BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS NO. 164 FOUR TJMES A MONTH SCIENTIFIC SERIES NO. 16 DECEMBER 22, 1910 THE AUSTIN DAM T. U. TAYLOR, M.C.E. Professor of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice at Austin, Texas Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. . . . It is the only dictator that freemen ac¬ knowledge and the only security that freemen desire. President Mirabeau B. Lamar. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This Bulletin is, in a large measure, a reprint of Water Sup¬ ply Paper Number 40 issued by the U. S. Geological Survey, early in 1901. The former paper was prepared by the writer for the Geological Survey just after the failure of the Austin Dam and it contained very little hydrographic data for the very adequate reason that practically none had been obtained by the city. The original issue of five thousand copies was exhausted in a few months. Since the failure of the dam the writer has kept rather close records upon the river at Austin and other points and these records are now published as a whole for the first time. Some of the measurements of the river were taken while I was acting as District Engineer for the Water Resources Branch of the U. S. Geological Survey, while others were taken as a pri¬ vate individual. The U. S. Geological Survey has kindly furnished nearly all the figures and plates that appeal' in this Bulletin. T. IT. Taylor, November 1, 1910. A. View of Dam and Power House from West. B. View of Completed Dam from East. THE AUSTIN DAM By T. U. TAYLOR INTRODUCTION Austin, the capital city of the State of Texas, is situated on the Colorado River, about two hundred miles from its month at the Gulf of Mexico. The drainage area of this river above the city is 37,000 square miles. The position of the City of Austin with relation to the watershed is shown in Fig'. 1. This watershed extends from relatively humid regions in the vicinity -of Austin westerly into the sub-humid or semi-arid Staked i'hiins. From 1856 to 1881 and from 1885 to 1910, inclusive, a period of fifty-two years, the rainfall at Austin averaged • >2.27 inches, as is shown by the table on page 83. The rainfall over the entire watershed may be assumed to be about two-thirds of this, or approximately 20 inches annually. A "water power was created on the Colorado River a short distance above the City of Austin, as related in the fol¬ lowing pages. After the dam was completed the project was found to be only partially successful, as the amount of water in the Colorado River fell far short of original predictions. There was at the inception a lack of hvdrographic knowledge, especially in regard to the minimum How of the river; and other information, now known to be vital to the proper location of the dam, was not obtained. Finally during the great flood of April 7. 1900, the dam was destroyed, with loss of life and property. From measurements taken in March. 1890, it was concluded that the minimum flow of the Colorado River was 1000 cubic feet per second. Upon this basis and upon the assumption that this minimum flow would be held back nights and Sundays and utilized only sixty hours a week, it was concluded that the flow over the Austin Dam would develop more than 14,000 horse¬ power. The city demands were placed at 2000 horsepower, and it was the intention to sell to manufacturers the surplus of 12.- 000 horsepower. 6 Bulletin of the University of Texas On May 28, 1896, while power was being furnished for pump¬ ing, for city lighting, and for city motors, the level of Lake .McDonald sank below the crest of the dam and remained be¬ low until -Inly 6, reaching its minimum (5.7 feet below the crest) on July 1. It was also below the crest from August 6 to Au¬ gust 25, and from September 10 to September 22. This condition was sufficient evidence that the minimum How could not even furnish 900 horsepower, while 5227 horsepower had been counted upon. It was apparent that much of the inflow was lost by evaporation, the area exposed to evaporation being 3 square miles and the low level occurring during the hottest part of the summer. Notwithstanding this evidence that the river could not, dur¬ ing certain seasons, supply power to meet the existing demands for water, lights, and motors, early in 1897 the Rapid Transit Railway Company and the Dam and Suburban Railway were added to the list of power consumers. After that the energy developed by the waterpower was utilized: (1) in pumping water; (2) in furnishing light to the city and citizens; (3) in running the Rapid Transit Railway; (4) in running the Dam and Suburban Railway; and (5) in running the motors for various users of power in the city—such as planers, printing presses, etc. To supply all of these demands required a total average of 1000 horsepower. r FIGURE 1 Watershed of tlie Colorado River. The Austin Dam 7 On July 4, 1897, the water again dropped below the crest of the dam, but it flowed over again on July 17. It was also below a few days in August, October and November, and the whole of December. On January 1, 1898, the water was 2.3 feet below the crest, and it did not again flow over until January 13. The lake level was below the crest part of the months of August and September, and it again dropped below on October 10. and con¬ tinued below until April 20, 1899, reaching a depth of 10.68 feet below the crest on March 29. From March 15 to April 17, it was more than ten feet below the crest. It again dropped below the crest on August 9, and remained below until October 29, reaching a minimum of 10.45 feet below crest on October 3. Thus during the year of 1899 the water was below the crest of the dam one hundred and ninety-one days, during seventy of which the lake level was more than ten feet below the crest,- and during one hundred and sixty-seven days it was more than five feet below. The evidence was abundant and unmistakable that the flow was not sufficient to carry the city water supply, the street light¬ ing, the street car systems, and the motors used in the city. Early in 1899, measurements were made at the head of the lake, at Marble Falls, at the forebay, at the tailrace, and at the station below the railroad bridge. The measurements showed conclu¬ sively that the minimum flow was less than 200 second feet. One second foot, with the assumed effective head of 57.5 feet and a machinery efficiency of 80 per cent, would develop 5.227 horsepower, showing that an average minimum flow of 192 second feet would be required to produce 1000 horsepower, not taking into account evaporation and the leaks through the head gate masonry ("spring"), which would increase the amount. Again, when the lake level fell, more water would be required to develop the same power. When the level was 10 feet below the top, one second foot would develop only 4.3 horsepower; aud it is highly probable that the efficiency of the machinery was not as high as 80 per cent. The result of the enterprise proved disappointing to a large proportion of tin1 citizens. It is true that such a condition had long been vaguely suspected by the people, but there were not sufficient data at hand to make the results certain. The water- 8 Bulletin of the University of Texas shed and the rainfall had been ascertained with some accuracy, but the keynote of the whole project, the biggest and controlling factor, namely, the minimum flow of the river, had been ovesesti- mated. The feasibility of the enterprise had been demonstrated more than ten years before, and during the interval accurate and reliable data could have been obtained, and the minimum flow accurately ascertained. Gauge-heights, rating table, and flow curves could then have been obtained for one-tenth of one per cent of the outlay for the construction of the dam. It was thus found that the minimum flow could be relied upon to furnish water and lights for the citizens and very little more. Fortu¬ nately for the city, there was all during these years a private water company, whose plant was operated by steam, supplying water and lights to the citizens. The history of the Austin dam is unique in one respect, and that is the number of engineers connected with it. Early in 1892, Mr. Joseph P. Frizell resigned, it is asserted, by reason of the fact that he was hampered in his work by the city authori¬ ties. Other engineers resigned for similar causes, and at one time a contractor in charge was ordered to follow the instruc¬ tions of a city official who was not an engineer. This peculiar method of conducting a great public work called forth severe criticisms from engineering journals. The failure of the dam to meet expectations and its failure structurally were due then to the following causes: (1) The lack of hydrograpliic knowledge, causing (a) an overestimate of the minimum flow, and (b) an underestimate of the effect of evaporation. (2) 1 he hampering of the engineers of construction. (3) The ignoring of "■eolo^ic formation. PRELIMINARY PROJECTS. Texas became an independent Republic in 1836. and a few years later a commission wras appointed to consider the question ol locating the capital. In its report reference was made to the possibility of developing the waterpower of the Colorado River at Austin. Nothing was done, however, until 1871, when Mayor Glenn had surveys made by the City Engineer. It was the plan at thai time to convey the waters of the Colorado, by a canal. The Austin Darn y from a point near Mount Bonnell, to Shoal Creek, for city and manufacturing purposes. In 1873 a charter was granted to certain parties, some of whom are still living, to erect a dam across the Colorado, but it was allowed to lapse by limitation. The drought of 1S77 called the attention of the public to the possibilities of irrigating the lands on the Colorado River below Austin by means of a dam erected near the city. During Gov. Roberts' administration (1879-1883) estimates of the cost of erecting a dam across the Colorado River at Bull Creek were made with a view to lighting the public buildings. In 1888 the Board of Trade had surveys made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of damming the river, and during the year 1889 the subject was kept before the public by frequent communications in the newspapers. In the latter part of 1889, the contest for mayor was largely fought on the issue of building a dam across the Colorado River. The result of the election foreshadowed early action in regard to the enterprise. In February, 1890, the city council em¬ ployed Mr. J. P. Frizell to make a report on the proposed dam and the necessary adjuncts. The report was submitted March 26, 1890, and so completely does it discuss the whole problem that the portion which refers to the project in general and the part which deals more particularlly with the dam, the water- power, and the estimated total cost are here quoted, as fol¬ lows: "The city, is at present supplied by a water company, upon what is termed as the Holly system; that is. without the use of a reservoir, the pressure in the pipes being maintained by the action of the pumps, which are operated by steam, and increased by an automatic device upon the occurrence of fires. The com¬ pany also furnishes power for the electric light system of the city. I have not been able to obtain very complete information in regard to the extent and size of the present system of pipes. From what I can learn I judge that the city is rapidly outgrow¬ ing the capacity of the pipes; that by the reason of their small size, a great and increasing burden is laid upon the pumps to maintain pressure sufficient for domestic service in remote parts of the system. A large part of the power of the pumps is con¬ sumed in the friction of the water in passing through the pipes; 10 Bulletin of the University of Texas and as the city extends and increases, the protection against tire is becoming more and more precarious. There is a very widespread impression prevailing' that the amount pan for water rates, tire service, and electric lighting is sufficient to supply the city on a much more ample and liberal scale, and at the same time secure incidental advantages of great value. "The project before the city is: "First. The Construction of a massive dam across the Colo¬ rado to furnish power for pumping, for electric lighting, and pio- pelling street cars. "Second. The construction of a reservoir at a height suffi¬ cient to maintain fire pressure in the pipes. "Third. The extension of the distributing system on a scale of magnitude commensurate with the present and prospective wants of the city. "Fourth. As an incident of the project it is expected that there will remain a large surplus of power susceptible of such uses as will greatly promote the future prosperity of the city. THE DAM. "The Colorado above Austin flows in a deep cut or canyon worn in the limestone rock. It is skirted by limestone bluffs rising often to the height of one hundred and fifty feet above the bed of the river broken by the erosion of tributary streams. No extensive meadow or bottom lands exist. This situation permits of the construction of a high dam with but little damage to pri¬ vate property. "The river, in its normal condition, occupies but a small part of the channel in the rock, the remainder being occupied by alluvial deposits to the depth of average high water. Tn great floods the river spreads from bluff to bluff. Several situations have been examined with reference to the construction of the dam. One on Taylor's lime chute, about three ;md one-half miles from the city limits, appears most 1 "T ov;tb!e to the construction of the dam itself, but one on the l>r; e e Tii-i(|e(. property, about three-fourths of a mile nearer town. ] Nses>es gre;iler advantages as regards the canal and works a pp< i tment to the water power. This site has been selected for the purpose of the estimate. The Austin Dam 11 "The channel in the rock is here about 1150 feet wide at the height of sixty feet above the summer level of the river. The cross section of the channel is not far from the level on the bot¬ tom, and is bounded by nearly perpendicular walls of rock rising to a height of a little over sixty feet on the city side of the river, and 125 or more on the other side. The river bed proper occupies not more than one-half of this width, the re¬ mainder of this being alluvial deposit rising to a height of forty or fifty feet above the river bed. The situation here is admir¬ ably well adapted to the development of water power by a dam about sixty feet in height, the perpendicular face of rock rising to about that height and thence receding from the river in a gentle slope forming a bench on which the canal or feeder could be constructed, the alluvial strip of ground between the canal and river furnishing sites for pumping and power sta¬ tions and any other establishments requiring power. An esti¬ mate has accordingly been prepared on the basis of a sixty foot dam. "The crest will be about 1150 feet in length [the crest was really 1091 feet long—T. IT. T.j. It is contemplated to make it some sixteen feet thick at the top, increasing downward and spreading out in a broad toe or apron, to give the water a horizontal direction, making its extreme width at the bottom about fifty feet. The body and upstream face of the dam is to be made of limestone rock abounding in the vicinity, the up¬ stream face being of quarry-faced work with close joints. The downstream face and toe are intended to be of granite found in abundance in Burnet County, split to approximately regular shape and laid with but a small amount of tooling. The capping is of granite in as large blocks as can be handled, worked to regu¬ lar shape. The entire work to be laid in hydraulic cement. "The Colorado at Austin drains some fifty thousand square miles, and, of course, carries at times an enormous flow of wa¬ ter. The highest flood within the memory of the people now living was some 45 feet above low water, and from the best data I can obtain the flow of the stream was some 250,000 cubic feet per second. This would imply a depth of sixteen feet on the crest of the dam, and the abutments should of course go to that height. At one end of the dam the natural rock goes 12 Bulletin of the University of Texas far above that height. The other end is occupied by an } 11 ^ ficial bulkhead, called the gate house, containing the sluu.es for drawing off the water. It is expected that the wash °t the dam during floods will carry away the alluvial deposit for a considerable distance. The wheels, for this reason, must be some two hundred or three hundred yards from the dam, and the canal must have that height. As already stated, the formation permits this canal to be excavated in rock. At the entrance to the canal is the gate house alluded to above. Its function is to enable the water to be shut out of the canal in case of repairs and to prevent the canal from being overflowed in time of floods. The water will be drawn from the canal through iron pipes, pass the wheel, fall into the wheel pit. and be discharged through underground races into the river. WATER POWER. "It remains to consider the quantity of water power created by the proposed improvement. This consists of two elements, the fall and the quantity of water available for power. The former is fixed approximately by the height of the dam. The latter can be inferred with more or less certainty from the known facts. It is not the lowest stage that the river is ever known to attain to. It is the flow of water that can be depended on, with reasonable certainty, during the ordinary seasons. Stages of the river above this minimum count for nothing unless steam is used to make up deficiencies. The river is subject to great rises in times of heavy rains. On the cessation o:i the rains it falls rapidly until it attains a minimum flow, which appears to remain nearly constant. In that condition no water enters the stream from the surface of the ground. Its flow is wholly maintained by spring issuing from cavities in the rock, and is unaffected by current rainfall until the latter becomes sufficient to cause a flow from the ground. This is the present condition, and I conclude we shall not be far wrong in taking the present flow of \\le ' the quantity that can be depended upon. This, as I }Vl, / m tained by careful measurement, is nearly one thonJ 'ls,~ „ ^ ' •, 'Ul(l cubic feet per second. "There will, no doubt, be times during the hotter 5,1 weather The Austin Dam 13 when the water will fall below this stage, on account of in¬ creased evaporation. I am told, however, that a month very rarely passes without rains in some part of the drainage basin, sufficient to cause a slight rise at Austin. The great ex¬ tent of the pond will enable a considerable deficiency in the flow of the stream to be made good by storage. From the best information I can obtain, the pond will extend some 30 to 35 miles from the dam, with an average width of one quarter of a mile, containing a water surface of some eight square miles, and a total volume of something like 2,800,000,000 cubic feet of water. Should the flow of the stream diminish one-half the above quan¬ tity, a single foot in depth on the pond will make good the de¬ ficiency for a period of five days, and six feet will make it good for thirty days. "A system of fiasliboards could be readily applied to hold the water four feet above the crest of the dam. and thus hold the sur¬ plus of water in store for such deficiencies, without drawing the pond below the crest of the dam. This feature will not become necessary for several years, and need not be considered further at present. "Owing to the imperfection of mechanism we can not hope to utilize for practical purposes, more than eighty per cent of the absolute power of the water. Moreover the full head of sixty feet can not be brought to act upon the wheels. Some part of the head will be consumed in the movement of the water through the sluices, canal, penstocks, and races. The head will at times be reduced by the high water in the river, which rises more below the dam than above. I therefore take 5 7% feet as the head acting on the wheels, and assume that we can utilize eighty per cent of the power on that head. This gives for the total amount of power available for driving machinery, 57.5x62.5x1000 „ coor7 T —— x0.80=5227 horsepower. 550 This quantity of power could be furnished constantly night and day. This, however, would not be suited to the requirements of industry, which ordinarily calls for power only during the working hours of the secular day. It is regarded as a great ad¬ vantage in water power to be able to hold back the low-water flow of the streams during nights and Sundays, and use it dur- 14 Bulletin of the University of Texas i1114' the working hours. This the great extent of our pond readily enables \is to do. Concentrating the entire weekly flow of the stream into the working bourse assumed at sixty per week, the above amount is increased in the ratio of 60 to 168, giving as available power 14.