Engraved from the original Portrait in the possession of R.R.Dodge. East Sutton. Mass.THE RAWSON FAMILY. A REVISED MEMOIR OF EDWARD RAWSON, 6ECRETABY OF THE COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, From 1650 to 1686; WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTICES OF HIS DESCENDANTS, INCLUDING NINE GENERATIONS. BY E. B. CRANE. " Tell ye your Children of it, and let your Children tell their Children, and their Children auother Generation."—Bible. WORCESTER PUBLISHED BY THE 1 8 7 5. FAMILY.WORCESTER: . PRINTED BY CHARLES HAMILTON. PALLADIUM OFFICE. 1875.CONTENTS. Page. Preface......................................................vii How to Trace tile Line of Descent..........................x The Family Name, its Origin, &c.....1....................xiii Family Coat of Arms..........................................xv Index No. 1.....................................295 Index No. 2..........•..............................317 Appendix................................251 Oath Administered to Edward Rawson......................251 Edward Rawson Commissioned as Steward and Agent .... 252 Letter to Capt. John Leverett..............• 252 Salary Increased............"....................253 Letter to William Leet, Esq...........................253 Letter to Lord Arlington....................................255 Letter to Connecticutt......................................256 " Laws and Orders of Warr"................................257 Edward Rawson a Large Land Holder........................258 Burial Place of Edward Rawson..............................258 Petition to Sir Edmund Andross .........................259 Rev. John Wilson's Will..................................260 Grindal Rawson's Settlement in the Ministry................262 Rev. Grindal Rawson's Will..................................263 Mrs. Grindal Rawson's Letter to Cotton Mather............265 Extracts from Rev. Grindal Rawson's Election Sermon . . . 268 David Rawson's Will........................................273 First Family Reunion........................................276 Address by Luther Rawson Marsh, Esq......................276 Second Rawson Family Reunion..............................281 Third Rawson Family Reunion................................284 Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury................292 Addenda......................................................329 Errata...........................• 333EIGRAYINGS. Pacing Page. Frontispiece, Edward Rawson, Our Progenitor. Rebecca Rawson...................... . 9 Phineas Washington Leland..................................51 Polla Rawson................................................55 The Capt. Samuel Rawson Mansion..........................57 Abel Rawson, Esq............................................108 Dr. Bass Rawson..............................................109 Mrs. Abigail Rawson Prentice................................116 Henry E. Prentice, Esq........................................117 Mrs. Lurana White Townsend................................146 Reuben Rawson Dodge........................................331PREFACE. A T the First Gathering of the Rawson Family, October 8th, A. D., 1872, at Horticultural Hall, Worcester, Mass., the wish was repeatedly expressed by those who took part that a new Family Memorial should be published. This wish was heartily shared by all; although no direct steps were then taken towards its accomplishment. The whole time was occupied in becoming acquainted with each other and in examining the ancient Family Relics which were exhibited in the Hall in abundance. They were presented and carefully arranged by Mr. Reuben Rawson Dodge of Sutton, who has been for more than a quarter of a century collecting them ; and to whom, more than to any other person, the Family are indebted beyond recompense for the persistent energy and industry with which he has labored in their behalf. To him are we under obligation for the First Meeting. A Reunion was held at the same place, October 1st, 1873, when the subject of a New Memorial was again urged, and a Committee chosen to collect material and see to the publication of the Book. The names of that Committee are as follows: R. R. Dodge, L. O. Livingston, George Rawson, E. B. Crane, Mary G. Leland, N. A. Boutelle and O. F. Rawson. A few months later, a majority of the Committee convened at Worcester for the purpose of making a beginning in the work for which they were chosen. The result of that meeting was a vote that the whole matter be placed in the hands of E. B. Crane, the Secretary-elect of the Association, to distribute circulars and blanks, and toviii PREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. receive the same when returned. That part of the work has been quite thoroughly prosecuted. At the Third Family Reunion, held September 16th, A. D., 1874, report was presented of progress thus far made. A copy of this report and a brief account of each Family Gathering, including the address of Luther R. Marsh, Esq., of New York City, may be found in the Appendix. Little more than a year had been spent in gathering Records when letters began to be received, with the inquiry, " When will the Book be ready for distribution? " No arrangement even had then been made with any person to compile the work, and 110 one had volunteered his services. Thinking the time too precious to be lost, the writer made a beginning of the compilation, without the slightest thought of carrying it to completion, but with the idea that whoever should take hold of the work after him might possibly find that no harm had been done. Now that the work is so nearly accomplished, he must present an apology for continuing that which, in the beginning, he felt incompetent to perform. He has attempted to record only plain, simple facts, without display of rhetoric (to which he makes no pretensions). If the work has been made plain, so that readers can all trace the genealogies, then he will feel that he has been instrumental in furnishing some little comfort and general knowledge concerning this prolific Family. The Memorial published in 1849, by Mr. Reuben Rawson Dodge and Sui.livan S. Rawson, through the assistance of Joseph H. Dorr, Esq., of Boston, and Hon. Joseph Raavson of R. I., contained 1462 names, and has been made the groundwork for this book. The Author desires that full credit should be awarded to all who furnished material for that work ; and would also express his gratitude personally to each and every one who has contributed any matter whatsoever pertaining to this volume, and especially to those who have contributed engravings, they addingPREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. ix materially to the interest of the book. Mr. Dodge has been untiring in his efforts to furnish documents and give aid to this work, and is entitled to special mention. This Book contains upwards of 5,450 names, descendants of the Secretary, Edward Rawson. Perfection in a work like this is seldom attained. When records and reports are presented in so many different forms and written by as many different hands, to be compiled by one person, errors are quite likely to occur, however vigilant the compiler may be. Letters and figures are often written so obscurely as to require very careful study in order to arrive at even a probable certainty. Too much care can not be used in preparing the original reports in order that errors may be subsequently avoided. No effort has been made to trace the Rawson Family in England. It has been the object of this work to revise, correct and complete a genealogy of the Family in America. Our correspondence has been quite extensive, and replies have been prompt on the part of its widely-scattered members, for which they have our most hearty thanks; yet quite a number of persons (and probably families) have not responded, and perhaps have not been reached by our Circulars, which may account, in a measure, for some of the omissions and the incompleteness of this book. When replies to our letters have not been received we have endeavored to get information through other members of the Family. On this account there may be found occasional discrep^ ancy in dates. Some of the records used were received quite a number of years ago. Changes must since have taken place, but as we could not get reports of more recent date it was thought best to use those at hand in order to leave the chain of descent unbroken. We have placed some reliance upon interested members, soliciting information from them respecting all persons in their particular branch of the Family. We have thus reached some of whom we had no direct knowledge, and are happy to say that our expectations have been more than realized. bX PREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. The interest has been universal and spontaneous. Some few have sent in quite lengthy biographical sketches. It was not thought best to publish them in full, although we should be very glad to do so, as they contain matter of special interest and usefulness to immediate descendants ; but we have here given them in a condensed form, that expense might be saved, and it is hoped that at the same time there has been no serious loss of the ennobling influences contained therein. The Author has followed the style of arrangement adopted in the Slafter Memorial, published by Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A. M., of Boston. Consecutive numbers are placed on the left margin against those who bear the name of Rawson ; also, against descendants who are heads of families, of whatever name. No two names receive the same number, although the same name may appear twice under different numbers—first as child, then as parent. In order to find the name of a Rawson consult Index No. 1, where all Christian names only are alphabetically arranged. Since the same Christian name often occurs, the actual or conjectural year of birth is prefixed to each name, to assist in determining which person of the common Christian name is meant. The number after each name is the consecutive number. Turn to this number in the body of the book and record will be found of the first appearance of the person as a child, in all cases except that of the first Edward. Should a bracketed [—] number here be found after the name, it refers to a subsequent record of the same person as parent. When a bracketed number does not appear after the name no further information concerning that person will be found. In like manner, immediately after the name of a parent, will be found a bracketed number, which refers back to the entry of the same name where the person appears as a child. Therefore, as a rule, the larger numbers refer forward, and the smaller ones backward. Also, after the name of a parent, the pedigree is indicated in parenthesis, (—) with small figures above, showing toPREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. xi what generation the name belonged. Thus, parent's name Grindal3, father's name William7, grandfather's Edmund1, and so on down to Edward1. In Index No. 2 will be found all names of descendants and persons who have intermarried with the various families mentioned in the book, and who bear other names than that of Rawsox. This index contains only the names of heads of families, and in it the surnames are entered alphabetically. The Christian names follow in regular order, with consecutive numbers appended, referring to each name in the body of the book. When the name of a descendant or relative of the Rawson Family does not appear in the index, reference may be made to the name of either wife, father or mother. A line of descent may thus be found from which the desired information may be gained. The Author has not been able to be as thorough and systematic in collecting and arranging genealogical information respecting families of other names connected through the various female lines, as some may desire. But all information received may be found in this volume, and, with but few exceptions, immediately following that of the last person in the line who bore the name of Rawson. In these cases, also, bracketed numbers are appended, referring back to corresponding numbers under the parent's name. Small exponential figures are also printed over to indicate the generation to which the name belongs. The usual abbreviations for the names of States are employed; m. stands for married ; b. for born ; d. for died ; s. for settled; r. for reside; U. C. for Union College; W. C., Williams College, and also for Waterville College ; H. C., Harvard College; B. C., Bowdoin College ; B. U., Brown University. A blank " Family Record " will be found at the end of each book, where the different families can supply deficiencies in their records or continue them in future years. Although the Circulars issued did not call specially for information concerning military service rendered or collegiate course of education pursued, yetxii PREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. we have the pleasure of knowing that the Family has been well represented in each of these named departments, and would have done honor to this Record had the materials been collected with which to form a Roll of Honor as well as a List of College Graduates. So far as information was received, it has been placed under the individual's name in the body of the book. In the Appendix may be found printed copies of Letters, Deeds, &c., which will be of interest to many of the Family. To Edmond Grindal Rawson, M. I)., of New York City, Oscar F. Rawson of this City, Newell A. Boutelle of Woon-socket, R. I., and Henry M. Rawson of Providence, R. I., who have given valuable pecuniary aid towards the publication of this work, we return our special thanks. Also, for many additional and interesting facts concerning some of the subjects of this record, we are indebted to the American Antiquarian Society of this City, who have in store a vast amount of historical and genealogical information, to which we have had free access, through the kindness of S. F. Haven, Esq., Librarian, and the gentlemanly and courteous Assistant-Librarian, Mr. Edmund M. Barton, who always has been ready to assist us personally when he could be of service. We cannot refrain from also expressing our perfect satisfaction with the manner in which our work has been executed at the printing house of Mr. Charles Hamilton, Worcester, Mass. And we beg to express our grateful appreciation of the interest taken by Mr. Benjamin J. Dodge (the foreman), to have this register correctly printed, and in every way, so far as possible, made satisfactory to the Members of the Family. Worcester, Mass., August 25th, 1875. E. B. Crane.NAME. It will perhaps be both pleasing knd instructive, to some at least, of the Rawson descendants, to learn something concerning the name, its origin and meaning. For this purpose, the best authorities on the subject have been consulted, and the works of a number of different persons on surnames have been examined. That of "Mark Antony Lower's Essays on English Surnames" has been accepted as the one most likely to prove reliable. Family surnames were not commonly in use previous to the tenth century, and cannot be traced further back than the latter part of that century. They were first used in France, and particularly in Normandy, at the North of France. When William the Conqueror mounted the English throne, in 1066, Normandy was incorporated with, and formed an important part of, the territory of the English monarchy. The entry of those Norman adventurers into England was, no doubt, the inaguration of the custom of having surnames. Many of these names were taken from the castle, village, or country seat in which the Normans lived on the other side of the channel. Some of these were used by prefixing the French preposition de. Another large class was formed by adding Sox to the christian name of the father. Office, occupation, or condition in life gave rise to names such as Knight, Shepard, Smith, Page. Others still were taken from color or complexion, as White, Black, Brown; some were derived from animals: Drake, Bird, Wolf, &c.. To these might be added many more in illustration, but perhaps enough have been presented to give the reader an idea of the manner in which family names were first produced. Previous then to the Norman conquest, persons had commonly but one name, a christian name given on the ninth or tenth day after birth. It was often expressive of some quality in high estimation, of valor, skill, wisdom, or gracefulness. Other names were taken from the names of the different ancient gocls, &c. Among these we find Hildebrand (war brand), Konrad (bold in council), Adolph (Noble Wolf), Arnold (Yaliant Eagle), Osborn (God Bear), Wolfhild (Wolf heroine); Ralph, in England often pronounced Baf, with broad a, meaning famous wolf or hero, and this ''Lower" tells us is the name from which ours comes. It was very often written Relf and pronounced like Rauf, with a very broad a. By adding the plural termination es, as was done to King, Kinges; Servant, Servantes, the namexiv NAME. became Ralphes or Relphes, and it was pronounced Raufcs or Rawes. Then Son was appended in the place of es, and the f dropped, making Rawson. meaning son of Rauf or Rawes. Thus from Ralph came Rawes, Rawson, Rawlins, Rawlinson, and Rason. Ralph de Mortimer was the First Constable of England, receiving his commission from William the Conqueror. The name Ralph must have been a popular one among the learned men as far back as the tenth century. Ralph, a Norwegian Bishop, was Abbat of Abingdon in England in 1050 and 1052; Ralph, Bishop of Orkney, 1077; Ralph d Escures, Bishop of Rochester 1108, and Archbishop of Canterbury 1114 to 1122; Ralph, Archdeacon of Colchester, and English Judge in 1189; died in 1100. Ralph, Archdeacon of Hereford, a Judge from 1163 to 1197. Ralph, Bishop of Dmvn, 1202 to 1213. Ralph of Bristol, Bishop of Kil-dare, 1233; d. 1258. Ralph of Kilmessan, Bishop of Down, 1329; died 1353. Ralph of Maidstone, Bishop of Hereford, 1234. Ralph of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Bath, 1329, d. 1363. Ralph of de Wareham, Bishop of Chichester, 1218; d. 1222. A pedigree of the Rawson Family is mentioned in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, covering eight generations, and contained in " William Pavers' Consolidated Visitations of Yorkshire." Burk, in his Complete Work on Heraldry, mentions it, saying that it begins with Richard Rawson of Frystone, who flourished in the time of Richard II., about 1380, and was concluded in 1585. From this family arose the Rawsons of Bradford, ancestors of William of Boiling, who married heiress of Brooke of Brookeroyd, and was grandfather to Benjamin Rawson of Bradford and Darley, who purchased the estate of Nidd, County of York. These pedigrees referred to, were collected by Heralds under Royal Commissions, who were instructed to visit the several counties of England, and collect the same from all families of any distinction, and to enter them in a book containing official proceedings. These register books contained the pedigrees and arms collected in cotirse of the visitations, with the signatures of the heads of the families. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century these visitations have been discontinued. These facts go to show that it is a very ancient, as well as quite prominent, patronymic. Richard Rawson, an English Canonist and Jurist, d. 1543. About 1580, John Blake, Jr., son of John Blake of Little Baddow, County of Essex, England, married Anna, the heir of Rawson. She had seven children. William Blake, a brother to this John, came to America in 1630 and settled at Dorchester, Mass. There are other explanations of the origin of the name of Rawson, but after careful study of them all, this is believed to be the true one. Other explanations derive the name from Rous, Rouse, Roussune, (French), and. Row, (Scotch), pronounced Raw in English.' Thence comes Rawes, then Rawson, also Ros and Ross, or Raven, then Raven-son and Rawson in England. Edward, meaning (truth keeper) a faithful man, and Edmund (truth mouth) a speaker of the truth, are very often found among the names of the family, and are also antique.COAT OF ARMSNAME. XV The Rawson Family Coat of Arms gives another proof that the name is ancient and bears distinction. The origin of this emblem is accounted for by the following legend :— " Far back in the blood-stained history of England there was a strong fortress or castle in the possession of the enemy, which it was desirable to capture. Some attempts had been made but without success. There was a bold, energetic, patriotic young Officer in the King's Army by the name of Rawson, who volunteered to organize an expedition for its redaction, if allowed a certain number of men. The proposition was accepted, the expedition successful, and to reward the young Officer for his daring skill and bravery, he was presented with this Coat of Arms." Whether the story be true or not the writer is not prepared to affirm; but it is a fact that such a family blazon does exist, and has been on record at the Herald's College, or College of Arms, for several hundred years. It is composed of an escutcheon, representing an old knightly shield, the lower half (sable) black, the upper half (azure) blue; in centre of the shield a castle, with four towers in gold; crest (placed over), a raven's head, black; bearing on the neck drops of gold, one and two; erased, on a wreath; in the beak a ring of gold. The motto underneath, " Laus Virtutis Actio" may be freely rendered, "The deed of bravery is its own praise." The sentiment of the device seems to be Strength, Strategy, Watchfulness. The Raven obtained possession by force and holds the precious reward in his beak. The cut of the Family Coat of Arms given here was made from the original obtained in England by a Son of the Rev. Thos. Read Rawson, of Albany, N. Y.GENEALOGY OF THE RAWSON FAMILY. 1. Edward Rawson1, so far as has been ascertained, was the progenitor of all bearing the name of Rawson in the United States, with these two exceptions : The first, James Rawson, A. M., M.D., a Methodist Episcopal clergyman, who came to this country from England in 1832, and is supposed to have d. in Va., Aug. 26, 1854. His ancestors fled from France to England in consequence of the revocation of the " Edict of Nantes," Oct. 18, 1685, by Louis XIV. The second came to the United States about 1840, and settled at Utica, N. Y. His grand parents still reside in England, and have no knowledge of being immediately connected with our honored Secretary, who was born in Gillinghain, Dorsetshire, England, April 16, 1615. He was married in England to Rachel Perne, daughter of Thomas Perne, and grand-daughter of that John Hooker, whose wife was a Grindal, sister of Edmund Grindal, " the most worthily renowned Archbishop of Canterbury" * in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The family relation which existed between that excellent man, Edmund Grindal, and the earliest ancestor of the Rawsons, in England, of whom much is known, may render a few words respecting him not uninteresting. His high place in the Church affords the best evidence of his eminence as a divine. He was the successor of Bonner in the bishopric of London. Not willing to proceed to extremities against the Puritans, he involved himself in dissensions with Parker, the then Primate of England. His friend and patron Cecil, foreseeing that trouble might ensue, gladly seized the occasion of withdrawing him from the controversy, by transferring him to the bishopric of York, in 1570. "For his own repose," it is said, " Grindal ought never to have quitted this-sphere of unmolested usefulness." But Parker died, and in 1575 the primacy was offered to Grindal, and he accepted it. The prejudices of Queen Elizabeth against the Puritans and * See Appendix. 12 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. their meetings, called " Prophesyings," held at that time by the clergy, are well known. She issued orders for their suppression, and expressed to Grindal her displeasure at the number of preachers licensed in his Province ; " urging that it was good for the world to have few preachers ; that three or four might suffice for a county, and that the reading of the homilies to the people was enough." Against this the venerable prelate remonstrated in decided terms, and, in conclusion, exhorted her to remember that she was a mortal creature, and accountable to God for the exercise of her power. An order of the star-chamber followed, and the Archbishop was sequestered from the exercise of his jurisdiction, and confined to his house for six months. On points of professional duty, he was courageous and inflexible. He contributed largely to Fox's k'Acts and Monuments," and was revered for the primitive virtues of probity, sincerity and godly zeal. It was these characteristics which caused him to be celebrated in Spenser's " Shepherd's Calendar," in which he is designated by the name of A1 grind. Four or five years after his suspension, the Queen's anger abated, in a measure, and she removed the sequestration, but did not restore him to favor. Old and blind, he was on the point of resigning when he died, in 1583, aged 63. Ilollingshed says, " He was so studious that his book was his bride, and his study his bride-chamber, in which he spent his eyesight, his strength and his health." John Hooker, grandfather of Rachel Perne, or, as her Christian name was written in her clay, Iiatiel, was uncle to the celebrated and able divine, Rev. Thomas Hooker, who came to Boston in 1633, was for a time settled in Cambridge, and removed thence to Hartford in Connecticut, where he was settled in the ministry. Rev. John Wilson, first minister in Boston, was uncle to Edward Rawson. Cotton Mather, in his biography of Wilson, speaks of him as " having for his mother a niece of Doct. Edmund Grindal, the most worthy and renowned . Archbishop of Canterbury," and he refers to Rawson in connection with Wilson, in the same work, as follows: " But from a like humility it was, that a good kinsman of his, who deserveth to live in the same story, as he now lives in the same heaven with him, namely, Mr. Edward Rawson, the honored Secretary of the Massachusetts Colony," 4. Susanna Hazeltine0 [0], m. Joel Spencer; s. at Sheridan, N. Y. Children :— 1. John C. (Spencer), m.; lives in Ohio. 2. Eleanor " in.; d. young. 3. Mary E. " in. J. H. Gregg. 4. Susax 11. " m. Josiah Duprcy. 5. Philip H. " d. young. 155. Pardon Hazeltine6 [7], m. 1st, Harriet Sherman; 2d, Abigail R. Wheelock; settled tlrst at Busti, N. Y., afterwards at Worcester, Mass, where he died March 12, 1844. Children :— 1. Harriet Sherman (Hazeltine). 2. Charles Benjamin Read " 156. Edwin Hazeltine8 [9J, m. Polly Abbott; s. at Busti, N. Y. Children :— 1. Ciiloe (Hazeltine), m. Rev. James Frothingham; s. in Iowa. 2. Ezra T. " m. Rachel Kuapp; s. in Warren, Pa. 3. Clahk S. " in. Fanny Evans; s. in Busti, N. Y. 4. Eleanoii " 5. Laura " m. Rev. Mr. Williams; d. leaving two children. 6. Herbert " Joined the Union army, and d. in service. 7. Sarah " m.-Smith ; s. at Lansing, Iowa. 8. Edwin " a student at Oberlin, Ohio. 157. Hardin Hazeltine6 [10], m. Polly Stilson; s. Sugar Grove, Pa. Children :— 1. Mary (Hazeltine), b. March 31, 1835; m. LaFayette Cole. 2. Sopiironia " b. Sept. 21, 1836; m. H. J. Woodin. 3. Pardon " b. April 19, 1838; m. Julia Ann Phillips. 4. Betsy N. " b. Sept. 29, 1840; m. J. F. Bartlett. 5. Amos C. " b. Oct. 25. 1842; m. Keturah Hankin. 6. Susan N. " b. Feb. 25, 1845; m. Robert D. M'Dugal. 7. Abner B. " b. June 1, 1847; m. M. J. Eames. 8. Almena J. " b. Aug. 19, 1849; m. DeForest Duprey. 9. David D. " b. Oct. 11, 1851. 158. Gilbert W. Hazeltine7 [2], m. 1st, Eliza Boss; 2d, Fish, by whom he had one son: s. in Jamestown, N. Y. Children :— 1. Charles Storm (Hazeltine), m. Ella E. Russell; r. at Grand Rapids, Michigan; has two children. 2. Robert (Hazeltine), m.-Young; s. at Union, Pa. has two children. 3. Catherine (Hazeltine), m.-Lay; s. at Jamestown, N. Y. 4. Samuel " 5. Gilbert " 159. Martha Hazeltine7 [3], m. Hon. Samuel P. Johnson; s. at Warren, Pa. Children :— 1. Robert (Johnson). 2. Louisa " m. L. A. Rogers. 3. Alice " m. Marshall Hall. 4. Samuel "THIRD GENERATION. 27 160. Charlotte Hazeltine7 [4], m. Gilbert D. Smith; s. Panama, N. Y. He was imprisoned by the rebels at the South, aud cl. in prison. Had— 1. Charlotte (Smith), m.-Galbraith; s. in Ohio. 161. Richard F. Hazeltink7 [5], m. Hannah Jane Sherman; settled at Farmington, Pa. Children:— 1. Daniel (Hazeltine), a farmer at Farmington, Pa. 2. Laban " a druggist at Warren, Pa. 3. Jennie " 4. Martha " 5. Gilbert " 162. Stephen Wood4 [139), ra. Jemima Taft, Oct. 15, 1777. Settled in Mendon ; a cooper by trade. They had the following children :— 1. Manning (Wood), b. April 1, 1778. 2. Cynthia " b. Nov. 19, 1779. 3. Sarah " b. Sept. 22, 1781. 4. Abigail " b. Oct. 22, 1783. 6. George " b. Dec. 4, 1785. 6. Catherine " b. Mav 14, 1788. 7. Anna " b. June 5. 1790; d. June 1, 1849. 8. Sylvia " b. July 25, 1792; d. Feb. 1875. 9. Phila '« b. Oct. 5, 1794; d. Sept. 20, 1827. 10. Laura " b. Oct. 13, 1796; d. Sept- 16, 1814. 11. Mary " b. Nov. 1798; d. Nov. 1798. 12. Mary " b. Feb. 3, 1800; d. Sept. 7. 1814. 163. Manning Wood5 [1], m. Sarah Snow, at Orrington, Me., at which place he settled; d. May 18, 1856, and had the following children :— 1. Caroline (Wood), b. March 9, 1807. 2. Newell < ( b. Aug. 8, 1808. 3. Sylvia <> b. Jan. 1810. 4. Jabez S. C £ b. March, 1812. 5. George M. (( b. May, 1814. 6. Stephen E. «< b. June, 1816. 7. Phila Ann (( b. Jan. 1821. 8. Nelson N. < i b. Sept. 1826. 164. Cynthia Wood5 [2], m. Andrew Penniman, at Mendon. They had the following children :— 1. Alanson (Penniman). 2. Betsey B. " d. 3. Abby " d. 4. Sophia " 5. Royal " 6. Catherine " 7. Cynthia " d. 165. Sarah Wood5 [3], m. Enos Goss of Mendon. Their children were:— 1. Austin (Goss). 2. Mary " 3. Harriet " 4. Charlotte (Goss). 5. Elizabeth " 6. Adelia " 7. Sarah " 8. George W. " 9. Laura Ann " 10. Charles E. "28 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 166. George Wood5 [o], m. 1st, Sylvia Wood, and had one son; 2d, Sally Miller. Settled in Mendon, Mass. Children : 1. George Harrison (Wood), b. Oct. 23, 1812. 2. Mary Caroline " b. Feb. 16, 1819. 3. Elias " b. Nov. 1820. 4. Elizabeth " b. July 25, 1822. 167. George Harrison Wood6 [1], m. 1st, Hannah Wood of Dum- merston, Vt., Oct. 8, 1846; 2d, Betsey Goss of Mendon, Mass, April 23, 1862. Children :— 1. Sylvia Jane (Wood), b. Aug. 31, 1847; d. Aug. 11,1848. 2. Harriet Elizabeth (Wood), b. Sept 19, 1850. 168. Mary Caroline Wood6 [2], in. Ebeuezer Tnft,, a widower with one daughter, Nov. 5, 1851, at Mendon. Children:— 1. Anna Dork (Tafc), b. July 13, 1855. She m. Walter F. Smith, Dec. 25, 1873. 169. Caroline Wood6 [1], m. John Eldridge of Buxport, Maine, Dec. 4, 1828; settled in Orrington, Me.; a farmer. Children:— 1. Sarah (Eldridge), b. Oct. 8, 1829; d. 1831. 2. Saraii W. " b. Jan. 12, 1832; d. Feb. 21, 1865. 3. Manning W. (Eldridge), b. Nov. 1, 1833; d. April 23, 1854. 4. Phila Ann " b. April 6, 1835; d. Sept. 17, 1851. 5. John Austin " b. Aug. 17, 1836. 6. Edward T. " b. April 10, 1838; d. March 20, 1840. 7. Melville B. " b. Dec. 6, 1839. 8. Edward T. " b. June 4, 1841: d. Sep. 30, 1862. 9. Caroline " b. April 6, 1843. 10. Alanson " b. Oct. 3, 1845. 11. George N. " b. April 26, 1847. 170. John Austin Eldridge7 [5], m. L. Pollard, Feb. 26, 1862; s. at Orrington, Me. Children :— 1. Hattie A. (Eldridge), b. June 16, 1863; d. May 27, 1869. 2. Horace Eugene (Eldridge), b. Nov. 7, 1864; d. July 13, 1865. 3. Grotton Austin " b. Aug. 2, 1869 ; d. Sept. 9, 1869. 4. Harry Barton " b. Oct. 29, 1871. 5. Eadith Maud " b. June 22. 1872. 171. Melville B. Eldridge7 [7], m. Margaret H. Montgomery of Penobscot, Maine, Sep. 13, 1863; settled in Orrington, Maine. Children:— 1. Edward M. (Eldridge), b. March 23, 1865. 2. Winford I. " b. June 11, 1873.FOURTH GENERATION. 172. William Rawson4 [40] (William9, William2, Edward'), m. Margaret Cook, daughter of Thomas Cook of Uxbridge, May 13, 1731. "He settled in Mendon, was a distinguished lawyer, and considered a man of learning in his day." He was Town Treasurer in 1734, and chosen Town Clerk March 2, 1740; d. 1790. They had:— 173—1. Tfiomas [447], b. May, 1732; ra. Miss Read. 174—2. Wili.iam, b. 1734; was sutler for the Rhode Island Forces at Crown Point, in the French war, where he died, 1756. 175—3. John [456], b. Jan. 23, 1738; m. Elizabeth Bruce. 176—4. Pern k [463], b. Oct. 24, 1741; m. Molly Aldrich. 177—5. Edward [473], b. July 25, 1744; m. Sarah Saddler. 178—6. Margaret, b. May 14, 1747; d. May, 29, 1748. 179—7. Jonathan [482], b. March 15, 1749; m. Bathsheba Tracy. 180—8. Margaret, b 1751. 181. Sarah Rawson4 [43] (William3, William2, Edward1), m. a Mr. Saunders of Upton or Mendon. The following were their children :— 182—1. Elijah, b. 1741; m. and left children. 183—2. William, b. 1743; m. and left children. 184—3. Sarah, b. 1745; m. Capt. William French of Mendon. Their children were: Royal, Sally, Nancy, Eunice, Louisa and Kate. 185—4. Anna, b. 1749; d. young. 186. David Rawson4 [49] (David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Dyer, daughter of Benjamin Dyer, Esq., of Weymouth. He was a farmer, and settled in Milton. She d. March 19, 1780. He d. June 17, 1790. Their children were :— 187—1. Hannah, b. March 28, 1742; m. John Ruggles; d. Nqv. 10, 1819. 188—2. Eunice, b. Dec. 3, 1743; m. Abner Packard; d. in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1824. 189—3. Sarah, b. Sept. 25, 1745; m. James Blake; d. Feb. 19, 1827, at Milton, Mass. 190—4. Dyer, b. March 17, 1747; m. 1st, Susanna Webb; 2d, Abigail Pope; d. Aug. 21, 1817. He left one daughter, Susannah, of whom we have record. [1385.]30 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 191—5. Rebecca, b. May 6, 1749; d. March 28, 1802. 192—6. Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1754; m Daniel French; d. Sept. 19, 1843. 193—7. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 7, 1757; d. Dec. 11, 1780, in New York. 194—8. Anna, b. May 21, 1758; m. 1st, John Younge; 2d, Nicholas Froihingiiam, and settled in Milton, Mass. She had one son. 195—1. John Rawson Younge; b. Sept. 18,1798. He m. Submit Holbrook, and s. in Milton, Mass. Their children :— 1. Elvira Jane, b. April 11, 1819 2. Ansel Alonzo, b. Dec. 30, 1821; d. Oct. 24, 1824. 3. Henry S., b. Aug. 5, 1823. 4. Mary A., b. Jan. 11, 1826. 196—9. Esther, b. May 6, 1761; d. Oct. 27, 1792. 197. Jonathan Rawson' [50] (David3, William2, Edward1), m. Susanna Stone of lioxbury, Jan. 10, 1760. He lived on the old homestead in Braintree (Quiney), where he d. Nov., 1782. Ilis wife d. April 14, 1778. Their children were :— 198—1. Jonathan [489], b. Aug. 7, 1762; m. Mary Houghton. 199—2. Stephen, b. Aug. 26, 1766; d. in Gibralter, Europe. 200—3. Susannah, b. Sept. 1, 1768; d. Sept. 11, 1840. 201—4. Mary [498], b. 1770; ra. Lemuel Billings. 202—5. Hannah, b. 1772; m. Israel Cook; d. in Watertown. 203. Elijah Rawson4 [51] (David\ William2, Edward1), m. Mary Paddock of Swansey. He lived a number of years in Warren, County of Bristol, R. I., and removed thence to Shrewsbury, Mass., in 1794; d. 1798. Children:— 204—1. Nancy, m. Amos Freeman of Lancaster. 1786. 205—2. Anna, m. Dennis Smith, a school teacher of Shrewsbury. 206—3. James. . 207—4. Samuel [508]. 208—5. Edward [518]. 209—6. David [525], b. 1744; m. Betsy Adams. 210—7. Elijah, m. Elizabeth Brinley, 1785. 211—8. Mary, m. Thomas Stone. 212—9. Elisha. 213. Anne Rawson4 [55] (David3, William2, Edward1), ra. Samuel Bass of Braintree (now Quincy), Mass., Oct. 30, 1746. Children:— 1. Samuel (Bass), b. Aug. 22, 1747. 2. Edward " b. 1749. 3. Mary " b. Oct. 21, 1750. 4. William " b. July 19, 1755; d. Aug. 21, 1755. 214. Samuel Bass5 [1], m. 1st, Elizabeth Brackett, Sept. 29, 1772; she d. Jan. 15, 1828; 2d, Nancy Battles. He d. Feb. 23, 1840. Children:— 1. William (Bass), Samuel " , b. Oct. 3, 1773; m. Abigail Neff. 2. b. June 2, 1775; m. Polly Belcher, m. Mehitable Herrick. 3. Moses " 4. Peter " m. Hannah Hardy. 5. Seth " m. Mary Whiting. 6. Hiram " m. Rebecca Herrick. 7. Elizabeth " m. Samuel Harvvood. 8. Sarah " by 2d wife; m. Micah Mann. 9. Anna " " m. Joseph Flint.FOURTH GENERATION. 31 215. Samuel Bass6 [2]"m. Polly Belcher; settled at Randolph, Vt. Had :— (1.) Samuel (Bass), (2.) Jonathan, (3.) Mary, (4.) Elizabeth; (5.) James, (6.) Josiah, (7.) Harriet N., (8.) John. 216. Moses Bass6 [3], m. Mehitable Herrick; settled at Randolph, Vt. Had:— (1.) Mosks (Bass), (2.) Mehitable, (3.) George, (4.) Ebenezer, (5.) Louise, (6.) Warren. 217. Seth Bass6 [5], m. Marv Whiting, March 22. 1810; she d. May 24, 1859; he d. May 22, 1863. Children :— 1. Seth Billings (Ba>s), b. Dec. 27, 1810. 2. Sarah " b. June 25, 1812; d. June 3, 1815. 3. Henry " b. May 11,1814. 4. Sarah '' b. March 24, 1810. 5. Harriet Alzina " b. March 6, 1818; d. Jan. 8, 1871. 6. Andrew " b. Sept. 21, 1819; d. Aug. 30, 1849. 7. Louisa Maria " b. Sept. 19, 1821; d. Sept. 28, 1822. 8. Heman Allen " b. April 28, 1823. 9. Cornelius " b. March 7, 1825; d. March 24, 1825. 10. Bary Billings " b. Jan. 24, 1827. 11. Cornelius " b. Dec. 8, 1833; d. 218. Seth Billings Bass7 [1], m. Sarah Gleason of Dorchester, Mass., April 26, 1836; resided there until her death, Sept. 11, 1856; she left seven children; 2d, Lucy S. Thayer, June 26, 1862; s in Quincy, Mass. Children: 1. Rebecca T. Gleason (Bass), b. Feb. 6, 1837. 2. Sarah Billings " b. Sept. 1, 1838; d. Aug. 25, 1839. 3. Edwin Billings " b. Oct. 29, 1839; d. Oct. 13, 1840. 4. Sarah Bethiah " b. April 7, 1841; d. Aug. 11, 1866. 5. Mary Whiting " b. July 25, 1843; m. Harvey Fallensbee, Aug. 1868; s. in Boston, Mass. 6. Ann Frances (Bass), b. March 30, 1845. 7. Harriet Vose " b. May 26, 1846; m. Joseph B. Scott, March 6, 1873. 219. Rebecca T. Gleason Bass8 [1], m. Jonathan Lowell Parker, March, 1856. Have :— 1. George Lowell (Parker), b. March 20, 1857. 220. Henry Bass7 [3], m. Mary B. Cudy of West Randolph, Vt., March 25, 1847. Children :— 1. Royce H. (Bass), b. Sept. 1, 1848. 2. Celia M. " b. Nov. 28, 1849. 3. Selvy A. " b. May 12, 1852. 4. Anna J. " b. May 24, 1854. 5. Hattie L. " b. Jan. 10, 1858. 221. Edward Bass5 [2], m. Bathsheba Keith of Bridgewater, daughter of Abiah Keith, Nov. 9, 1771. Had :— 1. Isaac (Bass), b. Nov. 5, 1772. 2. Ziba " b. May 28, 1774. 222. Mary Bass5 [3], m. Samuel Howard of Quincy, Mass. Had :— (1.) Elsey (Howard), (2.) William, d. young; (3.) Solomon, d. young; (4.) Betsy.32 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 223. Elizabeth Rawson4 [56] (Davicl*, William2, Edward1), m. Peter Adams of Brain tree (now Quincy), brother of the Rev. Jedediah Adams of Stoughton, in 1756. They had the following children :— 224—1. Pisthr (Adams), b. July 20, 1760; d. March 31,-. 225—2. Jkdhdiah " b. April 13, 1766; ni. Esther Field, 1787; they lived in Quincy, Mass. Children :— 1. Peter, b. Jan. 5, 1780; in. Elizabeth S. Field. 2. Mary, b. Dec. 30, 1790; d. May, 1791. 3. Jicdedtaii, Jr., b. March 16, 1792; m. Mary P. Brackett; d. Oct. 21. 1825. 4. Samuel B., b. Aug. 2, 1794; d. Aug. 31, 1795. 5. Jerusiia E., b. June 14, 1790: in. David Battles. 6. Ebenezeh, b. July 22, 18M0; d. Aug. 12. 1818. 7. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1802; m. Joshua Veazie; d. June 12, 1832. 8. Thomas, b. Aug. 13, 1813; d. Oct. 2, 1813. 226. Josiah Rawson4 [57] (David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hannah Bass of Brain tree, Aug. 28, 1750. First settled in Grafton, Mass., where they lived several years. Went from there to Warwick, Franklin County. Died Feb. 24,1812. Children:— 227—1. Josiah [537], b. 1751 ; m. Elizabeth Barrows. 228—2. Simeon [544], b. 1753: ra. Ama Holden. 229—3. Abigail, b. Nov. 14, 1755; m. Joshua Garfield; s. in Royals- ton, Mass; d. April 15, 1831. 230—4. Mary [572], b. Nov. 23, 1757; ra. David W. Leland. 231—5. Anna B. [599], b. Oct. 11, 1759; m. Thomas Leland. 232—0. Jonathan B. [557], b. 1761; rn. Livonia Robinson. 233—7. Lydia, b. 1763; d. 18 years of age. 234—8. Betsy, b. 1765. 235—9. Lemuel [5G2], b. Jan. 18, 1767; m. Sarah Barrows. 236—10. Amelia, b. 1769; m. Seth Ellis; s. in Orange, Mass. 237—11. Hannah, b. 1771; d. in Warwick. 238—12. Secretary [600], b. Sept. 19, 1773; m. Lucy Russell. 239. Jerusiia Rawson4 [58] (David', William2, Edward1), ra. Israel Eaton of Boston, and had two daughters. She died Dec. 25, 1810. 240—1. Jkrsuha. 241—2. Mary; m. Nathaniel Glover of Dorchester. Had seven children. 242. Ebenezek Rawson4 [60] (David3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Chase, daughter of Hon. Samuel Chase of Cheshire, N. H., in 1756. He was a farmer, and settled in Sutton, N. H. ; d. June 11, 1814. He was a man of genius and extensive historical attainments. Judge Rawson says, " he was a learned historian." Doct. Leland of Fall River, a relative who knew him well, also says in a letter respecting him :— That in stature he was, I think, full six feet, slender built, though with considerable breadth of shoulders. His countenance was open,FOURTH GENERATION. 33 his nose aquiline, and his forehead projecting and high. His perceptive faculties must have been acute, from the very configuration of his frontal region. His step was elastic, and all his motions rapid and easy. I have rarely ever known a man gifted with higher powers of conversation. This made him the delight of every circle. His mind was rich in reading, and his own reflections were oftentimes astonishingly brilliant. His memory was a vast storehouse of facts, always at his command, and I have heard him for hours delight a small circle with sketches of early Colonial or Indian history. In his composition there was a vein of good-humored irony, which never missed his mark when let off. The peculiar bias of his mind was antiquarian, and nothing delighted him more than the company of the clergy. With them he was sure to plunge into old Biblical history, with the whole of which he was perfectly familiar. His word was as good as his own or any other man's bond in Worcester County. Altogether he was a remarkable man, and as emphatically a Genius as any person I ever knew. In the latter years of his life, he became strongly attached to the Quakers ; wore their dress, and worshipped with them. As a mark of his censure of the persecution of the Quakers, and of his regard for them as a sect, he named a son after Marmaduke Stephenson of Salem, who was tried and imprisoned for heresy, and for whose release a warrant, signed by Edward Rawson, was issued, dated Sept. 12, 1659. His wife d. Nov. 14, 1814. Then-children were :— 243—1. Prudence [607], b. Dec. 24, 1758; m. Stephen March. 244—2. Lydia [614], b. April 23, 1760; m. Daniel Bullen. 