MAR ^ '? i930 _ .„-,-r iirmi-' :j!^^/a^-" „-.r. LffelK-Wt -.4'^Ialogical ski '-r.-^- OFiiif?Ai^iK:oF , -1 - '( A GENEALOGICAL SKETCH OF THE FAMILY OF ARTHUR STEVENSON Born 1751, Died 1821 BY DR. JOHN R. STEVENSON FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY H. E. DEATS ^J>> 1903 4:^499 V # . -, Two hundred copies reprinted from Volume Nine of the Jerseyman by Anihony Killgore, Printer, Flemington, N. J. In the genealogy of Thomas Stevenson and his descendants on pages 65, 66 and 67 is given a brief sl^etch of Samuel Stevenson, of Hunterdon County, a grandson of Gov. Samuel Jenings by his daughter Sarah, who was the wife of Thomas Stevenson, third, who migrated from Newtown, Long Island, to Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Samuel Stevenson married in Abingdon, in the latter county and state, on 3d day, 8th mo., 1730, Elizabeth, daughter of Arthur Searle. The births of six of his children, the last taking place in 1742, are recorded in the books of the Middle- town Friends' Meeting in Pennsylvania. Before this latter date he had removed into Bethlehem Townsliip, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where he was a voter in 1738- Here be became attached to the Quakertown Friends' Meeting, by a certificate from Middletown, dated lOth day, 7th mo., 1718, in whicli records few births are recorded and none credited to Samuel and Elizabeth Stevenson. It is not likely that the six children whose births are projaerly recorded as born to a man 32 years of age, with a wife as young as himself were all he had, for he lived many years longer. On August 10, 1758, Samuel Stevenson signed a deed for some proper ty in which he describes himself as the "oldest son and heir-at- law of Thomas Stevenson, deceased, late of Bucks County." As he died intestate his oldest son, Thomas, under the English law_ inherited his property and nothing was left to the second son, Samuel, born 29th daj', 6 mo., 1742, nor to the supposed son, Arthur Stevenson, born in 1751. These were left to seek their fortune in New Jersey or elsewhere. In the graveyard at Sennett, Cayuga County, New York, are two tombstones bearing inscriptions, one to the memory of "Arthur Stevenson, died Nov. 1st, 1821, aged 70 years" ; the other to "Rachel, his wife, died July 9, 1852, aged 92 years, 5 months and 27 days." The traditions of Arthur Stevenson's family are that he married Rachel Yard prior to 1785, in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, and lived there until about 1815, wlien he removed to New York. All of his children were certainly born there. There was a considerable migration from that section after the Revolutionary war into Canada and Western New York. The people had been harassed and impoverished by the marching and counter marching of the British troops across that section of the country, and many sought homes in tlie newly opened country westward. Rachel Yard was probably the great-granddaughter of "Wm. Yard,* who in 1688 came to America from near Exeter, Devonshire, England, settling in Philadelphia. About 1700 he removed to Trenton, N. J., then known as the "Falls of tlie Delaware," and "in 1712 bought of Mahlon Stacy, two acres of land on Second, now ¦•¦•New Jersey Archives, Vol. XIX, p. 394. state Street. He also bought other large tracts of land, so that when a name was to be given to the place, it was a question whether it should be called Yard-town or Trent-town." In 1715 he was keeping a public house there. From* the old county records we learn that the Hunterdon County Court, in 1719, was held at the house of William Yard, this being the first time that the County Court had ever convened in Trenton. At the May term of this Court, in 1738, William Yard applied for a license to keep a tavern in Trenton. The next year the newly created Board of Freeholders of Hunterdon County, met in this town and adjourned for one hour to the house of William Yard. His will is dated February 14, 1742, and