- . ¦ ' . " ¦ l^XETVES^S YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY To INGrs iaoff Excellent MAJESTY. May it p/eafe your MAJESTT, IN Obedience to your Majesty'* Commands, fignified to me by his Grace the Duke of Newcaffle, your Majesty'* principal Secretary of State, referring to me the Confideration of the inclofed Petition of Sir Edward Seymour, Bar*. claiming the Barony of Seymour and Dukedom of Somerfet ; and of their Ex cellencies the Lords Jujlices Commands, fignified to me afterwards by Mr. Aldisbrth, referring to me the Confideration of the Petition of Berkeley Seymour, Efq; alfo claiming the Barony of Seymour and Dukedom of Somerfet, which is herewith alio inclofed. I have confider'd the faid Petitions, and have been attended by the Council and Solicitors for each Petitioner- Sir Edward Seymour'* Petition fets forth, that your Majesty'* Royal Pfedecefior, King Edward the fixth, did, by his Letters-Patent bearing Date the 15th Day of February, in the firft Year of his Reign, create Edward Seymour, then Earl of Hertford, his Uncle on the Mother's- Side, Baron Seymour, giving and granting to his aforefaid Uncle the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Seymour, to have, hold and enjoy the faid Name of Baron Seymour, together with his other Dignities to his a- forefaid Uncle, and to the Heirs-Male of his Body, and of Anne then his Wife, then already begotten, and of the aforefaid Anne thereafter lawfully to be begotten, with all Honours to the fame Barony appendant and annex'd ; and if it fhould happen that the faid Earl fhould die without Heir-Male of his Body and of the faid Anne his Wife, then already begotten or thereafter lawfully to be Begotten, his faid Majesty, wiil'd and granted that from the Death of the fame Earl, he dying or deceafing without Heir-Male of his Body and of Anne his then Wife, Edward Seymour, Efq j the Petitioner's lineal Anceftor named in the faid Letters Patent by the Name of Edward Seymour, Efq; Son of the faid Earl, of the. Body of Catherine, deceafed, the "faid Earl's fit fl Wife; mould be Lord and Baron Seymour t and fhould bear, have, hold, and enjoy to him the faid Edward Seymour, and to the Heirs-Male of th§ fame Edward, lawfully iffuing, the Name, State, Title, and Honour of Baron Seymour, with all the Honours to the fame Barony appendant and annex'd. That his faid Majesty King Edward the /ixth, by other Letters-Patent bearing Date the 16th Day of the fame Month of February, in the faid firft Year of his Reign, did create and erecT: his faid Uncle Edward Seymour, then Earl of Hertford, Duke of Somerfet, giving and granting to the faid Earl, the Name, Title, State, Stile, Honour, Authority and Dignity of Duke, of Somerfet, and with that Title, State, Stile, Honour, Authority and Dignity, and with the other Honours thereto belonging and annex'd, and with the girding on a Sword, and putting on a Cap, and a Circle or Coronet of Gold on his Head, and Delivery of a golden Rod, did inveft him to have, and to hold the faid Name, Stile, State, Honour, Authority and Dignity of Duke of Somerfet, to his Majesty'* faid Uncle, and to the Heirs-Male of his Body, and of Anne, then his Wife, then already begotten, and of the faid Anne thereafter lawfully" to be begotten, and if it fhould happen that the faid Duke fhould die without Heir-Male of his Body, and of the aforefaid Anne then his Wife , begotten, or there after lawfully, to -be begotten, his faid Majesty wiil'd and granted, that from the Death of the fame Duke without Heir-Male of his Body, and of Anne then his Wife, the faid Edward Seymour, Efq ; the Petitioners faid lineal Anceftor, therein alfo defcribed by the Name of Edward Seymour, Efq ; Son of. the faid Duke, of the Body of Catherine, deceafed, his firft Wife, fhould be Duke of Somerfet, and with that xo that Title, State, Stile, Honour, Authority and Dignity, and with the other Honours thereto belonging and annex'd, and with the girding on a Sword, and with the putting on a Cap, and a Circle or Coronet of Gold on his Head, and Delivery of a golden Rod, fhould be inverted and fhould bear, have, hold and enjoy to him, the aforefaid Edward Seymour, and to the Heirs-Male of the Body of him the faid Edward lawfully iffuing, the Name, State, Title, Honour, Authority and Dignity of Duke of Somerfet, with all the Honours to the fame Duke or Dukedom appendant and annex'd, as by the faid fcveral Letters-Patent, under the great Seal of England, tnay more fully appear. That the faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, by Virtue of the Grants and Limitations in the faid feveral Letters-Patent contain'd, and by the Form and true Effect thereof, did accordingly become feized of, and did hold and enjoy the faid feveral Honours, Titles and Dignities of Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet, for tfuch Eftate of Inheritance as herein before is mention'd. That afterwards, by an A6l of Parliament made in the 5th Year of the Reign of his faid Majesty King Edward the Jixth, intitled, An A3 touching tbe Limitation ofthe Poffefjions and Inheritances of the Duke of Somerfet, taking Notice therein that the faid Duke, and five other Perfons therein named, for their feveral Felonies by them committed and done, were feverally lawfully attainted of Felony, it was e- na&ed that the faid Duke, and his Heirs, and his Heirs-Male, begotten upon the Body ofthe faid Lady Anne forever, fhould, by the Authority thereof, lofc and forfeit to the King'* Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors forever, and alfo be deprived from thence forth forever, as well of the Names of Vifcount Beauchamp, Earl of Hertford, and Duke of Somerfet, and every of them, as alfo of all and every other his and their Honour or Honours, Degrees, Dignities, Eftates, Preeminencies and Stiles, by whatfoevef Name or Names he the fame Duke had been call'd or created by any Letters-Patents,, Writs, or otherwife. That the faid Duke afterwards was executed, and at the Time of his Death left Iffue, by the faid Catherine his firft Wife, John Seymour, his eldeft Son and Heir, and the faid Edward Seymour the Petitioners lineal Anceftor, named in the laid Leters- Patent, and by the faid Anne his fecond Wife, named in the faid Letters-Patent he left Iffue one Son, named alfo Edward Seymour, the lineal Anceftor of Algernon late Duke of Somerfet, herein after named. That by an ASl of Parliament made in the twelfth Year