in. LEGG, (SERGEANT) ; one of the captors of the Cato Street gang. 1. Bust, to r,, in uniform; vignette. Pub. Sherwood Neeley & Jones 1820. ' Stipple.LEGGATT, BENJAMIN ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 35 ; bust, to 1. ; oval. PI. to Methodist Mag., 1800 Stipple ; 35 X 3J in. LEGGE, Lady CHARLOTTE, Charlotte, Countess of. See Fbversham-, LEGGE, (Hon.) EDWARD, D.C.L. ; bishop of Oxford ; 1. When dean of Windsor ; H. L., looking to r., in private dress, with badge of the Garter. Pub. 0. Turner 1809 (Whitman 308.) Line ; 12 x 10 in. One masked proof ; one with open letters. same plate ; with address of A. Molteno 1810. Painter R. White T. Lawrence Engraver R. White R. M. Meadows T. C. Thompson Anon. H. Meyer T. Chambars Anon. A. WiveU Anon. Anon. Anon. J. Hoppner C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 37 Subject 2. Nearly W. L., standing, in rochet, looking to L, holding cap with both hands. Pub. Evans 1854. (Whitman 174.) Mezz. ; 17J X 13| in, LEGGE, (Hon,) HENEAGE ; s. of George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth; 1788-1844. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. LEGGE, (Hon.) HENRY ; s. of William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth ; commissioner of the navy ; 1765-1844. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Pub. 0. Turner 1809. (Whit man 309.) Hi X 9| in. Three proofs with open letters. same plate ; with address of A. Molteno 1810. LEGGE, (Right Hon.) HENRY BILSON, M.P. ; chancellor of the exchequer ; 1708-1764. 1. Nearly W. L., to I., seated, in robes, holding scroU ; purse on table. From picture belonging to Lord Sherborne. Sold R. Houston. (C. S. 70.) Mezz. ; 13| X 11 in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last ; purse omitted. Mezz. ; 12i X 9J in. same plate, with address of J. Bowles added. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. (C. S. 70a.) Mezz, ; 6i X 4i in. 4. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3§ in. diam. 5. With William Pitt ; nearly W. L., seated together by table, Legge in robes, on r., looking to 1., holding document. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 7i X lOJ in. same plate, reworked and cut to make separate port raits (the figure of Legge only) ; with name ' Johson ' substituted for Purcell's ; address of T. Ewart added. (C. S. p. 739.) Ii X 6J in. LEGGE, THOMAS, LL.D.; master of Caius College, Cambridge ; dramatist ; 1585-1607. 1. H. L., to r., in cap and gown, scroll in r. hand. Pub, J. Jones 1790. (0. S. 46.) Stipple ; 4i X 3f in. Two progress proofs ; three lettered impressions ; one counterproof. same plate, with scroll lengthened and inscribed 'Forme of Oury 1560.' LEGGE, (Hon.) WILLIAM; s. of 2nd Earl of Dart mouth; 1757-1784. 1. When a boy ; T. Q. L., seated, r. profile, holding book. Etching ; 4J X 3i in. 2. Aged 4; H. L., looking to 1., in Van Dyck dress; oval in rect. Without title. Pub. J. Spilsbury 1764. (C. S. 26.) Mezz. ; llf X 9 in. 3. Copy from the last. Without title. Pub. J. Spilsbury. (0. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 6| X 4J in. Painter W. Owen J. Slater J. Hoppner W. Hoare T. Orde J. Reynolds Engraver S. W. Reynolds P. C. Lewis C. Turner R. Houston Anon. R. Houston S. P. Ravenet R. PurceU ' Johson ' J. Jones T. Orde J. Spilsbury N. Salway 38 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEGH, GEORGE CORNWALL, (of High Legh), J,P,, D,L. ; M.P. for Cheshire ; 1804-1877. 1. Nearly W. L., standing by a bank, looking to r., in over coat. Pub. T. Agnew 1850. Mezz. ; 15J x 12 in. Signed proof. LEGROS, ALPHONSE ; artist ; b. 1837. 1. T. Q. L., seated in his studio, etching a plate. From a water-colour drawing in the Luxembourg. PL to Les Maltres du Dessin. Heliogravure ; SJ X 8J in. 2. Bust, to r. Without any inscription. Btching ; 6| X 4J in. 3. Bust, nearly full face. From a drawing. Front, to Soulier's L'QSum-e de A. Legros, 1904. Photogravure ; 5 x 4 in. 4. Bust, to 1. From an oil sketch sold at Hotel Drouot, 1906. Process block. 5. Aged 40 ; bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Pront. to Malassis and Thibaudeau's Catalogue de V CEuvre de M. A. Legros, 1877. 6. A bust, 1. profile, on a pedestal. Illust. to Mag. of Art, 1888. \Voodcut ; 4J X 3J in. 7. Aged 59; bust, slightly to L, arms folded. Without title. Lith. 8. T. Q. L,, seated, directed and looking to 1. ; torso beside him. Without title. Lith. ; 12J X 10} in. LEGUAR ; operatic singer ; fl. 1750. 1. In character ; W. L.,to L, pointing upwards and singing. Line ; 3} x 2J in. ¦Clipped impression. LEHMANN, LIZA, (Mrs. Herbert Bedford); d. of Rudolph L. ; singer and composer. 1. H. L., to r., standing, in hat. PL to Lehmaun's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Photogravure ; 7 x 5J in. LEHMANN, RUDOLF ; portrait painter ; 1819-1905. 1. H. L., to 1. Pront. to his Men and Women of tlie Century, 1896. Photogravure ; 6| x 4| in. 2. H. L., to r. From a photograph. Process block. LEICESTER, ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of, K.G,; favourite of Queen Elizabeth ; 1532 ?-1588. 1. T. Q. L., to L, in furred coat with collar of the Garter, holding wand. From a picture at Hatfield. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1820. Stipple ; 7J X SJ in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo ed. of same work. Stipple ; 6i X 4J in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette. stipple. Painter P. Westcott A. Besnard J. Bra cquemond A. Legros P. Regamey A. Rodin W. Rothenstein C. H. Shannon R. Lehmann R. Lehmann (M. Gheeraedts) Engraver T. O. Barlow J. Bracquemond P. Regamey A. LeveiUe W. Rothenstein C. H. Shannon R. Cooper H. Meyer Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 39 Subject 4. T. Q. L., to 1,, standing, 1. hand on hip. From picture in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery. Photogravure ; i\ X 3J in. 5. W. L., to L, standing, in armour. From drawing in British Museum. PL to C. Rogers's Imitations of Drawings, 1778. stipple ; 15 X lOJ in. 6. When young; H. L., to 1., 1. hand on hilt of a sword ; oval with ornaments. From Sir R. Worsley's picture. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. J. & P. Knapton 1738. Line ; 14 X 8g in. 7. Copy from the last, to r. ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 31 x 2J in. 8. Another copy, to 1. Pub. C. Baldwyn. Line ; 3 X 2i in. 9. Another copy, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. PI. to Universal Mag. Line ; 6J X 3,| in. 10. Similar picture, without the sword, to r. ; oval frame ; with Dutch inscription. I. Tirion exc. Line ; 6| X 4| iu. 11. Copy from the last, to I. ; octagonal frame. PL to Velly's Hist, de France, 1781. Line ; 6J X 45 in. 12. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in cap and armour, carbine in r. hand, 1. on helmet. With false title ' Sir William Stanley, K.G.' From picture at Wentworth Woodhouse. PI. to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Fisher & Co. 1836. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 18. W. L., to r,, on rearing horse, holding truncheon; battle on sea shore in the background. Sold Compton Holland. Line ; 8J X 6| in. 14. Bust, to r., in plain curved collar and patterned armour ; in inscribed oval. (Alvin 1963.) Line ; 3 X 2i in. 15. Bust, to L, in hat with feather, rufi and armour ; in inscribed oval. C. Holland exc. Line ; 6| X 41 in. same plate ; with J. Hinde's name substituted for HoUand's. 16. Similar to the last ; oval in rect. ; No. 66 of an English set, 17th century. Line ; 4| x 3.? in. 17. Similar ; bust, to 1. ; oval. Printed from a gold plate. (Dutuit 175.) Line ; 2| X 2 in. 18. Similar ; bust, to r. ; oval. Front, to Leicester's Commonwealth, 1641. Line ; 3J X 2| in. 19 Similar ; bust, to r. ; inscribed oval, with two Latin lines. PL to HoUand's He?-«oiog'ia, 1620. (Pranken 707.) ; 5| X 4^ in. Painter Engraver P. Zuccaro S. Watts J. Houbraken W. P. Benoist R. Cooper Anon.J. Houbraken P. R. Ingouf H. Robinson R. Vaughan H. Wierix Anon. H. Goltzius W. MarshaU W. Passe 40 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEICESTER, ROBERT DUDLEY, Barl ot— continued. 20. Similar ; bust, to r. ; oval with three Dutch lines below ; H. Jacobsen exc. PL to Van Meteren's Historia Belgica, 1618. Line ; 6 X 4| in. 21. Reversed copy from the last ; Dutch book illustration. Line ; 6 X 4,f in. 22. Similar ; bust to r. ; oval with tablet below ; Dutch book illustration. Line ; 6 x 2| in, 23, Reversed copy from the last ; No, 468 of a set. Line ; 4J X 2^ in. 24. Similar ; bust, to 1. ; oval. Etching ; 2i X 1| in. 25. Similar ; bust, to 1, ; oval. Line ; 4J x 2§ in. 26. W. L., to r., standing, in armour, holding truncheon; fleet in background ; with Dutch text. Line ; 7J x 6J in, 27. Similar to the last, reversed, r. hand resting on staff ; without background. Line,28. T, Q, L,, to r,, in armour, holding truncheon ; in rich frame with motto ' Droit et Loyal,' Pront, to part ii, of the Bishops' Bible, 1568, Line, 29. W. L., on horseback, riding to front, holding truncheon. PL to a Dutch history of the Netherlands. Etching ; 10 X 61 in, 30, Bust, to L, in rufl, George and slashed doublet ; inscribed oval frame, with two Latin lines below. Dutch plate, 17th cent. Line ; 61 X 4J in. 31. Copy from the last, to r. ; in inscribed circular frame. Line ; 7J in. diam. 32. Bust, to r., in hat, rufi and armour; oval on pedestal, with Dutch title. Line ; lOJ X 6J in. 33. Italian copy from the last ; oval frame. ' En Casa de Bousquet.' Line ; 7| X 5J in. 34. Bust, to 1. ; oval, in rich architectural frame. lUust. to De Nederlandtsche Oorloghen. Woodcut.35. SmaU W. L., standing. Line ; 41 x 2^ in. See Cumberland, George Clifford, 3rd Earl of. LEICESTER, ROBERT SIDNEY, 1st Earl of, K.G. • 1563-1626. 1. When Viscount Lisle ; H. L., to r., in rufi, mantle and George; oval in cartouche. Sold Sudbury & Humble. (Pranken 708, I.) Line ; 7 x 41 in. Painter Engraver Anon. C. v. Siehem Anon. J. Pougeron S. Passe Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 41 Subject LEICESTER, DOROTHY (PERCY), Countess of; w. of Robert Sidney, 2nd Earl ; d. of 9th Earl of Northumber land ; d. 1659. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated. From picture at Petworth. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Po)-traits ; pub. 1817. Stipple ; 71 X 6J in. 2. Same picture. PI. to 8vo ed. of same work, 1835. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. Proof before any inscription. LEICESTER, ROBERT SIDNEY, 4th Earl of ; 1649- 1702. 1. When Hon. R. Sidney ; a child, with his sister Dorothy and a dog on bank of a stream. (C. S. 36.) Mezz. ; lOJ x 14J in. LEICESTER, GEORGE TOWNSHEND, Earl of. See TowNSHEND, George, 2nd Marquess. LEICESTER, THOMAS COKE, Earl of, K.B., P.R.S. ; postmaster-general ; 1695 ?-1759. 1. W. L., to r., standing, resting arm on plan on pedestal of a vase, and holding compasses ; inscription on pedestal. (C. S. 82, Whitman 87.) Mezz. ; 24^ x 151 in. One proof before inscription ; one with inscription. same plate ; with address of J. Wesson. LEICESTER, THOMAS WILLIAM COKE, 1st Earl of (of the second creation) ; whig politician and agri culturist ; 1752-1842. 1. W. L., standing in landscape, directed and looking to 1. Pub. T. Agnew 1844. (Whitman 507.) Mezz. ; 17 X 111 in, 2, When Mr. Coke ; bust, looking to r. Pub. Barber 1816. (Whitman 129.) Mezz. ; 16 X 13J in. 3. When Mr. Coke ; W. L., standing, in hat, directed and looking to 1. ; view of Holkham in background. One of set of portraits of agriculturists ; pub. Garrard 1806. Etching. 4. When Mr. Coke ; W. L., standing by table, looking to L, hand on ' Magna Charta,' etc. Pub. J. and W. Preeman, Norwich, 1814. (Whitman 130.) Mezz. ; 24 X 14J in. Two proofs before inscription, not quite finished ; one lettered impression. 5. When Mr. Coke ; H. L., to L, seated ; in rect. border of ruled lines. Pub. C. Turner 1818. (Whitman 131, I.) Mezz. ; 15^ X 12J in. Three impressions. same plate, with dedication to Viscountess Anson added ; pub. 1819. 6. Copy from the last ; octagonal frame with agricultural emblems. Pub. T. Boys 1821. Stipple.7. Same picture. Line ; 7 X Sf in. 8. When Mr. Coke; W. L., standing by table, looking to 1., hand on a paper. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1807. (Whitman 57.) Mezz. ; 26 X 17| in. Painter A. Van Dyck P. Lely C. P. Zincke R. Ansdell T. Barber G. Garrard T. Lawrence Engraver E. Scriven H. T. RyaU A. Browne exc. V. Green J. Opie S. W. Reynolds jun. C. Turner G. Garrard C. Turner W. T. Pry E. Smith S. W. Reynolds 42 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEICESTER, THOMAS W. COKE, 1st Earl of -con*. 9. When Mr. Coke ; W. L., standing, looking to r., resting arm against a tree. Stipple. Impression from the partially-inked plate. 10. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Etching. 11. When Mr. Coke; T. Q. L., standing, face in profile to L, arms extended, holding ' Norfolk Petition ' ; circle in rect. frame. Etching ; 6i X 7 in. LEICESTER, ANNA AMELIA (KEPPEL), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of 4th Earl of Albemarle ; m. 2. Edward EUlce, M.P. ; d. 1844. 1. When Lady A. Coke; H. L., nearly full face; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Court Scrap Book, 1842. Stipple. . same plate, with title altered to ' Countess of Leicester.' LEICESTER, THOMAS WILLIAM COKE, 2nd Earl of, K.G. ; 1822-1909. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., in cap, hands on stick, plaid over r. arm ; arms below. Private plate. Mixed ; 22f x 131 in. LEICESTER, ELIZABETH ; courtesan. 1, W. L,, walking to 1. ; three other women behind, two of them quarrelling. Without any inscription. (0. S. 99, Prankau 213.) Mezz, ; 12J x 10 in, LEICESTER, FRANCIS, B,A, ; of Peterhouse, Cam bridge ; d. 1790. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, gown and bands, r. hand on books; oval. Aquatint ; 4 X 31 in. LEICESTER, GEORGIANA MARY (COTTIN), Lady. See De Tablby. LEICESTER, Sib JOHN FLEMING. See De Tabley. LEIPCHILD, JOHN ; independent minister, of Craven Chapel, Bayswater ; 1780-1862. 1. H. L., to r., seated; vignette. PL to Congregational Mag. ; pub. J. Holdsworth 1825. Stipple. 2. H. L., to r., in gown and bands ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1825. Stipple, LEIGH, CHANDOS LEIGH, 1st Baron ; poet ; 1791- 1850. 1. T. Q. L,, to r,, standing, in cloak. With facsimile of autograph only. Stipple ; 151 X 121 in. Painter R. Reinagle J. Slater G. Richmond J. Sanders R. Woodman Wildman Engraver E. Scriven Mrs. D. Turner J. Cochran P. Joubert (J. R. Smith) J. Sanders R. Woodman T. Blood Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 43 Subject LEIGH, ANTHONY ; comedian ; d, 1692. 1. As the friar in Dryden's Spanish Friar; W. L., full face, standing, in monastic dress, taking money from a box. Sold J. Smith and J. Savage. (C. S. 155,) Mezz, ; 16g X 9| in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions, same plate, with address of Savage erased, same plate, reduced ; with title ' Nat. Lee or the Spanish Fryar.' same plate, as re-issued by Boydell 1811. LEIGH, CHARLES, M.D., P.R.S.; naturalist; 1662- 1701? 1. H. L., to r., in gown ; oval frame on pedestal. Front. to his Natural Hist, of Lancashire, etc., 1700. Line ; lOJ X 71 in. LEIGH, EDWARD ; theological writer and critic ; 1C02- 1671. 1. Aged 60 ; H. L., to r., in cloak ; oval frame. Front, to his Critica Sacra, ed. 1662. Line ; 6J x 6i in. 2. Reversed copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 9 x 5| in. 3. Aged 48 ; T. Q. L., to r., at a table, in cloak, writing in a book. Pront. to his Critica Sacra, ed. 1650. Line ; 5J X 6J in. LEIGH, GEORGE ; auctioneer ; 1743-1816. 1. T. Q. L., r. profile, seated at desk, holding pen and hammer. Stipple ; 6g X 6| in. Proof with artists' names only. LEIGH, SAMUEL ; author of a metrical version of the psalms ; b. 1646. 1. Aged 15 ; bust, to r. ; oval frame, with arms. Pront, to his Samuelis P.rimitiie, etc., 1661. (Pagan p. 45.) Line ; 5J X 2} in, LEIGH [or LEE], Sir THOMAS ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1558 ; 1504 ?-1571. 1. H, L., face to r,, in cap, furred gown and chain. Copy from unique print. Pub. Richardson. Line ; 4J x 4 in. LEIGHTON OP STRETTON, FREDERIC LBIGHTON, Baron, P.R.A. ; painter ; 1880-1896. 1. Bust, r. profile. Etching ; 131 X 9J in. Three states. 2. Bust, 1. profile; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Eeproduction. 3. Bust, nearly in profile to r. Prom a drawing. Photograph ; 12 x 9 in. 4, Five cuttings from illustrated newspapers. Painter G. Kneller W. Paithorne W. Behnes A. Legros R. Lehmann G. P. Watts Engraver John Smith J. Savage J. Chantry Anon. T. Cross J. Swaine (W. Paithorne) Anon. A. Legros 44 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER, M.D. ; puritan physician and divine ; 1568-1649. 1, Bust, to r,, in lace-trimmed skull-cap ; oval, with an account of him, (Parthey 1329,) Etching ; 2J X 21 in, 2, Copy from the last ; oval in rect. Line ; 3J X 3 in. LEIGHTON, EDMUND BLAIR ; painter ; b. 1853. 1. Bust, full face. From a photograph. Process block. LEIGHTON, ROBERT, D.D.; archbishop of Glasgow; 1611-1684. 1. Aged 46; H. L., to r., in gown and band ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6J X 4J in. 2. Similar to the last, to r. ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. stipple.Proof with engraver's name only. 3. Similar ; to 1. ; oval frame, with title in cartouche below. Front, to his Works, 1758. Line ; 6 x 3^ in. 4. Copy from the last., to r. ; oval frame. PL to Neio Christian's Mag. ; pub. A. Hogg 1784. Line ; 4J X 3i in. LEINSTER, MBINHARDT de SCHONBERG, Duke of. See Schombebg. LEINSTER, JAMES FITZGERALD, 1st Duke of; 1722-1773. 1. When Earl of Kildare; nearly W. L., to L, standing, in peer's robes, holding scroll. Pub. M. Ford. (C. S. 113, Goodwin 36.) Mezz, ; 12_| X 9| in. One unfinished proof ; three lettered impressions. LEINSTER, AMELIA MARY (LENNOX), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 2nd Duke of Richmond ; 1731-1814. 1. When Countess of Kildare ; T. Q. L., seated, looking downwards to 1., holding book, veil over head. Pub. J. McArdeU. (C. S. 112, lA, Goodwin 37, II.) Mezz, ; 12g x 9J in. Three impressions, 2, H, L,, seated, directed and looking to 1. ; oval frame. Pub. Dickinson & Watson 1780. (C. S. 43.) Jiezz. ; 131 X 11 in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. 8. Similar picture belonging to Duke of Leinster ; pearls in hair and ermine cloak added. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Eeproduction ; 6^ X 4| in. LEINSTER, WILLIAM ROBERT FITZGERALD, 2nd Duke of, K.P. ; 1749-1804. 1, Nearly W. L., seated by table, directed and looking to L, in fur-edged coat. Prom picture at Carton. Pub. J. Dixon 1775. (C. S. 22.) Mezz. ; ISJ X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' names scratched ; two lettered impressions. W. Hollar Anon. J. Reynolds J. Reynolds J. Reynolds R. White S. Preeman R. Strange J. CoUyer J. McArdeU J. McArdeU W. Dickinson J. Dixon Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 45 Subject Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Pub. G. PITZ- 2. Same picture, Mezz, ; 51 X 4 in. 3. Same picture. PI. to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 81 X 6§ in. 4. W. L., standing by table, looking to L, wearing riband and star. Pub. C. Turner 1804. (Whitman 310.) Impression printed in colours. same plate ; reissue, with address of J. P. Thompson. 5. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; vignette in frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Memoirs ; pub. G. Robinson 1815. stipple ; 6 X 6| in. 6. H. L., to 1., holding paper; rect. frame. Oowen 1792. (C. S. 23.) Mezz. ; 13J X lOJ in. LEINSTER, AUGUSTUS FREDERICK GERALD, 3rd Duke of ; 1791-1874. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith. 2. Nearly W. L., seated, nearly full face, legs crossed. Pub. T. Craufield. Mezz. ; 17| X 13J in. LEINSTER, HBRMIONE WILHELMINA (DUN- COMBE), Duchess of; w. of Gerald Fitzgerald, 5th Duke ; d. of 1st Earl of Feversham ; 1864-1895. 1. H. L., full face ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. 2. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.LEITCH, WILLIAM LEIGHTON; water-colour painter; 1804-1883. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Woodcut. 2. Similar to the last ; vignette. Woodcut. Proof before any inscription. LEITH, Sir JAMBS, G.C.B.; Leeward Islands ; 1763-1816. 1. H. L., looking to r., wearing Private plate, without title. stipple ; 4i X 3J in. LEITH-HAY, MARY MARGARET (CLARK), Lady; w. of Sir Andrew L.-H., of Leith HaU ; d. 1859. 1. When Miss Clark; in character of Una; W. L., to L, seated on the ground, a lion beside her. Pub. W. Say 1806. Mezz. ; 14 X 11 in. ' LEITH VOLUNTEER.' See Gbinly, William. LE JEUNE, HENRY, A.R.A. ; painter ; 1819-1904. See Groups. LELAND, JOHN ; antiquary ; 1506 ?-1552. 1. The bust at All Souls' College, Oxford ; in a niche. Pront. to his Life, by Huddesford, 1772. [Fanciful.] Line ; BJ X 41 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1796. Line ; 6| X 41 in. general ; governor of orders ; arms below. Painter J. Reynolds M. A. Shee G. Stuart A. D'Orsay J. C. Smith J. Wright J. Northeote Engraver S. W. Reynolds C. Turner JJ J. Heath C. H. Hodges A. D'Orsay G. Sanders Anon. C. Pieart W. Say C. Grignion Anon. 46 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LELAND, JOHN, D.D. ; dissenting minister at Dublin; 1691-1766. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and bands ; oval frame. Pub, A, Bradley, Dublin, (C, S, 18.) Mezz, ; 11^ x 10 in, LELAND, THOMAS, D.D. ; Irish historian ; 1722-1785. 1. H. L., to 1., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. Pub. J. Dean 1777. (C. S. 16.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. Three proofs before iusoription, artists' names, etc., scratched; one lettered impression. 2. Same picture, to r. ; oval. PL to Anthologia Hibernica, 1793. Line ; S| X 2| in. 3. Same picture. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1795. stipple ; 3J X 2| in, LELY, Sir PETER ; portrait painter ; 1618-1680, 1. H. L., to L, in cloak. Sold A. Browne. (C. S. 68.) Mezz. ; 12J X 9J in. Proof before any inscription, same plate, reworked ; engraver's name erased and J, Smith's address substituted for Browne's. 2. Copy from the last ; with ' Sir Peter LeUy ' on tablet below. Line ; ej x 4 in. 3. Another copy, reversed. Pub. E. Jeffrey 1793. Stipple ; 4| X 4 in. 4. Similar to the preceding, but with r. hand introduced. Line ; 12J x 11 in. 5. Reversed copy from the last, PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762, Line ; 5J x 4J iu, 6. Another copy, to L ; oval at head of account of him, PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1795. Line ; IJ x If in. 7. H. L., to r. From picture in the Florence gallery. Line ; 6J x 4i in. 8. Same picture. Printed in colours. Mezz. ; 61 X 51 in. 9. Same picture. ' G. D, Perretti del.' Line ; 81 X 6} in. 10. Bust, to 1. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Descamps's Vie des Peintres, &o., 1754. Line ; 21 x 3J in. 11. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. Prom picture formerly at Strawberry Hill. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, ed. 1862. Line : 4J x 3| in, 12, H. L., to 1. ; oval, G. Valck ex. (C. S, 3,) Mezz, ; 6| X 4.} in. Two impressions, 13, Bust, to r. ; oval in cartouche, with title ' Pierre Lely.' Line, 14, H. L., to r. Line ; 3J x 3i in. oval in rect. Painter LE MAISTRE, (Mrs.) See Nolckbn, Mary, Baroness. A. Lee J. Reynolds P. Lely Engraver J. Brooks J. Dean H. Brocas R. Stanier I. Beckett JJ Anon. JJ A. de Jode A. Bannerman RiversB. Eredi (C. Lasinio) M. Pitteri E. Picquet W^. Raddon G. Valek Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 47 Subject LEMOINE, Henry ; itinerant bookseller ; 1756-1812. 1. W. L., walking to r., with bag over shoulder. PL to Wonderful Mag. ; pub. A. Hogg 1806. Etcliing ; ej X 41 in. LEMON, Sir CHARLES, bart., P.R.S. ; 1784-1868. 1. Bust, looking to L, vignette ; one of ' Grillion's Club' series. Stipple.LEMON, MARGARET; mistress of Sir Anthony Van Dyck. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding nosegay ; French title and verses below. G. Hendricx exc. From picture at Althorp. (Parthey 1456.) Etching; 8} X 6Jin. 2. Reversed copy from the last, with same inscriptions. P. Stent exo. Etching ; 81 X 6S in, same plate, reduced to head only ; above ' Mrs, Mary Lemmon. P, Stent excud.' 41 X 2J in, 3, Same picture, H. L., to r. G. Hendricx exc. PL to Iconographie de Van Dyck. (Wibiral 111.) Line ; 8| X 7 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. Same picture, H. L., to r., nosegay omitted ; octagonal frame. Without title. Etching and line ; Hi X 9J in. LEMON, MARK ; editor of Punch ; 1809-1870. 1. As Palstaff ; W. L., standing, holding tankard ; vignette. Woodcut. Proof before inscription. 2. W. L., seated, full face ; oval in rect. Woodcut ; 7 X 4 in. Proof before inscription. LEMON, ROBERT ; chief clerk in the Record Office ; b. 1730. 1. Aged 80 ; T. Q. L., seated by table, full face, hands clasped. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Hickin 1810. Soft-ground etching. LEMON, ROBERT, Jun., F.S.A.; deputy-keeper of state papers ; 1779-1835. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, full face, holding spectacles ; bust of Milton to r. Memorial portrait. Lith. ; 14| X 111 in. LEMPRIERE, (Caet.) C. ; draughtsman to the Office of Ordnance ; d. 1746. 1. H. L.,to r., in hat, r. hand thrust into coat ; oval. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 219.) Mezz, ; 10| X 9 in. One unfinished proof; three lettered impressions, [Afterwards altered to Hannah Shell,] LEMPSTER, LORD. See Pomfret. LENDRUM, THOMAS ; rector of Castleblayney, Ireland. 1. Bust, to r., in private dress ; oval frame. (G. S. 27.) Painter G. Richmond A. Van Dyck J. Tenniel T. Lawrence T. Prye Engraver Anon. W. HoU W. Hollar R. Gaywood J' P. Lommelin J. Morin Swain . 12f X lOi in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. W. DanieU M. Gauci J. Paber jun. H. Earlom 48 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LE NEVE, PETER, P.R.S. , F.S.A. ; Norroy king of arms ; antiquary ; 1661-1729. 1. H. L., to r., in tabard and chain ; oval in rect. Pub. J. Thane 1773. Line ; 5J X 41 in, LENNARD, JOHN, (of Chevening and Knole) ; 1507 ?- 1588? 1, H, L,, directed and looking to L, in hat, rufi and furred gown ; arms below. Lith, ; 7§ X 61 in. LENNARD, SAMSON ; herald and translator ; d. 1638. 1. H. L., to L, r. hand on helmet, 1. holding scroll; oval frame with ornaments. Pront. to his translation of Charron's On Wisdom, 1658. Line; 61 X 4J in. LENNARD, Sir THOMAS BARRETT, bart. See Barrett-Lennard. LENNOX, MATTHEW STUART, 4th Barl of; father of LordDarnley; 1516-1571. 2. Bust, to r, ; from figure in the Darnley cenotaph picture ; oval, PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3J X 3 in. 3. Bust, looking to r., in cap ; oval. Line ; 21 x 2 in. See Groufs (Darnley cenotaph). LENNOX, MARGARET (DOUGLAS), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; d. of Margaret Tudor ; mother of Lord Darnley ; 1515-1578. 1. W. L., to L, in mourning dress, standing by table on which is a clock ; dog at her feet. Prom picture at Hampton Court. Pub. Granger Society 1842. Mixed ; 91 X BJ in. 2. Her monument, with recumbent effigy, in Westminster Abbey. PL to Dart's Westmonasterium. Line. 3. Same monument. Small modern plate. Line. See Groufs (Darnley cenotaph). LENNOX, CHARLES STUART, 5th Barl of ; b. of Lord Darnley; 1555-1576. See Henry, Lord Darnley. • See Groups (Darnley cenotaph). LENNOX, BSm6 STUART, 1st Duke ot; 1542?-1583. 1. Head, to L, in hat and large rufi. From crayon drawing in Biblioth^que Nationale, Paris. Eeproduction. LENNOX, LUDOVICK See Richmond. STUART, 2nd Duke of, K.G. LENNOX, JAMES STUART, 4th Duke of, K.G. See Richmond. LENNOX, ADELAIDE CONSTANCE, (born Campbell) ; w. of Lord Arthur L., M.P. ; d. 1888. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding lUies-of-the-vaUey. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty. Stipple and line ; 6i{ x 4| in. Painter G. Vertue Engraver J. Ogborne Anon. R. V(aughan) Anon. P. Quesnel? P. Grant J. Brown J. Cole Anon. W. J. Edwards Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 49 Subject LENNOX, Lady CECILIA CATHERINE. See Lucan, Cecilia, Countess of. LENNOX, CHARLOTTE, (born Ramsay); writer; 1720- 1804. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from unfinished picture. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1798. stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 2. Copy from the last ; vignette in rect. border. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in, LENNOX, Lady GEORGE. See Lennox, Lady Louisa. LENNOX, Lady LOUISA, (born Ker) ; w. of Lord George H. L. ; d. of 4th Marquess of Lothian ; 1739- 1830. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, with dog on lap ; with title ' Lady George Lenox.' Pub. C. Bowles. (C. S. 71.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9J '»• 2. Reversed copy from the last ; with^title ' Lady Lenox. ' Mezz. ; 6 X 43 in. 3. Same picture ; with polished round table added in front. ' Corbutt fecit.' Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 51.) Mezz, ; 12J X 10 in. same plate, with table removed and number 118 added. LENNOX, Lord WILLIAM PITT ; 4th s. of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond ; 1799-1881. See Hill, Rowland, Viscount. LENNOX, Lady WILLIAM. See Paton, Mary Anne. LENS, BERNARD ; miniature painter ; drawing master at Christ's Hospital ; 1682-1740. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame supported by two seated figures of Christ's Hospital boys. Pront. to his Drawing Book. Line ; 6.1 X 7J in. 2. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., holding palette and brushes. Pub. E. Evans 1824. Stipple ; 4| X Sg in. LENS, JOHN; serjeant-at-law and commissioner of assize; 1756-1825. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. Prom a wax model. Stipple ; 3J X 31 in. 2. H. L., 1. profile, in wig and gown; vignette. Pub. C. Sweet 1829. Stipple. LENTHALL, WILLIAM; speaker of the House of Commons; 1591-1662. 1. Bust, to r., in cloak ; oval in reot. Prom a miniature. ' Pub. G. P. Harding 1847. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 2. Same miniature. Pub. J. Debrett 1793.! Line ; 2f X 2 in. 3. Bust, r. profile ; oval. Prom a drawing. Etching ; 31 X 2} in. See Whitelock, Bulstrode. vol. III. Painter J. Reynolds A. Ramsay B. Lens E. C. Coffin Penny S. Cooper Engraver P. Bartolozzi H. R. Cook R. Houston Anon.R. PurceU L. P. Boitard Anon. P. C. Lewis C. Penny J. Brown Thomthwaite E. B. Gulston 50 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter LEO, FREDERICK. 1. T. Q. L,, seated, looking upwards to r,, bible in r, hand. (Whitman 176.) Mezz, ; 101 X s;; in, LEONI, (Mr,) ; actor. 1. As Don Carlos in Sheridan's comic opera The Duenna ; small W, L., standing. Pub. J. Bew 1778. Line.2. In same character, with Mrs. Mattocks as Louisa ; W. L., standing together. Line ; 61 X 31 in. LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, Duke of Albany, K.G. ; 4th s. of Queen Victoria ; 1853-1884. 1. Aged 11 ; bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. Mitchell 1864. Lith. 2. As a fisher-boy ; W. L., to r. Prom a statue. PL to Art Journal. Stipple, 3,- Aged 2 ; nearly W. L,, full face ; oval. Lith. ; 111 X 91 in. 4. Aged 6 ; a head, to r. ; circle. Lith. ; 131 in, diam, 5, Bust, to r,, in uniform. From photograph, Suppl. to Pictorial World, 3 April, 1884. Woodcut ; 111 X 8| in. 6, Aged 6 ; W, L., to L, standing, in highland dress ; vignette. From a photograph. Pub. J. Mitchell 1859. Lith 7. Bust, to r. From photograph. Suppl. to The Graphic, 5 April, 1884. Woodcut ; 11 X 9 in. :ft. Bust, looking to r., in uniform; vignette. PL to Almanach de Gotha, 1884. Line. 9. Aged 13 ; T. Q. L., to L, standing. Photograph,10, When a youth ; H, L,, to L, arms folded, Photograpli. 11. With the Duchess and their infant daughter. Prom photograph. Suppl. to The Graphic, 5 April, 1884. Woodcut ; lOJ X 9 in. 12. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph ; oval, with another of Princess Helen of Waldeck-Pyrmont. Suppl to Court Circle, 1882. Lith. ; 81 X 63 in, 13, Bust, looking to r,, in frame of flowers. Prom photo graph. With companion portrait of the Duchess. Suppl. to Illust. London News, 1882. Woodcut. 14. Same photograph ; vignette, with another of the Duchess. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut, 15, H, L,, looking to L, in uniform with orders ; vignette. Suppl. to Illust. London News, 5 April, 1884. Litli. H. Wyatt Engraver S. W. Reynolds Anon. A. Graefle M. Thornyeroft F. Winterhalter R. J. Lane G. J. Stodart R. J. Lane J. A. Vinter W. B. Gardner R. J. Lane H. Ulrich A. Weger Disd^ri Anon. Catalogue of Engraved Britii-h Portraits rA Subject 16. Bust, nearly full face. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 5 April, 18S4. Woodcut. 17. T. Q. L., seated, the Duchess standing beside him. Prom photograph. Another cutting from the same. Woodcut, 18. A head, full face. On title to a Life of him published at the time of his death. Woodcut.19. W. L,, seated on bank, holding gun; humorous, 'Figaro cartoon.' Chromolith.Ll^OTARD; gymnast. 1. As he appeared at Cremorne Gardens ; W. L., standing with arms folded ; vignette. Printed Day & Son. Lith.2. At Cremorne Gardens; W. L., standing, leaning on pedestal ; vignette. Printed Day & Son. Lith.3. W. L., standing, full face, holding trapese; vignette. Pub. A. Chape. Lith. LEPABD, WILLIAM ; deacon of the baptist church in Carter Lane, Southwark ; 1701-1799. 1. Aged 90 ; H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. Line ; 4 X 3g iu. LEPELL, MARY. See Hbbvey, Mary (Lepell), Lady. LE PIPER, FRANCIS ; painter ; d. 1698. 1. H. L., face to L, in wig and mantle ; oval. Without any inscription. (C. S. 13a.) Mezz. ; 8f X 6J in. See Van Diest. ' LESBIA.' See Collier, Christiana, Lady. LESLEY. See Leslie. LESLIE, ALEXANDER. See Leven. LESLIE, (Hon.) ALEXANDER ; brother of 6th Earl of Leven; general; 1731-1794. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in uniform and hat ; oval ; 1789. Etciiing ; 31 X 2§ in. LESLIE, CHARLES, M.A. ; Irish nonjuror and contro versialist ; 1650-1722. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 121 x 7J iu. 2. Same picture, to r. ; oval. (C. S. 61.) Mezz. ; llj X 93- in. LESLIE, CHARLES ROBERT, R.A. ; painter; 1794- 1859. See Groups (Sketching Club). LESLIE, DAVID. See Newark. LESLIE, Lady ELIZABETH. See Wathen. Painter P. Austin R. de la HoU' liere J. Kay A. S. Belle Engraver Anon. Anon. Anon. (E. LuttreU) J. Kay P. Chereau Anon. E 2 52 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LESLIE [or LESLEY], JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Ross; partisan of Mary Queen of Scots ; 1527-1596. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r., in biretta. From picture at Aberdeen University. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1795. Line ; 6,J X 41 in. 2. Bust, to L, in biretta ; octagonal frame on pedestal. ' A. vr. Werfi pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line ; llf X 6J in. 3. H. L., to L, holding gloves; inscribed oval in rect. frame. Contemporary plate. Line ; 6 x 31 in. LESLIE, JOHN ; professor of Greek at Aberdeen ; 1721- 1790. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). LESLIE, (Hon.) JOHN ; s. of David, 8th Earl of Leven ; general; 1759-1824. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). LESLIE, Sir JOHN; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Edinburgh ; 1766-1882. 1. H. L., to L, in gown. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1833. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 2. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen. ¦Stipple,3, Nearly W, L,, slightly to L, seated by table, in gown. Line ; 6:} X 41 in. 4. H. L., to r. ; oval ; with French inscription. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. 5. H. L., 1. profile, lecturing ; vignette. PL to Lockhart's Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Etching. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science). LESLIE, Lady MARY. See Portmore. LESLIE, WALTER, (Count Leslie) ; soldier of fortune and diplomatist ; 1606-1667. 1. H. L., to r., in armour, lace collar and sash ; oval frame in cartouche, with ornaments ; 1637. Line ; 91 X 61 in. LESSINGHAM, (Mrs.) ; actress, 1, As Mrs, Sullen ; W, L., standing in a room, a gentleman opening the door. Line ; 6 X 3| in. 2. As Ophelia in Hamlet ; W. L., to 1., giving flowers. Line ; 6f X 3,J in. 8. Same figure, reversed. Line. Clipped impression. 4. As Oriana, in Parquhar's The Inconstant; W. L., stand ing, looking to 1. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1777. Line ; 61 X 31 in. Barlow P. V. Gunst Anon. A. Chisholm B. W. Crombie D. Wilkie H. Cook J. Johnstone J. Horsburgh A. Tardieu W. Wastle L. Kilian J. J. Barralet J. Roberts L. Kilian Walker C. Grignion Thornthwaite Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 53 Subject 5. As Flora ; small W. L., standing. Pub. J. Harrison 1779. Line. 6. As Oriana, in The Inconstant; small W. L., standing. Pub. I. Wenman 1777. Line.7. As Silvia ; small W. L., standing, in male attire, raising hat. Line.LESTER, WILLIAM ; agricultural engineer. 1. T. Q. L., to r., hands on threshing machine. Pub. W. Lester 1804. Pront. to his History of British Implements applicable to Agriculture. Line ; 8| X 71 in, LESTOCK, RICHARD ; admiral; 1679?-1746. 1. H. L., to r., in private dress, with end of neckcloth through button-hole ; oval. (C. S. 220.) Mezz. ; 10| X 9 in. Three impressions, L'ESTRANGE, Sir ROGER ; tory pamphleteer, jour nalist, and licenser of the press ; 1616-1704. 1. Aged 68 ; H. L., face to 1., in wig and gown ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Fables of .Mlsop, 1692. Line ; 91 X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last. Line; 51 X 3Jin. 3. Same picture, reversed ; oval. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 6| X 61 in. LE STRANGE, Sir THOMAS, (of Hunstanton) ; 1494- 1545. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. From the drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 61 X 5| in. 2. Same drawing. Photograph. 3. Same drawing. Photograph by Braun of Dornach. 4. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. LE SUEUR, HUBERT ; sculptor; executed the statue of Charles I. at Charing Cross ; 1595 ?-1650 ? 1. H. L., looking to L, in cloak, 1. hand on antique marble head. Without title. (Wessely 27.) Mezz. ; 8| X 6J in. LETHBBIDGE, Sir JOHN HESKETH, bart. ; 1798- 1873. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. LETTSOM, JOHN COAKLEY, M.D., F.R.S. ; physician ; 1744-1815. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; oval. Stipple ; 31 X 2J in. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval in rect. frame, with emblems. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1787. Line; 3| X 21 in. Painter Drummond J. WoUaston G. Kneller H. Holbein A. Van Dyck P. W. Wilkin S. Medley Engraver TerryAnon. V. Woodthorpe J. Paber jun. R. White M. vr. Gucht P. Tempest exc. R. Cooper J. Van Somer P. W. Wilkin W. Ridley T. HoUoway 54 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LETTSOM, JOHN GOAKL-EY— continued. 3. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. From a model. Front, to his Memoirs, by Pettigrew ; pub. Skelton 1817. Line ; 41 X 31 in. 4, Small silhouette profile ; on title to his Hints designed to promote Beneficence, etc, 1801, stipple, See Groups (Medical Society). LEVEN, ALEXANDER LESLIE, 1st Earl of ; Scottish covenanter and general; 1580?-1661. 1, Bust, to L, in falling ruff ; oval. From a miniature, PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica; pub, I, Herbert 1795. Stipple ; 3J X 31 in. 2. When General Leslie ; bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. Sold T. Hind. (Pagan p. 45.) Line ; 2J X 21 in. 3. Copy from the last ; vignette, with account of him below. Contemporary. Etcliing, 4, Similar to the preceding, to 1, ; oval on pedestal, PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713, Line ; 6f X 3J in, 5. H, L,, to r,, in armour and sash, 1, hand on truncheon ; oval ; with false title ' David Lasley.' PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 61 X 3J in. 6. Copy from the last, reversed, bust only ; circle ; with same title, PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757, Line ; 31 in, diam, 7, When General Leslie; H, L,, to L, in armour, holding truncheon ; oval. PL to Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. Liue ; 31 X 2J in. LEVEN, JOHN THORNTON LESLIE-MELVILLE, 11th Earl of, (8th Earl of Melville) ; 1786-1876. 1 Aged 84 ; H. L. to r. ; oval in rect. Private plate. Mezz. ; llf X 9.} in. LHIVER, Sib ASHTON; collector of curiosities; 1729- 1788. 1. H. L., r. profile; oval in rect. frame. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1784. Line ; 63 X 8| in, 2, H, L., looking to L, in hat ; oval. Pub. R. Cribb 1787. Stipple ; Sf X 2f in. Painter LEVERIDGE, RICHARD; 1670?-1758. 1, H. L., full face, holding up sheet of music. Pether. (C. S. 23.) Mezz, ; 131 X 101 in. One proof before inscription ; five lettered impressions. 2, Copy from the last, PL to European Mag. Sewell 1793. Line ; 4J x 31 in. singer and composer ; Sold W. : pub. J. C. Janssen ' A. V. Dyck ' G. Richmond W. Angus S. SheUey T. Prye Engraver W. Skelton Anon. Tiebout (W. Paithorne ?)^ Anon. M.vr. Gucht S. P. Ravenet Anon. J. B. Jackson W. Angus W. Nutter W. Pether J. Saunders Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 55 Subject 3, H, L,, slightly to 1, ; oval in rect, ; below ' 0 the Roast Beef of Old England.' Pub. 1753. (0. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9J in. Pi-cof before line of publication. 4. With W. Pinkethman ; W. L., standing on booth at Bartholomew Pair, singing The Mountebank Song ; verses and music below. Line ; 6 X 6} in. LEVERLAND, GERVASE ; wooUen draper at South ampton ; fl. 1780. 1. Bust, nearly iu profile to 1. ; oval ; without inscription. Private plate. Etching and aquatint ; 31 X 21 in. LEVESON-GOWER, Ladt ELIZABETH. See Argyll, Elizabeth, Duchess of. LEVESON-GOWER, Lady EVELYN. See Blantybe. LEVESON-GOWER, Lord FRANCIS, M.P. See Ellesmbre, Francis Egerton, 1st Earl of. LEVETT, FRANCIS ; Turkey merchant ; d. 1764. 1, W. L., seated, in oriental dress ; vignette, with French title. Pub. Chereau and Audran, Paris. Line. LEVETT, Sir RICHARD ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1700 ; d. 1711. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and chain of office ; oval frame with mace, sword, etc. Line ; 131 X 101 in. Two impressions. See Groups (Eight aldermen). LEVI, DAVID ; hebraist and controversialist ; 1740-1799. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1799. Line and stipple ; 4 X 3 in. LEVIEZ, CHARLES ; dancing master ; d. 1778 ? 1. H. L., looking to 1., in fur-lined cloak, black riband round neck ; oval frame. (C. S. 117, Goodwin 101.) Mezz. ; 101 X 9 in. One proof before inscription and before the riband ; one with the riband added ; two lettered impressions. LEVINZ, Sib CRESWBLL ; judge ; one of the counsel for the seven bishops ; 1627-1701. 1. H. L., to 1'., in judicial robes; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Pront. to his Reports, 1702. Line ; 9 X 61 in. See Groups (Counsel for the seven bishops). LEWES, CHARLES LEE ; actor ; 1740-1803. 1, .\s Captain Bobadil in Jonson's Every Man in his Humour ; W. L., standing, holding sword; oval in rect. PI. to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 41 X 3 in. 2. H. L., looking upwards to 1. ; oval. Pub. H. D. Symonds 1804. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. Painter Engraver P. vr. Myn J. E. Liotard R. White S. Drummond J. Q. Eecardt G. Kneller S. De Wilde A. vr. Myn Anon. Anon. J. C. Rein- sperger R. White- W. Bromley J. McArdeU R. Whiter W.iLeney J. Hopwood 56 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEWES, CHARLES hE.E— continued. 3. Speaking prologue in the character of Harlequin ; small W.L. Line ; 4J x Si in. 4. As Mercury; small W. L. Pub. J. Harrison 1781. Line. LEWES, GEORGE HENRY ; writer ; 1817-1878. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. iteproduction. LEWES, Sir WATKIN, M.P. ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1781 ; 1736-1821. 1. Nearly W. L., standing by table on which are papers, directed and looking to L, in gown, holding scroll ; oval frame. Pub. 0. Bowles 1773. (C. S. 44.) Mezz. ; 12J x 9| in, same plate, with inscription altered and artist's name erased. Pub. C. Bowles. LEWIS, CHARLES ; bookbinder ; 1786-1836. 1. H. L., nearly full face; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. Bohn. Stipple. LEWIS, CHARLES GEORGE ; engraver ; 1808-1880. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Prom a drawing. Stipple. LEWIS, DAVID, [piseud. CHARLES BAKER] ; Jesuit ; executed for treason ; 1617-1679. See Groups (Jesuits), (Titus Gates and Jesuits). LEWIS, FREDERICK CHRISTIAN; engraver of drawings and landscape painter ; 1781-1856. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Facsimile of a pencil sketch done in 1834. Uoulette. LEWIS, (Right Hon.) Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL, bart., M.P. ; statesman and author ; 1806-1863. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1863. Woodcut. 2. H.L., nearly full face; oval; from photograph. Cutting from the same. Woodcut. See Groups (House of Commons, 1860). LEWIS, H. ; actor. See Terry, Eliza. LEWIS, JAMES ; architect ; 18th cent. 1. Bust, r. profile; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Pub. W. DanieU. Soft-ground etching. Proof before inscription. Painter Engraver Anon. R. Lehmann W. Dickinson G. R. Lewis J. H. Lewis W. Dickinson G. R. Lewis C. G. Lewis J. P. Lewis G. Dance C. G. Lewis Loudan Anon. W. Daniell Catalogtie of Engraved British Portraits 57 Subject LEWIS, JOHN, ]\I.A. ; vicar of Minster, Kent ; historian and antiquary ; 1675-1747. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands ; oval frame with crest in cartouche below ; without inscription. Front, to his Hist, of Thanet, 1736. (C. S. 26, I.) Mezz. ; 9J X 71 in. 2. Copy from the last ; reot. Line ; 41 X 3| in. Proof before inscription. LEWIS, JOHN FREDERICK, R.A.; painter; 1804- 1876. 1. Bust, to L, face in profile ; vignette. From a drawing. Stipple.2. Copy from the last ; vignette. Without inscription. Woodcut.LEWIS, Lady MARIA THERESA, (born Villiers) ; sister of 4th Earl of Clarendon ; m. 1. Thomas H. Lister, of Armitage Park, 2. Sir G. CornewaU Lewis, bart. ; writer; 1803-1865. 1. When Mrs. Lister; T. Q. L., to L, in evening dress, leaning on table, holding paper ; octagon. Stipple ; 9 X 71 in. 2. When Mrs. Lister ; T. Q. L., standing at a casement, looking to r., in mantilla, holding fan; with title 'The Mantilla.' Pub. F. G. Moon 1838. Line ; 14 X 10 in. One unfinialied proof, touched ; two before title. same plate, reissue with title ' The Lattice.' Pub. T. Boys 1852. 3. Same picture ; with title ' The Mantilla.' PL to library ed. of Landseer's Works; pub. H. Graves & Co. 1889. Stipple and line ; 7f X 61 in. Proof before inscription. 4. When Mrs. Lister; H. L., full face, resting arms on window-sm, in high headdress. Pub. Colnaghi 1884. (Whitman 102.) Mezz. ; 101 X 81 in. One proof with title in open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 5. When Mrs. Lister; T. Q. L., seated, full face, rose in bosom. PL to Murray's Gems of G. S. Newton, 1842. Mezz. ; 81 X 61 in. LEWIS, MATTHEW GREGORY; author of The Monk; 1775-1818. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. T. Bellamy 1796. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. 2. H. L., fuU face; vignette. PL to Life and Works of Lord Byron; pub. Murray 1834. Stipple. 3. T. Q. L., seated, looking upwards to 1. From picture in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure.LEWIS, (Miss) M. G. ; novelist ; fl. 1825. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Stipple. Painter J. H. Lewis J. Hayter E. Landseer G. S. Newton S. Drummond G. H. Harlow H. Pickersgill A. Daniel Engraver G. White R. Graves C. G. Lewis Anon. Pin den J. H. Robinson JJ (W. Roffe) S. Cousins G. H. PhilUps W. Ridley J. HoUis T. Woolnoth 5S Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEWIS, PAUL ; highwayman ; hanged 1763. 1. Bust, to r., in hat ; oval. Line ; 41 X 31 in. Painter minister of Union Chapel, Islington ; LEWIS, THOMAS ; 1778 ?-1852. 1. In pulpit, to r., preaching ; bible on cushion before him ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. LEWIS, (Right Hon.) Sir THOMAS PRANKLAND, bart., M.P. ; 1780-1855. 1. Bust, directed and looking to L; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Lith.2, T, Q, L,, seated in armchair, directed and looking to 1, ; with facsimile of autograph. Lith. ; 121 X 9'i in. 3. Bust, directed and looking to 1. No. 6 of set of por traits of persons present at trial of Queen Caroline, Pub. Wivell 1822. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. LEWIS, WILLIAM THOMAS ; actor ; 1748 ?-1811. 1. H. L., looking to r., holding mask; oval, PL to European Mag. ; pub. J, Sewell 1790. Stipple ; 4 X 3Jin. 2. As the Prince of Wales iu Henry IV, part I. ; W. L., standing, holding hat and stick ; oval in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1786. Line ; 31 X 2J in. 3. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. From a miniature. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood, Nov. 1798. Stipple ; 38 X 3 in. same plate ; first state, with painter's name ' A. Pope,' and with address of T. Bellamy, July 1798. 4. H. L., r. profile ; vignette. Prom crayon drawing now in British Museum. Pub. W. Daniell 1810. Soft-ground etching. 5. As the Copper Captain in Beaumont and Fletcher's RuU a Wife and have a Wife; W. L., standing, full face Pub. J. Bell 1791. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in. 6. As Pharnaces in Hoole's Cleonice ; W. L., standing- oval in rect. PI. to Bell's British Theatre, 1795. Line ; 41 X 31 in. 7. As Douglas in Home's Douglas; W. L., standing. Line ; 5 X 31 in. 8, As Hippolitus in B, Smith's Phmdra and Hippolitus ; W, L., standing, fuU face. PL to Neiv English Theatre ¦ pub. T. Lowndes 1776. Line ; 61 x 31 in. 9. As the Prince of Wales in Henry IV, part I. ; W L standing, 1. profile. PL to Bell's ed. of Shakspeare, 1775. ^ Line ; 6| X 3| in. C. Baugniet J. Slater P. Watts A. WiveU M. Brown E. P. Burney G. Chinnery ' A. Pope ' G. Dance S. De WUde D. Dodd Engraver Anon.C. Baugniet R. J. Lane T. H. Maguire T. Wright J. Corner Thornthwaite W. Ridley JJ W. Daniell J. Cond6 P. Audinet J. Goldar C. Grignion T. Parkinson Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 59 Subject 10. As the Marquess in Inchbald's The Midnight Hour; W. L., to r., standing, hat in 1. hand. Prom picture now in the National Gallery. Pub. J. Jones 1792. (C. S. 47.) Mezz. ; 23| X 16 in. Four proofs before title ; one fully lettered impression. 11, Same picture, W. L. PL to Theatrical Inqidsitor ; pub. Sherwood & Co. 1812. stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 12. As Sir Harry Wildair; W. L., standing, firing pistol. Pub. W. Hinton 1786. Li le ; 4§ X 3 in. 13. With Jlr. Quick ; as Goldfinch and Silky, in Holcroft's Road to Ruin; W. L., standing together. Pub. W. & J. Stratford 1792. Line ; 6| X 3| in. LEWIS, WYNDHAM ; M.P. for Maidstone ; d. 1838. 1, H. L., nearly fuU face. (Whitman 178.) Jlezz. ; 9J X 8 in. LEWIS, (Mrs.) ; w. of Arthur James L. 1. T. Q. L., to r., in fancy dress, resting arm on pedestal. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1846. Stipple ; 6 X 4s in. LEWIS, (Miss). 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding letter with both hands. Without title. Pub. J. McArdell 1754. (0. S. 118, Goodwin 39.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9J in. One touched proof before inscription ; four lettered impressions. same plate, reworked ; subject lengthened ; engraver's name removed ; title ' Miss Lewis ' and address of J. Bowles, No. 13 Cornhill, inserted. [The name given to this portrait is false ; the original represents Mille. Lavergne, niece of Liotard the painter, and a plate by Daull(i & Ravenet is so inscribed.] 2. Copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 52.) Mezz. ; 12| x 10 in. 3. Another copy. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 27.) Mezz. ; 6| X 4| in. LEWIS, (Miss) ; sister of John Frederick L., R.A. ; d. young. 1. Bust, looking upwards to r, ; vignette. Without in scription. Lith.LEWISHAM, GEORGE LEGGE, Viscount. See Dartmouth. LEWSON, JANE ; centenarian ; 1700-1816. 1. W. L., nearly full face, in hat, holding staff. Pub. J. Robins 1821. Stipple; 61 X 4 in, LEY, Sir JAMES. See Marlborough. LEYBOURN, WILLIAM; mathematician ; 1626-1700? 1. Aged 48 ; H. L., to r., in cloak ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Compleat Surveyor, 1674. Line ; 65 X 4? in. Painter M. A. Shee J. W. Wright J. E. Liotard (M. Carpenter) Engraver J. Jones H. R. Cook Anon. S. W. Reynolds P. HoU J. McArdeU R. Purcell C. Spooner R. White R. Cooper R. White 60 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LEYBOURN, YilLlAkM— continued. 2. Aged 64; H. L., to r., in cloak and skull-cap; oval frame. Front, to his Cursus Mathematicus, 1690. Line ; S^ x 5| in. 3. Aged 30; H. L., to r., in cloak. Front, to his Arith- metiok. Etching ; 4i X 31 in. 4. Aged 27; bust, to L, in rich frame. Front, to his Compleat Surveyor, 1653. Etching ; Vi X 5| in. same plate, reworked ; age altered to 30. 5. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, legs crossed; with title in small characters ' Effigies Authoris.' Pront. to his Dialling, 1669. Line ; 6 x 4| in. same plate ; with same title in larger characters. recorder of Chester ; 1748 ?- Pub. C. Turner 1822. LEYCESTER, HUGH 1836. 1. H. L,, to r,, in private dress, (Whitman 311.) Mezz. ; 11 X 8J in. 2. W. L., standing, almost full face, in wig and gown, holding scroll with both hands. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1817. (Whitman 179.) Mezz, ; 21| x 131 in. M,D, ; Scottish poet and linguist ; LEYDEN, JOHN, 1775-1811. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; vignette. From a sketch taken on board the Phoenix. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure.LIART, MATTHEW ; engineer ; 1736 -1782 ? 1. H. L., to L, face in profile, looking upwards, holding crayon and portfolio. Without any inscription. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 8J X 7i in. 2. Similar to the last, reversed, bust only. With en graver's name only. (C. S. 2.) Mezz, ; 5| X 41 in. LICHFIELD, BERNARD STUART, Earl of ; 4th s. of Esm6, 3rd Duke of Lennox; royalist; feU at Rowton Heath; 1622-1645. 1. When Lord B. Stuart ; W. L., standing with his brother Lord John. Prom picture until recently at Cobham Hall. PL to Cust's Van Dyck, 1900. Photogravure ; 8 X 4J in. 2. Similar composition (but representing other persons). From picture now belonging to Lord Lucas. (C. S. 174.) Mezz. ; 181 X 13^ in. One proof before insciiption ; four lettered impressions. 3. Same picture as the last, reversed. (C. S. 46.) Mezz. ; 171 X 101 in. 4. Same picture; bust, to 1.; octagon, on plate with another of Lord Kingston, in set of Loyalists. Line ; 41 X 81 in. Painter R. White W. Beechey W. Owen EUiot J. Liart A. Van Dyck Engraver R. White R. Gaywood Anon. C. Turner S. W. Reynolds & Son P. Audinet J. McArdeU R. Tompson exc. G. Vertue Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 61 Subject 5. Bust, to L, in armour ; oval in rect. Cut from a sheet of heads of loyalists. Line, See Groups (Charles I, and his supporters). LICHFIELD, CHARLOTTE (FITZROY), Countess of; w. of Henry Lee, 1st Barl ; d. of Charles II. by the Duchess of Cleveland ; 1664-1718. 1. H. L., face to r., veil over head; oval. I. Beckett ex. (C. S. 65.) Mezz. ; 6i X 6f in. 2. W. L., standing, nearly full face, 1. arm on pedestal, spaniel at her feet. Prom picture at Ditchley. I. Beckett exc. (C. S. 66.) Mezz. ; 16| X 91 in. Three impressions. [Afterwards issued as a portrait of Queen Mary.] 3. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated ; rect. frame ; with title ' The Lady Lychfelde.' Line ; 131 X 101 i"- LICHPIELD, GEORGE HENRY LEE, 3rd Earl of; chancellor of Oxford University ; 1718-1772. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in chancellor's robes, leaning on plinth of a column. Prom picture in Bodleian Gallery. PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford, 1906. Process block. LICHPIELD, THOMAS WILLIAM ANSON, 1st Earl of; 1795-1854. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU 1839. Lith. 2. When Viscount Anson ; T. Q. L., to r., seated in library, holding plan. Pub. C. Turner 1828. (Whit man 18.) Mezz, ; 161 X 13 in. Two impressions, one touched, LICHPIELD, HARRIET GEORGIANA LOUISA (HAMILTON), Countess of ; w. of Thomas G. Anson, 2nd Earl ; d. of 1st Duke of Abercorn ; b. 1884. 1. When Lady H. Hamilton ; aged 2 ; W. L., seated on cushion by large dog ; her sister Lady Beatrix, (after wards Countess of Durham,) in cradle to 1. Pub. Hodgson & Graves 1838. (Whitman 1.) Mezz. ; 16^ X 171 in- Three proofs before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched. 2. Same picture. PL to library ed. of Landseer's Works ; pub. H. Graves & Co. 1884. Mezz. ; 61 X 61 in. Proof before inscription. LIDDIARD, THOMAS ; jeweller. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval frame. Without any inscription. (C. S, 15 ) Mezz, ; 6 X 41 in, LIDDON, HENRY PARRY, D,D, ; canon of St, Paul's ; 1829-1890. 1. Bust, looking to 1. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1890. Woodcut. Painter Engraver Anon. G. Kneller I. Beckett S. Verelst G. Huddesford A. D'Orsay T. Phillips E. Landseer (B. Clowes) P. Vanderbank A. D'Orsay C. Turner S. Cousins J. Scott (B. Clowes) R. T(aylor) 62 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LIECHTENSTEIN, MARIE (FOX), Princess ; adopted d. of 4th Baron Holland ; 1350-1878. 1. When a child; W. L.,full face, standing by her Spanish pointer. From picture at Holland House. Pront. to vol. ii of her Holland House, 1874. stipple ; 3J X 3 in. Proof before any inscription, LIPPORD, JAMES HEWITT, 1st Viscount ; lord chan cellor of Ireland ; 1709-89. 1. W. L., seated, full face, in chancellor's robes, holding purse. Pub. T. Macklin 1790. (C. S. 29.) Mezz. ; 23| x 17 iu. Two proofs before any inscription ; one witli open letters ; one fully lettered impression. LIPPORD, JAMES HEWITT, 8rd Viscount ; 1783-1855. 1. When Hon. J. Hewitt; bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Lith.LIGHTPOOT, JOHN, D.D. ; master of St. Catherine Hall, Cambridge ; biblical critic ; 1602-1675, 1. Bust, to r., in skull-cap, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Works, 1684. Line ; 11 X 7 in. Proof before inscription. 2. Copy from the last ; rect. Pront. to his Works, ed. Pitman ; pub. Rivington 1823. stipple ; 41 X 31 in. LIGHTPOOT, JOSEPH BARBER, D.D. ; bishop of Durham; 1828-1889. 1. Bust, looking to r. From photograph. Cutting from The Graphic. Woodcut. 2. H. L., to r., in rochet. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London Neios, 1890. Process block. K.B., LIGONTER, JOHN LOUIS LIGONIER, Earl, F.R.S. ; field-marshal; 1680-1770. 1. W. L,, on horseback, moving to 1. ; without background. Outline copy from plate by P, TanjS. Etching. 2. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Smith 1761. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 4J X 41 in. 3. Copy from the last. (C. S. 105.) Mezz. ; same dimensions. 4. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 X 3 in. 5. When Sir J. Ligonier ; T. Q, L., to on a helmet. Sold J, Tinney. (0. S Mezz. ; llj x 9J in. 6. When Viscount; W. L., on horseback, riding to r., holding truncheon ; battle iu background. Prom picture now in National Gallery. Sold E. Pisher. (C. S. 38.) Mezz. ; 21 X 13 in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions, 7. Same picture. Line ; 68 x 63 in. PL to Smollett's r,, standing, hand 19, II ) Painter G. P. Watts J. Reynolds J. Slater (J. Pournier) J. Lathem J. Reynolds Engraver C. H. Jeens i R. Dunkarton I. W. Slater R. White R. Cooper Anon. Anon. J. Moore Anon. W. W. Ryland J. Brooks E. Pisher J. CoUyer Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 03 Subject 8. Same picture. Pub, S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 6| x 4| in. 9. When Viscount; T. Q. L., standing looking to L, in hat and uniform. Prom picture shown at National Portrait Exhibition 1867. Photograph.10. When Sir J. Ligonier ; H. L., to L, in uniform, with sash and star, hand in vest. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 12| x 10 in. LIGONIER, PENELOPE (PITT), Viscountess; 1st w. of Edward, 2nd Viscount ; d. of George, 1st Baron Rivers; divorced; 1749-1827. 1. W. L., standing, looking to L, arm on pedestal on which is a statuette. Pub. T. Agnew & Sons 1902. Mezz. ; 241 X 16 in. 2. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 71x6 in. LILBURNE. (CoL.) JOHN; political agitator; 1614?- 1657. 1. Aged 23; bust, to L, in broad lace collar; oval frame, with four lines below. Pront. to his Christian Man's Trial, 1641. Line ; 31 X 2J in. same plate, with bars added across face, making the oval a prison window. 2. Copy from second state of the last ; oval on pedestal. Line ; 61 x 3J in. 8. Similar to the preceding, to r. ; oval, with account of his sufferings. (Parthey 1380.) Etching ; 2J X 21 in. 4. Copy from the last; oval on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6f X 3J in. Clipped impression. 5. Another copy ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of Eng land, 1757. Line ; 3| X 3| in. 6. W. L., to 1., standing at the bar, holding copy of Coke's Institutes; the medal commemorating his acquittal above. Pront. to his Trial, 1649. Line ; 71 X 5f in. 7. Reversed copy from the last. I^ine.LILBURNE, ROBERT; brother of the preceding; parliamentary general and regicide ; 1613-1665. 1. Bust, to r., in uniform. Prom a miniature. Pub. S. Woodburn 1811. Mezz. ; 3| X 2J in. 2. Same miniature ; oval, with engraved account of him. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1807. stipple ; IJ X If in. LILPORD, MARY ELIZABETH (POX), Lady; w. of Thomas Powys, 3rd Baron ; d. of 8rd Baron Holland ; d. 1891. 1. When Hon. M. Pox; T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., in evening dress, holding bird on r. hand ; with title ' A Portrait.' Pub. Longman, etc. 1829. Line ; 3| X 2J in. Painter J. Reynolds J. Worsdale Gainsborough S. Cooper ENGEAVI'IU S. "W. Reynolds C. R. Leslie (G. Bockman) J. B. Pratt J. Scott G. Glover >j M. vr. Gucht W. Hollar M. vr. Gucht A. Benoist Anon. R. Earlom C. Watson M. Danforth 64 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LILLY, ISAAC ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1.; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1814. Line ; Sf X 2f in. LILLY, WILLIAM ; astrologer ; 1602-1681. 1. Aged 45 ; H. L., to L, in cloak, r. hand on globe, 1. on table before him. Prom picture now in Ashmolean Museum. Pront. to his Christian Astrology, 1647, Line ; 6} X 4J in, 2, Copy from the last. Pub, C, & H. Baldwyn. Line ; 41 X 3| in. 3. Same picture, reversed, without the globe and back ground ; oval. (Parthey 1460.) Etching ; 3} X 23 in, 4, Same picture, H, L,, to 1, ; without accessories or back ground. Stipple ; 41 X 3| in, 5. Copy from the last. Pub. Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 6. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; vignette. Transferred from copper and printed from stone. Etching. 7. Aged 57 ; H. L., to L, wearing chain and medal. (Parthey 1459.) Etching ; 3J X 3 in. 8. H. L., to r., in skull-cap, standing at table on which he rests a book and horoscope, globe to r. Without inscription. Line ; 3J x 21 in. 9. Bust, to r. On title to his Merlini Anglici Ephemeris, 1667. Line ; 31 X 21 in. 10. A head, to 1. ; circular ornamental frame. Line ; 2| in. diam, [This is Lilly's assistant Henry Coley (p, v,) ] LILY, WILLIAM ; grammarian ; first high master of St, Paul's School ; 1468 ?-1522, 1. Aged 52 ; H, L., face to r,, in furred gown, resting book on pedestal before him. Coarsely engraved. Modern impression. Line ; 61 x 3 in. LIMERICK, EDMUND HENRY PERY, 1st Earl of; 1758-1844. 1. T. Q. L., to r., iu peer's robes, seated in armchair; octagon. Pub. J. Mitchell 1840. Stipple ; 8J X 7 in. LINACRE, THOMAS, M.D.; physician to Henry VIII; 1460?-1524. 1. Long H. L., to L, face in profile, in cap and fur-trimmed gown. 17th cent, copy (formerly in the Cracherode collection) from a contemporary picture. Tinted drawing. 2. Copy from the preceding, bust only, to r. ; circle. Pub. J. Thane 1794. Line ; 31 in. diam. J. Jackson G. Dawe W. HoU W. Marshall G. Wainwright W. Hollar R. Cooper J. Neele T. L(andseer) W. Hollar Anon. J. Lodge Anon. T. A. Dean Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 65 Subject LINCOLN, HENRY de LACY, 8rd Earl of; 1249?- 1311. 1. His monument, with recumbent effigy, formerly in St. Paul's Cathedral. PL to Dugdale's St. Pauls, 1658. (Parthey 2811.) Etching. LINCOLN, EDWARD PIENNES de CLINTON, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; lord high admiral ; 1512-1585. 1. When Lord Clinton ; bust, directed and looking to r., in flat cap with feathers. Prom drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 41 in. 2. Same drawing. Photograph by Braun of Dornach. 3. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 4. Same drawing. Photograph. 5. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in furred gown and collar of the Garter, holding gloves. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 71 X 63 in. 6. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work. Stipple ; 5 X 41 in. LINCOLN, HENRY CLINTON, 7th Barl of, K.G. ; 1684-1728. ¦ See Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of. LINCOLN, KATHERINE (PELHAM), Countess of; w. of Henry Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earl, (afterwards 2nd Duke of Newcastle) ; d. of Right Hon. Henry Pelham ; d. 1760. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in hat and satin cape. Copy from plate by McArdell. (C. S. 53.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. Two impressions. LINCOLN, HENRY P. P. PELHAM-CLINTON, Earl of. See Newcastle. LINCOLN, FRANCES (SEYMOUR - CONWAY), Countess of; w. of Henry Pelham-Clinton, Barl of L., s. of 2nd Duke of Newcastle ; 1751-1820. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, resting face on hand. From picture at Hertford House. PL to Temple's Wallace Collection, 1902. Photogravure ; 91 X 7 in. LIND, ALEXANDER FRANCIS ; s. of James L., M.D. 1. A boy ; silhouette profile, LIND, ANNE ELIZABETH, (born Mealy) ; w, of James L., M.D. 1. Silhouette profile. LIND, JAMES, M.D., F.R.S.; physician; 1786-1812. 1. Two silhouette profiles. LIND, LETTY ; living actress. 1. As Daisy Vane, in An Artist's Model ; W. L., standing. From a photograph. Cutting from a newspaper. Process block. 2. T. Q. L., full face, in character. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. VOL. III. Painter Engraver H. Holbein C. Ketel W. Hoare W. HoUar R. Cooper R. Cooper J. Jenkins R. PurceU J. Reynolds 66 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LIND, SOPHIA DOROTHEA BANKS; d. of James L., M.D. 1. Silhouette profile. LIND, (Misses) ; d. of James L., M.D. 1. Five silhouette profiles. LIND-GOLDSCHMIDT, JOHANNA MARIA ('JENNY LIND'); vocalist; 1821-1887. 1. W. L., to 1., seated, playing piano. Pub. Photograph- ische Gesellsohaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 10 x 71 in. 2. As Lucia di Lammermoor; W. L., moving to 1. ; vignette. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1848. Woodcut.8. As Amina in La Sonnambula ; W. L., to r., kneeling on the ground. Pub. L. Sachse & Co., Berlin, etc. Lith. ; 171 X 131 in. 4. Marble bust; looking tor.; with facsimile of autograph. PL to Art Journal, 1850. stipple. 5. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to L, in evening dress ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith.6. Copy from the last ; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU 1847. Lith.7. Another copy, H. L. only ; vignette. Illust. to Howitt's Journal, 18il. Woodcut. 8. As Vielka in Meyerbeer's opera Vielka; W. L., standing, looking upwards, to 1. ; vignette. Lith. 9. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, in evening dress. Pub. P. Sinnett, Paris, etc. Coloured. Lith. ; 161 X 12i in, 10, Same picture. Pub. Photographisohe Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 16| X 12f in. 11. Same picture. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin, Photogravure ; 91 X 71 in, 12, H, L,, looking to r., iu evening dress ; vignette. Pub. L. Sachse, Berlin, etc. Lith.Proof before title. 13. As Alice in Meyerbeer's Roberto il Diavolo ; nearly W. L., clinging to a cross. Pub. Dean & Co. Coloured Lith. ; llf X 9 in. 14. T. Q. L., seated on chair, looking to L, hands joined Prom daguerreotype by Kilburn. Pub. Lloyd Brothers Stipple ; lOf X 81 iu. 15. As Maria in La Figlia del Beggimento; W. L., standing • vignette. Cutting from a newspaper. ' Woodcut.16. As Amina in La Sonnambula; W. L., standing, holding flowers. Pub. W. Spooner. Coloured. Lith. ; 171 X 13 in. Painter Asher C. Baugniet P. Burde J. Durham L'Allemand E. Magnus T. Packer Engraver Anon. H. Eichens W. RofFe C. Wildt R. J. Lane W. Measom M. Richter Maurice Peckert T. Packer W. HoU Smyth Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 67 Subject 17. As Vielka?; H. L., to r., hands crossed on bosom. Cutting from Miisical Times. Process block. 18. Singing at Exeter Hall. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. LINDLEY, NATHANIEL LINDLEY, 1st Baron, P.R.S., D.C.L. ; judge ; b. 1828. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, in judicial robes. Etching.LINDLEY, JOHN, M.D., F.R.S.; botanist; 1799-1865. 1. Aged 33; bust, to r. ; vignette. Lith. 2. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Etching. 3. H. L., to 1., standing, arms folded; vignette. One of set Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome. Lith. LINDLEY, ROBERT ; violoncello player ; 1776-1855. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, holding violoncello. Mezz. ; 171 X 13J in. LINDO, BENITA; living vocalist. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; from photograph. Cutting from a periodical. Process block. LINDOW, ABIGAIL, (born Rawlinson) ; w. of William L. See LiNDOw, William. LINDOW, WILLIAM ; merchant ; d. 1786. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated, his wife Abigail standing beside him. Prom picture in National Gallery. PL to Das Museum. Process block. LINDSAY, CAROLINE BLANCHE ELIZABETH (FITZROY), Lady; w. of Sir Coutts L., bart. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, playing violin. PL to L'Art, 1877. Etching ; 81 X 6f in. LINDSAY, Sir DAVID, (of the Mount); Lyon king of arms ; poet ; 1490-1555. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Facsimile of coarse woodcut in title to his Works, 1634. Pen drawing. LINDSAY, Sir DAVID ; general ; d. 1797. 1. H. L., to 1., in uniform. Prom picture now in National Gallery of Scotland. Pliotograph. LINDSAY, (Hon.) ELIZABETH, (born Thompson); w. of Hon. Charles R. L., s, of 28rd Earl of Crawford; d. 1852. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing by table, 1. arm on back of chair. Pub. Oohiaghi 1829. Stipple ; 4f X 31 in. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched. Painter W. Strang E. U. Eddis C. Pox T. H. Maguire W. Davison G. Romney G. P. Watts J. Reynolds Mrs. Robertson Engraver W. Strang (Miss Turner) S. Lindley T. H. Maguire J. P. Quilley Monzies G. Steevens T. Wright E 2 68 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LINDSAY, JOHN; numismatist. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to SainthiU's Olla Podrida, 1844. Etching. L. C. Wyon J. Kirkwood LINDSEY, ROBERT BERTIE, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; royalist ; feU at Bdgehill ; 1582-1642. 1. H. L., to 1., in falling ruff and armour ; oval inscribed frame in rect. W. Webb. exc. Line ; 71 X 61 in, 2, Same picture ; inscribed oval ornamental frame, with four Latin lines below ; 1627. Line ; 11 X 7J in. Two impressions. G. Geldorp JJ R. V. Voerst 3. Copy from the last, bust, to L; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1718. Line ; 6| X 3| in. JJ (G. Vertue) 4. Another copy, bust, to r. ; octagon. Cut from a sheet of heads of loyalists. Line ; 11 X 11 in. " Anon. 5. H. L., to r., in lace collar and armour ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1742. Line ; 14| X 9 in. One unfinished ; one proof with engraver's name only ; three lettered impressions. C. Jonson J. Houbraken 6. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Universal Mag. ; pub. J. Hinton. Line ; 61 x 31 in. a Anon. 7. Another copy ; plain circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1151. Line ; 31 in. diam. ii L. P. Boitard 8. Another copy, bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Thane's British Autography. Line ; 3J X 31 in. " Anon. 9. H. L., to r., in plain collar, armour and sash. On pi. with Lord Carnarvon, in set of Loyalists. Line. A. Van Dyck G. Vertue 10. Same picture, bust only, to r. Line ; 21 X 21 in. " W^. J. Taylor 11. H. L., to r., in lace collar, sash and armour, holding truncheon. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1825. Stipple ; 7J X 61 in. JJ E. Scriven 12. W. L., on horseback, riding to i., holding truncheon, bareheaded, with falling ruff. Contemporary plate. Line. Clipped and mutilated impression. See Groups (Charles I. and his supporters). - LINDSEY, MONTAGUE BERTIE, 2nd Barl of; K.G. • royalist; 1608?-1666. 1. H. L., to r., iu armour, hand on helmet ; oval frame, with arms. (Pagan p. 46.) Line ; 10| X 71 in. A. Van Dyck W. Paithorne 2. Copy from the last, bust, to r. Pub. S. Woodburn 1812. Mezz. ; 4| X 31 in. •J R. Dunkarton 8. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. Line ; 3J X 3 in JJ Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 69 Subject 4. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, 1. hand on hip, r. on truncheon. From picture at Uffington. PI. to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1825. Stipple ; 7| X 6J in. LINDSEY, ELIZABETH (WHARTON), Countess of; 2nd w. of Robert Bertie, 3rd Barl ; d. of Philip, 4th Lord Wharton. 1. When a young girl, W. L., standing with her sister Philadelphia (afterwards Lady Lockhart) ; with title ' Philadelphia and Elizabeth Whartons.' Prom picture now at Petersburg. P. v. Gunst exc, Amsterdam. Line ; 17| X 12 in. same plate, as used for the Houghton Gallery ; pub. Boydell. 2. Same picture. PL to Classical Portrait Gallery. Process block. LINGARD, JOHN, D.D. ; cathoUo historian ; 1771-1851. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to r., in lay dress, pen in r. hand. Pub. Agnew & Zanetti 1836. Mezz. ; 161 X 13 in. 2. H. L., to 1., seated in armchair, in lay dress. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1823. Line ; 61 x 4| in. LINGEN, WILLIAM ; Irish secretary of state. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, letter in 1, hand, (C. S. 20.) Mezz. ; 121 x 10 in. same plate, with address of Jeffreys & Herbert. « LINGO and COWSLIP.' See Edwin, John, sen. LINLEY, ELIZA ANN. See Sheridan. LINLEY, MARIA; singer; sister of Mrs. Sheridan; 1768-1784. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing by bank, face in profile; lyre hanging on tree to 1. ; oval. Pub. S. Watts 1785. Stipple ; 61 X 4| in. One proof with scratched letters, printed in colours ; one fully lettered impression. LINLEY, THOMAS, sen. ; musical composer ; 1783-1795. 1. H. L., nearly full face, holding sheet of music. Prom picture at Dulwich. PI. to Das Museum. Process block ; 8J X 7 in. LINLEY, THOMAS, 1756-1778, jun. ; violinist and composer ; See Sheridan, Eliza Ann. LINLEY, WILLIAM ; author and composer ; brother of Mrs. Sheridan ; 1771-1835. 1. When a boy, H. L., looking to 1. Pub. H. Leggatt 1840. Mezz. ; llj X 9| in. LINNELL, JOHN ; painter ; 1792-1882. 1. H. L., looking to r., in cloak ; oval ; from photograph. Suppl. to Illust. London News, 1882. Woodcut ; llj X 91 in. Painter A. Van Dyck A. Van Dyok J. Lonsdale J. Ramsay A. Lee R. Westall Gainsborough T. Lawrence Engraver R. Cooper P. v. Gunst H. Cousins- C. Pox J. Brooks T. Ryder T. Lupton Anon. 70 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LINTON, ELIZA, (born Lynn) ; w. of W. J. Linton ; writer; 1822-1898. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding pen. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. LINTON, Sib JAMES DROMGOLE, R.I. ; painter; b. 1840. 1. H. L., seated, looking to 1. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. LINTON, WILLIAM ; painter ; 1791-1876. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Cutting from Art Journal, 1850. Woodcut. C. K. Childs C. K. Childs LINTON, WILLIAM JAMES ; wood engraver and poet ; 1812-1898. See Groups. LINWOOD, MARY ; artist in needlework ; 1755-1845. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated at table, holding open book ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirroi- ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1800. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. W. Beechey W. Ridley 2. Same picture; vignette. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1821. Stipple. JJ Anon. 3. T. Q, L,, to L, seated, working ; ovaL PL to Lady's Monthly Museum ; pub, Vernor & Hood 1800, Stipple ; ^ X 2,J in. Rivers W. Ridley 4, H, L,, face to 1, ; oval with ornaments. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1817. Stipple. J. Hopwood j. 5. W. L., to L, seated on bank in a wood, holding crayon, 1. arm on portfolio. Pub. Tomkins 1801. Stipple ; 16g -x 12} in. Unfinished proof. P. W^. Tomkins same plate, with head altered. Pub. Tomkins 1806. „ LIONEL (of Antwerp), Duke of Clarence; 3rd s. of Edward III. ; 1338-1368. See Groups (Pedigree of George III.). LIOTARD, JEAN ETIENNE ; pastel and miniature painter; 1702-1779. 1. When young; a head, looking to r. Without any inscription. Etching ; 4g X 4 in. J. E. Liotard J. E. Liotard 2. H. L., to L, seated, in cap, 1. hand under chin. 'Effet Clair obscur sans sacrifice.' PL to his Traiti de Peinture, 1781. Etching ; 7J X 61 in. " JJ 8. Bust, to L, in Turkish dress, with beard. Prom picture at Florence. Printed iu colours. Mezz, ; 61 X 5 in. JJ C. Lasinio 4, Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated at easel ; with long beard. From pastel at Geneva. Woodcut ; 5 X 3,J in. JJ Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 71 Subject 5. W. L., full face, seated in his studio, in Turkish dress, holding drawing. Without any inscription. Etching ; 63 X 71 iu. — ^ same plate, reduced at the side ; with title ' Rembrandt Van Ryn ' ; Purcell's name Inserted, 6| X 41 in. 6. H. L., to r., in mezetin cap, with long beard. Etching ; 3J X 21 in. 7. H. L., r. profile, with long beard ; oval. Etching ; 21 X 11 in. LIPSCOMB, CHRISTOPHER, D.D. ; bishop of Jamaica; 1781-1843. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in rochet, cap in r. hand. Pub. C. Turner 1829. (Whitman 312.) Mezz. ; 16| x 12 in. Two impressions. LISBURNE, DOROTHY (SHAFTO), Countess of ; 2nd W. of Wilmot Vaughan, 1st Earl ; d. 1805. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated, holding open book. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction.LISCOMBE, THOMAS ; murderer. 1. Bust, life size, to 1. ; vignette. Pub. T. Falser 1813. Aquatint.2. W. L., fuU face, sitting in his cell, arms folded ; vignette. Pub. T. Falser 1813. Etching.LISLE, ROBERT SIDNEY, 1st Viscount. See Lbicestbb. LISLE, EDWARD, (of Crux Easton, Hants); agri culturist; 1667?-1722. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and cloak ; oval frame with agri cultural emblems. Pront. to his Observations in Husbandry, 1151. Line ; 8f x 6 in. LISLE, Sir GEORGE; royalist; shot at Colchester 1648. 1. H. L., to r., in lace-edged collar and sash; oval frame. PI. to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 61 X 3J in. 2. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval frame. On plate with Sir C. Lucas, in the set of Loyalists. Line. 3. Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal with ornaments. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6J X 3} in, 4. Another copy, to r. ; oval in rect. frame. Stipple; 3| X Sin. 5, H. L., face to r. ; oval in reot. Cut from sheet of heads of loyalists. Line ; ij x 11 in. See Groups (Charles I. and his supporters). LISLE, JAMES GEORGE SEMPLB. See Semple. Painter J. E. Liotard G. W. Pegler J. Reynolds W. Broekedon Engraver (R. Purcell) T. W(orlidge) C. Turner P. C. Lewis Anon. S. P. Ravenet M. vr. Gucht G. Vertue Anon. 72 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LISLE, JOHN ; regicide ; assassinated at Lausanne ; 1610 ?-1664. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. From a picture. Mezz. ; 31 X 2J in. LISMORE, MARY (NORBURY), Viscountess; w. of George O'Callaghan, 3rd Viscount; 1820-1900. 1. When Hon. Mrs. O'CaUaghan; nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., in evening dress ; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1841. stipple ; 61 X 4J in. Engraver's proof. LISTER, JOSEPH LISTER, Baron, F.R.S., O.M. ; surgeon ; discoverer of antiseptic system ; b. 1827. 1. Bust, to r. ; from photograph. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Pliotograviire ; 71 X 51 in. LISTER, BEATRIX. See Pare:er. LISTER, GEORGE ; cock-feeder. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. H. Macklin 1804. Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. LISTER, HARRIET ANNE, (born Seale) ; 1st w. of Thomas L. of Armitage Park ; d. 1802. 1. When Miss Seale, a child of about 7 ; W. L., standing in a wood, looking to r., 1. hand on a tree. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 8 X 61 in. LISTER, JANE (SHIRLEY), Lady; 2nd w. of Sir Richard L., lord chief justice of England ; d. after 1552. 1. H. L., to r., in angular headdress. Prom drawing at Windsor. PL to Chamberlaine's Imitations of Drawings by Holbein, 1812. .stipple ; 61 X 6 in. 2. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 3. Same drawing. Photograph. LISTER, MARIA THERESA. See Lewis. LISTER, Sib MARTIN, (of Radclive, Bucks); father of Martin L. the naturalist ; 1603-1670. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in falling ruff, cloak over 1. arm, gloves in r. hand. Line ; 91 X 6.J in. LISTER, Sir MATTHEW, M.D. ; physician ; 1571 ?-1656. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. (Wessely not desc.) Line ; 91 X 6J in. LISTER, SUSANNA (TEMPLE), Lady; 2nd w. of Sir Martin L. of Thorpe Arnold ; m. 1. Sir Gifford Thorn- hurst, bart. 1. When Susanna Temple ; H. L., to L, in lace ruff and jewelled headdress ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 9| x 6| in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Line ; 61 X 3| in. LISTER, Lady THERESA. Theresa. See Lewis, Lady Maria Painter A. E. Chalon W. Artaud J. Hoppner H. Holbein C. Jonson Engraves Anon. H. Robinson W. Say S. Minasi R. White P. V. Somer R. White Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 73 Subject Painter LISTER, THOMAS HENRY ; novelist ; 1800-1842. 1. Bust, looking to L; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Dickinson 1834. Lith. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Front. to his Granby ; pub. H. Colburn 1836. Stipple. LISTON, JOHN ; actor ; 1776 ?-1846. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Pub. T. McLean 1832. Mezz. ; lOJ X 9 in. 2. As Jacob Gawky in Miss Lee's Chapter of Accidents ; H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 3. As Caper, iu Allingham's Who Wins ? or the Widow's Choice; W. L., standing, full face; rect. frame. PL to Dramatic Memoirs, etc. ; pub. J. B. Bell & De Camp 1808. Stipple ; 55 X 3| in. 4. As Diggory in All the World's a Stage; W. L., standing, holding up key. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 4t X 3 in. 5. As Jjog,ia Love, Law and Physic ; W. L., tor., standing. Pub. R. Dighton 1819. Etching ; (pi.) llj X 71 in. 6. As Maw-worm in Bickerstaffe's The Hypocrite ; H. L., to r., leaning on screen. Pub. J. W. Gear 1824. Coloured. Lith. ; 71 X 51 in. 7. H. L., to 1. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1821. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 111 X 9J in. 8. As a Broom Girl; W. L., to r., standing. Pub. J. Dickinson 1826. Lith. ; 6,} X 41 in. 9. As Simon Pengander in 'Tivixt Cup and Lip ; W. L., walking to r. ; vignette. No. 8 of a set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Coloured. Lith. 10. As BiUy Lackaday in Sweethearts & Wives; W. L., standing, holding handkerchief ; vignette. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Lith. 11. As Tristram Sappy in Deaf as a Post; W. L., standing, fuU face ; vignette. ¦ No. 8 of a set. Coloured. Lith. 12. As Van Dunder in 'Twould puzzle a Conjuror; W. L., standing, holding paper ; vignette. No. 4 of a set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Coloured. Lith. 18. As Paul Pry, in Morton's Paul Pry; W. L., to r., standing, holding umbrella ; -vignette. No. 5 of same set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Coloured. Lith. 14. As Lubin Log, in Love, Law and Physic; W. L., standing, holding bandbox, etc. ; vignette. No. 6 of same set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Coloured. J. Slater Wright G. Clint S. De Wilde R. Dighton J. W. Gear J. Jackson B. J. Lane J. H. Lynch G. E. Madeley Engraver I. W. Slater Plnden H. Sadd W. Ridley E. Scriven Anon. R. Dighton J. W. Gear W. Ward R. J. Lane J. H. Lynch G. E. Madeley Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LISTON, ZOW^— continued. 15. As Sam Swipes, in Exchange is no Robbery; W. L., standing, 1. profile ; vignette. No. 1 of same set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley 1826. Coloured. Lith. 16. As Moll Flaggon, in Lord of the Manor; W. L., dancing ; vignette. No. 9 of same set. Pub. Ingrey & Madeley. Coloured. Lith. 17. H. L., to r. ; broad rect. frame. Pub. R. Newton 1815. Liue ; 6 X 4J in. 18. As Pedrigo Potts; W. L., 1. profile, standing; vignette. Pub. 1814. Coloured. Etching, 19, As Figaro ; W, L,, to r,, standing ; vignette. PL to Figaro in London. Stipple. 20. As Tristram Sappy ; W. L., to L, standing. Coloured. Etching ; 31 X 2f in. See Groups (with Blanchard & Mathews). LISTON, Sir ROBERT, G.C.B.; ambassador at Con stantinople ; 1742-1836. 1. H. L., to 1. Without title. Pub. J. Young 1811. (C. S. 47.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. LISTON, ROBERT, F.R.CS,, F.R.S.; surgeon; 1794- 1847. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. Mitchell. Lith. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a drawing. Pub. 1836. Lith, 3, Short H. L., looking to 1. Pub. T. McLean 1839. Mezz. ; 12 X 9g in. 4. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to 1., 1. hand on books. Pub. C. Turner, 1840. (Whitman 313.) Mezz. ; 14 X lOJ in. Two proofs before title. LISTON, (Mrs.), (born Tyrer) ; w. of John L. ; actress ; 1780?- 1854. 1. When Miss Tyrer ; as DollalloUa in Tom Thumb ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 43 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. As Madge, in Bickerstaffe's Love in a Village ; W. L., standing, fuU face ; rect. frame. PL to Dimnatic Memoirs, etc. ; pub. Bell & De Camp. Stipple ; 6J X 8J in. 3. When Miss Tyrer ; H. L., to r.; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor and Hood 1805. Stipple ; 3i X 2} in. 4. When Miss Tyrer ; H. L., to 1. ; rect. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. Painter G. E. Madeley W. J. Newton J. R. D. Wilkie A. D'Orsay E. U. Eddis P. Grant C. Turner S. De Wilde M. Herv6 Engraver G. E. Madeley R. Newton J. R. Anon. J. Young A. D'Orsay M. Gauci J. C. Bromley C. Turner A. Cardon E. Scriven Ridley & HoU Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 75 Subject 5. When Miss Tyrer ; W.L,, to 1., standing, liolding music- book. Pub. T. Hughes 1806. Stipple ; 4 X 2j in. , LITCHPIELD, HARRIETT, (born Hay) ; w. of JohuL., of the privy council ofiioe ; actress ; 1777-1854. 1. H, L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1802. Stipple ; 3S X 3 iu. 2. H. L., seated, looking to r., holding flower. Pub. W. Say 1816. Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. LITHGOW, WILLIAM ; traveUer ; 1582-1645? 1. W. L., full face, standing in a landscape, iu oriental dress, holding staff ; six lines below : — ' Loe here's mine Effigie and Turkish suite,' etc. Pront. to his Adventures, 1632. Woodcut ; 43 X 45 in. same cut, with same lines in different type. Front. to same work, 1640. 2. W. L., walking to 1., followed by attendant. Copy from woodcut prefixed to his Pilgrim's Fareiuell, 1618. Woodcut ; 41 X 6J in. LITTLEDALE, THOMAS, (of Rotterdam). 1. H. L., to 1. (C. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. 'LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD.' See Andbbson, (Miss). LITTLETON. See Hathebton. LITTLETON. See Lyitelton. LIVERPOOL, CHARLES JENKINSON, 1st Earl of ; statesman; 1727-1808. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. From a drawing. Pront. to Transac tions of the Society of Arts, 1809. Stipple ; 41 X 3f in. 2. Same drawing ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1808. Stipple. 3, When Lord Hawkesbury; nearly W. L., to 1., seated by table, holding snuff-box; inscription on separate plate. Pub. Murphy 1788. (0. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 181 X 133 in- One proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 4, When Right Hon. C. Jenkinson; H. L., r. profile ; oval frame on pedestal. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1785. Line ; 6 x 3| in. LIVERPOOL, CATHERINE (BISSHOPP), Countess of; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. 1827. 1. When a child; W. L., to L, standing, holding dove, a dog at her feet. Prom picture belonging to Lord ¦Knaresborough. PL to Graves & Cronin's 1899. Keproduction. Painter C. AUingham G. H. Harlow W. Beephey H. Edridge G. Romney J. Reynolds Engraver Anon. W. Ridley W. Say Anon. T. Hardy W. Evans Ridley & Blood J. Murphy Anon. 76 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LIVERPOOL, ROBERT BANKS JENKINSON, 2nd Earl of, K.G. ; prime minister ; 1770-1828. 1. When Lord Hawkesbury ; H. L., to 1. Pub. R. Cribb 1808. J. Hoppner H. Meyer Mezz. ; 121 X 93 in. same plate, with title altered to ' Earl of Liverpool ' and date to 1815. 5» 99 2 Same picture ; in fancy frame. Pub. T. Boys 1823. >S W. T. Pry Stipple. 8. Same picture, to 1. ,, H. R. Cook Stipple ; 3J X 3 in. 4. Same picture, to r. 5» D. Lucas Mezz. ; 4 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 5. When Lord Hawkesbury; young; T. Q. L., standing. full face, holding a paper. Pub. Young 1801. (C. S. 33.) T. Lawrence J. Young Mezz. ; 17J x 14 in. Two proofs witli open letters. same plate, re-issue, with title altered to ' Earl of Liverpool,' etc. 95 59 6. Same picture, bust ; octagon in ornamental rect. frame. Pub. J. B. Bell & De Camp 1808. S9 E. Scriven Stipple ; 41 X 33 in. 7. T. Q. L., to r., standing, hands clasped, star on coat. Pub. Colnaghi 1827. (Whitman 315.) 99 C. Turner Mezz. ; 171 X 13J in. One unfinished proof (head only) ; one with publication line only ; two with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, cut. 8. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1841. 5S J. R. Jackson Mezz. ; 81 X 63 in. 9. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1830. ss W. T. Pry Stipple ; 41 X 3| in. 10. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; vignette. Front, to his Life, by C. D. Yonge, 1868. s> C. H. Jeens Stipple, Proof before any inscription. 11. H. L., looking to r. Prom a bust. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1818. J. !N"ollekens J. Thomson Stipple ; 41 X 3J in. 12. H. L., looking to r., star on coat; rect. frame. Pub. Colnaghi 1826. (Whitman 316.) C. Turner C. Turner Mezz. ; l^ X llg in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' and publishers' names only ; three fully lettered impressions. 13. Bust, looking to r. ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824.! Anon. Stipple ; 3 X 21 in. LIVERSEEGE, HENRY ; painter ; 1803-1882. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated by table, holding crayon; with facsimile of autograph. Front, to his Works ; pub. Hodgson, Boys & Graves, W. Bradley H. Cousins Mezz, ; 81 X 63 in. 2, Bust, full face; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. PL to Library of the Fine Arts, 1832. C Ha^wrthorn Parry stipple. LIVESEY, JOSEPH ; temperance advocate ; 1794-1884. See Groups (Livesey family). Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 77 Subject Painter LIVINGSTONE, DAVID; explorer and missionary; 1813-1873. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. " Prom a chalk drawing. Lith. LIVIUS, PETER ; chief justice of Quebec c. 1770-90. 1. Nearly W. L., r. profile, seated at a table, with open ' book before him ; four Latin lines below. Etching ; 61 X 55 in. LLANOVER, BENJAMIN HALL, Baron; politician; 1802-1867. See Groups (Reformers of Marylebone). LLEWELLYN, WILLIAM ; portrait-painter ; b. 1860. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Process block. LLOYD, BARTHOLOMEW, D.D.; provost of Trinity College, Dublin, and president of the Royal Irish Academy; 1772-1837. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, in gown and bands. " Pub. C.Turner 1888. (Whitman 817.) Mezz. ; 11| X 91 in. LLOYD, CHARLES, D.D. ; bishop ot Oxford ; 1784-1829. 1. Bust, to L, in gown and bands ; oval. Mezz, ; 101 X 9 in. LLOYD, EDWARD, P.R.S.; keeper of the Ashmolean Museum 1690-1709. 1. Bust, tol. ; rect., with Latin title. Private plate. Line ; 21 X IJ in. LLOYD, EDWARD B. ; methodist preacher. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PI. to Methodist Mag., 1823. Stipple.LLOYD, Sir EDWARD PRICE. See Mostyn. LLOYD, GEORGE ; barrister-at-law. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, 1. elbow on vol. of Coke ttpon Littleton. Pub. D. Orme, Man chester, 1803. (Whitman 318.) Mezz. ; 171 X ISJ in. * LLOYD, JOHANNA. See Bbckpord. LLOYD, JOHN ; rector of Caerwis ; companion of Thomas Pennant ; 1738-1798. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table, open book in r. hand ; oval. PL to Pennant's Tour in Wales, 1778. Line ; 61 x 4 in. LLOYD, JOHN, (of Pound, Devonshire). 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated on a, bank, hat and stick in 1. hand. stipple ; 111 X 91 in. Proof with artists' names only, LLOYD. JOHN ; prothonotary of Chester. 1. H. L„ to 1. ; vignette. Pub. B. Parry, Chester, 1841. Lith. E. Grimstone Engraver Anon. Anon. H. O'Neill B. R. Paulkner C. Turner P. C. Lewis Anon. Anon. D. Orme C. Turner M. Griffith D. Gardner W. Jones P. Mazell J. Heath Anon. 78 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LLOYD, MARY, (born Moser), R.A. ; w. of Capt. Hugh L. ; fiower painter ; d. 1819. See Groups (Royal Academicians). LLOYD, REBECCA. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r, ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. LLOYD, RICHARD, D.D. ; royalist divine ; 1595-1659. 1. H. L., to L, in skull-cap, gown and ruff ; eight lines below : — ' Some happy hand,' &c. Facsimile copy of a rare print. Pub. W. Richardson 1798. Line ; 51 X 4f in. LLOYD, RICHARD ; lieut.-col. 84th regiment. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, in uniform ; 1815. Mezz. ; 181 X 1* in. LLOYD, WILLIAM, D.D. ; bishop of Worcester ; one of the seven bishops sent to the Tower; 1627-1717. 1. H. L., to L, in rochet ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 13| X 10| in. 2. When bishop of St. Asaph ; H. L., to r., in rochet ; oval frame on pedestal with arms. Line ; 9| X 7J in. 3. Aged 87 ; nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in rochet; 1714. Line ; llf X 91 in. 4. Bust, to L, in rochet ; circular decorated frame. One of set of plates of the seven bishops. Pub. J. Overton. Line ; 81 X 81 in. See Groups (The Seven Bishops). LLWYD, HUMPHREY, (of Denbigh); Welsh anti quary; 1527-1568. 1. Aged 34; H. L., looking to L, book in 1. hand; oval. Prom picture at Aston. (C. S. 51.) Mezz. ; 8J X 7J in. 2. Same picture ; oval. ' J. Allen del.' PI. to P. Yorke's Royal Tribes ojf Wales, 1798. Stipple ; 6 X 6 in. 3. Same picture; oval. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1795. Stipple ; 5| X 41 in. 4. Same picture; rect., with account of him. Pub. R Wilkinson 1818. Stipple ; 4| X 3J in. LOADER, WILLIAM ; idiot, of Birmingham. 1. In military uniform, H. L,, full face, holding up sword and grinning. Pub. S. Parker 1791. Stipple ; 12§ X 9| in. LOBB, THEOPHILUS, M.D,, P.R.S.; medical and religious writer ; 1678-1763. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated at a table, holding pen. Front, to his Memoirs, by J. Greene, 1767. Line ; 6f X 41 in. Painter (C. Baugniet) T. Porster D. Loggan P. Weideman Engbavbe (C. Baugniet) Anon. W. Say G. Vertue D. Loggan G. Vertue Anon, N. Brown J. Paber sen. W. Bond R. Clamp Anon. Anon. J. Hulett Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 79 Subject LOBEL, MATTHIAS db ; French botanist in the service of James I.; 1538-1616. 1. Aged 76; H. L., to r., holding flower; oval in rich architectural frame ; 1615. Line ; lOf X 7 in. LOCH, HENRY BROUGHAM LOCH, Baron, K.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; high commissioner in South Africa ; 1827- 1900. 1, H. L., full face; oval. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut.LOCH, JAMES, M.P. ; economist ; agent to the Duke of Sutherland; 1780-1855. 1. Bust, looking to r, ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Hogarth 1850. Stipple ; 121 X 10| in. LOCH, JOHN ; M.P. for Hythe ; director of the East India Company; 1781-1868. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, holding - spectacles ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. lith.LOCHART, (Hon.) JOHN. See Lockhaet-Ross. LOCK, DANIEL ; governor of the Foundling Hospital. 1, T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding plan of the hospital. (G. S. 120, Goodwin 139.) Mezz. ; llf X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate ; with ' Price Is. 6 ' erased. 2. Same picture ; oval. PL to Nichols's Genuine Works of Hogarth, 1808. Line ; 4J X 3} in. LOCK, GEORGE, M.A.; rector of Lee, Kent; 1771- 1864. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, fuU face, hands clasped. Mezz. ; 121 X 9| in. LOCKE, JOHN, F.R.S. ; phUosopher ; 1632-1704. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and lace cravat; oval frame on Pront. to his Essay on the Human Under - Painter Line ; 9| X 61 in. 2. Same picture ; oval frame. Line ; 6f x 3| in. 3. Similar picture; oval. Pub. Photographische Gesell sohaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 9J X 8 in. 4. H. L,, to r,, in wig, lace cravat and cloak; oval frame on pedestal. Line; 81 x 61 in. Proof "before any inscription. 5, Same picture, reversed ; reot. Line ; 41 x 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 6. H, L., face to r., looking to front, with his own hair; oval frame. (C. S. 157.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9| in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. G. Richmond E. U. Eddis W. Hogarth J. P. Knight S. Brownover J. Greenhill G. Kneller Engraver P. Delaram R. T(aylor) J. Possel white P. Gauci J. McArdeU 99 T. Cook & Son J. R. Jackson P. Vanderbank J. Nutting P. V. Gunst W. H. Worth ington John Smith 80 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LOCKE, FOIL'S— continued. 1. Same picture ; rect. frame, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. T. Kelly 1829. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 8. H. L., looking to L, with his own hair ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; ISf X 8.| in. 9. Same picture. PL dedicated to Lord Castlereagh ; 1817. Line ; 71 X 51 in. 10. Same picture, to 1. ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag.; pub. Harrison & Co. 1794. Line ; IJ x 1| in. same plate ; re-issue with octagonal frame added. 2| X 11 in. 11. Same picture, to 1. ; oval. PL to Bell's ed. of the Constitutional Classics, 1814. Stipple ; 3| X 31 in. 12. Same picture, to r. ; vignette. PL to Saverien's Hist. des Philosophes Modernes, 1760. Chalk manner. 13. Same picture, to r. Pront. to his Essay on the Human Understanding ; pub. J. P. Dove 1828. Line ; 41 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 14. Same picture, to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 2} X 21 in. 15. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame, with four French lines below. Liue ; 61 X 31 in. 16. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Works, 1714. Line ; 91 X 6 in. 17. Copy from the last. Line ; 61 x 3J in. 18. Another copy, with French inscriptions ; 1734. Line ; 81 X 61 in. 19. Another copy, reversed. Pub. Schreuder & Mortier, Amsterdam ; 1754. Line ; 8| X 61 in. 20. Same picture, to 1. Pub. C. & J. Rivington. Line ; 31 X 21 in. 21. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame with ornaments. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 22. W. L., standing, looking to r. Line ; 4 X 21 in. 23. Marble bust, in four positions. ' D. Chodowiecki del.' PL to German ed. of Lavater's Physiognomy. Line ; 91 X 7 in. 24. A head, within garland of oak-leaves. Pront. to his Letters concerning Toleration, 1765. Etching.25. Marble bust in a niche. One of set of plates from busts in the Hermitage in the royal garden at Richmond Pub. C. Bowles. (C. S. 125, III.) Mezz. ; 12| x 91 in. Painter G. Kneller Engraver H. Adlard G. Vertue M. Bisi W. Bromley T. Cheesman J. C. Prangois R. Graves W. HoU B. Pieart G. Vertue 99 P. MoreUon la Cave P. Tanj6 A. W. Warren Anon. Aveline D. Berger G. B. Cipriani J. Paber jun. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 81 Subject 26. W. L., standing, holding open book and pen ; vignette. Pub. E. Orme 1815. [PaucifuL] Stippfe. See Groups (Worthies of England), (Poets & Philo sophers of England). LOCKE, WADHAM, (of Rowdeford Hall, Wilts.) ; M.P. for Devizes ; 1779-1835. 1, H, L,, looking to L, r, thumb in coat. Private plate. Mezz. ; 81 X 71 in. LOCKE, WILLIAM, (of Norbury Park) ; artist ; 1767- 1847. 1. Aged 17; H. L., to L; circular frame. Without title. i Pub. C. Townley 1784. (0. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. LOCKE, WILLIAM ; s. of the preceding ; 1804-1832. 1. When a child; W. L., to L, standing with foot on large dog, which he holds by a cord. Pub. Hodgson & Graves 1839. Mezz. ; 9 X 7 in. 2. Same picture, with title ' Boy and Dog.' PL to The Bijou, 1828. Liue ; 31 X 21 in. Proof before inscription. LOCKE, (Mrs.), (born Jennings) ; w. of William L., of Norbury Park. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Lord R. Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure ; 8 x 6| in. LOCKER, WILLIAM ; commodore ; lieut. -governor of Greenwich Hospital ; 1731-1800. 1. H. L., to L, in uniform. Prom picture at Greenwich. PI. to Locker's Naval Commanders ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1832. Stipple ; 51 X 41 in. 2. Same picture; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle; pub. Buuney & Gold 1801. Stipple ; 41 X 3f in. LOCKER-LAMPSON, FREDERICK; poet; 1821- 1895. 1. When Mr. Locker ; W. L., standing before the fire in a drawing-room ; vignette. Prom a pen drawing. Process block. LOCKHART, CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, (born Scott); w. of John Gibson L. ; elder d. of Sir Walter Scott ; 1799-1837. 1. When Miss Scott; W. L., in Norwegian peasant dress, standing by hound. Prom picture at Abbotsford. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 6 X 3| in. LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON; writer; biographer of. Sir W. Scott ; 1794-1854. " 1. H. L., to 1., standing, hands joined before him. Prom picture at Abbotsford. PI. to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 4J x 3| in. VOL. III. Painter G. B. Cipriani G. Hayter J. Hoppner T. Lawrence T. Lawrence G. Stuart G. Du Maurier W. Nicholson P. Grant Engraver J. Godby J. E. Coombs C. Townley W. Humphrys H. T. RyaU W. Ridley 82 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Palkter LOCKHART, JOHN QIBSO^— continued. 2. W. L., seated in armchair, 1. profile, smoking and read ing ; vignette ; with title ' The Editor of the Quarterly.' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1830. Lith. See Groups (Praserians), LOCKHART, PHILADELPHIA (WHARTON), Lady; w. of Sir George L. See LiNDSEY, Elizabeth, Countess of. LOCKHART, (Capt.) PHILIP ; Jacobite ; executed as a deserter; 1690?-1715. 1. T. Q. L., to L, in wig and armour, 1. hand on helmet ; arms below. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 5^ x 4^ in. LOCKHART, WILLIAM EWART, R.S.A.; living painter. 1. H. L., to r. ; from photograph. Process block. LOCKHART-ROSS, Sir JOHN, bart. ; admiral; 1721- 1790. 1. When Captain Lockhart; T. Q. L., looking to L, in uniform, r. arm on cane, pointing to ship at sea. (C. S. 121, Goodwin 95.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, same plate ; with address of R, H. Laurie 1821, Two impressions, 2, Same picture, bust only ; oval, PL to Naval Chronicle; pub, Bunney & Gold 1801. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 3. Same picture, bust only; oval in decor, rect. frame. PL to Hervey's Naval History, 1779. Line ; 61 X 41 in. 4. Same picture, bust only ; oval frame. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England. Line ; 3,} X 31 in. LOCKWOOD, Sir PRANK, Q.C, M.P.; solicitor- general; 1846-1897. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing. Photograph by Downey. Woodbuiytype.2. H. L., looking to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1894. Process block. LOCKWOOD, WILLIAM, (of Easingwold). 1. Aged 58; T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, 1. hand in waistcoat. Pub, H. Sotheran 1836. (Whitman 319.) Mezz, ; 12| x 91 in, LOCKYER, LIONEL; inventor of ' Lockyer's pill'' 1601-1672. •' ^ 1. Aged 70; H. L., to r. Line ; (oval) 31 x 21 in. Mutilated impression. oval. (D. Maclise) J. Reynolds T. Hartley Engraver (D. MacUse) A. Johnston , , R. Grave J. McArdeU W. Ridley Anon. C. Turner J. Sturt Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 83 Subject LOCKYER, NICHOLAS ; puritan divine ; 1611-1685. 1. In the pulpit, to r,, preaching, in skull-cap, gown and gloves, book in 1. hand ; oval. Pront. to his Baulme for bkeding England and Ireland, 1643. (Parthey 1461.) Etching ; 61 X 4 in. 2. Similar to the last, bust only ; oval ; four lines below : — ' Note well the substance,' &o. (Parthey 1306.) Etching; 25 X 21 in. LOCOCK, Sir CHARLES, bart., M.D., P,R,S., D.C.L, ; obstetric physician ; 1799-1875. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, looking to r. Lith. ; 14 X 111 in, LODER, JOHN DAVID ; violinist ; 1791-1846. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. D'Almaine. Lith.LODGE, EDMUND, F.S.A.; herald and biographer; 1756-1839. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Athenieum Portraits, No. 40. Pub. T. McLean 1836. Lith. 2. W. L., standing, looking to 1., iu tabard. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1836. Etcliing.LODGE, WILLIAM ; amateur artist ; 1649-1689. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Cut from plate to Walpole's Catalogue of Engravers, 1765. Line.2. Copy from the last ; vignette, PL to same work, ed, 1794. Line,3. Bust, full face, in fur cap. Without any inscription. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 55 X 45 in. Two impressions. LOPPT, CAPBLL; writer and whig politician; 1751- 1824. 1. H. L., looking to L, in wig and gown; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1802. Stipple ; 3} X 2J in. 2. W. L., standing, r. profile; with facsimile of autograph. Etching ; 7 X 41 in. 3. Similar to the last; with title 'A view near Bury— Suffolk.' Pub. S. Knight. Aquatint ; 61 x 5 in. LOPTING, JOHN; inventor of a fire engine; 1659?- 1742. 1. Bust, to L, in wig ; oval in corner of broadside entitled : — ' A new Draught and Description of the Fire Engine.' Line ; 3} x 3| in. LOPTTJS, ADAM, D.D. ; archbishop of Dublin and lord chanceUor of Ireland ; 1533 ?-1605. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated, in hat and furred gown, holding purse of the great seal. Private plate, without any inscription. Stipple ; 6| X 51 in. (Said to be tlie only impression taken from the plate.) Painter C. Baugniet P. Salabert D. Maclise (D. Maclise) HoUoway Engraver W. HoUar C. Baugniet J. Brandard W. D(rum- mond) (D. Maclise) A. Bannerman Barrett(P. Place) W. Ridley Anon. Anon. Anon. G 2 84 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LOPTUS, ADAM, D.D.— continued. 2. T. Q. L., to L, in robes, purse under 1. arm. Prom '^ picture. Pub. Muskett, Norwich. Line ; 71 X 61 in. LOPTUS, CECILIA ; actress. 1. Bust, fuU face. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. LOPTUS, (Hon.) LUCY, (born Brydges) ; w. of Adam L., afterwards Viscount Lisburne ; d. of 6th Baron Chandos of Sudeley. 1. W. L., seated on the ground, looking to r. ; parrot on tree to r. (C. S. 19, II.) Mezz. ; 131 X lOJ in. 2. Same picture, reversed ; with incorrect title ' Mrs. Jenny Deering.' PL to Houghton Gallery; pub. Boydell 1787. (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 141 X llf in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. LOPTUS, (Madam) [The identity of this person is uncertain.] 1. Nearly W. L., slightly to L, seated, 1. arm on pedestal on which is oval relief of a cupid. Sold I. Beckett. (C. S. 158.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9J in. One unfinished proof ; two lettered impressions. same plate, reworked, with address of Smith. Three impressions. LOPTUS LADIES. See Groups. LOGAN, JOHN, P.R.S. Edin. ; Scottish divine and poet; 1748-1788. 1. Bust, nearly in profile to r. ; oval iu rect. frame. PL to an ed. of the poets. Line ; 2J X 1^ in. LOGIER, JOHN BERNARD ; musician ; 1780-1846. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to L, r. arm on music score. Pub. J. Green 1819. (Whitman 320.) Mezz. ; 161 X 123 i"- Two impressions. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. In scribed to his pupils. Stipple.LOGSDAIL, WILLIAM ; living painter. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Process block. LOMAX, RICHARD GRIMSHAW, (of Clayton Hall) ; d. 1837. 1. T, Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair, holding stick. Pub. C. Turner 1837. (Whitman 321.) Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. LOMBART, PIERRE ; engraver ; 17th cent. See Groups (' Early Masters '). Painter P. Lely Engraver W. C. Edwards G. KneUer J. Lonsdale J. R. Maguire iMrs. Pearson A. Browne exc. C. Townley John Smith D. B. Pyet C. Turner H. Meyer C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 85 Subject DENISON, 1st book in 1. LONDESBOROUGH, ALBERT Baron; 1805-1860. 1. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to r hand. Private plate. Mezz. ; 171 X 131 in- 2. -Same picture. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1860. Woodcut. LONDESBOROUGH, URSULA LUCY GRACE (BRIDGEMAN), Lady; 2nd w. of the preceding; m. 2, Lord Otho Fitzgerald ; d. 1883. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, in opera cloak. Private plate. Mezz. ; 161 X 13s i"- LONDESBOROUGH, EDITH PRANCES WILHEL MINA (SOMERSET), Countess of; w. of William Denison, Ist Earl ; d. of Yth Duke of Beaufort. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r. ; oval. No. 19 of set of Ladies of the Court of Queen Victoria; pub. Dickinson Bros. 1874. Stipple ; 131 X 12 in- LONDONDERRY, ROBERT STEWART, 1st Mar quess of; 1789-1821. L. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. Soft-ground etching. LONDONDERRY, ROBERT STEWART, 2nd Mar quess of, K.G. ; statesman ; known as Lord Castle reagh; 1769-1822. 1. A marble bust similar to that now in National Portrait Gallery ; face in profile to 1. Stipple ; 61 X 4 iu. Proof before inscription. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum; pub. Dean & Munday 1822. Stipple. 3. Bust, looking to L, in peer's robes ; oval. Pub. N. Chater & Co. 1822. Lith. ; 8J X 7 in. 4. When Lord Castlereagh; H. L., full face, in furred overcoat ; vignette. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1814. - Stipple.5. Same picture. PL to Lord R. Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure ; 'H x 61 in. 6. Similar picture, with peer's robes substituted for the overcoat ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1822. Stipple.7. W. L., standing, looking to L, in Garter robes; plumed hat on table. Pub. C. Turner 1822. (Whitman 822.) Mezz. ; 251 X 161 in. Three trial proofs of head ; one proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 8. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1882. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. Painter P. Grant P. Grant (L. Dickinson) G. Dance P. Chantrey J. Cochran M. Gauci T. Lawrence Engraver J. Paed Anon. T. L. Atkinson Anon.W. Daniell J. Thomson J. Cochran M. Gauci H. Meyer. C. Turner G. Adcock Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LONDONDERRY, ROBERT STEWART, 2nd Mar quess of — continued. 9. When Lord Castlereagh; T. Q. L., standing, full face, document in 1, hand. Pub, C. Turner 1814. (Whitman 823.) Mezz. ; 171 X 13J in. Two proofs before titte ; one with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 10. Same picture. Pub. Graves & Warmsley 1843. Mezz. ; 8J X 61 in. 11. Same picture, bust only; vignette in frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Historic Memoirs ; pub. H. Colburn 1826. Stipple. 12. When Lord Castlereagh ; marble bust in a niche, looking to 1. Pub. Pacius 1814. stipple ; 131 X 91 in. same plate, reworked, with the niche altered to a rect. frame. Pub. Ackermann 1814. 13. Same bust, face in profile to 1. ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1815. ' J. Stephanoff del.' ; Stipple. I 14. W. L., standing, full face, in Garter robes. PL to Sir G. Nayler's work on Coronation of George IV, 1824. Aquatint. 15. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. stipple ; 3J X 3 in. Proof before any inscription. LONDONDERRY, AMELIA ANNE (HOB ART), Marchioness of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire ; 1772-1829. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. G. B. Whittaker 1826. Stipple ; 61 X 6J in. 2. When Viscountess Castlereagh ; H. L., to r., hand on j miniature which hangs at her bosom ; oval with orna- j ments. Book illustration. j Stipple and line. LONDONDERRY, CHARLES WILLIAM STEWART, 3rd Marquess of, K.G., G.C.B. ; general and diplomatist ; 1778-1854. 1. H. L., seated, looking upwards to 1. ; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley 1887. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in. T. Lawrence 2. When Sir C. Stewart; T. holding sword on shoulder. Mezz. ; 17J x 13| in. Two impressions. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. pub. P. Martin 1813. Stipple ; 6 x 3J in. 4. When Lord Stewart ; H. vignette. From a drawing. Stipple. 3. L., in dragoon uniform, Pub. 1814. PL to Military Panorama ; L., face in profile to 1. J. NoUekens J. Stephanoff T. Lawrence J. Bostock T. Lawrence C. Turner J. R. Jackson Anon. G. S. Pacius T. Blood W. Bond and W. Bennet J. Thomson Anon. J. Jenkins H. Meyer J. Hopwood P. C. Lewis Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 87 Subject LONDONDERRY, PRANCES ANNE (VANE-TEM PEST), Marchioness of; 2nd w. of the preceding; 1800-1865. 1. T. Q. L., seated, nearly full face ; reot. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1826. stipple ; 55 X 51 in. ¦2. W. L., to 1., ascending steps, with her young son Viscount Seaham. PL to The Amulet, 1832. Line ; 4} X 3 in. 3. H. L., to 1., in evening dress; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a drawing ; 1842. Lith. LONDONDERRY, ELIZABETH FRANCES CHARLOTTE (JOCELYN), Marchioness of; w. of Frederick, 4th Marquess ; d. of 8rd Earl of Roden ; m. 1. Richard, 6th Viscount Powerscourt ; 1813-1884. 1. When Viscountess Powerscourt; H. L., to r., standing, book in r. hand. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 18-39. stipple ; 6 X 41 in. LONDONDERRY, THERESA SUSEY HELEN (TALBOT), Marchioness of; w. of Charles, 6th -Marquess ; d. of 19th Earl of Shrewsbury. 1. When Viscountess Castlereagh; nearly W. L., to L, standing, holding- dog; vignette. PL to Whitehall R'evieiu, 1877. Lith. 2. H. L., 1. profile, standing. Woodburytype. Photograph by Downey. LONG, AMELIA. See Parnborough. LONG, BEESTON, (of Coombe House, Surrey); elder brother of Lord Parnborough ; 1757-1820. 1. H. L., seated in armchair, looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1818. Stipple. LONG, (Right Hon.) CHARLES. See Parnborough. LONG, CHARLOTTE ANNA, (born Hume); w. of Richard P. L., M.P., of Rood Ashton, Wilts. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. PI. to Bogue's Court Album, 1853. Stipple.Proof before any inscription. LONG, EDWARD; judge of the vice-admiralty court, Jamaica, and historiab of the island ; 1734-1818. 1. T. Q. L., directed and looking to 1., seated by a table, holding paper, in private dress and broad-brimmed hat. Pub. 1796. (Baker 69.) Line ; 111 x 9 in. Four progress proofs ; one finished, with initials E. L. and date 1796. same plate, as re-issued after his death ; re-worked by R. Graves and the hat taken out ; with full title. LONG, EDWIN LONGSDEN, R.A. ; painter ; 1829-1891. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1876. Woodcut. Painter T. Lawrence W. C. Ross J. Ross W. Owen J. Hayter J. Opie Engraver J. Cochran C. Rolls Anon. W. H. Mote A. Maclure H. Meyer W. H. Mote W. Sharp Anon. 88 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LONG, EDWIN LONGSDEN— co7iimjtei. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from the same, 1891. Woodcut.LONG, FRANCES LOUISA, (boruNeave) ; w. of Beeston L., of Coombe House, Surrey ; d. 1841. 1. H. L., looking to r. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 19 X 161 in. LONG, (Madam) JANE. 1. W. L., seated on bank, looking to r., 1. hand on dog. (C. S. 26.) Two impressions. same plate, with head altered ; Tompson's name partially erased. LONG, JOHN ST. JOHN ; empiric ; 1798-1834. 1. T. Q. L., standing, full face ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Lith. Proof before any inscription, LONG, ROBERT BALLARD ; lieut.-general ; 1771-1825. 1. H. L., to r., in hussar uniform. Pub. 0. Turner 1827. (Whitman 324.) Mezz. ; lOi X 81 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. LONG, ROGER, D.D., P.R.S.; master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge ; astronomer ; 1680-1770. 1. Aged 89 ; H. L., directed and looking to r., in wig, gown and bands ; sphere to r. Pub. 1769. (C. S. 39.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. Two proofs before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. same plate, with publication line erased. Two impressions. LONG, SUSANNA ; centenarian ; 1717-1820. 1. Aged 102 ; H. L., seated at table, directed and looking to 1. ; rect. frame. From a drawing. Stipple ; 111 X 9J in. LONG, (Mr.) ; surgeon. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. Soft-ground etching. Proof before any inscription. LONGPORD, EDWARD MICHAEL PAKENHAM 2nd Baron ; 1743-1792. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Pub. R. Hunter 1820. Stipple.LONGPORD, THOMAS PAKENHAM, 2nd Earl of- 1774-1885. 1. H. L., to r., seated ; arms below. Without title. Mezz. ; 11 X 91 in. LONGHURST, WILLIAM, (of Twickenham). 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in hat, holding wine-glass. A drawing. Pencil and watercolours. Painter G. Romney P. Lely W. Fowler B. Wilson H. Edridge G. Dance H. Hamilton M. Cregan Engraver Anon. R. Tompson ' exe. C. Turner E. Pisher H. Meyer W. Daniell H. Meyer T. Lupton Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 89 Subject LONGLEY, CHARLES THOMAS, D.D.; archbishop of Canterbury ; 1794-1868. 1. When bishop of Ripon ; T. Q. L., to 1., standing, looking to r., in rochet, turning leaf of a book. Pub. J. Ryman, Oxford, 1889. Mezz. ; 14 X 111 in. LONGLEY, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 51 ; bust, nearly iu profile to r. ; oval. Methodist Mag., 1799. Stipple ; 3f X 3 in. PL to Painter H. P. Briggs LONGMATE, HENRY RICHARD ; secretary of the Western Philanthropic Institution ; 1778-1889. 1. Marble bust; vignette, with inscription on separate plate. Stipple.LONGUEMARE, (Master) ; boy acrobat ; b. 1806. 1. Aged 10; H. L., fuU face. Etcliing ; 31 X 2J in. LONSDALE, JOHN LOWTHER, 1st Viscount ; 1655- 1700. 1. When Sir J. Lowther ; nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding a paper. (C. S. 21.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. Two proofs before title ; two lettered impressions, same plate, with Browne's address added, LONSDALE, WILLIAM LOWTHER, 1st Earl of, K,G.; 1757-1844. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r., with riband and star. (Whitman 327.) Mezz, ; 171 X 131 in. Two proofs before any inscription. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley 1837. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in. 3, H. L., to r., in robes ; arms below. Private plate. (Whitman 183.) Mezz. ; llf x 91 in. LONSDALE, Sir CHARLES (?) 1. W. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., r. hand in breast of coat. Pub. C. Turner 1830. Without title. (Whitman 325.) Mezz. ; 24| X 165 in- One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. LONSDALE, JAMES ; portrait painter ; 1777-1839. 1. H. L., to r. Pub. C. Turner 1830. (Whitman 326.) Mezz. ; 9| X 81 in. LORD, (Mb.) ; master of Tooting school. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, holding open book with both hands. Pub. H. Ashby 1810. Mezz. ; 171 X 13| in. One masked proof ; one lettered impression. LORENZO, (SiGNOB) ; musician. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, i. arm on column; vignette. Lith, C. Taylor G. Clint P. Lely T. Lawrence J. Opie (J. Lonsdale) H. Ashby Engraver G. R. Ward Anon. J. Swaine E. Brookes A. Browne exc. C. Turner T. A. Dean S. W. Reynolds C. Turner C. Turner G. Clint S. Rosenthal 90 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ' The Antiquarian Mastiff.' LORIMER, JAMES; surgeon; d. 1786? 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval ; without title. Etching ; 3J X 2| in. LORIMER, JOHN, M.D. ; Scottish physician ; b. 1782. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval on pedestal. Lith. ; 6i X 4| in. LORIMER, JOHN HENRY, R.S.A.; painter; b, 1856, 1. H. L., to L, holding palette and brush; vignette. Lith. LORNE, ELIZABETH (TOLLEMACHE), Lady. See Argyll, Elizabeth, Duchess of. LORNE, JOHN GEORGE E. H. D. S. CAMPBELL, Marquess of. See Argyll. LORNE, H.R.H. Princess LOUISE, Marchioness of. See Louise. LORT, MICHAEL, D.D., F.R.S., F.S.A. ; rector of St. Matthews, Friday Street ; antiquary ; 1725-1790. 1, H. L., to L, in wig; vignette. PL to Nichols's Literary Ilhislrations, 1848. Line.2. Bust, full face ; with title : Etching ; 3 X 21 in. 3. .4 head, full face; small vignette. Etching. LORTIE, ANDRE; French protestant minister in England ; d. after 1700. 1, H. L,, to L, standing, in gown and bands, holding book open on table ; 1681, (G, S. 6, Wessely 3.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. LOTHIAN, WILLIAM KERR, 3rd Earl of ; d. 1675. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in armour, truncheon in r. hand, 1. on helmet. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. stipple ; 7| X 6 in. LOTHIAN, WILLIAM JOHN KERR, 5th Marquess of; 1737-1815. 1. When Earl of Anoram; W. L., on horseback, in hussar uniform, riding to r. and looking back, sword attached to wrist ; hussars following him. Without title. Pub. J. BoydeU 1778. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; -201 X 23} in. One proof with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 2, When Lord Newbottle; T. Q. L., standing by a bank, looking to r., holding bayonet and hat ; 1769. (C. S 43.) Mezz. ; 13 J x 11 in. LOTHIAN, ELIZABETH (PORTESCUE), Marchioness of ; w. of the preceding ; 1745-1780. 1. When Countess of Ancram ; H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval frame. Pub. R. Sayer 1771. (G. S. 3 Whitman 23.) Mezz. ; 13J X lOJ in. 'I'w.i proofs before inscription, artists' names, etc. scratched. Painter J. Donaldson W. Rothenstein J. Downman P. Grose G. Jamesone Gilpin & Cos- way R. Hunter P. Palconet Engraver T. Trotter J. Basire W. Rothenstein Hawksworth P. Grose Anon. P. V. Somer H. Meyer J. Dixon E. Pisher V. Green Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 91 Subject Painter Engraver 2. When Countess of Ancram; H. L., looking to r., iu ermine-trimmed robe ; oval frame. Pub. J. Spilsbury 1770. (C.S.I.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. Two proofs before inscription. same plate, with addresses of Parker and Spilsbury. 3. Copy from the last. (0. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 131 X H '"- Three proofs before inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to i. Pub. H. Graves & Ce. Mezz, ; 5| X 4^ in, 5, T. Q, L., to L, seated, face in profile, in black mantle and hood. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4| X 31 in. LOTHIAN, WILLIAM KERR, 6th Marquess of; 1764- 1824. 1. When Lord Newbottle ; a boy, nearly Tr Q. L., with his sister Lady Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Dormer), who holds a dove. Sold Ryland & Bryer 1768. (C. S. 90, Whitman 4.) Mezz. ; 17| x 14 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratclied ; one lettered impression. 2. Reversed copy from the last; oval. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C. S. 91, II., Whitman 90, II.) Mezz. ; 12| X 91 in. 3. Another copy. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1779. Mezz. ; Si x 41 in. LOTHIAN, JOHN WILLIAM ROBERT KERR, 7th Marquess of ; 1794-1841. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Gril lion's Club ' series. Stipple. LOTHIAN, WILLIAM SCHOMBERG ROBERT KERR, 8th Marquess of ; 1882-1870. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. LOTHIAN, JOHN ; baillie of Edinburgh ; d. 1783. 1, W,'L., standing, r. profile, in conversation with David Stewart. Etching ; 31 X 21 in. LOTHIAN ; presbyterian minister at Edinburgh. 1. Bust, full face, in bands; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub. T. WiUiams 1811. Stipple ; 31 X 2| in. LOTT,' (Sergeant) ; one of the captors of the Gate Street 1. Bust, to 1., in uniform ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. Sherwood, Neeley & Jones 1820. Stipple.LOUDAN, WILLIAM MOUAT ; living painter. 1. Bust, full face ; from a photograph. Process block. J. Reynolds C. Read J. Slater G. Richmond J.Kay Pickersgill A. Wivell J. Spilsbury J. Wilson (G. S. Shury) G. H. Every V. Green Anon. P. C. Lewis W. HoU J.Kay T. Blood Anon. 92 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LOUDOUN, JOHN CAMPBELL, 1st Earl of; 1598- 1663. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. From picture at Taymouth-. PL to Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery; pub. I. Herbert 1797. Stipple ; 51 X 41 in. 2. Bust, r. profile, in skull-cap ; from a medal. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3| X 31 in. LOUDOUN, JOHN CAMPBELL, 4th Earl of ; general; 1705-1782. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in highland dress, hand on sword ; 1755. (C. S. 224.) Line ; 18f X 131 in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 12J X 9J in. Clipped impression. LOUGHBOROUGH. See Rosslyn. LOUIS, Sir THOMAS, bart. ; admiral ; 1759-1807. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform, cane in 1. hand. Pub. J. DanieU 1807. Mezz. ; 101 X 81 in. See Groups (Naval Victories). LOUIS ; French giant exhibited in London cir. 1820. 1. W. L., standing, full face, a lady and gentleman looking at him. Lith. ; 131 X 101 in. 2. W. L., standing; water-colour sketch. LOUISA, Queen of Denmark ; 5th d. of George II. ; 1724-1751. 1. When Princess; H. L., to 1., with flowers in hair and at breast. Pub. J. Paber. (C. S. 226.) same plate ; title altered to ' Consort to Frederick,' etc. same plate ; address altered to those of T. & J. Bowles. 2. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1151. Line. 3. W. L., to r., standing before state chair; coronet on table to r. Sold Jefierys & Herbert. (C. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 131 X 9J in. Clipped impression. 4. H. L., face ta r. ; oval frame attached to column,' with emblematical figures. German title. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 5. Similar to the last; oval frame on pedestal: German title. Line ; 6i X 3f in. ¦ See Groups (Royal). LOUISA, the ' Maid of the Haystack ' ; lunatic ; 1770 '- 1801. . ' ¦ 1. W. L., to L, seated under a haystack; oval. Pub W. Palmer 1788. Stipple ; 121 X 10 in. ' LOUISA.' See Cargill, Anne. Painter G. Jamesone' A. Sinron A. Ramsay R. Livesay A. Pond J. Worsdale Engraver Anon. W. Palmer J. Paber jun. C. Spooner J. Daniell J. Paber jun. >) 9, P. G. Aliamet G. Bockman M. Tyroff Anon. P. W. Tomkins Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 93 Subject LOUISA ANNE ; 3rd d. of Frederick, Prince of Wales ; d. unmarried ; 1749-1768. 1. When a child ; H. L., fuU face. Pub. S. Okey. (0. S. 72.) -Mezz. ; 11 X 8.} in. Two impressions. LOUISA MARIA (of Stolberg), Countess of Albany ; w. of Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender; 1753-1824. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. Prom picture in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edward, 1900. Photogravure ; 5 X 4 iu. 2. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, with arms crossed before her. From picture in the Uifizi, Florence. PL to Florence Gallery. Line ; 7^ X 61 in. Proof before title. 3. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, holding rose, r. hand on books ; oval in reot. frame. Pub. J. P. Coghlan 1773. Line ; 81 X 61 in. 4. When young; bust, to i. ; oval. From miniature belonging to M. Etienne Dubois. PL to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edward, 1900. Photogravure ; 11 X 11 in. 5. H. L., to r. Prom picture in possession of J. K. .^ Oliphant. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 6 X 4f in. 6. H. L., to 1., playing guitar. hurst. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 61 x 4| in. LOUISA MARIA THERESA; ' d. umnarried ; 1692-1712. 1. H. L., to 1., in ermine mantle ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. A. S. Belle, Paris. Liue ; 14| X 10| in. 2. At her toilette; W. L., seated, resting mirror on table, with death's head and other emblems. Line ; 10 x 131 in. See Jambs Francis Edward. See Groups (Royal) ._ LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA, Princess ; Duchess of Argyll ; 4th d. of Queen Victoria ; b. 1848. 1, H, L,, to 1. ; vignette. From a, drawing. Pub. Shel- druk & Co. Stipple. 2. Same drawing ; vignette. Lith. 3. When a child; W. L. 'Plenty.' From a statue Journal, 1861. Stipple.4. Same statue. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. 5. Aged 3 ; bust, to, r. ; circle. Lith. ; 12| in. diam. 6. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to Almanach de Qotha, 1870. Line. Prom picture at Stony- d. of James II. ; standing, in at Windsor. character of PL to Art Painter J. E. Liotard P. Batoni P. X. Pabre C. Marsigli (A. S. Belle) W. T. Davey M. Thorny- croft Winterhalter Engraver R. Houston Nargeot A. Giardoni P. Chereau N. Parr W. T. Davey Anon. J. RofFe Orrin Smith T. Pairland C. Mayer 94 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaver LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA, Princess— co7ii. 7. Bust, nearly in profile to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. Tinted. Lith. 8. W. L., standing, leaning on back of a chair ; 1866. Photograph.9. Similar to the last, H, L. ; circular decor, frame. Stipple ; 21 in. 10. A clay bust, to r. Photograph. 11. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, in wedding dress. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. 12. Bust, to r. ; oval frame, with another of the Marquess of Lome. Illust. to Pictorial World, 1878. Woodcut.13. Similar to the last. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. 14. Three carte-de-visite photographs. LOUISE MARGARET (of Prussia), Duchess of Con- naught ; w. of H.R.H. Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, K.G. ; b. 1860. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Lith.2. Same drawing, reversed ; circle in rect. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. 3. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Suppl. to Wfiitehall Review, 1879. Lith. 4. Bust, to 1. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. 5. W. L., standing, with her three children. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. See Arthur, Duke of Connaught. LOUISE VICTORIA ALEXANDRA DAGMAR, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife ; eldest d. of King_ Edward VII. ; b. 1867. 1, T, Q, L,, standing, with her infant d. Lady Alexandra Duff on her back. Prom photograph. Cutting from The Graphic, 1893. 2. Nearly W. L., standing with the Duke of Fife, Photo graph by Downey. Woodburytype. 3. With the Duke. Cuttings from Illust. London News. LOUSE, (Mother) ; keeper of an ale-house called Louse Hall, near Oxford. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in high hat and ruff, holding mug of ale and flagon ; Louse Hall in background ; arms ' three liese passant ' above ; 12 lines below : — ' You laugh now goodman twoshoes,' etc., with address ot J. Overton, Line ; 81 X 71 in. Anon. G. Pilotell M. Klinkicht Anon. D Loggan) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 95 Subject Paintjor Engraver 2. Reversed copy from the last, with same lines ; con temporary, Liue ; 81 X 7 in, 3. Another reversed copy. Pub, C. Johnson Line ; 8 X 71 in. LOUTH, ANNA MARIA (ROCHE), Lady ; w. of Thomas Plunkett, 12th Baron ; d. 1878. 1. H. L., looking to r., in evening dress. PL to Ooiirt Mag. ; pub. Bull & Churton 1834. Stipple ; 41 X 31 iu. LOUTHERBOURG, PHILIP JAMES db, R.A. ; painter; 1740-1812. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Pub. 1798. Stipple ; 41 X 3| in. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a miniature. PL to Contemporary Pen-traits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1818. Stipple. 3. H. L., to 1. ; oval, with palette in square frame below. Pub. G. Jones 1814. Stipple ; 61 X 3} in. LOVAINE, ALGERNON GEORGE PERCY, Lord. See Northumberland. LOVAINE, ISABELLA (BURRELL), Lady. See Beverley, Isabella, Countess of. LOVARNY, (Madlle.) KAZIA ; musician ; fl. 1848. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, 1. arm on parapet. Pub. Leader & Cock. Lith. ; 16 X 125 in- LOVAT, SIMON ERASER, 12th Lord; Jacobite; executed for treason ; 1667 ?-1747. 1. W. L., seated, full face, counting the clans on his fingers. From picture in the National Portrait Gallery. PL to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edivard, 1900. Keproduction. 2. Same picture ; Hogarth's own plate. Pub. 1746. Etching; 13 X 9J in. 3. Copy from the last, with variations ; he holds up an open book ; eight lines below. Line ; llj x 81 in. 4. Same picture, W. L. PL to Nichols's Gemiine Works of Hogarth ; pub, Longman 1807. Line ; 61 x 41 in, 5. Same picture, W. L. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Stipple ; 5J X 41 in. 6. Same picture, W. L. PL to Ireland's Hogarth Illus trated, 1791. Line ; 61 x 3f in. 7. Same picture, W. L. PL lxxiv of a series. Line ; 41 x 31 in. 8. Same picture, bust ; in ornamental frame. Line, 9. Same picture, H. L.; oval frame. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 x 2^ in. W. Egley S. Singleton C. Baugniet W. Hogarth Anon. H. Cook Anon. H. Meyer Page C. Baugniet W. Hogarth Anon. T. Cook W. Maddocks I. MiUs Anon. P. G. Aliamet Anon. 96 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LOVAT, SIMON ERASER, 1,01: A— continued. 10. H. L., to L, in wig, armour and scarf ; oval. (0. S. 61.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Proof before any inscription. 11. W. L., standing, in female attire, with an ape; 'the Beautifull Simone ' ; satirical. Li.ie ; 7S X 61 in. 12. 'As he appear'd at the time he was taken ' ; W. L., fuU face, seated on a wall on which are represented incidents in his career, holding paper on which are verses. Pub. A. Praser 1746. Etching ; 161 X 14 in. LOVE, CHRISTOPHER, M.A. ; puritan divine; executed for treason; 1618-1651. 1. Standing in pulpit, to r., in skull-cap and gown, book in r. hand ; Dutch title and verses below. Line ; 10§ X 81 in. 2. Copy from the last, to r. ; with ' ,^tat. Su£e 35,' &c. on pillar to r. Front, to his Grace, 1652. Line ; 6i X 3| in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame in rect. Front, to his Souls Cordiall, 1652. Line ; 4 X 3 in. 4. Copy from the last ; oval frame in rect. Line ; 6 X 31 in. 5. Similar to the preceding, H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1718. Liue ; 61 X 3| in. 6. H. L., to r., holding book. Front, to his Christian's Combat, 1664. Woodcut ; 41 X 21 in. LOVE, EMMA SARAH, (Mrs. Calcraft) ; singer and actress ; b. 1801. 1. H. L,, to 1. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum; pub. Dean & Munday 1823. stipple.2. As Arbaces; H. L., to r. PL to Oxberry's Neiv English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & Marshall 1828. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 3. As Zanina, in Native Land; H. L., full face; in picture frame. PI. to The Drama ; pub. T. & J. Elvey 1824. Stipple.4. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Stipple,5, As Rosanthe; H, L,, to L, carrying cup; in picture frame. Pub. G. Virtue 1825. Stipple. 6. As a broom girl; W. L., walking to r. Pub. J. Dickinson 1827. Lith. ; 65 X 41 in. 7. As LiUa in the opera of The Siege of Belgrade ; W. L., standing, full face; vignette. Pub. Engelmann. Graf, etc. 1830. Coloured. Lith.8. T. Q, L., full face, standing, in evening dress, holding roll of music. Pub. W. Marsh 1826. Lith. ; 7 X 6J in. Le Clare R. Drummond P. H. Gimber J. Kennerley R. J. Lane J. H. Lynch G. L. Saunders J. Simon Anon. A. Conradus T. Cross M. vr. Gucht Anon. T. Woolnoth S. Simmonds J. Kennerley ss J. Rogers R. J. Lane J. H. Lynch L. Haghe Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 97 Subject 9. As Rosanthe ; H. L., full face ; vignette. PL to Dramatical and Musical Mag., 1813; pub. T. Holt. stipple. 10. As Norah in The Poor Soldier ; H. L., full face ; in picture frame. Pub. Duncombe. .Stipple. 11. As Vespina in the opera of Clari ; nearly W. L., to r., standing before mirror in which her reflexion is shown ; in frame. Pub. T. Woolnoth 1824. Stipple ; 135 X 101 in. 12. As Lilla in The Siege of Belgrade; small W. L., dancing ; vignette. Pub. J. Cumberland 1828. Stipple, 13. As a Swiss peasant ; W. L., to r., seated on chair, arms folded. Pub. J. Moore 1827. Lith. ; 7| X 6| in. 14. -A.S Don Giovanni ; small W. L., standing, playing guitar. PL to The Apollo ; pub. Arliss 1830. Stipple.15. In character; H. L., to r. ; in picture frame. Stipple.LOVE, JAMES, [DANCE] ; comedian ; 1722-1774. See Groups. LOVE, JOHN; bookseller at Weymouth; 'the fattest and heaviest man ever known in England ' ; d. 1798. 1. W. L., seated by table, face to r. r.ine ; 6| X 4; in. LOVE, RICHARD, D.D. ; master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and dean of Ely; 1596-1661. 1. H. L., to L, in skuU-cap and gown, 1. hand on breast. Prom picture at Cambridge. Etching ; 6§ X 41 in. LOVE, WILLIAM EDWARD; the polyphonist; 1806- 1867. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing by table ; vignette. Lith.2. As Mr. Tranquillus Calm in his The London Season ; vignette. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut.' LOVE AND PE ACE.' See Bessborough, Henrietta, Countess of. 'LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG.' See Sullivan, Arabella Jane. LOVEDAY, ROBERT; translator; fi. 1655. 1. Bust, to r. ; octagon with emblems in the angles ; 6 lines below : — ' Wouldst know whose Pace,' etc. Pront. to his Letters, 1659. (Pagan p. 46.) Line ; 4| x 31 in. Two impressions. LOVEGROVE, WILLIAM; actor; 1778-1816. 1. As Storm, in Kenney's Ella Rosenberg ; W. L., to r., standing by table on which is dessert, flourishing sword. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1817. (C. S. 58, Prankau 187.) Two proofs with open letters. VOL. III. Painter T. Wageman C. Baugniet Engraver HoU J. Kennerley T. Woolnoth M. Gauci Anon. Anon.M. Tyson C.;Baugnlet Anon. E. Bird (W. Paithorne) W. Ward 98 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LOVEGROVE, I^TLIX AM.— continued. 2. H. L,, to r, PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1810. Stipple ; 3| X 21 in. 3. As Captain Rattan in The Bee Hive; W. L,, full face, standing, hat in 1. hand ; vignette. PL to Theatrical Inquisitor ; pub. C. Chappie 1816. Stipple. LOVEL, JEMMY; tinker. 1. W. L., walking to r., carrying pan of fire ; vignette. Pub. Baldwin & Co. 1819. Etching. LOVELACE, AUGUSTA ADA (BYRON), Countess of ; 1st w. of William King, 1st Earl ; d. of Lord Byron the poet; 1815-1852. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in evening dress, holding fan ; decor, octagonal frame. Stipple.2. When Lady King; W. L., standing, looking to r., in evening dress, holding rose ; vignette. Without title. Lith. 3. When a child aged 5 ; bust, to r. ; circle in rect. frame. Without title. Stipple &, line ; 61 X 41 in. 4. When a child ; bust, full face ; circle. PL to The Bijou. 1829. Stipple ; Ig in. diam. Proof before any inscription. 5. When a child; H. L., to L; vignette. PL to Byron's Works ; pub. J. Murray 1832. Stipple.LOVELACE, RICHARD ; cavalier and poet ; 1618-1658, 1, A bust, resting on an urn, with olive and palm trees, Pront, to his Posthume Poems, 1659. Copy from etching by HoUar. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Etching ; 6 X 3| in. 2. Another copy ; the bust only. Stipple and etching ; 31 X 31 in. 3. H. L., to r., in armour, 1. hand on breast. Prom picture at Dulwich. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour 1794. Stipple ; 51 X 4J- iu. 4. As Orpheus charming the animals with the music of his lyre. Without title. Sold R. P(eake). Etching ; 81 X 12 in. 5. Bust, to r. ; oval. Without title. (Parthey 1692.) Etching ; 3 X 2| in. 'LOVELY SISTERS.' Laura. See Calmady, Emily and LOVER, SAMUEL, R.H.A. ; artist and novelist ¦ 1797- 1868. 1. H. L., to L; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Leader & Cock, etc. r.ith. Painter S. De Wilde Engraver T. L. Busby A. E. Chalon L. Perriere T. Lawrence P. Stone P. Lovelace C. Baugniet S. Preeman I J. Thomson T. L. Busby W. H. Mote M. Gauci E. Scriveji T. A. Dean W. H. Mote Anon.J. Swaine R. Clamp R. Gaywood W. Hollar C. Baugniet Catalogue of Engraved Britisli Portraits 99 Subject Painter Engraver LOVETT, RICHARD ; lay clerk of Worcester Cathedral ; writer on electricity ; 1692-1780. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated at a table on which he holds vol. of essays, with electrical machine, &o. (C. S. 6.) ilezz, ; 12f X 10 in, same plate ; with address of W, Richardson, LOVETT, ROBERT; minister of Marbceuf Chapel, Paris, 1, H, L,, to L, in gown and bauds ; vignette, Lith,LOVIBOND, (Mrs,). 1. H. L., to r,, hands folded on book on table to r. Private plate, without inscription, (C. S, 225,) Mezz, ; 12 X 8,} iu. Two impressions, LOW, RICHARD ; musician, 1, W. L,, to r,, seated on steps, with open music-book, musical instruments, etc, J, Smith exc, (C. S, 68,) Mezz. ; 111 X 8} in. Two proofs before inscription ; one lettered impression. 2. Dutch copy from the last, reversed ; with title ' Musica.' Mezz. ; lOJ X 101 i"- LOWE, Sir HUDSON, G.C.M.G.; general; governor of St. Helena during exile of Napoleon ; 1769-1844. 1. H. L., looking to L, in uniform. Line ; 21 X 1§ in. Proof before title, 2, Same picture ; vignette. Pub. H. Colburn 1836. Stipple. LOWE, PETER ; founder of Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons at Glasgow ; 1550 ?-1612 ? 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table, in gown. From picture belonging to the Faculty. Pront. to his 7"ji/e, by J. Pinlayson, 1889. Electrogravure ; 5 X 31 in. LOWE, (Right Hon.) ROBERT. See Sherbrooke. LOWE, THOMAS ; actor and singer ; d. 1783. 1. With Mrs. Chambers, as Captain Macheath and Polly Peachum in Beggar's Opera; W. L., standing together. (G. S. 122, Goodwin 26.) Mezz. ; 16.J X llj in. same plate, with ' Published according to Act of Parliament 1752 ' added. J. Wright (W. Hoare) Hays J. N. Pr6my R. Hancock Anon. (J. Paber jun.) I. Beckett Anon. J. M. Fontaine Anon. R. E. Pine 2. Small W. L., fuU face, standing, singing song early Horn salute the Morn.' Pub. J. Bew 1778. Line. ' With LOWER, Sir WILLIAM; dramatist; 1600?-1662. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval, with his arms above. Pront. to his Noble Ingratitude, 1659. Line ; 4| x 2f in. Clipped irapressiun. J. McArdeU Anon. Anon. H a 100 Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits Subject Painter LO WIN, JOHN ; actor ; 1576-1659, 1, Aged 64; nearly T, Q, L,, to r,, standing. From picture in Ashmolean Museum. Pub. J. Rivington 1789. Line ; 6J x 33 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1792, Stipple ; 4; X 3J in, LOWNDES, THOMAS, B,A. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, holding pencil and paper. Mezz. ; 61 x 4| in. LOWRY, (Captain) JAMES; hanged for flogging a seaman to death 1752. 1, W, L,, standing, full face, in hat; ships and boats in background. Pub, B. Bennett 1752. Line ; 12 x 91 in. 2. Copy from the last; without background. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Etching. LOWRY, WILSON ; engraver ; 1762-1824, 1, Bust, nearly full face, looking to 1, ; vignette. From a drawing. Line,2, Same drawing ; vignette, PL to European Mag. ; pub, Sherwood, Jones & Co. 1824. Stipple.3. A head, to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. Hurst, Robinson & Co. 1825. Line.LOWRY-CORRY, ARMAR ; admiral ; 1793-1855. 1. H. L., to L, in private dress. Prom daguerreotype. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. LOWRY-CORRY, Lady MARGARET, (born Butler) ; w. of Armar L.-C, afterwards Earl of Belmore ; d. 1777, See Groups (Countess of Carriek and daughters). solicitor; clerk of Nisi Prius ; LOWTEN, THOMAS 1747-1814. 1, H. L., to L, seated, 1. arm over back of chair. Pub BoydeU 1807. (C. S. 48.) Mezz. ; 12§ X lOi in. Two proofs with skeleton letters. 2. T. Q. L., standing at table on which are documents, looking to L, in gown. Pub. R. Cribb 1808. (Whitman 329.) -Mezz. ; 161 X 13 in. Tliree impressions. W. Beechey Mrs. Homing J. Linnell bishop of London; LOWTH, ROBERT, D.D., P.R.S. 1710-1787. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, in rochet, directed and looking to 1. ; open Hebrew volume on table before him. Line ; 14| x 114 in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only; vignette. PI. to temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1809. .stipple. Con- Earl T. PhiUips R. E. Pine Engraver T. HoUoway T. Nugent W. Say Anon.G. Cruikshank Mrs. D. Turner J. Thomson Linnell & Blake P. SkUl J. Young C. Turner J. K. Sherwin J. Godby Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits lOi Subject 3. Same picture, bust only ; oval. Pub. Ogles, Duncan & Cochran. Line ; 4J X 3.} in. 4. Bust, looking to L, in rochet; oval in rect. frame. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1787. Liue ; 4S X 21 in. 5, Bust, to L, in rochet; oval frame, with boy angels and emblems. Pub. Fielding & Walker 1779. Line ; 61 X 3t in. LOWTHER, (Hon.) HENRY CECIL, M.P. ; s. of William, 1st Earl of Lonsdale ; 1790-1867. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in hussar uniform, holding helmet and sword. Pub. Colnaghi 1831. Mezz. ; 171 X 131 in- LOWTHER, Sir JOHN, bart. See Lonsdale. LOWTHER, THEOPHILA, (born Gwatkin) ; w. of R. L. ; grandniece of Sir J. Reynolds ; 1782-1844. '1. When a chUd aged 7 ; T. Q. L., in cap, seated on bank, face in profile to L, hands joined on lap ; with title ' Simplicity.' From picture now at Waddesdon. Pub. P. Bartolozzi 1789. Stipple ; 81 X 7 in. 2, Copy from the last, H. L, only; oval. Without any inscription. Stipple ; 6| X 4| in. 3. Same picture, with same title. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 4J X 4 in. 4. Similar picture, with flowers placed in hands; with same title. Pub. Colnaghi, etc. 1875. (Whitman 78.) Mezz. ; 13} X Hi in. Artist's proof. LUBBOCK, (Right Hon.) Sir JOHN, bart., M.P. See AvEBURY. LUCAN, PATRICK SARSPIELD, titular Earl of; Irish Jacobite general ; fell at Landen 1693. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and armour ; oval frame with orna ments. Prom picture at Castlebar. ' My lady Bingham Pinxit.' Line ; 10| X 71 in. LUCAN, CHARLES BINGHAM, 1st Earl of; d. 1799. 1. H. L., r. profile; vignette. Prom crayon drawing. Pub. W. Daniell 1809. Soft-ground etching. 2. H, L,, to 1. ; oval in rect. Prom picture at Althorp. Pub. J. Jones 1787. (C. S. 48.) Mezz. ; 131 X 19} in. Two proofs before title ; two fully lettered impressions. LUCAN, MARGARET (SMITH), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; d. 1814. 1. When Lady Bingham; W. L., seated, looking to r., holding large album of prints on table. Prom picture at Althorp. Pub. J. Bretherton 1776. (C. S. 10, III, Goodwin 101, III.) Mezz. ; 17t X 15 in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture. PL to Dibdin's Aedes AWwrpianae, 1820. Stipple ; 61 X 61 in. Painter R. E. Pine T. Lawrence J. Reynolds G. Dance J. Reynolds Engraveri A. Kauffmann J. K. Sherwin J. Comer Anon. G. H. PhiUips P. Bartolozzi S. W. Reynolds S. Cousins M. Tilliard W. Daniell J. Jones J. Watson S. Preeman 102 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LUCAN, CECILIA CATHERINE (LENNOX), Countess of; w. of George Bingham, 4th Earl; d. of 5th Duke of Richmond ; b. 1838. 1. When Lady C. Lennox, aged 15 ; H. L. to r., with hair falling over shoulders ; oval. PL to Bogue's Court Album, 1853. C. Durham W. H. Mote Stipple ; 6} X 41 in. Proof before any inscription. LUCAS, Sib CHARLES : royalist ; shot at Colchester 1648. 1, T. Q. L., standing, looking to r,, in cuirass and helmet; pistol on table, PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. ¦w . Dobson Anon. Line ; 65 x 3} in. 2. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame. On plate with Sir G. Lisle in the set of Loyalists. ss G. Vertue Line. 3. Same picture, bust onl}', to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. J? Anon. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 4. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. Pub. I. Herbert 1794. Stipple ; 3 X 25 in. 5. Bust, to 1. ; small octagon cut from a sheet of heads of loyalists. ,, See Gboups (Charles I. and his supporters). LUCAS, CHARLES, M.D,, M,P, ; Irish physician and politician; 1713-1771, 1, H. L., looking to L, in gown and bands, holding medical dissertation in r, hand. Sold at the Golden Head. (C. S. 123, Goodwin 56.) J. Reynolds J. McArdeU Mezz. ; 11 X 8? in. 'I'liree impressions. same plate, with address of R, Sayer, » 55 LUCAS, DAVID; mezzotint engraver ; 1802-1881. 1. When old ; a head, 1. profile, looking down ; vignette. Pront to Cat. of the Works of D. Lucas, by E. Leggatt, 1903. J. Lucas T. Hunn Lith. 2. A miniature. LUCAS, J. L. 1, H, L,, to r,, in spectacles ; vignette. Anon. Woodcut. LUCAS, JOHN SEYMOUR, R.A. ; painter ; b. 1849. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a sketch. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1888, J. S. Lucas Keproduction. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval in rect. Cutting from a periodical. Anon. W^oodcut ; 5 J X 4} in. LUCAS, MATTHIAS PRIME ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1828 ; 1761-1848. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, wearing official chain. Pub. T. Lupton 1845. J. P. Knight T. Lupton Mezz. ; 16| x 131 in. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 103 Subject LUCAS, RICHARD COCKLE ; sculptor ; 1800-1883. 1. H. L., full face, in fur coat. Without any inscription. Etching; 61 X 4^ in. '2. T. Q. L., to r., seated. Photograph.LUCAS, THOMAS ; contractor. 1. Nearly W. L. seated, looking to L, cross-legged, book in r. hand ; vignette ; 1853. Lith, ' LUCINDA.' See Bonegy, Anne, See MooRB, (Miss), LUCKOMBE, PHILIP ; writer ; d, 1803, 1, H. L,, to L, seated ; oval frame, Jtezz, ; 41 X 41 in, LUCY, CHARLES ; historical painter ; 1814-1873. ] . Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. From a photograph. Illust. to Illust. London News, 1878. Woodcut.LUCY, Sir THOMAS, (of Charlecote) ; 1532-1600. 1. Bust, full face, in armour ; oval. Prom monument in Charlecote church. Etchiug ; 61 X 4 in. LUCY, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister at Bristol. 1. H. L., to r., looking to 1., in gown and bands. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1827. Stipple ; 5| X 41 in. LUCY, WILLIAM ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., seated, looking to L, book in r. hand. PL to Methodist Mag. stipple.LUDGATE, PETER ; J.P. for Middlesex ; 1748-1825. 1. H. L., to 1., seated, hands clasped. Pub. J. Mills 1816. Stipple ; 61 X 51 in. LUDLOW, EDMUND ; parliamentary commander and regicide ; d. in exile at Vevey ; 1617 ?-1692. 1. Bust, to r., in armour ; oval frame with title in car touche below. Pront. to his Memoirs, 1698. line ; 6 X 3} in. 2, Reversed copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal, Liue, Clipped impression, 3, Another copy, to r, ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 x 3 in. 4. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 5. H. L., to L, in armour, holding truncheon ; helmet and gauntlet on table ; oval frame. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6| X 3} in. 6. Bust, r. profile, within wreath of oakleaves; from a seal. One of the plates executed for Thomas Hollis. [False.] Etching, Painter C. Baugniet T. Kearsley H. Room J. Jackson (R. White) Engraver (R. C. Lucas P) C. Baugniet B. H. Laurie R. & E. Taylor S. Ireland Anon. J. Cochran W. T. Pry (R. White) Anon.W. P. Benoist Anon. M. vr. Gucht G. B. Cipriani 104 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LUDLOW, 'EDWU'SD— continued. 1 . W. L., standing by table. Line ; 41 x 2g- in. J. Pougeron LUGARD, Sir FREDERICK DEALTRY, K.C.M.G., C.B,, D.S.O. ; b. 1858. 1. When Colonel Lugard; H. L., full face. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. LUIDIUS. See Llwyd. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands. Pub. W. Bragg, Taunton, 1834. Mezz. ; 11} x 9f in. LUKIN, (Hon.) LUCY ELIZABETH, (born Byng) ; w. of Rev. John L. ; d. of 6th Viscount Torrington ; 1794- 1875. 1. When Miss Byng; H. L., directed and looking to r., in straw hat. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 8 X 61 in. see Byng, (Miss). LUMB, MATTHEW ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1825. Stipple. LUMISDEN, ANDREW ; Jacobite; 1720-1801. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. PL to Eziropean Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1798. Stipple ; 31 X 2^ in. LUMLEY, JOHN LUMLEY, 5th Baron; fought at Flodden; 1493-1544. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in cap and slashed coat, holding glove. Prom picture at Lumley Castle. Coloured. Lith. ; 7| X 5] in. i LUMLEY, JOHN LUMLEY, 1st Baron (of the second creation), K.B. ; 1534 7-1609. 1. Bust, to r., iu hat and rufi; circular frame with crest above and arms below. Pub. Pittler 1789. Line ; 2 in. diam, 2, Aged 30; H, L,, to r., in cap and furred cloak, r. hand on arm of chair. Prom picture at Lumley Castle. Coloured. Lith. ; 6} X 41 in. 3. Bust, to L, in skull-cap, ruff and armour; medallion Pub. J. Thane 1791. Line ; 41 in. diain. LUMLEY, RALPH ; b. 1529. 1. Aged 38; W. L. standing, looking to r., in cap and cloak. Prom picture at Lumley Castle. Coloured. Lith. ; 8| X 6} in. LUMSDEN, JAMES, (of Yoker Lodge). 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, holding pencil Lith. ; 121 X 10} in. P. Lake J. Hoppner J. Renton W. Say. S. Watson E. J. Roberts W. Ridley Anon. J. Pittler Anon. Anon. L. Gh6mar Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 105 Subject LUMSDON, (Miss). 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, reading large book which she rests on her knees. Pub. R. Sayer 1770. (C. S, 23, Goodwin 5,) Mezz, ; 171 X 14 in. One proof before inscription, with address of T, Watson, Sept, 1, 1770 ; one with address of Sayer ; one lettered impression, LUNARDI, VINCENZO ; secretary to the Neapolitan embassy ; aeronaut ; 1759-1806, 1. H. L., to 1., looking to r. ; oval. Front, to his Account of the first Aerial Voyage in England; pub. J. Bell 1784. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in. 2. H. L., 1. profile, in hat ; oval. Pub. Bichner 1784. Etching ; 4| X 35 in. 3. Copy from the last ; plain oval frame. Pront. to Lunardi's Ch'and Aerostatic Voyage, 1784. Line ; 5 X 4J in. 4. W. L., standing in car of his balloon.' Without title. Etching ; 41 X 31 in. 5. T. Q. L., seated, r. profile, with dog and cat ; oval. Pub. E. Hedges 1'784. Printed iu colours. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 6. Bust, 1. profile, in hat ; oval frame in rect. Magazine plate. Line ; 61 x 3|- in. See Groups (with Mrs. Sage and G. Biggin), (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). LUNDGREN, EGRON SELLIP ; water-colour painter ; 1815-1875. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Woodcut. 2. Bust, full face ; vignette. Woodcut. LUNDIE, (Rev.) ROBERT. 1. H. L., full face. Pub. W. Shiels, Kelso, 1832. (Whit man 330.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 8} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. LUNDIN. See Melfort, John Drummond, 1st Earl of. LUNSPORD, Sir THOMAS ; royalist commander ; lieutenant of the Tower ; 1610 ?-1653 ? 1. H. L., to r., in cuirass; oval. From a picture. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1794. Stipple ; 4f X 3} in. LUPINO, (Miss) ; actress ; fi. 1820. 1. In the Broken Sword ; W. L,, standing, looking in alarm at a marble bust ; vignette. Etching.LUPTON, WILLIAM, D.D. ; prebendary of Durham ; 1676-1726. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Sermons, 1729. Line ; 61 x SJ in. Painter Engraver G. Willison , T. Watson R. Cosway P. Bartolozzi i DuchedeVaney j Anon. J.Kay W. Shiels J.Kay Anon. Anon. C. Turner W. N. Gardiner Anon. G. Vertue 106 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LUSHINGTON, HENRY, D,D, ; warden of Wadham College, Oxford ; 1709 ?-1779. 1, H, L,, looking to r. From picture at Wadham, PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at O.rford 1906, Process block, LUSHINGTON, (Right Hon,) STEPHEN, D,C.L.; judge of the court of admiralty and politician ; 1782- 1873. 1. When M.P, for the Tower Hamlets ; T, Q. L,, seated, looking to 1. Pub. W. Walker 1834. .Mezz. ; 101 X 81 in. 2, When M,P, for Ilchester ; H, L,,tor, ; vignette. No. 16 of the set of portraits of persons present at trial of Queen Caroline. Pub. G. Lauford 1824. stipple3. H. L., 1. profile, in judicial robes ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. LUSHINGTON, (Right Hon.) STEPHEN RUM- BOLD ; M.P. for Canterbury ; governor of Madras ; 1776- 1868. 1. W. L., to r., standing on a terrace. Lith. ; 121 X ^ in. LUTENOR, G. A. ; portrait painter. 1. H. L., fuU face ; a canvas on an easel, with palette, etc. ; vignette. His business card. stipple and line. LUTTRELL, (Hon.) JAMES ; captain R.N, ; s, of 1st Earl of Carhampton ; 1751 ?-1788. 1, Bust, face in profile to r, ; circle in architectural frame. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Fielding 1783. Line ; 61 X 31 in. LUTWIDGE, ROBERT WILFRED SKEPPINGTON ; barrister- at-law ; b. 1802. 1. H. L,, to r,, seated; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a drawing. One oi' set oi Atlienieum Portraits. Lith. LUTWYCHE, Sib EDWARD ; judge ; d. 1709. 1. H. L., to r., iu judicial robes; oval on pedestal. Pront. to his Reports ; pub. C, Harper & A. Bosvile 1704, Line ; 9 x 6| in, LUTYENS, N, T, ; of the South Sea House, 1, T, Q, L,, seated in armchair, directed and looking to 1 holding open letter. Pub, 1820, ' Mezz, ; 13 X 91 in, LYALL, ROBERT, M.D.,P.L.S.; botanist and traveller • 1790-1831. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Lith. LYALL, WILLIAM ROWE, D.D. ; dean of Canterbury 1788-1857. ^ ' 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to r in private dress. Pub. J. Hogaroh 1857. ' Lith. ; 161 X 12J in. Painter ! Engraver J. H. Mortimer W. J. Newton W. Walker A. Wivell W. HoU M. O'Connor M. O'Connor Anon. J. MiUar E. U. Eddis T. Murray T. Stewardson W. Angus. W. D(rum.mond) R. White J. Walker M. Gauci M. Gauci W. Buckler T. H. Maguire Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 107 Subject LYDGATE, JOHN ; Benedictine monk and poet ; 1370 ?- 1451? 1. H. L., looking upwards to r. ; in decor frame. From miniature in Harleian collection. One of set of plates of Poets. Line ; 13} X 8} in. 2. Copy from the last ; rect. at head of an account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk <& Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 21 X If in, 3, Another copy, bust only ; oval in rect. Pub, J. Simes 1792. Line ; 3} X 31 in. 4. Another copy; rect. Pub. T. and H. Rodd 1822, Liue ; 61 X 41 in. LYE, THOMAS, M.A. ; nonconformist divine ; 1621-1684. 1. Bust, to r., in skuU-cap and gown ; octagon. Copy from head in title to Farewell Sermons of Ejected Ministers, 1662. Pub. W. Smith, 1814. Line ; 3 X 2J in. LYELL, Sib CHARLES, bart., F.R.S., P.G.S., D.C.L.; geologist; 1797-1875. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to L, hands joined. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Pliotogravure ; 101 X 7S in. 2. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to r. ; vignette. One of set Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G, Ransome 1852, Lith, 3, H. L., to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Athenieum Portraits, No. 37. Pub. T. McLean. Lith.4. A head, to r. ; vignette. PL to Nature, 1875. Stipple. Proof before inscription. 6. H. L., full face, standing, r. hand on book ; vignette. Prom photograph. Pub. J. Mayall, Philadelphia. Lith. LYGON, (Hon.) EDWARD PYNDAR, C.B. ; general; B. of 1st Earl Beauohamp ; d. 1860. 1. When colonel of dragoons; H. L., looking to r., in uniform; vignette. Stipple. LYNCH, JAMES ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1827. Stipple.LYNCH, WILLIAM, (of Ipswich). 1. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. (Whitman 184.) Mezz. ; 11| X 91 in. Two impressions. LYNCH, WILLIAM ; pamphlet seller ; d. 1770 ? 1. W. L., standing, directed and looking to r. Etching; 71 X 61 in. Painter L. Dickinson T. H. Maguire J. M. Wright Engbaver G. Vertue G. Murray Anon. Bocbard W. Pool Gainsborough T. Orde Anon. T. H. Maguire W. D(rummond) C. H. Jeens A. Newsam W. HoU W. T. Pry S. W. Reynolds C. Bretherton 108 'Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LYNDHURST, JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, Baron ; lord chancellor ; 1772-1863. 1. H. L., full face ; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. H. T. RyaU 1836. A. E. Chalon R. A. Artlett Stipple ; 9 X 71 in. 2. W. L., seated, looking upwards to 1., in peer's robes. Pub. J. MitcheU 1836. )> R. J. Lane Lith. ; 161 X 10} in. 3. H. L,, 1, profile; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU. A. D'Orsay A. D'Orsay Lith. 4. W. L., seated in armchair, nearly in profile to L, reading a book. From a pen drawing. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1836. (I> . Maclise) (D. Maclise) Lith. 5. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, in chancellor's robes. holding purse. Pub. 1840. H. Pickersgill G. T. Payne Mezz. ; 161 X 121 in- Proof before title. 6. H. L., to r., seated, in private dress. Pub. Walker 1845. W . C. Ross W. Walker Stipple ; 121 X 9} in- 7. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to 1., in chancellor's robes, holding letter. Pub. W. Sweet 1837. A. WiveU H. Dawe Mezz. ; 171 X 14 in. Proof before title. 8. Similar to the last, H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Pub. Martin 1828. 5, T. Wright Stipple. 9. When Sir J. S. Copley, solicitor general; H. L., 1. pro file, in wig and gown. Prom a drawing. One of set of plates of persons present at trial of Queen Caroline. Pub. T. Kelly 1820. 9» >5 Stipple. 10. H. L., directed and looking to r., in chancellor's robes. Pub, C, Sweet 1829. T. Woolnoth T. Woolnoth Stipple ; 8} X 71 in. 11. Same drawing, PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub, Pisher 1830, )> >> Stipple ; 4J X 31 in. 12. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, hand on open book; vignette. Pub. A. & C. Baily. Lith. E. Desmaisons 13. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r., in wig and gown ; paper on table before him ; vignette. W. D. Taylor Line. Proof before any inscription . 14. T. Q. L., r. profile, standing, speaking in the House of Commons. Mezz. ; 131 X 101 in. Proof before any inscription. LYNDHURST, SARAH GARAY (BRUNSDEN), Lady; 1st w. of the preceding; m. 1. Colonel Charles Thomas ; 1795-1834. 1. T. Q. L., seated, full face, 1. arm on table, hands clasped. Pub. Hodgson & Graves 1886. (Whitman 104, II.) T. Lawrence S. Cousins Mezz. ; 81 X 61 in. same plate, with inscription re-engraved. (Whit man 104, V.) JS ,, Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 109 Subject 2. T. Q. L,, to 1,, standing, in bonnet, hands in muff ; vignette; 1829. Lith. LYNE, JOSEPH LEYCESTER, (' Father Ignatius ') ; preacher; 1837-1908. 1. H. L., to 1., reading. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. LYNEDOCH, THOMAS GRAHAM, Baron; general; 1748-1843. 1. When Col. Graham; H. L., to L, in uniform. Pub. J. Jeffryes 1802. (Whitman 185.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9| in. 2. Same picture ; oval frame with emblems. PL to Mili tary Chronicle; pub. J. Davis 1811. Stipple. 3. Same picture ; octagon in reot. frame. Pub. J. Cundee 1813. Line ; 61 X 4 in. 4. W. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform, holding drawn sword. Pub. T. HiU 1829. Mezz. ; 231 X 161 i"- 5, W. L., to L, standing, in uniform and furred coat, holding sheathed sword. From picture in United Ser vice Club. Pub. M. Colnaghi 1831. (Whitman 186.) Mezz. ; 25 X 151 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 6. When Sir T. Graham; T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in uniform, holding sheath of sword. Mezz. ; 18 X ISJ in. Proof before any inscription. 7. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Por trait Gallery ; pub. Fisher 1831. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 8. Same picture, H, L. only. PL to Military Panorama ; pub. P. Martin 1813. Stipple; 41 X 31 in. 9. When General Graham; bust, face to r., in uniform; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1811. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. 10. Bust, looking to 1., in uniform ; circle. Stipple ; 4 in. diam. LYNN, ANDREW ; methodist minister ; b. 1796. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub, J. S. BarnsdaU, Notting ham. Lith. LYNN, WILLIAM ; surgeon to Westminster Hospital ; fl. 1840. 1, W. L,, standing, full face, supporting himself with table and stick ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph, Lith, LYON, GEORGE FRANCIS ; captain R.N. ; arctic ex plorer; 1795-1882. 1. T. Q. L., standing, full face, in uniform, arms folded. Without title. Lith. ; 10} X 81 in. Painter Rochard J. Hoppner Engraver R. J. Lane S. W. Reynolds E. Scriven Anon. T. Lawrence T. Hodgetts S. W. Reynolds H. Meyer T. Barber J. K. Meadows E. AUingham H. B. Cook T. Blood M. Gauci R. Martin M. Gauci 110 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver LYON, HART ; Jewish rabbi, 1, Nearly W, L,, seated by table, looking to r,, in fur cap and gown, book in r, hand, 1, arm resting on others. Pub, R, Withy, (C, S, 40,) Mezz, ; 14.', x llj in, LYON, (Rev,) JAMES, 1, When old; T, Q, L,, seated by hands joined, Mezz, ; 101 X 8} in. Proof before any inscription. table, looking to r.. LYON, Sir PATRICK, (Lord Carse) ; Scottish judge; d. 1695 ? 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; !>-J X 63 in. Proof before title. LYON, RALPH, D.D. ; head master of Sherborne school and rector of Bishop's Caundle, Dorset ; 1794 ?-1856. 1. Nearly W. L,, seated in armchair, looking to L, in gown and bands ; bible on table to r. Pub, W, S. Penny, Sherborne. Mezz. ; 165 X 121 in. LYON, WILLIAM P. ; methodist minister. 1. T. Q, L., to r,, seated in armchair; vignette, Methodist Mag. Stipple, PL to LYONS, EDMUND LYONS, 1st Baron, G,C,B. ; admiral; 1790-1858, 1. T. Q. L., standing, in uniform with orders, looking to 1. Pub. Colnaghi 1856. Mezz. ; 17 X 13 in. 2. When Sir E. Lyons, bart. ; bust, vignette. Pub. Colnaghi 1854. Lith. nearly full face ; LYONS, SARAH; centenarian, of Ipswich; b. 1703. 1. Aged 105; T. Q. L,, to L, seated. Prom a miniature. Pub, W, S, Lethbridge 1808. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. LYSONS, DANIEL, M.A. ; topographer ; 1762-1834. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. From crayon drawing. Soft-ground etching. Proof before any inscription. keeper Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1804. LYSONS, SAMUEL, P.R.S., F.S.A. ; antiquary of the records in the Tower ; 1763-1819. 1. H. L., full face; oval (Whitman 187.) Mezz. ; 11|- x 9j in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, 2. Same picture, PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Galler pub, Pisher, Son & Co, 1833, Stipple ; 41 X 31 in, 3. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to r. Pub. T. Cadell 1823, Stipple ; 71 X ,"¦,' in. rect, frame. J. Turner R. White H. Pickersgill H, Room R. Buckner W. Lethbridge G. Dance T. Lawrence W. J. Newton E. Pisher R. White C. E. Wagstaff J. Cochran G. Zobel J. H. Lynch J. Kennerley W. DanieU S. W. Reynolds H. Robinson W. Bond Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 111 Subject Painter LYSONS, SARAH, (born Carteret-Hardy) ; w, of Rev, Daniel L,; 1780-1850. 1, When Miss Carteret-Hardy ; with her sister Charlotte ' (afterwards Mrs, Price) ; nearly W. L., seated together. Piib. T. Agnew 1901. Mezz. ; 221 X 1'3 i"- Artists proof. 2. Same picture. Photogravure ; 71 X 8J in, LYSTER, Lady CHARLOTTE BARBARA, (born Ashley- Cooper) ; w, of Henry L. of Rowton Castle ; d. of 6th Barl of Shaftesbury; 1799-1889, 1. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, hands crossed before " her ; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty. Stipple ; 5} X 41 in. LYSTER, JOHN; Ueut.-col. Grenadier Guards and gentleman usher ; d. 1840. 1. H, L,, 1, profile, in private dress ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Mitchell. Lith. Proof before title. LYSTER, J. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. LYTE, HENRY FRANCIS; vicar of Lower Brixham, Devon; hymn- writer; 1793-1847. 1. H. L,, to L, in gown and bands, 1. hand on a paper. Mezz. ; llj X 8i in. LYTTELTON OP MOUNSLOW, EDWARD LYT TELTON, Baron ; lord keeper ; 1589-1645. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap and robe, holding purse of the great seal; oval frame in reot. Sold R. Peake. (Pagan p. 46.) Line ; 91 X 7} in. same plate, with address of T. Hinde. 2. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. Sold R. Peake. (Pagan p. 46.) Line ; 3 X 2§ in. same plate, with address of P. Stent. 3. Same picture ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 4. Same picture, without the purse ; oval on pedestal. line ; 81 X 61 in. 5. When Sir E. Lyttelton; T. Q. L., to L, sta,nding, in ruff and robes of chief justice. R. Williams ex. (C. S. 33.) Mezz. ; 121 X 91 in. Two impressions. 6. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. line ; 61 X 3| in. T. Lawrence Engraver J. Bostock A. D'Orsay J. King (A. Van Dyck) J. B. Pratt W. H. Egleton A. D'Orsay A. Cardon G. H. PhiUips (W. Paithorne) M. vr. Gucht R. White R. Williams i I Anon. 112 Catalogue oj Engraved British Portraits Subject at head of account of pub. Harrison & Co. LYTTELTON OP PRANKLEY, GEORGE LYT TELTON, 1st Baron ; poet ; 1709-1773. 1. H. L., looking to L, hand in waistcoat. Prom picture at Hagley. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4| X 3} in. 2. H. L., nearly in profile to r., in peer's robes, holding scroll; oval in rect. Pub. Dunkarton & Boydell 1774. (C. S. 30.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 in. Two proofs before title ; one lettered impression. same plate, with address of W. Richardson. 3. Same picture, H. L., to r., hand omitted ; oval in rect. frame. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. E. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. 4. Same picture ; oval frame. Line ; 51 X 4 in. 5. Same picture ; circular frame on pedestal. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1779, etc. Line ; 4} X 2} in. Proof before inscription. 6. Same picture ; oval. PL to Bell's British Poets, 1782. Line ; 4 X 21 in. 7. Same picture ; oval in title to his Poems ; pub. G. Nicholson 1800. Stipple ; 21 X 1} in. 8. Same picture, bust, to r. ; oval him. PL to Biographical Mag. 1795. Line ; 1^ X 1^ in. same plate, with octagonal frame added. 9. H. L., 1. profile, in peer's robes ; oval. Line ; 3} x 3 in. LYTTELTON OP PRANKLEY, ELIZABETH (RICH), Lady ; 2nd w. of the preceding; d. 1795. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, hands crossed before her. From a drawing. Pub. C. 'Townley 1796. Stipple ; 61 X 3= in. LYTTELTON OP PRANKLEY, THOMAS LYT TELTON, 2nd Baron ; known as the ' wicked ' Lord Lyttelton; 1744-1779. 1. H. L., to r., seeing the vision. Pub. C. Townley 1781. (C. S. 13.) Mezz. ; 131 X Hi in. 2, Bust, to r, ; oval in rect, PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal & Noble Authors ; pub. E. Scott 1806. .stipple ; 4} X 4 in, LYTTELTON OP PRANKLEY, APPHIA (WITTS), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; 1742-1840. 