m L05a xv.E/CO!RIjS — 01' — ROCKINGHAM, VT. 1773 — 1839 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1941 Old Church at Rockingham, Vermont. (Begun 1787 J Exterior. Old Church at Rockingham, Vermont. (Begun 1757.) Interior. RECORDS FIRST CHURCH ROCKINGHAM, VERMONT, From its Organization, October 27. 1773, to September 25, 1839. Copied by THOMAS BELLOWS PECK, With an Historical Introduction. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. BOSTON: PRESS OF DAVID CLAPP & SON. 1902. "R5'3w HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN ROCKINGHAM, VT. Rockingham, in "Windham County, Vermont, is one of 129 townships west of and near the Connecticut Rivet1 which were granted by Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire, between 1749 and 1764, and were known' as the " New Hampshire Grants." The unfortunate contro versy between New York and New Hampshire as to their jurisdiction over these townships has been fully treated by able historians and need not be discussed here. Whatever the merits of the controversy, New Hampshire was first on the field, and as a result the towns granted by Governor Wentr worth were settled by families of the same names and lineage and from the same neighborhood as the towns on the east side of the river. The gran tees came mainly from the frontier towns of Worcester County, Massachu setts, and were re-enforced somewhat later by settlers coming from towns in the Valley of the Connecticut, lying further south, which in their turn had been settled chiefly by emigrants from Massachusetts. The charter of Rockingham bears date Dec. 28, 1752, and granted a territory of six miles square in 74 equal shares, 69 to inhabitants of " New Hampshire and his MajtyB other Governments," two to Governor Went worth, and one each for " the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts," for " the first Settled Minister of the Gospel in said Town," and for " a Glebe for the Ministry of the Church of England." Among the names of the 69 grantees are many familiar in the early history of Lunenburg, Mass., such as Bellows, Willard, Wetherbe, Gardner, Farns- worth, Hastings and others. The first meeting of proprietors was called March 28, 1753, by Col. Benjamin Bellows of Walpole, himself a former resident of Lunenburg, who was chosen moderator, and as clerk kept the proprietors' records for many years. A second meeting of proprietors was held at the house of Mr. Jonathan Bigelow, May 29, 1754, but little pro gress was made in the settlement of the town until the close of the French and Indian War. A meeting of proprietors was held at the house of Mr. Michael Lovell, July 17, 1760, and in the following year the township was laid out and divided by lot among the original grantees or persons who had purchased or otherwise acquired their rights. In 1765, "Michael Lovell and Benjamin Bellows, Jr., two of the principal proprietors, declared that there were twenty-five families settled in town, and further that they had made sufficient improvements to fulfil the conditions of the charter." (Hall's IV " History of Eastern Vermont," p. 101.) The first regular census taken by the Sheriff of Cumberland County, Jan. 16, 1771, showed a population of 225, there being 50 heads of families. The township of Rockingham, lying along the west bank of the Con necticut River, is traversed by two other streams, Williams River, which flows diagonally from northwest to southeast through the icentral part of the town, and unites with the Connecticut about three miles north of Bel lows Falls, and Saxton's River, which traverses the south part of the town, and falls into the Connecticut about one mile south of Bellows Falls. The central part of the town is hilly and picturesque, while along the valleys of these three rivers are broad and fertile meadows. The early settlers chose as their home a beautiful spot near the centre of the town, at a consider able elevation above the valley of Williams River. Here they built their houses and church, and about the village thus formed the life of the first half century of the existence of the town centred. The story of the efforts to establish preaching and build a house of worship can be told in the quaint language of the early town and pro prietors' records. At the first proprietors' meeting, March 28, 1753, Andrew Gardner, Benja Bellows, Jonathan Bigelow, Stephen Farnsworth and Asahel Stevens were chosen a committee "for to Lay out the Land Voted to be Laid out by ye Proprietors," and it was voted that the com mittee " Lay out Six acres of Land for a Meeting house place." " House Lott No 3 in the North Range," containing 20 acres, was " Laid out For the Use of the First Settled Minister." August 18, 1761, it was " Voted that the Minister's Meadow Lot be Let out " and that the money be laid out in clearing said lot. On the fourth article in the warrant for March 30, 1763, "to see if the town will grant any money to hier preaching the year Insuing," no action was recorded, but Tim0 Olcott and Abner Whipple were chosen Tithyng- men. In 1765, it was voted that "the Ministers Lot be Let out to the highest Bidder," and that the rent be " Laid out In Making and Mending Roads." In 1769, the article "to see if the Town will hier a Minister to preach with them the Summer ensuing " was negatived. March 28, 1770, on the article " to see if the town will let Mr. Andrew Gardner have the Rent of the Ministers Lott," it was voted that " Seven teen bushels of Indian corn be Delivered to the Revd Anderew Gardner by the Overseears out of the Rent that Nathn Davis ows to the Town." The corn was evidently intended as payment for Mr. Gardner's services as min ister, and to him must be accorded the honor of having been the first min ister of the town, previous to the organization of a church. July 11, 1770, it was voted "to Disanull" the article "to see if the Town will agree on sum place for a Meeting house or Chuse a Committee for that End." March 28, 1771, "at the Now Dwelling house of Mr David Pulsiphers Innholder," it was voted that Mr. Gardner " have the Use of ye Ministers Lott y" year Ensuing." June 20, 1771, the town voted "to build a meeting house fifty-five feet Long and forty-five feet wide," and chose " John Hastings and Simeon 01- cott of Charlestown and Thomas Sparrhawk of Walepole to be a Committee to say where the meeting house shall be set." Sept. 7, 1771, it was voted that " Oliver Lovell and Sam11 Taylor be ye Committee To support Mr Gardner and his wife yb 3 Months from the Date hereof," and Dec. 16, 1771, the account of the Committee was al lowed. It is probable that this entry marks the expiration of Mr. Gard ner's term as minister of Rockingham.* March 25, 1772, it was voted " to Let out ye Ministers Lott to the high est bidder " and that " Moses Wright be aLoud Eight Shilings bay money " for " Going after Mr hardin f when he preacht in Rockingham." April 23, 1772, the Committee's choice of a lot for a meeting house was disapproved, and it was voted that " the Meeting house be Set on the hill West of David Pulsiphers house about thirty or forty Rods." August 25, 1773, it was voted to " Build a small house 35 feet Long and 25 feet wide * * * for a meeting house till the town be able to Build a Larger," and that " Peter Evans Junr Samuell Taylor John Lovell be a Committee to Build said house." October 27, 1773, the church was organized, and Mr. Samuel Whiting was ordained as the first pastor. November 24, 1773, it was voted " to Raise forty pounds York money to Defray the Charges of Building a meeting house." October 19, 1774, it was voted to add five feet to the width and one foot and ten inches to the height, and that " the trustees find four Galonds of Rum to Raise and frame said house." December 12, 1774, town meeting was held for the first time in the meeting house, and it was voted that " the Meeting house be excepted and the Committees accompts be aLoud ; " also, " that there be a Roe of Wall * Eev. Andrew Gardner, one of the original grantees of Rockingham, was the first minister of Lunenburg, Mass., from 1728 to 1732. We learn from Hon. E. S Stearns's sketch of Lunenburg, in the "History of Worcester County," that after his dismissal, Nor. 3, 1732, he was employed as " Grammar School Master," and became a large owner of land in Lunenburg. In 1737, he removed to Winchester, N". H., where he had an honorable career. He was occasionally employed as chaplain at Fort Dummer. In 1746, he removed to Charlestown, N. H., and in 1761, was first on the list of gran tees of Bath, N. H. Mr. Stearns says that he removed to Bath about 1765, but his resi dence in Rockingham in 1771 makes it necessary to change this date to a few years later. t Rev. Elisha Harding, a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1745, was or dained in Brookfield, Mass., Sept. 13, 1749, and dismissed at his own request, May 8, 1755. " He is described as a gentleman of great benevolence, a man of singular pro bity and solid learning." (Temple's " History of North Brookfield," p. 223.) It is not known at what date Mr. Harding removed to Walpole, N. H.,but he resided there for many years as chaplain, in the family of Col. Benjamin Bellows, the founder of the town. He died in Walpole, Dec. 8, 1784, in the 76th year of his age. His gravestone, in the village cemetery there, describes him as " Once Minister of Brookfield." VI -Pews Round the meeting house and eight pews in the middle and three seats each side the Alley next the pulpit ; "also, •" chose Oliver Lowell Esq1 and Ensign Peter Evans and Ser4 Jonathan burtt Trustees to expend the money which is voted to be Raised In and about the meeting house." In town meeting January 5, 1781, it was voted "Unanimously ,to ex cept the Reva Mr Samuel Whiting to be their settled minister Agreable to the Constitution of this State," and to pay him " His Salary yearly agreable to a former Agreement .made by him and the people as Long as ,he Remains their minister." August 26, 1782, it was .voted that "Majr Oliver Lovell Git the Deed acknowledged that David pulsipher Deseast :Gave the Town to Set the meeting house on." In the record of the same meeting the following ap pears: " Also I have with three more bought the Ground where the meet ing .house Stands with the Burying Yeard the Same was made a present to the Town by us namely William Simonds David pulsipher Charles Rich ards Nath11 Davis all to settle peace and Good harmony." December 30, 1782, the town chose "a Committee of seven men to Con verse with the Reva Mr Sam11 Whiting Respecting the obligation the -Signers Gave him. The above Committee , that were Chosen Ware Joshua Webb, Oliver Lovell, peter Evans Jehial Webb Jonathan Burt William Simonds John Lovell and the above Committee to make Report of their Doings on the Second Monday of Janavary next." The report of this com mittee, which was accepted by the town, consisted of the following letter from Mr. Whiting, which has enough historical and personal interest to warrant printing : " At the Request of a Committee Chosen to Treat with me in behalf of the Town to Know How I would Chuse to be Supported, I would hereby Declare my Concurance with the Vote of the Town at a meeting on Jan? 1781 as to the manner of my Support and Do Consider the sd Vote of the town to accept of me as their settled minister and to Give me an Annual Salary agreable to the former Covenant from a number of the Inhabitants of this Town as a satisfac tory Security for my f uter Supportt and am Ready and willing to Give up the Obligation I now have from the Subscribers as soon as I am paid or Secured as ,to what Remains Due on the same. And I thank you Gent" of this Town for the Regard you have Shoon me in accepting me as your minister and Rejoyce with you in the more Equitable moad that this State has provided for the sup portt of the Gospell and it would be agreable to me if the Town would pass a particular Vote to be Recorded that you Quit all Clame and title to that Right of Land which I am now in possession of and that You do Consider it to he secured to me and my Heirs by the Charter of this Town and that you will afford your Endeavors and assistance that I may peaceably possess and hold tfie same More than which I have Nothing to ask at present but your prayers for pie and United Endeavors with me for Our Peace Good Regulation wellfair and Happiness as a Town and Society Sam1 WH-rrmG To the Gentlemen of the Town of Rockingham January 13* 1783" [Note — The errors in spelling in this communication were probably not made ;by Mr. Whiting, who was a thorough scholar, .but are chargeable tb the carelessness • of the town clerk.] MAIN ENTRANCE OF ROCKINGHAM MEETING HOUSE. Sketched from a photograph. Vll After accepting the report of the committee, the town passed the follow ing vote: "Voted that this town Haveing Chosen and accepted of the Revd Sam11 Whiting as their minister and the sd Sam11 Whiting haveing Concur11 with us herein and accepted of the Anavel Supportt offered Do Consider the Right of Land Granted in the Charter of the Town by the province of Newhampshire to the first settled minister to be the sd Samn Whitings and that the Town Do Quitt all supposed Right or Title to the Same being Knoon and Lotted out upon the plan 'by the Name of the Minister's Right and will afford their Endevors and assistance that the said Sam11 Whiting Peaceably and Quietly Possess hold and Injoy the Same." November 3, 1783, Jonas Haaelton was chosen collector "to colect the Rev4 ftp Sam" Whitings Rate for the [year] 1780." April 10, 1787, the following votes were passed in regard to building the present meeting house : " 2Iy Voted that the Committee appointed by the Legislature of the State of Vermont to Build a town House in Rockingham are Directed to sell pews in said house to the highest Bider for to raise money to be Laid out .for the purpose of finishing sd House. 8ly Voted that the Committee Build tire town House Just as Large .as Charlestown Meeting House as to the-square of it. 4ly Voted to Build two porches one at each end. :5Iy Voted to have the planof the inside of sd House agreable to the in side of the Meeting House in Charlestown. 8ly Voted to have the, pews finished which are sold with ,the money which is given for sd Pews." At an adjourned town meeting, held April 24, 1787, it was "Voted to reconsider the 3d vote (relative to the Bigness of the town House)." " Voted to Build the town house forty four feet wide and fifty six feet Long." .March 5, 1792, on the article in the warrant " to see what use the Town •will agree to Put the Town house to in sdtown Voted that it shall be ap propriated to the use of publksk worship & Town meetings." At the same meeting it was voted " that the Congregational Society have their propor tion of Time in said house ; also the Baptist, also the Episcopalian's Church ithough not formed into a Society." The use of the house was denied to the society of Universalists, but at a meeting held May 2, 1796, it was voted " that the Universalists shall have their proportionable Share of time in the meeting house according to what they have paid and bring in their Teacher on .the first Day of the Week." January 7, 1793., a committee was chosen to .sell the old meeting house. May 2, 1796, a committee was chosen "to Receive subscriptions towards finishing the meeting house." vm March 20, 1797, the town " chose David Pulsipher Samuel Cutler John Pulsipher James Walker Daniel Weaver a Committee to see who are will ing to finish the meeting house in Rockingham.'' March 19, 1798, money was voted to fence the burying ground. At the same time the painting and glazing of the meeting house were put up at auction. September 24, 1799, the town chose a committee of five to procure sub scriptions for finishing the meeting house. March 1, 1802, it was voted " to pay Mr Samuel Whiting the amount of arrears 166 dollars 67 cents." March 1, 1803, the key of the meeting house was struck off to the lowest bidder, James Marsh, who agreed to act as sexton for $2.50 per year. February 4, 1809, Rev. Mr. Whiting addressed a letter to the Select men requesting them to insert an article in the warrant for town meeting, asking for his dismissal. The following extracts from the letter, reprinted from the " Bellows Falls Times " of July 20, 1860, throw considerable light upon his character and history. He says : " I am led to make the above request of the town for reasons very different and distant from any neglect in the people to encourage my services among them, although I confess it is hard on many accounts to use my endeavors to keep up a ministerial dignity and the stated worship of God on the Sabbath, when there are so few who attend upon my public ministry. But it appears to me that with the utmost exertions my usefulness must be nearly closed, and my health and spirits are considerably impaired. I consequently have some wishes to try to repair them by some journeys and relaxations from business. Perhaps some may suppose there is no need of any formality in my dismission under present circumstances, and while the civil law makes no provision, as it is gen erally understood, for the support of a settled minister, I always had, and still have, some scruples as to the propriety and duty of a minister leaving his people without some formality and agreement of parties, when the relation and con nection had been formed with so much seriousness and solemnity as in our usual ordinations. There are few among us now to remember the solemnity, affection and reli gious feeling existing at my ordination in this place. Most of those, who were the principal actors and spectators in that early and infant state of the town, are dead, and I who have survived attended their remains to the silent grave. There are some, however, who survive with me, and I trust it would be most agreeable to their feelings that there should be some friendly and formal disso lution of the connection between us as pastor and people, and that there should be no appearance of strife or contention between us ; besides, I think this would be most honorable to the town and conducive to an honorable and speedy re- establishment of the ministry here, among a people become numerous and wealthy. This appears but a small degree of honor from the town to me when it is considered what ferments and collisions both in religion and politics have taken place, and that I have been called to pass through them all in the course of my ministry here. I, alone, remain standing in the ministry of this State of all those who were ordained before me." The town chose a committee, consisting of William Hall, Jr., Elijah Knight and Alexander Campbell, to confer with Mr. Whiting, and later voted to grant him an honorable dismissal. He was dismissed by the church at a council held May 18, 1809, but continued to reside in Rocking ham until his death. IX The next pastor, Rev. Elijah Wollage, was settled Nov. 6, 1818, and re mained a little more than three years. Rev. Samuel Mason began preaching Aug. 1, 1836, was ordained as pas tor Jan. 3, 1837, and was dismissed by a council, Aug. 22, 1838. Rev. Broughton White. " an aged, worthy minister," served as pastor for a short time in 1839, but does not appear to have been settled. There appear to have been no regular religious services in the old church after the time of Mr. White. With the decline of the village of Rocking ham, and the rise of the villages of Saxton's River and Bellows Falls, the churches established in those villages, in 1825 and 1850 respectively, seem to have supplied the religious needs of the town. Occasional meetings are still held in the summer in the old church, and town meetings continued to be held there until about thirty years since. On account of its age and historical interest, as well as the picturesqueness of the ancient village which reposes at the base of the elevation, crowned by the old church and the adjacent burial ground, the venerable edifice draws many visitors an nually, and it is hoped that it may be restored by the town and long pre served as a memorial of the early settlers. The half-tone frontispiece, re produced from recent photographs by F. J. Blake, of Bellows Falls, gives a correct idea of its exterior and interior appearance at the present time. It now remains to give some account of the three settled ministers of the church. Rev. Samuel Whiting, the first settled minister, was son of Joseph Whiting of that part of Wrentham which was set off as Franklin, Mass., and his wife Mary. He was born (according to Blake's "History of the Town of Franklin," page 190) in March, 1750. According to "Farmer," he was born in Wrentham, Mass., Jan. 28, 1750. Although there is some confusion in authorities, it is tolerably clear, from the authors quoted above, as well as from the records of Dedham, Mass., and from records in the pos session of the widow of a grandson of Mr. Whiting, that he was descended from Nathaniel1 Whiting of Dedham, the emigrant, and his wife Hannah Dwight. The line runs through Joseph,4 of Franklin (called by Blake " the precinct member"), born Dec. 7, 1702, and his wife Mary; Samuel,8 born June 18, 1671, and his wife Mary; and Nathaniel,2 Jr., eldest child of Nathaniel, the emigrant, born Aug. 7, 1644, and his wife, Joanna Gay, of Dedham. Mr. Whiting graduated from Harvard Col lege in 1769, received the degree of A.M. from Yale College in 1772, and was ordained pastor of the church in Rockingham, Oct. 27, 1773. He was a man of learning, had a clear style of writing, was faithful and earnest in the discharge of his duties as a minister, and was broad and liberal in his religious views. He is described as having been kind and genial in manner ; had a keen sense of humor and was ready in repartee ; was regarded by his brother ministers as a wise counsellor, and was fre- quently called upon to preside over councils of churches. We quote the following from a letter received from a member of the family : " That he was liberal in his views may be inferred from this : on one occasion when he needed some one to assist him in his work he chose a young student from the Baptist church, and also from the fact that he always attended church. after the close of his work, no matter what the faith of the preacher, and, when asked the reason why, replied ' they may be right and I be wrong.' He was spoken of as a scholarly, thoughtful sermonizer but closely confined ¦ to his written manuscript." Soon after settling in Rockingham, he came into possession of the land set apart for the first settled minister, and by prudent management was able to bring up his large family upon his salary/ and the income of his land, and to live independently after the close of his ministry. His residence may still be seen on the road to Chester, about half a mile north-west of the church, and is a commodious house well ele vated above the highway and still in good preservation. As far as known, his only printed work is an election sermon delivered at Windsor, Vt., Oct. 12, 1797. Mr. Whiting was married, May 24, 1774, to Mary, daughter of John and Abigail (Metcalf ) Goldsbury, of Warwick, Mass. Her father died in War wick, July 25, 1802, and her mother died Sept. 5, 1821. Mr. Whiting died in Rockingham, May 16, 1819, in his 70th year. His wife died Aug. 7, 1799, in her 45th year. Their gravestones may be seen in the burying ground just behind the ancient church, and near them are the gravestones of their children, Samuel, the two Marys, Eleutheria and Abigail. Their children, as recorded in the town records, were : i. Mary, b. Aug. 19, 1776; d. Aug. 14, 1777. ii. Samuel, b. Jan. 25, 1778 ; a graduate of Dartmouth, 1799 ; A.M. ; a lawyer; d. Nov. 23,1806. iii. Mary, b. Jan. 20. 