' YALE N CENTER CBritisfP . Art BEQUEST OF FREDERICK WHILEY HILLES ANGELICA KAUFFMANN ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, In the dress of her own Canton. Painted by herself. Frontispiece, \y\A^ page 150. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN A- BIOGRAPHY FRANCES A. GERARD 11/ A NEW EDITION LONDON WARD AND DOWNEY 12 YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN W.C. 1893 \_All rights reserveiT] PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. I TAKE this opportunity to thank all those who responded to the request made by me in the AthencBum and Notes and Queries, for further information about Angelica Kauffmann's pictures and house decora tions. The result has been so much fresh matter as to necessitate a Supplementary Catalogue. The new edition has had the great advan tage of being revised by an experienced friend, to whom I am deeply indebted, as I am also to Mr. William Rossetti, who, with great kindness, has given me some valuable advice about the chapter of Critical Notices. Much interest attaches to the quotations from the MS. Memoir lent by Mr. Hendriks, vi Preface to Second Edition. in the handwriting of Zucchi, Angelica's husband.^ There is every reason to suppose it is the one alluded to in Goethe's letter to Angelica, which will be found on page 304. I received considerable help from Mr. William Bowles, Mr. Charles Goldie, the Honourable Gerald Ponsonby, and Miss Wright, to whom I offer my best thanks. I cannot conclude without assuring those friendly readers of my book, who wrote to me encouraging letters, and sent me useful hints and remarks, that I appreciate most fully their kindness. . Frances Gerard. February, 1893. ' A cardinal's seal being attached to the manuscript was a puzzle to Mr. Hendriks; but Cardinal Quirini being a relative of Zucchi, may account for its appearance, as it may have been in the Cardinal's possession at some petiod. The "Memoir" came to England in 1858, and was sold with the other papers belonging to Angelica. PREFACE. Any one who can look back some twenty years will remember how much interest was excited by the appearance of a story in Cornhill Magazine, called " Miss Angel," which, written as it, was by a young authoress, taught the English public something of the successes and the misfortunes of a pretty German artist, to whom our great Sir Joshua Reynolds went on his knees at Ranelagh — and whose name was Angelica Kaufifmann. Charming as it is, however, Miss Thackeray's story was a novel. It began, as all novels should, with the heroine at the age of eighteen, and ended in the legi timate manner with the heroine's marriage. A biography goes somewhat deeper ; it is, or viii Preface. ought to be, the true record of a life, and it has to take up the two ends of the long thread — the beginning, when " all the world is young, the trees are green, and the birds sing for ever ; " and the reverse side, when the world grows very, very old, the trees very brown — and the birds sing no more for us. It comes to this with all lives, only there is a difference. Some have a flood of sunshine, others a dull monotony more terrible and harder to bear than even worse misfortunes. Angelica had plenty of sunshine. She said in her old age she had one consolation : she had lived in the past ! " A tinted life," some one called hers, so varied by joy and sorrow, success and failure, a life full of interest. She comes before us through a mist of tender memories. A sweet artistic woman, made doubly interesting by her sad story of betrayal, by her beauty and her grace, and by a sympathetic attraction which won all hearts in her lifetime, and which sheds a certain tenderness over her when dead — and yet with all her charm, her undoubted gifts, Angelica Preface. . ix has not quite kept her place as an artist. It may be that she was too much extolled by a former generation, and by the present is unfairly judged, in fact almost forgotten. In England especially, where she spent the flower of her youth, and where she was the pet of the aristocracy, and the fashion of the hour, we look in vain for traces of her life : those who may wish to know more cohcerning her than what is contained in Miss Thackeray's story, must seek for it from foreign sources ; the English notices would not fill a small magazine article. Half a page in Sir Joshua Reynolds's life by Leslie, three or four allusions in Smith's "Life of Nollekens," a stray mention here and there, is all we can glean concerning a woman who was at one time in the first rank of artists. Even Horace Walpole, who expends all the encomiums of the English language in praise of Lady Diana Beauclerk's Gypsies and Mrs. Damer's busts, has hardly one wor to say of Angelica, although she was an R.A. and he was an art critic. But if there is a paucity of information concerning the artist X Preface. on this side of the channel, the libraries abroad teem with notices, memoirs and an^. The Germans have written copiously on their gifted countrywoman, not altogether in her praise. Sternberg, whose pen is always dipped in the bitterest ink of criticism, has little to say for her, her principal ground of offence, in his eyes, being her adoption of England, which country he holds in contempt. Oppermann, Weissely, Wurzbach, Gering, Nagler, Bernsdorfif, Sturz, Guhl, have exhaustive notices and memories of the artist. The French, too, are not behindhand either in fiction or biography. Leon de Wailly's novel is well known abroad. The Biogra phie Nouvelle, Biographie des Contemporains, Biographie Universelle, the Manuel des Curieux et des Beaux Arts, Leblanc, B^raldi, etc., have extensive notices. In Italian there is Rossi's life, which has been translated into German by Alois Weinhart, who in his preface says, " he can vouch for the truth of all contained in this volume, as he was not only a near relative, being the artist's first cousin by marriage and brother-in-law to Johann Preface. xi Kaufifmann, who resided in her house and managed her afifairs for twenty-two years, but also because all her papers and those of her father, Joseph Kaufifmann, came into his hands. It is from these different sources that the present biography has been compiled, and it is hoped that the fact of its being \}i\& first life of the artist written in English (together with the great interest of the subject) may incline the reader to overlook the short comings which must manifestly find place in a work of this kind undertaken by an in experienced writer. There is a want in both Rossi's biography and Weinhart's translation, which, to a certain extent, has been supplied in this.^ They are both destitute of correspondence. Without letters the story of a life cannot be told satis factorily : they make, in fact, the backbone of biography. As Angelica corresponded with some of the most interesting persons of 1 It is interesting to know that the late Prince Consort had some letters and MSS. concerning Angelica. These were given to Miss Thackeray (now Mrs. Richmond Ritchie), who kindly lent them to the writer. xii Preface. her time, her letters would be of great value. Unfortunately before her death she burned a great portion of them. For assistance in procuring letters and in formation most grateful thanks are offered, especially to Professor Gebhardt, Director of the King's Library, Berlin ; Mrs. Thackeray Ritchie; Mr. W. M. Rossetti; Mr. C. S. Hopwood, Foreign Office ; Messrs. Sotheby and Co. ; Messrs. Duprez and Gutekunst ; Mr. Alfred Morrison ; Mr. Bernton Benja min ; Mr. Algernon Graves ; Mr. Harvey ; Mr. R. F. Sketchley ; Mr. Thomas Arm strong ; and Mr. Sidney Colvin. CONTENTS. PAGE IlfTRODUCTION .... . , Xvli CHAPTER L • Childhood and Girlhood . . . . i CHAPTER II. Girlhood 40 CHAPTER III. Girlhood and Womanhood . . . -53 CHAPTER IV. Marriage 78 CHAPTER V. Womanhood 107 CHAPTER VI. Womanhood 136 CHAPTER VII. Womanhood 162 CHAPTER VIIL Middle Age .¦ 181 CHAPTER IX Middle Age 201 xiv Middle Age Last Years Last Years Contents, CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XL CHAPTER XII. PAca 260 27s 303 Critical Notices Catalogue of Pictures Subjects of Pictures whose Owners are un known to Compiler Etchings by Angelica Kauffmann . Pictures and Designs engraved by Bartolozzi . Illustrations and Frontispieces by Bartolozzi FROM Angelica's Design .... Drawings in Pencil, Chalk, and Indian Ink, BY Angelica Kauffmann .... Drawings to be seen in the Exhibition Gallery, British Museum .... In the Fine Arts Gallery, New Bond Street . Guide to the Houses Decorated by Angelica Kauffmann Supplement to Appendix : Catalogue of ad ditional Pictures, painted by Angelica Kauffmann, R.A Index 449 335363 38s 388 391 395 396 398 398399 432 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FAGS Angelica Kauffmann, in the dress of her own Canton. Painted by herself . . Frontispiece Portrait of Angelica Kauffmann. Afterthe painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds 44 Sir Joshua Reynolds. From a portrait in the possession of the Earl of Morley . . .126 Dolly Monroe. From a sketch by the late Henry Doyle, C.B., Director of the National Gallery, Dublin, from the painting by Angelica Kauff mann . . . . . . . .142 INTRODUCTION. Before entering on the biography, it may be useful to take a glance at the condition in whieh art found itself in the first portion of the eighteenth century. It has a very distinct bearing upon the life itself, and although to many it will be an oft-told tale, to others, not so well instructed in the history of the past century, it may come in the light of a new and interesting revelation. Oppermann, who has written a volume upon the decay of art, says that in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and France, although there was a multitude of schools, a plethora of artists, there was no master. " There was no inspiration to be found in Nature or in Love — there was no strength with which to represent a delicious world of imagination, passion, or heroism — in one word, genius, without which the hand of the painter is xviii Introduction. paralyzed — genius, the wonderful creative gift — was dead." Meanwhile, students of all kinds filled the schools, and pictures without end flooded the market, but with very few exceptions the names of the artists have fallen into a well- deserved oblivion. They were, for the greater part, copyists of the most servile description, but for this pernicious and fatal habit — fatal alike in literature as in art — they were not altogether to blame. It was not, indeed, so much the fault of either the school or the student that copying became such an integral portion of art in the last century ; it was attributable in a great measure to the taste which had grown up for overlaying a picture with details conceived in the highest style of finish. The Netherlands was the head centre of this species of "genre" painting in which genius was replaced by a perfection of execution not to be surpassed. One must study the works produced in this period to be able to judge of the low condition and poverty of invention into which art had sunk. Introduction. xix In the schools each student followed the style of such and such a master : they copied the colouring, the arrangement of light and shade ; their ambition went no further than to produce a faithful copy, and so far they succeeded perfectly. Raphaels, Correggios, Rembrandts, said to be originals, filled the shops, and the work was so excellent, the imitation so perfect, as often to mislead the best critics, and it is in this way, Oppermann says, that the number of replicas of the same picture can be explained, each of which is supposed to be by an " Old Master," but not one of which was ever touched by his brush. It is easy to understand how such a pro cess of imitation, however faithfully executed, extinguished every germ, if such existed, of natural genius, and so cramped and fettered the imagination of the student, that he soon became a characterless, insipid copyist, who had no right to the name of artist, and, in fact, approached the level of a clever photo grapher of our own day. Sir Joshua Reynolds, in his lecture to the XX Introduction. students, condemns most emphatically this perjiicious habit. " I consider," he says, " copying a delusive kind of industry, the student satisfies himself with the appearance of doing something, he falls into the danger ous habit of imitating without selecting, and labouring without a determinate object. He sleeps over his work, those powers of inven tion and disposition, which ought particularly to be called out and put into action, lie torpid and lose their energy for want of exercise. The man of true genius, instead of spending hours, as many artists do while they are in Rome, in measuring statues and copying pictures, soon begins to think for himself and endeavours to do something like what he sees." It cannot be denied, however, that the luxu rious and effeminate tastes ofthe eighteenth century had its share in this lowering of the true standard of art : a love had grown up for decoration, conceived, it must be owned, in an artistic spirit, but still not belonging to the region of art. One could hardly imagine a Titian or Paul Veronese expending his genius on adorning a king's palace with painted Introduction. xxi ceilings and elegalnt panellings. Still this new method of ^^prostituting a divine mis tress " soon grew in favour. •Lebrun and his pupil Laguerre led the way ; and later, Watteau and Boucher fol lowed in their footsteps : their work is still to be seen at Versailles and Fontainbleau. Such groups of charming nymphs and fairy shepherdesses — such Colins and Colinettes — they are delicious to look at. Even the Spinets and Sedan chairs were made vehicles for highly decorated designs. Some of these can be seen at the Kensington Museum. So too with the bureaux with their delightful little medallions painted sometimes on enamel, and the Watteau fans which are rare and exquisite. The fashion spread quickly, demand in variably creating supply, and soon all over Europe and in every capital there were swarms of Italian, Dutch, and French artists eager to get taken on for this sort of work. Princelings, dukes, noblemen and rich men of all classes, considered it necessary to decorate their palaces and country seats, and every man of rank and influence was a patron xxii Introduction. of some needy artist, who formed part of the household and ranked with the poor cousin and the chaplain. This would be naturally deteriorating to the noble art, and the result soon began to show itself in the decay, of which Oppermann, Sternberg, and all who have written on or studied the subject speak. Oppermann tells us that perhaps the country which suffered least was France. He says : "In Germany the perseverance of the Teuton race made their schools famous for the perfection to which they brought the technique of their handiwork ; the German artist was a pedant, and precisely because he knew actually nothing of the eternal laws of art, he was perpetually talking of rules and taste." But he goes on : " With the French it was somewhat dififerent ; the French literature, the French mind, which in the eighteenth century governed educated Europe, was not by any means conducive to art ; the enlightenment ofthe encyclopaedists, with Voltaire to help them, possessed too much negativism and too little positivism to Introduction. xxiii exercise upon the arts any useful influence ; in fact, to understand this, one has only to cast an eye over the romances and the poetry of the day, for the most part written by the Galants Abbes." For all this he goes on to say : " If the encyclopaedists had no good influence over the schools of painting, they brought, neverthe less, a certain influence to bear in the direction and formation of taste in the higher classes. "In spite of their effeminacy and love of pleasure the French aristocracy possessed a truer sense of art, more elegance of taste, and more freedom of thought than prevailed elsewhere, and this freedom showed itself in every walk." The landscape-gardener used his own discretion in varying the stiff style of planting which had been introduced from Holland, and which had grown into fashion in France as elsewhere ; but although at Versailles and St. Cloud the straight walks and yew trees of Hampton Court are to be seen, the artistic vistas cut through the shrubberies, the grottoes and shady laurel walks "for xxiv Introduction. whispering lovers made," all bear testimony to a more refined taste, and a certain emanci pation from slavish imitation in our French neighbours. So too with their schools for painting. It is agreed by all writers on the subject that at this period they showed some faint traces of inspiration, and were less trammelled than were the others by the curse of imitation ; they offered, too, some evidences of feeling in their compositions, and for that reason the French school stands out, as it were, in this dark and melancholy period, which may be with justice called the deca dence of art. It was at this epoch (and Op permann especially mentions the fact) that the pernicious influence exercised by the amateur or dilettante, who for the first time came prominently to the front, began to make itself felt, and led to the worst results. Towards the middle of the eighteenth cen tury some symptoms began to arise which gave better hopes for the future, without in any way reviving the old and ancient glories of art. These symptoms were identical with the appearance of a new art history. This Introduction. xxv book, the work of an unknown German student, Winckelmann, appeared in 1755. It was called the " Imitation of the Antique," and was principally directed against the per nicious taste of the day, and in particular against the prevailing worship of Bernini, whose outrages against nature and the uni versal laws of beauty were shown up piti lessly. Winckelmann's inspiration, his knowledge of Greek antiquity, his artistic feeling, breathed through the book. He wrote in words of fire, and his words did not fall upon barren. soil. He rose up like a prophet of old, and denounced the vile system of copy ing ; he annihilated the trivial, pedantic mannerism which prevailed, and created an entirely new school, whfch, if not free from faults and grave imperfections, nevertheless contained the seeds of all that is noble, fresh, and inspired, having, like all true inspiration, its root in the sincerity of the man who caused this sudden reaction. For all this, and without in any way de tracting from the debt of gratitude art owes xxvi Introduction. to its benefactor, Winckelmann, it would be idle to maintain that the artists contemporary with Winckelmann ever attained the standard of true art. The efforts, however, made by some amongst them were in the highest de gree commendable, and go far to prove that every return to the laws of nature or to the true models of antiquity must have excellent effects, even if art itself is not at its highest point of development. From the desolation and general decay which prevailed in the early part of the eighteenth century, it is not easy to give any but meagre details. Oppermann, however, says, and he is supported by Sternberg and Goethe, " that " the French (so-called) galanterie painters, " Boucher, Watteau, Greuze, form a group, " to which imitators of less merit belong." ^ Amongst the German school he sets apart another group — Christian Dietrich, Raphael Mengs and Angelica Kaufifmann — and of her he says : "There have been few artists who remained as she did so persistently true to ^ Oppermann would have been more correct in making the group Watteau, Lancret, and Boucher. Introduction. xxvii her own nature. She was always tender, womanly, sympathetic, and, although occasion ally she erred on the side of exaggerated sentiment, she never offended against good taste. She leaves us a pleasant recollection of a sweet woman, who has in a certain degree influenced the development of art. Her memory will be always cherished, not only in her own country, but wherever art is reverenced." ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. CHAPTER I. 1741— 1765. childhood and girlhood. Kauffmann ^ is by no means an uncommon name, in fact, in that respect it resembles in Germany our Smith, Jones, or Robinson. The all-sanctifying "Von" has never pre ceded the name in the family tree. John Joseph, the father of Angelica, was a native of Schwartzenberg, in the Bregenz, where the family had dwelt for years. They were simple, kindly folk, and not a little proud when John Joseph declared he would be a painter. A painter he was, accord ingly, but in no wise an artist ; his talent ' The name is written either Kauffma«« or Kauffma«, Angelica used both ways, but in later years adopted only one n. B 2 Angelica Kauffmann. never rising beyond church decoration and a little portrait painting. The church work took the lead, especially as, being a devout Catholic, he found patrons amongst the bishops and heads of monasteries, and so made a comfortable living. He was engaged in such work when we first hear of him, at Chur or Coire — capital of the Grisons — whither he had come from his native mountains in the Bregenz ; here also, he married one Cleofa Lucci or Lucin, still more commending himself to his patrons by bringing his heretic wife into the fold of Catholicity.^ The first and only fruit of this marriage was Marie Anne Angelica Catherine, who was born at Battazatta^ on the 30th of October, 1 74 1. Gering says, " An angel gave Angelica her name, and under a strange sky she re ceived the soul of her native country." Al- ' The " Dictionary of National Biography " states that Joseph had been previously married to Maria Sibilla Lohrin, by whpm he had a son, who died 1740, but Rossi makes no mention of this marriage, neither does Zucchi. Zucchi MS. Childhood. 3 though we must consider this a poetic flight, still it was evident that the child had peculiar graces and attractions, which were visible to others besides her adoring parents. She was a mere baby when, the work ait Coire being finished, John Joseph moved his family to Monbegno, in the Valtellina, where he had fresh engagements, and here the edu cation of the future artist began so far as teaching her the rudiments. It is evident that from the very beginning the father had resolved that his little daughter should be a prodigy. It was fortunate that he did not (as so many parents have done) altogether spoil the rich harvest lying ahead by an injudicious system of forcing. That he did, however, injure the early seed com mitted to his care is certain. Rossi tells us, that when the painter began to teach the child how to write, he remarked that when he gave her her first copy-book, in place of copying the text she imitated the ornamentations and hierogly phics, and that her drawing was in infinitely better taste than the original. Also that her 4 Angelica Kauffmann. greatest delight was to be allowed to remain in her fa,ther's workroom where the plaster casts attracted her. As she grew older she spent her play-time in copying little heads and figures, either with a pen or pencil,^ and always with astonishing precision and neatness. Kaufifmann gladly encouraged the child's fancy, and watched with intense anxiety for the moment when she would be old enough to begin to learn in real earnest. By way of losing no time, she was shown every day some rare prints,^ of which John Joseph had a large collection, and these he explained to her with much care. He was convinced that this method of teaching, although slightly over her head, would by degrees form her taste and educate her eye. Under such training the child became wonderfully precocious. At the age when most girls play with their dolls, she had begun a course of study, her father being a very strict master, ^ When she was a baby her plaything was a chalk pencil. — Zucchi MS. ^ They were lent to him by friends. — MS. Childhood. 5 She might have had worse, for setting aside his eagerness in pushing on his pupil, he was conscientious enough in the principles he -laid down. It happened in this case, as it has happened before, "that an indifferent artist has produced apupil of astonishing merit. She had to study from plaster models. She had to copy heads without end, her father not being content that she should only sketch them, but forcing her to re-copy them in oil, so as to learn the proper treatment, of light and shade ; and it was to her early practice in this manner that she owed that lightness of touch and great power of relief, in which she afterwards excelled. At this time the child artist was barely nine years of age,^ and already her talent was beginning to be noticed. Friends and ac quaintances blamed both father and mother for working a child of such tender years so hard. They accused them of undue severity, but this is an unfair accusation. The little girl was the idol of both parents, and to John ^ In Meyer's " Conversations Lexicon," it is stated that at this age she drew designs representing " The Seasons " on the walls of the house. 6 Angelica Kauffmann. Joseph especially she was the very apple of his eye. In her were centred all his hopes and ambitions. The high place on the ladder of fame to which he had never dared to raise his humble eyes, was, he imagined, reserved for his fair-haired daughter. Anyone who had seen her in her father's studio, would have been convinced that no undue pressure was put upon her infant strength ; she herself ran eagerly to the corner where her palette and brushes were kept, and established herself at her work with the most infinite content ; the praise which she received was the sweetest reward that could be given to her. Nevertheless, with all due reverence to the authority from which I quote, it must be confessed, that when a couple of years later we read of Angelica, aged eleven years, practising as a portrait-painter, to whom no less a personage than .the dignified Bishop of Como, Nevroni Cappucino,^ sat, we are in- ^ Nevroni Cappucino was not her first sitter. At eight years old she had taken likenesses of several beautiful ladies and pretty children. — Zucchi MS, Childhood, 7 clined to think that John Joseph's critics were in the right ; it was at all events to be deplored that the little girl was pushed forward as an infant prodigy. The portrait-painting began at Como, whither the Kaufifmanns had removed in 1752, and the Bishop, we are told, was a most digni fied prelate, stately in figure, with fine eyes, long grey beard, and brilliant colouring. It must have gone hard with the little maiden of eleven tq transfer all this to her canvas. We are assured, however, that she was not in the least affrighted, but set to work with a will. When one comes to think of it, it must have been a pretty sight, and one which would make a pleasing subject for a picture — the child painter sitting opposite her vener able model. The portrait, which was in pastel, gave universal satisfaction, and the Bishop expressed himself much pleased with the likeness. The Kaufifmanns remained two years in Como, Rossi says that the soft southern breezes of the lake, the richness of the gardens and villas on its shores, the romantic 8 Angelica Kauffmann. charm . of its laurel hedges, in which marble statues spoke silently of past ages — all this had a distinct influence on the impressionable mind of a precocious and highly-sensitive child, such as Angelica was, and laid the groundwork of what afterwards developed into a tendency somewhat unhealthy and morbid. In Como, too, the young artist was an object of great interest, her youth and beauty, together with her wonderful proficiency, exciting much sympathy. In later years she always recurred to this period as the happiest of her life. The time had now come, how ever, when it would be necessary for her to enter upon a wider field of instruction than it would be possible for her father, unassisted, to supply. The works of the great masters were as yet only known to her by hearsay, or through the medium, in some instances, of copies or engravings, Kaufifmann (who, it must be owned, lost no opportunity of culti vating to the utmost his child's gift) resolved, therefore, to move onwards, and the family left Como for Milan, where the opportunities Childhood. g for instruction would be greater. It was like the opening of a new world to the girl when she saw this beautiful city, about the most beautiful in Europe, with its fine churches, fairy-like palaces, and magnificent theatres. Here, too, Leonardo da Vinci had once held a school of art, and the sight of the splendid works of this great master was not without its influence upon the young artist's future career. She studied the softness of expression and the stately repose of feature, which are the leading characteristics of the great Lombardian painter, and -traces of which are very evident in all her subsequent work. Her residence in Milan had, however, other and more direct influence upon her life. In those days female students were rare. The life of an artist was not one to be chosen willingly by women, as the drudgery was considered unfit for their strength, and the Life schools equally unfit for their- sex. When, therefore, the Governor of Milan, Rinaldo d'Este, Duke of Modena, heard that a young girl was copying in his gallery. IO Angelica Kauffmann. he wished to see her, and both he and his duchess were at once impressed by her talent, and charmed by her beauty and simplicity. All through her life Angelica seems to have possessed this strange power of attraction, which in her case was almost irresistible, and yet, perhaps it proved more a dangerous gift than one that secured her any tangible or lasting advantage. The Duchess' of Modena took a fancy to the young German, and, to the delight of John Joseph, honoured her by sitting to her for her portrait, and her example was immedi ately followed by the obsequious courtiers. On all sides orders came in and favours were showered on the Duchess's favourite ; Cardinal Pozzobonelli, the Bishop of Milan, and Count Firman ^ took especial interest in her career, and through their means she had access to some of the best private collections in Milan. The two years which the Kauffmann family spent in Milan were of the greatest ' Plenipotentiary. A distinguished ainatcur. Childhood. 1 1 use in developing the young artist, and it was no doubt due to her constant intercourse with the nobility of the Milanese Court, that she acquired that ease of manner and great confidence for which she was, later on, remarkable, and which never deserted her, even in presence of the most exalted person ages. Her pleasant life in Milan, amidst her courtly friends, was, however, to come to an end. Her mother, Cleofa Lucci, died in March, 1757, just as her young daughter had reached her sixteenth year, a dangerous age for a girl of her temperament to be left to the sole charge of a rather silly father, whose judgment, to the great detriment of the future artist, was blinded by his affection and paternal pride. Both father and daughter were overcome with grief for the loss of poor Cleofa, and Milan with its associations becoming insup portable to them, John Joseph determined to visit his old home in the Bregenz, where he had not been since the Bishop, his first patron, had called him thence to Chur. 1 2 Angelica Kauffmann. He had hosts of relations there, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, to whom he wished to present his golden-haired Angelica. And besides, he had the offer of a commission to decorate the parish church of Schwartzen berg — his native village. The journey was therefore determined on, to the great joy of Angelica, to whom her once-loved Milan had become a desert ; she also, with the versatility of youth, looked forward with rapture to seeing a new country — her father's birth-place. To give my readers, who may not have visited this delightful spot, an idea of its beauty, I cannot do better than quote from Oppermann's " Walk through the Bregenzer Wald (or Valley of the Bregenzer Ach)," a charming little book to read in the original, " I made a very early start," he says ; " five o'clock saw me on my way. In the parish church of Alberschwende the bells were ringing for morning service, and pious women were hurrying to begin the day by prayer. I ascended the ' Lorena,' which is a mountain-comb, from which the road winds into the valley below. The fresh dew of Childhood. 1 3 the early morning lay on the hill-side and the vale beyond, hiding the landscape. Sud denly the mist lifted, and before me I saw the hill and dale clothed in all the glory of the morning sun. It was a sight to remem ber; the eye did not know where to turn to take in all the beauty of the scene. To the east, the little village I had left behind me — Alberschwende — with its scat tered farm-houses, the towers and turrets of the convent of Bildstein, and farther on the Suabian country, encompassed by undu lating hills, which seem to reach alraost to the horizon, and mix themselves with the blue of heaven itself. " A new and altogether strange world opened before me as I turned to the other side. Rich with meadow-land, and a luxuri ant growth of shrub and tree, is the slope of the mountain which sinks gradually as it descends into the lovely valley. The Ach, which has been winding circuitously in and out of the hill-side with all the coquetry of a mountain stream, now bursts into momentary importance as it reaches the valley, and 1 4 Angelica Kauffmann. covered bridges span its increased width at Schwartzenberg and Egg. " Just at the foot of the mountain, and in the centre of the greenest meadow-land, sur rounded by rich fruit gardens, embosomed in woods and hills, lies the picturesque village of Schwartzenberg ; almost joining it are Egg and Andelbach, with their cosy farm-houses nestling in the trees; and farther on, built up the hill-side in terrace fashion, Huttesau." The German writer goes on to describe the village of Schwartzenberg as he saw it, " The inhabitants were all busy with their harvesting, and all was quiet in the hamlet. The doors stood open, and one could see the sunny grass-plots behind the houses. Under the apple-trees laden with fruit sat some children playing with flower-chains. A dog lay yawning in the heat upon the doorstep. The pigeons cooed on the roofs, and in the distance the murmuring ofthe Ach made a musical sound. It was a true summer's day ; and, to pass an idle hour before dinner, I walked across the grass- grown village square, in the centre of Childhood. 1 5 which stood an old well full of fresh water, and made my way to the churchyard, in the middle of which stands' the church — -an enchanting spot. The door stood in vitingly open, a delicious coolness breathed upon me as I went in. The altars were richly dressed, the standards were fixed in each circle of seats, the frescoes on the walls are the work of Angelica Kauffmann — gigantic' Apostles copied from Piazzetta's engravings." This charming description of village and church brings us, so to speak, in touch with Angelica. More than a hundred years have gone by since the girl artist worked in the parish church. Her memory still lives in the little hamlet ; they talk of her and what she did and said, as if the hundred years were only a few weeks. Any visitor coming to Schwartzenberg cannot be an hour in the village without hearing these traditions, and being shown the marble bust, placed in the church to her honour, together with her early attempts at drawing, which are in pos session of one fortunate individual.^ This ' Herr Walch, schoolmaster of Schwartzenberg. 1 6 Angelica Kauffmann. fidelity of the simple villagers is the more touching as constancy towards departed genius is somewhat rare. In after years, Angelica would often recur to this time spent in her father's native village, and would tell the circle of friends who con gregated round her anecdotes of the sim plicity of her life — how she had to rise at break of day and go through deep snow to the parish church to hear mass ; also, how on one occasion, when staying with her uncle, Michael, a goatherd in his service, coming to bid her welcome, sat down at the same table with her, a proceeding which she was wont to contrast with her present position, " Who would imagine," she used to say, "that I, who have been in company with some of the most exalted personages, once dined with a goatherd?" This remark would seem to us to savour of pride, although all her German biographers tell it as if it were a proof of her humility. They con trast, her simplicity with the pride of others, who, " like the haughty beetle in the fable ignore their old companion, the worm." Angelica, however, would hardly have Childhood. 1 7 relished this somewhat doubtful compli ment. After a time both father and daughter began to weary of the solitude of Schwartzen berg, and to pine, especially Angelica, for the society and the pleasures which she had enjoyed in Milan, This feeling, most natural to one of her age, and so well fitted to shine in even the most refined circles, induced her father, who was proud of his darling and eager to gratify her wishes, to accept the invitation of Cardinal Roth — to whom their friend, Cardinal Pozzobonelli, had given them an introduction and special recommendations. The visit was most satisfactory, the Car dinal treating them with the greatest dis tinction,^ The young artist received a commission to paint his Eminence's portrait, an undertaking in which she succeeded so well that some persons in the town of Mors- burg, where the Cal-dinal's palace was situated, also sat to her.* ^ "Con decora" Zucchi says. ' The Cardinal was Bishop of Constance. He lived with all the splendour of a Sovereign Prince. 1 8 Angelica Kauffmann, From Morsburg father and daughter made their way back to Constance, and thence into Northern Italy, stopping to pay a visit to Count Montfort, with whom they remained some time, Angelica painting the portraits of that noble family. All the biographers of our artist agree that at this period her personal attractions were great. She was in the first blush of youth, and although she was not of a commanding or striking order of beauty, she possessed — ¦ what was perhaps even better — a wonderful power of winning hearts. Her portraits all tell the same story. A face of extraordinary sweetness and sensi bility, an enchanting smile, and long seductive eyes. She was tall and graceful, quick of intelligence, and to these charms was added a fascination of manner and a ready sym pathy which all through her life secured for her hosts of friends. As is. often the case, she possessed almost as much talent for music as for painting. She played both the clavichord and the zither with exquisite taste, and her voice wag wonderfully sweet, and of extr^- Childhood. 19 ordinary flexibility — so much, so, that many of her intimate friends advised her to abandon painting and make music her profession. Foremost amongst these advisers was a young man then staying at Montfort Castle — a musician of much promise. That the affair should not be wanting in the element of romance he was deeply attached to her. In the debate that followed, Angelica was torn one way and then another. She naturally inclined to the brilliancy of an operatic career. She believed the promises of success that were assured to her, and there is little doubt that with her grace and talent she would have succeeded. Her father, who was easily led and greedy for money, was persuaded to take the side of those who advised the new venture, and who assured him that she would make a rapid fortune. Kauffmann was poor, and his failing health incapacitated him from work. For Angelica, therefore, despite her talent for painting, there was a long and weary round to travel before she could hope to obtain the fame which would lead to fortune. It was a heavy tasjc for so delicate and refined a creature, c 2 20 Angelica Kauffmann. to plod through all the difficulties which lay before her. All these reasons combined induced John Joseph to throw in his vote for the stage. At this juncture — a critical one for our young artist — an old priest appeared on the scene. He had known Angelica from her childhood,^ and some say she confided to him the doubts and scruples which were agitating her mind, and asked him to interfere. Any way he did so, representing to the father the temptations which were likely to beset the path of so young and beautiful a girl, and the danger to which he, her guardian, was exposing her. The stage at that time was in a debased condition. Players and singers alike were ranked as an inferior class, and for one of her religion especially, there were pains and penalties attached to those who belonged to the profession, which made it in their case a virtual surrender of every principle of their faith, Kauffmann and his daughter were devout Catholics. It was enough to hint at these ^ He was the chaplain of Count Firman, Childhood. 2 1 penalties, to produce a change in the ideas of the father, the project of the operatic stage as a profession was abandoned and never renewed. Angelica, however, lost her lover the musician, who never renewed his suit. Zucchi, who told the story to Rossi, added that in her picture of Orpheus leading Eurydice out of Hades, which she painted at Montfort Castle, Orpheus is the portrait of the musician who endeavoured to entice her from her beloved art. Many years later she showed that the recollection of this time of struggle still dwelt in her memory. She painted herself as standing between the rival arts of music and painting in a painful state of indecision ; this picture she presented to her friend Bernini,^ During her stay at Count Montfort's Angelica had for the first time recognized the power of her own attractions ; she was surrounded with admirers and flatterers. Her biographer, Sternberg, blames her severely for listening to their beguiling words ; he forgets that to her good ^ See Appendix. 2 2 Angelica Kattffmann. sense was due the departure of the Kaufif manns from this enchanted castle. She was the one to persuade her weak-minded father fo leave these pleasant surroundings, and to take her where she could pursue a course of study which was most necessary for perfecting her in the art she had adopted. It was difificult at first to make John Joseph see the matter in its true Hght. He was growing old, and was glad to remain where he was in comfort. Angelica, however, had begun to take the lead in the little household, where now the added spur of poverty was keenly felt. If money were to be gained, it must be by the brush of the younger artist. From all points of view, therefore, it was important she should go where the best oppor tunity for study could be afforded. With this view father and daughter set out on their pilgrimage, visiting Monbegno, where Joseph Kaufifmann's sister was married to Florini, an Italian ; thence father and daughter pro ceeded by way of Bologna and Parma, arriving in Florence, June, 1762. They were provided with excellent intro- Childhood. 23 diictions, and as usual the beauty and charm of the girl-artist produced its effect. She received much gratifying attention, and a room in the Duke's Gallery was specially set apart for her, where she could copy what ever picture she was engaged upon, without being disturbed by the prying eyes, or annoyed by the unpleasant remarks of other students. She applied herself to her work with extraordinary diligence, sometimes working from sunrise to sundown ; and when she returned home in the evening exhausted with the day's incessant toil, she only waited for the necessary time to get some refresh ment to again commence work. She was at this period of her life entirely possessed by that enthusiasm which at times seizes upon the artistic mind. She lived only for study and for her art ; looking at the work of the dead giants who had gone before her, ambition grew up in her soul to be like them — to fill posterity with wonder and admiration. That this wish remained to a certain extent unfulfilled was in a great measure owing to the circumstances which befell her in after life, 2 4 Angelica Kauffmann. and also to the hindrances which then — far more than in the present time — stood in the way of women who sought to make their mark, and thus rendered their best efforts naturally incomplete. In spite of her heavier work, Angelica found time to execute several historical pictures, to gether with portraits of distinguished persons, during her stay in Florence. These last were the necessary pot-boilers which kept the wolf from the door, and they are proofs of the in dustry and goodness of the young girl who had all the burden of supplying the daily wants of herself and her father. After a year's residence, Angelica with her father proceeded on her journey to Rome, there to continue the course of study so well begun in Florence. No time could have been better chosen for her visit. Rome was brilliant — scintil lating at all points with genius — crowded. with princes, statesmen, artists, it offered a fascinating spectacle rich with everything that could appeal to a mind like Angelica's. To Rome she vowed an eternal fidelity, a Childhood. 25 vow she most faithfully kept. Later on, when there was a question of an advantageous marriage, she wrote to her father, " Not so early will I bind myself Rome is ever in my thoughts." And so it was until the day she passed from under the shelter of its walls. Our heroine's usual facility for making friends came well tO the front during her stay in Rome. She made lasting friendships, which were of much use to her in her future career. Notably with English visitors, as Lord and Lady Spencer, Lady Wentworth, some members of the ducal family of Devon shire, and many others. By the artists she was most favourably received, and admitted into the inner circle, which was presided over by the great art critic, Winckelmann, who at this time had supreme influence in the Art World. All German writers from Goethe down wards are apt to gush somewhat as to the giant intellect of the art restorer or apostle (for so he may be justly called) of the 26 Angelica Kaiffmann. eighteenth century. His onslaught on the false teachings that prevailed was courageous and deserving of all the gratitude and encomiums bestowed upon him by his own countrymen, in the very longest and biggest words in their formidable vocabulary — for midable merely so far as the mileage of the words is in question. Anyone who has ever read Goethe's travels in Italy will remember his outburst, " To-day "Winckelmann's letters fell into my hands. With what emotion have I read them ! Thirty years ago, at this time of year, he came here a yet poorer fellow than I am. He too was full of an earnest wish to fathom the depths of ancient Art. How bravely he worked, and what remains to me but the memory of this man who lived where I live now ! " Again, " Winckelmann's let ters are not a representation of life, they are life itself — they induce hope, desire, misgiv ing." Goethe devotes pages to his hero ; " There are peculiar minds," he says, " who find in themselves a necessity to seek in the exterior world a counterpart of what nature Childhood. 