1 >-ft* , ,, .iiZ:r yt tiff 'J ,3 "I I' 1* I . -!* ^ '' ' 'i;-' ."j-.^ i' ";.^ .- 1 .A^^-'r t', f; ^Jd-J^ s ,' 1 ' -, " M^ , „ ./r -^ ^i 'i't'i Wi^ EpmsH .ART REFERENCE f ?.~ . - vrt*'i'kSr^'' '-""""--i-'-n.* --''"'C'-.t...'- .- '^ fT* - -fe'l - s*^? «''- '-^Ji^'fc:'''™''^! *> «; - .f --'^ -^ " Yale Center for British Art and British Studies A CATALOGUE THE PORTRAITS PAINTED BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, Knt., P.R.A. COMPILED FROM HIS AUTOGRAPH MEMORANDUM BOOKS, AND FROM PRINTED CATALOGUES, &o. WILLIAM COTTON, ESQ. LONDON : MESSRS. LONGMAN,. BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, AND ROBERTS, PAIEENOSTEE ROW; PLYMOUTH ; BOGEE LIDSTONE, 16, GEORGE STREET. 1857. PREFACE. This Catalogue of the Portraits, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, is compiled from his private Memorandum Books, in which he entered the names of the persons who sat to him in the order in which they came. It also comjprises a list of nearly all the Engravings which have been made from them and the names of their respective possessors. The list of Engravings has been compiled from the printed Catalogues of Richardson and others, and collated with a very extensive collection formed by Mr. D. Colnaghi, and now in the possession of His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh. To these sources of information I must add a correspondence with the Rev. J. Mitford, of Benhall, and other friends, who brought to my notice several fine Sir Joshuas in private hands, and little known to the public at large. Dr. Waagen's work, on the Galleries of Art in Great Britain, has been of great use to me in the completion of the Catalogue, and I have derived much information and assistance from Mr. George Nichol, of the British Institution, and Mr. Carpenter, keeper of the Prints in the British Museum. The Pocket Books, in which Sir Joshua made these memo randa, are nineteen in number, commencing with the year 1755, and terminating in 1790, two years only before his death. They IV PREFACE. are entitled " The Gentleman's new Memorandum Book, Im proved, printed for R. and J. Dodsley, PaU Mall," and are in the possession of Miss Gwatkin, of Princess Square, Plymouth. The entries in these books were written by Sir Joshua in a hurried and confused manner, very dif&cult to make out, and sometimes with a black-lead pencil only. They also comprise other engagements besides " sitters," and I often foulid con siderable difficulty in determining whether the entry had reference to a dinner engagement or a portrait. As a general rule I have taken it for granted that by engagements, at Four or Five o'clock in the afternoon, dinner parties were intended ; but this does not always hold good, as Mr. Charles Rogers sat for his Portrait at 5 o'clock, p.m., on seven consecutive Thursdays. I have used my best endeavours to make a correct List, but still I may have inserted a few names as sitters, when only a visit, or some other engagement was meant. Lord Abingdon's name occurs two or three times in March, 1761; but on application being made to the present Earl, I find he is not aware of any Portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds being in his family. In 1773, the name of Mr. Coutts is entered several times, and apparently as a "sitter;" but Miss Burdett Coutts does not know of the existence of any Portrait by Sir J. Reynolds ; however, the fact of Mr. Coutts having sat to Sir Joshua is confirmed by another entry in his Private Account Book, (like wise in Miss Gwatkin's possession,) acknowledging the receipt of £3& 15s. from Mr. Coutts, on the 13th of December, 1774. That some of Sir Joshua's Portraits have perished from neglect and ill-usage is, I believe, certain ; and I have been told that a Portrait of either General Lawrence or Governor Palk, (my PREFACE. V informant could not say which) had been destroyed at Haldon House, Devonshire, in consequence of its having faded and become almost obliterated. Notwithstanding, however, my endeavours to make the Cata logue of Sir Joshua's Portraits as correct and complete as possible, I have no doubt many omissions and inaccuracies will be discovered in it. I may, too, have inserted some, said to be early pictures of Sir Joshua, which appear doubtful: but I have admitted none into the List without some apparently good authority ; however, I do not undertake to vouch for the origin ality of all the Portraits mentioned. In the case of the Family Picture of the Braddylls, exhibited at Manchester, I must say I have considerable doubts — because I think it improba'ble that Sir Joshua, having painted the Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Braddyll and their Son, in separate pictures, would have repeated the same figures in a Family Group. A very beau tiful three-quarter portrait, of Mrs. Braddyll, in the Collec tion of Lord Charles Townshend, was sold at Christie's, in 1854, for 215 guineas. Master Braddjdl's Portrait, a whole length, life size, was exhibited in 1784, at the Royal Academy ; and Mr. Braddyll's, in 1788. There are also entries in Sir Joshua's Account Book for the receipt of SO guineas each, for the Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Braddyll, but there is no mention of the Family Picture ; and it seems to me more than probable that the large Picture was painted by Northcote, or some other person, who copied the three Portraits by Sir Joshua, and combined them in one group ; I have, however, included the picture in my Catalogue, because I am told there is docu mentary evidence to prove that it is really the work of Reynolds. Some delay has attended the publication of this Catalogue from circumstances over which I had no control ; but the delay Vl PEEFACF.. has enabled me to add a few more Portraits, and to avail myself of the recent publication of Dr. "Waagen's Fourth Volume of Art Treasures. I have likewise been permitted by the kindness of Miss Gwatkin, to make extracts and copies from some more MS. Books of Sir Joshua Reynolds' in her possession, of the ex istence of which I was not aware, until a considerable portion of the Catalogue had been printed. These Manuscripts contain among other matters of a more private nature. The Diary of Reynolds' Tour in Italy ; with his Observations and Remarks on the Pictures of Titian, Paul Veronese, Tintoretto, and other Painters of the Venetian School. This interesting Diary is now in the Printer's hands, and will shortly be published, in connexion with some Memoranda on Reynolds, in the possession of the Rev. J. Mitford. Another MS. of no less interest, which I have had per mission to copy, is a folio Ledger or Account Book, in which Sir Joshua entered the various sums of money he received for pictures from 1772 to 1790. It does not appear to be quite complete, but it contains a record of the prices paid for many of his finest pictures. I propose adding this as a Supplement to the present Catalogue, and theu I shall have completed my Gleanings, or contributions towards a more perfect Memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds and his Works, than has hitherto appeared. Some Reviewers found great fault with the Book I published last year, because it did not accomplish this end, and give to the world a 'Work which would supersede the Memoirs of North cote and Malone ; but such was neither my object nor intention. I professed to be a mere Gleaner in their paths, and if I have contributed any materials towards a more satisfactory and PEEFACE. Vll perfect Life of our gi-eat Portrait Painter, or incited some more competent person to undertake the task, my utmost objects and wishes will have been attained. I regret that the three very indifferent Engravings from the Portraits in the Plymouth Library should have been inserted in the Book I have alluded to; they do not bear the slightest resemblance to the originals, as may well be imagined, and ought never to have been published. Photographic Prints have now been carefully taken from the Portraits themselves, and may be obtained at Messrs. Blake and Smith's, Photographic Office, George Street, Plymouth. It may be useful to state that the prices Reynolds charged for Portraits at different periods of his Life, were : for a three- quarter Canvass, or Head, as it is popularly called. In 1755. Twelve Guineas. 1758. Twenty Guineas. 1760. Twenty Five Guineas. 177Q. Thirty Five Guineas. 1781. Fifty Guineas. The price of a half-length, during the latter period, was One Hundred Guineas ; and for a whole length, Two Hundred Guineas. Highland House, Ivjbridge, Daron, December, 1857. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Abingdon, Lord April, 1761 Abington, Mrs. Aug. 1764 Knowle Park J."Watson,1709 As the Comic Muse, whole S.W. Reynolds length, (exhibited at the J British Institution, in 1817 and 1846) Abington, Mrs. Mar. 1771 E.Judkinsl772 In a cloak (an Oval,) Abington, Mrs. Jan. 1782 J. R. Sherwin As Eoxalana in the Sultan, (Royal Academy catalogue. 1784.) Abington, Mrs. Nov. 1787 Earl of Morley S. W. Reynolds As Miss Prue, in Love for Love Abington, Mrs. Herringfleet As Lady Teazle Hall, Norfolk Acland, Mrs. April, 1764 Acland, Colonel, Feb. 1768 Sir T.D. Acland S.W. Reynolds With a Stag Hound Acland, Colonel, and June, 1779 Ld. Carnarvon Lord Sydney As Archers, whole length. • (British Institution, 1851) Acland, Sir Thomas, Earl of Morley With a Stag Hound Acland, Lady H. Feb. 1771SirT.D.Acland Acland, Mr. Mar. 1771 Son of Sir T. D. Acland, married in 177-3, Henrietta Strangways, daughter of the Earl of Ilchester Adair, Lady C. April, 1759 Burnt at Flixton Hall, in ]84G. Adams, Mrs. April, 1764 Albemarle, Lady April, 1759 CATALOGUE. Name, &C. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Albemarle, Lord Jan. 1766 Fisher, 1762 C. Spooner S.W.Reynolds Alexander, Mr. Oct. 1766 Altamont, Lord, (Mar June, 1787 quis of Sligo) Althorp, Lord, Earl Spencer Kellaway, 1821 British Institution, 1854 Althorp, Lord Earl Spencer W.T.Fry,1822 JEtat 4, whole length Althorp, Lady, Feb. 1782 Earl Spencer Lavinia, Countess of Al thorp, (British Institution, 1854) Amherst, Sir Jeffery, Feb. 1768 Knowle Park (Lord Amherst) Amherst, General, Jan. 1760 A. Drummond, Brother of Sir Jeffery, Esq. (British Institution, 1840) Amherst, Lord On Horseback, whole length DowagerCoun- tess of Essex S.W.Reynolds Amherst, Colonel, of Jan. 1780 Richmond Amyand, Master Jan. 1761 Ancaster, Duke of Feb. 1761 Ancaster, Duchess of Jan. 1764 Countess of Dixon Whole length. Clare R. Houston Ancaster, Duchess of. Feb. 1768 J. Watson An oval, with flowing hair, R. Handcock (British Institution, 1846) C. Spooner S.AV. Reynolds Ancram, (EUzabeth) 1771 J. Spilsbury Countess of S.W.Reynolds Dixon, &c. Anderson, Lady, Jan. 1771 Wife of Sir Stephen Andre, Major Sh- Shafto Duplicates in the pos Adair, Bart. session of Lord North- wick, and Edw. Fitzgerald, Esq. Andrews, Mrs. Jan. 1760 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Angelica, Miss See Kaufflnan Angelo, Mrs. Angel, Miss Probably Miss Catherine Angelo, Mi&t. 19, in the possession of her daughter, Mrs. Homage Angerstein, Mrs. and Infant Daughter (British Institution, 1850) Angerstein, Miss Angerstein, Mr. in a Vandyke dress (British Institution, 1850) Anson, George Lord Anson, Lord, Destroyed by Fire at Flix ton HaU, in 1846 Anspach, Margravine of, and Child Anstruther, Sir John Anstruther, Lady Armagh, Archb. of. See Robinson Armstrong, Dr. John Arnold, Mr. Arundell, Lord Arundell, Lady Whole lengths. May, 1773 Jan. 1739 Feb. 1760 Date in Pocket Book* Mrs. Harnage May, 1773 July, 1782 Feb. 1755 March 1761 J.J.Angerstein, Esq. May, 1755 June, 1779 June, 1755 May, 1764 Jan. 1766 March 1768 Archer, Miss Maria Elizabeth, Sold at Christie's in 1845, for 270 Guineas Asaph, St., Lady Sophia and Son Ash, Dr. John, f.k.s.. Whole length, sitting Painted for the Hospital at Birmingham Proprietor. J.J.Angerstein, Esq. Visct. Anson Marquis of Lansdowne MarquisofBute Engraver. Ridley, 1833 McArdell, 1765 H. Meyer Fisher S.W.Reynolds WardourCastle Thos. Baring, S. W. Reynolds Esq., M.p. Jan. 1789 Earl of Ash burnham Birminghkm J. Grozer, l792 Bartolozzil791 b 2 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Ashburton, Lord Thos. Baring Bartolozzi 1796 (John Dunning) Esq. Ashburton, Lord Sir Thomas G. T. Storm With the Marquis of Lans Baring, Bart downe and Colonel Barre (British Institution, 1830) Ashley, Mr. Aug. 1759 Ashton, Dr. Thomas Capt. Ashton, Spilsbury of Leamington S. W. Reynolds Ashton, Mr. Francis Capt. Ashton. fhis Father J British Institution, 1815 Capt. Ashton, Ashton, Miss Aston, Mrs. April, 1760 Rev. H.M.Rice Probably Mrs. Molly Aston. See Boswell's Life of Johnson Aston, Lady Jane Rev. C. Lewis Atkins, Sir R. April, 1755 Aubrey, Sir John, Bart. July, 1788 J. Jones, 1788 Aubyn, St., Lady June, 1758 The Family Aubyn, St., Sir John, July, 1758 The Family Bart. Aubyn, St., Miss Feb. 1760 -Aufrere, Miss July, 1770 Aylesford, Earl of June, 1782 Earl of Ayles Whole length ford Aylesford, Countess oJ Earl of Ayles ValGreenl783 ford S.W.Reynolds Ayliffe, Mrs. April, 1760 Ayre, Miss March 1755 B Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Babb, Lady Feb. 1760 BacceUi, Mademoiselle Julj^ 1782 J. R. Smith With a Mask BacceUi, Mademoiselle Knowle Park Humphreys, As Schindeiiin 1849 (British Institution, 1843) _- CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Pofk^B'^ok. P™."