1780; d. March 24, 1781. iv. Abigail, b. Dec. 23, 1782; d. June 3, 1807. v. Bbnoni, b. Oct. 6, 1784; d. at birth. vi. John Goldsbury, b. Aug 3, 1785. vii. Eleutheria, b. Nov. Hi, 1789; d. March 21, 1808. viii. Theophilus, b. April 14, 1792. ix. Joseph, b. Nov. 16, 1797. Rev. Elijah Wollage, the second minister, was son of Elijah and Polly Wollage, and was born at Bernardston, Mass., April 13, 1769. He gradu ated from Dartmouth College in 1791. Previous to his pastorate in Rock ingham, he was pastor of Congregational churches in Guilford and Cam bridge, Vt. He removed from Rockingham to the State of New York, and became principal of Academies in several towns. He resumed preaching in 1835, and died in Starkey, N. Y, July 18, 1847. He married Sally P., daughter of Amos Babcock of Westmoreland, N. H., and had five children, one of whom, Elijah, was a Presbyterian minister in Arkansas. Rev. Samuel Mason, the third minister, was born in Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 9, 1797. He was son of Daniel,6 and Betsey (Spaulding) Mason, of that XI town. His father was born in Watertown, Mass., Aug. 24, 1766, lived in Ashburnham, Mass., and in Cavendish, Vt., and died in the latter place, June 18, 1821. His mother was daughter of William and Esther Spauld- ing, was born in Westford, Mass., Jan. 31, 1777, and died in Cavendish, Feb. 10, 1839. The line of descent of Daniel6 Mason from Hugh1 Mason of Watertown, Mass., is given in the Manuscript Genealogy of Hugh Mason's descendants prepared by Edward Doubleday Harris and presented to the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. It agrees with and continues the record given in Bond's "Watertown." Daniel6 Mason was son of Samuel4 Mason, who was born in Newton, Mass., Jan. 24, 1719-20, lived in Newton, Watertown and Ashburnham, and died in Ashburnham, May 17, 1787, and his wife Esther Myrick. Samuel4 was son of Daniel,8 who was born in Newton, Nov. 10, 1698, and lived in Lexington, Sudbury and Charlestown, and his wife Experience Newcomb. Daniel8 was son of John,2 who was born in Watertown, Jan. 1 , 1 644-45, settled in Newton (then Cambridge Village), and died about Feb., 1729-30, and his wife Elizabeth Hammond. John2 was the eldest son of Captain Hugh1 Mason, who was born in England in 1606, embarked at Ipswich in April, 1634, with his wife Esther, in the ship " Francis " for New England, was one of the earliest settlers of Watertown, and became the progenitor of many branches of the Mason family in New England. Rev. Samuel Mason worked at the trades of clothier and blacksmith, while preparing for the ministry. He was ordained minister of the church in Rockingham, Jan. 3, 1837, and was dismissed August 22, 1838, by a Council, which " cheerfully recommended him as a faithful Brother in the ministry to whatever field God in his providence may lead him." He after wards preached in Lempster, Washington and Kingston, N. H., and in 1846 removed to Newburyport, Mass., where he died April 9, 1847. He was married in Cavendish, before 1821, to Abigail Sawyer Whitcomb of that town, by whom he had seven children, born in Cavendish. T. B. P. PLAN OF ROCKINGHAM MEETING HOUSE, (Scale 3-32 in. to I ft.) RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF ROCKINGHAM, VERMONT, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, OCT. 27, 1773, TO SEPT. 25, 1839. Copied by Thomas Bellows Peck, ofWalpole, N. H. The following records of the first church in Rockingham, Vermont, have been copied from the original volume in manuscript in the possession of William H. H. Putnam, of Springfield, Vt., who has kindly loaned it for this purpose. This precious volume has come to Mr. Putnam by right of his wife's descent from one of the early members of the church. It has been carefully cherished, is in excellent preservation and is invaluable on account of the information which it contains relating to the early settlers of Rocking ham. These records are now printed for the first time in order to preserve and make accessible for reference the facts which they contain, many of which are not on record elsewhere, as to the history of the church, and especially the statistics of admissions of members, baptisms, marriages and deaths in the first half century of the existence of the town. The earlier and by far greater part of the records is in the handwriting of the first minister, Rev. Samuel Whiting, who was born in Franklin Mass., March, 1750 (Blake's " History of the Town of Franklin," p. 190), or (according to Farmer) Jan. 28, 1750; graduated at Harvard College in 1769; was ordained pastor of the church in Rockingham, October 27, 1773; was dismissed by his own request, May 18, 1809, and died in Rockingham, May 16, 1819. Mr. Whiting's handwriting had the neatness which charac- ^_^ terized the penmanship of the scho- cX^C t^S >^^vk^i"y larly clergyman of the last century, and is illustrated by the accompany ing facsimile of his signature and by the engraved heading reduced from the fly-leaf of the volume of records. The later records are in the handwriting of Rev. Elijah Wollage, a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1791, of Rev. Samuel Mason and of Rev. Brough- ton White. It is intended to supplement the records with a brief historical sketch of the first church of Rockingham and its ministers, which will be accompanied with a half-tone engraving of the meeting-house, erected in 1787. This house is still in good preservation and is a most interesting specimen of the church architecture of the latter part of the eighteenth century. 7CZc^r^ C^K ^e^^e^rc^A *?? Pursuant to Letters Missive from the People in Rockingham & Chester in the Province of New York the Chhs of Brattleborough Warwick, Win chester, Swanzy, Charlestown, Westmoreland, Walpole Lebanon & Wren tham by their Elders & Messengers & the Messengers of Hindsdale & Cornish were Conven'd at Rockingham October 27th 1773. When antecedent to their embodying into a Council an Enquiry was pro- pos'd to be made in the Standing of the Chh in Brattleboro'upon Which the Revd Mr Peeves & the Messengers from Brattleboro' being previously in structed & empower'd by that Clih gave us full Satisfaction with regard to the Credentials of Mr Reeves & the Agreement of the Covenant of s*1 Chh with ours. We therefore Unanimously agreed upon their desire in Con sideration of their peculiar Situation to receive & own them of our fellow ship. Nevertheless we take this method and Opportunity to bear due Testi mony against any Chh's forming itself & putting itself under the Care of a Minister without the Concurrence of Sister Chhs (where it may be had) to establish a Communion of Churches. The Chhs proceeded to embody into a Council and made Choice of the Rev4 Mr Reeves Moderator & Mr Fessenden Scribe, the Council being form'd Voted their Acceptance of Mr. Reeves & Brattleboro' Chh to our Communion, & our readiness to treat him & them as Such, expecting like Returns from them & that the Vote be made Publick at this Time & to our Chhs. In the next Place the Council proceeded to examine Mr. Samuel Whiting the Pastor elect, as to his Licence to preach, his regular Standing as a Christian, his Doctrinal Sentiments, & his Views of Undertaking the Work of the Gospel Ministry & he gave full Satisfaction as they expressed by Vote. Voted to proceed to Ordination & that Mr Olcott' begin with Prayer, Mr Reeves pray before the Charge, Mr Hedge give the Charge, M1' Lawrence the right hand of Fellowship & Mr Fessenden conclude with Prayer. And agreeable hereto the Revd Samuel Whiting was ordained a Gospel Bishop of the Chh in Rockingham & Chester Rockingham Octobr 27th 1773 Attest Thomas Fessenden Scribe True Copy Attst Sam1 Whiting. 1773 October 31 Baptiz'd Peter Sou of Peter & Mercy Evans Novembr 20 Baptiz'd James Son of Thomas & Sarah Dutton. & Samuel Son of Fairbanks & Esther Moors 1774 January 23th Jonathan & Eunice Burr were propounded to the Chh. also Phebe Johnson of Chester, having before ownd the Covenant. Jany 25. Baptiz'd Chauncey Cheney Son of John & Esther Chandler at their house the Child being Sick. Jany 27 Married Jonathan Burt & Bethiah Preston of Rockingham. January 30th Receiv'd Naomi Kingsley into the Chh & Baptiz'd Adriel Son of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley March 13. Receiv'd into the Chh Phebe Johnson Jonth Burr & Eunice his Wife, also baptiz'd Bathsheb* daughter of Jonth & Eunice Burr, also Priscilla Daughter of Cornelius & Baker. March 27. Baptiz'd Edward Son of Asahel & Phebe Johnson. April 17. At Chester Ebenezer Patterson with his Wife Anne of Kent own'd the Covenant & bad their Child baptiz'd by the name of Moses. .. May 8. Caleb Church & Wife had their Child baptiz'd Jemima May 15. Joseph Wood propounded to the Chh. June 12 Chh tarried after Divine Service & Chose Peter Evans & Elias Olcott to officiate as Deacons in the Chh. June 26. Letters missive from the People of New Fane & from the Chh in Westminster being read. Voted to Send according to their Desire to assist in Ordination & made Choice of Elias Olcott Delegate to New Fane & Elias Olcott and Peter Evans Delegates to Westminster July 17. Baptiz'd Ebenezer Son of Ebenezer & Zeruiah Johnson July 21 Married Benjamin Patterson of Piermont & Elisabeth SafFord of Rockingham. July 31. Receiv'd Joseph Wood into the Chh & baptiz'd Samuel Mary & Anne Children of Joseph & Esther Wood. August 14. propounded Elenor Preston to the Chh. Sept. 7. Married Elkanah Day of Westminster & Levina Merrill of Chesterfield, having licence, also married Benjamin Larrabee & Abigail Spaulding of Rockingham. Sept. 11. Baptiz'd James Son of William & Elisabeth Stearns. & Syl vanus Sabin Son of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley Octob. 2. Elenor Preston receiv'd into the Chh. Baptiz'd Elisabeth & Sarah Daughters of James & Margaret Campbel also propounded to the Chh Jabez Sargeants Junr & Persis his Wife. Nov. 20 Baptiz'd Bulah Daughter of William & Elisabeth Stearns. Nov. 27. Jubez & Persis Sargeants receiv'd into the Chh. & baptiz'd Jabez Son of Jabez & Persis Sergeants. Dec. 18. Baptiz'd Calvin Son of Abiel & Mary Barnes, also Jacob & Phebe Wynn Propounded to the Chh. 1775. April 6. Married Matthew Lane & Elisabeth Stearns of Rock ingham. June 11. Baptiz'd Thomas Chandler Son of Timothy & Betty Olcott. July 23. Baptiz'd Abiel Daughter of Isaiah & Dorcas Johnson. & Aaron Son of Abraham & Sawyer. July 30. Baptiz'd Rebecca Daughter of Timothy & Rebecca Walker Auo-. 27. Baptiz'd Sibbel Daughter of Elias & Sibbel Olcott, also pro pounded at Rockingham Jacob & Phebe Wynn Octob. 10 Married Nathaniel Bennett & Sibbel Whipple of Rocking ham Nov. 5. Baptiz'd Luther Son of John & Johnson. 4 Dec. 17. Baptiz'd Mercy Daughter of Peter & Mercy Evans. Dec. 26 Married David Cockran & Mary Aiken, both of Kent. 1776. Jan. 14. Propounded Isaiah Johnson & Dorcas his Wife. Jan. 28. Isaiah & Dorcas Johnson propounded at Rockingham. Feb. 18 Isaiah & Dorcas Johnson Received into the Chb. Feb. 20. Baptiz'd Lucinda Daughter of Fairbanks & Esther Moors at their house being Sick. March 21. By the Desire of Brother Asher Evans I inform'd the Chh & Congregation of his Sorrow for his foolish & Inconsiderate Conduct with Nath1 Bennett. Voted Satisfactory. April 21. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship, read Jonathan Burrs Complaint against Nathaniel Davis & Chose Peter Evans & Elias Olcott to meet with them & endeavour to reconcile the Difficulties between them. April 27. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship When Peter Evans Junr & Elias Olcott upon Brother Davis Saying that wherein he had broke the good Rules of the Chh he was sorry for it, Said it was to the same purport to what they had Advis'd to & Brother Burr was satisfied with, and he being Satisfied withdrew his Complaint & both Parties agreed not to mention again the old Story wherein they differd & which was the foundation of the Dispute. May 19. Baptiz'd Roswell Son of Asher & Mary Evans. June 17. Baptiz'd Mira Alpheus Son of John & Esther Chandler' July 1. Elenor Preston informing us that she had never been baptiz'd tho she thot she had been in Infancy when she was receiv'd into the Chh, was baptiz'd no Objection being made, also baptiz'd Sylvanus Son of Col- born & Elenor Preston. July 22. Chh tarried after Publick Services & made Choice of Timothy Walker & Jehiel Webb for Choristers. An enquiry was made of Sister Preston as to the mistake which she was under as to her saying she had been baptiz'd in Infancy when she offer'd herself to join the Chh, when she declar'd that she really tho't then that she had been tho since she was Con- vinc'd to the Contrary. & the Chh were so far satisfied with her Discourse as to overlook it, tho' they could not excuse her from great Negligence & Carelessness, also the Chh made Choice of Peter Evans Junr & Jon111 Burr to Discourse with Brother Simonds & Woods concerning their Absenting from Communion & endeavour to persuade them to return to their Duty. July 28. Baptiz'd Nathan Son of Ebenezer & Zeruiah Johnson August 4. Propounded Agnis Whitney, having formerly own'd the Covenant. August 25. Receiv'd Agnis Whitney into the Chh. August 30 Baptiz'd Naomi Daughter of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley. Sept. 1. Baptiz'd Moses Agnis & Lucretia Children of Ezra & Agnis Whitney, also propounded Ebenezer & Rachel Albee Sept 11. Married Asa White & Jane Arwin of Rockingham. Sept 15. Receiv'd Ebenezer & Rachel Albee into the Chh. Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of Sam1 & Mary Whiting, also Elisabeth Daughter of John & Elisabeth Whitney, also Margarett Daughter of James & Margaret Campbell, & Rachel, Ebenezer, John, Benjamin, Mary & Submit Children of Ebenezer & Rachel Albee. Sept. 26. Married Solomon Wright & Abylene Preston & Gardner Simonds & Nancy Titus. Sept. 29. Baptiz'd Persis Daughter of Jabez & Persis Sargeant Octob. 6. Chh tarried after Publick Exercise & at the Desire of the Society at Putney. Voted to Send to assist in gathering a Chh & Installing a Minister there & Chose Peter Evans & Nathaniel Davis Delegates. _ Nov. 3. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship. Patrick McHerg ex hibited a Certificate that he & his Wife were in Christian Communion in Scotland when they left it, the Chh Voted that they might receive th< priveleiige of baptism for their Child, accordingly after Meeting Baptiz'd Judith Daughter of Patrick & Judith McHerg, at their House. ###### Dec. 22 Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of Abraham & Sawyer. 1777. March 30. Joshua & Esther Hotten at Chester * * * * were propounded to the Chh. May 4. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship when a Letter of Dismis sion & Recommendation of Thomas & Sarah Dutton from the Chh of Christ in Lunenburg was Read. 1 Voted to Receive Sarah Dutton into the Chh. Objections being made against Receiving Thomas Dutton into this Chh, till some Satisfaction was given for his Constant Neglect of & Absence from Publick Worship. The Question was put whether the Chh would receive Thomas Dutton into Communion without further Satisfaction pass'd in the Negative. May 11. Receiv'd into the Chh Joshua & Esther Hotten. Baptiz'd Joshua Asahel, & Luther Children of Joshua & Esther Hotten also Joseph Warner Son of Caleb & Elisabeth Church. * June 22. Married Uriah Morris & Mary Tarbel of Chester. July 20. Baptiz'd Abigail Daughter of William & Elisabeth Stearns Sept 12(?) Married Howe as he Said & Mary Glazier of Rock ingham Sept 14. Propounded John & Martha Lovell. Octob. 5 Propounded Jehiel & Mary Webb Nov. 2 Married Charles Man & Zeruiah Parker of Chester Dec. 21. Baptiz'd Mary Wife of Jehiel Webb & Receiv'd into the Chh John & Martha Lovell & Jehiel & Mary Webb. Dec. 23. Baptiz'd Elisabeth Daughter of Tim"1 & Rebeca Walker being sick Dec. 28. Baptiz'd Clarissa & Jehiel Children of Jehiel & Mary Webb 1778. Jan. 31. Married David Cross & Rhoda Wilson of Acworth March 29. Baptiz'd Samuel Sou of Samuel & Mary Whiting & Simeon Son of Elias & Sibbel Olcott. May 10. Baptiz'd Adriel Son of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley May 17. Baptiz'd Bulkley son of Timothy & Betty Olcott. June 21 Baptiz'd Tabitha Daughter of Isaiah & Dorcas Johnson July 12. Baptiz'd Benjamin Son of Ebenezer & Zeruiah Johnson. Am'. 23. Baptiz'd Leonard Sou of Joshua & Esther Hotten. Au°. 30. Chh tarried & appointed a Chh Meeting to be on Friday following to Consider whether the Chh will receive any to priveledges with out Receivino- to full Communion or in other words whether they will adopt the half way Covenant, Commonly so call'd, & Propounded Bethiah Dutton. 6 1778.Sept. 4. Chh Met according to appointment & Voted 1. that the Chh Covenant Stand without any Alterations & no Adult Persons be admitted to Priveledges & taken under the Watch & Care of the Chh without promising an Attendance on the Lord's Table. . 2. that persons having own'd the Covenant elsewhere Residing among us, may receive Priveledges in this Chh even while they do not come to the Table of the Lord So Long as in the Judgment of Charity, the Chh can suppose they are endeavouring to remove their Scruples as to Coming to the Table of the Lord, & in other Re spects live answerable to a Christian Profession 3. Voted that the Pastor desire of Brother Joseph Wood the Reasons of his Still absenting from the Lord's Table. Sept. 8. Married Charles Richards Junr & Molly Arwin of Rockingham Sept. 13. Receiv'd Hannah Smith of Chester into the Chh having been Propounded, & Baptiz'd her. Sept. 20. Baptiz'd Mercy Daughter of Peter & Mercy Evans. Sept. 27. Receiv'd Bethiah Dutton into the Chh. also Baptiz'd Rufus & Mercy Children of Isaac & , Stoell also Ralph Parker Son of Eleazer & Ruth Stearns. Oct. 4. Baptiz'd William Anson Son of John & Esther Chandler also David Lydia Bathsheba & Sarah Children of Thomas & Susanna Stone Oct. 13. Baptiz'd John King Son of John & Martha Lovell, & Perley Son of Thomas & Bethiah Dutton. Chh Tarried Voted to Comply with the Request of Westminster Chh & Chose Elias Olcott with the Pastor to join in Council there Nov. 1. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship, the Result of the Council at Westminster was Read, and the Chh were further inform'd as to what appear'd to be the Opinion of that Council as to Several matters that came under their Consideration. Dec. 10. Married Eli Evans & Hannah Larcum of Rockingham 1779. Jan. 17. Baptiz'd Thomas Son of Abraham & Sawyer, also Abi gail Daughter of Jabez & Persis Sargeants at Chester. Jan. 24. Married Samuel Stafford as he Called himself a Stranger & Abigail Fuller of Rockingham. May 9. Baptiz'd David Son of Colburn & Elenor Preston. May 23. Baptiz'd Sarah Daughter of William & Elisabeth Stearns June 21 Married Benjamin Williams of Charlestown & Polly Lovell of Rockingham. June 22. Married Moses Allen of Greenfield & Mary Larrabee of Rockingham July 4. Baptiz'd Lucinda Daughter of Fairbanks & Esther Moors also read the Confession of Eli & Hannah Evans & propounded them to the Chh. July 25. Receiv'd Eli & Hannah Evans into the Chh. also Baptiz'd Jesse Son of Eli & Hannah Evans. *Aug. 8. Baptiz'd Annice Daughter of Caleb & Elisabeth Church. Aug. 22. Baptiz'd Betsi & Daniel Children of Moses & Jerusha Marsh. also Zebulon Son of Jonathan & Eunice Burr. Aug. 29. Chh Tarried & appointed a Chh Meeting Sept. 3d- Sept. 3. Chh met according to appointment. Jacob Pease & Wife ex hibiting a Recommendatory Letter were receiv'd into the Chh — Brother Joseph Wood inform'd the Chh that his having absented from the Lord's Tablewas on account of the Difficulties of Publick Affairs & that he had tho't it to be a greater evil for him to partake than Absent, but that he was now Sensible of his having no Scripture Rule to Justify his absenting, desiring the Chh to overlook his Neglect & that he might again Commune with us Voted that the Chh is Satisfied herewith. As Some were dissatisfied with Deac Evans, the Vote was put Whether the Chh were Satisfied with him, passed in the Affirmative Deac Evans re quested to be dismissed from Serving in the Office of Deacon. It was put to Vote whether the Chh would dismiss him. passed in the negative. Sept. 5. Baptiz'd Samuel & Anna Children of Ebenezer & Anna. Pat terson also Bethiah Daughter of Thomas & Bethiah Dutton at Evening. Married Jonathan Fuller & Rhoda Pease, also Elijah Knights & Mercy Fuller, all of Rockingham. Sept. 16. Married Josiah White & Elisabeth Pulsipher of Rockingham Sept. 26. Chh Tarried a Complaint of Nathaniel Davis against Deac11 Evans was Read, & after some Consideration the Question was put whether the Complaint should lie in the Chh without acting upon it at present in the manner as therein Desir'd, pass'd in the Affirmative It was then pro posal that a Committee should be Chosen such as would be Satisfactory to the Parties to hear the matter in Dispute, the Parties then acquiesced in the Method & pitched upon five of the Brethren for the Committee, the Question was then put whether these Viz. Jehiel Webb, Jacob Pease Elias Olcott, Ebenezer Fuller & Joseph Wood Should be the Committee for the Purpose afores'd pass'd in the affirmative. Octob. 3. Chh Tarried & the Committee Reported that having heard the Evidences the Complaint of Nathaniel Davis against Deacon Evans was not supported, the Question was put whether the Chh would act any fur ther upon the Complaint, pass'd in the Negative. Octob. 4. Married Nathaniel Miner & Mary Camp of Rockingham Octob. 18. Married Mr MeKenzie to the Widow Lois Spencer of Springfield Nov. 7. Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of Jehiel & Mary Webb.— Chh Tar ried & Brother Ebenezer Fuller inform'd the Chh that he desir'd his Daughter Abigail's Children might be baptiz'd upon his Account Chh Voted to Consider on it Nov. 14. Chh Tarried when the Chh were inform'd of the Desire of Doctr Reuben Jones & his Wife to be propounded to the Chh & join in full Communion, but that Doctr Reuben Jones would not give an Assent to the Covenant, which was Customary to be assented to by Persons before they are receiv'd into full Communion if the Chh insisted upon it as a term of Communion, but if it was only desir'd of him by the Chh as a favour, he was ready to do it, he being present further explain'd himself & gave his Reasons before the Chh, & the Chh Voted that the Matter rest for Con sideration. Nov. 28. Chh Tarried after Divine Service when a draught of a Letter was read to be Consider'd whether they would send it to Doctr Jones, the Chh acted nothing upon it. but appointed a Chh Meeting to be on the 15 of December Dec. 5. Married Nathan Wright & Thankful Eastman of Rockingham Dec. 7. Married Benjamin Harris of Hadley & Hannah Galusha of Rockingham 8 Dec 15. Chh Met according to appointment at Mr Whitings 1. Put to Vote Whether Brother Ebenezer Fuller might have his Daughter Abigails Children baptiz'd upon his & his Wives account, in the method he desired pass'd in the negative. 2. Doctr Reuben Jones being Present, Such matters were treated of in Conversation as were Satisfactory on both Sides. . 1780 Feb. 7. Married William Stowell & Phebe Sartwell both of Walpole Feb. 13. Receiv'd Reuben & Eunice Jones into the Chh & baptiz'd John Son of Reuben & Eunice Jones also Betsi Lane Daughter of Lemuel & Sargeants. Mar. 5. Chh tarried after Publick Worship & it was ask't whether the Chh would Act upon a Verbal Complaint of Deac11 Evans, — the Motion was made & the Question was put whether the Chh would Establish it as a Rule to act upon no Complaints unless they were written pass'd in the affirmative. March 7. Baptiz'd Abiel Danghter of Isaiah & Dorcas Johnson at their house, being Sick, present Jabez Sargents & Jabez Junr April 2. Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of Samuel & Mary Whiting April 12. Married Abel White & Hannah Closson of Rockingham. April 16. Chh tarried & appointed a Chh Meeting on Wednesday 26th April 23 on account of Fast appointed Chh Meeting 27th April 27. Chh Met according to appointment & inform'd Mr Davis of their uneasiness with him for Continuing his Contention with Deac' Evans, & in not resting Satisfied with the doings of the Chh in respect to Him. after some time, according to a proposal made. Deac. Evans Said before the Chh that if he had injur'd Mr Davis any way in his Name or Estate he was sorry for it. & meant to treat Mr Davis's Character with Brotherly Tenderness which was Satisfactory to Mr Davis. Mr Davis also Said before the Chh & to the Chh that he was Sensible that upon Provocations he had fallen into unbecoming Passions & in his Expressions had broken good Rules, & wherein he had given occasion of offence to the Chh he was sorry therefor desir'd that it might be overlook't & their prayers for him ; the Vote was then Call'd whether it was Satisfactory to the Chh pass'd in the Affirmative. May 14. Baptiz'd Anne Daughter of Charles & Irene Richards May 21 Baptiz'd Naomi Daughter of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley July 30 Baptiz'd Hannah Daughter of Eli & Hannah Evans. Aug. 14 Married Nath1 Davis Junr & Lydia Herod of Rockingham Octob. 15. Baptiz'd Daniel Son of Colborn & Elenor Preston. Nov. 9. Married Asher Evans of Rockingham & Lecta Sartwell of Charlestown. Nov. 26. Propounded Timothy & Rebecca Walker. Dec. 17. Chh Tarried & Convers'd something in regard to having a Sacrament, then Voted that Jacob Pease & Jehiel Webb with the Pastor be a Committee to go & See Sister Elenor Preston to make some Enquiry & give Some Advice as they shall see fit. Dec. 24 Receiv'd into the Chh Timothy & Rebecca Walker. 1781 Jan 5. Chh Tarried after Lecture & Voted 1 Satisfied with the Doings of the Committee Chosen to Converse with Mrs Preston 2dly that in Con sequence of her becoming reconciled to her Husband the Chh is Satisfied & in Charity with her. Jan. 23. Married Elijah Lovell of Rockingham & Abigail Goldsbury of Warwick. Jan 25. Married Frederick Reed & Lovisa Pease of Rockingham. March 15. At a Lecture at Chester baptiz'd Lucy Daughter of Timothy & Betty Olcott. also Lines Son of Jabez & Persis Sargeants & Abigail Daughter of Abiel & Mary Barnes April 29. Baptiz'd Vryling Son of John & Martha Lovell. May 27. Baptiz'd Washington Son of Timothy & Rebecca Walker & Sarah Daughter of Ebenezer & Rachel Albee. May 31. Married Ebenezer Stoell & Parmela Whitney of Rockingham June 3 Baptized Ira Son of Jehiel & Mary Webb. June 23. Married Leonard Reed & Esther Gould of Rockingham July 19 Married Elisha Wright of Rutland & Judith Wright of Rock ingham —July 3. Baptiz'd Eli Son of Reuben & Eunice Jones. July 22. Baptiz'd Sabra Daughter of Oliver & Hannah Lovell. July 29. Baptiz'd Olive Daughter of Daniel & Olive Edson. August 19. John Ellis was Propounded to the Chh. Aug. 26 Lecta Evans was propounded to the Chh. Aug. 31. Chh Tarried after Lecture & receiv'd into their Communion Daniel & Olive Edson being recommended from Bridgwater Chh. Sept 2. Receiv'd John Ellis & Lecta Evans into the Chh also Phebe Stoell made publick Confession & was propounded to the Chh. Sept. 9. Baptiz'd Charlotte, Samuel, Polly & Chloe Children of John & Urana Ellis. — also propounded Elisabeth Fuller to the Chh. Octob. 21. Baptiz'd Salome Daughter of Caleb & Elisabeth Church Octob. 28. Receiv'd Phebe Stoell into the Chh. Octob. 30. Baptiz'd by Mr Houston Jane Daughter of George & Nancy McMurphy & Susanna Smith Daughter of Ebenezer & Anne Patterson. Nov. 4. Baptiz'd Parthenia Daughter of Elias & Sibbel Olcott. Nov. 18. Mercy Knights Wife of Elijah Knights made confession & was propounded to the Chh. Dec. 11. Chh Meeting & the Chh Voted to Comply with the request of the Chh in Cornish & send their Pastor & Delegates to join in Ecclesiastical Council & Chose Jacob Pease & John Lovell Delegates. Dec. 15. Married Benjamin Parker & Rachel Weatherbee late of Rindge. Dec. 16. Receiv'd Mercy Knights into the Chh. Dec. 23. Married Josiah Griswold of Walpole & Susanna Simonds of Rockingham. Dec. 30. Receiv'd into the Chh Elisabeth Fuller, Brother Joseph Wood & Nathaniel Davis Publickly objecting against it. a Vote was taken, four or more of those Present holding up their hands for it, & none holding up their hands when the Contrary was put. 1782.Feb. 10. Married Sam1 Smith of Amherst & Sabra Debelle of Charls- town Feb. 17. Baptiz'd Simeon Son of Elijah Knights & Mercy, a Chh Meeting was appointed on Friday Feb. 22d Feb. 22. Chh met, according to appointment, when it being propos'd to Brother Joseph Wood to inform the Chh what was his Uneasiness, he Said he was uneasy with the Chh for receiving Elisabeth Fuller into Com munion, the Chh hearing his reasons to Convince them they had done 10 Wrong some proposals were made to him which were not satisfactory. the Question being mov'd was put whether the Chh are Satisfied with the Proceedings on Lord's Day December 30th in Receiving Elisabeth Fuller into Communion, passed in the affirmative. March 24. A Chh Meeting was appointed on the 28th March 28. Chh Met according to appointment, when a Complaint of Brother Nathaniel Davis & a Complaint of Brother John Lovell against each other were read, & the Chh proceeded to act in the following manner viz 1 The Question was put whether the Chh will act upon the Complaint of Brother Davis against Brother Lovell pass'd in the affirmative. 2. The Question was put whether it appears to the Chh that Brother Davis by the Evidence exhibited has supported his Complaint against Mr Lovell. pass'd in the Negative. 3 The Question was put whether the Chh will act upon the Complaint of Brother Lovell against Mr Davis pass'd in the Affirmative. Brother Davis declaring that he had no objection against the Chhs pro ceeding to act on the affair at this meeting more than at any future time, the Chh proceeded to act. 4. the Question was put whether it appears to the Chh by the Evidence exhibited that Brother Lovell has Supported his Complaint pass'd in the Affirmative. 5. Voted that the Chh Meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in May. April 7. Propounded to the Chh William Harris April 11. Married Isaac Stearns & Jane White of Rockingham May 5 Receiv'd William Harris into the Chh. May 6. Chh Met according to Adjournment. . 1 The Question was put whether Peter Evans & Elias Olcott shall Continue Deacons, of the Chh, & whether Deacon Evans on account of his Age & Infirmities shall be excus'd from providing for & Serving at the Table as he requests, pass'd in the Affirmative. 2 Chose Jacob Pease for a third Deacon. the Meeting was then adjourned till next Sabbath Evening May 9. Married Ephraim Guild of Chester & Philena Wright of Rockingham. May 19. Chh Tarried according to adjournment, when a Draught of an Admonition was read & The Question was put whether the Pastor should send this Admonition to Brother Nathaniel Davis in the Name of the Chh pass'd in the Affirmative. May 26. Baptiz'd Electa Daughter of Asher & Electa Evans. May 29. Married Thomas Davenport & Zipporah Gay of Rock. June 9. Baptiz'd Lucinda Daughter of Phebe Stoell. June 16. Evening Married Elisha Knights & Phebe Stoell of Rock June 20. Married John Baker & Experience Gibbs, William Stearns & Lydia Glazier Ebenezer Pulsipher & Unity Reed all of this Town. June 30. Propounded Jonas Hazeltine to the Chh. also at Evening Married Daniel Richards & Sally Field of Rockingham July 21 Baptiz'd Sapphira Daughter of Sylvanus & Naomi Kingsley Aug. 4. Baptiz'd Pal ry daughter of '& Johnson. Aug. J 8. Propounded to the Chh Sarah the Wife of John Cooper. Sept. 1. Chh tarried after Divine Service & upon hearing & consider ing the Request of Brother Nathaniel Davis comply'd therewith & Voted 11 to the Matter of Mr Davis Grievance to the Association, & Chose the Deacons with the Pastor to represent the matter in behalf of the Chh to them At the Meeting of the Association but two Ministers were Present viz M1' Goodhue & Mr Williams who declin'd attending to the Matter or giving their Advice. Sept 15. Baptiz'd Elijah Son of Ebenezer & Rachel Albee also pro pounded Vashti Evans to the Chh. Sept 22 Receiv'd Sarah Cooper into the Chh Nov. 10. Received Vashti Evans into the Chh. & Baptiz'd Eli Son of Eli & Hannah Evans. Dec. 22. Propound Priscilla Pulsipher to the Chh Chh tarried Read a Draught of a Letter to Thomas Chandler Jabez Sargeants & others in Chester. Voted that it be sent. 2. Voted that Deac. Pease Jehiel Webb Peter Evans . Jun1' William Simonds & Daniel Edson be a Committee to Confer with Brother Joseph Woods & with Jonas Hazeltine. 1783. January 26. Baptiz'd Abigail Daughter of Samuel & Mary Whiting Chh tarried, the Committee Chosen to Confer with Joseph Woods & Jonas Hazeltine make Report to the Chh. 1 The Question was put whether the Chh were willing to Receive Jonas Hazeltine into Communion, it was no vote being a tie. 2 Whether the Chh were Satisfied that the Chh Covenant Should stand as it does passed in the affirmative A Draught of a Second Admonition to Mr Davis was read 3. Voted that the Pastor send this Second Admonition to Mr Davis in the Name of the Chh. April 20. Chh tarried Read to them a Letter from Thomas Chandler Clerk of the Chh in Chester. & a draught of answer to the Chh in Ches ter. Voted that it be sent. April 27. Baptiz'd John Son of John & Urana Ellis May 4. Baptiz'd Martha Daughter of John & Martha Lovell. Pro pounded Rhoda Fuller to the Chh. May 1 1 . Receiv'd Priscilla Pulsipher into the Chh. May 18. Appointed a Chh Meeting to be on Wednesday 21 Instant May 21 Chh met according to appointment. Mr Davis being under the Admonition of the Chh. desir'd that the Chh would join with him in Calling a Council to hear & advise as to his Matter of grievance. 1 Voted to Call a Council of Neighbouring Chhs for this purpose viz Charlestown Walpole & Westminster, these being agreed to by Mr Davis. 2. Made Choice of Deac Pease Mr Edson & Peter Evans Junr with the Pastor to be a Committee with Mr Davis to Send the Letters Missive. 3. Made choice of the three Deacons John Lovell Daniel Edson & Peter Evans Junr with the Pastor as a Committee to prepare matters to lay before the Council. 4 the Question was put whether the Chh were willing to dismiss & Recommend Brother Joseph Wood to any Chh of our Communion, upon their being Satisfied that he has attended on Publick Worship & Ordi nances in such Chh for some considerable time Pass'd in the Affirmative June 29. Receiv'd Rhoda Fuller into the Chh. also Baptiz'd Elisabeth Stoell & Samuel Woods Children of David & Priscilla Pulsipher July 6. After Publick Worship Brother Nathaniel Davis desiring the Congregation to Stop, read to them a paper in these Words or nearly. If 12 I have said any thing that has given just Occasion of Offence to any in this Chh I am sorry for it. July 6. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship 1 The Question was put, whether the Pastor be directed to Examine particularly all that offer themselves to be propounded to the Chh as to their Sentiments respecting Infant Baptism & if they do not hold to Infant Baptism as it is generally held to in the Congregational Chhs, & do not think it their Duty to bring their Children to Baptism in Infancy, that it be mention'd to the Chh when they are propounded, & if they are receiv'd into the Chh be matter of Record, pass'd in the affirmative. 2. The Question was put whether the Chh would receive Jonas Hazle- tine into their Communion & under their Watch & Care, & that it be Re corded that he didn't hold to Infant Baptism. Pass'd in the Affirmative. 3. Receiv'd Sarah Roundy into the Chh being recommended from the Chh in Ware. July 27. Receiv'd Jonas Hazletine into the Chh, also Baptiz'd Eben ezer & Mary Children of Jonathan & Rhoda Fuller. August 3. Baptiz'd Elisabeth Daughter of Lemuel & Sargeants August 14 Married David Campbell & Amela Johnson of Rockingham. August 20 Daniel Edson & Elenor Richards appear'd & he took her as his Wedded Wife & she took Him as her Wedded Husband. Augst 24. Baptiz'd Hannah Daughter of Jehiel & Mary Webb Chh tarried read a Confession of Mr Davis Chh Voted it Satisfactory Sept 7 Baptiz'd Abigail Daughter of John & Whitney October 26 Baptiz'd Lynde & Polly Children of William & Susanna Simonds. December 14 Chh Tarried after Divine Service When a Complaint of Nathaniel Davis against John Lovell & others was read & another agahist Daniel Edson. 1 Voted that the Chh would hot act on the Complaint against John Lovell & others 2. Voted that the Complaint against Daniel Edson lie for the Present & that Mr Edson have further opportunity to make Satisfaction to the Chh, if he should see fit. 1784 Feb. 19. Chh met according to appointment at Mr Whitings, the Meet ing being open'd, Mr Davis withdrew his Complaint against Mr Edson, Mr Edson having given him full Satisfaction May 2. a Chh Meeting was appointed to be on thursday following at the Meeting house, at 12 oClock, & an Invitation & Desire was made to the Congregation that any of them who had any matters which they de sir'd to Communicate to the Chh, or any grievances in respect to any of the Regulations of the Chh, that they would attend & be free in Opening their minds to the Chh. May 6. Chh Met according to Appointment, when Some of the Con gregation being present, they Made request to the Chh, that there might be a door Open for the Baptism of the Children of Such as had Scruples upon their minds about Coming to the Table of the Lord & yet were willing to enter into Covenant & put themselves under the Watch & Care of the Chh, & offer'd further that they Consider'd this as a Priveledge which they had a right to Demand, as they understood that the Cambridge Platform was to be the Rule by which the Chh was to govern themselves by. After Con siderable Conference, it was agreed upon that for the purpose of Coming 13 to some mutual Agreement three members of the Chh should be Chosen to Join with three persons of the Congregation, as a Committee with the Pas tor to devise & form some Rule of proceeding to be laid before the Chh, in order for their Acceptance, & voting it as a Rule of Proceeding in the Chh. the Chh made Choice of Deac11 Peas, Peter Evans Junr & Jehiel Webb, to join with John Herod, Charles Richards & Caleb Church, who were Chosen on the part of the Congregation, which Committee were to meet at the Rev4 Mr Whitings on thursday, the 27th of May, at Noon. May 23 Chh Tarried & Voted to Dismiss & Recommend Elenor Pres ton from this Chh to the Chh in Rutland. June 6. Chh Tarried after Divine Service & there was read to them the draught of a Vote agreed upon by the Committee Chosen for that pur pose, & it was Voted that a Chh Meeting be appointed to Consider & Act upon the Same, & a Chh Meeting was appointed accordingly to be at the Meeting House on Tuesday the 15th of June Instant at one oClock in the afternoon. June 15 Chh met according to Appointment & being open'd with Prayer, the Draught of a Vote under Consideration was again Read, when after Considerable Conference & Debate on the Matter, the Vote was put whether the Draught should be receiv'd & it pass'd in the Negative, there being a Considerable part that did 'nt Vote either way. after Considerable further Conference & Debate, the Question was put 1 Whether the last Vote should be reconsider'd & pass'd in the Affir mative. 2. WLether the Draught under Consideration should be adopted as a Rule of Proceeding in the Chh so long as the Chh perceiv'd any good effects of the Same & pass'd in the Affirmative. the Vote Pass'd is as follows. This Chh taking into Consideration the Uneasiness of Numbers of the Congregation & their request that they might enjoy a Supposed Prive- ledge of having the Ordinance of Baptism administred to their Children, tho they do not Come up to the Table of the Lord & join in full Com munion with the Chh— a liberty which is granted in many Chhs of our Com munion tho not so generally as formerly Voted 1. That the Chh cannot Consider it to be a profession of Faith in Christ & Obedience to him, while a Reserve is made as to Coming up to the Sacrament of the Supper, & while there is no profession of Obedience to this Dying Command of the Saviour. 