¦r . .' ¦•.¦ .. .-¦"¦;«i..-wf-''i!ir<'^'r ¦¦* -.',.'1- -i i .' . BRHISH ART REFERENCE Yale Center for British Art and British Studi es SOCIETY OF ANTIQUAEIES OF LONDON. tu REPORT OF THE SEPULCHEAL MONUMENTS COMMITTEE, PRECEDED BY COPIES OP A LETTEE FEOM THE OFFICE OF WOEKS, &c., AND OP EESOLUTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. l^resentetr to totft f^otises of ^iatliainent ig CTommantr of |§er Mm&t^. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SONS. 1872. [C. 558.] Price Ud. Copt of Letter from Mr. G. RusseU to the Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. Office of Works, S.W., I3th February, 1S69. Sie, I am directed by the First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Works, &c. &c. to request that you will ask the Council of the Society of Antiquaries of London to have the goodness to furnish him with a list of such Eegal and other Historical Tomb."? or Monu ments existing in Cathedrals, Churches, and other Public Places and Buildings, as in their opinion it would be desirable to place under the protection and supervision of the Govern ment, with a view to their proper custody and preservation. I am, &c., GEOEGE EUSSELL, Secretary. The Secretary, The Society of Aritiquaries of London. The above letter was laid before the Council on February 23rd, 1869, when the following E,esolutions received the unanimous assent pf that body.Eesolved — 1. The Council desire in the first place to put on record their sense of the compliment paid to them by the First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Works, &c. &c. in thus referring to them a question relating to our National Monuments. The Council have always considered it one of their highest functions to protect such Monuments from the ravages of decay, and from the still more injurious processes known under the name of " restoration." They have more than once, it may be observed, given evidence of their zeal in this direction by bestowing grants of money for effecting such objects. At the same time^ the Council desire it to be understood that, in consenting to point out such of our Eewal and Historical Monuments as in their judgment stand in need of protective supervision, they consider it is not within their province to commit themselves to any opinion as to the nature of the authority under which that supervision should be exercised. This reservation made, the Council are prepared to enter with alacrity into the matter brought before them by the First Commissioner and they entertain a confident belief that the nature and composition of this Society afford available machinery for arriving at the results aimed at in the present inquiry. The Council will lose no time in setting that machinery at work, and will communicate with the First Commissioner at the earliest oppor tunity. They need not, however, observe that the task of drawing up, even with approximate accuracy, such a list as that proposed in the letter from the Oifice of Works, is one of no small magnitude, and will of necessity occupy a considerable time. 2. That a copy of the above Eesolution be sent to the Oflice of Works in reply to the letter from the First Commissioner. ^%y3 ItO / '6 3. That a Special Committee, called the " Sepulchral Monuments Committee," be appointed to consider the application above referred to, and that the following gentlemen be requested to act upon it, and, in the name and on behalf of the Council, to take such steps for collecting the information sought as may in their judgment seem necessary : — OCTAVIUS MOEGAN, Esq. V.P. M.P. AUGUSTUS W. FEANKS, Esq. V.P. FEEDEEIC OUVEY, Esq. Treasurer, CHAELES SPENCEE PEECEVAL, Esq. LL.D. Director, L^ ^ r i r. -i WILLIAM DUEEANT COOPEE, Esq. ^Members ofthe Councd. THOMAS GODFEEY FAUSSETT, Esq. BENJAMIN FEEEEY, Esq. HENEY SHAW, Esq. J EDWAED BLOEE, Esq. MATTHEW HOLBECHE BLOXAM, Esq. JOHN BEUCE, Esq. GEOEGE T. CLAEK, Esq. JOSEPH CLAEKE, Esq. PHILIP HAEDWICK, Esq. ALEXANDEE JAMES BEEESFOED BEEESFOED HOPE, Esq. M.P. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWAED, Esq. LL.D. JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, Esq. EDMUND OLDFIELD, Esq. M.A. GEOEGE SCHAEF, Esq. Very Eev. AETHUE PENEHYN STANLEY, D.D. Dean of Westminster. GEOEGE .EDMUND STEEET, Esq. WILLIAM TITE, Esq. M.P. WESTON S. WALFOED, Esq. C. KNIGHT WATSON, Esq. M.A. Secretary. ALBEET WAY, Esq. THOMAS WILLEMENT, Esq. ALBEET WILLIAM WOODS, Esq. Lancaster Herald. Sir MATTHEW DIGBY WYATT, Knt. 5ir CHAELES GEOEGE YOUNG, Knt., Garter King of Arms. TO THE PEESIDENT AND COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. EEPORT OF THE SEPULCHEAL MONUMENTS COMMITTEE. The Sepulchral Monuments Committee, appointed by a Eesolution of the Council dated February 23rd, 1869, beg leave to report as follows : — 1. At several Meetings we considered the terms of the letter of the First Commissioner of "Works, dated February 13th, 1869, and, deeming it necessary to lay down some limits to the proposed inquuy, we adopted the following resolu tions : — I. That the inquiry be limited to monuments of persons who died not later than the vear 1760. II. That for defining the meaning ofthe terms "Eegal and Historical Tombs or Monuments," the word " Eegal " shall be held to comprise the following Classes : — 1. Kings and Queens Regnant of England or Scotland. 2. Queens Consort. 3. Princes Consort. 4. Parents ofthe Kings and Queens before-mentioned. 5. Children and Grandchildren of such Kings and Queens. 6. Male Descendants of Kings' sons in an unbroken male line. 7. Such other descendants of Kings as have transmitted a right of succession to the throne. 8. Such brothers and sisters of Kings and Queens before-mentioned as are not included under the previous heads. And the word "Historical" shall be held to include the following classes : 1. All Archbishops of Canterbury and York. 2. All Lord High Chancellors and Lord Keepers. 3. All Lord High Treasurers. 4. All Chief Justices. 5. Eminent Statesmen and Ambassadors. 6. Persons eminent in Theology, Science, Literature, and Art. 7. Eminent Naval and Military Personages. 8. Eminent Merchants. 9. Other persons of note. 2. It will be seen that in drawing up these resolutions we had regard not to the value of the monuments as mere works of art, but to the importance of the persons commemorated as actors in the great drama of our national history. It was our belief that in any scheme for the protection of these monuments the object in view would be rather the conservation of the existing memorials of our more illustrious countrymen, than the mere gratification of artistic taste or antiquarian curiosity ; and that in this respect the simple gravestone which marks the interment of John Locke was more worthy of record than any more sumptuous monument erected to a person who had left no trace behind him in the historv of the country. 3. We proceeded to distribute the counties of England and Wales among such of the Fellows of the Society, whether members of the Committee or not, as appeared most likely, from then- local knowledge or other reasons, to be able to furnish satisfactory information as to the monuments in existence in the districts respectively assigned to them, and requested them to make their returns to us according to a uniform plan suitable for tabulation. 4, The following FeUows and Local Secretaries of the Society ultimately undertook and accomplished the preparation of the returns for the counties and places specified opposite to their names : — Eev. J. C. Atkinson — Yorkshire, N.E. Mr. John Batten — Somersetshire. Rev. C. W. Bingham — Dorset. Mr. M. H. Bloxam — Leicestershire, Northants, Notts, Rutlandshire, Staffordshire. Mr. G. A. Carthew— Norfolk. Mr. G. T. Clark — Carmarthenshire, Glamorganshire. Rev. Wilham Cooke— Suffolk. Mr. W. Durrant Cooper — Sussex. Mr. J. M. Davenport — Oxfordshire. Mr. W. Dickson — Northumberland.' Mr. John Evans — Herts. Mr. Benjamin Ferrey — Hants. Mr. J. Fowler— Yorkshire, W.R. Col. G. G. Francis — Cardigan, Montgomery, Pembroke, Eadnor. Mr. T. G. Godfrey Faussett— Kent. Mr. G. Leveson Gower — Surrey. Rev. W. Greenwell — Durham. Rev. T. James^ Yorkshire, E.R. Rev. J. E. Jackson — Wilts. Rev. S. Lysons — Gloucestershire. Mr. Octavius Morgan — Monmouthshire, Brecon. Mr. J. G. Nichols — London and Middlesex, Eton and Windsor. Mr. E. Oldfield — Bucks, Cheshire, Devon, N. Wales. Rev. H. Ollard — Derbyshire. Mr. F. Ouvry — Berkshire. Rev. J. Papillon . Ion 1. ?got J Mr. John Pigg Mr. C. S. Perceval — Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Herefordshire. Mr. R. Phipson — Norwich. Rev. F. R. Raines — Lancashire. Mr. J. J. Rogers — Cornwall. Mr. G. Scharf — Huntingdonshire. Mr. E. P. Shirley — Warwickshire. Rev. J. Simpson — Cumberland, Westmoreland. Very Rev. A. P. Stanley — Westminster Abbey. Ven. E. Trollope — Lincolnshire. Dr. S. Wood — Shropshire. Mr. E. Woof — Worcestershire. 5. The arrangement and tabulation of the returns thus to be prepared weie entrusted to the Director of the Society, Mr. C. S. Perceval, who was assisted in this task by a Sub-Committee, the most active members of which were Mr. Oldfield and Mr. Knight Watson. 6. The List of Monuments which the Committee append to this report has A* 6 been prepared from the materials thus obtained. It may be right to state that the monuments are not in all cases described from the personal examination of the gentlemen who prepared the original returns, although this in many instances is the case. The most modern and trustworthy local histories have been used in compiling the remainder of the returns. 7. With regard to the Eegal Monuments, and to those which belong to the Archbishops, Chancellors, Treasurers, and Chief Justices, the List is probably exhaustive, or very nearly so, as the number of individuals composing each class is a limited one,* and means existed of readily checking the returns, and of ascer taining whether any monuments in these classes existed which had escaped the notice of the gentlemen to whom the local returns were entrusted. With the remaining five classes the case is diff'erent. The returns furnished to the Committee included a much larger number of monuments belonging to these classes than they have retained in the List. The majority of the returns were of monuments to undoubtedly eminent persons in their respective spheres of life. But as many of the contributors had (very properly) returned all monu ments for the admissibility of which any plea could be urged, it became necessary to make a selection from these returns. On a careful investigation of each return the Sub-Committee rejected in the first instance all monuments as to which it was absolutely unknown to whom they were erected, and those assigned to par ticular individuals on grounds which seemed too conjectural ; and, in the next place, monuments to persons who on investigation proved to have been mere "local worthies" who took no prominent part in the affau^s of the country. There remained a considerable number as to which much difference of opinion might exist, and it was particularly in the Classes 5 and 7, viz. Eminent States men and Ambassadors, and Eminent Naval and Military Personages, that the difficulty of admission or rejection was felt. In many instances, it appeared that an individual had served his country with some distinction in more than one capacity, and was entitled to admission on account of his combined qualifications, although his eminence in any one line was questionable. On the whole, it is hoped that the List as finally adopted by us is, in these particulars, a fau' repre sentative list. We are quite prepared to find that imperfect information has led us to omit not a few monuments which ought certainly to have been included, and which further ventUation of the subject may bring to light. It must be remembered that the formation of a List of English Monuments, considered otherwise than as AVorks of art, is quite a novelty, and we cannot for a moment expect that the accompany ing tables will be found entnely free from those faults of omission or commission which must characterise any first attempt. The work, it must also be borne in mind, has been performed by the co-operation of several hands, whose residence in different parts of the country precluded such consultation or interchange of ideas as might have been desired in order to secure greater uniformity of purpose and system. On the other hand, it must not hastily be concluded, that, because any name * It will be remembered that the list was to embrace the known monuments of all the holders of these great offices, the tenure of the office being held to be in itself a qualification for admission to the Kst. of great distinction (such, for example, as that of King Henry VIIL) is missing from our list, his monument has been purposely or carelessly omitted. We anticipate that in the great majority of cases, investigation will show that (as in that instance) no monument was ever erected to the memory of the person in question, or, if erected, that it has now ceased to exist. The demolition in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of nearly all the great conventual churches was fatal to the tombs of numbers of the great men of the land. The Great Fire of London, besides utterly destroying St. Paul's Cathe dral, with all it contained (Dr. Donne's curious shrouded effigy being nearly the only relic of the old monuments), by sweeping away so many parish churctes, must have occasioned considerable further loss. Wilful injury, decay, and neglect have contributed still further to the catalogue which might be made of tombs of persons of great historical importance, of the erection of which records exist, but which have now entirely disappeared. 