(536 horsepower. "The total permanent power of the Merrimac River at Lowell, Massachusetts, is not over 11,000 horse-power, on an average, during working hours; about the same at Lawrence, Massachu¬ setts, and at Manchester, New Hampshire. This is the power that can be supplied without interruption. At these points the use of water is not confined to the minimum flow of stream. It is utilized at much higher stages in connection with steam, the latter being called into use when the flow diminishes. Of course, similar methods will prevail here as soon as the demand for power warrants their introduction. "It is not easy to state the rental received for water power at the great manufacturing centers in New England, as grants of water are usually covered with grants of land, the water being regarded as an easement of the land. A round sum was paid for the land and a normal rent for the water, which was in¬ tended as the fund for the maintenance of the appliances of the water power. When the manufacturers draw in excess of their grant, they are charged all the way from $3 to $12 a day for mill power for water terminable at will. My opinion is that $1,200 per annum fairly represents the value of a mill power. These considerations are referred to as showing the great value of the incidental benefits secured to the city by this improve¬ ment. The city's requirements for pumping is put at 600 horse¬ power twelve hours per day, or <20 horse-power ten hours a day. Reserving an equal quantity for electrical lighting, and an equally liberal piovision for street ears and other purposes, there would remain over 12,000 horse-power, or as much as 180 mill powers, subject to such use as the city might deem conducive to its prosperity. ESTIMATED COST. "Dam $463,325 Gate House 99 CaIial 49 J 50 Pumps and Power House o 500 The Austin Dam 15 Wheel Pit Culvert Wheels and Pumps Filtering Gallery Reservoir Mains Distribution Electric Light Add for Contingencies Add for Engineering and Agencies 2,123 10,210 16,025 17,880 104,615 153,800 295,250 45,600 118,502 59,251 '1 Grand Total $1,362,781" On April 3, 1890, the Board of Public Works was created by the city council, to have control of the construction of the dam and of all works connected therewith. The question of issuing Water and Light bonds to the amount of $1,400,000 was submitted to the voters of the city of Austin on May 5, 1890, and resulted in 1,354 votes in favor of and 50 votes against the issue. The Board of Public Works met next day and employed Mr. Frizell as chief engineer and Mr. -T. F. Pope as first assistant engineer. In order to guard against pos¬ sible errors, and to have the advantage of the skill and experi¬ ence of other experts, Mr. .Tno. Bogart of New York was em¬ ployed as consulting engineer to examine the site and the plans and specifications of Mr. Frizell. After an extended examination Mr. Bogart made a written 7'eport to the board, in which he stated that after considerable study he was of the opinion that the site selected by Mr. Frizell was the best place for the location of the dam. In regard to the cross section and shape of the dam Mr. Bogart said: "Ample precedents exist for the determination of the best lines of profile and methods of construction for such a dam. It will be one of the high dams, but will not be among those very high structures which sometimes excite doubt as to their permanent stability. To provide for the possible height of spring or other floods, the whole crest of the dam will be formed so that the water may flow over it, and the downstream face will be built in such a manner and to such lines and curves as will tend to conduct the overflow to the lower river without Ui Bulletin of the University of Texas damage to the stability of the structure. It is estimated that the highest flood as to which any information can be obtained might give a depth of water of fifteen of sixteen feet over the crest for a short time. Such a possible flow will be provided for in the construction of the dam. The exact lines of the profile and the detail method of construction are now being determined in consultation with Mr. Frizell." During the summer of 1890 engineers" were put in the field to locate the lake-level contours and to determine the amount of valuable land submerged. Those engineers took cross sections of the river at sixteen stations, thus enabling comparisons to he made, as was done by the writer in May, 1897, and in January, 1900. The accuracy of the work under the supervision of Mr. Pope was verified by the fact that at the head of the lake, at the request of a farmer living near, he cut a bench mark on a big pecan tree, at the crest level. Three years later the water, when it rose to the crest of the dam, reached the notch with exactness. Cross sections of the lake are shown in Fig. 6; a general map of the lake is shown in Fig. 5. On October 15, .1890, the contract for the construction of the dam was awarded to the lowest of seven bidders, Mr. Bernard Corrigan, of Kansas City, Mo., whose figures were $501,150. The contract was based upon the following specifications: HOCK EXCAVATION "12. On the site of the dam all unsound rock and all rock that can be removed without blasting will be taken off. A trench four feet wide, and as deep as may be directed by the engineer, will be excavated along the upstream face of the dam. Trenches, footings, steps, channels, and other excavations will be cut in the bottom and sides of the rock in such forms and to such lines as may be directed by the engineer. In those excavations the kind of explosive used, the amount of the charges, depth and direction of the holes, and the entire process of the work shall be under the immediate personal control of the engineer or his assistant, the object being to do the work in such manner as to avoid fissures and shakes in the remaining rocks All cracks and fissures that may exist naturally or from any eause shall be The Austin Dam 17 thoroughly tilled with cement mortar or concrete or pure cement, as may in each case be directed by the engineer. "13. The lines and grades of the canal will be established by the engineer, and no excavation below the grade or bottom or outside the lines will be paid for; but such excavation will he permitted under the direction of the engineer, for the purpose of obtaining rock for the dam. " 14. Any rock obtained from these excavations that the engi¬ neer may deem suitable may be used in the rubble masonry of the dam. Rock not suited for this purpose will be disposed of as the engineer may direct—in spoil bank, riprap, filling of cribs, or otherwise not involving a haul of more than 500 yards. The price of rock excavation will include and cover the cost of all the explosives, tools, derricks, tackle, machinery, teams, vehicles, tramways, stringers, bridges, boals and appliances, materials, and labor used in the excavation of the work. All rocks will be measured in excavation. MASONRY. "15.. The upstream face of the dam will be laid in granite. [The original specifications called for fossiliferous limestone for the upstream face, but bids were also received for granite, which material was adopted. The details here given are ob¬ viously not proper for granite.—T. U. T.] It must be sound, free from seams, cracks and shakes. The stones will be laid on their quarry beds in regular courses, no course to be less than twelve inches in height. Each course shall be composed of headers and stretchers, ancl at least one-thircl of the face length of each course shall be headers. The headers and stretchers shall be regularly distributed in each course, so that the headers shall alternate in position in the adjacent courses and so that each stone shall break bond not less than twelve inches with the stone above and below. A gamut or plan for each course will be prepared and submitted to the engineer before the stones are laid, and if approved by him, will be user) for the guidance of workmen in laying the stones. This will be quarry faced work. Each stone will have a distinct pitch line all around the face. The bed and build joints will be fine pointed to a fair, true surface, out of wind, nine inches back 2-164 18 Bulletin of the University of Texas from the pitch line. The remainder of the bed and build joints to be pointed, so as not to project beyond the plane of the fair, true surface and not to fall away therefrom more than one and one-half inches. The width of the stretchers on their beds will not be less than their height. No stretcher will be less than 3 feet in length. The headers will not be less than thirty inches on the face nor less than four feet in length. This work will be laid with full mortar joints on the beds. The mortar will be pressed or tampered into the build joints with a proper tool. After the work is laid the mortar will be raked out of all exposed joints to a depth of one and one-fourth inches, and these joints will be pointed with mortar of neat cement pressed in and rubbed hard. "16. In measuring this work, the headers will be accounted four feet long. The width of each stretcher will be considered equal to its height. No stone of less dimensions will be laid. If stones are laid exceeding Ihese dimensions the excess will be paid for as rubble filling. "17. The downstream face of the dam is to be laid with granite of good quality, sound and free from imperfections. It will be laid in regular courses; no course to be less than twelve nor over thirty inches high. Each course shall be composed of headers and stretchers, and at least one-third of the face length of each course shall be headers; the headers and stretchers to be regularly distributed in each course so that the headers shall alternate in position in the adjacent courses, and so that no stone shall break bond less than twelve inches with the stone above and below. The stretchers shall be as wide as high, meas¬ ured on the lower bed, no stretcher to be less than three feet: no header to be less than three feet on the face and four and one- half feet long. On the curved part of the face, except at the toe the bed joints shall be radial. On the vertical and battered p-irt they will be horizontal. Dowels and clamps of wrought iron will be inserted at the toe, as directed by the engineer. "18. The exposed faces of all these stones are to ha distinct pitch lines all around; the face not to project or n. \ ] more than one and one-fourth inches from that line- ult | j and builds to be pointed off to lay a three-fourth inch joint 1' twelve inches back from the pitched line. "19. If this work is laid with fossiliferous marblp +v, the specifi. The Austin Dam If) cations will be the same in every respect as for granite, except that the beds and builds will be dressed to a three-eighth inch joint instead of a three-quartei* inch joint. Bids will be received for either kind of stone. A gamut or plan of each course will be prepared as specified for the upstream face. "20. In measuring this work th^ headers will he taken as four and one-lialf feet long, the stretchers as wide as high, meas¬ ured on the lower bed. No dimensions less than these will be accepted. If stones of -greater dimensions are laid, the excess will be paid for as rubble filling. All of this work is to be laid in cement mortar. RUBBLE MASONRY. "21. Rubble masonry will be laid in the body of the dam. This will be composed of any firm, strong and sufficiently heavy stone. It must not weigh less than 150 pounds per cubic foot. At least two-thirds of it must consist of blocks having a bed of less than four square feet. Smaller stones may be used to fill up the spaces between blocks. All stones must be bedded in mortar and all interstices filled with mortar. Such practice as laying- down stone and pouring gout into the cavities will not be allowed and the inspector will require such work to be torn up and relaid whenever discovered. The rubble work will be well bonded with masonry on the up and down stream faces. The trench along the upstream face of the dam will be filled with fragments of granite ["or fossil if erous marble" erased in specifications], of any form and size, carefully laid in cement mortar. Should distinct veins or streams of water enter this trench, the water will be allowed to rise through earthenware drain-pipes set in the masonry, or through openings left in the masonry, and dis¬ charged above the dam.* "22. The capstones will be of granite of the best and soundest quality, free from all imperfections. They will be three feet in depth, not less than three feet wide, measured length-wise of the dam, and each cap will consist of not more than three sfones. The stones of the adjacent caps will break beyond twenty- four inches. A distinct pitched line "will be cut around the weather face, following the outline of the stone, as shown on *This paragraph is eliminated from specifications. 20 Bulletin of the University of Texas the plan. The weather face will not be more than one inch out as regards this line. The stones will be bedded in mortar, the build joints will be filled up with melted sulphur, oi quality appi'oved by the engineer. Dowels of wrought iron w ill be inserted as indicated on the plan, and also bedded in sulphur; the stones will be fastened together on the top with wrought iron clamps and dowels as directed by the engineer. "23. The price of masonry will include furnishing the stone, cement, and sulphur and all material and labor required for the excavation of the work as herein provided. "24. Before commencing the laying of any masonry the rock on which it is to rest must be swept and washed clean with brooms, and the same must be done when new masonry is joined on to the old. All stones must be washed before being laid in the work. A tank and other appliances satisfactory to the engineer must be provided for this purpose. "25, The cement furnished for this work must be from manufacturers of established reputation, and such as has satis¬ factorily stood the test of time and experience. It will be sub¬ jected to such tests as the engineer may require from time to time, and such as is rejected must be immediately removed from the work. Quick-setting cement will not be used. Cement showing on chemical analysis magnesia or lime in proportion sufficient to injure the work will be rejected. American natural cement will, in general, be expected to exhibit a tensile strength of fiity pounds per square inch at the end of thirty days, when mixed with twice its bulk of sand. Portland cement will be expected to show a strength of 150 pounds per square inch at the end of thirty days when mixed with three times its volume of sand. Cement shall be stored in sheds sufficiently water tight to exclude rain, with floors raised at least twelve inches above the ground, and permitting a free circulation of air To give opportunity for tests the contractor shall have no less than sixty days' supply of cement on hand at all times rOnlv Portland cement was used.] mortar, "26. The mortar is to be prepared from cement of the above described and clean sharp sand, free from loam 1 1 ^ 0r other The Austin Dam 21 impurities, in the proportion of one part cement to two parts sancl, by measure. If made bv hand it is to be mixed dry, and a sufficient quantity of water afterwards added to produce a paste of proper consistency, and thoroughly worked with hoes or other suitable tools. If required the contractor shall provide a mortar mill or such form as the engineer may prescribe, to be worked by steam or horsepower. The mixing of the mortar will he under the constant supervision of an inspector. Sand offered for Ihe work shall be washed and screened, if the engineer shall so direct, in such manner as he shall prescribe. "40. And the said contractor hereby agrees to receive the following prices as compensation for furnishing all materials and for labor in executing all work contemplated in this eon- tract, and for all risks of loss incident to the nature of the work, to floods and freshets on the river, or to other action of the elements, to strikes and combinations of workmen, to changes in market values during the progress of the work, and to all other causes. "(a) For bailing and draining, including the construction and maintenance of all necessary cofferdams, the furnishing, setting, and operating of steam engines, boilers, and pumps, and all labor and material required for the removal and exclusion of water from the work during its entire progress, as specified, the sum of $8000. "(b) For all earthwork excavation above the low water level of the river, including the disposal of the same in spoil banks or in cofferdams, and all clearing and grubbing, the sum of 14 cents per cubic yard. "(c) For all earth excavation below the low water level of the river including the disposal of the same, the sum of 50 cents per cubic yard. " (d) For rock excavation on the side of the dam, including the disposal of the rock in spoil banks, riprap, or otherwise, as may be required, the sum of .$1.60 per cubic yard. "(e) For rock excavation from the eaual and site of gate house, including the disposal of rock, the sum of 80 cents per cubic yard. "(f) For the masonry of the upstream face of the dam, of granite cut. and laid as specified, the sum of $11.00 per cubic yard. Bulletin of the University of Texas "(g) For the masonry of the downstream face of the dam of granite the sum of $11.25 per cubic yard. "(h) For rubble masonry laid with stone paid for as excavation, $2.50 per cubic yard. " (i) For rubble masonry laid with stone not paid for as excavation, the sum of $3.50 per cubic yard. "(j) For rubble masonry laid with granite in trenches, the sum of $6.00 per cubic yard. " (k) For the granite capstones dressed and laid as per speci¬ fications, the sum of $15.00 per cubic yard. "(1) For drilling bolt holes for wrought iron clamps and dowels, the sum of 24 cents per linear foot of hole drilled. " (m) For furnishing and inserting wrought iron clamps and dowels as required by specifications, the sum of 10 cents per pound. "(n) For laying masonry of any kind in Portland cement mortar in excess of the price received for the same work laid in mortar of American natural cement, the sum of 50 cents per cubic yard. [There were more than 90,000 yards in excess.! "41. And it is further agreed that the engineer shall make approximate monthly estimates of the work done, and the materials delivered, and the payments shall be made of 85 per cent only of the amount of such monthly estimates. "42. And the said contractor hereby further agrees that the said board be and is hereby authorized to deduct and retain out of any money due the contractor the sum of $500 per day as liqui¬ dation damages for each and every day the aforesaid work shall remain uncompleted beyond the time herein stipulated for its completion; provided, however, that the board shall have the right to extend the said time, should it decide to do so. 43. And it is further agreed the sum agreed on as compen¬ sation for bailing and draining, three-fourths shall be considered as earned when the entire masonry is raised to a height of three feet above the low water level of the river, and the remain¬ der when the dam is fully completed according to the terms of this this contract, and that these sums shall be subject to the above-mentioned deduction of tifteen per cent, "43a. The power of the Board of Public Works nr.,1 the engineer acting under them as now constituted 0ni , i to executing the contract as it is made bv the city : and n ' X S ■ - tina all changes. The Austin Darn 23 f the contract and final approval of the work done shall be by tie city council upon the recommendation of the Board of 'ublic Works, or by the proper city authorities that may be rovided by law from time to time as the work progresses. "43b. This contract is conditioned upon a railroad being (instructed by the city or some persons other than the contractor rom the depots in the city of Austin to the site of the proposed am, and the said city guarantees to the said contractor the se of the said railroad track free of charge for hauling all laterial for the construction of the dam. It is understood that 11 time which may be lost by the contractor by reason of the on-completion of said railroad shall be credited by said con¬ tractor on the time stipulated for the completion of the dam.'" The cross section originally adopted is shown in Fig. 2, left alf. The contractor commenced the work of excavating the lluvial soil on the east bank on November 5, 1890, and the rst stone was laid in the foundation of the dam May 5, 1891. xactly one year after the election authorizing the issue of the onds. The east half of the dam was built to a safe height bove ordinary freshets, and then the work was pushed from the est end. The foundation work at the east end was protected y a natural dirt coffer dam and at the west end by a wing wall f broken limestone for body and hay and dirt as tillers. This efiected water toward the west end of the eastern portion, and :ie western section of the dam was thus built out to within short distance of the eastern portion. The gap was closed y first constructing a small dam in front of it. thus forcing the ater through a gap in the eastern portion only a few feet igher than the foundation courses. In this way the water as played from one gap to the other at the pleasure of the infractor. The gaps left in the dam while the work of construe - 011 was proceeding were filled alternately. When the mrses reached a sufficient height, a framework dam was made > check the flow through the gaps. In September, 1892, three nice pipes, each three feet in diameter, were built into the dam : a level forty-three and one-lialf feet below the crest, so that lere could be no basis for complaint of stopping the flow of ie river, and incidentally, to assist the contractor in control 1- ig the water. At a later stage of the construction one of lese pipes, half open, and under a head of 36.5 feet, passed the Bulletin of Ike University of Texas whole flow of the river. The dam cost over $110,000 more than Oorrigan's original bid. The causes of this increase were: 1. Increased excavation at east end of dam. . . . $8,914.60 2. Extra masonry 56,793.32 3. Extra limestone masonry 21,839.80 4. Extra allowance for Portland cement 44,180.25 5. Change in shape of crest. . 