2. That the Chh would Charitably Suppose that such Adult persons as had been Baptiz'd & thereby bro't into the Chh in their Infancy & of good Moral Behaviour, did not mean to renounce their Baptism, reject the Au thority watch & Discipline of the Chh or Disclaim all Priveledges from it ; by their neglect in not answering the Design of their early Baptism, even to profess faith in Christ & Obedience to Him & thereby make it Their own Act & Deed in a professed & publick manner 3 That the Chh are willing that Baptism be administered to the Chil dren of all Such of whom they can have this Charitable Thot as mention'd in the preceding Vote & would desire their Pastor thus to practice. 4 Voted that such as have been guilty of Moral Scandal do make Christian Satisfaction therefor in order to their receiving any Priveledge in the Way above mentioned. 5 That the Applying for any Priveledge in the Chh shall be under- 14 stood as an acknowledgment of the Authority of the Chh over such as Apply & that it be Consider'd as an actual putting themselves under the Watch & Care of the Chh & that they receive Priveledges no longer than they submit to the Authority & Discipline of the Chh. 6. That such as do receive Baptism for their Children or any Prive ledge in the Way above mentioned do make a Publick Profession of their Beleif of the Christian Religion, do acknowledge the Validity of their own Baptism in Infancy, & their Beleif of the Scriptural Right of Administr- ing Baptism to the Infants of such as are members of the Visible Chh, & the propriety of the Mode as practic'd in our Chhs. that they promise to bring up their Children in the Nurture & Admonition of the Lord & will submit to the Discipline of the Chh exercis'd in a Reasonable & Gospel method. 7. That the Pastor propound such as apply for receiving Priveledges at least one Week before they are received to Priveledges & he is desir'd & directed to enquire of all applying whether they have for some Reasonable term of time Statedly read Gods Word & pray'd in their Families, & care fully attended on the Worship of God with their Families on the Lords Day & unless they can Answer in the Affirmative in these Points, not to propound them to Priveledges as without the Practice of these things the Chh cannot Consider that there is any kind of Security for the good Edu cation of the Baptiz'd Children or any reasonable Expectation of it. 8. Voted that inasmuch as there may be very particular Caution & Care needful, in directing persons who may apply for Priveledges, and as to propounding them to the Chh ; Agreable to the Desire of the Pastor the Chh do appoint a Committee of the Chh for his help & assistance, whom the Pastor may at any time call to his assistance in any matter of Doubt & to whom he may send any applying persons, to obtain their Consent in order to be propounded, & it is understood that the Committee assist the Pastor in any other matters ; & that this method be Continued in the Chh so long as the good Tendency & effects of it appear. 9 that Daniel Edson, Jehiel Webb, & Deac" Jacob Pease be the Com mittee for Purposes abovementioned so long as they shall be willing to afford their Service to the Pastor & Chh & give satisfaction to the Chh therein. July 10 Chh Tarried after Publick Worship & Voted that David Stanley, Jonas Hazeltine & Ebenezer Clark be mention'd to the Congre gation to see if it is agreable to them that these assist with Mr. Webb in setting the Psalm & leading in singing. It was mentioned & no Objection made. 1785 Jan. 22. appointed Chh Meeting on 26th Jan 26. Chh Met & adjourned till Sabbath Evening the 29th after Publick Exercises. Jan 29. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship & there appearing to be such Objection against granting the Request of Deacon Jacob Peas & brother Ebenezer Fuller as to the Baptism of their grandchildren, that it was not thot adviseable to put the Vote and the Chh Meeting was dismiss'd without acting upon any thing. Feb. 26. the Confession of Jacob Peas Junr was Read to the Chh & Congregation March 26. read a Letter missive from Westminster Chh. 15 1 Voted to send to Join in Council according to their request 2. Voted that Deac11 Peter Evans be Delegate for that Purpose. June 11. Chh Tarried, & Voted that Daniel Edson have a Certificate of his Regular Standing in this Chh. June 25. Chh & Congregation tarried after Publick Worship When Brother Daniel Edson preferred a Certificate from the Anabaptist Chh in Richmond as follows Richmond June 19 1786 These may Certify that the first Baptist Chh of Christ in Richmond hath receiv'd Daniel Edson into Fellowship as a Christian, & to Baptism, & do Stand Ready to receive him to full Fellowship & Communion, as a member of this Church when he is Dismiss'd from the Chh where he now ° Maturean Ballou Pastor of the Church Upon Mr Edson Desiring a Dismission to Richmond Chh. a Form was read which was Voted & is Conceiv'd in these Words & Terms Rockingham June 26th 1786 Whereas Brother Daniel Edson having been Dismiss'd and recommended from the fourth Chh of Christ in Bridgwater was receiv'd into our Com munion & under our Particular Watch some years past, these may Certify of his regular & Christian Walk among Us so far as we know. And Whereas he has by a Certificate from Us apply'd to the Ana-Baptist Chh of Christ in Richmond & receiv'd Baptism there according to his Mind & has manifested his desire to Us of being Dismiss'd to Sd Chh. these may Certify also that upon his being admitted into that Chh. we shall Consider him dismiss'd from Us, & no longer under our particular Watch & Care. Wishing him the Divine Presence & Blessing & that Grace Mercy Peace Love & Charity may be multiplied to you the Chh of Christ in Richmond We Subscribe Your Brethren in our Common Lord. Samuel Whiting To the Chh in Richmond. Pastor in the Name & by the Vote of the Chh 2. Upon the Request of Sister Naomi Kingsley Voted that She have a Letter of Dismission & Recommendation to the Christian People where she lives. 3. Upon the request of Sister Vashti Trott Voted that she have a Let ter of Dismission & Recommendation to the Chh of Christ in Walpole. Nov. 26. Chh Tarried after public Exercise & made Choice of Peter Evans Junr to be one of their Committee, Daniel Edson having Left Us & Joined a Baptist Chh. also read to them a Complaint against the Pastor for Maladministration by Nath1 Davis. 1787 Nov. 11. Communicated to the Chh a letter missive from the Chh of Christ in Reading Voted to Send to Assist in the Ordination of Mr Sar geants there & made Choice of Dean Jacob Peas & Peter Evans Junr as Delegates with the Pastor for that purpose. 1788. Nov. 2 Communicated to the Chh a Letter Missive from the Chh & People in Thomlinson, & agreable to their desire Voted to Assist in 16 the Ordination of Mr Hall, & made Choice of Deac11 Peter Evans as a Delegate with the Pastor for that Purpose. Nov. 23. Voted to dismiss & Recommend Brother George Wood & his Wife to Fitzburg Chh. 1789. June 6. Communicated to the Chh a letter Missive from the Christian Catholic Society in Windsor. & agreable to there request Voted to Send a Delegate to assist in Council at the Ordination of Mr Shuttles- worth & made Choice of Jehiel Webb Esqr as a delegate to go with the Pastor. 1790Nov. 21. Ebenezer Clark made public Confession of the Sin of Intem perance 1791 June 26. read a letter from Woodstock Chh desiring assistance by Pastor & Delegates to Sit in Council to hear their Difficulties & re sult [?] thereon, the Chh Voted to Comply with their request & Chose Deac" Elias Olcott & Asher Evans Delegates, but upon their not being able to attend, made Choice of Ebenezer Fuller & David Stanley for Dele gates 1793 July 7. Chh Tarried after Publick Worship & made Choice of Mr Philip Davis as Chorister (with Mr Stanley before Chosen) to the Chh. 1794 Sept. 21. Chh Tarried & appointed a Church Meeting next thursday 2 oclock afternoon to Advise & Consult with Mr Whiting as to the propriety & Expediency of his Asking a Dismission. Met according to appointment, but pass'd no Vote after Some Conference upon the Diffi cult & unhappy Situation of the Town. It was generally thot best to make some further Trial, to see if unhappy prejudice might not more wear away, & a Spirit of Religion, of Charity & for Supporting Gospel Order & Worship, more take place 1795 Octob1 25. Chh tarried & read to them a Letter from the Chh & Con gregation in Wardsborough requesting to attend Ordination there Nov. 4th Chh Voted to Send & Chose Jehiel Webb, & Ebenezer Fuller Delegates 1798. March 5 1798 the Chh met, being notified by a letter sent to each Member by the Pastor, being met at Mr Whitings house, & the Meeting being open'd, the Pastor introduced the Conference & business, by reading the following Statement of facts & proposals for Consideration. Brethren. I have Called you together without any particular request having been made therefor. And it may be expected that I open the Meeting, by Sug gesting Some Reasons, & making some Statement of the Situation of the Chh. & the State of Religion among us, & the matters, which may be proper for the Chh to attend to. The Chh in this Town was gathered & Organized on the Day of my Ordination October 27 1773. It was Composed of the Pastor Elect & eleven other Male Members, who had made a Christian Profession & had belonged to other Chhs, & most of them had letters of Recommendation ; two of these eleven were residents of Chester, the others were of Rocking- 17 ham. Publick Worship & Ordinances were divided between Rockingham & Chester for five years, at the Close of these five years, there was some small additions to the Chh in Rockingham & Chester ; And as they had never practiced much in attending at each others Communions they Considerd themselves as Separate & Distinct Churches. The Chh in Rockingham however soon called upon Chester members & they by sending us a Copy of their Covenant & proceedings gave us full satisfaction that they were duly Organized & regularly separated from us as a distinct Chh. during the first five years two of the first nine who sub scribed the Covenant were removed by Death. Since the first gathering of the Chh, about 70 have been received, some of whom have been removd by Death, others have removed from us to other places Some have so left us in principle as to have left our Communion, & there remains now about 50, little more than 12 are Males, a Considerable part of the male members are aged, & the active part of the Chh are about as small as when I was ordained. It pleased Providence to remove from the Chh some years past & soon after each other three Deacons who as it were began with us, & were great supporters & helpers to further Religion among us. The unhappy disputes in Politics which at several times have run so high among us, have evidently been unfavourable to the flourishing of Religion, the Disputes & divisions in respect to Religious principles which have had a great run among us, tho' they may not have lessened the Quantity of Religion, have been unfavourable to the Communion & Numbers of the Chh. The increase of Wealth in this Town & the Introduction of Luxu ries, the Changes in Civil Government, the endeavours & attempts which have been made for Obtaining some Publick funds for providing a decent house & supporting Publick Worship therein, & the disappointments which attended these attempts, & the common Disputes which have arisen in Civil matters, all have evidently appeared unfavourable to the flourishing state of outward Religion among us. the mention of these general things read ily reminds us of the great Share of Calamity's which we have suffered & been carried thro'. Our present weakness, & the frowns of Heaven which are upon us need not be dissembled & every private View may well be swallow'd up in a regard for Religion & Community. At the present pop ulous State of the Town, & its great increase in Wealth no decent provision can be made for publick Worship after repeated trials ; Without any addi tion to the Minister's Salary under all the depreciation that attends it It has become more & more burdensome no decent provisions are made for the Administration of Ordinances but not to enlarge upon the peculiar Cir cumstances of the Town as might easily be done, the Pastor wishes to be encouraged & strengthened, if it can be done consistent with truth & hon esty, otherways not. The above Statement of the Pastor was not objected to or disputed by the brethren, it being requested by the Brethren to hear what the Pastor offerr'd to the People last October, when he left off Preaching the substance of it was read to them & is as follows — I would mention to the Congregation that it is twenty four years since my being a Minister here the 27th of October next, next Sabbath on which I expect to exchange will be the last Sabbath of the year & whereas my health is such that I cant preach in this meeting house during the Winter season, And as a very Considerable part of those who attend upon publick Worship are Women & Children & such as live at a distance & cant con- 18 veniently attend, I think it my Duty to relinquish my Salary & desist from all ministerial Services during the Winter season I expect you will be Supply'd next Sabbath with preaching, and I would further add that I do not leave off preaching on account of any disinclination to the business or disaffection to the People, but on account of the peculiar Situation & Cir cumstances of the Town. after some Conference upon the above, — no Votes were past, but the Chh meeting was adjourned to the Meeting House on the first Monday in April at One 0 Clock in the Afternoon. Met according to adjournment when it was concluded that Mr Whiting make his proposals of beginning preaching again to the people in Town Meeting & thus begin & his Salary be paid by those who have not Certificated, in proportion to their doing their part towards Supplying the Pulpit the whole time. March. 1809 the Chh met at the house of the Revd Mr Whiting agreable to appoint ment, when the Pastor made request that he might be dismissed from his Ministerial Labours & after Conversing on the Subject the Chh Voted to comply with the Pastor's Request that a Dissolution of the Pastoral Rela tion between pastor & Chh should take place & Chose brother Jehiel Webb & brother John Ellis a Committee to unite with the Committee of the Town to invite an ecclesiastical Council to advise & assist in this important trans action. 2dly Voted to send to the Chhs in Walpole, Grafton and Spring field as a Council. Letters Missive were accordingly sent to those Chhs, who all of them met at the house of William Hall in Rockingham on the 18tt of May 1809 & having formed into Ecclesiastical Council, they united in the following result Viz. \_End of Rev. Mr. Whiting's records of meetings.'] Rockingham A.D. 1818. Be it remembered, that Elijah Wollage on the first Saturday of July A.D. 1818, came first to this town, at the request of Judge Knight, one of the Com', for hiring preaching to supply the pulpit in the north meeting house in sd Rockingham . . . That the said Wollage contracted for four months, that, on the expiration of that term, the Society gave him a call to preach with them four years, beginning the first of July af'd. that he accept4 the call on a salary of $425.00 per annum, that as the church of the Revd Mr. Whiting was no longer to be found ; but most of the mem bers either dead or removed away or had joined to some other denomination it was thought expedient to look up what few there might be found and in some way organize for the enjoyment of Gospel privileges. It was, therefore, thought advisable to invite some of the neighboring ministers of the Congregational order to come and assist in reestablishing a church in this place. Accordingly, on Thursday, the fifth day of Novem ber A.D. 1818, the Rev. Sylvester Sage of Westminister, East Parish, the Revd Mr. Field, of Westminster, West Parish, the Rev. Mr Smiley of Springfield and the Rev. Mr Goodale of Grafton, convened at the dwelling house of the Revd Elijah Wollage, in said Rockingham, and, after due examination of Mr Whiting's records and that no visible church of Christ could possibly be found : they submitted to the few, who had been profes- 19 sors in the old church, under Mr Whiting, and some others, who had been members of other churches, the following confession of faith and covenant, viz, — We believe &c &c You and each of you believe there is only one living and true GOD. that there is One Mediator between God and man, even Jesus Christ, and there is no salvation in any other : that the Holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Son and is the Renewer, Sanctifier, Comforter and per- f ecter of his Saints ; and that these three, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, are the one GOD. We believe &c You and each of you believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of GOD, and the only sure guide to direct the tempers, desires and dependance of the soul and the actions of life : that sin is a most deadly evil and unrepented of, will issue in endless death, its just wages : while true holiness is exceeding lovely in itself and will pro duce unspeakable happiness to its possessors, and end in eternal life and blessedness in the kingdom of glory. Thus \ f- profess and believe. Covenant. We do now covenant — You and each of you do now endeavor, in the sincerity of our (your) hearts, to take the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, whose being and perfections we (you) have professed to believe, to be our (your) GOD, and engage to be his willing subjects forever. We (you) take the holy scrip tures for the only rule of our (your) life and accordingly covenant to live agreeably to them, a life of repentance, faith and new obedience ; and to renounce every evil & false way. We give (you give) up ourselves (your self) to Christ in this his church and engage to attend on all the ordinances of GOD's house and the Gospel discipline here administered, so long as it shall please God to continue us (you) here among us. Thus we (you) and each of you promise and engage, depending on divine grace to enable us (you) rightly to perform these our (your) Covenant Vows. The foregoing Confession of faith and Covenant, having been read by the Rev. Mr Sage in the presence of the other ministers and many wit nesses, they were both unanimously adopted and subscribed to, by Samuel Ober, Hezekiah Rice, John Stoel, William Sterns, and Nathan1 Clark, and also by Lydia Sterns and Elizabeth Rice. After the foregoing had been subscribed to, they were again read by the Rev. Mr Sage, to the subscribing members, in the Second person, You and each of you &c &c &c and the subscribers having made choice of the Rev. Elijah Wollage for their Moderator, were then declared to be the Congre gational Church of Christ in Rockingham. Attest . Elijah Wollage, Moderator of said Church. The church, for the first time, celebrated the Lord's Supper, Lord's day, June the &tu 1819, at which time, we received an accession of twenty eight. Second Communion July 18, 1819. Six members were this day added to the church. Third communion, Lord's day Sept. 12, 1819 — Three were added. October 31st 1819 — fourth communion and two were added. 20 Nov 11. 