-'3tor. Engraver. Baddeley, Mr s . S ophia. June, 1771 Welsh, 1772 With a Cat Bagot, Mrs. April, 1764 Lord Bagot Bagot, Lady British Institution, 1823 Bale, Mr. Feb. 1758 Baker, Mrs. March 1770 Baker, Mr. Jan. 1771 The Provost's Lodge, Eton College Jas. Heath Baker, Lady Baldtvin, Mrs. Marquis of S. W. Reynolds Wife of the British Consul Lansdowne atSmyma. SoldatPhOhps's, 1813, 100 Guineas Bamfylde, Lady Moore LordPoltimore T.Watson 1779 Whole length S.W.Reynolds Bamfylde, Mr.W., and Mr. Huddesford British Institution, 1824 Banks, Mr., (Sir Jos.) Jan. 1771 The Family Dickenson, Sitting at a Table on which 1774 is a Globe Banks, Mr., (Sir Jos.) Jan. 1777 Dilettanti So S.W.Reynolds In a Group of Portraits ciety Banks, Sir Joseph Jan. 1787 Linnsean So ciety S.W.Reynolds Baretti, Mr. Lord HoUand British Institution, 1843. AtMrs.Piozzi's Sale, 83 Gs. Mr. Watson's Taylor's Sale, 100 Guineas Baretti, Mr. Knowle Park J. Jones, 1788 Barker, John, Esq. Whole length, sitting Baring, Mr. Jan. 1787 Barnard, Dr., Nov. 1773 Mentioned in Sir Joshua't Private Notes. Mrs. Barnard Nov. 1774 Wife of Dean Barnard Barre, Colonel April, 1766 See Ashburton. CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Barr6, Colonel, (British Institution, 1846) Barrington, (Hon. Mrs Eliz.) Barrington, General, the Hon. John Barrington, Admiral, Samuel (British Institution, 1824) Barrington, Admiral, A Duplicate in the posses sion of E. F. Maitland, Esq. Bartolozzi, Mr. At the back of this Picture- is a Note by Northcote, stating that it was painted in 177J for Mr Thrale Barry, Mr. (Spranger) Sold in 1810, at Mr. C. Whiteford's Sale, 33 Guineas Barrymore, Lord Barivell, Master Barwell, Mr. and his Sjn (British Institution, 1854) Basset, Mrs. Bastard, Mr. Bastard, Mrs. Bastard, Mrs. Ann Lord Bath, (WUliam Pulteney) A repetition is in the pos session of Admiral Wooll. combe, at Hemerdon Bayham,Lord, m.p. for Bath Beale,Rev. Wm.,M.A. Beauchamp, Lord Date in Pocket Book. May, 1787 June, 1758 Nov. 1779 July, 185' Feb. 1766 Jan. 1780 April, 1759 March 1753 June, 1766 June, 1787 Aug. 1755 Proprietor. Marq. Camden Lord North- wick The Queen. Greenwich Hospital Lord Morley March 1787 April, 1758 Capt. Beau champ, R.l The FamUy B. Bastard, Esq. B. Bastard, Esq. B. Bastard, Esq. Lord North- wick Engraver. Houston, 1758 S.W.Reynolds Houston R.Earlom,1780S. W. Reynolds T.Watson,1785 R. Marcuard Haid Harding, 1796 Dickenson McArdeU S.W.ReynoldsMcArdeU, 1758 S.W. Reynolds S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Beauchamp, Lady IsabeUa Whole length. Daughter of Vise. Irwin, maiTiedin 1776 Beauchamp, Lady The last Female Portrait Sir Joshua painted Beauclerk, Miss EUz., (Afterwards Lady Herbert,) As Una with the Lion. Beauclerk, Miss Mary In the Royal Academy Ex hibition, 1780 Beauclerk, LadyDiana Beaufort, Duke of, Beaumont, Lady (Margaret WiUes) British Institution, 1813 Beaumont, Sir George, British Institution, 1813 Beattie, Dr., with em blematical Figures of Truth, &c. Beckford, Mr., (Al derman) Beckford, Mrs., (Lady Mayoress) Beckford, Francis Of Basing Park, Hants Beckford, Mrs. Su sannah, his Wife Beckford, Mr. Wm. of FonthiU, when Young. (British Institution, 1823) Bedford, Francis, Duke of, as St. George, with the Lords John and WiUiam Russell, and Miss Vernon Whole length May, 1777 July, 1789 Dec. 1777 Date in Pocket Book. Temple New- some, York shire Lord Nor- manton July, 1760 March 177 9 Jan. 1787 Dec. 1755 Dec. 1782 July, 1770 Proprietor. Sir G. Beau mont Sir G. Beau mont. J. Glennie, Esq. The Family The FamUy Duke of Ha mUton July, 1777 Engravei'. W.Rutter,1790S.W.Reynolds T.Watson 1782 W. Dickenson S.W. Reynolds W. Greatbach J. R. Smith, 1780 S.W. Reynolds S.W.Reynolds J.Watson, 1775 T. A. Dean Lord Jersey, V. Green, 1778 at Middleton o CATALO GUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor, Engraver. Bedford, John, Duke of Bed Robinson Duke of ford Bedford, Bev. John S. W. Reynolds Belgioso, Count Oct. 1777 LR.Smithl779 J. Jacobi S.W.Reynolds BeUamont, Lord Oct. 1773 Exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, in 1774 Bellenden, John, and J. B. Ken-, Esq. S.W.Reynolds Henry Gawler, Schoolboys Bennet, Mr. Dec. 1760 Bennet, Mr., senr. Jan. 1761 Beresford, Mrs., with National Gal T.Watson 1770 Lady Townsend, lery S.W.Reynolds an:l Mrs. Gardener Daughters of Sir WilUam Montgomery, Eart. Beresford, Hon. Mrs. And her infant Daughter, T. H. Hope, McArdeU who married the late Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq., of the Deepdene, whole length Berkeley, Elizabeth Jan. 1760 Ijord Lans S. W. Reynolds Drax, (Countess of downe Bertie, Colonel Nov. 1787 (In the Eoyal Academy Ex hibition, 1788) Besborough See Duncannon BilUngton, Mrs., as St. March 1787 S.W.Reynolds Cecilia, ¦Jas. Ward 1803 avhole Length. This Picture was purchased by H. Hope, Esq., in May, 1798, at the Sale of Mr. Bryan's Pictm-es for £325 10s. (Buchanan, vol. 1, 292) It was again sold at Christie's in 1845, to Mr. Heathcote, for 505 Guineas, aud is now in America. Bingham, Lady Ann Lord Spencer S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. Name, &o. Bingham, Lady La vinia See Spencer Bingham, Miss K., (Exhibited in 1785) Binning, Lord Blackett, Sir Walter, BAST., st.p. for Newcastle Blair, Captain Blair, Mr. Blake, Mr. (Afterwards Sir Patrick,) Whole length Mrs. Blake, (Annabella Bunbury,) Lady Blake, as Juno, Whole len gth Blackman, Miss Blackwood, Captain, (Colonel John) Blanckart, Madam Bland, Mr. (a Quaker) Half 'ength Blackstone, Sir Wm. Bligh, Mr. Brother of Lord Darnley Whole length. Bonfoy, Mrs. Whole length Boone, Governor Booth, Benjamin, Esq. (British Institution, 1820) Boothby, Mr., (Sir WUUam) Boothby, Miss Boothby, Sir Brook. Boothby, Penelope, Only Child of Sir B. and Lady Boothby, born 1785, died 1791. Sold at PhO- lips's in May, 1851, for 290 Guineas. — .^.d 23 3 ^ - ¦. ^ Date in Pocket Book. March 1777 May, 1760 Feb. 1761 March 1766 May, 1664 May, 1764 Mar. 1768 Feb. 1758 June, 1753 Sept. 1771 July, 1787 Nov. 1764 Feb. 1758 May, 1758 July, 1788 Proprietor. Sir H. Bunbury G. Boscawen, Esq. G. Cobbold, Esq. Sir R. Peel Bart. Richard Ford, Esq. SirB. BoothbyJ. R. Smith Sir B. Boothby B. Win dus, Esq. EDgrtiver, Bartolozzil786 J. Fittler, 1780 S. W. Reynolds J. Dixon S. W. Reynolds W. Jay, 1821 W. HaU W. Scriven McArdeU, 1775 S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds T. Park, 1789 T. Kii'k 10 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Boothby, Prince, Esq. Half length Boscawen, Admiral the Hon. Edward (British Institution, 1846) \Vhole length. Boscawen, Mrs. Boscawen, Mr. BosvUle, Miss Julia, Bjsivell, James, of Auchinlech (Exhibited in 1787) Boringdon, Lady, and Son Boringdon, John, Lord In a Landscape, with his Gun Bott, Mr. Bott, Mrs. (Madame Botte) BoveriU, Mrs. Boultbie, Mr. Bourke, Dr., Arch bishop of Tuam (In the R. A. Exhib. 1784) Bourke, P., (Father of Lord Naas) Bouverie, Mrs. & ChUd (Exhibited in 1770) Whole length Botiverie Mrs., and Mrs. Crewe Inscribed " Et in Arcadia Ego," — Whole length Bouverie, Jacob, Son of the Hon. William Bouverie, and Harriet, daughter of Sir M. PleydeU. Whole length Bouverie.Miss Harriet Bower, Mr. Archibald Date in Pocket Book. Dec. 1760 May, Nov.May, 1755 1777 1773 June, 1782 Dec.Nov. 17681771 June, 1768 Mar. 1768 Mar. 1760 Feb. 1764 Proprietor. At P etworth Lord Falmouth Earl of Morley Earl of Morley Mr. Fitzgerald Sir J.Y.BuUer Viscount Mayo Lord Crewe Earl of Radnor J.Watson, 1775 S. W. Reynolds J. Jones, 1778 S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds Engraver. McArdeU J.R.Smith,1784 S. W. Reynolds Watson, 1770 JosMarchi,i785 Mc ArdeU Faber, 1765 CATALOGUE. 11 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Bowles, Miss Marquis of W. Ward (Afterwards Mrs. Palmer,) Hertford C. Turner with a Dog. Whole Length (British Institution, 1813.) S. W. Reynolds Purchased by the Marquis oi Hertford, for 1030 Guineas Bo'wyer, Captain, (Ad Dec. 1760 Miss Hodgson miral Sir Wm.) Bowyer, Admiral Sir G.Bowj'erEsq. George M.p. (British Institution, 1857.) Boyle, Lord Mar. 1758 Boyle, Mrs. Feb. 1760 Braithwaite,(Dan.) Mr. Jan. 1787 (To whom Hayley dedicated his Life of Romney) BraddyU, Mr. Feb. 1788 Lord Charles S.Cousms 1847 BraddyU, Mrs. Feb. 1789 Townshend (British Institution, 1850) (Sold at Christie's in May, 1854, for 215 Guineas) Braddyll, Master J. Grozer, 1785 (In the R. A. Exhibition, S. W. Reynolds 1784). Whole length. N.B. Mr.,Mrs.,andMastei ./^.-' Braddyll, in one Picture, was lately m thepossession ot W. J.IsbeU, Esq. of Stonehouse, and it is now in the gaUery of T. Pooly Smyth, Esq., Plymouth. <«<^.^^ Iirtrr^ Bradshaw, Colonel Nov. 1759 Lieut.-Colonel Brandling, C. Esq., BrandUng (British Institution, 1854) Bridges, Mr. Nov. 1759 Bridgman, Mr Oct. 1755 Brice, Captain Jan. 1764 Brice, Mrs. Jan. 1764 Bridport, Lord Greenwich H. Robinson, See Hood Hospital 1831 Broderick, Admiral Jan. 1761 Bristol, Bishop of (Dr. AprU, 1773 Archbishop of T. Watson Newton) Canterbury S. W. Reynolds (British Institution, 1813) Brook, Lord Nov. 1755 Broughton(LadyMary) Feb. 1768 T.Watson 1770 Whote length S. W. Reynolds 12 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Brown, Mrs. Broivn, Master (The Student, or Con templative Youth) Bruce, Lord Brudenell, Mrs. Brudenell, Mr. Brummell, Master Brujisicick, The Prin cess Augusta of (British Institution, 1823.) Buccleugh, Duke of Buccleugh {Elizabeth) Duchess of, Buccleugh, Duchess of. With her Daughter, Lady Mary Scott. Whole Length Buc/c, Master, (Mentioned in Sir Joshua's Private Notes) Buckle Captain, (British Institution, 1846) Bulkeley, Lady BuUer, Mr. and Mrs., of King's Nympton Buller, Mrs. Ann, of Morval Bunbury, Lady Sarah Whole length. Bunbury, Lady Sarah With Lady Susan Strange ways, and Charles James FoxBunbury, Sir Charles Aged 27 Bunhury,Master Chas. (British Institution, 1850) Whole Length Bunbury, Henry, Esq. Bunbury, Mrs., f Cath. HorneckJ The little Comedy of Gold smith's verses (British Institution, 1841) Date in Pocket Book. Feb. 1760 April, 1766 Dec. 1760 Aug. 1770 Jan. 1782 Proprietor. King of Bel gium May, 1768DalkeithHouse Feb. 1770DalkeithHouse DalkeithHouse Oct. 1760 Mar. 1771 June, 1764 Jan. 1766 April, 1766 Earl of Fal mouth R. Ford, Esq. Mr. BuUer, of Morval Mr. Buller, of Morval Sir H. Bunbury Lord HoUand Sir H. Bunbury Sir H. Bunbury Sir H. Bunbury Sir H. Bunbury 3.^, i'.. Engraver. J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds C. H. Hodges, 1786 McArdell, 1764 Houston, &c. McArdeU Watson, 1775 S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds Fisher, 1766 S. W^ Reynolds J.Watson, 1752 J. Watson HaywardS. W. Reynolds T. Blackmore J. Watson, 1778 CATALOGUE. 13 Name, &c. Burghersh, Lord Burgoyne, General Burke (Edmund) Mr This Portrait, painted for Mr. Thrale, was purchased, after Mrs. Piozzi's death, bj Eichard Sharpe, Esq. for 240 Guineas. It was ex hibited at the British Insti tution in 1817 and 1820 Repetitions are in the pos session of Archdeacon Bur. ney, and Sir E. Kenison Burke, Mr. Whole length Burke, Mr. WilUam (British Institution, 1817) Burke, Mr. Richard Burke, Master (See Sir Joshua's Private Notes, quoted by Haydon) Burney, Charles (Mus. D.J Painted for Mr. Thrale, in 1781) Councillor Bury, of Exeter, Mrs. Bury, his Wife Early Pictures of Sir Joshua, formerly in the possssion of the Cutcliffe family. Whole Lengths. Bury, Viscount Burnt at Flixton, in 1846. (Sir Shafto Adair's Note) Bute, Lord (John 3rd Earl) Bute, Lady Bute, Earl of (John, Lord Cardiff,) 4th Earl, and afterwards 1st Marquis of Bute (British Institution, 1823) Bute, Marquis of Butler, Mr. Byron, Captain Date in Pocket Book. April, 173'; May, 1766 Jan. 1766 Proprietor. Jan. 1779 Oct. 1773 Nov. 17 79 moreland Sir R. Peel Engraver. Earl of West- Bartolozzi, 1788 Trinity CoU. Dublin Gen. Cuppage Archdeacon Burney J.C. Townsend, Esq. May, 1755 Mar. 1759 Marq. of Bute Marq. of Bute Marq. of Bute S. W. Reynolds J.Watson, 1771 J. Hardy, 1780 S.W.Reynolds &c., &c. Benedetti, 1791 S. W. Reynolds Bartolozzi 1781 Lord Wharn- cUffe Sir Jos. Sawle R. Greatbach E. Fisher, 1777 S. W. Revnolds 14 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book, Cadogan, Mr. Feb. 1755 Cadogan, Lady Maria (Exhibited in 1787) Calender, Mrs., of Craigforth Mrs. CaU Oct. 1779 Calthorpe, James, Esq. (British Institution, 1848) Camden, Lord Chief Oct. 1766 Justice Holding Magna Charta, (British Institution, 1813) Camden, Lord Sitting (British Institution, 1813) Camden, Marchioness Whole length. Sitting (British Institution, 1833) Camden, Marchioness Campbell, Mr. With a Dog (in the E.A Exhibition, 1778) Campbell, Miss Sarah Proprietor. Dean, 1787 No Name Lord Calthorpe Duke of Graf ton The GuUdliaU Marquis of Camden Marquis of Camden Lord Spencer Canterbury, Archbp. of (Dr. Tucker) Cardigan, Lady Cardross, Lord (Earl of Buchan) Carlisle, Lord When young, in a Vandyke DressCarlisle, Lord In Eobes. Whole length Carlisle, Tjady (Coun tess of) Carmarthen, Lord (Son of the Duke of Leeds)Carnac, Mrs. Wife of General Carnac July, 1764 April, 1755 Dec. 1764 May, 1770 July, 1764 Lambeth Engraver. Castle Howard Castle Howard Castle Howard Lord F. G. Osborne Ravenet, 1766 Basire, &c. Haid, 1766 J. C. Haid Schiavonetti S.W.Reynolds V. Green, 1778 S. W. Reynolds Finlayson, 1765 Spilsburj', 1763 W. Ward, 1823 J.Watson, 1773 S. W. Reynolds J.R.Smith,l778 S.W. Reynolds CATALOGUE. 