1. Aged 94; T. Q. L., seated, full face, spectacles in 1. hand ; vignette. Private plate. Lith. LYTTELTON OP PRANKLEY, GEORGE WILLIAM LYTTELTON, 4th Baron ; 1817-1876. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. Painter J. Reynolds B. West R. Cosway R. Cosway S. Cole G. Richmond Engraver G. H. Every R. Dunkarton E. Bocquet J. CoUyer T. Cook W. Ridley J. Storer J. CaldwaU C. Townley C. Townley Anon. R. J. Lane P. C. Lewis Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 113 Subject Painter (C. S. LYTTELTON, Sir CHARLES, bart.; royalist; governor of Jamaica ; 1629-1716. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and armour. From a painting. PL to Memoirs of Count Grammont. ' S, Harding del.' Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. Proof before title. LYTTELTON, CHARLES, D.D. ; bishop of Carlisle; antictuary; 1714-1768. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, in rochet, looking away to 1., open book on knee. Engraved for Society of Antiquaries and pub. in Vetusta Monwnenta, vol. ii. (C. S. 93, Goodwin 77.) Mezz. ; 14 X 11 in. Four impressions. 2. Same picture, reversed. (C. S. 1.) Mezz, ; 131 '^ ^^i '"¦ [Tlie only impression known, 1 LYTTELTON, Sir THOMAS ; judge ; 1402-1481. 1. W. L., to r., kneeling; with motto ' Vug Dieu et Vug Roy.' From a window. Copy from plate by R. Vaughan. Front, to Coke's Institutes, 1684. Line; 61 X 61 in. LYTTELTON, Sir THOMAS, bart.; speaker of the House of Commons ; 1647 ?-1710. 1, H, L,, to L, in speaker's robes ; oval in rect Mezz, ; 111 X 9} iu, LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLB LYTTON BULWER-LYTTON, 1st Baron ; politician and author ; 1803-1873, 1. Marble bust in a niche ; with title ' The Author of Pelham.' Pub. Saunders & Otley. Stipple ; 7} X 4| in. 2. When Mr. Bulwer; nearly W. L., seated, looking upwards to 1. ; octagon. Pub. Longman. Stipple ; 65 X 41 in. 3. When Mr. Bulwer; H. L., seated, 1. profile; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith.4. When Sir E. B. Lytton ; H. L., seated by table, looking to L, resting, chin on hand; vignette. Pub. Hall & Virtue. Stipple. 5. When Sir E. B. Lytton; T. Q. L., standing, full face, arm on pedestal; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Chapman & Hall 1852. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 6. Similar to the last, PI. L. only; vignette. Prom n, drawing. Stipple.Proof before inscription. 7. When Mr. Bulwer; W. L., standing before a cheval glass, shaving. Prom a pen drawing. ' Alfred Croquis del.' PL to Eraser's Mag, 1832. Lith.8. When Mr. Bulwer; H. L., seated, to 1., face in profile arms folded; vignette; with title 'The Author oJ Pelham.' From a drawing. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. Colburn & Bentley 1831. Stipple. vol. m. of P. Cotes Engbaver P. W. Tomkins T. Porster H. B. Burlowe A. E. Chalon A. D'Orsay R. J. Lane D. Maclise J. Watson Blondel Anon. J. Simon P. C. Lewis H. Cook A. D'Orsay H. Robinson R. Young P. R. Say (D. Maclise) J. Thomson I 114 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYTTON BULWER-LYTTON ; 1st 'B&mn— continued. 9. Copy from the last ; vignette. Line. Proof with engraver's name only. 10. Same drawing, bust only ; vignette. Pub. H. Colburn 1835. Stipple.11. Bust, full face ; oval. From photograph by Mayall. Woodcut ; 6| X 6J in. LYTTON, EDWARD ROBERT LYTTON BULWER- LYTTON, 1st Earl of, G.C.B. ; viceroy of India ; poet ; 1831-1891. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Drypoint. 2. Nearly W. L., full face, standing. Prom photograph, Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Process block. Painter P. R. Say Engraver Blanchard Anon.H. Linton G. PiloteU Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 115 M Subject MABERLY, (Hon.) CATHERINE CHARLOTTE, (born Prittie) ; w. of Col. W. L. M., secretary of the Post Office ; sister of 3rd Baron Dunalley ; novelist ; 1805-1875. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, playing harp ; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1839. stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 2, T. Q. L., to r., standing, face in profile, in evening dress; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. 3, W. L., on horseback, riding to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. T. McLean 1840. Mezz. ; 165 X 19S in- 4. T. Q. L., fuU face, standing, in evening dress, 1. arm on balustrade ; octagon, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 5f X 4 in. MoADAM, JOHN LOUDON ; improver of roads ; 1756- 1836. 1. H. L,, to 1. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1825, (Whitman 331,) Mezz, ; 101 X 8} in. McALL, ROBERT STEPHENS ; congregational minis ter at Manchester ; 1792-1838. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to r,, in gown and bands, 1. hand on open bible, Mezz, ; 161 X 13 in. Proof before any inscription. MACALLAME, ANNA ; bearded woman ; b. 1615. 1. H. L,, full face, in fur cap and cloak; oval in rect. Pub, 1662. Lme ; 71 X 6 in. McALLUM, DANIEL, M.D. ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to 1. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4S X 3} in. McALPINE, (Miss) ; actress ; fl. 1815. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. Stipple. MoARDELL, JAMES; mezzotint engraver; 1729- 1765. 1. H. L., to L, holding scraper; his plate from Van Dyck's ' Time clipping the wings of Love ' to 1. Pub. R. Sayer 1771. (0. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 16 X 121 in. .. u j Three proofs before inscription, with publisher e name scratched. Painteb A. E. Chalon A. D'Orsay P. Grant W. C. Ross J. Bostock J. McArdeU Engraver W. H. Mote A. D'Orsay T. Landseer J. Thomson C. Turner G. R. Ward Anon. J. Thomson Anon. R. Earlom I 2 IIG Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PAUfTER A. B. J.Kay M. Brown S. De Koster H. Edridge MACARIUS. See Habte, Walter. MACARONI, the Aurelian. See Harris, Moses. McARTHUR, DUNCAN, M.D., P.L.S. ; physician to the fleet; 1773-1855. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, 1, profile; vignette. Prom a sketch. Lith. McARTHUR ; piper to Ranald Macdonald of Staffa ; d. 1834. 1. W. L., full face, standing, in highland dress, playing bagpipes; 1810. Coloured. Etching ; 61 X 4 in. MACARTNEY, GEORGE MACARTNEY, Earl, K,B, ; ambassador to China ; 1737-1806. 1. H. L., to L, with riband and star. Pub, T. Simpson 1790. (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 13g X 11 in. Two impressions. same plate, altered to an oval ; with address of H. Humphrey, 1790. 2. W. L., to r., standing, in robes of order of the Bath, i Pub. J. Brydon 1793. (C. S. 14.) Mezz. ; 241 X 17 in. Proof with open letters. 3. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1817. Stipple. 4. Same drawing ; oval. Pront. to his Life, by Barrow ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1807. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 5. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to r., legs crossed, arm on pedestal. Pront. to vol. ii. of his Embassy to China ; pub. G. Nicol 1796. Line ; S} X 7 in, 6, Same picture, bust only, to 1, ; oval in rect, frame of masonry. Line ; 55 X 31 in. 7. H. L., nearly in profile to 1. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1796. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 8. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval in rect. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 3| X 3 in. 9. H. L., looking to r. ; oval in rect. with ornaments. Line. MACARTNEY, Sir JOHN, bart., M.P. ; promoter of canals in Ireland ; d. 1812. 1. Bust, to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Historic Memoirs ; pub. G. Robinson 1815. Stipple ; 6 X 4J in. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, Baron ; historian and politician ; 1800-1859. 1. When Mr. Macaulay ; bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Bentley's Miscellany, 1852. E. U. Eddis stipple ; 41 X 31 in. T. Hickey O. Humphry J. Reynolds Engraver W. Gauci J.Kay H. Hudson ,, C. Townley G. Bartolozzi L. Sehiavonetti J. HaU R. de Launay J. Singleton S. W. Reynolds Anon. J. Heath J. Brown Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 117 Subject 2. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, holding spectacles. Mezz. ; 171 X 14 in. Proof before any inscription. 3. H. L., looking to r. Prom picture in National Portrait GaUery. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photograviu-e ; 7| X 61 in. 4. When Mr. Macaulay; H. L., looking to 1. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1888. (Whitman 188.) Mezz. ; 9} X 8 in. 5. When Mr. Macaulay ; H. L., standing, nearly full face ; vignette. Lith.6. When Mr. Macaulay; bust, looking to r. From a drawing. Stipple ; 5 X 31 in. 7. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Lith. 8. T. Q. L., to L, standing, resting book on table. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. 9. Same photograph. Pub. the London Printing & Pub lishing Co. Stipple and line ; 61 X 41 in. 10. Same photograph, H. L. only. Stipple and line ; 51 X 41 in. 11, When Mr, Macaulay ; bust, to 1, ; vignette. PL to Hogg's -Instructor. Line ; 4 X 31 in. 12. When Mr. Macaulay; T. Q. L., standing, looking to L; vignette. Prom a drawing. Lith. MACAULAY, CATHERINE. See Graham. MACAULEY, ELIZABETH WRIGHT; actress and preacher; 1785-1837. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. D. Mackay 1818. Stipple. 2. As the Comic Muse; H. L., to 1.; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1819, Stipple. McAVOY, MARGARET ; who distinguished colours by the touch ; 1800-1820. 1. H. L., full face. Pub. G. Smeeton 1821. Stipple ; 7 X 5 in. MACBRIDE, DAVID, M.D. ; Irish medical writer; 1726-1778. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, resting book on table. Pub. 1797. Stipple and line ; 171 X 131 in- MACBBIDE, JOHN; admiral; d. 1800. 1- T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to L, in uniform, r. hand on sword. Liue ; 17 x 135 in. Painter J. W. Gordon P. Grant S. W. Reynolds jun. I. N. Rhodes Engraver S. W. Reynolds sen. L. Haghe G. Richmond W. HoU A. Arnst Anon.G. Cook R. Drummond Reynolds (of Dublin) J. Northeote P. CroU L. Haghe S. Preeman J. Hopwood j. Anon.-J. T. Smith J. Pittler 118 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MACBRIDE, JOHN DAVID, D.C.L., F.S.A, ; principal of Magdalen College, Oxford ; 1778-1868, 1, Nearly W. L,, seated in armchair, directed and looking to r,, in gown; cap in r, hand. Pub. Wyatt, Oxford, 1850. Mezz, ; 16| x 13 in, McCALLUM, JAMIE ; b, 1819, 1, Aged 79 ; a head, to r, ; vignette. Etching,McCarthy, JUSTIN, M,P, ; Irlsh politician and author ; h, 1830, 1. H. L., looking to r. ; circle. Cnttingirom Illust. London News, 1890. Woodcut. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, writing. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. M'CAUL, ALEXANDER, D.D. ; rector of St. Magnus, London Bridge ; 1799-1863. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in gown and bauds, book in 1. hand. Pub. E. Fisher. Mezz. ; 111 X 8? in. MoCHEYNE, ROBERT MURRAY; minister of St. Peter's, Dundee ; 1813-1843. 1. Aged 21 ; H. L., 1. profile. Pub. J. Le Conte, Edin burgh. Mezz. ; 9; X 7} in. MACCLESFIELD, CHARLES GERARD, 1st Earl of; royalist commander ; d. 1694. 1. When Lord Gerard ; bust, to r. ; oval. Copy from rare print by W. Sherwin. PL to Thane's Autography, Line; 41 X 31 in. MACCLESPIELD, ANNE (MASON), Countess of; w. of Charles Gerard, 2nd Earl ; reputed mother of Savage the poet ; m. 2. CoL Henry Brett ; 1668-1753. 1. When Lady Brandon; nearly W. L., seated, directed to front, face to r. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S, 22,) Mezz, ; 125 X 91 in. Two proofs before inscription ; two lettered Impressions, MACCLESPIELD, THOMAS PARKER, 1st Earl of ; lord chanceUor ; 1667-1732. 1. When Sir T. Parker; nearly W. L., to L, seated, in robes of chief justice. Line ; 121 x 105 in. 2. Same picture, reversed. Sold E. Cooper 1712. (C. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 121 X 101 in. same plate, with Overton's address added. same plate, with title altered to ' Lord Parker ' and date to 1715 ; Overton's address stopped out. [Afterwards altered to Sir Robert Eyre.] 3. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. J. Simon ex. (C. S. 117.) Mezz. ; 151 X 111 in. same plate, retouched, with address of E. Cooper added. Painter Engraver W. Salter R. Bryden E. J. Pisher H. J. Stewart W. Wissing G. Kneller T. Lupton R. Bryden i B. T(aylor) W. T. Davey J. Le Conte Anon. John Smith G. Vertue P. Kyte J. Simon Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 119 Subject Painter 4. Same picture, with robes altered to those of lord chan cellor ; H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal, with mace and purse. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 274.) Mezz. ; 12} X 91 in. 6. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, in peer's robes, r. hand on purse of the great seal. Sold E. Parker & J. Tonson [ 1722. Line ; 121 X 101 in- MACCLESFIELD, GEORGE PARKER, 2nd Earl of ; astronomer ; president of the Royal Society ; 1697-1764. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, in peer's robes, holding scroU. From picture belonging to Royal Society, i (C. S. 228.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 iu. Two impressions. MACCLESPIELD, MARY (LANE), Countess of; 1st ' w. of the preceding ; 1700-1758. 1. Nearly W. L., seated on bank, directed to front, face to | r. (C. S. 229.) Mezz. ; 121 X 91 in. MeCLINTOCK, Sir FRANCIS LEOPOLD, K.CB., P.R.S. ; admiral and arctic explorer ; 1819-1907. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in uniform. Prom a photo graph. Presented with Illust. News of the World. Stipple ; 81 X 6} in. MACCORMAC, Sir WILLIAM, bart, K.C,V,0. ; surgeon; 1836-1901. 1. H. L., looking to r. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.MoCUBBIN, T. ; tailor. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, seated, in hat ; without title. Btching ; 6} X 6 in. MeCULLOCH, HORATIO, R.S.A.; landscape painter; 1805-1867. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., holding canvas and brush ; vignette. PL to Art Union Journal, 1847. Line. MeCULLOCH, JOHN, M.D., F.R.S. ; geologist ; 1773- 1885. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to r., holding pencU. Pub. B. R. Faulkner 1837. Mezz. ; 15} X 12} in. MeCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY ; political economist ; author of Dictionary of Commerce ; 1789-1864. 1. Bust, looking to r., life size ; vignette, with facsimile ot autograph. From a crayon drawing. Lith. MACCUNN, HAMISH ; musical composer ; b. 1868. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated; vignette. From a sketch. Cutting from a periodical. Eeproduction. MACDANIEL, STEPHEN; thief-taker; pilloried and imprisoned 1756. 1. H. L., standing in ceU in Newgate, holding knife. Line ; 51 x 41 in. G. Kneller T. Hudson G. KneUer Engraver J. Paber jun. G. Vei-tue J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. D. J. Pound R. Bryden R, Bryden D. Maenee B. R. Paulkner A. J. Goodman C. Leigh J. Smyth C. E. Wagstaff Anon. Clarke & Co. Anon. 120 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MACDANIEL, 'ATEPn'E^— continued. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Stipple ; 6 X 41 in. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Cutting from a magazine. Woodcut.MACDONALD, (Right Hon.) Sib ARCHIBALD, bart. ; chief baron of the exchequer ; 1747-1826. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, in robes. Private plate, 1816. Mezz. ; 171 X 131 i"- MACDONALD, ARCHIBALD ; native of the island of Skye. 1. Aged 86 ; W. L., standing, full face ; vignette. Coloured. Etching and aquatint. MACDONALD, (Mrs.) A. C. 1. H, L,, looking to x,; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. From a drawing. Lith. McDonald, DONALD ; lleut. general ; d. 1812. 1. W. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., in uniform. Coloured. Etching.MACDONALD, DUNCAN ; Scottish equilibrist. 1. W. L., performing on the slack wire ; letterpress account of him below. Pub. P. Bull 1753. Line ; 10 X 8} in. MACDONALD, DUNCAN ; head cook at the Bedford Tavern. 1. Bust, nearly full face ; oval, with ornaments composed of cooking utensils. Pub. J. & J. Cundee 1812. Stipple and line ; 61 x 4 in. MACDONALD, FLORA, (born Macdonald); w, of Allan M. of Kingsburgh ; Jacobite heroine ; 1722-1790. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, holding shepherdess's crook and portrait of Prince Charles. Sold G. Strahan. (C. S. 230.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. same plate ; with Strahan's address erased. 2. T. Q. L., seated, directed to front, face to 1., holding up miniature of the Prince. Pub. 1747. (C. S. 64.) Mezz, ; 10} X 9 in, 3, H, L,, nearly fuU face, holding wreath. From picture in Bodleian gallery. Pub. G. P. Harding 1847. Line ; 65 X 61 in. Proof before title. 4. Same picture. PI. to A. Lang's Charles Edward, 1900. Photogravure ; Sf X 7 in. 5. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding rose. From picture attributed to Hogarth. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 81 X 61 in. 6. T. Q. L., to r., in flat hat and boa. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 65.) Mezz. ; 91 X 61 in. Painter C. Leigh G. Reid G. Romney Engbaver J. Slater R. Dighton L. P. Boitard T. Hudson I. Markluin A. Ramsay Anon. M. Klinkicht H. Meyer Anon. I. W. Slater R. Dighton Anon. Anon. J. Paber jun. Anon. G. Greatbach Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 121 Subject 7. Bust, looking to r., in straw hat ; oval frame on pedestal inscribed ' Miss Macdonald. Let Pomp & Grandeur,' etc. Sold W. Owen. Line ; 61 X 41 in. MACDONALD, GEORGE ; poet and novelist ; 1824- 1905. 1. Bust, 1. profile. Cliromolith. ; 31 X 21 in. MACDONALD, Sir JAMES, bart., M.P. ; d. 1832. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Lith. McDonald, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Urquhart ; called the ' Apostle of the North ' ; 1779-1849. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. F. Westley 1823. Stipple. MACDONALD, (Right Hon.) Sir JOHN ALEX ANDER, G.C.B. ; prime minister of Canada ; 1815- 1891. 1. H. L., looking to 1. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Process block. MACDONALD, JULIA. See Errington. MACDONALD, J. B. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith.MACDONALD, PENELOPE. See -Belhaven and Stenton. MACDONALD, RANALD; Jacobite; executed for treason 1746. 1. H. L., looking to r., in plaid coat and cross-belt. PL to Caulfield's RemarkabU Persons, 1820. Line ; 41 X 31 in. MACDONALD, (Col.) Sib REGINALD RANALD, C.B., K.H. ; deputy adjutant-general at Bombay ; 1791- 1845. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in. uniform, holding plumed hat, 1. hand on sword. Private plate. Mezz. ; 171 X 131 in- Mcdonald, SAMUEL ; giant; 1762-1802. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACDONALD, WILLIAM, (of St. Martin's), W.S.; secretary of the Highland Society ; 1732-1814. 1. W. L., to L, seated in armchair, letter in r. hand. Prom picture belonging to Highland Society. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7| X 61 in. MACDONALD; dissenting minister at Market Drayton. 1, H. L., to 1., in gown and bands; oval. PL to Evan gelical Mag. ; pub. T. Williams. Stipple. Painter Engraver Anon. J. Slater I. W. Slater W. T. Pry A. D'Orsay A. D'Orsay R. Melnnes R. Grave R. Melnnes H. Raeburn N. Branwhite W. Ridley 122 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb (of MACDONALD CHILDREN. See Groups. MACDONELL, (Col.) ALASTAIR RANALD SON^ Glengarry); highland chief; d. 1828. 1. W. L., standing, in plaid and kilt, looking to L, holding musket. From picture belonging to Mr. Cunninghame of Balgownie. PL to Po)-tf. of National Gallery of Scot land, 1903. Photogravure ; 81 X 61 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 5| X 31 in. MACDONELL, ALEXANDER; catholic bishop of Upper Canada ; 1762-1840. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in armchair, in robes, book in r. hand. Pub. C, Turner 1825. (Whitman 332.) Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. Three impressions. MACDONNEL; Highland piper transported for deser tion 1743. 1. W. L., standing, playing bagpipes. Pub. J. Bowles. Line ; 10| x 7 in. MACDONNELL, Sib JAMES, G.C.B., G.C.H. ; general ; d. 1857. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in uniform, plumed helmet in 1. hand. Pub. W. Walker 1850. Mezz. ; 181 X 141 in. McDONOGH, (Capt.) FELIX ; author. 1. H. L., looking to L, in cap and cloak ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. PL to European Mag. ; pub. Sherwood, Jones & Co. 1824. stipple.MACDOUGAL ; ensign in the Hopetoun Fencibles. 1. W. L., 1. profile, marching with drawn sword ; 1795. Etching ; 41 X 3 in. MACDOUGALL, ALLAN ; writer to the signet. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). McDOUGALL, HELEN; associate of William Burke the murderer 1829. 1. W. L., standing, r. profile. Etching ; (pi.) 8} X 6| in, McDOWALL, ANDREW, (Lord Bankton); Scottish judge; 1685-1760, 1, Nearly W, L,, seated by table, directed to r,, looking to L, in robes, Btching ; 8 X 61 in, McDOWALL, ARCHIBALD ; clothier ; 1743-1816. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACDOWELL, PATRICK, R.A. ; sculptor ; 1799-1870. 1. Bust, full face ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Cutting from Art Journal, 1850. Woodcut. 2. Bust, to 1. ; vignette; from photograph. Illust. to Illust. London Neivs, 1870. Woodcut. H. Raeburn M. A. Shee P. R. Say W. Derby J.Kay Engraver C. Turner Anon. W. Walker J. Thomson J.Kay Anon. T. Worlidge Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 123 Subject MACDOWELL, WILLIAM; Scottish professor at Groningen and diplomatist ; 1590-1666. 1. H. L., to r., in plain band and cloak ; Latin inscription. Line ; 4J X 35 in. MACDUPPICK, SARAH ; blind beggar. 1, W. L., full face, standing on a pavement ; vignette ; 1837. Woodcut.MACE, THOMAS; lutenist ; 1619?-1709?, 1. Aged 63 ; T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding sheet of music ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Musick's Monu- ment, 1676. (Pagan p, 47,) Line ; 91 X 65 in. One impression with * Clerici ' in the inscription spelt ' Clericus ' ; one with spelling corrected. 2. Copy from the last, reversed, H. L. ; circular frame. PI. to Hawkins's Hist, of Music, 1776. Line ; 31 in. MACERONI, (CoL.) FRANCIS; aide-de-camp to Murat, King of Naples ; inventor ; 1788-1846. 1. H. L., fuU face, in uniform ; vignette. PL 5 of a set. Pub. A. WiveU 1822. Stipple. McPADGEAN, ALEXANDER, M.D. ; physician at Ardrossan. 1. H. L., to r., standing, r. hand on hip. Mezz. ; 10| X 85 in. Proof with artists' names only. MACPARLAN, DUNCAN, D.D. ; principal of Glasgow CoUege; 1771-1857. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in gown and bands, r. hand on . open book. Pub. P, Salmon, Glasgow. _ Line ; 121 X lOJ in, 2. Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated, in gown and bands, paper in r, hand, Lith. ; 131 X 11} in. MACPARREN, CLARIN A THALIA (ANDRAE), Lady ; w. of Sir George A. M. ; singer. 1. As the page in Macfarren's opera Charles II. ; T. Q, L., standing, looking to r, ; vignette. Pub. Ohappell, etc., 1849. Lith.McGAVIN, WILLIAM ; Scottish controversialist ; 1773- 1832. 1. H. L., to 1.; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1885. Proof with artists' names only. McGILL, DAVID ; living sculptor. 1. A head, fuU face ; vignette. Without inscription. Etching. MoGILL, HUGH. 1. A head, to r. ; vignette. Without inscription. Etching. Paikteu Engraver G. Cruikshank Anon. Anon . H. Cooke A. WiveU J. G. Gilbert J. Graham S. Watson E. Grimstone J. Campbell R. Bryden R. Bryden W. Paithorne I C. Grignion Iii C. Pieart E. Burton R. Bell L. Ghemar E. Grimstone S. Preeman R. Bryden i R. Bryden 124 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter MACGOWAN, JOHN; baptist minister and contro versialist ; 1726-1780. 1. H. L., to L, ill wig and bands, holding Letters to Dr. Priestley in r. hand ; oval frame. Pub. C. Bowles 1774. (C. S. 73.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. Three impressions. McGOWAN, JOHN. ; See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). [ MeGRATH, HENRY WALTER, JI.A. ; rector of Kersal ; Moore and hon. canon of Manchester ; d. 1884. } 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to r., in gown and bands, book in 1. hand. Pub. C. Turner 1885. (Whit man 883.) J. Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. Two impressions, MAC GREGOR, Sir EVAN JOHN, bart,, K,C,B,, i G,C,H,; governor of the Windward Islands ; 1785-1841, ' 1, W. L., standing, looking to L, in dress which he wore at the lev^e at Holyrood 1822, 1. arm on plinth of column, r. hand on claymore. Pub. R. Scott, Edinburgh, 1825. Mezz. ; 235 X 141 in. MACGREGOR, Sib GREGOR; general in Southj America ; d. after 1840. 1. T. Q. L., to r., in uniform, plumed hat in 1. hand, pointing with r. ; rect, frame. Private plate, (Whit- i man 189.) Jlezz. ; 131 X 98 in. Two impressions. J. Russell Engraver Lonsdale G. Watson t J. S. Rochard R. Houston C. Turner H. Dawe MACGREGOR, GREGOR ; highlander. 1. Aged 84; W. L., standing, full face ; vignette. Etching. Coloured. MACGREGOR, JOHN, (' ROB ROY ') ; traveUer and philanthropist ; 1825-1892. 1. H. L., seated at a table, looking to r., holding field-glass ; circle. Hlust. to Reformatory and Refuge Journal, 1874. Woodcut ; 45 in. diam. MACGREGOR, JOSEPH ROBERTSON; minister of the Edinburgh Gaelic chapel ; d. 1801. 1. W. L., standing, r. profile, in hat and bands, stick in r. hand ; 1787. Etching ; 41 X 31 in. MACGREGOR - MURRAY, ANNE (MACLEOD), Lady ; w. of Sir John M.-M., bart. ; d. 1880. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, directed and looking to r. Mezz. ; 161 X 12} in. MACGREGOR-MURRAY, (Lieut.-Col.) Sir JOHN, (of Lanrick Castle), bart.; auditor-general of Bengal; 1745-1822. 1. H. L., to 1., seated, in uniform ; arms below. Jlezz, ; 161 X 12} in. J.Kay S. W. Reynolds Anon. Butterworth & Heath J.Kay Anon, Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 125 Subject Painter Engraver McGRIGOR, Sir JAMES, bart,, M,D„ K,C,B,, F,R,S, ; director-general of medical department of the army ; 1771-1858, 1, Nearly W, L,, seated, directed and looking to L, paper in r, hand, 1, arm on back of chair. (0. S. 54, Prankau 190.) Mezz. ; 15 x 115 in- One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. MACINTOSH, CHARLES, F.R.S. ; chemist ; inventor of waterproof fabrics ; 1766-1843. 1. Nearly W. L., slightly to 1., seated in armchair, r. arm on table. Mezz. ; 16 X 12J in. McIVOR, JOHN ; clerk to the registration of seisins in Glasgow; 1657?-1736. 1, Aged 79; H, L,, to 1.; decor, oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Account of Glasgow, 1736. (C. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 6} X 41 in. MACKAY, (Major-Gen.) ALEXANDER; deputy- adjutant-geueral ; 1742-1809. 1, W. L., 1. profile, walking, in private dress, with umbrella under arm ; 1796. Etching; 61 X 4 in. MACKAY, ALEXANDER ; journalist ; 1808-1852. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph, Litli.MACKAY, CHARLES ; Scottish actor ; 1787-1857. 1. As Bailie Nicol Jarvie in Scott's Bob Roy ; H. L., in hat, looking with astonishment to 1. Prom picture at Abbotsford. Pub. R. Hamilton, Edinburgh. Line ; 7} X 65 in. 2, Same picture. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 45 x 31 in. 3. In same character ; H. L., to L, in official dress. Prom picture iu Scottish National Portrait Gallery. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 4} x 35 in. MACKAY, CHARLES, LL.D.; poet and journalist; 1814-1889. See Groups. McKEAN, ANDREW; master of the High School, Edinburgh. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, 1. hand on table. Pub. A. Elder, Edinburgh, 1824. Mezz. ; 17| X 13i in. Two impressions. McKEAN, JAMES; shoemaker; hanged for murder at Glasgow 1797. 1. At the bar, between two of the Edinburgh town guard ; H. L., looking to 1. Etching ; 3} X 61 In, J. Jackson W. Ward J. G. Gilbert : E. Burton R. Harvie J.Kay C. S. Herve W. Allan D. Maenee J. Syme J.Kay S. Taylor J. Kay C. S. Hervd J. Horsburgh T. Hodgetts J.Kay 126 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaver McKENNY, THOMAS ; alderman of Dublin; lord mayor 1818. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in mayor's robes, wand in 1. hand. Pub. T. G. Thompson 1820. (Whitman 384.) Jlezz. ; 16 X 13 in. Two impressions. MACKENZIE, Sir ALEXANDER ; North .American explorer ; 1756 ?-1820. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. Pront. to his Voyages, 1801. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in. 2. Copy from the last ; oval. Front, to French ed. of same work, 1807. Line ; 41 x 31 in. 8. Another copy, reversed ; oval. Front, to German ed. of same work, 1802. Line ; 25 x 21 in. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER, M.A. ; curate of St, Paul's, Sheffield, and chaplain to the Earl of Eglinton. 1, Nearly W, L., to r., seated in armchair, in gown and bands. Pub. V. Johnson 1818. (Whitman 335.) Mezz. ; 175 X 131 in- Two impressions. MACKENZIE, Sir ALEX-4NDEB, bart,, G,C,H, ; general ; d, 1853. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to i., in uniform, r. arm on rock. Pub. W. Say 1819. Mezz. ; 18 X 13} in. MACKENZIE, Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Mus.D. ; composer ; b. 1847. 1. H. L., r. profile. Photograph by Downey. AVoodburytype. 2. Same photograph. Process block. 3. Bust, to 1. ; oval ; from photograph. Process block. MACKENZIE, COLIN, (of Portmore); deputy-keeper of the signet, Edinburgh ; 1770-1830. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, legs crossed. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 45 X 3; in. MACKENZIE, DANIEL ; botanical engraver. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Line ; 45 X 31 in. MACKENZIE, Sib GEORGE, (of Rosehaugh) ; King's advocate for Scotland ; author; 1636-1691. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and gown; oval frame on pedestal. Prom picture in Advocates' Library. Line ; lOJ X 71 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pront. to his Collected Works, 1716. Line ; 101 X 6} in. 3. Same picture ; plain oval. Line ; 31 X 3 in. 4. Same picture ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen,-- 1835. Line. Proof before title. T. C. Thompson T. Lawrence V. Johnson G. H. Harlow H. Raeburn G. Kneller C. Turner P. Cond6 Adam Westermayr C. Turner W. Say Anon.R. White R. Wood J. Beugo J. Rogers Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 127 Subject 5, H. L., face to r., in wig and gown ; oval frame with arms. Line ; lOf X 71 in. MACKENZIE, HENRY ; author of The Man of Feeling ; 1745-1831. 1, W. L., seated in his library, in cap and dressing-gown, looking to r,, holding pen. Pub, Colnaghi & Co,, etc, 1822, Line ; 161 X 12| in, 2, H. L., looking to r., in cap ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 8. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pront. to Chalmers's British Essayists, 1802. Line ; 31 x 2} in. 4. Same picture. Pub. CadeU & Davies 1808. Stipple ; 31 X 31 in. 5. Same picture, bust only ; vignette, PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple.6. H. L.,tor. Prom picture in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 41 x 31 in. MACKENZIE, (Capt.) KENNETH, (of Red Castle). See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACKENZIE, WILLIAM ; railway contractor. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., r. hand on stick, hat and ¦ plan of railways in Prance on ground at his feet ; with facsimile of autograph. Private plate. Mezz, ; 24 X 161 in, MACKENZIE, (Mrs.), of Drumtoohty. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, in cap and shawl. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's 3 July 1908. Keproduction ; 6| x 61 in. MACKENZIE ; printseller. See Groups (London priutseUers). MAC KERCHER, DANIEL ; solicitor in the Annesley peerage case ; d. 1772. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., hat under r. arm, scroU in hand; 1744. (C. S. 21, II.) Mezz. ; 125 X 10 in. MACKEY, CHARLES ; crossing-sweeper. 1. W. L., full face, standing, holding broom and hat ; vignette. Btching. MACKEY, MARY. ' 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pront. to her Scraps of Nature, 1810. Stipple ; 3i X 25 in. MACKINLAY, KATHERINE. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in evening dress ; vignette ; 1856. Lith. Painter A. Geddes J. W. Gordon H. Raeburn T. H. lUidge H. Raeburn J. Stevens J. Tillotson Engraver P. Vanderbank R. Rhodes S. Preeman I J. Neagle C. Pieart B. Smith G. B. Ward J. Brooks Roberts Anon. Pikenbocher ! Pikenbocher 128 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter H. B. Burlowe W. Derby T. Lawrence MACKINNON, HENRY; major-general; 1773-1812. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. PL to Military Panorama ; pub. P. Martin 1813. C. Jagger .Stipple ; 6 X 31 in. MACKINNON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.P., P.R.S., F.S.A. ; legislator and author ; 1789-1870. 1. H. L., full face, standing, scroll in 1, hand ; octagon, with facsimile of autograph, Lith, ; 9 X 71 in. MACKINTOSH, (Right Hon.) Sir JAMES, M.P. ; lawyer, statesman and philosopher ; 1765-1832. 1. A marble bust ; vignette. (Whitman 886.) Mezz. Proof before any inscription. 2. H. L., full face ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. PL to European Mag., 1824. Stipple. 3. When recorder of Bombay, aged 38; T. Q. L., seated, looking upwards to r., in gown, book on knee. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery; pub. Fisher 1833. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 4. Same picture. Front, to his Memoirs ; pub. Moxon 1858. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 5. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1885, Stipple, Proof before title, 6, Same picture, bust only ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub, Cadell & Davies 1814. Stipple. 7. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1804. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 8. When old ; bust, to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. Slater 1832. Lith.MACKINTOSH, (Lady). [The identity of this person is uncertain.] 1. H. L., to L, fur-lined cloak over 1. arm. Sold at the Golden Head. (C. S. 125, Goodwin 138.) Mezz. ; 11 X 85 in. same plate reworked, with address erased. McKITTRICK, WILLIAM ; methodist minister. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table, hands clasped, 1. arm on bible; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1824. Stipple. MACKLIN, CHARLES ; actor ; 1697 ?-1797. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. T. BeUamy 1Y96. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. 2. With Miss Pope; as Shylock and Portia in the trial scene of the Merchant of Venice; W. L., standing together ; with other figures. Pub. W. HoUand 1790. Stipple ; 191 X 151 in- J. Opie I J. Slater A. Ramsay J. Jackson W. Beechey J. Boyne Engraver H. B. Cook Anon. C. Turner J. Thomson J. Cochran E. Smith S. Preeman C. Wilkin W. Ridley L W. Slater J. McArdell W. T. Pry W.Ridley W. Nutter Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 129 Subject Painter Engraver 3. As Sir Pertinax Macsycophant, in his Man of the World; W. L., to r., standing; oval iu rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1795. Line ; 4 X 3 in. 4. As Sir Gilbert Wrangle, in Gibber's The Refusal; W. L., standing, holding paper; oval in rect. PL to same work, 1792. Line ; 41 X 3 in. 5. Speaking his fareweU prologue to the Refusal in 1753 ; W. L., to L, standing. Pub. Fielding & Walker 1779. Line ; 41 X 3| in. 6. As Sir Pertinax Macsycophant ; H. L., i. profile, arms folded ; oval. Pub. E. Plarding 1786. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 7. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Pub. Darling & Thompson 1794. Stipple. 8. Copy from the last ; vignette. PL to Ryan's Dramatic Table Talk, 1825. Stipple. 9. As Shylock ; H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Pub. W. Lewis & J. RusseU 1784. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. 10. Aged 87 ; bust, 1. profile ; oval in rect. frame. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1787. Line ; 5 X 31 in. 11. Reversed copy from the last ; oval. Front, to his Memmrs, by Kirkman; pub. Lackington, Allen & Co. 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 31 in. 12. Aged 92; H. L., full face, holding paper. Prom picture now in Garrick Club. Pront. to Murphy's ed. of his Works; pub. J. BeU 1792. Stipple; 7 X 51 in." 13. Copy from the last. Pub. Longman & Co. 1806. Stipple ; 4 X 21 in. 14. Another copy, hands not shown ; in rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1808. Stipple ; 6} X 3} in. 15. As Shylock; W. L., to r., standing, holding knife and scales. PL to BeU's ed. of Shakspeare, 1775. Line ; 51 X 31 in. 16. W. L., standing, 1. profile, hat under r. arm ; vignette, with title ' Mr. M-k-n Orator ' ; satirical. Btching. 17. As Shylock; W. L., to r., holding knife and scales; oval in rect. Pub. J. BeU 1785. Line ; 3} X 21 in. same plate ; with address of T. Cawthorn 1806. 18. As Sir Gilbert Wrangle in The Refusal; W. L., standing. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1779. Line ; 51 X 35 in. 19. As Macbeth; W. L., looking to r., foot on step; vignette. Line ; (pi.) 7 X 45 in. S. De Wilde D. Dodd S. Harding C. Hayter J. Kitehing- man J. C. Loch^e J. Opie T. Parkinson T. Patch J. Bamberg J. Roberts R. Cromek ThornthwaiteWalkerW. Gardiner J. Wright W. Read J. Newton J. Corner W. Ridley J. Cond6 S. Freeman i J. Hopwood C. Grignion T. Patch T. Cook Cooke Anon. 130 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MACKLIN, CHARLES— co)!?i)M(ed, 20, As Shylock ; small W, L,, sharpening his knife on the ground ; without background. Pub, I. Wenman 1777. Line. 21. As Shylock ; W. L., to L, holding knife and scales ; in decor, border. Pub. T. Wright 1775. Line. 22. Aged 97; W. L., standing, in hat, holding stick; with out background. Front, to his Memoirs, by Congreve ; pub. J. Barker 1798. Etching. See Dunstall, John. See Groups (Garrick in the Green Room). MACKLIN, MARIA ; d. of the preceding ; actress ; d. 1781. 1. As Helena in ^;rs Well That Ends Well; W. L., to L, standing. PL to Bell's ed. of Shakspeare, 1775. Line ; 5 X 31 in. 2. As Camillo in The Mistake; W. L., standing, 1. profile. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1778. Line ; 5" X 35 in. See Bbnsley, Robert. MACKWORTH, Sir DIGBY, bart. ; 1766-1838. 1. H. L., looking to right. Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in. MACKWORTH, Sib HERBERT, bart,, M,P, ; 1791, 1, H, L,, to r. ; rect, frame. Pub. J. Dean (C. S. 17.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. 1737- 1789. arch- MACLAGAN, WILLIAM DALRYMPLE, D.D. bishop of York ; 1826-1910. 1. T. Q. L., seated, in rochet. Cutting Ixomlllust. London News, 1891. Woodcut.2. Bust, to 1. From photograph. Cutting from the same. Process block. MACLAINE, ARCHIBALD, D,D, ; translator of Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History ; 1722-1804, 1. H. L., tor. ; 1796. Mezz. ; 91 X 81 in. MACLAURIN, COLIN, M,A, ; fl, 1770, 1, H, L,, to r,, in wig and gown ; oval. Prom a model, stipple ; 61 X 41 in, McLEAN, ARCHIBALD; baptist minister at Edin burgh; 1733-1812, 1, H, L,, to L, hands on table, holding book and spec tacles ; rect, frame. Pub, J, Steell, Edinburgh, 1809, (Whitman 337,) Mezz, ; 131 X 101 i"-! McLEAN, DONALD; M,P, for Oxford; 1800-1874. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r. Pub. Wyatt, Oxford, 1837. (Whitman 106.) ilezz. ; 16i X 131 in. Painter J. Roberts H. PickersgiU J. Russell C. H. Hodges Percey G. Watson J. Bridges Engraver Anon. C. Grignion Thornthwaite W. Say J. Dean R. Taylor & Co. C. H. Hodges S. Preeman C. Turner S. Cousins Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 131 Subject MACLEAN, JAMES ; highwayman ; hanged at Tyburn ; 1724-1750. 1. H. L., to 1., r. hand in waistcoat ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to History of J. Maclean the Gentle man Highwayman, 1750. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 2. W. L., standing, looking to L, hat under 1. arm; .vignette, with title ' The Ladies' Hero or the Unfortu nate James McLeane Esq.' Pub. T. Harrison. Etching and line. 3. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Etching. 4. Bust, to L, in hat ; oval. Line ; 41 X 3| in. 5. Standing at the bar, on his trial, addressing the court ; with letterpress report of his speech below. Pub. T. Pox 1750. Line; 91 X 91 in. 6. Standing in his cell, surrounded by friends ; ' Newgate's Lamentation or the Ladys Last farewell of Maclean ' ; with eight lines below. Line ; 71 x 9} in. 7, ' An exact Representation of Maclaine the Highwayman robbing Lord Eglington on Hounslow Heath on the 26th of June 1750,' Pub. P. Angier 1750. Line ; 75 X 131 in, MACLEAN, LETITIA ELIZABETH, (born Landon) ; w, of George M. ; poetess ; 1802-1838, 1, T, Q, L,, fuU face, standing, in bonnet ; vignette, Pront. to her Poetical Works; pub. Saunders & Otley 1835. stipple,2, T, Q, L,, full face, seated ; octagon ; with title ' L, E, L.' and facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. Pub. Pisher, Son & Co. Stipple ; 13j- X 11} in. 3. Same drawing ; with three lines by her and facsimile of autograph below. Pub. Pisher, Son & Co. Stipple ; 05 X 51 in. 4. W. L., seated, fuU face; vignette. Prom a drawing in the British Museum. 'A. Croquis del.' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1833. Lith, 5. W. L,, on horseback, riding to 1, ; outline, Lith,6, Aged 25; H, L,, seated, looking to r,, in hat with feather. Front, to vol. iii. of Autobiography of U, Jcrdan, 1852, Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 7, H, L,, fuU face ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph, PI, to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. H. Colburn 1837. Stipple. 8. Nearly W. L,, fuU face, standing, holding jencU ; . vignette, with facsimile of autograph, 1839. Lith, Pub, H, Colburn Painteb L. P. Boitard D. Maclise H. Pickersgill J. Wright Engbaver L. P. Boitard Anon. G. Cruikshank Anon. Pinden E. Pinden J. Thomson (D. Maclise) H. Robinson S. Preeman Anon. K 2 132 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MACLEAN, Sib L., M.D. ; physician. 1. H. L., to r. Pub. J. G. Strutt 1818. (C. S. 49.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. MACLEAY, ALEXANDER, F.R.S. ; entomologist and Australian statesman ; 1767-1848. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Line. Three states. McLEOD, DONALD ; highland soldier ; pretended cen tenarian ; d. 1792. 1. 'Aged 102'; T. Q. L., to L, holding cap; ovaL Pub. J. Forbes 1791. Stipple ; 51 X 4 in. 2. ' Aged 102 ' ; W. L., full face, in highland dress, standing before a fort. Pub. J. Ryland 1790. Etching ; 81 X 7 in. same plate ; surname erased, age altered to 103. McLEOD, Sir DONALD, K.CB. ; general; d. 1848. 1. Bust, to L, in private dress ; vignette. Lith. MACLEOD, MARY LOWTHER and ELIZABETH ROMA ; d. of J. Norman M. of Macleod. 1. Nearly W. L., standing together by a parapet. Stipple ; 7 X 45 in. MACLEOD, NORMAN, D.D. ; Scottish divine ; chap lain to Queen Victoria ; 1812-1872. 1. Bust, looking to 1. Cutting from Great Thoughts, 1887. Woodcut. MACLEOD, (LiEUT.-CoL.) PATRICK; of the 78th regiment ; feU in Egypt 1807. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table on which is a vase presented to him by ' Lloyds.' Pub. D. Hatton 1809. Mezz. ; 17} X 131 in. McLEOD, RODERICK; principal of King's College, Aberdeen; 1728-1815. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACLEOD, Lady WILHELMINA PRANCES, (born Kerr) ; w. of General John M. ; d. of 4th Marquess of Lothian. 1. H. L., to 1. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, 6 May 1905. Reproduction ; 61 X 45 in MACLEOD-BANNATYNE, Sir WILLIAM, (Lord Bannatyne) ; Scottish judge ; 1744-1838. 1. H. L., seated on the bench, r. profile, iu robes, aper in r. hand ; oval ; 1799. Etching ; 3J X 21 in. MACLISE, DANIEL, R.A. ; painter ; 1806-1870. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Pul). E. Gambart, etc, 1857, Lith. ; 2, A head, r, profile ; vignette. Prom sketch in Porster collection, Victoria and Albert Museum. Cutting rom Art Journal, 1888. Process bl.ck. Painter J. G. Strutt T. Lawrence W. B. Bigg J. Ryland H. Raeburn W. Drummond G. Watson G. Romney J.Kay C. Baugniet D. Maclise Engraver J. Young C. Pox J. Grozer J. Ryland P. Cromer I. W. Slater W. H. Mote Anon.J. Young J. Kay C. Baugniet Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 133 Subject Painteb 3. H. L., to L Woodcut ; 11 j X 9 in. 4. T. Q. L., to 1., seated; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. PL to Art Union Journal, 1847. Line ; 65 X 4} in. 5. A head, 1. profile ; vignette ; without title. , Drypoint. 6. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r. From a photograph. PL to Drawing Room Portrait Gallery. Stipple and line ; 81 X 65 in. 7. Nearly W. L., 1. profile, seated in armchair; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Woodcut. MACLURE, EDWARD CRAIG, D.D.; dean of Man chester; 1833-1906. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated ; vignette. Lith. MoLURE, JOHN ; chaplain to the grand lodge of free masons, Edinburgh ; d. 1787. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in hat and wig ; with title ' Grand Chaplain'; 1787. Etching ; 31 X 15 in. McMAHON, (Right Hon.) Sib JOHN, bart., M.P. ; private secretary and keeper of the privy purse to the Prince Regent ; 1754-1817. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, seated in armchair, paper in r. hand. Pub. C. Turner 1815. (Whitman 338.) Mezz. ; 145 X US i"- Oiie proof before any inscription ; one fully lettered impression. MACMILLAN, ALEXANDER ; publisher ; d. 1896. 1. Bust, nearly fuU face ; vignette ; without title. stipple. McMillan, buchanan. 1. H. L., to r., seated. Pub. C. Turner 1833. (Whitman 339.) Mezz. ; lOj X 8} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. MACMILLAN, DANIEL ; pubUsher ; 1813-1857. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette ; without title. Pront. to his Life, by T. Hughes, 1882. Stipple. MACMILLAN, JOHN. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph ; 1857. Lith. McMillan, (Mrs.) ; w. of Buchanan McM. 1. H. L., to L, in large hat. PL to cat, of Price sale, Christie's, 15 June 1895. Photograph. McNAB, FRANCIS, (of MoNab) ; 1735-1816. 1. W. L., 1. profile, reeling along the North Bridge, Edinburgh; 1784. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. T. S(eott) E. M. Ward Engraver M. J(ackson) J. Smyth M. L. Menpes D. J. Pound W. Rothenstein J.Kay T. Lawrence W. Haines L. Dickinson Hahnisch Gainsborough J.Kay W. Rothenstein J. Kay C. Turner C. H. Jeens C, Turner C. H. Jeens Hahnisch J. Kay 184 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver McNA.B, ^'B.A'^Gl^— continued. 2. W. L., to r., standing, in highland dress. From picture belonging to Hon. Mrs. Baillie-Hamilton. PL to Arm strong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7} X 4} in. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). McNAUGHT, WILLIAM GRAY, Mus.D. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated ; from photograph. PL to Musical Times, 1908. Process block. MACNEE, Sir DANIEL, P.R.S.A. ; portrait painter; 1806-1882. 1. When Mr. Maenee ; bust, looking to r. ; vignette ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1876. Woodcut. McNEILE, HUGH, D.D. ; dean of Ripon ; 1795-1879. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, preaching, in gown and bands, bible in 1. hand ; with facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 17 X 135 in. 2. Nearly W. L., standing, slightly to r., in gown and bands, open bible in 1. hand, font to r. ; with title ' Expounding the Scriptures.' Pub. T, C, Thompson 1838, Mezz. ; 181 X 141 in. MACNEILL, HECTOR ; Scottish poet ; 1745-1818. 1. H. L., seated, r. profile. ' Rev. W. Gardiner del.' Pront. to his Works ; pub. Longman & Rees 1801. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pront. to his Works ; pub. Long man & Co. 1806. Stipple ; 3} X 31 in. 3. Same picture; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple.Proof witli artists' names only. McNICOLL, DAVID ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to 1. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1841. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. 2. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to same periodical, 1807. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. MACNISH, ROBERT, M.D. ; physician and author ; 1802-1837. 1. W. L., seated on chair, directed and looking to r. From a pen drawing. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1835. Lith.2. A marble bust, to 1. Pront. to his Modern Pythagorean ; pub. W. Blackwood 1838. Line ; 3| X 25 in. See Groups (Praserians). MACONOCHIE, ALEXANDER, (Lord Meadowbank) ; Scottish judge ; 1777-1861. 1. H. L., to r., in private dress. Pub. T. Dick 1839. Mezz. ; 121 X 101 in- H. Raeburn S. Hawksett T. C. Thompson Willam J. Jackson (D. Maclise) (J. Ritchie) H. Raeburn Anon. T. Lupton H. Cousins P. Thomson S. Preeman J. Rogers T. A. Dean Branwhite & Meyer (D. Maclise) T. Dobbie T. Dick Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 13.5 Subject Painter MACONOCHIE, ALLAN, (Lord Meadowbank), F.R.S.E. ; Scottish judge ; 1748-1816. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Stipple. MePHAIL, MYLES ; golf caddie. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACPHERSON, JAMES, M.P. ; translator of Ossian ; 1786-1796. 1. H. L,, looking to L, in furred gown, scroll in r. hand; oval in reot. Prom picture now at Petworth. Pub. 1775. Line ; 71 X 45 in. 2. Same picture; rect. Pub, W, Bond 1813. Stipple ; 81 X 65 in. 3. Same picture ; rect. Pront. to his Poems of Ossian ; pub. W. Miller 1805. Line ; 45 X 2J in. 4, Same picture ; rect. Front, to same work ; pub. Lackington, AUen & Co. 1805. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 5. T. Q. L., to L, seated, holding open book. Prom pic ture at BelleviUe House, Kingussie, N.B. Photogravure ; 61 X 31 in. MACPHERSON, Sib JOHN, bart. ; governor-general of India; 1745-1821. 1. H. L., 1. profile. Pub. C. Steele 1796. (Whitman 190.) Mezz, ; 131 X lOJ in. MoPHERSON, MALCOLM; highland soldier; shot for desertion 1743. 1. W. L., standing, full face, holding sword and pistol. Pub. J. Bowles. Line ; 101 X 61 in. Mcpherson, SAMUEL; highland soldier; shot for desertion 1743. 1. W. L., standing, looking to L, holding bayonet. Copy from print by G. Biekham. PL to Caulfield's Remark able Persons, 1820. Etching ; 71 X 41 in. MACPHERSON, WILLIAM, W.S. ; d. 1814. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MACQUEEN, ELIZABETH, (born Ord); 2nd w. of Robert M., Lord Braxfield. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, arms crossed on lap. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 6} X 6 in. McQueen, ROBERT, (Lord Braxfield) ; lord justice clerk of Scotland ; 1722-1799. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated on the bench, in robes, open book before him ; oval ; without title ; 1793. Etching ; ;i| X 3 in. 2. H. L., to L, seated in armchair, in robes; vignette. PL to Lockhart's Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Line. W. Allen J. Reynolds G. Romney H. Raeburn J.Kay H. Raeburn Engraver H. Meyer J. K. Sherwin W. Bond J. Pittler C. Knight S. W. Reynolds Anon. G. Cruikshank J. Kay W. & D. Lizars 13(3 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraves McQueen, Robert, (Lord Bv&-^e\a)— continued. 3. T. Q. L., to 1'., seated, iu private dress, hands clasped. Prom picture belonging to Faculty of Advocates. Pub. A. Laurie 1801. Mezz. ; 171 X 13} in. 4. Same picture. PI. to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 71 X 6| in. 5. Same picture. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903, Photogravure ; 6 X 3} in, MACQUEEN, THOMAS POTTER ; M.P. for Bedford shire 1826-30. 1. W. L., standing by his horse, in uniform of Bedford shire yeomanry. (Whitman 340.) Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. One preliminary etching ; one proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, McQUIGE, JAMES ; methodist preacher, 1, Bust, to 1, ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. MACRAE, JAMES, (of Holmains) ; dueUist ; d. 1820. 1. W. L., to L, standing, firing a pistol; with title 'The Fortunate DueUist ' ; 1790. Etching ; 65 X 41 in. MACREADY, WILLIAM ; actor and manager ; 1755- 1829. 1. H. L., to 1, ; oval. Prom a miniature. PL to Parsons's Minor Theatre, 1794. - Stipple ; 3 X 25 in. MACREADY, WILLIAM CHARLES ; s. of the pre ceding ; actor ; 1793-1878. 1. As Macbeth; H. L., looking to r., hands clasped. PL to Oxberry's New English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & MarshaU 1821. Stipple ; 4| X 35 in. 2. Aged 17 ; as Romeo ; W. L., standing, fuU face, looking upwards. Pub. J. Cawthorn 1810. Coloured. Stipple ; 145 X 105 in. 3. As Hotspur ; W. L., sitting on the ground in attitude of the antique statue of a dying Gaul. Lith, ; 61 X 81 in. 4. As Henry IV. ; H. L., looking to 1. From picture now in Garrick Club. Pub. R. Ackermann 1824. Lith. ; 71 X 65 in. 5. Same picture ; vignette on title to vol. i. of his Remi niscences, 1875. Stipple and line. Proof before inscription. 6. As Virginius ; H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. P. & D. Colnaghi 1839. Stipple.1. Same drawing. Vignette on title to vol. ii. of his Remi niscences, 1875. Stipple and line. 8. As Ion in Talfourd'15 Ion ; H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. I'ub. J. Mitchell 1839. Lith. H. Raeburn J. Ramsay Petrie J. Kay Halpin G. Clint S."De Wilde L. Haghe J. Jackson G. Dawe R.J. Lane C. Turner Maguire J.Kay W. Ridley W. Coutts R. Woodman L. Haghe R. J. Lane C. H. Jeens C. Pieart C. H. Jeens R. J. Lane Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 137 Subject Painter Engeavee 9. As Brutus in Julius Cxsar ; W. L., standing, holding dagger. PL to TaUis's Drawing-Boom Table Book. Reid G. Greatbach Line. 10. With Mr. Stuart, as Hamlet and the Ghost in Hamlet. PI. to same work. » T. Hollis Stipple and line. 11. With Mr. E. L. Davenport, as Cassius and Brutus in Julius Ciesar. PL to same work. JJ 5> Stipple and line. 12. With Mr. Cooper, as King John and Hubert, in King John. PL to same work. JS S5 Stipple and line. 13. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. From a miniature. Pub. M. HoUoway 1844. B. Thorburn Posselwhite Stipple ; 85 X 65 in. Proof before title. 14. Same miniature ; oval. Pront. to vol. ii. of his Remi niscences, 1875. ,, C. H. Jeens Stipple and liue ; 3 X 25 in. Proof before Inscription. 15. As Virginius iu Knowles's Virginius; W. L., to 1, PL to TaUis's Dramatic Mag. H. Tracey T. HoUis Stipple and line. 16. As Werner ; W. L., to 1. PL to TaUis's Drawing-Room Table Book. j» ss Stipple and line. 17. As Macbeth ; W. L,, full face, PL to same work. s? T. Sherratt Stipple and line. 18. As Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing ; W. L., standing in garden. PL to same work. ,, Anon. Stipple and line. 19. As lago iu Othello ; W. L., standing. PL to same work. JJ J5 Stipple and line. 20. As Othello; W. L., standing, holding sword. PL to same work. ,, S> Stipple and line. 21. As Bajazet in Rowe's Tamerlane ; H. L., looking to r. PL to Oxberry's New English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & Marshall 1824. T. C. Wageman J. Rogers Stipple ; 43 X 31 in. 22, As WaUaoe, in Walker's Wallace; H, L,, looking up wards to r, PL to same work. JJ j» Stipple ; 45 X 3f in. 23. As King John; H. L., looking to 1. ; in picture frame. Pub. G. Virtue. „ R. Page Stipple. 24. As Cardinal Wolsey in Henry VIII. ; W. L., standing. holding letters. PL to TaUis's Drawincj-Room Table Book. C. H. Jeens Stipple and line. 25. Late in life; bust, to r. ; from photograph. Pront. to vol. i. of his Reminiscences, 1875. 93 Stipple and line ; 3 X 2i in. Proof before inscription. 26. As Rob Roy ; H. L., looking to 1. ; in picture frame. PL to The Drama ; pub. T. & J. Elvey. R. Page Stipple. 138 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb MACREADY, WILLIAM CHARLES- 27. -is Henri in Morton's Henri Quatre ; to 1. ; vignette. Pub. Gold & Co. 1821. stipple. 28. As Shylock ; W. L., standing ; from daguerreotype, PL to TaUis's Drawing-Room Table Book. Stipple and line. 29. As King Lear ; same work. stipple and line. 30. As Henry IV. work. Stipple and line. 31. As Richard II work. Stipple and line. 32. Delivering his farewell address at Drury Lane, Peb. 20, 1851. PL to TaUis's Dramatic Mag. Stipple and liue. continued. H, L., looking W, L., with the dead Cordelia. PL to W. L., seated on couch. PL to same W. L., seated in prison. PL to same MeSWINY, OWEN. See SwiNNEV. landscape painter ; 1839- Engraver Anon. McWHIRTER, JOHN, R.A 1911. 1. Bust, looking tol. ; vignette ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London Neivs, 1879. Woodcut.2. H. L,, looking to r. ; from photograph. lUust. to TJte Scots Pictorial. Process block. MAD AN, MARTIN, D.D, ; chaplain of the Lock Hospital ; 1726-1790, 1, With C, E. De Coetlbgon ; W. L,, sitting together, Madan on 1., looking to r., De Coetlogon on r., by table, holding open bible. Pub. 1774. (C. S. 94, Goodwin 98.) ; G-. James Mezz. ; 225 X 16 in. 2. T. Q. L., to r,, seated, in gown and bands, holding bible on knee. Pub. C. Bowles. (C. S. 74,) j Jenkin Mezz, -, 13 X 95 in, 3, Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated by table, in gown and bands, 1. hand on book. Pub, S, Hooper, (C, S, 2,) i Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. Two impressions. 4. Bust, 1. profile, in gown and bauds; oval. PL to Gosjpel Mag. ; pub. Vallance & Simmons 1'774. Line ; 3} X 3 in. MADAN, PATRICK; thief. 1. H, L., to r, ; oval. Front, to his Life, 1781, Liue ; 4g X 85 in, MADAN, SPENCER, D,D. ; bishop of Peterborough ; 1729-1813. 1. Bust, to r., in rochet. Pub. J. Barry 1794. J. Barry Stipple ; 35 X 21 in. MADDEN, Sir FREDERIC, K.H., F.R.S.; keeper of manuscripts in the British Museum ; 1801-1873. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Athenseum W. Drummond Portraits, No. 53. Pub. T. McLean 1837. Lith. J. Watson R. Houston Manwaring Anon. Anon. T. Cheesman (W. Drum mond) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits V6d Subject Painter MADDEN, SAMUEL, D.D. ; founder of the DubUn Society; 1686-1765. 1. Aged 68 ; nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r,, in gown and bands, 1, hand on open book. Pub, W, Wilkinson, Dublin, (C, S. 54,) Mezz, ; 111 X 95 in, 2. Copy from the last, bust only, PL to European Mag., 1802. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 3. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table, in gown and bands, r. hand on books, pointing with 1. Sold T. Jefterys & W. Herbert. (C. S. 22, II.) Mezz, ; 12| X 10 in, MADDOCK, JOHN PINCHETT, M,P, ; town clerk of Chester 1832, 1. H. L., to r., with eyeglass suspended from neck. Pub. G. Harding, Chester, 1834. (Whitman 841.) Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. Two proofs with open letters ; two fully lettered impressions. MADDOCK, Sir THOMAS HERBERT, M.P. ; president of the council of India and deputy governor of Bengal; 1792-1870. 1. W. L., standing by table, directed and looking to r., iu court dress, holding up document. Mezz. ; 265 X 171 in, 2. Nearly W. L., standing by table, face in profile to 1. ; vignette. Prom a sketch. Lith. MADDOX, ANTHONY ; equilibrist ; d. 1758. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, standing, holding a straw ; ten lines below. Pub. J. Smith & R. Sayer. (C. S. 75.) Mezz. ; 125 X 91 in. Two impressions. 2. ' The Performances of the famous Mr. Maddox at Sadlers Wells.' Pub. H. Jackson 1752. Line ; 91 x 12} in. 3. ' The Surprizing performances of the famous Mr. Maddox on the Slack Wire at Sadlers Wells,' Line ; 16 X 19| in, MADDOX, GEORGE ; architect ; 1761-1843, 1. W. L., to 1., seated at table in his studio, painting. Private plate, without inscription. Soft-ground etching. MADOCKS, WILLIAM ALEXANDER; M.P. for Boston; philanthropist; founder of the town of Tremadoo; 1774-1828. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, r. arm on chair, plan iu 1. hand. Pub. J. Ramsay 1812. (Whitman 342.) Mezz. ; 145 X 121 ih- Two impressions. MAGDALEN (of France) ; 1st Queen of James V. of Scotland; 1521-1537. 1. A bust on a pedestal. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. [False.] Line ; I15 x 65 in. 2. H. L., looking to L, in hat. PL to Gavard's Galerie Historique de Versailles. [False.] Pantographe ; 41 x 31 in. R. Hunter W. Jones Engraver R. Purcell S. Harding J. Brooks C. Turner F. C. Lewis j. |P. C. Lewis j. Anon. T. King R. Houston Anon. G. Maddox J. Ramsay G. Maddox C. Turner P. van Gunst Anon. 140 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb MAGEE, WILLIAM CONNOR, D.D.; archbishop of York; 1821-1891. 1. When bishop of Peterborough; T. Q. L., to r., seated; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1886. Mezz. ; 121 X 101 in. Cutting from Illust. 2. H. L., to 1., in rochet ; circle. London News, 1891. Woodcut. 3. H. L., to L, in rochet. Cutting from same periodical, 1891. Process block. MAGGI, NATALIS THOMAS; musician; 1735-1787. 1. H. L., to L, holding volume; oval. Pub. Molteno, Colnaghi & Co. 1788. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. MAGHERAMORNE, JAMES MACNAGHTEN M'GAREL HOGG, 1st Baron, K.CB. ; chairman of Metropolitan Board of Works ; 1823-1890. 1. Bust, to r. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1890. MAGILL, THEODOSIA, Countess of. See Glanwilliam, Theodosia, writer; originator of MAGINN, WILLIAM, LL.D. Eraser's Magazine; 1793-1842. 1. W. L., seated in armchair, nearly full face. From a pen drawing, PL to Eraser's Mag., 1831. Lith. See Groups (Praserians). MAGRATH, CORNELIUS ; Irish giant ; b. 1787. 1. W. L., standing, holding arm over the head of a guardsman. German plate. Line ; 14 x 11 in. MAGRATH, EDWARD; secretary of the Athensum Club. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Athenseum Portraits, No. 17 ; pub. T. McLean 1836. Lith. 2. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Lith. 3. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith. Prom a drawing. Without title. MAGUIRE, THOMAS, D.D. ; parish priest of Innisma- grath ; controversialist ; 1792-1847. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, speaking, looking to L, wearing large stole, book in 1. hand. Line ; 13 X 101 in. MAGUIRE, (Mrs.). 1. W. L,, fuU face, seated on the ground with a boy, Arthur Pitz-James, and a large dog; circle. Prom picture belonging to Duke of Abercorn. PL to Lord R. Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure ; 61 in. r. HoU B. Rebecca (D. Maclise) E. U. Eddis C. O'Donel T. Lawrence Engraver C. J. Tomkins R. T(aylor) P. Bartolozzi (D. Maclise) Anon.W. D(rum- mond) M. Gauci (Miss Turner) H. Brocas Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 141 Subject Painteb Engbaver MAHON, PHILIP STANHOPE, Viscount ; s, of Philip, 2nd Earl Stanhope ; 1746-1763. 1. Aged 18 ; H. L,, to L, seated, arms on table, holding drawing and crayon ; with Latin inscription, (C, S. 96, Goodwin 25.) Mezz. ; 11 X 9 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. MAHON. See Stanhope. MAHON, DENIS. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, hands joined on knee ; with facsimile of autograph. Lith. ; 101 X 9| in. MAHON, (Mrs.) ; actress. 1. As Fanny in Toms's The Accomplished Maid; W. L,, to L, holding watering-can. PL to BeU's Britii ' Theatre, 1781. Line ; 6| x 35 in. 2. W. L., sitting on settee, face to r., holding mask; with title ' The Bird of Paradise.' Pub. G. Bowles. Mezz. ; 55 X 4| in. MAHONEY, MATTHEW ; one of the murderers of Sir John Dineley-Goodere ; hanged 1741. 1. With Charles White ; W. L., standing together in their prison cell. Etching ; 4} X 41 in. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Line ; 45 X 41 in. MAHONY, FRANCIS SYLVESTER, ('Father Prout') ; humorous author ; 1804-1866. See Groups (' Praserians '). MAIDSTONE, Viscount. See Winchilsea and Nottingham. MAINANDUC. See De Mainanduc. MAINWARING, Sir. PHILIP ; secretary for Ireland ; 1589-1661. See Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of. MAINWARING, Sir WILLIAM; royalist; feU at Chester 1645. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1792. Stipple ; 2} X 2;; in. MAINWARING, WILLIAM ; merchant ; governor of the Hudson's Bay Company ; 1737-1812. 1. W. L., to L, standing by plinth of a column, in full dress, with ruffles and sword. Pub. J. Jones 1794. (C. S. 49.) iVCgzz ' 24 X 15 ill One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' and publisher s names scratclied. A. Ramsay T. Wageman J. Roberts J. Watson Dickinson & Co. Thornthwaite Anon. Anon. ¦R. Grave G. Dupont Seheneker J. Jones 142 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MAITLAND OF THIRLSTANE, JOHN MAIT LAND, 1st Baron; lord chanceUor of Scotland; 1545?- 1595. 1. H. L. , to r., in lace-edged collar and cloak. From picture at Thirlstane. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 75 X 61 in. 2. Similar picture at Ham House. Pub. S. Harding 1801. Stipple ; 45 X 3J in. MAITLAND, CATHERINE (CONNOR), Lady; w. of Admiral Sir Frederick M., K.CB. ; d. 1865. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated on bank, hands clasped on knee. From picture now in Pierpont Morgan col lection. Pub. T. Agnew & Sons 1907. Mezz. ; 18} X 14} in. 2. Same picture. PL to Pictures in Collection of Pierpont Morgan, 1907. Photogravure ; 11} x 95 in. MAITLAND, EBENEZER; president of the Orphan Working School. 1. H. L., nearly full face, seated at a table ; book, plan, &c., before him. (Whitman 191.) Mezz. ; Hi X 9 in. MAITLAND, WILLIAM, (of Lethington) ; secretary to Mary Queen of Scots ; 1528 ?-1573. 1. H. L., to r., in cap, lace-edged collar and furred gown. Prom picture at Thirlestane. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1818. Stipple ; 7-5 X 65 in. 2. Same picture. JPl. to 8vo ed. of same work. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 3. Same picture. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1795. Line ; 45 x 31 in. MAITTAIRE, MICHAEL; schoolmaster and philolo gist; 1668-1747. 1, H, L,, to L, holding open vol, of Horace; oval frame. Sold J, Paber. (C. S. 282.) Mezz. ; 11} X 91 in. same plate, with inscriptions added on frame. 2. Copy from the last ; oval on pedestal. German plate. Line ; 51 X 31 in. MAJENDIB, HENRY WILLIAM, D.D. ; bishop of Bangor; 1754-1830. 1. T. Q. L., to r,, standing by table, in rochet, cap in r. hand. Pub. C. Turner 1823. (Whitman 348.) Mezz. ; 16 X 121 in. Two proofs witli open letters ; two fully lettered impressions. MAJOCCHI, THEODORE; witness at trial of Queen Caroline. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; vignette. Pub. T. Kelly 1821. Stipple.MAJOR, THOMAS, A.R.A. ; engraver; 1720-1799. 1. Bust, to r. ; without title ; 1759. Line ; 4} x 3g in. Painter H. Raeburn T. Phillips B. Dandridge W. Beechey A. Wivell Engraver R. Cooper Anon. N. Hirst S. W. Reynolds C. Pieart W. Pinden T. Trotter J. Paber jun. C. Turner T. Wright T. Major Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 143 Subject MAKIN, BATHUSA, (born Pell) ; learned lady ; tutoress to Princess Elizabeth, d. of Charles I. 1. H. L., to r., book in r. hand; oval frame in rect. with emblems ; two I^atin lines below. Line ; 5 X 35 in. Sec Lansdowne, William Petty, 1st Painter •MALAGRIDA.' Marquess of. MALARD, MICHAEL ; French protestant minister in London. 1, H, L., to r, ; oval frame inscribed ' Amicus Plato,' etc, ; four French lines below, Pront, to his French and Protestant Companion, 1719. Line ; 61 X 4 in. MALCOLM, ALEXANDER ; proctor at Glasgow ; 1795- 1830. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. Prom a drawing. Pliotograph. MALCOLM, Sib JOHN, G.C.B. ; general and Indian administrator ; author of History of Persia ; 1769-1833. 1. Marble statue in Westminster Abbey. (Whitman 107.) Mezz. ; (pi.) 211 X 131 i"- Two impressions. 2. H. L., looking to r., wearing order and fur cloak ; vignette. Lith.3, Nearly W, L,, to r., in frogged coat, seated in armchair, holding pen. Pub, M. Colnaghi 1827. Mezz, ; 16 X 11} in, MALCOLM, Sib PULTENEY, G,C,B, ; admiral; brother of the preceding ; 1768-1838. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. Pub. F. Graves 1886. Mezz. ; 101 X 81 in. MALCOLM, ROBERT ; proprietor of the Scots Times ; 1781-1850. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Prom drawing in the Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Without title. Lith, 2, Same drawing, Pliotograph, MALCOLM, SARAH ; hanged for the murder of Mrs, Duncomb; 1710?-1738, 1, T, Q, L,, seated by table in Newgate, looking to 1. Prom picture now belonging to Sir P, Cook, bart. Line ; 7 X 61 in, 2, Contemporary copy from the last. Line ; same dimensions. 3, Another copy, reversed, with figure of a clergyman behind ; her execution seen through window ; ' No Recompence but Love,' Line ; 63 x 45 in, 4, Same picture, PL to Cook's Hogarth Restored; pub, Longman, &o,, 1802, Line ; 7 X 7 in. 6. Same picture. PI. to Nichols's Genuine Works of Hogarth; pub. Longman 1807. Line ; 5 X 41 in. P. Chantrey G. Hayter S. Lane W. Bewick W. Hogarth Engraver W. M(arshall) Anon. S. Cousins R. J. Lane J. Porter W. J, Ward W. Bewick W. Hogarth Anon, T. Cook 144 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MALCOLM, QK&AS.— continued. 6. Same picture ; looking to r. (C. S. 67.) Mezz. ; 7 X 7 in. 7. Same picture ; knife on table. (C. S. 67a.) Mezz. and line ; 6} X 6} in. 8. Same picture. PL to Works of William Hogarth, 1837. Line ; 45 X 31 in. 9. Same picture, to 1. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 10. W. L., seated in her cell, looking to r., holding pen. PI. to Nichols's Anecdotes of Hogarth, 1833. Line ; 25 X 2| in. 11. Her execution in Fleet Street. Line ; 105 X 71 in- MALDEN, GEORGE CAPELL, Viscount. See Essex, George, 5th Earl of. MALDEN, DANIEL ; criminal, who escaped twice from Newgate ; hanged 1736. 1. H. L,, looking to r,, handcuffed, PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820, Line ; 6} X 45 in, MALDEN, HENRY; clerk of King's College chapel, Cambridge, 1, H, L., r, profile, standing, holding keys. Front, to Hist. of the Chapel, 1769. Etching. MALET, (Right Hon.) Sib EDWARD BALDWIN, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.; diplomatist; 1837-1908. 1. W. L,, standing in his study at the embassy, Berlin. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1893. Woodcut.MALEY, TOM; pugmst(?). 1. T. Q, L,, to L, standing; oval. Mezz. ; oJ X 51 in. MALIBRAN, M.A.RIE PELICITA, (born Garcia); vocaUst; 1808-1836. 1. A head, r. profile, as she appeared in opera box, watching the baUet ; vignette on same sheet with a W. L. figure of her in character of Pidelma. Prom sketches. Pub. J. MitcheU 1836. Lith. 2. Repetition of the head in preceding ; vignette. Pub. J. Mitchell. Lith.3. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, r. hand on harp. Pub. Grundy & Goadsby, Manchester. Lith. ; 12 X 9| in, 4, Same picture, reversed. Pub. McCormick, etc. (Whit man 345.) Mezz. ; 121 X OJ in. Proof before any inscription. 5. H. L., full face; vignette. Prom a drawing. Lith. Painter W. Hogarth T. Orde J. Salmon A. E. Chalon H. Decaisne H. Gr6vedon Engraver Anon. Barlow Anon. R. Grave T. Orde P. Naumann J. Salirion R. J. Lane ,, C. Du Val C. Turner C. Basebe Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 145 Subject 6. Bust, nearly full face, in veil, hands on back of chair ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Dickinson 1829. Lith. 7. In character; H. L., full face. Pub. Vallardi, MUan. Line ; 3} X 3 in. MALINES, SAMUEL. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame, with coat of arms. Line ; 105 X 71 in. MALKIN, BENJAMIN HEATH, D,C,L,, P,S,A, ; head master of Bury St. Edmunds grammar school; 1769- 1842. 1. Mural tablet, with medallion portrait, in St. James's church. Bury. Lith. MALKIN, Sir BENJAMIN HEATH; judge in the supreme court, Calcutta; s. of the preceding; 1797-1837. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, in private dress, legs crossed. Lith.MALKIN, THOMAS WILLIAMS ; brother of the last ; 1796-1802. 1. A child ; W. L., looking to r. ; oval ; in border designed by W. Blake. Prom a miniature. PL to Memoirs of a Child, 1806. Line ; 7} x 61 in. MALLINSON; actor. 1. As Peter Watkin; W. L., full face, standing in a room. Line ; 4} X 31 in. MALMESBURY, JAMES HARRIS, 1st Earl of, K.B. ; diplomatist ; 1746-1820. 1. Bust, to 1., star on breast; oval. PL to English Mag. ; pub. AUen & West 1797. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 2. H. L,, to 1., seated by table; vignette. PL to Contem porary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1814. Stipple. 3. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, in robes, 1. hand on table. Pub. W. Ward 1807. (C. S. 56, Prankau 192.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Two proofs before inscription (one touched) ; one with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, 4, When Sir J. Harris ; nearly W. L., seated by table, directed to L, looking to r., holding letter. Pub. C. Watson 1786. Stipple ; 121 X 91 in. 5. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 6 X 35 in. 6. H. L., to 1., in profile, with riband and star ; oval. PL to European Mag., 1797. Stipple ; 4| X 35 in. MALMESBURY, JAMES HOWARD HARRIS, 3rd Earl of, G.C.B. ; secretary of state ; 1807-1889. 1. When Lord Fitzharris; H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. Lith. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut. VOL. III. Painter J. Hayter G. Claret (P. Chantrey) A. E. Chalon R. Corbould H. Edridge T. Lawrence J. Reynolds A. D'Orsay Engraver W. Sharp Anon. P. Lombart Anon. M. Gauci R. H. Cromek Anon. B. Granger C. Pieart W. Ward C. Watson S. W. Reynolds Orme A. D'Orsay R. T(aylor) 146 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver standing, in counsellor's dress, 1. hand (C. S. 80.) MALMESBURY, CORISANDE EMMA (BENNET), Countess of ; 1st w. of the preceding ; d. of 5th Earl of TankerviUe; 1807-1876. 1, When Lady Fitzharris; nearly W. L,, seated, looking to r, ; octagon. Re-issue, with title altered to ' Countess of Malmesbury ' and frame added, stipple ; 85 X 71 in, 2, When Viscountess Fitzharris; T. Q, L,, to L, standing on battlements of Chillingham Castle, in bonnet and fur cloak. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1839. Stipple ; 71 X 45 in. 3. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to r. PL to Bogue's Court Album, 1856. Stipple ; 7 X 6| in. MALONE, (Right Hon.) ANTHONY", M.P. ; chancellor of the exchequer in Ireland ; 1700-1776. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in chancellor's robes, scroll in r. hand. Pub, J, R, Smith 1779. (C. S, 101, Prankau 228,) Mezz, ; 18 X 13} in. Two impressions, 2, T, Q, L,, to 1, on large book. Mezz. ; 125 X 10 in. MALONE, EDMUND ; Irish judge ; brother of the pre ceding ; 1704-1774. 1. Bust, to r,, in private dress ; oval in rectangular frame, with long inscription below ; 1808, Stipple ; 31 X 21 in, MALONE, EDMUND ; editor of Shakspeare and book collector; 1741-1812, 1, H, L., looking to L, book in r, hand, PL to BeU's British Poets, 1787, Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 2. Same picture ; oval with ornaments. Line ; 4} X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 3. Similar picture (the book omitted) now in National Portrait Gallery ; rect. frame. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1791. stipple ; 6 X 45 in. 4. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz,; 5 X 4 in, MALTBY, EDWARD, Durham; 1770-1859, 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing by table, in rochet, holding book and eyeglass. Pub, T, Lupton 1884, Mezz, ; 165 X 13 in, 2, Nearly W, L,, to r., seated in armchair, in private dress, holding hat and stick, Mezz, ; 131 X 10} in. Proof before any inscription. 3. Bust, 1. profile; vignette. Etching. 4. H. L., directed and looking to L, in private dress; vignette. Prom a drawing. Stipple.[The original water-colour drawing is iu the British Museum.] D.D., F,R,S,, F,S,A, ; bishop of J. Hayter E. Landseer J. G. Middleton J. Reynolds C. P. Zincke J. Reynolds W. Beechey H. P. Briggs J. S. Cotman H. Edridge H. Robinson W. H. Mote J, R. Smith C. Spooner W. Evans P. Bartolozzi C. Knight J. Scott T. Lupton G. T. Payne Mrs. D. Turner R. Cooper Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 147 Subject MALTON, CHARLES ; s, of Thomas M, the painter, 1, When a child; T, Q, L,, standing, full face; vignette. Imitation of a drawing. Pub, Colnaghi, Son & Co, Chalk manner, MALTON, THOMAS ; water-colour painter ; 1748-1804, 1, H, L,, to 1, Pub, J, P, Thompson 1806, (C, S, 10,) Mezz. ; 111 X 95 in. MALTRAVERS, HENRY FREDERICK HOWARD, Lord. See Arundel and Surrey. ¦¦ MANAGER IN DISTRESS ! ' George, sen. Sec GOLMAN, MANBY, (Capt.) GEORGE WILLIAM, P.R.S. ; in ventor of apparatus for saving life from shipwreck ; 1765-1854. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Etching.2, T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in frogged and furred coat, hands folded and supporting sword. Private plate. Lith. 3. Similar to the last, but with older face; H. L,, only; vignette, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J, Asperne 1813, stipple, 4, T. Q. L., standing, exhibiting a picture of his apparatus in use. Lith. ; 11 X 81 in. 5. Bust, i. profile; vignette with inscription, within rect. border. Pub. Ackermann. Woodcut. MANCHESTER, HENRY MONTAGU, 1st Earl of; lord chief justice and lord high treasurer ; 1563 ?-1642. 1. When Sir H. Montagu; H. L,, to r., in robes of chief justice ; oval ; six lines below, C, Holland exc. Line ; 6| X 45 in, ¦ same plate, much altered ; dress changed and wand put in r, hand ; name altered to ' Vicecomes Mandevile.' 2, H. L., to L, in lace-edged cap, ruff and robe; part of purse visible ; oval. (Pagan p. 48.) Line ; 3 X 21 in. 3. Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto graphy. Line ; 3} X 3J- iu. 4. Similar to the last, face to r., purse held by 1. hand ; inscribed oval frame, with date on tablet below, Pront. to his Contemplatio Mortis, ed. 1656. Line ; 4} X 21 in. same plate ; date altered to 1677. MANCHESTER, EDWARD MONTAGU, 2nd Barl of, K.G., K.B., P.R.S. ; known as Lord Kimbolton; parlia mentarian; 1602-1671. 1. When Lord Kimbolton ; T. Q. L,, to L, standing, in cuirass, truncheon in r, hand ; in frame. Prom picture at Kimbolton Castle, PL to S, R, Gardiner's Cromwell, 1899, Photogravure ; 81 X 65 in. .Painter T. Lawrence G. Stuart S. De Koster T, Lawrence S. Lane T. Wageman Engraver P. C. Lewis W. W. Barney Mrs. D. Turner W. J. C. T. Blood J. M. Johnson J. Berryman P. Delaram (W. Paithorne) Anon. P. H. V. Hove A. "Van Dyck L 2 148 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver MANCHESTER, of — continued. EDWARD MONTAGU, 2nd Earl 2. Same picture, H. L. only; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads. Without any inscription. Line ; 14 X Sf in. 8. Copy from the last, to r. ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 35 X 3 in. 4. Another copy, to r. ; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Line ; 61 X 4 in. 5. Another copy. PL to Thane's Autogrt Line ; 4 X 31 in. 6. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in Garter robes, with wand and key of lord chamberlain. From picture at Woburn. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1827. Stipple ; 7| X 65 in. 1. When Lord Kimbolton; bust, looking to r., in plain band and gown ; oval ; 1644. (Parthey 1309.) Line ; 25 x 21 in. 8. Similar to the last, in cuirass ; oval on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1718. Line ; 65 X 31 in. 9. H. L., directed and looking to r., in armour. PL to Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. Line. MANCHESTER, MARGARET (RUSSELL), Countess of ; 5th w. of the preceding ; d. of 4th Earl of Bedford ; m. 1. James Hay, 2nd Earl of Carlisle ; 1618-1676. 1. When Countess of Carlisle; nearly W. L., to L, seated, her niece Lady Diana Russell (afterwards Lady D. Verney) standing at her knee ; reot. frame. Prom picture at Devonshire House. One of set of The Countesses. Line ; 121 X 9} in. MANCHESTER, CHARLES MONTAGU, 4th Earl and 1st Duke of ; diplomatist ; 1660 ?-1722. 1. H. L., face to 1. No. 9 of ' Kitcat Club' series. (C. S. 208.) Mezz, ; 121 X 95 in, Kive impressions, MANCHESTER, DODINGTON (GREVILLE), Duchess of ; w, of the preceding ; d, of Robert, 2nd Baron Brooke ; d, 1721, 1, W, L,, to L, standing by balustrade, holding wreath, J, Cooper ex. One of set of Beauties of Hampton Court. . (C, S, 28,) Mezz, ; 175 X 125 in, same plate ; with address of R, Sayer & J. King. Two impressions. same plate, cut down, making the figure less than W. L. Pub. R. Sayer & J. King. 13 X 9} in. MANCHESTER, GEORGE MONTAGU, 4th Duke of ; lord chamberlain ; 1737-1788. 1. H. L., to 1., in peer's robes ; oval. Pub. I. Parsons 1796. Stipple ; 35 X 2,; in. _ A. Van Dyck 'A. Van Dyck' (P. Lely) A. Van Dyck G. Kneller G. Kneller (J. Hou braken ?) W. P. Benoist Anon. T. A. Dean W. Hollar M. vr. Gucht Anon. P. Lombart J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. W. Peters W. Leney Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 14a Subject Painter Engraver 2. H. L., to L, in peer's robes, holding chamberlain's wand ; rect. frame. Pub. W. Austin 1790. (C. S. 50.) Mezz, ; 17 X 13} in. Two impressions. MANCHESTER, ELIZABETH (DASHWOOD), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; 1741-1882. 1. With her infant son Viscount Mandeville ; as Diana disarming Cupid ; W. L. ; without title. From picture belonging to Duke of Manchester. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 97, Goodwin 45.) Slezz. ; 241 X 161 in- One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' names scraped ; two lettered impressions, 2, Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz, ; 7 X 41 in. MANCHESTER, SUSAN (GORDON), Duchess of; w. of William, 5th Duke ; d. 1828. See Groups (Ladies Gordon). MANCHESTER, GEORGE MONTAGU, 6th Duke of ; 1799-1855. 1. H. L., to 1. ; with facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. MANCHESTER, LOUISE PREDERICA AUGUSTA, Duchess of; w. of William, 7th Duke. See Devon shire. MANCY, WILLIAM; director of the East India Company. 1. Nearly W, L,, seated, looking to r,, r, arm over back of chair. (Whitman 346.) Mezz. ; 165 X l^l in. Proof before any inscription, MANDENO, J. P. ; dissenting minister at Wem. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1835. Stipple.MANDEVILLE, HENRY MONTAGU, Viscount. See Manchester. MANDEVILLE, GEORGE MONTAGU, Viscount; s. of George, 4th Duke of Manchester ; 1763-1772. See Manchester, Elizabeth Dashwood, Duchess of. MANDEVILLE, Sir JOHN ; reputed author of a book of travels ; 14th cent. 1. Bust, 1. profile. Prom a drawing in municipal library at Arras. [Piotitious.] Reproduction.MANDEY, VENTBRUS ; mathematician ; 1646-1702. 1. Aged 87; H. L., to r. ; oval frame. Front, to his Marrow of Measuring, 1682. Line ; 6} X 35 in. same plate, with ' Anno 1682 ' added. Front, to his Mechanick Power, 1702. 'MANFRED.' See Denvil. G. Stuart J. Jones J. Reynolds J. Watson G. H. Every Anon. H. T. RyaU C. Turner H. T. RyaU R. White 150 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MANGEON, (Miss) ; 1. H. L., looking to r. J. BeU 1817. Stipple ; 4 J X 3} in. Singer. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. MANGIN, (Rev.) EDWARD, M.A. ; misceUaneous writer; 1772-1852, 1, H, L,, to r,, in lay dress, Mezz, ; 12 X 91 in. Proof before any inscription. MANISTY, Sir HENRY ; judge ; 1808-1890, 1, H, L., to L, in robes. From photograph. from Illust. London Neios. Procefcs block. Cutting author; 1628-1690. to r., standing, light falling four lines below : — ' The Pront. to his Temporis MANLEY, THOMAS, K,C 1, Aged 21 ; nearly T, Q, L, on him through window to r, pencill can noe more,' etc, Augustiae, 1649, Line ; 41 x 2} in, MANN, HARRINGTON"; portrait painter; b, 1804, 1. Bust, full face ; from photograph. Process bloclc, MANN, THEODORE AUGUSTUS, P,R,S,, (Abb6 Mann) ; prior of the English Chartreuse at Nieuport ; man of science and antiquary ; 1735-1809, 1. Aged 50 ; bust, r. profile, in wig and bands ; oval. Stipple ; 3 x 21 in. chaplain of St. Saviour's, PL to Evangelical MANN, WILLIAM, M.A Southwark; 1759-1843. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and bauds ; oval Mag. ; pub. Williams & Co. 1808. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. MANNERS, THOMAS MANNERS - SUTTON, 1st Baron ; lord chanceUor of Ireland ; 1756-1842. 1. H. L., to r., in chancellor's robes, 1. hand on purse. Pub. A. Cardon 1811. Stipple ; 8} X S in. MANNERS, Lady ADELIZA MATILDA, (born Howard) ; w. of Lord George J. Manners ; d. of 18th Duke of Norfolk; 1829-1904. See Foley, Mary (Howard), Lady. MANNERS, Lady CATHERINE MARY. See Forester, Catherine, Lady. MANNERS, CATHERINE REBECCA (GREY), Lady, (Lady Huntingtower) ; w. of Sir William M., bart,. Lord Huntingtower, and mother of 7th Earl of Dysart ; 1767-1852, 1, H, L,, to r. ; oval. From a drawing, Prout, to her Poems ; pub, J, BeU 1793. Stipple ; 35 X 31 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 2. Same drawing ; oval with ornaments ; vignette. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. Bell 1809. Stipple. Painter Engraver R. Drummond Anon. J. Saxon W. Say C. H. Jones T. Cross J. Comerford R. Rogers Ridley & Blood A. Cardon R. Cosway J. Cond6 R. Cooper Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 151 Subject Painter Engraver MANNERS, Lady ELIZABETH. See Norman. MANNERS, Lord JOHN JAMES ROBERT, M.P. See Rutland. MANNERS, Countess of. Lady LOUISA. See Dysart, Louisa, MANNERS, LYDIA SOPHIA (DASHWOOD), Lady; w. of John T. Manners-Sutton, 2nd Baron. 1. H. L., looking to r. From a drawing. PL to Bogue's Court Album-. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in. MANNERS, Lord ROBERT, R.N. ; b. of 4th Duke of Rutland ; killed in Lord Rodney's action ; 1758-1782. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., in Van Dyck dress, hat in hand, Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 61 X 4 in, 2, W. L., standing, looking to L, hand on fluke of an anchor ; ships in background. Prom picture at Belvoir Castle. Pub. W. Dickinson 1782, (C. S. 46.) Mezz. ; 231 X 15 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 3. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 61 X 4 in. MANNERS, Mrs. RUSSELL. See Stepney, Catherine, Lady. MANNERS-SUTTON, (Right Hon.) Sir CHARLES. See Cantbrbuby. MANNING, ANN ; quack doctor at Lynn ; b. 1768. 1. W. L., standing outside her cottage, conversing with Betty Upton ; vignette. Pub, W, J, White 1818, Etching.MANNING, HENRY EDWARD, D.D. ; cardinal arch bishop of Westminster ; 1808-1892. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., holding open book. (SouUer 43.) Etching ; 204 X 131 in- — -— same plate, reduced. 11} X 8} in. 2. A head, directed and looking to r., in biretta; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Wotnen of the Century, 1896. Eeproduction. 8. When Rev. H. Manning ; a head, looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From crayon drawing. Pub. J. Hogarth 1851. Stipple ; 135 X US in- same plate, with engraved title. 4 T. Q. L., to L, seated, in cardinal's habit. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Das Museum. Reproduction. 5. H. L., r. profile, in cardinal's habit. From a photo graph. Suppl. to Illust. London News, April 3, 1886. Woodcut; 161 X Hi in. Proof before any inscription. 6. A head, nearly in profile to r. ; vignette. Etching. J. Hayter Gainsborough J. Reynolds W. J. Edwards A. N. Sanders W. Dickinson S. W. Reynolds (W. J. White) A. Legros R. Lehmann G. Richmond G. P. Watts (W. J. White) A. Legros F. HoU M. Klinkicht G. Pilotell 152 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MANNING, HENRY EDWARD, D.D.- -continued. Cutting 7. Nearly W. L., to L, seated; from photograph from Illust. London News, 1892. Process block. MANNING, WILLIAM; governor of the Bank of England ; father of the preceding ; 1763-1835. 1. W. L., seated in armchair, looking to 1., holding book on knee. Pub. C. Turner 1818. (Whitman 848.) Mezz. ; 225 X 14f in. Two impressions. MANNIOK, PRANCES, (born Attwood). 1. When Miss Attwood ; H. L., to 1. ; oval frame ; without title. Pub. B. Clowes 1771. (0. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. MANNOCK, (Mb.) ; b. of Sir WiUiam M., bart. 1. H. L., to 1., with long hair and large plain band ; oval frame. Pub. W. Humphrey 1774. (C. S. 13, II.) Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. ¦ same plate ; with address of W. Richardson. MANSEL, WILLIAM LORT, D.D.; bishop of Bristol; 1758-1820. • 1. H. L., to L, in private dress ; vignette. Etching.2. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, in rochet, 1. arm on chair, cap in r. hand. Pub. R. Harraden, Cambridge, 1812. Mezz. ; 18 X 13| in. Three impressions, MANSEL, (Miss); [Mrs, P. Reynolds]; actress. 1. As AngeHca in Parquhar's Sir Harry Wildair; W. L., to r., standing, holding veil; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1796. Line ; 45 X 3 in. Proof before inscription. 2. As Leonora in Vanbrugh's The Mistake ; W. L., standing, r. profile. Pub. G. Cawthorn 1795. Line ; 45 X 3 in. MANSFIELD, WILLIAM MURRAY, 1st Earl of; lord chief justice ; 1705-1793. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to The Senator ; pub. C. Cooke 1791. Line ; 21 x 15 in. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, letter in 1. hand ; arms and quotation from Horace below. Pub. T. Payne 1791. Stipple ; 7 X 61 in. 8. W. L,, to L, seated, in peer's robes, hand on open book ; bust of Homer to 1. P'rom picture at Christ Church, Oxford, Pub, D. Martin 1775. Line ; 241 X 17 in. 4. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in judicial robes. From picture belonging to Lord Mansfield. Pub. T. Macklin 1786. Stipple ; 17 X 131 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names, &c., scratched ; two lettered impressions, 5, Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 45 X SI in. Painter J. Lonsdale B. Clowes S. Cooper >> G. H. Harlow T. Kirkby J. Graham J. Roberts W. H Brown W. Grimaldi D. Martin J. Reynolds Engraver C. Turner B. Clowes W. Humphrey Mrs. D. Turner W. Say Wilson J. Pittler C. Warren J. Jones D. Martin F. Bartolozzi S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 153 Subject 6. Same picture, H, L, ; rect. frame. PL to Blackstone's Commentaries ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1795. Line ; 65 X 45 in. 7. Same picture, H. L. PL to C. Knight's Portrait Gallery. Stipple ; 51 X 41 in. 8. Same picture, H. L. ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1812. Stipple.9. When Hon. W. Murray, aged 28 ; H. L., to r., in wig and gown; rect. frame. Prom picture now in the National Portrait Gallery. Prtmt. to his Life, by J. HoUiday 1797. Line ; 81 X 71 in. 10. H. L., 1. profile ; satirical plate. Pub. 1781. Btching.11. Bust, 1. profile, in robes ; oval in rect. frame. PL to European Mag., 1798. Line ; 51 x 31 in. 12. Copy from the last, reversed; oval. Pub. Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. 13. Bust, to r. ; small oval iu emblematical composition designed by R. Bentley. PL to Lord Orford's Memoires, 1822. Stipple and line. 14. H. L., to L, in wig, bands and gown ; oval. Stipple ; S| X 25 in. 15. Bust, r. profile, in wig, bands and gown; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 65 X 41 in. MANSFIELD, DAVID MURRAY, 2nd Earl of ; 1727- 1796. 1. When Viscount Stormont ; bust, 1. profile ; oval with ornaments. PL to London Mag., 1780. Line.MANSFIELD, LOUISA (CATHCART), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d. of 9th Lord Cathcart; m. 2. Right Hon. R. Pulke Greville ; 1748-1843. 1. When Lady Stormont;' nearly W. L,, seated, nearly iu profile to L, arms folded ; without title. Prom picture belonging to Lord Cathcart. Pub. J. Birchall 1781. (C. S. 159, Prankau 336.) -Mezz. ; 181 X 135 in. One proof before anyiinscription ; one lettered impression, MANSFIELD, LOUISA (ELLISON), Countess of ; w, of WiUiam D, Murray, 4th Earl ; 1809-1837. 1. When Viscountess Stormont ; T. Q. L., seated, in evening dress, looking to r. PL to Burke's Gallery of Distinguished Females ; pub. E. Bull 1838. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. Proof before any inscription. MANSFIELD, (Right Hon.) Sir JAMES ; chief justice of the common pleas ; 1783-1821. 1. In old age ; nearly W. L,, to r,, in private dress, seated in armchair by table, holding hat and stick, dog at his knee. Pub. J. Sweet 1825. (Whitman 849, III.) Mezz. ; 11 X 8} in. Painter Engraver J. Reynolds J. B. Vanloo J. CoUyer W. HoU j H. Meyer J. Basire C. Bretherton T. Holloway J. Hopwood J. Thomson Anon. Anon. G. Romney J- R- Smith Mrs. Robertson S. Freeman H. Edridge j C. Turner 154 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MANSFIELD, Sir ^ AME?,— continued. 2. H. L., directed and looking to r., in gown and bands ; rect. frame. Without title. Pub. J. Jones 1792. (C. S. 51.) Mezz, ; 17} x 135 i"- 3, When Mr, Mansfield; H, L,, in private dress, directed and looking to r, ; oval frame. Pub, J. Jones 1791, (C, S, 52,) Mezz, ; 135 X 10} in. Two proofs ivith title iu open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 4. Bust, 1. profile, in hat, gown and bands ; oval ; without title. Pub. R. Stewart, 1780. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. Touched impression. 5. A head, to r. ; vignette, on plate with another of Arch bishop JIarkham ; book illustration. Pub. R. PhiUips 1803. Stipple. MANSON, ALEXANDER, M.D., P.R.S. Edin.; physician at Nottingham ; 1774-1840. 1. H. L., to r. Pub. A. Barber, Nottingham, 1835. Lith. ; 85 X 7; in. MANSON, E. ; bookseller; fl. 1800. 1. H. L,, to r. ; vignette, Liue ; 8J X ei in. Proof with engraver's name only, MANSON, WILLIAM ; auctioneer ; d, 1852, 1, H, L., to L, seated in armchair ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple, MANT, RICHARD, D,D, ; bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore ; 1776-1848, 1, Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated by table, in rochet, gloves in r, hand. Pub, Grant & Bolton, Dublin, and Colnaghi, London, 1843, Mezz, ; 161 X 131 in, 2, T, Q, L,, to L, seated in armchair, in private dress, holding hat and gloves. Pub, Hayward & Moore 1840, Line; 4} x 35 in, MANTELL, GIDEON ALGERNON, LL,D,, F,R,S, ; geologist; 1790-1852, 1, H, L,, to r. Dedicated to Earl of Egremont, Pub, S, Stepney 1837, Stipple ; 6 X 41 in, 2, H, L,, to r,, in gown; oval. Pub, L, Buck, Mezz, ; 91 X 7} in, 'MANTILLA.' See Lewis, Lady Maria Theresa. MANTON, HENRY ; actor. 1. H, L,, to r, ; octagon; with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 61 X 45 in, MANTON, THOilAS, D,D, ; presbyterian divine ; 1620- 1677, 1. H, L,, to r,, in skuU-oap and gown; ornamental oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Front, to his Works, 1681. Line ; 11 X 7; iu. Painter G. Romney L. Vaslet T. Barber H. W. PhiUips M. Cregan J. Masquerier Senties W. Hurst Engraver J. Jones (R. Stewart) Anon. M. Gauci R. Grave W. J. Edwards G. R. Ward R. Smith S. Stepney W. T. Davey A. W. Brown R. White Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits 155 Subject Painter Engraver 2. Same picture; oval frame. PL to Palmer's ed. of Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial, 1775. Line ; 41 x 31 in, 3, H. L., to r., in skull-cap and gown; plain oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Sermons, 1678. Line ; 71 X 51 in. 4. Copy from the last ; plain oval frame on pedestal. German book illustration. Line ; 6} x 31 in. MANVERS, MARIA LETITIA (EYRE), Countess; w. of Charles H. Pierrepont, 2nd Eatl ; 1784-1860. 1. H. L., to L, seated by table, resting head on hand ; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. G. B. Whittaker 1827. Stipple ; 6} X 51 in. MANWARING, ARTHUR, See Maynwaring, MANWOOD, Sir ROGER ; judge ; 1525-1592. 1, His monument, with effigy, in Hackington Church, PL to Boys's History of Sandwich, 1792. Line ; 61 x 6| in. MAPP, SARAH, (born Wallin) ; bone-setter ; d. 1737. 1. H. L., full face, in harlequin's dress, holding bone. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Etching ; 3} X 31 in. MAR, JOHN ERSKINE, 1st (or 6th) Earl of ; regent of Scotland ; d. 1572. 1. H. L., directed and looking to l.,in hat, stafi in r. hand. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1795. Line ; 41 X 35 in. MAR, JOHN ERSKINE, 2nd (or 7th) Barl of, K.G. ; lord treasurer of Scotland ; 1558-1634. 1. H. L., to r., wearing badge of the Garter. PL to Pinker ton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1796. Stipple ; 51 X 4| in. Clipped impression, MAR, JOHN ERSKINE, 6th (or 11th) Barl of ; Jacobite ; 1675-1732, 1, Aged 28 ; H, L,, face to L, in wig and armour ; oval frame decorated with escutcheons ; 1708, (C. S. 159.) Mezz. ; 165 X 121 in. Two impressions. 2. H. L., face to L, in wig, armour and riband; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen. Stipple.MAR, PRANCES (PIERREPONT), Countess of; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of 1st Duke of Kingston ; d. 1761. 1. H. L., face to r., in riding dress, hat under arm. Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. MARA, GERTRUDE ELIZABETH, (born SchmeUng) ; w, of Johann M, ; vocaUst ; 1749-1833. 1. As Armida; T. Q. L., to r., standing; oval. Pub. DarUng & Thompson, &c. 1794. Stipple ; 61 X 61 in, 2, H, L., 1, profile; oval, PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor & Hood 1800. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. Anne Mee G. KneUer G. Kneller P. Jean J. L. David J. CaldwaU R. White J. G. MiiUer J. Thomson Ravenhill G. Cruikshank T. Trotter P. Roberts John Smith R. Page A. Hay J. CoUyer W. Ridley 156 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARCH AND ULSTER, PHILIPPA (PLANTAGE NET), Countess of ; w. of Edmund de Mortimer, 3rd Earl ; d. of Lionel, Duke of Clarence and granddaughter ot Edward III ; 1855-1382. See Groups (Pedigree of George III). MARCH AND ULSTER, ROGER DE MORTIMER, 4th Earl of; 1374-1398. See Groups (Pedigree of George III). MARCH, JOHN, B.D. ; vicar of Newcastle ; 1640-1692. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and gown; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Sermons ; pub. J. Hall, Newcastle, 1693. Line ; 61 X 4 in. MARCHAND, FLORAM, (of Tours) ; juggler. 1. W. L., standing, discharging water from his mouth into cups. On back of title to The Falacie of the Great Water Drinker discovered, 1650. Woodcut ; 61 X 4 in. NATHANIEL, R.A. ; MARCH ANT, 1739-1816. 1. Bust, r. profile Soft-ground etchiug. 2. Bust, to r. ; a sketch in chalk. gem engraver ; vignette ; from crayon drawing. MARCHI, GIUSEPPE PILIPPO LIBERATI ; painter and engraver ; assistant of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; 1735 ?- 1808. 1. H. L., to L, in turban. Prom picture belonging to the Royal Academy, Pub, J, Boydell, (C, S, 81,) Mezz, ; 105 X 9 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, 2, Reversed copy from the last. Pub. J. Bowles. (G. S. 16.) Mezz. ; 6', X 41 in. 3. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 3J in. MARCHMONT, PATRICK HUME, 1st Earl of; lord chancellor of Scotland ; 1641-1724. 1. Aged 57; H. L., to r., in wig and chancellor's robes; oval. (C. S. 161.) Mezz. ; II5 x 9} in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, reversed ; in oval frame decora,ted with escutcheons ; mace and purse below. Line ; 17 X 135 in- MARCHMONT, GRISELL (KER), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; 1653-1703. 1, Aged 55; H, L,, to 1. ; oval, (C, S, 160,) Mezz. ; II5 X 95 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions, MARCHMONT, ELIZABETH (CROMPTON), Countess of ; 2nd w, of Hugh Hume-Campbell, 3rd Earl ; d. 1797. 1. Bust, r. profile ; circular frame, with title on tablet below. Stipple ; 7 X 61 in. MARDYN, (Mrs.) ; actress ; b. 1789. 1. T. Q. L,, seated, looking to r, ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. G. Dance J. Reynolds G. Kneller G. Kneller P. Falconet J. Sturt Anon.W. Daniell Anon. J. Spilsbury R. Brookshaw A. Sanders John Smith R. White John Smith D. P. Pariset H. Meyer Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 157 Subject Painter Engraver MARGARET, (SAINT) ; Queen of Malcolm III of Scot land ; 1046-1093. 1. W. L., standing, adoring a vision of the Trinity. Im pression from oval copper-plate in the British Museum. Line ; 3 X 21 in. See Groups (Pedigree of George III). MARGARET (of Anjou) ; Queen of Henry VI ; 1430- 1482. 1. T. Q. L., crowned, r. arm across waist, ' Pounders of CoUeges.' Pub. Taylor. [Fictitious.] Mezz. ; 9 X 8 in. Two impressions. 2. Bust, to ' Sergent del.' One of set of (C. S. 34, II.) oval. No. 5 of a set pub. Blin, Paris. Coloured. [Fictitious.] Aquatint ; 65 X s; in. 3. H. L., to r. ; from figure of the Virgin in the picture falsely called the Marriage of Henry VI, formerly at Strawberry HiU and now belonging to the Duke of Sutherland. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. 4. W. L., to L, kneeling in prayer, ladies behind her. From the Coventry tapestry. Coloured. PL to Shaw's Dresses and Decorations, 1843. Lith. ; 7 X 6} in. MARGARET (of Denmark); Queen of James III of Scotland; 1457?-1486. 1. W. L., kneeling, attended by her patron saint George. One of the wings of a triptych now at Holyrood. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1795. Stipple ; 7; X 35 iu. 2. Figure of the Queen in same picture ; H. L. only. PL to Shaw's D-esses and Decorations, 1843. Coloured. Lith.3. H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to Pinkerton's Scottish GaUery ; pub. I. Herbert 1798. Stipple ; 6 X 5 in. MARGARET (PL-ANT AGENET), Duchess of Bur gundy; w. of Charle's 'the Bold' ; sister of Edward IV; 1446-1503. 1. Bust, to 1. ; rect. frame. Prom picture now belonging to Society of Antiquaries. PL to Paston Letters ; pub. W. Richardson 1804. ' T. Kerrich del.' Stipple ; 7 X 6| in. 2. H. L., to 1. Prom a crayon drawing in the municipal library at Arras. Photograph. MARGARET (TUDOR) ; Queen of James IV of Scot land ; d. of Henry VII ; 1489-1541. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., hands joined. Prom picture at Newbattle. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, &o. 1819. Stipple ; 71 X 65 in. 2. With John, Duke of Albany ; T. Q. L., to 1., standing. From the Marquess of Bute's picture. PL to Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery ; pub. E. Harding 1798. Stipple ; 61 X 91 in. (M. Basse) J. Faber, sen. Rid6 Sehenecker H. Shaw A. Birrell H. Shaw E. Harding Pacius H. Holbein T. Cheesman A. Birrell 158 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter MARGARET {'SVDOB,)— continued. 3. A bust, full face ; with ornaments, title ' Marguerite,' and four French lines on scroll. ' A. vr. Werfi pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist, d' Angleterre, 1697. Line ; 115 X 7 in. 4. Bust, full face ; oval, between two others of her husbands, James IV. and the Barl of Angus ; 17th cent. Line ; 21 x 2 in. 5. Copy from the last. Pub. J. Thane 1794. Stipple and line ; 21 X 2 in. same plate, with portrait of Angus cut off and title altered. 6. H. L., directed and looking to L, in angular headdress, hands joined and holding flower. Prom a drawing in the municipal library at Arras. Photograph. MARG-ARET EVELYN (GROSVENOR), Duchess of- Teck; w. of H.S.H, Adolphus, Duke of Teck ; d, of 1st Duke of Westminster, 1, Nearly W, L,, seated. Prom photograph. Gutting from Illust. Londo-n News, 1894, Process block, MARGARET VICTORIA (of Connaught) ; Crown Princess of Sweden; d, of H,R,H, Arthur, Duke of Connaught, K,G, ; b, 1882, See Groups, MARGAROT, MAURICE ; member of the London Corresponding Society ; transported for sedition 1794, 1, H, L,, to L, holding papers ; oval ; with title ' Citizen Margaret,' Etching ; 3} X 21 in, 2, H, L,, full face; oval; inscription in prose and verse below. Stipple ; 25 X 21 in, MAR GARY, AUGUSTUS RAYMOND; traveller; murdered at Manwein ; 1846-1875, 1, Bust, to r. Prom photograph, Pront. to his Journey from Shanghai to Bhamo, 1876. Stipple ; 2} X 21 in. Proof before inscription. MARGERUM ; clerk of the Bath races ; fl, 1820, 1. W, L,, standing on race-course, looking to r,, in hat, holding whip, Lith,MARIA (WALPOLE), Duchess of Gloucester; w, of H,R,H, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester ; m, 1, James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave ; 1739-1307, 1, H, L,, looking to r,, 1, hand to face, PL to cat, of Duke of Cambridge's sale at Christie's, 1904, Keproduction ; 65 X 5 in, 2, When Countess Waldegrave; H, L,, to r,, face nearly, in profile, wearing headdress. Prom picture belonging to Earl Waldegrave, Pub, 1762, (C, S, 184, Goodwin 92,) Mezz, ; 14} X 111 in. One proof before any inscription ; one ^^Itll artists' names only ; two fully lettered impressions. Engraver G. Valck Anon. J. Kay S. Moss Gainsborough J. Reynolds J.KayAnon. C. H. Jeens S. Moss J. McArdeU Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 159 Subject 3. Copy from the last; with title ' Countess of Waldegrave.' ' Young Corbut fecit.' Pub. R. Sayer. (0. S. 74.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Two impressions. .same plate, with title altered to 'Duchess of Gloucester.' 4. Another copy. Pub. R. Sayer. (0. S. not descr,) Mezz, ; 6 X 41 in, 5, Same picture, reversed. Without any inscription. Etching ; 145 X 11| in, 6, Same picture, to r, ; oval frame ; with title ' L — W — ,' PL to Town and Country Mag. Line ; 2} X 21 in. 7. When Lady Waldegrave, with her daughter Lady Eliza beth Laura ; H. L,, to r., looking down at the child whom she enfolds in an ermine mantle. From picture now at ChantiUy. (C. S. 121.) Mezz. ; 17 X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, 8, Copy from the last, reversed, (C, S, 25a,) Mezz, ; 51 X 41 in, 9, Another copy, reversed. ' C. Corbutt feet.' Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 75.) Mezz. ; 5i X 41 in. 10. Another copy, reversed. Pub. R. Sayer. (0. S. 1.) .VIezz. ; 121 X 91 in. 11. Another copy. Pub. J. Bowles. (C. S. 148, Goodwin 23.) Mezz. ; 51 X 41 in. 12. Same picture. Mezz. ; 55 X 45 in. 18. Same picture. Mezz. ; 13t X llj in. Signed artist's proof. 14. In widow's dress; T. Q. L., seated, looking upwards to r elbow on knee, chin on hand. Pub. J. Pinlayson 1778. (C. S. 9.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. ^ „ „ , ,i j - Two proofs before title and arms ; two fully lettered impressions. 15. Similar to the last, but m white sprigged gown. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1823. Mezz, ; 61 X 61 in. 16 W. L., seated, directed and looking upwards to r., r. arm on plinth of a column. Prom picture at Buckingham Palace. PI. to Gust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor, 1905. Photogravure ; 13} X 10 in. 17, Same picture. PL 1899. Reproduction ; 61 X 4 in. 18. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval with ornaments to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. BeU 1806. Stipple.19. When Lady Waldegrave ; W. L., in o^oronation robes, walking to r., 1. hand on a curtain. longing to Lord Waldegrave Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction ; 61 X 31 in. Painteb Engraver Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1823. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1875. J. Reynolds \ R. Purcell to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, PL PL Prom picture be- to Graves & Cronin's C. Spooner W. Hoare Anon. R. Houston R. Brookshaw R. Purcell J. Smith J. Watson S. W, Reynolds G. Zobel J. Finlayson S. W. Reynolds J. Hopwood 160 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARIA, Duchess of Gloucester — continued. 20. H. L., r. profile; circle with ornaments, in rect. frame. Book illustration. Line. 21. When Lady Waldegrave ; H. L., to 1., face nearly in profile; oval in frame of masonry. PL to WheebU's Lady's Mag. Line ; 5} x 4 in. See Arundell of Wardoub, Maria, Lady. MARIA CLEMENTINA (SOBIESKI) ; w. of Prince James Francis Edward (the ' Old Pretender ') ; 1702- 1735, 1, T. Q. L,, standing, full face, holding curl of her hair with 1, hand ; oval in rect, frame. Without title, (Pirmin-Didot 10,) Line ; 171 X 12i in. 2. T. Q. L., to L, in robes; crown on table before her; oval frame on pedestal with drapery. Line ; 22 x 14 in. 3. H. L., face to 1. ; oval. Prom Col. Walpole's picture. PL to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edward, 1900. Photogravure ; 81 X 7 in. 4. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, resting crucifix on table; oval frame on pedestal with drapery. Line ; 11| X 75 in. 5, H, L,, face to r, ; oval medallion in front, to Parentalia Mariie Clementina', 1736, Line ; 151 X 9} in, 6. T. Q. L,, to L, standing, rose in 1, hand; crown on plinth of a column to 1, ; cipher below, (C, S, 339,) Mezz, ; 121 X 95 in. Two impressions, 7, Same picture ; with crown omitted ; 1737, (0. S, 50,) Mezz, ; 12; x 9} in, 8, H, L,, face to r, ; oval frame of oak-leaves in rect. Without title. Pub. Duchange, Paris. Line ; 101 X 7} in. 9. Same picture, reversed ; oval frame of palms. (C. S.105.) Mezz, ; 13} X 9} in. Two clipped impressions, 10, Similar picture, but with younger face; oval frame on pedestal. Without any inscription, (C, S, 144,) Mezz, ; 131 X 91 in, 11, H, L,, face to r, ; oval frame on pedestal ; with title ' La Princesse Sobieski,' Pub, P, Chereau, Paris, Line ; 9 X 65 in, 12, H. L., face to L, in black veil, resting book on table. Prom picture at Versailles, PL to A, Lang's Prince Charles Edward, 1900, Photogravure ; 75 X 61 in, 13, H, L,, face to r. ; oval frame on pedestal, with figure of Time withdrawing a curtain ; with title ' A Polish Lady.' Line ; 10} X 75 in. 14. Her monument, with portrait, in St. Peter's at Rome. Etching ; 16} X ll? in. See Groups. T. Stothard A. David J. Prey N. Largilli^re D. Muratori J. P. Pannini F. Trevisani Anon. W. Walker J. S. P. I. Drevet J. Frey G. Rossi G. Frezza J. Faber jun. A. Miller C. Dupuis Anon. (J. Simon) (F. Chereau) Anon. J. S. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 1(31 Subject Painteb MARIE ALEXANDROVNA (of Russia); w. of H.R.H. Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha, K.G.; d. of H,M, Alexander II of Russia ; b. 1853. 1. Sitting in box at a theatre, holding opera-glass. PL to Whitehall Review, 1876. Lith. ; llj X 9 in. 2. H. L., full face. Prom photograph by Uhlenhuth. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1893. Woodcut. 3. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a photograph. Pub. J. Mitchell 1874. Lith.4. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Almanach de Gotha, 1894. Line. 5. Nearly W. L,, to L, standing. Prom photograph by Downey, Woodburytype, 6, W, L,, seated, with her daughter Princess Marie, Cutting from Illust. London Ne-ws, 1893, Process block. ¦ See Alfred Ernest Albert, Prince. MARIE ALEXANDRA VICTORIA (of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha) ; d. of the preceding ; w. of Ferdinand, Grown Prince of Roumania ; b. 1875. 1. When a child; nearly W. L., standing, full face, knitting. Prom picture at Windsor. PI. to Cust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor, 1905. Photogravure ; 14 X 95 in. 2. T. Q. L., full face, seated ; from photograph ; oval, with another of Prince Ferdinand. Illust. to Illust. London News, 1893. Process block. 3. Nearly W. L., standing, full face, in wedding dress. Prom photograph. Cutting from the same. Process block. 4. Three other cuttings from the same. MARIO, GIUSEPPE, (Conte di Candia) ; vocalist ; 1810-1883. 1. As Gennaro in Lucrezia Borgia; W, L., standing. Pub. Leader & Cock. Coloured. Lith. ; 8} X 6 in, 2, T. Q. L., to r,, standing; vignette, PI: to Le Motide Dramatique. Lith.3. H. L., to 1. ; ornamental oval frame. Prom photograph by Caldesi. Pub. J. MitcheU 1855. Mezz.Proof before title. MARISCHAL, GEORGE KEITH, 10th and last Earl ; Jacobite; 1693?-1778. 1. W. L., full face, walking, in cuirass and ermine robe, holding truncheon ; negro with horse behind. Prom picture in National Portrait GaUery. PL to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edward, .1900. Reproduction ; 8| X 65 in, VOL. m. Engraver A. Maclure A. Maclure P. N(aumann) Rimanoczy A. & T. Weger ^ J. E. Millais J. Brandard J. Brandard Roubaux G. Zobel P. Costanzi 162 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARISCHAL, GEORGE KEITH, 10th Earl— cowM. 2. Aged 23 ; T. Q. L., standing, directed to r., looking to L, in armour, holding truncheon. Prom picture at Keith HaU. (C. S. 92.) Mezz. ; 13 X 9} in. 3. Same picture. PL to W. K. Dickson's The Jacobite Attempt of 1719, 1895. Reproduction ; 6 x 3} in. MARJORIBANKS, ALISON (RAMSAY), Lady; w. of Sir John M., 1st bart. 1. H. L., looking to 1. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. Whittaker & Co. 1832. Stipple ; 45 X 4 in. MARJORIBANKS, CHARLES; M.P. for Berwick shire ; b. of Sir John M., bart. ; d. 1883. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to L, holding pencU. Pub. C. Turner 1835. (Whitman 350.) Mezz, ; 15} X 121 in, fflLARJORIBANKS, Sib JOHN, bart,, (of Lees); 1763- 1883, 1, T, Q, L,, full face, standing by table. Pub. C. Turner 1835. (Whitman 351.) Mezz. ; 165 X 121 in. MARKER, (Rev.) R. J. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, full face ; with facsimile of autograph. (Whitman 108.) Mezz. ; 125 x 95 in. Proof before autograph. MARKHAM, GERVASE ; author ; 1568 ?-1637. 1. H. L., to r. ; small oval in title to his Perfect Horseman, 1655. Line ; (plate) 41 X 25 in. 2. Enlarged copy from the last ; oval in rect. Pub. T. Rodd. Line ; 4} x 35 in. MARKHAM, ROBERT, D.D. ; rector of Whitechapel ; 1727-1786. 1. H. L., looking to r., in wig, gown and bands ; book in 1. hand ; circle. Pub. W. Skelton 1790. Liue ; 4^ in. diam. MARKHAM, WILLIAM, D.D. ; archbishop of York ; 1719-1807. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, nearly in profile to L, in private dress, holding hat and stick. From picture at Windsor Castle, Private plate, without any in scription. Line ; 17 X 135 in- One of the only fifteen impressions taken. 2. H. L., nearly full face, in gown and bands, holding book. Without any inscription. (C. S. 41.) Mezz. ; Ui X 91 in. Three impressions. same plate, with the face altered. Painter Engraver P. Parrocel J. Simon Mrs. Robertson J. Thomson C. Turner A. Geddes J. P. Knight C. Turner S. Cousins Anon. B. Reading T. Taylor W^. Skelton J. Hoppner J. Heath J. Reynolds E. Fisher Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 163 Subject 3. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, in rochet, cap in r. hand. From picture at Christ Church, Oxford. Pub. Boydell 1778. (C. S. 102, Prankau 282.) Mezz. ; 181 X 14 in. Two proofs with inscription in scratched letters ; one fully lettered impression. 4. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 61 X 4 in. 5. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, in private dress, holding hat and stick. Pub. BoydeU 1800. (C. S. 31, Prankau 56.) Mezz. ; 165 X 13 in. Eleven progress proofs ; one finished ; one lettered impression. 6. Same picture, head only; vignette on plate with an other of Sir James Mansfield ; book illustration. Pub. R. PhiUips 1803. MARKLAND, JEREMIAH, M.A. ; classical scholar ; 1693-1776. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. 4. Stipple ; 65 X 41 in. MARLAY, RICHARD, D.D. ; bishop of Waterford; d. 1802. 1. A head, to 1. ; vignette in rect. frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Historic Memoirs; pub. G. Robinson 1810. Stipple ; 61 X 65 in. MARLBOROUGH, JAMES LEY, 1st Earl of ; judge and statesman ; 1550-1629. 1. When Sir J. Ley, bart.; bust, to r., in skull-cap and robes. line ; 3} X 25 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. S. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 31 X 25 in. 4. Another copy, to r., with collar of SS. added; vignette. PL to Hoare's Wiltshire, 1830. Stipple.MARLBOROUGH, JOHN CHURCHILL, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; general ; 1650-1722. 1. H. L., to r., star on coat ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (G. S. 93.) Mezz. ; UJ X 9} in. Two impressions. 2. H. L., to L, in armour, with riband and star; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 94.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two impressions. 3. W. L., to 1., standing,- in armour and mantle, legs crossed, hand on helmet. J. Wolff exc. Line ; 9} X 6} in. 4. Bust, face to L, in armour, furred mantle and riband ; oval, with ornament. PL to Birch's Lives ; pub. ICnapton. Line ; 135 X 81 in. Two proofs with engraver's name only. Painteb J. Reynolds G. Romney W. Harailton J. Closterman M. Dahl P. Deker jun. G. Kneller Engbaver J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds J. Ward Anon. J. CaldwaU J. Heath J. Payne Anon. H. Meyer J. Simon J. B. Propst J. Houbraken M 2 164 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARLBOROUGH, JOHN, 1st Duke ot— continued. 5. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to 8vo. ed. of Rapin and Tiudal's Hist, of England, 1744. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 6. Another copy, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 65 x 35 in. 7. Same picture; vignette. PL to Cunningham's Lives of Englishmen ; pub. A. PuUarton, Glasgow, 1836. Stipple. 8. Same picture ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3f X Si in. 9. H. L., face slightly to L, in armour and collar of the Garter; ovaL Sold J, Smith, (C. S. 163,) Mezz, ; I15 X 95 in. Four impressions, same plate, reworked ; face made older. ITiree impressions. 10. Copy from the last, reversed ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 164.) Mezz. ; 71 X 61 in. 11. Another copy, reversed. Pront. to Churchill's Annals, 1722. (G. S. 234.) Mezz. ; 45 X 4 in. 12. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame with ornaments. Line ; 10| X 65 in. 13. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. Mezz. ; 91 X 7 in. 14. Another copy, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Mechell's ed. of Rapin and Tindal's Hist, of England, 1782. Line ; 141 X 85 *«- 15. H. L., looking to r., with riband and star ; oval in rect. frame. Prom picture now in National Portrait GaUery. Line ; 165 X 11} in. 16. H. L., looking to L, in armour, with riband; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 162.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9J in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 17. Same picture, to r. ; oval on pedestal, with ornaments. Line ; 12} X 91 in. 18. Same picture, to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to Harding's ed. of Memoirs of Count Grammont. stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 19. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. M. Marre- beeok exc. Line ; 22 X 15J in. 20. Same picture, to r. ; oval with laurel branches, in frame of masonry. Pub. P. v. Gunst, Amsterdam. Line ; 135 X 101 in. 21. Copy from the last, reversed. Pub. P. Smith & A. Miller, Dublin, 1744. (C. S. 33.) Mezz. ; 13} X 95 In. 22. Same picture, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal, with German title. S. Maystetter ex. Mezz. ; 12 X 8 in. Painter G. KneUer Engraver J. S. MiiUer Anon. S. Freeman W. W. Ryland John Smith J. Paber jun. H. Roberts P. Sehenek R. Sheppard G. Vertue John Smith N. Chevalier R. Clamp P. V. Gunst SS A. Miller (S. Maystetter) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 165 Subject Painter Engraver 23. Same picture, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. Line ; 6} X 35 in. 24. Same picture, to 1. ; with eulogium inscribed on frame and armour. I. Temmen exc. 1703. Line. 25. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame inscribed ' John Duke of Marlborough,' on pedestal. Line ; 141 X 11 in. 26. H. L., looking to L, in lace cravat, armour and riband ; ornamental frame with six Latin lines. E. C. Heiss exc. Mezz. ; 125 X 8| in. 27. H. L., to 1., holding truncheon, with riband and George. One of ' Kitcat Club ' series. (0. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Four impressions. 28. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in armour and mantle, holding truncheon, hand on helmet. Prom picture at Blenheim. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Pcyrtraits, 1823. Stipple ; 71 X 6} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 29. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1826. Stipple ; 51 X 41 in. 80. Same picture, H. L. Pub. J. S. Virtue. Stipple and line ; 51 x 41 in 31. W. L., on horseback, to L, in armour, with negro page holding his helmet ; army in background ; French in scription. (C. S. 227.) Mezz. ; 131 X 10 in. [Altered from the Duke of Schomberg.] 32. W. L., on horseback, riding to 1., looking over his shoulder, holding truncheon ; skirmish in background ; German inscription. Line ; 16| X 13 in. 33. W. L., on horseback, riding to L, looking to r., iu armour, holding truncheon ; Latin inscription. Mezz. ; 165 X 141 in- 34. Marble bust iu the Bodleian library ; vignette. Pront. to vol. iii. of his Life, by W. Coxe ; pub. Longman 1819. Stipple.35. When ensign in the French Guard, 1668 ; small W. L., standing, holding banner ; with French inscription. Chez Godefroy. Line. 36. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, face turned to L, in armour and mantle, holding truncheon ; Latin in scription. Liue ; 185 X 151 in. 37. Similar picture, nearly H. L., face to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. N. Visscher, Amsterdam. Line; 141 X 105 in.- 38. Similar to the last ; oval in rect., with chronogram. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. 89. Similar ; oval frame, with trophy of arms. C. Weigel exc. Mezz. ; 135 X 91 in. 40. SmaU W. L., standing, in armour, holding truncheon. Line ; 41 X 25 in. G. Kneller J. C. Marchand G. P. Rugendas J. M. Rysbrack A. vr. Meulen A. vr. Werff A. M. Wolfgang Anon. E. C. Heiss J. Paber jun. R. Cooper >s J. Posselwhite (John Smith) J. C. Marchand G. P. Rugendas W^. Bond Anon. P. V. Gunst J. vr. Leeuw P. Schenck (C. Weigel) Aveline 166 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaver MARLBOROUGH, JOHN, 1st Duke oi— continued. 41. Bust, to r., in private dress ; rect. frame. From miniature belonging to Lord Churchill. Pront. to vol. ii. of his Life, by W. Coxe, 1818. Stipple.Proof before the frame and inscription. 42. Bust, face to r,, in armour and collar of the Garter ; oval, with vignette. Pub, J, Wilkes 1801. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. 43. H. L., to L, in armour and riband ; oval in rect. ; 11 lines by Puckle below. (C. S. 1.) Mezz, ; 7 X 6 in. 44. H. L., to r. ; oval on pedestal; in broadside entitled The British Ciesar, 1705. Line ; 55 X 35 in. 45. T. Q. L., to r., standing, face to L, in armour and collar of the Garter, hand on helmet. Line ; 91 X 45 in. 46. H. L., face to L, in armour, holding truncheon; oval; with French title. Pub. J. Gole, Amsterdam. Mezz, ; 9 X 75 in, 47. H. L., face slightly to L, in mantle and armour. Dutch plate with English inscription. Mezz. ; 65 X 4J in. 48. H. L., directed and looking to 1., in cuirass, with riband and star ; oval frame, with trophy of arms and title in cartouche. Mezz, ; 12} X 81 in, 49. Bust, face to r., in Garter robes ; oval attached to a tree, being unveiled by figures of Time and Truth. Line ; 85 X 65 in. Proof before any inscription. 50. Same picture ; plain oval. Line ; 31 X 2} in. Proof before inscription. 51. When young; T. Q. L., to L, standing, looking to r., resting truncheon on table. From picture at Althorp. PL to Dibdin's Aedes Althorpianae, 1822. Line ; 61 X 61 iu. Proof before any inscription. 52. H. L., face to r., in armour and riband ; oval. Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. Touched proof before any inscription. 53. W. L., to r., standing, looking to L, in mantle and armour, holding truncheon; eight Latin and Dutch lines. P. Schenck exc. Amsterdam. Line ; 95 X 6} in. 54. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to L, in mantle and armour, holding truncheon, German book illustration. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 55. Nearly T. Q. L., to r., standing, looking to 1., in wig and armour, hand on helmet. German book iUustration. Line ; 4} X 35 in. See Groups (Lords Justices). W. Bond J. Chapman J. Cole M. ¦vr. Gucht Fritzsch (J. Gole) (J. Gole ?) C. E. Heiss P. Tanj6 Worthington Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 167 Subject MARLBOROUGH, SARAH (JENNINGS), Duchess of; w, of the preceding ; 1660-1'744, 1, W, L,, seated, full face, r, hand to breast. One of set of Beauties of Hampton Court. J. Cooper ex, (C, S. 28.) Mezz, ; 171 x 121 in- Two impressions, — — same plate, with addresses of Overton and King, same plate, with Sayer's name substituted for Overton's, 2, Same picture, H. L. ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 165.) Mezz, ; 11} X 95 in. Two impressions, 3. Reversed copy from the last ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 166.) Mezz. ; 71 X 6} in. Four impressions. 4. Same picture, bust only ; two lines below : — ' Youth that lovely Princess here behold,' etc. Line ; 65 X 45 in. same plate, with engraver's name and address of R. Wilkinson added. 5. Same picture, bust only, hand not seen ; oval frame on pedestal. Magazine plate. Line ; 61 x 35 in. 6. H. L., face to r. ; oval with ornaments. Prom picture at Althorp. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; 131 X sj in. 7. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Tin dal's Continuation of Rapin's Hist, of England. Line ; 61 X 35 in. 8. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., resting face on hand. Sold J. Simon. (C. S. 96.) Mezz. ; 131 X 10 in. Two impressions. 9. Nearly W. L., seated, face to L, in black dress with veU; Blenheim in background. Prom picture at Blenheim. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits; pub. Harding, &c,, 1824. Stipple ; 71 X 65 in. [The attribution of the original to Lely is incorrect ; it is by KneUer. 1 10. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work. Stipple ; 5 X 41 in. MARLBOROUGH, HENRIETTA CHURCHILL, Duchess of {suo jure) ; d. of John, 1st Duke ; w. of 2nd Earl of Godolphin ; 1681-1733. 1. When Countess of Godolphin; nearly W. L., to L, seated on bank, 1. arm on rock. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. same plate, with title altered to ' Duchess of Marl borough.' 2. When Hon. Henrietta Churchill; W. L,, standing, holding basket and flower, her sister Anne (afterwards Countess of Sunderl4nd) seated on bank beside her ; with title ' The Lord Churchill's two Daughters,' Sold J, Smith, (C, S, 51, II,) Mezz. ; 131 X 101 in- 'J'liree impressions. Painter G. Kneller Engraver J. Paber jun. John Smith 'P. Lely' (G. Vertue) SS Anon. J. Houbraken J. S. MiiUer J. Simon S. Freeman H. T. Ryall G. KneUer F. Kyte John Smith 168 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARLBOROUGH, HENRIETTA CHURCHILL, Duchess of — continued. 3. When Lady Henrietta Churchill; W. L., standing, holding wreath and taking flowers from basket held up by her sister Lady Anne, who is seated. Sold P. Van Somer. (C. S. 1, Wessely 3.) ilezz. ; 125 X 101 in. MARLBOROUGH, CHARLES SPENCER, 3rd Duke of, K.G., P.R.S. ; general ; 1706-1758. 1. H. L., looking to L, in cuirass, star and riband, hat under arm. Prom picture now at Wilton: Sold R, Houston. (C. S. 77.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. Three proofs before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. same plate, with address of R. Sayer. 2. Same picture. Unpublished plate. Mezz. ; 41 X 3} in. 3. T. Q. L., to r., standing by a cannon, hand on waist coat. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Four impressions. MARLBOROUGH, GEORGE SPENCER, 4th Duke of, K.G., F.R.S. ; 1739-1817. 1. Bust, looking to L, with badge and collar of the Garter ; oval. Pub. J. Thane 1795. Stipple ; 6 X 45 in. 2. Nearly W, L., standing, looking to L, 1, arm on a pedestal on which is the purse of the privy seal. Prom picture belonging to Earl of Normanton, Pub, S, Reynolds 1823, Jlezz, ; 61 X 4 in, 3, H, L,, directed to L, looking over shoulder; long cur tain to 1, From picture at Blenheim. .Mezz. ; 13; X 10 in. Proof before any inscription. 4. W. L,, standing, looking to L, iu Garter robes, hat in 1, hand. From picture at Blenheim. Pub. J. Jones 1786. (C. S. 54.) Mezz. ; 241 X 145 in- One proof before title ; two with inscription iu open letters. See Groups (Marlborough family). MARLBOROUGH, CAROLINE (RUSSELL), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 4th Duke of Bedford • 1743-1811. 1. When Lady Caroline Russell ; T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, holding Blenheim spaniel on lap. Prom picture at Woburn. Sold at the Golden Head. (C. S. 160, Good win 77.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Four proofs before any inscriptiou ; two lettered impressions, 2, Copy from the last, with same title, (C, S, 55,) Mezz, ; 125 X 9} in, same plate, with title altered to ' Caroline, Duchess of Marlborough ' and address of R, Sayer, Painter P. Mignard Engraver P. van Somer J. Reynolds R. Houston (S. W.Reynolds) J. B. Vanloo F. Bartolozzi J. Reynolds W. James G. Romney J. Reynolds J. Ogborne S. W. Reynolds W. Say J. Jones J. McArdcU R. Purcell Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 169 Subject Painter 3. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, holding at arm's length her infant daughter Lady Caroline (afterwards Viscountess Clifden). From picture at Blenheim. Pub. J. Watson & J, BoydeU 1768, (0, S, 99, Goodwin 56,) Mezz, ; 16J X 125 in. Two proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one lettered impression, 4, Reversed copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer 1768. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 121 x 10 in. 5. Same picture. Pub. R. Sayer 1769. (0. S. 76.) iSIezz. ; 171 X 14 iu. Two proofs before inscription, with artists' names scratclied. 6. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 51 X 35 in. 7. W. L., full face, standing on terrace, in peeress's robes. From picture now in New York. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 71 X 45 in. 8. W. L., to J.., standing, resting 1. elbow on pedestal. From picture at Blenheim. Without title. Pub. J. Jones 1791. (0. S. 53.) Mezz. ; 24 X 145 in. same plate, with date altered to 1792 and hair modified. See Groups (Marlborough family). MARLBOROUGH, GEORGE SPENCER- CHURCHILL, 5th Duke of ; 1766-1840. 1. When Marquess of Blandford ; H. L., to L, in fancy dress ; oval frame with motto ' Dieu defend le Droit.' (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 12} X 105 in. Two proofs witli open letters. 2. W, L,, to 1., standing, in fancy dress, hat in 1, hand; rect, frame. Stipple ; 11} X 81 in. Impression with face tinted, See Groups (Marlborough family). MARLBOROUGH, GEORGE SPENCER- CHURCHILL, 6th Duke of ; 1793-1857. 1. When Earl of Sunderland ; with his brother Charles ; two boys, W. L., in fancy dress, playing with armour. Pub. W. Barney 1805. (C. S. 15.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. Proof before inscription. 2. Sitting at a table with Mr. Sanderson, playing oliess ; vignette. Lith.MARLBOROUGH, JANE (STEWART), Duchess of ; 1st w. of the preceding ; d. of 8th Earl of Galloway ; d. 1844. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table, on which rests a book. Private plate, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. ; 71 X 61 in. J. Reynolds G. Romney R. Cosway R. Cosway W. C. Ross Engraver J. Watson H. Fowler R. Houston S. W. Reynolds (J. Scott) J. Jones W. W. Barney J. S. Agar G. Sanders W. W. Barney P. Gauci L. Noel 170 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARLBOROUGH, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA (FLOWER), Duchess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding; d. of Viscount Ashbrook ; d. 1850. 1. When Hon. Charlotte Flower; nearly W. L., standing, looking to L, holding wreath to which a dog jumps up ; decor, frame. From a drawing. Stipple, 2, H, L,, to L; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub, H, Graves 1852, MARLBOROUGH, FRANCES ANNE EMILY (VANE), Duchess of ; w, of John, 7th Duke ; d, of 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ; d, 1899. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, holding letter. PL to Whitehall Review, 1877. Liih. 2. W. L., sitting, with her daughter Lady Wimborne. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News. Process block. MARLBOROUGH, GEORGE CHARLES SPENCER- CHURCHILL, 8th Duke of ; 1844-1892. 1. Bust, looking to 1. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1892. Process block. MARLBOROUGH, LILY WARREN (PRICE), Duchess of; 2nd w. of the preceding; m. 1. Louis Hammersley; 3. Lord William Beresford. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1892. Process block. MARLBOROUGH, CHARLES RICHARD JOHN SPENCER-CHURCHILL, 9th Duke of ; b. 1871. 1. Bust, looking to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1892. Process block. MARLBOROUGH THEATRICALS. See Groups. MARLOW, MARY, (of Leominster). 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. Line ; 25 X 15 in. MARLOW, MICHAEL, D.D. ; president of St. John's College, Oxford ; 1758-1828. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated in armchair, in robes, holding cap. Pub. J. Wyatt, Oxford, 1828. (Whit man 194.) Mezz.; 175 X 13} in. MAROCHETTI, (Baron) CARLO; sculptor; 1805- 1867. See Groups. MARRIOTT, CHARLES, B.D. ; sub-dean of Oriel College, Oxford ; 1811-1858. 1. Bust, looking to r., in private dress; vignette. Pub. Wyatt & Son, Oxford, 1853. Stipple. Painter J. Hayter W. C. Ross A. Maclure T. Phillips J. Drummond Engraver W. F. Holl W. J. Edwards A. Maclure J. June S. W^. Reynolds J. Posselwhite Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 171 Subject MARRIOTT, GEORGE WHARTON ; poHoe magistrate and chairman of the Middlesex sessions ; 1778-1833. 1. H. L,, to 1. Private plate, 1820. (Whitman 195.) Mezz. ; 65 X 65 in. MARRIOTT, SAMUEL ; barrister. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in wig and gown; octagonal frame. Pub. J. D. Montague 1810. Stipple.Proof before title. MARRIOTT, (Miss) ; actress. 1. H. L., to L ; rect. Pub. J. W. H. Payne 1813. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. MARRIOTT, (Miss). 1. H. L., full face ; vignette. Lith.Proof before any inscription. MARRYAT, FREDERICK ; captain R.N., C.B., F,R,S, ; noveUst; 1792-1848, 1, W, L,, directed and looking to L, leaning against a column, arms folded. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in, 2, Same drawing, H. L. only ; vignette. Book illustration. Pub. R. Bentley 1851. Stipple. 3. Bust, r. proflle ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a drawing. Pub. J. Mitchell. Lith. 4. H. L., looking to L, in cloak; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. H. Colburn 1826. Line. MARSDEN, GEORGE ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 25; H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. MARSDEN, JOSHUA ; missionary. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Pub. Fisher cfe Co. 1830. Stipple. MARSDEN, WILLIAM, F.R.S.; orientalist; 1754- 1886. 1. Bust, to 1., face nearly in proflle ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Etching. MARSH, GEORGE AUGUSTIN ELIOTT; rector of Bangor and minister of Park Street chapel, Grosvenor Square; 1790-1867. 1. H. L., to 1., in gown. Pub. J. Izzard 1885. Mixed ; 11} X 91 in. MARSH, HERBERT, D.D. ; bishop of Peterborough; 1757-1889. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, in rochet. Pub. J. Ponsford 1835. (Whitman 197.) Mezz. ; 171 X 131 in, 2, H. L., nearly full face, seated, in rochet, hands clasped. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1831. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. Painteb W. Owen 8. J. Stump J. Boaden W. behnes SS A. D'Orsay Engraver J. Jackson T, Phillips J. Linnell J, Ponsford J. W. Wright S. W. Reynolds Anon. H. R. Cook J. Boaden H. Cook C. Cook A. D'Orsay Anon. W. Ridley T. A. Dean Mrs. D. Turner J. Linnell S. W. Reynolds J. Cochran 172 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARSH, WILLIAM, D.D. ; vicar of St. Peter's, Col chester ; religious author ; 1775-1864. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, to L, face in proflle, spectacles in r. hand ; vignette. Pub. 1881. Mixed. 2. In pulpit, to r., preaching, r. hand raised; bible on cushion before him. Pub. J. G. Strutt 1818. (Whit man 354.) Mezz, ; 17} X 135 in, 3, Same picture. Pub. J. G. Strutt 1818. (C. S. not desc.) -Mezz. ; 175 X 14 in. MARSHALL, GEORGE KEITH, Earl. See Mabischal. MARSHALL, BENJAMIN; animal painter; 1767?- 1835. 1. H. L., to 1, ; picture on easel to 1, PL to Sporting Mag. ; pub, J, Pittman 1826, Stipple ; 51 X 41 in, MARSHALL, Sib HENRY; alderman of London; lord mayor 1745 ; d. 1754. , See Gboups (Bonn's Club). MARSHALL, JAMES ; writer to the signet at Edin burgh; 1731-1807. 1. W. L., in profile, walking to L, paper in r. hand; inscribed ' Horning & Pounding.' Etching; 6 X 4 in. MARSHALL, JAMES. 1. T. Q. L,, seated in arm-chair at a table, directed and looking to r,, holding papers. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in, MARSHALL, WILLIASI ; engraver ; fl, 1640, See Gboups (' Early Masters '), MARSHALL, WILLIAM; violinist and composer; 1748-1838. 1 . Nearly W. L. , to 1. , seated by table, holding violin and bow. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1817. (Whitman 355.) Mezz. ; 171 X 135 in. Two proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. MARSHALL, WILLIAM CALDER, R.A. ; sculptor; 1813-1894. 1 . Bust, looking to r. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1894. ^VoodcLit.MARSHALL, (Me.) ; comedian. 1. H. L,, looking to r. ; octagon, PL to Bellamy's Picturesque Mag., 1793, Stipple ; 3} X 31 in, MARSHALL, (Mes,), 1, Bust, to r, ; oval ; without title. Pub, 1794, stipple ; 25 X 2; in, MARSHAM, Lady AMELIA CHARLOTTE; d. of Charles, 1st Earl of Romney ; d, 1868, See Groups (Marsham family). Painteb M. B. S. J. G. Strutt J.Kay E. Beales J. Moir M. A. Shee C. Hayter Engbaver J. LinneU C. Turner J. Young Anon. J. Kay H. Robinson C. Turner W. Ridley C. Townley Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Ejv'fniAVEE I CHARLES. See Romney, Charles, MARSHAM, (Hon. 2nd Earl of. MARSHAM, Lady PRANCES; afterwards Lady Prances Riddell ; d. of Charles, 1st Earl of Romney. See Gboups (Marsham family). MARSHAM, GEORGE. 1. A youth, nearly W. L., full face, reclining on a bank, holding flute ; with title. Pub. E. Orme 1807. Mezz. ; 105 X 9 in. MARSHAM, Lady HARRIET ; d. of Charles, 1st Earl of Romney ; d. 1825. See Gboups (Marsham family). MARSHAM, (Hon.) JACOB, D.D. ; s. of 2nd Baron Romney ; canon of Windsor ; 1759-1840. 1. Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated in armchair, in private dress, holding walking stick. Mezz. ; 16 X 111 in. Two impressions. MARSHAM, Sir JOHN, bart. ; writer on chronology ; 1602-1685. 1. Aged 80; bust, to r., in skuU-cap ; decor, oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Chronicus Canon, 1672. Line ; 11 X 75 in. 2. Copy from the last ; plain rect. Line ; 5 X 4 in. P.R.S., (of Stratton Strawless, hand. MARSHAM, ROBERT Norfolk) ; 1708-1797. 1. H. L., looking upwards to r,, resting head on Pub, C. Muskett, Norwich. Line; 7 X 65 in. MARSHAM, ROBERT, J.P., D.L., (of Stratton Strawless, Norfolk); 1788-1855. 1. H. L., to 1., standing, 1. hand on hip ; with facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in- MARSTON, HENRY ; actor ; b. 1804. 1. As Maro Antony in Julius Ciesar; W. L., standing by body of Cffisar. Prom daguerreotype. PL to Tallis's Drawing Boom Table Book. Stipple and line. 2. With Mr. P. Robinson ; as Hotspur and Prince Henry in Henry TV.; W. L., fighting. Prom daguerreotype. PL to same work. Stipple and line, MARSTON, JENNY ; actress, 1. With Mr. P. Robinson; as Perdita and Florizel in Winter's Tale; W. L., standing together. Prom daguerreotype. PL to 'TaUis's Drawing Boom Table Book. Stipple and line. MARSTON, JOHN WESTLAND, LL.D.; dramatist and poet; 1819-1890. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Woodcut ; 71 X 51 in. T. Massot W. Say H. Pickersgill I W. J. Ward R. White Anon. J. Zoffany G. Hayter E. Morin W. C. Edwards 5 .7. Scott Anon. T. Sherratt H. Linton 174 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARSTON, JOHN WESTLAND— cowisreitefi, 2, W, L,, standing, holding umbrella; caricature. Woodcut, 3, Bust, looking to r. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London Neios, 1890. Process block. MARSTON, PHILIP BOURKE ; blind poet ; s. of the preceding; 1850-1887. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1887. Woodcut. MARSTON, (SIRS.) ; w. of Henry M. ; actress, 1, With Mr, P, Younge; as Audrey and Touchstone in As You Like It ; W, L,, standing together. From daguerreo type, PL to Tallis's Drawing Room Table Book. Stipple and line, MARTEN, (Mrs,) E. M, ; fl, 1820, 1, Nearly W, L,, to L, seated, holding book on knee; with facsimile of autograph. Stipple and line ; 8} X 7} in, MARTEN, Sir HENRY ; judge of the admiralty and prerogative courts ; 1562 ?-1641, 1. H. L., to r., in cap and furred gown; oval. Prom picture at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub, E, Harding 1799, Stipple ; 5; X 4'r in, MARTEN, HENRY; s, of the preceding; regicide; 1602-1680, 1, H, L,, to L, in skull-cap. Prom picture at Gisburne Park, On same plate with one of John Bradshaw, Illust, to S, R, Gardiner's 0. Cromwell, 1899, Photogravure ; 51 X 4i in , MARTEN, JOHN; surgeon, 1, H, L,, face to L, in long wig ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Treatise on the Gout, 1723. Line : 6 x 35 in. Proof before any inscriptiou. 2. Bust, face to r., in long wig; decor, oval frame. Front. to his Treatise on the Venereal Disease. Line ; 5J X 35 in. MARTEN, PRISCILLA. 1. T, Q, L,, standing by table, looking to L, holding scarf with r, hand, J, Paber exc, (C, S, 53, I,) Mezz, ; 12 X 05 in. Two impressions, MARTIN, BENJAMIN ; optician and compiler ; 1704- 1782, 1, H, L,, to r, ; oval, PL to Crcnt. Mag., 1785, Line ; 65 X 4,; in, 2, Copy from the last ; oval, with vignette of a globe and telescope below, PL to Encyclopiedia Londinensis, 1815, Printed in colours. Stipple ; 61 X 35 in, MARTIN, CLAUDE ; general in India ; 1732-1800, 1. Bust, to r,, in uniform ; oval. Stipple ; 8'j X 61 in. Painter Engraver A. B. Anon. Anon. C. H. Jeens P. Lely P. Scheffer F. Renaldi Anon. J. J. vr. Berghe G. Vertue R. Wliite J. Faber sen. Anon. L. Legoux Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 17.5 Subject MARTIN, DORCAS (EGLESTONE), Lady ; w. of Sir Richard M. ; d. 1599. 1. Bust, 1. proflle ; from a medal. PL to Burlington Mag., vol. xii. Process block. MARTIN, EDWARD WENMAN ; collector ; d. 1853 ? 1. Bust, to r., oval ; with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. stipple.MARTIN, FRANCIS ; Windsor herald ; d. 1848. 1. W. L., full face, standing, in tabard, holding hat and scroll ; Windsor in background ; vignette. Lith. Proof before inscription. MARTIN, Sib GEORGE, G.C.B.; admiral; 1764-1847. 1. H. L., looking to L, in uniform. Pub. 1836. Mezz, ; 10} X 9 in. One proof with artists' names only ; two fully lettered impressions. See Groups, MARTIN, Sir GEORGE CLEMENT, Mus.D., M.V.O.; organist ; b. 1844. 1. Bust, fuU face ; oval ; from photograph. Process block. 2. T. Q. L., seated, playing organ of St. Paul's Cathedral, From photograph. PL to Musical Times, 1907. Process block. MARTIN, HELENA SAVILLE (FAUCIT), Lady ; w. of Sir Theodore M. ; actress ; 1817-1898. 1. When Miss Faucit ; as Antigone ; T. Q. L., standing, looking upwards to r., hands joined before her. Lith. ; 28} X 18 in. 2. When Miss Faucit; as Antigone; W. L., standing, looking to r. , wreath in 1. hand ; vignette. Pub. Gam bart & Co. 1857. Lith. 3. When Miss Faucit; as Pauline in Lytton's Lady of Lyons; W. L., to L, standing, looking to r. Pub. Welch & Gwynne 1843. Mezz. ; 185 X 135 in, 4. W. L., r. proflle, seated by table. From an alto-relievo. PL to Art Journal, 1858. stipple ; 61 X 71 in. 5. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, leaning on a balustrade; with facsimile of autograph. PL toLehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Photogravure ; 65 X 51 in. 6. When Miss Faucit, aged 30 ; W. L., full face, standing by table, on which is bust of Shakspeare ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a drawing. tith. MARTIN, HENRY. 1. H. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to r., holding spectacles ; vignette. Lith. Painter L. H(aghe) T. Lawrence W. AUan F. W. Burton M. Drummond J. H. Foley R. Lehmann M. Gauci Engraver Anon. L. H(aghe) P. C. Lewis L. Dickinson R. J. Lane J. Drummond J. Brown Anon. M. Gauci 176 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Turner 1814. (Whitman hand. Pub. C. Turner 1833. MARTIN, JAMES; banker. 1. H. L., to r., seated. Pub. C. 356.) Mezz. ; 9J X 8| in. MARTIN, JOHN; minister of Keppel Street chapel; 1741-1820. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, in wig, holding open bible with both hands ; rect. frame. Pub. J. LinneU 1813. Etching ; 16i x 131 ii- MARTIN, JOHN. 1, H, L,, to r,, hat in 1, (Whitman 357,) Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. Three impressions. MARTIN, JOHN; painter; 1789-1854. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. Lupton & Relfe 1822. Stipple. 2. W. L., to r., seated by easel; vignette. PL to Arnold's Mag. of the Fine Arts, 1834. Stipple.3. H. L., to r., holding pencil; in picture frame. Pub. Knight & Laoey 1828. Stipple.MARTIN, JOHN ; Irish Nationalist ; 1812-1875. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. From daguerreotype. Pub. Gluckman, Dublin. Lith.MARTIN, JONATHAN ; lunatic who flred York Minster in 1829 ; brother of John M. the painter ; 1782-1838. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding book ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. R. Nichols, Wakefield, Lith, MARTIN, Sir RICHARD; master of the mint and lord mayor of London ; 1534-1617. 1. W. L., to r., standing in niche, wearing tabard. Cut from sheet entitled ' The armes of aU the cheife corpora tions of England,' &c., c. 1600. Line ; 5§ X 21 in. 2. Aged 28 ; bust, r. profile ; a medal in the British Museum. Cutting from Burlington Mag., vol. xii. Process block. MARTIN, RICHARD ; recorder of London ; 1570-1618. 1. H. L., to L, glove in 1. hand ; oval frame in cartouche, with Latin inscription on pedestal below. Pub. H. Holland 1820. (Pranken 741.) Line ; 71 X 41 in, 2, Facsimile of the preceding, PL to Nichols's Progresses of King James I., 1828, Line ; 65 X 4J in, MARTIN, RICHARD, (of BaUinahinch) ; M,P, for Galway ; known as ' Humanity Martin ' ; 1754-1834, 1. H. L., looking to 1., holding whip ; vignette. Lith. Painter J. R. Smith J. LinneU A. W. Devis W. Derby T. Wageman Engraver T. Kilby Stephen H. S. Drummond C. Turner J. Linnell C. Turner J. Thomson C. Wagstaff Sear & Co. H. O'NeUl W. Walton B. Wright S. Passe Anon.S. Drummond Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits m Subject MARTIN, SAMUEL, D.D. 1. Bust, life size, looking to r. ; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Private plate. Lith.MARTIN, SAMUEL ; minister of Westminster congre gational chapel ; 1817-1878. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table, r. hand on books ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith.2. H. L., to r., r. arm on table. Stipple ; 51 X 31 in. Painter baron of the exchequer ; hand MARTIN, Sir SAMUEL 1801-1883. 1. T. Q. L., slightly to r., standing, in private dress on table, 1. in pocket. Pub. W. Walker 1853. Mezz. ; 155 X 115 in, MARTIN, SELINA, (born Beresford) ; w, of Rev, Samuel M,, rector of Warsop ; 1775-1847, 1. H. L., full face, seated, in hat, hands crossed. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 8 X 61 in. MARTIN, Sir THEODORE, K.G.B.; author; 1816- 1909. 1. Aged 57 ; bust, to 1. ; vignette. Prom crayon drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Reproduction, MARTIN, THOMAS, P,S,A, ; antiquary; known as ' Honest Tom Martin of Palgrave ' ; 1697-1771. 1. H. L,, looking to L, vase in 1, hand, Pront, to his Hist. of Thetford, 1779, Etching ; 4} x 31 in, 2, Copy from the last, bust only ; vignette, PL to Nichols's Illustrations of Literature, 1818, Liue,3, Aged 74 ; bust, 1, profile ; vignette. From a drawing. Etching ; (pi.) 6 X 3} in. 4. Copy from the last, H. L. ; chair added. PL to Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, vol. ii. ; pub. W. Miller 1811. Mezz. ; 8} X 6 in. MARTIN, WILLIAM ; auctioneer at Edinburgh ; 1744- 1820. 1. A head, full face ; vignette. Without inscriptiou. Etcliing.Two states. 2. Standing in rostrum at a sale, full face. Without inscription. Etching ; 35 X 61 in. MARTIN, WILLIAM ; methodist preacher. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1813. Stipple ; 31 X 2| in. MARTIN, Sir WILLIAM ; chief justice of New Zealand ; 1807-1880. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, in private dress; vignette. Pub. J. Dickson 1842. Lith. VOi. III. C. Baugniet H. Room H. W. Phillips J. Hoppner R. Lehmann T. Bardwell J. Penn Engraver A. Geddes. J. Kay M. Gauci C. Baugniet J. Cochran W. Walker J. Carpenter P. S. Lamborn P. Audinet T. Cook T. Hodgetts A. Geddes J.Kay T. Blood J. Dickson N 178 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARTIN. See Marten. 2nd MARTINEAU, ANN DOROTHY, (born Elwin) w. of Philip Meadows M. ; 1772-1851. 1. H. L., full face, seated, in white cap, arms crossed. Pub. C. Turner 1833. (Whitman 358.) Mezz. ; 105 X 8} in. One proof before any inscription ; one before title. MARTINEAU, DAVID ; sugar refiner ; 1754-1840. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, holding spectacles on knee. Pub. C. Turner 1841. (Whitman 859.) Mezz. ; 11} X 91 in. Two impressions. MARTINEAU, HARRIET ; writer ; 1802-1876. 1. H. L., looking to r., holding r. hand to ear ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Colnaghi 1833. Stipple. 2. W. L., seated, holding saucepan on fire, cat on her shoulder. ' Alfred Croquis del.' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1883. Lith.3. Bust, looking to L, in cap ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. J. Hogarth 1851. Stipple. MARTINEAU, JAMES, D.D. ; unitarian minister; 1805-1900. 1, H. L., directed and looking to r. Photograph HoUyer from a paihting. Ill X 91 in, MARTINEAU, PHILIP MEADOWS; physician Norwich; 1752-1829, 1, H, L,, to 1. Pub. W. Preeman, Norwich, 1830. Mezz. ; 11 X 9 iu. MARTYN, ELIZABETH, (born Inverarity) ; w. of Charles M. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, in evening dress, holding Blenheim spaniel and handkerchief; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty ; pub. Longman 1840. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. MARTYN, HENRY, B.D. ; missionary to India ; 1781- 1812. 1. H. L., to r., in private dress ; Indian scene in back ground. Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. 2. H. L., to r., in gown; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1828. Stipple. MARTYN, JOSEPH ; merchant; 1643-1718. 1. H. L., to L, in long wig ; oval. (C. S. 167.) Mezz. ; 111 X 9} in. One proof before inscription ; four lettered impressions. MARTYN, THOMAS, B.D., F.R.S., P.L.S. ; professor of botany at Cambridge ; 1735-1825. 1. Bust, to L, in wig ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub J. SeweU 1795. Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. by at Painter Engraver G. Clint H. Pickersgill M. Gillies (D. Maelise) G. Richmond G. P. Watts W. Beechey A. E. Chalon T. Hiekey M. Dahl S. Drummond C. Turner C. Turner Pinden (D. Maclise) F. HoU T. Lupton H, Robinson W. Say W. T. Fry John Smith J. Farn Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 179 Subject 2. Bust, looking to r., in gown and bands ; oval, with view of King's College chapel &c. below. PL to Thornton's Botany, 1799. Stipple ; (oval) 61 X 4} in. MARTYN, (Mrs.) ; w. of Mouutjoy M. 1. Nearly W, L,, standing, looking to L, in evening dress, holding fiowers and handkerchief ; octagon, PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1839. stipple ; 6 X 41 in. MARTYR, MARGARET, (born Thornton) ; singer and actress ; d. 1807. 1. As the Enchantress in O'Keefe's pantomime Omai ; T. Q. L., to r., seated ; oval in rect. Pub. J. Dean 1786. (C. S. 18.) Mezz. ; 85 X 71 in. Two impressions. 2. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Thespian Mag., 1792. stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 3. W. L., sitting on garden seat, looking to r., holding flowers ; four lines below : — ' How pleas'd, how happy is this lass display'd,' etc. Line ; 4} X 31 in. 4. As Cherry in Parquhar's The Beaux' Stratagem ; W. L., to r., standing ; oval in rect. Pub. J. Roach 1799. Line ; 41 x 31 in. 5. As Rose, in Parquhar's Recruiting Officer; W. L,, standing, holding basket ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 45 X 3 in. 6. As Phoebe, in Brookes's Rosina ; W. L., full face, standing. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 3 in. 7. As Aura, in Johnson's The Country Lasses; W. L., standing, in officer's dress ; oval in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 41 X 3 in. 8. H. L., loo'king to r. ; oval. Prom a picture. PI. to Parsons's Minor Theatre, 1794, Stipple ; 25 X 2| in, 9. Same picture, reversed ; oval. ' Deighton del.' Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 10. As DoUy Pairlop, in Dudley's The Woodman; W. L., standing, holding long-bow. Line ; 45 X 3 in. 11. When Miss Thornton ; singing at Vauxhall ; small W. L., fuU face; without background. Pub. J. Bew 1778. Line. MARTYR, PETER. See Vermigli, MARVELL, ANDREW; poet and poUtical satirist; M,P, for Hall; 1621-1678, 1, H, L., to r., within oval wreath of laurel. From a painting. PL to Memoirs of T. Hollis, 1780. | Etching. ' Painter J. Russell A. E. Chalon M. Brown J. Cond6 Cruikshanks S. De Wilde Engraver Vendramini W. H. Mote J. Dean J. Cond6 Barlow Murray P. Audinet Cooke W. Leney W. Ridley MackenzieSpringsguth Anon. G. B. Cipriani N 2 180 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARVELL, ANDREW— conimMC(J. 2. Similar to the last ; oval frame. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line. 3. H, L,, to r. Prom picture at HuU, Pub, B, Gale, HuU, 1802, (C, S, 104, Prankau 233,) Mezz, ; 111 X 85 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impres,sions, 4, H, L,, to 1, ; octagonal frame on pedestal, Pront, to his Poems, 1681. See Groups. MARY I ; 1516-1558. 1. Aged 28; T. Q. L., looking to r., in French hood, hands folded. Prom picture now iu National Portrait Gallery, Pub. 1778. Line ; 71 X 6 in. 2. Nearly W. L,, standing, nearly full face, hands folded. Prom picture belonging to Society of Antiquaries, Aquatint, elaborately coloured ; 91 X 71 in, 3, When Princess ; H, L,, looking to L, in angular hood. Prom drawing at Windsor, Pub, J, Chamberlaine, 1796, [False,] Stipple ; 15} X 11 in, 4, Same drawing. Pub, J. Chamberlaine 1812, Stipple ; 73 X 61 in, 5, Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl, 6, Similar to the preceding, to r, ; Prom a roundel formerly in Arundel collection, (Parthey 1465,) Etching ; 4^ in, diam, 7, Copy from the last, to 1, ; rect,, with panel of arabesques on either side. PL to a Dutch ed, of Sir R, Baker's Chronicle, 1649, Line ; 4 X 3 in, 8, Another copy, to 1, ; with Dutch inscriptiou, PL to C, Hazart's Kerkelijcke Historic, 1669. Line ; 10 X 61 in. 9. When Princess; T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in winter dress, holding locket with both hands. Prom picture at Burghley attributed to Holbein. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1825. Stipple ; 75 X 65 in. 10. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1835. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 11. SimUar to the last. Pub. 1827. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 12. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, holding a rose ; with Spanish inscription ; 1793. Prom picture in the Madrid Gallery. Stipple; 131 X lOJ in. (When this plate was engraved the identity of the lady had not been recognised,] 13, Same picture. PL to L'Art, 1878. Etching ; 105 X 81 in. 14. Same picture. PL to Museo del Prado ; pub. Hauser & Meuet, Madrid, 1894. Reproduction ; 7} X 6 in. Painter (J. Corvus) L. de -Heere H. Holbein ^H. Holbein' A. Mor Engraver Anon.J. R. Smith j Anon. C. HaU H. Shaw F. Bartolozzi H. Meyer W. Hollar Anon. T. A. Dean H. T. RyaU T. A. Dean J. Vazquez P. Milius Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits !X1 Subject Painter Engraver 15. Study for the preceding picture, bust only. Prom crayon drawing in Biblioth^que Nationale, Paris. Photograph. 16. Similar to the preceding; bust, to r., with jewel attached to r. shoulder. Prom drawing formerly in coUection of Marmaduke Tunstall. 'Pub. J. Thane 1778. Etching ; 75 X 61 in. 17. Similar ; bust only, to 1. ; oval in cartouche with motto ' Veritas Temporis filia ' ; 1555. Line ; 121 X 8} in. 18. Similar ; W. L., in a room, with King Philip standing beside her. From the picture at Woburn. ' G. P. Harding del.' Pub. by the Granger Society. Stipple ; 91 X 6} iu. 19. W. L., standing, with Mary of Portugal, 1st wife of Philip II. One of set of plates of portraits of Princes of the House of Austria. Line. 20. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table, in a winter dress, holding supplication of Thomas Hongar ; rect. Sold C. HoUand. Line ; 65 X 41 in. same plate, with oval frame added ; as used for Holland's Bazilialogia, 1618. same plate, with HoUand's name erased and the number 22 added ; as used for Martyn's Kings of England, 1688. 21. Copy from the last, H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PI. to Burnet's Hist, of tlie Reformation ; pub. R. ChisweU 1681. Line ; 91 X 6 in. 22. Repetition of the preceding. PL to same work, ed. 1731. Line ; 91 X 55 iu. 23. Another copy, bust only, to r. ; oval on plate with another of Queen Elizabeth, in set of the Kings pub. R. Peake. Line ; 3 X 21 in. Vellum proof. 24. Another copy, H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. ; with title ' Konigin Maria.' German book illustration, 18th cent. Line ; 21 X 1} in. 25. Same type as the preceding; bust, to L; oval frame with ornaments. From picture formerly in collection of Earl of Oxford. PI. to Rapin & Tindal's Hist, of England, 1732. Line ; 11 X 71 in. 26. Copy from the last, to r., with crown added; oval frame with title in sunk panel. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1745. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 27. Another copy, to r. ; plain oval. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 35 X 3 in. 28. Another copy, to r. ; oval, with ornaments designed by Stothard. PL to Hume's Hist, of England; pub. T. Cadell 1788. Line ; 65 X 45 in. A. Mor C. HaU P. H(uys) J. Bro'wn (C. ab Avibus) P. Delaram R. White P. S(imms) (W. Faith orne ?) Anon. G. Vertue W. P. Benoist T. Trotter 182 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARY I — continued. 29. Another copy ; octagon in architectural frame. PL to same work; pub. J. Stratford 1803. Line ; 61 x 5 in. 30. Same type, to r ; oval frame with ornaments. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line ; 11} x 65 in. Proof before any inscription. 81. Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal.' Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 61 X 4 in. 82. H. L., r. profile; obverse of a medal struck in 1555. lUust. to Henriepetri's General Historien, 1577. Woodcut ; 25 in. diam. 83. Same medal, reversed. Modern. W^oodcut ; 25 in. diam. 34. Derived from the above medal , to r. ; oval in rich cartouche. PL to Zenoi's Imagines quorundam Princi- pum, etc., 1568. Line ; 61 x 5 in. 35. Copy from the last, bust, to 1. ; oval frame with Dutch title below. J. Janssonius exc. Line ; 6 x 4} in. 36. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Kennett's Hist, of England, 1706, Line ; 11 x 71 iu, 37, Copy from the last, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal, with representation of an auto-da-fe. PL to Mechell's ed, of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1733, Line ; 141 X 8} in, 38. Another copy, to r, ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 61 X 3} in, 39, Bust, directed and looking to L, wearing crown- with French title. Pub, P. Rocolet. Line ; 61 X 6 in. 40. H. L.,to L, holding sceptre and orb; below 'Portissimi quique interfecti sunt ab ea.' PI. to AnnaUs of England, 1630. Line ; 3} X 31 in. 41. W. L,, on horseback, to 1. No. 22 of Walton's set of the Kings ; 17th cent. Line ; 65 X 61 in. 42. W. L., to r., standing, supporting armorial lozenge PL to J. Taylor's Briefe Remembrance of all the English Monarchs, 1622. Line ; 61 x 35 in. 43. W. L., standing, in robes; in ornamental frame ' S. Wale del.' PL to Raymond's Hist, of England. Line. 44. Great seal of Philip and ilary. Illust. to Speed's History, 1632. Woodcut. 45. Same seal. PL to Sandford's Genealogical History, Line. See Groups. Painter Engbaver A. W. Warren P. van Gunst F. Basan Anon. N. NelU Anon. J. Smith M. vr. Gucht L. Petit Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 183 Subject MARY II ; consort of WiUiam III ; 1662-1694. 1. When a child; in character of Diana; nearly W. L., to 1., standing, holding bow and arrow. From the picture at Hampton Court. PL to The Portfolio, 1877. Etching ; 6} X 65 hi. (The identiflcation of the original picture is doubtful ; see Kellaway, Jane.l 2. Same picture. PL to Airy's Charles II, 1901. Photogravure ; SJ X 61 in. When Princess of Orange. 3. H. L., face to r. ; oval, Blooteling exo, (Wessely 84, C, S. m.a.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. same plate ; with Dutch privilege. Four impressions. same plate ; -with title replaced by ' 0 tam man- suetam,' etc. ; privUege on 1. of plate. same plate ; with privilege transferred to r. of plate. 4. Copy from the last, with ermine mantle added ; oval. Mezz. ; llj X 9} in. Clipped impression. 5. Same picture, reversed ; oval. I. Beckett ex. (C. S. 79.) Mezz, ; 12 X 05 in. 6. Similar to the last ; oval. I, Beckett exc, (C, S, 80.) Mezz. ; 81 X 7 in. Three impressions. 7. Nearly W. L., seated, face to 1. ; basket of flowers on table to r. ; with title ' Maria Regina,' etc. Mezz. ; 125 X 91 in. 8. H. L., to r. ; oval frame. (C. S. 85.) Mezz. ; 9 X 8 in. J'our impressions. 9. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, holding small basket of flowers. (0. S. 83.) Mezz. ; 121 x 95 in. One proof before any inscription ; five lettered impressions. 10. Reversed copy from the last. Without any inscription. Mezz. ; 12| X 101 i°- 11. Nearly W. L., to r,, seated ; frieze of cupids and tiger to r. ' P, LeUi] pinxit.' (C. S. 34.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. same plate, with ' Sr.' placed before painter's name. 12. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to r. ; large vase of flowers behind her. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. Proof before any inscription. 18. H. L., to 1., with jewelled shoulder strap ; oval. G. Valck exc. 1678. Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. 14. Reversed copy from the last ; oval, H, H, Quiter exc, Mezz, ; 111 X 95 in. 15. Same picture, to r. ; oval. G, Valck exc, 1680. One of a pair of plates of her and William II of Orange. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. Painter P. Lely Engraver A. Mongin A. Blooteling (I. Beckett) P. Schenck R. Tompson exc. (H. H. Quiter?) R. Tompson exc. J. vr. Vaart G. Valck H. H. Quiter G. Valck 184 Catalogiie of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARY II— contimied. 16. Same picture, to r. ; oval with ' Maria Princeps Auriaca A. 1679 ' in angles. One of a pair of plates of her and William II of Orange. Mezz. ; 41 X 3| in. 17. Nearly W. L., to r., seated ; large vase of flowers to r. Pub. E. Cooper. (C. S. 90.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. Four impressions. 18. Nearly W. L,, to L, seated; vase with flowers to r, ; Dutch title, C, AUard exc, Mezz, ; 12 X 9} in, 19. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. Pub. N. Visscher. Line ; 13} X 101 in, 20. H. L., face to r. ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 40.) Mezz. ; 115 X 91 in. same plate, with ' Cum Privilegio Regis.' 21. H. L., face to 1. ; oval ; ' Maria Princeps Auriaca.' P. Schenck exo. Mezz. ; 8 X 7 in. 22. H. L., face to 1. ; oval ; Dutch title. H. Visjaager ex. Mezz. ; 65 X 5} in. 23. Nearly W. L., standing, face to r., r, arm on pedestal; hound at her feet, P, Schenck exc, Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in, 24, H, L,, to r, ; oval frame inscribed ' Marie Stuart Princesse d'Orange.' Without artists' names. One of a pair of plates of her and WiUiam II of Orange. (Wessely not desc, C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 12 x 91 in, 25, Bust, face to r. ; oval frame with ornaments. A head piece. Line ; 25 X 6 in. 26. H. L., face to 1. ; oval with four lines below : — ' When August Mary,' &c. Line ; 11 x 11 in. 27. H. L., to L, in ermine mantle ; rect, frame inscribed at bottom ' Maria Stuart, gemalinne van Willem den III ' etc, ' Mezz, ; 8} X 6| in. When Queen. 28, Life size ; H, L,, face to L, in frame of roses, thistles lilies and acorns. Pub, A, Leers, Hague, ' Line ; 26} x 24 in. Proof before lettering on scroll ; clipped. 29. W. L., to L, standing by table, r. hand on orb. One of set of plates of Beauties of Hampton Court. (C S. 28.) Mezz. ; 175 X 12 in. same plate, with ' J. Cooper ex.' Three impressions. same plate, reduced, making the figure less than W. L. ; with address of R. Sayer, Painter P. Lely D. vr. Plaats W. Wissing Engraver Anon. P. Bouttats R. WiUiams P. Schenck (J. V. Somer) G. Vertue Anon. J. H. Brandon G. Kneller P. V. Gunst J. Faber jun. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 185 Subject Painter Engraver 30. Same picture, H. L. to 1. ; oval with ornaments designed by Stothard. PL to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub. T. CadeU 1789. G Kneller J. Heath Line ; 6} X 41 in. 31. Same picture, H. L,, to r, ; circle within rect. frame. PL to Rider's Hist, of England. J. Hulett Liue ; 4 X 25 in. 32. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1744. J. Houbraken Line ; 131 X 81 in. One proof witli engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 33. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; oval in reot. frame. PL to Harrison's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England. 1785. ,, J. Goldar Line ; 71 X 61 iu. 34. Same picture, H. L,, to r. ; plain oval frame. B. Pieart Line ; 8 X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. 85. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; circle. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. S. P. Ravenet Line ; 35 in. diam. 36. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval. J. Smith exc. (C. S. 172.) John Smith Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. One proof before any inscription ; one before the words ' ad vivum ' ; six lettered impressions. 37. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Kennett's Hist, of England, 1706. A. Trouvain Line ; 105 X 71 in. 38. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; oval frame with orna ments. G. Valck exc. Line ; 22 x 165 in. 39. H. L., to r., in ermine-lined mantle confined on breast by a jewelled brooch ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 173.) ,, John Smith Mezz. ; 61 X 61 in. Seven impressions. 40. Copy from the last ; oval frame of laurel on pedestal. ' Her Majesty Queen Mary ye II.' ^j P. V. Somer exc Line ; 6 X 31 in. 41. Nearly W. L., seated, face to r., holding pearl em broidered drapery with 1. hand. Without any inscrip tion. (C. S. 69.) (G. Kneller) Anon. Mezz. ; 12; x 9} in. Tliree impressions. 42. W. L., standing, face to L, in robes, holding sceptre ; orb on table to r. Sold J. Savage. (C. S. 36.) (M. Laroon) R. WUliams Jiezz, ; 16 X 9} in. 43, H, L,, to 1, ; oval frame bearing Dutch inscription. with ornaments. Pub. J. HaSmanu & P. Meyer ; 1750. G Netseher J. Houbraken Line ; 135 X 85 in. 44, H. L., fuU face; oval in rich frame of trophies and vignettes. P. Tiedman P. V. Gunst Line ; 22 x 16 iu. 45. Nearly W. L., seated, face to r., in ermine-lined J. vr. Vaart W. Paithorne mantle, holding sceptre. E. Cooper exc. 1698. (G. S. 24.) jun. Mezz. ; 12| X 10 in. Two impressions , Rn,me plate ; with address of R. Sayer. 39 33 Three impressions. 1;^6 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 23.) MARY II — continued. 46. H. L., face to r. ; oval. Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in, same plate, reworked ; head turned to 1, and dress altered ; Simon's name substituted for Faithorne's, same plate, with Cooper's address erased. 47. Reversed copy from 2nd state of the preceding ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 174.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 48. Repetition of the last, with pearls added in hair and other variations. Sold B. Cooper. (C. S. 175.) Mezz. ; same dimensions. Two proofs before inscription ; one lettered impression. 49. Reversed copy from the preceding; oval. (C, S. not desc) Mezz, ; 41 X 35 iu, 50, H, L,, looking to r,, in ' commode' headdress, resting arm on balcony and holding fan. Sold B. Cooper, (C, S, 176.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. One unfinished proof ; one before any inscription ; seven lettered impressions. 51. Repetition of the last ; with title ' The Queen.' (C. S. 176.) Mezz, ; 12} X 95 in. Proof before any inscription, 52. Copy from the preceding. Pub. N. Visscher. Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. 53. Another copy, reversed ; with four Dutch lines. P. Schenck exc. Mezz. ; 95 X 71 in. 54. Bust, face to 1. ; oval frame with ornaments. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PI. to Larrey's Hist, d' Angleterre, 1697. Line ; 11} X 7 in. 55. H. L,, face to r, ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms, PL to Jlechell's ed, ot Rapin's Hist, of England, 1733, Line ; 14; x 85 in, 56, W, L,, standiUj sceptre and orb, Mezz, ; 16 X lOJ in. Proof before any inscription, same plate ; with I, S, scratched at bottom to 1, Four impressions, 57, Copy from the last, reversed. Pub. at Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 105 X 81 iu. 58. H. L., face to r. ; oval. Sold B. Cooper. (C. S. 177.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. One impression before the word ' Scot ' in inscription. 59. Reversed copy from the last. E, Cooper exc, (C, S 178,) Jlezz, ; 81 X 7 in. Three impressions, 60, Bust, r, proflle; oval, with allegorical group below. Pub. 1800. Stipple ; (oval) 4} X 3;; in. 61. Bust, face tor,, crowned; oval frame of orange branches; German title on scroll. Line ; 6'. X 6 in. I, face to r,, in full state robes, holding E, Cooper exc, (C, S, 13,) Painter J. vr. Vaart R. White W. Wissing Engraver W. Paithorne jun. J. Simon John Smith Anon. John Smith Anon.P. Schenck E. Desroehers R. Sheppard B. Lens 33 P. Schenck John Smith J. Chapman L. C. Glotsch Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 187 Subject Painter Engraver 62, T, Q, L,, standing, face to r,, in crown and mantle, holding sceptre and orb, r, arm on table. Pub, N. Visscher. J. Gole Mezz. ; 161 X 121 in. 63. W. L., seated by table, face to r., in crown and mantle, holding sceptre, 1. hand on orb. Pub. at Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 15} X 121 in. 33 64. H. L,, face to 1., in crown and mantle ; oval, with Dutch title and verses, J. Gole exc. Mezz. ; 111 X 9i ™- 65. H. L., face to 1. ; oval iu engraved ornamental frame; four French lines below. J. Gole exc. One of u, pair of plates of her and William III. Mezz. and line ; 11 X 7 in. " 66. H. L., face to L, in crown and mantle which is patterned with roses, harps and fleurs-de-lis, orb in i. hand ; oval, with Dutch titles. Mezz. ; 81 X 71 in. 67. H. L., face to 1., in crown; oval with Dutch inscrip tion : ' Maria die de staf,' &c. ; J. Gole exc. Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 65 X 61 in. 68. H. L., face to L, in crown ; oval frame. Mezz, ; 5} x 4} in. Proof before inscription. ! " 69. W. L., standing, looking to r., carrying lap-dog; negro page holding her train ; with title ' La Reine d'Angle terre.' J. Gole exc. Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 91 X 7 in. " 70. Memorial medal, in frame ; six English lines below. ' J. Fowler del.' S. Gribelin Line. 71. H. L., face to 1. ; oval iu rect. frame of masonry. One of a pair of plates of her and William III. Line ; 14 x 101 ™- P. V. Gunst 72. Nearly W. L., standing, full face, resting 1. arm on table. P. Schenck exc. Mezz. ; 91 X 71 in. P. Schenck 73. Nearly W. L., standing, face to L, holding sceptre and orb, 1. arm on table ; with title ' Maria Regina.' P. Schenck exc. Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 115 X 9} in. 74. W. L., standing, face to 1., r. hand on table, 1. holding up skirt. P. Schenck exc. Without title. Mezz. ; 131 X 9} in. 35 75. H. L., face to 1. ; oval ; with English title. Pub. N. Visscher. Mezz. ; 55 X 5 in. 76. H. L., face to L, in crown and mantle; oval; with title ' Maria Regina ' and six Dutch lines. P. Schenck exc. Mezz, ; 61 X 61 in, same plate, reworked ; r, hand holding sceptre intro duced ; title altered, P, Schenck exc. 77. H, L,, face to L, with richly jewelled dress; oval frame of laurel; Latin title and six Dutch Unes below, P, Schenck exo. j 5> Mezz. ; 8} X 71 iu. 188 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARY 11— continued. 