1819 The church, being duly requested, met and proceeded to business. First, unanimously voted that they are satisfied with all former proceed ings, both of their Pastor and the church as a body. Secondly. Chose brother Henry C. Day their Clerk, whose duty shall be to warn a meeting of said church, or request the Pastor so to do, at any time, when two or more of the brethren shall make application for the same to him in writing : and who shall in the absence of the Pastor certify officially, when necessary, any doings or votes of the church, or when the Pastor is a party in any church difficulty or church labor with him. And it shall be his duty to keep a fair record of all busi ness and proceedings of the church, excepting admission and baptisms, and them at his own election. Thirdly. Chose three brethren, to wit, Samuel Gowing, Moses Hill and David Pulsipher Junior, an informing Committee, whose duty be either jointly or severally, to give notice to the Pastor or the Clerk of all public and open breaches and violations of* Christian duty ,_ covenant obligations and regulations of this church, which may come within their knowledge or the knowledge of either of them. Fourthly. That all private labor, for private offences shall be according to the eighteenth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. Fifthly. That there shall in future be four stated communions in this church in each year : the first to be on the first Sabbath in the month of May, the second, on the first Sabbath in July, the third, on the first Sabbath in September and the fourth on the last Sabbath in October, or at the discretion of the Pastor, if he shall think it will better acom- modate the church, on any other Lord's day in said month. Sixthly. That no candidate shall be admitted into the church without giving satisfactory evidence of a change of heart. This evidence to be given to the Pastor, who, for the present, is appointed by the church as their committee for such examination. Seventhly. That every candidate shall stand propounded, two full weeks, before admission, that any brother or sister may have an opportunity to examine such candidate relative to their hope and every qualifica tion, the Gospel makes requisite for church membership. Eighthly. That no candidate shall be required to make any public con fession for any former sins, crimes or misdemeanors, when his or her repentance and reformation shall evidence a new heart and life : and such, as in the charity of the church, God accepts. Ninth. That all after offences shall be confessed, if brought before the church or becomes a matter of public notoriety, before the whole con gregation. Tenth. The ordinance of baptism shall be administered to the children of none, but such as are in full communion in this or some Sister church. Eleventh. That no person shall be received as a witness who is out of the church, against any member, unless in the judgment of the church, such person is of strict integrity and truth. Twelfth. That no member of any Sister Congregational church, residing in this town, shall have any Church privileges, after one year's resi dence, except such member unite with this Church in covenant relation. This article, however, is not to debar any one who may belong to any sister church in any of the towns next joining to this town, who are still under the watch and care of their own respective churches. 21 Thirteenth, That the church in, future wilhhpld a prayer meeting on the first Monday in every month to unite with the general concert of prayer, now established in all the churches. Fourteenth. That the church will be preparing their minds for the choice of two brethren to fill the office of deacon, before another stated communion. The foregoing articles were unanimously voted and adopted as the rules and regulations of this church. Elijah Wollage Pastor and Moderator Whereas, it is very desirable, by every well wisher to every religious institution, that every necessary and decent provision for the accommodation and utility of its members, should be made ; and whereas we, the subscribers, understand that the Sacramental Table, in the congregational Meeting house, in this Town is now and -ever has been wholly unfurnished with suitable vessels for the decently and conveniently celebrating the Gospel Institution of the Lord's Supper ; Therefore, we the undersigned, severally engage to pay to Mr. Royal Earl, the sum annexed to our respective names for the sole purpose of purchasing all necessary furniture for said Table. The said furniture, purchased as aforesaid, shall be the sole property of the congre gational church for their public use and benefit forever. Rockingham 22ni March, 1819— Samuel Ober $2.50 Sam1 Nourse .50 John Stoel 1.00 Hezek11 Rice .50 Nathan1 Clark 1.00 Calvin Webb .50 Alexandr Campbell 1.00 R. Wadsworth .50 Royal Earl 1.00 Eber Stearns .50 Ovid Lovell 1.00 Ebenr Lock .50 Samuel Gowing 1.00 Asa Black .50 Elutheria Felt 1.00 J. Whiting .50 Samuel W. Goodridge 1.00 Warren Felt .50 Eli Evans 1.00 Xeno11 Earl .50 Eli Evans Jr 1.00 J. H. Campbell .50 Moses Hill 1.00 D. Pulsipher .50 Nathan Weston 1.00 D. Pulsipher Jr .50 Joseph Muzzy 1.00 Asa Stoel .50 Alexan*1 S. Campbell .76 Isaac Shepherd .25 William Stearns .75 Abrm Easterbrooks .25 Peter Nourse .72 Mary Earl .25 Josiah Drury .50 Asa Lock .25 Daniel Nourse .50 Eleaz1 Kendall .25 Luther Webb .50 Oren Lock .25 John L. Richards .50 John Wiley 2nd .50 Wm Rollins .20 $19.73 TV -l.vi_/iiu. lo Math. Miller 26 19.73 9.01 $9.01 Brought forward $28.74 22 In addition to the foregoing, the Female Society advanced three Dollars and purchased the Baptismal Bason. Mrs. Eunice Richards gave the Table cloth and two small Napkins, or towels. The whole furniture, in addition to foregoing, consists of two large Tankard Pots, four Cups, two with handles, and two small Platters. Directions for cleansing the foregoing vessels. Take a piece of fine woolen cloth ; upon this put as much sweet oil as will prevent its rubbing dry ; with these rub them well on every part ; then wipe them smartly with a soft dry linen rag, until they are quite clean, and rub them off with soft wash-leather and whiting. N.B. If convenient, wash them in boiling water and soap, just before they are rubbed with wash- leather and whiting. This would take off the oil more effectually and make the engraving look brighter. Capt. Thomas Gould, procured the subscriptions, collected and paid over the same to Mr. Royal Earl. At a meeting of the Church of Christ, according to special warning, on the third day of Ap1 AD. 1820, Brother Samuel Ober was unanimously chosen to the office of first Deacon ; and Brother John Stoel was also unan imously chosen to the office of second Deacon ; and both accepted. The church also voted, at the request of Sister Urania B. Stoughton, who was Urania B. Richards to recommend her to the Church of Christ in Gill, in Massachusetts, and directed their Pastor to make out such a Letter accord ingly. The church then formed itself into the concert of prayer ; and the meeting then closed. Elijah Wollage, Moder. The above Letter I made out April 20ts AD. 1820. Elijah Wollage, Pas. June 11th 1820 — The church unanimously expressed their desire to become a member of the County consociation of churches in this county. For that purpose made choice of Dea. Samuel Ober to represent them with their Pastor in said consociation in convention on the third Tuesday of June current. E. Wollage, Moder. June 20 AD 1820 — The above request by Dea. Samuel Ober and the Pastor of the church was laid before the consociation and this church was receiv'd a member and became united to that body. attest Elijah Wollage Pastor. Nov. II01 1820 — The church met according to appointment, it being also their annual meeting, and Voted, 1st to discontinue for the future their informing committee. 2. Voted to continue Br. H. C. Day their clerk. 3. Chose a committee of five to enquire into certain reports respecting two of the church. The meeting was dissolved. attest E. Wollage, Moderator. February 3d 1821 — The aforesaid committee made report, that they found no serious difficulties — or in other words, much less than they ex pected and the business was settled. E. Wollage, Mod1'. 4th March 1821. We stopped after service and voted to give Mr Epaphras Ripley a letter as he requested. I made out the letter. Elijah Wollage, Modr. 23 June 3, 1821 — The Church made choice of Brother Samuel Gowin to re present them in the Consociation on the third Tuesday in June current. attest Elijah Wollage Modr1. June 1821 — Present number of the church is 48. June 19 1821 — This church met by their Pastor & delegate the Consocia tion at Wardsborough. E. Wollage Modr*. Rockingham AD. 1818. Members received into the church in full communion by Elijah Wollage. Lord's day, Novr 29, in her sick room. Eluthera Felt She died Ap1 5, 1819 Epaphras Ripley Anna, his wife. Eunice Richards, wife of Edward Richards. Eli Evans, and Hannah,* his wife. Joanna Stoel, wife of John Stoel. Lone Felt, wife Eliphalet Felt. Josiah Drury. Sally Stodard, widow. Anna Muzzy, wife of Joseph Muzzy. Sarah Evans, wife of Eli Evans Jr. Moses Hill and Lydia, his wife. Thomas Gould and Caroline, his wife. Henry C. Day and Hannah, his wife. Nabby Phillips, widow. David Pulsipher, Jr. Lucy Pulsipher, single. Philena Pulsipher, single. Nathan Weston and Hannah, his wife. Urana B. Richards, Sally Pulsipher, widow. Samuel Gowing and Elizabeth, his wife. Annis Nourse, wife of Philip Nourse. single. Consumption.removed By letter. * dead. 1-5 T3 O Oi CO a Removed by joining the Baptist. £ a CD Eunice Keith*, wife of Grindal Keith. June 20tl1 1819 Sarah Whiting, widow. Marcy Clark, wife of Nath1 Clark. Sarah B. Wollage, single. Sophia Wollage, single. Nancy M. Barron, single. Lucy Stoel, wife of Asa Stoel, by letter. removed By letter. removed By letter. CTi,— I CO •-a 24 Peter Nourse and Lydia, his wife. Abigail Lake, wife of Henry Lake Jr. a CD > James, Sally, George Henry, Nel son, Moses, Joseph and Charles Leaverett, Lucy Nourse, wife of David Nourse. Decr 2 6"1 1 8 1 9 *» o Baptized Joanna Berry, daughter gs co 5 ^ of John Berry and Thankful, his wife. =j IT1 8 p Also Frederick Solon, Franklin j= ^ ta § w <-; Corey and Martha, the three children g r5" o &£ ° -£,» of Ovid Lovell and Harriet his wife. A " 9 .9 J $ ^ I prefixed the name of Harriet to Martha, the daughter of Mr. Ovid Lord's day Lovell and Harriet his wife, named Sept. 24, 1820. above. Not by rebaptism. That might not be proper. Baptized Nov. 5, 1820. Betsey Emery, wife of Mr. Zacheus . Emery.1821 July 1st. Baptized. Mr. Hiram Davis. Mrs. Nabby Richards, wife John Lock Richards, and Miss Bridget Pierce, single woman. 1821, July 1st. Baptized. Melinda Ann, Simon Stevens, and Helen Frances, the children of Mr. Hiram Davis and Melinda his wife. Baptized Elvira, daughter of Henry Lake Junior and Abigail his wife. Aug* 12, 1821. Baptized By Sylvester Sage Nov. 6 1821. Henry son of Thos Gould & Caroline his Wife. A. D. 1818.— Marriages. Windham County SS. Slate of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham, in said County, on the tenth day 27 of August, A.D. 1818, Mr. John H. Campbell and Miss Mary M°Elvain both of sd Rockingham were duly joined in wedlock by me Elijah Wollage, Min. of Gos. Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 18th day of Septr, A.D. 1818, Mr. Elijah Davis and Miss Nancy Tyler both of said Rockingham, were duly joined in wedlock by me Elijah Wollage, Minister of the Gospel. Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered that at Rockingham in said County, on the 3d day of December, A.D. 1818, Mr. Jonas Fish and Miss Betsey Dagget both of said Rockingham, were duly married by me, Elijah Wollage, Min. of Gospel. 1819 Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 3d day of March, 1819, Mr. Warren Wlieeler of Westmoreland in the County of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire, and Miss Betsey Wood of Rock ingham afd, were duly joined in wedlock by me, Elijah Wollage, Minister of the Gospel. Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 21' day of June, A.D. 1819, Mr. David Wiley of Landgrove, in the County of Bennington and State aforesaid and Mrs. Submit Fish of Rockingham afd were duly joined in wedlock by me, Elijah Wollage, Min. of the Gospel, Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 2im day of Sept., A.D. 1819, Mr. Ira Stoughon [Stoughton ?] of Gill, in the County of Franklin and Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Miss Urania B. Richards of Rockingham in the County of Windham afd were duly joined in wedlock by me. Elijah Wollage, Min. of Gos_ Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 28 day of Novem., A.D. 1819, Mr. Joseph Whiting and Miss Clarissa Webb, both of said Rockingham, were duly joined in wedlock by me. Elijah Wollage, Min. of y6 Gospel. Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Rockingham in said County, on the 5th day of March, A.D. 1820, Mr. Pearley Fassett of Springfield in the County of Windsor and State afd and Miss Esther Gowing of Jaffrey and State of New Hampshire were duly joined in wedlock by me Elijah Wollage, Min. State of Vermont. Windham County SS. Be it remembered that, at Rockingham in said County on the 14tL day of September 1820, Mr. Leonard Walker and Miss Betsey Read, both of said Rockingham were duly joined in wedlock by me Elijah Wollage, Minister, 28 Windham County SS. State. of Vermont. Be it remembered, that at Rockingham in said County, on the 4th day of March A.D. 1821, Mr. Oliver Wheeiock of said Rockingham and Miss Susan Gould of Middlebury in the State af oresd were duly joined in wed lock by me. Elijah Wollage, Min. Windham County SS. State of Vermont. Be it remembered, that, at Grafton in said County on the lO01 day of July A.D. 1821, Mr. Peter Nourse and Miss Grata Emory, both of said Grafton, were duly joined in wedlock by me Elijah Wollage, Minister of the Gospel in Rockingham in sd County. [End of Records of Mev. Elijah Wollage.'} Rockingham, Jan. 1837. About the first of last August a contract was entered into by which I was to Preach in this place three-fourth of the time. After having sup plied them two Sabbath I removed to town, and continued to labor accord ingly. Application was made to the Vermont Domestic Missionary for assistance about the first of Sept. toward my support, which was granted. The monthly concert and church meeting was held on the first Monday of each month; in Oct. an exchange was effected with Br Bradford of Graf ton and the Church enjoyed a season of communion when two were added to their number. On the first Monday in December at the regular Church meeting it was agreed that we would have an Ordination the first Wednesday in Jan. fol lowing, and that a committee of the Church consisting of Dea John Stoel, Br Asa Lock Br David Pulciphir and Br Hiram Davis unite with the pas tor Elect in calling an Eclesiastical council to meet on Tuesday Jan 4 at the house of Dea Stoel at 6 o'clock p.m. Letters missive were sent to the Churches in Springfield Chester Grafton Sextons River Westminster east Westminster West, and the Rev. Ira Ingraham Cor Sec. V M. D. M. S. Agreable to the foregoing The result was as follows At an Eclesiastical council convened by letters missive from the Congre gational church in Rockingham, at the house of Dea Stoel at 6 o'clock p.m. Jan 3, 1837 were present From the church in West Rev Timothy Field acting Pas Br Atherton Hall Delegate From the Church in Chester Rev U C Burnap Pas. Sextons River Rev Nelson Barber Pastor Br Isaac Ober Delegate Springfield Rev H B Holmes Pastor Br George Johnson Del. Grafton Br Daniel Wright Del The council was organized by choosing 29 Rev Timothy Field Moderator H. B. Holmes Scribe. Council opened with prayer by the moderator papers were presented by the committee of the church purporting to be a call to Mr. Samuel Mason to settle with them in the work of the Gospel ministry— and his answer to the same. Credentials of church membership and certificate of licensure were presented by Mr Mason. _ Mr Mason was then examined relative to his personal piety his doctrinal views and motives for entering the ministry. _ Voted — to sustain the examination and proceed to the services of ordina tion tomorrow at 11 o clock. The parts to be performed as follows Invocation and reading the Scriptures Br. Barber Introductory prayer Br. Holmes Sermon and consecrating Prayer Br. Burnap Charge to the pastor B1'. Field Right hand of fellowship Br. Barber Address to the Church, and concluding prayer Br. Holmes Benediction by the * Pastor Voted to adjourn till tomorrow at 11 o clock at the meeting house. Met and the parts were performed accordingly. Timothy Field Moderator H. B. Holmes Scribe A true record Samuel Mason )¦ Pastor 1837. At a regular church meeting held on the first Monday of February, it was voted to give Sister Sarah Whiting a letter of Dismission from this church to the church of Christ at Sextons River. Such letter was accordingly given by me. Samuel Mason )¦ Pastor May 1st- At a regular church meeting held at my house Br. Gilson & wife presented their letter from Chester Church to this, and Sister Adeline Severence, her from Alstead and it was voted they be received by us at our next communion. Voted that each member pay to Deacon Stoel 12J cents a year com mencing the 1 of May, for furnishing the Table. It was likewise agreed that a religious prayer meeting should be held every Saturday, to be called the weekly prayer meeting. Meeting Dis solved. S. Mason }¦ Pastor May 11 At the preparatory meeting the church voted to adopt the Articles of faith and covenant, approved by the Black River association. A resolution was passed, which was according to the request of Sister Caroline Gould, suspending her the privileges of the Church till she could satisfy them for disorderly conduct. As may be seen by a preamble and Resolution on file among the Records. L-,"- Sister Abigail Mason presented a letter from the church in Cavendish and was voted to be received at our next communion. Meeting closed with Prayer. S. Mason )- Pastor June 5 At the monthly concert and church meeting Br. Hiram Davis was chosen as , Delegate ,; to attend the consociation at Grafton, the 3rd Tuesday of June present.' Samuel Mason } Pas. 30 Nov 11 At the preparatory lecture. Voted to give Sister Elizabeth Upham a letter of recomendation and Dismission, from this to the church in Sextons River. Which letter was accordingly given by me Samuel Mason y Pastor. At the meeting above it was agreed to comply with the request of Church of Chester to assist by Pastor and delegate in the installation of Br. S. H. Hodges on Wednesday the 15 instant, and chose Br. David Pulcipher as Delegate. Samuel Mason y 1838 April 1 Monday at a regular church meeting Voted to give Sister Adeline Severance a letter of Dismission and recomendation. Which was accordingly done. Voted to meet next Saturday to make some necessary arrangements for the settlement of the difficulty with Br. Davis. Saturday met and after consultation it was agreed to submit the ques tion : What shall BT. Davis do to satisfy Mx. DivoU to Br. H. B. Holmes of Springfield — and Dea Daniel Mason was to be the witness on the part of the church. Sabbath noon in May. It having been ascertained that Br Holmes could not attend to the business for which he was chosen on account of sickness, It was agreed to submit the same question to B18 Bradford and Delegate B1' Hodges and Delegate, Br Wellman and Delegate, to meet on the — of May instant. The first Monday in June, 4 day. Chose David Pulcipher and Dea Stoel to conduct the business for the Church before the council. Br Joel M. Brown gave a relation of his religious exercises and was voted to be re ceived into the church. Resolved. That we will forget and forgive what has past of Difficulty in this church, and not mention it to one another nor any body else only so as to bring our members into the measure. This was passed with the hope that all troubles might be amicably settled. (But vain proves the hope of man) for at the next comunion the same causes of Division were found to exist. August 13, 1838. At a regular church meeting, at the meeting house. Voted' to have a mutual council to convene at the house of the pastor, on Wednesday the 22 day of August instant, at 10 o'clock A. M. to disolve the pastoral relation between minister and people in this place. Chose Dea J Stoel Com for the church Voted that Pastor and Committee should designate the council. Voted to give Abigail Mason and Abigail M. Mason general letters of Dismission, &c. «AML Mason Pastor Pursuant to letters missive from the Congregational church in Rock ingham Vt an eclesiastical Council convened at the house of Rev Samuel Mason Pastor of sd church on Wednesday the 22nd August 1838 consisting of Pastors and delegates from the following churches viz. Grafton Rev. Moses B. Bradford Pastor Sextons River Rev Nelson Barbour Pastor Dea William C Sabin Delegate Springfield Bro Luke Brown Delegate Chester Rev Silas H Hodges Pastor Bro Benja Smith Delegate 31 Council organized by choosing Rev M. B. Bradford Moderator and Rev. Silas H Hodges Scribe and opened with prayer by the Moderator. The Pastor and a committee of the church came before the council and made their respective Statements. It appeared from them there existed difficulties and Dissensions in the church which greatly impaired Br0 Mason's prospects of usefulness, and his ministerial influence ; which diminished the subscription for his salary, and would probably deprive him of the aid of the Dom. Miss. Society thus rendering his support both inadequate and precarious. In view of these circumstances the council voted unanimously, that the pas toral relation between Rev. Samuel Mason and the Cong Church in Rock ingham ought to be and is hereby Disolved. The council exculpate Bro Mason entirely from any part in the difficul ties and Dissensions mentioned, which appear to have existed before his labors commenced, and they cheerfully recommend him as a faithful Brother in the ministry to whatever field God in his providence may lead him. It is with deep regret that the council find themselves constraind to adopt their conclusion : a conclusion which seems not merely to deprive the church of a pastor for the time being, but to put an end to its prospect of enjoying the ordinances of the Gospel. And they entreat the brethren of the church as they regard the welfare of the surrounding community, the eternal interests of their neighbors their kindred and their families ; for the sake of Zion and her King, to put away every root of bitterness from among them, to quench the flame of Discord, and to exhibit such an united and lovely aspect that they may hope to obtain and uphold another Pastor to labour more successfully among them. Adjourned with prayer by the scribe. Moses B Bradford, Mod. Silas H Hodges scribe A true copy of the original minutes. Silas H Hodges, Scribe. Copied into this book and left as the closing pastoral record, by Samuel Mason ^Dismissed. Nov. 1, 1838. 