2,337.45 6. Allowance for pumping, excavating without explosives and cement 3,385.49 Total 137,450.91 Overestimate 27,255,62 Total extra cost 110,195.29 Original bid ;)01,150.00 Total cost of dam 611,345.29 The plans recommended by Mr. Frizell contemplated a canal several hundred feet long and a power house south of the site subsequently selected, located upon the alluvial soil below the dam. In -January, 1892, it became manifest that some members of the Board of Public Works did not approve the plans sub¬ mitted by Mr. Frizell in so far as they related to the canal. They advocated the abolition of the canal, and suggested that the water be taken directly I rom the lake by the penstocks, and that the power house be located near the east end of the dam. At this junc¬ ture the board requested Mr. E. C. Geyelin, of Philadelphia, to visit Austin and report upon the questions at issue. In his report dated February 17, 1892, Mr. Geyelin recommended, among other things, that the power house be located upon a rock foun¬ dation at least one hundred feet from the dam, and that the water be conveyed from the lake by a series of large pipes The power house was afterwards located at an average distance of 130 feet from the dam. Mr. Frizell took issue"with these recommendations, and the board then decided to ask 11 i • ' „f Mr. J. T. Fanning, of Minneapolis. After spending „ weeks in Austin investigating the problems. Mr F- ° • June 24, 1892, submitted his report to the'bonwi an°lng» 011 other things said: d' and amo"g "This dam is being constructed of solid mason faced on each side with large blocks of excellent . *S for its great length alone or its great area of flowas? ° ^0t ls the The Austin Dam 25 clam remarkable, for in France we observe three longer masonry dams—at Bouzey, Chazilla, and Gros Bois, 1545. 1759, and 1805 feet long respectively—and in Wales the Vyrnwy dam, 1,350 feet long, the latter beinc for the storage reservoir of the Liver¬ pool water supply. "Not in the height alone, for in France there are three dams, in Spain two. in Belgium one, and in the State of California one masonry dam exceeding 150 feet in height. There are fourteen other notable masonry dams having heights exceeding one hundred feet. But none of these dams are upon great rivers, and very few of them have any water pass over their crest. On the other hand, the Austin dam is in the channel of the Colo¬ rado River, where it has 40,000 square miles of watershed, and will have floods of 200,000 to 250,000 cubic feet of water per second to pass from its crest to its toe. Your citizens will appre¬ ciate your responsibility when they learn that no dam in existence has to pass a volume of water, in flood, even approxi¬ mating this, through so great a height. Limestone and sand¬ stone yield rapidly to the eroding force of falling waters. The evidences of this are abundant in the canyon of the Niagara River below Niagara Falls, in the canyon of the Genesee River below the Genesee Falls, the Mississippi River below St. Anthony Falls, and here of the Colorado River across Travis County, as well as in the channels of numerous streams thai flow down each of the Rocky Mountain slopes. Such evidences admonish us that this great flood must not be permitted to have a sheer fall through so great a height and act with a destructive force such as heretofore created canyons, but it must be made to glide down the slope of. the dam and not be permitted to exert the force due to its velocity except at such distance below the dam that the foundations will not be endangered. "The profile (fig. 2, left half) as shown to me seems not to fulfill the required conditions for passing the floods, because of the slightly rounded or nearly angular form at the front of its crest. Another diagram (fig. 2, right half) presented shows an advised modification of the profile of the upper part of the dam, which is better adapted to pass the flood in a gliding sheet down the face of the dam and to deliver it to the lower level without a direct blow, and so that its velocity will be 26 Bulletin of the University of Texas Cross-Sections of Dam; Left Side as Proposed by Frizell; Right Side as Constructed by Fanning". expended chiefly in a horizontal direction in the back water below the dam and in eddies at a safer distance below the toe of the dam. The lower part of the downstream face of the dam has a curve of 31 feet radius to which low-water surface is tangent. The central part of this face haS a batter of four and one-half inches to the foot. "The new profile at the top part, as suggested, completes the downstream face and crest of the dam with a curve of twenty feet radius, to which both the front batter and the surface of the pond at a level of the crest are both tangent, this curve ending on the crest at five feet from the upper angle of the crest. The upper angle of the crest is then rounded off with a smaller curve, and the entire front of the dam becomes a reverse curve of ogee form, the form of dam best of all adapted to pass a large volume of water through so great a height. The top curve conforms nearly to the theoretical form of a medium flood stream. At the higher flood stages there will be tendencv to vacuum under the curve stream immediately after it has passed the crest, which, together with the pressure of the atmos phere upon the top of the stream, will keep the flood stream in full contact with the curved face of the dam, and can so ' ^duse even the highest flood to glide clown the fall without shock upon th( f of the dam or the soft rock foundation." In addition to this. Mr. Fanning recommended that tv, 16 power The Austin Dam 27 house be located in the position shown in Fig. 4, and that the river side of the power house rest on a granite revetment wall 250 feet in length, 1o protect it from the force of the water. The Board of Public Works finally determined to change the cross section of the dam to that shown in Fig. 2, right half, to locate the power house near the east end of the dam, and to take the water from the lake through nine foot penstocks. The head-gate masonry before May, 1898, is shown in Plates II, A, which also illustrates the positions of the wrought-iron pen¬ stocks. The best modern appliances were used in the construction of the dam. The granite material for the facing was obtained from Granite Mountain, near Marble Falls, being hauled from the quarry to the dam over the Austin and Northwestern Rail¬ way, a distance of seventy miles, and delivered at the east end FIGURE 3 Saddle Used in Construction of Austin Bam. Bulletin of the University of Texas of the dam. The granite blocks were of average dimensions and weighed four tons each. The four classes of material used i. e.. Ihe limestone rubble, the cement, the sand, and the granite were transferred from the end of the dam to their place by a cable two and one-half inches in diameter, stretched between two towers- one on the east and the other on the west of the bluff—1350 feet apart. The cable was anchored to "dead men" at the ends, weighted down by stone. The saddle shown in Fig. 3 was especially designed for this work, and ran on the main cable. The wire ropes were known as the "hauling rope, the "hoisting rope,' and the "button rope." The hauling rope was attached to the lower part of the frame work of the saddle, passed over pulleys at both towers, and wound around a drum under the east tower. The endless hauling rope was operated by an engine to which its drum was attached. It was completely under the control of the operator, and could be stopped in any position along its course. After being checked in the position desired, the drum operating the hoisting rope was brought into motion, and the load was lowered to the dam. The granite blocks and the larger limestone rubble stones were handled by immense tong-like grips. The cement and sand were loaded into cages, transported to the place of construc¬ tion, and there dumped on the dam. The cement mortar was made at the place where it was to be used, and the blocks of masonry were placed by crane derricks. A wire rope one-half inch in diameter was used in connection with the cable and saddle to prevent excessive vibration of the operating ropes. On this rope were buttons which increased in size from the tower to the west. The hoisting rope was sup¬ ported at different points by carriers which rested, when the saddle was stationery, on the main cable. This carrier consisted essentially of two parallel bars, between which and near the lower end a small pulley was supported to carry the hoisting rope. A series of slots were arranged in the upper part 0f the carrier through which some of the buttons could pass When near the east tower the saddle supported all the carriers except the last, which it took off the horn; the second button passed through all of the remaining slots except that in the second car¬ rier. which it pulled off the horn; and so on. The carriers were B. Methods Used to Stop Leak. Th< Austin Dam thus stripped oft' the horn by the buttons and rested on the main cable, affording a groove or support for the hoisting rope and reducing ils vibration. LEAK UNDER HEAD GATE On May 30, 1893, the water from the lake cut under the east bulkhead and undermined the proposed foundation of the power house. It entered a seam in the limestone slightly *."-09--1 N FIGURE 4 Plan of Power House and Penstocks. Fig. 4.—Section and sketch plan of bulkhead, showing location of power house and penstocks. HK is bottom layer of concrete filling rest¬ ing on hard limestone strata; HM is line of crack; RS is the original level of the bulkhead masonry; RSTU is tunnel (6 feet by 6 feet by 60 feet long) filled with concrete; A is point where drift indicated leak in the spring of 1899; HB is location of leak discovered in the fall of 1S99: P is point from which view shown in PI. Ill, B, was taken; FG is wing wall; C is ten-inch horizontal pipe projecting from wall of power house, known as "the spring;" D is cement chamber of controllng water and directing through C; 1 to 7 are penstocks; E is the point at which the leak in penstock was found in February, 1900. J>ull(li)i of the rnivcrsitij of Texas above the point, indicated at K in Fig. 4, about ninety feet from the dam. From his point the course of the water was at an an^le of about thirty degrees to the axis of the river to the left (looking down stream), and it also took a downward course and passed about twenty-five feet under the foundation of the head-gate masonry. The water issued from the west wall of the proposed power-house foundation and soon wrecked it. The general course of the water was from a point near the east end of the head-gate masonary, diagonally across the foundation to the point of exit. A coffer dam about 12.") feet long was constructed of frame¬ work, with dirt and hay as fillers, from a point on the shore above the entrance to the crevice to a point near the end of the dam. This effectually cut off the water from the proposed forebay, and the work of repair commenced. As originallv designed, the head-gate masonry contemplated nine large pipes, but only seven were put in. The head-gate masonry cracked about forty feet from the end of the dam, along the line IIM in Fig. 4. and settled. The earth east of the east end of the head-gate settled for a distance of tweny-five feet. Plans were immediately adopted for raising and strengthening the coffer dam so as to provide against floods, for rebuilding the head gate, and for the construction of a power-house foundation. The broken part of the head- gate masonry was removed (leaving only that over penstocks 1 and 2), and an excavation nearly two hundred feet long and seventy feet deep, with an average width of seven feet, was made. 1 his trench reached 1o a level of .>/ ieet below the crest of the dam, or within three feet of the level of the toe. The head-gate masonry was rebuilt, provision being made for only nine-foot penstocks, the rest of the excavation being filled by a concrete wall 112 feet long, which was eight feet thick for the ninety feet next to the head-gate and only five feet thick for the rest oi the distance. In excavating tor this extension wall, alternate layeis of hard and soft limestone were encountered, as shown in 1 1. II B. 1 he bottom layer of the concrete filling (IlK, Fig. 4) was laid on one of these hard strata, but it was fully demonstrated that a current of water was running uiuler- B. Flood of June 7, 1899. Lake Level 9.25 Feet Above Crest of Bam. The Austin Dam 31 neath. Several holes were drilled, through which the water welled up in jets several inches high. However, it was thought safe to plug these holes and to ignore the stream below. The bulkhead masonry originally extended to the level BS, Fig. 4, thirty-six feet below the top of the dam; but as an extra pre¬ caution a tunnel (RSTU) six feet square and sixty feet long was cut under the bulkhead masonry back to the end of the dam proper and the space was filled with concrete. The space below the forty-two-foot level under the tunnel was not dis¬ turbed. The foundation for the power house was then excavated to a depth of more than eighty feet below the crest of the dam. The original contractors, after a dispute in regard to the excess of water flooding their work, surrendered their contract. The new contractors succeeded in controlling this water by the use of a cement chamber at 1). Fig. 4, and a ten-inch horizontal pipe, which projects from the wall of the power house at the point C, about fifty-four feet below the crest of the dam. This is often referred to as the "spring." A view of it is shown in PI. Ill, A, where it is being discharged through a ten-inch pipe in the third course of granite above the toe of the dam. Measurements taken in October, 1895, showed a range on the horizontal sur¬ face of water in the tail-race of 5.1 feet and a fall of 5.8 feet, giving a discharge of 4.6 feet per second. A 3,000,000-gallon pump entirely exhausted this "spring." In May, 1893, the flow from the so-called "spring" suddenly increased. An average of several measurements" gave a range of 11 feet and a fall of 5.8 feet, and therefore a discharge of about ten second-feet. Measurements recently taken give a range of 8.8 feet and a fall of 5.8 feet, and therefore a discharge of eight second-feet. In the spring of 1899 it was discovered, from the behavior of di'ift, that water was disappearing from the lake at point A, Fig. 4. This source of leakage was stopped by filling the lake at that point with clay, loose and in bags. While the filling in was going on the discharge of water from the ten-inch pipe almost ceased for a few hours, but soon reached its normal amount. The filling kept the water discolored and muddy. In the fall of 1899 it was noticed that water was disappearing at point B, Fig. 4. only a few feet from the shore. A coffer Bulletin of the University of Texas dam of sheet piling was constructed around this point and it was filled with hay and earth. A view, taken from point P, Fig. 4, of the two leaks and of the method of filling by clay and sheet piling, is shown in PI. Ill, B. The clay filling is the pile of dirt adjoining the upstream face of the dam. Tn the latter part of December, 1899, the earth in front of and between the power house and bulkhead, and at point E, Fig. 4, began to sink and to continue to sink until it was deter¬ mined to remove the earth covering the nine-foot penstocks under the sunken areas, in order to discover the cause. The removal of the earth showed that penstock No. 3 (Fig. 4) was buckled, and that at one place it had sunk about twenty inches. A bold stream of water—at least one second-foot in amount and sixteen feet below the top of the dam—was found when the earth was taken out between the power house and penstock No. 3 and between penstocks Nos. 3 and 4. The stream of water was partly deflected around the north end of the power house and under penstocks Nos. 1 and 2. The water did not rise in the excavation, and it was discharged through some two-inch pipes at F, Fig. 4, fourteen feet below the crest of the dam, through two or three other small pipes, and by absorption through the wing wall FC and through the east wall of the power house. Penstock No. 5 was also found buckled at a point about thirty-five feet from the bulkhead. The water which caused the settling came from a broken two-inch pipe tapped into the bottom of penstock No. 5. The break was at an elbow just below the penstock, at a point about sixteen feet below the crest of the dam and forty feet from the south side of the bulk¬ head masonry. ECONOMIC ASPECT. I he population and taxable wealth of the city at various times is shown in the following table: Th< Austin Dam 83 POPULATION AND TAXABLE WEALTH OP AUSTIN, TEXAS. Year. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 190(1 1907. 1908. 1909. Assessed Value of Real Estate. Assessed Value of Personal Property. Total Assessed Value. $ 9,990,643 8,935,552 10,514,188 10,773,723 10,881,930 11,025,368 11,384,734 12,085,507 11,532,716 10,844,471 12,377,292 8,831,837 9,030,106 8,847,569 9,135,994 9,650,457 9,831,147 10,627,554 12,460,896 13,690,326 17,369,037 Before the issuance of ttie .-M ,400,000 of water and light bonds in 1890. the bonded in¬ debtedness was as follows: Six per cent bonds due in 1901 12.5(H) Six per cent bonds due in 1905 --- 40,000 Six per cent bonds due in 1925: --- -- --- - - 72,500 Total __*125,000 On May 5, 1890, the city authorized the issuance of $1,400,000 water and light bonds at five per cent. The first $400,000 were sold on October 15, 1890, to a syndicate of local capitalists at par and accrued interest. In April, 1892, the Union Trust Company bought $500,000 of the bonds at 95 cents on the dollar, and in 1893 Bernard Oorrigan bought $62,000 of them at 95. Later, in 1893, $388,000 were sold at 92 and $50,000 at par. TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM BONDS. 450 bonds, at par 562 bonds, at 388 bonds, at 92 356,960 Total $1,340,860 The break in the head-gate masonry and the destruction of the first foundation of the power house caused an outlay of $97,000 above all expectations, and it was apparent that another issue of bonds would be necessary to complete the enterprise as originally contemplated. 