8. It may appear at first sight, that, in submitting to the Council a list which must confessedly be taken to include all the Eegal and Historical Monuments before defined, so far as they have been hitherto brought to the notice of the Committee, we have neglected to attend to the qualification imposed by the late First Commissioner of Works, &c. namely, " the desirability of placing them under the protection and supervision of the Government." It may, for instance, be said that no such protection and supervision can be needed in Westminster Abbey, where, under the superintendence of the present Dean (a member of the Committee), much care and attention to the condition of the monuments are known to be given. Practically, however, it is impossible to ascertain what particular monuments are specially exposed to danger from malicious injury, neglect, or misdirected zeal for " Church restoration." The custodians of these objects are constantly changing, and with a change of men comes a change of taste. A church which to" day seems liable to no molestation, may to-morrow, at the suggestion of an ambitious architect, an ignorant committee, or a speculator in glazed tiles, be turned inside out — -chantry chapels destroyed, and tombs need lessly removed from the honoured graves which they once marked * — the modest slabs which recorded the burial of persons of historical importance allowed to be broken and carried away ; f or even, as in cases frequently reported to the Society of Antiquaries, the whole floor of a country church with all the inscribed flagstones may be permanently concealed by a new encaustic-tile pavement. | These things being so, it would seem that any measure of protection must apply to the whole list of monuments deemed worthy of preservation, whatever their now existing state of repair, and whatever the immediate probability of their careful preser- * As in the case of the Hungerford Chapel and several tombs in Salisbury Cathedral, in 1790. ¦|- As lately at St. Mary's, Lambeth, where — as Mr. Leveson Gower reports — the blue marble slab, the sole sepulchral monument of Archbishop Bancroft, was "broken during the progress of the works at the church in 1851, and no trace of it now remains." The removal in 1868 of the remarkable monument called the tomb of King William Rufus from its ancient position in front of the altar in Winchester Cathedral is another case in point. I This appears to have been the case at Low Layton Chm-ch, in Essex (No. 272), where the grave stone of John Strype is reported to us to have been so treated. The monument is thus virtually though not actually destroyed, and we have, therefore, retained the entry as an example of modern desecration. vation by the local authorities, or of their liability to injury, whether from care lessness, ignorance, or malice. In concluding their Eeport of the fulfilment of the task entrusted to them by the Council, this Committee desires to record its opinion of the valuable services rendered by the Director in the prosecution of their work. On him has fallen by far the largest share of the labours undertaken by the Society in replying to the appeal of the late First Commissioner of Works ; and, much as the Committee is indebted to the gentlemen who kindly gave their services in collecting the materials on which the accoinpanying return was to be founded, those services would have been ineffectual for their purpose without the assistance so largely contributed by the Director. To digest such extensive and varied materials, to verify and correct as far as possible the information collected, and reduce the whole to a consistent tabular form, was a work involving no ordinary ability, patience, method, and zeal, and the Committee consider it fortunate that the chief responsibility of preparing their Eeturns should have fallen on a gentleman so amply possessed of these valuable qualities. By Order of the Committee, C. Knight Watson, Sec. Soc. Antiq. Lond. Somerset House, Feb. 10, 1872. APPENDIX TO REPOET. A LIST OF CERTAIN SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS IN ENGLAND AND WALES. B CONTENTS. TABLE A. — Personal and Chronological Arrangement. I.— EEGAL MONUMENTS. Class 1. Kings and Queens Regnant Class 2. Queens Consort . Class 3. No Return Class i. Parents of Kings and Queens Class 5. Children, &c. of Kings and Queens Class 6. Male Descendants of Kings' Sons, &c. Class 7. No Return. Class 8. Addendum Brothers and Sisters of Kings, &c. PAGE 9 10 3J 12 IL— HISTOEICAL MONUMENTS. Class 1 . Archbishops : a. Canterbury I>. York Lord High Chancellors Class 2 Class 3 Class 4, Class 5 Lord High Treasurers lence &c. &c. Chief Justices Statesmen, &c. : a. Secretaries of State b. Ambassadors c. Statesmen Class 6. Persons eminent in Theology, Sc: a. Churchmen and Divines b. Lawyers c. Physicians d. Prose Writers of History, s. Scholars . /. Men of Science, &c. g. Poets h. Other Authors i. Artists, Musicians, &c Class 7. Eminent Naval and Military Personages a. Admirals of England, &c. b. Marshals and Constables of England, and other Commander.s Class 8. Eminent Merchants Class 9. Other Persons of Note : a. Pounders and Benefactors b. Miscellaneous . 14 , lo , 16 18 5J 19 , 20 21 22 24 26 ?; 27 28 5) 29 30 30 ders 31 • 37 37 , 38 TABLE B.— Page 42 to the End. The Monuments described in Table A, arranged topographically, according to Counties and Parishes, in alphabetical order. 9 TABLE A.~Personal and Chronological Arrangement. *** The word Effigy is used for a statue or other figure portraying the person commemorated. I.— REGAL MONUMENTS. Class 1. — Kings and Queens Eegnant oe England or Scotland. Con- sec. ' Name. No. j Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Eemarks. 1 Edward the Confessor 1066 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Shrine of marble and mosaic, with upper parts of wood Erected by Hen. III. 126» 2 "William II. 1100 Hants Winchester Cathe dral Stone coffin with coped top of Purbeck marble Authenticity doubtful 3 4 JohnHenry HI. 12161272 Worcester Middlesex Worcester Cathedral Westminster Abbey Altar tomb of stone with recumbent effigy Marble and mosaic altar tomb with re cumbent effigy brass gilt. The tomb not contempo rary, though the effigy is nearly .so 5 Edward I. 1807 Ibid lUd. Marble altar tomb 6 Edward II. 1827 Gloucester Glo'ster Cathedral High tomb, with canopy and recumbent effigy 7 Edward III. 1377 Middlesex Westminster Abbey On a marble altar tomb with wooden canopy, recumbent effigy in copper gilt 8 Richard II. 1400 lUd. lUd. On a, marble altar tomb with wooden canopy, recumbent effigies of himself and his Queen Anne 9 10 Henry IV. Henry V. 1413 1422 Kent Middlesex Canterbury Cathe dral Westminster Abbey Marble altar tomb with recumbent effigies in alabaster, under wooden tester with paintings, of himself and his Queen Joan of Navarre Marble altar tomb with recumbent effigy in wood, formerly plated with silver, and with silver head Tester much decayed Head and plates stolen iu. 1546 11 Edward IV. 1483 Berlcs Windsor, St. George's Chapel. A screen of wrought and stamped iron is popularly called the tomb of King Edward IV. 12 Edward V. 1483 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble urn with inscription, erected by K. Charles II. in 1678 on supposed discovery in the Tower of the remains of the King, and of his brother, Richard D. of York 1314 15 Henry VII. Mary I. Mary Queen of Scots 150915581587 lUd. Ihid.Und. Ihid.Ibid. Ibid. Marble altar tomb with recumbent effigies in copper gilt of himself and his Queen Elizabeth of York An inscription on Q. Elizabeth's monu ment marks the interment of Mary in the same tomb with her sister. Marble altar tomb with canopy and recumbent effigy 16 Elizabeth 1603 Ihid. Ihid. Marble altar tomb with canopy and re cumbent effigy The following Royal Monuments (some of doubtful authenticity) may be here added. 17 18 19 20 Sebert, K. of the East Angles and his Q. Ethelgoda Athelstan, K. of Eng land Ethelred II. King of England Alfwold, K. of North- umbria c. 616 941 1016 788 Middlesex Wilts Dorset Durham Westminster Abbey Malmesbmy Abbey Church Wimborne Minster Hexham Abbey Purbeck marble sarcophagus on the site whither the remains of this king are recorded to have been translated in the reign of Edward II. Brass plate and inscription of much later date A brass half-length incised figure of the 14th century, with an inscription re newed in 17th century Slab of stone 6 feet long, sculptured with vines and fruit The plate very possibly marks the actual site of the interment The same remark applies. c 10 Con- .scc. No. 21 2:?242.J 26 28 Rugal Monuments. Class 2. — Queens Consort. Name. Eleanor of Castile, 1st wife of K. Edward I. Philippa of Hainault, wife of K. Edward III- Anne of Bohemia, 1st wife of K. Rich. II. Joan of Navarre, 2nd wife of K. Henry IV. Elizabeth of York, wife of K. Heni7 VII. Katherine of Ai-agon, 1st wife of K. Henrv VIIL Anne of Cleves, 4th wife ^of K. Henry VIIL Katherine Parr, 6th wife of K. Henry VIIL Ob. A.D 1290 1869 1394 1437 15031536 1557 1548 County. Middlesexlb id. Ibid. Kent Middlesex Northants MiddlesexGloucester Place. (Parish Cliurch. unless otherwise stated.) Westminster Abbey Ibid.Ibid. Canterbury Cathe dral Westminster Abbey Peterborough Cathe dral Westminster Abbey Sudeley Castle Chapel Description of Monument. Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigy of copper gilt Altar tomb of dark marble, with external arcading and tabernacle work in ala baster, and recumbent effigy of the same In one tomb with K. Richard II. See above, No. 8 In one tomb with K. Henry IV. See above, No. 9 In one tomb with K. Henry VII. See above, No. 13 Plat stone with inscription Incomplete stone altar tomb Canopied tomb with recumbent effigy in white marble Remarks. With fine contemporary iron-work The Castle Chapel appears to be private property. The monument has lately been erected by the owner Class 3. — Princes Consort. No monument was erected to Prince George of Denmark, Consort of Queen Anne, the only member of this Class within the prescribed limits of date. His Royal Highness was buried A.D. 1708, in Westminster Abbey. Class 4. — Parents oe Kings and Queens oe England. 29 .30 :'31 32 :U Edward the Black Prince, father of K. Richard II. Richard Dufce of York, and Cecily Neville his wife, parents of K. Edw. IV. audK.Rich.III. Edmund Tudor, E. of Richmond, father of K. Henry VII. Margaret Beaufort Countess of Rich mond and Derby, mother of IC. Henry VII. Sir John Seymour, father of Queen Jane Seymour Sir Tbomas Boleyne, K. G., Earl of Wilt shire and Ormond, father of Queeu Anne Boleyn 1.376 lieo-j 14951456150916361538 Kent NorthantsPembroke Middlesex , Wilts Kent Canterbury Cathe dral Fotheringhay St. David's Cathe dral Westminster Abbey Great Bedwyn He ver Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigj'' of brass, and wooden tester High tomb of stone. Altar tomb of Purbeck marble, inlaid with brasses Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigy in gilt met.ll Altar tomb with recumbent effigy m freestone Altar tomb with inlaid effigy in brass Erected by Q. Elizabeth in lite of monument de stroyed with Ihe choir Removed from Grey Friars at Carmarthen after Dissolution Glass 5. — Children and Grandchildren oe Kings and Queens not included in the ASOVE Classes. Children ofK. Wtn. I. Robert Curthose, eldest son Richard, 2nd son Gundrada, wife of Wil liam de Warren 1135 e.1080 1085 GloucesterHants Sussex Gloucester Cathedral Winchester Cathedral Lewes, St. Thomas, Southover Altar tomb with cross-legged wooden effigy Inscribed stone on a tomb — Ricaedus Dux Slab of an ancient altar tomb of Sussex marble Not contemporary: pro bably about 1320. This lady ^^'as the daugh ter of Q. Matilda, but whether by the Con queror, or by a former husband, is a question which admits of some doubt Regal Monuments. 11 Class 5. — Children and Grandchildren of Kings and Queens not mcLUDED in the above classes — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. a.d. County. Place. (Pariah Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. CJiildren ofK. Hen. III. 39 Edmond (Crouchback) E. of Lancaster, 2nd son 1296 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Stone altar tomb with recumbent effigy and canopy 40 Richard, John, and Catherine, died young Ibid. Ihid. Purbeck marble altar tomb with top of inlaid Mosaic OrandcTiildre'Ti of K. JEdiv. I. 41 Margaret, wife of Hugh Courtenay, 2nd E. of Devon ; dau. of Humphry de Bohun, E. of Hereford, by Elizabeth, Countess of Holland, dau. of K. Edward I. 1391 Devon Exeter Cathedral High tomb of alabaster with effigies of the Earl and herself Recently repaired and re moved from the original situation, S. side of nave 42 Hugh and Mary de Bohun, inf. brother and sister of No. 41. C.1802 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Stone altar tomb with marble top No inscription Child of IC Ud'W. II. 43 John of Eltham, 2nd son 1334 Middlesex ' Westminster Abbey Altar tomb with stone base, upper por tion and recumbent effigy of alabaster Issue of X. Udm. III. 44 WiUiam of Hatfield, 2nd sou c.1344 York York Minster Altar tomb with effigy of alabaster under three-storied canopy recessed in wall 45 Elizabeth, Duchess of Exeter, 2nd dau. (by Blanche of Lancaster) of John of GaTint, 4th son 1426 Salop ' Burford Under a pointed arch, a stone effigy 46 John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, eldest son (by Katherine Swin- f ord) of John of Gaunt 1410 Kent Canterbury Cathe dral Altar tomb with three recumbent efBgies in alabaster of the Earl, his widow Margaret Holland, and her second husband, Thomas, Duke of Clarence 47 Henry BeaufortjBishop of Winchester and a Cardinal, 2nd son of the same' marriage 1447 Hants . Winchester Cathe dral Altar tomb with recumbent effigy in Chantry Chapel of freestone 48 Joan Beaufort, Coun tess of Westmoreland, only daughter of the same marriage 1440 Lincoln Lincoln Cathedral Altar tomb of Purbeck marble Brass fillet with epitaph gone. Her effigy is on her husband's tomb at Staindrop, co. Durham 49 Edmund of Langley, Duke of York, 5th son 1402 Herts Kings Langley Altar tomb of white marble with Pur beck slab Removed from Church of Friars at Langley at the Dissolution 50 Edward, Duke of York, son of Edmund of Langley (No. 49) 1415 Northants Fotheringhay Stone altar tomb erected by Queen Eliza beth to replace a brass which had been in tie choir but had been destroyed Slain at Agincourt 51 William of Windsor, 6th son of K. Edw. in. and Blanche de la Tour, his sister, died infants c. 1340 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble altar tomb with two recumbent effigies of children 52 Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, 7th son 1397 Middlesex' Westminster Abbey Marble inlaid with elaborate brasses 12 Regal Monuments. Class 5. — Children and Grandchildren of Kings and Queens not included in the above classes — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D 53 54 Children of K.Hcii. IV. Thomas of Lancaster, ' 1421 Duke of Clarence, 2nd son Humphrey of Lancas- 1447 ter, Duke of Glouces ter, 4th son 56 57 Issue ofK. Edw. IV. Richard of Shrews- 1483 bury, Duke of York, 2nd son Margaret of York, 4th ' 1472 daughter Margaret, dau. of Sir 1512 W. Courtenay (de t jiire E. of Devon) by Katherine of York, 6th dau. Countv. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Kent Herts I Canterbury Cathe- ; dr.al St. Alban's Abbey Description of Monument. Remarks. C/iild of K. Rich. III. j Edward Prince of Wales ' 1484 Middlesex Ibid. Devon York, E.R. Westminster Abbey Ihid. Colyton Church See above No. 46 Shrine of stone with tabernacle work Sheriff Hutton See above No. 12 Small marble altar tomb High tomb with effigy under a canopy with modern inscription Small altar tomb with recumbent effigv Died in inlancy, choked by a bone according to tradition. Effigy tooled over so as almost to de stroy its character. 59 60 6162 63 Issiie of K. Sen. VII. j ArthurPrinceofWalcs, ; 1503 eldest son Margaret Douglas, 1577 Countess of Lennox, d. of Margaret Queen of Scots, eldest d. of Hen. VIL, mother of Lord Darnley Elizabeth, 2nd dau. d. 1495 in infancy Worcester Middlesex Ihid. Mary, Queen Dowager of France, and Duch ess of Suffolk, 3rd dau. Frances Brandon, Du- j 1554 chess of Suffolk, eld. j dau. of No. 61, and | mother of Lady Jane | Grey 1533 .' Suffolk Middlesex Worcester Cathedral Westminster Abbey Ibid. Bury St. Edmunds, St. Mary's Church. ¦ Westminster Abbey Altar tomb in Chantry Chapel Altar tomb with recumbent effigy Marble altar tomb ' Altar stone with 5 crosses,'' and tablet with inscription, erected 1758 Marble altar tomb with recumbent effigy Apparently part of her monument removed from the Abbey Church where she was buried 6465 Children ofK. Jaines I. Msiry, 3rd dau. ! 