YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY F O R M OF PRAYER, FOR ¦¦ft ;-), Morning ^nd Evening; f. r .Fitted for the Ufe of C h r i s t i a n s of any Denomination. Tp which are added, iteur plain and fhort Homilies. £.et us follow after things which* ^nake for peace, and. things therewith one may edify another. k,. Rom. xiv. 19. What vie may all hold the faith, in unity- of fipi- rit, in the bond of peace, and in righteoufnefs f- of life. Common Prayer. Agreeabiejto the Plan of th** Authors of the Free 4nd Candid Difquifitions : and Publifhed with the Approbation of feveral worthy Members ofthe Church of England. LONDON: 'printed for A. Millar, in the Strand; and J. -Whiston, in Fleet-Street. MDCCLI. [Price J s. 6 4? Mv-pU Fnc 'wwT THE PREFACE; TH E great defign of the Chriftian religion, is to raife in us the heavenly difpofl- tions of love, reverence and gratitude to God; of goodnefs and mercy to, and unity with one another ; and of humility and purity in our felves. Thefe blefled tempers, accompanied with a fuitable practice, will fit us for the manfions of eternal peace and felicity. To imprefs thefe amiable difpofi- tions, and to inforee a fuitable prac tice, is the main view of the author in this work : who has therefore care fully avoided every thing that might A 2 give iv The P R E F A C E. give offence, or occafion any dif pute : and has endeavoured to com pofe it in fuch a manner, as to fuit with every denomination of Chrifti ans, who own the fcriptures for their only rule, both of faith and practice. As the author is of opinion, that forms of prayer, judicioufly drawn up, are of great ufe, both in public afiemblies and private families ; fb he hopes the following performance may be of fome fervice, towards the promoting ferious religion among us: and may excite others of better judgment and fuperior abilities, to purfue, and compleat fo ufeful a work. / have here added part of a let ter ', from fome worthy members of the Church of England^ who had perufed the firft draughty of this work ; fence enlarged and improved^ by the afftfl^ ance of them^ and others. 2 Thefe The P R E F A C E. v tc Thefe papers, after having pafled through different hands, are now returned to the author, with great approbation. It is the opinion of thofe, who have had the opportuni ty of perufing them, that they may do fervice towards promoting religi on, being drawn up with fincerity - and piety, and fitted in a plain man ner for the benefit of common un derftandings. • The author's regard to our public liturgy and the facred fcriptures, in framing thefe forms of devotion, is truly commendable *, thofe contain ing a rich fupply of all proper mate rials for fuch a defign, and having a juft claim to our attention and efteem, in all compofitions of this nature : which will always be the more valuable, the more they par take of the ferious piety of thefe writings, and are enlivened with the pe- vi The PREFACE. peculiar energy and beauty of theif expreflions. If the author of this work fhall think fit to publifh what he has com municated., it may well be hoped, that the integrity of his views, will fufficiently skreen him from oblo quies, and gain him approbation with men of candour and piety ; whofe approbation alone is valuable, when elTays of this nature are brought to the teft. Nothing furely can be juftly objected to a defign fo harm- lefs, fo benevolent, and fas we think it) fo likely to prove ferviceable to the intereft of religion; which ought above all things to be valued by thofe, who can difcern it's excel lence, and are fincerely deiirous of its prdgrefs. May not this humble performance be ufed with benefit, at leaft in private families ? Are not pious and chriftian families, of what ever The PREFACE. vii ever denomination, at liberty to ufe any pious and chriftian forms, fuch as they fhall beft approve ? Family- piety, with concern it is obferved, and to our fhame be it fpoken, is too much neglected. The neglect, has long been attended with bad confe quences, and may in time be attend ed with ftill worfe. Finally, it is to be wifhed, that our fellow protec tants in this kingdom, who ' fecede from our eftablifhed communion, would from henceforward lovingly unite in introducing public forms a- mongft them. Let not our little party prejudices prevail fb much a- mongft us for the future, as they have too long, and too unhappily done hitherto. May the gracious God of heaven forgive us all our paft errors, mew us the light of his truth, give us hearts to follow it, and difpofe us tp be reconciled to each viii The PREFACE. each other, as much as poffible, up on the foundation of chriftian prin ciples, and of brotherly love and for bearance ! Forbearance and candid fentiments will do a great deal to wards union : but if union is not to be defired, if it be contrary to the defign of our religion, or difagreer able to the precepts of its author, let it never be thought of any more by Chriftians. The author will obferve, that we have here forborne to fay any thing about the Homilies. It Is fufficient for us to fay, in one word,' that we judge them to be as ufeful, as they are plain and intelligible. We hearti ly pray, that good fuccefs may at tend the whole, if made public." Moaning ( I ) NiNG Prayer* Lei the mitiifter begin with reading fome of tbe fpllowittg fentencesi ! H O can fay, I have rhade my ' heart clean, I am pure from fin? if we juftify ourfelves, our own mouth (hall condemn ,,,.,f us j if we fay, we are perfect, kSfalfoproveus perverfe. Pr0v.xx.9l and fob ix. 20. There is none righteous, no not one, for atl have finned, and come fhort ofthe glory of God, There is not a juft man upon the earth, that does good, and fins not. Rom. iii. 10, 27. and Ecclef. vii. 20. J B We 2 MORNING PRAYER. We all have gone aftray, we have turned every one to his own way. And if we fay, we have no fin, we deceive ourfelves, and the truth is not in us : but if we ctinfefs our fins, God is faithful and juft to forgive us our fins, and to cleanfe us from all uririgh- teoufnefs. lfa. liii. 6. and 1 John i. 8, 9. The Lord is merciful and gracious, he re tains not his anger for ever* becaufe he de lights in mercy : for he knows our frame, he remembers that we are duft. Exod. xxxiv. 6. Micah vii. 18. and Pfalm ciii. 14. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving kindnefs ; according to the mul titude of thy tender mercies blot out our tranfgreffions : and enter not into judgment with thy fervants, for ¦'in thy fight fhall no man living be juftified. Pfalm li. 1. and^ cxliii. 2. Thus fays the high and lofty one, that in habits eternity, whofe name is holy : I dwell in the high and holy place, with him alfo that is of a contrite and humble fpirit, to revive the fpirit of the humble, and to re vive the heart of the contrite ones, for I will not contend for ever, neither will I be alway wroth. Ifa. lvii. 15, 16. Come unto me, fays our Saviour, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you reft. Take my yoke upon you, and learn MORNING PRAYER. 3 learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye fhall find reft unto your fouls ; for my yoke is eafy, and my burden is light. Matt. xi. 28, 29, 30. Let the wicked forfake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him j and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, Jfa. lv. 7. The foul that fins, it fhall die. But if the. wicked will turn from all his fins that he has committed, and keep all my ftatutes, fays the Lord, and do that which is lawful and right he fhall furely live, he*fhall not die : all his tranfgreffion s that he has com mitted, they fhall not be mentioned unto, him : in his righteoufnefs that he has. done, he fhall live. Ezek. xviii. 20, 21, 22. 'Then let him read as follows. D Early beloved brethren : we are now afiembled together, to humble our felves before God for all our tranfgreffions ; to render thanks to him for the many and undeferved benefits we have received from him, to acknowledge his glorious perfections and infinite power, with our continual depen dence upon him, to hear and attend to his .holy word, and to afk thofe things which B 2 are 4 MORNING PRAYER. are fit and neceffary, as well for the body, as the foul. And fince the fcriptures afiure us, there is no man that fins not, but that iff many things we all of us offend ; but if we truly repent of our iniquities, and conr fefs them to God with a humble and penitent heart, and turn every one of us from all our evil ways, and lead a life of univerfal righ- teoufnefs, goodnefs and virtue for the time to come ; that then we fhall obtain forgive- nefs of our paft iniquities, and fhall inherit eternal life, by the exceeding great goodnefs and mercy of God, through Jefus Chrift our Lord : Let us therefore with a fincere and humble mind, approach unto the throne of divine grace, with a juft fenfe of our many defects and offences, and with a firm refo- lution to forfake our fins, and to reform our lives. The General Confeffion. ALmighty God, our moft merciful Fa ther : we have erred and ftrayed from thy holy ways ; we have followed the evil defires of our own hearts ; we have offended againft many of thy juft and righteous laws j we have left undone many things which we ought to have done; and we have done many things which we Ought not to have done; Morning prayer. 5 done ; and have thereby deferved thy juft difpleafure. But bleffed be thy name, thou art a God merciful and gracious, who de- fireft not the death of finners, but that they Would turn from their iniquities, and live ; and art ready and willing to forgive all thofe that truly repent and amend their lives. We therefore humbly befeech thee, O Lord, to give us ajqftfenfe ofall our fins, to convince us of the beauty and ufefulnefs of religion and virtue, and the deformity and fatal con fequences of vice : that fo hating every wicked courfe, and abftaining from every thing that is contrary to thy holy will, we may with a well grounded hope, intreat thee to pardon our paft tranfgrefiions, and to receive us to thy favour. And may thy patience and for bearance with us, engage us to be more di ligent and careful for the time to come ; may we from henceforth forfake every wicked way, delight in the practice of our duty, and amend whatever is faulty in our temper and behaviour ; that fo leading a godly, righteous and fober life, and endeavouring always to do thofe things which are pleafing to thee, we may obtain eternal joy and felicity, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Then 6 MORNING PRAYER. Then let the Minifler fay, Let us. praife the Lord. People. It is our duty fo to do. ¦Mini ft'. Great is the Lord, and greatly t% be praifed, and to be had in reverence by all them that draw near unto him. Peo. Blefs the Lord, O my foul, and all, that is within me, praife his holy name. Then let the following hymn be faid by the. minifler and people. Minifl. TT is meet and right above all things ¦*• to blefs and praife thee, O Lord, to glorify and give thanks unto thee, who art the only true God, the maker of all things yifible and invifible, who upholdeft all things t>y thy power, who art the fupreme gover nor of thp world, and to whom every thing i,s fubjecl:. Who art greatly to be feared* and worfhiped, for thou art the bleffed and only potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, whofe power is unbounded, and who doft whatfoever thou pleafeft in the heavens and on the, earth, and none can fay unto thee, what doft thou ? Peop. Thou art the King eternal, immor tal and invifible, the only wife God, whofe greatnefs is unfearchable. Minifl. MORNING PRAYER. 7 • Minlft. Thou art perfect in wifdom and knowledge ; thou fearcheft and trieft the heart, and knoweft all our thoughts ; yea, all things are naked and open to thy fight, O God, neither can any thing be hid from thee; for the heavens and the earth, yea, the -heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, for thou art every where prefent ; and in thee we live, and move, and have our being. Peop. Whither can we go from thy fpirit, or whither can we flee from thy prefence, O Lord ? who filleft all things. Minifl. Every good and perfect gift pro-- ceeds from thee, the Father of light, with whom is no variablenefs, nor fhadow of turning : the God of peace, of comfort and confolation, who art good to all, and whofe tender mercies are over all thy works. Peop. Yea, there is none good, but one, that is God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not. Mmift. Thou art a Being of unfpotted ho- linefs, and of purer eyes than to behold ini quity, neither fhall the wicked dwell with thee : but thou art merciful and gracious, long-fuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth, fhowing mercy to thoufands, and for giving iniquity, tranfgreffion and fin, not willing that any fhould perifh, but that all fhould come to repentance. Peofii 8 MORNING PRAYE& Peop. Thou art full of compamon, O Lord, and haft not dealt with us according to our fins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. Minifl. We blefs thee, 0 Lord, for reveal ing to us thefe thy glorious perfections : but above all for thy Son Jefus Chrift our Lord^ who came down from heaven, and gave himfelf for us, the juft for the unjuft : he' was wounded for our tranfgreflions> he was bruifed for our iniquities, and by his ftripes are we healed : that he might purify to him felf a peculiar people zealous of good works ) and that all thofe who believe in him, and repent of their fins, may obtain forgivenefs^ and acceptance with thee, and inherit eternal life. Peop. Therefore will we blefs thee at all times, yea, thy praife fhall continually be in our mouth j for thou, O Lord, art good* thy mercy is exceeding great, and thy faith-* fulnefs endures for ever. Then let the Minifler read a portion of tht Pfalms, judicioufly chofen : and after that^ the firft Leffon taken out of the Old Tefta* ment in the fame manner : which ended; let one of the following Hymns be faid by tht Minifler and People. 