ofthe Reign of King Charles the fecond, intitled, An ASl for refloring the Marquis of Hertford to the Dukedom of Somerfet, reciting in Part the faid Letters-Patent of the 16th Day of February, in the firft Year of the Reign of his faid Majesty King Edward thefixth, and reciting the faid ASl of Parliament of the fifth Year of King Edward the fixth, whereby the Duke was deprived of his faid Dignities in Manner aforefaid, it was enadted that the faid William, Marquis of Hertford, and the Heirs-Male of his Body, and the Heirs- Male of the Body of the faid Edward, then late Duke of Somerfet, begotten on thft Body of the faid Lady Anne, fhould be and were thereby reftored to the Honour Dignity, Authority and Title of Duke of Somerfet, with all Privileges and Preeminences thereto belonging, as fully, amply and honourably, as the faid Edward Duke, of Somerfet did, or might at any time, hold or enjoy the fame, by Virtue ofthe faid Letters-Patent and as fully and amply as if the faid AB had never been made. * That by Virtue of the faid AB laft mention'd, he the faid WilUam Marauis of Hertford, great Grandfon and Heir-Male of the Body of the faid Edward Duke of Somerfet, on the Body of the faid Anne his Wife begotten, became fiezed of the faid Honour and Dignity of Duke of Somerfet, and did hold and enjoy the fame to him and the Heirs-Male of the Body ofthe faid Edward, Earl of Hertford, and the Body of the laid [3] faid Lady Arme, his faid fecond Wife, begotten according to the Form of trie faid Letters-Patent, and the Limitations therein contain'd, and he the faid William, Marquis of Hertford, dy'd fiezed of the faid Honour, Title and Dignity of Duke of Somerfet ; and after feveral fucceflive Dcfcents the lame Honour, Title and Dignity, by * Virtue of the faid Grants and Limitations, defcended and came to the moft Noble Algernon, late Duke of Somerfet, as Heir-Male ofthe Body ofthe faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and of Anne his fecond Wife, named in the faid Letters- Patent, by Reafon whereof the faid Algernon, Duke of Somerfet, became fiezed to him and the Heirs-Male of the Body of his faid Anceftor, the faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and of Anne his fecond Wife, in the faid Letters- Patent named, and he the faid Algernon, Baron Seymour, Duke of Somerfet, being fo thereof feized, lately dy'd without Iffue-Male of his Body, iffuing upon whofe Death the Honours, Titles and Dignities of Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet came and ought to remain, by Virtue of the feveral Grants and Limitations contain'd in the faid Letters- Patents refpectively, and by the Form and true Effect thereof, to the Petitioner, as Heir of the Body of the faid Edward Seymour, Efq; named in the faid feveral Letters-Patent, by Reafon that the faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, named in the faid Letters-Patent,] died without any Heir-Male of his Body, and of the Body of the faid Anne his Wife, alfo named in the faid Letters-Patent. Wherefore and for as much as the Right to the faid Honours, Titles and Dignities, hath by the Form and true Effect of the faid Grants and Limitations, contain'd in the faid feveral Letters-Patent before-mention'd, (which the Petitioner hath ready to produce) remain'd and came to the faid Petitioner, who is Son and Heir of Sir Edward Seymour, Bar', who was Son and Heir of the R*. Honble. Sir Edward Seymour, Bar'. Speaker of the Honb)e. Houfe (f Commons, and one ofthe Privy-Council to their late Majesties King William the third, and Queen Anne, and which laft mention'd Sir Edward Seymour, Bar', was Son and Heir of Sir Edward Seymour, Bar', who was Son and Heir of Sir Edward Seymour, Bar', who was Son and Heir of Sir Edward Seymour, Kn', who by Letters- Patent was created a Bar*, by King James the firft, and who was Son and Heir of the faid Edward Seymour, Efq ; named in the faid before-mention'd Letters- Patent. Therefore the Petitioner moft humbly prays that your Majesty1 would be pleafed to declare the faid Honours, Degrees, Dignities, Eftates, Preeminences and Stiles to belong to the Petitioner, as of Right they "do j and that your Majesty would order a Writ of Summons forthwith to pafs the great Seal to fummon the Petitioner to Parliament, there to fit and enjoy the Place, Rank and Preemi nences to the faid Honours and Dignities to him belonging as aforefaid, Mr. Berkeley Seymour'* Petition agrees in Subfhnce with the Petition of Sir Edward Seymour, till the Death of Edward, the firft Duke of Somerfet; and then it fets forth, that he left Iffue by Lady Anne, his fecond Wife, three Sons, to wit, Edward his firft Son, Henry his fecond Son, and Edward, afterwards Sir Edward Seymour, his third Son, and which Edward, the firft Son, was the lineal Anceftor of Algernon, late Duke cf Somerfet therein after named, and the faid Henry, the fecond Son, was the lineal Anceftor of tbe petitioner. That by an Aft of Parliament made in the 12th Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles the fecond^ intitled, An AB for refloring the Marquifs of Hertford to the Dukedom of Somerfet, reciting in part the faid Letters-Patent of the 16th Day of February, in the firft Year of the Reign of his faid Majesty King Edward the fixth, and reciting the faid AB of Parliament of the fifth Year of King Mdward the fixth, whereby the feid Duke was deprived of his faid Dignities in Manner aforefaid, [ + ] aforefaid, it was enacted that the faid WiUiam, Marquifs of Hertford, and the Heirs- Male of his Body, and the Heirs-Male ofthe Body of the faid Edward, then late Duke of Somerfet, begotten on the Body of the faid Lady Anne, mould be and were thereby reftored to the Honour, Dignity, Authority and Title of Duke of Somerfet, with all Privileges and Preeminences thereto belonging, as fully, amply and honourably, as the faid Edward, Duke of Somerfet, did, or might at any time, hold or enjoy the fame, by Virtue ofthe faid Letters-Patent, and as fully and amply as if the laid former AB had never been made. That by Virtue of the faid laft mention'd AB, he the faid William, Marquis of Hertford, great Grandfon and Heir-male of the Body of the faid Edward, Duke of Somerfet, on the Body of the faid Lady Anne begotten, became fiezed of the faid Honour and Dignity of Duke qf Somerfet, and did hold and enjoy the fame to him and the Heirs-Male of the Body of the (aid Edward, Earl of Hertford, on the Body of the faid