1607 Sophia, 4th dan. 1606 Middlesex Ihid. Westminster Abbey Ibid. Marble altar tomb with reclining effigy of a child Marble altar tomb with effigy of child in cradle 66 Child of K. Chas. I. Elizabeth, 2nd dau. 1650 Hants Newport, I. of Wight Low tomb under an arched recess, with recumbent effigy in Carrara marble Erected 1856 by H. M. Queen Victoria Class 6. — Male Descendants oe King's Sons in an unbroken Male Line. 67 John Beaufort, D. of Somerset, son of John E. of Somerset (No. 46) 1444 Dorset Wimborne Minster Purbeck marble altar tomb with recum bent effigies in alabaster of himself and Margaret Beauchamp his wife. Class 7. — Such other Descendants, &c. as have coNVErED Succession to the Crown. No Monuments of such Persons have been returned. Regal Monuments, 13 Class 8. — Brothers and Sisters oe Kings and Queens not included in the above Classes. Half-brothers of King Henry III. on the .nde of his Mother, Isabel ofAnrjoideme. 68 Adelmar de Valence, Bishop of Winchester 1260 Hants Winchester Cathe dral Purbeck marble mui'al monument of 'vesica form, with three-quarter effigy His heart alone here buried 69 William de Valence, F.arl of Pembroke 1296 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Stone altar tomb, on which is a wooden chest and effigy, both formerly covered with copper gilt plates richly enamelled The chest has metal plates lost its Sisters of King Udmiard IV. 70 Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter 1476 Berks Windsor, St. George's CJhapel Copper-plate gilt,representing herself and her 2nd husb. Sir Thomas St. Leger 71 Elizabeth of York, Duchess of Suffolk c. 1491 Suffolk Wingfield Altar tomb, with effigy in alabaster of herself and John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, her husband 72 John Seymour, Esq. Brother of Queen Jane Seymour 1510 Wilts Great Bedwyn Brass plate, with engraved effigy and inscription Addendum. The following Monuments, though not quite within the definitions laid down, still appear to deserve a place in the Regal Series. 73 i Avelina de Fortibus, c. 1273 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Altar tomb, with recumbent effigy and 1 Countess of Lancas- canopy 1 ter, wife of Edmund • Crouchback (No. 39) 74 Alianora de Bohun, 1399 Ihid. Ibid. Grey marble slab with inlaid full-length wife of Thomas of effigy in brass 1 Woodstock (No. 52) 75 Catherine Swinford, 1403 Lincoln Lincoln Cathedral Altar tomb of Purbeck marble 1 3rd wife of John of Gaunt 76 Philippa, dau. of Lord Mohun, wife of Ed ward D. of York (No. 50) 1433 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Stone altar tomb, with recumbent effigy 77 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Holland Earl of Kent, wife succes sively of John Earl of Somerset (No. 46), and Thomas Duke of Clarence (No. 53) 1440 Kent Canterbury Cathe dral Altar tomb, with three recumbent effigies. See ante, Nos. 46 and 53 • 78 Isabella of York, dau. 1485 Essex Little Easton, Bour Altar tomb, with inlaid brass effigies of of Richard of Conings- chier Chapel herself and the Earl her husband borough. Earl of Cain- bridge, 2nd son of No. 50,wif e of HenryBour- chier Earl of Essex 79 Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, dau. of George D. of Clar- 1541 Hants Christchui-eh, Priory Church Chantry Chapel ence,brother of K.Ed ward IV. wife of Sir Richard Pole, Knt. • D 14 II.-HISTOEICAL MONUMENTS. Class 1. — Archbishops. a. — Archbishops of Canterbury. Con sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Hubert Walter Stephen Langton, a Cardinal John Peckham Walter Reynolds Simon Meopham John Stratford 10 11 Thomas Bradwardin Simon Langham, a Cardinal Simon de Sudbury William Courtenay )j » ,Hem-y Cihicheley 1205 1228 1292 Kent Ih'id. Ibid. 1327 Ibid. 1333 1348 1349 1376 1381 1396 Ibid. Ihid. Ibid. Middlesex Kent Ibid. „ Ibid. 1443 Ihid. Canterbury Cathe dral. S. Wall of S. Aisle Ibid. St. Michael's Chapel Ibid, N.Wall,N.W. transept Ihid. S. Wall, S. Choir aisle Ibid. Chapel under St. Anselm's Tower Ihid. S. side of Presbytery Ihid. S. Wall of St. Anselm's Chapel Stone altar tomb, recumbent effigy Marble coffin with cross on lid Altar tomb Purbeck marble, recumbent effigy in oak, under mural arch Stone altar tomb, recumbent effigy Altar tomb, black marble, stone canopy Altar tomb of Purbeck, alabaster recum bent effigy, stone canopy Plain stone slab, slightly raised above pavement Much mutilated Foot outside E. wall of the Chapel Much dilapidated Also attributed to Abp. Win- chelsey, 1313. Westminster Abbey Marble altar tomb, recumbent effigy Canterbury Cathe dral. S. side of Presbytery Ihid, S. sideof Tri nity Chapel Maidstone, All Saints Canterbury Cathe dral. N. side of Presbytery Altar tomb, Purbeck slab, canopy of stone Altar tomb, recumbent effigy, all alabaster Flat stone on pavement, formerly with a fine brass now lost Altar tomb of marble, with recumbent effigy. Open arches below showing effigy of a corpse. Wooden tester, the supports of which bear niched figures of later date Canopy now much tnuti- latedf. Was nearly perfect about 50 years ago, when drawn by E. Blore, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. Formerly with an effigy now lost. Canopy much broken It is uncertain which of these two monuments is a cenotaph Coloured in polychrome Historical Monuments. Class 1. a. — Archbishops of Canterbury — continued. 15 Con- sec. No. 12 13 14 15 16 Name. Ob. A.D, John Kemp Thomas Bourchier, a Cardinal John Morton, a Cardi nal William Warham Reginald Pole, a Cardi nal Cotmty. 17 Matthew Parker 18 Edmund Grindal 1920 21 2223 24 25 262728 John Whitgift George Abbot William Laud William Juxon Gilbert Sheldon William Sancroft John Tillotson Thomas Tenison William Wake Matthew Hutton 1454 1486 1500 1582 1558 1575 1583 Kent Ihid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Surrey Ibid. 160S Ibid. 1633 1645 1663 16771693 1694 17151737 1758 Ihid. OxfordIbid. SurreySuffolk London SurreyIbid. Ibid. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Canterbury Cathe dral. S. side of Presbytery Ibid. N. side of Presbytery Ibid. S. side of crypt Ibid. N. side of N.W. transept Ihid. N. side of co rona at east end Lambeth Palace Chapel Croydon, St. John Baptist. Fragments placed in a vault under organ Ibid Guildford, Holy Trinity St. John's Coll. Cha pel' Ibid. Croydon, St. John Baptist Fressingfield (Church yard. Right side of S. porch St. Lawrence Jewry Description of Monument. . Remarks. Lambeth, St. Mary's Ooydon, St. John Bapt. under a pew in N. chapel Lambeth, St. Mary's Altar tomb— marble, high wooden canopy. Wooden tester above the canopy Altar tomb — marble, stone canopy Stone ' altar tomb, recumbent effigy, arched stone canopy Stone altar tomb, recumbent effigy, stone canopy Plain plastered tomb Tomb of Purbeck marble, with inscribed brass plate : also an inscribed stone over grave Marble pedestal, alabaster sarcophagus, entablature, &c., recumbent effigy Marble base, sarcophagus, columns sup porting entablature Altar tomb, recumbent effigy, under canopy of stone Plain stone, with inscription in brass Inscribed stone Altar tomb, black and white marble, recumbent effigy, and inscription Black marble tomb, inscription Marble sarcophagus, with curtain and bust Black marble slab on the ground Brass coffin plate on floor Small white marble slab, with inscrip tion Much mutilated Much mutilatefl The whole lately"restorcd'* and its chantry chapel then destroyed Damaged by fire, 1867. Since taken down^ca- pable of restoration Much damaged by fire, 1867. Effigy destroyed— tomb capable of restora tion , Much injured by fu-e, 1867 — capable of restoration Thei'e are memorials to this prelate both at Sowerby, W. R. of Yorks. — a figure seated in a shallow recess, and at Halifax — tablets with arms and inscrip tion Taken off the coffin and , placed as stated after a fire in 1867 Part of a larger monument mutilated on " restora tion" of the Church, 1851. What remains is in good preservation h^- — Archbishops of York. 29303132 Walter de Gray Sewall de Bovill William de Grenef eld Robert de Waldehy 12551258 1315 1397 YorkIhid. Ibid.Middlesex York Minster, E. aisle, N. transept Ihid. East end ; re moved from near preceding tomb Ihid. N. transept, E. aisle Westminster Abbey. Raised tomb with canopy in stone, re cumbent effigy Floriated .cross of brass, on a table, sup ported by low pillars Altar tomb, portion of brass plate effigy, canopy of stone Marble altar tomb, with inlaid figure of brass Lower jjS'rt of brass stolen about the year 1829 16 Historical Monuments. Class 1. h. — Archbishops of York — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 33 Richard Scrope 1405 York York Minster. E.end Plain tomb Restored after fire in 1829 34 Henry Bowet 1423 Ibid. Ibid. Chantry, E. end of S. aisle of choir Low tomb, surmounted by an arch and canopy Tomb new. A "restora tion" 35 John ScotrtZiasRother- ham 1500 Ihid. Ihid. N. side of Lady Chapel Perpendicular high tomb Lately restored by Lincoln College, Oxon. 36 Thomas Savage 1507 Ihid. Ibid. N. aisle of choir High altar tomb, recumbent effigy 37 Edwin Sandys 1588 Notts Southwell Minster, North transept High tomb, alabaster recumbent effigy Formerly in Choir 38 John Piers 1594 York York Minster, E.end of S. choir aisle Mural monument 39 Matthew Hutton 1605 Ibid. Ibid. S. choir aisle Altar tomb, recumbent effigy under arch enriched with figures 40 Tobias Matthew 1628 Ibid. Ibid. Lady Chapel High tomb, formerly with effigy, now re moved to E. end of the church Injured byfire in 1829,and since repaired 41 George Mountain 1628 York, W.R. Cawood Two brass plates bearing inscriptions 42 Samuel Harsnett 1631 Essex Chigwell Incised effigy in brass -with arms and in scription Probably not over the grave, having been re moved 43 John Williams, Lord Keeper 1650 Carnarvon Llandegai Mm-al monument, effigy kneeling at an altar 44 Accepted Frewen 1664 York York Minster, Lady Chapel Recumbent effigy on elevated base 45 Richard Sterne 1683 Ibid. Ihid. St. Stephen's Chapel Effigy reclining on broad basement under canopy 46 John Dolben 1686 Ibid. Ibid. S. aisle of choir Effigy reclining on broad slab 47 Thomas Lamplugh 1691 Ibid. Ibid. S. aisle of choir Statue in erect position 48 John Sharpe 1714 Ibid. Ihid. Black marble sarcophagus, reclining effigy, with canopy Class 2. — Lords High Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal. (Lords Keepers marked c. s.) 49 Roger, Bp. of Salis bury 1139 Wilts Salisbury Cathedral 50 Silvester de Everdon, Bp. of Carlisle, C. S. 1251 London Temple Church 51 William de Kilkenny, Bp. of Ely 1256 Cambridge Ely Cathedral 52 Walter de Merton, Bp. of Rochester 1277 Kent Rochester Cathedral, 53 Wiili.im dc Luda, Bp. of Ely 1299 Cambridge Ely Cathedral 54 Godfrey Giffard, Bp. of Worcester 1302 Worcester Worcester Cathedral 55 John Drokensford, Bp. of Bath and Wells 1329 Somerset Wells Cathedral 50 John Hotham, Bp. of Ely 1337 Cambridge Ely Cathedral 57 Ilenry de Burghersh, Bishop of Lincoln 1342 Lincoln Lincoln Cathedral 38 Sir Robert Bourchier, K.G. 1350 Essex Halstead 59 William de Edindon, Bp. of Winchester 1366 Hants Winchester Cathe dral Slab, with recumbent effigy in low relief Stone effigy Stone effigy Altar tomb, recumbent effigy, canopy of stone Stone canopy over slab, formerly bear- a. brass effigy Stone altar tomb with recumbent effigy and canopy Altar tomb and canopy Altar tomb with canopy Stone ' altar tomb and recumbent effigy. Fragments of a canopy Cross-legged effigy on altar tomb Chantry Chapel of Caen stone, with effigy in alabaster Said to have been brought from Old Sarum His heart alone buried at Ely Erected 1598 by Merton College, Oxford, restored 1849 Tomb, removed to make an entrance from aisle, lies in Bp. West's Chapel Much defaced ; effigy gone ; inscription lost Attribution slightly doubt ful. Buried at one time beneath pavement, since brought to light Historical Monuments. Class 2. — Lords Chancellors — continued. 17 Con- sec. No. 60 61 6263 64 65 66 6768 6970 7172 7374 75 76 77 787980 81 82 Name. Ob. A.D. William of Wykeham, Bp. of Winchester Edmund Stafford, Bp. of Exeter Thoinas Langley, Bp. of Durham, a Cardinal Sir John Fortescue WilUam Waynflete, Bp. of Winchester John Alcock, Bp. of Ely, C. S. Sir Thomas More Thomas Lord Audley Sir Thomas Wriothes ley, E. of Southamp ton Thomas Goodrich, Bp. of Ely Sir Nicholas Bacon, C. S. Sir Thomas Bromley Sir John Puckeringe, C. S. Sir Thomas Egerton. Baron EUesmere, Vis count Brackley, C. S. * Francis Bacon, Vis count St. Alban's Thomas Lord Coven try, C. S. Sir Heneage Finch, 1st E. of Nottingham Antony Ashley Cooper, 1st E. of Shaftesbury, A in the .CABAL Sir Francis North, Ld. Guilford, C. S. JohnHoUeSjD. of New castle, C. S. John Lord Sommers, Baron of Evesham Simon Harcourt, Lord Harcourt Peter King, Lord King 1404 1419 1437 C.1465 1486 15001535 1544 1550 1554 1579 1587159616171626 16391682 1683 1685 171117161727 1734 County. Hants Devon Durham Gloucester Hants CambridgeMiddlesexEssex Hants Cambridge London Middlesex Ibid.Chester Herts Worcester Bucks Dorset Oxford Middlesex Herts Oxford Surrey Place (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Winchester Cathe dral Exeter Cathedral Durham Cathedral Ebrington Winchesteir Cathe dral Ely Cathedral Chelsea Old Church Saffron Walden St. Peter's, Titchfield Ely Cathedral St. Paul's, crypt Westminster Abbey Ib'id. Dodleston St. Alban's, Church of St. Michael Crome d'Abitot RavenstoneWimboume St. Giles WroxtonWestminster Abbey North Mimms Stanton Harcourt Ockham Description of Monument. C!hantry chapel with tomb and recum bent effigy. Caen stone and alabaster High tomb of alabaster, recumbent effigy, and canopy Altar tomb of limestone, shield of arms Table monument, effigy, modern in scription Chantry, chapel, with tomb and recum bent effigy Chantry chapel — built by himself Mural monument without effigy Tomb of touchstone with inscription Recumbent effigy, alabaster Marble slab with brass effigy Fragment of his monument, damaged in the fire Marble mural monument with recum bent effigy and canopy Marble altar tomb with canopy and recumbent effigies of himself and his wife White marble lozenge over grave, with inscription but no name Seated effigy in marble White marble, tester supported by pil lars, recumbent effigy Marble high tomb under canopy with effigy Monument of white°marble with bust Plain slab with inscription Marble mural monument Marble monument. Sarcophagus with allegorical figures Marble monument . Sitting statue in white marble Founder of Colleges of St. Mary Winton,Winchester and Oxford Much mutilated Founder of Magdalen Col lege, Oxford A monument erected near in 1829, with full epitaph A modern statue also in Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge Epitaph by Pope By Rysbrack E 18 Historical Monuments. Class 3. — Lords High Treasurers. Con- see.No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 83 William de Marchia, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1302 Somerset Wells Cathedral Recumbent effigy in freestbne under re cessed arch Mutilated 84 Walter de Langton, Bp. of Lichfield 1321 Stafford Lichfield Cathedral Purbeck marble effigy Attribution not quite cer tain So Walter de Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter 1826 Devon Exeter Cathedral Recumbent effigy in stone, under canopy 86 Thomas Charlton, Bp. of Hereford 1343 Hereford Hereford Cathedral Altar tomb, recumbent effigy, and canopy 87 John de Sheppey, Bp. of Winton and Ro chester 1360 Kent Rochester Cathedral, Altar tomb with recumbent effigy and stone canopy Original colouring well preserved 68 John de Waltham, Bp. of Salisbury 1395 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Pm'beck ledger with inlaid brass 89 William, Lord Ros of Hamlake, K.G. 1414 ' Leicester Bottesford Altar tomb with recumbent effigy in alabaster — wearing the Garter Removed from Priory where buried Belvoir he was 90 Thomas Fitzalan, K.G. 5th Earl of Arundel of that line 1415 Sussex Arundel, Chapel of Holy Trinity Monument of blue marble, with recum bent effigies in alabaster, of himself and Beatrice of Portugal, his wife ¦91 Nicholas Bubwith, Bp. of Bath and Wells 1424 Somerset Wells Cathedral Chantry Qiapel, N. side of nave, and kneeling effigy in niche on N.W. tower 32 Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex, K.G. 1483 Essex Little Easton, Bour chier Chap. Rich altar tomb, with inlaid effigies in brass of himself and his wife (R. 78) 33 William Cecil, K.G., Lord Burghley 1598 Northants Stamford Baron, St. Martins Altar tomb with canopy, marble and stone recumbent effigy, coloured 94 Robert Cecil, K.G., Earl of Salisbury 1612 Herts Bishops Hatfield Marble effigy on flat stone, supported by figures, skeleton beneath 95 James Ley, Earl of Marlborough 1629 Wilts Westbury Altar tomb, with effigies of himself and his wife under canopy of marble 96 Richard Weston, K.G. Earl of Portland 1635 Hants Winchester Cathe dral Marble sarcophagus with recumbent effigy of bronze, and screen with busts 97 Henry Montagu, 1st Karl of Manchester 1642 Hunts Kimbolton Monument with effigy 98 Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex 1645 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife 99 Francis Lord Cotting- ton. Baron of Han- worth 1652 Ibid. Ibid. Marble mural monument, recumbent effigy JOO Thomas, Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, K.G. (C in the CABAL) 1673 Devon Chudleigh parish, Chapelat Ugbrooke Mural monument Chapel said to be private 101 Thomas Osborne,K.G., 1st Duke of Leeds 1712 York, W.R. HarthiU Monument with inscription 102 SidneyGodolphiUjK.G., Earl of Godolphin 1712 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble bust 103 Robert Harley, K.G., 1st Earl of Oxford 1724 tlereford Brampton Bryan Large marble tablet Bmied in Westminster Abbey Class 4. — Chief Justices (of England, unless marked C.P. for Common Pleas). 104 105 109 Peter de Rupibus, Bp. 1238 Hants Winchester Cathe Recumbent effigy in black marble Mutilated of Winchester and dral Chief Justiciary- Sir John de Stonor, 1354 Oxford Dorchester On a table monument a recumbent effigy C.P. m stone Sir Robert de Charleton, CP. 1394 Salop Shrewsbury Abbey Church Reclining effigy in judges robes iu stone Attribution not positively clear— probably brought from another church ; costume nearly identical with No. 103 Historical Monuments. Class 4. — Chief Justices — continued. 19 Con- sec. No. 107108 109 Name. Ob. A.D, 110 111 112 113 114115116 117118 119 120 121 122 123 124125 126127 128 Sir William Gascoigne Sir William Hankford Sir Richard Newton, CP. Sir Robert Brudenell, C.P. Sir Richard Lyster Sir Edward Montague Sir Anthony Browne, CP. Sir Edward Saunders. Sir James Dyer, C.P. Sir Christopher Wray Sir Edmund Ander son, CP. Sir John Popham Sir Thomas Fleming Sir Edward Coke Sir Thomas Richardson Sir John Bramston Sir Robert Foster Sir Robert Hyde Sir Matthew Hale Sir Henry Bedingfield, C.P. Sir John Holt Robert Lord Raymond, of Abbat's Langley 14121422 C.1448 1531 1553 1556 1667 1576 1582 159216051607 1613 163416351654 1663 1665 1676168717101732 County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). York, W.R. Devon Somerset Northants Hants Northants EssexWarwickHunts Lincoln BedfordSomerset Hants NorfolkMiddlesex Essex Surrey WiltsGloucesterSuffolk Ihid. Herts Harewood Monkleigh Yatton Deene Southampton, Saint Michael Weekly South Weald Weston-under- Wet- hale Great Stoughton Glentworth EyworthWellington Southampton, Saint Michael Tittleshall Westminster Abbey Roxwell Egham Salisbury Cathedral Alderley Churchyard Halesworth Redgrave Abbat's Langley Description of Monument. Eemarks. High tomb, with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife Marble slab under stone canopy. Brass kneeling effigy — now lost, as also the inscriptions Altar tomb, with recumbent effigies of himself (with Collar of SS.) and his wife Altar tomb with reclining effigies of him self and two wives Altar tomb with reclining effigy, and canopy in white freestone Altar tomb with recumbent effigy in judge's robes Altar tomb with effigy in brass of his wife Kneeling effigies in stone of himself and his wife Mural monument with kneeling effigies of himself and wife Fine marble monument with effigies of himself and family Richly ornamented monument with effigies of himself and wife Stone canopied monument Monument with effigy Recumbent marble effigy on altar tomb, with canopy Marble mural monument with bust Mural marble monument with long in scription Alabaster inscribed pedestal with bust Mural tablet with bust , Black and white marble monument over his grave Mural monument Fine marble monument with effigy Reclining effigy in marble, with accessory figm'es A canopied altar tomb, without effigy, in Bristol Cathedral, has by s(»ne been appropriated to this personage. It is uncer tain in which chm-ch he was buried. Mutilated figure of • Sir Anthony gone. Perhaps removed fronj original position Formerly on N. chancel wall of old church, re stored in 1820 wihen church was rebuilt. Class 5. — Eminent Statesmen and Ambassadors. a. — Secretaries of State. 129 Thomas de Bekynton, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Chancellor of Oxford, Tutor to Hen ry VI. &c. 1465 Somerset Wells Cathedral Recumbent effigy, beneath it an emaciated figure in winding sheet Monument removed from original position, and the wooden canopy carried to the S. transept 20 Historical Monuments. Class 5. a. — Secretaries of State — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Eemarks. 130 JamesGoldwell,Bishop of Norwich 1499 Norfolk Norwich Cathedral Stone altar tomb with effigy Remarkable specimea of costume 131 Stephen Gardiner, Bp. of Winchester 1555 Hants Winchester Cathe dral Chantry Chapel, built of Caen stone 132 Nicholas Wotton, Dean of Canterbury 1566 Kent Canterbm-y Cathe dral Stone altar tomb, kneeling effigy, &c. 133 Sir William Petre, Knt. 1572 Essex Ingatestone Chm-ch Fine marble altar tomb, with effigies of himself and wife in white marble 134 Sir Thomas Smith 1577 Ibid. Theydon Mount Effigy under canopy 135 Sir John Suckling 1680 Norfolk Norwich, St. An drew Stone monument, recumbent effigies of himself and wife 136 Dudley Carleton, Vis count Dorchester 1631 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument, with reclining effigy 137 Sir Edward Nicholas 1669 Surrey West Horsley White marble tablet with inscription 138 Sir William Morrice 1676 . Cornwall Padstow Incorporated with monument to Pri deaux family 139 Henry Bennett, IstEarl of Arlington, A in the CABAL 1685 Suffolk Euston Stone monument with inscription 140 Sir John Trenchard 1695 Dorset Bloxworth Small mural monument of white marble 141 James Craggs 1720 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with standing effigy Class 5. b. — Ambassadors and Envoys. 142 Hugh de Northwold, Bp. of Ely, Justice Itinerant, Ambassa dor to Raymond, Earl of Provence, to ne gotiate marriage of Henry III. and Elea nor of Provence 1254 Cambridge Ely Cathedral Grey marble, recumbent effigy 143 SirNicholas de laBeche, employed in diplo macy. Seneschal of Gascony, Constable of the Tower, Governor of the Black Prince 1845 Berks Aldworth Reclining effigy in stoue Mutilated 144 Nicholas, Lord Canti- lupe. Ambassador to France 1355 Lincoln Lincoln Cathedral Altar tomb,recranbent effigy, and canopy, all of stone A mere torso 145 Sir Edmund Thorpe, Envoy fi-om Henry V. to Duke of Burgundy C.142S Norfolk Ashwell Thorpe Altar tomb, with recumbent effigies in alabaster of himself and his wife 146 Richard Mayo, Bp. of Hereford, Ambassador to Spain, conducted Infanta Katherine to England 1516 Hereford Hereford Cathedral Altar tomb with fine effigy 147 Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., Ambassador to France, an Executor of K. Henry VIII's will 1548 Sussex Battle Altar tomb in white marble 148 Sir Philip Ilobye, last English Legate to the 1558. ~* 149 Pope Sir Thomas Hobye, Am bassador to France 1566 Berks Bisham Monument with effigies of these two bro thers in white marble 150 Sir Nicholas Throck morton, ambassadorto France .and Scotland 1570 London St. Catherine Cree Reclining effigy in armour Historical Monmnents. 21 Class 5. h. — Ambassadors and Envoys — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. 151 152 153154155156 157 158159 160IGl SirEalph Sadleir, Am bassador to Scotland, &c. Anthony Browne, Vis count Montagu, K.G., Ambassador to Spain, and of considerable note temiJ. Elizabeth Sir William Pickering, Ambassador to France Sir Henry Unton, twice ambassador to France Eoger, Lord North, of Kirtling, Ambassador to France, Treasurer of Household Ludovic Stewart, Duke of Richmond and Len nox, Ambassador from Scotland to France Sir Hemy Wotton, Am bassador to Venice, Provost of Eton, &c. Denzil Hollis, Lord Ifield, the Parlia mentary leader; after wards ambassador for Charles II. Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle, Ambassa dor to Russia, &c. Thomas Belasyse, Earl Fauconberg, Ambas sador to Venice ; son- in-law of Oliver Crom well John Methuen, nego ciator of the" Methuen Treaty " County. 1587 1592 1594 1596 1600 1623'16391680 1684 1700 1706 Herts Sussex London Berks CambridgeMiddlesex Bucks Dorset York York, N.R. Middlesex Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Standon Easebourno St. Helen's, Bishops gate Faringdon Kirtling Westminster Abbey Eton College Chapel Dorchester, St. Peter's York Minster CoxwoldWestminster Abbey Description of Monument. Mm-al tomb with effigy in stone Altar tomb of Caen stone with recum bent effigy in alabaster Effigy under canopy in stone Mural tablet Altar tomb with canopy, marble and painted stone Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife, and canopy of metal Black marble slab, with singular inscrip tion White marble monument Mural monument with bust Mm-al monument Marble mural monuraent Re naiks. Removed from Midhurst Church Class 5. c. — Statesmen. 162 Hugh le Despenser, E. of Glo'ster, eldest son of Hugh le Despenser, 1849 Gloucester Tewkesbury Abbey Altar tomb, recumbent effigies of himself and Elizabeth Montacute his wife, un der a fine storied canopy The storied canopy much broken 163 junior Thomas Hatfield, Bp. of Durham, Keeper of Privy Seal 1381 Dm-ham Durham Cathedral High altar tomb of stone, recumbent effigy of alabaster The Bishop's throne is on top of the monument 164 Richard Quatremayne, Esq., Counsellor to Richard D. of York .and Edward IV. 146— Oxford Thame Altar tomb of Pm-beck msu-ble, with brass effigies of himself and wife The epitaph gives the obit M.D.CCCLX. but names King Edw. IV. 165 Lionel Lord Welles, K.G., Lieutenant of Ireland 1461 York, W.R. Methley Alabaster high tomb, with effigies of himself and his wife 166 Sir Williain Catesby, Minister to Richard 1485 Northants Ashby St. Legers Incised brass effigy 167 III. John Harman, alias Voysey, Bishop of Exeter, President of Wales 1554 Warwick Sutton Coldfield Tomb with effigy 168 Hem-y Howard, K.G., 1614 Kent Greenwich, chapel of Black mai-ble sarcophagus, with recum Removed withi the body Earl of Northampton, Hospital of Holy bent effigy and allegorical figm-es in 1696 frora 'chapel of Ld. Privy Seal, Ld. Trinity Dover Castle. The earl Warden (Cinque Ports, , founded this hospital Chancellor University Cambridge, &;c. 169 Thomas Wentworth, K.G.,Earl of Strafford 1641 York, W.R. Wentworth Chapel Mural monument, with kneeling effigy 170 Henry Booth, Earl of Warrington, Chancr. of Exchequer 1694 Chester Bowden Large mural monument 171 George Savile, 1st Earl of Halifax, Lord Pre sident, &c; 1695 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Mural monument of marble E 22 Historical Monuments. Class 5. c. — Statesmen — continued. Con- sec. No. 1T2173174 175176177 John Lowther, 1st Vise. Lonsdale, 1st Lord Treasury CharlesMontague,K.G., Earl of Halifax, 1st Lord Treasury James, Earl Stanhope, 1st Lord Treasury Vaoat Sir Robert Walpole, K.G.,lstE.of Orford, 1st Lord Treasury, &c. Henry St. John, Vis- coimt Bolingbroke Ob. A.D- 1700 1715 172117451751 County. Westmore land Middlesex Ihid. Norfolk Sm-rey Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Lowther Westminster Abbey Ibid.Houghton St. Mary's Church, Battersea Description of Monument. Marble mural monument Marble mural monument Marble mural monument Marble statue, with inscription Marble urn, with medallions of himself and his second wife Remarks. Class 6. — Persons eminent in Theology, Science, Literature, and Art. a. — Churchmen and Divines. 178179 180181 182183 184185 186 187 188 189 BartholomaBus Iscanus, Bishop of Exeter. Learned theologian. Richard le Poore, Bishop of Salisbury and Durham succes sively, built the Ca thedral at the former place, and the " nine altars " at the latter WilliamBruere,Bishop of Exeter, led English crusaders toPalestlne ; escorted Isabella, sis ter of K. Hen. III. to Worms to marry Empr. Fredk. II. Richard de la Wych, Bishop of Chichester St. Thomas de Canti- lupe. Bishop of Here ford, canonized Henry Gower, Bp. of St. David's, CJhancel- lor of Oxford, builder of pai-t of Cathedral and the Palace Lewis de Charleton, Bishop of Hereford, Chancellor of Uni versity of Oxford John Wycliffe John Harewell, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Chaplain to Black Prince, and Chan cellor of Gascony Thomas Cranley, First Warden of Win chester and New Coll. Oxford. Chanc.Univ. Oxford. Abp. of Dublin. Envoy to the Pope. Lewis of Luxemburg, Cardinal Archbishop of Rouen and Per petual Administrator of Ely, Chancellor of France-, and Governor of Paris under King Henry V. John Stanbury, Bishop of Hereford, first Provost of Eton Col lege, &c. 11841237 1244 12531282 13471369 13841886 1417 1443 1474 DevonWilts Devon Sussex HerefordPembroke Hereford Leicester Somerset Oxford Cambridge Hereford Exeter Cathedral Salisbury Cathedral Exeter Cathedral Chichester Cathedral Hereford Cathedral St. David's Cathe dral Hereford Cathedral Lutterworth Wells Cathedi-al Oxford New Coll. Chapel Ely Cathedral Hereford Cathedral Purbeck marble effigy on a coffin-lid Marble effigy Marble slab with inscription Allar tomb, Caen stone Detached structm-e, known as the Canti- lupe Shrine Altar tomb and recumbent effigy of stone with canopy Altar tomb Alto relievo in marble Alabaster recumbent effigy Large engraved brass-plate with effigy Altar tomb, with recumbent effigy and canopy Altar tomb with alabaster recumbent effigy Removed by Wyatt from a canopied recess by the high Altar Recently erected. Sculp tured by SirR. West macott, R.A. Removed from before high Altar to the Antcchapel Historical Monuments. 