15 Name, &.c. Carnarvon, Lady, and Son (British Institution, 1813 -1844) Carpenter, Lady Almeria Daughter of the Earl ol TyrcouneJ Carr, Miss Carrington, Lord (British Institution, 1833) Carysfort, Lady Cater, Mr. Cathcart, Miss Cathcart, Lord Chas. Cathcart, Lady Jane and Child With a Greyhound Cavendish, Lord Richard (British Institution, 1843) Cavendish, Lord John Half Length Cavendish, Lady George (British Institution, 1813) Caulfield, Captain Charlemont, Lord Charlton, Lady Ann Chaloner, Miss See Mrs. Hale Chambers, Mr. (Afterwards Sir WUliam) Chambers, Mrs. (Afterwards Lady Cham bers.) Painted at Paris, in 1T52 Chambers, Sir WiUiam J'tate iu Pocket Book. May, 1759 May, Feb. 1777 1755 Jan. 1780 Mar. Mar. 1761 1759 May, 1766 Jan. 1780 Proprietor. Earl of Car narvon Lord Carring ton The FamUy Duke of De vonshire Duke of De vonshire LordG. Caven dish Lupton House, Ludlow Mrs. Gordon Royal Academy Engraver. J. R. Smith J.Watson, 176& S. W. Reynold; S. W. Reynolds McArdeU R. Houston S. W. Reynolds R. Houston S. W. Reynolds J.R.Sniithl78] S. W. Reynold^. Grozer, 1786 S. W. Reynolds Mc ArdeU S. W. Reynolds Corbett, &c. V. Green, 1780 S. W. Reynolds 16 CATALOGUE. Chamber's, Sir Robert Appointed to a Judgeship in India. See BosweU's Life of Johnson.) Sold for 80 Guineas at Mrs. Piozzi's Sale. Chamier, Mr. (An- Jan. 1766 thony) A Member of the Literary Club, and Under Secretary of State Charteris, Francis, Earl of Wemyss Chatham, Lord Dec. 1779 Chauncey, Dr. Na- Jan. 1755 thaniel (In the E. A. Exhibition London, 1784) Chaundy, Lieut. R.M., Chaundy, Mrs. Mary, His Wife Said to be early Pictures by Sir Joshua. Chester, the Bishop of Child, Mr. Chichester, Sir John, Bart. Cholmondeley, Gen. Cholmondeley, Master, Cholmondeley, Mr., (The Hon. George James) (British Institution, 1813) Cholmondeley, Mrs. Jan. 1768 (Jessie) Cholmondeley,MissA.I (Afterwards Lady Mul-| grave,) carrying a Dog across a Brook. Whole Length. | Cholmondeley, Lord Feb. 1780 (In the R. A. Exhibition,' 1780.) I Chudleigh, Miss {Du-\ chess of Kingston Painted before 1746 Date in Pocket Book. Aug. Mar. Jan. Mar.Jan. 17731773 1759 1764 1766 Proprietor. LadyChambers J. Chamier, Esq. C. Chauncey, Esq. Mrs. Duins, Plymouth Houston Car. Watson Earl of Morley G.H. Cholmon deley, Esq. Lord Romney Engraver. J.Jones, 1790 J. Watson C. Spooner G. Marchi S. W. Reynolds S. BuU CATALOGUE. IT Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. ChurchiU, Mr. April 1755 ClamviUiam, Countess of, (see MacgiU) Clarence, Duke of June 1789 Clavering, Colonel Oct. 1769 Cleaver, Mr. Duke of Port (British Institution, 1856). land Cleveland, Mrs. Jan. 1759 Cleveland, Mr. Feb. 1782 Clark, Mr. Sept. 1755 CUfford, Lady De April 1786 Hon.W.Keppel Eoyal Academy Exhibition, 1786. (British Institution, 1833). CUnton, Sir Henry, Nov. 1788 Clinton, Lady Cathe Earl of Radnor J. R. Smith, rine Pelham, 1782 A Girl Feeding Poultry, S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1823). Clive, Lord and Family LordEUesnaere S. W. Reynolds With an Ayah, or Indian Nurse. Cobham, Lord July 1782 Cockburn, Lady and Aug. 1773 Sir Jas. C.WiUcin, 1791 Three ChUdren HamUton S.W.Reynolds Cockburn, Master Oct. 1773 Cole, Miss, (Lady Nov. 1758 Lord Darnley Frances) A ChUd with a Dog Colebrooke, Mr. (after Oct. 1755 Lady Littler wards Sir James) Colebrooke, Mrs. {af terwards Lady Colebrooke, Mr. (after Nov. 1759 The same wards Sir George) Colebrooke, Lady Feb. 1761 Sir Thos. Colebrooke S.W.Reynolds Coleman, Mrs. Jan. 1760 Coleman, Esq., George, Earl of Mul Marchi, 1773 Three-quarters, (British grave Institution, 1823). O Colleton, Colonel Jan. 1758 ColHer, Lady J. April, 1759 Dec. 1760 18 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. CoUier, Mrs. CeUa lamenting her Spar row, formerly in the posses sion of Mrs. Gwynn. Coleman, Captain (British Institution, 1817). Colvert, Mrs. Compton, Miss Compton, Lady Betty, Whole length ConoUy, Mr. ConoUy, Lady Louisa, Conway, General Conway, Mr. (Hon. Geo. Sej'mour) Conway, Master Cook, Lady Mary Cooke, Miss, Daughter of Geo. Cooke, Esq., of Harefield Park, who married in 1793 Eobert BrudeneU, Earl of Cardigan. Cornwall, Lady CornwalUs, Colonel C ornwalUs, Lady(Jem ima) Countess of Cornwallis and her eon Lord Broome (British Institution, 1833). CornwaUis, Lord, (Charles Earl) Cosway, Richard, R.A . Coventry, Lady, (Bar bara St. John) Coventry, Lord Cousmaker, Mr. (British Institution, 1813). Coutts, Mr. The name ocom-s several times and again in 1773, but no portrait is known to exist, Date in Pocket Book. Feb. 1764 Feb. 1760 April, 1755 Nov. 1780 Feb. 1764 Feb. 1775 Jan. 1764 Jan. 1760 Mar. 1770 Jan. 1759 AprU, 1760 AprU, 1779 Jan. 1775 Jan. 1770 Oct. 1780 May, 1760 April, 1776 Feb. 1782 Nov. 1771 Proprietor. Sir Wm. Knigh ton H. Bone, Esq. J. Watson S.W.Reynolds Marquis of Hertford Lady Cooke Marquis of CornwaUis Countess of Cornwallis The Queen Lord de CUfford Engraver. V. Green, 1782 S.W. Reynolds E.Fisher, 1771 S.W.Reynolds J.Watson, 1771 C. Knight, 1780 J. Watson, Dixon, &c. CATALOGUE. 19 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Cowper, Earl, when At Panshanger Young Three-quai-ters Cox, Master Hip- May, 1759 P. Coxe, Esq. S.W.Reynolds pesley. As Young Hannibal Cox, Miss Mar. 1764 Cox, Mr. AprU 1777 Craunch, Mr. of Lord Vivian Plympton Craunch, Mrs. (doubt The same ful) Painted before Su- Joshua went to Italy. Crawford, Mr. (John) Feb. 1789 CrawfordLodge Grozer | near Cults Crawford, Mrs. Jan. 1761 The same It is said that Wilkie, when a boy, used to gaze at these portraits by the hour. Crawford, Sir Alex Rev. Sir H. ander DuckenfieldBt. / Crawford, Lady The same (Both exhibited at the British Institution, in 1844) Crewe, Miss Emma, Mar. 1766 Lord Crewe Dixon (Mrs. Cuuliffe Off- Brookshawe ley), and her sister (Mrs. HinchcUffe), with a basket ol flowers (British Institution, 1841) Crewe, Mrs. The same (Frances, daughter of Fulke Greville, Esq., married in 1776, John Crewe, of Made- ley, who was created Lord Crewe, in 1806). Crewe, Mr. Jan. 1789 The sf^e ' Crewe, Master, as J.R.Smithl776 Henry VIII. S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1843). Crewe, Mrs. and Mrs. Jan. 1769 The same Marchi, 1770 Bouverie (British Institution, 1841 ) 20 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Croch, Miss Crokatt, Miss Croft, Sir Archer Croft, Lady Croft, Mr. Stephen Crosbie, Lord (John) Crosbie, Viscountess Diana, daughter of Lord Sackville, married in 1777. Whole length Crowle, Mr. In a Group of Portraits Cruttenden, Mr. Cumberland, Duke of, (Henry Fred.) Whole length Cumberland, Duchess of, Mrs. Horton See Walpole's Letters to .3ir H. Mann, Nov. 1771. N.B. A portrait of the old Duke of Cumberland, by Reynolds, is in the posses sion of Miss Hodgson, -laughter of the late General Hodgson. Cumberland, Duke of, f William J (British Institution, 1846) Cumberland, Duke of, ( William J (British Institution, 1845) Cumberland, Duke of, {William) (British Institution, 1847) Cumberland, Miss Cumberland, Mrs. Wife of the Dramatist. Date in Pocket Book. Dec. 1755 May, 1759 May 1760 July, 1759 July Mar. Dec. Dec. 1759 1760 17771779 Proprietor. Lady Harland Engraver. w. May, 1777 May, 1768 Mar. 1758 July, 1761 Feb. 1773 Dilettanti ciety The Queen Sir WUmot Horton So- Dickenson, 1779 T.Watson 177J S.W.Reynolds T.Watson 1777 S.W.Reynolds Dec. 1758 CunUffe, Lady CursdeU, Mrs. Curzon, Lady Carolme See Skarsdale Curzon, Sir Nathaniel May, 1761 May, 1755 Jan. 1760 Feb. 1700 The Queen Earl of Albe marie Rev. R. Elwin Archdeacon Bentinck C. Spooner E. Fisher Watson CATALOGUE. 21 Name, S;c. Date iu Pocket Book. Proprietor. IJngravor, Curzon, Master Cust, Sir John,{Speak- er of the House of Commons) Whole length Feb. 1760 T.Watson 1769 D Date in Pocket Book. Dalkeith, Lord {Chas.) ¦RTiole length Dalison, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Damer, Mrs. (the Hon. Anne) (Exhibited in 1773) D'Arcy, Sir Conyers Darnley, Lord Darnley, Lady Dartmouth, Earl of (British Institution, 1813) Dartmouth, Countess of An early picture Dartmouth, George Earl of, when a boy (British Institution, 1824) Dashwood, Miss Dashivood, Lady, and Child, (1784) Davers, Sir Charles Davidson, Mr. Davidson, Miss Jane, With a Lamb Davies, Mrs. Davies, Miss Davis, Miss Davison, Mr., of Muir House Jan. 1766 March 1768 July, 1771 May, 1758 Jan. 1787 Proprietor. Duke of Buccleugh The Family Col. Dawson Damer Provost's Lodge, Eton Earl of Ayles ford Earl of Fever- sham Earl of Dart mouth Engraver. May, 1764 Mar. 1773 Mar. 1789 April, 1761 March 1764 Nov. 1758 May 1779 V. Green, 1778 S.W.Reynolds J.R.Smithl774 S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reyn-olds Lady Dash wood Earl of Morley C.Hodge, 1784 S.W. Reynolds S.W.Reynolds J. Dixon, 1770 J. Jones, 1792 22 CATALOGUE. Narae, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Dawe, Colonel, Earl of Egre- Author of the History of mont Hindoostan (British Insti tution, 1817) DaAvkins, Mr. Jan. 17 60 Dawkins, Lady Jan. 1760 Juliana Dawson, Lady Anne McArdeU, 1754 As Diana, her left hand PurceU resting on a greyhound. Day, Mrs. Jan. 1759 Day, Miss Jan. 1760 See Fenhoulet Delany, Mrs. Dec. 1770 Delaval, Miss (Lady Jan. 1759 PolUngton) Delaval, Mr. Jan. 1759 George ShaftoDelaval.M.P. for Northumberland, in 1764 Delawar, Lady Jan. 1768 Genl. Buckley (British Institution, 1853) Delme, Lady Betty and April, 1777 V. Green, 1779 Children, sister ol June, 1780 S.W.Reynolds the Earl of Carlisle Whole length Derby, Countess of. W. Dickenson, {Elizabeth) 1780 Whole length Devonshire, Duke of, I. Fabor, 1755 {William) Devonshire, Duke of. Earl Spencer ¦LR.Smithl776 {William) E. Fisher (Exhibited in 1770) Devonshire, Duchess Feb. 1780 The same V. Green, 1780 of, (Georgiana) S.W.Reynolds Whole length Devonshire, Duchess Feb. 1786 Duke of Devon Keating, 1789 of, (Georgiana) with shire S.W.Reynolds her daughter Lady G. Cavendish (British Institution, 1813) Digby, Lord Mar. 1764 Digby, Mr. (the Rev. April, 1764 S.W. Reynolds WiUiam) CATALOGUE. 23 Name, &c. Dimond, Mr. Williain Wyatt Dodsley, Mr. (Robert) Dorset, Duke of, (Jno. Frederick) Donne, Colonel Date in Pocket Book. April, 1760 July, 1780 Downe, Lord (H. P. Dawney) Downe, Lady Douglas, Mr. & Mrs Douglas, the Duchess of, D'Oyley, Lady D'Oyley, Sir John Intimate friends of the Palmers. D'Oyley, Mrs. See Stanley Dracourt, Miss Drogheda, Lord Drummond, Mr. (Andrew) Drummond, Robert, Archbishop of Yorh Duff, Captaia Duncan, Captain Duncannon, Lord (Fred. Earl of Bes borough) At Lord Kinnaird's salO; 1813, 165 guineas). Duncannon, Viscount ess, {Henrietta) Dundas, Mr. (Right Hon. Henry) Dundas, Lord, In the group of portraits Dunmore, Earl of. In a Highland Dress (al Lady Thomond's sale, 114 guineas). Mar. 1760 Mar. 1766 Feb. 1755 Feb. 1768 Mar. 1787 June, 1788 Jan. 1764 Jan. 1761 July, 1760 Jan. 1764 March 1760 Knowle Park Morris Moore, Esq. Proprietor. Freeman, 1818 S. F. Ravenet S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds Fisher S.W.Reynolds March 1777 M. Drummond, Esq. Earl Spencer The same DUettanti So ciety Engraver. No engraver's name J.Watson, 1764 J. Grozer, 1784 S. W. Reynolds J. Grozer, 1736 S.W.Reynolds J. R. Smith, 1783 24 CATALOGUE. Narae, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Dunning, Miss Feb. 1773 Dunning, John, Esq., F. Bartolozzi, (Lord Ashburton) 1787 Durant, Mr. Sept, 1761 Dutens, Miss Jan. 1771 Dyer, Mr. Samuel, Lord Colborne G.Marchi,1773 (British Institution, 1843). S.W.Reynolds Dysart, Lady {Horace Walpole's niecej Mentioned in Sir Joshua's private notes (Haydon) Dyson, Mr. Dec. 1760 Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor, Engraver. Earle, Mrs. (of Chel sea) Eckersall, Mrs. EckUn, Sir Harry Edgcumbe, e.n., Capt. George) An early Picture(repetitions in the possession of D. Boger, Esq., and H. H. T'reby, Esq.) Edgcumbe, Commo dore (afterwards Lord) Ship in a Storm Edgcumbe, Master (Hon. Richard) Edgcumbe, Lord Richard In Robes Edgcumbe, Lord Richard With a Stag Hound Jan. 1768 Oct. 1759 Feb. 1759 Dec. 1773 April 1776 Earl of Mount E dgcumbe The same The sanie The same The same S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds Fisher, 1761 S.W.Reynolds W. Dickinson, 1774 S.W.Reynolds S. W. Reynolds S.W.Reynolds CATABOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Boolt. Proprietor, Engi-aver. Edgcumbe, Emma, Earl of Mount S.W.Reynolds Lady Edgcumbe Edward, Prince Jan. 1759 The Queen EgUnton, Lord AprU 1755 In a Highland Uniform (Alexander 10th Earl was murdered by one Mungo Campbell, an excise officer, in 1769). EgUnton, Lady May 1777 Jane, daughter of the Earl of Crawford,married in 1772, Archibald 11th Earl of Eg- lington Egremont, Lord Mar. 1773 Petworth Egremont, Lady AprU 1776 The same Ahcia Carpenter, Lady ol the Bedchamber to the Queen. EUot, Mr. (Edward) May 1764 S.W.Reynolds Eliot, Colonel May 1755 Eliot, Hon. Richard Earl St. Ger S.W.Reynolds and Family mans ElUs, Mr. Nov. 1758 Englefield, Sir Henry Feb. 1787 Errol, James Earl of Lord Errol T. Watson Whole length. See John son's Tour to the Hebrides Erskine, Hon. Thomas, Buckingham J. Jones 1776 {Lord Erskine) Palace (British Institution, 1306) EsdaUe, Sir James June 1739 In his Eobes as Lord Mayor. Half length. Essex, Frances, Dec. 1755 Cassiobury Mc. ArdeU Countess of S. W. Reynolds Repetitions in the posses Purcel sion of Lord Monson, and the Bishop of Ely. Easton, Lord Feb. 1755 26 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in PocketBook. I^roprietor. Engraver. Fagniani, Miss Sep. 1777 Maria, daughter of the Marchioness Fagniani, and Lord March, (Duke of Queensberry), or as some suppose, of George Selwyn, from whom she derived con siderable wealth, and married in 1798, Francis Lord Yar mouth, afterwards Marquis of Hertford. Falconer, Miss •June 1782 (Exhibited in 1783). Fane, Mr. Mar. 1761 Farnborough, Lady Samuel Long, Esq. Farren, Miss A. Darby, Esq. As Comedy Miss Faure Feb. 1760 Fawcett, Sir William Jas. Ward S.W.Reynolds Featherstone, Sir AprU 1758 Matthew Fenhoidet, Mrs. T. Baring, Esq. Mc. ArdeU Wife of Peter Fenhoulet. S.W.Reynolds Esq., Exon, of His Majesty't- Moor Yeomen of the Guard, who Purcell was knighted at the Corona tion of Geo. III. Thret quarter. Ferguson, Mr. (Dr. Jan. 1782 J. Beugo, &c. Adam) Ferrers, Lord Xov. 1773 Son of Lord Townshend (Exhibited in 1774). Fleming, Sir John AprU 1789 Fleming, Lady Mar. 1787 Field, Mrs. Capt. Palmer, Sister in law of the Eev. of Torrington Joshua Reynolds, painted before he went to Italy. Fife, Lady Feb. 1764 Finch, Mr. May 1764 , *^.^ ^ -y \^ CATALOGUE. 