78, H, L,, face to L, holding sceptre ; motto ' Decet timeri at plus diligi ' above ; Latin title and six Dutch lines below, P, Schenck exc, Amsterdam, Mezz, ; 4} x 4j in. 79. H. L., to L, in crown and mantle, holding sceptre; oval ; with Latin title and six Dutch lines. A. Schoone- beek exc. Amsterdam. Mezz. ; 61 x 5ijin. 80. T. Q. L,, fuU face, in ' commode ' headdress, holding flower, Btching ; 71 x 6} in. 81. H. L., face to r., in crown and mantle ; oval frame with eight Latin and eight Dutch lines below ; G. Valck exo. One of a pair of plates of her and William III. Mezz. ; 12 x 9} in. 82. Copy from the last, with six Dutch lines. G. Valck exo. .Mezz. ; 61 X 51 in. 83. Nearly W. L., seated by table on which is the crown, 1. hand on branch of lily. Pub, N, Visscher, (Wessely 14,) Mezz, ; 161 X 125 in, 84, T, Q, L,, standing, face to r,, holding sceptre and orb. Without inscription, (Wessely 15,) Mezz, ; 16 X 12; in, 85, Nearly W, L,, seated, full face, in state robes, holding sceptre ; orb on table to 1, Pub, N. Visscher, Amster dam, Mezz. ; 165 X 125 in, 86, Similar to No. 48, but W. L., seated on a terrace. Sold P. P. Bouche in Tower Street. Line ; 95 X 7 in. 87. Lying in state on a catafalque; eight lines below: — ' With mourning pen & melting eyes,' &e. Sold J, Overton, Line ; Bg X 7 in, See William III, See Lichfield, Charlotte, Countess of, See Groups (Royal). MARY (of Modena) ; Queen of James II. ; 1658-1718. 1. H. L., full face ; oval frame of foliage. Sold R. White 1686. Companion plate to James II., No. 7. Line ; 185 X 135 in. 2. Same picture ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 169.) Mezz. ; 11| X 91 in. One proof before inscription ; four lettered impressions. 3. Reversed copy from the last ; oval. Sold J, Smith (0, S, 170,) Mezz, ; 6} X 65 in. One proof before inscription ; five lettered impressions, 4. Same picture ; oval. (C. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 101 X 81 in. Two impressions. 5. H. L., slightly to 1. ; oval. (C. S. 70.) Mezz. ; 111 X 9 in. P. Schenck A. Sehoonebeek P. V. Swinderen G. Valck J. Verkolje G. Kneller Anon. R. White John Smith P. Tempest exc. I. Beckett Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 189 Subject Sold I. Beckett. (G. S. 71.) J. Smith e,x. (C. S. 71a.) 6. H. L., fuU face ; oval. Mezz. ; 111 X 95 in. Y. Reversed copy from the last. Mezz. ; 6} X in. 8. Same picture ; oval. Sold A. Browne. (C. S. 171.) Mezz. ; Hi X 91 iu. Six impressions, two modern. 9. When Duchess of York ; T. Q. L., to r., standing, pluck ing orange blossom with 1. hand. A. Blooteling exc. (Wessely 36, C. S. s.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. 10. Reversed copy from the last. H. H. Quiter exc. Mezz. ; 121 X 105 in. 11. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal; with title ' Queen of England,' etc. Pub. N. Visscher, Amsterdam. Line ; 14 X 101 in, 12. When Duchess of York; nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding wreath. (C. S. 43.) Two impressions. same plate, with title altered after she became Queen. 18. W. L., standing, face to 1., r. hand on pedestal of a large vase. Sold A. Browne. (C. S. 22.) Mezz. ; 18 X 111 in. [Altered from Mrs. Jane Middleton.] same plate, reduced, making the flgure only T. Q. L,, with fawn introduced, which rests its head on her hand, 115- X 95 in, 14. Similar picture, face to r, ; with title ' Duoissa Ebora- censis.' Engraved as front, to a vol. of M. Pitt's Atlas. Line ; 171 X 101 in. 15. H. L., looking to r. ; oval ; with initials of the artists. (C. S. 6.) -Mezz. ; 11 X 91 in. One proof before the initials ; one fully lettered impression. 16. When Duchess of York; nearly W. L., seated, face to r., r. hand on dog. (C. S. 51.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. One proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions. 17. Reversed copy from the last. H. H. Quiter exc. Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. 18. H. L., full face; oval frame with ornaments Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line ; I15 X 6} in. 19. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, 1. arm on a dog picture now in National Portrait Gallery. 0. Airy's Charles II, 1901. Photogravure ; 75 X 65 in. only PL to From PL to L. oval. Sold J. Oliver. 20. Same picture, H. (C. S. p. 956.) Mezz. ; 105 X 9 in. 21. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 34.) Mezz. ; 8| X 65 in. Clipped impression. 22. Same picture ; oval frame with ornaments. Pub. J. J. de Rubeis, Rome. Liue ; 101 X 71 in. Painter N. deLargilli^re P. Lely A. vr. Werff W. Wissing Engraver I. Beckett 33 John Smith A. Blooteling H. H. Quiter P. Stephani A. Browne exc. P. Vanderbank J. G(riffler) R. Tompson exc. H. H. Quiter J. Audran J. Oliver R. Williams J. Blondeau 190 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARY (of Modena) — continued. 23. H. L., face to r. ; oval. E. Cooper exo. (C. S. 72, II.) Mezz. ; 61 X 65 in. 24. Bust, r. profile ; from a medal ; oval frame supported by two emblematical female figures. A headpiece. Line ; 25 X 6 in. 25. Bust, to r. ; small medallion held by a winged female on a cloud ; vignette. ' G. P. Lenardi del.' Line. oval frame with title on tablet below. to r. oval frame with arms. 26. H. L Line ; 6 X 35 in. 27. H. L., to r. Line ; 8} X 6 in. 28. H. L., face to r. ; oval on pedestal. German book- illustration, with title 'Brenton, Cromwels Gemahlinn.' Line ; 6 X 35 in. See Groups. MARY, [VICTORIA MARY], (of Teck); Queen of George V. ; b. 1867. 1, When Princess Victoria Mary of Teck ; bust, looking to r. Suppl, to Court and Society Review, 1888, Reproduction. 2. When Princess Victoria Mary; W. L., seated, in court gown. Cutting from Lady's Pictorial, 1893. Process block. 3. When Princess Victoria Mary; T. Q. L., standing, lean ing on a rail ; oval in rich frame. Prom a photograph. On sheet with another of Prince Alexander of Teck. Suppl. to The Queen, 1887. Photolith. 4. When Princess Victoria Mary ; nearly W. L., seated, fuU face. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut.5. Same photograph, H. L. only. Cutting from Daily Graphic, 1892. Process block. 6. When Princess of Wales ; H. L., to r. ; vignette. Prom a photograph. PL to Almanach de Gotha, 1910. Stipple and line. 7. When Princess Victoria Mary; bust, to 1. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Pall Mall Budget, 1891. Process block. 8. When Duchess of York ; W. L., standing, full face. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Black and White 1897. Process block. 9. When Duchess of York; W. L., seated, with her three eldest children. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Lady's Pictorial, 1897. Process block. 10. When Princess Victoria Mary; bust, to 1. From photograph. V»Coodburytype, See George V, See Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, Painter Engraver (I. Beckett) G. Vertue I A. V. Wester- I hout B. White Anon. E. Anderson C. De Vine L. Besche P. Naumann T. & A. Weger Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 191 Subject MARY (ot Guise) ; Queen of James V. of Scotland ; 1515-1560. 1. A bust on a pedestal, with ornaments. ' A. vr. Werfi pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. line ; llj X 65 in. 2. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding gloves. From the ' Praser Tytler ' portrait now in the National Portrait GaUery. [Doubtful.] Aquatint (elaborately coloured) ; 95 X 71 in. 3. H. L., looking to L, hand on cushion. From picture at Hardwick Hall. ' Harding del.' PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1794. Stipple ; 5| X 41 in. 4. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval, with English letterpress. Etching ; 31 X 2} in. See Mary, Queen of Scots. See James V of Scotland. MARY, Queen of Scots ; 1542-1587. 1. When Dauphine of France ; H. L., standing, looking to r., putting ring on finger. Prom the miniature at Windsor. Front, to Petit's Hist, of Mary Stuart, trans lated by De Plandre, 1874. Stipple ; 65 X 4 in. 2. Same miniature ; ' from sketch by G. Vertue.' Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 3. When Dauphine of France ; H. L., looking to r. Fac simile of crayon dravring in the Bibliothfeque Nationale at Paris. Printed in colours. Without inscription. PL to Niel's Portraits des Personnages Frangais, 1848. Etching. 4. Same drawing. One of series of reproductions of por traits in Biblioth^que Nationale. 5, Same drawing ; photograph. 6. Same drawing ; vignette ; a book iUustration. Stipple. 7. Aged 9; H. L., looking to L, in cap. Facsimile of crayon drawing formerly at Castle Howard, now at ChantiUy. Pub. Colnaghi 1821. Stipple ; 131 X 9 in. 8. In ' blanc deuU ' as dowager Queen of France ; bust, to r. Facsimile of crayon drawing now in Bibliothfeque Nationale. Printed in colours. Without inscription. PL to Niel's Portraits des Personnages Frangais, 1848. Etching. 9. Same drawing ; a photograph. 10. Similar drawing, reversed ; engraved when in the Bessborough coUeotion. Stipple ; 11} X 81 in. Proof before inscription. 11. Similar to the preceding, to r. From the picture at Hampton Court. Cutting iroTOrlllust. London News, 1889. Woodcut; 5| X 45 in. 12, Same picture ; vignette, with facsimile of signature. Lith. Painter Engraver P. V. Gunst H. Shaw Anon. Clouet J. Le Conte Anon. Riffaut Anon.T. Ryder RiffautP. Bartolozzi P. Naumann Anon. 192 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Orpin, MARY, Queen of Scots — continued. 13. W. L., to L, standing by table. From picture at Welbeck, which is a repetition of that at Hardwick HaU. PL to C. P. Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Photogravure ; 8} X 5 in. 14. Similar to the last, T. Q. L. Prom picture now at St. James's Palace, formerly attributed to Janet. Pub. T. Bowles. (C. S. 235.) Mezz. ; I15 X 9g in. same plate, with address of C. Bowles. 15. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; circular frame on pedestal. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 16. Copy from the last, reversed. Pub. 1750. Line ; 12 X 71 in. Same picture, T. Q. L., to 1. ; rect. Line ; 55 X 45 in. 17. Same picture, T. Q. L,, to 1. ; oval frame with orna ments. PL to Rapin's Hist, of England, fol., 1735. Line ; 105 x 7 in, 18, Same picture, H, L,, to r. ; oval frame of oakleaves, PL to 8vo ed, of same work, l'i'45. Line ; 6} x 35 in. 19. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; rect. PL to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub. Talboys & Wheeler 1827. Line ; 45 X 3§ in. 20. Same picture, T. Q. L. ; reversed. Sold J Dublin. (C. S. 68.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. 21. Same type, H, L,, to r, ; oval cartouche on pedestal. Book illustration. Line ; 4} x 2} in, 22, Same type. Prom the picture at Leith ; with false title' Mary of Guise,' PL to Pinkerton's Scottish Gal lery; pub, E. Harding 1797. Stipple ; 61 X 45 in. 23. Same type, nearly W. L., seated in armchair. Prom the picture formerly in the Labanofi coUectiou and now at Petersburg. Pront. to Labanofl's Portraits de Marie Stuart, 1860. Line ; 61 X 45 in. 24. Same type, H, L meum terra tegit ' Line ; 51 x 2| in, 25, H, L,, to r,, holding sceptre and orb ; oval frame with ornaments, PL to Holland's Bazilialogia, 1618, Sold C. Holland. Line.26. Reversed copy from the last armorial shields iu upper part. Line.27. With Lord Darnley ; W. L Sudbury & Humble. Line ; 10} x 9 in. 28. Copy from the preceding. Pub. S. Woodburn. Mezz, ; 11} X 91 in. Painter to r, ; oval frame with motto ' Dulce 17th cent. oval in rect,, with two , standing together. Pub. (P. Oudry) D. Mytens Engraver J. Paber jun. 33 G. Vertue L. P. Boitard Neele & Stock- ley G. Vertue Worthington Anon. J. A. Boner E. Harding Pannier Anon. R. Elstraek Anon. R. Elstraek (R. Dunkarton) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 193 Subject 29. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, holding crucifix and prayerbook. From the memorial picture at Windsor. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 80. SimUar to the last, the figure only, T. Q. L. ; vignette. Prom the memorial picture at Blairs College. Pront. to vol. vii of Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 1850, etc. Stipple.81. Similar to the preceding, bust only. From picture at Antwerp. Photograph. 82. H. L., to r. ; rect. frame inscribed '' La feu Royne d'Bcosse' ; four French lines below. R. Gourdelle exc. Line ; 4} X 45 in. 38. W. L., to L, standing, face in profile, holding gloves and medallion ; rect, frame. H. Liefrinck exc. Line ; 115 X 7} in. 34. Similar to the last, H. L. only, gloves in 1. hand ; oval frame. Cock exo. ; 1559. Line ; 75 X 6} in. 35. Copy from the last, H. L. only ; plain oval. Line ; 31 X 2} in. Proof before inscription, 36, Another copy, H, L. ; oval in rect. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 37. H. L., looking to L, holding feather fan ; oval frame. Line ; 75 X 6 in. 38. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. ; oval frame in cartouche. PI. to Imagines quorundam Principum, &c., 1568. Line ; 7 X 5 iu. 39. H. L., to r., in broad plain coUar and wired-out veil; oval frame bearing Latin inscriptions ; her execution, &c., in angles. J. Bussemaoher exo. (Nagler's Monog. IV. 2045.) Line ; 85 X 7 in. 40. Copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal, with drapery; French title. Pub. at Augsburg 1762. Line ; 71 X 61 in. 41. Another copy ; circular frame on pedestal. ' A. vr. Werfi pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line ; 111 X 65 in. 42. Another copy; oval on pedestal, with ornamental frame printed from separate plate. Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 5} X 3} in. 43. Another copy; oval frame with four French lines. T. de Leu exc. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 44. Another copy, to L; oval frame with Dutch title below. PL to Meteren's Hist, des Pays Bas. H. Jacop- seu exc. Line ; 6 X 6 in. 45. Exact repetition of the last, but reversed. 46. Another copy ; oval in rect. ; title in French ; book illustration ; 17th cent. LVne ; 4| X 25 in. VOL. III. Painter Engraver E. Pinden J. C. Armytage L. Gaul tier P. H(uys) Anon. 3» E. Harding P. M(irieenys) Anon. P. M. J. A. Pridrich P. V. Gunst T. de Leu C. V. Queboren ? Anon. 194 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARY, Queen of Scots — continued. 47. Another copy; oval in ornamental border which is printed from separate plate ; 17th cent. Line ; 6} X 31 in. 48. Another copy ; oval frame ; book Ulustratiou, ' Tom. 2, p. 367.' En Casa de Bousquet; 18th cent. Line ; 7} X 6} in. 49. Another copy ; oval, with Latin title in cartouche ; book iUustration, 17th cent. Line ; 45 x 31 in. 50. Derived from the preceding ; bust, to 1, ; vignette, ' E, Pr^re del.' PL to La Touraine Ancienne et Moderne. Stipple.51. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing. Prom the 'Morton' picture at Dalmahoy. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 65 X 35 in. 52. Same picture, T. Q. L. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, &c. 1818. Stipple ; 71 X 6} in. to 8vo ed. of same work ; pub. to same work ; late issue with 53. Same picture. PL Harding, &c., 1824. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. 54. Same picture. PL ornamental border. Stipple. 55. Same picture, H. L. only. Pront. to Chalmers's Life of Mary Queen of Scots ; pub. J. Murray 1818. Stipple ; 6 X 6 in. oval in rect. frame. Pub. 56. Same picture, H. L. only ; J. Murray 1818. Stipple ; 5 X 31 in. 57. W. L., standing by the block, holding book and crucifix, vpith two angels bearing armorial shields ; Latin inscrip tion. In manner of Wierix. Line ; 61 X 9 in. 58. Similar to the last, but without the angels ; oval plate. Modern impression from copper plate in British Museum.' Liue ; 3 X 21 in. 59. Copy from the preceding ; oval. Line ; same dimensions. 60. SimUar figure to the above, but with axe in 1. hand ; oval. Line ; 31 X 21 in. 61. Aged 44 ; H. L., to L, in rufi, cap, and veU; cross on breast. Line ; 85 X 7 in. same plate 62. Bust, to r., Munich. Lith. ; 141 X 101 in. 68. H. L., to L, holding crucifix which hangs on her breast ; oval in rect. PL to Jonstou's Inscriptiones, 1602. Line ; 61 x 4} in. 64. Bust, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. ' From a scarce print [by J. Rabel] in coll. of J. Dent Esq. M.P.' Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. without Visscher's name. in rufi and cap. Prom a drawing at Anon. Gernand C. Pieart J. Thomson W. T. Pry R. Cooper E. Scriven Anon. M. Basse Anon. J. Leipoldt C. J. Visscher exc. Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 195 Subject Painter Engbaver 65. W. L., standing by a chair. Prom picture in the Royal collection. Copy from print in Montfau con's Monarchic Frangaise. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica; pub. I. Herbert 1796. Line. 66. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Prom the half-testoon of 1562. PL to Petit's Life of Mary, translated by C. de Plandre, 1874. Stipple. 67. Obverse of coin of 1562. Stipple.68. Obverse of medal of Mary and Francis. Stipple.69. Obverse of medal of Mary and Darnley. Stipple. 70. Obverse of medal by Primavera. Line ; 25 in. diam. 71. Her tomb in Westminster Abbey. PL to Dart's Westmonasterium. Line ; 111 X 71 in. 72. Her effigy in Westminster Abbey; vignette. ' C. Army tage del.' 73. Same effigy, half length, full face ; vignette. ' G. Scharf jun. del.' Stipple. False. 74. H. L., directed and looking to L, in fur-edged dress. PL to Taylor's Pictorial Hist, of Scotland. Stipple and line ; 4} X 3} in. 75. H. L., to r. ; vignette. From picture at Hatfield. Front, to her Life by Miss Benger, 1823. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 76. Similar to the last, the costume varied ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum, 1824. Stipple.77. H. L., to r. ; oval, with vignette of her execution. Prom the Mead miniature at Windsor. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1738. Line ; 141 X 8} in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 78. Same miniature, bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimUe of her signature. Stipple. 79. Same miniature, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Mechell's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1733. Line ; 14 x 81 in. 80. Same miniature, bust only, to 1. ; plain circle. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 in, diam, 81, Exact copy from the last. PL to same work. Line ; same dimensions. 82. Same miniature, bust, to r. ; oval plate. Liue ; 3 X 21 in. 88. Same miniature, bust, to r. ; octagon in architectural frame. PL to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub. J. Strat ford 1802. Line ; 61 X 6 in. ' Parino ' 'A. Mor' I. Olivier Anon. J. Le Conte R. Cooper 39 39 Anon. J. Cole T. Knight T. W. Hunt W. Bond T. Woolnoth J. Houbraken H. Meyer R. Sheppard (R. Strange) Anon. G. Vertue A. W. Warren o 2 196 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARY, Queen of Scots — continued. 84. H. L., directed and looking to r., in fur-trimmed dress ; irradiated oval, with ornaments and dedication to the Duchess of Rutland. Prom the Lens miniature. Stipple ; 45 X 61 in. 85. Same miniature, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. Sold E. Cooper & H. Overton. (C. S. 98.) Mezz. ; 135 X 10 in. Two states. 86. SimUar miniature ; plain oval. Stipple ; 45 X 51 in. Proof before inscription. 87. Same miniature as the last, to r. ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 88. W. L., standing, holding crucifix; her execution in background. Mariette exc. Line ; 12} x 85 in. 89. Copy from the last ; background omitted. Etching ; 71 X 61 in. 90. H. L., standing with her son, on whose head she rests her hand. Prom picture belonging to the Drapers' Company. Pub. S. Roma 1779. Line ; 161 X 10} in. One etching ; one proof before any inscription ; one before title ; one fully lettered impression, 91. Bust, to r. ; circle in rect. From an oil miniature in the British Museum. Pub. R. Bentley 1844. Stipple ; 31 X 31 in. 92. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval with ornaments designed by T. Stothard. From Mr. Timberman's picture. PL to Hume's Hist, of England; pub. T. CadeU 1788. Line ; 7 X 41 in. 93. Same picture ; medaUion with emblematical figures ; vignette. Pub. G. Jones 1824. Line.94. Same picture ; rect. Woodcut ; 31 X 21 in. Pi'oof before inscription. 95. Same picture; plain oval. 1821. Lith. ; 6} X 41 in. 96. Same picture, H, L. ; vignette. Modern book illus tration. Line. 97. H. L., to L, in hood; oval. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 98. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, wearing headdress and hat, holding lap-dog. ' J, M. Wright del.' Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 99. T. Q. L., to r., standing by chair, holding a rose. From the ' Carlton ' portrait now at Chatsworth. Line ; 101 X 6} in. 100. Repetition of the last, reversed. Painting of Frederico Zucchero.' Line ; same dimensions. PL to Galerie Frangaise, ' Prom an original ' I. Olivier ' C. Vignon • P. Zucchero ' J. K. Sherwin J. Simon Anon. 33 R. Gaywood P. Bartolozzi J. Brown J. K. Sherwin Lepettit MasonRulmann J. Singleton J. Thomson G. Vertue (G. Vertue ?) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 197 Subject 101. Copy from the above ; same length. (C. S. 69.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 8} in. same plate, reworked. same plate ; with address of C. Bowles added. 102. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal, with sceptre and axe. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 103. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. Pub. Pickering, &c. Line ; 4| X 31 in. 104. Similar picture belonging to Lord Ailsa; H. L., to 1., hand omitted; vignette. Front, to vol. iii. of Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 1852. Stipple. 105. H. L., face in profile to L, veil over back of head; vignette. Prom picture at Workington HaU. Front. to vol. iv. of Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 1853. Stipple. Proof before inscription. 106. H. L., to 1., in hood. PL to Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery ; pub. I. Herbert 1797. Stipple ; 61 X 45 in. 107. When Queen of Prance; bust, to r., in crown and mantle. ',F. Bonneville del.' Line ; 4 X 31 in. 108. Aged 16; H. L., to r., in cap with feathers; vignette. From picture at Hardwick HaU. PL to Miss Costello's Eminent Englishwomen, 1844. Stipple. 109. Same miniature ; rect. ; without title ; 1645. (Parthey 1705.) Etching ; 25 X 15 in. 110. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in crown and mantle, pointing to picture of her execution ; account of her in Latin and French below. Line ; 14i X 10} in. 111. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Lith. 112. Bust, slightly to L, in rufi and lace cap; rect. Pub. J. Dickenson 1824. Lith. ; 91 X 71 in. 118. W. L., standing, in robes; ornamental frame. ' S. Wale del.' PL to Raymond's Hist, of England. Line. 114. H. L., looking to L, in costume temp. James I. ; oval. Line ; 3} X 31 in. 115. T. Q. L., to r,, standing, holding crucifix; her execution in background ; ' Oonscius mevs in Exoelsis.' Line ; 61 X 3} in. 116. Copy from the last, H. L. only ; background omitted. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1807. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 117. SimUar to the preceding, T. Q. L,, holding book and crucifix. ' J. Loets del.' Pub, at Nuremberg. Line ; 4} x 2} in. Painter ' P. Zucchero ' Engraver Anon. G. Vertue W. H. Worth ington J. C. Armytage P. Bartolozzi F. Bonneville J. Brown W. Hollar J. Couvay A. Deveria Mad. Fabroni C. Grignion J. HaU G. Huret E. Bocquet J. A. Boener 198 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver oval. ' Maria Koniginn van Schott- MARY, Queen of Scots — continued. 118. H. L., to L, in ermine-lined mantle and black veil. ' Prom a portrait in Holyrood Palace.' Line ; 41 x 31 in. 119. H. L., to L, in crown and high standing rufi. ' Gr6vedon del.' PL to Galerie du Palais Boyal. Lith. ; lOi X 81 in. 120. H. L., to 1. From the fabricated picture formerly in the Bodleian Gallery. Printed iu colours. (Whit man 360.) Mezz. ; 211 X 16} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, cut. 121. Same picture. Pub. J. WhesseU, Oxford, 1825. Mixed ; 75 X 6} in. 122. Same picture, in frame. ' G. P. Harding del.' Pub. T. Butler, Oxford, 1831. Stipple. 123. Same picture, with variations ; oval. PL to Le Livre, 1883. Aquatint ; 41 X 31 in. 124. H. L., to r. land.' Stipple ; 3 X 21 in. 125. H. L., to r., looking to L, in open standing lace coUar, fan in r. hand ; oval in rich frame. Modern. Stipple.MARY (TUDOR); d. of Henry VII; 3rd Queen of Louis XII of France ; afterwards married Charles Brandon, Duke of Sufiolk ; 1498-1533. 1. Bust, looking to L, in French hood ; circular frame with ornaments. PL to Mezeray's Hist, de France, 1643, etc. Line ; 8 X 61 in. 2. W. L., standing, looking to L, in angular hood. PL to Lady's Mag., 1837. Coloured. Mixed. 8. H. L., to r., in large rising collar; rich oval frame; with title ' Marie Tudor.' ' Bambert inv. 1863.' [False.] Woodcut. 4. With the Duke of Sufiolk ; H. L., to r., holding the Duke's hand, an emblematical device in her r. hand. Prom the picture now at Woburn. No. Ill of Vertue's set of Tudor prints. Line ; 18 X 21i in. 5. T. Q. L., to r., in angular hood, book in 1. hand. a painting. Line ; 41 X 3} in. Prom MARY, Princess Royal; d. of Charles I; w. of WiUiam II, Prince of Orange and mother of WiUiam III of England; 1631-1660. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding up drapery against her breast. J. Lutma exc. Etching ; 10 X 8 in. 2. Bust, to r. ; oval frame decorated with amorini, fruit, flowers, &c. Soutman exc. (Wussin 7.) Line ; 165 X 131 in. J. A. Backer G. Honthorst W. H. Lizars C. Moitte C. Turner J. WhesseU T. Woolnoth Anon. Zolt Anon. (J. de Bie) E. Hargrave HebertG. Vertue Anon. J. Lutma J. Suyderhoef Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 199 Subject Painter 3. Bust, to 1. ; oval in reot. frame. Pub. 1649. (Smith 139.) Line; 141 X HI in. 4. Aged 15 ; bust, to L, iu headdress with ostrich feather, a quiver at her back ; oval frame inscribed ' Anno 1646 Aetatis 15.' Line ; 101 X 9 i"- 5. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table. Sold R. Tompson. (C. S. 27.) Mezz. ; 111 X 9 in- Six impressions, same plate, with Van Dyck's name substituted for that of Hanneman. Four impressions. 6, Copy from the last, H. L. only ; circular frame placed against a pedestal. A headpiece. Line ; 3 X 61 in. 7. H. L., to r. ; oval frame with ornaments. Pub. J. Haffman & P. Meyer. Line ; 135 X 81 iu. 8. H. L., to 1. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; 201 X 161 in. 9. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in turban-like headdress; a negro servant putting a pearl bracelet on her arm. Prom picture in the Mauritshuis at the Hague. Photograph. 10. Same picture, bust only. Photograph. 11. When a child; W. L., to L, standing, a spaniel crouching at her feet. Without any inscription. (C. S. p. 1666.) Mezz. ; 145 X 101 in, 12. T. Q. L., to L, holding drapery with r. hand; plain oval frame in rect. Sold W. Faithorne. (Pagan p. 10.) Line ; 85 X 71 in. Two impressions. 13. Aged 10; W. L., to 1., standing, hands folded before her. Prom picture now belonging to Lord Normanton. PL to Burlington Mag., 1904. Keproduction. 14. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval frame inscribed ' Nata nil Die Novemb. MDCXXXL' A. van Waes- bergen exo. Line ; 145 X 111 in, 15, Copy from the last, with same inscription. H, Hondius exc. Line ; 101 X 8 in, 16, Another copy, reversed ; oval frame inscribed ' Anno Aetatis suae 10, 1641.' C. Dassegnies exc. Hague. Liue ; 91 X 8 in. 17. Same picture, to 1. ; plain oval frame in rect. Sold R. Peake. (Pagan p. 10.) Line ; 9 X 75 in. Two impressions. 18. Similar to the preceding; nearly W. L., to L, arm on chair ; ornamental frame. Line ; 61 X 4| in. G. Honthorst A. Hanneman Engraver G. Honthorst J. Mytens A. Van Dyck (A. Van Dyck) A. Van Dyck C. Visscher H. Danekers W. Paithorne jun. G. Vertue J. Houbraken L. V. Siegen (H. CoussinP) (W. Paithorne) C. V. Queboren H. Hondius C. V. Queboren (W. Paithorne) P. de Jode 200 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MARY, Princess of Orange — continued. 19. Bust, to r. ; octagonal frame. PL to Memoirs of Count Grammont ; pub. J. Carpenter & Miller. A. Van Dyck E. Scriven Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 20. W. L., to L, standing, laying gloves on a table. (Parthey 1467.) W. HoUar Etching ; 65 X 45 in. 21. Nearly T. Q. L., to L, hands joined; oval. Sold T. Bankes. (Parthey 1466.) 39 Etching; 61 X 35 in. 22. SimUar to the last, H. L. only ; oval. (Parthey 1307.) 99 Etching ; 25 X 2J in. 23. When a child ; H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval. French title. B. Moncornet exc. Anon. Line ; 6| X 41 in. 24. H. L., to r. ; rect. frame, with border of palms, etc. Line ; 6} X 41 in. Clipped impression. See Groups (children of Charles I). MARY, Princess; Landgravine of Hesse-Cassel ; 4th d. of George II. ; 1723-1772. 1. H. L., full face; with title 'Fourth Daughter to his Majesty King George 2°«.' Sold J. Faber. (C. S. 286.) A. Pond J. Paber jun. Mezz. ; 105 X 85 in. same plate, with title altered to ' Consort to Frederick, Prince of Hesse.' „ 99 2. When young; nearly W. L., face to r., standing by table on which lies a coronet. (C. S. 99.) J. Simon J. Simon Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. Three impressions. 3. W. L., to L, seated, in robes, r. arm on cushion on which is a coronet. (C. S. 18, I.) J. Worsdale G. Bockman Mezz. ; 135 X 9} in. [Afterwards issued as a portrait of Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary,] See Groups (Royal); MARY, Princess ; 4th d. of George III ; w, of H,R,H, WiUiam Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester, K.G,; 1776-1857. 1. W. L., to r., seated, in evening dress, holding fan. Pub. W. Say 1819. W. Beechey W. Say Mezz, ; 171 X 131 ii- 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval in rect. 39 9» Mezz. ; 7} X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. 3. Bust, to r. ; circle in ornamental frame with crown. Pub. E. Orme 1817. W. M. Craig S. Preeraan Stipple ; 4 in. diam. same plate, with frame and artists' names removed. engraved title inserted. 99 99 4. Aged 7 ; H. L., looking to 1. From picture at Windsor. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Gainsborough G. Sanders Mezz. ; 45 X 31 in. 5. H. L., fuU face, in hat and mantle. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1833. (Whitman 115.) L. Girard S. "W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 91 X 7} in. same plate, with inscription re-engraved. 33 S5 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 201 Subject 6. When a chUd; T. Q. L,, full face, in hat, tippet and gloves. From picture at Windsor. Pub. C. Watson 1785. Stipple ; 6| X 41 in. 7. Same picture. Printed in colours. Line ; 81 X 6} in. 8. Same picture. PL to Gust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace amd Windsor, 1905. Photogravure ; 13} X 91 in. 9. Same picture. PI. to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 91 X 71 in. 10. H. L., full face ; oval in reot. frame. Pub. Graves & Walmsley 1841. Mezz. and stipple ; 71 X 61 in. 11. Late in life; T. Q. L., to L, seated, winding wool; vignette. Without title. Lith. 12. H. L., looking to 1., in cap; vignette. Pub. Colnaghi & Puckle 1841. Lith. 13. Similar to the last. Lith.Proof before any inscription. 14. Late in life; H. L., to L; oval. Pub. J. MitcheU 1851. Lith. ; 8} X 71 in. 15. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1. Pub. E. Harding 1806. Stipple ; 8 X 61 in. 16. Late in Ufe; H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Lith. Proof before any inscription. See Groups (Children of George III). MARY ADELAIDE (of Cambridge), Duchess of Teck; d. of Adolphus, 1st Duke of Cambridge, K.G. ; mother of H.M. Mary, Queen of George V ; 1883-1897. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith.2. Nearly W. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., in evening dress ; oval. No. 1 of set Ladies of the Court of Queen Victoria ; pub. Dickinson 1869. Stipple ; 141 X 12 in. 8. Aged 5 ; W. L., standing by a Newfoundland dog, on whose nose she has placed a biscuit. PL to library ed. of Landseer's Works ; pub. Graves & Co. 1883. Mezz. ; 71 X 61 in. 4. Same picture. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut. 5. Same picture ; circle. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1897. Woodcut. 6. Nearly W. L,, to r., standing, in out-door dress, holding muff. PL to Whitehall Beview, 1877. Lith.1. Aged 13 ; bust, to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. MitcheU 1851. Lith. Painter J. Hoppner T. Lawrence W. C. Ross Winterhalter A. Blind (L. Dickinson) E. Landseer A. Maclure Engraver C. Watson P. Bonato J. E. Coombs T. Pairland E. Morton T. H. Maguire M. A. Bourlier A. Blind Anon.R. Josey Anon. 33 A. Maclure Winterhalter R. J. Lane 202 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MARY ADELAIDE, Duchess of Tleck-continued. 8. When a child, seated on a cushion on the ground, full face. PL to Mrs. Pairlie's Children of the Nobility, 1888. Stipple ; 81 X 61 in. 9. With the Duke and Princess Victoria ; a group. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut. 10. When Princess Mary of Cambridge; H. L., to r. ; vignette. Cutting from a newspaper, 1866. Woodcut.11. T. Q. L., to L, standing. Prom a photograph. Suppl. to St. James's Budget, 1897. Process block. 12. W. L., to r., standing in a room. Prom a photograph. Gutting from Illust. London Neios, 1897. Process block. 13. Same photograph, T. Q. L. only. Suppl. to Lady's Pictorial, 1897. Process block. 14. W. L., standing, with her daughter the Duchess of York, who is seated. Prom a photograph. Suppl. to Illust. London News, 1897. Process block, MARY OP BUTTERMERE. See Robinson, Mary, MARYBOROUGH, WILLIAM WELLESLEY POLE, Baron. See Mornington. MASAROON", ROBERT ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 45 X 4 in. MASCALL, EDWARD; portrait painter ; fl. 1650. 1. H. L., to r., in cloak ; octagonal frame in rect. Line ; 7} x 61 in. MASCALL, LEONARD ; farrier to King James I ; d. 1589. 1. Small head, to r. ; in title to his Government of Cattle, ed. 1662. Etching. MASERES, FRANCIS, P.R.S. ; oursitor baron of the exchequer ; mathematician and reformer ; 1731-1824. 1. Aged 83; T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair ; vignette. Private plate. Line.MASH, THOMAS BAUCUTT ; ofBcer of the jewel house. 1. W. L,, standing, in coronation dress; vignette, PL to Sir G, Nayler's work on Coronation of George IV. Coloured. Stipple.MASKELYNE, NEVIL, D.D., P.R.S.; astronomer royal; 1732-1811. 1. H. L,, to r. ; oval, PL to J. Asperne 1804, Stipple ; 35 X 31 in, 2, Silhouette profile, ¦ See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science), European Mag. ; pub. Painter H. B. Ziegler Engraver H. Austen R. Taylor & Co. Anon. W. Gush E. Mascall C. Hayter P. Stephanoff J. Thomson J. Gammon (R. Gaywood) P. Audinet H. Meyer Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 203 Subject MASON, CHARLES, D.D. ; Woodwardian professor at Cambridge; 1698-1770, 1. H. L., to r., iu gown and bands. Etching ; 61 X 61 in. MASON, DOROTHY. See Beownlow, Dorothy, Lady. ' Knight of the Poker ' ; MASON, 'Sib' EDMUND lunatic ; d. 1801. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding hat and poker; 1788. Printed in colours. Aquatint ; 5 X 4 iu. 2. Copy from the last ; with letterpress below. Rough woodcut ; 45 X 3} in. MASON, EMMET, (born Oneby) ; w. of Richard M., M.D. ; 1624-1707. 1. When Miss Oneby ; H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to Nichols's Bibliotheca Topographica, art. Hinckley. Line ; 35 X 31 iu. MASON, GEORGE, D.D.; bishop of Sodor and Man; 1729-1783. seated, directed and looking to on table. .Pub. W. Dickinson r., in 1788. 1. Nearly W. L., rochet, r. arm (C. S. 47.) Mezz. ; 161 X 13 in. Two impressions, MASON, GEORGE HEMING, A,R,A. ; painter ; 1818- 1872. 1. A head, nearly in profile to L, in hat ; vignette. Woodcut.MASON, JOHN ; methodist minister ; d. 1864. 1, H, L,, looking to 1, ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1825. Stipple.MASON, (Right Hon.) JOHN MONCK, M.P. ; com missioner of revenue for Ireland ; Shakspearean com mentator; 1726-1809. 1. H. L., to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1791. Stipple ; 45 X 41 in. MASON, J., M.A. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in gown and bands ; rect,, with name on tablet below; book illustration, 0. 1800, Line and stipple ; 41 x 21 in. Clipped impression, MASON, WILLIAM ; stenographer ; fl, 1700. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. frame, with four lines : — ' Let others who the Flying Pen command,' etc. Pront. to his La Plume Volante, etc. Woodcut ; 4j X 2} in. MASON, WILLIAM, M.A. ; prebendary of York ; poet and biographer of Gray ; 1724-1797. 1. H. L,, looking to L, scroll in 1, hand. Prom picture at Pembroke CoUege, Cambridge, Pub, W. Doughty 1779. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; 161 X 13 in. One proof with scratched inscription ; one fnlly lettered impression. Painter Record T. Kettle J. Renton S. Harding Engraver (J. Bretherton) J. Reynolds P. Jukes S. Jones Anon. W. Dickinson Anon. W. T. Pry C. Knight Anon. W. Doughty 204 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PAnSTTEB Engraver MASON, ^ILIAAM.— continued. 2, Same picture ; rect, frame. J. Reynolds R. Cooper Stipple ; 61 X 45 in. 3. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. 33 S. W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 55 X 4} in. 4. Same picture; vignette. PL to Contemporary Por traits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1813. 33 E. Scriven Stipple. 5. H. L., in profile to L, seated at a table, paper in r. hand. L. Vaslet C. Carter Etching ; 6} x,61 in. same plate, retouched, with address of John Manson 1785. »9 33 6. Bust, r. profile ; circular frame on pedestal. PL to European Mag. ; pub. I. Fielding 1783. W. Angus Line ; 55 X 35 in. 7. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. Book illustration. W. Holl Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 8. Similar to the last; oval. Anon. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 9. Bust, nearly in profile, to 1. ; oval. Pub. Vernor & Hood 1807. Mackenzie Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. MASON, WILLIAM; secretary of the grand lodge of freemasons, Edinburgh ; d. 1795. 1. Bust, full face, in hat ; with title ' Grand Secretary ' ; 1787. J. Kay J.Kay Etching ; 3} X 21 in. MASSEY, Sir EDWARD ; parUamentary general ; 1619 ?-1674 ? 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. ' CoUonell Massie Appoynted Lieutenant GeneraU.' Anon. Line ; '31 x 25 in. 2. H. L., directed and looking to L, in armour. PL to Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. „ Line ; 31 X 25 in. MASSEY, EYRE ; general. See Clarina. MASSEY, HUGH. 1. W. L., to 1. standing, playing violin; with title 'The Merry Pidler.' PL to Tempest's Cryes of London. M . Laroon J. Savage Line ; 8} X 6| in. MASSEY, JOHN ; ballad-singer and beggar. 1. W. L., to L, standing by wall, holding ballads ; a young woman and a boy listening to him. Pub. 1775. (G. S. 105, Prankau 234.) G Carter J. R. Smith Mezz. ; 125 x 10 in. Two proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched. MASSEY, (Mrs.) ; actress. 1. As Christina in Brooke's Gustavus Vasa ; W. L., 1. profile, standing. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1778. J. Roberts Anon. Line ; 51 X 35 in. MASSINGER, PHILIP ; dramatist ; 1583-1640. 1. H. L., to L, holding glove; oval within wreath. Pront. to his Three New Plays, 1655. T. Cross Line ; 51 x 35 in. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 20.5 Subject Painteb 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 3. Another copy, to r. ; oval frame of masonry. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 4. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 45 X 38 in. 5. Another copy, to 1. ; reot. Etching ; 35 X 31 in. MASSLIN, CHARLES; dissenting minister at Hertford. 1. Bust, to r., in gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evan gelical Mag. ; pub. Williams & Son 1814. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. MASSON, (Monsieur) ; tennis player. 1, W. L., to r., standing, leaning on plinth of a column, racquet in r. hand. Pub, J, Wesson 1769. (C. S. 18.) Mezz, ; 181 X 14 in, MASSY, WILLIAM GODFREY DUNHAM, C,B,, (' Redan ' Massy) ; lieut.-general ; b, 1888. 1. T. Q. L., directed and looking to 1., resting on crutches ; verses by Mrs. Gore below. Pub. S. Marks. Mezz. ; 131 X Hi in. MASTER, MARTIN ; mathematician ; inventor of the measuring wheel ; b. 1607. 1. Aged 53; H. L., to r,, in cloak, holding compasses; on plate with representation of his wheel. Front, to his Surveyor's Perambulator, 1661. Etching ; 31 X 21 in. same plate ; representation of the wheel cut ofi. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1821. Line ; 31 X 21 in. MASTER, Sib STREYNSHAM; governor of Madras; 1640-1724. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and armour. Illust. to Yule's Hist, of the Pitt Diamond. Reproduction ; 45 x 4 in. MASTERS, ROBERT, B.D., F.S.A. ; rector of Land- beach ; historian of Corpus Christi CoUege, Cambridge ; 1713-1798. 1. H. L., to 1., in wig. Pub. Deighton, Cambridge, 1795. Stipple ; 12 X 8} in. « MATCH MAKER.' See Jemmy. 'MATERNAL APPECTION.' See Dashwood, Mary Ellen, Lady See Melbourne, Elizabeth, Viscountess. ' MATERNAL LOVE.' See Morgan, Louisa. MATHER, ALEXANDER ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 62 ; bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1796. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. Engraver J. H. Mortimer Anon. C. Grignion Anon. T. Blood B. Brooksh aw S. Marks R. Gaywood R. Graves T. Kerrich Pacius W. Ridley 206 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MATHER, COTTON, D.D,, F.R,S, ; minister of Boston, New England ; 1668-1728, 1, Aged 65; H, L,, face slightly to L, in wig, gown and bands; ovnL Pub, P, Pelham, (C. S. 26.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Two impressions, one modern. MATHER, INCREASE, D.D. ; father of the preceding ; president of Harvard CoUege ; 1639-1728. 1. Aged 44; bust, to r., in skull-cap and bands; oval. (C. S. 72.) Mezz. ; 81 X 21 in. MATHER, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Beverley. 1. H. L., to 1., in gown and bands, book in 1. hand; vighette, PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub, F, Westley 1823, Stipple, MATHER, SAMUEL; brother of Cotton M, ; non conformist minister at Witney, Oxon, 1. H. L., to L, in bands and gown ; oval. (C. S. 101.) Mezz. ; 71 X 65 in. MATHESON, Sir JAMES, bart., M.P., F.R.S, ; China merchant; 1796-1878, 1, When Mr, M, ; T, Q, L,, to r,, seated, holding letter. Pub, J, Lonsdale 1837. Mezz. ; 12 X 91 iu. MATHEW, ELLIS, (born Smyth) ; 1st w. of Francis M., afterwards Ist Earl of Llandafi ; d. 1781. 1. W. L., to L, standing, 1. wrist on hip ; a spaniel running before her. Pub. Dickinson & Watson 1780. (C.S. 48.) Mezz. ; 235 X 15 in. One proof before title ; two fully lettered impressions, MATHEW, (Hon,) MONTAGUE ; s, of 1st Earl of Llan- daff ; general ; d, 1819, 1, Bust, to L, in private dress; vignette, PL to Sir J, Barrington's Historic Memoirs ; pub, G, Robinson 1811, Stipple ; 6 X 6i in, MATHEW, THEOBALD ('Father' Mathew); apostle of temperance ; 1790-1856, 1. T. Q. L., standing by a waterfall, directed and looking to L, hands extended. Mezz. ; 175 X 141 in. 2. T. Q. L., seated, full face, hands clasped ; with facsimile of autograph. Etchiug ; 61 X 35 in. Impression worked on with black chalk. 3. H. L., to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. 4. Administering the temperance pledge ; W. L., standing, 1. profile; vignette. Pub. New British and Foreign Temperance Society. Woodcut. MATHEW, (Miss). 1. H. L., looking upwards to r., holding circlet, hair blown by wind; reot. frame. Pub. J. Hunt. (0. S. 8.) Mezz. ; V>\ X 8} in. Painter P. Pelham R. Philips J. Lonsdale J. Reymolds J. Petrie S. West Engraver P. Pelham Anon. T. Blood J. Simon H. Cousins W. Dickinson W. Peters J. Heath W. O. Geller E. I. Harding Anon. J. Saunders Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 207 Subject Painter Engraver MATHEW. See Bertib-Mathew. MATHEWS, ANNE, (born Jackson) ; 2nd w. of Charles M. the actor ; d. 1869. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Co. 1806. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 1776-1835. ' At Home ' A Trip to Pub. W. Cribb 1819. MATHEWS, CHARLES ; actor ; 1. As the old Scotch Lady in his Paris ; bust, to r. ; circle in rect. Mezz. ; 6 X 6 in. 2. As Gregory in Fielding's The Mock Doctor;. W. L., standing, full face. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 41 X 3 in. 3. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. Cawthorn. Stipple.4. As Risk in Colman's Love laughs at Locksmiths ; H. L., nearly fuU face ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1804. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. 5. As Index in Kenney's The World; W. L., standing, holding hat, stick and document ; rect. frame. Pub. J. BeU & De .Camp 1808. Stipple ; 6J X 35 in. 6. Representing four extraordinary characters. Fond Barney, Mr. Wiggins, a drunken ostler, and an idiot. From picture in Garrick Club. Pub. H. Meyer 1817. Mezz. ; 24 X 195 in. 7, Same picture, Pront to vol, ii, of his Memoirs ; pub, R, Bentley 1838, Line ; 4 X 31 in. 8. As Caleb Pipkin in the May Queen; W. L., seated, mending a saucepan. PI to vol. iv, of same work. Line ; 4| X 3 in. 9, H. L,, seated, looking to 1, Pub, P. Colnaghi & Son 1826. (Whitman 361,) Mezz. ; 101 X 85 in. Two proofs with open letters. 10. As M. Morbleu; W. L., standing, holding candle; vignette. Pub. J. Cumberland 1827. Stipple. 11. H. L., full face ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1825. Stipple. 12. Similar to the last ; vignette. Stipple.13. In character ; W. L. , seated, with child on his knee ; circle in rect. Without any inscription. Etching ; 31 X 2} in. 14. As Romeo RantaU; W. L., to r. Pub. W. West. Coloured. Etching. 15. In six characters in Stories, part of his entertainment The Youthful Days of Mr. Mathews. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1822. Coloured. Lith. A. E. Chalon S. De Wilde G. H. Harlow G. P. Lewis J. Lonsdale T. Wageman Ridley & Co. G. Clint W. Bond T. Priscott W. Ridley E. Scriven H. Meyer W. Greatbach 33 C. Turner T. Woolnoth 33 Neeles Anon. 208 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MATHEWS, GHA-RIMQ— continued. 16. Copy from the last. Coloured. Aquatint. 17. As Scout in Village Lawyer ; W. L., seated on chair, cross-legged. PL to British Stage, 1817. Coloured. Etching ; 65 X 35 in. 18. 'Characters in Mathews's Comic Annual, 1832.' Coloured. Aquatint ; 55 X 71 in. 19. ' Mathews's Invitations ' ; three subjects, ' Popper,' ' Scully ' and ' City Barge.' Coloured. Etching ; 61 X 4} in. See Gboups (with Blanchard and Liston). MATHEWS, CHARLES JAMES ; s. of the preceding ; actor; 1803-1878. 1. As George Rattleton in The Humpbacked Lover ; W. L., standing, looking to L, holding hat and whip ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. 2. As Tim in The Old and Young Stager ; W. L., to L, standing, holding bridle ; vignette. Prom a sketch. Pub. J. Dickinson. Lith. 3. T. Q. L,, to L, seated in armchair ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith.MATHEWS, LUCIA ELIZABETH ; w. of the preceding. See Vestbis. MATHEWS, SAMUEL; the Dulwich hermit; 1782- 1802. 1. Aged 70; W. L., to r., seated on the ground, whittling a stick. PL to Kirby's Wonderful Museum, 1808. Line ; 6f X 4| in. MATHEWS, THOMAS ; admiral; 1676-1751. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, standing by a cannon, truncheon in r. hand ; fleet in background. Pub. J. Paber, T. Bowles & J. Bowles. (C. S. 237.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Three impressions, 2, T, Q. L., to r., standing, truncheon in r. hand, 1. on cannon; 1744. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 13| X 105 in. Two impressions. 3. Bust, to r. ; oval supported by figures of Neptune and Fame. Pub. G. Bodeuehr, Augsburg. Mezz. ; 16} x 10} in. MATHIAS, BENJAMIN WILLIAMS; chaplain of Bethesda, Dublin ; 1772-1841. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, in gown and bands r. arm on back of chair. Pub. AUen & Sons Dublin' 1821. (Whitman 362.) Mezz. ; 135 x 115 in, MATHIESON, PETER; Sir Walter Scott's coachman. 1. W. L., to L, standing by horse. From picture at Abbotsford. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1908, Photogravure ; 4} X 35 in. Painter A. E. Chalon R. J. Lane G. Arnold Arnuphy Borrotto Mrs. Taylor G. D. Engraver Anon. E. Morton Anon. J. Greig J. Paber jun. G. Johnson G. Bodenehr C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 209 Subject MATILDA; d. of Henry I.; married 1. Henry V., Emperor of Germany ; 2. Geoffrey Plantagonot, Count of Anjou; 1102-1167. 1. Her great seal ; with others of Henry I. and Stephen. PL to Sandford's Genealogical History, 1677. Liue. 2. Bust, full face. Small roundel cut from a pedigree of George III. ' W. M. Craig del.' Woodcut. MATON, ROBERT ; fanatic ; 1607-1653 ? 1. Bust, to r. ; without inscription. Pront. to his Fifth Monarchy, 1655. Line ; 31 X 21 in. MATTHAY, TOBIAS AUGUSTUS; pianist; b. 1858. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; from photograph. Cutting from The Keyboard, 1893. Process block. MATTHEW, TOBIAS, D.D. ; archbishop of York; 1546-1628. 1. H. L., to L, in cap and rochet, hands on book; orna mental oval frame, with eight Latin lines below ; with addresses of H. HoUand and G. Humble. Line ; 7 X 45 in- 2. Copy from the last, reversed; oval with cartouche below. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 51 X 4 iu. 3. Another copy, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Modern. Line ; 3} x 31 in. MATTHEW, Sir TOBIE ; s. of the preceding ; diplo matist and writer ; 1577-1655. 1. H. L., to v., holding gloves; oval frame. Pront. to his CoUection of Letters, 1660. Line ; 51 X 3| iu. MATTHEWS, ARTHUR SIDNEY; gigantic infant; b. 1844. 1. W. L., standing by chair, ' as he appeared before Her Majesty, March 6, 1845 ' ; vignette. Pub. T. IMoLean 1845. Lith. MATTHEWS, HENRY; judge of the supreme court ot Ceylon, and author of Diary of an Invalid; 1789- 1828. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Lith. MATTHEWS, SARAH BLANCHE ; actress ; b. 1794. 1. T. Q. L., seated, full face, book in 1. hand. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. Bell 1815. stipple ; 63 X IJ in. MATTOCKS, GEORGE ; actor ; d. 1804. 1. H. L., to L, face in profile; broad oval frame. Pub. W. Richardson 1779. (C. S. p. 797.) Mezz. ; 51 x 41 in. VOL. III. Painter Engraver P. Corbaux C. Hayter R. Dighton Anon. J. Berryman (T. Cross) R. Elstraek Anon. J. Gammon Anon, Anon. T. Burke R. Laurie p 210 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MATTOCKS, GEORGE— coniijtaed. 2. With Mrs. CargiU; as Macheath and PoUy in The Beggar's Opera; W. L., standing together. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1782. Line ; 51 X 31 in. 8. With MissHarpur (afterwards Mrs. Bannister) ; as Lord Aimworth and Patty in Bickerstafie's Maid of the Mill ; W. L., standing together. PL to same work. Line ; 6 X 31 in. 4. As Achilles in Gay's Achilles ; W. L., holding sword and shield. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1777. Coloured. Line ; 61 X 31 iu, 5, In same character; small W, L,, in woman's clothes; without background. Pub, J, Harrison 1779. Line. 6. With Miss Brown (afterwards Mrs. CargiU) ; as Ferdinand and Clara in The Duenna; W. L,, standing together. Line ; 35 X 85 in 7, With Mrs, Baker ; as Apollo and Daphne in O'Hara's Midas ; W, L, ; circular frame. A watch-paper. Pub. R. Sayer 1773. Line ; 15 in. diam. 8. As the squire in Bickerstaffe's Thomas and Sally ; W. L. ; circular frame. A watch-paper. Pub. R. Sayer. Line ; 1} in., diam. 9. With John Quick; as Don Ferdinand and Mendoza in The Duenna; W. L., standing together. Pub C Bowles 1777. (C. S. 107.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 iu. MATTOCKS, ISABELLA, (born Hallam) ; w. of the preceding ; actress ; 1746-1826. 1. As Widow Warren in Holcroft's Road to Ruin; W. L,, to r,, standing, holding fan. Pub. J. Roach 1792. Line ; 4} X 31 iu. 2. As Lady Restless iu Murphy's All in the Wrong ; W. L., to r., seated by table ; oval in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 45 x 31 in. 3. As Elvira in Dryden's Spanish Fryar ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to same work, 1791. Line ; 41 x 31 in. 4. As Lettice in Fielding's Intriguing Chambermaid; W. L., to L, standing. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 4} X 3 iu, 5, H, L,, looking to r, ; Richardson 1780, (C, S Mezz, ; 61 X 41 in, 6. Bust, to r, ; oval, PL Asperne 1807, Stipple ; 35 X 3 in, 7. With Mr. Wilson ; as Miss Prue and Ben in Dryden's AU fo>- Love; W. L., the former seated, the latter standing. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776, Line ; 6 X 35 in. broad oval frame, , p, 797.) Pub. W. to European Mag. ; pub. J. R. Dighton D. Dodd J. Roberts Walker J. CoUyer Thornthwaite Terry Anon. Cruikshanks S. De Wilde R. Dighton S. Drummond E. Edwards Barlow P. Audinet J. Comer Williamson R. Laurie Ridley & Co. j B. Reading Catalogue of Engraved. British Portraits 'AU Subject 8. H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1800. Stipple ; S X 25 in. 9. As Princess Catherine in Henry 1'.; W. L., standing, looking to r. ; without background. PL to BeU's ed. of Shakspeare, 1775. Line ; Si X 3} iu. 10. As Elvira in the Spanish Fryar ; W. L., to L, standing, holding up veil; without background. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1777. Line ; 61 X 31 in. 11. Reversed copy from the last. PL to same work. Line ; 65 X 35 in. 12. As Hermione in A Winter's Tale; small W, L,, stand ing ; without background. Pub, J, Harrison 1779, Line, 13, As Mrs, Warren in The Road to Ruin; W, L,, to r,, standing, holding fan. Line ; 61 x 31 in, 14, As Nyfa iu O'Hara's Midas; small W. L,, to i,, standing ; without background. Line, 15, As Isabella; small W. L., standing, looking to i. ; without background. Pub. Harrison & Co. 1781. Line. MATURIN, CHARLES ROBERT; Irish dramatist and novelist; 1782-1824. 1. H. L., looking to r., in cloak, book in 1. hand. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. H. Colburn 1819. Stipple ; 63 X 41 in. MATY, MATTHEW, M.D., P.R.S. ; principal librarian of the British Museum ; 1718-1776. 1. Bust, looking to r., in cap ; circle. Private plate. Stipple ; 41 in. diam. 2. Copy from the last ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1800. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. MATY, PAUL HENRY, F.R.S, ; », of the preceding ; under-librarian at the British Museum and secretary of the Royal Society ; 1745-1787. 1. A head, 1. profile ; oval medaUion. Prom model now in Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Anaglyptogr.aph ; 31 X 2§ iu. MAUD CHARLOTTE MARY VICTORIA, Queen of Norway ; 3rd d. of Edward VII. ; b. 1869. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Almanach de Gotha, 1907. Stipple. 2. Bust, full face.. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Process block. 3. W. L., standing with her sister Princess Victoria. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MAUDSLAY, HENRY; engineer; 1771-1881. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science), Painter Engraver Miller W. Ridley J. Roberts C. Grignion ., Thornthwaite 53 Anon. Terry Anon. W. Brocas J. Tassie H. Meyer P. Bartolozzi W. Ridley A. Preebairn T. & A. Weger p 2 212 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MAUDUIT, ISAAC ; political writer ; 1708-1787. 1. Bust, to L; oval. PL to European Mag.; pub. J. Sewell 1787. Liue ; 31 X 25 in. MAULE, Sir FOX, M.P. See Dalhousib. MAULE, GEORGE BENJAMIN; barrister-at-law; d. 1850. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Private plate. stipple. MAULE, HENRY, D.D. ; bishop of Jleath ; d. 1758. 1. H. L., to 1., iu wig and rochet ; oval frame. Sold A. MiUer, Dublin. (C. S. 34.) Mezz. ; lOg X 85 in. MAUNDER, SAMUEL; compiler of tho Treasuries; 1785-1849. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, looking to r. ; with fac simile of autograph. Pub. Longman. Stipple ; 5} X 41 in. MAURICE, EDWARD, D.D. ; bishop of Ossory; d. 1756. 1. T. Q. L., to r., in private dress, holding hat, gloves and cane ; two Latin lines below : — ' Rura mihi,' etc. ; with out title. (C. S. 126, Goodwin 150.) Mezz. ; 125 x 95 in. ')ne proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. MAURICE, Sir (JOHN) FREDERICK, K.CB. ; general; b. 1841. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MAURICE, FREDERICK DENISON; incumbent of St. Peter's, Vere Street ; theological writer ; 1805-1872. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith. 2. Bust, looking downwards to r. Front, to his Life; pub. Macmillan 1884. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. Proof before inscription. MAURICE, THOMAS; assistant-keeper of JISS. in British Museum; author of Indian Antiquities ¦ 1754- 1824. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub J Sewell 1801. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 2. Bust, tol.; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub Veruor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. MAURY, JAMES. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair. Lith. ; 62 X 51 in. MAVOR, WILLIAM PORDYCE, LL.D. ; compiler of educational works ; 1758-1837. 1. H. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to r. Pront. to his Miscellanies ; pub. C. Turner 1829. (Whit man 363.) .Mezz. ; 51 X 41 in. Painter M. Chamberlin H. W. Phillips A. Lee J. Waugh T. Hudson Engraver T. Holloway P. Holl S. Laurence S. Drummond Plimer G. S. Newton J. Saxon A. Miller E. Pinden J. McArdell J. H. Lynch C. H. Jeens W. Ridley R. J. Lane C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 21.3 Subject MAWBEY, Sir JOSEPH, bart., M.P. ; distiller and whig politician ; 1730-1798. 1. Bust, looking to 1, ; oval frame of laurel. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1787. Line. MAXPIELD, THOMAS; chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon ; d. 1784. 1. H. L., full face, in pulpit, preaching, 1. hand on open bible before him. Pub. C. Bowles 1772. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 iu. same plate, retouched by R. Houston, whose name is substituted for Dawe's. (0. S. 78.) MAX-MULLER, (Right Hon.) FREDERICK, LL.D.: Sanskrit scholar ; professor of comparative philology at Oxford; 1823-1900. 1. H. L., r. profile, reading ; vignette. Lith. 2. H. L., L. profile. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MAXWELL, (Col.) ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, K.H. ; d. 1845. 1. H. L., to 1., in uniform ; vignette. Pront. to his Adventures ; pub. H. Colburn 1844. Stipple.MAXWELL, FRANCIS KELLY, M.A, ; chaplain to the Magdalen Asylum ; d. 1782. 1. H. L., looking to r., in' wig, gown and bands; oval frame. Pub. C. Bowles 1773. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 125 X 2} in. Two impressions. MAXWELL, JOHN HALL, C.B. ; agriculturalist; 1812-1866. 1. Bust, to L, wearing order ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. MAXWELL, (Capt.) Sir MURRAY, R.N., C.B., P.R.S.; 1775-1881. 1. W. L., standing, r. proflle, in uniform, hat in 1. hand. Pub. T. McLean. Etching. MAXWELL, THOMAS ; major-general ; 2nd husband of Jane Bickerton, Duchess of Norfolk. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, iu armour, holding truncheon ; helmet on pedestal beside him. J. Smith exc. (C. S. 180.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. MAXWELL, WILLIAM HAMILTON; author of Stories of Waterloo ; 1790-1850. 1, Bust, to r, ; vignette, PL to Bentley's Miscellany, 1840. Line. MAXWELL, (Mb.). ¦ See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). Painter (R. E. Pine) T. Beach W. Rothenstein P. Dawe Hahnisch R. Dighton J. Closterman S. Lover Engraver T. Holloway P. Dawe R. Houston W. Rothenstein Anon. P. Dawe Hahnisch R. Dighton John Smith W. Greatbach 214 Catalogue cf Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MAXWELL, (Mrs.), (born Bridges) ; w. of Henry M. of Eushot House ; 1755-1789. 1. W. L., full face, standing in landscape, 1. arm on pedestal. PL to Ward and Roberts's Romney, 1904. Photogravure ; 75 X 41 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Lord R. Gower's Romney, 1904. Photogravure ; 81 x 51 in. MAXWELL-SCOTT, (Hon.) MARY JMONICA, (born Hope-Scott); w. of Hon. J. C. Maxwell-Scott; great- granddaughter of Sir Walter Scott. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. From crayon drawing at Abbotsford. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 41 X 35 in. MAY, BAPTIST ; keeper of the privy purse to Charles II. ; 1629-1698. 1. H. L., nearly full face ; oval. Prom picture at BiUing- bear. PI, to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1795, "fc tipple ; 4} X 4 in, 2. Nearly W, L., to L, standing, 1, hand on sword. Prom picture now at Windsor. Photograph. MAY, CHARLES FREDERICK db ; prot^g^ of Prince Blucher ; b. 1813. 1. Aged 12 months ; W. L., sitting on bed, holding rattle. In a circular appealing for subscriptions on his behalf. Line ; 4} x 4 in. MAY, B. H. ; dissenting minister at Croydon. 1. H. L., to L, iu gown and bands; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis. Stipple.MAY, JAMES ; accomplice of Bishop and WiUiams the burkers. See Groups (with Bishop and WiUiams). MAY, JOHN; ship builder to the States General at Amsterdam ; , 1695-1777. 1. Aged 78 ; H. L., to 1. ; oval frame with arms. (C S 85 Whitman 88.) ' ' Mezz. ; 6 x 4i in. MAY, ROBERT ; writer on cookery ; b. 1589. 1. Aged 71 ; H. L., to r. ; six lines below :— ' What wouldst thou view,' etc. Front, to his Accomplished Cook, 1660. Line ; 5] X 31 in. MAY, THOMAS ; poet and historian ; 1595-1650. 1. Aged 55; H. L., to r., smaU book in r. hand, laurel wreath over his head. Pront. to his Histm-y of tlie Parliament, 1655. Line ; 4-| x 2} in. '^- Fnnf"^^^^^ '^°Py *™™ ^^'^ ^^^- ^^*- W. Richardson 1794. Line ; 4J x 25 in. 3. Another copy. Stipple ; 4; X 31 in. G. Romney J. R. Swinton P. Lely R. Clamp P. Rehberg Wildman J. Swaine Parker Marinkelle V. Green Anon. Anon. C. Medland Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 215 Subject Painter Engraver MAYDMAN, HENRY, (of Portsmouth) ; b. 1639. 1. Aged 52 ; H. L., to r., iu long wig ; oval frame of laurel. Pront. to his Naval Speculations, 1691. Line ; 55 X 4 in. Proof before any inscriptiou. MAYER, JOSEPH, (of Liverpool) ; collector ; 1803- 1886. 1. W. L., seated in his library, inspecting a vase ; a friend seated at a table beside him. Etching ; 75 X 7 in. MAYERNE, Sir THEODORE TURQUET de, M.D. ; physician to James I. and Charles I. ; 1573-1655. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, hand on stick. Line ; 31 X 21 iu. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated ; statue of .Silsculapius to r. Prom Dr. Mead's picture. (C. S. 102.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. Four impressions. 8. Aged 63; H. L., to i., holding skull; oval inscribed frame. Prom picture now at College of Physicians. Etching ; 8 X 61 in. 4. Same picture ; oval in reot. ' Anno iEtatis 82.' Line ; 61 X 3} in. 5. Same picture, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal ; ' Anno iEtat. 82.' Pront. to his Opera Medica, ed. J. Browne 1703. Line ; 95 x 65 in. MAYNARD, ANNABELLA (PARSONS), Viscountess; w. of Charles, 2nd Viscount; previously Mrs. Horton; courtesan ; d. 1808 ? 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., hands crossed before her. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 61 X 41 iu. 2. When Miss Parsons ; as Juno ; W. L., full face, standing by car on which is a peacock. (C, S, p. 1507, No, 51, III, Goodwin No, 142, III,) Mezz, ; 22 x 141 in. Three impressions, [This is J, Watson's plate, after T, Ifettle, of Ann Elliott, reduced and with the head altered.] 3. Copy from the last, T. Q. L. (C. S. p. 1741, No. 123.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10} in. 4. When Miss Parsons ; W. L. 1. arm on piUow. Pub. 1771. with artists' names scratched. Mezz. ; 22 X 175 in- Two impressions. 5. H. L., nearly full face Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. MAYNARD, Sib JOHN; king's serjeant and com missioner of the great seal ; 1602-1690. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap ; oval in rect. frame. From a miniature. PL to Lysons's Environs of London ; pub. T. CadeU 1794. Stipple; 31 X 25 in. , to r., reclining on a, sofa. Without inscription, but (C. S. 114, Goodwin 81.) oval ; with title ' Miss P.' Pub. W. Daniels P. Diodati P. P. Rubens Gainsborough 'R. Renold' i P. H. V. Hove R. W. Buss Anon.J. Simon Anon. W. Elder Anon.G. Sanders ' R. Housman ' G. Willison (J. Hoskins) J. Watson W. Ridley Anon. 216 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MAYNARD, Sib 30'B.'^— continued. 2. H. L., to r., in cap and robes. From picture at Bifrons. Pub. E. Jeffry 1815. Line ; 6 X 41 in. See Groups. MAYNE, JOHN ; arithmetician. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Clavis Commercialis, 1674. Line ; 6} X 3} in, MAYNE, ROBERT, M,P,, (of Gatton Park) ; 1724-1782, 1, H. L,, full face. From picture now belonging to Sir E. Tennant. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 45 X 4 in. MAYNE, SARAH, (born Otway) ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1780. 1. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to 1. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 6 X 4 in. MAYNWARING, ARTHUR, M.P,, (of Ightfleld) ; commissioner of customs ; 1668-1712, 1, H, L., looking to r., hand in unbuttoned coat. PL 42 of ' Kitcat Club ' series. (C. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. One proof before arms and inscription ; five lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, reversed. Sold J. Simon. (C. S. 103.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. Two impressions. MAYNWARING, Sir PHILIP ; secretary for Ireland ¦ 1589-1661. See Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of. MAYO, JOHN BOURKE, 1st Earl of; 1705?-1790. 1. When Lord Naas; T. Q. L., to L, seated by table holding papers. Pub. 1777. (C. S. 52.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. MAYO, JOSEPH DEANE BOURKE, 3rd Ear] of, D.D. ; archbishop of Tuam ; 1740 ?-1794. 1. When Dr. Bourke; nearly W. L., to L, seated at a table, in rochet. Prom picture belonging to Lord Mayo. Pub J. R. Smith 1784. (G. S. 18, Prankau 39.) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with open letters; one fullv lettered impression, 2, Same picture. Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1820, Mezz, ; 6| X 41 in, MAYOW, JOHN, M,D, ; physiologist ; 1640-1679, 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Without en graver's name. Front, to his Tractatus quinque, 1674 (Pagan p. 48.) Line ; 6} x 3} in. One unfinished proof ; two lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal ; 18th cent. Line ; 55 x 3} in. Impression with margin clipped. MAYOW. See Wynell-JIayow. Painter J. Reynolds J. Reynolds G. KneUer R. Hunter J. Reynolds Engraver Anon.M. Mario w G. H. Every G. H. Every J. Paber jun. J. Simon W. Dickinson J. B. Smith S. W. Reynolds (W. Paithorne?) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 217 Subject MAYSEDER, JOSEPH ; 1863. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Etching and line. violinist and composer ; 1789- MAZARIN, HORTENSE MANCINI, Duchess of ; mis tress of Charles II. ; 1646-1699. 1. Bust, looking to r., in turban ; oval frame on pedestal. Chez Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 61 X 4 iu. 2. Similar to the last, face to 1. ; oval. From miniature at Windsor. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II., 1901. Photogravure ; 2; x 2 in. 3. H. L., face to r. ; oval on marbled ground. N. Visscher exc. Mezz. ; 61 X 61 in. 4. Nearly W. L., face to r., seated on bank, holding wreath, 1. arm on urn. (C. S. 27.) Mezz. ; 125 X 10 in. Two proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 5. Nearly W. L., seated, face to L, 1. hand on vase. G. Valck exc. 1678. Line ; 121 X 9} in. 6. Similar to the last, H. L. only ; oval. G. Valck exc. Mezz. ; 61 X 4} in. 7. Copy from the preceding, reversed; oval frame on pedestal. Book iUustration, ' Tome III, page 245.' Line ; 61 X 3 in. 8. H. L., to r. ; oval. From Lord Sandwich's picture. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II., 1901. Photogravure ; 7} x Si in. 9. With Count Colbert ; in characters of Vertumnus and Pomona; nearly W. L. figures. Prom Lord Bute's picture. Pub. J. Boydell 1777. (C. S. 100, Goodwin 110.) [False.] Mezz. ; 18 X 135 in. One proof before inscription ; one witli artists' names, etc., scratched one lettered impression. 10. H. L., face to r.; oval. J. Lloyd exc. (C. S. p. 1418, 7 ; Wessely 12.) Mezz. ; 6| X 61 in. 11. H. L., face to r. ; oval in rect. frame, with arms. Pub. N. Visscher. Line ; 145 X 10} in. MEAD, MATTHEW ; independent divine ; 1630?-1699. 1. Aged 60; bust, to r., in skuU-cap, gown and bands; decor, oval frame, with arms on pedestal below. Sold W. Marshall & S. Brown. Line ; 9} x 6} in. First state, before tlie age was inserted. MEAD, RICHARD, M.D., P.R.S.; physician; 1673- 1754. 1. H. L., r. profile, without wig; with motto below: — ' Non sibi sed toti R. M.' ; 1739. Etching ; 71 X 61 in. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, vol. i, 1810. Mezz. ; 71 X 61 in. Painter Engravkr L. Ferdinand P. Lely P. Mignard G. Netseher (A. Pond) T. Bradley E. Fessard A. De Blois R. Tompson exc. G. Valck D. Coster J. Watson J. v. Somer P. Stephani (R. White) A. Pond (W. Say) 218 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MEAD, mGRKKD— continued. 3. W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table on which is a letter inscribed ' To Dr. Mead.' Line ; 18} X 12i in. 4. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. (C. S. 79.) Mezz. ; 91 X 8 in. Three impressions. 5. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval at head of an accormt of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1795. Line ; 15 X 11 in. 6. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval frame. PL to Uni versal Mag. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 7. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette ; 1739. ' Etching.MEAD, T. ; actor. 1. As lachimo in Cymbeline; W. L., standing. Prom daguerreotype. PL to Tallis's Drawing Room Table Book. Stipple and line, MEADE, Lady SELINA. See Cdam-Mabtinics. MEADOWS, JOSEPH KENNY ; artist ; 1790-1874. 1. A head, r. profile ; marble medallion. Photograph, MEADOWS, T, ; actor, 1, As Job Thornberry in Colman's John Bull ; H. L,, to r,, holding book ; rect, frame. Pub. G. Ashbourne, Ulver- stone, 1805. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. MEAGHER, THOMAS FRANCIS; Irish nationalist; 1823-1867. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. From daguerreotype. Pub. Professor Gluckman, Dublin. Lith. ; Wl X 8} in. MEALMAKER, GEORGE; Scottish weaver; trans ported for sedition 1798. 1. H. L., to L, seated by table, holding paper ; oval ; with out title. Etching ; 35 X 3 in. MEARS, JOHN ; Irish presbyterian minister ; d. 1767. 1. H. L., to L, iu gown and bands ; oval frame. (C, S. 108,) Mezz, ; 12 X 91 in, MEARS, (Mbs,) ; d, of Sir Benjamin Truman the brewer, 1, W, L,, standing by wall on which is a large vase, looking to r. Prom picture belonging to Mr, A, de Rothschild, PL to The Comioisseur, 1902. Keproduction ; 81 X 65 in. MEAUTYS, JOAN (ASHLEY), Lady ; w. of Sir Peter JI, 1,' Bust, looking to 1. Prom drawing at Windsor. PL to Chamberlaine's Drawings by Holbein, 1812. Stipple ; 6; X 4'[ hi. 2. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 3. same drawing. Photograph. Painter A. Ramsay (J. Richardson) J. Henning Jackson Engraver B. Baron R. Houston Barrett Anon. J. Richardson T. Sherratt G. Scott H. O'NeiU J.Kay J. Kay I Anon. Gainsborough H. Holbein Pacius Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 219 Subject MEAUTYS, Sir THOMAS ; secretary to Sir Francis Bacon; d. 1649. 1. W. L., to r., standing in a park, lance in r. hand. Prom picture at Gorhambury. Pub. by the Granger Society. Line ; 91 X 55 in. MEDALLE, LYDIA DE, (born Sterne) ; w. of Alexander de M. ; d. of Rev. Laurence Sterne. 1. T. Q. L., to L, with bust of her father. Pront. to her ed. of Sterne's Letters ; pub. T. Becket 1775. Line ; 4J X 31 in. MEDICAL SOCIETY OP LONDON. See Gboups. MEDINA, Sir JOHN BAPTIST ; portrait painter ; 1659-1710. 1. H. L., to 1., with long hair ; oval in rect. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6} X 45 in. 2. H. L., to r., with long hair. Prom picture in Florence Gallery. ' G. D. Perretti dis.' PL to Museum Floren- tinum. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 3. H. L., to r., in wig. PL to Pinkerton's Scottish GaUery ; pub. E. Harding 1797. Stipple ; 65 X 41 in. 'MEDITATION.' See Spencer, (Hon. Mrs.). See Stanhope, (Hon.) Eliza. MEDLEY, HENRY ; admiral ; d. 1747. 1. T. Q. L., standing by a cannon, face to L, hat under 1. arm ; warship to r. in background. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 238.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9} in. same plate ; with address of Bowles & Carver. MEDLEY, SAMUEL; dissenting minister and hymn writer; 1738-1799. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, hands on open book. Pub. S. Medley jun. 1793. Line ; 11} X 9} in. 2. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Gospel Mag. ; pub. Vallance & Simmons 1776. Line ; 4 X 3 in. MEDOWS, Sir WILLIAM, K.B. ; general; governor of Madras; 1738-1813. 1. H. L., looking to L, in uniform and hat. PL to Roya.1 Military Panorama ; pub. C. Barrington 1814. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. MEE, ANNE, (born Poldsone) ; w. of Joseph M. ; minia ture painter ; 1775 ?-1851. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding print; rect. frame. Pront. to her Gallery of Beauties ; pub. 1812. Stipple ; 91 X 71 in^ 2. Copy from the last, H. L. PI. to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. J. Payne 1814. Stipple ; 41 X 31 hi. Painter (P. V. Somer) B. West J. B. Medina J. EUys S. Medley D. Haines Anne Mee Engraver W. Greatbach J. CaldwaU T. Chambars G. Guttieros E. Harding J. Paber jun. J. Pittler Anon. H. R. Cook H. Meyer H. R. Cook 220 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MEEK, JOSEPH ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1814. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. MEEK, RICHARD. 1. H. L., to 1. ; arms below. Pub. C. Liusell, Barton, near Lichfield. (Whitman 364.) Mezz. ; 11} x 91 in. MEPPEN, JOHN; dissenting minister at Great Yar mouth. 1. Bust, to L, iu gown and bands; vignette. Pub. Wight- man & Cramp 1828. Stipple. MEGGOT, RICHARD, D.D. ; dean of Winchester ; d. 1692. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands; decor, oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 13} X lOi in. 2. Same picture ; plain oval frame, with title on tablet below. Line ; 6} x 3; in. MEIKLE, ROBERT ; secretary of the grand lodge of freemasons, Edinburgh; d. 1797. 1. H. L., r. proflle, iu hat ; oval ; with title ' Grand Clerk ' ; 1787. Etching ; 31 x 15 in. MELBOURNE, ELIZABETH (MILBANKE), Vis countess; w. of Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount; 1752- 1818. 1. H. L., looking to r. P'rom picture at Panshanger. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 71 X CI in. 2. H. L,, seated, looking to L, J. Pinlayson 1771. (C. S. 10.) Mezz. ; 175 X 135 in. One proof before title, arms and dedication ; two fnlly lettered impressions. 3. Same picture. PL io cat. of Price sale at Christie's, 1895. ileproduction.4. W. L., to L, seated by cradle, holding her infant son Peniston who caresses her. Prom picture at Panshanger. Pub. W. Shropshire & T. Watson 1775. (C. S. 25, Goodwin 21.) Mezz. ; 24* X 16 in. Two proofs before title ; one fully lettered impression. 5. Same picture ; with title ' Maternal Affection.' Pub S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 61 X 4 in. 0. Same picture, T. Q. L. only; circle; with same title. Pub. Dickinson & Watson 1780. Stipple ; 75 in. diam. MELBOURNE, WILLIAM LAMB, 2nd Viscount- prime minister ; 1779-1848. ' 1. T. Q. L., standing by table, directed and looking to r Pub. Colnaghi 1839. (Whitman 365.) .\Iezz. ; 161 X 121 in. Three states. arm on table. Pub. Painter C. Linsell B. Giles G. Kneller J. Kay J. Hoppner J. Reynolds G. Hayter Engraver T. Blood C. Turner R. Woodman R. White J.Kay J. Pinlayson T. Watson S. W. Reynolds W. Dickinson C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Port-raits 221 Subject 2. H. L., to L, in coat with fur collar. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Fisher 1832. Stipple ; 41 X 85 in. 3. Same picture. Pub. Hodgson & Graves 1839. Mezz. ; 81 X 6} in, 4. Same picture. PL to Saunders's Political Reformers, 1840. Stipple ; 6 X 41 in. 5. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. Baily. Lith. 6. H. L., to L, in cloak; vignette. Presented with the Neivs, March 11th, 1838, Pub. J. Thompson. Stipple. See Gboups (The Aifectionate Brothers). MELBOURNE, FREDERICK JAMES LAMB, 3rd Viscount, G.C.B, ; diplomatist ; 1782-1853, See Groups (The Affectionate Brothers), MELCOMBE, GEORGE BUBB-DODINGTON, Baron ; politician and wit ; 1691-1762. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval frame with orna ments. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1784. Line ; 65 X 3§ iu. MELDRUM, Sib JOHN ; parUamentary commander ; fell at siege of Scarborough 1645. 1. H. L., to r., in armour. Copy from the print in Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. Line ; 35 x 2} in. MELFORT, JOHN DRUMMOND, 1st Earl and titular Duke of ; Jacobite ; 1649-1714. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and gown ; oval. (C. S. 73.) Mezz. ; 81 X 65 in. Two impressions. 2. Aged 34, when Laird of Lundin ; H. L., to L, in wig and armour ; oval frame decorated with escutcheons. Line ; 91 X 61 in, MELHUISH, JOSEPH; centenarian, of Pitcombe ; b. 1729. 1. Aged 108; T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair; vignette. Lith. 'MELINDA.' See Cotton, (Miss). MELLISH, (Lt. Col.) HENRY FRANCIS ; sportsman ; equerry to the Prince Regent; d. 1817. 1. W. L., standing by his horse, iu uniform. PL to Sporting Mag. ; pub. J, Wheble 1820. Line ; 65 X 4 in. MELLON, ALFRED ; musician; 1820-1867. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, arm on vol. inscribed 'Beethoven'; 1854. Lith. MELLON, HARRIET. See St. Albans, Harriet, Duchess of. Painter T. Lawrence G. Kneller Galpin B. Marshall C. Baugniet Engraver S. Preeman E. Melnnes H. Robinson E. Desmaisons Anon. Anon. Anon. I. Beckett P. Vanderbank J. Scott C. Baugniet '.¦>¦>,-> Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MELLON, SARAH JANE, (born Woolgar); w. of Alfred M. ; actress ; 1824-1909. 1. When Miss Woolgar ; as Rosalind in As You Like It ; W. L., standing. From daguerreotype. PL to Tallis's Drawing Room Table Book. Stipple and line. MELMOTH, WILLIAM; bencher of Lincoln's Inn; reUgious writer ; 1666-1743. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval ; two lines below : — ' Ars utinam Mores,' etc. Pront. to Melmoth's Memoirs of a late Eminent Advocate ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1796. Stipple ; 41 X 31 iu. same plate, with title added. PL to European Mag. ; pub. same plate, retouched. J. Asperne 1810. 2. Same picture; H. L., Stipple. in picture frame. MELMOTH, (Mrs.) ; actress. 1. As Queen Elizabeth in Brooke's .Bar/ of Sssea; ; W. L., standing. PL to Lowndes's Neio English Theatre, 1777. Line ; 61 x 31 in. 2. As Roxana in The Rival Queens ; W. L., standing with Alexander. PL to same work, 1776. Line ; 5 x 85- in, MELVILL, HENRY, B,D, ; canon of St. Paul's ; 1798- 1871. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to L, in gown and bands, r. arm on open bible. Pub. J. Nisbet & Co. 1835. (Whitman 367.) Mezz, ; 10} X 81 in. One proof before title ; one fnlly lettered impressim. 2. Same picture. Pub. Dawe & Gowar. Line ; Oi x 71 in. MELVILLE, GEORGE MELVILLE, 1st Earl of • Secretary of state for Scotland ; 1634 ?-1707. 1. Aged 54 ; H. L., to L, in wig and gown ; oval frame of laurel on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 9g X 6} in. MELVILLE, HENRY DUNDAS, 1st Viscount ; secre tary of state ; 1742-1811. 1. Marble statue now in the court of session, Edinburgh (Whitman 198.) ' Mezz. ; 231 X 171 in. 2. W. L., standing, in conversation with Robert Dundas of Arniston. Etchiug ; 51 x 41 in, 3, W, L,, seated, in large cloak which envelopes also Sir J, Stirling who is seated before him on a close-stool • ' Patent for Knighthood ' ; 1792, Etching ; 85 X 61 in, 4, W. L., riding two asses, the heads of which are portraits of Dr. Carlile and Dr. Grieve ; with title ' Faithful ser vice rewarded.' Etching ; 6 X 3?, in. Painter Engraves D. Dodd J. Rand J. B. Medina P. Chantrey J.Kay G. Greatbach N. Sehiavonetti i> G. Murray J. CoUyer W. Walker C. Turner R. A. Artlett R. White S. W. Reynolds J.Kay Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 22.^ Subject Paintiir Enohavkr 5. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., 1. hand on papers. Pub. C. Turner 1810. (Whitman 368.) Mezz. ; 17 X 13} in. One early masked proof ; one before title ; one fully lettered impression. T. Lawrence C. Turner 6. Same picture ; same length. Pub. Graves 1843. Mezz. ; 85 X 6} in. " E. Melnnes 7. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; vignette. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1810. Stipple. 8. W. L., to r., standing, in robes, r. hand on hip. Prom picture in National Bank of Scotland. Pub. D. Hatton, Edinburgh, 1806. (C. S. 10?) Mezz.; 241x155 in. H 99 Raeburn H. Meyer G. Dawe 9. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Pisher 1831. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 99 S. Preeman 10. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Lith. " Maurin 11. Similar picture, H. L. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 4; x 3} in. >i 12. When Right Hon. II. Dundas; H. L., looking to L, in lace bands and gown; oval frame. (C. S, 58, Prankau 121,) Mezz, ; 125 X 105 in- J. Reynolds J. R. Smith 13, Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, holding paper with both hands. Pub, J. Young 1806, (C, S. 20, state not descr,) Mezz, ; IS X 14 in. Two impressions with the word ' Proof ' ; one tvith the word erased. J. Rising J. Young 14. When Right Hon. H. Dundas; W. L., standing, look ing to r., in robes. From picture at Arniston. Pub. J. Young 1798. (C. S. 21.) Mezz. ; 24} x 161 in. G Romney J, 15. When Mr. Dundas; W. L., to L, standing, face in profile, r. arm extended. Without title. Pub. C. Bretherton 1782. Etching. 16. Marble bust in a niche. Pub. J. Young 1807. (C. S. 52.) -Mezz. ; 18 X 135 in. 17. When Right Hon. H. Dundas ; bust, r. profile ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1785. Line ; 6 X 35 in. J.P. Sayer Turnerelli J. Sayer J. Young Anon. 18. When Right Plon. H. Dundas ; bust, to r., face nearly in profile ; oval frame with tablet. Line ; 61 X 35 in. Clipped impression. 19. When Right Hon. H. Dundas; bust, looking to r. ; oval. Pub. R. Crosby 1795. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 5» 20. When Right Hon. H. Dundas ; H. L., looking to r., in lace bands and gown; oval. PL to London Mag., 1782. Stipple. " 224 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MELVILLE, JANE (HOPE), Viscountess; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of 2nd Earl of Hopetoun ; afterwards Lady Wallace ; 1766-1829. 1. When Lady Jane Dundas ; H. L., to 1. Pub. J. Jeffryes 1802. Stipple ; 8| X 65 in. 2. Bust, to 1. ; oval with ornaments. PI. to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. Bell 1809. Stipple.MELVILLE, ROBERT SAUNDERS DUNDAS, 2ud Viscount, K.T. ; statesman ; 1771-1851. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking upward to L, in cloak, furred coat and star. Pub. C. Turner 1827. (C. S. 369.) Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with publication line only ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1830. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. MELVILLE, (Miss). 1. A child, T. Q. L., full face, standing, holding open music book ; boy angel on cloud above. Pub. C. Turner 1810. (Whitman 370.) Mezz. ; 14 X 11 in. One masked proof, touciied ; one lettered impression. MELVIN, (Mb.) ; actor. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Co. 1806. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. MENAGE, ARABELLA ; actress. See Sharp, Arabella. MENDES, MOSES ; poet ; d. 1758. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands ; oval. PL to European Mag., 1792. Line ; 4 x 31 in. MENDIP, WELBORE ELLIS, Baron; secretary of state; 1713-1802. 1. When Right Hon. W. Ellis, 1768 ; T. Q. L., slightly to L, standing, hat under arm, r. hand in waistcoat. Line ; 91 X 7 in. 2. When Right Hon. W. Ellis ; bust, to r. ; oval. Pub. 1791. Stipple ; 45 X 21 in. MENDIP, ANNE (STANLEY), Lady; 2nd w. of the preceding; 1725-1803. 1. H. L., full face, looking to 1. ; oval. From picture in Lord Normanton's collection. PL to Burlington Mag., vol. 2. Reproduction ; 10} X 81 in. MENDOZA, DANIEL ; pugilist ; 1764-1836. 1. W. L., to r., standing in the ring, in fighting attitude; spectators behind. Pub. I. Lewis. Etching ; 165 X 12} in. 2. W. L., to L, standing in a field, in fighting attitude. Pub. S. W. Fores 1789. (C. S. 10 ) Mezz. ; 215 X 17 in. Two impressions. Painter J. Hoppner T. Lawrence T. Phillips Bates Gainsborough J. Meyer Gainsborough J. GiUray J. Robin eau Engraver P. Bartolozzi R. Cooper C. Turner G. Parker C. Turner Ridley & HoU W. Bromley J. WhesseU C. Watson J. GiUray H. Kingsbury Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 225 Subject 8. Same picture, head only, to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Tagge 1789. Stipple ; 85 X 7J in, 4. W. L., to r., standing on platform in flghting attittido. Etching ; 13 X 85 in. MENDS, CHRISTOPHER ; dissenting minister at Ply- mouih; 1724-1799. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. T. Chapman 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. MENDS, HERBERT ; minister of Batter Street chapel, Plymouth; 1755-1819. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands. Pub. Nettleton 1819. (Whitman 371.) Mezz. ; llj x 95 in. Three impressions. MENNES, Sib JOHN ; admiral and poet ; 1599-1671. 1. H. L., looking to L, in cuirass and sash. Prom Lord Clarendon's picture. PL to Effigies Poetical, 1824. Line ; 4 X 31 in. Proof before inscription, engraver's name scratched. MENPES, MORTIMER, R.I., F.R.G.S. ; artist and author ; b. 1860. 1. Bust, full face ; vignette. From a chalk drawing. lUust. to Mag. of Art, 1889. Process block. MENTEITH, ROBERT ; Scottish catholic priest ; secre tary to Cardinal de Retz ; d. 1660 ? 1. PI. L., to r,, in skuU-cap and cloak; oval frame on pedestal on which are nine Latin lines. Pront. to his Hist, des Troubles de la Grande Bretagne, 1661. Line ; 10} X 7} in, MENTER, JOSEPH ; violoncellist ; 1808-1856. See Groups (' Musical Union 1851 '). MENTETHUS A SALMONETO. See Menteith, Robert. MENZIES, ARCHIBALD, P.L.S. ; naval surgeon and naturalist ; 1754-1842. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r, ; vignette, Lith. MENZIES, William ; presbyterian minister at Lanark. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in easy-chair. Pub. at Edinburgh. Mezz, ; 125 X 101 in. Two impressions, MERCER, EDITH, 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Bogue's Court Album. Stipple. MERCER, SAMUEL. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in hat, holding two greyhounds in leash. Pub. Agnew & Zanetti, Manchester, 1831. Mezz. ; 171 X 1* in- VOL. III. Painter J. Robineau J. Ball A. Van Dyck M. Menpes P. Mignard E. U. Eddis W. Bonnar J. Hayter T. lUidge Engravkr W. N. Gardiner Anon. W. Ridley C. Turner C. Warren B. Lochon (Miss Turner) E. Burton B. Eyles W. Say 220 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MERCIER, PHILIP ; portrait painter ; 1689-1760, 1. Nearly T, Q, L,, to L, standing before easel, holding palette ; with English title. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 239.) -Mezz. ; 121 X 9} in. • same plate, with title turned into Latin ; the word ' Scutarius ' used instead of ' Armiger.' ¦ same plate, with 'Armiger' substituted for 'Scu tarius.' 2. Copy from the last. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6 x 4} in. 3. W. L., standing, with his wife and three children. Without title. Etching ; 18} x llj in. MEREDITH, GEORGE ; novelist ; 1828-1909. 1. H. L., seated, looking to r. Woodcut ; 12 X 81 in. Signed .artist's proof. 2. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, reading book. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut ; 6} X 4 in. See Groups. MEREDITH, Sir WILLIAM, bart., 51,P,; 1725 ?-1790. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to L, seated ; oval frame. Pub. 1773. (C. S. 26, Goodwin 14,) .Mezz, ; 13} x 11 in, One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. MEREDITH; singer; d. 1810. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame. Without title. Pub. T. MackUn 1798. (C. S. 109.) Mezz. ; 11 x 9j in. One proof before any inscription ; two with publication line scratched. MEREW ETHER, HENRY ALWORTH ; serjeant-at- law and solicitor-general to Queen Adelaide ; 1780-1864. 1. Bust, to L, in wig and gown ; vignette. Lith.MEREWETHER, JOHN, D.D. ; dean of Hereford; 1797-1850. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in decanal chair, looking to 1 in private dress, letter in 1. hand ; 1848. ' Litli. ; 17} X 12} in. MERIVALE, CHARLES, D.D. ; dean of Ely his torian ; 1808-1898. 1. H. L to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London Neivs, 1894. MERKE, THOMAS, D.D. ; bishop of Carlisle ; d. 1409. 1. Bust, to L, in hood. Prom an Ulumination in British Museum. ' S. Harding del.' PI. to Harding's Shak speare Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 4} X 3s in. MERRICK. See Meybick. MERRIMAN, SAMUEL, M.D. coucheur; 1731-1818. 1. Aged 84; H. L., to r., in cap; oval in rect Privaie plate. Line ; 5i x 43 in. physician and ac- iframe. Painter P. Mercier G. P. Watts D. Gardner J. Lucas Engraver J. Paber jun. T. Chambars P. M(ercier) i W. B. Gardner i j P. N(aumann) T. Watson Anon. (Miss Turner) C. Baugniet i C. Baugniet i T. Richmond R. Clamp J. Corner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 227 Subject Painter Engraver MERRIMAN, SAMUEL, M,D,; physician; nephew of the preceding ; 1771-1852, 1, H. L., to r. ; vignette. Private plate, without any inscription. Stipple. MERRY, ANNE, (born Brunton) ; w. of Robert M. ; actress ; afterwards Mrs. Warren ; d. in America ; 1769- 1808. 1. When Miss Brunton ; as Horatia in Whitehead's Roman Father ; H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Pub. J. Bell 1785. stipple ; 33 X 2 i in. 2. SimUar to the last, but W. L, ; oval in rect, PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1792, Line ; 41 X 3 iu, 3, As Alzira in HiU's Alzira; W, L,, moving to 1, ; oval in rect, PL to same work, 1791, Line ; 4J X 3 iu. Proof before inscription. 4. As Calista in Rowe's Fair Penitent ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. Pub. J. BeU 1792. Stipple ; 95 X 7 in. 5. When Miss Brunton ; as Amanthis in Mrs. Inchbald's Child of Nature; T. Q. L., standing, 1. profile, hands joined ; oval ; with title ' The Child of Nature.' stipple ; 7} x 61 in. 0. As Monimia in Otway's The Orphan; W. L., standing, looking to r. PL to Lowndes's New English Tlteatre, 1786. Liue ; 51 x 31 in. 7. When Miss Brunton; as Euphrasia in Murphy's Grecian Daughter; W. L., standing, 1. profile; oval. PL to Lady's Mag., 1785. Line ; 51 X 4 in. 8. H. L., face turned in profile to L; oval frame with masks ; name on scroll. Stipple and line ; 41 X 35 in. Clipped impression. See HoLMAN, Joseph G. MERRY, ELIZABETH, (born Death) ; w. of Anthony M. the diplomatist ; d. 1824. 1. W. L., full face, standing, resting 1. arm on plinth of a column ; rect. frame. Private plate, without title. Stipple ; 111 X 71 in. MERRY, ROBERT ; DeUa Cruscan poet ; 1755-1798. 1. H. L., to L, resting head on r. hand; oval with orna ments and title ' Delia Crusca.' Pront. to British Album ; pub. J. BeU 1789. Line ; 4} x 2} in. 2. Bust, fall face, looking upwards ; oval. PL to European Mag., 1793. stipple ; 35 X 31 in. ' MERRY PIDLER.' See Massey, Hugh. 'MERRY WIVES OP W^INDSOR.' See Gwyn, Mary. Anon. R. Cosway P. Bartolozzi j W. Leney S. De Wilde (G. Morland?) T. Stothard J. Corner Anon. W. Sharp Anon. R. Cosway H. D. Hamilton A. Cardon J. CoUyer Anon. Q 2 228 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MERTINS, Sib GEORGE; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1725. See Groups (The eight aldermen). MERTON, WALTER de ; bishop of Rochester; founder of Merton College, Oxford ; d. 1277. 1. T. Q. L., in robes, with pastoral staff, holding book. Sold T. 'Taylor. One of set of Pounders of Colleges. (C. S. 34, II.) Mezz. ; 9 X 8 in. MERYON, CHARLES LEWIS, M.D. ; physician; biographer of Lady Hester Stanhope ; father of Charles Meryon the etcher ; 1783-1877. 1. In old age ; nearly W. L., seated by table. Photograph. MESQUITA, GOMEZ de ; Portuguese Jewish rabbi in London ; 1688-1751. 1. H. L., to r., in hat and cloak; Hebrew inscription below. (C. S. 240.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 85 in. MESSER, BENJAMIN; dissenting minister. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and bands ; bible and other books on table before him. Pub. C. Bowles 1775. (C. S. 110.) Mezz, ; 12} X 9J in, MESSER, (Rev,) T, J,; temperance advocate; 19th cent, 1. H. L., standing, full face, r. arm on book ; vignette. Pub. W. Tweedie. Lith.MESSING, FREDERICK JAMES; musician; known as ' The Mad Fiddler ' ; 1754-1798. 1. W. L., standing, 1. proflle, in hat ; without background. Stipple ; 61 X 3} in. METCALP, JOHN ; known as ' Blind Jack of Knares borough ' ; horse-dealer, road-maker, etc. ; 1717-1810. 1. Aged 79 ; T. Q. L., to L, holding up stick. Front to his Life; pub. E. & R. Peck, York. Line ; 61 x 31 in, METCALPE, CHARLES THEOPHILUS METCALFE, Baron, G, C.B. ; Indian and colonial governor ; 1785-1846! 1. When Sir C. T. Metcalfe, bart., governor of Jamaica; W. L., to L, seated by table in a room, holding letter; rect. illustrated border. Pub. A. Duperly, Kingston', Jamaica. Lith. 2. W. L., to L, seated at table on which he holds open letter ; star on breast. Prom picture in Oriental Club Pub. W. Watson 1845. Mezz. ; 251 X 15} in. METCALFE, LUCY; d. of Christopher M. of Haw- stead, Sufiolk ; 1771-1793. 1. H. L., fuU face, seated ; oval Stipple ; 45 X 85 in. Proof with artists' names only. METCALPE, THEOPHILUS; stenographer; fl, 1650, 1, H. L,, to r., in skull-cap, holding volume ; eight lines below. Pront. to his Short Writing. Line ; 3 X 2} in. Painter Engraver. J. Paber sen. S. Da Silva J. Bridges J. R. Smith A. Duperly P. R. Say G. Barbier J. Paber jun. Anon. J. Bridges Anon. Anon. A. Maurin P. C. Lewis Orme Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 229 Subject Painter J. Reynolds METCALPE, Sir THOMAS THEOPHILUS, bart.; director of the East India Company; M.P. for Abingdon; father of Lord Metcalfe ; d. 1818. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. W. Ward 1804. (C. S, 57, Prankau 196,) J. Hoppner Mezz, ; 13 X 11 in. One pi'oof before any inscriptiou ; two witli open letters, METCALPE, , M,D, ; 18th cent. 1. H. L., r. proflle ; rect. frame. Without any inscription. Mezz. ; 65 X 45 in. METCALPE, (Miss). 1, A child, H. L,, full face, holding Pomeranian dog ; oval frame. Sold J. Pinlayson 1772, (C. S, 11,) N. Hone Mezz, ; 181 X 18J in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. METHUEN, CHRISTIANA, (born Cobb) ; w. of Paul M. of Corsham ; d. 1779. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r. Prom picture at Corsham. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. METHUEN, CHRISTIANA, (afterwards Lady Boston). See Methuen, Paul Cobb. METHUEN, JOHN ; lord chanceUor of Ireland ; envoy to Portugal ; 1650 ?-1706. 1. H. L., to r., in cap and loose gown; oval frame. Pub. W. Humphrey 1774. (C. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 51 X 41 in. same plate, with address of W. Richardson. METHUEN, (Rev.) JOHN ANDREW ; brother of 1st Baron Methuen ; 1794-1871. 1. T. Q, L., to L, seated in armchair, in gown and bands, holding closed book ; vignette. Lith. METHUEN, MATILDA, (born Gooch); w. of Paul Cobb M. of Corsham ; d. 1826. 1. H. L., seated, looking to 1., in hat. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, 6 May 1905. Reproduction. METHUEN, PAUL, (of Corsham) ; M.P. ; d. 1795. • 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, gloves in r. hand. Prom picture at Corsham. Pub. H. Graves & Co. ilezz. ; 61 X 41 in. METHUEN, PAUL COBB, (of Corsham), M.P. ; s. of the preceding ; 1762-1816. 1. When a boy, W. L., standing by broken wall, his sister Christiana (afterwards Lady Boston) seated on the ground. From picture at Corsham. Pub, H. Graves &Co, Mezz, ; 61 X 6i in. METHUEN, THOMAS ; brother of the last ; d. 1774. 1. A boy, W. L., standing by a mastiff. Prom picture at Corsham. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 6 X 6 in. MEUTAS. See Meautys. Engraver W. Ward Anon. J. Pinlayson R. B. Parkes C. Baugniet G. Romney J. Reynolds W. Humphrey C. Baugniet J. Reynolds J. Reynolds R. B. Parkes J. Scott R. B. Parkes 230 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MEUX, Sir HENRY, bart., (of Theobalds); brewer; 1770-1841. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding hat and stick, dog beside him. Alezz. ; 125 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' names only. MEUX, (Miss). 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in straw hat. Prom picture belonging to Lord Normanton. With artists' names only. (C. S. 252. I.) jNIezz. ; 101 X 9 in. Two impressions. 2. Reversed copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer. ' P. Corbutt fecit.' (C. S. 58.) I Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. ' MEVES, AUGUSTUS ANTOINE CORNELIUS; pianist; 1785-1859. 1. H. L., to 1., seated, holding roll of music; vignette, i Pub. Mayhew & Co. Lith.MEWS, PETER, D.D. ; royalist soldier and bishop of Winchester; 1619-1706. ]. H. L., to r., iu rochet; oval decor, frame with arms below. [ Line; 12} X OJ in. First state, before badge of the Garter was introduced. [Tlie original drawing is in the British Museum.] 2. H. L., to L ; plain oval frame on pedestal. Without j any inscription. ! Line ; 65 X 3J in. MEXBOROUGH, SARAH (DELAVAL), Countess of ; w. of John Savile, 1st Earl; m. 2. Rev. S. Hardcastle; d. 1821, 1. When Lady PoUington; W, L,, to r,, standing, in : coronation dress, with her young son (afterwards 2nd Earl), who puts his hand on coronet held by her. Prom ¦ picture belonging to Lord Mexborough. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 7; X 4} in. MEXBOROUGH, ELIZABETH '(STEPHENSON), Countess of ; w. of John Savile, 2nd Earl ; d. 1821. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., iu hat, r. arm on table- ' circle. Pub. J. R. Smith 11 Dec. 1784. (C. S 58' Prankau 197.) ' ' Mezz. ; 12 in. diam. One proof before day of month was inserted ; one fully lettered ' impression. same plate, altered to rect. with border. Pub J R Smith .1785. 101 X 8'; in. 2. When Miss Stephenson; H. L., to r., face in profile, looking down at sheet of music ; oval frame Pub w' Dickinson 1776. (C. S. 79.) Mezz, ; 13 X 11 in, Th-o proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched • two lettered impressions. J. Holmes J. Reynolds J. Cawse D. Loggan J. Reynolds J. Hoppner W. Giller J. Paber jun. R. Purcell M. Gauci D. Loggan Anon. (P. Bromley) W. Ward W. Peters W. Dickinson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MEXBOROUGH, VENETIA STANLEY (ERRING- TON), Countess of; w. of John H. Savile, 5th Earl ; d, 1900. 1. When Viscountess PoUington; bust, looking to r., wearing diamond tiara; oval. No. 7 of Ladies of the Court of Queen Victoria; pub. Dickinson 1872. Stipple ; 13} X 12 in. MEYER, JEREMIAH, R.A. ; miniature painter ; 1735- 1789. 1. H. L., looking to r., hands on portfolio. From an unfinished picture. (C. S. 24.) Mezz. ; 91 X 71 in. One proof with skeleton letters ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; dress altered, hands not seen. Pub. W. Richardson 1794. Etching ; 5 X 45 in. 3. Bust, r. profile ; circular frame with title on tablet. Sold P. Palconet. Stipple ; 65 X 6 in. ¦ same plate, altered by Reading ; rect. frame. 51 X 45 in. See Groups (Royal Academy). MEYER, MARY ; d. of the preceding. 1. As Hebe; W. L., to r., standing on clouds, holding up vase, eagle before her ; with title ' Hebe.' Prom picture belonging to Baron L. de Rothschild. Pub. J. Boydell 1780. (C. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 221 X 15 in. One proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched ; two lettered impressions. MEYER, (Miss). 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing on terrace, in evening dress. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1843. Stipple ; 6 X 41 in. MEYMOT, ELIZABETH, (born Bunn) ; sister-in-law of Opie the painter. 1. H. L., tol., seated, in large hat, hands clasped; with title ' Almeria.' From picture belonging to Lord St. Levan. Pub. J. R. Smith 1787. (C. S. 106, Frankau 237.) Mezz. ; 105 X 8} in. Proof with open letters. 2. Same picture. Pub. Arundel Club, 1908. Photogravure ; 95 X 75 in. MEYMOTT, J. G. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; arms and facsimile of autograph below. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1850. Lith. ; 10 X 81 iu. MEYN, WILLIAIM NICHOLAS ; criminal. 1. W. L., standing, 1. profile. In sheet oHering reward for his arrest 1836. Lith.MEYNELL, ALICE, (born Thompson) ; w. of Wilfrid M. ; living writer. 1. Bust, to 1. ; without title. Lith. ; 55 X 6 m. (L. Dickinson) Anon. N. Dance P. Palconet J. Reynolds E. Christian J. Opie J. S. Templeton W. Rothenstein W. Pether Anon. D. P. Pariset B. Reading J. Jacobe W. H. Mote J. R. Smith 0'. S. Templeton Anon. W. Rothenstein 232 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MEYRICK, ELIZABETH, (born Keppel) ; w. of General Thomas M. ; illegitimate d. of Viscount Keppel ; d. 1821. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in hat and mantle, drawing on glove. Prom picture in Oxford Gallery. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 65 X 41 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 8} X 65 iu. MEYRICK, Sir SAMUEL RUSH, LL.D., F.S.A. ; anti quary; 1788-1848. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., pen in r. hand which rests on armour. Line ; 51 X 41 in. Proof before inscription. MIALL, EDWARD, M.P. ; liberationist ; 1809-1881. ¦^- — See Groups, MICHELBURN, JOHN; governor of Londonderry during the siege of 1689; 1647-1721. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and armour ; oval frame with military ornaments ; four lines below. Line ; 10 X 6 in. MICHELL, HENRY, M.A. ; vicar of Brighton ; 1714- 1789. 1. Bust, to L, in surplice and bands ; oval. Prom a miniature. Stipple ; 2} X 2 in. MICKLE, WILLIAM JULIUS ; poet ; translator of the Lusiad; 1735-1788. 1. H. L., seated by table, looking to r., 1. hand on book. Prom a sketch. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1789. Stipple ; 61 X 41 in. 2. H. L., looking to r. ; oval in rect. frame. Line ; 61 X 41 in. MIDDLESEX, LIONEL CRANPIBLD, Ist Earl of; lord treasurer ; 1575-1645. 1. H. L., to r., iu robe and lace rufi. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Port-raits, 1815. Stipple ; 73 X 61 in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work. Stipple ; 65 X 4; in. 3. Bust, to r., in laee-edged ruff and cap; oval. (Parthey 1308.) Etching ; 2} X 2 in. 4. Copy from the last ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4 X 81 in. MIDDLESEX, RACHEL (FANE), Countess of; w. of Lionel Cranfield, 3rd Earl ; d. of 1st Earl of Westmor land ; m. 1. Henry Bourchier, 5th Earl of Bath ; 1613- 1680. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding flowers on rock; reot. frame. One of the set of The Countesses. Line ; 125 x 9| iu. Two impressions. Painter J. Reynolds H. P. Briggs C. Sherriff O. Humphry S. Taylor D. Mytens Engraver A. Van Dyck S. W. Reynolds J. Skelton Anon. E. Scott C. Bestland W. Skelton E. Scriven W. Pinden W. Hollar Anon. P. Lombart Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 23;: Subject 2. Copy from the last, bust only ; with title ' Lady Rachaol Fane.' Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1821. Line ; 61 X 4 in. MIDDLESEX, ELIZABETH (BAGOT), Countess of. Sec Dorset and Middlesex. MIDDLETON, CATHERINE (BRUDENELL), Coun tess of ; w. of Charles Middleton, 2nd Earl ; d. of 2nd Earl of Cardigan ; 1649-1743. 1. T. Q. L., seated, face to 1., r. hand to bosom ; with title ' The Lady Middleton.' J. Savage ex. (C. S. 75.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. Two impressions. IThe identification of this person is doubtful,] MIDDLETON, DIGBY WILLOUGHBY, 7th Baron, R,N,; 1769-1856. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table. Pub. A. Barber, Netting- ham, 1841. Mixed ; 135 X 11 in. MIDDLETON, Sir CHARLES, bart.; admiral. .See Barham. MIDDLETON, CLARA LOUISA, (born Grace); w. of WiUiam C. M. of Stockeld Park ; 1763-1833. 1. Aged 21 ; H. L., to r. PL to Grace's Memoirs of the Family of Grace, 1828. Line ; 45 x 3} in. MIDDLETON, CONYERS, D.D.; Ubrarian to Cam bridge University ; author of Life of Cicero ; 1683-1750. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. Sold J. Faber. (C. S. 241.) Mezz. ; lOi X 9 in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 8 X 5} in. same plate, with face altered ; Vertue's name erased. 3. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. ; pub. J. Hinton. Line ; 6} X Si in. MIDDLETON, ERASMUS ; rector of Turvey ; author of Biographia Evangelica; 1739-1805. 1. Bust, to r,, in gown and bands ; oval frame. PL to Gospel Mag. ; pub. T. Vallance 1778. Line; 4 x 3 in. 2. Bust, to L, iu gown and bands; oval. PL to Evan gelical Mag. ; pub. WiUiams & Smith 1805. Stipple ; 35 X 23 in. MIDDLETON, GEORGE MARSHALL; presbyterian minister at Glasgow ; 1827-1866. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette ; 1855. Lith.MIDDLETON, JAMES; actor; d. 1799. 1. H. L., nearly fuU face; oval. PL to Thespian Mag., 1793. Painter A. Van Dyck Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. G. KneUer T. Barber J. Downman J. G. Eecardt Hahnsch P. C. Engraver T. Berry Anon. C. E. Wagstaff P. Deleu J. Paber jun. G. Vertue SS Anon. Anon.W. Ridley Hahnsch P. C. 2;]4 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb MIDDLETON, JAMES— coKfewtefZ, 2, As Eumeues in Hill's Merope ; W, L,, standing, looking to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1795. Line ; 4 x 3 in. 3. As Artaxerxes in Rowe's Ambitious Stepmother ; W. L., to L, standing, holding sword ; oval in rect. PL to same work, 1795. Line ; 41 X 3 in. 4. As Romeo in Romeo and Juliet; H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. T. BeUamy 1796. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. MIDDLETON, JANE, (born Needham) ; court beauty ; 1645-1692. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in landscape, holding crook; with title ' Ms. Jenny Middleton.' (C. S. 7.) Mezz. : 95 x 121 in. Two impressions. 2. W. L., to r,, standing by pedestal on which is a large vase, (C, S, 22,) Mezz, ; 131 X 11 in. Two impressions. [Afterwards altered to Queen Mary II.] 8. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding basket of flowers; with incorrect title ' Lady Middleton.' From picture now at Hampton Court. (G. S. 129, Goodwin 124.) Mezz. ; 171 X 135 in. Two unfinished ; two proofs before inscription ; two lettered im pressions. 4. Same picture. PL to Mrs. Jameson's Beauties of Court of Charles II; pub. Colburn & Bentley 1831, Stipple ; 65 X 45 in, 5, Same picture, H. L. only; octagon. PI. to Memoirs of Count Grammont ; pub. Carpenter & Miller 1810. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. 6. Same picture, H. L. ; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1820. Stipple ; 45 X 4 in. 7. W. L., seated on the ground, looking to r, (C, S, 28,) Mezz. ; 12f x 9J in. Two proofs before inscription ; one lettered impression, with counter- proof. same plate with ' Sr.' added before painter's name. MIDDLETON, RICHARD, B.D. ; archdeacon of Cardi gan and rector of Eaton ; d. 1641. 1. A head, to r., in ruff; small circle in title to his Heavenly Progress, 1617. Line, MIDDLETON, THOMAS ; dramatist ; 1570 ?-1627, 1, H, L,, to r,, in cloak, crowned with laurel ; oval frame of laurel in rect, Pront, to his Two new Playes, 1657, Line ; 4} x 35 in, 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Line ; same dimensions. MIDDLETON, THOMAS PANSHAW, D.D. ; bishop of Calcutta ; 1769-1822. '¦ 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, in rochet ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. ' Stipple. S. De Wilde J. Roberts H. Gascar P. Lely J. Jackson J. Chapman W. Leney W. Ridley (H. Gascar ?) A. Browne exe. J. McArdeU T. Wright E. Scriven Anon. R. Tompson exc. R. Elstraek Anon. H. Meyer Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits 23.[ Subject Painter MIDDLETON, WILLIAM CONSTABLE, (of Stockeld Park, Yorkshire) ; d. 1847. 1. Young, to hips, to 1. PL to Grace's Memoirs of the Family of Grace, 1823. Line ; 4} x 3} in. MIDDLETON. See Fowle-Middleton. MIDDLETON. See Myddelton. MIDELTON, (Hon. Lady). [The identity of this person has not been ascertained.] 1. W. L., full face, standing, holding crook, a lamb beside her. J. Cooper ex. One of the set of Beauties of Hampton Court. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 171 X 12 in. Two impi-essions. same plate, with Cooper's name erased, same plate, reduced ; with address of Sayer & King, 121 X 10 in. MEDGLEY, ROBERT, M.A.; master of Coxwold grammar school and author of The Compendious School master ; 1684-1701. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands ; arms below. PL to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1817. Line ; s; x 41 in. MIDLETON. Sec Middleton. MILBANK, ALEXIN A HENRIETTA (DON), Lady; w. of Sir Frederick Acclom M., bart. 1. When Mrs. MUbank; nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, holding book and eyeglass. Pub. P. & D. Colnaghi 1850. (Whitman 508.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7 in. MILBANK, Sir FREDERICK ACCLOM, bart., M.P. ; 1820-1898. 1. Aged 43 ; bust, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. Hogarth 1866. Lith.MILBANKE, Sir RALPH. See Noel. MILDMAY, Sib ANTHONY; ambassador to Prance; d. 1617. 1. W. L., to 1. standing by table; pieces of armour on floor. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub. E. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 105 X 75 in. MILDMAY, Sir WALTER; statesman; founder of Emmanuel CoUege, Cambridge ; 1520 ?-1589. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in cap. From picture at Emmanuel College. Pub. J. Faber. One of set of Pounders of CoUeges. (C. S. 34.) Mezz. ; 81 X Sin. same plate, as issued by Taylor ; number added. 2. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 3. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval, with view of the college above. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. J. Do'wnman G. Kneller Engraver P. Deleu J. Paber jun. P. Grant J. R. Swinton J. Pittler S. W. Reynolds jun. R. J. Lane E. Harding J. Paber sen. Anon. 236 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MILDMAY. See St. John-Mildmay. MILES, RICHARD ; coin collector ; 1740-1819. 1. Aged 78 ; nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, coin in r. hand, spectacles in 1. Pub. Worthington 1819. Line ; 61 X 45 iu. 2. Bust, 1. profile. Indian-ink drawing. MILES; printseller. See Groups (London priutseUers). MILPORD, ELIZA (GORDON), Lady ; 1st w. of Richard Bulkeley-PhiUips, 1st Baron ; 1803-1852. 1. When Lady Bulkeley-PhiUips ; nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, in evening dress; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1840. Stipple ; 61 X 4} in. MILPORD, JOHN ; founder of the City Bank, Exeter ; 1761-1829. 1. H. L., to L, in spectacles. Private plate. (Whitman 110.) ilezz. ; 10} X 9 iu. MILL, HUMPHREY ; verse writer. 1. Bust, to 1. ; small oval in title to his Second part of the Night Search ; pub. H. Shephard 1646. Etcliing. MILL, JOHN STUART ; philosopher and political economist; 1806-1873. 1. H. L., to r., face in proflle. Prom a photograph. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 7^ x 5} in, 2, Same photograph, reversed ; vignette. Woodcut, MILLAIS, Sib JOHN EVERETT, bart,, P,R.A, ; painter; 1829-1896. 1. Aged 39 ; a head, looking to 1. ; vignette ; from a chalk drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Reproduction. 2. Aged 18 ; a head, 1. profile ; from a sketch. On sheet with another of Ralph Thomas. PL to R. Thomas's Serjeant Thomas and Sir J. E. Millais, 1901. Keproduction. 3. H. L., to L, holding palette. Prom picture in the Florence gallery. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Process block. 4. W. L., seated iu garden at Murthly, with fishing rod and salmon. Illust. to Art Annual for 1885. Woodcut ; 71 X 61 in. 5. H. L., r. profile, in cap ; from photograph. Illust. to same work. Woodcut. 0. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Without title. Drypoint. 7. A head, nearly in profile to r. Woodcut. Painter S. J. Stump A. E. Chalon W. Owen R. Lehmann J. E. Millais Engraver W. H. Worth ington Anon. W. Knight S. Cousins Anon. W. & J. Cheshire C. D(ietrioh) G. PUotell Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 237 Subject H Painter Engraver MILLER, ANNE (LOCKHART), Lady; w. of Sir Thomas M., bart. (Lord Glenlee) ; d. 1817. 1. H. L., to 1., white veil on head. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 71 X SJ in. Raeburn MILLER, EDWARD, Mus.D. ; organist and historian of Doncaster; 1731-1807. 1. H. L., to r. Stipple ; 81 X 65 in. 2. Copy from the last ; rect. at head of memoir ot him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2 X 16 in. T. Hardy >s T. Hardy Cooke MILLER, HUGH ; geologist and writer ; 1802-1856. 1. H. L., full face; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. PL to Hogg's Instructor. Line. T. CroU MILLER, (Capt.) JAMES; fencing master; fl. 1750. 1. T. Q. L., standing, full face, in uniform, holding sword with both hands ; rect. frame with ornaments. Line ; 121 x 85 in. P. Le Bouteux G. Scotin SOLLER, JOHN. 1. H. L., slightly to 1. (C, S, 107, Prankau 239,) Mozz. ; 9} X 85 iu. One unfinished ; one proof before any inscription. J. R. Smith MILLER, JOHN GALE, D,D, ; vicar of Greenwich and canon of Rochester ; 1814-1880. 1. When minister of Park Chapel, Chelsea, 1846; iu pulpit, preaching, directed and looking to L; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. C. Baugniet C. Baugniet MILLER, JOSEPH; actor; known as 'Joe MiUer ' ; 1684-1738. 1. As Teague in Howard's The Committee ; H. L., nearly fuU face, in cloak ; 1739. (C. S. 35.) Mezz, ; 111 x 9} in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last, reversed. Pub. R. Bentley 1836. Stipple and line ; 41 X 31 in. 3. Another copy ; oval in rect. Pub. T. Rodd. Line ; 4 x 31 in. C. Stoppelaer SS A. Miller W. Greatbach Anon. MILLER, JOSEPH; antient of Barnard's Inn; anti quary; 1744-1829. 1. T. Q. L;, to L, seated by table, paper in r. hand. Memorial plate. Stipple ; 65 X 41 in. One proof before inscription ; one modern impression. C. Bestland R. H. Dyer MILLER, PATRICK ; projector of steam navigation ; 1781-1815. See Gboups (Distinguished Men of Science). MILLER, RALPH WILLETT ; captain R.N. ; killed at St. Jean d'Acre ; 1762-1799. See Groups (Naval Victories). MILLER, THOMAS ; bookseUer at Bungay ; 1781-1804. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. Prom a miniature. Stipple; 4|x3}in. H Edridge E. Scriven Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter MILLER, WILLIAM; publisher 1769-1845. s. of the preceding; Q. L., to r., seated; vignette. Pub. seated iu armchair, open book on knee ; From a drawing. 1. Aged 57; T Colnaghi, etc. Lith. 2. T. Q. L., to r rect. frame. Stipple ; 65 X 4} in. 3. Bust, to L, face in profile latching. MILLER, Sir WILLIAM, (Lord Glenlee); Scottish judge; 1755-1846. 1. W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, in private dress, spectacles in r. hand. Pub. W. Walker 1888. -Mezz. ; 15} X 11} in. MILLER, WILLIAM ; general in the Peruvian service and British consul-general in the Pacific; 1795-1861. 1. W. L., standing, in uniform, cloak and hat, looking to r., holding telescope. Pront. to his Memoirs ; pub. Longman 1829. (Whitman 372.) Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. same plate, with publication liue in Portuguese. MILLER, WILLIA51 ; landscape engraver ; 1796-1882. 1. When old; bust, r. profile. Pliotograph, 2, Copy from the last ; vignette. Woodcut. MILLER, WILLIAM ALLEN, F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D. • chemist; 1817-1870. See Groups (English Chemists). MILLER; captain R.N, See Groups (Naval Victories), MILLER; clerk iu the Bank of England; fl, 1790, 1, W, L,, standing in the bank, directed and looking to L, in hat. Without any inscription. Stipple ; 65 X 6 in, MILLER, (Miss) ; actress. 1. As Zaphira in Browne's Barbarossa ; W. L., to r., standing, with upraised arm ; oval in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1795. Line ; 4:; X 3 in. MILLER. See MLt^lee. MILLETT, MAUDE ; living actress. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, holding fan. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MILLIGAN, ROBERT; merchant; projector of the London docks ; d. 1809. ]. H. L., to L, seated at a table, 1. hand on book. Stipple ; 115 X 91 in. 2. Statue erected at the London docks ; with the inscrip tion on the pedestal. Etching; 75 x 6} in. J. Engleheart T. Phillips H. Raeburn Sharpe J. Engleheart E. Scriven Mrs. D. Turner W. Walker C. Turner S. De Wilde L. Abbott W. Leney J. Minasi Anon. Catalogue of Engraved P>ritish Portraits 2,39 Subject Painter Engraver MILLINGTON, Sir THOMAS, il.D. ; physician ; 1628- 1704. 1. H. L., in wig and robes. Copy from picture at the Royal College of Physicians. Water-colom's.MILLS, ANNE; female sailor; fl. 1740. 1. W. L., full face, in saUor's dress, holding cutlass and a Frenchman's severed head. Copy from a contemporary print. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Line ; 61 X 41 in. MILLS, ARTHUR, J.P., D.L., (of Efford Down, Corn wall) ; M.P. for i'aunton and Exeter ; barrister and author; 1816-1898. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette; one of ' Grillion's club' series. stipple. MILLS, BERNARD, D.D. ; rector of Hitcham, Suffolk ; d. 1787. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in gown and bauds ; oval. Pub. J. Kendall, Bury St. Edmunds, 1788. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. MILLS, ISAAC, M.A.; rector of Highclere, Hants.; 1638-1720. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands ; ornamental frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 131 X 10 in. Two impressions. MILLS, JOHN, (sen.) ; actor ; 1670-1736. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom a painting. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1798. Stipple ; 55 X 41 in. MILLS, (Mrs.), (born BurcheU) ; w. of Captain M. ; singer ; d. 1802. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., to r., seated, in large hat, holding letter. Pub. J. R. Smith 1786. (C. S. 108, Prankau 240.) Mezz, ; 101 X 8} in. Two impressions, one coloured, MILL WARD, EDWARD ; methodist minister, 1. Bust, to r, ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1808. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. MILL WARD, JESSIE ; living actress. 1. Bust, full face. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MILMAN, HENRY H.\RT, D.D. ; dean of St. Paul's ; historian; 1791-1868. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, in private dress, holding open book on knee. Pub. W. Walker 1852. Mezz. ; 13} X 10} in. MILMAN, (Mr,) ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1820. Stipple ; 35 x 25 in. MILNE, ALEXANDER. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith. R. Grave G. Richmond W. Holl G. Ralph J. Singleton G. Vertue R. Clamp [ G. Engleheart | J. R. Smith R. M. Meadows T. A. Woolnoth J. Jackson E. U. Eddis W. Walker W. HoU M. Gauci 240 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MILNE, Sir DAVID, G.C.B.; admiral; 1763-1845. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. PL to Brenton's Naval History ; pub. H. Colburn 1837. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. MILNE, WILLIAM, D.D. ; 1822. missionary to China ; 1785- 1. H. L., to L, book in r. hand; vignette. PL to Evan gelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1823. Stipple.MILNER, ALFRED MILNER, Viscount, G.C.B.; b. 1854. 1. W. L., standing, to 1. Photograph. MILNER, DIANA (STURT), Lady; w. of Sir William M. M., bart. ; d. 1805. 1. H. L., to r., in large hat, arms crossed. Prom Sir E. H. Doyle's picture. PL to Ward and Roberts's Romney, 1904. Pliotogravure ; 7 X 5} in. 2. W. L., to 1., seated on chair, arms folded. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 7} X 41 in, MILNER, GEORGE; author; president of the Man chester Literary Club, 1, T. Q. L., seated, nearly in profile to 1. ; vignette. I Lith.MILNER, ISAAC, D.D., P.R.S.; president of Queen's CoUege, Cambridge, and dean of Carlisle ; 1750-1820. 1. H. L., to r., seated in armchair, in wig and gown ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Contemporary Por traits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. Stipple.2. Reduced copy from the last ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1820. Stipple. 8. H. L., looking to L, iu wig, gown and bands. Pub. J. and G. Pacius 1811. .stipple ; 115 X 85 in. 4. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, in gown; an alembic on table to 1. Prom picture at Queens' College, Cam bridge. .Stipple ; 16} X 131 in. MILNER, JOHN, (of Bloomsbury). 1. W. L., to r., seated by table. Prom picture at the Foundling Hospital. (G. S. 242.) Mezz. ; 20 x 135 in, MILNER, JOHN, D,D„ P,S,A, ; catholic bishop in partibus and author ; 1752-1826, 1, Nearly W. L,, to L, seated by table, in robes, r. hand on open book. Prom picture at Oscott, Pnb, Rev, E, Peach, Birmingham, 1819, Line ; 171 X 13J in, 2, H. L., looking to r., in robe ; rect. frame. Pub. W E Andrews 1822. Line ; 61 X 41 in. Painter Engraver T. Roussell G. Romney Anon. Anon. W. Rothenstein J. Jackson T. Kerrich J. Opie T. Hudson J. V. Barber G. A. Keman W. Rothenstein H. Meyer J. Thomson Pacius J. Paber jun. W. Radclyffe C. B. Pox Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 241 Subject MILNER, JOSEPH, M.A. ; vicar of Holy Trinity, HuU; author of Church History ; 1744-1797. 1, Silhouette profile ; on plate with representation of his monument. Pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Line. MILNER, JOSEPH T. ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PI. to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4| X 35 in. MILNER, Sib WILLIAM MORDAUNT, bart., M.P. ; lord mayor of York ; 1754-1811. 1. H. L., to r., in furred gown; rect. aquatinted border. Pub. F. Atkinson 1800. (C. S. 109, Frank:au 241.) Mezz. ; 141 X 101 in. One proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. MILNER-GIBSON, SUSANNA ARETHUSA, (born GuUum) ; w. of Right Hon. Thomas M.-G. ; 1814-1885. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table ; with facsimile of autograph. Prom a water-colour drawing. Eeproductiqn in colours ; 91 X 71 iu. MILNER-GIBSON, (Right Hon.) THOMAS, M.P. ; president of the board of trade ; 1806-1884. 1. H. L., to r. ; octagon. Pub. Agnew, Manchester, 1844. (Whitman 509.) ' Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. MILNES, KEITH. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Private plate. Stipple.MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON. MILTON, Viscount. MILTON, Viscount. See Houghton. See Dorchester. See PlTZWILLIAM. MILTON, JOHN; poet; 1608-1674. 1. Aged 62 ; H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Prom a drawing. Pront. to his History of Britain, 1670. (Pagan p. 48.) Line ; 7 X 51 in. One in first state, with date 1607 ; tlrree with date corrected to 1670. 2. Exact copy from the last. Front, to ed. of his Paradise Lost, with plates by H. Eland. Line ; 65 x 41 in. 8. Another copy ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Artis Logicae plenior Institutio, 1672. Line ; 4J x 3 in. 4, Another copy ; vignette. Front, to vol. vi. of his Life by Masson, 1880. Stipple and line. Proof before any inscription. 5. Another copy ; oval with facsimile of autograph. Front. to Aldine ed. of his Works ; pub. Pickering 1881, Stipple ; 21 X 21 in. 6. Another copy ; with title ' Milton ' only. Mezz. ; 35 X 25 in. 7. Another copy; decor, oval frame with six lines by Dryden below. Pront. to his Paradise Lost, 1695. Line ; 101 X 7 in. VOL. III. Painter W. Gush J. Hoppner C. Du Val P. C. Lewis jun. W. Faithorne Engraver Anon. J. Cochran J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds jun. P. C. Lewis sen. W. Paithorne Anon. W^. DoUe C. H. Jeens H. Robinson C. Sharp R. White 242 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Paikter Engraver MILTON, 3 OYm— continued. 8. Another copy ; rect. frame with ornaments. Pub. Matthews & Leigh 1807. Stipple ; 51 X 35 in. W. Paithorne R. Woodman jun. 9. Another copy ; Dryden's lines below ; 17th cent. Line ; 35 x 2} in. SS Anon. 10. Another copy; rect. frame. PI. to Smeeton's The Unique, 1823. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. SS SS 11. Another copy, to 1. Pub. R. Sayer & J. Bennett. Mezz. ; 55 X 45 in. SS ,s 12. Same drawing; circular frame on pedestal. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1779, etc. Line ; 45 x 2} in. SS p. Bartolozzi 18. Same drawing ; oval wreath of laurel. PL to Memoirs of T. Hollis, 1780. Etching. SS G. B. Cipriani 14. Same drawing ; rect. Pront. to his Prose Works, 1883 ; pub. Westley & Davis. Line ; 51 x 41 in. SS W. C. Edwards 15. Same drawing, to 1. ; oval with ornaments ; with ' J. MiUer sc' only. Pront. to his Paradise Lost, 1770. Line ; 65 X 31 in. SS J. S. MiiUer 16, Same drawing, to 1, ; aged 66 ; oval with title on curtain above, Dryden's lines on tablet below. Front, to his Works, 1720, Line ; 8} X 6 in, same plate ; with four Greek lines substituted for the six by Dryden, Front, to his Paradise Lost, 1732, SSSS G. Vertue SS same plate, reworked, Pront. to sarhe work, 1747. ,, SS 17. Copy from the last ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1795. Line ; 15 x 15 in. SS T. Milton 18. Similar to the preceding, with variations ; oval with ornaments. One of set of plates of The Poets. Line ; 135 X 8} in. SS G. Vertue 19, Copy from the last ; oval in rect, PL to Boydell's ed. of his Works, 1794. Stipple ; 101 X 7 in. " W. N. Gardiner 20, Another copy, bust, to r. ; oval ; with Italian title. Stipple ; 5} X 45 in. SS M. Bovi 21. Another copy ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag., 1819, Stipple ; 2 X 15 in. W. HoU 22. Another copy; rect., with facsimile of autograph. Front, to his Works, ed. Sir E, Brydges ; pub. J. Macrone 1835. Line ; 4 X 31 in. ,, W. C. Edwards 23. Another copy; oval frame, with French title and verses. ' a Paris ohez Daumont.' Line ; 55 X 4 in. S3 Anon. 24. Similar to the preceding; vignette, without inscrip tion. Etching. SS J. Richardson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 243 Subject Painter Engraver 25. Reduced repetition of the last, with six lines by J. Richardson jun. Etching.26. Reversed copy from the last ; without inscription. Etcliing.27. Similar to the preceding, with laurel wreath placed on head ; two lines from his poem to Manso below. Pront. to Richardson's Remarks on the Paradise Lost, 1734. Etching ; (pL) 6 X 3| in. 28. Identical with the last, but H. L., to 1. ; oval frame, with Dryden's lines below. ' R. White ad Vivum delin.' Pub. T. & J. Bowles & Son. (C. S. 104.) Mezz. ; llf X 91 in. 29. Similar to the last, but represented as a bust, with his name in Greek characters on the plinth ; three lines from his poem to Manso below. Btching. 30. Similar to the preceding ; oval frame on pedestal ; with French title. Pub. Odieuvre. (Wessely 71.) Liue ; 61 X 3} in. 81. Similar to the preceding, with variations ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to Newton's ed. of his Paradise Lost, 1750. Line ; 6 X 35 in. 32. Copy from the last ; oval in title to his Poems ; pub. G. Nicholson 1800. Stipple ; 21 X 15 in. 33. Similar to the preceding, face to 1. ; oval frame with •vignette of the expulsion from paradise. Prom the drawing at Bayfordbury. 'I. MUler sc' Front, to Newton's ed, of his Paradise Lost, 1759, Line ; 35 X 25 in, 34, Same drawing, ' Drawn by T. Simpson.' Front, to Todd's ed. of his Works ; pub. Rivington 1809. Stipple ; 4} X 3g in. 35. Similar to the preceding, with variations ; shirt open at neck ; oval frame with ornaments. Front, to RoUi's Italian translation of his Paradise Lost, 1736. Line ; 12 X 7} in. 36. Copy from the last ; vignette. Stipple.37, H, L,, face to 1, ; oval. Prom painting in possession of Sir R. Hobart. PL to WiUiamson's Cat. of Milton Exhibition at Cambridge, 1908. Process block. 38. Aged 10; H. L., to L, in stiff lace collar. Prom the HoUis-Disney picture now in possession of Mrs. Pass- more Edwards. Pub. Medici Society. Ileproduction in colours ; 18 X 14 in. 39. Same picture, to r. ; in frame of roses. PL to Memoirs of T. Hollis, 1780. Etching. 40. Same picture, to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to Boydell's ed. of his Works, 1794. Stipple.41. Same picture, to 1. ; vignette. PL to his Life, by Masson ; pub. Macmillan 1874. Stipple, W. Paithorne C. Janssen J. Richardson J. Simon J. Richardson jun. G. P. Schmidt G. Vertue J. Chapman J. S. MiiUer J. CoUyer J. vr. Gucht MoUison G. B. Cipriani W. N. Gardiner E. RadelyfFe R 2 244 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MILTON, JQ-Kn-continued. 42. Aged 21 ; H. L., to r. ; oval frame with four of the muses in angles; four Greek lines by himself below. Pront. to his Poems, 1645. Line ; 55 x 3j in. 43. Facsimile copy from the preceding. Line ; same dimensions. 44. Another cojiy; oval frame in rect. Pront. to his Paradise Regained, 1713. Line ; 35 x 2' in. 45 Aged 21 ; H. L., to r., in faUing ruff; oval in archi tectural frame. From picture formerly belonging to Lord Onslow, now lost. Pront. to Bentley's ed of his Works, 1782. Line ; 85 x 6 in. Painter Pront. to Newton's ed. of 46. Same picture ; oval frame. his Paradise Regained, 1758. 47. Same picture ; in oval wreath ; 14 lines below. PI to Memoirs of T. Hollis, 1780. Etching.48. Same picture, to 1. ; vignette. Pront. to vol. iv. of his Woi-ks, ed. Sir E. Brydges ; pub. J. Macrone 1835. Line, Proof before title, 49, Same picture; oval in reot, PL to BoydeU's ed of his Works, 1794. Stipple ; 101 X 71 in. 50. Same picture; oval with ornaments. PI. to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1741. Line ; 141 X 85 in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 51. Copy from the last, with the ornaments; 1744. Mezz, ; 13} X 101 in. 52. Another copy ; plain oval on pedestal. PL to London Mag. ; pub. R. Baldwin 1752. Line ; 6} X 41 in. 53. The copy at Nuneham from the Onslow picture ¦ oval Front, to Dr. WiUiamson's Cat. of Milton Exhibition at Cambridge, 1908. Photo-mezz, 54. W. L., standing between Homer and Virgil, who hold a wreath ; Dryden's lines below. Line ; 5} X 35 in. 55. Copy from the last, with same lines. Line ; 4^ X 3 in. 56. W. L., standing, in cloak. Line ; 41 X 25 in, 57, Bust, looking to r. Prom picture formerly in nosses sion of Sir T. W, Holburue, bart. ^ ^ Phot3graph. False. 58. Bust, to r. ; oval frame on base of a pyramid with curtam. From miniature now at Rokebv Pub C. Watson 1786. ¦'¦ "• Stipple ; 71 X 61 in. Engraver W. Marshall Anon. M. vr. Gucht G. Vertue SS G. B. Cipriani W. C. Edwards W. N. Gardiner J. Houbraken A. Miller Anon. S. Cooper G. Vertue P. Pourdrinier J. Pougeron C. Watson Catalogue of E-ngraved British Portraits 245 Subject Painter 'W. Paithorne' P. vr. Plas 59. Same miniature ; rect. frame. ' Reynolds pinx.' S. Cooper Line ; 35 X 31 in. 60. Same miniature, to r. ; vignette. Pub. P. Peter, Leipzig. Stipple. 61. Bust, to r., in large band; oval against truncated column, with ornaments designed by Cipriani and Burney. Pront. to his Paradise Lost; pub. P. J. Du Roveray 1807. Line ; 41 X 31 in. 82. H. L., to r. Prom the Falconer miniature. Pub. W. Mackenzie, Glasgow, &o. Stipple ; 61 X 4 in. 63. H, L., standing, looking to r., r. hand on breast ; pilgrim's staff to 1. ; vision of the risen Saviour to r. Prom picture bequeathed by Capel Lofit to National GaUery. Pub. W. Stevenson, Norwich, 1797. Stipple ; 85 X 71 in. 64. Same picture ; bust only, to 1. ; vignette. Pub. F. Moser. Lith.65. Aged about 25; H. L., to r. ; oval. Pront. to his Memoirs, by Peck 1740, (C. S. 243.) Mezz. ; 7 X 6 in. 66. Aged 42; H. L., to 1. ; oval frame with ornaments; 1751. Line ; 81 X 6 in. 67. As a blind old man, to r., in cloak; vignette. [Fanciful.] Stipple and line. Busts, etc. 68. The plaster bust formerly belonging to Thomas Hollis, now at Christ's CoUege, Cambridge. ' J. Richardson delin.' Pront. to his Prose Works, 1738. Line ; 115 X 7 in. [Richardson's drawing is in the British Museum.] 69. Same bust, in wreath of palms ; 14 lines below. PL to Memoirs of T. Hollis, 1780. Etching. 70. Same bust, placed on a term, on face of which is a medaUion of Salmasius. PL to same work. Etchiug ; 9} X 71 in. 71. Copy from the last. Pront. to vol, iii, of Archdeacon Wrangham's Works, 1816. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 72. Same bust, 1. proflle ; vignette. Stipple.Proof before any inscription. 73. A head, r. profile, with hair confined by a fiUet ; oval ; 1738. Etchmg ; 3} X 31 in. 74. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. Prom a seal by T. Simon. Line ; 21 X 15 in. 75. Same seal, to r. ; oval. Pub. Mawmau 1801. Line ; 21 X 15 in. 76. The mural monument in Westminster Abbey, VTith his bust by Rysbrach. Line ; 12 x 71 in. Engraver Boutrois Anon. W. Sharp C. Cooke G. Quinton M. Gauci J. Paber jun. G. Vertue Bosselman G. Vertue G. B. Cipriani J. Hopwood H. Meyer J. Richardson jun. W. W. Ryland T. Holloway I N. Parr 246 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MILTON, JOim— continued. 11. Same monument. Line ; 55 x 31 in. 78. The Janssen and Onslow pictures, the HoUis bust and the Paithorne drawing; four ovals in rect. PL to German ed. of Lavater's Physiognomy. Stipple and etching ; 95 X 75 in. See Killigbbw, Sir WiUiam. See Groups (Worthies of Britain), (Poets and PhUo- sophers of England), (with Cowley & Denham). MINASI, ANTONIO ; juvenile flute player ; b. 1815 ? 1. Aged 9| ; bust, to 1. ; vignette. Pub. J. Ebers 1825. Lith. MINET, (Mrs.) ; w. of Daniel M., P.R.S. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval in rect. Pub. H. Graves & Go. Mezz. ; 5 X 41 in. MINGAY, JAMES, K.G. ; recorder of Aldborough; d. 1811. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, in wig and gown. Pub. T. Macklin 1791. (C. S. 24.) Mezz. ; 171 X 13} in. One unfinished ; one proof before any inscription ; two with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, cut. 2. Same picture, H. L. only; oval. Pub. J. Budcock 1803. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 3. Similar to the preceding. Prom a drawing in crayons by Bartolozzi in the Albertina collection. Reproduction ; 91 X 71 in. 4. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval, with arms below. Stipple ; 61 X 61 in. MINGAY, (Captain). See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MINNS. See Myngb. MINTO, GILBERT ELLIOT, 1st Earl of, P.R.S,; governor-general of India ; 1751-1814. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., iu peer's robes, hand resting on map of Java. Pub. C. Turner 1815. (Whit man 378.) Mezz. ; 24 X 15 in. 2. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. Pub. J. Virtue. Line ; 65 X 41 in. 3. When Sir G. EUiot, bart. ; H. L., to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 85 X 25 in. Clipped impression. MISAUBIN, JOHN, M.D. ; physician ; d. 1734. 1. W. L., to L, standing, holding hat and syringe. Imita tion of a sketch. Without inscription. Soft-ground etching ; 95 X 7} in. MITCHEL, JOHN ; Irish agitator ; 1815-1875. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. From photo graph. Pub. Professor Gluckman, Dublin. Lith. Painter J. Minasi Gainsborough G. Romney J. Russell G. Chinnery A. Watteau (C. Baugniet) Engraver Hulett J. H. Lips J. Minasi R. Josey C. H. Hodges J. Hopwood T. Hardy C. Turner W. J. Edwards A. P(ond) (C. Baugniet) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 247 Subject Painter Engraver MITCHELL, Sir ANDREW, K.B. ; diplomatist ; 1708- 1771. 1. H. L., to L, in robes of the Bath ; with facsimile of autograph. Pront. to his Memoirs, by A. Bisset ; pub. Chapman & HaU 1850. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. MITCHELL, Sir ANDREW ; admiral; 1757-1806. 1, Bust, to L, in uniform ; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle ; pub. J. Gold 1806. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. See Groups (British Admirals). MITCHELL, DAVID WILLIAM, P.L.S. ; naturalist ; secretary to the Zoological Society. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., r. hand on stick ; with facsimile of autograph. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome. Lith.MITCHELL, GEORGE MICHAEL; of the London and Westminster Bank. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette ; without title ; 1847. Lith. MITCHELL, JAMES ; murderer ; hanged 1814. 1. Bust, r. profile ; octagon. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut ; 25 X 21 in. MITCHELL, JOHN, D.D. ; minister of Anderston, Glasgow. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, resting head on 1. hand. Pub. J. Graham, Glasgow, 1825. (0. S. 199.) Mezz. ; 171 X 13} in. One unfinished ; one proof with inscription space masked ; one lettered impression. MITCHELL, JOHN ; hardwareman. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MITCHELL, JOHN FORBES, (of Thainston) ; 1785- 1822. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Lith.MITCHELL, WILLIAM, W.S. ; receiver-general of Jamaica; 1742-1823. 1. H. L., to L, 1. arm on table ; reot. border. (C. S. not descr.. Whitman not descr.) Mezz, ; 175 X 14 in. 2. SimUar to the last, smaUer. (C. S. 86, Whitman 161.) Mezz. ; 141 X 12 in. MITCHELL. See Groups (Print sales). MITPORD, MARY RUSSELL ; writer ; 1787-1855. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., in large hat and shawl, book in 1. hand. Pub. Colnaghi 1830. Mezz. ; 9} X 71 in. 2. H. L., to r,, in cap; vignette. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Bentley's Miscellany, 1852. Stipple. R. Bowyer T. H. Maguire J. Graham J. Masquerier L. Abbott J. Lucas R. Young H. R. Cook T. H. Maguire G. B. Black Anon. S. W. Reynolds & S. Cousins M. Gauci V. Green J. Bromley S. Preeman 248 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MITPORD, MARY RUSSELL— cojiimMet?. 3. Same picture; oval in rect. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1854. Woodcut. 4. W. L., seated at table, handing letter to a boy. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1831. Lith. 5. Bust, to r., in cap ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to New Monthly Mag., 1837. Stipple. 6. Bust, full face, in cap ; vignette. From a drawing, Lith, Proof before title, 7. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Stipple, MITPORD, WILLIAM, M,P. ; historian; 1744-1827. 1. H. L., to 1., seated iu armchair, paper in 1. hand ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Contemporary Por traits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1811. Stipple. 2. Same drawing ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Stipple. MITTON. See Mytton. MIZER ; blind doctor at Manchester ; fl. 1780. 1. H. L., to L, in spectacles; oval. (0. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 10 x 75 in. Clipped and injured impression, MOCKET, THOMAS, M,A, ; puritan divine; 1602- 1670? 1, Aged 68; T. Q, L,, to L, standing, in skull-cap and gown, book in 1, hand. Front, to his Christian Advice. 1671, Line ; 3} X 25 in, ' MODERN FLORA.' See Cbomartie, Isabel (Gordon), Countess of, MOHAMMED IBRAHEEM, MIRZA ; compUer of a Persian grammar. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Athenieum Portraits, No. 48 Lith. MOHUN, CHARLES MOHUN, 5th Baron ; kiUed in a duel with the Duke of Hamilton ; 1675 ?-1712. 1. H. L., face to 1., holding open snuff-box. No. 28 of ' Kitcat Club ' series. (G. S. 208.) Mezz, ; 121 X 9} in, I'ive impressions. MOHtTN, MICHAEL ; actor; 1620?-1684. 1. H, L., to r., holding dravm sword. Prom picture at Knole. ' S. Harding del.' PI. to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1798. Stipple ; 4} X 41 in. 2. Same picture; with facsimUe of autosrauh Pnb H. Rodd 1822. ^ ^ ' Line ; 35 X 2} in. Painter J. Lucas (D. Maclise) P. R. Say J. Slater H. Edridge J. Partridge G. Kneller Engbaver Anon. (D. Maclise) J. Thomson I. W. Slater W. Bond C. Pieart E. Scriven T. Cross W. D(rum- mond) J. Paber jun. E. Harding jun. Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 249 Subject physician and author ; MOIR, DAVID MACBETH; 1798-1851. See Groups (Praserians). MOIRA, JOHN.RAWDON, 1st Earl of; 1720-1793. 1. When Sir J. Rawdon ; H. L., to r. ; oval frame. PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742. (G. S. 401.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 iu. MOIRA, FRANCIS RAWDON-HASTINGS, 2nd Earl of. See Hastings. MOIRA, GERALD E. ; living miniature painter. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Process block. MOIVRE. See De Moivre. MOLESWORTH, ROBERT MOLESWORTH, 1st Viscount; 1656-1725. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. frame ; four Latin and four EngUsh lines below. Sold J. Bowles. (C. S. 27, II.) Mezz. ; 115 X 9} in. Two impressions. MOLESWORTH, RICHARD MOLESWORTH, 3rd Viscount ; commander-in-chief in Ireland ; 1680-1758. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in uniform, pointing with r. hand. Pub. W. Herbert. (C. S. 23.) Mezz. ; 12| X 10 in. MOLESWORTH, PRANCES, (born Smyth) ; 1st w. of Sir John M., bart. ; d. 1758. 1, Nearly W. L., fuU face, standing, holding flowers. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1823. Mezz. ; 6 X 4 in. MOLESWORTH, Sir JOHN, bart. ; 1730-1775. 1. W. L., standing in a wood, looking to r., r. hand on a cane. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1822. Mezz. ; 6| X 4} in. MOLESWORTH, JOHN ; lottery calculator ; b. 1751. 1. Aged 22 ; H. L., nearly in proflle to r. ; oval frame. Pub. 1778. (G. S. 112.) Mezz. ; 12} X 105 in. 2. Aged 24; T. Q. L., r. profile, standing by desk, holding sheet of numbers ; oval. Etching ; 81 X 6} in. MOLESWORTH, Sir WILLIAM, bart., M.P. ; secre tary of state ; 1810-1855. See Groups (Aberdeen Cabinet). MOLINEUX, ISABELLA, Lady. See Sefton. MOLINEUX, (Lady). 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, arms crossed on lap. Pub. R. Sayer 1769. (C. S. 101, Goodwin 61.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. , . Two proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one before title and date ; one fully lettered impression. See Cbawpord, Anne. Painter G. Knapton T. Gibson A. Lee J. Reynolds J. Reynolds Engraver J. Paber jun. P. Pelham J. Brooks S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds Anon. T. Kettle J. Watson 250 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb MOLIQUE, BERNHARD ; violinist ; 1808-1869. See Groups (' Musical Union 1854 '). ' MOLL CITTPURSE.' See Frith, Mary. MOLTENO, ANTHONY ; printseller. ¦ • See Groups (Portraits made at print sales). MOLTENO, J. ANTHONY; s. of the preceding; d. 1845. 1. When a child; W. L., playing with a dog; without title. Pub. Torre & Co. 1787. Line ; 61 X 61 in . MOLYNEUX, (Mrs.). 1. W. L., to L, seated on sofa, with child who holds her fan. Without any inscription. (Whitman 375.) Mezz. ; 145 X 11 in. MONAMY, PETER ; marine painter ; 1670 ?-1749. 1. H. L., to r., resting picture on table. Sold J. Faber. (C. S. 244.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, to 1. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. 3. Same picture, to r. PL to same work, ed. 1862. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. MONBODDO, Lord. See Bubnet, James. MONCK, GEORGE. See Albemarle. MONCK, JOHN; huntsman to Mr. Haubury the brewer. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding hunting cap and whip ; head of a hound to r. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 135 X 95 in. Two proofs before inscription. MONCK, NICHOLAS, D.D. ; bishop of Hereford ; 1610- 1661. See Groups (Rawlinson family). MONCKTON, (Hon.) MARY. See Cork, Mary, Countess of. MONCKTON, (Hon.) ROBERT; s. of 1st Viscount Galway ; general in North America ; 1726-1782. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in uniform, hat under 1. arm; battery pointed at a town to r. (G. S. 130, Goodwin 189.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last. (G. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. 3. Another copy, H. L. only. Pub. J. Bowles. (C. S. 114.) Mezz. ; 51 X 45 in. 4. Another copy, bust only ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 65 X 3} in. P. Bettelini C. Osborne T. Stubly P. Bettelini C. Turner J. Paber jun. J. Bretherton S. Preeman R. Dunkarton T, Hudson J. McArdeU Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 251 Subject Painter Engraver 5, W. L,, standing before a tent, beside a cannon, looking and pointing to r, ; plan of Martinique in r, hand. Pub, W, Austin, With inscription on separate plate, (C. S, 103, Goodwin 157.) Mezz. ; 191 X 1<* in- One impression without inscription plate ; one with it. same plate, with dedication and address erased. 6. H. L., to r., hat under r. arm ; vignette. Etching. MONCREIPP, Sib JAMES WELLWOOD, bart. (Lord Moncreifi); Scottish judge ; 1776-1851. 1. When dean of faculty ; H. L,, to r,, in private dress with ofhcial badge. Pub. W. Walker 1829. (Whitman 112.) Mezz.-; 11} X 9} iu. Two proofs with publisher's address only ; two with open letters ; one fully lettered Impression. MONCREIPP, JAMES MONCREIPP, 1st Baron; lord justice clerk of Scotland ; 1811-1895. 1, Bust, to r, ; vignette. Prom a drawing. One of ' GrUlion's Club ' series. Stipple. 2. Bust, to 1. ; from a photograph. Cutting from The Graphic. Woodcut. MONCRIEPP, JAMES. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. 1825. Lith. MONCRIEPP, JAMES ; Scottish advocate. See Groups (Scottish Bench and Bar). MONCRIEPP, WILLIAM THOMAS; dramatist and •theatrical manager ; 1794-1857. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in chair, hands joined ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Lith. 2. Aged 25 ; bust, to L, with ornaments ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple. MONCRIEPP-WELLWOOD, Sir HENRY, bart., D.D. ; Scottish divine ; 1750-1827. 1. In pulpit, preaching, in gown and bands ; open bible before him ; oval ; 1793. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. 2. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, looking upwards to r., r. hand on open book. Pub. J. Steel, Edinburgh, 1812. (Whitman 376.) Mezz. ; 171 X 13} in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 3, Same picture. PI. to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 65 X 61 in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple. Proof before title. 5. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1812. Stipple. B. West J. W. Gordon J. Watson Anon. S. Cousins G. Richmond W. Bewick W. HoU Anon. W. Bewick J. K. Meadows J. K. Meadows Anon. J.Kay H. Raeburn J. Kay C. Turner S. Preeman E. Scriven 252 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaver MONCRIEPPE, Lady LOUISA; w. of Sir Thomas M., bart. ; d. of 10th Earl of KinnouU ; 1825-1898. 1. H. L., to L; oval. PL to Bogue's Court Album. Stipple ; 5} X 41 in. MONEY, WILLIAM ; director of the East India Com pany ; d. 1796. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by writing table, looking to r., r. arm over back of chair. Pub. C. Turner 1801. (Whit man 377.) Mezz. ; 16} x 13} in. MONINGTON, (of Sarnesfield Court, Herefordshire). 1. Aged 24 ; H. L., to L, in cloak ; column to L, arms to r. ; oval, with below : — ' Nee me mea fallit Imago.' (Pagan p. 17.) Line ; SJ X 2} in. same ; modern impression from the original plate discovered in 1884. 2. Facsimile of the last. PL to Catalogue Raisonni of the Collection of an Amateur (T. Wilson), 1828. Line.MONK, (Gbneeal) GEORGE. See Albemable. MONK, JAMES HENRY, D.D. ; bishop of Gloucester and Bristol ; 1784-1856. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to r., in rochet. Pub. E. Puckle 1843. Mezz. ; 17 X 131 in. 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in rochet; book in r. hand. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Poi-trait GaUery ; pub. Pisher 1832. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. MONKHOUSE, WILLIAM COSMO ; writer on art ; 1840-1901. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Etching. MONMOUTH, ROBERT CAREY, 1st Earl of ; 1560 ?- 1639. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval in rect. Copy from a head in Pine's Tapestries. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. See Gboups (Pine's Tapestries). MONMOUTH, HENRY CAREY, 2nd Earl of K.B ¦ translator; 1596-1661. 1. Bust, to r., in cloak ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to' his translation of Bocalini's I Ragguagli di Parnasso, 1656 ; also used for that of Gapriata's Wars of Italy, 1663! First state, with the word ' Balniae ' spelt ' Balnae ' (Pagan p. 49.) same plate, with spelling corrected. 2, Copy from the last, reversed ; oval. PI. to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4 x 81 in. 3. A bust on a pedestal iu a landscape, 1. profile. Front. to his translation of Lenault's Use of the Passions, 1649.' Line ; 55 x 41 in. H. Gray G. Dupont W. Paithorne W. Gush J. Moore W. Strang W. H. Mote C. Turner W. Paithorne R. Sawyer P. Bacon . G. Parker W. Strang Anon. W. Paithorne Anon. W. Marshall Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 2.53 Subject. Painter Engraver MONMOUTH AND BUCCLEUCH, JAMES SCOTT, Duke of, K.G. ; natural son of Charles II. ; 1649-1685 1, When a boy ; a head, to 1, From miniature at Windsor, PL to O. Airy's Charles II., 1901, Photogravure, 2, Same miniature, PL to Burlington Mag., 1906. Photogravure. 3. H. L., face to r., in lace cravat and armour ; oval frame of laurel. Line. Clipped impression. 4. W. L., face to L, standing, in Garter robes; plumed hat on table. From picture at Montagu House. PL to Airy's CharUs II., 1901. Photogravure ; 8} X 51 in. 5. Life size ; bust, to r., in lace cravat and armour ; oval border of laurel. (Wessely 38, C. S. m.) Mezz. ; 265 X 191 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 6. Copy from the last, to r. ; in frame of palm and laurel ; small vignette engraved for WaUer's Poems. Liue.7. Another copy, to r. ; with German inscription. Line ; 71 X 61 in. 8. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in Garter robes, hat in r. hand. A. Blooteling ex. (Wessely 28.) Line ; 121 X 95 in. One proof before any inscriptiou ; one lettered impression. 9. Same picture, reversed. (C. S. 79.) Mezz. ; 121 x 10 in. 10. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; circle in frame of masonry. ' Vander Werff pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line; 111 X 6| in. 11. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame ; with French title. Line ; 7 X 5} in. 12. H. L., face to 1., in armour with riband and lace collar ; oval. (C. S. 3.). Mezz, ; 6| X 5| in, same plalte, reworked ; artists' names erased, 13. W. L., on horseback, to 1., in landscape, with cavalry skirmish ; title on separate plate. Pub. 1774. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; 14 X 161 in. One proof before separate plate ; one with it. same plate ; after spelling of the word ' miserantur ' had been altered twice. Two impressions. same plate ; without separate plate. 14. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in lace cravat and armour, holding truncheon. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 71 X 6 in. 15. H. L., face slightly to 1., in lace cravat and armour; oval ; E, Cooper exo, (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. S. Cooper G. Kneller P. Vanderbank P. Lely G. Netseher & J. Wyck J. Riley W. Wissing A. Blooteling G. Vertue Anon. A. Blooteling Anon. E. Desroehers B. Pieart J. Lloyd exc. W. Baillie W. T. Pry J. vr. Vaart 254 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject r. ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. oval. (C. S. not desc.) PL to Universal Mag. oval, with German MONMOUTH AND BUCCLEUCH, JAISIES SCOTT, Duke of — continued. 16. Same picture, face to r. ; oval. P. Schenck exc. Mezz, ; 11 X 9 in. Two impressions. 17. Same picture, face to (G. S. 38.) Mezz. ; 85 X 65 in. 18. Same picture, face to 1. : Mezz. ; 4| X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 19. Same picture ; oval, on pedestal Line ; 65 X 41 in. 20. H. L., face to r., in wig and mantle inscription on scroll below. Line ; 65 X 45 in. 21. When young; W. L., on horseback, riding to r., in hat, holding whip. Sold S. Lye. Etching ; 13 X 10 in. 22. H. L., to r., in cravat and cuirass with badge of the Garter ; oval frame of oak leaves on pedestal. Sold J. Overton. (Pagan p. 63.) Line ; 135 X 101 in. [This is the plate of Henry Terne, after Sheppard, with head, inscrip tion, etc., altered.] 23. H. L., to r., in wig and cuirass ; octagonal frame. Line ; 45 X 31 in. 24. When young, H. L., to L, with long hair and large lace band ; oval frame of oakleaves. D. Loggan exc. Line; 135 X 10 in. 25. Similar to the last, to r. ; oval of laurel on pedestal. A. Tooker exc. Line ; 6} X 6 in. 26. SimUar to the preceding, to r. ; oval frame supported by two amorini ; on same plate with the Duchess. P. Stent exc. Liue ; 6} X 45 in. 27. H. L., to Schenck exc. Mezz. ; 8 X 65 in. 28. H. L., to r., in lace cravat and cuirass ; oval of laurel in architectural frame. N. Visscher exc. Line ; 141 X 105 in. 29. H. L., to L, in lace cravat and cuirass ; with another of James II. ; in a German broadside giving an account of his execution. Line ; 6} X 31 in. See Groups (Antipapists), (Kings of England). MONMOUTH AND BUCCLEUCH, ANN (SCOTT), Duchess of, (suo jure Countess of Buccleuch) ; w. of the preceding ; m. 2. Charles, 3rd Baron Cornwallis ; 1651- 1732. 1. H. L., face to r., with pearl necklace and pearls in dress ; oval. R. Tompson exc. (0. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 111 X 01 in. 2. Reversed copy from the last, with curl added on shoulder ; oval. Dutch plate. Mezz. ; 11 X 81 in. r., in long wig and mantle ; oval. P. Painter Engraver W. Wissing P. Schenck R. WiUiams Anon. Azelt P. B(arlow) W. Faithorne P. H. V. Hove D. Loggan P. H. v. Hove Anon. P. Schenck Anon. G. Kneller J. vr. Vaart P. Schenck Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 255 Subject Painter Engraver 3. W. L., seated on dais, her two sons, the Earl of Doncaster and Lord Henry (afterwards Earl ot Deloraine) , standing on either side of her. Without engraver's name. G. Beckett exo. (G. S. 182.) Mezz. ; 15J X 10 in. same plate, with Smith's name inserted and his address substituted for Beckett's. Six impressions. 4. Copy from the last. German plate with title on scroll above. Line ; 6} x 6 iu. 5. Nearly W. L., to L, seated on the ground, feeding a lamb. (C. S. 76.) Two impressions. 6. H. L., face slightly to L, veil falling from back of head. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 81 X 7 in, 7, H, L,, face to r., veil falling from head ; oval. Sold B. Cooper. ' Cum PrivUegio Regis.' (G. S. 37.) Mezz. ; 91 X 65 in. same plate ; with ' cum Privilegio Regis ' erased. 8. H. L., to L, with hair in ringlets ; oval frame on pedestal. A. Tooker exc. Line ; 65 X 6 in. 9. H. L., face slightly to L, with veil falling from head; oval. E. Cooper ex. (C. S. 77.) Mezz. ; 65 X 55 in. 10. SimUar to the last, without' veil ; oval. (C. S. 78.) . Mezz. ; 41 X 35 in. 11. T. Q. L., to L, standing, with dog in her arms; oval; without title. E. Cooper ex. (G. S. not desc.) [Doubt- Mezz. ; 65 X 55 in. See MONMOUTH AND BUCCLEUCH, JAMES, Duke of. MONNANI, (Madame) ; vocaUst. 1. As Smeaton in Donnizetti's opera Anna Bolena ; W. L., to L, standing ; vignette. Pub. T. McLean. Lith. MOWNOYBR, JEAN BAPTISTE ; flower painter; 1684-1699, 1. H. L., looking to r., in cap ; oval frame ; 1715. (C. S. 27.) Mezz. ; I15 x 95 in. Four impressions. same plate ; inscription re-engraved, with dedication to Duke of Montagu. MONOX. See Mannock. MONRO, ALEXANDER, M.D., P.R.S.; anatomist; 1697-1767. 1. H. L., to L, in. gown; oval frame with ornaments. Front, to his Works, 1781. Liue ; 9} X 71 iu. 2. Copy from the last ; oval frame of masonry. Pub. W. Bent 1786. Line ; 65 X 31 in. G. KneUer P. Lely W. Wissing W. Taylor G. Kneller A. 'Ramsay (John Smith) Anon. s, J. Lloyd exc. R. Williams P. H. V. Hove Anon. W. Taylor G. White J. Basire T. Cook 256 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MONRO, ALEXANDER, M.D., P.R.S.E.; s. of the preceding ; anatomist ; 1733-1817. 1. W. L., on a bridge, walking to r., in hat; without title. Etching ; 35 X 21 in. 2. H. L., to L, in gown. Pub. J. Heath 1800. Stipple ; 81 X 7 in. MONRO, ALEXANDER, M.D. ; s. of the last ; 1773-1859. 1. When old ; T. Q. L., seated, holding book. Daguerreotype. MONRO, EDWARD THOMAS, M.D. ; physician; 1790- 1856. See Gboups. MONRO, HENRY ; painter ; 1791-1814. 1. Bust, to L, face in profile ; vignette ; 1813. Without title. Etching. MONSEY, MESSENGER, M.D. ; physician to Chelsea Hospital; 1693-1788. 1. When old; T. Q. L., to r., seated, in hat. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1789. Line ; 45 x 3J in. MONSON, ELIZABETH (CAPELL-CONINGSBY), Lady ; w. of John, 3rd Baron ; d. of 4th Earl of Essex; 1755-1834. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., leaning on pedestal. Pub. T. Agnew & Sons 1907. Mezz. ; 24 X 165 in- Artist's proof, See Essex, George Capell-Coningsby, 5th Earl of, MONSON, (Mbs,) ; known as ' Queen of Patterdale ' ; W, L,, sitting in cottage, holding bottle and mug and smoking pipe ; with title ' Queen of Patterdale ' ; 1794, Coloured, Aquatint ; 81 X 61 in, MONTAGU, ELIZABETH (WRIOTHESLEY), Count ess of ; 1st w, of Ralph, 1st Earl and Duke of ; d, of 4th Earl of Southampton ; m, 1. Joceline Percy, 11th Earl of Northumberland ; 1646-1690, 1, When Countess of Northumberland ; nearly W. L,, seated, face to r,, r, arm on plinth of column. Sold A, Browne, (G. S, 78,) Mezz, ; 125 X 95 in, 2, When Countess of Northumberland ; nearly W, L,, standing, face to r,, r, arm on rock. (C. S. 25.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. Three impressions, 3, When Countess of Northumberland; nearly W. L., to r., standing, plucking leaves from an orange tree. (G. S. 26.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. Two impressions. 4. When Countess of Northumberland; nearly W. L., walking to L, pointing with r. hand. From picture at Hampton Court. One of set of Windsor Beauties. Pub. Shropshire & Watson 1779. (G. S. 5, Goodwin 34.) Mezz. ; 181 X 13 in. Three proofs before title ; one fully lettered impression. Painteb J. Kay H. Raeburn Engraver H. Monro J. Kay J. Heath G. Romney J. Halfpenny P. Lely H. Monro W. Bromley N. Hirst J. Halfpenny I. Beckett A. Browne exc. T. Watson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 257 Subject 5. Same picture. PL to Mrs. Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II., 1883. Stipple ; 65 X 5 in. Proof before any inscription. MONTAGU, ELIZABETH (CAVENDISH), Duchess of; 2nd w. of Ralph, 1st Duke. See Albemarle. MONTAGU, JOHN MONTAGU, 2nd Duke of, K.G., K.B. ; 1688?-1749. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in armour with riband, holding truncheon, helmet to 1. Pub. Faber & Overton, (C, S. 245, II.) Mezz. ; 11| X 9} in. same plate, with face and inscription altered. Sold T. Bowles. 2. T. Q. L., to r., standing, r. hand on cannon, 1. on hilt of sword, hat under arm. (C. S. 132, Goodwin 135.) Mezz. ; 16} X 11} in. 3. H. L., looking to L, holding cane. No. 6 of ' Kitcat Club' series. (C. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. Three impressions. MONTAGU, MARY (CHURCHILL), Duchess of; w. of the preceding ; d. of 1st Duke of Marlborough ; d. 1750. 1. H. L., to r., standing, holding spaniel on a pedestal. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 105.) Mezz. ; ] 25 X 95 in. same plate ; with address of T. Bowles. 2. H. L., to 1., face in profile ; oval. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 246.) Mezz, ; 10} x 85 in. Three impressions. MONTAGU, GEORGE BRUDBNELL-MONTAGU, Duke of (of the 2nd creation) ; 4th Barl of Cardigan ; K.G., P.R.S. ; 1712-1790. 1. In old age; H. L., to L, star on breast; ovaL Pub. 1798. Stipple ; 61 X 61 in. 2. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, with riband and star, hat under arm, hand in waistcoat. Pub. H, Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 45 X 35 in. Two sUhouette proflles. MONTAGU, MARY (MONTAGU), Duchess of; w. of the preceding; d. of John Montagu, 2nd Duke; 1711- 1775. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding rose. Prom picture belonging to Duke of Buccleuch. Pub. H. Graves &Co. Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. MONTAGU OP BEAULIEU, HENRY JOHN SCOTT-MONTAGU, 1st Baron ; 1832-1905. ' See Buccleuch, W. H. Scott, 6th Duke of. MONTAGU, Lady CAROLINE Caroline, Marchioness of. MONTAGU, CHARLES, VOL, IU, See Qubensbbbby, See Halifax. Painter P. Lely M. Dahl T. Hudson G. Kneller C. D'Agar G. Kneller W. Beechey Gainsborough Gainsborough Engraver T. A. Dean J. Paber jun. J. McArdeU J. Paber jun. J. Simon J. Paber jun. J. CoUyer G. H. Every J. Scott 258 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MONTAGU, EDWARD WORTLEY. Montagu. See WORTLEY- oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; MONTAGU, ELIZABETH, (born Robinson); w. of Edward M. ; writer and ' blue-stocking ' ; 1720-1800. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to r., hands folded. Prom picture now belonging to Marquess of Winchester. Pub. J. R. Smith 1776. (C. S. 112, Prankau 246.) Mezz. ; 17| X 135 in. Three proofs before inscription, artists' names, etc., scratched ; one lettered impression. 2. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 45 X 35 in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only; rect. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 4} X 31 iu. 4. Same picture, H. L. ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple,5, Same picture, H. L. pub. T. BeUamy 1798. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. same plate, re-issue; pub. W. Smith, Lisle street. 6. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., in hood; oval. Pub. J. M. Pascal, Berlin. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 7. H. L., looking to r., iu fur cloak ; oval. PL to Lady's Monthly Museum, 1800. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. 8. When Miss Robinson; in character of Anne Boleyn, H. L. ; oval. From a miniature. PL to Wraxall's Memoirs ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1809. Stipple ; 2 X 15 in. 9. A head, 1. proflle ; oval medallion in rect. frame. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1785. Line ; 41 x 25 in. 10. Same medallion, with another of Mrs. Barbauld ; ovals in fanciful composition. Pub. T. Wright 1776. Line ; 6 X 3} iu. 11. H. L., r. proflle ; octagon. Pub. J. W. H. Payne 1815. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. MONTAGU, Lady ELIZABETH. Elizabeth, Duchess of. See Buccleuch, MONTAGU, EMILY MAGDALEN, (born Dupre) ; w of Lord WiUiam M. ; d. 1848. 1. H. L., to r., seated. Prom a miniature. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1882. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. MONTAGU, Lady HARRIET; d. of George, Duke of Montagu ; d. unmarried. See Buccleuch, Elizabeth, Duchess of. MONTAGU, Sib HENRY. See Manchester. Painter J. Reynolds P. Reynolds Rivers C. P. Zincke W. C. Ross Engraver J. R. Smith R. B. Parkes P. Bartolozzi T. Cheesman W. Ridley C. Townley W. Ridley R. Cooper T. Holloway Anon. T. A. Dean Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 259 Subject MONTAGU, Sir JAMES; baron of the exchequer; 1666-1723. 1, H, L,, to L, in judicial robes; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 135 X Kf "i, MONTAGU, JAMES; captain R,N,; feU at battle of 1st of June; 1752-1794, See Gboups (Naval Victories). MONTAGU, Lady MARY WORTLEY. See Wobtley- Montagu. MONTAGU, (Miss) ; d. of Admiral John M. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. Arundel Club 1907. Photogravure ; 91 X 75 in. MONTAGUE, ANTHONY BROWNE, 1st Viscount, K.G.; 1526-1592. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in brocaded dress with collar of Garter, gloves in r. hand. Prom Lord Exeter's picture. ' G. P. Harding del.' Line and stipple ; 101 X 6| in. MONTAGUE, ANNE. [Probably d. of Hon. Sidney Montagu, M.P. ; d. unmarried.] 1. A child; W. L., to r., seated, by orange tree, holding flowers. (C. S. 23.) Mezz. ; 121 X 95 in. Three impressions. MONTAGUE, HARRIET ; courtesan. 1. H. L., seated, face to r., holding letter; oval frame. Pub. J. R. Smith & Humphrey 1777. (C. S, 113, Prankau 247,) Mezz, ; 91 X 71 in. One proof with scratched inscription ; one fully lettered impression. same plate, cut at bottom, removing address. MONTAGUE, JAMES, D.D. ; bishop of Winchester ; 1568-1618. 1. H, L,, to L, in cap and rochet, book in 1, hand ; oval in cartouche, with six Latin lines. Pub. H. & C. Holland. (Pranken 762.) Line ; 71 X 4 in. 2. Reversed copy from the last. PL to Boissard's Biblio theca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 51 x 3} in. 3. H. L., to r., iu cap and rochet, 1. hand on breast ; with two Latin lines. PL to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 761.) Line ; 41 x 41 in. MONTAGUE, MARY; d. of Lieut.-Gol. M. 1. A young girl; W. L., to r., seated in a room, holding her brother Edward on her knee. A book iUustration. Stipple and line ; 85 X 31 in. MONTAGUE, (Masteb). 1, H, L,, to 1. ; oval frame. (C. S. 49.) Mezz. ; 91 X 75 in. Four impressions. Painter Pub. R. Wilkinson 1780. G. Kneller Gainsborough P. Lely J. R. Smith Engbaver G. Vertue R. Scanlan (G. KneUer) J. Brovvn A. Browne exc. J. R. Smith (S. Passe) Anon. (Passe) H. Cook (W. Dickinson) s 2 260 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver MONTAIGNE, GEORGE, D.D. ; archbishop of York ; 1569-1628. 1. H. L., to r., in cap and rochet ; small book in r. hand ; inscribed oval in cartouche. Sold J. Hinde. Line ; 71 X 41 in. 2. Copy from the last. One of set of plates of portraits of the deans of Westminster ; pub. G. P. Harding 1822, Line ; 45 x 41 in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. Pub. W, Richardson. Line ; 4 X 31 in. MONTBARD, GEORGES, [Charles Auguste Loyes] ; artist; 1841-1905. See Groups (Illust. London News artists). MONTEAGE, STEPHEN ; merchant and accountant ; 1623 ?-1687. 1. Aged 53 ; H. L., to r. ; oval frame of roses on pedestal. Pront. to his Debtor and Creditor, 1675. Line ; 65 X 45 in. MONTEAGLE, MARY (BRANDON), Lady ; 1st w. of Thomas Stanley, 2nd Baron; d. of Charles, Duke of Suffolk; 1510?-1542? 1. H. L., looking to r. Prom drawing at Windsor. PL to Chamberlaine's Imitations of Drawings by Holbein, 1792. Stipple ; 115 X 71 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same drawing. PL to same work, ed. 1812. Stipple ; 6§ X 41 in. 3. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 4. Same drawing. Photograph. MONTEAGLE, THOMAS SPRING RICE, 1st Baron, P.R.S., F.S.A. ; chanoellor of the exchequer; 1790- 1866. 1. When Right Hon. T. S. Rice ; T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to r., holding book. Pub. P. Graves 1836. Mixed ; 14} X I15 iu. 2. When Right Hon. T. S. Rice; bust, to L; vignette. Prom a drawing. One of ' GrUlion's Club ' series. Stipple.3. When Mr. Rice; bust, 1. profile; vignette. stipple. MONTEPIORE, Sie MOSES HAIM, hart., F.R.S.; philanthropist and centenarian ; 1784-1885. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, holding letter. Cutting from Magazine of Art. Process block. 2. Two portraits, in ornamental frame, showing him as he appeared in Alexandria in 1840 and Petersburg in 1846 ¦ with facsimile of autograph. ' Lith.3. Aged 99 ; bust, full face ; oval in decorative framework illustrating his career, designed by Deutsch & Ambrus Lith. 4. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, nearly in profile to r., holding document ; vignette. Lith. G. Yeats R. Graves Anon. H. Holbein E. Le Davis P. Bartolozzi R. Cooper J. Linnell J. Slater A. Wivell P. Goodall E. Kruger J. Linnell P. C. Lewis B. HoU E. Kruger LunoisAnon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 261 Subject Painter MONTEITH. See Menteith. MONTGOMERIE, (Major) HUGH. See Eglinton. MONTGOMERIE ; ' garder ' of the grand lodge of free masons. 1, T. Q. L., standing by table, face to r., in masonic apron, holding drawn sword. PL dedicated to Marquess of Carnarvon. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. same plate, with address of J. Bowles & Sou. MONTGOMERY, ALFRED ; commissioner for Inland Revenue ; s. of Sir Henry M., bart. ; 1814^-1896. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. MONTGOMERY, (Miss) ISABELLA. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to L, hands joined; octagon. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1841. Stipple ; 6 X 4f in. MONTGOMERY, JAMES ; poet ; 1771-1854. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Co. 1807. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. same plate ; re-issue by W. Smith, Lisle St. 2. Same picture. Front, to his Memoirs, by Holland & Everett ; pub. Longman 1854. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 3. Marble bust in Sheffield Infirmary, to 1, Front, to vol. vii of same work. Stipple ; 6 X 3} in. 4. Aged 55 ; H. L., to 1. ; with facsimile of autograph. Front, to vol. iv of same work. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 5. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r., holding book. Pub. RodweU & Martin 1819. (C. S. 379.) Mezz. ; lOf X 81 in. Two open-letter proofs ; one fully lettered impression. 6. H. L., seated, directed and looking to 1. ; book lettered ' World before the Flood ' beside him. Pub, H. Colburn 1819. Stipple ; 65 X 45 in, 7. H. L., looking upward to 1. ; vignette with facsimile of autograph. Stipple.; See Gboups. MONTGOMERY, (Col.) ROBERT ; kiUed in a duel with Capt. Maonamara 1803. 1. W. L., to L, standing, face in profile, hand on a dog. Pub. Dighton 1803. Coloured. Etching. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT, M.A. ; minister of Percy Chapel ; poetaster ; 1807-1855. 1. T. Q. L., standing in pulpit, preaching, looking to r., in gown and bands. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. A. v. Meulen A. D'Orsay J. Hayter P. Chantrey W. EUiss J. Jackson J. R. Smith T. Westoby R. Dighton C. Baugniet Engraver A. V. Haecken A. D'Orsay W. H. Mote Ridley & Blood H. Adlard C. Turner H. Meyer Anon. R. Dighton C. Baugniet' 262 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MONTGOMERY, 'B.OB'E'Bni— continued. 2. H. L., looking upwards, to 1. ; vignette. Pront. to his Omnipresence of the Deity ; pub. S. Maunder 1828. Stipple. 3. W. L., seated, contemplating his own portrait. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1832. Lith. MONTICELLI, ANGELO MARIA; operatic singer; 1710 ?-1764. 1. T. Q. L., standing, nearly full face, music in i. hand. (C. S. 247.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. same plate, with address of J. Bowles added. MONTRESOR, Sir THOMAS GAGE, K.C.H. ; general ; 1774-1853. 1. Bust, to L, in uniform and cloak. Pub. H. Squire 1853. Mezz. ; 61 X 51 in. MONTROSE, JAMES GRAHAM, 1st Marquess of, K.G. ; royalist; 1612-1650. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in black armour and gauntlets, holding truncheon. Prom the Panmure picture. Pront. to vol. ii of Napier's Memorials of Montrose ; pub, Mait land Club 1850. Mezz. ; 75 X 61 in. 2. Aged 17 ; H. L., to r., in falling lace band and slashed coat. From Lord Southesk's picture. Pront. to vol. i of same work, 1848. Line ; 45 x 3} iu. 3. Long H. L., to r., in plain band and armour. Prom the Duke of Montrose's picture. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 71 X 65 in. 4. Same picture. PL to 8vo ed. of same work, 1829. Stipple ; 51 X 4 in. 5. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame with orna ments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1740. Line ; 131 X 85 iu. T'wo proofs with engraver's name only ; three lettered impressions. 6. Copy from the last, to 1. Pub. I. Herbert 1794. Stipple ; 25 X 2J in. 7. Another copy, bust, to r. ; in architectural frame. Line ; 41 x 31 in. 8. .4uother copy, bust, to r. ; plain circle. PL to Smol lett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 in. diam. 9. Another copy, bust, to r. ; small oval ornamental frame. Line, 10, Another copy, bust, to r, ; with landscape background ; oval. Line ; 75 x 65 in. 11. Another copy, bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 35 X 31 in. 12. Same picture, bust only, to r. On plate with Earl of Derby, in set of Loyalists. Line. Painter T. Hobday (D. Maclise) A. Casali Grahl G. Honthorst G. Jamesone ' A. Van Dyck ' (W. Dobson) Engraver J. Thomson (D. Maelise) J. Paber jun. J. R. Jackson J. Paed R. C. BeU R. Cooper H. Robinson J. Houbraken AdamAliamet (R. Strange) Anon. G. Vertue Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 263 Subject Painter 13, H. L,, to r., in armour and sash ; oval frame with four lines below :^' Scotland's Glory,' &c. (Pagan p. 49.) Line ; 65 X 45 in. 14. Copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 15. Another copy, bust, to 1. Out from a sheet of Charles I and his supporters. Line ; 11 X. 11 in. 16. H. L., to r., in plain band and armour ; arms an emblematical device above. Pront. to Wishart's Hist. of the King's Affairs in Scotland, 2nd ed. Line ; 65 x 41 iu. One unfinished proof ; two lettered impressions. 