23 Class 6. a. — Churchmen and Divines — continued. Con- 'sec. No. Name. Ob. A j>. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 190 John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln, and first Perpetual Chancellor of Oxford. Praised for learning and piety by Sur T. More 1494 Lincoln Lincoln Cathedral Marble altar tomb, brass effigy lost Chapel built by Bishop to contain his remains 191 'William Rokeby, Arch bishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1521 York, W.R. Sandal Parva High tomb under rich fretted canopy ; brasses lost His body is buried here, his heart at Halifax, and his bowels at Dublin, ac cording to his will 192 Christopher Urswick, Dean of Windsor, Chaplain, &c. to H. V 11. whom he accom panied at Bosworth. Envoy to France and Germany. 1521 Middlesex Hackney High tomb with engraved brass efSgy Now iu vestibule of modeim parish church 193 Hugh Latimer, Bp. of Worcester. Protestant martyr. Born at Thurcaston. 1555 Leicester Thurcaston Mural tablet with inscription Erected in 1843 by Eot- R. Waterfield 194 Rowland Taylor ,LL.D., Protestant martyr 1555 Suffolk Hadleigh Brass plate 195 Robert King, D.D., last Abbot of Oseney and first Bishop of Oxford 1557 Oxford Christchurch Cathe dral Purbeck marble monument with canopy and latin inscription 196 Henry Hammond,D.D. Biblical commentator 1560 Worcester Hampton Lovett, nave Marble monument 197 Thomas .Nele, D.D., Regius Professor of Hebrew, able theo logian and linguist 1590 Oxford Cassington Mural brass, with epitaph 198 Richard Hooker, M. A., the " judicious Hooker" 1600 Kent Bishopsboume Mural monument of . stone with bust, coloured 199 Gabriel Goodman, D.D., Dean of West minster 1601 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural mounument, with kneeling effigy - 200 Giles Tomson, D.D., Bishop of Gloucester, K, translator of the authorised version of the Bible 1612 Berks Windsor,St. George's Chapel Bust, with inscription 201 Lancelot Andrews, D.D., Bishop of Win chester 1626 Sun-ej' St. Saviom-'s South wark Altar tomb, with recmnhent effigy Canopy and inscriptksa lost. 202 John Davenant,Bishop of Salisbury 1641 Wilts Salisbury Cathedral Marble mural monument 203 William CbiUingworth, author of " Religion of Protestants." 1648 Sussex Chichester Cathedral Mural tablet • 204 John Hales, Divine and Critic, commonly called the " ever me morable " 1656 Bucks Eton College Chapel, burial ground Inscribed stone 205 John Gauden, D.D. Bp. of Worcester, pro bably author of " Icon BasUike." 1662 Worcester Worcester Cathedral Marble mural monument with Tjust 206 Edward Stillingfleet, D.D. B,ishop of Wor cester 1669 IMd. Ibid. High tomb of grey marble with sculpture Epitaph by Dr. Bentle?- 207 John Hacket, D.D. Bp. of Lichfield. Pious and learned prelate. Repaired Lichfield Cathedral after the siege at his own cost 1670 Stafford Lichfield Cathedral Tomb with stone effigy coloured 24 Historical Monuments. Class 6. a. — Churchmen and Divines — continued. Con- .iec. No. 208 209 210 ¦ill212213 214 215 216217 218 Name. Isaac Barrow, D.D. Simon Patrick, Bishop of Ely Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells Thomas Sprat, D.D., Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster Matthew Henry, Non- conformistDivineand Commentator Robert South, D.D. William Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester Daniel Waterland, D.D. John Hough, D.D.,Bp. of Worcester, Pres. of Magd. Coll. Oxon, ejectedby K. .James II. Hugh Boulter, Arch bishop of Ai-magh Joseph Butler, D.U., Bp. 1st of Bristol then of Durham, author of " Tbe Analogy," &c. Ob. A.D. 1677 1707171017131714 1716 1717 17401743 1742 1752 County. Middlesex Cambridge Somerset Middlesex Chester Middlesex Worcester Berks Worcester MiddlesexSomerset Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Westminster Abbey Ely Cathedral Frome Selwood Churchyard Westminster Abbey Chester, Trinity Church Westminster Abbey Fladbury Windsor,St. George's Chapel Worcester Cathedral Westminster Abbey Bristol Description of Monument. Marble mural monument, with bust Mural monument Stone slab, with iron crozier and canopy of stone Marble mural monument Brass plate, with inscription Marble mural monument, with recumbent effigy Marble tablet and bust Black marble slab, with inscription Fine marble tomb, with life-sized figures Marble mural monument, with bust Mm-al tablet of Painswick stone Remarks. b. — Lawyers. 219 Sir Thomas Lyttleton, Justice C. P., author of " The Tenures " John Yonge, LL.D., Master of the Rolls, employed in political services by K. Henry VIII. 221 Sir Anthony Fitz herbert, Justice of Com. Pleas, author of the "Abridgement" •'•>'* Sir Clement Heigbam, Ch. Baron of Ex chequer, Speaker of H. of Commons 228 -224 225 226 Sir Roger Manwood, Ch. Bar., eminent lawyer, founder of Sandwich School, &c. John Cowell, LL.D., Reg. Prof, of Civil Law, author of the " Law Dictionary " Edward Lord Bruce of Kinloss, Master of the Eolls, and a Lord of Session Sir Christopher Yel verton, Justice K.B. and Speaker H. of Commons 1481 1516 1538 1570 1592 1611 1611 1611 Worcester Middlesex Derby Suffolk Kent Cambridge Middlesex Northants Worcester Cathedral Eolls Chapel Norbury Barrow Hackington Cambridge, Trinity Hall Chiipel Rolls Chapel Easton Mauduit Stone sarcophagus tomb, with shields of arms Effigy in Doctor's robes Stone, with inlaid brass effigy Petworth marble altar tomb, and brass effigies under low canopy Monument, with bust of alabaster painted, below is a skeleton on a mattress Marble slab, with inlaid effigy in brass Altar tomb, with recumbent effigy and canopy Monument with canopy and effigies of himself and family. Historical Monuments. 25 Class 6. b. — Lawyers — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 227 Hen.Swinbume,LL.D., learned civilian 1616 York York Minster Kneeling effigy under a recessed arch Partly modern 228 Sir Robert Gardiner, Chief Justice of Le land and Deputy 1619 Suffolk Elmswell Under mar.ble canopy reclining effigy 229 .Sir Lawrence Tanfield, Knight, Ch. Bar. 1625 Oxford Burford Large coloured monument, with effigies of himself and wife An annual rent-charge is paid for keeping monu ment in repair 230231 Sir John Doddridge, Justice K.B., eminent legal antiquary John Walter, Ch. Bar., a learned and independ ent lawyer 1628 1630 Devon Oxford Exeter Cathedral Wolvercot Alabaster painted effigy on pedestal Effigies of the Judge, his two wives, &c., in alabaster The original monument to Sir John Doddridge was taken down forty or fifty years ago. The effigies of himself and wife alone remain 232 Sir Henry Yelverton, Just. K.B., &c., noted in connection with the Overbury case 1630 Northants Easton Mauduit Monument under an arch, with recum bent effigies of himself and wife 233 Sir Julius Ciesar, Mas ter of the Eolls, Judge of the Admiralty 1636 London St. Helen's, Bishops gate Slab representing a deed under seal promising submission to Divine will when required to die 234 Sir George Croke, Justice K.B. author of Law Reports and Cases, sat on trial of Hampden and refused to concur in his con demnation 1641 Oxford Waterstock Monument with effigy 235 Sir Henry Marten, Judge of Admiralty and Prerog. Court 1641 Berks Longworth Mural monument, with inscription 236 Sir Robert Berkeley, Justice K. B., im peached 1641 for his judgment against iHampden 1656 Worcester Spetchley Raised monument, black and white mar ble, with effigy in judge's robes 237 Sir Edward Atkyns, a Baron of Exchequer, Counsel for Prynne, sat on trial of the regicides 1669 Sir Edward Atkyns, Ch.B., youngest son of the former 1698 Middlesex Westminster Abbey One mural monument of marble The father aud both sons shared much in the poli tical events of their time Sir Eobert Atkyns, Ch.B., eldest son of the 1st Sir Edward, Speaker of House of Lords 1710 ) 238 Sir Thomas Raymond, Justice K.B. 1685 Essex Runwell Black stone slab, arms, and inscription The slab probably formed the top of an altar tomb 239 Sir William Gregory, Speaker, Baron of Exchr., Justice K.B. 1696 Hereford How Caple Inscribed, flat stone 240 Sir John Comyns, Ch.B. author of " A Digest of the Laws of England " 1740 Essex Writtle Church Marble mural monument with bust 241 Sir Francis Page, Jus tice K.B. 1741 Oxford Steeple Aston Marble monument with effigy Eent-charge of 20s. is paid to keep the monument in 242 Thomas Lord Wynd ham, Chancellor and Lord Justice of Ire land 1745 Wilts Salisbtuy Cathedral Monument with marble statue of Hibernia repair G 26 Historical Monuments. c. — Physicians. Con- sec. No. 243 244 245 246 247 248 Name. John Caius, M.D., 2nd founder of Gonville and of Caius College William Gilbert, M.D., author of work on the Magnet, and inventor of certain mathema tical instruments William Harvey,M.D., discoverer of the cir culation of the blood Sir Thomas Browne, Knt. M.D., author of " Religio Medici " Thomas Sydenham, M.D. Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., President of Eoyal College of Surgeons Ob. A.s 1573 1603 1657 1682 1689 1753 County. Cambridge Essex Essex Norfolk Middlesex Ibid. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College Chapel Colchester, Holy Tri nity Hemsted Chapel, Great Samford Norwich, St. Peter Mancroft St. James, West minster Chelsea Old Church Description of Monument. Alabaster sarcophagus under canopy Marble mural monument with inscription Marble monument with bust and inscrip tion Mural tablet, with inscription Marble mural tablet, with Latin inscrip tion Large vase under canopy Remarks. His coffin, with remains, discovered 1840 Erected in 1810, by the Coll. of Physicians, near site of his grave His statue is in the Apo thecaries' Garden, Chel sea, erected 1733 d. — Prose Writers of History, Biography, and National Antiquities. 249 Humphry Lloyd, M.P. Antiquary 1568 Denbigh Whitchurch, Parish Church of Denbigh Alabaster mural monument, effigy kneel ing, inscription 250 John Foxe, the Mar- tyrologist 1587 London St. Giles, Cripple gate Inscribed slab 251 Robert Glover, Herald and Historian 1588 Ihid. Ibid. Mural tablet 252 Wm. Lambarde, author of " Perambulation of Kent," &c. 1601 Kent Sevenoaks Marble mural slab Removed from old parish church of Greenwich, where he was buried 253 John Stowe, the His torian of London 1605 London St. Andrew Under shaft Coloured stone effigy, full length, seated at a table, in a rectangular recess 254 Richard Carew, author of a " Survey of Corn wall " 1620 Cornwall Antony Marble tablet • 255 Eev. Fraucis Mason, author of " Vindiciaa EcelesiiE AnglicaniE " 1621 Suffolk Orford Marble kneeling effigy 256 Wm. Camden, Claren ceux, Antiquary and Historian ' 1623 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with bust 257 John Speed, Historian 1629 London St. Giles, Cripple gate Half-length effigy 258 Henry Slingsby, author of "Diary of Events 1638-1648 " 1658 York, W.R. Knaresborough Inscribed flat stone 259 Thomas Fuller, D.D., Church Historian, au thor of " The Worthies of England," &c. 1661 Middlesex Cranford Mural monument 260 Sir William Dugdale, Garter,Antiquaryand Historian 1681 Warwick Shustoke Altar tomb and mural tablet 261 Sir Thomas Herbert, Bart., author of " Irish History," &c. 1681 York York, St. Crux or Holy Cross Mm-al tablet 262 Izaac Walton 1683 Hants Winchester Cathedral Black marble slab with inscription 263. Elias Ashmole, Anti quary 1692 Surrey Lambeth, St. Mary's Marble slab, inscription Historical Monuments. Class 6. d. — Peoseweiters — continued. 27 Con- sec.No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Pariah Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Eemarks. 264 Henry Wharton, author of " Anglia Sacra " 1694 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument 265 Anthony aWood, au- thorof "Athense Oxo nienses " 1695 Oxford Oxford, Merton Col lege Chapel Marble mural monument « 266 Robert Plot, LL.D. Historian of Oxford and Staffordshire ; Secretary to Royal Society 1696 Kent Borden Mural monument 267 Abraham de la Pryme, F.R.S., Antiquary 1704 York, W.E. Hatfield Inscribed flat stone 268 Gilbert Burnet, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury 1715 Middlesex Clerkenwell Marble mural tablet / 269 Rev. Jolin Prince, au thor of « The Worthies of Devon " 1728 Devon Berry Pomeroy Mural tablet 270 Ralph Thoresby, An tiquary, and Historian of Leeds 1726 York, W.E. Leeds, St. Peter's Church Stone slab, inscribed 271 Thomas Hearne, Anti quary 1735 Oxford Oxford, St. Peter in Bast Table monument with epitaph 272 Thomas Tanner, D.D., Bp. of St. Asaph, au thor of "Bibl.Britan. Hibern." and "Notitia Monastica " .1735 Ihid. Christchurch Cathe dral Marble tablet 273274 John Strype, Historian and Antiquaty Thomas Baker, B.D., non-juror, celebrated Antiquary 1737 1740 Essex Cambridge Low Leyton Cambridge, St. John's College Chapel Flat gravestone Mural tablet The gravestone is hiddeii' undemeath the new HcMur of the chancel 275 John Oldmixon, His torian 1742 Somerset Bridgewater, Saint Mary's chmrchyard Altar tomb 276 David Wilkins, D.D., editor of " Concilia MaguiE Britanniie " 1745 Suffolk Hadleigh Gravestone 277 Bro-ivne Willis, Topo grapher and Antiquary 1760 Bucks Bletchley, .St. Mar tin's Chapel, Fenny Stratford Marble slab, inscribed Class 6. e. — Scholars. 278 Sir Anthony Cooke, Pre ceptor to K. Edw. VI. 1576 Essex Eomford Monument with effigies in alabaster of himself and family 279 Isaac Casaubon, Scho lar and Divine 1614 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument 280 Sir Henry Savile, Knt. 1622 Bucks Eton College Chapel Marble slab 281 Francis Junius 1678 Berks Windsor,St.Geoi-ge's Chapel Marble mural tablet, with Latin inscrip tion Erected by the University of Oxford 282 Richard Busby, Head Master of Westminster 1695 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with recumbent effigy ' 283 John Ernest Grabe 1711 Ibid. Ihid. Marble mural monument, with effigy 284 Thomas Aldrich, D.D., Dean of Christchurch, Scholar,Musician, and Architect 1711 Oxford Christ Church Cathe dral Monument with bust and emblems of death 285 Richard Bentley, D.D., Master of Trinity Col lege, Cambridge 1742 Cambridge Cambridge, Trinity College Chapel Marble flagstone 286 Conyers Middleton, LL.D. 1750 Ihid. Ibid., St. Michael's; Gravestone 28 Historical Monuments. /.—Men of Science and Philosophical Writers. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 287 John Newton, D.D., wrote on Astronomy, Trigonometry, &c. 1678 Hereford Ross Tablet with epitaph 288 William Lilly, Astro loger 1681 Surrey Walton-on-Thames Stone slab Laid down hy Elias Ash mole 289 Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury, skilled in Mathematics, one of the founders of Eoyal Society 1689 Wilts' Salisbury Cathedral Tomb with marble bust 290 Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury 1697 Derby Hault-Hucknall Headstone built into church wall 291 John Locke 1704 Essex High Laver church yard Marble gravestone enclosed with iron rails 292 John Ray, Natm-al Philosopher 1706 Ihid. Black Notley church yard Stone tomb, surmounted by obelisk 293 Roger Cotes, M. A., emi nent Mathematician 1716 Cambridge Cambridge, Trinity College Chapel Inscribed flagstone 294 Sir Isaac Newton 1727 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument, with effigy A marble statue by Rou biliac is in the chapel of Trin. Coll. Cambridge 295 John Woodward (founder of Geologi cal Professorship at Cambridge) 1728 Ibid. Ibid. Marble mural monument, with medallion 296 Abraham Sharp, Ma thematician 1742 York, W.R. Bradford Inscribed marble slab, with classical or nament 297 Rev. William Whiston, Mathematician 1752 Rutland Lynden Headstone inserted in the wall 298 George Berkeley, Bp. of Cloyne 1753 Oxford Christ Church Cathe dral Inscribed stone over grave, and monu ment against a pillar 299 Nicholas Sanderson, LL.D., the blind Pro fessor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge 1759 Cambridge Boxworth Stone slab, with epitaph and bust g. — Poets. 