3-16! Bulletin of the University of Texas The $200,000 of bonds issued in 1895 were utilized in paying the $56,000 indebtedness left by the Board of Public Works, and in completing the water and light system, with the exception of the reservoir. The reservoir was never built. After a site had been practically chosen it became evident that it would be necessary to filter the water of the lake, and upon the advice of Mr. Allen Hazen of New York, the sanitary engineer called m for consultation, it was determined to construct the filtering galleries in the sand flats about two miles below> the dam, and to transfer the new pumps to a new house to be erected near the filters. These galleries, three in number, were in successful operation when the dam broke. The lower station was equipped with a 6,000,000-gallon pump and a 300-kilowatt synchronous motor, which cost $29,380. The filtering galleries and connec¬ tions cost, in round numbers, $21,000. On January 1, 1910, the bonded debt of the city of Austin was: Dam bonds -- - ---- - — $1,359,500 High School Bonds - --- 45,000 1884 Bonds 52,500 1895 Refunding Bonds _ -- -- - - - -- 72,500 Total - $1,529,500 No better idea can be given of the operation of the plant than to append a report for the twelve months endinir November 30, 1899: KARXIXfrS. Water - - - $40,309 39 Light 30,192 61 Power 17,777 14 Miscellaneous ___ ___ 1,203 86 Total - - -_ - $84,546 00 Collected in Cash $67,298 12 Due by City 12,745 19 (xarnisheed Accounts 2,836 70 Due on Bills, etc. __ _ ...... _ 1,665 99 Total _ $84,546 00 For the purpose of comparison, the receipts and expenditures for the last three years of the life of the dam are here tabulated: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF POWER PLANT AT AUSTIN, TEXAS. | " | I I Operating Total \ear Ending. Receipts. Expenses. Extensions. Disbursements i_ Nov. 30, 1897 $82,059 $36,709 $57 821 $94 530 Nov. 30, 1898 1 93,651 36,239 38 7H , 74'or,3 Nov. 30, 1899 I 82,927 . 39,742 34 719 74'i",4 The Austin Dam 35 Under the direction of the Board of Public Works the follow¬ ing expenditures were made in constructing- dam. water and light systems: DISBURSEMENTS. Engineering expenses __ _ if 58,402 37 Dam (ill,313 39 Electric light dynamos 7,700 55 Electric power generators -- 6,708 5(1 Belting 43 81 Penstocks, head-gate castings, etc. 47,792 19 Power house 45,917 1)8 Draft-tube excavations --- 2,314 OS Pump foundations 058 60 Bonds 1,237 50 Head gates 2,122 00 Sluice pipes 2,420 1?- Repairs on account of break 90,941 23 Wheels, pumps, etc 43,418 01 Cuntersliafting, pulley, etc 1,200 85 Water distribution system 158,081 04 Electrical distribution system 115,678 20 Railroad 87,431 90 Office expenses 10,170 03 Submerged lands 27,732 15 Head-gate masonries 46,934 17 Power-house foundations 11,527 00 Miscellaneous - 5,375 74 Total $1,391,129 64 The Board of Public Works was discontinued on the comple¬ tion of the dam in 1893, and the city council then assumed con¬ trol and managed the plant until the Water and Light Commis¬ sion was created by charter in 1897. At the time the Board of Public WTorks was abolished there was due and unpaid on con¬ tracts the sum of $55,896.87. The Water and Light Commission had exclusive supervision, management, and control of the waterworks system, the electric lights, the power plant, and all property, funds, and business belonging or pertaining thereto. 1909 ANNUAL REPORT. WATER, LIGHT, POWER, A. CONSUMERS. Tear. Water. | .Light. Arc-lamps. 3 Phase Motors. January 1, 1909 3,920 1,766 193 566.75 h. p. January 1, 1910 4,159 2,074 225 593.75 Increase 239 308 32 27.00 36 Bulletin of the University of Texas B. EARNINGS. Year. Water. Light. Power. Miscellaneous. Total. Due Jan. 1, 1909 Earnings 1909 $ 63,716 31 122,152 98 $ 87,408 90 99,568 23 $ 2,337 29 11,096 61 $ 149,79 5,008 27 $ 153,612 29 237,825 40 Totals $ 185,869 29 $ 186,977 13 $ 13,433 90 $ 5,158 06 $ 391,437 69 $ 2,245 11 183,624 18 159,190 28 24,433 90 $ 444 27 186,532 86 161,572 14 24,960 72 $ 118 51 13,315 39 13,196 88 118 51 $ 2,807 89 388,629 80 339,116 67 49,513 13 Net Earnings- - - Collections Due Dec. 31 5,158 06 5,158 06 0.00 C. SE1 'T I.EMENT WITH CITY. April 1, 1909 iDue City Account Old Company $ 295,869 00 April 1, 1909 Due by City 137,536 41 April 1, 1909 Net Balance due City $ 158,332 59 D. COLLECTIONS. Total Collections $339,117 36 On City Account 137,536 41 Actual Cash Collections $201,580 95 E. ACCOUNTS PAYABLK. Due City on Old Company Account $158,332 59 Due for Coal, Material, etc — 3,406 03 Total due $161,738 62 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES. BETTERMENTS AND EXPENSES—OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE. Items. Water. Electric. Total. Plant betterments Plant operation- - _ _ _ _ Plant maintenance - _ - . Lint extension -- „ _ Line operation „ - - __ __ . _ Line maintenance - _ __ $ 19,932 66 14,858 1 9 5,274 63 11,056 88 6,657 73 21,021 45 $ 6,120 98,$ 26,053 64 28,027 21 42,885 40 6,162 90, 11,437 58 8,271 71 19,328 59 11,536 94: 18,194 67 9,425 32 30,446 77 $ 78,801 59 $ 69,545 06 $ 148,346 65 PLANT BETTERMENTS. Water. Electric. Temporary labor $ 1,226 85 $ 652 46|$ Machinery and equipment , 434 55 6,238 721 Eixed salaries 640 00 '221 35 Incidentals \ 187 66 8 45 Building and grounds 17,443 60 Totals 1$ 19,932 66 $ 6,120 96 $ 1,879 31 5,673 27 861 33 196 11 17,443 60 26,053 62 Tht Austin Dam PLANT OPERATION. 37 Items. Water. Electric. Total. Fixed salaries s 0,079 30$ 11,307 41$ 17,446 71 Temporary labor __ ___ 1 507 27 597 79 1,105 00 Fuel 7,018 40 15,180 24 22,804 04 Oil and waste 383 2S 591 83 975 11 Incidentals _ __ 209 94 212 04 481 98 Globes _ ... 18 32 18 32 Lamps 37 8G 37 80 Carbons _ ___ 15 72 15 72 Totals ^ 14,858 1 9 $ 28,027 211$ 42,885 40 P1 - ANT MA I NT K NANCE. Electric. Total. Machinery and equipment.. .. $ 498 03 $ 191 30$ 089 99 Fixed salaries 724 10 2,802 90 3,587 00 Temporary labor 2.911 70 2,705 37 5,077 13 Insurance 111 55 111 55 223 10 Other material 529 80 3 83 533 09 Incidentals 41)8 72 227 89 720 01 Totals $ 5,274 08$ 0,102 90$ 11,437 58 LINE EXTENSION. Electric. Total. 1,040 0l!$ 105 51 220 10 0,903 95 __ 113 98 .. 239 04 .. 739 52 .. 409 711$ 3 80 808 95 18 70 1,820 25 1 ,207 73 2,013 15 209 33 2,049 72 109 37 1,035 05 0,903 95 113 98 239 04 739 52 18 70 1,820 25 1,207 73 2,013 15 209 33 10,028 11 $ 1 ,028 77 7,211 08! 1.060 03 17,239 79 2,088 80 Temporary labor Meters and fixtures Incidentals Pipe Hydrants Other material Lamps Poles Wire Transformers, etc Cross arms-pins ... Totals Fixed salaries . LINK OPERATIONS. Fixed salaries $ 4,870 28$ Temporary labor --- 1,014 09 Incidentals l^ 77 Pipe - 94 42 _ Printing, stationery, etc 492 57 Globes 1 Carbons Totals ... $ 0,057 73S Total. 0,808 28 $ 11,738 56 1 ,789 17 2,833 80 235 17 390 94 94 42 1,045 44 1,538 01 267 77 207 77 1,093 23 1,093 23 237 88( 237 88 11,530 94U 18,194 07 ;58 Bulletin of the University of Texas I.INE MAINTENANCE. Items. Fixed salaries Temporary labor Other material Incidentals Pipe Fire hydrants Valves Meters, fixtures, etc Damages and costs Poles Wire Transformers and fixtures- Cross arms, pins, etc Totals Water. 1,742 53 S 8,899 22 1,028 72 . •137 35 6,596 67 . 103 53 . 453 49. 620 24 539 70 21,021 45$ Electric. 2,650 02 $ 1,777 24 44 84 95 44 2,368 03 437 68 1,410 98 186 67 9,425 32 $ Total. 4,392 3b 10,676 46 1,628 72 891 77 6,596 67 103 53 453 49 665 08 635 14 2,368 03 437 68 1,410 98 186 67 30,446 77 SILTING ON LAKE MCDONALD. In 1890 cross sections of Colorado River were taken at sixteen stations, as shown in the tabular statement on page 40, Fig. 6. The complete outline of the diagrams in Fig. 6 represents the original cross section, the horizontal line being the water surface even wdth the crest of the dam and the shaded area showing the Fig-. 5. Map of Lake McDonald, Showing1 Locati on of Sections Where Measurements for Silt Were Taken. The Austin Dam 39 Fig. 6.—Cross section of Lake McDonald, illustrating accumulation of sediment between 1S93 and 1S97 (illustrated by the lower shaded area). The number above each section indicates its length, in feet. 40 1 inUciin of 1h< University of Texas amount of silt that had been deposited up to February, 1900. All vertical dimensions are exaggerated three times over the horizontal dimensions. Cross sections were again taken for the United States (Jeological Survey in May, 1897. also in January. 1900. The silt deposited from 1893 to 1897 is represented by the lower shaded area, and that deposited from 1897 to 1900 by the upper shaded area. The water tirst flowed over the crest of the dam on May 16, 1893, at which time there were 83,556,000 cubic yards of water in the1 main channel of the lake up to the level of the crest of the dam; in 1897 there were only 51,889,000 cubic yards of water in the channel, the remaining 31,667,000 cubic yards (or 38 per cent of the original capacity) being silt. Estimated in depths on a square-mile base we have, in 1893, a volume of water equal to a depth of 80.9 feet, and in 1897, four years later, we have a volume of water equal to a depth of 50 feet and silt to a depth of 30.9 feet, showing the average amount of silt de¬ posited annually to be 7.7 feet, on a square-mile base. The following table shows the maximum and mean depths of water for 1893 and 1900, the maximum and mean depths of silt for 1900, and the percentage of silting up at the respective stations: TABIjE SHOWING SILTING UP OP LAKE M 'DONALD. Station. Maximum depth of water. Maxi¬ mum ■ depth of silt. Mean depth of water. Mean depth of silt, 1900. Amount of silting up to Feb. ,1900 1893 1900 1893 1900 Miles "Poet Feet I^eet Feet Feet Feet Per cent 0.0 66.0 39.0 27.0 40.1 27.5 12.0 31.2 0.2 67.0 38.0 27.7 37.(i 26.5 11.1 32.2 1.2 63.8 35.5 28.3 .39.6 21.7 S.9 30.0 3.0 56.0 31.5 24.5 .33.4 21.5 11.9 38 8 4.0 47.0 31.5 19.0 38.0 23.5 14.5 37.9 5.6 . 47.5 27.5 23.0 36.7 23.0 13.7 42.0 7.0 47.0 22.0 26.0 36.3 17.4 18.9 56.3 7.75 44.8 20.5 25.0 30.7 15.4 15.3 56.3 <>.25 40.4 13.4 29.0 30.8 10.2 20.6 66.9 10.4 _ 40.9 13.5 27.4 27.2 7.9 19.3 71.8 13.7 29.4 9.8 26.0 29.3 5.5 14.8 78.9 14.6 __ 24.0 12.5 16.0 17.2 9.0 8.2 50.4 15.9 16.6 12.0 15.0 13.2 10.0 3.2 60.0 17.4 13.3 9.5 7.0 11 .2 8.8 2.4 30.0 IS.9 7.6 5.0 2.6 5.6 3.9 1.7 33.0 20.0 3.7 2.2 1 .5 2.8 2.0 1.8 35.0 The maximum depth of silt is not always equal to the differ¬ ence between the maximum depth of water for 1893 and 1900 B. View of Dam Two Hours After Failure. The Austin Dam 41 as the channel shifted at several points. This is very noticeable at station 13.7, known as Santa Monica (or Sulphur) Spring station. The last column ("Amount of silting up." etc.) gives the ratio that the present cross section of silt bears to the original cross section of water. Thus at Santa Monica Springs (station 13.7) 78.9 per cent of the original cross section has filled with silt. cumulation of sediment. In February, 1900, there were 43,460,000 cubic yards of water in the main channel of the lake beneath the level of the top of the dam (equivalent to 42.1 feet on a square-mile base) and 38.8 feet of silt. Thus 48 per cent of the original storage ca¬ pacity of the lake was at that time mud. ITp to that date the average rate of deposit, on a square-mile base, was 5.8 feet per year. In 1897 this silt, to within two miles of the head of the lake, was a fine, impalpable, absolutely gritless deposit, .and where newly exposed would not bear an appreciable weight on its sur¬ face. The writer has often tried its resistance all along the lake, and an oar could be driven into it several feet.with moderate pressure. Shovelfuls of it placed upon boards in a heaped-up mass would immediately settle and spread so that the upper surface was almost horizontal. A barrel of it, when first taken up at Santa Monica Spring, soon spread out in a flat sheet. At the head and for about two miles down the lake silt consisted of a sand which readily deposited when the velocity of the stream was checked by the waters of the lake. At occasional points below the head of the lake small bars of sand were found near the mouths of small canyons or creeks. 42 Bulletin of the University of Texas From March 15 to April, 1899, the water level of the lake was a little more than ten feet below the crest of the dam. The water again commenced flowing over the crest of the dam on April 21, and continued to flow over, at small depths, until June 7, when the river rose to a height of 9.8 feet above the crest of the dam. This flood continued until June 12, and its effect on the cross section near the head .of the lake was marked. The section at stations 14.6, 15.9, 17.4 and 18.9 were scoured out two to three feet deeper than the sections of 1897, and at station 15.9, a sand bar was deposited on the inside (left) of the curve of the river, contracting the channel to less than half its former width. The typical section illustrating the ratio of silt and water areas for the whole lake is about midway between stations 5.6 and 7.0. i. e., about one-fourth of a mile below the Chautauqua wharf. Fig. 7 illustrates this section, the vertical scale being magnified ten times. Fig. 5 shows the configuration and geography of the lake formed by the dam. The river, as shown by Fig. 1, for two hundred or three hundred miles, flows through a hilly country, from above Colorado City, on the Texas and Pacific Railroad, and in its course absorbs the water of the Concho, the San Saba, the Llano, and the Pecan Bayou. All of the country drained by these tributaries is hilly, with the exception of a few miles along the head of the Colorado and the Concho. When the break occurred the silt in the immediate vicinity of the dam would have flowed out had there been no water. Just above the part of the dam that gave way was a plateau whose surface was on an average about eighteen feet below the crest of the dam. At the time of the break the lake level was eleven feet above the crest of the dam, making the depth of water on the plateau twenty-nine feet. The torrent poured over this plateau with immense velocity, as shown in PI. VI, A and B. The silt on the plateau was cut away with such swiftness that in three hours it was swept almost clean. In the main channel the upper surface of the silt was thirty- eight feet below the crest of the dam, giving, at the time of the break, a depth of water in the main channel of 49 feet After the water level dropped below the plateau the current was con¬ fined to a narrow gorge. A week after the failure the silt alon^ The Austin Darn the shores of the former lake was cut into fantastic shapes by the currents of the river and those of many mountain gorges. The silt in contact with the dam undoubtedly increased the pressure against it, but that portion of the dam across the main channel where the silt was twenty-one feet deep and where the pressure was greatest was on a good hard rock foundation and successfully resisted it. There was practically no waterlogged drift in this silt; the sounding indicated mud bottom. The silt deposit kept the river at Austin muddy for months after the failure. For purpose of comparison, the silting up of reservoirs is best reduced the heights and depths on a square-mile base. To derive an expression for the amount of silt deposited in a given time, let x equal depth, in feet of silt deposited in a year by each foot of water in the reservoir. The depths of water are at end of one, two, three, etc., in years: First year, h-hx=h-h(l-x) ; Second year, h(l-x)-h (1-x) x=li (1-x)2; Third year, h (1-x) 2 -h (1-x) 2x=h (1-x)3; Fourth year, h(l-x)3 -h(l-x)3 x=h(l-x)4. Hence, if we let d=depth of water in n years, we have d=h (l-x)u. In 1897 h=81, d=50, n=4; x=0.1135. In 1900 we have d=0.52h, n=62/*, (l-x)2%=0.42; x=0.09343. For safety let us assume the least value of x; the following table gives the results for each year on that assumption: TABLES SHOWING SILTING UP OJF RESERVOIRS. Years. Amount of Years. Amount of Water, d -h. !l Water, d—li 1 0.907 12 0.308 2 .822 13 .279 3 .745 14 .253 arc 15 ,230 5 .012 16 - .189 0 .555 17 .189 .171 6 2/3 .520 18 7 .503 19 .155 8 .450 20 .191 9 .414 25 .086 10 .375 Rf) .053 11 .340 40 .020 These results will not be correct for any reservoir in which there is an appreciable current acting on the bottom of the basin, i. e., on the surface of the silt. In Lake McDonald the- 44 Bulletin of the I'Diversity of Texas 1 1— ... wm er silt / Fig. 8.—Curve illustrating progress of silting in Lake McDonald level of the water could sink to ten feet below the crest. When this condition obtained, as it did during the months of March, April, and October, 1899, there was a current on the upper third of the lake. Unless the lake was drained by the three three-foot pipes at the west end of the dam (which condi¬ tion did not occur after 1893), it was not possible for the current under ordinary conditions to affect the silt in the lower two- thirds of the lake. The results of the table are illustrated in Fig. 9. FAILURE OF THE DAM. At Austin the Colorado emerges from a mountainous coun¬ try which extends for a distance of over two hundred miles in a northwesterly direction. The channel above Austin is for the most part a sinuous gorge held in by limestone mountains and hills. Austin is at the foot of a long range of mountains, 37,000 square miles of which afford a drainage area for Colorado River. The river is fed by the Pedernales, the Llano, the San Saba, the Concho, and the Pecan Bayou. The configuration of the country is such that the water runs off rapidly into streams. Prom one p. m. on April 6 to four a. m. on April 7 there was a rainiall of five inches at and in the vicinity of Austin, in a mountainous country and on ground already wet, In addition to this, tremendous rains fell all along the Colorado and its tributaries from Austin as far as Llano, a distance of over one hundred miles. The river rose rapidly, and by ten a m on Saturday, April 7, it was apparent that the dam would be called A. View Westerly Along- Line of Dam One Day After Failure. B. Wreck of Power House. The Austin Dam 4.1 upon to withstand the biggest flood since water first wetted its crest on May 16, 189:1 At that hour the water level of the lake was more than ten feet above the crest of the dam and it was rising nearly two feet an hour. The greatest previous Hood height occurred at nine p. in., on .June 7. ISO!), when the lake level was 9.8 feet above the crest of the dam. The water had then risen gradually throughout the day to its maximum level of 9.8 feet. PI. TV, B, gives a view of the Hood of June 7, 1899, taken when the lake level was 9.25 feet above the crest of the dam and the water level only 22 inches lower than that of April 7, 1900; and PI. TV, A, is a reproduction of a snapshot, picture taken with a small kodak five minutes before the dam broke. Tt shows conclusively that there was no drift in concentrated masses. Isolated logs and debris were passing, but they never Plan of Dam and Power House. Plan showing break in dam April 7, 1!)