27 Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Finch, Lady F. Fisher, Miss Kitty As Cleopatra, (British In stitution, 1813). Fisher, Miss Kitty With Doves. Half length (Sold in 1845 for 190 gns., gone to America). Eepe titions in the possession of Mr. Mimro, and at Lans downe House. A Lady with Doves, probably (Kitty Fisher), was exhibited at the British Institution, in 1823, by D. Galley Knight, Esq. Fisher, Miss Kitty, Arms across, with a letter, on the fold of which is writ ten, " My dear Kitty Fisher, June Qth, 1783." Three quarters.Fisher, Miss Kitty (Exhibited at the British Institution, iu 1841. another is in the possession of Mrs, Grosvenor, at Eichmond. Fish, Miss Charlotte Fitzgerald, Lord Henry (Exhibited at the R.A. Ex hibition, in 1789). Fitzherbert, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mrs. Bought at the sale of Lord Westmorland's pictures at Brighton. Fitzmorris, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Lady Gertrude Whole length. (British Institution, 1845). Fitzpatrick, Lady Gertrude With a Bunch of Grapes Fitzpatrick, Lady Gertrude Inscribed " Collina " Jan. 1782 AprU, 1759 July 1764 Earl of Morley E. Fisher, 1755 S. W. Reynolds A.Lyt^ &c., &c. Aug. 1761 Jan. 1766 Jan. 1788 Jan. 1773 Mar. 1779 Mar. 1779 Mar. 1779 At Petworth Lord Crew Sir S. M. Peto R. W. Fitzpat rick, Esq. Hon. Vernon Smith Houston S.W. Reynolds R. PurceU J. Watson J. R. Smith S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds J. Jones, 1792 Dean, &c. 28 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Fitzpatrick, Lady Ann R. W. Fitzpat ¦J. Jones, 1792 Inscribed " Sylvia." (Sistei rick, Esq. of Lady Gertrude). FitzwUUam Lord Aug. 1764 Wentworth ^tat 4. House FitzwiUiam, Lady April 1764 Earl of Zetland McArdeU 1764 Charlotte S.W.Reynolds Afterwards Lady Dundas. (British Institution, 1848). Fitzwilliam, Earl and Wentworth Grozer, 1786 Countess House Fitzroy, Colonel Jan. 1760 Fletcher, Bart., Sir Nov. 1768 Dickinson, Robert 1774 Sir Joshua Reynolds' Pri vate Notes. See Haydon's S.W.Reynolds Life. Foley, Miss (Mrs. July 1771 Mr S.W. Vernon Simmons) (British Institution, 1854). Sir Joshua Reynolds' Private Notes. Folkeston, Lady Feb. 1760 Foote, Mr. (Samuel) June 1764 Duke of New T. Blackmore, (British Institution, 1854), castle 1771 Foot, Capt. Mar. 1761 Capt. Foot, E.A. Forbes, Sir William ¦Jas. Ward (of Pitsligo) S. W. Reynolds Fordyce, Captain Aug. 1761 Fordyce, Mrs. Aug. 1761 Fordyce, Miss flSIrs. Earl of Morley Jas. Watson GreenivoodJ S. W. Reynolds &c. Fore, Miss Dec. 1758 Forest, Mr. Mar. 17 71 Fortescue, (Lady Ann) Mar. 1760 Earl Fortescue McArdeU 175 7 Half length Foster, Lady Elizabeth DukeofDevon- Bartolozzi 1787 (British Institution, 1813). shire S.W.Reynolds Fox, Lady CaroUne AprU 1758 Fox, Lady Mary May 1708 CATALOGUE. 29 Name, &c. Fox, Cliarles James When Young, with Lady Sarah Bunbury, and Lady Susan Strangways. (British Institution, 1820). Fox, Mr. (Charles James) Three quarters. (Exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, in 1784). Fox, Mr. (Charles James) (British Institution, 1820). Fox, Mr. (Charles James) Fox, Mrs. Charles J. Franklin, Mr. Franklin, Dr. Franks, Mr. Franks, Mrs. and Miss Freeman, Miss Date in Pocliet Book. Oct. 1704 My 1784 ¦July 1782 Feb. 17 04 Feb. 1771 AprU 1761 Mar. 1766 Mar. 1755 Proprietor. Lord HoUand The aame Lord Crew Provost's Lodge, Eton College Lord HoUand Engraver. J. Watson, 1702 J. Jones, 1784 3. W. Reynolds Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Gage, Sir WilUam May 1764 Galway, Mr. Payne In the group of portiaits Dilettanti So ciety J. R. Smith Galway, Mrs. Payne and ChUd Feb. 1779 Lord Monson J. R. Smith S.W.Reynolds Galway, Master Galway, Mrs. An Unfinished Head, in Profile, (formerly iu thepos session of Richard Collins, Esq., Enamel Painter to George III. Mar. 1779 Mrs. Gibbons 30 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Gardner, Mrs. The National T.Watson 1776 With Lady Townshend, and Mrs. Beresford, (daughters of GaUery S.W.Reynolds Sir WiUiam Montgomery, Bart). Whole length. Gardner, Miss Dec 1755 Gardner, Mr. Feb. 1773 Petworth Brother of LordMountjoy. Three-quarters. Garrick, Mr. (David) Aug. 1759 Garrick, Mr. Jan. 1760 J. Angersteen, E.Fisher, 1762 Between Tragedy & Comedy. Jan. 1761 Esq. V. Green (Exhibited in 1762.) S.W.Reynolds &c. Garrick, Mr. - The Queen Finlayson 1769 In the character of Kitely. (British Institution, 1827). Garrick, Mr. Jan. 1776 Archdeacon T.Watson 1779 Painted for Mr. Thrale. Burney R. Laurie Purchased at Mrs. Piozzi's sale by Dr. Burney, for 175 S. W. Reynolds guineas. Garrick, Mr. Mar. 1773 Earl Amherst (British' Institution, 1826) Garrick, Mr. and Mrs. Sitting on a Garden Seat, and Garrick reading to her. (Malone's List). Painted for the Hon. T. Fitzmaurice, and exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1773. N.B. Garrick's wife was La Tioletta, a German Dancer. Gawler, Mrs. (the Feb. 1777 H. BeUenden Honourable) Ker, Esq. Gawler, Mr. John The same J. R. Smith Gawler, Masters The same S. R. Smith Henry and John S. W. Reynolds As Schoolboys Gaultere, Monsieur S. Fessard Painted at Paris, in 1752. S.W.Reynolds George, Miss July 1779 Germaine, Lord McArdeU 1777 George S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 31 N -iii,\ \'C. Date in PocketBook. Proi^rietor. Engraver, Germaine, Mr. Mrs. May 1700 and Miss Anna GeU, Mr. May, 17 61 There is a whole length portrait of Adml. Gell, by sir Joshua Reynolds, at riopton, in Derbyshire. Geakle, Colonel May, 1755 Giardini, Signer Jufy, 1700 S.W. Reynolds Gibbon, Mr. (Edward) April, 1779 J.H.Mann, Esq HaU, 1780, &c. (British Institution, 1846). Gibbon, Mr. Edivard Dr. EUiotson When Young, in a. Scarlet A Coat. Three quarter. Gideon, Sir Samson Oct. 17 64 Created a Bart, in 1759, cuarried the daughter of Sir r. Eardley Wilmot. Gideon, Lady Maria April, 1787 Watson, 1771, Miss Gideon S.W. Reynolds Gifford, Mr. July, 1759 Gifford, Miss July, 1760 Gloucester, Duke of May, 1770 Gloucester (British Institution, 1843). House Gloucester, Duke of. Trinity College When a Boy. Cambridge Gloucester, Duchess of. See Waldegrave. Gloucester, Duchess of. Earl of Har (British Institution, 1823). court William, Prince, C.Watson 1784 Son of the Duke of Glouces ter, in a Vandyck Dress Matilda, Princess So Gloucester T.Watson 1775 phia House S.W. Reynolds (British Institution, 18i5). &c. Goldsmith, Dr. Jan. 1768 Knowle G. Marchi, S.W.Reynolds Goldsmith, Dr. Duke of Bed Painted for Mr. Thrale ford (Sold at Mr. Piozzi's death for 1'27 guineas. 32 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Goddart, Miss Goddart, Mrs. Mentioned in Sir J. Rey nolds' Private Notes. Lord Godolphin, Mentioned by Farrington, see page 161. Gordon, Duke of, Gordon, Duchess of, (Jane) (Exhibited in 1775). Gordon, Lady Frances Gordon, Miss, (Fran ees IsabeUa Ker Gordon, daughter of Lord WiUiam Gordon Gordon, Lady and Son Gomm, Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Gotier, Mr. Painted at Paris, in 1752, (Farrington).Gower, Lady Gower, Lord (Gran- yiUe Leveson) Gower, Mr. Leveson Grafton, Duke of, Grafton, Duchess of Granby, Lady Mentioned in Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Granby, Lord John, Marquis of Granby, leaning on his Horse. (British Institution, 1843). Granby, Lord Leaning on a Mortar, an Engagement in the back ground. Sold at the Stowe Sale, for 200 guineas. Date in Pocket Book. May, 1760 Mar. 1761 Mar. 1787 Sept. 1761 Feb. 1760 May, 1760 Dec. 1782 Feb. 1764 May, 1760 Jan. 1764 Dec 1777 Apr. 1779 Proprietor. National lery Gal- Sk Orford Gordon Picture Gallery Oxford Duke of Rut land The Queen Engraver. Dickinsonl775 S.W.Reynolds J R Smith 1780 P. Simon, 1789 S.W.Reynolds R. Houston, 1760, Spooner J. Watson B. PurceU S.W. Reynolds &c. CATALOGUE. 33 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book Proprietor. Engraver. Granby, Lord Petworth Robinson Left arm leaning on a Bank. Granby, Marquis of Earl of Ayles (British Institution, 1846J ford Granby, Marquis of A. Adair, Esq. Grant, Mrs.. July,' 1761 Grantham, Lord Jan. 1788 Earl de Grey T. Cheeseman John, Lord Grantham, and 1791 the Hon. Fred, and Phil. Robinson. S.W.Reynolds Grantham, Lady (see Jan. 1788 Hardwick) Greenway, Miss J. Watson Greenway, of Portsmouth, R. Houston is mentioned in Sir Joshua's Diary, 1773. S.W.Reynolds Grenville, George, the J. Walker,1802 Right Hon. Grenville, George, the At Petworth Right Hon. GreviUe, Lady Louisa AprU 1758 GreviUe, Miss and her Sept. 1760 Lord Farn Mc.ArdeU,1760 Brother borough As Hebe and Cupid. Whole length. GreviUe, Mr. Jan. 1766 DUettanti So Hon. C. GreviUe in the ciety. Group of Portraits. Grey, Lady Feb, 1760 GrifSn, Colonel July, 1755 ( Aide-de-t!amp to the King) Grrimstoii, Mr. April, 1768 Grosvenor, Lord W. B. Cook, Richard 1813 Groves, Mr. Aug. 1755 Groves, Mrs. Aug. 1755 Guildford, Lady Feb. 1764 Guise, General June, 1775 Christ Church, Oxford Gunning, Miss, and her Brother (Royal Academy Exhibi tion, 1788) Walpole's Catalogue. Gwatkin, Miss Theo- phila Entitled Simplicity, after wards Mrs. Lowther. (British Institution, 1823) Gwatkin, Mr. J. Lovell Three-quarters. Gwilt, Mr. Nov. 1759 Exors. of the late J. Gwat kin, Esq. The Family Bartolozzi, 1789 S.W.Reynolds H Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Hale, Mr. Jan. 1759 Hale, Colonel Jan. 1760 J. Lupton (Afterwards General Hale.) Hale, Mrs. Aug. 1764 Earl of Hare- J. Watson As L' Allegro. Wholelength. wood Corbutt Mary, second daughter of Mr. Chaloner, of Yorkshire, S.W.Reynolds and sister of Anne, Countess of Harewood. (British Institution, ] 850) Hales, Mrs. July, 17 64 Haldane, Colonel AprU, 1755 Haldane, Robert, Esq., Earl of Zetland G. Clint of Gleneagles S. W. Reynolds (British Institution, 1845) Haldane, Mrs. R. July, 1764 G. CUnt S. W. Reynolds Hall, Sir James, Bart. Sir James HaU (British Institution, 1833) HaUet, Mr. Feb. 1764 Halliday, Lady Jane Feb. 1779 J. ToUemache, V. Green, 1779 (British Institution, 1841) Esq. S. W. Reynolds Whole length. Hallifax, Lord May, 1764 Halsey, Mr. June, 1761 HamUton, Lady .Ajin Sept. 1755 CATALOGUE. ¦•^5 Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Hamilton, Lady Betty Mar. 1758 Earl of Derby A Child with Flowei-s in her Lap. Sold at Christie's, in 1855, for i;800. Lady Betty Hamilton married Lord Stanley, in 1774. (See Wal pole's Letters to H. Mann.) Hamilton, Captain Marquis of Painted in 1745, according Aberdeen to Northcote. Hamilton, Captain Earl of St. In the Family Picture at Germans Port Elliot. HamUton, Captain Dec. 1758 HamUton, Duchess of Jan. 1759 Lord North- Whole length. EUzabeth Jan. 1764 wick Gunning, Lady of the Bed chamber to the Queen,in 1761 Hamilton, Duke of June, 1779 Wm. Beckford, Douglas, 8th Duke. Esq. (British Institution, 1823) Hamilton, Duchess of June, 1779 (Exhibited in 1760) Hamilton, Duke and H. GaUon, Duchess of Esq. On Horseback, at Hadzer, the seat of Howard Gallon, Esq. (Waagen.) Hamilton, Alexander Duchess of Duke of Hamilton When a Boy. Hamilton, Sir William National H. Hudson, (British Institution, 1831) GaUery 1787 Whole length. Hamilton, Sir William DUettanti So In the Group of Portraits. ciety Hamilton, Lady Earl of Dur (Manchester Exhibition) ham Hamilton, Lady T. Chamber J. R. Smith, fEmma Lyon J layne, Esq. 1784 As a Bacchante. (British S.W. Reynolds Institution,1843). This.Por- trait was purchased by Mr Chamberlayne, in 1801, at the sale of Sir W. Hamilton's Pictures for 125 guineas. Buchanan, vol. 2, p. 75. d 2 36 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Hamilton, Lady (British Institution, 1817) Hamilton, Lady Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale, inl831, for 202 guineas Hammond, Mr. Hanbury, Miss Hancock, Mrs. Hanger, Mrs. Hawkey, Mrs. Harcourt, Lord Harcourt, Mrs. Harcourt, Countess qf (British Institution, 1813) Hardinge, Lady Lucy With a Dog. A Baudean and Pearls in her Hair. Hardwick, Lord Hardwick, Lady A nna- bella fPolwarthJ With her Sister, Lady Jemima. Hardwick, Lady Mary Jemima Inscribed " Protection." Hargrave, Mr. F. Editor of the State Trials. Hare, Mr. (Private Plate) Hare, Dr. Sir Joshua Reynolds' Pri vate Notes. (See Haydon's Life. Appendix) Hare, Master. (In fancy) (British Institution, 1845) Harland, Mrs. Harrington, Lord (British Institution, 1813) Harrington, Lady (British Institution, 1813) EarlofLauder- dale June, 1761 Feb. 1779 Feb. 1766 June, 1771 April, 1788 April, 1755 Mar. 1780 April 1766 Earl Harcourt The same The same Earl de Grey Nov. 1787 Dec. 1773 May 1788 Sir J. D. Paul, Bart. Feb. 1761 Jan. 1782 Lady Harland Earl of Har rington The same S.W.Reynolds J.Watson, 1780 S.W.Reynolds BartolozziFisher, 1762 S.W. Reynolds J. Ogborne, 1793 J. Jones, 1793 S.W.Reynolds W. Reynolds, 1804 S.W.Reynolds, R. Thew, 1790 CATALOGUE. 37 Nome, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Harrington, Jane, Earl of Hare- V. Green, 1780 Countess of wood S.W.Reynolds Holding a Wreath of ^ Flowers. (British Institu tion, 1853.) Whole length. Harrington, Jane, Earl of Har Bartolozzi, Countess of, ivith rington 1789 Lords Petersham and the Honble. Lincoln Stanhope Harris, Mrs. May, 1755 Harris, Lady Feb. 1788 (In the Eoyal Academy Ex hibition, 1788. Walpole's Catalogue.) Harris, Hon. Miss May, 1789 Lord Darnley J. Grozer, 1792 With a Dog. ^'S'hole length. S.W.Reynolds Harris, Sir James, Car. Watson, CLord MalmesburyJ 1786 S.W.Reynolds Harrison, Sir Thomas May, 1758 Archdeacon E.Fisher, 1765 Chamberlain, of Harrison S.W.Reynolds London. Harrison, Lady Sept. 1758 The same Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 1768 Harrison, Commodore Earl of Morley Hartley, Mrs. & ChUd Aug, 1773 J.Bentley,Esq. G. Marchi, 1773 Exhibited at the British Nutter Institution, in 1813, by the Earl of Carysfort, and in 1849, by the present pos sessor. Hartley, Mrs. & ChUd Colonel F. G. S.W.Reynolds Purchased at Lady Tho Howard mond's Sale by Colonel Fulk G. Howard, 290 guineas. Hartley, Mrs., as Jane Shore ' At the same Sale, £18 7s. 6d. Hartley, Mrs., as a July, 1771 Marquis of Madonna Westminster Painted for Mr. Burke. (British Institution, 1834) 38 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book Proprietor. Enjffaver. Hastings, Lady Selina Sept. 1760 R. Houston C. Spooner Hastings,Mr.