4 Minifl, MORNING PRAYER. o Minifl. f~\ Come let us fing unto the \^jf Lord, let us lift up our voice to the rock of our falvation. Peop. Let .us come before his prefence with thankfgiving, and rejoice before him with a pfalm. Minifl. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. Peop. Let all the earth fear him, let all the inhabitants of the world ftand in awe ofhim. Minifl. For great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God almighty, juft and true are thy ways, thou King of faints. Peop. Who fhall not fear thee, and glorify thy name, for all thy ways are right. Minifl. Juftice and judgment are the ha bitation of thy throne, mercy and truth go before thy face. Peop. Good and upright art thou, O Lord, merciful and gracious, ready to forgive. Minifl. Surely it is meet to be faid unto God, I have born chaftifement, I will not offend any more. Peop. That which I fee not, teach thou me : I have done iniquity, but I will do fo no more. Minifl. Thy word, O Lord, will I lay up in my heart, that I may not fin againft C thee ; io MORNING PRAYER. thee : I will meditate upon thy precepts, and have refpect uhto all thy commandments. Peop. I will delight iri thy ftatutes, and will not forget thy word. Minifl. The righteous Lord loves righte- oufnefs, his countenance beholds the upright. Peop. The prayer of the upright is his de light, but the facrifice of the wicked is an abomination to him. Minifl. Therefore if finners entice us, let us not confent, but refrain our feet from their path, neither defire to be with them. Peop. Left we learn their ways, and get a fnate to our fouls. Minifl. Now to God only wife, be glory through Jefus Chrift for ever. Peop. Bleffing, and honour, and glory, and power be to him that fits upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever. Or this. Minifl. T^Leffed is the man that fears JD tne Lord> that delights greatly in his commandments. Peop. Bleffed are they that keep his tefti- monies, and that feek him with their whole, heart. Minifl. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. Peo^ MORNING PRAYER, ii Peop. Yea, the Lord takes pleafure in tbem that fear him ; and fuch as are upright in. the way, are his delight. Minifl. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a humble heart, and faves fuch as are ofa contrite fpirit. Peop. As a man chaftens his fon, fo the Lord our God chaftens us, that he may humble us, and prove us, and fit us for eternal life. Minift. He fearches the heart, and tries the children of men, and underftands all the imaginations of the thoughts. Peop. If we feek him, he will "be found of us ; but if we forfake him, he will caft us off for ever. Minift. Thou art not a God, that haft pleafure in wickednefs ; thou abhorreft wick ed and deceitful men. Peop. The hypocrite fhall not ftand in thy prefence, O Lord ; thou hateft all the workers of iniquity. Minift. Thou wilt cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that fpeaks proud things. Peop. And whofo privately flanders his neighbour, him wilt thou deftroy. Minift. Who can underftand his errors ? cleanfe thou us, O Lord, from every fecret fault. Peop. Keep back thy fervants alfo. from wil ful firjs ; let not evil habits have dominion over us., Mim/l. 12 MORNING PRAYER. Minift. May our lives and actions, the words of our mouth, and the meditation of our hearts, be always acceptable in thy fight, O Lord, our ftrength, and our redeemer. Peop. Create in us a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right fpirit within us. Minift. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all that we afk or think. Peop. Unto him be glory in the church by Jefus Chrift, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Then let the Minifler read the fecond leffon out cf the New Teftament, judicioufly chofen. And after that, let one of the following exhortations be faid by the Minifter and People. Minift. 1^ >TY brethren, the Chriftian Re- _|_ V X ligion requires us in the firft place, to believe in the Lord our God ; for Without faith it is impoffible to pleafe him. But at the fame time we muft remember, that faith without works is dead. Peop. He that comes to God, muft believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder ofthem that diligently feek him.' Minift. Let us add therefore to our faith, virtue ; to virtue, knowledge ; to knowledge, tempe- MORNING PRAYER. i3 temperance ; to temperance, patience ; and to patience, godlinefs, brotherly kindnefs and charity : that we may not be barren nor un fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Peop. For he that wants thefe things, is blind; but if we do thefe things we fhall never fall : therefore let us give all diligence to make our calling and-election fure. Minift. Let us worfhip the Lord our God in fpirit and in truth, and turn not to idols, which neither can fee, nor hear, nor walk : but let us flee from all idolatry, and the worfhip of angels, and ferve the living and the true God. Peop. For no idolater fhall inherit the kingdom of God. Minift. Let us fear the Lord, and ftand in awe of him ; for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wifdom. And let none of us fwear falfly, or take his name in vain : but let us ferve him with reverence and godly fear, for none can deliver out of his hand. Peop. Let us therefore fear to offend him, who is able to deftroy both foul and body in hell. Minift. Let us feek the Lord with our whole heart, walk humbly before him, and put our truft in him ; acknowledging him in all our ways, and patiently fubmitting our felves to his will in all things. Peop. 14 MORNING PRAYER. Peop. Yea, let us truft in the Lord at all times, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlafting ftrength. Minift. Let us diligently hearken to the voice of our God, to walk in the ways which he has commanded us : but let us be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving ourfelves ; for whofoever obeys not the word of the Lord fhall be deftroyed. Peop. For not the hearers of the law are juft before God ; but the doers of the law fhall be juftified. Minift. Let us alfo love the Lord our God with all our heart, our foul and ftrength ; for the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth to fuch as keep his commandments, and walk before him with a willing and a perfect mind. Let. us therefore be thankful unto him, glorify him in all things, and praife him for his goodnefs, and for his wonderful works to the children of men. Peop. For the Lord is juft and good ; his ways are ways pf pleafantnefs, and all his paths are peace. Or this. Minift. MY brethren, the Chriftian Re ligion commands us to love our neighbour as ourfelves, to be juft and upright MORNING PRAYER. 15 upright in all things, to do no wrong, not opprefs any one : but that all things what foever we would that men fhould do to us, we fhould do even fo to them. Peop. For as we do to others, fo fhall it be done unto us; our reward fhall return upon out? own heads. Minift. Love fuffers long, and is kind ; love envies not, boafts not itfelf, is not puf fed up, does not behave itfelf unfeemsly, is not eafily provoked, but endures all things : wherefore let us put on love, which is the bond of perfection ; for if we love one ano ther, God dwells in us. Peop. But he that loves not his brother, knows not God, for God is love. Minift. Let us then be kind and compaf- fionate, and put on bowels of. mercy, with goodnefs and humblenefs of mind ; being long-fuffering, and forgiving one another, if any man have a complaint againft his neigh bour. For he fhall have judgment without mercy, that fhews no mercy; and with what meafure we mete, it fhall be meafured to us again. Peop. And if we forgive not men their trefpaffes, neither will God forgive us our .trefpaffes. Minift. Let. there be no divifions among us, but let us bear with one another in love, endeavouring 16 MORNING PRAYER. endeavouring as much as in us lies, to live peaceably with all men : and let us put away envy and ftrife, emulation and variance, with all bitternefs and wrath, hatred and evil- fpeaking. Peop. For they who do fuch things, are unfit for a kingdom of peace and love. Minift. Let us therefore remove far from us a froward heart, and perverfe lips ; nei ther let us be too ready to judge another, for with what judgment we judge, we fhall be judged. But more efpecially let none of us bear falfe witnefs againft our neighbour, nor accufe any one falfely. Neither let us flat ter our brother, nor lie one to another ; but fpeak the truth always, and lay afide all hypocrify and deceit. Peop. For lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are his delight. Minift. Let us alfo be flow to anger, nei ther let the fun go down upon our wrath ; for he that is flow to anger, is better than the mighty, and he that rules his fpirit, better than he that takes a city. And if" any one among us feems to be religious, and bridles not his tongue, he deceives his own heart, and his religion is vain. Peop. And whofoever is angry with his brother without a caufe, is in danger of the Judgment. 5 Then MORNING PRAYER. 17 The let the Minifler read the following prayers. ALmighty and everliving God, our creator and governor, our lawgiver and judge : who haft ftrictly commanded us to obey thy laws, and haft caufed the holy fcriptures to be written for our inftruction. We acknowledge the righteoufnefs and equity of all thy ways, and that thy laws are the dictates of perfeft wifdom, the effedls of in finite goodnefs and mercy, and defigned for our eternal and unfpeakable happinefs. En able us therefore, we befeech thee, rightly to underftand our duty, and gracioufly affift us in our careful endeavours to perform it. May we abftain from every thing that is contrary to our religion, and form our minds to the bleffed temper and difpofition which thy gofpel commands. May we confider thee as the greateft and the beft of Beings, and look up to thee with joy, as the author of all good ; fearing to offend thee, and diligently living according to thy precepts, remembring that thou art continually with us, and obferveft all our actions. May we therefore learn to put our whole t-ruft in thee, to refign ourfelves to thy wife Providence, and to ferve thee in D holinefs 18 MORNING PRAYER. holinefs and purity of life, to thy honour and glory, and our eternal advantage. May we alfo do to all men, as we defire they fhould do to us ; being juft, honefl and upright in all our dealings, free from lying, deceit and falfehood, hating all manner of theft and injuftice, and detefting all violence, oppreffion and extortion, with every mean and bafe method of over-reaching another. And may we perform all the duties of love and benevolence, and improve in every kind difpofition, being full of goodnefs, mercy and compaffion, and endeavouring to live peaceably with all men : and may we banifh from our breaft, all hatred, envy and ma lice. And as we are all of us too often guilty of offending thee, O God, and alfo our fellow creatures, may we learn to be long-fuffering, forbearing one another in love, ready to forgive each other his offences, remembring always, it is only upon this con dition that thou haft promifed to forgive us. We further pray thee, O Lord, to affift us in our endeavours to bring our paffions and appetites under the government of rea fon and religion : may we bridle our tongues, guard againft anger and every unbecoming heat, avoid ftrife, contention and quarrels, . rule our own fpirit, and attain a truly peace able and quiet temper. May we deteft all fen- MORNING PRAYER. 19 fenfuality and unlawful lufts, carefully abftain from fornication and adultery, hate every wicked way, and be chafte and modeft in our converfation and behaviour. May we avail© all covetoufnefs and felfifh defires on the one hand, and all extravagance and folly on the other, and walk in the middle and .perfect way. May we put away all pride and haughtinefs, and the love of vain glory ; and be meek and humble, contented with our condition, fober and temperate in- all things ; endeavouring to employ our time N well, and to acquire good and virtuous habits; ufing great moderation in our pleafures and enjoyments, as Chriftians, who defire not the pomp and vanities of this world, but whofe affections are fet upon heavenly and eternal things ; as knowing, that the luft of the flefh, the luft of the eye, and the pride of life are quite contrary to the love of God. Hear us, O Lord, in thefe our petitions, pardon our great unworthinefs and our many failings and infirmities, and reward us not according to our iniquities; but fpare us, good Lord, and lift up the light of thy coun tenance upon us. Enable us to fulfil all our good defigns : and may both the hopes of that eternal happinefs, which thou haft pro mifed to the gopd and obedient ; and the dread and fear of thofe terrible torments and D 2 that so MORNING PRAYER. that unfpeakable mifery, with which thou wilt punifh the difobedient and wicked, make us always endeavour carefully to obey thy commands, to have our heart and foul devoted to thy will, and to make thy holy and reafonable laws the rule of our lives and adfions. We alfo intreat thee, O Lord, to extend thy mercy to thefe nations ; make us a holy and a happy people, and may true religion and virtue flourifh among us. Preferve us from ftorms and earthquakes, from war, fedition and tumults, from plague, ficknefs and famine : give us kindly feafons for the producing the fruits of the earth ; and may our cattle be healthy, and fit for our food and fervice, Moreover, as thou art the Creator of all men, we further befeech thee for all man kind ; that thou wouldft be pleafed to make thy ways known unto them, thy falvation and truth unto all nations : put an end to all idolatry, fuperftition and perfecution for righteoufnefs fake : may thy kingdom come ; may Chriftianity in it's original purity and fimplicity univerfally prevail, and may all thofe who call themfelves Chriftians, be careful to adorn their profeffion by a fuitable life and converfation. Lead us all into the way of truth, and deliver us from all un- charita- MORNING PRAYER. 