mentions several children. One of these, Joseph Yard, was appointed Clerk of the Board of Freeholders at its above named session in 1739. In 1754, he was elected a member of the 19th New Jersey Assembly from Hunterdon County, and served until 1761. He died in 1763. A William Yard (second or third) is mentioned in a deposition of one Patrick O'Hanlon, published in the New York Gazette of October 2, 1752, in which he deposes, among other matters, that on the 26th day of July, previous, he had met William Yard on the road from Bristol to Trenton. In the Pennsylvania Gazette for April, 1753, is an advertise ment ot a lottery for the purpose of affording education to the poor. It-I- begins, "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, sons of some of the principal families in and around Trenton, ad vertise to start a lottery to build an English and Grammar school on the S. E. corner of the Meeting House yard, in Trenton, under the direction of Messrs. Josepli Reed, Benjamin Yard, Alexander and John Chambers." Benjamin Yard was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1778, and reappointed in 1784. tArchibald William Yard, born in 1730, died in Trenton in 1810, leaving nine children. Captain Thomas Yard was an officer^ in the 2d New Jersey •s-Snell's History of Hunterdon Co., N. J., page 196. tNew Jersey Archives, Vol. XIX, p. 191. tVVoodward's Mercer Co. History, p. 732, etc. ^The records of the Adjutant General's office at Trenton, N. J., show that Thomas Yard was commissioned First Lieutenant, Second Company (Captain Joseph Brearley), Second Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line, Colonel William Maxwell, Commanding, October 28. 1775. for o"^ year; served with the Battalion in the Expedition to Canada and took part in'the operations before Quebec, May and June. 1776 ; took part in the battle of Three Rivers. Canada, June 8, 1776, and with the Battalion re turned to New Jersey for discharge, November, 1776. Was commissioned Captain, Fourth Company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment. New Tersev Continental Line (Colonel Israel Shreeve, Commanding) November 29, 1776 "for the war; took part in the battles of Short Hills, New Jersey, June 26, ,__-'. Br;indywine. Delaware, September 11, 1777 ; White Horse Tavern, near Philadelphia, Pennsvlvahia, September 27 1777; Germantown, Pennsylvania, Continental Regiment, and served during the Revolutionary war. Arthur and Rachel Stevenson's children were : I. Edward. II. Thomas. III. Samuel. ^V: Sr^^'""" j Twins, bom October 28, 1793. VI. Rebecca, born April 13, 1785. VII. Elizabeth, died unmarried. VIII. Sarah, married William Hall. Had a daughter married Hull. IX. Amy, married George Trimmer and lived in New Jersey. He was of German descent, Johannes and Matthias Trimmer having been naturalized by an act of the New Jersey • Assembly, passed December 8, 1744, to enable them to hold real estate, without which authority any property they owned would have been escheated to the Crown. Edward Stevenson. No. 1. Edward Stevenson, son of Arthur and Rachel Stevenson, removed from New Jersey to Eldredge, New York, and from thence to Sharon, Michigan He died in 1843, in Grass Lake, in the latter State. He inarried first, Mary Large,* and second, Laray. Had issue : By the flrst wife. X. John Stevenson, married Phoebe Stafford, lived in Kingston, Canada. He was a member of the Dominion Parliment. XI. Arthur Stevenson, wife Martha, lived in Cayuga County, New York. XII. Samuel L. Stevenson, born May 8, 1814, married Rebecca Young, lived in New Jersey. XIII. Sarah Stevenson, married Porter Withey, his second wife. Had a daughter, Sarah Withey. By the second wife. XIV. Charles Stevenson. Governor of Nevada in 1889. XV. Edward Stevenson. Governor of Idaho in 1889. XVI. Mary Elizabeth Stevenson. XVII. Adelaide Stevenson. October 4. 