245—3. Ebenezkr [623 |, b. Dec. 22, 1761; m. Elizabeth Tailor. 246—4. Sally [630], b7 March 16, 1763; m. Samuel Robinson. 247—5. Abner [636], b. March 2, 1765 ; in. Abigail Fuller. 248—6. John, b. June 1, 1767; d. young. 249—7. Jerusha [644], b. Oct. 13, 1769; m. James Holmes. 250—8. Samuel [654], b. Sept. 4, 1771; m. Polly Freeland. 251—9. Elizabeth [661], b. June 5, 1774; m. Jacob Dodge. 252—10. Marmaduke \ Twins, b. April 18, 1777. 253—11. Nizaula / [669], m. Tu-nothy Hutchinson. 254—12. Mary [708], b. July 5, 1779 ; m. 1st, Sullivan Bridgham; 2d, Thomas Brown. 255—13. Clarissa, b. Feb. 26, 1782. 256—14. Abigail [711], b. May H, 1786; m. Daniel Adams. 257. Samuel Rawson4 [62] (Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Sarah Chapin, and settled at Mendon, Mass., in the part now known as South Milford. March 13, 1738, was chosen Constable, which office he held several years. Jan. o, 1745 or '46, Sarah, his wife, died, and he soon after moved to New Marlboro', Mass., where he married again, and had the following children. Was one of the Selectmen of that town in 1765 and 1766. 258—1. Paul [715], b. Feb. 13, 1737. 259—2. Hannah, b. April 2, 1741. 260—3. Abigail, b. March 6, 1743. ; 261—4. Samuel, b. Dec. 31, 1744. 262—5. Phebe, b. about 1750; m. Ezra Knapp and had ten children; d. Jan. 25, 1794. 263—6. Thompson Samuel [718], b. about 1751. 534 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 264. Nathaniel Rawson4 [63] (Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Mavy Thwing, March 21, 1738. She d. Nov., 1739, "in Mendon, Mass. ; 2d, Rauhael Daniels, May 20, 1740, at Mendon. By his 1st wife he had one son ; by his 2d he had 12 children. Died Aug., 1803, in West Stockbridge, Mass., a. 88 years. Children :— 265—1. Silas [722], b. Nov. 17, 1739. 266—2. Rachael [7451, b. May 20, 1741, Conway, Mass. 267—3. Elias, b. March 1, 1743; d. young. 268—4. Nathaniel, Jr. [746], b. Feb. 19, 1745; m. Miss Woodruff, Baker, N. Y. 269—5. Simeon [753], b. Feb. 25, 1747; m. Miss Nelson. 270—6. Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1749; m. Timothy Thwing, Conway, Mass. Children:— 1. Luther (Thwing), b. Sept. 18, 1773; d. at the age of 4 years. 2. Amariah " b. Sept. 6, 1777. 3. Rhoda " m. Dr. William Hamilton. Amariah Thwing (2), m. Clarissa Chamberlain. Children :— 1. Helena, b. July 28, 1805. 2. Luther, b. Nov. 2, 1806. 3. Mary A., b. July 20, 1809. 4. Riioda H., b. Dec. 26, 1812. 5. Alexander, b. May 8, 1814. 6. Clarissa, b. Feb. 1, 1817. 7. Luana, b. Jan. 4, 1820. 8. Elbridgk G., b. Nov. 11, 1822. 9. Edwin, b. June 3, 1825. Luther (Thwing) (2), m. Luciuda Andrews. Settled in Moscow, Mich., Avliere he kept a hotel for some years; d. there, in 1846. Children :— 1. Herman. Enlisted in late war; d. in Washington, D. C. 2. Luther. Mary A. (Thwing) (3), m. 1st, Richard M. Sanderson. Had one child, Richard M., who m. Emma Harrington. They live in Chicago, 111., and have one child, Richard M. Mary A., m. 2d, Randall Graves. They had two daughters, Mary E. and Helen L. Mary E. (Graves) m. Frederick Root. Rhoda Hamilton (Thwing) (4), m. Alvan Hall of Ashfield, Mass., where he d. March 9, 1873. Children :— 1. Franklin (Hall), b. March 29, 1834; m. Estella Burn- ham. 2. Henry " b. May 1, 1837; d. March 27, 1849. 3. Alvan, Jr., " b. July 17, 1839; m. Ellen Guilford. They had two children, Belle M., b. June 3, 1864; and Loulie, b. Sept. 4, 1867. 4. Isabel (Hall;, b. April, 1841. 5. Hattie L. " b. Dec. 24, 1843; m. William G. Whit- ney. Children: Wm. Wallace (Whitney) ) _ . ■ b Dec 6 1869 Myra Clark " 5 1w1ds' d" -uec' b' a8b • Alvan Hall " b. Sept. 15, 1871; died same day. Zulime H. " b. Oct. 8, 1872. Luana (Thwing) (7), m. 1st, Leonard Stebbins; 2d, Charles H. Munn. No children.FOURTH GENERATION. 35 Elbridge G. (Thwing) (8), m. Esther W. Vincent. Had one daughter, Mattie L. (Thwing), who m. Daniel Seffens of Parkersbury, West Va., where he is a merchant, and she a music teacher. Edwin (Thwing) (9), m. Julia Hitchcock. He was instantly .killed in a silk factory, at Northampton, Mass., in consequence of an accident to some machinery upon which he was at work. He left one son, Edwin, who died in 1873, at the age of 20 years. 271-7. Jonathan [757], b. March 17, 1751; m. Esther Baldwin. 272-8. Moses [770], b. April 26, 1753; m. Miss Bussey. 273-9. Anna [777], b. Aug. 21, 1755; m. Mr. Parmelv. 274-10. Mercy [778], b. Aug. 3, 1757; m. J. Wheeler. 275-11. Elias, b. Sept. 4, 1760; d. young. 276-12. Grindal [798], b. Jan. 22, 1762; m. Miss Grover. 277-13. Abner [802], b. Nov. 11, 1764. 278. Barnabas Rawson4 [64] (Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Mary-. He was b. in Mendon, where he lived until after the birth of four of his children, when he removed to Woodstock, Conn. His children were :— 279—1. Lois, b. Aug. 24, 1744; d. Jan. 22, 1745. 280—2. David [812], b. Dec. 18, 1745. 281—3. Asa, b. Nov. 10, 1748; d. April 10, 1767. 282—4. Josiah, b. Dec. 18, 1753; d. Jan. 12, 1773. 283—5. Ruth [819], b. Aug. 2, 1760; m. Andrew Brown. 284—6. Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1762; d. Oct. 22, 1766. 285—7. Lois, b. Oct. 8, 1765; d. Oct. 15, 1766. 286—8. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1767; d. Sept. 7, 1775. 287. Edward Rawson4 [65] (Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Deborah Green of Upton, Oct. 19, 1747. He settled in Mendon. His wife d. Feb. 11, 1802. Children :— 288—1. Levi T834], b. March 27, 1748. 289—2. 0live, b. Aug. 13, 1749; d. Oct. 9, 1774. 290—3. Hannah [844], b. June 22, 1751. 291—4. Eunice, b. July 25, 1753. 292—5. Mark, b. Jan. 31, 1757; d. Oct. 26, 1761. 293—6. Luke, ) Twins, b. July 6, 1759; d. Nov. 9, 1759. 294—7. Oliver, ) d. Oct. 26, 1759. 295—8. Thompson [845], b. Feb. 22, 1764. 296. Grindal Rawson4 [71] (Pelatiah3, William2, Edward'), m. Desire Thatcher, daughter of Col. Joseph Thatcher of Yarmouth. She d. in 1816. He grad. H. C., in 1741, received A. M. at Yale College, 1753, and was ordained pastor of. the church in Ware, 1751 ; afterwards of the church in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, 1755. The following anecdote was published in the newspapers a few years since respecting him :— Pointed Sermons.—More than one hundred years ago, there graduated at Harvard University a man by the name of Rawson, who subsequently settled in the ministry at Yarmouth, on Cape Cod. He used to preach very pointed sermons. Having heard that some of his parishioners were in the habit of making him the subject of their mirth at a grog-shop, he, one Sabbath, preached a discourse from the text, " And I36 KAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. was the song of the drunkard." His remarks were of a very moving character, so much so that many of his hearers rose and left the house in the .midst of the sermon. A short time afterwards, the preacher delivered a discourse still more pointed than the first, from the text, "And they being convicted out of their own consciences, went out one by one." On this occasion, no one ventured to retirefrom the assembly, but the guilty ones resigned themselves, with as good a grace as possible, to the lash of their pastor. He d. at the house of Ebenezer Rawson, in Sutton, 1795. His children were:— 297—1. Ruth, christened Aug. 14, 1757; d. in infancy. 298—2. Jonathan, b. 1759; m. - Gage of Dover, N. H.; d. May 17, 1794. He was an aide-de-camp of Gov. John Sullivan. He had one son, Jonathan Augustus. 299.-3. Hannah [858], b. May 25, 1761; m. Paul Thurston. 300. Elliot Raavson4 [73] (Pelatiah9, William2, Edward1). His first wife was Sarah Russel, daughter of Rev. William Russel of Middletown, Conn., by whom he had one child. He married for his second wife Ann Cushing, daughter of Benjamin Cushing, Esq., Providence, R. I. He had the following children :— 301—1. Sarah, by first wife 302—2. Ann. 303—3. Elizabeth, 304—4. Elliot. 305—6. Cushing. 306—6. Mary, 307—7. Edward Wilson. 308—8. Thomas Hooker. 309. Edmund Raavson4 [81] (Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), was a farmer in Uxbridge, and m. Martha Allen of Medway. They had :— 310—1. Samuel [862], b. May 20, 1746; m. Mary Thwing. 311—2. Edmund [871], b. July, 1752; m. Sarah Hull. 312—3. Kachael, b. Sept. 21, 1753; m. Samuel Howard. 313—4. Joseph [878], b. Sept. 21, 1756; m. Lovisa Loveland. 314—5. Seth [883], b. Oct. 2, 1757; m. Sarah Torrey. 315. Abner Raavson4 [82] (Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Allen, sister to his brother Edmund's wife. He was a farmer, and settled in Uxbridge. Their children were :— 316—1. Silas [891], b. July 26, 1746; m. Sarah Draper. 317—2. Timothy [896], b. Oct. 20, 1747; m. Chloe Fish. 318—3. Hhoda [905], b. Oct. 4, 1749; m. Aaron Taft. 319. Nathan Rawson4 [83] (Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary White, by whom he had one son ; 2d, Mary Chase of Sutton, by whom he had six children:— 320—1. Nathan, b. Dec. 12, 1762, by 1st wife. He enlisted in the Revolutionary array, and d. at Ticonderoga. Middletown, Connecticut. Middletown, Connecticut.FOURTH GENERATION. 37 321—2. Betsy [928], b. Jan. 8, 1765; m. Abel Aldrich. 322—3. Isaac [938], b. April 23, 1767; m. Mary Ward. 323—4. John [945], b. April 20, 1769; m. Lydia Chase. 324—5. Mary, b. March 22, 1771. 325—6. Edward [955], b. June 27, 1773; m. Lucy Jones. 326—7. James [963], b. Dec. 22, 1776; m. Polly Seagraves. 327. Wilson Rawson4 [92] (Wilson3, Grinds!', Edward1), m. -. Settled in Upton, Mass. Children :— 328—1. Joshua [968], b. April 1, 1755. 329—2. Wilson [979], b. 1757. 330—3. Artemas [985], b. 1759. 331—4. Abigail ; in.-Whitney of Milford. 332. Thomas Rawson4 [47] (William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Anna Walden, about 1737. She d. 1783. Married 2d, Hannah Nelson, March 29, 1785. Settled in Mendon, but d. July 10, 1802, in that part of Mendon now Milford. Children : 333—1. William, b. Nov. 11, 1738; m. Mary Aldrich, and had four children. 334—2. Priscilla [1043], b. May 22, 1740. 335—3. Stephen [1044], b. March 2, 1743. 336—4. Nathaniel [1050], b. July 9, 1745; m. Elizabeth-. 337—5. Rachael [1061], b. March 6, 1747; in. Stephen Chapin. 338—6. Anna [1070], b. May 8, 1749; in. Col. Benj. Hoppin. 339—7. Persis, b. May 6, 1751; m. Joseph Carpenter. 340—8. Margaret, b. April 7, 1753; ra. Benj. Walker. 341—9. Thomas J., b. May, 1755 ; d. young. 342—10. Catherine, b. May 20, 1757; d. Oct., 1761. 343—11. Pernel, b. July 12, 1760; d. Oct., 1761. '344-12. Francis, b. Jan. 8, 1763; d. April, 1840. 345. Grindal Rawson4 [95] (Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Hannah Leavens of Killingly, Conn., by whom he had two children. She d. Dec. 21, 1750. He m. for his second wife Elizabeth Boyd of Newport, R. I., by whom he had six children. She d. May 31, 1761, a. 35. He m. Zeruiah Harris for his third wife, by whom he had one son. She d. May 10, 1765, a. 34. His fourth wife was Mrs. Nancy Freeman of Providence, sister to Col. Atwell of that place. She died the year of her marriage, 1771, leaving one daughter. He was a carpenter. and cabinetmaker, and was much distinguished for his mechanical genius as well as for his general intelligence. During the Revolutionary war, he was employed by the U. S. Government in the manufacture of utensils of war. He settled in Providence about 1741, was an exemplary member of the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock's church, and died December, 1803. His children were:— 346—1. Joseph, b. 1745; d. Jan. 14, 1750. 347—2. Hannah, b.-; d. young. 348—3. Elizabeth, b. 1753; d. young. 349—4. Anna, b. 1754; d. Jan. 5, 1757. 350—5. Mary, b. 1755; d, Feb. 9, 1759. 351—6. Margaret [995], b. 1757; in. Isaiah Cahoone.38 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 352—7. Benjamin, b. 1759; d. young. 353—8. Joseph [1001], b. Dec. 24, 1760; m. Elizabeth Rhodes. 354—9. Grindal, b. 1763. 355—10. Hannah [1012], b. Aug. 18, 1773. 356. Dea. Edward Rawson4 [96] (WilBon3, Grindal2, Edward1), in. Mary Morse, April 7, 1748, grand-daughter of Benjamin Reynolds of Bristol, R. I., and settled in Mendon, where he was deacon of the church. " Nature did much for him, and he was a leading man in the affairs of the town. Being a staunch opposer of British rale, he was generally a member of the various committees, and was frequently a member of the Legislature previous to and during the Revolutionary war." He was also a member of the Convention to form a Constitution for the State in 1779. In the latter part of his life he removed to Leicester, where he d. Feb. 11, 1807, at an advanced age, having lost his eye-sight several years previous to his death. His children were:— 357—1. Hooker, b. April 21, 1749. 358—2. Elizabeth, b. April 4, 1750; m. Dea. Seth Chapin of Mendon, Oct. 27, 1767.. 359—3. Mary, b. May 4, 1751; m. Dr. Levi Willard of Mendon, April 28, 1774. 360—4. Edward, b. June 19, 1754; m. Margaret Steel, daughter of Judge Steel; settled at Leicester, Mass.; a physician ; had three children: Mary, b. 1779; Benjamin P., b. 1781; Margaret, b. 1784; d. 1785. 361—5. Anna, b. September 22, 1756. 362—6. Nancy, b. 1757; d. Jan. 1, 1848. 363—7. Arthur, b. Nov. 17, 1758; a physician; s. at Hardwick. 364—8. Mephibosheth, b. Aug. 7, 1763; d. Aug. 9, 1763. 365. Dea. Stephen Rawson4 [97] (Wilson3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Elizabeth -, and settled in Providence, R. I. He was a deacon of the 2d Congregational Church in that town. The part of the city of Providence on the west side of the river is supplied with water from the Rawson Fountain Company. The right to take water from this fountain for 999 years, is derived from him by deed. He was twice a member of the Legislature of R. I. one session being in 1760. His funeral sermon was preached by his pastor, the Rev. Mr. Snow, from the text., " And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him." The deacons of the several religious societies in Providence were his pall bearers. His gravestone bears this in scription :— Stephen Rawson, Esq., died March 14, 1773, in the 50 year of his age. He was of a noted family of great reputation. His wife d. March ] 5, 1786, a. 66. Their children were :— 3C6—1. Simeon. Entered the Revolutionary army and died in the service.FOURTH GENERATION. 39 367—2. Elliot. Entered the Kevolutionary army and died in the service. 368—3. Elizabeth [1016], b. 1747; m. James Burrill. 369—4. Lucilla, m. Seth Barton, brother of Gen. ffm. Barton ; d. 1760, a. 21. 370. Paul Rawson4 [98] (Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Phebe Gardner, daughter of Abel Gardner of Nantucket. He settled in that town. He was master of a vessel, and was lost at sea, with all of his crew, in 1772. His wife d. 1793, a. 63. His children were:— 371—1. Wilson [1020], b. May, 1754. 372—2. Phebe, b.-; d. 1783. 373—3. Margaret, b.-; d. 1799. 374—4. Stephen [1027], b. Sept. 29, 1761; m. Abigail Heath. 375—5. Abel [1035], b. 1764; m. Lydia Briggs. 376—6. Deborah [1041], b. 1766; m. Edmund Crocker. 377. Priscilla Rawson4 [93] (Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. James Coffin of Nantucket, Mass. He was Register of Deeds. She died at Nantucket, April 30, 1791. Children :— 1. Joshua (Coffin), b. Oct. 10, 1737. 2. Abel " d. 1777; a prisoner of war. 3. James ' 4. Susan " 5. Margaret " 378. James Coffin5 [3], m. a Miss Coffin, and had the following children; (1.) Andrew (Coffin). (2.) Priscilla, (3.) Albert, (4.) Elizabeth, (5.) Abel. 379. Elizabeth Coffin6 [4], m. Abraham Long of Nantucket, and had six children; all but two d. previous to 1848; they were; (1.) Josiah (Long), (2.) Lydia (Long). 380. Susan Coffin5 [4], m. Capt. John Pinkham of Nantucket; had one daughter, named :— 381. Susan Pinkham6. She m. Capt. James Josiah Coffin of Nan- tucket; had several children; all d. previous to Feb., 1848, except Lucy (Coffin); she m. Capt. Frederick Swain of Nantucket. 382. Margaret Coffin5 [5], m. Jethro Hussey, Esq.; he was a Judge of Probate at Nantucket many years; she d. in 1792. Children :— (1.) Josiah (Hussey) (2.) Margaret, (3.) Eliza, (4.) Susan. 383. Josiah Hussey6 [1], m. Sarah Macy, and had several children, one of whom, named Mary (Hussey), m. Capt. Charles Swain of Nantucket. 384. Margaret Hussey6 [2], b. 1772; m. 1st, Wm. Weir of Beverly; 2d, Capt.-Benjamin Glover of Nantucket. 385. Eliza Hussey6 [3], m. Capt. William Beddell of Nantucket; she d. 1846, leaving but two children living—Alexander, a ship-master, from N. Y.; and George W., a dry goods merchant at Nantucket. 386. John Rawson4 [101], (John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Smith Dec. 2, 1742, and settled at Rehoboth, Mass. He moved to Oxford, South Gore, about 1774, and purchased a farm of40 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. ],300 acres of land. According to the Rehoboth town records, he had:— 387—1. Molly, b. July 10, 1744. 388—2. Joseph [1079], b. Sept. 5, 1746. 389—3. Marcy, b. Jan. 15, 1748. 390—4. John, b. Sept. 20, 1751. 391—5. Betty, b. May 23, 1754. 392—6. Daniel [1085], b. Aug. 20, 1757. 393—7. Grindal, b. Nov. 3, 1760. 394—8. Nathan [1093], b. June 18, 1763. 395—9. Hannah, b. May 31, 1766. 396. Jorl Rmvson4 [106] (John3, Grindal2, Edward1), nr. Mary Hull, Aug. 28, 1762. Children :— 397—1. Rachel Perne [1097], b. April 3, 1764; in. Ebenezer Whitney. 398—2. Susanna, b. March 23, 1767; never married. 399—3. Grindal [1098], b. Oct. 27, 17C9. 400—4. Stephen, b. Dec. 18, 1772; never married. 401—5. Asa [1100], b. May 4, 1775; m. Polly Trask. 402—6. Rhoda, b. Nov. 22, 1777; m. Alpheus White of Wardsboro', Vermont. ♦ 403—7. Otis [1112], b. Aug. 19, 1780. 404. Mary Dorr4 [108] (Mary3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Aug. 15, 1753, Rev. Moses Taft, grad. of H. C., class of 1751; ordained Pastor of the South Church, Braintree (now Randolph), 1752 ; he having studied with Rev. Joseph Dorr, his wife's father. Remained pastor over this church 39 years, preachiug his last sermon on Thanksgiving Day, Nov., 1787 ; d. Nov. 12, 1791. She d. Jan. 9,1796. Children:— 1. Moses (Taft), b. June 10,1754; grad. of H. C., class of 1774; settled in East Sudbury; was a physician; d. July 22, 1799. 2. Elkazer (Taft), Joseph " b. Oct. 11, 1755. 3. b. Aug. 15, 1757. 4. Mary " b. Feb. 20, 1759. 5. Susanna " b. July 23, 1760. 6. Catherine " b. April 15, 1762. 7. Phinehas " b. Aug. 11, 1764; grad. at H. C., in 1789 : preached some time at Ashby, Mass.; d. Feb. 25, 1798. 8. Betsey (Taft), b. 1766. 405. Eleazer Taft5, [2] grad. at H. C., class of 1783; before going to college, was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. Studied with Rev. Dr. Emmons of Franklin, for the ministry. Preached for a time at Langdon, N. H.; gave up preaching, and was preceptor of a High school, at Portsmouth, N. H.; m. Relief Seaverns; he d. in Exeter, N. H., Jan. 4, 1834. Children :— 1. Charles (Taft), b. Feb. 7, 1785; d. Jan. 3, 1823, in N. C. 2. Henry " b. June 20, 1787; d. June 9, 1798, in N. H. 3. Moses " b. Nov. 5, 1789; d. July 14, 1817, in N. C.FOURTH GENERATION. 41 4. Mary Ann (Taft), b. Dec. 14, 1791; d. Jan. 14, 1825, in Ya. 5. Sophia " b. Jan. 16, 1793; d. Jan. 28, 1801, in N. H. 6. Priscilla " b. March 1, 1795; d. Jan. 9, 1801, in N. H. 7. Abigail " b. May 23, 1798. 8. Henry " b. Sept. 16, 1800; d. Aug. 13, 1832, in N. C. 9. Alonzo " b. Aug. 11, 1802; d. March 23, 1854, in N. Y. 10. Sophia " b. Feb. 23, 1805. 11. Priscilla S. (Taft), b. May 19, 1808; d. Dec. 29, 1862. 406. Sophia Taft6 [10], m. Abijah Seaverns, and now lives at Jamaica Plains, Mass. Children:— 1. Charles H. (Seaverns), b. Feb. 13, 1831; d. March 22, 1871. 2. George A. (Seaverns), b. May 1, 1833; m. Susan Up- dike, merchant, in Chicago, 111. 3. Annie H. (Seaverns), b. Oct. 21, 1836; m. C. J. Conay, June 20, 1866. 4. Sophia A. (Seaverns), m. C. F. Curtis. 5. Fred. A. " b. Dec., 1841; m. Edna Houghton. 6. Nellie " b. Jan. 22, 1845; m. Henry E. Updike. 407. Dr. Joseph Taft5 [3], grad. at H. C., in the class of 1783; settled as a physician in Weston, Mass.; d. Jan. 1824. He m. and bad the following children:— 1. Joseph (Taft), d. in Weslou. 2. HAituiEr " in. John Sargent; d. in Calais, Me. 3. Col. Francis (Taft), b. March, 1793; m. Betsey P. John- son; d: March 6, 1862. 4. Louisa (Taft), m. Green Hill of Sullivan, Me. 5. Ephraim Wales (Taft), b. March 21, 1795; m. Maria B. Cobb of Boston. 408. Harriet Taft6 [2], m. John Sargent of Sullivan, Me. Their children were:— (1.) Daniel, (2.) Francis T., (3.) Lucy, (4.) Ignatius, (5.) John D., (6.) Epes. (7.) Hakriet, (8.) Henrietta, (9.) Charles. Five of them are at the Bahama Islands. 409. Col. Francis Taft6 [3], m. Betsy Johnson; settled at West Goldsboro', Me. Their children :— (1.) Frank, (2.) Geoiige F., (3.) Henry, (4.) Elizabeth. 410. Louisa Taft3 [4], m. Green Hill. Their children were:— (1.) Joseph G., (2.) Harriet, (3.) Caroline, (4.) Augustine W., (5 and 6.) Lewis and Rebecca (twins) ; lived in Sullivan, Me. 411. Ephraim Wales Taft6 [5], m. Maria B. Cobb. Their children were: — 1. Maria C. (Taft), who m. Henry Wood of Goldsboro', Me. 2. Edward W. (Taft), lives at Carbondale, Kansas. 3. Richard Fletcher (Taft). Died in the Union army; was sergeant Co. G, 8th Regiment Maine Volunteers. 412. Mary Taft5 [4], m. Adonijah French of Randolph, an officer in the Revolutionary army; he d. April 16, 1821; she d. March 29, 1842. Their children :— 1. Mary Frances, b. March 6, 1794; d. Dec. 16, 1855. 2. Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1798. 3. Joanna W., b. May 8, 1801; d. Aug. 3, 1872. 4. Hiram, b. March 14, 1803. 642 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 413. Henry French6 [2], m. 1st, Rebecca Bryant of Easton; 2d, Emily Sargent Bryant of Nortla Bridgewater, Mass., where he resides; he has been the recipient of many public offices; was a member of the Mass. Legislature in 1845 and 1846. Children ;— 1. Henry Volney, b. Jan. 10, 1821; m. Rebecca Stetson of Stetson, Maine; d. Sept. 9, 1859, leaving three children. 2. Austin Bryant, b. Aug. 18, 1823; m. Sarah J. Atkins of Randolph, where they live; he is a merchant in Boston. They have four children. 3. James Hermon, b. Aug. 30, 1840; m. Clara L. Lamkin of North Bridgewater; reside at Neponset, Boston. Have one son. 4. John Lowell, b. July 28, 1846; m. Clara Bennett Southworth of South Dartmouth; reside at North Bridgewater. They have one daughter. 414. Hiram French6 [4], m. Fanny Littlefield of Easton; reside in West Bridgewater, Mass. Children:— 1. Charles Taft (French). 2. Adonijah " 3. Susan Maria " 4. Hiram Franklin " 5. George " 6. Fanny S. " 7. Skth L. " 8. William " 415. Susanna Taft5 [5], m. Samuel Allen of Randolph, where they lived; she d. May 1, 1820. Children:— 1. Susan (Allen), b. July 26, 1796; d. 1842. 2. Julia " b. Nov. 11, 1798; d. 1836. 3. Stedman " b. Nov. 5, 1803; d. 1843. 4. Betsey " b. Aug. 1, 1806. 416. Stedman Allen6 [3], m. and lived in Easton, Mass. His children:— (1.) Samuel, (2.) Adoniram, (3.) Abbot. 417. Catherine Taft5 [6], m. Samuel Stetson, and moved to Boston, where he and a brother started the first store for the exclusive sale of boots and shoes opened in that city; afterwards removed to Water-town, where they died, almost together, June 5 and 7, 1805. Children :— 1. Catherine (Stetson), m. Ezekiel Jones; lived and d. in Boston. 2. Samuel " m. Hannah S. Ranney. 3. Irene " m. Mr. Ely; lives in Fradonia, N. Y. 4. Hiram " while a young man, was lost at sea. 5. Mary Dorr " m. Luther Clark of Stoughton. 418. Samuel Stetson6 [2], m. Hannah S. Ranney; settled in Pe- nobscot Co., at a place now called Stetson, Maine, where he d. Oct. 29, 1853. Children :— 1. Irene (Stetson), m. Ralph Eveleth ; d. 1849. 2. Rebecca " b. 1826; m. Henry Yolney French; she is still living (1875), at North Bridgewater, Mass. 3. Nancy A. (Stetson), b. May 28, 1828: m. 1st, Dr. John F. H. Turner; 2d, Franklin Otis Howard of North Bridgewater, where they live. 4. Samuel (Stetson), a farmer; lives in Stetson, Me.FOURTH GENERATION. 43 419. Irene Stetson6 [3], m. Mr. Ely; settled in Fradonia, N. Y. Children:— 1. Augusta (Ely), m. John Hamilton. 2. Ezra " m., and lives at Fradonia, N. Y. 420. Mary Dorr Stetson6 [5], m. Luther Clark. Their children:— 1. Mary (Clark), m. Sumner Spaulding. 2. Catherine (Clark), m. Moses Linfleld. 3. Cinthia m. James White. 4. Angeline " m. Dr. S. Tucker. 5. Irene " 6. Luther " m. Ellen Richards. 421. Betsey Taft5 [8], m. Benjamin Henshaw of Milton, a ship carpenter. Children:— 1. George (Henshaw). 2. Hannah " m, John Winship. 3. Benjamin " 422. The Hon. Joseph Dorr, b. in Mendon, May 24, 1730 ; d. Oct. 31, 1808, in Brookfield, Mass. He grad. at Harvard College, 1752, and was advanced to the degree of A. M. He studied Divinity, and was "approbated to preach the Gospel" by the Mendon Association, Aug. 11, 1756. He officiated occasionally for several years, but was never ordained. He early devoted himself to public affairs, and took an active part in the struggle for our national independence. He was an earnest, uncompromising and vigorous co-worker with the earliest patriots of the Revolution. He gave his best efforts to hasten it on and direct its course. It is said that he devoted three hundred days annually, for several years during the struggle, to the public service, without compensation. He was one of the Commissioners chosen by the people to wait on the Mandamus Councillors and demand the surrender of their commissions. While residing in Mendon, he was a Magistrate, a member of the Committee of Safety and of the Legislature. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for twenty-five years (from 1776 to 1801), and Judge of Probate for Worcester County eighteen years (from 1782 to 1800). He was a member of the Convention which met Sept. 1, 1779, to form a Constitution for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and was one of the committee of twenty-six appointed to draft that instrument. He was also some time a member of the Governor's Council. He was chosen a Senator for Worcester County on the first election after the adoption of the Constitution, in 1780, and was returned for the same office in 1781 and 1782. He resided some time in Ward (now Auburn), afterward in Leicester, removing to Brookfield in 1802. " The offices which Judge Dorr was called to fill," says the Hon. Emory Washburn, in his History of Leicester, " and the general respect in which he was held, furnish the strongest evidence of his character and abilities as a citizen, and as a man of intelligence, energy and integrity." Mr. Dorr married, 24th Dec., 1767, Catharine, daughter of the Rev. Nathan Buckram. Mr. Buckram was born in Maiden, grad.44 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. H. C., 1721, ordained Dec. 29, 1724, and died Feb. 6, 1795, having been the minister of Medway seventy years. Their children were:— 1. Joseph, b. March 10, 1769; d. March 25, 1769. 2. Catharine, b Aug. 17, 1770; d. young. 423—3. Joseph Hawley [1119], b. July 20, 1772; m. Lucy Penni- mau. 424—4. Samuel [1123], b. June 23, 1774; ra. 1st, Lucy Tuttle, daughter of Joseph Fox, Esq. of Fitchburg; 2d, Susan, daughter of Joseph Lasinby Brown of Boston. Died Dec. 18, 1844. 5. Sarah, b. Aug. 10, 1776; m. Jonas Newell of North Brain- tree ; d. 1823. 6. Thomas Shkpard, b. Nov. 11, 1778; m.-Parsons; d. Oct. 1816. 7. Mary, b. June 7, 1784; m. Oliver Eox, Esq., of Fitchburg. 8. Edward, b. Oct. 20, 1786. Went south in 1815; settled in Nova Iberia, Louisiana. He possessed an island at the mouth of Trinity River, Texas, called Dorr's Island, where he was extensively engaged in the breeding of horses and cattle. Died April, 1847. 425. Catherine Dorr4 [110] (Mary3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Rev. Ezekiel Emerson, March 27, 1760. He was born in Ux-bridge, Mass., 1736, agrad. of Princeton College, was settled in the ministry in Georgetown, Me., at the mouth of the Kennebec river, in July, 1765, where he remained pastor of the Congregational Church 44 years. In 1809, he left the pulpit on account of feeble health. He died, " a Learned, Faithful, Pious Minister." His children were :— 426—1. Phebe [1132], b. July 20, 1762; m. Josiah Hale. 427—2. Ezekiel [1170], b. July 6, 1765; m. Mrs. Fish. 428—3. Hawley [1178], b. Dec. 6, 1766; m. Rachael Lennen. 429—4. Calvin [1190], b. Jan. 9, 1769; m. Elizabeth Petty. 430—5. Luther D. C., b. Sept. 26, 1772; m.- Holden; prac- tised law in Sedgwick, Maine, some years, and removed to Ohio. 431—6. Eusebius, b. Aug. 24, 1774; m. Mary Linen. 432—7. Susanna [1202], b. Dec. 13, 1776; m. Charles Witherell. 433—8. Mary [1218], b. Julv, 1778; m. John Tozier. 434—9. Elizabeth, b. May,'l780; d. July, 1789. 435. Edmund Grindal Rawson4 [127] (Grindal3, GrindaP, Edward1), grad. at Yale College, studied divinity, and subsequently preached occasionally. In 1768, he m. Sarah Holmes, daughter of Christopher Holmes, a deacon of his father's church. He lived in the house which was owned and occupied by his father, in East Haddam, Conn., where he died, July 21, 1823, in the 85th year of his age. The following were their children :— 436—1. Charles Chauncy, > twne iu Bermuda, a. 19. 437—2. John Wilson, 5 iWlus>d. a. 9. 438—3. Thomas Hooker [1222], m. Melinda Bingham. 439—4. Edmund Grindal [1225], b. Jan. 26, 1772. 440—5. Dorothy Blancijakd, d. a. 2.FOURTH GENERATION. 45 441—6. Ozias Holmes [1231], a physician in N. Y. 442—7. Joseph Perne, d. a. 26. 443—8. Sarah Andrews [1237], m. Oliver Usher. 444—9. Dorothy Nichols, lived at Macon, Georgia, with her sister, after the death of her father and mother. 445—10. Catherine Chauncy [1241], b. Feb. 4, 1788; m. George Palmer. 446—11. Charles Wilson [1243], m. Mary Shackleford.FIFTH GENEKATION. 447. Thomas Rawson5 [173] (William4, William9, William2, Edward1), m. Eunice Read, daughter of Samuel Read, Esq., of Uxbridge. He was a farmer, settled in Uxbridge, and was an active whig in the time of the Revolutionary war. He died or was killed in the service of his country in New York or on York Island, when New York was evacuated, as nothing was heard of him afterwards. They had eight children :— 448—1. Abigail [1248], b. Dec. 13, 1756; m. George Perram. 449—2. Lydia, b. Aug. 19, 1758; ni. Solomon Lowell. 450—3. Bailey [1250], b. Aug. 14, 1760; m. Susanna Brown. 451—4. Gardner [1258], b. Aug. 23, 1762; m. Susan Wilkinson. 452—5. Eunice [1273], b. March 5, 1765; m. Timothy Tylor. 453—6. Samuel Read [1274], b. March 27, 1767; m. Philanda Cleav- land. 454—7. Olive [1282], b. May 23, 1769; m. Oliver Wilkinson. 455—8. Lyman, b. June 3, 1772; m. Deborah Keith; s. at Caroline, N. Y., where he died. 456. John Rawson6 [175] (William4, William9, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Bruce of Mendon, May 26, 1761, and settled in that place. Their children were :— 457—1. Margaret, b. Dec. 14, 1761. 458—2. Catherine, b. Aug. 27, 1763. 459—3. Turner, b. Sept. 3, 1767; m. Polly King of Sutton, Dec. 30, 1805; d. in Grafton, 1811. 460—4. Abigail, b. Aug. 21, 1770. 461—5. John Cook, b. March 1, 1774. 462—6. Betsy, b. Feb. 7, 1778. 463. PerneRawson6 [176] (William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Aldrich of Mendon, Feb. 4, 1762, and settled in that place. Their children were :— 464—1. William, b. Aug. 26, 1762; killed in the Revolutionary war when quite a young man. 465—2. Margery [1286], b. Dec. 26, 1764; m. Israel Hill. 466—3. Secretary [1290], b. Dec. 28, 1768; m. Lucy Maynard. 467—4. Mauy, b. July 21, 1771; never married. 468—5. Andrew [1299], b. March 10, 1773.FIFTH GENERATION. 47 469—6. Thomas [1304], b. Dec. 4, 1776; m. Anna Follett. 470—7. Lucy, b. March 7, 1779; never married. 471—8. Jane, b. Sept. 14, 1781; never married. 472—9. Margaret, b. Jan. 15, 1784. 472^-10. William [1315], b. Dec. 18, 1786; m. Polly Harvey. 473. edward Rawson5 [177] (William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Sadler, daughter of Joseph Sadler of Upton. He settled in Mendon, and was a farmer, and a very useful man as a farrier. He d. June 16, 1823. Shed. Oct. 19, 1814. His children were:— 474—1. Cyrenius [1326], b. Dec. 12, 1764. 475—2. Sarah, b. Aug. 4, 1766; was 2d wife of Elijah Taffc; d. Sept. 24, 1848, at Mendon; no children. 476—3. Joseph [1332], b. Aug. 16, 1768. 477—4. Leonard [1338], b. Aug. 23, 1771. 478—5. Orson, b. 1772; d. Oct., 1775. 479—6. Liberty [1346], b. April 13, 1775. 480—7. Mary [1348], b. Dec. 30, 1777. 481—8. Simon [1349], b. June 24, 1780; d. July, 1847, at Mendon. 482. Jonathan Raavson6 [179] (William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Bathsheba Tracy of Preston, Conn. He was a saddler, and, about 1771, removed from Mendon, Mass., to Wyoming, Penn., where, at the celebrated massacre, he was sent out with twenty others as a scout. They killed a few Indians who were also of a scouting party. He did not return until after the battle. In 1817, he removed to Rushford, N. Y., where he died, in 1827. His children were:— 483—1. Isaac [1360], b. June 25, 1773; m. Rhoda Culver. 484—2. Margaret. 485—3. Hannah. 486—4. Zeyphena. 487—5. Solomon [1374], b. 1786; m. Mehitable Tracy. 488—6. William [1378], m. 1st, Luransa Swift; 2d, Betsy Osborn. 489. Jonathan Rawson6 [198] (Jonathan4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Widow Mary Houghton, daughter of Ebenezer Pope, Esq., of Dorchester, Jan. 10, 1786. She was b. Jan. 18, 1756, and d. March 2, 1831. He d. July 31, 1819. Children :— 490—1. Ebenezer, b. July 6, 1788; m. Leah Davis in 1827; settled at Townsend, Mass. 491—2. Jonathan, b. Nov. 1, 1789; resided in Boston; d. Nov- 17, \ 1871. 492—3. Mary [1390], b. Sept. 12, 1791; m. Beza Soule. 493—4. Abigail, b. Jan. 12, 1793: d. March 24, 1867. 494—5. Samcjel, b. Feb. 22, 1794; lived on the ancient Rawson farm, first occupied by William Rawson, in Quincy, Mass.; d. June 17, 1854. 495—6. William, b. Aug. 22, 1796; d. Jan. 1, 1824. 496—7. Henry, b. Jan. 7, 1798; d. Sept. 7, 1798. 497—8. Clarissa, b. July 7, 1800.48 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 498. Mart Rawson6 [201] (Jonathan4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Lemuel Billings, May 8, 1783. They lived in Quincy, Mass., on a portion of the old Rawson homestead. He d. Oct. 14, 1797. She d. March 19, 1795. Their children were:— 499—1. Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1783; m. William Glover. 500—2. Eunice, b. Dec. 11, 1784; d. Aug. 10, 1802. 501—3. Hannah, b. Jan. 13, 1788; m. Thomas Adams; d. Feb. 6, 1789. 502—4. John, b. Aug. 27, 1792; m. Lydia Faxon. 503. Mary Billings6 [1], m. William Glover, June 14, 1804. children:— 1. Eunice (Glover), b. Sept. 4, 1805. 2. James M. " b. Aug. 9, 1809. 504. John Billings6 [4], m. Lydia Faxon, Oct. 10, 1813; settled in Quincy, Mass., on the old Rawson farm; d. May 18, 1828. Children :— 1. John Alfred (Billings), m. Sarah M. Childs. 2. Lemuel " m. Mary R. Soule.- 3. Riciiahd Henry " d. Nov. 4, 1865. 4. Caleb Faxon " m. Dora Barker; has four children. 5. Lauua Faxon " m. Edward S. Howe. 6. George W. " 7. Mary Rawson " 505. Lemuel Billings7 [2], m. Mary Rawson Soule, Nov. 28, 1855; settled in Quincy, Mass. Children :— 1. Ann Caroline (Billings), b. Sept. 11, 1856. 2. Arthur " b. Nov. 10, 1857. 3. Sherard " b. April 21, 1859. 4. Harry " b. Sept. 26, 1862. 506. Laura Faxon Billings7 [5], m. Edward S. Howe. Children: 1. Flora E. (Howe), b. July 25, 1850. 2. M. Isabell " b. Aug. 29, 1852. 3. Edith M. " b. Sept. 5, 1857. 4. Lydia B. " b. Jan. 12, 1861. 5. Edward E. " b. Aug. 18, 18G3. 507. George W. Billings7 [6], m. Eunice Howe. Children:— 1. Sarah H. (Billings). 2. Georgia Ella (Billiugs). 50.8. Samuel Rawson6 [207] (Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Lydia Thurston, May 20, 1781, and moved from Shrewsbury, Mass., 1793, to Pittstown, N. Y. The following were his children :— 509—1. Louise, m. Henry Mandervail; s. Rochester, N. Y. Had nine children. 510—2. Polly, m. Zebina Barney; s. in Wisconsin. ' 511—3. James, s. at Irondequoit, N. Y. 512—4. Thurston, s. in Wisconsin. 513—5. John, s. at Carthage, N. Y. 514—6. Julia, s. at Rochester, N. Y. 515—7. Samuel, m. 1st, Margaret Mandervail; she d., leaving nine children; 2d, Hannah Pinck. 516—8. Lydia [1394], b. Dec. 3, 1788. 517—9. Alice, m. James Knapp; s. at Belfast, N. Y.FIFTH GENERATION. 49 518. Edward Rawson6 [208] (Elijah4, David3, William8, Edward1), m. Sarah Crabb. Lived in Pittstown, N. Y., where he d. Oct. 2, 1829. Children :— 519—1. John [1395], b. 1799; m. Eve Ham. 520—2. Harriet, b. 1801"; m. Hiram Caldwell. 521—3. Marian, b. 1803; lived in N. Y. City. 522—4. Ann, b. 1805; lived in Troy, N. Y. 523—5. William, b. 1807; m. Polly Halstead; 2d, Miss Chase. 524—6. Renseller, b. July 6, 1813; m. Mary Irving; s. Troy, N. Y. 525. David Rawson6 [209] (Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Betsy Adams of Quincy, Mass. Settled in Shrewsbury. Is said to have taken part in the " Shays' Rebellion," in 1787, on account of which he fled to Ohio, and went from there to Bull Creek, Wood Co., Western Ya., and died there, in 1837. His second wife was a lady from Pa., by whom he had eight children. At his death, he left them several hundred acres of land, three miles back from the Ohio River and 14 miles from Marietta, Ohio. Children:— 526—1. Lewis, b. 1778; never married; d. 1835, in Warren Co., Pa. 527—2. Elijah [1407], b. Aug. 28, 1781. 528—3. Edward [1417], b. June 8, 1782. 529—4. Mary, m.; had nine children, and d. in Mo. 530—5. James, m.; had three children. 531—6. John, m.; had children; s. in Va. 532—7. David, m.; had nine children; s. in Indiana. 533—8. Samuel, m.; had three children. 534—9. Stephen, m.; had eleven children; s. in Ya. 535—10. Isaac, d. 1825. 536—11. Ellet, m.; had seven children. 537. Josiah Rawson6 [227] (Josiah4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Barrus or Barrows. Lived for a time in Warwick, Mass., then moved to Richmond, Mass. Children born in Warwick:— 538—1. Eliott [1430], b. March 26, 1778. 539—2. Josiah [1437], b. May 22, 1780. 540—3. Simeon [1447], b. Feb. 24, 1782. 541—4. Jonathan [1460], b. May 10, 1784. 542—5. Gideon, b. July 4, 1786; m. Hannah Dike; left no children. Lived and d. at Savannah, Ga. 543—6. Clara [1463], b. Jan. 13, 1788. 544. Simeon Rawson6 [228] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Anna Holdeti, in Barre, Mass., where they resided for a short time, then moved to Orange, Mass., where he remained some years ; and from there to Shrewsbury, Vt., where he lived several years; in 1798 he removed to Schroon, Essex Co., N. Y. Was a tanner by trade, being very successful as a business man ; much loved and respected by all who knew him for his generosity and uprightness. Died April, 1835. Children:— 545—1. Polly [1464], b. March 31, 1778. 546—2. Anna [1468], b. Nov. 13, 1779. 750 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 547—3. Clark [1470], b. March 9, 1781. 548—4. Sally [1483], b. Oct. 21, 1782. 549—5. Simeon [1487], b. Aug. 19, 1784. 550—6. Lydia, b. Aug. 9, 1786; m. Dr. Dexter; s. in Earleville, 111. 551—7. Josiah, b. Aug. 16, 1788; d. April 19, 1795. 552—8. Lucinda [1496], b. Aug. 7, 1792., 553—9. Safford [1499], b. Dec. 9, 1794. 554—10. Laura [1507], b. Jan. 16, 1797. 555—11. Amanda [1509], b. Feb. 4, 1800. 556—12. Josiah H. [1512], b. Nov. 1, 1802. 557. Jonathan B. Rawson6 [232] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Lovinia Robinson. Settled in Alstead, N. H. Children:— 558—1. Orren, b. 1795; never married. 559—2. Elmon, b. 1797 ; never married. 560—3. Jonathan [1518], b Aug. 22, 1798. 561—4. Alanson [1530], b. 1802. 562. Lemuel Rawson6 [235] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1). His'first occupation was that of a tanner; carried on this business in the town of Warwick, Mass., until about 1812, after which time he devoted his attention to agriculture, residing in each of the following named places : Orange, New Salem, Erving Grant, all in Mass., until 1836, when he removed to Bath, Summit Co., Ohio, where he remained up to Sept. 20, 1844, when his wife died, al'ter which he lived with his children in Northern Ohio. Married Sarah Barrows or Barrus, at Warwick, Mass., Sept. 8, 1791. Children :— 563—1. Sally [1535], b. April 20, 1792. 564—2. Lemuel [1536], b. Dec. 14, 1793. 565—3. Secretary [1547, ) Twins • b" 0ct' 18, 179G- 566—4. Elizabeth, 5 ' Elizabeth d. about 2 years old. 567—5. Abel [1551], b. May 11, 1798. 568—6. Bass [1555], b. April 17, 1799. 569—7. HanKah, b. March 22, 1801; m. John Galbreath ; she d. Sept. 24, 1867. 570—8. La Quinio [1557], b. Sept. 14, 1804. 571—9. Alonzo [1565], b. May 3, 1806. 572. Mary Rawson6 [230] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. David W. Leland. They lived and died in Grafton, Mass. " She was endowed with considerable poetical taste, and sketched veiy neatly with the pencil." She d. Jan. 14, 1825. Their children were :— 673^1. Hannah (Leland), b. 1779; m. Benjamin Heywood; s. in Grafton, and had :— 674—1. Levi (Heywood), b. 1800; m. 1st, Catherine Phillips; 2d, Sarah Baker. 575—2. Benjamin (Heywood), b. 1807; m. Abby Dennis; settled in Grafton, Mass. 576—3. Hannah L. (Heywood), b. 1809; m. John M. Case; d. 1843. 577—4. Mary R. (Heywood), b. 1812; m.-Talcott; s. in Chicago, 111.FIFTH GENERATION. 51 578—5. 579—6. 580—7. 581—2. 582—1. 583—2. 584—3. 585—4. 586—5. 587—6. 588—7. 589—8. 590—3. 591—4. 592—5. 593—6. 594—7. 595—8. 596—9. 597—10. 598. Joseph L. (Heywood), b. 1815; m. Serepta Blodgett. Sabra L. " b. 1817; m. Benj. F. Baker. Sarah M. " b. 1820; m. Oliver Kimball. Mary (Leland), b. 1782; m. John Page; s. in Salem; and had:— John (Page),b. May 12, 1802; m. Elizabeth Farnsworth; d. 1837, at Salem. Sally (Page), b. Sept. 29, 1803; d. 1804. Mary L. " b. Sept., 1804; d. 1805. Sarah P. " b. Feb. 25,1805; m. Lovell Baker of Worcester, Mass. Mary L. (Page), b. 1806. Elizabeth W. (Page), b. 1807. Ruth H. " b. 1809. Lucretia " b. 1812; d. June 20, 1821. Sally (Leland), b. 1783; m. Joseph Merriain; s. in Grafton. Joseph (Leland), b. 1786; m. Charlotte Merriam, Grafton; a merchant in Charleston, S. C., of the firm of Leland Brothers & Co.; has two children—Mary A., b. April 18, 1832, and Ellen E. Mary A. m. Henry Richard Keith. Children:—Joseph Leland (Keith), b. May 19, 1857; and Mary Albertina (Keith), b. May 20, 1862. Sabra (Leland), b. 1789; lived in Grafton. Mehalea (Leland), b. 1791; m. John Wyman; s. in Suftield, Conn. Betsy " b. 1793; d. in infancy. David "Warren (Leland), b. 1795; m. Maria Howe, Sutton; of the firm of Leland Brothers & Co. Gardner Secretary (Leland), b. 1797; d. at Nice, Italy, 1822. Phinehas Washington " b. Oct. 8,1798; m. Permelia Wood, Mendon, graduate of the Maine Medical School of 1826; for several years Collector of Customs, District of Fall River, and Member of the State Legislature. Children:— 1. Joseph. 2. Lucretia W. W-, b. Nov. 7, 1829. 3. Mary Granger; b. Nov. 26, 1831. 4. Phineas W., d. young. 5. Phineas. 