Lady Anne his fecond Wife begotten, according to the Limitations contain'd in the faid Letters-Patent, and died fiezed thereof, and by a Courfe of lineal Defcent from the faid William, Marquis of Hertford, the faid Honour, Title and Dignity of Duke of Somerfet, with all the Privileges and Preeminences thereto belonging, did by Virtue ofthe faid Grants and Limitations, and AB of Parliament, defcend to the moft noble Algernon, late Duke of Somerfet, as Heir- Male ofthe Body of the faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and of Anne his fecond Wife, named in the faid Letters-Patent, and the laid Algernon, late Duke of Somerfet, became feized thereof to him and the Heirs-Male of the Body of his faid Anceftor of the faid Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, and of Anne his fecond Wife, in the faid Letters-Patent named. That the faid Algernon, Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet, being fo feized as afore faid, and being the only remaining Heir-Male of the Body of Edward Seymour, eldeftSon of the faid Edward, firft Duke of Somerfet, by the faid Anne his fecond Wife, lately departed this Life, without Iffue-Male of his Body, upon whofe Death the faid Honours, Titles and Dignities of Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet defcended, and, as the Petitioner is advifed, ought to remain, by Virtue of the faid feveral Grants and Limitations contain'd in the faid Letters-Patent reflectively ('which the Petitioner hath ready to produce) and the faid laft mention'd AB ef Parliament to the Petitioner as Heir-Male of the Body of the faid Edward Seymour, created Duke of Somerfet by' the before-mention'd Letters-Patents, and of Anne his faid fecond Wife. Wherefore as the Right to tbe faid Honours, Titles and Dignities is now vefted in the faid Petitioner, who is the Son and Heir of John Seymour, Doctor of Phyfick, deceafed, who was the Son and Heir of John Seymour, late of Bitton in the County of Gloucefter, Efq ; who was the Son and Heir of Thomas Seymour late of Bitton, aforefaid, who was the Son and Heir of Sir John Seymour, late of Frampton Cotterell, who was the Son and Heir of Sir Thomas Seymour, late of Frampton Cotterell, aforefaid, who was the Son and Heir of John Seymour, late of Frampton Cotterell, Efq ; who was the Son and Heir of Henry Seymour, fecond Son of the faid Edward, fo created Duke of Somerfet by the faid recited Letters-Patents, by the faid Anne his fecond Wife. ' Tht Petitioner moft humbly prays that their E xcellencies would be pleafed to declare the faid Honours, Degrees, Dignities, Eftates Preeminences and Stiles to belong to the Petitioner, as of Right they do, and that their Excellencies would order a Writ of Sum mons to pafs the great Seal, to fummon the Petitioner to Parliament there to fit and enjoy the Place, Rank and Preeminences to the faid Honours and Dignities belonging as aforefaid. The Irs The Patents, under which they claim the Titles of Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfet, were produced to me, and are dated refpedively, the former the 1 5th of February, in the firft Year of King Edward the fixth, the latter the 16th of the fame Month and Year. By the Firft your Majesty'* Royal Predecefibr, King Edward the fixth, granted the Title of Baron Seymour to Edward, then Earl of Hertford, his Uncle on the Mother's Side, and to the Heirs-Male of his Body, and of Anne his then Wife, with Remainder to Edward Seymour, Efq ; his Son by Catherine his firft Wife, and to the Heirs-Male of his Body. By the fecond Patent his Majesty, King Edward* the fixth, granted the Title of Duke of Somerfet to the fame Edward, Earl of Hertford, and the Heirs-Male of his Body by the faid Anne his fecond Wife, with like Remainder to the faid Edward Seymour, and the Heirs-Males of his Body. Sir Edward Seymour claims both thefe Titles, as Heir-Male of the Body of the faid Edward, who was the fecond Son of the faid Edward, hRDuke of Somerfet, by his firft Wife, upon Suppofition that his Male Line by the fecond Wife is extind. Berkeley Seymour claims the fame Titles, as Heir-Male of the Body of the firft Duke through Henry, fecond Son of the faid Duke, by Anne his fecond Wife, upon Suppofition that the Male Line of the Duke, through Edward his firft Son by the fecond Wife, is extind. And for the more clear Comprehenfion of the Pedigrees under which they re fpedively claim, I have annex'd hereto Copies of the refpedive Pedigrees, by which they make their Claims. As to Sir Edward Seymour's Claim, there are three Things neceffary to be made out, Viz. T. That the Male Line of the firft Duke of Somerfet, by his fecond Wife, is extind, II. That Sir Edward is himfelf the Heir-male of the Body of Edward, Son of the firft Duke by his firft Wife. III. That there is no Objedion atifing from the Attainder of the firft Duke of Somerfet, in the fifth Year of King Edward the fixth for Felony. In order to make out the firft, the following Evidence has been laid before me. An original Patent, dated the 13th of January, in the firft Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by which Edward, the firft Son ofthe firft Duke of 'Somerfet, by Lady Anne his fecond Wife, was created Earl of Hertford, to him and the Heirs- Males of his Body. B An [tf ] Art antient M of PedigFee fign'd by William Dethick, Garter King at Arms, ahd William. Cambden, Clarencieux King at Arms, dated in the Year 1599, which appears, by the Affidavit of James Roode, to have been lately taken out of a Study or Room in the Petitioner Sir Edward Seymours Houfe, at Maiden Bradley, in the County of Wilis, together vvith divers other Writings in the Schedule to the Affidavit annexed. By this Roll, after bringing the Pedigree, for many Generations, from the Seymours of Berry Pomeroy in the County of Devon, in a dired Line, down to the firft Duke of Somerfet, it mentions two Branches of his Family, Edward Seymour, his Son by Catherine the Daughter and one of the Coheireffes of Sir William Filol, his firft Wife, and by Anne Stanhope his fecond Wife, fix Children, two Sons and four Daughters, Edward-, Earl of Hertford his eldeft Son ; Henry, Lord Seymour his fecond Son ; Anne, the Wife of John, Flarl of Warwick; Mary, the Wife of Andrew Rogers; Elizabeth, Wife of Sir Richard Knightly ; and Catherine. As to this Branch, the Roll of Pedigree carries it no further. There was alfo laid before me an attefted Copy of an Inquifition. After