21 charitablenefs to one another ; may we, hold the faith in the unity of the fpirit, in the bond of /peace, and in righteoufnefs of life : which we humbly implore in the name of Jefus Chrift. Amen. A Prayer for the King, and Royal Family. ALmighty God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. We humbly befeech thee to blefs with thy favour thy fervant George our king. Give him wifdom and underftanding to govern well ; may he rule with juftice and equity, difcourage all im morality and vice, and endeavour faithfully to discharge the duties of that high ftation, in which thy Providence has placed him, by carefully purfuing the good and happinefs of the people committed to his care : and nnay all his fubjects love and chearfully obey him, and render him the honour and fub- jedtion which is due to him. Blefs him with health and long life, with peace and prof- perity, be his defender and preferver, giv ing him the vidtory over all his unjuft ene mies. Incline him by thy Holy Spirit, to live in thy fear, to feek thy honour and " glory, and to make it the great concern and bufinefs of his life, to recommend reli gion and virtue by his example,, and to pro mote 22 MORNING PRAYER., mote it by his influence over others. May he alfo remember, that he that rules over men, muft be juft himfelf, ruling in the fear ofthe Lord ; and that this life will foon pafs away, and therefore he ought fo to conduct himfelf according to thy laws, that he may hereafter attain everlafting joy and felicity. Blefs alfo we befeech thee, the Prince and Princefs of Wales, the Duke, the PrinceffeSi the iffue of the Prince and Princefs, and all the Royal Family. Give them health and happinefs, and profper them in all their righteous undertakings. Enable them alfo by thy kind affiftance to lead godly, righte ous and virtuous lives ; and may they always confider that with thee there is no refpect of perfons ; and that therefore it becomes them to walk carefully before thee in thy fear, and to obey all thy holy laws ; that fo at length they may come to thy everlafting kingdom, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for the Clergy and Magiflrates. ALmighty and moft bountiful Lord our God, fend down we befeech thee, upon our bifhops and paftors, the gracious influences of thy Holy Spirit, to guide them in MORNING PRAYER. 23 in their fincere enquiries after ufeful know ledge, and to affift them in the right un derftanding of thy holy word : give them the fpirit of unity and concord, of peace and charity : and may they by their holy lives, and good inftrudtions, fuccefsfully recom mend thy true religion to the practice of others, be the means of turning finners from their evil ways, and of ftrengthning the obedient and faithful. Send down alfo thy blefling upon the ma- giftrates, and all that are in authority in thefe lands ; may our judges and rulers#be fuch as are juft and upright, fearing God, men of truth and fincerity, hating covetoufnefs and cor ruption : give them a wife and underftanding heart, and may they rule in their feveral ftations withrighteoufnefs arid equity, that under their adminiftration we may lead quiet and peace able lives in all fobriety and honefty. [* We further befeech thee for * This is to the High Court of Parliament, hf .read on'/ . ° T.. J , . r dunng the under our King at this time aj- feffion of Par- fembled, that it would pleafe thee lian*ent. to direft all their confutations to the general good and fafety of thefe kingdoms, that religion and virtue \ j lift ice and peace may be eftablifhed among us to all generations. \ all which we afk in the name of Jefus Chrift our bleffed Lord and Saviour. Amen. A 24 MORNING PRAYER. A Prayer for the performance of relative duties. MOST great and ever bleffed Lord our God ; fince it has pleafed thee to place men in different conditions in this life ; we intreat thee to affift every one of us, to perform thofe particular duties which our ftation here requires of us. May fuch as are rich, and in high rank, be careful wifely to improve the talents thou haft committed to them, defpifing no one, but being rich in good works, and fetting good examples of piety and thankfulnefs to thee, of juftice and goodnefs to others, and of virtue and tem perance in themfelves. And may thofe that are in low ranks be humble and modeft, diligent in their refpedtive employments, honeft, juft and faithful in all things, and contented with their ftation. May fuch as are in the married ftate be true and faithful to each other, live together in mutual love and friend fhip, and be a real comfort and happinefs to one another. May parents love and carefully inftruct their children, bring ing them up in the fear of the Lord. And may children honour and obey their parents, be fubject unto them, and pay the juft re turns of love and gratitude. May mailers be juft MORNING- PRAYER. 25 juft and kind to their fervants, knowing that they themfelves have a mafter in heaven : and may fervants obey their mailers with all readinefs, honefty and fidelity. And may all others, in whatever relation they ftand to others, endeavour diligently and faith fully to difcharge the duties arifing from it, which we implore through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. A Prayer for the Afflicfed. OGOD, the creator and preferver of all mankind ; we humbly recommend to thy fatherly goodnefs, all thofe that are any ways afflicted or diftrefled in mind, body or eftate; b/™t£ [* particularly thofe for whom when any de- our prayers are def red (\ be- fire their Pray* feeching thee to ftrengthen the weak, to deliver them that are tempted, to help fuch as are in danger, to provide for the poor, to give eafe to thofe that are in pain, and health to the fick, and to comfort and relieve all that are afflidted, according to their feveral neceflities ; efpecially thofe that fuffer for righteoufnefs fake ; giving them pa tience under their fufferings, and a happy de liverance out of all their afflictions. Give us alfo thy fervants friendly and cha ritable difpofitions, ready chearfully to affiit E and 26 MORNING PRAYER. and relieve all that are diftrefled to the ut- moft of our power. And may we learn to be of a patient fpirit, that under all the dif- penfations of thy wife Providence towards ourfelves, we may be refigned to thy will. We afk all through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. A General Thankfgiving. ALmighty God, the father of all mer cies : we thine unworthy fervants give thee our moft humble and hearty thanks, for all thy goodnefs and loving kindnefs to m . us and to all men ; [* par- be read-only ticularly to thofe who defire now when any de- to offer up their praifes and [LVtUT thankfgivings for thy late mer- cies granted unto them.] We blefs thee for our creation, and for that reafon and underftanding with which thou haft en dowed us ; for thy kind protection from the many dangers to which we have been ex- pofed, for all the bleffings of this life, and for thy patience and forbearance, with us, though we have provoked thee by our fins and tranfgrefiions. But above all we praife the# for thy exceeding great love and goodnefs in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jefus Chrift, for the means of obtaining thy favour, MORNING PRAYER. 27 favour, and the hopes of eternal glory re vealed to us by him. We blefs thee for his holy and unblameable life, who did no fin, neither was guile found in his mouth, leaving us an example that we fhould follow his ftcps. We praife thee for thofe heavenly doctrines which he taught, and for the nu merous miracles which he performed ; and efpecially for his refurrection from the dead, and afcenfion into heaven, to confirm the truth of what he taught. We defire alfo to blefs thee for the light of thy gofpel ftill continued among us, and for our deliverance from popery, fuperftition and flavery. May fuch a due fenfe of all thy mercies dwell upon our minds, that our hearts may be truly thankful, and that we may fhow forth thy praife, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourfelves to thy fer- vice, and by walking before thee in holinefs and righteoufnefs all our days, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The concluding Prayer. MOST gracious God ; who haft fafely brought us to this day ; we befeech thee to take us under thy protection, and to preferve us from every evil and danger to which we are expofed ; and according to E 2 thy 28 MORNING PRAYER'. thy great goodnefs to give us thofe things which are needful for us, arid fuch a portion of health, peace and profperity, as thou in thy wifdom knoweft to be beft for us : in all thefe petitions refigning ourfelves to thy . will, intreating thee to grant us thofe things which are good for us, and to deny us thofe things which would be hurtful to us. And as we are expofed to many and great trials in this life ; gracioufly affift us to overcome the temptations of this world, the flefh and the devil, and be thou our conftant guide arid fupport. And may the fenfe of the fhort- riefs of, our continuance here, and the uncer tainty of the time of our death, make us care ful to purfue a holy and righteous life, that we may be always prepared for our great change : and being fully convinced of the reafonable nefs and equity of thy laws, may we with all readinefs and chearfulnefs of mind, con form our lives to thy righteous will ; and make thofe amiable difpofitions and habits the delight of our fouls here, which will be our conftant exercife hereafter, among the glorious and happy company of pure and upright minds. We afk all in the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord and Saviour, through whofe mediation we approach thee, as OUR MORNING PRAYER. 29 OU R Father, who art in heaven, hal lowed be thy name ; may thy king dom come ; may thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven : give us day by day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trefpaffes, as we forgive thofe that trefpafs againft us : and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. TH E grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the love of God, and the fellowfhip ~" of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. Evening (3°) Evening Prayer. Let the Minifler -begin with reading fome of tbe following fentences. ILL God indeed dwell on the earth ? behold the heaven, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee. Yet have thou refpect unto the prayers of thy fervants, and to their fup-> plications, O Lord our God, to hearken unto the prayer, which thy fervants pray unto thee, this day. i Kings viii. 27, 28. Wherewith fhall we come before the Lord, and bow ourfelves before the High God ? he has fhe wed thee, O man, what is good ; and what does the Lord require of thee; EVENING PRAYER. 31 thee ; but to do juftly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? Micah vi. 6, 8. Wafh ye, make ye clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ceafe to do evil, learn to do well, feek judg ment, relieve the opprefled, judge the father- lefs, plead for the widow. Come now and let us reafon together, fays the Lord, though your fins be as fcarlet, they fhall be as white as fnow : though they be red like crimfon, they fhall be as wool. Ifa. i. 16, 17, 18. Thus fays the Lord God ; turn ye now every one from his evil way, and make your ways, and your doings good. For as I live, fays the Lord God, I have no pleafure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way, and live. Jer. xviii. 1 1. and Ezek. xxxiii. 11. The facrifices of God are a broken fpirit : a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not defpife. Pfalm li. 1.7. Let us take diligent heed to do the com mandments and the laws of God, to love the Lord our God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his ftatute?, to cleave unto him, and to ferve him with all our heart, and with all our foul. Jofh. xxii. 5. When a righteous man turns away from his righteoufnefs, and commits iniquity, and dies 32 EVENING PRAYER. dies in them ; for his iniquity that he has done, fhall he die. Again, when the wicked man turns away from his wickednefs, that he has committed, and does that which is lawful and right, he fhall fave his foul alive: becaufe he confiders, and turns away from all his tranfgrefiions that he has committed, he fhall furely live, he fhall not die. Ezek. xviii. 