599. Anna B. Rawson5 [231] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Thomas Leland, and settled in Guilford, Ohio, where she d. 1849. Children :— 1. Anna (Leland), b. 1779; m. Andrew Crocker; s. at Sardina, N. Y. 2. Margaret (Leland), b. 1780; m. James Crocker; s. at Sheboygan, Wis. 3. Silemee (Leland), b. 1782; m. John Scribner; d. 1825. 4. Lydia " b. 1784; d. 1842, at Guilford, Ohio. 5. Polly " b. 1786; in. Cyrus Tripp; d. 1823. 6. Thomas " b. 1788; m. Priscilla Seaman; s. at Schroon, N. Y. 7. Aaron (Leland), b. 1789; m. Martha Bostwick of Guilford. 8. Otis (Leland), b. 1791: m. Elsey Groves; d. 1842. 9. Hollis " b. 1793; d. 1797, at Sutton, b. 1796; m. Harriet Groves, b. 1798; m. Hannah Simes, 1836. b. 1800; s. at Guilford, b. 1803; s. at Guilford, b. 1805; in. Ansel Groves of Guilford. 10. Ansel " 11. John T. " 12. Louise " 13. Albert " 14. Sophia "52 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 600. Dr. Secretary Rawson6 [238] (Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Lucy Russell, March 19, 1809. The most of his family settled in Jericho, Vt., where he d. Oct. 24, 1842. Had five children:— 601—1. Eleanor D. [1572], b. April 1, 1810. 602—2. Solon Bass [1573], b. Aug. 16, 1813. 603—3. Oran, b. April 2, 1816. 604—4. Lucy, b. May 4, 1818; m. Aaron Brownell of Garden Prairie,, 111. 605—5. Secretary, Jr., b. Feb. 7, 1821; d. July 14, 1842. 606—6. Homer [1576], b. Jan. 25, 1825. 607. Prudence Rawson6 [243] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Stephen March of Sutton, Aug. 24, 1783. They had the following children :— 608—1. Daniel (March), d. young. 609—2. Daniel " Grad. at B. U., 1806; d. 1807. 610—3. Hannah " m. George Robinson. 611—4. George " b. in Sutton; m. Laura A. Blateslee. 612—5. Prudence " d. young. 613—6. Oliver " settled in Illinois; never married. George March (4), m. Laura A. Blakeslee, Aug. 30, 1842; s. in Windsor, Ohio. Children :— 1. Eliza (March), b. June 9, 1843. 2. Laura " b. July 6, 1845. 3. Mary " b. Nov. 15, 1846; d. Oct. 27, 1849. 4. George " b. May 30, 1848. 5. Sarah " b. Oct. 30, 1851. 614. Lydta Rawson5 [244] (Ebenezer4, David3, William8, Edward1), m. Daniel Bullen, June 20, 1783. He lived in Hebron, now Oxford, Maine. He was a farmer. Their children were:— 615—1. Daniel, b. 1784; d. 1788. 616—2. John Rawson, b. March 19, 1787; m. Sarah Wright; d. July, 1846. 617—3. Sally, b. April 2, 1789; m. Eliab Richmond. 618—4. Lydia, b. 1791; m. Robert Hilburn. 619—5. Daniel, b. April 18, 1793; m. Mary Lombard. 620—6. Julia, b. April 1, 1796; m. Amos Merriam. 621—7. Clarissa, b. June 27, 1799; m. Giles Shurtleff. 622—8. Mary, b. March 20, 1801; m. Luther Perkins. John Rawson Bullen6 [2], m. Sarah Wright, Jan. 1817, at Hebron, Maine. Children :— 1. Sarah (Bullen), b. Oct. 7, 1818, at Hallowell, Me. 2. Harriet N. (Bullen). 3. John Rawson " d. at New York. 4. Martha A. " 5. Nathan Wright (Bullen), d. young. Sarah Bullen7 (1), m. Edward Proctor, April 15, 1844, at Sutton, Mass., and had :— 1. Sophia M. (Proctor), b. Jan. 10, 1848, at Northbridge, Mass. 2. Alice V'. " b. April 22, 1854, at Spencer, Mass. 3. Fred. W. " b. June 24, 1856, at Spencer, Mass.FIFTH GENERATION. 53 4. H. Lizzie (Proctor), b. Dec. 10, 1858, at Spencer, Mass. Sally Bullen6 (3), m. Eliab Richmond; settled at Rum-ford, Me. Children:— 1. Eliza Rawson (Richmond), m. Samuel R. Smith; s. at Dixfleld, Me. Had two children (Record of 1849). 2. Julia Ann (Richmond), m. Ephraim Bartlett; died at Dorchester. 3. Daniel (Richmond). 4. Franklin " 5. Diantha 11 ra. - Robinson; settled at Dorchester, Mass. 6. Abigail Rawson (Richmond), d. at Bangor, Me. 7. Crawford " 8. Aurilla " Lydia Bullen6 (4), m. Robert Hilburn; s. at Oxford, Me. Children:— 1. Stephen D. (Hilburn). 2. Porter 0. " 3. Alpheus J. " 4. Lydia Jane " Daniel Bullen6 (5), m.(Mary Lombard, and had :— 1. Lydia Rawson (Bullen). 2. Abigail R. " 3. Joseph " 4. Julia 5. Mary Jane " Clarissa Bullen6 (7), m. Giles Shurtleff; settled at Oxford, Maine. Children :— 1. Harlan Page (Shurtleff). 2. Eliza Millesa. Mary Bullen6 (8), m. Luther Perkins; settled at Oxford, Maine. Children:— 1. Rebecca (Perkins), d. young. 2. Mary Ann " 3. Newell L. " 4. Horace B. " 5. Angeline " 6. Columbia " 7. Jacob " 623. Col. Ebenezer Rawson5 [245] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Tailor of Cornish, N. H. He settled in Cornish, where he lived several years, and from thence removed to Paris, Maine. As selectman of the town of Paris for many years, and in other capacities, he contributed his full share to the advancement of its interests and prosperity. He d. June 26, 1839. She d. 1841. Their children were:— 624—1. Eliza [1579], b. Dec. 6, 1792; m. Asa Robinson. 625—2. Celinda, b. April 22, 1795; m. John Deming. 626—3. Sarah, b. Oct. 24, 1797; d. Aug. 18, 1821. 627—4. Harriet, b. April 20, 1800; m. James F. Carter, Esq., of Bethel, Maine. They had one child, Harriet Octavia, who d. Nov. 28, 1844. 628—5. Ebenezer Gilman, b. Oct. 16, 1802; grad. at U. C. in 1827. He was a lawyer in Bangor, Me., and also Judge of Probate for Penobscot Co. some years.54 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 629—6. Sullivan Sumner, b. Oct. 3, 1806; grad. at W. C. in 1328. He was a lawyer in Eastport, Me., and has been County Attorney, Collector of the Port of Passamaquoddy, Senator in the State Legislature, and Aide-de-camp to the Governor. 630. Sally Rawson6 [246] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Samuel Robinson, Jan. 11, 1793, »nd settled in Hebron, now Oxford, Me. He was a farmer. Their children were:— 631—1. Prescott, a West Point Cadet in 1816. 632—2. Gkorge, m. Hannah March. 633—3. Samuel, m. Mary Williams. George Robinson6 (2), m. Hannah March, and s. in Oxford, Maine. Children:— 1. George 0. (Robinson), b. March 13, 1821. 2. Milton " b. April 19, 1823. 3. E. Prudentia " b. May 16, 1826. 4. Julia " d. young. 5. Sally R. " d. young. 634. George 0. Robinson, Esq.7 (1), m. Marianne Greene of Tops- ham, Me., Aug. 23, 1854; he was a graduate of Bow-. doin College, in class of 1849 : settled at Bloomington, 111.; a lawyer. Has one child, Florence N. Robinson, b. April 3, 1858. 635. Milton Robinson7 (2), m. Sylvia J. Farrington of Oxford, Me., Nov. 14, 1846. He is a merchant. Children:— 1. Eugene M. (Robinson), b. July 21, 1849; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1871. 2. Agnes A. (Robinson), b. March 10, 1853; graduated at Bradford Female Seminary in 1873. 3. Jennie S. (Robinson), b. Oct. 19, 1858. 636. Abner Rawson, Esq.5 [247] (Ebenezer4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Abigail Fuller of Hebron, Me. ; 2d, Widow - Poor of East Andover. He was a farmer. Settled in Paris, Me., where he d. Feb., 1826. They had the following children :— 637—1. Evander Fuller, b. Feb. 6, 1794; grad. at B. U. in 1819; settled, a lawyer, in Richmond, Va., where he d. in 1825. 638—2. Orissa, b. Aug. 6, 1795; m. Thomas Clark of Paris, Me.; he was some years Clerk of the Court. 639—3. Sabra, b. April 28, 1797; d. at Oxford, Me., 1857. 640—4. Lyman [1580], b. May 6, 1799. 641—5. Louisa Abigail Fuller [1587], b. Feb. 5, 1807. 642—6. Diantha Jane Angelink, b. Nov. 11, 1808; m. Dr. Joseph Noyes Pidgen of Litchfield, Me., son of Rev. William Pidgen, formerly of Minot, Me. She d. in 1843, leaving two children:— 1. William Abner7 (Pidgen), m. Martha P. Little of Augusta, and resides at Lewiston, Me. 2. Abba Jane (Pidgen), d. J848. 643—7. George Burrill [1588], b. July 21, 1815. 644. Jerusha Rawson6 [249] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Capt. James Holmes, and settled in Hebron, nowFIFTH GENERATION. 55 Oxford, Me, He was a very successful farmer and left a handsome property. They had the following children :— 645—1. Jamks Stewart (Holmes) [1592], b. Nov. 13, 1792. 646—2. Salmon " [1596], b. 1795; m. Abigail Blake. 647—3. Cyrus " [1602], b. Mav 12,1798; m. Fay- ette Blake. 648—4. Job Hamlin. 649—5. Eleazer Austin 650—6. Ebenezer Rawson Rawson. 651—7. Jerusha sou. 652—8. John Sullivan 653—9. Freeland [1607], b. Oct. 17, 1799; m. Yesta [1609]. b. Jan. 9, 1802; ra. Louisa A. F. b. Jan. 22, 1804; m. Lymau Raw- [1613], b. Feb. 2, 1806. d. at Oxford, Me., in 1870. 654. Capt. Samuel Rawson6 [250] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Polla Freeland, daughter of Dr. James Free-land of Sutton, Mass., May, 1802. She was born Sept. 17, 1778. Capt. Rawson's occupation was that of a saddler and upholsterer. First settled in Grafton, Mass. In Nov., 1804, moved to Paris, Me., where he d. Jan. 29, 1829. Was a man of strict probity; possessed energy and good judgment; was genial and social, inclined to argument and investigation. He was called into the U. S. service in 18-14, in defence of Portland, Maine. At that time he was a lieutenant of artillery ; for which service, in later years, his widow received a land warrant. At this date (1874) she survives, and resides at the old homestead (built, 1814), in Paris, Me., now in the 96th year of her age. Children:— 655—1. Mary Ann [1614], b. May 20, 1803, in Grafton, Mass. 656—2. Arabella [1616], b. Feb. 22, 1807, in Paris, Me. 657—3. Abigail Adams [1618], b. Feb. 5, 1811, in Paris, Me. 658—4. Columbia [1619], b. Feb. 27, 1814. 659—5. Frances [1620], b. Aug. 28, 1819. 660—6. James Freeland [1621], b. Oct. 2, 1821. 661. Elizabeth Rawson5 [251] (Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Jacob Dodge of East Sutton, Mass., and settled in that town. He was a farmer. She*d. May 15, 1869, aged 94 years, 10 months, 26 days. He d. Aug. 18, 1855, aged 84 years. Children :— 662—1. Sarah (Dodge), b. Sept. 4, 1801 ; d. March 10, 1869. 663—2. Mary " b. Oct. 14, 1803; m. Silas Rawson of North- bridge. 664—3. Harvey (Dodge), b. March 23, 1807; m. Catherine Thayer, daughter of Elijah Thayer, Esq., of Mendon, March 29, 1842. They have one child, Richard H. 665—4. Clara R. (Dodge), b. May 1, 1809. 666—5. Ebenezer R. " b. March 3, 1811; m. Mercy M. Cora- stock of Blackstone, June 27, 1843. They live in Grafton; have two children—Augusta F. and Ellen A. 667—6. Reuben Rawson (Dodge), b. April 3, 1819; settled in East Sutton; m. Lydia H. Wood, and has :—56 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1. William H. (Dodge), b. Jan. 13, 1855, at Cambridge, Mass. 2. Ellen M. " b. Feb. 24, 1857, at Sutton, Mass. 3. Sarah E. " b. Feb. 17, 1860, at Sutton, Mass. 4. Fredrick A. " b. Oct. 6, 1861, at Sutton, Mass. 5. Lucius R. " b. Dec. 14, 1863, at Sutton, Mass. 6. Charlotte R. " b. May 8, 1870. 668—7. Gardner Hubbard (Dodge), b. June 17, 1821; m. in May, 1846, Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Hubbard of Rome, N. Y. 669. Nizaula Rawson6 [253] (Ebenezer4, David9, William3, Edward1), in. Timothy H. Hutchinson, Esq., at Sutton, Mass., in 1796. He was b. July 31, 1774. He last settled in Albany, Me. He was a farmer. He d. March 14, 1867. She d. Feb. 25, 1869. His children were :— 670—1. Lewis, b. Oct. 3, 1797; m.-, March, 1819. 671—2. Galen, b. Jan. 8, 1798; m. 672—3. Nizaula, b. Feb. 13, 1801; m. Herman Town; had two children—Arabella and Clarissa. 673—4. Marmaduke Rawson, b. Feb. 12, 1802. 674—5. James Sullivan, d. young. 675—6. Charlotte, d. young. 676—7. Liberty Haven, b. 1808. 677—8. Timothy Harden, b. March 5, 1810; m. Eliza A.Hazeltine. In early life he worked at the millwright business, soon developing an inventive skill which led him to produce many very useful and profitable improvements in his line of trade; resides at Gorham, N. H., where he is manufacturing the products of his invention; also, buying and selling timber lands. 678—9. Arvilla, b. 1812; m. Wm. Evans. 679—10. Clarissa, b. 1813; m. Wm. Pingree. 680—11. Edwin F. b. Nov. 16, 1815. 681—12. Freeman. 682—13. Mary, b. 1817; m. Dustin P. Ordway, 1839. Had one child, Sumner. 683—14. Diantha, b. 1819. 684—15. Ebenezer Sumner, b. Dec. 1, 1822. 685. Lewis Hutchinson8 (1), m.-Merrill; settled at Milan, N. H. Children :— 1. Almond (Hutchinson), b. 1821. 2. Angeline " b. 1825. 3. Freeland b. 1831. 4. Arvilla " b. 1835. 686. Almond Hutchinson7 (1), m.-, and had the following children:— (1.) Charles, (2.) Rossett, (3.) Mahala. 687. Galen Hutchinson6 (2), m. Olive Flint, and settled at Milan, N. H.; she d. Nov. 27, 1868. Children :— 1. Elizabeth (Hutchinson), b. 1821; d. aged 17 years. 2. Sullivan " b. 1826. 3. Galen " b. Dec., 1829; d. young. 4. Timothy W. " b. Dec., 1832. 688. Sullivan Hutchinson7 (2), m. Elzina Eastman of Whitefield, N. H., Jan. 2, 1850; settled at Milan, N. H. Children :— 1. Aurin (Hutchinson), b. Feb. 13, 1851. 2. Olive " b. Feb. 24, 1853. 3. Arthur " b. Feb. 5, 1860. 4. Homer 41 b. April 13, 1863.FIFTH GENERATION. 57 689. Aurin Hutchinson8 (1)> m- Mary A. Calley, July 4, 1871. Have one child :— 1. Leon V. (Hutchinson), b. May 8, 1872. 690. Olive Hutchinson7 (2), m. George A. Wells, Jan. 3, 1872. Have one child :— 1. Carrie (Wells), b. Sept. 11, 1873. 691. Timothy W. Hutchinson7 (4), m. Anna L. Canby, March 13, 1862; is a lawyer; grad. of Urbana, Ohio; settled at Alney, 111. Children :— 1. Bessie (Hutchinson), b. Nov. 12, 1864; d. Sept. 7, 1866. 2. Richard C. " b. June 19, 1867. 3. Parke S. " b. Oct. 10, 1869. 692. M. Rawson Hutchinson6 (4), in. Sophia Cummings, Feb. 28, 1827; settled at Albany, Me. Children :— 1. Lyman (Hutchinson), b. Jan. 4, 1828. 2. Charles " b. May 2, 1831; an M. D., at Portland, Me 3. Daniel {Hutchinson), b. April 19, 1834; d. 1870. 4. Miranda " b. Sept. 24, 1837; in. P. F. Wardwell. 5. Rowena " b. Sept. 9, 1845. 693. Lyman Hutchinson7 (1), m. Martha M. Stone, May 6,1855; has been a Teacher at Omaha, Neb., for several years. Children:— 1. Fred. R. (Hutchinson), b. Nov. 27, 1863; d. Oct. 9, 1865. 694. Rowena Hutchinson7 (5), m. Ellery Wheeler, Nov. 28, 1869; has one child; resides at Shelburne, N. H. 1. Lizzie Sophia (Wheeler), b. Sept. 5, 1871. 695. Liberty Haven Hutchinson6 (7), m. Laura Kimball, in 1835; settled at Albany, Me. Children : — 1. Horace (Hutchinson), b. 1837. 2. Frudrick " b. 1842. 3. Austin " b. 1846; m. Lucy J. Carter, 1872. 696. Horace Hutchinson7 (1), m. Harriet Proctor, 1863; settled in Waterford, Me. Children :— 1. Ervin (Hutchinson), b. 1864. 2. Laura " b. 1867; d. 1869. I ISSr " } Twins, V 1869. 5. InfantSon " b. 1873. 697. Arvilla Hutchinson6 (9). m. William Evans, 1836; settled at Milan, N. H. Children :— 1. Edwin F. (Evans), b. Jan. 29, 1838. 2. Caroline '' b. Aug. 14, 1839; d. young. 3. Virgil D. " b. Oct. 28, 1841; d. young. 4. Rawson H. " b. Aug. 2, 1845. 5. Sankord W. " b. June 24, 1847; d. young. 6. Orman C. " b. March 21, 1851; student at B. C. 7. Clara C. " b. Aug. 18, 1854. 698. Edwin F. Evans7 (1), in. Cora Lunn; settled in Milan, N. H. Have two children, Wayne and Sadie. 699. Rawson H. Evans7 (4), m. Nellie Seley; settled in Milan, N. H. Have two children, Ella May and George Edwin. 700. Clara C. Evans7 (7), m. JamesC. Bray; settled in Fall River, Mass. Have one child, Stella Evelyn (Bray). 701. Clarissa Hutchinson6 (10), m. William H. Pingree, June, J833. Their children were :— 858 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1. Edwin (Pingree), d. young. 2. Harriet " d. young. 3. Rosanna " 4. Mary " m. Thomas C. Smith, 1872. 5. Rowena " G. Carrie " 702. Rosanna Pingree7 (3), m. Charles E. Dunn, in 1858; settled in Norway, Me. Children :— 1. Chester (Dunn), d. young. 2. Ada 11. 3. Virgil E. " 4. Charles H." 5. Fred. W. " d. young. 703. Edwin F. Hutchinson6 (11), m. Elizabeth Ann Flint, June 20, 1843; settled in Milan, N. H. Children :— 1. Liberty Haven (Hutchinson), b. March 1, 1844. 2. Harlan " b. Nov. 21, 1845; d. Aug. 15, 1863. 3. Freedom " b. Aug. 6, 1847. 4. Luella " b. June 18, 1849; d. Dec. 10, 1854. 5. Melvin " b. Aug. 27, 1851; m. Emma Emmerson. 6. Arabella Libby " b. June 26, 1853; d. July 20, 1863. 7. Etta " b. March 26, 1855. 8. Lizzie Florence " b. June 20, 1859. 9. Ella May " b. April 9, 1864. 704. Liberty Haven Hutchinson7 (1), m. W. Emery, Nov. 15, 1869; resides at Auburn, Me.; is an attorney-at-law, office in Lewiston, Me. Children :— J.. Annie Luella (Hutchinson), b. Aug. 12. 1870. Albert Savage " b. Oct. 27, 1871. 3. Edwin Ljperty " b. Nov. 1, 1872. 7.05. Diantiia Hutchinson6 (14), m. Prescot Loverin, in June, 1841; she d. July 16, 1.868. Children were :— 1. Mary E. (Loverin), b. May 6, 1842; d. Nov. 12, 1842. 2. Sabra R. " b. Feb. 8, 1845. :3. Lewis H. b. April 18, 1848. 4. Frances H. " b, Jan. 17, 1850. 5. Dustin O. " b. Jan. 5, 1851; d. 1853. 6. Alma A. " b. March 15, 1859. 706. E^benezer Sumner Hutchinson6 (15), m, Betsey F. Pingree, June 15, 1845; settled in Albany, Me.. Children:— 1. Mary U. (Hutchinson), b. Sept. 30, 1846. .2. OrindaD. 14 b. May 28, 18.53. :3. Luella A. " b. June 22, 1857, .4. Ambrose B. " b. June 2, 1862. 707. 'M^lry ;U. Hutchinson7 (1), m. Jo}in E. Saunders, Nov. 29, 1866; settled at Mechanics Falls, Me. ^Qne pfrUd;— Nelli^ M. (Saunders), b. ;Dec. 7, ,1867.'' 708. Mary Ra.wson6,[354] (Elpenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Thomas JBrown, ^ ,c^t)inet-maker by trade. Wa? adjutant in war of 1812. ai)d agaj,p .called out at the time Portland was threatened. She had previously m. Sullivan Bridgham, by whom she had one son, Siiljivan R. (Bridgham). Her first husr band settled in Charleston, Me., and ;d. there. Mr. Brown Jived in Minot, Me. She d. Nov. 13, ,1867, at Paris, aged 88 years! By Mr. Brown she had two children, and twas soon after left witl}FIFTH GENERATION. 59 these children to rely upon her own resources. How she struggled to maintain them while helpless and dependent—how she worked at the wheel and the loom, the instruments of gain in those days—how she toiled night and day with her hands, and how she planned and managed for their welfare, can only faintly be realized by the generation which has followed her. Mrs. Brown was a woman of more than ordinary character. Her physical strength and activity, as well as her seeing and hearing, were almost perfect until very near the close of life. Her mind also partook of the strength and vigor of her physical organization. She was fond of reading and of having others read to her. She had a great desire to converse on Bible truths and subjects of a moral and religious nature ; and some of her partial friends gave her the credit of presenting her ideas with great discrimination, precision and ingenuity. She had a good memory, and could relate with fluency all the incidents, legends and stories which she had heard or read. Mrs. Brown did not belong to any religious sect. Her Christianity had no shade of sectarian character, and still she had an " unfaltering faith " that she should constitute one among the host which "no man can number." She had a decided religious turn of mind, and the principles of justice, righteousness, mercy and grace were the constant themes of her thought and conversation. Her admonitions to her children and grand-children were frequent, earnest and sincere to seek the path of truth, of justice and goodness. They cannot fail to cherish the many moral gems she has strewn in their pathway. Children:— 709. 1. Thomas Huntington Brown, M. D. b. August 27, 1813; married 1st. Maria M. King of Paris, Me., Nov. 10, 1838; she d. Nov. 28, 1846, leaving three children; 2d, Juliette Hammond, Dec. 8, 1847. Dr. Brown, when a boy, attended the common schools of Oxford and Paris, Me., at the same time working upon different farms in that locality, when he could find employment. When 16 years of age, he taught school in the Winter, while in the Fall and Spring he attended the Academy or High School at Keadfleld or Buckfield. Pursuing this course until the age of 20, he went to Grafton, Mass., and began the study of medicine with Dr. Levi liawson, at Faruumsville. Here he remained over three years. Having previously attended one course of medical lectures at Brunswick, Me., the next course was at Berkshire Medical School, at Pittsfleld, Mass. In the Winter of 1836-7, he attended the course at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he grad. March, 1837, and at once commenced the practice of medicine at Paris, Me. He has been very successful, and has the full confidence of the community about him. He is an active member of the Maine Medical Association; is now, and has been for the past six years, Examining Surgeon, by appointment of the Commissioners on60 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Pensions. He was Editor of the Oxford Democrat, published three years at Paris; Judge of Probate ff 1873' 1290. Secretary Rawson8 [466] (Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Lucy Maynard of Paxton, at Mendon, Oct. 6, 1794, where they settled. He afterwards moved to96 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Dover, Vt., where their four last children were born, and where he died, June 29, 1857. Children:— 1291—1. Anna, b. Jan. 26, 1796; m. Daniel Brown. 1292—2. Louisa [2498], b. April 12, 1798; m. John Sparks. 1293—3. Andrew A. [2500], b. July 16, 1800. 1294—4. Eli Aldrich, b. April 19,'l803; d. in 1823. 1295—5. Mary A. [2503], b. 1808. 1296—6. Paris [2508], b. 1810. 1297—7. Ellis [2513], b. 1813. 1298—8. William, b. 1816; d., a bachelor, in 1863. 1299. 'Rev. Andrew Rawson8 [468] (Perne5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), was a native of Mendon, Mass. Graduate of Brown University, R. I., in 1800. Became a minister of the Gospel in the Fall of 1805, and went to Pompey, N. Y. His field of labor proved to be in Western N. Y., where he assisted in establishing many new churches, preaching in almost every town west of Utica. Twenty years of his life was spent in missionary work over that part of the State. He m. Jerusha Skinner of Pompey, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1807. He d. March 28, 1835, at Barre, Orleans Co., N. Y., leaving behind the record of a life so well spent that the whole great family may justly feel proud of the name of Rev. Andrew Rawson. Children :— 1300—1. Mary A., b. July 31, 1809; m. Alvah Lewis, 1827; settled at Elyra, Ohio. 1301—2. Samuel Andrew [2518], b. Aug. 23, 1811. 1302—3. Lydia Everett, b. Sept. 28, 1813. 1303—4. Martha W., b. April 16, 1826; educated at Oberlin, Ohio; was a teacher for some years in Wis. 1304. Thomas Rawson6 [469] (Perne5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Anna Follet; settled in the town of Wrentham, Mass., where he carried on a farm in connection with the hatter's trade, until the death of his wife, Dec. 5, 1848, after which he sold his farm and lived with his children. He d. Nov. 6, 1866, at Cumberland, R. I. Children :— 1305—1. Thomas, Jr., b. Jan. 27, 1806; d. Nov. 3, 1809. 1306—2. Otis [2522], b. April 26, 1807. 1307—3. William Merrill [2527], b. Jan. 4, 1809. 1308—4. Anna, b. Jan. 26, 1811; d. 1870. 1309—5. Perne, b. Jan. 22, 1813; m. Amelia Harris. 1310—6. Nancy [2533], b. Oct. 22, 1816. 1311—7. Laura [2534], b. March 1, 1818. 1312—8. Orville [2535], b. May 18. 1821. 1313—9. Thomas, b. May 12, 1822; d. Oct. 17, 1822. 1314—10.' Cynthia, b. July 5, 1824; m. Nathaniel W. Rogers. 1315. William Rawson8 [473] (Perne6, William4, Wiiliam3, William2, Edward1), m. Polly Harvey of Wardsboro', Vt., in 1813 ; settled in Union, Rock Co., Wis. He d. May 8, 1863, at Princeton, Green Lake Co., Wis. Children:— 1316-1. Lucina G. [2538], b. Aug. 9, 1814. 1317—2. Saiiah M., b. Sept. 26, 1815; d. Aug. 24, 1827.SIXTH GENERATION. 97 1318—3. Martha, \ Twins, b. Aug. /d. Aug. 17, 1817. 1319—4. Mary A. [2540] / 10,1817; \ 1320—5. Rufus Perne [2543], b. Dec. 17, 1821. 1321—6. Abigail C. [2552], b. Aug. 15, 1825. 1322—7. Thomas H. [2553], b. Aug. 28, 1828. 1323—8. Sarah D. [2560], b. Sept. 27, 1831. 1324—9. Charles A. [2561], b. Feb. 22, 1834. 1325—10. Martha J. [2564], b. July 18, 1838. _ 1326. .Cyrrnius Rawson6 [474] (Edward6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Sina Ballou of Cumberland, R. I. He d. Jan. 27, 1806. She died in 1841, at Mendon, Mass. Children :— 1327—1. Chloe [2565], b. June 20, 1792. 1328—2. Mary Ann [2578], b. March 1, 1796. 1329—3. Joanna B., d.. June, 1873, at Chicopee, Mass. 1330—4. Sally, d. young. 1331—5. Joseph, d. young. 1332. Joseph Rawson" [476] (Edward5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Rebecca Bullock. He was a grad. of B. U., in 1794 ; settled at Bristol, afterwards at Barrington, R. I., where he was Justice of the Peace, Member of the General Assembly and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He d. Dec. 14, 1843. His children were:— 1333—1. Ethan Allen, b. Oct. 22, 1798; served in the U. S. navy a number of years. 1334—2. Julia Moreau, b. Aug. 17, 1801; m. J. B. Allen of Provi- dence, R. I. 1335—3. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 6, 1804; m. George S. Brown; settled in Providence, R. I. 1336—4. William Bullock, b. Aug. 17, 1807; d. May 10, 1810. 1337—5. Joseph W., b. June 2, 1810; d. Aug. 24, 1843. 1338. Leonard Rawson8 [477] (Edward5, William4, William3, William8, Edward1), m. Lydia Hitchcock. He d. Dec. 27, 1820, at Pittsford, Yt. Children :— 1339—1. Mille, d. 1818. 1340—2. Amey. 1341—3. Leonard, grad. at Middlebury College, Vt., 1833, and was a tutor in said college in 1837. He was afterwards a Congregational minister. 1342—4. Sarah. 1343—5. Edward ; s. in Illinois as a farmer. , 1344—6. Lydia. 1345—7. Rosina; d. 1838. 1346. Liberty Rawson6 [479] (Edward5, William4,- William3, William2, Edward1). He was a grad. of B. U.; taught a select 1398 RAWSQN FAMILY MEMORIAL. school at Mendon some years ; m. Susan Smith of Pawtuxet, R. I. He d. June 15, 1819, leaving one child:— 1347—1. Elizabeth B. She m. James 0. Mills, and s. 1st, in Thompson, Conn., where their children were born; afterwards moved to Sterling, 111. Names of the children :— 1. Christopher (Mills). 2. John " 3. Edward " 4. Susan " d. 1343. Mary Rawson" [480] (Edward5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Jared Thayer. She d. June 25, 1803. They had one child :— 1. Mary (Thayer). 1349. Simon Rawson6 [481] (Edward5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Abigail Wood; s. in Mendon, Mass. He d. July, 1847. Children :— 1350—1. Manning [2582], b. Sept. 20, 1804. 1351—2. Gordon, b. Feb. 11, 1806; m. Sarah Cummings. 1352—3. George [2586], b. Oct. 13, 1808. 1353—4. Mary, b. March 14, 1811; d. aged 18 years, of consumption. 1354—5. Abigail [2589], b. June 9, 1813. 1355—6. Henry [2590], b. April 2, 1816. 1356—7. Liberty [2594], b. May 12, 1819. 1357—8. Jemima Ann [2598]. b. May 22, 1822. 1358—9. Charles E. [2600], b. March 12, 1825. 1359—10. Simeon, b. Feb. 11, 1828; d. young. 1360. Isaac Rawson6 [483] (Jonathan5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Rhoda Culver in 1796 ; s. in Angelica, Allegany Co., N. Y., where he d. in 1869, aged 96 years. Children :— 1361—1. Francis. 1362—2. Hila. 1363—3. Orilla. 1364—4. Albert, d. young. 1365—5. Zeyphena. 1366—6. Julia Ann. 1367—7. Ann Matilda. 1368—8. John M., b. Jan. 23, 1813. •1369—9. Isaac [2606], b. Nov. 17, 1814. 1370-10. David [2610], b. June 25, 1816. 1871-fl.l. Solomon [2618], b. June 11, 1820. •1372-12. Rhoda. 1373-18. Cla^?:, d. young. 1374. Solomon Rawson6 [487] (Jonathan6, William4, William3, William", Edward1), m. Mehitable Tracy of Angelica, N. Y.; s. in Lyndon, Catt&r&ijgus Co., N. Y. Children :— 1375—1. Natilla. 1376—2. Marietta 1377—3. Myra.SIXTH GENERATION. 99 1378. William Rawson8 [488] (Jonathan6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Luransa Swift ; 2d, Betsey As-born ; he d. in Lyndon, N. Y., in Aug. 1822. Children : — 1379—1. William. 1380—2. John. 1381—3. Orissa. 1382—4. Harriet. 1383—5. Charles. 1384—6. Isaac. 1385. Susannah Rawson8 [190] (Dyer5, Jonathan4, David3, William2, Edward1), she was b. Feb. 9, 1781 ; m. Edmund Pope, March 26, 1806 ; s. in Milton, Mass. Children :— 1386—1. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 5, 1808. 1387—2. Abigail, b. May 21, 1810. 1388—3. Edmund, b. Sept. 3, 1813. 1389—4. Samuel, b. March 30, 1817. 1390. Majry Rawson8 [492] (Jonathan5, Jonathan4, David3, William2, Edward1), ra. Beza Soule, Sept. 17, 1815; s. first in Northbridge, Mass. She d. April 23, 1869, at Quincy, Mass. He d. 1826, at Willington, Conn. Children :— 1. John Milton (Soule), b. 1817; m. Harriet Couant; d. March, 1852. i 2. Mart Rawson (Soule), [505], b. Dec. 9, 1818. 3. Eliza M. " b. Oct. 6, 1821. 4. George " b. 1824. 5. Clarissa Rawson " b. June 18, 1826. Eliza M. Soule7 (3), m. L. P. Gilman, March 12, 1860. Had:— 1. Fannie M. (Gilman), b. April 12, 1855, at New Haven, Conn.; m. J. A. Darling of Worcester, Mass., April 12, 1873. 2. Edwin C. (Gilman), b. July 17, 1861, at Worcester, Mass. George Soule7(4), m. Caroline R. Litchfield of Hampton, Conn. He was a graduate of Amherst College in 1847; was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Hampton in 1855; d. Oct. 4, 1867. Children:— 1. Sherrod. 2. George. 3. Mary Caroline. Clabissa Rawson Soule7 (5), m. Simon T. Jacobs, Sept. 16, 1851, at Quincy, MeCss. ; s. at Worcester, Mass., where he d. Sept. 20, 1855, leaving :— 1. Clara M. (Jacobs), b. Jan. 23, 1854. 1394. Lydia Rawson6 [516] (Samuel5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Charles W. Harbach of Sutton, where they first settled, about 1825, went to Broadalbin, N. Y., and then to Pontiac, Mich. Children :— 1. George Rawson (Harbach), b. Jan. 31, 1817; m.; s. at Chicago, 111. 1391. 1392. 1393.100 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2. Charles F. (Harbach), b. May 28, 1818; m. 3. Lucretia Maria " b. Nov. 35, 1820; m. E. W. Budington. 4. Samuel W. " b. Aug. 30, 1822. 5. J. Henry " b. March 12, 1824; m. E. Knapp. 6. David Leonabd " b. Jan. 16, 1827. 1395. John Rawson0 [519] (Edward5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Eve Ham; settled in Denmark, N. Y. Children :— 1396—1. Calvin, b. Nov. 8, 1820. 1397—2. John, b. Sept. 16, 1822. 1398—3. Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1824; d. Jan. 14, 1835. 1399—4. Matilda, b. Feb. 23, 1827. 1400—5. Lorenzo [2621], b. March 10, 1829. 1401—6. Jerome B. [2623], b. July 18, 1831. 1402—7. Mariaii, b. Sept. 2, 1833. 1403—8. George, b. Feb. 6, 1836. 1404—9. William H., b. June 6, 1838. 1405—10. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 14, 1840. 1406—11. Harriet, b. April 15, 1843. 1407. Elijah Rawson6 [527] (David6, Elijah4, David1, William2, Edward1). Is reported to have been born in Westboro', Mass. ; m, Susanna Allen and s. in Craftsbury, Vt., about the year 1802, and where he d. April 25, 1837. Children :— 1408—1. Clara M. [2626], b. Sept. 20, 1805. 1409—2. Eliza H. [2627], b. Jan. 3, 1807. 14.0—3. Emma P. [2628], b. Sept. 3, 1808. 1411—4. William A. [2629], b. Nov. 2, 1810. 1412—5. Horace L. [2631], b. Dec. 25, 1815. 1413—6. Edward Elijah [2638], b. Jan. 26, 1818. 1414—7. Susan Mariah, b. April 14, 1820; m. Horatio N. Barber. 1415—8. Augustus Young [2648], b. June 9. 1823. 1416—9. Charles Hamilton [2654], b. July 16, 1828. 1417. Edward Rawson" [528] (David5, Elijah', David3, William2, Edward1). The records show that he was b. in Shrewsbury, Mass. ; m. Sally Newton, April 2, 1805 ; s. in W'estboro', Mass. Was a boot and shoe manufacturer. He d. Jan. 11, 1869. She d. May 26, 1870. Children :— 1418—1. Elizabeth A. [2660], b. July 11, 1806. 1419—2. Charles E. [2661], b. Jan. 25, 1808. 1420—3. Danforth II., b. Sept. 25, 1809; d. April, 1870. 1421—4. Lewis A. [2671], b. July 26, 1811. 1422—5. Sarah A., b. Feb. 14, 1813; m. Ruel Dean; s. in Boston. 1423—6. Charlotte P., b. March 29, 1814; d. May 17, 1816. 1424—7. Elisha O., b. Jan. 5, 1815; m. Emeline Carter of Brook- fleld, Mass., at Grafton, Nov. 1834, and had one son, George A., born at Grafton, Sept. 8, 1835; has reported since the book went to press. He in. Betsey M. - of Sutton at Grafton, Oct. 3, 1854, and resides in Worcester, Mass. Children:— 1. George H., b. April 22, 1855; d. Aug. 28, 1856. 2. Frankie F., b. March 30, 1858.SIXTH GENERATION. 101 3. Ell M., b. Aug 4, 1860. 4. Arthur G., b. Dec. 8, 1862. 5. Willie H., b. Aug. 1, 1865. 6. Freddie M., b. Dec. 19, 1868. 7. Laura A., b. Feb. 18, 1870. 1425-8. Susan B. [267C], b. Nov. 26, 1817. 1426-9. Mary A., b. Oct. 17, 1819; m. Isaac C. Gardner. 1427-10. Emily M. [2677], b. Sept. 17, 1821. 1428-11. George M. [2678], b. June 12, 1823. 1429-12. Frances M., b. May 27, 1825. 1430. Elliott Rawson6 [538] (Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Sarah Williams of Warwick, Mass., where he settled. Shed. Feb. 17, 1814; they had six children, three of them d. in infancy ; 2d, Hannah Williams, May 15, 1815, a sister of his first wife ; about the same time he emigrated to Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio, where he d. May, 1825. Children :— 1431—1. Elizabeth [2684], b. Oct. 25, 1804. 1432—2. Hannah [2685], b. Dec. 10, 1808. 1433—3. Ebenezer [2686], b. Nov. 21, 1810. 1434—4. Sarah [2689], b. Aug. 13, 1816. 1435—5. Czarina [2690], b. June 18, 1821. 1436—6. Elliott, b. July 29, 1825; m. Esther A. Carter. 1437. Josiah Rawson6 [539] (Josiah5, Josiah4, David9, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Buffum of Richmond, N. H., 1804, where they first settled. He next went to Richmond, Vt.; was several times a member of the Legislature of that State. In 1828 he removed to Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., where he was well known and highly respected; d. May 8, 1861; she d. Feb. 6, 1848. Children :— 1438—1. Diansa [2691], b. Oct. 2, 1805. 1439—2. Horatio, b. Aug. 14, 1807; in. Ann Gage; he d. May 16, 1871, at E. Gaines, N. Y. 1440—3. Eunice [2692], b. Sept. 17, 1809. 1441—4. Mahala [2694], b. April 2, 1812. 1442—5. Roswell, b. 1815; d. 1829. 1443—6. Josiah [2696], b. July 10, 1818. 1444—7. Aurilla, b. Aug. 30, 1823; was a very successful school tc acher 1445—8. David [2700], b. July, 1826. 1446—9. Tryphena [2708], b. June 10, 1828. 1447. Simeon Rawson, M. D." [540] (Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m Submit Hastings about 1805. Dr. Raw-son practiced his profession for a time at Bethlehem, N. H., afterwards at Lyndon, Vt., then at Stockbridge, N. Y., where he d. Oct. 6, 1839 ; she d. Nov. 16, 1856. Children :— 1448—1. Emery [2709], b. Oct. 20, 1806. 1449—2. Clarissa [2715], b. June 12, 1808. 1450—3. Lorenzo [2717], b. May 22, 1810. 1451—4. Franklin [2728], b. May 7, 1812.102 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1452—5. Abel H. [2730], b. May 19, 1814. 1453—6. Dolly G. [2735], b. July 2, 1816. 1454—7. Edwin, b. Nov. 30, 1818 ; d. in infancy. 1455—8. Eliza, b. June 12, 1821; d. Jan. 26, 1839. 1456—9. Joseph H., b. Aug. 23, 1823; d. in 1854. 1457—10. Lucius E. [2736], b. Jan. 27, 1826. 1458—11. Huldah H. [2738], b. March 28, 1828. 1459—12. Lydia P. [2739], b. April 18, 1831. 1460. Jonathan Rawson8 [541] (Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Lavina Buffum; s. in Richmond, N. H., a merchant; was a prominent man, having held the offices of Town Clerk, Selectman, Justice of the Peace, and Representative to the State Legislature several years ; d. Dec. 24, 1843 ; she d. Aug, 12, 1864. Children :— 1460—1. Alonzo [2740], b. Feb. 28, 18Q9. 1461—2. Okrin [2744], b. Oct. 25, 1812. 1462—3. Angelia [2752], b. Aug. 23, 1815. 1463. Clara Rawson8 [543] (Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William3, Edward'), m. Elisha Osgood, and s. in Swanzey, N. H. ; had four children :— 1. Ezeiciel (Osgood). 2. - " 3. Clara " m.-Brigham; lived and d. at Springfield, Yt. 4. Elliott (Osgood). 1464. Polly Rawson8 [545] (Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1) m. Luman Nelson, a farmer ; s. in Chester, Warren Co., N. Y. Children :— 1. Lucinda (Nelson), d. at the age of 19 years. 2. Sophrona d. at the age of 15 years. 3. Luther <( 4. Hannibal Elders. Rice McCoy, j120 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1649—1. Anson, b. May 4, 1797; m. Fanny Isbell. 1650—2. Horace Strong [2901], b. July 15, 1799. 1651—3. Clarissa [2915], b. Aug. 23, 1801. 1652—4. Daniel, Jr., b. July 14, 1803; d. July 29, 1804. 1653—5. Marenda [2916], b. May 8, 1805. 1654—6. Polly [2923], b. June 17, 1807. 1655—7. Elvira, b. March 7, 1809. 1656—8. Electa [2924], b. May 23, 1811. 1657—9. Silas [2925], b. June 7, 1813. 1658—10. Levi B. [2933], b. May 13, 1815. 1659—11. Jennette, b. 1818; d. young. 1660—12. Chloe Ann [2949], b. March 20, 1821. 1661. Abigail Rawson6 [729] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Grant Miller. Settled in Victory, N. Y. She had seven children. 1662. Calvin Rawson6 [732] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel9, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Flynn. Settled in Scipio, N. Y. ; in 1815 moved to Randolph, Ohio, where he d. April 17, 1837. He was an honest Christian man. Children :— 1663—1. Amanda, b. Sept. 15, 1804; d. Nov. 2, 1806.' 1664—2. Samantha [2950], b. March 17, 1806. 1665—3. Levi [2951], b. Dec. 27, 1807. 1666—4. Calvix [2954], b. Feb. 28, 1810. 1667—5. Elizabeth [2958], b. July 15, 1811. 1668—6. Asa Warren [2959], b. May 28, 1813. 1669—7. Silas, b. May 10, 1815; m. AlmedaPlum; no children. 1670—8. Laura Ann [2963], b. Aug. 15, 1817. 1671—9. Lovjsa*[2964], b. Nov. 22, 18l9. 1672—10. Lydia Ad aline [2965], b. Aug. 27, 1821. 1673—11. Luther, b. July 29, 1823; d. March 9, 1824. 1674—12. Anson, b. May 1, 1828; d. Jan. 23, 1874, at Willesville, Mo. 1675. Moses Rawson" [733] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel', William3, Edward1), m. Lucy Taylor, an English lady, from Virginia. Settled near Natchez, Miss. Children:— 1676—1. Ira. 1677—2. Adaline, m. Mr. Lungens. 1678—3. Silas Jackson. 1679—4. Olive. 1680—5. Laura, d. young. 1681. Elihu Rawson6 [734] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel9, William3, Edward1), m. Hannah Tickner, Feb. 12, 1804. Settled in Palmyra, N. Y. He d. at N. Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 1834. She d. in 1843. Children:— 1682—1. Philornum S. [2966], b. Oct 28, 1804. 1683—2. Philander R. [2970], b. June 27, 1806. 1684—3. Luther A., b. May 30, 1808; d. young. 1685—4. Maranda [2972], b. June 15, 1810. 1686—5. Almyra [2973], b. April 27, 1812. 1687—6. Laura Ann [2974], b. April 16, 1814. 1688—7. Elihu Tickner [2975], b. Jan. 21, 1817. 1689—8. Hannah E. [2978], b. April 19, 1819.SIXTH GENERATION. 121 1690-9. Silas F. [2979], b. May 23, 1821. 1691-10. MartB. [2985], b. Sept. 10, 1823. 1692-11. Roxana M., b. Aug. 8, 1825; d. 1851. 1693-12. Adaline B., b. Feb. 2, 1829; m. Nodiah Brown, and settled at Wheatland, Wis. 1694. Anna Rawson6 [735] (Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel', William3, Edward1), m. Levi Stevens. Settled first in Strykers-ville, N. Y.; afterwards went to Rome, Mich. Children :— 1. Ann Eliza (Stevens), b. Jan. 20, 1806. 2. Caroline R. " b. June 26, 1808. 3. William C. " b. June 25, 1812. 4. Mabelia L. " b. July 30, 1815. 5. Silas R. " b. Feb. 5, 1817. 6. Caleb W. " b. Feb. 17, 1818. 7. Marretta " b. Dec. 3, 1821. 8. Levi " b. April 7, 1823. 1695. Theodore Rawson" [736] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Bussey. Settled in Mace-don, Wyoming Co., N. Y. He d. in Rolliti, Mich., Jan. 17, 1868. She d. Aug. 16, 1862. Children:— 1696—1. Rebecca [2986], b. Dec. 9, 1813. 1697—2. Wm. Henry Harrison [2987], b. March 9, 1817, 1698—3. Maria, b. Nov. 5, 1819; she d. Sept. 13, 1820. 1699—4. Maria Louisa [2994], b. Aug. 26, 1822. 1700—5. George Washington [2997], b. Feb. 22, 1825. 1701—6. Lucy Bussey, b. Feb. 25, 1827; d. July 4, 1847. 1702—7. Martin Luther, b. June 6, 1828; m. Magdalene Brodhead, Nov. 20, 1873. 1703—8. Laura Ann, b. June 19, 1830; d. Oct. 16, 1835. 1704. Olive Rawson" [738] (Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. David Warner. Settled in Elba, N. Y. Children:— 1. Eveline (Warner) Valorus " 2. m. Maletta Barrett. 3. Laura k m. Eugene Smith. 4. Charles <« 5. Mary << m. John Fairchild. 6. Bebecca 5. 2. Lena Gertrude " b. Feb. 8, 1857. 3. Bertiia Kate " b. May 9, 1859. 1707. Jonas Rawson6 [740] (Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1),- m. Rhoda Lawrence. Settled in Augusta. N. Y. Children :— 1708—1. Roxina, b. Feb. 4, 1815; m. A. L. Rice. 1709—2. Adaline S., b. March 28, 1817; m. Geo. W. Doolittle. 1710—3. Maria L., b. Jan. 1, 1825; m. Norman Z. Mathews, and died Dec. 14, 1843. 1711—4. Francis D., b. Aug. 27, 1827; m. Harriet M. Hanson. 1712—5. Orson P., b. April 1, 1832; d. Jan. 29, 1836. 1713—6. George H., b. Oct. 12, 1835. 1714. Zenas Adams Rawson6 [741] (Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), was a soldier in the war of 1812, at the close of which he m. Harriet Waterman, March 5, 1817. Settled first at Palmyra, N. Y. ; afterwards at Lockport; but in 1850 was living in Perry. Children :— 1715—1. Laura Ann [3001], b. Oct. 27, 1819. 1716—2. Olive W. [3002], b. Sept. 3, 1821. 1717—3. Silas M. [3003], b. Feb. 15, 1823. 1718—4. Emma Maria, b. Feb. 28, 1825; m. Leonard Crandall. 1719—5. Reuben Judson [3007], b. June 7, 1827. 1720—6. Colman P. [3010], b. June 7, 1829. 1721—7. James Lyman, b. June 11, 1831; d. July, 1831. 1722—8. Daniel Porter [3012], b. Nov. 27, 1832. 1723—9. Martha Ellen [3015], b. June 4, 1838. 1724. Laura Rawson0 [744] (Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Jeremiah Irono. Children :— 1. Elon Palusha (Irono), m. and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio. 2. Otis Turner " in 1850 lived in Brockport, N. Y. 3. Piiilornum " deceased. 4. Jerome " resided in Rome, Mich., in 1850. 1725. Rachel Rawson" [747] (Nathaniel5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel', William2, Edward1), m. Sir Roger Newel in New Laba-non, N. Y.; s. in Coopevstown, Otsego Co., N. Y. She d. Nov. 24, 1797, and left one child :— _ 1726. Nathaniel Newel, b. Nov. 14, 1797; he m. Amanda Fuller, Sept. 20, 1821; s. in Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., and had :— 1. Albert S. (Newel), b. June 20, 1822; m. Harriet John- son. 2. Francis M. " b. Dec. 15, 1824; m. Frances Har- rington, and d. in 1847.SIXTH GENERATION. 123 3. Harriet S. (Newel), b. April 27, 1827. 4. Mary L. " b. April 5, 1837. 1727. Levi Rawson" [749] (Nathaniel5, Nathaniel', Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Catherine Wolf in Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; s. in the State of Ohio, and died in Oct. 1822 ; was a millwright by trade. Children:— 1728—1. Edwin, m.; had six children. 1729—2. Jane Ann, d. 1822. 1730—3. Rachel Ellen. 1731—4. Perry. 1732—5. Eliza. 1733. Huldah Rawson* [750] (Nathaniel5, Nathaniel4, N.a-thanieF, William2, Edward1), m. Rufns Abbott, May 4, 1803, at New Labanon, N. Y. ; s. in Lisle, of that State, July, 1807 ; occupation, a millwright. Children :— 1. Rufus Chancy (Abbott), b. Nov. 25,1804; m. Malvina Tillottson, April. 1826. 2. Huldah Ann (Abbott), b. Sept. 29, 1807; m. Charles Allen, Oct. 11, 1827. 3. Sina Millissa (Abbott), b. June 7, 1810. 4. Daniel Rawson " b. July 30, 1813; m. Emeline M. Groat, April 11, 1847. 5. Silvia Hart (Abbott), b. June 12, 1816; m. Jesse Ful- ler, July 8, 1841; s. in Scio, Allegany Co., N. Y. 6. Nancy Eliza (Abbott), b. Jan. 16, 1819. 