1777; served until December 31, 1777. There is also of record a Thomas Yard who served as Storekeeper in the Quartermaster General's De partment. New Jersey Militia ; also a Thomas Yard who served as Issuing Forage Master, Commissary-General's Department, New Jersey Militia, at Trenton, New Jersey, March 31, 1779; also served as Forage Master; but there is nothing to show that these were the same man. -»The minutes of the Quakertown (Kingwood) Meeting note that "Elder Robert Large died on the 27th day, nth mo, 1774, having been from his youth up of a quiet and peaceful spirit and a diligent attender of our religious meetings." Thomas Stevenson. No. 2. Thomas Stevenson, son of Arthur and Rachel Steven son, married Mercy Polhemus. He died April 21, 1831. Had issue : XVIII. Mary Stevenson, married Capt. Abijah Olmstead (his first wife.) Had issue : Myron and Theresa Olmstead. XIX. Polhemus Stevenson. XX. Arthur Stevenson. XXT. Theodore Stevenson. Samuel Stevenson. No. 3. Samuel Stevenson, son of Arthur and Rachel Steven son, married Hannah Hall. Had issue : XXII. Thomas Stevenson, died unmarried. XXIII. Katharine Stevenson, married John de Camp. Had issue : a. Samuel de Camp. b. Georgiana de Camp. c. Cornelia de Camp, married Phillips. XXIV. James Stevenson, married Mary Bidwell, of Cayuga County, New York. Had issue : a. Rev. Halsey B. Stevenson, born February 9th, 1854, grad uated from Williams College in 1878 and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1881. He married in Cornwall, New York, October 6, 1881, Ellen Maria, daughter of James G. and Caroline Matilda (Clark) Roe, and brother of the novelist, E. P. Roe. b. George Stevenson. c. Henry Stevenson. d. Emma Stevenson, married Rev. Mr.- Jones. e. Katharine Stevenson, married Dr. Snow. XXV. Joseph Stevenson, M. D., married Mary Bunn^ daughter of Judge Bunn. No issue. XXVI. Samuel Stevenson, married Helen Bunn, sister to above Mary. Had issue : George, Mary, Josephine and Leonard, deceased. William Clifton* Stevenson. No. 4. William Clifton Stevenson, son of Arthur and Rachel Stevenson, was born near Flemington, New Jersey, October 28, 1793. He married flrst, Maria Marcereau, second, Sophia (born June 19, 1803,) daughter of Jehiel and Parthenia (Olmstead) Clark ; died at Port Byron, New York, March 31, 1850. He was a captain in the State Militia. *William Clifton, born in 1758, was a prominent member of the Quaker- town (Kingwood) Friends' Meeting, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. He .served as an elder, and one time was its clerk. He died 31st day, 3d month, 1848, and was buried in its graveyard. His name is attached as a witness to the certificates of a number of Stevensons who were married in that meeting. Jehiel Clark, son of Gen. Samuel Clark,* was descended from Nathan Clark, Sr., of Westchester County, New York, whose will is dated April 29, 1726. Gen. Clark's father, also named Jehiel, removed to Newburgh, New York, when the son was two years old. Samuel Clark, in the Revolutionary war, was com missioned Lieutenant at White Plains, and successivelj' promoted to Major in 1779. After the war he became, in 1804, Brigadier- General of the 9th Brigade, Saratoga Militia, and Major-General in 1814. He was the flrst Judge of the Saratoga County Court in 1791, and next year was a Presidential Elector. His son, Jehiel Clark, was born December 17, 1764. About 1795 he removed to the new "Lake Country" and built mills at what is now Clarksville, near Auburn, New York. He was twice married. First to Parthenia Olmstead, who died about 1813, and second to Nancy, daughter of George and Jane (Dutcher) Casey. George Caseyt was born September 20, 1772, at Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York. He became a Justice of this county and in 1807 was elected a member of the New York Assembly. In 1808 he removed to Auburn, and in 1813 to Oswego, flnally returning to Auburn. He died September 16, 1835, at Detroit, Michigan, from exposure in travelling and locatinglands in the latter state. William Clifton Stevenson bj' his flrst wife, Maria