(Warren) May, 1766 Lord North' J. Watson, Exhibited at the British wick 1777 Institution, in 1823. Sold at Mr. Watson Taylor's Sale in 1832, for 55 guineas, and again exhibited in 1854, by Lord North wick. Hay, Dr. Aug. 1761 Hays, Mrs. Feb. 1760 W. M. Praed, Esq. S.W. Reynolds Hayes, Mrs. A Three-quarter length por trait, at Mr. Yates' Gallery, Old Bond Street. Ha.yman,Francis,R.A . Royal Academy (British Institution, 1854) Hayward, Mr. Feb. 1755 Hawkesworth, Dr. Aug. 1773 J.Watson, 1773 S.W.Reynolds Heathfield, Lord Aug. 1787 National R. Earlom, GaUery &c., &c. Herbert, Mr. Feb. 1761 Herbert, Lord, (see June, 1766 Pembroke) Herbert, Lady Eliza Feb. 1777 Earl of Car J. Dean, 1779 beth narvon S.W.Reynolds Lady Porchester and Son. (British Institution, 1813) Whole length. Herbert, MasterHenry Earl of Car (As the Infant Bacchus) narvon Herbert, Lady Harriet Sister of Lord Powis. ValGreen,1773 Hertford, Seymour Conway, Marquis J. Watts, 1786 of • Hertford, Frances, Duke of Nor Marchioness of thumberland (British Institution, 1845) Hervey, Captain, R.N. E.Fisher, 1763 Leaning on a Cannon. S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 39 Name, &c. Date iu Pocket Book. Hervey, Master HewgUl, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Hews, Mrs. Hickey, Mr. T. H. Burke, Esq. (British Institution, 1833) Hickey, Miss HUl, Miss Hill, Dr. Aaron Hildyard, Sir Robert, Bart. (British Institution, 1855) HUsborough, Lord WUls HUl, First Lord HUs borough, married Lady Mary Fitzgerald, daughter of the Earl of EUdare. (Walpole's Correspondence).Hinchcliffe, Dr. Bishop of Peterborough. Hinchcliffe, Mrs., fsee Crewe) Hoare, Miss Hoare, Mrs. H. Hoare, Master Henry Hobart, Miss Holditch, Miss Hodges, Mrs. HoUand, Lord Henry, Lord HoUand. (British Institution, 1820) Hood, Captain Hood, Admiral Lord Home, Mr. Honeywood, Sir John (Exhibited at"! the Royal Academy, in 1784) AprU, 1789 AprU, 1760 Mar. 1759 June, 1764 Aug. 1773 Aug. 1773 Aug. 1-770 Jan. 1761 Mar. 1755 Oct. 1766 Feb. 1759 AprU, 1777 Feb. 1788 Sept. 1760 Dec 1760 Mar. 1761 June, 1764 Oct. 175P Feb. 1789 A. Malkin,Esq. Mrs. HavUand Burke Proprietor. T.B.HUdyard, Esq. Engraver. No engraver's name Mrs. Berkeley Paget Lord HoUand Lord Bridport S.W.Reynolds C.WUkinsl789 L. Robinson, 1833 H. Robinson J. Jones, 1783 S.W.Reynolds c/^. ^ / 40 CATALOGUE. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Honeywood, Lady and Child (Exhibited the same year) Hope, Mrs. Mary, wife of John Hope, Esq., died in 1767. Hope, Baron Hope, Mr. of Amster dam Hope, Anne, wife of Mr. W. Hope, of Amsterdam (Exhibited in 1787) Hopkins, Mr. Horneck, Mrs. The same, inscribed the " Plymouth Beauty," Robt Sayer, Fleet-street. Horneck, the Misses A Chalk Drawing. (British Institution, 1852) Horneck, Miss Mary " The Jessamy Bride," af terwards Mrs. Gwynn. Horneck, Miss K. " Little Comedy." (See Mrs. Bunbury). Horneck, Captain W. Kane A smaU picture, painted before Reynolds went to Italy Horton, Mrs. (Afterwards Duchess of Cumberland), mentioned in Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Lady Anne Luttrel, widow of Christopher Horton, Esq., married in 1771 the Duke of Cumberland. See Walpole!s Letters. Howard, General (Sir George) Howard, Lady Caro line, (British Institution, 1801) Whole length. Nov, Nov.Jan. Feb. 1755 1764 1758 1787 Oct. 1755 Mar. Jan. Jan. 1764 1766 1766 Lady Honey wood The Family The FamUy Sir Henry Bun bury, Bart The same April, 1758 Sir Henry Bun bury, Bart. Sir Robert Wilmot E. Fisher S. W. Reynolds C.Hodges,1788S.W.Reynolds C.Hodges,1788 S.W.Reynolds J. Mc. ArdeU R. PurceU ' S.W.Reynolds Dunkerton, 1778 S.W.Reynolds 1822 Earl of Carlisle J. Watson V. Green, 1778 S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 41 Name, &c Date iu Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Hughes, Admiral (Sir Jan. 1758 J. Jones, 1758 Edward) Whole length. Huddesford, Mrs. H. Meyer At Mr. Yates' GaUery, Old Bond-street, in 1855. Huddesford, Mr. and Mr. Bamfylde (Exhibited at the British In stitution, in 1824) Hume, Lady May, 1760 Viscount Al- Edwards, 1795 (Exhibited in 1785; ford Hume, Sir Abraham The same Jones, 1783 (Both exhibited at the British Institution, in 1843) C.Hodges,1791 S.W.Reynolds Lupton Hume, Sir Abraham June, 1787 National GaU. Hume, Miss June, 1787 Hume, Mr. Sept. 1787 Humphrey, Mr. (Royal Academy Catalogue, 1779) Hunt, Mrs. AprU, 1761 Hunter, Miss May, 1758 R. Crawford, The Earl of Pembroke, Esq. husband of one of the most beautiful creatures in Eng land, has eloped with a Miss Hunt«r, daughter of Mr. Orby Hunter, 1762. See Walpole's Letters. (British Institution, 1856) Hunter, Mrs., Miss July, 1760 Charlotte and Miss B. Hunter Hunter, Dr. John May, 1789 Col.ofSurgeons W.Sharp, 1788 (British Institution, 1813) Glasgow Col. S.W.Reynolds Hunter, Dr. William Rev.R.F.Elwin J. Smith (British Institution, 1847) Hussey, Mrs. March 1760 Hutchinson, Mr. Hely Oct. 1766 The Provost's J.Watson, 1778 Half length. House,Dublin S.W. Reynolds Hyndeford, Jane, J. McArdeU Countess of, 1757 1759 12 CATALOGUE. J Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Jacobs, Miss Spilsbury Anonymous. Nearly pro R. Houston file. Sitting. James, Sir WiUiam, AprU, 1780 J.R.Smith 1783 Bart. S.W.Reynolds James, Mrs. July, 1759 Blackmore As a Madonna. S. W. Reynolds Jenison, Mr. Alex. Adair, Master of the Buck Hounds Esq. to Geo. ni. Jenyns, Soame, Esq. Geo. Jenyns, W. Dickenson Half length. Esq. S.W.Reynolds Jersey, Lady Jan. 1787 Ilchester, Lady, and her Marquis of Children Lansdowne Joddrel, Mrs. Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Johnson, Dr. -Jas. Morrison, Beath, 1791 Seated in an Arm Chair at a Esq. Haker, 1793 Table, -with Writing Materials. ^ Painted for BosweU, in 1756. Johnson, Dr. The Duke of J.Watson, 1770 A Side Face, without his Sutherland S.W.Reynolds, vrig, and the arms raised, &c. formerly the property of Miss Lucy Porter, Painted in 1770. Reynolds' Private Notes. A Duplicate at Knowle. Johnson, Dr. P. Massing- W. Doughty, A FuU Face, wearing an ex burd, Esq. 1784 pression of Pain, J TL J. Cook, 1787 Painted for Bennet Lang ton in 1773. S.W.Reynolds, &c. A DupUcate,*painted for Mr Sir Robt. Peel Thrale, was sold at Mad Piozzi's Sale, in 1816, for 360 guineas, and re-sold at Mr Watson Taylor's, in 1821, for 493 guineas. (British Institution, 1820) N.B. There are numerous repetitions of this Portrait,onc at Luton. Mad. D'Arblaj had another, which was touched upon by Sir Joshua. CATALOGUE. 43 Johnson, Dr. A Three-quarterFace, brown coat, and left hand in his waistcoat, white cravat, and the shirt seen at the wrists. Johnson, Dr. A Three-quarter Face to the Left. Kit- Cat size, holding a Book close to his Eyes. Painted in 1775, for Malone, A repetition in the posses sion of the Bishop of Ely. Johnson, Mrs., {Sir Joshua's Sister Elizabeth) Another Painted on her Marriage. Johnson, Miss A Girl Sketching, purchased by Mr. S. Eogers, at Lady Thomond's Sale, in 1821, for 100 guineas, and again sold in 1856 for 350 guineas. St. John, Master Johnston, Lady Char lotte Jones, Mr. (Sir WiUiam) (British Institution, 1846) Jones, Miss « " Melancholy." See Ma, lone's List. Inglett, Mr. Richard Who took the name of Fortescue, of Buckland Fil leigh. The Date and Initials J.R. 1754, on the Picture. Ingram, Miss, (Hon Lady Frances) Irwin, Lord Charles Ingram, Viscount Irwin, Temple Newsome. Irwin, Viscountess As a Shepherdess, at Temple Newsome. (Waagen) JuUan, Lady Date in Pocket Book. Pembroke Col lege, Oxford Rev. T. Rooper Rev.J.W.Furze The Family Miss Burdett Coutts AprU, 1766 Sept. 1760 AprU, 1760 Dec 1768 Mar. 1780 July, 1771 April, 1761 Mar. 1759 Proprietor. Earl Spencer Rev. Fortescue Brickendale Engraver. J. HaU, 1787 Audinet Fettler &c. S.W.Reynolds J. Grozer, 1796 S.W.Reynolds J. Watson Corbutt S.W.Reynolds HaU,. 1782 W. Doughty, 1784 J. Watson 44 CATALOGUE. K Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Kauffman, AngeUca May, 1773 F. Bartolozzi, A Drawing in her Hand. 1780 Kauffman, Angelica, E.Morace In a Cloak trimmed -with Fur. KeUy, Miss AprU, 1761 Keppel, Hon. Augustus Dowager Lady Fisher, 1759 Whole length. Albemarle Keppel, Hon. Augustus Duke of Bed E. Fisher,l760 With his Hand ou a Stick. ford S.W.Reynolds Keppel, Admiral May, 1779 W. Doughty, 1779 Keppel, Admiral June, 1780 Sir R. Peel S.W.Reynolds Bought at Mr. Wright's Sale in 1845, for 510 guineas. (British Institution, 1849) Keppel, Admiral Hon. Mrs. (Exhibited at the British Ramsden Institution, in 1845) Keppel, Admiral SirShaftoAdair Burnt at Fhxton Hall in 1 846 Keppel, Admiral Lord, The Queen Leaning ou an Anchor. (British Institution, 1843) Keppel, Lord Lady Ashbur (British Institution, 1833) ton Keppel, Lord Earl Brownlow (British Institution, 1833) Keppel, Viscount, (Ad Earl of Albe V miral of the White) marle (British Institution, 1832) Keppel, Admiral Rev.R.F.Elwin (British Institution, 1847) Keppel, Admiral Lord Earl of Fal (British Institution, 1846) mouth Keppel, Lady C. Jan. 1755 Eari of Albe (British Institution, 1852) marle Keppel,Lady Elizabeth Jan. 1758 The same See Tavistock. Keppel, Colonel Aug. 1758 The same Keppel, Miss Sep. 1764 Eldest Daughter ofthe Hon. F. Keppel, Bishop of Exeter. CATALOGUE. 45 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engi-aver. Kemble, Miss Frances Sep. 1784 S.W. Reynolds J. Jones, 1784 Afterwards Mrs. Twiss, sister of Mrs. Siddons. J. Jones, 1786 (British Institution, 1823) Kennedy, Miss Polly Sir H. Bun J.Watson,1771 (British Institution, 1841) bury Bart. S.W.Reynolds Kent, Mrs. Feb. 1777 Kent, Lady Mary Dean, 1779 Kneeling, her Arm resting on a Tree. Ker, J. Bellenden, and J. B. Ker, Esq. II. Gaivler (British Institution, 1842) Kildare, James, Earl of Mc. ArdeU (Duke of Leinster). S.W.Reynolds KUdare, Countess of July, 1735 Mc. ArdeU S.W.Reynolds Kilwalin, Lord Mar. 1755 Kinaston, Mr. Jan. 1760 The King (George III). Oct. 1779 Royal Academy Dickensonl78l (British Institution, 1843) Watson Kingsley, Major- Mar. 1760 R. Hornton, General 1760 S.W.Reynolds Kirkman, Miss (Sir Joshua's Private Notes 1727) Knap, Mrs. Mar. 1759 Knap, Mr. Dec 1773 Knapp, General April, 1761 Knapper, Miss Dec 1771 Knight, Miss, S.W. Reynolds Witii Sable Muff and Tippet. Name, &c. Lade, Sir John Lade, Lady (British Institution, 1856) Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Rev.H. M.Rice W. J. Broderip, Esq. -^^^^ Kngraver. //. /tpft:/ ry. 46 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Lambe, Master Lambe, Peniston, Wil liam, and Francis, Inscribed " The Afi'ection- ate Brothers." Langton, Mr. Langton, Miss Lansdowne, William, Marquis of Lansdoivne, Marquis of. Lord Ashburton, and Colonel Barre LasceUes, Mr. Edwin Created Baron Harewood, in 1790. LasceUes, Mrs. LasceUes, Mrs. Anne and Child The Lady was the Daugh ter of Wm. Chaloner, Esq. and Sister of Mrs. Hale, who was also painted by Sh Joshua, in a subject Picture, as " L'AUegro." (British Institution, 1823) Lauderdale, Lord Lauderdale, Lady Lawson, Miss Lawrence, General Lee, Mrs. Lee, Mr. John, {Solici tor General) Lee, Lady Elizabeth, Daughter of Lord Har court. Whole length. Leeds, Duke of. In the Group of Portraits. Legge, Hon. William When a Boy. (British Institution, 1824) Date in Pocket Book. Jan. 1771 Sep. 1761 Jan. 1765 Feb. 1764 Feb. 1764 May, 1759 Aug. 1760 June, 1760 Jan. 1761 Mar. 1768 April, 1764 Proprietor. Engraver. Earl of Cowper Marquis of Lansdowne Earl of Morley Sir T. Baring, Bart. Earl of Hare wood The same J. Watson S.W.Reynolds Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. Dr/Lee, Hart- well The same Lord Harcourt Dilettauti So ciety Earl of Dart mouth F. Bartolozzi S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds R. Houston 1761 C.Hodges,1787S. W. Reynolds Fisher J. Watson S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 47 Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor, Engraver. Leger, Mr. St. Mar. 1755 Leigh, Miss Mar. 1764 Leicester, Sir John May, 1789 Leicester, Lord Bestland Whole length. S.W.Reynolds Leinster, Duke of. The Family T. Dixon, 1775 (Eoyal Academy, 1774) S.W.Reynolds Leinster, Duchess of. The same Dickensonl780 S.W.Reynolds Leland, Dr. Thomas J. Dean, 1777 S.W.Reynolds Lenox, Lady Arabella F. Bartolozzi Lenox, Lord George April, 1760 Burnt at FUxton, 1846. Lenox, Lady Sarah, J. Watson Lady Susan Strang ways, and Charles James Fox Mr. Bunbury is going to marry Lady Sarah Lenox, who is very pretty. Walpole's Correspondence. Leslie, Lady Mary Jan. 1764 J. Spilsbury, Fondling a Lamb. "Whole 1764 length. Leslie, Lady Jane Jan. 1764 Lethbridge, Mr. June, 1768 Lewisham, Lord Sept. 1761 J. Spilsbury, (In the Exhibition, 1784) 1764 Lifford, Lord Sept. 1788 Lord Lifford Dunkerton, In his robes, holding the 1790 Great Seal. Whole length. (British Institution, 1833) Ligonier, Sir John Sept. 1755 Ligonier, Lord, July, 1760 National Gal E. Fisher On Horseback. (E. A. Exhibition, 1761) lery S.W.Reynolds Ligonier, Earl J.A.Lloyd,Esq. (British Institution, 1846) Ligonier, Lady, Feb. 1771 Daughter of G. jPitt, Esq. Lippe, Count La Oct. 1764 The Queen S.W.Reynolds Whole length. (British Institution, 1843) 48 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Lippe, Count La Half length, leaning on an Anchor, sold for 80 guineas. at Lord Charles Townsend's Sale, in 1854. Lindsey, Colonel Sept. 1759 Linley, Miss, {Mrs. Glasgow Sheridan) Museum A head in profile. Lisburne, Lord Aug. 1759 Lisburne, Lady Nov. 1777 Lister, Master April, 1764 Lister, Miss T. Lister S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1817) Parker, Esq. Lockhart, Captain, Feb. 1760 Mc. ArdeU Of H.M. Ship Tarter. S.W.Reynolds Long, Miss Oct. 1777 Lort, Rev. Michael Jas. Stone,1815 Loten, Mr. Dec. 1764 Lorain, Lady May, 1789 Loughborough, Lord, J.Grozier,1786 (Chief Justice of the Common Pleas J Lloyd, Mr. June, 1759 Lloyd, Mrs. Inscribing her name on a June, 1776 A. Archdeckne, Esq. S.W. Reynolds tree. Whole length. (British Institution, 1831) Lucan, Charles Lord Earl Spencer J. Jones, 1787 S.W.Reynolds Lucan, Richard, Znd The same Earl of When Lord Bingham. Lucas, Dr. Sept., 1755 Mc. ArdeU S.W. Reynolds Ludlow, Lady F. May, 1755 Ludlow, Mr. Feb. 1735 Duke of Bed With a large Mastiff Dog. ford Whole length. Mr. Ludlow's Dog AprU, 1755 Luther, Mr. Jan. 1770 Lyttelton, Lord Lord Lyttelton Sold at Mrs. Piozzi's Sale, for 41 guineas. CATALOGUE. M Name, &c. Date in Pocket Boolf. Pj opriutor. Engraver. Macbride, Dr. David J. R. Smith Macleane, IMr. Hodge Macartney, Mr. Oct. 1764 Macartney, Miss Nov. 1755 Macartney, Lord July, 1-789 Petworth S.W.Reynolds Sold at Mr. Watson Tay lor's Sale, for 34 guineas. Macklin, Mrs., with Aug. 1788 her daughter, and Miss Potts, As Gleaners. Macklin, the Actor, H. A. Munro, and a head of Esq. King Lear Macgill,Miss, Countess Lord Darnley J. Watson, of ClamviUiam 1765 Macpherson, Mr. Mar. 1779 Petworth Sherwin (British Institution, 1817) S.W.Reynolds Maitland, Colonel April, 1761 Maiden, Viscount, and Cassiobury C. Turner Elizabeth Capel, Children of the Earl of Essex. Malone, Right Hon. Mrs. O'Connor J. R. Smith, Anthony, Chan 1779 cellor of the Ex chequer Afterwards Lord Sunderlin. Malone, Mr. Edmund Feb. 1755 Rev. T. Rooper Bartolozzi S.W.Reynolds Malpas, Lord, April, 1755 Son of the Earl of Chol mondeley. Manchester, Duchess May, 1766 Duke of Man J. Watson of, chester With her son George, Vis count MandeviUe, as Diana and Cupid. Whole length. (Exhibited in 1769) MandevUle, Lord May, 1768 Feb. 1755 Mangles, Mr. 50 CATALOGUE. Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Manley, Mr. Mar. 1758 Mann, Lady Louisa Feb. 1779 Manners, Capt. Lord Duke of Rut W. Dickenson, Robert land 1783 S.W.Reynolds Manners, Lady Louisa Feb. 1779 Ham House V. Green, 1779 (Countess Dysart.) Whole S.W.Reynolds length. (British Institution, 1817) Manners, Lady Feb. 1784 Burnt at Bel- Gangaia, 1785 Catherine voir Castle S.W.Reynolds (Lady Forester.) A Child's Head. (British Institution, 1813) Mansfield, Lord Chief Earl of Mans Bartolozzil787 Justice field S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1846) Marchi, Giuseppe Royal Academy J. SpUsbury, In a Turkish Dress. 1761 Markham, Dr. Fisher With a Book in his Hand. Marlborough, Duke of. Houston, 1758 {Charles Spencer) Marlborough, George, Nov. 1764 Blenheim S.W.Reynolds Duke of Marlborough, Duke of. Nov. 1778 The same C.Turner, 1838 and Family (Exhibited in 1778) Marlborough, Caroline The same J.Watson, 1768 Duchess of S.W.Reynolds With her Daughter, Lady C. Spencer. Marlborough, Duchess of With her Son George, Mar H.Fowler,1768 quis of Blandford. Maiiborough,Duchess of With a Dog. April, 1777 J. Mc. ArdeU Marlborough, Duchess Woodburn Purcell of Fisher Bought nt Lady Tho mond's Sale, ior 90 guineas. CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Martin, Master Martin, Mrs. Mason, Mr. (the Rev. WiUiam) Masham, Lady F. (Eoyal Academy Exhibi tion, 1777) Mathews, Mrs. With a Spaniel Dog. Whole length. Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale, 47 guineas. Mayow, Master Maynard, Lady March, Lord (Duke o Queensbury) Melbourne, Lady (British Institution, 1843) Melbourne, Lady and ChUd Inscribed " Maternal Affec tion." (British Institution, 1813) Mendip, Lady Daughter of Mrs. Stanley. (British Institution, 1844) Merrick, Mrs. In a Hat and Cloai. Half length.Methuen Mrs. and Master Meyer, Miss, as Hebe Whole length. Daughter of Meyer, the EnameUer. Walpole says the idea is taken from a Print by Goltzins, but far more easy and graceful. Mexborough, Lady MUbank, Lady Milbank, Sir Ralph May, 1760 Oct. 1766 June, 1779 July, 1777 Dec 1760 Aug. 1760 if|June, 1759 Nov. 1770 Jan. 1771 Date in Pocket Book. Jan. 1758 Aug. 1771 April, 1755 Proprietor. W. Doughton, 1779 Watson S.W.Reynolds Dickensonl780 Viscount Pal merston Lord Melbourne W. Sloane Stanley, Esq. University Gal lery, Oxford Mrs. Meyei- Lord Monson Engraver. Finlayson, 1771 T.Watson 1775 W. Dickenson S W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds J.Jacobs, 1780 R. Marcaurd, 1759 S.W.Reynolds e 2 52 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Miller, Sir Thomas, of D. Blackmore Glenlee Pyet MUls, Mrs. April, 1761 MiUs, Sir Thomas Aug. 1773 Milsington, Lord Oct. 1760 Milton, Lord May, 1789 Earl Fitz (British Institution, 1813) wUUam 3foira, Earl of The Queen J. Jones (British Institution, 1846) Molesworth, Mr. and Mar. 1755 Pencarrow, Mrs. near Bodmin Molesworth, Miss June, 1777 The same S. W. Rejaiolds Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Molesworth, Sir April, 1780 The same William Molesworth, Sir John The same S.W.Reynolds Whole length. Molineux, Lady April, 1770 See Sefton. Monckton, Miss Mar. 1777 Jacobs, 1781 Whole length. The daugh S.W.Reynolds ter of Lord Galway, married in 1786, Edmund, Earl of Corke and Orrery, she died in 1840, aged 94. Monford, Lord June, 1755 Monk, Mrs. D. Lord Darnley Three-quarters. Monroe, Sir Hector (Exhibited in 1785) Monson, Lady (Theo- Feb. 1761 Lord Monson dosia) In the Eobes she wore at the Coronation of Geo. III. Montague, Lady Caro Duke of J. R. Smith, line Buccleuch 1776 Daughter of the Duke of Buccleugh. S.W. Reynolds (Eoyal Academy Exhibi tion, 1777). AVhole length. Montague, Lady Mc. ArdeU, Elizabeth 1756 Daughter of the Eari of Cardigan. S.W.Reynolds Montague, Miss Jan. 1764 CATALOGUE. Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Montague, Mrs. Jan. 1779 M. Montague, J. R. Smith (British Institution, 1823) Sir Joshua's Notes. Esq. Bartolozzil792 Montague, Elizabeth Meyer, 1812 and Henrietta Daughters of the Eai-1 of Cardigan. (Kxliibitedinl763) Montgomerie, Colonel Jan. 1761 Montgomerie, Miss Jan. 1773 The National Mai-ried the Hon. Mr. Gallery Gardner, and was the mother of Lord Blessington. Montgomerie, Miss Jan. 1773 Barbara Afterwards the Hon. Mrs. Beresford. Moore, Mrs. Feb. 1755 John, Henry, and H. L. Long, Susannah Jane Esq. ChUdren of Sir- Thomas Moore, Bart. (British Institution, 1849) Morant, Mr. (M.P. for Aug. 1760 Hi u don) Morant, Mrs. and Son Oct. 1760 Morant, Mrs. C. Townley, A volume of Milton in her 1771 Hand. Mordaunt, Mrs. Feb. 1768 J.R.Smithl776 Sir Joshua's Private Notes, Whole length. S.W.Reynolds Morclen, Colonel dn the Eoyal Academy Catalogue, 1788) Morgan, Colonel Feb. 1788 Morpeth, Lord Jan. 1758 Trotter, 1787 S.W.Reynolds Mornington, Lady Sept. 1761 Morris, Mrs. Jan. 1755 Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Morris, Miss Oct. 1766 Marquis of Fisher, 1771 " Hope Nursing Love." Lansdowne S.W.Reynolds There are repetitions of this J. R. Smith, picture in the possession of 1777 Mr. H. Hope & Mr. Morritt. 54 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Morrison, Miss Aug. 1766 Mudge, Mr. {Rev. The Fa,mily J. Watson Zachariah) Mudge, Dr. Z.Mudge,Esq. F..Grozer,1790 Painted in 1752. Dickenson Mudge, Master, (Son Feb. 1758 Rev. W. D. S.W Reynolds of Dr. Mudge) Fox Looking from behind a Curtain. Mudge, Mr. Tom The late Lieut.- The Head only by Sir Col. Mudge Joshua, finished by North o cote. Mulgrave, Lord DUettanti So S.W.Reynolds In the group of Portraits. ciety Mulgrave, Lady Ann See Cholmondeley. Murphy, Mr. (Arthur) Sept. 1779 Sir Robt. Peel, Bought at Mrs. Piozzi's Bart. Sale by Mr. Watson Taylor, for 98 guineas. Murray, Miss Feb. 1764 Murray, Lady C. April, 1764 Muse, Miss H. A. Munro, Esq. J. Faber, 1735 Musters, Mrs. (Hon. Nov. 1777 Col. Wyndham, J.R.Smithl755 Sophia) Petworth S.W.Reynolds With a Spaniel at her Feet. (British Institution, 1843). Whole length. Musters, Mrs. May, 1780 J. Musters, Hodges, 1785 As Hebe. Esq. S.W.Reynolds Muys, La Mares- Earl Spencer chale De Chanoinesse, the intimate friend of Georgina, Countess Spencer; her husband dis tinguished himself at the Battles of Fontenoy and Minden. Catalogue of Pictures at Althorpe. CATALOGUE. 55 N Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Napier, Sir Gerard, May, 1765 Bart. Napier, General Destroyed by Fire at FUx ton Hall. Napier, Lady As Diana. See Malone, 65. Nesbitt, Mr. Oct. 1758 Nesbitt, Mrs. Hon. E. Phipps With a Dove. (British Institution, 1843) Neate, Thomas, of Rev. A. Neate Binfield, Berks, and his Sister Two ChUdren, with their Tutor. Nelson, Lord Lord Norman- Dr. Waagen, vol. iv., 372. ton Neville, Master Feb. 1761 Newbottle, Lord Sept. 1759 Newnham, Lord May, 1773 Newton, Tho'mas, Lambeth T.Watson 1764 Bishop of Bristol Palace S.W.Reynolds Nicol, Master April, 1755 Nichol, Dr. Christ Church, Oxford Norfolk, Duchess of Feb. 1755 Norris, Mr. Jan. 1770 North, Mrs. May, 1764 Northington, Lord, Dec 1782 W. Edwards, Lord Chancellor 1831 of Ireland. (Eoyal Academy Exhibi tion, 7 785) North, Frederick Lord, At Petworth Earl of Guildford Northampton, Lord May, 1759 Northampton, Lady AprU, 1761 Northumberland,Hugh Duke of Nor E. Fisher Percy, Earl of thumberland (British Institution, 1845) 56 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Northumberland, Elizabeth, Countess of (British Institution, 1845) Northumberland, Countess of Nutt, Mrs. Duke of Nor thumberland The same May, 1760 E. Fisher R. Houston S.W.Reynolds Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book, O'Brien, Miss (NeUy) Sitting, a White Poodle Dog in her Lap. (Exhibited in 1763) O'Brien, Miss ProtUe, Arm resting on a Yase.(British Institution,1824-33) O'Brien, Miss Front Face, Left Arm resting on a Pedestal. (British Institution, 1845) Oglevie, Mr. Oglethorpe, General Oliver, Miss Omai, a Native of Ulieta (British Institution, 1813) Exhibited by JV W. Steers, Esq). Whole length. Orchard, Col. and Mrs. Orleans, Duke of (British Institution, 1813) Whole length. Orme, Captain With a Horse. (Exhibition Catalogue, 1761) Ossory, Lord Ossory, Lady Nov. 1760 May, 1764 June, 1764 Feb. 1780 Feb. 1786 Mar. 1777 Marquis of J. Watson Hertford S.W.Reynolds Proprietor. Engraver. Lady Dover Sir Thomas Baring, Bart, Lord Carlisle HartlandAbbey Burnt at Carl ton House J. Dixon, 1774 S.W.Reynolds C. Spooner J. Watson S.W.Reynolds J. Marchi, 1769 J. Jacobs, 1777 S.W.Reynolds J.R.Smithl786 S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 57 Name, &c. Date iu Pocket Book. Propriulor. Enf^raver. Ossulton, Lord Son of the Earl of Tauker- ville. AprU, 1761 Otway, Captain Feb. 1758 Otway, Mrs. and Child (British Institution, 1841) Oury, Captain, R.N., Commissioner of Plymouth Dock yard, M.P. for Plympton Painted for the Corporation before Eeynolds went to Italy. C. SackviUe Bale, Esq. E. M. Parker, Esq. S.W. Reynolds Owen, Miss Painted for Mrs. Thrale. May, 1760 Mr. Stuart Oxendon, Mr. AprU, 1704 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Palk, Governor Jan. 1761 Paice, Mr. June, 1761 Paine, Mr. (Architect) June, 1764 Oxford GaUery Watson and his Son Palmerston, Lord Mar. 1771 Palmer, Sir John April, 1766 Palmer, Miss, {Mar Miss Gwatkin Jas. CoUyer, chioness of Thomond) 1785 In a Hat and Feathers. W. Doughty, 1779 Palmer, Miss Theo- The Family of Scorodonmow phila the late Mr vEtat 10. Beading Clarissa. Gwatkin 58 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Palmer, Miss Theo- Marquis of J. R. Smith phila (?) Lansdowne S. W. Reynolds Girl -with a Muff, said to be tbe Portrait of Miss Theo- phUa Palmer. If so, it is pro bably the portrait mentioned in Sir Joshua's Private Notes. " Ofife's Picture 1767." Miss Palmer was then about ten years old. Palmer, Miss Theo- Miss Gwatkia J.R.Smithl777 plila, (Mrs. Gwat kin) Painted on ber Marriage. Parker, Mr. Montagu May, 1768 Earl of Morley Parker, The Hon. Mrs. May, 1772 The same T.Watson 1773 Theresa Whole length. S.W.Reynolds Parker, Mrs., the Hon. The same S.W.Reynolds and her Son Parker, Master and Jan. 1776 The same S.W.Reynolds Miss John, Earl of Morley, and Lady YUliers. Parker, Miss Theresa The same Daughter of John, first Lord Boringdon, who married the Hon. George ViUiers. -iged 10. Paterson, John, Esq., T. Watson 1777 S.W.Reynolds Payler, Mrs. Mar. 1771 Pearson, Colonel Aug. 1755 Pelham, Mrs. Feb. 1759 Lord Yar- Dickenson Feeding Chicken. (British Institution, 1849) borough S.W.Reynolds Whole length. Pelham, Master Feb. 1759 Pelham, Miss S. Reynolds, 1829 Pelham, Mr. AprU, 1766 Pembroke, Lady Mar. 1761 Lord Norman- ton CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Pl'oprletor. Engraver. Pembroke, Henry Earl Wilton House J. Dixon, 1771 of, and Family S. W. Reynolds J.Watson, 1773 Pembroke, Elizabeth, J. Dixon, 1771 Countess of, and George Lord Her bert Penn, Lady Julia May, 1755 Penn FamUy, The Jan. 1756 C.Turner, 1819 (British Institution, 1833) Penrhyn, Lady Mrs. Penrhyn, East Sheen Penrose, Mrs. — Eyre, Esq. At Shaw House, Newbury, 1853. Percy, Dr. Thomas, May, 1773 Dickensonl775 S.T.P. S.W.Reynolds Phipps, Mr. June, 1759 Phipps, Miss Mar. 1764 Phillips, Captain April, 1758 Pigott, Mr. Jan. 1758 Pigott, Mrs. Mar. 1761 Piozzi, Mrs. and her Daughter Purchased at the Sale at Streatham Pai-k, by S. Bod dington, Esq., inI816. 