the Death of Edward, Earl of Hertford, who died upon the 6th Day of April, 162 1, taken the 27th Day of September, in the fecond Year of the Reign of King Charles thefirll, in this Inquifition eight different Settlements are recited to have been made by the faid Edward, Earl of Hertford. By the firft of thefe Settlements dated the 20th Day of May, in the forty-fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, the Eftate was limited to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, then of his Wife Frances for Life, then of the Heirs-Males of his Body by her, Remainder to Edward Seymour, commonly catl'd Lord Beauchamp, his eldeft Son, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, Remainder to Thomas Seymour his fecond Son, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, Remainder to Henry Seymour, Efq ; commonly call'd Lord Henry Seymour, Brother of the faid .Earl, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, Remainder to Edward Seymour, of Berry -Pomeroy, in the County of Devon, Efq; and the Heirs-Males of his Body, Remainder to Sir John Seymour, of Marwell, in the County of Southampton, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, Remainder to the Heirs of the Body of the Earl, Remainder to his own right Heirs. The fecond Settlement, found in the Inquifition, is dated the ift Day of May, in the feventh Year of the Reign of King James the jirfi, by which the Ui'es are limited after his own and his Wife's Death, to his eldeft Son, Edward Seymour, call'd Lord Beauchamp in Tail-Male, Remainder to himfelf in Tail-Male, Remainder to Edward Seymour, of Berry Pomeroy in Tail- Male, Remainder to Sir John Seymour, of Mar'welf Remainder to the Heirs of his own Body, Remainder to his own right Heirs. The third Settlement is dated the faid ift Day of May, in the feventh of King James the firft, by which on the Maniage of his Grandfon Edward, the Son of his eldeft Son Lord Beauchamp, he made a Settlement on his faid Grandfon for Life Remainder to Anne his intended Wife, for Life, Remainder to the Heirs- Males of the Body of his faid Grandfon, Remainder to the Heirs-Males ofthe Body of his Son Lord Beauchamp, Remainder to Edward Seymour, of Berry Pomeroy va. Tail-Male, Remainder to Sir John Seymour of Marwell in Tail-Male, with Remainder to his own right Heirs. The [73 The Inquifition then finds that Lord Beauchamp died the 2 ift Day of July , in the tenth Year of King James the firft, leaving threfe Sons, the faid Edward Seymour, then Efq ; and -afterwards -Kit'. William Seymour, then Efq; and afterwards Kn1. . and at the Time of the Inquifition, .Earl of Hertford, his fecond Son, and Francis Seymour, Efq; at the Time ol taking the Inquifition, Kn'. his third Son. The fourth Settlement is dated the ift Day of January, in the tenth Year of King James the firft, by which the Earl of Hertford fettled an Eftate^ after his own and his Son Francis's Death, upon the firft and other Sons of his Son Francis, afterwards Sir Francis, Remainder to his Daughters in Tail-Male', with Remainder to the faid Edward Seymour, then Sir Edward, Brother of the faid Sir Francis in Tail-Male, Remainder to the right Heirs of the faid Sir Edward. The four other Settlements are dated refpedively, the firft the ift Day of April, in the eleventh Year of King James the firft, the fecond the 20th Day of January, in the feme Year ; the third the 7th Day of January, in the fourteenth Year of King James the firft, and the fourth the 10th Day of November, in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of King James the firft, by all which the Ufes are limited to his three feveral Grandfons, and their Iffue-Male only, excepting that in That of the 7th Day of J.muary, in the fourteenth Year of King James the firfi, after the Limitations to his three Grandfons, there is a Limitation to Edward t Seymour, of Berry Pomeroy, The Inquifition then finds that the faid Sir Edward Seymour, the firft Son of Edward Lord Beauchamp, died without Iffue the 20th Day of January, in the feventeenth Year of King James the firfi, and that Sir William Seymour, his fecond Brother^ afterwards Earl of Hertford, was his Brother and Heir, and that Edward, Earl of Hertford, died the 6th Day of April, in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of King James the firft. There was alfo produced to me a Copy, verified by Affidavit, of an lnfcription on the faid Earl Edward's Monument, in the Cathedral-Church of Sarum ; in which he is mention'd to have died the 6th of April, 1621 ; being eighty-three Years old, and to have had two Sons, Thomas who died before his Father without Iffue, and Edward Lord Beauchamp, who dying, likewife before his Father, left three Sons, Edward then dead, William then Earl of Hertford, and Sir Francis, and Honor his only Daughter. There was alfo laid before me, Letters-Patent, ofthe feventeenth of King Charles the firft, by which, William, then Earl of Hertford, was created Marquifs of Hertford, to him and the Heirs^Male of his Body. There was alfo laid before me the following further Evidence ; An attefted Copy of an AB of Parliament ofthe twelfth of King Charles the fecond, by which, reciting the Patent of Creation of the firft Duke of Somerfet, An AB made. in the Reigh of King Edward the fixth, confirming his Attainder for Felony, by which he loft that Title, this AB reftores tile Title of Duke of Somerfet to William. Marquis cf Hertford, being as is therein-mention'd Heir-Male ofthe Body ofthe firft Duke, by Anne his Wife, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, and the Heirs-Males. of the Body of the late Duke, on the Body of Anne his Wife. Attefted, [8] Attefted Copies of the Regiftef of the Burials of the faid Marquis of 'Hertford, then Duke of Somerfet, on the ift of November, 1660 ; of another William, Duke of Somerfet, the 20th of December, 167 1 ; of John, Duke of Somerfet, the 10th of June, 1675; of Francis, Duke of Somerfet, the 15th of OBober, 1678; of Charles, Duke of Somerfet, the 14th Day of January, 1748 • and of Algernon, Duke of Somerfet, on the 24th Day of February, 1749-50. Letters-Patent of the nineteenth of February, in the fixteenth of King Charles the firfi, by which his Majesty created Sir Francis Seymour, Son oi Ed-ward, Lord Beauchamp, who was the eldeft Son of Edward late Earl of Hertford, Baron Seymour of Trowbridge, to hold to him and the Heirs-Males of his Body. An attefted Copy of a prerogative