17. H. L., to L, in plain band and armour with George; view of his execution in background ; Dutch inscription. Line ; 4J x 4 in. 18. Copy from the last, without background, in inscribed oval frame ; six Latin Unes by I. K. below. In a Dutch broadside giving an account of him, 1650. Line ; 5} X 4} in. 19. Bust, to r., in plain band and cloak ; oval in rect. 'The undaunted Marquess of Montross.' PL to Win- stanley's Loyall Martyrology, 1665. ¦ Line ; 2} X 21 in. See Groups (Charles I. and his supporters). MONTROSE, JAMES GRAHAM, 8rd Duke of, K.G. ; 1755-1836. See BuoHAN, David Erskine, 6th Barl of. MONTROSE, VIOLET HERMIONE (GRAHAM), Duchess of ; w. of Douglas Graham, 5th Duke. 1. H. L., standing, looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to White hall Review, 1877. Lith.MONUMENT, JOHN; one of the Cato Street con spirators. 1. H. L., full face; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. Sherwood, Neeley & Jones 1820. Stipple. 2. Same drawing, bust only ; vignette. Stipple.Proof before any inscription. MOODIE, WILLIAM, D.D. ; professor of Hebrew at Edinburgh ; d. 1812. 1. W. L., dismissing a Sunday school; with title ' Modern Moderation strikingly displayed,' &c. ; 1799. Etching ; 71 X 6 in. MOODY, JOHN, D.D. ; dissenting minister at Dublin. 1. Aged 69; nearly W. L., to I., seated by table, in gown and bands, r. arm on books. Pub. T. C. Thompson, Dublin, 1812. (Whitman 380.) Mezz. ; 16} X 11} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. Engraver (W. Paithorne?) M. vr. Gucht Anon. A. Matham (P. Pontius) Anon. A. WiveU J.Kay T. C. Thompson A. Maclure Anon. J.Kay C. Turner 264 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MOODY, JOHN ; actor ; 1727 ?-1812. 1. As Commodore Flip in Shadwell's Fair Quaker of Deal ; W. L., standing, full face ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre. Liue ; 45 X 31 in. 2. Same picture. Stipple ; 14} X 11 in. Proof before any inscription. 3. With Mr. Parsons ; as Teague and Obadiah in Howard's The Committee; W. L., standing together. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 51 X 3| in. 4. As Johson in Coffey's The Devil to Pay ; bust, looking to 1. ; oval. From picture in Garrick Club. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1790. Line ; 8} X 25 in. Pub. T. Hardy 1792. (C. S. 6.) 5. H. L., to r., in hat. Mezz. ; 111 X 10 in. Two impressions. 6. As Teague in The Committee ; W. L., to r., standing, face in profile. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1776. Line ; 5 X 35 in. 7. Repetition of the last, reversed. PL to same work. Line ; 51 x 35 in. 8. With Mr. Packer; as the Irishman and Gulwell in Reed's The Register Office; the former addressing the latter who is seated at a table in his office. Pub J. Saunders 1773. (C. S. 9.) Mezz. ; 165 X 176 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one lettered impression. same plate, with address of H. Bryer. 9. As Poigard in The Stratagem; W. L., standing, looking to 1. Pub. J. Wesson. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. One unfinished proof ; three before inscription ; one lettered im pression. 10. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Parsons's Minor Theatre, 1794. Stipple ; 3 X 25 in. 11. As Teague in The Committee ; small W. L., to r. ; without background.. Pub. Harrison & Co. 1779. Line.12. As Simon iu Harlequin's Invasion; small W. L., to L, holding pitchfork ; without background. Pub. Smith & Sayer 1769. Line. 13. As the Irishman in The Jubilee ; W. L., walking to r., flourishing a stick ; carriage behind. Line ; 41 x 25 in. See Parsons, WiUiam. See Groups (ImmortaUty ot Garrick). MOON, HENRY FREDERIC. Frederic More. See Smith, Henry Painter S. De Wilde Engraver P. Audinet D. Dodd S. Drummond T. Hardy J. Roberts B. vr. Gucht J. Zoffany J. CoUyer W. Bromley T. Hardy WalkerAnon. J. Saunders J. Marohi W. Ridley Terry Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 265 Subject Painter Engraver MOONE, JOSUAH ; fl. 17th cent. 1. H. L., to r., in cloak; sun shining on sunflower with motto ' Ainsy mou ame ' in background ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms and three lines : — ' Mediis tranquilus iu undis.' Liue ; 105 X 71 in. MOOR, (Major) EDWARD, P.R.S., F.S.A. ; writer on Hindoo mythology ; 1771-1848. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, hand on figure of a Hindoo deity ; vignette. Etching. MOORE, ALBERT JOSEPH ; painter ; 1841-1893. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, holding palette. From photo graph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1893. Woodcut. 2. Similar to the last, bust only. Process block. MOORE, ALEXANDER ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag. stipple ; 31 X 3 in. MOORE, ANN ; the fasting woman of Tutbury ; b. 1754. 1. Aged 58 ; W. L., to r., sitting up in bed in a garret. Pub. Moseley & TunnioUffe, Derby, 1812. Stipple ; 9} x 12} in. 2, H. L., standing, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Etching, MOORE, A. 1. H. L., to r. ; curtain and books behind ; with facsimile of autograph. Line ; 3} X 3 in. MOORE, CHARLES ; s. of John M., bishop of Ely. 1. A child, W. L., standing in garden, with basket of fruit, parrot and dog. Pub. E. Cooper. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. One impression before landscape background ; three with back ground. MOORE, DANIEL, M.A. ; vicar of Holy Trinity, Pad- dington, and prebendary of St. Paul's ; 1809-1899. 1. T. Q. L., standing in pulpit, preaching ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. MOORE, DEOIMA ; living actress. 1. Bust, r. profile. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.MOORB, EDWARD ; poet and dramatist ; 1712-1757. 1. Short H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Pront. to his Dramatic Works ; pub. W. Lowndes 1787. line ; 3} X 3 in. 2. Copy from the last; oval in reot. Pub. Longman & Rees 1802, Line ; 35 x 3 in. R. White J. Petrie C. Linsell J. Ward C. Hayter J. Kerseboom C. Baugniet T. Worlidge R. White (Mrs. D. Turner) P. N(aumann) Maguire A. Cardon J. Ward P. Audinet P. Coombes C. Baugniet J. Neagle Anon. 266 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MOORE, Sib FRANCIS, M.P. ; serjeant-at-law; 1558- 1621. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap, ruff and robe, scroU in r. hand ; oval frame. Front, to his Beports, 1663. First state with word ' Nihil ' in motto spelt ' NihilL' (Pagan p. 49.) Line ; 71 X 5 in. Two impressions. • same plate, with spelling corrected. MOORE, FRANCIS; astrologer; originator of Old Moore's Almanack; 1657-1715? 1. H. L., to r., iu wig and gown ; oval frame. Line ; 4} X 3 in. MOORE, HENRY ; methodist minister ; biographer of John Wesley ; 1751-1844. 1. Aged 44 ; bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1797. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. 2. Aged 32 ; bust, full face ; oval in rectangular frame. PL to Arminian Mag. , 1785. Line ; 6} x 31 in. MOORE, HENRY, R.A. ; marine painter ; 1831-1895. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette ; without title. Drypoint. MOORE, Sir JOHN, M.P. ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1682 ; 1620-1702. 1. Nearly W.L., to r., seated, in robes, with insignia of lord mayor. Private plate. (C. S. 133, Goodwin 127.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. One unfinished, with ' Closterman ' instead of ' Lely ' ; one finished impression. same plate, with motto in arms erased and re-engraved smaller. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Hardiug's Biographical Mirrour, 1796. Stipple ; 81 X 61 in. MOORE, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Ely ; 1646-1714. 1. When bishop of Norwich ; nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, in rochet. Prom picture at Lambeth Palace. Pub. B. Cooper. (C. S. 25.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Three impressions. 2. When bishop of Norwich ; bust, to r., in rochet; decor. oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 13} X 105 in. 3. Bust, to r., in wig and rochet; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Sermons, 1715 Line ; 61 X 35 in. MOORE, JOHN, M.D. ; physician and author ; father of General Sir John M. ; 1729-1802. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Pub. Blackie & Son, Glasgow. stipple. Painter J. Drapentier P. Lely G. Kneller R. White Engraver W. Paithorne J. Drapentier W. Ridley Anon. G. PiloteU J. McArdeU W. Cochrane R. Clamp W. Paithorne jun. R. White M. vr. Gucht J. Cochran Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 267 Subject 2, H, L., r. proflle; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. W. DanieU 1808. Soft-ground etchiug. 3. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J, SeweU 1790, Hue ; 31 X 25 in, 4, T, Q. L,, to r,, seated, 1, arm extended. Prom picture at HamUton Palace. Front, to his Life, by R. Anderson, 1820. Line ; 4| X 35 in. 6. H. L., lookmg to 1. Pub. G. Keating 1794. (G. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 111 X 8} in. Two proofs with scratched letters. MOORE, JOHN, D.D. ; archbishop of Canterbury ; 1730-1805. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated, in rochet. Pub. J. Jones 1792. Stipple ; 165 X 135 in. MOORE, Sib JOHN, K.B. ; general; feU at Corunna; 1761-1809. 1, H. L., looking to 1., in uniform. Pub. Colnaghi Peb. 14, 1811. (Whitman 382, I.) Mezz. ; I15 x 9| in. 2. H. L., fuU face, in uniform ; vignette. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen. Stipple.3. Same picture ; vignette. Pub. J. Johnson 1809. Stipple. 4. Same picture. PL to Lord R. Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure. 5, Same picture, with star added on breast. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1844. Mezz. ; 81 X 6} in. 6. Same picture, with the star. With aquatint border. Pub. Colnaghi 1809. (Whitman 383.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, with aquatint border removed. 7. Same picture, with variations. PL to Military Pano rama ; pub. P. Martin 1813. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 8. Bust, looking to r., in uniform; oval. Pub. A. Cardon 1809. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 9. When a boy ; bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. Without inscription. Soft-ground etching ; 65 X 6} in. 10. Bust, looking to r., in uniform. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1809. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. MOORE, Sib JOHN HENRY, bart. ; poet ; 1756-1780. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame with tablet below. Stipple; 95 X 6} in. Painter I G. Dance S. Drummond G. Hamilton T. Lawrence G. Romney I J. J. HaUs T. Lawrence A. J. Oliver J. Tisehbein, j. R. Cosway Engraver W. Daniell W. Bromley W. Lizars G. Keating J. Jones C. Turner S. Preeman 1 Anon, W. O. Burgess C. Turner >, H. R. Cook A. Cardon J. Tisehbein, j. W. Ridley P. Cond6 268 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaveb MOORE, Sir JONAS, P.R.S.; mathematician; 1617- 1679. 1. Aged 35; H. L., to L, holding scroll; two globes on table. Front, to his Arithmetick, 1650. Line ; 41 x 3 in. 2. Aged 45; H. L., to r. Pront. to same work, ed. 1660. Line ; 6 X 31 in. MOORE, JOSEPH ; medaUist ; 1817-1892. 1. Bust, full face ; from photograph. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1893. Process block. MOORE, ROBERT, M.A. ; rector of Wimborne and pre bendary of SaUsbury ; 1784-1865. 1. T. Q. L., to L, in gown and bands, holding open book; 1844. Mixed ; 101 X 8 in. MOORE, THOMAS ; Irish poet ; 1779-1852. 1. Short H. L., looking to r., resting face on hand; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. Sherwood & Co. 1824. Stipple. 2. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom picture in National Gallery of Ireland. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 41 x ,31 in, 3, H. L., full face. Pub. Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 91 X 7} in. 4. Short H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. PL to Pinden's Illustrations of Works of Byron ; pub. J. Murray 1836. Stipple. 5. W. L., seated at a table, looking to r., holding pen ; vignette. Prom » pen drawing. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1830. Lith. 6. Aged 58 ; W. L., to r., seated in armchair, resting book on knee. Front, to vol. viii of his Memoirs, by Lord J. Russell, 1856. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 7. Statue in College street, Dublin. PL to Art Journal, 1858. Stipple. 8. Marble bust. Photograph. 9. T. Q. L., to L, seated, holding paper and eyeglass. Pub. G. Mulvany & G. Ward 1836. Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. 10. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval frame. Pub. W. H. Watt 1828. Line ; 105 X 81 in. 11. Aged 40; H, L., looking to r., in cloak, holding scroll. Front, to vol. i of his Memoirs, by Lord J. RusseU, 1853. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 12. Short H, L,, to 1. ; oval. From a miniature. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. H. Stone J. Jackson T. Lawrence (D. Maelise) C. Moore G. P. Mulvany G. S. Newton T. Phillips A. Plimer T. Cross Anon. W. Radclyffe J. Thomson W. Pinden (D. Maclise) R. Wallis W. Roffe G. R. Ward W. H. Watt W. HoU J. Heath Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 269 Subject Painter 13. Same miniature ; oval. Stipple ; 31 X 31 in. 14. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to L, eyeglass in r. hand ; rect. frame. Pub. J. Carpenter 1820. Line ; 11} X 91 in. 15. Same picture ; rect. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. Proof before any inscription. 16, Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette. Pub. J. Robins & Co. 1825. Stipple. 17. Same picture, H. L. only; vignette. PL to New European, Mag., 1823. Stipple. 18. H. L., looking to L, in cloak. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Fisher, Son & Co. 1831. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 19. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. S. Robinson. Stipple. 20. H. L., to r. ; reot. Pub. Lemarchand flls. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 21. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval with cupids ; vignette on title to Stothard's Illustrations of Moore's Melodies. Stipple and line. MOORE ; print collector. See Gboups (Print sales). MOORE, (Miss). 1. H. L., to 1., in hat and mantle, arms on cushion, letter in 1. hand; with title ' Lucinda.' Pub. R. Sayer 1772. (C. S. 104, Goodwin 85.) Mezz. ; IU X 9 in. . , , , .t j One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one lettered impression. 2. Reversed copy from the last, hands not shown ; ¦with title 'Lucinde.' Pub. Bause, Leipzig. Mezz. ; 81 X 61 in. MOORELAND. A. Plimer M. A. Shee P. Sicurec P. Falconet See Morland, Anne, !Lady. MORANT, Lady HENRIETTA LOUISA PRISCILLA, (born Somerset) ; w. of John M. ; d. of 7th Duke of Beaufort ; d. 1863. 1. When a child; W. L., standing, her sister Lady Geraldine Harriet sitting on the floor beside her. PL to Mrs. Pairlie's Children of the Nobility, 1888. Stipple ; 61 X 81 in. MORANT, MARY, (born Goddard) ; w. of Edward M., M.P. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, holding book lettered 'Milton'; without title. Pub. C. Townley 1771. (C. S. 15.) Mezz, ; 131 X l"! in- Two impressions. A. E. Chalon J. Reynolds Engraver E. Scriven J. Burnet W. T. Pry B. Cooper Anon. G. Adcock B. Holl J. Hopwood Anon. J. Watson J. P. Bause H. Cook C. Townley 270 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MORAY, JAMES STEWART, Earl of; regent of Scot land; 1531?-1570. 1. Bust, to r., in cap and frill-ruff. From picture at Holyrood. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits; pub. Harding & Lepard 1826. Stipple ; 71 X 65 in. 2. Same picture, to r. PL to 8vo ed. of same work. Stipple ; 4f X 31 in. 3. Same picture, to r. Pub. C. Baldwyn. Stipple ; 3 X 21 in. 4. Same picture, to r. ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet. of Eminent Scotsmen, 1885. Stipple.Proof before inscriptiou. MORAY, ALEXANDER STEWART, 4th Earl of, K.T. ; secretary of state for Scotland ; d. 1700. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, lace cravat and peer's robes; oval frame decorated with escutcheons. Line ; 161 X 115 in. MORAY, Lady CHRISTIAN, (born Montgomerie) ; w. of James M. ; d. of 9th Earl of Eglinton ; d. 1748. 1. W. L., to L, standing on terrace, in hat. Sold J. Faber. (G. S. 248.) Mezz. ; 185 X 14 in. Three impressions. MORDAUNT OP TURVEY, JOHN MORDAUNT, 2nd Baron ; 1508-1572. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, iu cap and furred gown, book in 1. hand. Pub. J. Skelton 1816. Line ; 6} X 4} in. MORDAUNT OP AVALON, JOHN MORDAUNT, 1st Viscount; 1627-1675. 1. Bust, to 1., looking over shoulder, in armour; oval iu rich frame decorated with escutcheons. (Pagan p. 50.) Line ; 10} x 75 in. Two states. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. Richardson 1796. Line ; 61 x 45 in. 3. Another copy ; without frame. Line ; 51 X 4} in. Pi'oof before any inscription. MORDAUNT, CHARLOTTE, (born Musgrave) ; w. of Rev. Charles M., rector of Massingham ; d. 1816. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval frame. Pub J. BoydeU 1776. (C. S. 114, Prankau 248.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 iu. One proof with scratched letters ; one fully lettered impression. MORDAUNT, Lady HENRIETTA. Henrietta, Duchess of. See Gordon, MORDEN, Sib JOHN, bart.; founder of Morden College, Blackheath ; 1623-1708. 1. H. L., to L, in long wig, cravat and mantle; vignette, with facsimile of autograph and seal. Prom picture at the coUege. Stipple. Painter G. Kneller J. Davison J. Reynolds P. Lely Engraver R. Cooper J. Cochran R. Cooper J. Shury P. Vanderbank J. Paber jun. J. Skelton (W. Paithorne) Anon. J. R. Smith H. Adlard Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 271 Subject MORE, ALEXANDER; protestant minister in France and Holland ; opponent of MUton ; 1616-1670. 1, T. Q, L,, to L, standing by table, iu gown; ten Latin lines by Salmasius below, H, AUardt ex, (Pranken 758,) Line ; 10 X 85 iu. 2. H. L,, to L, in gown ; oval frame on pedestal, on which are ten French lines. Line ; 8 x 6 in, 3. Copy from the last ; plain oval frame in rect, ; with his name only. Line ; 61 X 6 iu. MORE, ANNE, (born Cresacre) ; daughter-in-law of Sir Thomas More. 1. H. L.,_to r. Prom drawing at Windsor. PL 8 of Chamberlaine's Imitations of Drawings by Holbein, 1812. Stipple ; 75 X 5 iu. 2. Same drawing. 3. Same drawing. Painteb Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. Photograph. C. Passe W. Vaillant H. Holbein See Gboups (More family). MORE, GERTRUDE [originaUy Helen] ; d. of Cresacre M. and great-granddaughter of Sir Thomas M. ; Bene dictine nun ; 1606-1633. 1, H. L., to L, in monastic dress. Pront. to her Spiritual Exercises, 1658. Line ; 41 X 2} in. MORE, HANNAH; writer; 1745-1838. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in cap and shawl, hands clasped ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1809. Stipple. 2. Same picture ; rect. frame. Pront. to her Works ; pub, CadeU & Davies 1819. Stipple ; 45 X 3J in. 3. Same picture ; octagonal frame with ornaments. Pub. T. Boys 1822. Stipple. 4. T. Q. L , seated, directed and looking to r. ; oval in rect, PI. to Lord Orford's Works ; pub, Robinson 1798, Stipple and line ; 6} x 6 in, 5, Aged 77; nearly W, L,, seated, fuU face, holding spectacles; letter addressed to Wilberforce on table. From Sir 'i. Acland's picture. Liue ; 13} x 11 in. 6. Same picture. Pront. to her Works ; pub. T. Cadell 1830. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 7. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Go. 1831. ' Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. 8. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to L, r. arm on table. Prom picture now in the Louvre. PL to Arm strong's Raeburn, 1901. [False.] Photogravure ; 75 X 55 in. E. Bird Engbaver Anon. L. Visscher Anon. (J. Opie) H. Pickersgill R. Lochon J. Godby W. T. Pry J. Heath W. Worthing ton T. A. Dean W . Pinden H. Raeburn 272 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MORE, KANN AH.— continued. 9. Aged 35 ; T. Q. L., to r., seated at a table, writing ; with facsimUe of autograph. Pront. to her Life, by Thompson ; pub. T. CadeU 1838. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 10, Aged 68; T. Q. L., to r., seated; vignette. Prom a drawing done in 1813. Pub. J. Slater 1814. Stipple. 11. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 25 X 2} in. MORE, HENRY, D.D. ; Platonist and theologian ; 1614- 1687. 1. Aged 61; T. Q. L., to r., seated on bank under a tree, holding hat and glove ; background etched in manner of HoUar. Front, to his Opera Theologica, 1675. (Pagan p. 50.) Line ; 105 X 7 in. One unfinished proof ; one finished impression. same plate, retouched, with shading added on band. 2. Bust, to r., in gown ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Front, to his Works, 1679. Line ; 11 X 71 in. 8. Copy from the last, reversed; plain oval frame on pedestal ; German book iUustration. Line ; 65 x 3} in. 4. Another copy ; oval frame of laurel placed against a column ; German book illustration. Line ; 55 x 35 in, MORE, JACOB ; landscape painter ; 1740-1798. 1, W, L,, to r,, seated on tree, holding canvas. From picture in Florence gallery, PL to Ritratti di Pittori nella Galleria di Firenze. Printed in colours, Mezz, ; 61 X 51 in, MORE, Sir JOHN; judge; father of Sir Thomas M. ; 1453 ?-1530, 1, Bust, to r. Imitation of drawing at Windsor. Tinted. Btching ; 141 X 111 in. Proof before inscription. 2. Same drawing. PL to Chamberlaine's Holbein Draw ings, 1793, fol. Stipple ; 131 X 101 in- Proof before inscription. 3. Same dravring. Stipple ; 81 X 65 in. 4. Same drawing. 5. Same drawing. PL to same work, ed, 1812, 4to. Photograph. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 6. H. L., to L, in cap and robes, paper in 1. hand. Prom picture at Wilton. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington 1816. [False.] Stipple ; 71 X 5} in. 7. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1826, Stipple ; 5 X 35 in, See Groups (More family picture). Painter P. Reynolds J. Slater Engbaveb E. Scriven W. Ridley W. Paithorne D. Loggan (J. More) H. Holbein 'Holbein' W. Paithorne D. Loggan Briihl Anon.C. Lasinio R. Dalton P. Bartolozzi T. Cheesman E. Scriven Catalogue of Engraved British Port-raits 273 Subject MORE, JOHN ; s. of Sir Thomas M. ; 1510-1547. 1. H, L,, to r,, reading a book. Prom drawing at Windsor, PL to Chamberlaine's Holbein Drawings, 1812. Stipple ; 71 X 61 in. 2. Same drawing ; photograph. 3. Same drawing ; photograph by Braun. 4. Same drawing ; reproduction by Hanfstaengl. See Gboups (More family picture). MORE, JOHN, B.A. ; rector of St. Andrew's, Norwich ; known as the ' Apostle of Norwich ' ; d. 1592. 1. H. L., to r., in hat, rufi and furred gown ; four Latin lines below. PI. to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 759.) Liue ; 51 X 41 in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval in reot. frame. Pi. to cent, of Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1652. Line ; 45 x 35 in. 3. H. L., directed and looking to 1., in hat, ruH and furred gown, resting hands on skull and books ; oval frame. Cut from his map of Palestine, pub. 1682. Line.MORE, JOHN S. ; advocate. See Groups (Scottish Bench and Bar). MORE, ROBERT ; writing master ; 1671-1727 ? 1. Aged 54; H. L., to r., in long wig; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his General Penman, 1725. Line ; 75 X 51 in. — — See Groups (Writing Masters of London). MORE, SAMUEL 1724-1799. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. J. SeweU 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 2. T. Q. L., to t., standing at a table, holding medal and list of premiums. Pub. S. More 1798. (Baker 65.) Line ; 16} X 135 in. Four progress proofs ; two lettered impressions. MORE, Sib THOMAS ; lord chanceUor ; 1478-1535. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame with ornaments. From figure in the family picture at Nostell Priory. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1741. Liue ; 14} x 85 in. One proof with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last, with the ornaments ; reversed. Line ; 61 x 4} in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; rect., with facsimile of autograph. Line ; 5 x 35 in. 4. Another copy, to r. ; circle. PL to Smollett's History of England, 1757. Line ; 35 in. diam. 5. Another copy, to r. Universal Mag. Line ; 65 x 35 in, VOL, III. secretary of the Society of Arts ; PL to European Mag. ; pub. oval frame on pedestal. PL to Painteb H. Holbein W. Sherwin S. Drummond B. West H. Holbein Engraver A. Cardon (Passe) (C. Ammon) (P. Lamb) W. Sherwin W. Ridley W. Sharp J. Houbraken T. Cook P. Audinet C. Grignion Anon. 274 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaveb MORE, Sib TBlOUAS— continued. 6. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame inscribed ' Thomas Morns Anglus, Anno JUtatis 50.' H. Holbein Anon. Woodcut ; 25 X 21 in. 7. T, Q, L,, to r. Prom figure in the family picture formerly at Burford, now at Cokethorpe. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1826. 93 J. Thomson Stipple ; 75 X 65 in. 8. Same flgure. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1826. „ S. Preeman Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 9. Same figure. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1831. S3 H. T. RyaU Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 10. H. L., to r., paper in r. hand. Pub. S. Woodburn 1811. (Whitman 458.) 39 C. Turner Mezz. ; 51 X 4 in. 11. Same picture. ' Prom an enamel in possession of T. Clarke Esq.' Re-issue of pi. to Knight's Gallery of Portraits ; pub. Virtue & Co. 33 R. Woodman Stipple ; 5 X 35 in. 12. Same picture. Prom copy by Rubens at Madrid; T. Q. L., without collar of S.S. PL to Madrazo's Madrid Gallery. 33 G. Sensi Lith. ; 12} X 91 in. 13. Bust, to r. Prom drawing at Windsor. PL to Chamberlaine's Holbein Drawings, fol., 1793. 99 P. Bartolozzi Stipple ; lej X 11} in. 14. Same drawing. PL to 4to. ed. of same work, 1812. Printed in colours. 99 T. Cheesman Stipple ; 9 X 6} in. 15. Same drawing. Pront. to his Life, by Roper, 1822. 93 E. Scriven Line ; 45 x 31 in. Proof before title. 16. Same drawing. Photograph. 39 17. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 99 18. Another drawing at Windsor, simUar to the preceding. 99 Photograph. Derived from, Holbein's portrait. 19. H. L., to r., under an arch, scroll in 1. hand. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. R. Boissard Liue ; 55 X 41 in. 20. Similar to the last, to 1. ; four Latin lines below : — ' An memorem doctum,' &c. One of Galle's set Virorum Doctorum Effigies, 1572. P. GaUe Line ; 61 X 4} in. 21. Reversed copy from the last, with same lines. Anon. Line ; 51 x 45 in. 22. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame of oak leaves, with title in cartouche. Front, to his Opera, Frankfort, 1689. 99 Line ; 11 X 65 in. 23. Similar, but holding pen; to 1. PL to Thevet's Vies des Hommes Illustres, 1584, Line ; 6} x 61 in. 24, T. Q, L,, to r,, standing, pointing to scroll held in 1. hand ; with dedication to C. de Blocquerie ; 1621, J. Valdor Line ; 35 X 25 in. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 275 Subject Painteb Engbaveb 25. Similar to the last, reversed ; without engraver's name. (Alvin 1988.) (Wierix) Line ; 3} X 21 in. Proof before any inscription. 26, Similar to the preceding; in title to Tlie Mirrour of Vertue, or the Life of Sir T. More, 1626. Copy prefixed to his Life, by W. Roper, 1817. Anon. Line ; 4} X 25 in- Proof before inscription. 27. Similar, to r. ; plain oval. ' B. Moncornet exc' Line ; 61 X 4} in. 28. Similar, H. L. only, to 1. ; with purse of great seal and table added ; oval frame with ornaments. Sold Compton Holland, R. Elstraek Line ; 7} X 4} in. 29. Nearly H. L., to r. PL to HoUand's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 760.) (Passe) Line ; 6} X 41 iu. 30, Copy from the last, reversed. (Alvin 1987.) A. Wierix Liue ; 31 X 2} in. 31, Another copy, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal with emblems, ' A. vr. Werfi pinx,' PL to Larrey's Histoire d'AngUerre, 1697. ' P. V. Gunst Line ; 111 X 65 in. 32. Another copy, reversed ; medaUion iu title to his Epigrammata, 1638. W. Marshall Liue ; 4 X 21 in. 33. Another copy, reversed ; vignette. Pub. W. Smith. Anon. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. 34. H. L,, to r,, holding purse of great seal ; oval frame on pedestal, PL to Burnet's Hist, of the Reformation, 1681. R. White Line ; 9 X 65 in. 35. Exact copy from the last. PL to same work, 1731. P. Simms Line ; 9} X 5} in. 36. Similar to the preceding, to r., oval. Anon. Etchiug ; 31 X 25 in. 37. H. L., to 1. ; five Latin lines below. P. v. W(yngaerde) exc. Line ; 6} X 45 in. 99 38. W. L., to r,, standing. T. Kitohin Line ; 4} X 21 in. 39, Obverse and reverse of the unique medal in the British Museum. Lees Etching, False. 40. Bust, to r. ; reot frame. PL to Lavater's Physiognomy ; 1781. 'Holbein' J. H. Lips Line; 10} x 85 in. 41. Copy from the last. PL to English ed. of same work ; pub. J. Murray 1792. 99 T. Holloway Line ; 91 X 7 In. 42. Same picture, to 1. Pub. Mechel, Basle, 99 Anon. Line ; 101 x 8 in. TT. n 276 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MORE, Sir TKOUAS—continued. 43. T. Q. L., looking to r., with dog on table before him. Prom picture now in the Brussels Museum. (Hymans 198.) Liue ; 9 X 6} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 44. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame. German book illustration. ' G. M. Kraus del.' Line ; 45 X 25 in. 45. H. L., full face, in skull-cap, cloak and chain. P. Stent exc. Etching. [This is a portrait of Rembrandt's father.l 46. Reversed copy from the last.' P. Ciartres exc. Line.47. Another copy ; oval. Line ; 55 X 4} in. 48. W. L., to r. ; seated by table, on which are crown and sceptres ; German title. Pub. J. M. WiU, Augsburg. Line ; 111 X 7} in. See Groups (More family). MORE. See De La More. MORELL, THOMAS, D.D., P.R.S., F.S.A. ; classical scholar and writer of the words of Handel's oratorios ; 1703-1784. 1. Seated by table, directed and looking to r., in hat, holding pen ; books before him ; organ behind. Front. to his Thesaurus, 1762. Line ; 7} X 5} in. 2. Same picture. PL to Nichols's Genuine Works of Hogarth; pub. Longman, &c., 1807. Line ; 65 x 65 in. MORELL, (Mrs.) ; born without arms. 1. W. L., to r., seated on floor, cutting watch-papers with her toes. Stipple and line ; 65 X 55 iu. MORELLI, GIOVANNI ; vocalist. 1. Bust, 1. proflle ; oval. Pub, P. Molinari 1797, Stipple ; 3} X 3 in, MORES, EDWARD ROWE, P,S,A, ; antiquary; 1731- 1778, 1, Bust, to L, in wig and bands ; smaU oval with ornaments. Line.2. Copy from the last ; smaller. Line. MORPILL, WILLIAM RICHARD, M.A. ; professor of Slavonic languages at Oxford. 1. T. Q. L., seated, 1. profile ; vignette, Lith,MORGAN, Sm CHARLES, bart., M.P. ; father of Charles, 1st Baron Tredegar ; 1760-1846. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, holding hat Pub. M. Colnaghi 1829. Mezz. ; 15 X 12 in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. Painter 'Holbein' Rembrandt W^. Hogarth R. V. Bleeek Engraver W. Rothenstein W. Owen L. Vorsterman E. Eichel R. Gaywood Anon. J. Basire T. Cook R. Thew J. Godefroy J. Mynde Anon.W. Rothenstein W. J. Ward Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 277 Subject MORGAN, DAVID ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4} X 3} iu. MORGAN, D. ; dissenting minister at MachynUeth. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1835. Stipple. MORGAN, FREDERICK; living painter. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; from photograph. Process block. MORGAN, HARRY ; centenarian, of Lewes ; 1632-1787. 1. Aged 105; H. L., seated, looking to L, in hat. Pub. T. BakeweU. (C. S. 71.) Mezz. ; 125 x 95 in. MORGAN, Sir HENRY ; buccaneer ; lieut. -governor of Jamaica; 1635 ?-1688. 1. H. L., to X., with sash; naval battle in background. PL to Exquemelin's Hist, of the Bucaniers, 1684. Line ; 61 X 61 in. MORGAN, LOUISA ; w. of Charles M. 1. Nearly W. L,, almost full face, seated, her infant daughter sitting on her lap, holding flowers ; oval frame ; with title ' Maternal Love.' Prom pastel at Corsham Court. Stipple ; 111 X 9 in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. MORGAN, SYDNEY (OWBNSON), Lady; w. of Sir Thomas C. M., M.D. ; authoress ; 1788 '?-1859. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., in hat ; vignette. Stipple.2. When Miss Sydney Owenson ; H. L.,to r., playing Irish harp. Front, to her Wild Irish Girl ; pub. H. Colburn 1846. Stipple ; 3} X 3 iu. 3. When Miss Owenson; nearly W. L., to r., seated, play ing Irish harp. Stipple ; 65 X 35 in. 4. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to 1., in evening dress, 1. arm on books ; rect. frame ; 1825. Stipple ; 7| X 61 in. Proof before any inscription. 5. H. L., to r., face nearly in profile ; oval. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. 6. Bust, looking to r. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1816. Stipple.7. H. L., seated, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Stipple.MORGAN, SYLVANUS ; arms painter and genealogist ; 1620-1693. 1. Aged 41 ; bust, to 1. ; oval in emblematical frontispiece to his Sphcere of Gentry, 1661. Etching ; (pi.) Ill X 71 in. Painter Enqravbb J. Jackson J. Jenkins C. Smith T. A. Dean Anon. Anon. J. Russell P. W. Tomkins W. Behnes H. Meyer J. Comerford S. Preeman Dighton J. CoUyer S. Lover R. Cooper Scheffer J. Mecou Anon. 99 R. Gaywood 278 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MORGAN, Sir THOMAS; parliamentary commander; governor of Jersey ; d. 1679 ? 1. W. L., to r. , standing, 1. hand on cane. Prom a picture. 'Mr. Bampfylde del.' Etching ; 14} x 8} in. 2. Same picture, W. L. Btching ; 81 X 61 in. 3. Same picture, W. L., to 1. Pub. G. Smeeton 1814. Stipple ; 6 X 41 in. MORGAN, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1808. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. MORGAN, Sir THOMAS CHARLES, M.D. ; physician and philosophical writer ; 1783-1843. 1. H. L., seated, r. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Pub. H. Colburn 1841. Lith.MORGAN, WILLIAM, P.R.S. ; actuary to the Equit able Assurance Society ; 1750-1883. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated in armchair by table. Pub. C. Turner 1880. (Whitman 384.) Mezz. ; 145 X 115 in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. MORI, NICOLAS ; violinist ; 1797-1839. 1. Aged 8 ; W. L., standing, playing the violin, music on stand beside him; without background. Stipple. MORIANI, NAPOLEONE ; vocaUst ; 1806 ?-1878. 1. In character ; T, Q, L,, to r,, standing, hands on sword ; vignette. Palmer's glypbography. MORICE, Sir WILLIAM; secretary of state to Charles II. ; 1602-1676. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and lace band; oval with orna ments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1747. Liue ; 14} X 9 in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; two lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last, with the frame ; reversed. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; oval. Line ; 2 x 15 in. 4. Another copy, to 1. ; rect. Pub. Richardson. Line ; 61 X 41 in. MORICE, WILLIAM, D.D. ; chaplain to George III. and secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; 173-3-1819. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in private dress, holding cane and glove ; rect, frame. From a drawing. Stipple ; 111 X 91 in. Proof with artists' names only. MORIER, DAVID RICHARD ; diplomatist ; 1784-1877. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple, Painter J. Clarke T. Lawrence G. Paya H. Edridge J. Slater Engraver E. Gulston Anon. Anon. J. Clarke C. Turner Anon. J. Houbraken Anon.J. June Anon. A. Cardon P. C. Lewis Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits 279 Subject Painteb MORIER, JAMES JUSTINIAN ; traveller and author ; 1780 ?-1849. 1, W, L,, standing before fire-place, looking to 1, ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph, 'Alfred Croquis del,' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1833. Lith. MORIER, Sir ROBERT BURNETT DAVID, G.C.B. ; diplomatist ; 18-26-1893. 1, T. Q. L., standing ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1893. Process block. MORISON, Sir ALEXANDER, M.D. ; physician to Princess Charlotte ; 1779-1866. 1. H, L., seated by table, directed and looking to 1, Pub, J, Dickinson 1830, Lith, ; 10 X 81 in, MORISON, JAMES ; empiric ; inventor of ' Morison's PiUs'; 1770-1840. 1. W. L., standing, looking to L, hat in 1. hand ; vignette. Coarse woodcut. MORISON, JOHN, D.D. ; congregational minister at Chelsea ; editor of Evangelical Magazine ; 1791-1859. 1. H. L., to r., seated ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1828. Stipple. 2. Bust, to 1. ; rect. PL to same periodical ; pub. Williams & Co. 1818. Stipple ; 8 X 21 in. 3. H. L., full face, book in 1, hand. PL to a magazine. Stipple ; 6 X 3} in. MORISON, ROBERT, M.D. ; professor of botany at Oxford; 1620-1683. 1. H. L., looking to r., holding scroll; oval frame of flowers on pedestal. Front, to his Plantarum Historia, 1680. Liue ; 12} x 8| in. MORLAND, ANNE (FIELDING), Lady; 8rd w. of Sir Samuel M., bart. ; 1661-1680. 1, Nearly W. L., full face, seated on a bank, (C. S. 30.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. One proof before inscriptiou ; three lettered impressions. MORLAND, GEORGE ; painter ; 1763-1804. 1, T, Q, L., to L, seated, in hat, holding sketch-book; ovaL PL to Kirby's Wonderful Museum, 1805. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 2. H. L., to r., standing ; picture on easel to 1. Pub. W. Collins 1806. (Frankau 202.) Mezz. ; 65 X 4 in. 3. W. L., to L, seated at a table before a cottage, horse by trough to 1. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. J. Stephens 1804, Chalk manner, 4. H. L., to 1., holding crayon ; rect. frame. Pub. J. Harris 1805. (C. S. 60, Frankau 201.) Mezz. ; 16 X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; two with open letters. (D. Maclise) J. Irvine Wilson W. Sonmans P. Lely Engraver BeU W. Collins jun. G. Morland B. MuUer (D. Maelise) M. Gauci Anon. J. Thomson T. Blood Anon. R.White R. Tompson exc. G. Scott W. Ward T. Gaugain W. Ward 280 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MORLAND, GEORGE— co7iimMe£i. 5. Same picture ; rect. frame. PL to Cunningham's Lives ; pub. J. Murray 1830. Line ; 35 X 2} in. R MuUer W. C. Edwards 6. Same picture, bust only; vignette. PL to Arnold's Library of the Fine Arts, 1888. Stipple. 99 E. Scriven 7. W. L., standing before a flre-place in a room. Prom drawing in the British Museum. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut. T Rowlandson R. Taylor & Son 8. T. Q. L., to L, seated at an easel, painting. Pub. J. R. Smith 1805. (C. S. 115, Prankau 249.) Mezz. ; 15 X 111 in. Four impressions. J. R. Smith J. R. Smith 9. Same picture, bust only ; rect. frame. PL to Historic Gallery of Portraits, etc. ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1808. Line ; 41 X 2f in. JJ G. Cooke 10. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Pub. Vernor & Co. 1807. Stipple. " C. Pieart 11. Bust, to r. ; vignette. 'E. Bocourt del.' Woodcut. J. Guillaume 12. A head, to 1, ; oval. Woodcut ; 15 X 11 in. Anon. MORLAND, HENRY ROBERT; painter; father of the preceding ; d. 1797. 1. W. L., to L, seated on chair, hands folded. Drawing in pencil and watercolours. Anon. 2. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to L, holding palette and brushes. From a painting. [Doubtful.] Photograph. MORLAND, Sir SAMUEL, bart.; diplomatist and inventor; 1625-1695. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval ; without title ; 1650. (Parthey 1581.) Etching ; 2} X 21 in. Conzal W. Hollar 2. H. L., to 1.; oval frame. Front, to his Hist, of the Evangelical Churches of Piemont, 1658. Line ; 91 X 6} in. P. Lely P. Lombart 3. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1821. Line ; 6} X 45 in. 99 B. Reading 4. H. L., to r., in wig and cloak; oval frame with arms. Front, to his Description of two Arithmetical Instru ments, 1673. Line ; 41 X 2} in. Proof before arms and inscription. same plate, with face reworked. Anon. 99 MORLEY, JOHN PARKER, 1st Earl of, P.R.S • 1772- 1840. 1. When Master Parker ; W. L., seated on a bank with his sister Theresa. Prom picture at Saltram. Pub S W Reynolds 1820. Mezz, ; 65 X 5} in. J. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 281 Subject 2. H, L., seated, looking to r., in furred gown. Pub. Colnaghi 1831. Mezz. ; 121 X l"! '"• MORLEY OP BLACKBURN, JOHN MORLEY, Viscount, O.M., F.R.S., D.C.L. ; secretary of state and writer ; b. 1838. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. MORLEY, DOROTHEA, (born Jervis). 1. H. L., to 1. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, June 30, 1906. Eeproduction ; 6 X 6 in. MORLEY, GEORGE, D.D. ; bishop of Winchester; 1597-1684. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in cap and rochet, resting book on table. (C. S. 81.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. Three proofs before Inscription ; two fully lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, to L, bust only; oval frame with orna ments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; 135 X 85 in- MORLEY, GEORGE ; methodist minister ; 1772-1848. 1. H. L., seated in armchair, fuU face, 1. hand on book ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1822. Stipple. 2. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to same periodical, 1815. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. MORLEY, HENRY; professor of literature at Uni versity CoUege ; 1822-1894. 1. H. L., fuU face. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.MORLEY, JOHN, (of Halstead) ; butcher and land- jobber; 1656-1732. 1. Aged 60; T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding pen; ledger before him. (C. S. 107.) Mezz. ; 125 X 9} in. Tlu'ee impressions. 2. Aged 70 ; bust, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame ; 1726. Line ; 8 X 6} in. 3. Copy from the last ; rect. PL to Caulfleld's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 5 X 4| in. MORNINGTON, ANNE (HILL), Countess of ; w. of Garrett Wellesley, 1st Earl; d. of 1st Viscount Dun- gannon ; mother of the Duke of WeUington, Marquess WeUesley and Lord Cowley ; 1742-1831. 1. W. L., to L, sitting by table, holding London Gazette; busts, etc., of her sons about her ; facsimiles of her and their autographs below. Mezz. ; 205 X 16| in. Two impressions. MORNINGTON, WILLIAM WELLESLEY POLE, 3rd Earl of ; 1st Baron Maryborough ; 1763-1845. 1, H, L., looking to 1. ; vignette, PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1815. Stipple.MORPETH. See Cablisle. Painter P. R. Say G. Romney P. Lely J. Renton G. Kneller J. Richardson Lady Burghersh W. Owen Engbaveb W. Say R. Tompson exc. G. Vertue W. HoU T. Blood J. Simon G. Vertue R. Grave T. Hodgetts C. Pieart 282 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MORRES, LODGE EVANS, M.P. See Fbankeobt de Montmobbncy. MORRIS, (Gapt.) CHARLES ; song-writer ; 1745-1888. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. A. J. Oliver 1808. Mezz. ; 11| x 9} in. 2. Same picture ; vignette. Pront. to his Lyra Urbanica ; pub. R. Bentley 1840. Line. 3. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval. PL to The Busy Bee ; pub. J. S. Barr 1790. Stipple ; 3} X 21 in. MORRIS, EBENEZER; Welsh methodist minister; 1770-1825. 1. H. L., to 1., seated, in cap, spectacles in 1. hand ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag., 1826, Stipple, Proof before inscription, MORRIS, HENRIETTA (MUSGRAVE), Lady; w. of Sir John M., bart. ; d. 1812. 1. When Mrs. M. ; H. L., directed and looking to L, 1, elbow on pedestal ; oval frame. Prom picture now belonging to Baroness Burton, Pub. J. Boydell 1776. (C. S. 116, Prankau 250.) Mezz, ; 13 X 11 in. Two proofs with scratched inscription ; two fully lettered impressions, 2. Same picture. Pub, H, Graves & Co, Mezz. ; 45 X 41 in. MORRIS, (Cot.) JOHN ; royalist commander ; executed 1649. 1. H. L., to L, in armour and lace collar ; with account of him. Pub. R. Wilkinson. Line ; 6 X 41 in. MORRIS, Sir LEWIS ; poet ; 1833-1908. 1. H. L., to 1. Photograph by Downey. AVoodbuiytype. See Gboups. MORRIS, MARY; sister of Sir John M., hart.; d. unmarried; 1735-1812. 1. H. L., standing, looking to L, r. hand on hip. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 45 X 4 in. MORRIS, PETER, M.D. ; flctitious author of Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 1. H. L., 1. proflle, seated at table, holding pen. Pront. to Lockhart's Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Woodcut ; 4} X 35 in. MORRIS, RICHARD; baptist minister at Amersham, Bucks; 1739-1817. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. T. WiUiams 1802. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. MORRIS, ROBERT, M.P. for Gloucestershire ; d. 1816. 1. Nearly W. L., fuU face, seated in armchair. Pub. Washbourn & Son, Gloucester, 1823. Mezz. ; 171 X 14 in. Painter Engraver A. J. Oliver J. Reynolds J. Reynolds J. Watson T. Hodgetts W. Greatbach Anon. Anon. J. R. Smith (G. S. Shury) J. Stow A. J. Oliver (G. H. Every) W. Lizars W. Ridley i W. Say Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 283 Subject MORRIS, (Capt.) THOMAS ; soldier and song writer ; b. of Capt. Charles M. ; 1732-1808. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Pront. to his Miscellanies, 1791. Stipple ; 85 X 8} iu. MORRIS, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister at Kilgeran, Pembrokeshire. 1. H. L,, to 1, ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub, Westley & Davis 1835. Stipple, » 2, H, L., to r,, seated by table, spectacles in r, hand. Pub, T. Gee 1850. Stipple ; 55 X 45 in. MORRIS, WILLIAM ; See Gboups. poet and artist ; 1884-1896. MORRIS, (Mrs.) ; midwife at York. 1. H. L., to r., in white hood; oval. (C. S. 5.) Mezz. ; 10| x 8} in. MORRISON, Sir JOHN ; Poor Knight of Windsor and clerk in the Excise office at Edinburgh. 1. W. L,, 1. proflle, standing, conversing with Mr, Butter ; 1786, Etchiug ; 31 X 25 iu, MORRISON, ROBERT, D,D,, P.R.S. ; missionary in China; 1782-1834. 1. Engaged in translating the bible into Chinese ; W. L., seated by a table, with two Chinese assistants at work ; he holds the charter of the Anglo-Chinese College. Pub. C. Turner 1830. (Whitman 885.) Mezz. ; 21 X 17 in. 'Two impressions. 2. Same picture ; figure half-length only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. Stipple ; 4} X 55 In. 3. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., holding scroll and glove. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1827. Stipple ; 6| X 45 in. MORRISON, THOMAS. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair, holding snufibox on knee. Private plate, without inscription. (C. S. 61, Frankau 205.) Mezz. ; 101 X 8} in. MORRITT, BACON, (of York) ; d. 1775. 1. H. L., to r., seated in armchair ; oval. Etchiug ; 41 X 31 in. MORRITT, JOHN BACON SAWREY, (of Rokeby), M.P. ; traveUer and scholar ; 1772 ?-1843. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in gown, holding an official sword. From picture belonging to Society of DUettanti. Illust. to Cust's Hist, of the Society, 1898. Eeproduction ; 7 x 61 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Caw's Scott GaUery, 1903. Photogravure ; 45 X 35 in. Painteb J. Andrews E. Williams T. Murray J.Kay G. Chinnery Engraver Anon. J. Andrews Newman & Co. G. Lumley J.Kay J. Wildman M. A. Shee C. Turner W. Holl T. Blood W. Ward W. Doughty 284 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb MORSHEAD, ELIZABETH, (born Frederick); w, of John M. of Trenant Park ; d. 1845. 1. H. L., looking to 1. PL to Ward and Roberts's Romney, 1904. G. Romney Photogravure ; 71 X 6 in. MORTIMER, CHARLES, D.D. ; rector of Lincoln CoUege, Oxford ; 1726?-1784. 1. W. L., walking to L, in proiUe, in cap and gown. J. M. Etching ; 91 X 71 in. • MORTIMER, CROMWELL, M.D., P.R.S., F.S.A. ; physician ; d. 1752. 1. W, L,, seated at table on which is an owl, figure of Folly behind, putting a peacock's feather on his head ; lines by Pope above and below ; satirical. (W. Hogarth) Rigou Line ; 6 x 6} in. MORTIMER, FAVELL LEE, (born Bevau) ; author of Peep of Day, etc, ; 1802-1878, 1, W. L,, to L, seated, writing. Cutting from Christmas Bookseller, 1878, Anon. Woodcut, MORTIMER, JOHN HAMILTON, R,A, ; painter ; 1741- 1779, 1, Bust, to L, in turban and cloak ; oval in rect. Pub. R. Blyth 1782. J. H. Mortimer R. Blyth Etching ; 14} x 11} in. 2. H. L., 1. profile, holding palette. Pub. Ireland 1779. (C. S. 87, Whitman 77.) „ V. Green -Mezz. ; 141 X 12 in. Two impressions. 3. H. L., r. profile, looking downwards; oval. Pub. J. Parry 1810. 99 A. Van Assen Btching ; 9 X 71 in. 4. W. L., standing, sketching, looking to r. ; vignette. R. Wilson J. R. Jobbins Lith. 5. Same picture ; vignette at head of remarks on the original, by John Britton. JJ Anon. AVoodcut. MORTIMER, THOMAS ; writer ; 1730-1810. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1799. W. Beechey W. Ridley Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. MORTIMER, (Miss); sister of John Hamilton M., A.R.A. 1, As Hebe ; H, L,, 1, proflle, looking downwards, holding cup ; head of eagle to 1. ; with title ' Hebe.' Pub. J. R. Smith 1779. (C. S. 117, Prankau 251.) W. Peters J, R. Smitli Mezz. ; 16} X 125 in. One proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched. MORTLOCK, LEWIS ; captain R,N, ; feU in action off Boulogne 1799, 1, H, L,, looking to r,, in uniform. Pub, C, Turner 1799 (Whitman 386,) J. Masquerier C. Turner .Mezz, ; 6} X 5 in. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 285 Subject MORTON, JAMES DOUGLAS, 4th Barl of ; regent of Scotland; 1530-1581. 1. T. Q, L,, standing, looking to r., in high-crowned hat; gloves on table. Prom picture at Dalmahoy. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 7| X 55 iu. 2. Same picture. PI. to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1824. Stipple ; 61 X 4} in. 3. Same picture, without background ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Proof before inscription. 4. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval, with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1741. Line ; 14} X 8J in. 5. Reversed copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 65 X 41 in. 6. Another reversed copy ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 3} in. diam. 1. Another reversed copy ; plain oval. Line ; 3} X 2| in. Proof before inscription. 8. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; rect. Pub. C. & H. Baldwyn, Line ; 3 X 21 in. MORTON, ELIZABETH (VILLIERS), Countess of ; w. of Robert Douglas, 9th Earl ; d. 1654. 1. T. Q. L., to L, holding flowers on ledge ; rect. frame. One of set of The Countesses. Liue ; 121 X 10 iu. Four impressions. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 65 X 4 in. Proof before inscription. See KiBKE, Ann. MORTON, GEORGE SHOLTO DOUGLAS, 19th Earl of; 1789-1858. See Gboups (Douglas children). MORTON, ALICE (born Lambton), Countess of ; 2nd wife of Sholto Douglas, 20th Earl; 1831-1907. See Durham, George Lambton, 2nd Earl of. MORTON, RICHARD, M.D. ; physician ; 1687-1698. 1. Short H. L., to r., in gown; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Exercitationes, 1692. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 2. Same picture ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 7 X 6| in. 3. Same picture ; rect. at head of an account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2 X 15 iu. 4. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Phthisiologia, 1689. Painter A. Van Dyck B. Orchard Engraver R. Cooper 99 G. B. Shaw J. Houbraken Anon. S. P. Ravenet (G. Vertue?) R. Cooper P. Lombart G. Vertue R. White W. Elder Mors J. W. Cook R. White 286 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MORTON, THOMAS, D.D. ; bishop of Durham ; 1564- 1659. ! 1. Bust, to r., in cap and rochet; oval frame, with arms below. Front, to his Funeral Sermon, by J. Barwick, 1660. (Pagan p. 51.) (W. Paithorne) Line ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1820. T. Berry Line ; 6} X 4} in. MORTON, THOMAS ; dramatist; 1764?-1838. 1. H. L., to L Pub. Longman & Co. 1806. S. De Wilde J. Hopwood Stipple ; 4 X 2} in. 2. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom a miniature. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. T. BeUamy 1796. w . Naish W. Ridley Stiijple ; 31 X 3 in. 3. H. L., to r., seated. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. PL to Art Journal, 1854. M . A. Shee T. W. Hunt Stipple and line ; 91 X 3 in. 4. H. L., to L; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1807. E. Smith J. Hopwood Stipple ; 6| X 35 in. 5. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pub. J. Heath & J. P. Thompson 1804. J. R. Smith J. Heath Stipple : 4} X 35 in. same plate, reduced; as used for Lady's Mag., 1818. 99 93 MORTON ; empiric ; fl. 1640. 1. H. L., to r., in skuU-cap and cloak, holding book ; urinal beside him ; six lines below : — ' Th' Ancients used Water,' etc. Rogerson T. Cross Line ; 35 X 3} in. MOSELEV, BENJAMIN, M.D. ; physician to Chelsea Hospital; 1742-1819. 1. Nearly W. L., seated at a table, looking to L, hands on open book. R. M. Paye M. A. Bourlier Stipple ; 7} X 61 in. MOSELEy, MARIA; d. of H. B. Chalon; miniature painter ; d. 1867. 1. When Miss Chalon; H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1827. M Chalon H. R. Cook Stipple. MOSER, GEORGE MICHAEL, R.A. ; keeper of the Royal Academy ; 1704-1783. See Groups (Royal Academy). MOSER, JOSEPH ; magistrate for Westminster ; writer ; 1748-1819. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1808. S. Drummond W. Ridley Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. MOSER, MARY. See Lloyd, Mary. MOSLEM, Sir NICHOLAS; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1599. 1. H. L., to L, in hat, ruff and furred gown. FacsimUe of an unique print. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Anon, Line ; 4} x 31 in. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 287 Subject a Soldier; W. L., to L, music and words of the MOSS, CHARLES, D.D.; bishop of Bath and WeUs; 1711-1802. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to r., in private dress, spectacles in r. hand. Pub, J, Jeffryes 1801. Without title. (Whitman 200,) Mezz, ; 195 X 14 "«• MOSS, JAMES ; dog seller. 1. W. L., walking to 1., with puppies in his coat. Pub. J. Bretherton 1773. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. MOSS, ROBERT, D.D, ; dean of Ely ; 1666-1729, 1, Bust, to r,, in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront, to his Sermons, 1736. Line; 65 X 35 in, MOSS, WILLIAM HENRY ; mayor of HuU. 1, T. Q. L., to r., standing, iu gown and chain of office; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. C. Ward, HuU, 1863. lith. MOSS, (Me.) ; actor ; d. 1817. 1, As Caleb in He Would be singing ' I'm the Dandy 0 ' ; song below ; 1787. Etchiug and aquatint ; 7} X 6} in, MOSSE, HENRIETTA, (born Rouviere) ; novelist, 1, H. L., nearly in profile to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in. Proof before any Inscription. MOSSENEAU, CHARLOTTE. 1. A young girl, nearly W. L., fuU face, seated by table on which is a cat. Pub. J. WiUiams 1781. (0. S. not deso.) Mezz. ; 63 X 6 in. MOSSOP, HENRY; Irish actor; 1729?-1'774? 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 2. As Osmyn in Congreve's Mourning Bride ; W. L., standing in cell, reading a letter ; with title ' Osmyn.' Etching ; 95 X 7 in. 3. As Bajazet ; W. L., standing, full face. Etchiug ; 12 X 7} in. 4, As Zanga; smaU W. L,, standing, tearing a paper; without background. Liue.MOSTYN, EDWARD PRICE LLOYD, 1st Baron; 1763-1854. 1, Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, in robes, holding scroll. Presentation portrait. Pub. E. Parry 1840. (Whitman 387.) Mezz, ; 165 X 12| in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. MOSTYN, Sir EDWARD, bart. ; 1785-1841, 1. H. L., to r., holding hunting whip; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple. Painter J. Hoppner H. Bunbury J. A. Vinter J.Kay J. H. Mortimer W^. W^. Mrs. Pearson Engraver S. W. Reynolds J. Bretherton G. Vertue J. A. Vinter J. Kay Anon. W. Ridley W. Pettit Anon. C. Turner Anon. 288 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MOSTYN, Lady ESSEX, (born Finch); w. of Sir Roger M,, bart,; d. of 2nd Earl of Nottingham; d, 1721. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated on bank, holding flowers. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 184.) Mezz. ; 12} x 95 in. Three impressions. MOSTYN, SAVAGE ; admiral ; d. 1757. 1. When a youth ; T. Q. L., standing, with r. hand on cannon, face to 1. Etching ; 7} X 5} in. 'MOTHER GOOSE OP OXFORD.' See Howse, Rebecca. MOTHERILL, JOHN; tailor at Brighton, tried for rape and acquitted 1786. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in hat; oval. Pub. R. Randall 1786. Line ; 6 X 3} in. MOTTERSHEAD, JOSEPH; dissenting minister at Manchester; 1688-1771. 1, Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated by table, in wig, gown and bands, holding open letter in r. hand, (C. S. 25.) Mezz. ; 17t X 13} in, MOULTON, WILLIAM ; methodist preacher, 1. Bust, to 1., oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1808. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. MOUNSEY, ANN SHEPPARD. See Babtholomew. MOUNSEY, JAMBS, M.D., P.R.S. ; physician to the Empress of Russia ; d. 1788. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, pointing to open vol. of Hippocrates which he rests on his knee. (Wessely 73.) Liue ; 13} X 10} in. MOUNT, R. ; bookbinder, etc. ; fl. 1800. 1, H, L,, looking to r,, holding book; rect, with a cupid writing his name on tablet below. Stipple ; 35 X 3} in. MOUNTAGU, Countess of. MOUNTAGU, 1st Barl of. LADY ANN. CHARLES. See Suffolk, Anne, See Halifax, Charles, See Montaigne. flrst bishop of Quebec; MOUNTAIGNE, GEORGE. MOUNTAIN, JACOB, D.D. ; 1749-1825. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, in rochet. Pub. C. Turner 1820. (Whitman 388.) Mezz. ; 11} X 85 in. Two impressions. MOUNTAIN, ROSOMAN, (born Wilkinson); w. of John M. ; singer and actress ; 1768 ?-1841. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, playing guitar; rect. frame. Prom a drawing. Pub. W. Holland 1804. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 101 X 71 in. Painter G. Kneller H. Pickering G. P. Schmidt H. Edridge A. Buck Engraver John Smith T. Worlidge Anon. W. Pether Ridley & Blood G. P. Schmidt Anon. C. Turner T. Cheesman Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 289 Subject Painter 2. As Matilda in Burgoyne's Richard Cceur de Lion; W. L., to L, standing. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. 3, As Fidelia in Moore's The Foundling; W, L,, to r., standing ; oval in reot. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 45 X 31 in. 4. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 21 in. 5. H. L., looking to r., in fur cloak. Pub. C. Turner 1804. (Whitman 389.) Mezz. ; 91 X 81 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 6, H. L., to r., in character; octagon. PL to Monthly Mirror, 1797. Stipple ; 31 X S in. 'MOUNTAIN DAISY.' See Pane, Lady GecUy Georgiana. MOUNTCASHEL, ARABELLA (WENTWORTH), Viscountess ; w. of Justin McCarthy, titular Viscount. See Groups (Wentworth children). MOUNT EDGCUMBE, GEORGE EDGGUMBE, 1st Earl of ; admiral ; 1721-1795. 1. When Lord Edgoumbe; T. Q. L., to r., standing, in uniform ; ship at sea in background. (C. S. 16.) Mezz. ; 13} X 10} in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 4} x 4 in. 3. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle ; pub. J. Gold 1809. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 4. When Capt. Edgcumbe ; H. L.,to r.,arm on an anchor. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 45 X 35 in. MOUNT-EDGCUMBE, EMMA (GILBERT), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; 1729-1807. 1. When Lady Edgcumbe ; nearly W. L., full face, seated, holding album with both hands. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1825. Mezz. ; 61 X 45 in. MOUNT EDGCUMBE, RICHARD EDGCUMBE, 2nd Earl of; 1764-1889. 1. When a boy; T. Q. L., to r., seated on a bank, resting head on hand. Pub. W. Dickinson 1774. (C. S. 18.) Mezz. ; 13| X 11 iu. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one lettered impression. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 51 X 4 in. See Gboups (Marlborough Theatricals). S. De WUde R. Dighton Masquerier J. Reynolds J. Reynolds J. Reynolds Engraver SehiavonettiT. Trotter K. Mackenzie C. Turner W. Ridley E. Pisher S. W. Reynolds H. R. Cook S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds W. Dickinson S. W. Reynolds 290 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MOUNT-EDGCUMBE, CAROLINE AUGUSTA (PEILDING), Countess of ; w. of Ernest Edgcumbe, 8rd Earl ; d. 1881. 1. When Viscountess Valletort ; T. Q. L., to L, seated, holding book, child standing at her knee, PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1839. Stipple ; 6 X 41 in. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, hands folded on knee ; octagon. Pub. J. Hogarth 1845. Stipple ; 9 X 7} in. MOUNTPORD, RICHARD, (of Sheffnal, Salop). 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, holding pen and letter ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. C. H. Lang- ley 1841. (Whitman 511.) Mezz. ; 161 X 121 in. MOUNTGARRET, countess ; d. 1785. HARRIET (BUTLER), Vis- See Gboups (Countess of Carriek and daughters), MOUNTJOY, MOUNTJOY BLOUNT, Baron, Newpobt. See MOUNTMORRES, HERVEY REDMOND MORRES, 2ud Viscount ; 1746 ?-1797. 1. H. L., to L, hat under arm. PL to cat, of Price sale at Christie's, June 15, 1895, Eeproduction, MOUNTNORRIS, FRANCIS ANNESLEY, Baron, See Valentia, MOUNTNORRIS, GEORGE ANNESLEY, 2nd Earl of, F,R,S, ; traveUer ; 1769-1844, 1, When Lord Valentia ; H, L,, to 1, ; octagon. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in, MOUNTSANDPORD, GEORGE SANDFORD, 3rd Baron; d. 1846. 1. H. L., to L, with arms folded ; vignette. Pub. P. Newenham 1831. Stipple. MOUNTSTUART, JOHN STUART, Lord ; s. of John, 4th Earl, afterwards 1st Marquess, of Bute ; 1767-1794. 1. W. L., standing in landscape, looking to L, hat and stick in 1. hand. Stipple ; 115 X 85 in. MOUNTSTUART, ELIZABETH PENELOPE (CRICHTON), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; d. of Patrick, Earl of Dumfries ; 1772-1797. See DuMFBiES, Margaret, Countess of. MOUNTSTUART. See Bute. MOUNT-TEMPLE, GEORGIANA (TOLLEMACHE), Lady ; 2nd w. of W. P. Cowper-Temple, Baron M.-T.- 1. When Hon. Mrs. Gowper; T. Q. L., standing, looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU 1851. Lith. Proof before title. Painter J. Ross R. Thorburn C. D. Langley Engbaveb W. H. Mote J. Artlett S. W.Reynolds jun. Gainsborough J. J. HaUs P. Newenham Browne S. Preeman P. C. Lewis C. Watson B. Thorburn T. H. Maguire Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 291 Subject MOUNT-TEMPLE, WILLIAM FRANCIS COWPER- TEMPLE, Baron ; s. of Peter, 5th Earl Gowper ; states man ; 1811-1888. 1, When Hon. W. Gowper; H. L,, 1, profile; vignette. Pub, J, MitcheU, Lith, MO WAT, GEORGE ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1820. Stipple ; SJ X 2} iu. MOWBRAY AND MALTRAVERS. See Aeundel AND Surrey. MOXON, CHARLES. 1. T. Q. L., to L., standing, holding cigar. PL to L'Art, 1876. Etching ; 10| x 71 in. MOXON, JOSEPH, P.R.S. ; mathematician and printer; 1627-1700. 1. H. L., to r. ; decor, oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Mathe-maticks made Easie, 1692. Liue ; 51 X 31 in. 2. Similar to the last ; plain oval frame. Front, to his Tutor to Astronomy, 1699. Line ; 6} X 4} in. MOYLE, WALTER ; poUtical writer ; 1672-1721. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Works, 1726. Line ; 6 x 3} in. MOYSER, JOHN, (of Beverley). 1. H. L., to L, in wig, lace cravat and mantle; oval; without any inscription. (C. S. 9.) Mezz. ; 105 X 81 in. Three impressions. MUCCIOLANTI, DOMENICO; Italian criminal in London. 1. H. L., to L, in sheet of Italian letterpress dated 1717. Etching ; 31 X 3} in. MUCKLEY, WILLIAM JABEZ ; flower painter. 1. H. L., to r., seated. Illust. to L'Art, 1882. Woodcut ; 65 X 51 in. MUDGE, JOHN, M.D., P.R.S.,; physician at Ply mouth ; friend of Sir J. Reynolds ; 1721-1793. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in cap, tm-ning over leaves of a book ; rect. frame. (C. S. 50.) Mezz. ; 13} x lOJ in. One proof before inscription ; two with dotted letters ; one imprts- sion with engraved inscription. 2, Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 4} x 31 in. MUDGE, JOHN ; s. of the preceding. 1. A boy, H. L., full face, holding aside a curtain. Pub. S. W, Reynolds 1822, Mezz, ; 4} X 4 in. Painter Engraver A. D'Orsay W. Q. Orchard- son J. Reynolds A. D'Orsay T. Blood A. Mongin P. H. V. Hove Anon. G. Vertue (P. Place) Anon. C. Bellenger W. Dickinson S. W. Reynolds J. Reynolds I S. W. Reynolds U 2 292 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject chronometer maker ; 1717-1794. face, seated ; oval frame ; 1772. PL to Universal Mag., 1795. Printed in colours. MUDGE, THOMAS 1. H. L., nearly full (C. S. 16.) Mezz. ; 131 X 11 in. 2. Same picture ; oval. Line ; 4 x 3} in. 3. Same picture ; rect. Stipple ; 7 X 65 in. MUDGE, ZACHARIAH, D.D. ; vicar of St. Andrew's, Plymouth, and prebendary of Exeter ; 1694-1769. 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to r., in wig, gown and bands, resting chin on r. hand ; rect. frame. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C. S. 106, Goodwin 46.) Mezz. ; 11 X 9 in. s One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 4} X 31 in. MUDIE, A. S. ; juvenile actress who appeared at Covent Garden in 1805 ; b. 1798 ? 1. As Peggy in Garrick's The Country Girl ; small W. L,, to L, standing; without background. Pub, J, Fairburn 1805, Stipple, 2. Aged 7 ; H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Stipple.3. W. L., standing, 1. profile, holding up skirt. Stipple. MUDIE, CHARLES EDWARD ; founder of ' Mudie's ' library; 1818-1890. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Illust, London News, 1890. Woodcut. MUPP, ISAAC ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. MUGGLETON, LODOWICKE ; religious enthusiast ; 1609-1698. 1. Bust, to r., in cloak ; oval frame. Line ; 5} X 41 in. 2. H. L., to r., holding cloak to breast with 1. hand ; oval. (C. S. 83.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7} in. MUILMAN, TERESA GONSTANTIA. See Phillips. MUIR, THOMAS, jun., (of Huntershill) ; transported for sedition ; 1765-1798. 1. Bust, r. proflle ; oval ; two lines below : — ' Illustrious Martyr in the glorious cause,' etc, Btching ; 3 X 21 in, 2. W. L., to L, standing, speaking, documents in r, hand. Piib. J. Robertson 1793. Etching ; 51 X 38 in. MUIR, THOMAS ; living musician. 1. H. L,, to 1, ; from photograph. PL to Musical Times 1906. Process block. Painteb N. Dance J. Reynolds R. Satchwell J. Jackson Engbaveb C. Townley BakerSehiavonetti J. Watson S. W. Reynolds W. Bond Maguire Anon. R. T(aylor) W. HoU G. V. Casseel Anon. J. Kay J. Kay Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 293 Subject MUIR, WILLIAM, D.D. ; Scottish divine ; 1787-1869. 1, Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated by table, in gown and bands ; open bible on table. Pub, Graham 1822, (Whitman 390,) Mezz, ; 17} X 14 in. Two impressions. MULGRAVE, EDMUND SHEFFIELD, 1st Earl ot, K.G.; 1564?-1646. 1. When Lord Sheffield; H. L., to L, wearing badge of the Garter ; inscribed oval in cartouche. Line ; 65 X 41 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. T. Rodd 1819. Liue ; 65 X 41 in. See Gboups (Pine's Tapestries). MULGRAVE, JOHN ¦ See BuCKINGHAMSHIBE. SHEFFIELD, 3rd Earl of. 2nd MULGRAVE, CONSTANTINE JOHN PHIPPS; Baron, P.R.S. ; arctic explorer ; 1744-1792. 1. When Captain Phipps ; H. L., to 1., in naval uniform, hat under arm ; oval frame. Without title ; ' Publish'd 29 July 1774 ' scratched. (G. S. 127.) Mezz. ; 18f X 10} in. One impression before the date ; one with it. 2. H. L., directed and looking to 1. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. See Groups (Society of Dilletanti), MULGRAVE, ANN ELIZABETH (CHOLMLEY), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; 1769 ?-1788. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval in rect. Pub. T. Agnew 1886. Etching ; 12f X 105 in. Vellum proof. 2. Same picture. PL to cat. of Price sale at Christie's 1895. Eeproduction.MULGRAVE, HENRY PHIPPS, 1st Earl of, G.C.B., general and secretary of state ; 1755-1831. 1. When Baron Mulgrave; H. L., to r., in rect. frame. Pub. W. Skelton 1808. Liue ; 175 X 1* in. 2, When Baron Mulgrave ; W, L,, to r,, standing, in uniform, holding drawn sword. Pub, J, Jeffryes 1801. (Whitman 202.) Mezz. ; 24 X 14} in. Proof with open letters. 3. When Baron Mulgrave; H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. CadeU & Davies 1811. Stipple.4. When Baron Mulgrave; H. L., to r. Pub. C. Turner Aug. 13, 1808. (Whitman 892.) Mezz. ; 11} x 95 in. same plate, with date altered to Nov. 23. Three impressions. See Groups, Painter J. Graham Engraver C. Turner R. Elstraek T. Berry Gainsborough W. Beechey J. Hoppner J. Jackson T. Lawrence Anon. C. Waltner W. Skelton S. W. Reynolds H. Meyer C. Turner 294 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MULGRAVE, SOPHIA (MALING), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1849. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, 1. arm on ledge of balcony. Pub. G. Clint 1805. Mezz, ; Hi X 91 in, MULGRAVE, CONSTANTINE HENRY PHIPPS, 2nd Earl of. See Normanby. ' MULLED SACK.' See Cottington, John. MULLENS, (Mrs.). 1. W. L., standing, leaning on plinth of a column, r. knee on a stool ; rect. frame. From a drawing. Pub. E. Orme 1807. Printed iu colours. Stipple ; 115 X 8 in. MULLER, MARY (YOUNG), Madame ; aunt of Charles Mayne Young the actor. 1. Bust, nearly in proflle to r. ; oval. Pront. to vol. ii of Life ofC. M. Young, by his son, 1871. Stipple ; 3 X 21 iu. Proof before inscriptiou. MULLER, MAXIMILIAN CHRISTOPHER; German giant exhibited in London 1733 ; 1674-1734. 1. W. L., standing in a room, holding sceptre, a lady and two gentlemen looking at him. Pub. S. Lyne. Line ; 13 X 8} in. MULLER, WILLIAM JAMES; landscape painter; 1812-1845. 1. A bust, to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Hlust. to Art Journal, 1850. Woodcut.MULLER. See Max-Mullbr. MULREADY, WILLIAM, R.A. ; painter ; 1786-1863. 1. Bust, to L, seen slightly from behind ; vignette ; 1868. Etching.2. H. L., looking to r. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in. 3. A head, r. proflle ; vignette; without title ; 1829. Stipple. 4. Nearly W. L., fuU face, standing, holding glasses. Prom a pencil drawing done in 1836. Lith. 5. Same drawing. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. 6. T. Q. L., seated, 1. proflle; from photograph. Cutting from Illustrated Times, 1858. Woodcut. 7. Same photograph ; vignette. Woodcut.8. T. Q. L., to L, seated. Cutting from Illust. London Neivs, 1863. Woodcut, MUN CASTER, JOSSLYN PENNINGTON, 5th Baron ; b, 1834, 1, H, L., looking to r. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. Proof before any inscription. J. Hoppner W. M. Craig L. P. Boitard C. K. Childs C. W. Cope J. Linnell P. Mulready W. Mulready G. Clint G. Richmond H. Landseer C. H. Jeens Anon. C. K. Childs C. W. Cope J. Thomson Anon.V. Brooks H. Harral W. Thomas Anon. J. R. Jackson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 29,5 Subject Painter Engraver oval. PL to Thespian Mag., 1792. Prom a crayon drawing. MUNCEY, WILLIAM; farmer who discovered Eliza beth Woodcock in the snow. 1, W, L., 1, proflle, standing by stone which marks the spot where Mrs, Woodcock was conflned in the snow for eight days in Peb, 1799 ; vignette. Pub, W, J, White 1818. Etciiing. MUNDEN, JOSEPH SHEPHERD ; actor ; 1758-1832. 1. H. L., looking to 1., paper in 1. hand. Pub. T. Lupton 1822. Mezz, ; 115 X 10 in, 2, H. L., looking to r Stipple ; 35 X 31 in. 3. H. L., r. proflle ; vignette. Pub. W. DanieU 1814. Soft-ground etching. 4. As Auiolycus in Winter's Tale; W. L., standing, looking to L, holding staff. Pub. BeU & De Gamp 1809. Stipple ; 6 X 35 in. 5. H. L., looking to L; oval. PL to General Mag. ; pub. Belamy & Robarts 1'791. Stipple ; 35 X 31 in, 6, As Sir Francis Gripe in- Gentlivre's The Busy Body ; W, L,, standing, holding up purse; oval iu rect, PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 41 x 3 in. 7. Copy from the preceding ; oval in rect. Line ; 41 x 25 in. 8. As Verdun in Inchbald's Lovers' Vows ; W. L., 1. profile, standing, holding a paper ; below : — ' You must hear that in Rhyme.' Pub. Dighton 1798. Coloured. Etching ; 6} X 5} in. 9. H. L., L profile ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 10. H. L., looking to L, paper in r. hand. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1804. (Whitman 203.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. 11. H. L., looking to 1. ; octagon. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1796. Stipple ; 3} X 3| in. 12. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Prom a miniature. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; S| X 2} in. 13. As Crop; W. L., fuU face, standing, in high hat. PL to Charlton House Mag. Line ; 55 X 35 in. See Groups (with Mrs. Orger, etc.). MUNDY, EDWARD MILLER, (of Shipley) ; M.P. for Derbyshire; 1750-1822. 1. T. Q. L., standing by a bank, looking to L, holding glove. Pub. C. Turner 1808. (Whitman 393.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. MUNDY, FRANCES. See Fitzrov. W. J. White G. Clint J. Cond6 G. Dance S. De Wilde R. Dighton J. Opie M. A. Shee W. Wood J. Hoppner W. J. White T. Lupton J. Cond6 W. DanieU W. Bond W. Ridley "Wray ThornthwaiteR. Dighton Mackenzie S.W. Reynolds W. Ridley Anon. C. Turner 296 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MUNDY, FRANCIS, (of Osbaston and Markeaton) ; friend of Addison and Steele ; 1691-1720. 1. H. L., face to L, in long wig ; oval in rect. frame. Private plate. Line : 11} X 7} in. Proof before any inscription, 2, H, L,, to r,, in long wig; oval in rect, frame. Private plate, Liue ; 11} X 75 in. . MUNDY, FRANCIS NOEL CLARKE, (of Markeaton) ; poet; 1789-1815. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair at a table, his grandson WiUiam standing beside him, reading. Pub. Reinagle 1810. (Whitman 394.) Mezz. ; 13} X 17 in. One unfinished proof ; one before inscription ; one with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. MUNDY, WILLIAM, (of Markeaton) ; 1801-1877. See MuNDY, Francis N. G. MUNRO, ALEXANDER ; sculptor ; 1825-1871. 1. Bust, to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1871. Woodcut. MUNRO, BETTY ; fruit-girl at the Exchange. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding basket of apples and a pottle of fruit; with title 'Betty.' Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C. S. 24.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; two lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last, with same title. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C. S. 25.) Mezz. ; 61 X 41 in. MUNRO, HUGH ANDREW JOHNSTONE ; classical scholar ; professor of Latin at Cambridge ; 1819-1885. 1. H. L., fuU face. Photograph ; 9} X 7} in. MUNRO, Sir THOMAS, bart., K.G.B. ; general ; governour of Madras ; 1761-1827. 1. W. L., standing by table, looking to L, in uniform, sheathed sword iu r. hand, 1. resting on map of India ; inscription on separate plate. (Whitman 114.) Mezz. ; 29 X 191 in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Jordan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1830. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. MUNROE, HENRY ; a leader in the Irish rebeUion ; hanged for treason 1798. 1. W. L., on horseback, riding to L, foUowed by armed peasants. Etching and aquatint ; 8} X 101 in. Clipped impression, MUNSTER, GEORGE PITZCLARENCB, 1st Earl of, F,R.S, ; s, of WilUam IV. by Mrs, Jordan; 1794-1842, 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform and robes. PL to Jordan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1833, Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. Painter G. Kneller J. vr. Vaart R. Reinagle P. Palconet Engbaver G. Vertue C. Turner Anon. J. Dixon M. A. Shee (T. Rowland- son) J. Atkinson S. Cousins H. Meyer (T. Rowland- son) W. H. Cook Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 297 Subject Painter Engraver 2. W. L., standing, looking to r., hands on sword ; vignette. PL to Eraser's Mag. Lith. 3. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley 1839. .stipple ; 9 X 7} in. MUNYARD, J. H. ; actor ; fl. 1850. 1. In character ; H. L., to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Tinted. Lith. 2. As ifoey Groats in The Hop Pickers ; W. L., walking to L, carrying milk pails; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. E. Dresch. Lith. MURCHISON, Sir RODERICK IMPEY, bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D. ; geologist ; 1792-1871. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, holding stick; oval. Pub. G. B. Black, Lith, ; 161 X 13} in. 2. Bust, to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Athenieum Portraits, No. 41. Lith. 3. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, holding hammer ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome. Lith.4. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., in cloak, resting hands on book. Pub. W. Walker 1851. Mezz. ; 14 X llf in. MURCOT, JOHN ; puritan divine ; 1625-1654. 1. H. L., to r., in skuU-oap and gown, book in r. hand; inscribed oval frame, with six lines below : — ' Here stand & live,' &c. Front, to his Works, 1657. (Pagan p. 51.) Line ; 45 X 4} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson. Line ; 45 x 41 in. MURDOCH, THOMAS, P.R.S. ; b. 1758. 1. Aged 60'; T. Q. L., seated in armchair, directed and look ing to L, holding book and spectacles. Lith. ; 6} X 61 in. 2. Age 58 ; H. L., to 1. Lith. ; 7} X 61 in. MURDOCK, WILLIAM; engineer; inventor of gas- lightiug; 1754-1839. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science). MURPHY, ARTHUR; dramatist; 1727-1805. 1. Aged 50; nearly W. L., seated by table, cross-legged, looking to r., hands on open book. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. Pub. J. P. Thompson 1805. (C. S. 63, Frankau 208.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. 2. Same picture. Front, to his Life by J. Foot, 1811. Stipple ; 61 X 4 in. (D. Maclise) T. Phillips T. H. W(ilson) G. B. Black (D. Maclise) A. R. Artlett T. H. W(ilson) Anon. G. B. Black W. Drummond W.D(rummond) T. H. Maguire T. H. Maguire W. Pickersgill W. Walker (W. Faithorne) Anon. N. Behnes 1 M. Gauci 1 T. Phillips R. J. Lane N. Dance W. Ward P. Conde 298 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter MURPHY, ARTHUR— coreimMed. 3. Same picture. Pub. J. Stockdale 1811. Line ; 5 X 41 in. 4. Same picture ; with facsimile of autograph. ' G, M, Brighty del,' Pub, C, G, Dyer 1817, Etching ; 7 X 4f in, 5, Same picture, H, L, only. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1805. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. 6. H. L., to L, seated, holding pen ; vignette. PL to Co'}i- temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. Stipple.7. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1798. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 8. Aged 72 ; bust, 1. proflle ; octagon. From a wax model. PL to his Life, by J. Foot, 1811. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. 9. Marble bust ; to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. Proof before inscription. MURPHY, FRANCIS STACK, BI.P. ; serjeant-at-law ; essayist; 1810?-1860. See Groups (Praserians). MURPHY, JOHN, D.D.; Irish catholic priest; 1710- 1758. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and stole ; inscribed oval frame on pedestal ; with vignette of Charity and other emblems. Etching ; 15} X 1'} in. MURRAY, (Hon.) ALEXANDER; s. of 4th Lord Elibank ; Jacobite politician ; d. 1777. 1. H. L., to L, iu brocaded coat, hat under 1. arm; oval frame. Pub. W. Bizet, London. (C. S. 251.) Mezz ; 105 X 9 in. Two impressions. MURRAY, ALEXANDER, (Lord Henderland) ; Scottish judge; 1786-1795. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). MURRAY, CHARLES ; actor ; 1754-1821. 1. As Demetrius in Young's The Brothers ; W. L., stand ing, drawing sword ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre ; pub. G. Cawthorn 1797. Line ; 4J- X 31 in. Gua/rdian ; W. L., seated, PL to Cawthorn's Minor 2. As Heartly in Garrick's Ti looking to L, holding pen. British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. 3. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. From a painting. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. MURRAY, (Right Hon.) Sir CHARLES AUGUSTUS, K.G.B. ; s. of Earl of Dunmoro; diplomatist ; 1806-1895. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, holding hookah ; Egyptian servant to 1. Pub. Colnaghi 1853. Mezz. ; 161 X 125 in. N. Dance S. Drummond T. R. Poole P. Turnerelli A. Ramsay S. De Wilde W. Maddox Engraver J. Neagle J. Romney W. Ridley E. Scriven W. Ridley P. Conde E. Scriven J. Paber juil. W. Leney Maddocks J. Chapman G. Zobel Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 299 Subject MURRAY, DAVID, R.A. ; painter ; b. 1849. 1. Bust, full face ; from photograph. Woodcut. MURRAY, EMIMA ; actress ; d. 1848. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., in evening dress, holding fan ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. T. McLean 1888. Lith.2. As Cleopatra in the burletta of Antony and Cleopatra; W. L., dancing and playing castanets. Pub. J. Mitchell 1843. Lith. 3. As Susanna in Tlie Two Figaros ; T. Q. L., to 1. ; vignette. Lith. MURRAY, ESTHER JANE (GAYTON), Lady; w. of Rev. Sir WiUiam M., bart. ; actress ; d. 1875. 1. When Miss Gayton ; bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror, 1809. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. MURRAY, EUPHEMIA. See Smith, Euphemia. MURRAY, FANNY. See Ross, Frances. MURRAY, Sib GEORGE, K.CB. ; admiral ; 1759-1819. 1. H. L., to L, in uniform, resting hands on hilt of sword. Pub. C. Woolcott 1819. Mezz. ; 12} x 10 iu. MURRAY, (Right Hon.) Sir GEORGE, G.C.B., P.R.S. ; general; 1772-1846. 1. Short H. L., looking to L, in uniform. Pub. Welch & Gwynne 1841. Mezz. ; 111 X 95 in. Three impressions. 2. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1831. Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. 3. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in cloak; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley &Co. Stipple ; 91 X 75 in. 4. W. L., standing, looking to r., in full uniform and cloak, holding plumed hat. From pictm-e in county hall, Perth. Line ; 26 x 16} in. MURRAY, GEORGE, D.D. ; bishop of Rochester ; 1784- 1860. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, looking to L, in rochet, cap iu r. hand. Pub. Dawe & Gowar. Stipple ; 91 X 7} in. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple.3. Nearly W. L., to r., standing by table, in robes. Mezz. ; 16} x 13} in. Proof before inscription. MURRAY, HARRIET ; actress. See Siddons, Harriet, Painter Engraver H. P. Davey A. E. Chalon , W. Taylor ! T. M. Joy i R. J. Lane E. Alvey A. Buck S. Preeman C. Woolcott W. T. Lawrence H. Meyer i J. Cochran H. Pickersgill C. Pox B. R. Paulkner W. & P. HoU I J. Slater I P- C. Lewis W. Walker 300 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MURRAY, HENRY LEIGH ; actor ; 1820-1870. 1. H. L., looking to r. Prom a drawing. Stipple, Proof before any inscription, signed by Murray and the artists, 2, T, Q, L,, seated, nearly full face. From daguerreotype. PL to TaUis's Dramatic Mag. Stipple and line ; 6} X 61 in. 3. With Mrs. Stirling ; as Orlando and Rosalind in As You Like It; W. L., standing together. From daguerreo type. PL to same work. Stipple and line. MURRAY, (Majob-Gbn.) JAMES, M.P. ; governor of Port William ; 1722 ?-1794. 1. Bust, r. proflle. A silhouette shade. MURRAY, (Hon.) JAMES; general; governor of Quebec and of Minorca ; s. of 4th Lord EUbank ; 1719 ?- 1794. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in uniform; oval. Pub. S. J. Neele 1782. Stipple ; 35 X 31 in. MURRAY, Sir JAMBS AUGUSTUS HENRY, D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D. ; editor of the Oxford English Dictionary ; b. 1837. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. Lith.MURRAY, JOHN, (of Sacomb) ; antiquary ; 1670-1748. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1., r. arm on books; four lines below : — ' Hoh ! Maister John Murray,' etc. Line ; 65 X 4 in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only ; oval. PL to Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, 1817. Line ; 3 x 2} in. MURRAY, JOHN ; publisher ; 1778-1843. 1. T. Q. L,, seated in armchair, reading, legs crossed; vignette, PL to Pinden's Illustrations of Life and Works of Byron, 1833, 2, Same picture ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 61 X 65 in, 3, Same picture. PL to Le Livre, 1886. Photogravure.4. Same picture, bust only ; oval in rect. Illust. to The Critic, 1860. Woodcut ; 71 X 65 in. MURRAY, Sir JOHN ARCHIBALD, (Lord Murray); Scottish judge ; 1779-1859. 1. When M,P. for Leith; H, L,, to 1, Pub. W. Walker 1835. Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. See Groups (Scottish Bench and Bar). MURRAY, LINDLEY ; grammarian ; 1745-1826. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; with facsimile of autograph. Front, to his Memoirs, by E. Prank, 1826. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. MURRAY, LOUISA GEORGINA. See Boycb. Painter S. Pearce Engbaver J. H. Baker Anon. (J. GiUray) W. Rothenstein G. Vertue H. Pickersgill H. Raeburn E. Westoby Anon. W. Rothenstein G. Vertue W. W^orthing- ton E. Pinden Anon. Butterworth & Heath W. Walker T. A. Dean Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 301 Subject MURRAY, THOMAS ; portrait painter ; 1668-1734. 1. H. L., to L, in long wig and gown ; oval, J. Smith exc, (C. S. 188.) Mezz. ; 10} X 85 iu. Three impressions. 2. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6} X 6 in. 3. Same picture, to 1. PL to same work, ed. 1862. Stipple ; 4 X 3J in. 4. Bust, to r. From picture in Florence gallery. PL to Lasinio's Ritratti di Pittori nella Galleria di Firenze. Printed in colours. Mezz. ; 6} X 61 in. MURRAY, THOMAS ARCHIBALD, M.D. ; physician ; 1774-1802. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated by table, in spectacles. Memorial plate. (G. S. 56.) Mezz. ; 17} X 135 in. MURRAY, Sib WILLIAM. See Mansfield. MURRAY, (Master). 1. A child, W. L., standing, full face, in highland dress, drawing claymore. Without title. Pub. W. Dickinson 1786. (G. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 181 X 1^ in- Two impressions. MURRAY, (Miss). 1, T. Q, L,, fuU face, standing, taking roses from plant on table. Pub. J. Bowles & Son. (C. S. 80, II.) Mezz. ; 125 X 10 in. MURRAY, (Miss), of Kirkcudbright. 1, A young girl, W. L., standing, full face, hands folded, dog at her feet. Prom picture belonging to Lord Normanton. PL to Burlington Mag., 1903. Eeproduction ; 91 X 71 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Eeproduction ; 51 X 41 iu. MURRAY. See Moray. MURRAY. See Maogrbgor-Murray. MUSE. See Mbux. MUSGRAVE, ADORA JULIA, Lady. See Brougham AND VaUX, MUSGRAVE, MARY (FILMER), Lady; w, of Sir John C. M., bart, ; d. 1838. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, with her child. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 10 X 71 in. MUSGRAVE, Sir THOMAS ; general ; 1737-1812. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, leaning on a raU, in uniform, holding hat ; rect. frame ; 1797. Stipple ; 13| X 105 in, 2, Same picture. PL to Military Panorama; pub. P. Martin 1813. Stipple ; 6 X 35 in. Painter T. Murray S. Lane J. Graham J. Reynolds J. Hoppner L. Abbott Engraver John Smith A. Bannerman J. Thomson C. Lasinio J. Young P, Dawe R. Houston G. S. Pacius H. R. Cook 302 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver MUSGRAVE, Sir WILLIAM, (of Hayton Castle), -bart,, P,R,S,, P,S,A, ; commissioner of the customs ; print coUector ; 1735-1800, 1, T, Q. L,, to r,, seated in armchair, holding ' Plan of Battle of German Town ' ; rect, frame ; 1797, ¦Line ; 13} X 10} in. 2, T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, holding print of Rev. J. Granger; rect. frame. (C. S. 119, Prankau 254.) Mezz. ; 13f X 105 in. Two impressions. ¦ same plate, with the head altered to that in preceding print ; Smith's name partially erased. same plate ; with Smith's name entirely erased. ' MUSICA.' See Low, Richard. ' MUSICAL UNION.' See Groups. MUSPRATT, JAMBS SHERIDAN, M.D., P.R.S. Edin. ; chemist, 1821-1871. 1. T. Q. L., seated, nearly in profile to r. From a photo graph. Pront. to his Diet, of Chemistry; pub. W. Mackenzie. Stipple ; 5} X 4J in. MUSSARD, PIERRE ; French protestant minister iu London ; l'7th cent. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, resting book on table; inscription on separate plate. (Wessely 16, C. S. p. 1419.) Mezz, ; 125 X 9} in. One early impression, without inscription plate ; two impressions with the plate. MUSTAPHA, (SiGNOR) ; servant to George II. 1. Bust, to r., in turban ; oval frame. G. Kitchin exc. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 61 X 65 in. MUSTERS, MARY, (born Wentworth); w. of Charles M., of Hornsey; fl. 1700. 1. H. L., nearly full face ; oval in rect. PL to Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Ciesar ; pub. R. Wilkinson 1810. Line ; 4 x 31 in. MUSTERS, MARY ANNB, (born Chaworth) ; w. of John M. of Colwick HaU ; d. 1882. 1. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r., in large hat. Pub. E. Churton. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. same plate, re-issue, with inscription re-engraved. MUSTERS, SOPHIA, (born Heywood) ; w. of John M. of Colwick HaU ; 1758-1819. 1. As Hebe; W. L., full face, standing on clouds, holding cup from which the eagle drinks; with title 'Hebe.' From picture now belonging to Lord Iveagh. Pub J. R. Smith 1785. (C. S. 25). Mezz. ; 23} X 16 iu. One unfinished ; one proof with open letters. 2. Same picture ; with same title. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6} X 4 in. L. Abbott J. R. Smith G. S. Pacius J. R. Smith J. v. Somer J. Moore W. HoU J. V. Somer Anon. Anon. J. Cochran J. Reynolds C. H. Hodges S. "W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 303 Subject 3, W, L,, standing on terrace, directed and looking to L, with dog. Prom picture at Petworth. Pub. J. R. Smith 1779. (C. S. 120, Prankau 255.) Mezz. ; 24} X 15 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression, cut. 4. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 65 X 35 iu 5. H. L., 1. proflle, head of child resting on her r. shoulder. Prom picture in National Gallery. PL to The Portfolio, 1874, Without inscription. Etching ; 61 X 51 in, [A similar picture (with child omitted) at Holland House is called Mrs, C, J. Fox.] 6. H. L., to r., face in proflle, 1. arm on table, in ermine- trimmed robe. From picture shown at National Por trait Exhibition 1868. Photograph. 7. H. L., to L, in hat and cape ; inscription on separate plate. Pub. J. Walker 1780. (C. S. 10, II.) Mezz. ; 13 X 105 in. 'MUST GO.' See Heabne, -Thomas. MUTTER, GEORGE, M.A. ; incumbent of Broadway church, Westminster ; d. 1844. 1. H. L., seated at a table, directed and looking to r., in " gown and bands ; his church seen through window. Pub. J. Harris 1834. Lith. ; 65 X 4} in. MUTTIE, JANET ; Scottish centenarian ; b. 1686. 1, Aged 108; W. L., standing, directed and looking to r. Pub. S. W. Pores 1794. Coloured. Etching ; 81 x 6 in. MYDDELTON, Sib HUGH, bart.; projector of the New River; 1560?-1681. 1. T. Q. L., to i.., standing, in rufl and gown, 1. hand on shell from which water issues. Prom picture at Welbeck. Liue ; 12} x lOf in. 2, Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison 1795. Line ; 15 X 15 in. 8. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1, ; oval frame with emblems, PL to a magazine. Line ; 61 X 35 in. 4. Same picture. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Keproduction. 5. Similar picture at Goldsmiths' Hall. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1820. Stipple ; 7 X 65 in. MYDDELTON, RICHARD, M.P. ; governor of Den bigh Castle ; father of the preceding ; 1508-1575. 1. His brass in church of St. MaroeUus, Denbigh. Eeproduction. Painteb J. Reynolds G. Romney J. Harris C. Jonson Engraver J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds P. Raj on J. Walker J. Harris Anon. G. Vertue A. Birrell A. Walker E. Scriven 304 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject MYDDELTON, STARKEY ; dissenting minister; d, 1768. 1. Bust, to r., in wig; oval frame on pedestal. Liue. ; 6| X 35 in. MYDDELTON, Sir THOMAS, (of Chirk Castle); parliamentary commander ; 1586-1666. 1. When old; bust, to r., in skull-cap and armour; oval. From picture at Chirk. ' J. Allen del.' PL to Yorke's Royal Tribes of WaUs, 1799. Stipple ; 6 X 5 in. 2. On horseback, riding to r., truncheon in r. hand. by Tho. Hind at the Black BuU in GornhilL' Liue ; 5 X 4 in. 'Sold 3. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Vicars's England's Worthies, 1647. Line ; 25 x 15 iu. MYDDELTON, WILLIAM ; high sheriff of Denbigh shire; imprisoned for malpractices. 1. W. L., sitting in a cell before a flre; the bishop of St. Asaph watching him through the window. Pub. T. B. 1742. Line ; 65 X 6} in. MYEES, JOSEPH HART, M.D. 1823. physician ; 1758- See Groups (Medical Society of London) . MYLES, WILLIAM ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 40; bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. MYLNE, ROBERT ; architect and engineer ; builder of Blackfriars Bridge ; 1734-1811. 1. Aged 24; medallion head, r, proflle ; oval in rect. Line ; 9} X 75 in. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, 1815. Line ; 51 X 45 in. From a crayon drawing. 3. Bust, r. profile; vignette. Pub. W. Daniell 1810. Soft-ground etching. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science). MYLNE, WILLIAM CHADWBLL, P.R.S. ; s. of the preceding ; engineer to the New River Co. ; 1781-1863. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. Private plate, 1860. Stipple and line ; 65 X 61 in. MYNGS, Sir CHRISTOPHER ; admiral; 1625-1666. 1. H. L., face to L, belt over r. shoulder; oval. Prom a picture. ' Bulfinch del.' Pub, S, Woodburn 1813. Mezz. ; 41 X 3} in. [Bulfiuch's drawing is in the British Museum. 1 Painter M. Jenkin Engraver T. Kitchin W. Bond Anon. Anon. R. Brompton G. Dance H. W. Phillips W. Ridley VangeUsti Anon. W. Daniell H. Adlard R. Dunkarton Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 305 Subject MYTENS, DANIEL ; portrait painter ; 1590?- 1642. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, pointing with 1. hand; with title ' Isaac Mytens.' M, vanden Enden exc, (Wibiral 56,) Line ; 9 X 71 in. One proof before any inscription ; two before engTaver's name ; two fully lettered impressions, same plate, with title re-engraved, 'Isaac' being corrected to ' Daniel.' Pub. G. Hendricx. One impression, with publisher's name erased. 2. Copy from the last, reversed. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 65 X 4} in. 3, Another copy, to 1, PL to same work, ed. 1862. Liue ; 4} X 35 in. MYTTON, THOMAS ; parliamentary commander ; 1597?-1656. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Vicars's England's Worthies, 1647. Line ; 25 X 2 in. ' MY WIPE.' See Power, EUen. Painter A. Van Dyck Engbaver P. Pontius A. Bannerman W. Raddon Anon. VOL. III. 306 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits N Subject NAAS, JOHN BOURKE, Baron, See Mayo. NAGLE, Sir EDMUND, K.CB. ; admiral ; 1757-1830. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated, holding a paper, in frogged coat, with orders. Pub. W. Sams 1830. Mezz. ; 7 X 5} in. 2. W. L., standing, looking to L, in robes of the Bath. PL to Sir G. Nayler's work on the Coronation of George IV. Stipple and aquatint. Proof before any inscription. NAQLE, NANO (or HONORA) ; foundress of the Ursuline convent at Cork ; 1728-1784. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, instructing three girls who stand round her. Pub. 1809. (Whitman 395.) Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. NAILER, (Miss). 1. As Hebe; T. Q. L., standing, directed to r., looking to L, holding vase ; eagle to r. ; oval frame. C. Bowles exc. (C. S. 53.) Mezz. ; 125 X 95 in. 2. Copy from the last. (C. S. 9.) Mezz. ; 121 x 9} in. 3. Another copy. Pub. R. Sayer. Mezz. ; 55 X 45 in. NAIRNE, Sir CHARLES EDWARD, R.A., K.C.B.; general; 1836-1899. 1. W. L., on horseback, riding to r., with Indian retinue. Prom picture at Woolwich. Mezz. ; 20 X 165 in- NAIRNE, Sir WILLIAM, bart., (Lord Duusinnan) ; Scottish judge ; 1731 ?-1811. 1. H. L., to L, seated on the bench, in robes, hands clasped ; oval ; 1799. Etching ; 35 X 3 in. NALDI, GIUSEPPE ; singer and actor ; 1765-1820. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1809. Stipple ; 31 X 25 in. 2. As Roberto in II Assassino ; W. L., standing, holding gun. PL to Ladij's Mag., 1807. Line ; 61 X 4} in. 3. As Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro ; W. L., standing. PL to British Stage, 1818. Etching ; 7 X 4} in. Painter Engraver W. Cordon P. Stephanoff R. E. Pine C. W. Purse J. Kay De Maria W. J. Ward - E. Scriven C. Turner W. Dickinson J. WUson Anon. W. Strang J. Kay S. Preeman Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 807 Subject 4. W. L., standing on stage by piano, singing ; orchestra in foreground. Without inscription. Lith. ; 145 X 115 in. NALTON, JAMES, M.A. ; puritan divine ; 1600 ?-1662. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap and gown, book in r. hand; oval in rect. Front, to his Sermons, 1677. Line ; 4 X 3} in. NAN (of Yorkshire) ; ' Prince George's Cap- Woman.' 1, W, L., standing, looking to 1. ; twelve lines below : — ' Amongst the Females of a Modern Fame,' etc. Sold S. NichoUs. Liue ; 8} X 6} iu. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6} X 4} in. NANNY, (Old) ; orange and apple woman at Lambeth, 1, W. L., walking to L, carrying basket and staff. Line ; 7 X 4} in. NAPIER, FRANCIS NAPIER, 7th Baron ; 1758-1823. See Gboups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). NAPIER OP MAGDALA, ROBERT GORNELIS NAPIER, 1st Baron, G.C.B., G.C.S.I.; field marshal; 1810-1890. 1. H. L., to L, seated at a table, reading a document. Prom a drawing. Photograph.2. Bust, fuU face, in uniform ; vignette. ' Lord Robert Napier, Due de Magdala.' Woodcut. NAPIER, Sib CHARLES, (of Puncknoll), bart. ; d. 1743. 1. When Mr. Napier ; T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in wig and armour ; a negro holding his helmet. J. Smith exc. (C. S. 189.) Mezz. ; 12| X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. NAPIER, Sib CHARLES, K.CB. ; admiral; 1786-1860. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform, holding telescope. Pub. Ackermann 1854. Lith. ; 165 X 12} in. 2. At the siege of Acre ; W. L., to L, standing on a rock, r. arm extended, sword in 1. hand. Pub. A. Meeson 1847. Mezz. ; 27 X 17} in. Proof with artists' names only. 3. H. L., looking to r., in private dress ; vignette. Pub. Skelton. Coloured. Lith. See Gboups (' Defenseurs du Droit de I'Europe '). NAPIER, Sir CHARLES JAMES, G.C.B.; general; conqueror of Scinde ; 1782-1853. 1. His statue in Trafalgar square, London. PI. to Art .Journal, 1858. Stipple. Painter S. NichoUs O'KeefFe T. B. Wirgman J. Sommer C. Baugniet T. M. Joy A. H. Taylor Engraver Anon. J. Chantry S. NichoUs R. Grave B. Short Anon. John Smith C. Baugniet W. Carlos Skelton G. G. Adams R. A. Artlett s 2 308 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NAPIER, Sir CHARLES JAMES -coiiiirawei. 2. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in the costume he wore during the Scinde campaign, telescope in r. hand ; vignette. Pub. Colnaghi. Smart E. Morton Lith. 3. H. L., to 1., seated at a table, in private dress, pen in r. hand, spectacles in 1. ; vignette. Pub. A. Whitcombe 1849. E. Williams H. Robinson Stipple. 4. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, legs crossed, hands clasped ; vignette. From a photograph. Pub. Hering & Remington 1849. C. Baugniet Lith. 5. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, legs crossed. From a photograph. J. Skelton Stipple and line. XJnflnished proof, before background. 6. Similar to the last, but looking down ; vignette. Book illustration. Pub. J. S. Virtue. T. W. Hunt Stipple. NAPIER, ELIZABETH, (born Stirling) ; w. of John N. of Merchiston ; d. 1579. 1. H. L., to r. ; in picture frame. No, 573 of set of plates of portraits at Keir, Or. Urquhart Anon. Lith. NAPIER, (Hon.) ELIZABETH, (born Greenway) ; w. of Hon. James N. 1. When Miss Greenway; T. Q. L., seated, looking to r.. hands clasped, 1. arm on cushion ; without title. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (G. S. 65, Goodwin 151.) J. Reynolds J. Watson Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C. S. not desc.) T. Blackmore Mezz. 3. Another copy ; with Purcell's initials. (G. S. 34.) R. Purcell Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. same plate, with inscription re-engraved. ' C. Corbutt fecit.' Pub. R. Sayer. 5J 5J 4. Another copy. Pub. C. Bowles. >5 Anon. Mezz. ; 6} X 45 in. 5. Another copy. ,, Mezz. ; 65 X 41 in. Proof before inscription. 6. Same picture. Pub. C. Bowles. (C. S. 52.) R. Houston Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. 7. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. S. W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 51 X 4} in. NAPIER, JOHN, (of Merchiston); inventor of loga rithms; 1550-1617. 1. Bust, to L, in picture frame. No. 572 of a set of plates of portraits at Keir. G. Urquhart Anon. Lith, 2. T. Q. L., seated by table on which is a globe, directed and looking to L, iu skuU-cap ; oval frame on pedestal. R. Cooper Line ; 121 X 9 i"- Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 309 Subject 3. Similar to the last, but bareheaded ; vignette. Prom picture in Edinburgh University. IPl. to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen. Stipple.4. H. L., to L, calculating with bones ; oval frame in cartouche ; six lines by G. Chapman below ; 1620. Line ; 45 x 3 in. NAPIER, ROBERT ; marine engineer ; 1791-1876. 1, Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, holding paper; with facsimile of autograph ; 1847, Mezz, ; 165 X 125 in- NAPIER, Lady SARAH, (born Lennox); w, of Hon, George N, ; d. of 2nd Duke of Richmond ; m. 1. Sir Charles Bunbury, bart. ; 1745-1826. 1. When Lady Sarah Bunbury ; W. L., sacrificing to the Graces. Prom picture at Barton. Pub. E. Pisher 1766. (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 235 X l*i i"' One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 75 X 45 in. 3. Same picture. PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 95 X 65 in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only; oval frame. PL to Jesse's George Selwyn ; pub. R. Bentley 1843. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. 5. When Lady Sarah Bunbury ; H. L., to L, face in profile ; vignette. Etching, 6, When Lady Sarah Bunbury ; H, L,, directed and looking to r, ; oval frame ; with title ' Lady S B ,' PL to Town and Country Mag. Line ; 25 X 2} in. See Groups (with C. J. Fox and Lady Susan Strangways). NAPLETON, JOHN, D.D. ; chanceUor of Hereford; 1738 ?-1817. 1, H, L , to r., in gown and bands. Private plate. Stipple ; 31 X 2} in, NARES, Sir GEORGE ; judge ; 1716-1786, 1, Nearly W. L., seated, fuU face, in judicial robes. W. Dickinson 1776. (C. S. 54.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. NARES, Sib GEORGE STRONG, K.C.B., P.R.S. admiral; arctic explorer ; 1831-1905. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. Illust. to Leisure Hour, 1876. Woodcut ; 61 X 41 in. Pub. Painter CHARLOTTE, (born N. ; d. of 4th Duke of NARES, Lady GEORGINA Spencer) ; w. of Rev. Edward Marlborough ; 1769-1802. 1. When Lady G. Spencer, with her sister Lady Anne (afterwards Countess of Shaftesbury); two children, standing together, T. Q. L., Lady Charlotte holding up a mask; with title 'The Mask.' Group from family picture at Blenheim. Stipple ; 71 X 9} in. J. G. Gilbert J. Reynolds T. Leeming N. Hone J. Reynolds Engraver S. Preeman P. Delaram E. Burton E. Pisher S. W. Reynolds J. Cook J. Bretherton Anon. C. Pieart W . Dickinson Whymper L. Sehiavonetti 310 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NARES, Lady GEORGINA CHARLOTTE— cwiiiw/ei?, 2. Same group, reversed ; circle in rect. ; with same title. Pub. C. Turner 1823. (Whitman 535.) Mezz. ; 85 X 8} in. See Spenoeb, Lord Charles. See Spencer, Lord Henry. See Groups (Marlborough family). NARES, JAMES, Mus.D,; composer of church music; 1715-1783. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. From a picture. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1795. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. NARES, ROBERT, P.R.S., F.S.A. ; archdeacon of Stafiord; philologist; 175.3-1829. 1. H. L,, looking to L, in spectacles and private dress, r. hand on open book. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1830. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. NARY, CORNELIUS, D.D.; Irish catholic priest; 1660-1738. 1. H. L., to L, in lay dress, holding his New History of the World. (G. S. 24.) ¦ same plate ; with address of T. Jefierys & W. Herbert added. 2. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, in wig, bands and surplice, book iu r. hand. (C. S. p. 932.) Me?z. ; 121 X 10 in. NASH, EDWARD ; miniature painter ; 1778-1821. 1. Bust, full face ; vignette ; 1821. Stipple. NASH, JOHN ; alderman of Worcester ; 1590-1662. 1. Aged 68 ; H. L., seated, face to r., in gown ; with account of his charities. PL to Nash's Worcestershire, 1781, Line ; 45 x 4 in, NASH, JOSEPH, R,I, ; living artist, See Groups (Graphic artists), NASH, RICHARD, ('Beau' NASH); master of the ceremonies at Bath ; 1674-1762, 1. H, L,, to r,, in hat. From picture in Bath town hall. Line.2. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; vignette. Woodcut. 3. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval frame. Line ; 6 X 31 in. 4. Copy from the last, reversed. Liue ; 5 X 25 in. 5. H. L., to r,, in full dress, hat under 1, arm ; oval. Sold J. Faber, (C, S, 253,) Mezz, ; 10} X 8} in, 6. Same picture; vignette. PL to Bentley's Miscellany, 1837. Line. Painter J. Reynolds J. Hoppner E. Nash W. Hoare T. Hudson Engraver C. Turner T. Hardy S. Preeman (J. Brooks) (A. Miller?) E. Scriven J. Ross J. June M. Jackson A. Walker Anon. J. Paber jun. W. Greatbach Catalogue of Engraved British Port-raits 311 Subject Painter NASH, THOMAS ; satirist ; 1567-1601. 1. W. L., full face, standing, in fetters. Facsimile of rough woodcut in G. Harvey's Trimming of Thomas Nash, 1597. Pub. T. Rodd. Line ; 3 X 2i in. NASH, TREADWAY RUSSELL, D.D., F.S.A,; his torian of Worcestershire ; 1725-1811. 1. Bust, to t., in wig and private dress ; oval, on repre sentation of a curled-tip sheet of paper. Front, to vol. iii of his edition of Butler's Hudibras, 1793. Line ; 7 X 65 in. 2. Copy from the last ; vignette. PL to Nichols's IKwsira- tions of Literature, 1831. Liue.NASH, (Miss) ; singer ; b. 1797. 1. As Patty in Bickerstaffe's Maid of the Mill; W. L., standing, looking to r. ; rect. frame. PL to Theatrical Inquisitor ; pub. C. Chappie 1810. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 2. H. L., 1. profile, holding lyre; vignette. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. Bell 1816. Stipple. NASMYTH, ALEXANDER; painter and mechanical inventor; 1758-1840. 1. H. L., looking to r. Without title. Etching ; 6} X 41 in. Six states. See Gboups (Distinguished Men of Science). NASMYTH, CHARLOTTE; youngest d. of the pre ceding ; d. unmarried ; 1804-1884. 1. H. L., to L, in hat, holding rose. PL to Portfolio of National GaUery of Scotland, 1903, Photogravure ; 8} X 61 in, NASMYTH, ELEANOR (MURRAY), Lady; 1st w, of Sir James N., bart. ; d. 1807. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated at table, book in r. hand. PL to Armstrong's Baeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7} x 6 in. NASMYTH, JAMES ; inventor of the steam-hammer ; 1808-1890. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London Neios, 1890. Process block. NASMYTH, MARY (MARJORIBANKS), Lady; w. of Sir John Murray N., bart. ; d. 1836. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in evening dress. From a miniature. PI. to Court Mag. ; pub, E. Bell 1833, Stipple ; 45 X 31 in, NATTER, LAURENCE ; gem engraver ; 1705-1763. 1. Bust, face to r. ; circle. In plate to Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, 1780. Line ; 11 in. diam. ' NATURE.' See Calmady, Emily and Laura. D. Gardner A. Geddes Engbaveb J. Partridge Anon. J. CaldwaU P. Audinet H. R. Cook Anon. A. Geddes A. Geddes H. Raeburn Mrs. Robertson L. Natter J. Thomson P. Bartolozzi 312 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NAUNTON, Sir ROBERT ; secretary of state ; 1563- 1635. 1. Aged 52 ; H. L., to 1. ; arms above to r. Front, to his Memoirs, ed. Caulfield ; pub. G. Smeeton 1814. Stipple ; 6| X 45 in. Proof before inscription. 2. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table, holding letter; arms and emblem with inscriptions above ; Latin quotations at top and bottom of plate. (Franken 764.) Line ; 65 x 45 in. same plate re-worked and slightly reduced ; arms and inscriptions taken out ; below is ' Fortunam ex aliis.' 3. Copy from the preceding ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub, C. Baldwyn. Stipple ; 6} X 3} in. 'NAUTICAL LOVER.' See Byron, (Hon.) John. NAVAL VICTORIES. See Groups. NAVAL VICTORS. See Groups. NAYLER, Sir GEORGE, K.H. ; Garter king of arms ; 1764 ?-1831. 1. H. L., full face, wearing orders. Stipple ; 10 X 8} in. NAYLER, JAMES ; quaker enthusiast ; 1617 ?-1660. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r., in large hat. (C. S. 10.) [Not authentic] Mezz. ; 7J X ej in. 2. Copy from the last. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 8 X 65 in. 3. Another copy. Pub. J. Caulfield 1823. Line ; 5} x 4} in. 4. H. L., fuU face, with letter B on forehead ; four lines below. PL to Pagit's Heresiography, 1654. Line ; 25 X 2} in. 5. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's RemarkabU Persons ; pub. 1793. Line ; 3 X 2} in. 6. With Sabatai-Sevi ; W. L., standing before a table in scribed ' Monarchia Nova.' German satirical plate. Etching ; 71 X 65 in. NAYLOR, GEORGIANA, (born Edwards) ; w. of John N. of Leighton Hall. 1. W. L., to r., standing in landscape, hat in r. hand; arms below. With artists' names only. Private plate. (Whitman 117.) Mezz. ; 26 X 15 in. NAYLOR, WILLIAM ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r., seated ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag.; pub. T. Blanshard 1822. Stipple. Painter W. Beechey P. Grant Engraver R. Cooper S. Passe R. Cooper E. Scriven (P. Place) T. Preston R. Grave Anon. S. Cousins W. T. Pry Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 313 Subject NEAGLE, JAMES ; line engraver ; emigrated to America ; 1760 ?-1822. 1, Bust, full face. A crayon drawing. NEAL, DANIEL, M.A. ; dissenting minister and his torian; 1678-1743. 1. Bust, to 1., in wig, gown and bands ; oval in rect. Copy from print by Ravenet. Pront. to his Hist, of tlie Puritans, 1793. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. NEALE, HARRIET, (born Eliot) ; w. of Peudocke N. See Groups (Eliot family). NEALE, Sir HARRY BURRARD, bait., G.C.B.; admiral; 1765-1840. 1. H. L., standing, looking to 1., in uniform ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1822. Stipple. 2. H. L., to r., in uniform. Pub. Colnaghi 1812. (Whit man 400.) Mezz. ; 115 X 9} in. Two impressions. 3. H. L., to r., in private dress, r. hand thrust into coat. Lith. NEALE, RICHARD. See Nbile. NEAT, BILL ; pugilist ; 1791-1858. 1. W. L., to r., standing in the ring iu fighting attitude ; vignette, PL to Egan's Boxiana ; pub. Sherwood, Jones & Go. 1824. Stipple and liue. NEAVE, (Hon.) MARY, (born ArundeU) ; w. of Richard DigbyN., afterwards Sir R. Neave, bart. ; d. of 9th Lord ArundeU of Wardour ; d. 1849. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, face to r., arms folded ; octagon. Pub. J. Hogarth 1845. Stipple ; 9 X 7 in. NECK. See Van Neck. NEELD, JOSEPH, (of Grittleton House, Wilts), F.S.A, ; M.P, for Chippenham ; 1789-1856. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to L, document in 1. hand. Private plate. (Whitman 118.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. NEELE, HENRY ; author of Romance of English His tory ; 1798-1828. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, looking to 1., 1. elbow on book; with facsimUe of autograph. PL to Britten's Autobiography, 1849. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. NEIL, THOMAS ; precentor in the old church, Edinburgh. 1. T. Q. L., seated on chair, 1. profile. Without any inscription. Etching ; 2} X 2 in. Painter (J. WoUaston) W. Beechey M. Brown C. S. Le Bailly Read B. R. Paulkner M. A. Shee H. Meyer J.Kay Engraver Anon. J. V. d. Berghe J. B. Lane C. Turner G. Childs P. Roberts W. Egleton S. Cousins H. Meyer J.Kay 314 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NEILD, JAMES, J,P, ; philanthropist ; 1744-1814, 1, H, L,, seated at a table, full face, holding pen, hand on letter addressed to Barl of Romney; vignette below. Pub, 1806, Stipple ; 41 X 3} in, NEILD, WILLIAM ; saddler ; d, 1786, 1, T. Q, L,, to L, seated in armchair by table ; seven lines by him below; 1777, (C, S, 8,) Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. NEILE, RICHARD, D,D, ; 1640, archbishop of York; 1562- 1, H, L,, to r,, in rochet. One of set of portraits of deans of Westminster. ' G. P. Harding del.' Line ; 5 X 4} in. Proof before inscription. NEILL, JAMES GEORGE SMITH; brigadier-general; fell at Lucknow ; 1810-1857. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in private 'dress ; vignette. Book illustration. Pub. J. S. Virtue. Stipple,NEILL, PATRICK, LL,D,, P,R,S,E, ; naturalist; 1776- 1851, 1, H, L,, to 1. Pub. J. Syme & R. Hodgetts, Edinburgh, 1837. Mezz. ; 95 X 8} in. NEILSON, JAMES; clerk to the collector of the ministers' widows fund, Edinburgh. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). NEILSON, JULIA, (Mrs. Fred Terry) ; living actress. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. NELSON, HORATIO NELSON, Viscount, (Duke of Bronte), K.B. ; admiral ; 1758-1805. 1. When Sir H. Nelson; W. L., standing, looking to L, hat and sword in 1. hand ; town bombarded in back ground. Pub. Barnard 1798. (C. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 235 x 16 in. One proof witli open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 2. SimUar picture; naval engagement in background. Dedicated to Lady Nelson. — - — not desc.) Mezz. ; 201 X 13} in. 3. Same picture, T. Q. L. only ; oval. Mezz, ; 13} X 10} in. One proof before any inscriptiou ; one lettered impression, 4, SimUar to the last, but without hat in 1. hand. Pub. W. Barnard 1798. (C. S. 9.) Mezz. ; 175 X 14 in. 5. W. L., standing on quarter-deck of the Victory, looking to L, 1. hand on hilt of sword. Pub. W. Barnard 1806. (C. S, 10.) Mezz. ; 23} X 16 in. 6. Same picture, H. L. Printed in colours. -A-quatint ; 4} X 3 in. Pub. Barnard 1799. (G. S. 3. De Wilde W. Parry J. Syme Maddocks I. Jehner J. Stow G. Stodart R. M. Hodgetts L. Abbott W. Barnard A. Geiger W. Barnard G. Baxter Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 315 Subject Painter Engraver 7. Same picture, H. L. ; with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. same plate, altered to a vignette. Pub. A. PuUarton. 8. Same picture, H. L. Pub. H. Graves 1847. Liue ; 11} X 9} in. 9. Same picture, H. L. ; oval frame. Pub, V. Green 1799, (C. S. 89, Whitman 145.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. 10. Same picture. Pub. A. R. Burt. Mezz. ; 12 X 95 in. 11. Similar picture, H. L. Front, to vol. viii of Campbell's Lives of the Admirals, 1817. Line ; 41 X 35 in. 12. H. L., looking to 1., wearing hat. Pront. to his Life, by Clarke & McArthur ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1809. Line ; 75 X 6 in. 13. Same picture ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Liue. 14. Same picture ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 31 X 25 iu. 15. Same picture. Pub. Colnaghi 1827. Stipple ; 10} X 9} in. 16. Same picture. Stipple 85 X 7 in. Proof before any inscription. 17. H, L,, looking to 1. ; in oval frame, with view of battle of the Nile. Pub. G. Riley 1799. Stipple. 18. H. L., face to r., in hat and uniform, pointing with 1. hand ; oval frame on pedestal on which is representation of a sea fight. ' AU Eroe del Nile.' Line and stipple ; 7} X 55 in. 19. W. L., standing by a gun on quarter-deck of a ship, looking to r., bare headed; uniform with orders. From the picture in St. Andrew's HaU, Norwich. Pub. J. Freeman & E. BeU, Norwich, 1806. (G. S. 13.) Mezz. ; 26 X 17 in. Two impressions. 20. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. -Front, to his Life, by Harrison ; pub. C. Chappie 1806. Stipple ; 6} X 41 in. 21 Similar picture, without the cannon, &c., iu Guildhall, London. Pub. BoydeU 1806. (C. S. 30.) Mezz. ; 175 X 1* in- Two proofs with open letters. 22. Same picture, without accessories, T. Q. L, only. Pub. W. Say 1806. Mezz. ; 175 X 13| id- 23. SimUar picture, H. L. only; vignette. 'P^-J° (^o"- tempora/ry Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. Stipple. 24. Similar picture, H. L. Pub. Colnaghi 1840. -Mezz. ; 11} X 91 in. 25. SimUar picture, bust; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag., 1819. Stipple ; 2 X IS in. L. Abbott C. Argento W. Beechey S. Preeman R. Graves V. Green R. S. Syer J. T. Wedgwood J. Golding W. Read W. Ridley Anon. P. Roberts C. Argento E. Bell H. R. Cook R. Earlom W. Say R. Cooper T. Hodgetts W. HoU 316 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter NELSON, HORATIO, Yiacount—continiced. 26. SimUar picture, bust ; rect. at head of an account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 21 X 15 in. 27. W. L., standing by the sea, looking to r,, hand on rock. Pub, R, Bowyer 1809. Line ; 24} x 161 i"' 28. Same picture, H. L., to r. Front, to vol. ii of Brenton's Naval History, 1823. (Whitman 58.) Mezz. ; 5 X 4 in. 29. Bust, looking to r. ; rect. frame, with name on a tablet held by tritons. Pront. to his Life, by GhurchiU ; pub. Bowyer 1808. Line ; 6| X 6 in. 30. H. L., looking to r. ; rect. frame. Pub. J. Pierson 1805. .Stipple ; 10 X 8} in. 31. The marble bust in the Guildhall, London ; full face, in a niche. Pub. C. Knight 1806. Stipple ; 311 X 19} in. 32. Same bust, r. profile ; vignette. Front, to Orme's Graphic History of Nelson ; pub. E. Orme 1806. stipple. 33. Same bust, 1. profile; with title ' The Immortal Nelson.' Pub. E. Orme 1805. Stipple ; 171 X 13} in. 34. Bust, 1. profile, in uniform ; oval frame ; 1806. "' Mezz. ; 10} x 85 in. 35. Same picture ; vignette. Pub. S. De Koster 1807. Stipple. 36. Same picture; vignette. Pub. J. Brydon 1801. Line. 37. Same picture ; vignette. Stipple.Touched proof before inscription. 38. Same picture ; vignette ; medaUion in plan of battle of Copenhagen. Pub. Brydon 1802. Line. 39. Same picture ; vignette, with views of the 26 ships taken by him. Pub. G. Brydon 1802. Line. 40. H. L., looking to 1. ; in the dress he wore at the time of his death. Pub. Cadell & Davies 1806. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. 41. Same picture ; vignette. Pront. to vol. ii of his Life, by Pettigrew, 1849. stipple and line. Proof before inscription. 42. W. L., standing, looking to r. From a drawing similar to that in the National Portrait Gallery. Pub. Colnaghi 1881. Ileproduction.43. Similar to the last, H. L. only ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before inscription. 44. When Sir H. Nelson; H. L., to L; oval. Pub. A. Molteno 1798. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. Engraver W. Beechey R. Bowyer G. J. Cass6 A. S. Damer S. De Koster S. De Koster and Mrs. In- herheny A. W. Devis H. Edridge W. Maddocks W. Bromley C. Turner W. Worthing ton C. Smith C. Knight J. Godby Anon. J. G. Huck T. Burke J. Stow S. I. Neele 95 E. Scriven J. Skelton W. Evans Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 317 Subject 45. H. L,, looking to r. ; oval. .Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. Clipped impression. 46. Statue at Norwich. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 47. Marble bust ; face to 1. Pub. 1805. (C. S. not desc ) Mezz. ; 11} x 91 in. 48. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to L, arm over back of chair ; vignette. From drawing done at Naples in 1797. Lith. Proof before any inscription. 49. Same drawing ; vignette. Lith.50. H. L., to r., iu uniform, with hat in which is the diamond aigrette presented by the Sultan. Prom picture at the Admiralty. Pub. M. H. Keymer 1800. (C. S. 57.) Mezz. ; 115 X 95 in. Proof before any inscription. 51. Similar to the last ; vignette. Pront. to vol. i of his Life, by Pettigrew, 1849. Stipple and line. Proof before any inscription. 52. W. L., to L, standing, hand on rock ; naval engagement in background. Prom picture at St. James's Palace. Pub. Colnaghi 1805. Stipple ; 20} X 13 in. 53. Same picture. Pub. Colnaghi 1806, Mezz, ; 23} X 165 in. Two proofs before inscription. 54. Same picture. Mezz. ; 65 X 3} in. (Whitman 401.) Pub. Colnaghi 1828. 55. Same picture. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 10 X 6 in. 56. Same picture, T. Q. L. only ; with facsimile of auto graph. Pub. Pisher, Son & Co. Stipple ; 61 X 35 iu. 57. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1820, Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. 58. Same picture, H. L. PL to C. Knight's Portrait Stipple; 6X4', in. 59. Same picture, H. L. ; vignette at head of Compendium of Life of Viscount Nelson. Lith. 60. W. L., standing with the Duke of Wellington ; with facsimiles of their autographs. Pub. Ackermann 1839. (Whitman 536.) Mezz. ; 24} X 19 in. same plate, with title ' The Army and Navy.' 61. H. L., to r. ; oval, with title ' Horace Nelson, Admiral Anglois. ' Pub. t. Weis, Berlin. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 62. Statue ; W. L., standing, holding telescope. Outline. Line; 75 X 45 in. Painter H. Edridge J. H. Foley Gahagan C. Grignion (L. Guzzardi) J. Hoppner J. P. Knight Legkorn R. MitcheU Engraver W. Barnard (Miss Turner) J. Young J. Skelton H. Meyer C. Turner Anon. H. Robinson J. Cochran T. Woolnoth Anon. S. W. Reynolds jun. LaurensG. Cooke 318 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NELSON, HORATIO, yisconnt— continued. 63. A bust, r. profile, on a pedestal. Vignette on title to Ode written upon Victory & Death of Nelson; pub. Boosey 1805. Line.64. PI. L., r. profile ; ship blowing up in background. Pub. G. Keating 1798. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 13| x 10} in. One proof with open letters, printed in colours. 65. Medallion on a sarcophagus. PL to his Life, by Clarke & McArthur ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Line. 66. Trade card of Carl A. Boeck, a Vienna goldsmith, with medaUion portrait of Nelson. Line. 67. H. L,, 1. profile, in hat with aigrette. Prom drawing done at Palermo. Stipple ; 12} X 11 in. 68. When Sir Horatio Nelson ; bust, looking to 1. ; oval frame. ' Chez Haid.' Mezz. ; 71 X 6} in. 69. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; in frame of laurel and oak. Pub. Stevenson & Matchett, Norwich. Stipple.70. Bust, looking to r., with figures of Fame and Victory ; emblematical composition. Pub. Tomkins 1805. stipple.71. When Captain, 1786; H. L., to r., in cocked hat; oval. Pub. Harrison & Co. 1799. Stipple ; 41 X 35 in. 72. A marble bust ; oval at head of account of him. Pub. Laurie & Whittle 1806. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 73. Bust, on a pedestal, being crowned by Fame and Britannia. Pub. P. GaUy 1805. Mezz. ; 9 X 14 in. 74. Bust on a pedestal, with two figures blowing trumpets ; vignette. Pub. B. Granger 1798. Stipple. 75. H. L. ; in frame of laurel which is carried on a cloud by a figure of Fame ; vignette. Without inscription. Line. 76. Bust, looking to 1. ; small vignette. Line.Proof before any inscription. 77. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. Prom a model. Pub. W. B. Daniel 1808. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 78. W. L., standing, looking to r., holding out drawn sword. Imitation of a drawing. Stipple ; 131 X 9} in. Proof before any inscription, coloured. 79. A tribute to his memory ; Britannia lamenting his death, and History recording the event. Pub. BoydeU & Go. 1806. Printed in colours. Mezz. ; 231 X 19} iu. — - See Gboups. Painter C. R. H. Singleton R. Smirke Engraver J. Hopkins C. R. G. Keating J. Landseer B. BiUer T. Burke J. E. Haid P. W. Tomkins SJ Anon. J. Young Catalogue of Engraved British Porl-ra-lts 31d Subject NELSON, HILARE (BARLOW), Countess; 2nd w. of WiUiam, 1st Earl ; m. 1. Captain G. Barlow ; 3. George T. Knight ; d. 1857. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, full face, in evening dress with fur cloak. PL to English Annual ; pub. G. Sayer 1838. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. NELSON, EDMUND ; rector of Burnhamthorpe ; father of Lord Nelson ; 1722-1802. 1. Bust, to r., in gown and bands ; oval. Etching ; 61 X 55 in. NELSON, GEORGE ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1766 ; d. 1766. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r., in gown and chain; oval on pedestal, with emblems below. Magazine plate. Line. 2. Small W. L., to L, standing, in gown and chain; decor. frame, ' Grav6 pour I'Historie de Angleterre de Cham- pigny.' Line. ¦ See Groups. NELSON, GEORGE ; jockey ; b. 1793. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in racing dress; vignette. Pub. M. A. Pittman 1828. Etching.NELSON, JOHN ; methodist minister ; 1758-1826. 1. H. L., to L, seated, book in r. hand ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1825. Stipple.2. Same picture, bust only. Pub. W. Ward. (Prankau 210.) Mezz. ; 3} X 2} in. NELSON, ROBERT ; religious writer ; 1656-1715. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Works ; pub. J. Downing 1715. Line ; 61 X 3} in. 2. Same picture, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Address to Persons of Quality, 1715. Line ; 6} X 4 in. ' NEMO SIBI VIVAT.' See Greene, Richard. NEPEAN, EVAN, M.A. ; canon of Westminster ; 1800- 1873. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in gown and bands ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. NESBITT, JOHN ; nonconformist minister ; 1661-1727. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, bands and cloak; oval frame. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 12 X 95 in. Four impressions. 2. H. L., to r., in wig, bands and gown; oval frame; 1709. (C. S. 54.) Mezz. ; 61 X 5} in. Painter Engraver G. L. Saunders J. Cochran W. C. Edwards Burgess W. P. Benoist Anon. A. Cooper J. R. Scott J. Jackson W. T. Pry J5 W. Ward G. Kneller H. Fletcher " G. Vertue C. Baugniet C. Baugniet J. WoUaston G. White J. Paber sen. 320 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NESPIELD, WILLIAM EDEN ; architect ; 1835-1888. 1. Aged 23 ; bust, to L, iu cap ; with inscription ' a vng amy.' From a crayon dravring. Eeproduction. NESSE, CHRISTOPHER ; nonconformist minister and author; 1621-1705. 1. Aged 56; bust, to r., in gown; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Works. Line ; 6} x 35 in. NETHERSOLE, OLGA ; living actress. 1. In The Transgressor ; W. L., seated, looking to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1894. Process block. 2, Nearly W. L., standing. Photograph by Downey. W^oodburyi ype. NETTLESHIP, JOHN TRIVETT; animal painter; 1841-1902. 1. Bust, to r. ; from photograph. Process block. NEUMAN, (' Baron ') ; gambler and blackleg ; committed suicide at Bath 1789. 1. H. L., standing, 1. profile, holding snuff-box; with title ' Baron Forchetta.' Pub. M. Darly 1774. Etching ; 8} X 6} in. 2. W. L., 1. profile, seated on chair, holding up magnifying- glass ; with title ' The Baron.' ' Brighton del. Bath me fecit.' Pub. I. Gary 1785. Aquatint.NEVE, ROBERT ; juggler. 1. H. L., fuU face. Medallion in front, to his Merry Companion, 1721. Woodcut ; 45 X 2} in. NEVELL, (Lady). 1. Nearly W. L., tor., seated, holding shell under fountain. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. Two impressions. NEVILL, CLEMENT ; general ; d. 1744. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in uniform, truncheon in i. hand ; camp in background. (G. S. 25.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. NEVILL, Lady DOROTHY FANNY, (born Walpole) ; w. of Reginald Henry N. ; d. of 3rd Earl of Orford. 1. When Lady Dorothy Walpole ; T. Q. L., r. profile, seated. PL to The Connoisseur, 1902. Eeproduction in colours ; 8} X 6} in. NEVILL, GREY, (of BUlingbere), M.P. ; 1681-1723. 1. H. L., face to r., seated at round table, holding letter. G. White exc. (C. S. 30.) Mezz, ; 125 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions, NEVILL, Sir HENRY, (of BiUingbere) ; diplomatist; 1564 7-1615. 1, Bust, to L, in ruff; oval. Prom a picture at BiUing bere, PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1794, Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. E. Brandon Anon. Pooly W. Hoare G. P. Watts M. Dahl (M, Darly) Anon. Anon. S. Leader J. Brooks G. White W. N. Gardiner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 321 Subject Painter NEVILL, KATHERINE, (born Grey) ; w. of Richard N. of BiUingbere; d. of Lord Grey of Work. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, pointing with 1. hand. From picture at BiUingbere. With name of Van Dyck as the painter. (G. S. 24,) Mezz, ; 125 X 95 i"- same plate, with painter's name corrected. NEVILL, RICHARD NEVILL ALDWORTH, (of BUlingbere and Stanlake), M.P. ; statesman; father of Richard, 2nd Baron Braybrooke ; 1717-1793. 1. H. L., face to r. From picture at Audley-Eud. Pub. Tomkins 1803. Stipple ; 65 X 4} in. 2. Same picture, bust only; oval in rect. frame. PL to Coxe's Life of Stillingfleet ; pub. J. Nichols 1810. Line ; 5 X 41 iu. NEVILL, (Rev. & Hon.) WILLIAM ; b. of 1st Barl of Abergavenny; 1741-1810. 1. H. L., to L, in fur-edged coat. Without any inscrip tion. (C. S. 118.) Mezz. ; 135 X H in- NEVILL-GRENVILLE, (Hon.) GEORGE; dean of Windsor ; master of Magdalene College, Cambridge ; 1789-1854. 1. When Hon. G. Nevill ; nearly W. L., seated in arm chair, looking to 1., in gown and bands; rect. frame. Private plate. Stipple ; 9} X 7} in. NEVILLE -ROLPE, STRICKL.4.ND CHARLES EDWARD, M.A. ; vicar of Heacham, Norfolk; 1789- 1852. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to L, in private dress ; vignette. Lith. 2. Bust, to r., iu private dress ; vignette. Line. 3. H. L., to r., in gown and bands; vignette. Lith. NEWARK, DAVID LESLIE, 1st Baron ; royalist com mander ; d. 1682. 1. Bust, to r., in armour and lace-edged collar. PL to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1795. Stipple ; 6} X 41 in. 2. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in wig and sash, truncheon in r. hand. From picture at Hamilton Palace. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1826. Stipple ; 7} X 5} in. See Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of. NE WBERY, MARY, (born Raikes) ; w. of Francis N. of Heathfield Park, Sussex. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, hands clasped. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, 21 May 1909. Eeproduction ; 6} X 5} in. VOL. III. P. Lely Ekgraveu A. Browne exc. J. Zoffany P. W. Tomkins J. Basire Anon. H, Legge J. B. Ladbrooke E. Scriven J. R. Jobbins (W.C.Edwards) J. P. Hunter P. Lely Tiebout E. Scriven G. Romney 322 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NEWBIGGING, (Mrs.); w. of James N. of White- house. 1. H. L., to L, seated. PL to Armstrong's Baeburn, I'JOl. Pliotogravure ; 6^ X 61 in. NEWBOLD, (Capt.) THOMAS JOHN; traveller; 1807- 1850. 1. T. Q. L., seated, 1. profile. Imitation of a drawing. Private plate. Lith. NEWBOTTLE, Lord. See Lothian. NEWBURGH, CATHERINE (HOWARD), Countess of; 1st w. of James Livingstone, 1st Earl; d. of 2nd Earl of Suffolk ; m. 1. George, Lord D'Aubigny ; d. 1650. 1. When Lady D'Aubigny; T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r. Prom picture now at Petersburg. PL to Van Dyck's Iconographie. M. v. d. Enden exc. (Wibiral 97.) Line ; 9} x 7} in. Two proofs before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, reversed. G. Hendricx exc. (Wibiral 110.) Line ; 9 X 7 in. 3. When Lady C. Howard ; bust, to 1. ; circle ; without title. (Parthey 1910.) Etching ; 3} in. diam. NEWBURGH, PRANCES (BRUDENELL), Countess of; w. of Charles Livingstone, 2nd Earl; afterwards Lady BeUew ; d. 1735. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, nearly fuU face, r. arm on pedestal. Sold at the Harrow in the Poultry. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. same plate ; engraver's name and address erased ; ' B. Cooper ex.' inserted. Two impressions. NEWBURGH, BROGKHILL ; 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Line ; 4 X 3} in. NEWB-J, CHARLES, (of Hooton Roberts, Yorkshire); sportsman ; d. 1750. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in hunting dress, holding whip ; 1744. (C. S. 254.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Three impressions. NEWCASTLE, WILLIAM CAVENDISH, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; royalist and author ; 1592-1676. 1. When Marquess ; H. L., to L, in cuirass ; oval inscribed frame in rect. Prom miniature at Welbeck. (Hvmans 200.) Line ; 6J x 4} in. 2. Reversed copy from the last. Line ; 61 x 3g in. Clipped impression. 3. W. L., seated from Clouwet's A. Beugo 1816. Line. Irish poet; 1679-1762. with his Duchess ; vignette. Copied plate of the Newcastle family. Pub. Painteb Engraver H. Raeburn I Anon. A. Van Dyck A. de Jode A. Lommelin M. Dahl W. HoUar W. Wilson Lanauze C. PhiUips J. Dixon J. Paber jun. (S. Cooper) L. Vorsterman P. Carter A. Diepenbeke ; J. Mitan Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits Subject Painter ENGUAVJiil 4. Same group, T. Q. L. only; oval. Vignette on title to Works of the Duke <& Duchess of Newcastle, ed. E. Jenkms ; pub. MacmiUan 1872. A. Diepenbeke C. H. Jeens Liue ; 2 X 25 iu. Proof with engraver's name only. 5. W. L., to r., standing, with lace coUar and insignia of the Garter, hat in r. hand. Prom picture at Welbeck. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck, 1894. A. Van Dyck Eeproduction ; 85 X 45 in. 6. Same picture, H. L. only; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1739. ,, G. Vertue Line ; 131 X 85 iu. 7. Copy from the last, bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. ,, W. p. Sherlock line ; 35 X 3} in. 8. Another copy, bust, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. j» Anon. Line ; 65 x 35 in. 9. Another copy, bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autograpliy. i> SS Line ; 4 X 31 iu. 10, Similar picture, W. L. Prom miniature at Montagu House. PL to 0. Airy's Charles IL, 1901. »5 Pliotogravure ; SI X 6 in. 11. Similar picture at Althorp, T. Q. L. only. PL to fol. fid. of Tiode-fi's PorfraMs. 1 824-. W. HoU Stipple ; 7t X 5} in, 12. H. L., to r., in armour, holding truncheon. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 63 x 3} in. 13. Similar to the last, bust only, to 1, ; oval, (Parthey 1310,) Etcliing ; 3 X 2} in, 14. Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval, with German in scription. Liue ; 6 X 3} in, 15, H, L,, to L, in plain dress. Prom a miniature. Pub, Woodburn 1811, (Whitman 459,) Mezz, ; 5| X 41 in, See Gboubs (Newcastle family). NEWCASTLE, ELIZABETH (BASSETT), Countess of ; 1st w. of the preceding ; 1599-1643. 1. Aged 25 ; W. L., to L, standing, in rufi, holding glove. From picture at Welbeck. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck, 1894. Reproduction ; 9} X 61 iu, NEWCASTLE, MARGARET (LUGAS), Duchess of; 2nd w, of the preceding ; writer ; 1624 ?-1674, 1, W. L,, to 1,, standing in a niche; 12 lines on tablet below : — ' Here on this Figure Cast a Glance,' etc. Line ; lOJ X 6J in, 2, Copy from the last, bust only; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. BeU 1819. Stipple ; 4f X 3J in. 3. Another copy, nearly W. L. ; oval iu reot. PL to Memoirs of Count Grammont. ' S. Harding del.' Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. (G. Vertue) W. HoUar Anon. C. Turner D. Mytens A. Diepenbeke P. v. Schuppen J. Alais W. N. Gardiner V 2 324 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaveb NEWCASTLE, MARGARET, Duchess oi— continued. 4. Another copy, bust only; rect. at head of memoir of her. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2 X Ii in. 5. Another copy, H. L. ; octagon. PL to Memoirs of Count Grammont ; pub. Carpenter & Miller 1810. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 6. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table ; two amorini crowning her ; six lines below : — ' Studious Shee is all Alone,' etc. Line ; lOf x 6} in. 7. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1800. Line ; 5} x 4} in, 8, W, L,, to r,, standing. From picture at Wentworth Woodhouse, Pub, G, P. Harding 1846. Line ; 9} X 55 in. Proof before title. 9. W. L., to L, standing by table. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck, 1894. Eeproduction ; SJ X 7 in. 10. W. L., to L, seated in chair. Copy from figure in Clouwet's plate of the Newcastle family. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 63 X 4g in. See Newcastle, WiUiam Cavendish, Duke of. See Groups (Newcastle family). NEWCASTLE, THOMAS PELHAM-HOLLES, Ist Duke of ; K.G. ; prime minister ; 1693-1768. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in Garter robes. (C. S. 136, Goodwin 176.) One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, with addresses of McArdell, Bowles & Sayer. i'ive impressions. 2. H. L., to r., in private dress, with riband; vignette. Pront. to vol. ii of Coxe's Memoirs of the Pelham Administration ; pub. Longmans 1829. Stipple and line. Proof before any inscription. 3. T. Q. L., to r., seated at a table, with his brother-in-law Henry, '7th Barl of Lincoln, holding flask and glass. No. 8 of ' Kitcat Club ' series. (C. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 12g X 19} in. Three impressions. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, in peer's robes and collar of Garter, wand in r. hand. Pub. J. Paber. (G. S. 255.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Proof before any inscription. same plate, with alterations in inscription, Faber's name erased. same plate, with address of J. Smith substituted for Faber's. 5. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval. Pub. P. Pelham. (C. S. 29.) Mezz, ; 11} X 10 in. Two impressions, same plate, with address of J, Bowles ' at the Black Horse in CornhUl.' A, Diepenbeke Kellaway E. Scriven P. V. Schuppen Anon.W. Greatbach Anon. W. Hoare J. McArdeU G. Kneller W. Bond J. Paber jun. P. Pelham Catalogue of Engraved Britislt Portraits 325 Subject and star ; oval on pedestal. 6. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; medallion in decor, design. ' R. Bentley del.' PI. to Lord Orford's Memoires. Stipple. 7. Bust, to r., with riband PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 3f in. NEWCASTLE, HARRIET (GODOLPHIN), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 2nd Earl of Godolphin ; d. 1776. 1. H. L., nearly fuU face; oval. Sold J. Bowles, Stocks Market, etc. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 121 X 91 in. same plate, reworked, drapery over bosom altered. same plate, with address of Bowles altered to ' Black Horse in CornhiU.' NEWCASTLE, HENRY PELHAM-CLINTON, 2nd Duke of, K.G. ; 1720-1794. 1. W. L., on horseback, with four other sportsmen and dogs ; with title ' The Return from Shooting.' Pub. J. Barney 1792. Stipple ; 181 X 24} in. 2. Same picture, with attendant sportsmen and dogs omitted. Stipple ; 4 X 6} iu. Proof before inscription. NEWCASTLE, HENRY PELHAM PELHAM- CLINTON, 4th Duke of, K.G. ; 1785-1851. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform, hand on yeomanry commission which lies on pedestal. Pub. Colnaghi 1830. (Whitman 402.) Mezz. ; 24} x 14} in. One proof before title ; two fully lettered impressions. 2. H. L., looking to 1., with star and riband; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. H. 'T. Ryall 1836. Stipple ; 9} X 71 in. 3. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in Garter robes, hat in r. hand. (Whitman 210.) Mezz. ; 13 X 101 in. Two untlnished proofs, NEWCASTLE, GEORGIANA ELIZABETH (MUNDY), Duchess of; w, of the preceding; 1789- 1822. 1. W. L., standing, looking to L, in ermine-edged cloak. Pub. W. Wetton 1825. (Whitman 209.) Mezz. ; 22J X 14J in. 2. A head, r. profile ; in circle ; outline. Soft-ground etching ; 3g in. diam. NEWCASTLE, HENRY PELHAM PIENNES PELHAM-CLINTON, 5th Duke of, K.G. ; 1811-1864. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, hands on scroll which rests on table. Mezz. ; 16} X 13§ in. Proof before inscription. 2. When Earl of Lincoln ; bust, looking to r, ; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. stipple. See Groups (Aberdeen Cabinet). Painter G. KneUer G. Kneller P. Wheatley T. Lawrence H. Pickersgill J. W. Gordon G. Richmond Engraver J. Thomson Anon. P. Kyte P. Bartolozzi & S. Aiken C. Turner W. H. Mote S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds Duke of New castle G. Zobel P. C. Lewis 326 Catalog^ie of Engraved British Portraits Subject NEWCOMB, THOMAS; rector of Stopham and of Barlavington ; 1682-1765. 1, H. L,, to r,, in black gown; oval frame. Front, to his Poem on the Last Judgment, 1723, (C, S, 256,) Mezz, ; 8} x 71 in. Two impressions, NEWCOME, HENRY, M,A, ; nonconformist minister at Manchester ; 1627-1695. 1. Bust, to L, in skuU-oap, bands and gown ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. J. Wyat. Line ; 7} x 41 in. NEWCOME, PETER, M.A. ; s. of the preceding ; vicar of Hackney; 1656-1738. 1. Bust, to r., iu wig, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6| X 31 in. NEWCOME, RICHARD, M.A. ; warden of Ruthin and archdeacon of Merioneth ; 1779-1857. 1. H. L., to L, seated, in private dress; papers in 1. hand. (Whitman 211.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Two impressions. NEWCOME, WILLIAM, D.D, ; archbishop of Armagh; 1729- 1800. 1. H. L., seated, looking to r., in wig and rochet, resting book on table ; 1803. stipple ; 12} X 10 in. NEWCOME, (Mrs.), (born Squire) ; 2nd w. of John N., D.D., dean of Rochester; d. 1763. 1. H. L., face to r. ; oval frame. (C. S. 119.) Mezz, ; 121 X 10 in. Two impressions, NEWCOURT, RICHARD ; author of the Repertorium Ecclesiasticum ; d. 1716. 1. H. L., to r. Copy from print by J. Sturt. PL to Malcolm's Lives of Topographers ; pub, W, Richardson 1812, Line ; 6} X 4} in. NEWDEGATE, MARIA, (born Boucherett) ; w, of Charles N. of Harefield. 1. W. L., 1. profile, seated, winding wool, feet on stool. Facsimile of a sketch. Without title. Soft-ground etching. NEWELL, JEREMIAH ; dissenting minister at Great Missenden ; d. 1803. 1. Bust, to L, in gown and bands ; oval, PL to Evan gelical Mag. ; pub, T, Williams 1804. Stipple ; 31 X 2J in. NEWENHAM, GEORGE SANDFORD WESLEY; great-grandson of Rev. Charles Wesley. 1. A chUd ; T. Q. L., fuU face, seated ; with title ' The Infant Wesley.' Pub. T. Boys 1837. Ifezz. ; 10 X SJ in. Oneproof with scratched inscription ; one fully lettered impression. Painter H. Hawkins J. Allen H. Hamilton T. Lawrence P, Newenham Engraver J. Paber jun. R. White G. Vertue S. W. Reynolds C. Knight Anon. T. Cook P. C. Lewis W. Ridley G. T. Payne Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 'iTi Subject NEWLAND, ABRAHAM ; chief cashier of the Bank of England; 1730-1807. 1. Aged 72 ; T. Q. L., full face, seated in armchair, holding bank-notes ; rect. frame. Pub. T. Tegg 1808. (G. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 18} X IS in. Proof with open letters. 2. Same picture, bust only ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1803. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 3. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table on which are bank note, letter, &c. Prom picture at the Bank. Pub. , J. Grozer 1795. (G. S. 18, II.) Mezz. ; 161 X 1* i"- 4. Same picture, H. L. only ; octagon. PL to U-nion Mag. ; pub. I. Walker 1801. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. NEWLAND, J. ; Scottish presbyterian minister. 1. H. L., to r., seated, in gown and bands; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1825. Stipple. NEW LING, WILLIAM. See Hewling. NEWMAN, JAMBS NEWMAN, R.N. ; captain of the Hero ; drowned 1811. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in uniform, r. hand on sword. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in. NEWMAN, JOHN ; presbyterian minister ; 1677 ?-1741. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands. From picture in Dr. Williams's library. ' W. HUton del' PL to Wilson's Dissenting Churches ; pub. Maxwell & Wilson, Stipple ; 3} X 3 in, NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY, D,D. ; cardinal; 1801- 1890. 1. Bust, fuU face, in cassock. Pub. Colnaghi 1880. (Whit man 119.) Mezz. ; 13} X 101 in- Proof before facsimile of autograph. 2. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. Lander, Powell & Co., Birmingham, 1850. Lith. 3. Nearly W. L., fuU face, seated, in cardinal's robes, biretta on knees. Prom picture belonging to the Duke of Norfolk. Pub. Agnew 1884. Mezz. ; 181 X 14} in. Artist's proof. 4. Bust, life size, directed and looking to r. Prom a drawing. Pub. T. McLean 1856. ¦ Stipple. 5. T. Q. L., fuU face, seated in armchair, in private dress. Stipple ; 6| X 6} in. 6. In old age ; bust, face nearly in profile to 1. P'rom a photograph. Without inscription. Mezz. ; 81 X 6i in. 7. In old age; bust, looking to 1. From a photograph, Suppl. to Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut ; 151 X 12 in. same cut, as re-published after his death, Painter W. Drummond Engraver G. Romney W. Barnard W. Ridley J. Grozer Chapman Anon. A. J. Oliver E. Scriven J, Hopwood J. Coleridge M. R. G(iberne) J. E. Millais (G. Richmond) W. C. Ross S. Cousins J. A. Vinter T. O. Barlow Anon. R. Woodman C. W. Campbell M. Klinkicht 328 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NEWMAN, JOHN HENRY— comiimiet^, 8, When vicar of St, Mary's, Oxford; H, L,, standing, 1, profile, in surplice ; vignette. Pub, J, Wyatt, Oxford, 1841, Etching, 9, When vicar of St, Mary's ; bust, 1, profile, in surplice ; vignette; 1841, Etching,NEWMAN, THOMAS ; dissenting minister ; 1692-1758. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and bands ; oval in rect. (C. S. 137, Goodwin 157.) Mezz, ; 101 X 9 in. Two impressions, NEWPORT, MOUNTJOY BLOUNT, 1st Earl of'; royaUst; 1597 ?-1666, 1, When Lord Mountjoy ; H, L,, to r,, in hat and falling rufi ; within rect, passe-partout containing sporting sub jects, engraved by W. Passe, T, Jenner exc. Line ; 8} X 6} in, 2, H, L,, to L, in large lace coUar and belt ; oval, (Parthey 1311,) Etching ; 2} X 2 in, 3, Copy from the last, ' Pub, Richardson 1800, Line ; 2} x 2 in, 4. Another copy, reversed, PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 2} x 2; in, NEWPORT, ROBERT JOCELYN, 1st Viscount ; lord chancellor of Ireland ; 1688 ?-1756, 1, T, Q, L,, to r,, standing, in chancellor's robes, 1, hand on purse. Sold A, MiUer, (C, S, 37, II,) Mezz, ; 121 X 10 in, NEWPORT, (Right Hon,) Sir JOHN, bart., M.P. ; Irish politician ; 1756-1848. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, holding 'Corn Intercourse Act.' Pub, Colnaghi 1828, Mezz, ; 13 X 10} in, NEWSAM, JAMBS, See Groups (Knight family), NEWSHAM, (Mrs,) ; white negress ; fl, 1790, 1, W, L,, standing, looking to 1, ; without background. Etching,NEWSTEAD, ROBERT ; methodist missionary. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1820. Stipple ; 33 X 2g in. NEWTON, Lord. See Hay, Charles. NEWTON, BENJAMIN, M.A. ; rector of St. Nicholas Gloucester ; 1677-1735. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands; oval frame. Pront. to his Sermons, 1736. Line ; 6} X 43 in. Painter S. Webster Stevens J. Ramsay Burt Engraves Anon. J. McArdell M. Droeshout W. HoUar Anon. A. Miller T. Lupton Record T. Blood G. vr. Gucht Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 3:^9 Subject NEWTON, Sib CHARLES THOMAS, K,G,B, ; keeper of Greek and Roman antiquities, British Museum ; 1816-1894, 1, Bust, nearly full face. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1894, Woodcut. NEWTON, FRANCIS MILNER, R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1720-1794. 1. H. L., r. profile; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. G. Dance 1803. Soft-ground etching. See Groups (Royal Academy). NEWTON, GILBERT STUART, R.A. ; painter ; 1794- 1835. 1. Bust, 1. profile; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From pencil drawing belonging to Mr. C. H. Hart, Philadelphia. Etching. NEWTON, Sir ISAAC, P.R.S.; philosopher; 1642-1727. 1. Aged 64; H. L., to r., in mantle. Pub. R. A. Grove, Lymington, 1848. Lith. ; 121 X lOJ in. 2. H. L., nearly fuU face, in wig and mantle, shirt open at neck ; oval. J. Smith ex. 1712. (C. S. 190.) Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. Three impressions. ' 3. Same picture ; rect. ; printed within decor, border. PL to Saverien's Hist, des Philosophes Modernes, 1760. Chalk manner. 4. Same picture ; vignette. PL to G. Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Englishmen; pub. A. PuUarton, Glasgow, 1836. Stipple. 5. Same picture ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; 14} X 81 in. One proof with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 6 Reversed copy from the last, with the ornaments. Pub. P. Smith & A. MiUer, Dublin, 1744. (C. S. 38.) Mezz. ; 13| X 91 in. 7. Same picture ; oval frame with ornaments. Pub. G. Painteh PL to G. Dance G. S. Newton W. Gandy jun. G. KneUer Line ; 6 X 4| in. 8. Same picture ; oval. E. Cooper ex. (C. S. 109.) Mezz. ; 61 X 6| in. 9. Reversed copy from the last ; oval. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; same dimensions. 10. Same picture ; oval, with French inscription. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. 11. Same picture; oval frame with ornaments. Universal Mag. ; pub. J. Hinton 1748. Line ; 61 X 4 in. 12. Same picture ; decor, oval frame on pedestal. German : book illustration. Line ; 5| X SJ in. Engbavkr P. N(aumann) W. Daniell S. J. Ferris G. B. Black John Smith J. C. Pran9ois S. Preeman J. Houbraken A. Miller W. Sharp J. Simon J. & C. Esplens A. Tardieu Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver NEWTON, Sib ISAAG—continued. 13. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., r. arm on an abutment. From picture at Petworth. PL to Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1831. Stipple ; 41 X 4 in. G. Kneller W. T. Pry 14. When young; T. Q. L., to L, in cloak, hands on a globe. Prom picture belonging to the Earl of Dartrey. Pub. B. Beading 1799. Line ; 9} X 81 in. P. Lely B. Reading 15. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pub. W. Smith 1814. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. Richter Anon. 16. Statue in chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge ; W. L., tor.; 1837. Lith. L. P. Roubiliac J. K. Baldrey 17. Bust, 1. profile ; oval in rect. frame. PL to CEuvres de Voltaire, 1819. (Booher 199.) A. St. Aubin A. St. Aubin Line ; 51 X 3J in, 18. Bust, to r., with quotation from Voltaire below. Prom picture now at Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. (G. S. 138, Goodvri-u 78.) Mezz. ; 7S X 7 in. same plate, re-worked. 19. Same picture, H. L. ; with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in, 20, A head, to r,, with another of Sir H. Sloane; two circles executed with one spiral line ; 1733. Line ; (pi.) 71 X 13; in. 21. H. L., to r., iu gown, pointing with r. hand; oval. Prom picture at Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. Sold J. Simon. (C. S. 110.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} iu. Two impressions. 22. Same picture ; vignette. Without title. From drawing by E. Bocourt. Woodcut. 23. Aged 83; nearly W. L., to r., seated iu armchair. Prom picture now at Trinity College. Pront. to his Princ-ipia, 1726. Line ; 7J X 65 in. 24. Reversed copy from the last. Line ; 6} x 4} in. 25. Same picture ; same length. I. Cooper ex. (C. S, 257,) Mezz, ; 12g x 9} in, same plate, with addresses of T, and J, Bowles, same plate, with title re-engraved and address of C, Bowles, 26, Same picture, W. L. ' G. M. Brighty del.' Pub. C. G. Dyer 1817. Line ; 6} X 4|- in. 27. Similar picture, H. L. only, belonging to Royal Society. PL to C. Knight's Portrait Gallery. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 28. Same picture, bust only ; oval with ornaments. ' Dela- monce del.' Vignette on title to his Opuscula, Lausanne, 1754. Line. E. Seeman Jacob Smith J. Thornhill J. Vanderbank J. McArdeU J. Halpin Jacob Smith J. Simon J. Guillaume G. Vertue Anon.J. Paber jun. 5, J. Romney E. Scriven ; C. Duflos Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 331 Subject Painteb 29. Same picture, bust only ; oval at head of account of him. PI. to Biographical Iflag., 1819. Stipple ; 2 X 11 in. 30. Same picture, bust only ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1794. Line ; 2 x 11 in. 31. Aged 84; nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to L, in wig and gown, resting book on knees. From picture now belonging to Royal Society. (G. S. 258.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 iu. Two impressions. 32. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval. Pub. Bunney & Gold 1807. Stipple ; 41 X 3| in. 33. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair ; open book on table before him. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. Pub. Photographisches Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 7J X 81 in. 34. W. L., standing. Line ; 4 X 2| in. 35. Head in medaUion on a pyramid, with signs of the zodiac. ' P. Boucher invenit et delin.' Headpiece to Tableaux des Hommes Illustres de Grande Bretagne. Liue ; e| X 14} in. 36. Marble bust in a niche. One of set of plates from busts of philosophers in Hermitage in the royal gardens at Kew. Pub. T. & J. Bowles. (C. S. 125.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. ¦ same plate, with address of C. Bowles. 37. Four heads from difierent pictures ; ovals in rect. PL to German ed. of Lavater's Physiognomy. Etching ; 81 X 7 in. 38. H. L., in gown, looking to r. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Prom drawing in Pepysian coUection at Cambridge. Line ; 61 X 4} in. 39. Mask in Trinity College Ubrary. ' A. W. del.' Lith. 40. Monument in Westminster Abbey ; ' W. Kent inv. et del.' Line ; 7} X 6} in. See Gboups, (Worthies of Britain), (Poets and PhUo- sophers of England). NEWTON, JOHN ; rector of St. Mary Woolnoth ; friend of the poet Cowper ; 1725-1807. 1. H. L. to r., in wig, gown and bands. Pub. J. Smith '1808.'' Line ; 6} X 6} in. NEWTON, Sir MICHAEL, hart., K.B. ; 1695?-1743. 1 Bust lookingrover r. shoulder, in hat, with star and ' riband. Pub. W. Humphrey 1774. (0. S. 14.) Mezz ' 5# X 4-r in . One proof befo're inscription ; three lettered impressions. J. Vanderbank J. Russell Engraver W. Holl A. Smith J. Paber jun. W. Ridley AvelineL. Cars J. Paber jun. J. H. Lips J. Outrim J. Basire Anon. J. CoUyer W. Humphrey 332 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NEWTON, ROBERT, D.D. ; methodist minister ; 1780- 1854. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. EUingworth, Leeds. Lith. 2. H. L., looking to 1. Pront. to Methodist Mag., 1833. Stipple ; 45 X 31 in. 3. Same picture ; vignette. PL to same periodical, 1824. Stipple. NEWTON, THOMAS, D.D. ; bishop of Bristol; 1704- 1782. 1, T, Q, L,, standing, full face, in rochet, cap in 1, hand ; St, Paul's seen to 1, Prom picture at Lambeth Palace, Pub, T. Watson 1775. (C. S. 27, Goodwin 23.) Mezz. ; 16 X 13 in. One proof before any inscription ; two before title. 2. Same picture. Pront. to his Works ; pub. J. Rivington 1782. Line ; 7] X 61 in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. Line ; 41 X 3} in. 4. Same picture. Pub, S. W, Reynolds, Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 5, Same picture, H, L, only ; rect. frame. Pub. A. Wivell. Mezz. ; 61 X 6 in. 6. Nearly W. L., directed and looking to L, in rochet, seated by table on which is a bust. Pub. J. Boydell 1767. (C. S. 31.) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one fully lettered impression. 7. Copy from the last. Pub. B. Blake. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. NEWTON, THOMAS ; methodist minister. 1. H. L,, looking to 1, ; vignette, PL to Methodist Mag., 1823, Stipple, NEWTON, WILLIAM ; architect ; clerk of the works at Greenwich Hospital ; 1735-1790. 1. Profile head in medal. Private plate. Stipple ; 3} in. diam. 2. Profile head in oval medallion. PL to his ed. of Vitruvius, 1791. Stipple ; 3i X 31 in. NEY, (Mdlle.) JENNY; vocalist. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing; vignette. Cutting i-s:om.Illust. London News. Woodcut.NICHOLAS, ABRAHAM ; writing-master ; 1692-1744 ? 1. Bust, full face ; oval in scroll-work frame. Front, to his Compleat Writing Master, [1722]. Line ; 7 X 10} in. NICHOLAS, Sib EDWARD ; secretary of state ; 1593- 1669. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap and cloak; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 11:3 X 7} in. Painter J. EUingworth J. Jackson J. Reynolds B. West J. Renton W. HoU A. Cozens R. Smirke Engraver J. EUingworth T. A. Dean W. T. Pry T. Watson J. CoUyer R. Grave S. W. Reynolds A. Wivell R. Earlom S. Preeman J. Newton Anon. (G. Biekham) (A. Hanneman) A. Hertochs Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 333 Subject Painter 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; oval on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of tlie Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6| X 3} in. 3. Another copy, reversed ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto graphy. Line ; 4} X 3g in. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, in skull-cap and cloak, holding letter ; 1748. Line ; 12 x 9| in. 5. Same picture. PL to Bray's Memoirs of John Evelyn, 1818. Line ; 6} X 6^ in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. NICHOLL, (Right Hon.) Sir JOHN, D.CL,, P,R,S,, F.S.A. ; judge of the high court of admiralty ; 1759-1838. 1. H. L., to r., in volunteer uniform. Pub. Michaut & Davies 1806. Stipple ; 111 X 93 iu. NICHOLLS, GEORGE ; pugiUst ; 1795-1832. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. PL to Egan's Boxiana ; pub. Sherwood, Neely & Jones 1821. Stipple.NICHOLLS, Sir HENRY, K.CB. ; admiral ; d. 1830. See Groups (Naval Victories). NICHOLLS, MARGARET. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, full face, r. hand on rock, 1. held out to a parrot. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 26.) Mezz. ; 12} X 91 in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. same plate, with address of T. Glass. NICHOLS, JOHN, F.S.A. ; printer and antiquarian author; 1745-1826. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., seated, hands on stick; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. Cadell & Davies 1814. Stipple. 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, r. arm on book. PL to his Literary Anecdotes, 1812. Line ; 61 X 4| in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 4. Aged 50; H. L., full face, in large spectacles; oval frame, with Latin title above. Line ; 3} X 31 in. 5. Similar picture ; aged 66. PL to his Hist, of Leicester shire, 1795, etc. Mezz. ; 81 X 7 in. 6 T Q. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to r., holding stick ; vignette. PL to Gent. Mag., 1827. Stipple.1 Aged 37 ¦ bust, 1. profile ; oval in rect. frame, with orna- ' ments. PL to his Collections for Leicestershire. Line ; 6} X 31 in. (A. Hanneman) P. Lely Engraver M. A. Shee G. Sharpies M. Dahl H. Edridge J. Jackson H. Meyer P. Tow^ne (G. Vertue) Anon. G. Vertue J. Scott P. W. Tomkins P. Roberts W. Paithorne A. Cardon C. Heath W. T. Pry (J. Basire) H. Meyer JJ T. Cook 334 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ¦ Painter Engraver NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER, F.S.A. ; printer and anti quary ; s. of the preceding ; 1779-1863. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette, with fac simile of autograph. Prom a chalk drawing. Lith. NICHOLS, WILLIAM, D.D. ; theological writer ; 1664- S. Laurence J. H. Lynch 1712. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, gown and bands ; decor, oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Discourses on the Common Prayer, 1710. Line ; 101 X 61 in. NICHOLSON, CHARLES; flautist and composer; 1795-1837. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; circle in rect. frame. Stipple; 9.x 7 in. 2. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Flutist's Mag. Lith.NICHOLSON, Sir CHARLES, bart., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D. ; speaker of the legislative council of New South Wales; 1808-1903. 1. W. L., to L, standing, in robes ; mace on table. Mezz. ; 26 X 15} iu. Proof with artists' names only. NICHOLSON, FRANCIS; landscape painter; 1753- 1844. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Lith.NICHOLSON, GEORGE HENRY ; s. of G. T. Nichol son, of Waverley Abbey, Surrey ; killed in diligence accident in Spain 1850. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table. With out title. Lith. ; 14 X 11} in. NICHOLSON, ISAAC ; president of Cheshunt College ; d. 1807. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands ; vignette. Pub. R. Baynes 1825. Stipple. NICHOLSON, JOHN ; bookseller at Cambridge; 1730- 1796. 1. W. L., standing in front of a coUege, carrying books. Prom picture in the University library. Pub. J. Nichol son 1790. Liue ; 21 X 15 in. NICHOLSON, JOHN ; 'the Airedale poet'; 1790-1843. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking upwards to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Front, to his Poems, 1844. Mezz. ; 48 X 3} in. NICHOLSON, JOHN ; general ; feU at Delhi ; 1821- 1857. 1, H, L,, standing, looking to r,, in uniform, resting hands on hilt of sword. Pub, H, Graves & Co, 1867. Mi.\cd ; 13 ¦ X 11 iu. J. Richardson M. vr. Gucht G. Hargreaves H. W. PhiUips J. Green H. W. PhiUips R. Woodman P. Reinagle W. O. Geller T. P. Dicksee T. Wageman M. Gauci J. R. Jackson M. Gauci J. H. Lynch R. Woodman J. CaldwaU W. O. Geller A. N. Sanders Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 335 Subject NICHOLSON, MARGARET; lunatic who attempted to stab George III ; died in Bethlehem Hospital ; 1750 ?- 1828. 1. When old; H. L., full face, in hood. Without any inscription. Etcliing ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; oval frame. PL to New Lady's Mag. ; pub. A. Hogg 1786. Line ; 4 X 2} in. 3. H. L., 1. profile, in hat ; oval. Pub. J. Fiske 1786. Line ; 3} X ,31 in. Modern impression. NICHOLSON, PETER ; architect and mathematician ; 1765-1844. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Pub. H. Pisher 1825. Stipple. 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated, holding rule and compasses; vignette. Pront. to his Practical Builder, etc. ; pub. T. Kelly 1825. Stipple. 3. H. L., seated at a table, looking to r,, holding sheet of paper and compasses ; rect, frame, Pront, to his Builder and Workman's New Director, 1824, Line ; 6} x 45 in, 4. H. L., to r., holding paper and compasses. PL to Mechanic's Mag. ; pub. Knight & Lacey 1825. Stipple. 5. H. L., to r., face in profile; oval in ornamental frame. Pub. G. Virtue. Stipple. NICHOLSON, PHILIP; murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Bonar ; executed 1813. 1. H. L., to L Line ; 6} X 5 in. NICHOLSON, RENTON ; known as the ' Lord Chief Baron ' ; president of the ' Judge and Jury Society ' ; 1809-1861. 1. When editor of The Town; in the Queen's Bench prison; W. L., to r., seated by table ; vignette. Lith. NICHOLSON, WILLIAM ; natural philosopher ; 1753- 1815. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1812. Stipple.NICOL, GEORGE ; bookseUer in PaU Mall. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair by table, holding pen. Stipple ; 5 X 31 in. Proof before any inscriptiou. NICOL, JOHN WATSON ; living painter. 1. H. L., to L ; from photograph. Process block. Painter W. Derby T. Heaphy J.P. Engbaveb (J. T. Smith) I (J. T. Smith) T. Taylor Anon. J. Thomson J. Cochran C. Armstrong H. Adlard B. Eyles J.P. Anon. S. Drummond j T. Blood 336 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NICOL, WILLIAM, D.D. ; minister of the Scots church, SwaUow street, London. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair by table, directed and looking to v., in gown and bands ; 1. hand on book. (Whitman 212.) Mezz, ; 11} X 8} in. Two impressions, NICOLL, JOHN, D,D, ; headmaster of Westminster school; 1684-1765, 1, Aged 71 ; T, Q, L,, to L, standing, in wig, gown and bands, hat and glove in r. hand, 1, iu pocket, (C, S. 139, Goodwin 45,) Mezz, ; 121 X 91 in. One touched proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions, 2. H, L,, slightly to L, iu wig, gown and bands; oval plate; 1755, Etching ; 4} x 31 in, NIECKS, FREDERICK ; musical critic ; b, 1845. 1. Bust, to 1. Prom a drawing. PL to Musical Times, 1899, Process block, NIGHTINGALE, FLORENCE, 0,M, ; 1820-1910, 1, A statue, W, L,, nearly in profile to r,, holding lamp; vignette on.title to C. Yonge's Book of Golden Deeds, 1864, Stipple.Proof before inscriptiou. 2. H. L., to L, seated, reading book; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. Colnaghi 1854. Coloured. Litb. NIGHTINGALE, (Capt.) GAMALIEL, R,N, ; 1731- 1791, 1, H, L,, to L, in uniform; oval frame. Without any inscription, (G, S, 121, Frankau 257,) Mezz, ; 13} X 11 in. NIGHTINGALE, LEONARD CHARLES ; living artist, 1, Bust, to 1, ; from photograph. Process block, NIHEL, ELIZABETH ; midwife ; b, 1723. 1. H. L., to 1., in cap; vignette. PL to Biographie des sages femmes celibres, 1833. Lith. ' NIMROD.' See Appbrley. NINHAM, HENRY ; artist, of Norwich ; 1793-1874. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Photograph. NISBET, (Right Hon,) Sir JOHN, (Lord Dirleton) ; Scottish judge ; 1609 ?-1687, 1, H. L,, to r,, in wig and robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 9} X ej in, NISBET-HAMILTON, Ladv MARY, (born Bruce) ; w, of Robert Adam Dundas, afterwards Right Hon, R, A, N,-H,, M,P, ; d, of 7th Earl of Elgin ; d, 1883. 1. When Lady Mary Dundas ; T. Q. L,, to L, playing harp; with facsimile of autograph. Pub, J. Dickinson 1832, Lith, ; 10 X 7} in. Painter J. Morris B. Taylor T. Worlidge J. Paterson H, Bonham- Carter Engraver 3. W. Reynolds J. McArdell T. Worlidge C. H, Jeens R. J. Lane (J. R. Smith) A. Lecler D. Paton G. Hayter R, White : R. J. Lane Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 337 Subject NISBETT, LOUISA CRANSTOUN, (born Macnamara) ; w. of John A, N,, of Brettenham Hall; actress; after wards m. Sir W, Boothby, bart. ; 1812 ?-1858. 1, As Zarah ; PI. L., looking to r., holding knife ; vignette. Pub. T. McLean 1837. Lith. 2. As Constance in The Love Chase; W. L., standing, looking to r. Pub. T. McLean 1838. Lith. ; 16 X 11} in. NIXON, FRANCIS RUSSELL, D.D. ; bishop of Tas mania; 1803-1879. 1. Bust, nearly full face; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. Hogarth 1850. Stipple ; 14} X 12-J in. NIXON, ROBERT ; the ' Cheshire Prophet ' ; fl. 1620. 1. A boy; head, to r. PL to Harding's Biogi aphical Mirrour, 1793. [Fictitious.] Stipple ; 5 X 4} in. NIXON, ROBERT ; a non-juring clergyman who was tried for a seditious libel 1737. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands; small oval, in view of interior of Westminster HaU, with libels being burnt. Line (whole print) ; 61 X 5 in, NOBLE, MARK, F.S.A. ; rector of Barming, Kent; biographer; 1754-1827. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. Pront. to his Memoirs of House of Cromwell, 1784. Line ; 61 X 3} in. NOBLE, MATTHEW; sculptor; 1818-1876. 1. A head, looking to r. ; vignette ; from photograph. lUust. to Illust. London News, 1876. Woodcut.NOBLE, WILLIAM, (of Bampton, Westmorland); banker and philanthropist. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval ; above ' The Friend of Man ' ; pub. 1796. Stipple ; 4g X 3§ in. 'NOBLE AIDDECAMP.' 4th Earl of. Painter P. Grant P. Macnamara G. Richmond Engraver A. Buck R. J. Lane W. D(rum- mond) H. Robinson E.Harding jun. Anon. J. Hancock Anon. D. Orme jun. See Harrington, Charles, NOEL, (Hon.) BAPTIST WRIOTHESLEY; b. of 1st Earl of Gainsborough ; baptist minister ; 1798-1873. 1. Bust, nearly fuU face; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Prom a drawing. Stipple.2. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. H. Squire & Co. 1851. Stipple ; 14 X lis in. 3. Nearly W. L., to r., seated ; from photograph. PL to Drawing Room Portrait Gallery. Stipple and line ; 8} X 6} in. 4. H. L., 1. profile, in gown and bands, hands joined ; vignette. Without title. Pub. S. Low 1842. Stipple. VOL. in. H. Anelay G. Richmond G. B. Shaw W. J. Edwards D. J. Pound Anon. 338 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaveb NOEL, Sir GERARD NOEL, bart,,M,P.; 1759-1838, 1, H, L,, to 1. Pub. W. Cribb 1821. Mezz. ; lO; X 9 in. NOEL, (Hon.) GERARD THOMAS; b. of 1st Earl of Gainsborough ; vicar of Rainham and canon of Win chester; 1782-1851. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in gown, 1. hand on book. J. Cooper Mezz, ; 12; X 10 in, NOEL, [MILBANKE], Sib RALPH, bart,; father of Lady Byron; 1748?-1825, 1, When Mr, Milbauke ; H, L,, to 1, ; oval in rect. With artists' names only. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, NOEL, WILLIAM; judge; 1695-1762, 1, When attorney-general; T, Q. L,, to r,, standing, in judicial wig and robes. Prom picture belonging to Lord Berwick, Lith, ; 4} X 31 in, NOLAN, MICHAEL ; barrister-at-law ; d, 1827, 1, H, L,, r. profile, in wig and gown ; octagonal frame. Pub, W, Cribb 1819, Stipple ; 33 X 21 in, NOLCKEN, MARY (ROCHE), Baroness ; m. 1. Stephen C, Le Maistre, recorder of Rochester ; 2, Baron Nolcken ; 1742-1811, 1, When Mrs, Le Maistre; H, L,, seated, looking to L, hands clasped, r, arm resting on table, wreath of flowers on wrist. Without title. Pub, J, BoydeU 1771, (G, S, 83, Whitman 22,) E, P. Calze Mezz, ; 14f X 11} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions, NOLLEKENS, JOSEPH, R,A, ; sculptor ; 1737-1823, 1, H, L,, looking to r,, modeUing bust of C, J. Pox; vignette. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery, PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub, Cadell & Davies 1816, j L. Abbott Stipple, I 2, H, L,, to L, seated by table, holding modelling tool, 1 Prom picture in National GaUery. Pub. A. WiveU 1814. (Whitman 405.) Mezz, ; llj X 9J in. One proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, 3, Same picture, PL to Jones's National Gallery. ! „ Stipple ; 5 X 41 in. 4. Same picture; vignette. Pub. J. Robins 1823. ,, stipple. 5. Same picture ; vignette. PL to New European Mag. ; pub. J. Letts jun. 1823. „ Stipple.6. Bust, to r. ; vignette. From drawing in British Museum. Front, to J. T. Smith's NoUekens and his Times ; pub. H. Colburn 1828. J. Jackson Stipple,7, H, L,, seated, directed and looking to 1, ; rect, frame I with ornaments, PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1822, Stipple.8. Bust, r. profile ; oval frame on pedestal, with emblems, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J, Sewell 1788. See Groups (Royal Academicians). i Anon. W. Say J. Reynolds | R. Marcuard W. Gauci Anon. V. Green J. Vendramini W. Beechey C. Turner B. HoU ,, I R. Cooper C. S. Taylor W. Bond E. Scriven Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portiaits 33U Subject NORBURY, JOHN TOLER, 1st Barl of ; chief justice of the common pleas iu Ireland ; 1745-1831. 1. When Mr. Toler ; bust, looking to r. ; oval, with ten lines below. Pub. W. AUen, Dublin. Stipple ; 3j; X 2'^ in. NORFOLK, JOHN HOWARD, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; supporter of Richard III ; feU at Bosworth ; 1430 ?-1485. 1. H. L., to 1., in cap and furred gown, with badge of the Garter. Prom picture at Arundel. ' R. T. Bone del.' PL to Cartwright's Rape of Bramber. Line ; 6} x 4 in. 2. H. L., to L, in cap and furred gown. Prom picture at Windsor. PL to H. Howard's Memorials of the Howard Family, 1834. Lith ; 101 X 71 in, 3, W, L,, kneeling figure, with another of Catherine Moleyns his 1st wife. Prom glass in Stoke Neyland Church. PL to same work. Lith.4. Bust, to r. ; oval. Prom drawing by Vertue from glass belonging to the Royal Society, PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 31 X 21 in, 5, H, L., to r,, in cap with feather and slashed coat, glove in hand ; circle. Prom Earl of Carlisle's picture. Pub, Colnaghi 1809, [False ; the dress is of the 16th cent,] Stipple ; 21 in, diam, 6. Similar to the last, to 1, Prom a drawing at Straw berry Hill, ' S, Harding del.' PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1791. Stipple ; 41 X Sg in. 7, W. L,, kneeling, in armour and tabard. Prom glass belonging to Duke of Norfolk, A drawing, Watercolours, NORFOLK,, CATHERINE (MOLEYNS), Duchess of; 1st w, of the preceding; d, 1452, 1. Bust, full face ; oval. Prom a drawing by Vertue from her monument. Line ; 3-^- X 21 in. NORFOLK, THOMAS HOWARD, 2nd Duke of, K.G. ; commanded at Plodden ; 1443-1524. 