Marcereau, had issue : XXVII. Mary Stevenson, married Porter Withey, his flrst wife. By second wife, Sophia Clark, had issue : XXVIII. Jehiel Clark Stevenson, born at Sennett, New Y'ork, November 25, 1825, married Amanda Sawyer, March 24, 1847, and died April 24, 1872, at Gunn City, Missouri. He was Judge of the Cass County Court, of that state. He was killed by a mob. His children were : a. Francis William Stevenson, born at Port Byron. New York, February 19, 1848, married Mamie Wade. b. John Peter Stevenson, born at Port Byron, New York, September 10, 1849, married Minnie Hind. c. Cornelia Sophia Stevenson, born at Port Byron, June 16, 1851. d. Parthenia Mary Stevenson, born at Port Byron, September 15, 1853, died at Boscabel, Wisconsin, May 6, 1858. e. Jehiel C. Stevenson, born at Port Byron, October 14, 1855, died at Boscabel, Wisconsin, April 1, 1857. f. Helen Arabel Stevenson, born at Boscabel, Wisconsin, *History and Genealogy ofSamuel Clark, Sr., by Rev. Edgar W. Clark, Pana, III. — 1892, pp. 58 and 66. tHulls History of Auburn, N. Y. April 26, 1857, died May 16, 1858. g. Philip Alexander Stevenson, born at Boscabel, Wisconsin, September 11, 1859, married Mattie Pell Franklin, January 20, 1878. h. Eugenia Louisa Stevenson, born at Boscabel, September 27, 1863. i. Catharine Amanda Stevenson, born December 1, 1866, mar ried Homer E. Shaw, April 7, 1892. k. Robert Lee Stevenson, born January 9, 1871, at West Line, Cass County, Missouri, died February 11, 1871. XXIX. Sylvester Willard Stevenson, born May 7, 1827, at Clarksville, Nevr York, married July 19, 1865, Esther E., (born Novem.ber 27, 1836,) daughter of Darius Miller, of Saratoga, New York. XXX. Parthenia Jane Stevenson, born October 7, 1828, at Camillus, New York, married John Augustus Dodge, May 31, 1849. He died November 28, 1881. He was Colonel of the 75th New York Volunteers in the civil war. XXXI. William Henry Stevenson, born July 31, 1830, at Eldredge, New York, married Sarah A., daughter of Walter Smith, of Reed Creek, Wayne County, New York. He enlisted ill his brother-in-law's regiment, the 75th New York Volunteers. He was promoted Captain April 25, 1862, and resigned September 3, 1862. XXXII. John James Stevenson, born September 8, 1834, in Wertz Township, Cayuga County, New York. Married Septem ber 13, 1859, Ella Adelia, (born November 27, 1841) a daughter of Jabez Gould, of Auburn, New York. XXXIII. Samuel Dill Stevenson, born September 8, 1841, in Wertz Tov.'nship, Cayuga County, New York. XXXIV. Helen Sophia Stevenson, born January 3, 1845, in Wertz Township, Cayuga County, New York. Married Mel bourne H. Olmstead, son of Capt. Abijah P. and Elizabeth (Clark) Olmstead, and resides at Three Oaks, Michigan. Hbnby Stevenson. No. 5. Henry Stevenson, son of Arthur and Rachel Steven son, twin brother of William, born October 28, 1793, married flrst, Catharine Lannen. Had issue : John, Peter and Jabez Steven son. Married second, Letty Hall. No issue. Rebecca Stevenson. No. 6. Rebecca Stevenson, daughter of Arthur and Rachel Stevenson, born April 13, 1785, married March 15, 1801, Cornelius Polhemus, born May 23, 1780, died January 27, 1866. Cornelius Polhemus died June 26, 1860. Cornelius Polhemus, cousin to Mercy Polhemus Stevenson (No. 2), was decended from Theodorous Polhemus, pastor of the Dutch Church of Long Island, who in company with Stofle Probasco, Cornelius Wyckofl, Hendrick Lott, Jaques Corteleou, Denise Tunis and Frederick Van Lieu, all Hollanders, from the same place, bought on November 17, 1701, of John Plarrison, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, a tract of land on Millstone River, in Somerset and Middlesex Counties, New Jersey.