1839. August 31. At a preparatory Lecture and duly notified chh meeting came Melinda Davis a member of this chh, & gave the chh to un derstand, that Caroline Gould, also a member of this chh, on the 28th day of June last past, & at sundry times since has been guilty of an intemperate use of strong drink or drinks, to the dishonour of religion, and her Chris tian profession : And the said Melinda further says, she has taken the regular steps of the gospel, in order to convince & reclaim the said Caroline Gould ; but she has refused to hearken ; & as in duty bound, she now tells it to the chh, that her sister may be proceeded with according to the rules of the gospel. Melinda Davis Broughton White Moderator At the same chh meeting, the chh appointed Wednesday 11th day of September next, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the time, when they will hear the said Caroline Gould, in the matter of charge preferred against her, & also requested the Moderator to give her notice. Broughton White Moderator Sept. 11. 1839 Agreeably to appointment, the chh met at the house of the Late Deacon John Stoel ; but as Sister Gould, as well as several of the brethren, were not present, the chh voted to adjourn the meeting to two weeks from this day, at 2 o'clock p M. at this place, Sept 25. Broughton White Moder. 32 Sept. 15. Chh stopped after divine service, & chose Br David Pulsi pher delegate to the Windham Consociation to meet at Townsend the present week. B. White Moderator September 25, 1839. The Chh met agreeably to their adjournment from the 11th instant, when the members present, by a unanimous vote excluded Mrs Caroline, the wife of Thomas Gould Esq, from their com munion & fellowship. They also chose Br. joel Brown delegate to the council to be convened at Saxton's River Vilage, to dismiss Rev Nelson Barber tomorrow. B White Moderator. Nov. 3, 1839 (End of Records of Rev. Samuel Mason and. Rev. Broughton White.) Catalogue of Such as were received into the Chh first gather'd October 27. 1773 Samuel Whiting Peter Evans & Wife Nathaniel Davis, David Pulfipher & Wife, Elias Olcott & wife, Willm Simonds & wife Peter Evans Junr. & Wife, Ebenezer Fuller & Wife, Afher Evans & Wife — Samuel Larrabee & Wife. 1774 Jonttl Burr & Wife, Naomi Kingfley, Jofeph Wood, Mary Whiting recommended from Warwick — Elenor Prefton 1775 & 1776 Agnis Whitney, Ebenezer & Rachel Albee 1777 Thomas & Sarah Dutton — by recommendation. John & Martha Lovell, Jehiel & Mary Webb. 1778 Bethiah Dutton — 1779 Eli & Hannah Evans, Jacob & Mary Peas by recomendation 1780 Reuben & Eunice Jones, Timothy & Rebecca Walker — 1781 John Ellis Lecta Evans Phebe Stoell, Mercy Knights, Elifabeth Fuller — Daniel Edf on & Wife recomended 1782 Sarah Cooper — Willm Harris Vafhti Evans 1783 Prifcilla Pulfipher Rhoda Fuller, Sarah Roundy recommended, Jonas Hafeltine 1784 George & Sarah Wood Frederic & Louifa Read 1785 Rufsel Knight recommended — John Lane recommended, Ebenezer Clark — Mary Kendall 1786 Hannah Benton recommended — David Stanley, & Mrs Berry recom mended 1789 Mrs Stearns, M" Pulfipher— M™ Walker 33 1790-1792-1793 Mra Ellis. Mra Taylor Olive Edson—, Jacob Benton & Sam1 Emery & Wife & Sam1 Ober & Wife & Philip Davis & Wife & MrB Wood, all by recommendation Those that were Receiv'd into the Chh from 1784. — July 25. Read the Confession of George & Sarah Wood & propounded them to the Chh for full Communion. August 15 Received George & Sarah Wood into the Church. Octob. 31 Read the Confession of Frederick & Lovisa Read and pro pounded them to the Chh for full Communion. 1785. March 27. Receiv'd Frederick & Lovisa Reed into the Chh April 24 Russel Knight preferring a letter of Dismission & Recom mendation from the Chh in Lancaster was receiv'd into the Chh in full Communion. June 19. John Lane preferring a Dismission & Recommendation from the Chh of Christ in Bedford, was received into the Chh in Rockingham in full Communion. Decern. 25. Ebenezer Clark was propounded to be receiv'd into Com munion 1786. January. 22. Receiv'd Ebenezer Clark into the Church. May. 3. Propounded Mary Wife of Eleazar Kendall. June. 11. Receiv'd Mary Kendall into the Church. Sept. 10 Receiv'd Hannah Benton into the Chh, being recommended & Dismissed from Harwinton Chh. Mrs Benton upon a recommendation Received into the Chh & David Stanley & Mrs Berry were receiv'd being recommended by Jeffry Chh. 1789. May 3. the Wife of Willm Stearns & the Wife of John Pulsi pher were propounded to the Chh for full Communion. May 24. the Wife of Willm Stearns & the Wife of John Pulsipher re ceiv'd into the Church to full Communion Nov. 22 the Wife of James Walker propounded to the Chh for full Communion Decemb. 27. the Wife of James Walker receiv'd into the Church. 1790 July 11 Receiv'd into the Chh Urana Wife of John Ellis, having been before propounded July 25 propounded Mrs Taylor to the Chh. Augst 22. Mrs Taylor receiv'd into the Chh 1791 June 5. Propounded Olive the wife of Isaiah Edson. June 26 receiv'd into the Chh Olive wife of Isaiah Edson. Sept. 4. Receiv'd Jacob Benton into the Chh by Recommendation from Harwinton Chh in Connecticut. Sept 18 Receiv'd into the Chh. Sam1 Emery & Wife, Sam1 Ober & Wife, & the wife of Barnabas Wood, being recommended from the Chh in Jaffrey. 1793 May 5 Receiv'd into the Chh Philip Davis & Wife by Recommenda tion from Mansfield Chh. Nov. 1 0. propounded James McaFee & Wife as proposing to come for ward to own the Covenant & receive Christian Priveledges. Nov. 17 James Macafee & Wife own'd the Covenant & receiv'd into the Charity of the Chh. 34 1794 Feb". 23 Feb. 23 Receiv'd into the Chh Julia Balch by Recommendation from Keene Church. March. 30 Dismiss'd & recommended John Lane to the Chh in Grafton where he resides. June 15 propounded Lydia wife of Nathan Procter to full Communion having formerly own'd the Covenant. July 27 Receiv'd Lydia Procter into the Church. Augst 24 propounded John Stoell & Wife to the Chh for full Commun ion also Mary the Wife of Benjamin Gowen to own the Covenant Sept. 21 Receiv'd Mary Gowin into the Charity of the Chh for the re ceiving Priveledges. Sept 28. Receiv'd John & Joanna Stoell into full Communion 1795 May 10 Receiv'd Daniel Perry into the Chh having been pro pounded for some Weeks. June 28. propounded Lynde Simonds & Wife for the receiving Chris tian Priveledges. July 26. Lynde Simonds & Wife made profession of Christian Faith & own'd the Covenant & were admitted to Christian Priveledges Sept 6 propounded the Widow Sarah Green to the Chh having before own'd the Covenant Sept 20 Receiv'd to full Communion & under the Watch of the Chh the Widow Sarah Green Octob. 25 propounded Robert Wiley & Wife for the receiving Baptism for their child Nov. 15. Robert Wiley & Wife made publick profession of the Christian Faith & own'd the Covenant 1796. Octobr. 23 propounded William Stearns Junr & Wife to the Chh 1797. March 19. propounded Leech & wife for the receiving Priveledges May. 14 Mr Leech & wife made profession of the Christian Faith own'd the Covenant & their Child was Baptiz'd by the name of John. 1798 Augst 12 Receiv'd William Stearns Junr. & Lydia his wife into the Church 1800 Aug' 17 Propounded Matthew Millar & Wife for receiving Priveledges Octobr 5 Matthew Millar & Wife also Lovice Darby made Christian Profession & own'd the Covenant & were admitted to Priveledges Nov. 9th. in Consequence of a regular Dismission & Recommendation Hannah the Wife of Eleazer Kendall was receiv'd as a member in full com munion 1801 Octobr. 4 Read a letter of Recommendation & Dismission of Lydia Chamberlain from the Chh in Hopkinton Massachusetts, & upon the prin ciples of the Communion of Chhs she was received into this Chh. Sept 19 1802 propounded Samuel Berry & Wife for receiving Priv eledges Sept 26 Samuel Berry & Wife made publick profession of the Christian Faith & were admitted to priveledges. Nov 21 propound Nancy Berry wife of John Berry for the receiving priveledges. 35 Dec. 15 Received Nancy Berry to the profession of the Christian Faith & to have priveledges 1803 Oct. 2 propounded Asa & Sarah Berry his wife also Joel & Hannah Berry his wife for receiving priveledges Nov. 24. Receiv'd Asa & Sarah Berry his Wife, also Joel & Hannah Berry his wife to the profession of the Christian Faith for the receiving Priveledges. 1805 June 23. propounded Jonathan Wiley & Wife for the purpose of receiving Christian Priveledges. July 31 received Jonathan Wiley & Wife to the profession of the Christian Faith & into the Charity of the Chh in order to receive Christian Priveledges. 1806 May 11 Andrew Dun & Mary his Wife preferred a Certificate from the Pastor that they were Members of the Church in Shirley Massachu setts & in regular Standing. Nov. 2. propounded to the Chh in order for full Communion Charlotte Ellis. November 4. Samuel Whiting Junr & his Wife Betsey made publick profession of the Christian Religion & gave their Assent to the Covenant before a number of the Chh & Neighbours who were Calld in, he being weak and low with the Consumption, but in the free exercise of Reason & srl Betsey was Baptiz'd Nov. 23. Charlotte Ellis made profession of the Christian Religion, gave her Assent to the Covenant & was receiv'd to Communion & Priveledges in this Chh. Nov. 30 propounded to the Chh in order for full Communion Sarah Whiting. 1808 April 10. Sarah Whiting made profession of the Christian Religion gave her assent to the Covenant & was received to Communion & privel edges of the Chh 1811 March 1 Abigail Eastman being Sick made profession of the Christian Religion, being very desirous to give up herself to God in Baptism & was Baptized. Sept 1. propounded to the Church Muzzy wife of Joseph Muzzy Sept 8 Receiv'd Mrs Muzzy into the Chh She making Christian pro fession Records of Such as Put themselves under the Watch of the Chh Recogniz'd their own Baptism & receiv'd Baptism for their Children. July 11 1784 Propounded Charles Richards Jun1 & his Wife & Dan iel Richards & his Wife. July 18 Baptiz'd Molly Richards, also John & Molly Children of Charles & Molly Richards, also Manor Son of Daniel & Sally Richards. August. 1. Baptized Mavel Daughter of John Casper Shana Wolf, his Wife Rachel having own'd the Covenant at Leomister. September. 26. Baptiz'd Martha Daughter of Willm & Glazier Octob. 17 Baptiz'd Huldah Daughter of Caleb & Elisabeth Church *- 36 1785 August 7 Baptiz'd Heman & Matilda twin Children of Charles Richards Junr. & Molly his Wife Sept 11. Baptiz'd Sally daughter of Daniel & Sally Richards Baptisms. 1837 Sept 8. Baptized Benjamin S. Franklin, son of Hiram and Melinda Davis. Nov. 19 Baptized Charles Chamberlain Son of Doct Perry and Sister Perry at Cambridge Port. Baptisms from the year, 1784 — having baptized before 84 in Rockingham, & 27 in Chester. — April 21 Baptiz'd at Chester — Moses Son of Reuben & Eunice Jones also Abraham Son of Abraham & • Sawyer also Janna Son of Joshua & Esther Hotten & Eusebia Daughter of Timothy & Elisabeth Olcott. April 28. Baptiz'd Mercy Daughter of Jonth & Rhoda Fuller May. 9. Baptiz'd Hannah Daughter of Elias & Sibbel Olcott June 6 Baptiz'd Randal Son of Eli & Hannah Evans. July. 11. Baptiz'd David son of Daniel & Dolly Bigsby. July 18. Baptiz'd Rosalinda Daughter of Thomas & Bethiah Dutton July. 25 Baptiz'd Roswell Son of Asher & Lecta Evans. August. 1 Baptiz'd Asahel Son of Elisha & Phebe Knights August 15 Baptiz'd Sibbel Daughter of George & Sarah Wood. August 22 \ Baptiz'd Esther Daughter of Thomas & Susanna Stone & at Chester j Biah daughter of Robert & Delop [?] & Esther Daughter of Thomas & Esther Caryl & Edmund Son of Joseph & Ruth Wetmore & Thomas Chandler Son of Ezekiel & Lucy Colburn. October 10 Baptiz'd Frink, Son of Oliver & Hannah Lovell. Nov. 28. Baptiz Zibiah Daughter of Ebenezer Johnson at Chester. Dec. 5. Baptiz'd Joseph Partridge Son of John & Urana Ellis. 1785 Jan. 9 Baptiz'd Lucy Daughter of David & Priscilla Pulsipher. June 19 Baptiz'd Amanda Daughter of Elisha & Phebe Knights. July. 3. Baptiz'd Polly & Samuel Children of Moses Marsh & Wife July 17 Baptiz'd Eleazar Son of Ebenezer and Rachel Albee, also Frederic, Lovisa & Simeon Peas Children of Frederic & Lovisa Reed. July 21 Baptiz'd Joseph Son of Peter & Frethel Tarble, She being Sick, being a Member of Claremont Chh. August 28 Baptiz'd John Goldsbury Son of Sam1 & Mary Whiting October 16. Baptiz'd Horace Son of John & Martha Lovell. Nov. 6. Baptiz'd Rachel Daughter of George & Sarah Wood Dec. 18. Baptiz'd Mercy Cutter Daughter of Jonth & Rhoda Fuller. 1786 March. 12 Baptiz'd Billy Fisher Son of Jacob Peas, & Experience his Deceased Wife presented by & under the Care of his grand Parents Jacob & Mary Peas — May. 14 Baptiz'd Joel Son of Daniel & Dorothy Bigsby July 9. Baptiz'd Ebenezer Fuller Son of Thomas & Bethiah Dutton July 30 Baptiz'd John Son of Elias & Sibbel Olcott. Aug 13 Baptiz'd Arad Son of Asher & Lecta Evans. 37 Sept. 10 Baptiz'd Henry Son of Eli & Hannah Evans. 1787 June. 3. Baptiz'd Rhena Daughter of David & Priscilla Pulsipher. August. 5. Baptiz'd Phebe Root Daughter of Elisha & Phebe Knights August. 26 Baptiz'd Phebe Daughter of Moses & Marsh — October. 15 1787. Baptiz'd Samuel Son of Isaac & Johnson. Nov. 4 Baptiz'd James Young Son of Shana & Rachel Wolf — 1788 April 20 Baptiz'd Ruth Petty Daughter of Eli & Hannah Evans- June 15 Baptiz'd Linus Son of John & Urana Ellis — June 22 Baptiz'd Billy Son of Frederic & Lovisa Reed — July 6 Baptiz'd Luther Son of Daniel & Dorothy Bixby. 1789 March 15 Baptiz'd John Lenox, & Anna Maria twin Children of Samuel & Jannett Cutler — May 24. Baptiz'd Alpheus Son of John & Martha Lovell — June 7 Baptiz'd Doraxa Daughter of Jehiel & Mary Webb. June 14 Baptiz'd Orange Son of John & Urana Ellis — June. 28 Baptiz'd Alphee Son of Asher & Lecta Evans — Nov. 8 Baptiz'd Hannah Flagg Daughter of Benjamin Gould & Wife. 1790 May 9. Baptiz'd Eleutheria Daughter of Sam1 & Mary Whiting also Sophia Daughter of Eli & Hannah Evans — June. 20. Baptiz'd Ama Daughter of Frederick & Lovisa Read & Nathaniel Son of James & Walker — July 3. Baptiz'd Thankful Daughter of Samuel Emery & Wife — Aug' 1. Baptiz'd Philena Daughter of David Pulsipher & Wife Sept. 19 Baptiz'd Samuel — Polly — & Sally Children of Samuel & Mary Taylor — Octob 25. Baptiz'd Amasa Son of Elisha & Phebe Knights — 1791. May 29 Baptiz'd Elvira Daughter of Jehiel & Mary Webb July 10. Baptiz'd Sally & Esther Children of Adam Caldwell & Wife July 17 Baptiz'd Roxalena Daughter of Asher & Lecta Evans — August 20 Baptiz'd Alexander Stearns Son of Alexander & Rhoda Campbell being dangerously sick September 4. Baptiz'd Betsy & Sally Perkins grandchildren of Eben ezer Fuller — October. 16. Baptiz'd John Son of Barnabas & Woods also Sarah Daughter of Isaiah & Olive Edson 1792. June 3. Baptiz'd Theophilus Son of Samuel & Mary Whiting — also Sophia Daughter of John & Urana Ellis July 1 Baptiz'd Olive Daughter of Isaiah & Olive Edson Sept 23. Baptiz'd David Son of David & Priscilla Pulsipher. 1793. January. 6 Baptiz'd Benjamin Gowen upon his publick Assent & Consent to the Covenant — Jan. 11 Baptiz'd at Oliver Lovells Esqr, being lecture. — Beliza Daughter of Oliver & Hannah Lovell also Sarah Sophia & Catharine Children of Jon'1 & Eunice Burr also Clarissa Daughter of Cyrus & Bridget Davis also Bulah Craft Daughter of the Widow Molly Fuller — April 30 Baptiz'd .Asahel Son of Jonathan & Eunice Burr. June 9. Baptiz'd Sally, Daughter of Philip & Davis June 22 Baptiz'd Betsi Daughter of Samuel & Emery Sept. 1. Baptiz'd Vashti Daughter of Asher & Lecta Evans — by Mr Mede. 38 Nov. 17. Baptiz'd Jane Daughter of James Mcafee & Wife, also Annis Daughter of Jonathan Barnes & Wife 1794 February 23. Baptiz'd James Son of Benjamin & Julia Balch. May 20 Was Baptiz'd by Mr Ogden an Episcopal Clergyman James Iredell Son of Samuel & Janett Cutler also George Church Son of George & Mehitabel Caldwell also William Nicholls, living with Mr Cutler — June 1 Baptiz'd Asenath Daughter of Frederick & Loisa Read — Augst 24 Baptiz'd Dolly & Tabitha Children of Daniel Bixby & Wife. Sept 14 Baptiz'd Benjamin Son of Benjamin & Mary Gowing Sept 21 Baptiz'd Isaiah Son of Isaiah & Olive Edson. Sept 28 Baptiz'd Joanna & John Children of John & Joanna Stoell — 1795 March. Baptiz'd Josiah, James Jackson & Elizabeth Children of Mr Sanderson & Wife at the Falls April 5 Baptiz'd David Son of Benjamin Nasmith. May 10 Baptiz'd Rebecca Daughter of Daniel Perry, & Wife June 28 Baptiz'd John Son of Samuel Emery & Wife — July 26 Baptiz'd Hannah Daughter of Lynde & Mary Simonds Augst 23. Baptiz'd David Son of John & Joanna Stoell — Sept 22 Baptiz'd Abigail Daughter of Ebenezer McIlvain at his house being Dangerously Sick. Nov. 15 Baptiz'd John Son of Robert Wiley & Wife. Novem. 29. Baptiz'd Moses Son of Jonathan Barron & Wife 1796Feb. 14. preacht at Mr Obers— & Baptiz'd Isaac, David & William Children of Samuel & Hannah Ober. also Phebe & Polly Children of Calvin & Martha Clark- March 10 Baptiz'd Ruth Daughter of Benj & Chloe Bowker, of Springfield at their house March 13 Baptiz'd Hugh Son of Benjamin Nasmith & Wife — April 24 Baptiz'd Levi Sabin Son of Beuj. & Mary Gowen July 3. Baptiz'd John Son of Asher & Lecta Evans — Augst 7 Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of Lynde & Mary Simonds Aug5' 14 Baptiz'd Patty Daughter of Philip Davis '& Wife— Aug8' 21 Baptiz'd Mary Daughter of James Macafee & AVife Sept 11 Baptiz'd Fanny Daughter of Frederick & Lovisa Reed also Edward Son of Edward Richards & Wife, she being of Jaffrey Chh 1797March. 13 Baptiz'd Elisabeth, Sarah & Thomas Boyd Children of Matthew Reed & Wife — May 14. Baptiz'd John Son of Mr Leech & Wife- June 30 Baptiz'd the Children of Isaac Johnson & Wife She Saying she had been Receiv'd into a Baptist Chh in Europe September 3. Baptiz'd Eleazer Son of Samuel Emery & Wife also Betsi Daughter of John Stoell & Wife- Sept 10 Baptiz'd Lydia & Nancy Children of William & Lydia Cham berlain — Sept 24 Baptiz'd William Campbell Son of Robert Wiley & Wife Octob. 1. Baptiz'd Harriet Daughter of Samuel & Janett Cutler — Nov. 26 Baptiz'd AVilliam & Samuel Cutler Children of George & Mehitable Caldwell— 39 1798 Febr 15 Baptiz'd Elias & Patty Children of David & Priscilla Pulsi pher — March 4 Baptiz'd Joseph Son of Samuel & Mary Whiting March 15 Baptiz'd Hannah Sparhawk Daughter Benjamin & Chloe Bowker of Springfield — July. 22 Baptiz'd James Son of Benjamin & Mary Gowen Aug5' 16 Baptiz'd Betsy Laurence, Eber, Jehiel, & William Children of WTilliam & Lydia Stearns. Augst 19 Baptiz'd Betsy Daughter of Lynd & Mary Simonds. Octob1 7. Baptiz'd Harriet Daughter of Jonathan Barron & Wife 1799 June 16. Baptiz'd Achsah Daughter of James Mcafee & Wife July. 29. Baptiz'd Sally Daughter of Jonathan Morrison & Wife Augst 4. Bapsiz'd Asena Daughter of Robert Wiley & Wife. Octobr 6 Baptiz'd Mela Daughter of John Leech & Wife Nov. 10 Edwin Son of George & Mehetabel Caldwell was Baptiz'd by Mr Barber. 1800 January 16 Baptiz'd Benjamin Son of Benj & Chloe Bowker — • June 22 Baptiz'd William Son of William Chamberlain Deceas'd & his Widow Lydia Chamberlain Sept. 21. Baptiz'd Samuel Emery son of Benj. & Mary Gowen October 5. Baptiz'd Mercy Wife of Matthew Millar also Charles Son of Matthew & Mercy Millar, also Lonee Darby — 1801 March 1st Baptiz'd Laura Daughter of Lynde & Mary Simonds May 24. Baptiz'd Olive Daughter of Philip Davis & Wife. June 7. Baptiz'd John Son of Ebenezer McIlvain & Wife. 1802 June 13 Baptized Ira Son of James Mcafee & Wife & Joseph Son of John Leech & Wife — Sept 1 9 Baptized Abel Son of Jonathan Barron & Wife — Sept 26 Baptized James Son of Samuel Berry & Wife, also Ira son of Robert Wiley & Wife Oct. 24. Baptized Hannah & Nathan, Children of Nathan Martin & Wife Dec. 15 Baptized John, Nancy & Gardiner Children of John & Nancy Berry also Rodney Son of Robert Wilson & Wife, at John Berry's 1803April 14 Baptiz'd Hugh Son of Matthew Orr & Wife- July. 3 Baptizd Jehiel son of Lynde & Mary Simonds October. 23 Baptizd Susan Daughter of Nathan Martin & Wife — Nov. 24 Baptized John Steward Son of Asa & Sarah Berry also Kendall Patten son of Joel & Hannah Berry also Joseph son of Samuel Berry & Wife — 1804 Baptiz'd Benjamin Hubbard Son of William & Lydia Stearns 1805 July 31 Baptized Rodney Son of Robert Wiley & Wife also Hiram Son of Jonathan Wiley & Wife — Oct. 2. Baptiz'd Charles Hubbard Son of Asa and Sarah Berry. 