2 7 has implanted in themselves, and through this the soul becomes elevated and purified, and we can have full assurance that such an one will have created for himself the most perfect existence here and hereafter. So it was with Winckelmann ; in him nature had found what makes and adorns man. A miserable childhood, insufificient instruction in his boyhood, and the iron pressure of poverty had chained the young student to the school master's desk in an obscure village. He was fully thirty years of age before a ray of sun shine crossed his path." Goethe goes on to tell us (investing his 'subject with all the charm this great master of word-painting possessed) how the poor schoolmaster educated himself The blind rector, whose reader he became, returned this service by giving the lad the run, so to speak, of his small but well-chosen library, and here Winckelmann, following his bent for ancient lore, read mostly the dead languages in which he was almost his own teacher. A short time after this, and before the 28 Angelica Kauffmann. academical year commenced, he went to one of the Berlin colleges, and there continued his studies ; but whether he found a teacher who could instruct him in the old literature he affected, does not appear, and seems un likely. It must have been a singular and fragmentary course of study to adopt ; only one scholar had preceded him on this path, and to him Winckelmann now made his way. This was Gottfried Sellius, the Professor of Jurisprudence and Philosophy in Halle, He received Winckelmann cordially and soon discerned his merit. He gave him the delightful task of putting in order the Ludovizshe library, which — as is sometimesL the case with a body of learned men — had got into the direst confusion, and for his services he received the thanks of the Stadtdirektor. From Halle, Winckelmann went to Dresden, and became librarian to the Northentz Library belonging to Count BUnau. The years which he spent here were years of profound study which bore its fruit later. "He Childhood. 29 studied the commentaries and exercises, and laid 'the foundation for his wide-stretching knowledge of all literature which made him the wonder of those who knew him in later years. What, however, distinguished him from other Librarians was the quiet firmness or obstinacy with which he resisted the tempta tion into which most oflficial librarians fall — of being nothing more or less than a walking, breathing catalogue. In Dresden his first literary efforts appeared, and the result of his well- directed reading was made evident in the manner of his composition. His raaxim never to use two words when one would do, was here manifested clearly, and it gave to his style a perfect rhythm and a dignity mixed with simplicity which few, if any, works of the present time possess. In the Autumn of 1755 he came to Rome. He came poor and sickly, he had only a pension of two hundred thalers, but he brought with him a " soul of fire,'' a soul which " thirsted for the really beautiful in 30 Angelica Kauffmann. Nature and in Art, as a wanderer in the desert longs for a drink of pure spring water," At the moment at which this wonderful man entered Rome, Art was nigh to extinc tion. We have seen in what a hopeless con dition it had sunk, and how the work of each artist, sculptor, or painter went further and further from the divine original. Winckel mann brought new fu^l into the decaying fire of genius. He came fresh from nights and days of ceaseless study, he awoke men from their trance of Indifference, and once more the standard of true art was raised. His first work, the famous " History of Art," attracted the attention of Cardinal Albani, who at once appointed him the custodian of the art collection his enormous fortune had allowed hira to amass. It was the moment when Pompeii and Herculaneum were vomit ing forth Caryatides, Vases, Statues, Bas- reliefs, Antiques of all kinds, and to contain these the Cardinal added hall to hall, build ing to building, gallery to gallery, and still the collection grew. It was one pf the Childhood. 3 1 most wonderful museums in the world at the time of the Cardinal's death, and by its means attention was drawn to Winckelmann, who was soon acknowledged to be the most learned teacher of a pure ideal in art, which is to be sought only in the Greek School as it was developed in the true artistic period called the Periclean. This subject is too deep to find a place here. Moreover It has been handled by able hands, and is only introduced now for the reason that Angelica's future was much influenced by the teaching of Winckelmann, which, together with the instruction of Rafael Mengs,^ who was her master, left distinct traces upon her work. It was through the friendly offices of Rafael Mengs that the Kaufifmanns were received into the inner circle which congre gated round the great apostle. He had just published his " Anmerkungen iiber die Baukunst der Alten," and It was this work ' Anton Rafael Mengs. His name is spelt by dif ferent writers as Raphael, Rafaell, and Rafael. I have adopted the method used jn Bryan's Dictionary, last edition. 32 Angelica Kattffmann. which riveted Angelica's attention, and made her anxious to know the writer and to profit by his instruction. Winckelmann, who was then forty-nine, was much taken with the grace and talent of the young artist, who sat in girlish fashion at his feet, and listened with her large serious eyes to the words of wisdom which fell from his lips. The philosopher was after all but a man, and there can be little, doubt that he fell paternally or platonically in love with his fair pupil. "It is pleasant," says a German writer, " to form to oneself a picture of these two students, each animated with the same in terest, the same longings, each enjoying the intimate communion they held with one another — two students separated by almost half a century of years, the maiden of eighteen summers, and the greybeard more than double her age." A portrait which the gifted young artist painted of her beloved mister shows how well she had studied his features and caught his expression, Winckelmann, in a letter to a friend, mentions Childhood. 33 with evident pride that his likeness has been painted and engraved by a very pretty young lady," This was when writing to his friend Franck, He says, " I have just been painted by a stranger, a young person of extraordinary merit. She excels in oils. Mine is a half- figure seated, and she has herself engraved it {a I eau forte), as a present for me. This young girl is a Swiss ; her father, who is likewise an artist, brought her to Italy when she was only a child, so that she speaks Italian as well as she does German — as for German, she speaks it as if she were born in Saxony. She ex presses herself equally well iu French and in English, and in consequence ofthe latter, she paints the portraits of all the English in Rome. She sings so well that she stands compari son with our best virtuosi. Her name is Angelica Kauffmann." That her constant intercourse with the first Greek scholar of his time left Indelible traces upon Angelica is evident in all her future works. Her romantic nature naturally in clined to the study of classical mythology, D 3^ Angelica Kauffmann. or, as Oppermann calls it, " the sentiment of past ages." Her sensitive mind readily embraced all the beauty of the ideal world ; she listened to Winckelmann's preaching upon Greek art and the glories of the Periclean era, until she became saturated with the fables of mythology and set up the forms of gods and goddesses as the standard of all merit. From that time she could draw no face without giving to it a Greek profile, and this without regard to the circumstances in which she placed her subject. One of her critics says, " Angelica painted Greek men and women without having the faintest idea of the world wherein they lived, just as she drew knights of the Middle Ages, with as little knowledge of the century which produced Gotz von Ber- lichingen." The truth was, in her early youth she was somewhat superficial ; her imagination, as is the case with many artists, being more lively than her reading was deep, and she did not remain long enough under the care of men, Childhood. 35 such as Winckelmann and Mengs, who were no flatterers, and would have in time cor rected the faults which even her greatest admirers have to acknowledge spoil the beauty of her pictures. Sternberg is of opinion that had she possessed resolution to continue the life of study and hard work she had begun, she might have become, not a great or creative genius, for such power did not lie in her scope, but a " very respectable artist," capable of transmitting to posterity the new art religion ; but unfortunately circumstances were against her. Her father, without in tending to injure, spoiled her by compliance with all her girlish whims, and there was, besides, the ever-grinding need of money ; so now, when an offer came for her to go to Naples and make some copies in the Capo- dimonte . gallery, she dared not refuse. Naples was crowded with English, who all sat to her for their portraits, so that the trip W9,s very profitable. In the October of this same year she went to Venice, and there made the acquaintance of Lady Wentworth, d 2 36 Angelica Kauffmann. wife of the English Resident at Venice, Mr. John Murray.^ In the eighteenth century, the two favourite amusements amongst the English aristocracy were " The Grand Tour " and " Patronage." No lord or gentleman's education was con sidered complete until he had passed the Alps, studied every continental vice, bought a cer tain number of pictures, and patronized a certain number of artists. Lady Wentworth loved patronizing ; she posed as being devoted to art. She was fasci nated with Angelica, and insisted on carrying her off to London, assuring her charming young friend that she would speedily make a fortune. Angelica and her father listened and believed, with the result that their plans were changed, John Joseph returned to Monbegno to remain with his sister while Angelica accompanied her patroness to England, Angelica's German ^ This lady was Bridget, daughter to Sir Ralph Mil- banke : she married, first, Sir Butler Cavendish "Went worth of Howsham, Yorkshire ; this gentleman dying in 1 741, she married, secondly, Mr. John Murray (not Morris as stated in the dictionary of national biography), his Majesty's Resident at Venice from 1754 to 1765, when he was appointed Ambassador to Constantinople, Girlhood. 37 biographers blame her for undertaking this journey. Sternberg talks of her frivolity in abandoning substance for mere shadow, sacrificing her art for the love of pleasure, the greed of money. Oppermann accuses her of forsaking a lover who would have made her far happier than any of the titled or rich husbands to which she aspired. There does not seem any foundation for Oppermann's insinuation that she preferred ambition to happiness. Rossi, who is a most faithful biographer, makes no mention of this unknown lover, who in all probability had no existence.^ Rossi tells the story of her leaving Rome in the following words : — " Although Angelica was much considered in Italy, and her name was beginning to be well known, still the Italians gave her but trifling orders, and paid her insufficiently, while strangers, on the contrary, and the English in particular, showed an immense predilection for her paintings." ' Nathaniel Dance, the artist, was her lover during her stay in Rome, but although she encouraged his atten tions, she ultimately refused him. 38 Angelica Kattffmann. In the last century England was the Eldorado of artists, much as America is in the present day. It was there they received substantial reward for their efforts ; never theless, the German writers speak most con temptuously of the artistic condition of the nation. " It is well known," says Sternberg, " that in matters of art the Little Island is of no account ; there are nations whose voice makes or mars the reputation of painter or sculptor, but England, in the matter of pictures or statues, is a modern Pompeii. Whatever treasures she may possess she covers them with the ashes of a cold egotism. They are for her — not for the world. She has no generous desire to elevate or to kindle a wish for emulation. She collects only to possess." He goes on : " The Frenchman, when he buys a picture, makes a great fuss ; he lets the whole of civilized Europe know what he has and where it is to be seen. The German ornaments his own sitting-room with the work of art, he shows it to his friends, he enjoys it himself his eyes turn constantly to Girlhood. 39 his treasure, as do the eyes of the lover towards his beloved. The Italian, the true disciple of art, places the newly-acquired masterpiece in a public gallery where everyone may see it. ¦To him its beauty is a subject of devotion, and this devotion to be complete must be shared by the rest of his countrymen. Now mark the conduct of the Englishman ! He locks up his picture in his own gallery under the care of a surly guardian. He never sees it himself, he is content to have been the purchaser, the one who has money enough to outbid others, and who has bought a very dear picture. With this, all is said and done ! " CHAPTER II. 1766. GIRLHOOD. The season was at its height when, on June 15th, 1766, Angelica arrived in London. An exceptionally brilliant season this, for only a few weeks since the royal Princess, the king's youngest sister, Caroline Matilda, of most unhappy memory, had been wedded to her cousin the King of Denmark, The town, therefore, was seething with the effervescence of the late festival. The rank and fashion of England had crowded into the capital, and there was a going and coming, and a deal of noise and chatter, and a general air of pleasure and dissipation abroad. Moreover, the young king had not long been on the throne, and his queen, good, homely Char lotte, was almost a girl, albeit already busy with the royal nursery. Girlhood. 4 1 Lady Wentworth had a house in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, and here Angelica was in the way of seeing the best society, her patroness. Lady Wentworth, being a woman of fashion, besides a pretender to the authority of a connoisseur. In the latter part of the last century there was growing up an emulation amongst ladies of quality, to be more than " the toast " at men's dinners — the Bluestocking Club, later on, was the outcome of this laudable desire. Lady Wentworth was, however, not to be classed with Mrs. Montagu, or even Mrs. Vesey — she was what Carlyle would call a windbag. She knew little of art, but talked a great deal. She loved patronizing a rising artist ; bringing one forward, much to his or her injury, as her injudicious praises and constant flattery were sure to have mis chievous results. So it was with Angelica, who was now presented to the world of London, heralded by the busy tongue of Lady Wentworth, the lady running from house to house singing the praises of her new prot^gde. 42 Angelica Kauffmann. Angelica did not know this proclivity of her ladyship, so she fell into the net, and was carried about as my lady's new favourite. A hundred years ago people of fashion did not know what domestic life by the chimney- corner meant. They were, in a sense, far more dissipated than the butterflies of our own time ; they lived for ever in society. There were no big crushes or cultivation of city millionaires or American silver kings, but a constant give and take of invita tions between the same people in the same set. It took Angelica a longtime to understand the ins and the outs of this curious world into which she found herself so suddenly trans ported ; it was so unlike the world in which she had hitherto lived, totally different, even from the court life at Milan, which was more polished, but had not half the formality, the bowing, and the complimenting which pre vailed in England. Angelica was, however, well pleased with the attentions she received. Shortly after her arrival in London, she wrote to her father ; her letter is dated the Girlhood. 43 I Ith July, 1766 : " I have been told many a time that the English, when you meet them in their own country, are apt to forget all the promises of friendship which they made when abroad, but I find this to be quite untrue, and my experience is altogether opposed to this false statement. The gentlemen particu larly are most kind (molte gentile), and their kindness is quite sincere, and, generally speaking, their words are full of good sense," One cannot forbear a smile at this very naive confession that her merits were more recognized by the sterner sex than by her own — but this was only natural, as Rossi tells us that Angelica was now in the full perfection of her charms. She was not a perfect beauty, but possessed the most won derful attractions, " There was a. witchery in her sweet blue eyes, and in the pupil so much expression that one could almost guess her thought before she spoke," Everyone must remember how charmingly she is described in the opening chapter of "Miss Angel":— 44 Angelica Kauffmann. " Yesterday, at' Mr. Colnaghi's, I saw a print lying upon the table, the engraving [by Bartolozzi] ^ of Sir Joshua's picture. It was the portrait of a lady, sorae five or six-and- twenty years of age. The face is peculiar, sprightly, tender, a little obstinate, the eyes are charming and intelligent, the features broadly marked — there is something at once homely and dignified in their expression — the little head is charmingly set upon its frame, a few pearls are mixed with the heavy loops of hair, two great curls fall upon the sloping shoulders, the slim figure is draped in light folds fastened by jewelled bands, such as people then wore, A loose scarf is tied round the waist. . . ." It was no wonder that this dainty figure caused a sensation, especially as " her wit was sprightly," and her musical accomplish ments ofthe highest order. People found that the combination of beauty and talent, simplicity and fascination, which distinguished this German girl,* was something quite rare. Soon ' See Appendix. ^ Angelica's nationality is sometimes disputed; the PORTRAIT OF ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. (After the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.) To /ace page 44. Girlhood. 45 she was the leading toast, and Fashion, that capricious dame who often refuses to ac knowledge Nature's best handiwork, pro nounced for Angelica, and set her seal, which is as a trade-mark for beauty, upon the young artist. " She shared," says a contemporary writer, "with hoops of extra magnitude, toupees of superabundant floweriness, shoe-heels of vividest scarlet, and china monsters of superr lative ugliness, the privilege of being the rage," Angelica's letters to her father are full of the kindness she received ; how she is invited to Lord Spencer's, and introduced by Lord Exeter to Sir Joshua Reynolds. In July she writes again : — " I have been to visit several of the studios here, but there is none to compare with that of Mr. Reynolds. He is decidedly the first English painter. He has a peculiar method, and his pictures are mostly historical. He has a light pencil or touch which produces a wonderful effect in light and shade," Germans and Swiss both claim her. She was, however, only Swiss by being born in the Grisons. 46 Angelica Kauffmann. This expression penello volante is particu larly appropriate, and shows the happy turn of expression possessed by Angelica, both in speaking and writing. In another letter, dated October loth, in the following year, she mentions Reynolds' kindness to her : — " He is one of my kindest friends, and is never done praising me to everyone. As a proof of his admiration for me, he has asked me to sit for my picture to him, and in return I am to paint his." ^ Rossi says, " Reynolds was indeed full of admiration for Angelica's talent, and for her self he had a far tenderer feeling than admi ration. She, however, only thought of her beloved art, and her heart was closed to all other passions.' As with Rossi, so it was with all other foreign writers who have occupied them selves with Angelica's career, as biographers ' This compact was duly carried out. A picture of Angelica appeared in the Artists' Exhibition of 1769; hers of the painter was done for his friend Mr. Parker of Saltram, in Devonshire. Mr. Parker was raised to the peerage in 1784 as Lord Boringdon, and in 1815 his son was created Earl of Morley. Girlhood. 47 or novelists. They cling to the idea of Reynolds' love for their charming country woman, and her rejection of his suit. Miss Thackeray also cultivates this notion, but, as a matter of fact, there seem to be no grounds for believing that Reynolds ever made her a definite offer. His biographers — M alone, Farington, and Leslie — make no mention of his attachment — fortunate or unfortunate — to any woman.^ The fact that she and Reynolds painted each other's portraits was sufficient for the gossips -of the day to couple their names together, and out of this slender thread the romantic story has been woven together, with the episode of the great English painter going on his knees to a girl young enough to be his daughter: not that his so doing would be injurious to his memory ; one would be inclined to like him better in this character of an earnest lover, than as he was — the most kind-hearted of men, the best ' Pasquin says, "Whether, as she alleged, Miss Westem had anything to do with the steeling of the heart of Reynolds against elegant Angelica cannot be decided," 48 Angelica Kauffmann. of friends, but a decided flirt,^ a regular old hand, not likely to be caught by even Angelica's simplicity and fascination. Sir Joshua himself said his heart had grown callous from too much contact with beauty : all the most beautiful women in London had passed under his pencil. He had painted Kitty Fisher,^ Nelly O'Brien,' and Miss Parsons,* the volatile Bellamy, the lovely Miss Morris,® and the greatest beauty of her own or any day, Georgina, Duchess of Devonshire. For all these ladies the painter had the same half paternal, half lover-like manner, which may have deceived Angelica. He certainly had great kindliness towards her, and some little tenderness, -which is made evident by the mention of her in his note-book, as "Miss ' His friends were well aware of Sir Joshua's foible in this direction. " 'Tis Reynolds's way," says Goldsmith, in his genial verses on Dr. Baker's dinner. ^ One of the most famous Phryries • of the day. Sir Joshua painted five celebrated portraits of her. ' This lady was in the same category. * The Duke of Grafton was divorced by his Duchess for his devotion to Nancy Parsons. ' Miss Morris sat for Hope nursing Love, one of the most beautiful of Sir Joshua's portraits. Girlhood. 49 Angel." One time he adds, " Fiori" as if to remind himself to send her a posy ; but this would not be a convincing proof that he ever meant to make her his wife. There is no reason to imagine he ever went beyond these safe attentions, neither would it be likely that Angelica would have concealed this proposal from her father had it been made, and Joseph, who was proud of his daughter, would have told his friends ; and so the matter would have been made public, which it certainly was not, for Rossi does not state it as a fact. Sternberg accuses Reynolds of the meanness of being jealous of the girl artist. " Previous to her arrival he had been," says this bitter writer, "the oracle in matters of art, and finding himself now placed in a secondary position, he re venged himself by pouring words of false praise into her ear, which the simple girl, who did not know the world, and who adored praise, swallowed as gospel truth. For the first time-in her life she ignored the advice of her more prudent father. The old fox, Joseph Kauffmann, knew well what underlay 50 Angelica Kauffmann. the praise and the admiration of a rival. He warned Angelica against Reynolds." As a refutation of this calumny, there is the testimony of a well-known writer : — " The most celebrated ofthe women paint ers," says Mr. John Forster, "had found no jealousy in the leading artist of England. His was the first portrait that made Angelica Kaufifmann famous here ; to him she owed her introduction to the Conways and Stan hopes." There is a mistake here. Angelica's first success was "Arcadia"; Reynolds' portrait of her was exhibited at the Incorporated Society of Artists In May, 1769, when her position as an artist had been assured. Secondly, this portrait In spite of its merit was not the best done of her by Sir Joshua.^ The first time that she came before the English public, in a professional capacity, was in 1765, the year before her arrival in London, when mention is made of her in the exhibition of the Society of Arts in Maiden Lane, at Mr. Marengo's rooms. ' She sat to Reynolds three times, 1766, 1769, 1777. Girlhood. 5 1 She is set down in the catalogue thus : — A portrait of Garrick,^ by Miss Kafifmann,^ at Rome. It was not a wise . selection, although her six years of travel and study had done much to improve the young artist, and to ripen the talent she undoubtedly possessed. Itwas a mistake for one so inex perienced to undertake a subject which had baffled more mature artists. Bernstorff says, "that even Hogarth failed in depicting Garrick as Richard III,, and that the same could be said of Zofifany's Hamlet." It was only Reynolds who made a masterpiece of his portrait of the actor, standing between tragedy and comedy. Angelica was more successful the next year,' when she chose for her subject one more suited to her peculiar style. A shep herd and shepherdess of Arcadia, moralizing at the side of a sepulchre, while others are ^ This must have been a copy, as at this time she had not seen the actor. It was a commission from the Marquis of Exeter, and is in the collection at Burghley. See Appendix. ' The spelling is that of the catalogue of 1765. ' 1766, the year of her arrival in London. E 2 52 Angelica Kauffmann. dancing in the distance. This had been, originally, used by Guercino, and was a favourite of Angelica's.^ She repeated it several times, and always treated it with that grace and feeling which she showed in such compositions.^ A drawing of " Arcadia " is in the possession bf Charles Goldie, Esq. See Appendix Supplement. ^ Sir Joshua used the same subject for his pictures of Mrs, Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe. CHAPTER III. 1766, 1767. GIRLHOOD. Lady Wentworth falling into bad health, Angelica moved from her house, and estab lished herself in apartments with a friend of her patroness in Suffolk. Street, Charing Cross. It was in every way better for her, and work soon began to flow In. The friend ship or admiration of Reynolds was invalu able to her. He sent her many sitters, and her patrons were amongst the highest in London. A letter to her father, which she wrote at this time, gives an interesting account of her life, and the struggle she had to keep a proper appearance before the grand world who had so suddenly taken her to its arms. The good ^ She died in 1774. 54 Angelica Kauffmann. sense and business capacity which was re markable all through her life, is very pro minent in this letter, especially when we take the years of the writer into account. Some people might say there was a certain hard ness in her evident wish to keep her father from joining her ; but it must be remembered at what an early age the burden ofthe family support had fallen upon her shoulders, and how anxious she was to procure a certain in come. For this she worked when others amused themselves, and it would have been suicidal to her plans if she had been saddled at the outset with an expensive household. That there was no want of affection for her father was proved by her subsequent con duct. There never was a better daughter, " A Monsieur Kaufifmann, Peintre, chez Monsieur Gaupp, L'Apoticaire d Lindau. "London, Jeu, loth, September, 1766.- ^ " My dearest Father, — I received your letters of the 20th August, as also of 3rd instant all right. I rejoice from my heart ' This letter was procured for the compiler by Pro fessor Gebhardt, King's Library, Berlin. Girlhood. 55 at the news that your health continues satis factory ; thank God ! I am also in excellent health. From your last I see that you and dear Rosa ^ intended to leave Monbegno the day after it was written. The thought, and the hope of seeing you rejoices me, and I wish it heartily. I see also, that without waiting for my answer, you are resolved upon setting out on your journey, and therefore, that it is very uncertain whether this letter will reach you. Nevertheless, I cannot re frain from giving you every information about this country, so that you can judge what the best course is, whether to continue your journey, or put it off until next spring. Be assured I am as anxious to see you, as you are to see me — but do not take it ill if I tell you that some good, sensible friends think it ill-advised of you, to come this winter to Lon don, and if you will weigh well all the circum stances, you will find it is not for our advantage, as the expense of everything here is enormous. " I am in a private house with excellent people, old acquaintances of my lady, who ' The daughter of his sister who afterwards accom • panied him to England. 56 Angelica Kauffmann. has had the goodness to recommend me to them, as if I were her own daughter. I have been a month here. The people of the house do everything for me. The handy-woman is a mother to me, and the two daughters love me as a sister, " The opportunity was so good, and every thing suited me so well, that I did not hesitate to secure them, and have taken the apart ments for the whole winter. I have four rooms ; one where I paint, the other to show my portraits, which are finished (it is the custom here for people to come and see work without disturbing the artist). The other two rooms are very small, in the one that is my bedroom there is scarcely room for the bed stead to stand, the other serves to keep my clothes and trunks. For the rooms I pay two guineas a week, one guinea for the keep of the man-servant, whom I have also to clothe ; this is without washing and other small expenses ; but I could not dispense with the servant. " These are my outgoings, which will ap pear to you very large, but it could not be less. Should you determine on coming this Girlhood. 57 winter, we must take a house, which is very hard to find, and nothing could be had under a hundred guineas a year, unfurnished, and to furnish it would cost four hundred guineas. Consider how expensive all this will be ; especially in the winter-time, when every thing is double in price, the days twice as short, so that little work can be done. You know very well that we must have a man and a maid, Decoritm 'requires this, for I am known by everyone here, and I have to main tain a character for respectability for the sake of my standing in the profession, so that everything must be arranged on a proper footing from day to day, which is most necessary if one wants to be distinguished from the common herd. Ladies of quality come to the house to visit me, or to see my work. I dare not receive people of their rank in a mean place. My present apart ment is very proper for the purpose, at the same time as moderate as can be had here. I would not do better by changing. So long as I am alone, I hope (in spite of the expense I am at) to save a good deal this winter. 58 Angelica Kauffmann. and when the summer comes to make a change. " Houses will be easier to get, and they will be cheaper. There is another point which gives me uneasiness. The climate is bad, and you are not accustomed to the air here. It is already late in the year, and we have dark, foggy days, also the smoke from the coal fires is most unpleasant. I am concerned for your health. If you were to get ill what a terrible cross it would be. I shall say no more. I fear you might think I had some other reason, for wishing you not to come, but no — certainly not. My only object being to avoid under our present circumstances all unnecessary expenses. Please God, with time, everything will come right, and be settled to our wishes, I beg you will consider all this carefully, and do not act hurriedly. May God preserve you in good health. " I remain until death your obedient daughter, "Angelica Kauffmann. "Address to Miss Angelica Kauffmann at Mr. Hurnes, Surgeon in Suffolk Street, Charing Cross, London." Girlhood. 59 This sensible remonstrance had the desired efifect, and Joseph Kauffmann put off his journey for this winter. In the spring of the year, however, we find that Angelica, who had worked hard all through the winter, did fulfil her promise, and in 1767 a house was taken in Golden Square, Soho. It can be gathered from this step with one so prudent that things were going well with the young artist, and that money was coming in. Whatever we may think of Golden Square as we hurry through the now deserted thoroughfare, people of quality lived there a century ago, and also in the mean little streets adjoining it. Mrs, Delany, during her first marriage to the rich Mr. Pendarves had a house in Hog's Lane, Soho ; her friends. Lady Falmouth and Mrs. Vernon, lived in Catherine Wheel Lane and Dean Street. So it is probable that Angelica paid at least a hundred a year for her house — which is said to be one of the large ones with tall windows at the corner of Soho Street ; it is a lodging house now. Except for the silence which has fallen upon it. Golden Square is but little changed since Angelica lived there. 6o Angelica Kauffmann. It has a broken-down air of gentility as of having seen better days. It is decidedly dull, and the clerks who write in the dingy parlours of the business houses have a desolate outlook on the quiet little square, with the forlorn dusty trees. Not even nursemaids come here now. But in Angelica's time it was otherwise. Society a hundred and fifty years ago was made of precisely the same stuff" as our own world of to-day, and the magic touch of royal patronage worked wonders then as now. When it was known that the king's sister, the Duchess of Brunswick, had sat to An gelica for her portrait,^ there was a rush to her studio. Golden Square was blocked with carriages. She was doubly, trebly fashion able. It was said that a young nobleman got melancholy mad because she refused to paint his picture, and officers in the Guards fought for a bit of ribbon or a flower she had worn. One day a royal carriage drove up to the tall house, and the king's mother, the Princess of Wales, alighted. She had come to see her Grace of Brunswick's picture. ' This portrait is in Hampton Court Palace. It iS a full ength. Girlhood. 6 1 This visit raised the young artist to the seventh heaven of delight. She writes to her father in a strain of exultation : — " Never, oh never, has any painter received such a distinguished visitor." Every letter, indeed, which she sends to the far-away village of Schwartzenberg is conceived in the same key. "There is nothing but applause of my work ; even the papers are full of verses written in different languages, all in praise of me, and my pictures." In another letter she says, — " I have finished some portraits which meet great approval, Mr. Reynolds is raore pleased than anyone. I have painted his portrait, which has succeeded wonderfully, and will do me credit ; it will be engraved immediately. Lady Spenser^ has paid one hundred ducats for her picture. Lord Exeter is still in the country. This morning I had a visit from Mrs. Garrick. My Lady Spenser was with me two days ago. My Lord Baltemore visits me sometimes. The queen has only returned two days. As soon ^ The spelling of the letter has not been altered. 62 Angelica Kauffmann. as she is better I am to be presented to her. Two days ago the Duchess of Ancaster came to see me. She is the first lady at Court.'' This sounds like blowing her own trumpet, but it must be remembered she was writing to her best friend, the one who would reflect her triumphs, and consider them as his very own ; this would make a difference from ordinary self-glorification. There is also something very pretty in her loving anxiety to convince her father that she is getting rich. It is so transparent that her pleasure in this arises from no mercenary feeling, but from the joyful anticipation that the time is at hand when she can provide him with every comfort for his old age. Every line of her charming letters has the ring of true feeling and a longing to have her home ready for him. John Joseph rejoiced exceedingly over his child's success. He carried her letters about with him, and read them to everyone, until every man, woman and child knew of the Princess Dowager's visit and Angelica's triumphs, which, however, are viewed in a different light by her biographers. One of Girlhood. 63 these writes : "In England she once more was the centre ofa frivolous circle, by whom she was again, as in Milan and Florence, led away, only with this difference. The rich aristocratic English were In a position to offer far greater temptations (especially to a luxurious temperament, such as Angelica's) than the, comparatively speaking, needy nobility and princes of Upper Italy and the Swiss Cantons. The court, the nobility, the rich lords of the Parliament House, the owners of collections, and the leaders of fashion, and talent poured their money into her hands. She herself was amazed at their lavish generosity, but she didn't reckon that her art was getting its death-blow. England was the platform upon which she could exhibit her sentimental gods and goddesses. This prudish nation — a whited sepulchre, so to speak, of immodesty — applauded to the echo the delicacy which could handle doubtful subjects,^ and yet know how to present them so as not to ' This is an allusion to her picture of "Venus attired by the Graces. 64 Angelica Kauffmann. affront Society's feelings, hurt the prejudices of the ' British matron,' or make the young English miss blush. Art, in fact, was to be clothed in a sort of toilette luxury to please the taste of this eccentric nation, which found in Angelica an artist ready to gratify its ridiculous prejudices at the expense of the true principles and ideal of art itself." This criticism of Sternberg is severe, but there is truth in it. Angelica, surrounded by admirers and flatterers, was led away by her success, both social and professional, and there is no defending her from another charge brought against her, that of being a flirt. An arrant flirt, Mr. Smith, who does not mince his words, calls her, in his " Life of Nollekens." Another writer says : " She was one time sighing for Mr, Dance, another time declaring herself heart broken for Sir Joshua, She was never happy unless she had several strings to her bow." So far as Nathaniel Dance was in question she had no need to sigh for him ; he was desperately in love with her, and had been so far back as her first year in Rome, Girlhood. 65 when there was some talk of an engagement, but it came to nothing, much to Dance's disappointment. He was an Irishman, an artist of considerable merit, and was now making his way in London.^ He renewed his suit, but Angelica, being influenced by Lady Wentworth, who turned Dance into ridicule, would not listen to him. .The artist took her rejection and the manner of it very much to heart, and it was under the smart of his mortification that he painted his fine picture of Timon of Athens, Fuseli was another lover of Angelica's. This was a conquest she might have been proud of The young Swiss artist was already making a name for himself, and this year his portrait of Garrick as Macbeth, and Mrs. Pritchard as Lady Macbeth, had attracted much attention. Angelica gave him en couragement. J. T. Smith tells of seeing her one night at Drury Lane in a private box with both Dance and Fuseli, She was playing them both off. Standing between the two ' He was created a baronet in 1797. F 66 Angelica Kattffmann. beaux, she found an arm of each embracing her waist ; she contrived, while her arms were folded before her on the front of the box over which she was leaning, to squeeze the hand of both, so that each lover considered himself the man of her choice. Smith adds, " She should have remembered Mrs. Peachum's remonstrance, ' Oh, Polly, you might have toyed and known by keeping men off you keep them on.' " In the end, however, Angelica refused Fuseli, also on the plea that she never meant to marry; In her letter to her father, ac quainting him with this proposal, she says ; " Not so easily will I bind myself Rome is ever in my thoughts. May the Spirit of God guide me." The words may have reference to the lover in Rome, whom Oppermann accuses her of abandoning, but Rossi considers they signified that her heart was closed against every passion save that of her art. Her indifference in regard to Fuseli is strange. He was singularly handsome, and his wonderful genius would naturally attract a girl of Angelica's romantic temperament. Girlhood. 67 The explanation lay in the fact that she was ambitious, and that Fuseli's^ position not being assured, and his poverty great, he had no means of gratifying her wishes. At this time he was only waiting for his friends to secure him 50/. a year to go to Italy, which he did shortly after Angelica's rejection ; her treat ment of him made a coolness between her and her friend Mary Moser. The Mosers had been amongst the first to make her welcome, George Moser having known John Joseph in their early days, when both were struggling artists. Moser, how ever, had come when young to England as a chaser in gold and painter on enamel, and was ^ Fuseli did not at any time hold Angelica's profes sional talents in high esteem ; his criticism, however, has a touch of bitterness, which smacks of the despised lover. "I have no wish," he says, "to contradict those who make success the standard of genius — and, as their heroine equals the greatest names in the past, suppose her on a level with them in power. She pleased, and desired to please, the age in which she lived, and the race for which she wrought. The Germans, with as much patriotism at least as judgment, have styled her the ' Paintress of the Soul ' (Seelen Mahlerin), nor can this be wondered at for a nation who, in a Raphael Mengs, flatter themselves that they possess an artist equal to Raphael the divine." F 2 68 Angelica Kauffmann. well considered, being on friendly terms with all the leading artists and directors ofthe draw ing school In Maiden Lane. He received the child of his old friend warmly, and Angelica was quite at home in St. Martin's Lane, where the Mosers lived. Here she met Fuseli, for whom the daughter of the house, Mary, had a warm attachment, un fortunately not reciprocated, Mary being a plain little person, but a kind, sensible girl. A skilful artist too — her flower groups were exquisite in finish and most elegant in ar rangement. Her work was in great demand. Queen Charlotte patronizing her largely, and for her she painted a room at Frogmore, which was called the Flower-room. Angelica and Mary Moser were close friends until this afifair of Fuseli. They met often at the house of Nollekens, the eccentric kindly sculptor. He was very partial to both the girls, especially Mary, who confided to him her love for Fuseli. Angelica painted Mrs. Nollekens as " Innocence, with Doves," for which she received fifteen guineas. Other friends of hers were theGarricks (who Girlhood. 69 often welcomed her to their pretty villa on the Thames), Doctor Fordyce, D.D., and his brother James, and a host of others too numerous to name. Amongst the lovers report gave her, was a younger son of the ducal house of Devon shire, but although he may probably have admired her, there was nothing definite in his admiration, else Rossi would have surely made mention of the circum stance. It is, however, woven into a German novel,^ which also represents a Lady Sarah Cavendish as being in love with the artist,- Antonio Zucchi, her death being caused by the struggle between her love and her pride. This improbable story would seem to have no foundation. The two brothers, Antonio and Joseph Zucchi, were struggling artists : Antonio, a correct, but rather uninteresting, painter of large architectural designs ; Joseph, an engraver of much excellence. The story that Antonio was at this period a lover of Angelica's seems likewise to have no founda tion. ' Historical novel by Amalie Schoppe. The whole story as regards the Cavendish family is pure fiction. 70 Angelica Kauffmann. In the early part of 1767 Angelica had the happiness of welcoming her father, who, henceforth, remained with her until his death, many years later. John Joseph brought with him Rosa Florini, his sister's daughter, to be a help and companion to Angelica. He did little to assist the establish ment. Any artistic talent he may have had, had long since departed, although he still continued to paint, and his pictures were ex hibited.^ He was rather a pompous old man, much inflated by his daughter's success. He spent most of his time arranging the house and studio for the reception of the distinguished sitters and patrons, who, as was the fashion in those days, had free entrde, and lounged away whole mornings in an artist's studio. This year Angelica's popularity seemed on the increase. She was presented at Court, and Royal commissions were showered on her, ' His paintings are mostly Scriptural in subject. His " Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites," and " Joseph telling his Dream," were engraved by God by. They will be found, together with some sickly abominations called "The Affectionate Sister," and the " Afflicted Mother," in the fine collections of the engravings from Angelica's pictures in the British Museum. Girlhood. 