1734. Jesse Rawson6 [751] (Nathaniel5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lucy Blanchard, Feb. 12, 1817 ; s. in Ellicott, Chautauque Co., N. Y.; d. Nov. 18, 1845. Children:— 1735—1. Fanny, b. Nov. 28, 1817; m. Isaac Martin. 1736—2. Levi Lewellyn, b. Jan. 15, 1820. 1737—3. Anthony Wayne, b. Dec. 27, 1822. 1738—4. Catharine, b. Aug. 10, 1825; d. Sept. 7, 1845. 1739. Riioda Rawson" [752] (Nathaniel5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Chancy L. Hurlbut, Jan. 19, 1820 ; s. in Barker, Broome Co., N. Y. Children :— 1. Adela (Hurlbut), b. March 23, 1821 ; d. Oct. 23, 1842. 2. Charles " b. June 28, 1823; m. Phidelia Ken- yon, March 6, 1844; s. in Barker, N. Y. 3. Homer (Hurlbut), b. June 30, 1827; m. Helen Adams, Nov. 14, 1847; s. in Barker, N. Y. 1740. Marcy Rawson" [759] (Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Eliab Bates in 1815. He was a farmer ; s. in Victor, N. Y. They had one child :— 1741—1. Paulina (Bates), b. Jan. 20, 1816; m. Adna Stanley; s. at Pembroke, Genesee Co., N. Y. Children:— 1. Burton (Stanley). 2. Oscar "124 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1742. Samuel Rawson6 [760] Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lydia Burghardt in 1803 ; s. in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y., where they remained about ten years. In 1814 he removed to Victor, Ontario Co. ; was quite a popular man, having been commissioned Captain in the war of 1812, Justice of the Peace over twenty-one years, Judge of the County Court five years ; also member of the Legislature. He d. March 4, 1874. Children :— 1743—1. Norman, b. March 5, 1804; d. July 23, 1863. 1744—2. Erastus [3016], b. Nov. 23, 1806. 1745—3. Esther [3021], b. June 29, 1S10. 1746—4. Augustus Porter [3022], b. Feb. 27, 1812. 1747—5. Rachel Maria [3027], b. June 3, 1818. 1748. Joseph Rawson" [761], Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Eunice Arnold in 1809 ; s. in Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., in 1816, a farmer, where he died Jan. 5, 1846. Children :— 1749—1. Maryette [3028], b. Oct. 12, 1810. 1750—2. Angenett [3029], b. April 5, 1812. 1751—3. Sophia [3030], b. May 9, 1816. 1752—4. Hiram A., b. Jan. 23, 1825. 1753—5. Cyrus B., b. Feb. 6, 1827. 1754. Mary Rawson" [764], (Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Silas Barnes in 1810; s. last in Orwell, Ohio ; a farmer and a mechanic. Children :— 1. Betsey (Barnes), b. Feb. 11, 1811. 2. Mary " b. 1813; in. John Murray. 3. Anna " b. 1816: m. Mr. Runyon. 4. Miranda " b, 1820; m. Mr. Palmer. 5. Nathaniel A. (Barnes). 6. Harriet " 7. Ely " 8. Silas " 9. Eliza " 10. Rachel " 1755. Grindal Rawson" [765] (Jonathan6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Maria Ashley of Grafton, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1818, where they settled, it being at that time a wilderness. Mr. Rawson went to that country in 1816. They were the first couple married in that town. Children:— 1756—1. David A., b. Oct. 12, 1819. 1757—2. Angelo D., b. June 5, 1822. 1758—3. Theodore M., b. Feb. 23, 1824; d. April 5, 1824. 1759—4. Henry B., b. March 28, 1825. 1760—5. Rachel M., b. Oct. 20, 1827; m. Mr. Mcintosh. 1761—6. Theodore W., b. March 11, 1832. 1762—7. Adaline S., b. April 5, 1833. 1763—8. Phebe Ann, b. Nov. 12, 1834.SIXTH GENERATION. 125 1764. Mi ltjcent Rawson8 [767] (Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Henry Brown, July 12, 1821 ; s. in Victor, N. Y. Mr. Brown was a man of influence ; he was a Justice of the Peace, and held Town offices at different times. Children :— 1. Thadeus H. (Brown), b. Sept. 22, 1823. 2. Henry R. " b. April 23, 1835. 1765. Rachel Rawson6 [768] (Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel9, William2, Edward1), in. Jonas M. Wheeler in 1826; s. in Canandaigua, N. Y. She died Dec. 6, 1831, leaving three children :— 1. Austin (Wheeler), b. Feb. 21, 1827. 2. Adelphia " b. March 22, 1829. 3. Adelia " b. March 19, 1831. 1766. Anna Rawson8 [769] (Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Stephen H. Broughton, Aug. 17, 1822 ; s. in Rochester, N. Y. Children :— 1. Ad aline (Broughton), b. Sept. 10, 1824. 2. Harriet " b. Sept. 2, 1828; m. Harvey Chase. 1767. Oliver Rawson8 [771] (Moses9, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lois Howes at Ashfield, Franklin Co., Mass., and s. in Buckland, a farmer. In 1836, removed to Oak Creek, Wis., where he d. Dec. 29, 1868. She d. March 29, 1851. Children :— 1768—1. Ann [3031], b. April 18, 1806. 1769—2. Eliza [3032], b. June 30, 1807. 1770—3. Moses, b. Jan. 18, 1809; in. Achsah Wight. 1771—4. Sally, b. June 12, 1810; d. Sept. 1811. 1772—5. Thomas, b. April 10, 1812; d. Aug. 1816. 1773—6. Delia Ann T3035], b. June 23, 1814. 1774—7. Luther [3037], b. June 8, 1816. 1775—8. Thomas [3041], b. Aug. 8, 1818. 1776—9. Sarah [3044], b. July 27, 1820. 1777—10. Electa [3045], b. Oct. 27, 1823. 1778—11. Mary [3046], b. Feb. 27, 1825. 1779—12. Lois [3047], b. Sept. 18, 1827. 1780. Luther Rawson6 [773] (Moses5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Emily A. Peters ; she d. without issue. By a 2d wife had — 1781—1. Emily M. A. [3048], b. June 19, 1838. 1782—2. Sarah Arrillia, b. May, 1840; d.126 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1783. Electa Rawson6 [774] (Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m.. Daniel Sears, May, 1804; s. in Ashfield, Mass., where she died April 14, 1861. Children:— 1784—1.. Rebecca (Sears7), b. April 7, 1805: m. Millson Bussey; s. 1st, in Ashfield, Mass.; about. 1837 emigrated to Cala-donia, Wis. Their children were:— 1785—1. Harriet J. (Bussey8), b. March, 1829; she m. Samuel McLogan; s. in Caladonia, Wis., afterwards at Sparta. Their children were :— 1. Ellen (McLogan), b. June, 1843. 2. Sarah J. " b. Aug. 1851. 3. Rebecca L. (McLogan), b. April, 1854. 4. Mary T. " b. Jan. 1857. 5. Josephine " b. July, 1859. 1786—2. Mary Ellen (Bussey8), b. July, 1832; she m. Jabez M. Col- lins in Nov. 1852; s. 1st, in Caladouia, 2d, in Lake City, Minn. Their children :— 1. Eva J. (Collins), b. July, 1856. 2. Edwin J. " b. Dec. 1858. 3. Martin L. " b. June, 1863. 4. Laura " b. May, 1865. 5. Henry W. " b. April, 1872; d. Feb. 1873. 1787—3. Sarah A. (Bussey8), b. May 12, 1838; m. Alfred Beardsley, Nov. 16, 1857; s. in Lake City, Minn. Have the following children:— 1. Frank (Beardsley), b. June 20, 1858. 2. Minnie " b. July 10, 1861. 1788—2. Lewis (Sears7), b. 1807; d. Jan. 7, 1860; m. Achsah Miles of Ashtield, Mass.; s. in Caladonia, Wis. Children:— 1. Helen M. (Sears), b. April 19, 1843. 2. Sarah A. " b. Jan. 28, 1845; d. Sept. 26, 1846. 3-. Daniel M. " b. Dec. 24, 1846. 4. Lydia A. " b. Aug. 19, 1848. 5. Edgar L. " b. March 21, 1850. 6. EllaE. " b. March 16,1852; m. Terrey G. Adams and have one child, Jessie M. Adams, b. Aug. 26, 1873, at Caladonia, Wis. 1789—3. William (Sears7), b. Dec. 17, 1808; m. Annis Ames of Con- way, Mass.; s. 1st, in Ashfield, Mass. In 1837, emigrated to Caladonia, Wis. It being then a new country, and sparsely settled, they suffered much from the hardships and privations attending a frontier life; but overcoming them all, and having accumulated a handsome property, are now reaping the reward which always comes from habits of honest industry, frugality and temperance. Children:— 1. Alonzo (Sears), b. Jan. 11, 1835. 2. M. Luther " b. Aug. 6, 1836; d. Oct. 5, 1839. 3. Mary Ann " b. Oct. 12, 1838; d. April 23, 1871. 1790—4. Electa Olivia " b. Oct. 8, 1840; m. Henry Dwelle, Oct. 22, 1863 ; s. at Lake City Minn. Children :— 1. Reuben Sears (Dwelle'), b. Jan. 3, 1867. 2. Ruby Electa " ' b. April 17, 1870. 5. Martin L. (Sears), b. Oct. is, 1843; m. Julia Burhans; has one child, Stella. 6. Elizabeth Annis (Sears), b. April 22, 1849; m. George Henry Lamberton; has one child, George II. 7. Laura Melissa (Sears), b. June 18, 1852. 8. Adeline " b. Aug. 4, 1854.SIXTH GENERATION. 127 1791—4. Luther Rawson (Seats7), b. Dec. 9, 1811; m. 1st. Sophia Hawks of Savoy, Mass., Aug. 26, 1846; s. in Caladonia, Wis.; 2rl wife was Abby F. Kirker. Children :— 1. Leander Slawson (Sears), b. July 13, 1847. 2. Nathan Western " b. March 21, 1849; d. Aug. 1, 1870. 3. Electa Sophia " b. Nov. 26, 1850; d. Feb. 4, 1853. 4. Sarah Francelia " b. Aug. 27, 1852. 5. Luther Kirker " b. Sept. 28, 1855. 6. Rose Sophia " b. Sept. 9, 1869. 1792—5. EsekB. (Sears7), b. Jan. 11, 1815; m. Esther F. Olin; s. iu Caladonia, Wis. No children. 1793—6. Daniel (Sears7), b. March 28,-1824; m. Susan A. Mansfield of Hawlev, Mass.; s. in Ashfield, Mass. Children :— 1. Sarah Florence, b. Dec. 27, 1854; d. Sept. 1, 1870. 2. Jessie James, b. March 18, 1857. 3. Lewis Willard, b. Aug. 8, 1859. 4. Erwin Erastus, b. Jan. 23, 1864; d. Aug. 18, 1870. 5. Amelia Susannah, b. Sept. 5, 1866. 6. Esek Olin, b. Aug. 22, 1870; d. Sept. 1, 1870. 1794. Mary Rawson6 [775] (Moses5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), married Lovell Johnson of Fulton, N. Y. Children :— 1. Willard (Johnson). 2. Augusta " 1795. Sarah Rawson6 [776] (Moses*, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Jonathan Brackett, May, 1824 ; s. in Hawley, Mass. Children:— 1. Jonathan (Brackett), b. Feb. 24, 1825; m. Mary Dyer. 2. LUANA 3. Sarah Nelson 4. Allen 5. Nelson 6. Freeman 7. Mary Electa b. March 25, 1827. b. June 13, 1828. b. May 2, 1830. b. Feb. 7, 1832. b. Sept. 8, 1833. b. Dec. 15, 1835. 8. Emily Augusta (Brackett), b. Nov. 18, 1837. 9. William Henky " b. June 26, 1840. 1796. Zebina Rawson6 [799] Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel9, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Waters of Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1806"; emigrated to Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, in 1816; carpenter by trade. He died Aug. 9, 1826, at Buffalo, N. Y. Children :— 1797—1. George C. [3049], b. Oct. 6, 1807. 1798—2. Elizabeth [3054], b. June 21, 1811. 1799—3. Henry, b. Oct. 31, 1813; m. Louisa Stevens; s. in Ohio; has two sons and one daughter. 1800—4. Martha [3055], b. July 19, 1817. 1801—5. Zebina Y., b. Nov. 30, 1819; m. Louisa Maly. 1802—6. Jared, b. April 21, 1822; d. aged 20 years. 1803—7. Waters, b. Aug. 12, 1824; d. aged 20 years. 1804—8. William, d. aged 3 years.128 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1805. Rhoda. Rawson" [800] Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Na thaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. Eli Prince, Jan. 9, 1802, at Windsor, Mass., where they lived until 1814, when they moved to Pierpont, Ohio, where she d. April 12, 1856. lie d. Dec. 20, 1850. Children :— 180G—1. Hannah (Prince7), b. July 15, 1804; m. 1st, Leonard Curtis; 2d, David Scribner. Their children were :— 1. Leonard D. (Curtis8), b. Sept. 2, 1832; d. Nov. 12, 1856. 2. Rhoda (Scribner), b. June 14, 1838. 3. Eli P. " b. Jan. 21, 1840; d. Dec. 10, 1843. 4. CelestiaH. " b. March 22, 1843. 5. Eli P. " b. Nov. 23, 1845. 1807—2. Almira (Prince7), b. July 12, 1808; d. June 18, 1861; m. Reuben Benjamin in 1826. Their children were:— 1. R. P. (Benjamin8), b. 1827. 2. Emily " b. June 30, 1829; d. Feb. 14, 1850. 3. Eli " b. May 4, 1831; d. Sept. 11, 1854. 4. Rhoda " b. May 12. 1832. 1808—3. Sophia E. (Prince7), b. Jan. 7, 1813; m. Linus Webster; s. 1st, in Pierpont, Ohio, but now (1874) resides in Keene, Portage Co., Wis. Their children :— 1. Almisda A. (Webster8), b. Dec. 6, 1831. 2. Julia E. " b. March 7, 1833. 3. Human T. " b. Feb. 22, 1835. 4. Almira C. " b. Mav 29, 1838. 5. James L. " b. Nov. 8, 1846. 1809—4. Julia M. (Prince7), b. Nov. 22, 1816; d. Oct. 15, 1859; m. Noah Scribner; s. 1st, in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Now resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their children:— 1. Lovina J. (Scribner8), b. April 12, 1840. 2. Almira H. " b. Sept. 20, 1845. 3. Loren P. " b. June 3, 1853. 1810—5. Olive P. (Prince7) b. Feb. 22, 1818; d. Aug. 27, 1847; m. Isaac Aldrich; s. in Pierpont, Ohio. Their children:— 1. Mary L. (Aldrich8), b. July 29, 1841 2. Sarah C. " b. Feb. 20, 1843. 3. Angie " b. Nov. 26, 1845. 1811—6. Porter E. ("Prince7), b. Jan. 30, 1821; m. Laura Hardy, Feb. 16, 1848; s. in Pierpont, Ohio. Their children :— 1. Emma M. (Prince8), b. Oct. 21, 1849. 2. Ardin E. " b. July 19, 1851. 3. Martell H. " b. Feb. 10, 1853. 4. Sidney W. " b. Jan. 12, 1855. 5. Carrie L. " b. May 12, 1863. 1812—7. Ancil W. (Prince7), b. March 6, 1824; m. Maria Aldrich, Oct. 27, 1854; s. in Pierpont, Ohio. Their children:— 1. Ida A. (Prince8), b. June 8, 1858. 2. Willard A. (Prince), b. Sept. 3, 1864. 3. Edith M. " b. June 15, 1870. 1813. Grindal Rawson9 [801] Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), rn. Dolly Talcott of Windsor, Ma3s., Feb. 4, 1811; emigrated to Madison Co., Ohio; a farmer. Children :— 1814—1. Mary [3056], b. July 19, 1812. 1815—2. Joseph T. [3057], b. Aug. 8, 1814. 1816—3. Laura [3060], b. June 24, 1816.SIXTH GENERATION. 129 1817—4. Orrange [3061], b. Feb. 18, 1819. 1818—5. George L., b. May 8, 1821; m. Susan Goodrich. 1819—6. Philander [8066], b. June 26, 1825. 1820—7. Mariva. b. April 5, 1827. 1821—8. Grindal, b. July 30, 1829. 1822—9. Adelina, b. May 16, 1832. 1823. Olive Rawson9 [803] (Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3. William3, Edward'), m. Thomas Yates. Settled in Attica, N. Y. Died in 1822. Children:— 1. Thomas Church (Yates), m. R. Warriner; s. at Chi cago, 111. 2. Lucius H. " 3. Alphonso " 4. CoURTLAND " Geneva, 111. 5. Samantha 6. Philetus 7. Horace at Chicago, 111. s. at Darien, N. Y. ' m. Nancy Tobias; settled at m. John Carpenter, m. Salrina Robinson; s. 1824. Amariah Rawson" [804] (Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Betsy Carpenter. Settled in what is now called Rawsonville, Wayne Co., Mich., in 1825. He built the first dam across Huron River at this place, and erected a saw mill and began clearing up a farm in connection with the lumber business. In December of that year he was appointed Justice of the Peace for Washtenaw Co. (the dividing line between it and Wayne running through his land), by William Woodbridge, then acting Governor of the Territory, and in 1831 he was reappointed by Lewis Cass. About the same time, he received the appointment as Postmaster, and he established an office and called it Rawsonville. Children:— 1825—1. Caroline [3069], b. April, 1810. 1826—2. Adiline [3070], b. Nov. 27, 1811. ' 1827—3. Polly Ann [3073], b. June 10, 1813. 1828—4. Laura [3074], b. Dec. 3, 1814. 1829—5. Maria [3075], b. Sept. 13, 1815. 1830—6. Clarissa [3076], b. April 29, 1820. 1831—7. Jerome [3077], b. Feb. 3, 1825. • 1832. Abner Rawson0" [895] (Abner5, Nathaniel1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Sally Black ; settled in Blackberry, Kane Co., 111.; a farmer. Children :— 1833—1. Everline, b. Sept. 2, 1816; m. John M. Sheets; settled at Blackberry, 111. 1834—2. Abner, b. May 6, 1819; in. Georgie B. Pierce; settled at Batavia, 111. 1835—3. Harvey, b. July 25, 1822; m. Mary A. Daniels; s. at Black- berry, 111. 1836—4. Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1824; m. John P. Wheeler; d. at Black- berry, 111., in 1850. 1837—5. Dissdomona, b. May 11, 1826; d. 1827. 17130 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1838—6. Osgar, b. Sept. 11, 1828; m. Caroline Sheet; settled at Blackberry, 111. 1839—7. Lucretia, b. April 6, 1831. 1840—8. Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1837. 1841. Norman Rayvson" [806] (Abner6, Nathaniel,4 Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), ni. Betsey Pratt; settled at Centerville, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Died Feb. 22, 1872. Children :— 1842—1. Maria, m. James Davis, and d. July, 1864. 1843—2. Fidelia, m. Stephen Davis; he d. at Cal. • 1844—3. Sophronia, m. Ansel Phillips; reside at Wayne, Mich. 1845—4. Marvin, d. aged 21 years. 1846—5. Sumner, m. Marilla Reynolds; went to California and died there. 1847—6. * Olive, d. young. 1848—7. William Morgan, resides at Wayne, Mich. 1849—8. Samantha A. [3079], b. Oct. 6, 1831. 1850—9. Almyiia, m. John Kohn; reside on the old homestead, at Lockport, Mich. 1851. Parmelia Rayvson6 [808] (Abner6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Alvin Cook; b. in Westfield, Medina Co., Ohio. Children :— 1. Leonard (Cook), settled in Westfield, Ohio. 2. Emily " m. Nathaniel Plumer; s. in Mich. 3. Alphonso " 4. Almond " 5. Lucretia " 1852. Clarissa Rayvson" [809] (Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Horace Miller; settled in Van Buren, Mich. Children :— 1. Jonathan (Miller), b. Dec. 1, 1822; m. Eliza Wiley. 2. Abner b. Feb. 1, 1823; m. Mary Fisk. 3. Armanda (< b. March 11, 1825; m. John Ed- munQs. 4. Clarrisa (< b. Nov. 15, 1827; m. H. Oakley. 5. Parmelia b. Feb. 24, 1830; m. Thomas Downs. 6. Mary b. Oct. 2, 1833. 7. Helen << b. Nov. 1, 1838. 1853. Julia Ann Rayvson" [810] (Abner6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Arris Waterman ; settled in Yan Buren, Mich. Children:— 1. Amariah (Waterman), b. 1830. 2. Lucretia " b. 1835. 1854. Luthf.r Rawson6 [817] (David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Molly May, Jan. 20, 1803 ; settled in Woodstock, Conn., where he d. Sept. 8, 1847. She d. Sept. 8, 1851. Children:— 1855—1. Erasmus (3080), b. Oct. 16, 1803.SIXTH GENERATION. 131 1856—2. Danforth, b. Sept. 22, 1805; d. Jan. 16, 1868. 1857—3. Stiles, b. Aug. 20, 1807; d. Nov. 5, 1857. 1858—4. Charles Dighton [3086], b. March 14, 1810. 1859—5. Calvin, b. Oct. 10, 1811; d. June 16, 1828. 1860—6. John Emerson, b. June 19, 1814; d. Feb. 15, 1815. 1861—7. Mary M., b. Feb. 12, 1816. 1862—8. Luther Emerson, b. July 10, 1820; d. Feb. 28, 1875. 1863. Calvin Rawson6 [818], (David6, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Prudence Gates of Exeter, R. I., May 31, 1812; settled first in Griswold, then in Woodstock, Conn. He d. April 18, 1831, at Killingly, Conn. She d. at Norwich, Feb. 26, 1874. Children :— 1864—1. Sibyl Beals [3087], b. Sept. 24, 1814. 1865—2. Calvin Gates T3088], b. May 18, 1816. 1866—3. Samuel, b. Oct. 26, 1821; s. at the Sandwich Islands; m. Julia Lazarus, April 12, 1873, at Honolulu. 1867—4. Luther Strong [3093], b. Jan. 4, 1824. 1868—5. Mary Josephine [3096], b. Dec. 20, 1825. 1869—6. George [3097], b. Dec. 27, 1828. 1870. Col. Warren Rawson6 [835] (Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary Adams. She d. June 26, 1813. 2d, Martha Bullen. Settled in Mendon, Mass., where he d. June 15, 1848. # He was a lawyer of some reputation, a Member of the Legislature, &c. Children:— 1871—1. Frances Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1803; m. Orra Goss of N. Y. City. 1872—2. Charles Adams b. April 12, 1805; d. in Boston. 1873—3. Joseph [3102], b. Jan. 9, 1808. 1874—4. Charlotte Warren, b. April 4, 1816; d. in 1855, at Port- land, Me. 1875—5. Edward [3111], b. Dec. 8, 1818. 1876—6. Elizabeth Bullen, b. Dec. 11, 1822; resides in N. Y. City. 1877. Daniel Rawson6 [840] (Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Clarissa Fairbanks; settled first in Mendon, Mass., but in 1815 he moved to North Brookfield, and in 1821 to Oakham. Children :— 1878—1. Olive, b. July 18, 1814; d. Jan. 20, 1820. 1879—2. Clarissa, b. Julv 26, 1815; d. Aug. 25, 1865. 1880—3. Abigail [3115], b. Aug. 21, 1816. 1881—4. Nancy, b. Dec. 30, 1817; m. Russel Ripley; d. May 15, 1850. 1882—5. Olive [3116], b. Aug. 22, 1821. 1883—6. Cortez, b% March 3, 1823; m. Lizzie Hooker; d. Sept. 10, 1869. 1884—7. Daniel [3117], b. May 27, 1824. 1885—8. Thankful, b. April 30, 1826; d. Sept. 23, 1840. 1886—9. Laban [3122], b. April 3, 1829. 1887. Levi Rawson6 [841] (Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Joy Folger, Sept.- 4, 1836 ; settled at132 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Akron, Ohio ; a merchant. He d. Jan. 25, 1864, at Cleveland, Ohio. Children :— 1888—1. Warren, b. Sept. 23, 1837; drowned, July 27, 1850. 1889—2. Charles, b. Sept. 3, 1840; m. 1st, Maria A. Perkins, Sept., 1863; 2d, Mary M. Reynolds, Jan., 1874. 1890—3. Mary Folger [3128], b. Feb. 6, 1843. 18lJ0£-4. Edward B. [3129], b. Sept. 7, 1845. 1891. Silas Rawson" [843] (Levi5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Augusta Hurxthal ; 2d, Dorothy Hurxthal (sister of his 1st wife). Settled first in Massilon, Ohio, where he remained 20 years; then moved to Oswego, N. Y., and engaged in the milling business for a short time. From here he went to N. Y. City, and entered into the dry goods trade, under the style of Butler, Cecil & Rawson, which firm was eminently successful. He died while on a visit among his relatives, at Canton, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1874. Children:— 1892—1. Ferdinand Edward, b. Sept. 7, 184—; d. March, 1861. 1893—2. William L., b. Sept. 16, 1843. 1894. Hiram Rawson6 [846] (Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel", "William3, Edward1), m. Nancy Hamilton, in 1806. He first went to Vt. in 1809, and returned to Brookfield, Mass., in 1813 ; again going to Vt. in 1817. Settled at Montgomery, where he d. June 1, 1865. She d. Feb. 12, 1856. Children:— 1895—1. Windsor A. [3131], b. May 11, 1808. 1896—2. Joseph A., b. July 12, 1810; d. Sept. 28, 1822. 1897—3. Hiram F., b. Sept. 5, 1812; d. July 4, 1814. 1898—4. Hiram H. [3133], b. June 3, 1815. 1899—5. Horace [3140], b. July 3, 1817. 1900—6. Joel. b. June 24, 1819; d. July 7, 1819. 1901—7. Nancy [3144], b. June 3. 1821. 1902—8. Rufus [3145], b. March 14, 1824. 1903—9. Harriet [3147], b. June 7, 1828. 1904—10. Warren A., b. May 23, 1632; m. Abbie Fuller. 1905. Warren Rawson6 [854] (Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William", Edward1), m. Lucy H. Gould, Oct. 6, 1825. Settled in Camden, Maine, where he died February 1, 1838. Children:— 1906—1. Joseph W. H., b. Aug. 9, 1826. 1907—2. William A. L., b. Oct. 22, 1828. 1908—3. Edward F. T., b. Dec. 4, 1830; d. M^irch 26, 1831. 1909—4. Lucy Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6, 1832. 1910—5. Harriet Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1834; d. Jan. 28, 1835. 1911—6. Edwin J. G., b. Dec. 16, 1835. 1912. Rebecca Rawson6 [863] (Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindar, Edward1), m. 1st, Amasa Bardwell, Feb. 26,SIXTH GENERATION. 133 1806; m. 2d, Major Phillip Goss, Sept. 22, 1831; 3d, John Brigham, April 22, 1841. She d. July 5, 1844. Children:— • 1913—1. William F. (Bardwell), b. Nov. 21, 1806; m. Martha S. Wait. 1914—2. Livia R. " b. July 8, 1809; m. Plinn Wright. 1915—3. Elbridge G. " b. March 19, 1812; m. Betsy W. Comstock. 1916—4. Henry D. " b. July 13, 1814; m. Mahala Willard. 1917—5. Experience " b. Sept. 8, 1816; m. William Wright. 1918—6. Fidelia " b. Jan. 21, 1819; m. Alden Cooley. 1919—7. Rebecca " b. Aug. 24, 1821; m. Ruel Willis. 1920—8. Amasa " b. Nov. 20, 1823; m. Adelia Barnard. 1921. William F. Bardwell7 (1), and Martha Wait had:— Mary Ann, m. Harry Lyman. Abby, m.-Sanderson. Frank. 1922. Elbridge G. Bardwell7 (3), and Betsy W. Comstock had:— Ellen A., b. Aug. 29, 1839; m. Geo. O. Wilder. Ethel Rebecca, b. Feb. 11, 1845; d. Nov. 12, 1846. Erwin W., b. July 16, 1848. 1923. Experience Bardwell7 (5), and Wm. Wright have one child:— Frances Amelia (Wright). Fidelia Bardwell7 (6), and Alden Cooley have one child:— Jenny (Cooley). 1924. Livia Rawson6 [864] (Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Samuel Stratton, in 1807, at Montague, Mass. She d. July 7, 1863. Children :— 1. William Henry (Stratton), b. Dec. 29, 1808; d. July 11, 1810. 2. Asenath Field u b. July 10, 1810. 3. Sarah Bachelor 5, 1857. u b. Jan. 26, 1814; d. Oct. 4. Mary Thwing (< b. July 23, 1816. 5. Lucy Livia ft b. Aug. 19, 1820. 6. Samuel Pinckney (( b. Nov. 16, 1822. 7. Martha Ann (i b. March 21, 1825. • 8. Alfred Morell (( b. Feb. 26, 1827. 9. Elizabeth Jannette It b. July 7, 1829; d. Dec. 19, 1829. 10. Benjamin Franklin c1 b. Oct. 29, 1835. 1925. Samuel Pinckney Stratton7 (6), m. Fanny A. Pratt; settled at Gill, Mass. Their children were:— 1. Donna F. (Stratton), b. Jan. 11, 1850. 2. Arthur S. " b. June 4, 1852. 3. Lyman F. " b. July 23, 1858. 1926. Alfred Morell Stratton7 (8), m. Almeda Doolittle. Their children were:— 1. Willis Alfred (Stratton), b. Nov. 24, 1851. 2. Addih Adella " b. Sept. 8, 1857. 3. Everett Darling " b. April 29, 1864. Willis Alfred Stratton8 (1), m. Ella S. Sanderson, Dec. 5, 1872.134 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1927. TuKNEit Rawson0 [865] (Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Levina Tlwing, in 1814; settled at Schoolcraft, Mich., about the year 1831. Children:— • 1928—1. Fanny [3148], b. May 28, 1815. 1929—2. Sullivan, b. 1817 ; d. young. 1930—3. Eliza [3149], b. April 6, 1819. 1931—4. Dexter, b. 1821; d. 1932—5. Sylvester, b. 1823; d. 1933—6. Lyman T. [3150], b. Oct. 17, 1825. 1934. Olivia Rawson6 [866] (Samuel0, Edmund4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), married Cephas Lawrence, May 1, 1815. Children:— 1. Dexter (Lawrence), m. Dianthe Pratt. 2. Julia " 3. Sarah " b. 1821; d. Nov. 5, 1840. 4. Laura " 5. Maria " 6. Charles " 7. Hknry Clay " b. 1833. 1935. Dexter Lawrence7 (1), m. Diantha Pratt, Sept. 27, 1841. Children:— 1. Ellen F. (Lawrence8), m. D. B. Bushel, and have two children, Mary and Loisia. 2. Julia L. (Lawrence). 3. Ann E. " m. M. Rose; they have two children. 4. Hannah '' 5. Willie H. " 6. Jennie M. " 1936. Julia Lawrence7 (2), m. Gideon P. Bartlette, Nov. 22, 1842. Children:— 1. Juliaette (Bartlette), b. Oct. 16, 1843. 2. Alfonzo T. " b. Nov. 18, 1845. 3. Willie " b. July 31, 1847. 4. Allusia Marion (Bartlette), b. Aug. 12, 1849; m. Frank A. Amsden, Nov. 29, 1871. 5. Eugene Charles (Bartlette), b. Nov. 28, 1851. 6. Flora Estina " b. March 10, 1853; m. Alvin E. Whitney, Nov. 27, 1872. 7. Edgar Lawrence (Bartlette), b. July 6, 1856. 8. Nellie Mariah " V Twins; b. Oct. 1, 9. Nellie Sophia " J 1858. 10. Eva Lucretia " b. Jan. 10, 1861. 1937. Juliaette Bartlette8 (1), m. George W. Holden, March, 1863. Their children :— 1. Alice. 2. Mabel. 1938. Alfonzo Thwing Bartlette8 (2), m. Mary Elizabeth C-. Their children:— 1. Lizzie. 2. Nora. 3. Angie. 1939. Willie Bartlette8 (3), m. Melissa Holden; Nov. 1868. Their children:— 1. Henry. 2. Lawrence. 3. Holden.SIXTH GENERATION. 135 1940. Laura Lawrence7 (4), m. Anson Hemenway. Children:— Cora and Olivia. 1941. Maria Lawrence7 (5), m. John Adams Payne. Children :— 1. Charles Adams (Payne), m. Flora Copley, March 30, 1873. 2. George Fremont " 1942. Charles Lawrence7 (6), m. 1st, Susan B. Hunter, Nov. 6, 1853; 2d, Jennie Maria Merriman, Oct. 8, 1856. Children:— 1. Susan Mari/, b. Nov. 6,1857. 2. Charles Merriman, b. July 13, 1859. 1943. Henry Clay Lawrence7 (7), m. Lucinda R. Burnham, Nov. 28, 1858. He.d. June 11, 1869. She d. Feb. 7, 1870. Their children;— 1. Eugene Arthur, b. Aug. 9, 1860; d. July 18, 1870. 2. Dora Olivia, b. March 15, 1862. 1944. Ruel Rawson" [867] (Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Catherine Holden, March 11, 1824; first settled in Mass., but in 1839 he moved to the State of Mich. He d. Feb. 7, 1864, at Warsaw, Ind. Children:— 1945—1. Catherine Maria [3154], b. Jan. 13, 1825. 1946—2. Mary A., b. Jan. 27, 1827; d. March 14, 1860. 1947—3. Loritta Amanda [3155], b. Aug. 3, 1828. 1948—4. Charles Ruel [3156], b. July 25, 1830. 1949. Elias Rawson0 [869] (Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Dorcas Knights, June 9, 1830; settled at Schoolcraft, Mich., in 1831; an extensive farmer. Children :— 1950—1. Sophia Loisia, b. March 1, 1831; d, Aug. 13, 1833. 1951—2. EliAs Hicks [3160], b. Oct. 21, 1832. 1952—3. Caleb Haywood [3162], b. Sept. 1, 1834. 1953—4. Benjamin Franklin, b. Nov. 17, 1836; m. Cordelia E. Spaulding. 1954—5. Henry Clay [3165], b. Dec. 9, 1838. 1955—6. Samuel, b. Jan. 27, 1840; d. Aug. 22, 1843. 1956—7. Mary Thwing, b. Jan. 7, 1843: d. Dec. 13, 1848. 1957—8. Martha Knights [3168], b. July 8, 1845. ' 1958—9. Albert Galaton [3169], b. Dec. 18, 1847. 1959—10. George Winiteld, b. Aug. 11, 1850. 1960—11. William, b. Aug. 22, 1853; d. Aug. 22, 1853. 1961—12. Lafayette B., b. Jan. 6, 1857. 1962. Martha Rawson6 [873] (Edmund5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward'), m. Samuel Mack, in 1795. He was "one of the early settlers of Jefferson Co., N. Y. He was an engineer and builder of large works. He constructed the Forts of Sackett's Harbor. He was Col., under Gen. Brown, in the war of 1812. He took a prominent part in the building of a dam at Waddington, in the St. Lawrence River, to Ogden Island, thereby accomplishing a work others were loath to undertake. He d. in 1836. She d. in Oct., 1842; noted for her piety and generosity. They had one daughter :— 1963. Sophronia Mack7, b. 1809, at Watertown, N. Y.; m. Samuel136 RAW SON FAMILY MEMORIAL. W. Bowdich, in 1832, at Carthage, N. Y. They now reside at Boonville, where he is Justice of the Peace. Children:— 1964—1. Robert Fredrick (Bowdich8), b. Sept. 1, 1833; m. Miss Schovil, in 1865. They had four children ; but one living:—, 1. Berciier (Bowdich), b. 1872. 2. Mack (Bowdich), b. 1835; d. 1836. 1965—3. Alexander (Bowdich8), b. 1837; in. Louisa N. Jackson, in 1802 ; she d. in 1874, leaving :— 1. CoitfLLA (Bowdich), b. 1864. 2. Nella " b. 1866. 3. Henry " b. 1869. 1966—4. Franklin (Bowdich), b. 1840. He was killed in 1865, in one of the last engagements in Ya., during the late war, he having been in service from its commencement and taken part in 24 battles. 1967. Sakah Rawson" [874] (Edmund5, Edmund4, Edmund1, Grindal®, Edward1), m. Peter Brown in 1802; settled in Montague, Mass. She d. at Wilna, N. Y., in 1841. Children :— 1. Lysander B. (Brown), b. Oct. 15, 1804. 2. Ovid N. " b. Nov. 25, 1806. • 3. Martha R. " b. Jan. 10, 1809. 4. Cornelia S. " b. Jan. 11, 1811. 5. Benjamin T. " b. March 17, 1813. 6. Truman H. " b. March 28, 1815. 7. Zera " b. April 10, 1817. 8. Arra " b. May 11, 1819. 9. Hannah M. " b. May 17, 1821. 10. Lakayktte A. " b. Oct. 22, 1824. 1908. Lafayette A. Brown7 (10), m. Mary Ann Bevitt of Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Nov. 30, 1848, where they first settled. Now (1874) reside at Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Children:— 1. Sarah A. (Brown), b. Nov. 12, 1849. 2. Nelson W. " b. Sept. 28, 1851. 3. Elizabeth M." b. May 9, 1859. 4. Edmond L. " b. June 28, 1863. 5. Abby J. " b. Oct. 1, 1866. 1969. Edmund Rawson6 [875] (Edmund5, Edmund1, Edmund9, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Sibyl Brown ; settled first in Montague, Mass. ; moved to Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., in 1828, where he located a farm, built a saw mill, and was quite a successful business man. He d. May 29, 1863, at his son Edmund's house, Croghan, Lewis Co., N. Y., at the age of 78, after an illness of fourteen days. She d. Nov. 21, 1865. Children:— 1970—1. Mary Elvira, b. Feb. 14, 1807; resides at Carthage, N. Y. 1971—2. Edmund, b. Aug. 15, 1809; m. Emily Hubbard. 1972—3. Delinda, b. July 1, 1812; resides at Carthage, N. Y. 1973—4. Aman, b. March 5, 1814; resides at Carthage, N. Y. 1974—5. Climena [3171], b. April 22, 1816. 1975—6. Sarah Ann [3172], b. Oct. 16, 1818. 1976. Asa Raavson6 [876] (Edmund5, Edmund', Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. 1st, Temperance Randall, by whom he hadSIXTH GENERATION. 137 six children ; and one by a 2nd wife, Fannie. Caswell. He died in September, 1867, at Diana, Lewis Co., N. Y. He was a gunsmith and silversmith by trade. Children :— 1977—1. Andrew, drowned. 1978—2. Luther [3173], b. 1814. 1979—3. Albert. 1980—4. Elizabeth [3175], b. Dec. 2, 1820. 1981—5. Martha [3176]. b. Sept. 2, 1823. 1982—6. Hannah E. [3177], b. May 5, 1828. 1983—7. Edwin. 1984. Lucretia Rawson" [877] (Edmund6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Peter Flagler, and had one son ; 2d, Charles Saltzman, Nov. 1824, by whom she had two children. She d. at Wilna, N. Y., Oct. 1850. Children :— 1. William (Flagler). 2. Augustus (Saltzman), b. Sept. 29, 1819; m. Elizabeth Cranner. 3. Mary Ann " b. June 7, 1837; m. George Huse, at Wilna, N. Y., and d. Sept. 25, 1861, leaving a son, Charles (Huse), about 18 months old. 1985. Apollos Rawson" [879] (Joseph5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1),m. 1st, Huldah Death of Erving, Mass., in 1815. His 2d wife was Rebecca Marcellus of West Monroe, N. Y., where the family resided. Children by his ] st Avife :— 1986—1. Marshall. 1987—2. Benjamin. 1988—3. Oliver. 1989—4. Mary. 1990. Isaac Grant Rawson" [882] (Joseph5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), in. Diana M. Wheeler of Bolton, Mass., Sept. 4, 1821 ; settled in Holliston, Mass. Children :— 1991—1. George S. [3178]. b. Jan. 28, 1822. 1992—2. Diana M. [3183], b. Sept. 22, 1826. 1993—3. LovisaL., b. April 25, 1828; m. Henry A. Folsom; resides at Boston Highlands. 1994—4. Edward T. [3185], b. March 26, 1832. 1995—5. Susan E. [3189], b. Jan. 22, 1837. 1996. Polly Rawson" [884] (Seth6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Arnold Aldrich. Children :— 1. Arnold (Aldrich). 2. Ann " 3. Seth " 4. Mary " 1997. Martha Rawson6 [885] (Seth5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Alpheus Brown; settled in Uxbridge, 18138 EAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Mass. She d. March 6, 1859. He d. Dec. 6, 1854. Their children were:— 1. Genette (Brown), b. Dec. 28, 1807. 2. Willis " b. July 22, 1809; m. Charlotte Staples. 3. Mary A. " b. Oct. 13. 1811; married Daniel Wheelock, and d. Aug. 10, 1865, leaving a son, George (Wheelock). 4. Amory (Brown), b. Sept. 9, 1813. 5. Deborah " b. Sept. 30, 1816; m. John Whit- comb. 6. Chauncy " b. March 2, 1819. 7. Francis " b. Dec. 17, 1821; m. Susan Alanson, and d. Nov. 26, 1848. 8. Sarah Ann (Brown), b. Oct. 17, 1824; d. Oct. 16, 1843. 9. Ephraim " b. Oct. 19, 1827; m. Susan A. Brown. Had one son, George Herbert (Brown). 1998. Genette Brown7 (1), m. Lucy Welch, in 1834, and emigrated to the State of Michigan in the Spring of 1835. Located a farm in the town of Franklin, Lenawee Co., where he remained four years, when he exchanged this for a much larger farm in the town of Delta, Eaton Co., six miles distant from the spot where since has been located Lansing, the capital of the State. Here he remained, suffering all the privations and hardships attending a pioneer's life, until his death, Sept. 25, 1873, with the exception of five years (from 1842), passed at Uxbridge. She d. May 23, 1868. Children;— " 1. Mary Ann (Brown), b. Jan. 1, 1836. 2. Willes Angelo " b. Oct. 26, 1838; d. April 9, 1841. 3. Willes Angelo " b. Nov. 16, 1841. 4. Francis A. " b. June 26, 1848; m. Fannie Chambers; reside in Delta, Mich. They have one child, Leroy 0., b. Sept. 30, 1869. 1999. Mary Ann Brown8 (1), m. Anson A. Holley, June 1, 1851. Settled in Delta, Mich. He d. March 7, 1859. Their children :— 1. Sarah E. (Holley), b. March 26, 1852. 2. Alvord O. " b. Sept. 4, 1853. 3. Walter G. " b. April 6, 1855. 4. OrlandE. J. (Holley), b. March 19, 1857. 2000. Sarah E. Holley9 (1), m. James Pollard, July 5, 1868. Their children were:— 1. Flora M. (Pollard), b. June 20, 1869. 2. Enoch J. " b. Nov. 10, 1870. 3. James, Jr. " b. Aug. 9, 1872. 2001. Amory Brown7 (4), m. Amanda Chamberlain, and had the following children:— 1. Gennette (Brown), m. Grace Cook. 2. Harriet " m. Andrew Taft, and have three children:— S'I'ella, Ida and Mary. 3. Henry (Brown), m. and had two children. 4. Francis. 5. Olive. 2002. Ciiauncy Brown7 (6), m. Rebecca B. Lowell, Sept. 16,1844, and had two children:— 1. -. 2. Joslah Franklyn (Brown), b. April 13, 1849.SIXTH GENERATION. 139 2003. Allen Rawson6 [886] (Seth5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sophia Rawson ; settled in Mich. He d. in Barry Co., Mich., in 1859. She d. in 1863. Children :— 2004—1. Emily, d. 2005—2. Washington, d. 2006—3. Alexander, lives at Delta, Mich. 2007—4. Hamilton, d. 2008—5. Franklin, d. 2009. Permelia Rawson" [887] (Seth5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Benjamin Sadler. Children:— 1. Emory (Sadler). 2. Rawson " 3. Chloe " 2010. Warren Rawson" [889] (Seth5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Augusta Sadler; settled in Uxbridge, Mass. She d. at Mendon, May 12, 1875. Children:— 2011—1. Sarah A., b. Oct. 21, 1824; d. July 16, 1865. 2012—2. Wellington R. [3190], b. 1826. 2013—3. Medora A., b. June 23, 1844; m. Charles A. Davenport; reside at Mendon, Mass. 2014. Charles Rawson" [892] (Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Hale. He d. Dec. 11, 1808, at Uxbridge, Mass. Children :— 2015—1. Alpheus [3199], b. March 31, 1797. 2016—2. Sophia [3209], b. Oct. 21, 1798. 2017—3. Charles, b. April 26, 1803; d. young. 2018—4. Abner H., b. Oct. 25, 1805; m. Elvira W. Clark. 2019—5. Mary [3211], b. July 1, 1808. 2020. Simon Rawson6 [895] (Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Lavina Brown ; 2d, Nabby Putnam ; settled in Uxbridge ; a farmer. Was a Capt. of thejjMilitia, and enlisted in the regular service for the war of 1812. He also enjoyed the confidence of his townsmen. He d. June 16, 1856. Children :— 2021—1. Silas [3213], b. March 24, 1802. 2022—2. Lavina, b. June 24, 1807; d. Oct. 10, 1828. 2023—3. Charles B. [3218], b. Dec. 18, 1810. 2024—4. Simon [3221], b. April 3, 1812. 2025. Dolly Rawson8 [897] (Timothy5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mason Whitney; settled in Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y. She d. in 1803. Children:— 1. Hariot (Whitney), m. Capt. Knap of Brownsville. 2. Rastus " m. 3. Luna " m.; d. in 1841, at Sandusky. 4. Mariann " m. Mr. WilleS of Lime. 5. Chauncey " m. Miss Coffin.140 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2026. Cpiauncy Rawson6 [898] (Timothy6, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Sibel Pratt, in 1803; settled in Jefferson Co., N. Y. Died iu 1835. Children:— 2027—1. Mahaley, m. Mr. Priiidie. 2028—2. Albert, m. Miss Richmond. 2029—3. Timothy, m. Miss Evins. 2030—4. -, m.; settled in Watertown. 2031—5. Milton, m.; settled in Philadelphia. 2032—6. Charlotte, m.; settled in Watertown. 2033. Pekley Rawson6 [899] (Timothy6, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Charles Commins, in 1798; settled in Rutland, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Children :— 1. Alexander (Commins), Cynthia " d. 1814. 2. m. 3. Liberty m. 4. Rawson <( m. 5. Everline (i m. 6. Perlina 11 m. Mr. Bidvvell. 7. Charles t < m. Miss Benton. 8. Jane <( m. Mr. Doolittle. 9. Orvill ii d. 1835. 10. Marla u m. 2034. Lucy Rawson0 [900] (Timothy6, Abner4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Joseph Hall, in 1796 ; settled in Newport, N. Y. Children :— 1. Amanda (Hall). 2. Hannah " 3. Luther " 4. Lewis " 5. Cornelia " 6. Franklin " 7. Charles " d. 1840. 2035. Satxy Raavson" [901] (Timothy6, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal11, Edward1), m. Nathan Bullard, in 1798; settled in Newport, N. Y. Children :— 1. Sophia (Bullarcl). 2. Varnum " 3. Sally " 4. Daniel " 5. Emily " 6. George " 2036. Luther Rawson6 [902] (Timothy5, Abner4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Roby Parker, in 1807. Children 2037—1. Rosina, m. Mr. Low; lives in 111. 2038—2. Caroline, m. Mr. Wing of Utica, N. Y. 2039—3. Judson, m. Miss Ryan; lives in 111.SIXTH GENERATION. 141 2040. Cat/vin Rawson6 [903] (Timothy5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mercy Sherman, Dec. 27, 1815 ; settled first at Newport, N. Y., then moved to Port Hope, Canada West. After remaining a few years, he moved to Galena, 111., in 1841. He d. Feb. 10, 1849. She d. Jan. 25, 1849. He was a cabinet maker by trade. Children :— Marriett, b. Jan. 17, 1817; m. Charles Sherman, Oct. 10, 1838. Chloean, b. Aug. 17, 1818; m. Joseph Purdy, March 11, 1835, and d. May 5, 1848. Willis, b. Julv 4, 1820; d. July 25, 1821. William, b Oct. 17, 1822. Thomas T-, b. March 2, 1824; m. Mary Jane Ethridge, March 12, 1849. Hannah E., b. Feb. 2, 1827; m. Leander Lawrence. ? Twins; b. April 1, 1829. Catherine, 3 Asa, b. Sept. 11, 1831. Cecelia, b. Jan. 12, 1836; d. Nov. 12, 1841. Zenetta, b. July 5, 1839; d. Jan. 2, 1842. 2052. Perlina Rawson6 [904] (Timothy5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. John Beattey, in 1805 ; settled first in Brownville, N. Y. ; but in 1820 he went to Canada, and d. in 1834. Children: — 1. Mariett (Beattey). 2. Hiram " 3. Harriet " 4. Maria " 5. Robert " 6. Catherine " 2053. Ara V. Rawson6 [939] (Isaac5, Nathan4, Edmund3 Grindal2, Edward1), m. Nancy B. Farrar of Troy, N. H.; settled first in Hartland, Vt.; afterwards moved to Northfield. Their children were:— 2054—1. Elenora L. 2055—2. Alphonso. 2056—3. Rinaldo R. 2057—4. Leonora A. 2058—5. Dele van D. 2059. Chauncy W. Rawson6 [941] (Isaac6, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Eliza Bolster, and settled at Sullivan, N. H., where he now resides. Children :— 2060—1. Meritt L., b. June 22, 1828. 2061—2. George W. [3228], b. April 30, 1830. 2062—3. Henry C., b. Nov. 23, 1833. 2063—4. Eliza A., b.-Jan. 19, 1836. 2041—1. 2042—2. 2043—3. 2044—4. 2045—5. 2046—6. 2047—7. 2048—8. 2049—9. 2050—10. 2051—11. 2064. James Rawson0 [942] (Isaac5, Nathan4, Edmund3,142 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Mary Nims; settled at Gilsum, N. H. Now reside at Sullivan. Children :— 2065—1. Charles W. 2066—2. Henry N. 2067—3. Mkrriett. 2068—4. Harriet. 2069. Abner Rawson8 [956] (Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward'), m. Martha Johnson of Shrewsbury, Mass., April 3. 1820, and lived in Shrewsbury and Uxbridge, Mass., and Woonsocket, R. I., also Webster, Mass., where he died April 12, 1863; she d. April 8, 1869. Children:— 2070—1. Daniel J. [3232], b. Nov. 25, 1820. 2071—2. Esbon N. [3233], b. May 21, 1822. 2072—3. Martha R., b. Sept. 27, 1823; m. 1st, Philip Taft, June 15, 1842; he d. Sept. 30, 1859; 2d, Adam Hubbard, Sept. 3, 1862, at Webster, Mass. 2073—4. Natiian E., b. July 11, 1825; drowned Aug. 30, 1832. 2074—5. Lucy J., b. March 16, 1827; m. Thomas B. Loomis, and d. May 7, 1865. 2075—6. James M.', b. Feb. 16, 1829; m. Mary E. Davis, Nov. 23, 1854. 2076. Derring J. Rawson0 [957] (Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Thankful T. Sherman at Grafton, Mass., May 28, 1823. She d. Aug. 4, 1827, having had two children. 2d wife was Abigail P. B. Gleason ; m. at Princeton, June 10, 1830. He settled first at Woonsocket, R. L, then moved to Holden, Mass. In 1835 removed to Worcester, where he died Dec. 20, 1869, at the age of 71 years. As a husband and father he was tender and sympathizing, forgetful of himself when considering the comfort and happiness of his family, always doing all in his power for their enjoyment and prosperity. The bereaved home circle have great cause to cherish his memory most sacredly. Those of his friends who have visited at his house will never forget the pleasant smile, the cordial greeting and friendly interest with which they were welcomed. The sincerity of his heart shone in his countenance. In the death of Mr. Rawson, society lost one of its mildest and most genial natures. His mind was stored with a fund of practical information that rendered him an intelligent and entertaining companion. Numerous were the spicy and amusing anecdotes with which he constantly illustrated any subject upon which he was conversing. In the various questions of the day he was deeply interested, and in all matters, whether of a local or general character, political or otherwise, his opinions were formed from a sense of justice and a strict adherence to principle. His sentiments were freely expressed, and if he differed from others, it was in a spirit of candor and benevolence that repelled every feeling of unkindness or animosity.SIXTH GENERATION. 