26, 27, 28. God is a fpirit, and they that worfhip him, muft worfhip him in fpirit and in truth. And now is the hour, when the true wor- fhippers fhall worfhip the Father in fpirit and in truth, for the Father feeks fuch to worfhip him. John iv. 24, 23. Then let him read as follows. WE are met together again, to offer up adoration and praife to the moft High God, the almighty Creator, and the fupreme Lord and Governor of the univerfe, to celebrate his glorious perfections, and to blefs him for his great goodnefs and loving kindnefs to the children of men. Let us therefore lift up our heart and foul to praife his holy name. Peop, It is our duty fo to do. Then EVENING PRAYER. 33 Then let the fallowing Hymn be faid by the Minifler and People. Minifl. S~\ Eternal and glorious Lord our \^y God ; we acknowledge with all humility and veneration thy perfedt, wif dom and goodnefs, and thy unfpeakable power, by which thou haft created all things in that beauty and order which we behold. Thou, art the firft caufe . of all things, who only haft immortality : in whofe hands are the fouls of every living creature, ai*d whofe will and pleafure none can refift- Peop. Thou reigneft over all ; and thy greatnefsand excellency no thought can com prehend. Minift. The heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament fhows thy power : of old haft thou laid the foundation of the earth, .and the heavens are the works of thy hand : they fhall perifh, but thou fhalt endure ; yea, all of them fhall wax old as a garment, and as a vefture fhalt thou fold them, and they .fhall be changed: but thou art the fame, and thy years fhall have no end. Peop.. Thou art the ever-living God, the .firft and the laft, without beginning, and without end ; even from everlafting to ever lafting, thou art God. F Minift. 34 EVENING PRAYER. Minifl. Thou art the Creator of angels and men, and every living thing ; the foun tain of life and happinefs, and the preferver of all thy creatures. The heavens are thine, and all the hofts thereof; the earth alfo is thine, and the fulnefs thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Thou caufeft thy Sun to fhine, and giveft thy rain from heaven, and fruitful feafons ; thou reneweft the face of the earth, thou crowneft the year with thy goodnefs, and giveft food to all flefh. Peop. O Lord, how manifold are thy works ! in wifdom haft thou made them all ; the earth is full of thy goodnefs. Minift. Thou art a God of infinite purity and holinefs ; immutable and unchangeable ; whofe wifdom and knowledge is boundlefs, and from whom no fecret can be concealed; who art poffeft of every perfection, and art exalted above all bleffing and praife. The innumerable hofts of angels continually adore and praife thee, faying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who art, and waft, and art to come ; the heavens and the earth are full of thy glory. Peop. Thou art the ever bleffed God : in whofe prefence there is fulnefs of joy, and at whofe right hand there are pleafures for evermore. Minifl. EVENING PRAYER. 35 Minift. Thou art juft and righteous in all thy ways ; yet good and gracious to all thy creatures ; long-fuffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity upon repentance and amendment of life-: who wilt finally judge the world with juftice and equity, and wilt then reward the virtuous and obedient with glory, honour and everlafting happinefs : but wilt punifh the wicked and difobedient with dreadful and unfpeakable mifery. Peop. O that every finner would therefore repent, and amend his ways ; for none can deliver out of thy hand, O God. * Minift. We blefs thee, O Lord, for the revelation both of thy mercy, and of thy juftice, that we may thereby learn not to offend thee, but may ferve thee with humi lity and fineerity all our days. But above all, blefled be thy name, for thy Son Jefus Chrift, through whom we have redemption, even the forgjvenefs of our fins, and the chearful hopes of eternal life. Peop. Therefore will we blefs thee, O Lord, and magnify thy name : for thy mercy is unfpeakable to the children of men. Then let the Minifler read as follows. D jEarly beloved brethren ; fince we have been celebrating the perfections and F 2 exceW 36 EVENING PRAYER: excellency of God; may the due confider ation of his greatnefs and power, his holinefs and purity, his righteoufnefs and juftice, with a thorough fenfe of his authority over us, and our conftant dependence on him, have their full and proper effect upon us ; to con vince us of the neceffity of an obedient life, to engage us to forfake every finful courfe, and to turn to him with our whole heart : As knowing, that unlefs we live a godly, righteous and fober life, and improve in thofe amiable difpofitions of holinefs and goodnefs, and in the conftant practice of that univerfal righteoufnefs, which his gofpel commands us, all our religious attendance upon him is but ufelefs and vain. And when we call to mindMhe errors and imperfections of our paft lives, and confider that God is gracious and merciful, ready to forgive, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, all that truly repent, and turn to him : let us approach him with a humble and contrite heart, confeffing our tranfgrefiions, and imploring his pardon, with a firm refolution to amend our ways, and to reform our lives. A The General Confeffion. Lmighty and moft merciful Lord our God ; who art flow to anger, and abundant EVENING PRAYER. 37 abundant in goodnefs ; we would approach thee with the fincereft reverence and humi lity, acknowledging ourfelves unworthy of thy goodnefs and mercy to us : for we have neglected to do thofe things which thou haft commanded us to do; and have in many inftances followed the evil defires and incli nations of our own hearts ; and have indulged our appetites and paffions contrary to our reafon and better knowledge ; and therefore juftly deferve to be punifhed for our tranf grefiions. But, bleffed be thy name, O Lord, with thee there is forgivenefs upon rqpentance and amendment of life. We therefore would humble ourfelves before thee, befeech- ing thee, according to the greatnefs of thy tender mercies through Jefus Chrift our Lord, to pardon all our iniquities. May thy good nefs and long-fuffering lead us to true re pentance, and engage us to lead a holy, good and righteous life for the time to come. And may thy Holy Spirit guide us into all truth, caufe us to underftand wherein we have erred, and affift us in our fincere de- fires and careful endeavours to amend our ways, to purify our minds from every de filement and corrupt defire, and to perfevere in one regular and conftant courfe of duty and obedience to thee : that fo we may ob tain the forgivenefs of our paft fins, may be delivered 38 EVENING PRAYER. delivered from the punifhment due to our tranfgrefiions, and may inherit eternal life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Then let the Minifies read a portion of the Pfalms,judicioufty cbofen. And after thaty the Firft Leffon taken out ofthe Old Tefta ment, in the fame manner. Which ended, let the following Hymn be faid by the Mi nifler and People. Minift. TT is a. good thing to give thanks \^ unto the Lord; to fing praifes unto thy name, O thou moft High. Peop. To fhow forth thy loving kindnefs in the morning ; thy faithfulnefs every night. Minift. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, enter into his courts with praife, be thankful unto him, and fpeak good of his name. Peop. For the Lord is good, his mercy is exceeding great, his truth and faithfulnefs endure' to all generations. Minifl. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the foul ; the ftatutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. Peop. The commandments of the Lord are pure, enlightning the eyes ; the judg ments of the Lord are true and righteous al together. Minift. EVENING- PRAYER. 39 Minift. The fear of the Lord, that is wifdom ; and to depart from evil, is under ftanding. PeOp. Therefore bleffed is the man that fears the Lord, that delights to walk in his ways. Minifl. With my foul have I defired thee, O Lord, yea, with my fpirit within me will I feek thee early. Peop. For I delight to do thy will, yea, thy law is within my heart. Minifl. Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing fhall make them fall. Peop. For thy ways are ways of pleafant- nefs, and all thy paths are peace. Minift. But woe unto the wicked, it fhall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands fhall be given him. Peop. God will judge the wicked accord ing to his deeds, and will recompence him according to all his abominations. Minifl. Now unto the bleffed and only potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, be honour and power everlafting. Peop, For thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power; for thou haft created all things, and for thy plea fure they are, and were created. Or 4o EVENING PRAYER. . Or this. Minift'. TT THO fhall abide in thy taber- V V nacle, O Lord, who fhall dwell in thy holy hill ? Peop. He that walks uprightly, and works righteoufnefs, and fpeaks the truth in his heart. Minift. He that backbites not with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbour, nor takes up, a reproach againft him. Peop. He that has clean hands, and a pure heart, who has not lift up his foul unto vanity, nor fworn deceitfully. Minifl. Say ye to the righteous', it fhall be well with them : for they fhall eat the fruit of their doings. Peop. They fhall receive the bleffing of the Lord, and righteoufnefs from the God of their falvation. Minift. Search us, O God, and know our heart ; try us, and know our thoughts : and fee if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us into the way everlafting. Peop. Thou haft commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently: O that our ways were directed to keep thy ftatutes ! Minifl. Then- fhall we not be afhamed, when we have refpedt unto all thy com mandments. Peop. EVENING PRAYER. 41 Peop,. Teach us thy ways, O Lord, and We will walk in thy paths : incline our hearts to ferve thee faithfully. Minift. If thou, Lord, fhouldeft mark every iniquity, who could ftand before thee ? But there is forgivenefs with thee, that thou mayeft be feared. Peop. Remember not, O Lord, our ini quities ; but according to thy great mercies, blot out our tranfgrefiions. Minifl. Bleffed is the man, whofe tranf greffion is forgiven, and whofe fin is covered. Blefied is the man, to whom the fcord will not impute iniquity, and in whofe fpirit there is no guile. Peop. O how great is thy goodnefs, O Lord, which thou haft laid up for thofe that fear thee ! Minifl. Now to the only wife God our Saviour, be glory and majefty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Peop. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Then let the Minifter read the Second Leffon taken out ofthe New Teftament, judicioufly chofen. And after that let the following . exhortations be faid by the Minifter and People. G Minift. 42 EVENING PRAYER. Minifl. ]fc /TY ^brethren, the holy Scrip- X v A tures command us to com mit no murder, to injure no man ; and to avoid fornication, adultery and flefhly lufts : for fuch as do thefe things fhall not inherit the kingdom of God. Neither may we co vet what is another's ; but muft carefully ab ftain from all manner of theft and robbery and from all fraud and unjuft gain : and let there be juft weights and meafures, for all that do unrighteoufnefs v in fuch things, are an abomination to the Lord. Peop. Woe unto him that builds his houfe by unrighteoufnefs, and his chambers* by wrong: that ufes his neighbour's fervice without wages, and gives him not for his. work. Minift. A good man fhews favour and lends, he will guide his affairs with difcre- tion. He deals his bread to the hungry, and brings the poor that are caft out into his houfe ; when he fees the naked, he cloaths him, and hides not himfelf from his own flefh. Pure religion, and unde61ed before God, is to vifit the fatherlefs and widows in their affliction, and to keep one's felf un- fpotted from the world. Peop. Bleffed is he that confiders the poor ; the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble. Minift. EVENING PRAYER. 43 Minift. Let us not rejoice when our enemy falls, nor if evil comes to him ; but love our enemies and do good to them that Wte us, that we may be the children of God : for if we forgive men their trefpaffes, our heavenly Father will alfo forgive us. Let us then recompenfe to no man evil for evil ; neither be overcome of evil, but over come evil with good. Peop. Say not, I will recompenfe evil ; I will do fo to him, as he has done to me ; I will render to the man, according to his work. Minifl. Let us not be proud, nor wife in our own conceits, neither be defirous of vain-glory ; but put on meeknefsandlowlinefs of mind ; for the Lord refifts the proud, but giyes grace to the meek and humble. Peop. A proud look the Lord hates ; and every one that is proud in heart, is an abo mination unto him, Minifl, Let us abhor what is evil, and cleave to that which is good ; and lay afide every weight, and the fin that moft eafily befets us, and run with patience the race that is fet before us; ftriving to' enter in at the ftraight gate ; for ftraight is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leads unto life, Peop. But wide is the gate, and broad is G 2 ^ the 44 EVENING PRAYER. the way that leads to deftrudtion, and many there be that go in thereat, Minifl. Let us then not be conformed to this world ; but take heed to ourfelves, left at any time our hearts be overcharged with the cares or pleafures of this life : and let us be ware of covetoufnefs, for the love of money is the root ofall evil. Peop. A little that a righteous man has, is better than the riches of many wicked. Or this. Minifl. "Ji fl Y brethren, the holy Scrip- i V X tures exhort us to fet our affections on things above, and not on things below ; and that we fhould lay up for our felves treafures in heaven, and not upon the earth ; affuring us, that where our treafure is, there will our heart be alfo. Let us therefore not love this world, nor the things of the world ; for the luft of the flefh, the luft of the eyes, and the pride of life, are not of God, but of the world. Peop. And if any one love thefe things, the lpve of the Father is not in him. Minift. Let us then be temperate in all things, and live foberly in this world, not in rioting or gluttony; being alfo contented witk EVENING PRAYER. 