78 gs. Piozzi, Mrs. Holding a Miniature. Sold at Christie's, in 1860. Phimer, Mr. Feb. 1755 Plumer Ward, Esq. Pitcairn, Dr. WiUiam Nov. 1777 J. Jones, 1777 PoUington, Lady, Sept. 1761 Lord Monson Countess of Mex borough Porchester, Lord Earl of Car As Bacchus. narvon (British Institution, 1844) Porter, Captain Mar. 1760 Portland, Duke of June, 1759 Duke of Port J.Murphy,1785 (British Institution,1856) land S.W.Reynolds 60 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Portmore, Lord Oct. 1758 Pott, Mr. Percival C. Townley, (In the Eoyal Academy 1784 Exhibition, 1784) Potts, Miss, and Mrs. Aug. 1788 Maclin As Gleaners. Pott, Miss Emily Admiral ToUe Bartolozzi, As Thais. Whole length. mache 1792 S.W.Reynolds Powell, Miss Harriet, R. Houston Countess of Seaforth S.W.Reynolds As Leonora, in the Padlock. Powlett, Jjady C. May, 1777 J. R. Smith, Daughter of the Duke of 1778 Bolton. Powis, Countess of Earl Powis (British Institution, 1844) Powis, Mrs. and Child EariofDenbigh (British Institution, 1824) Pownal, Captain AprU, 1764 Powlet, Miss Feb. 1758 Poyntz, Miss Louisa Earl Spencer Sister of Georgiana, Countess of Spencer, at Althorpe. Prado, Mrs. Dec. 1760 Pratt, Chief Justice Mar. 1764 Basire, 1766 See Lord Camden. Bowles, &c. Price, Mrs. Feb. 1759 Price, Mrs. C. Nov. 1768 Price, Miss Jan. 1770 Mrs. Price J. Watson 1770 Daughter of Uvedale Price, R. Laurie 1771 Esq., in a Landscape with Sheep. S.W.Reynolds Price, Lady Caroline Nov. 1786 J. Jones, 1786 S.W.Reynolds Prideaux, Colonel Mar. 1755 Pringle, Sir John Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Proby, Mrs. Feb. 175^ Pultenay, GeneralLord S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 61 Name, ..^c. Date in Poclcet Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Quaine, Mrs. May, 1755 The Queen Dec. 1779 Royal Academy (British Institution, 1843) Queen Charlotte Sion House Whole length, a profile, m the act of walking. Waagen, vol. iv. Quorrington, Mrs. July, 1771 Chambers 1787 As St. Agnes, /^-ii *-«^ Bettelini ti/U^i&^ /i/4/iy /- Zz^ i»*« R Name, &c. Date in Pocliet Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Radcliffe, Mr. Walter Jan. 1768 Earl of Morley S.W.Reynolds, 1822 Radnor, James, 2nd Lord Folke Earl of stone When a Boy. Radnor, Anne, The same Countess of Rainsford, Mrs. In a Hat and Feather. Sold atLadyThomond'sSale55gs. Rapp, Mr. Dec 1758 Ramsay, Mr. Sept. 1755 Ramsden, Mr. May, 1755 Rawdon, Lord May, 1789 J. Jones, 1792 One of the last Portraits Sir Joshua painted. Whole length. Ray, Mr. AprU, 1760 Raymond, Lady May, 1756 Rayne, Miss July, 1761 Rena, Signora, July, 1759 Contessa deUa Rena Mar. 1760 A chere amie of Lord March, Dec 1761 afterwards Duke of Queens- _l_^ \J\J m _i. r \J .^ bury. See Selwyn and his contemporaries. Reddel, Miss April, 1V61 62 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date tn Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Reynolds, Rev. Canon, Eton CoUege Mc. AjideR Felloiv of Eton College Reynolds, Rev. Samuel, Cottonian S.W.Reynolds Master of Plympton Library, Grammar School Plymouth Reynolds, Miss Eliza June, 1755 Archdeacon S.W.Reynolds beth (Mrs. Johnson) Yonge The same The Family At Dean Prior Vicarage. Reynolds, Miss Oct. 1755 Cottonian Frances Library The same S.W.Reynolds With a Veil over her Head. I have not been able to obtain any information about this picture from the famUy. Reynolds, Sir Joshua Duke of Bed Waagen, vol. iv. ford Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Earl of Har in Youthful Years rington Waagen, vol. iv. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Jas. Morrison, in Early Life Esq. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, J. SandersEsq. S. W. Reynolds in Early Life Holding a Palette and Brushes, and shading his Eyes -with the other Hand. Formerly in the possession of Mr. Lane, of Coffleet; Devon. Sold by Christie and Manson, in 1846, for 280 gs. The first Portrait he Miss Gwatkin Painted of Himself (British Institution, 1823) Portrait of Himself in Sir R. Peel, Early Life Bart. Purchased in 1845, at the Sale of Mr. Lake's Pictures, by Mr. Newenhaus. Another Early Portrait of Himself Sitting, with a Paper in his Hand, was sold at Lady Thomond's Sale. ^/tc- '.-., r.-r A^c'j^^ '^U -t. CATALOGUE. 63 Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Lord Holding a Book Normanton Purchased at the same Sale, by Lord Normanton, for 234 guineas. (Exhibited at the British Institution, 1824). Reynolds, Sir Joshua Dilettanti Watson, 1770 A Three-quarter Face, a Society loose Cloak thro-svn over the Shoulder. " My own picture. May, 1770, on a Canvass Un- primed." Private Notes. Another, Cottonian Nearly the same. Library, Lately in the possession of the Dean of Cashel. Plymouth His Portrait, with Bust RoyalAcademy V. Green of M. Angelo His Portrait, Lady Egremont Painted for Plympton, in 1778. Private Notes. Sold by the Corporation to the late Lord Egremont, of SUverton, Devon, for 150 gs. His Portrait, S.W.Reynolds Very similar to the last, but with a Light Sky Back ground. Painted for Northcote. Sold at Mr. Hughes' Sale, in 1816, for £56 14s. His own Portrait, Painted for Mr. Thrale. Purchased at Mad. Piozzi's Sale in 1816, by Eichard Sharpe, Esq., M.P., for 122 guineas. Cunningham, p. 293 His own Portrait, The Florence Chas. Townley, Painted in 1775 for the GaUery 1777 Florence GaUery, Private Notes. Sherwin, 1784 A duplicate, I beUeve, is at Belvoir Castie. His Portrait, with Rev. J. Rooper CaroUne Wat Spectacles son, &c. Painted for Mr. Malone. 04 CATALOGUE. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, with Spectacles Purchased at the Mar chioness of Thomond's Sale, in 1821, for 100 guineas by George IV. Another, the same In the Dulwich Gallery which Dr. Waagen says is more powerful iu colour. Another, the same In the possession of Mr Bastard, at Kitley, Devon, There is also, I beUeve, another at Petworth, but these are probably copies. A Portrait of Himself In the manner of Eem- brandt, mentioned by Bee- chey iu his Life of Eeynolds, The last Portrait he Painted of Himself (British Institution, 1823) From Sir Joshua's Private Notes : — " My own Portrait, given to Mrs. Burke, July, 1769. My own Portrait." N.B. A Portrait of Sir .Joshua Eeynolds, by himself, was exhibited at the British Institution, in 1823, by Sir Thomas Lawrence. And in 1832 there were two exhibited by Lord Dover and Sir Geo, Phillips. A portrait of Sir Joshua Eeynolds was sold at Mr. Metcalfe's Sale, m 1850, Sir Joshua Reynolds and Jervis, as Shep herds (British Institution, 1813) Richmond, Duke of Richmond, Duchess of Richmond, Miss Ridge, Miss Eeynolds' Private Notes. Date in Pocket Book Proprietor. The Queen Vernon Gallery Miss Gwatkin Ene'raver. S.W.Reynolds T. W. Hunt Oct. 1758 Nov. 1704 Aug. 1764 Dec. 1773 Earl Fitz wUUam Mrs. St. John J. Watson CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Roberts, Captain, R.N. Eeynolds' Private Notes, 1847."Robertson, Dr., (the Historian) Robinson, Mrs., (Per- dita) In a Black Hat and Feathers. Robinson, Mrs., as Contemplation There are several repeti tions of these portraits. One was purchased at Lady Tho mond's Supplementary Sale, by Danby, for 6 guineas.] Robinson, Colonel Robinson, Sir Septi mus Robinson, Dr., Bishop of Kildare Robiason, Dr. Arch bishop of Armagh Formerly in the possession of Mrs. W. Montague, to whom Smith's engraving is dedicated. (British Institution, 1823) Robinson, Hon. Philip and Frederic See Grantham. Rockingham, Lord, Marquis of (British Institution, 1846) Rockingham, Marquis Rodney, Admiral Lord His Hand resting on an Anchor. (British Institution, 18331 Rodney, Admiral Lord Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale to J. L. Gwatkin, Esq., for 115 guineas. A repetition of the same picture,at Kitley, Devon. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Sept. 1758 Jan. 1782 G. W. Hallam, Esq. H. A. Munro, Esq. Hon. E. Phipps Mar. 1760 July, 1761 Mar. 1771 Dec 1766 AprU, 1761 Mar. 1789 Dixon, 1772 Dickenson J. Reynolds W. Birch, 1737 S.W. Reynolds Horsley HaU Christ Church, Oxford The Queen Earl Fitz william At Petworth Engraver. S.W. Reynolds J. R. Smith, 1775 S.W.Reynolds Sherwin, 1783 E.Fisher, 1794 W. Dickenson J. Watson, 1762 W. Dickenson S.W.Reynolds B.J.P. Bastard, Esq. / 66 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Rodney, Lord The Queen Scriven (British Institution, 1843-6) Rogers, Mr. Charles, F.R.S. (British Institution, 1855) JtUy, 1777 W.Co^ton,Esq. W. W. Ryland, 1777 S.W.Reynolds J. Cook Rogers, Miss Nancy PhiUips MS. Mem. of the late Mrs. Gwatkin. Romney, Robert Lord, Feb. 1770 Society of Arts Finlayson, President of the 1773 Society of Arts Whole length. Romney, Lady Lord Car (British Institution, 1850) narvon Roper, Miss Mar. 1771 Rothes, John Earl of Mar. 1763 Mc. ArdeU Sold at Christie's, in 1820. Formerly in the possession of Lord Portmore. Rothes, Lady Feb. 1764 Ross, Mrs. AprU, 1753 Roxborough, Duke of May, 1789 Royston, Lord Eari of Hard As a ChUd. See Yorke. wicke Rumbold, Mrs. April, 1777 Rumbold, Mr. C. Rumbold, Whole length. Esq., M.p. RusseU, Lady CaroUne Sept. 1759 Duke of Mc. ArdeU Mar. 1761 Bedford S. W. Reynolds RusseU, Miss AprU, 1755 Rutland, Duke of Mar. 1782 W. Dickenson, (Eoyal Academy Exhibi 1791 tion, 1786) C. Hodge Rutland, Duchess of Aug. 1781 Burnt at Bel- Val Green vou- Castle Sherwin S. W. Reynolds Rutland, Duchess of P. Tomkins As a Vestal. S. W. Reynolds CATALOGUE. s 67 Name, &c. Date iu Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. SackviUe, LordGeorge Feb. 1759 Knowle Mc. ArdeU S.W. Reynolds Salisbury, Countess of Marquis of V. Green, 1780 (Eoyal Academy Exhibi tion, 1781) Wholelength. SaUsbury S.W.Reynolds Sandford, Colonel Sept. 1779 Sandys, Lord Sold at Mrs. Piozzi's Sale, 35 guineas. Sanford, Mrs. Rev. J. Lang- (British Institution, 1855) ford Saunders, Admiral liOrdAlbemarle Mc. ArdeU Sir Charles SayerS.W.Reynolds Saye, and Sele, Lady Sir Culling Eardley Scarborough, Lord Mar. 1755 Scarsdale, Lady Caro J. Watson line, and her Son, J. Paul the Hon. John Eliza Judkins Curzon Schinderlin, La See BacceUi. Schinderlin, Mad. Earl Amherst J.R.Smithl777 Scot, Sir Francis Feb. 1759 Scot, Lady Mar. 1759 Scott, General A. Drummond, (British Institution, 1840) Esq. Seaforth, Mrs. and Grozer, 1787 Child S. W. Reynolds Inscribed " Lady and ChUd." Seaforth, Lord Dilettanti In a Group of Portraits. Society Searle, Mrs. Dawe, 1801 Seeker, Dr., Bishop of C. Townley Oxford BeU, Countess of Sefton J.Watson, 1771 S. W. Reynolds /3 68 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Selwyn, George In a Group, painted for the Hon. Horace Walpole. See Edgcumbe. (British Institution, 1843) Serge, Prince and Princess Gagazin Seymour, Lady Caro line Half-length. Shafto, Mr. Jenison Shafto, Mr. Robert Sharpe, Mr. Joshua (British Institution, 1854) Whole length. Sheffield, Lord John The friend of Gibbon. (Manchester Exhibition) Sheffield, Lord William Sheldon, Mr. Ralph, M.P. for Walton Sir G. Hayter's Sale, in 1845 Shelbourne, Earl of Afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne. Lady Thomond's Sale, 20 guineas. Shipbrook, the Earl of General Vernon, created in 1777. Shipbrook, Countess of Shipley, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph Shepherd, Miss Sheridan, Mr. R. B. Sheridan, Mrs. As St. Cecilia. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Feb. 1759 Jan. 1755 Hon. H. La- bouchere Earl Cowper A. Adair, Esq. Mrs. VuUiamy EariofSheffield May, 1779 June, 1779 Mar. 1798 O.Hodge, 1786 J. W. Reynolds J. Jones, 1789 S.W.Reynolds Lady Harland The same Marquis of Lansdowne Engraver. Car. Watson, 1785 J. R. Smith Scorodomoff TrotterS.W.Reynolds J. HaU, 1791 S.W.Reynolds W. Dickenson, 1776 J.Watson, 1779 Dickenson, 1792 CATALOGUE. 69 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Siddons, Mrs. April, 1787 Marquis of F. Howard, As the Tragic Muse. Sold at Mr. Watson Tay Westminster 1787 lor's Sale for 1745 guineas. S.W. Reynolds Siddons, Mrs. April, 1784 Dulwich As the Tragic Muse, for GaUery which M. De Calonne paid Sir Joshua Eeynolds 100 gs. At the Calonne Sale, in 1795, it was purchased by Mr. N. Des Enfans. Buchanan, vol. i. Siddons, Mrs. J. AUnutt,Esq. A Study for the large I'io- ture, purchased at Lady Thomond's Sale. Sidney, Lord, and Col. Lord Acland Carnarvon As Archers. (Exhibited in 1770) Sloper, Mrs. Dec. 1779 Smart, Rev. Thomas, D. Boger, Esq. S.W. Reynolds Vicar of Maker Eeynolds' first Portrait. Smelt, Captain Aug. 1779 The late Col. In the Windsor Uniform. Mudge Sub-Governor to the ChUdren of King George III. Three-quai'ter canvas. Smith, Lady and Sir H. Smith Bartolozzi, Children 1789 (Exhibited in 1780) (British Institution, 1817) Smith, Rev. John, S.W.Reynolds D.D. Smith, Robert, Esq., Facius, 1797 M.P. M. Gauci Smith, Mrs. AprU, 1761 (Exhibited iu 1785) Smith, Mrs. Drum mond (In the Eoyal Academy Exhibition, 1788) Smollett, Dr. Tobias S. Ravenet Smyth, Mr. John DUettanti In a Group of Portraits. Society 70 CATALOGUE. Narae, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Smyth, Miss April, 1775 Spencer, Lord Robert May, 1758 Speneer, Lady Sept. 1761 Dr. Hamilton Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale. Spencer, George John At Althorpe J. H. Robinson Earl In a Vandyke Dress. ^tat 17. Spencer, George John Earl (British Institution, 1856) Earl Spencer C. Townley Spencer, Georgiana The same J. Watson Viscountess and J. Paul, 1771 her Daughter C. Corbutt Spencer, Georgiana The same T. Watson, Viscountess 1772 Sitting, in a Persian Dress. S.W.Reynolds Spencer, Lady Charles April, 1776 The same Dickenson, Leaning on a Horse. 1776 Whole length. S.W.Reynolds Spencer, Lady Charles Lord Chas. J. Fisher With a Black Spaniel. Spencer Finlayson (British Institution, 1813) S.W.Reynolds Spencer, Lavinia Lord Bartolozzil783 Countess De Mauley C.Hodges 1785 (British Institution, 1850) S.W.Reynolds Spencer, Lavinia Earl Spencer Countess, and her Son, Viscount Althorpe Spencer, Lavinia The same Countess With a large Straw Hat. (British Institution, 1854) Spencer, Lord Henry Duke of Marl Sherwin and Lady Charlotte borough J. Jones, 1789 The Fortune TeUers. S.W.Reynolds Spencer, Lord Charles Duke of Marl borough Spencer, Jjadies Eliza Majs 17 77 beth and Caroline CATALOGUE. 