1. His monumental efdgy at Lambeth. PL to Howard's Memorials of the Howard Family, 1834. Lith. ; 8i X 41 in 2. Bust, r, profile, in cap and collar of Garter ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography . Line ; 3,1 X 2} in. NORFOLK, AGNES (TILNEY), Duchess of; 2nd w. of the preceding; d. 1545. 1. H. L., to r., holding rosary. From picture formerly belonging to Dr. Parmer, Cambridge. Pub. J. Thane 1793. Liue ; 31 X 2} in. 2. Her monumental effigy in Lambeth church. On sheet with that of the Duke. PL to H. Howard's Memorials of tlie Howard Family, 1834. Lith. ; 8 X 4} iu. Painter FJNGRAVER Anon. P. Audinet W. H. Kearney Anon. Seheneker Anon. W. H. Kearney Anon. ' H. Baldung ' Anon. W. H. Kearney z 2 340 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter NORFOLK, THOMAS HOWARD, 3rd Duke of, K.G. ; 1473-1554. 1. Aged 66 ; T. Q. L., to r., in cap and furred gown, holding truncheon of earl marshal and wand of lord treasurer. Prom picture at Windsor. (Hymans 201.) Liue ; 9-j X 7} in. One proof before any inscription except tlie monogram ; one before engraver's name ; one before ' fecit ' after engraver's name ; one fully lettered impression. [ Vorsterman's drawing for this plate is in the British Museum. ] 2. Same picture. PL to Cust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor, 1906. Photogravure ; 11} X 8§ in. 3. Same picture. PL to G. Davies's Hans Holbein, 1903. Pliotogravure ; 9} X 7f in. 4. Same picture. PL to Classical Picture Gallery. Process block. 5. Same picture, H. L. only, to ornaments. ' A. vr. Werfi pinx.' d'Angleterre, 1797. Liue ; 11} X 61 in. 6. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1793. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 7. Same picture, H. L. only, to r., oval Moncornet exc. Line ; 5;J X 4} in. 8. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. Autography. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 9. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; outline. illustrating a German ed. of Lavater's Physiognomy. Line. 10. Similar picture (with variations) at Arundel Castle. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 11. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1823. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. NORFOLK, ANNE (PLANTAGENET), Duchess of; 1st w. of the preceding. See Anne. NORFOLK, THOMAS HOWARD, 4th Duke of, K.G. ; executed for treason ; 1536-1572, 1, H, L,, to L, in cap ; oval frame with ornaments, PL to "Binch's Heads ; pub, Knapton, Liue ; 141 X 81 in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; one fully lettered impres.sion. same plate, with Holbein's name substituted for that of More. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3} in. diam. 3. Another copy, reversed ; oval in rect. PL to Harrison's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1784. Line ; 71 X 6} iu, 4. Another copy, reversed; oval on pedestal, with arms, Liue ; 6} X 3| in, 5. Another copy ; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; a'. X 3} in. 1, ; rect, frame with PL to Larrey's Hist. ' S. Harding del.' PL French title. PL to Thane's Gut from plate H. Holbein ¦ A, More ' Engraver L. Vorsterman P. V. Gunst Seheneker Anon. E. Scriven C. Pieart J. Houbraken T. Chambars J. Goldar N. Parr Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 341 Subject 6. Another copy, reversed, bust only ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 31 x 2} iu. 7. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in cap, furred gown and collar of the Garter, holding truncheon. Prom picture belonging to Duke of Norfolk. PL to fol, ed, of Lodge's Poi-traits, 1828, Stipple ; Ti x 5? in. 8. Nearly T. Q. L,, to L, in cap and cloak, hands on hips ; under an arch ; with his armorial bearings under another arch. Line ; 9-5 X 13} in. Two impressions, 9. Facsimile copy from the last. Liue ; 93 X 13} in. 10. H. L., to L, in black cap and cloak. From a painting. Pub. S. Woodburn 1810. (Whitman 460.) Mezz. ; 4} x 3} in. NORFOLK, MARY (PITZALAN), Duchess of; 1st w. of the preceding ; d. of 18th Earl of Arundel ; 1540- 1557. 1. Her effigy in Framlingham church ; W. L., fuU face. On sheet with that of Margaret Audley, Duchess of Norfolk. PL to Howard's Memorials of the Howard Family, 1834. Lith.NORFOLK, MARGARET (AUDLEY), Duchess of; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of Lord Audley of Walden ; 1540- 1564. 1. Aged 22 ; nearly W. L., to L, standing ; tapestry with arms of Norfolk behind. Pub. 1792. Stipple ; 65 X 5} in. 2. Her effigy in Framlingham church ; W. L., full face. On sheet with that of Mary Fitzalan, Duchess of Norfolk. PL to Howard's Memorials of the Hoivard Family, 1834. Lith. NORFOLK, HENRY HOWARD, 6th Duke of; 1628- 1684. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in robes, holding truncheon. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; 12g X 9} in. Two impressions. 2. H. L., full face, in wigand armour ; oval frame of laurel. (Wessely 32.) Line ; 17} X 12} in. 3. Copy from the last. PL to Memoirs of Count Grammont. stipple ; 4f X 3} in. 4. H. L., to r,, in wig, lace cravat and armour; oval. I, ' Beckett exc. (C. S. 77.) Mezz. ; 11} X 91 in. , ,. , . Two proofs before inscription ; one lettered impression. 5. Copy from the last. Pub. S. Woodburn 1810. (Whit man 461.) Mezz. ; 53 X 41 in. Painter ' A. More ' L. D'Heere G. KneUer P. Lely Engraver Anon. W. HoU (R. Elstraek) Anon. C. Turner W. H. Kearney P. W. Tomkins W. H. Kearney B.. White exc, A. Blooteling W. N. Gardiner I. Beckett C. Turner 342 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NORFOLK, MARY (MORDAUNT), Duchess of; w, of Henry Howard, 7th Duke ; d, of 2nd Barl of Peter borough ; m, 2, Sir John Germain, bart, ; d, 1705, 1, When Countess of Arundel ; H, L,, to r, (C, S, 2,) Mezz, ; 61 X 6} in, same plate, with address of T, BakeweU, NORFOLK, CHARLES HOWARD, 11th Duke of, F,R,S,; whig politician ; 1746-1815, 1, W, L,, standing, face in profUe to L, holding hat and papers ; with title ' A view of Norfolk,' Pub, Dighton 1796 ; coloured. Etching ; 71 X 7} in, 2, W, L,, standing, looking to L, in Van Dyck dress, holding earl marshal's baton, resting arm on pedestal. Pub, W, Harwood 1795, Line ; 24 x 18 in, 3, Nearly W, L., seated, directed and looking to L, in robes, holding baton, stipple ; 7} X 6} in, 4, H, L,, directed and looking to r,, in robes, holding truncheon, PL to Transactions of Society of Arts, 1817, Line ; 4} x 31 in. Painter P. Lely Engraver R. W(hite) R. Dighton R. Dighton Gainsborough J. K. Sherwin 5, H, L,, to r,, seated, holding miniature ; vignette, R. Cribb 1813, stipple. Pub. 12th J. Hoppner J. Lonsdale W. C. Ross H. Pickersgill P. Stephanoff NORFOLK, BERNARD EDWARD HOWARD, Duke of, K.G. ; 1765-1842. 1. W. L., seated, looking to L, in Garter robes, holding truncheon. Pub. T. Maclean 1842. Mezz. ; 26 X 16} in. 2, W, L,, to L, standing, in coronation robes, holding coronet, PL to Nayler's work on the Coronation of George IV, 1824 ; coloured, (Whitman 213,) Mezz,NORFOLK, CHARLOTTE SOPHIA (LEVESON- GOWER), Duchess of; w, of Henry Howard, 13th Duke ; d, of 1st Duke of Sutherland ; 1788-1870, 1, When Countess of Surrey; H, L,, seated, looking to 1, ; rect, frame, PL to La Belle AssembUe; pub. G. B. Whittaker 1825. Stipple ; 6 X 5} in. NORPORD, WILLIAM ; surgeon and physician ; 1715- 1793. 1. T. Q. L., to L, holding a dog; oval. Pub, J, KendaU l'?88, i G. Ralph stipple ; 41 X 31 in, NORMAN, Lady ELIZABETH ISABELLA, (born Manners) ; w, of Richard N, ; d, of 4th Duke of j Rutland ; d, 1853. 1. Nearly W. L., to r,, seated, with open book on knee, holding reading glass ; with facsimile of autograph. Anon. C. Warren T. Williamson G. Sanders S. W. Reynolds T. Lawrence ' J. Thomson J. Singleton Private plate Stipple ; 11; x 9} in, Srv Rutland, John H,, 5th Duke, P. Grant J. Thomson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 343 Subject Painter P^NGRAVEU NORMAN, Sir HENRY WYLIE, G,C,B,, G,C,M,G.; field marshal ; 1826-1904. 1. H. L., full face, in uniform. Photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.NORMANBY, CONSTANTINE HENRY PHIPPS, 1st Marquess of, K.G., G.C.B. ; statesman, diplomatist and author ; 1797-1863. 1. When Earl of Mulgrave; T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1,, arm on pedestal. Pub, Colnaghi 1836. (Whitman 391.) Mezz. ; 15 X llf in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Pisher 1833. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. 3. Bust, to r., life size; vignette. Chromolith. 4. When Barl of Mulgrave; H. L., looking to r., wearing order. PL to Saunders's Political Reformers, 1840. stipple ; 51 X 4} in. 5. H. L., 1. profile; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU.- Litb. 6. When Viscount Normanby ; bust, looking to r. ; vig nette ; with title ' The Author of Matilda.' PL to New Monthly-Mag., 1831. Stipple.NORMAND, ERNEST ; living painter. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Process block. NORMAND, HENRIETTA, (born Rae) ; w. of the pre ceding ; living painter. 1. Bust, to r. Process block. NORMANTON, CHARLES AGAR, 1st Earl of ; arch bishop of Dublin ; 1736-1809. 1. H. L., r, profile; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub, W, DanieU 1809. Soft-ground etching. 9. H. L., to r., in rochet ; 1803. Mezz. ; 9 X 7 in. NORMANTON, DIANA (HERBERT), Countess of; w. of Welbore EUis Agar, 2nd Earl ; d. of 11th Earl of Pembroke ; d. 1841. 1. W. L., standing on terrace, looking to r. From picture belonging to Lord Normanton. PL to Burlington Mag., 1903. Eeproduotion ; 101 X 6-| in. NORRIS, ANTONY, (of Barton Turf, Norfolk) ; anti quary; 1711-1786. 1. H. L., to r., hat under 1. arm. Line ; 7 X 6} in. NORRIS, CATHERINE MARIA, (born Fischer) ; w. of John N, ; known as ' Kitty Pisher ' ; courtesan ; d. 1767, 1, When Miss Fischer ; as Cleopatra dissolving the pearl ; T. Q, L,, to L, seated. From picture now at Waddesdon. Pub. T. Bowles & J. Bowles. (C. S. 18.) Mezz. ; 111 X 93 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression, H. P. Briggs C. Turner C. Brocky N. J. Crowley A, D'Orsay F. R. Say G. Dance G. Stuart T. Lawrence T. Bardwell J. Reynolds H. Robinson M. Gauci H. Robinson A. D'Orsay H. Thomson W. Daniell W. Say W. C. Edwards E. Pisher 344 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb -continued. (C, S, 36,) Pub, Pub, S, W, Reynolds, R, Sayer, (C, S, 62,] Without any inscription. NORRIS, CATHERINE MARIA 2. Same picture. Pub. R. Houston, Mezz ; 11 X 9 in. Two impressions, same plate, with address of R, Sayer, same picture. Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1833, Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in, 3. When Miss Fischer; H, L,, full face, resting arms on table on which lies an open letter. Prom picture at Petworth, (C, S, 18a,) Mezz, ; lOJ x 81 in, 4, Same picture. Pub, J, Bowles, (C, S, 37.) Mezz. ; 121 X 91 in, 5, Same picture, Mezz, ; 4 X 31 in, 6, Same picture, Mezz, ; 121 X 91 in, 7, Same picture. Mezz. ; 11} x SJ in. 8. When Miss Fischer; T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r,, with doves ; miniature of Garrick suspended from neck. Prom picture now in New York. Line ; 9 X 71 in. Proof with engi'aver's name only. 9. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 5 X 4 in. 10. Similar picture, without the miniature, now belonging to Lord Glenconner, PL to cat. of Price sale at Christie's 1895, Reproduction ; 5} x 4} in, 11, Similar picture, belonging to Lord Crewe. PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Reproduction ; 9 X 7 in, 12, When Miss Fischer; H, L,, full face, arms crossed. Prom unfinished picture belonging to Lord Garysfort, Pub, H, Graves & Co, Mezz. ; 4t X 31 in. 13. When Miss Fischer; nearly W. L., 1. profile, seated, with parrot. Prom Lord Lansdowne's picture. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction ; 6g x 4§ in. 14. When Miss Fischer; W. L., walking to L, holding up her skirts. Without any inscription. Etching ; 7} X 51 in. 15. When Miss Fischer ; W. L., full face, standing by table, in hat, holding sheet of music. Line ; llj x 9?, in. NORRIS, Sib JOHN ; general in Ireland ; 1547 ?-1597. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval within i;ect. frame. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 81 X 6| in, NORRIS, (Right Hon,) Sir JOHN; admiral; 1660''- 1749, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, r, hand on staff; warship in background. Pub. T. Burford 1741. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. 'Two impressions. J. Reynolds ' P. Zuccaro ' T. Burford R. Houston S. W. Resniolds E. Pisher R. Houston S. W. Reynolds Anon. W. Humphrys C. A. Tomkins C. A. Tomkins (P. Sandby) Anon.Anon. T. Burford Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 34.5 Subject Painter Engraver NORRIS, JOHN, (of Witton, Norfolk) ; founder of the Norrisian professorship at Cambridge ; 1784-1777. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, hat under 1. arm. Smissen W. C. Edwards Line ; 7 X 6} in. NORRIS, THOMAS ; musician and singer ; 1741-1790. 1. H. L., r. profile; oval frame. Pub. 1777. (G. S. 1.) J. Taylor J. Taylor .Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, with ' Late Organist of Christ Church and St. John's College, Oxford,' added ; date erased. „ 5» NORRIS, THOMAS, F.R.A.S, ; astronomer. 1, T. Q, L,, to r., seated by table, telescope beside him ; 1837. J. Linnell J. Linnell Mezz. ; 15| x 12} in. NORRIS, WILLIAM; an insane American confined in Bethlehem Hospital in 1814. 1. W. L., as he was kept riveted and chained on his paUet ; vignette. Pub. 1815. G. Arnald G. Arnald Btching. 2. Another representation of him under the same condi tions. Pub. W. Hone 1815. ,, G. Cruikshank Aquatint ; 7} X 6 in. NORSA, HANNAH ; actress ; d, 1785, 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing. Without any inscription. (B. Lens) (B. Lens) Etching ; 10} x 8} in. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. Pub. E. & S. Harding 1794. PL to Waldron's Shakspearean Miscellany, 1802. R. Clamp Stipple ; 61 X 4J in. NORTH, EDWARD NORTH, 1st Baron ; chanceUor of the court of augmentations ; 1496 ?-1564. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in cap and furred gown. holding glove. Prom Lord Guilford's picture. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1817. H. Meyer Stipple ; 7} x 5} in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1825. J. Thomson Stipple ; 41 X 4 in. 3.- H. L., to L, in cap and furred gown, holding a pink. Prom picture at Peterhouse, Cambridge. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1802. Anon. NORTH, DUDLEY NORTH, 3rd Baron ; 1581-1666. 1. H. L., to L, in standing lace band. Prom a picture. A drawing in Indian ink, 1759. 2. The preceding (or a similar) drawing, formerly in the BuU coUeotion ; to r. ; oval. Pub. J. Thane 1783 Line ; 3} X 3 in. NORTH, DUDLEY NORTH, 4th Baron, K.B. ; author ; 1602-1677. 1. H. L., to r., wearing order of the Bath. Prom picture belonging to Lord GuiUord. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub. E. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 5 X 4} in, 2, Same picture. Pub. S. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 41 X 31 in. C. Janssen H. M. Anon. E. H^irding Anon. 346 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NORTH, CHARLES NORTH, 5th Baron; (1st Baron Grey of RoUeston) ; d, 1690, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, in robes. Prom picture belonging to Lord Guilford, PL to Harding's Bio- cjraphical Mirrour, 1801, Stipple ; 6 X 4} iu, NORTH, WILLIAM NORTH, 6th Baron; (2nd Baron Grey of RoUeston) ; general ; 1678-1734, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, in wig and flowered coat, hand on truncheon, J, Simon exc, (G, S, 112,) Mezz, ; 13 X 10 in. Two impressions, NORTH AND GREY, MARGARBTTA MARIA (DB YONG), Lady; w, of the preceding. See Elibank, NORTH, FREDERICK NORTH, Lord, See Guilford, Frederick, 2nd Earl of, NORTH, SUSAN (NORTH), Baroness ; 1797-1884, See Guilford, Susan (Coutts), Countess of, NORTH, (Hon,) BROWNLOW, D,D, ; bishop of Win chester ; 1741-1820, 1, T. Q, L,, to r,, standing, in robes of prelate of order of the Garter, cap in r, hand. Stipple ; 141 X 12} in, 2, Copy from the last, H, L, only, PL to Nichols's L-iterary Anecdotes, 1815, Stipple ; 5} X 4§ in, 3, Nearly W, L., to r,, seated in armchair, iu robes of prelate of the order of the Garter, Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1819, (Whitman 214,) Mezz, ; 17} X 13i in. One proof before' any inscription ; two with inscription in open letters, NORTH, Sir DUDLEY ; commissioner of the treasury ; 1641-1691, 1, H, L,, to r,, in wig, lace cravat and gown ; rect, frame, PL to R, North's Lives of the Norths, 1742-4, Line ; 7J X 6} in, NORTH, Lady GEORGIANA ; d, of George, 3rd Earl of Guilford ; d, unmarried 1835, See Guilford, Susan, Countess of, NORTH, (Hon,) HENRIETTA MARIA, (born Ban nister) ; w, of Hon, Brownlow N,, bishop of Winchester ; d, 1796, 1, Nearly W, L,, seated under tree, looking to r,, hands folded ; without title. Prom picture now belonging to Baron A, de Rothschild, Pub, 1782, (C, S, 122, Prankau 258,) Mizz ; IS X 13Jin, 2, Same picture; with title 'La Dame en Blanc' PL to Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1904, Etching ; 6} X 5-3 in, NORTH, MARIANNE; amateur artist and botanist- 1830-1890, 1, Bust, to 1, Cutting from Illust. London News, 1890, Woodcut, P, Lely G, Kneller B. Harding J, Simon H, Howard W. Bond Anon. S. W. Reynolds G. Vertue G. Romney J. R. Smith J. Patricot Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 347 Subject Painter NORTH, (Hon.) ROGER; attorney-general; author of Lives of the Norths ; 1653-1734. 1. H. L,, to L, in wig and cloak; oval in rect, frame of masonry, Pront, to his Examen, 1740, Line ; 7} X 6} iu, 2. Copy from the last ; oval. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. NORTHAMPTON, WILLIAM PARR, Marquess of, K.G. ; 1513-1571. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in hat and furred gown, hands folded. Prom drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1796. Stipple ; 128 X 81 in. 2. Same drawing. Pub. Chamberlaine 1813. Stipple ; 71 X 4} in. 3. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 4. Same drawing. Photograph by Braun of Dornach. 5. Same drawing. Photograph. 6. Bust, 1. profile, with long beard, in armour. Pub. J. Thane 1780. Line ; 3f X 2} in. NORTHAMPTON, ELIZABETH (BROOKE), Marchioness of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of George, Lord Cobham ; d. 1565. 1. A medal. PL to Burlington Mag., vol. xii. Reproduction. NORTHAMPTON, HENRY HOWARD, Barl of, K.G, ; 1540-1614. 1. H. L., to L, in high-crowned hat, furred gown and coUar of the Garter. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits. Stipple ; 7| X 61 in. 2. Same picture, to r. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. 3. H. L., to 1. ; in hat and cloak, with order of the Garter. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1796. Stipple ; 5J X 4} iu. NORTHAMPTON, SPENCER COMPTON, 2nd Earl of, K.B. ; royalist ; fell at Hopton Heath ; 1601-1643. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in armour, holding truncheon ; helmet on pedestal beside him. From picture belonging to Lord Northampton. PL to Lodge's Portraits, 1817. Stipple ; 71 X 6} in. 2. Same picture. PL to Ward's Hist, of the RebeUion, 1713. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; in octagonal frame. On plate with Lord Strafford in the set of Loyalists. Line.4. Copy from the last ; octagon. Stipple ; 3} X 21 in. 5. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; vignette in octagon; modern. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. See Groups (Charles I. and his supporters). P. Lely H. Holbein ' Zucchero ' Engraver G. Vertue P. W. Pairholt F. Bartolozzi E. Bocquet J. HaU W. Bond L. Pickard R. Clamp R. Cooper M. vr. Gucht G. Vertue Anon. 348 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NORTHAMPTON, ANNB (SOMERSET), Countess of ; w. of Charles Compton, 7th Earl ; d. of 4th Duke of Beaufort ; 1740-1763. 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to r., 1. arm on table. Prom picture at Latimers, Pub, H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. NORTHAMPTON, CHARLES COMPTON, 1st Mar quess of ; 1760-1828. 1. T. Q. L., seated by table, 1, profile, holding letter; in picture frame. Pub, G. P. Harding 1830. Stipple ; 6} X 6 in. NORTHAMPTON, SPENCER JOSHUA ALWYNE COMPTON, 2nd Marquess of, P.R.S. ; 1790-1851. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding book on table. Pub. W. Walker 1848. Mezz. ; 18} X 14} in. 2. T. Q. L., seated by table, turned in profile to 1. From daguerreotype by Claudet. Stipple ; 12} X 10} in. NORTHBROOK, FRANCIS THORNHILL BARING, 1st Baron ; 1796-1866. 1. When Sir P. Baring ; bust, to r. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. NORTHCOTE, (Miss) E. S. ; blind performer on the enharmonic organ. 1. H. L., seated; vignette. From a photograph. Gutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. NORTHCOTE, JAMES, R.A. ; painter ; 1746-1831. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. W. DanieU 1809. Soft-ground etching. 2. H. L., to L, face in profile ; Etching.3. Similar to the last ; oval. Soatcherd & Whitaker 1794. Stipple ; 81 X 3 in. 4. When old; nearly W. L., seated, full face, in fur- coUared coat, holding spectacles. Prom picture now iu National Portrait Gallery, Pub, A. Wivell 1819, Mezz, ; 101 X 81 in, 5. Same picture, H. L. only. Line ; 3| X 3| in. Proof before inscription. 6. When old; T. Q. L., seated in armchair, looking to r., holding spectacles. Stipple ; 101 X 8} in. 7. A head, 1. profile; oval. Prom a drawing. (C. S. 11,) Mezz, ; 10| x 8i in, 8. Same drawing, bust ; oval. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in, 9. Similar to the last ; oval frame, (Whitman 215,) .¦Mezz, ; 10} X 8S in. vignette. 'J. Northeote deL' Pub. Pub. J. Manson 1796. J. Reynolds G. P. Harding T. Phillips & H.W. Phillips R. B. Parkes T. A. Dean W. Walker C. Cook G. Richmond W. Holl Anon. G. Dance W. Daniell S. W. Reynolds W. Leney G. H. Harlow A. Wivell Worthington I P. C. Lewis i P. Hoare | H. Kingsbury Anon. S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 349 Subject 10. A head, looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. A. Wivell 1814. Etching. 11. Aged 83 ; a head, 1. profile, in cap ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing now in British Museum Lith,12, H, L,, nearly in profile to L, in cloak ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum; pub. Dean & Munday 1826. Stipple. 13. H. L., face to 1. ; rect. border. Pub. G. Dawe 1803. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 17} X 131 in. 14. H. L., to L, face in profile, in fancy dress. From picture in Florence gaUery. PL to Ritratti di Pittori nella Galleria di Firenze. Printed in colours. Mezz. ; 6} X 6} in. 15. H. L., to r., holding palette and brush. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. Stipple ; 8} X 7 in. 16. H. L., nearly in profile to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1808. Stipple; 51 X3§in. 17. H. L., to r. ; rect. frame. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1798. (Whitman 216.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 8} in. One etching ; oiie lettered impression. same plate; with address of J. Jeffryes 1802. 18. H. L., to L, face in profile. PL to Young's Leicester GalUry. Etching ; 21 X 23 in. 19. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; 3g X 3 in. 20. H. L., fuU face, seated, turning leaf of open book; vignette. Pub. Pisher, Son & Go. 1826. Stipple. 21. Bust, to L, in cap ; vignette. PL to Library of the Fine Arts, 1831. Stipple.22. Aged 81 ; bust, to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Stipple. 23. Same drawing, to 1. ; vignette. ' A. Paquier del.' Woodcut. 24. Bust, face turned in profile to r. ; oval. PL to Euro pean Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1795. Stipple ; 4} X 3J in. 25. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. See Gboups (Royal Academicians), (Print Sales). NORTHCOTE, Sir JOHN, bart.; M.P. ; politician; 1599-1676. 1 H. L., to L, in cloak ; arms above to r. Prom a picture. ' Pub. T. Rodd 1817. Stipple ; 5 X 41 in. Painter P. Hoare Engraver J. De Claussin J. Lonsdale ! J. Lonsdale J. Northeote J. Opie S. W. Reynolds jun. A. Wivell H. R. Cook G. Da'we C. Lasinio H. Meyer S. W. Reynolds J. Young W. Ridley T. Woolnoth B. HoU T. Wright I J. GuiUaume P. Cond^ A. WiveU 3.50 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NORTHCOTE, MARY, (born Cutteford) ; w, of Nathaniel N,, jun, ; 1685-1738, 1, H, L,, nearly full face. Pub, A, Wivell 1819, Mezz, ; :j X 4} in, NORTHCOTE, SAMUEL ; watchmaker at Plymouth ; father of James Northeote, R,A, 1, H, L,, looking to i,; oval in reot, frame, (Whitman 217,) Mezz. ; 133 X 9} in. Two impressions, NORTHCOTE, SAMUEL, of Plymouth ; s, of the pre ceding ; 1743-1813, 1, H, L,, looking to i, ; oval in rect, frame, (Whitman 218,) Mezz, ; 13f X lO.in, Two impressions, NORTHCOTE, (Right Hon,) Sir STAFFORD, hart,, M,P, See Iddbsleigh, NORTHCOTT, JOHN ; living musical critic, 1, Bust, to r, ; from photograph. Process block, NORTHESK, WILLIAM CARNEGIE, 7th Barl of, G,C,B,; admiral; 1758-1831, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, seated, hands folded, PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GaUery ; pub, Pisher, Son & Go, 1831, Stipple ; 4^ X 3} in, 2, W, L,, to L, standing near sea, hand on rock. Btching and aquatint ; 10 X 7 in, NORTHINGTON, ROBERT HENLEY, 1st Earl of ; lord chancellor ; 1708 ?-1772, 1, When Lord Henley; nearly W, L., to L, seated, in chancellor's robes, holding purse. Sold at the Golden Head, (0, S, 104, Goodwin 82,) Mezz, ; 14} X 11 in. Two impressions. 2, Same picture, bust only, to r, ; oval, PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757, Line. 3, Same picture, H, L,, to r, ; oval on pedestal, PL to General Mag. Line ; 61 X 31 in. NORTHINGTON, ROBERT HENLEY, 2nd Earl of, K.T,, K,P, ; viceroy of Ireland ; 1747-1786, 1, Nearly W, L,, fuU face, seated, in Thistle robes, holding a paper. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gal lery of Ireland. PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Photogiavure ; 7 X 6} in. 2, Same picture. Photograph, 3. Same picture, bust only ; vignette, PL to Henley's Life of Lord ChanceUor Northington, 1831, Line ; 3} X 2} in. NORTHMORE, THOMAS, (of Cleve, Devon), J,P, P,S,A, ; author ; 1766-1851, 1, H, L,, directed and looking to L; rect, frame. Pub ' J. Taylor, Exeter, 1818, (Whitman 406,) Mezz,; 1,5; X Win, Two inipi-esbions. Painter J. Gandy J, Northeote J. Northeote H. Patterson T. Hudson J. Reynolds W. Broekedon Engraver A. Wivell S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds H. Cook J. Hibbert jun. J. McArdell J. S. MiiUer Anon. W. C. Edwards C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 351 Subject Painter NORTHUMBERLAND, HENRY PERCY, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; father of ' Hotspur ' ; 1342-1408. 1. H. L., 1. profile, looking up; from MS. in British Museum. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. NORTHUMBERLAND, JOHN DUDLEY, Duke of, K.G. ; father-in-law of Lady Jane Grey ; 1502 ?-1553. 1. H. L., looking to L, in cap and cloak, holding a nosegay. From picture at Penshurst. PL to fol, ed, of Lodge's Portraits, 1816, Stipple ; 7} X 5| in, 2, H, L,, looking to L, in cap and furred cloak, with order of the Garter ; oval. From picture at Knole, Line ; 6} X 4} iu. 3. SmaU W. L., standing by table. ' S. Wale del.' Liue ; 4} X 21 in. NORTHUMBERLAND, THOMAS PERCY, 7th Earl of, K.G. ; beheaded for treason ; 1528-1572. 1. W. L., to L, kneeling, hand on open prayer-book. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1799. stipple ; 9} X 6| in. NORTHUMBERLAND, HENRY PERCY, 9th Earl. of, K.G. ; 1564-1632. 1. Nearly W. L,, full face, seated by table, resting head on hand. Prom picture at Petworth, which is a copy from an older one, PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1820. Stipple ; 7-5 X 6 in 2. H. L., to r., decor, frame. Line ; 7 X 4} in. 3, PL L,, to 1 lines below ; 1619, Line ; 7} X 4} in, 4. Facsimile copy from the last. Line, 5. Another copy, bust only, to r Autography. Line ; 3| X 3} in, See Gboups (Pine's Tapestries), NORTHUMBERLAND, ALGERNON PERCY, 10th Barl of, K,G, ; 1602-1668, 1, W, L,, to r,, standing by an anchor, holding truncheon. Prom picture at Cassiobury, No, XIV of set of plates engraved for. the Earl of Essex. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. One etching ; one finished impression. 2. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1815. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval frame with orna ments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1738. Line ; 14} X 8} in. ,,.»,,• Two proofs with engraver's name only ; three lettered impressions, 4. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1, ; oval, PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757, Liue ; 3-5 X 5 in. in hat and rufi, Sold T. Jenner. holding gloves ; oval in bareheaded ; oval in decor, frame ; eight Pub. Richardson 1795. oval. PL to Thane's ' Holbein ' Engraver R. Clamp R. Cooper R. Godfrey J. Fougeron E. Harding A. Van Dyck J. S. Agar P. Delaram Anon. A. Van Dyck I E. Scriven J. Houbraken W. P. Benoist 352 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NORTHUMBERLAND, ALGERNON PERCY, 10th Barl of — continued. 5. Same picture, head only, to 1. P. Stent exc. Line. 6. Same picture, bust, to r. ; oval, with name round upper edge. Line ; 2 x 1} in. 7. Similar picture, H. L., to 1. Pub. S. Woodburn 1814. Mezz. ; 4} x 3} in. 8. Bust, to L, with plain; band, armour and George; oval, with another of Thomas, 2ud Barl of Arundel. Line ; 21 x 2} iu. 9. H. L., to r., in armour, resting 1. hand on staff. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6| x 3} in. 10. H. L., to r., in cloak ; inscribed oval frame, with arms, etc., in angles and inscription on sail below. T. Jenner exc. Line ; 8} X 6} in. same plate, with dress altered to a military one, truncheon in hand. Printed in a broadside 'List of Colonels,' 1640. 11. W. L., on horseback, riding to r., holding truncheon; army and fleet in background. Sold T. Jenner. (Parthey 1474.) ^ ' Line ; 11} x Si in. 12. W. L., on horseback, riding to r., in lace collar and armour, holding truncheon. Sold P. Stent. Line ; 10 x 8 in. State with Stent's address imperfectly erased. NORTHUMBERLAND, JOSCBLINE PERCY, 11th Barl of ; 1644-1670. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in wig and loose gown, hand in bosom. (C. S. 27.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. NORTHUMBERLAND, ELIZABETH (WRIO THESLEY), Countess of; w. of the preceding. See MoHTAGU, Elizabeth, Countess of. NORTHUMBERLAND, GEORGE FITZROY, Duke of, K.G. ; natural son of Charles II by the Duchess of Cleveland; 1665-1716. 1. When a boy, W. L., in Roman dress, moving to r., holding spear. (C. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 2. H. L., looking to r., in wig and Garter robes ; oval. Sold B. Cooper. (C. S. 39.) Mezz. ; 81 X 7 in. Four impressions. 3. Copy from the last. Pub. S. Woodburn. .Mezz. ; 5 X 31 in. NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH PERCY fSMITH- SON], 1st Duke of, K.G, ; 1715-1786. 1. Bust, to L, with riband and star, hat under arm. Pub, H. Graves & Co, Mezz, ; 4-1 X 4 iu. Painter A. Van Dyck (A. Van Dyck) P. Lely H. Gascar W. Wissing Engraver J. Payne Anon. R. Dunkarton G. Glover (G. Vertue) C. v. Dalen W. HoUar Anon. A. Bro'wne exc. (H. Gascar) B. WiUiams R. Dunkarton Gainsborough J. Scott Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 853 Subject 2. H. L,, to r., face nearly in profile, with riband and star ; oval frame. Pub. 1771. (0. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10} in. One proof before any inscription, cut ; two before title ; one fully lettered impression. 3. When Earl ; bust, looking downwards to r., with riband and star. Etching ; 3} X 3 in. 4. Copy from the last, reversed; oval frame. PI. to Smollett's Hist, of England. Line. 5. When Earl; W. L., standing, looking to 1., in Garter robes. From picture in Mansion House, Dublin. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 78 X 4t in. 6. Similar picture at Alnwick Castle, T. Q. L. only, to 1. Pub. B. Fisher, etc. (0. S. 47.) Mezz. ; 19f X 141 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 7. Copy from the last. Pub. 0. Bowles, (C. S. 48.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. 8. Another copy. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (G. S. not deso.) Mezz. ; 5} X 6 in. 9. H. L., to 1., face in profile, with riband and star ; oval. Pub. Sharpies 1784. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 12| x 10 in. 10. A head, in profile to r. ; oval medallion. Line ; 41 X 3g iu. NORTHUMBERLAND, ELIZABETH (SEYMOUR), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 7th Duke of Somerset; 1716-1776. 1. When Countess ; W. L., nearly in profile to r., standing on terrace, in robes, holding coronet. Sold R. Houston. From picture at Syon House. (C. S. 81.) Mezz, ; 181 X l^i in, same plate, reduced. Pub. R. Sayer. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz, ; 6| X 4J in. Proof before any inscription. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. Pub. E. Fisher, J, Bowles, etc. (C. S. 45.) Mezz. ; 19} X 16 in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH PERCY, 2nd Duke of, K.G., F.R.S. ; 1742-1817. 1. When Lord Warkworth ; H.L., looking to r., in uniform, hat under arm. Pub. 1765. (C. S. 18.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 in. 2. Similar picture, in uniform of a general; with title ' Earl Percy.' Pub. V. Green 1777. (0. S. 100, Whit man 64.) Mezz. ; 171 X 1^ in- 3. W, L., seated by table, directed and looking to 1., in peer's robes with coUar of the Garter. Pub. Sanson 1820. Line ; ISj X 12 in. 4. H. L., to r., in Garter robes, hand to face. PI, to Transactions of Society of Arts, 1819. Line ; 4} x S^ in. VOL. III. Painteb H. D. Hamilton W. H(oare) J. Reynolds J. Sharpies P. Violet Engraver J. Pinlayson W. H(oare) Anon. G. H. Every E. Pisher Anon. C. H. Hodges J. J. V. d. Berghe J. Reynolds R. Houston S. W. Reynolds E. Pisher P. Batoni J. Pinlayson 3» V. Green T. PhilUps T. P. Ranson „ C. Warren 2 A 354 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH, 2nd Duke oi—contd. 5. Bust, looking to L, in uniform ; octagon with ornaments. PL to Le Beau Monde, 1808. Stipple. NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH PERCY, 3rd Duke of, K.G. ; lord Heutenant of Ireland ; 1785-1847. 1. W. L., to r., standing in landscape, holding cane and glove. Pub. Agnew, etc. 1844. (Whitman 512.) Mezz. ; 17 X 11 in. 2. When Earl Percy ; H. L., looking to r. ; oval in rect. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1806. (Whitman 235.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. One unfinished proof ; two lettered impressions, before the title ' Earl Percy ' was shaded ; one with title shaded. 3. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r., in robes, holding coronet. Pub. C. Robertson 1825. Line ; 7} X 6 in. 4. H. L., looking to r., in court dress, with riband and star ; octagon. One of set of Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley 1838. Stipple ; 81 X 7-3 in. NORTH QMBERL AND, CHARLOTTE PLORENTIA (GLIVE), Duchess of; w. of the preceding; d. of 1st Earl of Powis ; 1787-1866. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, in hat with feathers. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1845. Mezz. ; s; X 61 in. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., standing by table on which is vase of flowers. From a miniature. Pub. G. Robertson 1827. Line ; 11 X 6J in, 3, Same miniature, H, L, only; rect, frame, PL to La BelU AssembUe ; pub, Whittaker & Co. 1829. Stipple ; 6} X 5} in. 4. When Hon. C. Clive; a child, H. L., to r., with dog; oval with another of her sister Henrietta (afterwards Lady WiUiams- Wynn) in rect. frame; with scratched inscription. Stipple ; 4} X 6} in. NORTHUMBERLAND, ALGERNON PERCY, 4th Duke of, K.G. ; 1792-1865. 1, W. L., seated by table, looking to 1., in peer's robes; with facsimUe of autograph. (Whitman 120.) Mezz. ; 251 x 15} in. Proof before any inscription. NORTHUMBERLAND, ELEANOR (GROSVENOR), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 2nd Marquess of Westminster ; b. 1820. 1. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to L, r. hand in lap, holding handkerchief. Private plate. (Whitman Mezz, ; 14} X Hi in, NORTHUMBERLAND, GEORGE PERCY 5th Duke of; 1778-1867. 1. When old; nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, holding walking-stick. Pub. T. McLean 1867. Muzz. ; 16} X 12} in. Pi'oof before any inscriptiou. G. Stuart R. Ansdell T. Phillips Mrs. Robertson G. Ward T. La'wrence Mrs. Robertson Engravisr A. Tonelli P. Grant H. Weigall S. Hodges E. Scriven S. W. Reynolds jun. S. W. Reynolds R. Graves W^. Holl W. O. Burgess E. Graves T. A, Dean P. Bartoloazi S. Cousins S. Cousins S. Bellin Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 355 Subject Painter NORTHUMBERLAND, ALGERNON GEORGE PERCY, 6th Duke of, K.G. ; 1810-1899. 1. When Lord Lovaine ; bust, to r. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple. NORTHWICK, REBECCA (BOWLES), Lady ; w. of John Rushout, 1st Baron ; d. 1818. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. line ; 4} X 3| in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. 2. When Lady Rushout ; W. L., seated on bank, her young daughter standing beside her, holding garland of flowers ; oval. Pub. W. Dickinson 1784. Stipple ; 13} X lOJ in. 3. H. L., to 1. ; ovj,L From a miniature. Private plate. Stipple ; 31 X 3 in. Proof before artists' names and the monogram. See Groups (Rushout family). NORTHWICK, JOHN RUSHOUT, 2nd Baron ; picture coUector; 1770-1859. See Gboubs (Rushout family). NORTON, CHARLES BOWYER ADDERLEY, 1st Baron ; politician ; 1814-1905. 1. When Mr. Adderley ; bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. One of ' GrUlion's Club ' series. Stipple. NORTON, (Hon.) CAROLINE ELIZABETH. See Stirling-Maxwell. NORTON, JOHN ; youthful prodigy ; b. 1662. 1, H. L., to r., seated at table, writing ; four lines below : — ' Corporis Effigies Tibi,' etc. Pront. to his The Scholar's Vade Mecum, 1674. Liue ; 4} X 3} in, NORTON, MARTHA ; attendant at the Buxton weU ; b. 1730. 1. Aged 88 ; H. L., directed and looking to 1. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. NORTON, (Miss) ; actress. 1. H. L., tol. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1808. Stipple ; 31 X 2J in. NORWICH, GEORGE GORING, Earl of; royaUst general; 1583?-1663. ¦ See Groups (Charles I and his supporters). NOTCUTT, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister at Ipswich ; 1672-1756. 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub, F, Westley 1820. Stipple ; 31 X 21 in, NOTT, Sib THOMAS, P,R,S. ; gentleman usher to Charles II ; 1606-1681, 1, H. L,, to r,, in wig, lace cravat and gown; oval frame on pedestal, with arms ; 1678. Line ; 10 X 71 in. G. Richmond S. De Wilde A. Kauffmann Plimer G. Richmond S. De Wilde R. White Engraver W. HoU T. Trotter T. Burke W. HoU W. Sherwin Bottomley S. Preeman W. Roffe R..White 2 A 2 356 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject NOTT, Sir THOMAS, Y.U.B. —continued. 2. Copy from the last ; rect. Pub. W. Richardson 1794. Line ; 4} x 3} in. NOTT, Sir WILLIAM, K.CB. ; general ; 1782-1845. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform and cloak, sword under 1. arm, hat on bank to 1. ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. G. R. Ward. Mezz. ; 24} x 15} in. 2. H. L., to r., in private dress. Pub. S. Welch 1845. Mezz. ; 11} X 9| in. NOTT [or KNOTT], (Mrs.) court of Charles II. (born Stanley) ; lady of the 1. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, holding book on knee. Prom picture at Hampton Court. PL to Mrs. Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II, 1833. Stipple ; 6} X 6 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same picture. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II, 1901. Photogravure ; 8 X 6i in. NOTTIDGE. WILLIAM. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, full face, legs crossed, holding document. Private plate. Mezz. ; 16| X 13} in. NOTTINGHAM, CHARLES HOWARD, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; lord high admiral ; 1536-1624. 1. H. L., to L, in embroidered cap and robes with collar of the Garter ; oval frame with ornaments. From picture formerly in coll, of Henry Grey, Duke of Kent. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1'739. Line ; 14} x 81 in. One unfinished proof ; three with engraver's name only ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last, reversed. PL to Hervey's Naval History, 1779. Line ; 5} X 3| in. 3. Another copy, reversed. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 41 in. 4. Another copy, reversed ; oval. PI. to Thane's Auto graphy. Line ; 3} X 3 in. plain oval. PL to Smollett's Hist. 5. Same picture, to r, of England, 1757. Line ; 31 X 31 in. 6. Same picture, to r. ; plain circle. same work. Line ; 2} in. diam. oval. PL to another ed. of 7. Same picture, to 1. pub. J. Gold 1807. Stipple ; 4; X 3§ in. 8. Same picture, to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 3i X 2} iu. 9. Similar picture at Gorhambury; T. Q. L., to r., r. hand on staff. PL to fol. ed, of Lodge's Portraits, 1818. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. PL to Naval Chronicle; Pub. E. Harding 1800. Painter R. White T. Brigstoeke J. D. Francis W. Wissing A. Morton ' P. Zucchero ' Engraver Anon. G. R. Ward G. T. Payne J. Thomson T. L. Atkinson J. Houbraken W. Sharp Anon. T. Chambars H. B. Cook Harding C. Pieart Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 357 Subject 10. W. L,, to 1,, on rearing horse, in hat and armour, hold ing truncheon ; victories over the Armada and at Cadiz in background ; four lines below :— ' Si domitos Bello His- panos,' etc. 'To be soulde at y' horseshew in pater noster row.' Line ; 13} X 101 in. 11. Similar to the last, bust only, to L, in inscribed oval ; same lines below. Line ; 41 X 3} in. 12. H. L., to r., in cap and Garter robes, hand on a globe ; in inscribed oval. C. Holland exc, (Franken 774.) Line ; 61 x 4§ in. 13. W. L., to L, standing, in hat and Garter robes. PI, to Segar'B Honour Military and Civil, 1602. Line ; 9} x 6} in. Two impressions. 14. T. Q, L., to r., in lace cap, stafi in r. hand. From pio- turelat Hardwicke House, Bury St. Edmunds. Photograph. See Gboups (Pine's Tapestries). NOTTINGHAM, HENEAGE PINCH, 1st Earl of; lord chanceUor ; 1621-1682. 1. H. L., to L, in ohanoellor's robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with purse and mace. Line ; 14 X lOJ in. 2. Same picture, to 1. ; oval. (C. S. 84.) Mezz. ; 6 X 4} in. 3. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in ohanoellor's robes, holding scroU. From picture at Gorhambury. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1817. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 4. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1835, Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 5. When Lord Finch ; W. L., to L, standing by table on which is the mace, holding purse with both hands; arms below. PL to Guillim's Heraldry, 1679. Line ; 9 X 6}. Proof before inscription. NOTTINGHAM, DANIEL FINCH, 2nd Earl of; secretary of state ; 1647-1730. 1. H. L., to r., in peer's robes ; oval with ornaments. PI. to Birch's Heads, 1747. Line ; 131 X 8| in. 2. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Universal Painter Line ; 6} X 3J in. 3. Another copy ; plain oval. PI. to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3a X 3 in. NOTTINGHAM, ESSEX (RICH), Countess of; 1st w. of the preceding ; d. of 3rd Earl of Warwick ; d. 1684. 1, When Lady Essex Finch ; nearly W. L., seated on a bank, looking to r. (0. S. 10.) Mezz. ; 12| X 9} in. Two impressions. G. KneUer P. Lely G. KneUer Engbaveb (T. Cockson) Anon. S. de Passe (W. Rogers) R. White Anon. W. T. Pry S. Preeman Anon. J. Houbraken P. Lely Anon. W. P. Benoist A. Browne exc. 358 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject vignette. Prom a drawing. NOTTINGHAM, ESSEX (RICH), Countess oi—contd. 2. When Lady Essex Finch; nearly W. L., seated, full face ; vase of flowers to 1. De Lespine ex. Etching ; 12} x 9| in. 3. Same picture, reversed. R. Tompson exc. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 12} X 91 in. Three proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. NOTTINGHAM, GEORGE ; beggar. 1. Aged 80 ; H. L., nearly full face, hands on stick ; rect. frame. Etching ; 10 X 7} in. NOUAILLE, PETER, (of Greatness, Sevenoaks) ; 1723- 1809. 1. Aged 86; T. Q. L., full face, seated in armchair; vig nette. Stipple. NOVELLO, CLARA ANASTASIA, (Countess Gig- liucci); singer; 1818-1908. 1. H. L., looking to r. From a painting. Cutting from Musical Times, 1908. Process block. 2. Nearly W. L., standing, holding basket. PI. to same periodical, 1908. Process block. 3. T. Q. L., to r., seated Pub. J. Dickinson 1836. Lith. 4. Nearly W.L. , standing, looking to r. From photograph by Mayall. Suppl. to Illustrated News of the World. Stipple and line ; 8} X 6t in. 5. H. L., to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Prom a Uthograph. Process block. NOVELLO, VINCENT; musical composer and pub- Usher; 1781-1861. 1. H. L., to 1. ; from a painting. PL to Musical Times, 1903. Process block. NOWELL, ALEXANDER, D.D. ; dean of St. Paul's ; 1507 7-1602. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap, rufi and furred gown, PL to HoUand's Heraologia, 1620. (Franken 775.) Line ; 5| X 43 in. 2, Copy from the last, to 1. ; rect. PL to Puller's Abel Redevivus, 1651. Line ; 2} X 2} in. 3. Another copy, to 1. ; with title ' Alexander Nowel Dr. in divinity . . . gave to Brasen-nose College £200 to main- taine 13 studieutes.' Line ; 4 x 2t in. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, in hat, hands on table. From picture at Braseuose College. Illust. to cat. of Oxford Portrait Exhibition 1905. Process block. 5. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval. PL to Encyclopedia Londinensis, 1819. Stipple ; 41 X 3} in. Painteb P. Lely T. Barro'sv T. Lawrence E. Magnus E. P. NoveUo P. Salabert E. P. NoveUo Engraver P. V. Somer J. vr. Vaart W. Doughty T. Blood W. Sharp D. J. Pound Anon. J. Chapman Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 359 Subject Painteb Engraver 6. His monument in old St. PaiU's Cathedral. PL Dugdale's Hist, of St. Paul's, 1658. (Parthey 2321.) Etching. . to NOWELL, THOMAS ; common councilman of London ; 1710-1780. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, in official gown, holding glass of wine ; long inscription below. (C. S. p. 920.) Mezz. ; 12} X 91 in. Three impressions. NOY, SiE WILLIAM; attorney-general; 1577-1634. 1. H. L., to L, in skuU-oap, rufi and gown ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713, Line ; 6| x 3} in. 2. H. L., to r., iu skull-cap, rufi and robe ; oval frame. Front, to his Compleat Lawyer, 1674. (Pagan p. 51.) Line ; 4} X 3} in. 8. H. L., to 1., in falling lace ruff and slashed dress ; oval. Dedicated to Davies Giddy. Stipple ; 4} X 3| in. NUGENT, ROBERT NUGENT, Earl; 1702-1788. 1. H. L., r. profile ; oval with ornaments. PL to European Mag., 1784. Line ; 61 X 3| in. NUGENT, ELIZABETH (DRAX), Countess; 3rd w. of the preceding; m. 1. Augustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley; 1720-1792. 1. When Countess of Berkeley ; H, L., looking downwards to l.j resting arms on book. From picture at Berkeley Castle. Pub. McArdeU 1757. (C. S. 18, Goodwin 61.) Mezz. ; lOJ X 9 in. Two impressions. 2. Reversed copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 12 X 93 in. 3. T. Q. L., directed to r., looking to 1., arms crossed. From Lord Lansdowne's picture. PI. to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Eeproduction ; 61-x 41 in. NUGENT, GEORGE NUGENT GRENVILLE, Baron ; writer; 1788-1850. 1. W, L,, standing, 1, profile, in academical cap and gown ; with title ' A noble student of Oxford.' Pub. Dighton 1808. Coloured. Etching. 2. W. L., full face, standing, in cloak. Pub. W. Ward 1822. (C, S, 64, Frankau 211,) Mezz, ; 26} X 16} in, Pi'oof before any inscription. same plate, with address of J. Dickinson 1823. 3, Bust, to 1, ; oval in reot. Pub. Colnaghi 1830. Line ; 3 X 21 in. NUGENT, ANNE LUCY (POULETT), Lady ; w. of the preceding; 1790-1848. 1. Bust, nearly full face, looking to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Dickinson 1830. Lith. ; 7} X 6} in. C. Jonson J. Reynolds R. Dighton T. Lawrence Rochard T. Lawrence (W. HoUar) (C. Maucourt ?) Anon. (W. Paithorne) H. Meyer Anon. J. McArdell R. Purcell R. Dighton W. Ward 95 B. P. Gibbon R. J. Lane 860 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver NUGENT, ANNE LUCY (POULETT), Lady— cowfcZ, 2. Same picture; oval in rect. Pub. T. Agnew & Sons 1890. Mezz. ; 161 X 13} in: Artist's proof, NUGENT, ANNA, (born Craggs); 2nd w. of Robert Nugent, afterwards Earl Nugent ; m. 1. John Newsham ; 2. John Knight ; 1697-1756. 1. H. L., to r., face in profile, arm resting on pedestal ; with title 'Mrs. Knight.' From her monument at Gosfield. PL to Works of A. Pope; pub. CadeU & Davies 1807. Stipple ; 4 X 31 in. 2. H. L., fuU face. PI. to same work. Stipple ; 4 X SI in. See Groups (Knight family). NUGENT, Sir CHARLES EDMUND, G.C.H. ; 1759?- 1844. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform ; oval. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. NUNEHAM. See Harcourt. 'NUT BROWN MAID.' See Sandby, Anne. NUTT, FREDERICK ; confectioner ; fl. 1820. 1. Bust, full face ; vignette. stipple.NUTTALL, THOMAS, P.L.S. ; naturaUst ; 1786-1859. 1. H. L., looking to r., 1, hand in coat; vignette. Pub. H. Fisher 1825, Stipple. NYE, H. ; actor. See Younge, A. NYE, NATHANIEL ; writer on gunnery ; b. 1624. 1. Aged 20 ; H. L., to r., in lace coUar and slashed coat ; oval. Pront. to his Art of Gunnery, 1647. (Parthey Etching ; 4} X 31 in. T. Lawrence M. Cormaek Guelphi G. Kneller R. Cos-way R. Satch-weU W. Derby W. HoUar W. Evans C. Knight W. Ridley R. Woodman J. Thomson W. HoUar Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 361 o Subject OAKELEY, Sir CHARLES, bart. ; governor of Madras ; 1751-1826. 1. H. L., to r. Private plate. (Whitman 219.) Mezz. ; llj x 9| In. One masked proof ; one lettered impression. OAKELEY, HELENA (BEATSON), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; artist ; d. 1889. 1. When Miss Beatson ; a child, T. Q. L., full face, seated on chair, vrith large dog. Pub. R. Sayer 1770. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 171 X 13J in. 2. Copy from the last. ' Corbutt fecit.' Pub. R. Sayer. (0. S. not deso.) Mezz. ; 6 X 41 in. 3. When Miss Beatson ; a child, T. Q. L., to r., seated, dra-wing. Pub. R. Sayer 1768. (C. S. 8, Goodwin 54,) Mezz, ; 13} X 11} in. Two impressions. 4. Copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer. (G. S. 8 a, Good win 55.) Mezz. ; 6| X 41 in. OAKES, EDWARD ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PI. to Methodist Mag., 1824. Stipple ; 4| X 3| in. OAKES, Sir HILDBBRAND, hart., G.C.B. ; general ; 1754-1822. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in uniform; rect. frame. PL to Military Chronicle ; pub. J. Davis 1813. Stipple ; 6| X 4} in, OAKES, JAMES ; banker, of Bury St. Edmunds ; 1741- 1829. 1. H. L., to r., seated, r. arm on table. Pub. C. Stocking 1821. Mezz. ; 12} X 10| in. OAKES, JOHN WRIGHT, A.R.A. ; landscape painter ; 1820-1887. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1876. ¦Woodcut.2. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. ¦Woodcut. OAKES, SUSANNA ; keeper of the circulating library at Ashbourne ; fl. 1780. 1. Nearly W. L., 1. proflle, seated in armchair in the library; oval. Stipple ; SJ X 3| in. Painter T. Barber C. Read H. P. Parker Engraver S. W. Reynolds R. Houston R. PurceU J. 'Watson J. Posselwhite W. NichoUs H. Dawe Anon. Anon. 362 Catalogtte of Engraved British Portraits Subject OAKEY, GEORGE, Mus,B, ; living musician, 1, Bust, to 1, ; from photograph. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. OAKLEY, BENJAMIN ; coUector. 1. T. Q. L., seated, r. profile, reading; vignette Lith. GATES, TITUS; perjurer; 1649-1705. 1. H. L., face slightly to r., in wig and gown ; oval frame. (C. S. 32.) Mezz. ; 12g x 10 in. Four impressions. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; oval frame with Latin title on scroll below. Line ; 61 X 6 in. 3. Another copy, reversed; oval in rect. Line ; 2} X 11 in. 4. H. L,, to r,, in wig and gown; oval frame on pedestal inscribed 'Titus Gates. Anagramma Testis Ovat,' In broadside entitled A Poem upon Mr. Tytus Gates ; pub, Brome & ChisweU 1679, Line ; 9 X 6 in, 5, Similar to the preceding, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal, with figure of Wisdom instructing him. In broadside entitled Dr. Otes his Vindication. Line ; 9 X 6 in, ¦ 6, Similar, to 1, ; oval frame on pedestal inscribed ' Titus Gates, D,D,, the first discoverer of the Plott.' Line ; 9} X 6} in. 1. Reversed copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal, with same inscription. Line ;.8} X 6§ in. 8. Another copy, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. In cleared spaces on either side of the head ' Titus Gates D.D. the first discoverer of the Plott.' (G. S. 85.) Mezz. ; 6J X 6} in. 9. W. L., standing in the piUory, the words ' Testis Ovat ' over his head ; without background ; letterpress Latin and EngUsh verses below. Pub. J. Hindmarsh 1685. Line. Two impressions, one without the letterpress, bnt with six lines in MS. : ' Behold ye Heroe,' etc. 10. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1810. Line ; 8 X 6} in. 11. W. L., standing in the pillory, which is surrounded by soldiers. In broadside entitled ' The Doctor Degraded or the Reward of Deceit.' Pub. G. Groom 1685. ' Woodcut ; 6J X 65 in. 12. T. Q. L., standing, fuU face, half his dress that of a Turk, the other that of a Jesuit ; small flail iu r. hand ; with satirical title above :— ' Bob Ferguson or the Raree- Shew of Mamamouchec Mufty ' ; 21 lines below. Line ; 7J X 7} in. 13. H. L., fuU face, in biretta and holding gloves' with title ' A Popish Whigg ' above and six lines Ijelow. (C. S. 86.) Mezz. ¦ 5 X 4| in. Painter Engraver B. Oakley T. Hawker R. White B. Oakley R. Tompson exc. C. N. Schurtz Anon. R. White T. Dudley Anon. [D. Loggan?] Anon. Catalogue of Engraved Briiish Portraits 363 Subject 14. Standing in the pillory and being whipped at the cart's tail ; devil sitting on gallows ; with title ' Gates his Degrees.' Sold R. Palmer. (C. S. 87.) Mezz. ; 7i X 9} in. 15. Double head, representing him as a monk and a Jesuit ; obverse of a satirical medal, with legend ' 0 why so Fickle.' Line. See Groups, (with Jesuits.) O'BRIEN, DONAT HBNCHY ; captain, R.N. ; 1785- 1857. 1. H. L., looking to L, iu uniform, telescope in r. hand ; vignette. Pront. to his Adventures during the late War ; pub. H. Colburn 1839. Stipple. O'BRIEN, HENRY ; Irish antiquary ; author of Round Towers of Ireland ; 1808-1835. 1. W. L., to 1., seated by table, resting head on hand ; vignette. Prom pen drawing. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1835. Lith. O'BRIEN, Lady MARY. See Orkney, Mary, Countess of. O'BRIEM, NELLY; courtesan; d. 1768. 1. Nearly W. L., fuU face, seated, in hat, holding poodle dog; with three lines below instead of title. From picture now in WaUaoe GaUery. Pub. 1770. (C. S. 2.) Mezz. ; 16} X 13 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names and date 1769 scratched ; one with artists' names and date 1770 engraved ; two fully lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, reversed. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (G, S. 7,) Mezz, ; 12f X 91 in. Two proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one fully lettered impression, 3. Same picture. ' E. Morin del.' Woodcut ; 11} X 9} in. Proof before inscription. 4. Same picture. Pub. S, W. Reynolds. Mezz, ; 6 X 4 in, S. Same picture. Pub. A. Lucas 1903. Mezz. ; 19} X 16} in. Artist's proof. 6. Same picture. Front, to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 8} X 6g in. 7. Same picture. PL to Temple's Wallace CoUection, 1902. Photogravure ; 8| X 7 in. 8. Nearly W. L., fuU face, seated iu garden, 1. elbow on pedestal. Pub. J. Watson & J. Bowles & Son. (C. S. 107, Goodwin 32.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. ; One proof before inscription, touched on by the painter ; one lettered impression. 9. Copy from the last. Pub. J. & C. Bowles. (C. S. not desc, Goodwin 33.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. 10. Another copy. Pub. R. Sayer & H. Parker. (C. S. 31.) Mezz. ; i?f X 10 iu. same plate, re-worked, with jewels altered. Painter J. Pelham (D. Maclise) J. Reynolds Engraver Anon. C. Spooner J. Bro'wn (D. Maclise) C, PhiUips S. Okey H. Linton S. W. Reynolds F. Sternburgh J. Watson C. Spooner 364 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraves O'BRIEN, l^mJLY— continued. 11. Another copy. J. Reynolds C. Spooner Mezz. ; 6} X 4§ in. 12. Another copy. (C. S. 11.) ,, J. Wilson Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions, one modern. 13. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. „ S. W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 61 X 4J in. 14. H. L., full face, resting arm on cushion. Pub. H. Graves & Co. ^, G. H. Every Mezz. ; 4} X 31 in. See Orkney, Mary (O'Brien), Countess of. O'BRIEN, PATRICK. See Cotter. O'BRIEN. Ladv SUSAN RARATT T.OTTTRA ^bnrn Strangways) ; w. of WiUiam O'Brien the actor ; d, of 1st. Earl of Ilchester ; 1744-1827. 1. H. L., to L, resting face on hand; oval frame. Pub. J. Watson 1772. (0. S. 108, Goodwin 88.) Mezz. ; 13| x 11 in. same plate, with address of J. Bretherton 1776. See Groups (with C. J. Pox and Lady S. Lennox.) O'BRIEN, WILLIAM; actor; d. 1815. 1. H. L,, to r., arms folded ; oval frame. Pub. J. Watson. (C. S. 109, Goodwin 159.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. same plate, with address of R. Sayer. same plate, reworked. See Groups (Garrick in the Green Room.) O'BRIEN, WILLIAM SMITH, M.P. ; Irish nationaUst and rebel ; 1803-1864. 1. H. L., looking to r., arms folded ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From daguerreotype. Pub. Prof. Gluk- man, Dublin. Lith. O'BRYAN, (Miss) A. ; dancer. 1. In the dance of the Tyrolienne ; W. L., in Tyrolese dress. Pub. P. Kennedy. Lith. ; 12} X 91 in. O'BRYEN, EDWARD ; admiral; 1754?-1808. 1. Bust, looking to L, in uniform; oval in reot. frame Pub. J. Skelton 1809. Line ; 7} X 6i in. See Groups (Naval Victories.) O'CALLAGHAN, (Hon.) MARY. Countess of. OCCLEVE. See Hoccleve. See LiSMORE, Mary, OCCOM, SAMSON ; missionary in India. 1. Bust, toL, iu bauds; oval. PL to Evangelical Man ¦ pub. Williams & Smith 1808. ' Stipple ; 3§ X 2} in. P. Cotes P. Cotes H. Andre'ws J. Smart J. Watson J. Watson H. O'NeiU H. Andre'ws W. & J. Skelton Ridley & Blood Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 365 Subject OCHTERLONY, Sib DAVID, bart., G.C.B.; general; 1758-1825. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1., in uniform. Pub. BoydeU 1816. Mezz. ; 12! X 10-3 in. OCKHAM, ROBERT; informer against protestants; temp. Henry VIII. 1. Standing iu the pillory at Newbury. Illust. to Foxe's Acts and Monuments. W^oodcut. O'CONNELL, DANIEL, M.P. ; Irish nationaUst leader ; 1775-1847, 1. H, L., frUl face ; vignette. PI. to Galerie des Contem- porains Illustres ; pub. 0. Hen, Brussels. Lith. 2. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Fisher 1844. Stipple ; 61 X 4} in, 3. T, Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r., paper iu r. hand ; papers and inkstand on table to r. ; with facsimUe of autograph. Jiezz. ; 14} X 11} in. 4. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, arms folded ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple. 5. H. L., to r. , in cloak ; oval in frame of emblems ; vignette. Line.6. T. Q. L., to r., standing, r. hand on table, long scroll in 1. Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Unfinished proof. 7. T. Q. L., standing, fuU face, in cloak, 1. hand on scroll ; vignette. Pub. J. Robins 1825. Stipple. 8. SimUar to the last, reversed ; vignette. Presented with Carpenter's Political Letter. Stipple, 9, H. L,, to r. ; rect. Pub. at Brunswick. Lith, ; 41 X 3} in, 10, W, L,, on his knees, receiving the pledge from Father Mathew; vignette. Lith. 11. H. L., to r., in cloak, 1. arm across chest. Stipple apd line ; 6} X 4 in. Proof before any inscription. 12. W. L., standing, r. profile, speaking in House of Commons. From pen sketch. Lith. 13. H. L., looking to r., hat in r. hand ; vignette. Stipple. See Groubs, O'CONNELL, JOHN, M.P. ; s. of the preceding; 1810- 1858. See Groups (State trial portraits 1844.) Painter A. W. Devis C. Baugniet T. Carriek R. M. Hodgetts Latilla J. Lewis O'Connor J. C. Smith J. S. Templeton T. C. Wilson Engbaveb H. Meyer Anon. C. Baugniet W. HoU R. M. Hodgetts H. B. HoU J. Lewis W. Say R. Cooper Anon. L. Zoellner T. C. Wilson Anon. 366 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PAmiER Engraver O'CONNOR, ARTHUR, M.P. ; Irish rebel and general in the French service ; 1763-1852. 1. H. L., to r.; rect. frame. Pub. J. Dowling 1798. (C. S. 65.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 in. G. Dowling W. Ward 2. Bust, looking to r., in uniform ; vignette in rect. frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Historic Memoirs; pub. H. Colburn 1826. Stipple ; 6 X 6} in. Anon. O'CONNOR, JOHN ; artist ; 1830-1889. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut. Anon. O'CONOR, CHARLES, D.D. ; Irish antiquary ; librarian at Stowe ; 1764-1828. 1. W. L., seated in a room, directed and looking to L, open book on knees. Without inscription. Lith ; 9} X 61 in. Lord Nugent Lord Nugent OCTAViUS, Prince; 8th s. of George III ; 1779.-1783. 1. H. L., full face. Prom picture at Windsor. Without any inscription. Etching ; 12} X 9 in. (Gainsborough) (Princess Royal) 2. Same picture; oval. Pub. E. Harding 1806, stipple ; 7| X 61 in. SS T. Cheesman 3. Same picture; oval. Pub, H, Graves & Co, Mezz, ; 7} X 6} in. " G. Sanders 4, Same picture; circle in ornamental panel, PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Fielding 1783. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 99 Anon. 5. Same picture, with dress varied ; circle in ornamental frame with crown, ' W. M. Craig del.' Pub. E. Orme 1817. Stipple ; 4 in. diam. 99 S. Preeman 6. W. L., standing, full face, holding large sword. Pub. J. Boydell 1785. Stipple ; 141 X 11 in. B. West Pacius 7. Apotheosis of Princes Octavius and Alfred. Pub. R. Strange. Line ; 22} X 161 in. One etching ; two proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 99 R. Strange ODDIE CHILDREN. See Gboups. OPPOR, GEORGE ; bible collector ; 1787-1864. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Pub. C. Turner, Hackney. Woodcut. T. Gilks OGDEN, SAMUEL, D.D.; Woodwardian professor at Cambridge; 1716-1778. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, go-wn and bands ; oval. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1793. Stipple ; 6J X 4f in. P. vr. Myn G. Scott Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 367 Subject Painter Engraver OGILBY, JOHN; author; translator of Virgil and Homer; 1600-1676. 1. H, L,, looking to r,, hand laid on breast, PL to Effigies Poetics?. ; pub.'W. Walker 1820. I. Puller W. C. Edwards Line ; 4 X 3} in. 2. H. L., tor., in cloak; oval frame. Pront. to his trans lation of Virgil, 1654, (Fagan p. 51.) P. Lely W. Paithorne Line ; llj X 8 in. 3. H. L,, to r,, in cloak ; octagonal frame. SS P. Lombart Liue ; 12} X 9} in. 4. H. L., to r., holding medallion; oval frame in rect. Pront. to his translation of Virgil, 1649. W. MarshaU Line ; 4^ X 2} in. i 5. A sculptured bust, looking to 1, Pront. to his Fables of JEsop, 1672. (R. Gaywood) Etching ; 6} X 31 in. OGILBY, (Lady), (born Cooke) ; w. of Sir David 0. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Lady's Monthly Museum ; pub. 'Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1806. Anon. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. OGILVIE, EMILY CPIARLOTTE. See Beaucleek. OGILVIE, JOHN, D.D., P.R.S. Edin. ; Scottish divine and poet; 1733-1813. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. PL to his Britannia, a Poem, 1801. A Robertson J. Heath Stipple ; 3g X 21 in. OGILVIE, KATHERINE, (born Nairn) ; w. of Thomas O., whom she poisoned 1765. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Anon. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. OGILVY, SKENE, D.D. ; minister at Aberdeen. See Gboups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). OGLANDER, JOHN, D.D.; warden of New College, Oxford; 1737?-1794. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands, holding pen. Prom picture at New College. PL to cat. of Portrait Exhibi tion at Oxford 1906. G. Romney Process bloclc OGLE, Sir CHALONER; admiral; 1681 ?-1750. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding truncheon, 1. hand on hip. (C. S. 3.) G Hansson Van Werdlen Mezz. ; 12} X 9J in. Two impressions. [Afterwards altered to Sir E. Hawke and again to Lord Duncan, ] 2, T, Q, L,, to r,, standing, holding truncheon; sea fight in distance. (C. S. p. 386.) G Hicks R. Tims Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. [This is the plate of Sir John Leake, by J. I'aber jun., after Kneller, with face altered.] 3. H. L., to L, in plain coat and embroidered vest ; oval on pedestal. C. Zincke J. Bemigeroth Line ; 61 X 3} in. OGLE, CHALONER BLAKE. 1. W. L., to L, seated by table, reading a book. Without any inscription. G. Hayter G. Hayter Drypoint ; 6} X 4} in. ^ 368 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb OGLE, Lady ELIZABETH. See Somerset, EUzabeth (Percy), Duchess of. OGLE, GEORGE ; M.P. for co. Wexford ; 1742-1814. 1. SmaU W. L., standing, looking to 1., a proclamation in 1. hand. Line ; 6} x 4} in. OGLE, Sib JOHN; military commander ; 1569-1640. 1, H. L,, to r., in faUing ruff; oval, vrith title on tablet below. PL to Commentaries of Sir F. Vere, 1657. (Fagan, p, 62.) Line ; 7} X 6} in. OGLE, JOHN ; bufioon ; temp. Charles II. 1, H. L., to r., holding knife; snufi-box on table before him; with title 'John Ogle In Watermans Lane in White-Fryers.' Line ; 6} x 3} in. OGLE, THOMAS; swindler. 1, H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Pub. H. Humphrey 1801. Aquatint ; 6} X 41 in. OGLETHORPE, JAMES EDWARD; general; colonist of Georgia; 1696-1785. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed to L, looking to r., in armour, truncheon in 1. hand, r. laid on helmet. (C. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, reversed ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3^ in. diam. 3. W. L., 1. profile, seated, reading a book. Sketched at Dr, Johnson's sale. Pub. I, Gary 1785. Etching. O'GORMAN, RICHARD, jun, ; Irish nationaUst and rebel ; fl. 1848. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; vignette, with fac simile of autograph. Prom a daguerreotype. Pub Professor Glukman, Dublin. Lith. O'GREEN, ROBIN ; ballad-singer of Burnley, 1. H. L., to L, holding ballad. Etching ; 9} X 7} in. Clipped impression, 2. H. L,, to L, holding baUad The Burnley Hay Makers Pub, J. Robinson, Lancaster, 1780. (C. S. 1.) Mezz, ; 8} X 8} in, O'HARA, KANE; Irish playwright ; 1714?-1782. 1, Bust, r. profile, in spectacles ; circle. Pub. W. Richard son 1802. Etching ; 3 in, diam. O'HARA, MARY, (born Jackson) ; Istw. of J. Hamilton O'Hara, of CrebiUy ; d. 1802. <»miiion 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, looking down. Stipple ; 8 X 61 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same picture. PL to McKay and Roberts's Hoppner, Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in. J. Gillray S. Ireland (Howard) J. Robinson J. Hoppner Anon. (W. Faithorne) Anon. J. GiUray T. Burford S. P. Ravenet S. Ireland H. O'NeiU Anon. J. Robinson E. Dorrell Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 369 Subject O'KEEPPE, JOHN ; dramatist ; 1747-1833. 1. H. L., seated looking to r., holding pamphlet ; octagon. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Bellamy's Picturesque Mag., 1793. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. same plate ; as used for Monthly Mirror, 1797. 2. Same picture. Front, to his BecoUections ; pub. H. Colburn 1826. Line ; 4} x 3S in. 3. Same .picture ; rect. .frame. pub. J. SeweU 1788. Line ; 31 X 3 in. PL to European Mag. ; OKEY, JOHN ; parliamentary commander and regicide ; executed 1662. 1. W. L., on horseback, riding to 1., truncheon in r. hand. Pub. P. Stent. Line ; 7} X 6 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1812. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. OLDCASTLE, Sir JOHN. See Cobham. OLDCORNE, EDWARD ; Jesuit ; executed tor treason ; 1561-1606. 1. H. L., to 1., in cloak, arms crossed ; angel bearing palm and crown above ; No. 100 of a set. Line ; 4 X 2{ in. OLDPIELD, ANNE ; actress ; 1683-1730. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, book in r. hand. Pub. J. Spilsbury. (C. S. 49.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one before Spilsbury's address ; two fully lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, H. L, only ; rect. frame. Stipple ; 61 X 31 in. 3. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding book with both hands ; four lines below. J. Simon ex. (C. S. 113, II.) Mezz. ; 12} X 91 in. same plate, re-worked ; hair altered and painter's name erased. [Afterwards altered to Mrs. Abington.] 4. Copy from the last, reversed. Line ; 7} X 6} in. 5. As Rosamond ; small W. L., standing, looking to 1. ; without background. Pub. J. Harrison 1778. Line. OLDHAM, HUGH; bishop of Exeter; founder of Manchester grammar-school ; d. 1519. 1. T. Q, L., to r., standing by table, in cap and rochet, stafi in r. hand. From.picture at C.O.C, Oxford. PI. to Jerdan's National Portrait Gallery. Pub. Fisher 1835. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 2. Same picture, bust only. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour. Line ; 4| X 3| in. VOL. III. Painter T. Lawranson J. Richardson Blackberd SS T. Bragg J. Corner Anon.(Claussin) Engbaveb Anon.E. Pisher H. Meyer J. Simon SS Anon. W. Holl J. Ogborne 2 B 370 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter OLDHAM, JOHN; poet; 1653-1683. 1. H. L. to r. ; rect. PL to Effigies Poeticse ; pub. W. Walker 1820. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 2. Same picture, bust only ; oval. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1792. Stipple ; 5 X 3J in. 3. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Works, 1704. Line ; 6 X 3f in. OLDHAM, NATHANIEL; extravagant coUector of curiosities ; d. in King's Bench 1740. 1. W. L. to L, standing in landscape, holding gun, re triever at his feet, gamekeeper in background. (C. S. 261.) Mezz. ; 17} X 12} in. One proof before inscription ; five lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6} X 4} in. OLDHAM ; patent stove manufacturer ; fl. 1800. 1. Nearly W. L., fuU face, seated at a table, holding pen ; patent stove behind. Stipple ; 6 X 4} in. Proof before inscription. OLDYS, WILLIAM ; herald and antiquary ; 1696-1761. 1. H. L. to 1. ; oval. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1795. Stipple ; 4} X 5} in. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE ; traveUer, author and mystic ; 1829-1888. 1. Bust, to 1. ; 'rignette. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut. OLIVER, GEORGE, D.D. ; topographer and freemason ; 1782-1867. 1. Nearly W. L. to r., seated in presidential chair at a masonic meeting, wearing insignia ; vignette. Lith. OLIVER [or OLIVIER], ISAAC; miniature painter ;' 1556?-1617. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding miniature ; four Latin lines below. H. H. exc. Line ; 6} X 4| in. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, ed, 1826, Line and stipple ; 41 X 33 in. Proof with engraver's name only. same plate ; as used for same work, ed. 1862. 3. H. L., to r., in rufi and cloak; oval in rect. PL to same work, ed. 1762. Line ; 6} X 4J in. 4. H. L., to r., in hat. From miniature at Windsor. Process block. 'W. Dobson' J. Highmore J. Harris I. Oliver Engraver J. T. Wedgwood Seheneker M. vr. Gucht J. Paber jun. B. Grave Balston R. T(aylor) J. Harris (H. Hondius) R. Cooper J. S. MuUer Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 371. Subject Painter OLIVER [or OLIVIER], PETER; miniature painter; s. of the preceding ; 1594-1648. 1. H. L., to r., in large hat ; oval in rect. PI. to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6t X 4} in, 2. T. Q. L., standing, in cloak, looking and pointing to 1. Prom picture at Hampton Court. ' Ant. Van Dyck pinx.' Line ; 8 X 6} in. 3. Same picture. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, ed. 1862. Line ; 4j X 3} in. OLIVER, RICHARD ; alderman and poUtioian ; 1734 ?- 1784. 1. H. L., in aldermanio gown, standing, looking over shoulder to 1. and pointing to large book; Tower of London in background. Pub. Dickinson 1773. (C. S. 55.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, bust only ; oval at top of frame enclosing his address to the liverymen, &c. Pub. 1771. Line. OLIVER, (Miss). 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1., holding drawing and crayon. Pub. Ryland & Bryer 1767. (C. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, with address erased. OLLYPPE, THOMAS ; writing-master. 1. H. L., to r., holding pen; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Practical Penman, 1713. Line ; 91 X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only ; reot, with ornaments. Line ; 1} X 1} in, See Groups (Writing Masters). OMAN, CHARLES; hotel-keeper; d, 1825. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). O'MEARA, (Dh,) ; Irish clergyman ; friend of Mrs, Mary Anne Clarke. 1. H. L., 1. profile, preaching, in wig, gown and bands. PL to Trial of Duke of York ; pub. J. Stratford 1809. Stipple ; 3| X 3 iu. ONEBY, EMMET. See Mason. O'NEILL, CHARLES HENRY ST. JOHN O'NEILL, Earl, K.P. ; 1779-1841. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. Pub. G. Virtue. Stipple ; 9| X 7} in. O'NEILL, ELIZA ; actress. See Wbixon-Bbcheb. O'NEILL, (Hon.) HENRIETTA, (born Boyle); w. of John O'N., afterwards Viscount ; 1756-1793. 1. T. Q. L,, to r,, seated, resting head on arm. Pub. J. R. Smith 1778. (C. S. 123, Frankau 259.) Mezz. ; 16} X 13 in. ^ ^ ^ One proof before letters, artists' names, etc., scratched ; one fully lettered impression. P. Oliver (A. Hanneman) Engbaver R. E. Pine J. Reynolds T. Chambars Anon. W. Pinden W. Dickinson P. Aliamet J. Marehi (G. Biekham) Anon. T. Rowlandson T. PhiUips W. Peters Hopwood J. Brown J. R. Smith 2 B 2 372 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject O'NEILL, Sir PHELIM ; leader of the Irish rebeUion of 1641 ; executed for treason ; 1604 ?-1653. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r., in cloak. FacsimUe of contemporary print. Line ; (pi.) 6} X 6} in. ONSLOW, GEORGE ONSLOW, 1st Earl.of ; 1731-1814. 1. W. L., 1 profile, seated in arm-chair, holding letter and eye-glass. Pub. W. Ward 1814. (C. S. 66, Frankau 213.) Mezz. ; 23 X 16 in. Three proofs with open letters. ONSLOW, CHARLOTTE (HALE), Countess of; 2nd w. of Thomas, 2nd Earl ; d. 1819. 1. Bust, nearly in profile to 1. From crayon drawing. Process block. ONSLOW, (Right Hon.) ARTHUR, M.P. ; speaker of the House of Commons ; 1691-1768. 1. Aged 36; T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in robes, scroU in r. hand, 1. on table by mace. Sold J. Faber. (C. S. 262, I.) Mezz. ; 12| X 10 in. 2. Same picture ; oval frame on pedestal, with emblems. PL to a magazine. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 3. Same picture, reversed, bust only ; plain circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3^ in. diam. See Groups (House of Commons 1730). ONSLOW, ARTHUR, M.P. ; serjeant-at-law ; recorder of Guildford ; reformer ; 1759-1833. 1. When blind; W. L., to 1., seated by table, hands folded and legs crossed ; vignette. Lith. Proof before title. ONSLOW, RICHARD, M.P. ; general ; brother of Arthur 0., the speaker; d. 1760. See Groups (House of Commons 1730). ONSLOW, Sir RICHARD, 1741-1817. See Groups (British Admirals). OPIE, AMELIA, (born Alderson) ; 2nd w. of the painter • writer; 1769-1853. 1. Aged 60 ; a head, 1. profile ; from a medaUion ; circle. CoUas process ; 5} in. diam. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; rect. frame. PI. to Tlie Cabinet ¦ pub. Mathews & Leigh 1807. Stipple ; 6g X 3f in. 3. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1803, Stipple ; 3} X 3 in, 4. A head, full face ; vignette. Etching, OPIE, JOHN, R.A. ; painter ; 1761-1807. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Soft-ground etching. bart., G.C.B.; admiral; Painter T. Stewardson J. Russell H. Hysing E. Eyre Da'vid d' Angers J. Opie (G. Dance) Engraver Anon. W. Ward J. Paber jun. J. S. MiiUer S. P. Ravenet M. Gauci J. Hopwood W. Ridley Mrs. D. Turner (W. Daniell) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 373 Subject Painter Enqravbb 2. H, L., to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Parsons 1795. J. Opie W. Leney Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. 3. H. L.,toL; reot. frame. Pub. J. Jeffryes 1802. (Whit man 221, II.) S. W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 101 X Sf in. 4. Bust, tol. Front, to his Iieci«tr«s, 1809. (Whitman 222.) ,, Mezz. ; 7} X 61 in. 5. H. L., to 1. (Whitman 228.) SS Mezz. ; 7} X 6 in. Proof before any inscription. 6. When young; H. L., to L, holding palette and brush; oval. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1798. W. Ridley Stipple ; 38 X 3 in. 7. H. L., to L, with curtain and landscape. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1801, SS Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. 8. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; vignette. ' E. Bocourt del.' J. Guillaume Woodcut. 9. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. Pub. H. D. Symonds 1807. J. Hopwood Stipple ; 3| X 21 in. 10. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval in rect. Anon. ¦Woodcut ; 3} X 2| in. 11, Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; rect. Stipple ; 3| X 28 in. Clipped impression. 12. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pub. T. Evans 1793. W. Ridley Stipple ; 3| X 3 in. 13. Bust, to r. ; rect. W. Say Mezz. ; 6| X 6| in. Proof before any inscription. 14. Bust, to 1.; -vignette, with facsimile of autograph. PL to Library of the Fine Arts, 1832. E. Scriven Stipple. See Groups (Royal Academicians). 'O RARE SHOW.' Sfee Laroohe. ORCHARD, ROBERT ; grocer in Soho. 1. W. L., standing in a room, looking to L, holding hat and stick. Pub. R. Orchard 1803. (C. S. 6.) D. Gowers W. T. Annis Mezz. ; 20| x 165 in- 2, H, L,, fuU face; rect. frame. Pub. R. Orchard 1803. (C. S, 13.) SS W. Barnard Mezz. ; 81 X Sin. One proof before artists' names ; two fully lettered impressions. ORCHARDSON, ELLEN (MOXON), Lady ; w. of Sir WiUiam Q. 0., B.A. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in cloak, hands clasped. PL to L'Art, 1877. W. Orehardson Mongin Etching; lOJXSin. ORCHARDSON, Sir WILLIAM QUILLER, R.A. ; painter; 1835-1910. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, holding hat. PI. to L'Art, 1882. A. Mongin A. Mongin Etching ; 81 X 61 in. 374 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver ORCHARDSON, Sib WILLIAM QUILLER, R.A.— continued. 2. Aged 16 ; bust, to 1. From a sketch. W. Orehardson Wooodcut ; 21 X 2} in. 3. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding palette. Prom picture in UfSzi Gallery, Florence. SS Process block. 4. Bust, full face. „ Swain Woodcut ; 6} X 31 iu. Proof before title. 5. Same picture. „ Paterson Woodcut ; 2} X 2} in. 6. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. From photograph. lUust. to Mag. of Art, 1881. Anon. Woodcut. 7. Aged 35; H. L., looking to L, in hat. Prom photograph. Paterson Woodcut ; 2f X 1} in. ORD, WILLIAM, (of Whitfield HaU Northumberland) ; M.P. for Morpeth and Newcastle ; 1781-1853. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. J. Slater R. J. Lane Lith. ORDE, JOHN, (of Morpeth), J.P., D.L. ; father of 1st Baron Bolton ; d. 1787. 1. Aged 80; T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair; oval. T. Orde J. Bretherton Etching ; 91 X 8 in. ORDE, Sib JOHN, bart. ; s. of the preceding ; admiral ; 1751-1824. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. (Whitman 224.) G Romney S. W. Reynolds Mezz. ; 12 X 91 in. Proof before any inscription. ORDE, (Right Hon.) THOMAS, See Bolton. ORDE, (Miss) ; aunt of Thomas 0., 1st Baron Bolton. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Without any inscription. T. Orde Etching ; 21 X 2} in. ORPORD, EDWARD RUSSELL, Earl of; admiral- 1653-1727. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table, r. hand on letter, 1. on hip. T. Gibson G. Vertue Line ; 12} x 10} in. same plate, with additional inscription. SS SS 2. H. L., to r. ; oval frame with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1742. G Kneller J. Houbraken Line ; 14} x 81 in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 3. Reversed copy from the last, with the ornaments ; with title ' Admiral Russell.' ,, S. Boyce Line ; 14 x 8} in. 4. Another reversed copy, with the ornaments. Pub G Kearsly 1775. T. Cook Line ; 6 x 4| in. 5. Another copy, with the ornaments, to r. PL to Hervey's Naval History, 1779. „ Page Line ; 6f x 3} iu. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 375 Subject Painter Engraver 6. Another copy, with the ornaments, to r. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 7. Another copy, to 1. ; plain oval. PI. to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; Sg X 31 in. 8. Another copy, to 1. ; plain circle. Line ; 3} in. diam. 9. When Admiral RusseU; H. L., face to r., in wig and armour ; oval. E. Cooper exc. With address of Jordan & BakeweU. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 11} X 95 in. same plate, with address of T. BakeweU only; engraver's name erased. (C. S. p. 1699.) 10. When Admiral RusseU ; H. L., face to 1.; in wig, lace cravat and armour ; oval, Mezz. ; 9 X 7| in. 11. When Admiral RusseU; H. L., to r., in wig, cravat and armour ; oval on pedestal with trophies. With addresses of J. Overton and R. Baldwin. Line ; 14} X 10^ in. 12. H. L., to r., in wig and armour; oval; with address of Jordan & BakeweU. (C. S. 77, II.) Mezz. ; 11} X 96 in. 13. Copy from the last, reversed. Pub. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. See Groups (Lords Justices), (Impeached Lords). ORPORD, ROBERT WALPOLE, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; prime minister ; 1676-1745. 1. When Sir R. Walpole ; T. Q. L., to r., standing, r. hand on table, wearing riband and badge of the Garter. (G. S. 24.) Mezz. ; 13} X 10} iu. 2. Copy from figure in print of the House of Commons ; bust, to r. ; rect. at head of an account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2 X IS in. 3. When Sir Bi Walpole ; H. L., to 1., in robes of chanceUor of the exchequer, with riband and star; oval in reot. Sold J. Simon. (C. S. 158, II.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. Two impressions. 4. When Sir R. Walpole ; H. L., to 1. with riband and star, hand in coat. One of ' Kitcat Club ' series. (G. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 121 X 9J in. Five impressions. 5. When Mr. R. Walpole ; H. L., to 1. , in robes of chanceUor of the exchequer; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C, S, 160,) Mezz, ; 11| X 91 in. same plate, with coUar of the Garter added ; address altered to that of John Bowles. 6. Copy from the last, to r. ; oval, with German title. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 7, Bust, to r., with riband and star; oval frame with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1746. Om proof with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. G. KneUer T. Gibson (W. Hogarth) H. Hysing G. Kneller Anon.T. Chambars J. Miller W. Paithorne 99 J. Gole R. White Anon. E. Harding A. Pond G. Bockman T. Wright J. Simon J. Paber jun. J. Simon SS Anon. J. Houbraken 376 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ORPORD, ROBERT WALPOLE, 1st Earl of, K.G.— continued. 8. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. Line ; 6 X 4} in. 9. Another copy, with the ornaments. PL to a magazine. Line ; 6} x 3} in. 10. Another copy, with the ornaments, which are in outline. Line and etching ; 61 X 4} in. Proof before any inscriptiou. 1] . Another copy ; in frame of drapery and emblems ; vignette. Pub, J. WaUis 1805. Line, 12, Same picture, to 1, ; oval in rect, frame. PL to Harrison's ed, of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1784, etc. Line ; 7} X &J in. 13. H. L,, looking to L, in hat, holding gloves ; oval. PL to Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. stipple ; 4J' X 3J in. 14. When Sir R. Walpole; W. L., to r., standing, in robes of chancellor of the exchequer, holding purse on table. Sold J. Faber. (C. S. 372.) Mezz ; 181 X 14 in. 'I'wo impressions. 15. Copy from the last, H.L., tor. ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Liue ; 3} X 3 in. 16. Same picture, W. L., to r. Pub. Boydell 1788. (G. S. 149, Goodwin 131.) Mezz. ; 18} X ISJ in. 17. Same picture, W. L. ; with name of Chamberlin as the painter. ' J. M. Brighty del.' Pub. C. G. Dyer. Line ; 61x 4} in. 18. H. L., to L, in robes of chancellor of the exchequer ; oval in reot. Pub. CadeU & Davies 1797. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 19. H. L., to L, in Garter robes ; oval frame with emblems. Pront to Aedes Walpoliance, 1752. - Line ; 8} x 5} in. 20. SmaU W. L., standing by table ; book iUustration. Line ; 4 x 2} in. 21. When Sir R. Walpole; H. L., looking to 1., in Garter robes ; oval. (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. One proof before any inscription, cut ; three lettered impressions. 22. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame surrounded by emblematical figures. Sold J. Sympson. Printed in green ink. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 11} x V} in. 23. When Mr. Walpole ;H.L., to L; oval; 1715. (C. S. 54.) Mezz. ; 11} x 9f in. One proof before any inscription ; one fully lettered impression. 24. H. L., to r., in Garter robes; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6 X 3f in. 25. Bust, to r., in Garter robes ; vignette. Stipple. Proof before inscription. See Groups (House of Commons 1730.) A. Pond. J. CoUyer J. S. MiiUer W. C. Edwards J. Goldar J. Richardson Anon. J. B. Vanloo J. Paber jun. T. Chambars J. Watson J. Romney C. P. Zincke M. Bovi G. Vertue Aveline I. Cooper J. Sympson jun. G. White Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 377 Subject Painter Engraver ORPORD, ROBERT WALPOLE, 2nd Earl of ; 1701- 1751. 1, H. L., face to r., in cloak. Line ; 6§X 5 in. ORPORD, GEORGE WALPOLE, 3rd Earl of ; 1730- 1791. 1 H. L,, to r, ; oval in reot. Line ; 7 X 6} in. ORPORD, HORATIO (HORACE) WALPOLE, 4th Earl of; author; 1717-1797. 1. H, L,, r, profile ; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Pub. DanieU 1808. Soft-ground etching. 2, When Mr. Walpole ; bust, r. profile ; circular frame, with tablet below. Sold P. Falconet, etc. Stipple ; 6| X 6 in. 3. Same drawing, to r. ; plain circle, with autograph and seal. Stipple ; 3| in. diam. 4. Bust looking to r. ; vignette. Imitation of a drawing. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. Cadell & Davies 1811, Stipple. 5. Another imitation of same drawing ; in frame. Stipple ; 10} X 8} in. 6. Same drawing, to r, ; rect, at head of account of him, PI, to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. stipple ; 2} X IJ in. 7. When Mr. Walpole; nearly W. L., to 1., standing, r. elbow on table. (C. S. 186, Goodwin 68.) Mezz. ; 12| X 10 in. Four impressions. 8. Same picture. Pub, S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 45 X 4 in. 9. Same picture, T. Q. L. only, to 1. ; vignette. Lith.10. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. Front, to his Anecdotes of Painting, ed. 1862. Line ; 4} X 3| in. 11. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval in rect. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1797. Line ; 45 X 3| in. 12. Same picture, bust only, to 1. Line ; 2 x 1} in. 13, Same portrait, bust, to 1. ; oval in rect. Pub, 1798. Stipple ; 61 X 31 in. 14, SimUar picture, H. L., to r. ; landscape seen through window. Pub. W. Darton 1825. Stipple ; 3 X 21 in. 15. When Mr. Walpole ; H. L. face to 1., in hat with mask under it. PL to 8vo. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 183'5. Stipple;-*} X 4} in. Proof before any inscription. Rosalba J. E. Liotard G. Dance P. Palconet T. La'wrence J. Reynolds Rosalba W. C. Edwards W. C. Edwards W. DanieU D. P. Pariset Anon.H. Meyer T. Evans Thompson J. McArdell S. W. Reynolds G. Scharf W. Bromley B. Reading P. Thomson Le Coeur Anon.J. Cochran 378 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ORPORD, HORATIO WALPOLE, 1st Earl of (of the second creation) ; 1723-1809. 1. Aged 83 ; H. L., seated, directed and looking to r. Pub. R. Cribb 1806. (Whitman 411.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in- One proof with open letters ; one fully-lettered impression. ORPORD, HORATIO WALPOLE, 2nd Barl of ; 1752- 1822. 1. T. Q. L., looking to L, in peer's robes. Private plate. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} iu. ORGER, MARY ANNE, (born Ivers) ; actress ; 1788- 1849. 1. As Mrs. Lovemore in Murphy's The Way to keep him ; H. L., to L, seated. PL to Oxberry's New English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & MarshaU 1818. Stipple and line ; 4g x 3§ in. 2. H. L., to r. ; rect. Stipple ; 4g X 3} in, See Gboups (with Munden, etc) ORIEL, JOHN POSTER, Baron ; speaker of the Irish House of Commons ; 1740-1828, 1, Bust, to r, ; vignette, Lith, 2, When Mr. Poster ; H. L., to L, in speaker's robes; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. Proof before inscription. 3. When Mr. Foster; H. L., looking to L, in speaker's robes ; oval in broadside : — List of Members who voted for a Legislative Union, 1799. Line. ORKNEY, GEORGE HAMILTON, 1st Earl of, K.T. ; field marshal ; 1666-1737. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, armour and riband ; oval in ornamen tal frame. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; 14} x 9 in. One proof with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line 3} in. diam. 3. Another copy, reversed; oval on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 3J in. ORKNEY, MARY (O'BRIEN), suo jure Countess of; d. of 1st Marquess of Thomond ; m. Hon. Thomas Pitz- maurice; 1755-1831. 1. When Lady Mary O'Brien; nearly W. L., 1. profile, seated, leaning on a vase ; without title. From picture belonging to Viscount Clifden. Pub. W. Ryland 1774 (C. S. 26.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. Two impressions with scratched inscription. [The original was, until recently, believed to represent Nelly O'Brien.] 2. Same picture ; with title ' Miss Nelly O'Brien ' Pub S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6 X 4 in. Painter H. Walton S. Lane M. Haughton T. Lawrence Maingaud J. Reynolds Engraver C. Turner H. Dawe R. W. Sievier Anon. M. Gauci P. Bartolozzi Anon.J. Houbraken A. Benoist Anon. J. Dixon S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 379 Subject Painteb Engbaveb ORKNEY, CHARLOTTE ISABELLA (IRBY), Countess of ; w. of Thomas Hamilton, 5th Barl ; d, of 3rd Lord Boston; 1807-1883. 1. When Viscountess Kirkwall ; T. Q. L., seated looking to r., in fancy dress ; rect. frame. Prom a miniature. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. Whittaker & Co. 1829. Stipple ; 6} X 6 in. ORLEANS, Pbincesb HENRIETTA ANNE, Duchess of. See Henbietta Anne. ORMATHWAITE, JANE (GREY), Lady ; w. of John Walsh, 1st. Baron ; d. of 6th Earl of Stamford ; d. 1877. 1. When Lady Jane Walsh : nearly W. L., to L, seated, ¦with child on her knee ; with facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 17} X 14| in. ORME, ROBERT ; writer on India ; 1728-1801. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1801. Line ; 6g X 3| in. ORME, (Capt.) ROBERT; aide-de-camp to General Braddock. 1. W. L., to 1., standing by his horse, in uniform and hat. Prom picture now in National GaUery. Pub. H. Graves &Co. Mezz. ; 7t X 4} in, ORME, THOMAS ; captain R,N, See Gboups (Portsmouth Captains). ORME, WILLIAM'; congregational minister; foreign secretary of the London Missionary Society : 1'787-1830. 1. H. L., to. 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub. Westley & Davis 1830. Stipple. ORMEROD, GEORGE, LL.D., P.B.S., F.S.A. ; topo grapher; 1785-1873. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated in armchair by table, holding book on knee. Pront. to his Hist, of Cheshire ; pub. Lackington & Co. 1819. Stipple ; 8| X 7} in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette ; Athenceum Portraits, No. 29. Pub. T. McLean 1836. Lith. ORMONDE, JAMES BUTLER, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; 1610-1688. 1. T. Q. L.., to r., in wig, cravat and armour, holding trancheon ; helmet to 1. R. White exc. (G. S. 5.) Mezz, ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, T. Q. L. PI. to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1818. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in 3. Bust, to 1., m -wig and lace cravat ; oval with ornaments. Front, to his Life by Carte, 1735. Line ; 11} X 6} in. 4. H. L., to r., in wig, armour and riband ; oval on pedestal. Line ; 6} X 3} in. E. Kenrick P. Grant J. Reynolds Wildman J. Jackson G. Kneller J. Cochran R. Josey Anon. R. B. Parkes J. Thomson H. Meyer W. D(rummond) R. White E. Scriven S. P. Ravenet (R. White) 380 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ORMONDE, JAMES BUTLER, 1st Duke of, K.G.— continued. o. Bust, to r., in Garter robes ; oval frame of laurel. Line ; 6} x 3} in. 6. Copy from the last; oval on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6'5 x 3} in. Y. Another copy ; rect. Pub. T. Rodd 1821. Line ; 21 x 2} in. 8. Bust, to r., in lace band and Garter robes ; oval frame of oak-leaves on pedestal. D. Loggan exc. Line ; 141 x 10} in. 9. Copy from the last, reversed ; plain oval in rect. ; 1667. Line ; 7 X 41 in. 10. H. L., to r., in -wig, cravat and robes. Pub. Woodburn 1815. Mezz. ; 4| X 3} in. 11. H. L., to r., in wig, cravat and armour; oval. E. Cooper ex. (0. S. 42,) Mezz, ; 11} X 9} iu. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 12. Small W. L., standing, holding truncheon; book iUustration. Line ; 4} x 2} in. ORMONDE, JAMES BUTLER, 2nd Duke of, K.G. ; general; 1665-1745. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in wig and armour, resting truncheon on bank ; oval supported on pedestal by four aUegorical figures ; 1713. Line ; 141 X 9g in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed. (C. S. 76 a.) Mezz. ; 6J X 6} in. 3. Same picture, to r. Sold E. Cooper, (C, S. 115,) Mezz, ; 13 X 10 in. same plate, retouched ; Cooper's address stopped out. 4, Copy from the last, bust only ; circle, PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1151. Line ; 3} in, diam. 5. H. L., face to r., in wig, armour and riband; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 111 X 91 in. 6. T. Q. L,, to r,, standing, in wig and armour, resting 1, arm on block ; with long inscriptions. Sold J. Bowles, opposite Stocks Market, etc. (C. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. same plate ; with address altered to ' Black Horse in GornhilL' 7. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in wig, armour and collar of Garter, 1. hand on block, truncheon in r. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 193.) Mezz. ; 121 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; one before address ; four fully lettered impressions. 8. H. L,, face to L, in Garter robes ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C. S. 194.) Mezz. ; llf X 9} in. Three impressions. Painter D. Loggan W. Wissing M. Dahl G. Kneller Engbaver (D. Loggan) M. vr. Gucht B. Reading D. Loggan Anon. R. Dunkarton R. WilUams Tringham S. Gribelin Anon.J. Simon 99 S. p. Ravenet W. Paithorne P. Pelham 99 John Smith. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 381 Subject Painter 9. H. L,, to 1., in Garter robes; oval, with long Latin inscription. D. Loggan exc. (C. S. 192.) Mezz. ; Hi X 9} in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 10. Copy from the last ; in ornamental frame. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 11. T. Q- L., standing, face to r., in wig and armour, holding truncheon. PL to 8vo. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1835. Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. 12. T. Q. L., to r., in Garter robes. One of set of Founders of Oxford and Cambridge CoUeges. Pub. J. Faber. (C. S. 34.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7} iu. same plate; last state, with publishers' address erased. 13. H. L., face to 1., in oval of laurel ; arms below. Line ; 17J X 13 in. ORMONDE, MARY (SOMERSET), Duchess of; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of 1st Duke of Beaufort ; 1665- 1733. 1. W. L., fuU face, standing, a black page holding her train. Pub. J. Smith. (C. S. 195.) Mezz. ; 16 X 10} in. Five impressions. 2. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, her young son Thomas Earl of Ossory standing at her knee. J. Smith exc, (C. S. 196,) Mezz, ; 12} X 9} in, 'Tliree impressions, same plate, with title re-engraved and Smith's name erased. Modern impression, 3. H, L., to r,, with long veil; oval. Without any inscription except 'E. Cooper ex,' (C. S, 93,) Mezz, ; 6} X 5} in. ORMONDE, JAMES WANDESPORD BUTLER, 1st Marquess of, K.P. ; 1777-1838. 1, H. L., to r., in Van Dyck collar. PL to Jerdan's National Portrait GalUry ; pub. Fisher 1830. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. ORMONDE, JOHN BUTLER, 2nd Marquess of, K.P. ; 1808-1854. 1. H. L., to r., with riband ; vignette. Line. ORMONDE, ELIZABETH HARRIET (GROSVENOR), Marchioness of; w. of James Butler, 3rd Marquess; d. of 1st Duke of Westminster ; b. 1856. 1. H. L., fuU face, in hat. Btching ; 10} X 8} in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. 2. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to L, in hat; vignette. PL to Whitehall Beview, 1876. Lith.3. A head, nearly in proflle to r. ; vignette ; without title. Di'ypoint. G. KneUer G. Kneller J. Comerford W. C. Ross J. E. Millais Engraver John Smith Anon. H. Robinson J. Paber sen. Anon. John Smith Anon. Parker W. J. Edwards C. Waltner A. Maclure G. Pilotell 382 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter C. Baugniet Gainsborough ORMONDE, ALFRED, 1. T, Q, L., standing by table, looking to r., 1. hand on paper ; vignette. Lith. ORPIN, EDWARD; parish clerk of Bradford, Wilt shire; d. 1781. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., hand on open bible which rests on a reading desk. From picture in the National Gallery. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4J X 31 in. 2. Same picture. PL to The Portfolio, 1874. Etching ; 8 X 6} in. 3. Same picture. Pub, Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin, Photogravure ; 17} X 13} in, ORRERY, ROGER BOYLE, 1st Earl of; statesman and general; 1621-1679. 1. H. L., tol., in wig, cravat and armour; oval on pedestal. Line ; 61 X 3| in. ORRERY, CHARLES BOYLE, 4th Earl of, K.T. ; antagonist of Bentley ; 1676-1731. 1. H. L., to L, with riband and star ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to Budgell's Lives of the Boyles, 1732. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 2. Same picture, with an orrery on table to 1. ; a head piece. Line ; 2} X 3} in. ORRERY, HENRIETTA (HAMILTON), Countess of; 1st w. of John Boyle, 5th Earl, afterwards Earl of Cork ; d, of 1st Earl of Orkney ; d. 1732, 1, Nearly W, L., to r,, standing, leaning on a sarcophagus. Line ; 11} X 9} in. ORTON, JOB ; dissenting minister at Shrewsbury ; 1717-1783. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands; oval frame, with title on tablet below. Line ; 6 X 3| in. OSBALDESTON, Sir EDWARD ; 1573-1636. 1. Bust, to 1., in armour. Prom brass in Blackburn church. ' M. Griffith del.' PL to Pennant's Tour from Downing to Alston Moor ; pub. E. Harding 1801. Line. OSBALDESTON, GEORGE ; sportsman ; 1787-1866. 1. W. L., profile, walking to r., iu hat; with facsimUe of autograph. From pen drawing. PL to Wildrake's Cracks of the Day [1841]. T. c. W(ilson) Lith. OSBALDESTON, RICHARD, D.D. ; bishop of London • 1690-1764. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in wig and rochet. (C. S. 141, Goodwin 169.) T. Hudson Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. One unfinished ; two proofs before any inscription ; one lettered impression. Engraver C. Baugniet R. Josey C. Waltner I. Seeman J. Mynde. B. Baron (G. Vertue) G. Vertue Anon. S. Sparrow T. C. W(ilson) J. McArdeU Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 383 Subject Painter OSBALDISTON, DAVID WEBSTER; actor; 1794- 1850. 1, Nearly W. L,, to 1,, seated by table, holding playbill; vignette. Pub, J, Dickenson 1836. Stipple, OSBORN, WILLIAM, M.D. ; accoucheur; 1736-1808. 1. H. L., to r., holding paper; rect. frame. Pub. J. Jones 1791. (0. S. 58.) Mezz. ; 17} X 131 in- Oue proof with title in skeleton letters ; three fully lettered im pressions. OSBORNE, WILLIAM HENRY OSBORNE, Lord ; s. of Peregrine, Marquess of Carmarthen, afterwards 2ud Duke of Leeds; 1691-1711. See Groups (Osborne family). of the J. Stewart T. Hardy OSBORNE, ALEXANDER ; commissioner customs at Edinburgh and volunteer. 1. W. L., 1. profile, in uniform, standing with Mr. Ronald- son; 1794. Etching; (pl.)71x 4} in. OSBORNE, Lady BRIDGET. See Williams. OSBORNE, FRANCIS ; of Gray's Inn; 17th cent. 1. H. L., to L, 1. hand on a skull. Facsimile of a woodcut. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. OSBORNE, Lady MARY. See Groups (Osborne family). OSBORNE, RALPH BERNAL ; poUtioian ; 1808-1882. 1. H. L., 1. profile; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. OSBORNE, (Rev.) Lord SIDNEY GODOLPHIN; b. of 8th Duke of Leeds ; phUanthropist ; 1808-1889. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette ; from a photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut. OSBOENE, THOMAS ; missionary in Ceylon. 1. Bust to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1820. Stipple ; 3| X 2| in. O'SHAUGHNESSY ; a beggar in Dablin. 1. W. L., to L, standing, holding cane, star on breast. PL to Sketches from Nature, by J. Nixon; pub, S. E. Harding 1795, Stipple and line ; 6} X 3} in, ' OSMYN.' See Mossop, Henry. OSSINGTON, JOHN EVELYN DENISON, Viscount ; speaker of the House of Commons ; 1800-1873. 1. When Mr. Denison; bust, to r. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple. 2. W. L., to r., standing, in speaker's robes. Woodcut. 8} X 6in. See Groups (House of Commons 1860.) J.Kay A. D'Orsay J. N(ixon) J. Slater Engraver C. E. Wagstaff J. Jones J.Kay Anon. A. D'Orsay Anon. T. Blood E. H(arding) P. C. Le-wis Anon, 384 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver OSSORY, THOMAS BUTLER, Earl of ; s. of 1st and father of 2nd Dukes of Ormonde ; 1634-1680. 1. Bust, face to L, in wig, armour and collar of the Garter ; in oval of laurel. Line ; 17} X 121 'i- 2. H. L., face to r., in wig, armour and riband ; oval, with ornaments. PL to Carte's Life of Duke of Ormonde, 1736. line ; 11} X 6} in. OSSORY, EMILIE (DE NASSAU), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; d. 1688. 1. Nearly W. L., seated on a bank, face to r., r. hand on a greyhound. E. Cooper exc. (C. S. 83.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9| in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval in rect. ' S. Harding del.' PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Count Grammont. Stipple ; 4} X 31 in. 3. Same picture, H. L. ; octagon. PL to same work ; pub. W. Miller and J. Carpenter. Stipple ; 8} X 2} in. 4. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, holding flowers in r. hand. (C. S. 6.) Mezz. ; 12} x 91 in. • See Dorset and Middlesex, Elizabeth (Bagot), Countess of. OSSORY, THOMAS BUTLER, Earl of; s. of 2nd Duke of Ormonde ; d. young. ¦ See Oemondb, Mary, Duchess of. OSSORY. See Upper Ossory. OSSULSTON, Tankerville. CHARLES BENNET, Lord. See w. of Richard OSWALD, LUCY, (born Johnstone) A. 0. of Auchencruive ; d. 1798. 1. When Miss Johnstone; nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding book on knee. PL to Works of Robert Burns, 1843, stipple; 4} X 3| in. OTLEY, JONATHAN ; author of Guide to the English Lakes. 1. In old age; T. Q. L., fuU face, seated on a bank, holding book and pen ; oval. From a photograph. Lith. ; 111 X 91 in. O'TOOLE, ARTHUR ; soldier of fortune ; b. 1538. 1. Aged 80; H. L., to r., in armour and sash, holding sword decorated with crowns ; oval frame inscribed 'Arth-vrvs Severvs O'Toole Nonesvch,' with eight satirical lines iu cartouche below. Pub. T. Jenner. Liue ; 71 X 4} in. 2. Copy from the last ; oval in rect. frame. Pub. W. Richardson. Line ; 6} X 4} hi. OTRIDGE, W. ; bookseUer ; fl. 1790. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Etching. P. Lely W. Wissing H. Raeburn P. Vanderbank S. P. Ravenet I. Beckett W. N. Gardiner E. Scriven R. White exc. H. T. RyaU C. Schaeher P. Delaram ; Anon. J.P. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 38.J Subject Painter OTTER, WILLIAM, D.D. ; bishop of Chichester ; 1768- 1840, 1, Nearly W. L,, to L, seated in armchair, in private dress, holding spectacles ; open book on knee. Pub. W. H. Mason, Chichester, and Welch & Gwynne, London. Mezz. ; 16} X 13i in. OTTLEY, WILLIAM YOUNG, F.S.A. ; writer on art ; keeper of prints in the British Museum ; 1771-1836. 1. H. L,, seated, looking to r., arm over back of chair. Stipple ; 7| X 61 in. 2. A head, looking to r., ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Stipple. OTWAY, Sir ROBERT WALLER, bart., G.C.B. ; admiral; 1770-1846. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in uniform. Lith. ; 9J X 8} in. OTWAY, SARAH ; w. of Francis 0., of River HUl, Kent. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, holding hand of her young daughter who stands on sofa beside her. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 5} X 4} in. OTWAY, THOMAS ; dramatist; 1652-1685. 1. H. L., to L, r. arm on table ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub, J. & P. Knapton 1741. Line ; 14} X 81 in, Oue proof with engraver's name only ; two lettered impressions, 2, Copy from the last, with the ornaments. Pub. G. Kearsley 1776. Line ; 6} X 4f in. 3.' Same picture ; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co, 1794. Line ; IJ X If in. same plate, with octagonal frame added, 4. Same picture ; rect. decor, frame. ' G. Kneller pinxt.' PI. to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1808. Stipple : 6f X 3} in. 5. Same picture ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. ; pub. J. Hinton. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 6. H. L., to r. ; oval frame. Pub. Bowles. (C. S. 95.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. Two impressions. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Effigies Poeticse ; pub. W. Walker 1821. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 8. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Works, 1712. Line ; 5| X 3| in. 9. Bust, to 1. ; circular frame on pedestal. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1779, etc. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 10. H. L., to r. ; reot. frame with ornaments. Book iUustration. [False.] Line ; 4} X 2} in. VOL. III. J. LinneU Pellegrini W. Riviere J. Masquerier J. Reynolds M. Beale P. Lely J. Riley Engraver J. Linnell P. C. Lewis M. Gauci (J. Scott) J. Houbraken T. Ryder ThornthwaiteR. Woodman j. Anon. T. Bragg L. du Guemier J. Hall Rivers 2 c 386 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver OUGHTON, Sir JAMES ADOLPHUS DICKENSON, K.B. ; general ; 1720-1780. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; a silhouette shade. OUGHTRED, WILLIAM; rector of Albury; mathe matician; 1575-1660. 1. Aged 83; H. L., to r., in skuU-cap and gown, book in r. hand. Pront. to his Clavis Mathematicie, 1647. (Parthey 1477.) Etching ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Copy from the last, with six Latin lines. Front, to his Trigonometria, 1657. (Pagan p. 52.) Etching ; 4} X 3 in. One proof before age and engraver's name ; two fully lettered impressions. 3. Another copy, reversed ; coarsely executed. Line ; 6} X 3} in. OURRY, (Gapt.) PAUL HENRY, R.N., M.P. ; com missioner of Plymouth dockyard. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1. ; a black boy giving him his sword. Prom picture now belonging to Earl of Morley. Unpublished plate. Mezz, ; 6} X 4 in. OUSELEY, GIDEON ; methodist minister ; 1762-1839. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to 1., seated. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4} X 3g in. OUSELEY, (Right Hon.) Sir GORE, bart., G.C.H., P.R.S. ; diplomatist ; 1770-1844. 1. Bust to r., in uniform ; octagon, PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1810. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 2. H. L., slightly to 1. ; two stars on coat. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Pen-trait GalUry ; pub. Pisher 1833. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. OUSELEY, Sir WILLIAM, LL.D. ; b. of the preceding ; orientaUst ; 1767-1842. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1811. Stipple ; 33 X 3} in. OUTRAM, JOSEPH ; 1766-1802. 1. H. L., looking to L (C. S. 126, Prankau 262.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7} in. Proof before inscription. OUTRAM, WILLIAN. See Owtram. OVERALL, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Norwich ; 1560- 1619. 1. Bust, to r., in skuU-cap and rochet; decorated oval frame. Front, to his Convocation Book, 1690. Line ; 7} X 6| in. 2. Same picture ; oval, PL to Sparrow's Rationale, 1657 (Parthey 1478,) Etching ; 3} X 2} in, 3, Same picture, to 1, ; plain oval frame. Line ; 6} X 4 in, 4, Same picture ;-rect, at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk d Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X 1} iu. W. HoUar J. Reynolds J. Jackson S. Drummond R. Rothwell S. Drummond S. Drummond W. HoUar W. Paithorne P. S. S. W. Reynolds T. A. Dean W. Ridley H. Cook H. R. Cook J. R. Smith R. White W. HoUar Anon. Williamson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 387 Subject Painter Engbaver OVERBURY, Sir THOMAS; poet; poisoned in the Tower; 1581-1613. 1 , Aged 32 ; H. L , , to 1 , standing in lace band and cloak ; oval in rect. Prom picture iu Bodleian gallery. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1796. stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 2. Same picture, tod. ; oval in rect. frame ; five lines below : ' A man's best fortune,' etc. C. Holland exc. (Pranken 797.) Line ; 5} x 41 in. 3. Copy from the last, to r., with same lines. L. Lisle exc. Front, to his A Wife. (Pranken not descr.) Liue ; 3 X 21 in, same plate, reworked ; ' Aetatis suae 32 ' in lower part of oval, P. S. excudit. 4, Facsimile of the preceding, reversed, with two lines only. Line ; 3 X 2} in. 5. Another copy, with same verses. Pub. R. Baldwyn. Line ; 6 X 3 in, 6. Another copy, to 1, ; plain oval, with his name only. Modern, Line ; 25 X 2 in, 7. Another copy, to r. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 8, Same picture, bust only, to 1, ; with Latin title. A German plate. Line ; 2| X 1| in. 9. H, L,, to r,, seated at a table, writing his epitaph; 12 lines below : — ' Those Swanlike Notes,' etc. Sold J. Hind. Line ; 10} X 7f in. 10. Facsimile of the last. Line ; 6J X 4} in. 11. Another facsimUe. Front, to Amos's Great Oyer of Poisoning, 1846. Line ; 4} X 3| in. 12. H. L., to L, iu dress of later period; oval in rect., with.Dutch title in letterpress. [False.] Line ; ^ X SJ in. OVEREND, WILLIAM HEYSHAM; artist; 1851-1898. See Groups (Illust. London News artists.) OVERTON, JOHN ; printseller ; 1640-1708 ? 1. Aged. 68; H. L., to r., in wig, holding mantle with 1. hand. (C. S. 78.) Mezz. ; 7| X 6J in. Two impressions. OWEN, Sir EDWARD CAMPBELL RICH, K.H. ; admiral; 1771-1849. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform with collar of the Hanoverian order, resting both hands on a cane. Mezz, ; 16} X 12} in. Proof with artists' names only. C. Janssen Harding S. de Passe Anon. R. Elstraek Anon. H. PickersgiU Anon. G. T. Payne 2 c 2 388 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PL to European Mag. ; pub. Pub. OWEN, GRIFFITH DA VIES; calvinistio methodist minister at Maidenhead ; 1790-1836. 1. H. L., to 1., in gown and bands. PL to a magazine ; pub. R. Baynes 1823. Stipple ; 4} X 3f in. 2. Bust, to r., in gown and bands; vignette. PI. to a magazine ; pub. Holdsworth & Ball 1830. Stipple. OWEN, HENRY, M.D. ; rector of St. Olave's, Hart St. ; scholar; 1716-1795. 1. Bust, to L, in wig ; oval. J. SeweU 1795. Mezz. ; 3} X 2J in. 2. H. L., full face, in nightcap and dressing gown. N. Smith & J. T. Smith 1797. Line ; 6| X 61 in. OWEN, JOHN ; the epigrammatist ; 1560 ?-1622. 1. H. L., looking to i., with laurel wreath; oval frame supported by two amorini. Pront. to his Epigrams, Amsterdam, 1669. Line ; 3} X 1} in, 2. Copy from the last ; oval within rect. ' John Owen the celebrated Epigrammatist.' Line ; SJ X 3} in. 3. Bust, to 1. ; smaU oval iu emblematical title to his Epigrams, 1668. Line ; (pi.) 3| X 2} in. 4. Bust, to r., in rufi; iu emblematical title to his Epi- grams, Amsterdam 1633. Line ; (pi.) 31 X IJ in. OWEN, Sir JOHN ; Welsh royaUst ; 1600-1666. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and armour, holding truncheon; burning castle in background. Line ; 6 X 4} in. OWEN, JOHN, D.D. ; puritan divine; dean of Christ Church and vice-chancellor of Oxford under CromweU ; 1616-1683. 1. When yotmg; bust, to 1., iu skull-cap, bands and gown ; oval frame. PL to Palmer's ed. of Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial, 1775, Line ; 4} x 3} in. 2. H. L., to L, looking to front, in skull-cap and gown. Prom picture iu National Portrait GaUery. PL to S. B. Gardiner's Oliver Cromivell, 1899. Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in. 3. H. L., to r, standing, in academical cap and gown, holding glove ; vignette. PL 4 of Portraits of Eminent Persons ; pub. J. WhesseU, Oxford, 1829. Etching. 4. T. Q. L., to r., in skull-cap and gown, 1. hand holding up drapery ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms and four Latin lines ; N. Ponder exc. Line ; lOJ x 7} in. same plate ; address altered to that of J. Marshall. 5. Copy from the last, with same lines. Front, to his Works ; pub. J. Clark 1721. Line ; same dimensions. R. Woodman R. Woodman S. Drummond J. T. Smith W. Bromley J. T. Smith Anon. J. CaldwaU J. Riley R. Walker ? J. CaldwaU J. WhesseU R. White G. Vertue Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 389 Subject 6. Another copy ; oval ; arms and title on pedestal ; 17th cent. Line ; 41 x 2} in. 7. Copy from No. 5 ; without background. Pub. C. & H. Baldv?yn, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 8. Same picture ; oval. Stipple ; 6 X 4J in. 9. Same picture, to 1, ; broad oval frame. Book illustra tion. Pub. T. Knott 1796. Line ; 4 x 3} in. 10. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; plain oval frame on pedestal, Front, to his Life, 1709. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 11. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Middleton's Biographia Evangelica, 1783. Line ; 4} x SJ in. 12. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval. Pub, J. van de Velde. (C. S. 95 a.) Mezz. ; 7 X 6} in. Three impressions. OWEN, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Norwich. 1. H. L., to L, iu gown and bands, hands resting on book ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Westley 1824. Stipple. OWEN, JOHN, M.A. ; rector of Paglesham, Essex; secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society ; 1766-1822. 1. H. L., seated, looking to r., in private dress; vignette. Pub. J. Slater 1823. stipple. OWEN, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Bath. 1. Bust, to 1., in gown and bauds; vignette. PL to a magazine. Pub. Holdsworth & Ball 1831. Stipple, OWEN, MARGARET. See Stanley. OWEN, Sir PHILIP CUNLIPPE., See Cunlipfe-Owen, OWEN, Sir RICHARD, K.CB,, F.R,S,; comparative anatomist and scientific writer ; 1804-1892. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1892. Process block. 2, Aged 86; H, L., to r,, seated in armchair. From a drawing, PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Eeproduction, 3. T, Q, L,, to r,, seated in armchair; vignette. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits; pub. G. Ransome 1850, Lith. 4, T, Q, I(,, nearly fully face, standing by table, in gown, specimen in 1. hand. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. Pub. Photographisohe GeseUschaft in Berlin. Pliotogiavure ; 9} x 7J in Painteb 'J.Riley' J. Slater G. Darby W. H. Hunt R. Lehmann T. H. Maguire H. PickersgiU Engraver Anon. R. Cooper J. Cochran Anon. R. W(hite) T. Trotter Anon. Anon. E. Scriven R. Woodman T. H. Maguire 390 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver OWEN, Sib RICHARD, K.CB,, 'P.'R.Q.— continued.; 5. H. L., to 1. From picture at St, Bartholomew's Hospital, Pub. W. Walker 1852. H Pickersgill W. Walker Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. 6. Bust, to r. ; vignette. C. H. Jeens Stipple and line. Proof before inscription. 7. H. L., fuU face, in cap. Prom photograph. Klinkicht Woodcut ; 15} X 12 in. Proof before any inscription. same block, reduced ; as issued with Illust. London News, 1892. s» 13 X 9} in. 8. Nearly W, L,, directed and looking to r,, seated in armchair. Prom photograph, Suppl, to News of the World. P 5 p pp J D. J. Pound Mixed ; 8} X 6| in. same plate, reduced. S9 6} X 4J in. 9. H.L., to r., in gown ; vignette. PL to Hogg's Instructor. Anon. Line. 10. W. L., standing, 1. profile, in hat; with title 'Old Bones at the British Museum.' From satirical drawing. Pub. S. Simon, BerUn. Eeproduction. OWEN, ROBERT; sociaHst and phUanthropist; 1771- 1858, 1, H, L,, full face, in cloak ; vignette, with, facsimile of autograph. Prom picture now iu National Portrait GaUery, Pub. B. D. Cousins 1835. W H. Brooke H. T. RyaU Stipple. 2. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. J. Comerford Anon. Lith. 3. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Pub. Hurst, Robinson & Co. 1823. Line. M. Heming C. Pye 4. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Imperial Mag. ; pub. H, Pisher 1822, Smart J. Thomson Stipple, 5, H, L,, looking to L; octagonal frame with emblems. PL to Percy Anecdotes ; pub. T. Boys 1821. W. T. Pry Stipple. 6. H. L., seated, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a photograph. T. Heaviside Woodcut. Proof before inscription. 7. H. L., to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique 1823. Anon. Stipple ; 3} X 2| in. 8. H. L., fuU face; rect. Pub. Starie. Mezz. ; 4i X 3f in. 99 OWEN, ROBERT ; Welsh methodist minister. 1. H. L., looking to L, bible in i. hand; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1822. Anon. Stipple. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 391 Subject OWEN, TOM ; pugilist ; 1796-1843. 1. H, L, looking to L, in hat, holding dumb-beU ; vignette, PL to Egan's Boxiana ; pub. Sherwood, Neely & Jones 1818. Stipple. OWEN, WILLIAM, R.A, ; portrait painter ; 1769-1825. 1. Bust, full face. Stipple ; 3J X 3} in. same plate, with rect. frame added. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1809. 63 X 4 in. OWEN, WILLIAM. See PuGHB, WiUiam Owen. admiral and ex- OWEN, WILLIAM PlTZWILLIAM plorer; 1774-1857. 1. H. L., in uniform, looking to 1. ; vignette. Stipple and line. Proof before any inscription. OWEN, (Mbs.) ; innkeeper at Epping Forest ; d. 1783 ? 1. W. L., standing, r. profile ; without background ; with title ' The Bald Fac'd Doe.' Pub. M. Darly 1772. Etching. OWENSON, SYDNEY. See Moegan. OWTRAM, WILLIAM, D.D. ; prebendary of West minster; hebraist; 1626-1679. 1. Bust, to r., in skuU-oap and gown ; oval frame. Front. to his Twenty Sermons, 1697. line ; 6J X 3|. in, OXBERRY, WILLIAM ; actor ; 1784-1824, 1. As Master Stephen in Jonson's Every Man in his Humour ; H. L,, looking to 1. PL to his New English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & MarshaU 1822. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 2, As Humphrey GuU in the Dwarf of Naples. Coloured. Etching; 6} X 4} in. 3. As Leo Luminati iu Oh I this Love; W. L., to r., standing. PL to Theatrical Inquisitor; pub. Sherwood & Co. 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only ; in picture frame. PL to The Drama ; pub. T. & I. Elvey 1821. Stipple. 5. As Mawworm in Bickerstafie's The Hypocrite ; H. L., to r. PL to his New English Drama. Stipple ; 4} X 3 in. 6, As Tom Baggs in St. Mary's Eve; W. L., standing, full face; vignette. Presented with Oxberry's Weekly Budget. Lith, OXBURGH, (Col.) HENRY; Jacobite; executed for treason 1716. 1. Bust, to r,, in wig and armour. PL to Caulfield's RemarkabU Persons, 1819. Line ; 4} x 3J in. Painter G. Sharpies J. Wright E. T. G. Clint I. R. C(ruik- shank) S. De Wilde T. Wageman Engraver J. Hopwood H. Meyer ' Epping ' [M. Darly] R. White T. Woolnoth I. R. C(ruik- shank) H. R. Cook R. Page H. R. Cook Anon. Anon. 392 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaver OXENDEN, HENRY, (of Barham) ; poet ; 1609-1670. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval with arms and motto ' Non est mortale quod opto.' Front to his Beligionis Funus, 1647. Line ; 2f x 2} in. 2. Facsimile of the preceding. Pub, W. Richardson. Line. OXENDEN, Sir HENRY, bart. ; 1756-1838. 1. When old; nearly W. L., to r., seated on bank, cross- legged, holding hat ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. H. Ward, Canterbury, 1839. Mezz. ; 16 J X 12-5 in. OXFORD, ROBERT DB VERE, 9th Earl of ; (Marquess of Dublin and Duke of Ireland) ; 1362-1392. 1. Bust, r. profile, in coronet and ermine cape. Woodcut ; 2} X 2} in. OXFORD, JOHN DE VERE, 15th Barl of, K.G. ; d. 1540. 1. Bust, to L, in Garter robes; from his monument in Hedingham Church ; oval. Line ; 3} x 2} in. OXFORD, EDWARD DE VERB, 17th Earl of ; 1550- 1604. 1. H. L., to r., in velvet cap. Prom picture at Welbeck. ' G. P. Harding del.' Stipple ; 6 X 6} in. Proof before title. Cat. of Pictures at 2. Same picture. PL to Murray's Welbeck Abbey, 1894. ileproduction. OXFORD, HENRY DE VERB, 18th Earl of ; 1593-1625. 1. H. L., looking over shoulder to r., in hat with feather ; within passe-partout of soldiers, engraved by W. Passe. T, Jenner, exc. Line ; (inner plate) 3-} X 2} in. 2. H. L., to r., bareheaded, holding truncheon; in frame of scroll-work. Sold C Holland. Line ; 6J x 4} in. 3. Facsimile of the last. Pub. Rodd 1820. Line ; a; X 4} in. 4. W. L., on horseback, with Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton. Sold T. Jenner. Line ; 8} X 6| in. OXFORD, DIANA (CECIL), Countess of; w. of the preceding ; afterwards Countess of Elgin ; d. of 2nd Earl of Exeter ; d. 1654. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, hands on a block, one holding flower. Prom picture at Madrid. ?1. to Madrazo's Cuadros del Rey de Espafia, 1826. Lith. ; 12} X 9} iu. 2. Same picture. Pub. A. Braun & Cie. Carbon photograph ; 17 X 13} in. OXFORD, ROBERT DE VERE, 19th Earl of ; kUled before Maestricht 1632. 1. H. L,, to L, in lace collar, armour and sash ; in inscribed oval. Sold W. Riddiard, Line ; 7'i X 4} in. J. Middleton (G. Glover) Anon. J. Porter Anon. Anon. J. Brown J. Payne R. V(aughan; T. Berry Anon. A. Van Dyck C. Legrand R. Vau(ghan) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 393 Subject Painteb Engraver 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub, W. Richardson 1794. Line. 3. Another copy, to r. ; plain oval. Stipple ; 35 X 2i in. OXFORD, AUBREY DE VERE, 20th Earl of, K.G. ; 1626-1703. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and Garter robes. ' S. Harding del.' Pub. E. Harding 1792. Stipple ; 4-5 X 4} in. OXFORD, ROBERT HARLEY, 1st Earl of, K.G.; statesman; 1661-1724. 1. H. L., to L, in Garter robes, with wand; ovaL Sold J. Smith. (C S. 197.) Mezz. ; llf x 9} in. Oue proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression ; one modern. 2. Same picture; oval frame. Sold J, Simon and H, Overton. (C S. 116.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. same plate, with Overton's address stopped out. 3. Same picture, bust,ito r. ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 3g in. diam. 4. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in Garter robes, holding wand, PL to 8vo. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1836. Line ; 6} X 4} in. Proof before inscription. 5. Similar to the last, H, L. only, to r. Line ; 9} x 7} in. 6. SmaU W. L., standing, in Garter robes. Book illustra tion. Line ; 4} x 2} in, OXFORD, EDWARD HARLEY, 2nd Earl of, F.R.S. ; founder of the Harleian library; 1689-1741. 1, W. L,, standing, looking to r., in robes, holding coronet ; 1745. Line ; ISf X 8} in, 2. H, L,, to r., sitting at a table, holding a coin, in cap and govm. Prom picture at Welbeck. Line ; 7 X 6} in. 3. Same picture. PI. to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Ileproduction. 4. Same picture, without the table. PL to Dibdin's ed. of Ames' Typographical Antiquities, 1810. Line ; 9 X 6^ in. . OXFORD, HENRIETTA (CAVENDISH-HOLLES), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. ot John, Duke of Newcastle; 1693-1755. 1. W. L., fuU face, standing, in riding habit, holding whip. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey 1894. Ileproduction ; 9} X 6 in. OXFORD, EDWARD HARLEY, 3rd Earl of ; d. 1755. 1. W, L,, standing in a room, surrounded by his family, PL to Drummond's Noble British Families, 1846, Stipple ; 10} X 9} in. Unfinished proof. G. Kneller M. Dahl G. Kneller J. Zoffany Anon. Seheneker John Smith J. Simon S. P. Ravenet W. T. Mote G. Vertue Aveline G. Vertue (W. Say) Posselwhite 394 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver OXFORD, JANE ELIZABETH (SCOTT), Countess of; w. of Edward Harley, 5th Earl ; 1773-1824. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking tor. From picture in National GaUery. Pub. T. Agnew 1888. Mezz. ; 22} x 16| in. Artist's proof. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1799. (Whitman 225.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. same plate, with address of A. Molteno 1805. 3. Same picture. Pub. Medici Society. Ileproduction in colours ; 19J X 16} in. 4. Same picture. PL to McKay and Roberts's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 9J X 7} in. 5. Same picture. PL to Geffrey's Les Musics d'Europe. Ileproduction ; 7 X 6} in. 6. Same picture, H. L., only; oval with ornaments. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1808. Stipple.7. W. L., fuU face, standing, holding her infant daughter. Prom picture belonging to Baroness Burton. PL to McKay and Roberts's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 9J X 6} in. OXFORD, EDWARD; who attempted to assassinate Queen Victoria 1840. 1. Standing in the dock at the Old Bailey, looking to r. ; vignette. Lith. 2. Nearly W. L., to L, in the act of firing a pistol at the Queen; vignette. Lith. OXINDEN. See Oxenden. J. Hoppner T. C. Wilson R. S. Clouston S. W. Reynolds R. Cooper AlveyAnon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 395 Subject PAAP, SIMON ; Dutch dwarf exhibited in London 1820. 1, W, L,, to r., standing, holding hat and tobacco pipe. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. PACK, Sib DENIS, K.CB. ; general; 1772 ?-1823. . 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. Pub. C Turner 1834. (Whitman 413.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. PACK, (Capt.) SIMON. See Groups (Portsmouth Captains). PACKE, Sir CHRISTOPHER; alderman of London; lord mayor 1655 ; 1593 ?-1682. 1. H. L., to 1., in gown and chain ; oval. PL to Nichols's Leicestershire, 1795, etc. Line ; 6J x 6} in. PACKER, JOHN HAYMAN ; actor; 1730-1806, See Moody, John See Groups (Immortality of Garrick) PACKINGTON, See Pakington. PACKWOOD, GEORGE ; razor-strop maker ; fl. 1800. 1. H. L., fuU face, standing, holding strop. Pront. to his Goldfinch's Nest, 1796. Stipple.2. H. L., looking to L, holding copy of his book ; vignette. Etching.PADDY, Sir WILLIAM, M.D. ; physician to James I ; 1554-1634, 1, Aged 46; W. L,, to L, standing by table, in hat and gown. From picture at St. John's College, Oxford. niust. to Gatalogue of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford 1904. Process block. PADMAN, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1, Bust, to L ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1816. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PAGE. Sib FRANCIS ; judge ; 1661 ?-1741. 1. When baron of the exchequer 1720; H. L., to L, in robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 13} X 10} in, same plate, reissued when he was justice of the king's bench 1733 ; face made older ; title and painter's name altered. Painter G. L. Saunders A. Walkinshaw J. D'Agar J. Richardson Engraver R. Cooper C. Turner J. B(asire) A. Walkinshaw Anon. T. Blood G. Vertue 396 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb PAGE, WILLIAM ; highwayman ; hanged for robbery ; 1725-1758. 1. H, L,, looking to r,, in hat; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Life, 1758. Line ; 6} X 3J in. 2, Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's RemarkabU Persons, 1820, Line ; 65 X S% in, PAGET, WILLIAM PAGET, 1st Baron ; 1505-1563. 1, T, Q, L,, slightly to r,, standing, in cap and furred gown, cane in r. hand. Prom picture at Beaudesert, (Whit man 226,) Mezz, ; 17| X 13j in. Proof before any inscription, 2. Same picture. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, AUen & Co. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1835. Pub, Harding, Mavor & Lepard, 1823. H. L, only. PL to Harding's Bi 3. Same picture. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Same picture. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 5. Same picture, graphical Mirrour ; pub. 18il. Stipple ; 4} X 4} in, 6, Same picture, H, L, only ; vignette in octagon. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in, PAGET, THOMAS CATESBY PAGET, Lord; s, of 1st and father of 2nd Earls of Uxbridge ; d, 1742, 1, H, L,, to L, hat under arm; oval, PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, PAGET, Lord ALFRED HENRY, C.B. ; s, of 1st Marquess of Anglesey ; general ; 1816-1888. 1. H. L,, 1, profile; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub, J, MitcheU, Lith, 2. A head ; to r. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut,PAGET, (Right Hon,) Sir ARTHUR, G,G,B,; diplo matist ; brother of 1st Marquess of Anglesey ; 1771-1840. 1. W. L., standing, in robes of order of the Bath, looking to L, holding plumed hat. Prom picture at Beaudesert, Pront. to Paget Papers, 1896. Photogi-avure ; 6} X 4} in. PAGET, (Hon.) BERKELEY THOMAS; b, of the preceding; 1780-1842, 1, H, L,, looking to 1, Prom picture at Beaudesert, PL to Paget Papers, 1896, Process block. PAGET, (Hon.) Sir CHARLES, G.C.H. ; b. of the pre ceding; admiral; 1778-1839. 1. H. L., looking to L, in uniform, telescope in r, hand. From a picture. PL to Paget Papers, 1896. Process block. H. Holbein A. D'Orsay J. Hoppner Anon. S. W. Reynolds W. HoU H. Robinson R. Cooper G. P. Harding Anon. E. Harding A. D'Orsay R. T(aylor) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 397 Subject Painter PAGET, (Right Hon,) Lord CLARENCE EDWARD, G.C.B. ; s. of 1st Marquess of Anglesey ; admiral ; 1811- 1895. 1. Nearly W. L,, seated, looking to L, in uniform. From photograph. Suppl. to Illust. News of the World. Line ; 8} X 6} in. PAGET, (Hon.) Sir EDWARD, G.C.B.; b. of 1st Marquess of Anglesey ; general ; l'i'75-1849. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., ia uniform. Prom picture at Beaudesert. PL to Paget Papers, 1896. Process block. PAGET, Sir JAMES, bart., D.C.L., F.R.S.; surgeon; 1814-1899. 1. Aged 58; T. Q. L., to r., standing by table. Prom picture at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Mixed ; 16} X 13} in. PAGET, (Hon.) SOPHIA ASKELL, (born Grimston); w. ot Hon. Berkeley P., brother of 1st Marquess of Anglesey; 1784-1859. 1. H. L., standing, looking to r., holding casket with both hands ; -with title ' Psyche.' From picture belonging to Lord Hylton. Pub. W. HoUand 1807. Stipple ; 9 X 7} in. 2. Same picture, PL to McKay and Roberts's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 8 X 6} in, PAGET, (Mrs.) ; w. of John Paget. 1, Nearly W. L,, fuU face, seated at a table, 1, hand on open book. Prom a drawing. Stipple ; 9| X 6} in, PAICE, JAMES. 1, H. L., directed and looking to L, r, arm over back of chair. Stipple ; 8 X 6} in. PAINE, JAMES ; architect ; 1725-1789. I, Bust, 1, profile; circular frame with title on tablet. Sold P. Falconet and Ryland & Bryer. Stipple. same plate, with frame altered to rect. ; artists' names •omitted. Pub. Jefiries 1795, 2, Nearly W. L., to r., seated at a table, hands resting on plans at which his son James, who stands beside him, is looking. From picture now in University Galleries, Oxford. Sold Ryland & Bryer. (C, S. Ill, Goodwin 52,) Mezz, ; 16} X 12i in. ,^ ^. . „„ Three proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 3. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz, ; 6} X 6} in. PAINE, JAMES THOMAS; architect; s. of the pre ceding; 1774-1829? 1. When a youth; a head, to r,; rect. with title 'James Paine, Cadet.' From picture of his father and himself at Oxford. Line ; 4 X 3 in. J. E. Millais J. Hoppner M. Severn L. Abbott P. Palconet J. Reynolds J. Reynolds Engraver D. J. Pound T. O. Barlow J. H. Meyer W. Holl J. WhesseU D. P. Pariset J. Watson (P. Bromley) D. Berger 398 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PAINE, JAMES TKOMAS— continued. 2. When a child aged 2 ; W. L., naked, standing by large Pomeranian dog; without title. Pub. J. Dean 1780. (C, S. 19.) Mezz. ; 16} X 13 in. Proof with scratched letters. See Paine, James. PAINE, THOMAS ; deist and republican ; author of The Bights of Man ; 1737-1809. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, holding open book ; rect. frame. Pub. P. Pokes 1792. Line ; 7| X 6 in. 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated, resting r. elbow on table, sup porting book with 1. hand. Pub, 0. Forster 1791, Line-; 4} X 3} in, 3. Same picture. Pub. J. Ridgway 1791. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 4. Same picture, reversed. Line ; 4} X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 5. H. L., to L; rect. frame. Pub. W. Sharp 1793. (Baker 61.) Line ; 10} X 8} in. Six progress proofs ; one fully lettered impression. 6. Same picture. Pub. W. Sharp 1794. (Baker 62,) . Line ; 3} x 3 in, 7, Same picture; rect. frame. tine ; 4| X 3} in. 8. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 4| X Sf in. 9. Similar to preceding; H. L., to'r. ; vignette. Pub. G. Smeeton. Stipple. 10. Bust, to 1. ; oval, with French title ; 1793, Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 11. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. From drawing done in America. Pub. 1805. Stipple ; 2} X 2 in. 12. W. L,, standing, holding vol. inscribed 'Rights of Man ' ; without background. Pub. W. & J. Stratfords. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 13. W. L., standing, holding paper inscribed 'Rights of Man ' ; rect. decor, frame. PL to Baxter's Hist, of England ; pub. H. D. Symonds 1796. Line. PAINE, (Misses) ; d. of James P, the architect. 1. Two little girls, W. L., walking to L, with squirrel Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz, ; 6 X 6| in, ' PAINTING.' See Kauffmann, Maria Angelica, PAISLEY, CLAUD HAMILTON, Baron; partisan of Mary Queen of Scots ; 1543-1622. 1. Bust, to r., in cap with feather, ruff and cloak. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub. E. Harding 1800, Stipple ; 4} X 4} in. Painter Engraver G. Romney S. Collings C. W. Peale G. Romney J. Reynolds J. Dean Barlo'w W. Angus Anon. W. Sharp C. Warren P. BonneviUe Anon. J. P. Bolt J. Godby Anon. R. B. Parkes E. Harding Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 399 Subject PI. to Grace's Memoirs of the Family of Painter 2. Same picture. Grace, 1823. Line ; 4} X SJ in. PAISLEY, JOHN; the blacksmith of Gretna Green; d. 1814. 1. H. L., 1. profile. Aquatint ; 5} X 4f iu. PAISLEY. See Pasley. PAKENHAM, EMILY (STAPLETON), Lady; w. of Hon. Sir Hercules R. P., K.CB. ; d. of Lord Le De- spencer; d, 1875. 1. When Hon. Mrs. Pakenham; nearly W. L., to r. ; seated, drawing flowers ; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe; pub. G. B. Whittaker 1827. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. PAKENHAM, (Hon.) Sib THOMAS, G.C.B.; s. of 1st Baron Longford ; admiral ; 1757-1836. See Groups (Naval Victories). PAKINGTON, DOROTHY (COVENTRY), Lady; w, of Sir John P,, bart. ; d. of 1st Baron Coventry ; reputed author of The WhoU Duty of Man ; d. 1679, 1. H, L,, to 1. ; from a painting. ' Powle del.' PL to Nash's Hist, of Worcestershire, 1781. (C. S. 95, Whit man 57.) Mezz. ; 6S X 4 in. PAKINGTON, Sib JOHN, K.B,; favourite of Queen Elizabeth; 1549-1625. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in wheel-ruff, cap in 1. hand. Prom picture at Washwood. PL to Harding's JBio- graphical Mirrour, 1794. Stipple ; 8} X 5} in. PAKINGTON, Sib JOHN SOMERSET, hart., M.P. See Hampton. PALEY, WILLIAM, D.D. ; archdeacon of Carlisle and rector of Bishop- Wearmouth ; author of Evidences of Christianity ; 1743-1805. 1. Bust, to L, in private dress; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1805. Stipple ; 3} X 8 in. 2. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in hat and wig, fishing rod in r. hand, 1. holding the line. Prom Lord Ellenborough's picture. Pub. J. Jones 1792. (C S. 59.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14} in. Three proofs with open letters. 3. Same picture, bust only ; rect. ; without artists' names. Pub. T. Tegg 1824. Stipple ; 4 X 3| in. 4. Same picture (but attributed to Beechey) ; H, L, only, to r, Pront. to his Life, by Meadley, 1810. Line ; 4} X 3} in. Proof with artists' names only, 5, Same picture (but attributed to Beechey) ; H, L, only, to r. Front, to his Principles of Philosophy, 1822. Line ; 2} X 2} in. C. Turner G. Hayter Engraver E. Deleu J. Walker J. Cochran S. Drummond G. Romney V. Green R. Clamp «W. Beechey' W. Ridley J. Jones Anon. P. Engleheart T. Ranson 400 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter EsgbaVeb PALGRAVE, ELIZABETH (TURNER), Lady; w. of Sir Francis P. ; d. of Dawson Turner ; 1799-1852. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., resting sketch-book on knee ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching. PALGRAVE, WILLIAM, (of ColtishaU); father of Mrs. Dawson Turner ; 1745-1822. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Etching.PALGRAVE, WILLIAM GIFFORD ; diplomatist, traveller and author ; 1826-1888. 1. Bust, 1. profile, in cap; circular medallion. Pront. to his Journey through Arabia, 1865. Line ; 2^ in. diam. Proof before inscription. PALLISER, Sib HUGH, bart. ; admiral ; lord of the admiralty and governor of Greenwich Hospital; 1723- 1796. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1796. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 2, T, Q, L,, to r., standing, in uniform, 1. arm on cannon, telescope in r. hand. Pub. J. R. Smith 1787. (C S. 127, Prankau 265.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. PALLMER, CHARLES NICHOLAS, (of Norbiton) ; M.P. for Surrey 1826-30. 1. W. L., to r., standing by table, large scroll in j.. hand. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1827. (Whitman 227.) Mezz. ; 24} X 16} in. One unfinished proof ; two lettered impressions. PALMER, ARTHUR. 1. H. L., to r., in spectacles; vignette, with facsimile of autograph ; 1844. Pub. G, Davey, Bristol, Lith,PALMER, CHARLES JOHN, F.S.A. ; topographer; 1805-1882. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., 1. arm on back of chair; octagon. Private plate. Stipple ; 7g X 6} in. PALMER, Sir GEOFFREY, bart.; attorney general; 1598-1670. 1. Bust, to r., in gown; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 9} X 6} in. P-ALMER, JAMES, B.D.; founder of almshouses in Tothill Fields ; 1585-1660. 1. Bust, to L, in skull-cap and gown; rect. frame. Pub W. Richardson 1794. Line ; 4| X 3J in. PALMER, JAMES ; haberdasher in CornhiU ; treasurer of Christ's Hospital ; 1740-1825. 1. A head, nearly in profile to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. Hurst, Robinson & Co. 1825. Line. (J. P. Davis) S. Lane T. Woolner D. Orme J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds jun. C. Baugniet P. Lely T. Stothard Mrs. D. Turner Mrs. D. Turner C. H. Jeens E. Orme J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds sen. C. Baugniet W. HoU R. White T. Trotter J. G. Walker Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 401 Subject PALMER, JANE, (liorn Bowles); w. of Richard P. of Hohne Park ; d. 1812. 1. When Miss Bowles; a little girl, W. L,, full face, kneeling on the ground, fondling a dog; with title ' Juvenile Amusement.' Prom picture now in Wallace GaUery. Pub. W. Ward 1798. (C S. 11, Prankau 35.) Mezz. ; 14| X 11 in. Two proofs before any inscription, one with open letters. 2. Same picture; with title 'Fanny's Favorite.' Pub. J. & F. Harwood. Mezz. ; 6 X 3} in. 3. Same picture. Pub. Colnaghi & Co., etc. 1875. (Whit man 23.) Mezz. ; 16 x 11} in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. Same picture. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. Proof with artists' names only. 5. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz, ; 6} X 4 in, 6. Same picture. Stipple ; 6| X 6 in, 7. Same picture; without title. Pub. C Turner 1817. (Whitman 52.) Mezz. ; 10} X Sf in. 8. Copy from the last. Plate presented to Society of Arts by R. Solly, esq. Pub. 1824. (Whitman 53.) Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 9. Same picture. PL to Temple's Wallace CoUection, 1902. Photogravure ; 9 X 7 in. PALMER, JEMIMA (HARPUB), Lady; w. of Sir Thomas P., bart. ; d. 1768. 1. When Mrs. Palmer; nearly W. L., seated on a bank, looking to r., fruit in 1, hand. (C S. 31,) Mezz, ; 12} X 9J in. Two impressions, one cut, the other with inscription stopped out, 2, Reversed copy from the last, with six lines below: — ' Beauty, how sweet thy unaffected Grace,' etc. Sold J. Faber, (C S. 273.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9^ in. same plate, with addresses of T. & J. Bowles. PALMER, JOHN ; of the Inner Temple. 1. Bust, to 1., in cap; frame of palms, with arms; bottom of a view of Eoton Church, Northants. Line. at Painter PALMER, JOHN ; actor ; 1742 ?-1798. 1. With Miss Hopkins (afterwards Mrs. Kemble) ; as Bajazet and SeUma; W. L., the latter kneeling before the former. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 2. H. L., looking to 1.; oval frame, irradiated; name on tablet below. Line ; 4 X 2| in. 3. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Thespian Mag. ; pub. T. Wilkins 1793. Stipple ; 3J X 3} In. VOL. Ill, J. Reynolds J. D'Agar W. Hogarth J. Barralet Ben'well J. Cond6 Engraver W. Ward J. E. Coombs S. Cousins W. T. Pry S. W. Reynolds J. Rogers C. Turner G. White J. Faber jun. as B. Baron Walker J. Comer J. Cond6 2 D 402 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PALMER, ^OWSi— continued. 4. With Mrs. Kemble in Colman's InkU and Yarico ; W. L., standing together. Pub. J. Roach 1790. Line ; 6} x 3} in, 5. As Don John in Beaumont & Fletcher's The Chances; W, L,, carrying a baby; oval iu rect, PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 4} x 3 in, 6, As Don Carlos in Gibber's Ximena; W, L,, standing; oval in rect, PL to same publication. Line ; 4| X 3} in, 7. H, L,-, to 1, ; broad oval frame. Pub. W, Richardson 1779. (C, S, p, 797,) Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 8. With Mrs. Gardiner, as Careless and Lady Plyant in Congreve's The Double Dealer ; W. L., Careless kneeling before Lady Plyant. PL to New English Theatre; pub. T. Lowndes 1777. Line ; 6} X 3| in. 9. As Christmas in prologue to Garrick's Christmas Tale; small W. L., standing; without background. Pub. Fielding & Walker 1779, Line, 10. As Warwick in Henry VI, part 3; W. L., standing, holding sword; without background. PL to Bell's Shakspeare, 1776. Line ; 6| X 3| in. 11. As Stukely in Moore's The Gamester ; W. L., standing; without background. PL to Bell's British Tlieatre, nil. Line ; 6} X 3| in, 12, H, L,, to r, ; oval. Pub, W, Dickenson, etc. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 13, As Warwick in Henry VI, part 3; W. L,, standing, holding crown ; oval iu rect. PL to ed. of Shakspeare ; pub. J. BeU 1786. Line ; 35 X 2f in. 14. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 15. As the Stranger in Kotze'oue'a The Stranger; H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PI, to Monthly Mirror; pub T Bellamy 1798. Stipple ; 3| X 3 in, 16, In character; W, L,, standing, looking to r, ; with title 'Don Jack to the right about,' Theatrical Por traiture, No, 8; pub, Bentley & Co, 1791, Line ; 6| X 4 in, 17, As Pace; small W, L, ; without background. Line.18. In character; H. L., looking to L, iu hat with feather and slashed dress ; oval. Stipple ; S| X 3} in. Clipped impression. 19. Bust, looking to r., in private dress; oval. Line ; 8 X 2} in. Clipped impression. See Gboups. ¦Painteb Cruikshank S. De Wilde R. Dighton D. Dodd T. Parkinson J. Roberts J. Russell Sanders Engraver Barlo'w Thornth'waite R. Laurie Walker Cook C. Grignion Anon.J. CoUyer Thornth'waite J. Chapman W. Ridley 'A Scratch' Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 403 Subject Painter Engbaveb PALMER, JOHN; projector of mail-coaches; comp- troUer-general of the post office ; 1742-1818, 1. H. L., looking to L, holding book in r. hand. PI. to oat. of Price sale at Christie's 1895. Keproduction. PALMER, JOHN ; pugilist ; known as ' Jack Scroggius ' ; 1787-1836. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to P. Egan's Boxiana : pub. Sherwood, etc. 1818. Stipple.PALMER, LadyMADELINA ; w. of Charles Fyshe P., of Luckley Park; d. of 4th Duke of Gordon; d. 1847. See Gbocps, (Ladies Gordon), PALMER, MARY ; w. of John Palmer and sister of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; 1715-1787. See Reynolds, Frances. PALMER, MARY. See Thomond, Mary, Marchioness of. PALMER, PAUL ; schoolmaster at Mitcham ; fl. 1770. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; circular frame. With engraver's name only. (0. S, 17,) Mezz, ; 5f X 4} in, PALMER, Sir RALPH ; chief justice of Madras. 1. Bust, to L, in private dress ; with facsimile of autograph. Lith. ; 3§ X 2g in. PALMER, ROBERT ; actor ; 1757-1805 ? 1. As My Lord Duke iu Townley's High Life Below Stairs; W. L., standing. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Tlieatre, 1806, ¦ Stipple; 4| X 3}iu, 2. As Tom in Steele's Conscious Lovers ; W. L., standing ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 4} x 3} iu. 3. As Tag in The SpoiUd Child ; H. L. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1803. Stipple ; 3| X 3 in. 4. H. L., looking to r. ; oval, PL to European Mag.; pub. J, SeweU 1802. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in, PALMER, ROBERT, (of Holme Park, Berks,) ; 1793- 1872, 1, H, L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette, with fac simile of autograph. Lith. PALMER, Sib ROUNDELL, M.P. See Selbobne. PALMER, SAMUEL; independent minister; editor of Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial ; 1741-1813, 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to L, Life of Baxter beside him. Pub. 1814. Mezz. ; UJ x 9| in. PALMER, SAMUEL ; painter ; 1805-1881. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1881. Woodcut. Gainsborough J. Sharpies W. Ross S. De Wilde S. Drummond A. W. Devis J. Hopwood B. Clowes M. Gauci Maddocks J. Corner W. Ridley W. Ridley Anon. H. Meyer 2 D 2 404 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PALMER, SARAH ; w. of Paul P. of Mitcham. 1. H. L., slightly to 1. ; circular frame. (C S. 18.) ; 61 X 4} in. PALMER, THEOPHILA. See Gwatkin. PALMER, THOMAS FYSHE ; unitarian minister ; transported for sedition 1793 ; 1747-1802, 1. H, L,, to r,, seated at a table, paper in r, hand ; oval. Pub, W, Skirviug, Edinburgh. Etching ; 3} X 2} in, PALMER, WILLIAM ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, looking to 1, ; oval, PL to Metliodist Mag., 1813. Stipple ; 3} X 2g in. PALMER, (Mrs.), (born Bruce) ; w. of Capt. P., of the Guards. 1. T. Q. L., seated iu chair, directed and looking to r. ; with title ' Content.' Pub. 1783. Stipple ; 5 X 3J in. PALMER; actor. 1. As Richard Cceur-de-Lion; W. L., holding battle-axe and shield ; vignette. Engraved for the Toy Theatre ; pub. A. Park 1839. Stipple.Impression tinted and elaborately tinselled by J. Elgood. PALMER ; printseller ; 18th cent. See Groups (London priutseUers.) PALMER ; butler of Oriel CoUege, Oxford ; fl. 1820. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding silver cup. Mezz. ; 12| X 9} in. Proof before any inscription. PALMER-ACLAND, FRANCES ELIZABETH ; ? d. of Sir Peregrine P.-A., bart. 1. A child, W. L., seated on the floor, holding up a rose. Lith ; 8} X 6} in. PALMERSTON, HENRY TEMPLE, Srd Viscount, K.G. ; prime minister ; 1784-1865. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval. Lith. ; 12} X 10} in. 2. W. L., standing, speaking in the House of Commons looking to 1. Pub. Brookor 1861. Mezz. ; 24 X 15 in. 3. H. L., looking to 1. Prom picture in Harrow School library. Pub. H, Graves & Co. 1865. Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Oue proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. H.L., tor., seated. Pl.toZex(!L3,n'sNat. Portrait GaUery ; pub. Pisher 1832. Stipple ; 43 X SJ iu. 5. H. L., looking to r., scroll in 1. hand. Pub, E. B Morris 1864. AIixed;lli X 9| in. Proof before title. Painter J.Kay LHay H. Singleton A. Craig P. Cruikshank P. Grant J. Lucas E. B. Morris Engraver B. Clowes J.Kay T. Blood W. Hirst Anon. W. Say M. Gauci A. Remanoczy G. Zobel HoU & Zobel H. Cook P. Bacon Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 405 Subject Painter Engraver 6, W. L,, full face, standing in library, in evening dress with riband and star. Pub. Colnaghi 1852. (Whitman 122.) Mezz. ; 27 X 16} in. One proof before inscription ; one witli open letters ; one finished impression. 7. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. 8. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Pub. Colnaghi 1855. stipple ; 13J X 11} in. 9. H. L,, to r,, holding whip; vignette. Pub, T. McLean 1840. Lith. 10. Same picture, H. L. only, without whip. Pub. J. Dowding. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in, 11. T. Q, L., seated, directed and looking to L, holding hat. From photograph. Stipple and line ; 6 x 4} in. 12, Nearly W. L,, seated by table, looking to 1, Prom photograph. Suppl. to Hlust. News of the World. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 13. Bust, looking tor. ; small vignette. Prom photograph. Woodcut.Proof before inscription. 14. T. Q. L., to r., seated, 1. hand on table. Pub, London Printing & Publishing Co. Stipple and lme ; 6§ x 6 in. 15. T. Q. L., standing by pUnth of a column, looking to L, holding scroU. Pub. W. Tegg 1864. Mezz. ; 16f X 12 in. See Gboups (Aberdeen Cabinet), (House of Commons 1860.) PALMERSTON, EMILY MARY (LAMB), Viscountess; w. of the preceding ; d. of 1st Viscount Melbourne ; m. 1. Peter, 5th Earl Cowper ; 1787-1869, 1, When Hon. Emily Lamb, aged 16 ; bust to 1, ; oval. Prom picture at Panshanger. PL to Lord R, Gower's Lawrence, 1900. Photogravure ; 8} X 6} in, 2. When Countess Cowper ; nearly W, L,, full face, seated, in evening dress. Private plate, without title. Lith, ; 16 X 12} in. 3. Bust, directed and looking to L; oval. Prom a drawing. stipple ; 13} X 11} in. Proof with artists' names only. PANIZZI, Sib ANTHONY, K.CB. ; principal librarian of the British Museum ; 1797-1879. 1. Aged 69 ; H. L., to r., seated. Prom picture in British Museum. Pub. J. Noseda. Line ; 12| X 10 in. Twenty-six progress proofs. 2. Same picture ; vignette ; without title. Front, to his Life, by Pagan, 1880. Etching, 3. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Cutting from Tlie Graphic, 1879. Woodcut. J. Partridge G. Richmond W. C. Ross T. Lawrence J. Lucas J. R. Swinton G. P. Watts S. Cousins J. H. Lynch P. Holl J. S. Templeton H. Cook HoU J. D.' Pound J. L. Williams Anon. M. Gauci P. HoU J. Outrim L. Fagan Anon. 406 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PANMURE, WILLIAM RAMSAY-MAULE, 1st Baron ; s. of 8th Earl of Dalhousie ; whig politician ; 1771-1852. 1. Aged 67; nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, snuff-box in 1. hand ; bust of Charles James Pox to r. Private plate. Mezz. ; 17 X 18} in. 2. When Hon. W. Ramsay-Maule ; W. L., standing, holding horse by bridle ; with title ' Generous Sports man,' 1795. Etching. PANMURE, FOX HOUSIE. MAULE, 2ud Baron, See Dal- PANTON, EDWARD, See Panton, Thomas, PANTON, THOMAS; gambler; d, 1685. 1. H. L., to r. Prom a painting. With incorrect title ' Captain Edward Panton.' Pub. R. S. Kirby 1813. Btching ; 6} X 4} in. PAOLI, PASQUALB ; Corsican patriot ; died in London ; 1725-1807. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., resting truncheon on rock. Prom the picture painted for J. Bos well. Pub. C. Bowles 1769. (C. S. 121.) Mezz. ; 19 x 13} in. Three impressions. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. H. L., to L, in cuirass; oval frame with four French lines on tablet. E. v. Harrevelt exc. Line ; 13} X 9} in. 4. H. L., looking to r., in armour ; oval. Pub, C Townley 1784. Stipple ; 4g X 3} in. 5. H.L.,r. profile, sitting; vignette. Prom crayon dra'wing Pub. W. DanieU 1809. Soft-ground etching. 6. H. L., nearly fuU face, looking to 1. ; rect. frame of masonry. Line ; 12J x 9} in. 7. Same picture, reversed; oval. 'P. Bonneville del.' Pub. at Paris. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 8, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, holding truncheon, 1, arm on cannon ; battle in background, (C S, 20,) Mezz, ; 12} X 10 in, 9, W, L,, to r., standing, looking to L, in uniform with cuirass, gun leaning against rock to 1, ; fighting in back ground. Pub. M. Darly 1769. (G. S. 84.) Mezz. ; 17* X 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 10. H. L., to 1., standing, in uniform, r. hand on truncheon ; •with Dutch title. S. Cruys exc. Etching ; (plate) 8| x 6} in. 11. H. L., to 1., in uniform with cuirass ; oval frame with emblems ; vignette. Pub. J. E. NUson, Augsburg. Painteb T. M. Joy J.Kay H. Bembridge S. Caron R. Cosway G. Dance M. Drelling Gambalini P. Gherardi H. KobeU L. de Montagna Engraver H. Cousins J.Kay Anon. Anon. J. Houbraken C. Townley W^. DanieU B. L. Henriquez Anon. R. Brookshaw R. Houston H. KobeU J. E. Nilson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 407 Subject Painter 12. A head, looking to r. ; oval in rect. Prom a picture sent from Corsica. Pub. de Maroenay, Paris. Etching ; 4| X 3} in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 13. H. L., looking to L, in imiform with cuirass ; ' as described by Mr. BoswelL' PL to Smollett's Hist, of England. Line ; 3J X 3 in. 14. H. L., to r. ; vignette ; book illustration. Pub. M. Jones 1807. Stipple. 15, H, L,, nearly full face, in uniform and hat; rect, carved frame, with motto ' Pro Patria ' and French title. Line ; 6| X 4 in, 16, In the mUitary habit of his country ; W, L,, standing, looking to r, ; without background. No. XVIII of a set. Line. 17. Bust, J. profile ; a silhouette shade. PAPENDIEK, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA. See Plahta. PAPILLON, DAVID ; military engineer ; 1581-1655 ? 1. A head, to 1, ; small oval in title to his Arts of Fortifica tion and Assailing ; pub. R. Austin 1645. Line. PAP WORTH, JOHN BUONAROTTI ; architect ; 1775- 1847. 1. H. L., looking to L, holding crayon with hand resting on book. Private plate. Mezz. ; 12} X 9J in. Proof before any inscription. PA RDOE, JULIA; writer; 1806-1862. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to L, in evening dress ; with facsimile of autograph'. Pub. G. Virtue, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PARDOE, ROBERT ; attorney; 1711-1791. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame ; without title. (C S. 113, Goodwin 160.) Mezz. ; 13} x 11 in. PARHAM. See Willoughby op Parham. PARIS, JOHN AYRTON, M.D. ; physician; 1785-1856, 1. H, L,, to r. ; vignette. From a drawing, Athenieum Portraits, No, 18. Pub, T, McLean 1836. Lith.2. Nearly W. L., full face, seated in armchair, resting book on knee. Prom picture at College of Physicians. Mezz. ; 17 X 13} in. Proof before any inscription. PARIS, MATTHEW ; monk and historian ; d. 1259. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r. ; from a MS. now in BibUothSque Nationale, Paris. Pront. to his History, ed. W. Wats 1640. tine ; 7-| X 5 in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Line ; 6} X 3} in. N. J. Green H. Room O. Humphry E. U. Eddis C. Skottowe Engraver A. de Marcfinay J. S. MuUer Anon. T. Cross W. Say J. Thomson J. Watson W.D(rummond) S. Bellin T. Cecill Anon. 408 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PARISH, JOHN. 1. Aged 74; H. L., fuU face. Private plate. Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. PARISH, Sir WOODBINE, K.C,H.; diplomatist; 1796- 1882. 1. When Mr, Parish; H, L,, looking to r, ; vignette. Lith, PARISOT, (Mleb,) ; dancer at the London opera house. 1. W. L., to L, dancing, holing up wreath. Pub. A. W. Devis 1797. (C. S. 131, Prankau 269.) Mezz. ; 21} x 14J in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. W. L,, to r,, dancing, swinging garland over her head ; oval. Pub, C. Turner 1799. (Whitman 414,) Stipple ; 8} X 6J in, PARK, Sir JAMES ALAN ; judge ; 1763-1838. 1. T. Q. L., to r,, in private dress and lawyer's wig, seated in armchair, hands clasped. Pub, 1833. Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, PARK, MUNGO ; African explorer ; 1771-1806, 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Front, to his Travels; pub. G. Nicol 1799, Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Same picture ; in suspended picture frame. Pub. J. Bumpus 1824. Stipple. 3. Same picture ; octagonal frame with emblems. PL to Percy Anecdotes ; pub. T. Boys 1820. Stipple, same plate ; with address of J, Cumberland. 4. Same picture ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. G NicoU & J. SeweU 1799. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 5. Miniature, copied from the preceding, now in National Portrait GaUery. PL to Caw's Scott GalUry, 1903. Photogravure ; 3} x 2} in. PARKE, DANIEL; general; governor of the Leeward Islands ; murdered at Antigua ; 1669-1710. 1. Bust, face to r., in wig and armour; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to French's Account of Col Parke's Administration, 1717. Line ; 6} x 3f in. PARKE, Sib JAMBS. See Wensleydale. PARKER, ANN ; widow of Richard P. the mutineer. 1. Aged 68; H, L,, face to r,, in cap; vignette. Pub, R. Chambers. Lith. PARKER, BEATRIX, (born Lister) ; w. of John P of Brownsholme ; sister of 1st Baron Ribblesdale ; b. 1749. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. :Mezz. ; 12 X 9J in. 2. When Miss Lister, aged 15 ; T. Q. L., to r. seated in fancy dress, with dog on lap. Prom picture belonging to Lord Ribblesdale. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. C. H^nard T. Phillips A. W. Devis J. Masquerier W. J. Ne'wton H. Edridge G. Kneller C. Taylor W. O'wen J. Reynolds H. Meyer I. W. Slater J. R. Smith C. Turner W. J. Ward T. Dickinson S. Preeman W. T. Pry W. Ridley G. Vertue C. Taylor W. Say S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 409 Subject Painteb Engbaveb PARKER, CATHERINE (GOODWIN), Lady; w. of Sir PhUip P. of Erwartou ; 16th cent. 1, H, L,, to 1., in hood and ruff ; oval frame. PL to Hist. of House of Yvery, ni2. (C S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PARKER, CHARLES GEORGE, (of Springfield Place, Essex) ; s. of John Oxley P. ; 1780-1847. 1. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, directed [and looking to 1. ; arms and autograph below. Lith. ; 6} X 4} in. PARKER, CHRISTOPHER COMYNS, Mortimer Place) ; d. 1843. 1. Bust, to 1. ; with arms and facsimile Private plate. Mezz. ; 6} X 6} in. PARKER, EDWARD, (of Brownsholme). 1. In costume of Bowbearer of Bowland c. 1690 ; H, to 1., holding carved stick, a horn in his belt. Line ; 4} X 3| in. PARKER, ELIZABETH (GALTHORPE), Lady ; w. of Sir Henry P. of Erwarton ; afterwards Lady Woodhouse and Lady Drury. 1. H. L., fuU face. From drawing at Windsor, PL to Chamberlaine's Imitations of Drawings by Holbein, 1793. Stipple ; 11} X 8} in. 2. Same dra'wing. PL to same work, ed. 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. 3. Same drawing. 4. Same drawing. (of Woodham of autograph. L., Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. Photograph. PARKER, GEORGE ; almanac maker ; 1651-1743. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Prout. to Ephemeris, 1694, Line ; 6 x 2} in, 2. H, L,, directed and looking to r, ; decor, oval frame on his Line ; 4J X 3 in, 3. Aged 54 ; H. L,, to r. ; plain oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6 X 2} in, 4. Bust, to r. ; vignette on title to his Ephemeris for 1778, Woodcut,PARKER, GEORGE ; actor, lecturer and author ; 1732- 1800. 1. H. L., to L, in hat, r. hand in waistcoat; oval. Front. to his Life's Painter of variegated Characters, 1789. Stipple and line ; 4| x 3} in. PARKER, GERVASE; general; commander-in-chief in Ireland ; d. 1750. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in cuirass, resting truncheon on block ; troops in background. Sold A, Miller, Dubbn, (C, S. 40,) Mezz, ; 12} X 9J in, PARKER, HENRY ; dissenting minister. 1. H. L,, directed and looking to L, in gown and bands, Mezz, ; 4} X 3} in. Proof before inscription. W. C. Ross H. Holbein A. Lee J. Paber jun. P. Gauci Anon. J. Basire P. Bartolozzi J. Minasi W. Elder J. Nutting Anon. Anon. A. Miller W. Say 410 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PARKER, HENRY PERLEB ; painter ; 1795-1873. 1, Bust, to L; vignette; from photograph, lUust. to Illust. London News, 1874, Woodcut,PARKER, Sib HYDE, bart, ; admiral ; 1714-1782. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform. Prom picture belonging to Earl of Morley. Pub. J, R, Smith 1781. (C S, 132, Prankau, 270,) Mezz, ; 13} X 11 in. One proof with inscription in scratched letters ; one with inscription engraved, 2, T, Q, L , to r,, standing, in uniform, r, hand on sword; ships in background. From picture at Greenwich, Pub, C Townley 1785. (C S. 17.) Jlezz. ; 17| X 13} in. Two impressions. 3. Same picture, H. L. only; vignette. PL to Contem porary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1817. Stipple. 4. Bust, r. profile; oval frame with ornaments. PL to London Mag. ; pub. J. Walker. Line ; 6} x 3| in. PARKER, Sib HYDE ; s. of the preceding ; admiral ; 1739-1807, 1, W, L,, standing, directed and looking to r,, holding sword. Inscription on separate plate, (C S. 12, II.) Mezz. ; 24} X 16} in. PARKER, (Hon.) JOHN. See Morley, John Parker, 1st Earl of. PARKER, JOHN OXLEY; deputy registrar to the archdeaconries of Essex, Middlesex and Colchester ; 1744-1826. 1. Aged 74; T. Q. L., seated in armchair, looking to 1. (Whitman 228.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions, PARKER, JOHN WILLIAM ; publisher; 1792-1870, 1, T, Q, L,, seated, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom daguerreotype. Lith. PARKER, JOSEPH. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Private plate. Line. PARKER, MARY ; w. of the preceding. 1. H. L., looking to r., in cap and shawl; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Private plate. Line.PARKER, MATTHEW, D.D. ; archbishop of Canter bury; 1504-1575. 1. Aged 69 ; H. L., seated, directed and looking to 1. ; open book, bell, etc. before him ; oval frame with shields in angles. From picture at Lambeth. Pront. to his De Antiquitate Britannicae Eeclesiae, 1572. Line ; 4| x 3} in. Second state, with age altered to 70 and date to 1678. J. Northeote G. Romney Painter G. Romney W. Owen M. Shepperson M. Shepperson (R. Lyne) Engraver Anon. J. R. Smith C. Townley C. Watson Anon. J. Walker S. W. Reynolds Anon. W. C. Edwards W. C. Edwards R. Hogenberg Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 411 Subject 2, Facsimile copy from flrst state of the preceding. Same dimensions. 3. Same picture. From illumination at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Etching ; 4} X SJ in. 4. Same picture. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, Allen & Co., 1815. Stipple ; 7| X 5} in. 5. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1827. Stipple ; 4J X 4 in. 6. Same picture. Pub. W. Rintoul. Lith. ; 8} X 6J in. 7. Same picture. PL to Birt's Elizabethan Beligious SettUment, 1907. Process block ; 4} x 3} in. 8. Same picture, to 1. ; without accessories ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Burnet's Beformation, 1681. Liue ; 9} X 5} in, 9. Exact copy from the last. PL to same work, ed, 1731. Line ; 9} X 5} in. 10. Another copy, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal ; Dutch book illustration. Line ; 6f X 4} in. 11. Another reversed copy; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 12. Similar to the preceding ; H. L., directed to r., looking to front, with open book ; two Latin lines below. PL to HoUand's Hei-aologia, 1620. (Franken 803.) Line ; 6| X 4} in. 13. Copy from the last, to 1., in inscribed oval. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 14. Another copy, to 1., bust only; rect. PL to Puller's Abel Bedevivus, 1651. Line ; 2} X 2} in. 15. SimUar ; H. L., to 1. ; octagon with ornaments. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697. Line ; 11} X 6J in. 16. H. L., directed and looking to r., holding small book and staff; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Strype's Memorials of him ; pub. J. Wyatt 1711. Line ; 9} x 5} in. 17. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 18. Another copy, reversed ; plain oval frame. PL to Middleton's Biographia Evangelica, 1779. Line ; 4| X 3} in. 19. Another copy, reversed ; plain oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6} x 3| in. 20. H. L., to r., seated at a table, looking to 1. ; open book before him. Front, to his De Antiquitate Britannicce EcclesicB, ed. Drake, 1729. Line ; log x 7} in. Painter (R. Lyne) Engraver Anon. M. Tyson C. Pieart T. A. Dean W. Rintoul R. White P. Simms Anon. (Passe) Anon. P. V. Gunst G. Vertue T. Trotter Anon. G. Vertue 412 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver PARKER, MATTHEW, D.D. —continued. 21. Copy from the last, bust only ; rect. at head of a biography. PL to Essex, Suffolk <& Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X 1| in. PARICER, NATHANIEL, (of Gray's Inn). See Garencieres. PARKER, Sir PETER, bart. ; admiral; 1721-1811. 1. Bust, to L, in uniform. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. PARKER, Sib PHILIP, (of Erwarton); grandson of 1st Baron Morley ; knighted 1578. 1. H. L., to r., in ruff and gown ; oval frame. PL to Hist. of the House of Yvery, 1742. (0, S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PARKER, RICHARD; leader of the mutiny at the Nore; hanged; 1767?-1797. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Pub. S. W. Fores 1797. Stipple ; 3J X 3| in. 2, W. L., to r., standing on deck of a ship, drawn cutlass in outstretched hand. Pub. J. Harrison & Co., York, 1797. Line ; 17 X Hi in, 3, H, L., to r. ; oval frame. Pub. W. Bromley, etc. 1797. Stipple : 6 X 3J in. 4. H. L., r. profile ; rect. ; with French inscription. Stipple ; 4| X 31 in. 5. H. L., r. profile, in hat. ' R. Parker Delegate of the Navy.' Line ; 4} X 3} in. 6. Tendering the list of grievances to Vice Admiral Buckner on board the Sandwich. Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. PARKER, SAMUEL ; nonjuror and theological writer ; 1681-1730. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal, with Greek motto above. Line ; 6} X 4} in. PARKER, (Hon.) THERESA, (born Robinson) ; w. of John P., afterwards 1st Baron Boringdon; d. of 1st Baron Grantham ; 1742-1775. 1. W. L., standing by pedestal on which is a large vase, face in profile to r. Prom picture at Saltram. Pub. S. Hooper, etc. 1773. (C S. 28, Goodwin 16.) Mezz. ; 24| X 16 in. One proof before title ; tliree fully-lettered impressions, 2, Same picture. Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1824, Mezz, ; 6} X 4 in, 3, Nearly W, L,, to L, seated in armchair, her young son standing at her knee ; with incorrect title ' Lady Boring don & Son,' Pub, S. W, Reynolds, Slezz, ; 6} X 4^ iu, PARKER, (Hon,) THERESA, See Villiers. BaileyW. Chamber laine S. Drummond Ed-wards G. Neagle H. Green J. Reynolds G. Kellaway T. Blood J. Paber jun. SansomHarrison & Co. W. Bromley J. P. Tassaert G. Neagle Anon. G. Vertue T. Watson S. W. Reynolds Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 413 Subject Painter Engbaveb PARKER, Sib THOMAS ; chief baron of the exchequer ; 1695?-1784. 1. Nearly W. L., to i., seated in armchair, in judicial robes, glove in 1. hand. Sold J. Tinney. (C. S. 4.) Mezz. ; 12| x H in. Two impressions. PARKER, Sir THOMAS. See Macclesfield. PARKER, THOMAS LISTER, (of Brownsholme) ; anti quary; 1779-1858. 1. T, Q, L,, standing by rook, looking to L, in fur cloak, hand on head of a dog. PL to Young's Leicester Gallery. Etching ; 4} x 3} in. , See Asshbton, WiUiam. PARKER, Sir WILLIAM, bart. ; admiral ; 1743-1802. See Gboups (Naval Victories). PARKER, WILLIAM ; clerk in Clutterbuok's brewery, Stanmoie; 1746-1811. 1. H. L., to 1. Private plate. stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PARKER, (Mbs.) ; ballad singer ; fl. 1700. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing, holding baUads; without title. J Smith excud. Mezz. ; 6 X 4} in. 2. With R. TeasdeU; W. L., standing, holding song; with title 'A merry new Song.' PL to Tempest's Cryes of London. Line ; SJ X 6} in. PARKES, SAMUEL, P.L.S., F.S.A.Edin.; chemist; 1761-1825. 1. H, L,, seated, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. PL to Imperial Mag. ; pub. H. Pisher 1822. Stipple. 2, Same drawing ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. ' Wageman del.' Pront. to his Chemical Catechism, 1826. Line.PARKHURST, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Norwich ; 1512 ?-1575. 1. Bust, to 1., in high-crowned hat and furred gown. Prom a painting. Line ; 7 X 6} in. PARKIN, JONATHAN ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 42 ; bust, to 1. ; oval. PI. to Metliodist Mag., 1805. stipple ; 3t X 2} in. PARKINSON, JOHN ; apothecary and herbalist ; 1567- 1650. 1. H. L,, to r,, in cap, holding flower ; oval. Cut from title to his Theatrum Botanicum, 1640. Line, 2. Copy from the last. Pub. W, Richardson 1810. Line, 3. Aged 62 ; H. L., to r., holding flower ; oval frame in rect. Prefixed to his Paradisus Terrestris, 1629. Woodcut ; 6} X 4; in. J. Northeote G. P. Joseph L. Castro M. Laroon A. WiveU J. Tinney J. Young W. Bond Anon. Parker A. W. Warren W. C. Edwards W. Ridley W. MarshaU Anon. 414 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PARKYNS, Sib THOMAS, (of Bunny), bart. ; 1728-1806. 1. SmaU W. L., seated on chair, r. profile, in hat, holding cane. Etching. PARKYNS, (Mrs.) See Ranolipfe, Elizabeth Ann, Lady. PARNELL, CHARLES STEWART, M.P. ; Irish nation aUst leader ; 1846-1891. 1. In the witness-box before the special commission ; tor., standing. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1889. Woodcut ; 12 X 9 in. PARNELL, THOMAS, D.D. ; archdeacon of Clogher ; poet; 1679-1718. 1. Bust, to L, in wig, gown and bands ; oval. Front, to an ed. of his Poems. Stipple; 3} x 2}in, 2. H. L,, to r,, in wig, gown and bands. Pub. T. Davies 1771, Without artists' names. (C S, p, 1741, No. 122,) Mezz, ; 12} X 9J in. Two impressions. 3. Same picture. ' G. Clint del.' PL to Effigies Poeticse ; pub. W. Walker 1822. Line ; 4 x 3} in, 4, Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval in title to an ed, of his Poems ; pub. G. Nicholson, Ludlow, 1801. Stipple ; 2 X If in. 5. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; circular frame on pedestal. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1786. Line ; 4f X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 6. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval, at head of letterpress account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison 1795. -Line ; IJ X If in. same plate, re-issue, witli octagonal frame added. 7. Same picture, H, L,, to r, ; reot, frame. PL to Sharpe's Classics, 1803, Stipple ; 4J X 3} in, 8. Bust, to r,, in wig, gown and bands ; octagon, with facsimile of autograph, PI, to Aldine ed, of British Poets ; pub, W. Pickering 1833. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in. See Gboups. PARNTHER, (Mrs.) 1. Nearly W. L., seated on a bank, looking to L, in evening dress. Private plate. Mezz. ; 10 X 8 in. ' P.&ROCHIAL AUTHORITY.' See Reeve, John. PARR, ANN. See Parry. PARR, SAMUEL, LL.D.; scholar, critic and whig politician; 1747-1825. 1. Nearly W. L., slightly to r., in wig, gown and bands, seated by table on which are letters and ink-bottle. Pub. A. MackUn 1804. Mezz. ; 18} X 13} in. Two impressions. Painter W. Wilson G. KneUer A. Mayer Engraver Anon. W. Artaud R. Taylor W. Hopwood (J. Dixon) W. Bromley J. Chapman J. HaU RothweU P. W. Tomkins H. Robinson G. H. Every W. Say Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 415 Subject 2. W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to L, in cap, holding pipe ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith. 3. Same drawing, reversed. Pub. A. Chisholm. Lith. 4. SimUar portrait, T.'Q. L. only, pen substituted for pipe. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery; pub. Fisher 1832. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 5, Marble bust on a bracket. Front, to vol. 1 of his Works ; pub, J. Bohn 1828, Line ; 6} X 3J In. 6. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to r., in wig, gown and bands. Pub. G. Dawe 1815. Mezz. ; 17} X 135 in. Three impressions, 7. H. L,, to r,, seated in armchair, in dressing gown and cap, holding long pipe. Pront. to vol. 7 of his Works, 1828, Line ; 6} X SJ in. [A pictuie similar to this, but with pen instead of pipe in r. hand, is in the national Portrait Gallery. 1 8. H. L., to r., in wig and bands. Pub. Bohn 1826. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 9. Nearly W. L., full face, seated in armchair, in wig and bands. Pub. J, Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Painter A. Chisholm HaUs 1814. (Whitman 415.] Two proofs with "open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 10. Same picture, H. L. only. Pront. to vol. 2 of his Works, 1828. Line ; 5} X 35 in. Proof before any inscription. 11, H. L,, to r,, seated, in wig; rect. frame. Prom picture in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Pub. 1823. Line ; 13| X 10| in. Clipped impression. 12. Aged 60; T, Q, L., seated, full face, in wig, gown and bands, r. arm on portfolio. Prom picture at Holkham, Pub, W, Richardson 1808. Stipple ; llf X 85 in, 13, Same picture, H. L, only; viguetlie. PL to Contem porary Portraits ; pub, Cadell & Davies 1811. Stipple, 14. Same picture, H. L. only; oval. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1809. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 15, H, L,, to L, looking upwards, in 'wig, gown and bands, scroll in r, hand; rect, frame. From picture at Em manuel CoUege, Cambridge. Pub. J. Jones, 1788. (0, S. 60,) Mezz, ; 17} X 13} in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully-lettered impression, 16. Bust, to L, in wig; oval. Pub. H. D, Symonds 1807. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in, 17, Bust, to L, in wig, Vernor & Hood. Stipple ; 3t X 3 in. G. Clarke G, Da'we L. de Longaste J. J. HaUs Engraver J. Lonsdale J. Opie G. Romney looking upwards ; oval. Pub, A. Chisholm J. Cochran W. Skelton T. Hodgetts W. Skelton C. Turner W. Skelton G. & J. Pacius C. Pieart W. Ridley J. Jones J. Hopwood . W. Ridley 416 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter PARR, THOMAS, ('Old Parr'); centenarian; 1483?- 1635. 1. H, L,, nearly fuU face, in cloak ; with title ' Old Parr,' Prom picture painted from memory, formerly in Uvedale Price and Kann collections. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1793. Line ; 5} X 4} in. 2. Same picture ; with same title. Drypoint ; 4} X 4 in. One proof with Powle's name only ; one fully-lettered impression. 3. H. L., to L, seated, in skuU-oap; 'The Olde, Old, very Olde Man,' etc. Line ; 6 X 4in. 4. Copy from the last, reversed ; with same inscription. Line ; 4-} X 4 in. 5. Another copy, to 1. ; reot. frame on pedestal on which is an account of him in French ; 1715. Line ; 10 x 7 in. 6. Another copy, to r. ; with Dutch title. Printed in a, Dutch broadside. Line ; 4} X 4} in. 7. Another copy, to r. From title-page to a Dutch transla tion of Taylor's Life of him, Delfl, 1635. Photograph. 8. H. L., full face, in ruff; oval; with title 'Old Parr ^ta. 152.' Sold S. Sympson in the Strand. (C. S. 32.) [False.] Mezz. ; 7 X 6 in. same plate, with Sympson's address altered to Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. 9. Copy from the last,, bust only ; oval inscribed frame. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 10. Another copy, bust only ; oval inscribed frame. Line ; 2} X 2} in. PARR, THOMAS, (' Young Parr ') ; centenarian. 1. H. L., to L; oval. Sold S. Sympson in the Strand. (C S. 33.) Slezz. ; 7} X 6} in. One proof before title ; three fully-lettered impressions. same plate, with Sympson's address altered to Maiden Lane, same plate; with addresses of T. Jefierys & I. Herbert. 2. Copy from the last ; oval in rect. frame. Strand. (C. S. not descr.) Jlezz. ; 6} X 4} in. Sold at 27 PARRATT, THOMAS ; organist at Huddersfield ; 1793- 1862. 1. Bust, to r. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. PARRATT, (Mbs.) ; w. of the preceding. 1. Bust, to 1. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. (P. P. Rubens) Engraver J. Cond^ G. Powle C. V. Dalen Anou^ HabertAnon. G. White 9, J. Nutting Anon. G. White Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 417 Subject Painter PARRATT, Sir WALTER, Mus. D., M.V.O. ; master of the King's Musick; b. 1841. 1, Nearly W, L., standing, in gown; from photograph. PI. to Musical Times, 1902. Process block. 2. Aged 13 ; bust. Cutting from the same. Process block. 3. Seated at organ of St. George's Chapel; from photo graph. Cutting from the same, 1909, Process block, PARRIS, EDMUND THOMAS ; painter; 1793-1873, 1, H, L,, to 1. ; from photograph. Illust. to Illust. London News, 1873. Woodcut. PARROCK, ELIZA ; actress ; b. 1806. 1. As Elvina in The Blind Boy ; H. L., looking to 1, ; in picture frame. PL to The Drama, or Theatrical Pocket Mag. ; pub. Elvey 1825. Stipple. PARROT, HARRIET. 1. A child, T. Q. L., to 1., leaning on stool, holding apple with both hands ; oval in rect. Pub. R. Sayer 1772. (C S. 97, Whitman 32.) Mezz. ; 11 X 8} in. Two impressions. 2. Reversed copy from the last. Pub. R. Sayer 1772. (G. S. 98, Whitman 33.) Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. PARROT, SAMUEL ; dissenting minister at Devonport. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated in armchair, in gown and bands ; vignette. Stipple. PARRY, ANN. 1. H. L., to 1.,; with incorrect title 'Miss Ann Parr.' Pub. J. Dean 1778. (C. S. 20.) Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in. Proof with scratched inscription. PARRY, Sir CHARLES HUBERT HASTINGS, bart., Mus.D., D.C.L. ; musical composer; b. 1848. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. ; vignette. Lith. 2. Bust, full face; from photograph. Cutting from a newspaper. Process block. 3. Bust, to 1. Cutting from Must. London News, 1892, Woodcut,4, T, Q, L,, to L, seated. From photograph by Downey, Woodburytype, PARRY, EDWARD ; bishop of KiUaloe ; d. 1650, 1, H. L., to r., standing, in skuU-cap and rochet, book in 1. hand. Front, to his David Bestored, 1660. Line ; 6} X 8}:in. VOL. III. J. Meadows P. Falconet Engraver Anon. R. Cooper V. Green C. Penny G. Roraney W. Rothenstein Anon. J. Dean W. Rothenstein R. T(aylor) & Co. J. Dickson 2 E 418 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaver PARRY, EMILIA, (born Vansittart) ; w. of Edward P. ; 1758-1791. 1. When Miss Vansittart ; T. Q. L., full face, carrying dog. Unfinished and unpublished plate. (G. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 20 X 14 in. PARRY, JAMES; organist at Ross; author of The True Anti-Pamela ; b. 1712. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; open music book on desk before him. Pub. J. Lever. Line ; 4} X 2} in. PARRY, JOHN ; the bUnd harper ; d. 1782. 1. Small W. L., to r., seated, playing the harp ; without background or inscription. Etching ; (pi.) Sf X 2} in. 2. W. L., r. proffle, seated, playing the harp; without inscription. Outline. Line ; 3 X 2| in. PARRY, JOHN ; musical composer ; 1776-1851. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table, holding pen; vignette. Prom a miniature. Front, to his Welsh Harper ; pub, D'Almaine 1839, Lith,PARRY, JOHN ORLANDO ; s, of the preceding ; singer, actor and entertainer ; 1810-1879, 1, Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated at piano; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith, PARRY, JOSEPH ; painter, of Manchester ; 1744-1826, 1, T. Q, L,, to r,, seated by a canvas, holding palette. Without inscription. Etching ; lOf X 8| in. PARRY, Sir THOMAS ; comptroUer of the household to Queen Elizabeth ; d. 1560. 1. Bust, looking to L, in hat. Imitation of drawing at Windsor. Etching. 2. Same drawing. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 3. Same drawing; photograph. 4. Same drawing ; carbon photograph by Braun of Dornach. 5. Same drawing ; reproduction by Hanfstaengl. PARRY, THOMAS; secretary to the expedition to Manila 1762. See Groups (with Cornish and Kempenfelt.) PARRY, WILLIAM, A.R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1742 ?- 1791. 1. A head, looking upwards to 1. Pub. W. Smith. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. PARRY, Sir WILLIAM EDWARD, F.R.S.; admiral and arctic explorer ; 1790-1855. 1. T. Q. L., in fur coat and glove, looking to r., standing by capstan on which is a sextant, holding telescope. Mezz. ; 18 X 13} in. Proof before any inscription. J. Reynolds Anon. Anon. (W. Parry) C. Durham C. Baugniet (J. Parry) H. Holbein (W. Parry) Anon.E. Morton C. Baugniet (J. Parry) R. Dalton Pacius E. E(d'wards) S. Drummond E. E(dwards) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 419 Subject 2. Same picture, H, L, only ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1821. Stipple. 3. Same picture ; oval, with emblematical figures and vignette of an arctic scene, drawn by W. H. Brooke ; book iUustration. Pub. Sherwood & Co. 1823. 4, H, L,, slightly to r,, in furred cloak. Pub, W. Haines 1827, (Whitman 229,) Mezz, ; 9 X 7 in. One unfinished proof ; one before any inscription ; one with artists' and publisher's names scratched ; one fully-lettered impression, 5, Bust, to r,, face in profile, in private dress and hat, ¦Lith, ; 3i X 3 in, 6, H, L,, nearly fuU face, in undress uniform, holding telescope with both hands. Prom picture in Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Pub. Colnaghi 1839. Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. 7. Bust to L., in uniform; rect. frame, PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1823, Stipple ; 3 X 2} in, PARSLOE, B. J. ; actor ; fl. 1830. 1. With Mr. Vaile, in Jack Robinson and his monkey; W. L., holding the monkey by a cord. Pub. W. Kenneth. Lith. ; 10 X 18 in. PARSON, (Madam) 1. Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated, hands in lap. J, Verkolje exc, 1683, (C, S, 3, Wessely 17.) Mezz, ; 12} x 9} in. Two impressions. PARSONS, EDWARD; congregational minister at Leeds; 1762-1833. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1829. Stipple. .2. H. L., to L, looking to r., in gown and bands, 1. hand on open bible. Pub. Hurst, Robinson 1819. Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. 3. In pulpit, preaching, looking to L, in gown and bands, open bible before him. Pub. R. Harraden 1789. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 4. H. L., to r., in gown and bands; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davies 1827. Stipple. PARSONS, EDWARD ; dissenting minister at Halifax ; afterwards at Mile End, London ; 1797-1844. 1. H. L., to r, ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub, P. Westley 1826, Stipple, PARSONS, HUMPHREY ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1731 and 1741 ; 1676 ?-1741. 1, T. Q, L,, to L, standing, hat under 1, arm. Sold J, Paber. (0. S, 276.) Mezz. ; 11} x 10 in. 2, Bust, face to 1. ; oval in emblematical plate dedicated to him. Etching ; 13} X 10} in. Painter S. Drummond W. Haines H. Perry C. Skottowe J. P. Bump P. Lely W. Derby J. Northeote H. Singleton Wildman Engraver J. EUys J. Thomson C. Heath S. W. Beynolds H. Perry S. Bellin Anon. J. P. Bump J. Verkolje J. Thomson T. Lupton J. Ogborne Parker Anon. J. Paber jun. W. P. 2 E 2 420 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PARSONS, HUMPHREY— coTCimMsd, 3, Nearly W, L,, to L, standing, in robes of lord mayor. holding hat. Anon. Line ; 16} X 11 in. 4, T, Q, L,, to L, standing, in robes of lord mayor, r, arm on table ; mace behind, sword and cap on table to 1, ; oval, with eight lines of verse, (C S, 79,) 99 Mezz, ; 12} x 9} in. Two impressions. 5. Same picture, reversed. Sold W, Banks, (G, S, 80,) 99 Mezz, ; 11} x 9} in. PARSONS, HUMPHRY ; methodist preacher. 1, Bust to 1, ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1808. Blackberd Stipple ; 3} x 2} in. PARSONS, JAMES ; congregational minister at York ; 1799-1877. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. at York 1825. G. Marshall W. J. Ward Mezz. ; 8} X 7§ in. 2. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub. P. Westley 1825. Wildman T. Blood Stipple ; 85 X 7} in. PARSONS, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Peterborough ; 1761- 1819. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, in rochet, hands joined; Peterborough Cathedral in 1. background. Pub. S, W. Reynolds 1818. (Whitman 230.) W. Owen S. W. Resmolds Mezz. ; 17} x 13} in. PARSONS, NANCY. See Maynard, Annabella, Viscountess. PARSONS, ROBERT ; Jesuit missionary ; 1546-1610. 1. Bust, to r., in biretta ; oval in reot., with inscription on tablet. C. Gregori Line ; 7} X 5} in. 2. Aged 64 ; bust, to L, in biretta. J. Valdor Line ; 3J X 2} in. 3. Bust, to r., in biretta. PL to Gent. Mag., 1794. B. Line ; 6 X 4 in. 4. Bust, to r., in biretta and furred gown. Modern plate. Anon. Line ; 33 x 2} in. PARSONS, Sir WILLIAM, bart.; lord justice of Ireland; 1570 ?-1650. 1. Bust, to L, iu plain band and armour; oval in rect. S. Paul Pub. W. Humphrey 1777. (C S. 4.) [S. De Wilde] Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. Proof before inscription. P-AJISONS, (Cor,.) WILLIAM; chronologer; 1658-1725? 1. Bust, r. profile; circular frame on pedestal, in rect. panel of arabesque ornament. S. Gribelin S. Gribelin Line ; 7} x 6} in. PARSONS, WILLIAM ; s. of Sir John P., bart. ; hanged for highway robbery ; 1717-1750. 1. W. L., to r., in hat, standing by chair. Pub. F. Chamberlayue 1750. T. Jonson J. Brooke Line ; 16 X 9§ iu. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 421 Subject 2, Copy from the last. Persons, 1820. Etching ; 7f X 4} in. 'PL to Caulfield's Remarkable PARSONS, WILLIAM; actor; 1736-1795. 1, Bust, looking to r, ; oval, PL to Thespian Mag. ; pub, T, Wilkins 1793, Stipple ; 4 X 3} in, 2, H. L,, looking to r, ; rect, frame ; inscription in skeleton letters. Pub. E. BeU, May 28, 1795. (C. S. 14). Mezz. ; 12 X 95 in. One proof before title, with date May 1 ; two fully-lettered impressions. same plate, with dedication to School of Garrick and address of P. Brown 1796. live impressions. 3. As Col. Oldboy in Bickerstafie's Lionel and Clarissa ; W. L., seated ; oval in rect. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 4J X 3} in. 4. H. L., to r., seated ; oval. PL to Parsons's Minor Theatre, 1794. Line ; 2J x 2| in 5. Similar picture, but with 1. elbow on table; octagon. Pront. to his Life by Bellamy, 1795. Stipple ; 2} X 2| in. same plate, altered to an oval ; with title and engraver's name only. 6. As Dumps in Cumberland's ' T^ie Natural Son; W. L., standing; oval in reot. PL to BcU's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 4} X 3} iu. Clipped impression. 7. As Foresight; W. L., standing, looking upwards to r., hand on stick. Etching; 9 X 7 in. Proof before any inscription. 8. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval frame. Pub. W. Richardson 1779. (G. S. p. 797.) Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 9. With Miss Pope, as Vellum and Abigail in Addison's The D-ummer ; W. L., standing together. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 10. As Alscrip in Burgoyne's The Heiress; H. L., to i., holding cane ; oval. Pub. E. Harding 1786. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. same plate, as used for the European Mag. ; pub. J, Sewell 1795, 11, H, L,, to r, ; oval in rect. Line ; 6 X 3} in, 12, H, L,, to r,, face in profile; oval. Pub. Darling & Thompson 1792, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 13, With Mr, Moody, as Varland and Major O'Plaherty in Cumberland's West Indian; W, L., standing together. Pub, W, Dickinson 1776. (C. S. 57.) Mezz. ; 16} X 21} in. ... Oue proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. Painter T. Jonson J. Cond6 S. De WUde R. Dighton D. Dodd S. Harding 99 C. Hayter J. Mortimer Engraver G. Cruikshank J. Cond6 E. BeU J. Corner W. Ridley Thomthwaite S. De Wilde R. Laurie Walker J. Parker 99 J. Goldar J. Wright W. Dickinson 422 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Ensravee PARSONS, WILLIAM— conimteetZ, 14. As Justice ShaUow, in Henry IV., pt. 2; W, L,, standing ; oval in rect, PL to an ed, of Shakespeare ; pub, J, Bell 1785, Line ; 3^ X 2} in, 15, As Periwinkle, in Gentlivre's Bold Stroke for a Wife ; W, L,, standing, PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1776, Line ; 6 X 3} in, same plate, with engraver's name altered. Coloured, 16, With Mr, Burton, in Colman's Surrender of Calais ; W, L,, standing together, the former holding a saw, the latter a hammer. Pub. E. Lay 1793, Aquatint ; 14} x 11 in, 17. As Paul Prig, in prologue to Colman's Spanish Barber ; smaU W. L. ; without background. Line. 18. H. L., 1. profile, taking pinch of snuff ; without title. Pub. H. Humphrys 1782. Etching ; (pi.) 2} x 2} in. See Bannister, Charles. ¦ See Crawford, Ann, See Moody, John. See Groups. PARSONS, Sir WILLIAM, Mus.D., P.S.A. ; professor of music and magistrate ; 1746 ?-1817, 1, H, L,, to r, ; oval. Pub, 0, Wilkin 1790, Stipple ; 6 X 5 in, 2, Bust, to r, ; vignette, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J, Asperne 1806, Stipple,PARTINGTON, MILES; medical electrician ; b, 1751, 1, H, L,, r, profile, seated; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Pub, W. Daniell 1814, Soft-ground etchiug, PARTINGTON, THOMAS, J,P,, (of Offham, Sussex); chairman of quarter sessions ; 1759-1841, 1, Sitting on the bench, directed and looking to L, resting spectacles on book. Private plate ; 1841. Line ; 16| X lOf in. PARTON, ERNEST ; painter ; b. 1845. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Process block. PARTRIDGE, GEORGE ; living artist. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, hands clasped on knee. Without inscription. Etching ; 8} X 6} in. PARTRIDGE, JOHN; astrologer; 1644-1715. 1. H. L., to r., in long wig; oval frame. Pront. to his Treasury of Physick, 1682. Line ; 4} X 3 in. 2. Copy from the last. Line ; same dimensions, 3, Aged 35 ; H, L,, to r, ; oval frame, Pront, to his Astrological Vade Mecum, 1679, Line ; 45 X 3 in. J. H. Ramberg J. Roberts C, Wilkin P. Wilkins G. Dance J. H. Hurdis R. Bryden R. White C. Grignion J. Roberts Thomthwaite Anon. C. WUkin Ridley & Blood W, DanieU J. H. Hurdis R. Bryden R. White S. Coignand R. White Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 423 Subject rect, frame. Private PARTRIDGE, JOHN ; portrait-painter ; 1790-1872. See Gboups (Sketching Club). PARTRIDGE, NATHANIEL; minister of St. Michael's, St. Albans ; ejected for nonconformity ; d. 1684. 1. Bust, to r., in skuU-cap, gown and bands; oval. (0. S.96.) Mezz. ; 6| X 4} in. 2. Reversed copy from the last ; oval. PL to Calamy's Nonconformists' Memorial, ed. 1802 ; pub. Hutton & Son. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. PARTRIDGE, ROBERT ; deputy-grand master of free masons; 1747-1817. 1. T. Q. L., to L, wearing masonic badge. Pub. Say 1816. Mezz. ; 10} X 8| in. PASKH, WILLIAM; general; 1828-1908. 1. Bust, to r., iu uniform. Pub. Walton & Co. Lith. PASLEY, JOHN. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r, plate, (C, S, not descr,) Mezz, ; 16| X 13} in, PASLEY, RACHEL ; ' Inspectress of the Farm at Went worth House ' ; 1660-1755, 1, H, L,, full face; oval frame on pedestal, with vignette of a farmyard. Line ; 9 X 6} in. 2. Same picture ; oval. Etching ; 3} X 3 in. PASLEY, Sie THOMAS, bart. ; admiral ; 1734-1808. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform. Pub. J. T. Smith 1796. Stipple ; 16 X 12} in. 2. Same picture; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle; pub. Bunney & Gold 1800. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 3. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in uniform, r. hand laid on signalling chart. Pub.W. Richardson 1795. (G. S. 18, III.) Mezz. ; 17 X 14 in. 4. H. L., to L, in uniform; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1805. Stipple ; 4} X 3| in. See Gboups (British Admirals), (Naval Victories.) PASQUIN, ANTHONY. See Williams, John. PASTON, MARGARET (HEWITT), Lady; 2nd w. of Sir WiUiam P., bart., of Oxnead ; afterwards w. of George Strode ; d. 1669. 1. H. L., to L; oval frame with arms; title on tablet below; 1659. (Pagan p. 53.) Line ; 10} X 7} in. 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson . 1800. Line ; 6| X 4} in. PASTON, (Hon.) THOMAS ; s. of 1st Earl of Yarmouth ; ofacer who declared for King WiUiam ; drowned 1693. See Groups (Portsmouth captains). Painter M. W. Sharp L. Abbott A. Wentworth L. Abbott W. Beechey M. Brown Engraver Anon. J. Hopwood W. Say C. W. Walton J. Gisborne J. Pine P. Atkinson J. T. Smith & A. M. Smith Roberts C. Townley W. Ridley W. Paithorne Anon. 424 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PASTON, Sir WILLIAM, (of Paston) ; founder of North Walsham grammar school ; 1528-1610. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in hat, rufi and furred go'wn, holding stafi and gloves. Prom a picture. Etching ; 7 X 6} iu. PASTON, Sir WILLIAM, (of Oxnead), bart.; 1610?- 1663. 1. H. L., to r., with long hair and skuU-cap; oval frame, with arms below. (Pagan p. 52.) Line ; 10} X 7} in. Two impressions. 'PASTORAL BOY.' See Harding, Edward. PATCH, JOHN; surgeon at Exeter; d. 1787. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments. Pub. E. A. Ezekiel, Exeter, 1789. Stipple and line ; 14} x 11} in. PATCH, RICHARD; hanged for the murder of Mr. BUght; 1770?-1806. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Prom drawing done in court during his trial. Pub. Jeffrey 1806. Stipple. 2. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Prom a sketch. Etching.PATE, RICHARD ; recorder of Gloucester ; founder of Cheltenham grammar school ; 1516-1588. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing. Prom picture at C.C.C, Oxford. Illust. to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford, 1905. Process block. PATER, WALTER HORATIO ; humanist ; 1839-1894. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Lith. 2. A head, looking to r. ; vignette. From a photograph. Front, to his Greek Studies, 1895. Photogravure. PATERSON, JOHN ; city soUcitor ; 1705-1789. 1. T. Q. L., full face, seated in armchair, in official dress, holding paper relating to Blackfriars Bridge, (C S. 29, Goodwin 30,) Mezz, ; 13 X 105 in. One proof with artists' names only ; two fully lettered impressions, PATERSON, WILLIAM; founder of the Bank of England; 1658-1719, 1, Bust, directed and looking to 1,, in large wig; oval on pedestal, with arms and motto ' Sic vos non vobis,' Prom drawing in dept. of MSS,, British Museum. ¦Woodcut ; 6 X 3i in, PATERSON, WILLIAM. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding newspaper. Process block. PATEY, JANET MONAGH, (born Whytock) ; w. of John G. P. ; vocaUst ; 1842-1894. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Gutting from PaH Mall Budget, 1894. Process block. Painter J. Opie G. Simpson W. Rothenstein J. Reynolds E. Patry Engraver W. C. Edwards W. Paithorne E. A. Ezekiel Anon. W. Rothenstein T. Watson Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 425 Subject PATMORE, COVENTRY KERSEY DIGHTON ; poet ; 1823-1896. See Groups. PATON, ELIZA ; singer ; sister of Mrs, Wood. 1, As Rosina in Barber of Seville ; W, L,, standing, holding letter; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. Dickinson 1834. Lith. 2. In character; H. L., looking to r., in turban, hands clasped ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. Dickinson 1834. Lith.PATON, GEORGE ; Scottish antiquary ; 1721-1807. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PATON, ISABELLA ; singer ; sister of Mrs. Wood. 1. As the White Maid of Avenel; W. L., rising from a fountain ; reot. frame. Pub. M. Colnaghi 1827. Stipple ; 13 x 10| in. PATON, Sir JOSEPH NOEL, R.S.A. ; painter ; 1821- 1901. 1. Bust, to r. ; with facsimUe of autograph. PL to Mag. of Art, 1880. Woodcut ; 4} X 3i in. PATON, MARY ANN; singer; m. 1. Lord WUliam Lennox, 2. Joseph Wood the singer ; 1802-1864. 1. As Rebecca in the Maid of Judah; W. L., to 1., standing ; vignette. PL to Dramatic Mag. Line. 2. As Reiza in Weber's opera Oberon ; W. L., standing, fuU face. Pub. S. Robinson. Lith. ; 3} X 25 in. 3. T. Q. L., looking to r., in evening dress, holding music. Pub. Hurst & Robinson 1823. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 4. As Susanna in Marriage of Figaro ; W. L., standing, looking to r. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 13 X 10} in. 5. As Amazitli ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 6. As Mandane in the opera Artaxerxes ; W. L., standing, full face ; vignette. Front, to vol. 19 of Cumberland's British Theatre, 1828. Stipple.7. As Lydia in Morning, Noon and Night; H. L., looking to 1. ; in picture frame. PL to The Drama ; pub. Elvey 1823. Stipple. 8. In character; T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, veil over head ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum, 1822. Stipple. 9. In character ; H. L., looking to 1. ; in picture frame. Stipple. 10. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Stipple. Painter J. Stewart P. Meyer T. L. Busby P. Meyer W. J. Newton J. Stewart T. Wageman Engraver R. J. Lane W. Sharp G. P. Storm M. K(Unkieht) T. L. Busby R. J. Lane R. Newton J. Stewart EastoT. Woolnoth R. Cooper Anon. 426 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PATON, MARY K^'R— continued. 11. H. L., to r. ; small oval. Gut from a sheet. Stipple. 12. In character ; H. L., full face, looking upwards, holding flowers to bosom. Mezz. ; 9} X 7| in. Proof before any inscription. PATRICK, SIMON, D.D. ; bishop of Ely; 1626-1707. 1. Bust, to r., in wig and rochet ; ornamental oval frame on pedestal. Pub. C Dicey & Co. Line ; 12} x 9} in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; plain oval. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Bust, to r., in wig and rochet; plain oval. Front, to his Paraphrase on Book of Job, 1685. Line ; 6 X 3} in. PATRY, EDWARD, R.B.A. ; portrait painter ; b. 1856. 1. Bust, to r. ; from photograph. Process block. PATTEN, MARGARET, (born Gibson); centenarian; 1596-1739. 1. Aged 136 ; nearly T. Q. L., to r., in hood, hand on crutch-stick ; 1737. (C S. 5.) Mezz. ; 10} x 8} in. Two impressions. • same plate, with age altered to 138 and date to 1739. 2. Aged 141; H. L., to r., face in profile; rect. frame. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. 3. Copy from the last ; with incorrect title ' Margaret Potter.' PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. PATTERSON [or MITCHELL], MARY ; one of the victims of Burke and Hare the murderers ; d. 1828. 1. W. L., to L, standing, arms folded; vignette. Coloured. Etching.PATTERSON, ROBERT, P.R.S.; naturalist; 1802- 1872. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., arm on back of chair; vignette. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome 1851. Lith. PATTESON, (Right Hon.) Sib JOHN ; justice of the king's bench ; 1790-1861. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated iu armchair by table, in judicial robes. (Whitman 123.) Mezz. ; 17f X 13t in. Proof with artists' names only. PATTESON, JOHN COLERIDGE, D.D. ; bishop of Melanesia; 1827-1871. 1. Bust, fuU face ; from a sketch. Front, to vol. i. of his Life by C M. Yonge ; pub. Macmillan 1874. Stipple ; 3} X 2} iu Proof before inscription. 2. H. L., to r., reading a book ; from photograph. Pront. to vol. ii. of same work. Stipple ; 3} X 2| in. Proof before inscription. Painter R. White I. Cooper Jacob Smith T. H. Maguire M. Carpenter G. Richmond Engbaver R. White Anon. R. White I. Cooper 99 Jacob Smith G. Cruikshank Anon. T. H. Maguire S. Cousins C. H. Jeens Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 427 Subject PATTI, ADELA JUANA MARIA (ADELINA) ; (Countess Cederstrom) ; vocalist ; b. 1843. 1. H. L., to 1. Prom photograph. Chromolith. ; 3i X 2} in. PATTISON, WILLIAM ; poet; 1706-1727. 1. H. L., to 1., in gown and cap. Copy from print by Pourdrinier prefixed to his Cupid's Metamorphoses, 1728. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6} X 4 in. PATTISSON, WILLIAM HENRY EBENEZER (1801- 1832) and JACOB HOWELL (1803-1874); sons of W. H. E. Pattisson, of Witham, Essex. 1. When boys; nearly W. L., with a donkey between them; with title 'Rural Amusement.' Pub. Colnaghi 1834. ; 16| X 11} in. One proof before the composition was enlarged ; two before the title ; two fully-lettered impressions. chaplain of Morden oval. PATTRICK, GEORGE, LL.B. CoUege; 1746-1800. 1, H, L,, to r,, in gown and bands ; Line ; 4} X 3} in. PAUER, ERNST ; pianist and teacher ; 1826-1905. See Gboups (' Musical Union 1851 '). PAUL, HENRY HOWARD ; singer and actor. 1. In the entertainment Patchwork ; as an old man, W, L,, to L, standing. Pub, C. Jefierys. Lith. PAUL, ISABELLA, (born Featherstone) ; w. of the pre ceding ; singer and actress ; 1833 ?-1879. 1. As Aurelia Gushing ton in the entertainment Patch work ; nearly W. L., seated, holding bouquet ; oval. Pub. Addison, HoUier & Lucas. Tinted. Lith. ; 9} X 7S in. 2. In her song Bonnie Dundee ; W. L., standing, full face ; vignette. Prom a photograph. Pub. R. Cocks & Go. Tinted. 3. T. Q. L., seated by table, fuU face ; oval. Cutting from a newspaper. Woodcut. PAUL, Sib JOHN DEAN, bart, ; banker ; convicted of fraud; 1802-1868, 1. W. L., to L, standing, face in profile, in oriental dress ; vignette. Lith. PAUL, RACHEL, (born CUtherow) ; w, of WiUiam P,, D.D., bishop of Oxford ; 1617-1691. 1. Aged 50; H. L., to L,in widow's dress; oval, with arms below. Etching ; 6} X 41 in. PAUL, WILLIAM; Jacobite; executed for treason; 1678-1716. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, go'wn and bands. PL to Caulfield's Bemarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6| X 4} in. Painteb (J. Saunders) T. La'wrence J. Russell A. Laby L. Haghe D. Loggan Engraver Anon. R. Grave J. Bromley J. CoUyer A. Laby Anon. L. Haghe E. B. Gulston R. Grave 428 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaver PAUL, (Miss) ; niece of Andrew Geddes the painter. 1. A child, W. L., full face, seated on the ground, holding apple. Without title. DlTpoint ; 6} X 4} in. PAULET [or POULETT], Sir AMIAS ; custodian of Mary Queen of Scots ; 1536 ?-1588. 1. H. L., to L, in cap and ruff, with badge of the Garter; oval in rect. Prom picture at Hinton St. George. PI. to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1798. Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. PAULETT, (Mrs.) ; w. of WiUiam P., secretary to the archbishop of York. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., to L, in hat, hands crossed before her ; without title. Sold J. Faber. (C S. 277.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. same plate, with addresses of T. & J. Bowles. PAULO, (Signob) ; clown ; fl. 1820. 1. H. L., to r., in clown's dress. Lith. ; 6} X 6} in. 2. As Pope Joan ; W. L., standing, 1. profile ; without background. Etching. PAWSON, JOHN ; methodist preacher ; 1737-1806. 1. Aged 58; bust, el "'v to 1.; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1796. stipple ; 3} X 25 in. PAXTON, Sir JOSEPH, P.L.S.; gardener and architect ; M.P. for Coventry ; 1801-1865. 1. Nearly W. L., fuU face, standing by stone balustrade, holding hat and stick. Pub. R. Moseley, Derby, 1851, etc. (Whitman 514.) Mixed ; 20} X 14} in. Proof before title. 2. T. Q. L., to r., standing, face in profile, holding hat; with facsimile of autograph. From photograph. Pub. P. Jackson. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PAYE, RICHARD MORTON ; painter ; d. 1821. 1. Bust, full face, in fur cap ; circular frame on pedestal, with ornaments. PL to Library of the Fine Arts, 1832. Stipple.PAYN, JAMES ; author ; 1830-1898. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, reading. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype See Groups. PAYNE, ANTHONY ; Cornish giant ; d. 1691. 1. W. L., face to r., standing by canon, holding a halberd. Pront. to C S. Gilbert's Survey of Cornwall, 1817. Mezz. ; 11} X Si in. Proof before any inscription. PAYNE, GEORGE ; sportsman ; 1803-1878. 1. W. L., to r., standing, face in profile, holding whip ; vignette. Prom a pen drawing. PL to Wildrake's Cracks of the Day, 1841. Lith. A. Geddes J. Vanderbank J. Zeitter O. Oakley R. M. Paye A. Geddes R. Clamp J. Paber jun. J. Zeitter Anon. W. Ridley S.W. Reynolds j. J. Jenkins R. Dagley T. C. W(ilson) (J. Young) T. C. W(ilson) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PAYNE, HARRY ; clown ; d. 1895. 1. Bust, to L, in clo'wn's dress; oval. Lith ; 8} X 6} in. 2. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Woodcut.PAYNE, JOHN ; engraver ; 1606 ?-1647 ? See Gboups (Early Masters.) PAYNE, JOHN WILLETT ; admiral ; 1752-1803. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in uniform, r. hand laid on rock, 1. on sword. Pub. Colnaghi 1813. Mezz. ; 14} x 11} in. 2. Bust, to r. , in private dress ; oval. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Clipped impression. See Groups (Naval Victories) PAYNE, JOSEPH ; deputy assistant-judge ; 1797-1870. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. Stipple. PAYNE, PHILIP; huntsman to the Duke of Beaufort. 1. W. L., to L, on horseback, in park, with pack of hounds. Pub. Ackerman, etc. 1826. (Whitman 417.) Mezz. ; 18} X 26} in. PAYNE, ROGER ; bookbinder ; 1739-1797. 1. W. L., to L, standing in a room, putting book in a press. Etching ; 9} X 7} in. Proof before inscription. PAYNE-GALLWEY, PHILADELPHIA, (born De Lancey) ; w. of Stephen P.-G. ; 1758-1785. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to L, carrying child on her back. Prom picture now belonging to Mr. Pierpont Morgan. Pub. J. R. Smith 1780. (C S. 133, Prankau 273.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with scratched letters ; one fully-lettered impression. 2. Same picture. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1874. Mezz. ; 13} X 11} in. Proof before inscription. 3. Same picture. PL to Pictures in Collection of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1907. Photogravure ; 13} X llf in. 4. Same picture, reversed. Facsimile of original sketch. PL to Cabinet de Baron V. Denon, 1826. Lith. ; 8} X 6} in. PAYNE-GALLWEY, STEPHEN, (of Tofts HaU, Norfolk.) See Groups (Dilettanti Society.) PEACH, S. PEACH. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, book in r. hand. Private plate, 1821. Mezz. ; 7f X 6 in. PEACHEY, Sir J,i.MES, bart., M.P. See Selsby. Painter G. Hartley J. Hoppner T. R. Davis J. Reynolds C. Peach 429 Engraver Or. Bartley P. N(aumann) Anon. Orme jun. J. Bro'wn C. Turner S. Harding J. B. Smith G. Zobel Anon. J. Young 430 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PEACOCK, GEORGE, D.D., P.R.S.; dean of Ely; mathemaiiioian ; 1791-1858. 1. Bust, 1. profile, in private dress ; vignette. Woodcut. PEACOCK, JOHN; baptist minister. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, book in r. hand. Pub. Miss NeweU. Lith. ; 8} X 65 in. PEACOCK, RALPH; living painter, 1, Bust, to 1, ; from photograph. Process block. PEAKE, Sir ROBERT ; printseller and royalist ; 1592 ?- 1667. 1. A head, to L, in skull-cap. Prom drawing formerly in BuU collection. ' S. Harding del.' PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1796. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. PEARCE, WILLIAM, D.D., P.R.S. ; dean of Ely and master of Jesus College, Cambridge; 1744-1820. 1. H. L., to L, looking down, in wig, gown and bands. Pub. G. Turner 1818. (Whitman 418.) Mezz. ; 11} X 10 in. Three impressions. PEARCE, ZACHARY, D.D. ; bishop of Bangor and dean of Westminster ; 1690-1774. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in rochet, cap in 1. hand. From picture at Lambeth. (C S. 278.) Mezz. ; 12§ x 9} in. same plate ; with address of C Bowles added. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. ; oval on pedestal, PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} x 3} in, 3, Same picture, H, L,, to r. ; rect, frame. Pub, J, Sharpe 1804, Line ; 6 x 3} in, 4. Same picture, H, L,, to r. One of set of portraits of Deans of Westminster ; pub, G, P, Harding 1822. Line ; 6 X 4} in. PEARETH, WILLIAM JENNENS ; », of WiUiam P, ofUsworth; 1784-1804, 1, H, L,, looking to r, ; rect, aquatint frame. Private plate, (Whitman not desc) Mezz, ; 14} x 10} in, PEARMAN, WILLIAM ; singer ; b, 1792, 1, As Orlando in Dibdin's The Cabinet; W. L., to L, standing ; vignette. PL to Theatrical Inquisitor ; pub, C, Chappie 1817, Stipple, 2, As Leander in Dibdin's The Padlock ; H, L,, to r, PL to Oxberry's New English Dra/ma ; pub. Simpkin & MarshaU 1823. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 3. In same character; H. L., to r. ; in picture frame. Pub. T. North. Stipple. Painter Engraver Miss NeweU T. Kerrich T. Hudson J. Hoppner Clater T. Wageman Anon. Miss NeweU E. Harding C. Turner J. Paber jun. 99 Anon.J. CoUyer R. Graves S. W. Reynolds J. Thomson J. Rogers Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 431 Subject Painter 4, As the Seraskier in Cobb's Siege of Belgrade; W, L,, to L, standing. Coloured. Etching ; 6^ X 4 in, PEARS, JAMES, B,C,L, ; rector of Charleoombe and head master of Bath grammar school ; 1778 ?-1853, 1, H, L,, looking to L, iu private dress, book in r, hand ; vignette, Lith, PEARSALL, RICHARD; dissenting minister at Taunton; 1698-1762. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub, Williams, Stipple ; 3} X 2f in, PEARSON, (Hon,) ALICIA ANNE (HEWITT), Lady ; w, of Sir Edwin P,, F.R.S. ; d. of 3rd Baron Lifford ; d. 1895, 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, in evening dress, handkerchief in r. hand; octagon. Pub. T. G, March 1842, Stipple ; 10 X 75 in, PEARSON, EDWARD, D.D. ; master of Sidney Sussex CoUege, Cambridge ; controversialist ; 1756-1811. 1. H. L., to r., in private dress ; vignette. Liue. Proof with artists' names only. PEARSON, GEORGE, M.D., P.R.S.; physician and chemist; 1751-1828. 1, Bust, 1, profile, in spectacles ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Prom a pen drawing. Pub, J, B, Nichols 1829, Lith. 2. Bust, r. profile; a silhouette. Line.PEARSON, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Chester ; 1613-1686. 1, Aged 70 ; bust, to r,, in rochet ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line 9} X 7} in, 2. Copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront, to his Exposition of the Creed, 1692. Line ; 9} X 6} in, 3, Another copy; rect. at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X 1} in. PEARSON, MARY MARTHA, (born Dutton) ; w. of Charles P., M.P. ; artist ; 1799-1871, 1, H. L,, to r,, in evening dress ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1826. Stipple.PEARSON, Sir RICHARD; captain R.N. ; lieut- governor of Greenwich Hospital ; 1731-1806. 1. T, Q. L,, directed and looking to L, hat and cane in 1. hand. Pub. J. BoydeU 1780. (C.S. 115, Goodwin 125.) M'czz ' 14 X 11 in Two proofs before inscription, with artists' and publisher's names scratched. same plate, cut at bottom ; with inscription on separate plate. T. Phillips J. Holmes W. M. Bennett D. Loggan M. Pearson C. Grignion Engraver J. Pindlay M. Gauci W. Ridley W. Pinden W. C. Edwards J. S. Anon. (D. Loggan) W. Elder R. Page T. Woolnoth J. Watson 432 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PEARSON, Sir RICHARD— coraiinwe^. 2. Bust, to L, in uniform; oval. PI. to Naval Chronicle ; pub. J. Gold 1810. Stipple ; 4 X 3J in. PEARSON, RICHARD, M.D., F.S.A. ; medical writer ; 1765-1836. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Stipple. PEARSON, SARAH MARIA, (born EUiott); w. of HUGH P., D.D., dean of SaUsbury. 1. When Miss ElUot ; a child, H. L., to r., holding grapes. Ulust. to Lady's Pictorial, 1894. Process block. PEARSON, (Majob) THOMAS ; book collector ; 1740 ?- 1781. 1. Bust, r. profUe; oval. PL to European Mag.; pub. J. Asperne 1800. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. PEARSON, WILLIAM, jun. ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1813. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. PEART-SCROPE, JOSHUA; attorney; fi. 1780. 1. W. L., to 1., seated by table, holding pen. Etching ; 8} X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. PEASE, JOSEPH ; M.P. for South Durham ; the first quaker returned to the House of Commons ; 1799-1872. 1. H. L., seated, r. profile, reading; vignette. Presented with the British Liberator. Lith. ' PECCATUM ORIGINALE.' See Bevebland, A. PECK, (Mrs.) PRANCES ; noveUst ; fl. 1815. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; oval in rect. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PECK, FRANCIS, M.A. ; prebendary of Lincoln ; anti quary; 1692-1743. 1. T. Q. L., standing, r. profile, in gown and bands, 1. hand on books. Pront. to his Desiderata Curiosa, 1732. Etching ; 6} X 6| in. Late state, with shields of arms added. 2. H. L., looking upwards to r., in wig, gown and bands; title in large characters with flourishes. (C S. 279.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7} in. same plate, with title re-engraved in smaUer characters without flourishes. same plate, reduced ; subject altered to an oval. 6| X 6 in. 3. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval on plate with another of P. P. Le Courayer. PL to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1828. Line ; 2} x 2} in. Painteb Miss Bracken J. Russell G. Romney W. Patten B. Collins jun. J. Highmore Engbaveb H. R. Cook J. Posselwhite W. Ridley W. Holl Anon. Anon. Anon. J. Paber jun. P. Audinet Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 433 Subject Painteb PECKE, THOMAS ; versifier ; b, 1637, 1, Bust, to 1, ; four Latin lines below : — ¦ ' Eonidum iuvenile deous,' etc. Front, to his Parnassi Puerperium, 1659, Line ; 4} X 3} in, 2, FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1794. Line ; same dimensions. PECKHAM, HARRY; lawyer; author of A Tow- Through HoUand ; d. 1787. 1. H. L., seated by table, directed and looking to r,, holding vol. lettered Sidney on Government. Line ; lOS X 9 in, PECKWELL, HENRY, A,M, ; rector of Bloxholm and minister of Westminster Chapel; 1747-1787, 1, T, Q, L,, to r,, seated by table, holding letter and pen, in gown. Pub, Pittler & Bowyer 1787, Line ; 6| X 6 in, 2. Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated in armchair, in gown and bands, resting bible on knee. Pub. C Bowles 1774. (C. S. 85.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. Two impressions. same plate, with A.M. altered to D.D. ; number 87 added. Two impressions. 3. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. ; oval frame. Pub. 0. Bowles 1774. (C S. not deso.) Mezz, ; 6} X 4| iu, same plate, with A,M, altered to D.D. ; number 54 added. 4. Preaching in pulpit of Westminster Chapel. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1787. Line ; 6} X 6| in. PEDDIE, JAMBS, D.D. ; minister of the Associate Con gregation, Edinburgh ; 1758-1845. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in pulpit, preaching; 1791. Etching ; 6} X 4 in. PEEKB, RICHARD ; adventurer ; fl. 1625. 1. W. L., engaged in fighting three Spaniards at Xeres. ' Facsimile of woodcut on title to his Three to One, being an English Spanish Combat. Line ; 4} X 4} in PEEL, ARTHUR WELLESLEY PEEL, 1st Viscount, D.CL. ; speaker of the House of Commons ; b. 1829. 1. Nearly W. L,, fuU face, seated. From photograph by Downey. "Woodburytype, PEEL, ELIZA. See Sionor. PEEL, (Right Hon.) JONATHAN, M.P, ; general; secretary of state and sportsman ; 1799-1879. 1. W. L,, 1. profile, standing, in hat. Prom a pen sketch. ' PI. to WUdrake's Cracks of the Day, 1841, Lith, VOL. Ill, G. Romney R. Bo'wyer J. Russell T. Trotter J.Kay Engraver Anon, J. K. Sherwin J. Pittler R. Houston Anon. T. Trotter J.Kay Anon. T. C. W(Uson) T. C. W(ilson) 2 F 434 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PEEL, JULIA (FLOYD), Lady ; w, of Right Hon. Sir Robert P,, bart. ; 1795-1859. 1. T. Q. L., full face, standing, in evening dress ; octagon. PL to New Monthly Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. Rogerson 1843. Stipple ; 5} X 4 in. 2. Nearly T. Q. L.,fuU face, standing, in hat and fur cloak. Pub. Moon, Boys & Graves 1832, (Whitman 124,) Mezz, ; lOf X 8} in. One proof before any inscription ; two fully-lettered impressions, 3, Same picture. Pub, Graves & Go, 1836. Mezz. ; 8| X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. 4. Same picture. Pront. to The Keepsake ; pub. R. Jennings 1829. Line ; 4} X 3} in. PEEL, JULIA. See Jersey, Julia, Countess of. PEEL, Sir ROBERT, bart., M.P. for Tamworth; father of the statesman : 1750-1830. 1. Nearly W. L., tor., seated in armchair. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Fisher, Son & Co., 1834. Line ; 6 X 4 iu. same plate, with dates added ; as used for G. N. Wright's Lancashire. 2. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to r. Pub. W. Dickinson 1818. (G. S. 58.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. PEEL, (Right Hon.) Sir ROBERT, bart., M.P. ; states man; 1788-1850. 1. Bust, r. profile ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a gem, executed after bust by Chantrey. Anaglyptograph ; 2| X 2} in. 2. Satirical statuette, r. profile ; with title ' One of a celebrated Peel.' Pub. E. Sidebetham. Lith ; 12 X 7} in. 3. W. L., standing by table of House of Commons, full face ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Welch & Gwynne 1841. Mezz. ; 24 X 145 in. 4. H. L., face slightly to r., in cloak. Without artists' names. Pub. Welch & Gwynne 1842. Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two proofs with line of publication only; one fully-lettered im pression. 5. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Woodcut.6. Bust, looking to L, in cloak ; vignette. Lith. 7. H. L., looking to r., in cloak; octagon. PL to Ryall's Eminent Conservative Statesmen, 1836. Stipple ; 9} X 7§ in. 8. H. L., looking to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Colnaghi 1836. (Whitman 420.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two impressions. same plate, with full title substituted for the auto graph. Painter C. Cooke T. La'wrence T. Lawrence J. Northeote J. S. De Veaux A. Forrester J. D. Francis (J. D. Francis) L. Ghemar T. Lawrence Engraver G. Cooke S. Cousins W. Giller C. Heath H. Robinson 99 "W. Dickinson Preebairn A. Forrester P. Bromley Anon. L. Ghemar H. T. Ryall C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 435 Subject Painter Engbaveb 9. Same picture ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Pisher, Son & Co. Stipple ; 5 X 4} in. 10. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to r., 1. hand on hip. Pub. Colnaghi 1828. (Whitman 419.) Mezz. ; 17 X 135 in- Two proofs before title, with date Dec. 26, 1827 ; three fully-lettered impressions. same plate, with inscriptions re-engraved. Pub. Jan. 1, 1835. same plate, with inscriptions again re-engraved. Pub. Oct. 2, 1841. 11. Same picture ; same length. Pub. Colnaghi 1850. (Whitman 126, III.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. 12. Same picture, same length. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub, Pisher 1832, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, ' 13, Same picture, same length, reversed ; vignette, Lith, 14, Similar to the last, H. L, only, 1, hand holding lapel of coat, Baxter's colour process ; 4} X 3 in, 15. H, L,, to r. Pub, W. Mackenzie, Glasgow. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in, 16. Bust, life size, looking to r. Imitation of a drawing ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. Hodgson & Graves 1840. Line ; (pi.) 24 X 19 in. same plate ; with address of H. Graves & Go. 1840. 17. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, document in r. hand, Plate dedicated to Lady Peel, Pub, B. Moss 1850, Mezz, ; 17 X 13} in, 18, T, Q, L,, to r,, standing, resting document on table, r, hand on hip. Pub, T, Boys 1840. Mezz. ; 165 X 13| in. 19. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub. Lloyd brothers 1850. Lith. 20. MedalUon head, 1. profile ; oval in rect. frame. Pub. G. Chabot. Anaglyptograph ; 13} X 11} in. 21. W. L., standing by table, on which is a despatch box, looking to r., paper in 1. hand, waste-paper basket to r. Pub. Hering & Remington 1851. Mezz. ; 26} X 16} in. , . . Two working proofs ; one lettered impression. 22. H. L., looking to r. ; octagon. Stipple ; 9 X 7f in. 23. H. L., full face. Pub. Cohiaghi 1842. Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. 24 Nearly W. L., to L, standing, ' as he appeared delivering his last speech in the House of Commons, 28 June, 1850.' Pub. W. Sweet. Lith. ; 16} X 10} in. 25. H, L,, to r, ; vignette. Book iUustration. Stipple. T. Lawrence J. Linnell 99 J. Palmer N. Palmer H. Pickersgill R. Scanlan J. Wood C.B. F. HoU C. Turner S. Cousins J. Cochran Anon. G. Baxter W. HoU P. C. Lewis 99 J. Linnell J. Scott H. B. WilUs C. Chabot G. R. Ward H. Cook W. J. Ward S. H. R. Page 2 E 2 436 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PEEL, (Right Hon.) Sir ROBERT, bart., U.P.—contd. 26. H. L., r. profile, speaking, holding Catholic relief bill; figure in outline. Pub. 1829. Etching ; 10 X 8} in. PEEL, Sib WILLIAM; captain R.N., K.CB.; s. of the preceding; 1824-1858. 1. T, Q, L,, standing, directed and looking to r,, in uniform, holding cutlass in folded hands ; vignette. Pub. Colnaghi 1859. Lith. 'PEERLESS SCRUB.' See Babbymore, Richard Barry, 7th Earl of. PEERS, JOHN WITHBRINGTON, D.C.L. ; rector of Morden, Surrey ; 1745-1835. 1. H, L,, seated, directed and looking to L, in private dress, hands on bible ; vignette. Pub, L, & G, Seeley 1835, Line, PEGGE, SAMUEL, LL.D,, P.S.A.; prebendary of Lincoln ; antiquary ; 1704-1796. 1. Aged 81; H. L., to r., in wig, go'wn and bands; oval, with tablet below. Pront. to his Forme of Cury, 1780, Line ; (oval) 6} X 4 in, 2, H, L,, to L, in hat, wig, gown and bands, PL to Nichols's Literary Hlustrations, 1822. Line ; 6} X 4f in. PEIRCY, ALBYN. See Percy, Alan. PELBY, WILLIAM ; actor ; fl. 1826. 1. As Hamlet ; W. L., moving to r., holding sword. From a drawing. Pub. W. Kenneth. Lith.PELHAM, THOMAS PELHAM, Lord. See Chichester. PELHAM, ANNE, (born Frankland) ; w. of Thomas P. See Chichester. PELHAM, (Hon.) GEORGE, D.D. ; bishop of Lincohi ; 1766-1827. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in rochet ; vignette. Lith.PELHAM, HARRIET ; actress. 1. As Jupiter; H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Lith.PELHAM, (Right Hon.) HENRY, M.P.; statesman; 1695 ?-1754. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in robes of chancellor of the exchequer, scroll in 1. hand. Sold at RusseU's Toyshop and by Mr. Hoare. (C S. 86.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. One proof before the address ; two with the address in scratched letters ; one fully-lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last, H.L. only ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 35 in. diam. 3. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; vignette, with arms below. Front, to Coxe's Memoirs of the Pelham Admin istration ; pub. Longmans 1829. Stipple. Anon. J. H. Lynch A. W. De-vis E. Needham G. 4clcock J. Basire P. Audinet Anon. J. Slater C. Lee & Siebe C. Lee & Siebe W, Hoare I. W. Slater C. Lee & Siebe R. Houston T. Chambars W. Bond Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 43,1 Subject 4. Same picture, bust only ; oval medallion, in ornamental design by R. Bentley, PL to Lord Orford's Memoires. Stipple,5, Same picture, H, L,, to 1. ; in ornamental frame, PL to a magazine. Line ; 5} X 3} in. Clipped impression, 6, Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PI, to a magazine. Line ; 6} X 3} in. Clipped impression. 7. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in robes of chanceUor of the exchequer, holding letter ; his secretary John Roberts seated at a table to r. Sold J, Edmondson, (G, S. 87,) Mezz, ; 13} X 16| in. Two proofs before any inscription ; two lettered impressions, 8, Aged 21 ; bust, to r,, in wig and armour; with facsimile of autograph. PL to Coxe's Memoirs of Lord Walpole, 1802, 4to, Stipple ; 61 X 65 in, same plate, reduced ; inscriptions re-engraved. 45 X 3} in. PELHAM, MARY ; youngest d. of the preceding ; d, unmarried ; 1739-1794, 1, Bust, to 1, Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 3} X 3 in. 2. H. L., to L, in cap and mantle, hands in muff; oval. PL to Graves & Cronin's Beynolds, 1899, Eeproduction ; 65 X 4} in, PELHAM, SOPHIA, (born Aufrere) ; w. of Charles A. P., afterwards 1st Baron Yarborough ; 1752-1787. 1. W. L., full face, standing, feeding chickens; without title. Prom picture belonging to Earl of Yarborough. Pub. 1775. (C S. 59.) Mezz. ; 24} X 16 in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz, ; 6} X 4 in, PELHAM, (Master) THOMAS, See Chichester, Thomas, 2nd Earl of, PELHAM, (Hon. Mrs.) 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., hands crossed on lap. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in.' PELLETT, THOMAS, M.D., F.R.S. ; physician; 1671?- 1744. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in gown, holding hat ; bust of .Slsculapius in niche to r. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 280.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed, H. L. only ; oval frame, German book illustration. Line ; 6} X 3| in, 3. H, L,, looking to r., in gown. PL to Dobson's Hogarth, 1902. Photogravure ; 8} X 7 in. 4. Same picture, reversed ; oval. Pub. J. Thane 1781. Liue ; 4} X 3} in. Painter W. Hoare J. Shackleton J. Reynolds J. Reynolds Mrs. Robertson M. Dahl W. Hogarth Engraver J. Thomson R. Houston E. Harding S. W. Reynolds W. Dickinson S. W. Reynolds J. Cochran J. Paber jun. Anon. C. HaU 438 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb PELLEW, Sib EDWARD. See Exmouth. PELLING, JOHN, D.D, ; rector of St. Anne's, Soho, and canon of Windsor ; 1668-1750. 1. Aged 82 ; H. L., to r., in gown and bands ; oval in rect, (C S, 142, I,, Goodwin 138, I,) Mezz. ; 10} x 8} in. Tliree impressions. 2. Copy from the last, reversed, with bible placed in 1. hand ; oval frame. (C S. 30, (ioodwin 2.) Mezz. ; 55 X 35 in. PEMBER, GEORGE HERBERT. 1. T, Q, L,, standing, full face, holding whip. Process block, PEMBEETON, CHARLES REBCE; actor, author and lecturer ; 1790-1840. 1, T. Q. L., to r., seated, in dressing gown; 'vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. H. Moseley, Derby, 1840. Stipple. PEMBERTON, (Right Hon.) Sie FRANCIS; chief justice of the king's bench ; afterwards degraded ; 1625- 1697. 1. H. L., to r., in robes of chief justice; oval. Cut from plate of the Counsel for the Seven Bishops, Line ; 6 X 4 in, See Gboups. (Counsel for the Seven Bishops.) PEMBERTON-LEIGH, THOMAS, Q.C, M.P. See Kingsdown. PEMBROKE, WILLIAM MARSHAL, 1st Earl of; d. 1219. 1. His effigy in the Temple church ; front view. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1793. Stipple ; 6} X 4| in. 2. Same efiigy ; side view. PL to Stothard's Monumental Effigies, 1811. Etching.PEMBROKE, WILLIAM DE VALENCE, 1st Barl of ; half brother of Henry III. ; d. 1296. 1. His monument, with effigy, iu Westminster Abbey. Line ; 14} x 10} in. PEMBROKE, AYMER DB VALENCE, 2nd Earl of ; d. 1324. 1. His monument, with efiigy, in Westminster Abbey. PL to Dart's Westmonasterium. Line ; 12 x 7} in. 2. Same monument ; another view. Line. 3. Same monument ; front view of the effigy. PEMBROKE, MARIE (DB CASTILLON), Countess of ; third w. of the preceding ; founder of Pembroke CoUege, Cambridge ; d. 1376 ? 1. T. Q. L., to r., kneeling in prayer. One of the set of Pounders of CoUeges. Pub. J. Paber 1714. (C S. 34.) Mezz. ; 8} X 75 in. same plate, with number IIII added, as issued by Taylor. J. McArdeU T. Watson W. W. Ouless C. Oakley C. E. Wagstaff R. White S. Harding C. A. Stothard J, Basire J. Cole Anon. J. Paber sen. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 439 Subject Painteb 2. H. L., r. profile, holding flgure of the Virgin. Prom Uluminated MS. in British Museum. Without inscrip tion. PL to Strutt's Begal and Erxlesiastical Antiquities, 1773. Etching ; 15 X 2} in. PEMBROKE, WILLIAM HERBERT, 1st Barl of, K.G. ; 1501 ?-1570. 1, H, L,, to r,, in cap with feather, small ruff and George ; oval, with two Latin lines, PL to HoUand's Heraologia, 1620, (Pranken 810.) Line ; 6} X 4} in. See Gboups (Bridewell Hospital.) PEMBROKE, HENRY HERBERT, 2nd Earl of, K.G. ; 1534 ?-1601. 1. H. L,, to r,, in cap with feather, falling band and George ; oval with two Latin lines, PL to Holland's Heraologia, 1620, (Pranken 811.) Liue ; 6| X 4} in. PEMBROKE, MARY (SIDNEY), Countess of ; third w. of the preceding ; sister of Sir Philip Sidney ; 1555 ?-1621. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table. From picture at Penshurst. PI, to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1816. Stipple ; 7} X 6| in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1824. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in, 3. T, Q, L,, to L, seated, holding glove; with motto 'No Spring tiU now.' Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. Pub. Art for Schools Association. Keproduction ; 18| X 13| in. 4. Bust, to r. ; oval frame in cartouche, with four Latin lines on tablet below. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 5. Copy from the last, -with her name on pedestal. Line ; 4} X 2| in. 6. H. L., to r., holding open vol. of Davids Psalmes. Sold ' Sudbury & Humble: (Franken 812.) Line ; 7 x 4} in. 7. Copy from the last ; oval in rect. PL to Miss CosteUo's Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen; pub. R. Bentley 1844. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 8. Another copy, reversed ; oval. Pub. J. Thane 1780. Line ; 4f X 31 in, 9, Another copy ; oval. Line ; 4| X 3} in, PEMBROKE, WILLIAM HERBERT, 3rd Earl of, K,G, ; 1580-1630. 1. Bust, to r,, in faUing lace band, with George and star; oval frame inscribed ' Ung je serveray.' Line ; 14} X 11} in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; with name of Van Dycl. as the painter. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Bebellion, 1713. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Copy from the last ; ' A Van Dyck pinx 1 ' ; 6| X 3} in. M. Gheraedts D. Mytens Engbaveb (J. Strutt) (Passe) (Passe) W. HoU C. Pieart J. de Courbet Anon. S. de Passe J. Cook C. HaU B. Reading R. V. Voerst (G. Vertue) Anon. 440 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PEMBROKE, WILLIAM HERBERT, 3rd Earl of, K.G. — continued. 4, Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto graphy. D. Mytens Anon. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 5. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding wand, with falling band and George. From picture at Wilton probably by Van Somer. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1816. 'A. Van Dyck' W. Holl Stipple ; 7f X 6} in. 6. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1825. 99 J. Jenkins stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 7. H. L., to r., in rufi and cloak, with George; oval in cartouche. Sold Sudbury and Humble. (Franken 813,) P. Van Somer S. de Passe Line ; 7} X 4} in. 8, Reversed facsimile copy from the last ; contemporary. 99 Anon. Line ; 7 X 4| in. same plate reworked ; with address of P. Stent, 99 99 9, H, L,, to L, with faUing lace band and George ; oval frame, with motto ' Ung je serviray ' at top. (Hymans 204,) L. Vorsterman Line ; 15 X 12 in. PEMBROKT*!, PHILIP HERBERT, 4th Barl of, K.G. ; 1st Earl of Montgomery ; lord chamberlain ; 1584-1650. 1. When Barl of Montgomery only ; H. L., to L, in faUing lace rufi, with badge of the Garter ; inscribed oval frame in rect. W. Webb exc. D. Mytens R. V. Voerst Liue ; 7} X 6} in. 2. H. L., to L, in broad lace collar and cloak on which is large star of order of the Garter. PL to Van Dyck's Iconographie. (Wiberal 188.) A. Van Dyck 99 Line ; (pi.) 9} X 7 in. Two proofs before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 3. Reversed copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the Bebellion, 1713, 99 (G. Vertue) Line ; 6} X 3} in. 4, SimUar to the preceding, but without star on cloak,' truncheon placed in hand ; without any inscription. Printed iu centre of a Dutch broadside : — ' Lyste van de Optroght van't royal Leger.' Anon. Line ; 6} X 4} in. same plate, with six lines of inscription added below. 99 5. H. L., to r., in lace collar, with George and star ; oval frame inscribed ' Ung je serviray.' (Parthey 1481.) W. Hollar Etching ; 85 X 7} in. same plate, with address of P. Stent added. 99 6. Copy from the last, bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Anon. Line ; 3} X 3} in. 7. T. Q. L., seated, full face, holding wand. From flgure in the Wilton family picture. PL to Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1827. 9, E. Scriven Stipple ; 7} X 65 in. 8. Bust, to r., in cloak with George; oval, on plate with another of Edward, Earl of Dorset. Sold R. Peake. (Pagan's Faithorne, p. 53.) (G. Glover ?) Line ; 3 X 2} in. same, after plate had been divided. 99 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 441 Subject Painter Engbaveb 9. Copy from the last ; oval. (Parthey 1312.) Etching ; 2} X 2} in. 10. When Earl of Montgomery only ; H. L., to L, standing, in lace band and cloak with George ; inscribed oval in cartouche. Sold Sudbury & Humble. (Pranken 756.) Line ; 7} X 4| in. 11. W. L., walking to r., in hat with feather, holding truncheon and gloves. Sold R. Walton. Line ; 8} X 6} in. See Groups (Pembroke family.) PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, SUSAN (DE VERE), Countess of ; 1st w. of the preceding ; d. of 17th Earl of Oxford ; 1587-1629. See Groups (Pembroke family.) PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, ANNB (CLIP- FORD), countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. and heiress of 3rd Earl of Cumberland ; m. 1. Richard SackviUe, 3rd Earl of Dorset ; 1590-1676. 1. When Countess of Dorset ; nearly T. Q. L., to r., holding rose. From picture at Knole. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, etc. Stipple ; 7t X 6 in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo ed. of same work, 1835. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. Unfinished proof. 3. Aged 81; H. L., to 1., veil over head ; with false title ' Countess of Cumberland.' Prom picture similar to that now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Pennant's Tour in Scotland, 1771. Line ; 6f X 45 in. 4. When Lady Anne Clifford; aged 13; bust, to L, in jeweUed cap ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 9} X 6f in. 5. Copy from the last ; oval frame. Pub. W. Richardson, Line ; 6} X 45 in, See Groups (Barl of Cumberland and family,) PEMBROKE, PHILIP HERBERT, 5th Barl of; 2nd Earl of Montgomery ; 1619-1669. 1. Aged 18; T, Q, L,, fuU face, standing, hand on sash; rect, frame. Prom picture at Wilton, One of the set of plates known as ' The Countesses.' Line ; 12} x 9} in. Three impressions. 2. Copy from the last ; plain frame. W. Sherwin exo. Line ; 11} X 9} in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. Etching ; 45 X 35 in. See Groups (Pembroke family.) PEMBROKE, THOMAS HERBERT, 8th Barl of, K.G, ; 5th Earl of Montgomery ; lord high admiral ; 1656-1733. 1. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in wig and armour, holding truncheon, helmet beside him. (0. S. 198.) Mezz. ; 125 X 9| In. , . . ,^„„ One unfinished proof ; three lettered impressions, one modern 2. Copy from the last, H. L, only ; oval. Pub, E, Harding 1802, Stipple ; 4} X 3| in. W. HoUar S. de Passe Anon. D. Mytens E, Scriven H. T. RyaU P. Mazell R. White Anon. A. Van Dyok W. Wissing P. Lombart (W. Sher'svin) T. Worlidge John Smith Anon. 442 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PEMBROKE, THOMAS HERBERT, 8th Earl of, K,G. — continued. 3, Another copy, H, L, only, reversed ; oval on pedestal with title ' Thomas Lord Herbert,' PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 4 in, 4, Small W, L,, seated at a table iu a library, reading, PL to Nicol's poem De Literis Inventis, 1711. Line ; 6} X 3} in, See Groups (Lords Justices,) PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, MARGARET (SAWYER), Countess of ; 1st w, of the preceding ; d, 1706, 1, H, L,, fuU face ; oval. Prom picture at Petworth. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 6 X 4} in. PEMBROKE, HENRY HERBERT, 9th Earl of ; 6th Barl of Montgomery ; 1693-1751. 1. A head, looking to 1. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 1762. Etching ; 6} X 4| in. PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, MARY (PlTZ WILLIAM), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d. of 5th Viscount PitzwilUam ; 1707-1769. 1. H. L., to r., looking to 1. PL to S. Ireland's Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, 1799. Stipple ; 45 X 4} iu. PEMBEOKE, HENRY HERBERT, 10th Earl of; 7th Earl of Montgomery ; general ; 1734-1794. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to The Senator ; pub. C Cooke 1792. Line ; 2} X 15 in. 2. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., in uniform, hat in 1. hand, r. on sword. From picture at Wilton. Pub. Ryland and Bryer 1769. (C. S. 28.) Mezz, ; 165 X 13 in. One proof before inscription, with artists' names in dotted letters ; two lettered impressions, 3, Same picture. Pub, S. W. Reynolds 1820, Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 4, W, L,, full face, seated by table, holding pen, his son. Lord Herbert, standing by, his hand on a large dog. From picture at Wilton, PL to Graves & Cronin's Beynolds, 1799, Eeproduction ; 4} x 6} in, PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, ELIZABETH (SPENCER), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d, of 3rd Duke of Marlborough ; 1738-1831, 1, In old age; T, Q, L,, to r,, seated in armchair, holding handkerchief. Prom picture at Cornbury. Pub. C Turner 1824. (Whitman 421.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. One proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions. 2. Nearly W. L., directed and looking to L, her son Lord Herbert standing at her knee, holding book. Prom picture at Wilton. Pub. J. Dixon 1771. (G. S. 27.) Mezz ; 16} X 13 in. Two proofs before inscriptiou, artists' and publisher's names scratched ; one lettered impression. same plate, reworked ; with address of Sayer & Bennett and date 1777, W. Wissing W. Hogarth W. H. Brovvn J. Reynolds Anon.S. Gribelin E. Harding J. Bretherton T. Ryder C. Warren J. Dixon S. W. Reynolds G. Hayter J. Reynolds C. Turner J. Dixon Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 443 Subject 3. Similar picture at Wilton. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 4. W. L., seated in room, looking to r. Prom picture at Wilton. PL to Graves & Cronin's Beynolds, 1899. Keproduction ; 4} x 6} in. 5. T. Q. L., looking to 1., resting r. arm on cushion. Prom picture at Blenheim. Without inscription. Photograph from the only impression kno'wn. Etching ; 3} X 2| in. See Groups (Pembroke family.) PEMBROKE, GEORGE AUGUSTUS HERBERT, 11th Earl of ; 8th Barl of Montgomery ; 1759-1827. See Pembroke, Henry, 10th Earl of. See Pembroke, EUzabeth (Spencer), Countess of. PEMBROKE, ELIZABETH (BEAUOLERK), Countess of; 1st w. of the preceding; d. of Topham and Lady Diana Beauclerk ; d. 1793. 1, When Miss Beauclerk ; a young girl, W, L,, full face, reclining on a settee with her sister Mary (afterwards Countess Jenison Walworth), who sits, sketching; with out title. Pub, Bartolozzi 1780. Btching ; 10} x 11} in. ' 2. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz ; 6 X 4f in. PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY, CATHERINE (WORONZOW), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; d. of Count Woronzow ; 1783-1856. 1. When a child, W. L., seated on chair, her brother standing beside her; oval; with Russian title. Pub. C Watson 1786. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 2. H. L., fuU face, seated ; oval ; with French title. Stipple ; 5i; X 4} in. PEMBROKE, ROBERT HENRY HERBERT, 12th Earl of ; 9th Earl of Montgomery ; 1791-1862. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; octagon. PL to Eminent Con servative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley & Co. 1837. Stipple ; 8} X 7| in. 2. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. 3. W. L., standing, 1. profile, in hat; with title 'A Pembrokeshire Man.' Lith.PENDER, Sir JOHN, P.R.S., G.C.M.G., M.P. ; promoter of submarine telegraphy ; 1815-1896. 1. H. L., to L, seated. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1888. "Woodcut.PENDEREL, RICHARD; royaUst who assisted Charles II to escape after the battle of Worcester; d. 1672. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame, (C S. 88.) Mezz. ; 10} X 85 in. Two impressions. same plate, with additional inscription. same plate, "with address of W. Richardson 1798. Painter J. Reynolds D. Beauclerk R. Cos-way T. La-wrenee A. E. Chalon A. D'Orsay G. Soest Engraves (P. Bromley) Bretherton • P. Bartolozzi S. W. Beynolds C. Watson G. S. Pacius W. HoU A. D'Orsay Anon.Anon. R. Houston 444 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PENDEREL, BIG'KA'RD— continued. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; his tomb below. PL to Caulfield's Bemarkable Persons, 1796. Line ; 3} X 3| in. 3. H. L., face to 1. ; vignette, with title ' Trusty Dick PendrelL' [False.] Etchiug.PENDEREL, WILLIAM; brother of the preceding; d. 1706. 1. Aged 84; H. L., to r. ; oval frame suspended in an oak tree ; with figures of the Penderel family ; 22 lines below. Line ; 10} x 9} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. (Pub. Woodburn.) Line ; 10} X 95 in. PENGELLY, JOHN C ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to 1. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. PENGELLY, RICHARD ; dissenting minister at New castle. 1. Bust to 1. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PENINGTON, Sir JOHN ; admiral ; 1568 ?-1646. 1. H. L., to r., in armour, lace coUar and sash ; oval frame, with title in cartouche below. Pub. T. Jenner. Line ; 8f X 6} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1800. Line ; 65 X 4} in. 3. Another copy, bust only ; plain oval. Pub. J. Thane. Line ; 3} X 3 in. PENKETHMAN. See Pinkethman. PENMAN, JAMES ; methodist preacher. 1. H. L., to r. ; ovaL PL to Methodist Mag., 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. PENMAN, RICHARD ; dissenting minister at Aberdeen. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, hands folded; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. Stipple. Clipped impression. PENN, GRANVILLE, (of Stoke Park) ; 1761-1844. See Groups (Peim family) PENN, JOHN, (of Stoke Park) ; last proprietor of Penn sylvania; 1760-1834. 1. W. L., standing, looking to 1., in uniform, holding plumed hat under arm ; Stoke Park in background. Pub. 1809. (G. S. 32.) Mezz. ; 26} X 17 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. A marble bust, to r., in frame. Pub. Hatchard 1802. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. See Groups (Penn family). Painter G. Soest W. Gush N. Bran'white W. Beechey J. Deare Engraver Anon.P. S. Lamborn Anon. (J. de Claussin) J. Cochran T. Blood C. V. Dalen Anon. T. Blood R. Dunkarton L. Sehiavonetti Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 445 Subject PENN, Lady JULIANNA, (born Permor) ; w. of Thomas P. of Stoke Park ; d. of 1st Earl of Pomfret ; 1729-1801. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom a painting. Without any inscription. Lith. ; 4} X 3f in. PENN, JULIANNA. See Bakbb. PENN, LOUISA HANNAH; 1756-1766. See Gboups (Penn family). PENN, RICHARD, F.R.S. ; humorous writer ; 1784-1863. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph, Lith, PENN, THOMAS, (of Stoke Park) ; proprietor of Penn sylvania ; 1702-1775, 1. H, L,, to r,, in fiowered coat, r. hand in breast, hat under 1. arm. (C S. 4.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in Proof before inscription, with engraver's name scratched. PENN, Sib WILLIAM; admiral; 1621-1670. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom crayon drawing at BlackweU Grange. Heliogravure. 2. Bust, to 1. ; oval in octagon. PL to Braohelius's His toria sui Temporis. Line ; 4} X 2| in. PENN, WILLIAM ; s. of the preceding ; flrst proprietor of Pennsylvania ; 1644-1718. 1, H, L,, directed and looking to r, ; oval frame, with arms, books, &c,, on pedestal below. Prom an ivory alto-relievo executed from memory by Sylvanus Bevan. Line ; 12} X 7} in, 2. Copy from the last, with vignette below of Penn preaching. Modern book iUustration, Line ; 4| X 2} in, 3, Aged 22; H, L,, to r,, in armour; with motto 'Pax quoeritur Bello,' From picture now belonging to His torical Society of Pennsylvania. [Doubtful,] Line ; 8| X 7 in. Proof with engraver's name only, 4, Same picture ; oval. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 5, Bust, r, profile ; oval, with vignette of Penn meeting an Indian, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J. Sewell 1790, Line ; 3} X 3 in. 6, Copy from the last ; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. 1819. Stipple ; 2} X 15 in- 7. H. L., looking to 1., in hat. From figure in B. West's ' picture of ' Perm's Treaty with the Indians ' ; oval. Line ; 3} X 3 in. PENNANT, Lady CAROLINE, (born Spencer) ; w. of David P. of Downing, co. Flint; d. of 4th Duke of Marlborough ; 1798-1824. 1. When Lady C Spencer ; W. L., as an angel on a cloud, playing triangle. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1807. Mezz. ; 175 X 1* '°- Painter E. U. Eddis Davis P. Place Engraver Anon M. Gauci D. Martin Du Simiti^re Anon. J. ±IaU R. Cosway S. A. SohoJEf Anon.R. Stanier W. Holl W. Grainger W. W. Barney 446 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaver Pub. W. Bent 1799. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell Pub. H. Graves & Co. Pub, Vernor PENNANT, THOMAS, D,C,L,, P,B,S. ; naturaUst and topographer ; 1726-1798, 1, T, Q. L,, seated on a bank, directed and looking to L, book under 1, arm ; reot, frame. Pub. P. MazeU 1782._ Line ; 10} X 8} in. same plate, reduced to H. L. ; oval. Pub. P. Mazell 1787. 7} X 6 in. 2. Same picture. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 3. Same picture. 1793. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 4. Same picture. Mezz. ; 45 X 3} in. 5. Same picture, reversed ; vignette. Etching.6. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Hood 1799, stipple ; 3} X 3 in, 7, Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval ; with French in scription. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. 8. H. L., 1. profile; oval medaUion, with view of Pingall's cave below. Line ; 6 X 3| in. 9. Copy from medalUon in preceding, to r. Encyclopedia Londinensis. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PENNICOTT, WILLIAM; rector of Surrey; 1726-1811. 1. H. L., nearly full face, in private dress. (Whitman 233.) Mezz. ; 95 X 8} iu. PENNINGTON, Sir ISAAC; puritan; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1643 ; 1587 ?-1661. 1. H. L., looking to r., in hat, ruff and gown. Facsimile copy from a rare woodcut. Pub. W. Richardson 1800. Line ; 45 X 4} in. 2. Another copy from same cut, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 3. Another copy, bust, to r, ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto- oval. PL to Long Ditton, Private plate. Line ; 4} X 3} in, 4, H, L,, standing at a window, holding sword; rect, frame. Copied from figure in satirical print The Committee, or Popery in Masquerade. Pub. I. Herbert 1794. [PancifvU.] Line ; 2 X 1} in. PENNINGTON, ROBERT RAINY. 1, T, Q, L,, to r,, seated in armchair, flowers in button hole. Pub, W. Walker 1849, Mezz, ; 13} X 105 in, PENNOCK, THOMAS ; methodist minister, 1, H, L,, directed and looking to 1, PL to Methodist Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. Gainsborough T. La'wrence P. R. Say J. Jackson J. K. Sher'win & P. Mazell J. Hop'wood R. Stanier C. Tomkins Anon. W Ridley A. Tardieu Anon. Chapman S. W. Reynolds Anon. W. Walker J. Thomson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 447 Subject PENNY, EDWARD, R.A. ; painter ; 1714-1791. See Gboups (Royal Academy.) PENNYMAN, ELIZABETH (GREY) Lady ; w. of Sir James P., bart. ; d. 1815. 1. Nearly W. L., looking to 1., seated, with child on lap who holds an apple. Pub. V. Green 1772. (C. S. 99, Whitman, 40.) Mezz. ; 16 X 13 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched ; one fully lettered impression. PENRHYN, RICHARD PENNANT, Baron; 1737?- 1808. 1. W. L., standing by table, looking to r., holding hat and stick ; dog by him. Stipple ; 9} X 6} in. PENROSE, RICHARD; of Huntington, near York; vermin catcher. . Aged 94; T. Q. L., nearly full face, standing, holding a viper. (C. S. 61.) Mezz. ; 17 X 14 in. Two impressions. PENROSE, THOMAS, M.A. ; rector of Beokington ; poet; 1742-1779. 1. H. L., 1. profile. PL to Effigies Poeticie ; pub. W. Walker 1823. Line ; 4 X 3} in. PENRXTDDOCK, (Col.) JOHN ; royaUst ; beheaded at Exeter; 1619-1655. 1. H. L., to L, in armour and lace band ; oval. Pub, S, Woodburn 1810. Mezz. ; "3} X 2} in. 2. H. L., to L, in armour; oval frame on pedestal. PI. to Ward's Hist, of the Bebellion, 1713. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. H. L., to r., in mantle; octagonal frame. On plate with Sir H. Slingsby, in set of the Loyalists. Line. 4. Copy from the last, reversed ; rect. frame, with military ornaments. Line. See Gboups (Charles I and his supporters). PENSON, GEORGE ; singer. 1, As Solfeggio in the opera of the Pirate of Genoa; W. L,, to L, standing, holding paper; vignette. Pub, W. Kenneth 1828. Stipple.PENSON, JOHN ; sportsman ; fl. 1820. 1. W. L., kneeling under tree, holding gun. Pub. Pittman. Line ; 6} X 3} in. PENTREATH, DOLLY. See Jeppebt, Dorothy. PENTYCROSS, THOMAS, M.A. ; rector of WaUingford, Berks; 1748-1808. 1. H. L., to L, seated, in go'wn and bands. Prom a painting. Pub. J. Slater 1818. Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. Painteb E. P. Calze H. Thomson S. He'wson N. Parrer A. Chisholm Engbaveb V. Green J. Heath J. Jones W. Bromley E. Earlom (G. Vertue) 99 Val^e Anon. H. Beckvyith W. Say 448 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver PEPLOE, SAMUEL, D.D. ; bishop of Chester ; 1668-1752. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, in rochet, open book in r. hand. Pub, I, Hopkins, Preston. (C S. 282.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. Two impressions. PEPUSCH, JOHN CHRISTOPHER, Mus.D.; com poser ; organist of the Charterhouse ; 1667-1752. 1. H. L., to r., in doctor's robes. (C. S. 12.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. 2. Same picture ; oval frame, with another of Anastasia Robinson ; book illustration. Liue. PEPYS, ELIZABETH, (born St. Michel) ; w. of Samuel P. the diarist ; 1640-1669. 1. As St. Catherine; H. L., nearly full face, holding palm branch. PL to Pepys's Diary ; pub. H. Colburn 1828. Stipple ; 6 X 3} in. PEPYS, Sib LUGAS, bart., M.D., F.R.S,, P.S.A. ; physician to George III ; 1742-1830. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple. PEPYS, SAMUEL, P.R.S. ; secretary to the admiralty; diarist; 1633-1703. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. Prom miniature at Montagu House. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II, 1901. Reproduction. 2. Bust, to r., in long wig and lace cravat ; oval on pedestal, with motto ' Mens cujusque is est Quisque.' Front, to his Naval Memoirs, 1690. Line ; 6g X 3} in. 3. Same picture ; oval on a scroU, which is inscribed with his name and motto ; his ' ex libris ' plate. Line ; 4} x 85 in. 4. Same picture, bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Auto graphy. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 5. Same picture, bust, to r. ; vignette. Etching. Proof before title. 6. T. Q. L., to r., seated on table on which is a lute ; globe in front, to 1. Pront. to his Diary, ed. Lord Braybrooke ; pub. H. Colburn 1825. Line ; 6} X 3} in. PEPYS, WILLIAM HASLBDINE, P.R.S. ; phUosophi- cal instrument maker ; 1775-1856. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Athenceum Portraits, No. 34 ; pub. T. McLean 1836. Lith. PERCEVAL, JOHN, Viscount, See Egmont, John, 2nd Earl of, PERCEVAL, ALICE, (born Sherman) ; 2nd w, of Richard P, of Twickenham ; d. 1600? 1. H. L., to L, in hood and ruff ; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. H. Winstanley T. Hudson J. Hayls H. Edridge L. Crosse G. Kneller Walter J. Paber jun. A. V. Haecken Anon. T. Thomson J. Godby R. White Anon. C. W. Sherborn T. Bragg Anon. J. Paber jun. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 449 Subject PERCEVAL, CATHERINE (SOUTHWELL), Lady; w. of Sir John P., 1st bart. ; 1637-1679. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742, (C S, 400,) Mezz, ; 4} X 4 in, PERCEVAL. CATHERINE (USHER), Lady; w. of Right Hon, Sir Philip P,, 2nd bart, ; d. 1681, 1, H, L,, to 1, ; oval frame. PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742. (C. S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, CATHERINE (DERING), Lady ; w. of Sir John P., 3rd bart. ; d. 1692. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, GEORGE,, (of Temple House, oo, Sligo) ; 1635-1675, 1. H. L., to L; oval frame with arms, PL to Hist, of the House of Yvery, 1742, (C S, 400,) Mezz, ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, (Right Hon.) Sib JOHN, 1st bart. ; M.P. for CO. Cork ; 1629-1665. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and cloak; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (C. S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, Sir JOHN, 3rd bart. ; 1660-1686. 1. H. L., face to L, in wig and lace cravat; oval frame. PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, SirJOHN, 5th bart. See Egmont, John, 1st Earl of. PERCEVAL, (Right Hon.) Sir PHILIP ; 1605-1647. 1 H, L,, to r, ; oval frame with arms, PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (G. S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, Sir PHILIP, 2nd bart. ; 1656-1680. 1. H. L., to r., in -wig and lace cravat; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (G. S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, PHILIP ; brother of 1st Barl of Egmont ; 1686-1748. 1 H L., to 1. ; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, RICHARD, (of Tickenham, Somerset); secretary of the court of wards ; 1550-1620. 1 H L., to r., in ruff ; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist ' of House of Yvery, 1742. (0. S. 400.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. PERCEVAL, ROBERT ; s. of Sir John P., 1st bart. ; 1657-1677. 1 H L., to 1. ; oval frame with arms. PL to Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 400.) ; 4} X 4 in. Painter Engraver J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Faber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. J. Faber jun. J. Faber jun.. J. Paber jun., 2 G 450 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver' PERCEVAL, (Right Hon,) SPENCER, M,P, ; prime minister ; assassinated by BeUingham ; 1762-1812, 1, H. L,, nearly fuU face, seated in armchair, holding ' Regency BiU ' ; rect, frame. Pub, W, Skelton 1813, Line ; 17} X 18} in, 2, Same picture ; with facsimile of autograph, PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub, Fisher 1830, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 3, Statue at Northampton, (Whitman 234,) Mezz, ; 21} X 14 in, Oue preliminary etching ; one proof before inscriptiou ; two lettered impressions, 4, H, L,, to r, ; oval. Pub, G, Plesher, Towcester, 1817. Stipple ; 4} X 8 in, 5, H, L,, seated, nearly in profile to 1,, document in 1, hand. Prom picture at Hampton Court, Pub. C Turner 1812. (Whitman 423.) Mezz. ; 195 X 13} in. Two impressions. 6, Aged 30 ; bust, to r, ; oval. Prom a miniature. Pub, Colnaghi 1812, Stipple ; 2} X 2} in. 7. Marble bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Stipple. 8. Bust, looking to r. , in robes of chancellor of the exchequer ; vignette. PL to Trial between the Duke of York & Col. Wardle ; pub. J. Cundee 1809. Stipple. 9. W. L., standing, looking to r., in go'wn, resting scroll on a table. Pub. T. Hughes 1812. Etching ; 11 X 75 in. PERCEY, WILLIAM ; chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon ; d. 1819. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in gown and bands, holding book to breast. Pub, C Bowles, (G, S, 89.) PERCIVAL, PETER ; missionary in India. 1. Nearly W, L,, to L, seated in armchair, iu gown and bands, holding bible ; vignette. Without title. Lith. PERCY of ALNWICK, HENRY PERCY; Baron; 2nd s. of 9th Earl of Northumberland ; d. 1659. 1. H. L., looking to L, in smaU lace band and slashed coat ; oval. Prom picture at Petworth. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. PERCY, HUGH PERCY, Earl. See Nobthumebrland. PERCY, ALAN ; master of St. John's College, Cambridge ; s. of 4th Barl of Northumberland ; d. 1560. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to 1., holding book and glove. Prom picture in Norwich guildhall. Pub. C Muskett, Norvrich. Line ; 7} X 6} in. PERCY, J. W. ; dissenting minister at Walworth. 1. Bust, to L, in gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. T. WiUiams & Son 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. W. Beechey P. Chantrey G. Plesher G. P. Joseph MUes J. NoUekens J. RusseU C. Baugniet W. Skelton C. Pieart S. W. Reynolds A. Burt C. Turner A. Cardon T. Blood Anon. R. Houston C. Baugniet Anon. W. C. Edwards T. Blood Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 451 Subject Painter Engraves PERCY. Lady LUCY. See Stanley. PERCY, THOMAS ; one of the ' Gunpowder plot ' con spirators ; kUled at Holbeach ; 1560-1605. 1. Bust, looking to r,, in hat; inscribed oval frame in cartouche, with •vignettes of incidents iu the conspiracy in the angles ; Latin title and verses, 0. van de Pas 6X0. (Pranken 814.) Line ; 4} X 4 in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub, W. Richardson 1801, Line ; same dimensions, 3. Another copy, without frame, background or any inscrip tion. Line ; 2 X 1| in, 4. H. L,, to r,, in hat ; oval, with German verses in two tablets at the sides and representations of the arrest of Fawkes and capture of Percy in circles below. One of a set of historical plates published by Ploogenberg. Line ; 6} X 7g in. One proof before titles to the circular subjects ; one fully-lettered impression. 5. H. L., looking to L, iu hat and cloak, PL to Caulfield's Bemarkable Persons, 1794, Line ; 85 X 3} in. See Groups (Gunpowder Plot conspirators.) PERCY, THOMAS, D.D. ; bishop of Dromore ; editor of Reliques of Ancient Poetry ; 1729-1811. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, in rochet, holding book with both hands. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1802. Line and stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Proof before inscription. 2. Same picture, H, L. only; vignette. PI to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1848. Etching, 3. When vicar of Easton Maudit ; H, L,, looking to r., in cap and gown; vol. of manuscripts in 1. hand. Pub. Dickmson, 1775. (C S. 60.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. .,, ,, . , One unfinished ; one proof before any inscription ; one with artists names scratched ; one lettered impression. 4. Same picture ; rect. Pub. T. Rodd. Stipple ; 6} X 4| in. 5. Same picture ; rect. Pub. W. Richardson. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 6.' Same picture; oval. PI. to European Mag.; pub. J. Asperne 1811. Stipple ; 4} X 3J in. 7. W. L., standing on bank of a river, r. profile. From a drawing. PL to Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, 1817 . Line ; 6} X 3| in. 8, Same drawing, H, L, only ; vignette. PL to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1831. Line. PERFECT, WILLIAM, M.D., (of West MaUing, Kent) ; provincial grand master of freemasons ; 1737-1809. 1. H. L., to L, seated, wearing masonic badge. Mezz. ; 11} X 95 in. (C. de Passe) Anon. L. Abbott J. Reynolds J. Ogborne Ha'wksworth W. Dickinson Anon. M. W. Sharp C. Heath P. Audinet W. Say 2 G 2 452 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PERKINS, ARABELLA, (born Permor) ; w. of Francis P. of Ufton Court ; Pope's ' Belinda ' ; d. 1738. 1. When Miss Permor; H. L., nearly fuU face. PL to Pope's Works ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1807. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 2. When Miss Permor; H. L., full face; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6| X 3} in. PERKINS, JACOB; inventor of siderography; 1766- 1849. 1. Bust, nearly full face; vignette. Etching.PERKINS, JOHN ; cook. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Ridgway 1790. Stipple ; 85 X 3 in. 2. T. Q. L., to r., seated at table, writing; oval. Line; 45 x 3} in. PERKINS, PETER; mathematical master at Christ's Hospital. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal inscribed ' The Effegies of Mr. Perkins.' Pront. to his Seaman's Guide, 1682. Line ; 4| X 2} in. PERKINS, RICHARD ; actor, temp. Charles I. 1. H. L. to r., hand on breast. Prom picture at Dulwich College. PL to Waldron's Shakespearean Miscellany, 1802. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. PERKINS, WILLIAM, D.D. ; puritan divine ; 1558-1602. 1. H. L., to L, holding open book, 1. hand raised; oval iu decor, frame. Prom picture at Christ's CoUege, Cam bridge. Sold C. Holland. Line ; 7 X 4} in. same plate, with address of P. Stent ; Blstrack's name erased. 2. Same picture, reversed ; oval ; two Latin lines on tablet below. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 5} X 4 in. 3. Same picture, to r. ; two Latin lines below. PL to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 815.) Line ; 6 x 4} in. 4. Copy from the last, reversed, with same lines. Stipple ; 6 X 4} in. 5. Another copy, to r. ; oval on pedestal on which is title in Latin. German plate. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 6. Another copy, to L, hands not shown. PL to Puller's Abel Bedevivus, 1651. Line ; 8} X 25 in. 7. Another copy, to L, only 1. hand shown, holding pen. PL to Puller's Holy State, 1642. Line ; 5} X 4} in. 8. Another copy, to r., hands not shown; oval in title to vol ii. of a Dutch ed. of his Works, 1662. Line ; (pi.) 10} X 6} in. Painter 'P. Lely' C. R. LesUe B.A. Van Assen Record Engraver C. Knight Parr Mrs. D. Turner B.A. Van Assen Record J. Drapentier R. Clamp R. Elstraek (J. de Bry) PasseP. Eginton Anon. W. Marshall T. Matham Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 453 Subject Painter Engraver 9. Similar to the preceding, but holding book with both hands ; oval with ornaments designed by C. de Passe jun., in title to a Dutch ed. of his Works, 1615. (Pranken 816.) Line ; 11 X 6J in. PEROWNE, JOHN JAMES STEWART, D.D. ; bishop • of Worcester ; 1823-1904. 1. Bust to 1. ; from photograph. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1890. Woodcut. 2. H. L., to L, in rochet ; from photograph. Cutting from same periodical 1893. Process block. PERREAU, DANIEL ; hanged for forgery ; 1732-1776. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval, with another of Mrs. Rudd. PL to London Mag., 1775. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 2. With his brother Robert, standing together in the dock, 1. profile ; oval. Pub. 1776. Etchiug 6X6} in. PERREAU, ROBERT ; twin brother of the preceding ; hanged for forgery ; 1732-1776. 1. Bust, to r. ; circular frame. PL to London Mag., 1775. Line ; 3} in. diam. See Perrbau, Daniel. PERRINS, ISAAC ; pugiUst ; 1750-1800. 1. W. L., engaged in a prize-fight with Thomas Jackling. Pub. J. Grozer 1789. Soft-ground etching ; 8} X 12 in. PERRONET, VINCENT, M.A. ; vicar of Shoreham, Kent; methodist; 1693-1785. 1. H, L., seated, looking to r,, in wig, gown and bands; 1787, (C S, 33,) Mezz, ; 6} X 6} in, 2, Copy from the last ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1799. Stipple ; 35 X 8} in. PERROT, Sir JOHN ; lord deputy of Ireland ; 1527 ?- 1592. 1. H. L., to L, in cap with feather and cloak, 1. hand on hip; oval. Prom a painting. ' G. Powle del.' PL to Nash's Worcestershire; pub. 1776. (C. S. 95, Whit man 58.) Mezz. ; 65 X 4 in. 2. Copy from the last. Mezz. ; 65 X 4 in. 3. W. L., standing; book illustration. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 4. H. L., to 1. From picture formerly at Strawberry Hill. Indian ink drawing. PERROTT, RICHARD ; adventurer. 1 H L., directed and looking to L, with medal suspended " from neck ; circular frame. Pub. V. Green 1770. (C S. 101, Whitman 15.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. Two impressions. S. de Passe R. T(aylor) Anon. C. M. Metz J. Spilsbury "Anon. J. Grozer J. Spilsbury W. Ridley V. Green Anon. Tringham V. Green V. Green 454 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaveb PERRY, GEORGE ; musical composer ; 1793-1862. 1. H. L., to r., seated in armchair, holding soroU of music. Plate dedicated to Sacred Harmonic Society. Pub. J. Romney 1837. Line ; 6 X 4} in. PERRY, JAMES; journaUst; editor of the Morning Chronicle; 1756-1821. 1. H. L., looking to L, in fur-trimmed coat. From a drawing. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1818. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. PERRY, SAMPSON ; surgeon and poUtical writer ; 1747- 1823. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. From a sketch. Stipple ; 4} X 3| in, PERRYN, Sir RICHARD; baron of the exchequer; 1723-1803, 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in robes, cap in 1. hand. Pub. 1779. (C S. 8,) Mezz, ; 17| X 13} in, PERSONIUS. See Parsons, Robert. PERTH, JAMES DRUMMOND, 4th Earl and 1st titular Duke of, K,T,;' Jacobite; 1648-1716, 1. Aged 31 ; H. L., to r., in wig and go'wn ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. (Pagan p. 53.) Line ; 125 X 9 in- 2. Aged 34; H. L., to r., in wig and mantle; oval frame, decorated with armorial shields, on pedestal ; 1682. Line ; 9 X 6| in. 3. Aged 38; H. L., to r., in chancellor's robes ; in frame work identical with the preceding, but with mace and purse added ; BngUsh inscription. Line ; 9 X 65 in. same plate, with French inscription. 4, Copy from the last ; plain oval frame on pedestal. Pub. J, de Rubeis, Rome. Line ; 95 X 7 in. PERTH, JAMES DRUMMOND, 6th Earl and 3rd titular Duke of ; Jacobite ; 1713-1747. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Prom miniature. PL to A. Lang's Prince Charles Edward, 1900. Eeproduotion ; 25 X 2} in. PERTH, CLEMENTINA (ELPHINSTONE), Lady; w. of James Drummond, Lord P. (11th Earl) ; d. of 10th Lord Blphinstone ; d. 1822. 1. T. Q. L., looking to r., sitting on garden seat on which her child (afterwards Lady Willoughby d'Eresby) stands. From picture belonging to Earl of Ancaster. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7} X 65 in. PERWICH, SUSANNA; d. of Robert P.; musician; d. unmarried ; 1636-1661. 1. H. L., to L, in hood; oval with eight lines below. Copy from print by T. Cross prefixed to her Life, 1661. Pub. W. Richardson 1794. Line ; 3} X 3} in. J. A. Sluce A. WiveU R. Cosway Gainsborough J. Romney J. Thomson Maddan G. Dupont W. Paithorne G. Kneller J. Riley W. Paithorne R. White J. Blondeau H. Raeburn P. Rogerson Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 455 Subject PESHALL, ELIZABETHA, See Harwood, Private plate. PESTELL, E. S. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. Painter PETER, CHARLES ; surgeon and empiric ; b. 1648. 1. Aged 57 ; H_L., looking to r. ; seven lines of inscription below. Line ; 65 X 6} in. PETER, DAVID ; dissenting minister at Carmarthen ; 1765-1837. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. T. WilUams 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. PETER, ' The WUd Boy ' ; found in a hollow tree in Germany and brought to England by George I ; 1712- 1785. 1. When old ; W. L., seated on bank under a tree, directed and looking to r. ; with an account of him. Pub. Ryland, Bryer & Co, (C S, 102, Whitman 2.) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. Three impressions. 2. When young ; H. L., to L, holding sprig of oak ; oval frame. J. Simon exc, (C S. 119,) Mezz, ; 12} x 9} in, 3. When old ; nearly W. L., to r., seated, holding club. PL to Wonderful Mag. Line ; 6} X 3} in. PETERBOROUGH, CHARLES MORDAUNT, 3rd Earl of, K.G. ; general ; 1658-1735. 1, H, L,, face to r,, in wig and armour; oval; French inscription. Sold E. Cooper. (C S. 120.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two impressions. 2. H. L., to r., in long wig and armour. (C S. 17.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. 3. H. L., directed to L, looking to r., in wig and armour ; oval frame of laurel on pedestal. Line ; 20} x 16 in. Clipped impression. 4. H. L., face to L, in wig and armour ; oval with emblems. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. One proof with engraver's name only ; one fully-lettered impression. 5. Copy from the last, with the emblems. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 6. Another copy, reversed ; plain circle. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3} in. diam. 7. Another copy ; oval in rect. frame. PL to Harrison's ' ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England. Line ; 7} X 65 in. 8 H L, looking to r., in wig and gown; ovaL Sold ' E. Cooper. (G. S. 121.) Onl proof with Cooper's name only ; two lettered impressions. A. Sohoonjans P. Palconet W. Kent M. Dahl G. Kneller Engraver Silvester J. Nutting T. Blood V. Green J. Simon Anon. J. Simon G. Bockman P. van Gunst J. Houbraken Anon. A. Benoist G. Noble J. Simon 456 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engbaver PETERBOROUGH, CAREY (ERASER), Countess of ; 1st w. of the preceding ; d, 1709, 1, W, L., nearly fuU face, standing by pedestal on which is a statue of Minerva, One of set of Beauties of Hampton Court. J, Cooper ex. (C, S, 28,) Mezz, ; 17§ X 12 in. Two impressions, same plate ; with Cooper's name erased. ¦ same plate, reduced; with addresses of R. Sayer & J. King. 12} X 10 in. PETERBOROUGH, ANASTASIA (ROBINSON), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; singer ; d. 1755. 1. When Mrs. Robinson; nearly W. L., to L, looking to r., seated, playing the harpsichord ; with four lines below. Sold J. Bowles at Mercer's HaU. (C. S. 307.) Mezz. ; 12| x 9} in. Two impressions. same plate, with Bowles's address altered to Black Horse in Cornhill. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only. Pub. I. W. Payne. Stipple ; 4 X 35 in. 3. Another copy, bust only ; oval. PI. to Hawkins's Hist. of Music, 1776. Line ; 35 X 3 in. 4. Another copy, bust only, reversed ; oval frame with another of J. C. Pepusch ; book iUustration. Line. PETERS, HUGH ; puritan divine and parliamentarian ; executed for treason ; 1598-1660. 1. H. L., to r., in gown. Prom a painting. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. Proof with engraver's name only. 2. Copy from the last. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 3. H. L., to 1. ; oval ; ' Octob. 1660. Etatis suae 61.' Fac simile of contemporary print. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. 4. Similar to the last, but with r. hand holding book introduced; circle. Copy from front, to his Dying Father's last Legacy, 1660. PL to Hogg's Wonderful Museum. Line ; 3} in. diam. 5. Another copy from same print ; oval in rect. PL to Caulfield's Bemarkable Persons, 1793. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 6. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 7. T. Q. L., to r., standing, with windmill on his head, a devil whispering in his ear. Cut from a broadside entitled Don Pedro de Quixot, &c., 1660. Line ; 45 X 35 in. 8. Copy from the last. Pub, W. Richardson. Line ; 4} X 3| in. 9. In a pulpit, preaching ; with title ' No life to Lechery.' Facsimile copy from front, to his Life, by W, Yonge, 1663, Line ; 4} X 25 in. See Gboups (Regicides) G. Kneller J. Paber jun. J. Vanderbank J. Paber jun. SS H. R. Cook C. Grignion Anon. R. Cooper SS Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 457 Subject Painter Engraver PETERS, MATTHEW ; writer on agriculture. 1. H. L., seated by table, looking to L, book in r. hand. Pub. J. Murphy 1778. (C. S. 11.) Mezz. ; 12} X 11 in. PETERS, MATTHEW WILLIAM, R.A., LL.B. ; son of the preceding ; prebendary of Lincoln and painter ; 1742-1814. 1. Bust, to L, in lay dress with hat ; oval. Pub. Scatcherd & Whitaker 1795. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PETERSHAM, CHARLES See Harrington. STANHOPE, Viscount. PETHER, WILLIAM ; mezzotint engraver; 1738?-1821. 1. H. L., to L, in wide collar. (C S. 26.) Mezz. ; 14} x 10} in. PETIT, LOUIS HAYES, P.R.S., F.S.A. ; barrister and book collector ; M.P. for Ripon ; 1774-1849. 1. H. L., to r., seated at a table, open book before him. Prom a drawing. Private plate. Stipple ; 10} X 8 in. PETRE, ROBERT EDWARD PETRE, 9th Baron ; 1742- 1801. 1. T. Q. L. to L, standing, in peer's robes, hand on plans of Thorndon. Pub. E. Orme 1803. Stipple ; 18} X 14} in. 2, Same picture, bust only ; at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820, Stipple ; 2} X 15 in, PETRE, EDWARD ; known as ' Father Peters ' ; Jesuit, confessor of James II ; 1631-1699, 1. T, Q, L,, standing, x. profile, in biretta and cloak; copied from figure in satirical broadside La belle Con stance dragonie Arlequin deodat. Pub. T. H. Rodd 1820. Line ; 65 X 4} in. PETT, PHINEAS, D.D. ; principal of St. Mary HaU and archdeacon of Oxford ; 1758-1830. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, looking to L, in gown and bands, holding open book on knees. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1821. (Whitman 236.) Mezz. ; 16} X 13} in. One proof before address ; one fully-lettered impression. PETTIE, JOHN, R.A. ; painter ; 1839-1893. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing before easel, holding palette and brush. Process block. 2, Bust, to r. ; vignette; from photograph, Illust, to Mag. of Art, 1881. 'Woodcut.PETTIPER, (Miss) ; actress ; fl. 1830. 1. As the Little Duke ; W. L., standing, fuU face; vignette. Lith.PETTIGREW, THOMAS JOSEPH, F.R.S., F.S.A,; surgeon, antiquary and author ; 1791-1865, 1. Aged 40 ; bust, to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Lith. M. W. Peters M. W. Peters (W. Pether) G. Lewis G. Romney (R. de Hooghe) W. Ovfen A. S. Cope W. Fletcher E. U. Eddis J. Murphy W. Leney (W. Pether) P. C. Lewis PreschiT. Wright Anon. S. W. Reynolds Anon. W. Fletcher (Miss Turner) 4.58 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PETTIGREW, THOMAS JOSEPH, P.R.S., F.S.A.— continued. 2. T. Q. L., to L, seated in armchair, resting book on knee. PL to his Medical Portrait Gallery ; pub. Whittaker & Co. 1840. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. PETTUS, Sir JOHN, M.P.; mayor of Norwich 1608; d. 1614. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in go'wn and chain, glove in r. hand ; skull on table. Prom picture in Norvrich guild- haU. Btching ; 7 X 5} in. PETTUS, Sir JOHN; deputy-governor of the royal mines; 1613-1690. 1. Aged 57 ; H. L., to r. ; octagonal frame of oak-leaves on pedestal. Pront. to his Fodince Regales, 1670. Line ; 9} X 6 in. PETTUS, Sir THOMAS, bart., (of Rackheath, Norfolk) ; d. 1654. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in military dress, holding glove ; helmet on table. Prom a picture. Etching ; 7 X 6} in. PETTY, GEORGE. 1. A boy, T. Q. L., standing, fuU face, hat under 1. arm. (C. S. 44.) Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in, same plate, with ' I. Smith ex.' added. PETTY, Lord HENRY, M.P. See Lansdowne, Henry, 3rd Marquess of. PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, M.D., P.R.S.; physician, mechanician and political economist ; surveyor-general of Ireland ; 1623-1687. 1. H. L., face to r. ; oval. J. Smith exc. (C S, 201,) Mezz, ; 11} x 94 in. Two proofs before any inscription ; one before the words ' Fellow of the Royall Society ' ; three fully-lettered impressions, 2, Copy from the last ; oval. Private plate. Etching ; 4} X « in, 3, H, L,, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms; 1683. Pront. to his set of maps of Ireland. Liue ; 9} X 6} in. PETYT, SILVESTER; principal of Barnard's Inn; d. 1719. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, with r. arm on table, in wig and gown. (C S. 34, I.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. PETYT, WILLIAM ; keeper of the records in the Tower • 1636-1707. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and gown ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 105 X 7} in, PEYTON, JOHN; admiral; d. 1809. See Groups (Naval Victories). ' PHEBE.' See Woeeington, Margaret. Painter Engraver H. Room T. Murray J. Closterman R. V. Bleeek B. White W. & P. Holl (W. C. Edwards) W. Sherwin W. C. Edwards R. Williams John Smith L. Wilson E. Sandys G. White R. White Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 459 Subject Painter Engraver PHELPS, SAMUEL ; actor ; 1804-1878. 1. Nearly W. L., seated on chair, directed and looking to r. ; oval ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. WiUoughby & Co. Lith. ; 19} X 16| in. 2. T. Q. L., to L, standing, hands joined. Prom photo graph by Mayall. Suppl. to Illust. News of the World. Stipple ; 8} X 6} in. Proof before title. 3. As Macbeth ; W. L., moving to r. ; within frame of orna ments. PL to TalUs's Drawing Boom TabU Book. Mixed. C. Baugniet 4. With Miss Glyn, as Hamlet and his mother. same work. Mixed.5. H. L., seated, looking to r. Paine. PL to same work. Mixed ; 65 X 6} in. PL to From daguerreotype by PHELPS, THOMAS ; astronomer ; b. 1694, d, after 1776, 1. W. L., standing in observatory at Shirburn Castle, making an observation which John Bartlett, who is seated to r., prepares to record. Without inscription. (C S. 6, 1, Goodwin 112, I.) One unfinished proof, before globe was altered ; one before figures on globe and inscription on separate plate. PHELPS, WILLIAM WHITMARSH, M.A.; archdeacon of Carlisle ; 1797-1867. 1. H. L,, to L, in private dress. Pub. W, Walker 1852. Mezz. ; 11} x 10} in. PHELPS, (Mrs.) ; d. of Qolonel Tyndale. 1. H. L., nearly fuU face, looking to 1. ; oval. From a drawing. Without any inscription. Stipple ; 4 X 3| in. PHILIP, ALEXANDER PHILIP WILSON, M.D,, P,R,S, ; physician; died in France ; 1772-1851? 1. T. Q, L,, seated by table, looking to 1, ; with facsimUe of autograph, PL to Pettigrew's Medical Portrait Gallery ; pub. Whittaker & Co. 1839. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PHILIP, JOHN, D.D. ; missionary in South Africa; 1775-1851. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1829. Stipple.PHILIP, JOHN BIRNIE ; sculptor ; 1827-1875. 1. Bust, to r. ; from photograph. Illust. to Illust. London News, 1875. Woodcut. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; from photograph, "Woodcut. PHILIPE, THOMAS ; printseller ; 18th cent. See Groups (Print sales.) C. Baugniet D. J. Pound Anon. T. A. Woolnoth O. Humphry Mrs. Robinson Wildman J. 'Watson W. Walker H. Cook Thompson Anon. 460 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PHILIPPA, (of Hainault); Queen of Edward III; 1314 ?-1369. 1. Her tomb, with recumbent effigy, iu Westminster Abbey ; on plate with tomb of Henry V. PL to Dart's Westmonas terium . Line ; 13} X 7} in. 2. The same ; two views. PL to Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 1786, etc. Line. 3. The effigy on her tomb, full face, bust only ; oval. PL to same work. Line ; 12} x 10} in. 4. Same effigy, W. L., full face. PI. to 'Blone's Monumental Bemains ; pub. Harding, etc., 1825. Line ; 8} X 4 in. 5. W. L., standing, holding sceptre; view of Queen's College, Oxford in background. [Made up from the effigy.] (C S. 284.) • Mezz. ; 13} X 10| in. same plate, with Faber's address added. PHILIPPA (db MOHUN), Duchess of York ; wife of Edward, 2nd Duke ; d. 1431. 1. Her monument, with recumbent effigy, in Westminster Abbey. Line ; 7 X 4 in PHILIPPA (PLANTAGENET), Countess of March ; d. of Lionel, Duke of Clarence ; 1355-1382. See Gboups (Pedigree of George III). PHILIPPS, FABIAN ; lawyer and author ; 1601-1690. 1. Bust, to r. ; from a miniature. Pub. S. Harding 1814. Stipple ; 2} X 2f in. PHILIPPS, JAMES ; schoolmaster at Haverfordwest and dissenting minister at Glapham ; d. 1824. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, holding open book with both hands. Pub. Hurst, Robinson & Co. 1824. (Whitman 425.) Mezz. ; 9} X 85 in. One proof before any inscription ; one before title. PHILIPPS, Sir JOHN, bart, M.P. ; 1701-1764. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, pointing with r. hand, hat under 1. arm. Sold J. Paber. (C. S. 287.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. PHILIPPS, THOMAS; singer; 1774-1841. 1. As young Hartwell ; W. L., to L, in naval uniform, holding hat. Pub. W. Holland 1809. Coloured. Aquatint ; 14 X 9} in. 2. H. L., to L; octagon. PL to Monthly Mag.; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1809. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. 3. H. L., looking to r., holding roll of music; vignette. Pub. Foster & Busby. Stipple. Painter T. Murray G. Sharpies T. Hudson S. De Wilde W. Poster Engraver J. Cole J. Basire H. Le Keux J. Paber jun. Anon. G. P. Harding C. Turner J. Paber jun. Stadler S. Preeman T. L. Busby Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 461 Subject Painteb Engbaver PHILIPS, AMBROSE ; poet ; 1675 ?-1749, 1. Bust, face in profile, to r,, with shaven head; oval at head of account of him, PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub, Harrison & Co, 1795. Line ; 1} X IJ in. 2. Same picture ; oval in reot. PL to Bell's Poets. Line ; 35 X 2} in. PHILIPS, HERBERT ; philanthropist at Manchester. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated; vignette. Lith. PHILIPS, JOHN ; poet ; author of The SpUndid Shil ling; 1676-1709. 1. H, L,, to r. ; oval frame of oakleaves on pedestal ; Latin title. Pub, B, Lintot, Line ; 135 X 9} in. 2. Same picture, to 1. ; oval. PL to Cooke's Classics, 1799. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 3. Same picture, to r. ; rect. PL to Duncumb's Collections towards a History of Hereford, 1804, etc. Line ; 5| X 4} in. 4. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; rect. Prom picture at Nuneham. PL to Effigies Poeticie ; pub. W. "Walker 1822. Line ; 4 X 3} in. See Groups. PHILIPS, JOHN ; of Thorner, Yorkshire ; centenarian ; 1625-1742. 1. Aged 117 ; T. Q. L., nearly fuU face, standing by table, in hat, holding stick and gloves. Sold J. Paber. (C S. 288.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Three impressions. PHILIPS, JOHN ; methodist preacher. 1. H. L., to r. ; ovaL PL to Methodist Mag., 1816. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. PHILIPS, KATHERINE, (born Fowler) ; w. of James P.; poet; known as ' the matchless Orinda ' ; 1631-1664. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; with title ' Orinda ' PhiUips.' I. Beckett ex. (0. S. 84.) Mezz. ; 8} X 6} in. Two impressions. 2 A bust in a niche, looking to r., the title ' Orinda ' on pedestal. Front, to her Poems, 1667. (Pagan p. 54.) Line ; 9 X 6 in. Two impressions. 3. Exact copy from the last, but with title on the pedestal 'Mrs. Catherine Philips.' line ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame in rect. Line ; 4| X 3} in. 5. H. L,, to r. Prom picture at Knole, PL to Effigies ' Poetic^ ; pub, W. Walker 1822, Line ; 4 X 3} in. M. Ashton W. Rothenstein (G. Kneller) (J. RUey) P. Mercier P. Audinet T. Cook W. Rothenstein M. -vr. Gucht J. Hop'wood Anon.A. W. "Warren J. Paber jun. T. Blood I. Beckett W. Paithorne Anon. W. Pinden 462 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PHILLIP, ARTHUR; admiral; first governor of New South Wales; 1738-1814, 1, H, L,, to r,, in uniform, holding plan of a fort ; oval, Pront, to his Voyage to Botany Bay ; pub, J, Stockdale 1789. Line ; 6 X 6 in. PHILLIP, JOHN, R.A. ; painter ; 1817-1867. 1. H. L., to r., in skull-cap and large coUar. Mezz. ; 7} X 4} in. 2. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; vignette. Woodcut. 3. Nearly W. L., to L, seated ; from photograph. Cutting from Illustrated Times, 1858. 'Wooodcut.4. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from a newspaper, 1858, PHILLIPPS, (Right Hon,) SAMUEL MARCH ; under secretary of state ; 1780-1862, 1, Bust, to L, nearly in profile ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple. PHILLIPPS, (Rev.) WILLIAM MARCH ; s. of Thomas March P., of Garendon Park and Grace Dieu ; 1792- 1818. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, almost in profile to r., in gown, resting academical cap on knee ; open book on table before him. Stipple ; 10} X 85 in. PHILLIPS, ANNA MARIA. See Crouch. PHILLIPS, CHARLES ; Irish barrister and author ; 1787 ?-1859. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J. Asperne 1816, Stipple, 2, T, Q, L,, looking to L, standing, scroll in r, hand. Pub. ' Simpkin & MarshaU 1821. Stipple ; 8} X 6 in. 3. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Pub. W, Reynolds 1819. Line. PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH, (born Eraser) ; w. of Thomas PhUlips, R.A. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, seated, holding pencil and book; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching.PHILLIPS, HENRY ; singer and actor ; 1801-1876. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding roU of music; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph ; 1846. Lith. 2. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Musical Gem, 1834; pub. Mori & Lavenu. Lith.3. As the Vampire ; H. L., looking to 1, Stipple ; 8} X 7 in. P. Wheatley (J.Phillip?) J. Slater H. Edridge W. Sherwin J. B. Hunter Anon. P. C. Lewis C. Pieart S. Drummond T. Wageman W. YeUowlees (T. PhiUips) C. Baugniet R. J. Hamerton G. Lance H. Meyer T. Woolnoth S. Watts (Mrs. D. Turner) C. Baugniet R. J. Hamerton A. RoflFe Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 463 Subject 4. As Count der Tiemar ; H. L., to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. 5. As Uberto in the opera The Freebooters ; W. L., to r., standing, holding gun. Pub. C Turner 1829. (Whit man 426.) Mezz. ; 11} X 8} in. One proof before any inscription ; one before title. 6. As Francis the First, in the opera of that name ; W. L., standing, hand on cane ; vignette. Pub. T. A, 'Wake. Lith 7. As Cederic in Maid of Judah; W. L., standing, holding up cup ; vignette. Pub. Dunoombe. Stipple.PHILLIPS, JOHN, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.; geologist; 1800-1874. 1. T. Q. L., standing, fuU face; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits; pub. G. Ransome 1851. Lith. 2. H. L., to 1., seated. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1865. Woodcut.PHILLIPS, JOHN LOTT ; dissenting minister. 1, Bust, to 1,, in gown and bands; oval frame. PL to Gospel Mag. ; pub. T. VaUance 1778. Line ; 4 X 3 in. PHILLIPS, KATHARINE. See Philips. PHILLIPS, MARK, (of Manchester). 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, spectacles in r. hand, 1. laid on paper. Line ; 9 X 7} in. Proof before inscription. PHILLIPS, (Lieut. Col.) MOLESWORTH ; companion of Captain Cook ; 1755-1832, 1, T, Q, L,, to r,, seated by table; picture of death of Capt, Cook behind. Without any inscription. (Laing 11.) Etching ; 7} X 6} in. same plate, with picture altered to curtain and books. PHILLIPS, ORINDA. See Philips, Katherine, PHILLIPS, SARAH ; cook. 1, H, L,, fuU face; oval frame with flying figure of Fame above. Pront. to her Lady's Hand-Maid ; pub. I. Coote 1758. Line ; 4} X 3 in. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN ; living poet. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Lith. PHILLIPS, TERESIA GONSTANTIA ; courtesan and adventuress; 1709-1765. 1. Nearly W. L., fuU face, standing by column. With ' artists' names only and date 1748. (C S. 285.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. Three impressions. same plate, with artists' names erased and that of the lady substituted. Painteb R. J. L(ane) J. W. Wright T. H. Maguire Engbaveb R. J. L(ane) C. Turner Anon. T. H. Maguire J. G. Gilbert A. Geddes W. Rothenstein J. Highmore Anon. J. Horsburgh A. Geddes Proud W. Rothenstein J. Paber jun. 464 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PHILLIPS, TERESIA CO'SSTANTIA— continued. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only. Pub. R. Sayer. (C. S. 126.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. 3. H. L., fuU face; oval; with artists' names only. Pront. to Apology for her Conduct, 1748. (C S. 286.) Mezz. ; 4} X 3} in. same plate, reduced ; facsimile of her autograph added. Pront. to same work, ed. 1761. PHILLIPS, THOMAS, R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1770- 1845. 1. Aged 74; H. L., to r., in cloak; oval in rect.; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. T. Lupton 1845. Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in 2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Etching.PHILLIPS, Sir THOMAS ; mayor of Newport (Men.) during the chartist riots 1839 ; 1801-1867. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r., in cloak, 1. arm in a sling. Pub. T. Boys 1840. Mezz. ; 9} X 7} in. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM SPENCER, B.D."; vicar of Newohurch with Ryde, I.W. and incumbent of St. John's, Cheltenham ; 1795-1868. 1. Bust, to r., in private dress; vignette. Lith. PHILLIPS, (Father) ; confessor to Queen Henrietta Maria. 1. Bust, to r., in lay dress, with cap ; oval. Etching ; 3} X 2} in. PHILLIPS, (Miss) ; actress. 1. As Claudia in Bienzi ; W. L., standing; without back ground. Pub. G. Virtue. Stipple and liue. PHILLIPS, (Miss) ; d. of Thomas Phillips, R.A. See Praser, Susanna. PHILLIPS, jun. ; printseller ; 18th cent. See Groups (London priutseUers). PHILLIPS ; merry andrew ; fl. 1700. 1. W. L., directed to L, capering; with title 'Merry Andrew.' PL to Tempest's Cryes of London. Line ; 8} X 6 in. 2, Reversed copy from the last, PL to Caulfield's Bemark able Persons, 1792. Line ; 6} X 3 in. 3. W. L., standing, playing violoncello; with title 'Merry Andrew on the Stage,' PL to 'Tempest's Cryes of London. Line ; 85 X 6} in. PHILLPOTTS, HENRY, D.D. ; bishop of Exeter; 1778-1869. 1. H. L., to r., in rochet ; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen ; pub. E. Ryley 1837. Stipple ; 9} X 75 in. J. Highmore T. Phillips P. WilUams Tidey M. Laroon Anon. J. Paber jun. P. Cruikshank T. Lupton (Mrs. D. Turner) W. Giller J. H. Lynch Anon. Anon. Anon. W. J. Taylor Anon.J. Brown Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 465 Subject 2. W. L., sitting in armchair; with title • A Problem not to be found in Euclid ' ; H. B. Sketches, No. 766. Lith. 3. When dean of Chester; H. L., directed and looking to r., in gown. Pub. M. Colnaghi 1829. Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. 4, Nearly W, L,, to r,, seated in armchair, in private dress, holding paper on knee. Pub, W. Walker 1851. Mezz. ; 16 X 12} in. 5. Same picture, bust only ; vignette. Pub. A. E. Evans 1854. Lith. ; 16 X 12} in. 6. Nearly W. L., to r. seated, reading a book. Prom a photograph. Suppl. to Hlust. News of the World. Stipple ; 8} X 65 in. 7. H. L., to L, in wig and rochet; with autograph. Pub. W. E. Painter. Line ; 4} x 3} in, PHILLPOTTS, JOHN; mayor of Gloucester 1820; d, 1849, 1. H. L., looking to L, in furred gown. Mezz, ; 12 X 10 in. « PHILOMUSUS.' See Gilbebt, Samuel. PHIPOE, MARIA THERESA; murderess; hanged 1797. 1. H. L., nearly fuU face, in cap; vignette. Etching. PHIPPS, (Hon.) AUGUSTUS, P.R.S.'; b. of 1st Earl of Mulgrave; 1762-1826. See Groups. PHIPPS, (Right Hon.) Sib CONSTANTINE; lord chancellor of Ireland ; 1656-1723. 1, H, L,, to J.-,, in chancellor's robes; oval with arms. With addresses of Simon and H. Overton. (G. S. 122,) Mezz, ; llf X 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions, 2, German copy from the last ; oval on pedestal. Line ; 6} X 3| in. Clipped impression, See Gboups (Sacheverell and his counsel). PHIPPS, (Hon.) CONSTANTINE JOHN. See Mulgbavb, PHIPPS, (Hon,) EDMUND, M,P, ; general ; b, of 1st Earl of Mulgrave ; 1760-1837. 1, H. L,, 1, profile, in private dress; vignette. Lith, 2, H, L,, to r,, in uniform. Pub. C. Turner 1824, (Whit man 427,) Mezz, ; 10} X 8} in, See Gboups, PHIPPS, (Hon,) MARIA), (born Thellusson) ; w, of Hon, Augustus P,, F,R,S, ; 1771-1834. 1, H. L,, to r,, in bonnet; octagon, with six lines below. Private plate, Lith, ; 95 X 7} in, VOL, III, Painteb (J. Doyle) H. Pickersgill T. A. Woolnoth H. PickersgiU T. B. A. D'Orsay J. Jackson A. £. Chalon Engbaver (J. Doyle) T. Hodgetts W. Walker G. A. Vinter D. J. Pound Anon. W. Say T. B. J. Simon A. D'Orsay C. Turner M. Gauci 2 H 466 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PIATTI, CARLO ALFREDO ; violonceUist ; 1822-1901. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, playing. From photograph by Downey. "Woodburytype. See Gboups. PICARD, JOHN, (of HuU) ; 1721-1801. 1. H. L., to L, seated by table. With engraver's name only. (C S. 184, Frankau 276.) Mezz. ; 9 X 7} in. Proof before any inscription. PICARD, (Mbs.) ; w. of the preceding. 1. H. L., to r., seated, in cap and black cape; 1802. Without title. (C. S. 135, Frankau 277.) Mezz. : 10 X 7} in. Two proofs before any inscription ; one with engraver's name scratched. PICK, JOE ; of Dale Abbey, Derbyshire ; idiot. 1. Nearly W. L., r. profile, seated on chair, in hat; oval. Pub. AUen & Co. 1797. Coloured. Etching ; 75 X 6} in. PICKERING, JOSEPH LANGSDALE ; Uving artist. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Process block. PICKERING, ROGER, P.R.S.; dissenting minister; d. 1755. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and bands, book in r. hand, 1. on breast. Pub. R. Badd. (C. S. 13.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10} in. PICKERING, Sir WILLIAM ; diplomatist ; 1516-1575. 1. Bust, fuU face. Prom his effigy in St. Helen's church, Bishopsgate ; vignette. Pub. T. Pisher 1807. Etching.PICKERSGILL, FREDERICK RICHARD, R,A. ; historical painter ; 1820-1900, 1, Bust, looking to r, ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph, Illust, to Art Journal, 1850, Woodcut,PICKERSGILL, 1782-1875, 1, Bust, to r, ; vignette ; from photograph, Illust. London News, 1875, Woodcut,Proof, 2, Same photograph, head only. Woodcut. Proof. See Gboups. PICTON, Sib THOMAS, G.C.B. ; general ; feU at Waterloo; 1758-1815. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Pisher, Son & Oo. 1830. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 2. Bust, nearly in profile to r., in private dress ; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. "W. Daniell 1809. Soft-ground etching. HENRY WILLIAM, R.A. ; painter ; Illust. to Illust. to a newspaper. Painter Engraver G. Woodward T. Burford J. R. Smith J. R. Smith Cruikshanks W. Beechey G. Dance T. Burford T. Pisher Anon. Anon. P. W. Tomkins W. Daniell Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 467 Subject 3. H. L., looking to L, in uniform, but without orders. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Military Panorama; pub. P. Martin 1812. Stipple ; 6 X 35 in. 4. Same picture. PL to European Mag. ; pub, J. Asperne 1815, Stipple ; 4} X 35 in, 5, Same picture ; octagon in rect, frame. Book iUustra tion ; pub. J. & J. Cundee 1813. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 6. Same picture, with star of Bath added ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1815. Stipple. 7. Same picture, with riband, Portuguese order and shoulder knot added. Pub. J, Jenkins 1815, Mezz, ; 12 X 9} in. Three impressions. 8. W. L., standing, looking to L, in uniform, with orders, drawn sword in r. hand; storming of Badajoz in back ground. Pub. C Turner 1818. (Whitman 429.) Mezz. ; 26} X 18 in. 9. Same plate reduced; figure T, Q, L, only. Pub. Welch & Gwynne 1843. 16 X 13} in. 10. Medal, with profile head. Anaglyptograph process. 11. On horseback, riding to r., with dra'vvn sword; vignette. PL to Kelly's Hist, of the French Revolution; pub. T. Kelly 1815. Line. PIDMAN, ARTHUR ; dissenting minister. 1. H. L., to 1., seated, in gown. PL to Evangelical Mag. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in, PIERCE, E, H, ; performer with the Christy's minstrels ; d. 1859, 1, Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Lith, PIERCE, R. ; captain of the HalseweU East Indiaman ; dro-wned 1786, 1, Bust, 1, profile ; oval. Soft-ground etching ; 6} X 4} in, 2, W, L,, standing, with hands clasped and hair dishevelled. Book illustration. Line ; 65 X 3} in, PIERCY, WILLIAM, D,D, ; chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon ; 1744-1819, 1, In pulpit, preaching, r. profile, in gown and bands, holding up bible ; oval. Line ; 6} X 3} in. Clipped impression. PIERIE, ALEXANDER; extractor of king's processes in court of session, Edinburgh ; d. 1786. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PIERREPONT, Ladv MARY. Lady Mary. See Wortlby-Montagu, Painteb M. A. Shee E. W. Wyon H. Room Engbaver H. R. Cook T. Blood Anon. R. Cooper J. C. Easling C. Turner A. Preebairn Anon. J. Cochran Anon. G. Cruikshank Anon. C. HaU 2 H 2 468 Gatalogue of -Engraved British Portraits Subject PIGEON, RICHARD HOTHAM; treasurer of Christ's Hospital. 1. W. L., standing, looking to L, resting book on arm of a chair ; picture of Edward VI behind. Mezz. ; 24 x 16} in. Two impressions. PIGGOTT, JOHN ; anabaptist minister ; d. 1713. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, go'wn -and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Sermons, 1714. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 2. Exact copy from the last ; in a broadside : — Letter written by the late Rev. Mr. John Piggot. Pub. A. Ward 1737. Line ; 6} X 3} iu. PIGOT, GEORGE PIGOT, Baron ; governor of Madras ; 1719-1777. 1. H. L., to r., in cocked hat; oval frame. (C S. 1.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Two impressions. 2. W. L., to L, on horseback, in hat and long boots. Without title. Pub. B. Green, etc. 1769. (C S. 2.) Mezz. ; 18} X 16} in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. PIGOTT, WILLIAM POSTER, D.D., P.S.A. ; feUow of Eton College ; rector of Mereworth and Clewer ; 1748- 1827. 1. H. L., to L, in private dress. (C. S. 67, Prankau 219.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. Two progress proofs ; one lettered impression. PIKE, JOHN DBODATUS GREGORY ; baptist minis ter; 1784-1854. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, letter in r. hand. Pub. G. Wilkins & Son, Derby. Stipple ; 6 X 4} in, PILPOLD, JAMES ; messenger in the auditor's office. Exchequer, 1, Aged 80; H, L,, looking to r. Pub, G, Turner 1809. (Whitman 431,) Mezz, ; 10} X 8} in. Two impressions, PILKINGTON, LETITIA, (born Van Lewen) ; w. of Rev. Matthew P. ; adventuress ; 1712-1750, 1, H, L,, looking to r, ; oval frame. Front, to Story of John Carteret Pilkington, 1760, (C S, 61,) Mezz, ; 9 X 7} in, 2, H, L,, full face. Pront to her Memoirs. (C S. 128.) Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. PILKINGTON, MARY, (born Hopkins) ; writer ; 1766- 1839. 1. H. L., to L, seated, iu cap. PL to Lady's Monthly Museum ; pub. G. Cowie 1812. Stipple ; 4 X 2} in. PILKINGTON, Sir THOMAS; alderman of London; thrice lord mayor ; d. 1691. 1. H. L., to L, in robe and chain ; oval frame, with sword, mace and hat on table in front. Line ; 13} X 10} in. Painter J. P. Knight Powell G. Stubbs W. Beechey James T. Walton N. Hone J. Slater J. Linton Engraver C. E. Wagstaff R. White G. Vertue Sca'wen B. Green W. Ward W. HoU C. Turner R. Purcell Anon. J. Hopwood R. White Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 469 Subject 2. H. L., to r., in large plain band and slashed sleeves; oval. Prom a miniature. Pub, S, Woodburn 1812. Mezz. ; 4} X 3 in. PILLANS, JAMES, LL.D.,F.R.S.Edin. ; rector of Edin burgh high school and professor of Latin at Edinburgh University; 1778-1864. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, in gown, book in r. hand. Pub. D. Hatton, Edinburgh, 1823. (Whit man 432.) Mezz. : 16} X 12} in. 2. H. L., looking to L, in gown; vignette. Prom a drawing. Stipple.PILLANS, ROBERT ; a captain of the Edinburgh city guard ; d. 1788. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PILOT, (Mrs.) 1. In old age; H.L., slightly to r., in cap. (Whitman 237.) Mezz. ; 4 X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. PINCHBECK, CHRISTOPHER; clock and watch maker; 1670?-1732. 1. H. L., to r., holding watch; oval. (C. S. 289.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. Four impressions. PINCHBECK, CHRISTOPHER ; s. of the preceding ; mechanician and inventor ; 1710?-1783. 1. H. L., 1. profile; oval frame. Pub. W. Hebb 1783. (C S. 15.) Mezz. ; 8} X 8} in. PINDAR, Sir PAUL ; ambassador to Turkey ; 1565 ?- 1650. 1. Aged 48; H. L., to r., iu furred gown and lace-edged band, long beard ; oval, on same plate with one of his brother Ralph, aged 31. From pictures painted at Constantinople iu 1614, Pub, J, Simoo 1794, Line ; 4} X 3} in, 2, H, L,, looking to r,, in skull-cap ; oval. From the sign in Bishopsgate street, PL to Gent. Mag., June 1787, Line ; 6 X 4} in, PINDAR, PETER, See Wolcot. PINDAR, RALPH ; b, of Sir Paul P. ; b. 1582. See Pindar, Sir Paul, PINDER, JOHN HOTHBRSALL, M,A.; canon of WeUs; 1794-1868. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, legs crossed, in gown, holding book and spectacles. (Whitman 127.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. Proof with artists' names only. PINE, ANNE ; w. of Robert Edge P., the painter. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, placing wreath on ' bust of Ossian ; with title ' Calliope.' (G. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 115 X 8} in. Painter H. Raeburn Warren I. Whood Cunningham W, Boxall R. E. Pine Engraver R. Dunkarton C. Turner T. Woolnoth S. W. Reynolds J. Paber jun. W. Humphrey (T. Trotter) T. Cook S. Cousins J. James 470 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PINE, CHARLOTTE ; d. of Robert Edge P. the painter. 1. When a child, H, L., 1. profile. Without inscription. Etching ; 6 X 4} in. 2. H. L., looking to 1., in shawl; oval frame. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1780. (C. S. 62.) Mezz. ; 10 X 8| in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one fully- lettered impression. PINE, JOHN ; engraver and herald ; 1690-1756. 1. H. L., to L, iu cap and fur-edged gown; oval iu rect. Sold at the Golden Head. (0. S. 143, Goodwin 151.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. Three impressions. same plate, with inscription erased. Two impressions. same plate, with inscription re-engraved. 2. Similar to the last, but with hands shown, resting on a cane. Pub. G. PuUey. (C S, p, 887, Goodwin p. Ill,) Mezz, ; 11} x 9} in, 3. Same picture, to r, ; oval frame. PL to Nichols's Genuine Works of Hogarth ; pub. Longman 1808. Line ; 4} x 4} in. 4. Same picture, to 1. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, ed. 1862. Line ; 45 X 3} in. 5. Same picture, to r. ; oval in rect. frame ; with title ' Le Bourguemestre Syx ami de Rembrant.' Line ; 7 X 5} in. PINE, Sir JOHN ; chairman of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in official chair, cross-legged, looking to L, letter on table ; with facsimile of auto graph. Lith. ; 18} X 10} in. PINERO, Sir ARTHUR WING ; actor and dramatist ; b. 1855. 1. T. Q. L., seated, i. profile ; vignette. Without title. Lith. 2. W. L., standing in his study. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut ; 125 x 9} in. 3. H. L., looking to r. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. PINGO, THOMAS ; medaUist ; engraver to the Mint ; 1692-1776. 1. Aged 46 ; H. L., to r. ; 1741. (C. S. 3.) Mezz. ; 7} X 6 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. PINKERTON, GEORGE ; 1822-1899. 1. Bust, nearly in profile to r. ; vignette ; scription. Etching. without in- Painter ( W. Humphrey) Engraver W. Humphrey R. E. Pine W. Dickinson W. Hogarth J. P. Dicksee W. Rothenstein T. W. Wilson E. Pinkerton J. McArdeU (J. McArdeU ?) T. Cook & Son H. Robinson Anon. J. P. Dicksee W. Rothenstein R. Taylor & Co. J. Car'witham. E. Pinkerton Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 471 Subject Painteb Engbaver PINKERTON, JOHN; antiquary and historian ; 1758- 1826. 1. H. L., to r., in spectacles, seated at a table, resting clasped hands on book. Front, to his Hist, of Scotland ; pub. C. Dilly 1796. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 2. H. L., to r., in spectacles; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 3. H. L., 1". profile; ovaL PL to European Mag., 1807. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PINKETHMAN, WILLIAM ; actor ; d. 1723. 1. H. L., face to r., holding paper inscribed ' Ridentibus arrident Vultus.' J. Smith ex. (C. S. 199.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. 2. As Don Lewis in Fop's Fortune ; T. Q. L., standing, fuU face. Prom a drawing. Pub. E. & S. Harding 1794. PL to~Waldron's Shakspearean Miscellany, 1802. Stipple ; 6} X 45 in. PINNEY, WILLIAM, (of Somerton Erleigh, Somerset) ; M.P. for Lyme Regis ; 1806-1898. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated iu armchair, holding book. Private plate. Mezz. ; 12} x 95 in. Proof before title. PINSON, RICHARD ; printer ; d. 1530 ? 1. Bust, 1. profile, in cap ; oval. lUust. to Ames's Typo graphical Antiquities, Yli9. Woodcut ; 2} X 2} in. PINTO, THOMAS ; violinist ; 1710 ?-1773. 1. H. L., to L, r. hand in breast ; oval frame. Pub. J. Loctington 1777. (C S. 1.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. PINWELL, GEORGE JOHN ; painter ; 1842-1875. 1. H. L., r. profile; vignette; from photograph. Illust. to Illust. London News, 1875. Woodcut. Proof. 2. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; from photograph. "Woodcut. PIOZZI, HESTER LYNCH, (born Salusbury); w. of Gabriel P. ; m. 1. Henry Thrale the brewer ; writer ; 1741-1821. 1. H. L., full face; oval. From a miniature. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. T. Bellamy 1798. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 2. Bust, r. profile; vignette; without any inscription. Prom crayon drawing now in National Portrait GaUery. Soft-ground etching. 3. H. L., to L, seated, in turban ; vignette. PL to Lady's Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean and Munday 1820. Stipple. 4. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in hat and cloak ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1811. Stipple. S. Harding R. Schmutz G. Vertue A. Morton P. Reinagle J. T. Barber G. Dance J. Hopwood J. Jackson W. N. Gardiner J. Hopwood Ridley, Holl & Blood John Smith E. Harding T. L. Atkinson Anon. P. Eeinagle Anon. W. Ridley W. DanieU J. Thomson H. Meyer 472 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver WILLIAM, M.D., F.R.S. ; physician; PIOZZI, HESTER DY'NCH.-coiitinued. 5. H. L., to L, with miniature hanging on her breast; rect. Stipple and line ; 4} X 3} in. Proof with artists' names only. 6. Same picture ; oval. PL to European Mag., 1786. Line ; 4 x 3} in. 1. H. L., to r., seated, in cap and fur boa; oval. Front. to her Retrospection ; pub. J. Stockdale 1800. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in. PIPE, J. S. ; methodist preacher, 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1813. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 2. Aged 27; bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1796. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 'PIPING BOY.' See Hone, Camillus. PITCAIRN, GEORGE; a, captain of the Edinburgh city guard ; d. 1791. See Gboups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PITCAIRN, 1711-1791. 1. H. L., to L, in gown. (C. S. 62.) Mezz. ; 13} X 10} in. Three proofs before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 4} in. PITCAIRNE, ALEXANDER, M.D. ; Scottish physi cian; 1652-1713. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and gown ; oval in rect. frame of masonry, with ornaments. Line ; 13} x 9 in. Two impressions, one modern. PITSLIGO. See Forbes of Pitsliqo. PITT, ANN ; actress ; 1720 ?-1799. 1. As Lady Wishfor't in Congreve's Way of the World, ; W. L., seated, holding cup which her maid is fiUing. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 6} X 3} in. PITT, ANNB ; sister of WilUam, 1st Barl of Chatham ; d. unmarried 1789. 1. When old ; a head, r. profile, in cap ; vignette. Prom a drawing done at Rome 1777. Etching. PITT, CHARLES : actor ; 19th cent. 1. As Gloster in Henry VI, pt. 3 ; W. L., standing. From daguerreotype by Paine. PL to TaUis's Drawing Room Table Book. Stipple and line. PITT, CHRISTOPHER, M.A. ; rector of Pimpern; poet; 1699-1748. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. Line ; 6} X 35 in. J. Reynolds P. Violet E. Pinden T. Holloway M. Bo'vi T. Blood W. Ridley J. Reynolds J. B. de Medina R. Strange J. Jones R. B. Parkes D. Dodd O. Humphry Walker (Mrs. D.Turner) T. Sherratt G. vr. Gucht Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 473 Subject 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame, PL to BeU's Poets, 1782, Line ; 4 X 25 in, 3. Another copy, bust only, to 1. ; oval at head of memoir. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1796. Line ; 1} X 15 in. v same plate, re-issue, with octagonal frame added. PITT, JANE, (born Junes) ; w. of Thomas P., governor of Madras ; d. 1727. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r. Prom pencil drawing by G. Scharf after a picture at Chevening. lUust. to Yule's Diary of W. Hedges; pub. Hakluyt Society 1889. Eeproduction ; 6} X 4 iu. PITT, MARY (HOWE), Lady; w. of Sir WiUiam A. P., K.B. ; 1734-1819. 1. H. L., fuU face, in hood ; rect, frame. Dedicated to Princess Elizabeth. Pub. M. W. Sharp 1802. Mezz. ; 16} x 13} in. One proof with open letters ; two fully lettered impressions. PITT, PENELOPE. See Rivers, Penelope, Lady. PITT, THOMAS ; governor of Madras ; grandfather of 1st Earl of Chatham ; 1653-1726. 1. W. L., to r., standing. From picture at Chevening. lUust. to Yule's Hist, of the Pitt Diamond. Ileproduction ; 6} X 3} in. PITT, VILLIERS CLARA. See Hannam. PITT, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM. See Chatham. PITT, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM, M.P. ; s. of 1st Earl of Chatham ; prime minister ; 1759-1806. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; rect. Pub. E, Baines, Leeds, 1815. Line ; 6} x 4} in, 2. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Engraved for The Senator, 1790, Line ; 2} X 15 in, 3, His monument in the Guildhall, London ; outline, PL to European Mag., 1813, Line ; 6} X 4} in, 4, Same monument. PL dedicated to the Pitt Club, Line ; 4} X 3} in. Cut impression, 5. Bronze statue at Edinburgh. Engraved for the Pitt Club of Scotland. (Whitman 128,) Mezz, ; (pi,) 21} X 14 in, 6, Bust, looking to 1. ; rect. PL to Physiognomical Por traits, 1823. Line : 2} x 2 in. 7. H. L., to r. ; oval. Pub. J. Parsons 1793. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. 8. Aged 20 ; H. L., directed and looking to r,, in academic dress; oval. Prom drawing at Chevening. Pub, W. Dickinson 1789. Line ; 6} X 4} in, 9. Same drawing ; oval. Front, to Stanhope's ii/e o/PiW; pub. J, Murray 1861. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Painter M. W. Sharp G. KneUer Bromley W. H. Brown J. G. Bubb P. Chantrey G. Clint J. Cond6 J. S. Copley Engbaveb Cook Roth'well W. Say Cook C. Warren G. Cooke W. Pinden S. Cousins J. H. Robinson J. Cond^ P. Bartolozzi W. HoU 474 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb PITT, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM, M.P. —continued. 10. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Pocket Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1795. Line ; 2 x 1} in. 11. H. L., looking to r. ; reot. frame. Pub. J. Brydon 1794. (C S. 9.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof with open letters ; two fully lettered impressions. 12. H. L., to 1. ; rect. Pub, J, Brydon 1799. Stipple; 13 X 105 in, 13, W, L,, to L, standing by table, holding ' A Bill' ; robe of chancellor of the exchequer on chair to r. Prom picture at the Trinity House erroneously attributed to Gainsborough. Pub. R. Bowyer 1808. Line ; 24| x 16 in. 14. W. L., to L, seated in armchair by table, holding paper on his knee ; rect. frame. Pub. Edridge 1804. Stipple ; 145 X 11 in. 15. Copy from the last, bust only, to r. ; oval. PL to Lady's Mag. ; pub, G, Robinson 1807, Stipple ; 4 X 3} in, 16, Marble bust ; to 1, ; vignette, PL to European Mag. ; pub, J, Asperne 1812, Stipple, 17. Same bust, the head only; in frame of palm and laurel. PL to vol. i. of his Life, by Gifiord ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple ; 45 X 4} in. same plate ; reprint, without line of publication. 18. Marble bust, to L, in a niche. (G. S. 16.) Mezz, ; 18 X 13} in. Proof before any inscription. 19. A head, to 1. ; vignette ; from a drawing. Pub. 1815 by R. Cribb. Stipple ; 4} X 3g in. . same plate ; with address of C. Sweet 1829. 20. H. L Leeds. Stipple ; 24} X 195 in. 21. Same picture ; vignette. PL to Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen ; pub. A. PuUarton & Co. Stipple.22. Same picture. Pub. Medici Society. Reproduction in colours ; 18} X 15} in. 23. T. Q. L., to L, standing by table, on which he holds a scroll inscribed ' a Bill entitled an Act ' ; robe of chancel lor of the exchequer on chair beside him. Pub. Sherwin 1789. Line ; 16} X 13} in. 24. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to L, r. arm resting on papers. Pub. Gillray & S. W. Fores 1789. Line ; 17 X 13} in. 25. H. L., directed and looking tol.; oval. Pub, J. Harris 1789, Line ; 11} X 9 in. , to 1, Prom picture now in Corporation GaUery, Pub, E, Orme 1805, I. Cruikshank S. De Koster G. Dupont H. Edridge J. Plaxman S. Gahagan Gainsborough J. Gillray G. Murray G. Keating Anon. W. Bromley A. Cardon J. Heath T. Blood A. Cardon E. BeU W. T. Pry 99 T. Gaugain S. Preeman J. K. Sherwin J. GiUray Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 475 Subject 26, T. Q. L., to r., seated at a table on which he holds a sheet of the Times newspaper. Mezz. ; 18 X 16} in. 27. W. L., standing by table, looking to L, r. hand resting on paper. Pub. Phoebe Hoppner 1810. Line ; 26 X 16} in. 28. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., r. hand on chair on which is robe of chanceUor of the exchequer. Prom picture formerly belonging to Lord Normanby. Pub. Colnaghi 1806. Mezz. ; 165 X 13} in. 29. Same picture, bust only. PL to Physiognomical Por traits, 1823, Line ; 2} x 2 in, 30. Same picture, H, L, only, to r, ; vignette ; without any inscription. Etching ; 3} X 25 in. [The only impression known.] 31. Same picture, H. L. only; rect. Front, to his Life by Gifiord ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 32. Same picture, H. L. only; vignette. Pub. Cadell & Davies 1810. Stipple.33. Same picture, H. L. only ; reot. PL to Jerdan's National Portrait Gallery ; pub, Fisher Son & Co., 1829, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 34, Similar picture, H, L. Pub. J. S. Virtue. Stipple ; 45 X 4} in. 35. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; rect, frame. Pub, S, W, Pores 1789, (C. S, 12,) Mezz, ; 13} x 11 in, 36. When a young man ; H. L., 1. profile, seated ; vignette. Imitation of a drawing. Soft-ground etching. 37, T, Q, L,, standing, looking to L, 1, hand resting on sheet of paper inscribed 'Redemption of the National Debt,' Prom picture at Windsor, PL to Lord R, Gower's Lawrence, 1900, Photogravure ; 8 X 6} in, 38, Same picture. PL to Gust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, 1905. Photogravure ; 12} X 10} in. 39. SimUar picture, with hand resting on a map of India. Pub. Ackerman 1837. (Whitman 238.) Mezz. ; 18} X 16} in. 40. Similar picture, with hand resting on a blank sheet. PL dedicated to members of the Carlton Club. Pub. G. Turner 1837. (Whitman 433.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14} in. One masked proof ; one lettered impression. 41. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, fingers of r, hand resting on table. Pub, W. D, Jones, Cambridge, 1814, (Whitman 434,) Mezz, ; 17} X 13} in, 42. Marble statue in the House of Commons. PL to the Art Journal, 1858, Stipple. Painter A. Hickel J. Hoppner H. Kingsbury T. Lawrence (T. Lawrence) P. Macdo'weU Engraver J. G. Huck T. Bragg G. Clint T. Bragg (J. Hoppner) H. Meyer 99 J. Thomson J. Possel'white H. Kingsbury P. C. Lewis S. W. Reynolds C. Turner (C. Turner ?) W. H. Mote 476 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PITT, (Right Hon,) WILLIAM, M.P .—continued. 43, T, Q, L., standing, looking upwards to L, paper in r. hand. Pub, G, Testolini 1797, (C S, 12,) W. MUler J. Murphy Mezz, ; 18} X 14} in. Two impressions. 44, Marble bust, in a niche, life size, PL dedicated to the King, Pub, C Knight 1809, J. NoUekens C. Knight Stipple; 30} X 19} in. 45, Same bust, facing to L Pub, J, Young 1808. (C S, 59,) 99 J. Young Mezz, ; 18 X 13} in. 46, Statue in the Senate House, Cambridge, Pub, Baldrey 1815, 9, J. H. Baldrey Stipple ; 23} X 16 in. Proof with open letters. 47. Same statue. Subscription plate. 99 J. Heath Line ; 22 X 13} in. 48. H. L., to 1. ; rect. frame. Pub. W. Barnard 1806. W. Owen P. Bartolozzi Line ; 10} X 8} in. 49. Same picture; rect. frame. Pub. H. S. Goed 1799. 'H. S. Goed' Mezz. ; 16} X 13| in. [C. H. Hodges ?] Two impressions. 50. Same picture, in ornamental frame, with emblems and facsimUe of autograph. Pub, T, KeUy 1830, 99 W. HoU Line, 51, Same picture ; oval. Pub. E. Orme 1804, J5 J. Godby Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. 52, W, L,, standing by table, looking to L, holding scroll; chancellor's robe and portfolio to 1, Pub, Jeflryes & Go, 1799, (Whitman 239,) R. K. Porter S. W. Reynolds Mezz, ; 24 X 16} in. Proof before title. 53, Nearly W, L,, seated, in robes of chanoellor of the exchequer, looking to L, r, hand on table, scroll in 1, From picture at Bayham Abbey, Pub, J. Jones 1789. (C S. 63.) (G. Romney) J. Jones Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. 54. Reversed copy from the last, bust only ; oval in rect. ; ' se vend chez Haid.' 99 Anon. Mezz. ; 8} X 6} in. 55. Profile head, within garter inscribed 'Non sibi sed patriae vixit.' Seal of the Pitt Club. J. Basire Line ; 1 X 0} in. 56. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag., 1819. Holl Stipple ; 2 X 15 in. 57. Marble bust, head to 1. ; black background. ' B. P. Burney del.' Pub. W. B. Daniel 1806, P. W. Tomkins Stipple ; 85 X 7} in. Proof before title. 58, Bust, to 1, ; oval. Pub, Parsons & Galignani, Paris, 1804, Anon. Stipple ; 2§ X 2 in. 59. Bust, looking to 1. ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824, 99 Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. 60. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Huish's Life of George III; pub. T. KeUy 1820. 99 Stipple. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 477 Subject 61. Bust, looking to r. ; circle at head of engraved memorial broadside. Pub. C Smith 1806. Stipple ; 2} in. diam. 62. Profile head, from a medallion; oval. Pub. W. B. Daniel 1807. Stipple ; 65 X 45 in. 63. H. L,, directed and looking to 1. ; oval, with arms below. Pub, Chapman 1794. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 64. Bust, 1. profile ; small oval, cro'wned by two amorini, in oval decorative panel ; ' Behold great Chatham's Son,' &c. Mezz. ; 3 X 3} in. 65. Bust, on a pedestal, crowned by Britannia ; vignette at head of a broadside Elijah's Mantle. Aquatint. PITT ; deputy gaoler of Newgate. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., directed and looking to 1. ; with title ' The Deputy Gaoler of Newgate.' Pub. S. & E, Harding 1795. Stipple ; 4| X 4} in. PITTS, EDMUND. 1. H. L., 1. profile; ovaL Private plate. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. PIXLEY, JOHN ; smuggler and custom-house ofS.oer. 1. W. L., to r., standing on sea-shore, drawing his sword; 1749. (0. S. 290.) Mezz. ; 13} X 9} in. Four impressions. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Bemarkable Persons, 1820. Line ; 75 X 4} in. PLACE, FRANCIS ; amateur artist ; 1647-1728. 1. Bust to r. ; vignette. PL to Walpole's Catalogue of Engravers, ed. 1794. Line.PLANT A, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, (born Papendiek) ; w. of Right Hon. Joseph P., M.P. ; 1783-1854. 1, When a child aged 4 ; T, Q. L,, fuU face, standing, in mob-cap, hands folded. PL -to McKay and Roberts's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in, PL ANT A, JOSEPH, F,R,S, ; principal librarian of the British Museum ; 1744-1827. 1, T, Q, L,, to r., seated in armchair, book in r. hand; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1812, Stipple,2, H. L., to r. ; broad oval frame. Without any inscrip tion. Unpublished plate. (C S. 7.) Painteb z. ; 7 X 6} in. [The original copper is in the British Museum.] 3. Profile head in circle. Prom a medallion, (Baker 103.) Line ; 2} in. diam. J. Earle D. Morier Engbaver Anon. J. Hoppner H. Edridge (P. Engleheart) Pistrueci W. Blake J. Paber jun. Anon. Barrett C. Pieart (H. Hudson) W. Sharp 478 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PLANTA, (Right Hon.) JOSEPH, M.P. ; s, of the preceding ; under-secretary of state ; 1787-1847, 1. H. L., looking to 1. Pub. Colnaghi 1835. (Whitman 240.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. Two inipresssions. 2. Bust, slightly to 1. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Lith. PL ATT, BATT ; actor ; d. 1758. 1. As Mad Tom; H. L., looking to r. Pub. T. Kitchen. tC. S. 81.) Mezz. ; 6| X 4} in. PLATT, WILLIAM; benefactor to St. John's CoUege, Cambridge; 1579-1637. 1. Aged 47; bust, to i-., in lace band and embroidered cloak. From a picture. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PLATT, W. P. ; dissenting minister. 1. H. L., to r., seated ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. 'Westley & Davis. Stipple. PLAYPAIR, LYON PLAYPAIR, Baron, K.G.B., P.R.S., chemist; 1818-1898. 1. T. Q. L., seated, resting head on hands. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits. Lith. 2. H. L., to r. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. PLAYPAIR, JOHN, P.R.S.; professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh ; 1749-1819. 1. H. L., to 1., seated in armchair; vignette. Without inscription. Etching. 2. H. L., to r., seated; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. Cadell & Davies 1816. Stipple. 3. Similar to the last, but with spectacles and go'wn added ; vignette. 'P.M. del.' PL to Lockhart's Peier's ieifers to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Etching. 4. H. L., to L, seated at table, in gown, holding pen; vignette. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. H. Colburn 1819. Stipple. See Gboups, (Distinguished Men of Science.) PLAYPAIR, WILLIAM HENRY, R.S.A. ; architect ; 1789-1857. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. Pub. J, Keith, Edinburgh. Stipple, Painteb T. Phillips J. Slater Wildman T. H. Maguire W. N(icholson) H. Raeburn Engbaveb S. W. Reynolds R. J. Lane Anon. J. J. V. d. Berghe J. Thomson T. H. Maguire W. N(ieholson) R. Cooper R. Ste'wart J. Thomson J. W. Gordon J. T. Smyth Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 479 Subject PLAYPORD, JOHN ; musician and music publisher ; 1623-1686 ? 1. Aged 38; H, L,, to r., holding music; oval with orna ments ; four lines below. Pront, to his Introduction to Musick, 1660, Etching ; 45 X 3 in. same plate, reworked and altered ; aged 40. Pront, to same work, ed. 1663. 2. Aged 57 ; H, L,, to r, ; oval frame of laurel on pedestal, Pront, to same work. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to same work, 1680. Line ; 5} X 3} in. 'PLEASING INTELLIGENCE.' See Aleeounder, (Mrs.) PLEYDELL, (Mrs.) 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, holding rose. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. PLEYEL, IGNAZ ; composer ; 1757-1831. 1. H. L., to r. Pub. J. Bland 1793. Stipple ; 8} X 7} in, 2. H. L., 1. profile ; oval in'title to his Six Sonatas. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. PLIMER, NATHANIEL ; miniature painter ; 1751-1822. 1. A head, full face, in large hat ; vignette, with ' Give the Devil his due ' scratched below. (Laing not desc.) Drypoint.PLIMER ; major in the Hopetown Fencibles. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Characters.) PLIMSOLL, SAMUEL ; M.P. for Derby ; 1824-1898. 1. Bust, r. profile ; vignette. Pub. Mrs. Noseda. Drypoint. PLOWDEN, EDMUND ; jurist ; 1518-1585. 1. H. L., to r., in rufi and gown ; oval frame, with view of his monument in the Temple Church below. Line ; 12} x 7 in. 2. Bust, to r. From picture at Plowden Hall, Salop. Process block. PLOWDEN, FRANCIS PETER; Irish barrister and historian of Ireland ; 1749-1829. 1. H. L. , to r. Pront to his Beview of the State of Ireland ; pub. T. Egerton 1803. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. 2. Bust, looking to r. ' Causway Delin.' Stipple ; 4} X 3 in. PLOWDEN, ROBERT ; Jesuit. 1. H. L., to r., in lay dress. (Whitman 435.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. Painter Pub. Colnaghi 1815. GainsboroughT. Hardy Engraver A. Geddes S. Woodforde R. Cosway M. Brown R. Gaywood 99 P. H. V. Hove D. Loggan A. Sanders W. Nutter Anon. A. Geddes G.iPilotell T._Stayner W. Bond King C. Turner 480 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PLOWDEN, SARAH, (born Chichele) ; w, of James P, of Bwhurst, 1. Nearly W, L,, seated by rock, face slightly to r,, holding garland. Sold E. Cooper, (G, S, 29,) Mezz, ; 12} X 9} in. One touched proof of first state, the face that of a different person and hands liolding necklace, before cross lines on lapel of dress and before inscription ; oue with cross lines added ; two with artists' names, etc, added ; one proof of second state, with face altered to that of Mrs, Plowden and garland substituted for necklace ; two impressions with title, PLOWMAN, WILLIAM, (of Bungay) ; fl, 1820. 1. Bust, 1, profile ; vignette. Without inscription. Etching. PLUKENET, LEONARD ; botanist ; 1642-1706. 1, Aged 48 ; H. Jj,, to r,, holding flower ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms, Pront. to his Phytographia, 1691. Line ; 75 X 6} in. PLUMER, (Right Hon.) Sir THOMAS ; master of the rolls; 1753-1824. 1. T. Q. L,, to r,, seated, in robes, PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub, Pisher, Sou & Go, 1832, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, PLUMER, WILLIAM ; M,P, for Hertford ; 1737-1822. 1, W, L,, standing, nearly full face, holding stick and resting book on a table ; presentation vase iu r, back ground. Pub, G, Turner May 1, 1817, (Whitman 436,) Mezz, ; 24} X 16 in, ¦ same plate, with date altered to Oct. 1, 1818, PLUMER- WARD, ROBERT ; politician and novelist ; 1765-1846, 1, Bust, face to r,, iu furred cloak ; vignette, PL to Nevj Monthly Mag. ; pub. Colburn & Bentley 1831, Stipple PLUMPTRE, JOHN, D.D, ; dean of Gloucester ; 1753- 1825, 1, H, L,, to L, seated, in private dress. Pub, W. Say 1821. Mezz. ; 11} X 10 in. Two impressions. PLUMRIDGE, Sir JAMES HANWAY, K.CB,; ad miral; 1787-1863. See Groups (' Defenseurs du Droit de I'Europe '). PLUNKET, WILLIAM CONYNGHAM PLUNKET, 1st Baron ; lord chanceUor of Ireland ; 1764-1854. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette in rect. frame. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Historic Memoirs. Stipple ; 6| X 6} in. 2. Reversed copy from the last. Line ; 6} X 4} in. PLUNKET, OLIVER, D.D. ; cathoUo archbishop of Armagh; executed for treason ; 1629-1681. 1. Bust, to L, in chasuble; oval frame with emblems. Prom picture now in National Gallery of Ireland. T. Donbar exc. (C. S. 7.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed. Line ; 4} X 35 in. Painter J. Closterman Engraver W. Paithorne T. La'wrence T. La'WT:%nce P. R. Say H. PickersgiU H. D. Hamilton G. Morphey J. CoUins H. Robinson C. Turner J. Thomson W. Say J. Heath Anon. J. 'vr. Vaart R. Collin Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 481 Subject 3. Similar to the preceding, but in plainer dress, to 1. Said to be from a drawing done in Newgate. Pub. W. Lowndes 1790. (0. S. p. 1406.) Mezz. ; 95 X 8} in. Proof before engraver's and publisher's names. See Groups (Jesuits). PLUNKETT, ADELINE; dancer. 1. W. L., full face, leaning against a wall, in dancing costume ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. J. Mitchell 1854. Lith. 2. W. L., dancing; vignette. J. MitcheU 1847. Lith. Prom a drawing. Pub. PLUNKETT, ELIZABETH, (born Gunning); w. of James P. ; novelist ; 1769-1823. 1. When Miss Gunning ; H. L., to r. ; oval. her Memoirs of Mad. de Barneveldt, 1196. Stipple ; 3} X'25in. Front, to (C S. 62, I.) Sold R. Houston, PLUNKETT, (Miss) ; courtesan, 1, H. L., to 1. ; oval; without title. Mezz. ; 11} x 95 in. 2. Copy from the last, without title. (C S. 130.) Mezz. ; 11 X 9 in. Proof before any inscription. . ¦ same plate, with address of R. Sayer. 3. Another copy. Pub. J. Bowles. (G. S. 117, Goodwin 161.) Mezz. ; 6} X 45 in. PLYMOUTH, CHARLES PITZ-CHARLES, Earl of; natural s. of Charles II by Catherine Pegg ; 1657 ?-1680. 1. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., arm on pedestal. J. Savage exo. (C S. 202.) Mezz. : 12| X 95 in. Two impressions. same plate, reworked ; Smith's name substituted for that of Savage. Four impressions, two modern. POCHIN, GEORGE; colonel of the Leicestershire militia; 1732-1798. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, looking over shoulder, in theatrical dress, holding hat. Without title. Pub, J, Dean 1777, (C S, 21,) Mezz, ; 13} X 10} in. One proof with scratched inscription ; one lettered impression. POCOCK, Sir GEORGE, K.B. ; admiral; 1706-1792. 1. Bust, to L, in uniform ; oval frame with ornaments. PI. to Hervey's Naval History, 1779. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 2. Bust, to r., in uniform with riband ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Copy from the last ; oval. Pub. B, Harding 1802. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. Painter R. Buckner T. H. Maguire R. Saunders W. Hoare W. Peters Engraver R. Laurie R. J. Lane T. H. Maguire P. Bartolozzi E. Pisher E. Houston J. Watson (John Smith) J. Dean J. CoUyer Anon. 99 2 I- 482 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POCOCK, LEWIS ; founder and secretary of the Art Union of London ; 1808-1882. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Without title, Lith, 2, Bust, face nearly in profile to 1, ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub, P. & D. Colnaghi 1847. Lith. POCOCK, NICHOLAS ; marine painter ; 1741?-1821. 1. H. L., to 1. ; rect. frame. Stipple ; 6} X 6| in. POCOCKE, EDWARD, D.D, ; orientaUst ; professor of Hebrew and Arabic at Oxford ; 1604-1691. 1. H. L., to 1., in cap, gown and bands; oval frame. Pront. to his Works, 1740. Line ; 115" X 6} in. POCOHONTAS, MATAOKA. See Rolpp. POETS AND PHILOSOPHERS OP ENGLAND. See Groups. POINS. See .Poyntz. POLACK, ISAAC ; chief reader of the great synagogue. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in hat, gown and bands. Pub. S. Preideberg 1779. (C S. 1.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. One proof before inscription ; four lettered impressions. POLAND, GEORGE ; dissenting minister. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair by table, book m r. hand; 1846. Lith. POLE, ANNB (TEMPLER), Lady de la ; w. of Sir John W. de la P., bart. ; d. 1832. 1. W. L., to L, standing, resting r. arm on pedestal. From picture at Shute House. Photograph. 2. W. L., standing, looking to L, 1. arm on pedestal. From picture at Shute House. Photograph. POLE, Sir CHARLES MORICE, bart., G.C.B. ; admiral ; 1757-1830. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform, with star and riband. Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Brenton's Naval History; pub. C Turner, 1823. (Whitman 60.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. 3. H. L., to r., in uniform ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1805. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. POLE, Sir JOHN WILLIAM de la, bart. ; d. 1799. 1. W. L., standing by tree, holding hat and whip. From picture at Shute House. Photograph. Painter Engbaveb C. Baugniet C. Baugniet S. Laurence E. Morton I. Poeoek E. Scriven W. Greene P. MoreUon La Cave Burgess J. Bolton C. Baugniet C. Baugniet T. Beach G. Romney W. Beechey W. Say 99 C. Turner J. Northeote W. Ridley G. Romney Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 483 Subject POLE, REGINALD ; cardinal archbishop of Canterbury ; 1500-1558. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in cardinal's dress with biretta. Prom picture now at Petersburg. PL to Crozat GalUry, 1729, etc. Line ; 115 X 9} in. 2. Copy from the last, H, L. only, to 1, ; oval frame. Pront. to his Life by T. Phillips, 1764. Line ; 6} X 65 in. 3. Another copy, H. L. only, to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Universal Mag., 1749. Line ; 65 X 35 in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; rect. Line ; 4 X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 5. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to L, in cardinal's dress with biretta. Prom picture at Wardour Castle erroneously attributed to Titian. PL to Lodge's Por traits, 1816, fol. Stipple ; 75 X 6} in. 6. SimUar picture. Front, to Dr. P. G. Lee's Beginald Pole, 1888. Etching ; 4} X 35 in. 7. H. L., to r., in biretta and hooded cape; two Latin lines below. Prom picture at Lambeth. PL to HoUand's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 823.) Line ; 6} X 4} in. 8. Copy from the last ; four Latin lines below, Dutch plate. Line ; 5} X 45 in, 9. Another copy, reversed; oval in reot. frame. PL to Imperialis's Museum Historicum, 1640. Line ; 4} X 3} in 10. Another copy, reversed. Dutch plate. Line ; 105 X 6} in- Proof before any inscription. 11. Same picture, reversed ; circular frame with ornaments. 'A. vr. Werfi pinx.' PI. to Larrey's Hist. d'Angleterre, 1697, etc. Line ; 11} X 6} in, 12. H. L., tol., in robe and biretta; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Burnet's Beformation, 1681. Line ; 9} X 6} iu. 13. Exact copy from the last. PL to same work, ed. 1731. Line ; 9} X 6} in. 14. Another copy, reversed; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Dutch ed. of same work. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 15. Another copy ; oval frame on pedestal. Dutch plate. Line ; 4} X 3 iu. 16. Same picture ; oval in reot. Modern plate. Stipple ; 65 X 4} in. 17. Same picture ; oval in rect. Cut from a sheet. Line ; 2} X 15 in. 18 Bust, looking to 1., in cardinal's dress and biretta. From picture at Lambeth. PL to Brayley's Lambeth Palace Illustrated; pub. W. Herbert & E. Brayley 1805. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. Painteb S. del Piombo Engbaveb N. de Lar- messin T. Major Anon.R. Graves C. Pieart B. Damman Passe Anon. P. van Gunst R. White P. Simms Anon. W. Maddocks 2 I 2 484 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POLE, 'R'EGTNAIjD— continued. 19. Bust, to r., in cap and hooded cape ; rect. ' Regnaldus Card. Polus.' Line ; 4 x 3 in. 20. W. L., seated, holding large book and pen. Line ; 4} x 2| in. 21. H. L., to L, in cardinal's hat; books before him. PL to Thevet's Vies des Hommes Illustres, 1584. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6} X 6} in. POLE, Sir WILLIAM TEMPLER, bart. ; 1782-1847. 1. W. L., standing on a staircase, r. hand on head of a dog. Prom picture at Shute House. Photograph. See Groups (Pole children). POLE, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM WELLESLEY. See Mornington. coach painter and (C S. 124.) POLEHAMPTON, EDWARD; captain of trained bands ; b. 1652. 1. Aged 58 ; H. L., to r., in cap ; oval. Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. Two impressions. POLHILL, DAVID ; 1674-1754. See Groups (Kentish Petitioners). POLHILL, PRANCES MARGARBTTA, (boruDakeyne); w. of Frederick P., M.P. ; d. 1876. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in evening dress with hat. Lith. ; 10} X 8} in. POLHILL, FREDERICK, M.P., (of Howbury HaU, CO. Bedford) ; 1798-1848. 1. Bust, face to 1. ; vignette. Lith. POLLARD, EDWARD WILLIAM, M.R.C.S. ; surgeon. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette ; 1880. Drypoint. ' Kemarque ' proof. POLLARD, ELIZABETH ; convicted of blackmailing and pilloried. 1. W. L., directed and looking to r., in cap and cloak; without background. Pub. 'W. Wells 1781. Line. POLLEXPEN, Sir HENRY; chief justice of the common pleas ; 1632 ?-1691. 1. Bust, to r., in counsellor's gown; oval. Copy from that in the print of Counsel for the Seven Bishops. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1821. Line ; 45 X 35 in. 2. H. L., to r., in judicial robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 14} X 10} in. — — See Groups (Counsel for the Seven Bishops). POLLINGTON, VENETIA STANLEY, Viscountess. See Mexbobough. Painteb J. Northeote T. Murray S. Cecil S. CeeU M. Menpes R. White Engbaver Anon.J. Pougeron Anon. J. Simon S. Cecil S. Cecil M. Menpes Anon.T. Berry J. Savage exc. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 485 Subject POLLOCK, Sib FREDERICK, bart,, LL,D, ; legal author ; professor of jurisprudence at Oxford ; b. 1845, 1, H, L,, directed and looking to r, ; vignette, Lith, POLLOCK, Sib GEORGE, bart,, G,0,B,, G.C,S,I, ; field marshal ; 1786-1872, 1. T, Q. L., standing, looking to L, in uniform, gloves in 1, hand, 1, on sword ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph. Pub, Smith Elder, & Co,, etc, 1850, Lith, POLLOCK, Sir JONATHAN FREDERICK, bart,, P,R,S, ; chief baron of the exchequer ; 1783-1870, 1, W. L,, full face, seated by table, in judicial robes. Pub. Colnaghi 1850. (Whitman 515.) Mezz. ; 12} X 8} in. One trial proof ; one before any inscription. 2. When M.P. for Huntingdon; H. L., looking to r., standing, in private dress ; octagon. PL to Eminent Con servative Statesmen ; pub. R. Ryley 1838, &c. Stipple ; 9} X 7f in. ' POLLY PEACHUM.' of. See Bolton, Lavinia, Duchess POLWARTH, ALEXANDER HUME, Lord; s. of Hugh, 3rd Earl of Marchmont ; 1750-1781. 1. H. L., to L, in Van Dyck dress ; oval frame. Pub. J. R. Smith 1773. (G. S. 136, Prankau 279.) Mezz. ; 13| x 10} in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' and publisher's names scratclied. POLWHELE, RICHARD; misceUaneous writer; his torian of Devonshire and Cornwall ; 1760-1838. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. PL to Nichols's Illustrations of Literature, 1816. Line.2. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub, J, SeweU 1795, Line ; 2} X 2} in, POMFRET, THOMAS PERMOR, 1st Earl of, K.B,; 1698-1753, 1, W, L,, in robes, standing, with his Countess, Prom picture at Oxford. Illust. to Cat. of Portrait Exhibi tion at Oxford, 1906.' Process block. POMFRET, HENR,IETTA LOUISA (JEFFREYS), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; letter- writer ; d. 1761. 1. H. L., full face; oval. Prom a picture in crayons. Front, to her Correspondence with the Countess of Hert ford ; pub. R. PhiUips 1805. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. See PoMERET, Thomas, 1st Earl of POMFRET, ANNA MARIA (DRAYCOTE), Countess of ; w. of George Permor, 2nd Barl ; 1737-1787. 1. W. L., standing on terrace, nearly in profile to r. Prom picture at Easton Neaton. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 7} X 4} in. Painter W. Rothenstein G. H. Pord P. Grant T. PhiUips Engraver W. Rothenstein G. H. Pord S. W. Reynolds jun. H. Robinson A. Porbeg J. Opie T. BardweU J. Reynolds J. R. Smith P. Audinet Anon. C. Watson (R. B. Parkes) 486 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POMFRET, THOMAS WILLIAM FERMOR, 4th Earl of; general; 1770-1833. 1. H. L., to L, in imiform, hand in coat. Lith. ; 12} X 95 in. POMFRET, GEORGE WILLIAM RICHARD FER MOR, 5th and last Earl of ; 1824-1867. 1. When Lord Lempster, with his sister Lady Annabella ; busts ; oval. Lith. ; 2} X 35 in. POMPRET, SAMUEL ; nonconformist minister ; 1650- 1722. 1. H. L., face to L, in govra and bands. Pub. T. BakeweU. (C S. 82, II.) Mezz. ; 95 X 7} in. . same plate, reduced, without publication line. Four impressions, two printed within engraved border. POND, ARTHUR, P.R.S. ; painter and engraver ; 1705 ?- 1758. 1. H. L., to r., in cap, holding paper on which is scratched the word ' nuUa ' ; without inscription. Btching ; 7 X 45 in. same plate, with ' Seipse fe. 1751 ' and date of death. POND, CHRISTOPHER; refreshment contractor; d. 1882. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; 1877. Drypoint. POND, JOHN ; s. of John P. of Newmarket and grand son of Arthur P. the painter. 1. H. L., to r., in hat. Pub. B Smith 1787. Stipple ; 8 X 6} in. [Afterwards used as a portrait of John liVolcot (' Peter Pindar ').] POND, (Miss) ; sister ot the preceding ; rode 1000 miles in 1000 hours ; d. insane. 1. Bust, to 1., in lace cap with feathers and pearl necklace. Pub. J. Spilsbury 1766. (C S. 34.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. PONDER, STEPHEN; treasurer of the Highbury Society; 1745-1816. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., hands folded; rect. frame. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. PONSONBY, (Hon.) ASHLEY GEORGE JOHN, J.P., D.L. ; younger ». of William, Ist Lord De Mauley ; 1831-1898. 1. Aged 12; W. L., on pony, with dogs and dead rabbits; with title 'Return from the Warren.' Pub. E. Gambart 1848. Mixed ; 22 x 175 in. Proof before title. 2. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1885. Mezz. ; 6} X 6} iu. Proof before inscription. PONSONBY, CAROLINE. See Lamb, Lady CaroUne. Painter Mrs. Ansley Stuart A. Pond T. Parkinson J. Spilsbury T. Uwins E. Landseer Engraver M. Gauci M. Gauci Anon. A. Pond G. Pilotell B. Smith J. Spilsbury H. Meyer T. Landseer (C. J. Tomkins) Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 487 Subject PONSONBY, (Right Hon.) GEORGE, M.P.; lord chanceUor of Ireland ; 1755-1817. 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to i. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1811. Stipple ; 8| X 75 in. PONSONBY, Sir HENRY FREDERICK, G.C.B. ; general ; private secretary to Queen Victoria ; 1825-1895. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.PONSONBY, (Hon.) JANE, (born Taylor) ; w. of Hon. PoUiott P. ; d. 1787. 1. H. L., fuU face ; oval. (C S. 27, I.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9| in. same plate, with address of W. Herbert. same plate, with address of T. Jefierys added. PONSONBY, SARAH ; one of the ' Ladies of Llan gollen'; 1755?-1831. See Butler, Lady Eleanor. PONSONBY, (Hon.) Sib WILLIAM, K.G.B., M.P. ; general ; feU at Waterloo ; 1772-1815. 1. H. L., looking to L, iu uniform; rect. frame. Pub. 1817. Stipple ; 14} X 13} iu. PONSONBY, (Mb.) 1. H. L., to L, face in profile ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Without title. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. POOLE, ELIZABETH, (Mrs. Bacon) ; singer; 1820-1906. 1. As Jenie Deans in Heart of Midlothian; T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. C jefierys. Lith. 2. In the Daughter of the Begiment ; W. L., playing drum. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1848. Woodcut.POOLE, JOHN ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1815. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. POOLE, JOHN ; dramatist ; 1786 ?-1872. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. T. Lupton 1827. Mezz. ; 105 X 9} in. 2. Same picture ; vignette. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. Colburn & Bentley 1831. Stipple.POOLE, MATTHEW; bibUcal commentator ; 1624-1679. 1. H. L.,tor. ; oval frame on pedestal, with curtain. Pub. at Nuremberg. Line ; 13} X 8} in. 2. H. L., to r., in skull-cap, gown and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 9} X 7} in. 3. Copy from the last, bust only; oval frame. PL to Middleton's Biographia Evangelica, 1783. Line ; 45 X 35 i"- Painteb A. Pope J. Worsdale Engraver G. Maile A. D'Orsay C. Baugniet J. Jackson H. PickersgiU J. Godby J. Brooks G. Maile A. D'Orsay C. Baugniet Dalziel E. Scriven G. Clint J. Thomson J. V. Montalegre R. White T. Trotter 488 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POOLE, PAUL FALCONER, R.A. ; painter ; 1807-1879. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette ; from photograph. "Woodcut.2. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette ; from photograph. "Woodcut. POOLE, REGINALD STUART, LL.D.; keeper of coins and medals, British Museum ; 1832-1895. 1. Bust, looking to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. POOLE, ROBERT, M.D. ; physician and phUanthropist ; 1708-1752. ^ ' 1. Aged 35; H. L.,tor. ; oval. Vroni,. to his Journey from London to France, 1750. (C. S. 292.) Mezz. ; 45 X 35 in. POOLE, THOMAS ; J.P. for Somersetshire. 1. H. L., to r. Lith. ; 7} X 6} in. POPE, ALEXANDER; poet; 1688-1744. 1. Aged 38; H. L., seated at table, looking to r., holding pen. Sold J. Simon. (G. S. 125.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. same plate, retouched; age and Simon's address erased. 2. Same picture ; table and hands omitted ; rect. frame. PL to La BelU AssembUe ; pub. J. Bell 1809. Stipple ; 6} X 45 in. same plate, with address erased. 3. H. L., 1. profile ; circtUar frame in rect. Prom a medal. Line ; 4| x 3 in. 4. Bust. L. profile ; circular medallion in rect. Line ; 2} x 2} in. 5. W. L., standing, r. profile. Facsimile of a drawing. Pront. to his Works, ed. Warton, 1797. Stipple ; 6} X 4| in. Proof before any inscription. 6. W. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, face resting on hand ; with Portuguese inscription. PL to Targini's translation of his Essay on Man ¦ pub' Whittingham 1819. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 7. Same figure, in his garden at Twickenham. Aquatint ; 8} X 6} in. 8. Bust, looking to 1. ; circular frame ou pedestal. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1779, etc. Line ; 4} x 2} in. 9. Aged 28; long H. L,, standing by table on which he rests an open book, in cap, looking to l. J. Smith ex 1717. (G. S. 203.