45 with our condition, parent under fufferings, walking humbly before God. * Peop. Let us take heed to ourfelvesB left at any time our hearts be overcharged with furfeiting or drunkennefs. Minifl. Whether therefore we eat or drink, or whatever we do, let us do all to the glory of God : being fruitful in every good work, abftaining from the appearance of evil, and walking worthy of our profeffion ; that we may adorn the dodlrine of Chrift in all things, Peop. May we amend our ways and our doings, purify our hearts, put awfty all ini quity frotn us, and be renewed in the fpirit of our minds. Minift. Let us be pure and holy, chafte and modeft, abftaining from all uncleannefs ; and cleanfing ourfelves from all defilement of the flefh and fpirit. Marriage is honourable in all, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Peop. O that men were wife, that they underftood thefe things, that they would confider their latter end ! Minifl. Let us hold fail our Chriftian pro feffion without wavering, being ftedfaft and immoveable, always abounding in the work. of the Lord, . as knowing that our labour fhall not be in vain : and let us walk care-* fully, 46 EVENING PRAYER. fully, not as fools, but as wife, redeeming the time with all diligence and watchfulnefs. Peop. Let us confider our ways, and pon der the paths of our feet, and hold fail to that which is good. Minift. Let us hear the conclufion of the whole matter : fear God, and keep his com mandments ; for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every fecret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil; and will render to every one according to his deeds : to thofe who keep his commandments, and patiently continue in well doing, he will give glory and honour, peace and eternal life. Peop. But all thofe that do iniquity, fhall be caft into a furnace of fire, where the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched. Then let tie Minifter read ihe following Prayers. MOST great and glorious God, who haft commanded us to obey thy holy laws, and haft promifed eternal happinefs to all that turn from their paft iniquities, and ferve thee for the time to come with a di ligent and upright mind ; and haft affured us, that all who will not hearken to, and obey thy commands, fhall be punifhed with unfpeak- EVENING PRAYER. 47 unfpeakable mifery and torments ; and haft alfo gracioufly promifed thy affiftance to all thofe that fincerely endeavour to ferve and obey thee : we therefore implore the direc tion of thy Holy Spirit, to lead us into thy paths, and to aflift us in the faithful dif- charge of every duty. May the. confidera tion of thy great and glorious perfections, and of the reafonablenefs and fitnefs of all thy laws, make us love thee the Lord our God with all our heart and foul, fearing to offend thee, and ferving thee with a faithful and humble mind. May we alfo maintain in our hearts, a grateful fenfe ofall thy bleflings, and the obligations we are under to thee ; and be always ready to make thy will the rule of our adlions : that we may be able to look up to thee with gladnefs, who art the fountain of life, and the author of all happinefs ; and may rejoice in thee, and put our whole truft in thee, as one who will not leave nor forfake thofe that love and obey thee. We alfo befeech thee to aflift us rightly to perform the duties due to our neighbour, that we may love all men, and adl at all times with' juftice and integrity ; carefully abftaining from all theft, oppreffion and ex tortion, from all manner of fraud and de ceit in our dealings with one another, and from every mean and bafe action. That we 3 ma/ 48 EVENING PRAYER. may lay afide wrath and anger, ruling oui* fpirits, and bridling our tongues ; nor fuffer envy nor hatred to harbour in our minds j but may put on gentlenefs, kindnefs and companion, and attain a mild and peaceable difpofition ; being eafy to be intreated, full of mercy and goodnefs, and endeavouring to live in peace with all men. That we may alfo be ready and willing chearfully to forgive all that offend us, and to make the fame allowances for their faults, as we de fire for our own. We further intreat thy affiftance, that we may truly forfake every wicked way, and every bafe and fordid purfuit ; may avoid both covetoufnefs and extravagance ; may keep our paffions, appetites and defires in due fubjection to our reafon, and to thy laws j governing our lives at all times with wifdom and prudence. That we may carefully en deavour to employ our time well, to gain the habits of goodnefs and virtue, of holinefs , and purity, abftaining from even the appear ance of evil ; examining our own hearts and lives, and reforming whatever is amifs in our temper and behaviour. That we may be chafle and modeft, carefully avoiding forni cation and adultery, and banifhing intirely from our breaft all unlawful lulls, and every impure defire. And that we may cultivate a meek EVENING PRAYER. 49 a meek and quiet fpirit, lay afide all pride, vanity and fel&conceit, and he fober and temperate in all things, moderating our af fections to this world,- and fetting them upon heavenly things : to which end, may we deny ourfelves all the fenfual pleafures, which are unworthy our re&fonable nature ; and place our happinefs in imitating thy moral per fections, and in the practice of every amiable virtue, that we-? may adorn our Chriftian profeffion in all things. ' O Lord, who can fay, his heart is pure in thy fight; even -our beft obedience is im perfect : thou fearcheft and trieft tHb heart, thou requireft truth in the inmoft receffes thereof: cleanfe thou us from every fecret fault, reform thou the inward temper of our minds : may we delight in the practice of our duty, have our will and affedtions rightly difpofed ; endeavour always to approve our felves in thy fight, and' to make thy holy and juft laws the rule of our lives and actions. • j We further befeech thee, O Lord, to ex tend thy favour to thefe nations ; look down with mercy upon our fins and infirmities, turn from us the evils we deferve, and make us a holy and righteous people. Preferve us from florms and earthquakes, -. from war, fedition and turnults, from ficknefs,. plague and famine : give us kindly feafons for the c,r; H pro- So E V E N I NG PRAYER. producing the fruit*- of the earth, and may our cattle he healthy, and fit for our food and fervice. We alfo humbly intreat.tb.ee. for all man kind, that thou wouldft. make thy ways known unto them, thy truth andfalvation unto ail nations. Put an end to all idolatry, fuperftition and .-. perfecution for confcience fake ; may thy kingdom come, may true , Chriftianity univerfally prevail, i and may Jew and Gentile be. all united, under one fhepherd, even our Lord Jefus Chrifi: all which we afk in his name. Amen, A Prayer for the King and Royal. Family. Lmighty God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords ;, we humbly befeech thee to blefs witb thy favour, thy fervant Georgx our king, to give him Jiealth and long life, with happinefs and peace ;< to prof- per him in all hia'righteous jundertakings, to ¦be his defender, and . preferver from every evil, and to. give him the vidtory over all his unjuft enemies. Blefs him alfo with wifdom and underftanding to govern well ^ may he feek the good and welfare.of the peqple com^ mitted to his care ; may he encourage virtue and honefty, and ,difcoujrage all immorality and vice, endeavour faithfully to diicharge • the EVENING PRAYER. 51 the duties of that high ftation, in which thy Providence has placed him. And may all his fubjects love and chearfully obey him, be faithful to him, and render him that duty and honor, which it becomes them to do. May he alfo confider, that with thee there is no refpedt of perfons, and that therefore it becomes him to live in thy fear, to obey thy laws, and to fet an example of holinefs and virtue, that whenever it fhall pleafe thee to remove him hence, he may be found worthy to obtain eternal life. Blefs alfo we befeech thee, the Prir-ce and Princefs of Wales, the Duke, the Princef- fes, the iffue of the Prince and Princefs, and all the Royal Family : give them health and long life, with peace and profperity. May they confider what great influence their ex amples have upon others, and may they fb condudt themfelves according to thy laws, that after a life of piety, goodnefs and virtue here, they may attain to thy heavenly king dom ; which we implore in the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for the Clergy and Magiftrates^ MOST merciful and gracious God; we befeech thee to blefs our bifhops and paftors with thy Holy Spirit, to guide H z them 52 EVENING PRAYER. them into true knowledge and a right un derftanding of thy word : may they lead good and blamelefs lives, and faithfully difcharge their duty towards the people committed to their care. May they be lovers of peace and charity ; and by the holinefs of their lives, and the wifdom of their difcourfes, be fuc- cefsful in their miniftry, to turn finners from . their evil ways, and to make true religion, righteoufnefs and virtue flourifh among us. We alfo intreat thee, O Lord, to blefs our magiftrates and rulers : may they in their feveral ftations ftudy the good and welfare of thofe that are under them, and. judge with patience and equity : may they rule in the fear of the Lord, hating covetoufnefs, re lieving the oppreffed, difcouraging vice, and maintaining peace and order without any refpedt of perfons. \* We further * This is to befeech thee for the high court of &gL°& ? lament, under our King at fion of Parlia- this time ajfembled, that thou ament. wouldft be pleafed to direcl all their confutations to the general good and fafety of thefe kingdoms, that peace and juftice, religion and virtue may flourifh among us.] All this we afk in the name of Jefus Chrift our bleffed Lord and SaviouF. Amen. EVENING PRAYER. 53 A Prayer for tie performance of relative duties. ALmighty God, our heavenly Father; we humbly befeech thee to aflift ut? to perform all thofe duties, which our par ticular ftate and condition in this life requires of us. May the rich and great be(have them felves with wifdom and goodnefs, juftice and mercy, humility and temperance, fetting their affections on heavenly things, and not on earthly, enjoyments, being rich in good works, and remembring that they muft one day give an account of the employment, both of their time and riches. And may thofe that are in low ranks, be cloathed with modefty and humility, avoid floth and idle- nefs, be diligent in their refpective employ ments, faithful and honeft in all things, and contented with that ftation, in which thy Providence has placed them. May fuch as are married, be true and faithful to one ano ther, live together irrrnutual love and friend- fhip, bearing with one another's infirmities, and endeavouring to be a conftant fupport and comfort to each other. May parents love their children, and carefully bring them up in the knowledge of God, in the paths of virtue, and in the regular government of all 54 EVENING PRAYER. all their paffions and defires. And may children attend diligently to their parents m- ftructions, and repay their care and affedtion with duty and obedience. May mafters be gentle to, and careful of their fervants, duly paying them their wages, and giving them that which is juft and right. And may fer vants obey their mafters, and be diligent, honeft and faithful to them. And may all others, in whatever relation they ftand to others, endeavour faithfully and diligently to perform the duties arifing from it. Which we humbly afk through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. A Prayer for the afficJed. MOST merciful and gracious God ; we humbly recommend to thy fa therly goodnefs, all thofe that are any ways afflicted or diftrefled in mind, be* f2'S only bodv or outward circumftances, when any de- [* particularly thofe for whom fire their pray- mr prayers are def red {] be- feeching thee to provide for thofe that are poor and in want, to give eafe to them that are in pain, and health to the fick ; to help fuch as are in danger, and 'to deliver thofe that are tempted, and to aid and aflift all thy creatures under every trouble ; EVENING PRAYER. -5S trouble : more efpecially be with any of thy faithful fervants, who are in any manner perfecuted for righteoufnefs fake, Support them under their afflictions, calm their minds, and enable them to be fleady in their duty and obedience to