143 The poor also lost a valuable friend. Charity with hitn was a daily virtue, and not a garment to be worn occasionally or for the observation of others. Many a needy one received help and encouragement at his hand. For the Orphan's Home he felt a particular interest, and he deemed it a privilege to render assistance in any form to the little ones collected there. Just as he passed the common age of man ("three score and ten"), disease laid her blighting hand upon him, and he faded gradually away. Resigning himself entirely to the will of God, trusting with childlike confidence in his Saviour, gentle and patient in suffering, he lay down to die, and was gathered into the Heavenly garner —"a shock of corn fully ripe." Children :— 2077—1. Betsey S., b. Nov. 20, 1825; d. March 22, 1826. 2078—2. Hiram J. [3235], b. May 27, 1827. 2079—3. Henry C., b. July 12, 1834; r. at Worcester. 2080—4. Abigail T., b. Sept. 21, 1837; d. Dec. 29, 1854. 2081—5. Davis N., b. Feb. 8, 1840; m. Julia B. Lewis of Richmond, Va., June 10th, 1875, at West Stafford, Conn.; r. at Worcester. 2082—6. Persia Maria, \ Twins; b. April 3, f d. April 16, 1842. 2083—7. Persis Almena, f 1842; \ d. Sept. 7, 1842. 2084. George W. Rawson6 [959] (Edward6, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Cartwright at Fall River, Mass. She d. March 12, 1873. He died at Taunton, Mass., Oct. 30, 1874. Children :— 2085—1. James E. [3244], b. June 19, 1832. 2086—2. Margaret C., b. April 24, 1834; d. Jan. 8, 1857. 2087—3. Mary Jane, b. May 27, 1836; d. March 29, 1855. 2088—4. John C. [3248], b. July 5, 1840. 2089—5. Hannah C. [3251], b. April 7, 1842. 2090—6. Lucy O. [3252], b. Nov. 20, 1845. 2091. Mary Rawson6 [960] (Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund9, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Schuyler Fisher at Smithfield, R. I., Dec. 19,1827. Children:— 1. Samuel Schuyler (Fisher), b. June 3, 1829. 2. Mary O. " b. March 20, 1832. 2092. Samuel Schuyler Fisher7 (1), in. Sarah A. Hall at Exeter, R. I., Oct. 27, 1859. Children :— 1. Lucy Morse (Fisher), b. Oct. 28, 1862. 2. Mary Rawson " b. Sept. 23, 1864. 3. Parni-l Ellis " b. Feb. 12, 1868. 4. Deering Jones " b. Feb. 9, 1870. 5. Sarah Olive " b. Feb. 7, 1873. 2093. Mary O. Fisher7 (2), m. William Greene at Exeter, R. I., Nov. 1, 1849 ; she d. Aug. 22, 1865. Children :— 1. Samuel Ellis (Greene), b. Aug. 22, 1850. 2. Carrie Lucy " b. May 15, 1853. 3. William Schuyler (Greene), b. June 1,1861. 2094. Hannah Jones Rawson6 [961] (Edward5, Nathan4,144 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Edmund1, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Benonie Bradner Rogers at Worcester, Mass., April 17, 1836; s. at Bath, Summit Co., Ohio. She d. Oct. 24, 1873, at Westfield, Mass. Children :— 1. Percis E. (Rogers), b. March 18, 1837. 2. Sarah 0. " b. Sept. 17, 1838. 3. Em kline C. " b. Sept. 9, 1840. 4. Mercy A. " b. Jau. 4. 1845. 2095. Sarah 0. Rogers7 (2), m. George W. Lyman, April 3, 1862, at Strongville, Ohio. Children:— 1. Winnie Jane (Lyman), b. Sept. 22, 1864. 2. Lucy May " b. June 10,-. 2096. Emeline C. Rogers'' (3), m. Thomas Benton Loomis at Strong- ville, Ohio, July 11, 1867. Children:— 1. Julia Isabel (Loomis), b. May 5, 1859, at Springfield, Mass. 2. Marion F. (Loomis), \ „ . fb. March 16, 1869, at 3. Marren R. " / iwins, j Chicago, 111. 4. Benton B. " b. Jan. 16, 1874, at Westfield, Mass. 2097. Mercy A. Rogers7 (4), m. Charles H. Pope, Oct. 28, 1862, at Strongville, Ohio. Have :— 1. Emma Stella (Pope), b. Aug. 18, 1863, at Ottawa, Ohio 2. Perlina Ella " b. Jan. 19, 1865, at Ottawa, Ohio. 3. Clara Opha " b. Dec. 27, 1870, at Strong- ville, Ohio. 2098. Sally White Rawson0 [962] (Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal3, Edward'), ra. Phineas Merrill Gleason at Princeton, Mass., Dec. 20, 3 832. He died Feb. 22, 1874, at Princeton. Children :— 1. Schuyler F. (Gleason), b. Oct. 12, 1833; d. Sept. 11, 1836. 2. Persis A. " b. Oct. 9, 1836; m. Webster Mngee. 3. Addison D. " b. Feb. 9, 1839; m. Susan P. Miller; has Henry Addison, b. June 29, 1S74. 4. Mary L. (Gleason), b. May 10, 1841; m. S. J. Mcin- tosh; hiid Nellie M., b. Nov. 2, 1870; died July 23, 1873. 5. Martha W. (Gleason), b. Aug. 7, 1843. 6. Sarah M. " b. Nov. 11, 1846; m. Edward A. Hancock, Nov. 1874. 7. Isaac M. (Gleason), b. Feb. 15. 1850. 8. Samuel F. " b. Aug. 31, 1852. 9. James E. " b. Feb. 21, 1855. 2099. Martha White Gleason7 (5), m Oliver A. Felch of Natick, Mass., June 10, 1869; s. in Natick. Children;— 1. Sarah Alice (Felch), b. April 30, 1870; d. July 30, 1872. 2. Annie Isabel " b. July 9, 1873. 3. Fred. O. b. Nov. 9, 1874. 2100. James Augustus Rawson6 [967] (James6, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Louisa J. Scott at Uxbridge, Mass., June 13, 1844, and settled there. Children:— 2101—1. Mary E., b. Sept. 11, 1845.SIXTH GENERATION. 145 2102—2. Ella J. [3253], b. April B5, 1847. 2103—3. Merritt W., b. Oct. 9, 1848. 2104—4. Louisa E., b. March 1, 1851; m. Julius A. Smith, Sept. 6, 1871. 2105—5. Malcolm A., b. June 4, 1855. 2106—6. James E., b. April 6, 1857. 2107. Polly Rawson6 [969] (Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Col. Jonathan Yial of Windhall, Vt. Children :— 1. Chloe (Yial). Sarah " 2. 3. Joel " 4. Henry " 5. Levi " 6. John " 7. Rawson " 8. Polly " 9. Lucy " 10. Edward " 11. Jonathan" 2108. Wilson Rawson9 [972] (Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Elizabeth Vial; 2d, Phila Adams; s. in Upton, Mass., where he d. Oct. 27, 1842. His 1st wife, Elizabeth, d. in Aug. 1810. Children :— 2109—1. Abraham V., b. 1807; m. Ruth Wheeler; d. at Northbridge. 2110—2. LaFayette, b. Oct. 16, 1808; m. Elvira Lackey; settled in Upton. 2111—3. Joshua [3254], b. Aug. 8, 1810. 2112—4. Israel Adams, b. March 9, 1822; m. R. A. Bathrick; d.; had one child; r. at Westboro. 2113—5. Joanna E.. b. June 26, 1824; r. at Upton. 2114—6. Daniel G., b. May 26, 1826; a boot manufacturer; resides at Newton, Mass. 2115—7. Royal T., b. Dec. 2, 1827; d. at Chicago. 2116—8. Moses A., b. Sept. 9, 1830; r. at Upton. 2117—9. Stephen H., b. Oct. 13, 1836; r. at Chicago. 2118. Abigail Rawson" [974] (Joshua5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Freeburn White at Upton, Mass., May 13, 1810; s. 1st, at Northbridge, Mass. ; afterwards went to West Boylston, and then to Waterville, Vt. They both died at Eden, Yt. She d. Sept. 27, 1831 ; he d. Sept. 19, 1863. Children :— 1. Stephen R. (White), b. Feb. 1, 1811. 2. Charles A. " b. July 17, 1812. 3. Emela " b. Feb. 1, 1816. 4. Amanda " b. May 8, 1817; m. 1st, Horace Chilson; 2d, Ara Goodwin Curtis; resides at Cohoes, N. Y. 5. Lurana (White), b. Dec. 1, 1818. 6. Daniel Griffin (White), b. Dec. 31, 1821. 7. Ezra Keith " b. April 8, 1824. 8. Charlotte " b. Sept. 15, 1829; died July, 1835. 19146 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2119. Stephen R. White7 (1), m. Nancy Fowler at Northbridge, Mass., Jan. 30, 1842, and settled at Grafton, Mass. Children :— 1. Edward R. (White), b. Aug. 20, 1849; a graduate of the Worcester Co. Free Institute of Industrial Science, July, 1872; m. Ellen A. Covell, Jan. 1, 1874. 2. Abbie M. (White), b. July 20, 1852; a graduate of the State Normal School at Framingham, July, 1871: entered Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 1873. 2120. Charles A. White7 (2), m. Eunice G. Adams at Eden, Vt., March 5, 1832, where they settled. Children :— 1. Edwin C. (White), b. June 11, 1833. 2. Charlotte " b. Jan. 27, 1836. 3. Emma A. " b. June 21, 1844. 4. Francis F. " b. Nov. 21, 1847. 2121. Edwin C. White8 (1), m. Susan W. Kennan, April 13, 1856, at Eclen, Vt. Have one son :— 1. George E. (White), b. Oct. 5, 1857. 2122. Charlotte White8 (2), m. James Brown, Feb. 9, 1854, at Eden, Vt. Children :— 1. Frank E. (Brown), b. March 29, 1859. 2. Flohence E. " b. Aug. 3, 1872; d. Aug. 17, 1874. 2123. Emma A. White8 (3), m. Jonas T. Stevens at Eclen, Vt., April 17, 1867. Have one son :— 1. Edson M. (Stevens), b. Sept. 12, 1870. 2124. Francis F. White8 (4), m. Sallie L. Warren, July 1, 1869, at Johnson, Vt.; s. at Eden, Yt. Have one child :— 1. Bertie W. (White), b. April 7, 1870. 2125. Amelia White7 (3), m. Reuben Freeman Adams, April 5, 1831, at Eden, Vt., where they first settled. In 1835 they moved to Lowell, Mass., where he d. Aug. 21, 1843; she d. Aug. 11, 1847. Mrs. Adains was a woman of more than ordinary ability; always adding to her goodly store of knowletise by study and intercourse with those around her. She felt it the highest mission on earth to be doing good : it was a part of her religion; and many of the poor and needy of Lowell received help and comfort at her hand. She m. for her 2d husband, John Reed, April 10, 1846. Children :— 1. Mary Emeline (Adams), b. July 31, 1832; died Jan. 31, 1834. 2. Mary Emela " b. Feb. 1,1834; died March 1, 1834. 3. Freeman Harrison (Adams), b. Sept. 16, 1839. 4. Warren Bray " b. July 20, 1841; d. Feb. 28, 1842. 2126. Freeman Harrison Adams8 (3), m. Lizzie Mary Haffuer, at Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 30, 1873, and has a daughter:— 1. Daisy Alpie (Adams), b. Aug. 28, 1874. 2127. Lurana White7 (5), m. Micajah Townsend at Eden, Vt., June 14, 1840. He was a soldier in the late war; d. at New Orleans, La., Nov. 14, 1862. She d. Nov. 14, 1874, at Meriden, 111. Children :— 1. Charles Wells (Townsend), b. July 23, 1845; m. Sadie M. Phillips, April 11,1873; resides at Mor-risonville, 111. 2. Albert George (Townsend), b. Sept. 24, 1847; was a soldier in the late war; d. Nov. 20, 1862, at Pensa-cola, Fla. 3. Hester Ann (Townsend), b. March 23, 1851.Died Nov. 14^ 1874 atMeiidenJIL. J-H.BUFFOHD'S SONS LITH.BOSTONSIXTH GENERATION. 147 Hester Ann Townsend8 (3), m. Charles H. White at Worcester, Mass., Nov. 26, 1868; settled in Grafton, Mass. Children :— 1. Susan Louisa (White), b. March 7, 1870. 2. Howard Samuel " b. Dec. 20, 1871. 2128. Daniel Griffin White7 (6), m. 1st, Margaret Soper, at Clin-tonville, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1843, where he first settled; here his children were born. She d. April 12, 1858. 2d, Caroline Tewksbury, Jan. 13, 1859, at Calias, Vt.; she died Oct. 22, 1863. 3d, Margaret Johnson, Jan. 5, 1867, at Rosendale, Wis. He now (1875) resides at Meriden, 111. Children:— 1. Arial Daniel (White), b. July 31, 1844; d. May 13, 1862. 2. Rueben Adams " Louisa Smith. b. March 15, 1848; m. Ella 3. George Freburn (White), b. June 27, 1850; d. March 11, 1851. 4. Edward Parker b. Jan. 17, 1852. 5. Charlotte Louisa << b. Aug. 3, 1854; m. Henry R. Muar. 6. Jacob Tewksbury K b. Nov. 15, 1860. 7. Caroline Amanda (< b. Oct. 10, 1862. 8. Loring Ellis it b. March 9, 1869. 9. Mary Jane << b. June 25, 1871. 10. Daniel Gkiffin, Jr. 11 b. Sept. 9, 1873. 2129. Ezra Keith White7 (7), m. Catharine Van Wie, April 15, 1851, at N. Y. City; since 1857 he has lived at La Crosse, Wis. Children :— 1. Ellen Emily (White)^b. Feb. 7, 1852, at Worcester, Mass. 2. Henry " b. March 15, 1855, at Cincin- nati, Ohio; d. Oct. 3, 1856. 3. Josephine (White), \ Twins, b. Jan. f d. Nov. 14, 1861. 4. Mary " / 12,1857. \ d. Jan. 12, 1857. 5. Adelia " b. Feb. 13, 1859; d. Aug. 12, 1867. 6. Charles " b. April 23, 1861. 7. Adaline " b. April 23, 1863. 8. Josephine " b. May 13, 1866; d. Oct. 25, 1870. 9. Carrie Frances (White), b. Feb. 22, 1873. 2130. Daniel Rawson6 [976] (Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Richardson, dau. of Capt. Richardson of Medway, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815; s. in Mendon, a farmer. In Feb. 1816, he moved to Oswego Co., N. Y., and in 1819 removed to Cincinnati, Ohio ; in 1822 to Georgetown, Ohio, where he followed agriculture for several years. In 1830 lie went to Yandalia, 111., and d. in Bond Co., April 10, 1855. His wife d. Sept. 29, 1857. Children : — 2131—1. James R., b. May, 1818; d. July 3, 1819. 2132—2. Daniel P., b. March 9, 1820; d. March 28, 1864. 2133—3. Sarah Electa, b. Nov. 1822; d. 1824. 2134—4. Sarah Elvesta, b. Mav, 1824; d. Aug. 1826. 2135—5. Elizabeth J., b. Dec. 25, 1826; r. at Hillsboro, 111. 2136—6. Mary B. [3261], b. Jan. 8, 1829. 2137. Dr. Levi Rawson" [978] (Joshua5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), was a graduate of Brown University, class of148 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 1825; m. 1st, Alice Temple in Shrewsbury, April 11, 1826, and s. at Farnumsville (Grafton), Mass., where he has pursued the practice of his profession for fifty years. She d. May 2, 1881, leaving a daughter. 2d, Almira Baker of Upton, Feb. 9, 1832. 2138—1. Louisa Alice [3262], b. April 26, 1827. 2139. Cat.eb Rawson8 [982] (Wilson6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal5, Edward1), m. Mary Aldrich, Jan. 16, 1803. Settled at Northbridge, Mass. Children :— 2140—1. Judson, b. June 26, 1804; m. Polly Abbott; had seven children; only three living. 2141—2. Maria, b. Oct. 13, 1805; m. Welcome Aldrich. 2142—3. John Newell [3263], b. Dec. 17, 1807. 2143—4. Hannah, b. June 19, 1810; ra. Henry Taft. 2144—5. Caleb [3265], b. Dec. 16, 1812; m. A. Maria. 2145—6. Luraxa, b. Jan. 26, 1815; m. Wm. W. Wood, and d. May 14, 1841. 2146—7. Barnabas A. [3267], b. Feb. 3, 1818. 2147—8. Wilson L. [3271], b. May 18, 1822. 2148—9. Phii-ander P., b. Sept. 2, 1824; resides at Uxbridge. 2149—10. Celestia, b. March 1, 1829: m. E. Wh'eelock, and d. Dec. 29, 1871. 2150. Levi Rawson6 [986] (Artemas6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindar, Edward1), m. Lois Winslow. Settled at Paris, Me. He d. Jan. 5, 1849. She d. Jan., 1869. Children :— 2151—1. Samuel F. [3275]. 2152—2. Levi. 2153—3. Fanny. 2154—4. Matilda. 2155—5. Nancy. 2156—6. N. Ward ; d. 2157—7. Clarissa. 2158—8. B. Chandler. 2159—9. Malinda; d. 2160—10. Stephen. 2161. Ejimor Rawson" [988] (Arteraas6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), was Capt. of an Artillery Co. in the war of 1812, and was honorably discharged after a service of five years. Hem. 1st, Clarissa Peterson. She d. May 9, 1830; 2d, Rhoda Clark. She d. June, 1871. He d. April 27, 1867. Children:— 2162—1. Sylvia; d. 2163—2. Horace W.; d. 2164—3. Asa D. 2165—4. Celestia. 2166—5. Emmor. 2167—6. Emeline; d. 2168—7. Orlando ; d. 2169. Artemas Rawson" [989] (Artemasb, Wilson4, Wilson3. Grindal3, Edward1), ra. Dorcas Rice, Feb. 3, 1816, at Paris, Me.,SIXTH GENERATION. 149 where he resided until 1832, when he moved to Oxford. He d. at Lynn, Mass., Nov. 29, 1869. Children :— 2170—1. Solon, b. Oct. 29, 1817. 2171—2. Aukilia P., b. July 22, 1819. 2172—3. Warren, b. July 18, 1821. 2173—4. Mary, b. Oct. 18, 1823. 2174—5. William, b. May 1, 1826. 2175—6. Dorcas B., b. May 26, 1828. 2176—7. Meranda, b. June 17, 1831. 2177—8. Ann E., b. June 25, 1833; d. Aug. 26, 1871. 2178—9. James [3283], b. July 6, 1835. 2179—10. Van Buren, b. July 17, 1839; d. Sept. 16, 1869. 2180—11. Elbridge M., b. Nov. 12, 1840. 2181—12. S. Greenleaf, b. Dec. 10, 1842; d. March 5, 1865. 2182. Filinda Rawson6 [990] (Arteraas5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Seth Morse. She d. March 10, 1869. Children :— 1. E. Rawson (Morse); Vesta L. " d. 2. d. 3. William R. " 4. Cyrus H. " d. 5. Seth Ansley " d. 6. Abijah H. " d. 7. Miranda It. " d. 8. Joseph H. " d. 2183. Mark B. Rawson8 [992] (Artemas5, Wilson4, Wilson9, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Olive Bent of Paris, Maine, in 1827. Settled in Paris, Me., where he d. Sept. 10, 1874. Children:— 2184—1. Olive B., b. Oct. 29, 1829; d.. Dec. 29, 1856. 2185—2. Mark F. [3286], b. Jan. 17, 1832. 2186—3. Otis B., b. March 22, 1836; m. Rose McKenney. He is a grad. of the Boston Theological Seminary, 1870, and now pastor of the Baptist Church at Packersville, Conn. 2187—4. Virgil D. [3288], b. Oct. 25, 1837. 2188—5. Dolly B., b. Aug. 29, 1839; m. March, 1869, and d. July 27, 1869. 2189. Samuel Rawson" [1002] (Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Rosalie Gramon, in 1811. She was daughter of Capt. James Gramon of the French navy. She d. April 18, 1825, leaving seven children. In Aug., 1827, he m. Eliza Richmond, daughter of Nathaniel Richmond of Newport, R. I. She d. Nov. 5, 1847. He d. Oct. 28, 1852, at Providence, R. I. Children :— 2190—1. Mary Elizabeth, d. Sept. 3, 1825. 2191—2. James Gramont, b. March 20, 1813. 2192—3. Charles Fredrick [3292], b. Feb. 3,1816. 2193—4. Samuel Gilbert [3295], b. Jan. 18, 1818. 2194—5. Harriet Gramon, b. Aug. 22, 1820: d. Aug. 14, 1825. 2195—6. Edward Dickens, b. July 16, 1822; d. Aug. 23, 1825.150 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2196-7. Frances Rosalie, b. April 12, 1825; d. March 24, 1848. 2197-8. Harriet Elizabeth, b. June 25, 1828. 2198-9. Anthony Richmond [3301], b. Feb. 20, 1836. 2199-10. Thomas Brownell, b. 1837. 2200-11. Eliza Richmond [3304], b. April 3, 1839. 2201-12. Alonzo Clark, b. 1841; d. young. 2202-13. Susan Richmond, b. 1844. 2203-14. Harriet Eliza, d. young. 2204. William Rhodes Rawson6 [1004] (Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Eliza C. C. Peckham of Exeter, R. I., Oct. 12. 1823. She d. Oct. 28, 1868, at Scituate, R. I. Children :— 2205—1. Mary C. (3305), b. Sept. 24, 1824, at Exeter, R. I. 2206—2. Joseph P., b. Oct. 19, 1829, at Killingly, Conn. 2207—3. Abbey F. [3306], b. Dec. 29, 1835, at Killingly, Conn. 2208—4. William, d. young. 2209—5. William, d. young. 2210—6. Henry, d. young. 2211—7. Edwin, d. young. 2212—8. Elizabeth, d. young. 2213. Grindal Rawson6 [1010] (Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal3, Edward'), m. Lucretia Cornell, grand daughter of Col. Christopher Leffing-well of Norwich, Conn., March 30, 1824, and settled at Killingly, Conn. In 1831, he moved to Woodstock, where he was deacon of the 1st Congregational church for 35 years. She d. Nov. 23, 1861. He d. Aug. 29, 1869, at New Haven, Conn. Children :— 2213—1. Edward Dickens [3307], b. Jan. 24, 1825. 2214—2. Daniel Leffingwell [3309], b. Sept. 11, 1827. 2215—3. Henhy M. [3311], b. March 21, 1830. 2216—4. Harriet Newell, b. Feb. 22, 1837; d. Dec. 23, 1861, at Providence, R. I. 2217. George Burrill Rawson" [1011] (Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Cook of Killingly, Conn., at Providence, R. I., in 1832, where they settled. Children :— 2218—1. Sarah F. [3317], b. Feb. 9, 1834. 2219—2. John C., b. Dec. 5, 1835; d. 1837. 2220—3. John C. [3318], b. Sept. 30, 1837. 2221—4. Anna W., b. Feb. 8, 1840. 2222—5. Susan E. [3321], b. April 11, 1842. 2223—6. Martha J., b. Sept. 23, 1844. 2224—7. Frank E., b. April 23, 1847. 2225. Piiebe Rawson9 [1024] (Wilson6, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Capt. Jesse Coffin in 1801. He was a shipmaster, in the whaling business, from Euglaud and Nantucket, Mass. Children :— 1. Eliza (Coffin). 2. Susan " m. 1st, Capt. James Gwlnn; 2d, Capt. Owin Chase, both shipmasters. 3. George.SIXTH GENERATION. 151 2226. Eliza Coffin7 (1), m. John Gardner of Nantucket, Mass. Children:— 1. Charles Henry (Gardner). 2. Ann " 3. Abby " 4. Graktix " 2227. Asa Rawson0 [1025] (Wilson5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Fish, Nov. 29, 1821, at Nantucket, Mass. Children :— 2228—1. Sarah Ann [3322], b. Oct. 7, 1822. 2229—2. Charlotte [3323], b. July 21, 1824. 2230—3. George Washington, b. March, 1826; d. Sept., 1826. 2231—4. Eliza Coleman [3324], b. July 3, 1828. 2232—5. Phebe [3325], b. Aug. 14, 1830. 2233—6. George [3326], b. July 12, 1832. 2234—7. Mary, b. June, 1834; d. Sept., 1834. 2235—8. Charles Wilson [3328], b. April 26, 1841. 2236. Ruel Rawson6 [1026] (Wilson6, Paul1, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary Coffin, daughter of Gideon Coffin of Nantucket; 2d, Mercy Jones. He was a blacksmith. Died in 1845. Children :— 2237—1. Mary C. 2238—2. Lydia C. 2239—3. George. 2240. Margaret Rawson8 [1033] (Stephen5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Capt. Shubael Clark of Nantucket, Mass., in 1824 ; a successful shipmaster from New Bedford. Children :— 1. George S. (Clark). 2. Mary Abby " 3. William R. " 4. Charlotte Amilea (Clark). 2241. Susan Rawson6 [1036] (Abel5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Charles Coffin of Hudson, N. Y. Children :— 1. Charles (Coffin). 2. Charlotte Anna (Coffin), m. Mr. Taylor of Staten Island, N. Y., a wealthy farmer. 2242. Valina Rawson8 [1037] (Abel5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grin-dal'J, Edward1), m. Rev. Seth F. Swift, and settled at Oswego, N. Y. Children :— 1. Joseph (Swift). 2. Edward " 3. Caroline " 2243. Edward Buiggs Rawson8 [1038] (Abel5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Joy of Hudson, N. Y., Dec.152 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 23, 1824. He d. Jan. 20, 1840. She d. Aug. 1, 1853, at Hudson, N. Y. Children :— 2244—1. Edward Joy [3330], b. July 5, 1826. 2245—2. Charles, b. May 81, 1829; in.; resides at Virginia City, Nevada. 2246—3. Lydia [3333], b. July 27, 1831. 2247—4. Margaret, b. Feb. 13, 1835; d. May 15, 1841. 2248—5. Charlotte, b. Sept. 28, 1837. 2249. Mindwell Rawson" [1045] Stephen6, Thomas4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Elijah Wilkinson. Settled at Townshend, Yt. Children :— 1. Ward (Wilkinson), b. Aug. 6, 1799. 2. Waves " b. May, 1801. 3. Nancy " b. May 24, 1803. 4. Sophia " b. May 18, 1805. 5. Wealthy " b. May 29, 1807. 6. Clarintha " b. Feb. 2, 1809. 7. Stephen R. " b. Oct. 4, 1811. 8. Philetus Clark (Wilkinson), b. July 25, 1823. 2250. Ward Wilkinson7 (1), m. Mary Rand, March 18, 1824. Their children were :— 1. William Ward, b. May 13, 1825; d. 1838. 2. Ormond R., b. April 21, 1829. 3. Mary R., b. July 8, 1832. 4. Abbie L., b. June 7, 1836. 5. Isabell R., b. March 24, 1843; d. 1848. 2251. Ormond R. Wilkinson3 (2), married Laurett Higgins. Their children:— 1. Ward H., b. Feb. 19, 1853. 2. Lottie Isabell, b. Sept. 15, 1858; d. Nov. 23, 1866. 3. Mary Lydia, b. Sept. 1, 1860; d. Jan. 9, 1871. 4. Frank, b. March 12, 1868; d. March 14, 1869. 5. Abbie, b. June 19, 1869. 2252. Mary Rozelle Wilkinson8 (3), m. Charles C. Briggs. Their children:— 1. George Wave (Briggs), b. March 14, 1855. 2. Emma Abigail " b. May 28, 1858; d. June 19, 1862. 3. Carrie Mildred " b. Aug. 7, 1864. 4. Nellie Isabell " b. March 13, 1867; d. July 16, 1868. 5. Mary Rand " b. Jan. 25, 1869. 2253. Abbie Lucinda Wilkinson9 (4), m. Phineas S. Pettit, Aug. 28, 1855. Their children :— 1. Alice Amanda (Pettit), b. July 15, 1857; d. July 13, 1863. 2. Arthur Rand " b. May 1, 1867. 2254. Waves Wilkinson7 (2), m., and had the following children:— 1. Frances (Wilkinson), m. Josiah Daniels of Boston. 2. George Wave " 3. Lizzie " m. Brownell Granger of Boston. 2255. Sophia Wilkinson7 (4), m. Arad Knowlton. Their children:— 1. Norman Williams (Knowlton), b. Sept. 3, 1828. 2. Nancy Sophia " b. May 5, 1830. 2256. Wealthy Wilkinson7 (5), m. John McElroy of Roxbury, Mass. Their children :— 1. John.SIXTH GENERATION. 153 2. Fauster. 3. Nicolas. 4. Charles. 5. Isabell. G. Henry. 7. Albert. 2257. Stephen Rawson Wilkinson7 (7), m. Mary C. Wilson. Their children:— 1. Ozro W. (Wilkinson), b. 1834; m. 1st, Sarah J. G. Cal- houn. She d. in 1866, leaving three children. 2d, Mary Bates. Children i— 1. Herbert L. (Wilkinson), b. 1860. 2. Sarah A. G. " b. 1861. 3. James A. " b. 1863. 4. Ella H. " b. 1869. 2. Ossian L. (Wilkinson), b. 1835. 3. Mary J. " b. 1847; m. George McMurray, and has:— 1. William (McMurray), b. June 1, 1865. 2. Geo. W. " b. Dec. 2, 1869. 3. Edward R. " b. Nov. 10, 1872. 4. Herbert " b. May 5, 1874. 4. Ida N. (Wilkinson), b. 1853. 5. William B. " b. 1855. 2258. Betsy Rawson0 [1046] (Stephen5, Thomas4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Benjamin Livingston of Townshend, Vt., and settled at Peacham, Vt., where he d. She d. in 1854, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Children :— 1. Laureston Rawson (Livingston), b. Feb. 3, 1803. 2. Samantha " b. 1805; d. 1827. 3. Lucia Ann " b. 1809; d. 1827. 4. Julia " b. Jan. 12, 1819. 2259. Laureston Rawson Livingston7 (1), m. Sarah F. Osgood of Cabot, Yt.; settled first in Peacham, Vt.; but, in 1833, went to Pittsburgh, Pa., where he d. May, 1863. Children :— 1. Benjamin (Livingston), b. Jan. 24, 1834; d. in infancy. 2. Lucian Osgood " b. Dec. 2, 1835; settled in Pittsburgh. He is one of the firm of Livingston & Co., extensive manufacturers of builders' hardware and all kinds of light castings. 3. Philena Alice (Livingston), b. March 26, 1837. 4. Sarah Jane " b. Jan. 28, 1840. 5. Laura (Livingston), b. May 12, 1842, \ Twins. 6. Laureston " b. May 12, 1842, j d. in infancy. 2260. Philena Alice Livingston8 (3), m. John F. Robinson of Pitts- burgh, of the firm of Robinson Brothers, bankers. Have no children. 2261. Sarah Jane Livingston8 (4), m. Rev. D. H. Evans, and settled at Youngstown, Ohio, where he is Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. They have :— 1. Lucien Livingston (Evans), b. July 19, 1864; d. Nov. 21, 1868. 2. Sarah Jane " b. Nov. 14, 1865. 3. Alice Robinson " b. April 24, 1868. 4. Sama " b. May 15, 1870. 5. Henry Courtney " b. May 29, 1872. 6. John Duncan 20154 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2262. Julia Livingston7 (4), ra. James H. Gray. He is a farmer, and resides at Salem, Ohio. Children:— 1. Lucian (Gray), b. Sept. 2, 1839; is a chromo-lithog- rapher; resides in N. Y. City. 2. Charles Edward (Gray), b. Dec. 26, 1841; d. in infancy. 3. Anna Eliza " b. April 16, 1844. 4. Sarah Livingston " b. Sept. 6, 1846. 5. Mary Samantiia " b. Dec. 24, 1848. 6. Emma Jane " b. Dec. 16, 1851; d. in infancy. 7. Edwin Stone " b. June 5, 1854. 8. Laureston Rawson " b. July 10, 1857* 2263. Anna Eliza Gray8 (3), m. William M. McCord of Pitts- burgh, Pa., wholesale dealer in hats, caps and furs. Have:— 1. Julia Livingston (McCord), b. Sept. 19, 1869. 2. John Davidson " b. March 8, 1872. 2264. Sarah Livingston Gray8 (4), m. Homer Wright of Pitts- burgh, Pa., of the firm of Collins & Wright, brit-aunia and brass manufacturers. Have :— 1. James Homer (Wright), b. April 8, 1869. 2. Walter Gray " b. Feb. 26, 1872; d. in infancy. 2265. Patty Rawson" [1047] (Stephen6, Thomas4, William3, William3, Edward1), ra. Elkanah Reid. Settled in Townshend, Vt. Children :— 1. Loraine Rawson (Reid), m. 1st, Dr. D. H. Bard; 2d, J. Cooper. By 1st husband, had :— 1. Mary M. (Bard), b. 1830; d. 1850. 2. Ingersol " b. 1832; d. 1839. 2. Emily Ward (Reid), b. March 27, 1806. 3. Eunice Worcester (Reid), b. April 28, 1810. 4. Nancy M. " ' b. July 31, 1812. 5. William Nelson " b. Feb. 4, 1815. 6. Lutiier Allen " b. Aug. 26, 1817. 7. Luke Whitcomb " b. Sept. 7, 1820. 2266. Emily Ward Reid7 (2), m. John R. Skinner, Esq. He was a lawyer of some repute. Settled first at Hardwick, Vt.; but, after a few years, moved to Valparaiso, Ind., where he d. in 1849. She now resides there. Children:— 2267. 1. De Forest (Skinner8), m. Rachel Ann Maxwell, April 9, 1861. He is a well-to-do merchant. Resides at Valparaiso, Ind. Has :— 1. Sarah H. (Skinner), b. Feb. 19, 1863. 2. Anna Maud " b. Sept. 5, 1865. 3. Alden Maxwell (Skinner), b. March 8, 1869. 4. Leslie Reid " b. July 11, 1872. 2. Hollis R. (Skinner), resides at Chicago. 3. Henry " Enlisted as a private at the com- mencement of the late war ; was promoted to a captaincy for his intrepid conduct at the battle of Resaca. At the conclusion of the war, he went to Chicago, but soon was taken sick and returned to Valparaiso, where he d. April 22, 1866. 2268. Eunice Worcester Reid7 (3), m. Amos E. Parker, June 20, 1833. Have :— 1. Hollis R. (Parker), b. Aug. 1, 1835. 2. Jennie A. " b. June 20, 1837.SIXTH GENERATION. 155 3. Sumner E. (Parker), b. Oct. 28, 1839. 4. Worcester R. " b. July 24, 1842. 2269. Nancy M. Reid7 (4), m. Josiah W. Barnes, Dec. 4, 1834; settled at Bakersfield, Vt. Had :— 1. Olive C. (Barnes), b. Aug. 13, 1837. 2. Oscar C. " b. Nov. 20, 1839. 3. Celia M. " b. Sept. 7, 1850. 2270. William Nelson Reid7 (5), m. Cornelia S. Spooner of Kent, Conn., Dec. 18, 1839. He is principal of the " Clin-tonian Seminary," a very prosperous boarding and day school, No. 370 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children :— 1. Ione (Reid), b. March 2, 1841; d. Dec. 24, 1844. 2. Frank " b.Nov. 24, 1843. 3. Jane 44 b. Nov. 16, 1845; d. Dec. 4, 1845. 4. Slosson" b. Oct. 15, 1846. 5. Mary b. Jan. 3, 1850. 6. Elizabeth (Reid), b. July 12, 1852; d. Oct. 11, 1852. 2271. Luther Allen Reld7 (6;, in. Mary Gridley, at Bristol, Conn. Had:— 1. Albert, b. 1843; d. 1870, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 2271£. Luke Whitcomb Reid7 (7), m. Abbie E. Darling, Sept. 13, 1849. Now resides at Hudson, N. Y. Children :— 1. George E. (Reid), b. Jan 25, 1851, at Troy, N. Y. 2. Albert V. " b. Sept. 8, 1852, at Matteawan, N. Y.; <1. Aug. 6, 1872. 3. Laura D. (Reid), b. Feb. 12, 1854, at Matteawan, N. Y.; d. Marcil 3, 1871. 4. Willie N. (Reid), b. Julv 31, 1856, at Kinderhook, N. Y.; d. June 1, 1871. 5. Minnie (Reid), b. Sept. 9, 1858, at Kinderhook, N. Y.; d. Feb. 18, 1860. 6. Alida G. (Reid), b. Aug. 2, 1860. 7. Etta M. " b. Sept. 21, 1862. 8. Pauline " b. April 2,1865. 2272. Sophonisba. Rawson" [1051] (Nathaniel6, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Elijah Stone, Dec. 5, 1794, and had the following children :— 1. Elijah (Stone), b. Aug. 22, 1795; d. March 30, 1797. 2. Betsey " b. Jan. 4, 1798. 3. Harriet " b. May 31, 1800; d. June 8, 1804. 4. Nathaniel" b. June 11, 1803; d. Feb. 16, 1830. 5. Eveline " b. June 30, 1806. 6. Roxanna " b. March 18, 1811; m. Foster Brown, June 1, 1853; settled at Prescott, Mass. 2273. Betsey Stone7 (2), m. Nathaniel Holland, Dec. 2, 1822; settled at Barre, Mass. Children:— 1. N. Edwin (Holland), b. March 27, 1824. 2. Harriet " b. Aug. 1826; d. in infancy. 3. Albert S. " b. July 7, 1834. Lives at Barre, Mass. 4. Frederic " b. March 22, 1837; graduate of Amherst College, 1865. Resides at Barre. 2274. Eveline Stone7 (5), m. James Holden, Oct. 14, 1829; settled at Barre, Mass. Children :— 1. Martha A. (Holden), b. Aug. 13, 1830. 2. .Alfred " b. July 10, 1833; m. Mary J. Bacon, Jan. 1, 1862; setted at Barre, Mass. Had one child:— Mary M. (Holden), b. Oct. 17, 1869; d. July 24, 1871.156 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3. James E. (Holcltm), b. March 1, 1839; m. Harriet A. Wheelock, at Barre, Mass. Have one child :— G. Walter (Hoklen), b. Sept. 17, 1866. 4. Elmer A. " b. April 15, 1847; m. Lottie S. Noble, at Barre, Mass. 2275. N. Edwin Holland8 (1), m. Mary A. Huntting, Nov. 29,1866; settled at Barre, Mass. Children :— 1. Stella M. (Holland), b. April 12, 1868. 2. Freddie B. " b. March 2, 1870. 2276. Martha A. Holland8 (1), m. David Bacon, Oct., 1852; settled at Barre, Mass. Children :— 1. Maria (Bacon), b. July 23. 1858. 2. Frances " b. March 14, 1860. 2277. Ruth Rawson" [1052] (Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Nathaniel Parkhurst, Jane, 17(J7, at Mil-ford, Mass., where they settled. He was a clothier and miller. He d. Dec. 13, 1820. She d. April 1, 1851. Children :— 1. Eveline (Parkhurst). b. Dec. 1797. 2. Ziba " ' b. Aug. 28, 1799. 3. Stephen " b. March, 1802; m. Thankful Legg of Mendon. 4. Parmknas (Parkhurst), b. Jan. 7, 1804. 5. Nathan " b. Dec. 1, 1805 ; m. Lydia Aid- rich of Sutton. 6. Waldo (Parkhurst), b. Sept., 1807; m. and resides at Le Claire, Iowa. 2278. Ziba Parkhurst7 (2), m. Sophronia Spring of Uxbridge, Mass, and settled at Milford, Mass. Children:— 1. Austin N. (Parkhurst), b. Dec. 9, 1823. 2. Sarah A. " b. Sept. 9, 1826. 3. VilenS. W. " b. April 4, 1829. 4. Nathan S. " b. April 9, 1831. 6. Frangenia W. " b. Nov. 9, 1835. 6. Georgiena G. " b. Jan. 9, 1836. 7. Daniel W. " b. June 27, 1837. 2279. Austin N. Parkhurst8 (1), m. Susan Benette of Camden, Maine. Children :— 1. Frederic N. (Parkhurst), b. June 26, 1853. 2. Nellie L. " b. Feb. 15, 1855. 3. Henry F. " b. Jan. 23, 1860. 4. Georgiana A. " b. June 1, 1863. 5. Emma T. " b. Jan. 24, 1866. 2280. Frangenia W. Parkhurst8 (5), m. Edmund Z. Genette, and have the following children :— 1.. Mary S. (Genette), b. May 17, 1855. 2. Horace G. " b. Oct. 30, 1856. 3. Sarah B. " b. Feb. 6, 1864. 2281. Daniel Webster Parkhurst8 (7), m. Marietta Lucretia Hoag, daughter of J. V. Hoag of Truckee, California, Dec. 20, 1871, where they reside. Children:— 1. - (Parkhurst), b. Nov. 19, 1872; d. in infancy. 2. Hoag " b. Feb. 15, 1874. 2282. Parmenas P. Parkhurst7 (4), m. Sabra Moore, at Rutland, Mass., July 2, 1826; settled at Milford, Mass. Their Children :— 1. Waldo Payson (Parkhurst), b. June 17, 1844. 2. David Long " b. Aug. 20, 1847.SIXTH GENERATION. 157 3. Mary Waldo (Parkhurst), b. Dec. 27, 1849. 4. Waldo Parmenas " b. Jan. 31, 1852. 5. Ruth Rawson " b. March 17, 1856. 2283. Catherine Rawson" [1053] (Nathaniel6, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Ithiel Parkhurst, March 6, 1794, and settled at Milford, Mass. He d. Aug. 18, 1855. Their children:— 1. Virtue (Parkhurst), b. Jan. 10, 1795. 2. Laura " b. Sept. 6, 1796; m. Rev. Nathan Paine. 3. Betsey " b. April 26, 1798. 4. Nathaniel R." b Jan. 11, 1800; m. Miss Hunt; settled in Worcester, Mass. 5. Ithiel, Jr. " b. May 23, 1804; m. Mary Worth. &. Catherine " b. April 19, 1807. 7. Pascal N. " b. Nov. 16, 1810; m. Eliza Herne; settled at Milford, Mass. 2284. Virtue Parkhurst7 (1), m. John Ellis of Med way, where she d. June, 1856. He d. September, 1868, at Walpole. Children: — 2285. i. Amanda Maria (Ellis), m. Mundy Smith. Has two daughters living and married. 2286. 2. Laura Parkhurst (Ellis), m. Mr.-Boyden. Has one son and two daughters living, 2287. 3. George W. (Ellis), m. Elizabeth Perkins of Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1841, where they now reside. Have :— 1. Amanda M., b. Jan. 31. 1845. 2. Lizzie, b. Aug. 20, 1850; d. Sept. 22, 1850. 3. Lucretia P., b. April 2, 1852. 2288. 4. Harriet (Ellis), m. Anson White; He died, leaving two daughters. 2289. 6. Roxanna Rawson (Ellis), m. Daniel Hammond; s. at Medway, Mass. Children:— 1. Edward A. (Hammond). 2. Mary " m. Samuel Cary of Medway. 3. Lizzie " 4. Hattie " 2290. 6. Caroline (Ellis), m. Elihu S. Fuller. Resides at East Medway, Mass. Children :— 1. Frances (Fuller), b. April 18, 1849. 2. Millard A. " b. Sept. 22, 1850; m. Hattie Jane Fuller; resides at East Medway; is an organ pipe maker. 3. Carrie J. (Fuller), b. Jan. 13, 1858. 4. Elihu " b. March 12, 1862. 2291. Betsey Parkhurst7 (3), m. David Farnum of Grafton, Nov. 23, 1823, at Milford, Mass. Settled at Farnumsville (Grafton). Children:— 1. Ithiel P. (Farnum), b. Feb. 20, 1825. 2. Elizabeth " b. March 29, 1828. 2292. Ithiel P. Farnum8 (1), m. Laura E. Moore, April 3, 1860, at , Marlboro', Mass. Children: — 1. George C. (Farnum), b. Aug. 18, 1862. 2. Grace L. " b. May 11, 1870. 2293. Catherine Parkhurst7 (6), m. Oliver Underhill, June 29, 1828, at Ipswich, Mass., where they settled. Their children :— 1. John W. (Underhill), b. April 22, 1829; graduated at158 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Amherst College, 1854. Principal of Conway Academy for two years following; studied theology, graduating at Andover, 1859. Settled Pastor over the Congregational Church at N. Amherst, in Oct. of the same vear. Married Mary Ward of Salem, Mass. Died, Oct., 1862. 2. Sarah W. (Underhill), b. June 3, 1831; m. Peter S. Byers of Andover, Nov. 1853; d. June, 1856. He d. in March previous. 3. Susan A. (Underhill), b. Aug. 26, 1832; m. 1st, James Byers of Andover, Nov., 1852. He d. in 1860; she also buried two children. Jan., 1873, m. Henry C. Kendrick of Lancaster. Has one child. 4. Jeremiah C. (Underhill), b. Aug. 15, 1834; m. Philinda Hart of Penn., June, 1860. Has one child. Resides at Lynnfield, Mass. 5. Laura P. (Underhill), b. July 3, 1836; m. William Willcomb of Ipswich, Mass., Sept., 1860. Has two children. 6. Oliver A. (Underhill), b. Jan. 22, 1840; d. 1856. 7. Catherine E. " b. June 6, 1844; resides at Ipswich. 8. Nathaniel Rawson (Underhill), b. March 2, 1846; m. Mary M. Merrill, Dec., 1868; resides at Ipswich, Mass. Has two children. 9. William P. (Underhill), b. April 9, 1849; d. Dec., 1851. 2294. Elizabeth Rawson6 [1054] (Nathaniel6, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Rev. Gordon Johnson of Killingly, Conn., a Congregational minister, Dec. 31, 1803. She d. Sept. 11,1806. Children:— 1. -(Johnson), d. young. 2. Joseph Rawson (Johnson), m. Sophia Penniman of Mendon, Mass., Nov. 26, 1832; is a Congregational minister. Had the following children :— 1. Sophia P. (Johnson), b. Nov. 2, 1833; d. young. 2. Eliza R. " b. July 16, 1836. 3. David S. L. " b. June 3, 1838. 4. Joseph R. " b. Jan. 25, 1840. 5. Charles T. " b. April 13, 1842; d. young. 2295. Rev. Nathaniel Rawson" [1057] (Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William', William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Betsey Fitch, July 15, 1811, daughter of Rev. Elijah Fitch of Hopkinton, Mass. He was not a *' liberally educated" man, though he acquired a better general education than was at that period usually obtained without a college course. He studied theology with the Rev. Dr. Crane of Northbridge, Mass., and was licensed as a Congregational preacher by the Mendon Association. He went to Yt. first in 1809, and in 1811 was settled as Pastor over the 1st Congregational Church at Hardwick, where he remained six yeark. He then went to Waterbury. Here he remained some three years, when he removed to Bristol, and for a time preached there and at Starksboro', but was obliged to give up preaching while here on account of weakness of his lungs. In 1823, he removed to NewSIXTH GENERATION. 159 Haven, whei-e he worked a farm. In 1824, he removed to Middle-bury, where he lived until the death of his first wife, which occurred daring the ensuing Summer. In 1825, he again commenced preaching, in Peru and Winhall, half the time at each place. March 26, 1827, he m. 2d, Sarah Piper, at Peru. While a resident of this place, he gave the first advice against the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. It was at a public gathering for the purpose of raising a barn frame. The effect was that the majority went home without partaking of the liquors which a good Methodist man at that time thought it was his duty to provide for such an occasion. He was much given to performing generous acts towards his neighbors, and it was while helping one of them in the hay field, at Hampton, Conn., July 14, 1845, that he was killed by lightning. Children :— 2296—1. Elijah [3334], b. Jan. 22, 1813. 2297—2. Obed, b. March 31, 1815; d. July 14, 1835, at Canton, Conn., from the effect of the explosion of a powder mill. 2298—3. Cyrus, b. Feb. 5, 1818; drowned in the Sacramento River, Cal., 1850. 2299—4. Dennis Cook [3338], b. Jan. 23, 1821. 2300—5. Elizabeth Fitch [3343], b. May 7, 1828. 2301—6. Mary Jane [3346], b. April 26, 1830. 2302. Jared Rawson8 [1058] (Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Nancy T. Waldron, at Woodstock, Vt., Nov. 5, 1820. Settled at Milford, Mass., a farmer, where he d. Feb. 1, 1875, aged 92 years, 8 months. Children:— 2303—1. Samuel S., b. Oct. 30, 1821; d. April 4, 1854. 2304—2. Emmons, b. May 2, 1828; d. March 2, 1833. 2305—3. Malcom, b. April 15, 1830; d. July 9, 1834. 2306—4. Willis C., b. Dec. 2, 1832; d. May 6, 1856. 2307—5. Ransom, b. March 17, 1835; d. March 26, 1861. 2308—6. Albert, b. June 29, 1837; d. Feb. 26, 1840. 2309—7. Eliza A. [3347], b. Dec. 28, 1838. 2310. Anna Rawson" [1059] (Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Luther'Claflin, at Milford, June 8, 1809. Children:— 1. Willis (Claflin), b. Jan. 19, 1810; d. Aug. 27, 1830. 2. Pardon " b. Dec. 18, 1812; d. Oct. 6, 1830. 3. George H. " b. May 13, 1816; d. Sept. 18, 1830. 4. Nancy R. " b. July 17, 1817; d. Jan. 7, 1831. 5. Austin N. " b. April 8, 1821; d. May 15, 1821. 6. William B. " b. Sept. 8, 1822. 7. Curtis L. " b. March 12, 1825. 2311. Joseph Rawson8 [1080] (Joseph6, John4, John3, Grin-da!2, Edward1), m. Sylvia Moore, Dec. 18, 1788. Settled in160 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Oxford, Mass. She d. Aug. 4, 1823, at Eagle, N. T. He d. Jan. 17, 1850, at Cadiz, N. Y. Children :— 2312—1. Cyril, b. May 5, 1790; d. Feb. 29, 1796. 2313—2. George, b. Aug. 28, 1791; d. Feb. 26, 1796. 2314—3. Jonathan [3348], b. Sept. 24, 1793. 2315—4. Rufus, b. June 15, 1796; d. Aug. 10, 1803. 2316—5. Sophia, b. July 29, 1798; d. Aug. 10, 1803. 2317—6. Rhoda, b. July 24, 1800; d. July 24, 1803. 2318—7. Cyril [3358], b. Dec. 28, 1802. 2319—8. Davis, b. July 28, 1813; d. Jan. 3, 1814. 2320. Charlotte Rawson6 [1082] (Joseph5, John4, John3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Luther Bass, of Eastford, Conn. Their children :—r 1. Hannah (Bass). 2. Collista " 3. Otis " 2321. Dexter Rawson" [1084] (Joseph5, John4, John3, GrindaP, Edward1), ra. Sally Dudley, Feb. 28, 1803. Settled in Oxford, South Gore. Children :— 2322—1. Cynthia [3363], b. Dec. 23, 1803. 2323—2. Rufus [3365], b. Nov. 1, 1806. 2324—3. Rhoda [3366], b. Aug. 17, 1808. 2325—4. Abel D. [3367], b. Dec. 19, 1812. 2326—5. Nancy, b. Feb. 24, 1816; m. Emery Sibley; be d. Dec. 6, 1864. 2327—6. Joseph S. [3370], b. Nov. 3, 1819. 2328—7. Charles [3373], b. March 7, 1823. 2329—8. Sarah A [3376], b. March 24, 1826. 2330—9. Satira [3377], b. June 2, 1828. 2331. Lewis Rawson6 [1094] (Nathan5, John4, John3, Grin-dal3, Edward1), m. Lydia Brown of Canterbury, Conn. She d. Sept. 7, 1857. He d. Sept. 10, J 867. Children :— 2332—1. Olive C. [3378], b. Oct. 31, 1811, at Canterbury. 2333—2. Elisiia J. [3380], b. April 24, 1813, at Thompson. 2334—3. Rebecca K. [3379], b Feb. 29, 1816. 2335—4. J. Lewis [3383], b. Feb. 15, 1826. 2336. Pearly Rawson8 [1095] (Nathan6, John4, John3, GrindaP, Edward1), ra. Polly Albee, about 1816. Settled at Thompson, Conn. Children :— 2337—1. Relief. 2338—2. Lydia, m. Rhodes Waterman; settled at Blackstone, R. I. 2339—3. Abigail. 2340—4. Emiline. 2341. Wyman Rawson6 [1096] (Nathan5, John4, John3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Susan Webster, Sept. 6, 1820. Settled at Thompson, Conn., where he d. Nov. 10, 1857. She d. June 11, 1870. Children :— 2342—1. Nathan [3385], b. Oct. 4, 1821.SIXTH GENERATION. 161 2343—2. Sarah P., b. April 10, 1825; m. 1st, William Sweet; 2d, Hosea Grover. 2344—3. Evander T. [3392], b. Oct. 21, 1827. 2345—4. Wyman, b. June 15, 1829; m. Emma A. Upham; resides in Thompson, Conn. i£S?gS?J; }■ Tw.nS;b.Marct24,.m 2348—7. Hiram [3399], b. July 8, 1836. 