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. 10. Same picture, short H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. Front. to his Homer, 1120. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 11. Reversed copy from the last. Line ; 4} X 2} in. Painteb Engraver A. Armstrong T. Barber M. Dahl J. Dassier H. Gravelot W. Hoare C. Jervas G. Kneller Anon. J. Paber jun. M. Gauci J. Simon 99 R. Cooper 99 G. P. Benoist H. Gravelot P. Cond6 J. H. Robinson Anon. J. Cald'wall John Smith G. Vertue Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 489 Subject Painteb Engbaveb 12. Same picture; short H. L., to 1. Prom an enamel. PL to his Works ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1807. G. Kneller W. Evans Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. 13. H. L., sitting by table, in cap and dressing-gown. looking to r., resting head on hand. Sold S. Sympson. (C S. 35.) 99 G. White Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; two before Sympson's address. 14. Copy from the last. Sold S. Sympson, Maiden Lane. (C. S. 84. II.) 99 Anon. Mezz. ; 7} X 6 iu. 15. Same picture ; rect., with ornaments. Pub. J. Sharpe 1806. 99 A. Cardon Stipple ; 4 X 2} in. 16. Same picture ; reot. frame. 99 J. Heath Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 17. Same picture ; rect. frame. PL to Sharpe's British Classics, 1803. 99 W. HoU Stipple ; 6 X 3 in. 18. Same picture, bust only, to 1. Sold R. Marshall 1750. 3, G. Biekham Etching ; 16| X 135 in. 19. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval with ornaments designed by Marillier. P. A. Le Beau Line ; 6} X 3} in. 20. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame with ornauaents. Headpiece to title to his Works, pub. Bousquet, Lausanne, 1745, ^_ J. G. WiUe Line ; (pi,) 3X4} iu. 21. Aged 24; H. L., face to r. ; oval in frame of masonry. Pront. to his Works, 1769, etc. ,, P. S. Eavenet Line ; 9 x 6} in. Proof before title. 22. Same picture ; oval in rect. frame, with ornaments. Pub. J. BeU 1787. 99 J. CoUyer Line ; 6 X 3} in. 23. H. L., 1. profile, looking upwards, wearing wreath; oval in rect. frame. Sold J. Paber. (G. S. 293.) JJ J. Paber jun. Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. 24. Reversed copy from the last, with the frame. R. Parr Liue ; 4 X 3} in. 25. Similar to the preceding. From picture now in National Portrait GaUery. Pub. Photographische Gesell schaft in Berlin. J Photograviu;e ; 10 x 75 in. 26. H. L., to r., looking to 1., in cap and gown. Pront. to vol. 6 of his Works ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1807. J. Richardson C. Pieart Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 27. Same picture (attributed to Hudson). PL to Imp. Diet, of Biography ; pub. W. Mackenzie. „ Possel'white Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 28. Same picture. PL to Effigies Poeticse ; pub. W. Walker 1824. 99 C. Warren Line ; 4 X 3} in. Proof before inscription, engraver's name scratched. 29. H. L., looking to L, bareheaded. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1793. ,, R. Clamp Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 490 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POPE, ALEXANDER— coreimwe^Z. 30. Same picture ; oval in rect. PL to Literary Mag. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 31. H. L., 1. profile, in furred gown. Pub. R. Priestley. Stipple and line ; 4} X 3| in. 32. Same picture. Pront. to vol. 2 of Bosooe's ed. of his Works ; pub. CadeU 1824. Line ; 4} x 3J in. Proof before any inscription. 33. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; ' Amioitise causa.' Etching. 34. Repetition of the last ; without inscription. Etching. 35. Another, reversed ; without inscription. Etching.36. A head, r. profile; vignette; ' OVTGZ EKEINOZ'; 1738. Etching. 37. Similar to the last ; without inscription. Etching.38. Copy from the last, to 1. ; on pedestal inscribed ' Pope.' Line ; 6} x 3} in. 39. Three heads on one plate. Without inscription. Etching. 40. Aged 53 ; marble bust, iu oval frame. Pront. to vol. 7 of an ed. of his Works. Line ; 4} x 2} in. 41. Same bust ; octagon. Pront. to vol. 1 of Roscoe's ed. of his Works ; pub. Cadell 1824. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 42. Sculptured bust, turned in profile to 1. ; oval. Pub. Mrs. Brown 1788. Stipple ; 10| X 8 in. 43. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., letter in 1. hand, r. arm resting ou book which lies on table. Sold J. Faber. (G. S. 294.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 44. Same picture, reversed, H. L. only ; oval in frame of masonry. PL to Universal Mag., llil. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 45. SimUar to the preceding, with book omitted ; H. L., face to 1. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton. Line ; 13} x 8} in. 46. Same picture, face to r. ; vignette. Stipple. 47. Same picture, face to 1. ; rect. frame. ' Grav6 d'apr^s Burney par Cazenave.' Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. 48. Same picture, face to 1. ; oval, with vignette of a swan. PL to Encyclopcedia Londinensis, 1821. stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 49. Same picture, face to r. ; oval frame on pedestal with ornaments. Line ; 0 X 4 in. Painter J. Richardson L. P. Roubiliac J. M. Rysbrack J. B. 'Vanloo Engbaveb Harding R. Cooper W. Worthington J. Richardson A. Pond G. Vertue J. Thomson M. Bovi J. Faber jun. C. Grignion J. Houbraken H. Adlard Cazenave J. Chapman J. CoUyer Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 491 Subject oval in rect. frame, with 50. Same picture, face to ornaments ; 1752. Line ; 6} X 4} in. Proof before any inscription. 51. Same picture, face to 1. ; oval with ornaments. ' Dra-wn by E. F, Burney.' Front, to Du Roveray's ed. of his Works, 1804. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 52. Same picture, face to r. ; oval frame on pedestal in rect. PL to an ed. of the Poets. (Baker 186.) Line ; 4} X 2} in. 53. Same picture, face to 1. ; reot. frame. PL to Bo'wyer's ed. of Hume's Hist, of England, 1794. Line ; 12} x 85 in. 54. Same picture, bust only, face to r. ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1794. Line ; 15 x If in. 55. Same picture, face to r. ; oval, with French dedication. Etching ; 2} X 2 in, 56, Same picture, face to 1. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. 57. Same picture, face to r. ; oval frame of masonry with vignette below. PL to London Mag., 1751. Line ; 6} x 4 in. 58. Same picture, face to 1. ; plain rect. with his name only. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in. 59. Same picture, face to 1. ; plain reot. with his name only. Line ; 45 x 4 in. 60. A head, 1. profile in circle; vignette on title to his Essay on Man, 1748. Etching ; 15 in. diam. 61. H. L., to 1., r. hand on front of body; oval frame of oak-leaves on pedestal. Prom picture in Bodleian gaUery attributed to C Jervas. Line ; 14 X 9} in. One proof before engraver's name ; one fully lettered impression. 62. Same picture, to r. PL to oat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford 1906. Process block. 63. W. L., seated by table. Line ; 4 X 2} in. See Groups (Worthies of Britain), (Poet and Philo sophers of England), (Frequenters of Button's Cofiee House). POPE, ALEXANDER; actor and miniature painter; 1763-1835. 1. As Posthumus in Cymbeline ; W. L., standing, holding cloth ; oval in reot. Pub. J. Oawthorn 1805. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 2. With Mrs. Powell, as Leontes and Paulina in Winter's TaU ; W. L., looking at the statue. PL to ed. of Shakspeare. Line ; 4} x 3} in. Painteb A. Pond M. Brown Loutherbourg Engraver J. Houbraken L. Sehiavonetti W. Sharp J. Stow J. Thomson G. Wilson Anon. A. Pond G. Vertue Aveline Thornthwaite J. Neagle 492 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POPE, ALEXANDER— cowiiwMed. 3. With Mrs. Glover; as Mr. and Mrs. Oakley; W. L., sitting together ; vignette. Pub. J. Roach 180'7. Stipple.4. As Oroouoko in Southerne's Oroonoko ; W. L., standing over the dead Imoiuda. Line ; 5} X 3} in. POPE, CLARA MARIA, (born Leigh) ; artist ; Srd w. of the preceding; m. 1. Francis Wheatley, R.A. ; d. 1838. 1. When Mrs. Wheatley; nearly W. L., to L, reclining on a sofa, reading a letter ; oval. Pub. Molteno, Colnaghi & Co. 1788. Stipple ; 8} X 10} in. Proof before title. POPE, EDITH, (born Turner) ; mother of Alexander P. the poet; 1642-1733. 1. Aged 89 ; bust, to r. ; vignette. Paosimile of a drawing formerly at Strawberry Hill. Etching. 2. Same drawing. PL to Pope's Works ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1807. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 3. Bust, full face, in hood. Facsimile of drawing now in British Museum. Woodcut ; 4 X 35 in. Proof before any inscription. POPE, ELIZABETH, (born Younge) ; actress ; 1st w. of Alexander P. the actor ; 1740-1797. 1. As Merope in A. Hill's Merope ; W. L., seated, receiving Eumeues. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 6| X 3} in. 2. As Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra; W. L., seated; oval in rect. PL to BeU's Shakspeare, 1786. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 3. As Zara in Congreve's Mourning Bride; W. L., full face, standing, manacled. Pub. J. Bell 1791. Stipple ; 9} X 7 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. Same picture ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 5. When Miss Younge ; bust, to L, face in profile ; oval frame. (C. S. p. 798.) Mezz. ; 5} X 4} in. 6. When Miss Younge ; speaking epUogue to Mrs. Cowley's The Bunaway ; W. L., standing; without background. Pub. Fielding & Walker 1780. Line.7. When Miss Younge ; as the Countess of Narbonne in Jephson's Count of Narbonne ; H. L., fuU face ; oval. Pub. T. Macklin. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 8. When Miss Younge; as Monimia in Otway's The Orphan ; W. L., standing. PL to Lowndes's Neiv English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 55 X 3} in. Painter P. Wheatley J. Richardson J. Barralet E. P. Burney S. De Wilde B. Dighton D. Dodd S. Harding T. Parkinson Engraver AlaisAnon. R. Stanier C. Carter W. Evans D. Reading Thomthwaite SaillierThornthwaiteR. Laurie T. Cook A. Birrell J. Basire Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 493 Subject Painter 9. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1797. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in. 10. When Miss Younge ; as Creusa in Whitehead's Creusa Queen of Athens ; "W. L., standing, looking to r. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1778. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 11. When Miss Younge ; as Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra; W. L., standing, looking to r. PL to BeU's ed. of Shakspeare, 1116. Line ; 55 X 3} in. 12. As Zara in The Mourning Bride ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1776. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 13. When Miss Younge; as Ethelinda in Rowe's Royal Convert ; small W. L., without background. Pub. J. Harrison & Co. 1779. Line. 14. With Mr. Lewis, as Charlotte and Crevelt in Pilon's He would be a Soldier; W. L., standing together. PL to Lady's Mag. Line ; 6 X 3| in. 15. As Artemisia in Rowe's Ambitious Stepmother ; smaU W. L., standing; without background. Pub. J. Harrison & Co. Line. 16. As Louisa iu Mitchell's Fatal Extravagance ; small W. L., standing ; without background. Pub. Harrison & Oo. 1781. Line. 17. As Mrs. Clerimont in Steele's Tender Husband ; small W. L., standing. Pub. J. Harrison & Co. 1779. Line. 18. As Merope ; smaU W. L., standing ; without back ground. Pub. I. Wenman 1777. Line.. ¦ See Johnston, H. B. See Groups. POPE, JANE ; actress ; 1742-1818. 1. W. L., to r., standing with her sister, her niece seated at a harpsichord ; with title ' Miss Pope her Sister and Niece.' Prom a drawing. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 16} X 16} in, 2. Same drawing ; single figure, H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1802. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 3. As Corinna in Vanbrugh's Confederacy ; W. L., standing with Hippanta. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, nil. Liue ; 6} X 35 in. 4. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval frame. Pub. W. Richardson 1780. (0. S. p. 797.) Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. 5. H. L., full face ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1807. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. A. Pope J. Roberts Engraver W. Ridley Thornth'waite Anon. Terry Anon. A. Buck R. Dighton S. Drummond P. Roberts "W". Ridley J. Goldar R. Laurie Ridley & Co. 494 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POPE, ^ A'n'&— continued. 6. As Corinna in Vanbrugh's Confederacy ; W. L., standing, looking to r., holding fan; without background. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1777. Line ; 6 X 35 in. 7. As Dorcas Zeal in Shadwell's Fair Quaker of Deal; W. L., standing, looking to 1. ; without background. PL to same work, 1777. Line ; 6} X 35 in. 8. As Rosetta in Moore's The Foundling ; W. L., standing, looking to r. ; without background. PL to same work, 1777. Line ; 5} X 35 in. 9. As Biddy Tipkin in Steele's Tender Husband; W. L., standing, looking to 1. ; without background. PL to same work, 1776. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 10. As Abigail in Addison's The Drummer; smaU W. L., standing, looking to r. ; -without background. Pub. I. Wenman 1777. Line. 11. As Doll Snip in Harlequin's Invasion ; smaU W. L. ; without background. Pub. J. Smith & R. Sayer 1772. Line. See Macklin, Charles. See Pabsons, William. See Gboups (Immortality of Garrick). POPE, MARIA ANN, (born Campion) ; actress ; 2nd w. of Alexander P. the actor ; 1775-1803. 1. Bust, to L; oval, PL to Monthly Mirror; pub, I. Bellamy 1798. Stipple ; 35 X 2} ini 2. As Juliet ; T. Q. L., to L, seated, r. arm on balcony. Pub. J. Burn 1804. (C. S. 69, Frankau 224.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. POPE, ROBERT, M.D. ; physician at Staines; 1748- 1827. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; rect. Pub. P. Engle heart 1824. Line ; 4} X 3} in. POPE, Sir THOMAS ; founder of Trinity College, Oxford; 1507 ?-1559. 1. T. Q. L,, to r,, standing, in hat and furred gown, gloves in r, hand ; rect. frame. Prom picture at Wroxton. Pub. J. Wyatt, Oxford, 1821. Line ; 12} X 95 in. 2. Similar picture at Trinity CoUege, with chain and whistle in form of a mermaid added ; one of set of Pounders of Colleges. (C S. 34.) Mezz. ; 9 X 85 in. Three states. 3. Same picture, bust only ; oval at top of view of Trinity College in Oxford Almanack for 1756. Line. Painter J. Roberts Engra'ver R. Pollard Thomthwaite Anon. A. Pope M. A. Shee G. Engleheart • Holbein ' W. Ridley W. Ward P. Engleheart W. Skelton J. Paber sen. J. Green Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 495 Subject 4. Same picture ; with dedication to Rev. W. Dobson on separate plate. (0. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 8 X 6} in. 5. Same picture, bust only ; oval in a headpiece iu A. Wood's Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis, 1674. Line. POPE, Sir WILLIAM, bart. See Downe. POPHAM, EDWARD; parUamentary admiral and general; 16107-1651. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. From a picture. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. same plate with mezzotint ground in angles and at bottom ' Lord Clarendon's History of England.' POPHAM, Sir HOME RIGGS, K.C.B., F.R.S,; admiral; 1762-1820, 1, H. L., to r., in uniform. Pub. A Garden 1807. Stipple ; 14} X 12 iu. 2. Bust, to 1., iu uniform and hat ; oval. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. POPHAM, Sir JOHN; speaker of the House of Commons and chief justice of the king's bench ; 1531 ?- 1607. 1. Bust, looking to r., under arch ; from his monument in Wellington Church. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. POPPLEWELL, THOMAS ; choice spirit ; d. 1790. 1. H. L., to r., seated, face in profile ; oval. Pub. 1788. Etching ; 45 X 3| in. PORCHESTER. See Carnarvon. PORDAGE, JOHN ; astrologer and mystic ; 1607-1681. 1. H. L., to r., in go-wu; oval frame; with title ' Bfidgies Johannis Pordage,' etc. Pront. to his Theologia Mystica, 1683. (Pagan p. 54.) Line ; 6} x 4} in. same plate ; -with different inscription : — ' Bxprimit Eifigiem,' etc. 2. Facsimile copy from first state of the preceding. Pub. W. Richardson. Line ; 65 X 45 in. 3. Another copy; oval frame on pedestal, with title ' Johann Pordoedsche,' etc. German plate. Line ; 6} x 3 in. 4. Another copy, reversed ; rect. ; with title ' Johannes Pordaedsche,' etc. German plate. Line ; 4} x 4 in. PORO, JAMES; monstrous twin birth exhibited in London 1714 ; b. 1686. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, showing monster attached to his body. Pub. J. Faber. (0. S. 295.) Mezz. ; 12| x 9J in. same plate ; with addresses of T. and J. Bowles. Painter M. Brown Hastings Engbaveb W^. Robins Anon. (S. De Wilde) A. Cardon J. Hopwood B. Reading Anon. W. Paithorne Anon, J. Paber jun. 496 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver PORSON, RICHARD ; Greek scholar ; 1759-1808. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L; rect. frame. Prom picture iu University Library, Cambridge. Pub. W. Sharp 1810. (Baker 55.) Line ; 12} x 10} in. Six progress proofs ; two with title in open letters. 2. Same picture ; rect. PL to New Monthly Mag., 1820. Line ; 45 x 35 in. 3. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, in gown. Prom picture at Trinity CoUege, Cam bridge. Pub. R. Harraden, Cambridge, 1812. (Whitman 439.) Mezz. ; 17} x 14 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 4. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1830. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 5. Same picture, H. L. ; rect. at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X 1} in. 6. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1809. Stipple and etching. 7. A head, to 1. ; vignette iu reot. Pub. 0. Dyer. Stipple ; 45 X 4} in. PORT, JOHN; captain R.N. See Groups (Portsmouth Captains.) PORTER, ANNA MARIA; sister of Sir R. K. P.; novelist; 1780-1832. 1. H. L., to L, seated, in large hat, flowers in hair. Prom a drawing now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1833. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 2. H. L., to L, seated, holding guitar; vignette. Prom a Stipple.PORTER, ENDYMION ; groom of the bedchamber to Charles I ; 1587-1649. 1. H. L., to 1., r. hand on breast ; oval. Prom a miniature. Pub. 3. Woodburn 1810! Mezz. ; 3} X 3} in. 2. H. L., to r., holding gun; oval in rect. frame. From picture now in the National Gallery. Sold T. Rowlett. (Pagan, p. 54.) Line ; 8} X 7} in. [Afterwards altered to P,obert Devei'eux, Srd Earl of Essex.] 3. T. Q. L., to L, standing with Sir A, Van Dyck; oval. Prom picture in Madrid GaUery, PL to Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1893, Etching ; 6| X 6| in, 4, Same picture ; oval in rect. PL to Guifirey's Van Duck 1882. Etching ; 8} X 10 in. 5. Same picture ; oval. Line ; 10} X 13} in. Proof before inscription. J. Hoppner T. Kirkby W. Sharp W. C. Edwards C. Turner W. Holl T. Maddocks Anon. G. H. Harlow S. Cooper' W. Dobson A. Van Dyck T. Woolnoth R. Page R. Earlom W. Paithorne P. Courboin P. Milius P. Selma Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 497 Subject Painter Engbaveb 6. Same picture. A. Van Dyck Carbon photograph. 7. Same picture ; the figure of Porter only. SS Carbon photograph. 8. Bust, 1. profile ; oval. Prom a medal. PL to Thane's Autography. Warin Anon. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 9. Same medal, to r. ; circular frame. SS SS Mezz. ; 45 x 45 in. 10. H. L,, to L, in lace collar and mantle ; oval in reot. R. Cooper? Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. See Gboups (English medals.) PORTER, JANE; sister of Sir R. K. P.; novelist; d. unmarried; 1776-1850. 1. H. L., looking upwards tol. ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1811. G. H. Harlo'w S. Preeman Stipple. Proof before any inscriptiou. 2. As a lady canoness; H. L., full face. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Fisher, Son & Co. 1834. SS J. Thomson Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 3. W. L., seated on a bank, in landscape, by moonUght, looking upwards to 1. ; with facsimile of autograph. Anon. Stipple ; 6| X 4 in. PORTER, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Clogher; d. 1819. 1. H. L., looking to L, in wig and rochet. Pub. C Turner 1825. (Whitman 440.) T. La'wrence C. Turner Mezz. ; 105 X 86 in. PORTER, JOSEPH, (of Mortlake) ; d, 1749. 1. H. L., to r., seated at a table, hands on a letter. PL to Nichols & Steevens's Genuine Works of Hogarth ; pub. Longman 1809. W . Hogarth T. Cook Line ; 4} X 4 in. PORTER, Sir ROBERT KER, K.H.; painter; 1777- 1842. 1. W. L,, to L, standing, in Russian uniform, r. arm on rock. Pub, P, & D, Colnaghi 1843. G. H. Harlow W. 0. Burgess Mezz. ; 14} X 9} in. 2. Same picture, H. L. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1822. SS T. Woolnoth Stipple. 3. When Mr. Porter ; bust, fuU face ; oval. Pub, 1806. J. Wright A. Cardon Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 4. Same picture; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1809. SS S. Preeman Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 5. Bust, to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. Clipped impression. 6. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Anon. Stipple. 2 K 498 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PORTER, SAMUEL. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame. Stipple ; 4} X 4} in. PORTER, SARAH ; ' Queen of the Touters at Tunbridge WeUs.' 1. T. Q, L,, to L, holding inkpot and large open book of ' Ladies Subscriptions,' (C S, 27,) Mezz, ; 11} x 9} in. Five impressions. PORTEUS, BBILBY, D.D. ; bishop of London ; 1731- 1808. 1. H. L., looking to L, in wig and rochet. Pub. B. Orme 1795. (C S. 1.) Mezz. ; 13 X 105 in. 2. Bust, to r., in wig and rochet ; oval. From a miniature. Pub. T. CadeU 1794. Line ; 3} x 3} in 3. Same miniature ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1795. Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. 4. Same miniature ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 5. Same miniature ; oval. Pub. G. Townley 1795. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 6. W. L., to L, standing by table, on which he rests a bible, in wig and rochet, cap in 1. hand. From a drawing. Stipple ; 16} X 115 in. 7. Same drawing, H. L. only ; vignette. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Line.8. Nearly W. L. to L, seated in armchair, in wig and rochet, cap on knee. Pub. C. Turner 1807. (Whitman 441.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. One proof before any inscription ; four lettered impressions. 9. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1838. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PORTLAND, RICHARD WESTON, 1st Barl of, K.G. ; lord treasurer ; 1577-1635. 1. H. L., standing, looking to r., in rufi, cloak and George, holding wand and letter. Prom picture at Gorhambury. PL to fol. ed of Lodge's Portraits, 1817. Stipple ; 7} X 5} in. 2. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1835. Stipple ; 6 X 3} in. Unfinished proof, 3, H, L,, looking to 1,,1, hand on ledge; engraved as Jerome, 2nd Earl, J, Meyssens exc, PL to Van Dyck's Icono'- graphie. (Wibiral 134, Parthey 1483,) Etching ; 8} X 7} in, 4. Same picture, reversed; oval on pedestal; with same title, PL to Ward's Hist, of the RebeUion, 1713, Line ; 65 X 3} in, 5, Same picture, reversed, bust, to r, ; oval ; with same title, PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3} X 3} in. Painter vr. Smissen M. Brown H. Bureh H. Edridge J. Hoppner A. Van Dyck Engbaver G. S. Pacius (W. Pether) E. Orme jun. J. Hall E. Harding W. Holl C. Townley C. Pieart S3 C. Turner H. Meyer R. Cooper KellawayW. HoUar (G. Vertue) Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 499 Subject 6. Bust, r. profile; oval; from a medal. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 85 X 3 in. 7. His monument, with recumbent effigy, in Winchester cathedral. Line ; 8} x 6} in. See Gboups (English medals.) PORTLAND, JEROME WESTON, 2nd Earl of ; 1606- 1663. See Portland, Richard Weston, 1st Earl of. PORTLAND, FRANCES (STUART), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d. of Bsm^, Duke of Lennox; 1617- 1694. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to L, plucking flower. (C S. 29.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. Six impressions. 2, Nearly T, Q, L,, standing, face to r., hand holding fur boa ; with incorrect title ' Maria Stuart Comitissa,' etc. PL to Van Dyck's Iconographie. J. Meyssens ex. (Wibiral 135, Parthey 1484.) Etching ; 9} X 7} in. Four impressions. 3. Reversed copy from the last, with same inscription. P. Stent exc. Etching ; 8} X 7 in. 4. Another reversed copy, head only. Without title. Etching ; 3} X 3} in. PORTLAND, WILLIAM BENTINCK, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; friend and agent of WiUiam III ; 1649-1709. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and armour ; oval ; with Dutch title. Line ; 65 X 6} in. 2. Same picture, reversed; oval; with French title. (C S. 45.) Mezz. ; II5 X 9§ in. 3. W. L., to 1., in wig and peer's robes, standing by pedestal on which is his coronet. Front, to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Reproduction.4. With his first wife Prances Villiers ; W. L., standing together on a terrace. Prom picture at Welbeck. PL to same work. Beproduction. See Groups (Impeached Lords.) PORTLAND, JANE (TEMPLE), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; m. 1. William, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton; 1670?-1751. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. From picture at Petworth. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 55 X 45 in. PORTLAND, HENRY BBNTINCK, 2nd Earl and 1st Duke of; 1681-1726. 1. T. Q. L., standing, full face, in armour, r. hand on truncheon, 1. on helmet. From picture at Welbeck. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Eeproduction. Painter Warin Engraver Anon. A. Van Dyck S. De Bois G. KneUer H. Rigaud A. Bro'wne exc. W. HoUar R. Gaywood SS J. Houbraken R. Williams J. J. V. d. Berghe 2 K 2 500 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PORTLAND, WILLIAM BENTINCK, 2nd Duke of, K.G,; 1709-1762. 1. W. L., standing, nearly full face, iu Garter robes; plumed hat ou table to r. PI. to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Reproduction. See Groups (with his Duchess and Lady M. Wortley- Montagu.) PORTLAND, MARGARET CAVENDISH (HARLEY), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. and heir of 2nd Earl of Oxford ; 1715-1785. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in robes, holding coronet. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Eeproduction ; 8} X 6} in. 2. When Lady Margaret Harley ; a marble bust on table ; without title. PL to E. WaUer's Works, ed. Feuton, 1729. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 3. Reversed copy from the last. PL to smaller ed. of same, 1730. Line ; 4} x 2} in. See Groups (with the Duke and Lady M. Wortley- Montagu.) PORTLAND, WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH- BBNTINCK, 3rd Duke of, K.G. ; prime minister; 1738-1809. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to The Senator ; pub. C. Cooke 1791. Line ; 2} X 15 in. same plate, reissue ; pub. T. Rodd 1818. 2. Nearly W. L., to L, seated at table, holding papers, hand to face. Prom picture at Welbeck. Pub. W Austin 1785. (G. S. 13.) Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Two proofs with open letters. same plate, with address of J. Jones 1796. Two impressions. 3. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 6 X 4 in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; circle on pedestal. PL to European Mag. 1782. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 5. Same picture, H. L. only, to 1. ; rect. Pront. to Trans actions of Society of Arts, 1811. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 6. Same picture, to r. ; circle in rect. Line ; 8} X 3} in. Clipped impression. 7. W. L. standing, in peer's robes, with his brother Lord Edward. Prom picture at Welbeck. Pub. J. R Smith 1774, (C S. 138, Prankau 280,) Mezz. ; 16 x Id in. One proof before title ; one fully lettered impression. 'same plate ; with address of W. Humphrey 1780. Two impressions. 8. Same picture. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Wel beck Abbey, 1894. Eeproduction. Painter T. Hudson Engraver T. Hudson J. Rysbrack W. H. Brown J. Reynolds B. West G. Vertue H. Grainger SS J. Murphy SS S. W. Beynolds W. -Angus W. Evans J. R. Smith Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 501 Subject Painter Engraver PORTLAND, DOROTHY (CAVENDISH), Duchess ot; w. of the preceding; d. of 4th Duke of Devonshire; 1750-1794. 1. H. L., nearly full face. Prom picture shown at National Portrait Exhibition 1867. Photograph,PORTLAND, WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH- SGOTT-BENTINCK, 4th Duke of, P,R,S,, F,S,A, ; 1768- 1854, 1, Aged 83 ; W, L,, seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, in top boots, holding stick, PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894, Eeproduction. 2. When Marguess of Titchfield; a boy, W. L.,_to L, standing in landscape, hand on cane. Prom picture belonging to Duke of Portland. Pub. I. Jehner 1777. (C S. 13.) Mezz. ; 18 X 13} in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. 3. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Same picture. Pub. W. Walker. Mezz. ; 19} X 155 i". 5. Same picture. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. Eeproduction. PORTMAN, EDWARD BERKELEY PORTMAN, 1st Viscount; 1799-1888. 1. W. L., to 1., standing, in hat, hands on hips; with facsimile of autograph. Pub, T, Agnew 1846, ' (Whit man 516,) Mezz. ; 16} X 11} in. PORTMAN, (Hon.) LOUISA MARY ; d. of Edward, 1st Baron P. ; d. unmarried ; 1834-1870. 1, When a child, H, L,, to r, ; oval in picture frame, with four lines below. Pub, T. McLean 1841. Stipple and line. PORTMAN, Sir WILLIAM, bart., M.P. ; d. 1695. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and Roman dress; oval. Without inscription. (G. S. 97.) Mezz. ; 7} X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last ; oval. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. 3. Another copy ; oval. Pub. W. Richardson 1803. Mezz. ; 7} X 6 in. PORTMORE, MARY (LESLIE), Countess of; w. of WUUam Colyear, Srd Barl; d. of 8th Earl of Rothes; 1753-1799. 1. When Lady Mary Leslie, aged 10; W. L.,to l.,kneeUng on the ground, arms round a lamb. Pub. J. Spilsbury 1766. (C S. 27.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only. Pub. J. Spilsbury. (C S. 1.) Mezz, ; 55 X 4} in. J. Reynolds P. Grant J. Reynolds R. Ansdell W. C. Ross J. Reynolds I. Jehner C. Tomkins W. 'Walker S. W. Reynolds jun. H. Robinson Anon. E. Harding Anon. J. Spilsbury B. Richards 502 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject 'PORTRAIT.' See Lilpord, Mary, Lady. PORTSMOUTH, LOUISE RENEE (DB PENANCOET DE KEROUALLE), Duchess of ; mistress of Charles II ; 1649-1734. 1. Nearly W. L., seated on couch, holding dove, cupid beside her ; oval frame in rect. Line ; 12} x 17 in. 2. Nearly W. L., full face, reclining on couch, holding dog, resting head on r. hand ; oval frame. (C S. 9.) Mezz. ; 9} X 12} in. One proof before inscription ; one lettered impression. 3. W. L., full face, standing by table on which is coronet. I. Beckett ex. (C. S. 85.) Mezz. ; 16 X 95 in. One proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions. same plate, with address of E. Cooper. same plate, with address of J. Smith; Beckett's name erased. 4. Bust, face to r., curl on r. shoulder ; oval. A. Bloote ling ex. (0. S. n., Wessely not descr.) Mezz. ; 6} x 4} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, cut down, with marbled ground round oval. ' A. BlooteUng fecit et excud. 1677.' same plate ; J. Lloyd excudit. 5. Repetitionof the preceding, reversed. ' Louise Dutchess of Portsmouth. A Blooteling fecit et exc ' fC S o Wessely 39.) ^ , o, o, Mezz, ; 6} X 6} in, same plate, reworked; 'Louize Duchesse of Ports mouth, A, Blooteling ex,' 6, Copy from the last, to 1. ; oval, H. H. Quiter excud, 1678, Mezz. 6} X 45 in. 7. Another copy, to 1. ; rect. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 8. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by pUnth of a column flower in 1. hand. ' Line ; 11} x 9} in. 9. Nearly W. L., seated, face to r., holding her hair with r. hand. With title and painter's name only. (C S 14 ) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. \ ¦ • -I Two unfinished proofs, one before any inscription. 10. Reversed copy from the last, with same inscription (C S. not descr.) -^ Mezz. ; same dimensions. 11. Nearly WL., face to r., reclining on lank, feeding a sheep. G. Valck exc. 1678. (C S. 8.) Mezz. ; 12}xl0}iu. Six impressions. 12. Same picture. (G. S. 39.) Mezz. ; 12| x 9} in. Three impressions. 13. H. L., face to r. ; oval ; with title and painter's name Mezz. ; 7} X 6 in. Painter Engraver H. Gascar G. Kneller P. Lely E. Baudot (H. Gascar ?) I. Beckett A. Blooteling H. H. Quiter T. S. Seed E. Le Davis (P. V. Somer) G. Valck R. Tompson exe* Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 503 Subject Painter 14. W. L., standing by pedestal, face to r. Prom picture at Goodwood. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II, 1901. Photogravure ; 8} X 65 in. 15. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, with a blaek boy at her knee. Prom picture now in National Portrait GaUery. PL to same work. Photogravure ; 9| X 6} in 16. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; oval frame with ' Louice Dutohesse of Portsmouth ' below. Line ; 10} x 7} in. 17. W. L., standing, fuU face, with a cupid who holds a torch; with title ' Dux Portsmudae, Forma pulcerrima.' Pub. P. Schenk, Amsterdam. Liue ; 9} X 6} in. 18. W. L., to L, seated, holding fan, 1. arm on pedestal. ' Louise, Dutchess of ' Portsmouth in an undress ' ; vignette. Line. 19. As Ceres, H. L., to r., with boy holding sickle. With out title. (C S. 98.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. [The identiflcation of this plate is doubtful.] PORTSMOUTH, GRACE (NORTON), Countess of; w. of John Wallop, 3rd Earl; d. of 1st. Baron Grantley ; 1752-1813, 1, H, L,, to r,, resting face on 1, hand. Prom picture shown at National Portrait Exhibition 1868. Photograph.PORTSMOUTH CAPTAINS, who declared for the Prince of Orange in 1688. See Gboups. POTT, [or BEETIE or COVENTEY], EMILY; courtesan; 1766-1802. 1. As Thais; W. L., full face, standing, holding torch; with title ' Thais.' Prom picture now at Waddesdon. Pub. W. Dickinson 1792, Stipple ; 17} X 10} in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, 2, Same picture; with same title. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6} X 4 in. POTT, JOSEPH HOLDEN, M.A. ; archdeacon of London and chancellor of Exeter ; 1759-1847. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in gown and bands, hands folded. Pub. Colnaghi 1843. Mezz. ; 12} X 10} in. POTT, PERCIVALL, P.R.S. ; surgeon; 1714-1788. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table. Prom picture at Royal CoUege of Surgeons. Pub. R. M. Paye 1783. Stipple ; 17 X 13} iu. 2. Aged 71 ; nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to 1. Prom picture at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Pub. C Townley 1784. (C S. 19.) Mezz. ; 17} X14}in. 3. Same picture, bust only ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. P. Lely P. Mignard Engbaveb Anon. J. Reynolds J. Reynolds W. O'wen N. Dance J. Reynolds P. Bartolozzi S. W. Reynolds J. Porter R. M. Paye C. Townley J. Heath 504 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject (of Highgate) ; collector of topo- POTTER, GEORGE graphical literature. 1. H, L,, full face; vignette; 1906, Lith, POTTER, JOHN, D,D.; archbishop of Canterbury; 1674 ?-1747. 1, When bishop of Oxford ; bust, to r,, in wig and rochet ; ornamental oval frame on pedestal ; 1727. Line ; 13} X 10} in, 2, Nearly W, L,, to L, seated in armchair, in wig and rochet, resting book on knee. Line ; 16 X 11} in. 3, W. L,, to L, standing, in rochet. From picture in Bodleian gallery. PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford, 1906. Process block. 4. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in rochet. Con temporary plate, without any inscription. Etching and line ; 12} x 95 in. POTTER, MARGARET. See Patten. POTTER, RICHARD; radical poUtioian; M.P. for Wigan; 1778-1842. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, r. arm resting on papers ; with facsimile of autograph. (Whitman 517.) Mezz. ; 11} x 95 in. POTTER, ROBERT, M.A. ; canon of Norwich, and vicar of Lowestoft ; translator of ^schylus ; 1721-1804. 1. A head, to 1. ; vignette. Etching. POTTER, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister. 1. Bust, to r., oval. PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub. WiUiams & Co. 1810. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. POTTINGER, (Right Hon.) Sib HENRY, bart, G.C.B. ; soldier and diplomatist ; 1789-1856. 1. W. L., to L, seated by table, holding draft of treaty of Nankin ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1847. Mezz. ; 26} X 17 in. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimUe of auto graph. Lith. POTTS, FRANCIS, BROOKE; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1814. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. POTTS, NATHAN; doorkeeper of the Robin Hood Society ; d. 1778 ? 1. H. L., fuU face, in hat; circular frame. Pub W Howard & M. Darly 1775. (G. S. 20.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. POULETT, JOHN POULETT, 1st Baron ; royalist com mander; 1586-1649. 1. H. L., to r., in high-crowned hat. PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet ; pub. B. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 6} X 65 in. Painter Engbaver W. West M. Dahl T. Gibson T. Hudson W. West G. Vertue S. W. Reynolds jun. A. Payne N. Branwhite P. Grant S. Laurence Patten T. Dodd S. W. Reynolds jun. Mrs. D. Turner W. Ridley J. Burnet L. Dickinson W. HoU B. Clowes E. Harding Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 505 Subject POULETT, JOHN POULETT, 5th Barl ; 1783-1864. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. From a crayon drawing. Lith. POULETT, CHARLOTTE FANNY (PORTMAN), Countess ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1877. 1. H. L., seated, r. profile ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a crayon drawing. Lith.POULTER, JAMES PORD ; methodist minister. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple. POVAH, RICHARD, LL.D.; rector of St. James's, Duke's Place, London ; d. 1842. 1. H. L., to L, seated in armchair, in gown and bands ; vignette. Stipple.POVEY, (Miss); actress; m. Edward Knight, a musician ; b. 1804. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1821. Stipple. 2. As Julia Maunering; H. L., to r., seated; rect. frame with ornaments. Pub. G. Virtue 1825. Stipple.8. As Jessica ; H. L., looking to 1. PL to Oxberry's New English Drama ; pub. Simpkin & Marshall 1820, Stipple ; 45. X 3} in, POWEL, [alias MORGAN], PHILIP ; Benedictine mis sionary in England ; executed for treason ; 1595-1646. 1. Bust, to L, in private dress, cord round neck and knife in breast. Line ; 35 x 3 in. 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Line ; 35 X 3 in. POWELL, FOSTER ; pedestrian ; 1734-1793. 1. W. L., nearly in profile to r., walking ; 1786. Etching ; 105 X 6} in. Proof with artist's name only. 2. W. L., walking to L, hand in pocket ; vignette. Line. POWELL, FREDERICK YORK, M.A.; professor of modern history at Oxford ; 1850-1904. 1. H. L., seated, looking do'wnwards, to r. ; vignette. Lith. POWELL, HARRIET. See Seaporth, Harriet, Countess of. POWELL, JACOB ; fat man ; of Stebbing, Essex ; 1717- 1754. 1. W. L., full face, standing, holding hat and wig in r. hand and wiping forehead with 1. (C S. 63 a.) Mezz. ; 13 X 9| in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last. J. J. Haid exc. Augsburg. Mezz. ; 14} X 115 in. Two impressions. Painter R. J. L(ane) R. J. L(ane) P. Mezer R. Drummond J. Kennerley T. C. Wageman (S. Harding) W. Rothenstein Ogborne Engraver R. J. L(ane) R. J. L(ane) J. Cochran H. HaU T. Woolnoth J. Rogers T. Woolnoth Anon. SS S. Harding Anon.W. Rothenstein J. Jones (J. J. Haid) 506 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver POWELL, ^AGO'B— continued. 3, Another copy, reversed. J. J. Haid exc. Augsburg. Mezz. ; 15} X 11} in. 4. Another copy, reversed. Pub. J. Swan. Etching ; 12} X 9} in. 5. Another reversed copy. PI. to Universal Mag. ; pub. J. Hinton. (J. J. Haid) Spooner A. Walker in broadside entitled ' The Line ; 65 x 3} in. 6. Another reversed copy ; Sufiolk Wonder,' etc. Coarse woodcut ; 8} x 8 in. POWELL, JOHN; feUow of Merton CoUege, Oxford; rector of Lapworth, Warwickshire ; b. 1610. 1. H. L., to r., in gown ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Unfinished contemporary plate. Line ; 8} X 65 in. POWELL, Sir JOHN ; judge ; 1645-1713. 1. Bust, to L, in robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Pub. J. King. Line ; 13} x 10} in. POWELL, JOHN ; actor. 1. H. L., to r. ; octagon. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1811. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. POWELL, JOHN ALLAN ; soUcitor. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. One of set of plates of persons present at trial of Queen Caroline. Pub. T. Kelly 1820. Stipple. 2. H. L., fuU face. Line ; 4| x 3} in. Proof with artists' names only. POWELL, JOHN CLARK. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair ; portfolio to r. ilezz ; 125 X 10 in. POWELL, Sie JOHN KYNASTON; M.P. for Shrop shire ; d. 1822. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, 1. arm on large book in which his fingers are inserted ; arms below. Private plate. Line ; 13} X 11 in. POWELL, ROBERT ; fire-eater ; 18th cent. 1. W. L., to r., standing at a table, holding torch ; 1790. Etching ; 7 X 45 in. 2. Reversed copy from the last, H. L. only. Line ; 3} X 2} in. POWELL, THOMAS, (of Hertford) ; b. 1656. 1. Aged 20; H. L., to r., in gown and bands; oval frame. Pront. to his Salve for Soul Sores. Line ; 6} X 3} in. POWELL, WILLIAM ; actor ; 1735-1769, 1, Speaking prologue to the anniversary of His Majesty's birthday; W, L,, standing, looking tol, ; without back ground. P-ab. Fielding & Walker 1780. Line. Anon. G. Ralph A. WiveU T. Phillips (MuUer) D. Dodd W. Sherwin S. Freeman T. Wright SS J. Bromley (J. Stow) P.M.Anon. J. Drapentier T. Cook Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 507 Subject 2. H.,L., looking to L; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. J. Goldar 1769. (G. S. 29.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 3. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r., holding open vol. inscribed ' OtheUo ' ; portrait of Garrick and bust of Shakspeare on wall behind. Pub. S. Okey jun. (C S. 8.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 iu. Two impressions, 4, As Cyrus; W. L,, standing, r. profile; without back ground. Line and stipple, 5. H. L,, to r, ; oval frame on pedestal, with ornaments, ' Drawn from Life,' Line ; 6| x 4} in, 6. As Gyrus ; smaU W, L,, L profile, holding spear ; with out background. Pub. R. Sayer & J. Smith 1769. Line. 7. As Cymbeline; smaU W. L., standing; without back ground. Pub. R. Sayer & J. Smith. Line. 8. As Lovewell in Colman's Clandestine Marriage ; small W. L., standing; without background. Pub. R. Sayer & J. Smith 1769. Line. \\ 9. With John Lee, as Oroonoko and Aboau iu Southerne's Oroonoko. PL to Universal Museum. Line ; 8} X 6 in. See Bensley, Robert. POWELL, (Col.), WILLIAM EDWARD, (of Nant-Bos) ; M.P. for Cardiganshire ; 1788-1854. 1. W. L., standing, nearly full face, in militia uniform, plumed hat in 1. hand. Pub. W. Ward 1838. Mezz. ; 23} x 16 in. Two impressions. POWELL, (Mb.) ; print collector ; 18th cent. See Gboups (Print Sales). POWELL, (Mbs.) ; actress ; previously Mrs. Farmer and afterwards Mrs. Reneaud ; 1761-1831. 1. As Mary Queen of Scots in Banks's Albion Queens; W. L., to L, kneeling in prayer ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791, Line ; 4} x 3 in, 2. As Boadicea in Glover's Boadicea; W. L,, to r., descending steps ; oval in rect, PL to same work, 1791. Line ; 4} X 3 in. Proof before any inscription. 3. As Matilda in Tobiu's The Curfew ; H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to GiUiland's Dramatic Mirror; pub. 0. Chappie 1807. Stipple ; 3} y 25 in. 4. Bust, looking to r. ; reot. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor & Hood 1804. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 5. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Parsons's Minor Theatre, 1794. Stipple ; 2J- X 2} in. See Pope, Alexander, actor. Painteb T. Lawrenson R. Pyle H. PickersgiU S. De Wilde Sharpe Engraver J. Dixon S. Okey jun. MiUer Anon. W. J. Ward W. Leney ThomthwaiteT. Cheesman W. Ridley 508 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POWER, ELLEN ; niece of Lady Blessington, 1, H, L,, nearly in profile to L, in evening dress, holding dove. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1842. Stipple ; 65 X 6 in. 2. H. L., to L, reclining on couch, holding letter, spaniels about her ; with title ' The Lady and Spaniels.' Pub. T. McLean 1842. Mixed ; 16} X 195 in- One etching ; one proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 3. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, in evening dress, holding fan and letter; with title 'My Wife.' Prom a sketch. Pub. P. G. Moon 1851. Stipple ; 11} X 9} in. Proof before title. POWER, MARGUERITE A. ; sister of the preceding ; author ; d. unmarried ; 1815 ?-1867. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to r., in evening dress, hand on sofa cushion. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1842. Stipple ; 6} X 45 in. 2. H. L. to 1. ; vignette. From a drawing. Pub. Tilt & Bogue 1842. Stipple.POWER, RICHARD, (of KiUienny). 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to L, book in r. hand ; vignette. Stipple.tProof before any inscription. POWER, TYRONE ; Irish actor ; lost in the steamship President; 1797-1841. 1. As Connor O'Gorman in Mrs. Carter Hall's The Groves of Blarney ; W. L., seated in a cottage with two other characters. Pub. T. McLean 1845. Mixed ; 16} X 20} in. 2. H. L., 1. profile; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. 3. H. L., to r., holding eyeglass ; with facsimile of auto graph. Pub. C Simpson 1833. (Whitman 478.) Mezz. ; 105 X 8} in. 4. As Corporal O'Connor in the opera Broken Promises; W. Jj., full face, standing, in uniform, holding cane. Pub. Gooding & CuUiford 1826. Lith. ; 12} X 8} in. 5. Bust, nearly full face, in private dress ; vignette. Lith. Proof before any inscription. POWERSCOURT, RICHARD WINGPIELD, 6th Viscount; 1815-1844. 1. H. L., r. profile ; vignette. From a drawing. Lith.POWERSCOURT, ELIZABETH (Jocelyn), Vis countess ; w. of the preceding. See Londondbery. POWERSCOURT, JULIA (Coke), Viscountess; w. of Mervyn Wingfield, 7th Viscount; d. of 2nd Earl of Leicester. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, resting hands on table; oval. No. 16 of set Ladies of the Court of Queen Victoria. Stipple ; 13} X 12 in. Painter E. Landseer "W. Drummond N. J. Crowley A. D'Orsay J. Simpson T. Wageman Engraver H. Robinson T. Landseer H. T. Ryall W. H. Egleton A. D'Orsay (L. Dickinson) C. G. Lewis A. D'Orsay C. Turner L. Haghe A. D'Orsay Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 509 Subject POWIS, EDWARD CLIVE-HERBBRT, 1st Earl of; s. of Robert, Lord CUve ; governor of Madras ; 1754-1839. 1. When a boy ; W. L., to r., standing, hat in hand. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 5 X 4 in. POWIS, HENRIETTA ANTONIA (Herbert), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of Henry Herbert, 1st Earl of Powis; 1758-1830, 1, When Lady H, Herbert ; T, Q. L,, to L, standing, drawing on glove, scarf over shoulders ; without title. Prom picture belonging to Barl of Powis. Pub. V. Green 1779. (C S. 64, Whitman 71.) Mezz. ; 16} X 1'' in. One proof with scratched inscription ; three lettered impressions. POWIS, EDWARD HERBERT, 2nd Earl of, K.G.; tory politician ; 1785-1848. 1. Nearly W. L., to i,. seated by table, holding letter. Pub. Cohiaghi 1848. Mezz. ; 16} x 12} in. 2. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple.POWIS, ELIZABETH. See Sydney, EUzabeth (Powys), Viscountess. POWLE, HENRY ; speaker of the House of Commons and master of the rolls ; 1630-1692. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, lace cravat and mantle ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 145 X 10} in. POWLES, JOHN DISTON; administrative reformer and company promoter. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; without inscriptiou. (G. S. 69 a, Frankau 225.) Mezz. ; 9} X 8 in. POWLETT, LADY CATHERINE. See Darlington, Catherine, Countess of. POWNALL, HENRY; chairman of the Middlesex sessions. 1. W. L., to L, standing by table on which he rests a scroll, with badge suspended on breast ; arms below. Mezz. ; 21} X 13} in. Proof before title. POWNALL, JANE, (born Majendie) ; w. of Captain Philemon P., R.N. 1. As Hebe; W. L., to L, standing on cloud, holding up vase. Prom picture now belonging to Lord Aldenbam. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction ; 6} X 3} in. POWNALL, PHILEMON; captain R.N. ; killed in action off Ostend 1780. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., leaning on large anchor. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mixed ; 7} X 4| in. POWYS, (Mrs.); w. of Thomas Jelf P., of Berwick House, Salop ; d. 1832. 1. W. L., to r., standing, arm round her little daughter who stands on a stone. PI. to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Reproduction ; 6} X 3| in. Painter Gainsborough J. Reynolds P. Grant J. Slater G. Kneller J. Jackson E. U. Eddis Engraver R. B. Parkes V. Green H. Cousins P. C. Le'wis G. Vertue W. Ward P. Joubert J. Reynolds J. Reynolds J. Reynolds (E. Hunt) 510 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject POYNDER, THOMAS, jun. ; treasurer of Christ's Hospital. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to L, letter in 1. hand ; view of the school in background. Pub. W. Cribb 1837. Mezz. ; 14} X 11} in. POYNTER, Sib EDWARD JOHN, P.R.A.; painter; director of the National GaUery ; b. 1836. 1. Bust, to r. ; without inscription. PL to The Portfolio, 1811. (Malassis 42.) Etching ; 8} X 6} in. 2. Bust, looking to 1. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1894. Woodcut.POYNTER, WILLIAM ; Roman cathoUc bishop ; 1762-1827. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, holding prayer-book ; rect. frame. Pub. Colnaghi 1818. Stipple. POYNTZ, JOHN, (of Wokendon, Essex) ; d. 1558. 1. Bust, looking upwards to r., in cap ; from drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. 2. Same drawing. Photograph.3. Same drawing. Carbon photograph. 4. Same drawing. ileproduction.POYNTZ, Sib NICHOLAS, (of Iron Acton, Gloucester shire) ; d. 1557. 1. Bust, to r., bareheaded ; from drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 45 in. 2. Same drawing. Photograph. 3. Same drawing. Carbon photograph. 4. Same drawing. Ileproduction. POYNTZ, Sir NICHOLAS, jun. (of Iron Acton).. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in cap with feather; from drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 7} X 45 in. 2. Same drawing. Photograph.3. Same drawing. Carbon photograph. 4. Same drawing. Reproduction.POYNTZ, (Right Hon.) STEPHEN; governor to H.R.H. William, Duke of Cumberland ; 1685-1750. 1. H. L., to r., in frogged coat; oval in rect. (C. S. 296.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. One proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions. Pub. Braun of Dornach. Pub. Hanfstaengl. Pub. Braun of Dornach. Pub. Hanfstaengl. Pub. Braun of Dornach. Pub. Hanfstaengl. PaIN'TBR Engbaveb M. A. Shee A. Legros J. Ramsay H. Holbein H. Cousins A. Legros Anon. H. Meyer R. Cooper H. Holbein H. Holbein J. Pay ram R. Cooper H. Meyer J. Paber jun. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 511 Subject parliamentary commander ; oval. PL to Vicars's perjurer ; accomplice of Gates and POYNTZ, SYDENHAM died in Virginia. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r England's Worthies, 1647. Line ; 2} X 1} in. 2. Bust, to L, iu armour. Copy from plate in Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. Line ; 3} X 25 in. « PRAED, WILLIAM, M.P. ; banker ; 1750-1833. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to L, spectacles in 1. hand, r. laid on portfolio. Pub. C Turner 1816. (Whitman 480) . Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH, M.P. ; poet and poUtioian ; 1802-1839. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimUe of auto graph. Athenseum Portraits No. 47 ; pub. T. McLean. Lith. 2. Same picture ; vignette. Lith. PRANCE, MILES Bedloe ; fl. 1680. 1. H. L., to r., iu wig, lace cravat and cloak; oval frame ou pedestal. Line ; 9} x 6 in. PRATT, Sib CHARLES. See Camden. PRATT, EDWARD ROGER, (of Ryston HaU, Norfolk) ; 1756-1838. 1. H. L., nearly full face, looking to r., holding snufi-box; vignette. Lith. PRATT, GEORGE ; town crier of Edinburgh ; fi. 1780. 1. H. L., r. profile, in hat, holding bell. Without any inscription. Etching; 2} x 25 in. 2. H. L., r. profile, standing with another person. With out any inscription. Etching ; 3} X 4 in. See Gboups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PRATT, JOHN TIDD ; registrar of friendly societies ; 1797-1870. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Lith. PRATT, JOSEPH BISHOP ; engraver ; 1854-1910. 1. H. L., to r., plucking a rose. From photograph. Process block. PRATT, JOSIAH, B.D. ; vicar of St. Stephen's, Coleman street, and secretary of the Church Missionary Society 1768-1844. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., iu gown and bands; vignette. Lith. 2. H. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, in gown and bands. Pub. Dobbs & Co. 1826, (Whitman 241,) Mezz : 11} X 8} iu. One proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. Painteb W. O'wen A. Mayer R. White R. Reinagle (J. Kay) C. Baugniet E. U. Eddis H. Wyatt Engraver Anon. C. Turner W. D(rum- mond) M. Gauci R. White R. Reinagle (J. Kay) C. Baugniet H. Turner S. W. Reynolds 512 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PRATT, SAMUEL JACKSON; poet and novelist; 1749- 1814. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval, PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub, Vernor & Hood 1803, Stipple ; 3} X 2} in, 2, H, L,, to r,, seated, 1. arm on table. Pub, R. Phillips 1805, Stipple ; 45 X 4 in. 3. H. L., looking to r. ; rect. frame. Pub. C. Turner 1802. (Whitman 481.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. 4. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette, on plate with another of J. Ward, R.A. ; book illustration. Pub. J. Cundee 1807. Stipple. PRATTMAN, W. P. ; dissenting minister at Barnard Castle. 1. H. L., 1. profile. PL to Evangelical Mag.; pub. P. Westley 1820. Stipple ; 3} X 2| in. PRENDERGAST, LOUISA LENOX; d. of Guy Lenox P., M.P. 1. H. L., to 1. From a drawing. PL to Bogue's Court Album. Stipple ; 9} X 7} in. Proof before any inscription. PRENDERGAST, MICHAEL, LL.B. 1. T. Q. L., nearly fuU face, in gown. Private plate. Mezz. ; 7} X 6} in. PRENTICE, RIDLEY ; musician ; 1842-1895. 1. H. L., to 1. ; from photograph. Process block. PREST, CHARLES ; methodist minister ; 1806-1875. 1. H. L., looking to 1. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. PRESTEL, MARIA CATHERINE, (born HoU) ; w. of Johann A. P. ; engraver ; 1747-1794. 1. A head, 1. profile ; from a sketch. Lith. ; 7 X 6 in. PRESTON, JOHN, D.D. ; master of Emmanuel CoUege, Cambridge; 1587-1628. 1. H. Jj., to L, in ruff and gown ; smaU oval in title to his Doctrine of the Saints' Infirmities, 1637. Line. 2. H. L., to 1., in ruff and gown; oval in rect. frame; eight lines below. Pront. to his New Covenant, 1629. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 3. H. L., to r., in ruff and gown. Line ; 3 X 2} in. PRESTON, Sir ROBERT, bart. ; M.P. for Dover ; elder brother of the Trinity House ; 1740-1834. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, directed and looking to 1. ; large globe behind. (C S. 63.) Mezz. ; 16} X 14 in. Proof before inscription Painter (T. Beach) T. Lawrence J. Masquerier J. Hayter H. E. Dawe W. Gush J. G. Prestel Engraver G. Dupont W. Ridley C. Watson C. Turner Anon. S. Preeman J. Bro'wn H. E. Dawe J. Cochran P. C. Vogel W. MarshaU Anon. W. Dickinson Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 513 Subject PRESTON, THOMAS ; town major of Gibraltar ; artist ; d. 1759 ? 1. Bust, looking over shoulder to L, in cap. Without title. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. PRESTON, THOMAS; conspirator; tried for treason 1817. 1. H. L., r. profile; vignette. Pub. W. Lewis 1817. Stipple. See Groups (Spa Fields rioters). PRESTON, WILLIAM, D.D. ; bishop of Perns; d. 1789. 1. H. L., to L, in wig and rochet ; oval frame. (C S. 64.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10} in. PRESTON, WILLIAM ; writer on freemasonry ; 1742- 1818. 1. H. L., looking to L, wearing masonic badge. Pub. Chapman & Co. 1794. Line ; 11} X 9} in. 2. Bust, looking to r., wearing badge. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1811. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. PRESTON-GRANGE, Loed. See Grant, William. PRETTYMAN, ROBERT, (of Wingfield Castle, Suffolk). 1. H. L„ slightly to r., in wig ; oval. Pub. R. Cribb 1789. Stipple ; 25 X 2 in. PRETYMAN. See Tomline. PREVOST, Sir GEORGE, bart. ; general ; governor- general of Canada ; 1767-1816. 1. W. L., on horseback, r. profile, in uniform, holding a document. Pub. T. Falser. Coloured. Etching.PRICE, Lady CAROLINE, (born Carpenter) ; w. of Sir Uvedale P., of Poxley, bart. ; d. of 1st Earl of 'Tyrconnel ; 1755-1826. 1. H. L., to L, with powdered hair, kerchief round neck. Pub. J. Jones 1788. (0. S. 64.) Mezz, ; 13} X 10} in. Two proofs before title ; one fully lettered impression, PRICE, CHARLES ; swindler ; committed suicide 1786. 1. H. L., r. profile, in hat ; oval. Pub. J. Ridgway. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 2. ' In the character of a gentleman'; bust, to r. face in profile, in hat ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 3. Similar to the last, reversed ; rect. ; with title ' Price the Swindler.' Pront. to an Account of him, 1786. Line ; 2} X 2} in. 4. 'In his usual dress' and 'in disguise'; two W. L., figures. Pront. to an Account of him ; pub. G. Kearsley 1786. Etching. VOL. III. Painter J. Stuart S. Drummond J. Reynolds Record Engbaver (T. Preston) Anon. W. Dickinson J. Thomson W. Ridley Anon. Anon. J. Jones Anon. 2 L, 514 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PRICE, Sib CHARLES, bart., M.P. ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1803 ; 1748- 1818. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, in aldermanio gown and chain. Pub. G. Turner 1819. (Whitman 482.) Mezz. ; 14} X 11} in. 2. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; smaU vignette. Line, PRICE, CHARLOTTE, (born Carteret-Hardy); w, of Ralph P,, of Sydenham, See Lysons, Sarah. PRICE, HUGH, D.D. ; prebendary of Rochester ; founder of Jesus College, Oxford ; 1495 ?-1574. 1. H. L., to r., in cap and gown; in architectural frame with emblems. Prom picture at Jesus College. Line ; 14 X 8} in. PRICE, JOHN ; scholar ; professor of Greek at Pisa ; 1600-1676 ? 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated, reading a book, hat on lap ; motto above : — ' In silentio et in spe,' etc. ; without title. (Parthey 1534.) Etching ; 6} X 4} in. 2. H. L.,to L, in cloak. Pront to his ed. of the Metamor phoses of ApiUeius, 1650. Line ; 5} X 4} in. 3. T. Q. L., to r., in cloak; Greek motto above; 1644. (Parthey 1485.) Etching-; 6} X 3} in. PRICE, JOHN, B.D., P.S.A. ; Bodley's librarian ; 1734- 1813. 1. Bust, 1-. profile, in cap, gown and spectacles. Prom a drawing. Pub. W. Smith 1814. Line ; 3} X 3} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. PL to Nichols's Literary Illustrations, 1818. Line ; 3J X 3} in. 3. H. L., r. profile, in cap, gown and spectacles ; books on shelves in background. Line ; 4} X 35 in. Proof before inscription. PRICE, RICHARD, D.D., P.R.S. ; nonconformist minister and political writer ; 1723-1791. 1. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to L, m wig, holding document and spectacles. Prom picture belonging to the Royal Society. Pub. T. HoUoway 1793. Line ; 12} x 9} in. PRICE, ROBERT ; judge ; 1655-1733. 1. When baron of the exchequer; H. L.. directed and looking to r., in robes ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms Pub. G. Vertue. Line ; 13} X 10} in. 2. Copy from the last ; oval in emblematical print of the Law Tree. Pub. P. Overton and J. King. Line ; 14} X 9} in. Painter R. Carruthers T. Stothard 'H. Holbein' J. Danckert L. de Jong H. H. Baber B. West G. KneUer Engraver C. Turner J. G. Walker G. Vertue W. HoUar B. de Persyn W. Hollar J. C. Bromley J. Swaine T. HoUoway G. Vertue Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 515 Subject PRICE, ROBERT, (of Poxley, co. Hereford) ; father of Sir Uvedale P., bart ; d, 1761. 1. Bust, to r., oval in rect. frame ; a book illustration. Pub. J. Nichols 1810, Line ; 4} X 4 in, * PRICE, Sir ROBERT, bart,, (of Poxley) ; 1786-1857, 1, Bust, to 1. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Lith. PRICE, SARAH. See Gascoynb. PRICE, STEPHEN. 1. T.Q.L., tol., seated in arm-ohair. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. (Whitman 242.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. PRICE, THEODORE. 1. W. L.,tol., standing, leaning on a mantelpiece, letter in r. hand. Pub. G. Turner 1829. (Whitman 483.) Mezz. ; 23J X 16} in. Four impressions. PRICE, THOMAS ; master of the Farthing Pie House in Marylebone Lane. 1. H. L., to r., resting 1. arm on open music-book ; oval in rect. Pub. J. Jones 1783. (C S. 65.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. Two proofs before any inscriptiou ; three lettered impressions. PRICE, (Miss) ; maid-of-honour to Queen Catherine of Braganza. 1. H. L., nearly full face; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. BeU 1819. Stipple ; 4+ X 4 in. PRICE, (Lady). 1. Nearly W. L., seated, face to r., plucking flower from orange tree. (C. S. 30.) Mezz. ; 12i X 9} in. Three impressions. PRIDDEN, SARAH, (alias SaUy Salisbury) ; courtesan ; died in Newgate ; 1690-1724. 1. T, Q. L., standing, nearly full face, flowers in r. hand; with title 'The Celebrated Mrs. Sally Salisbury.' (C S. 223.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Three impressions. 2. Similar to the preceding, reversed, H. L. only, hands not shown; oval; with title 'Mrs. SaUy Salisbury.' (C, S, 224,) Mezz, ; 7} X 6} in, 3, Copy from the last ; rect, PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819, Line ; 4} x 3} in, 4. Another copy ; oval, with four German lines below. Line ; 35 X 25 in, 5, H. L., nearly full face, resting arms on ledge and holding lace fan before face ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching, Painter J. Zoffany J. Slater S. W. Reynolds jun. J. Masquerier W. Lawranson P. Lely P. Lely (G. KneUer) Engraver J. Basire R. J. Lane S.W. Reynolds sen. C. Turner J. Jones R Cooper A. Browne exc. (John Smith) R. Grave Anon. 99 2 L 2 516 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject rect.; 1772. octagonal frame on pedestal. oval in rect. frame. PRIDE ; builder, who fell from the top of the Pantheon in Oxford Street and was not injured. 1. W. L., standing, full face, in hat ; with title ' The Pride of aU his Friends.' Pub. R. Dighton 1796. Coloured. Etching ; 85 X 8} in. PRIDEAUX, HUMPHREY, D.D. ; dean of Norwich; orientaUst ; 1648-1724. 1. H. L., to r., in ¦wig, gown and bands, r. hand holding book on table ; octagonal frame on pedestal which stands in a niche. Pront to his Old d New Testaments connected, 1716. Line ; 11} X 6} in. 2. Same picture, to r. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 3. Same picture, to r. Line ; 9 X 6 in. Proof before inscription. 4. Same picture, to r. Line ; 6 X 3 in. Proof before inscription. 5. Same picture, to 1. Without any inscription. (C S, 84a.) Mezz. ; 6t X 4} in. 6. Same picture, bust only, to r. Pub. W. Richardson 1812. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 7. Same picture, bust only, to r. Pub. 1813. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. See Groups. (Poets and philosophers of England.) PRIDEAUX, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Worcester ; 1578- 1650. 1. Bust, to r., in cap and rochet ; oval frame. Pront. to his Doctrine of practical Praying, 1655. (Pagan p. 55.) Line ; 35 X 2} in. 2. Copy from the last, with Welsh inscription. Line ; 3} X 2} in. PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH, LL.D., P.R.S. ; theologian and natural philosopher ; 1733-1804. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to r., legs crossed, 1. arm on table, on which are books. Pub. R. Taylor 1836. (Whitman 484.) Mezz, ; 11} X 85 in. One proof before any inscription ; one before title, 2, Bust, to r,, in wig; oval. Pub, J. Hazlitt 1789. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in, 3. H. L., to r., hand in coat. Prom picture at Manchester CoUege. Illust. to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford, 1906. Process block. 4. H. L., looking to 1. From picture at Manchester College. Ulust. to same work. Process block. 5. H. L., to 1., face in profile; oval. French book illus tration. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Painter R. Dighton B. Seeman jun. H. Puseli J. Hazlitt J. MiUar J. Opie A. Tardieu Engraver R. Dighton G. Vertue J. Clark J. Polkema Anon. (W. Paithorne) W. Vaughan C. Turner 'W. Nutter A. Tardieu Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 517 Subject 6. Bust, 1. profile ; circular medallion with emblematical figures designed by Stothard. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1791. Line ; 5 X 2} in. 7. H. L., 1. profile ; rect. Pub. D. Eaton. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 8. Bust, 1. profile, in wig; oval frame with electrical appliances below ; magazine plate. Line ; 6 X 35 in. Clipped impression. 9. Aged 30; H. L., to r., standing, book in right hand. From a painting. Photograph.. 10. Modern statue in the Oxford Museum. Pliotograph. PRIESTLEY, TIMOTHY; independent minister; b- of the preceding ; 1734-1814. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. Pub. A. Hogg 1792. (C. S. 2, II.) Mezz. ; 115 X 85 in. PRIESTLEY, Sib WILLIAM OVEREND, M.D. ; obstetric physician ; 1829-1900. 1. H. L., to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Photogravure ; 65 X 5} in. PRINCE, JOHN, B.A. ; chaplain of the Magdalen hospital and vicar of Enford, Wilts ; 1753-1833. 1. H. L., in pulpit, to r., in wig, gown, bands and spectacles ; sermon open before him ; reot. frame. Pub. W. Skelton 1817. Line ; 14 X 115 *"• 2. Same picture, bust only ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. PRINGLE, Sir JOHN, bart., M.D., P.R.S.; physician; 1707-1782. 1. H. L., to L, in gown. From engraving, after picture belonging to the Royal Society. ileproduction ; 6} X 4} in. PRINGLE, 181L ' JOHN; sheriff-depute of Edinbuigh; d. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). PRINGLE, THOMAS ; admiral ; d. 1803. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform; oval. Pub, Orme jun, 1797. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, See Groups (Naval Victories),' PRINGLE, Sir WALTER, (Lord Newhall); Scottish judge; 1664?-1736, 1, H, L,, to r,, in robes ; oval in architectural frame. Line ; 145 X 95 in. PRINSEP, JAMES, P.R.S.; orientaUst; 1799-1840. 1. W. L., r. profile, seated in arm-chair by table ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. Painter E. B. Stephens (T. Holloway) R. Lehmann W. Beechey J. Reynolds Stuart A. Allan Engraver W. Bromley Anon. {T. Holloway) W. Skelton Anon. W. H. Mote C. G. Orme jun. E. Cooper C. G. 518 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PRINSEP, VALENTINE CAMERON, R.A. ; painter; 1838-1904. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1879. Woodcut. PRIOR, EDWARD SCHRODER ; living architect. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; without title ; 1907. Lith. ; 105 X 8} in. PRIOR, Sir JAMES, P.S.A. ; naval surgeon and author ; 1790 ?-1869. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. One of set of Athenseum Portraits ; pub. T. McLean 1835. Lith.2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing, Lith. PRIOR, MATTHEW ; poet and diplomatist : 1664-1721. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in long wig and lace cravat ; oval frame on pedestal. Prom picture at St. John's College, Cambridge. Without artists' names. Line ; 14 x 95 in. One proof before inscription ; one with title. 2. Marble bust, in circular frame, in centre of his monu ment in Westminster Abbey. PL to Dart's West- Imonasterium], 1742. Line ; 12 x 7} in. 3. Same bust, seen in profile ; oval in reot. with name on tablet. ' J. Roberts del.' PL to BeU's Poets, 1111. Line ; 3} x 2} in. Clipped impression. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, 1. hand on book, with short hair. Prom picture at Stationers' HaU. Pub. J. Paber 1728. (C S, 298,) Mezz, ; 125 x 10 in. Two impressions, 5, Nearly W, L,, seated by table, looking to r,, in cap, holding pen. Prom picture at Welbeck. Line ; 12} x 10} in. 6. Copy from the last ; ' .aUtatis LVIL' Pront. to his MisceUaneous Works, 1740. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 7. Same picture. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. ileproduction ; 9 x 7 in. 8. Same picture, H. L. only, face to 1. ; oval in reot. J. Simon exo. (C S. 127.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. Two impressions. 9. Same picture, account of him. PI. Harrison & Co, 1794, Line ; 15 x 1} in, same plate ; reissue with octagonal frame added, 25 X 2 in, 10, Same picture, bust only, face to 1, ; circular frame on pedestal, PL to Johnson's ed, of British Poets, 1779, etc. Line ; 4} x 2} in. bust _ouly, face to r, ; oval at head of to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Painter W. Strang E. U. Eddis (A. S. Belle) (Coysevox) G. Kneller J. Richardson Engraver Anon. W. Strang W. D(rum- mond) (Miss Turner) Anon. J. Cole C. Grignion J. Paber jun. G. Vertue R. Parr J. Simon P. Audinet J. HaU Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 519 Subject Painter Engraver 11. Same picture, bust only, face to r. ; oval on title to his Poems ; pub. G, Nicholson 1800. Stipple ; 2} X 1} in. 12. Same picture, bust only, face to 1. ; oval frame in reot. Line ; 4} X 4 in. 13. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., hands on open book, niust. to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford, 1906. Process block. 14. H. L., looking to r., in cap, resting book on table. From picture at Welbeck. PL to Murray's Cat. of Pictures at Welbeck Abbey, 1894. ileproduction ; 85 X 6} in, 15. Same picture, bust only ; oval frame on pedestal, with monogram. Front, to his Poems, 1721. Line ; 4} X 2| in. 16. Copy from the last, reversed ; circle. Stipple and line ; 2} in. diam. Proof before inscription. 17. W. L., seated, resting book on table. Book iUustra tion, Line ; 4} X 25 in, See Groups (Poets and philosophers of England), (Worthies of Britain,) PRIOR, THOMAS, (of Dublin) ; friend of Lord Chester field; 1682?-1751, 1. Bust, face in profile, to r, ; circular medallion, PL to Maty's Memoirs of Chesterfield, 1777, Line ; 3} in. diam. PRITCHARD, GEORGE, J.P., D.L., (of Broseley, Salop) ; d. after 1861. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding hunting whip. Mezz. ; 16} X 13 in. Proof with artists' names only. PRITCHARD, GEORGE; missionary and consul at Tahiti; 1796-1883. 1. T. Q. L,, standing, preaching, looking to r., in gown and bands, open bible iu 1. hand ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth. Lith. 2. T. Q. L., seated in armchair, directed and looking to L, in consular uniform, book in r. hand ; coast of Tahiti in background. Printed in colours. Baxter process ; 10} X 9 In. PRITCHARD, HANNAH, (born Vaughan); actress; 1711-1768, 1, T, Q, L,, full face, seated, resting book on knee. Without any inscription, (Goodwin 89, I,) Mezz, ; 125 x 9} in. same plate, reduced; oval frame introduced. (C. S. 146, III, Goodwin 89, IV.) 11 X 85 in. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only ; oval frame. PL to London Mag., 1768. Line J. Richardson H. Rigaud H. P. Briggs C. Baugniet G. Baxter P. Hayman W. Ridley Anon. C. Duflos P. AveUne J. Hall T. Lupton C. Baugniet G. Baxter J. McArdell J. MUler 520 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PRITCHARD, B.A'S'SA-H.-continued. 3. Another copy, H. L. ; vignette in rect. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum, 1814. Stipple ; 35 X 3} in. 4. As Hermione in Winter's Tale ; W. L., standing as a statue. Pub. R. E. Pine 1765. Line ; 175 X 12} in. 5. Same picture, H. L. only; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1807. stipple ; 65 X 35 in. See Gabbick, David. PRITCHARD, JOHN LANGPORD ; actor ; 1799-1850. 1. As Ivanhoe; W. L., standing, brandishing sword. PL to National Dramas; pub. J. L. Huie, etc., Edinburgh, 1824. Line ; 4 x 2} in. 2. In character ; W. L., standing, looking to r., plumed hat in r. hand which he rests on a parapet. Pub. T. Gaugain, Edinburgh, 1824. Stipple ; 16} X 115 in. Proof before title. 3. As Rob Roy ; W. L., standing, looking to r., i. hand on claymore. Pub. H. Paton, Edinburgh, 1836. Line ; 155 X 10} in. PRITCHARD, (Miss) ; actress. 1. As Harriet iu Garrick's The Guardian ; small W. L. figure, standing, 1. profile ; without background. Pub. Harrison & Co. 1779. Line.PRITCHETT, EDWARD ; missionary in India. 1. Bust, to 1. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. P. Williams 1821. Stipple ; 3 X 25 in. PROBY, (Hon.) JOHN JOSHUA. See Cabysport. PROBYN, (Right Hon.) Sir EDMUND ; chief baron of the exchequer ; 1678-1742. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in robes of chief baron, hat in 1. hand. Sold J. Faber. (C S. 299, I.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. Two impressions. PROCTER, BRYAN WALLER, ('BARRY CORN WALL'); author; 1787-1874. 1. Aged 82 ; T. Q. L., seated, nearly full face. Prom a drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Ileproduction. See Groups, (Praserians.) PROCTER. See Bbauchamp-Proctee. PROCTOR, J. ; actor. 1. As JibbenainosayiniVic/co/ii/ie TFootZs; W. L., advancing to L, holding knife ; vignette. Coloured. Lith. Painter P. Hayman R. E. Pine "W. H. Lizars J. Watson W. S. Watson J. Paber jun. R. Lehmann Engraver H. R. Cook P. Aliamet H. R. Cook W. H. Lizars T. Gaugain C. Thomson Terry S. Preeman J. Paber jun. Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 521 Subject Painter Engraver PROGERS, EDWARD ; groom of the bedchamber to Charles II ; 1621-1717. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and cravat. PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Count Grammont ; pub. Harding 1793. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. PROSPER, EUGENIE ; singer. 1. As the Greek Slave ; W. L., to 1., standing, hands clasped ; vignette. Pub. T. McLean 1844. Coloured. Lith. * PROTECTION.' See De Grey, Amabel, Countess. PROTHERO, (Mrs.) See Smith, (Hannah.) PROUT, EBENEZER, Mus.D. ; composer and writer on music ; professor at Dublin ; b. 1835. 1. H. L., to r., in robes. PL to Musical Times, 1910. Process block. 2. H. L., to L, resting arms on album ; from a photograph. PL to same periodical, 1899. Process block. PROUT, SAMUEL ; water-colour painter ; 1783-1852. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Cutting from Art Journal, 1849. ¦Woodcut ; 4} X 4 in. PROVTS, ANNE, (born Pigott.) 1. H. L., to r. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, 19 1911. ' ileproduction ; 6} X 6i in. PRO WTING, WILLIAM ; apothecary; 1715-1794. 1. H. L., to r., seated, taking pinch from snuff-box. (G. S. 21.) Mezz. ; 12} x 11 in. PRUDE, HENRY ; apothecary. 1. W. L., to L, standing, in gown, hat in r. hand ; 1744. (G. S. 300.) Mezz. ; 18| x 14 in. Two impressions. same plate, reduced, with title ' A Citizen of London in his Livery Gown ' ; date altered to 1750. PRUDE, (CoL.) WILLIAM ; kiUed at Maestricht 1632. 1. His monument, with kneeling effigy, in Canterbury cathedral. PL to Dart's Canterbury, 1726. Line ; 12 x 7} in. PRUDOM, (Miss) ; actress. 1. As Arbaces in Arne's opera Artaxerxes ; W. L., standing ; without background. PI. to Bell's British Theatre, 1781. Line ; 55 X 35 in. PRYCE, WILLIAM, M.D., P.S.A.; surgeon and anti quary; 1725?-1790. 1. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval in reot. frame. Front, to his Mineralogia Cornubiensis, 1778. Line ; 10} X 65 in. P. Lely W. Taylor Seheneker W. Taylor E. B. Walker (W. C. Ross) Gainsborough L. Abbott T. Hudson Anon. J. Roberts Clififord C. Townley J. Paber jun. J. Cole Thornthwaite J. Basire 522 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PRYNNE, WILLIAM ; puritan lawyer and pamphleteer ; keeper of records in the Tower ; 1600-1669, 1, Bust, to r, ; oval, with account of his sufferings, (Parthey 1331,) Etching ; 25 x 2} in, 2, Aged 40 ; bust, to 1, ; oval, with arms above ; four lines below : — ' All flesh is grass,' etc. Front, to his Prelates Tyranny, 1641, Line ; 3} X 25 in, 3. Copy from the last, with prison bars added. In broad side entitled ' Christi servus,' &c,, 1653. Line ; 35 X 2} in. 4. Another copy, to r. ; oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 35 X 3 in, 5, Another copy, to r, ; oval frame on pedestal, PL to Ward's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1713. Line ; 6| X 35 in. 6. H. L., to L, in skuU-cap ; oval in rect. Prom a picture. ' S. Woodforde del.' Pub. S. Woodburn. Mezz. ; 4},x 3} in. 7. H. L., to r., glove in r. hand ; oval. P. Stent exc. Liue ; 45 X 35 in. One proof before lines on background and Stent's name ; one finished impression. 'PSYCHE.' See De Grey, Henrietta P., Countess. See Paget, (Hon.) Sophia AskeU. 'PUBLIC OEATOE.' See Crowe, William. PUCKLE, JAMES ; author of The Club ; 1667 ?-1724. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame with arms. Pront. to his Club, 1713. Line ; 4} x 2} in. same plate, reworked and reduced, title re-engraved. Pront. to same work, 1723. 4X2} in. 2. Copy from the last ; vignette. PL to another ed. of same work. Line. PUGHE, WILLIAM OWEN, D.CL., P.S.A. ; Welsh lexicographer ; 1759-1835. 1. T. Q. L., seated, full face, hands between knees. Prom a drawing. Stipple ; 95 X 85 in. Proof before inscription. 2. When William Owen ; H. L., to L, seated, 1. hand supporting book on table ; reot. frame with his name in Welsh characters. Line ; 6 X 4} in. Proof before inscription, PUGIN, AUGUSTUS CHARLES; architectural draughtsman ; 1762-1832, 1. H, L,, nearly full face ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph, PL to Library of the Fine Arts, 1833. Stipple, Painteb J. Closterman E. Jones Engraver (W. Hollar) Anon. W. P. Benoist (E. Kirkall) R. Dunkarton Anon. G. Vertue T. Bragg C. Pieart J. Green E. Scriven Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 523 Subject Painteb Engraver PUGIN, AUGUSTUS WBLBY NORTHMORE; s, of the preceding ; architect ; 1812-1852, 1. H, L,, to L, at a table, holding rule and compasses ; ornamental rect, frame, PL to Metropolitan and Provincial Catholic Almanac, 1853 ; pub, C Dolman, Lith. ; 6} X 35 in. PULLEN, JOSIAH, M.A.; vioe-principal of Magdalen HaU, Oxford ; 1631-1714. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval. (0. S. 85.) Mezz. ; 6f X 4} in. PULLEN, (Master) ; juvenile actor. See Yates, Mary Ann. PULLER, Sir CHRISTOPHER ; chief justice of Bengal ; 1774-1824. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, in private dress ; vignette. Stipple.PULTENEY, RICHARD, M.D., P.R.S. ; physician and botanist; 1730-1801. 1. H. L., looking to 1., in cap ; oval. Prom picture belonging to Linnean Society. PL to Nichols's Hist, of Leicestershire, 1804. Line ; 65 X 45 in. same plate, ¦with inscription re-engraved ; as used for Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, 1814. 2. H. L., seated looking to L, holding open book. PL to his General Vie-w of the Writings of Linnceus ; pub. J. Mawmau 1805. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. same plate, with line of publication removed. PULTENEY, (Right Hon.) WILLIAM, M.P. See Bath. PURBECK, JOHN VILLIERS, Viscount ; d. 1657. See Groups (Buckingham family.) PURCELL, HENRY ; musical composer ; 1658 ?-1695. 1. Aged 37; H. L., looking tor. ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. Pront. to his Orpheus Britannicus, 1698. Line ; 9 X 6} in. 2. Same picture. PL to Musical Times, 1906. Process block. 3. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by harpsichord, showing a medallion. Prom picture belonging to the Burney family. PL to Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, 1896. Photogravure ; 4 x 3} in. 4. H. L., to r., holding up roll of music. From picture belonging to Royal Society of Musicians. Mezz, ; 13 X 10 in, 5, Same picture. PL to Musical Times, 1905. Process block. 6. Same picture. Gutting from same periodical. ^Woodcut. J. R. Herbert J. H. Lynch Anon. J. Slater T. Beach P. C. Lewis J. Basire P. Roberts J. Closterman R. Wliite G. Zobel R. Taylor & Co. 524 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject -continued. Prom picture now in possession Pront. to Novello's ed. of his Cutting from Musical Times. oval frame on pedestal. Front. oval with another of P. Geminiani. PURCELL, HENRY- 7. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. of Mr. A. Littleton. Sacred Music. Liue.8. Same picture ; oval. Woodcut.9, Same picture ; reot. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. Proof before any inscription. 10. Aged 24; H. L.,tor, to his Sonatas, 1683, Line ; 9 X 6} in, 11. Copy from the last Book illustration. Line ; 6} x 3} in. 12. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. From picture formerly at Dulwich CoUege. PL to Harding's Bio- graphical Mirrour, 1794. Stipple ; 65 X 45 in. 13. Copy from the last, reversed ; vignette in rect. frame. Pub. W. Pinnock 1823. Line ; 85 X 6} in. PURCHAS, SAMUEL, B.D. ; rector of St. Martin's, Ludgato ; editor of Hakluyt's Voyages ; 1575 ?-1626. 1. Aged 48 ; bust, to r., in gown and ruff, r. hand on book. In facsimile copy of the scarce title-page to his Hakluytus Posthumus, 1625. Line.2. Another copy ; rect. at head of a memoir of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk <& Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X If in. 3. Another copy ; oval ; contemporary. Line ; 8} X 2 in. PURDIE, TOM; Sir Walter Scott's shepherd and henchman. 1. W. L., seated, looking to r., holding gun. Prom picture at Abbotsford. PL to Caw's Scott GalUry, 1903. Photogravure ; 4} X 3} in. PURDY, THOMAS ; dissenting minister at Sandgate. 1. Bust, to r. Pub. Purday & Son, Sandgate. Lith. ; 6} X 4 in. PURKIS, J., jun. ; musician who, h.iving been born blind, obtained his sight at the age of thirty ; b, 1781. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, seated, resting arm on harp. Pub. E. Orme 1811. Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. PURVES, ELLEN HOME; afterwards Mrs. Henry Arkwright. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in arm-ohair, looking to L, holding book. PL to Heath's Book of Beauty, 1839. Stipple ; 6} X 45 in. PURVES, (CoL.) J. HOME ; comptroller of the household to H.R.H. the Duohess of Cambridge. 1. H. L., 1. profile; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU 1841. Lith. Painter ' G. KneUer ' E. Landseer J. Vaughan J. Bostock A. D'Orsay Engraver W. Humphrys R. Taylor & Co. (R. White) Anon. W. N. Gardiner Anon.J. S'waine H. R. Cook Anon. L. Haghe W. Say G. Stodart A. D'Orsay Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 525 Subject PUSEY, EDWARD BOUVBRIE, D.D. ; professor of Hebrew at Oxford and canon of Christ Church ; leader of the ' Oxford Movement ' ; 1800-1882. 1. H. L., r. profile, in cap and gown ; vignette. No. 1 of set of ' Oxford Theologians.' Etching. PUSEY, PHILIP, M.P. ; b. of the preceding ; agricul turist ; 1799-1855. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. One of ' GrUlion's Club ' series. Stipple. PYBUS, CHARLES SMALL ; M.P. for Dover ; d. 1810. 1. H. L., to r. ; arms below; 1798. Stipple ; 8} X 7 in. PYE, HENRY JAMBS ; poet laureate ; 1745-1813. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. Pub. 1801. Mezz. ; 13 x 10} in. 2. H. L., directed and looking tor. ; oval. VI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1796. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. PYE, JOHN ; landscape engraver ; 1782-1874. 1. A head, 1. profile ; with another of Charles Warren. PL to his Patronage of British Art, 1845. Etching.2. Bust, to 1. ; from photograph. Gutting from Illust. London News, 1874. 'Woodcut,PYM, JOHN ; M,P. for Tavistock ; parUamentary leader ; 1584-1643, 1. H, L,, to r,, in plain band and cloak ; without title ; four lines below : — ' Reade in this Image, &c,' Line ; 7-| X 4 in, same plate ; with title and address of Ste, BowteU added. As used for his Funeral Sermon, by S, Marshall, 1644, 2, Copy from the last, to r, ; oval on pedestal, PL to Ward's Hist, of the Bebellion, 1713. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Another copy, to r., in inscribed oval frame; three Dutch lines below. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Another copy, to r. ; six lines of verse below. Front, to The Kingdom's Manifestation, 1643. Woodcut ; 3} X 3 in. same out, printed in a broadside ^A Damnable Treason,' etc. 5. Another copy, to I. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 6. H. L., to 1. ; oval with ornaments. Prom a picture. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1738. Line ; 14} X 8} in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; two fully-lettered impressions. 7. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Universal Mag. . Line ; 6} X 4 in. Painter G. Richmond H. Edridge S. J. Arnold S. Drummond W. Mulready E. Bower Engraver Anon. P. C. Lewis C. Wilkin B. Pym J. Chapman J. H. Robinson G. Glover M. vr. Gucht C. J. Visscher exe. Anon. J. Houbraken Anon. 526 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject PYM, JOHN— cowMntted. 8. Another copy ; plain oval. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757, Line ; 3} X 3} in. 9. Similar to Houbraken's plate, but with different ornaments. Line ; 14 x 8} in. Proof before any inscription. 10. Bust, directed and looking to 1. ; oval. (Parthey 1313.) Line ; 2} X 2 in. PYM, N. ; dissenting minister. 1. Aged 96 ; W. L., to 1., seated in armchair in his library, hands folded. Pub. P. Gauci. Lith ; 14 X 10 in. PYNE, JAMBS BAKER; landscape painter; 1800-1870. 1. Bust, tol, ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Gutting from Art Journal, 1849. Woodcut. 2. H. L., full face, with long beard ; vignette. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1870. ¦\Voodcut. PYNE, JAMES KBNDRICK ; organist of Bath Abbey ; 1810-1893. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; smaU oval. Gutting from Musical Times, 1908. Process block. PYNE, JAMES KBNDRICK, Mus.D., P.S.A. ; s. of the preceding ; organist at Manchester ; b. 1852. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Prom a photograph. PL to Musical Times, 1908. Process block. PYNE, LOUISA FANNY, (Madame Bodda) ; singer; 1832-1904. 1. Nearly W. L., standing by chair, looking to r., in evening dress, holding fan ; vignette. "Without title. Lith. 2. As Lady Henrietta in Martha; W. L., to L, standing, holding rose. Pub. Leader & Cock. Chromolith. ; 8} X 6} in. 3. As Aminta; W. L., standing, looking to L, holding wreath of roses. Chromolith. ; 12} x 9} in. 4. As Panny in King Charles the 2nd ; W. L., to L, standing. Chromolith. ; 12} X 9 in. 5. In character; T. Q. L., standing, looking to r. ; vignette. Cutting from Illust. London News. Woodcut. PYNN, (Lady) 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, playing harp ; rect. frame, PL to La BelU AssembUe ; pub, G, B, Whittaker 1827. Stipple ; 6} X 6} in. Painter Engraver L. Theweneti (J. J. HiU) C. Baugniet J. Brandard T. Chambars W. Hollar M. Gauci Anon. C. Baugniet J. Brandard L. The'weneti J. Cochran Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 527 Q Subject Painter Engraver Q. (Mrs.) See Quentin, Harriet. QUAKER, the London. See Rachel of Covent Garden. QUAKER, The Sincere. See Gurnby, Joseph. QUARL, ANNA ; lunatic ; of Douglas, Isle of Man. 1. W. L., to L, seated by table, holding staff ; 1793. Pub. S. & B. Harding. Etching ; 7 X 6} in. QUARLES, FRANCIS ; poet ; 1592-1644. 1. Aged 52; H. L., to r., holding pen; hand issuing from cloud and holding wreath seen through window ; armorial shield on wall ; four Latin and four English lines below. Pront. to his Solomon's Becantation entitled EccUsiastes, 1645. Line ; 8} X 3 in. 2. Copy from the last, with the window and shield. Line ; 3} X 25 in. 3. Another copy, with part of window but without the shield ; same four English lines below. Line ; 35 X 2} in. 4. Another copy, without window ; oval ; same four lines below. Line ; 3} X 2j in. same plate, with frame added. 5. Another copy ; oval in rect. ; same lines below. Line ; 4 x 2} in. 6. Another copy, bust only ; small medallion in title to his Boanerges & Barnabas, 1646. Line ; fpl.) 4 X 2 in. 7. Another copy. ' G. Clint del.' PL to Effigies Poeticce; pub. W. Walker 1822. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 8. Another copy ; rect. at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk <& Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2 X 1| in. QUARLES, JOHN ; poet ; s. of the preceding ; 1624-1665. 1. H. L., to L, in cloak; octagonal frame. John Stafford exo. (Pagan p. 55.) Liue ; 4} X 2} in. 2. H. L., to r., r. hand on book, in frame of laurel; six lines below. Pront. to his Eons Lachrymarum, 1649. Line ; 3} X 2} in. J. N(ixon) J. N(ixon) W. M(arshall) Anon. (W. Marshall) 9, Anon. T. Cross W. Raddon T. Wright W. Paithorne W. Marshall 528 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject QUARRINGTON, (Mrs.) 1. As St. Agnes; H. L., looking upwards, holding palm branch, a lamb beside her. From picture now belonging to the Earl of Normanton. Pub. Torre & Co. 1787. Line ; 13} X 10} in. One proof before inscription, artists' names scratched ; one with ' Pub lished According to Act of Parliament Feb. ye. 21st. 1773' added ; one lettered impression. 2. Same picture ; with title ' St. Agnes.' Pub. Molteno & Graves 1834. 6} X 4 in. ' QUEEN OP PATTERDALE.' See Monson. QUEENS BERRY, JAMES DOUGLAS, 2nd Duke of, (1st Duke of Dover), K.G. ; promoter of the union with Scotland; 1662-1711. 1. H. L., to L, in Garter robes ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 22} x 16 in, QUEENSBERRY, MARY (Boyle), Duchess of; w, of the preceding ; granddaughter of 2nd Earl of Cork ; 1670- 1709, 1, H, L,, fuU face ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 225 X 15} in, QUEENSBERRY, CHARLES DOUGLAS, 3rd Duke of, (2nd Duke of Dover) ; lord justice general of Scotland ; 1698-1778, 1, H, L,, to 1. ; oval frame. Pub. G. WiUison 1773, (C S, 105, Whitman 43,) Mezz, ; 14 X 11 in. Two impressions, QUEENSBEERY, CATHERINE (Hyde), Duohess of; w, of the preceding ; d, of 2nd Earl of Rochester ; 1700- 1777, 1, H, L,, nearly full face, with veil on head. From Lord Clarendon's picture. ' G. P. Harding del.' PL to Walpole's Letters ; pub, Bentley 1840, Line ; 3} X 3 in. Proof with artists' names only. QUEENSBERRY, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, 4th Duke of, K.T., (3rd Barl of March) ; known as ' Old Q.' ; 1724-1810. 1. W. L., seated on his balcony, holding umbreUa. Line ; 65 X 4 in. QUEENSBERRY, CAROLINE (Scott - Montagu), Marchioness of ; w. of Charles Douglas, 5th Marquess ; d. of 3rd Duke of Buccleuch ; 1774-1S54. 1. When Lady Caroline Montagu ; a child, W. L., standing, full face, in hat and cloak, hands in muff, dog at her feet. From picture belonging to Duke of Buccleuch. Pub. J. BoydeU 1777. (C S. 110, Prankau 244.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. Two proofs before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched ; two lettered impressions. 2. Same picture. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1875. (Whitman 113.) Mezz. ; 18 X 14 in. Proof before title. 3. Same picture ; with title ' Winter.' Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. Painter J. Reynolds Engraver T. Chambars S. W. Reynolds G. KneUer G. KneUer G. WiUison L. Du. Guernier L. Du Guernier V. Green J. Reynolds W. Greatbach Anon. J. R. Smith S. Cousins S. W. Reynolds Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 529 Subject 4. Same picture. PL to Armstrong's Beynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 8} X 6} in. QUEKETT, JOHN THOMAS ; histologist ; 1815-1861. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, r. arm on microscope. Mezz. ; 10 X 7| in. Proof before any inscription. QUENTIN, HARRIET, (born LawreU) ; w. of CoL (after wards Sir George) Q. ; mistress of the Prince of 'Wales ; b. 1783 ? 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated on wall of Carlton House; with title ' Mrs. Q.' Pub. I. Barrow 1820. Stipple ; 115 X 9 in. 'I'wo impressions, tinted. 2. Copy from the last. Pront. to her Memoirs, by E.. Eglantine, 1822. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. QUICK, JOHN ; nonconformist divme ; 1636-1706. 1. Aged 55; H. L., to r., in wig, go'wn and bands; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Synodicon in Gallia Reformata, 1692. Line ; 95 X 7 in. QUICK, JOHN ; actor ; 1748-1831. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Thespian Mag., 1793. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 2. As Don Lewis in Gibber's Love Makes a Man ; W. L., to 1., standing; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 45 X 3 in. 3. Same picture, W. L. Stipple ; 95 X 7} in. Proof before any inscription. same plate, re-issue, with date of his death. Pub. T. Falser. 4. As Tony Lumpkin in Goldsmith's She stoops to Conquer ; W. L., standing ; oval in rect. PL to same work, 1791. Line ; 45 x 3 in. 5. As Old Doiley in Mrs. Cowley's Who's the Dupe ; W. L., seated. PL to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 3 in 6. Same picture, H. L. oiUy; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1807. Stipple ; 6} X 3} in. 7. As Toby Allspice in Morton's The Way to get Married ; W. L., standing ; rect. frame. PL to Theatrical In quisitor ; pub. 0. Chappie. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 8. With Mr. Clarke, as Mr. Sable and Lord Brumpton in Steele's The Funeral ; W. L., standing together, another character behind. PL to New English Theatre ; pub. T. Lowndes 1777. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 9. As Spado in O'Keefe's Castle of Andalusia ; H. L., fuU face, holding pistol ; oval. PI. to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1802. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. VOL. Ill, Painter J. Reynolds E. Walker H. ViUiers J. Conde S. De Wilde R. Dighton G. Dupont Engraver W. Walker W. Blake Anon.J. Sturt J. Cond6 P. Audinet J. Cond6 W. Bond J. Hopwood E. Scriven W. Walker W. Ridley 2 M 530 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject QUICK, JOKN— continued. 10. H. L., to L, in hat ; oval. Pub. B. Harding 1789. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 11. As Launce in Two Gentlemen of Verona; W. L., standing, 1. profile, with dog ; oval in rect. Pub. J. Bell 1785. Line ; 3f X 2} in. 12. Copy from the last. Pub. J. Cawthorn 1808. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 13. As Judge Gripus in Dryden's Amphytrion ; W. L., standing, holding oup. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1770. Line ; 55 X 3} in 14. Copy from the last. PI. to same work, 1777. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 15. As Alderman Smugler in Parquhar's Constant Couple ; W. L., standing, in female dress. PL to same work, 1777. Line ; 5} X 35 in. 16. H. L,, looking upwards to r,, resting hands on cane. Pub. W. Score 1791. (C. S. 1.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9} iu. Two impressions. 17. Same picture, H. L., hands omitted; oval. PL to GiUiland's Dramatic Mirror ; pub. C Chappie 1807. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 18. Same picture, with hat added ; oval in rect. with ornaments. Book Ulustratiou. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 19. As Richard III ; W. L., in extravagant attitude, brandishing sword ; with title ' An Actor of Quick Con ceptions.' Satirical. Line ; 6f X 3} in. See Lewis, W. T. See Mattocks, G. See Groups (with E. Shuter and Mrs. Green). QUIN, FREDERIC HERVEY POSTER, M.D. ; homoeo- pathist; 1799-1878. 1. H. L., r. profile, seated by table, reading newspaper; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. QUIN, JAMBS ; actor ; 1693-1766. 1. H. L., to r. Sold J. Paber. (C S. 301.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. Eour impressions. 2. Same picture, bust only ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1792. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 3. Same picture, H. L,, to 1, ; oval frame, PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England. Line ; 3} X 2} in, 4, SimUar picture, to r, ; rect, frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews & Leigh 1808. Stipple ; 55 X 85 in. Painter Engbaveb S. Harding W. N. Gardiner H. Ramberg C. Grignion S9 Anon. J. Roberts Cooke sa B. Reading S9 J.Thomthwaite W. Score W. Score 9* T. Cheesman Anon. 5> A. D'Orsay T. Hudson A. D'Orsay J. Paber jun. W. Bromley Anon. W. Evans Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 531 Subject Painter Engraver 5. As Palstaff ; W. L., standing, holding sword and shield. Sold at the Golden Head. Without artist's name. (0. S. 149, I, Goodwin 173, I.) J. McArdeU J. McArdeU Mezz. ; 13 X 95 in. Two impressions. same plate, with artist's name added and with address of R. Sayer. 99 9J 6. Copy from the last, H. L. only ; circular frame. A watch-paper. Sold at the Golden Buck. 99 II. P. Boitard Line ; 1} in. diam. 7. As Goriolanus; W. L., standing, his wife and mother kneeling before him ; letterpress verses below. Anon. Etching ; 8 X 9} in. same plate, without the verses ; address of C. Bowles and number 85 added. 99 QUIN, PATRICK; Irish catholic priest ; 1711-1753. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and surplice, book in 1. hand; oval frame with emblems. (C S. 41.) J. Latham A. Miller Mezz. ; 135 X 9} in. Two impressions. 2 M 2 532 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits R Subject RACE, DANIEL ; chief cashier of the Bank of England ; 1698-1775. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., holding pen and paper in r. hand, spectacles in L, hat under 1. arm. Pub. 1773. (C. S. 122 [I a], Goodwin 92, II.) Mezz. ; ISf X 12} in. Two impressions. RACHAEL OF Covent Garden. 1. W. L., standing, looking to r., hands clasped. PL to Tempest's Cryes of London. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. R. Wilkinson. Soft-ground etching. RADCLIPPE, (Hon.) CHARLES ; s. of 2nd Barl of Derwentwater ; Jacobite ; executed for treason ; 1693- 1746, 1. H. L., to r., 1. hand in waistcoat ; decor, frame. Line.2. H. L., to r. ; oval in reot. (G. S. 88.) Mezz. ; ?} X 6} in. RADCLIPPE, CHARLES ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1827. Stipple. RADCLIPPE, JOHN, M.D. ; physician; 1650-1714. 1. Aged 60; nearly W. L., full face, seated, in wig, l. hand ou breast. Prom picture at Christ's Hospital. Line ; 12} X 10} in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval iu decor, frame. Line ; 10} X 7 in. 3. Same picture, bust only ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to Strother's Dr, Radcliffe's Practical Dispensa tory, 1721. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 4. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 6} X 3} in. RADCLIPPE, SAMUEL, D.D. ; principal of Braseuose GoUege, Oxford ; 1580-1648. 1. H. L., to r., in pulpit, in gown, hands on cushion, 1. holding book. Prom picture at Braseuose College. Line ; 65 X 45 in. Painter T. Hickey M. Laroon J. Jackson G. KneUer Engraver J. Watson J. Savage B. Green J. Basire Anon.W. T. Pry G. Vertue P. Pourdrinier M. vr. Gucht Anon. J. Skelton Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 533 Subject RADCLIPPE, WALTER, (of Warlegh) ; 1733-1803. 1. H. L., to 1. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1822. ; 3} X 3 in. See Dbewentwateb, Mezz. RADCLIPPE, WILLIAM; inventor of the cotton- dressing machine ; 1760-1841. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. One of set of portraits of inventors ; pub. T. Agnew 1862. Mezz. ; 95 X 8 in. RADCLYPPE, Lady MARY. Mary, Countess of. RADNOR, JOHN ROBARTES, 1st Earl of ; lord pre sident of the council ; 1606-1685. 1. When Lord Robartes ; H. L., to L, in armour; oval in reot. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 4| X 3-} in. 2. H. L., to r., in peer's robes ; oval. (C S. 7.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. 3. Copy from the last; oval in rect. PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Count Grammont. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. 4. When Lord Robartes ; bust, to L, in lace-edged collar, cuirass and sash. PL to Ricraft's Survey of England's Champions, 1647. Line ; 3} X 2} in. RADNOR, LETITIA ISABELLA (SMITH), Countess of ; 2nd w. of the preceding ; court beauty ; m. 2. Charles Cheyne, 1st Viscount Newhaven ; d. 1714. 1. When Lady Robartes; H. L., to L, holding drapery to bosom ; oval in rect. Prom picture at Stratford-on- Avon. PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Count Grammont. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. RADNOR, JACOB PLEYDBLL-BOUVERIE, 2nd Barl of; 1750-1828. 1. When Master Bouverie, aged 7; W. L., to r., standing, in Van Dyck dress. From picture at Longford Castle. (C S. 25, Goodwin 66.) Mezz. ; 13 X 9} in. Proof before inscription. 2. Same picture, reversed ; same inscription. (C S. 26, Goodwin 67.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10} in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only. Pub. Ryland & Bryer. (C S. 2.) ' Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 4. Same picture, to r. Pub. S. W. Beynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. Painter w. of 1759- RADNOR, ANNB (DUNCOMBE), Countess of; the preceding ; d. of Anthony, Baron Feversham ; 1829. 1. Aged 22; W. L., to r., standing, resting arm on fountain. From drawing belonging to Lord Radnor. Stipple ; 95 X 75 in. J. Reynolds Huquaire S. Cooper G. KneUer P. Lely J. Reynolds R. Cosway Engraver S. W. Reynolds T. O. Barlow Anon. R. White exc. W. N. Gardiner Anon. P. Bartolozzi J, McArdell R. Brookshaw S. W. Reynolds M. Bovi 534 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver RADNOR, WILLIAM PLEYDBLL-BOUVERIE, Srd Barl of ; 1779-1869. 1. When Viscount Folkestone ; with his sister Lady Mary Anne, as children, lying under a tree, the girl tickling her brother's ear with a straw ; with title ' Infancy ' and four lines. From picture belonging to the Earl of Radnor. Pub. Jane White 1786. Stipple ; 85 X 10 in. 2. When Viscount Folkestone ; T. Q. L., to L, standing by table. PL to Investigation of Charges against the Duke of York, 1809. Line ; 4} X 3 in. 3. When Viscount Folkestone ; bust, looking tol. ; vignette. PL to Investigation of Charges against the Duke of York ; pub. J. Cundee 1809. Stipple. RADNOR, JACOB PLEYDBLL-BOUVERIE, 4th Barl of; 1815-1889. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., hat in hand. From picture belonging to Earl of Radnor. Private plate. Mezz. ; 16} x 13} in. RADNOR, MARY AUGUSTA PREDERICA (GRIM STON), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d. of James, 1st Barl of Verulam ; 1820-1879. 1. When Viscountess Folkestone; nearly W. L., to r., seated, in evening dress ; octagon in decor, frame. Stipple.RADSTOCK, WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE, 1st Baron, G.CB. ; admiral ; 1753-1825. 1. When old; H. L., to r., seated. Pub. Colnaghi 1820. Line ; 8} X 7} in. 2. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits; pub. Cadell & Davies 1810. Stipple. See Groups (Naval Victories). RADSTOCK, GRANVILLE GEORGE WALDE GRAVE, 2nd Baron ; admiral ; 1786-1857. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. Hogarth 1848. Stipple ; 17 X 13} in. 2. Same plate ; full title substituted for autograph. RAE, ALEXANDER ; actor ; 1782-1820. 1. As Sir Edward Mortimer in The Iron standing, looking to r., arms extended ground. Pub. T. P. Dawson 1807. Stipple ; (pi.) 16 X 9} in. 2. As Nerval in Home's Douglas ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. PL to Theatrical Inquisitor ; pub. C Chappie 1814. Stipple; 65 X 45 in. 8. H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to GUlilaud's Dramatic Mirror ¦ pub. C Chappie 18p7. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 4. H. L., looking upwards to r. pub. J. Asperne 1815. Stipple ; 4} X 8} in. Chest; W. L., without back- PL to European Mag. ; R. Cosway T. Rowlandson G. Richmond J. Hayter G. Hayter P. W. Wilkin G. Richmond S. De Wilde S. De Wilde S. Drummond C. White J. Hopwood Anon. J. R. Jackson H. B. Hall T. Landseer C. Wilkin P. HoU Alais T. Carver T. Cheesman T. Blood Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 535 Subject 5. As Hamlet; H. L., looking to r. ; rect. aquatint border. Pub. G. Turner 1813. (Whitman 485.) Mezz. ; 16} X 11} in. Two impressions. 6. H. L., to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. Proof before any inscription, BAE, Sir DAVID, bart., (Lord Eskgrove) ; lord justice clerk; 1724?-1804. 1. Seated on bench, in robes, H. L., r. profile ; oval. Without title. Etching ; 3} X 3 in. RAE, HENRIETTA. See Normand. RAE, JAMES; surgeon-dentist; 1716-1791. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). RAE, JOHN ; dentist ; d. 1808. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). RAEBURN, ANN (EDGAR), Lady; w. of Sir Henry R., R.A.; 1744-1833? 1. W. L., to L, seated, arms folded. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in. RAEBUEN, Sib HENRY, R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1756- 1823. 1. H. L., 1. profile ; vignette. Prom a pencil sketch. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure. 2. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, full face, holding hand to face. Prom picture formerly belonging to Lord Tweed- mouth. Pub. W. Walker 1826. Stipple ; 13 X 10} in. 3. Same picture ; vignette ; without title ; 1818. Etching,4, Same picture ; vignette, PL to Chambers's Diet, of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple.Proof before inscription. 5. Same picture. Front, to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 7i X 5} in. 6. Bust, 1. profile. Prom a medaUion, 1792. Vignette on title to same work. Photogravure ; 3 X 2} in. RAEBUEN, HENRY ; s. of the preceding. 1. When a boy; W. L., on a pony. Prom picture belonging to Lord Rosebery. PL to Armstrong's Raeburn, 1901. Photogravure ; 8 X 6 in. RAFPALD, ELIZABETH; housekeeper and cook; 1733-1781. 1. H. L., to r., book in r. hand; oval in reot. frame. Pront. to her Experienced English Housekeeper ; pub. R. Baldwin 1782. Line ; 65 X 35 in. Painter J. Pocook J. Kay H. Raeburn P. Chantrey H. Raeburn Engraver C. Turner J.Kay W. Walker W. N(icholson) G. B. Shaw H. Raeburn (P. McMorland) Anon. 536 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAPPLES, THOMAS, LL.D. ; independent minister at Liverpool; 1788-1863. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands, r. hand on book ; vignette. PL to Imperial Mag. ; pub. H. Pisher 1822. Stipple. 2. H. L., to 1. ; in gown and bands, 1. hand on books ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. Stipple. 3. In pulpit, preaching, to L, 1. hand on bible. Pub. W. Scott 1835. (Whitman 486.) Mezz. ; 155 X 12 in. Proof before title. 4. H. L., to r., in gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. WiUiams & Son 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 5. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, in gown. Prom a photograph. PT:esent6dLyiith Illustrated News of the World. Stipple ; 8} X 6} in. RAPPLES, Sir THOMAS STAMFORD, F.R.S. ; colonial governor and naturalist ; 1781-1826. 1. Marble bust ; vignette. Front, to his Life by his widow, 1830. (Whitman 131.) Mezz. 2. H. L., to r., looking upwards ; vignette. Prom a minia ture. Stipple. RAPTOR, CATHERINE. See CtivB. RAGLAN, FITZROY JAMES HENRY SOMERSET, 1st Baron, G.C.B. ; field-marshal ; 1788-1855. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in uniform : vignette. Pub. Goupil Lith. 2. W. L., to L, standing by table, in uniform, hat in hand. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1854. Mezz. ; 26 X 16 in. One proof with facsimile of signature only ; one lettered impression, 3, T. Q. L., to r., standing, iu uniform, hat under arm. Pub, Ackermann. Mezz, ; 16} X 125 iu, See Groups (' Defenseurs du Droit de I'Europe '), RAGLAN, EMILY HARRIET (WBLLBSLEY-POLE) Lady ; w, of the preceding ; d. 1881. ' See Groups (the Three Sisters). RAIKES, CHARLOTTE, (born Finch) ; w. of, Thomas R • d. 1822. 1. Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated, playing on a spinet, PL to Ward and Roberts's Romney, 1904, Photogi'avure ; 7^ X 6 in, RAIKES, (Mrs,) J, M, 1. H, L,, nearly full face, holding, book with both hands Without title. Pub. A. Molteno 1810. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in, RAIKES, ROBERT; printer at Gloucester; promoter of Sunday schools; 1735-1811, 1. Bust, nearly full face ; rect. PL to European Mac ¦ pub. J. SeweU 1788, ''' ' Line ; 4} x 3} in. Painter Mosses H. Room W. Scott P. Chantrey M. Alophe P. Grant A. Morton G. Romney W. Beechey S. Drummond Engraver J. Thomson J. Cochran C. Turner T. Blood D. J. Pound S. Cousins Thomson M. Alophe H. Cousins W. O. Burgess T. Nugent W. Bromley Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 537 Subject 2. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in armchair, paper in r. hand. Pub. Sunday School Union 1821. Stipple ; 11} X 9}iin. 3. H. L., to L, face in profile; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. 4. Bust, to 1. ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. 5. MedaUion commemorating centenary of Sunday schools ; stamped in relief on paper, RAILTON, HERBERT ; artist ; 1857-1910. See Groups (Illust. London News artists). RAINBOWE, EDWARD, D.D. ; bishop of Carlisle; 1608-1684. 1. Aged 74 ; bust, to r., in skuU-cap and rochet ; oval frame with six lines below. Pront. to his Life by Banks, 1688. Line ; 6 x 35 in, RAINE, JONATHAN; fellow of Trinity CoUege, Cambridge, 1. H. L., to r. Pub. E. Harding 1790 Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. RAINE, MATTHEW, D.D. ; head master of Charter house School ; 1760-1811. 1. H, L,, to L, in wig, gown and bands ; rect, frame. Prom picture at the Charterhouse, Pub, B, Cribb & Son 1815, (Baker 48,) Line ; 12} X 10} in. One unflnislied proof ; one before any inscription ; two with artists' names only ; three with inscription iu open letters ; one fully - lettered impression, RAINPORTH, ELIZABETH; operatic singer; 1814- 1877, 1, As Rosetta in BiokerstaS's opera Love in a Village; W, L,, standing, looking to r. Pub, T. McLean 1838. Lith. ; 16} X 10} in. 2. As Madelaine ; W. L., standing, holding fan; vignette. Pub. J. Cumberland 1843. Stipple.RAINIER, PETER ; admiral ; 1741 ?-1808. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in uniform and spec tacles. PL to Brenton's Naval History ; pub. C Turner 1824. (Whitman 66.) Mezz. ; 5 X 4 in. Proof before engraver's name. RAINOLDS [or REYNOLDS], JOHN, D.D. ; presi dent of Corpus Christi CoUege, Oxford ; dean ot Lincoln ; 1549-1607. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in ruff and gown, holding book with both hands ; two Latin lines below. From picture at Corpus. PL to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 825.) Line ; 5} X 45 in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed ; with four English lines : — ' See heer th' Effigies,' &c. Line ; 3} x 2f in. Painter G. Romney A. W. Strutt S. Harding J. Hoppner W. Taylor E. Walker Engraver T. Woolnoth A. W. Strutt Anon. J. Sturt S. Harding W. Sharp W. Taylor H. Robinson C. Turner (Passe) Anon. 538 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAINOLDS [or REYNOLDS], JOHN, D.D.—contd. 3. Another copy, reversed, hands not shown ; oval frame in reot. ; two lines below : — ' Gum vibrat doctae,' etc. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 4} X 8} in. 4. Another copy, reversed ; bust only. PL to Puller's Abel Redevivus, 1651. Line ; 2} x 25 in. RAINSPORD, Sir RICHARD; chief justice of the king's bench; 1605-1680. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in robes, glove in r. hand ; armorial shield (engraved in line) on pillar to r. (C S. 40.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions, same plate, reworked ; shield taken out and replaced by one iu mezzotint, RALEGH, Sir WALTER ; naval commander, explorer and author; 1552?-1618, 1, W, L,, to L, standing, in hat, resting compasses on a table on which are a globe and atlas. Prom picture at Longleat, Pront, to his Life, by B, Edwards, 1868, Line ; 6 X 3} in, 2, Same picture, T, Q, L, only. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington 1818. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. 3. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. PI. to 8vo. ed. of same work ; pub. Harding 1823. Stipple ; 5 X 4} in. 4. Aged 34 ; H. L., to L, standing, in cloak. Prom picture in National Portrait GaUery. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut. 5. H. L., to r., in hat with feather; oval in frame with emblems. Prom picture now belonging to Sir H. P. Lennard. bart., in which he is represented W. L., with his son Walter. PL to Birch's Heads, 1739. Line ; 14} x 8} in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; one lettered impression. 6. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to Hervey's Naval History, 1779. Line ; 6} x 35 in. 7. Another copy, with the ornaments, reversed. Pub. G. Kearsley. (Baker 74.) Line ; 6 x 4f in. 8. Another copy, to r. ; oval frame of masonry on pedestal ; axe and severed head in front. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 9. Another copy, to 1. ; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 35 in. diam. 10. Another copy, to r. ; circle. Line ; 3} in. diam. 11. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame of masonry, with emblems on pedestal in front. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 12. Another copy, to 1. ; oval frame. Line ; 4} x 3} in. Painteb W. Claret ' P. Zucchero ' Engraver (K. Ammon) Anon. R. Tompson exc. C. H. Jeens W. T. Pry C. Pieart Lascelles J. Houbraken Anon. W. Sharii L. P. Boitard S. F. Ravenet J. Ryland A. Walker Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 539 Subject Painter Engbaver 13. Another copy, bust only, to r. ; oval at head of letter press account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison 1794. P. Audinet Line ; 2 x 1} in. same plate, re-issue, with octagonal frame added. „ 14. Another copy, to r. ; rect. Stalker Line ; 4} X 35 in. 15. Another copy, to r. ; oval. J.Thomthwaite Line ; 35 X 3 in. 16. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; reot. Pub. C Baldwyn. R. Cooper Line ; 3 X 2} in. 17. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; reot. PL to Physiog nomical Portraits, 1822. C.Pye Line ; 2} X 2 in. 18. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; rect. outline frame. PL to The Antiquity, Honour and Dignity of Trade, by a Peer of England, 1813. Anon. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 19. Similar picture, formerly belonging to the Duchess of Dorset ; H. L., showing 1. arm. PL bo Knight's Gallery of Portraits. J. Posselwhite Stipple ; 6} X 4} iu. 20. Bust, to 1. ; oval in decor, frame, with vignette of the English fleet at Cadiz ; six Latin lines below. T. de Leu Line ; 6} X 4 in. 21. H. L., to r., holding truncheon, r. hand on globe ; oval inscribed frame, with arms. C. Holland exc. Pront. to his Hist, of the World, ed. 1617. (Pranken 826.) S. de Passe Line ; 65 X 4} in. [This IS not the flrst state of the plate, the remains of an earlier inscription being visible.] 22. Copy from the last ; arms and bookshelf in upper corners ; ' Tam Marti Quam Merourio ' above. Reversed copy from anonymous plate prefixed to his Prince, or Maxims of State, 1642. Front, to his Judicious and short Essays, 1650. R. Vaughan Line; 3} x 2}in. 23. Another copy ; oval in decor, frame. G. Vertue Line ; 45 X 2| in. Proof before any inscription. 24. Another copy, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Pub. B. Harding 1802. Anon. Stipple ; 4 X 35 in 25. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in armour, holding truncheon, globe beside him. Front, to his Life, by W. Oldys, 1735. G. Vertue Line ; 11 X 6} in. 26. Copy from the last ; with facsimile of autograph. Pront. to his Life, by A. Cayley, 1805. P. Audinet Line ; 75 X 6| iu. 27. T. Q. L., to L, standing, r. hand on globe, hat in 1. PL to Sharpe's Classics, 1821. Anon. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 28. W. L., standing by table, in hat. Tringham Line ; 4} X 2} in. RALPH, JOHN, M.D. ; d. 1804. — — See Groups (Medical Society of London). 540 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Sold S. Sympson, Maiden Lane. (C S. RALPHSON, MARY; centenarian, of Liverpool; b. 1698. 1. Aged 110 ; W. L., full face, sitting on chair ; without background. Stipple. RAMESEY, WILLIAM. See Ramsay. RAMPTLER, CHRISTIAN FREDERIC ; noncon formist minister ; fl. 1830. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Stipple,RAMSAY, ALLAN ; poet ; 1686-1758, 1. H. L., to r., in cap ; oval frame. (C S. 36.) Mezz. ; 12 x 9} in. Three impressions. 2. Same picture. 37, IL) Mezz. ; 6} X 6} in. 3. Same picture, bust only, to 1. Unfinished plate. (C S. p. 1703, No. 87.) Mezz. ; 6} X 45 in. 4. Same picture, to r. ; vignette. PL to Chambers's Diet. of Eminent Scotsmen, 1835. Stipple.Proof with artists' names only. 5. Same picture, with hand resting- on book added; rect. frame. Line ; 65 x 3} in. Clipped impression. 6. H. L., directed and looking to r., in cap; decor, rect. frame. Line ; 4} X 3 in. 7. Bust, looking to L, in cap ; vignette. Prom a drawing. PL to Scottish Songs ; pub. Macmillan 1875. Stipple.Proof with engraver's name only. 8. H. L., to 1., in Scotch bonnet ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Poems, 1721. Line ; 65 X 6} in. 9. H. L., face turned nearly in profile to L, in cap; oval with ornaments. Prom drawing by A. Carse (now in Scottish National Portrait GaUery), done from family picture at New Hall House. Front, to his Gentle Shepherd, 1814. Line. RAMSAY, ALLAN; portrait painter; s. of the pre ceding; 1713-1784. 1. H. L., to 1., standing before an easel. Pub. Wivell 1820. Mezz. ; 6 X 4} in. RAMSAY, EDWARD BANNERMAN, LL.D., P.R.S.Edin. ; dean of Edinburgh; author of Scottish Life and Character ; 1793-1872. 1. A head, to 1. ; vignette. Lith. Proof before inscription. Painter J. W. Brett W. Aikman A. Ramsay J. Smibert (J. Smibert) A. Ramsay O. Leyde Engraver Anon. R. Woodman G. White G. White ? W. Howison G. King C. H. Jeens G. Vertue A. Wilson A. Wivell O. Leyde Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits .541 Subject RAMSAY, Sir JAMES; Scottish soldier of fortune; 1589 ?-1638. 1. Aged 47; H. L., looking to r., in armour, holding truncheon, helmet beside him ; oval inscribed frame in reot., with 22 Latin lines below. Line ; 7} X 6} in. 2. Similar to the last, to L, without truncheon; oval inscribed frame in reot.; two Latin and four German lines below. Line ; 6} X 4} iu. RAMSAY, JOHN, M.D. ; physician at Newcastle-upon- ¦ Tyne, 1. H. L., looking to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. C Turner 1834. (Whitman 487.) Mezz. ; 7} X 6} in. RAMSAY, MARGARET, (born Lindsay) ; w. of AUan R. the painter. 1. H. L., to r., resting arms on table, and holding up a rose. PL to Portfolio of the Scottish National Portrait GalUry, 1903. Photogravure ; 10 X 8} in. RAMSAY, (Hon.) MARY, (born SandUands) ; w. of WUUam Ramsay R. of Barnton ; d. of 10th Baron Tor- phichen ; d. 1891. 1. H. L., seated at table, looking to r. ; inkstand and letter before her. PL to Court Mag. ; pub. E. BuU 1833. Stipple ; 4} X 65 in. RAMSAY, [or RAMESBY], WILLIAM, M.D. ; physician and astrologer ; b. 1627. 1. Aged 24 ; a bust on pedestal, with Latin mottoes on scrolls. Front, to his Astrology Vindicated, 1651. Line ; 4} x 3} in. 2. H. L., to r., pointing up at a celestial globe ; armorial shield suspended on branch of a tree : six lines below. Front to his Astrologia Restaurata, 1653. Line ; 7} X 6} in. 3. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, resting arm on table ; with out his name. Front, to his Character of True Nobility and Gentility, 1672. Line ; 6} X 35 in. 4. Aged 42 ; H. L., to L, in hat and robe. Front, to his Treatise on Wormes, 1668. Line ; 45 X 3} in. M.D., LL.D,, F,R,S,; Pub, RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM, chemist ; b, 1852, 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated. Prom a photograph Photographische Gesellschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 8} X 65 in. RAMSAY, WILLIAM RAMSAY, (of Barnton); M.P. for Midlothian ; 1809-1850. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in hat, drawing on glove, whip under r. arm ; servant with horse to r. Private plate, 1845. Mezz. ; 24} X 16 in. Painteb S. Piirek J. Ramsay A. Ramsay A. Robertson J. W. Gordon Engraver S. Purck C. Turner W. Bond T. Cross W. Sher'win ( .. ) T. Lupton 542 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAMSDEN, JESSE ; optician ; 1735-1800. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated at table, drawing circle with compasses. Pub. C. Turner 1801. (Whitman 488.) Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. 2. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by machine, holding com passes ; large wheel in background. Pub. Molteno, Colnaghi & Co. 1791. (C S. 66.) Mezz. ; 175 X 14 in. One proof before title, with date 1790 ; two fully lettered impressions. RAMSDEN, LUCY, (born Carpenter). See Calthorpb, Prances, Lady. RAMSDEN, RICHARD, D.D. ; deputy regius professor of divinity at Cambridge ; 1761-1831. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated, in gown and bands. Pub. S. Lane 1811. Mezz, ; 13} X 10} in. Three impressions, RAMSEY, MARY (DALE), Lady ; w, of Sir Thomas R,, lord mayor of London ; d, 1596. 1. H. L., standing, nearly full face, pointing upwards with 1. hand. Prom picture at Christ's Hospital. Pub. W. Richardson 1795. Line ; 6} X 4} in. RAMUS, BENEDBTTA. See Day. RAMUS, (Miss) ; d. of Nicholas R. ; said to have married the Marquis de Noailles, French ambassador in London ; d. 1848. 1. H. L., to r. Prom picture now belonging to Hon. W. P. D. Smith. PL to Sir M. Conway's Great Masters. Photogravure ; 12 X 9} in. 2. Same picture. PL to Ward & Roberts's Romney, 1904. Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in. RANCLIPPE, THOMAS BOOTHBY PARKYNS, 1st Baron, P.R.S. ; 1755-1800. 1. T. Q. L., standing by a column, looking to r. ; oval. Pub. C Cawthorn 1796. Stipple ; 8} X 3 in. RANCLIPPE, ELIZABETH ANNB (JAMBS), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1797. 1. When Mrs. Parkyus ; nearly W. L., to L, standing, glove in 1. hand. Pub. G. WUkin 1795. Stipple ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions, one printed in colours. RANDAL, D. ; fruit seller at Cambridge. 1. W. L., standing with Mrs. Hammond another fruit- seller, 1768. Without title. Etching ; 7} X 6} in. RANDALL, JACK ; pugUist ; 1794-1828. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. PL to Egan's Boxiana; pub. Sherwood, Neely & Jones 1818. Stipple. RANDALL, JOHN, Mus.D, ; organist ; professor of music at Cambridge ; 1715-1799, 1, H, L,, to r,, in robes ; oval. Pub. E. & S. Harding 1794. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. Painteb H. Edridge R. Home S. Lane G. Romney J. Hoppner T. Orde G. Sharpies S. Harding Engbaveb C. Turner J. Jones W. Say (T. Trotter) W. Leney C. Wilkin T. Orde J. Hopwood R. Clamp Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 543 Subject RANDALL, RICHARD ; singer ; 1736-1828. 1. Aged 76; T. Q. L., full face, standing, holding music book. Pub. 1812. Etching ; 9} X 75 in. RANDALL ; Scottish minister. 1. H. L. in pulpit, looking to L, hands on open book ; oval. Without title. Etching ; 35 x 2} in. RANDEGGER, ALBERTO; musical composer and conductor; 1832-1911. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette ; from photograph. Cutting from newspaper. Woodcut. 2. T. Q. L., full face standing; from photograph. PL to Musical Times, 1899. Process block. RANDOLPH, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of London ; 1749- 1813. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, looking to L, in wig and rochet. Pub. C Turner 1810. (Whit man 489.) Mezz. ; IV5 X 13} in. same plate with address of W. Richardson 1811. 2. Nearly W. L., full face, seated by table, in wig and rochet, r. arm on books, cap in 1. hand ; rect. frame. Stipple ; 9} X 7} in. RANDOLPH, THOMAS ; poet ; 1605-1635. 1. A bust, in title to his Poems ; pub. P. Bowman 1640. Line ; (pi.) 4} x 2} in. 2. Copy from the bust in preceding plate : oval in reot. Pub. T. Rodd. Line ; 3} X 2} in. RANDOLPH, THOMAS, D.D. ; president of Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; archdeacon of Oxford and Lady Margaret professor of divinity ; 1701-1783. 1. T. Q. L., seated, nearly in profile to L, in wig, gown and bands, book in 1. hand. Front, to his Posthumous Works, 1784. Line ; 6} X 4} in. RANDS, WILLIAM BRIGHTY; poet and essayist; 1823-1882. See Gboups. RANELAGH, MARGARET (CECIL), Countess of; 2nd w. of Richard Jones, Earl of R. ; d. of 3rd Earl of Salis bury; m. 1. John 2nd Baron StaweU; 1673-1727. 1. W. L., standing, full face. One of set of Beauties of Hampton Court. I. Cooper exo. (C. S. 28.) Mezz. ; 17} X 12 in. Two impressions. same plate, with Cooper's name erased. same plate, reduced, making the figure less than W. L. 12} X 10 in. 2. Nearly W. L., full face, seated on a bank. Sold J. Smith. (G. S. 209.) Mezz. : 12} X 9} in. Five impresaious, one modern. Painter P. L. J. Kay J. Hoppner W. O'wen J. Taylor G. Kneller Engraver P. L. J. Kay P. N(aumann) C. Turner H. Meyer W. M(arshall) Anon. J. K. Sherwin J. Paber jun. John Smith 544 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RANELAGH, THOMAS HERON JONES, 7th Viscount, K.CB. ; 1812-1885. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, full face, in uniform of South Middlesex volunteers. Prom photograph. Presented with Illust. News of the World. Stipple and line ; 8} X 61 iu. RANGER, EDWARD. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, book in r. hand. Dedicated to the Shakspeare Club of Scotland. Pub. T. McLean. Lith. ; 12 X 9} in. RANKEN, GEORGIANA ELIZABETH, (born Buck ley) ; w. of George Elliot B. 1. When Miss Buckley; H. L., looking to L; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. PL to Bogue's Court Album, 1852. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. RANKIN, R. ; engineer. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; without any in scription. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. RANN, JOHN ; highwayman ; known as ' Sixteen String Jack ' ; hanged 1774. 1. H. L., to L, in hat, holding glass, bottle on table ; prison window in background ; with title ' Sixteen String Jack.' Pub. 1774. Etching ; 6 X 4| in. 2. Reversed copy from the last. (C S. 131.) Mezz. ; 5} X 4} in. RANSPORD, MARY ELIZABETH. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r., resting elbow on table; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a photo graph. Pub. Campbell Ransford & Co. Lith. RANSOME, JAMBS ; agricultural implement maker at Ipswich; 1782-1849. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in armchair, letter in r. hand ; with facsimile of autograph. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits. Lith, ; 18} X 105 in, RANSOME, JAMBS ALLEN ; agricultural implement maker ; s, of the preceding ; 1806-1875, 1, W. L,, standing in landscape, looking to r,, in hat, r, hand on stump, paper in 1, ; with facsimile of autograph Pub, T. Agnew, &c, 1844. (Whitman 518.) Mixed ; 16} x lOJ in. RANSOME, SOPHIA ELIZABETH ; d. of the preceding. 1. A child; W. L., full face, seated on large chair, holding album; vignette. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; 1849. Lith. RANSON, THOMAS PRAZER ; engraver ; 1784-1828. 1. W. L., seated at table in a cell in Cold-Bath-Pields prison, where he was unlawfuUy confined. Pub. T. Ranson 1818. Line ; 4} x 6} in. Painter Engraver J. Wood J. Hayter R. Bryden A. R. T. H. Maguire R. Ansdell T. H. Maguire T. Ranson D. J. Pound G. E. Madeley T. Knight R. Bryden A. R. Anon.Anon.T. H. Maguire S.Reynolds jun. & G. Shury T. H. Maguire T. Ranson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 545 Subject Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Pub. Hanfstaengl. RASHDALL, JOHN, M.A,; minister of Bedford Chapel, Exeter ; afterwards vicar of Dawlish ; d, 1869, 1. H, L,, to L, seated, in gown and bands ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. J. Leakey, Exeter, 1846, (Whitman 132,) Mezz, ; 10} X 8§ in. RATCLIPPE, CHARLES. See Radclieee. RATCLIPPE, (Lady). [The identity of this person is uncertain.] 1. H. L., full face, in angular hood. Prom drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1793. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 11} X 7} in. 2. Same drawing. Stipple ; 75 X 6 in. 3. Same drawing. Ileproduction.4. Same drawing. Photograph. RATHBONE, WILLIAM, (of Green Bank, Liverpool) ; merchant; 1757-1809. 1. H. L., looking to L, book iu r. hand. Line ; 45 x 3} in. RATHBONE, WILLIAM, (of Green Bank, Liverpool) ; s, of the preceding ; philanthropist ; 1787-1868. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Private plate. Line. RATHBORNE, AARON ; mathematician ; b, 1572. 1. Aged 44 ; H. L., to r., standing, in lace band and cloak, holding compasses ; inscr. oval frame with emblems. Pront. to his Surveyor, 1616. (Pranken 828.) Line ; 6} X 45 'h. RATTENBURY, JOHN; methodist minister; 1806- 1879. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, hands clasped over back of chair; vignette. Pub. R. C Lambe ; 1848. Lith. RAUZZINI, VENANZIO ; musical composer and teacher ; 1747-1810. 1. H. L., full face; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1807. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. 2. H. L., to r., seated, holding sheet of music. Pub. 1800. Stipple ; 8} X 6} in. Two impressions, one printed in colours. 3. Bust, 1. profile ; oval medaUion. Stipple. Clipped impression. RAVENET, SIMON FRANCOIS; engraver; 1721?- 1774. 1. H. L., to r., resting face on 1. hand ; oval frame of masonry on pedestal ; 1763. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 2. Reversed copy from the last ; plain oval. Line ; 4 X 3} in, VOL. III. Painter J. Leakey H. Holbein J. Allen C. Baugniet Bennett J. Hutchison J. Zoffany Engraver S. Cousins P. Bartolozzi R. Cooper E. Smith W. HoU S. de Passe C. Baugniet S. Freeman R. Hancock S. P. Ravenet Anon. 2 N 546 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAVENSCROFT, EDWARD, 1, T, Q, L,, to L, seated in armchair, resting book on a table, Lith, ; 11} X 8} in, RAVENSHAW ; of the East India Company, 1, H, L,, directed and looking to 1, ; vignette ; 1829, Lith, Proof before inscription. RAVENSWORTH, MARIA SUSANNAH (SIMPSON), Lady ; w. of Thomas H. LiddeU, 1st Baron ; 1773-1845. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, with her young daughter beside her. From a rare unpublished mezzotint plate by S. Cousins, R.A. (Whitman 133.) Reproduction ; 7 X 6} in. RAVENSWORTH, HENRY THOMAS LIDDELL, 2nd Baron and 1st Barl of; 1797-1878. 1. T. Q. L., standing, fuU face, holding scroll. Pub. Colnaghi 1855. Mezz. ; 14} x 12} in. RAVENSWORTH, ISABELLA HORATIA (SEYMOUR), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; 1801- 1856. 1. When Miss Seymour, with her sister Emily, afterwards Countess of Shannon; H. L., seated together, one playing the piano, the other holding music-book Without title. Lith. ; 9} X 7} in. See PL to RAWDON, FRANCIS RAWDON, Baron. Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of. RAWDON, Sir ARTHUR, bart. ; 1662-1695. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and armour ; oval frame Hist, of House of Yvery, 1742. (C. S. not desc.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. RAWDON, (Hon.) DOROTHEA, (born Conway) • w of Sir George R., bart. ; d. 1676. 1. H. L., face slightly to r. ; oval frame. PL to 1^5!! of House of Yvery, 1742. (C. S. 401.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. RAWDON ELIZABETH; w. of William R. Bermondsey Court ; b. 1632. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6} x 4 in. of RAWDON, ELIZABETH ANNE. See Russell. general in Ireland; RAWDON, Sir GEORGE, bart 1604-1684. 1. Aged 63 ; H. L., to r., in lace cravat and armour ; oval frame of laurel, with arms below. Line ; 6} x 45 in ^trrrT'ba?t^^^6^2-i?o!"^^^^'' ^^^^ = ^ °^ ^^^ \/r^e4S V.-^.Hi::cT ^^•*°^^^'-/^-- Mezz, ; 4] X 4 in. Painter Engbaver R. Reinagle Anne Mee R. Buckner M. Gauci M. Gauci V. Denon W. Walker V. Denon R. White J. Paber jun. J. Paber jun. R. White R. White J. Paber jun. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 547 Subject RAWDON, Lady HELENA, (born Perceval) ; w. of Sir John R., afterwards 1st Earl of Moira ; d. of 1st Earl of Egmont; 1717-1746. 1. H. L., fuU face ; oval. Sold W. Herbert. (C S, 28,) Mezz, ; 10} X 9} in. 2. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Hist of House of Yvery, 1742. (C S. 401.) Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. RAWDON. Sib JOHN, bart. See Moiba. RAWDON, MARMADUKE ; traveller and antiquary ; 1610-1669. 1. H. L., to r., in plain band and cloak ; oval frame on pedestal. Line ; 6} X 4} in. RAWDON, MARMADUKE, (of Hoddesdon, Herts.); 2nd s. of Sir Marmaduke R. ; cousin of the preceding ; b. 1621. 1. H. L., to L, in cravat and gown ; oval of laurel on pedestal. Line ; 6} X 4} in. RAWES, WILLIAM, M.A. ; master of Houghtou-le- Spring grammar school ; d. 1827. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in gown and bands, handkerchief in 1. hand, r. on book. Private plate, (C, S, not desc, Frankau 236,) Mezz, ; 16 X 12 in, RAWLET, JOHN, B,D, ; divine and author ; 1642-1686, 1. Bust, to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. PL to his Poetick Miscellanies, 1687. Line ; 6 X 3f in. Proof before date of his death. RAWLINS, DOROTHEA 'NARBORNA'; w. of Thomas R. the medaUist. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding drapery with 1. hand ; ship in storm in background. P. v. Wyngaerde ex. Line ; 65 X 6 iu. RAWLINSON, CHRISTOPHER, (of Gark, Lanes.); antiquary; 1677-1733. 1. Aged 24; H. L., slightly to L, in long wig; oval with ornaments in spandrels. (C. S. 210.) Mezz. ; 105 X Oi in- Two impressions. See Gboups (Rawlinson family). RAWLINSON, CURWEN, (of Cark, Lanes.); 1641-1689. See Groups (Rawlinson family). RAWLINSON, ELIZABETH, (born Monck); w. of the preceding ; 1648-1691. See Gboups (Rawlinson family). RAWLINSON, (Majob-Gen.) Sib HENRY CRES- WICKE, batt., G.C.B., F.R.S. ; orientalist; 1810-1895. 1. H. L., to 1. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Woodcut. Painteb J. Lathem Engraver J. Brooks J. Paber jun. J. Jackson J. Careu A. Grace E. White R. White W. Ward R. White A. vr. Does John Smith P. N(auinann) 2 n 2 548 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAWLINSON, MARY, (born DUworth) ; w. of Thomas Hutton B. ; d. 1786. 1. H. L., to L, in hood. PL to Lord R. Gower's Romney, 1904. Process block. RAWLINSON, RICHARD, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A.; antiquary, ooUeotor and Jacobite ; 1690-1755. 1. H. L., to r., in clerical gown and bands; oval frame. (C. S. 3, II.) Mezz. ; 9 X 6} in. 2. H. L., to r., in lay dress; oval frame on pedestal; without title. Line ; 6} X 3} in. RAWLINSON, ROBERT, (of Cark, Lanes.) ; 1610-1665. See Groups (Rawlinson family.) RAWLINSON, Sib THOMAS ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1706 ; 1647-1708. 1. W, L,, to r,, standing, in robes, with insignia of lord mayor, hat in 1. hand ; 1719. Line ; 17 X 11| in Two impressions. RAWLINSON, Sir THOMAS ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1754 ; d. 1769. see Groups (Bonn's Club.) RAWLINSON, THOMAS HUTTON, (of Lancaster) ; merchant; 1712-1769. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Lord R. Gower's Romney, 1904. Process block. RAWLINSON FAMILY. See Groups. RAWLYNS, RICHARD ; teacher of arithmetic at Great Yarmouth. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Front, to his Practical Arithmetick, 1656, Etching ; Sf X 25 in, 2, Reversed copy from the last ; same dimensions. Etching, RAWSON, JOHN ; methodist preacher. 1, Bust, r, profile ; vignette. PL to Methodist Mag., 1822, Stipple, RAY, JOHN, P,B,S. ; naturalist ; 1627-1705, 1, H, L., to r,, in wig, bands and cloak ; oval of laurel with cartouche below. Pront, to his Stirpium Europcearum, . . . Sylloge, 1694. [Also used for his Wisdom of God, 1701, and his Three Discourses, 1732.] Line ; 6} X 3} in, 2, Exact copy from the last. Line ; 65 X 8} in, 3, Same picture, with cloak altered to a gown ; plain oval frame on pedestal ; 1713. Line ; 6} X 3} in, 4, Same picture, the dress varied; plain oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Posthumous Works, 1760. Etching ; 6} X 3} in. Painteb G. Romney G. Vertue G. Kneller G. Romney W. Faithorne Engraver W. Smith M. -vr. Gucht G. Vertue R. Gaywood W. HoU W. Elder A. de Blois G. Vertue 1 W. Hibbart Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 549 Subject 5. Same picture ; vignette on dinner ticket for his com memoration 29 Nov. 1828. Etching.6. SimUar to the preceding, to 1. ; oval in reot. frame. From a miniature. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 7. H. L., to 1., in cloak and bands; oval with vignette below of Britannia crowning his bust. Prom picture now in National Portrait Gallery. PL to Thornton's Sexual System according to Linnaeus, 1799, Stipple ; (oval) 6 X 6 in, 8. Same picture ; rect. at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, 1820. Stipple ; 2} X 15 in, 9. Marble bust, full face; vignette. 'J. M. Ince del,' Pub, J. W. Parker, Etching,RAY, JOHN MEAD ; independent minister at Sudbury ; 1754-1837. 1. Bust, to r,, in gown and bands ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. J. Chapman 1797. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. 2. H. L., looking to r, PL to same periodical 1837. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. , RAY, MARTHA; mistress of the Barl of Sandwich; murdered by Rev. J. Hackman ; 1742-1779. 1. Nearly W. L,, directed and looking to r,, seated, with open music book on lap. Pub. V. Green 1779. {C S. 106, Whitman 74.) Mezz. ; 17} X 16 in. Two proofs with scratched inscription (one before * who was murdered April 7, 1779 ') ; one fully lettered impression. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; broad oval frame. Pub. V. Green 1779. (C S. 107, Whitman 75.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. One proof with scratched inscription ; three fully-lettered im pressions. 3. H, L,, 1. profile; oval frame. Line ; 4} X 35 in. Proof before any inscription. 4. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval frame, with incident of her murder below. Magazine plate. Line ; 6 X 3| in, 5. Similar to the last ; oval frame inscribed ' Miss Martha Reay who feU a sacrifice to the rage of Dispairing Love April ye 7th, 1799 ' ; with ornaments ; on title to a song. Pub. A. Portal. Line. RAY, THOMAS MATTHEW; Irish repealer; 1801-1881, See Gboups (State Trial Portraits 1844.) RAYMOND, ROBERT RAYMOND, 1st Baron; lord chief justice ; 1673-1733. 1. H. L., to 1., in, robes of chief justice. Pub. J. Simon. (C S. 129.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Painter Engraver W. Paithorne Anon. J. Heath W. HoU J. Rofife C. G. Lewis W. Ridley N. Dance C. E. Wagstaff V. Green H. Sintzenich Anon. Plin I. Maubert i J. Simon 550 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RAYMOND, ROBERT, 1st Baron-cowimaed, 2. Nearly W. L,, to r., seated, in robes of chief justice. Line ; 13 X 10} in. Proof before any inscription, 3, Same picture, H, L, only ; rect, frame, PL to Black- stone's Commentaries ; pub, Cadell 1793. Line ; 7 X 4} in. 4. Same picture, H. L. only. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, 1806. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in, RAYMOND, JAMES GRANT; actor; 1771-1817, 1, In character, H, L,, looking to r,, in slashed coat and lace collar; rect, frame. Pub. W. H. Bate 1818 (Whitman 490.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11} in. Three impressions. 2. As Macbeth ; bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor, Hood & Oo. 1806. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. RAYNER, LIONEL BENJAMIN; actor; 1788?-1855. 1. As Giles in The Miller's Maid; H. L., looking to L, arms folded; rect. frame with ornaments. PL to Oxberry's Dramatic Biography. Stipple. 2. As Tyke in Morton's ScfeooZo/iJe/orm; W.L. standing looking to 1. PL to Mirror of the Stage. Coloured. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. READ, BENJAMIN ; a member of Hogarth's Club. 1. W. L., sitting asleep, a, pipe in his mouth, Paosimile of a sketch. Pub, Livesay 1781, Etching and aquatint ; 11} x 10} in, READ, MARY; female pirate. See BoNNv, Ann. READ, SAMUEL, R.W.S. ; artist ; 1815 ?-1883. See Groups (Hlust. London News artists). READ, Sir WILLIAM ; quack oculist ; d. 1715. 1, H, L,, to r,, in large wig and mantle; oval. Sold E, Cooper, (0, S, p, 1597, No. 7,) Mezz, ; 135 X 9} in. One before any inscription ; two lettered impressions (This IS Williams's plate of Thomas Betterton, with the face altered.] 2. Copy from the last; reot. PI. to Caulfield's RemarkabU Line ; 6} x 4} in. READE, CHARLES; novelist; 1814-1884. 1. A head, r. profile. Prom a crayon drawing. PI to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Keproduction. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. Stipple and line. 3. W. L., flying on a wmged pen, holding banner inscribed Imagination ; with title ' Something Uke a Novelist ' • satirical. ' Woodcut. Painter J. Richardson W. H. Bate Hartley W. Hogarth Engraver G. Vertue P. Audinet RiversC. Turner Ridley & HoU J. Rogers Anon. R. Livesay W. Paithorne R. Lehmann W. Paithorne R. Grave Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 551 Subject READING, BURNET; engraver. 1. When young; H. L., to r., seated, in hat, arm on back of chair ; 1798. Etching ; 6 X 4} iu. 2. Bust, to L, with head of a horse ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching.READING, JOHN ; organist at Dulwich College ; 1677- 1764. 1. H. L., to r. From picture at Dulwich. Photograph. 2. Same picture. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. READSHAW, CALEB; vicar of Easby and rector of Corrington; 1764-1838. 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to L, in gown. Private plate, (Whitman 135,) Mezz, ; 11 X 9} in, REASON, ELIZABETH, (of Highworth, Wilts,) 1, H. L,, looking to r, ; oval frame. Without any inscrip tion, (C, S. 21,) Mezz, ; 65 X 4} in. Two impressions, REBELLO, D. A., (of Hackney); coin collector; fl. 1800. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. Private plate. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. REBOW, Lady GEORGINA, (born Toler) ; w. of John Gurdon Rebow, M.P. ; d. of 2nd Earl of Norbury ; d. 1900. 1. When Lady G. Toler ; nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., in evening dress, holding flowers and handkerchief; octagon in decor, frame. Stipple, REDDISH, SAMUEL ; actor; 1735-1785. 1, As Beverley in Moore's The Gamester; W. L., to L, standing, holding phial. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 5 X 3} in. 2. As Edgar in King Lear ; W. L., brandishing club. PL to BeU's ed. of Shakspeare, 1775. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 3. As Alonzo in Young's The Revenge; W. L., to r., standing ; lady seated in background. PL to Lowndes's New English Theatre, 1776. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 4. As Posthumus in Cymbeline ; W. L., standing, looking to 1., soldiers behind to r. Pub. J. BoydeU 1771. (C. S. 108, Whitman 31.) Mezz. ; 24} X 15} in. One proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched ; three lettered impressions. same plate, retouched and reduced; issued after his death. 95 X 7} in. 5. Copy from the last, reversed; without background. Pub. R. Sayer 1771. Line ; (pi.) 3} X 3 in. Painter S. De Wilde T. EUerby J. Hayter J. J. Barralet T. Parkinson R. E. Pine Engraver S. De Wilde B. Beading S. Cousins B. Clowes W. & P. Holl J. M. Delattre C. Grignion Walker V. Green Anon. 552 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver REDDISH, ^AMVEh— continued. 6. As Young Bevile in Steele's Conscious Lovers; W. L., to 1., seated in chair, holding book. PL to Bell's British Theatre, 1776. Line ; 6} x 85 in. 7. As Lothario in Rowe's Fair Penitent; W, L,, standing, cross-legged ; without background. Pub, J, Hande, Line. 8. As Beverley in The Gamester; W. L., sitting by table ; without background. Pub, J, Harrison & Co, 1779. Line, 9, As Alfred iu Alfred, a Masque ; W. L,, standing, looking to 1. ; without background. Pub. J. Harrison & Co. 1781. 10. With Mrs. Barry; as Lothario and Calista iu Fair Penitent; W. L., sitting together; circular frame. A watch-paper. Pub. R. Sayer 1773. Lhie ; 2 in. diam. REDESDALE, JOHN PRBEMAN-MITFORD, 1st Baron ; lord chanceUor of Ireland ; 1748-1830. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to L, in robes, Mezz, ; 17} X 14 in, REDPORD, (Me,) ; dissenting minister at Windsor. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. . T. WiUiams 1810. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. REDGRAVE, RICHARD, R.A., C.B. ; painter; 1804- 1888. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Cutting from Art Journal, 1850. Woodcut.2. H. L., looking to r. ; oval. Process block. From photograph. Pub. J. Caulfield 1794. REDMAN, (Mr.) ; actor. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Chalk manner. REECE, RICHARD ; methodist minister ; 1766-1850. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. PL to Methodist Mag., 1827. Stipple ; 5 X 4} in. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1797, Stipple ; 3} X 3 in, REED, ALFRED GERMAN ; actor ; 1847-1895, 1, H, L,, to r, ; from photograph. Gutting from Hlust. London News, 1895. Process block. REED, ANDREW, D.D. ; independent minister and philanthropist ; 1787-1862. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated iu armchair, in gown and bands, legs crossed ; book on desk to r. Line ; 8 X 65 in. REED, Sir EDWARD JAMES, K.CB oonstruotor ; 1830-1907. 1, Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. Lookwood & Co. 1870. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. F.R.S.; naval Prom photograph. Pub. J. Roberts T. La'wrence N. Bran-white J.Thomthwaite ¦Anon. J. Jackson Wildman G. Clint W. Ridley Anon.Anon. W. T. Pry W. Ridley J. Parker W. H. Mote Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 553 Subject Painter Engbaveb REED, ISAAC, P,S,A, ; critic ; 1742-1807. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; reot. frame. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1791. S. Harding C. Knight Stipple ; 6 X 4| in. 2. H. L., full faoe, reading a book. (C S. 67.) G. Romney W. Dickinson Mezz, ; 12} X 10 in. Four impressions. 3. Same picture, PL to Monthly Mirroi-; pub, Veruor, Hood & Sharpe 1807. „ S. Preeman Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 4, Same picture, PL to Ames Typographical Antiquities, ed, 1816. 99 T. Hodgetts Mezz, ; 8} X 6} in. 5. Same picture. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J, Asperne Ridley, Holl & 1807. ,, Blood Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. RE HID, JAMES; dissenting minister. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. WiUiams & Smith 1805. W. Ridley Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. REED, JAMES, B.D. ; rector of Eversholt and chaplain to the Queen ; 1768-1843. 1. H. L., looking to r., in gown and hands, book in 1. hand. Private plate. W. Salter J. Cochran Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. REED, PRISCILLA, (born Horton); w. of Thomas German R.; actress; 1818-1895. 1. When Miss Horton; as Ariel in The Tempest; W. L., to L, standing; vignette. Prom a drawing. Pub. T. McLean 1838. Lith. 2. When old; H. L., to r. Cutting from Illust. London H. Johnston W. Taylor News, 1895. P. N(aumann) Woodcut. REED, THOMAS GERMAN ; musician ; 1817-1888, 1, Bust, to L; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1888. R. T(aylor) Woodcut. REEDER, JOHN; bookseller, etc. at Lewes and Brighton. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. Pub. E. & S. Ha.rding 1792, J. Nixon Anon. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. REES, ABRAHAM; nonconformist minister and cyclo- psedist; 1743-1825. 1. T, Q, L,, to r., seated by table, in wig and gown, holding paper; rect. frame. From picture in Dr. WUliams's Ubrary. Pub. J. Yeatherd 1796. (0. S. 3.) J. Opie J. Yeatherd Mezz. ; 17 X 13} in. Impression with addi-ess cut oft. same plate, retouched ; with address of E, Evans. »» SS 2, Same picture, with gown altered to plain coat. Front. to his Cyclopcedia ; pub. Longman 1811. »j W. Holl Stipple ; 8} X 6} in. 3. H. L., to r., seated, r. hand on stick; vignette. PL to Imperial Mag. ; pub. H. Fisher 1825. J. Thomson stipple. 554 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject REES, HENRY; Welsh minister at Liverpool ; 1798-1869. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, r. arm on table, holding book. From a photograph. Lith. ; 19} X 145 in. REES, THOMAS, D.D. ; independent minister at Swan sea; 1815-1885. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. : vignette. PL to Evan gelical Mag. Stipple.REEVE, CLARA ; noveUst ; 1729-1807. 1, T. Q. L., to L, standing, arms folded ; vignette. PL to La Belle AssembUe, 1824. Stipple. 2. Same picture ; rect. Book illustration. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in. REEVE, JOHN; actor; 1799-1838. 1. As Marmaduke Magog in Buokstone's Wreck Ashore ; T. Q. L., fuU faoe, in beadle's dress, holding staff; with title ' A Parochial Authority.' Mezz. ; 13 X 115 in. 2. As Jack Ragg in The Climbing Boy ; W. L., standing, 1. profile, holding broom; vignette. Pub. G. Madeley. Coloured. Lith. REEVE, LOVELL AUGUSTUS, P.L.S. ; conohologist ; 1814-1865. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, r. hand on books ; with facsimile of autograph. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. Ransome. Lith. REEVE, (Right Hon.) Sir THOMAS ; chief justice of the common pleas ; d. 1737. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, in robes of chief justice, glove in 1. hand. Line ; 12} x 10 in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only. Sold G, Bockman. (C S. 19, I.) Mezz. ; I15 X 9} in. 3. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; oval, on same plate with figure of a man bathing his feet in a stream. Without any inscription. Etching ; 1} X 1} in. REEVE, WILLIAM ; actor and musician ; 1757-1815. 1. H. L., to L; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet; pub. Matthews & Leigh 1807. Stipple ; 65 X 3} in. REEVES, FREDERICK. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated in armchair, in dressing- gown, holding newspaper and spectacles ; vignette. Private plate, without title. Lith.REEVES, JOHN, P.R.S., P.S.A.; lawyer and author- king's printer ; 1752 ?-1829. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub J. SeweU 1798. ^ ^ Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. Painter R. W. Buss G. E. Madeley T. H. Maguire J. Amiconi E. Smith A. Picken S. Drummond Engraver Schenck & McParlane J. Cochran T. Blood Anon. C. E. Wagstaff G. E. Madeley T. H. Maguire B. Baron G. Bockman Anon.J. Hopwood A. Picken J. Chapman Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 555 Subject Painteb Engraver 2. H. L., full faoe ; vignette. From picture at Eton CoUege. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1818. Stipple. 3. H. L., r. profile ; oval. Pub. B. Crosby 1795. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. REEVES, JOHN SIMS ; singer ; 1818-1900. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., holding stick, plaid over shoulder ; oval ; 1850. Lith. ; 13} X 10} in. 2. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., holding song; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. 3. H. L., looking to r. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1893. Woodcut ; 13 X 9} in. 4. H. L., looking to 1. From photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Process block. 'REFLECTIONS ON WERTER.' See Turner, (Miss). REFORMERS OP MARYLEBONE. See Groups. ' REGARD.' See Storey, Lydia. REGONDI, GIULIO; performer on the guitar and concertina; 1822-1872. 1. Aged 8 ; nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, playing guitar; vignette. Pub. J. Churohill. Lith.2. Aged 8 ; W, L,, seated, full face, playing guitar ; vignette, Lith, 3, Aged 8; W, L,, seated, looking downwards, playing guitar ; vignette. Sketches of the Musical World, No, 3 ; pub. T. McLean 1831. Lith. REID, Sir GEORGE, P.R.S.A. ; portrait painter ; b. 1841. 1. Bust, to 1. ; from a photograph. Process block. REID, JOHN ; general ; musical composer ; caUed the ' Walking Rushlight ' ; 1721-1807. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, holding fiute. From picture in Edinburgh University. Cutting from Musical Times, 1899. Process block. 2. W. L., standing, 1. profile, holding cane. Pencil drawing. REID, JOHN ROBERTSON ; Uving painter. 1, Bust, to 1, ; from photograph. Process block, REID, THOMAS, D.D., F.R.S., Edin. ; professor of moral phUosophy at Glasgow ; 1710-1796. 1. Bust, 1. profile, in his own hair; vignette. From a model. Pub. Cadell & Davies 1811. stipple. S. Drummond C. Baugniet J. Thomson Anon. C. Baugniet Anon. JoffroyWeber J. Tassie Joffroy WeberAnon. Anon. C. Pieart 556 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject REID, THOMAS, D.D., P.R.S., Edin.— continued. 2. Aged 80 ; bust, 1. profile, in wig ; oval. From a model. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1804. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. REID, WILLIAM ; presbyterian minister at Edinburgh ; temperance advocate. 1. H. L,, looking to L, vignette; 1855, Lith. REID, (Mbs.) 1. In character of a Sultana; T. Q. L., seated by table, looking to 1., holding cup ; negro servant to 1. Pub. C Bowles 1773. (C S. 68.) Mezz. ; 125 X 9| in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. REINHOLD, CHARLES FREDERICK; actor and singer; 1737-1815. 1. With Mrs. ParreU, as Artaxerxes and Artabanes, in Artaxerxes ; W. L. , standing together in a room. Line ; 6} X 3} in. REISEN, CHARLES CHRISTIAN; seal engraver; 1680-1725, 1, H, L,, to r,, standing, holding seal. Pub. S. Sympson ' near Catherine Street in the Strand.' (C S. 38.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. same plate, with address altered to ' in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.' 2. Same picture, reversed. PL to Walpole's Aiwcdotes, ed. 1762. Etching ; 6} X 45 in. 3. Same picture, to r. PL to same work, ed. 1862. Stipple ; 25 X 2} in. BELLY, JAMES ; minister of Crosby Square meeting house; universalist ; 1722 ?-1778. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, seated in arm-chair, in wig, book iu 1. hand. Etching ; 4} X 35 in. EELPH, JOHN, M.D. ; physician ; d. 1804. See Gboups (Medical Society of London.) EEMINGTON, HANNAH (GEE), Lady; w. of Sir Thomas R. See Gboups (Remington family). EEMINGTON, Sir THOMAS, (of Lund, Yorkshire) ; b. 1611. See Groups (Remington family). EEN ALS, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Wellingborough. 1. H. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, in spectacles ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. Stipple.RENDLESHAM, MARY ANDALUSIA (DICKENS), Lady ; w. of John Thellusson, 2nd Baron ; d. 1814. 1. H. L., fuU face, in lace shawl. Without title. Pub C Turner. (Whitman 492.) Mezz. ; 10| x 8} in. Painter J. Tassie Hahnisch R. E. Pine Engraver J. Vanderbank W. Ridley Hahnisch W. Dickinson Anon. G. White J. Bretherton S. Freeman S. Harding G. Engleheart T. Blood C. Turner Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 557 Subject Painter RENDLESHAM, FREDERICK THELLUSSON, 4th Baron; 1798-1852. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to r. One of set of Ipswich Museum Portraits. Lith. RENNELL, JAMES, P.R.S. ; major in the East India Company's service ; geographer ; 1742-1830. 1. H. L., 1. profile; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. W. Daniell 1808. Soft-ground etching. 2. H. L., seated, 1, profile, arms folded ; oval. Pub. 1799. Stipple ; 45 X 3J in. 3. Copy from the last ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1802. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 4. Another copy ; decor, rect, frame. Stipple ; 2} X 2} in, RENNELL, THOMAS, B.D., F.R.S. ; vicar of Kensing ton ; 1787-1824. 1. H. L., to r., seated, in private dress, scroll iu.l. hand. Pub. T. Foster 1824. (Whitman 244.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two impressions. RENNETT, CHARLES; convicted of ohUd steaUng 1819. 1. H. L., r. profile ; vignette. Pub. R. Ackermann 1819. Lith. RENNICK, JAMES ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; vignette. Magazine plate. Stipple. RENNIE, JOHN, F.R.S. ; civil engineer ; 1761-1821. 1. H. L., to L, seated; vignette. PL to European Mag., 1821. Stipple.2. Marble bust now in National Portrait Gallery. (Whit man 245.) Mezz.; 19} X 13} in. 3. Same bust; vignette. PI. to Imperial Mag.; pub, H. Pisher 1821. Stipple. 4. Aged 42 ; H. L., r. profile ; vignette. From a drawing now in National Portrait Gallery. Pub. W. Daiuell 1810. Soft-ground etching. 5. H. L., lodking to r. ; vignette in octagonal frame with ornaments. PI. to Percy Anecdotes ; pub. T. Boys 1823. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 6. H. L., 1. proflle; rect. Private plate, without any inscription. Stipple ; 7 X 6| in. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Science.) RENNIE, Sir JOHN ; civil engineer ; a. of the preceding ; 1794-1874. 1. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1., paper in r. hand; with facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 18} X 10| iu. T. H. Maguire G. Dance Scott T. Foster J. R. Maguire W. Behnes P. Chantrey G. Dance Engraver J. Andrews T. H. Maguire W. DanieU A. Cardon W^. Eidley Anon. S. W. Beynolds & W. Brett Anon.P. Maguire J. Thomson S. W. Reynolds J. Thomson W. DanieU W. T. Pry (E. Scriven) J. Andrews 558 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painteb Engraver REPTON, HUMPHRY; landscape gardener ; 1752-1818. 1. H. L., to r., standing, sketching; vignette. Pub. J. Taylor 1802. Stipple. 2. Copy from the last, bust only ; rect. at head of account of him. PL to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Characters, Stipple ; 1} X 15 in. RESKEMEER, JOHN; a Cornish gentleman. 1. Bust, to L, nearly in profUe, with long beard, wearing cap. Prom the drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamber laine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Same drawing. Etching.3. Same drawing 4. Same drawing ; photograph. photograph by Braun of Dornach. 6. Same drawing ; reproduction by Hanfstaengl. 'RETURN PROM THE WARREN.' See Ponsonby, (Hon.) Ashley. REUTER, BARON PAUL JULIUS de ; founder of Router's telegram agency ; 1816-1899. 1. Nearly W. L., full face, seated by table, legs crossed. Private plate, without title. Mixed ; 16} X 12} in. REVEL, MARMADUKE ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1813. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. ' REVEREND PATRIOT.' See Haedie, Thomas. REVET, TOBIAS, (of Brockford, SufioUi) ; 1762-1844. 1. H. L., full-face ; vignette. Etching. REVETT, NICHOLAS ; architect ; 1720-1804. 1. Aged 80; H. L., seated, nearly in profile to r. From drawing now iu British Museum. Pub. W. Daniell, 1814. Soft-ground etching. 2. When young; H. L., to r., seated in arm-ohair; rect. frame. PL dedicated to W. Wilkins, R.A. Line ; 85 X 6} in. 3. Similar to the last, but standing, hand on vol. inscribed ' Da Vinci ' ; rect. frame ; pub. I. Taylor 1810. Pront. to Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens, vol. iv., 1816. Liue ; 65 X 6} in. REVOULT, JOHN ; master of the Walworth Academy. 1. H. L., seated, directed and looking to r., holding vol. lettered ' Introduction to the Arts and Sciences 1798.' Private plate. (C S. 32, Frankau 67.) Mezz. ; 13} X 10} in. Four progress proofs ; three before the inscription ; two lettered impressions. REYNELL, CARBW; author of The True English Interest; 1636-1690. 1. H. L, to r,, in cloak; oval frame with arms, (Pagan p. 55,) Line ; 10} X 7J in. S. Shelley H. Holbein R. Lehmann J. Jackson G. Dance A. Ramsay W. Beechey W. Paithorne W. Holl Cooke R. Cooper (R. Dalton) T. O. Barlow WHoUAnon. W. Daniell W. C. Edwards I. T.aylor J. Ward W. Paithorne Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 559 Subject REYNOLDS, EDWARD, D.D. ; bishop of Norwich; 1599-1676; 1. Aged 58 ; H. L. to r., in cap and black gown ; oval frame with eight lines below. Pront. to his Works, 1658. Line ; 95 X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Meditations on St. Peter, 1677, Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Another copy; reot., with facsimile of autograph. Pront. to his Works ; pub. B. Holdsworth 1826. Line ; 4i X 35 in. REYNOLDS, ELIZABETH. See Walker. REYNOLDS, PRANCES ; sister of Sir Joshua R. ; 1729-1807. 1. T. Q. L., seated, full face, playing guitar; her sister Mrs. Palmer behind. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Photogravure ; 6} X 4} in. 2. H. L., nearly full face, veil over head. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1824. Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. 3. H. L., looking to 1. Prom picture shown at National Portrait Exhibition, 1867. Photograph. REYNOLDS, FREDERIC ; dramatist; 1764-1841. 1. H. L., slightly to r., seated, r. arm on table, 1. on back of chair. Prom a drawing. Pront. to his Life, by himself. Pub. H. Colburn, 1826. Stipple ; 5} X 4 in. 2. Bust, to r. ; oval. Prom a miniature. PL to Monthly Mirror, 1796. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 3. H. L., full face, resting head on hand. PL to Pictures in Collection of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1907. Phot gravure ; 12} X 10 in. 4. H. L., to r. ; rect. frame. PL to The Cabinet ; pub. Mathews and Leigh 1808. Stipple ; 65 X 3} in. 5. H. L., to r. Pub. Colnaghi, Son & Co. 1826. Mezz. ; 105 X 85 in. 6. Same picture ; oval. Pub. J. Heath 1804. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 7. Same picture ; rect. Pub. Longman & Co, Stipple ; 4 X 2} in, 8, Same picture ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1804. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. REYNOLDS, GEORGE WILLIAM M'ARTHUR ; radi- cal politician and journalist ; 1814-1879. 1. H.L., directed and looking tor., in spectacles; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Stipple. Painter Engraver D. Loggan P. Reynolds J. Reynolds G. H. Harlow W. Nash J. Russell E. Smith J. R. Smith D. Loggan R. White R. Graves S. W. Reynolds H. Meyer W. Ridley R. Woodman j. G. T. Doo J. Heath J. Hopwood T. Williamson Anon. 560 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject REYNOLDS, HENRY REVELL, M.D., F.R.S. ; physi cian; 1745-1811. 1. H. L., to 1. ; reot frame. Pub. L. Abbott & V. Green 1798. (C S. 109, Whitman 141.) Mezz. ; 165 X 14} in. 2. Same picture. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. REYNOLDS, (Right Hon.) JAMES ; chief baron of the exchequer; 1686-1739. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated, in robes, gloves in 1, hand. Line ; 125 X 10 in. Two impressions. REYNOLDS, SIR JAMES ; chief justice of the common pleas in Ireland and baron of the English court of exchequer; 1684-1747. 1, Nearly W. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, in robes, glove in r. hand. Pub. Faber 1748. (G. S. 302.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. REYNOLDS, JANE LOUISA; actress. See Brampton. REYNOLDS, JOHN, B.D. ; feUow of Eton and canon of Exeter ; uncle of Sir Joshua R. ; 1671-1758. 1. Nearly W. L. to L, seated in armchair, in wig, gown and bands, hands clasped over handkerchief. (0. S. 151, Goodwin 57.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. REYNOLDS, JOHN ; dissenting minister at Bomsey. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1828. Stipple. 2. When old ; H. L. to r., seated, holding book with both hands ; vignette. PL to same periodical. Stipple.REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA, P.R.A., D.C.L. ; painter ; 1723-1792. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in arm-chair, directed and looking to r., in hat and robe. Prom picture in diploma gallery at Royal Academy. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1796. (Whit man 246.) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. 2. Bust, to r. ; reot. Pub. W. Smith. Etching ; 6} X 4} in. 3. Bust, r. profile ; circular frame with title on tablet below. Pub. P. Falconet and Ryland & Bryer. stipple ; 7 X 6 in. same plate ; frame altered to plain reot. 6} X 4} in. 4. Copy from the last, reversed ; plain circle. Line ; 35 in. diam. 5. H. L., to r., in cloak, hand on portfolio. Prom picture belonging to Society of Dilettanti. Pub R. Sayer 1770. (C S. 123, Goodwin 71.) Mezz. ; 16} X 13 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' names only ; two fully lettered impressions. Painter L. Abbott W. Parker J. Parmentier J. Reynolds H. Room C. P. V. Breda E. Edwards P. Palconet J. Reynolds Engbaveb V. Green T. Blood G. Vertue. J. Paber jun. J. McArdeU Anon. J. Cochran S. W. Beynolds E. Edwards D. P. Pariset Anon. J. Watson Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 561 Subject 6. Same picture. PL to Cust's Hist, of the Society of DiUttanti, 1898. Photogravure ; 6| X 4} in. 7. H. L., to 1., in fur-trimmed coat; oval. PL to General Mag. and Impartial Review ; pub. Bellamy & Roberts 1792. Stipple ; 3f x 3} in. 8. H. L., to r., in cap and robes of D.CL., scroll in r. hand. Prom the picture at Florence. Pub. C Townley 1777. (C S. 24.) Mezz. ; 13| X 11} in. 9. Same picture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Fisher, Son & Co. 1833. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 10. Same picture. One of series Ritratti de' Pittoii, etc. Printed in colours. ilezz. ; 6} X 6 in. 11. Same picture. PL to Classical Picture GalUry. Process block. 12. H. L., to r., in cap and robes of D.CL., holding open paper. Prom picture at Apethorpe. Pub. J. K. Sherwin 1784. Line ; 10} X 9 in. One proof before inscription, title and artists' names scratched ; one lettered impression. 13. Same picture. Pub, H. Graves & Co. Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 14, Same picture, bust only ; in decor, reot. frame. ' Ram- bert,' del. Woodcut. 15. Similar to the preceding, but with hand holding paper omitted. Prom picture in National GaUery. PL to Art Journal, 1854. Stipple and line ; 9} X 7| in. 16. Same picture. PL to Das Museum. Process block. 17. Same picture. PL to Gefiroy's Les Musics d'Ewope. Photogravure ; 7 X 6} in. 18. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in cap and robes of D.C.L., resting hand on table, on which is a bust of Michelangelo. Prom picture belonging to Royal Academy. Pub. V. Green 1780. (C S. 110, Whitman 105.) Mozz. ; 17| X 15 in. Two impressions. same plate, with inscription erased. 19. Same picture. PL to Britten's Fine Arts of the English School; pub. Longman 1811. Stipple ; 7} X 65 in. 20. Same picture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval. Pub. J. CoUyer 1784. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 21. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. PL to Arnold's Library of the Fine Arts, 1332. Mezz. ; 6 X 4} iu. 22. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag., 1819. Stipple ; 2 X 15 in. VOL. III. Painter J. Reynolds Engraver W. Ridley C. Townley J. Cochran C. Lasinio J. K. Sherwin (R. B. Parkes) Simon T. W. Hunt V. Green JJ W. Bond J. CoUyer C. J. Hawthorn W. HoU 2 o 562 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject REYNOLDS, Sir JOSHUA, P.R,A,, D.G.Ij.— continued. 23. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; vignette. PL to Con temporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1809. Stipple. 24. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Encyclopedia Londinensis, 1826. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 4} X 3f in. 25. Same picture, T. Q. L., to r. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 26. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. Pub. T. KeUy 1829. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 27. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. frame. Book Ulustra- tion. Pub. W, Suttaby 1810, Stipple ; 4} X 3 in. 28. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub. J. Inman 1820. Lith. 29. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval at head of an account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1794. Line ; 2 x 1} in. 30. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. PL to Physiognomical Portraits ; pub, 1822. Line ; 2} x 2 in. 31. Same picture, H. L., to 1. ; oval ; 1797, (Whitman 493,) stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 32. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. frame. PL to Smeeton's The Unique, 1824. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 33. H. L., to r. ; in picture frame. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 34. Same picture, T. Q. L., to r. PI. to Armstrong's Beynolds, 1900. Photogravure ; 85 x 6| in. 35. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; with picture ou easel in place of the bust ; vignette. Pub. W. Darton 1825. Stipple. 36. H. L., slightly to r., wearing spectacles. From picture at Windsor Castle. Pub. L. WeUs 1799. Mezz. ; I15 X 9} in. 37. Same picture ; vignette on title to Engravings from the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; pub. Moon, Boys & Graves. Mezz. 38. Same picture, to r. PL to Knight's Portrait Gallery Reissue, with address of W. Mackenzie, Glasgow. Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. 39. Same picture, to r. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1833. Mezz. ; 45 X 3} in. 40. Same picture, to r. Pub. T. Cadell 1789. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 41. Copy from the last ; with French title. Stipple ; 6} X 4J in. 42. Same picture. .Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. Painter J. Reynolds Engraver H. Meyer J. Pass S. W. Reynolds A. Roffe N. Sehiavonetti R. W. Sievier A. Smith E. Smith C. Turner - Anon. Anon.G. Clint W. Giller J. Posselwhite S. W. Reynolds C. Watson E. Picquenot Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 563 Subject Cutting from a newspaper. PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900. 43. Same picture. Photograph. 44. Aged 66 ; H. L., to r. ; root frame. Prom Mr. Gwatkin's picture. Pub. A. Molteno 1795. (C S. I.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; three before title. 45. Same picture, to r. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. .Mezz. ; 4} X 35 in. 46. H. L., full faoe, holding palette and brushes, and shading his eyes with his hand ; rect. frame. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1795. (Whitman 247.) Mezz, ; 12} X 105 in. One proof before inscription, artists' names, etc. scratched and price 6s ; one with price altered to 7s. 6(?. ; one fully lettered impression. same plate, with address of J. Manson 1796. 47. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 4} X 6 in. 48. Same picture. Woodcut ; 8} X 9| in, 49. Same picture. Photogravure ; 3} X 3g in. 50. When young; H. L., to L, in broad brimmed hat. Prom Lord Crewe's picture. i?ub. H. Graves & Co, Mezz, ; 4} x 3} in, 51, Same picture, PL to Armstrong's Reynolds, 1900, Photogravure ; 8} x 6'; iu, 52, Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated on chair, in gown, holding paper inscribed ' The President and Council of the Royal Academy,' Prom picture destroyed by fire in 1898, Pub, H, Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 5 X 4 in. 53. H. L., to r., in robes of D.C.L., bare-headed. Prom picture at Althorp. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1821. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 54. Same picture. PL to Sir Joshua Reynolds at Althorp House; pub. Hanfstaengl. Eeproduction in colours ; 14} x 11} in. 55. Aged 27 ; H. L., to r. Prom picture iu Peel collection. National GaUery. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1823. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in, 56, Same picture, PL to Armstrong's Beynolds, 1900, Photogravure ; 3} X 3} iu. 57. H. L., to r., in hat. Prom an unfinished picture, S, W. Reynolds 1822, Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 58. Aged 52; H. L., full face, holding hand to ear, picture belonging to Sir L. Molesworth, bart. Armstrong's Beynolds, 1900. Pliotogravure ; 35 X 31 in. 59. Same picture. Pront. to vol. iii. of Graves & Cronin's ' Beynolds, 1899. Photogravure ; 6} X 4} in. 60. H. L., to r. Prom picture belonging to Mr. T. Ismay. Pront. to vol. ii of same work. Photogravure ; 6} X 4} in. Painter Pub, Prom PL to J. Reynolds Engraver C. Kirkley S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds H, W. T. G. H. Every G. H. Every S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds 564 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject REYNOLDS, Sir JOSHUA, P.R.A., D.G.Ij.— continued. 61. H.L. tor. From picture belonging to Duke of Bedford. Front, to vol. i. of same work. Photogravure ; 6} X 4} in. 62, H, L,, to r,, seated at easel, holding brush. From picture formerly in Lawrence collection. PL to oat. of Price sale at Christie's 1895. Ueproduotion.63. T. Q. L., to L, seated in arm-ohair by table on which are roUs of paper. Prom pioture painted for the Shakspeare GaUery. Pub. BoydeU 1802. Stipple ; 6} X 6 in. 64. Same pioture. Stipple ; 4 X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 65. H. L., to 1. ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1793. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. See Groups (Royal Academy Life School), (Royal Academy Exhibition.) REYNOLDS, NANCY. 1. H. L., to L, standing, holding crook, r. elbow on bank, veil and flowers on head. Pub. S. Okey jun. (C S. 9.) Mezz. ; llf x 9 in. One proof before any inscription; one lettered impression. REYNOLDS, RICHARD, (of Bristol) ; ironmaster and phUanthropist ; 1735-1816. 1. H. L,, to r,, seated at a table on which he holds a bible • rect, frame. Pub. W. Hobday 1817. Line ; 13} x 10} in. Six progress proofs. 2. H. L., looking to L; vignette. Prom a bust. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1817. Stipple. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL, B.A.; master of Plympton grammar school ; father of Sir Joshua B. ; 1681-1746. 1. H. L., r. profile, in gown ; oval in reot. frame. Pub. Colnaghi 1823. (Whitman 248.) Mezz. ; 12} X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with open letters. 2. Same pioture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1822. Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAM; painter and mezzo tint engraver ; 1773-1835. 1. A head, to r. ; vignette. Etching,Unfinished proof. REYNOLDS, THOMAS ; minister at the Weigh House chapel; 1667 ?-1727, 1. H. L., to L, in wig, gown and bands ; oval iu rect. (C S 39.) Mezz. ; 12 X 95 in. Three impressions. RHODES, BENJAMIN ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 53; bust, to L; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1797. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. Painter J. Reynolds G. Stuart Engraver E. Scriven i J. Williams W. Hobday S. Percy J. Reynolds J. Cond6 S. Okey W. Sharp H. Meyer S. W. Reynolds E. BeU T. Murray E. BeU G. White W. Ridley Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 565 Subject RHODES, (Right Hon.) CECIL JOHN; founder of Rhodesia ; prime minister of Cape Colony ; 1853-1902. 1. Statuette ; W. L., standing. Keproduction ; 3} X 2 in. 2. Bust, full face ; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1891. Woodcut.RHUDDE, JOHN, M.A. ; vicar of Portesham and Weymouth; 1704-1778. 1. Aged 53 ; T. Q. L., to r., standing, in wig and bands, 1. hand thrust into coat. (C S. 69, III.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. Two impressions. RIBBLESDALE, THOMAS LISTER, 1st Baron; 1752-1832, See Asshbton, WiUiam. RIBBLESDALE, ADELAIDE (LISTER), Lady. See Russell, RICARDO, DAVID, M.P. ; political economist ; 1772- 1823. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, letter in 1. hand. Pub. Colnaghi 1822. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only. PL to Brougham's Statesmen of Time of George III, 1839, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. RICCIO, DAVID; ItaUan secretary to Mary Queen of Scots ; murdered by Darnley ; 1533 ?-1566. 1. H. L., to r., playing lute ; circle. From picture painted in 1564. Front, to Particulars of the Life of David Biccio ; pub. R. Triphook 1814. Stipple ; 65 in. diam. RICE, JOHN ; broker ; executed for forgery ; 1724 ?-1763. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval. Lino ; 4 X 3} in. 2. W. L., sitting by table in his cell, fettered ; letterpress account of him with verses below. Line ; 65 X 75 in. RICE, (Hon,) STEPHEN EDMOND SPRING; s. of Thomas, 1st Lord Monteagle ; 1814-1865. 1, Bust, looking to 1. ; oval, with facsimile of autograph. Lith ; 8 X 6} in, RICE, (Right Hon,) THOMAS SPRING, M,P. See Monteagle. RICH, RICHARD RICH, 1st Baron ; lord chanceUor ; 1496 ?-1567. 1. Bust, looking to r., in round cap. From the drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1794. Stipple ; 125 X 105 in. 2. Same drawing. Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 65 X 6} in. 3. Same drawing. Pub. W. Richardson. Etching; 12} X 9} in. 4. Same drawing. Photograph by Braun of Dornach. 5. Same drawing. Reproduction by Hanfstaengl. Painter J. Tweed Williams T. Phillips S. Laurence H. Holbein Engraver R. T(aylor) W. Dickinson T. Hodgetts W. HoU C. Wilkin Anon. J. H. Lynch P. Bartolozzij E. Cooper R. Dalton 566 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter RICH, ANNE (CAVENDISH), Lady; 1st w. of Robert, Lord B., afterwards Srd Barl of Warwick; d. of 2nd Barl of Devonshire ; 1612-1638. 1. W. L., to L, standing, fan in r. hand. Prom picture now belonging to M. Bischofisheim. PL to sale cat. of Seoretan collection, 1889. Photogravure ; 9} X 65 in. 2. Same picture. PL to Rooses's Van Dyck, 1902. Photogravure ; 7} X 45 in. RICH, Sir HENRY. See Holland. RICH, JEREMIAH ; stenographer ; d. 1660 ? 1. Aged 24 ; T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding hat and pen ; oval, with four lines below :— ' Even such as hee,' etc. Line ; 3} x 3 in. Clippedimpression. 2. H. L., looking to r. ; oval frame of laurel on pedestal ; within the frame ' Currant verba licet manus,' etc Pront to his Pen's Dexterity, 1659. Line ; 5| X 35 in, 3, _ Copy from the last ; oval frame iu reot,, with same inscriptions. In upper 1. corner of large plate A Key to famous Mr. Bich's Short-hand Tables. Line ; 3} x 2} in. Front, to his Pen's Dexterity 3. Another copy ; rect. frame. CompUated, 1669. Line ; 2} x 15 in. EICH, THOMAS. See Groups. RICH, (Miss) ; d, of John R, the theatrical manager, ^',L?°y-'^^ ^'^^^' ^- ^•' looking to r. Pub, Colnaghi 1877 (Whitman 136,) Mezz, ; 12} x 9} in. Proof before inscription, [The identiflcation of this portrait is doubtful,] ^'^^^T.f}S^'^'"^'' °^'^'^- Without title. Pub. Martha Jlnight 1786. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. RICHARD I ; 1157-1199. 1. H. L., tor., in armour and crown, holding sword over r. shoulder ; oval in cartouche. PI. to Holland's Bazilialogia, 1618. [Fictitious,] Line ; 6} x 4} in, same plate, with HoUand's address taken out and the rmmber 6 inserted ; as used for Martyn's Kings of England, 2, Copy from the last, bust only; oval on plate with rPea'ke"' (Pagan'^p,t)°' '^'^ '^"^^ °^ ^^^'^^^- ^°'' Line ; 3} x 2} in. Proof on vellum. same ; impression from the divided plate. 3. Another copy, reversed, without sword ; reot with panel of arabesques on either side. PI. to a Dutch ed. of bir R. Baker's Chromde, 1649. Line ; 4} x 3} in. A. Van Dyck Engraver Anon. W. Hogarth S. Cousins M. Knight (R. Elstraek) (W. Paithorne ?) Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 567 Subject 4. Similar to the preceding, to r., without sword; oval frame on pedestal. ' E. Lutterell del,' PL to Kennett's Hist, of England, 1706. Line ; 11 X 75 in. 5. H. L., full faoe, in crown and mantle, holding battle-axe ; oval frame with ornaments. PI. to fol. ed. of Rapin and Tindal's Hist, of England, 1732. [Made up from a coin.] Line ; 11 X 7} in. 6. Copy from the last ; plain circle. PL to SmoUett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3} in, diam. 7. Another copy; oval, with ornaments designed by Stothard. PL to Hume's Hist, of England; pub, T. CadeU 1788. Line; 7x4} iu. 8. Another copy ; plain reot. Pub. C. Baldwyn. Line and stipple ; 3 X 2} in. 9. Another copy ; bust only, without battle-axe ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 65 X 4 in. 10. H. L., to L, in crown and plate armour ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to MecheU's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1733. [Fictitious.] Line ; 14} x Sg in. 11. SimUar to the last, to r. ; oval frame with title in sunk panel below. PL to 8vo. ed. of Rapin & Tindal's Hist. of England, 1745. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 12. Copy from the. preceding ; octagon in architectural frame. PL to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub. J. Stratford 1803. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 13. W. L., standing by altar, full faoe ; in ornamental frame. ' S. Wale del.' PL to Raymond's Hist, of England. Line. 14. W. L,, on horseback, to 1. No. 6 of Walton's set of the kings of England ; 17th century. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6} X 4} in. 15. W. L., standing, seen from behind, face in profile to L, in armour and royal mantle, holding sword and shield. PL to John Taylor's Briefe Bemembrance of all the English Monarchs, 1622. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6} X 3} in. 16. Similar to the last, reversed, bust only ; vignette, with another below of Richard surprised by the Saracens. French book-iUustration. Lith. 17. Bust, face to 1., in armour, bare-headed; oval. Latin inscrip. below. French plate, 17th century. [Fictitious.] Line ; 65 X 4} in. See Groups (Royal). RICHARD II ; 1367-1400. 1. W. L., full face, seated, in robes. From the picture now in Westminster Abbey. ' G. Grisoni del.' Pub. Society of Antiquaries 1718. Line ; 19} X 10} in. Two impressions, one coloured. Painteb Engraver P. Vanderbank G. Vertue Proud J. Thomthwaite J. R. West P. P. Basan J. Smith G. Vertue A. W. Warren C. Grignion Anon. G. Vertue 568 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHARD II — continued. 2. Same picture, W. L. PL to Carter's Specimens of ancient Sculpture and Painting, 1786. Coloured. Etching ; 16} x 85 in. 3. Copy from the last, H. L. only. PL to Harding's Shakespeare Hlustrated, 1793. Stipple4. Same pioture, W. L. PL to J. T. Smith's Antiquities of London; pub. N. Smith 1791. Stipple ; 6| X 3} in. 5. Same picture, T. Q. L. only; reot. frame with orna ments. PI. to fol. ed. of Rapin & Tindal's Hist, of England, 1732. Line ; 11 x 7} in. 6. Copy from the last, H. L. only, reversed ; oval frame with title in sunk panel below. PL to 8vo ed. of same work, 1745. Line ; 6} X 35 in. 7. Another copy, bust only; circle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line; 3 in. diam. 8. Another copy, T. Q. L, ; oval, with ornaments designed by T. Stothard. PI, to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub, T. CadeU 1788. Line ; 7} x 4} in. 9. Another copy, bust only; octagon in architectural frame, PL to Hume's Hist, of England; pub. J. Stratford 1803. Line ; 6} x 5 in. 10. Same pioture, H. L. ; with vignette of his murder. Modern. Stipple. 11. Same picture, H. L. No. 12 of set of the kings of England, 17th cent. Line ; 3| x 3 in. 12. Same picture, with jeweUed collar and chain with badge of the Garter added; oval in cartouche. PL to HoUand Bazilialogia, 1618. Line; 6} x 4} in. same plate, with Holland's address taken out and the number 12 inserted; as used for Martyn's Kinas of England, 1638. '^ •' 13. Copy from the last; oval, on plate with another of Henry IV. In set of the kings of England pub R. Peake. (Fagan p. 3). <= r Line ; 3 X 2} in. Proof on vellum. same ; impression from the divided plate. 14. Another copy, without sceptre and orb ; rect. with panel of arabesques on either side. PL to a Dutch ed of Sir R. Baker's Chronicle, 1649. Line ; 4} x 3} in. 15. Another copy, bust only ; oval frame on pedestal. ' E LuttereU del.' PI. to Kennett's Hist, of England 1706. Line ; 11} x 75 in. ' -^^m^\,hl "^^ Pi^ofile, kneeUng, with his patron saints. The Wilton House diptych, (Parthey 229), Etching ; 75 X 6} in. Painter Engraver J. Carter W. N. Gardiner (J. T. Smith) G. Vertue S. P. Ravenet J.Thomthwaite A. W. Warren Anon. R. Elstraek (W. Paithorne?) Anon. P. Vanderbank W. HoUar Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 569 Subject 17. The same diptych. Pub. Arundel Society. Chromolith. ; IS X 11} iu. 18. Nearly T. Q. L., in robes and crown, r. profile ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Mechell's ed. of Rapiii's Hist. of England, 1733 . [Piotitious] . Line ; 14| X 9 in. 19. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 6} x S| in. 20. W. L., standing, full face ; ornamental frame. ' S. Wale del.' PL to Raymond's Hist, of England. Line. 21. W. L., on horseback, to 1., in armour and crown. In Walton's set of the kings of England ; 17th century. [Fictitious]. Line ; 7} X B| in. 22. W. L., standing, r. profile, holding sword and shield, and taking ofi his crown. PI. to J. Taylor's Briefe Bemembrance of all the English Monarchs, 1622. [Fictitious]. Line. 23. His tomb in Westminster Abbey, with effigies of himself and his Queen. PL to Dart's Westmonasterium. Line. 24. Same ef&gies, full face. PL to Gough's SepuUhral Antiquities, 1786, eto. Line ; 135 X 6} in. 25. Same effigy of Richard, bust only, full face ; oval. PL to same work. Line ; 13} X 10} in. 26. His great seal. PL to Sandford's Genealogical Hist, of Kings of England, 1677. Line. See Gboups. RICHARD III; 1452-1485. 1. H. L., directed and looking to L, wearing cap and chain, shifting ring on fourth finger of 1. hand ; reot. frame with ornaments. Prom pioture at Windsor. PL to fol. ed. of Rapin & Tindal's Hist, of England, 1732. Line ; 11 X 7} in. 2. Copy from the last, to L, hands not shown ; oval frame, with title in sunk panel below. PL to 8vo ed. of same work, 1745. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 3. Another copy, bust only, to r. ; plain oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3f X 3 in. 4. Another copy, to 1. ; octagon in architectural frame. PI. to Hume's Hist, of England ; pub. J. Stratford 1804. Line ; 6| X 6 in. 5. Another copy, to r., r. hand shown ; oval, with orna ments designed by Stothard. PL to same work ; pub. CadeU 1788. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 6. Another copy, to L, hands not shown ; rect. frame. PL to Harding's Shakespeare Illustrated, 1793. Stipple ; 65 X 4| in. Painter Engbaver J. Smith Pelletier C. Grignion Anon. J. Cole J. Basire Anon. G. Vertue DixonA. W. Warren J. Hall W. N. Gardiner 570 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHARD 111— continued. 1. Another copy, H. L., without hands; oval in octagon. Gut from a larger plate. Stipple ; ,5; X 35 in, 8, Same picture, H, L,, to r, ; oval, with motto ' Royaulte me Lie,' Pront. to Buck's Hist, of Richard III, 1647. Line ; 65 x 4} in. 9. Same picture; rect., with vignette of murder of the princes in the i'ower. Modern plate. Pub. Virtue. Stipple. 10. Derived from same pioture; H. L., to 1., holding orb and broken sceptre ; oval in cartouche. PL to Holland's Bazilialogia, 1618. Line ; 65 x 4-J in. . • same plate ; with Holland's address taken out and the number 18 inserted ; as used for Martyn's Kings of England, 1638, 11, Copy from the last, to 1, ; oval, on plate with another of Henry VII, in set of the kings of England, Pub, R, Peake, (Pagan p, 3,) Line ; 3 x 2} in. Proof on vellum. same plate ; impression from the divided plate. 12. Another copy, to 1. ; rect. No, 18 of a 17th century set of the kings of England. Line ; 45 x 3} in. 13. Another copy, to r., hands not shown; rect. (Parthey 1489.) Etching ; 3} X 2J in. 14. Another copy, to r., without hands; reot. with panel of arabesques on either side. PL to a Dutch ed. of Sir R. Baker's Chronicle, 1649. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 15. Derived from same picture ; bust, to 1. ; oval on pedestal. ' E. LuttereU del.' PL to Kennett's Hist, of England, 1706. Line ; 11 X 75 in. 16. Copy from the last, H. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to MecheU's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1733. Line ; 14} x 85 in. 17. H. L., directed and looking to L, in oap, shifting ring on third finger of 1. hand. Prom picture belonging to Society of Antiquaries. ' T. Wageman del.' PL to Ellis's Original Letters ; pub. R. Bentley 1846. Stipple ; 35 X 21 in. 18. W. L., standing, holding sceptre; in ornamental frame. ' S. Wale del.' Pi. to Raymond's Hist, of England^ Line. 19. W. L., on horseback, to r. ; No. 18 of R. Walton's set of the kings of England ; 17th century. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6} x 5 in. 20. W. L., to r., standing, holding sword and shield. PL to J. Taylor's Briefe Remembrance of all tlie English Monarchs, 1622. [Fictitious.] Line ; 65 X 3} in. 21. Bust, 1. profile, crowned ; oval frame on pedestal. ' J. Robert del.' Pub. Odieuvre, Paris. Line ; 6} X 3} in. Painter Engraver T. Cross Anon. (R. Elstraek P) (W. Paithorne?) Anon. (W. HoUar) Anon.P. Vanderbank Parr B. Holl C. Grignion Anon. Pinssio Catalogue of Engraved British- Portraits 571 Subject 22. W. L., to L, standing, in armour. From figure in window of Trinity College, Cambridge, PL to Harding's Shakespeare Illustrated, 1'793. Stipple ; 7 X 3} in. 23. W. L., standing, in armour, between six helmets ; shield of arms above. PL to Dallaway's Heraldry, 1793. Coloured. Etching ; 10 X 7} in. 24. W. L., standing, with Anne his Queen,' in armour and robes, holding sword, the royal arms blazoned on his breast. Paosimile done from an illuminated roll. Coloured. Etching ; 14} X 10} in. 25. SimUar to No. 10, bust, to 1. ; circle. Cut from map of Lancashire in Speed's Theatre of Great Britain, 1611. Line. See Groups. BICHARD (PLANTAGENET), Srd Duke of York, K..G. ; father of Edward IV and Richard III ; feU at Wakefield; 1411-1460. 1. A head, to r. ; vignette. From window in Penrith church. PI. to Harding's Shakspeare Hlustrated, 1793. Stipple.RICHARD, EBENEZER ; dissenting minister at Tre garon, Cardiganshire. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davies 1830. Stipple. RICHARDS, GEORGE, D.D., P.S.A. ; vicar ot St. Martins-in-the-Pields ; poet; 1767-1837. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in armchair, in gown and bands, book in 1. hand. Pub. Colnaghi 1832. (Whit man 494.) Mezz. ; 15} X 12.in. Two impressions. RICHARDS, JOHN ; beggar. 1. W. L., standing, 1. profile, holding ballads and stick. Pub. E. & S. Harding. Etching ; 6} X 6} in. RICHARDS, JOHN INIGO, R.A. d. 1810. landscape painter ; See Groups (Royal Academicians), (Life School of Royal Academy), (Portraits made at print sales). RICHARDS, JOSEPH. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette, with facsimile of auto graph ; 1845. Lith.RICHARDS, MICHAEL ; brigadier-general ; surveyor- general of the forces ; 1673-1721. 1. H. L., to 1., in wig and armour; oval frame; 1735. j (C S. 303.) Mezz. ; 115 x 95 in. Two proofs liefore any inscription ; four lettered impressions. Painter Wildman C. Ross J. N(ixon) C. Baugniet G. Kneller Engraver Anon. G. Tovey Anon. J. Hondius Anon. T. Blood C. Turner E. H(arding) j. C. Baugniet J. Paber jun. 572 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHARDS, NATHANIEL ; dramatist ; d. 1652. 1. H. L., to 1., holding book, wearing laurel wreath ; decor. inscribed oval in rect. frame. FacsimUe copy from plate by T. R. prefixed to his Tragedy of MessaUna, 1640, Pub, W. Richardson 1794. Line ; 4 X 2} in. RICHARDS, THOMAS; dissenting minister at Fish guard, Pembrokeshire. 1. H. L., to r., holding small book; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1830. Stipple.RICHARDS, WILLIAM ; rector of Helmdon, Northants, and nonjuror ; author of Wallography or the Britton described; 1643-1705. 1. H. L., face to r., in lay dress, 1. hand resting on a ledge. G. Beckett exc. (C. S. 211.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. Oue unfluished proof ; two lettered impressions. same plate, with Beckett's name erased. RICHARDS, (Mb.) ; actor. 1. Dressed in character ' I've got no money ' ; W. L., to L, standing. Etching ; 4} X 2} in. RICHARDS, (Mrs.) ; w. of a musician at Drury Lane theatre. 1. H. L., to r., holding nosegay; oval frame. Without title. Pub. H. Parker 1768. (C S. 35.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. RICHARDSON, CHARLES ; coUector ; 1760-1827. 1. H. L., looking to r. Private plate, Mezz, ; 7} X 6} in. Two impressions, RICHARDSON, GEORGE, M,A, ; second master of Winchester CoUege 1873-1899, 1, Nearly W. L,, seated in armchair, almost in profile to r., in govra. Mezz. ; 13} X 10} in. -4.rtist's proof. RICHARDSON, JAMES WILBERFORCE ; minister of Tottenham Court Chapel. 1. In pulpit, preaching, to L, bible open before him ; vignette. Pub. J. Hogarth 1851. Lith.RICHARDSON, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of Ardagh; 1580- 1654. 1. Aged 74 ; H. L., directed and looking to r., in skuU-cap, rufi and rochet, bible in r. hand ; oval frame, with arms. Front, to his Annotations, 1655. Line ; 6} X 6 in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1804. Line ; 6} X 5 in. RICHARDSON, SirJOHN; judge; 1771-1841. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., m wig and private dress, resting r. arm on books ; vignette. Pub, R, Cribb 1826. stipple. Painteb G. Kneller Gainsborough S. Drummond J. Collier C. Baugniet W. AUingham Engbaveb Anon. Anon. John Smith 5, J. Jones J. Spilsbury W. Say J. C. Webb C. Baugniet T. Cross Anon. B. HoU Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 573 Subject Painter Engraver RICHARDSON, Sir JOHN, M,D,, CB, ; explorer and naturaUst; 1787-1865. 1. T. Q. L,, standing in arctic scene, in fur coat, scroll in 1. hand. From a painting. Photograph. RICHARDSON, JONATHAN; portrait painter and writer; 1665-1745. 1, Bust, to r., without wig; vignette, with two lines below : — ' These Features must,' eto. ; 1738. Etching. 2. Reversed copy from the last. PL to Walpole's Anec dotes of Painting, 1762. Etching.8. H. L., to 1., in oap ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching.4. Bust, to L, in cap ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching. 5. Bust, to 1., in vrig ; vignette ; two lines below : — ' Me, as you find my Soul,' etc. ; 1738. Etching.6. Bust, to L, in wig ; vignette. Without any inscription. Etching.RICHARDSON, JONATHAN, s. of the preceding; portrait painter; 1694-1771. 1. Bust, face to r., in cap; vignette. Without any in scription. Etching. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH; journalist and author; M.P, for Newport, CornwaU ; 1755-1803. 1. H. L., to 1. Line ; 9| X 7} in. 2. Same picture; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror; pub. Vernor & Hood 1800. Stipple ; 3| X 3 in. RICHARDSON, JOSHUA; rector of All Hallows, London WaU ; 1647-1733. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval frame. Sold J. Faber. (C S. 304.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9} in. Two impressions. RICHARDSON, RICHARD, M.D., P.R.S.; botanist and antiquary ; 1663-1741. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect frame. Prom a painting. PL to Nichols's Illustrations of Literary History, 1817. Line ; 5} X 4} in. RICHARDSON, ROBERT ; president of the Harrogate Bath Hospital. 1. Nearly W. L,, to r,, seated in arm-chair, spectacles in r. hand ; inkstand and papers on table to r. ; with facsimile of autograph. Pub. 0. Turner 1842. (Whitman 495.) Mezz. ; 14} X 115 in. Two impressions. RICHARDSON, ROBERT. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table; vignette in oval, with facsimile of autograph ; 1869. Lith. ; 16} X 12} in. T. PhiUips J. Richardson J. Richardson C. Bretherton J. Richardson (J. Richardson) M. A. Shee N. Tucker S. Howell G. B. Black (J. Richardson) W. J. Newton W. Ridley J. Paber jun. J. Basire C. Turner G. B. Black 574 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHARDSON, SAMUEL ; noveUst; 1689-1761. . 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, in cap, writing in a book. Prom Lord Onslow's picture. Pub. J. Carpenter 1811. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 2. Same picture, H. L. only ; vignette in reot. frame. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 3. Same picture, W. L. ' G. 31. Brighty del.' Pub. G. G. Dyer 1817. Line ; 6} x 45 in. 4. T. Q. L., to L, standing, r. hand in coat, letter in 1. ; 14 lines of verse below. (C S. 152, Goodwin 161.) Mezz. ; 12} X 95 in. One proof before the verses ; one lettered impression. 5. Same picture, H. L., to L, in frame of masonry ; with title ' 'The Author of Pamela, Clarissa & Sir Charles Grandison.' Line ; 6} x 3} in. 6. Same picture; reot. frame. PL to Sharpe's Classics; pub. 1807. Stipple ; 4} X 25 in, 7, Same picture, bust only ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co, 1795, Line ; 1} X 15 in, same plate, with octagonal frame added. 8. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. ' Prom a Painting by A. Smith.' Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 9. Same picture, H. L., to L, ; oval in frame of masonry. Line ; 6| X 4 in. 10. Same pioture, H. L., to 1. ; rect. with vignette below. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 11. Same pioture, to r. ; oval in title to his Pamela; pub. J. WaUis. Stipple ; (oval) 2} x 2 in. RICHARDSON, Sie THOMAS; chief justice of the king's bench ; opponent of Laud ; 1569-1635. 1. His monument, with bust, iu Westminster .\bbey. PL to Dart's Westmonasterium. Line ; llf X 7} in. RICHARDSON, Sib THOJIAS, (of Honingham, Norfolk.) 1. His mural monument, with portrait. PL to vol i of Blomefield's Hist, of Norfolk, 1739. Lint. RICHARDSON, WILLIAil ; writer to the signet at Edinburgh; 1723-1801. See Gboups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, P.R.S. Edin. ; professor at Glasgow and writer ; 1743-1814. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. Prom a painting. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub, Vernor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. Painter Engraver M. Chamberlin J. Highmore E. Scriven J. Hopwood J. Romney J. McArdell C. Grignion N. Sehiavonetti W. J. Taylor ,, R. Woodman Anon. B. Cole i R. Parr W. Ridley Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 575 Subject RICHARDSON, WILLIAM ; printseUer. See Groups (London priutseUers), (Portraits made at print sales) RICHARDSON, (Mr.) ; actor. 1. As Busiris, in Young's Busiris ; W. L., seated on throne ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre ; pub. G. Cawthorn 1796. Line ; 45 X 3} in. Proof with artists' names onlv. RICHARDSON FAMILY. See Groups. RICHMOND, MARGARET (Beaufort), Countess of; w. of Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl ; afterwards Countess of Derby ; d. of John, 1st Duke of Somerset ; mother of Henry VII; 1443-1509. 1. T. Q. L., to L, kneeUng, hands joined, in prayer, book open on table before her. Prom picture at Knowsley. PL to Adolphus's Briiish Cabinet ; pub. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 75 X 65 in. 2. Same pioture, H. L. only. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, eto. 1816. Stipple ; 7} X 65 in. 3. Samepioture, H. L. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Eoj/cZ and NobU Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 4} X 4 in. 4. Same pioture, H. L. ; vignette within octagonal frame. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 5. Same picture, H. L. PL to 8vo ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1828. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 6. Similar picture at St. John's CoUege, Cambridge, with window to 1. One of set of founders of colleges. (C S. 34, I.) same plate, as re-issued by Taylor, with number XHI added. 7. T. Q. L., directed and looking to r., holding book with both hands ; background of Tudor roses and portcullises. Prom pioture at Christ's College, Cambridge. One of set of founders of colleges. (C S. 34, I.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. same plate, as re-issued by Taylor, with number XII added. 8. Same pioture, to L, hands not shown ; plain back ground; oval. (C S. 10.) Mezz. ; 10 X 85 in. RICHMOND AND SOMERSET, HENRY FITZ ROY, Duke of, K.G. ; natural son of Henry VIII; 1519-1536. 1. Bust, to r., in oap and open shirt; circle. Prom miniature formerly at Strawberry Hill. ' S. Harding del.' PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1794. Stipple ; 4 in. diam. Painter Engbaver Graham J. G. Walker E. Harding R. Cooper Geremia Phillibrown T. Wright J. Paber sen. (W. Robins) R. Clamp 576 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHMOND AND SOMERSET, MARY (Howard), Duchess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of 3rd Duke of Norfolk ; d. 1557. 1. H. L., fuU face, in hat; with title 'The Lady of Rich mond.' Prom drawing at Windsor. Pub. J. Chamber laine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 5} in. 2. Same drawing. Reproduction. 3. Same drawing. Photograph, 4. H. L., face to 1., Line ; 3 X 2} in. See Groups. Pub. Hanfstaengl. in open lace collar ; oval. [False.] RICHMOND, LUDOVICK STUART, Duke of, K.G., (2nd Duke of Lennox) ; 1574-1624. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, in lace cap and robe, r. hand on hip, 1. holding wand. Prom picture erroneously stated to be in the collection of the Duke of Richmond. PI. to Lodge's Portraits; pub. Harding, Triphook & Lepard 1824, Stipple ; 7} X 6 iu, 3, W, L,, to r,, standing, in Garter robes, holding hat and wand. J. Barra exo. 1624. Line ; 135 X 8 in. 4. Copy from the last. PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1795. Stipple ; 9} X 6} in. 5. H. L., to r., in Garter robes, holding wand ; oval in cartouche. C. Holland exc. (Pranken 840.) Line ; 6} X 4} in. RICHMOND, PRANCES (Howa-rd), Duchess of ; Srd w. of the preceding ; d. of Viscount Howard of Bindou ; m. 1. Edward, Earl of Hertford ; 1578-1639. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding staff and handkerchief. Prom pioture at Longleat. PL to fol. ed. ot Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, etc. 1818. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. 2. When Countess of Hertford ; H. L., tor., holding gloves; oval frame in cartouche. Sold R. DanieU. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 3. H.L., tol., holding handkerchief; iu oval frame inscribed ' Coronat Constantia ' ; 1623. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 4. Nearly W. L., to L, standing by table, hand on open book inscribed ' Constantia coronat ' ; 1623. Pront. to Smith's Hist, of Virginia, 1624. (Franken 842.) Line ; 8} X 6 in. 5. Facsimile copy from the last. Liue ; same dimensions. RICHMOND, JAMES STUART, Duke of, K.G., (4th Duke of Lennox) ; royalist ; 1612-1655. 1. When Duke of Lennox ; H. L., to r., in lace collar and slashed coat ; inscribed oval. W. Webb exo. Line ; 75 X 6 in. Painter H. Holbein Engraver W. NichoUs Anon. ' P. v. Somer ' [D. Mytens] P. V. Somer A. Van Dyck W. Holl J. Barra R. Clamp S. de Passe C. Pieart P. Delaram G. Geldorp W. de Passe Anon. R. V. Voerst Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 577 Subject 2. Similar to the last, T. Q. L., with cloak, hand on hip; inscribed oval frame with ornaments ; tablet in cartouche below. Sold W. Riddiard. Line ; 7} X 4} in. 3. When Duke of Lennox; W. L., to L, standing, in lace ooUar and cloak with star ; greyhound laeside him. Prom Lord Methuen's picture. Pub. J. BoydeU 1773. (0. S. 36.) Mezz. ; 19} X 14 in. One proof before scraped letters at bottom of subject and without separate inscriptiou plate ; three lettered impressions. 4. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1740. Line ; 145 X 8} in. Two proofs with engraver's name only ; two lettered impressions. 5. Copy from the last ; plain oval. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 6. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; oval. Sold P. Steut, (Pagan p. 56,) Line ; 3 X 2} in, 7, Same pioture, H. L,, to 1, ; oval on pedestal. PL to Ward's Hist, of the RebeUion, 17 L3. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 8. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in shirt, hound by him. Prom picture at Penshurst. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1816, Stipple ; 7f X 6} in. 9. T. Q. L., to L, standing, orange iu 1. hand. Prom picture in the Louvre. PL to Classical Picture GalUry. Process block. 10. H. L., to L, in broad lace coUar and cloak with badge and star of the Garter; oval frame in rect. Sold R. Peake. Without artists' names. (Pagan p. 56.) Line ; 9 X 75 in. same plate, with address of P. Stent. 11. When Duke of Lennox ; H. L., to r., in plain band and sash ; oval. (Parthey 1305.) Etching ; 2} X 2 in. RICHMOND, MARY (VILLIERS), Duohess of ; w. of the preceding; d, of 1st Duke of Buckingham; m, 1, Charles, Lord Herbert, 3, Thomas Howard ; 1622-1685, 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding fiowers; with title 'M""'. la Duchesse de Riohemont.' Prom picture at Cobham HaU. Pub. J. vr, Bruggen, Paris, 1682, Mezz, ; 11} X 8} in. Three impressions, 2, As St, Agnes, W, L,, to r., seated in cave, holding palm branch, 1. hand on lamb. From picture at Windsor, (C, S. 20,) Mezz, ; 13} X 9} in. Two impressions. 3. T. Q. L., to 1,, seated, holding roses. J. Meyssens exo. (Parthey 1457.) Etching ; 9} X 7} in. Three states and counterproof. 4. Same picture, H. L. only ; reot. Without title. (Parthey 1704.) Etching ; 2} X 1} in. VOL. III. Painteb G. Geldorp A. Van Dyck Engraver R. Vaughan R. Earlom J. Houbraken (W. Paithorne?) (E. Kirkall) W. T. Pry A. Van Dyck (W. Faithorne) (W. Hollar) J. vr. Bruggen G. Bockman W. HoUar 2 P 578 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHMOND, MARY (VILLIERS), Duohess oi—contd. 5. Same pioture, bust oiUy, to r, ; rect. Without any inscription. Etching ; 3; x 35 in, 6, W, L,, to L, standing, drawing aside curtain which hangs between two pUlars. Without title. (Wessely 156.) Mezz. ; 12} x 11 in. Two impressions. [The identiflcation of this portrait is doubtful.] 7. W. L., to L, standing, with Mrs. Gibson the dwarf. From pioture at Newnham Paddox. PL to Cust's Van Dyck, 1900. Photogravure ; Si X 6 in. 8. Bust, to 1. ; circle. Without any iusoription. (Parthey Etching ; 3} in. diam. See Gboups (Buckingham family), (Pembroke family). RICHMOND, FRANCES TERESA (STUART), Duohess of ; Srd w. of Charles Stuart, Srd Duke ; court beauty; 1648-1702. 1. Bust, full faoe. Prom miniature at Windsor. PL to Burlington Mag., 1906. Keproduction. 2. As Minerva; W. L., standing by plinth of a column, holding spear. Prom picture at Goodwood. (C S. 11.) Mezz. ; 16} X 10} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 3. Same picture. PL to 0. Airy's Charles II, 1901. Photogravure ; 9 X 6 in. 4. Same picture, T. Q. L. only. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Poi-traits ; pub. Harding, eto. 1823. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. 5. Same pioture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1835. Stipple ; 5} X 4 in. Proof before any inscription. 6. T. Q. L., to L, standing, in male attire, r. hand on truncheon. Prom pioture now at Buckingham Palace, PL to Gust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, 1905, Photogravure ; 8} x 65 in, 7, Same picture, PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Count Ch-ammont; pub, I, Herbert, &o, 1796. Stipple ; 6} X 4J in, 8, H, L,, face to r, ; oval. E. Cooper exc. (C. S. 88.) Mezz. ; 5} X 6 in. 9. W. L., standing, face to r., r. arm on carved pedestal (C S. 31.) Mezz. ; 18} X Hi in. 10. As Diana ; T. Q. L., to r., standing, holding bow. picture now at Hampton Court. No. Ill of Wi-ndsor Beauties. (G. S. 5, Goodwin 34.) Mezz.; 10} X 13} in. Two proofs before title ; two fully-lettered impressions. 11. Same picture. Suppl. to The Graphic. Ileproduction in colours, 12, Same picture, H, L, only; rect, frame Belle AssembUe ; pub, J. Bell 1819, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Prom set of PL to La Painteb Engraver A. Van Dyck (R. Gaywood) W. VaiUant W. Hollar S. Cooper H. Gascar 'P. Lely Huysmans P. Lely (H. Gascar) J. Thomson H. T. RyaU C. Rivers I. Beckett A. Browne exc. T. Watson J. Thomson Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 579 Subject Painter Engraver 13. W. L., faoe to r., standing by pedestal on which is a large vase. Sold R. Palmer. (C S. 6.) Mezz, ; 12} X 9} in, 14, H. L,, to r,, 1, hand supporting head ; oval. Sold B, Cooper. (C S. 48.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7 in. Two impressions. 15. H. L., to r. ; oval. J. Lloyd exc. (Wessely 17, C S. p. 1420, N°. 15.) Mezz. ; 6 X 4} in. Two impressions. 16. Copy from the last; oval. Pub. S. Woodburn 1810. (Whitman 463.) Mezz, ; 4| X 3} in, RICHMOND, CHARLES LENNOX, 1st Duke of, K,G, ; natural son of Charles II ; 1672-1723. 1. T. Q. L., standing, faoe to i., resting truncheon on pedestal. (C. S. 41.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. 2. When a child ; W. L., standing in landscape, with negro servant carrying his hat. (0. S. 10.) Mezz. ; 125 x 10 in., 3. When a youth; W. L., to r., in robes, plumed hat in 1. hand. (C. S. 8.) Mezz. ; 13} X 9} in. 4. When a boy; W. L., standing in landscape, in Roman dress, caressing a hound. E. Cooper exc. (C. S. 86.) Mezz. ; 9| X 7} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. 5. When a boy, H. L., to r., in Garter robes ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C S. 47.) Mezz. ; 95 X 6} in. 6. Copy from the last. Pub. R. Woodburn. ; 5 X 3} in. RICHMOND, CHARLES LENNOX, 2nd Duke of, K.G.; 1701-1750. 1. H. L., face to L, resting arm on console. No. Ill of • Kitcat Club ' series. (0. S. 208.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Six impressions. 2. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., wearing riband and star, hand on table. Pub. G. Smith. (G. S. 154, Goodwin 140.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. 3. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to L, in Garter robes. Sold T. Wall, Chichester. (C. S. 305.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. same plate, with additions to inscription; address erased. 4. H. L., to r., standing, in wig, armour and oloak with star ; three Latin lines below. (C S, 306,) Mezz. ; 10} X 9 in. Two impressions. R. Robinson W. Wissing 'P. Lely' De Bruyn H. Gascar G. Kneller W. Wissing G. Kneller W. Smith J. Vanderbank B. Robinson R. WiUiams J. V. Somer C. Turner R. Tompson exc. (H. Gascar ?) R. White exc. I. Beckett R. WiUiams R. Dunkarton J. Paber jun. J. McArdeU J. Paber jun. J. B. Vanloo 2 p 2 580 Catalogtte of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICHMOND, CHARLES LENNOX, Srd Duke of, K,G,, F,R,S, ; field-marshal; 1735-1806, 1. H. L,, seated, 1, profile, reading a book. Prom picture at Goodwood, Pub. 1778. (C S. 124, 1, Goodwin 119, 1.) Mezz. ; 13 X 11 in. Four impressions. 2. Same picture. Pront, to Transactions of Society of Arts, 1808, Stipple ; 4} X 3} in, 3. H. L., L profile ; ovaL Pub. R. Stewart 1799. (C S. 11.) Mezz. ; 3} X 2} in. RICHMOND, MARY (BRUCE), Duohess of; w. of the preceding ; d. of 3rd Earl of Ailesbury ; 1740-1796. 1. W. L., standing, looking to 1. From picture now be longing to Mr. L. de Rothschild. PL to Armstrong's Gainsborough, 1898. Photogravure ; 95 X 6 in, 2. W. L., to r., seated, in oriental dress, holding embroidery ; oval. Pub. 1775. Stipple ; 12} X 10} in. One proof before title, printed in red ink ; one fully lettered impression. 3. H. L., full face, seated. From picture at Holland House. PL to Graves & Cronin's Reynolds, 1899. Photogravure ; 6} X 4 in. RICHMOND, CHARLES LENNOX, 4th Duke of, K.G. ; lord Ueutenant of Ireland ; 1764-1819. 1. H. L., to L, in uniform. From picture at Goodwood. Pub. Colnaghi 1809. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. H. L., to 1. Pub. H. Meyer 1807. Mezz. ; 11} X 10 in. 3. W. L., to L, standing, in cocked hat, arms folded. Etching. RICHMOND, CHARLOTTE (GORDON), Duchess of; w. of the preceding : d. of 4th Duke of Gordon ; 1768- 1842. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments. From a miniature. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. J. BeU 1807. Stipple. ¦ See Groups (Gordon sisters). RICHMOND, CHARLES GORDON-LENNOX, 5th Duke of, K.G. ; 1791-1860. 1. H. L., to L, in fur-trimmed coat. Pub, C E, Ambrose 1825. Stipple ; 13} X 95 in. 2. W. L., to L, standing in landscape, in hat, holding scroU. Pub. T. Agnew 1844. (Whitman 519.) Mezz. ; 17| X 11 in. 3. When Earl of March ; bust, to r,, in uniform; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in, 4. W. L., standing, looking to r., in Garter robes. Pub J, S, Welch 1844. Mezz, ; 24 X 16 in. Painter G. Romney (R. Stewart) Gainsborough A. Kauffinann J. Reynolds J. Hoppner J. Jackson J, Kay C. E. Ambrose R. AnsdeU J. Comerford S. Lane Engraver J. Watson W. Evans (R. Stewart) W. W. Ryland H. Meyer J.Kay R. Cooper E. Scriven S. W, Reynolds jun. A. Cardon S. Bellin Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 581 Subject Painter 5, H, L., looking to 1., in peer's robes. Pub. Colnaghi 1824. (Whitman 496.) Mezz. ; IS X 10} in. Two impressions. 6. Same pioture. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher, Son & Oo. 1832. Stipple ; 4| X 35 in. RICHMOND, CAROLINE (PAGET), Duchess of; w. of the preceding ; d. of 1st Marquess of Anglesey ; 1796- 1874. 1. W. L., to L, standing, in evening dress, holding flowers. PL to The Amulet, 1833. liue ; 4} X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same pioture, W. L. Pub. G, R. Ward, Lith, ; 16 X 10} in, 3, Same pioture, W. L. Pub. T. McLean 1842. Mezz. ; 16} X 9} in. Two proofs before title. 4. Same picture, H. L, only. PL to Court Mag. ; pub. E. Churton 1836. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. RICHMOND, CHARLES HENRY GORDON- LENNOX, 6th Duke of, K.G., (Duke of Gordon) ; 1818- 1908. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. PL to Civil Service Review, 1877. Lith.RICHMOND, BILL; pugUist ; 1763-1829. 1, W, L,, to r., standing iu fighting attitude ; with title ' A Striking View of Richmond ' ; pub. Dighton 1810. Coloured. Etching.RICHMOND, GEORGE, R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1809- 1896. 1. H. L,, to r, ; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Prom a drawing. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple. RICHMOND, (General) JOHN. See Webb. RICHMOND, LEGH, M,A, ; evangelical divine ; author ' of Annals of the Poor- ; 1772-1827. 1, H, L., sUghtly to r., in gown, bands and spectacles, book in r, hand ; reot, frame, with emblematical vignette. Line ; 95 X 7} in, RICHMOND, Sir WILLIAM BLAKE, R,A,, K,C.B, ; painter ; b, 1843. 1, H, L,, to 1, ; from photograph. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1895. Process block, RICHTER, JOHN ; radioal agitator ; d, 1831, 1. H. L,, directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Pub. B. Crosby 1794. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. RICKETTS, CHARLES ; Uving artist. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, with 0. H. Shannon; vignette; without title. Prom a drawing. Lith, P. Wilkin T. Lawrence R. Dighton G. Richmond R. Livesay Engraver C. Turner H. Cook R. Graves G. R. Ward J. Cochran Anon. R. Dighton W. HoU W. Rothenstein J. CoUyer Anon. W. Rothenstein 582 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RICKMAN, JOHN ; clerk of the House of Commons ; statistician ; 1771-1840. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in arm-ohair by table, looking to r., pen in 1. hand, r. resting on papers ; vignette. Lith. RICKMAN, THOMAS ' CLIO ' ; bookseUer and radical reformer; 1761-1834. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; open vol. of Paine's Bights of Man beside him. Pub. T. C Rickman 1800. Stipple ; 10 X 8} in. RICRAFT, JOSIAH ; merchant and author. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table, in lace collar and cloak; ship seen through window ; twelve lines below : — ' Of all the Guifts of Gods most sacred Spiret,' etc. Front, to his Characters of the Oriental Languages, 1645. (Pagan p. 56.) Line ; 4} x 3} in. 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson, Line ; 4} x 3} in, RIDDELL, LADY FRANCES, (born Marsham) ; w, of Sir John B, R., bart, ; d, of 1st Earl of Romney ; 1779- 1868. See Gboups (Marsham family), RIDDELL, GEORGE JAMES ; Ueut. in the Grenadier Guards ; d, 1783. 1. H. L., 1. profile, in uniform; oval. Private plate. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 8 X 6} in. RIDDELL, HENRY SCOTT ; Scottish poet ; 1798-1870. 1. Bust, looking to r., in plaid; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith. Schenck & McParlane, Edinburgh. Lith. RIDDELL, SiB JAMES MILLES, bart., D.C.L. ; 1787- 1861. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette. One of ' GriUion's Club ' series. Stipple. RIDDING, GEORGE, D.D,; 1828-1904, bishop of Southwell ; 1, Bust, looking to r, Lith, vignette. RIDGE, (Miss) ; d, ot counseUor Ridge, of the Irish bar, 1, H, L,, full face, seated. From picture now belonging to Lord Glenconner. Eeproduction ; 6| X 6 in. RIDGES, (Mrs.), of Eltham ; fl. 1745. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., standing, r. profile. Without any inscription. Etching ; 6} X 3} in. RIDGEWAY, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval, PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 85 X 3} in. Painter S. Lane W. Hazlitt J. Downman J. Slater J. Reynolds (W. Fauquier) Petrie Engbaver (Miss Turner) J. Holmes W. Paithorne Anon. P. Bartolozzi Anon. P. C. Lewis Anon. (W. Fauquier) Maguire Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 583 Subject Painteb EIDGLEY, THOMAS, D,D, ; independent theologian ; 1667 ?-1734. 1, H, L,, to L, in wig and bands ; oval frame on pedestal. Front, to his Body of Divinity, 1731. Line ; 10} x 6} in. Oue proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. RIDGWAY, JOSEPH. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Private plate. (Whitman 249.) Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. RIDLEY, MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEY, 1st Viscount ; conservative statesman ; 1842-1904. 1. Bust, to 1. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Process block. RIDLEY, GLOCESTER, D.D, ; prebendary of SaUsbury ; writer; 1702-1774. 1. H. L., to r., in wig, gown and bands ; oval in title to his Melampus, 1781. Line ; 1} X 1} in. RIDLEY, MARK, M.D. ; physician and mathematician ; 1560-1624. 1. Aged 34 ; H. L., to 1., in hat ; inscribed oval frame with ornaments; four Latin lines below. Front, to his Treatise of Magneticall Bodies, 1613. Line ; 4} X 35 in. 2. Copy from the last ; plain rect. ; with same lines. Pub. W, Richardson. Liue ; 45 X 35 in, RIDLEY, Sib MATTHEW WHITE, bart.; M.P. for Newoastle-on-Tyne ; 1745-1813. 1, H. L., to L, standing, in fur-trimmed coat, r, hand on table. Pub. J. Pittler 1788. Line ; 13} x 10} in. RIDLEY, Sib MATTHEW WHITE, bart. ; s. of the preceding ; M.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne ; 1778-1836. 1. T. Q. L., standing, leaning on table, looking to r., scroU in 1, hand. Line ; 12} X 10 in. Unfinished proof. RIDLEY, NICHOLAS, D.D. ; bishop of London; protestant martyr ; 1500?-1555. 1. H. L., to r., in gown, holding large book ; two Latin lines below. PL to HoUand' s Heraologia, 1620. (Franken 843.) Line ; 6} x 4} in. 2. Copy from the last, reversed, bust only. PL to PuUer's Holy State, 1648. Line ; 6} X 45 iu. 3. Another copy, reversed, bust only. PI. to Fuller's Abel Bedevivus, 1651. Line ; 2} x 25 in. 4. Another copy, bust only, to r. ; oval frame on pedestal ; ' Bp. Ridley.' Book illustration. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 5. H. L., to 1., in cap and rochet, holding open book with both hands; oval frame on pedestal, "^^ *" ¦«"—=+'= Hist, of the Beformation, 1681. Line ; 9} X 6} in. B. Dandridge. J. Lonsdale R. P. Staples J. Scouler J. Hoppner J. Jackson PL to Burnet's Engraver J. vr. Gucht S. W, Reynolds J. Hall Anon. J. Pittler G. T. Doo (Passe)W. Marshall Anon. R. White 584 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RIDLEY, NICHOLAS, D.D. —continued. 6. Exact copy from the last. PL to same work, ed. 1731. Line ; 9} X 6} in. 7. Another copy ; oval in reot. German plate with title 'BisohofiRidle.' Line ; 25 X 15 in. 8. H. L., to L, in oap and rochet ; oval frame. PL to Rolfs Lives of the Beformers ; pub. E. BakeweU & H. Parker 1759. (C S. p. 292.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. 9. Copy from the last, reversed ; oval frame. Line ; 6 X 3} iu. 10. Bust to r., in cap and rochet ; circular frame attached to a column. ' A. vr. Werff pinx.' PL to Larrey's Hist. d' Angleterre, 1697, etc. Line ; II5 X 7 in. 11. Copy from the last ; oval frame. PL to Middleton's Biographia Evangelica, 1779, etc. Line ; 4} x 3} in. 12. H. L., to L, in gown, bare-headed, closed book in 1. hand. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1826. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. 13. Same pioture. PL to 8vo. ed. of same work ; pub. Harding & Lepard. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 14. Bust, to L, in cap and rochet ; ornamental frame. [False.] Line ; 4} x 3} in. ¦ See Groups (Five Bishops) RIDLEY- COLBORNE, (Hon.) WILLIAM NICHOLAS ; son of Lord Colborne ; M.P. for Richmond ; 1814-1846. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table, looking to r. ; vignette. Lith. RIES, LOUIS ; violinist ; b. 1830. See Groups (The Quartett). RIGATTD, JOHN FRANCIS, R.A. ; painter ; 1742-1810. 1. Bust, r. profile; vignette. From crayon drawing. Pub W. DanieU 1812. Soft-ground etching, RIGAUD, STEPHEN JORDAN, D,D,; bishop of Antigua; 1816-1859, 1, When head master of Ipswich School ; T, Q.L,, standing, fuU face ; vignette. One of set of Ipswich Museurn Portraits. Lith, RIGBY, ANNE, (born Palgrave) ; 2ud w, of Dr, Edward R, ; 1777-1872, 1, When old, seated, 1, profile. Daguerreotype, Painter G. Dance Engraver P. Simms Anon. R. Houston Anon. P. van Gunst T. Trotter H. Robinson Anon, Anon. W. DanieU T. H. Maguire T. H. Maguire Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 585 Subject RIGBY, (Capt,) EDWARD, (of Leyton, Lanes,) ; con victed of an odious offence, 1, T, Q, L,, to r,, standing, in wig and flowered vest into which 1. hand is thrust. (C S. 212.) Mezz. ; 12 X 9| in. Two impressions. same plate, with inscription erased. RIGBY, EDWARD, M.D. ; physiologist; 1747-1821. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Etching.BIGBY, JOHN, D.D., (of Lancaster). 1. H. L., to r., in private dress ; reot. frame. Pub. J. A. Molteno 1818. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. RIGBY, THOMAS, D.D. ; d. 1815. 1. H. L., seated in arm-ohair, directed and looking to L, in private dress, r. hand on New Testament. Pub. J. A. Molteno 1815. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. RIGG, AMELIA, (born Hone); w. of Dr. Rigg; d. of Nathaniel Hone the painter. 1. T. Q. L., seated, full face, in mob-cap, holding oup of tea ; without title. Pub. R. Sayer 1771. (C S. 2.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. One proof before inscription, publisher's name scratched ; two lettered impressions. RIGG, JAMES HUME, (of Morton) ; d. 1788. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). RILES, JOHN ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 29 ; H. L., to 1. ; oval. PI. to Arminian Mag. 1796. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. RILEY, JOHN; portrait painter ; 1646-1691. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval, with small portrait of B. Heemskerk. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Same pioture ; plain reot. PL to same work, ed. 1862. Line ; Sj X 3 in. RING, JOHN; surgeon and author; advocate of vaccina tion; 1752-1821. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Pub, S, Drummond 1821. Stipple, RINTOUL, ROBERT STEPHEN; journalist; editor of The Spectator; 1787-1858. 1, T. Q. L., seated, reading. Daguerreotype. RIOU, (Capt.) EDWARD, R.N. ; feU at battle of Copen hagen; 1758?-1801. 1. H. L.,to 1. in uniform; rect. frame. From a miniature. Stipple : 6} X 4} in. RIPLEY, JAMES ; ostler at the Red Lion and post office, Barnet. 1. W. L., to r., seated at table in an office, holding pen. Pub, 1781. Etching ; 4} X 3 in. Painter T. Murray M. Sharp W. Say J. Ramsay W. Say N. Hone Engraver John Smith Mrs. D. Turner J. Greenwood (J. Riley) S. Drummond S. SheUey J. Ryland W. Ridley A. Bannerman W.Worthington J. Sogers J. Heath J. Ryland 586 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RIPON, FREDERICK JOHN ROBINSON, Viscount Goderioh and 1st Earl of, F.R.S.; statesman; 1782- 1859. 1. When Right Hon. P. J. Robinson ; H. L., looking to r., holding glove. Pub. G. Lawford 1824. (Whitman 498,) Mezz, ; 11} X 9 in. Two impressions, 2, Same picture; with title 'Viscount Goderioh,' PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait Gallery ; pub. Pisher 1830. Stipple ; 4} X 8} in. See Groups (Lord Grantham and brothers). RIPPON, JOHN : baptist minister ; 1751-1836. 1. In pulpit, preaching, directed and, looking to L, in bands, 1. hand on open book ; oval. Pub. G. Paterson, 1775. (C S. 34, I.) Mezz. ; Iii X 9} in. some plate, with address of C. Bowles. Two impressions. 2. In old age ; H. L,, directed and looking to r,, in bands. Prom picture in vestry of New Park St, Chapel. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. RISCHGITZ, EDOUARD ; artist ; 1829-1909. 1. H. L., to 1. ; small vignette. Process block. ' RISUM TENEATIS AMICI.' See Fleming, Francis. RITCHIE, CHARLES THOMSON RITCHIE, 1st Baron ; chanoellor of the exchequer ; 1838-1906. 1. When Mr. R. ; T. Q. L., to r., addressing the House of Commons. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1888. Woodcut.RITCHIE, ADAM ; centenarian ; 1683-1789, 1, W, L, to L, seated in arm-chair, hands clasped ; 1783. Btching ; 6 X 35. RITCHIE, DAVID; dwarf; original of Sir W. Scott's ' Black Dwarf.' 1. W. L., standing, holding staff. PL to Caw's Scott Gallery, 1903. Photogravure ; 4J X 35. RITSON, JOSEPH ; antiquary and critic ; 1752-1803. 1. W. L., 1. profile, in hat standing at a table, writing, in room filled with books and vegetables ; satirical plate. Etching ; 9 X 7}. 2. Copy from the last, the figure only, T. Q. L. ; vignette. PL to Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, 1818. Etching. 3. Another copy, H. L. only. ' Gillray inv.' Pub. B. Baldwyn. Stipple ; 6} X 3}. RIVERS, ANTHONY WOODVILLB, 2nd Earl, K.G. ; brother-in-law of Edward IV ; 1442 ?-148S. 1. H. L., to r., in tabard ; oval in rect. Prom illuminated MS. in Lambeth Palace library representing him presenting one of his books to Edward IV. PL to Harding's Shakspeare Illustrated, 1793. Stipple ; 4 X 35 in. Painter T. Lawrence R. Dunkarton W. Wilson J. Kay Clerk J. S(ayer) Engraver C. Turner J. Jenkins R. Dunkarton W. J. Alais R. Taylor J. Kay J. S(ayer) Anon. R. Clamp Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits ,587 Subject 2. Same figure, to r. ; oval in rect. PL to Park's ed. of Walpole's Boyal and Noble Authors ; pub. J. Scott 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 4 in. RIVERS, MARY (Kitson), Countess; w. of Thomas Darcy, Earl Rivers ; d. 1644. 1. When Lady Daroy, 1617 ; W. L., to L, standing, in high lace ruff, paper in 1. hand. From a picture. PL to Gage's Hist, of Hengrave, 1822. Stipple ; 9 X 5} in. Proof before any inscription. RIVERS, PENELOPE (Atkins), Lady; w. of George Pitt, 1st Baron ; d 1795. 1. When Mrs. Pitt; H. L. to r., ears of wheat in hair; oval, with title 'Penelope Pitt.' Prom a miniature. Copy from larger plate by Houston (C S, 90). Pront, to Giardini's Sonatas. (C S. 91,) Mezz, ; 6} X 7} in, 2, Another copy from Houston (0. S, 90). With title ' Mrs. Penelope Pitt.' ' Miss Reed pinxt. 0. Corbutt fecit.' (C S. 62.) Mezz. ; 9} X 12} in. 3. Another copy ; with title ' Mrs. Pitt.' (0. S. 32.) Mezz. ; 4} X 6} in. RIVERS, GEORGE PITT, 2nd Baron ; 1751-1828. 1. W. L., standing in landscape, 1. profile, with two grey hounds. Pub. Colnaghi 1827. ;z. ; 16 X 13 in. RIVERS, HORACE WILLIAM BECKFORD, after wards PITT-RIVERS, Srd Baron ; 1777-1831. 1. When Mr. Beokford; W. L., to r., standing by column, in hat with feather, hand on cane. Pub. Cond^ 1792. Stipple ; 11} X 8 in. RIVERS, GEORGE PITT-RIVERS, 4th Baron ; 1810- 1866, 1, W. L., to 1. standing, in hunting dress, holding hat, gloves and whip. Pub. H, Graves 1866. Mixed ; 22} X 13}. RIVERS, SUSAN GEORGIANA (Leveson-Gower), Lady ; w. of the preceding ; d. of Ist Barl Granville ; 1810-1866. 1. Nearly W. L., seated at a table, looking to r., letter in r. hand. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in.. RIVIERE, BRITON, B.A. ; painter ; b. 1840. 1. T. Q. L., standing, fuU faoe. Prom a photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.2. Bust, fuU lace. Prom a photograph. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1891. Process block. RIVINGTON, CHARLES ; printer and bookseUer. 1. Aged 76 ; H. L., full face ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. From a drawing. Chalk manner. RIZZIO. See Riccio. Painter P. C(arwar- dine) J. L. Agasse R. Cosway H. Graves J. Hayter J. Slater Engbaveb Geremia R. Cooper R. Houston R. Purcell C. Spooner J. Porter J. Conde G. Sanders H. Austen P. C. Lewis 3SS Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ROB O' THE TROWS; Scottish fisherman. 1. W. L., to L, standing by boat, holding fishing-rod. Lith. ; 20 X 13} in. ROBARTES. See Radnor. ROBARTS, JANE; mistress of Charles II; d. 1680? 1. Nearly W. L., seated, face to r. ; large vase beside her to r. (C S. 32.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. Two impressions. ROBERT II, Duke of Normandy ; eldest s. of WiUiam the Conqueror ; 1054 ?-1134. 1. His tomb, with recumbent effigy, in Gloucester cathe dral. PL to Sandford's Genealogical History, 1677. Line, 2, Same effigy, bust only. Prom sketch by Vertue. Etching, ROBERT I(BRUCE), King of Scotland; 1274-1329, 1, H, L,, looking to r,, in armour, holding battle-axe ; oval in rect. Prom pioture at Taymouth, PL to Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery ; pub. E. Harding 1797. [Fictitious.] Stipple ; 65 X 4} in. 2. Bust, r. profile, crowned, holding drawn sword over shoulder; oval frame with vignette of his murder of Comyn. [Fictitious.] Line ; 11 x 7} in. Unfinished proof. ROBERT II, King of Scotland ; 1316-1390. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval in rect. PL to Jonstou's Inscriptiones, 1602. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6} X 45 in. ROBERT III, King of Scotland ; 1340 ?-1406. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. PL to Jonstou's Inscriptiones, 1602. [Fictitious.] Line ; 6', X 45 in. ROBERTS, JOHN ROBERTS, Baron. John Robartes, 1st Earl of. See Radnor, ROBERTS, FREDERICK SLEIGH ROBERTS, 1st Barl, K.G., V.C ; field marshal; b. 1832. 1. H. L., to 1. ; from a photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1892. Process block. ROBERTS, BARRE CHARLES; student of Christ Church, Oxford ; 1789-1810. 1. A head, to r. ; vignette. Stipple. ROBEBTS, DAVID, R.A. ; landscape painter; 1796- 1864. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, looking to r., resting sketch-book ou knee ; vignette. Lith. Proof before inscription. 2. Reduced copy from the last. Lith. Proof before inscription. R. Prain P. Lely G. Jamesone C. Couzens A. Browne exe. Anon. J. Bretherton E. Harding L. P. Boitard Anon.Anon. C. Baugniet Anon. C. Baugniet Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 589 Subject 3. Nearly W. L., to 1., seated; from photograph. PL to Drawing Boom Portrait Gallery. Mixed ; 8} X 65 in. 4. Same photograph, bust only ; vignette. Cutting from Hlust. London News, 1864. Woodcut. 5. W. L., standing before an ancient building. Photo graph by D. 0. HiU. ROBERTS, FRANCIS, D.D,; puritan divine; 1609- 1675, 1, Aged 49 ; H, L,, to r,, in skull-cap and gown, book in r. hand. Front, to his Clavis Bibliorum, 1648, Line ; 6} X 3} in. 2. Enlarged copy from the last ; ' ast. 48, 1656.' Front, to same work, ed. of 1657. Line ; 8 X 65 in. ROBERTS, JOHN ; biUiard player. 1. Nearly W. L., standing by biUiard table, looking to L, chalking his oue. From a crayon drawing. Photogravure ; 20} X 14} in. Proof before inscription. ROBERTS, JOSEPH ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. ROBEBTS, J. H., Mus.B.; living musician. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; from photograph. Cutting from Musical Herald, 1894. Process block. ROBERTS, J. VARLEY, Mus.D. ; organist ; b. 1841. 1. H. L., full face; from photograph. Cutting from Musical Times. Process block. ROBERTS, LEWIS ; merchant and author ; 1596-1640. 1. H. L., to L, in large lace collar; inscribed octagonal frame, with six lines below. Pront. to his Marchants Mapp of Commerce, 1638. Line ; 6} x 4} in. ROBERTS, RICHARD, D.D. ; high master of St. Paul's School; 1729-1823. 1. T. Q. L., standing, directed and looking to r., in gown and bands. Pub. R. Durham 1814. Mezz. i 17 X 12} in. Two impressions. ROBERTS, BICHARD ; improver of the spinning mule ; 1789-1864. 1. H. L,, nearly full faoe; oval, with facsifnile of auto graph. One of a set of Portraits of Inventors. Pub, T. Agnew 1862. Mezz. ; 95 X 8 in. ROBERTS, RICHARD. See Jones, Richard Roberts. ROBERTS, ROBERT ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 64 ; bust, to 1. ; oval, PL to Arminian Mag. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. Painter T. E. Gaunt W. Gush T. Hickey T. RippingUle Engraver D. J. Pound M. Jackson T. Cross Anon. J. Cochran G. Glover W. Say T. O. Barlow W. Ridley 590 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ROBERTS, SAMUEL; friend of James Montgomery the poet; 1763-1848. See Groups. ROBERTS, THOMAS ; dissenting minister at Bristol. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. WiUiams & Son 1812. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. ROBEBTS, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 31 ; bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Arminian Mag., 1797. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. ROBERTS, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister at Odiham. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1833. Stipple.ROBERTS, WILLIAM ; dissenting minister at Amlwch, North Wales. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, paper in 1. hand; vignette. Pub. T. Gee, Denbigh. Lith. ROBERTSON, DAVID ; criminal ; executed 1806. 1. Bust, directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Line. ROBEETSON, GEORGE ; a captain of the Edinburgh city guard ; d. 1787. See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). ROBERTSON, JAMES; colonel of the Royal West minster volunteers ; 1733-1818. 1. H. L., to r., in uniform; oval. From a miniature. Pub. G. Andrews 1804. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. ROBERTSON, JAMES; 'the daft Highland laird'; d. 1790. See Glen, (Dr.). See Groups (Kay's Edinburgh Portraits). ROBEETSON, JAMES ; actor ; 1714-1795. 1. H. L., to 1. ; vignette. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1812. Etcliing. ROBERTSON, J. G. ; artist. See Groups (Sketching Society). ROBERTSON, PATRICK, (Lord Robertson) ; Scottish judge; 1794-1855. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in arm-ohair by table, looking to r., in private dress and spectacles, 1. hand ou papers. Pub. A. HiU, Edinburgh, 1844. Mezz. ; 17 X 13 in. See Groups (Scottish Bench and Bar). ROBERTSON, ROBERT, M.D., cian; 1742-1829. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval in rect. Stipple ; 43 X 8} in. P.R.S., P.S.A. ; physi- J. Andrews E. Williams T. Blood W. Ridley J. Andrews J. H. Lynch Anon. L. T. MitcheU T. Duncan E. Smith R. Woodman Anon. E. Burton J. Heath Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 591 Subject Painteb ROBERTSON, SUSANNA, (born Inglis) ; w, of George R, of Alt-na-Skiaoh. 1, H, L,, to L, looking upwards. PL to cat. of sale at Christie's, June 1906. Eeproduction ; 6 X 6 in. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, D.D.; principal of Edin burgh University ; historian ; 1721-1793. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in armchair by table, directed and looking to L, in wig, gown and bands, pen in r. hand. Pub. J. Boydell, etc. 1773. (C S. 30.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. One proof before inscription, artists' and publishers' names scratched ; tlu'ee lettered impressions. 2. Same picture, T. Q. L. only, to 1. Line ; 3} X 3 in. Proof before inscription. 3. Same picture, T. Q. L., to 1. ; oval frame on pedestal, with ornaments designed by Stothard. Pront. to his Hist, of Scotland ; pub. T. CadeU 1787. Liue; 6} X 45 in. 4. Same picture, T. Q. L., to 1. ; oval, placed against a, pyramid, with vignette of discovery of America. Stipple. 5. Same pioture, T. Q. L., to L Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. Proof before inscription. 6. Same picture, T. Q. L., to 1. ; oval in reot. frame, with ornaments. Line ; 6} X 4 in. 7. Same picture, T. Q. L., to 1. Pront. to his Works; pub. Pickering 1825. Line ; 4} X 35 in. Proof before inscription. 8. Same picture, T. Q. Ii., to 1. ; with vignette of story of Columbus and the egg. Line. 9. Same pioture, H. L. only, to r. ; oval. Pub. G. Cawthorn 1799. Line ; 3} X 3 in. 10. Same picture, bust only, to 1. ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag., 1819. Stipple ; 2} X 15 in. 11. Bust, 1. profile; oval. Prom a model. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1802. Stipple.ROBINS, GEORGE HENRY ; auctioneer; 1778-1847. 1. Nearly T. Q. L., to L, seated, holding pen; vignette, with facsimile of autograph. Lith.ROBINSON, ANASTASIA. See Peteebobough. ROBINSON, ANDREW ; general ; 1683-1762. 1, H, L,, to r,, in uniform, hat under 1, arm. (C S, 155, III, Goodwin 81, III,) Mezz, ; 13g X 11 in, , . , ^, , , , Second state, with date of his death added. H. Raeburn J. Reynolds (J. Tassie) Engbaveb J. Hudson J. Dixon R. Graves T. Holloway J. Hopwood jun. E. Scriven W. Walker W.Worthington Anon. J. Heath W. HoU W. Ridley G. E. Madeley J. McArdell 592 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROBINSON, BRYAN, M.D. ; physician ; 1680-1754. 1. Aged 70; nearly W. L., full face, seated in arm-chair, cross-legged ; bust on table to 1. Etching ; 12} x 10} in. ROBINSON, 0. ; artist. See Gboups (Illust. London News artists). ROBINSON, FREDERIC ALDHAM ; actor. 1. As Young Nerval in Home's Douglas ; W. L., standing, holding sword and shield; vignette. Lith. ROBINSON, (Right Hon.) FREDERICK JOHN. See Ripon. See Mabston, Jenny. ; bishop of Carlisle ; 1553 ?- vignette. Pub. ROBINSON, F. ROBINSON, HENRY, D.D. 1616. 1. W. L., kneeling, holding pastoral staff and candle, with emblems. Modern impression from mural brass at Queen's College, Oxford. Line ; 21} X 16} in. BOBINSON, HENRY CRABB, F.S.A.; diarist and conversationalist ; 1775-1867. 1. H. L., seated, looking to r., arm On back of chair; vignette. Prom a photograph. Front, to his Diary, eto. ; pub. MacmiUan 1869. Stipple.Proof before inscription. ROBINSON, HUGH ; painter ; fl. 1780. 1. Bust, to L, with long hair and ruff ; vignette. Pub. R. Wilkinson. Etching. BOBINSON, JAMES ; jockey. 1. H. L., to r., seated, in racing dress M. A. Pittman 1828. Stipple. ROBINSON, JOHN, D.D. ; bishop of London and dean of Windsor; diplomatist; 1650-1723. 1. When bishop of Bristol ; bust, to L, in wig and rochet, with badge of the Garter ; ornamental oval frame. Pub. J. Smyth & T. Taylor. Line ; 13} X 10| in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. 2. Copy from the last ; plain oval on pedestal. German book iUustration. Line ; 5} X 3} in. 3. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in arm-ohair, in wig and rochet, holding ' Articles of Peace.' Pub. M. vr. Gucht. Line ; 115 X 9} in. ROBINSON, JOHN ; organist of Westminster Abbey • 1682-1762. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., playing on a spinet. Line ; llj X 9} in. ROBINSON, JOHN, (alias Num) ; miser ; b. 1689. 1. Aged 88 ; W. L., 1. profile, standing, hands on stick ; below: — ' Crescit amor Nummi.' Etching ; 8} X 6} in. Painter Engraver B. Wilson W. Pisher B. Wilson W. Pisher H. Robinson B. Marshall M. Dahl T. Johnson T. Orde W. HoU P. Atkinson R. Woodman G. Vertue Anon. M. vr. Gucht G. Vertue J. Bretherton Gatalogue of Engraved British Pm-traits 593 Subject ROBINSON, JOHN, (of Hinckley) ; 1723-1792, 1. W. L., seated on chair, r. profile ; portrait of Rev. J. C. GaUaway on the wall. PL to Nichols's Hist, of Hinckley, 1782. Line ; 12} x 9} iu. ROBINSON, JOHN, M.P., D.C.L. ; surveyor-general of woods and forests ; 1727-1802. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in arm-ohair, holding reports addressed to the King. Stipple ; 18} X 15} iu. ROBINSON, JOHN HENRY, R.A. ; engraver ; 1796- 1871. 1. Bust, nearly fuU faoe ; oval ; without title. Woodcut ; 3 X 2} in. ROBINSON, MARY, (born Darby) ; w. of Thomas R. ; actress and author ; mistress of George, Prince of Wales ; known as ' Perdita ' ; 1758-1800. 1. H. L., slightly to 1. ; oval ; with title ' Melania.' Pub. J. Cond6 1792. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. 2. H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments ; with title ' Laura Maria.' Stipple ; 5} X 3} in. 3. T. Q. L., to L, seated; oval. Front, to her Memoirs; pub. R. PhiUips 1801. Stipple ; 8} X 25 in. 4. W. L., full face, seated on bank, holding miniature, dog beside her. Prom picture at Hertford House. PL to Temple's Wallace CoUection, 1902. Photogravure ; 9} X 6 in. 5. Same picture, W. L. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1894. Process block ; 11} X 7} in. 6. Same pioture, nearly W. L. PL to Sir M. Conway's Great Masters. Photogravure ; 13} X 10} in. 7. The sketch for same pioture, at Windsor. PL to Cust's Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor, 1906. Photogravure ; 13} X 10} in. 8. H. L., faoe to L, in oap tied under chin; oval, PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1799. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. 9. Nearly T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in hat with feathers, hands crossed before her. From pioture now belonging to Baroness Rothschild, Frankfort. Pub. W. Dickinson 1785. Stipple ; 10} X 8} in. Two impressions. 10. Same picture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 3} X 3} in. 11. Same pioture, to r. ; oval. Stipple ; 3 X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 12. T. Q. L., seated by the sea, faoe in profile to 1. ; with title ' Contemplation.' From picture in Wallace GaUery. Pub. W. Biroh 1787. Stipple ; 5 X 4} in. same plate, re-issue ; with title ' Mrs. Robinson ' and date 1792. Printed in colours. VOL. III. Painter G. P. Joseph R. Cosway J. Cranke Gainsborough T. Lawrence J. Reynolds Engraver Anon. W. Bond Anon. J. Conde A. Van Assen J. Hopwood W. Ridley W. Dickinson S. W. Reynolds W. Birch 2 Q 594 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ROBINSON, UK&Y-continued. 13. Same picture; oval. Front, to her Poems, 1791. [Used also for her Lyrical Tales, 1800, and Poetical Works, 1806.] Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 14. Same pioture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1831. Mezz. ; 4 X 3} in. 15. Sketch for preceding picture, belonging to Earl GranvUle. Photograph. 16. Similar picture. PL to oat. of Woods sale at Christie's 1906. Keproduction. 17. As Amanda in Gibber's Love's Last Shift; W. L., standing, looking to 1. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1777. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 18. H. L., to L, in cap, mantle and muff; oval frame. From picture iu Wallace GaUery. Pub. J. R. Smith 1781. (0. S. 141, Frankau 291.) Mezz. ; 125 X 0} in. 19. Same picture. PL to Temple's Wallace CoUection, 1902. Photogravure ; 8} X 7} in. 20. Same picture. Pub, Medici Society, Eeproduction in colours ; 115 X 9 in, 21. T. Q. L., seated on sofa, nearly fuU face, holding open book on knee ; oval ; 1781. Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. Proof before title. 22. T. Q. L., to r., seated at table before mirror, in large hat with feathers, flowers in r. hand. Without title. Stipple ; 65 X 6} in. 23. Bust, full face ; oval. Prom a miniature. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1792. Stipple ; 2} X 1} in. 24. H. L., fuU faoe, in fancy dress ; oval. Book illustration. Pub. T. Hurst 1803. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. ROBINSON, MARY ; known as the ' Beauty of Butter- mere ' ; enticed into marriage by John Hatfield the swindler; d. 1837. 1, W, L,, serving liquor to customers in her father's inn at Buttermere, Pub. H, Humphrey 1802, Coloured, Etching ; 12} x 9} in, 2, W. L,, to L, seated under tree, holding letter; verses below. Pub, Laurie & Whittle 1803. Coloured. [Fanciful.] Etching and mezz. ; 125 X 9} in. ROBINSON, (Hon.) PHILIP; s. of 2nd Lord Grantham; b. 1783, d. young. See Groups (Lord Grantham and brothers). ROBINSON, RICHARD, D.D. See Rokeby. ROBINSON, ROBERT; baptist minister and hymn- writer; 1735-1790. 1. Bust, to L, face nearly in profile ; circle in decor, frame. Magazine plate. Line ; 6} X 35 in. J. Reynolds T. Burke S. W. Reynolds J. Roberts G. Romney J.Thomthwaite J. R. Smith J. K. Sherwin J. K. Sherwin J. GiUray J. Cond6 Mackenzie J. GiUray Anon. J. Paxton J. Wooding Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 595 Subject 2. Bust, fuU face ; oval. Pub. J. Simco 1785. Line ; 3} X 3} iu. ROBINSON, THOMAS, M.A.; vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester; 1749-1813. 1. H. L.. to r., preaching, in wig, gown and bands. Pub. J. Slater 1814. Mezz, ; 12} X 10 in, ROBINSON, THOMAS, (of Avebury, Wilts,) ; antiquary, 1, H, L,, r. profile ; reot. Copy from a woodcut, PL to Caulfield's BemarkabU Persons, 1819. Line ; 4} X 4 in. ROBINSON, THOMAS ROMNEY, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.; astronomer and physicist ; 1792-1882. 1. When a boy, W. L., standing, holding lyre and scatter ing fiowers on the tomb of Romney the painter. PL to Hayley's Life of Bomney ; pub. T. Payne 1809. Stipple ; 7} X 6 in. same plate, with engraver's name altered to ' Cromac' ROBINSON, Sir WILLIAM, bart. ; b. of 1st Baron Rokeby; 1703-1785. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table, 1. hand on knee. (C S. 125, Goodwin 163.) Mezz. ; 135 X 10} in. ROBINSON, WILLIAM, LL.D., F.S.A.; soUcitor and legal writer ; historian of Tottenham ; 1777-1848. 1. H. L., full faoe, r. hand in coat ; 1820. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. ROBISON, JOHN, LL.D., F.R.S. Edin. ; mathematician and natural philosopher : 1739-1805. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r., in cap and loose coat ; telescope and globe to 1. Prom picture at Edinburgh University. Pub. 1805. (Whitman 499, I.) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. Three impressions. ROBSON, GEORGE PENNELL; water-colour painter ; 1788-1833. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to r., looking at a drawing ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. PL to Arnold's Mag. of the Fine Arts, 1834. Stipple. See Groups (Sketching Society). ROBSON, THOMAS FREDERICK, [Thomas Robsou BrownhiU]; actor; 1822 7-1864. 1. As Samson Burr in Tlie Porter's Knot ; W. L., standing, holding paper. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1858. Woodcut. ROBY, JOHN ; antiquary and author ; 1793-1850. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated in arm-chair ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Pront. to his Traditions of Lancashire ; pub. H. Colburn 1840. Stipple. ROBY, WILLIAM; congregational minister at Man chester ; reUgious writer ; 1766-1830. 1. W. L., seated in a room, looking upwards to L, pen in r. hand which rests on slide of writing table. Pub. Agnew & Zanetti 1829. (Whitman 250.) Mezz. ; 24} x 16} in. Proof before title. Painter T. Trotter J. Slater Engraver W. Peters P. Simoneau H. Baeburn T. Trotter W. Say J. T. Smith W. H. Parry Anon. R. Cooper J. Watson I. MiUs C. Turner H. Adlard Anon. Anon.S. W. Reynolds 2 Q 2 596 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROBY, yMYLllAM.— continued. 2. Bust, to r. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Williams & Co. 1818. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. ROCHE, EUGENIUS ; journaUst and poet ; 1786-1829. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette, vrith facsimile of autograph. Front, to his London in a Thousand Years, 1830. Stipple. ROCHE, (Capt.) J. HAMILTON^ Irish officer and writer. 1. Bust, faoe in profile to r., iu private dress; vignette. Pront. to his Cathoeridea, ot- Poems from Paris, 1820. Stipple. ROCHE, (Lady) ; w. of Sir T. Roche. 1. H. L., seated by table, looking to 1., holding spaniel. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 3} in. ROCHESTER, JOHN WILMOT, 2nd Barl of; poet and wit ; 1647-1680. 1. H. L., face to 1., in wig and lace cravat ; oval frame with arms. Sold R. White ; 1681. Line ; 13 X 10} in. 2. SimUar to the last, face to r. ; on title to his Life by Burnet, ed. 1820. Line ; 2 X 15 in. 3. H. L., face to 1., in wig and cuirass. PL to Effigies Poeticce ; pub. W. Walker 1821. Line ; 4 x 3} in. 4. H. L., faoe to L, in wig, lace cravat and cuirass. PL to Hamilton's Memoirs of Grammont; pub. J. White & J. Scott 1808. Printed in colours. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 5, H. L., to r. Prom drawing in British Museum. Reproduction.6. T. Q. L., to L, standing, crowning a monkey with a laurel wreath. ' S. Harding del.' PL to Harding's Biographical Mirrour, 1794. Stipple ; 8 X 6} in. 7. W. L., standing, in gown. Line ; 4} x 25 in. ROCHESTER, LAURENCE HYDE, 1st Earl of, K.G. ; statesman; 1641-1711. 1. H. L., to L, in peer's robes and collar of Garter; oval; without artists' names. I. Beckett ex. (C. S. 89.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. same plate, with painter's name added ; J. Smith ex. 2. Copy from the last. ' From a painting by W. Wissing.' Pub. Woodburn 1815. Mezz. ; 4} X 3} in. 3, H. L., to r., in Garter robes; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1741. Line ; 14} X 8} in. One proof with engraver's name only ; two lettered impressions. 4. Copy from the last, with the ornaments. PL to a magazine, 18th cent. Line ; 65 X 4 in. Painteb (W. H. Clift) P. Rehberg J. Reynolds P. Lely D. Loggan G. Kneller Engraver T. Blood Anon. J. Swaine G. H. Every R. White R. Graves R. Rhodes E. Bocquet W. N. Gardiner Tringham (I. Beckett) R. Dunkarton J. Houbraken Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 597 Subject Painter 5. Another copy, to 1. ; plain oval. PL to Smollett's Hist. of England, 1757. Line ; 35 X 3 in. 6. Same pioture, to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. PL to Har rison's ed. of Rapin's Hist, of England, 1785. Line ; 7} X 6} in. 7. H. L., face to r., in Garter robes ; oval. Sold B. Cooper. (C S. 49.) Mezz. ; 8| X 6} in. One proof before any inscription ; two before ' Cum Privilegio Regis ' ; two fully lettered impressions. ROCHESTER, HENRIETTA (BOYLE), Countess of; w. of the preceding; d. of 1st Earl of Burlington; d. 1687. 1. Nearly W. L., to 1., standing, leaning against pedestal and plucking a flower. From picture now at Hampton Court. Without any inscription. (C S. 156, Goodwin 123.) Mezz. ; 12| X 9} iu. Two impressions. 2. Same pioture. No. II. of set of Beauties of Windsor ; pub. W. Shropshire & T. Watson 1779. (C S. 5.) Mezz. ; 16 X 13 iu. Three proofs before title ; one finished impression. ROCHPORD, BESSEY (SAVAGE), Countess of; w. of Frederick Zulenstein de Nassau, Srd Earl ; d. of 4th Earl Rivers; d. 1746. 1 Nearly W. L., seated, full face, coronet in I. hand, r. arm on table. J. Smith ex. 1723. (C S. 213.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Four impressions, two modern. ROCHPORD, WILLIAM HENRY ZULESTEIN DE NASSAU, 4th Earl of, K.G. ; diplomatist and secretary of state ; 1717-1781. 1. H. L., slightly to L, hand in waistcoat. Pub. J. Gapper. (C S. 103, II.) Mezz. ; 105 X 8} ™- 2. H. L., nearly full face, hat under arm; oval frame. Sold V. Green. (0. S. Ill, Whitman 16.) Mezz. ; 11} X 9 in. ^ . ^ , . , , Two proofs before inscription and anms, artists names scratcneci , one lettered impression. 3. Copy from the last, bust only ; oval, with soroU below inscribed ' Convention with Spain 1771 ' and two lines from Gay. PL to London Museum, 1771. line ; 3} X 3 in. ROCK, (Mb.) ; actor. 1. As Murdoch Delaney ; H. L., looking to r. ; oval. PL to Monthly Mirror ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1805. Stipple ; 35 X 3} in. 2. As Teague in Howard's The Committee ; W. L., standing in a street, begging ; oval in rect. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1792. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 3 As the Irishman in Reed's Begister Office; W. L., standing, fuU faoe. PI. to Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre, 1806. Stipple ; 45 X 3 in. G. KneUer W. Wissing P. Lely C. D'Agar D. Dupra J. Peronneau S. De Wilde Engraver W. P. Benoist J. Goldar R. Williams J. McArdeU T. Watson John Smith R. Houston V. Green J. Lodge W. Ridley J.Thomthwaite i R. Woodman 598 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROCK, (Mbs.) ; actress. 1. As Viletta in Gibber's She wou'd and She wou'd not; W. L., standing, full face; oval in reot. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1791. Line ; 4} x 3} in. ROCKINGHAM, ANNE (WENTWORTH), Lady; w. of Edward Watson, 2nd Baron ; d. 1695. See Gboups (Wentworth children). ROCKINGHAM, CHARLES WATSON- WENT WORTH, 2nd Marquess of, K.G. ; prime minister ; 1730-1782. 1. W. L., standing, directed and looking to L, in Garter robes, holding scroll, plumed hat, etc., on table to 1. Prom picture at Buckingham Palace. Pub. E. Fisher 1774. (C S. 52.) Mezz. ; 225 X 1*} in. One proof with artists' names only ; one lettered impression. same plate, with additional inscription. same plate, reduced ; inscription re-engraved and Dickinson's name substituted for Fisher's. Pub. W. Austin 1785. 20} x 14} in. 2. Same picture, W, L. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 7f X 4} in. 3. Same pioture, H. L. only, to 1. PL to Adolphus's Hist. of England ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1802. Line ; 4} X 3§ in. 4. Same picture, W. L. PL to Cust's Pictures at Bucking ham Palace and Windsor, 1905. Photogravure ; 14 x 8} in, 5. Same picture, bust only, to r. ; oval. Pub. Killingbeck 1782. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in, 6, Bust, to L, in Garter robes ; oval. Pub. Richardson 1797. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 7. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, with his secretary Edmund Burke. Photograph. 8. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to r., hand ou hip. Sold R. Houston. (C S. 104.) Mezz, ; ISf X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression, 9. Copy from the last, H. L., to r. ; oval. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6 X 35 in. 10. H. L., looking to L, with riband and star; oval. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. ROCLIPPE, WILLIAM LODGE, M.D. ; physician at Easingwold. 1. H. L., looking to 1., holding roU of paper. Pub. at York 1822. Mezz. ; 12 X 10 in. RODBARD, SARAH. See Coote. BODD, THOMAS; printseller; 1763-1822. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Prom a pencil sketch. Soft-ground etching. Painter S. De Wilde J. Reynolds B. Wilson G. Marshall A. Wivell Engraver J.Thomthwaite E. Pisher W. Dickinson (R. B. Parkes) R. H. Cromek B. KUUngbeck J. K. Sherwin R. Houston Anon. W. Ridley W. J. Ward B. Reading Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 599 Subject Painteb Engbaver RODDAM, ROBERT ; admiral ; 1719-1808. 1. H. L., looking to r., in uniform. Pub. H. Hudson 1789. (C S. 8.) L. Abbott H. Hudson Jlezz. ; 13 X 10} in. Two false proofs. same plate, with address of E. Scott. J> JS RODEN, ROBERT JOCELYN, 2nd Earl of, K.P. ; 1756- 1820. 1. H. L., looking to L, star on breast ; oval. Pub. Colnaghi 1815. J. Oldham J. Heath Stipple ; 3} X 33 in. same plate, as re-issued in Lady's Mag., 1818 ; with name of Pieart substituted for Heath's. 99 C. Pieart Stipple. RODEN, ROBERT JOCELYN, Srd Earl of, K.P. ; 1788- 1870. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to 1., pointing to ' Petition of Protestants of Ireland.' T. Lupton Mezz. ; 16} X 13} in. Proof before inscription. RODGERS, RODDY; born without arms. 1, W, L,, 1. profile, sitting on the ground, writing with his toes. J. Basire Line ; 2| X 3} in. RODNEY, GEORGE BRYDGES RODNEY, 1st Baron, K.B. ; admiral ; 1719-1792. 1, T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in hat and uniform. holding drawn sword. Pub. V. Green 1780. (C. S. 112, Whitman 101.) H. Barron V. Green Mezz. ; 165 x 12} in. 2. Same picture, bust only; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle; pub. J. Gold 1811. 99 Page Stipple ; 4 X 3} in. 3. Bust, face nearly in profile to L, iu uniform; oval. Pub. C Knight 1781. 99 C. Knight • Stipple ; 8} X 2} in. 4. Bust, looking to r. ; oval in reot. Pub. T. Rodd 1819. Brown C. Warren Line ; 3} X 2} in. 5. W. L., standing on quarter-deck, looking and pointing to L, hand on sword. From picture belonging to Earl of Rosebery. Pub. B, B, Evans 1788. (C S. 9.) Gainsborough G. Dupont Mezz. ; 23} X 155 in- One proof with scratched inscription ; two fully lettered impressions. 6. Repetition of preceding plate, same dimensions ; with out any inscription. 9, (G. Dupont ?) 7. Same pioture. Pub, H, Graves & Co. S5 R. Josey Mezz, ; 7} X 4} in. 8. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, in uniform. PL to Taylor's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1846. Monnoyer J. Cochran Stipple : 4 X 3} in. 9. When G. B. Rodney, esq. ; T. Q. L., to 1., standing, in uniform, with long cuffs reaching to elbow, hand on fiuke of an anchor. Prom picture at Greenwich Hos pital. (C S. 126, Goodwin 19.) J. Reynolds J. Watson Mezz. ; 14 X 10} in. same plate, with address of Ryland and Bryer added. >9 JJ same plate, reduced, title re-engraved. Pub. Sayer & Bennett 1780. JJ JJ 600 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb RODNEY, GEORGE BRYDGES, 1st Baron— conM. 10. Same picture. PL to 8vo. ed. of Lodge's Portraits. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched. 11. Same pioture. Pub. Sayer & Bennett. Mezz. ; 5} X 4} in. 12. Similar pioture at Petworth, with small cuffs to sleeves. Pub. Dickinson & Watson 1780. (C S. 70.) Mezz. ; 14} X 12} in. 13. Same picture as the last. Pub. J. BoydeU 1780. (C S. 127, Goodwin 115.) Mezz. ; 14 X 11 in. One proof before any inscription ; one with artists' and publisher's names scratched ; one lettered impression. 14. Same picture. Sold C Bowles. Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. 15. Similar pioture, H. L., to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Walker 1781. Stipple ; 3| X 2} in. 16. SimUar pioture, bust, to 1. ; oval frame. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6 x 3} in. 17. H. L., to r., hand on breast; rect. From picture at St. James's Palace. PL to C. Knight's Portrait Gallery. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 18. Same picture, H. L., to r. ; rect. Stipple and line ; 35 X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 19. Bust, looking to r., in hat ; oval. Pub. 1796. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. RODNEY, CHARLOTTE GEORGIANA (MORGAN), Lady ; w. of George, Srd Baron ; d. 1878. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated; rect. frame. PL to La Belle AssembUe ; pub. G. B. Whittaker 1826. Stipple ; 6| X 4| in. RODNEY, SARAH (SINGLETON), Lady ; w. of Robert, 6th Baron ; d. 1882. 1. When Miss Singleton; nearly W. L., fuU face, seated, hands clasped. Pub. Colnaghi 1850. (Whitman 522.) Mezz. ; 8| X 7 in. Two proofs before any inscription ; two with open letters ; one fully- lettered impression. RODWELL, GEORGE HERBERT BUONAPARTE; musical composer ; 1800-1852. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, looking to 1., in fur-trimmed coat, holding hat and stick ; vignette. Pub. D'Almaine. Lith. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated by table, holding pen; vignette. Lith.ROE, Sir THOMAS; ambassador; M.P. for Oxford University; chancellor of the order of the Garter; 1581 ?-1644. 1. H. L., to r., in oloak, with badge of the Garter ; oval with ornaments. Front, to his Negociations, 1740, Line ; 12} X 7} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. J. Reynolds H. Pickersgill P. Grant C. Baugniet H. Robinson Anon. W. Dickinson J. Watson Anon. P. W. Tomkins Anon. E. Scriven J. Chapman J. Thomson S. W. Reynolds jun. C. Baugniet M. Mirevelt G. Vertue Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 601 Subject ROE, Sir WILLIAM ; alderman of London ; lord mayor 1592. 1. H. L., to 1., in hat, furred gown and chain. Copy from a contemporary print. Pub. W. Richardson 1796. Line ; 45 X 3} in. ROEBUCK, BENJAJIIN ; miUtary paymaster-general in Madras ; 1753-1809. 1. H. L., to 1. Stipple ; 8} x 6} in. ROEBUCK, (Right Hon.) JOHN ARTHUR ; M.P. for Sheffield; 1801-1879. 1. H. L., looking to r., r. arm on book; with facsimile of autograph. PL to Saunders's Political Beformers, 1840. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 2. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Prom photograph by Mayall. Woodcut. 3. Nearly W. L., to i., seated, paper in 1. hand. Prom photograph by Mayall. Suppl. to Hlust. News of the World. Line ; 8} X 6} in. ROESTRATEN, PIETERVAN; painter; 1627-1700. 1. H. L., to r., seated by table, holding glass of liquor and pipe ; with title ' P. Roestrate,' J. S, ex. (0. S. 214.) Mezz. ; 7} X 5} in. 2. Same pioture, to 1. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Line ; 6} X 45 in. 3. Same picture, to r. Pub. W. P. BUiot. Lith. ; 7} X 6} in. 4. Same pioture, to 1. PI. to Walpole's Anecdotes, ed. 1862. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 5. H. L., face to r., at a table on which are lobster, etc., holding flask and glass. Without any inscription. Mezz. ; 75 X 65 in. BOETTIERS, JOSEPH ; medaUist ; 1635-1703. 1. T. Q. L., fuU face, in wig; oval frame of masonry with tablet below; 1700. Line ; 18} X 12} in. ROGERS, CHARLES, F.R.S., F.S.A. ; connoisseur and coUector; 1711-1784. 1. H. L., looking to 1., in furred coat, paper in r. hand ; oval. Front, to his Imitations of Draivings, 1778. (C. S. not descr.) . 8 X 6} in. Kve impressions. 2. Same pioture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 3} X 3} in. ROGERS, CHARLES, (of Liverpool). 1. Bust, to r., in circular frame supported by a mourning female and two weeping amorini. Line ; 6 X 11} in. Proof before inscription. ROGERS, ELIZABETH ; schoolmistress ; d. 1778 ? 1. Bust, to r., in spectacles, reading book ; circle. Without title. etching ; 2} in. diam. Painter Engraver T. Hickey J. Watts (P. Roestraten) N. LargilU^re J. Reynolds Anon. A. Cardon H. Robinson Butterworth and Heath D. J. Pound (John Smith) A. Bannerman H. C. Selous W.Worthington Anon. C. Vermeulen W. W. Ryland S. W. Reynolds R. Rogers 602 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROGERS, HENRY; pewterer, of Skewis, CornwaU; hanged for murder 1735. 1. T. Q. L., full faoe, seated by table in his cell ; long account of him below. Pub. A. Groth 1735. Line ; 95 X 7} in. 2. Copy from the last. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1820. Line ; 5} X 4} in. ROGERS, JAMES ; actor ; b. 1822. 1. In Swelvino; W. L., kneeling, holding up a sunfiower. stipple and line ; 4} X 2} in. See TiLBUBY, W. H. ROGERS, JOHN ; prebendary of St. Paul's ; protestant martyr; 1500?-1555. 1. H. L., to L, small book in r. hand; two Latin lines below. PL to Holland's Heraologia, 1620. (Pranken 849.) Line ; 6} X 45 in. ROGERS, JOHN; vicar of Dedham, Essex; puritan; 1572 ?-1636. 1. Aged 65; H. L., to 1., in skull-cap, ruff and gown, resting book on cushion before him. Line ; 65 X 4} in. ROGERS, JOHN, M.D. ; minister of Purleigh, Essex; fifth-monarchy man ; 1627-1665 ? 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing by table, in skull-cap and gown, paper in r. hand, light issuing from cloud above ; six English lines below. Pront. to his Bethshemesh, 1653. (Parthey 1497.) Line ; 65 X 6} in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Btching ; 2} X 2} in. ROGERS, JOHN ; nonconformist minister ; 1716-1790. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and bands, book in r. hand ; oval frame. Pub. C. Bowles 1785. (C S. 133.) 13 X 10 in. minister of Doddinghurst, ROGERS, NEHEMIAH Essex; 1593-1660. 1. Bust, to r., in skuU-oap ; ornamental oval frame, with German title. Line ; 7} X 6 in. ROGERS, RICHARD, M.A. ; puritan minister at Wethersfield, Essex ; 1550 ?-1618. 1. H. L., to r., in skuU-oap, ruff and furred gown, book in r. hand ; oval frame, with two Latin lines in cartouche. PL to Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica, 1650. Line ; 6} X 4 in. ROGERS, SAMUEL, M.A. ; rector of Husbands Bosworth and Brampton ; d. 1790. 1. Aged 50; T. Q. L,, seated in arm-ohair, nearly in profile, to 1,, in private dress, book in r. hand ; oval. Pront. to his Poems, 1782. Etching ; 6} X 3} in. Painter R. W. Buss Engraver Anon. R. Grave G. Adcock D. Saville J. Stuart (Passe) Anon. . W. HoUar (R. Gaywood) Anon. M. Bemigeroth Anon. (W. Hibbart) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 603 Subject ROGERS, SAMUEL; poet; 1763-1855, 1, Bust, to L; vignette; without title. Prom crayon sketch. Lith.2. Copy from the last. Private plate. Lith. 3. Another copy ; vignette within rect. border. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. H. Colburn 1819. Stipple ; 6} X 4 in. 4. Another copy, made H. L., 1. hand introduced, holding paper inscribed 'Pleasures of Memory.' Pub. S. Robinson. Stipple ; 4 X 3 in. 5. Aged 46; T. Q. L., to 1., seated, resting elbow on arm of chair. PL to New Monthly Mag. ; pub. Colburn & Bentley 1831. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. 6. T. Q. L., to r., seated, resting elbow on arm of chair ; vignette. Imitation of a crayon drawing. PL to Con- temporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1822. Stipple,7. Another imitation of same drawing. Pront, to his Poems ; pub, Moxon 1860. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 8. Another imitation of same drawing. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 9. Same drawing ; rect. PL to Lord J. Russell's Memoirs of Thomas Mocyre ; pub. Longman 1853-6. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 10. H. L., to r., seated ; vignette. Imitation of a drawing. Stipple. Proof before any inscription. 11. In old age; T. Q. L., standing, nearly full face. Prom a painting. Photograph.12. Aged 67 ; W. L., full faoe, seated in arm-chair, feet on stool; vignette. PL to Eraser's Mag., 1830. Lith. 13. In old age, H. L., looking to r., holding book; oval. Prom picture in National Portrait Gallery. PI, to Caw's Scott GalUry, 1903. Photogravure ; 4} X 35 in. 14. Bust, to r., life size ; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. Hogarth 1850. Stipple.Proof with line of publication only. 15. In old age ; H. L., to r., seated. Daguerreotype.ROGERS, THOMAS, M.A. ; rector of Horningsheath, Suffolk ; d. 1616. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands; oval frame with vol. inscribed ' the xxxix Articles ' at bottom. Line ; 45 X 2} in. Painter V. Denon J. Hoppner T. Lawrence J. LinneU (D. Maclise) T. Phillips (G.Richmond?) Engbaveb V. Denon M. G(auci) H. Meyer B. HoU H. Meyer W. Pinden H. Robinson Pinden (D. MacUse) J. June 604 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ROGERS, TIMOTHY; nonconformist minister; 1658- 1728. 1. H. L., directed and looking upwards to L, in gown and bands, holding pen ; with motto, ' Cogito, ergo sum.' E. Cooper exc. (C. S. 50, II.) Mezz. ; 85 X 7} in., Three impressions. ROGERS, WILLIAM; captain of the Windsor Castle packet, which captured the Jeune Richard, 1804 ; b. 1783. 1. Bust, looking to 1. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1808. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. ROGERS, WILLIAM GIBBS ; wood-carver ; 1792- 1875. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to L ; vignette. From a photo graph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1875. Woodcut.2. T. Q. L., seated, looking to 1. Photograph. 3. W. L., standing by carved eagle. Photograph. ROGERS, WOODES; governor of the Bahamas; d. 1732. See Groups. ROGERSON, THOMAS ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 32 ; bust, to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1799. Stipple ; 3| X 3} in. ROGET, PETER MARK, M.D., P.R.S.; physician; secretary of the Royal Society; 1779-1869. 1. Bust, to r. ; vignette. Prom a drawing, Athenceum Portraits No. 43. Pub. T. McLean. Lith. ROKEBY, RICHARD ROBINSON, 1st Baron, D.D. ; archbishop of Armagh ; 1709-1794. 1. When Dr. Robinson, bishop of Kildare, 1764 ; nearly W. L., to r., seated at a table, in rochet, open book before him. Prom picture at Christ Church, Oxford. Pub. G. Bowles & G. Woodfall. (C S. 102.) Mezz. ; 13} X 11 in. One proof before line of publication ; one lettered impression. same plate, with address of C Bowles added. ¦ same plate, with all inscription except artists' names erased. same plate, with new inscription describing him as primate of Ireland, 1765. 2. Same picture. Pub, S, W, Reynolds 1820. Mezz, ; 6 X 3} in, 3, When primate of Ireland; T, Q, L,, to L, standing, in hat and gloves. Prom picture at Rokeby Hall. Pub, J. R, Smith 1775. (0, S. 142, Frankau 292,) Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. Two proofs before inscription, artists' names scratched ; two lettered impressions. i. Same pioture ; pub. S. W. Reynolds 1820. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. R. Byng R. Williams S. Drummond W. Ridley R. & E. T(aylor) E. U. Eddis Anon. W^. D(rum- mond) J. Reynolds R. Houston S. W. Reynolds J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject 2nd 5. Bust, r. profile ; from a medal. PL to European Mag 1794. Line.ROKEBY, MATTHEW ROBINSON-MORRIS, Baron; 1713-1800. 1. H. L., to L, with long hair and beard, hoiding oane; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. ROLPE, EDMUND, (of Heacham); high sheriff of Norfolk 1769 ; 1738-1817. 1. T. Q. L., to r,, seated, 1, arm ou back of seat. Prom a painting. Etching ; 7 X 5} in. ROLPE, MATOAKA (or POCAHONTAS) ; w. of John B. ; d. of Powhattan, ' emperor of Virginia ' ; 1595-1617. 1. Aged 21 ; H. L., to 1., in hat and laoe ruff, holding fan ; inscribed oval frame. C HoUand exc. (Franken 830.) Liue ; 6} X 4| in. 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1793. Line ; same dimensions. ROLPE. See Neville-Rolfe. ROLLE, JOHN ROLLE, Baron; politician; hero of the BolUad ; 1750-1842. 1. W. L., seated, looking to L, in peer's robes, holding coronet. Pub. C Turner 1826. (Whitman 500.) Mezz. ; 22} X 14} in. T\fO proofs before arms and inscription ; one lettered impression. ROLLE, LOUISA BARBARA (TRBPUSIS), Lady; 2nd w. of the preceding; d. of 17th Baron Clinton; 1796-1885. 1. W. L., to r., standing in coronation robes, about to enter Westminster Abbey. Private plate. (Whitman 137.) Mezz. ; 22} x 14} in. ROLLE, HENRY; chief justice of the king's bench; 1589?-1656. 1. H. L., to r., in oap and counseUor's gown; oval frame on pedestal ; without title. Pront. to his Abridgment of the Law, 1668. Line ; 10} X 6} in. ROLT, (Right Hon.) Sie JOHN ; lord justice of appeal ; 1804-1871. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, in private dress. Private plate. Stipple ; 7J X 6} in. ROMAINE, WILLIAM, M.A. ; calvinistio divine ; rector of St. Anne's, Blackfriars and St. Andrew's-by-the- Wardrobe; 1714-1795. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated in arm-ohair by table, in wig, gown and bands, r. arm on books. Pub. B. W. Morrison. (C S. 105.) Mezz. ; 125 X 10 in. Two proofs before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. Repetition of the last. Pub. C Bowles. (G. S. not descr.) Mezz. ; 12| X 9} in. 3. Copy from the preceding, same length. Pub. C Bowles. (C S. not descr,) Mezz, ; 5} X 4} in. Painter T. Lawrence Mrs. Robertson Engbaveb A. Smith J. Chapman W. C. Edwards S. de Passe Anon. P. Cotes C. Turner S. Cousins A. Hertocks W. HoU R. Houston 606 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROMAINE, WILLIAM, M.A.— continued. 4. Another copy, same length. ' C Corbutt fecit.' Pub. R. Sayer. (0. S. 65.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. 5. Another copy. Pub. R. Sayer. (C S. 66.) Mezz. ; 5g X 4} in. 6. Another copy, bust only. Pub. J. Bowles. Mezz. ; 6-| X 4} in. 7. H. L., to L, in bands and gown; oval frame. Pub. 0. Bowles 1775. (C S. 106.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. Second state, with date erased and number 70 added. 8. Bust, directed and looking to r. , in wig, gown and bands ; oval. Book illustration. Pub. 1812. Stipple ; 2} X 2 in. 9. Bust, directed and looking to 1. , in wig, gown and bands ; oval. PL to Christian Mag., 1790. Line ; 3} X 2} iu. 10. Bust, directed and looking to L, in wig, gown and bands ; oval in title to his Life, Walk and Triumph of Faith ; pub. R. Edwards. Stipple ; -3} X 2} in. 11. Mural monument, surmounted by his bust, in St. Anne's Church, Blackfriars. Pub. 1797. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 12. Same monument. Pub. G. Cawthorn 1797. Line ; 6 X 3} in. ROMER, EMMA, [Mrs. George Almond] ; singer ; 1814- 1868. 1. As Amina in La Soniiambula; H. L., full face, with hands clasped. Stipple ; 2} X 2 in. ROMILLY, ANNB (GARBETT), Lady; w. of Sir Samuel R. ; d. 1818. 1. H. L., looking to r. ; vignette. PL to Lady's Mag.; pub. Baldwin & Co. 1819. Stipple.ROMILLY, Lady GEORGIANA ELIZABETH, (born Russell) ; w. of Charles R. ; d. of 6th Duie of Bedford ; d. 1867. 1. When Lady G. RusseU ; T. Q. L., to L, seated in arm- ohair, holding book. PL to Heath's GalUry of British Engravings ; pub. Longman 1836. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. ROMILLY, Sir SAMUEL, M.P. ; solicitor-general; law reformer ; 1757-1818. 1. H. L., r. profile, in wig and gown, resting a document on table ; vignette. Pub. W. Behnes 1819. Line.2. H. L., r. profile, in wig and gown; vignette. Pub. C Sweet 1829. stipple. 3. H. L., 1. profile, in wig and gown, reading a document ; vignette. Stipple. Painter P. Cotes J. Russell J. Bacon J. Hoppner E. Landseer W. Behnes C. Bestland Engraver R. Purcell JJ Anon. R. Houston W. Hopwood Anon. T. Crabb W. Skelton Rivers I W. T. Page R. W. Sievier H. T. RyaU J. T. Wedgwood Kennerley W. Preeman Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 607 Subject 4. Bust, r. profile, in wig and gown, document in 1. hand ; vignette. PL to Lady's Mag., 1818. Stipple. 5. H, L,, to r,, seated, in private dress. Pub, Colnaghi 1818, (Whitman 520,) 6, H, L,, to r,, seated, in private dress. From picture in National Gallery. (Whitman 252.) Mezz. ; 11} X 95 in. 7. Same picture ; reot. frame. Pront. to his Memoirs ; pub. J. Murray 1840. Stipple ; 5 X 4 in. 8. H. L., r. profile, in wig and gown, holding pen and paper; vignette. Pub. R. Ackermann 1818. Stipple. 9. H. L., to r., in wig and gown. Prom a drawing. Pub. H. Colburn 1818. Stipple. 10. H. L., 1. profile, in wig and gown; octagonal frame. Pub. J. D. Montagu, Southwark, 1814. Stipple ; 35 X 3 in. Barl of; brother of W. L., walking to r., (C. S. 35.) ROMNEY, HENRY SIDNEY Algernon Sidney ; 1641-1704. 1. When Hon. H. Sidney; a boy, with a dog, spear over shoulder. Mezz. ; 14 X 11 in. Oue proof before inscription ; three lettered impressions. See Gboups (Lords Justices). ROMNEY, ROBERT MARSHAM, 2nd Baron, P.R.S. ; president of the Marine Society ; 1712-1794. 1. Bust, to r. ; oval. PL to The Senator ; pub. C Cooke 1791. Liue ; 2} X 1} in. 2. W. L., to L, standing by table, in peer's robes, holding letter. Prom picture belonging to the Marine Society. Pub. J, Pinlayson 1773. (C S. 13.) Mezz. ; 23| X 16 in. One proof before arms and with artists' names only ; one before title ; two fully lettered impressions. 3. Same picture. Pub. H. Graves & Go. Mezz. ; 7} X 4} in. 4. Same pioture, bust only, to 1. ; oval. Front, to Trans actions of Society of Arts, 1792. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in, See Gboups (Marine Society). ROMNEY, CHARLES MARSHAM, Srd Baron and 1st Earl of, P.R.S. ; 1744-1811. 1. H. L., to L, in peer's robes. Prom picture belonging to the Marine Society. Front, to Transactions of Society of Arts, 1813. Line ; 4} X 3} in. ROMNEY, PRANCES (WYNDHAM), Lady; w. of the preceding; d. of 2nd Earl of Egremont ; d. 1795. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, standing, 1. hand extended. Prom picture belonging to Lord Carnarvon. Pub. H. Graves &Co. Mezz. ; 6} X 4 in. Painter Craig M. Cregan T. Lawrence T. Maynard P. Lely W. H. Brown J. Beynolds W. Beechey J. Reynolds Engraver R. W. Sievier S. W. Reynolds jun. S. W. Reynolds E. Pinden H. Meyer Anon. A. Browne exe. W. Grainger J. Pinlayson (R. B. Parkes) C. Sherwin W. Bromley (R. B. Parkes) 608 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraver ROMNEY, CHARLES MARSHAM, 2nd Barl of ; 1777- 1845. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table. Private plate, 1846. Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. See Groups (Marsham family). ROMNEY, GEORGE ; painter ; 1734-1802. 1. Ahead, r. profile; from circular medallion. PL to his Life, by Hayley ; pub. T. Payne 1809. Stipple ; 6} in. diam. 2. H. L., to r., seated, arms folded; vignette. Prom an unfinished pioture now in National Portrait Gallery. Pront. to his Life, by Rev. J. Romney, 1830. Stipple. 3. Same picture ; vignette, on plate with two other portraits of him, painted by himself at Bartham. Front, to his Life, by Hayley, 1809. Stipple.4. Same pioture, bust only ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1803. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. 5. H. L., nearly full face, in oloak ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. Cadell & Davies 1822. Stipple. 6. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in oloak. PL to Britten's Fine Arts of the English School; pub. Long man 1810. Stipple ; 75 X 6} in. ROMNEY, (doL.) JAMBS; brother of the painter; d. 1807. 1. H. L., looking to 1. PL to Lord R. Gower's Bomney, 1904. Process block. ROMONDO, GEORGE ; itinerant musician. 1. W. L., seated, looking to 1. ; without background. Pub. J. Parry 1804. Etching. RONALDS, Sib FRANCIS, P.R.S.; electrician and meteorologist ; 1788-1873. See Groups (Distinguished Men of Soience). RONALDSON, FRANCIS ; surveyor of the post-office at Edinburgh and volunteer ; d. 1818. See Osborne, Alexander. RONZI DE BEGNIS. See De Begnis. ; ROOKE, (GoL.) CHARLES ; 1746 ?-1827. 1. In old age ; W. L., to L, seated in his study in the Store Tower, Windsor Castle, reading a paper ; portrait of Queen Charlotte on the wall. Private plate, without inscription. Lith ; 10} X 8 in. 2. Bust, to r. ; a silhouette profile. H. P. Briggs T. Hayley G. Romney M. A. Shee G. Romney J. Parry T. Lupton C. Watson T. Wright C. Watson W. Ridley W^. T. Pry W. Bond A. Van Assen Anon. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 609 Subject Painter Engraver ROOKE, (Right Hon.) Sir GEORGE ; admiral ; 1650- 1709. 1. H. L., face to L, in wig and armour ; oval. Sold J. Smith. (C S. 51.) Mezz. ; 11} X 10} in. Two impressions. same plate, with engraver's name erased. Three impressions. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. E. Harding 1799. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 3. Another copy, bust only ; circle. Line ; 2} iu. diam. 4. Another copy, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal, 'ivith ornaments. PI. to Hervey's Naval History, 1779, etc. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 5. Another copy, reversed ; oval frame on pedestal. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 35 in. 6. Another copy ; plain oval. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Line ; 3} X 2} in. 7. H. L., to r., in wig and mantle; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C S. 131.) Mezz. ; 6} X 6} in. same plate, with engraver's and publisher's names erased. same plate, with title altered to 'Mr. Wicherley.' Pub. J. Bowles. 8. Same pioture, to 1. ; oval. Sold E. Cooper. (C S. 100.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. 9. T". Q. L., to r., standing, r. arm on cannon, staff in 1. hand. From picture at Greenwich. PL to Looker's Naval Commanders ; pub. Harding & Lepard 1831. Stipple ; 5} X 4} in. 10. H. L., to r., in wig and armour; oval. Pront. to Charnock's Biographia Navalis ; pub. R. Paulkner 1794. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. 11. T. Q. L,,to r,, leaning on a cannon, in wig and armour, truncheon in r, hand. Book illustration. Line ^ 4} x 3| in. 12. W. L., standing, holding letter. Book illustration. Line ; 4} x 25 in. ROOKE, Sir GILES ; judge ; 1743-1808. 1. Bust, r. profile, in private dress ; vignette. From a crayon drawing. Pub. W. Daniell 1809. Soft-ground etching. ROOKE, MARY (LUTTRELL), Lady ; 2nd w. of Sir George R., the admiral; d. 1702. 1. Nearly W. L., standing, directed to L, looking to r., holding basket of flowers with both hands. Sold E. Cooper. (C. S. 31). Stipple ; 12| X 10} in. ^. ,,. , , , ,., One proof before any inscription ; three before title, [Afterwards altered to Mary, Countess of Bridgewater,] VOL. III. M. Dahl J. Paber sen. G. Dance M. Dahl R. WiUiams JJ HardingMiller Anon. W. P. Benoist J. Simon Anon. W. HoU P. Bartolozzi Anon.Aveline W. DanieU W. Paithorne 2 R 610 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject BOOKER, TITIA; keeper of a coffee-house at Bury. 1. W. L., 1. profile, standing, in hat ; without background or any inscription. Satirical. Etching,ROOKWOOD, AMBROSE, (of Stanningfield) ; con spirator ; executed for treason : 1578_?-1606, 1, T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, in hat and oloak ; oval. PL to Caulfield's Hist, of the Gunpowder Plot, 1804. Stipple ; 2} X 15 in. ROOSE, EDWIN CHARLES ROBSON, M.D.; physi cian; 1848-1905. 1. H. L., looking to 1. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.ROPER, ABEL ; bookseUer and tory journalist ; 1665- 1726. 1. H. L., to 1. ; oval frame ; with artists' names only. (C S. 40.) Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. One in the etched state ; one before any inscription ; two finished impressions. 2. Copy from the last ; plain rect. PL to Caulfield's BemarkabU Persons, 1819. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. ROPER, MARGARET, (born More) : w. of WiUiam R. ; d. of Sir Thomas More ; 1505-1544. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r. Prom drawing at Windsor erroneously inscribed ' The Lady Henegham.' Pub. J. Chamberlaine 1812. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 2. Same dravring; with title 'Lady Henegham.' Pub. W. Richardson. Etching ; 10} X 8} in. 3. Same drawing. Pub. Hanfstaengl. Eeproduction.4. Same drawing. Photograph. RORKE, KATE, [Mrs. Douglas Gree] ; living actress. 1. H. L., to r., in hat. Prom photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.2. As Kate Der went in A Fool's Paradise ; W. L., standing, holding basket of fiowers. Cutting from Illust. London News. Process block. ROSA MATILDA. See Byrne, (Mrs.). ROSCIUS, The Young. See Betty. ROSCOE, (Right Hon.) Sir HENRY ENFIELD, LL.D., D.C.L., P.R.S.; chemist; b. 1833. 1. A head, looking to r. ; vignette. stipple. Proof with engraver's name only. 2. Nearly W. L., full face, standing, hands in pockets. From photograph by Downey. Woodburytype. Painter H. Hysing Engbaveb Anon. G. White Anon. H. Holbein M. A. Bourlier R. Dalton C. H. Jeens Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 611 Subject ROSCOE, WILLIAM ; historian ; 1753-1831. 1. Terra-ootta medaUion ; aged 61 ; head, r, profile. Dedicated to T, W. Coke, M,P, Pub, Colnaghi & Co, 1819, Lith. ; 8} in. diam. 2. Same medallion, to 1. Etching ; 4} in. diam. 3. Head in same medallion, to 1. ; vignette. Lith. 4. Head in same medallion, to 1, ; vignette. Front, to vol, ii, of his Life, by H, Rosooe, 1833. Stipple, 5, H, L,, looking to r. ; rect. Line ; 4} x 3} in. 6. H. L., seated, looking to r., holding book ; vignette. PL to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1813. Stipple. 7. T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r., holding pen. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Fisher, Son & Co. 1832. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 8. W. L., profile, walking to L, in hat, holding stick. ' Alfred Croquis del.' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1832, lith,9. Aged 38; T, Q, L., seated, looking to L, resting hands on large book. Pront. to his Life, by H. Rosooe, 1833. Line ; 4} x 3} in. 10. H. L., standing, looking to r., holding book under 1. arm ; vignette. Prom a painting. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1825. Stipple. 11. H, L., directed and looking to r, ; vignette. Line.Proof before any inscriptiou. ROSCOMMON, WENTWORTH DILLON, 4th Earl of; poet; 1633 7-1685. 1. W. L., walking to r., looking to front, in Roman dress, holding sword. Prom pioture at Althorp. Stipple ; 65 X 4} in. 2. Same pioture, H. L. only. PL to Effigies PoeticcB ; pub. W. Walker 1823. Line ; 3} x 3} in. 3. Same picture, H. L. only ; oval in rect. One of Series of Portraits to illustrate the Earl of Orford's Catalogue of Boyal and NobU Authors ; pub. S. Harding 1800. tipple ; 35 X 3 in. ROSE, (Right Hon.) GEORGE,' M.P. ; statesman and writer; 1744-1818. 1. H.L., tor., seated in arm-ohair, holding letter; vignette. From picture similar to that now in National Portrait Gallery. PI. to Contemporary Portraits ; pub. CadeU & Davies 1811. Stipple. 2. Bust, looking to r. ; oval. Pub. Colnaghi 1819. Stipple ; 25 X 2} in. Painteb J. Gibson T. Hargreaves M. Haughton J. Lonsdale (D. Maclise) J. Williamson C. Maratti W. Beechey R. Cosway Engbaveb M. Gauci Mrs. D. Turner W. Haughton J. Thomson E. Smith C. Pieart S. Preeman (D. Maclise) W. C. Edwards T. Woolnoth Anon. W. Raddon Anon. J. Vendramini J. S. Agar 2 R 2 612 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROSE, (Right Hon.) GEORGE, M.. P.— continued. 3. MedaUion; bust, r. profile; oval frame. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1818. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. ROSE, HECTOR ; deputy master of the Trinity House and director of the London Assurance Co. ; d. 1795. 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., 1. hand in waistcoat ; oval frame. Pub. V. Green 1797. (C S. 113 a. Whit man 140.) Mezz. ; 14} X 12 in. ROSE, JOHN, (of Holme) ; captain in the Grant Fenci bles; 1744-1803. 1. W. L., 1. profile, walking, in uniform, cane in r. hand; 1798. Etching ; 6} X 4 in. ROSE, SAMUEL; barrister and edUor; friend of the poet Oowper ; 1767-1804. 1. T. Q. L., to L, seated in arm-chair, hands folded; vignette. PL to Cowper's Works, ed. by Southey ; pub. Baldwin & Cradock 1836. Stipple. ROSE, (Miss) ; juvenile actress, 1, As Tom Thumb in Fielding's Tom Thumb ; W, L,, standing, looking to L, drawing sword. Pub, 1770, (C S, 53,) Mezz, ; 14} X 11} in, Tliree impressions, ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD PRIMROSE, 1st Barl of; 1661-1723, 1, H, L,, to r,, in wig and armour ; oval frame on pedestal, with motto ' Fide et Piducia,' Line ; 11} X 8 in, BOSEBEEY, DOROTHEA (CRESSY), Countess of; w, of the preceding ; d, after 1724, 1, When Dorothea Cressy ; nearly W. L., fuU face, seated on bank, holding crook and wreath, a lamb at her knee. R. WiUiams exc. (G. S. 16.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Two impressions. ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD JOHN PRIMROSE, 4th Barl of, K.T. ; 1783-1868. 1. W. L., to L, seated in arm-chair, wearing riband and star of order of the Thistle. .Mezz. ; 24 X 16} in. ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE, 5th Earl of, K.G. ; prime minister; b. 1847. 1. H. L., resting head on hand. ' A Sketch in the House of Commons.' Cutting from Pall Mall Budget, 1894. Process block. 2. T. Q. L., standing, full face, leaning against a desk. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News 1894. Woodcut. Painteb A. Wivell G. Dupont J.Kay T. Lawrence J. Berridge J. Riley G. Kneller J. R. Swinton G. R. H. Engbaveb T. Blood V. Green J. Kay H. Robinson E. Pisher P. Vanderbank R. WiUiams E. Burton P. N(aumann) Catalogue of Engrctved British Portraits 613 Subject ROSEBEEY, HANNAH (ROTHSCHILD), Countess of ; w. of the preceding ; d. of Baron Meyer de Rothschild ; d. 1890. 1. H, L,, to r. Prom photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1890, Woodcut, ROSEN, FRIEDRICH AUGUST; Sanskrit scholar; 1805-1837, 1, Marble bust in University CoUege, London ; face to r, ; vignette. Lith, Proof before any inscriptiou, 'ROSETTA.' See Bbown, (Miss), ROSEWELL, SAMUEL; nonconformist minister; 1679-1722, 1. H, L,, to r,, in gown and bands ; oval. Sold J, Law rence. (C S. 60.) Mezz. ; 65 X 6f in. Three impressions. ROSS, ALEXANDER ; chaplain to Charles I ; author ; 1591-1654. 1. Aged 63; H. L., to r., seated at a table, writing in a book, in gown; octagonal frame, with two globes in front. Front, to his Pansebeia, 1653. Line ; 6} X 2} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Line ; 6} X 2} in. ROSS, BARBARA EVELYN ISABELLA, (born Gun ning) ; w. of Alexander R., general; d. 1844. 1. When Miss Gunning; H. L., seated, looking upwards to 1. PL to Lord R. Gower's Bomney, 1904. Process block ; -7} X 6} in. ROSS, FRANCES, (born Murray) ; w. of David R., actor ; d. 1770? 1. When Miss Fanny Murray ; H. L., to 1., in hat, with pearl earrings. Pub. J. McArdeU. (G. S. 134, Goodwin 184.) Mezz. ; 105 X 8} in. Two impressions. 2. Copy from the last. Pub. B. Sayer. ' Corbutt Fecit.' (C S. 57.) Mezz. ; 10} X 8} in. ROSS, HORATIO ; sportsman ; 1801-1886. 1. With Charles Macintosh ; W. L., stalking deer ; with title ' Stealing a March.' Pub. A. HUl, Edinburgh, 1845. Mixed ; 11 X 14} in. Proof before title. 2. Same picture; with title 'Deer Stalking.' PL to Scrope's Art of Deerstalking, 1838. Line ; 4} X 5} in. ROSS, Sir JAMES CLARK, F.R.S. ; admiral and arctic navigator; 1800-1862. 1. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform. One of set Ipswich Museum Portraits ; pub. G. Ransome. Lith. Painteb J. Woolaston G. Romney H. Morland E. Landseer T. H. Maguire Engraver Anon. J. Paber'sen. P. Lombart Anon. J. McArdeU R. Purcell E. Burton A. Duncan T. H. Maguire 614 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROSS, Sir JAMES CLARK, F.B..S,.— continued. 2. H. L., looking to L, in uniform, holding telescope. Pub. T. Fielder 1850. Line ; 11} X 8} in. S. T. Q. L., standing, looking to r., in uniform and bear skin oloak, telescope in r. hand. Pub. Colnaghi 1840. Line ; 14} X 11} in. 4. Samepioture. Pub. Colnaghi 1835. Mezz. ; 8} X 6} in. ROSS, Sir JOHN, C.B. ; admiral and arctic navigator ; 1777-1856. 1. Bust, to r., in private dress; vignette. Pub. J, Dicken son 1834, Lith, ROSS, Sir JOHN LOCKHART. See Lockhart-Ross. ROSS, WILLIAM ; miniature painter. 1. H. L., to r. ; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Lith.Proof before title. ROSS, Sir WILLIAM CHARLES, R.A.; miniature painter ; s. of the preceding, 1794-1860. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval, with palette and facsimUe of autograph. Illust. to Art Journal, 1849. Woodcut. See Groups. ROSS, W. G. ; actor. 1. As Sam Hall; T. Q. L., seated, resting arms on back of chair ; oval. Prom photograph by Laroohe. Lith. ; 7} X 6} in. 2. As Mr. Johnson; T. Q. L., to L, standing, iu hat, holding cigar ; vignette. Woodcut. ROSS, (Mr.) ; actor. 1. As Essex in Brooke's Earl of Essex; W. L., standing, looking to r. PL to BeU's British Theatre, 1778. .liine ; 6} X 36 in. _-ROSSE, LAWRENCE PARSONS, 2nd Barl of ; 1758- 1841. 1. Bust, full faoe ; vignette. PL to Sir J. Barrington's Memoiis ; pub. G. Robinson. ^Stipple ; 6} X 6| in. .ROSSE, WILLIAM PARSONS, Srd Earl of, P.R.S.; constructor of the Rosse telescope ; 1800-1867. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; from daguerreotype. Pub. Claudet 1849. iith. ; 11} X 9} in. ROSSELL, JOHN ; methodist preacher. 1. Aged 29 ; bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1807. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. ROSSER, JAMES ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to L, standing. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1834. Stipple ; 4; X 3} in. Painter H. Pickersgill J. R. Wildman B. R. Faulkner W. C. Ross (T. lUidge) J. Roberts J. Comerford J. Jackson Engraves A. Pox H. Cook R. M. Hodgetts R. J. Lane M. Gauci Anon. W. Underwood W. W^. J. Thornthwaite J. Heath Bosley Blackberd T. A. Dean Catalogtte of Engraved British Portraits 615 Subject Painter Engbaveb ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA GEORGINA ; poetess ; 1830- 1894. 1. Aged about 7 ; a head, nearly full faoe ; oval. Prom a miniature. Pistrueci W. B. Scott Etching; 35 X 2} in. 2. Bust, looking downwards to 1. Cutting from a peri odical. D. G. Rossetti Process block. 3. With her mother, busts, both looking to 1. Cutting from a periodical. 9» Process block. 4. Nearly W. L., seated, holding book; from photograph. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1895. Process block. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL; painter and poet; 1828-1882. 1. A head, 1. profile ; from medallion. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1889. J. Hancock Process block. 2. Aged 25 ; bust, full face. Cutting from the same. W. H. Hunt Process block. 3. Aged 18 ; bust, to i. Cutting from the same. D. G. Rossetti Process block. 4, Aged 42 ; bust, to r. Cutting from the same. 9> Process block. 5. W. L., seated, with Miss Siddal drawing him ; vignette. Prom a sketch done in 1853. PL to The Century Guild Hobby-Horse, 1887. 99 Reproduction, 6, Aged 25 ; bust, to L, drawing ; vignette. W . B. Scott Wi B. Scott Etching, 7, Same etching. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1889. 99 Process block. 8. H, L,, fuU faoe; vignette. French plate, pub. A. Lemerre. Anon. Etching. 9. Bust, full face ; vignette. From photograph. 99 Woodcut. 10. Similar to the last. Without inscription. 99 Woodcut ; 3} X 3 in. 11. Nearly W. L., seated, fuU faoe, holding hat. Prom a photograph by 'Lewis Carroll.' Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1889. Process block. ROSSETTI, ELIZABETH ELEANOR, (born Siddal) ; w. of the preceding ; d. 1862. 1. Five crayon studies, W. L., in different attitudes. PL to Burlington Mag., 1903. D, G. Rossetti Eeproductions. ROSSLYN, ALEXANDER WEDDERBURN, 1st Earl of; lord chancellor; 17S3-1805. 1. When Lord Loughborough ; nearly W. L., seated. looking to 1., in robes, paper in 1. hand, r. on breast; arms below. Pub. H. Hudson, May 27, 1791. (C S. 5 [I].) M Brown H. Hudson Mezz. ; 16} X 18} in. 616 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROSSLYN, ALEXANDER WEDDERBURN, 1st Earl of — contd. 2. When Lord Loughborough; H. L., to L, in wig and gown ; oval in reot. Pub. Bowles & Carver. Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. 3. When Lord Loughborough; nearly W. L., to L, seated, in ohanceUor's robes, holding purse. Pub. Jeffryes 1800. Stipple and line ; 16} X 135 in. One etching ; two proofs before any inscription, 4, When Lord Loughborough ; T, Q. L,, to L, seated, in ohanceUor's robes ; vignette, PL to Contemporary Por traits ; pub, CadeU & Davies 1812, Stipple,5, When Lord Loughborough ; bust, to r,, in chancellor's robes ; oval. PL to Pocket Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1796. Line ; 2 X 1} in. 6. When Lord Loughborough; nearly W. L., to L, seated, in peer's robes. Pub. W. Austin 1786, (C S, 16,) Mezz, ; 18 X 13} in. Two proofs with open letters ; one fully lettered impression, same plate, with address of Darling & Thompson 1797, Two impressions, 7. When Lord Loughborough ; bust, r. profile, in hat ; small vignette. Pub. 1781. Etching. 8. When Lord Loughborough; bust, looking to r., in chancellor's robes, PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1796. Stipple ; 4} X 3| in. 9. When Lord Loughborough; H. L., nearly in profile to L, in wig and gown; oval; without any inscription. Line and stipple ; 3} X 3} in. One of the only two impressions taken from the plate. 10. When Lord Loughborough ; H. L., r. profile, in wig and gown; oval with ornaments. PI. to London Mag., 1180. Line. artist ; b. 1872. Prom a rough sketch. ROTHENSTEIN, WILLIAM ; 1. Nearly W. L., to L, drawing. Without any inscription. Lith.ROTHERAM [or SCOT], THOMAS, D.D. ; archbishop of York ; 1423-1500. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., standing, in mitre and cope, hands joined ; with dedication to Dr. Adams, rector of Lincoln College. Prom pioture at Lincoln College. One of set of founders of colleges. (0. S. 34.) Mezz.; 8} X 7} in. same plate, with number 13 added. same plate, with rector's name altered to R. Hutchins ; pub. H. Parker. 2. Same picture ; rect. frame. Stipple and etching ; 7} X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. 3. Bust, to r., in mitre and cope. in Bodleian Library. PL to Illustrated, 1792. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. Prom pioture formerly Harding's Shakspeare Painter R. Dighton J. Northeote R. K. Porter J. Reynolds J. S. Sargent Engbaveb Anon. P. Bartolozzi H. Meyer G. Murray J. Grozer 9, C. Bretherton Orme jun. Anon. J. S. Sargent J. Paber sen. T. Nugent Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 617 Subject ROTHERAM, THOMAS ATTWOOD ; vicar of Ickle- - ford, Herts. ; afterwards rector of St. John Zacharias, London ; author of A Den of Thieves ; b. 1603. 1. Aged 40; H. L., to r,, in skull-cap and gown, book in r, hand ; inscribed oval frame. Line ; 6} X 4 in, ROTHES, JOHN LESLIE, Duke of ; lord chanceUor of Scotland; 1630-1681. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in armour, holding tilting lanoe. PL to fol. ed. of Lodge's Portraits, 1819. Stipple ; 75 X 6} in. 2. Same pioture. PI. to 8vo. ed. of same work, 1824. Stipple ; 6 X 4 in. ROTHES, JOHN LESLIE, 10th Earl of, K.T. ; general ; 1698?-1767. 1. T. Q, L,, to L, standing, in uniform and cuirass, r, hand on hilt of sword, (C S. 157, Goodwin 102,) Mezz, ; 17| X 13} in. One proof before any inscription ; three lettered impressions. ROTHES, MARY (LLOYD), Countess of; 2nd w. of the preceding ; m. 2. Bennet Langton, D.C.L. ; 1743-1820. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in robes. Photograph. 2. Nearly W. L., to r., seated tmder tree, face in profile. PL to oat. of Price sale at Christie's 1895. Eeproduction.ROTHSCHILD, Baron LIONEL NATHAN DE ; banker; 1808-1879. 1. H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. Woodcut.ROTHSCHILD, NATHAN MEYER; merchant and financier; 1777-1836. 1. H. L., seated, looking to r. Mezz, ; 12 X 9} in. Two proofs before any inscription, one touched. 2. H. L,, 1', profile ; small vignette. Stipple. 3. W. L., 1. profile, standing under arcade in the Royal Exchange ; with inscriptions in different languages. From pen drawing. Pub. C. Moore 1836. Lith. ; 31} X 26} in. 4. W. L., standing, 1. profile. A silhouette done by one of his clerks. ROUBILIAC, LOUIS FRANCOIS; sculptor; 1695- 1762. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, modelling statue of Shakspeare. From picture now in National Portrait Gallery, "" ' 1765, (C S, 6,) Mezz, ; 13 X 10 in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same pioture. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. Painter Pub. Line ; 6} X 45 in. 3. Same picture. Line ; 5 X 4} in. 4. Same picture. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. PI. to same work, ed. 1862. Pub, A. WiveU 1827. P. Lely J. Beynolds J. Reynolds Engbaveb W. Marshall C. Pieart R. Cooper J. McArdeU A. Carpentiers W. Walker Anon. D. Martin T. Chambars J. W. Cook W. HoU 618 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engraves ROUBILIAC, LOUIS PRAN9OIS— co^tiijiMecZ. 5. Same picture. Cutting from a magazine. Process block. ROUCH, WILLIAM W. ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to 1. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. ROUGHSEDGE, ROBERT HANKINSON, M.A. ; rector of Liverpool ; 1747-1829. 1. Nearly W. L., seated in arm-ohair, looking to r., in gown and bands, 1. hand on stick. Line ; 8} X 6} in. ROUGHT, THOMAS ; methodist minister. 1. Aged 32 ; bust, looking to r. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. ROUPELL, PRANCES BROWNE, (born MoCuUooh) ; w. of George Boone R., of Chart Ham Park. 1. T. Q. L., seated, fiUl face, holding knitting-needles ; with facsimile of autograph. Private plate. Lith.ROUPELL, GEORGE LEITH, M.D. ; physician ; 1797- 1854. 1. T. Q. L., standing by table, looking to r., in gown. Line ; 9 X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. ROUS, JOHN ROUS, Baron. See Stradbroke. ROUS, FRANCIS; puritan; provost of Eton; speaker of the Little parliament ; 1579-1659. 1. Aged 77 ; H. L., to r., in large hat, plain band and gown ; oval inscribed frame with four lines below. Front, to his Treatises and Meditations, 1657. (Pagan p. 57.) Line ; 65 X 65 in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson. Liue : 6} X 45 in. ROUS, (Hon.) HENRY JOHN ; s. of 1st Barl of Strad broke ; admiral and sportsman ; 1795-1877. 1. H. L., L profile ; vignette. Pub. J. MitcheU. Lith. ROUS, JOHN, (of Warwick) ; antiquary; 1411 ?-1491. 1. W. L., to r., seated on bench, writing on long roll; vignette. From MS. in the College of Arms. Etching.ROUS, (Mr.) 1. H. L., seated, nearly fuU faoe, arms resting ou arms of chair. Pub. C Turner 1815. (Whitman 502.) Mezz. ; 11} x 9} in. One masked proof ; one before any inscription ; two before title. ROUS, (Mrs.) ; attendant at Cheltenham Spa. 1. H. L., looking to L, in hood, holding glass of water ; vignette. Lith, A. Carpentiers W. Gush J. Allen M. Carpenter T. W. Hunt E. Smith Ridley & Holl P. Gauci A. D'Orsay T. Lawrence W. Paithorne Anon.A. D'Orsay W. H. C. Turner Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 619 Subject ROUSE-BOUGHTON, CATHERINE (HALL), Lady; w. of Sir Charles R.-B., bart. ; d. 1808. 1. W. L., tol., standing, leaning on balustrade. In circular announcing publication of large plate from the original pioture. Photogravure ; 3} X 2} in. BOUSE -BOUGHTON, CHARLOTTE (KNIGHT), Lady ; w. of Sir WiUiam E. R.-B., bart. ; d. 1842. 1. H. L., seated, looking to L; with title 'Lady Boughton,' PL to Court Mag. ; pub. E. Churton 1834. Stipple ; 45 X 35 in. BOUT, (Mbs.) 1. Aged 82 ; H. L., to r., seated, in cap ; vignette. Lith.EOUTH, MARTIN JOSEPH, D.D. ; president of Mag dalen College, Oxford ; 1755-1854. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing in stall of his college chapel, in surpUce, hands clasped. Pub. W. J. White 1843. Mezz. ; 165 X 12} in. ROUTH, Sir RANDOLPH ISHAM, K.CB.; com missary-general to the forces ; 1785 ?-1858. 1. W. L., seated in arm-chair by table in library, looking to 1. Private plate. Mezz. ; 21} X 13} iu. ROUTLEDGE, GEORGE; pubUsher; 1812-1888. 1. Nearly W. L., seated by table, looking to r., holding pen ; with facsimile of autograph. Process block. ROWAN, ARCHIBALD HAMILTON; United Irish man; 1751-1834. See Groups. ROWDEN, GEORGE CROKE, D.C.L. ; precentor of Chichester Cathedral; 1820-1863. 1. Bust, to 1. ; vignette ; 1855. Lith. ROWE, ELIZABETH, (born Singer) ; w. of Thomas R. ; author; 1674-1737. 1. H. L,, nearly full faoe ; oval frame with ornaments, ' Pront, to her Works, 1739. Line ; 6} X 35 in, 2, Copy from the last ; plain oval frame. PL to Gibbons's Lives of Pious Women ; pub. J, Buckland 1777. Line ; 3} X 3} in. 3. H. L., looking to 1. ; oval. PL to Lady's Monthly Mag. ; pub, Vernor & Hood 1803. Stipple ; 3| X 25 in, 4. Bust, looking to r. ; oval in title to her Poetical Works ; pub, Suttaby, eto. 1820. Line ; 1} X If in, ROWE, HENRY ; trumpeter and puppet-showman ; b. 1726, 1. H, L,, 1, profile, in hat; oval. Stipple and line ; 5J X 6 in. Painter G. Romney H. CoUen J. Smart T. C. Thompson E. U. Eddis Engraver J. Cochran L. Haghe D. Lucas P. Joubert R. J. L(ane) J. England R. J. L(ane) G. Vertue T. Kitohin Mackenzie P. Engleheart R. Thew 620 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROWE, U'EnWY— continued. 2. Aged 72 ; H. L,, 1, profile, holding vol, lettered ' Mac beth ' ; below ' A Manager commenced Author ' and four lines of verse. Etching ; 3} X 35 in, 3. H. L., r. profile, holding trumpet ; oval. Etching ; 35 X 2} in. ROWE, JOHN HAMBLY ; methodist preacher. 1. Bust, to 1. ; oval. PL to Methodist Mag., 1817. Stipple ; 35 X 25 in. ROWE, MARY, Lady ; w. of Sir Thomas R. See RowE, Sir Thomas. ROWE, NICHOLAS ; poet laureate and dramatist ; 1674-1718. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and gown ; oval frame on pedestal. Pront. to his Works, 1747. Line; 6} X 3 in. 2. Exact copy from the last, reversed. Pront. to his Works, 1756. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 3. Another exact copy, reversed. Front, to his Works. Line ; 65 X 3} in. 4. Another copy ; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. J. BeU 1787. Line ; 4} x 3 in. 5. Same picture, to 1. ; oval frame in reot. PL to BeU's Poets, 1782. Re-issue, with BeU's address removed. Line ; 4 X 2} in. 6. Same pioture, to r. ; oval at head of account of him. PL to Biographical Mag. ; pub. Harrison & Co. 1795. Line ; 1} X 1} in. 7. Same pioture, to r. ; plain rect. Front, to his Works. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. Proof before any inscription. 8. Same picture, to r. ; oval frame of masonry, with name on tablet below. Front, to his Works. Line ; 6} X 3} in. Clipped impression. 9. H. L., face to L, in wig and gown ; reot. From pioture at Nuneham. Front, to his Works, 1715. Line ; 4} X 2} in. 10. Same picture. PL to Effigies Poeticce ; pub. W. Walker 1820. Line ; 4 X 3} in. 11. His monument, with bust, in Westminster Abbey. PL to his Works, 1747. Line ; 8 X 4i in. 12. Copy from the last. PL to his Wm-ks. Line ; 8 X 45 in. 13. H. L., looking to 1. ; circular frame. From the bust in above monument. PL to Johnson's Poets, 1779, eto. Line ; 45 X 2} in. 14. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in wig and loose gown, r. arm on pedestal. J. Faber exc. 1715. (C S. 61.) Mezz, ; 12| x 9} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate ; with address of T. BakeweU. Painter P. A. G. KneUer J. M. Rysbrack Engbaveb P. A. Anon. Anon. G. Vertue Anon. 99 A. Smith T. Cook R. Cromek W. Evans M. vr. Gucht R. Rhodes G. Vertue Page J. M. Delattre J. Paber sen. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 621 Subject 15. Copy from the last, H. L. only. PL to Harding's Shakespeare Illustrated, 1793. Stipple ; 45 X 8} in. 16. H. L., full faoe, in cap ; oval frame on pedestal. Copy from plate by J. Paber In set Worthies of Britain. PL to Universal Mag. Line ; 6} X 3} in. 17. H. L., to r., iu wig and gown ; oval. ' Prom a drawing by R. Corbould.' PL to an ed. of the Poets. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. See Gboups (Worthies of Britain). ROWE, Sir THOMAS; alderman of London; lord mayor 1568 ; d. 1570. 1. Bust, r. profile ; with another of his wife ; vignettes ; from their monument in Hackney Church. Pub. T. Pisher 1807. Etching. ROWLAND, THOMAS ; methodist minister. 1. H. L., to r. PL to Metliodist Mag., 1834. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. ROWLANDS, DANIEL ; calvinistio methodist preacher at Llangeitho ; 1713-1790. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands; oval frame. PL to Gospel Mag. ; pub. T. VaUance 1778. Line ; 4 X 3 in. ROWLANDSON, THOMAS ; caricaturist ; 1756-1827. 1. A head, 1. profile; vignette. From copy by J. Grego from a drawing. Keproduction.2. H. L., nearly in profile to 1. ; without inscription. Prom a drawing in British Museum. Eeproduction ; 6} X 4} in. S. H. L., seated at a table, directed and looking to L, holding a paper ; with title ' T. Rowlandson the Carica turist.' Etching ; 65 X 45 iu. 4. Bust, looking to L ; oval in reot., with facsimile of autograph. Modern plate. Mezz. ; 65 X 4} in. ROWLEY, Sir CHARLES, G.C.B.; admiral; 1770- 1845. 1. H. L., looking to 1., in uniform with orders, holding telescope. Pub. H. Graves & Co. 1848. Mezz. ; 12 X 9} in. ROWLEY, CHARLES, (of Ancoats) ; chairman of the Manchester art school ; b. 1839. 1. H. L., looking to L, hands folded ; without title. From a crayon drawing. One of set Manchester Poi-traits; pub. Cornish 1900. Lith. ROWLEY, Sib WILLIAM, K.B.; admiral; 1690?-1768. 1. T. Q. L., standing, nearly frUl face, in hat, telescope in r. hand. Pub. J. Faber, T. Bowles & J. Bowles. (C S. 308.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. same plate, with address of Bowles & Carver. Painter J. Jackson J. Bannister J. R. Smith G. Sanders W. Rothenstein Arnulphy J. Paber jun. Engraver T. Nugent Anon. W. Ridley T. Pisher T. A. Dean Anon. Anon. J. R. Jackson W. Rothenstein 622 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject ROWLEY, Sie WILLIAM, K.B.— continued. 2. Copy from the last, H. L. only; oval. PL to Naval Chronicle ; pub. J. Gold 1810. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 3. Another copy, H. L. Pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 4} X 3} in. 4. T. Q. L., to r., standing by a cannon, holding truncheon with both hands. (C S. 29.) Mezz. ; 12} x 10 in. Two impressions. ¦ same plate. With addresses of T. Jefierys & W. Herbert. See Gboups (Admirals). ROWNEY, THOMAS ; M.P. for Oxford ; d. 1759. 1. T. Q. L., to L, standing, glove in 1. hand, r. in waist coat. Prom picture in the Oxford townhall. (C.S. 136.) Mezz. ; 12} x 9} in. same plate, with number 113 added. 2. Same picture. PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford 1906. Process block. ROXBUEGH, WILLIAM, M.D., P.L.S.; botanist; 1751-1815. 1. T. Q. L., to 1., seated by table. Prom a miniature. PI. to Transactions of the Society of Arts, 1815. Line ; 4} X 3} in. ROXBUBGHE, ROBERT KER, 4th Barl of ; 1677 ?- 1696. 1. Aged 19; H. L., to L, in wig and cuirass; oval in rect, (C S, 215,) Mezz, ; 65 X 4} in. ROXBURGHE, JOHN KER, 1st Duke of, K.G. ; secretary of state ; 1680-1741. 1. T. Q. L., standing, face to r., in Garter robes ; 1741. (C S. 309.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. 'Two impressions. ROXBURGHE, ROBERT KER, 2nd Duke of ; 1708 ?- 1755. 1. T. Q. L., to r., standing, in peer's robes, arm on pedestal, holding glove. (C S. 158, Goodwin 149.) Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. Two impressions. ROXBUBGHE, JOHN KER, Srd Duke of, K.T., K.G., P.S.A.; book coUector ; 1740-1804. 1. H. L., to 1. Pront. to vol. iv of Dibdin's ed. of Ames's Typographical Antiquities, 1819. Mezz. ; 8 X 6} in. Proof before any inscription. 2. Same picture ; vignette. Pub. W. Clarke 1816. Stipple. 3. T. Q. L., to L, standing, holding hat and gloves. PL to Jerdan's Nat. Portrait GalUry ; pub. Pisher, Son & Co. 1832. Stipple ; 4} X 3} iu. Painter Engraver Arnulphy (A. Carpentier) H. B. Cook Harding J. Brooks Anon. D. Pattin J. Richardson T. Hudson W. Beechey W. Hamilton C. Warren John Smith J. Paber jun. J. McArdeU W. Say Anon. C. E. Wagstaff Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 623 Subject ROXBURGHE, MARY (BECHINNE), Duchess of; 2nd w. of WiUiam Ker, 4th Duke ; d. 1838. 1. H. L., to r., in hat; oval. PL to Lady's Monthly Museum ; pub. Vernor & Hood 1804. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. ROXBURGHE, JAMES INNES-KER, 5th Duke of ; 1738-1823. 1. When Sir J. Innes, bart. ; H. L., looking to r., in furred robe. Pub. V. Green 1807. (0. S. 74, Whitman 154.) Mezz. ; 13} x 11} in. BOY, ROBERT ; schoolmaster. 1. Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, resting vol. of Euclid on his knee. Pub. Colnaghi & Co. 1804. Line ; 16} X 13} in. Two progress proofs ; one with open letters. ROYAL ACADEMY. See Gboups. ROYDHOUSE, ANN. 1. Nearly W. L., seated, directed and looking to 1. Sold J. Smith. (C S. 216.) Mezz. ' 12^ X 95 in. One proof liefore any inscriptiou ; three lettered impressions. ROYSTON, PHILIP YOBKE, Viscount; s. of Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke ; 1785-1808. 1. When Master Yorke ; a child, W. L., standing in land scape, with a bird and a dog. Prom picture now belong ing to Lord Iveagh. Pub. Molteno, Colnaghi & Co. 1788. Stipple ; 9} X 7} in. One proof with open letters ; one fully lettered impression. RUDD, MARGARET CAROLINE, (born Youngson) ; w. of Valentine R. and mistress of Daniel Perreau the forger ; d. 1779. 1. H. L., full faoe; oval frame on pedestal. Pub. W. Humphrey 1775. Line ; 135 X Of '"• 2. Standing at the bar of the Old BaUey, H. L., r. profile; oval. Pub. 1775. Line ; 6} X 6} in. 3. Copy from the last ; oval. Pub. 1776. Line ; 4} X 3} in. See Perrbau, Daniel. RUDDIMAN, WILLIAM ; physician in India. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. Private plate. Stipple ; 65 X 45 in. RUDGE, JAMBS, D.D., P.R.S. ; minister of St. Anne's, Limehouse ; afterwards rector of Hawkohurch, Dorset ; 1785-1852. 1. H. L., to r., in gown and bands, book in r. hand. PL ' to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1820. Stipple ; 3} X 3} in. RUDGE, JOHN; deputy-governor of the Bank of England ; d. 1740. 1 Nearly W. L., to L, seated by table, in oap, letter in r. 'hand. Sold J. Paber. (C S. 310.) Mezz. ; 125 X 1" *"¦ Two impressions. Painter Engraver M. Brown J. Reynolds M. A. Shee J. B. de Medina J. Reynolds D. Dodd K. Mackenzie V. Green J. Heath John Smith P. Bartolozzi G. Sibelius G. Bartolozzi J. Smart A. Cardon C. P. Tayler J. Thomson J. Whood J. Paber jun 624 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb RUDGE, (Mrs.) 1. Nearly W. L., standing, full faoe, in riding dress, holding hunting-cap and whip ; four lines below : — ' Where Sweetness thus and Innocence unite,' eto. (C S. 176.) Mezz. ; 12^ X 9} iu. Three impressions. same plate, reworked ; Faber's name substituted for Simon's. Pub. J. Bowles. RUDGE, (Mrs.) 1. H. L., directed and looking to r., in cap; vignette within wreath of fiowers. Lith. RUDING, ROGERS, B.D. ; author of Annals of the Coinage; 1751-1820. 1. H. L., to L, in gown and bands ; oval. From picture at Merton College. PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford 1906. Process block. RUDING, WALTER, M.D. ; 1717 ?-1789. 1. H. L., nearly in profile to r. ; oval. From picture at Merton CoUege. PL to Cat. of Portrait Exhibition at Oxford 1906. Process block. RUDYERD, Sir BENJAMIN ; surveyor of the court of wards ; politician and poet ; 1572-1658. 1. Aged 54; bust, to L, in falling ruff; oval inscribed frame with twelve English lines in cartouche below. Line ; 13 x 8} in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture, to r. ; oval. (Parthey 1314.) Etching ; 2} X 2 in. RUMBOLD, Sir THOMAS, bart. ; governor of Madras ; 1736-1791. 1. Bust, r. profile ; circular frame on pedestal. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Fielding 1782. tine ; 6} X 3} in. RUMPORD, Sir BENJAMIN THOMPSON, Count von. See Thompson. RUMPORD, CLARA, (born Butt) ; w. of Kennerley R. ; singer; b. 1873. 1. Bust, to 1. ; circle. Prom photograph. Process block. 2. As Orfeo ; W. L., seated. Prom photograph. Suppl. to St. Paul's, 1894. Process block. RUMPORD, R. KENNERLEY; singer; b. 1871. 1. Bust, full face ; circle. From photograph by Window & Grove. Process block. RUMMIN, ELEANOR ; ale-wife ; temp. Henry VIII. 1. T. Q. L., standing, holding mug in each hand. Cut from title to Skelton's Elinour Bummin, 1624. ¦Coarse woodcut ; 3} X 4 in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. W. Richardson 1794. Woodcut ; 3| X 3} in. J. Whood J. Simon J. Paber jun. Anon. L. Vaslet L. Vaslet D. Mytens T. Stothard J. Payne W. HoUar W. Angus Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 625 Subject RUNCIMAN, ALEXANDER ; painter ; 1736-1785. 1. H. L., looking to L, resting chin and hands on back of chair ; oval. From a drawing. Pub. A. Constable 1802. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. RUNDALL, (Miss) ; of Wanstead. 1. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; vignette. Stipple. Proof with engraver's name only. RUNNTNGTON, CHARLES; serjeant-at-law; chief commissioner in insolvency ; 1751-1821. 1. Bust on a pedestal, with emblems; vignette. PL to European Mag., 1817. Stipple. RUPERTA. See Howe, Ruperta. ' RURAL AMUSEMENT.' See Pattisson. RUSH, JAMBS BLOMPIELD ; murderer ; hanged 1849. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Lith.RUSHOUT, (Hon.) ANNE; d. of John, 1st Baron Northwiok ; d. unmarried 1849. See NORTHWICK, Rebecca, Lady. See Groups (Rushout family). RUSHOUT, REBECCA (BOWLES), Lady, See North- wick. RUSHTON, EDWARD; poet and bookseUer; 1756- 1814. 1, Bust, 1, profile, with bandage over eye ; oval in rect, frame. Pub, E. Smith 1815. Line ; 6 X 35 in. RUSHWORTH, JOHN ; historian ; 1612 ?-1690. 1. H. L., to r., in oloak; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Front, to his Historical ColUctions, part in, 1692. Line ; 8} X 6 in. 2. FacsimUe copy from the last. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1821. Line ; 7f X 4} in. 3. Another copy ; plain oval, with facsimile of autograph. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 4} X 35 in. RUSKIN, JOHN ; writer on art ; 1819-1900. 1. Bust now in National Portrait GaUery. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1891. Woodcut. 2. A bust ; aged 65. Cutting from same periodical, 189L Woodcut. 3. Aged 62 ; H. L., fuU faoe. Cutting from same periodical, 1891. Woodcut ; 8} X 65 in. 4. W. L., to L, standing by mountain torrent. PL to same periodical, 1891. Photogravure ; 7} X 6} in. 5. When a ohUd aged SJ ; W. L., walking with dog. Prom picture belonging to Mr. Severn. Cutting from same periodical, 1891. Process block. VOL. III. Painter J. Brown J. E. Boehm C. Dressier H. Herkomer J. E. Millais J. Northeote Engraver J. Stewart H. Meyer T. Blood E. Smith R. White T. Berry Anon.Jonnard 99 W. B. Gardner 2 s 626 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1891. looking down. RUSKIN, ^Oim— continued. 6. Bust, 1. profile ; vignette. Drj'point. 7. Reproduction of the last. Cutting from Mag. of Art, 1891, Process block, 8. Bust, full face; vignette. Prom a drawing. Front, to Selections from Writings of Buskin ; pub. Smith, Elder & Co. 1861. Stipple. 9. Same drawing. Process block. 10. Aged 23; W. L., seated ou ohair^ Cutting from same periodical, 1891. Process block. 11. A head, to j.. ; vignette. Paosimile of a water-colour drawing. Pront. to his Life, by Gollingwood, 1893. Chromolith. 12. T. Q. L., to r., seated by table, holding pen ; vignette. Etching.13. H. L., full face. Prom photograph. Woodcut ; 18 X 12 in, 14. Same photograph ; reot. Woodcut ; 5 X 4 in. Proof before inscription. 15. Same photograph. Pub. Photographische GeseUschaft in Berlin. Photogravure ; 9} x 75 in. 16. H. L., looking to r. Hlust. London News, 1891. Woodcut ; 12} X 9| in. 17. Bust, full face ; vignette, with facsimUe of autograph. Pub. E. Dexter, New York, 1880. Etching.18. Distributing prizes at Architectural Museum, 1856. Cutting from Hlust. London News. Woodcut.RUSPINI, BARTHOLOMEW ; dentist and freemason. 1. H. L., to L, wearing masonic insignia and holding scroll ; rect. frame. Pub. 1800. (C S. not desc.) Proof before inscription, engraver's name, etc., scratched. 2. H. L., to L; ovaL PL to Free Masons Pocket Book; pub. Vernor & Hood 1800. Stipple ; 3 X 2f in. RUSSELL OP THORNHAUGH, WILLIAM RUS SELL, 1st Baron ; lord deputy of Ireland ; 1558 ?-1613, 1, W. L,, to r,, standing, in ruff and slashed dress, hand on stick. Prom pioture at Woburn, PL to Harding's Ancient Historical Pictures, 1844, eto. ' G. P. Harding del.' ^ Line ; 9 X 6} in. Proof before inscription. RUSSELL, WILLIAM RUSSELL, Baron ; ' the patriot ' ; s. of WiUiam, 5th Barl (afterwards 1st Duke) of Bedford; 1639-1683. 1. Bust, to l.,in wig and lace cravat ; reot. PL to Physiog nomical Portraits ; pub. 1823. Line ; 2} X 2 in. From photograph. Cutting from Painteb G. PiloteU G. Richmond J. Ruskin I. Jehner T. Porster Engbaveb G. PUoteU P. Holl W. Brown R. Bryden Swain M. Klinkicht Anon. I. Jehner W. Ridley W. Greatbach C. Armstrong Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 627 Subject 2, Aged 44 ; H. L,, to r,, in wig, lace cravat and mantle; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Line ; 13} X 105 in. Two impressions. 3. Copy from the last. J. Lloyd exo. (C S, 15,) Mezz, ; 7} X 6} in. Second state, with Lloyd's name erased. 4. Another copy; plain oval. E. Cooper exo. (0. S. 101.) Mezz. ; 8} X 7} in. Two impressions. 5. Another copy, reversed ; oval frame in rect. Book iUustration. Line ; 4} X 3} in. 6. Similar picture, H. L., to r. ; oval with ornaments. PL to Birch's Heads ; pub. Knapton 1739. Liue ; 14} X 9 in. One proof with artists' names only ; two lettered impressions. 7. Reversed copy from the last, with the ornaments. Line ; 6} X 4} in. 8. Another copy, to 1. ; plain oircle. PL to Smollett's Hist, of England, 1757. Liue ; 35 in. diam. 9. T. Q. L., to 1., seated, in wig, lace cravat and large white sleeves. From pioture at Woburn. PL to Lodge's Portraits ; pub. Lackington, Allen & Co. 1816. Stipple ; 7} X 6} in. 10. Same pioture. Front, to his Life, by Lord J. RusseU, ed. 1853. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. Proof before any inscription. 11. H. L., to L, in wig, laoe cravat and mantle ; oval in rect. frame. Prom a miniature. PL to Letters of Lady Bachel Bussell, 1853. Mezz. ; 3} X 2} in. 12. H. L., to c, in wig, laoe cravat and mantle; oval. (C S. 9.) Mezz. ; 7} X 65 in. See Gboups (Antipapists). RUSSELL, RACHEL (WRIOTHESLEY), Lady ; w, of the preceding; d. of 4th Earl of Southampton; 1636- 1723. 1. H. L., faoe to 1., in widow's dress ; oval in reot. Prom miniature at Althorp. Front, to her Letters, 1853. Stipple ; 3} X 2} iu. Proof before any inscription. 2. H. L., full faoe, in widow's dress, resting faoe on hand ; oval. From picture at Woburu. Pront. to her Letters, 1801. Stipple ; 35 X 2} in. 3. Same pioture, H. L. ; vignette. PL to Ladies' Monthly Museum ; pub. Dean & Munday 1820. Stipple.4. Same pioture, H. L. ; oval. Stipple ; 3} X 2S in. 5. Same picture, H. L. ; oval in rect. frame. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. Proof before any inscription. Painteb G. Kneller P. Lely C. Boit G. Kneller Engbaver P. Vanderbank E. LuttreU Anon. J. Houbraken T. Cook C. Grignion E. Scriven S. Bellin W. O. GeUer J. Oliver exc. S. Bellin C. Knight Woolnoth Anon. 2 S 2 628 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RUSSELL, RACHEL (WRIOTHESLEY), Lady— co»W. 6. H. L., to r. 'Prom an Original Picture at Miss Pelham's.' PL to Adolphus's British Cabinet; pub. E. Harding 1800. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. RUSSELL, JOHN RUSSELL, 1st Earl, K.G. ; prime minister; 1792-1878. 1. When Lord John R. ; W. L., standing by table, face to r., hand resting on Reform Bill. Pub. Bovryer & Parkes 1837. Mezz. ; 17} X 14 in. Two impressions. 2. When Lord John R. ; T. Q. L., standing by table in House of Commons, looking to r., hand in waistcoat. Pub. G. Routledge 1844. Mezz. ; 13 X 10} in. 3. Same picture. Line ; 4} X 3} in. Proof before any inscription. 4. When Lord John R. ; T. Q. L., standing, face to r., holding Reform Bill, arms folded. Pub. Colnaghi 1836. Mezz. ; 13 X 9 in. 5. When Lord John R. ; marble bust, on a pedestal. PL to Saunders's Political Beformers, 1840. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. 6. When Lord John R. ; W. L., to L, reclining on a sofa, holding pen ; with title ' Author of Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe.' PL to Eraser's Mag., 1831. Lith. 7. When Lord John R. ; bust, to 1. ; vignette. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. 8. When Lord John R. ; T. Q. L., standing, looking to L, holding newspaper ; vignette. Pub. A. & C Baily. Lith. 9. H. L., to r., faoe nearly in profile, 1. arm on plinth of a column ; from photograph. Pub. W. Mackenzie. stipple and line ; 6 X 4 in. 10. H. L., directed and looking to r. ; vignette. Prom photograph by W. Walker & Sons. Pub. Nat. Artistic & Photographic Co. Lith. 11. When Lord John R. ; T. Q. L., seated in arm-chair, directed and looking to r., scroll in l. hand ; vignette. Pub. Pisher 1832. Stipple.12. When Lord John R. ; H. L., looking to r., holding scroll ; vignette. Book iUustration. Stipple. 13. When Lord John R. ; T. Q. L., seated, directed and looking to r. Prom photograph, Suppl, to Illustrated News of the World. Line ; 8} X 6} in. 14, When Loid John R, ; W. L,, to r,, seated by table. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1857. Woodcut. Painter R. Bowyer T. Carriek 99 G. Hayter P. HoUings (D. Maelise) J. Slater Engbaveb L. Legoux ,7. G. Murray S. BelUn W. HoU J. Bromley W. HoU (D. Maclise) P. C. Lewis E. Desmaisons HoU L. Noel Page & Son R. Page D. J. Pound Anon. Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 629 Subject Painter 15. In old age ; bust, i. profile. Photograph. See Groups (Aberdeen Cabinet). RUSSELL, ADELAIDE, (born Lister) ; 1st w. of the preceding ; m. 1. Thomas, 2nd Baron Ribblesdale ; 1807- 1838. 1. When Lady Ribblesdale; H. L., seated, looking to 1. PL to La BelU AssembUe, 1830. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 2. H. L., seated, looking to 1., in ermine-trimmed oloak, PL to Court Mag. ; pub. E. Churton. Stipple ; 45 X 8} in. RUSSELL OP KILLOWEN, CHARLES RUSSELL, Baron ; lord chief justice ; 1832-1900. 1. Bust, looking to r. ; vignette. From a drawing. PL to Lehmann's Men and Women of the Century, 1896. Keproduction. 2. H. L., to r. ; from photograph by Downey. Woodburytype.3. H. L., fuU face. Cutting from Illust. London News, 1894. Process block. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, M.D., F.R.S.; physician and naturaUst ; 1715 ?-1768. 1. Bust, to 1. ; plain oval, with four Latin lines below. PL to Lettsom's Memoirs of Fothergill, 1786. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. 2. Same picture ; oval in decor, rect. frame. Book illus tration, 'Plate V,, Vol, IL' Stipple and line ; 65 X 3} in, RUSSELL, LoBD ALEXANDER GEORGE, G,C,B, ; tenth s, of John, 6th Duke of Bedford ; general ; 1821- 1907. 1. When a child, sitting on the ground, fondling a hound. Pub. J. Dickinson 1826. Lith. ; 6} X 6} in. 2. When.a boy, on his Shetland pony Emerald, jumping a felled tree. Pub. Dickinson 1833. Lith. ; 7} X 95 in. 3. Same picture ; without inscription. PL to library ed. of Landseer's Wm-ks; pub. H. Graves & Co., 1885. Stipple ; 6| X 6} in. RUSSELL, ANNA BARBARA (WHITWORTH), Lady; 2nd w. of Sir Henry R., bart., chief justice of Bengal; sister of Earl Whitworth ; 1763-1814. 1. Nearly W. L., to r., seated, with child who stands on ' table, looking at a mirror. Prom pioture at S wallowfield . PL to Ward & Roberts's Bomney, 1904. Photogravure ; 7} X 5} in. RUSSELL, ANNE ; d. of John RusseU, R.A.; 1781-1857. 1 With her sister Maria; T. Q. L., sitting together, looking at a drawing. Reprinted from Lady's Pictorial, 1894. Process block. M. Carpenter G. Sayer R. Lehmann Engbaver E. Scriven J. Cochran N. Dance G. Hayter E. Landseer T. Trotter R. J. Lane (J. B. Pratt) G. Romney J. Russell 630 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RUSSELL, ANNE, (born Parish); mother of John RusseU, R.A. 1. H. L., to r., arms folded. Reprinted from Lady's Pictorial, 1894. Process block. RUSSELL, Lady CAROLINE. Caroline, Duchess of. See Mablbobough, RUSSELL, Lord COSMO GEORGE ; 9th s. of John, 6th Duke of Bedford ; 1817-1875. 1. When a boy, in highland dress, galopping on a Shetland pony ; vignette. Pub. Dickinson 1828. Lith. ; 7} X 95 in. 2. Same picture. Without inscription. Lith. ; 6 X 6} in. 3. Same picture ; outline. Line ; 3| X 4} in. 4. Same pioture. Without inscription. Btching ; 5} X 7} in. RUSSELL, DAVID ; dissenting minister at Dundee. 1. H. L., to r., in spectacles; vignette. PL to Evangelical Mag. ; pub. Westley & Davis 1827. Stipple.RUSSELL, Lady DIANA. See Verney. RUSSELL, EDWARD. See Oefobd. RUSSELL, ELIZABETH; sister of John RusseU, R.A. 1. H. L., to r., in cap and friU, hair roUed; oval frame. Pub. H. Parker. (C S. 4.) Mezz. ; 11| x 9} in. 2. H. L., to r. Reprinted from Lady's Pictorial, 1894. Process block. RUSSELL, ELIZABETH, (born Peyton), Lady Francis ; w. of Lord Francis John R., s. of 6th Duke of Bedford; m. 2. J. L, Baldwin ; d. 1888. 1. H. L., looking to 1, ; vignette. From a drawing, PL to Hayter's Beauties of the Court of Queen Victoria; pub. D. Bogue 1850. Stipple. RUSSELL, ELIZABETH ANNE, (bom Rawdon), Lady George; w. of Lord George William R., G.C.B., s. of 6th Duke of Bedford ; 1793-1874. 1. H. L., to r. From a drawing. Private plate, without any inscription. Stipple ; 6 X 4} in. 2. When a child, T. Q. L., standing, holding flowers in skirt ; oval in rect. frame with 'B.A. Rawdon ' on tablet. Stipple and line ; 6} X 3} in. RUSSELL, ELIZABETH LAURA HENRIETTA, (born Russell), Lady Wriothesley ; w. of Rev. Lord Wriothesley R., s. of 6th Duke of Bedford ; 1803-1886. 1. W. L., seated, looking to L, in her wedding dress; octagon. From a drawing. Stipple ; 14} X 11 in. Painter J. Russell E. Landseer J. Russell J. Hayter J. D. Ingres W. Wood A. E. Chalon Engraver R. J. Lane 99 Normand fils Lady E. RusseU Anon. J. Wright J. Brown J. J. V. d. Berghe P. C. Lewis Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 631 Subject Painter Engraver 2, When a child, W. L., full faoe, seated on the ground, arm on tambourine. Prom print by H. Meyer. PL to Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1904. Eeproduction in colours ; 7} x 65 in. RUSSELL, FRANCES (CROMWELL), Lady; w. of Sir John R., bart. ; d. of OUver CromweU ; 1638-1721. 1. Nearly W. L., to i-., seated, black veil on head. Prom pioture at Chequers Court, PL to Gardiner's Cromwell, 1899. Photogravure ; 8} X 7 in, RUSSELL, FRANCIS, P.R.S,, F.S.A, ; author of History of the East India Company ; b. 1740. 1. Bust, looking to 1. ; oval in rect. frame. Prom a minia- tm-e. PI. to European Mag. ; pub. J. SeweU 1796. Stipple ; 3} X 25 in. RUSSELL, Lady GEORGIANA. See Romilly. RUSSELL, HASTINGS. See Bedford, Francis, 9th Duke of. RUSSELL, (Bight Hon.) Sir HENRY, bart. ; Indian judge; 1751-1836. 1. W. L., seated in arm-ohair, full faoe, in robes, holding book on knee. Prom picture at Calcutta. (Whitman 253.) Mezz. ; 24} X 17} in. One touched proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. RUSSELL, HENRY; singer and song writer; 1812- 1900. 1. H. L., to r., seated at piano, holding pen. On title to his song Far, far upon the Sea. Stipple. 2. W. L., seated, playing piano; with scenes of American Ufe. On title to his song To the West ! to the West, etc. Stipple. RUSSELL, JAMES ; law reporter; 1790-1861. 1, T. Q, L., seated in arm-chair, directed and looking to r,, spectacles in r. hand. Private plate. Mezz, ; 11} X 9} in. RUSSELL, JOHN, R.A. ; portrait painter ; 1745-1806. 1. H. L., seated, r. profile; vignette. Prom a crayon drawing. Pub. W. DanieU. Soft-ground etchiug. 2. When young ; bust, to 1. ; oval. From a miniature. Process block. See Groups (Royal Academicians). RUSSELL, JOHN, D.D. ; head-master of Charterhouse School ; canon of Canterbury and rector of St. Botolph's Bishopsgate ; 1787-1863. 1, T. Q. L,, standing, looking to r., in gown and bands, resting book on table with 1. hand. Pub. M. Colnaghi 1829. Mezz. ; 12} X 10 in. RUSSELL, JOHN; 'the sporting parson'; rector of Black Torrington; 1795-1883. 1, Riding with his huntsman and hounds. Reproduction of a wateroolour copy from an oil painting. W. Owen S. P. Smart J. CoUyer G. Chinnery E. Coleman G. Dance S. W. Reynolds Anon. T. Lupton W. DanieU B. R. Paulkner S. J. Carter W. Say 632 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb RUSSELL, Lady LOUISA. Duchess of. See Abercorn, Louisa, RUSSELL, MARIA ; d. of John Russell, R.A. ; 1782-1861. See Russell, Anne. RUSSELL, PATRICK, M.D., F.R.S.; physician and naturalist in service of the East India Company ; 1727- 1805. 1. H. L., r. profile; vignette. Prom crayon drawing. Pub. W. DanieU 1811. Soft-ground etching. 2. Bust, to r., in turban; oval in reot. frame. Stipple ; 8 X 6} in. Proof before any iuscription. 3. Same picture ; oval. PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Asperne 1811. Stipple ; 3} X 3 in. RUSSELL, Lady RACHEL EVELYN. See Butler. RUSSELL, SAMUEL THOMAS ; actor ; 1769 ?-1845. 1. As Jerry Sneak in ¥oote's Mayor of Garratt ; H. L.,to r., carrying luggage ; rect. frame. PL to Oxberry's Dramatic Biography. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. RUSSELL, THOMAS, J.P. ; supporter of the St. Pancras female charity school. 1. T. Q. L., to r., seated in arm-chair, eyeglasses in r. hand, book in 1. Lith. ; 12 X 95 in. RUSSELL, THOMAS and WILLIAM; sons of John Russell, R.A. 1. Two children looking at a drawing, one holding crayon. Prom a crayon drawing. Reprinted from Lady's Pictorial, April 21, 1894. Process block. RUSSELL, Lord WILLIAM ; b. of 5th and 6th Dukes of Bedford ; murdered by Gourvoisier ; 1767-1840. See Groups (Duke of Bedford and brothers), (Marl borough Theatricals). youngest s. of the preceding ; Pub. RUSSELL, WILLIAM 1800-1884. 1. When a child ; nearly W. L., standing, full face S. W. Reynolds 1808. (Whitman 254.) .Mezz. ; 10} X 85 in. 2. Same picture. PL to oat. of Price sale, Christie's, 1895, Ileproduction. RUSSELL, WILLIAM CLARK ; See Groups. novelist; 1844-1911. RUSSELL, WRIOTHESLEY RUSSELL, Lord. See Bedford, Wriothesley, 2nd Duke of. RUSSELL, (Mrs.) ; courtesan; fl. 1700. 1. W. L., standing, holding mask and fan ; with title ' London Curtezan.' PL to Tempest's Cryes of London. Line ; 9 x 6} in, 2, Copy from the last. Pub, J. Caulfield 1796. Line ; 5} x 3 in G. Dance L. Vaslet S. De Wilde J. P. Knight J. RusseU J. Hoppner M. Laroon W. Daniell W. Evans W. Ridley J. Rogers J. H. Lynch S. W. Reynolds Anon.Lydekker Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 633 Subject RUSSELL, (Mbs.) 1. T. Q. L., r. profile, seated, in bonnet and shawl, r. arm on pedestal, holding rose. (Whitman 255.) Mezz. ; 3} X 8 in. One proof before any inscription ; oue with engraver's name only. RUSSELL, (Masteb) ; juvenile aotor. 1. As Artabanes in Artaxerxes ; W. L., standing, looking to L, holding sword ; vignette. Lith.Proof before inscription. RUSSEN, BENJAMIN. 1. Bust, to r., in wig, gown and bands; oval frame. PL to Gospel Mag. ; pub. T, VaUance 1777. Line ; 4 X 3 in. RUSTAT, TOBIAS ; yeoman of the robes to Charles II ; philanthropist ; 1606 ?-1694. 1. H. L., to r., standing, paper in r. hand; curtain with group of Charity behind ; sixteen Latin lines below. (C S. 102.) Mezz. ; 10} X 9} in. [The only impression known.] RUTEN. See Ruthven. RUTHERFORD, DANIEL, M.D., P.L.S. ; botanist; 1749-1819. See Gboups (Distinguished Men of Science). RUTHERFORD, JOHN, M.D, ; professor of medicine at Edinburgh ; grandfather of Sir Walter Scott ; 1695- 1779, 1, H, L,, to r,, in wig and gown. Prom pioture at Abbots ford, PL to Caw's Scott GaUery, 1903, Photogravure ; 4} x 35 in, RUTHERPURD, ANDREW, (Lord Rutherfurd) ; Scottish judge ; 1791-1854, 1, Bust, looking to r,, in private dress ; vignette. From a drawing. One of ' Grillion's Club ' series. Stipple. RUTHVEN, Sib CONRAD ; fl. 1650. 1. H. L., to r., in ruff; rect. frame. PL to Becueil d'Estampes d'apres Us tableaux de M. Boyer d'AguilUs, 1744. Line ; 9g X 7} iu. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to L; oval. PI- to Pinkerton's Iconographia Scotica ; pub. I. Herbert 1796. Line ; 3| X 3} iu. RUTLAND, FRANCIS MANNERS, 6th Earl of, K.G. ; 1578-1632. 1. H. L., to r., in Garter robes ; oval in cartouche. Sold T. Jenner. G. Ferbearde exc. Line ; 7} X 4| in. 2. Copy from the last, bust only, to 1. ; oval. PL to Thane's Autography. Line ; 3} X 3} in. Painter H. C(orbould) G. Richmond J. Bronchorst Engraver S. W. Reynolds H. C(orbould) Anon. Anon. Anon. J. Coelmans C. Tiebout Anon. 634 Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject RUTLAND, CATHERINE (NOEL), Duchess of; w. of John Manners, 1st Duke ; d. of Srd Viscount Campden ; d. 1733. 1. When Countess ; nearly W. L., face to r., seated on bank, in dress edged with pearls. J, Smith exo, (C. S. 218.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Three impressions, one modern. RUTLAND, LUCY (SHERARD), Duohess of; w. of John Manners, 2nd Duke ; 1685-1751. 1. When Hon. Mrs. Sherard ; nearly W. L., standing, faoe to r., flowers in 1. hand. J. Smith exc. (C S. 229.) Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. One unflnislied ; one before any inscription ; two lettered impressions. same plate, reworked, with additional flower in hand. IThe identiflcation of this lady is uncertain.] RUTLAND, JOHN MANNERS, Srd Duke of, K.G. ; 1696-1779. 1. W. L., to L, standing, in Garter robes, hand on hat which lies on table. (C S. 312.) Mezz. ; 18} X 13} in. same plate, reduced to T. Q. L. ; with address of Paber ' at the Green Door in Craven Buildings.' 12} X 9} in. same plate, with Faber's address altered to ' y" Golden head, BloomslDury Square.' RUTLAND, CHARLES MANNERS, 4th Duke of, K.G. ; lord Ueutenant of Ireland ; 1754-1787. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in Garter robes, holding white wand. Pub. Dickinson 1791. (0. S. 72.) Mezz. ; 24} X 16} iu. One proof before inscription ; two lettered impressions. 2. H. L., looking to L,in fur-edged gown. Pub. H, Graves &Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 8} in. RUTLAND, MARY ISABELLA (SOMERSET), Duohess of; w. of the preceding; d. of 4th Duke of Beaufort; 1756-1831. 1. H. L., to r. ; oval. Dedicated to Duchess Dowager of Beaufort. Stipple ; 3} X 2} in. 2. T. Q. L., to L, seated by table, resting arm on vol. lettered ' Grammont'; rect. frame. Pub. Mrs. Mee 1812. Stipple ; 105 X 8} in. 3. T. Q. L., to L, seated, hands joined on lap; rect. frame. Pub. 0. Turner 1804, Printed in colours, (Whitman 506,) Mezz, ; 6} X 4} in, 4, H, L,, to L, seated, book iu r, hand; oval, PL to European Mag. ; pub. J. Sewell 1790. Stipple ; 4} X 35 in. 5. H. L., directed and looking to 1. ; oval. Stipple ; 4} X 3| in. 6. W. L., standing, looking to r., leaning on pedestal. From the picture burnt at Belvoir Castle in 1816. Pub. V. Green 1780. (C S. 115, Whitman 103.) Mezz. ; 23} X 16} in. One proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names'scratched ; two lettered impressions. [Afterwards altered to H.K.H. Frederica, Ducliess of York.] Painter G. KneUer G. KneUer C. Jervas J. Reynolds R. Cosway Anne Mee Mrs. O'Neill W. Peters J. Reynolds Engraver John Smith John Smith J. Paber jun. W. Dickinson J. Scott W. Lane A. Cardon C. Turner Anon. C. W. White V. Green Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits 635 Subject Pub. Colnaghi, etc. 1878. (Whitman 7. Same pioture 139.) Mezz. ; 23} X 16 in. Proof before inscription. 8. Same pioture. Pub. S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6} X 4} in. 9. Similar pioture belonging to Lord Chesham ; H. L. onlv. Pub. H. Graves & Co. Mezz. ; 4} X 4 in. 10. Nearly W. L., seated at window, face in profile to r., open book iu r. hand. Prom pioture belonging to Duke of Beaufort. Pub. R. Wilkinson 1791. Line ; 17 X 13| in. One proof before inscription, not quite finished; one lettered im pression. 11. Same pioture. Pub, S. W. Reynolds. Mezz. ; 6 X 4 in. 12. Same pioture, H. L. only ; vignette. Pront. to vol. ii. of WraxaU's Posthumous Memoirs ; pub. R. Bentley 1836. Stipple.13. Nearly W. L., to L, seated on wooden chair, small basket in 1. hand ; oval. Stipple ; 185 X 14} in. RUTLAND, JOHN HENRY MANNERS, 5th Duke of, K.G. ; 1778-1857. 1. W. L., standing in landscape, looking to L, in militia uniform, holding helmet. Pub. J. Jeffryes 1801. (Whit man 505, I.) Mezz. ; 23} X l4 in. 2. W. L., standing on terrace, looking to r., resting soroU on table, in evening dress with insignia of the Garter. Pub. R. Moseley, Derby, eto. Mezz. ; 20f X 13} in. 3. When Marquess of Granby; a child, with his sister Lady Elizabeth (afterwards Lady E. Norman) and their dogs Turk and Crab. Prom picture at Belvoir. With out any inscription. Pub. T. Agnew & Sons 1908, Mezz. ; 20} X 16} in. 4. Same pioture. Pub, H. Graves & Co. Mezz, ; 7} X 6} in, 5. H. L., looking to L, with riband and star ; octagon. PL to Eminent Conservative Statesmen; pub. R. Ryley & Co. 1839. Stipple ; 9 X 7} in. 6. W. L., standing, looking to L, in coronation robes, holding sceptre with the dove. Pub. T. Boys 1839. Mezz. ; 24 X 14} in. RUTLAND, ELIZABETH (HOWARD), Duchess of; w. of the preceding ; d. of 5th Earl of Carlisle ; 1780-1825. 1. H. L., seated, looking to 1. Pub. C Wilkin 1803. .Stipple ; 8} X 7 in. 2. W. L., to L, standing, leaning against pedestal. Prom picture at Belvoir. PL to McKay's Hoppner, 1909. Photogravure ; 9} X 6} in. 3. W. L., full face, standing near window, holding open sketch-book and crayon. Private plate. (Whitman 138.) Mezz, ; 23 X 13} in. Painteb J. Reynolds J. Hoppner O. Oakley J. Reynolds J. Robson G. Sanders J. Hoppner G. Sanders Engbaveb S. Cousins S. W. Reynolds J. Scott J. K. Sherwin S. W. Reynolds W. Read R. Stanier C. Turner W. Say N. Hirst J. Scott J. Brown J. Lucas C. Wilkin S. Cousins 636 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject JAMES ROBERT MANNERS, known as Lord John Manners ; H. L., looking to 1. ; oval, with Pub. W. Walker 1853. RUTLAND, JOHN 7th Duke of, G.C.B. 1818-1906. 1. When Lord J. Manners facsimile of autograph. Mezz. ; 12} X 10} in. One proof before any inscription ; one lettered impression. same plate, with fuU title substituted for autograph. 2. When Lord J. Manners ; H. L., looking to 1. ; vignette. PL to Civil Service Beview, 1877. Lith. RUTLAND, MARION M-ARGARET VIOLET (LIND SAY), Duohess of ; w. of Henry J. Manners, 8th Duke. 1. When Marchioness of Granby ; H. L., to r., face in profile ; vignette. Prom a sketch. Lith. 2. When Marchioness of Granby ; a head, looking to 1. Prom a sketch in oils. Photograph. RUTTER, DOROTHEA, (born Hales) ; w. of Michael R. of Bourton-on-the-HiU ; 1632-1662. 1. Aged 31; H. L., to L; oval frame on pedestal, with shields above and below ; ' Life more abundant in her lookes,' etc. Pront. to her Funeral Sermon, 1662. Line ; 6} x 4} in. 2. Facsimile copy from the last. Pub. T. & H. Rodd 1820. Line ; same dimensions. RYALL, JOHN ; printseller. See Groups (London priutseUers). RYAN, (Right Hon.) Sir EDWARD, F.R.S.; chief justice of Bengal ; civil service commissioner ; 1793- 1875. 1. Nearly W. L., standing at a table on which is dessert, holding open book and eye-glasses. From pioture belonging to Society of Dilettanti. IUustration to Cust's Hist, of Society of Dilettanti, 1898. Reproduction ; 7 X 6} iu. RYCAUT, Sir PAUL, F.R.S.; traveUer and author; 1628-1700. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and cloak ; oval frame on pedestal, with arms. Pront. to his Hist, of the Turkish Empire, 1679. Line ; 9 X 6 in. RYDER, (Right Hon.) Sir DUDLEY ; chief justice of the king's bench ; 1691-1756. 1. W. L., to r., standing, in robes, i. hand on hip, 1. pointing to book on table. (C. S. 313.) Mezz. ; 18} X 14 in. RYDER, HENRY, D.D. ; bishop of Liohfield and Coventry; 1777-1836. 1 . Nearly W. L., to r., seated in arm-ohair, in rochet. Pub. Colnaghi. Mezz. ; 17} X 13} in. Two impressions. 2. Same picture. PL to Christian Keepsake; pub. Pisher & Son 1836. Stipple ; 45 X 3} in. Painter R. Buckner W. Rothenstein G. P. Watts P. Leighton P. Lely J. Crank H. PiokersgUl Engraver W. Walker Anon. W. Rothenstein Anon. T. Berry R. White J. Paber jun. W. Say T. Woolnoth Gatalogue of Engraved British Portraits 637 Subject RYDER, THOMAS ; aotor ; 1735-1790. 1. As Sir John Restless in Murphy's AU in the Wrong ; H. L., looking to r., holding miniature ; oval. Pub. E. Harding 1787. Stipple ; 6 X 6 in. 2. Bust, r. profile; medallion in tablet decorated with wreaths. PL to General Mag. and Impartial Beview, 1789. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 3. As Lovegold in Fielding's The Miser; W. L.. standing, looking to r. PL to British Theatre ; pub. W. Lowndes 1788. Liue ; 4} X 3} in. 4. H. L., to 1. ; oval. Pub. J. Ford, Dublin. Stipple ; 5 X 4} iu. 5. As Hob ; W. L., dancing before spectators. Pront. to Flora or Hob-in-the- Well, a farce. Line ; 6 X 3} in. 6, As Palstaff; W, L,, standing, fuU face; without back ground. Line ; 6X3} in. 7. As Sir John Brute in Vanbrugh's ProDO&'tZ Wife ; W. L., to L, in hat. Pub. S. W. Pores 1787. Coloured. Etching.8. As Soapin ; W. L., standing, looking to 1. ; without background. Line. RYDER, Sib WILLIAM; alderman of London; lord mayor 1600. 1. H. L., to r., in hat, fur-edged gown and chain. Copy from contemporary print ; pub. W. Richardson 1797. Line ; 45 X 35 in. RYLAND, JOHN COLLETT ; baptist minister, school master and author ; 1723-1792. 1. H. L., to r., in wig and bands, holding vol. of Witsen's (Economia; oval frame. Pub. C Bowles 1775. (C S. 107.) Mezz. ; 13 X 10 in. 2. Copy from the last; oval frame. Pront. to his Con templations on Beauties of Nature ; pub. C. Bowles 1778. Mezz. ; 6| X 4} in. RYLAND, WILLIAM WYNNE ; engraver ; hanged for forgery; 1732-1783. 1. Bust, 1. profile ; circular frame, with name on tablet below. Sold P. Falconet. Stipple ; 6} X 4} in. RYMER, THOMAS ; author and antiquary ; editor of Fcedera; 1641-1713. 1. W. L., standing, 1. profile, carrying smaU dog. From a contemporary caricature. PL to Caulfield's Remarkable Persons, 1819. Line ; 65 X 45 in. 2. Copy from the last, T. Q. L. only ; reot. Line ; 3} X 2} in. Painteb S. Harding (W. Mossop) C. R. Ryley M. A. Shee J. Russell P. Palconet Engbaveb W. N. Gardiner TaylorW. Angus J. Pord Anon. Anon. R. Houston Anon. D. P. Pariset Anon. 638 Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Subject Painter Engbaveb RYSBRACK, JOHN MICHAEL ; sculptor ; 1693 ?-1770. 1, Nearly W, L,, standing, looking to r., r, arm on bust of a woman, holding compasses. Sold J. Paber. (C S, 314,) J. Vanderbank J. Paber jun. Mezz. ; 12} X 9} in. Four impressions. 2. Same picture. PL to Walpole's Anecdotes, 1762. ,, T. Chambars Line ; 6} X 45 in. 3. Same pioture. PL to same work, ed. 1862. as W. Pinden Line ; 4} X 3} in. See Gboups (Society of Artists). RY VES, BRUNO, D.D. ; dean of Windsor ; 1596-1677, 1, H,L,, to r,, in cloak and band ; oval. Prom a painting. Pub, Woodburn. R. Earlom. Mezz. ; 5} X 35 in. LONDON : PRINTKD BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E,, AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08867 2077 ^< trt-H ¦¦-"Hit. _. 'JF- XI IT Tisi, v;'<* *-4i 1 ;^iif &i3!^#-? -:i-^:^^A. 1^r ^""•^S| ^-SiSiWSs^