thee; giving them patience under their fufferings, and a happy deliverance out of all their afflictions. And may every one of us in our feveral fta tions, cultivate a kind and compaffionate dif pofition, and aflift all that are diftrefled to the utmoft of our power. May we alfo learn to be patient under whatever troubles thy providence thinks fit to lay upon u*s, hum bling ourfelves before thee, and refigning our felves to thy will, , in full affurance of thy fatherly care for us. We afk all, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. A General Thankfgiving. OMoft glorious Lord God Almighty ; thou art worthy to receive glory and praife, who haft created all things by thy power, who governeft them with unerring wifdom., and provideft for every living crea ture out of thy never-ceafing goodnefs. We blefs thee for our creation, that thou haft given us reafon and underftanding, haft made us capable of ferving thee, and of imi tating 56 EVENING PRAYER. fating in fome meafure thy glorious per fections. We blefs thee for thy kind pre fervation of us, from the many dangers and evils, to which we have been expofed, and for all the bleffings we enjoy, [* and particularly for thy goodnefs to be'reTfonly thofe* wh° deftre nCW t0 °fer. UP when any de- their praifes and thankfgivings, fire. to r"urn for thy late mercies granted to them.] Bleffed be thy name, O Lord, for every inftance of thy goodnefs to us ; and efpecially that thou giveft us ftill more time, to repent of our evil ways, to purify our minds, amend our lives, and ac quire thofe good habits and virtuous difpo fitions, which are neceffary to fit us for thy favour. But above all we defire to praife thee, that after mankind had corrupted their ways, thou waft pleafed to give us thy Son Jefus Chrift, who came down from heaven to lead us into the way of righteoufnefs and truth, and to redeerri us from all iniquity : who alfo offered himfelf a facrifice for the fins of the world, that all thofe who believe in, and- obey him, might receive the for givenefs of their iniquities, and inherit eter nal life. We blefs thee for what he has done and fuffered for us ; that by him we know that thou art gracious and merciful, and can approach thee with good hopes of finding EVENING PRAYER. .# finding favohr and affiftance at all times, according to our neCeffities. We further blefs thee for the light of thy gofpel ftill continued atriong us, and for our deliverance from popery, fupetftition and flavefy : many a time has the Lord been on our fide, and fefcued us, when no othet arm could fave Us. May fuch a fenfe of thy mercy and goodnefs dwell uj->on out1 mindsj as may bring forth their proper fruits, by a life of holiriefs, thahkfulnefs and obedience : which we afk in the name of Jefus Chrift. Aniens i The concluding Prayer. Lmighty and everlafting God ; who haft given us liberty at this time, to make our humble fupplications unto thee : hear thou frorn heaven, the habitation of thy glory, the defifes and petitions of thy fervants : preferve us from the power and malice ofthe devil, from'the evil defigns of wicked men, and frOm every danger to which we are expofed ; and grant us thofe things which thou knoweft to be needful and fitting for us, in fuch proportion as may be moft conducive to our eternal welfare. Gracioufly accept of our praifes and thankf- -givings, and forgive whatever thou haft feen I amifs 5& EVENING |>RAYER, amifs }n our conduct before thee. An$ as we are imperfect beings, too often apit tabe? turned afide by various) temptations ; merci fully aflift up, O Lord, to overcome the tri als of this life ; may we dearly perceive the great excellency, and, the neceffity of religi on and virtue, fo that no temptation may turn us from;; them ; and may be truly fenfi ble of the mifchief and fatal confequences ©f vice, that we may forfake it with the greateft deteflation and abhorrence. And grant that by the influence of thy holy Spi rit, our minds may be ftrengthened, with fuch firm refolutions, as may preferve us from every fn^re, and carry us fafely through this ftate. May pure religion have its full and proper effedt upon us, to engage; us in a chearful and.: conftanfc: obedience to thy commands, that we .m;*-* become fike \mto thee our God, in the love and practice of univerfal righteoufnefs and goodnefs, and thereby be fitted for that heavenly ftate,. whieh thou haft provided for thofe, who in the temper of their minds, and in the courfe of their lives, referable thee. Which we afk in the name of Jefus Chrift our only medi ator,, through whom, we approach, thee, as„ OUR EVENING PRAYER. 59 OUR Father, who art in heaven ; hal lowed be thy name ; may thy king dom come ; may thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trefpaffes, as we forgive thofe that trefpafs againft us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from the evil one : for thine is the king dom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. TH E grace of our Lord J«fus Chrift, the love of God, and the fellowfhip of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amem I 2 The ( 61 ) THE HOMILIES, To be read in their order, one at a time, in the Morning or Evening fervice, when there is no fermon. The Firft Homily. On our duty to God. i I N C E God is the author of our being, and our conftant prefer ver ; and all that we enjoy we receive from him ; and is alfo the fupreme governor of all his rational creatures : we are under the ftridleft pbligations to a fteady obedience to all his laws : 62 The HOMILIES. laws : it therefore highly becomes us care fully to confider what are the duties he has commanded. For the great day of judg ment will come, when every one fhall be condemned or approved, according to his adlions and behaviour in this life : and will then be either thrown into a ftate of inex- preffible mifery and torment, or be admitted into the regions of everlafting peace and hap- • pinefs. If therefore we would obtain the favour of God, we muft in the firft place, not on ly believe that he is, but that he is alfo the rewarder ofall thofe that diligently feek him. And in confequence of that belief, we muft fear and reverence him, as the greateft and. moft powerful being, and walk humbly be fore him : being careful never to prophane his holy name by falfe fwearing, nor to ufe it irreverently in our common difcourfe. We muft alfo hate and detefl all idolatry, or the paying any honour to pictures or iniages of wood or ftone ; or even to the angels them-i felves, but we muft worfhip the Lord our God in fpirit and in truth, and him only muft we ferve. We muft further confider God $s gracious and merciful, and fix in our minds a grateful fenfe of his goodnefs to, ys, who is our Creator, our conftant bene factor, and the giver of every bleffing : and; there- The HOMILIES. 6? therefore it is our duty to love him with all our heart, our foul and ftrength, and to walk before him with a perfedl heart and a will ing mind, endeavouring to imitate him in al his moral perfections. And while we are thus inwardly affedted towards God, it be comes us alio to take all proper opportuni ties of expreffing the grateful fenfe of our minds, by frequently addrefling our felves to him, >oth in private and public worfhip ; not forgetting to affemble ourfelves toge ther, that with one heart and one mind we may join in acknowledging his glorious per fections and excellency, and our conftant de- pendance upon him ; glorifying him in all things, and offering up our praifes and thankfgivings for all his goodnefs and mer cy to us ; with humble petitions for a fup- ply of all our wants, both temporal and fpi- ritual ; making our prayers and fupplications to him, in the name of Jefus Chrift our only mediator. We muft further put our truft in him, as in one, who will not for fake thofe, that humbly depend and rely up on him. And fince he is not only good, but likewife poffeft of perfedl wifdom, we fhould always fubmit our feb/es patiently to his will, without murmurings or repinings, and refign our felves to the difpenfations of his providence towards, us. We muft alfo a fhow 64 The HOMILIES. fhow the fincerity of our regard to him, by a real and unfeigned repentance of all out fins, with a firm refolution to conform our lives for the time to come to his laws, and to obey all his commands without the leaft hypocrify or referve. Laftly, we ought deeply to imprefs upon our minds, his ex ceeding great love, in fending his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord, to lead us into the way of truth, to diredl us into the paths of eternal life, and to fuffer and die for us : and fhould therefore readily comply with the pofitive inftitutions of chriftianity, to wit, baptifm, and the thankful remembrance of our bleffed Saviour at his fupper, according to his ap- pointment. Now both the reafonablenefs and necef fity of our performing thefe duties, and ac quiring thefe difpofitions and habits, will plainly appear ; if we confider that God is poffeft of unbounded and irrefiftible power j that he is a being of ftridt and impartial juftice ; who will finally judge all men, and render to every one according to his works : and that he requires of us as intire and com-' plete an obedience as we are able to per form; becaufe the wilful difobedience of any one of his righteous laws, unrepented of, would, if paffed over without punifhment, defeat the ends of his wife and juft govern ment : The HOMILIES, 65 ment : for as all his commands tend only to promote the happinefs of the whole creation ; fo if we carefully attend to it, we fhall find that any one vice, if let alone and indulged, would have the moft fatal confequences ; and that the happinefs" of the whole is only at tainable by an univerfal regard to all the di vine precepts. The ferious confideration of thefe things will fhow us the neceffity of paying a conftant fubmiffion to the will of God, with a ftridt obedience to all his laws, and will fill us with fuch an aweful fenfe of his fupreme majefty, as will excite us to the greateft care, and watchfulnefs over oifr felves, to a conftant endeavour to pleafe him in all things, and by no means in any thing to of fend him : fince none can deliver out of his band. Further, as in God we live, and move, and have our being ; as he is prefent every where, and continually with us, knowing all our thoughts, words and adlions ; and is him felf of unfpotted purity and holinefs ; thefe things fhould teach us to purify our minds from all manner of vice and. folly, to reform our thoughts and defigns, to govern and re gulate our paffions, appetites and defires, and to behave our felves always pioufly and wife ly ; acting at aU times, and on all occafions, as fenfible of his continual prefence, and re- K mem- 66 The HOMILIES. membring that he is now the witnefs, who will hereafter be the judge, of all our adlions. Moreover, as God is not only the author of our being, but alfo our conftant bene factor ; who is truly good, and directs that goodnefs by the greateft wifdom ; who is the giver of every bleffing of this life, and on whom all our future hopes and expedtatiohs are placed ; and who has affured us by our Lord Jefus Chrift, that he will gracioufly pardon all our paft offences, on our fincere repentance and humiliation, joined with a real amendment of our lives : thefe things fhould infpire us with the higheft fentiments of love and reverence to him, and with the fincerefl returns of thankfulnefs and obedi ence. And when we further confider, that all his laws are fit and reafonable, and that the corhpliance with them only tends to make us both happy here, and to fit us for the bleffed manfions of everlafting peace hereaf ter ; how ready and willing fhould we be to comply therewith, to delight in the practice of our duty, and to make his will the rule of our adlions ? Laftly, as God is the moft wife and per-? feet being, true and faithful to his promifes, eternal and unchangeable, whofe kind and fecret providence continually attends upon all men, but more efpecially upon thofe who *4ove The H O M I L I E S. 67 love and obey him ; who alfo hears our pray ers, and will either deliver his faithful fer vants, or elfe fupport them under all their afflictions here : thefe confederations fhould engage Us to apply our felves to him in pray^ er and fupplkation, to implore his guidance and protection, to put our hope and truft in him, and with all humility and patience ~ to commit ourfelves to him under all our troubles, in full affurance that every afflic tion we meet with, is kindly defigned, either to reform or improve us ; and will finally turn to our everlafting advantage, if, we be have ourfelves well under it. Let us therefore cultivate all thofe difpo fitions, which we know to be acceptable to God. For he only is his true and faithful fervant, who out of a juft fenfe of his fo- vereign authority, conforms all his anions to his will ; and who, from a thorough convidlion of the wifdom and equity of the divine go vernment, conducts himfelf with an humble and regular fubmiffion to his laws. The Second Homily. On our duty to our Neighbour. AS our bleffed Lord and Saviour has affured us, that the firft and great commandment is to love the Lord our God, K 2 with 68 The HOMILIES. with all our heart, our foul and mind : fo he has alfo declared, that the fecond, which requires us to love our neighbour as our felves, is like unto it : and accordingly has obliged all his followers to be very careful to do to all men, as they would have others do to them. How diligent then ought we to be, to fulfil all the obligations, which a law fo juft and reafonable lays us under, and on which the happinefs of all focial be ings depends ? In the firft place therefore, we muft not commit any murder, adultery, nor fornica tion, but carefully guard againft every ten dency to them : neither muft we bear falfe witnefs againft, nor accufe any one falfely, nor flander another : nOr be guilty of theft, or robbery either in great or fmall matters ; but all thefe things fhould be our greateft abhorrence. We alfo muft not hurt, vex or afflict any one, nor do the leaft wrong or in jury ; but hate all manner of violence, op- preffion and extortion, all fraud and unjuft. gain, and every mean art of cheating or over-reaching another : and let the weights and meafures be always juft, for all that do unrighteoufly in fuch things are an abomi nation to the Lord ; and if any one has in any thing defrauded another, he is obliged to make reftitution. And the more effectu ally The HOMILIES. 