()(). AH is eastern part (83 feet Ions on crest) left standing; AB and BC are portions of dam first broken; xymn is dynamo room at power house; P is pump room; L is point from which view shown in PI. VI, A, was taken; G is point from which view shown in PT. VI, B, was taken; E is point from which view shown in PI. IV, A, was taken; HS is bulkhead; B' C' and D' A' are portions of dam that broke and disappeared forty- five minutes after break; B' D' is the broken portion of the dam still standing; M is point from which view shown in PI. VI, A, was taken. At 11:20 a. m. on April 7, when the lake level had reached a height of 11.07 feet above the crest of the dam, the dam gave way at the point marked P> in Fig. 9, about three hundred feet from the east end of the dam. Observers at E, F, and II all agree 4lj Built tin of the. University of Texas in their testimony that it first opened at B, as though the mad current had simply pushed its way through the structure. Sooner than it takes to write these words the two sections, AB and BC, each about two hundred and fifty feet long, were shoved or pushed into the lower positions A'B' and B'C', about sixty feet from their former positions in the dam. There was not the slightest overturning. After the warning break at B, the water over the part ABC was seen to rise several feet, and the next instant the pent-up waters were pouring over the sections A'B' and C'B'. The view shown in PI. V, A, was taken at 11.23 a. m., or three minutes after the failure. The parts may be identified by com¬ paring PI. Y, A, with Fig. 4 and with sketch plan, Fig. 9, the view shown in PI. V, A, extending slightly beyond C in Fig. 9. By 11:30 a. m. the lake level had fallen to the crest of the dam, and the sections A'B' and B'C' were seen to be upright, each still a solid mass, complete, unbroken, and intact, except for the scaling off of the granite facing from the downstream face. These sections now occupied a position practically parallel to the dam, a view of which is shown in PI. Y, B, a snapshot taken ten minutes after the break. To the casual observer the de¬ tached portions at this time had the appearance of having been erected in their new positions by the original contractor. The crests of the sections A'B' and B'C' were about on a level with their original positions except at C, where the crest was slightly higher, giving B'C' a slight longitudinal dip toward the power house. Measuring along the crest the break left 456 feet, of the dam (KC in Fig. 9). at the west end and 83 feet (AH) at the east end. still standing unaffected. As soon as the sections were broken out and moved to the positions A'B" and B'C', the practically pent-up waters rushed through the gap, those.held back by CK producing a strong cur¬ rent in the direction of the power house. This current struck the wall of the power house almost on a level with the floor of the pump room (about twelve feet below the crest of the dam) crushed in all of the windows on the west side, flooded all of the lower stories, and caught and drowned five employees and three small boys. Two of the employees miraculously escaped by climbing through a belt hole in the dynamo room fxymn The Austin Dam 47 Fig. 9). These workmen were pumping water from the lower portions of the power house. At twelve o'clock, forty minutes after the break, the broken section B'C' turned over toward the dam and disappeared be¬ neath the torrent, and the eastern end of the section A'B' was broken up and engulfed. This left about one hundred feet (B'D'), which was shifted slightly out of its parallel position. This section (B'D') was cracked from the crest as far down as could be seen. Some time during Saturday night the smallest portion of this one hundred-foot section was swept away. The picture reproduced in PI. VI, B, was taken from the top of the bulkhead at two p. m. on Saturday, April 7. At 12.05 a. m., Sunday, April 8, the northern two-thirds (xymn, Fig. 9) of the west wall of the power house gave way and fell, taking with it the roof over the dynamo room and wrecking the corresponding part of the east wall. The power house was 198 feet by 54 feet, and had a total height on the river side of 112 feet. The walls were of brick, except the first twenty feet, which were constructed of dressed granite rock about 21/1 feet by 3 feet. The dynamo floor (xymn, Fig. 9) was about on a level with the crest of the dam. The floor of this room extended as a gal¬ lery over the pump room (P) in which the big duplex pumps were located. The broken sections moved back about 60 feet and the toe rested on the shore line of the tail-race. The impact and the resultant compressive stress on the stones on the curved face tore the granite facing loose from the core in several places. The section was stripped of its facing stones in the third course from the top as far down as could be seen, a distance of fully thirty feet. Some of the top granite stones of the section were loosened in their beds by the break and were carried away by the current. Specimens of the cement of the core have been examined and these have been found to be first-class in every particular. In some places breaks occurred through limestone rubble and the adhering cement, showing that the strength of the joint was superior to that of the limestone. The behavior of the granite facing indicates very clearly that it was easily pulled oft' by the 4S I'ullttin of llt< lTnivcrs\tij of Texas immense forces brought into play. The impact cracked the sec¬ tion along' an irregular surface about forty-two feet below the crest. There was not sufficient continuity between the rubble core and the granite facing. There were slight irregularities in the line of contact between the granite and the rubble, but when subjected to the powerful forces of the water pressure the two separated at many places. In a few cases isolated gran¬ ite blocks 011 the curved crest were forced from their beds. The maximum depth of the water near the dam was only 38 feet below the crest. Thus at the time of the break the total depth was a little more than 49 feet. The lake had silted up from the original bed-rock bottom in the main stream exactly 30 feet. Had there been no silt a much larger volume of water would have passed and the results would have been more disas¬ trous at and below the dam. While this silt would flow, it was sluggish and served to retard the current, thus prolonging the flood several hours (it actually continued, with great velocity, for nearly two days). Within twenty-four hours the river level had fallen more than forty feet, but this only served to confine the flood to the main channel, with little diminution of velocity. At 3.20 p. m., four hours after the dam broke, the water level had dropped 30 feet and was at the high-water mark of the old channel, cutting the banks both above and below the dam. Below the dam the alluvial banks reached a height of 64 feet above the toe of the dam. This whole mass was in a few hours cut back 40 feet. The effect of this is considered under the heading "Silting up of Lake McDonald," page 38. It is almost certain that the dam failed by sliding. It seems that at a point three to four hundred feet from the east end the limestone upon which the dam rested was of a friable na¬ ture. Mr. Frizell realized this, and it was stated to be a part of his plan, had he continued in charge of the work, to re-enforce the bottom of the river just below the dam by a cement founda¬ tion about one hundred feet wide by six hundred feet Ion"1; it was also contrary to his purpose to have the water of the tailrace run along the toe of the dam. In order to ascertain whether any of the foundation of the dam remains in the broken gap, soundings were made in June and in the latter part of October. 1900. Three lines (A B and B. Broken Dam Showing" in Foreground. Sand Bar Left in Main Channel. Tht Austin Dam 4!) Cj of soundings were made parallel 1<> the upper face of the dam, namely, at 2, 16.5, and 42 feet respectively, from the upper face. A cord was tapped every twenty feet, and the soundings were made with a sharpened three-fourths-inch iron rod. Sta¬ tions were taken west to east. The following table shows the result of the soundings, the depth being measured from the crest of the dam. When the October soundings were mg|e the water surface was 56.1 feet below the crest of the dam. The rod soundings were added to this to give the depth recorded in the table. RESULT OF SOUNDINGS TAKEN AT AUSTIN DAM SITE IN JUNE AND OCTOBER, 1900. Station. Line A. Line B. Line O. Depth in Eeet. Bottom. Depth in Feet. Bottom. Depth in Feet. Bottom. 60 Dam edge 40 63.1 20 - 67.9 0 Water's Dam Water's Dam 68.4 Mud edge edge 20 73.5 Solid rock 69.1 Solid rock 69.5 Solid rock 40 69.5 Solid rock 69.1 Solid rock 70.1 Solid rock 60 69.9 Solid rock 70.1 Solid rock 70.9 Solid rock 80 70.6 Solid rock 71.1 Solid rock 71.3 Solid rock 100 71.1 Solid rock 72.6 Solid rock 72.5 Solid rock 120 72.3 Solid rock 72.6 Solid rock 72.4 Solid rock 140 a72.6 Solid rock 72,9 Solid rock 72.6 Solid rock 160 a72.3 Solid rock 73.1 Solid rock 72.5 Solid rock 180 a71.9 Solid rock 72.1 Solid rock 73.1 Solid rock 240 a68.1 Solid rock 68.9 Solid rock 69.6 Solid rock 200 a71.3 Solid rock 71.1 Solid rock 71.3 Sand 220 a70.9 Solid rock 60.1 Solid rock 71.0 Rock 260 67.1 Mud 68.1 Gravel 280 63.6 Gravel 67.9 Mud 300 — Water's 63.1 Gravel Loose rock 320 Water's edge If we remember that the height of the dam above the rock\ bed of the river was 66 feet, and that the foundation was not (except as noted on the next page by Mr. E. W (} roves), even with its toehold, more than 68 feet below the crest, a ulanee at the foregoing table will convince anyone that 110 part of the foundation in the western three lmnderd feet of the broken sec tion remains. From the present ordinary eastern water's edge a large sand bank extends along the entire eastern section still remaining. Soundings were not made through this thirty-loot sand bank, but the crest of the big section of the dam, shown in all the views of this broken part, is only four feet lower than the crest of the portion standing, which fact indicates very clearly 4-164 50 Bulletin of the University of Texas that its foundation went with it, as it is resting practically in the old tail race, whose hed was lower than the bed of the dam. Tn all seventy-four soundings were made, and sixty-seven of these show that the depth of bed rock is over eight feet below "low water," and at the other seven soundings the rod could not he driven through the sand, mud, or gravel, to solid rock. At no place was any solid rock encountered as near as eight feet to the "low water" mark in the area of soundings, which cov¬ ered a space of 18,000 square feet. The condition of the foundation, the detached standing sec¬ tion B'D', Fi«r. 9), and the condition and position of the other broken section that occupied the gap that disappeared soon after the break, all preclude the theory that the dam broke at the level where it was thirty-one feet in thickness. This level was twenty-five feet above "low water" and thirty-five feet below the crest. If it had broken on this level, then there was a section only thirty-five feet high that broke off and moved back. The broken sections moved down the stream about sixty or sev¬ enty feet, and rested in a position practically parallel to their original positions and in the tail race of the dam, the bottom of which was lower than the foundation of the dam. If the dam had broken at the level of thirty-five feet above "low water," then when the upper thirty-five feet of the dam moved off three things Avon Id have occurred: (1) The upper part Avould have turned over as it slid off of the lower part, Avhich it did not do. This is shown by the section B'D', still standing (PI. VII, A), and by the other section Avhich was carried bodily doAvnstream and which remained upright forty minutes after the first break. (2) When the thirty-five-foot section moved doAvn stream, if by any possible means it. could have slid off, then fallen a dis¬ tance of thirty feet and landed in the tail race in an upright posi¬ tion, its crest Avould have been thirty feet beloAV the crest of the standing portion. All this is disproved by the facts. The crest of the standing section (PI. VII, A) is only four feet (instead of thirty) loAver than the original crest, and that of the portion Avhicli stood for a while Avas as high as or higher than the orig¬ inal crest. (3) The crest of the standing section is now fifty feet above ordinary Aoav, Avliereas it would have been onlv about twenty-two if the dam had broken at the tAventv-five foot level The Austin Dam above low water. (4) That section of the dam carried down¬ stream and still standing can be examined and the twenty-five foot level will be found actually intact. The position of these sections, horizontal and upright, indicates that the cause of the failure was a sliding out bodily on its base of that portion that failed. On April 8, 1896 (four years before the dam failed), in a letter to the Mayor, Mr. Frizell called attention to the fact that dangerous abrasions might occur near the point mentioned^i e., three to four hundred feet from the east end. The waters of the tailrace followed the toe of the dam fully six hunclerd feet and were discharged through a section forty-five feet wide. This section had an average depth of 2.8 feet during the day, and about three feet at night when the full power was on. In March, 1899, the writer, with Mr. II. K. Seltzer, made soundings along the toe of the dam between this narrow neck and the power house. At or near the point where the break occurred the bot¬ tom was not reached with a rod 5.3 feet long, even when the hand holding it was thrust at least two feet below the surface. The water surface of the tailrace was then 2.5 feet below the toe of the dam. This makes the bottom of the tailrace more than 9.5 feet below the top of the toe of the dam. The tailrace near the dam passed over a shoal-like formation and entered the tail- race pond about fifty feet from the east end of the dam. Be¬ tween this point and the narrow neck alluded to the tailrace was bounded by the toe of the dam and an elliptical shore line. Its maximum width was 125 feet, its narrowest width (at the neck) forty-five feet. It was at this neck that many measure¬ ments of the flow were made during 1888 and .1889 for the United States Geological Survey. In March, 189!), simultaneous measurements were made of the tailrace at this neck and of the fore-bav. While the flow through the tailrace exceeded that in the fore-bay, the difference was not greater than could be accounted for by the fluctuations of flow caused by increased demands on the street car service. Early in 1899, when the lake level was ten feet below the crest of the dam, the writer urged some of the authorities to shut off all power some night at twelve o'clock, and after the tailrace water had run off to have the flow measured in order to ascertain the leakage, if any; but Bulletin of lh< (J>tiv< r.sif// of T< .ras there were difficulties which prevented the stopping of the works. It is probable that there was no leak under the dam from the lake. Water from the lake going under trie dam would have been under a head of sixty-six feet, and would have emerged with a velocity of more than sixty-four feet per second, which would have cut a way the limestone foundation in a few hours. ~\Ir. E. AV. (Jroves, who was connected-with the work, as an engineer, from the preliminary surveys to the completion of the dam, ^tates, that for the first one hundred and fifty feet from the cast bluff very good rock was found: that at that point a fault of seventy-five feet was encountered, in which there was no semblance of stratified rock, most of the material being adobe or pulverized rock, with an occasional streak of red clay: that the excavation in Ibis space was carried down eight or ten feet in the upstream trench, and the trench widened from four feet to ten or fifleen feet; that the fault extended to an indefinite depth; that from the west edge of the fault the foundation rock was poor for three hunderd and fifty feet, and that supple¬ mentary protection was added to the upstream side opposite the fault by dumping clay along the face of the dam. The limestone formation in the vicinity of the dam consisted of alternately hard and soft strata. The outcropping in Bee Creek (just above the dam\ that at Taylor's lime chute (about Fig. 10. Cross section showing undermining of (oe of dam a half mile above the dam), that through which the excavation was made to repair the head-gate masonry are all of that character. The soft strata could be handled with a piek and Tin A us/iit Dam often with a shovel, but the hard strata were composed of a fairly good quality of limestone. In its western part the dam rested on one of these hard strata. During a freshet in 1892 the overfall cut through these hard strata, tore up large pieces (some of them ten feci long, four feet wide, and 2.5 feet thick and seven and eight tons in weight), and deposited a whole quarry in a confused and irregular pile about one hundred and fifty to two hundred yards farther down the river. These; stones remained in that location until the big freshet of June 7, 181)9, when they were carried away. The foregoing facts arc necessary for a proper understanding of what follows. In 1897, Mr. J. (J. Palm, one of Austin's leading citizens and a cashier of the oldest national bank in the city, while fishing along the toe of the dam, ran his fishing pole under the toe for a distance of six feet. This shows conclusively that either the water flowing along the tailrace had scoured out. the foundation under the toe of the dam or the overfalling water had undermined it. A large percentage of the water flowing over the east half of the dam at ordinary height rein¬ forced the tailrace waters and produced a strong current along the toe of the dam for more than half of its length. It has now been proved, by actual measurements, that the toe was cut under at some place, as shown in Fig. 10. In speaking about the mat¬ ter Mr. Palm said that he often wondered why the toe did not break off. This undermining of the toe left the dam exposed to the pressure of the water, and it became only a question of which was the stronger—the water or the friction between the dam and its bed. In regard to geological formations, the following is quoted form a letter of Mr. Robert T. Hill, of the United States Geologi¬ cal Survey, in the Engineering News of May H, 1900: "In the plateau country, which begins about a mile above the present site of the dam. the strata are firm and horizontal, and the river flows over ledges of firm and solid rock, which would have made a suitable and durable foundation for the construc¬ tion. Just below this point, within a belt of country upon which the dam is located, the strata are excessively jointed and faulted, constituting what is technically known as the Balcones fault zone. The geological formation is also different, consisting of the 54 Bulletin of the University of Texas limestones of the Edwards formation, which are exceedingly porous and soluble, while to the west of the fault zone the strata are less soluble and more durable. The action of the subterranean waters upon the Edwards limestone results in dissolving it into caverns and crumbling strata, even where its surface appears perfectly solid and durable. Furthermore, artesian springs of great volume and pressure well up in the joint planes and fis¬ sures in this formation. The site of the dam chosen crossed one of ttie most conspicuous fault lines, at the northern (east¬ ern) end of which, after the excavation and construction had well advanced, a spring of this character mentioned developed which greatly endangered the tie-on at the end and cost many thousands of dollars to circumvent. * * * Had the dam been located less than two miles above the ])resent site, this structural condition would have been avoided." A second geological consideration in the construction of the dam, and one to which sufficient attention was not, in my opinion, paid, was in the choice of material. Within sixty miles of Aus¬ tin by rail are some of the most superb granite quarries in the world. This material was used to face the dam, but its center was built of the same soluble limestone as that previously men¬ tioned, which was obtained from a quarry at the mouth of Bee creek on the south (west) side of the river, less than half a mile from the dam. An examination of the face of the quarry shows the character of the material taken from it for use in the dam, and a glance is sufficient to show that its solubility was such as to render it utterly untrustworthy. On account of the immense importance of the Austin dam as an engineering structure—it being the largest in the world across a flowing stream— the writer here submits the opinion of some of the engineers who were connected with it from time to time. Mi-. Frizell lias said that the location at Mormon Falls, two miles above the chosen site, presented points of decided superi¬ ority ovei the locality selected, but the board of public works thought the location inconsistent with the purposes of improve¬ ment. Mr. Frizell does not consider that the solubility of the rock had any bearing on the failure, and sees no reason lo doubt that the immediate cause was the undermining on the down- The Austin Bam 55 stream side, caused by the abrasive action of the current and the constant stream of water coming from the power house and flowing along the toe of the dam on its way to the open chan¬ nel of the river. A progressive weakening is attested by the fact that during the preceding year the dam had withstood a flood substantially as great as the one in which it failed. The toe of the dam, which was left without support by the undermining, con¬ tained granite blocks of more than six tons weight. It is on record that the breaking clown of this unsupported toe was imminent, in which event each of these stones would become a mill¬ stone _ (propelled in such a flood by some 2000 horsepower) in the work of grinding the friable rock bottom and extending the undermining. At the wooden dam across the Connecticut River at Holyoke, Mass., an action of this kind became threatening in 1866. A pit 20 feet deep had formed on the downstream side of the dam. This danger was met by the construction of a massive apron of cribwork filled with stone, which prolonged the duration of the structure more than thirty years, or until the construction of the present stone dam. At Austin the engineer had in contemplation from the beginning an analogous work, namely, an extension of the massive apron by a bed of concrete, to be applied as soon as the abrasive action had made sufficient progress to indicate the character and extent of the work re¬ quired for its suppression. X. Werenskiold, one of the engineers of construction, in a letter to a friend in the latter part of 1900, said: There can be no doubt that the failure was not caused by any de fective work in the dam itself, but by the entire body being pushed downstream and broken from the lateral pressure on account of too small frictional resistance under the dam. It is also proven con¬ clusively that this resistance against sliding had been materially -diminished by erosion below the toe of the dam, and to that extent the failure is chargeable to the lack of care in maintenance. I have no doubt but that all the masonry went, or slid, and I am inclined to the belief that some of the rock ledges underneath went with it. 1 think it possible that the foundation might have been good enough for a dam without overfall, but it proved not to be good enough for this bold structure. 