7 1 Queen Charlotte sat to her with a baby prince on her knee. King Christian III., ofDen mark, who was this year in London, also sat to her. Walpole said that he was as diminutive as if he came out of a kernel In a fairy tale. Rossi holds forth at great length upon Angelica's method in portrait painting ; how she sought, not only to make a reproduction of the features, but also to convey to her canvas a general idea of the character, as she conceived it, of her sitter, and for this purpose gave much time and consideration to each person who came to her. There is no doubt, as an eminent authority tells us, that the effect of a fine portrait emanates rnore from the painter than from the sitter. This gift of imparting, if we may so call it, comes to its best where there is a subtle harmony between the painter and model. Reynolds possessed a faculty of establishing such a harmony to a wonderful extent. " All the people he paints," says Leslie, "seem irradiated by something of the amiability, breeding, and sense of the artist. So too with Angelica. " She gives," says 72 Angelica Kauffmann. a contemporary, " to her portraits much of her own grace and dignity." The Biographie Universelle remarks "upon the elegance of her draperies, which are never confused, and the attitude which is always well chosen, although her figures are often wanting in strength of colour and vigour of touch." The Allgemeine Biographie says, " She excelled in portraits." Another German art critic remarks ; "In her portraits she shows undoubted talent ; they are full of merit. She not only produces a faithful likeness, but gives mind and vitality to the picture, as for example in her portrait of Winckelmann." Oppermann, in his " Bregenzer Wald," devotes many pages to criticism of Angelica's style. He says : "The principal character istics of her work are facility, clearness, and great ability in the treatment of the subject, and no artist of her time was possessed of as much taste and feeling, which, when it was not betrayed into an exaggeration of sentiment, was tender and noble." Angelica's strange predilection for classical and mythological subjects, and the treatment Girlhood. 73 of sitters in allegorical forms, has often been commented on. In regard to the first it was no doubt the outcome of Winckel mann's teaching, and the next was not always a matter of personal choice. In the latter portion of the eighteenth century there was a craze for mythology ; the knowledge of " the gods of the heathen " possessed by women of that day would astonish many an art student of our time. Their letters and diaries are full of classical allusions and quotations from Virgil, and nothing pleased them so well as to be handed down to posterity as Vestals, Sibyls, in fact, in any shape but their own, Angelica perhaps lent herself to this fashion more than any other artist, for the reason that it was her taste. It was a. false taste, however ; portraiture was not to be dignified by transforming ladies of the eighteenth century into heathen goddesses, and investing them with the attributes of the Pantheon. Angelica, however, was by no means the only artist who pandered, so to speak, to the fancy of her sitters, very few having the courage to resist this classical mania. 74 Angelica Kauffmann. We find Reynolds one of the chief offenders. He has handed down " Lady Sarah Bunbury sacrificing totheGraces," the Duchess of Man chester as " Diana," Mrs. Blake as " Venus," Mrs. Hall as " Euphrosyne," and other ladies of fashion, masquerading as goddesses. Neither was he successful in his mytho logical portraits, and not even his grace of design and beauty of colouring could conceal the affectation of the whole idea. Where Angelica, however, failed most was in the large canvases, upon which she ex hausted her invention, reproducing the eternal histories of heathen mythology. .Eneas, Ulys ses, Hector, Menelaus, Telemachus, repeat themselves with, it must be owned, weari some fidelity. Some of these are dreadful ; " wishy-washy canvases," Leslie calls them — her heroes look like girls dressed up as men. Her figures are full of indecision, and their feet never seem to take a firm grasp of the ground. This indecision is especially remarkable in scenes of passion, which for the rest she, as a rule, avoided. Forster, the German critic, says, "Her composition of a large Girlhood. 75 picture is weak. Her imagination not having sufficient strength, and its predominate feature being softness, her tenderness often degene rates into sentimental sweetness." He, how ever, forgets that sentiment was the feature of the century in which she lived, when every one " went about with cambric handkerchiefs weeping over dead asses." There was, how ever, no affectation in Angelica's sweetness, it bore the stamp of sincerity. To the rigid prudery of the time in which she lived, was due the want of know ledge of the anatomy of the human form, which is so often brought against her. No woman student was then allowed access to the Life Schools. "I have never seen," says Pasquin, " the works of any female who could draw the human form correctly, their situation preventing them from studying nu dities." He adds, in direct contradiction to the Biographie Universelle, that her draperies were erroneous, and were copied from the old expedient of the French School, of clothing the lay figure with damp brown paper. It is not the place here to say how far art 76 Angelica Kauffmann. should dominate decorum. Whether the withdrawal of all the barriers, which, in Angelica's time, hedged in a woman student and prevented her from occupying the same position as a man (since her ignorance was always sure to cause some crying fault in the anatomy of the human body), although a gain to art, is compensated by the loss of the modesty which is a woman's charm, is a question for individual opinion. We have seen many changes as to women's rights within the last fifty years, surely none greater than the latitude allowed to them in such matters. The Biographie Universelle says "That Angelica's pencil was always faithful to the highest aim of real art, and to the character of her sex ; she never painted but the most chaste imaginations." On the other hand, her propriety sometimes verged on prudery ; as when in the moral emblem of " Mercy and Truth " ^ she clothes Truth, whose very attribute is its nakedness. She explains this proceeding in a fly-leaf: " To avoid the unnecessary indelicacy of ^ Moral Emblems, a series published by George Taylor. Girlhood. 17 representing Truth naked, I have clothed her in white, as significant of Purity," On another occasion, being commissioned by a lady to paint a naked figure, she refused on the score of indelicacy, but executed a most charming picture of a nymph surprised when about to bathe, the figure being en veloped in a gauze veil. Angelica's enemies set about malicious stories as to her " affected propriety," asserting that while protesting so much she attended the Life Schools dressed as a boy, and that in private she drew from a naked male model. Mr, J. T. Smith was at the trouble to go into this latter invention, and in his " Life of Nollekens" says that he found the man, Charles Cramer, then 82 years of age, who told him he had often sat to Mrs. Kaufifmannj but that she had only drawn from his arms and shoulders. CHAPTER IV. 1767. marriage. There was in London at this time (1767), a man of handsome exterior, of brilliant accom plishments, of sufficient education, and of most agreeable manners, who, under the name of Count Frederick de Horn, repre sented himself as being the head of a dis tinguished Swedish family. He was, in fact, the valet of the gentleman whose part he undertook to play, and his knowledge of the family circumstances which he had thus gained, and of which he knew how to take advantage, enabled him to carry out the deception so perfectly, that no one who met him for a moment suspected the deceit, and Marriage. 79 he passed in the very best society. He had every appearance of wealth and rank, drove a splendid equipage, wore fine jewels, and scattered money about with all the air of a nobleman, so that he gained an easy credit everywhere. The count lodged at Claridge's. He had two footmen behind his coach dressed mag nificently in green, but he was never known to invite any friend to his table. It was at Dr. Burney's, in St. Martin's Lane, that Angelica first met this adventurer, who at once singled her out as an object of admiration. His handsome face and fine figure, his charming manners, together with his profes sion ofthe Catholic faith, inclined Angelica to receive his attentions with great favour. He came very often to Golden Square, and he conducted his wooing with such reserve and apparent devotion as to win his way to her heart, for she was strangely hard to woo. He was quick enough to perceive the advan tage he had gained, and, seizing a favourable moment, he declared his love, asked her to 8o Angelica Kauffmann. be his wife, and promised to divide all his large fortune between her and her father, to whom he would be the tenderest, the most obedient of sons — he, who, by his own account, was possessed of distinguished birth, great military honours, immense riches, castles, picture galleries, and magni ficent jewels. Deceived by the general belief in him, Angelica never for a moment doubted his words, and, when he added that in a few days he would seek her father and formally demand her hand in marriage, Angelica was fully convinced, and agreed to his condition that until these days had elapsed, she would keep their engagement secret. The reason he gave was plausible — he was expecting papers which he wished to lay before John Joseph. The villain left her satisfied, but Angelica was only so for a short . time. The idea of concealing so important a matter from her father, tormented her tender heart and alarmed her delicate conscience. She man aged, however, to silence this monitor by Marriage. 8 1 assuring herself that her father, when he knew the extraordinary good luck which had come to her, would pardon her the momen tary want of confidence ; and the more she saw of her lover, the more she was fully con vinced of the nobility and generosity of his mind, the more she trusted, esteemed, and even loved him. One day the scene changed. Pale, agitated, full of grief, he comes to Angelica, who, on her side, alarmed and trembling at what is going to happen, asks him what is the matter, Alas ! it is a political affair. His absence from his estates in Sweden and from the royal court has given offence. His enemies have been busy, they have prejudiced his friend the king against him; they have calumniated him and persuaded his Majesty that he is engaged in a conspiracy against the royal life, and orders have come to the Swedish ambassador at the British Court to arrest him. Therefore, they must separate, and more — he is to be loaded with chains, branded with dishonour, and sent back to his G 82 Angelica Kauffmann. native land to perish there an innocent victim sacrificed to the tongue of the detractor. Angelica, shuddering at this terrible picture, implores her noble-minded hero to fly at once, but he refuses. Then, after a minute's pause, he goes on pleading as for his very life, — ' " Only one hope is there of saving me — only one refuge is for me — in thy arms, my angel — reach me thy hand as my wife. Once a holy bond unites me to thee, I am certain the royal family who love you and esteem you will not give up your husband, or allow him to be carried away to prison and certain death. If I escape now, all will go well. I am innocent, and once I am free and in another country, I will defend myself, I will bring my accusers to shame, and triumph over them, and It will be to you that I shall owe my happiness — my life — but there is not a moment to lose, either you raake me your husband at once or I am a lost man." This is Rossi's account of an interview at which the words quoted may, or may not, have actually been spoke nbut there is Marriage. 83 every evidence to show that great pressure was brought to bear on the unfortunate girl to induce her tq consent to a secret marriage. It was unlike her to do so ; the upright ness of her character, her love for her father, her respect for herself, were all against her doing anything clandestine ; on the other hand, she was romantic and — a curious anomaly — decidedly ambitious.'^^ Both these tendencies pulling at her heart strings, inclined her to yield to her lover's wish, and, by so doing, secure to herself the, rank and wealth she desired. These motives swayed her ; that there was much- love is to be doubted, although the romance of the situation may have somewhat touched her heart. By the 22nd of Noveraber Horn had made everything ready, and in the morning Angelica met him at St, James's Church in Piccadilly, and was there married to him safe and sure by the curate, Mr, Baddeley.^ How the supposed count got * Zucchi writes of her — "Ambition is her fault!' * The certificate is to be seen in the vestry book at St. James's Church. G 2 84 Angelica Kauffmann. over all the difficulty of being a foreigner, how he evaded producing baptismal certificates, etc., is, like everything else in this hideous marriage, shrouded in mystery. He had two witnesses, Annie Home and Richard Home. Who were they ? It must have been a melancholy ceremony. How Horn must have started at every sound in the empty church ! How he must have dreaded that out of some corner an accusing voice would be heard denouncing his dastardly fraud upon the innocent girl beside him. Rossi does not seem to have known of the marriage at St. James's. He makes mention only of their going secretly to a Catholic Church ^ not far from Golden Square, where an imprudent priest blessed a union which was no union, without witnesses or proper for malities. In stating this, Rossi evidently was. not aware that In England, in 1767, the penal laws against Roman Catholics were in full force, and that it was strictly illegal for any priest to marry two people of his own 1 Probably that of Spanish Place, as stated by Miss Thackeray. Marriage. 85 faith ; such an kct was punishable with death in his case, and imprisonment in theirs. It would be a question whether, as the supposed De Horn and Angelica were both foreigners, this law could have applied to them, but it is evident she was determined to be on the safe side. The visit afterwards to the Catholic Church (if it did take place) was a salve to her conscience, which was delicate in matters of her faith. The deed being done, Angelica returned to Golden Square, as she fondly imagined, the Countess Frederick de Horn, and after this Rossi says the supposed count seemed to recover his serenity. The pressing danger vanished, he talked no more of the conspiracy against him, but he confided to his newly- made wife that neither the papers he ex pected nor the money, which was a large sum, had come to hand, and that in conse quence he was much pressed by impudent creditors. What should a loving wife do but help her husband, and this Angelica did gladly, without even a doubt that all he said was true. So three weeks glided by, no 86 Angelica Kauffmann. one suspecting that they were inan arid wife. At last, either at the bidding of others or because he deemed it was now time to play his last card, Horn thought the moment had come to disclose to the miserable father of the girl he had deceived the true state of affairs. He did not, however, care to make the announcement himself; he sent an old priest to break the news, which, when he heard, so overwhelmed and crushed John Joseph that he lost the power of speech, and for some minutes could not articulate. He was, a man who, good and honourable him self could not easily believe others to be knaves, and the deception practised upon him hurt him sorely; moreover, he had some doubts that this great count was not all he appeared to be, and he feared for the happi ness of his beloved child, without exactly ap prehending the abyss into which she had fallen through her own fault. He was filled with the deepest anxiety, and could not be pacified by all the good priest said , until he saw his daughter. Angelica came trem bling, and threw herself at her father's feet ; Marriage. 87 he reproached her bitterly for her con duct, and pointed out to her the danger she had run by trusting herself to a man of whom neither he nor she knew anything definite. Angelica acknowledged her fault, but would hear nothing against her husband. She had grown fond of him in these weeks. Nevertheless, her words, as quoted by her biographer, have not the true ring of affection in them, but have rather a worldly matter- of-fact flavour, " You doubt, my good father, as to whether my husband is the nobleman he represents himself to be," she said ; "in such a case our marriage would be null and void, for it is only under these conditions that I have united myself to him." At these words the priest and the father looked at one another, pitying Angelica's simplicity. She, however, never ceased con soling and persuading John Joseph, until he at last brightened up and consented to receive the count. Angelica was now happy, she led her husband proudly to her father, and looked at these two both so dear to her with eyes swimming in joyful tears. Horn stayed 88 Angelica Kauffmann. with them, and when, later on, his father-in- law began to make inquiries as to what proof he could give as to the reality of his position and fortune, he turned off the con versation, saying that the joys of the honey moon should not be disturbed by any such worldly conversation. In the meantime, the fact that Angelica was married began to ooze out amongst her own circle. There was, curiously enough, at this moment a run of singular marriages,^ so that hers did not excite any particular attention, but her friends took the alarm and were filled with apprehension as to the true position of the man she had married. During the days that followed the narrowest investigations were made about him, and the opinion grew that he was an adventurer, if not worse. The inquIsitioi> to which his past life was subjected did not remain long con cealed from the Count, and, as he dreaded the Inquiry, he thought fit to put on a mask of virtuous indignation. His anger was prin- ' That of Lady Susan Strangways to O'Brien the actor, and another lady of quality to her footman. Marriage. 89 cipally directed against his wife's father. He forbade Angelica to hold any communi cation with him. He drove away all her friends, and finally ordered her to pack up her things and prepare to leave London with him immediately ; the town no longer suited him as a residence, and it was part of her wifely duty to obey him and ask no questions. Angelica was aghast. Was this furious, ill- mannered man the soft-spoken lover of a few weeks ago ? His brutality frightened her. His dislike to her unoffending father raised a storm in even her tranquil breast ; his conduct to her best friends made her indig nant. She refused to go with him and quit the home and the certain income she had made for an uncertainty, for it did not seem to iier he had any visible means of support ing her. This contumacy on the part of the usually gentle Angelica excited the rage of Hom still more ; he threw off his mask and showed the wretched girl his true rufifianly nature. In her alarm and misery she seized the first opportunity to tell her father, and 90 Angelica Kauffmann. implored him to help her. Poor John Joseph appealed to his friends. One of these, who had been himself taken in by the Count, whose warm friend he had been, took upon him to demand an explanation. He wrote to Horn, telling him the injurious suspicions that were gaining ground against him, and demanded from him as a man of honour a written con tradiction of them. The letter was couched in rather a threatening tone. Deceit and cowardice are closely allied. The Count answered in fear and trembling, but his shifting, double-dealing reply confirmed rather than allayed the suspicions against him. The letter was shown to Angelica by her father, and plunged her into still deeper grief and when Horn, growing moreandmore tyrannical, insisted upon his rights as a husband, she sum moned all her courage, and refused to leave her father. She showed him the letter in which he defended himself from the accusa tions made against him, adding, that until he cleared himself from all suspicion of being an impostor she would live apart- from him. Marriage. 91 "You wish for a separation," he cried in a fury ; " then you shall have it." Then he burst out in threats, shrieks, violence of all kinds, which soon brought old Kauffmann to the assistance of his child, when the rufifian, seizing a purse full of gold, took his hat and flung out of the house, crying out, — "You will soon know who I am, and you will both repent the rough treatment you have given me." The two poor creatures remained all that day trembling from the efifect of that terrible scene. They were in hopeless despair, not knowing what, he would next do. Their despair increased when the night passed with out his return, and again the following day. It was not his absence that caused them un happiness, it was the dread of what so wicked a man might be hatching against them. After three days spent in anxious uncer tainty, on the fourth came a lawyer's clerk in the name of Count Horn, to demand from Angelica instant submission to his wishes, since he, as her -hue^"-^. ' rfad a 92 Angelica Kauffmann. legal right over her and all she possessed, otherwise he would press for a deed of separation and demand compensation to the amount of 500/, Angelica was quite cured of even the lukewarm liking she had for him, she saw that it would be impossible for her to live with such a villain. She grasped at the idea of a separation, but neither she nor her father were inclined to reward the other's successful villainy with so much of her hardly-earned money. She was advised to have recourse to the law. The cause, however, took the usual tedious course. Proofs had to be collected, searches to be made into the career and episodes of the false count, and, as much of his life had been spent abroad, messengers had to be despatched to almost every court in Europe. Pending the outcome of these inquiries, the villain set the seal to all his former turpitude by an attempt to carry off Angelica by violence. He got together some cut-throats, had carriage and horses in readiness, hired a vessel; aua..«....,opt bv a dispensation of Provi- Marriage. 93 dence, through which his designs were dis closed, Angelica would undoubtedly have fallen into his hands. From this time (although Horn was bound over under strong penalties to respect his wife's person and liberty) Angelica lived in constant fear of him. She dreaded what might befall her if once in his power ; she knew that he wore on his finger a ring which contained poison, and she did not think he would scruple to use it. Meantime, from divers sources, information from abroad and depositions were coming in, all containing evidence of a rascally history. One set proved the dififerent names which he had taken in dififerent places ; another the titles and dignities he had given himself; this one related how he had extorted money on false pretences ; another how he had con tracted debts to keep up a splendid appear ance. All went to prove an unbroken course of swindling. There came news, too, of his having manied another woman, who was with him in the year 1765, when he resided at 94 Angelica Kauffmann. Hildesheim, and gave himself out as a colonel and lieutenant of Frederick the Great. In Hamburg, at the Hague, in Breslau and other towns, he was well known, and al ways as an adventurer with the worst repu tation. At Amsterdam he had gone by the name of Studerat, in other places he called himself Rosenkranz, Brandt was the only name to which he had any right.^ This consensus of accusation and the ac cumulation of evidence that came pouring in from every side made the Count tremble. He began to think it were best to abate his demands and get clear off with what money he could extract from his victim. He there fore again approached Angelica with an offer ofa compromise. To this her friends, and especially the magistrate before whom the process would come, objected very strongly-, advising her to make no terms with such a villain, but to have him properly punished for his shameful conduct in her regard, Angelica, undecided, now listened to the ' When he was Count Horn's fpotnian he went by the name of Buckle, Marriage. . 95 firm counsels of the magistrate, and Ggnin, when the process seemed to stretch away in the distance, was inclined to put an end to this torturing delay and agree to Horn's proposal. He was now limiting his demand to 300/,, and agreeing to sign a legally drawn- up document, wherein he bound himself to abandon all his rights as a husband and to leave Angelica absolutely free, never seeking to renew any intercourse or hold any com munication with her. Angelica at last consented to sacrifice the money for the sake of peace. She naturally preferred — as any sensitive woman would do -^this method, to exposing 1 to the world all the miserable details of her unfortunate con nection with this man. On the loth of February, 1 768,^ this docu- ' The deed of separation is signed with Horn's real name, Brandt, which was the one he had a right to call himself; his mother, Christina Brandt, had been seduced by Count De Horn, while she was serving as a maid in an inn. The count may have taken the boy and brought him up in his own household, which was very often done with natural children, and this would account for his gentlemanlike manners and his likeness to the Horn family. It is also probable that it was thus he got hold of the coveted articles and the jewels which cast such a 96 Angelica Kauffmann. ment, which was to give her her freedom from the persecution of a villain, was signed, and so ended this miserable busi ness, four months after the marriage, three of which Horn had spent out of the house, which he had quitted on the day of the quarrel, Rossi goes on to tell of an extraordinary incident which took place on the same day upon which Angelica's release was signed, and which, he says, would have appeared too improbable for any stage piece. " A respectable person carae to Angelica and disclosed to her the fact that the Count was already married to a girl in Germany, and had deserted her, leaving her in the ut most poverty ; and that this girl was intending to come to London if only she had the means to pay for the voyage. This discovery, if true, invalidated the second marriage, and several persons tried to persuade Angelica to bring the real wife to London. Others advised her by no means to give herself the expenses and glamour over poor Angelica. It is more than likely that he stole them. Marriage. 97 anxiety of a trial, and these wiser counsels prevailed. Angelica frqm the first was ad verse to any publicity which could be avoided, and it did not take her long to decide upon leaving the matter as it was ; ' for,' said she, ' if the count has been guilty of this offence, and if his guilt is proved, he will be sentenced to death, and if I should be the cause of this, I should never know a moment's happiness. No, the spirit of revenge and anger dwells no longer in my breast, and although he has injured me, and it may be has betrayed me, I leave his punishment in God's hands. Never speak his name to me again.' A wise resolution," says her biographer, " wise, pious and good, which did her under standing as much credit as her heart, for there is no doubt, in the end, the dragging of Horn into the mire of contumely would have thrown a certain stain upon the woman who had shared his name for some months. Meantime the soi-disant count had made good his escape, and never more was heard of until news came many years after of his H 98 Angelica Kauffmann. death. Who or what he was must always remain a mystery. ^Rossi adds, " I have lin gered long over this sad story, but I think it only just to Angelica to contradict the many ' fables ' spread abroad. What I have now related has been told to me by the father of Angelica, who suffered keenly from the dis grace which had fallen undeservedly on his loved child, and who wrote down accurately the true history." John Thomas Smith, in his " Memoirs," tells the story of Horn's detection in a different manner. " After the marriage," he says, " Angelica was sent for to Buckingham House to paint Queen Charlotte. She communicated her marriage to her Majesty, upon which she was invited to Court and her husband also. He, however, kept out of the way, saying his luggage had not arrived. At last the real Count Horn arrived in London, and at the Jevde was much surprised at being congratu lated by the queen upon his marriage, when it all came out." In " Miss Angel " this incident is made Marriage. 99 use of in a very pretty scene between the queen and the artist. However well suited for the purposes of a novel, there is no truth in the story, neither does it appear that a real Count Horn did niake his appearance on the scene. The whole business is involved in a strange mystery, out of which it is difificult to grasp any tangible facts beyond that of the false marriage. Putting aside his share in Angelica's story, Horn's career was one of the most singular , instances of audacious swindling. It was the age for adventurers. Every court in Europe swarmed with them ; every minister used them as instruments, and supplied them with money and credentials. Handsome, agree able men, with good manners, were in request, as they were certain to have bonnes fortunes, and much could be expected from the favour of a great lady. Horn, or Brandt, rather answers to this description, and the splash he made, the fine horses and footmen, the best hotel, and the splendour of his own appearance, would lead one to think he had some other means besides the jewels he was H 2 100 Angelica Kauffmann. suj)posed to have stolen. But why did he not seek the favour of some great lady? He moved in the best society, and must have known- many women better suited to his purpose than Angelica. The Kauffmann household was not appointed in a style to deceive a man of Brandt's experience ; he must have guessed that all he could possibly expect was a share of the girl artist's earnings, ^ What, then, was his motive ? Love, per haps (who can say ?), and that, knowing the dignity and purity of Angelica's nature, he saw no way of making her his but by going through an apparently legal marriage ceremony. But there is another view of the subject, which one finds set forth by several German and French writers. Wurzbach says : " The suspicion of having a hand in this unpleasant affair fell upon Reynolds. It is true that later on he made a lame attempt at clearing himself and gave an explanation to Angelica. All the same just Marriage. i o i as it remains a riddle how much Reynolds had to do with this melancholy history, so he also remains under a certain imputation of having a share in the matter." Sternberg is even more plain spoken. He says : " ' Le Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs des Beaux Arts ' speaks of a conspiracy, which was set on foot in London, against the artist. The writer does not mention names, for the reason that the source is nasty. Angelica herself in the public papers, addressed a letter to the editor of the " Beaux Arts," denying there was any truth in these assertions. From other sources of information, how ever, there is not the smallest doubt that this contemptible mystification was planned for the - humiliation of the artist, and that Reynolds had a hand in the game. Whether it was he, or a friend of his, an artist, who had proposed for Angelica and been refused, it is enough, that out of revenge, these two concocted the plot to disgrace her. There then appeared this man, who called himself I02 Angelica Kauffmann. Count Horn, and who gave himself out for a distinguished Swede. He pretended to be an art patron, and spent considerable sums in buying pictures. A handsome man, a rich man, a count, Angelica could not resist. The poor woraan suffered cruelly ; the spring of her life was dried up ; she loved and had been betrayed." Nagler, in his " Notice" of the artist in vol. ii.,^ mentions this story in the " Manuel des Curieux," also Angelica's letter. The " Biographie Universelle " says : — " Des Bio graphies ont accuse Reynolds d'avoir prepare ce complot et initie ce malheureux a son role pour se venger des dedains d' Angelique, mais ce ne fut pas certain." The same charge of a "complot" is made either distinctly or hinted at in every biographical notice ; in Dohme's " Kunst u. Kiinstler," ^ in " Hoeffer's Nou velle Biographie," and the " Biographie Contemporaine," in Wurzbach's Lexicon, also in Leon de Wailly's^ historical novel. ' Kiinstler Lexicon. * Article on Angelica, by J. Weissley. ' Schoppe also and Desalles-Regis wrote novels on this subject. The latest addition to fiction is Mr. Du- Marriage. 103 But if this story were true, how does it happen that Reynolds' biographers (friendly or unfriendly) are silent as to such grave charges, of which they must have been aware, had this letter from Angelica in the " Beaux Arts " ever appeared ? And again, how is it that the gossips of the day, the news writer, Horace Walpole, and the garrulous Boswell, make no allusion to a bit of scandal too delightful to be omitted ? It would seem that when the original accusation was made In the " Manuel des Curieux et des Beaux Arts," edited by Hiiber and Rast, a French edition was published contemporaneously with the German one. For the purpose of this biography, both editions have been closely searched for either accusation or letter, but without success. It may be that they ap peared in a first edition and have been sup pressed. Putting aside the well-known character of our great painter, which would make such an accusation incredible, it is not possible to bourg's play "Angelica," which is soon to be given at one of the leading theatres. I04 Angelica Kauffmann. suppose that after treachery of this kind he would have remained a fast friend of Angelica's to the end of his hfe, heaping favours upon her and her family. If con spiracy there were, and many circurastances would lead one to this hypothesis, it would lie more probably at the door of Nathaniel Dance, and his friend Nathaniel Hone.^ Dance, as we know, had loved and been rejected by Angelica, and had taken the manner of her rejection much to heart, and his Celtic blood would lead him to revenge himself upon the woman who had not only refused but ridiculed him. His friend and fellow-countryman, Hone, was a despicable character, envious of other ' Hone and Dance were both Irishmen ; Dance was the most successful artist. He recovered from his disap pointment, married the widow of a Hampshire gentleman with a good fortune, was a member of parliament, and was created a baronet. He was a vain man, and gave out that Angelica refused Sir Joshua because she was attached to himself. In the " Records of my Life," by John Taylor, the author talks of " Mrs. Kauffmann's correspondence with Dance, which was thought so interesting, that his Majesty George III. asked to see it." Taylor, however, is not reliable authority, and there is no reliance to be placed upon this story. Marriage. 105 artists, cordially disliked by them. Smith says he was jealous of Reynolds, and lost no opportunity to defame him ; the dislike be tween them began in their school days, and culminated in the ugly transaction of " The Conjurer " later on. There would be every probability that such a nature as Hone's might have planned the outrage on Angelica, for the purpose of throwing dirt, if he could, upon Sir Joshua. In addition to which. Hone had a personal dislike to Angelica, based upon her greater success as an artist. Rossi, from whom the account given here of Angelica's betrayal is principally collected, speaks of the reports and fables in circula tion at the time, which Angelica had not the courage to contradict ; and for this reason, he adds, he has thought it right to communicate to the public the facts which were left to him in writing by the good father of Angelica, who had suffered infinitely from his daughter's misfortune. This would seem very conclusive that John Joseph had never heard of the Reynolds conspiracy, or, if he had, counted io6 Angelica Kauffmann. it amongst the fables. It has, however, been thought better to mention in this biography the accusations so freely made abroad, which, up to the present time, have gone without contradiction, thus leaving a slur upon the memory of a great artist and an honourable gentleman. CHAPTER V. 1768-1771, WOMANHOOD. After Horn's final withdrawal a hopeless calm settled down upon Angelica's life. There was nothing more 'to fear, but to a sensitive nature like hers the bare idea that everyone was in possession of what had happened must have been mental torture. She bore her trial bravely, and by degrees her work, and the sympathy of her friends, who were never weary of showing her kind ness, mitigated her pain, although the wound never healed, Rossi says that the strangeness of her un merited misfortune, together with the esteem in which she was held, caused her to receive io8 Angelica Kauffmann. numerous offers of marriage from men in the highest positions. Angelica, however, shud dered at the name of a second engagement, and before she could have accepted any pro posal of marriage, she must have gone through a painful trial to prove that, for various reasons, her first union was invalid, and from this publicity she shrank. Angelica now threw herself into work with almost feverish energy. Her brush was always in her hand. Money was much needed in Golden Square, Horn's demands had swept away all her savings, and there were the heavy expenses of the legal pro ceedings to be met, Angelica's friends behaved generously. Orders came flowing in. Her good patron. Lord Exeter, ordered pictures by the yard. Lord Spencer, too, gave her commissions, and the good-natured king^ sat for his portrait, although this was ' It will be remembered by readers of " Miss Angel" that Angelica (after the discovery of Horn's conduct) goes to Windsor to paint the portrait of the king. Miss Thackeray popped her heroine into the house of Dr. Starr, a Master at Eton. Curiously enough, this proved to be the very house where had lived her father's great Womanhood. 109 an honour he had not yet paid to Reynolds, With all this amount of work in hand, she cultivated assiduously her literary and musical talents, both of which were of a high order. In music she excelled, her voice being of a delicious quality,^ Her mind was highly cultivated, and all through her life she en joyed the friendship of those who were dis tinguished in the artistic or literary world.* - Count Bernsdorff,^ the Danish Prime Min ister, who was this year visiting London, grandfather, Rev. Dr. Thackeray, who was assistant master of Eton in 1746, and later became Archdeacon of Surrey. There is in the family a tradition that one of his daughters was attached to Antonio Zucchi. ' She would run to the harpsichord and sing all manner of national airs. ' Rossi says her love for men of letters did not spring in any way from vanity or a wish to be considered a bas bleu, but from a true appreciation of the beautiful; so much so, that when she read an elevated passage or heard some eloquent discourse, her eyes would light up and her whole countenance show how moved she was. ' Count Bernsdorfif, the friend and companion of Frederick Prince of Wales, returned to Copenhagen after the death of the Prince and became Minister. He was a clever statesman and accomplished man. He did as much for Denmark as Bismarck did for Germany. A handsome obelisk just outside Copenhagen is erected to his memory. — Sturz' s Biographie. IIO Angelica Kauffmann. gives in one of his delightful letters a descrip tion of a visit he paid her ; it is full of in terest, and is dated September 15th, 1768, just six months after Horn's betrayal : — " I found our gifted countrywoman yester day with Klopstock's ' Messiah ' in her hand. Pope's ' Homer ' lay upon the table near her. She reads both with perfect ease, but natu rally the German poet is nearest her heart. She was born, if I remember right, in Bre genz, and went to Italy when quite young, associating there and ever since with the very best people, artistic and social. This always makes a distinct impression, in early youth especially, and she is now both in her art and herself in her manners and mind, quite on an exceptional platform. She has a peculiar and most womanly dignity which inspires the utmost respect. She is about twenty-seven, by no means a beauty, nevertheless extremely attractive. The character of her face belongs to the type Domenichino loved to paint, the features are noble, the expression sweet. It would be impossible to pass such a face with out looking at it, and once you have looked Womanhood. 1 1 1 you must admire, and there are moments when she is absolutely beautiful : thus when she is seated at her harmonica singing Per- golesi's ' Stabat Mater,' her large expressive eyes, ' pietosi a riguardar a mover parchi,' are piously raised to Heaven, and her inspired look helps the expression of the divine words. At this moment she is a living St. Cecilia. Alas ! that so much beauty and such talent should have failed to secure for this gifted woman any measure of happiness. The sadness of her whole air betrays an inward discontent which is the consequence of her unfortunate marriage which has ended in a separation. The whole story is pitiful, and this misfortune has spoiled her life. She is a great favourite here, and has a reputation as an eminent artist. This truly British word at once guarantees a fortune ; Angelica, how ever, is too modest — she does not sufficiently assert herself, for an eminent artist can, in this rich capital, use her admirers much as a selfish, money-seeking coquette does her lovers, plunder and ill-treat them, without fear of a rupture ; the passion of the nation being 112 Angelica Kauffmann. to fill the pockets of their favourite, no mat ter whether he be an artist, or a hair-dresser, Farinelli, or a conjurer." Angelica, not having left any note-books as Reynolds did, it is impossible to know the scale of her prices. Fifteen guineas is men tioned by J. T, Smith as the price paid for a portrait of Mrs. Nollekens.^ A hundred years ago all artistic and literary work was in differently paid. Goldsmith received sixty pounds for the " Vicar of Wakefield ; " Ho garth one hundred for the " Lady's last stake ; " Zoffany two hundred for " Abel Drugger " ; and it was only when his name was at its highest that Reynolds was paid 1 50 guineas for a full-length portrait, Angelica's rapid method of painting enabled her to execute more work than most artists. She drew hurriedly, putting in the costumes and figures with her pencil before she took the palette in her hand, trusting very much to the delicate combination of colour, for which she was famous, to conceal the false outlines into which there is no denying ^ As " Innocence, with Doves." Womanhood. 1 1 3 she was often betrayed. Her colouring has been the subject of very diverse^ opinions. Bernsdorff says she played strange tricks with her carnation, and that her shadows are overdone. Rossi maintains she was equal in colouring to the old masters, Oppermann thinks her draperies are too highly tinted,^ her background too monotonous. At the time it was thought she used a secret preparation, which gave her tints this extraordinary brilliance, but in her later pictures she subdued her colouring to a great degree. George Keate, her friend and admirer, wrote an absurd pamphlet addressed to the lovely, the adorable, the beloved Angelica, in which he ascribes her miraculous colouring " to a magician who has given her a powder from Egypt's distant shore. He believes Cheops and Rhodope are proud to minister to her glory. Nitocris will shine again in her delineation of a virtuous monarch, and Cephenes will blacken with his dark pigment some villain's face which her chaste pencil ' A writer in the Art Journal ol 1890 criticises what he calls this vinous tone, which is decidedly unpleasant. 1 14 Angelica Kauffmann. abhors to paint." He covers pages with this nonsense. Notwithstanding her secret, Angelica's colours have not been lasting. In some in stances they have faded more than others, but this is also noticeable In Sir Joshua's, and can be accounted for by the different varnishes and mediums used, some of these being deleterious to the preservation of the work. The year 1768 was a memorable one In the history of Art in England. It was then that the scheme of founding a Royal Academy, which had long been in agitation, took actual shape, and the institution which is now such a yearly point of interest to both public and artists had its birth. Its process of incubation had been a try ing one. So far back as 1 7 1 1 , Sir Godfrey Kneller, then at the head of the profession of arts, made the attempt, and failed ; Thorn- bill later established a makeshift academy or school of art at his own house. This lame effort was followed by the Life School under George Moser, and when this was joined by such men as Hogarth, Cotes, and Womanhood. 