2349. Elsie Mowry Rayvson" [1099] (Grindal5, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Timothy Ellis, Feb. 24, 1833, at Mendon, Mass., and settled there. Children :— 1. Mary Maria (Ellis), b. Dec. 23, 1833. 2. Eseck Timothy" b. June 11, 1838. 3. Allaceba Edgarton (Ellis), b. May 3, 1845; d. Aug. 10, 1845. 4. Elsie A. Edgarton b. Sept. 23, 1848. 5. Charles Grindal Rawson (Ellis), b. March 23, 1850. 6. Geohgb Washington •• b. Nov. 18, 1853; d. Nov. 19, 1854. 2350. Mary Makla Ellis7 (1), m. Edward Dudley, at Mendon, Mass., June 6, 1853. Settled there. Children:— 1. Charlotte Armsby (Dudley), b. July 12, 1855. 2. Silas Akmsby " b. Julv 5, 1857. 3. Mahy Ellis " b. Dec. 22, 1861. 2351. Eseck Timothy Ellis7 (2), m Hellen Millissa Brown, Sept. 23, 1861, at Uxbridge, where they settled, and have one child:— 1. Oscau Elsworth (Ellis), b. June 6, 1863. 2352. Hannah Park Rawson" [1103] (Asa6, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, 'Edward1), m. Joseph Swasey, at Thompson, Conn., Aug. 25, 1839. Children :— 1. Jeremiah (Swasey), b. Jan. 18, 1841, at Springfield, Mass. 2. Georgiana " b. Aug. 25, 1850, at East Douglas, Mass. 2353. Jeuemiah Swasey7 (1), m. Anna Louisa Braman, at North- bridge, May 16, 1863. Children :— 1. Irving Clayton (Swasey), b. July 7, 1865, at East Douglas, Mass. 2. Pakk " b. Dec. 24, 1866, at Providence, R. I. 2354. Luther H. Rawson" [1105] (Asa6, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Rowena L. Smith, at Grafton, Mass., Oct. 5, 1836. She d. at Woonsocket, R. I., June 15, 1859. Their children :— 2355—1. Eugene A., b. July 3, 1838,.at Sutton, Mass.; m. Josephine E. Darling, March 31, 1864. 2356—2. Oscar F. [3402], b. June 4, 1840, at Sutton, Mass. 2357—3. Amanda. 2358—4. Adriel A. [3404], b. Aug. 16, 1846, at E. Douglas, Mass. 2359—5. Lucinda R. [3406], b. Feb. 8, 1849, at E. Douglas, Mass. 21162 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2360. Jasper Rawson" [1107] (Asa5, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Nancy Burdon, March 16, 1843, and settled at East Douglas, Mass. Children :— 2361—1. A. J. [3407], b. Feb. 6, 1844. 2362—2. OTrs [3409], b. Nov. 12, 1849. 2363—3. Louis J., b. June 5, 1851. 23(>'4—4. Charles H., b. Aug. 28, 1854; d. Oct. 26, 1856. 2365—5. Herbkrt Asa, b. Oct. 20, 1857; d. Oct. 22, 1857. 2366—6. Martha 13., b. April 16, 1861; d. Dec. 5, 1864. 2367. Joseph Rawson" [1116] (Otis6, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward'), m. Sarah J. Prouty, Nov. 23, 1847, at N. Brooktield, Mass. He was a Member of the Legislature in 1861. He died April 28, 1861, leaving a son :— 2368—1. Charles A., b. Sept. 19, 1848, at West Brookfield, Mass. 2369. Otis N. Rawson" [1118] (Otis5, Joel1, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Caroline C. Nye, at New Braintree, Mass., May 10, 1849. Settled at West Brookfield. Children: — 2369^-1. Emma, b. June 1, 1850. 2370-2. Susie, b. Feb. 12, 1853. 2371—3. Clara, b. Dec. 5, 1854. 2372-4. Jessie, b. June 5, 1863. 2373—5. Adaii, b. April 4, 1868. 2374. Emma Rawson" [1223] (Thomas6, Edmund4, Grindal3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Luther Marsh, June 24, 1812. She d. at Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 4, 1820, aged 25 years. Children:— 1. Luther Rawson (Marsh), b. April 4, 1813; m. Jane, daughter of Alvan Stewart, and is a prominent lawyer in N. Y. City. He delivered the address at the first Rawson family gathering, Oct. 8, 1872, which may be found in the Appendix. 2. Samuel (Marsh), d. young. 3. Elisiia Azro (Marsh), b. Oct. 4, 1817; now resides in California. 4. Henry Seymour " d. young. 2375. Catalina Rawson" [1227] (Edmund5, Edmund4, Grindal3, Grindal2, Edward'), in. Dodridge Smith. She d. Jan. 14, 1821, leaving two children. About 1823, he niarried her sister— 2376. Sarah Rawson" [1228], for his 2d'wife. She d. Dec. 22, 1838, leaving four children. Children:— 1. Catalina Eliza Maria (Smith), 11 b. May 19, 1816. 2. Edmond Grindal b. Sept. 4, 1818. 1. Catharink Dorothy R. i< b. Oct. 1, 1825. 2. Charlotte Amanda << b. Sept. 21 , 1828; ; d. 3. Augusta Melinda -Booth. 1C b. Oct. 1, 1831; m. 4. Miner Wesley << b. Sept. 4, 1834; d. 6. William Edward (I b. July 1, 1838; d. Sept. 7, 1839.SIXTH GENERATION. 163 2377. Catalina Eliza Maria Smith7 (1), m. George Washington Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1840, at Broadalbin, N. Y. They moved to Schenectady, where she d. Jan. 9, 1852. Children:— 1. Edmund Orlando (Cleveland), b. June 4, 1843. 2. Charles Rawson " b. Jan. 28, 1846. 3. Frances Eliza " b. Sept. 8, 1848; d. March 9, 1852. 2378. Edmund Orlando Cleveland8 (1). in. Margaret Frances Law- rence, April 6, 1868, at Cohoes, N. Y. Settled at Bloomington, 111., where he still resides. He was born at Broadalbin, Fulton County, New York, June 4, 1843. He moved to Prescott, Wisconsin, in 1857. Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, he joined the 12th Reg't of Wisconsin Vol. Infantry, and was assigned to the mail service, in which he served throughout the war, first, as postmaster of his regiment, then of a brigade, and in May, 1864, he was ordered to take charge of the "mail at headquarters 17th Army Corps. This position he retained until the fall of Atlanta, Ga., when he was ordered to report to Col. A. H. Markland, Sup't of Mail, U. S. Army, and served with hirn till the close of the war. Children:— 1. Jennie Lawrence (Cleveland), b. Feb. 18,1869; d. July 4, 1869. 2. Frances Eliza " b. Aug. 5, 1872; d. Aug. 27, 1872. 3. William Edmund " b. Dec. 5, 1873. 2379. Charles Rawson Cleveland8 (2), m. Estelle A. Potter, May 17, 1871, at Chicago, III. Now resides near Brant-ford, Kansas; a farmer. Has :— 1. George M. (Cleveland), b. Nov. 18, 1872. 2380. Edmond Grindal Smith7 (2), having changed his name to Smith Edmond Grindal Rawson, m. F. A. Hem-minway, May 17, 1848. He was a merchant in N. Y. City for many years; now resides at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Children :— 1. Edmond Grindal, b. March 7, 1849; resides at Sara- toga, with his father. 2. Anna. 2381. Catherine Dorothy Rawson Smith7 (1), m. Willie Strong, March 5, 1849, at Schenectady, N. Y. Now resides at Troy. Have :— 1. Kattie L. (Strong). 2. Minnie K. " 3. G. Allie Bell (Strong). 2382. Alexander Murra.y Rawson6 [1229] (Edmund5, Edmund4, Grindal3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Catalina Fonda. Settled in Broadalbin, N. Y. He died March 2, 1857. Then-children :— 2383—1. Mary Van Buren [3412], b. Jan. 19, 1830. 2384—2. Edmund Grindal [3413], b. June 1, 1832. 2385—3. Ann Elizabeth, b. March 12, 1834; m. William Adams; d. March 18, 1854, at Williamsburgh, N. Y. 2386—4. Frances Catalina, b. Jan. 18,1837; m. Elias P. Newton, March 22, 1865. 2387—5. Catherine Augusta [3416], b. Dec. 17, 1844.164 rawson family memorial. 2388. Dr. Edmund Grindal Raavson6 [1230] (Edmund5, Edmund4, Grindal3, Grindal2, Edward1), a graduate of Union College, N. Y., and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, City of N. Y. He was Assistant Physician in Bellevue Hospital in 1828 and 1829; in Cholera Hospital in 1834. He was several years in the N. Y. City Council ; Ex-officio Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and of the Courts of General and Special Sessions; Supervisor ; afterwards sole Coroner of the City and County for three years. Now (1875) still practicing medicine in the City of New York. Dr. Rawson has taken quite an interest in the Rawson family reunions, and at the first meeting, in October, 1872, he was elected the first President of the Family Association. He m. 1st, Susan Morrell, May 31, 1832; 2d, Elvira Ann Underbill, Jan., 1845. Had one child :— 2389. Catherine Susanah Maria, b. Dec. 27, 1835; d. July 13, 1841. 2390. Eunice Rawson" [1232] (Ozias5, Edmund4, Giindal3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Nehemiah Ball, Dec. 1, 1818. She d. April 10, 1829, when he afterwards married her sister:— 2391. Medea Rawson" [1235], for his 2d wife. She d. May 30, 1833. He d. Aug. 9, 1833, in Rutland, N. Y. Children by 1st wife:— 1. Mandana Ruth (Ball), b. Nov. 19, 1820. 2. Alexander Rawson (Ball), b. Oct. 10, 1822. 2392. Mandana Ruth Ball7 (1), m. Kichard Hultz; settled in Starkey, N. Y. Children ;— 1. Therissa (Hultz), b. April 8, 1839; in. William Thayer. 2. Rawson B. " b. June 1, 1841. Killed in ser- vice, March 25, 1864. 3. Alonzo Mf (Hultz), b. Oct. 15, 1843; d. Feb. 9, 1846. 4. Eugene D. " b. Oct. 3, 1849; m. Adda Swan. 5. Flora A. " b. Feb. 3, 1852; m. J. P. Swarthout. 6. Eva J. " b. Feb. 19, 1855; m. William Hunt. 7. Kittie A. " b. June 14, 1858. 8. Smith " b. Sept. 12, 1861. 2393. Alexander Rawson Ball, M. D.7 (2), in. Delilah Weld, daughter of Deacon David Weld of Prattsburgh, n. Y. Settled at Mason, Mich., a homoeopathic physician. He is now Professor of Theory and Practice at the Michigan Homoeopathic College, at Lansing, the capital of that State; also Registrar and one of the Trustees of that Institution. Their children:— 1. Warren Weld (Ball), b. July, 25, 1848; d. Jan. 12, 1865. 2. Eunice " b. April 6, 1850; m. Archi- bald Wrigley.SIXTH GENERATION. 165 3. Hannah Bell (Ball), b. Oct. 11, 1851; a grad. of M. H. College. 4. Alexander Rawson (Ball), b. April 17, 1853; d. May 14, 1854. 5. Delilah " b. Feb. 12, 1855; m. Geo. Homer Jones. 6. Mary " b. Jan. 19, 1857. 7. Aaron E. " b. June 8, 1858. 8. Martha " b. April 26, 1860. 9. Fanny Estella " b. June 9, 1862. 10. Maude " b. June 21, 1864.SEVENTH GENERATION. 2394. Bailey Rawson7 [1254] (Bailey8, Thomas5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Polly Lock of Rindge, N. H., Feb. 29, 1824. She d. Oct. 31, 1837; 2d, Asenath Gale, March 1, 1838. Children:— 2395—1. Willard, b. Dec. 30, 1825; d. April 5, 1835. 2396—2. Infant, b. July 8, 1828; d. July 8, 1828. 2397—3. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 29. 1829; d. April 26, 1831. 2398—4. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 11, 1831; d. Sept. 18, 1871. 2399—5. Susan Maria, b. June 3, 1833; m.-McFarland. 2400—6. Sarah Sophia, b. March 31, 1835; d. Feb. 8, 1858. 2401—7. Willard, b. May 15, 1836; d. April 26, 1837. 2402—8. Infant, b. Jan. 13, 1839; d. Jan. 13, 1839. 2403—9. Webster L., b. Feb. 3, 1840. 2404—10. Harrison L., b. July 27, 1842. 2405—11. Sylvester E., b. Aug. 4, 1844. 2406—12. Willard B., b. April 13, 1847; d. Nov. 4, 1847. 2407—13. Bradford B. [3417], b. June 24, 1849. 2408—14. Alma H., b. May 29, 1851; d. June. 18, 1866. 2409—15. Emma H., b. Oct. 27, 1853; d. June 4, 1866. 2410—16. Nancy E., b. March 16, 1856; d. Jan. 26, 1864. 2411. Capi. Lowell Rawson7 [1255] (Bailey", Thomas6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), was born at Townshend, Yt. He was 20 years of age when his father moved to Jamaica, then a new country. After assisting his father to clear away the virgin forest, build a saw mill and get a new home well established, he went to Massachusetts, and learned the cooper's trade. He m. Miritta Swain of Old Westminster, Mass., Feb., 1820. Settled at Jamaica, Yt., and pursued quite extensively the cooperage business, until his 1st wife died, she having had nine children. April 24, 1833, he m. Lucy Gale of Jamaica, Yt., and began farming, and has been quite successful. Now (1874) resides at Londonderry, Yt. Children, b. at Jamaica:— 2412—1. Harrison R. [3419], b. Dec. 20, 1820. 2413—2. -, d. in infancy. 2414—3. -, d. in infancy. 2415—4. George L. [3428], b. Nov. 12, 1824. 2416—5. Joseph D., b. March 2, 1827; m. Sarah Harlow.SEVENTH GENERATION. 167 2417—6. Gilbert, d. young. 2418—7. Portkr, d. young. 2419—8. -, d. in infancy. 2426—9. -, d. in infancy. 2421-10. -. b. March, 1834; d. in infancy. 2422-11. Manley S., b. Feb. 21, 1835; m. Laura Hall; settled at Jamaica, Yt. 2423-12. Gilbert N., b. July 10, 1830; m. Mary Crosby. Was a soldier in the late war: resides at Worcester. 2424-13. Charles B., b. May 20, 1838; in. Emeline Cole. Was a soldier in the late war; settled at Worcester, Mass. 2425-14. Riley G., b. Aug. 10, 1839. Was a soldier in the late war; d. at Washington, D. C., in 1802. 2426-15. Kimball 1\, b. Feb. 21, 1841. Was a soldier in the late war; m. Nellie Chamberlain; s. at Worcester, Mass. 2427-16. Chandler D., b. Nov. 9, 1842. Was a soldier in the late war; m. Mary A. Babbitt; s. at Worcester, Mass. 2428-17. Maritta Y. [3431], b. March 30, 1844. 2429-18. Maria L., b. Oct. 6, 1846; d. Feb. 3, 1873. 2430. Lyman Rawson' [1257] (Bailey6, Thomas5, William4, William5, William2, Edward1), m. Charlotte Sabin. Children :— 2431—1. Royal T. 2432—2. Julia M., d. 2433—3. Judson S. 2434—4. Hknry Orville, d. 2435—5. Emily O. 2436—6. Chandler P. 2437. Olive W. Rawson7 [1259] (Gardner0, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Capt. John Hazelton, April 1, 1812, at Townshend, Yt., and settled there. Their children :— 1. Silas (Hazelton), b. Oct. 21, 1813; d. 2. Fannie " b. Nov. 7, 1816; d. 3. Harriet " b. Dec. 27, 1818; m. Willard W. Howard, Sept. 14, 1841, at Townshend, Vt., and has:— 1. John H. (Howard), b. Dec. 14, 1842. 2/ Fannie Church (Howard), b. July 21, 1852. 3. Henry W. " b. Feb. 23, 1862. 2438. Sarah Rawson7 [1261] (Gardner8, Thomas6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Daniel Phillips, at Townshend, Vt. Children :— 1. Samuel S. (Phillips), b. Jan. 7,1827. 2. Harriet M. " b. Dec. 22, 1830; m. Samuel H. Wiswell. 3. Eliza M. " b. Dec. 22, 1836; m. Lucien O. Thayer. 2439. Samuel S Phillips9 (1), ni. Charlotte C. Wilder, Sept. 8, 1835; settled at Wardsboro', Vt. Children:— 1. Fred. Eugene (Phillips), b. March 28,1859; d. May 19, 1862. 2. Charles Daniel " b. May 26, 1861. 3. George Henry " b. Aug. 27, 1863; d. Jan. 10, 1864. 4. George Wilder " b. May 28, 1871.168 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2440. Susan Rawson7 [1263] (Gardner0, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Artemas Boutelle of Strattou, Yt., Oct. 12, 1824. He was b. Jan. 8, 1797. Settled at Town-shend, Yt. Their children were :— 1. Newell A. (Boutelle), 2. Fannie M. Vt. 3. Harriet S. Vt.; d. Jan. 13, 1860. 4. James W. (Boutelle), b. Vt. 5. George W. Vt. b. 6. Nancie F. Vt. " b. 7. Laura L. b. b. Feb. 1, 183), at Townshend, b. June 8, 1833, at Townshend, July 8, 1835, at Townshend, Sept. 24, 1838, at Townshend, Jan. 23, 1841, at Townshend, Aug. 3, 1843, at Townshend, Yt,; d. July 14, 1846. 2441. Newell A. Boutelle8 (1), m. Sarah Jane Thayer, Jan. 1, 1851, at Woonsocket, R. I. She was b. at Smith-field, R. I., Oct 30, 1830. He was Superintendent of the Harris mills, at Woonsocket, for a number of years. Is a man of - large financial ability and business experience, now has an interest in and is superintendent of the Harris Woolen Company, a new Corporation formed after the death, of Mr. Edward Harris, late proprietor of the Harris mills. Children:— 1. Fred. Allen (Boutelle), b. Aug. 31, 1854; d. Aug. 23, 1855. 2. Mary Medora " b. June 27, 1857; d. Dec. 28, 1857. 3. Eddie Smith " b. March 1, 1860; d. Dec. 28, 1863. 4. Charles Newell " b. Sept. 24, 1862. 5. Frank Thayer " b. Feb. 8, 1872. 2442. Fannie M. Boutelles (2), m. Abram Stevens, Sept. 13, 1849, at Townshend, Vt. They had :— 1. Abk B. (Stevens), b. Dec. 23, 1851, at Windham, Vt. 2. Ella L. " b. Oct. 17, 1854, at Windham, Yt. 3. Hattik M. " b. Oct. 28, 1863, at Athens, Vt. 4. Katie M. " b. Nov. 7, 1866, at Athens, Vt. 5. Frank A. " b. Dec. 5, 1868, at Athens, Vt. 2443. James W. Boutelle8 (4), m. Josephine Streeter, June 21, 1857, at Woonsocket, R. I. They had :— 1. George L. (Boutelle), b. 1860, at Townshend, Vt. 2. Nial J. " b. 1862. " " " 3. Emily F. " b. 1865, at Dedham, Mass. 4. Isadora J. " b. 1867, at Woonsocket, R. I. 5. Louisa S. " b. 1870, at Burrilville, R. I. 6. Edward N. " b. 1872, at Burrilville, R. I. 2444. ' George W. Boutelle3 (5), m. Jennie Miller, Nov. 26, 1862, at Woonsocket, li. I. They had :— 1. Fred. George (Boutelle), b. May 23, 1864, at Ded- ham, Mass. 2. Annie Florett " b. Dec. 23, 1867, at Woon- socket, R. I. 3. Alice Ward " b. July 5, 1872, at Woon- socket, R. I.SEVENTH GENERATION. 169 2445. Nancie F. Botjtelle8 (6), ra. James T. Maynard, Oct. 19, 18G5, at Bellows Falls, Yt.; settled at Shrewsbury, Mass. They have :— 1. Charles Edward (Maynard), b. Oct. 29, 1871. 2446. Rev. Thomas Reid Rawson7 [1265] (Gardner", Thomas5, William4, William3, William'2, Edward1), was born at Townshend, Yt., July 10, 1803. Graduated at Amherst College in 1830. He was ordained to the work of the Christian ministry, over the Congregational Church in Peru, Mass., July 10, 1834. He remained there but a few years, yet a rich harvest was the result of his labors, for during a revival of religion in that church 48 persons were added to that little flock. From Peru he went to Albany, N. Y., and became engaged in Cily Missionary work, and is still to be found pursuing that blessed calling. For many years he has officiated in other capacities, such as Superintendent of the City Tract Society, Chaplain of the Albany Bethel, Albany Penitentiary, and for a time at the U. S. Hospital during the late war. Hem. 1st, Louisa W. Dawes, Aug. 17, 1834, a sister of the Hon. H. L. Dawes, so many years member of the U. S. House of Representatives, and now Senator from Mass. She d. Sept. 3, 1849 ; 2d, Sarah Ann Thomas. 2447—1. Thomas Hazelton, b. May 31, 1835; graduated at Rutgers College, N. J., Clerk in the U. S. Treasury Department ; m. Agnes Adams; she d. March, 1863, at Washington, D. C. 2448—2. Isabella G., b. Aug. 18, 1837, at Albany, N. Y. 2449—3. Frances B., b. June 8, 1840, at Albany, N. Y.; d. Oct. 22, 1845. 2450—4. Helen D., b. Julv 27, 1843, at Albany, N. Y. 2451—5. Edward K., b. Feb. 21, 1846, at Albany, N. Y.; grad. at Yale College, completed his theological studies at Ando-ver, Mass., and after spending one season in travel on the Continent he enlisted in the U. S. navy, with the appointment of Chaplain. 2452—6. Henry N., b. Oct. 20, 1848, at Albany, N. Y. 2453. Jason R. Rawson7 [1268] (Gardner6, Thomas6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Emily M. Turner, May 22, 1845, at Watertown, N. Y. Settled afe Queensbury. Their children :— 2454—1. Laurinda [3432], b. Sept. 23, 1846. 2455—^2. Frances, b. June 30, 1849; m. George S. Murry, March 15, 1871. 2456—3. Ashley J., b. Jan. 2, 1852. 2457—4. Alice, b. March 4, 1854. 2458—5. Charles, b. Dec. 1, 1855. 2459. John L. Rawson7 [1269] (Gardner', Thomas6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Nancy Perry, in 1840. Settled first at Glen's Falls, N. Y. Now resides at Wheaton, 111. Children :— 2460—1. Charles H., b. July 21, 1852. 2461—2. Letitie A., b. Sept. 28, 1854. 22170 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2462. David W. Rawson7 [1271] (Gardner8, Thomas5, William", William3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Sarah S. Harding, June 3, 1840, at Grantham, N. H. Shed. Nov. 14, 1861. 2d, M. A. Wells, Jan. 26, 1869, at Croydon, N.' H., where they reside. Children:— 2463—1. Caroline M., b. Nov. 28, 1843; d. July 27, 1872. 2464—2. Ednah A., b. May 19, 1847; m. William W. Flanders; s. at Wheaton, 111. 2465—3. Isabellah, b. March 31, 1852; d. young. 2466—4. Sarah I., b. April 1, 1856; d. Aug. 21, 1856. . 2467. Sophia Rawson7 [1272] (Gardner8, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2 Edward1), m. Luther F. Freeman, Oct. 24, 1841, at Athens, Yt. They had :— 1. Andrew (Freeman), b. Aug. 8, 1843; d. Oct. 14, 1847. 2. Almon B. " b. Jan. 22, 1845; d. Oct. 2, 1847. 3. AlbertO. " b. Oct. 17, 1848; m. Frances H. White. 4. Ednah A. " b. May 22, 1850; m. Edward Gerard. 5. Isabel R. " b. Oct. 15, 1855. 6. Byron H. " b. Aug. 12, 1858. 2468. Lowell Rawson7 [1275] (Samuel", Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Sally Orcutt, daughter of Syl-vanus Orcutt, Esq., of Wardsboro', Vt., in 1815, and settled there on a farm, for whieh he paid 1400 dollars; but not finding it profitable, he moved to Edinburg, Saratoga Co., N. Y., where he cleared up a large farm. Finding maple sugar and spruce shingles abom the only remunerative product of the farm, he sold it for a mere trifle, and removed to Oneida Co.; from there he removed to Weedsport, Cayuga Co., where, about 1835, he in company with his brother Adolphus, kept, a hotel, called the " Weedsport House." From here he went to Manhattan, Ohio ; then to Greenfield, Huron Co., in 1837, where he remained nine years, one season sowing over 100 acres of wheat, but lost it all by the frost. He disposed of his farm and removed to Bethel, Branch Co., Mich., in 1847. He purchased a farm, but his health began to fail him, although he lived many years, it was in a feeble state. He d. Dec. 18, 1862, aged 67 years. He was a man of character, despising hypocrisy. Children :— 2469—1. Augusta Ann, b. Oct. 22, 1816: m. Wm. C. Howard; s. at Elkhart, Ind. 2470—2. Sanburn [3433], b. Oct. 7, 1818. 2471—3. Philinda, b. Sept. 24, 1820; m. Capt. C. L. Brant; s. at Elkhart, Ind. 2472—4. Caroline [3438], b. June 11, 1823. 2473—5. Samuel N. [3441], b. Oct. 18, 1826. 2474—6. Permelia, b. Dec., 1829; d. Aug. 2, 1832. 2475—7. Lowell C. [3448], b. Aug., 1832. 2476—8. James M. [3456], b. Feb. 17, 1836. 2477—9. Olive A. [3462], b. May 23l 1839.SEVENTH GENERATION. 171 2478. Electa Rawson7 [1276] (Samuel6, Thomas6, William1, William3, William3, Edward'), m. 1st, Melcher Stoder; 2d, Henry Bigelow. Settled at Richford, N. Y. Children :— 1. PnrLiNDA, b. 1825; m. O. Hudson; s. at Frankfort, N. Y. 2. Lucy. 2479. Adolphus Rawson7 [1279] (Samuel6, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Betsey Armington, Feb. 18, 1828, at Chester, Vt., now resides at Chicago, 111. Children :— 2480—1. Albert Leighton, b. Oct. 15, 1828, at Chester, Yt.; m. Sarah Lord; s. at Weedsport, N. Y. 2481—2. Susan Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1832, at Eaton, N. Y.; m. Andrew J. Wescott; s. at Rochester, N. Y. 2482—3. Statira Permelia, b. Dec. 18, 1835, at Weedsport, N. Y. 2483—4. William, b. Dec. 10, 1837, at Weedsport, N. Y. 2484—5. Kasia Armington, b. July 10, 1839, at Weedsport, N. Y. 2485. Odolphus Rawson7 [1280] (Samuel6, Thomas', William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Mary J. Smith, at deve, land, Ohio, in 1836. Settled at Greenfield, Huron Co., Ohio, where he d. in 1860. The widow survives him there. Their children :— 2486—1. Oscar, b. 1842. Was a soldier in the late war; d. at Wash- ington, D. C., in 1862. 2487—2. Thomas J., b. 1844. Was a soldier in the late war; d. at Nashville, Tenn. 2488—3. Albert J., b. 1846; d. at Greenfield, Ohio, in 1862. 2489—4. Philanda J., b. 1849. 2490—5. Augusta Ann, b. 1855. 2491. James Manning Rawson7 [1281] (Samuel6, Thomas5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), in. Nancy Peabody, Aug. 18, 1837, at Frankfort, N. Y. Children :— 2492—1. Freeborn A., b. June 10, 1838, at Crawfordsville, Ga. 2493—2. Charles H., b. Dec. 5, 1839, at Hancock Co., Ga. 2494—3. Nancy C., b. Jan. 10, 1841, at Frankfort, N. Y. 2495—4. James G., b. July 2, 1844, at Frankfort, N. Y. 2496—5. Suzen Emma, b. April 5, 1847, at Richfield, N. Y. 2497—6. Samuel R., b. Sept. 10, 1849, at Richfield, N. Y. 2498. Lovisa Rawson7 [1292] (Secretary6, Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. John Sparks, Feb. 17, 1820, at Dover, Vt., and settled at Barre, N. Y., where she d. Sept. 20, 1827. He d. Sept. 5, 1840. Children :— 1. Henry Hodges (Sparks), b. Nov. 15, 1820. 2. • Mary J. " d. young. 2499. Henry Hodges Sparks8 (1), m. 1st, Chloe Prouty, May 21, 1844; she d. March 8, 1860, leaving four children; 2d, Annie E. Cunningham of Spencer, Mass. He now resides at North Brookfleld. Children :— 1. Abbie Eliza (Sparks), b. March 5, 1844, atN. Brookfleld, Mass.; d. Oct., 1859.172 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2. Sarah Janr (Sparks), b. Sept. 12, 1848, at Lan- caster, Mass. 3. Estella " b. Sept. 1, 1850, at North Brookfleld, Mass. 4. Oscar Henry (Sparks), b. June 7, 1856, at North Brookfleld, Mass. 5. Arthur Augustus (Sparks), b. April 24, 1867; d. Sept. 13, 1868. 6. Edward Rawson " b. Sept. 30, 1869. 7. John Henry " b. March 26, 1871. 2500. Andrew A. Rawson7 [1293] (Secretary0, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Ruby Haskins, March, 1824,. at Dover, Yt., where they settled. He d. Oct. 2, 1833. They had:— 2501—1. Lucy Maynard, b. Feb. 19, 1825; m. A. Utley Chase. 2502—2. Rufus William [3463], b. Aug. 1, 1828. 2503. Mary A. Rawson7 [1295] (Secretary0, Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Lewis Hall, March 14, 1833, at Dover, Yt., where they settled. Children:— 1. Irene L. (Hall), b. Nov. 1, 1833. 2. Frances M." b. Sept. 23, 1835. 3. Silvie A. " b. April 6, 1839. 4. WaitieR. " b. Aug. 7, 1842. 5. Clinton L." b. Dec. 11, 1845; m. Nellie L. Gorliam. 2504. Irene L. Hall9 (1), m. Albert W. Needham, Nov. 15, 1855, and has:— 1. Stella C. (Needham), b. June 2, 1856, at Dover, Yt. 2. Abbie J. " b. Dec. 14, 1857, at Dover, Vt. 3. Mary E. " b. Feb. 17, 1860, at Dover, Yt. 4. Alice E. " b. May 11, 1862, at Wards- boro', Yt. . 2505. Frances M. Hall8 (2), m. William Lowe, April 3, 1859, and has: — 1. Fred. M. (Lowe), b. May 10, 1862, at Marlboro', Yt. 2. Lucian W. " b. March 30, 1864, at Marlboro', Yt. 3. Nettie L. " b. July 3, 1866, at Northboro', Mass. 2506. Sylvia A. Hall8 (3), m. Warren E. Banks, April 6, 1865, and has:— 1. Edwin (Banks), b. Feb. 13, 1866, at Westmiuster, Vt. 2507. Waitie Hall8 (4), in. James Lowe, Jan. 1, 1865, and has :— 1. Addie V. (Lowe), b. Oct. 1865, at Marlboro, Mass. 2. Alice V. " b. Oct. 1867, at Marlboro, Mass. 2508. Paris Rawson7 [1296] (Secretary6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), was b. June, 1810, at Dover, Yt. ; m. 1st, Celinda Staples in 1835 ; she d. April 8, 1838. 2d, Betsey C. Staples; 3d, Cynthia Brown. Children,- all born at Dover, Yt. :— 2509—1. Andrew J., b. 1836; d. young. 2510—2. Lydlv C. [3465], b. March 24, 1838. 2511—3. Lovisa B. [3466], b. June 8, 1840. 2512—4. Merrill H., b. Nov. 20, 1843; m. EmmaLiscom; resides at Dayton, Ohio.SEVENTH GENERATION. 173 2513. Ellis Rawson7 [1297] (Secretary6, Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), was b. Aug. 10, 1813, at Dover, Vt.; m. Irene L Dexter, and settled at Dover, where he d. June 25, 1872. She d. May 19, 1872. Children:— 2514—1. Andrew B., b. Jan. 5, 1848; m. Julia A. Shepard, Oct. 30, 1872. 2515—2. Oscar L., b. April 2, 1850. 2516—3. Helen L., b. Feb. 29, 1852; m. Fred. Davidson, June 1, 1873. 2517—4. Lula A., b. Dec. 18, 1866. 2518. Rev. Samuel A. Rawson7 [1301] (Andrew", Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), was son of Rev. Andrew A. Rawson ; b. at Pompey, N. Y.; prepared for college at Amherst, Mass. ; entered Yale College in 1831, but left there on account of poor health, and went to Hamilton College, N. Y. State. He left there in 1835 and taught in an Academy at Eaton, N. Y., one year ; graduated from the Theological Department at Oberlin in 1839. The same year married Susan L. Hubbard of N. Y. City, and has followed after the excellent example his father gave him, preaching the gospel throughout the western part of his native State, and taking especial interest in revivals of religion. Children:— 2519—1. Edwin Hatfeld, b. Dec. 24, 1840; d. April 19, 1846. 2520—2. Andrew Hubbard, b. Nov. 28, 1842. 2521—3. Samuel Edgar, b. June 10, 1846. 2522. Otis Rawson7 [1306] (Thomas6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary Barnes, Jan. 10, 1830, by whom he had four children. She d. Aug. 16, 1842. 2d, Salona Perry, June 30, 1844; s. at Wrentham, Mass., where he now resides. Children :— 2523—1. Louisa Maria [3467], b. April 9, 1830. 2524—2. Charles Carroll, b. Aug. 22, 1832; d. Dec. 17, 1836. 2525—3. Edmund Eugene, b. April 21, 1836; d. Dec. 19, 1836.. 2526—4. Harriet Jane, b. Nov. 23, 1837; r. at Newport, R. I. 2527. William Morrill Rawson7 [1307] (Thomas8, Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Caroline Abby Carpenter of Cumberland, R. I., May 24, 1835, and settled there. Is a cotton manufacturer, and a man in whom the community there repose confidence. He has been elected to the General Assembly of R. I. a number of times, both in the House and Senate, as well as a member of the Town Council where he resides. Children :— 2528—1. Charles M., b. July 19, 1839; d. Jan. 5, 1858. 2529—2. Achlia C-, b. Nov. 22, 1843; d. Jan. 13, 1845. 2530—3. Emmie A., b. Feb. 8, 1847; m. Wm. H. Gurney, Oct. 24, 1869. Had one child, Emmie A. (Gurney); d. Sept. 10. 1871.174 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2531—4. Halsey C., b. Oct. 28, 1848; m. Esta E. Jencks, Aug. 16, 1868. 2532—5. Edith F., b. May 7, 1850; d. Jan. 13, 1851. 2533. Nancy Rawson7 [1310] (Thomas8, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Charles B. Carpenter of Cumberland, R. I. Children :— 1. James E. (Carpenter), b. April 14, 1844; m. Alice F. Cook, Oct. 16, 1872. 2. Ida E. (Carpenter), b. March 5, 1848. 3. Isabel B. " b. May 13, 1853; m. Elmer I. Riley, Jan. 1, 1874. 2534. Laura Rawson7 [1311] (Thomas6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Amos S. Rhodes, Sept. 3, 1840, at Wrentham, Mass.; s. at Attleboro, Mass. She d. April 20, 1867. Children :— 1. Silas Barnard {Rhodes), b. July 12, 1850; died Sept. 11, 1851. 2. Howard Elliot " b. July 7, 1852. ■3. Idella Cemanthie " b. May 5, 1855. 2535. Orville Rawson7 [1312] (Thomas8, Perne6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Hannah Cook Hilliard, at Fall River, Mass., Nov. 15, 1843 ; now resides at Providence, R. I. Children:— 2536—1. Byron Orville, b. Sept. 23, 1846, at Fall River, Mass. 2537—2. Arthur Dennis, b. Aug. 31, 1851, at Providence, R. I. 2538. Lucina Gould Rawson7 [1316] (William6, Perne5, William4, William3, William2,. Ed ward1), m. 1st, William Kellogg at Randolph, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1836 ; in 1844 moved to Dane Co., Wis. Her husband died Aug. 26, 1845, leaving her with three children. 2d, Rev. Philo Ferris, Sept. 27, 1848, at Dunn, Wis. Children :— 1. Abigail Adelade (Kellogg), b. June 23, 1837, at Ran- dolph, N. Y. 2. William Rufus " b. July 5, 1839, in Otsego Co., N. Y. 3. Harvey Moses " b. Oct. 28, 1841, at Mina, N. Y. 4. Ella A. (Ferris), b. Oct. 4, 1849, at Union, Wis. 5. William DeLa (Ferris), b. Aug. 11, 1851. 6. Emma V. " b. June 5, 1853. 2539. Abigail Adelade Kellogg8 (1), m. Nathan Bowen in 1851, and had:— 1. Mary A. (Bowen), b. Nov. 22, 1852; d. 1869. 2. Lucina S. " b. Sept. 13, 1854; d. 1862. 3. Martha C. " b. Oct. 2, 1856; d. 1856. 2540. Mary Aldrich Rawson7 [1319] (William6, Perne5, William4, William', William2, Edward1), m. John G. Bruce atSEVENTH GENERATION. 175 Randolph, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1837 ; settled at Cold Spiing, N. Y. Children :— 1. John Frank (Bruce), b. Nov. 3. 1838. 2. Wm. Harvey " b. May 7, 1842, at Poland, N. Y. 3. Charles C. " b. Nov. 15, 1845, at Lancaster, N. Y.; m. Mattie A. Rolf. 4. Sarah A. R. (Bruce), b. Feb. 16, 1852, at Lancaster,- N. Y. 5. Carrie Idell " b. Jan. 8, 1858, at Dunn, "Wis. 6. Ben (Bruce), "(Twins, b. May 25, 1861, at Dunn, 7. Bessie " J Wis. 2541. John Frank Bruce8 (1), m. Senie C. Austin, Nov. 16, 1862, and s. at Madison, Wis., and had :— 1. John Austin (Bruce), b. Sept. 25, 1863. 2. Nettie R. " b. Sept. 20, 1865. 3. Kittie M. " b. May 17, 1868. 4. Wm. George " b. Nov. 1, 1872; d. in infancy. 2542. William Harvey Bruce8 (2), m. Luella C. Frary, Oct. 19, 1865, and s. at Oregon, Wis., and has:— 1. Mary Alice (Bruce), b. Aug. 6, 1866. 2. Nellie R. " b. Nov. 4, 1871. 2543. Rufus Perne Rawson7 [1320] (William6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), was b. at Barre, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1821 ; m. Mary Vanorman of Canandaigua, Oct. 5, 1846, and s. in Wisconsin ; 1st, at Dunn, and then at Union Rock, but now resides at Princeton, Green Lake, Co., where he is Insurance agent; has held the offices of Supervisor, Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace, &c. Children :— 2544—1. Arvilla A. [3468], b. April 23, 1848, at Dunn, Wis. 2545—2. John Wm., b. Aug. 22, 1849. at Lone Rock, Wis. 2546—3. Rufus Harvey, b. Feb. 6, 1851, at Princeton, Wis. 2547—4. Emma Jane [3469], b. Nov. 16, 1852, at Princeton, Wis. 2548—5. Charles Pierson, b. Feb. 16, 1854, at Princeton, Wis. 2549—6. Sumner Freemont, b. May 26, 1856, at Princeton, Wis. 2550—7. Ada Matilda, b. Jan. 16, 1858, at Princeton, Wis. 2551—8. Oliver Willakd, b. Nov. 3, 1861, at Princeton, Wis. 2552. Abigail Chaklotte Rawson7 [1321] (William6, Perne5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Joseph C. Swain, Jan. 24, 1845: s. 1st, at Dunn, Wis., afterwards moved to Elysian, Minn., in 1856 ; is a farmer ; was elected one term to the Minn. Legislature. Children :— 1. Charles (Swain), b. Aug. 1846. 2. Alva B. " b. March, 1848. 4. £!rveyT (ST,ain)' } Twins, b. Aug. 10, 1852. 5. M. Luella " b. May, 1856. 6. Glyde " b. Feb. 14, 1861. 7. Merrill " b. March 1, 1867. 2553. Thomas Harvey Rawson7 [1322] (William6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Thurza Jackson,176 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. in 1848; s. near Portage City, Wis. She d. leaving three child ren. His 2d wife was "Maryette Willis of Minn., where he was then living, a farmer. He enlisted as a soldier, and served through the late war. Children :— 2554—1. George W., b. Dec. 1850, at Jackson, Wis. 2555—2. Margeriette P., b. April 5, 1852, at Jackson, Wis.; died 1853. 2556—3. Andrew J., b. April, 1853, at Jackson, Wis. 2557—4. Charles. 2558—5. Jane. 2559—6. Fannie. 2560. Sarah D. Rawson7 [1323] (William0, Perne6, William4, William3, William'2, Edward1), m. George Bishop, Jan. 1, 1852, at Dunn, Wis., where they settled; afterwards moved to Minn., where he enlisted in the 8th Minn. Reg. at the commencement of the war, and died in hospital. Children:— 1. Idell C. (Bishop), b. Oct. 26, 1852; d. 1858. 2. Isabell C. " b. June, 1854. 3. Frank A. " b. April, 1857. 4. William " b. 1859. 2561. Charles Andrew Rawson7 [1324] (William", Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Ellen Adams of Dane Co., Wis., July 3, 1856 ; s. at Princton, Wis. Children :— 2562—1. Clarra, b. March 9, 1858; m. William D. Clark, Dec. 31, 1873. 2563—2. Nettie. 2564. Martha Jane Rawson7 [1325] (William6, Perne6, William4, William8, William2, Edward1), m. Edward Harroune, June 16, 1859, at Princeton, ~Wis., where they now reside. Children :— 1. Edward K. (Harroune), b. June 8, 1861. 2. Julian W. " b. Aug. 17, 1863. 3. Gracie E. " b. July 11, 1866. 2565. Chloe Rawson7 [1327] (Cyrenius", Edward5, William4, William8, William2, Edward1), m. Lyman Keith in 1813, at Men-don, where their first child was born; afterwards moved to Ux-bridge, Mass., where he d. March 9, 1839 ; she d. Oct. 31, 1869. Children :— 1. Joseph C. (Keith), b. March 8, 1814. 2. Sylvia " b. March 9, 1816. 3. Lyman M. " b. May 10, 1818. 4. Wellington " b. April 4, 1820. 5. William E. " b. Aug. 30, 1822. 6. Daniel T. " b. May 12, 1825. 7. Albert " b. May 20, 1827. 8. Chloe A. " b. Aug. 18, 1831. 9. Andrew J. " b. May 25, 1834.SEVENTH GENERATION. 177 2566. Joseph C. Keith8 (1), m. Mary Adams, Oct. 19, 1836, at Ux- bridge, where they settled. Children :— 1. Katherine E. (Keith), b. March 11, 1840. 2. Cyrus " d. in infancy. 3. Sarah J. " b. April 14, 1844. 4. Emagene B. " d. in infancy. 5. Walter C. " b. March 17, 1847. 2567. Katherine E. Keith9 (1), m. Godfrey K. Mellor, May 21, 1866, at Uxbridge, Mass., and had :— 1. Walter Keith (Mellor), b. June 8, 1867. 2. Georgie Kaye " b. April 28, 1870. 3. James Cyrus " b. April 17, 1872. 2568. Sylvia Keith8 (2), m. 1st, William S. Braman, Oct. 28, 1841, at Uxbridge, Mass., where they settled. He d. Aug. 8, 1846; 2d, Samuel L. Greene, Nov. 5, 1847. Children:— 1. Cornelia P. (Braman), b. July 25, 1842. 2. A. Louisa W. " b. Aug. 3, 1844. 3. Sarah L. (Greene), b. Aug. 9, 1848; m. A. H. Henry, May 30, 1871. 4. Mary F. (Greene), b. March 18, 1851, at Thompson, Conn. 5. Chloe Rj " "I m ■ j ■ • f 6. Clara K. « } Twins, d. in infancy. 2569. Cornklia P. Braman9 (1), m. Henry D. Mowry, June 9, 1862, and have:— 1. Mabel F. (Mowry), b. April 28, 1863. 2. Vernon H. " b. May 10, 1865. 2570. A. Louisa W. Braman9 (2), m. Jeremiah Swazey, May 16, 1862, and has :— 1. Irving C. (Swazey), b. July 7, 1864. 2. Park " b. Dec. 24, 1866. 2571. Lyman Madison Keith8 (3), m. Lydia Raymond Bowen, Oct. 14, 1846, at Uxbridge, Mass. Children:— 1. Albert Bennett (Keith), b. July 4, 1847, at North- bridge, Mass. 2. Azora Lizzett " b. Sept. 6, 1849, at Ux- bridge, Mass.; d. Aug. 8, 1850. 3. Anelizia La van (Keith), b. Sept. 3, 1854; d. April 8, 1858. 4. Charles Mowry " b. March 30, 1857. 2572. Wellington Keith8 (4), m. 1st, Almeda B- Preston, Sept. 14, 1846, at Woonsocket, R. I.; s. first at Uxbridge, but now resides at Worcester, Mass.; 2d, Katie Drury, June 5, 1869. Children :— 1. Willie F. (Keith), b. Jan. 6. 1851. 2. Mary E. " b. Sept. 26, 1853. 4. Ida L. " b. Nov. 21, 1855. 5. John L. " b. Nov. 25, 1861. 6. Arthur W. b. Sept. 13, 1873, at Worcester. 2573. William E. Keith8 (5), m. Harriet Treadvvay, Aug. 20, 1846, at Salem, Conu.; s. first at Worcester, Mass. Children :— 1. Julia A. (Keith), b. Sept. 16, 1847. 2. H. Estella " b. Dec. 8. 1850; d. Sept. 4, 1852. 3. Wm. M. " b. Nov, 30, 1853, at South Hadley. 2574. Julia A. Keith9 (1), m. George P. Clark, Oct. 27, 1870, at Spencer, Mass., and have :— 1. Hattie M. (Clark), b. Feb. 15, 1872, at Spencer, Mass. 2575. Daniel Thurber Keith8 (6), m. Mary Jane Cook, June 27, 1850, at Uxbridge, where they first settled. Children :— 1. Cyrenus Rawson (Keith), b. March 19, 1851; d. Oct. 31, 1851. 23178 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2. Erastus Daniel (Keith), b. Sept. 14, 1852; d. July 19, 1853. 3. Eva L. it b. Nov. 11, 1854. 4. Emma S. 5, 1863. it b. Dec. 26, 1856; d. July 5. Oris P. tt b. Dec. 5, 1858. 6. Henry A. n b. Oct. 4, 1861. 7. Myrtie 1. <« b. Sept, 25, 1864, at Graf- ton, Mass. 8. Lyman M. cc b. May 7, 1867, at Ux- bridge, Mass. 9. Lizzie E. 1( b. May 25, 1870, at Spen- cer, Mass. Flora E. 10. I( b. May 23, 1872, at Spen- cer, Mass. Chloe Ann Keith8 (8), m. Royal Peters, April 18, 1850, at 2576. Uxbridge, Mass.; he d. Jan. 3, 1872. She now resides at Milford. Children;— 1. Helen Augusta (Peters), b. Feb. 21, 1851; m. Charles C. P. Hastings. 2. Lowel Mason " b. Feb. 8, 1855, at Mendon, Mass.; d. Aug. 19, 1856. 3. Anna Lizzie (Peters'), b. June 8, 1857, at Uxbridge, Mass. 4. Minnie Keith " b. May 24, 1860, at Mendon, Mass. 2577. Andrew J. Kieth8 (9), ra. Hannah M. Mowry, Oct. 26, 1853, at Woonsocket, R. I.; s. at Uxbridge, Mass. She d. Sept. 1, 1872. Children :— 1. Frank A. (Keith), b. Sept. 11, 1854. 2. Charles F. " b. May 24. 1856. 2578. Mary Ann Rawson7 [1328] (Cyrenius0, Edward5, William4, William3, Willianr, Edward1), m. let, Mark Colvin,-Oct. 24, 1819, and settled in the South part of Mendon, Mass. (now called Blackstone). He was a carpenter and farmer, and was drafted into the U. S. service in the war of 1812. She d. Aug. 15, 1828, having had four children. Mr. Colvin, in 1833, in. the widow Abigail Cook of Douglas, and moved to Northbridge. She d. Jan. 3, 1872. He d. May 31, 1872. at his daughter's, Mrs. Benjamin Cook, at Willimantic, Conn. Children :— 1. William S. (Colvin), b. June 28, 1820; d. Sept. 1827. 2. Harriet N. " b. Dec. 3, 1822. 3. Lucina B. " b. Nov. 25, 1S26. 4. William O. " b. Aug. 3, 1828. 5. Mary Ann " d. young. 6. Adin A. " b. March 31, 1837. 2579. Harriet N. Colvin8 (2), m. Benjamin Cook, Jan. 4, 1849, at Albany, N. Y.; now resides at Willimantic, Conn., and have one child :— 1. Mowry I. (Cook), b. Jan. 11,1856, at Northbridge, Mass. 2580. Lucina Colvin8 (3), m. Mowry Cook, April 20, 1845, at Thomp- son, Conn.; now resides at Chicopee, Mass. Children :— 1. Mary A. (Cook), b. Oct. 1, 1846, at Northbridge, Mass. 2. Edwin H. " b. Jan. 5, 1848, at Whitiusville, Mass. 3. Harriet L, " b, April 22, 1850, at Whitinsville, Mass. 4. William R. " b. Dec. 10, 1852, at Holyoke, Mass.SEVENTH GENERATION. 179 2581. Edwin H. Cook9 (2), m. Eliza Harris, Oct. 15, 1869, at Chico- pee, Mass. Has one child :— 1. Harry M. (Cook), b. July 5, 1870, at Chicopee. 2582. Manning Rawson7 [1350] (Simon6, Edward6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Cynthia Read, Jan. 8, 1835, at Providence, R. I. Now resides at Johnston, R. I. Children:— 2583—1. Sarah Francrs, b. Oct. 7, 1835, at Providence. 2584—2. Orrin Gkindal [3470], b. Jan. 26, 1838, at Mendon, Mass. 2585—3. Ellery Bicknell, b. Jan. 27, 1847, at Cumberland, R. I.; d. Aug. 16, 1858. 2586. George Rawson7 [1352] (Simon8, Edward5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), in. Lois Aldrich, April 1, 1833, at Mendon, Mass., where they settled. Children :— 2587—1. Salona Aldrich [3472], b. May 31, 1837. 2588—2. Mary Theodosia, b. Feb. 3, 1841. 2589. .Abigail Rawson7 [1354] (Simon", Edward5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Dr. George W. Bicknell, at Beloit, Wis., about 1842, and settled at Potosi, Grant Co., Wis. Dr. Bicknell was born at Barrington, R. I., and first learned the jeweler's trade, in Providence, where he carried on that business for a time ; but it did not satisfy his ambition, and he began the study of medicine with Dr. Fuller of Providence (an uncle by marriage), attended medical lectures in N. Y. City, and, in 1836, emigrated to Wisconsin, and became one of the first settlers of Beloit, Rock County. Here he began the practice of his profession, in company with a Dr. White, but, after his marriage, he went to Potosi, and continued his practice there with good success. Upon the death of Dr. White, his former partner, at the earnest solicitation of his friends, he returned to Beloit about 1845. In 1849, he went overland to California. He returned in 1852, entering upon a larger practice than ever. He enjoyed the full confidence of all who knew him as their family physician, and gained for himself a lasting reputation as a very skillful practitioner. To be able to relieve those who were suffering from disease was his delight, and he honored his profession. Soon after the war came upon us, he enlisted, and received a commission as surgeon in the 22d Reg't Wis. Volunteers, which position he filled acceptably to all, until, exhausted and seriously threatened with disease himself, from the exposure of camp life, he resigned his commission and returned home. There followed him, however, soon after, a commission as A. A. Surgeon U. S. A., at Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111.; here he remained until that camp was about to be deserted, when he again resigned his commission and returned to private practice at Beloit, where he died June 16, 1870. She d. Dec. 26, 1867. She was a devoted wife and a Christian mother. Children : — 1. George Wilson (Bicknell), b. Aug. 17, 1843, at Potosi, Wis.180 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2. John Francis (Bicknell), b. Nov. 8, 1846, at Potosi, Wis.; m. Hattie M. Spring, June 16, 1875; r. at Worcester, Mass. 3. Maria " b. at Beloit, Wis.; d. in infancy. 