69 ally to prevenbany tendency, to thefe crimes, we are^ commanded to be contented with fuch things as we have, and not to covet what is another's ; but to be juft and righte ous, honefl and upright in ail our dealings ; and to put away all falfehood from us, fpeak- ing the truth in fincerity and uprightnefs, and laying afide all guile and hypocrify ; for ly ing lips are an abomination to the Lord ; and befides, he that deceives another by a lie, fhould confider, that ,he will not be ea- fily believed another time, even when he fpeaks the truth. We muft alfo avoid all flattery to one another, for flattering lips and a double tongue, the Lord hates. We muft further avoid ftrife and conten tion, and put away from us a fro ward mouth and perverfe lips : and let paffion, ill lan guage and bitternefs of fpeech, with all un becoming heats, (more efpecially upon trifling occafions,) be intirely banifhed from us ; remembring that he that is angry withr his brother without a caufe, is in danger of the judgment : and that he who bridles not his tongue, deceives his own heart, and his religion is vain. Nor muft we at any time fuffer even our juft anger to lie kindling in our breafts, left it grow up to refentment and hatred, malice and revenge : but, we muft be flow to anger, and eafily appeafed, 4 not 7o The HO MIL it S. not fuffering the fun to go down upon our wrath. We are further obliged by our Saviour's laws to love our neighbour as our felves : it is therefore our duty to improve in every kind affedtion and benevolent difpofition to wards all men ; to reftrain all felfifhnefs and covetoufnefs, and to be truly good and gene rous. We muft confider one another as brethren, and behave our felves in a friendly and becoming manner to all men, without haughtinefs or pride : for a proud look the Lord hates, and every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to him. We muft alfo lay afide all morofenefs and peevifhnefs, and attain a mild and peaceable difpofition j being gentle and courteous, eafy to be in- treated, and full of mercy ; nor take plea* fure in fpeaking evil of any man ; and en* dfeavour to give no offence, but to live peace ably with all men : overlooking the faults and failings of one another, fhowing mercy and compaffion every man to his brother, and helping every one that wants our affift- ance in any way, with all chearfulnefs and readinefs of mind .: to the attaining of all which excellent difpofitions, a wife and-re- gular government of our own paffions and defires, will greatly contribute. We The HOMILIES. ys _ We are alfo obliged by the common prin ciples of reafon and humanity, to extend our mercy and goodnefs, even to all the brute part of God's creation : and the facred fcrip tures have made it the mark, as well as du ty of a good man to be merciful to his beafts : who therefore will by no means load them with too great burdens, nor punifh them with feverity, nor with-hold from them the neceffary food, reft and refrefhment, which their condition and labour require ; aiid more efpecially, will not ufe any living creature with the leaft cruelty, nor afflict" it in any degree, without a good and* reafon- able caufe : and when we kill them, it fhould not be Wantonly or cruelly, but up on juft occafions, and with as little pain to them as we can. We are further commanded to extend our love and kindnefs to our enemies, nor to re joice when evil comes upon them : but to blefs them that curfe us, to do good to them that hate us, and to pray for them that def- pitefully ufe us, and perfecute us; that we may be the children of God, and imitate him, who is kind and merciful even to the evil, and the unthankful. We muft there fore recompenfe to no man evil for evil, but freely forgive all that injure us ; being long- fuffering, forbearing one another in love^ and 72 The HOMILIES. and not taking upon us to cenfurc or con demn others ; for with what judgment we judge, we fhall be judged, and with what meafure we mete to others, it fhall be mea- fured to us again. Moreover, fince we are every one of us guilty of many faults, too apt to offend both God and our neighbour ; and fince God is always ready to make gra cious allowances for our failings ; thefe con- fiderations fhould the more effedtually incline US, to exercife all that mercy and forgive nefs to thofe that any ways offend us, which we would defire fhould be fhown to our felves in like cafes ; and by no. means to mag nify their faults, but eafily to excufe their offences, and impute them to the fame thoughtiefsnefs, want of confideration or ig norance, which we often find to be the cafe in our felves : always remembring how much our own happinefs is concerned in fuch a conduct, as being affured by our Lord and mafter, that if we forgive others, we fhall be forgiven ; but that if we forgive not thofe that trefpafs againft us., God will not forgive us our trefpaffes. It is indeed our duty to exhort one ano ther to good works, to inftruct the ignorant, to endeavour to turn a finner from the er rors of his ways, and to admonifh and re prove The HOMILIES. 73 prove our brother, and not fuffer fin to be upon him : but thefe things are to be done With meeknefs and gentlenefs, endeavouring to convince and perftjade him in the fpirit of love, of the neceffity of felf-government, and of a holy, good and virtuous life : and we are therefore directed to withdraw from the hardened and the fcornful, left without any profpedt of doing good, we hurt our own minds. Laftly, let us be truly good, kind and be neficent to all men, rejoicing in their prof perity and happinefs ; and not fuffer any en vy, or fecret repinings to harbour in our breaft; but let us live in love and peace with all men ; behaving our felves always with meek nefs and humility ; that we may attain thofe bleffed difpofitions arid habits which will fit Us for thofe heavenly manfions of love and peace, where nothing that offends or defiles, will be permitted to enter. The Third Homily. On the Relative Duties. HAVING in fome former difcourfes confidered our obligations to God, and likewife thofe which we owe to our neigh bour in general : we now come to treat of L thofe 74 The HOMILIES. thofe other duties which we owe to one ano ther; arifing from the different conditions and various relations, that providence has thought fit men fhould ftand in to each other ; and by the regular performance - whereof, the peace, order and harmony of fociety is main tained. Let princes, nobles, and all that are in au thority confider themfelves as exalted to thofe high ftations for the good of their fellow creatures ; and that therefore they are obliged to ftudy the intereft and welfare ©f thofe that are under them ; to fet an example of ftridt obedience to the laws they make, and to be juft and honeft themfelves, diligent and faith ful in the difcharge of the duties of their fe veral ftations, ruling in the fear of the Lord, and avoiding floth, luxury and vanity, as knowing their example is of great influence to all about them. Let them alfo judge with patience and equity, hating covetouf- nefs and corruption, relieving the oppreffed, difcouraging vice, and maintaining peace and good order, without any refpect of perfons. Let fubjedts honour the king, and chear fully obey all that are in authority over them : nor endeavour to evade the force of the laws by any art or cunning : but without any mur muring, render tribute, cuftom and honour to whom they are due. Let * The H O M I L I E S. 75 Let the minifters of the gofpel be faithful and diligent in the difcharge of their duty towards the people committed to their care ; living holily and unblameably as examples to their flock : being juft, fober and tempe rate, not Covetous or greedy of lucre ; not felf-will'd, nor foon angry, but gentle unto all men, ready to teach, patient, in meeknefs inftrudting thofe that oppofe themfelves ; re buking and exhorting finners with all long- fuffering ; and ftrengthening and confirming the good and faithful. — And let their peo ple remember them that labour amorig them in holy things, and efteem and love them for their work's fake, and diligently attend to their religious inftrudlions : let alfo him that is taught in the word, give unto him that teaches ; for fo has the Lord ordained, that they which preach the Gofpel, fhould live by it, and the labourer is worthy of his re ward. Let marriage be a ftate of chriftian friend- fhip, and mutual comfort. and afliflance : let each party bear with one another's infirmi ties, and ftudy to help and pleafe each other, which is the foundation and fupport of all domeftic happinefs : let them likewife be true and faithful to each other. Let the huf- band love his wife, even, as himfelf, being truly kind and affectionate to her. And let the wife fee, that fhe loves and reverences L 2 her 76 The HOMILIES. her hufband, and is in fubjedlion to him : being of a meek and quiet fpirit, which in the fight of God is of great value. Let parents love their children, and be kind and gentle to them, yet at the fame time keeping them in due fubjedlion ; bringing them up in the knowledge and fear of the Lord, teaching them to obferve his com mandments, and carefully training them up in the paths of virtue, and in the wife and regular government of their appetites and paffions ; being alfo themfelves very careful to fet their children a good example. Let them likewife provide for their children, cultivate and improve their minds, and bring them up in fuch induftry and bodily labour, as their circumftances in life require, and as their tender ages will admit of; left when they grow up, they be expofed to every temptation, through idlenefs, effeminacy and want of employment. Let children alfo learn to behave with decency and modefty ; and to obey their parents ; for this is well pleafing to the Lord ; honouring them, attending di ligently to their inftrudlions, and paying the juft returns of love and gratitude. May the univerfities, and all our public and private fchools for the education of youth, think it not fufficient only to inftrudt thofe that are committed to their care in ufe- ful learning and knowledge j but may they further The HOMILIES. 77 further confider, that it becomes them more efpecially to take care of their moral con- dudl ; to teach them to be fober and virtuous, to be ftridlly juft and honeft in all things, true to their word, and obedient to their fu- periors : as knowing that their future life and manners greatly depend upon the foun dation laid in their younger years : and that they themfelves will be anfwerable for it, if they neglect to inftrudt them in thefe things which are of the greateft moment. Let mafters and miflreffes be gentle and .careful of their fervants, and. not rule with rigour ; but give unto them thaf which is juft and equal, forbearing threatning, know ing that they likewife have a mafter in hea ven, neither is there any refpedt of perfons with him. Let them alfo pay their fervants and wofk-people the wages due to them : for woe unto him that ufes his neighbour's fervice without wages, and gives him not for his work, or detains it from him any time. Let them alfo be careful both by their own good example, and by their kind and prudent inftrudtions to aflift and improve their fervants in the knowledge of God, and in the practice of true religion and virtue, after the excellent example of Abra ham and Jofhua * ; that they alfo with them- * Gen. xviii. 19. Jofhua xxiv. the end ofthe 15th •verfe, . , filves 78 The HOMILIES. felves may be fitted for eternal happinefs. And let fervants be obedient to their mafters and miftreffes, diligent in their fervice, with all faithfulnefs and honefty, and endeavour to pleafe them, not with eye-fervice only, as men-pleafers, but in truth and finglenefs of heart, as fearing God. Let fuch as have the riches of this world^ be careful to fpend them wifely and charita bly, remembring that they muft one day give an account of their difpofal of them : let them not therefore heap up wealth un- profitably, nor fpend it in luxury and vani ty, or in the encouragement of vice and fol ly : but let them confider that the pleafures of this world, and the deceitfulnefs of riches often choak the word of God, and render it unfruitful. And fince it has pleafed God to place men in various flates and conditions in this life, for the exercife of different vir tues ; let not the rich defpife the poor, nor the great ones of this world defpife thofe that are in low eftate : but let every one ac cording to what he has, be rich in good works, ready to diflribute to the neceffities of others ; more efpecially by employing thofe poor who are able to work, in ufeful la bour, without exacting too much of them, or taking advantage from their neceffities to opprefs them ; and in relieving the wants of the fick and lame, the infants and aged : remem- The HOMILIES. 