115 other artists of standing, it migrated first to St. Martin's Lane, and in 1759 opened rooms in Pall Mall. Still all felt even this improved position did not answer the purposes of a National Academy. Efforts were strenuously made to induce the royal sanction to. be given, to gether with a proper grant. The proclivities of the House of Hanover, however, had never been artistic, George 1. was too fond of his mistresses, and George II. had his hands full of his quarrels with his son, and his ministers. The struggle still went on ; the Society, with gallant spirit, exhibiting annually a number of pictures which were excellent in work and drew large crowds of visitors. At last, in 1765, the Society wrung from the Government a charter of incorporation, and the right to call itself " The Society of In corporated Artists." Having attained this measure of success, the spirit which had been so admirable died out. Constant disputes arose amongst the members ; jealousies, private warring, until I 2 ii6 Angelica Kauffmann. the cohesion ofthe Society became impossible, A split followed — Chambers, Moser, West, Cotes, being included amongst the mal contents. The result was the starting of a new art society upon totally different lines, the professed object being to found an academy of design for the instruction of students with an annual exhibition which should contain the work of the academicians. Pressure was brought to bear on George III., who had at first received the scheme coldly, but later offered to supply from his private purse any money deficiency and to give the academy a royal sanction.^ This enabled the members to offer prizes to the students and to bestow annuities on such as were promising. With these advantages the new constitu tion was easily formed under the title of ^ The generosity of the king was much commended by the journals of the day. The Advertiser bursts into enthusiastic praises in verse : — " Long had Britannia sighed for such a king. When George arose and bade her Muses sing ; Called Genius forth from Contemplation's cell. And drew up Wisdom from her sacred well." Womanhood. 117 " The Royal Academy." Reynolds at first held aloof, not, as unfriendly writers allege, from a doubt that the countenance of the court would be wanting, but from fear that the mistakes of " The Incorporated Society of Artists" might again be committed. It was after West had taken to him a proposed list of thirty members, and explained to him enough to show that the new society started on a basis of their own which might fairly be made to include all the higher objects of such an institution, that Reynolds con sented to join ; and all his brother artists, rising to a man, saluted him as president of the new-born institution. The list of original members includes the names of Chambers,^ Moser, Hayman, New ton, Penny, Sandby, West, Reynolds, Barto lozzi, Cipriani, Cosway, Wilson, Zoffany, Nollekens, Dance, Hone, and Wilton ; together with two women artists, Angelica ' Sir W. Chambers was the prime mover, and is thus alluded to : — " By all thy odes the world shall know That Chambers planned it." Academy Lyrics, Peter Pindar. 1 1 8 Angelica Kauffmann. Kauffmann and her friend Mary Moser. Such an honour as this has never since that day been paid to any female artist, and although it was no doubt due to the in fluence of Sir Joshua, still he would not have ventured to confer the dignity of R.A. upon Angelica unless her position in a great degree justified his action. His fellow- academicians, however, did not approve of the introduction of the female element, and, as a hint that their sex rendered them unfit for the necessary course, both ladles are purposely omitted from Zoffany's picture of the " Academicians gathered about the Model." In this fine work (as Leslie ^ says), " each face is an admirable likeness, and the peculiarity of every artist is caught and transferred to the canvas so as to strike every beholder. There is Moser setting the figure, and Zuccarelli and Yeo studying the pose. Dr. W. Hunter scans the action of the muscles. Nathaniel Hone, with an attitude of swaggering importance, leans on the screen at the back of the model. Cosway, Leslie's life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Womanhood. 119 the Maccaroni miniaturist, displays his clouded cane and gold lace at full length in the left-hand corner. He is the only one present, except Sir Joshua, who Wears a sword. Zoffany himself, palette on thumb, is a pendant to Cosway. Behind him West leans on the rail, in con versation with Cipriani and Gwynne, On his left, seated on a drawing-box, is the burly figure of Frank Hayman. Just behind him is Sir Joshua, the centre figure of the composi tion." On the wall hang the portraits only, in oval frames, of the two lady academicians, Mary Moser and Angelica Kauffmann.^ They were thus admitted into the picture, as it were, on sufferance, not as making part of the assembly. Zoffany, too, has done very little justice to them — at least to Angelica, whom he deprives of all her beauty, and re presents as a prim, hard-featured woman. The first exhibition of the Royal Academy pictures was held in the spring of 1769, at Messrs. Christie's auction rooms, in Pall -Mall. ^ The diploma given by the Eoyal Academy is pre served by the descendants of Johann Kauffmann. I20 Angelica Kauffmann. " Tradition," says Mr, Redford, in his " Art Sales," " fixes the spot where the Senior United Service Club now stands, opposite to Market Lane, Haymarket." On the 26th April, 1 769, the social and artistic world of London were hurrying thither. The Adver tiser oi April 27th announces : " On Monday the Princess-Dowager of Wales, and yester day his Majesty, accompanied by his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester and the two princes of Mecklenburg Strelitz, visited the exhibition of the Royal Academy in Pall Mall, with which they expressed themselves highly satisfied." One hundred and thirty-six pictures had been sent in, a small number according to our ideas, Angelica sent four, which are thus set down in the catalogue : ^ ' The introduction to the catalogue has the follow ing:— " As the present exhibition is a part of the institution of an academy supported by royal munificence, the public may naturally expect the liberty of being admitted without any expense. The academy, there fore, think it necessary to dec'are that this was very much their desire, but that they have not been able to suggest any other means than that of receiving money for admittance, to prevent the room from being filled Womanhood. 121 6i. Interview of Hector and Andromache. 62. Achilles discovered by Ulysses amongst the at tendants of Deidamia.' 63. Venus showing Eneas and Achates the way to Carthage. 64. Penelope taking down the bow of Ulysses for the trial of her wooers. The Advertiser ^.¦a.y^ that the pictures which chiefly attracted the attention of the con noisseurs were three by Sir J. Reynolds, the " Regulus " of West and his " Venus lament ing the Death of Adonis," and " Hector and Andromache," by Mrs. Angelica, an Italian young lady of uncommon genius and merit. In the European Magazine there is like wise a short notice : ,, West. .. Nathaniel Dance. .. Mr. Gainsborough. ., Mr. Hone. .. Cotes. .. Cipriani. .. Mr. Reynolds. Departure of Regulus from Rome. The King and Queen Lady Molyneux ¦A piping boy A boy playing cricket An altar-piece Duchess of Manchester Hector and Andromache and Venus directing Eneas and Achates,,, Mrs. Kauffmann, a lady but lately arrived in Lon don. by improper persons, to the entire exclusion of those for whom the exhibition is apparently intended." ^ Deidamia, daughter to King Lycomedes, at whose Court Achilles was concealed dressed as a woman. 123 Angelica Kauffmann. From Angelica's choice of subject it was evident the gods and goddesses of Olympus ruled her fancy. Other artists. West and Reynolds, likewise exhibited classical and allegorical subjects.^ The president sent no less than three alle gorical portraits : I. The Duchess of Manchester, as Diana nursing Cupid. 2. Lady Blake, as Juno receiving the Cestus of Venus. 3. Miss Morris nursing Hope. Allan Cunningham says, in his caustic way, " Poor Miss Morris was no dandier of babes, but a delicate over-sensitive spinster, unfit for the gross wear of the stage. Of Lady Blake's title to Juno, I have nothing to say, and what claim a Duchess of Manchester, with her last babe on her knee, could have to^the distinction of Diana, it is difficult to guess." The critics were hard upon the pictures. ' Mr. Taylor, in his Life of Sir Joshua, speaks slight ingly of his forced and far-fetched personifications of Juno, Hebe and Diana. He considers them indescrib ably inferior in charm to those which Reynolds has painted of the women of his own time. Womanhood. x 2 3 Horace Walpole marks "Bad, very bad," ^ con stantly in his catalogue. He makes no men tion of Angelica's " Hector and Andro mache," which was a commission from Mr. Parker of Saltram (afterwards Lord Boring don), and was engraved by Watson. Bernsdorff saw the picture in the artist's studio before it went to the Academy, and after criticising Angelica's faults severely, he says, " The defects in her method (grave ones, I own) are in my opinion counterbalanced by the many beauties of thought and feeling with which her work is permeated. Sensu tincta sunt. She shows great wisdom in her choice of a subject — the moment of separation when the interest is heightened by the fore boding of never again meeting, and the imagination can fill up the details. Her composition is full of grace, and the figures have the quiet dignity of the Greek models. Her women are most womanly, modest and loving, and she conveys with much art the proper relation between the ' From the Strawberry Hill Catalogue. 1 24 Angelica Kauffmann. sexes, the dependence of the weaker on the stronger, which appeals very much to her masculine critics. It must be owned, how ever, that a little of this feebleness charac terizes her male personages. They are shy creatures ; some of them look like girls in men's clothes, and it would be impossible for her to portray a villain. However," he adds, "the colouring is very faulty, the background is monotonous, and a violet haze floats over the picture, which is very detrimental to its beauty," The moment chosen by Angelica is where Hector meets his spouse at the gates of Troy. His steps are already turned towards the camp. It seems that one more and he will be outside the city, but he has wavered at the voice of Andromache ; he has turned towards her, the left foot is loosely drawn back behind the right, and the lance which he holds is planted in the ground. He is consoling the half-fainting woman, who rests upon his shoulder. Her right arm is thrown round his neck, the other hangs down, and her hand seeks that of her Womanhood. 125 husband, who takes it in his clasp. She has just spoken : " Too daring Prince : Oh, whither dost thou run ? Ah ! too forgetful of thy wife and son ! And think'st thou not how wretched we shall be, A widow I— a helpless orphan he ! Thy wife, thy infant in thy danger share. Oh, prove a husband and a father's care ! " Pope's " Iliad." But now she is silent, nestling close to her beloved, searching his face, anxious to read if she may dare to hope. Hector is speaking those noble words : "Andromache, my soul's far better part, Why with untimely sorrow heaves thy heart ? No hostile hand can antedate my doom Till Fate consigns me to the silent tomb." The spectator can see that the hero has not made up his mind. Will he remain ? or will he tear himself away, from her loving embrace ? The uncertainty of this situation, when realistic in intensity, appeals very much to the heart, and is a great factor in art. Lessing availed himself of it with great success in his book dealing with the antique statue of the Laocoon. Angelica also exhibited this year a portrait 126 Angelica Kauffmann. of the president, done to order for his friend- Mr. Parker of Saltram, Mr. Taylor says it is (judged by the present standard) a weak and characterless piece of work, but it found great commenda tion in its day. This portrait must have been exhibited at the Society of Incorporated Artists, who had their show of pictures on May I oth this year.^ The Advertiser wrote of it in these terms : — ' While fair Angelica, with matchless grace, Paints Conway's lovely form and Stanhope's face, Our hearts to beauty willing homage pay, We praise, admire, and gaze our souls away. But when the likeness she has done for thee, O Reynolds, with astonishmtnt we see, Forced to submit with all our pride, we own Such strength, such harmony excelled by none ; And thou unrivalled by thyself alone." This painting of one another's portraits, ^ The Earl of Morley kindly allowed a photograph to be taken of this portrait, and, in opposition to Mr. Taylor's criticism, we venture to quote the judgment of other art critics who, when the portrait was exhibited at the Manchester Exhibition, pronounced the treatment to be unconventional and the colouring good. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. (From a portrait in the possession ofthe Earl of Morley.) To face page 126, Womanhood. 1 2 7 together with placing Angelica's name on the roll of Academicians, very naturally revived the old report, and set the gossips' tongues wagging, although now there could be no talk of a marriage.^ Mr. Forster in his " Life of Goldsmith," speaks of "Reynolds and his Angelica," and gives us the story of Dr. Baker's dinner in a rhyming letter from Goldsmith to his dear Horneck, in which he makes mention of Angelica's portrait of the president : —"So tell Horneck and Nesbitt And Baker and his bit And Kauffman beside And the Jessamy Bride. " But 'tis Reynolds's way From Wisdom to stray. And Angelica's whim To befrolick like him. But, alas, your good worships, how could they be wiser, When both have been spoiPd in to-day's ' Advertiser ' ? " The years '70 and '71 were full of work. To the exhibition of 1770 she sent four large pictures : '' Angelica not being able to get a divorce from Brandt, without going through the publicity of a trial. 128 Angelica Kauffmann. ii6. Vortigern enamoured with Rowena.' 117. Hector upbraiding Paris.^ 118. Cleopatra adorning the tomb of Mark Antony.' 119. Samma, the Demoniac, weeping over the ashes of his son. The subject of this last was taken from Klopstock's " Messiah," which the author had sent to her, and of which she writes to Sturz : — " May, 1 769. " I have much to thank you for, in the great honour our famous countryman has paid me in sending me his works. I had thought it would be too bold of me to offer my warm thanks, but now I have resolved to follow your advice and to write to him. I am going to venture further (still in accordance with your good counsels) and having chosen a subject from the ^ In the British Museum there is a proof engraving from the original which is in the possession of the Earl of Morley. It is counted one of her best as regards correct outlines. ^ Engraved by Thomas Burke. ' Engraved by Thomas Burke from the original, which was bought by George Bowles. This is well known to all print collectors. Womanhood, 129 ' Messiah,' I mean to paint it for the great composer. Oh, that I were able to express by my brush something of the majesty, the divine beauty of this glorious, this sacred theme ! I shall, however, attempt it, and should I succeed, I shall send my un worthy effort to my kind friend, Herr Klop- Stock." Sternberg damns this with the words *' full of false sentiment," but Horace Walpole,, in his Strawberry Hill catalogue, remarks : Not ill ; which, considering his notes are all in a depreciatory key, amounts to almost praise. This year, too, the portrait of General Stanwick's daughter, who was lost on her pasr sage from Ireland, had an iraraense success. It is full of tenderness and sensibility, and even Sternberg has to acknowledge its raerits : at the sarae time he takes care to add to his few words of praise his usual araount of unworthy criticism against the English people. "This picture," he says, "was the fore- K 130 Angelica Kauffmann. runner of an infinite number of pale, sen timental heroines and equally colourless heroes, meeting under a romantic moonlight in an English park. One can imagine nothing more cold and prudish than these compositions : nevertheless, they charmed all England for the reason that the English nation, which is outwardly prudish, but at heart immoral, adores a conventional hand ling of dangerous subjects. They like to have paintings hung in their drawing-rooms which will not cause a pulse to beat, and at which their young misses can gaze without blushing; in fact, they clothe art, and, to satisfy their absurd prudery, stifle genius.'' Without wishing to enter upon the inca pacity of the English nation to decide upon matters of art in the last century, one may venture to say in Angelica's defence, that the reproduction of her pictures by the best engravers of all countries must be an evidence that her work was possessed of merit, an evidence of greater value than would be the sale of her pictures. The engraver does for the painter what Womanhood. 131 the translator does for the author or poet, and it is not probable that a bad or indiffer ent writer would find translators from every nation competing for his book ! The list of the engravers who secured the copyright of her designs is a long one : — Bartolozzi,^ Facius, Ryland, Burke, Green, Watson, Scorodomoff, Dickinson, Laurie, Houston, Dauke, Berger, Smith, Porporati, Kruger, Durmer, Schiavonetti, Knight, Carattoni, Spilsbury, Taylor, Bryer, Cataneo, Morghen, Marcuard, Wrenk, Tomklns, Folo, Zucchi ; also the girl. Rose Lenoir, who engraved " Venus in her Chariot " at the age of fourteen. It is almost impossible to make a cor rect list of the proofs taken from her pictures and designs. Rossi makes it six hundred, without counting the English en gravers. The subject of her designs she generally took from history, ancient or modern. While in England she read constandy the ' For a list of those engraved by Bartolozzi, see Appendix, K 2 132 A ngelicct Kauffmann. English poets ; mythology and classical his tory were, however, nearer to her heart, and in dealing with Cupids, nymphs, Bacchantes, no one, except perhaps Albano, has ever sur passed her for delicacy and grace of design. Goethe talks of them as the children of an airy, loving imagination, " Executed by the pencil of fascination," says Pasquin, " and the colouring is in the chastest Italian school." I would draw attention especially to a vig nette, " Die Gekrankte Liebe " — sometimes called " Aglala ^ bound by Cupid " — also " L'Amour dort," " Garde a vous," " Cupid Asleep," and " Cupid disarmed by Euphro syne.' ' ' ' Cupid drying Psyche's tears " extorts the warmest praise from Sternberg, who acknowledges that "design" was the artist's real merit. " Her talent," he says, " lay in elegance and delicacy." There are two Cupid* pictures in the Kensington Museum. The anatOniy of both is as usual faulty, the arm of the woman being singularly out of drawing. The colouring, ' Aglaia the bright one. One of the nymphs or charities. ^ Cupid's Pastime should be the name of the pictures. Womanhood. 1 33 however, is charming, the soft yellows d^- cious, and the malicious expression on the Cupid's face most humorous, Mary Moser wrote a pleasant, chatty letter to Fuseli, still in Rome, telling him all the news of the Exhibition of 1770, in which she says, " Reynolds was like himself in pictures which you have seen. Gains borough beyond himself in a ' Portrait of a Gentleman,' in a Vandyke habit ; Zoffany superior to everybody in a portrait of ' Garrick, as Abel Drugger,' with two other figures. Subtle and Face. Angelica made a very great addition to the show, and Mr, Hamil ton's ^ ' Briseis Parting from Achilles ' was much admired," 1 77 1. At the third exhibition of the Academy, Leslie says Angelica's pictures were amongst the best. Again she had four large canvases : 113. The Interview of King Edgar with Elfrida after her marriage with Athelwold. 114. Acontio and Adippe. 115. Return of Telemachus (Odyssey), II 6. Erminia finds Tancred wounded. Also a Portrait of a Lady. ' Hamilton was a pupil of Antonio Zucchi, 134 Angelica Kattffmann. ^ " ' The Interview between Edgar and Elfrida,' "says Sternberg, "raised Angelica's reputation in England to the highest point. Ryland engraved it in the so-called Schwarz Kunst (Mezzotinto), and no collection of engravings is without it," He adds, in a grudging manner, that the drawing of the figures is correct, and the grouping original and effective, but that there is a certain cold ness, and the formSj although beautiful, are wanting in life, Horace Walpole finds very little expression in it. At this exhibition appeared West's great picture, "The Death of Wolfe," the first high art picture that represented a contem porary event. It caused a reaction against the classical and allegorical style, which, Leslie says, " never took any real hold of the English mind, but that in spite of the cold re ception given to Grecian gods and goddesses, Angelica Kauffmann and Barry persisted in sending in, year after year, mythological pictures." He might have added Reynolds, and West ' In the possession of the Earl of Morley at Saltram. Womanhood. 135 himself, who, the very next year, relapsed into the classical. In Peter Pindar's bitter "Odes to the Academicians," in which he satirizes all the leading artists, he gives a touch to Angelica's Grecian foible : — " Angelica my plaudit gains. Her wit so sweetly canvas stains. Her dames so Grecian give me such delight ; But were she married to such males As figure in her painted tales," etc. CHAPTER VI. 1771 — 1776. WOMANHOOD. In the autumn of 177 1 Angelica visited Ireland. She had several commissions from noble patrons, amongst the number that of the Viceroy, whose portrait she was commis sioned to paint. Getting to Dublin a hundred and twenty years ago was not such an easy matter as it is now-a-days ; it took four days to reach there, even if you secured a passage from Parkgate in the Lord- Lieutenant's yacht, a matter of favour, although it cost five guineas. It was thirty years before the Union, when Angelica paid this visit to the Irish capital, which was then the pleasantest in the three kingdoms, the mimic court being Womanhood. 137 infinitely gayer than the more decorous one at St, James's,^ The nobility had fine houses, elegantly decorated ; * they spent their money in a princely fashion, gave orders without stint, and what they could not pay for they charged upon the family estates. In Lord Cbarlemont's letters, lately pub lished by Mr. Gilbert, one sees what a mag nificent nobleman he was : the freightage of his books, his statues, his pictures, his marbles, cost a small fortune, and his example was ' The vice-Kings were oftentimes jovial, and permitted somew;hat of a saturnalia to prevail— as when the game of Cutchacutchoo was introduced and was in high favour at the Castle. "Two recesses were fitted up at the end of the grand saloons, and here behind a curtain the ladies prepared their toilet for the sport. In a moment the floor was crowded with ' belles,' ' dowagers,' and ' beaux,' hopping about in the sitting attitude required by the game. Great was the laughter when a gentle dame of high degree was capsized by the heavier assault of a stouter rival. Presently, as the fun waxed more furious, dresses were torn, hair disordered, paint on the fair faces began to rub off, and the whole became a romp," ' Most of these houses were designed in Castle's * -massive style, the interiors being decorated by foreign artists, and the ceilings, friezes, and chimney-pieces the work of Italian stuccoists who had been imported into Dublin. * An architect of great merit. 1 38 Angelica Kauffmann. emulated by Lord Powerscourt, the Duke of Leinster,^ Mr. La Touche, Lord Meath, and many others. Most of these houses are now Government offices, and are gutted (either by sale or removal) of their works of art, but the friezes, ceilings, staircases, still remain, and are most elegant in design, being chiefly the work of either Marinari or Verpyle. The chimney-pieces are, many of them, Wedg wood's. In Lord Ely's house, in Ely Place, they are of such value that the late marquis, although he had long since parted with the lease, preserved his right in them, and would periodically send skilled artists to see they were not tampered with.* ' At the time when Leinster House was built, there were neither squares nor many houses on the south side of the city. From the windows of the Earl of Kildare's mansion, in Merrion Square, you could see on a fine day the ships in Dunleary Harbour— six miles distant. But soon magnificent mansions rose as by a magician's wand, Lord Meath came from High Street to Stephen's Green, Lord Powerscourt to William Street, Lord Antrim and others to Merrion Square, Lord Mornington to Merrion Street, Lord Clonmel to Harcourt Street, the Marquis of Ely to Ely Place, etc. 2 Here, too, the wrought-iron staircase is rare, so, too, are the panelled walls with family pictures let in. For beauty, however. Lord Ely's House does not equal Powerscourt House, where the friezes, ceilings, and staircase are most elegant; there is also a Venetian Womanhood. 1 39 It was at one of these fine houses that Angelica stayed on arriving in Dublin ; she was the guest of Mrs. Clayton, the wife of the Bishop of Clogher, the friend of Swift and Dr. Delany. The Bishop's house was in Stephen's Green, on the south side, with a very handsome frontage, something like Devonshire House ; the apartments were well furnished with gold-coloured damask, with busts and portraits brought by the Bishop from Italy. Mrs. Delany says, " the Claytons saw the best of company, and kept a .handsome table : six dishes of meat at dinner, and six at supper ! " From the Claytons the artist went as a guest to the Attorney-General, Tisdall, who lived in Molesworth Street, a man of extra vagant habits. She likewise visited Lord window of very beautiful design. In Mr. Latouche's house,* in Merrion Square, the chimney-pieces let in with Wedgwood's elegant designs, are delightful j and all through the old houses in Dublin there were formerly chimney-pieces enriched by this famous artist. They have, however, gradually disappeared, having been, in most cases, sold to English brokers ; so, too, with the carvings, and, in many cases, with the pictures and frescoes. * Now the residence of Sir John Banks, K.C.B. T40 Angelica Kauffmann. and Lady Ely, at Rathfarnham Castle, Lady Caroline Daraer, an old acquaintance, at Emo, in the Queen's County, besides many others. Everywhere she was received with the greatest distinction — more as a friend than an artist ; her portrait of Lord Town shend making her the fashion, . The Irish Viceroy was a gallant soldier, frank, convivial, abounding in humour of a somewhat coarse kind, and not always in keep ing with the dignity of the position he held. His capricious, uncertain temper offended the higher order. Horace Walpole gives him the worst of characters; according to him "he was proud, insolent, sarcastic, ill-tempered, and ill-natured, stooping to the lowest buffoonery, and debasing the Government he represented, while he drove the Opposition to resistance by his absurd and profligate conduct." ^ ' The Townshends were made of very uncertain, unre liable stuff. Charles, the brother of the Viceroy, the wit and statesman of the family, being one of those political meteors, whose brilliancy is outweighed by a total want of ballast, which renders them too erratic to be depend able. The mother, Audrey, or, as she chose to call herself, Etheldreda, had an astonishing wit, but little prudence. Womanhood. 141 He had been a widower for two years, but was not inconsolable. In his picture he appears surrounded by his numerous family. Angelica had the singular idea of placing him with his youngest child in his arms before a large looking-glass, in which he is showing the infant its own image ; the double effect is cleverly conveyed. Another portrait of greater interest, which Angelica painted, was that of the beautiful Dolly Monroe, niece to Lady Ely,^ whom Lord Townshend was supposed to admire. Besides this portrait, which will be found facing page 142,* Angelica ' " I remember, in my juvenile days," writes Mr, Caleb Powell, " to have seen a full-length portrait, at Rathfarnham Castle, of the beautiful Dolly Monroe, and a relative of hers told me that Lord Townshend pre-; tended to her aunt. Lady Ely, that his object was to captivate Miss Monroe, and prevail upon her to become Lady Townshend, a delusion he kept up until Lady Ely had induced her lord to give his parliamentary support (about the strongest in the House of Commons) to Lord Townshend's administration; but, to Lady Ely's great mortification, the Viceroy married Miss Montgomery, whose portrait, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, was certainly not as handsome as that of Miss Monroe."—-/". C. Filz- patrick's Portfolio. ' The beauty of Dolly Monroe was well nigh as cele brated in her day as that of the famous Miss Gunnings. Mr. Forster, in his " Life of Goldsmith," says the poet' 1^2 Angelica Kauffmann. also painted a large canvas, with four figures — the Earl with his Countess, Miss Monroe in the foreground of the picture leaning over the clavichord, and Angelica at the instruraent. The picture is too rnuch crowded, but- it is interesting from its vicissitudes. During the troubled times which befell Ireland in 1798, Rathfarnham Castle was tenanted by a dairyman, who made the banqueting hall into a stable for his cattle. Later it passed into the possession of Chief Justice Blackburne, whose son is the present owner. When improvements were being made sorae years ago, the oak panellings were teraporarily removed, and the family portraits were found concealed. The late marquis presented the Ely group to the National Gallery of Dublin, where it is now ; devoted his verse to her charms. He introduces her name in the " Haunch of Venison " : — " Of the neck and the breast I had next to dispose, 'Twas a neck arid a breast that might rival M-r-e's." The sketch of her presented here was contributed by the late Mr. Henry Doyle, C.B., Director of the National Gallery, Dublin, from the original portrait by Angelica. It was bought for the gallery two years ago, when the Marquis of Ely's sale took place at Messrs; Christie's. DOLLY MONROE. (From a sketch by the late Henry Doyle, C.B., Director of the National Gallery, Dublin, from the painting by Angelica KaufTmann.) To face page 142. Womanhood. 143 it was considered to be by Reynolds, until Mr. Henfy Doyle, the then Director of the Gallery, discovered the signature, A. Kauff mann. At Emo there are several portraits by her, all in good preservation. Besides " Lady Caroline Damer, and her husband. Lord Milton," she painted several replicas of the Duke and Duchess of Dorset, and presented Lady Caroline with a portrait of herself ^ Rossi says, she received such a multitude of orders for historical pictures and portraits while in Ireland, that she found the only way was to sketch in the heads, by this means satisfying her patrons, and reserving the completion of the work until she had leisure to do it justice, " The Death of Sylvia's Stag," painted for Justice Downes of the Queen's Bench ; two beautiful portraits of Lord Ferrard and his son, which are at Antrim Castle ; " Mrs, Bous- field," in the possession of Mr. Bagwell, of Marlfield, County Tipperary ; " Mrs. Cle ments," with a naked infant on her knee, in the possession of Colonel Clements, are about the ' There is also at Emo a table of her work. 144 Angelica Kauffmann. best known of her portraits. The amount of decorative work done by Angelica, during her stay in Dublin, in the way of ceilings, door- panels, tables, etc., seems almost incredible. Unfortunately, the delicacy of her method, and the fading of the colours she used, to gether with the neglect which shortly after befell all of beauty and art in the ill-fated country, have caused much of her work to be irrecoverably lost. There still remains, how ever, a good deal of her beautiful decoration : notably, in Lord Meath's house, in Stephen's Green (now the property of the Church Tem poralities), where the ceilings are elaborately painted by her, with emblematic figures in the four corners of the centre. The doors, too, are prettily decorated, the work being as fresh as if done yesterday. In an outer room there are frescoes, of which both the subject and the author are said to be un known; but anyone conversant with Angelica's style would have little hesitation in attribut ing them to her. They are weakly drawn, and carelessly handled, but the very faults show thern to be hers ; and the subject of Womanhood. 145 one, at all events, was a favourite theme with her.^ At 18, Rutland Square, formerly Lord Farnham's, and now the residence of Lord James Butler, the ceilings are painted by her, also at Lord Longford's, in the same square. The best of her work is to be found at Dr. Mahaffy's, in North Great George's Street, where the medallions are painted on canvas, and laid into niches made for them in the "Aveco " ; here the subjects are her favourite Greeks. It is pleasant to think that, in this instance, her work is in the hands of one of the best Greek scholars of our day, Dr. Mahaffy, of Trinity College. Angelica's stay in Ireland lasted over six months. She returned to London in time to exhibit, at the May Exhibition of 1772, " Andromache and Hecuba weeping over Hector's ashes," a gloomy, uninteresting sub ject ; " Rinaldo and Armida," "La Penserosa," a whole length of a lady in Italian dress, and a Bishop ! " They made very little mark ; the ' A shepherd moralizing while peasants dance in the distance. ' Doctor. Robinson, Pri-nate of Ireland, afterwards created Baron Rokeby. 146 Angelica Kattffmann. president had six of his best pictures, and Zoffany's "Academicians," which was this year in the Academy, deservedly absorbed all attention. To her other occupations she now added those of etching and engraving. The former she had practised in her girlhood. There are about thirty-five plates of hers extant,^ which are proofs that in this line she would have distinguished herself The outlines are well defined, and the shadows brought out with a firm touch ; the aquafortis used with intelli gence. With this method she had produced a good picture of Winckelmann, which was this year engraved by Ryland, Bernsdorff, writing to Denmark, says, " Angelica has given me a charming present of some etch ings of her own doing, which are not to be had in any print shop. Amongst these, I am particularly pleased with a likeness of our Winckelmann. He sits at his desk, his pen in his hand, searching with his eagle eye to ' For a list of these thirty-five plates, see Appendix. They are very valuable, as after she left England Angelica gave up etching. Womanhood. 147 discover in Apollo's nose, or the Torso of Hercules, where lay their contempt for the gods." ^ Another etching of equal merit was one of " Raphael," and a half length of" Hope," which she gave to the Academy of St. Luke, in 1 765 ; " A Madonna and Child," in 1 773, and in 1 776, two fine etched copper-plates, also a picture of "St. Peter" after Guido, the original of which is in the Monastery of Sampiere, at Bologna : this she perfected with the assistance of Joseph (or Giuseppe) Zucchi the engraver, and it was published in London in 1776, the plate bearing the name of both artists. . A good many of the thirty-five plates have — "eadem et Joseph Zucchi ; " these last are finished with a graving tool. Some of them are very fine — " Calypso and Ulysses," " Urania," " Sappho conversing with Homer," from a picture by Antonio Zucchi, which is a masterpiece of free treatment. Also the " Haarflechterinn,*' or Hairplaiter, which is well known to all collectors. This is also etched in Scheide- wasser, or aquafortis, and has the date 1765. * From Sturz's Biography. L 2 148 Angelica Kauffmann. After she came to England she gave up aquafortis, and adopted the English method of aquatint, in which she was not so success ful. Biraldi says that the great English engravers, BoydeU Brothers, of Cheapside, bought the coppers upon which her first im pressions were printed ; she retouched these for them, and in 1780, after putting them through the aquatint ^ process, they were reproduced. This process is sometimes called a la maniere de lavis. In 1773 we find her varying her usual con tribution of immortals, by sending to the May Exhibition * only two mythological pictures, the others being portraits and a Holy F'amily. Considering Angelica's well-known piety, it was strange how seldom her brush was devoted to heavenly subjects. An altar- piece for the Parish Church at Schwartzen berg ; the frescoes of the Twelve Apostles, and one or two Holy Families, are all she ' This process consisted in pouring over the copper a preparation which bit, so to speak, into the work. For this purpose the engravers used salt sand mixed with gum, etc. It was only used in England. ' See Appendix for complete list of exhibits. Womanhood. 149 has left in this direction. Nevertheless, she would have seemed eminently fitted by the spiritual tone of her mind to portray Celestial Love, and the Beatitude of the Saints. A French writer says, " Her heads have much of the divine, majestic beauty of Guido, and had she preferred Heaven to Olympus, she would have attained a far higher degree of perfec tion." The explanation lies in her reverence for sacred subjects, to which she considered her self unworthy to give expression. In one of her note-books she wrote : " One day, when I found it impossible to convey to my canvas any idea of the majesty of Almighty God, I threw down my brush, saying, Never agairi shall I attempt to interpret the Divine, which is impossible to human inspiration, I shall reserve the attempt for the time when I shall enjoy Heaven, supposing always that there should be such an art as painting there." If Reynolds's noble idea of decorating St. Paul's Cathedral with scriptural subjects had come into effect, Angelica's powers in this line would have been tested. It was in this 1 50 Angelica Kauffmann. year that this project was ventilated, and re ceived the hearty approval of both the king and Archbishop of Canterbury. The artists were chosen, Reynolds was to paint " The Nativity," and Barry, Dance, Cipriani, and Angelica Kauffmann, were each to take a subject. Unfortunately, the narrow-minded bigotry of Terrick, Bishop of London, defeated this noble conception. Everyone knows his answer ; " I would rather close the doors of the Cathedral for ever, than open them to admit Popery," "Accordingly," as Thackeray says, "the most clumsy heathen sculptures decorate the edifice." During 1773, and the years that followed, Angelica's work as a portrait-painter in creased. Her studio was crowded with fashionable sitters ; portraits painted during that time by her were "The Duke and Duchess of Richmond," " Jane Maxwell (Duchess of Gordon)," " Earl and Countess of Derby," " Countess of Albemarle," " Marchioness of Lothian," ^ " Honourable Charlotte Clive," ^ ' Exhibited at the Royal Academy, i888, Marquis cf Lothian. . » Exhibited at the N,P.E., 1867, Earl of Powis. Womanhood. 1 5 1 " the Duke of Gordon," ^ "Alleyne Fitz Her bert," ^ the lovely " Lady Georgiana " and " Lady Henrietta," with Viscount Althorp, only son, and daughters of John, ist Earl Spencer.' (There is another portrait of the " Duchess of Devonshire," in a white dress and large white hat, which belonged to Lord Howard de Walden, and was sold in 1869, for 162/.) Mrs. Hartley's lovely face and lithe, tall, delicious figure, had won her in a short time the leading place at Covent Garden Theatre, and her picture by Angelica, which is now in the Garrick Club, is wonderfully graceful, and little inferior to that done by Sir Joshua of the same lady. Another sitter, Mrs, Damer, was equally well known in the fashionable world. She was the " Infanta " of the etters of H, Walpole, whose friendship for her father, Field-Marshal Conway, is a refreshing trait in his cynical worldliness, Mrs. Damer was everythingbytums, a dilettante artistof ex- ' Exhibited at the Art Treasures, 1857, Duke of Richmond. = Exhibited at the N.P.E., 1867, Sir W. Fitzherbert. ' For particulars of exhibitions, see Appendix, 152 Angelica Kauffmann. ceptional'talent, and one of a group of" Pretty Fellows," with the Duchess of Ancaster, Mrs. Crewe and Mrs, Bouverie, at the Pantheon, Angelica's portrait of Mrs, Damer is in the possession of Captain Frederick Erskine Johnston, and is a far more graceful, pleasing likeness than the prim picture painted by Sir Joshua of the same lady. The portraits the artist executed of herself are numerous.^ Some were orders, others gifts to friends, as in the case of Klopstock and Bernini. There is one of her at Althorp, another at Emo — both presented to her good patrons. Lord Spencer and Lady Caroline Damer. She gave one to Isabella, Duchess of Rutland, one to the Academy of St. Luke, another to the Ufiizii Gallery at Florence, Lord Rosebery has one at Mentmore. The Earl pf Home exhibited a portrait of her at the N.P.E. of 1867. So did the Rev. J. E. Waldy. Mr. J. Stokes has one. Mr. Cheesman exhibited one at the Suffolk Street Exhibition of 1833. Many of these self portraits have found their ' See supplement to Appendix. Womanhood. 153 way to the sale room. In 1879 a beautiful portrait of her with Clio was bought at the Bowles-Rushout ^ sale by Lord Leven and Melville for 160/., and in 1876 Mr. Henry Graves, the well-known picture dealer of Pall Mall, bought an oval portrait for 100 guineas.^ She gave a large full-length portrait of herself to the Dresden Gallery, as a Vestal ; to Berlin also she presented one, in which she is dressed in an ideal costume, half Muse, half Bacchante. Her head is crowned with laurels, the dress covered with flowers, with a gold girdle and bracelets, and an expression of archness, although somewhat affected, suits the beautiful face ; the colour ing, which is reddish-brown, recalls that of Mengs, her early master. "From this pic ture," says Sternberg, " one would hardly say that she had been a beauty ; her charm lay in her youth, her freshness, and expression." To her father's native village of Schwart zenberg she presented a portrait of herself * For particulars of Bowles-Rushout sale, see catalogue. ' Mr. Graves sold this portrait to the National Portrait Gallery, where it now is. 154 Angelica Kauffmann. in the dress of her own canton, a copy of which will be found on the first page. In this, as in all her portraits, the extraordinary length of her mouth is remarkable. In addition to her portraits, Angelica for years never missed exhibiting at the Academy her classical or historical pictures. In 1774 Leslie ill-naturedly says " Angelica Kauffmann as usual in a great expanse of washy canvases, six classicals and a portrait."^ In 1775 she sent six classicals and five portraits ; of the former were — Sappho. The Despair of Achilles. Rinaldo and Armida (Tasso). Andromache fainting at the sight of Eneas (Virgil). The Return of Telemachus (Odyssey xvii.). Horace Walpole says of the " Despair of Achilles " ^ that it was " Very good," but ^ The catalogues of the Academy from 1769, which are in the British Museum, were a bequest from Mr. Anderdon, who enriched the collection with all manner of details and portraits (Grangerizing, as it is now called). His remarks are caustic and amusing; he is always giving hits at Angelica, who, he says, had long and beautiful fingers. Of this year's exhibition he says, seven of the Lady Angelica's work, including Sappho. ^ From the Strawberry Hill Catalogue, Womanhood. 1 55 against the " Return of Telemachus " is written " Very ill," It was indeed impos sible all could be good, for in addition to these she contributed other pictures and portraits ) — eleven in all. In consequence, perhaps, of this large supply, there was some fuss as to the hang ing. Her father, who was growing old and fidgety, harassed her with suspicions as to unfairness, and Angelica carried her com plaints to Sir Joshua, who took her to see that justice had been done. He also replaced the four which had been omitted, and which are to be found in the appendix to the Academy Catalogue for 1775. This year was marked by one of those un deserved insults which low natures have it in their power to inflict upon those who suffer most keenly from being dragged before the public. To Angelica, especially, who had endured so much already, and whose peculiar position made her shrink from notoriety, it was doubly painful to be included in Hone's malevolent attack upon the President of the Academy. This artist, whose small raind was 156 Angelica Kauffmann. full of envy for those who succeeded better than himself, regarded Reynolds with jealous eyes. He considered that he stole all his ideas from the old Masters, and resolved that the world in general should be acquainted with the theft.^ He sent to the exhibition of 1775 a picture called "The Pictorial Con jurer displaying the whole art of Optical Deception." This picture has been variously described as an old man with a wand in his hand, commanding the engravings, which Reynolds used,^ to rise out of the flames ; or as an old man with a wand in his hand and a child leaning on' his knee, performing in cantations by means of which a number of sketches, from which Reynolds had taken hints, were made to float on the air round the wizard. When the picture was sent in, the Council of the Academy decided to reject it, not so much for the sneer at the President, but ' There was some truth in the allegation, It is now well known that Sir Joshua borrowed very freely from the old Italian school. An instance in point is " Mrs. Sheridan as St. Cecilia," in which the idea is a distinct plagiarism. Womanhood. 157 because of an alleged likeness in one of the floating sketches to AngeKca, who was repre sented as a nude figure. There was general disgust at such a wanton attack. Angelica had plenty of friends to take up her defence, and to protest against this insult to a woman who was worthy of ¦all respect.^ Hone being thus put in the wrong, wrote to Angelica : — " Madam, — The evening before last I was not a little surprised at a deputation from the Council of the Academy, acquainting me that you were most prodigiously displeased at my making a naked academy figure in my picture of ' The Conjurer,' now at the Royal Academy, representing your person. I immediately perceived some busy medler,'' to say no worse, had imposed this extravagant lie, of whose making God knows, upon your understanding. To convince you. Madam, that your figure in that composition was the ' This striking at Reynolds through Angelica would seem to lend a colour to the suspicion that Hone had been engaged in the " complot " or conspiracy to which the foreign writers allude. See page 102. ' Hone's spelling. 