300 Geoffrey Chaucer 1400 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Altar tomb, marble canopy Not contemporary 'iOl John Gower (1402'u.talii 1408) Surrey St. Saviour's, South wark Altar tomb, recumbent effigy under canopy 302 Henry, Earl of Surrey 1547 Suffolk Framlingham Table monument, various coloured marbles 303 Edmund Spenser 1598 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument 304 William Shakespeare 1616 Warwick Stratford-on-Avon Stone slab and mm-al monument with half effigy; stone, painted He has also a majrble statue lu Westminster Abbey 305 Samuel Danyell 1619 Somerset Beckington Mm-al stone tablet 306 John Fletcher 1625 Surrey St. Saviour, South wark Plain stone with inscription ' 307 Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's 1631 London St. Paul's Cathedral Crypt Effigy in shroud, carved in stone 308 Michael Drayton, au thor of " Polyolbion " 1681 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Alabaster mural monument with bust 309 GeorgeChapmau,trans- lator of Homer, &c. 1634 Ibid. St. Giles in the Fields Roman sepulchral altar with inscription Erected hy Inigo Jones 310 Ben Jonson 1637 Ihid. Westminster Abbey Marble mm-al monument with medallion Historical Monuments. Class 6. g. — Poets — continued. 29 Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless othenvise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 311 Sir Eobert Alton 1638 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Black marble mural monument with bust 312 Philip Massinger 1638 Surrey St. Savioiu-, South wark Plain stone with inscription 313 Abraham Cowley 1667 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with urn 314 Sir William Davenant 1668 Ibid. Ihid. Small inscribed stone 315 Eiehard Braithwaite, author of "Drunken Barnaby's Itinerary" 1673 York, E.R. Catterick Mural tablet 316 Eobert Herrick 1674 Devon Dean Prior Mural tablet with inscription Lately erected by W. Perry Herrick, Esq. 317 John Milton 1674 London St. Giles, Cripplegate Marble mui'al monument with bust Erected in 1793. Tablet with bust also in West minster Abbey .318 Samuel Butler 1680 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mm-al monument with bust Buried in St. Paul's Co vent Garden churchyard 319 Edmund Waller 1687 Bucks Beaconsfield Church yard Marble sarcophagus with four urns and pyramid in centre 320 Thomas Shadwell 1692 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with bust Buried at (3helsea, hut 321 John Dryden 1700 Ihid. Ihid. , Marble bust on pedestal with no monument 322 John Philipps 4708 Hereford Hereford Cathedral Brass plate Set up in 1867 to replace a lost brass plate. A marble pedestal with me dallion also in West minster Abbey 323 Nicholas Eowe 1718 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with bust 324 Matthew Prior 1721 Ihid. Ibid. Marble mural monumenD with bust 325 Thomas D'Urfey 1728 Ibid. Westminster, St. James Inscribed mural tablet 326 William Congreve 1728 Ibid. Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with portrait in alto-relievo 327 Sir Richard Black- more, M.D. 1729 Essex Boxted Tall mm-al monument with long inscrip tion Lately moved, and placed so high that the inscrip tion cannot be read 828 John Gay 1732 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument with medallion 329 Alexander Pope 1744 Ihid. Twickenham Mural monument with portrait medallion Erected in 1761 330 James Thomson 1748 Sm-rcy St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond Small brass plate Marble monument with bust ill Westminster Abbey 331 William Collins 1756 Sussex Chichester Cathedral Marble seated figure in alto-relievo Sculpture by Flaxman h. — Other Authors. 332 383334 335 Robert Burton, author of . " Anatomy of Melancholy " Dudley, Lord North Dame Dorothy Paking- ton, supposed writer of "The Whole Duty of Man " Charles de St. Denis, Sieur de St. Evre- mond 1639 16771679 1703 Oxford Cambridge Worcester Middlesex Christchurch Cathe dral, N. aisle Kirtling, chancel Hampton Lovett Westminster Abbey H Coloured bust, with inscription Marble slab Mural monument Marble mur.al monument with bust 30 Historical Monuments. Class 6. h. — Other Authors — continued. Coo- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). ' Description of Monument. Remarks. 336 John Evelyn, author of " Sylva " 1706 Surrey Wotton Coffin-shaped tomb with inscription 337 Right Honble. Joseph Addison 1719 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble effigy on pedestal 338 John Trenchard, author of " Independent Whig," " Cato's Let ters," &c. 1723 Wilts North Bradley Mural monument i. — Artists, Musicians, and Actors. 339 Samuel Cooper, Minia ture Painter 1672 Middlesex St. Pancras Old Church Marble monument, with Latin inscrip tion 340 William Wissing, Por trait Painter 1687 Northamp ton Stamford Baron, St. Martin Mural tablet 341 William Vandervelde the elder. Marine Painter 1693 Middlesex St. James, Westmin ster Grayestone in churchyard 342 Sir Godfrey Kneller 1723 Ibid. Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument, with bust 343 George Vertue, F.S.A. Historical Engraver 1756 Ibid. Westminster Abbey Cloister Inscribed mural tablet 344 Orlando Gibbons, Mus. Doc. 1625 Kent Canterbury Cathe dral Mural monument, with bust in mtirble 345 Henrj' Purcell 1695 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument 346 John Blow, Mus. Doe. 1708 Ihid. Ibid. Miirble mural monument 347 William Croft, Mus. Doc. 1727 Ibid. Ibid. Marble miu-iil monument, with bust 348 George Frederick Handel 1759 Ibid. Ibid. Marble mural monument, with statue 349 Edward Alley ne, Actor, founder of Dulwich College 1626 Surrey Dulwich College Chapel Inscribed marble slab 350 Barton Booth, Actor 1733 Middl esex Westminster Abbey Marble mural monument, with bust Class 7. — Eminent Naval and Military Personages. a. — Admirals of England and other Sea Commanders. 351 852 353 354 .'555 Gervase AJard, Admiral of Cinque Ports Stephen Alard, Admi ral of Cinque Ports Sir Huraijhrey Little- bury, .Toirt Admiral in Chief Sir Reginald Cobham, K.G., Admiral of King's Fleet, from mouth of 'Thames westward, 1344, 1348 Richard Fitzalan, 3rd Earl of Arundel of that line, K.G. Admi ral of Western Seas 1310 13301340 1361 1376 Sus,sex Ihid.LincolnSurrey Sussex Winchelsea, St. Tho mas Ibid. HolbeachLingfield Chichester Cathedral Stone and marble tomb, canopied, with recumbent effigy Stone and marble tomb with canopy Stone altar tomb with recumbent effigy Marble altar tomb, with recumbent effigy Tomb with recumbent effigies in Caen stone of himself and Eleanor of Lancas ter, his wife Not in original site, but in fair preservation. Probably removed frora Lewes Priory, where lie was buried Historical Monuments. Class 7. a.; — Admirals, &c. — cantinued., 31 Con- sec. No. 356 357 358359 360361 362 363364 365 366 367 368309 370 Name. Sir Hugh Calveley,Ad- miral of England, Goiemor of Calais, afterwards, of Guern- sey,distinguished com mander in French and Spanish wars John ^Bolland, K.G. Duke of Exeter and Earl of Huntingdon, Admiral of England, Ireland, and Aqui taine John Eussell 1st Earl of Bedford, K.G.,Lord High Admh-al Edward Clinton, K.G., Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral Clement Paston, naval commander under Henry VIII. and Edw. VI., Mary and Elizabeth George Earl of Cum berland, K.G., last male heir of Cliffords, naval commander George Villiers, K.G., Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral Robert Bertie, Baron Willoughby d'Eresby, first Earl of Lindsay, Lord High Admiral Sir Thomas AUin, Bart., Admiral of the Fleets, British and Mediterranean Seas Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Admiral Sir George Rooke, naval commander Sir Richard Haddock, Kt., Admiral and Commissioner of Navy Sir Thomas Hardy, Admiral Edward Vernon, Ad miral Charles Watson, Ad miral Ob. A.D 1394 1446 1555 1584 1597 160516281642 1686 1707 17081714 1732 1757 1757 County. Chester Middlesex Bucks BerksNorfolk York, W.R. MiddlesexLincoln , Suffolk Middlesex ¦ Kent Essex Middlesex Ibid. Ibid. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Bunhory Description of Monument. Remarks. St. Katharine's Hos- pitaljRegent's Park Chenies Windsor, St. George's Chapel Oxnead Skipton Westminster Abbey Edenham Church Somerleyton Westminster Abbey Canterbury Cathe dral Leigh Westminster Abbey Ihid. Ihid. High tomb,, with effigy in. alabaster Altar tomb with recumbent effigy and canopy in stone Alabaster tomb with effigies. Altar tomb with two recumbent effigies Alabaster effigy on marble tomb High marble tomb Marble altar tomb with two recumbent effigies Black marble tablet, incorporated in a monument to other members of the family Mural tablet and bust Marble mm-al monument with recumbent effigy Mural monument with bust Table monument Marble mm-al monument with effigy Marble mural moniument with bust Marble mural monument with three effigies Very beautiful design Removed c. 1826 from the Collegiate Church of St. Katharine by the Tower of London A monument (with an um possibly containing the heart,) is in St. Thomas's Church, Ports mouth Buried at Calcutta b. — Marshals and Constables of England, and Commanders in Foreign and Civil Wars. 571 William Mareschal, elder. Earl of Pem broke, Marshal of England 372 William Mareschal, younger, Earl of Pem broke, Marshal of England 373 GilbertMareschal,Earl of Pembroke, Marshal of England 1219 1281 1241 London Thid. Ibid. Temple Church Ibid. Ibid. Grey marble recumbent effigy Ditto Ditto A Baron appointed to en force " Magna Charta " 32 Historical Monuments. Class 7. b. — Marshals, Constables, &c. — continued. Con- sec. No. 374 375 376 377 Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. Sir Brian FitzAlan, Lieut, of K. Edw. I. in Scotland Ralph Fitzwilliam, Lord of Greystock, Governor of Berwick, distinguished in Scot tish wars Sir Robert de Shurland, Ld. Warden of Cinque Ports, Kt. Banneret at Karlaverock Humphry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, High Consta ble of England 378 Su- Ralph Shiriey, fii-st Knight of the Shire for Warwick, an eminent military com mander under Ed ward I. 379 Sir Simon de Sand wich, Lord Warden of Cinque Ports 380 Sir Oliver Ingham, Mar shal of Guycnne, dis tinguished commander in France under Ed ward III. 381 John second Baron Willoughby d'Eresby, distinguished in Scot tish wars, and a prin cipal commander at Crecy 882 Sir William Fitz- Warine, K.G. Gover nor of Montgomery Castle, distinguished in French and Scotch 383 Ralph Lord Neville, of Raby, employed in Scottish wars and in diplomacy 384 Thomas Beauchamp, K.G. (a founderof the order) Earl of War wick, Marshal of Eng land 385 John thurd Baron Wil loughby de Eresby, fought most valiantly at Poitiers 386 SirlRichard de Pem bridge, K.G. fought at Poitiers, Lord War den of Cinque Ports 387 Hugh Courtenay ,second Earl of Devon, distin guished in arms during reign of Edward III. 388 John Lord Neville of Raby, K.G. ; distin- gwished in French wars, Lieutenant-Ge- neral of Aquitaine 1302 1316 c. 1320 1322 1327 1340 1343 1349 York, N.R. Durham Kent Devon Warwick Kent Norfolk Lincoln 1361 Berks 1867 1369 1372 1375 1377 1389 Durham Warwick Lincoln Hereford Devcn Durham Bedale Hurworth Minster in Sheppey Exeter Cathedral Louver Eatington Sandwich, St. Peter's Ingham Spilsby Wantage Durham Cathedral Warwick, Collegiate Church of St. Mary Spilsby Hereford Cathedral Exeter Cathedral Durham Cathedral Effigies of himself, cross-legged, and of his wife Effigy "in stone Altar tomb in recessed niche, cross- legged effigy Cross-legged effigy in freestone under canopy Removed from S. aisle where he was bm-ied to present position naiet the tower arch Removed from Nesham Abbey Much mutilated. There is no tomb, the body having been bm-ied in the Chnich of the Friars Preachers, York. Attribution not certain Altar tomb with' effigy of red sandstone Restored in 1836 Stone effigy on a base made up of ancient fragments Stone effigy under a mural arch, with paintings Stone altar tomb with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife Altar tomb with recumbent effigies of himself and two wives Altar tomb ,of sandstone, with recum bent effigies of himself and Alice de Audley his wife in alabaster Altar tomb with marble effigies of him self and wife Much mutilated, attribu tion not absolutely cer tain Altar tomb with effigy Altar tomb of stone panels and recum bent effigy of alabaster Alabaster high tomb with two effigies See R 41. Altar tomb of sandstone, with recumbent effigies of himself iind Maud do Percy his wife in alabaster Removed, 1774, to pre sent position. Remiiins of a canopy exist. Much mutilated Restored after the fire of Warwick, 1694 Eecently restored and re moved from its original site on S. side of nave Effigies fragmentary. Tomb nearly destroyod. Historical Monuments. 33 Class 7. b. — Marshals, Constables, &c. — continued,. Con- JS?C. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 389 Sir Guy de Bryan, Lord de Bryan, K.G., Stand ard bearer to Edward HI., served with dis tinction in French wars 1391 Gloucester Tewkesbury Abbey Recumbent effigy on stone altar tomb with canopy Much mutilated. 390 Reginald, 2nd Ld. Cob ham of Sterborough, distinguished in French wars, an early adhe rent of K. Hen. IV. 1403 Surrey Lingfield Slab with incised brass effigy 391 Sir Peter Courtenay, K.G., youngest son of Earl Devon, Standard- bearer to Edward IIL, much distinguished in Black Prince's wars 1409 Devon Exeter Cathedral Brass effigy in marble slab Eecently removed from S. side of nave 392 Michael de la Pole, 2ndE. of Suffolk, dis tinguished in French wars 1415 Suffolk Wingfield Altar tomj) nnder canopy, with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife 393 Sir Thomas Camoys, K.G., commanded left wing at Agincourt 1419 Sussex Trotton Brass 394 John Lord Eos of Ham lake, distinguished in French Wars, slain at Beauge 1421 Leicester Bottesford Altar tomb with recumbent effigy of alabaster Eemoved from Belvoir Priory, where he waa buried 395 Sir Thomas le Strange, Constable of the King in Ireland 1426 Warwick Welleshume Flat stone with incised brass effigy in armour 396 Ealph Neville, first Earl of Westmoreland, K.G., Earl Marshal of England, &c. 1426 Durham Staindrop Altar tomlj of alabaster, with recumbent effigies of himself and his two wives. See E. 48. 