Probate of the Will of the faid Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, dated the 5th Day of September, 1662 ; by which Will, reciting that he had agreed that if he would die without Iffue of his Body on his Wife Catherine, then the Manor of lfie Abbots, &c. fhould remain to his own right Heirs, and then does, according to his Power referved, bequeath his faid Lands to his Son Charles, and makes him Executor without taking Notice of any other Child. There was alfo produced three Copies of the Regifter at Frefijute in the County of Wilts. One importing that Francis the Son, and Elizabeth the Daughter of Charles Seymour, Efq ; and Elizabeth his Wife, are mention'd to have been twin-born the feven- teenth Day of January, 1657; another importing that Charles, the Son of Charles Seymour, Efq; and Elizabeth his Wife, was born the 13th Day of Auguft, and baptized the 23d, 1662. The third imported that Charles, Lord Seymour, Baron of Trowbridge, died the 25th of Augufi, 1665. And thefe Entries were in part confirm'd by Entries in the Pocket-Book of the late Duke Algernon, made with his own Hand, in which it is enter'd that Francis Son of Charles Seymour, and Elizabeth his Wife, was born the 9th Day of May 1655 ;, and buried the 29th of January, 1656 ; that William, Son of Charles Seymour Efq; and Elizabeth his Wife, was born the 26th Day oi January, 1656; that Francis and Elizabeth Son and Daughter of Charles Seymour, Efq ; and Elizabeth his Wife, were twin-born the 17th of January, 1657; Honor, the Daughter of Charles Seymour, Efq; and Elizabeth his Wife, was born the 6th of July, i6co- and Charles, the Son of the Hon.M«. Charles Seymour, and Elizabeth his Wife, was born the 13th of Auguft, 16625 and that Charles, Lord Seymour, Baron of Trow bridge, died the 25th Day of Auguft, 1665; and was buried at Trowbridge the 7th of September following. ' The Affidavits of Thomas Willfon, late Clerk of the Kitchen to Duke Charles who fwears that he heard Duke Charles fay, that he did not know whether mv Lord Hertford, who was his Son, would have any Son, and that he was the laft of Duke Charles 's Family or Line, and that he believed Sir Edward Seymour of the Well would be intitled to be Duke of Somerfet, and that Duke Charles often talk'd of the Seymours of Maiden-Bradley, and that he believed they had a Right tofucceed to the Title of Duke of Somerfet, fuppofing, as the Deponent underftood him, that the faid Algernon fhould die without leaving a Son. ¦ Thomas [9] Thomas Blakely, another Domeftick of Duke Charles, by an Affidavit fwears, that it was the general Opinion of the Family, that in Cafe the faid Duke and his Son Algernon fhould die without Iffue-Male, Sir Edward Seymour would be Duke .of Somerfet ; and that he has heard the faid Duke fpeak to the fame Effed. And Thomas Elder, another Domeftick of Duke Charles, fwears to the fame Purpofe. Befides which, an Affidavit was produced from Charles, Earl of Egremont, that he has heard the late Duke of Somerfet, his Grandfather, talk concerning the Defcent ofthe Title to the Dukedom of Somerfet ; the Subftance whereof was always fuch that he does therefrom verily believe, that it was his faid Grandfather's Opinion, that in Cafe his Son Algernon fhould die without Iffue-Male, the Title would defcend to Sir Edward Seymour of Bradley, the prefent Claimant ; and the rather that foon after my Lord Beauchamp's Death, the faid Duke made particular Enquiry of him the Earl concerning Sir Edward and his Family, mentioning, as his Reafon for fuch Enqaky, that he wifh'd to have what Information he could concerning the Perfon and Family, to whom in all Probability his Title muft defcend. The only Parts of the Pedigree, under which the Petitioner Sir Edward claims, to which any Objedion could be made in point of Evidence, fecm to be ; The fuppofed Failure of Iffue-Male of Henry the fecond Son of the firft Duke -, There being no Son of William, who was reftored to the Dukedom, younger than John, Duke of Somerfet ; There being no Son of Francis Lord Seymour, of Trowbridge, younger than Charles ; There being no Son of that Charles younger than Duke Charles, who died in the Year 1748. But from the exprefs Notice taken of that Henry, in the firft Settlement found in the Inquifition poft Mortem, of the fecond Year of King Charles the firfi, and the Limitation to him in Remainder, after Failure of Iffue-Male of the then Earl of Hertford; and the total Omiffion of him, and any Iffue Of him in all the other Set tlements, and from the limiting Remainders after the Iffue-Male of the Earl of Hertford, X.o Edward Seymour of Berry-Pomeroy ; and the Want of any Evidence to fhew there was any fuch Iffue of Henry, as well as the general Opinion of the Family that the Male Line by the fecond Wife would be extind by the Death of Duke Algernon without Iffue-Male f\X. was inferr'd that this Henry died without Iffue-Male. From the Title of Duke of Somerfet being adually enjoy 'd by John the fourth Son of William, the reftored Duke of Somerfet, it was concluded that his elder Brothers muft be dead without Iffue-Male. ' From the fame Title being enjoy'd next by Francis, the Son of Charles Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, and after him by Duke Charles, who died in the Year 1748, for fo many Years without Interruption, the like Conclufion was drawn with refped to the Failure of Iffue Male of William Duke of Somerfet, reftored by the AB of King Charles the fecond, and to the Failure of the Iffue-Male of Francis, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, prior to his Son Charles, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, and to the Failure of Iffue-Male of that Charles, prior to Duke Charles ; and from the Will of Francis, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, taking Notice of his Son Charles and no other, and from Duke Charles and his Family's Declarations, that on Failure of his Iffue-Male, the Title -of. Dukeof Somerfet would defcend to the Petitioner, Sir Edward C Seymour [ 1°] Seymour and his Family, and there being no Appearance of any younger Male Branches of Charles, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, than Duke Charles, it was argued that Francis, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, had no younger Son than Lord Charles, and that Lord Charles had none younger than the laft Duke Charles, whofe only Son was Algernon, the laft Duke of Somerfet. And