4. Hattie " b. at Beloit, Wis.; d. in infancy. 5. Fredrick " b. at Beloit, Wis.; d. 2£ years of age. 6. Mary Augusta " b. May 4, 1858, at Beloit, Wis. 2590. Hknry Rawson7 [1355] (Simon0, Edward6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Abby Luther, Dec. 31, 1835, at Mendon, where they settled and now reside. Children:— 2591—1. Charles Henry [3473], b. Feb. 18, 1837. 2592—2. Ann Frances [3478], b. Oct. 13, 1840. 2593—3. Fredrick Bicknell, b. July 1, 1857. 2594. Liberty Rawson7 [1356] (Simon6, Edward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Harriet Blake of Medway, Mass., Sept. 21, 1842, and settled there ; but afterwards moved to Beloit, Rock Co., Wis., where he lived a number of years. Now resides at East Holliston, Mass. Children:— 2595—1. Harriet Louise [3479], b. Nov. 22, 1847. 2596—2. Julia Allena, b. Aug. 29, 1859. 2597—3. Mary Abby, b. Sept. 8, 1867. 2598. Jemima Ann Rawson7 [1357] (SimonEdward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. David Adams, Feb. 9, 1841, at Mendon, where they settled and now reside. Mr. Adams has been Town Clerk for 18 years and still retains that office. Their children :— 1. Isabella Ppipps (Adams), b. Oct. 27, 1841. 2. Horace Corbett " b. July 18, 1848; m. Cora G. Taft, Oct. 31, 1871. She d. Sept. 23, 1872. 3. Maria Miller " b. Oct. 31, 1850. 2599. Isabella Phipps Adams8 (1), m. Charles H. Spencer, March 8, 1864, at Mendon, Mass. Mr. Spencer enlisted in the 25lh Reg't of Mass. Volunteers, for three years, at the end of which time he reenlisted, and served to the close of the war. Now resides at Worcester, Mass. Children:— 1. Charles E. (Spencer), b. Nov. 19, 1866, at Milford, Mass.; d. Feb. 12, 1868. 2. C. Mabel (Spencer), b. Aug. 12, 1868, at Worcester, Mass. 3. Bertha Adams (Spencer), b. May 23, 1875, at Wor- cester, Mass. 2600. Charles Edward Rawson7 [1358] (Simon6, Edward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Eliza C. Rock-wood. She d. June, 1851; 2d, Maria Elizabeth Johnson, Aug. 1, 1854. Now resides at Natick, Mass. Children :— 2601—1. Abbie M., b. June 20, 1846; d. aged 2 years.SEVENTH GENERATION. 181 2602—2. Walter Emerson, b. Oct. 27, 1847; m. and resides at Natick. 2603—3. Ella Jane, b. June 10, 1850; m. E. Johnson. Has a son. 2604—4. Eliza M., b. Aug. 13, 1859; d. aged 8 years. 2605—5. Charles Manning, b. March 8, 1872; d. in infancy. 2606. Isaac Rawson7 [1369] (Isaac", Jonathan6, William4, William3, William2, Edward'), m. Helen Marr Richardson of Utica, N. Y., May 27, 1851, at Almond, N. Y., where they first settled. Now reside at Hornellsville, Steuben Co., N. Y. He and his son are quite extensive manufacturers of agricultural tools, the most prominent of which is a mower and reaper, they being the patentees. This machine has become quite popular in that vicinity, and finds ready sale throughout the several States. Children :— 2607—1. Grove Pennie, b. April 22, 1853, at Almond, N. Y. 2608—2. Eva Jean, b. May 26, 1855, at Almond, N. Y. 2609—3. Minnie Estelle, b. June 6, 1861, at Almond, N. Y. 2610. David Rawson7 [1370] (Isaac", Jonathan5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Sarah A. Washburn, Sept., 1842; 2d, Miss Richardson. Settled at Rushford, N. Y. He d. Nov., 1874. Children:— 2611—1. Charles Washburn. 2612—2. Lydia Jane. 2613—3. Alice. 2614—4. Helen-, m. Ellory Davis of Belmont, N. Y. 2615—5. Jessie. 2616—6. Frank May. 2617—7. Nina. 2618. Solomon Rawson7 [1371] (Isaac8, Jonathan6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Jane Burr, March 15, 1843, and settled at Almond, N. Y.; a wagon maker. Their children :— 2619—1. Elizabeth. 2620—2. Walter. 2621. Lorenzo Rawson7 [1400] (John6, Edward5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Emily Edmonds of Lewis Co., N. Y. Now resides at Hancock, Wis., and has :— 2622—1. Eugene P., b. May 30, 1857, at Hancock. 2623. Jerome B. Rawson7 [1401] (John6, Edward5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Maggie Shafer, Feb. 4, 1862, at Berlin, Wis., and now resides at Hancock, Wis. Children :— 2624—1. Emma H., b. Feb. 20, 1864. 2625—2. Fred. B., b. Dec. 6, 1868. 2626. Clara M. Rawson7 [1408] (Elijah6, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hollis Boynton, at Craftsbury,182 KAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Vt., and in Oct,, 1833, moved to Lumpkin, Ga. He is dead. She now resides at Atlanta, Ga. Children :— 1. Willie (Boynton). Killed, Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, while in command of the 2d Ga. Reg't. 2. Charlie (BoyDton), is a merchant. 3. Hollis " is a merchant. 4. George " is a merchant. 2627. Eliza H. Rawson7 [1409] (Elijah6, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. William J. Hastings, Apiil 12, 1830, at Craftsbury, Vt., where they settled and now reside. Children:— 1. Edward L., b. May 11, m. Nancy Morse. 2. Eliza Clara, b. June 13; m. William Chamberlin.' 3. Julia R., b. June 9, 1837; m. G. W. Davis; d. Sept. 5, 1873. 2628. Emma P. Rawson7 [1410] (Elijah6, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. William Clapp of Berkshire, Vt., a prosperous merchant. She d. Oct., 1864. He d. in April, 1870 or 1871. Children:— 1. William (Clapp), a merchant; resides at Chicago, 111. 2. Emma " m. Hon. D. N. Bailey, St. Albaus, Yt. 2629. William Allen Raavson7 [1411] (Elijah6, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward'), m. 1st, Julia Root of Montague, Mass., Aug. 28, 1839, at Craftsbury, Vt. She d. near Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1865, leaving one child; 2d, Florida J. Fort of Stewart Co., Ga., May 12, 1870, and now resides at Atlanta, Ga. 2630—1. Susie Julia Eliza, b. Dec. 17, 1854, at Lumpkin, Ga.; m. Charles A. Collier, Jan. 7, 1875, at Atlanta. 2631. Hokace L. Rawson7 [1412] (Elijah6," David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Lucinda Chase; 2d, Jane Grow. Settled at Craftsbury, Vt. Children :— 2632—1. Susan, b. Aug., 1843; m. George S. Storie; resides in Iowa. 2633—2. Edward, b. Oct 14, 1844; resides in Texas. 2634—3. William, b. April, 1848; resides in Texas. 2635—4. Mary, b. April, 1851; m. Charles Hoyt; settled in Crafts- bury. 2636—5. Eliza, b. May 6, 1853. 2637—6. Corydon, b. June 8, 1860, by 2d wife. 2638. Edward Elijah Rawson7 [1413] (Eliiah6, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth W. Clark of Lumpkin, Ga., in 1846, where they lirst settled ; afterwards moved to Atlanta. Children :— » 2639—1. Mary P., m. Jno. Ray, a planter, in 1868.SEVENTH GENERATION. 183 2640- -2. Laura E., m. William Hammond, a lawyer, at Atlanta in 1870. 2641- -3. Emma S., m. Henry Johnson, a merchant at Atlanta. 2642- -4. Carrie V.; m. Thomas Westmoreland, a lawyer at Atlanta in 1874. 2643- -5. Edward, d. in 1856. 2644- -6. Charlie, d. in 1867. 2615- -7. William. 2646- ■8. Sidney. 2647- -9. Louis Lek. 2648. Augustus Young Rawson7 [1415] (Elijah", David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), in. 1st, Eliza Root, June 4, 1850, at Craftsbury, Vt., and settled at Des Moines, Iowa., where she d. Jan. 13, 1864, leaving one child ; 2d, Mary L. Scott of Craftsbury, Vt., April 17, 1866. Now resides at Des Moines, extensively engaged in the coal trade, and a member of the Iowa Central Coal Co. Children :— 2649—1. Mary Eliza, b. Sept. 24, 1851; m. Hardy C. Harris, Nov. 27, 1871, and resides at Des Moines, Iowa. 2650—2. Charles Augustus, b. Mav 29, 1867. 2651—3. Joseph Scott, b. Oct. 22, 1868. 2652—4. Hollis Allen, b. Feb. 26, 1871. 2653—5. Harry Dustin, b. Sept. 1, 1872. 2654. Dr. Chas. Hamilton Rawson7 [1416] (Elijah", David6, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary E. Blake of Swan-ton, Vt., Nov. 17, 1863. Settled at Des Moines, Iowa, where he has an extended reputation and a large practice. Children:— 2655—1, William B., b. Sept. 17, 1864. 2656—2. Lizzie C., b. Aug. 19, 1866. 2657—3. Annie B., b. June 4, 1868. 2658—4. Frank B., b. June 1, 1870. 2659—5. Carrie E., b. July 24, 1872. 2660. Elizabeth A. Rawson7 [1418] (Edward8, David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Abraham Cutting, at Worcester, Mass., in May,, 1835. Children :— 1. Edward F. (Cutting), b. Oct. 8, 1836. 2. Abraham H. " b. Sept. 7, 1839. 2661. Charles E. Rawson7 [1419] (Edward", David\ Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Newton, June 1, 1837, at Westboro', Mass., where they settled. Children :— 2662—1. Daniel C., b. June 10. 1838. 2663—2. Abigail M., b. March 16, 1840; d. in infancy. 2664—3. Edwin F., b. Dec. 19, 1841; d. in infancy. 2665—4. Almer A., b. June 19, 1843; m. Elmira M. Bridges; resides at Woodville, Mass. 2666—5. Warren G., b. Jan. 14, 1845; d. in infancy. 2667—6. Benjamin F., b. April 25, 1846; d. in infancy. 2668—7. Jason G., b. June 23, 1848; d. in infancy. 2669—8. Charles E., b. Jan. 1, 1851; d. in infancy. 2670—9. Austin H., b. March 11, 1853; d. in infancy.184 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2671. Lewis A. Rawson7 [1421] (Edward6, David6, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Chloe K. Leach, Aug. 1, 1836, at Shutesbury, Mass. Settled first at Westboro'. Now reside at Worcester. Children :— 2672—1. Sara E. [3480], b. July 12, 1839. 2673—2. Julia R., b. Nov. 28, 1841. 2674—3. Lottie E., b. April 29, 1843; m. Albert F. Mayers, Sept. 24, 1874. 2675—4. Lewis N., b. March 16, 1845; m. Hattie A. Mayers, Sept. 24, 1874. 2676. Susan B. Rawson7 [1425] (Edward", David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Melvin Swift of Bridgewater, Mass., Dec. 26, 1844, at Westboro', Mass. Settled at Bridge-water, where they reside. Children :— 1. Flora C. i^Swift), b. April 16, 1849. 2. Edward M. " b. Sept. 8, 1851. 3. F. Dean " b. May 18, 1854. 4. Jennie F. " b. Nov. 21, 1856; d. Feb. 8, 1858. 5. Minnie G. " b. July 30, 1859. 2677. Emily M. Rawson7 [1427] (Edward", David6, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward'), m. Edmund H. Priest, Jan. 1, 18.50, and s. at Westboro', Mass. Now reside there. Children :— 1. Emma Frances (Priest), b. April 12, 1851. 2. Sarah Elizabeth " b. Dec. 8, 1854; d. aged 3 years. 3. Adelaide Rebecca" b. Jan. 5, 1860. 4. Angelina Danforth (Priest), b. May 23, 1864. 2678. George M. Rawson7 [1428] (Edward", David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Ophelia M. Stearns, Aug. 15, 1855, at Lexington, Mass. Now resides at Boston. Children :— 2679—1. Elton M., b. Sept. 24, 1856, at Westboro'; d. Nov. 15, 1856. 2680—2. Ida O., b. April 6, 1858, at Wakham; d. May 4, 1861. 2681—3. Lottie F., b. Jan. 26, 1860, at Auburndale. 2682—4. Minnie M., b. Nov. 1. 1862, at Boston. 2683—5. Edward S., b. March 4, 1868, at Boston. 2684. Elizabeth Rawson7 [1431] (Elliot6, Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward'), m. Jonathan Price, Oct, 14, 1824, and settled at Brimfield, Portage Co., Ohio. She d. in the Fall of 1837. The family now live in Illinois. Children:— 1. William (Price), b. July 10, 1826. 2. Ebenezer " b. Oct. 26, 1828. 3. Elvira " b. March 12, 1831. 4. Elizabeth " b. Aug. 29, 1833. 5. Eliza " b. May 27, 1837. 2685. Hannah Rawson7 [1432] (Elliot6, Josiah6, Josiah4,SEVENTH GENERATION. 185 David3, William2, Edward1), m. David Jennings of Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio, Nov. 13, 1825. Children :— 1. Andrew J. (Jennings), b. Jan. 15, 1827; m. Sophia P. Trowbridge. 2. David Rawson " b. April 23, 1830; m. Elizabeth H.. Monroe, Sept. 27, 1860. He is a dentist; settled at Cleveland, Ohio. They have :— 1. William M. (Jennings), b. Aug. 6, 1866. 2. Andrew R. " b. May 2, 1870. 2686. Ebenezer Rawson7 [1433] (Elliot", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Lincoln, Oct. 2, 1836. Settled first at Brimfield, Ohio. He was a mason by trade. Was so unfortunate as to lose all his property in the erection of a Stone Jail for Portage Co., Ohio. Was elected Justice of the Peace. Afterwards spent two seasons in Mass., superintending some part of the Boston Water Works ; also, two seasons on the Water Works at Washingion, D. C. He died June 25, 1865, at Tonto-ganv, Ohio. She d. June 6, 1866. Children :— 2687—1. Emma, b. July 10, 1837; m. Dr. J. J. Blecker, Jan. 4, 1865; d. Jan. 8, 1865. 2688—2. Charles, b. April 3, 1842; d. in 1857. 2689. Sarah Rawson7 [1434] (Elliot", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Newel D. Clark of Ravenna, Ohio, April 9, 1835. Mr. Clark is now President of the First National Bank of Ravenna. Children :— 1. Amelia (Clark), b. May 13, 1836; d. Sept. 16, 1837. 2. Laura A. " b. June 8, 1838; in. Henry Beecher; d. March 12, 1858. 2690. Czarina Rawson7 [1435] (Elliot", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. George L. Harper. Settled at Ravenna, Ohio. Children:— 1. Sophronia Amelia (Harper), b. March 18, 1846; d. May 21, 1849. 2. Flora Roseltha " b. Aug. 17, 1851. 3. George Elliot " b. May 4, 1854. 2691. Diansa Rawson7 [1438] (Josiah0, .Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. George W. Hammond, M. D., of Gilsum, N. H., Jan. 25, 1827. Dr. Hammond was twice a Member of the State Senate. He was a man of much influence and ability. He moved to Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y., in Feb. 1866. He d. Jan. 30, 1872. Had one child:— 1. George (Hammond), b. May 16, 1830; m. Almlna Snell, Oct. 12, 1857, at Stockbridge, where they now reside. Children:— 1. Fredric S. (Hammond). 2. Edwin G. 24186 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2692. Eunice Rawson7 [1440] (Josiah0, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Rodney Gregg of Stockbridge, N. Y., and settled at Pennellville, Oswego Co., N. Y. Have two children :— 1. Ambrose (Gregg). 2. George W. H. (Gregg). 2693. Ambrose Gregg8 (1), m. Robena Parker. He keeps a hotel, and has a large farm; has one child:— 1. Florencic (Gregg). 2694. Mahala Rawson7 [1441] (Josiah9, Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Elliot Pratt of Hamilton, N. Y., June 2, 1840, where they first settled; afterwards went to Whitewater, Wis., where he d. Jan. 22, 1855. Children :— 1. Florence A. (Pratt), b. Oct. 12, 1841, at Hamilton, N. Y. 2. Lucius W. " b. Dec. 2, 1844, at Whitewater, Wis. 2695. Florence Angelia Pratt9 (1), m. Daniel Comstock Trippe, Sept. 1, 1858, and s. at Whitewater, Wis. Children:— 1. James Elliot (Trippe), b. Aug. 23, 1859. 2. William Wells " b. Aug. 7, 1861. 3. Edward Rawson " b. Feb. 26, 1864. 4. Alison Pratt " b.-; d. in infancy. 5. Daniel Comstock (Trippe), b. Feb. 12, 1869. 6. Clinton Grove " b. Nov. 17, 1872. 2696. Josiah Rawson7 [1443] (Josiah0, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Hannah Foster of Stock-bridge, N. Y. She d. leaving two children. 2d, Lavina Stain of same place. He d. Sept. 30, 1872. Children:— 2697—1. Charles F., d. young. 2698—2. Louisa, m. Chauncey Quackenboss; s. at Oneida, N. Y.; has one child, Earl. 2699—3. Joseph S. 2700. David Rawson7 [1445] (Josiah9, Josiah5, Josiah4, David8, William2, Edward1), ra. 1st, Fidelea Nash of Smithfield, N. Y. ; s. at Siloam. She d. leaving six children. 2d, Elizabeth Woodward, by whom he had one child, Children :— 2701—1. Estella. 2702—2. Lewis. 2703—3. Florence. 2704—4. David Arlow. 2705—5. Charles. 2706—6. Julius F. 2707—7. Sarah. 2708. Tryphena Rawson7 [1446] (Josiah6, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Edward Dunlap of Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., and have one child :— 1. Ella Josephine (Dunlap), m. Henry Thonjpgon of Oneida.SEVENTH GENERATION. 187 2709. Emery Rawson7 [1448] (Simeon6, Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1)," m. Julia A. Wells of Windsor, Vt., Feb. 8, 1835 ; is a farmer and resides near Whitewater, Wis. Children :— 2710—1. Harriet, m. Dr. Elisha Horton, and has two children, Emery and Minnie. 2711—2. Charles, d. young. 2712—3. George, a soldier in the late war; wounded; d. in hospital, at Madison, Wis. 2713—4. McKendrie, m. Jennie Jarvis; has one child. 2714—5. Lizzie, b. April 9, 1847; m. H. A. Starin, Oct. 23, 1873; r. at Whitewater, Wis. Have one child. 2715. Clarrissa Rawson7 [1449] (Simeon6, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hubbard Graves, April 15, 1827, at Lyndon, Vt. She d. May 6, 1869. Children:— 1. Lucinda L. (Graves), b. Aug. 30, 1832, at Lyndon, Yt. 2. Silas " b. Dec. 18, 1837, at Lenox, N. Y.; d. Jan. 10, 1867, in Ga. 3. Abel Rawson (Graves), b. March 31, 1840, at Lenox, N. Y. 4. Maria " b Aug. 12, 1842, at Lenox, N. Y. 2716. Lucinda L. Graves8 (1), m. Horace E. Spaulding, July 18, 1852. He died Feb. 6, 1861, at Lyndon, Yt. Children :— 1. Ella A. (Spaulding), b. March 24, 1854, at St. Johns-bury, Yt. • 2. Flora E. " b. April 18, 1856, at Lyndon, Vt. 2716£. Maria Graves8 (4), m. Faxon Kidder, Sept. 17, 1870; settled at Irasburgli, Vt. Have :— I. Willie H. (Kidder), b. Oct. 31, 1872. 2717. Lorenzo Rawson7 [1450] (Simeon6, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary King, April 28, 1833, at Enfield, Conn.; she d. leaving seven children. 2d, Sally Bolton, June 24, 1852. Children :— 2718—1. Mary Helen, b. 1834. 2719—2. Lorenzo, b. 1836. 2720—3. Alonzo, b. 1838. 2721—4. John Gray, b. 1840. 2722—5. Carlos Lineas, b. 1843. 2723—6. Flora Jane, b. 1846. 2724—7. Angelia, b. 1848. 2725—8. Eva Caroline, b. 1854. 2726—9. Emma, b. 1858. 2727—10. Jenna, b. 1860. 2728. Franklin Rawson7 [1451] (Simeon8, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hannah Parmelia Cooley at Granby, Mass., June 1, 1836. Had one child :— 2729—1. Erskinn Ebenezer [3481], b. April 20, 1837, at So. Hadley Falls, Mass.188 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2730. Abet, H. Rawson7 [1452] (Simeon6, Josiah6, Josiah4, David', William2, Edward1), m. Eliza Foster, June 6, 1838 ; s. 1st, at Stockbridge, N. Y. ; now resides at Northtield, Minn. ; is a miller. Children :— 2731—]. Milton A., b. May 14, 1839. 2732—2. Flora E., b. June 3, 1845; d. Dec. 5, 1860. 2733—3. Sarah, U . , t , „ 10,„ 2734—4. Willis, } twins> b< J,lly 2' 1848" 2735. Dolly G. Rawson7 [1453] (Simeon', Josiah6, Josiah4r David3, William11, Edward1), m. Ebenezer Cram. Children :— 1. Anson (Crain), b. July 27, 1838; a farmer; r. at Ben- nett's Corners, N. Y. 2. Cynthia Amelia (Crain), b. Sept. 24, 1840; d. Sept. 24, 1853. 3. Corydon " b. Dec. 21, 1847; graduate of Madison University in 1870; a Baptist minister, preaching now (1874) at Maulius, N. Y. 2736. Lucius Elliot Rawson7 [1457] (Simeon", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Elviri D. Lewis, Aug. 15, 1850, at Koshkonong, Wis., where he now resides. Has:— 2737—1. Herbert Elliot, b. May 11, 1852. 2738. Huldah H. Rawson7 [1458] (Simeon", Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. William Forrest, Oct. 15, 1847 ; a farmer ; s. near Whitewater, Wis. Children :— 1. Elizabeth (Forrest), b. 1848; d. 1849. 2. Nelson E. " b. 1850. 3. Harriet C. " b. 1852; m. Robert Grant, Nov. 1, 1874. 4. Jennie " b. 1857. g | Twins, b. 1866. 2739. Lydia P. Rawson7 [1459] (Simeon", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Samuel Hannah, Jan. 18, 1855 ; s. near Whitewater, Wis. Children :— 1. Jay (Hannah), b. 1855. 2. Mary " b. 1857. 3. Cory " b. 1859. 4. Douglas " b. 1861. 5. Frank " b. 1863. 6. Ella " b. 1865. 7. Minnie " b. 1867. 8. Freddy " b. 1871. 2740. Alonzo Rawson7 [1460£] (Jonathan", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), was b. at Richmond, N. H., Feb. 28, 1809; left home in 1830 for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained about four years; then went to Louisville, Ky., where he m. FrancesSEVENTH GENERATION. 189 Augusta Castleman, Jan. 11, 1838; he was a wholesale merchant there nearly twenty-five years ; also President ol the Board of Trade of that .city ; for the past few years has spent the most of his time at Chicago, 111., where he has a daughter living ; but still claims a residence at Louisville. Children :— 2741—1. Mary [3483], b. Oct. 23, 1838. 2742—2. Alonzo Castluman [3484], b June 1, 1840. 2743—3. George Edward [3487], b. March 19, 1844. 2744. Orrin Raw-son7 [1461] (Jonathan6, Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), in. Julia Putnam, Dec. 14, 1840, at Chesterfield, N. H.; now resides at Louisville, Ky. ; a merchant. Children:— 2745—1. Julia P., b. May 7,1842, at Worcester, Mass.; m. R. T. Scowden, a civil engineer; r. at Cincinnati, Ohio, and is engineer of the City Water Works there. 2746—2. Mary C. [3490], b. .Aug. 17, 1846, at Boston, Mass. 2747—3. Fannie L., b. June 27, 1850, at Boston, Mass. 2748—4. Charles E., b. March 3, 1854, at Boston, Mass. 2749—5. Stella L., b. Aug. 12, 1857, at Cleveland, Ohio. 2750—6. Nellie C., b. Sept. 8, 1859, at Louisville, Ky.; died July 28, 1864. 2751—7. Willie P., b. Jan. 7, 1862, at Louisville, Ky. 2752. Angelia Rawson7 [1462] (Jonathan", Josiah5, Josiah4, David9, William", Edward1), m. Uberto Bowen, Aug. 11, 1839, at Richmond, N. II., where they s. and now reside. Children:— 1. Henry R. (BowenJ, b. June 13, 1840; in. Jennie C. Curtis, Nov. 22, 1871. 2. Alonzo C. (Bowen), b. May 23, 1843, at Richmond, N. H. 3. Ellen L. " b. Dec. 4, 1846, at Richmond, N. H. • 4. Albert J. " b. April 26, 1848; m. Ada M. Rayleigh, Dec. 24, 1873. 5. Frank P. (Bowen), b. Oct. 1, 1851; m. Lauratt L. Bryant, Dec. 12, 1872. 2753. Alonzo C. Bowen8 (2). m. Minnie C. Tracy, Nov. 25, 1869, at Louisville, Ky., where he now resides; a merchant. Has one child:— 1. Alick A. (Bowen), b. Oct. 3, 1872. 2754. Ellen M. Bowen8 (3), m. Fred. A. Bowen, Dec. 4, 1862, at Keene, N. H., where they reside, and have :— 1. Eugene (Bowen), b. Oct. 25, 1865, at Richmond, N. H. 2. Eva " b. March 10, 1867, at Richmond, N. H. 2755. Ashley Pond Rawson7 [1472] (Clark6, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1),™. Adaline Crego, June 30, 1840, at Ticonderoga, N. Y.; s. at Schroon, where he was elected Justice of the Peace for many successive terms, and in the Fall of 1873, Justice of the Court of Sessions for Essex County. Children :— 2756—1. Harriet Larrabee [3491], b. May 12, 1841. 2757—2. Sidney Fuller [3492], b. Dec. 15, 1843.190 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2758. Almedia. Bass Rawscw7 [1473] (Clark", Simeon5, Josiah4, David", William3, Edward1), m. Col. Hiram Buck of Crown Point, N. Y., Feb. 1836. Col. Buck was born at Brid-port, Addison Co., Vt., and went to Crown Point when about the age of twenty, to look after his father's estate; he having been extensively engaged, with a brother, in carrying on a brisk and successful mercantile and lumbering business, and leaving behind a comfortable fortune. The Colonel was engaged principally (besides a store) in real estate speculations, which proved to be quite successful, and at his death (which occurred Feb. 7, 1864), was one of the largest land owners in that State. The widow survives him. Children:— 1. Hiram (Buck), b. Feb. 1839. 2. Almedia " b. Feb. 1842. 3. Rawson Clark (Buck), b. Oct. 1844. 2759. Lieut. Hiram Buck8 (1), m. Amanda Russell, Feb. 21, 1860, dau. of Samuel Russell, Esq., of Crown Point, N. Y. A most amiable, accomplished and intelligent lady. Lieut. B. exhibited, in his youth, a fondness for all that is beautiful in nature, as well as a strong desire to gain knowledge. At the age of sixteen he entered Fort Edward Institute, where he remained about two years devoting his time to Civil Engineering, Geology, &c., and taking an active part in all the public exercises of the school, much to the credit of himself and satisfaction to his tutors. While at that institution he began the collection of a Natural History, Curiosity and Geological Cabinet, to which he has constantly been adding until it is now quite a museum, containing many very rare specimens. In 1858, at the suggestion of his father, he organized a company of Light Infantry under the State Militia law. It was designated Company H, 31st Reg. N. Y. S. M. Young Buck was elected 1st Lieut. When the Civil War broke out, he, with his fellow officers, and a large portion of this company, promptly tendered their services to aid in the preservation of the Union. The places of those who declined to enlist to go forward were soon replaced with fresh recruits, and after a few days drill, the Lieut, bade adieu to his young wife and infant daughter; took his departure early in June, 1861, with over one hundred men, for the scene of action. They enlisted for three years, and formed Co. H of the 34th Reg. N. Y. S. Vol. Infantry, and were assigned to 2d Division of the 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac. The hot climate of the South, together with the sudden changes of diet and exposures of camp life, soon produced a serious change in the condition of his health (being of rather delicate constitution), and while stationed at Camp Kal-lorama he became completely prostrate from the deranged condition of his system. He dually was compelled, though with much reluctance, to resign his commission, in order that he might reach home alive; where, after skillful treatment and careful nursing for weeks and months, his health partially returned, although for years he was physically weak. He retained the love and respect of his company, and when he met themSEVENTH GENERATION. 191 on their return home from the war, they gave him a warm and hearty welcome, at the same time ^presenting him with a beautiful Army Corps badge. He has held the office of Notary Public for many years; also several minor Town offices; is a regular correspondent of several newspapers, and his modest nom-de-plume ("Nemo") has attained some little distinction in the literary world. The lines below are from his pen, and were suggested by the following clause in a letter he received from the lamented honest Horace Greeley during the Presidential Campaign of 1872 : "I shall not be discouraged, for I know we are right, and right must prevail in the end." EIGHT MUST PREVAIL. by lieut. hi. buck. How long sball float that tarnished flag? Flag of revenge and hatel The flag of -victory in the strife, But now, vile politician's bait. It is not like our Stars and Stripes. Red, white and blue, sublimely blended, Emblem still of harmony, Though sadly tattered, worn and mended. Each stripe, a sister State— The old, fraternal, grand thirteen, Firmly united, side by side— A common cause, ours once has been. Coquetting Stars! cold field of blue! Numerous, but yet divided; , Let's push them closer, each to each, Till, as the Stripes, tbey are united. If brothers of the South have erred— Gone blindly, heedlessly astray— By might of arms we've forced them back, And must keep them in the way. Let us be wise; be generous: For well can we afford To stretch our hand to prostrate foe, And speak the kindly word. Then let's be "Liberal 1" that's the word, Though scheming politicians frown; Let's run true "union colors" up, And haul their "flag of hatred" down. Should avarice, money, power, revenge. United, cause us once to fall, Press on I for well we know we're right 1 » And "right must in the end prevail." Crown Point Centre, N. C., Oct. 1872. Children:— 1. Viva Ada (Buck), b. Feb. 9, 1861, at Crown Point, N. Y. 2. Effie Russell (Buck), b. Sept. 29, 1863, at Crown Point, N. Y. 3. Hiram " b. Feb. 23, 1868, at Crown Point, N. Y. 4. Clifford Hand " b. Dec. 22, 1873, at Crown Point, N. Y. 2760. Almedia R. Buck8 (2), m. Paris S. Russdl, July 3, 1862; s. at Schroon Lake, Essex Co., N. Y. Children :— 1. Ada (Russell), b. March 19, 1863. 2. Belle " b. Dec, 14, 1864.192 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3. Almedia (Russell), b. Nov. 25, 1865; d. Jail. 13, 1867. 4. Almedia " b. April 21, 1867. 5. . Katu " b. March 9, 1869. 6. Samuel " b. June 10, 1870. 7. Jessih " b. Sept. 21, 1871. 2761. Rawson Clark Buck8 (3), ra. Emma Adel Myrick, Sept, 15, 1868. at Bridport, Vt., and s. at Crown Point Centre, where he now resides; a merchant; a member of the firm of Trimble & Buck, and has been quite successful. Has one child :— 1. Almedia Milly (Buck), b. June 12, 1870. 2762. Jane Ann Rawson7 [1474] (Clark6, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. James Wilson Treadway, of Shoreham, Vt., Oct. 1834. Children:— 1. Almedia Rawson (Treadway), b. Feb. 22,1836; m. Olion A. Whittemore; r. at Denver. Col. 2. Ashley L. (Treadway), b. June 10, 1837; died Aug. 1852-3. 3. Benjamin Pond " b. Oct. 3, 1840; is a dentist. 4. James Rawson " b. March 5, 1843; resides at Denver, Col. 5. Linus C. " b. 1849; d. 1850. 6. Clara Pond " b. Feb. 23, 1851. 2763. Harriet Hold en Rawson7 [1475] (Clark6, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Linus C. Lockwood, March, 1836, at Schroon, Essex Co., N. Y.; by occupation, a wheelwright. Children :— 1. Rosalia (Lockwood), b. April, 1840; m. William Ful- ler ; r. at Schroon, N. Y. 2. Edward L. (Lockwood), b. Oct. 1850; m. Betsey Wil- cox, in 1871; r. at Schroon, N. Y. 2764. Maria Louisa Rawson7 [1476] (Clark6, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hiram S. Potter, M. D., Jan. 7, 1844. He d. Aug. 4, 1869, at Schroon Lake, Essex Co., N. Y. ; a graduate of Castleton Medical College, and distinguished as a scholar and physician. Children :— 1. Hiram Rawson (Potter), b. April 17, 1845; died Dec. 29, 1849. 2. Clark Rawson " b. July 7, 1847. 3. Hiram Spencer " b. Oct. 20, 1851. 2765. Dr. Clark Holden Rawson7 [1478] (Clark6, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William", Edward1), m. Carrie A. Brownel of Strawberry Point, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1858. He studied medicine with Dr. H. S. Potter, a brother-in-law, at Schroon, N. Y. ; graduated at the Castleton (Vt.) Medical College in 1844. After a practice of several years at Schroon, with his tutor, he moved to Western Illinois, where he won the highest regard of his fellow citizens by the unflinching discharge of his duty in attending theSEVENTH GENERATION. 193 sick during the prevalence of the epidemic, Cholera, in 1854. He finally settled at Strawberry Point, Clayton Co., Iowa, where he has long been a successful physician, a prominent and highly esteemed citizen. Has one child :— 2766—1. Edward Clark, b. April 8, 1866, at Strawberry Point. 2767. Lucius Seneca Rawson7 [1479] (Clark6, Simeon6, Jo-siah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Julia A. Garfield, June 9, 1863 ; s. at Schroon, Essex Co., a farmer. Has one child :— 2768—1. Louisa, b. March 4, 1864. 2769. John B. Rawson7 [1480] (Clark", Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Ellen Harrison, Oct. 9, 1851, at Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where they now reside. She was a daughter of Dr. Harrison of that place. Mr. Rawson is a dentist. Children :— 2770—1. Ella H., b. June 24, 1853. 2771—2. J. Emma, b. June 1, 1855. 2772—3. Hattie L., b. Sept. 10, 1856. 2773—4. JohnB., b. Sept. 13, 1858. 2774—5. Clark H., b. Sept. 10, 1861. 2775—6. Lizzie L., b. Aug. 9, 1865. 2776—7. Mary, b. 1868; d. 1872. 2777. Laverna Pond Rawson7 [1481] (Clark0, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Dr. L. L. Dolittle, Oct. 20, 1851, and d. March 25, 1858, at Crown Point Centre, Essex Co., N. Y. Children :— 1. Ella Rawson (Dolittle). b. Dec. 15, 1852; m. Thomas Johnson; s. in Nebraska. 2. Frank Rawson (Dolittle), b. Oct. 1855; d. 1861. 3. Laverna " b. March, 1858. 2778. Edward Pond Rawson7 [1482] (Clark6, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Loana Howard of Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in Aug. 1853, and r. at Strawberry Point, Iowa, where he d. Sept. 24, 1864, leaving two sons : — 2779—1. Freddie, b. March, 1859. 2780—2. Charles, b. March, 1861. 2781. Simeon Holden Rawson7 [1489] (Simeon8, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Seraph E. Cook of Shore-ham, Yt., in 1853 ; is a farmer and resides at Whiting, Yt. Children :— 2782—1. Etta A., b. 1854, at Shoreham, Yt. 2783—2. Fred. C., b. 1861, at Whiting, Yt. 2784—3. Frank H., b. 1866, at Whiting, Yt. 25194 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2785. Duane B. Rawson7 [1490] (Simeon", Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Hannah Weeks, April 29, 1847, at Chester, N. Y. ; s. at Schroon ; a farmer. Children:— 2786—1. Lee, d. aged 19 years. 2787—2. Charlie, d. aged 17 years. 2788—3. Lewis, d. aged 12 years. 2789—4. Henry, b. 1862. 2790. Safford W. Rawson7 [1491] (Simeon6, Simeon6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Prince of Water-town, N. Y., March 22, 1865, at Chicago, 111., where he settled and now resides; a lawyer. Has one daughter :— 2791—1. Edith, b. Aug. 4, 1870. 2792. Levi Jefferson Rawson7 [1494] (Simeon6, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Smallwood Burns, Oct. 9, 1866, at Fairport, N. Y., and s. at Peofield, Monroe Co., N. Y., where he now resides, engaged in the nursery business. Children:— 2793—1. Levi Jackson, b. July 18, 1867. 2794—2. John Simeon, b. July 9, 1868. 2795—3. Addison B. Washington, b. July 2, 1870. 2796—4. Lotta Mond Josie Armlda, b. June 11, 1872. 2797. Caroline O. Rawson7 [1504] (Safford0, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Edward W. Van Allen, Jan. 18, 1860, at LeRoy, N. Y., where they now reside. Children:— 1. Elijah Rawson (Van Allen), b. April 16, 1861. 2, Caroline E. " b. March 4, 1869. 2798. Anna Holden Raavson7 [1513] (Josiah6, Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. B. F. Bliss, Aug. 17, 1856, and r. at Earleville, 111. Children :— 1. Frances Eliza (Bliss), b. Aug. 23, 1857. 2. George F. " b. March 5, 1859. 3. Russell D. " b. May 19, 1863. 4. Byrdine «' b. Feb. 4, 1868. 2799. Saraii Jane Rawson7 [1514] (Josiah", Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), in. Edwin Saltsman, Dec. 2, 1857, and r. at Earleville, 111. Has one daughter:— 1. Velma (Saltsman), b. Oct. 20, 1858. 2800. George Washington Rawson7 [1515] (Josiah", Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Marion Davidson, Feb. 8, 1866. Has one child :— 2801—1. Josephine, b. Feb. 2, 1871.SEVENTH GENERATION. 195 2802. Mary Frances Rawson7 [1516] (Josiah", Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. George W. Avery, Nov. 20, 1860, at Earleville, 111. Has one son :— 1. Edwin J. (Avery), b. Aug. 17, 1869. 2803. Harvey E. Rawson7 [1521] (Jonathan6, Jonathan6, Josiah4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Bathiah B. Hayward of Ac worth, N. H., Aug. 22, 1850. Has two children :— 2804—1. Ardela. 2805—2. George Walice. 2806. Dr. Alonzo Rawson7 [1522] (Jonathan9, Jonathan6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), in. Lucy Amelia B. Rawson, dau. of Dr. Secretary Rawson of Richfield, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1855, and r. at Des Moines, Iowa. Children :— 2807—1. Nellie E., b. Sept. 11, 1861. 2808—2. Lonnie S , b. Nov. 18, 1864. 2809. Henry C. Rawson7 [1523] (Jonathan", Jonathan6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Hyde, Nov. 24, 1858. Have an adopted daughter :— 3810—1. Mary A., b. Dec. 25, 1851. 2811. Franklin A. Rawson7 [1524] (Jonathan6, Jonathan5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Carrie E. Dean of Goffs-town, N. H., Oct. 27, 1861 ; s. at Newport, N. H. Children 2812—1. Morton Otis, b. March 26, 1868. 2813—2. Shirley J., b. March 9, 1870. 2814. Ellen E. Rawson7 [1525] (Jonathan8, Jonathan6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Moses Walker Dexter, March 13, 1862 ; s. at Philadelphia, Pa. Children ;— 1. Elizabeth Blanche (Dexter), b. Jan. 26, 1863. 2. Henry Leon " b. April 16, 1865. 3. Ellen Rawson " b. Feb. 8, 1870. 4. Alma Edith " b. Sept. 5, 1873. 2815. Edmund A. Rawson7 [1526] (Jonathan6, Jonathan6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah E. Burton, Jan. 31, 1867, at Des Moines, Iowa; s. at Waukee, Iowa, where he now resides. Children:— 2816—1. Blanchie Ella, b. May 6, 1870. 2817—2. Jonathan Edmund, b. Nov. 9, 1873. 2818. Jonathan Ansel Rawson7 [1527] (Jonathan6, Jonathan5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Charlotte Ransom Fletcher of Alburgh, Vt., Oct. 13, 1869, at Keene, N. H. ; s. at196 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Amherst, Mass., where he now resides; a merchant. Has one child:— 2819—1. Jonathan Ansel, Jr., b. Nov. 15, 1871. 2820. Martha L. Rawson7 [1528] (Jonathan0, Jonathan5, Jo-siah4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Rev. Alfred F. Marsh, Aug. 7,1867. Children:— 1. Frank Chester (Marsh), b. Jan. 4, 1869; died Aug. 7, 1869. • 2. Roland H. " b. May 8, 1870. 3. Walter K. " b. April 17, 1872. 2821. Sarah Rawson7 [1537] (Lemuel6, Lemuel5, Josiah4, David', William2, Edward'), m. Ansel Phinney, Nov. 27, 1836, at New Salem, Mass.; s. at Orange. Children :— 1. Adelaide (Phinney), b. Oct. 9, 1837. 2. Phissilla " b. Dec. 18, 1839; m. George Phelps of Athol, Jan. 18, 1865; d. July 8, 1865. 3. Melissa (Phinney), b. March 13, 1842. 4. Sylvester " b. April 19, 1846; d. Jan. 12, 1867. 5. Rosalthe " b. May 13, 1849. 2822. Adelaide Phinney" (1), m. Albert Joel Johnson, Nov. 5, 1856, at Athol; s. at Orange, Mass. Children :— 1. Henry D. (Johnson), b. Mav 26, 1858. 2. Frank L. " b. Sept. 20, 1860. 3. Charles A. " b. Aug. 29, 1863. 4. Walter M. " b. Dec. 11, 1865. 5. Homer J. " b. Oct. 1, 1869. 6. Waldo A. " b. Jau. 19, 1874. 2823. Rosalthe Phinney8 (5), m. James S. Howard, Aug. 30, 1866, at Richmond, N. H.; s. at Orange, Mass. Children :— 1. Eddie S. S. (Howard), b. June 21, 1867. 2. AliceS. " b. Aug. 20, 1869; died Dec. 6, 1869. 2824. Martha Rawson7 [1539] (Lemuel6, Lemuel5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Michael Trask, June 7, 1848. She was his 2d wife; he having previously m. her sister (Milly Rawson), May 22, 1844. She d. March 18, 1847, leaving one son, Alden F. (Trask), b. Feb. 25, 1847. Martha's Children :— 1. Sylvanus M. (Trask), b. March 23, 1849, at Hard- wick, Mass. 2. Alpheus H. " b. Aug. 1, 1851, at Hardwiok, Mass.; d. Oct. 12, 1851. 3. Lemuel, R. (Trask), b. Sept. 19, 1852, at Orange, Mass.; d. Aug. 28, 1857. 4. Martha Rebecca (Trask), b. Oct. 11, 1854, at Orange, Mass.; d. April 13, 1855. 5. Florence Eveline (Trask), b. Oct. 13, 1856, at Orange, Mass.; d. Nov. 21, 1856. 6. Warner Eldridge (Trask), b. Feb. 27, 1859, at Orange, Mass. 7. Allen Lincoln " b. Oct. 17, 1872, at Orange, Mass.SEVENTH GENERATION. 197 2825. Abel Rawson7 [1543] (Lemuel0, Lemuel6, Josiah4, Da-vid3, William2, Edward1), m. Olynda Bird Billiard, Nov. 28, 1850, at Athol, Mass. ; s. at New Salem ; he enlisted July 25, 1862, in the 36th Reg. Mass. Vols., Co. C. Sept. 6, while on board steamship Merrimac, anchored in front of Alexandria, Va., he received a fall, injuring his spine so that he was confined at Queen Street Hospital six months, when he was discharged for disability, March, 2, 1863, and returned home. He has since lost the use of one eye in consequence of the fall. Children :— 2826—1. Sarah Bird, b. Oct. 12, 1851; m. Alfred A. Rogers, July 4, 1869. 2827—2. Ella Eliza, b. Nov. 6, 1853; m. James L. Howard, Oct. 1, 1871. 2828—3. Eddie Allen, b. May 12, 1856. 2829—4. Charles A., b. Sept. 2, 1858. 2830—5. Emily Rebecca, b. July 9, 1864. 2831. Marble Cornelius Rawson7 [1544] (Lemuel8, Lemuel5, Josiah4, David", William'2, Edward1), m. Lucy Ann Johnson, Nov. 27, 1856, at Prescott, Mass. ; s. at Orange. Children :— 2832—1. Amy Lucretia, b. Oct. 3, 1858; d. April 7, 1864. 2833—2. Dora Lillian, b. Jan. 3, 1861. 2834—3. Lena Viola, b. March 13, 1865. 2835—4. Willie Miner, b. Sept. 11, 1866. 2836—5. May Bell, b. July 8, 1868. 2837. Lemuel H. Rawson7 [1545] (Lemuel6, Lemuel5, Josiah4, David9, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Persis A. L. Bliss, Nov. 4, 1855 ; she d. Dec. 13, 1858, leaving two children. 2d, Mary A. Goddard, Jan. 15, 1867; s. at Royalston, Mass. She d. May* 25, 1873. Children :— 2838—1. Mary A., b. Dec. 2, 1856. 2839—2. Volney 0., b. Dec. 6, 1858. 2840—3. Lilla M., b. Sept. 26, 1868. 2841—4. Sarah A., b. May 23, 1873; d. Aug. 16, 1873. 2842. Sarah Ann E. Rawson7 [1550] (Secretary", Lemuel5, Josiah4, David", William2, Edward1), m. Austin McNeal, Jan. 26, 1859. Children :— 1. Lucy M. (McNeal), b. Oct. 21, 1862. 2. Otis R. " b. Dec. 5, 1872. 2843. Dr. Milton E. Rawson7 [1558] (La Quinio6, Lemuel5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), ru. Julia Kridler, Sept. 14, 1858, at Fremont, Ohio, where he now resides. Children :— 2844—1. Estella S., b. June 17, 1861. 2845—2. Margaret, b. Oct. 26, 1863. 2846—3. Kate E., b. Jan. 2, 1867. 2847. Joseph L. Rawson7 [1560] (La Quinio", Lemuel5,198 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Margaret A. Gelpin, Sep. 15, 1859, at Fremont, Ohio, where he now resides; a merchant. Children :— 2848—1. Sophia E., b. July 4, 1860. 2849—2. Jennib A., b. Feb. 7, 1863. 2850—3. La Quinio G., b. Oct. 28, 1871. 2851. Louise Rawson7 [1582] (Lyman8, Abner6, Ebenezer4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. John R. Wood, at Rumford, Me. He resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; a wholesale manufacturer of jewelry. Children:— 1. Lyman Rawson (Wood), b. Sept. 19, 1862. 2. Samuel Hildreth " b. July 29, 1866. 3. St. John " b. Jan. 25, 1868. 2852. Alanson Mellen Rawson7 [1589] (George", Abner6, Ebenezer4, David3, William3, Edward1), m. Julia Anna Thorp of Cairo, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 2, 1872 ; resides at Boston, Mass. Have one child :— 2853—1. Charles Thresher, b. Jan. 27, 1875. 2854. Pelatiah Rawson7 [1623] (Pelatiah6, Paul6, Samuel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Julia Peck of Westmoreland, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1817. He was a grad. of Hamilton College in 1817. For a number of years he was a successful teacher and civil engineer in Whitesborough, N. Y. ; d. at Jamaica, L. I., Aug. 24, 1847. Children :— 2855—1. Hellen J. [3495], b. Sept. 6, 1818. 2856—2. Juliet, b. April 16, 1820; ra. Horace Pemberton; d. 1859. 2857—3. Cornelia [3496], b. Dec. 15, 1824. 2858—4. Caroline A., b. Sept. 24, 1826; m. Edward Peck; d. 1868. 2859—5. Harriet S. [3497], b. Aug. 24, 1828. 2860—6. Frances E., b. Sept. 24, 1830; m. Charles C. Kingsley. 2861—7. I. Newton, b. Feb. 2, 1833. 2862—8. Sarah P., b. June 2, 1836; m. Rodney G. Kimball. 2863—9. Charles S., b. Aug. 8, 1839; an artist; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 2864. Joel Rawson7 [1625] (Joel8, Paul6, Samuel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Amanda -. Settled in New Marlboro', Mass. Had :— 2865—1. Moses S., b. Nov. 4, 1816. 2866—2. Emeline, b. May 27, 1822. 2867—3. Caroline, b. Sept. 19, 1823. 2868—4. Harley G., b. Dec. 14, 1825. 2869—5. Amanda J., b. Sept. 17, 1827; d. Jan. 31, 1839. 2870—6. Lester W., b. June 13, 1830. 2871—7. Henry, b. Dec. 24, 1834; d. Sept. 23, 1838. 2872. James Hervey Rawson7 [1639] (Elias6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mariam Lowell ofSEVENTH GENERATION. 199 Madison, N. Y. Settled at Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y. Their children :— 2873—1. Lucetta Cleveland [3498], b. Aug. 20, 1821. 2874—2. Nelson Colman, b. Nov. 11, 1823; in. Florence Taylor; s. at Lafayette, Ind. Have two children. 