71 Name, &c. Spencer, Ladies Ann and Charlotte Inscribed " The Mask." Spencer, the Hon. Mrs. As Contemplation. Spencer, DowagerLady (British Institution, 1833) Spence, George, Minia ture Painter Southampton, Lord (British Institution, 1827) Somerset, Lady Isa bella Stanhope, Lady Whole length. Stanhope, Lady Anne Maria Stanhope, Hon. Mrs A MoonUght Landscape. Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale for 100 guineas. Stanhope, Hon. Mrs. " Contemplation." Sold at Lady Thomond's Sale, for ^152 5s. Stanhope, Mr. Spencer In a Group of Portraits. Stanhope, Hon. Lei cester A Child with a Drum. Stanhope, Master Lincoln Holding a Drawing. Stanhope,Hon. Lincoln ivith Viscount Peter sham, and Jane, Countess of Har rington Stanhope,Hon.Francis A ChUd, in a Hat and Feathers. Stanhope, Hon. Fitzroy Playing with a large Dog. Date in Pocket Book. May, 1758 May, 1777 Nov. 1777. Nov. 1787 Sept. 1788 Dec 1787 Proprietor. Hon. W. Pon- sonby The Queen Duke of Beau fort 3^.-^dipi*ttf-Esq;. H. A. Munro, Esq. DUettanti Society Lord Harrington The same Lord Harring ton The same Engraver. Schiavonetti J. R. Smith Etching, by G, Spence S. W. Reynolds Jackson J.Watson,1767 S.W.Reynolds J. R. Smith, 1783 ^. W.Reynolds C. Watson, 1790 Bartolozzil789 S.W. Reynolds T. Park, 1788 S.W.Reynolds Bartolozzi, 1789 73 CATALOGUE. Name, t&c. Date in Pocket Book. Pioprietor. Stanley, Miss J., Lady D'Oyley (British Institution, 1844) Stanley, Mrs. Daughter of Sir Hans Sloane f British InstUution, 1844) Stanley, Right Hon. Hans (British Institution, 1844) Strafford, Earl of Strafford, Ann, Countess of Strahan, Mr. William (British Institution, 1833) Strange, Lady Eliza beth Stewart, Sir James, of Allan Bank Stewart, Lady Stewart, Andrew, Esq (Exhibited in 1779) Steicart, Hon. Mrs Keith, Daughter of Baron D'Aguilar Sterne, Rev. Lawrence Purchased from Lady Hol land for 500 guineas. (Mrs. Jameson . ) Stonhewer, Mr. (British Institution, 1843) Whole length . Stormont, Lord Stuart, Athenian Stuart, Miss Suffolk, Henry Earl of (British Institution, 1844J Sulivan, Mr. (British Institution, 1850) AprU, 1755 Jan. 1768 W. S. Stanley, Esq. The same The same Engraver. Jan. 1779 Mar. 1760 Jan. 1755 May, 1779 E. S. Strahan, Esq. McArdeU, 17 62 Spicer S.W.Reynolds &c. J. Jones, 1792 Keith Macken sie, Esq. Marquis of Lansdowne Duke of Grafton Eton. F. G. Howard L. SuUvan,Esq J. Watson S.W.Reynolds E. Fisher Ravenet S.W.Reynolds S. W. Reynolds CATALOGUE. 73 Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Sunderland, Lord Charles Spencer, (Duke of Marlborough) Sunderlin, Lord Sunderlin, Lady In aLandscape Background. Whole length. Mrs. O'Connor Rev. T. Rooper T Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Talbot, Mr. Nov. 1760 Talbot, Lady Charlotte V. Green, 1783 Daughter of Lord HUs borough. Whole length. S.W.Reynolds Tarleton, Colonel Jan. 1782 J. Fielder, Esq. J. Smith, 1782 (British Institution, 1823) S.W.Reynolds Whole length. Tash, Captain Jan. 1761 Tavistock, Marquis of Feb. 1766 Duke of Bed J.Watson, 1767 ford S. W. Reynolds Tavistock,Marchioness The same Fisher of S.;W. Reynolds Elizabeth Keppel decorating a Term of Hymen. See Keppel. Taylor, Miss Feb. 1764 Taylor, Mr. May, 1777 Taylor, Sir John AprU, 1782 DUettanti In a Group of Portraits. Society Taylor, Lady AprU, 1782 Mrs. Vulhamy W. Dickenson, (British Institution, 1854) 1783 Taylor, Lady Elizabeth At Petworth Temple, LordandLady Mar. 1782 Grenville, Richard, Mar. 1776 W. Dickenson, Earl Temple 1783 In Eobes of the Garter. Bought in for the family at the Stowe Sale. CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Thanet, Mary Countess of (British Institution, 1833) Thompson, Rich., Esq. In a Group of Portraits. Thomas, Dr. John Bishop of Rochester (In the Exhibition, 1782) Thorolds, Mrs. ThornhiU, Mrs. ThornhiU, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Thrale, Mr. Thrale, Mrs. See riozzi. Thurlow, Lord (British Institution, 1813) Titchfield, Marquis of Whole length. ToUemache, Mrs. As Miranda. (British Institution, 1841) ToUemache, Mrs. As Eobinetta. ToUemache, Mrs. As Eobinetta. (Manchester Exhibition) Tolcher, Mr. of Ply mouth Tomkins, Mr. (British Institution, 1813) Torryn, Captain Townshend, Hon. Charles, Chancellor ofthe Exchequer Whole length. Townshend, Rt. Hon. Charles An unfinished Picture, in the possession of Lord Chas. Townshend, was sold at Christie's, in 1854. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Mar. 1759 May, 1760 Feb. 1788 July, 1787 May, 1773 May, 1789 Aug. 1758 Earl of Thanet Dilettanti Society Earl of Elles mere Engraver. Marq. of Bath J. ToUemache, Esq. Sir R. Peel, Bt Lord Lonsdale J. ToUemache, Esq. Mr. Jacobson, of Exeter T. Tomkins, Esq. T. Park, 1788 S.W.Reynolds E. Scriven Bartolozzi 1782 S.W. Reynolds Turner, 1777 J. Jones, 1777 S.W. Reynolds J. Jones, 1787 J. Lupton Dixon, 1770 S.W.Reynolds CATALOGUE. 75 Name, &c. Date iu Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Townshend, Colonel Mc ArdeU Henry With a Bust of Lord Granby. Townshend, George Marchioness C. Turner Marquis Townshend (British Institution, 1813) Whole length. Townshend George S.W.Reynolds Marquis In Armour. Townshend, Lord John J. Jones, 1787 Oct. 1767. Sir Joshua's Notes. Townshend, Lady June, 1773 Townshend, Ann Vis Green, 1760 countess TownshendViscountess National J.Watson, 1776 with Mrs. Gardner GaUery S.W.Reynolds and Mrs. Beresford Townsend, Mr. Mar. 1755 Townson, General Feb. 1760 Trapaud, Mrs. June, 1755 E.Fisher, 1762 SpilsburyS.W.Reynolds Trapaud, Colonel Mar. 1761 Trevor, Mrs. June, 1755 Trist, Miss E., of Mrs. C. Taylor Bowden (1) Painted about 1748. TroUope, Mrs. Mar. 1759 Tudway, Mrs. June, 1758 Tufton, Master Mar. 1766 Earl of Thanet (British Institution, 1833) Turner, Mrs. June, 1758 Capt. Strachy Mc. ArdeU (British Institution, 1833) S.W.Reynolds Tyrawley, Lord Feb. 1758 Tyrconnel, John, Earl S.W.Reynolds of Upper Ossory Tyrconnel, Lady Mar. 1764 76 CATALOGUE. V Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Vane, Miss Jan. 1759 Vansittart, Miss Jan. 1764 Vansittart, Mr. Henry Jan. 1768 S. W. Reynolds Vaughan, Captain Mar. 1758 Veale, Thomas, Esq. S.W.Reynolds Vernon, Mrs. April, 1753 See Shipbrook. Vernon, Lady Harriet April, 1753 Vernon, Colonel Feb. 1760 Lady Harland Vernon, Lord, (George April, 1789 Venables) (In the Eoyal Academy Ex hibition, 1789) Villiers, Lord Given to Dr. Barnard. (Eeynolds' Private Notes.) w Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Waldegrave, Maria June, 1759 Countess of J. Watson, Countess of June, 1760 Waldegrave 1762 Afterwards Duchess of Mc.Ardelll762 Gloucester. (British Institution, 1847) Waldegrave, James June, 1760 The same Mac. ArdeU, Earl 1762 Waldegrave, Dowager Tune, 1764 Countess of Gloucester, Maria Duke of S.W.Reynolds Duchess of Gloucester Waldegrave, Lady Mar. 1761 Laura Waldegrave, Maria Countess of R. Houston Countess of, and Waldegrave S.W.Reynolds Lady Elizabeth Laura (British Institution, 1853) CATALOGUE. 77 Name, &o. Date in Pocket Book, Proprietor. Engraver. The Ladies EUzabeth, AprU 1780 Countess of V. Green, 1781 Charlotte Maria, Waldegrave and Ann Horatia, Daughters of Jas. Earl of Walde grave (British Institution, 1823-56) " My Picture of the Young Ladies Waldegrave is doubt less very fine and graceful, but it cost me eight hundred guineas." Horace Walpole's Letters. Wales, George Prince June, 1789 The Queen Heath of S.W.Reynolds In Eobes of the Garter. Whole length. Wales, George Prince June 1784 Viscount F. Hayward, of Melbourne 1793 Leaning on his favourite Charger. S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1823) Whole length. Wales, George Prince Sir Robt. Peel of (British Institution, 1846) WaUery, Mr. and Jan. 1755 Master Wallis, A. Esq. In the Eoyal Academy Ex hibition, 1783. (H. Walpole.) Walker, Miss July, 1758 WaUcer, Captain May, 1758 Walpole, Mrs. Dec 1758 Walpole, Mr. Horace Marquis of Mc. ArdeU, Painted for Grosvenor Bed Lansdowne 1757 ford, Esq., and lately pur chased from the family by Lord Lansdo-svne. Walpole, Mr. Horace Mrs. Dawson, Damer Walsingham, Mr. Feb. 1760 Wandesford, Lord Oct. 1780 Ward, Mrs. Feb. 1768 78 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Ward, Miss (Exhibited in 1787) Ward, Lady Julia May, 1760 Warren, Miss Feb. 1780 Warton, Rev. Thomas Jan. 1777 The Oxford C.Hodges,1784 (British Institution, 1843) Galleries S.W.Reynolds Warton, Rev. Joseph, Jan. 1784 The same J.R.Smithl777 D.D. S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1243) Watson, Master May, 1770 Watson, Hon. Mrs. (In the Eoyal Academy Ex hibition, 1787) Way, Mrs. Nov. 1760 WeddeU, Mrs. May, 1787 Hon. Mrs. (British Institution, 1844) Ramsden WeddeU, Mr. AprU, 1789 Wedgewood, Mr. May, 1782 W. Holman, (Josiah) 1787 S.W.Reynolds Wedgewood, Mrs. May, 1782 Wentworth, Sir Thos. June, 1764 Wentworth, Lord Mar. 1779 Wentworth, Mr. and The Family S.W. Reynolds Mrs. George Westley, Mr. Mar. 1755 West, General S.W.Reynolds West, Mrs. Feb. 1777 Weston, Stephen, Esq. Freeman Westmorland, Lady Jan. 1704 Westmorland, Lord Earl of West In a Scarlet Coat. morland Whole length. Westmorland, the The same Young Lord Between his two Guardians, who are standing. (Waagen.) Westmorland, Lord Lord Jersey, at When a Boy. Middleton Weyland, Mr. Sir Joshua's Private Notes. CATALOGUE. 79 Name, &c. Weymouth, Lord Afterwards Marquis of Bath. Whang-a-tong, a Chinese Boy A dupUcate is in the possession of Archdeacon Harrison, whose maternal ancestor brought the boy to England.Whitbread, Mr. (British Institution, 1813) Whitbread, Master (British Institution, 1813) Whitshed, Mr. & Mrs. Whiteford, Mr. (Caleb) White, Mr. White, George Probably White the Pa-viour. Whitmore, General WhitweU, Captain WiUss, Miss WiUs, Mrs. WUUam, Prince Created Duke of Clarence in 1789. WiUiams, Sir Watkin Date in Pocket Book. Mar. 1758 Dec. 1768 Nov, 1755 Dec. 1773 July, 1760 Sept. 1761 AprU, 1759 Proprietor. Engraver. At Knowle Williams, Sir Hutchins, Knt Wilmot, Sir John Eardley WUmot, Miss Mar. WiUoughby, Lady Feb. Wilson, Mrs. June, WUson, Mr. Mar. Wilson, Miss A Nymph and Cupid. (Eoyal Academy Exhibi tion, 1784) Windham, Mr. of Fellbridge, 1788 Dec. Jan. Oct. Mar. Feb. Feb. 175517551789 1780 1766 1768 S. Whitbread; Esq. The same Oxford G allery Burnt atFUxton S. W. Reynolds J. Jones S.W.Reynolds 1766 1769 1755 1764 W. Fonnereau, Esq. Sir CuUen Eardley S.W.Reynolds S.W.Reynolds Bartolozzi 80 CATALOGUE. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Windham, Right Hon. National J. Jones, 1793 William GaUery A three-quarter. Windham, Right Hon. E. Cholmon William deley, Esq. (British Institution, 1820) Windsor, Mrs. April, 1764 Winterton, Lady Aug. 1764 Winyard, Miss Oct. 1766 Gen. Buckley J. Finlayson (British Institution, 1853) S.W.Reynolds Wodehouse, Airs. C.Turner, 182 3 Apolonia Woodcock, Mr. July 1764 Dr. Woodcock S.W.Reynolds Woolridge, Miss C. Knight Worsley, Sir Richard, Earl of Yar- Bart. horough (British Institution, 1850) Worsley, Lady Eari of In a Scarlet Elding Habit. TTarewoofl (Eoyal Academy, 1780) J.'L Q/J- ^_' VV *_/ '-"-L (British Institution, 1850) Woodhouse, Mrs. Earl Cawdor (British Institution, 1847) Woodley, Mr. May, 1759 E.Bankes,Esq. Woodward, Mr. Harry Aug. 1759 At Petworth J. Watson C. Townley Wray, Lady Sir Joshua's Private Notes. Wright, Mr. Mar. 1764 E. Greaves, Esq., M.p. Wriothesly, Miss Jan. 1764 Wynn, Mr. Jan. 1761 Wynn, Master Sir W. W. T. Dean As St. John. (British Institution, 1813) Wynn S.W.Reynolds Wynn, Sir W. W. Dilettanti In the Group of Portraits. Society Wynn, Lady and Sir W. W. Family Wynn (British Institution, 1813) WyneU, Mr. June 1758 Wylde, Miss April, 1760 CATALOGUE. Y Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Yates, Mrs. Nov. 1771 The Actress. Yonge, Right Hon. Sir Feb. 1768 J. Wilson WiUiam Croker, Esq. (British Institution, 1850) Young, Miss Afterwards Mrs. Pope. Sold at Christie's in 1854. York, Edward Duke of The Queen Brother of King George III. (British Institution, 1820) Duplicates in the pos session of the Bishop of Ely and Mr. Broderip. York, Frederick Duke Nov. 1787 The same J. Jones, 1790 of S.W.Reynolds In Eobes of the Garter. Whole length. York, Archbishop of AprU 1777 Christ Church, J.R.Smithl778 (Dr. Markham) Oxford S.W.Reynolds (British Institution, 1B46J Yorke, Mr. (PhUip) Feb. 1755 F. Bartolozzi Whole length. Yorke, Master (Philip) Jan. 1787 Eari of Hard S. W Reynolds In Petticoats, -vrith a Dog ; wicke a Bird on the left arm. Whole length. ADDENDA. Name, &c. Date in Pocket Book. Proprietor. Engraver. Abington, Mrs. (?) Henderson, In the costume of a Page. Esq. (Waagen, vol. iv.) Barber, Frank, Sir G. Beau Dr. Johnson's black servant. mont Bertie, Emily, As Thais, see Pott. Croft, Mr. and Mrs. Sir T. Sebright (Waagen, vol. iv.) Child, Mr. Lord Jersey Whole length. Child, Mrs. The same Half length. Eardley, Lady Sir Culling A profile. Eardley Lady Fleming Earl of Har Whole length. rington Lord Harrington The sa,me When young, in Armour, a drawn Sword in his hand. 'Hamilton, Emma Lord Norman Lady ton Inchbald, Mrs. (?) The same The Novehst. ^ (Waagen, vol.iv.) Lowther, Sir William Earl of Buri- ington Long, Lady Tilney Lord Folke (Waagen, vol. iv.) stone Nelson Lord (1) Lord Norman (Waagen, vol. iv.) ton Gwyn, Miss ^f The same Wholelength. • r (Waagen, vol. iv.) Walpole, Sir Robt. (V Dowager Lady (Waagen, vol, iv.) Waldegrave Young, Sir George J. Anderson, Esq. Tavistock, Francis, Lord Albe Marquis of marle Sophia, Baroness di The same Clifford. ^Ijimont^ : PRINTED BY ROGER LIPSTONE, 16, GEORGE STREET, YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08867 3588 &'i if\ffff'X^'>{ , 1? »', 'i •'''' " ,.. ^. ..n..^T : f :• J .1. Ji.,|V«l 1 -'' ''^5'" ?'.t-'' t',;' \'- .•'V >A'^ r ^ '^, ')B** itj-_ -. ,,<• ,,><-,*, r ,iii» i| il>i "a,)', ^ c n. «i'i>.t,L':.?. i't "¦<'''•'- »'J»^'*j4Ji'»' a"= t •- J .,,' !'•:;.,, *„.iMfe.'lh:: 1^ . ¦ .I-"'.'''- ft!