from your Majesty'* late Grant, which was produced to me of the Title of Earl of Hertford, dated the 3d Day of Auguft, in the twenty- fourth Year of your Majesty's Reign, to my Lord Conway, it was inferr'd that the Male Line of Edward the Son ©f the firft Duke, by Anne his fecond Wife, was underftood to be extind, as that Title, granted to Edward, his Son by that Wife, was to continue as long as that Male Line continued. As to the fecond Thing to be proved on the Part of Sir Edward the Petitioner, Viz. That the Male Line of Edward, the fecond Son of the firft Duke of Somerfet by Catherine Filol, is ftill fubfifting in the faid Sir Edward Seymour, as Heir-male of the Body of that Edward; the before-mentioned ancient Roll of Pedigree was rcferr'd to, in which Edward Seymour of Berry-Pomeroy is mention'd as the Son of that Edward Seymour, the Son of the firft Duke of Somerfet, by Catherine Filol, and to have had nine Children ; Edward the eldeft, John the fecond, William the third, Walter the fourth, and Richard the fifth, and four Daughters ; and it is under this Edward^ the eldeft Son and his Iffue-Male, that the Petitioner Sir Edward claims, in a dired Line. For this Purpofe, there has been laid before me the following Evidence j An original prerogative Probate ofthe Will of John Seymour, Efq; dated the 7th Day of December, in the fixth Year of the Reign of King Edward the fixth, and proved the 26th April, 1553; by which he gives to his Brother, Sir Edward Seymour the elder, all his Lands and Goods, and makes him Executor ; An attefted Copy of an AB of Parliament of the feventh Year of the Reign of King Edward the fixth, intitled, An AB for the Refiitution in Blood of Sir Edward Seymour, Kn'. which recites the Petition of Sir Edward Seymour, Kn'. defcribing him now eldeft Son of Edward Seymour, late Duke of Somerfet, begotten of the Body of Catherine, one of the Daughters and Coheireffes of Sir William Filol, to be reftored in Blood : It recites alfo the Attainder of the faid Duke, and reftores the faid Petitioner Sir Edward Seymour in Blood, fo as to enable him to take any Lands that may then after come to him from any collateral Anceftor. It alfo vefts in him, and the Heirs of his Body, the Manor of Maiden-Bradley, in the County of Wilts ; which would have defcended to him as Heir to his Mother, had it not been for a Settlement unfairly obtain'd by the Duke, and the Duke's Attainder; An original Deed or Grant under the great Seal of the 10th of June, in the feventh Year of King Edward the fixth, by which his Majesty grants to Sir Edward Seymour, Kn'. Son of Edward, late Duke of Somerfet, and his Heirs, the Manor of Berry-Pomeroy, in the County of Devon; which was Parcel of the Eftate of the then late Duke ; An attefted Copy of an Inquifition, pofl Mortem, taken the 20th Day of September, in the thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, on the Death of Edward Seymour, Kn'. Lord Seymour, in which he is mention'd to have died feized in Fee of the Manor of Berry-Pomeroy and Maiden-Bradley, and that his Son Edward Seymour, Efq ; was his Heir and thirty Years old ; An attefted Copy of an Infcription on a Monument of the faid Sir Edward Seymour in the Church of Berry-Pomeroy, in the following Words. Here lyeth the Bodies of the Honble. Lord Edward Seymour, Kn'. Son unto the Right Honble. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerfet, who died the 2d Day of May, 1593 ; ^llb [ri] Alfo of Edward Seymour his Son, Bar', who died the ioth Day of April, 1613 j the Lady Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Arthur Champernowne, who had Iffue eleven Children by him the faid Edward Seymour, Bar'; The fame ancient Roll of Pedigree before-mention'd, in which Edward, Grandfon of the Duke and his Wife Elizabeth the Daughter of Arthur Champernowne, and Edward Seymour their firft Son, and eight Children more are named; Original Letters- Patent of the 29th Day of June, in the ninth Year of the Reign of King J amei the firft, by which the Title of Bar', was granted to Edward Seymour, ..pf Berry Cafile, in the County of Devon, Efq; and the Heirs-Males of his Body; An attefted Copy of an Inquifition, poft Mortem, which was taken the 12th Day of Auguft, in the eleventh Year of the Reign of King James the firft, on the Death of Edward Seymour, Bar', which finds that he was, before his Death, feized of Berry- Pomeroy, and on his Marriage with Dorothy Killigrew, fettled Berry-Pomeroy, after his Father Edward Seymours Death, to the Ufe of himfelf, and the Heirs-Males of his Body by his intended Wife, and that he did marry her, and died the 10th Day of April, before the Inquifition, and that Edieard Seymour, Kn'. and Bar', was his Son and Heir, and at his Father's Death above thirty Years old; An original Deed, bearing Date the 7th Day of January, in the eighth Year of the Reign of King Charles the firfi, by which Sir Edward Seymour of Berry- Pomeroy, Knight and Baronet, covenants, in Confideration of the Marriage of Edward Seymour his Son and Heir apparent, with Anne, Daughter of Sir William Portman, to levy a Fine of Berry-Pomeroy and Maiden-Bradley to the Ufe of Edward the Son for Life, Remainder to the faid Anne for her Life, Remainder to the Heirs-Males of their Bodies ; An attefted Copy of the Regifter of the Burial at Berry-Pomeroy of Sir Edward Sey mour, Knight and Baronet, on the 5th of OBober, 1659; An original Indenture of Settlement, dated the 2 ift Day of January, 1661, in the thirteenth Year ofthe Reign of King Charles the fecond, by which \Sir Edward Seymour, of BerffjfPomeroy. Bar', in Confideration of a Marriage then hefore had between Edward Seymour his Son and Heir apparent, and Margaret, Daughter, of Sir William Wall, and of Articles previous, to- the Marriage, covenants to levy Fines of Berry- Pomeroy and Mai den- Bradley, to the Ufe of his faid Son for Life, Remainder to his Wife for Life, Remainder to the Heirs- Males of their Bodies begotten ; An attefted Copy of the Regifter of Burials at Berry-Pomeroy, in which Sir Edward Seymour, Bar', is mention'd to have been buried the 7th Day of December, 1688 ; The Affidavit of John Hamlin, of Berry-Pomeroy, aged 84, and David Salter of the fame Place, aged 73 Years, fworn the 8th of April, 1750, wherein they both fwear, that they knew Sir Edward, the Great Grand-father, Sir Edward, the Grand father, and Sir Edward, the Father of the Claimant Sir Edward Seymour, and that they all