* Somerset County joins Hunterdon. Major John Polhemus, born May 25, 1738, wholivedatHopewill,in the latter county, was a distinguish ed officer in the Revolutionary war and was voted by Congress a sword as a reward for gallant services. He married Susannah, + daughter of John Hart, the signer of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Cornelius and Rebecca (Stevenson) Polhemus had issue : XXXV. Edward Polhemust, born January 8, 1802, married September, 1832, Nancy Parcel. She died November 18, 1840. He died in 1891. Had issue : Mary Dickinson, who married Thomas Holmes ; Thomas, who married Ella Hankey, and Jeneatte Polhemus. After death of flrst wife, Edward Polhemus married Cecelia . XXXVI. Thomas Polhemus, born October 30, 1804, died un married April 21, 1831. XXXVII. Charlotte Polhemus, born May 29. 1807, married Benjamin Whedon. XXXVIII. Rachael Polhemus, born August 1, 1809, married Thomas Havens, November, 1845. She died January 22, 1849. No issue. XXXIX. Jacob A. Polhemus, born October 16, 1811, married Jane Suydam March 16, 1835. Had issue : Isaac, Edwin, Abram, who married Sarah Martin, and Amelia, who married Andrew Rodgers. XL. Sarah Polhemus, born June 6, 1814, married flrst, Adam Van Tuyle in Jan., 1843, who died February 26, 1870, aged 70 years and 10 months. Had issue : John, George, Nancy Maria, unmarried, died July 20, 1862, aged 18 ; Elizabeth Irene, unmarried, died Aug. 21, 1863, aged 18; and Willard, who married Alta Silvers and has one child, Percy Van Tuyle. Sarah Polhemus married second. Rev. William Wastell. No issue. XLI. Maria Louisa Polhemus, born August 4, 1817, ¦5'New Jersey Archives, Vol. XXI, page 331. tNew York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. XXI (1890) page 38- tCopied from the family Bible of the Polhemus family by Mrs. G. W. Waite. lO married William Bigelow, February, 1836. XLII. Hester Polhemus, born June 20, 1824, died April 5, 1826. XLIII. Arthur Polhemus, born October 19, 1821, married flrst, Jane Hill in November, 1845. She died September 2, 1850, leaving one daughter, Rosalthe, born Dec. 5, 1846. Married second, Louisa Dow. Samuel L. Stevenson. No. 12. Samuel L. Stevenson, born May 8, 1814, married Rebecca Young. He lived in New Jersey. Had issue : a. Mary Stevenson, married Hugh Series. b. Sarah Stevenson, married John M. R. Shimer. c. Susan A. Stevenson, married S. R. Bush, resides at Easton, Pa. d. Porter Withey Stevenson, unmarried. e. Samuel Skinner Stevenson, married Mary . f. Mary Emma Stevenson, married Garner Clyne. g. Elizabeth Stevenson, married Ray Sherrer. h. Isabella Stevenson, married Jesse Carter. John Jambs Stevenson. No. 32. John James Stevenson, son of William Clifton and Sophia Stevenson, was born September 8, 1834, in Wertz Town ship, Cayuga County. New York, married September 13, 18."j9, Ella Adelia (born November 27, 1841), daughter of Jabez and Susan Ann Gould, of Auburn. Had issue : XLIV. William Jabez Stevenson, born July 25, 1860, at Auburn, New York. XLV. Emma Alice Stevenson, born January 10, 1864, at Auburn, married Elkin Chandler, November 26, 1890. XLVI. Susie Adelia Stevenson, born April 15, 1860, at Tuscola, Illinois. XLVII. Frederick Clark Stevenson, born May 20, 1869, at Wooster, Ohio. XLVIII. Mary Katharine Stevenson, born September 27, 1873, at Wooster, Ohio. XLIX. Eliza Cornelia Stevenson, born April 23, 1876, at Tuscola, Illinois. L. Florence Editli Stevenson, born June 23, 1880, at Tuscola, Illinois. Ch.\rlotte Polhemus. No. 37. Charlotte Polhemus, daughter of Cornelius and Rebecca (Stevenson) Polhemus, born May 29, 1807, married Feb ruary, 1829, Benjamin Whedon, born August 15, 1807, in Camillus, n New York. He was the son of Augustus and Mary (Brown) Whedon, who was descended from Thomas Whedon, of Bucking hamshire, England, who emigrated to New Haven, Conneticut, and took the Oath of Fidelity in 1657. Benjamin Whedon was one of the pioneer emigrants to the State of Michigan. He died May 18, 1876. His wife, Charlotte, died May 1, 1873. Had issue : LI. Mary Augusta Whedon, born July 19, 1831, in Camillus, New York, married flrst, Barnes Loring, of Michigan. Had issue : a. Everitt Blood Loring, born January, 1854, in Scio, Michigan, married Edith . His son, Benjamin Whedon