1 58 Angelica Kauffmann. farthest from my thoughts, I now declare I never at any time saw your works but with the greatest pleasure and that respect due to a lady whom I esteem as the first of her sex in painting, and the loveliest of women in person. Envy and detraction must have worked strangely, for yesterday morning some more gentlemen from the Academy assured me that your uneasiness was very great. I assured them I could sO far alter the figure that it would be impossible to suppose it a woman, though they cleared me of such a supposition themselves, as they understood it to be a male figure, and that I could put a beard to it or even dress it to satisfy you and them. I did myself the honour of calling twice, when I had the mis fortune not to meet you yesterday at your house, purposely to convince you how much you have been mistaken, as you will perceive when you see the picture itself, and likewise to convince you with how much respect, " I am. Madam, "Your most obedient, humble servant, " N. Hone." Womanhood. 159 To this Angelica replied in the following dignified manner : — " Sir, — I cannot conceive why several gentlemen who never before deceived me should conspire to do so at this time, and if they themselves were deceived, you cannot wonder that others should be deceived also, and take for satire that which you say was not intended. I was actuated, not only by my particular feelings, but a respect for the arts and artists, and I persuade myself you cannot think it a great sacrifice to remove a picture that has even raised suspicion of dis respect to any person who never wished to offend you." Hone, however, thought otherwise ; he persisted in his determination to appeal against the sentence of rejection, and when he was outvoted, he took a room at 70, St. Martin's Lane, and there exhibited "The Conjurer." The matter did not drop here. Hone, who was resolved to give as much publicity as he could to the affair, appeared before Mr, Addington, the Middlesex magis- i6o Angelica Kauffmann. trate, and made an affidavit, to which he attached the accompanying — " N.B. — The figure said to have been Mrs. Angelica Kauffmann is not only taken out, but all the other naked figures, lest they should be said to be likenesses of any par ticular lady or gentleman which Mr. Hone never meant, as the merit of the picture does not depend upon a few smoked Academy pictures or even those well-dressed gentlemen who supply the place of those figures said to be indecent, though Mr. Hone had shown the picture to ladies of the most refined taste at his own house." Notwithstanding these disclaimers, the sense of the respectable portion of the artist world was against Hone and his picture. He was looked upon coldly afterwards, Nollekens some years later expressed the general opinion : " You are always running a rig against Sir Joshua," he says, " and you may say what you please, but I have never had any opinion of you since you painted that picture of ' The Conjurer,' as you called it ; and pray what business had you to bring Womanhood. 1 6 1 Angelica into it ? " for the rest it was soon for gotten. It was originally bought by a French nobleman, who resold it in 1790 to Knight, under thetitleof "A Conjurer, a well-known Satirical Subject," for 15/, 15^., since which time it has been consigned to well- deserved oblivion. M CHAPTER VII. 1776-1781. WOMANHOOD. For the Academy of 1 776 Angelica varied her usual programme by sending only one classical subject, and two taken from English history: No. 155, "Eleanor sucking the Poison from the wound of Edward I." ; No. 156, " Elizabeth Grey imploring of Edward IV, the Restitution of her Husband's Lands." In 1777 Leslie says Angelica was liberal of her sentimentalities, the reason for this stricture being that she exhibited one of "Sterne's Maria," and also " Sylvia lament ing over the favourite Stag." Both were 'very popular. In the following year she struck new ground with '' Leonardo da Vinci expiring in the arms of Francis the First," and in 1779 Womanhood. 163 exhibited a large canvas, the " Death of Procris," together with some insignificant pictures, one being "Conjugal Peace,". ex emplified by two ducks in a basket. In 1780 she produced, in addition to four classicals, a large allegorical picture of "Reli gion." The catalogue sets forth that the sub ject was taken from the " Temple of Virtue," written by her friend, J. Fordyce.^ The Earwig, an amusing satirical paper of the day, criticizing Angelica's work, remarks that her allegories have too much the air of basso-relievo, in which work her designs have often been employed with better success than any of the Moderns. Later Canova made use of her design, " Cupid drying Psyche's tears with her own hair," when the full beauty of the grouping was brought into view. Mention has been made of Angelica's illustrations and decorations. Both were becoming a great feature of art in England, ' James Fordyce, Minister of Alloa, D.D., a well- .known divine. The " Temple of Virtue " was an allegorical poem. M 2 J 64 Angelica Kattffmann. The vignettes of the books of the day were designed by the best artists, and men like George Taylor, Carington Bowles, and the Boydells spared no expense in bringing out the finest illustrations, in all of which Angelica took a prominent part. In her series of " Moral Emblems," published by Taylor she produced some beautiful designs, notably, " Life," " Omnia Vanitas,'" and " Hope," ^ which last was engraved by Ryland. These moral emblems were always accompanied by a few words from the artist, which shows how well she could express herself even in a language not her own. "The most forcible idea of Hope is to imagine a period when that virtue only is, or can be, in action. I have therefore repre sented Hope as a woman, supporting the head of a dying pilgrim, and cheering him with the expectation of a future felicity and glory, towards which she points, I have introduced an anchor as an emblem of Hope ' The original of " Hope " is in St. Luke's Academy, at Rome; it was painted in 1764. Womanhood. 165 (although it is seldom a graceful object in a picture), as well because it is an emblem generally received, as because St. Paul, speaking of Hope, terms it an anchor of the ^soul, nor is the improbability of its intro duction so glaring in this scene, which repre sents the ocean side." The vignettes and frontispieces of Bell's " Poets of Great Britain," and " CoUins's Eclogues," together with vignettes and fron tispieces of novels, and a series of engravings called " Practical Exercises and Morning Amusements," came into her work during these years. Hamilton published a volume entitled " Angelica's Ladies' Library," a col lection of excellent tales illustrated by the artist and H. Bunbury, the amateur carica turist. This book had a great success ; the little oval woodcuts are charming. Angelica likewise designed fans such as ladies then carried, and concert and masque rade tickets, some of which were engraved by Bartolozzi. Her most important undertaking, how ever, some years later was the illustrations 1 66 Angelica Kauffmann. for Boydell's ^ " Shakespeare Gallery," to which all the first artists of the day con tributed — West, Copley, Romney, Reynolds and " Fuseli." Angelica's share was limited to two scenes, one from the " Two Gentlemen of Verona ; " the other from " Troilus and Cressida." In 1780, the same year as the Gordon Riots, the Academy, to whose first exhibi tion in Pall Mall she had contributed her pic ture " Hector and Andromache," moved its abode to Somerset House, the front wing facing the Strand, where now the prosaic Government offices are installed. The entrance was from the vestibule. The ex hibition room for Sculpture was on the ground floor, and was not ornamented. The ceiling of the library was enriched with a painting by the President, a figure of Theory holding a scroll, with the words, "Theory is the knowledge of what is truly Nature."^ There were four figures by Cipriani * See Supplement to Appendix for original letter to Alderman BoydeU. ' When the Royal Academy was removed from Trafalgar Square to its present habitation the paintings Womanhood. .167 in the coves. In the lecture room, where the ceiling was by West, the Graces were in the centre, the Elements round them. At each end of the ceiling four figures, of Genius, Design, Composition, and Painting, were by Angelica, who ^ " exerted her very strongest powers in these pieces, which possess an infinite deal of character and sweetness. Genius is finely represented leaning upon the celestial globe, and expressing rapture of invention. We view the very character which Shakespeare has described : " ' The Poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from Heaven to Earth, from Earth to Heaven, And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the Poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name.' " Leslie also says ^ " that these pieces were painted in a more masterly style than any by West, Reynolds, and Angelica were also carried thither. " Design " can be seen in the Diploma Gallery, set in an oval frame ; it is the figure of a young girl drawing from a torso. The three other designs are in the cellars ! ' From the Earwig. ' Leslie's " Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds." i68 Angelica Kauffmann. of Angelica's former productions ; " perhaps, he adds, " they are more beautiful because less finished." This was about the last work of importance undertaken by Angelica in England, and it is a proof of the high consideration she was held in by those who were capable of judging. Envious and neglected artists would allege that it was the powerful influence of fashion able patrons which procured her this associa tion with men like Reynolds and West ; the answer to this is in the work itself, which is still to be seen. 1 780 was to be the beginning of a great change in Angelica's life. The miserable man who had crossed her path fourteen years before, and blighted her happiness, died in poverty abroad. His death came at an opportune moment, when Angelica had given an unwilling assent to her father's wish for a dissolution of her unfortunate marriage. For many years she had ascer tained that her union, from a theological point of view, had not been a valid one. The bishops of her own Church were of one Womanhood. 169 mind as to this. It was only her dislike to re-opening the wretched story, which was almost forgotten, that stood in the way of her freedom. But this year she had allowed some steps to be taken towards obtaining the Pope's consent to hearing the matter " in camera," It is hard to say why, after so many years of refusal, she did agree to this. It might have been the perpetual harping of old Joseph on the point, or perhaps she still had a hope that Sir Joshua's kindness might take a warmer phase, were she known to be free. But in the year that followed Brandt's death, she had time to learn that her wishes had cheated her into believing what did not exist. This may have had something to do with her listening to the proposals of another suitor, Antonio Zucchi, who, report said, had long been in love with her. The Zucchis, Antonio and Joseph, were old friends of the Kauffmanns, They came of an ancient Venetian family, which had, however, fallen upon evil times.^ Both ' There is in the British Museum an old Italian memoir of the head of the house. J 70 Angelica Kauffmann. brothers had come to London to seek their fortune, and had secured a fair amount of consideration. Antonio,^ the elder, was not in the first rank of artists, but he was a meritorious painter of architectural subjects,^ and had been elected an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1770. He was a proud, reserved man, remark able for his uprightness. Rossi distinctly says, "He never aspired to Angelica, but was very much in her society, as she often worked in the same studio with him and his brother Joseph, the engraver. Old Kauff mann, casting about for a husband for his child, thought well of Antonio, knowing his character." Fourteen summers had come and gone ' Zucchi had formed one of the party who accom panied Adam, the architect, to Dalmatia, to study the architectural remains of that beautiful city. In his younger days he must have had some charm, for he had, it was said, several advantageous offers of marriage, and ladies of position fell in love with him. ^ In the Knowsley collection there are two large pic tures by Antonio Zucchi, painted for the 12th Earl of Derby, in commemoration of the marriage of Lord Stanley with Lady Betty Hamilton. They are in Piranesi's style. Womanhood. 1 7 1 since the June day in 1 766 when Angelica had first seen London. Much had happened, many changes in friends and lovers ; changes most of all in herself. The brilliant girl, with life before her, and "a wallet full of hopes and anticipations," was now a sad- eyed, careworn woman, who had suffered much, and learned the bitterness of disap pointment. Still she was content ; she had lived on in Golden Square, looking at the dingy houses, the dusty trees, her days full of work, her brush ever in her hand. Now and again there would corae a longing to her for the Italian sky which she loved so well, but the idea of a journey to Italy, with her father in his feeble state, deterred her from putting her desire into execution.* Joseph Kauffmann was getting very old. The climate of England did not agree with him ; moreover, he had suffered a good deal from the annoyance of the ' Other motives weighed with Angelica in her wish to leave England. The favour of the public is ever fickle, and there was no doubt her popularity was on the wane ; new stars had risen, Mrs. Cosway was now the favourite of the hour. 1 72 Angelica Kauffmann. Hone business. He felt anxious as to his daughter's future, for if he died she would have no protector. Common friends conveyed to Zucchi that were he to seek Angelica for a wife, he would have her father's consent to the marriage, which, for the rest, was suitable and advantageoiis to him. He therefore made his proposals, which Angelica, out of obedience to her father, accepted. In September Zucchi wrote to Sir Rowland Winn, one of his patrons, to announce his approaching marriage * : — " The report you heard of the intention I have to enter on the conjugal state is not without foundation, and I hope it will contri bute much to my felicity, as the person who is to be my companion is in every respect agreeable to my wishes, and her merit as an artist is sufficiently known to the world by the number of prints published after her works. I shall take the liberty to send a ' The letter given here is one of great interest. It was found amongst the correspondence of Sir Rowland Winn by the present owner of Nostell Priory, Lord St. Oswald : it is a proof that Zucchi's feelings were not much engaged, but that he considered his marriage a good speculation. Womanhood. 173 specimen of them to your house in St. James' Square, and shall likewise add a print of her own portrait painted by Sir J. Reynolds, and engraved by Bartolozzi. " Anthony Zucchi. " London, September 6th, 1780." The marriage and the journey to Italy were, however, alike postponed by the serious illness of Joseph Kauffmann. In a letter Angelica wrote at this time to her friend, Mrs. Fordyce, she makes no mention of Zucchi, but we must suppose the disap pointment refers to him. The letter is in every way charming, for, amongst her other gifts, Angelica included that of a refined letter-writer, expressing herself in English clearly and even elegantly,* " To Mrs, Henrietta Fordyce, Putney Heath,^ "Dearest and most beloved Friend, — ' After all the hurry and preparation for my ^ From the collection of Alfred Morrison, Esq. * Henrietta, wife of James Fordyce, D.D., author of the " Temple of Virtue." ' This letter was sold in 1858 at Waller's, for 15^. On the superscription she has written "From Angelica Kauffmann, with seal. A charming specimen." From Anderdon's Academy Notes, 1 74 Angelica Kauffmann. journey, here I am still — the cause ofthe disap pointment is for me, melancholy — yet after all I have the comfort to be amongst my friends. My best friend, Dr. William, with his kind attention to my father, is to me the greatest consolation, and your last dear letter, my charming friend, revives my spirits though ever so much oppressed, I want words to express what I feel. All I can say is, that I shall ever esteem the continuation of the friendship of Henrietta, James and William Fordyce, the greatest honour that can be conferred upon me, and to merit your kind affection shall be my greatest care. Ah ! let me remain for ever, " Yours, Angelica. " Golden Square, " October 30th, 1 780," " The fatal moment of parting is not so near as I thought it would have been. So that before years or months do pass, I may have the happiness of seeing you," That the fatal moment of parting did not Womanhood. 175 take place for ten months after this letter was written, is evidence that Antonio was not a very ardent lover. Angelica spent the winter, as usual, full of work. For her elegant designs in house decoration she had long held a very high reputation, and some of her work is still to be seen fresh as on the day it was done. This is eminently the case in Sir John Leslie's fine house in Stratford Place, built by the brothers Adam for Lord Aldborough, for whom it was decorated by Angelica. Here are three ceilings in excellent preservation. That in the drawing-room represents the His tory of Cupid, done with exquisite delicacy. The dining-room has only one medallion, in whichappears Aglaia bound to a tree by Cupid, ' very charmingly executed. An additional in terest is attached to this medallion, for looking at it induced one of our most charming novelists to write an idyllic novel, " Dining one day with us," writes Lady Constance Leslie to a friend, " Miss Thackeray's atten tion was attracted to the ceiling. When she was told by Sir John the story of Angelica 176 Angelica Kauffmann. Kauffmann, it interested her so much that she was drawn to write ' Miss Angel.' " Other houses decorated by Angelica were those of Cosway, the Miniature painter, and Garrick in the Adelphi; and this year, 1781, she finished the adornment of Mrs. Montagu's new house in Portman Square, which is now the residence of Lord Port- man.* To the exhibition of 1781 she sent " Venus attended by the Graces ;^' " The Judgment of Paris ; " and the portrait of a Lady as a Muse. Of these pictures, the Earwig said : — " This lady seems in all her works to have copied pictures, prints and plasters — perhaps she has been deterred by the delicacy of her sex from studying living models," As a proof of the correct judgment evinced in this criticism the two pictures named, both of which were commissions for her kind friend, Mr, Bowles of Wanstead, fetched ' For a list of houses decorated by Angelica, see Ap pendix. Womanhood. 177 large prices at the Rushout-Bowles sale in 1879, It will be remembered that when John Joseph joined Angelica in 1769, he brought with him a young girl, Rosa Florini, the daughter of his only sister, to whom he was sincerely attached. We would like to know more of Rosa : she was pretty, * gentle, and Angelica loved her as a sister, but she married in 1775, Joseph Bonomi, an able draughtsman and architect, and we hear little more of her. In the marriage column ofthe Gentleman! s Magazine for 1781 appears — "September 8, Signor Zucchi to Senora Angelica Kauff mann, the celebrated historical /a:z«/r^jj." ^ I have now lying before me an old yellow parchment, which sets forth to be Indenture Tripartite (or Marriage Settlement) between ' She sat for Angelica's picture of " Faith," engraved by Ryland. Charles Goldie, Esq., has a pencil drawing of her by Angelica, a sweet face something resembling Angelica. For Bonomi, see pages 404 — 407. ' They were probably married in the city, there being no record of this marriage at St. James's, Piccadilly, nor would it be likely Angelica would have gone there, N I J^ Ang^licce Kauffmann. Antonio Zucchi, of St. Ann's parish, Soho,' painter, and Angelica Kauffmann, of Golden Square, Bloomsbury, painter, on the other hand, together with" the signatures of her trustees : — "Deed of Trust and Marriage Settle ment, executed on July loth, 1781, 21st year of George Ilird, between Antonio Zucchv parish of St. Ann, Soho, painter, ist part; Angelica Kauffmann, of Golden Square,- painter, Bloomsbury, spinster, and part ; and George Keate, Esq., H, Peter Kuliff, merchant ; and Daniel Braith waite, of the General Post-Office, 3rd part — "To put in their hands as trustees the sum of 3350/. three per cent, consolidated annuities, and 1650/. three per cent, consoli dated reduced bank annuities— " For the use and benefit of said Angelica Kauffmann, whether sole or covert. And to enable her to enjoy the dividends thereof, exclusive of the said Antonio Zucchi, her intended husband, ' who is not to intermeddle therewith,' nor is any part. thereof to be sub ject to his debts ; and is also to give her Womanhood. 1 79 power to leave the said sums by will as she shall appoint. And is signed and sealed by "Antonio Zucchi. "Angelica Kauffmann. " George Keate. " Henry Peter Kuliff, " D. Braithwaite." * .Angelica therefore did not come empty- handed to her husband ; her savings accumu lated by her industrious life amounted to 5000/. three per cents., bringing in one hundred and fifty a year. The restrictions in the marriage settlement, and especially the clause as to intermeddling, could hardly be pleasant to Zucchi: he sub mitted to them at the time, but that he nourished a grievance against his wife was made evident later on. On his side he was not without means. He had a house in John Street, Adelphi, which he let at 90/. a year ; he had 150/. a year in short annuities, ' Mr. Braithwaite held a position in the Foreign Department of the Post-office. Angelica made him. an executor of her will, and left him one hundred, pounds. See Appendix. ' N 2 i8o Angelica Kauffmann. and he had divers sums at interest and one or two bad debts. Angelica and her husband left pictures with their man of business for sale, and every direction was given in a clear, business-like manner, every possible contingency being provided for. All this being done, the party sailed from England on July 19th, it being nearly to the month sixteen years since Angelica had arrived there with Lady Wentworthi It had been a shifting scene, brilliant, triumphant ; but the triumph was saddened by disappointment, blighted by the cruel fate which had shadowed the best years of her life, a fate, moreover, which falls to the lot of few women; She had borne it bravely, and now there remained nothing of the sunshine and the sorrow of the last fifteen years but the memory. So it is with most lives. Disraeli, the successful author, the great statesman, in his old age used to murmur, as he sat thinking of the past, " Dreams — all dreams." CHAPTER VIII. 1781— 1785, middle age. The travellers went in the first instance by Ostend and Brussels to Schwartzenberg ; John Joseph had a restless anxiety to find himself once more in the Vorarlberg amongst his native mountains. He had all his rela tions there, and at first the joy of seeing them and of being out of cold, damp England revived the old man. Soon, however, he began again to droop. The air of the Tyrol was too keen for his weakened condition, and he had to try a warmer climate. They brought him therefore to Venice, where they arrived early in- October. Here Zucchi's family lived, all people of birth and cultiva- 1 82 Angelica Kauffmann. tion. Here, too, Angelica's pictures were well known, many of them having been engraved by Joseph Zucchi. At this time the grand Duke and Duchess Paul of Russia (afterwards Emperor and Empress) were staying in Venice under the name of Count and Countess du Nord. As soon as they heard of Angelica's arrival they expressed a wish to visit her studio, and at once conceived, especially the duchess, a friendship for her. Angelica had two pic tures half finished, orders for an English nobleman ; one was from the old Saxon history, the other a replica of " Leonardo da Vinci dying in the arms of Francis 1st."* The royal visitors admired both so much that nothing would satisfy them until Angelica let them have them. The grand duchess overpowered her with thanks, embraced her, and assured her these pictures should be the greatest ornament of her apartment, as well for their merit as because they would re. ' The original of this picture she had exhibited at the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1778, It was during her stay in Venice that she painted Tier own portrait as Design, listening to the suggestions of the Muse Clio, for G. Bowles, of Wanstead. Middle Age, 183 mind her, of her charming friend, " Madame Zucchi." * When these honours were known, all Venice flocked to Angelica's studio.* She had more orders than she could take, for she had brought with her many commissions from England. Nevertheless \ she painted several of the grand Venetian ladies, also the youthful Almoro Barbaro. This pleasant sunshine was, however, soon td be darkened. In Venice Angelica experienced the great sorrow of losing her father. The simple, kindly old man died January, 1782, feeling happy in leaving his daughter with so good a husband. Angelica felt his loss bitterly, and for a time nothing would rouse her from her grief, which was increased by the death in the following month of her aunt, Rosa Bonomi's mother, who had come to Venice to nurse her brother John Joseph in his last illness. Zucchi, seeing his wife overwhelmed by these two misfortunes, wisely considered that the best remedy for * This is an odd phrase, but is in Rossi. ' " There was a regatta in honour of the Duke and Duchess ; every one saw the royalties coming out of tlic studio. The next day all YinicQcaxat,"— ^Zucchi's MS." ;84 Angelica Kauffmann. sickness of either mind or body lies in change of scene ; he therefore resolved to take Angelica away from a place which was now so full of sorrow for her.* Their original plan, discussed before leaving J-,ondon, had been to settle ultimately in Naples. They had arrived at this conclusion frpm different reasons, one being that for a permanent home, Rome, although it was "ever in Angelica's thoughts," was not the climate best suited for one of her delicate constitution. Already their heavy baggage had gone by sea to Naples, and thither, in the month of April, they proceeded, stopping fora short time at Rome, At Naples the old story was renewed. The queen,* who was herself an artist and whose apartments contained many engrav ings of Angelica's pictures, overwhelmed the Zucchis with attentions. She wished to ' John Joseph left some money amounting to 3500/., which was inherited by his only child and heiress, Angelica Kauffmann Zucchi, together with all his pictures and personalities. He made no will. See Appendix. ' Caroline, daughter to Maria Theresa, married to Ferdinand II., King of Naples Middle Age. * 185 keep Angelica always with her, and offered her a post at court. This, however, Ange? lica, whose mind was full of her recent loss, and who at all times was adverse to a life of courtly etiquette, refused. She could not, however, get out of under-- taking a large picture of the royal family. Angelica accepted the commission, but was wholly unequal to the task of completing it, Moreover, with the restlessness of grief, she had taken a longing to return to Rome, and there fix herself for life. It was the lodestar which had attracted her back to Italy, and there she felt she must live and die. The desire was shared by Zucchi ; they therefore left Naples, Angelica having, as was her manner, made studies only of the heads for the royal picture which was to be finished in Rome, At this time Rome (then in the very height of its grandeur) was full of celebrities from all countries. The English flocked there with pockets full of money, as eager to patronize artists and buy their pictures as the Americans are now. Most of these rich patrons found their way to Angelica's studio. l86 Angelica Kattffmann. Many of them she had known during her residence in England, others brought intro ductions. Her picture of the royal family of Naples attracted numerous visitors, amongst thera the Emperor of Austria, Joseph 1 1., who was highly pleased with the portraits of his family. He desired the artist to be presented to him, and when he heard she was German, or rather Austrian, by birth, expressed great satisfaction that she was amongst his subjects.* His Majesty gave a royal commission for two large paintings for the gallery at Vienna, with the express desire that they might be finished as soon as possible ; the choice of subject, size of figures, etc., being left to the artist. Angelica frankly confessed that she had to finish a large picture for the Empress Catherine of Russia,* which she • Rossi says, " The success made by Angelica caused a commotion amongst the artists in Rome, whose jealousy was excited by seeing a woman carry all before her." " The subject was " Servius Tullius as a child," a miraculous flame playing round his head. The picture •was of gigantic size, the figures life-size. Middle Age, 187 had promised should be put aside for no one. The emperor had therefore to wait for nearly two years. Karl Theodor, Archduke of Bavaria, and the. Austrian Archduchess Amalia of Parma, also honoured her with commissions. Such an amount of work would have overpowered anyone not endowed with the supply of energy possessed by Angelica, - who was never so happy as when her whole time was spent in her loved art. A letter she wrote this year to her friend Doctor W^illiani Fordyce is written with evident enjoyment of her busy life, and has all that tenderness which makes the charm of her correspondence : — " To Dr. Wm. Fordyce, " Warwick Street, ^' Golden Square, " Ingilterra. "London, "Rome, December 28th, 1782. * " It is impossible to describe how very desirous I was to receive a line from the * The orthography of this and all other letters remains unaltered. 1 88 Angelica Kauffmann. friend I so much value and respect, and whose kind attention to me and to those who were dear to me, I shall never forget. You cannot imagine, best of friends, with how much pleasure I peruzed your letter. I was surprized first of all to see from whence it was dated. I rejoiced to find you was at this side of the Chanel — I was in hopes you had resolved to cross the mountains — ^but ah! all my hopes were over when I came to the part of the letter where you say that you were just returning to London. However, I hope it is written in the Book of Destiny that somewhere or other we shall meet once more upon this globe, the which I believe I could quit contented if once more I could pass a few happy hours with the all-harmonious Triad. " I am sorry to hear that your worthy brother James enjoys but indifferent health, pray remeraber me to him and to his most amiable consort, my charming friend. Mr. Zucchi and I never think of the happy moments we enjoyed with ye, without re- greting the time we lost in being so late acquainted with the most worthy, the most Middle Age. 189 amiable of human kind, .where good hearts and good heads are united together with which one so seldom meets. For the love of friehdship do not forget us — believe me, tho we are so distant, our hearts and souls are frequently in society with yours. " I am more then I can say obliged to you for the -kind notice you take of my couzins, the Bonomis. Mr. Bonomi tells me in every letter he writes, how much you are his friend, and that. often he has the honour to be in vited to your table ; that you assist them with your kind advize in their indispositions.. The goodness of your heart has no limits, Mr. Zucchi and I have spent the whole somer at Naples, where I had the honour to paint all the royal family — the greatest atten tion were shown to me, the queen in particu lar in occasiones express' d herself much in, my favour. The portraits ofthe royal family are all to be in a large picture which consists of the king, the queen, three princes and four princesses. Having finished all the liknesses at Naples, I shall finishe the rest at Rome, the residence of the arts. However, I have 19a Angelica Kauffmann. promised to return td Naples as soon as I have finished that great work, to present it myself to the soverains according to the desire they expressed. In regard to health, thank God, I am well, but Mr, Zucchi has been troubled with feavers last summer, and the air at Naples deed not so well agree with him. He is much better since we returned to Rome, where we are just fixing ourselfs in winter quarter in one of the finest situa tions, Sopra la Trinita del Monte, which I dare say you remember. Accept my sincerist wishes for the begining of a happy new year. May health, and every other happynes and contentment never leave you. Render my sincerist wishes acceptable to my friend, your brother, and his beloved companion, the charming Henrietta, the friend of my heart. Oh that I could begin the year with ye, that would be enough to end it happy — for a good begining brings a good end. " Now remember it is in your power to give me real satisfaction with a few lines by which I hope you will always have it in your power Middle Age. ' i. * Bought at Messrs. Christie's, 1792, by M. White, for ,^^74. » Exhibited at R. A. Exhibition of 1887. ^ See Forbes. ' Bought from Mr. Graves, of Pall Mall, for .j^'iao. Appendix. 375 ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. London {Continued.) South Kensington I. Emma, Lady HamUton.' 1792. Museum. 2. Cupid's'pastime. SmaU oval, on copper. 3. Ditto. Small oval on copper. MacDonald, Colonel. Portrait of, in national cos tume. 1800. Martinenghi, Count Altar piece— John the Baptist. of Brescia. Massereene,Viscount, Lord Ferrard and his son. Antrim Castle. portraits of. Mendip, Lady. Magdalen.'' ' Medley, Esq. Politicians quarreUing over their cards.* Milan (Casa Tivai- I. Duchess of Massa-Carrara, ,1754- luzio.) portrait of. 2. Portrait of Ferdinand, King of Naples. Miranda, Duke of. I. Portrait of his youngest daughter in a peasant's dress. 2. Historical picture (subject unknown). Portraits of Count and Countess 1 / . Montfort Castle. 1757- of Montfort and the different members of the family. Morley, Earl of. I. Portrait of Sir Joshua Rey nolds. 2. Ulysses discovering Achilles ' Bond. in the disguise of a Virgin. 3. Penelope hanging up the Ryland. bow of Ulysses. 1 Angelica painted Lady Hamilton twice, once as a Bacchante, a failure, and once as the Comic Muse, holding a mask in her hand. This last wps en graved by Morghen, and is in the collection of the B. M. Morghen made some alteration in the picture, at which Angelica was so much displeased that she would not allow her own or Lady Hamilton's name to be placed un derneath. It is, however, far superior to the Bacchante, a drawing of which is in the British Museum. " Now in possession of Lindo Mayers, SaviUe Row. 3 This picture was sold at Messrs. Christie's in 1888, for ^^84, to Mr. Frick- cnham. 376 Appendix. ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. Morley, Earl of. ^Continued.) Montgomery, Lord. Miinster, Bishop of. Munich Neue Pina- kothek. Schleissheim Gal lery. Maughan, Rev. G., East Kirkby Vicar age, Spilsby. 4. Venus meeting Eneas at Car thage.' 5. Hector taking leave of An dromache. 6. Elfrida's interview with King Edgar after her marriage with Athelwold. 7. Rowena presenting a cup to Vortigern. 8. A woman in Neapolitan costume.^ 9. Portrait of herself playing the guitar. 10. Edmund Bastard, Esq., portrait of II. Hebe, on copper. Asmall copy of a large picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds, of Miss Meyer, daughter to J. Meyer. 12. Crayon copy of the Magda len, of Correggio. Portrait of himself. I . The Annunciation. 2. Christ calling the little children to Him. I. Angelica Kauffmann, por trait of. 2. Christ and the woman of Samaria at the well. 46 X 55 inches. 3. Portrait of the Palatinate Prince of Bavaria in the cos tume of a Knight of St. Hubert. 4. Portrait of Prince Nicolas Esterhazy. 3 feet high. I. Portrait of Louis I. of Ba varia. Meeting of Edward IV. with Lady Elizabeth Grey, when she implores him to restore Watson. Ryland. After his death it was finish ed by Sharp for the widow. 1800.1790. ' A replica of this painted for Colonel Vereker. See V. ' 2 to 8 were painted expressly for Saltram, Lord Morley's seat, in Devonshire. Appendix. 377 ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUPJECT. ENGRAVER. .Naples, Capo di Monte Gallery. Nollekens, J., R.A. Paris, the Louvre. Parma, Archduchess of. Panin, His Excel lency Comte de. Pappasava, Count. Pepper, W., Esq., presumably of Ballygarth.Ireland. Pezzoli, Count. Philadelphia, Penn sylvania GaUery. Pius VL, Pope. Poland, Stanislaus, King of. her husband's lands to her son. 7 X 44 feet. I. Large family group of the Royal family. 2. Portrait of Ferdinand, King of Naples. 3. Duchess of Corigliano and child. 4. Portrait of Princess Maria Teresa. 5. Portrait of Monsignore Gae tano. 6. Portrait of Dr. Cirillo ' Mrs. NoUekens, portrait of, as Innocence with Doves. Portrait of the Baroness von Kruder and child. Portrait of the Archduchess. Achilles discovered by Ulysses in the disguise of a Virgin. Portrait of himself and brother. Portrait of himself and brother. A Magdalen, on copper. I. Virtue directed by Prudence to withstand the solicitations of Folly. 2. Portrait of herself. Joachim and St. Anne with the felessed Child Mary 'watering a lily for the Holy House of Loretto. I. Virgil reading the Eneid to Octavia, and companion pic ture of 2. Augustus reading the verses upon the death of MarceUus. ¦783. BoydeU, 1782, after Scorodomoff. 1789. ' A celebrated Neapolitan physician. She also painted the death of Cleopatra for the Marchese della (jambuca. 378 Appendix. ORIGINAL OR (when SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. known) PRESENT OWNER. Poniatowski, Count. I. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, showing her children. 2. Bratus condemning his Son to death. 3. Portrait of the Count in an allegorical picture. 4. Portrait of herself Portarlington, Earl I. Portrait of Lady Caroline of. Damer. 45 x 47. 2. Portrait of Lord Milton. 3. Portraits of Duke and Duchess of Dorset. 4. Portrait of Angelica. Portman, Viscount. Two " Sopra Portas " of I. Scenes from "King Lear," including a fine picture of Cordelia's death. 2. The death of Clorinda. Powis, Earl of. Portrait of the Hon. Charlotte Clive. Redshaw, J. Death of Procris. Fielding, 1767. Rezzonico, Cardinal. Historical portrait of himself, as appearing before the Senate. Richmond and Mary, wife of 3rd Duke of Ryland. Gordon, Duke of. Richmond. Small full length. At Goodwood. Historical : — At Gordon Castle. I. Alexander, 4th Duke of Gor don, half length. 1772. 2. Jean Maxwell, wife of 4th 1772. Duke of Gordon, half length. 3. Venus and Adonis. Copy from- Titian. 4. -Danae. Copy frora Titian. 5. La Madonna della Seggiola. Copyfrom Raphael. 6. St.Cecilia(theCumeanSibyl). Copy from Domenichino. 7. Sibylla Persica. Copy from Guercino. 8. Abraham and Hagar. Copy from Guercino. 9. Joseph and Potiphar's. wife. i Copy from Guercino. See Northwick — Supplement to Catalogue. Appendix. 379 ORIGINAL OR (when known) PRESENT OWNER. Richmond, and Gordon, Duke of. {Continued^ Robinson, Richard, Archbishop of Ar magh. Roth, Cardinal, Prince Bishop of Constanz. Rosebery, Earl of. ' SUBJECT. •Rome, Academy of St. Luke. Rutland, Duke of, Belvoir Castle.* Russia, Count du Nord, afterwards Emperor Paul I. Russia, Catherine II., Empress. IO. St. Paul rebuking Peter. Copy from Guido. 1 1. Salome. Copy from Guido. 12. Dido. Copy from Guido. 13. Ulysses and Calypso. Portrait of himself. Portrait of himself. I. Portrait of Lady Northwick ^ and child. Large oval, 50 X 42. 2. La Bergere des Alpes.' 3. Gualtherius and Griselda. (Oval.) 4. Cupids at play. (SmaU ovals, pair.) 5. Horace and Virgil. (Small ovals, pair.) 6. Lavinia and Palemon. 7. Damon and Musidora. Hope, a portrait of herself. The death of the stag. 26 x 36. This picture hangs in the Queen's sitting-room. I. Leonardo da Vinci expiring in the arms of Francis I. 2. Portrait of the Countess du Nord, afterwards Empress of Russia. I. The birth of Servius Tul- lius. 2. AchUles discovered by Ulysses in the disguise of a Virgin at ENGRAVER. Bartolozzi.Dickinson, 1787. Ryland. f Scorodomoff. ( Ryland. ' Lord Rosebery bought these pictures at the Bowles-Rushout sale in 1879. * Rebecca, Lady Northwick, was sister to Mr. George Bowles. Her hus band. Sir John Rushout, was raised to the peerage as Baron Northwick in 1797. Her daughters, the Hon. Anne, and Harriet, Lady Cockerell, were Mr. Bowles' nieces. ' Subject taken from Marmontel's story. * For additional pictures at Belvoir Castle, see Supplement to Catalogue. 380 Appendix. ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. Russia, Catherine IL, Empress. {Con tinued. ) Ryland, W. Sayer, R., Esq. S chwartzenberg, Church of. EmUia Seckingen, Hoch w o h Ige- borne, Kammer Fraulein, or lady- in-waiting to her Highness, the wife of the Churfurst of Bava'ria. She wears the orders of St. Elizabeth. Scantlebuiy, Esq. S,;ott, Sir B. St. Petersburg Academy. St. Petersburg, the Hermitage. Sussex, Duke of. Spencer, Earl. the court of King Lyco medes.' Cymon and Iphigenia. Mirror of Venus. I. Fresco of the Twelve Apostles, after Piazzetta. 2. Altar piece, the coronation of the Blessed Virgin. 3. Her own portrait in the na tional dress, bequeathed. Portrait of herself. 3 feet in height, 2.\ in width. W.W. Ryland, 1782. Trotter, 1757. 1799. Sintzenich. I. Duchess of Devonshire in a white hat.^ 2. Cupids at play. I. Euphrosyne disarming Cupid.^ 2. Cupid and Aglaia.'' Thetis bathing Achilles in the Styx. I. The Monk of Calais and Juliette. (From Sterne's "Sentimental Journey.") 2. The adieux of Abelard and Eloisa. Portrait of himself, with his dog. I. Family group, including por traits of Viscount Althorp, with his sisters, Georgiana, 1797. 1771. ' Angelica used this subject several times, treating it differently. The story is always that of Achilles disguised as a girl, and discovered by Ulysses, ' Bought in 1869 from Lord Howard de Walden, for ;^l62. ' and ^ Bought at the Rushout sale. Appendix. 381 ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. Spencer, Earl. {Continued.) Sommariva, Herr (of Milan). Solms, (Countess of. Stokes, T., Esq. Shepherd, Esq. Strickland, Mrs., * Cokethorpe House. Schopfer. Tacconi, Marquis. Taylor, G. W., M.P. SUBJECT. Thornton, Godfrey, Esq. afterwards Duchess of Devon shire, and Henrietta, after wards Countess of Bess- borough.' 2. Margaret, Countess of Lucan. 3. Portrait of Angelica, a pre sent. 4. Portrait of Lord and Lady Spencer. Cleopatra and Augustus. The Power of Love, a scene from Ossian's poems. Angelica Kauffmann, portrait of. Corlolanus going into exile. Rival arts. Painting and Music. Ditto, a present from Angelica.' Mary, Mother of God, with the child and two angels. I. Ariadne and Penelope. 2. Palemon and Lavinia. 3. A small head of Laura. 4. Eurydice. > ^ 5. CordeUa. j 6. Celadon and Amelia struck by lightning. " From his void embrace, Mysterious Heaven ! that moment to the ground, A blackened corpse, was struck the beauteous maid.*'^.-6'f«jtf«f. Theseus finding his father's sword and sandals. ENGRAVER. 1767. Ogborne, 1799. Bartolozzi, 1802. Bartolozzi. Bartolozzi. Bartolozzi. Tomkins. ' This portrait is at Althorp, Lord Spencer's seat. panel over the chimney-piece. The grouping is excellent It is let into a The two ladies are seated in a garden; their brothef is standing before them. It is mo t natural. ' Cokethorpe House now belongs to'Mr. Clement Cottrell Dormer. The picture is very beautiful. Music is seated. ' "This was a picture of herself between Music and Painting. Schopfer drew the design with chalk upon stone and sent it to Rome, and in this way Senefelder's discovery was made known in Italy, < Sold at Messrs. Christie's, 1832. 382 Appendix. ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. Townshend, Marquis. Large family group of eight children, the Marquis hold ing the youngest in his arms. f\, Armida putting on her Vereker, Colonel, the 3 armour. (Tasso.) Hon. C. S.' i 2. Venus showing Carthage (. to Eneas and Achates. Vernon, Sir Edward. I. Electra and Chrysothemus, frora Sophocles. 2. Peleus and Thetis. Macklin's GaUery. Vienna, Belvedere I. Thusnelda receiving Armi GaUery. nius after the battle with Varus. 2. The companion picture of j^neas paying funeral honours to the corpse of Pallas.^ Volpato, Giovanni. Portrait of himself. Portrait of his daughter and daughter-in-law. Walch, Herr, Dorn Portrait of Angelica.' birn, Bregenz. Portrait of John Joseph Kauff mann. ' For present owner, see Sandeman, in Supplement Catalogue. ^ These enormous pictures were a commission from the Emperor Joseph II. , and on receiving them he wrote to Cardinal Herzen,* his plenipotentiary at Rome: "As a token of my gratitude I join to this letter a snuff-box and ornament with a cypher, which Your Eminence will have the goodness to present to Angelica. I desire you to inform her that the two works are placed in the Imperial collection, for I wish that, as well as myself, all my subjects may admire her talents." ' A writer in the German Kunstbild (a magazine on the lines of the Art yournal) states, that in making a tour through the Bregenz, he chanced at Dornbirn to meet a certain Herr Walch, the drawing-master of the Realschule in the village. " I was," says the writer, "not a little surprised to find that my acquaint ance turns out to be a descendant of Angelica Kauffmann's family, and the heir to her belongings, which, after her death, in 1807, had been brought to Schwartzenberg. Herr Walch has raany interesting relics, notably a charming portrait of the artist, also the portrait of her father, together with different works of art and curiosities which she coUected in England and elsewhere. * Cardinal Herzen gave Angelica a comraission for a picture of St. Joseph, of Cupertino. She presented it to him as a present ; upon which his Eminence sent her a splendid silver basin and some excellent coffee from the Levant.- — Zucchi MS. {See p. 372.) - ¦ Appendix. 