died feized of Berry -P omer ov, and that the prefent Sir Edward is reputed to be the eldeft and firft Heir-Male of the Family of the Seymours, and as fuch is now the Lord and Owner of the faid Manor. And Hamlin faith he attended at the Burying and Funeral of the Great Grand-father, and afterwards lived ten Years a Servant with the Grand-father; and Salter faith he hath been Tenant, for thirty- five Years, ofthe faid Manor; The Affidavit of Uriah Meffiter, aged 60 Years, fworn the 26th of March, 1750, whereby he fwears to the fame Effed as to the Grand-father of the Claimant, Sir Edward Seymour, and fpeaks the fame as to hear-fay from his Mother and others, and as to the general Opinion that the TitLof Duke of Somerfet would delcend to the Claimant on failure of the Iffue-Male then in Poffeffion; The C I* ] The Affidavit of George Taylor, fworn the 27th Day of April, 1750, whereby he fwears that he is the prefent Steward to the Claimant, Sir Edward Seymour, and was lo to his Father, and fwears to their being Owners of Berry-Pomeroy. Befides the above-mention'd Evidence, particularly applied to feveral Branches of this Line of Pedigree, there was alfo laid before me tbe original Marriage Settlement ot King Henry the eighth with Jane, the firft Duke of Somerfet' s Sifter, dated the 3d Day of June, in the twenty-eighth Year of his Reign; And the Settlement on the Marriage of the firft Duke of Somerfet with Catherine, his firft Wife, dated the 26th Day of April, in the fifth Year of the Reign of King Henry the eighth, both of which Settlements are in the Petitioner, Sir Edward Sey mour's Cuftody. The Poffeffion of thefe Deeds, the Continuation of the Title of Bar', in the Pe titioner and his Anceftors, who could be intitled to it only through the fame Line, as the Right to the Dukedom, muft be derived fince the Creation of the Title of Bar'. and their adual Enjoyment of the fame Eftates of Berry-Pomeroy and Maiden-Brad ley, as Edward the Remainder Man in the Dukedom; and the Senfe and Opinion of the late Duke Charles and the Family concerning the Petitioner, Sir Edward Seymours Title, were all ufed as fo many further very material Fads to prove the Truth of his Pedigree. III. The only Thing that remains as to Sir Edward Seymours Claim, is, the Objec tion arifing from the firft Duke's Attainder of Felony. He being feized of the Titles of Lord Seymour and Duke of Somerfet, by the Pa tents before-mention'd, to him and the Heirs-Males of his Body by Lady Anne, with Remainder to Edward, his Son by his firft Wife, and the Heirs-Males of his Body; and being alfo feized of the Title of Vifcount Beauchamp, by Virtue of Letters-Patent dated the 5th Day of June, in the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the eighth, and of Earl of Hertford, by Virtue of other Letters- Patent dated tbe 1 8th Day of OBober, in the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of King Henry the eighth, to hold both the faid Titles to him and the Heirs-Males of his Body, was attainted of Felony in the fifth Year of the Reign of King Edward the fixth ; And an AB of Parliament was made in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of King Edward the fixth, an attefted Copy of which was laid before me, intitled An AB touching the Limitation of the late Duke of Somerfet'* Lands, By this AB, a former AB, made in the thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of King Henry the eighth, is repeal'd, and among other Things Recompence is made to John, the eldeft Son of the Duke, by Catherine Filol, for certain Lands that had been his Mother's, and fold by the Duke, and then it enads in the'following Words; " That the faid Duke and " his Heirs and his Heirs-Males, begotten upon the Body ofthe faid Lady Anne, for ever, " fhall by Authority of this AB, lofe and forfeit unto your Highnefs, your Heirs and Suc- " ceffors for ever, and alfo be deprived, from henceforth for ever, as well of the Names " of Vifcount Beauchamp, Earl of Hertford, and Duke of Somerfet, and every of them, " as alfo of all and every other his and their Honour or Honours, Degrees, Dignities, " Eftates, Pre-eminences and Stiles, by whatfoever Name or Names he the fame Duke " hath been call'd, named, or created, by any Letters-Patents, Writs, or other wife. Afterwards William Marquis of Hertford, being as before dated Heir-Male of the Body of the faid Duke of Somerfet, by the Lady Anne, an Ad of Parliament was made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the fecond, reciting the Words before- mention'd in the faid AB of the fifth and fixth of King Edward the fixth, it fays in the following ['IJ ] following Words, " Now forafmuch as the faid Duke was a happy Inftrumenf in the " bleffed Reformation of Religion, and William now Marquis of Hertford, b'eing Heir- " Male of the Body of the faid Duke, by the faid Lady Anne, having in a high Degree, " by many eminent Services, fhew'd his Duty, Loyalty and Affedion to your facred " Majesty and your Royal Father of bleffed Memory, the faid Lords and Commons " therefore humbly befeech your Majesty that it may be enaded, and be it enacted by |c the King's moft excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent ofthe '' Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the " fame, that the laid William Marquis of Hertford, and the Heirs-Males of his Body, ct and the Heirs-Males of the Body of the faid Edward late Duke of Somerfet, begotten " upon the Body of the faid Lady Anne, be and are hereby reftored to the faid Honour, "Dignity, Authority, and Title of Duke of Somerfet, with all Privileges and Pre-emi- " nences thereunto belonging, as fully, amply, and honourably as the faid Edward Duke " of Somerfet did or might at any Time hold and enjoy the fame by Virtue of the faid :t Letters-Patents,' and as fully and amply as if the faid AB had never been had or made ; " any thing in the faid Claufe or before-mention'd AB to the contrary in any wife not- " withftanding. This AB of Reftitution extending in Words only to the Heirs-Males of the Marquis, and the Heirs-Males oiihzDuke, by Lady Anne, and the Petitioner, Sir Edward Sey mour, not claiming to be fuch Heir-Male, he could not have any Benefit from it ; from hence two Objedions were mention'd, One that the Duke's Attainder exringuifh'd the Honours entirely, as well with Refped to the Remainder-Man as the Heirs-Males of the Duke. The Other, That the AB of Parliament at leaft did fo, by