1 think it probable also that vibrations of the dam, caused by the fall of the water, may have had a very detrimental effect on the underlying foundation and also increased the lateral pressure of the silt and earth against the dam far beyond the generally assumed water pressure, until this lateral pressure overcame the combined bonding resistance on the dam proper, together with the frictional resistance under the base. As early as May, 1893, in reply to a direct question from one of the leading members of the board, [ stated that the foundation under the east end of the dam was not what it should be; that it was hard to say whether it was safe or not, but that I thought that the dirt filling against the dam on the water side would prevent undermining and save the structure. I also suggested the necessity of close watching below the dam. On May 7. 1894, when replying to a letter from another of the leading members of the board, I suggested that they make borings .)() Hnlhtin of /he I'nivrrsil tj of Texas below the dam for the purpose of ascertaining the necessity of taking some precautions for the safety of the dam, stating that there might or there might not be immediate necessity for so doing, but that I be¬ lieved it would prove necessary in the course of time. In another part of the same letter I suggested concrete or paving in front of the power house. From this you will know that they were not without friendly warnings. But in spite of all this I can not say that the works were designed and built with due safety or precautions, or that, to my knowledge, proper borings and examinations of the underlying foundations were ever made. Mr. J. T. Fanning remarks as follows: The theoretical stability of the niasonrj of the dam in its normal con¬ dition, as completed in 1893, was sufficient to resist a much greater volume of flood How than the flood at the time of the break. The struct¬ ure substantiates this view in the fact that the westerly part of the dam, nearly one-half its length, resisted the force that broke out the mid section. It is evident that there was a large surplus of resist¬ ance, both as to sliding and overturning, in the remaining part of the structure, as otherwise the moving sections would have pulled with them those portions of the dam now standing erect in place. Undercutting.-—That there was undercutting of the toe of the dam at a point where the dam first yielded is attested by soundings made before the sliding of a portion of the dam. A writer in public print has attributed this undercutting in large part to the flowing of the tail water from the water wheels in the power house along the toe of the dam toward the channel, as shown in PI. I, A. This theory is not sustained by the facts. This dam was built on the rock bed of an ancient channel of a great river. Both ancient shores are of rock and nearly vertical to the height of the dam. When the dam was constructed the modern river occupied less than half the ancient river channel, and the remainder of the channel, covering somewhat more than its easterly half, was occupied by an alluvial deposit forty to sixty feet in depth. A narrow cut was made through this deposit to the east shore for placing the foundations of the dam in that part of the ancient channel. The tail- water from the power house flowed out through this cut on bed rock to the modern west channel, as shown in PI. I, A, and had the toe of the dam for its right shore and the earth deposit for the other shore. In examining the theory of the bed rock cutting by the tail-water alone we observe that the quantity of tail-water flow was ordinarily about 250 cubic feet per second and in the narrowest part of the chan¬ nel had a velocity of about two feet per second. In the wide section of this channel, at point of scour, the tail-water alone had a mean velocity less than three-tenths foot per. second. The theory of scour and undercutting of the rock by the tail-water flowing at these low velocities is absurdly erroneous. The undercutting was probably not done by the scour of extreme floods. It was anticipated that the cutting by floods would be at a distance from the toe of the dam. PI. I, A, shows that the flood passed over a space in front of the toe of the dam and did their cutting of the alluvial deposit below the line of the lower end of the nower hm^p about 200 feet from the toe of the dam. When the flood glides down any sloping face on the lower side of a dam its current is discharged under the backwater below the dam somewhat as shown in Fig. 11. When logs pass over a sloping dam The Austin Dam > i ——>71 jMw riCTEE 11 Fanning's Illustration of Plow of Water Over Austin Dam. with the flood they first appear at tlie surface of the ebullition at some distance below the dam, as at m, in Fig. 11, and then return aloim the surface toward the dam. The greater the flood depth on the crest the farther from the toe of the dam do the logs appear and the more swiftly the logs return with the surface current toward the dam. Breakwater.—In a case such as is shown in Fig. 11 tlie breakwater comes in contact with only the toe of the dam. With eleven feet depth on the crest, sixty feet fall, and twenty-five feet oi backwater, the dis¬ charge velocity past be/ is great. The water at d then flows back over the swift undercurrent with a velocity due to the free head of backwater next the dam, but at its surface level can not reach the dam. These effects of flow, which may be observed at many dams, seem to have been overlooked by most writers on the subject. It is illustrated in part by PI. IV, B, in which the valley between th» downflowing stream and the returning current is filled with spray. Fig. 11 is a reproduction of a sketch relating to these matters ex¬ plained by the writer to members of the board of public works at Austin, in June, 1S92, when he first visited the works. The founda¬ tions of the dam were then in place and the superstructure in progress. In computing the stability of a masonry dam, the weight of water resultants from a to b, Fig. 11, have usually been neglected. So, also, have the reactions of the tail-water aginst the dam throughout the flowing jet, and also the weight of reactions at b c and the weight of the water at d, which in this case are sufficient to materially enhance the factor of safety. Fall at the toe.—Referring again to the undercutting at the to« of the dam, which occurred at a point about l>00 feet from the easterly abutment, we call attention to the appearance of the low and moderate flows at the fall over the toe of the dam, as shown in PI. I, A, and PI. I, B. This fall should but slowly cut hard limestone, but might cut such soft stone as was said to have been found at the point men¬ tioned. At the right of Fig. 11 is a sketch suggesting the possible effect of such fall on a soft rock or adobe stratum. A fall of one foot to surface of breakwater gives a velocity of about eight feet per 58 Bulletin of the University of Texas second, and of two feet a velocity of about 11.34 feet per second, and of two and one-half feet, as observed, a velocity of about >2.68 feet per second, each independent of the velocity acquired down the slope. The failure of the dam was attributable to a local weakness in the rock on which it rested, it is probable that the friable or soft stratum under part of the dam which first moved, and which was not removed and replaced, became so saturated with water that upward pressure from the pond was transferred to the underside of the dam in suffi¬ cient amount to neutralize a considerable part of the weight pressure of the masonry resting upon that soft rock and, furthermore, that this saturated stratum became like a lubricant on which that part of the dam had but moderate resistance against sliding. The parted sections constituted nearly one-half the length of the dam. It is probable that the section of the dam resting on the for¬ mation on which it had not sufficient frictional resistance was held as part of the beam until the vertical cross crack came at the central part of the soft section at B (Fig. 9), and also that then the two parts adjacent to B were Held briefly as cantilevers until they cracked at C and A, after which they slid, moving swiftly faster at B, the point of first crack, until they rested SO feet forward of their original posi¬ tions. The erosion in front of the toe of the dam was not so wide but that the two parted sections of the dam slid over the erosion with¬ out tilting and stood erect in their new position, as shown in PI. VI, A. In such constructions it is usual to countersink the toe of the dam flush into the bed rock, giving it an abutment, which makes sliding impossible. Power house foiaiclatioiis.—The injury to the powTer house was a remarkable and unprecedented accident. The foundations remain now uninjured, as indicated in Fig. 9. The basement windows were placed above the forty-foot backwater level and the river wall was trussed to resist the inward pressure of forty feet of breakwater. The wave of water from the broken dam rose above the windows and broke them in and then flooded the basement where the turbines were located. As the flood receded the basement held this water, as a tank, up to the forty-foot level. When the back¬ water outside had next da;v (twelve hours after break in dam) fallen below the level of the basement floor the inclosed water pressed part of the basement wall outward and permitted part of the floors and roof to fall. Site of pacer house.—Some one has stated that the power house was in more danger from the flow over the dam than it would have been if located one hundred feet farther downstream. Its position as con¬ structed was adopted as the one of greatest safety and stability, and also in part because the extension of the abutment and steel penstocks one hundred feet farther would have added $20,000 to their cost. The rela¬ tive location of the dam and power house are approximately shown in Fig. 9. Tn this sketch GF is the face of the east abutment, but with ex¬ aggerated curve. This easy curve of the abutment was proportioned with care to deflect the flood current in a predetermined direction so that it could not scour along the face of the power house founda¬ tion except as a return eddy. The return eddy flowing upstream would be weakest near the dam, so that part of the foundation nearest the dam was safest of all from scour by flood. The foundations of the power house were uninjured by the rush of waters dashed against the building. Mr. Wilbur F. Poster, of Nashville, Term., upon invitation Tht: Austin Dam of the committe appointed by the water and light commission to consider the ways and means of rebuilding the dam, after visiting Austin and examining the dam site, submitted the fol¬ lowing report: Any estimate of this kind, in the absence of definite plans and speci¬ fications which are to be complied with, is at best uncertain and un¬ satisfactory; and in this case it has been assumed that those which controlled the original construction would be followed in the renewal, in order to preserve uniformity of appearance of the entire dam when completed, but with such modifications, to secure stability and for the sake of economy, as are herein suggested for your consideration. The report herewith submitted is from the standpoint of a builder, guided by some experience in construction of similar work in other localities and from information obtained in your city as to various details of cost, and will, therefore, ignore technical questions as to cause and manner of failure, etc., which have been so ably and ex¬ haustively discussed by well-informed and intelligent observers who have given much time to the study of the facts. Only the conditions as they now exist will be considered. The engineering problems involved demand the most painstaking, careful investigation, and these you will doubtless submit to some mem¬ ber of that profession in whom you have entire confidence, and whose advice, plans, and specifications, when once adopted, as well as his instructions with regard to details during the progress of the work, you will rigidly abide by. I may be pardoned for suggesting that some of the questions thus to be most carefully studied in the light of the unfortunate experience you have had are: (1) Whether it will not be better to abandon entirely the present location, and in rebuilding adopt one by which you will avoid the "faults" or unreliable strata in the geological formation which seems to have been the prime cause of the trouble you have had, both with the foundation of the dam and the construction of your bulkhead masonry and power house. Of course, a large amount of material will be available by salvage from the old dam when removed and from the debris from the portion destroyed. The surveys, soundings, and careful investigations already made by the eminent professional gentlemen who have been connected with your work heretofore will greatly facilitate the decision of this point. (2) Whether, in view of the observed action of the overflow in time of flood, a modification of the profile or cross section of your dam is not advisable, wherever it may be built, the upstream face to be battered or offset in lieu of vertical, and the downstream face to have flatter slope, thus increasing the weight of the mass and giving a larger frictional area upon the base. (3) A careful consideration of the merits of the fossiliferous lime¬ stone, which is abundant in the vicinity of the dam, as a buildng ma- teral. It does not seem reasonable that stone which has withstood the action of the elements for untold ages should be condemned as al¬ together worthless. In view of the excessive cost of granite, both in quarry cost and transportation, as given to me in Austin, I believe that the limestone of the vicinity should be used in the upstream face, at least to a point fourteen feet below the crest of the dam, and quite possibly on a portion of the downstream face also, and that it will be reliable for strength and durability in that portion. Assuming that these and other details will hereafter be decided by your engineer, I will endeavor to answer, as briefly as possible, the It nil/tin of the ('tun rsilij of Texas inquiry of Mr. Caswell, guided by my personal examination of the locality and by my best judgment as to the cost of the various items. It might be assumed by some that inasmuch as the total length of the dam between abutments is 1,091 feet and its total cost was about $611,000, and as about 01 feet at the east end and 500 at the west end remain standing, that the interval r>oo feet could be replaced for its pro rata of the total, or about $300,000. This supposition will be found erroneous for several reasons: (1) The shattered condition of Ihe 01 feet now standing at the east end makes its removal and reconstruction a necessity, and inasmuch as this is at a place where a very troublesome leak occurred after com¬ pletion of the dam, it is probable that the foundation itself ought to be excavated to greater depth. (2) A large mass of the original dam is still standing, just far enough downstream from its original position to be very much in the way of construction of new work, and must be removed. (Y) A very large deposit of earth and silt east of the present chan¬ nel, also along the toe of the dam on the west side of the channel, must be removed for construction of new work. (4) An examination by sounding with an iron rod reveals the fact that the bed rock in the channel through which the river is now flowing is an irregular surface, ranging from 8.6 to 12.6 feet below the assumed low-water line, which was the top of the toe of the dam as built. This is the result of seven soundings, and is pretty con¬ clusive proof thai noc only the foundation stone is gone from this portion of the dam, but that the bed rock itself has been broken up and washed out to a depth in some places of more than 6 feet. The average of these soundings is 10.8 feet, and while it is not certain that this condition extends to the eastern end of the gap, yet it will not be safe to estimate otherwise, as it is probable that if not washed out at least that much would have to be removed before rebuilding. This break-up of the bed rock I have assumed to be from a point 6 feet above the upper face of the dam, a line 20 feet below the toe. This, then, will make a pit 48:J feet long by 02 feet wide by 4.8 feet deep which must be filled with masonry or concrete before reaching the base of the original dam. (5) It seems to me imperatively necessary that the toe of the dam its entire length should be protected by an apron of masonry or concrete to prevent undermining. This r have estimated as 1,100 feet long, average width 20 feet, average depth 3 feet. (6) In my estimate I assumed that the upstream face wall will be built of limestone to a height 14 feet below the crest of the dam and will have a slope or batter of 3 inches to 1 foot vertical.. This will add 442 feet to the original sectional area of the dam, making it 2,642 feet. The upper 14 feet of the upstream face, the coping, and the downstream face all to be of granite, as in original plans All this will be shown more fully by the sketch (fig. 12) which I here¬ with inclose, showing suggester profile. It is suggested that the entile filling oi interioi shall consist of concrete made of American or Portland cement. (7) The cost of the contractor's plant or outfit under conditions like these is quite as great for the construction of a dam 600 feet long as for the original length of 1,001 feet. With the above explanations 1 submit the following estimate o* Earth excavation, wet and dry, 21,000 cubic yards, 30 cents $6 °00 Rock excavation, 2,000 cubic yards, $1.60, $3,200. '' Removal of masonry now standing, 14.000 cubic yards $l $14 000 The Austin Dam til Granite coping course, 1,373 cubic yards, $19, $26,087. Granite facing, downstream, 5,535 cubic yards, $11.75, $65,036.25. Granite facing, upstream, 684 cubic yards, $11.50, $7,866. Coursed limestone masonry, upstream face, 4,738 cubic yards, $7.50, $35,535. Concrete filling, 55,749 cubic yards, $5.50, $306,619.50. Total, $464,643.75. Deduct for salvage of granite in old dam and debris, 3,025 yards, $7, $21,175. Total net, $443,468.75. in the above estimate it is assumed that the granite work can be done at the same prices as in the original contract, notwithstanding the increased figures given me when in Austin. It is also assumed that all the work will be laid in American Portland cement mortar of approved quality. Incidentally, while at the site of the dam, I made a measurement of the flow of the stream, which was said to be at a stage lower than for many years. This measurement, which was of the rudest type and without any facilities for securing accuracy, indicated a flow of 360 cubic feet per second. I also examined the ground on the west side of the river and found that by cutting a channel 100 feet wide, with an average depth of about 50 feet, and approximately 1,000 feet long from the canyon of Bee Creek southwardly to a ravine which empties several hundred feet below the dam, a spillway might be obtained, which, with 10 feet of water on the dam, would pass a volume of water equivalent to 1 foot over the crest of the dam. The excavation would be solid rock, would probably cost $150,000, and is only mentioned as my attention was directed to the matter. In this report I have made no attempt to determine the extent or estimate the cost of work to be done in reconstruction of the power house. Whether the head-gate masonry must be rebuilt, whether the FIGURE 12 roster's Sug-g-ested Cross-Section for Rebuilding- Austin Dam. In conclusion. I would say that the estimate herewith furnished is concurred in by my business partner, Mr. R. T. Creighton, who was present and assisted in all the examinations and measurements. HiiIIiHh of ilu (> invP-rsitji of Texas penstocks