Loring, was adopted by his Uncle Benjamin. b. Benjamin Whedon Loring, born in 1856, in Scio, Michigan, married Ella Wright and had one son, deceased. He lives in Lyndon, Washington. Mary Augusta Whedon married second, George W. Waite, of Michigan. Had issue : c. George Robert Waite, M. D., married in 1900, in Chicago, Lelia Frazee and has one child. Grade, born in 1902. Dr. Waite practices his profession in Milan, Kansas. LII. Eliza Maria Whedon, born May 4, 1834, married May 1, 1853, Jehiel, (born April 14, 1832) son of Jehiel and Nancy (Casey) Clark, in Bridgewater Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Jehiel Clark died August 25, 1899, in Wooster, Ohio. Jehiel Clark was the son of Jehiel and Nancy (Casey) Clark, whose ancestry is given in No. 4. He was educated in the academies of Aurora and Jonesville, New York, and studied law in the office of George Rathbone, of Auburn, but withdrew before being admitted to the Bar, to go into business. At the commence ment of the civil war he enlisted in Comijany B, 75th Regiment, New York Volunteers, commanded by his nephew, Col. John A. Dodge. He was promoted to be flrst lieutenant and served in the campaign in Louisiana and Florida. He was mustered out July 10, 1863, at Donaldsville, La., as a captain, and entered into busi ness at Massillon and Wooster, Ohio. Jehiel Clark was a careful genealogist and had collected and preserved a valuable record of his family, from which much of this history is copied. Had issue : a. Mary E. Clark, born June 2, 1854, married August 18, 1876, in St. James Church, Wooster, Ohio, Jacob Robert, born Sept. 12, 1852, eldest son of Hon. John Zimmerman, who represented his district in the Ohio Legislature. To the genealogical talent of her father, Mrs. Zimmerman added her own zeal and ability, and to her the author of this paper acknowledges his great indebted ness. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman have one son, John Clark Zimmerman, born April 6, 1878. b. Frances Jane Clark, born November 21, 1855, near Clinton, Michigan, married November 3, 1881, in Wooster, Ohio, Gustavus 12 Percy, son of Charles and Caroline (Harper) English, of Phila delphia, Pennsylvania. Their only child is Albert Averill English, born September 22, 1882. c. John Whedon Clark, born May 15, 1873, at Wooster, Ohio, married in Chicago, June 6, 1900, Elizabeth Janet Cameron. He graduated in the law department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and practices law in Chicago. LIII. Robert Alvin Whedon, M. D., born May 6, 1839, in Bridgewater, Michigan, married May, 1866, in Clinton, same state, Jane Leonard Clark. He graduated in 1863 from the Medical Department of LTniversity of Michigan. He was Assistant Sur geon in the Navy for two years during the civil war. He died May 18, 1876. Had issue : Frank Clark Whedon, who died young, and James Clark Whedon, born August 31, 1874, in Tecumseh, Michigan, a practicing lawyer in Philadelphia. LIV. Rachel Elizabeth Whedon, died February 8, 1845, in her second year. LV. George Henry Whedon, died August 9, 1847, in his flrst year. Mabia Louisa Polhemus. No. 41. Maria Louisa Polhemus, daughter of Edward and Nancy Polhemus, was born August 14, 1817, married William Bigelow, February, 1836. Had issue : a. Destilina Bigelow, born 18.37, died 1841. b. Sarah M. Bigelow, born 1840, married Charles B. Statler in 1862. Had issue : George B., born 1862 ; Grant T., born 1864, and Frank H., born 1873. c. Nelson Bigelow, born 1843, killed in 1862 in the civil war. d. Arthur P. Bigelow, born 1846, married Jane Trumbull in April 1872. Had issue : Hattie May, born 1876, and Ray Bigelow, born in 1879. e. Melissa B. Bigelow, born 1849, married July, 1868, Ansel Belching. She died in 1871, leaving one child, Etta, who died the same year. f. Lottie M. Bigelow, born in 1856. Haddonfleld, N. J., .Time 1, 1903. 3 9002 08954 0745 •^ /!?<- '^^ ^;# ia»-'^^ ¦ ¦* ' . Vi- " • I U wot 5'T?-»" »'^ H"* ?J .t^,*«*~ '^•-,