383 ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. Waldeck, Prince of. Allegorical painting of the first meeting of Leander with Hero : the priestess of Venus, surrounded by her vestal virgins, is offering sacrifice to Adonis. Hero is the portrait of Prince Waldeck's affianced bride, who was then in Rome. Waldegrave, Earl. I. Prince Frederick of Gloucester, an infant. 2. Princess Sophia of Gloucester, an infant. Walker, — . I. Virgil asleep.' 2. Horace dreams. Bartolozzi. WeUs, Esq. Griselda." Bartolozzi. West, Mrs. Eurydice and Ariadne ' deplor ing the flight of Theseus. Woodhouse, Esq. I. Rural sports. 2. Griselda. Bartolozzi. Zamoyski. Large family group.'* and divers presents made to her by friends and admirers." For the purpose of this biography, Joseph Baer, the excellent bookseller at Frankfort, com municated with Herr Walch, but received no reply. ' Bought at Messrs. Christie's in 1833 for £iTi. ^ Sold in 1888 by Messrs. Christie's to Messrs. Agnew, of Bond Street, for ,j^220 lOf. 3 Sold 1832. * Count Andrfe Zamoyski, of Poland, husband of Countess Constance Zamoyski. Alexandre Zamoyski, eldest son. Mademoiselle Anetta Zamoyski. Stanislaus Zamoyski, youngest son. L'Abbe Stanislaus, the Preceptor. " A large family group, in which will be represented Count 'Andre de Za moyski, seated, showing his two sons and his daughter the marble bust of his grandfather, who was so celebrated in Poland — that his children raay emulate the example of this hero. The figures are to be full length, and to be attired in the costume of the ancient Romans. The bust of the hero is to be on a pedestal, and a country landscape in the background. " The picture to be painted for 600 (zecchini) Rortian, as agreed on. " The heads of the four sitters are already painted on small canvas. They are to be copied and painted into the large picture, which is to be finished May 12, 1791. " Countess Constance Zamoyski has paid in advance 300 zecchini, being half of the agreement for said picture, which is to be painted by Angelica Kauffmann exactly in the manner she has already painted the heads."— Extract from Private Memoirs by Antonio Zucchi, lent by Fred. Hendriks, Esq. 384 Appendix. omsiNAL OR (when known) present owner. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. Zamoyski. {Continued.) Zelada, Cardinal. Zucchi, Family of, Venice. Zurich. A handsome child painted as the God of Love. Nathan reproaching David. A Madonna touching a sleeping child and laying a wreath of flowers upon his head. Portraits of Antonio, Giuseppe, and Francesco Zucchi. Portrait of Winckelmann, Porporati. SUBJECTS OF PICTURES WHOSE OWNERS ARE UNKNOWN TO COMPILER, SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. I. Arcadia.' 2. Penelope weeping over the bow of Ulysses. Delatre. 3. Penelope taking down the bow of Ulysses. Ryder. 4. Messalina sacrificing to Venus and (jupid before Burke. she obtained liberty for the Roman ladies to have several husbands. 5. Andromache weeping over the ashes of Hector. Burke, Ryland. 6. A son newly married introducing his bride to his Morghen. (Very fine ¦widowed mother. engraving, British Museum. ) 7. Alcestis sacrificing her life to save that of her Kininger. husband. 8. A lady contemplating her own picture. g. A group of royal children. Marcuard. 10. An English lady and child. 1779. 1 1. An English lady as Psyche. 121 Portrait df a lady playing the harp. 1778. 13. Portrait ofa gentleman. 1779. 14. Portrait ofa group of chUdren as Autumn. 1788. 15. Portrait of a gentleman. 1765. 16. Portrait of a lady. 17. A nobleman's children. 1799. i8. A gentleman (fuU length). 1777. 19. Portrait of a lady in Eastern dress. 1775- 20. Portrait of lady (full length). 1772. 21. Erminia finding Tancred asleep. Delatre. ' This was the first picture exhibited by Angehca after she came to London, 1766. Mr. Goldie has the original sketch. See page 396. C C 386 Appendix. S''BJECT. 22. Eleanor sucking the poison from the wound of Edward I. From Rapin's history. 23. AchiUes lamenting the death of Patroclus. 24. Venus in her chariot. Designed for a ceiling ; and repeated several times. 25. The flight of Paris and Helen. 26. A sacrifice to Pan. 27. Aristides requested to sign the ostracism for his own banishment by an illiterate citizen. 28. 29. 30- 31-32- 33- 34- 35-36.37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44, 45-46. .47- 48. 49- 5'- 52. 53 ENGRAVER. Penelope awakened by Euryclea, with the news of the retum of Ulysses. Winter. Cupid reposing. Modesty embracing virtuous love. Madonna and Child. Andromache fainting at the sight of ,<^ineas. Paris and Helen directing Cupid to inflame their hearts. Calypso calling Heaven to witness her affection for Ulysses. Venus presenting Helen to Paris. Juno borrowing the Cestus of Venus. Sylvia overcome by Daphne. ¦Werter and Charlotte. Werter. The power of music. Lady contemplating her lover's picture. Picturesque amusements. Tancred and Clorinda. Oval from Anacreon. " L'Amour dort." Venus crowned by Cupid. Temperance.History.Poetry. Ulysses conducted by Calypso to the forest where he can cut the trees to build his raft. Postumio, Consul of Rome, examining the Courtesan Ispalia in the presence of his mother, as to the Feasts of Bacchus. Erminia. Pariset and MUe. Bareuille, Paris, re- produced by W. Syland. Ryland. Rose Lenoir, aged 14, daughter to the printseller. Ryland.Ryland.W. Dickinson. .(A very fine engraving, B.M.) Burke. Ryland. 1780. Ryland.Ryland. Tomkins. Hogg. Scorodomorf Bettelini. Tomkins. Marcuard. Bartolozzi.A. K. and Joseph Zucchi. Delatre. Delatre. Appendix. 387 SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. 54. Conjugal peace. (Two ducks in a basket.) ,55. Paris and CEnone carving their names on a tree. 56. Diana and her nymphs. 57. Papirius Praetextatus revealing to his mother the supposed secret of the Senate.' 58. Practical exercises. 59. Morning amusements. 60. Charlotte. 61. Virtue. 62. The flight of Paris and Helen from the court of Menelaus. 63. Pomona. 64. Cupid and Psyche. 65. The beautiful Rhodope in love with .lEsop. 66. Laura. 67. Nymphs awakening Cupid. With a quotation from Horace's " Odes " : — " Dormio in- nocuus." 68, General Stanwick's daughter. , A memorial picture, very popular in its day, being largely engraved.' There were six lines of poetry at the foot of the engraving. The German biographers of Angelica Slludq constantly to this picture as one of her best paintings. So far no trace seems to exist of such a painting. 69. Faith.' 70. Therese Bandattini and Fortunato Fantastici. Portraits of. 71. The Muses crowning Pope. 72. Perseverance.'' 73. Fortitude with Lion, Her own portrait. 74. Signor Abbate de Bourbon of France. Portrait, 1782. 75. General Espinasse. Bartolozzi.Marcuard. Burke. Bartolozzi. BettiUni. Stipple engraving by Rose Lenoir. W. W. Ryland. Ryland. Ryder.Scorodomorf. ' In the classical dictionary Praetextatus Vettius and Praetextatus Sul- picius are given, but' not Papirius. ' A print engraved by Ryland, and corresponding in every particular to above description, is in the portfolio of Angelicas, B. Museum. ... It has no title nor history. ' Portrait of Rosa Bonomi. < Perseverance is sometimes caUed Penelope with her dog. — (See Bowring.) C C 2 ETCHINGS BY ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. Etching is, as everyone kno'ws, a process in which the design is freely drawn on copper with a metal point, and afterwards bitten in by a strong acid. This art was much practised by artists in the last century, particularly abroad, where the peintre graveur flourished J in the seventeenth and eighteenth century line engraving was the principal method used, but some of the best engravers combined both methods with excellent effect. Mr. Tuer, in his " Bartolozzi and his Works," tells the reader in a pleasant manner all about the beautiful art of engraving, with its many variations, and he draws attention to the good work of Mr. Seymour- Haden and Prof. Herkomer. The thirty-five etchings by Angelica are of great value, first, because she excelled in this branch ; secondly, because she never practised it after she left England. Her earlier productions are very fine. There are several specimens in the collection of engravings after her pictures, in the print room of the British Museum. Many of these were purchased by the Boydells Brothers, and reproduced in aquatint, or lavis, to suit the taste of the day. Some of her later etchings were reproduced in mezzotint, or, as the French call it, a la maniere noire. In all the dictionaries ' of the peintre-graveur of the last century, these thirty-five plates of Angelica's are mentioned with much commendation, and the reproduction by BoydeU (where it took place) is set down in the following 1 Beraldi, Le Blanc, and Hiiber are amongst the best. Andresen gives a catalogue of her etchings ; so does Bryan, but both are imperfect. .Appendix. 389 manner : — 2nd Ed. a la maniere de lavis, or " lavis " simply with the date of the reproduction. In the catalogue here given this example is followed. In some of her plates Angelica was assisted by Joseph Zucchi, the engraver (broth^ to Antonio), and in such cases at the foot note of the engraving or etching appears the words Eadem (the same meaning herself) and Joseph Zucchi. These explanations are given for the advantage of those who, perhaps, have not studied these details. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. I . Susanna surprised by the Elders. 2. Holy Family, an angel offering flowers to the child Jesus. 3. Repose in Egypt. (Angel with a dish.) 4. Marriage of St. Catherine of Sienna, after Correggio. 5. Venus with the corpse of Adonis on her knees. 6. Juno with the peacock, right hand resting on the altar. 7. Hebe, holding a shell in her right hand, a vase in her left, into which she pours nectar for Jupiter, who is in the disguise of an eagle. 8. Urania ' measuring the celestial globe. 9. Simplicity with Doves, after her portrait of Mrs. NoUekens. 10. Hope. (Large oval.) Figure of a woraan with a turban on her head, her arms resting on an anchor. II. Rinaldo crowned with flowers by Armida, two knights in the distance. 12. Calypso and Ulysses swearing etemal fidelity. 13. Sanzio. 14. Winckelmann seated at his desk preparing to write. 1770. 2nd lavis, I78I. I77I. 2nd lavis, I78I. 1770. 2nd lavis, 1781. 1770. 2nd lavis, I78I. A. K. and Joseph Zucchi Reproduced lavis with bistre. A. K. and Joseph Zucchi. 1764. Proof before letters. ' Mezzotint, or a la maniire noire. In this process the artist worked upon a grained board, called the cradle". Upon this board the drawing was fixed, and the lights were brought out by means of a sharp instrument called le grattoir: Lavis and aqua-tint are identical. The copper, upon which the design is drawn, is plunged in a bath of water, into which either salt mastic or sand has been mixed. The effect produced resembles Indian ink or bistre. ^ Urania and Hope. Portraits of herself. 390 Appendix. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. 15. Young man leaning on his left hand. The portrait of a painter. 16. Bust of a man (three-quarters) holding a stick. 17. Bust of a man (in profile). In the left-hand corner the letters A. K. 18. Man with turban, leaning on books, a pencil in his hand. 19. Woman, with her arras and feet naked, sitting with her back to spectators on some stones. 20. Die Haarflechterinn (Hair-plaiter). 21. Woman meditating. 22. Woman reading. 23. Woman with a veU, one end knotted in her hair, the other falling on her shoulder. Both hands support a book, over 'which her head is bent. 24. A female figure weeping over a monumental urn. (In meraory of General Stanwick's daughter, lost in her passage frora Ireland.) Very rare. 25. A woman reading frora a large book. 26. A woman (half-length) leaning on her elbow, holding a ribbon. 27. Bust of a woman, her profile to the right. 28. Head, in profile, of a young woman. 29. L' Allegro. (Oval.) 30. II Penseroso. (Oval.) 31. Two philosophers. 32. Bust of an old man. 33. Study of the head of an old man. 34. St. Peter rebuking his brother apostle, St. Paul. After Guide's celebrated picture in the Casa Sempiere in Bologna. Angelica did this subject three times, in 1772, 1773, and 1776. Joseph Zucchi helped her with the last, and his name is found with hers on the leaf. The one executed in 1772 is the best. 35. Sappho conversing with Homer. From the original by Antonio Zucchi.' 1762. 2nd acquafortis finished 17S1 in mezzotint. 1 770. '2nd lavis, 1780.^- • ^;-^ 1765. 2nd lavis, 1780. 2nd 1 781. Lavis and bistre. 1 77 1. 2nd lavis, 1781. 1772. 1779- ) These are two 1779.3 of her best. 1765. 1762. 1781. A. K. and Joseph Zucchi. ' This was the last etching executed by Angelica in England. Homer is lying under a tree. This is said to be Antonio Zucchi's -portrait, while Angelica sat for Sappho. Le Blanc remarks that " Sappho married Homer." A portfolio of etchings in acquatinta by Angelica, and fancy subjects after her designs by Delatre, Tomkines, and Pastorini, were sold in Sir Mark Sykes's sale, 1825. PICTURES AND DESIGNS ENGRAVED BY BARTOLOZZI, Bartolozzi's engravings hold such a high place ip public estim^- tion, that it would seem desirable to append a list of those which he produced from Angelica's works, as an assistance to co'lectors. The proofs, especially those in colours, are the most difficult to obtain, and are very beautiful. There have been several collections made of the Bartolozzi- Angelicas. At the Bowles-Rushout sale a portfolio containing 250 Bartolozzis, many of them proofs before letters, were sold to Smith, the comraission agent for the American market. An album put together some years since by Mr. Harvey, St, James' Street, of Bartolozzi's engravings, contained a number of beautiful prints after Angelica. It was sold at Mr. Sotheran's, in the Strand, for ^^400, to an American. Mr. La Touche of Belview, in Wicklow, has a room full of Bartolozzis, amongst them many after Angelica.^ Mr. A. W. Tuer has a large collection of prints, and sold some of his Bartolozzi- Angelicas not long ago. The British Museum has a portfolio containing 250 engravings after Angelica (including many Bartolozzis), and three or four valuable proofs before letters. Anyone wishing to know more of this interesting subject should consult Mr. Tuer's " Bartolozzi and his Works." ' 1 After Bartolozzi's death his prints went for a tirae out of fashion. They could be got for the small sura of sevenpence and a shilling. The Americans raised the price by offering large suras for the collections. ^ It is not generally known that Bartolozzi lived for a couple of years in Dublin, and it was owing to the influence of Mr. La Touche and Lord Charle mont that he secured the patronage of the fashionable world of London. ^ Miss Hoare, of Charles Street, had a collection of Angelica -Bartolozzis which have been sold. She has still three or four. Mr. William Bowles has a collection of proof engravings, many of them Bartolozzis. Mrs. Neyile has a coloured print by Bartolozzi, from Macklin's gaUery, of the death of SyWa's stag — date 1796. The Hon. Gerald Ponsonby is the owner of a col lection of very fine engravings (several proofs). They were bought at the Rushout sale, and are now very valuable. 392 Appendix. The list here given has been compiled in part from Mr. Tuer's exhaustive catalogues. I. Penelope hanging up the bow of Ulysses. From the original in the possession of the Earl of Morley. 2. The Death of Sylvia's Stag. From the original in the possession of Lord Justice Downes. 3. Gualtherius and Griselda, printed in red chalk.' From the picture painted for George Bowles, Esq. 4. Cleone, printed in brown. 5. Cordelia, in red chalk. 6. Dancing and Bacchanalian nymphs. 7. Penelope weeping over the bow of Ulysses. Oval. 8. Calais— the snuff-box. From " Sentimental Journey." In red chalk. 9. Companion ditto. Maria and the handkerchief. 10. Simplicity. From the portrait of Mrs. Nollekens. II. Ahijah foretelling the death of the son of Jeroboam. From the original painted for G. Bowles, Esq. 12. Christ appearing to the Maries. From the original painted for George Bowles, Esq. 13. Dido invoking the Gods. Red chalk. Very fine. 14. The birth of Shakespeare. (Very fine.) From the original painted for Lady Rushout, afterwards Lidy Northwick. 15. Companion oval. The tomb of Shakespeare.^ 16. Telemachus and Mentor in the Island of Calypso.' From the original painted for George Bowles, Esq. 17. Winter.'' 18. Sincerity.^ 19. Rinaldo and Armida.^ From the original painted for George Bowles, Esq. 20. Pomona. 21. The Death of Clorinda and her companion. Proofs in black and brown before letters. Very fine.' 22 Louisa Hammond ; or, the miseries of war.' 23; L' Allegro.' ' The red chalk method was successfully practised in Paris by Deraarteau, who iraitated by this process the chalk studies of Boucher. Deraarteau taught the method to Ryland, who introduced it into England about the time Bartolozzi arrived, when it becarae very popular. Everyone raved about these charming red prints. Angelica Kauffmann, then in the zenith of her farae, warmly encouraged this new taste amongst her fashionable patrons ; hence the great number of red chalk engravings after her prettily-conceived designs. " Bartolozzi," by A. W. Tuer. ^ Mr. WiUiam Bowles fias two engravings of the birth of Shakespeare and companion oval. They are in red, and are first impressions, having formed part of the Wanstead collection. ^ This was sold at Mr. Tuer's sale for £1 ^A o * and ' were , , , , , , i i o «and? „ „ „ ,, 5 10 o * was ,, „ „ 3 5° a I) IJ ») 220 See Tuer's "Bartolozzi." Appendix. 393 24. The beautiful Rhodope in love vrith .iEsop. Proofs in brown, very fine. Ditto in red before letters.' 25. Coriolanus.^ 26. Venus attired by the Graces.' From the original painted for George Bowles. 27. A vestal. 28. King Psammetichus and the fair Rhodope. 29. History. 30. Paulus Emilius educating his children. Proofs very rare. 31. Diana preparing for the hunt. Oval. Red chalk. Proofs in red and black, very rare. 32. Paris and CEnone engraving their names on the bark of a tree. 33. Zeuxis composing his picture of Juno. Proof most rare and beautiful. From the original painted for George Bowles. 34. The four parts of painting. Invention, Composition, Design, Colouring. (Ovals.) 35. The fine arts ; or, les beaux arts. Architecture, Sculpture, Painting. From a drawing in possession of M. le Baron d' Offenbach. 36. The rainbow in four parts. In dark brown chalk. 37. Socrates in his prison composing a hymn to Apollo. Oval. 38. Lady Jane Grey giving her table, book to the constable of the tower. Bowles' collection. 39. Queen Margaret of Anjou and the robber.'' 40. Lady Elizabeth Grey imploring Edward IV. to restore his lands to her son.* 41. Elfrida meeting King Edgar after her marriage with Athelwold. From the original in possession of Lord Morley.* 42. Bergere des Alpes. Proof before letters, rare and beautiful. 43. Religion. 44. Horace * dreams. 45. Sallacia girl with box. 46. Veillez amants si I'amour dort. 47. Turkish lady at her devotions. 48. Cleopatra persuading Meleagar to defend his country. 49. Cossuccia. 49a. Coelia. 50. Fatima and Zoraide. 51. Liberal fair. 52. Rosalinda. 53. The fair Alsatian. 54. Rural sports. From the original picture in the possession of Mr. Wood- house. ' This was sold at Mr. Tuer's sale for £2 2 o ' ,, 240 ' „ ., ., ,,660 See Tuer's " Bartolozzi," • The price now asked for an engraving of either of these pictures is from ;,f 5 to ;^IO. * This had been commenced by the unfortunate W. W. Ryland, and after his death it was completed by Bartolozzi for the benefit of his widow, ^ "Horace " is called in Mr. Bowles' catalogue '¦' Venus and Ascanius." In the Bartolozzi prints there are two lines of poetry at the foot oi engraving. 394 Appendix. 55. Zobeide, the beautiful Moor. 56. Young girl with bird-cage. 57. Antiope. 58. Diana. 59. Eurydice. 60. Female, walking in a wood, comes upon Love 'playing the harp, 61. Hermione. 62. Nymphs after bathing. 63. Penelope. 64. Venus showing .(Eneas the way to Carthage. From the picture now in possession of Albert Sandeman, Esq, • 65. Women, one with lyre. 66. Miranda and Ferdinand. 67. Girl with garlands. Probably from the Belvoir picture. 68. Cornelia, mother of tbe Gracchi. Proof beautiful. From the original painted for George Bowles. 69. Venus and Cupid. 70. Cupid and Aglaia. 71. Cupid sleeping on the lap ofa woman, another Cupid standing by. 72. Tancred and Erminia, 73, VirgU, 74. Virgil reading the ^Eneid. 75. Adoration. 76. HumUity, Proof before letters. 77. Sacrifice to Ceres. 1782. 78. Nymph and Cupid. .79, The Passions, 80. The Seasons, A series of four. 81. Tragedy and Comedy. 82. Vanity and Modesty. 83. Damon and Delia. ' 84. Death of Alcestis, 85, Griselda, 86. Henry and Emma. From the Bowles' collection. 87. ApoUo and his companion. 88. Erama Corbett, 89. A warrior seated in a wood holding up his hand to a maiden. 90. A woman (in profile). 91. Celia and Rosalind. 92. Celadon and Amelia, 93, Fatima. 94. The Judgment of Paris. From the Bowles' collection. 9S. Tancred and Clorinda (from Tasso). 96. Bacchus teaching the Nyijiphs to make verses. 97. Child with kitten. 98. A girl at her toUette, 99. Tambourine and Castanet, 100. Woman with lyre, or Angelica as Poetry. loi. Lady Northwick and child. Sometimes called Venus and Cupid. 102, Countess of Harcourt. Portrait. 103, Virgil asleep. Companion picture to "Horace dreams." From the Bowles' collection. ILLUSTRATIONS AND- FRONTISPIECES BY BARTOLOZZI FROM AIS^GELICA'S DESIGN. I. A Muse for Scott's Poems, 2. Flora for Thomson's Seasons. Bell's edition, 3. Frontispiece for Churchill's Poems. 4. Felicity, from CoUins's Eclogues. 5. Bell's Poets — Savage, vol, Ixx. " Where kind content, from noise and Court retires. And smiling sits, while Muses tune their lyres." 6. Hammond's Love Elegies, vol. i., p. 88, "And Love tumself could flatter me no more," 7. Mallet's, vol. xi, " And close within his grasp was clenched a broken oar." ¦" Angelica preferred Burke as an engraver of her work to Bartolozzi, and always stipulated he should copy her pictures j he had a, soft and beautifiil tone in his prints, and the day is not far distant when they will comraand very high Tprices.— Tuer' s " Bartolozzi." Fan Mounts. I. Hope nursing Love. 2. The fine arts. 3. L'amour dort. Also Some concert and masquerade tickets (very rare). DRAWINGS IN PENCIL, CHALK, AND INDIAN INK, BY ANGELICA ¦KAUFFMANN. In the Possession of Charles Goldie, Esq., ^ 20, Gordon Place, Kensington. I. Portrait of Rosa Bonomi, nk Floruii. (In pencil.) 2. Arcadia. The original sketch of "Arcadia," exhibited by Angelica the year of her arrival in England, 1766. The sketch is small, and done with great delicacy in Indian ink on grey paper, touched with Chinese white. 3. Calypso mourning the departure of Ulysses. Original sketch, identical in treatment with Ariadne lamenting 'Theseus. It is also in Indian ink, same as No. 2. 4. Slight sketch of a woman consoling a weeping child. In chalk. ' The family of Goldie are the immediate descendants of the eminent architect, Joseph Bonomi, who married, in 1775, Rosa Florini, Angelica's cousin. Of this raarriage there were ten children, six sons and four daughters. The sons were distinguished either in the army or in science, Joseph was well known as an eminent Egyptologist, and later became curator of the Soane Museum. Of the daughters, Mary Anne, the second, married George Goldie, M.D., father of Mr. Charles Goldie, so that he comes in touch through his grandmother with Angelica, and has an affectionate regard for his gifted cousin. All raeraentoes have been carefully preserved. The gold snuff-box given by the Emperor Joseph, the miniature of Zucchi set as a bracelet, and the diamond earrings mentioned in her will are in Mr, Charles Goldie's possession. Appendix. 397 Drawings formerly in the Burney Collection, and entered in Mr. B. Quaritch's Catalogue of 1892. Summer and Autumn, a pair of pictures in water-colours, with classical figures and appropriate scenery, the three Graces being prominent in the foreground of " Summer." About 1780. L'Amour Veng^, Cupid flying from a company of Satyrs, the figures coloured, A mother and three children clinging to her, richly but darkly painted in oil. A mother and three naked boys seated on clouds ; a coloured cartoon, but not finished as a painting. Three designs apparently for a book on " The Arts," one a frontispiece, the other two symbolizing Music and Painting. About4i786-90. Two tinted pen-and-ink drawings to illustrate Telemachus. About 1790,' F. Wadmore, Esq., Cleone. Original Sketch, 1 A set of engravings (4) have been recently added to the portfolio of Angelicas in the Print-roora, British Museum ; tbey are engraved by Gabrielli, and are said to be after her designs of the four seasons. They are very indifferent. DRAWINGS TO BE SEEN IN THE EXHIBITION GALLERY, BRITISH MUSEUM. « I, Death of Clorinda. 2, Una and the lion. Una, a portrait of herself, 3. A girl reading. 4. Portrait of herself 5. Sketch of a beggar holding out his hand. From the collection of Mr, Payne Knight, 6, Classical design for decoration. 7, Sacrifice to Ceres, Design for a sopra porta. 8. A Bacchante. 9. Paris and Helen with Cupid inflaming their hearts. Original sketch. IN THE FINE ARTS GALLERY, NEW BOND STREET. Calypso mourning the departure of Ulysses. "The same subject as the one in possession of Mr. Charles Goldie. A portfolio of drawings in possession of Mr. Edward Goldie. Also a portfolio of drawings, and other mementoes belonging to Angelica, in the possession of Mrs. George Goldie {Venabrid), living in Brittany. GUIDE TO THE HOUSES DECORATED BY ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. [1771— 1781.] To present anything approaching • to a complete list of the ceilings, friezes, etc., painted by Angelica during the ten years she undertook this work, would be impossible. In the constant changes which occur in a large city, many of the houses have disappeared, others have fallen into decay, while some, during the benighted period which set in about 1830, and which may be termed the Dark Ages, were deliberately spoiledi by their owners, who were genuine iconoclasts so far as art was in ques tion. The fact that Angelica painted these ceilings, not on wood, but on canvas or foolscap which was afterwards put up, made the work easy to remove, and also more liable to the influence of damp or neglect, and in this manner much of her decoration has been lost. To find out the names of the original owners of the houses she decorated has been a task of some difficulty. Great help has been given by those who possess such houses, either by right of succession or by purchase, and the result has been fairly successful. 40O Appendix. I have to thank, in a special manner, for their kind help. Viscount Portman, Dowager Lady Watkin Williams- Wynn, the Lady Constance Leslie, Mr, R. F. Sketchley, of the South Kensington Museum, Mr. Vicat Cole, R.A,, Mr. Wright of the Adelphi, and Mr. Miintzer of Dover Street. The Adelphi. This interesting and now beautiful part of the Strand takes its name from four brothers, Robert, John, James and William Adam, who, in 1765, obtained the lease of the land from Sir Thomas Maupasson for ninety-nine years, and called it the Adelphi, Greek for brothers. Robert and James were architects of repute and men of genius. William, in company with Cldrisseau, the French artist, and Antonio Zucchi, then a young draughtsman, undertook a journey to Dalmatia, in order that he might perfect himself in the best types of Ancient Art. The result can be seen in the magnificent designs of the houses he built and the exquisite finish of his curves, friezes, panels, etc. Being natives of Scotland, the brothers Adam were patronized largely by Lord Bute. For this statesman they built Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, Luton House, Bedfordshire, and Caen House, Hampstead. Their nationality, together with their enjoyment of the favour ofthe unpopular minister, made them disliked, and when in 1771, in building the Adelphi, they encroached Appendix. 40 1 too far on the rights of the citizens, the inhabitants applied to Parliament for protection, but did not get it. This increased their annoyance. Squibs were freely cir culated at the expense of the brothers : — " ' Four Scotchmen, by the name of Adams, Who keep their coaches and their madams,' Quoth John in sulky mood to Thomas, ' Have stole the very river from us ! ' " The Adelphi is a standing memorial of the master hand that designed and built it. Walking through Adam Street and the adjacent streets, anyone with an eye for architectural beauty must be struck with the exquisite symmetry of the designs — notably in Mr. Attenborough's offices — the architraves of the doors of the houses in John Street, and the elegance of the terrace itself, upon which imrnense care had been bestowed. Most of the ceilings in the principal rooms were decorated by Zucchi,' and more than one was the work of Angelica. Thie chimney-pieces were handsomely carved, and the shutters, doors and skirtings had all carved mouldings of very elegant design. Much of this still remains, although the houses suffered considerably through the vicissitudes through which they passed. The speculation of the brothers turned out a failure, the expense of the building and of the arches that were necessary for the foundation ' Zucchi was an old friend of the Adam Brothers, and had come to London on their invitation. It was he who probably introduced Angelica to the decorative business. Zucchi decorated Caen Wood, Osterley Park, Luton House, Buckingham House, Sion House, and others. In the architectural works of the Brothers Adam no men tion is made of any other decorator but Zucchi, There is, however, no doubt that he was assisted by Angehca, her father, Cipriani, and others. D d 402 Appendix. was not recouped, t)wing to the difficulty of finding tenants rich enough to pay sufficiently high rents. The houses remained unlet, and gradually fell out of repair. The property was heavily mortgaged, and, as time went on, came into the hands of the principal mortgagee, Mr. Drummond, to whom it now belongs. In 1872 the houses subsided, and the attention of the authorities being called to their dangerous state, an order was made to compel immediate repair. They are now in excellent order and all occupied, but in many' of them the decora tions had to be removed, as the damp and rain coming through the roofs had completely obliterated them.' This happened to the ceiling in No. 6, now occupied by the Savage Club. There are decorations to be seen at:— No, I a, formerly the residence ofthe Bishop of Durham, afterwards the home of the Juriior Garrick Club, and now belonging to the Christian Police Association. Here the ceiling is good, but the paintings, half-moons in shape, nine in number, representing flying Cupids and Nymphs, are very poor. They are said to be by Angelica, but have great traces of John Joseph. No. 5, which bears the well-known medallion, to " David Garrick," now belongs to the Institution of Naval Architects, and has a very good ceiling with a medallion in the centre and several small ovals. These are said to be the work of Angelica,^ and probably some of them are, as she had such a close friendship with Garrick and ' Much information about the terrace was kindly given by Mr. Wright, agent to the estate. = In " Old and New London " it is distinctly stated that Garrick's house was decorated by Antonio Zucchi. Appendix. 403 his wife. The subject of the centre medallion is " Venus attired by the Graces." It is very highly coloured.' At No. 6, now the home of the Savage Club,'' under neath the whitewash there was discovered a painted ceiling, said to be by Angelica. It fell to pieces in re moving. At No. 4, now the residence of Mr. R, D'Oyly Carte, there is a perfect gem of a ceiling, and the work is dis tinctly Angelica's. It is soft and lovely, and, if restored, has been most judiciously done. The subject is one often repeated by her — " Aglaia, one ofthe Graces, bound to a tree by Cupid," There are fifteen small ovals. Mr, Carte may consider himself very, fortunate in pos sessing such a piece of work.^ On the other side of the Police Association, in the Adelphi Hotel, there is a ceiling with three plaques ; the paintings require cleaning to enable one to discern the subjects. The ceiling has been divided. It is probable that in its first. condition this house, and the one formerly occupied by the Junior Garrick, were one, and may have been the residence of the brothers, which is the tradi tion. On the other hand, it would seem unlikely that those artistic minds would h^e such inferior work. No. 9, John Street, Adelphi.* Antonio Zucchi's ' In all decorative work which has been restored, it is hard to distinguish the original colouring, and this applies especially to Angelica's work, which was too delicate to bear the presence of certain mediums and varnishes. ° No, 7 also belongs to the club. ' Henderson, the husband of George Keate's daughter, had a house in Adelphi Terrace; Mrs, Henderson was a friend of Angelica's, * Now occupied by different professional gentlemen. The ceiling is in the possession of Messrs, Perry & Reid. Zucchi got 90/. a year for this house. D d 2 404 Appendix. house, which he bequeathed to his nephews. A good house with a good deal of Adam's work on the staircase and doors ; one of the rooms has a nice ceiling let in with faint blue here and there, and a medallion with three figures in the centre. The figures are of Grecian pattern in stucco, and are probably the work of Bonomi. They are well designed. There is a tradition that Ange lica painted some decorations for Zucchi's house. If this ceiling represents her labour of love, it did not cost her much trouble. Just opposite Zucchi's house in John Street is the home of the Society of Arts, who removed from the Strand to the Adelphi in 1774. After the failure of the proposal to decorate St. Paul's, it was suggested that the principal artists of the Royal Academy should be invited to contribute each a painting to decorate the Great Room of meeting, or Council Chamber of the Society. Reynolds, Cipriani, West, Dance, Barry, and Angelica Kauffmann -were named. The idea, however, fell to the ground; but three years later (in 1777) Barry offered to decorate single-handed the Great Room. He had sixteen shillings in his pocket when he made the offer. *He accomplished his work, and anyone visiting the Society's rooms can see his six enormous canvases. II. 22, Portman Square, the Residence of Viscount Portman, This noble mansion, designed by James Stuart and Bonomi, built by the brothers Adam, and decorated by Appendix. 405 Angelica, Zucchi, and Cipriani, in which Mrs. Montagu, nie Robinson, lived, was the wonder of the day. Miss Burney, in her pleasant Diary, tells us how that lady, of whom the clever little authoress stood considerably in awe, invited the Streatham party to come and see her new house, where Angelica was at work. Horace Walpole, who disliked the Montagu and her blue-stocking friends, writing to Sir Horace Mann, says, " On Monday with the Harcourts at Mrs. Montagu's new palace, and was much surprised. Instead of vagaries, it is a noble, simple edifice. It is grand, not tawdry, nor larded and embroidered and pomponned with shreds and Temnants, and clinquant like all the harlequinades of Adam, which never let the eye repose a moment," ' That there is wonderful harmony and a dignified repose in Montagu House is certain ; but a lack of gilding ' is not its predominant feature : on the contrary, its gilded walls and ceilings have always been famous. We must therefore conclude the critic of Strawberry Hill visited it before it had received all its trappings ; neither does he make any mention of the Feather Room, to which Mrs. Mofitagu's friends in all countries contributed. Cowper alludes to this eccentric chamber in the well- known lines : — " The birds put off their every hue To dress a roora for Montague." After a time the congregation of moths became so numerous, that the gay plumage had to be stripped from the walls. ' He also says, " Dined at Mrs. Montagu's. When I came home I recollected that though I had thought it so magnificent a house, there was not a morsel of gilding." This was in 1782. 406 Appendix. Lord Portman, upon whose property the house was built, has lately made Montagu House his residence, and the improvements introduced by him are most judicious, including the portico, which looks as if it had formed part and parcel of the original house. Inside it is purely Georgian, the medallions and entablatures being thoroughly Adamesque, if we may so call them. The ball-room, a superb room, has a highly decorated ceiling with three large oval paintings repre senting Olympus, The subject of the centre is Venus borrowing the Cestus of Juno, The friezes round the room, which are in stucco, reproduce Venus in her chariot drawn by Cupids. Lord Portman does not count the ceiling as the work of Angelica, " The paintings in the reception-room," he says, writing to the compiler, "are by Angelica Kauffmann. Most of the decorations in the ball-room on the ceiling are by Bonomi,' date 1791." If we accept the date as correct, there can be no doubt that they could not be Angelica's work, as she was then no longer living in England ; in addition to which there is a certain Italian touch and brightness of the colouring unlike her. At the same time, we have Miss Burney's testimony that Angelica was decorating the house in 1 781, ' Joseph Bonomi, A.R.A., while studying architecture at Rome, where he was born, was induced by the brothers Adam to leave Rome and come to London, which he did in 1767, when he was about twenty-eight years of age. He reraained for a considerable time in the employment ofthe Adams. He married Rosa Florini, a cousin of Angelica Kauffmann, and had a family of ten children. The Spanish Chapel and Montagu House in London are from his designs ; also Eastwell House, in Kent, once the residence of the Duke of Edinburgh ; Roseneath, on the Clyde, a mansion belonging to the Duke of Argyll, and other well-known country seats. He died in his house in Great Titchfield Street on the 9th March, 1808. His wife lived tiUJuiie, 1812. Appendix. 407 and, moreover, it is certain that Bonomi was no colourist, but an architect and able draughtsman. It is pro bable, taking into account Walpole's remarks, that the gilding was an addition, and that at the same time some portions of the ceiling may have been painted by Cipriani,' which would account for the Italian colouring, which is very unlike Angelica's. There is a fine marble chimney-piece in this room, and the skirtings are all of the purest Italian marble,^ In the reception-room there are six " sopra-portas " by Angelica on each side of the wall, matching exactly in shape a large one in the middle and a smaller on each side. The subjects are taken from Shakespeare's plays, especially "King Lear," One is Cordelia's corpse carried on a bier — a good picture. The others are some what poor, and it is a pity they should be framed, as it spoils the effect ; particularly on the side of the room where the door is they would look better let into the wall as panels. IIL II, Stratford Place, Sir John Leslie's House, Few persons hurrying along the busy thoroughfare of Oxford Street have leisure to give more than a passing glance at this old-fashioned place, standing back, as ' Cipriani, the intimate friend of Bartolozzi, whose fellow-coun tryman he was. They were like twin brothers. Cipriani was remarkable for the elegance o£ his groups and the grace of his contours. 2 Since writing the above I have been informed by Mr. Goldie that the Baron de Cosson, connected with his family by marriage, has in his possession Angelica's original drawings for Montagu House.— /".a 4o8 Appendix. it were, with the quiet dignity of age, from the bustle and tumult of the new world which now surrounds it, and which is out of tune with its past. Stratford Place was built in 177 1 by the Brothers Adam, and Stratford House, with its noble frontage, was the residence of an Irish peer, O'Neale Stratford, Earl of Aldborough.' The viscount was a dilettante nobleman of the Charlemont and Powerscourt type, the viscountess being quite as eccentric as her contemporary, Lady Burlington, with the result that the extravagances of both husband and wife left a legacy of debt to the heirs, which necessitated parting with Stratford House, while the old family residence near Dublin was first converted into barracks, and has now sunk into a lodging house of the most ruinous description.^ Sir John Leslie, of Glasslough, is the present owner of Stratford House, and in his hands the beauties contained in it are well cared for. There is a fine staircase with the Adam cornices and ornamentations. The ceilings are in Angelica's best manner. In the Cupid drawing. room, "the Paphian Boy" is to be seen in every mood and shape, truly painted by the "pencil of fascination," In the dining-room we find another ceiling with the subject so well known, and which Angelica so much liked, that of Aglaia bound by Cupid and the Nymphs to a laurel tree. There are other houses of interest in Stratford Place. Cosway, the miniature painter, removed in 1792 from Pall ' Hence the name Stratford Place, ' It is a most weird-looking old house, degradation vnrilten upon its neglected walls. But up to a recent date it contained some fine chimney-pieces by Wedgwood, and carvings, which have since been sold to English dealers. Appendix. 409 Mall to the corner house. No. i. It may be known by the lion on the top. Hardly was he established, when a pasquinade, attributed to the malicious Peter Pindar, was affixed outside ; — " When a man to a fair for a show brings a lion, 'Tis usual a monkey the signpost to tie on ; But here the old custom reversed is seen. For the lion's without and the monkey's within." ' Cosway, who was as sensitive as he was vain, was so annoyed at this sorry jest, that he moved to the opposite side (No. 20), and there he lived until his death. It has been always said that in his house there was a beautiful ceiling by Angelica Kauffmann ; but this seems improbable, as in 1792 .she had been living many years in Rome. She may have painted one for him either in his house in Pall Mall or Berkeley Street. IV. Soho Square, Lord Fauconberg's House. {Now a portion of Messrs, Crosse and Blackwell's Warehouse,) One of the charms of London is the quaint little squares set apart in the midst of the busy capital, and reminding one in their quietude and alraost desolation of some grey, joyless lives, which have no share in what is going on around them. Silent as it now is, Soho Square was in Angelica's day a centre of gaiety and dissipation, ' Since this was written No. i has been pulled down to make way for the new buildings of a bank. 4IO Appendix. for here lived Mrs. Cornelys, called in her time "the Heidegger of the age." To her and her notorious rooms was attributable the ruin of many a promising youth and maiden. Another celebrated place of fashionable dissipation was the " White House," situated on the opposite side of the Square to Mrs. Cornelys, where Messrs, Crosse and Blackwell's premises now stand. The White House was frequented by such well-known personages as the Marquis of Queensberry, familiarly called " Old Q," the Marquis of Hertford, and the Prince of Wales. The different apartments were known as the silver, the bronze, and the gold rooms, the painted chamber and the grotto. Next door to this White House was the residence of Lord Fauconberg. It is now incorporated with Messrs. Crosse and Blackwell's buildings, and in it the sale of their productions is carried on. In one of the upper rooms a painted ceiling was found in a dilapidated and neglected condition. It fortunately fell into the hands of the head of the firm, who, finding it was painted on canvas, had it carefully removed, restored, and conveyed to his own residence. The Cedars, near Pinner. The four ovals of the ceiling have been framed, and hang in the hall as pictures. There is a slight coarseness about them, for as a natural consequence, work intended to be seen from a distance is never so highly finished. There is Cupid and the nymph Euphrosyne, Angelica and Urania with the Celestial Globe, and a large oval of nymphs with garlands, which is far the best both in design and colour. The grouping is both graceful and effective. Appendix. 411 12, Grosvenor Square, Lord Wynford's House. This house has changed hands several times. It belonged to Miss Charlotte Grenville, daughter to George Grenville, the Minister, and wife to Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn, who was the friend of Garrick, and of Sir Joshua, by whom the lady was twice painted. Her son gave her 12, Grosvenor Square as her dower house, as she did not like St. James's Square.' Lord Lytton lived here for some years before his death. The author of " The Last Daya of Pompeii " seems to have shared the opinion of Horace Walpole as to the "Adam harlequinades," for he had the elegant mouldings, friezes, and cornices all disguised in dull Pompeian colours, one room being called the Pompeian room. After Lord Lytton's death, about twenty years ago, the present owner bought it, and with commendable good taste abolished the relics of Herculaneum and restored the Georgian character of the house. There is, however, a superabundance of gilding. Fortunately each reformer spared Angelica's ceilings, which are exquisite in the softness of their colour and delicacy of treatment. TJie large ovals represent in the front drawing-room, Venus attired by the Graces, in the back room, Apollo playing the lyre to his com panions ; while the smaller ovals, charming little gems, display the most enchanting Cupids and graceful Nymphs, In an inner room on the same floor there are two " sopra- ' See page 416. 