and turbines should be lowered, whether two or three pen¬ stocks will not be sufficient in lieu of six, and whether the river wall of the power house should be more solidly rebuilt are questions that can be best decided by those who are familiar with all the de¬ tails and who know the present condition of the plant and the cost of all the items involved. One detail, however, should not be overlooked or neglected in any event. The tail race, by which water is discharged from the tur¬ bines, should be so directed that the current will not scour along the toe of the dam, thus endangering its stability, however carefully it may be protected. It will be observed that Mr. Foster concludes from his sound¬ ings that not only the foundation stone but part of the bed rock was torn up and washed away. It will be remembered that Superintendent II. C. Patterson, in a report to the Water and Light Commision in July, 1900, said that "the original founda¬ tions were in no way damaged, and in all eases not less than six feet of the footing coures remained." The writer has made many soundings at the dam, the results of which have been con¬ firmed by Mr. Foster's report. Since the failure of the Austin dam the city has been operat¬ ing its waterworks, electric light plant, and other motors for commercial purposes with steam power. Beaumont oil and lig¬ nite have been u>ed as a fuel for part of the time. The fuel bill, with the cleaning of boilers, has sometimes amount to about $60,000 per year. This represents in round numbers the amount that the water power was saving the city per year. The most economical plan upon which the dam could be rebuilt would be to design a waterpower plan to utilize the ordinary tlow of the river, and to add an auxiliary steam plant of a capacity equal to the power that would be generated by an amount of water represented by the difference between the low ordinary flow and the minimum flow. In the face of the present fuel bills the re¬ building of the dam becomes an imperative economic and public necessity. EYAXS'S EE POUT. In September, 11)05, Oeorge E. Evans, Civil Engineer, of Bos¬ ton, Mass., was sent by Stone and Webster to investigate the condition of the dam and to report upon the feasibility and cost of rebuilding the same. On arriving in Austin Mr. Evans called upon the writer, who nave him every assistance possible. While the Oily of Austin had no records, drawings or notes 1 he writer The Austin Dam 63 placed all his data at Mr. Evans's disposal. On account of its importance, Mr. Evans's report is here published in full. In regard to Mr. Evans's report, the writer wishes to remark: 1. That all estimates of the flow of the Colorado were taken from the writer's report to the TT. S. Geological Survey, which was published in "Water Supply Paper. No. 40 (Austin Dam), in Water Supply Paper, No. 105 (Water Powers of Texas) or in later annual reports. Mr. Evans' remarks that "The flow has been measured and found as low as 180 cu. ft. per second." That statement was true when Mr. Evans wrote the report in 1905, but new flow data have been obtained since that date, which renders this statement inaccurate. The flow of the Colo¬ rado River at the dam site from August 15 to August 25, 1910, was only twenty second-feet, which would have generated one hundred and four (104) horse powers at most. Boston, Mass., October 30, 1905. Messrs. Stone d- Webster, 84 State Street, Boston, Mass. Gentlemen : At your request I visited Austin, Texas. The latter part of September, 1905, for the purpose of making an examination of the site of the Austin dam and an estimate of the cost of rebuilding the same. I expected the city would have plans of the original dam and power plant, but was disappointed by not finding a single plan and the city officials did not know of any, and all that 1 have to guide me are the measurements that 1 made on the ground. Four lines of soundings were made from the east shore of the river to the east end of the west sec¬ tion of the dam. which is now standing. The soundings were taken from a raft, held by ropes from either shore. A steel rod was driven through the deposit of mud and sand to the ledge. From previous soundings taken at the same places, as nearly as possible, it appears that some of the foundation had been washed away. dam. The Austin dam was built across the Colorado River about three miles northwest from the city of Austin. On April 7, 1900, about 500 feet of the central portion was washed away, when the water on the crest of the dam had reached a height of 11.07 feet. Undoubtedly the location was not the best that could have been found, and, according to geologists, the foundation is limestone and chalk and the dam was located sub-parallel to one of the most conspicuous fault lfnes. The stratification is inclined slightly down the river. Its length between abutments was 1090.25 feet, measured on the crest. It varied in height, above the foundation, from 66 feet to 70 feet and the base meas¬ ured 66 feet, including the apron or toe. It was mostly built of limestone and chalk, which was quarried nearby. The upstream and downstream faces of the dam were built of excellent granite, which was brought by rail from Granite Mountain, to the site of the dam, a distance of about seventy-five miles. The granite facing had not headers of sufficient length to bond properly with the body of the dam, and is more like a veneer. On the west side of the river, there remains Hulhtin of the University of Texas of the original dam about 4!)1 feet (crest measured 4G0.5 feet), which appears to be uninjured, except possibly a small portion of the down¬ stream granite face at the cast end which may have to be relaid. At the east side, there is a section of the dam, about 103 feet in length (crest measurement Ml feet), the most of which will have to be taken down, because there are two large cracks in the upstream face ex¬ tending from the crest lo I he ground line. The westerly end of this section (12r> feet from east end of dam) was moved down stream ten inches and al a point 7:! feet from the east end the dam is in its original position. Portland cement mortar mixed in the proportion of one part cement and three parts of sand was used for laying the stones throughout the whole dam. The three courses of the toe are doweled and clamped together. . As the west section has withstood the pressure of two large freshets, f should recommend that this portion be utilized, but in making a de¬ sign for rebuilding the dam 1 have considered it economical to in¬ crease the cross-section so as to insure against future floods, which might be greater than the one which wrecked the dam, and as this part of the foundalion is known not (o lie as firm as the portion under the west section which remained, it will have more weight, and there¬ fore more friction on its base to withstand the pressure of the water. Without any borings into the ledge foundation, 1 have considered it best to assume that a trench masonry wall from six to eight feet below I he base of the dam might be necessary to cut off water from passing under the dam. Assuming twelve feet of water on dam, the line of resistance comes well within the middle third, when the weight of the masonry is as¬ sumed to average 13."> pounds per cubic foot. The original shape of the crest has been kepi more for the appearance than' for strength, but the straight slope below is not as steep, and where the new and old sections join will form a warped surface. The upstream face is perpendicular as in the original design. Abutments, about fifteen feet in height should be built at each end of the crest so as to prevent a vacuum forming under the overflow water. There are three ;!G-inch pipes with valves laid through the west end of the dam at an elevation of 16..r> feet above toe of dam. FOREBAY. During the year 1S!)0 the water in the lake was ten feet or more be¬ low the crest of the dam for a period of seventy-two days. As this condition is liable to occur again, and also because this portion of the foundation caused the most trouble and the masonry was washed out during construction (causing an additional expense of nearly $-'1.o00). this foundation should be thoroughly examined and made sate to build upon. I have considered it best to recommend the re¬ building of the forebay, and to reduce the size of the penstocks to eight feet in diameter and only provide for six. In the original de¬ sign it w:cs laid out for nine 9-foot penstocks, only seven were laid. These penstocks are in poor condition, being badly pitted by rust and out of shape; No. ■< measures nine feet eight inches horizontal, and eight feet, one inch in vertical diameter. One of the penstocks has its top dented downward eight or ten inches and appears as though a lar^e stone was dropped on it when being covered with earth. The old penstocks were placed so high a person told me that he had seen less than two feet oi water flowing through them. Tt is proposed to place the bottom of the S-foot penstocks at elevation forty-one, or nine- een feet below the crest of the dam, which will insure the top being covered during a low stage of the river. The Austin Dam 65 COLORADO K1VEH. Before work on this plant was commenced, it was estimated that the low waterflow was 1000 cubic feet per second, which would produce continuously over 5000 horsepower, but since then Ihe flow has been measured and found to be as low as ISO cubic feet per second. This river rises in Dawson county, in the western part of Texas, and has a drainage of about 37,000 square miles. No records of the rainfall have been kept on this area. The average rainfall at Austin from 1856 to 1899 has been 32.5 inches, not including 1882-3-4. In IS56 the mini mum was 19.6 inches and the maximum, in .1874, was 46.5 inches. An average rainfall of twenty inches per year on the drainage area is considered a fair estimate. The maximum, minimum, and mean dis¬ charge of the river at Austin, since January, 1S96, is as follows (this does not include the flow of Barton Creek, which enters below the dam) : discharge jx cubic feet per second. Year. 18!X5 18! >7 1897 l.!>00 1!H11 1002 1!KK i x in n 1111. .Minimum. Mean 11 ,oo<> 180 1 100 11,000 200 I'M 10 20,000 210 1880 103,400 ISO 1170 1 2:1.000 ■III) :u 15 40,!'12 175 I'M :;l ,250 ISO 2224 :!2, 500 :;20 i:;oo If the years 1900 and 1903 are omitted the average minimum flaw is 187 cubic feet per second. There is such a wide range between the maximum and minimum flow of the river that a large amount of the water runs to waste, and the only way to utilize the power it to reservoir some of the larger tributaries. Without examining the country, 1 believe favorable locations could be found where rock filled dams of moderate heights could be built quickly and at a small cost. Only a small amount of concrete masonry would be required for the top of the dam, at the spillways and for cut¬ off walls. SILTS. On May 16, 1903, the water first flowed over the dam, and the lake at that time was estimated to contain over 2,253,000,000 cubic, feet of water below the level of the crest. In February 1900, it was estimated there were 1,173,000,000 cubic feet. Thus in seven years 48 per cent of the original storage capacity of the lake had been filled with alluvial deposit. Tn four years the deposit had reached a point nearly nine¬ teen miles above the dam. Taking into consideration the rapid silting up of the lake and the probability of impairing the storage capacity of the lake, I would recommend the placing of four gales 4 x S, to b^ operated by electrical or hydraulic power, near the bottom of Ih^ chan¬ nel, for the purpose of washing out the mud. The mud could be stirred up by a screw or some other device, operated from a small tug boat WATER POWKK. When selecting the amount of power to be installed the minimum flow or the average maximum flow of the river should be taken. A flow of 180 cubic feet per second and 55 feet head would give 900 horse power at 80 per cent efficiency. The mean average flow from 1896 to 1903, omitting 1900-3. on account of the unusually large flows. tit; Bxll< iiii of ihe University of Texas is 1 487 cubic feet per second. This amount under a head of 50 feet would give 6 800 horse power at 80 per cent efficiency. I have con¬ sidered four pairs of 21 wheels best adapted to the present conditions, which would give nearly 2,700 horsepower at 75 per cent efficiency, and these should be supplemented by a steam plant of half the above power There are two extra penstocks provided for further develop¬ ment. Upon a careful examination of the 27 wheels now half buried in the sand, it may be found that they could be used to advantage. The old water wheels have been partly buried in sand and mud for the last five and one-half years, and the Piatt Iron Works company that in¬ stalled the wheels, writes that it would probably be less expensive to put in new wheels than to attempt to repair them. Deposit to the depth of about twenty-eight feet has been washed into the power house basement and onto the area on the west side. POWER HOUSE. The original power house was 54 x 198 feet and built of brick. The southerly portion is still standing and has an interior dimension of 40.5 x 8*0.5 feet. On the west or river side it is 112 feet high and on the east or front side it is thirty-two feet high. (The glass is broken out but the walls appear to be in good condition.) A brick end would have to be built at the north side. This room would probably be large enough for some time to come, because the water wheels would be located in the basement and the generators in i lie upper story would be driven by wire ropes. The generators can not be placed lower than an elevation of 50, because freshets have reached the following unusual heights; March, 1852, 36 feet; July, 1869, 43 feet.; October, 1870, 36 feet; June, 1S99, 23 feet; April, 1900, 45 feet. [These are guesses by the "oldest inhabitant."—T. U. T.] In the basement there would be four pairs of 21-inch wheels (giving 670 horsepower under a 50 foot head and 75 per cent efficiency per pair), and above in the second story there would be three direct generators of 300 kilowatts each, one 150 kilowatt alternating generator, exciter, switchboards, etc. It will be necessary to build an engine and coal house at the east side of the present power house and install two 1000 horse power boilers and a 1000 horse power compound engine, with its necessary appurtenances. By the use of a jack shaft the engine can drive two of the larger generators and probably the water wheel can take care of the small generator. The coal or oil (for fuel) can be brought to the station by the present railroad. REMARKS. Before any work of construction is commenced a thorough survey should be made and borings taken across the river at the site and also some above and below the dam, and from these data an estimate of the cost could be made reasonably accurate. Although the following estimate is only approximate and made from limited data, I believe that it is large enough to put the plant into operation. The approxi¬ mate estimate is as follows: 12,000 yards earth excavation $ 2,400 00 2;<,000 yards earth excavation 13',800 00 6,500 yards rock excavation 9,100 00 18,000 yards removing old dam 18^000 00 10,300 yards granite . facing 164,800 00 •>41,500 yards rubble concrete 282 500 00 1,200 pounds wrought iron 1*296 00 Wix penstocks, 8 feet diam., 24 feet long 3 360 00 The Austin Dam (57 Six gates and hoists Four sluice gates Engineering and contingencies $3,000 00 7,100 00 64,S00 00 Total $ 742,000 00 Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Geo. E. Evans. PROPOSITION OF CONSOLIDATED CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. In 1907 the Consolidated Construction Company was granted a franchise by the City Council and the "Water and Light Com¬ mission to construct and maintain a dam at or near the old site on the Coloi'ado River, subject to the following general condi¬ tions : 1. The company was granted right to erect, own and main¬ tain a dam and accessories and to overflow certain lands for forty years. 2. The height of dam to he equal to that of the old dam if built in the old location. If built further up the stream it was to be as much higher as the natural rise in the river. 3. The company was to deposit $25,000.00 in care of the City Treasurer as a guarantee of good faith, which was to be forfeited if the company failed to expend $100,000.00 within the first year after the acceptance of the contract. The power house was to be completed within two years within date of ac¬ ceptance. when it was to be occupied by the city for its exclu¬ sive use and control. 4. The headgate masonry was to be sufficiently high to pre¬ vent inflow into the power house, and these headgates were to he kept in repair, free drom leakage and seepage by the com¬ pany. 5. In event of the total or partial destruction of the dam, etc.. or in the event of occurrence of leaks to the extent of twenty-five per cent of a natural flow of the river the annual payments were to cease until repairs were made. 6. The company was to have the use of all material in dam, headgates and power house except metal work, together with all plans, specifications, maps, drawing and engineers' reports which it then had or might thereafter possess. 7. In case a new site was selected the city was to secure and <18 Bulletin of the University of Texas pay for the land and overflow rights, while the company was to build the power house. S. The city was to keep-the buildings used in connection with the plant in repair while the company was to keep in re¬ pair the dam, forebay. headgates and headgate masonry. The city was to pay for the rent of the buildings and for the water- power developed from a natural flow of the river and from storage the sum of $65,000.00 annually for forty years. 9. The city obligated itself to pay said annual payments from the revenues arising from the operation of the Water, Light and Power Plant, and further agreed that no taxes should be levied for this purpose, and the company was to look alone to the earnings of the plant for the payment of this $65,- 000.00 per year. 10. The company agreed to pay $1.75 for a day's labor of eight hours to workmen employed on the property. 11. The city agreed to pay all taxes levied or assessed against the property mentioned in the contract. 12. The company agreed to secure the city during the life of the contract against loss or injury to the dam, headgate, power house and machinery caused by breakage, leakage or seepage through, around or under the dam. 13. The company agreed not to assign the contract to any person, firm, or corporation other than J. Gr. White & Co. 14. The city reserved the right to have penstocks placed at a depth and position to be selected. 15. The city agreed to begin the installation of machinery as soon as the power house was completed and to be ready for operation within six months from the date of completion of the power house. 1'). The city agrees not to operate its steam plant except when the water power was not sufficient to meet the require¬ ments of the city or its patrons. 17. The company has the right to inspect the books of the W ater, Light and Power Company Department of the city. 18. Tln> city agreed not to grant franchises or privileges to any electric light or power company for services to the city and its inhabitants during the life of the contract. 1!'. All notices to the company were to be made in writing Till Austin Dam lilt signed by the Mayor or Chief Executive of the ciry. addressed to the collecting; agency of Hie city. 20. In case the city complied with all the privileges of the contract, the dam and appurtenances were to revert to the city at the end of the forty years. 21. In case of default by the company or its assigns for a period of two years, it was to forfeit all rights and privileges under the contract and the city was to assume control and pos¬ session of the property covered by the contract. 22. The city was granted the right to purchase the dam and appurtenant property at any time after ten years by discounting the remaining annual premiums at 6 per cent. 23. The company was to provide sluice gates or drain pipes near the bottom of the dam. 24. The company was to indemnify the city against all dam¬ ages caused by the breaking of the dam, headgates, etc. 25. Arbitration clause, contract to be approved by the City Council and by the "Water, Light and Power Commission. 27. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict wtih the franchise were repealed. BORINGS AT THE DAM. During the spring and summer of 1908 the city of Austin had 26 borings made at the dam site. The work was under the super¬ vision of W. G. Kirkpatrick and A. C. Blanton, the latter having immediate direction. The location of these borings is shown in Fig. 13, while their elevation is shown to small scale in Fig. 14. The cores for all these borings were preserved and laid out in relative position both longitudinally and verti¬ cally for the inspection of the Board of the Government Engi¬ neers when they met in Austin at the request of the Mayor to report upon the feasibility of replacing the dam. This work was the most important and valuable that the city of Austin has ever undertaken in connection with the dam, and, the money expended is practically the only money that was ever spent for gathering, •collecting, and systematizing valuable data upon which re¬ ports could be based. Had the city spent as much money in making borings before the dam was located, it" would have saved over half a million dollars at the very least, and had the city spent as much as $2000 in obtaining and collecting necessary hydrographic data, it would have returned a thousand fold on the outlay. The writer wishes to go on record once and for all Bulletin of the University of Texas The Austin Dam 71 in approving' the outlay for making the borings at the dam site. On account of the very great importance of these borings the log of all the 26 holes is here published in full. ""[Note.—The water shown in Fig. 14 under the words "top of water," is on upstream side of dam instead of downstream side as indicated.] holj-: xo. 1. Top of Hole 20.5 Feet Above Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. To 7.00 10.00 10.50 12.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 30.75 31.00 33.00 37.33 37.50 41.00 42.00 44.00 45.00 46.50 47.00 55.00 55.00 58.00 63.00 65.00 68.50 73.00 78.00 79.50 85.00 Thickness of Strata in Feet. 7.00 3.00 .50 1.50 3.00 1.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 3.75 .25 2.00 4.33 .17 3.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.50 .50 6.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 3.50 4.50 5.00 1.50 5.50 Material. Sand, rock and clay. Clay and broken ledge. Limestone. Broken limestone. Limestone. Cavity. Limestone. Chalky honeycomb limestone. ICavity. Chalky limestone. !Limestone core. 'Cavity. Limestone core. Chalky limestone. Washed rods down. Chalky limestone. [Chalky limestone. (Limestone core. jChalky limestone. ;Soft limestone. Hard limestone. [Very soft limestone. Hard limestone. Very hard limestone, all core. [Hard limestone. Very soft limestone. Soft limestone. Very soft limestone. Limestone core. ,Flint and limestone core. Hard limestone. HOLE NO. 2. Top of Hole 14.50 Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. From To Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. 0. 2.00 2.00 Soil. 2.00 2.60 .60 Concrete. 2.60 7.33 4.73 Soft limestone. 7.33 8.00 .67 Hard limestone. 8.00 9.50 1.50 Flint. 9.50 15.50 6.00 Hard limestone. 15.50 16.17 .67 Soft, limestone. 16.17 16.67 .50 Hard granite. 16.67 16.83 .17 Cement. 16.83 18.67 1.83 Hard granite. 18.67 19.00 .33 Cement. 10.00 20.50 1.50 Granite and cement. 20.50 23.50 3.00 Granite, cement and limestone 23.50 32.50 9.00 Hard limestone. 32.50 47.00 14.50 Limestone. 47.00 53.67 6.67 Soft limestone. 53.67 51.17 .50 Flint. 54.33 60.00 1 5.67 Soft limestone. 60.00 100.00 40.00 Limestone. Bulletin of the University of Texas The Austin Bam 73 HOLE NO. 3. Top of Hole 11.0 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. I 1 Thickness of Strata in Material. From 1 To Feet. 0. 7.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 33.00 35.00 38.83 30.00 7.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 33.00 35.00 38.83 39.00 40.00 7.00 10.00 .50 .50 15.00 2.00 3.83 .17 1.00 Sand. Olay, gravel and boulders. Hard limestone. Soft limestone. Hard limestone. Soft limestone. Limestone. Flint. Limestone. HOLE NO. 4. Top of Hole 43.50 feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 3.00 3.00 Clay. 3.00 12.00 9.00 Clay and rock. 12.00 22.00 10.00 Clav, rock and boulders. 22.00 23.50 1.50 Soft limestone. 23.50 23.67 .17 Hard limestone. 23.67 27.00 3.33 Soft limestone. 27.00 27.50 .50 Hard limestone. 27.50 28.50 1.00 Soft limestone. 28.50 36.00 7.50 Hard limestone. HOLE NO. 5. Top of Hole 30.0 Eeet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. i Thickness of -j Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 4.00 1 4.00 Clay and rock. 4.00 31.60 27.60 Sand, clav and rock. 31.60 :-f6.00 4.40 Hard limestone HOLE NO. <;. Top of Hole 41.0 Eeet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. From 0. 21.00 22.00 29.00 31.75 32.25 To 21.00 22.00 20.00 31.75 32.25 100.00 Thickness of Strata in Feet. 21.00 1.00 7.00 2.75 .50 6 7.75 Material. Sand, clay and boulders. Boulders. Clay and boulders. Sand and boulders. Hard limestone, j Limestone. 74 Bulletin of the University of Texas hole xo. 7. Top of Hole 40.0 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surfaee. Thickness of Strata in Material. From 1 To Feet. 0. 14.00 14.00 Sand, clay and boulders. 14.00 31.00 17.00 4 1/2 in. sand pipe, rocks, clay and sand. 31.00 37.00 6.00 3 in. casing through clay boulders and sand. .37.00 38.00 1.00 Put down 1 ft. of :: in. easing through broken ledge. 38.00 47.00 9.00 Limestone. 47.00 60.00 13. (K) Hard limestone. 60.00 65.00 5.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 8. Top of Hole 40.75 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of 1 _ Strata in .Material. From To Feet. 0. 29.75 29.75 Sand, clay and boulders. 29.75 36.75 7.00 Hard limestone. 36.75 39.75 3.00 Very soft limestone. 39.75 44.15 4.40 Hard limestone. (4.15 45.15 1.00 Soft limestone. 45.15 46.75 1.60 Sand and clay. 40.75 47.75 1.00 Soft limestone. 47.75 52.75 5.00 Hard limestone. 52.75 53.75 ! .00 Soft limestone. 53.75 59.50 5.75 'Hard limestone. HOLE \<>. 9. Top of Hole 44.25 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of — — Strata in .Material. From | To Feet. 0. 10.00 10.00 Sand. 10.00 26.00 16.00 Red clay and gravel. 26.00 32.67 6.67 Sand, clay and boulders. 32.67 37.00 4.33 Hard limestone. 37.00 41.25 4.25 Hard broken limestone 41.25 43.00 1 .75 ('avity. 43.00 49.00 6.00 Hard limestone. 49.00 55.00 6.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. K). Top of Hole 63.50 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of _ — Strata in Material. From |. To Feet. 0. 3.50 3.50 Water. 3.50 8.40 4.90 Sand and clay. 8.40 16.00 7.60 Limestone. 16.00 25.00 9.00 Hard limestone. 25.00 27,00 2.00 Cavities and soft limestone. 27.00 28.75 1 .75 Hard broken limestone. The Austin Dam HOLE NO. 11. Top of Hole 66.25 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. Feet. From To 0. O.OO 9.50 10.00 6.00 9.50 10.00 80.00 6.00 Water. 3.50 Sand and clay. .50 Sand and limestone. 70.00 Limestone. HOLE XO. 12. Top of Hole 70.50 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 10.00 10.00 Water. 10.00 14.00 4.00 Sand. 14.00 36.00 22.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 13. Top of Hole 73.75 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 13.00 13.00 Water. 13.00 17.00 4.00 Limestone. 17.00 19.00 2.00 Water rose two feet. 19.00 19.50 .50 Limestone. 19.50 38.00 18.50 Hard broken limestone. HOLE NO. 14. Top of Hole 68.90 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 10.00 10.00 Water. 10.00 13.50 3.50 Sand and gravel. 13.50 14.50 1.00 Concrete and limestone. 14.50 14.75 .25 Limestone. 14.75 16.00 1.25 Sand and clay. 16.00 19.50 3.50 Sand and boulders. 19.50 39.00 19.50 Limestone. HOLE NO. 15. Top of Hole 00.75 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. From To 0. 13.50 15.00 13.50 15.00 35.00 13.50 1 .50 20.00 Water, (.ravel and Limestone. sand. 7<; Bulletin of the Ir)i.ivcrsil)/ of Texas HOLE NO. 16. Top of Hole 72.50 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. From 0. 11.00 10.00 To 11.00 16.00 35.00 Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. 11.00 Water. 5.00 Sand and boulders. 10.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 17. Top of Hole 73.50 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To 'Feet. 0. 14.00 14.67 14.00 14.00 Water. 14.67 .67 Chopped 4 1/2 in. pipe, limestone. 40.00 25.33 Limestone. HOLE NO. 18. Top of Hole 71 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. Feet. From To 0. 11.00 11.00 40.00 11.00 Water. 29.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 10. Top of Hole 68 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. Feet. From To 8S O 00 00 8.00 8.00 Water. 8.50 . 50 Chopped sand pipe in limestone. 40.00 31.50 Limestone. HOLE NO. 20. Top of Hole 68.15 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. Feet. From To 0. 8.00 14.00 8.00 14.00 50.00 8.00 ;Water. 6.00 i Flint and limestone. 36.00 (Limestone. ■ The Austin Dam HOLE NO. 21. Top of Hole 68.75 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of I Strata in Feet. Material. From | To 0. 8.67 8.67 12.00 12.00 30.00 8.67 Water. 3.33 {Limestone. 27.00 jLimestone. HOLE NO. 22. Top of Hole 68.75 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 8.50 8.50 Water. 8.50 14.00 5.50 Limestone. 14.00 33.00 19.00 Limestone. 33.00 39.00 6.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 23. Top of Hole -18 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Material. From To Feet. 0. 4.00 4.(10 Large boulders and sand. 4.00 16.00 12.00 Sand and boulders. 16.00 17.50 1.50 Limestone and flint. 17.50 55.00 37..50 Limestone. HOLE NO. 24. Top of Hole 43.25 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. From j To Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. 0. 7.00 7.00 Sand, clay and old concrete filling-. 7.00 23.00 16.00 Sand, clay and wood. 23.00 26.50 3.50 Limestone. 26.50 39.00 12.50 Hard broken limestone. 39.00 60.00 21.00 Limestone. HOLE NO. 25. Top of Hole 4.2 Feet Below Crest of Dam. Feet from Surface. Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. From To 0. 4.00 22.25 28.00 38.00 51.50 80.00 109.00 131.00 4.00 22.25 28.00 38.00 51.50 80.00 109.00 131.00 150.00 4.00 18.25 5.75 10.00 13.50 28.50 29.00 22.00 19.00 Sand pit. Sand boulders and clay. Hard broken limestone. Hard limestone. Limestone. Limestone. Limestone with hard bands. Limestone. Limestone. Bullctii) of the IIDiversity of Texas HOLE NO. 20. Top of Hole "hi.50 Feet Above Crest of Dam. From Feet from Surface. To Thickness of Strata in Feet. Material. 3.00 0.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 28.50 HI .00 0. 3.00 0.00 10.00 15,00 18.00 28.50 31.00 34.00 3.00 Pit broken limestone. 3.00 Very liairl limestone. • 4.00 Hard broken limestone. 5.00 Limestone. 3.00 Limestone, clay rods washed down. 10.50 Broken limestone. 2.50 Soft limestone. 3.00 Soft limestone washed down with weight oi rous. S.OO Hard limestone. 5.00 Hard limestone. 5.00 Very soft limestone. of rods. 34.00 42.00 47.00 52.00 52.50 58.00 02.00 04.00 82.00 42.00 47.00 52.00 52.50 58.00 02.00 01.00 82.00 230.00 50 Very hard limestone. REPORT OF1 GOVERNMENT ENGINEERS. During- the summer of 1908 Mayor Frank M. Maddox re¬ quested the director of the IT. S. Reclamation Service to appoint a hoard of government engineers to investigate and report upon the feasibility of rebuilding the dam. The following hoard was appointed: Arthur P. Davis, Chief Engineer of the IT. S. Re¬ clamation Service. Louis 0. Hill, Reclamation Engineer in charge of the Roosevelt Dam, and T. IT. Taylor, Dean of the Depart¬ ment of Engineering of the University of Texas. The Mayor requested the engineers to advise the city of Austin upon the following points: 1. Advise as to the feasibility of replacing the dam. 2. If the present site is considered feasible, advise as to the best and most practicable plan for rebuilding. Go into detail as far as your board deem necessary. 3. Advise without going into minute detail the approximate cost of replacing the dam in accordance with the general plans suggested. 4. Should you deem the present site impracticable, then ad¬ vise as to other site with approximate cost. The Board spent several days in an examination of the struc¬ ture of the geological formation between the dam and Mt. Bon- nell, inspected the exhaustive series of borings executed by W. G. Kirkpatrick and A. C. Blanton, and finally made the follow- Tin Austin Dam 79 ing ^commendations in regard to the old dam if the city should decide 1o rebuild it: 1- Provide a deep curtain wall near the upstream face to cut off percolation under the dam, so far as possible in order to reduce upward pressure to the minimum. 2. Increase the mass of the dam, and thus increase its re¬ sistance to sliding, and such increase should be so located as to utilize the pressure of water on the dam, so far as possible. 3. Repair the foundation of the toe of the dam with good monolithic reinforced concrete and carry it down into natural rock so as to secure its resistance to sliding and protect it against future erosion. All these precautions should be employed if the dam is rebuilt at the old site. We have prepared preliminary drawings illus¬ trating in general the above idea as applied to repair of the re¬ maining portion of the old dam and the construction of the new portion. After the new dam is placed in service, care must be taken to prevent erosion of the toe from any cause, and frequent ex¬ aminations taken against its repetition. The curtain wall should be about six feet in thickness, and connected by steel rods to the main dam. It should be carried to depths to be determined by local conditions as work proceeds, but in general to elevation 400 to 410 or to depth of twenty to thirty feet below original heel of the dam. It should go below any cavities disclosed by borings or otherwise. The east abutment and bulkhead are on very poor foundation, and should be entirely rebuilt, carrying the base below the cavi¬ ties and leakes that have developed. The body of the new portion (Fig. 15) of the dam should be built of concrete with good hard stones embedded in it. forming what is called "rubble concrete." For the sake of appearance the granite facing on the lower slope should be placed according to the loimei plan. I his hov- ever, is not necessary on the back of the dam where it will be concealed by water, though the Granite should be used for a dis¬ tance of about ten feet below the crest, where the back will be uncovered in times of protracted drouth, the remaining portion of the back of the dam being concrete. There is little value in the old works except the masonry now SO Bulletin of the University of Texas Fig. 15. standing in the western half of the river, where stand about five hundred feet of the original dam, which needs extensive repair and protection to insure its safety. The penstocks are gone with rust, and have buckled and warped under their ex¬ cessive loads of earth. The power house is so far wrecked and the remaining portion is so poorly adapted to future requirements as to be of little use except to furnish material for new construction. In plan¬ ning the power house provision should be made for the installa¬ tion of about five thousand liorse-power eventually which can advantageously be employed in connection with steam auxiliary. For the present we have assumed about three thousand horse¬ power will be required to have included its installation in our Fig. 16. The Austin Dam 81 The following preliminary estimates have been made of the probable cost of rebuilding the dam and power plant at the present site. These estimates should be used with great caution as the foundation especially at and below the line of the toe has been eroded to an unknown depth, and we have to depend largely upon assumptions regarding the necessary yardage in the founda¬ tion and toe of the dam. The quantity of necessary ovc.avat.ion and concrete for the curtain wall is also very uncertain ''spe¬ cially at the eastern end. It has, therefore, been necessary to make assumptions on this point. Owing to local conditions these uncertainties can not be entirely cleared up until con¬ struction is in progress. ESTIMATED COST OF REPLACING AUSTIN DAM AND THE POWER HOUSE. Rock excavation for cut-off wall, 8(XX) cubic yards, at $3 per cubic yard $24,00<) 00 Concrete in cut-off wall, !*XX) yards at $6 per cubic yard .54,(MX) 00 Excavation for dam to wall and apron, 80,000 yards, at 75 cents per cubic yard J 60,000 oo Reinforced concrete in toe wall and apron 40,000 yards at $0 per yard $ 240,000.00 Concrete and facing in main dam 74,000 yards at sj'6 per cubic yard 444,000 00 Excavation for east abutment 3,500 yards at $2 per cubic yard 7,000 00 Concrete wall under bulkhead, 3,500 yards at $<> per cubic yard 21,000 (X? Sluice gates 5,(XX) (X) Power house and three units 200,000 0<) $1,055,000 00 Engineering and contingencies, 15 per cent. 158,500 00 $1,213,500 00 The site of the old dam is very undesirable. It is direct!v across a zone of geographical faults and the river bed is faulted for nearly two miles above the dam site. It will be impossible to prevent percolation under the foundation of the dam. The amount of such percolation is purely conjectural, and would not only entail a loss of valuable water, but would be to some extent a menace to the safety of the dam. The rock in the foundation is soft and very irregular. If there were no property at this site, we would not regard it as within the realm of consideration. We have accordingly examined the canyon above, and find that a much better site exists at Mt. Bonnell, about two and one-fourth miles above the old site, where the rock is much harder, and where so far as now known, no geologic faults exist at or above the dam site. The length of the structure is about the same. No borings have been made here, so no accurate estimate of cost can be made at present. Prom • i rough approximate based upon all the information now at hand, we are of the opinion that a dam and power house of Bulletni of the University of Texas equal capacity will cost no more at the Mt. Bonnell site than the repair of the old dam and power house. It will be far safer and will have less water leakage and therefore a greater avail¬ able water supply. The cost of maintenance would be much less. We recommend, therefore that borings be made at the site selected near Mt. Bonnell, the result of which will indicate whether or not it is more feasible than the old site, and form a basis for more accurate estimates of its cost. 5£ c T/o/v o/= P/?0P05££> D/7/y /y7~ BO/y/yeiL Fig. 17. If llie borings develop a conditions of foundation such as we expect, it will be entirely feasible to build a higher dam, which would provide a greater head available for power, and the great area of the upper layers of water will provide a large capacity for the storage of the frequent floods, and thus greatly increase the available water supply. This would increase the power possibilities in greater proportion than the increase of cost. We have been materially assisted by Dr. F. W. Simonds, Professor of Geology in the University of Texas Arthur P. Davis, Louis C. Hill, T. U. Taylor, Board of Consulting Engineers. The Austin Dam DUMONT CONTRACT OR FRANCHISE. On April 5, 1910, the city of Austin, by election, authorized the City Council to make a contract with the Dumont-IIolmes Steel Concrete Company to erect and maintain a dam 65 feet high above low water (low water not defined) at or near the loca¬ tion of the dam formerlly erected, to overflow lands bv back water, to construct a reservoir, filter beds and to operate and maintain the plant. The following is a summary of the terms of the contract: First, the company (Dumont-IIolmes Steel Concrete Com¬ pany) was to have the right to erect, maintain and operate a hydro-electric plant and to overflow certain lands. Second, the company was to have the use of the old dam, power house, salvage of same, lines and poles from dam to the city for 20 years, after the completion of dam (the said 20 years being the life of the contract). Third, the company may assign the contract, Fourth, the company guarantees the city against damages caused by breaking of dam, in additoin to the repair agreement, but only to the amount of all installment payments not due at time of break. Fifth, the company is to furnish a dam 65 feet high above low water, and the power station with turbines capable of sen- erating 4000 h. p., electric generators of 3750 li. p. capacity; a reservoir of 6,000,000 gallons capacity; a filter of capacity 1,000,000 gallons per day: a pumping plant of two pumps, each of capacity 6,000,000 gallons per day. against a head of 315 feet above low water (or 250 fed above crest of new dam). Sixth, the company is to bepin work within 90 days from final passage'of the ordinance and to complete dam and machinery ready for operation within two \e