40 1806 June 1 Baptized Willard Son of Lynde & Mary Simonds Sept. 16 Baptized Orrin Son of Robert Wiley & Wife also Aldis Son of Asa Berry & Wife also Joseph Son of Samuel Berry & Wife — Nov. 4 Baptiz'd Betsey Whiting Wife of Samuel Whiting Junr. 1807 June 7. Baptiz'd Josiah Son of Samuel & Susanna Billings. June. 21 Baptized Mary, Daughter of Samuel Whiting Junr. deceas'd & Betsy his Widow. Oct. 25. Baptiz'd Elvira Daughter of John & Nancy Berry — - 1808 Oct. 9. baptiz'd Samuel Lewis Son of Sam1 Berry & Wife Oct. 16. Baptiz'd Samuel Lewis son of Samuel & Susanna Billings 1 809 Feb. 4 Baptized Andrew Son of Andrew & Dunn 1810. Sept 9. Sarah Daughter of Samuel & Susanna Billings also Child of Andrew & Dunn were baptized by Mr Howe of Surry 1812. Feb. 16. Baptiz'd James Felt by his desire & request, he being Weak & low in a decline or Consumption. 1814 Octobr 9. Baptiz'd Samuel Whiting & Lydia Eleutheria Children of Moses & Lydia Hill. 1816 Baptiz'd Harriet Campbell Daughter of Doctr Jarvis Chase & Rhoda Chase his wife, the Child being dangerously sick, & they professing their belief in the Christian Religion, & their desire to give up their Child to God in the Ordinance of Christian Baptism. Marriages 1774. Jan. 27 Married Jonathan Burt & Bethiah Preston. July 21 Married Benjc Patterson & Elisabeth Safford Sept 7. Married Elkanah Day & Levina Merrill also Benjamin Larrabee & Abigail Spaulding — 1775. April 6 Married Matthew Lane & Elisabeth Stearns. Octob. 10 Married Nathaniel Bennett & Sibbel Whipple Dec. 26 Married David Cockran & Mary Aiken of Kent 1776 Sept 11 Married Asa White & Jane Arwin. Sept 26 Married Solomon Wright & Abylene Preston also Gardner Simonds & Nancy Titus — 1777 June 22. Married Uriah Morris & Mary Tarbell of Chester Sept 11 Married Howe as he Said & Mary Glazier Nov 2. Married Charles Man & Zeruiah Parker of Chester 1778 Jany 31 Married David Cross & Rhoda Wilson of Acworth. Sept 8 Married Charles Richards Junr & Polly Arwin. Dec. 10 Married Eh Evans & Hannah Larcum. 1779 Jan? 24 Married Samuel Stafford as he Call'd himself a Stran ger & Abigail Fuller — June 21 Married Benjn Williams of Charlestown & Polly Lovell of Rockingham — June 22 Married Moses Allen of Greenfield & Mary Larrabee of Rockingham Sept 5 Married Jonathan Fuller & Rhoda Pease also Elijah Knights & Mercy Fuller. Sept 16 Married Josiah White & Elisabeth Pulsipher — Octobr 4 Married Nath1 Miner & Mary Camp of Rockingham Octobr 18 Married Mr McKenzie to the Widow Lois Spencer of Springfield 41 Dec. 5 Married Nathan Wright & Thankful Eastman— .Decembr 7 Married Benjamin Harris of Hadley & Hannah Galusha of Rockingham — 1780 Feb. 7 Married Will"1 Stowell & Phebe Sartwell of Walpole— April 12 Married Abel White & Hannah Closson. Aug. 14 Married Nathaniel Davis Junr & Lydia Harwood Nov. 9 Married Asher Evans of Rockingham & Lecta Sartwell oi Charlestown — 1781 Jan 23 Married Elijah Lovell of Rockingham & Abigail Golds bury of Warwick. Jan. 25 Married Frederic Read & Lovisa Peas May 31 Married Ebenezer Stoell & Pamela Whitney. June 23. Married Leonard Read & Esther Gould. July 19 Married Elisha Wright of Rutland & Judith Wright of Rock ing. Dec. 15 Married Benj. Parker & Rachel Wetherbee from Ringe December 23 Married Josiah Griswold & Susanna Simonds. 1782 Feb. 10 Married Sam1 Smith of Amherst & Sabra Debelle of Charlestown April 11 Married Isaac Stearns & Jane White — May 9 Married Ephraim Guild & Philena Wrigh(>— May 29 Married Thomas Davenport & Zipporah Gay. June 16 Married Elisha Knights & Phebe Stoell. June 20 Married John Baker & Experience Gibbs also William Stearns Junr & Lydia Glazier & Ebenezer Pulsipher & Unity Read June 30 Married Daniel Richards & Sally Field of Rock. 1783 August 14. Married David Campbell & Amela Johnson Aug. 20 Daniel Edson & Elenor Richards appeard & He took her as his Wedded Wife & she took him as her Wedded Husband — Marriages from the Year 1784. January 5 Married Samuel Trott of Walpole New Hampshire & Vashti Evans of Rockingham — June 1 . Married Levi Davis & Widow Mary Holiday of Rockingham July 22. Married Thomas Watkins of Chester & Hannah Davis of Rockingham August 12. Married Barnabas Graves of Walpole & Rachel Albee of Rockingham. 1785 February 6 Zebulon Cooper & Matilda Smith Came before me & he took her before God & man for his Wedded Wife & she in like Solemn manner took him for her Wedded Husband. Sam1 Whiting Feb. 20 Married Zebulon Cooper & Matilda Smith May. 5 Married John Ripley & Peggy Clark both of Rockingham Octob. 6. Married Elijah Reed & Releif White both of Rockingham Decemb. 26 Married Hezekiah Clark & Ama Peas both of Rocking ham. 1786 Jan. 24 Married James Preston & Sally French of Rocking ham. May. 16 Married Charles Clark & Hannah Lane of Rockingham. July 3 Married Levi Lottimore & Hepzibah Fuller of Charlestown 42 Nov. 26. at evening Married David Pike of Thomlinson [Grafton after Oct. 13. 1792] & Rebecca Blanchard of Rockingham. 1787. Feb. 11 Married Randal Lovell & Caroline Olcott of Rock ingham Feb. 19. Married William Glazier & Tabitha Ripley of Rockingham Aug8' 30 Married Nath1 Finney & Patience Earl of Rockingham Octob1 15 Married David Parks & Mary Bingham of Rockingham Octob1 30 Married John Stoell & Joanna Berry of Rockingham Nov. 14 Married Richard Haseltine & Jenny Campbell of Rockingham 1788. March 26. Married John Casper Shana Wolf & Lucy Baker of Rockingham April 14. Married Phinehas White & Jerusha Marsh of Rockingham June 9 Married Daniel Gaffield & Ellenor Green of Rockingham Decemb. 2 Married Solomon Petty & Elisabeth Earl of Rockingham. December 30 Married Samuel McCurdy of Surry in State New Hamp shire & Elisabeth Berry of Rockingham. 1 789 May 24 Married Samuel Eastman Junr & Abigail Stoell of Rock ingham August 26. Married John Stearns & Ruth Eastman of Rockingham December 16 Married John Savage & Elisabeth Evans. December 28 Married Isaac Johnson & Cina Deastaing. 1790 October 21 Married Levi Sabin & Barbara Stearns. Nov. 25 Married Moses Marsh Junr & Betsi Campbell. 1791 January 27 Married Eli Chamberlain & Sally Stanley Feb. 2. Married Ozias Savage & Clarissa Webb of Rockingham May 10 Married Isaiah Edson & Olive Wood of Rockingham May 19 Married Turner Wing & Dorothy Whitcomb of Rocking May 30 Married Benjamin Albee & Abigail Thomson. Sept 30 Married Moses Wright Junr & Mary Adams both of this Town Qctob. 6 Married Jesse Stearns & Betsy Gilson of Walpole 1792 January 19 Married Ebenezer Fuller of Rockingham & Elisa beth Pierce of Putney — also Married David Oaks & Sally Marsh both of Rockingham Feb. 6. Married Lynde Symonds & Mary Albee both of Rockingham Feb. 9. Married in Rockingham Leonard Parker & Abigail Parker both of Springfield. March 17 Married George Caldwell & Mehetable Wetherbee, of Rock ingham April 29 Married James Weston & Polly Mathers of Rockingham June. 25. Married Will™ Brittain of Westmoreland & Huldah Marsh of Rockingham. Sept 4 Married Elijah Simonds & Polly Stearns Campbell of Rock ingham October 9 Married Abner Wheelock & Hannah Stoell. Nov. 27 Married Phineas Brown & Sally Wait of Rockingham Decemb 6. Married Jonathan B. Wood & Relief Stickney 1793 April 18 Married Benjn Marsh Jur & Patty Wait of Rockingham May 19 Married Joseph Marsh & Anne Pierce of Rockingham. May 29 Married Benj" Gowen & Polly Emery of Rockingham Sept 29. Married Thomas Green & Rhoda Stickney of Rockingham 1794 Jany 7 Married Elijah Stanley & Betty McKnight of Rockingham 43 April 6. Married Selah Graves & Sabra Roundy. Rockingham July. 3. Married Joel Knight & Hannah Ayrs. Rockingham July 8 Married Joseph Read & Polly Muzzy of Rockingham July 1 0 Married Ralph Roundy & Rosalinda Wright of Rockingham Sept. 22 Married Timothy J. Jones Hotchkiss & Sarah Sarles of Rockingham Sept 30 Married Zadock Hitchcock of Westminster & Bulah Stearns of Rockingham 1795 March 2. Married Abner Rice of Walpole & Hannah Lovell of Rock ingham. April 16 Married James Shed of Springfield & Rachel Johnson of Rockingham May. 20 Married David Fletcher of Springfield & Sally Lovell of Rockingham September 14 Married Rogers Clark & Betsy Green of Rockingham December 7. Married Nathaniel Davis of Rockingham & Esther Slack of Grafton [1796]Feb. 23 Married Bela Hotten & Patty Olcott of Rockingham May 26 Married John Marsh & Nabby Stearns of Rockingham. July 15 Married Richard Holliday & Sarah Kendall of Rockingham Octob1 17. Married Levi Alexander & Betsy Perkins of Rockingham Octobr 14. Married Philip Adams & Patty Caldwell of Rockingham 1797 August 3 Married Josiah Johnson & Elisabeth Whitney Aug8' 17 Married Artemas Aldrich & Huldah Chamberlain Sept. 7. Married William Minard & Abigail Cushing — Sept 12 Married Simeon Aldrich of Rockingham & Lucinda Clark of Westminster Dec 7. Married Jonathan Blanchard & Polly Lovell 1798 April 24 Married Timothy Ross & Sally Albee June 4 Married Solomon Jewett of Walpole & Abigail Corlies of Rock ingham — June 14 Married Isaac Reed Junr & Polly White of Rockingham. July. 9 Married Ziba Henry & Hannah fiebee of Marlow Nov. 22. Married Isaac Davis of Springfield & Polly White of Rock ingham. 1799 Jany 8. Married James Aiken of Antrim & Peggy Orr of Rockingham Jany 14 Married Samuel Wooley & Susanna Kendall of Rockingham January 31, Married Dexter Newton of Unity & Polly Pulsipher of Rockingham Feb. 10 Married John Millar & Hannah Crosby of Rockingham. Feb. 17. Married John Smith of Weathersfield & Amy Grey of Rock ingham March. 7. Married Matthew Millar & Mercy Darby of Rockingham Octobr Married Phinehas Bolles & Martha Clark of Rockingham 1800 Feb. 18 Married David Eaton of Westminster & Anna Clark of Rock ingham April 7th Married Eleazar Kendall & Hannah Graves of Rockingham 44 May 8 Married Zachariah Shed of Springfield & Lydia Procter of Rockingham. May 15 Married Jonathan Morrison & Annah Davis of Rockingham June. 30 Married Samuel H. Raymenton & Sally Emery of Rocking- im July 20 Married Peter Nurse Junr & Patty Chamberlin of Rocking ham Aug8' 3 Married Samuel Taylor Junr & Sukee Williams of Rocking ham Sept. 14 Married Nathan N. Kendall & Betsey L. Stearns of Rock ingham Sept 23 Married Daniel Lock & Sally Procter of Rockingham September 30 Married Ashbel Spaulding & Abiel Parker of Ludlow 1801 Jany 2 Married Elijah Albee & Sarah Adams of Rockingham. May. 24 Married Samuel Berry & Hannah Griffin of Rockingham July 27 Married Joshua Johnson Junr & Hannah Estabrooks of Rock ingham Aug8' 5 Married Roswell Bellows & Martha Lovell Aug8' 19 Married Samson Adams & Sally Pain of Rockingham Sept 15. Married Elijah Goodale & Sally Davis of Rockingham. Sept1' 28 Married Thaddeus Parks of Chester & Polly Harwood of Rockingham Octob1. 1 Married Nathaniel Crosman & Eleanor Rice of Brookfield Massachusetts Decemb. 3. Married Thomas Stebbins & Polly Willard of Rockingham Decemb. 27 Married Edmund Chamberlain Junr & Polly Simonds of Rockingham 1802 Jan. 4 Married Abijah Adams of Rockingham & Submit Cole of Grafton Jan. 6 Married Pearson Wesson & Patty Williams of Rockingham March 11. Married Joel Berry & Hannah Ober of Rockingham. July. 12 Married Nicholas Bowles & Sally House of Rockingham. Octob. 31 Married Bartlet Damon of Springfield & Eunice White of Rockingham Nov. 16 Married Isaac Darling & Huldah Platts of Rockingham. Nov 30 Married Alexander Atchinson & Rebecca Adams of Rocking ham Dec. 7 Married James Davis & Marian Reid of Rockingham Dec. 9. Married David Taylor of Grafton & Patty McNeal of Rock ingham 1803 Jan. 16 Married Joel Barrett & Eunice Glazier of Rockingham. Jany 20 Married Luther Pike & Sally Cushing of Rockingham April. 14 Married Esek Weaver & Sally Orr of Rockingham Sept 25 Married Daniel G. Upham of Shrewsbury & Elisabeth Rice of Rockingham Decemb. 1. Married Abijah Hay ward & Abigail Willard of Rocking ham Dec. 22 Married Peter Dorand & Deidama Wright of Rockingham 1804 January 16. Married Oliver Pulsipher & Jemima Searls of Rocking ham — 45 Feb. 23 Married Ichabod Eastman & Mabel Wolf of Rockingham March 1 5: John Ranks Finney & Lydia Archer of Rockingham came to ray house & having been publish'd'agreable to Law, but he being a minor & not having his Father's Consent I refused to marry them — they however declared' that they took & Consider'd each other as husband & Wife, mean ing to live with & do for each other, accordingly — March 25' Married John Leach & Hannah Perry of Rockingham April 19 Married Loring Damon of Springfield & Rebekah Esterbrooks of Rockingham May 7 Married Moses Wright Junr & Sally Davis of Rockingham June" 12 Married Joshua Eaton of Wilton (N H) & Susannah Boynton of Rockingham Aug8' 12' Married John' Williams Archer & Sally Lusha of Rocking ham Aug8' 15 Married Samuel Ober Junr & Lydia Rice of Rockingham. Sept 16 Married Nathan Pratt of Fitzwilliam & Dolly Clark of Rock ingham Nov; 15 Married Sullivan Elsworth &¦ Hannah Blanchard of Rock ingham" Nov. 18 Married •Christopher Lovell & Phebe Marsh of Rockingham Dec 6 Married Jonas Clark of Westminster & Sally Lake of Rocking^ ham also Abraham Shipman & Anna Miller of Rockingham Jany 17 18©5- Married David Byington & Lydia Nurse of Rockingham Feb. 22 Married Thomas Kimbat & Betsy Downs of' Rockingham April 6. Married Joseph Weed & Deborah House of Rockingham May 23. Married 'Seth Clark of Westminster & Lydia Chamberlain of Rockingham1' Aug8' 14 Married Robert Gilmore Clark & Abilene Wright Adams Sept. 4: Married Kendall Ober & Sally Clark of Rockingham Dec. 2 Married Asa Sartwell of Charlestown N H. & Mary Williams of Rockingham Dec. 15 Married Zelah Baker & Catharine Kendall, of Rockingham Dec 29 Married Frederic Shipman & Elisabeth Elsworth of Rock ingham 1806 May 26; Married' 'Samuel Pulsipher '& Sally Weaver of ' Rockingham July 27. Married Elias Lee & Chloe Ellis of Rockingham ^ Octob. 19 Married George Wilson & Polly House of Rockingham Octob. 21. Married Samuel Whiting Junr & Betsy Chamberlain of Rockingham Dec. 4- Married Obadiah Wilcox & Polly Millar of Rockingham Dec. 9 Married Ebenezer Mcalvine & Elisabeth House of Rockingham 1807 January 11 Married Joel Bixby & Sally Barrett of Rockingham January 15 Married Thomas Wyman & Lydia Holden of Rockingham. Feb. 24 Married' Calvin Clark & Dinah Cooper of Rockingham March' 1. Married Orange Elsworth & Polly Winn of Rockingham March' 3; Married Ebenezer Platts of HartlancF& Jenny Gilmore of Rockingham April 12 Married Luke Liticoln &Betsy Webb of Rockingham. May 3 Married John Orr & Dorothy Quincy of' Rockingham. May .16: Married James Doyle & Mary Heaps of Rockingham Decern" 17 Married Randal Evans & Betsy Walker of Rockingham 46 1808 Jany 3 Married James Wooly & Hannah Wing of Rockingham. May. 19 Married Benjamin Wilson of Grafton & Bethiah Hayward of Rockingham Aug8' 4th Married Horace Lovell & Philadelphia Parsons of Rock ingham Oct. 19 Married Asa Stoell & Lois Dewey of Rockingham Oct. 23. Married Samuel Willard & Betsy Morrison of Rockingham Dec. 8th. Married Alpheus Kendal of Cavendish & Irena Pulsipher of Rockingham Dec. 22. Married James Gilmore& Elisabeth Kelsey of Rockingham. — 1809 Feb. 2 Married David Nurse & Lucy Whiting of Rockingham March. 2 Married John Pulsipher Junr & Elisabeth Randall of Rock ingham March. 12. Married Henry Davis Junr & Sally Stoddart of Rocking ham April 23. Married Solomon Pulsipher & Anna Clark of Rockingham. Aug8' 13 Married John Albee Junr & Betsy Read of Rockingham Augst 27. Married Jeremiah Sprague & Rebecca Robertson of Rock ingham 1810 March 8 Married Nathaniel Nichols & Betsy Williams of Rockingham Augst 20 Married Sylvanus Hayward of Gilsum & Mary Webb of Rockingham Aug8' 26. Married Eliakim Royce & Polly Webb of Rockingham. Decembr 19. Married Moses Marsh & Esther Day of Rockingham 1811 December 30 Married Abner Cunningham & Fanny Burke of Rock ingham 1812 Jany 19 Married Jonas Stickney of Jaffrey & Nancy Ripley of Walpole or Rockingham Octob1 lBt Married Samuel Wiley & Lucy Miller of Rockingham Oct 27th Married Joseph S Crumb of Grafton & Hannah Himes of Rockingham Decemb 9 Married Moses Clark & Nancy Clark of Rockingham June 23 1818 Mr Jotham Richardson & Mrs Susan Rider appeard be fore me & a considerable number of Witnesses present when he took her as his wife, taking her by the hand he declard that he took her Mrs Susan Rider as his lawful Wedded wife promising to live with her & Conduct towards her accordingly then she took him by the hand & declared that she took him Mr Jotham Richardson as her lawful wedded husband promising to live with him & Conduct towards him accordingly & then they requested me to make record of the same Samuel Whiting State of Vermont Windham ) Be it remembered that at Rockingham in the county afore- County ss. j said on this 25 day of March in the year of our Lord 1837, David Smith of Chester in the County of Windsor and State of Vermont, and Achsah Cory of Charlestown in the County of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire were duly joined in Marriage by me ( Minister Samuel Mason < of the ( Gospel 47 State of Vermont ) Be it remembered that at Rockingham in the Windham County Ss j county aforesaid on the 8 day of May in the year of our Lord 1837 Henry Jewett and Philena Blodget of Nelson, County of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire were duly joined in marriage by me — ( Minister Samuel Mason -] of the ( Gospel DEATHS. Rockingham Chester 1774 March. 14 Benj. Larrabees Wife 21 Jonth Whites Child , Mr White.Latons Child Burts Child ' Cummins A M 86- 18. 15 2530. Apr. July Aug.AugDec. 1775 Apr. 6 1776. May Sept. 1776.1777. M1' Mr Mr 1778 1779 1773 Nov. 28 Mra Man & Child 1774 Jan 23 John Stones Child 1775 Jan 14 Mr John Smith Nov. 3. Mr Atwoods Child VOct. 28. Caleb Church's Child 1777 Aug. 31 Mr George Earls Child Anne Larrabee. 1 Dec 21. Isaiah Johnsons Child Dec. 24 Tim'h Walkers Child 27. Comfort Titus 1781 March 27. Maj Chandler's Child 8 Widow White. July 2. Mr Man. 15. Naomi Kingsley. Sam1 Burr 4 Jesse Evans drowned Thomas Duttons Child A soldier at Elijah Lovells Edward Burt Sabin Kingsley Patty Lovell Polly Whiting Polly Lovell Polly Erving & Adriel Kingsley Mercy Evans Polly Webb & Joel Safford Joseph Glazier Roswell Evans Sally Taylor Esquire Fuller. A child Hannah Taggart. Ebenezer Fuller jun1 Mr Campbells Child John Titu's Child Octob. 30 Fairbanks Moors Child Sarah Campbell James Dutton. Mary Dutton Mr Glaziers Child 26 Gardner Simond's Child a Child of Sam1 & Mary Larrabee 2 Sam1 Webb March 26 Mrs Campbell. May 22. David Preston. Nov. Dec. AprilJulyAug8'Aug8' Aug'Aug' Aug.Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. SeptSept SeptSept Octob.Octob. Nov. Dec DecDecJan May March 26. 5. 7. 9 10 14 17 20 27. 31. 1 17. 19 22. 29 30 7. 2.6 23. 5.9. 6. July 21 1780. Jan. 14 May 9 July 17. •Sept 7 1781 Feb. 7. March 24 April 9. June 21 July 3. Aug6' 8 Nov. 21 1782. March 5 SJarch 10 March 23. Octob 8 Octob 23. 1783. Feb 26 March 8 March 16. June 18. July. 8. Octob. 1 Nov. 3 Dec. 9 1784 Feb. 24 March. April 23. May 16. June 9. June 24 August. 23 Sept. 28 October. 6. October. 9. Octob1 15 Dec. 13 Dec. 22 Decem. 28. 1785 Jan. 5 Jan. 22 Jan. 24. Jan 26 Feb. 3 Feb, 4 Feb. 9. Consuniption Camp Distemper. Camp Distemper Childbirth Mr Miners Child. 4 Capt Olcptts Child still born Polly Webb. Mrs Mary Evans — Anne Dunfee & Mr Edsons Child. Lem1 Sargeants Child. Mary Whiting M18 Wait- Peter Evans Child stillborn Mr Shelden Fever. Asa White Consumption Sam1 Woods 7 Elisha Gustins Child. Jon1* Gilmore Consunijp$Qn Chrjistopher Goldsbury of Warwick, at Warwick Fever John Whitney's 2d child. Fever. Fever Consumption Mortification after abortion Consumption John Holiday Reuben Edson Mr Smiths Daughter We Olive Edson Mrs Freelove Pike a Child of Mr Safford stillborn Mr Shed Died. Fever Joshua a Child of Nathan1 Davis Jnnr. hooping Cough & canker Timothy a Child of Jpshria Johnson Fever 8 a Child of George & Sarah Woods Worms Fanny Locke j Died June 5. 1850 Mary Jane Locke' Almira Butterfield Mrs. Gowing *Eliza Locke Hezekiah Ober *Polly Gowing [End of Rockingham church records. ] INDEX OF PERSONS. Adams, Abijah, 44 Abilene Wright, 45 Joseph, 49 Mary, 42 Mr., 48 Philip, 43 Rebeeca, 44 Samson, 44 Sarah, 44 Aiken, James, 43 Mary, 4, 40 Albee, Benjamin, 4, 42 Ebenezer, 4, 9, 11, 32, 36, 50 Ebenezer, Jr., 4 Eleazer, 36 Elijah, 11, 44 John, 4 John, Jr., 46 Mary, 4, 42 Rachel, 4, 9,11, 32, 36, 50 Rachel, Jr., 4, 41 Sarah, 9, 43 Submit, 4 Aldrich, Artemas, 43 Simeon, 43 Alexander, Levi, 43 Allen, Moses, 6, 40 Archer, John Williams, 45 Lydia, 45 Arwin, Jane, 4, 40 Molly, 6, 40 Atchinson, Alexander, 44 Atwood, Mr., 47 Ayrs, Hannah, 43 Babcock, Amos, x Sally P., x Baker, Cornelius, 3 John, 10, 41 Lucy, 42 Priscilla, 3 Zelah, 45 Balch, Benjamin, 38 James, 38 Julia, 34, 38 Ballou, Maturean, 15 Barber, 1„ Barbour, I11-"59 Nelson, Rev., 28, 29, 30, 32 Barnes, Abiel, 3, 9 Abigail, 9 Annis, 38 Calvin, 3 Jonathan, 38 Mary, 3, 9 Barre, "1 Berry, j" Gratia Maria, 25 John, 25. 26 Thankful, 25, 26 Barrett, Joel, 44 Sally, 45 Barron, Abel, 39 Harriet, 39 Jonathan, 38, 39 Moses, 38 Nancy M., 23 Barry, Nancy, 52 Bebee, Hannah, 43 Bellows, Benjamin, Col., iii, iv, v Roswell, 44 Bennett, Nathaniel, 3, 4, 40 Benton, Hannah, 32, 33, 51 Jacob, 33 Berry, Aldis, 40 Asa, 35, 39, 40 Charles Hubbard, 39 Elisabeth, 42 Elvira, 40 Gardiner, 39 Hannah, 35, 39 James, 39 Joanna, 26, 42 Joel, 35, 39, 44 John, 34, 39, 40 John, Jr., 39 John Steward, 39 Joseph, 39, 40 Kendall Patten, 39 Mrs., 32, 33, 51 Nancy, 34, 35. 