397 John Fitzalan, K.G., Baron Maltravers and 7th Earl of Arundel, a commander in France 1434 Sussex Arundel Church, Holy Trinity Chapel Altar tomb, Sussex marble 398 Thomas Lord Morley, Marshal of Ireland, served also in France 1435 Norfolk Hengham Church Altar tomb under canopied arch 399 Sir Richard Molyneux, created Knight-Ban neret on the field of Agincom-t. 1439 Lancaster Sefton Marble altar tomb 400 Eiehard Beauchamp, K.G., Eari of War wick, Governor of realm of France 1439 Warwick Collegiate Qiurch of St. Mary Warwick Beauchamp Chapel Purbeck marble altar tomb under a herse, brass effigy with small figures of weepers 401 William Phelip, K.G., LordBardolph, distin guished in French wars ; treasurer of household c. 1440 Suffolk Denuington Altar tomb with recumbent effigies in alabaster of himself and his wife 402 John Talbot, K.G., 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, Marshal of France, famous in the French wars 1453 Salop Whitchurch Monumental effigy Much mutilated 403 Ralph Lord Dacre, slain at Towton 1461 York, W.R. Saxton Tomb of gray marble and Craven lime stone Inscription partly ob literated 404 Su- William Chamber lain, K.G., a com mander in France 1462 Norfolk East Harling Canopied arch over Purbeck slab Brass effigies long lost 405 John Tiptoft, ICG. Earl Worcester, Constable of .England 1470 Cambridge Ely Cathedral Altar tomb and canopy, with effigies of himself and two wives 34 Historical Monuments. Class 7. b. — Marshals, Constables, <&c. — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated). Description of Monument. Remarks. 406 Rhys (the Great) ap Meredydd, Command ed Welsh contingent at Bosworth, &c. C.1485 Denbigh Yspytty Ifan Chm-ch Alabaster effigy Much mutilated 407 Sir Henry Percy, K.G., 4th Earl of Northum berland, Warden of Scottish Marches; em ployed in diplomacy 1489 York, E,R. Beverley Minster Altar tomb of grey marble Effigy lost ' 408 Sir Robert Hai-conrt, K.G.,St Thomas Sutton, founder of Charterhouse 1612 London Charterhouse Chapel Effigy, recumbent, on table, part of high monument 477 Sir Thomas Bodley, Knight, founder of the noble Library bear ing his name 1612 Oxford Merton College Cha pel Mural monument with bust and inscrip tion 478 Henry Smith, Alder man of London, left money to every pa rish in Surrey, except two 1627 Surrey Wandsworth, Saint Mary Mural monument with kneeling effigy of deceased 479 Tobias Rustat, Yeo man of the Robes to CbarlesII., benefactor to Jesus (jollege and University Librarj' 1693 Cambridge Jesus' College Chapel Mural tablet with medallion 480 Nathaniel, Lord Oewe, Bishop of Durham and founder of the &ewe Charities 1721 Northants Steane Marble mural monument 481 John Kyrle, "The Man of Ross" 1724 Hereford Eoss Mural monument with portrait medallion b. — Miscellaneous. 482 483 Llewelyn the Great, Prince of ' North Wales, son-in-law of King John Joan, natural dau. of King John, wife of No. 482 1237 Denbighsh.- Anglesea Llanrwst Beaumaris, detached building Stone coffin, with sculptured sides Coffin-lid Identification doubtful; probably removed from Llanfaes Priory Church now destroyed Historical Monuments. 39 Class 9. — Persons of Note— conimwed. Con- sec.No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated.) Description of Monument. Remarks. 484485 486 48T 488 489 490491492 498 494495 496497 498 499 500 Owen GwyneddjPrince of N. Walea Eobert de Vere, Earl of Oxford ; a Baron ap pointed to enforce Magna Charta William Longespee, Earl of Salisbury, natural son of Henry IL by the Fair Rosa mond William Ferrers,, Earl of Derby, or his son of the same name Robert Bruce of An- nandale, competitor forthe Crown of Scot land, 1286 Sir Arnold de Gava- ston, father of Piers de Gavaston Aymer deValence,half- nephew to Heniy IIL Ealph de Salopia, Bp. of Bath and WeUs, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, and Chan cellor of the University of Oxford Sir John Montacute, present at Crecy, Steward of the House hold. Sent to bring over Queen Anne of Bohemia Sir Eobert Fulshurst, one of the Esquires of Lord Audley at Poi tiers Thomas, Lord Hunger- ford, one of the first Speakers of the House of Commons, elected 51 Edw. III. Grown Fychan ap Tudor, J ( Snowdon, Constable of Beau- Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, K.G., Governor to Richard II. Richard Fleming, Bp. of Lincoln, who ex ecuted the Decree of Council of Constance, 1425, and cast Wick- liffe's remains into the Swift John Throckmorton, Sub-Treasurer of England Alice, dau. of Thomas Chancer and wife of WUliam de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk Humphry, Lord Dacre of the North, em ployed in various ser vices by Edward IV. Camarvon 1221 1226 1247 1254 1295 1302 1323 1363 1389 Wilts > Warwick York, N. E. Hants Bangor Cathedral Hatfield Broad Oak Salisbury Cathedral Merevale Church Gisborough Priory Winchester Cathe dral Middlesex Westminster Abbey Somerset WUts Wells Cathedral Salisbury Cathedral 1390 Chester 1398 C.1400 1401 1480 1445 1475 1485 Somerset Anglesea Warwick Lincoln Bartholomy Farley Hungerford, chapel of the castle Penmynydd Stone effigy on a sarcophagus. Cross-legged effigy Altar tomb of wood, coloured and gilt, with recumbent effigy in marbDe Remains of stone effigy Altar tomb, with sculptured figures Cross-legged effigy in armour Altar tomb with recumbent canopy Recumbent effigy of alabaster Altar tomb, with effigy Altar tomb, with recumbent effigy in stone Altar tomb of freestone vrith effigies of himself and wife Altar tomb, with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife Not contemporary ; attii- bution doBbtf III It is doubtful to wthich of these Earls it belongs Eemoved from original position in the choir of the dissolved monastery This monument is' one of the best examples of medieval sculpture now existing Collegiate Church of St. Mary's, War wick Lincoln Cathedral Worcester Oxford Cumberland Fladbury Ewelme Lanercost Priory GUt brass plates with effigies of the Earl and his wife all that remain Altar tomb with effigy having an arched opening to display the emaciated figure of Bishop within Marble altar tomb with inlaid brass effigies Alabaster high tomb with e'ffigy Monument to himself and his wife Somerset Lately repaired at tbe expense of H.M. Queen Victoria. A model of judicious restoration The original tomb was destroyed by fire, 1694 The Order of the Garter is affixed to her ai-m. A fine monument 40 Historical Monuments. Class 9. — Persons of Note — continued. William Caxton, first Printer in England Sir Giles Daubeny, Chamberlain to Hen. VIL, and Lieut, of Calais • Sir John Oocker, Cup and Standard-bearer to K. Edw. IV., dis tinguished in sup pressing Perkin War- beck's RebeUion Sii- William Weston, last Prior of St. John's Jane (Guilford), wi dow of John Dudley, Duke of Northum berland, K.G. John, Lord Williams of Thame, Treasurer of Augmentations, Chamberlain to King Philip, Lord President of Wales Richard Bertie, Esq., and his wife Catherine Willoughby, Baroness Willoughby of Eresby. She was widow (fourth wife) of Charles Bran don, first Duke of Suffolk Sir Henry Bedingfield, Kt., Marshal and Con stable of tbe Tower under Queen Mary I. John Daye, Printer Eobert Dudley, K.G., Earl of Leicester, favourite of Qaeen Elizabeth Sir Francis Knollys, K.G., Treasurer of Household, and had the custody of Mary Queeu of Scots at Bolton Elizabeth Hardwick, Countess of Shrews bury, had with her husband (No. 427) the custody of Mary Q. of Scots at Chats worth and Sheffield .Iohn Lord Lumley, a learned nobleman, sate on tbe trial of Mary Q. of Scots Sir Henry Lee, K.G., Champion to Queen Elizabeth Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, son of the Protector Duke of Somerset ; was com mitted to the Tower for marrying Lady Catherine Grey with out the Queen's con sent George Carew, Earl of Totnes, President of Munster, temp. James I., and collector of the Carew MSS. now at Lambeth Sir Heneage Finch, Serjeant-at-Law, Ee- corder of London, Speaker of the House of Commons Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, K.G., em ployed in military and civil service, and Pre sident of Munster Ob. A.D. 1491 1507 1508 15401555 1559 15821580 1583 1584 1588 1596 1607 1609 1610 1621 County. 1629 1631 1643 MiddlesexIbid.Devon MiddlesexIhid.Oxford Lincoln Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated.) Norfolk Suffolk Warwick Oxford Derby Surrey BucksWilts Warwick Kent Wilts Westminster, St. Mar garet Westminster Abbey Yealmton ClerkenwellChel&a Old Church Thame Spilsby Oxburgh Little Bradley Warwick, St. Mary's Collegiate Church Eotherfield Greys Derby, All Saints' CheamQuarrendon Chapel Salisbury Cathedral Stratford-on-Avon Eiistwell Description of Monument. Dauntsey Mural tablet Marble altar tomb with two recumbent effigies Brass plate, with effigy and inscription Skeleton in a shroud, lying on matting in recess Canopied tomb, with small brass plates in the wall White marble tomb, with effigy of him self and one of his wives Large stone monument, forming a screen between Willoughby Chapel and N. aisle of church, and containing busts Altar tomb, under Corinthian canopy of marble Brass Alabaster and marble mm-al monument Table monument and black marble canopy, with effigies Mural monument, with a recumbent effigy within a recess High mural monument of marble Sarcophagus, with effigy Remarks. Erected by the Eoxburghe Club in the present cen tury Marble monument, with self and his wife effigies of him- Altar tomb, marble and alabaster, with effigies of himself and his countess under a canopy Mural monument of white marble, with bust White marble altar tomb Brass plate, with kneeling effigies, has been lost The plate of Duchess and five daughters remains ; the other plate gone Much mutilated, and iu danger from ruinous state of chapel Historical Monuments. 41 Class 9. — Persons of Note — continued. Con- sec. No. Name. Ob. A.D. County. Place. (Parish Church, unless otherwise stated.) Description of Monument. Remarks. 519 Edmund, Eail of Mul grave, K.G., Lord President of the North 1646 Middlesex Hammersmith Altar tomb 520 John Tradescaiit, sen. and John Tradescant, jun.. Naturalists a,nd Travellers 16521662 Sun-ey Lambeth, St. Mary's Churchyard Raised tomb, with scnlptnres 521 John Fiuch, Baron Finch of Fordwich, Speaker of H. of Com mons at the Ship- Money Debates 1660 Kent Canterbury, St. Mar tin's Mural monument 522 Honora de Burgh, dau. of Richard Earl of Clanricarde, 2nd wife of John 5th Marquis of Winchester, de fended Basing House 1661 Berks Englefield Black marble slab, with inscription 523 Henry CromweU, son of the Protector, Lieu tenant of Ireland 1678 Cambridge Wicken Marble slab 524 John Powlet, 5th Mar quis of Winchester. Held Basing House four years long for K. Chas. I. 1674 Berks Englefield Inscribed mural tablet English epitaph by Drydea 525 Anne Clift'ord, Countess of Pembroke and Mont gomery , a learned lady 1675 Westmore land Appleby Altar tomb, and mural monument 526 John Lord Mordaunt, active for the Restora tion of Charles II. 1675 Middlesex Fulham Marble statue in Eoman costume .527 Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, commonly reputed to have been assassinated by the persons concerned in the "Popish Plot" 1678 Ibid. Westminster Abbey Cloister Inscription on a. mural tablet originally erected to the memory of his father 528 Henry Mnvtin. rhf Re gicide 1680 Monmouth Chepstow Inscribed slab in Chancel pavement 529 WiUiam RusseU, 1st Duke of Bedford, fought at F/lgobill and Ncwbui-y 1700 Bucks Chenies Large monument to himself, his wife, and their children. A medallion por trait of the famous William Lord Eus seU, his son, is included in this monu ment 5.TO John Sheflield, K.G., Duke of Buckingham and Normanby . served in the army under Charles II., Lord Pre sident and Privy Seal, temp. Anne, writcj- of prose and \er.«e i720 Middlesex Westminster Abbey Mural monument of marble, with figures 63] Henry, i»tli Earl of Pembroke, held many offices of Stiito under ¦ Georgell. 1751 Wilts WUton Marble bust 42 TABLE B.— Local Arrangement ofthe Monuments comprised in Table A. *,,* The letter R prefixed to the numbers denotes the Eegal Series. Where no letter occurs the reference is to the Historical Series. BEDFORDSHIRE. Place (ja the Parish Church unless otherwise stated). Particulars of Site. Name of Person commemorated. Nature of the Monument. Reference to Table A. Bedford, St. Paul's Eyworih South side Sir William Harper Sir Edmund Anderson Brass slab and marble monument High monument with effigies of him self and wife 470, 117 BERKSHIRE. Aldworth Sir Nicholas de la Beche Eeclining effigy in stone 143 Bisham — Sir Philip and Sir Thomas Hobye ( Monument with two effigies in white ( marble 148149 Englefield John 5th Marquis of Winchester Mural tablet 524 Honora Marchioness of Winchester Black marble tombstone 522 Faringdon Sir Henry Unton Mural tablet with Corinthian columns 154 Longworth Chancel wall Sir Henry Marten Mm-al monument 235 Newbury Chancel John Smallwood (alias Winchcojnbe) Brass plate with effigy 455 Pangbourne — Sir John Davis Stone monument with effigy 432 Windsor, St. George's Chapel Beaufort Chapel CJharles Somerset, 1st E. of Worcester Altar tomb with effigies of himself and first wife, in stone 417 Bray C!hapel Giles Tomson, Bishop of Gloucester Bust with inscription 200 5 ). Daniel Waterland, D.D. Black marble slab with inscription 215 5> 5) Lincoln Chapel Edward Clinton, Earl of Lincoln Altar tomb -with recumbent effigies of , himself and Elizabeth his countess, in alabaster 359 ¦» 51 Eutland Chapel Anne, Duchess of Exeter, with ^ir Thomas St. Leger, her second husband ' Engraved plate of copper gUt R.70 59 55 55 55 George Manners, Lord Eoos, and Anne his wife Effigies in brass on an altar tomb 412 55 55 North of Com munion-table King Edward IV. Iron screen known as the monument of that King E.11 5> 55 — Francis Junius Inscribed mural tablet of marble 281 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. BeaconsfieldBletchley, Fenny Stratfor ^, Joseph Addison Marble effigy on pedestal 337 )> J) ^, Robert South Marble mural monument with effigy 213 3> 33 55 Richard Busby do. do. 282 N. aisle of choir Henry Purcell Marble mural monument 845 • 55 55 John Blow, Mus. Doc. do. do. 346 33 33 55 55 William Croft, Mus. Doc- Marble mural monument with bust 347 3J 3) S. aisle of choir Sir Cloudesly Shovel Marble mural monument with recum bent effigy 365 33 3) 55 55 Sir Godfrey Kneller Marble monument with bust 842 33 33 55 55 Sir Thomas Richardson Marble mural monument with bust 121 jy 55 John Methuen Marble mural monument 161 33 33 Nave, choir screen Sir Isaac Newton Marble mural monument with effigy 294 33 33 55 James, Earl Stanhope do. do. 174 33 3> „ N. aisle John Woodward ¦ Marble mural monument 295 3) •! „ S. aisle Sidney, Earl of- Godolphin Marble bust 102 ¦ 33 33 55 Thomas Sprat, D.D., Bishop of Rochester Marble mural monument 211 53 ' 33 5T George Augustus Viscount Howe Do. do. 449 ?