412 Appendix. portas," also by our artist, as fresh as if done yester day, in which the favourite Chariot of Venus reappears, drawn by the most enticing Cupids. There is also an allegorical picture by Angelica of herself as Sappho. VI, 39, Berkeley Square, This house, which has recently been sold by Lord Downe to Mrs. Hartmann, is a thoroughly sound speci men of the Georgian era. It was built by Adam, and some of his best work is here. Nothing can surpass the beauty of the ornamentation on the friezes, enriched with motley masks and strange devices of all kinds, and the well-known Adams' " Fillings," as they are called. So too with the ceilings, two of which are octagon in shape and wonderful in elegance of design and ornament. Doors, mouldings, cornices likewise^ are in excellent taste and are made for use as well as for ornament. Like most houses of the last century, 39 has had its vicissitudes. In the " dark ages " the hand ofthe spoiler was busy destroying all of beauty, and replacing it by the tasteless improvements then in fashion. In this way the elegant mouldings were disfigured by coat upon coat of paint, until the original design became utterly lost,' ' This painting over of ornamentations was very common from 1830, at which period the " dark ages " began. In this instance the Appendix. 413 while other malpractices were used in regard to friezes and ceilings. No. 39 has now, however, come into good hands, and the work of restoration will be complete. It is somewhat to be regretted that in the beautifully panelled library, or reception-room, the old style is to be replaced by a Louis XVI, decoration. The white octagon morning-room and the octagon drawing-room are specially noticeable ;. the first has a pure Adam ceiling, beautiful in its design ; the second is a splendid piece of work, the panels (ovals) being painted by Angelica most exquisitely. They are soft in colour, graceful and harmonious in grouping, and excellently restored. The centre oval (through which some Goth had run a gas-pipe !) represents the nymph Euphrosyne disarming Cupid j the smaller ovals, which are inter spersed between the ornamentation of the ceiling, display a series of Nymphs and Cupids : the whole thing is a feast to the eye as a work of art. The chimney-pieces cannot be passed over without a word of admiration. They are the work of Wedgwood with all his elegance of shape and design, and with the coloured flutings which are his characteristic. This house when finished will be a rare treat to those who understand and reverence such relics of the days when art was present in every curve, cornice and mould- wood has had to be scraped and pickled down to get at the original design, which was concealed by layers of paint. It is a fact that in many houses of the Georgian era the beautiful Adam doors have been taken off and thrown into a stable; and the Wedgwood chimney-pieces replaced by marble or velvet-covered mantel-boards. So, too, with old panellings and surbases ; and in many instances ceilings have been painted over or gilt, and gas-pipes run through the centre plaques. 414 Appendix. ing, and when the true principle was observed of making everything for use as well as for ornament. That principle is now utterly neglected. Hence the reproductions of the Adam or Inigo Jones ornamentations are failures. VII. The Arts Club, Hanover Square. Hanover Square and its neighbourhood forms an inter esting region peopled by many recollections, as of the old Hanover Square rooms, once the great musical centre, where Bach led the orchestra and George III. loved, to come and listen. Fashionable concerts were given even so lately as ten or fifteen years ago, although the rooms were then getting into the sear and yellow condition, and marked down for sale.' Opposite to the Hanover Square rooms is the Arts Club, established in 1873. The house is an old one ; there is a good deal of panelling, and a general air of having a history, but so far what its story is has not been ascertained. The Square is out of fashion, and its fine houses are mostly clubs, or inhabited by pro fessional men; but in Angelica's day, several of the nobility lived there. At 23 her first royal patroness, the Duchess of Brunswick, lived for many years, and died there. In the Arts Club we find two ceilings, one painted by Angelica is an oval representing " Aurora " ' The old house has been converted into a club. No 15; George Street, Hanover Square (now occupied by the eminent physician Dr. Kidd), a house of the Georgian era, has a panel let in over the mantel-piece, which has vei^ much the mark of Zucchi's paint ing. There is, however, no definite information concerning it. Appendix. 415 after Guido.' It is well painted, the colouring good. In the other room, which is a very delightful library, or reading-room, the ceiling is an olla podrida of styles and hands, in which anyone conversant with John Joseph can recognize his touch. Zucchi is also present, and if Angelica did have a share, and doubtless she had, it must be said she is not much better than the others. Still, the effect is good: the varnish is high, and the whole performance forcibly recalls an old art, once much practised, of transferring prints to tables, etc., which is now utterly forgotten, but which can be still seen in some old houses of the last century. VIII. Arlington House, 23, Arlington Street. When this fine old house was taken down some few years ago, it was stated that the drawing-room ceil ing had been whitened over to conceal a painting by Angelica, and that the owner. Lord Walsingham, finding it was on canvas, had it carefully removed.^ IX. Dowager Lady Freake, 30, Cranley Gardens. Lady Freake is well known as a collector of pictures and rare engravings. Her four Angelicas are exception- 1 This subject was evidently the inspiration of Angelica's picture of Venus drawn in her Chariot by Cupids, which had a great success, and was engraved both by Marcuard and Rose Lenoir, * Lord Walsingham, writing to Miss E, Vemon Harcourt, states that he never heard of the ceiling, but that a very coarse and badly painted frieze was taken down. 4 1 6 Appendix. ally good. They formed part of the decorations of the Earl of Derby's house ^ in Grosvenor Square. Two were certainly " sopra portas " from their shape. These are " Cupid and Aglaia," and " Cupid's Pastime." The others are nymphs carrying garlands ; and Venus on a couch counselling Helen, to fly with Paris, whom Cupid leads by the hand into the room. X. No. 20, St. James's Square, the Dowager Lady Williams-Wynn's House. There are many reminiscences called up when we enter the precincts of this stately sqiiare, with its grand ducal mansions representing the houses of Norfolk, Marlborough, Cleveland. Here, round and round through the long hours (fortunately) ofa summer's night, walked Johnson and Savage, both homeless and hungry, but by no means depressed. In connection with the Square, Johnson was fond of repeating the following lines : — " When the Duke of Leeds shall married be To a fine young lady of high quality, How happy vrill that gentlewoman be In his Grace of Leeds' good company ! She shall have all that's fine and fair, And the best of silk and satin shall wear. And ride in a coach to take the air. And have a house in St. Jaraes's Square.'' ' Lord Derby's house was one of the most beautifully decorated houses in London ; the ornaments of the pedestals, circles, and panels of doors were all of the highest class of decoration. It is minutely described in the architectural works of Adam, to the furniture in Lady Derby's dressing-room, Appendix. 417 Here, too, on another June night, when a ball was going on at Mrs. Boehm's, came rushing up at tearing speed Major Percy, with the news of the battle of Waterloo. What a scene was there I how the ball was interrupted — how Major Percy told his tale — what grief and distrac tion it brought to many who had been laughing only a moment before. It was a dearly-bought victory to these. Mrs. Boehm's house was on the south side, so was Lord Radnor's, elegantly decorated by the French artist, Laguerre. The Dowager Lady Williams-Wynn's house is one of the finest specimens of Adam's work in London. Every cornice and curve has its use, each medallion is elegant in design, all the ornamentations and mouldings are graceful and to the purpose. The house was built in 1 771. The same year Sir Watkin W. Wynn married Miss Charlotte Grenville. He spared no expense in making No. 20 beautiffil. The ceiling of the dining-room,' which is altogether Adam in design,^ is enlivened by ovals painted on foolscap paper by Angelica,^ and alle gorical in subjects. The centre one represents the story of Alexander resigning his mistress Campaspe to Apelles. It is very beautiful, being soft in colour and the design good. The smaller ovals represent some of the fine arts. There are about fifteen. The sopra-porta represents a sacrifice to the God Pan. ' The dining-room was originaUy the music-room, and here the splendid organ used to stand ; this has been removed to the family seat in the country. 2 The height of the Adam ceUings was, as a rule, very favour able to Angelica's work, as the distance at which the spectator is conceals any deficiency in the outlines. Sir Watkin was a strong admirer of the Adam brothers. He went so far as to raelt down sorae Queen Anne plate and have it re-raade after their designs. ' This was discovered when the ceiling had to be repaired. E e 41 8 Appendix. In a smaller room on the same floor there is a de licious ceiling painted in monochrome attributed to Cipriani. This room is full of objects of art, old minia tures, china, etc, and in the adjoining room, used as Lady Wynn's bedroom, there is a dressing-table service of old plate ofthe quaintest pattern.' We now go up the fine staircase, and passing through the spacious vestibule (Adam never stinted space on landings), we enter the la'rge drawing-room, or ball-room, where the splendour of the carved ceiling and the character of the decoration takes one's breath away. Every portion of its spacious arches is covered with ornamentation in different styles, but all blending harmoniously. To do it justice by description is impossible, and even a photograph would give little idea of its beauty. There are six panels, allegorical sub jects, long, not oval in shape ; the remaining spaces being filled in with Egyptian scrolls and quaint devices. Mr. Miintzer, of Dover Street, has recently restored the ceiling and re-papered' this room in excellent taste. He was able to make a close inspection of the work, and says that it is evidently by different hands, the panels being far superior to the scrolls, figures and ornamentations. Most probably Zucchi and John Joseph assisted Angelica. The panels present many of her favourite subjects. The Chariot of ' In the library there is a large portrait by Dance of Garrick as Richard HI. When the painter becarae Sir Nathaniel Dance- Holland he offered one thousand pounds to have it back I The ornamentation of this roora is in the shape of fans at each corner of the ceUing : the centre medallion represents Sappho discoursing with Homer ; the other medallions, four in number, represent Angelica listening to the Muse, Coraposition, Design, and Invention. Appendix. 419 ¦ Venus, Diana and nymphs preparing to hunt. There are two which it does not appear she ever treated before, one is of Aphrodite rising from the sea ; and from this circumstance and the peculiar colour of the blue back grounds, might be formed the conclusion that Cipriani, who often worked for Adam, had some hand in the ceiling,' In this room the panels of the doors (which are of singular beauty) are also painted. This work, which unfortunately is so close to the eye, is most unworthy of its surroundings. It is certainly not by Angelica, Cipriani,'' or even Zucchi ; or if it were originally done by either of these artists, it had got blurred, and in the effort to restore it has been altogether defaced, especially the nymphs, who hang their hmbs in a purposeless sort of manner. The chimney-piece of white marble is splendid, the centre being from a design of Angelica's, It is pleasant to think this. fine old house is so valued by its owner, and kept in excellent preservation. XI. Cambridge House, Regent's Park. Mr. Walter Gilbey's House, Here there are two beautiful chimney-pieces, the frontis pieces painted by Angelica, The one in the second ' The smaUer ovals round the roora are distinctly Cipriani's, and there is little doubt he likewise painted the three panels on the ceiling, 2 On a second visit to No, 20 I find the doors much improved ; they have been carefuUy touched. The defacement of the original work was due to some country artist who was eraployed in the restoration many years ago. He also meddled with the back grounds of the panels on the ceiling, introducing colours which have turned almost black. The design of this ceiling resembles Adam's design for Carlton House. — See Adams' " Works in Architecture." E e 2 420 Appendix. drawing-room is the best ; it represents Fortitude and the lion. Fortitude is a. portrait of the artist, Mr. Gilbey has also a most interesting relic, a clavichord, the plaques of which are admirably painted by Angelica, Some of the pieces of furniture supposed to be painted by either Angelica, Cipriani, or Cosway, are simply modern work, as is often the case with the so-called Sheraton and Chippendale furnimre, of which there is said to be a large manufecture in this country.' Some people, however, are fortunate enough in possess ing the real thing, and Mr. Gilbey's clavichord is a genuine antique. Lord Portarlington possesses at Emo Park a table painted by Angelica for his ancestor. Lord Milton. Lord Spencer has a cabinet. For the Empress Catherine of Russia she painted a harpsichord. XII. Osterley Park, the Seat of the Earl of Jersey, near Brentford, Middlesex, Decorated principally by Zucchi in 1 781, assisted by Angelica, and probably by her father. Waagen says one apartment was entirely embellished by him, and in another room the frieze was the work of Angelica. Taylor '^ says, "The chamber decorations at Osterley ' Mr. Phillips, of Bond Street, says that hardly a week passes without pieces of furniture being brought to him for sale, supposed to be painted by some of the well-known artists of the last century ; Angelica being the favourite, probably because she was the more easily imitated. " " Records of a Life," Ap)pendix. 421 are very inferior art. A series of views in Tempera. Another apartment of this great house was decorated in body colour by Angelica Kauffmann." XIIL LuTON House, or Luton Hoo.' Rebuilt by the brothers Adam for Lord Bute, and partially burned down in 1843. It was decorated by Zucchi and Angelica. There still remains a chimney- piece of her design from the Tempest — Ferdinand and Miranda. XIV. Belvedere, Kent, formerly the Seat of Sir Culling Eardley, Bart. Waagen says the dining-room at Belvedere is decorated with thirteen pictures by Angelica Kauffmann, let into the walls, which, by their pleasing composition and cheerful colouring, have an agreeable effect. They were painted for Lord Eardley ; and also the portrait of Lady. Eardley, now in possession of Sir T. Blomefield,^ one of her most charming and dignified portraits. XV. At a house in Liverpool a ceiling painted by Angelica, subject, Selim addressing the Persian nymphs, was disposed of quite recently by private sale. ' Luton Hoo now belongs to Monsieur and Mdme. de Falb . ^ See Catalogue, under B. 42 2 Appendix. Ireland, Rathfarnham Castle, near Dublin, formerly Lord Ely's, now in the possession of Mr, Blackburne ; Lord Meath's house, now the Church Temporalities, Dublin; Dr. Mahaffy's house. North Great George's Street, Dublin, have all ceilings and panels painted by Angelica during her visit to Ireland, For description of these, see Chapter VI. This is all of her work that can be traced in Ireland, but doubtless there was much more which through neglect got injured or was painted over. A word must be said of Lord James Butler's house, 1 8, Rutland Square, Dublin, which was built by Lord Farnham in 1774. This date being three years later than Angelica's visit to Dublin, would seem to make the decorations of the ceilings attributed to her impossible ; still it may be that (as she painted her decorations always on either canvas or foolscap) she executed the commission in London and sent it over to Dublin. The centre panel of the ceiling is allegorical, the four side panels are round, and represent the Seasons. Lord James, who is a virtuoso, has likewise some beautiful cabinets, the undoubted work of Angelica. They were originally intended for the panels of sedan chairs, and are highly decorated ; one cabinet has yellow panels with artistic arabesques, the other cupids, most gracefully and prettily drawn. Nostell Priory, the Seat of Lord St. Oswald. Nostell Priory, the residence of Lord St. Oswald, is situated between Wakefield and Normanton. An Appendix. 423 admirable series of article in the Athenceum of 1880 deals exhaustively with the delightful old place and its wealth of pictures, including the Sir Thomas More, by Holbein, over which so much discussion took place. There is an unusually large proportion of good pictures at the Priory. Poussin, Claude, Paul Veronese, Titian, are all represented. Likewise Angelica comes in for a full share — not that the writer of the articles in question has much to say in her favour. He speaks somewhat contemptuously of her " gentle art," at the same time acknowledging her uniform gracefulness and elegance. There is a vast amount of decoration at the Priory. Three rooms with about thirty paintings, panels, ceilings, etc. Most of these are attributed to Angelica, but this is not, I fancy, the fact. The greater portion was the work of Zucchi, who was sent down, to the Priory by the brothers Adam, who were largely patronized by Sir Row land Winn, who was then the owner of Nostell. He was engaged on different works of decoration from 1767, and was paid in sums varying from 100/. to over 600/.' He executed four large pictures of ruins about six feet high, in which, it is said, he was helped by Angelica. This may be the case. Zucchi's letter,^ however, to Sir Row land Winn, which will be found on page 172, proves that up to 1780 she was unacquainted with Sir Rowland. No doubt after this and previous to her marriage she did go to Nostell, for we are told that she was a great favourite with the baronet and his family, and constantly stayed at the Priory. Some of her work is there, and ' Lord St. Oswald has the receipts signed by Zucchi, The last in 1780. 2 Sent to the writer by the late Lord St. Oswald. 424 Appendix. as fresh as the day it was done. There are six small pictures by her, the subjects would seem to be her favourite shepherds and shepherdesses dancing. There is the usual background of trees ; also the round or oval panels in the ceilings are repeated with her usual variety of cupids, all in excellent condition. Devonshire Place House, Marylebone Road, the Residence of Joseph Pyke, Esq. In the days when Angelica lived in Golden Square, there lay a dreary waste between where Cavendish Square now stands and the village of Marylebone, some times called Harley Fields. In 1772 the now populous thoroughfare of Duke Street was not built, and Maryle bone itself was considered the country, Mr, Smith, in his " Rainy Day," tells his readers that it was inhabited by families of distinction, who kept their coaches. The old Manor House, built it is said, by Inigo Jones, which was well known as Mr. Fountaine's Academy, stood on the same side of the road as the house which we are about to visit, facing the Marylebone Church, in High Street, where Byron and many notables were christened, amongst them Nelson's daughter Horatia- Devonshire Place House is a good specimen of the Adam brothers ; it is substantial and yet elegant. It stands in a sort of courtyard, with a fine garden at the back. Inside there is a quaint circular hall with a mosaic pavement and a narrow corridor leading to the reception rooms, all on the ground floor. Here we have the fine old mahogany doors of the last century, enriched with rare entablatures of ornamental brass, curious of device. Appendix. 425 The rooms are not large, and somewhat low, but there are many of them, and they open one into another. The ceilings, which were in a bad state when Mr. Pyke took the house, have been restored. There is no definite idea as to who painted them, but they have a decided similitude to Angelica's style, especially the one in the drawing-room, which presents the well-known Chariot of Venus. The old house, which, it is said, belonged to the Devonshire family, has fallen into good hands. Mr. Pyke is a virtuoso, and his collection of paintings, china, and curios is delightful to those who enjoy such things. Amongst other relics of bygone times, he possesses a quaint Chippendale stand containing the necessaire de toilette of a lady of fashion ; small jng and basin in deli cate china, and a drawer where the cosmetics were kept handy for use. In the matter of paintings, we have a small gallery to look at : amongst them four of Smirke's Shakespearian pieces. All indeed are excellent. There are five of Angelica's, for whose pictures Mr. Pyke had, when a boy, conceived an almost romantic affection, from looking at prints from her works in his father's house. His present collection came from the Rushout sale. Nathan and David, Jeroboam's wife listening to the Prophet Ahijah, as also the Temple of Guidus, hang in the dining-room. In the drawing-room we find over the doors two more Angelicas, beautiful specimens, painted during her stay in Rome, for her good patron, Mr. Bowles. The colouring is soft, and' the pictures most Kauffmannesque. One is "The Nymph Egeria advising Numa Pompilius ; " the other " Venus chiding Ganymede." In both the female figure is perhaps somewhat too tall for the picture, but this defect is lost 426 Appendix. sight of in the general effect. They are quite in keeping with the interesting old house and its artistic contents, amongst which we must not omit to mention Thorwald- sen's "Calypso," This lovely statue Mr. Pyke has placed in a home of its own, carefully curtained from the eyes of the profane. It was specially built for the purpose, and here on special occasions, with light artistically let in from the top, Thorwaldsen's master piece smiles softly upon her admirers. Also decorations for the houses of the Dowager Countess Home, and the Earl of Bathurst. Some house in Russell Street, Bloomsbury, is said to be decorated by Angelica Kauffmann, but no accurate information has been received by compiler. 20, Portman Square, 'the Residence of the Misses Goldsmid. Here is a splendid mansion in the very best style of the brothers Adam, with their train of skilled statuaries, decorators, and workmen. It was built for the Duke of Newcastle, who, with the reckless magnificence of the noblemen of his time, spared no expense in the fitting up of this fine house. When we come to reflect upon these men, w^o played such a part in the history of the four Georges, we can find much to admire. These fine gentlemen of loose morals and extravagant habits had some grand qualities ; they were brave men, splendid statesmen, generous patrons of art ; and if they squan dered their fortunes, they at least left to us of this generation memorials of good taste and artistic instincts. Appendix. 427 No. 20 stands upon the same side of the square as Lord Portman's fine house ; its portico and pillars distinguish it from its neighbours, which are not so pre tentious, and it has a grave and dignified air, as befitting the residence of so exalted a personage as Henry Duke of Newcastle.' The Duke had come recently to his strawberry leaves when he built this mansion. He had inherited it and a large fortune, and was a man distin guished for his fine taste, and for other matters not quite so creditable to his memory. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was 'said to have been much attached to him, but her heart went out to a great many people. Perhaps the finest staircase ever built by the Adams is here ; it is truly magnificent, elegant in its- proportions, and Grecian in design. The broad stairs in front, the double flight on each side, the circular light from the top, give it an imposing character, which is added to by the niches in the wall holding large statues, life-size. These niches are surmounted by oval panels of Wedgwood's elegant designs, on a pale blue background, the effect being most harmonious. As one looks at this grand staircase the imagination peoples it with the forms of those who in their day often trod these steps. In the morning the hangers-on of my lord Duke, intent on getting places or money from him, the poor men of ' Henry, Earl of Lincoln, married. Catharine Pelham, daughter and heiress to Pelham, the minister. The Duke of Newcastle- under-Lyme was her uncle ,¦ the dukedom descended to the Earls of Lincoln. The previous dukes had lived in Lincoln's Inn Fields, comer of Queen Street. Portman Square was in the last century a very aristocratic residence. The Duke of Hamilton lived at No. 12, and nearly every house was occupied by a noble family. It stUI keeps up its prestige, the size of the houses making it obligatory that they should be rented by persons of wealth and position. 428 Appendix. letters, the needy artists, and so forth. Later on would come her Grace's visitors, descending from their coaches and sedan chairs. We see them ascending and descending in their hoods, the sweet saucy beauties of that day, all patchesand powder, hoops and brocades; Horace Walpole paying his court as he conducts the Countess of Upper Ossory ; and the Duke himself, leading sprightly, witty Lady Mary Wortley, who is retailing a somewhat risky story. Ah ! they are gone, and the staircase is empty. Let us look at the reception rooms. On the first floor there are three fine spacious apart ments: the morning-room, dining-room, and library, which is connected with the latter by a closet, possibly the "powder" closet. The doors are all of mahogany,' with the old-fashioned inlaid brass plates. There is a great amount of ornamentation of the best adamesque design, light and beautiful. There is a wealth of decoration all through the house, the drawing-room being likewise highly decorated with the addition of much gilding. That in this work different hands were employed by the Adams is more distinctly evident here than in the other houses we have been visiting. One room, the dining-room, is attributed to Angelica, and in this only the centre panel of the ceiling ; the morning-room is said to be done by Zucchi. The oval over the chimney-piece, however, is by no means in his flat sign-board style : it has traces of Angelica's more harmonious treatment;^ so, too, with the ' The hall door (or portes-battant rather) is likewise of mahogany. ogany. It is either the original or a copy of her picture " Erminia," ¦iivpfl hv Ttnrtnloy.zi. engraved by Bartolozzi. Appendix. 429 « centre panel of this ceiling, which represents her oft- repeated subject " Venus counselling Helen." There are several panels by Cipriani, his lighter backgrounds and soft pleasing touch being easily distinguished. The " Four Seasons " are his work ; the chimney-pieces are in keeping with the elegance of the house. They are of beautiful design and execution. One, in particular, in the library calls for special mention : the panel or painting over this is somewhat in Barry's style ; but there is no definite certainty as to any ofthe work beyond the fact that it was done by the usual artists employed by the Adams, Zucchi, Cipriani, and Angelica, with their assistants, whoever they may have been. We may believe with tolerable certainty that Hamilton had a hand in most of the house decorations, and that John Joseph occasion ally was employed ; but one Would like to know more details of the work, which, however, do not appear to exist. Perhaps they may turn up some day, and will be most interesting.' Had Robert and James Adam completed the record they commenced of the houses built by them, we should have had a splendid contribution to the history of the last century. The three large volumes they left contain only a part of the work they did ; these cause a real regret that they did not finish what they began so well. Strangely enough, the only artist they mention is Antonio Zucchi, " ' Two very interesting notices of Somerset House have lately been contributed to the "Journal of British Architects" by Mr. Wyatt Papworth, curator of the Soane Museum, from which I have quoted on page 44. '^ Zucchi had been engaged in decorating houses for the Adams from 1767. Angelica did not work for the brothers Adam until after her return from Ireland in 1 77 1, when she, too, entered upon this branch of the profession. 430 Appendix. for whose abilities they appear to have much respect, based no'doubt on their early friendship, when ais young men they travelled together in Italy. Zucchi was no doubt a respectable draughtsman, and probably more submissive as a copyist of the brothers' designs than artists of more imagination. He painted all manner of ornaments, pilasters, circles, panels of doors, etc, for Sion House, and the furniture of Lady Derby's dressing- room. The Adam style was a profuse use of ornament, perhaps too much so, which may have caused the reaction to the bald, cheerless apartments which distinguished the earlier portion of this century. The introduction of gas had much to do with the painted ceiling going out of fashion ; but with the advent of the electric light we may hope for a return of'this charming decoration. An approach has been made in the papered ceil ings which are now in use ; but they are unsatisfactory, and given to splitting into very unsightly cracks. The Tyncastle designs are mere imitations, but both these are an improvement upon the white-washed~ ceilings with stucco patterns. The cold unfinished look of the plaster ceiling disfigures every room, however it may otherwise be in good taste, for the reason that to please the eye there must always be harmony in detail : hence the crudeness of the white ceiling offends us, although we may not know that its want of colour is totally out of keeping with the hangings, the pictures, and the decorations on the walls. Appendix. 43 1 Mr. Evans's Chimney-piece, Stamford. It is pleasant to find that at Stamford Angelica has many admirers. Possibly the proximity of Burghley, where so much of her work is to be seen, has to do with this, for it is clearly impossible to admire without having some acquaintance with the object we admire. In Stamford itself there is also a fine piece of her work, a chimney-piece, which was ordered by a Mr. Robinson over a hundred years ago,, and is now the property of Mr. Evans, who, with commendable good taste, has built a room to suit this work of art. The chimney-piece is very high, carved oak, painted white (which would seem a pity). Its front is ornamented with three medallions, that in the middle being large, those at the sides ovals. The medallions by Angelica are painted on copper. The centre represents Una and the Lion,' Una being a portrait of Angelica, On each side of this centre there are narrower plaques with a pretty ornamentation of convolvulus. In the right-hand corner the oval shows a girl holding a lamb on her lap ; in the left a girl making a garland. The sides of the chimney- piece have trails of the same flower as the panels. I am indebted to Miss Evans for a charming sketch of the old chimney-piece, which I wish it were in my power to reproduce here. 1 Erminia again. SUPPLEMENT TO APPENDIX, CATALOGUE OF ADDITIONAL PICTURES, PAINTED BY ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A. ORIGINAL OR (when known) PRESENT OWNER, Mr, Barford, Woking ham. Mr, Burkitt, 2, York Terrace, Regent's Park. Mrs. Daniell, 20, Cathcart Road, Kensington. Dowdeswell Gallery, 160, New Bond Street. Lady Fitzgerald, Merrion Square, DubUn. SUBJECT. 'Alexander presenting his mis tress Campaspe to ApeUes. Circular. ^ Portrait of Angelica as Sim plicity with Doves ; a charm ing picture, well-coloured and graceful. 5 Portraits of Justice and Mrs, Helms. I length. The background rather monoto nous. Portrait of herself With a pencil in her hand ; beautiful face, colouring good, alto gether an admirable specimen. J length. Portrait of Angelica. From the coUection of Mr. Moloney. ENGRAVER. ' Thi? picture was sold at the Rushout sale to a commission agent, Engel, for £S2. It was resold at Messrs, Christie's, a few years ago, to Mr. Barford. ^ This picture belonged to Mr. Burkitt's brother-in-law, Mr, Coward, a weU-known coUector of pictures in Bath. 3 These portraits were sketched during Angelica's stay in Dublin, 1771. Supplement to Appendix. 433 ORIGINAL OR (when known) present owner. Mr. Edward Goldie,' 12, ArgyU Road, Kensington. Harcourt Family. Mrs. Swinnerton- Hughes, 34, Ab ingdon ViUas, Ken sington. CoUection of Mr. Hopkinson.Eccles-ton Square. Sold by Messrs. Christie. SUBJECT. Portrait of Luigi Bonomi, infant son ofjoseph Bonomi, A.R. A., and Rosa Bonomi «^,f Florini, A very natural, easy portrait, much in the manner of Sir Joshua. Sketch in oils of the well- known subject so often treated by Angelica, Achil les at the Court of King Lycomedes, disguised as a Virgin. Sketch in oUs of "The Aca demy Model," a drawing of which is in the Payne Knight coUection, British Museum, Sketch in oils of a large picture, subject unknown. Countess of Harcourt, Sketch in oils of the large pic ture of Troilus and Cressida for the Shakespeare GaUery. The colouring is subdued in tone, and the grouping is good. SmaU cabinet size. I. Nymphs with Cupids. A pair.^ 2, Nymphs with Cupids, Cir cular. 3, Juno introducing Venus to Mars. ENGRAVER. Bartolozzi. ' Mr. Edward Goldie has two interesting water-colour drawings by his great grandfather, Joseph Bonomi, A.R.A. They are the designs for the Townley Gallery, and for the library at Lansdowne House, being the draw ings produced on the occasion of the difference between Sir Joshua and some members of the Academy. Mr. Goldie also inherited some handsome diamond ornaments left by Angelica to Rosa Bonomi. These formed part of the present sent to her either by the Queen of Naples or the Emperor, Joseph II. They have been reset, and are very fine diamonds. . 2 I. Bought by J ennings. 2. ,, Grindley, 3. ,, Wilson. for £ei, by Grindley, and the four mythological pictures brought £i,t. Graces decorating the tomb of Handel, £¦^0 gs. The departure of Hagar, ;£'i9. Portrait of herself, ;^i8. Some of these were bought by the late Lord Northwick, and are now at Northwick Park. The portrait by Angelica of the second Lord Northwick is at Burford, Worcestershire {see page 365) . * and * Bought in 1824 at Messrs. Christie's, from Mr. G, W. Taylor, M.P. ' This picture was painted for Lady Rushout, and the engraving is dedi cated to Mrs. Montagu, The companion picture, the Birth of Shakespeare, was also painted for Lady Rushout, and was bequeathed lately to Stratford-on- Avon by Mr. Graves. F f 2 436 Supplement to Appendix. original OR (when icnown) PRESENT OWNER, Hagnaby Priory, SpUsby, Lincoln shire, Mr, Joseph Pyke, Devonshire Place House, Maryle bone Road. Mr, G. J. Rust, The Views, Hunting don. Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle. SUBJECT. Esq., of Winthorpe, Notts. The lady is painted in white drapery with a red sash round her waist and a yellow scarf on her shoulders. She is leaning against a pedestal sur mounted by an urn. There is a background of trees. Ahijah foretelling to Jeroboam's wife the death of her son. I Kings xiv. Nathan and David. Scene from Montesquieu's Tem ple de Gnidus. Circular. Portrait of Miss Margaret Brown ' (Mrs Rust). 36 X 28. Half length, nearly full face ; abundant brown hair ; left hand raised to head ; blue dress ; face beautifully fin ished ; drapery rather hard. Maria, from Sterne's " Senti mental Journey." Small oval. Eloisa reading Abelard's letter, SmaU oval. * Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose, That well-known name awakens all my woes." The figure is draped in white. She has tumed away frora the letter and is gazing sadly at a ring upon her finger. Girl wdth garlands. She is seated in a garden upon a red chair ; behind her at the extreme left is a curious summer house with two long upright poles. Flowers lie scattered on the ground. The girl is supposed to be a likeness of Angelica. ENGRAVER, Bartolozzi. Bartolozzi. ' Daughtei of the celebrated landscape gardener, Lancelot Brown,;known as '' Capability " Brown. Supplenient to Appendix. 437 ORIGINAL OR (when known) rRBSBNT owner. Mr. Albert G. Sande man, 32, Grosvenor Street. Mr. Albert G.Sande- man, 32, Grovenor Street, Mr. John Samson, West Lynne, Stoke Newlngton. Duke of Sutherland, Trentham, Staf fordshire. Earl of Strafford, Wrotham Park. Mr. G. L. Wat son, Rockingham Castle, Rutland. SUBJECT. Venus showing Eneas and Achates the way to Carthage. SO X 39- Armida putting on her armour. Tasso. 50 X 39. St. Cecilia playing the organ. Said to be a portrait of Mrs. Sheridan. Lady Louisa Macdonald, daughter to the first Marquess of Stafibrd. ' Caroline, Countess of Carlisle, wife to Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle. The Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford and their daughters — Lady Louisa Macdonald, Countess of Carlisle, Lady Anne Vemon -Harcourt, Lady Georgiana Eliot, and the Ducbess of Beaufort. Corlolanus,Coriolanus taking leave of his family before going into exile. Grace, daughter of Rt. Hon. Henry Pelham, and wife of the 1st Baron Sondes. High powdered head, pensive, dignified attitude. ENGRAVER. Bartolozzi. LIST OF ADDITIONAL ENGRAVINGS/ ETC. original or (when known) PRESENT owner. Royal Institute of British Architects, Conduit Street, Hanover Square. Hon. Gerald and Lady Maria Pon sonby,' 57, Green Street, Grosvenor Square. SUBJECT. ENGRAVER. ^Lady Elizabeth Grey imploring Edward IV. to restore her husband's lands to her son. See page 441. AchUles at the Court of Lyco medes, Euryclea awakening Penelope with the news of the retum of Ulysses. Queen Eleanora sucking the venom from the arm of Ed ward I. See page 441. Fan painted by Angelica for Miss Ann Rushout, and be queathed by her to her grand- niece. Lady Maria Ponsonby. It is one of those quaint little fans used by ladies in the last century, of most delicate tracery almost like lace. The painting is in the middle. Oval. The subject "Venus counselling Helen." It is very fine work and the colouring as fresh as if painted yesterday. A set of engravings after Ange lica, by Bartolozzi. They were bought at the Bowles sale, and are many of them proofs. Some are in brown, such as ' ' Lady Northwick and child," a beautiful speci men, "Shakespeare's Tomb," and " La bergere des Alpes," Ryland, Scorodomoff. ' These prints are mostly in brown, * There is also an oil painting said to be by Angelica ; but although it.has a plate with her name on the frame it is undoubtedly by Zucchi. 3 Mr. Ponsonby is a collector of all manner of art treasures, his house being full of them. The miniatures are (as in all coUections) to most people the most interesting, and these especially, as each one has its own history and belongs to the family, which is quite another thing from buying them haphazard. COMPLETE LIST OF PICTURES EXHIBITED BY ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A., AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY, 1769— 1797. NO, IM ACADEMY CATALOGUE, SUBJECT. 6162 6364 1161171x8119 "3 114"5 116 117118 1769. Interview of Hector and Andromache. Painted for Mr, Parker, of Saltram. Achilles discovered by Ulysses amongst the attendants of Deidamia, Painted for Mr, Bowles. Venus showing Eneas and Achates the way to Carthage, Penelope taking down the bow of Ulysses for the trial of her wooersj Painted for Mr. Parker, of Saltram. 1770. Vortigern enamoured with Rowena. Painted for Mr. Parker, of Saltram. Hector upbraiding Paris. Painted for Mr, Bowles, Cleopatra adorning the tomb of Mark Antony. Painted for the Earl of Exeter, Samma the Demoniac weeping over the ashes of his son, Benoni, whom he had killed in his frenzy. (From Klop stock's Messiah.) Painted for Klopstock, 1771, Interview of King Edgar with Elfrida after her marriage with Athelwold. Painted for Mr. Parker, of Saltram. Acontio and Adippe, Omd, Epist. xix. The retum of Telemachus, Odyssey xvii. Erminia finds Tancred wounded, and assists in his relief. Tasso. Portrait of a lady and chUd. Portrait of an artist. 440 Supplement to Appendix. NO. IN ACADEMY CATALOGUE. SUBJECT. 127128129130 16316416S166167 142143144HS 14614714S 168169 170 171172 173 1772. Rinaldo and Armida. Tasso. Painted for Mr. Bowles. Andromache and Hecuba weeping over the ashes of Hector. Lady in Italian dress. Whole length. Painted in Ireland. Her own portrait. La Penserosa. Portrait of a Bishop (Dr. Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh, afterwards first Baron Rokeby). Painted in Ireland. 1773- Telemachus at the Court of Sparta, discovered by his grief on the mention of his father's sufferings. Odyssey. Trenmor and Imbaca, the moment of her discovery to Tren- mor. Ossian. Portrait of a lady with her daughter. Grecian lady at work. Painted for Sir Richard Hoare of Stourhead. Holy Family. Painted for Mr, Bowles. 1774- Calypso caUing heaven and earth to witness her affection for Ulysses, Penelope invoking Minerva's aid for the safe retum of Tele machus. Painted for Sir Richard Hoare, of Stourhead, Cupid finding Aglaia asleep binds her to a laurel. Metastasio. Painted for Mr. Bowles. Ariadne abandoned by Theseus, Portrait of a lady. Paris and Helen directing Cupid to inflame each other's heart with love.' Portrait of a lady. I77S- Portrait of a gentleman. Sappho.The despair of Achilles on being informed of the death of Patroclus. Madonna and child. Rinaldo and Armida. Andromache fainting at the unexpected sight of Eneas. ' Original drawing in the Print room, British Museum. Supplement to Appendix. 441 NO. IN ACADEMY CATALOGUE, SUBJECT. 174 Return of Telemachus. Painted for the Earl of Derby. 396 Small oval of a lady in a Turkish dress. Whole length. 397 Portrait of an artist, kitcat. [Her father.] 398 St. John. 399 A Cupid. 1776. 155 Eleanora sucking the venom out of the wound which Edward I. received with a poisoned dagger. . Rapin. 156 [ Lady Elizabeth Grey imploring of Edward IV. the restitu tion of her deceased husband's lands. Rapin, 157 Patience. " Her meek hands folded on her modest breast." Mason, — ' ' Caractacus. ' ' 158 Armida in vain endeavours to prevent Rinaldo's departure. Tasso. 159 Portrait of a gentleman. 1777, 192 Sylvia lamenting over the favourite stag wounded by Ascanius. ./Eneid, vii. Painted for Chief Justice Downes. 193 Dido. 194 Maria near Moulines. Sentimental Journey. Painted for the Burghley collection. 105 Love punished. 196 Group of Children. 1778. 174 Leonardo da Vinci expiring in the arms of Francis I. 175 A nymph presiding in the temple of Immortality, receives from the two swans to be placed in the temple, the few names they had saved of those whom an aged man (the emblem of Time) had thrown into the River Lethe. Ariosto, canto xxxiv. 176 Calypso mournful after the departure of Ulysses. 177 Flora. 178 Portrait of lady playing the harp. 1779. 162 The death of Procris. Ovid, Metam. 163 A Magdalen. 164 Paris and CEnone. Ovid, Epist. 165 Diana with one of her Nymphs. 166 Conjugal peace. [Two ducks in a basket.] 167 A Nobleman's Children. 168 Group of children representing Autumn. 442 Supplement to Appendix. NO. IN ACADEMY CATALOGUE, SUBJECT. 1780. 22 196 300321367 Religion. See "Temple of Virtue," by Dr. Fordyce. Modesty embracing virtuous Love. Lady and her daughter. A Sybil, Design for a Fan. A Vestal. 1781. 169 67 IS3 Venus attended by the Graces. Painted for Mr. Bowles. Portrait of a lady as a Muse. Judgment of Paris. Painted for Mr. Bowles. 102 1782, Modesty. 1786. 86 196 214 Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, pointing to her children as her treasures. VirgU writing his own Epitaph at Brundusium. These three painted for Mr. Bowles. Pliny the younger with his mother at Misenum. 1788. 217 Bacchus teaching the Nymphs to make verses,' Horace. 214246 1791. Death of Alcestis. Virgil reading the sixth jEneid before Augustus and his sister Octavia. 1796. 29 Euphrosyne, wounded by Cupid, complaining to Venus. Painted for Lord Berwick. 1797. 53 Portrait of a lady of quality. [Lady Harcourt.] ' This was the only picture Angelica ever sent to the Royal Aqademy with the star affixed. All others were commissions, or purchased before they appeared. Very few artists can now say as much. This can be easily proved by looking over the file of the Academy Exhibition catalogues, from which this list is taken. LIST OF PICTURES BY ANGELICA KAUFF MANN IN EXHIBITIONS FROM 1824 TO 1882. Leeds, 1824. OWNERS. View in Rome Sir Thomas Baring. Eurydice Mr, G. W, Taylor. Cordelia Mr, G. W, Taylor. British Institution. Portrait of Angelica Kauffmann . . Mr. Cheeseman. An English lady of quality . . . Mr. C, Aders. Cleone. A drawing .... Mr. F. Wadmore. Leeds, 1853. Portrait of Angelica Kauffmann . . Mr. T. Stokes, La Penserosa Mr, T. De la Fosse, Art Treasures, Manchester, 1857. Jane Maxwell, Duchess of Gordon . Duke of Richmond and Gor don. International, 1862. Margaret, Countess of Lucan . . . Earl Spencer. National Portrait Exhibition, 1867, South Kensington Museum. Viscount Althorp and his sisters. Ladies Georgiana and Henrietta Spencer, afterwards Duchess of Devonshire, and Countess of Bessborough . . . Earl Spencer, 444 Supplement to Appendix. OWNERS. Earl of Home.' Marquis Townshend. Rev. J. E. Waldy, Mr, G. D. W. Digby, Sir WiUiam Fitzherbert. Earl of Powis. Earl of Derby. Portrait of Angelica Kauffmann Anne Montgomery, Marchioness Town shend, and her son .... Portrait of Angelica Kauffmann Mary Knowler, Countess Digby AUeyne Fitzherbert, first Lord St. Helen's, as a boy .... Honourable Charlotte Clive . Earl and Countess of Derby, with their infant son between them ' . Leeds, r868. Venus showing Eneas and Achates the') way to Carthage ^ . . . , [ Col. the Hon. C, S. Vereker. . Armida arming, Cupid attending her s . J Royal Academy (Winter Exhibition), 1873. Anne, Countess of Albemarle . . Earl of Albemarle. 1876. Sir Joshua Reynolds .... Earl of Morley. 1878. Lady Caroline Damer Earl of Portarlington. 1883. "Design" \ One of the four decorations of Somerset > The Royal Academy. House, now in the Diploma GaUery ^ . J 1885. Elizabeth, Marchioness of Lothian, and child Marquis of Lothian. ¦ 1889. Prince William Frederick and Princess Sophia Matilda, children of T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester . Earl Waldegrave, ' The Earl of Home has also two classical pictures by Angehca. 2 & ^ Both pictures sold to Mr. Albert Sandeman, Grosvenor Street. * .Angelica received for these four paintings 2^ 100; Sir Joshua, for " Theory," £12 ; Cipriani, £42.