39, 40 Nancy, Jr., 39 Berry (continued) Samuel, 34, 39, 40, 44 Samuel Lewis, 40 Sarah, 35, 39 Bigelow, Jonathan, iii, iv Bigsby, see Bixby. Billings, Josiah, 40 Mary, 26 Samuel, 40 Samuel Lewis, 40 Sarah, 40 Susan, "I 24, 26, 40, Susanna, j" 51 Bingham, Mary, 42 Bixby, \ Bigsby, / Daniel, 36, 37, 38 David, 36 DoroAy.}36'37Dolly, Jr., 38 Joel, 36, 45 Luther, 37 Tabitha, 38 Black, Asa, 21 Blake, P. J., ix Blanchard, Hannah, 45 Jonathan, 43 Rebecca, 42 Blodget, Philena, 47 Bolles, Phinehas, 43 Borland, John, 48 Bowker, Benjamin, 38, 39 Benjamin, Jr., 39 Cloe, 38, 39 Hannah Sparhawk, 39 Ruth, 38 Bowles, Nicholas, 44 Boynton, Lydia, 24, 52 Susannah, 45 Bradford, Moses B., Rev., 25, 28, 30, 31 Brittain, William, 42 Brown, Joel M., 25, 30, 32 Luke, 30 Phineas, 42 Burke, Fanny, 46 Burnap, TJ. C, Rev., 28, 29 54 Burr, Asahel, 37 Bathsheba, 3 Catharine, 37 Eunice, 2, 3, 6, 37, 60 Jonathan, 2, 3, 4, 6, 32, 37,50 Samuel, 47 Sarah, 37 Sophia, 37 Zebulon, 6 Burt, Edward, 47 Jonathan, vi, 3, 40, 47 Butterfield, Almira, 52 Mr., 49 Byington, David, 45 Caldwell, Adam, 37 Edwin, 39 Esther, 37 . George, 38, 39, 42 George Church, 38 Mehitabel, 38, 39 Patty, 43 Sally, 37 Samuel Cutler, 38 William, 38 Camp, Mary, 7, 40 Campbell, Alexander, viii, "21,37 Alexander S., 21, 37 David, 12, 41, 49 Elisabeth, 3, 42 James, 3, 4 Jenny, 42 John H., 21,27 Margaret, 3, 4 Margaret, Jr., 4 Mr., 47 Mrs., 47 Polly Stearns, 42 Rhoda, 37 Sarah, 3, 47 Caryl, Esther, 36 Esther, Jr., 36 Thomas, 36 Chamberlain, Betsy, 45 Edmund, Jr., 44 Eli, 42 . Huldah, 43 Lydia, 34, 38,39,45 Lydia, Jr., 38 Nancy, 38 Patty, 44 William, 38,, 39 William, Jr., 39 Chandler, Chauncey Che ney, 3 Esther, 3, 4, 6 John, 3, 4, 6 Mira Alpheus, 4 Thomas, 11, 47,-Jo William Anson, 6 Chase, Harriet Campbell, 40 Jarvis, 40 Rhoda, 40 Church, Annice, 6 Caleb, 3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 35, 47 Elisabeth, 5, 6, 9, 35 Huldah, 35 Jemima, 3 Joseph Warner, 5 Salome, 9 Clark, Amy, 49 Anna, 43, 46 Calvin, 38, 45 Charles, 41 Dolly, 45 Ebenezer, 14, 16, 32, 33, 51 Hezekiah, 41 Jonas, 45 Lucinda, 43 Marcy,23 Martha, 38, 43 Moses, 46 Mrs., 52 Nancy, 46 Nathaniel, 19, 21, 23 Peggy, 41 Phebe, 38 Polly, 38 Robert Gilmore, 45 Rogers, 43 Sally, 45 Seth, 45. Clifford, Mr., 49 Closson, Hannah, 8, 41 Coburn, Mr., 50 Cockran, David, 4, 40 Colburn, Ezekiel, 36 Lucy, 36 Thomas Chandler, 36 Cole, Submit, 44 Cooper, Dinah, 45 John, 10 Sarah, 10, 11, 32, 51 Zebulon, 41 Corlies, Abigail, 43 Cory, Achsah, 46 Crosby, Hannah, 43, Crosman, Nathaniel, 44 Cross, David, 5, 40 Crumb, Joseph S., 46 Cummins, Mr., 47 Cunningham, Abner, 46 Cushing, Abigail, 43 Sally, 44 Cutler, Anna Maria, 37 Harriet, 38 James Iredell, 38 Jannett, 37, 38 John Lenox, 37 Samuel, viii, 37, 38 Dagget, Betsey, 27 Damon, Bartlet, 44 Loring, 45 Darby, Lovice, 34, 39* Mercy, 43 » " Lonee," by error in copying, Darling, Isaac, 44 Davenport, Thomas, 10, 41 Davis, Annah, 44 Benjamin S. Franklin, 36 Br., 30 Bridget, 37 Clarissa, 37 Cyrus, 37 Elijah, 27 Hannah, 41 Helen Frances, 26 Henry, 48, 49 Henry, Jr., 46 Hiram, 24, 26, 28, 29, 36,52 Isaac, 43 James, 44 Joshua, 48 Laura, 51 Levi, 41 Melinda, 26, 31, 36, 62 Melinda Ann, 26, 52 Nathaniel, iv, vi, 4, 5, 7,8,9, 10,11,12,15, 32, 43, 50 Nathaniel, Jr., 8, 41, 48 Olive, 39 Patty, 38 Philip, 16, 33, 37, 38, 39, 51 Sally, 37, 44, 45 Simon Stevens, 26 Day, Edward Lucius, 26 Elkanah, 3, 40 Esther, 46 Frederic, 26 Hannah, 23, 26 Henry, 26 Henry C, 20, 22, 23, 26 Norman, 26 Deastaing, Cina, 42 Debelle, Sabra, 9, 41 Delop [?] Biah, 36 Robert, 36 Dewey, Lois, 46 Divol, Mr., 30 Doan, Mrs., 51 Roland, 51 Done, Mr., 51 Dorand, Peter, 44 Dow, Flora' E., 51 Downs, Betsy, 45 Doyle, James, 45 Drury, Charles Leaverett, 26 George Henry, 26 James, 26 Joseph,, 2 6 Josiah, 21, 23, 26, 51 Moses, 26 Nelson, 26 Sally, 26 Dudley, Benjamin, 48 55 Dun, } » , Bum, 5 An*ew- 35- 40 Andrew, Jr., 40 Mary, 35 Dunfee, Anne, 48 Dutton, Bethiah, 5, 6, 7, 32, 36, 50 Bethiah, Jr., T- Ebenezer Fuller, 36. James, 2, 47 Mary, 47 Perley, 6 Rosalinda, 36 Sarah, 2, 5, 32, 60, ! Thomas, 2, 5, 6, 7, 32, 36, 47, 50 Dwight, Hannah, ix Earl, Cretia, 49 Elisabeth, 42, George, 47 Mary, 21 Patience, 42 Royal, 21, 22 Xenophon, 21 Easterbrooks, Abraham, 21 Eastman, Abigail, 3.5 Ichabod, 45 Ruth, 42 Samuel, 49, 50 Samuel, Jr., 42 Thankful, 7, 41 Eaton, David, 43 Joshua, 45 Mr., 51 Edson, Daniel, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 32, 41, 50 Isaiah, 33, 37, 38, 42 Isaiah, Jr., 38 Mr., 48 Olive, 9, 33, 37, 38, 48, 60,51 Olive, Jr., 9, 37 Reuben, 48 Sarah, 37 Ellis, Charlotte, 9, 35, 51 Chloe, 9, 45 John, 9, 11,18, 32,33, 36, 37, 50 John, Jr., 11 Joseph Partridge, 36 Linus, 37 Mrs., 51 Orange, 37 Polly, 9 Samuel, 9 Sophia, 37 Urana, 9, 11, 3?, 36, 37 Elsworth, Elizabeth, 45 Orange, 45 Sullivan, 45 Emery, Betsey, 24, 26, 37 Eleazer, 38 John, 38 Mr., 50 Emery (continued) Mrs., 51 Polly, 42, Samuel, 33, 37, 38, 51 Sally, 44, 50 ' Thankful, 3,7 Zacheus, 24, 26 Emory, Grata, 26 Erring, Polly, 47 Estabrooks, Hannah, 44 Esterbrooks, Rebekah, 45 Evans, Alphee, 37 Arad, 36 Asher, 4, 8, 10, 16, 32, 36, 37, 38, 41, 50 Augusta, 52 Electa, 10 EU, 6,8, 11, 21,23,32, 36, 37, 40, 50, 51 Eli, Jr., 11, 21, 23, 24, Elisabeth, 42 [25 Hannah, 6, 8, 11, 23, 32, 36, 37, 50, Hannah, Jr., 8 Harriet, 25 Henry, 25, 37 Jesse, 6, 47 John, 38 Laura, 25 Lecta, 9, 32, 36, 37, 38 Mary, 4, 48, 50 Mercy, 2, 4, 6, 49,, 50 Mercy, Jr., 4, 6, 47 Olive, 25, 52 Peter, vi, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 32, 48, 49,60 Peter, Jr., v, 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, 32, 50 Randal, 36, 45 Roswell, 4, 36, 47 Roxalena, 37 Ruth Petty, 37 Sarah, 23, 25 Sophia, 25, 37 Vashti, 11, 32, 37, 41, 51 Warren Felt, 25, 52 Farnsworth, Stephen, iv Fassett, Pearley, 27 Felt, Eliphalet, 23 Elutheria, 21, 23 James, 40 Lona Jane, 23, 62 Warren, 21 Fessenden, Thomas, Rev., 2 Field, Sally, 10, 41 Timothy, Rev., 18, 28, 29 Finney, John Parks, 45 Mrs., 48 Nathaniel, 42 Fish, Jonas, 27 Submit, 27 Fletcher, David, 43, Luke, 49 French, Sallv, 41 Fuller, AbigaQ, 6, 40 Betsy, 37 Bulah Craft, 37 Ebenezer, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 32, 37,42,49,60 Ebenezer, Jr., 47 Elizabeth, 9, 10, 32, 51 Esquire, 47 Hepzibah, 41, Jonathan, 7, 12, 36, 40, 48 Mary, 12, 37 Mercy, 7, 36,40,48,50 Mercy Cutter, 36 Rhoda, 11, 12, 32, 36, 48,51' Sally Perkins, 37 Garfield, Daniel, 42 Galusha, Hannah, 7, 41 Gardner, Andrew, Rev., iv, v Gassit, Daniel, 49 Gay, Joanna, ix Zipporah, 10, 41 Gibbs, Experience, 10, 41 Gibson, Mr., 48 Gilbert, Benjamin, 48 Gilmore, Dinah, 49 James, 46 Jenny, 45 Jonathan, 48 Mr., 49 Gilson, Betsy, 42 Eunice, 25, 29 Zacheriah, 25, 29 Glazier, Eunice, 44 Joseph, 47 Lydia, 10, 41 Martha, 35 Mary, 5, 4p Mr., 49 . William, 35, 42, 47 Goldsbury, Abigail, 9, 41 Christopher, 48 John, x Mary, x Goodale, Elijah, 44 Rev. Mr., 18 Goodhue, Mr., 11 Gopdridge, Samuel W., 21 Gould, Benjamin, 37 Caroline, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 51 Charles Merril, 25 Esther, 9, 41 Hannah Flagg, 37 Henry, 26 John Stoel, 25 Loel Read, 25 Lucretia Sanderson, 25 56 yen, ") rin, j- Gould (continued) Maria, 26 Susan, 28 Thomas, 22, 23, 24, 26, 26,32 Gowen,Gowin,Gowing, Benjamin, 34, 37, 38, 39,42 Benjamin, Jr., 38 Elizabeth, 23 Esther, 27 James, 39 Levi Sabin, 38 Mrs., 52 Mary, 34, 38, 39, 52 Samuel, 20, 21, 23 Samuel Emery, 39 Graves, Barnabas, 41 Hannah, 43 Selah, 43 Green, Betsy, 43 Ellenor, 42 Joseph, 49 Millar, 50 Sarah, 34 Thomas, 42 Griffin, Hannah, 44 Grey, Amy, 43 Griswold, Josiah, 9, 41 Guild, Ephraim, 10, 41 Gustin, Elisha, 48 Mr., 49 Thomas, 49 Hall, Atherton, 28 Mr., 16 William, 18 William, Jr., viii Hammond, Elizabeth, xi Harding, Elisha, Rev., v Harris, Benjamin, 7, 41 Edward Doubleday, xi William, 10, 32, 51 g™*}john,13 Lydia, 8, 41 Polly, 44 Haseltine, ") Hazeltine,Hazelton, Hazletine, Jonas," vii, 10, 11, 12, 14, 32, 61 Mrs., 48 Richard, 42 Hastings, John, v Miranda, 60 Hayward, Abijah, 44 Bethiah, 46 Sylvanus, 46 Heaps, Mary, 45 Hedge, Mr., Rev., 2 Henry, Ziba, 43 y Herod, see Harwood. Hill, Lydia, 23, 40 Lydia Eleutheria, 40 Moses, 20, 21, 23, 40 Samuel Whiting, 40 Himes, Hannah, 46 Hitchcock, Luke, 48 Zadock, 43 Hodges, SOas H., Rev, 30, 31 Hoit, Eunice, 52 Holden, Lydia, 45 Holiday, John, 48 Mary, 41 Holliday, Richard, 43 Holmes, H. B., Rev., 28, 29,30 Hotchkiss, Timothy J. Jones, 43 Hotten, Asahel, 5 Bela, 43 Esther, 5, 36 Janna, 36 Joshua, 5, 36 ,Sb Joshua, Jr., 5 Leonard, 5 Luther, 5 Mrs., 49 House, Deborah, 45 Elisabeth, 45 Polly, 45 Sally, 44 Houston, Mr., 9 Howe, , 5, 40 Howe, Mr, Rev, 40 Ingraham, Ira, Rev, 28 Jewett, Henry, 47 Solomon, 43 Johnson, Abiel, 3, 8 Amela, 12, 41 Asahel, 3 Benjamin, 5, 50 Dorcas, 3, 4, 5, 8 Ebenezer, 3, 4, 6, 36 Ebenezer, Jr, 3 Edward, 3 George, 28 Isaac, 37, 38, 42, 49 Isaiah, 3, 4, 5, 8, 47 So John, 3 ' Joshua, 48 Joshua, Jr., 44 Josiah, 43 Luther, 3 Nathan, 4 Patty, 10 Phebe, 3, So Rachel, 43 Robert, 49 Samuel, 37 Tabitha, 5 Timothy, 48 Zeruiah, 3, 4, 6 Zibiah, 36 Jones, Eli, 9 Eunice, 8, 9, 32, 36, 50 John, 8 Moses, 36 Reuben, Dr, 7, 8, 9, 32, 36, 50 Keith, Eunice, 23 Grindal, 23 Kelsey, Elisabeth, 46 Kendal, 1 Kendall, / Alpheus, 46 Catharine, 45 Eleazer, 21, 33, 34, 43 Hannah, 34 Mary, 32, 33, 51 Nathan N, 44 Sarah, 43 Susanna, 43 Kimbal, Thomas, 45 Kingsley, Adriel, 3, 5, 47 Naomi, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 32, 50 Naomi, Jr., 4, 8, 47 Sapphira, 10 Sylvanus, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 Sylvanus Sabin, 3, 47 Knight, \ Knights, / Amanda, 36 Amasa, 37 Asahel, 36 Joel, 43 Elijah, viii, 7, 9, 40 Elisha, 10, 36, 37, 41 Judge, 18 Mercy, 9, 32, 51 Phebe, 36, 37 Phebe Root, 37 Russel, 32, 33, 51 Simeon, 9 Lake, Abigail, 24, 25, 26, 52 Ann Eliza, 25 Elvira, 26 Henry, Jr, 24, 25, 26 Sally, 45 Lane, Hannah, 41 John, 32, 33, 34, 51 Matthew, 3, 40 Mrs, 49 Larcum, Hannah, 6, 40 Job, 50 Larkin, Levi, 50 Larrabee, Anne, 47, 50 Benjamin, 3, 40, 47 Mary, 6, 40, 47 Samuel, 32, 47, 50 Laton, Mr, 47 Lawrence, Mr, Rev, 2 Lee, Elias, 45 Leach, "1 Leech, J John, 34, 38, 39, 45 57 Leach (continued) Joseph, 39 Mela, 39 Mr, 34, 38 Lincoln, Luke, 45 Lock, ~\ Locke, f Asa, 21, 28, 52 Catharine R, 62 Daniel, 44 Ebenezer, 21 Eliza, 52 Fanny, 52 Hannah, 51 John, 51 Laura, 51 Mary Jane, 62 Mr, 49 Nancy S, 25 Oren, 21 Lottimore, Levi, 41 Lovell, Alpheus, 37 Beliza, 37 Christopher, 46 Elijah, 9, 41, 47 Franklin Corey, 26 Frederick Solon, 26 Frink, 36 Hannah, 9, 36, 37, 43, 48 Harriet, 24, 26 Harriet Martha, 26 Horace, 36, 46 John, v, vi, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 32, 36, 37,50 John King, 6 Martha, 5, 6, 9, 11, 32, 36, 37, 50 Martha, Jr, 11, 44 Michael, iii Oliver, v, vi, 9, 36, 37 Ovid, 21, 24, 26 Patty, 47 Polly, 6, 40, 43, 47 Randal, 42 Sabra, 9 Sally, 43 Vryling, 9 Lusha, Sally, 45 Mack, Eliza, 51 Man, Charles, 5, 40, 47 Mrs, 47 Marsh, Benjamin, Jr., 42 Betsi, 6 Daniel, 6 Huldah, 42 James, viii Jerusha, 6, 42 John, 43 Joseph, 42 Moses, 6, 36, 37, 46 Moses, Jr., 42 Phebe, 37, 45 Polly, 36 Marsh (continued) Sally, 42 Samuel, 36 Martin, Hannah, 39 Nathan, 39 Nathan, Jr, 39 Mason, Abigail, 25, 29, 30 Abigail M, 25, 30 Betsey, x Daniel, x, xi, 30 Hugh, xi John, xi Esther, xi Samuel, xi Samuel, Rev, ix, x, xi, 1, 29, 30, 31, 46, 47, 51 Mather, "1 Mathers, J John, 49 Polly, 42 Sarah, 50 Stephen, 50 Mcafee, "1 Macafee, / Achsah, 39 Ira, 39 James, 33, 38, 39 Jane, 38 Mary, 38 McAlvin, 1 McA^vine, / Ebenezer, 45, 49 McCurdy, Samuel, 42 McElvain, Mary, 27 McHerg, Judith, 5 Judith, Jr., 5 Patrick, 5 Mcllvain, Abigail, 38 Ebenezer, 38, 39 John, 39 McKenzie, Mr, 7, 40 McKnight, Betty, 42 McMurphy, George, 9 Jane, 9 Nancy, 9 McNeal, Patty, 44 Mede, Mr, 37 Merrill, Levina, 3, 40 Metcalf, Abigail, x Millar, i Miller, / Anna, 45 Charles, 39 John, 43 Lucy, 46 Matthew, 21, 34, 39, 43 Mercy, 39 Polly, 45 Minard, William, 43 Miner, Nathaniel, 7, 40, 48 Moors, Esther, 2, 4, 6 Fairbanks, 2, 4, 6, 47 Lucinda, 4, 6 Samuel, 2 Morris, Uriah, 5, 40 Morrison, Betsy, 46 Jonathan, 39, 44 Sally, 39 Muzzy, Anna, 23 Joseph, 21, 23, 24, 35, 51 Mrs, 35,51 Polly, 43 Myrick, Esther, xi Nasmith, Benjamin, 38 David, 38 Hugh, 38 Newcomb, Experience, xi Newton, Dexter, 43 Nichols, Nathaniel, 48 Nicholls, William, 38 Nourse, "I Nurse, j" Annis, 23 Daniel, 21 David, 24, 26, 46 Lucy, 24, 26 Lydia, 24, 45 Mrs, 52 Peter, 21, 24, 28 Peter, Jr, 44 Philip, 23, 24 Samuel, 21 Oaks, David, 42 Ober, David, 38 Hannah, 38, 44 Hezekiah, 52 Isaac, 28, 38 Kendall, 45 Mrs, 51 Samuel, 19, 21, 22, 33, 38,51 Samuel, Jr., 45 William, 38 Ogden, Mr, 38 Olcott, Betty, 3, 5, 9 Bulkley, 5 Capt, 48 Caroline, 42 Elias, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 32, 36, 50 Elisabeth, 36 Eusebia, 36 Hannah, 36 John, 36 Lucy, 9 Mr, Rev, 2 Parthenia, 9 Patty, 43 Sibbel, 3, 5, 9, 36, 50 Sibbel, Jr, 3 Simeon, v, 5 Thomas Chandler, 3 Timothy, iv, 3, 5, 9, 36 Orr, John, 45 Peggy, 43 Sally, 44 58. Pain, Sally, 44 Parker, Abiel, 44 Abigail, 42 Benjamin, 9, 41 Leonard, 42 Zeruiah, 5, 40 Parks, David, 42 Thaddeus, 44 Parsons, Philadelphia, 46 Patterson, Anna ) „ _ „ Anne ]6'7'9 Anna, Jr., 7 Benjamin, 3, 40 Ebenezer, 3, 7, 9 Moses, 3 Samuel, 7 Susanna Smith, 9 Peas, > Pease, ) Ama, 41 Billy Fisher, 36 Experience, 36 Jacob, 6, 7,8,9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 32, 36, 49, 50 Jacob, Jr, 14, 36 Lovisa, 9, 41 Mary, 32, 36, 50 Rhoda, 7, 40 Perkins, Betsy, 43 Perry, Charles Chamberlain, 36 Daniel, 34, 38 Hannah, 45 Rebecca, 38 Petty, Mr, 49 Solomon, 42 Phillips, Nabby, 23 Pierce, Anne, 42 Bridget, 24, 26 Elisabeth, 42 Pike, David, 42 Freelove, 48 Luther, 44 Platts, Ebenezer, 45 Huldah, 44 Pratt, Nathan, 45 Preston, Abylene, 4, 40 Bethiah, 3, 40 Colburn, 4, 6, 8 Daniel, 8 David, 6, 47 Elenor, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 32, 50 James, 41 Sylvanus, 4 Procter, 1 Proctor, / Lydia, 34, 44 Nathan, 34, 51 Sally, 44 Pulsipher, Charles Weaver, 25 Dana, 26 Pulsipher (continued) David, v, vi, viii, 11, 21, 28, 30,32,36,37, 39, 50 David, Jr, 20, 21, 23, 26, 37 Ebenezer, 10, 41, 50 Elias, 39 Elisabeth, 7, 40, 5,0, 51 Elisabeth Stoell, 11, 25 Elvira, 26 George Henry, 25 Irena, 46 Joanna, 52 John, viii, 33, 49 John, Jr., 46 Laura, 25 Lewis, 26 Lucy, 23, 36 Mrs, 32 Oliver, 44 Patty, 39 Philena, 23, 37, 52 Polly, 43 Priscilla, 11, 32, 36, 37, 39, 51 Rebeccah, 26, 52 Rhena, 37 Sally, 23, 25 Samuel. 45 Samuel Woods, 11, 25 Solomon, 46 Putnam, William H. H, 1 Quincy, Dorothy, 45 Randall, Elisabeth, 46 Raymenton, Samuel H, 44 Read, ) Reed, / Ama, 37 Asenath, 38 Betsey, 27, 46 Billy, 37 Elijah, 41, 49 Elisabeth, 38 Fanny, 38 Frederick, 9, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 51 Frederick, Jr, 36 Isaac, Jr, 43 Joseph, 43 Josiah, 50 Leonard, 9, 41 Lovisa, j 32, 33, 36, 37, Louisa, ) 38, 51 Louisa, Jr., 36 Matthew, 38 Sarah, 38 Simeon Peas, 36 Thomas Boyd, 38 Unity, 10, 41 Widow, 50 Reeves, Mr, Rev, 2 Reid, Marian, 44 Rice, Abner, 4,3 Eleanor, 44 Elizabeth, 19,. 44 Hezekiah, 19, 21 Lydia, 45 Richards, Anne, 8 Charles, vi, 8, 13, 35, Charles, Jr., 6, 35, 36, 40 Daniel, 10, 35, 36, 4:1 Edward, 25, 38 Edward, Jr, 38 Elenor, 12, 41 Eunice, 22, 23 Heman, 36 Irene, 8 John, 35 John Lock, 21, 24, 26 Manor, 35 Matilda, 36 Molly, 35, 36 Molly, Jr, 35 Nabby, 24, 26 Sally, 35, 36 Sally, Jr, 36. Urania B, 22, 23, 27 Richardson, , 50 Jotham, 46 Prudence, 48 Rider, SuBan, 46 Ripley, Anna, 23, 46 Epaphras, 22, 23, 25 John, 41 Tabitha, 42 Robertson, Rebecca, 46 Rollins, William, 21 Ross, Timothy, 43 Roundy, Elmond, 49 Ralph, 43 Sabra, 42 Sarah, 12, 32, 51 Royce, Eliakim, 46 Rugg, Elias, 50 Sabin, Levi, 42 William C, 30 Safford, Elisabeth, 3, 40 Joel, 47 Mr, 48 Sage, Sylvester, Rev, 18, 19, 26 Sanderson, Elizabeth, 38 James Jackson, 38 Josiah, 38 Mr, 49 Sargeants, Abigail, 6 Betsi Lane, 8 Elisabeth, 12 Jabez, 8, 11^ Jabez, Jr, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, .To Jabez, 3d, 3 Lemuel, 8, 12, 48 Lines, 9 Mr, 15 Persis, 3, 4, 6, 9 59 Is, J Sergeants (continued) Persis, Jr., 4 Stephen, 49 Sarles, Sarah, 43 Sartwell, Asa, 45 Lecta, 8, 41 Phebe, 8, 41 Savage, John, 42 Ozias, 42 Sawyer, Aaron, 3 Abraham, 3, 5, 6, 36 Abraham, Jr., 36 Mary, 5 Thomas, 6 Scipio, Salem, 50 Searles, Jemima, 44 Severance, 1 Severence, J Adeline, 25, 29, 30 Shed, James, 43 Mr, 48 Zachariah, 44 Shelden, Mr, 48 Shepherd, Isaac, 21 Jane, 24, 61 Major, 24 Shipman, Abraham, 45 Frederic, 45 Shuttlesworth, Mr, 16 Simons,Simonds, Symonds, Brother, -4 Betsy, 39 Elijah, 42 Gardner, 4, 40, 47 Hannah, 38 Jehial, 51 Laura, 39 Lynde, 12, 34, 38, 39, 40,42 Mary, 38, 39, 40 Mary, Jr, 38 Mrs, 49, 50 Polly, 12, 44 Susanna, 9, 12, 41 Willard, 40 William, vi, 11, 12, 32, 50 Slack, Esther, 43 Smiley, Mr, Rev, 18 Smith, Abraham, 48 Benjamin, 30 David, 46 Hannah, 6 Huldey, 24 John, 43, 47 Matilda, 41 Mr, 48 Samuel, 9, 41 Sparhawk, Thomas, v Spaulding, Abigail, 3, 40 Ashbel, 44 Esther, xi William, xi Spear, Mr, 49 Spencer, Lois, 7, 40 Sprague, Jeremiah, 46 Stafford, Samuel, 6, 40 Stanley, "I Stanly, :f David, 14, 16, 32, 33, 51 Elijah, 42 Sally, 42 Stearns, .1 Sterns, ( Abigail, 6, 43 Barbara, 42 Benjamin Hubbard, 39 Betsy Lawrence, 39, 44 Bulah, 3, -43 E. S, v Eber, 21, 39 Eleazer, 6 Elizabeth, 3, 5, 6, 19, 40 Isaac, 10, 41 James, 3 Jehiel, 39 Jesse, 42 John, 42 Jonathan, 49, 51 Lydia, 34, 39 Mrs, 32, 49, 51 Ralph Parker, 6 Ruth, 6 Sarah, 6 Selima, 25 William, 3, 5,6, 10,19, 21, 33, 39, 51 William, Jr, 34, 39, 41, 48, 51 Stebbins, Thomas, 44 Stevens, Asahel, iv Stickney, Jonas, 46 Relief, 42 Rhoda, 42 Stacker, Mr, 49 Stodard, ) Stoddard, [ Stoddart, J Sally, 23, 46, 52 Mr, 49, 50 Stoel, Stoell, Stowell. Abigail, 42 Asa, 21, 23, 46 Betsey, 38, 51 David, 38, 49 Ebenezer, 9, 41 Hannah, 42 Isaac, 6 Joanna, 23, 34, 38 Joanna, Jr., 38 John, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 34, 38, 42, 49, 51 John, Jr, 38 J Stoel (continued) Lucinda, 10 Lucy, 23 Mercy, 6 Mrs, 52 Phebe, 9, 10, 32,41,60 Rufus, 6 William, 8, 41 Stone, Bathsheba,' 6 David, 6 Esther, 36 John, 47 Lydia, 6 Sarah, 6 Susanna, 6, 36 Thomas, 6, 36 Stoughton, Ira, 27 Urania B, 22 il <,, J. J :1, 1 '11, [ e, J Taggart, Hannah, 47 Tarbel,Tarbell,Tarble, Frethel, 36 Mary, 5, 40 Joseph, 36 Peter, 36 Taylor, David, 44 Mary, 37 Mrs, 33, 51 Polly, 37 Sally, 37, 47 Samuel, v,-37, 49 Samuel, Jr, 37, 44 Thomson, Abigail, 42 Titus, Comfort, 47 John, 47 Nancy, 4, 40 Tozer, Peter, 48, 49 Polly, 48 Richard, 49 Trott, Samuel, 41 Vashti, 15 Tyler, Nancy, 27 Upham, Daniel G„ 44 Elizabeth, 30 Mrs, 52 Wadsworth, R, 21 Wait, Mrs, 48 Patty, 42 Sally, 42 Walker, Elisabeth, 5, 45 James, viii, 33, 37 Leonard, 27 Mr, 48 Mrs.. 32, 51 Nathaniel, 37 Rebecca/ 3, 5, 8, 9, 32, 50 Rebecca, Jr, 3 Timothy, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 32, 47, 50 Washington, 9 60 Walkins, Thomas, 41 Weatherbee, \ Wetherbee, J Mehetable, 42 Kachel, 9, 41 Weaver, Daniel, viii Esek, 44 Mr, 44 Sally, 45 Webb, Betsy, 45 Calvin, 21 Charles, 49 Clarissa, 5, 27, 42 Doraxa, 3& Elvira, 37 Hannah, 12 Ira, 9, 48 Jehiel, vi, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,13,14,16, 18, 32, 37, 48, 50 Jehiel, Jr, 5 Joshua, vi Luther, 21 Mary, 6, 7, 9, 12,32,37, 50 Mary, Jr, 7, 46 Polly, 46, 47, 48 Samuel, 47 Weed, Joseph, 45 Wellman, B', 30 Wentworth, Benning, Gov, iii Wesson, Pearson, 44 Weston, Hannah, 23 James, 42 Nathan, 21, 23 Wetmore, Edmund, 36 Joseph, 36 Ruth, 36 Wheeler, Warren, 27 Wheelock, Abner, 43 Jonathan, 49 Oliver, 28 Whipple, Abner, iv Sibbel, 3, 40 Whitcomb, Abigail Saw yer, xi Dorothy, 42 White, Abel, 8, 41, 49 Asa, 4, 40, 48 Broughton, Rev, ix, 1, 25, 31, 32 Eunice, 44 Jane, 10, 41 John, 49 Jonathan, 47 Josiah, 7, 40 Linda, 49 Mr, 47 Mrs, 49 White (continued) Phinehas, 42 Polly, 43 Releif, 41 Widow, 47 Whiting, Abigail x, 11 Benoni, x Betsey, 35. 40 Eleutheria, x, 37 John Goldsbury, x, 36 Joseph, ix, x, 21, 27, 39 Lucy, 46 Mary.ix, 4, 5, 8, 11, 32, 36, 37, 39, 50 Mary, Jr, x, 4, 8, 47, 48 Mary 3", 40 Mrs, 52 Nathaniel, ix Samuel,3 ix Samuel, Rev, v, vi, viii, ix, x, 1,2,4,5,8,11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 32, 36,37,39,46,48, 60 Samuel, Jr., x, 5, 35, 40, 45 Sarah, 23, 29, 35 Theophilus, x, 37 Whitney, Abigail, 12 Agnis, 4, 32, 50 Agnis, Jr., 4 Elisabeth, 4 Elisabeth, Jr, 4, 43 Ezra, 4 John, 4, 12, 48 Lucretia, 4 Moses, 4 Parmela, 9, 41 Wilcox, Obadiah, 45 Wiley, Asena, 39 David, 27 Hiram, 39 Ira, 39 John, 2i, 21, 38 Jonathan, 35, 39 Orrin, 40 Robert, 34, 38, 39, 40 Rodney, 39 Samuel, 46 William Campbell, 38 Willard, Abigail, 44 Polly, 44 Samuel, 46 Williams, Benjamin, 6, 40 Betsy, 46 Margaret, 50 Mary, 45 Mr, 11 Patty, 44 Sukee, 44 Wilson, Benjamin, 46 George, 45 Rhoda, 5, 40 Wing, Hannah, 46 Turner, 42 Winn, Polly, 45 Wise, Daniel, 52 Wolf, James Young, 37 John Casper Shana, 35, 37, 42, 49 Mabel, 45 Mavel, 35 Rachel, 35, 37 Wollage, Elijah, Rev, ix, x, 1, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,24,25,27,28,51 Elijah, Jr., Rev, x Elijah, Sr, x Polly, x Sarah B, 23 Sophia, 23 Wood, \ Woods, / Anne, 3 Barnabas, 33, 37 Betsey, 27 Esther, 3 George, 16, 32, 33, 36, 48,51 John, 37 Jonathan B, 42 Joseph, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 1 1, 32, 50 Mary, 3 Mrs, 33, 51 Olive, 42 Rachel, 36 Samuel, 3, 48 Sarah, 32, 33, 36, 48, 51 Sibbel, 36 Wooley, \ Wooly, j" Samuel, 43 James, 46 Wright, Daniel, 28 Deidama, 44 Elisha, 9, 41 Judith, 9, 41 Moses, v Moses, Jr, 42, 45 Nathan, 7, 41 Philena, 10, 41 Rosalinda, 43 Sally, 48 Solomon, 4, 40, 48 Wyman, Thomas, 45 Wynn, Jacob, 3 Phebe, 3 3 9002 08954 9985