79 remembring, that whofoever has this world's goods, and fees his brother has need, and fhuts up his bowels of compaffion from him, how dwells the love of God in him ? They ought likewife to do good with a willing and a chearful mind, being affable and con- defcending in their behaviour, and careful to avoid all oftentation, or the doing it from any mean motive, as looking for their re ward from God alone. Let thofe alfo who are in the middle ftations and conditions of life, take a conftant delight in doing good, that fo they may get the habits of love and compaffion ; which excellent difpofitions will teach them to retrench many ufelefs expen- ces, and fpend both their time and money in adls of benevolence, which are too often laid out in pleafure and vanity, in luxury of drefs, grandeur and high living, (if not in excefs of rioting and drunkennefs) but might much more ufefully be employed to their own eternal advantage. Let alfo thofe that are poor, be faithful, honeft and juft in all things, and not info- lent nor murmuring^ but modeft and hum ble, thankful to their benefactors, and having food and raiment, and the neceffaries of this life, be contented therewith : neither muft they be flothful or idle, but labour diligent ly at their employments, left they be tempt ed to fleal : neither are they excufed from helping go The HO M I L I E S. helping and affifting one another, in what ever way they can. Let therefore all men carefully endeavous* fo to perform the duties of their feveraJ ftations here, that when the great day of judgment comes, they may be able to deli ver up their accounts with joy, and may receive from their Lord and judge, that moft comfortable and reviving fentence : Well done ye good and faithful fervants, inherit the kingdom prepared for you : which God grant to us all, through Jefus Chrifi. The Fourth Homily. On- the Duties which regard ourfelves. AS we are under the higheft obligations of love, reverence and obedience to God, and of doing to all men, as we would defire they fhould do to us : fo alfo we are obliged to ufe the greateft diligence in the government of our own felves ; without which we are utterly incapable of perform ing the other duties. * To this end, we muft be fober and temperate, and govern our paf fions and appetites, by reafon and the laws of God. For as God is a being of perfect wifdom and rectitude of will, fo he expects, and has made it our duty to imitate him in all his moral perfections ; which therefore 2 calls The HOMILIES.- , 81 calls for our utmoft care. For when we Confider on the one hand, that God requires of us an univerfal obedience to all his laws, with a conftant perfeverance in it ; that we muft go on from- one degree of holinefs to another, and endeavour to be perfedl in our ftation, even as our heavenly father is per fect.; that we muft ftrive to enter in at the ftraight gate, and give all diligence to make our calling and election fure ; being ftedfaft and immoveable, not weary in well-doing, remembring that he only that endures unto the end fhall be faved : and when we confi der on the other hand, our own imp-frfedti- ons, the temptations of this life, and the difficulties and difcouragements which attend us in purfuing our chriftian courfe : we muft plainly perceive what care and watchfulnefs of our felves, and what fincere prayers for divine aid are neceffary to enable us to per form fuch important duties. How careful ought we to be in reading and ftudying the holy fcriptures, and in examining our hearts and lives by the word of God, to learn to know our felves, and what is required of us, and thereby to correct and amend what ever is faulty in our temper and conduct, and to perfevere in a regular and conftant practice of every amiable virtue ? And when ever (notwithftanding all our care) we fall into any fin, we muft repent of our folly, humble our felves before God, and with M double 82 The HOMILIES. double diligence watch over our felves, that we may not fall into the fame again : and as every one of us have generally fome one or more predominant vices, which we are moft liable to fall into, either from our natural difpofitions, or acquired habits, we muft take care more particularly to guard againft thofe fins, which moft eafily befet us. For the rooting out of any vicious habit, is a work of time, and calls for the continued exer cife of all our faculties. And the introducing into our minds the contrary difpofitions, not withftanding thti oppofition of cuftom and evil habits, requires our utmoft diligence and care. Neither muft we be difcouraged by our weaknefs, nor let our failings and imperfections difpiritus; but we* muft ftill perfevere, and redouble our care, till at laft we have got the better of them, and are become truly conquerors. In order to attain this perfection, which the chriftian religion requires of us ; it is in the firft place neceffary For us to have right and juft notions of our own felves ; to confi der that we are impefredt beings, too apt to be turned afide from our duty by various temptations, and to be milled by paffion and prejudice, by ignorance and folly : and that therefore it becomes us to poflefs our minds with a humble and modeft fenfe of our own felves, and to be cloathed with a meek and lowly fpirit, laying afide all pride and vain conceit, The H O M I L I E S. 83 conceit, all arrogance and foolifh boaftings. And let us think foberly of our felves, as knowing, that the beft of us have ftill many fecret corruptions within him, and that even our beft obedience is imperfedl : wherefore God declares, he takes delight in thofe that are of a meek and humble fpirit, but that every one that is proud in heart is an abo mination to him. Neither muft we be de firous of praife and vain-glory, for a modeft and good man is content with doing well, thereby approving himfelf to God, without feeking the applaufe of men. We muft likewife be patient under every affliction, not apt to be difcompofed at every difagreeable event, nor impatient under any greater trials, which God may think fit to lay upon us ; knowing that in the end they will work out for us an exceeding degree of glory : we muft not therefore let the frowns or terrors of this world, either reproach, ad- verfity or perfecution, make us give up our faithful and fteady obedience to God ; nor fuffer it's allurements and vanities, the love of riches, honour or power, to intice and fe- duce us to part with our integrity : but we muft take up our crofs, and follow our bleffed Saviour's example ; for he only that overcomes the trials and temptations, to which he is expofed in this life, fhall inhe rit the kingdom of heaven. M 2 We 84 The HOMILIES. We muft alfo be holy, without which no man can fee God ; and be chafle and mbdeft in our thoughts and .actions, and fuffer no corrupt or unclean difcourfe to proceed out of our mouth : but hate all lafcivioufnefs, fornication and adultery, with every impure defire, and unlawful pleafure : for all thefe things are highly unfuitable to our moft ho ly religion, to a virtuous temper of mind j and will deprive us of the favour of God. We muft likewife be fober and temperate in all things, without luxury, gluttony or drunkennefs; and' ufe great moderation in all our pleafures, and' in every enjoyment of this life ; as chriftians, whofe perfection and happinefs do not confift in fenfual enjoy ments, but in thofe which are fpiritual : arid the gaieties and follies, nay even the innocent amufements of this world, when too much indulged, and too often repeated, are apt to fink and debafe the mind, to fill it with a trifling levity, and unfit it for the perform ance of the important and neceffary duties of this life. Let alfo the inward humility of our minds appear in the modefty and decen cy of our outward behaviour, of our xlrefs and apparel ; without pride and vanity, with out the love of pomp and fhow, or the de fire of emulating others : and let us follow no fafhion or cuftom that is inconfiftent with modefty ; but fet a good example to all around The^HOMILIES. 8> around us ; for the luft of the flefh, the luft of the eye, and the pride of life are utterly inconfiftent with the love of God, We muft further endeavour wifely to re gulate all Our paffions andaffedlions, to bring them under a due command, and rightly to •diredt and govern them, by the rules of reafon and religion ; to bridle our tongues, to be flow to anger, and to rule our own fpirit ; keeping Our bodies in fubjedlion, and denying our felves, yet maintaining a chear ful and contented fpirit. We muft alfo hate every wicked Way, turn away froiji every fin, and follow no one to do what is evil : but cleanfe our felves from all pollution of the flefh and fpirit, and let our religion be 'fincere and unaffected, without inward guile and hypOcrify, or vain oftentation and fhow : endeavouring to walk worthy of our pro feffion^ and to adorn the dodtrine of Chrift in allthings : being harmlefs, and without -blame, the children of God, keeping our felves unfpotted from the world, and ab- 'ftajriing from even "the appearance of evil; as: knowing that we wreflle not only with flefh and blood, but with principalities and ; powers of darknefs. We muft therefore take heed to ourrfelves, and walk circumfpedtly, redeeming the- time, and watch and pray that we fall not into temptation ; not being flothful, but 'diligent, not lukewarm, but zealous 86 The H O M I L I E S. zealous to promote whatever is praife-worthy and excellent. But at the fame time we ought to take great care, that our paffions have no undue influence upon us, that while we think we are in the purfuit of one virtue, we do not break in upon the pradlice of another : nor fuffer on the one hand a miftaken love of God, and zeal for religion, to make us uncharitable or fevere to our neighbour, from whom we may happen to differ ; remembring we have all of us one lawgiver and judge, by whom we our felves are alfo to be judged : but we muft treat him with that love and forbearance, that mercy and compaffion, which we would de fire to be treated with, by thofe who differ from us : nor on the other hand muft we permit our partial fondnefs for our neigh bour, to break in upon our fteady regard to God, or make us neglect our duty to him : but we muft pay an univerfal obedience to all his laws, and ftrive to perform our whole duty both to God and to one ano ther ; endeavouring after our own perfection, with all long-fuffering and forbearance to others. We muft alfo every one of us avoid all loofe and criminal converfation, and be very careful what company we keep, and the perfons with whom we are intimate, for evil communication corrupts good manners. Where- The HOMILIES. 87 Wherefore if finners entice us, let us not confent, but refrain our feet from their paths, neither defire to be with them ; left we learn their ways, and get a fnare to our fouls. For whoever gives himfelf up to the fociety of the ungodly and vicious, will quickly be loft to all virtue and goodnefs, and will too foon become like the company he choofes. Therefore all men fhould endeavour, in their feveral ftations, to encourage religion, righte oufnefs and virtue, and to difcourage vice and prophanenefs. Laftly, we fhould be careful everv one of us, to employ our time well, improving in * ufeful and worthy knowledge, and avoiding idlenefs, which is the foundation of folly and wickednefs. Let fuch as are engaged in any bufinefs and employment, be diligent in it, that with the bleffing of God, " they may be enabled both to provide for them felves and families, and to do good to others : and let fuch as have leifure from labour and domeftic cares, more particularly endeavour to employ that time which providence gives them, in improving their own minds, and being ufeful to others. And let all of us be contented with our condition, reject all bale and fordid views, and nOt be covetous, nor greedy t>f heaping up riches : for a man's happinefs confifts not in the abundance of the things he poffeffes ; and the love of mo- 4 . ney 88 The JlOMlLlESi ney is the root of many evils, and they that will be rich, fall into great fnares and tempta tions, which prevent their progrefs in the chriftian virtues. Neither let any of us be overcharged with the cares or pleafures of this world, but let our behaviour and con- verfation in all things here, be fuch as be comes the doctrine of Chrift ; fetting, our af fections upon things above, and endeavour ing to acquire all thofe bleffed difpofitions and habits, which will fit us for the favour , of God. For they that refufe to do his will, here, and are difobedient and wicked, fhall be thrown into that ftate of inexprefiible mifery, prepared for the devil and his an gels, where the worm dies not, and the fire is npt quenched, and fhall be punifhed there with dreadful and unfpeakable torments : while they who obey the laws of God here, fhall gain his approbation, whofe favour is only to be valued or fought ; and fhall be admitted to the glory ofGod, in whofe pre- , fence there is fulnefs of joy, and at whofe . right hand there are pleafures for ever more. FINIS.