making not only the Duke, but his Heirs generally, as well as the Heirs-Males of his Body on Lady Anne, to forfeit them. i To the firft of thefe it was-anfwcr'd; That an Attainder for Felony, operating only by Corruption of Blood, can have no Effed upon any but fuch as claim. by Defcent through that Blood, which Edward Seymour, the Remainder Man, and his Iffue-Male, do not. To the fecond Objedion it was anfwer'd ; that the Word Heirs, ufed in the AB, can mean none but fuch who claim the Title as Heirs, which the Petitioner, Sir. Edward Seymour, does not, though he is in Fad now Heir general of the Duke, but by Virtue .?f the Limitation in Remainder ; and as the AB intended to create a Forfeiture in the Duke of all his Titles, of which it appears he had feveral hefides the Dukedom, that Word might be inferted on Purpofe to include any Titles that might defcend to his Heirs general; And it was further anfwer'd ; that the Particularity of extending the Forfeiture in ex- prefs Words to the Heirs-Male of the Duke by Lady Anne, and not to the Remainder- Man, fhews the View was to extend the Forfeiture of the Dukedom and Barony of Sey mour no further, and not to the Prejudice of the elder Branch of the Family by a former Wife, in whofe Favour one Part of the AB was particularly made. As to the Title of the Petitioner, Berkeley Seymour ; He claim'd the Benefit of all the Evidence produced by Sir Edward, that proved the Extindion of the Male Line of Edward, Earl of Hertford, the Duke's eldeft Son by Lady Anne his fecond Wife, but then infifted that the whole Line of the Heirs-Male of the Duke by Lady Anne was not determined, but that he was the Heir-Male of the . Body of the Duke through the before-named Henry his fecond Son by Lady Anne, and for that Purpofe derived his Pedigree according to the other annex'd Pedigree. D The [ 14] The firft Step in this Pedigree is, that Henry, who is therein mention'd to have mar- ry'd Jane the fourth Daughter of Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, had a Son named John, defcribed to be of Frampton Cottrel, in the County of Gloucefter, and to have been buried there the 2 2d Day of May, 1598, and to have marry'd Jane eldeft Daughter of Sir Nicholas Poyntz, in the County of Gloucefter, by Jane Daughter of Thomas Lord Berkeley. In order to make out this, the following Evidence was laid before me ; A Bargain and Sale enroll'd, dated the 19th Day of July, in the thirtieth Year ofthe Reign of King Henry the eighth, whereby Lord Daubigny conveys to Edward Earl of Hertford and his Heirs, amongft other Things, an Eftate call'd Frampton Cottrel, in the County of Gloucefter; An attefted Copy of a Vifitation Book for the County of Gloucefter, taken in the Year 1623; in which, in the Pedigree ofthe Poyntz's, there is named Jane the Daughter of Sir Nicholas Poyntz, as having been Wife 0 f John Seymour of Frampton Cottrel, Eff, And another Pedigree of the Syms in the fame Book, wherein it is faid, that one of the Daughters of John Syms married Sir John. Seymour; An Inquifition, poft Mortem, taken the 13th Day of September, in the fortieth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, on the Death of John Seymour, Efq; by which it is found, that John Seymour died feized of Frampton Cottrel, and that he had levy'd a Fine of the Premtfes between him and his Son Thomas in Michaelmas Term, in the twenty- fecond and twenty-third Years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, to the Ufe of him felf for Life, Remainder to Elizabeth Webb, his intended Wife, Remainder to his Son Thomas and his Heirs ; And that John Seymour died at Frampton Cottrel, the 20th DayofAfoy, in the thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and leaving his Son Thomas his Heir, who was forty Years old at his Father's Death. There were alfo laid before me two original Letters from the late Duke Charles, and fign'd by himfelf ; one dated the 22d Day of May, 1689; the other the 19th of July, 1695; and fworn to be both all of his Hand- writing, and wrote to the Petitioner Berkeley Seymours Grandfather, in the former of which, after feveral kind Expreflions to John Seymour, the Petitioners Grandfather, who was Governor of Maryland, he concludes, from your Coufin and humble Servant; The latter has alfo feveral friendly Expreflions, and concludes, your humble Servant. The Affidavit of Jane Seymour, the Petitioner Berkeley Seymour's Aunt, fwears to her Belief of great Part of the Pedigree as ftated, and that Berkeley Seymour is de- fcended in a dired Line from Edward, Duke of Somerfet, ; and that her Father has frequently declared fo in the Family, and that in Cafe of the Death of Charles, Duke of Somerfet, and his Son Algernon, without Iffue-Male, he himfelf was next intitled. This being the Whole of the Evidence produced, to prove the firft Step of the Pedigree, that Henry left a Son named John, it was not only infufficient in itfelf to prove that this John was Son of the Henry in Queftion, but made that Fad to be impoffible, as upon that Suppofition Thomas the Son of John, and Grandfon of Henry muft have been forty Years old at a Time when his fuppofed Grandfather's elder Brother, Edward, Earl of Hertford, who died in 162 1, at the Age of eighty-three could not be above nineteen Years old. The 1 [ I>] The like Impoflibility alfo appearing from a Copy of a Bargain and Sale inroll'd in the Court of Common Pleas, dated the i8th of June, 1559; by which, the fame John Seymour bought Frampton Cottrel, for four hundred and fifty Pounds, at a Time when his Father's elder Brother could not be twenty-one Years old. Upon the Inconfifteney of thefe Evidences, with the Suppofition of John Seymour being the Son of Henry, the Council and Agent for Mr. Berkeley Seymour did not think proper to read the Reft of their Evidence to fhew his Defcent from that John. On the Whole, I am humbly of Opinion, that the Petitioner, Sir Edward Seymour, has fufficiently proved his Right to the two Titles of Baron Seymour and Duke of Somerfit, and that it may be advifable, if your Majesty fhall be gracioufly pleafed fo to do, to order a Writ of Summons to pafs the great Seal, to fummon the faid Petitioner to fit in Parliament, and there to enjoy the Rank and Privi leges to his faid Titles belonging. D. RYDER, 23d of November, 1750. The Attornry- GfiNERAi/j* Report of Sir Edward Seymours Title to the Dukedom oi Somerfet. TALL UlNIVtHKI I Y LlbHAHY 3 9002 08954 1974