— Journal of R. I. of British Architects, 1892. LETTER TO MR. BOYDELL, IN ANSWER TO HIS GIVING HER A COMMISSION FOR THE SHAKESPEARE GALLERY AND SIX HISTORICAL PICTURES.' Rome, February 4th, 1786. Sir, — It is some time since I rec'*' the favour of your letter date November the isth, it rader came late to hand, for which reason the answer was delayed. I greatly admire the Idea you have to form so noble a gallery, and I shall certainly esteme it an honour to have my portrait placed amongst the respectable artists you name. I likewise understand that you wish to have half a dozen Historical Pictures done by me, my engagements are very num- berous — I am just now finishings two large Historical Pictures for his Majes'', the Emperour, and tho' I have a great number of other comyssions, I shall as soon as I can be mindful of yours, and chuse such subjects which may be pleasing and interesting. I generally prefer to paint what I have not seen done by others. I well remember Mr. Ben. Evans. I am sorry he has not behaved to you as he ought, but it too often happens that bene volence is returned with ingratitude. Mr. Zucchi, sensible of your kind remembrance of him, pre sents his comp**- to you, and we both present our best comp'- 1 Contributed by Miss Wright, Dover. 2 The date is the same as her letter to Goethe teUing him of the commission. It is remarkable that in any autograph letter she never crosses a ^ or dots an i. The original speUing has been preserved. 446 Supplement to Appendix. to your Nice.' I am obliged to her for the partiality she is pleased to shew to my works ; but those who say that she is like me in person don't pay her a compliment. I hope some day or an other to have the satisfaction of being acquainted with her. I intend to visite England again, but how soon that will be I do not know, having many things to finishe. However, I hope to be able to effectuate my intention. Meanwhile, I have the honor to be with the greatest esteme. Your most obliged humble Servant, Angelica Kauffmann. ' The Miss BoydeU mentioned here was both a belle and a blue stocking ; she married Mr. Nicol, of Pall MaU, the King's bookseller. A very interest ing account of her appeared in Notes and Queries, November 26th, 1892, contributed by Mr, Hendriks, NOTES OF FUNDED PROPERTY, INVEST MENTS, AND OTHER EFFECTS OF AN GELICA KAUFFMANN ZUCCHI. A sum of Five Thousand pounds in the Funds or Stocks in London, bearing interest at 3 per cent., making yearly £^50 ;£S.ooo o 0 Another sum of ;^i3So invested in the English Funds, bearing ;^i 10 interest yearly ;^i,30O o o The two making ;f 260 yearly, Lochi di Monte, Communita di Roma, No. 80, making yearly at 3 per cent Scudi Romani 240 Further Lochi di Monte, bought in 1791. No. 100. ,,. Monies invested at interest in Schwartzenberg... Florini 7,000 A sum invested in good pictures Scudi 8,000 Also jewels, silver, books, prints, statues, and plaster busts, household furniture of every kind, carriages, horses, curiosities, clothing, and house linen. Also all necessaries for the study and use of the art of Painting Angelica Kauffmann has this day (26th May, 1798), sunk a sum of Ten thousand scudi Romani with the Royal Church of St. Ludovico del Negion for a Life Annuity, at 7 per cent, N,B, — This makes the amount 700 scudi yearly. Extracts from "Zucchi's Memoir of Angelica," lent by Mr. Hen driks, Vicarage Gate, Kensington. LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Vita di Angelica Kauffman, Cav.' Giovanni Gherardo Rossi. Translation of ditto into German. By Alois Weinhart. Beriihmte deutsche Frauen. Baron A. von Sternberg. Das Leben der Maler. Andreas Oppermann u. A. von Sternberg. Aus dem Br,egenzer Wald. Andreas Oppermann. Meyer, AUegemeine Kiinstler Le.-cikon. Nagler, AUegemeine Kiinstler Lexikon. R. D, DOhmes. Kunst u. Kiinstler. Article by J. Weisseley. AUegemeine deutsche Biographie, Italienische Reise. Goethe. Last edition, Nachgeschichte der Italienische Reise, Otto Harnach. Schrilten von Helfrich. Peter Sturz. Briefwechsel von Herder. Literatur u. Kunst. Herder, Der Gesellchafter oder Blatter fiir Geist und Herz, 1 838. Zeitung fiir die elegante Welt. K, L. Meilaus Mulier, 1827. Biographie des Contemporains, Arnault. Nouvelle Biographie Generale. Hoefer. Biographie Universelle. Michaud. Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs des Beaux Arts, Hiiber u, Rast. Manuel de I'Amateur des Estarapes, Charles Le Blanc, Gravure du XVIII. Siecle. Henri Beraldi, Hand-Buch der Kupferstich Sammler. Andresen u. Weigel. Bartolozzi and his Works, Andrew W. Tuer. Records of my Life. John Taylor. Life of NoUekens. J. T. Smith, Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Leslie and Tom Taylor. Celebrated Women. Ellen Clayton, Dictionary of Painters. Bryan. Last edition. Dictionary of Painters. Seguier. Century of Painters. R, and S, Redgrave. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. xxx. Architectural Works. Brothers Adam. Catalogues of the Royal Academy. South Kensington Museum. Catalogues of ditto, frora Mr. Anderdon's collection. British Museum. Catalogues of ditto, annotated by Horace Walpole. Lent by Mr. Harvey, St. James' Street. Ditto, arranged by Mr. Graves, of Pall MaU. Catalogues of the Leeds and National Portrait Exhibitions, arranged by Mr. Graves. Unpublished. Articles written at different times in the Athemeum, Art journal, European Magazine, Household Words, and Leisure Hour, TheSaltram, Belvoir, Knowsley, and Thirlestane Catalogues, lent by the owners ; lists sent by owners ; the Burghley Catalogues, kindly lent by Mr. Jos. Phillips, of Stamford. INDEX. Abbate Spina, 222, 225, 253. Abel Drugger, 112, 133, Academicians, Picture of, 118 — 119, 146. Academy, Royal, 114, 116 — 123, 146, 150, 154. ISS. IS7. 162, l66, 169, 180, 204, 281, 29s, 3Si, 3S4— 7. 361, 374. 404. 439. 44°. 441, 442. Academy Notes, 173. Academy, St, Luke, 147 — 152, 164, 326, 334- Ach, The, 12, 13. AchiUes, 1S4, 229, 24S, 377. AchiUes discovered by Ulysses, 121, 202, 371, 380—1. Adam Brothers, 170, 175,400 — I — 3, 404— S— 8, 413— 14— 17. 430- Adams, New York, 363. Addington, Mr., 159. Adelphi, 179, 288, 400, 401, 404. Adonis, 279, 369, 374-8, 383. Advertiser, 116, 120, 121, 126. Affectionate Sister, 7o» Afflicted Mother, 70. Aglaia bound by Cupid, 132, 175, 380, 394, 403, 408, 416. Alba, Duke of, 213. Albacini, Signor Carlo, 224. Albaggini, 326. Albani, Cardinal, 30. Albano, 132, 246, 318, 339. Albemarle, 363. Albemarle, Countess of, 150. Alberschwende, 12. Aldborough, Viscount, 175, 308. Allgemeine Biographie, 72, 76, 102. Allan Cunningham, 122. Almighty, The, 149, 205. Almoro Barbaro, 183, 361. Alps, 26s, 303, 309, 317, Althorp, 151, 381. Amalie, Duchess of Weimar, 198, 234, 238 — 246, 248—256. Amalie, Princess of Parma, 187. Amalie Schoppe, 69, 102. AmaUe Triesdoff, 231. Araerica, 361. American Market, 391. American Silver Kings, 42. Amsterdam, 94, Ancaster, Duchess of, 62, 152, Anderdon's Catalogue, 154, Andromache, 123—5, 145. 154. 37S> 38s. Angel, Miss, 43, 98, 176, 309, Angelica, See Kauffmann, AngeUcfe, 2i8. Anhalt-Dessau, Princess of, 206, 279. 363- Anhalt-Dessau, Prince of, 363. Anna (Santa) and Joachim, 203, 377. Apollo, 241, 242, 412. Apollo's nose, 147, ApeUes, 256, 417. Appendix, 363. Arcadia, 52, 346, 385. Archduchess Christina, 193. Architects, 438. Arco di Regina, 197, 359. Argyle, Duke of, 406. Ariadne, 268, 273, 282, 306, 370, 381. Arlington House, 415. 450 Index. Arf Club, Hanover Square, 414, 415- Art Joumal, 113, 340. Aschaffenberg, 363. Athenaum, 333, 369, 423, Attenborough, 401, Authorities, 448. B. Bach, 414. Bacchante, 153, 277, 372 — 4, Bacchantes, 132, Bacchum in remotis Carmine, 279. Bacchus teaching the Nyrap'ns to make verses, 207, 279, 369. Bagwell, Mr,, 143, 363. Baker, Dr., 48, 127. Baltimore, Lord, 61. Bandettini, Therfese, igg. Banks, 357. Sir John, 139. Barazzi, Monsieur, igi. Barbauld, 181. Barford, 432. Baring, 364. Baronneau, 364. Barry, 134, 150, 371, 404, 429. Bartolozzi, 44, 46, 117, 131, 165, 173, 278, 305—7. 343, 354. 357. 360, 370—83. Bastard, 376. Battazate, 2. Bavaria, Archduke of, 187, 321, 380. Beatitude, 149. Bellamy, 48. Bell's " Edition of the Poets," 165, 364- Belvedere, 201, 421. Benjamin, 8. Beraldi, 388, Bergarao, 206, 321, 364. Berger, 131, Berlin, 28, 153, 255, 364. Bernini, 21, 152, 364. Bernsdorff, 51, 109, 123, 146. Berry, Miss, 276, 280, Berwick, Lord, 282, 364. Bessborough, 381, 443. BUdstein, 13. Biraldi, 148. Bishop of Como, 6, 11, 311. Biographies, 72, 76, 102, 340. Blomefield, Sir Thomas, 350, 364 421, Bloomsbury, 178, 426. Blue Stocking Club, 41. Boddam, 364. Bode, 231. Boehm, 417. Bologna, 22, 147, 311, 313. Bonomi, Joseph, 177, 189, 318, 328, 332, 400, 404—7. Bonomi, Rosa Florini, 55, 177, 183, 323-8, 330, 406. Book of Italian Travels, 198. Borsi, 330. Boswell, 103. Botanical Gardens, 237, 251. Boucher, 392, Bousfield, Mrs., 143. Bouverie, 152. Bowles, Mr. George, 128, 176, 182, 193, 204, 245, 282, 318, 330, 342, 364. 365. 366, 367, 391, 425. Bowring, Mr. Victor, 350, 367. BoydeU, 148, 164, 166, 242 — 5, 367, 368, 377. 388. Brandt, 127. Briscoe, 368. Britannia, no. British Court, 81. Brown, Count, 281, 368. Brown, Lancelot, 436. Margaret, 436. Brassels, 181. Bryer, 131, 368,392. Brithingam, Mr., 191. Buckingham House, 98, 401. Buckle, 94. Buonarotti, Michael Angelo, 230. Burghley Collection, 350, 357, 431. Burial of our Lord, 228. Burke, Thomas, 128, 131, 395, Burkitt, 432. Burnand, Count, 28, Index. 453 Duke of Richmond and Gordon, 150, 151, 378-9- Rutland, 379, 436. Weimar, 238, 251. Duke's GaUery, 23, 24. Dunleary, 138. Durchlaucht, 240, Durham, Bishop of; 401, Durmer, 131. E. Eadem, 389. Eardley, 350, 364, 421. Eardley, Sir Culling, 421. Earwig, The, 163 — 7, 176, Easter Day, 252, 265. Eastwell House, 406. Edgar and Elfrida, 133, 134, 375. Edward IV. , 376. Egmont, 212, 214, 220. Egypt, 113. Egyptian, 418. Electra, 338. Elements, 167. Ely, Countess, 140 — i. Ely, Earl of, 138, 142, 370. Emma Lyon, 276, 277. Erao, 140, 152, 420. Emondel, 231. Emperor of Austria, Joseph IL, 186, 201. 396. Emperor of Russia, Paul IL, 182, 379- Eneas, 74, 375, 382. England, 38, 42, 63, 148, 171, 180, 183—6, 193, 204, 301, 318, 320, 321—2, 357—8- EnglUh, 35, 63, 130, 185, 193. EngUsh Art, 344. Englishman, The, 39. Epictetus, 280. Epitaph, 206. Espinasse, General, 306, 387. Esterhazy, 371, 376. Etchmgs, 146—7—8, 388. Euphrosyne, 74, 282, 369, 380, 410. Euripides, 281. Europe, 38, 264, 275, 283. Evans, 431. Exeter, Marquis of, 51, 108, 342, 370. Exhibitions, 119, 126, 145, 148, 150, 152, 162, 204, 295. Exhibitions : Academy, Royal, 439 — 442. Society of Arts, 50, 51, 126, 193- Leeds, 443. Nation'ai portrait, 443, 444. Facius, 131. Fairholme, 360. Faith, 177. 297.348, 354- Fantastico Fortunato, 199. Farringdon, 47. Fashionable, 384. Fauconberg, 469. Feather room, 405. FiUing, Adam's, 412. Firrao, Cardinal, 371. Fisher, Kitty, 48, 355. Fitzgerald, 432. Fitzherbert, 151 — 56. AUeyne, 371. Fitzpatrick, J. C, 141. Florence, 22 — 4, 219, 221 — 2, 230, 300, 311, 371. Florence, Grand Duke of, 230. Folo, 131, 321. Forbes, 298, 307, 309, 321, 342, 371, 374- Fordyce, Henrietta, 173, 174. Fordyce, James, 163, 188. Fordyce, WiUiam, 187. Forster, John, 50, 127, 141. Forster, 74. Fortitude, 354, 420. Fountaines, 424, Fra Angelico, 209. France, 276, 320. Francis the First, 1 63. Franck, 33, Francavilla Palace, 192, Frascati, 225, 246, 267. 454 Index. Frederick Hom, Count, 78 — 107. French, 211, 287, 308. Frenchman, 38. Fuger, 336. Funeral honours, 326, 331. FuseU, 65—67, 68, 133, 168. Gaetano, 377. Gainsborough, 133, 343.. Galleries — Aschaffenberg, 363, Beriin, 153, 364. Dresden, 153, 370. Dublin National, 142, 370, Edinburgh, 370. Florence, 371, Frankfort, 371. London, 374, 375, 431 . Milan, 375, Munich, 376, Naples, 377, Philadelphia, 377. St. Petersburg, 380, Vienna, 382. Ganymede, 329, 338, 425. Garde k vous, 132, Gardens, Botanical, 237, 251. Garrick, 51, 61, 68, 133, 176, 371, 402, 411, 418. Club, 151, 371. Junior, 325, 402, Gebhardt, Professor, 54, 255, 305, Gellert, 326. General Espinasse, 306, 387. General Stanwick's daughter, 129, 387- Gemi, 338. Genius, 167. Gering, 194, 198, 335. German, 33, 268. Germanicus, 280, 281. Germany, 96, 308. George Itl., 40, 116, 363. George Keate, 113, 179, 292, 403 : Georgian, 406, 411, 412. Gilbert (J. T.), 137. Gilbey, Walter, 419, 420. Giudetti, 224. Glasslough, 408. Globe, celestial, 411. Gloucester, 383, Gloucester, Duke of, 120, 279. Gochausen, Fraulein von, 240, 241, 244, 246, Godby, 70. Goldsmith, 112, 127, 141 — 2. Goethe, 26, 27, 197, 198—200, 207 — 215-16-17 — 18, 221, 231 — 233.237—239.243—4—6—9,250—3, 274, 303— 5. 337. 359- Goethe Society, 217. Goldie, Charles, 243, 378, 396. Family, 396. Edward, 398, 433. Mrs. George, 398. Goldsraid, Misses, 426. Goschen, 258. Gotz von Berlingchen, 34. Gracchi, Mother of the, 204 — 5. Graces, The, 74, 167, 402, Grangerising, 154. Graves, 367, Graves, Henry, 153, 362. Grecian, 403. Green, 131. Greeks, 211. Grellar, Messrs., 299, GrenviUe, 411, 417. Griffith, 281, Grimani, 372. Grisons, 45, Guercino, 370. Guido, 147, 1 149, 339, 378—9, 415, H. Hagelin, Consul, 255, 258. Hague, The, 94, Hairplaiter, The, 147, 390. HaU, Mrs., 74. HaU. Great,. 404. Hamburg, 94, Index. 45» Bumey, Dr., 79, Bury, 132^ 209, 232, 234. Bute, Lord, 400. C. Caen House, Hampstead, 401. Calais, 380 — 392. Calonne, 343, 368. Calypso, 147, 278, 379, 426. Calypso calling on Heaven to wit ness her affection for Ulysses, 379. Cambridge House, 419. Canova, 163, 316—17, 326-7, 331. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 150. Canton, 154, 309. Captain Frederick Johnston, 151. Caraffa, Columbano Palace, 233. Carattoni, 131, Caserta, 192. Casimir Kauffmann, 314 — 16. Carlsbad, 271. Cartyle, 260, Caroline Flachsland, 261, 271. Carter, Mrs, Elizabeth, 281. Castel Gandolfo, 207, 216, 234. Castle, 137. Castle, Dublin, 137. Catalogue of Paintings, 363, 432. Cataneo, 148. Cathedral, St. Paul's, 149—50. Cavaggi, 287, 291. Cavendish Square, 424. Ceci, Due of, 202, 368. Cedars, 410. Cesari, Cardinal, 313. Chambers, Sir WiUiam, 117. Charing Cross, 53, 58. Charity, 297, 354, 357- Charies IL, 345- Charles Cramer, 77. Cheapside, 148. Cheeseman, Mr., 152, 368. Cheops, 173. Chiaro-oscuro, 229. Christian, King of Denmark, 40, 71, Christian Police Institution, 402, 403- G Christie's, 119, 142,357 — 8, 360 — i, 365. 370—1—2—4. 383. 429. Church of St. Andrea, 294, 326, 331-2. Cimaroso, 209. Cipriani, 117, 119, 150, 166, 402, 404 — 7, 418 — 19, 420—9. Cirillo, 377. Clarchen, 213. Claridge's, 79. Clayton's, 139. Clements, Colonel, 143, 368. Clements, Mrs., 143, 368. Cleopatra weeping over Antony, 128, 371-4, 381, 411, 416. Cleophas Lucin, 2, II. Clerisseau, 400. Cleveland, 416. Clio, 153. 354. 374- Clive, Hon, C, 150, 378. Clonrael, Lord, 138. CockereU, 365, 366. Collins' "Eclogues," 165, 373, 395- Colnaghi, 44, Comic Muse, 279, 372. Como, 6-8, 311, 313. Como, Bishop of, 6, II, 311, 368, Compositira, 167. Conjugal Peace, 163, Conjuror, The,. 156 — 61. Constance, 18, 232. Conway, 50, 126, 150. Copenhagen, 109, 284. Copley, 166, Corbett, 369. Cordelia's Corpse, 378, 381, 407. Corigliano, Duchess of, 193, 377. Coriolanus, 310, 381,437, Cornelia, 204 — 5. Cornelys, Mrs., 410, Correggio, 339, Corso, 323. Cosway, Mrs,, 171. Cosway, Richard, 117, 119, 176, 409, 420. Cotes, 121. Council ofthe Academy, 156, 402, I Courland, Princess of, 369. g 2 452 Index. Covent Garden Theatre, 151. Coward, 432. Cowper, 405. Cranley Gardens, 416. Cressida, 166. Crewe, Mrs., 52, 152. Crosse and Blackwell, 409, 410. Cupid, 132, 163, 175, 281, 305, 317, 344, 365, 369, 373—4—5, 402, 408, 410, 412, 413. Cupid and Hebe, 193. Cupid asleep, 132. Cupid disarmed, 132, Cupid drying Psyche's hair, 132, 163, 279, 305. Cupid finding Aglaia asleep, 132, 17s. 380, 394, 403. 408, 416. Cutchacutchoo, 137. D, D'Alberg, 236, 262. Dalmatia, 170, 400, 430. Daraer, Lady Caroline, 140, 152, 374-8. Damer, Mrs., 151, 152, 374. Dance, Nathaniel, 37, 64, 65, 104, 117, 121, 150, 354, 356,404,418, Daniell, 432. D'Auraale, 435. Daniel Volterra, 228, 233—6. Dark Ages, 399, 413. Dauke, 131. Dead Man's Diary, 323. Decorations (see Appendix). De Falbe, 421, Delafosse, 369. Delany, Mrs., 59, 139. Delatre, 385—6. Denmark, 147. Demarteau, 392. Derby, Eari of, 150, 369, 374, 416, 430- Design, 167, 182, 443. Desalles Regis, 102, Dessau, 305, Devonshire, 351, 361, Devonshire Place House, 424. Diana, 122, 419. Dickenson, 131, 379. Dido, 368, 379- Digby, 369, Dinorlas, 341. Diploma Gallery, 167, 374. D'Israeli, 180. Dohme's " KUnst ii Kunstler," 102. Domenichino, no, 378. Donald, Messrs., 300. Donaldson, Mr., 369, Dowager Princess (of Wales), 62, 120. DowdesweU, Messrs., 350, 361 — 3, 432- Downe, 404, Doyle (Henry), 142. D'Oyly Carte, 403. Dreaming, 327 . Dresden, Gallery of, 153, 370. Drummond, Mr., 402. Drury Lane, 65. Dublin, 136—142, 144, 391, 408, 422. Dubourg, 102 — 3. Ducal family of Devonshire, 25, 69. Duchess of Ancaster, 62, 152. Brunswick, 60, 368, 372, 415. Courland, 278. Devonshire, 151, 372, 380 — I. Dorset, 143, 378. • Modena, 10. Manchester, 121, 122, Richmond and Gordon, Jane Maxwell, 150, 378. Weimar, 234, 238—9, 240 — I. 243—56, 273. Duff, 370, Dugnarai, Cardinal, 370. Duke of Bridgewater, 368, Courland, 229, 368, Dorset, 143, 378. Gloucester, 120, 279, 449, Mecklenburg Strelitz, 120. Miranda, 321, 375. Modena, 9. Index. 455 HamUton, 133, 152. Duke of, 427. Lady, 276, 277, 351, 369, 372, Sir WUliara, 276, 372. Hammond, 364, Hampe, 327, Hanover, 115. Harcourt, Lady, 296, 433. Harlowe, Clarissa, 344. Hartley, Mrs., 151, 372. Hartmann, Mrs,, 412. Hayman, 117, 119. Haymarket, 120. Hebe, 122, 276. Hector, 121, 124, 125, 166, 354, 37S- Hecuba, 145. Heidegger, 410. Heinrich Meyer, 285, 302. Hendriks, 446. Herculaneum, 30, 411. Herder, 227, 231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 244, 247, 250, 261, 262 — 274. 337- Herkomer, 388. Hermitage Palace, 229, 380. Hero, 282, 383, Hervey, Lord, 372. Hoare, Wavenden Manor, 372, Sir Francis, 372. Miss, 391. Hogarth, 114, 344, 351. Holstein, Beck, Duke of, 206, 373- Holy Child, 203. Holy Families, 148, 374, Home, Lord, 152, 444. Homer, no, 147, 357. Hone, Nathaniel, 104, 117, 118, 155 — 160. Hope, 147, 164—5, 297, 354, 373, 379- Hope nursing Love, 48, 394, Hopkinson, 433, 434. Horace, 279, 322, 379, 383. Horace Mann, 403, Horn, Frederick, 78, 100 — 107, 168. Home, Anne, 84. Richard, 84, Hornek, 127, Houses, Guide to, 399 — 431. Houston, 131. Huber and Rast, 103, 388. Hughes (Swinnerton), 433. Hunt, 279. Hunter, Dr., 118. I. Illustrations, 373 (See Appen dix). Infanta, 152. Inigo Jones, 414, 424. Inghilterra, 187. Intaglio, 226, 243, Ireland, 129, 136— 14S, 367, 421, 430- Innocence with doves, 112, 354, 377. ItaUan, 33, 39, 268. Italian Memoir, 169. Italian School, The Old, 156, Italian Stuccoists, 137. Italians, 202, 211. " Italienische Reise," 197, 199, 200, 207, 213, 215. Italy, 26, 173, 214, 276. Jenkins, 210, 287. Johnson, Dr., 416. Jersey, Lord, 412, 420. Joachim, 203, 377. Johnston, Captain, 152, 374. Josepoff, Prince, 282, 374. Journal, Art, 113, 340. Judgraent of Paris, 176. Juno, 122, 369, 406.. Justice Blackbume, 142. Justice Downe, 143, 392. K, Kauffmann, AngeUca — Birth, 2 ; early education, 3 — 5 ; Como, 6 — 8 ; MUo, 8—10 ; death of 456 Index. mother, 1 1 ; leaves Milan, 1 1 ; Schwartzenberg, 12 — 17 ; retums to Italy, 18; Montfort Castle, 18—22; inclined to the stage, 19, 20 ; first love affair, 21 ; Florence, 22, 23 ; Rome, 24, 25 ; Winckel mann, 25 ; his influence upon her future career, 25, 26, 31 — 33; her adoption of mythology, 33, 34 ; Venice, 35 ; acquaintance with Lady Wentworth, 35, 36 ; goes with her to London, 36 ; London, 40 — 45 ; acquaintance with Sir Joshua Reynolds, 45 — 50 ; her portrait by him, 46 ; ex hibits portrait of Garrick, 51 ; exhibits Arcadia, 52; leaves Lady Wentworth, 53; Reynolds' friend ship, 45 — 52; letters to her father, 45,46, 54 — 62 ; takesa house, 59; love affairs, 64 — 67 ; friendship with Mary Moser, 67, 68 ; arrival of her father and Rosa Florini, 70 J method of painting, 71 — 77 ; Horn, 78, 79 ; marriage with, 84 ; separation, 95 ; accusa tions against Sir Joshua, 100 — 106; Bemsdorff^s account, 109, 112; elected an Academician, 117; her portrait in Zoffany's picture, 119; exhibits at the Royal Academy, 120 ; mentioned in the Advertiser, 126 ; her portrait of Sir Joshua, 126 ; dinner at Sir George Baker's, 127 ; engravings and etchings, 130, 131, 146, 147, 148 ; exhibits at Royal Academy, 120, 133; satirized by Peter Pindar, 134 ; visits Ireland, 136 — 145 ; exhibits at Royal Aca demy, 145 ; proposal to decorate St. Paul's, 149 ; her Portraits, 150 — 154; exhibits at Royal Academy, 154 ; Hone's Conjurer, 155 — 163 ; exhibits at Royal Academy, 162 ; criticized in the Earwig, 163; Vignettes, 164, 165; decorates Somerset House, 166; death of Hom, 168; agrees to marry Antonio Zucchi, 172 j Ul ness of her father, 171 ; letter to Mrs. Fordyce, 173; exhibits at Royal Academy, 176 ; marriage with Zucchi, 177, 178; leaves England, 180 ; Venice, 181 ; death of her father, 183 ; goes to Naples, 184; friendship of Queen Caroline, 184.; Rome, 187 ; letter to Dr. WilUam Fordyce, 187; retums to Naples, 193; finally settles in Rome, 194 ; life in Rome, 195 j Gering's account, 198; Goethe's view ("Italienische Reise"), 199; the Emperor of Austria commissions AngeUca, 186, 201 ; pictures ordered by Catherine of Russia, 186, 202 ; commission from the Pope, 204 ; exhibits at the Royal Academy, London, 1786, 204; criticism of the Mother of the Gracchi, 205 j friendship with Goethe, 207 ; party given by him, 209 ; Egmont, 212 ; Goethe's picture, 214 ; Oppermann and Stolberg's opi nions as to the friendship, 215 — l5; Zucchi as a husband, 217 ; letters from Angelica to Goethe, 219 — 231,233 — 238; letters from the Duchess of Weimar, 249, 252 ; letter from Wieland, 255 — 259 ; friendship with Herder, 26 1 ; letters from Herder to his wife, 262 — 274 ; condition of Europe, 275 ; arrival of Lady Hamilton, 276 ; her portrait painted, 277 ; engraved by Morghen, 278 ; Steinberg's criticism, 279; ancient mythology her favourite subject, 280 — I ; exhibits Euphrosyne at Royal Academy, 282 ; portrait of Duke of Sussex, 282 ; arrival of her cousin Anton, 283 ; letter from Herder, 284 ; Madame Le Brun, 284 — 5 j state of Europe, 286 ; letters to Mr, Kuliff, 287, 291 — 294, 299 — 302; Zucchi's ill- health, 288 i his death, 289 ; his Index. 457 wUl, 290; letter to Mr. Kuliff, 291 ; inscription on tomb, 294; obliged to work, 295 ; her piety, 296; her large picture of Religion, 297 ; Mr. Forbes, 298 ; Rome a republican government, 299; letter to Mr. Kuliff, 291 — 293; letter from Goethe, 303 — 305 ; state of Rome, 306 j courtesy of General Espinasse, 306 j letter to Mr. Forbes, 307 — 309 ; por traits, 309 J present to Schwart zenberg, 310 ; illness, 310 ; leaves Rome, 311 ; visits Florence, 31 1; Como, 311 ; letter to a friend, 312 J visits Venice, 313; retums to Rome, 314; letter to her cousin, 314 — 15; Canova exe cutes her designs, 316 ; Napoleon invades Italy, 317; her income in danger, 317; letter to Mr, .Bowles, 318; illness, 319; visits Tivoli, 322 ; letter to Mr. Forbes, 322; renewed Ulness, 323; last sickness, 325 ; death, 326 ; fune ral, 326 ; will, 328 ; letter from Dr, Borsi, 330; letter .from An ton Kauffmann, 332 ; inscrip tions, 328, 333, 334; critical notices, 334; catalogue of pic tures, 363 ; catalogue of etchings, 388 ; engravings by Bartolozzi, 391 ; illustrations by Bartolozzi, 395 ; drawings in British Museum, 398 J house decorations, 399. Kauffmann, Casimir, 314 — 316, 329. Kauffmann, Anton Johann, 284, 301,311,325—6,327, 332, 359, Kauffmann, John Joseph, i, 4 — 6, 8, II, 19—22, 36, 40, 54, 59, 62, 80, 87, 91, 105, 167, 171— 3, 177, 181— 3, 184, 291, 352, 357, 402. Kauffmann, Peter, 328, 353. Kauffmanns, The, 6, 7. Kayser, Christoph, 222, 225, 226. Kidd, M.D. , 414. Kimber, 374, King Lear, 378, 407. King's Library, Berlin, 54,255, 316. Klopstock, IIO, 152, 374. Knebel, 231. KneUer, Sir Godfrey, 1 14. Knight, 131, 374. Knight, Charlotte, 341. Knowsley, 170, 369. Koraraosky, 434,' Krantz, Kapellmeister, 209. Kruder, 377. Kuliff, 178, 292, 301. Kunst, Literateur, 337, 339. Kunstbild, 382. Kunstler, Kiinst, 102. Labyrinth, 306. Lady Sarah Bunbury, 74. Sarah Cavendish, 69, Caroline Damer, 140, 152. Falmouth, 59. Freake, 416. Charlotte GrenvUle, Watkins- Wynn, 411, 417. Hamilton, 276 — 7, 351. Hervey, 229, 372. Molyneux, 121. Augusta Murray, 282. Northwick, 193, 206, 351, 364 —366, 379- of quality, 296. Susan Strangways, 88. Dowager Williams-Wynn, 416, 417. Wentworth, 25, 36, 41, 65, 180, 205. Laguerre, 417. Lancret, 352. Lane Maiden, 50, 68. Market, 120. - St. Martin's, 68, 79, 114, 159. Wheel, 59. Laocoon, 125. La Penserosa, 145. La Touche, 138—9, 39 1. Lavater, 221. 458 Index. Lavis, 389. Leamington, 360, Leander, 282, 283, Lear, King, 378, 405. Leblanc, 388, 390. Lebrun, Madame, 277, 284, 285. Leeds, Duke of, 416. Leinster Duke of, 138, House, 138. Leipzig, 258, 304—5, Lely, Sir Peter, 351. Leonardo da Vinci, 9, 1 63, 379. Le Rossi, 327. Leslie, Charles, 47, 71, 118, 133, 154, 162—7. Sir John, 175, 407 — 8. Lady Constance, 407, 408. Lessing, 125. Le Thiere, 327. Levant, 382. Lewis, 373, Library Ludovische, 28. Librarian, 28. Life, School, 9, 77, 75, 114, Lincoln, 427, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 427. Lindau, 54, Lips, engraver, 220, 258. Liverpool, 421. Locatelli, 288, 290. Lohren, 2. London, 40, 41, 48, 54, 58, 65, 78, 89, 96, 98, 145, 147. 150. 170. 187—8, 287, 299, 314, 329,409, 417. Lord Antrim, 138. Baltimore, 61. Berwick, 282, 364. Bute, 400, 421, Butler, James, 145, 422, Cavendish, Arthur, 69, Charlemont, 137, 368, 391, 408, Ely, 138, 370- Ferrard, 143, 375, Fauconberg, 411, Hervey, 372. Lord Howard de Walden, 151, 372. Jersey, 412, 420. Leven and Melville, 153, 374- Lieutenant, 136, 141. Longford, 145. Masserene and Ferrard, 375. Meath, 138, 140, 422. MUton, 378; 420. Montgomery, 309. Moriey, 46, 123, 126, 134, 375 —6. Momington, 138. t Northbrook, 138. Portarlington, 378, 420. Portman, 176, 378, 399, 404 —6. Powerscourt, 138. Powis, 150, 378. Radnor, 417. Spencer, 108, 381, 420, Townshend, 140, 141, 384. Wynford, 411. Loretto, House of, 203, 374. Lothian Marquis of, 150, 374. Marchioness of, 150, 374, Louis XVL, Decoration, 413, Love, 100, 265, 370, 383, Celestial, 149, Lucin, Cleophas, 2, 10, 11. Luiseura, 305, 363. Lycomedes, King, 380. Lyon, Erama, 276 — 7. Lyte, 374. Lytton, Lord, 411. M, Macaulay, 280, Macaroni Artist, 119. Macbeth, 65. Lady, 65. Macdonald, Colonel, 309, 375. Msecenas, 322. Madonna, 147, 244, 378, 380 — 4. Magazine, European, 121, Index. 41&1 Periclitan, 31, 34, Pericolo, 327. .Philadelphia, 377. Phillips, 420. Phillips and Neale, Messrs., 361, 365, 372, Phryne, 281. Peter, Duke of Courland, 229. Peter Kauffmann, 328. Peter Kuliff, 178. Peter Pindar, 117, 134, 409, Peter, Saint, 147, 378. PezzoU, Count, 321, 377. Piazetti, 15, 380, Piccadilly, 83. Pictorial Conjuror, 155 — i6l. Pietro, Zucchi, 191. Pinner, 410. Piranesi, 170. Pisa, 272. Place, Ely, 138. Pliny, 204, 206. Poison-sucking from the wound, 162, 169. Poland, King of, 202, 377. Polly Peachum, 66. Pompeii, 30. Pompeiian, 411. Pompilius, Numa, 281, 425. Poniatowski, Prince, 202, 204, 377 —8. Pope Pius VI„ 203—4, 238, 377- Popery, 150. Pope's Tliad, 125, Porporati, 131. Porta del Popolo, 228. Portraits, 129, 130, 141—3, 150 —154, 296, 385, Post Office, 178—9, Powell, Caleb, 141. Powerscourt, 138, Powerscourt House, 138. Powis, Lord, 150, 378. Pozzobonelli, 10, 17. Practical amusements, "les. Pratextatus, Papirius, 280. Praxiteles, 280, 281, President of Academy, 156, l56. Prince Anhalt-Dessau, 363. Princess Anhalt-Dessau, 206, 279." Princess Dowager, 60, 62, 120. Pritchard, Mrs., 65. Procris, Death of, 163. Property, 427. Professor Sellius, 28 — 30. Prophet, Nathan the, 281, 384, Proserpina, 279. Psyche, 279, 305, 317. Purity, 77. Putney Heath, 173. Pyke, 424—5. Pylades, 338, Pyrrhus, 281, 371. Quaritch, 397. Queen Anne Plate, 417, Queen's Bench, Ireland, 143. Queen Charlotte, 40, 61, 68, 71, 98, 363- Queen's County, 140. Queen's Mistress of the Robes, 205. Queen of Naples, 184 — 5 — 9, 192 — 3—4- R, Rafael Mengs, 31, 67, 153, 3(^3, 336. Raphael, 147. Raphael Urbino, 67, 333, 338, 378. Rast and Huber, 103, 388. Rathfarnham Castle,; 140, 142, 422. Read and Perry, 364, 403. Rebecca, Lady Rushout, 366, 379, 435- Records of my life, 104. Redeemer, The, 281. Redford's Art Sales, 120. Redgrave, Mr., 354, Redshaw, 378, Regent's Park, 419. Regent's Street, 205, Regis Desalles, 102. Regulus, 121. 462 Index. Religion, 163, 297 — 8, 307 — 8 — 9, 348. 371. 374- Republican, 299. Revue Contemporaine, 295. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 44 — 50, 61, 100 — 106, 112, 114 — 117, 118, 119, 123, 126, 127, 133, 135, 146, 149, 150, 152, 155-6—7, 166—7—8—9, 173, 321, 323, 343, 349. 351—2. 357. 360, 375, 404, 411. Rezzenico, Cardinal, 229, 378, Rhodope, 113. Richmond, Duke of, 150 — i, 378 — 9- Rieffenstein, Rath, 198, 210, 212, 219, 225, 235, 240, 242, 244, 250, 265, Ritchie, 290. Rinaldo d'Este, 9. Rinaldo, 145, 154. Robert, 370. Robinson, i, 145, 379. Rome, 24, 25, 29, 30, 37, 121, 184, 187 — 189, 190 — 2, 207, 209, 210, 214, 215, 218, 227, 231, 237, 238, 239, 240,241,244, 246,250, 251, 252, 253, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 276, 282 — 4, 287, 291, 296, 298, 299, 300, 309, 311, 314, 321, 322, 326, 327, 353, 409. Romney, 166, 404. Rosa Florini Bonomi, 55, 70, 177, 183, 328, 330, 332, 354. Rosebery, Lord, 152, 379. Rose Lenoir, 131, 386, 415. Rosenkrantz, 94. Roseneath House, 406. Rossi, 7, 37,46,49, 98, 105, 107, 109, 113, 131, 170, 186, 199, 204, 296—299, 320, 327, 359. Roth, Cardinal, 17, 379. Rowena, 128, 376. Roxborough, 368. Royal Academy, 114, 117 — 120, 154, 162—6, 177, 204, 281—2, 295, 402. Royal Commission, 70. Royal Highness, of Gloucester, 120. Rushout, 177, 206, 364— 5, 369, 374, 425. 435- Russia, 229, 379. Rust, 436. Rutland, 436. Ryland, Wynn, engraver, J31, 134, 146, 164, 177.373, 375-6—8-9. 385-6-7, 392—3- Saal, 228. Sacraments, Last, 325, 330. Sales, Art, 120. Salmo, 282. Saltram, 46, 123, 126, 134, 342, Saraaria, Woman of, 276, Samma, 374. Sampiere, 147. Samuel, 281. San Andrea, 294, 326, 331, 332. Sandeman, 436, Sappho, 147, 154, 354—7. 412. Savage, 416, Savage Club, 402, 403. Saviour, The, 196, Sayer and Bennett, 380. Scantlebury, 380. Scheidewasser, 147, 148, Schlessheim, 380. School, 75, 77, 114. Schopfer, 381, Schoppe, A,, 69, 102. Schiitz, Johann, 220, 370. Schwartzenberg, i, 12, 14, 17, 148, 181, 284, 310, 314, 329, 380. Schwarz Kunst, 131. Scorodomoff, 131, 373, 380, 387. Scott, 380. Seckendorf, Frau von, 231, 241, 262, Seguier, 343. Sellius Godfried, 28 — 30. Senate, 280, Senior United Service Club, 220. Servain d'Agincourt, 198, 324, Shakespeare, 167, 236, 370, 407. Shakespearian Gallery, 166, 229, 242, 367. Index. 459 Magazine, Gentleman's, 177. Magistrate, Mr. Addington, 159. Mahaffy, Dr., 145, 422. Mahlerinn seelen, 67. Malone, 47. Manchester, Duchess of, 74, 121, 122. Manuel des Beaux Arts, 182. Marceaud, 131, 415. Marengo Rooms, 50. Marinari, 138. Marlborough House, 408. Marlfield, 143. Marquis Ely, 138, 141. Exeter, 51, 108, 342, 353, 370 — I. Hertford, 410. Queensberry, 410, Marriage settlement, 177. Marshall, 434. Martineau, 434, Martinegbi, 375. Marylebone, 424, Massacarrara, 375. Matilda Caroline, 40. Matthews, i8o, Maughan, Rev. G., 376. Maupasson, Thomas, 400. Maxwell, 434. Medley, 375. Mendip, 375, Menelaus, 74, 347. Mengs, Raphael, 31, 67, 153, 303, 33&, 370- Mentmore, 152. Mentor, 278. Mercury, 228, 236, 265, 285. Messell, 434, Messiah, no, 128. Messilina, 385. Metastasio, 403. Meyer, 285, 302, 376. Meyers, 5. Mezzotinto, 134, 388. MUan, 8— II, 17, 63, 223— 5, 311, 375- Milan, Bishop of, 10. MUanese, 10, 216.^ Miranda, Duke and Duchess of, 321. 375- Miss Angel, 43, 98, 176, 309. Mistress of Robes, 205 . Model, Naked, 77, 118. Modena, Duke of, 9. Duchess of, 10. Modesty, 204. Monastery of San Pietro, 147. Monbegno, 3, 22, 36. Monroe, Dolly, 141, 142, 370. Montagu, 427 — 8. Montagu, Mrs., 41, 181, 404—5. Montagu House, 405., Monte dell Trinita, 190. Montfort, Count, 18, 21, 375. Castle, 19, 21, 365, 375. Montgomery, 375. Montgomery, Lord, 309. Monuments of Rome, 198. Moral Emblems, 76. Morales, Cristoforo, 224. More, Sir Thomas, 423. Morghen, 131, 198, 206, 278, 372 — 3—4, 385- Morland, 354; Moriey, 46, 123, 126, 134, 375— 6' Morris, Miss, 48, 122. Morrison, Alfred, 173. Morsburg, 18. Mosaic, 374. Moscow, 202. Moser George, 67, 114, 116,117, 118. Mary, 67, 68, Ii8, 133, 352. Mosers, The, 67, 68. Mother, afflicted, 70. ofthe Arts, 323, ofthe Gracchi, 204—5—6, 377. Munster, Bishop of, 296. Miinter, Dr., 285, Muntzer, Mr,, 400, 418. Muse, The, 153, 176,233, 254,395. Muses, The, 281. Museum, 233. Museum, British, 70, 77, 128, 154, 169, 276, 387, 388. Museum, Soane, 396, 429. Music, 371, 381, 397. 460 Index. N. Nagler, 102, 335 — 6. Naked, Model, 77, 118. Naples, 35, 184—5—9, 190— 1, 192, 193. 194. 233, 244, 247, 249, 263, 377- Naples, Queen of, 184 — 5 — 9, 192—4, 483- Napoleon, 317. Nathaniel Dance, 37, 64, 65, 104, 117, 121, 150, 418. Nathaniel Hone, 104, 117, 118, 155 —161. National Academy, 114. National Biography, Dictionary of, 341. National GaUery, 142, 309, 370 — 4- National Portrait Gallery, 374. Nativity, The, 150. Nelly O'Brien, 355. Nelson's Daughter, 424. Netherlands, 212. NeviUe, 391. Nevroni, Cardinal, 311, 368. New Bond Street, 361, 365, Newcastle, 427. New London, and Old, 402. Newnes, 435, Nicotris, 113, 199. Norfolk Street, 367. NoUekens, 64, 68, 77, II2, 117, 160, 377. Nord, Count du, 182, 379. Countess du, 182, 379. Norfolk House, 416. Northentz Library, 28. Northern Italy, 18. Northwick, 193, 351, 435. Northwick, Lady, 364, 365, 379, 392. Norwich, 298. Nostall Priory, 172, 422, Nouvelle Biographie, 102, 340, Novosiels Ki, 370. Nymph Egeria, 281, 425. Nymphs, 369, 402, 408, 413, 415- o.; Oberon, 258, Olympus, 149, 406. Omnia Vanitas, 164, 310, 373. Oppermann, 34, 72, 87, 113, 215, 216, 312, Ord and Son, 300. Orestes, 338, Organ, 417. Orpheus, 21, 368. Ossian, 307, 381. Osterly Park, 401, 420. Ovid, 282, 373. Oxford Street, 407. Padua, 313. Painting, 167, 371, 381, 397. PaU Mall, 115, 120, 153, 166, 361, 409. Pallas, 201, 382. Pan, 417. Pannini, 377. Pantheon, 73, 152, 328, 332—3, Paphian Boy, The, 408, Pappasava, Count, 321, 377. Papworth, 429, Paris, 282. Paris de Bordone, 197. Paris, Judgment of, 176, 394. Parker, 46, 123, 126, 342. Parliament House, 63. Parma, 187. Parsons, Miss, 48. Pasquin, 47, 75, 132, 282, 341. Patronage, 36. Payne, Knight, 77. Pazetti, 327. Peintre, 54. Penello Volante, 40. Penelope, 121, 369, 374—5, 381, 385^- Penserosa, La, 145. Pepper, 377. Percy, Major, 417. Pergolesi, in. Index. 463 Shepherd, 381. Shepherdesses, 424. Sheraton, 420. Sheridan, 281, 351. Shield, Celestial, 281. Sibyls, 73, 253, 354, 370, 378. Simplon, 233. Sion House, 430. Sketchley, Mr. R. F., 399. Smart, 358. Smirke, 425. Smith, 1,64, 65,77, 98, 105, 112, 131. 365. 424- Society of Incorporated Ahists, 50, 115, 126, 193, 402,404. Respectable, 247. Naval Architects, 402. Solms, Countess of, 307, 381, Somerset House, 166 — 7, 374, 429, Sommeriva, 381. Sophocles, 382. Sopra Portas, 369, 378, 407, 416. Sotheby, 299. Sotheran, Mr., 391. South Kensington Museum, 132, 374. 399- Spanish Place, 84, 406, Sparta, 373. Spencer, 25, 45, 61, 108, 151, 152, 381. Spilsbury, 131. Spina, Abbata, 222, 225, 253, Spirit of God, 66. Spiritual subjects, 70. Spring Gardens, 404. Squares Berkeley, 41, 400, 409, 412. Golden, 59, 60, 84, 85, 171, 173,. 41 1, 424. Grosvenor, 416, Hanover, 414, Merrion, 138, 140. Portman, 176, 404, 426, 427. Rutland, 145, Soho, 59, 178, 409, 410. St, James's, 411, 416. Squibs, 401, Stabat Mater, in. Stadtdirektor, 28, Stafford, 437. Stake, Lady's last, 112. Stanford, 431. Stanhope, 50. Stanwick, General, 129, 387. St. Catherine, 370. Stein, Frau von, 267. Stemberg, 35, 38, 49, 63, loi, 129, 132, 134. 153. 205, 206, 213, 279. 320, 329, 336, Stephens Green, 138, 139. St. Joseph, 381. St. Oswald, 172, 422. St, Paul, 378. St. Peter, 390. St, Peter's, 406, St. Petersburg, 229, 380, Stokes, 152. Stolberg, 216, 286. Story of Venus, 282, Strand, 166, 400. Stratford House, 306. Stratford, O'Neal, 308. Stratford Place, 175,407, 306. Strawberry HUl, Catalogue; 123, 129, 375, 405- Streets, Berkeley, 411. Charles, 41, 391. Dawson, 138. Dean, 59. Dover, 400, 418. Harcourt, 138. John, 179, 288, 290, 401 — 3 — 4- Molesworth, 130. St, James's, 391. Suffolk, 52, 58, 152, 193, 437, St. Cecilia, in, 156, 378. St, James's Church, 83, 84. Court, 137. St. John, 375, St. Paul's, 149, 402, Strafford, 437. Streatham, 405. Strickland, 381. Studerat, 94. Sturz, 109, 128, 147. Styx, 380, 464 Index. Suabian, 13. Subject, satirical, 161. Subtle, 133, Suffer little children, 266, 29'8. Sundays, 208, 219, 226, 235, 242, Sussex, Duke of, 282, 380, Sutherland, 437, Swede, 102. Sweden, 81. Swedenborg, 409. Swedish, 78, 8i. Swiss, 33, 45. Sylvia's stag, 143, 162, 370, 379, 391. T. Table (Emo), 143. Taccone, Marquis, 381. Tancred, 133, Tasso, 224, 237, 242, 245, 247, 249. Taylor, 76, 104, 122, 126, 131, 164, 381, 420. Tedeschi, 211. Telemachus, 74, 133, 154, 155,278, 347—8, 369, 372—3- Temple of Virtue, 163, Terrick, Bishop of London, 144, ISO- Thackeray, 109. Thackeray, Miss, 84, 98, 108, 175. Thackeray, William, 150. Theatre, Covent Garden, 151. Theodor, Duke, 187. Theory, 166, Therese Bandettini, 199, Thersites, 236. Theseus, 268, 282, 306, 370, 381. Thomas, 401, Thomson's Seasons, 373. Thomhill, 114. Thornton, 381, Thorwaldsen, 426, Thrale, Mrs,, 280. Timon, 65, Tipperary, 143, Tischbein, 228. Tisdall, 139. Titians, 197, 351, 378,423, Tivoli, 247, 267, 270 — 2, 322, Tolomeo, 243. Tom Jones, 140. Tomkins, 131, 381, 386. Toulon, 317. Tour, Grand, 36. Townshend, Lord, 140, 141, 384. Townshend, Charles, 140, Townshend, Lady Audrey, 140. Tradition, 120. Trafalgar Square, 166, Travellers, 276. Treishoff, AmaUe, 231. Triad, 188, Tripartite, 177. Trippel, 235. Truth, 76, 77. Tuer, Mr. 388, 392—3. 395- Tussaud, Madam, 309. Tyrol, 181. U. Uggieri, 326, Ulysses, 74, 121, 147, 202, 236, 369, 370— I— S— 9- Una, 354, 364, 398, 431. Universelle Biographie, 72, 75, 76, 102, Upper Italy, 63. Upper Ossory, 428. Urania, 147, 354, 410. V. Vandyke, 133. Venice, 181 — 2 — 3, 251, 293, 313. Venus, 74, 121, 131, 228, 317, 369, 375. 382—5—6, 394. 415, 425- 9- Venus attired by the Graces, 63, 176, 374. 402. Venus, Story of, 282. Vereker, 382. Index. 465 Vemon, 382, Vernon Harcourt 415. Vemon, Mrs., 59. Verona, Two Gentlemen of, 166, Verpylle, 138, Verrio, Antonio, 370. Vesey, Mrs., 41. Vestals, 73, 282, 354, 370. Vicar of Wakefield, 112. Vicat Cole, R.A., 400. Vice-kings, 137. Viceroy, 136, 140. Victory, 317. Vienna, 201, 281, 382. Vignette, 233, 373. Villa Adrienna, 322. VUla d'Este, 247, 249. Virgil, 202, 204, 229, 282, 377, 379, 383- Volpato (engraver), 198, 202, 210, 382. Volterra, Daniel di, 288, 236. Von, I. Voralberg, 181. Vortigern, 128, 376. Vulpina, 215. W, Waagen, 309, 339, 353, 370, 421. Wadmore, 397. WaiUy, Leon de, 102. Walch, Herr, 15, 382. Waldeck, Prince of, 23S, 282, 382. Waldegrave, 383. Walden, Howard de, 151, 354. Walder, 12, 72, 215. Waldy, Rev. E., 152. Walker, 383. Walpole, Horace, 7l> 103, 123. 129, 134, 140, 154, 245, 405, 407, 41 1, '428. Walsingham, Lord, 400. Wanstead, 193, 204, 318, 330, 342, 361. Warwick Street, 187. Watkins Wynne, Sir, 411, 417, Dowager Lady WUUams, 399, 416, 417. Waterloo, 417, Watsoi}, 133. Watteau, 352. Wedgwood,. 139, 408, 413, 427. Weigel und Andresen, 304. Weimar, 209, 221, 226, 231, 234, 238—240, 241, 244, 250, 253, 254, 303- Weisseley, 102, 214. Wells, 38. Wentworth, Lady, 25, 35, 36, 41, S3, 65, 180, 205, West, 117, 119, 121, 134, 13s. 166 —7. 383. 404- White, 374. White House, Soho Square, 410. Wicklow, 391. Wieland, 231, 238, 254-259. Wilson, 117, Wilton, 117. Winckelmann, 25 — 34, 146, 336, 356. 371. 384- Winn, Sir Rowland, 172, 423. Wisdom, 116, 127. Wolfe, Death of, 134. Wolfenbiittel, 238, Woman under a tree (Aglaia), 132. 175- Woodhouse, 383, Wrenk, 131, Wright, 402, 445. Wurzbach, 100. Xenocrates, 281. Xenophon, 280. Yeo, 118, York, Duke of, 205, Zadig, 368. Zamoiski, 383. II h 466 Index. Zelado, Cardinal, 202, 384. .Zoffany, 51, 112, 117, 119, 133, 146. Zuccarelli, 118. Zucchi Antonio, 2, 6, 109, 169, '170-2—3, 177, 180, 183— 4, 188, 189, 191, 195- 6, 215, 224, 226, 228, 236, 239, 240 —1—2, 249, 253, 262—3, 283 —5, 287—291, 292—295, 304, 353. 3S7— 9, 368, 384, 401—4, 419. 429- Zucchi Household, 199, 283. Zucchi, Joseph, 69, 131, 147, 252, 290, 293, 329, 384. Zucchi's Memoirs, 188, 193 — 4, 287. 352. 384. Zucchi, Pietro, 290. Zucchis, The, 169, 352, 384. Zurich, 384. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS, Angelica's is a singularly difficult life to write, and her latest biographer has evidently spared no pains to make this volume complete. It is excellently illustrated and is unquestionably a book of great interest. — St. Jameses Gaseite, We think that whoever takes to heart the story of Angelica Kauffmann's career, must find his respect for women and art equally increased, and hiS aflfection, if not his approval, gained for much of her work. — The Spectator* Her friendships with Sir Joshua Reynolds and Goethe are of course dwelt upon at length, and if Miss Gerard brushes away some of the romance which has attached to the former of these, she is only attesting her adherence to the truth. — Art Journal^ January, 1893. Miss Gerard's work has real value. She has an appendix of sixty or seventy pages, including careful lists of Angelica's works, their engravers, and their present owners, a separate list of those engraved by Bartolozzi, no less than eighty-eight in number, a guide to the houses decorated by Angelica, &c. This will be found the most satisfactory part of the book. Miss Gerard has done her work well, and all- lovers of Mr. Dobson's favourite world, "the times of Paint and Patch," will be grateful to \x&Cn— Daily Chronicle, December. It is written with kindliness, knowledge, and good taste, and if it contributes little to our knowledge of Angelica Kauffmann as an artist, it helps as materially to understand her versatile charms as a woman. — Standard, December nth. We have to thank the authoress for givin|; us a study of an interesting per sonality belonging to an age which is sufficiently close to us to have charms denied to a more remote period of the past. — Sunday Times. The admirable lists at the end of Miss Gerard's volume, to which reference has been made, bear evidence of Angelica's astonishing fecundity. The list of houses decorated by her include, among numerous others, a ceiling of great beauty in Mr. D'Oyly Carte's rooms at the Adelphi ; others very fine at Sir John Leslie's house, Stratford Place (in Oxford Street) ; Lord Wynford's house, 12, Grosvenor Square ; Mrs. Hartmann's house, 39,Berkeley Square ; the Dowager Lady Williams Wynn's house, 20, St. James's Square ; Mr. Walter Gilbe^s house, Cambridge House, Regent's Park ; and the Arts Club, Hanover Square.— i?' Chronicle. We recommend the reader to find out the book for himself, and thus gain an insight into one of the most curiously interesting personalities in the history of modern art. Messrs. Ward and Downey have published the book in excellent style. One decided merit of Miss Gerard's book is the addition of very full appendices giving fairly complete lists of the artist's works, the date of engravings and etchings therefrom, and in a pood many cases the present owner of the original. "Hiese lists are of exceptional value to the connoisseur or collector. Another interesting appendix is that devoted to the *' Houses decorated by Angelica Kauffmann in the decade 1771-1781." — Freeman^s Journal, Dublin. Miss Gerard has done her work carefully and effectively, and succeeded in giving us a very living picture of the gifted Tyrolese girl who was not only in the front rank of the painters of her time lone before she was thirty, but besides being a favourite of fashion and the protegee of half the courts of Europe had the singular fortune to win the affectionate esteem, if not the absolute love, of such men as Reynolds, Goethe, Herder, and Wieland. — Tablet, Now comes 'Miss Frances Gerard with her thoroughly sympathetic and studious biography (Ward and Downey), in which for the firat time we have the career ofthe unjucky artist set out at full length, with a good deal, too, of inte resting information on art matters. — Glohe^ November 7th, 1892. No one can deny that sbe has told the sad story of the life of Angelica Kauffmann in a most interesting and charming manner. Her subject evidently possessed. many fascinations for her, and she has succeeded in making it fasci nating to others, — Lady^s Pictorial. Miss Gerard has accumulated many interesting facts about her heroine, — The speaker. The authoress has done her work with the greatest thoroughness and im partiality, besides writing a very" graceful and fascinating monograph. The subject itself is one ofthe most romantic interest. — Wotnan, Hitherto her biography has never been published in the English language, and Mbs Gerard's book has the advantage of novelty. — Mortdng Postt No vember 23rd. The plan of Miss Gerard's book is methodical, and the list of Angelica's works at the end makes a very satisfactory termination to an admirable study. — Gtntlewonuin, October. From this summary it will be seen that the bock is carefully written, and that no pains have been spared to procure all the information possible about the brilliant but unfortunate artist whose life reads like a romance. — Daily Express, Dublin. Miss Frances A. Gerard, the compiler of this biography, had ample materials from foreign sources, and these she has utilized to advantage, with the result that we have a full account of the career of a somewhat remarkable woman, — Manchester Examiner. Among the new books of the season is Miss Frances A. Gerard's biography of Angelica Kauffmann. It is pleasantly written, and the subject being an inte resting one. Miss Gerard's work is likely to have many readers.— *S'cA(7i?/- jnistress. "Miss Gerard has studied 'her materials, which are scanty in English but copious in other languages, with great industry, and in particular, has recovered many letters written by Angelica Kauffman, which lend an intrinsic and excep tional interest to her volume," — The Times, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08867 2671 ¦^ ''*lil. "" ***.* *«}»' ? '* 3; ••-. »¦_ ¦-' Vi I ' »¦•*,.•.