> 33 55 William Congreve Mural monument with medallion in high relief 826 J3 33 55 Sir Thomas Hardy Marble mural monument with effigy 368 33 3* Baptistery James Craggs Marble pedestal and statue 141 33 33 Cloister George Vertue Mural tablet with epitaphs of himself and wife 848 33 33 55 Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey Mural tablet, originally erected to his father, with epitaph for Sir E. added 527 Westminster, St. James S. aisle Thomas Sydenham, M.D. Marble mural monument, irith Latin inscription 247 33 Churchyard William Vandervelde Inscribed gravestone 341 33 33 S. wall of tower Thomas D'Urfey Inscribed mural tablet 325 Westminster, St. Margaret William Caxton Do. do. 501 MONMOUTHSHIRE. Chepstow Heurv Martin Inscribed slab in chancel pavement NOEFOLK. Ashwell Thorpe Harling, East Hengham Houghton Ingham Norwich, Cathedral „ St. Andrew's „ St. Peter Mancroft OxburghOxneadTittleshaU East end of N. aisle Chancel, in wall be tween chancel and N. chantrey N. wall of chancel Chancel, N. side Presbytery, S. side Chancel, S. wall CJhancel, N. wall Sir Edmund de Thorpe, Kt., and Joan his wife Sir William Chamberlain, K.G., and Ann his wife Thomas Lord Morley Sir Robert Wsilpole, K.G., Earl of Orford Sir Oliver Ingham Jaraes Goldwell, Bp. of Norwich Sir John Suckling Sir Thomas Browne, M.D. Sir Henry Bedingfield Clement Paston Su- Edward Coke, Ifnt., Lord Chief Justice Altar tomb with alabaster recumbent effigies Purbeck slab under canopy Altar tomb of stoue under canopied arch Marble statue with inscription Stone effigy under arch Altar tomb of stone Stone monument with recumbent effigy Mural tablets with inscription Altar tomb under marble canopy Marble tomb with alabaster effigy Altar tomb with recumbent effigy and reredos Monuments locally arranged. . 51 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Place (in the Parish Church unless otherwise stated)'. Particnlars of Site. Name of Person Commemorated. Nature of the Monument. Reference to Table A. Ashby St. Legers Within altav rails Sir WUliam Catesby, Minister of Richard III. Incised brass 166 Deen — Sir Eobert Brudenell Altar tomb with three effigies of ala baster of himself and two wives 110 Easton Mauduit — Sir Christopher Yelverton Large monument with canopy, and effigies of himself and his family 226 55 55 — Sir Henry Yelverton Monument uuder an arch, with recum bent effigies of himself and wife 232 Fotheringhay N. side of Communion table Edward Duke of York Altar tomb of stone R. .50 55 S.sideof Communion table Richard Plantagenet Duke of York, and Cicelv Neville his wife Do. do. R. 30^31 Peterborough Cathedral N. choir aisle Queen Katharine of Aragon Blue stone with inscription E. 26 Stamford Baron, St. Martin Between N. aisle and Sir WiUiam CecU, K.G., 1st Lord Altar tomb, recumbent effigy, and 93 chancel Burghley canopy, in marbles and stone William Wissing Mural tablet 340 Steane W. waU Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham Marble mural monument 480 Weekly Sir Edward Montague Altar tomb with recumbent ' effigy in judge's robes 112 NORTHUMBERLAND. Chillingham Hexham Abbey Ealph Lord Grey de Powis Alfwold King of Northumberland Altar tomb, with recumbent effigy of himself and wife in alabaster Tomb raised two feet above level of floor 409 E.20 SouthweU Minster North Transept NOTTINGHAM. Edwin Sandys Archbishop of York Alabaster high tomb with recumbent effigy 37 OXFORDSHIRE. Blenheim Palace, Private John ChurchiU, K.G., Duke of Marble monument 448 Chapel Burford Chapel, N. side Marlborough Sir Laurence Tanfield Large coloured monument with effigy of himseU and wife 229 Cassington Dorchester Nave, S. wall Thomas Nele, D.D. Mural brass 19T Chancel, S. side Sir John de Stonore Table monument and recumbent effigy Alabaster tomb with effigy, a skeleton below 105 Ewelme 55 yj AUce, Duchess of Suffolk 49» Glympton Chancel, S. wall Thomas Tesdale, Esq. Black marble monument and brass effigy 475 Oxford, Christchurch Cathedral S. side Eobert King, D.D. Purbeck marble monument with canopy Bust 195 Lady Chapel Eobert Burton 332 Thomas Aldrich, Dean of Christ Monument with bust, &c. 284 church 55 5* Nave George Berkeley, D.D., Bishop of Cloyne Inscribed stone over grave, and monu ment against a pillar 298 Pillar of nave, S. Thomas Tanner, D.D., Bishop of Marble tablet 272 side St. Asaph „ St. John's Coll. Chapel Chancel William Laud, Archbishop of Can terbury Sir Thomas White Plain st9ne with brass plate 21 Inscribed stone 469 William Juxon, Archbishop of Can Inscribed stone 22 terbury Merton Coll. Chapel Ante chapel Anthony a Wood Marble mural monument 265 W. waU Sir Thomas Bodley Mural monument and bust 477 ',' New'CoUege Chapel Ante chapel Thomas Oanley, Archbishop of Dublin Brass plate with effigy 187 St. Peter-in-the-East Churchyard Thomas Heame Table monument with slab containing epitaph 271 „ Trinity CoU. Chapel N. wall Sir Thomas Pope Marble monument with effigies of himself and wife 46S 52 Monuments locally arranged. Oxford shire — continued. Place (in the Parish Church unless otherwise stated). Particulars ot Site. Name of Person Commemorated. Nature of the Monument. Reference to Table A. Rotherfield Greys Chapel, N. side Sir Francis Knollys, K.G. Table monument with black marble canopy, and effigies of himself and wife 511 Stanton Harcourt Chapel, S. of chancel Sir Eobert Harcourt, K.B. Altar tomb with recumbent effigy 408 Simon Harcourt, Lord Chancellor Marble monument 81 Steeple Aston Chapel, N. side Sir Francis Page, Judge of K.B. Marble monument with effigy 241 Thame Chancel John Lord Williams of Thame White marble tomb with effigy .506 55 Chapel, S. side Eiehard Quatremayne Purbeck altar tomb with effigies in brass of himself and wife 164 Waterstock Chancel Sir George Croke Monument with effigy 234 Wolvercot N. aisle John, Walter, Chief Baron of Ex chequer Alabaster effigies of self, wives, and children 231 Wroxton Chancel Sir Francis North Lord Guilford Plain slab with inscription 78 RUTLAND. Lynden Eev. William Whiston Headstone inserted in the wall SHROPSHIRE. Burford Shrewsbury, Abbey Church Whitchurch Elizabeth of Lancaster, Duchess of Exeter Eobert de Charleton John Talbot, 1st E. of Shrewsbm-y Under a pointed arch a. recumbent effigy in stone Recumbent effigy in judge's robes in stone Monument with effigy SOMERSETSHIRE. BeckingtonBridgewater, St. Mary's Bristol, St. Mary Redcliffe „ Cathedral Farley Hungerford Frome Selwood, St. John's UminsterWellingtonWells Cathedral , Yatton N. aisle Chm-chyard S. transept S. .side of Choir Under arch separat ing Chantry Cha pel from nave Churchyard, under E. window N. transept Choir, N. aisle Choir, S. aisle Chapel of St. John S. transept Chantry Chapel, N. side of nave Wyke Chapel Samuel Danyell John Oldmixon WiUiam Canynges Joseph Butler, D.D., Bp. of Bristol Thomas Lord Ilungerford Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and WeUs Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham Sir John Popham, Knight Ralph de Salopia, Bishop of Bath and Wells John Harewell, Bishop of Bath and Wells Thoraas de Bekyngton, Bishop of Bath and WeUs John Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells WiUiam de Marchia, Bishop of Bath and Wells Nicholas Bubwith, Bishop of Bath and Wells Sir Bichard Newton, Chief Justice Mural stone slab Stone altar tomb Altar tomb, with recumbent effigies in alabaster of himself and wife Mural tablet of Painswick stone Freestone altar tomb with effigies Flat stone slab with iron crozier, and canopy of stone Stone altar tomb witb effigies in brass Stone canopied Jacobean monument Alabaster recumbent effigy Alab.«ister recumbent effigy Monument with recumbent effigy and emaciated figm-e Altar tomb and canopy Freestone rccumlient effigy under re cessed arch Freestone kneeling effigy Altar tomb with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife STAFFORDSHIRE. Lichfield Cathedral S. Choir aisle, .3rd Bay Choir, S. side John Hacket, Bishop of Lichfield Walter de Langton, Bishop of Lichfield Tomb with stone effigy, coloured Purbeck marble effigy Monuments locally arranged. 53 SUFFOLK. Place (in the Parish Church unless otherwise stated). Particulars of Site. Name of Person Commemorated. Nature of the Monument. Reference t» Table .4. Barrow Chancel, S. side Sir Clement Heigham, Chief Baron of Exchequer Petworth marble monument and canopy with effigy 222 Bradley, Little — John Daye Brass plate 509 Bury St. Edmunds, St. Mary Chancel Mary, Queen Dowager of France and Duchess of Suffolk, third daughter of Henry VII. Altar stone with five crosses E. 62 Denuington ^ Sir W. Phelip Lord Bardolf Altar tomb with recumbent effigies in alabaster of himself and wife 401 Elmswell S. aisle, E. end Sir Eobert Gardiner Marble monument under canopy, with effigy Stone monument with inscription 228 Euston Henry Bennett, 1st Earl of Arlington 189 Framlingham N. wall, N. aisle Henry Earl of Surrey Monument with coloured marbles 302 Fressingfield Churchyard William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury Black marble tomb with inscription 24 Hadleigh Pillar of church Eowland Taylor Brass plate 194 55 Chancel David Wilkins, D.D. Gravestone 276 Halesworth „ Sir Henry Bedingfield Mural monument 126 Hengrave Chapel N. side of chancel Sir Thomas Kytson Marble and freestone altar tomb and canopy on pillars 45G Orford N. aisle Eev. Francis Mason Marble kneeling effigy 255 Redgrave — Sir John Holt, C.J. Marble monument with effigy 127 Saxham, Great Chaneel, S. side John Eldred Bust in a niche, brass plate on pave ment Tablet and bust 461 Somerleyton Chancel, S. wall Sh- Thomas AUin, Bart., Admiral 364 Wingfield „ N. side John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, and Elizabeth his wife Large altar tomb, two effigies of ala baster R. 71 55 55 55 Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk Altar tomb with recumbent effigies in stone 392 SURREY. Battersea, St. Mary's Gallery, N. waU Henry St.John, Viscount Boling broke John Lord Lumley Grey and white marble, with medallion 177 Cheam A detached building Mural monument of various marbles 513 in the Churchyard, an aisle of the old Church Croydon, St. John Baptist S. chapel, under a William Wake, Abp. of Canterbury Brass coffin plate let into the pavement 27 55 55 55 pew S. aisle, S. wall John Whitgift, Abp. of Canterbury Black and white marble sarcophagus with effigy 19 55 51 Gilbert Sheldon, Abp. of Canterbury Black and white marble altar tomb 23 55 55 55 with recumbent effigy in white raarble Placed in vault under Edmund Grindal, Abp. of Canter Marble base, sarcophagus, entablature 18 55 55 55 organ bury and painted effigy Dulwich College Chapel Chancel . Edward AUeyne Inscribed marble slab 349 Egham Nave, E. wall Sir Robert Foster, C.J. Alabaster pedestal inscribed, with bust 123 Guildford, Trinity S. aisle, E. wall George Abbot, Abp. of Canterbury Altar tomb, recumbent effigy under canopy 20 Lambeth, St. Mary's Chancel Thomas Tenison, Abp. of Canter bury Matthew Hutton, Abp. of Canter bury Elias Ashmole Black marble slab 20 55 55 Chancel, N. wall White marble slab 28 . Pavement at entrance Black marble slab 263 of Vestry door 55 55 Churchyard John Tradescant, sen. and jun. Raised tomb with sculptures, and marble slab for epitaph 520 „ Palace Chapel Ante Chapel Matthew Parker, Abp. of Canter bury Purbeck marble tomb with brass plate and inscription 17 Lingfield N. aisle, E. end Reginald, 1st Lord Cobham of Ster- Marble altar tomb with recumbent 854 ¦ borough effigy 55 55 Reginald, 2nd Lord Cobham of Ster Slab with inlaid brass effigy 390 " borough Ockham Mausoleum in churchyard Peter Lord King, Baron Ockham Sitting statue in white marble ¦ 82 Richmond, St. Mary Magda On wall below the James Thomson Brass plate 380 lene galleiy at W. end of N. aisle Soulhwark, St. Saviour'^ Choir, pavement John Fletcher Plain stone 306 55 55 PhUip Massinger 55 55 312 55 ^^ Lady Chapel, W. end Lancelot Andrews, Bp. of Winton Stone altar tomb 201 55 55 S. transept, E. side John Gower Stone altar tomb with recumbent effigy 801 55 , 55 Walton-on-Thames Chancel, N. wall WiUiam Lilly Stone slab 288 Wandsworth, Saint Mary's S. chancel, E. wall Henry Smith Stone mural monument with kneeling effigy White marble tablet 478 West Horsley Wotton, St. John the Evan St. Nicholas Chapel S ir Edward Nicholas 137 N. chancel, N. side Johu Evelyn Coffin-shaped tomb of freestone, ¦^^'hite 386 gelist marble top 0 54 Monuments locally arranges. SUSSEX. Place (in the Parish Church unless otherwise stated). Particulars Of Site. Name of Person Commemorated. Nature of the Monument. Reference to Table A. -Arundel, Holy Trinity Chapel — Thomas Fitzalan, 5th Earl of Arundel of that line Monument of marble with effigies in alabaster of hunself and his Countess 90 n - 55 — John Fitzalan, K.G., Baron Mal travers and 7th Earl of Arundel Sussex marble altar tomb 397 Battle Chancel Sir Anthony Browne, K.G. White marble altar tomb 147 Broadwater Chancel, N. side Thomas West, Lord de la Warre, KG. St. Richard de la Wych, Bishop of Caen stone altar tomb 416 Chichester Cathedral Behind choir Caen stone altar tomb 181 Chichester N. aisle WiUiam CoUins Marble figure in alto relievo 331 Arundel Chapel, N. Richard Fitzalan, Srd Earl of Caen stone tomb with recumbent 355 side of nave Arundel effigies of himself and his countess S. wall of S. cloister WiUiam Chillingworth Mural tablet 203 Easebourne Chapel on S. side of Anthony Browne, K.G., Viscount Altar tomb of Caen stone with effigy 152 chancel Montagu of alabaster 3Jewes, Southover, St. Thomas Chapel on S. side Gundrada de Warren Marble slab of ancient altar tomb E. 88 Trotton Floor Sir Thomas Camoys, K.G. Brass plate 393 Winchelsea, St. Thomas Choir, S. side Gervase Alard Caen stone and Purbeck marble, cano pied tomb 351 5 55 Choir, S. side Stephen Alard Caen stone and Purbeck marble tomb 352 WARWICKSHIRE. Oompton Wyniate N. waU Hon. Sir William Compton Marble mural mDunment 441 Eatington, Lower, Ancient S. transept Sir Ealph Shirley Altar tomb of Kenilworth stone with 378 Church effigy Merevale — WiUiam de Ferrers, Earl of Derby Eemains of stone effigy 487 Shustoke Chancel, N. side Sir William Dugdale Stone altar tomb and mm-al tablet 260 Stratford-on-Avon, Holy Trinity Chancel, N. side William Shakspeare Stone slab and mural monument 384 N. aisle, E. end George Carew, Earl of Totnes Altar tomb with effigies aud canopy 516 Sutton Coldfield Chancel, N. side John Harman, alias Voysey, Bp. of Exeter Tomb with effigy 167 Warwick, CioUegiate Church of Beauchamp Chapel, Eiehard Beauchamp, E. of War Purbeck marble altar tomb, effigy of 400 St. Mary's S. of choir wick, K.G. brass 55 55 55 55 Eobert Dudley, E. of Leicester, K.G. Marble and alabaster mural monu ment Painted marble altar tomb ¦ 510 55 55 55 55 Ambrose Dudley, E. of Warwick, K.G. Thomas Beauchamp, E. of War 426 55 55 Choir Altar tomb with white marble effigies 384 wick, K.G. of himself and wife 55 55 Choir, N. side, for merly Chapter House Fulk GrevUle, Lord Brook Marble altar tomb and canopy 433 55 _ 55 S. transept Thomas Beauchamp, E. of War wick, K.G. Brass plates of Earl and Countess 496 Welleshume — Sir Thomas Le Strange, Kt. Brass plate in flat stone 395 Weston-under-Weatherly N. aisle, E. end Sir Edward Saunders, C. J. Kneeling effigies of himself and wife iu stone 114 Appleby Kirkby Stephen lowther WESTMORELAND. N. aisle of chancel Wharton Aisle S. transept Anne Clifford, only daughter of George, Earl of Cumberland Thomas Lord Wharton John Lowther, first Vise. Lonsdale Altar tomb and mural monument Caen stone altar tomb with recumbent effigy of himself and two wives Marble mural monument WILTSHIRE. North Bradley Dauntsey^