2875—3. Julius Addison, b. Dec. 27, 1825; m. Lucy A. Cole; s. at San Francisco, Cal.; is a real estate dealer there. 2876—4. Adaline B. [3499], b. April 2, 1828. 2877—5. Moses Lowell, b. July 10, 1830; m. Susan Ashley; settled at Albion, N. Y. Have two children. 2878—6. Hiram L., b. June 19. 1832. 2879—7. Laura Malvina, b. April 23, 1834; d. in 1860. 2880—8. Fernando Cortez, b. July 25, 1835; d. young. 2881. Clarissa Rawson7 [1641] (Eliasfl, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel®, William', Edward1), m. 1st, Wellibe Lowell; 2d, Daniel Sherman. Settled at London, Mich. Children :— 1. Franklin (Lowell). 2. Hudson " 3. Louise " 2882. Lyman Rawson7 [1642] (Elias", Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Charity Root, in 1825. She d. Oct. 11, 1846, leaving four children; 2d, Mrs. Lydia Street, a widow, in 1847. Settled at Amherst, Lorain Co., Ohio. In Oct., 1872, he moved to Kansas, where he d. Jan. 22, 1873. Children :— 2883—1. Willard, b. 1824; d. Sept. 21, 1846. 2884—2. Mariah, b. 1826; m.; s. in Mich. 2885—3. Amanda, b. 1828; m.; s. in Minn. 2886—4. Sybil, b. 1830; m.; s. in Minn. 2887. ' Palmer Rawson7 [1643] (Elias", Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. 1st, Laura Page, in 1824 ; 2d, Mary Ann Clough. Settled at Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y. Children :— 2888—1. Minerva E., b. March 20, 1828; m. James L. Rathburn. 2889—2. Harriet A., b. May 20, 1829; m. William A. Twist. 2890—3. Frances M., b. Sept. 6, 1830; m. William Lindsley. 2891—4. Silas P., b. Sept. 23, 1834. 2892—5. Elias M., b. Jan. 3, 1841. 2893. Rhoda Rawson7 [1644] (Elias", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Ralph Page. Settled in Nunda, N. Y. Children :— 1. Rachel E. (Page), b. Nov. 13, 1825. 2. Clarissa C. " b. May 29, 1828; m. A. W. Greig. 3. Ephraim E. " b. Jan. 28, 1831. 4. Hiram E. " b. June 3, 1833. 5. Elliott N. " b. Feb. 29, 1836. 6. Caroline M. " b. Sept. 15, 1843. 7. Ransom C. " b. Jan. 11, 1847.200 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2894. Zenas Colman Rawson7 [1645] (Elias8, Silas6, Nathaniel1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lucy Bowen. Settled in Nunda, N. Y. Children :— 2895—1. Ellen E.. b. Sept. 12, 1829. 2896—2. Homer A., b. June 1, 1831. 2897—3. Joshphinb C., b. June 8, 1833. 2898—4. Hancy S., b. Dec. 31, 1835. 2899. Mary Eliza Raavson7 [1646] (Elias0, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William'2, Edward1), m. S. Felton, in 1828. She d. Nov. 30, 1833. Children:— 1. Elias (Felton). 2. Mauy " d. young. 2900. Caroline M. Rawson7 [1647] (Elias6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Asher Clough, Jan., 1841 ; d. April 22, 1842. Left one son:— Clarence M. (Clough), b. March, 1842. 2901. Horace Strong Raavsqn7 [1650] (Daniel6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. Elizabeth Coffin, Oct. 9, 1825. Settled in Indiana; a farmer; where he acted as Justice of the Peace for several years. Removed to Illinois, and finally to Utah, lie was elected a Member of the City Council for Ogden City. A citizen much respected. Children :— Mary Ann Olive, b. Oct. 8, 1826; m. John Garner; live in Southern California. Daniel Behry, b. Dec. 16, 1827; m. Nancy Boss; she d. at Pay son, Utah. Semantha Prissilla, b. April 26, 1830; m. Charles B. Hancock. William Coffin, b. Jan. 13, 1832; m. Eliza Jane Cheney. } »• 1834 ■•{ S Owen. Ciiloe Ann, b. Aug. 15, 1836; m. C. B. Hancock (his 2d wife). Caleb Linsey, b. March 5, 1839; d. young. Arthur Morrison, b. June 17, 1840; m. Margaret Pace. Sarah Urkinda, b. Feb. 8, 1844; m. Orvil R. Child. Cyrus, b. June 15, 1846; m. Mary Dixon. Horace Franklin, b. Oct. 9, 1848. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1853; m. M. W. Butler. 2915. Clarissa Raavson7 [1651] (Daniel6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Christian .Chriss. Settled in Indiana. She d. in Jackson County. Children :— 1. Reuben (Chriss). 2. Julia Ann Minerve (Chriss). 3. Susannah " 4. Angelina " 6. Polly " 6. Clarissa Verona " 2902—1. 2903—2. 2904—3. 2905—4. 2906—5. 2907—6. 2908—7. 2909—8. 2910—9. 2911—10. 2912—11. 2913—12. 2914—13.SEVENTH GENERATION. 201 1. Silas (Coats), b. had one child; 2. John R. (Coats), 3. Daniel (< 4. Polly (i 5. Sally << 6. William a 7. Otis (i 8. Hetty it 9. Electa << 2916. Marenda Rawson7 [1653] (Daniel", Silas6, Nathaniel1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Isaac Coats, Oct. 22, 1830. Settled in Randolph Co., Iud. She d. Sept. 8, 1873. Then-children :— b. Sept. 25, 1834. b. Sept. 1, 1836; d. Oct. 1, 1836. b. Sept. 2, 1837; d. Sept. 23, 1840. b. July 7, 1840. b. Oct. 25, 1842. b. April 30, 1845. b. May 27, 1847. 2917. John R. Coats8 (2), m. 1st, Rebecca Mace. Had one child. 2d, Mary E. Bowsman, Dec. 18, 1856. He d. March 3, 1870. Children :— 1. Levi (Coats), b. March 5, 1853. 2. Dayton " b. Dec. 7, 1858. 3. Ruaii " b. March 19. 1860. 4. Alice " b. Sept. 7, 1863. 2918. Daniel Coats8 (3), m. 1st, Mary Ann Snyder. She d. leaving four children; 2d, Sarah A. Hiatt, March 2, 1867. Children:— 1. Slmpson (Coats), b. Oct. 18, 1856. 2. Jasper " b. May 24, 1858. 3. Simon " b. June 29, 1860. 4. Adam Rawson (Coats), b. Dec. 31,1862. 2919. William Coats8 (6), m. 1st, Mary H. Smith. She d. leaving three children. 2d, Elizabeth Ann Stephens, June 3, 1868. Children :— 1. Luther Elliott (Coats), b. Jan. 3, 1861. 2. Julian Dorcas " b. May 2, 1863. 3. Charles Elon " b. May 6, 1865. 4. Eli Emeky " b. Jan. 10, 1869. 5. Frank B. " b. Jan. 28, 1872. 6. Milo William " b. Jan. 26, 1874. 2920. Otis Coats8 (7), m. Catherine Davenport, July 30, 1867. Children :— 1. Margaret Almira (Coats), b. Jan. 26, 1868. 2. David Ralph " b. July 6, 1869. 3. Flora Ann " b. June 3, 1871. 4. Henry Walter " b. June 22, 1873. 2921. Hetty Coats8 (8), m. Joel Elwell, Sept. 15, 1861. Their children :— 1. Louetta (Elwell), b. June 21, 1863. 2. Sarah L. i t b. Feb. 27, 1865. 3. Grant u b. April 22, 1867. 4. Silas <( b. Aug. 25, 1869. 5. Mary << b. April 2, 1872. 6. Simon b. Nov. 10, 1873. 2922. Electa Coats8 (9), m. Simon Snyder, Nov. 11, 1865. Their children:— 1. Clara (Snyder), b. Sept. 9, 1866. 2. Lucy Jane (Snyder), b. Oct. 3, 1868. 3. Sarah Malissa (Snyder), b. July 23, 1871. 4. Ester Viola " b. Sept. 10, 1873. 26202 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2923. Polly Rawson7 [1654] (Daniel*, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel", William2, Edward1), m. Fredrick Cox. Settled in Benton Co., Arkansas. Children :— 1. Lydia (Cox). 2. Daniel William (Cox) , d. young. 2924. Electa Rawson7 [1656] (Daniel6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), ra. John Swaney. She died Feb. 6, 1847. He d. March 26, 1847. Children :— 1. Katherine (Swaney), d. young. 2. Levi " 3. Marenda " d. young. 4. Dun una " d. young. 5. Fredrick " d. young. 6. William " 2925. Rev. Silas Rawson7 [1657] (Daniel6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Zeralda Susan Weaver, May 2, 1839, at Wilmington, Ind. Is a methodist minister, now residing near Iola, Kansas. Children :— 2926—1. Flora Frances, b. July 29, 1840, at Washington, Ind. 2927—2. George Weaver, b. Dec. 19, 1841, at Hartford, Ind. 2928—3. Jacob E., b. June 9, 1844, at Wilmington, Ind. 2929—4. Annette Cordelia, b. April 26, 1846, at Corydon, Ind. 2930—5. James R., b. May 5, 1849, at Corydon, Ind. 2931—6. Mary Vance, b. Feb. 21, 1851, at Corydon, Ind. 2932—7. Peklee Heber, b. Sept. 10, 1860; d. Sept. 10, 1863. 2933. Levi B. Rawson7 [1658] (Daniel6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Judith Clough. Settled at Wayne, Randolph County, Ind. She d. July 23, 1850, leaving eight children ; 2d, Nancy Gullett. He was a farmer by trade. Died Feb. 16, 1873. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him. Children :— 2934—1. Nancy, d. young. 2935—2. Daniel, d. young. 2936—3. Anson, 1 t .„„ a „„„„„ 2937—4. MaryE. } Tvvms5 d- 2938—5. Emeline, d. young. 2939—6. Randal, d. young. 2940—7. Anna Mariaii, d. young. 2941—8. Emeline, d. young. 2942—9. Tobitha, b. May 24, 1853. 2943—10. Silas C., b. March 25, 1855. 2944—11. Lois Emily, b. June 9, 1857. 2945—12. David Emerson, b. Jan. 8, 1860. 2946—13. Malissa Ann, b. March 8, 1862. 2947—14. Harriet Angeline, b. Nov. 8, 1864. 2948—15. Efka Loella, b. Sept. 8, 1867. 2949. Chloe Ann Rawson7 [1660] (Daniel6, Silas6, Nathaniel4,SEVENTH GENERATION. 203 Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. John Ingles; s. in Randolph Co., Ind. Children :— 1. Sarah (Ingles). 2. James Davis (Ingles). 3. Elvira " 4. Henry " 2950. Samantiia Rawson7 [1664] (Calvin", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Harvey Minard, in 1833 ; died 3. Children :— 1. Emily (Minard), b. 1833. 2. Amelia " 3. Newell E. " b. 1835. 4. Alva D. " b. 1836. 5. Calvin ■ " b. 1838. 6. Obediah " b 1839. 7. Eddie O. " b. 1842. 8. Lydia " b. 1844. 9. Eli J. " b. 1847. 2951. Levi Rawson7 [1665] (Calvin8, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary Ann Sabin. 2d, Amelia Sabiu ; now r. at Wellsville, Mo. Children :— 2952—1. DeWitt S., d. 2953—2. James Cicero, m. Jan. 15, 1874, Anna Bray, at Wells- ville, Mo. 2954. Calvin Rawson7 [1666] (Calvin", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Ruth Belding, April 4, 1832; r. at Ravenna, Ohio. Children :— 2955—1. Myron Burnett, b. Jan. 24, 1834; m. Hattie M. Wight- man, Nov. 25, 1858, and has one child, Metta Corene, b. Jan. 25, 1865, at Galesburgh, Mich., where they now reside. 2956—2. Marius Erasmus, b. Nov. 10, 1837; m. Louise R. Barron, Jan. 11, 1872; r. at Cleveland, Ohio; a Civil Engineer. 2957—3. Nellie Celestia, b. Aug. 6, 1842. 2958. Elizabeth Rawson7 [1667] (Calvin6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Talmon D. Minard, in 1829, and d. Feb. 22, 1865. Children:— 1. Luther Daniel (Minard), b. 1831. 2. Ruth Emeline " b. 1834. 3. Amanda Ann " b. 1838. 4. Mary Louisa " b. 1840. 5. Elma " b. 1846. 6. Albert Talmon " b. 1848. 2959. Asa Warren Rawson7 [1668] (Calvin', Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Emily Collins. 2d, Harriet Wright, and died in California, April 6, 1861. Children :— 2960—1. Harriet Celestine, d. Aug. 1874. 2961—2. Emma. 2962—3. Asa Warren.204 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2963. Laura Ann Rawson7 [1670] (Calvin", Silas5, Nathan-iel4, Nathaniel-, William2, Edward1), m. Marius O. Streator, in 1856; now r. at Galesburgh, Mich. Children :— 1. Calvin J. (Streator), b. Nov. 24, 1837; d. Oct. 16,1863. 2. Qui'ncy J. " b. Jan. 6, 1841. 3. Harry D. " b. Nov. 15, 1852. 2964. Lovisa Rawson7 [1671] (Calvin6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Dr. Willian Underwood, Oct. 1838, and d. Aug. 29, 1844. Children:— 1. Ebkrle Benton (Underwooi}), b. Dec. 1, 1839; m. June 30, 1874, Del Ranney of Kalamazoo, Mich. 2. Rachel Lovisa (Underwood), b. May, 1841; m. Charlie H. Bard of Mantua, Ohio; has one child, Nellie (Bard), b. Nov. 30, 1868. 3. Nellie Louisa (Underwood), b. Oct. 12, 1842; m. Vac- tor B. Stanford of Randolph, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1864; a member of 1st Ohio Light Artillery; was wounded May 15, 1864, at battle near Resaca, Ga.; d. June 4, in hospital at Chattanooga, and was buried at home, June 18. 2965. Lydta Adaline Rawson7 [1672] (Calvin6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, NathanieP, William2, Edward1), m. Dr. Jacob Heacock, in 1839, and d. Aug. 28, 1849. Children :— 1. Celestine (Heacock). 2. E valine " 3. Elma Josephine (Heacock). 4. Howard " 2966. Philornum S. Rawson7 [1682] (Elihu0, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Charlotte S. Dobbin; b. at Battle Creek, Mich. ; was crushed to death between two cars on the Mich. Central R. R. Children :— 2967—1. Edward. 2968—2. Charlotte S. 2969—3. Fannie. 2970. Philander R. Rawson7 [1683] (Elihu6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Eveline S. Dobbin ; r. at Rawsonville, Mich. Has one child:— 2971—1. Fannie. 2972. Maranda Rawson7 [1685] (Elihu6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, John Coulter. 2d, Edward McAdams. Children :— 1. Martha (Coulter). 2. William " 3. Thomas " 4. James " 5. Laura A. " 6. Mary " 7. Maranda (McAdams").SEVENTH GENERATION. 205 2973. Almyra Rawson7 [1686] (Elihufl, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), ra. Abraham J. Van Camp; s. at Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. She d. about 1858. Had one son :— 1. William T. (Van Camp). 2974. Laura Ann Rawson7 [1687] (Elihu", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Daniel R. Case. 2d,. Alvin R. Tickner. Children :— 1. Erwin (Case). 2. Albert . " 3. Arloa " 4. Helen (Tickner). 2975. Eijhu Tickner Rawson7 [1688] (Elihu", Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Wealthy Ann Turner, April 22, 1841, at Columbus, Ohio, where he now resides. Children :— 2976—1. Philo Harris, b. Oct. 4, 1843; m. Frankie P. Rickley, June 24, 1874; r. at Columbus, Ohio. 2977—2. Emma Jane, b. May 16, 1845; m. Eli J. More, May 15, 1872; r. at St. Louis, Mo. 2978. Hannah E. Rawson7 [1689] (Elihu9, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Moore A. Harker. She is a widow and resides with her youngest daughter, Mrs. Jacob Drury, at Columbus, Ohio. Children :— 1. Helen E. (Harker). 2. Frances L. " 3. Charles " 2979. Silas F. Rawson7 [1690] (Elihu8, Silas5, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lucretia J. Palmer. He died Jan. 23, 1873, at Columbus, Ohio, where his family now reside. Children :— 2980—1. Valina W. 2981—2. Jessie B. 2982—3. Hamlet E. 2983—4. Belle. 2984—5. Ota. 2985. Mary B. Rawson7 [1691] (Elihu', Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, A. Pomeroy, by whom she had four children. 2d, -Collins. 3d, George Marsh. Now r. at Rutland, Humboldt Co., Iowa. Children :— 1. Asahel R. (Pomeroy). 2. Arthur C. " 3. Virginia " 4. Elihu D. "206 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 2986. Rebecca Rawson7 [1696] (Theodore", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. William Crandall; s. in RolHn, Mich. She d. April 16, 1852. Children .— 1. Elizabeth R. (Crandall), b. July, 25, 1831. 2. Caroline S. " b. Feb. 12, 1834. 3. Laura R. " b. May 4, 1836. 4. William H. " b. Jan. 14, 1839. 5. Charles B. " b. Feb. 22, 1840. 6. Edwin A. " b. July 30, 1843. 7. Theodore R. " b. Feb. 21, 1849. 8. Rebecca " b. April 12, 1852. 2987. William Henry Harrison Rawson7 [1697] (Theodore", Silas5, Nathaniel'1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary J. Cornelius; s. at Rollin, Mich. Children :— 2988—1. William Cornelius, b. Jan. 28, 1847; d. March 17, 1858. 2989—2. Alonzo P., b. May 4, 1848; m. Harriet Tuttle; r. at Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 2990— 3. John Theodore, b. Sept. 30, 1852; d. April 7, 1858. 2991—4. George Henry, b. May 19, 1857. 2992—5. Martin Lutiier, b. Nov. 8, 1859. 2993—6. Edward M., b. March 11, 1864. 2994. Maria Louise Rawson7 [1699] (Theodore6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Gershoin B. Bennett; s. at Rollin, Mich. Children :— 2995—1. Elbert R. (Bennett), b. March 21, 1848; m. Gertrude A. Mills, Sept. 6, 1868, at Rollin, Mich. Have :— 1. Helen G. (Bennett), b. Sept. 9, 1873 2996—2. Emma M. (Bennett), b. Jan. 19, 1852; m. Stephen D. Whit- more, Aug. 21, 1872. Have:— 1. Edson G. (Whitmore), b. Aug. 3, 1873. 3. George L. (Bennett), b. Dec. 23, 1859. 4. Edson J. " b. June 11, 1861. 2997. Judge George Washington Rawson7 [1700] (Theodore", Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), was admitted to the bar at Rochester, N. Y., in 1850, and began the practice of law at that place in 1851. In 1864 he was elected Special County Judge for Monroe County for a term of three years, and subsequently twice elected, serving in all nine years. From 1866 to 1869 he was one of the Board of Managers of the N. Y. Western House of Refuge, located at Rochester, by appointment from the Governor. He has been a member of the Board of Education of that city for the last nine years; has been one of the Trustees of the Rochester Theological Seminary, and a member of its Executive Board; m. Marietta E. Osbfind of Macedon, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1857. Still r. at Rochester. Children :— 2998—1. George Osband, b. Sept. 13, 1859. 2999—2. Willie Ward, b. March 5, 1861; d. Feb. 15, 1862. 3000—3. Kittie E., b. Nov. 11, 1865.SEVENTH GENERATION. 207 3001. Laura. Ann Rawson7 [1715] (Zenas\ Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), ra. Jared F. Smith, a merchant at Covington, N. Y. They now reside at Arcade, Wyoming Co., of that State. Children :— 3002. Olive W. Rawson7 [1716] (Zenas0, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. James R. Hinds, Nov. 1, 1848. She d. April 28, 1873, leaving one child :— 3003. Silas M. Rawson7 [1717] (Zenas6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Romelia M. Crandall, Sept. 3, 1845. Children:— 3004—1. Frank Romain, b. May 28, 1851; d. Nov. 2, 1871. 3005—2. Charles Morgan, b. Dec. 13, 1857. 3006—3. Albert EdWard, b. June 12, 1860. 3037. Reuben Judson Rawson7 [1719] {Zenas", Silas', Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Marv F. Tillon, Sept. 11, 1850. Settled in Perry, N. Y. Children :— 3008—1. Mary V., b. June 28, 1854. 3009—2. HattieE., b. June 11, 1856. 3010. Colman P. Rawson7 [1720] (Zenas6, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel8, William2, Edward1), m. Helen J. Sweet, Dec. 29, 1852, at Perry, N. Y. Now resides at Paw Paw, Mich. Was a soldier in the great rebellion. Has one child :— 3011—1. Anna, b. June 15, 1855. 3012. Daniel Porter Rawson7 [1722] (Zenas9, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), was a soldier in the late war. He enlisted in the 24th N. Y. L. Battery, Aug., 1862. He was taken prisoner April 20, 1864, at the battle of Plymouth, and confined at Andersonville ; was exchanged in December, 1864, but died on the way home. He m. Lucy C. Mattison of Pike, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1857. Settled in Perry, N. Y. Children:— 3015. Martha Ellen Rawson7 [1723] (Zenas",, Silas6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Silas Allen Smith, May 22, 1864. Settled" at Paw Paw, Mich. Children :— 1. Ella A. (Smith), b. Oct. 7, 1850. 2. Helen L. " b. March 31, 1854. 3. Fred. C. R. " b. April 28, 1856. 1. Harriet Emma (Hinds), b. Jan. 30, 1850. 3013—1. Frank Sumner, 3014—2. Fred. Seward, j Twins; b. Dec. 2, 1858. 1. Porter Dana (Smith), b. July 20, 1866. 2. Robert Wesley " b. Feb. 13, 1868. u208 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3016. Erastus Rawson7 [1744] (Samuel0, Jonathan6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Ann Hewes. Resided a number of years at Lockport, N. Y.; a merchant; went from there to Chicago, 111. Children :— 3017—1. Louisa Maria, b. May 25, 1837; d. Dec. 18, 1845. 3018—2. George N., b. April 28, 1839; d. Dec. 12, 1845. 3ul9—3. Mary Louisa, b. Dec. 10, 1846; d. Jan. 9, 1848. 3020—4. Alli, d. at the age of 8 mouths. 3021. Esther Rawson7 [1745] (Samuel0, Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William*, Edward1), m. Isaac Marsh of Victory, N. Y., in 1830. Children :— 1. Samuel Rawson (Marsh), b. March If?, 1833. 2. Erastus Porter " b. Feb. 6, 1836. 3. Norman Burton " b. Feb. 23, 1841. 4. Lydia Maria " b. Nov. 25, 1842. 5. Charles Albert " 3022. Augustus Porter Rawson7 [1746] (Samuel0, Jonathan6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary E. Hall, Oct. 2, 1839, at Battle Creek, Mich. Children :— 3023—1. -, d. in infancy. 3024—2. Mary Ellen, b. Dec. 29, 1842. 3025—3. Emma, b. July 5, 1846. 3026—4. Charles H., b. April 22, 1850. 3027. Rachel Maria Rawson7 [1747] (Samuel", Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. A. P. Dickinson, Aug., 1838, in Victory, N. Y. Children:— 1. Aurora (Dickinson), b. July 2, 1839. 2. Emeroy " b. June 29, 1840. 3. George " b. May 10, 1842. 4. Carlton " b. Julv 20, 1844. 5. Alida " b. March 30, 1846. 3028. Maryette Rawson7 [1749] (Joseph0, Jonathan6 Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Elijah A. Webster of Lima, N. Y., May 12, 1835. They sailed from Boston, May 16, 1835, for Bombay, under the direction of the American Board of Foreign Missions; he as printer, she as teacher for that mission. They returned to the United States in Sept., 1842, and in September, 1846, emigrated to Milford, Lagrange Co., Indiana. He is a farmer and surveyor. Their children :— 1. Eunice (Webster), b. March 3, 1837, at Bombay, East India. 2. Joseph R. " b. May 5, 1839, at Bombay, East India. 3. Charles " b. June 8, 1846, at Victory, N. Y.SEVENTH GENERATION. 209 3029. Angenett Rawson7 [1750] (Joseph6, Jonathan5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Lewis Willmarth, Dec., 1831, at Victory, N. Y. Settled at Marshall, Mich. ; a merchant. Children :— 1. Oscar (Willmarth), b. Nov. 1832, at Victory, N. Y. 2. Mariette R. " b. Sept., 1833, at Victory, N. Y.; d. young. 3. Joseph R. " b. March, 1836, at Adrian, Mich.; d. young. 4. Sophia " b. May, 1837, at Adrian, Mich. 5. Hellen " b. 1840, at Marshall, Mich. 6. Marion " b. Nov., 1842, at Marshall, Mich. 7. Maria " b. Oct., 1844, at Marshall, Mich. 3030. Sophia Rawson7 [1751] (Joseph6 Jonathan6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Dr. William Butler, Oct., 1836. Children:— 1. Mariett (Butler), b. Dec., 1837, at Lima, N. Y. 2. Romayn b. 1840, at Lima, N. Y. 3. Angenett " b. Oct., 1844, at Webster, N. Y. 4. Marion " b. July, 1846, at Webster, N. Y. 5. Sophia " b. Feb., 1848, at Webster, N. Y. 3031. Ann Rawson7 [1768] (Oliver8, Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Joel Higgins. Settled in Wis. Afterwards moved to 111., where he died. Children:— 1. Amelia. 2. Elizabeth. 3032. Eliza Rawson7 [1769] (Oliver6, Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Elihu Higgins,- Oct. 20, 1830. Settled in Wis. Afterwards moved to Seneca, Kansas, where they now reside. Children :— 1. Martha Williams (Higgins), b. Aug. 17, 1831, at North Adams, Mass. 2. Mary Augusta " b. Feb. 22, 1837, at Oak Creek, Wis.; m. Cullen Farnham, in 1865. 3. Franklin Moses (Higgins), b. March 28, 1839, at Oak Creek, Wis. 4. Charles Wesley " b. June 9, 1841, at Mil- waukee, Wis. 5. Thomas Rawson " b. Aug. 9, 1852, at Neenah, Wis. 3033. Martha Williams Higgins8 (1), m. William Henry Gilder- sleeve, June 9, 1850; reside at Charleston, S. C. Have two children :— 1. Amanda J. (Gildersleeve). 2. Henry Allen " 3034. Franklin Moses Higgints8 (3), m. Isabella Corlette, May 16, 1868; reside at Seneca, Kansas. They have four children:— 1. Ada May (Higgins), b. April 3, 1869. 2. Charles Albert (Higgins), b. Sept. 11, 1870. 3. Guy Franklin " b. July 24, 1872. 4. Paul J. " b. Jan. 12, 1874. 27210 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3035. Delia Ann Rawson7 [1773] (Oliver", Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Asa Kinney, March 1, 1837, at Oak Creek, Wis., where they first settled. Now reside at Ripon. Children :— 1. Abel Fkink (Kinney), b. Dec. 9, 1837, m.: resides at Springfield, Mo. 2. Asa Tyler (Kinney), b. Dec. 15, 1839; d. Sept. 4, 18G1. 3. Electa " b. June 15, 1841. 4. Oliver Rawson " b. June 21, 1843. 5. Francis L. " b. June 27, 1846; d. Oct. 29, 1862. 6. Martin "P. " b. May 21, 1849. 7. Mary " b. July 15, 1851; m. C. M. Lewis; reside at Russell, Kansas. 8. Charles J. F. (Kinney), b. Oct. 2, 1856. 3036. Electa Kinney8 (3), m. John S. Avery, Nov. 27, 1866; reside at Ripon, Wis. Children :— 1. Nena Bell (Avery), b. Nov. 4, 1870. 2. Charles Kinney (Avery), b. April 19, 1872. 3037. Luther Rawson7 [1774] (Oliver6, Moses1, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Persis Howes, Oct. 22, l.°46, at Oak Creek, Wis., where he now resides ; he is a farmer and stock raiser, making Devon Cattle a specialty ; he has been very successful. In the Fall of 1873, at the State Fair, he took eighteen prizes for the result of his efforts in stock line. Children :— 3038—1. Marietta E., b. Sept. 4, 1847. 3039—2. Edward L., b. March 20, 1851. 3040—3. Bertha E. M., b. Jan. 16, 1863. 3041. Thomas Rawson7 [1775] (Oliver6, Moses*, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Katherine Howes, Sept. 1853; she d. 1855. 2d, Mary Holbrook, April 5, 1865. Children :— 3042—1. -, b. July 2, 1854: d. Jan. 1855. 3043—2. Griggs O., b. Aug. 7, i868. 3344. Sauaii Rawson7 [1776] (Oliver9, Moses5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William", Edward1), m. Charles II. Watros, Nov. 27, 1845, at Oak Creek, Wis. Children :— 1. Celestia II. (Watros), b. Sept. 21, 1847; m. Rufus W.eeddon, April 24, 1871. 2. Stephen A. (Watros), b. June 1, 1849; d. Aug. 17, 1849. 3. Lois R. " b. Sept. 24, 1851; died May 11, 1868. 4. Diana " b. Sept. 12,1856; d. Sept. 22, 1856. 3045. Electa Rawson7 [1777] (Oliver6, Moses6, Nathaniel4,SEVENTH GENERATION. 211 Nathaniel', William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Fred erick Fowler. 2d, Farrier Y. Mansfield. Children :— 1. Frederic (Fowler), b. June 17, 1844; died of consump- tion, contracted while in the army. 2. Ellen (Mansfield), b. Jan. 11, 1847. 3. Mary R. " b. April 11, 1850. 4. Byron G. " b. Feb. 5, 1852. 5. Young C. " b. Feb 12, 1859. 6. Rawson L. " b. Sept. 25, 1861. 7. Frederic E. " b. May 25, 1864. 3046. Mary Rawson7 [1778] (Oliver6, Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Frank Kinney, and have one son :— 1. Martin (Kinney), r. at Chicago, 111. 3047. Lois Rawson7 [1779] (Oliver6, Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Wiiliam2, Edward1), m. James Grover, Nov. 2, 1856, at Oak Creek, Wis., where they settled. Children :— 1. Isabel M. (Grover), b. Oct. 10, 1857. 2. Fannie P. b. Dec. 20, 1859. 3. William Sanford (Grover), b. Oct. 6, 1862. 4. Mary Elizabeth " b. July 2, 1866. 5. Frank L. " b. June 28, 1869. 6. Nettie Lois " b. June 2, 1873. 3048. Emily M. A. Rawson7 [1781] (Luther6, Moses6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Morton Potter, March. 9, 1862 ; r. at Mendon, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Have :— 1. Delora R. (Potter), b. June 24, 1864; d. Aug. 9, 1866. 2. --" d. in infancy. 3. Jerry L. " b. May 2, 1867. 4. Mable R. " b. June 9, 1871. 3049. Georgk C. Rawson7 [1797] (Zebina6, Grindal6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Ruth Philips; s. at Cincinnati, Ohio. Children :— 3050—1. Esther. 3051—2. Ellen. 3052—3. Emma. 3053—4. Elizabeth. 3054. Elizabeth Rawson7 [1798] (Zebina", Grindal6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, George Benjamin. 2d, Enoch Wood. 3d, Clark I: Davis; s. at Pierpont, Ohio. Children :— 1. Lydia (Benjamin). 2. Henry " 3. Perilla " 4. Ansel " 5. William (Wood). 6. Waters (Davis).212 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3055. Martha Rawson7 [1800] (Zebina8, Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. John Spooner. Children :— 1. uplava. 2. Jared. 3056. Mary Ravvson7 [1814] (Grindal8, Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Jesse G. Deeds, Feb. 26, 1834; s. at Madison, Ohio. Children:— 1. Darius (Deeds), b. Jan. 25, 1836. 2. Sarah M. " b. Dec. 9, 1838. 3. Hiram " b. Dec. 28, 1841. 3057. Joseph T. Rawson7 [1815] (Grindal6, Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Delia Genung ; s. at Madison, Ohio ; a farmer. Children :— 3058—1. Almond A. 3059—2. Eunice. 3060. Laura Rawson7 [1816] ^Grindal", Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Chester B. Starks, March 10, 1837; settled at Little Valley, N. Y. ; a farmer and mechanic. Children:— 1. Christopher W. (Starks). 2. Mary A. " 3. Cordelia S. " 4. Olive " 3061. Orrange Rawson7 [1817] (Grindal8, Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Ann Heath; s. in 111. ; a farmer. He was killed, Oct. 14, 1849, by a threshing machine. Children :— 3062—1. Laura. 3063—2. Deloss. 3064—3. Delia. 3065—4. William H. 3066. Philander Rawson7 [1819] (Grindal8, Grindal5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Miranda C. Genung, Feb. 2, 1845 ; s. at Madison, Ohio. Children:— 3067—1. Elizabeth. 3068—2. Walter. 3069. Caroline Rawson7 [1825] (Amariah8, Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Nathaniel Tarlton, and d. April 29, 1841, leaving one child :— 1. Elizabeth (Tarlton), b. Nov. 10, 1833.SEVENTH GENERATION. 213 3070. Adaline Rawson7 [1826] (Amariah8, Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Simeon Adams Dunn. She d. Oct. 22, 1841. He now r. at Brigham City, Utah, and is a man of some distinction there. Children :— 1. Adaline (Dunn), b. June 9, 1830; m. Alpheus Haws. 2. Francis " b. Dec. 5, 1832; d. young. 3. Mary " b. Nov. 2, 1833. 4. Maria " d. young. 5. Amariah " 1m „. „ a ______ 6. Masiah « } Twins ; d. young. 7. Betsy " 3071. Mary Dunn9 (3), m. Martin Luther Ensign, and has :— 1. MarY Adaline (Ensign). 2. Georgeanna ' " 3. Emma " 4. Martin " 3072. Betsy Dunn8 (7), m. Alpheus Haws, for his 2d wife, and resides in Nevada. Have :— 1. Laura (Haws), m. James Brown, and have two children living. 2. Adelia Katrude (Haws). 3. Alpheus " 4. Emil^t " 5. Luther " 3073. Polly Ann Rawson7 [1827] (Amariah0, Abner6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Charles Cutler, and d. May 2, 1845. Children :— 1. Amariah (Cutler). 2. Alvira Maria (Cutler), b. Dec. 13, 1840. 3. Laura " b. Feb. 7, 1842. 2. Caroline " b. July 4, 1844. 3074. Laura Rawson7 [1828] (Amariah", Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. James Mcintosh; d. Jan. 10, 1841. Children:— 1. Halon (Mcintosh). 2. Hellen " 3075. Maria Rawson7 [1829] (Amariah6, Abner6, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Isaac Bush, and d. Jan. 29, 1851. Children :— 1. Ann (Bush). 2. Hellen (Bush). 3. Rawson " 3076. Clarissa Rawson7 [1830] (Amariah6, Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Stephen Sherman. 2d, John Zibell. Children :— 1. Jerome (Sherman). 2. Halon " 3. Elmer (Zibell).214 . RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3077. Jerome Rawson' [1831] (Amariah6, Abner5, Nathaniel', Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Elizabeth Morey, in 1849, at Battle Creek, Mich. ; s. at Rawsonville, Mich. ; a farmer. Has but one child living, having buried five quite young :— 3078—1. Eva Adaline, b. Sept. 11, 1856. 3079. Samantha A. Raw|sont [1849] (Norman8, Abner5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. George W. Whitehead, June 24, 1848 ; now r. at Coldwater, Mich. Children — 1. Maky Elizabeth (Whitehead), b. Sept. 6,1849; m. Wyman Maxwell; s. at Coldwater, Mich. 2. James Marcellus (Whitehead), b. Dec. 21, 1852. 3. Eva Maria " b. Sept. 28, 1856, m. Charles H. Godfrey; s. at Coldwater, Mich. 4. Lillie May (Whitehead), b. July 30, 1858. 5. Annie Ozoiia " b. Juue 23, 1864. 6. Minnie Bell " b. Aug. 22, 1867. 1 3080. Erasmus Rawson7 [1855] (Luther6, David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, ,William2, Edward1), m. Nancy Hibbard, Aug. 27, 1827, at Woodstock, where they now reside. Children:— 3081—1. Samuel Tuets, b. May 15, 1829, at Dudley, Mass.; d. Aug. 23, 1833. 3082—2. Joseph Emerson [3500], b. May 24, 1833, at Woodstock, Conn. 3083—3. Lucy Hibbard, b. Jau. 3, 1836, at Woodstock, Conn.; m. Henry C. Penniman. 3084—4. Nancy Ellen [3503], b. Dec. 25, 1839, at Woodstock, Conn. 3085—5. Luther Erasmus [3504], b. April 13, 1846, at Woodstock, Conn. 3086. (^harles Dight'on Rawson7 [1858] (Luther0, David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. -, and had the following children :— 1. William Abiel, b. Dec. 29, 1839; d. Nov. 11, 1859. 2. Luther Franklin, b. Oct. 9, 1843; d. May 19, 1845. 3. Charles Evan, b. April 8, 1852. 3087. Sibyl Beals Rawson7 [1864] (Calvin6, David5, Barna-bas'V Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. John A. Morgan, Aug. 22, 1844, at Norwich, Conn., where they settled. Children :— 1. John Calvin (Morgan), b. May 18, 1846; m. Edwina Beattey, Dec. 12, 1870. 2. Samuel Strong (Morgan), b. Nov. 20, 1850. 3088. Calvin Gates Rawson7 [1865] (Calvin6, David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. Bessie Brown Whipple, Dec. 4, 1837, at Thompson, Conn. Settled at Norwich. Children:— 3089—1. Emma Denny, b. Oct. 8, 1838; m. Henry L. Hammond, M. D., Aug. 25, 1870; settled at Saratoga Springs, N. Y.SEVENTH GENERATION. 215 3090—2. Calvin Luther, b. Dec. 3, 1840; a lawyer; admitted to the New London County Bar Jan. 26, 1866. 3091—3. William Frederick [3506], b. March 31, 1843. 3092—4. Anna Morgan, b. March 14, 1846; in. Lewis A. Tracy, M. 1)., June 25, 1870, and d. at Norwich, Nov. 15, 1874. 3093. Luther Strong Rawson7 [1867] (Calvin", David6, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward'), m. 1st, Mary Ann Spencer, Oct. 24, 1853. She d. Feb. 3, 1856; 2d, L. Ellen Spencer, Oct. 6, 1868. Settled at Norwich, Conn. Children: — 3094—1. Mary Abby, b. Aug. 25, 1855. 3095—2. Edward Gates, b. Sept. 6, 1871. 3096. Mary Josephine Rawson7 [1868] (Calvin6, David6. Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), rn. Capt. William. S. Elliott, Dec. 28, 1846, s. at Norwich, Conn. Children :— 1. W. L. (Elliott), b. March 30, 1847. 2. George Euclid (Elliott), b. Oct. 22, 1849. 3. Lucy Corr " b. July 12, 1856. 3097. George Rawson7 [1869] (Calvin", David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Ann Murphy, April 6, 1850. Settled at Lowell, Mass. Children :— 3098—1. Mary Josephine, b. April 7, 1851. 3099—2. Frank L., b. Oct. 6, 1853. 3100—3. Georgianna, b. March 16, 1857. 3101—4. Albertina, b. July 25, 1859. 3102. Joseph Rawson7 [1873] (Warren", Levi5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary W. Richards, Nov. 27, 1838, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and now reside there. Children :— Mary, b. Sept. 9, 1839. Warhen, b. July 24, 1841; m. and has a family.-Martha, b. March 30, 1843; m. James C. Bayley ; resides at Boston, Mass. Hannah Child, b. May 18, 1816; d. Edward, b. June 5, 1849. Joseph, b. Dec. 18, 1850. Charles Grindal, b. Nov. 4, 1852; d. Frances Helen, b. Feb. 7, 1858. 3103—1. 3104—2. 3105—3. 3106—4. 3107—5. 3108—6. 3109—7. 3110—8. 3111. Edward Rawson7 [1875] (Warren6, Levi5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Helen P. Bassett, Noy. 8, 1848, at New London, Conn. Now resides at N. Y. City. An Officer in the U. S. Custom House, appraisers' department. Their children:— 3112—1. Hattie B., b. Sept. 30, 1849, at Akron, Ohio; d. Dec. 4, 1856. 3113—2. Freddie H., b. June 12, 1853, at New London, Conn.; d. Dec. 13, 1856. 3114—3. Gustavus Woodson, b. June 13, 1859.216 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3115. Abigail Rawson7 [1880] (Daniel", Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Aaron Potter, Oct. 22, 1840, at Oakham, Mass. Settled at Akron, Ohio, where she d. March 2, 1868. Children :— 1. Eliza A. (Potter), b. Jan. 4, 1842. 2. Royal D. " b. Jan. 11, 1846. 3. Maiiy F. " b. Feb. 18, 1848. 4. Silas " b. Dec., 1852; d. Feb. 18, 1853. 3116. Olive Rawson7 [1882] (Daniel8, Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel", William', Edward1), m. Russell Ripley, Dec. 3, 1851, at Oakham, Mass., where they now reside. Children :— 1. Nancy F. ^Ripley), b. Feb. 18, 1853; d. July 9, 1863. 2. Mary E. " b. April 3, 1855. 3. Susie N. " b. May 27, 1857. 4. Warren R. " b. Nov. 27, 1859; d. April 9, 1870. •3117. Daniel Rawson7 [1884] (Daniel6, Levi5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. Rachel Huckerbone, at Oakham, where they settled. He d. at Baltimore, Aug. 4, 1863. Their children:— 3118—1. Clara E., b. July 25, 1856. 3119—2. Abbie M., b. Nov. 1, 1857. 3120—3. Anna T., b. Sept. 7, 1859. 3121—4. Emily, b. April 26, 1862; d. March 29, 1866. 3122. Laban Raavson7 [1886] (Daniel0, Levi5, Edward1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Berlin, Sept. 22, 1850. He d. at Folly Island, S. C., Sept. 29, 1863. Children :— 3123—1. Joseph, b. July 12, 1851, at Sherburn, Mass. 3124—2. Herbert, b. Sept. 2, 1852, at Boston, Mass. 3125—3. Emma, b. Aug. 27, 1855, at New Braintree, Mass. 3126—4. George, b. June 12, 1857, at Oakham, Mass. 3127—5. Frank, b. Jan. 27, 1858, at Oakham, Mass. 3128. Mary Folger Rawson7 [1890] (Levi0, Levi5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William3, Edward1), m. George Tod Perkins, Oct. 4, 1865, at Cleveland, Ohio. Settled at Akron, Ohio, where they now reside. Children :— 1. Mary (Perkins), b. Aug. 6, 1866. 2. Grace " b. Dec. 1, 1867; d. young. 3. A daughter," b. June 14, 1870; d. young. 3129. Edward B. Rawson7 [1890^] (Levi6, Levi6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Anna M. Smith, at Cleveland, Ohio, where they now reside. Have one child :— 3130—1. Isabella, b. July 30, 1873. 3131. Windsor Ayer Rawson7 [1895] (Hiram0, Thompson6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Betsy Thomas, Jan.SEVENTH GENERATION. 217 10, 1828, at Montgomery, Vt., and settled there ; d. leaving one child : 3132—1. Martha Anstice [3510], b. Sept. 20, 1829. 3133. Hiuam Hamilton Rawson7 [1898] (Hiram6, Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Harriet Johnson, Feb. 26, 1839. Settled at Montgomery, Yt., where they now reside. He was Deputy Sheriff of that county from 1858 to 1867-Children:— 3134—1. Levi Jarvis, b. March 9, 1842. He enlisted in the U. S.' navy in 1862; now an engineer on the Western'Lakes. 3135—2. Homer Hamilton, b. Feb. 9, .1844; m. Libbie Gertrude Baker. 3136—3. Alice Emily, b. Feb. 24, 1846. 3137—4. Alma Nancy, b. Nov. 1, 1848; d. Feb., 1853. 3138—-5. Harriet Adell, b. Jan. 7, 1850; m. Coburn W. Cramton. 3139—6. Fred. Fisher, b. Feb. 27, 1855. 3140. Horace Rawson7 [1899] (Hiram", Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah Crissa, Sept. 10, 1850, at Montgomery, Vi., where they settled. He d. Dec. 3, 1861. The widow now resides at Westford. Children :— 3141—1. Eugene, b. Nov. 10, 1852. 3142—2. Otis Hamilton, 1). Dec. 20, 1854. 3143—3. Nina, b. Jan. 12, 1857. •3144. Nancy Rawson7 [1901] (Hiram", Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Archibald Campbell, April 15, 1850. Settled at Montgomery, Vt. Children:— k 1. "Warren Armsby (Campbell), b. Sept. 9, 1851. 2. Lovel Rawson " b. Nov. 20, 1852. 3. Ellin Rawson " b. Sept. 20, 1855; d. June 8, 1871. 3145. Rufus Rawson7 [1902] (Hiram8, Thompson5, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Caira Kelton, June 10, 1868 ; s. at Montgomery, Vt. Has one child :— t 3146—1. Jennie, b. Dec. 24, 1871. 3147. Harriet Rawson7 [1903] (Hiram", Thompson6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. A. P. Jaokson Richardson, Sept. 8, 1852, at Montgomery, Yt., where they settled. Children:— 1. Abbie J. (Richardson), b. Aug. 13, 1853. 2. Anna E. " b. June 26, 1855. 3. Hattie H. " b. Dec. 25, 1857. 4. Helen M. " b. Oct. 4, 1860. 5. Kittie A. " b. July 16, 1862. 6. Choate B. " b. April 17, 1865. 7. Guy L. " b. Nov. 22, 1869. 8. Gracie L. " b. Aug. 31, 1872. 28218 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3148. Fanny Rawson7 [1928] (Turner", Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund1, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Jay R. Monroe, Sept. 20, 1836 ; r. in Michigan. Children :— 1. Mary A. (Monroe), b. Nov. 8, 1837; m. Rinaldo Foote, and d. leaving one child :— 1. Oliver R. (Foote), b. Jan. 4, 1860. 2. Charles J. (Monroe), b. Nov. 20,1839; m. Hattie More- house. Has two children:— 1. Steven B., b. June 11, 1869. 2. George C., b. Feb. 20, 1871. 3. Andrew H, (Monroe), b. Oct. 24, 1841; m. and has two children:— 1. Fannie M., b. Dec. 1, 1864. 2. Maud Eunice, b. March 16, 1867. 4. Isaac (Monroe), b. May 6, 1843. 5. Eunice E. " b. June 20, 1845; m. David F. Moore, Sept. 10, 1871. 6. Fanny L. (Monroe), b. Nov. 9, 1847; d. 7. Lyman S. " b. March 28, 1851. 8. LidaF. " b. April 8, T854; d. 9. Jay R., Jr. " b. Jan. 1, 1859. 3149. Eliza Rawson7 [1930] (Turner", Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, GrindaF, Edward1), m. Joseph Rice, Nov. 26, 1836 j r. in Mich. Children :— 1. Burden H. (Rice), b. Nov. 24, 1839. 2. Charles H. " b. Feb. 13, 1841. 3. Flora L. " b. Aug. 8, 1843. 4. Fannie M. " b. April 7, 1845. 3150. Lyman T. Rawson7 [1933] (Turner", Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Cynthia S. Nutting, Oct. 14, 1852; 1-. in Mich. Children:— 3151—1. Ida B., b. March 3, 1855. 3152—2. Edward Jm b. Sept. 2, 1858. 3153—3. Fannie C., b. June 23, 1867. 3154. Catherine Rawson7 [1945] (Ruel6, Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, GriudaF, Edward1), m. Walter W. Rood, April 3, 1842 ; s. in Quincy, Mich. Children :— 1. Marion C. (Rood).. 2. Charles W, " 3. Henry C. " 4. Edith E. " 3155. Loritta Amanda Rawson7 [1947] (Ruel6, Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1)., ra. Dr. Joseph P. Lesslie, July 15, 1855; s. at Warsaw, Ind. He was shot in one of the battles of the late war. Children — 1. Catherine Augusta (Lesslie), b. May 27, 1856. 2. Clara Maria " b, March 24, 1858. 3. Flobence Effie " i>, Jan- 13, 1863.SEVENTH GENERATION. 219 3156. Charles Ruel Rawson7 [1948] (Ruel6, Samuel6, Edmund1, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Matilda Barber, Sept. 10, 1854. She d. leaving one child. 2d, Ann D. Curtis. Children :— 3157—1. John Melville. 3158—2. Albert, d. 3159—3. Milo. 3160. Elias Hicks Raavson7 [1951] (Elias6, Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Nancy Jane Kline, Feb. 11, 1857 ; s. in Mich. Have :— 3161—1. Mary L., b. April 10, 1858. 3162. Caleb Haywood Rawson7 [1952] (Elias", Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Julia Hiesrott, in 1864; s. in Mich. In 1859 he went to California and remained four years; enlisted in the Cal. Battalion, which was sent to Boston, Mass., where they joined the 2d Mass. Cavalry. Also, his brother, Benjamin, was in the same Battalion with him. Children :— 3163—1. Cora Ina, b. Jan. 18, 1866. 3164—2. Emma Maria, b. Sept. 8, 1870. 3165. Henry Clay Rawson7 [1954] (Elias", Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah A. Carman, Jan. 1, 1865 ; s. in Mich. He was a soldier in the late war and belonged to the 6th Mich. Children :— 3166—1. Effie Minerva, b. Jan. 25, 1866; d. Feb. 14, 1871. 3167—2. Henry Elias, b. Feb. 20, 1872. *3168. Martha Knights Rawson7 [1957] (Elias9, Samuel6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. R. Newton Moore, March 28, 1864 ; s. in Mich. Children :— 1. Nellie D. (Moore), b. Dec. 7, 1864. 2. Willard B. " b. Nov. 12, 1871. 3169. Albert Galaton Rawson7 [1958] (Elias0, Samuel5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Cornelia A. Squier Jan. 1, 1872 ; s. in Mich. Have:— 3170—1. Frank A., b. March 13, 1873. 3171. Climena Rawson7 [1974] (Edmund8, Edmund6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Obed Graves, June 24, 1847 ; s. at Wilna, N. Y. Children :— 1. Sybilla M. (Graves), b. June 13, 1848; r. with Aman Rawson, her uncle, at Carthage, N. Y. 2. Elnora V. (Graves), b. Feb. 25, 1850. 3. Lavina E. " b. March 11, 1852. 4. Amelia C. " b. Sept. 20, 1853. 5. Obed E. " b. Aug. 17, 1855. 6. Elwere F. " b. Oct. 28, 1857.220 RAWS ON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3172. Sarah Ann Rawson7 [1975] (Edmund", Edmund6, Edmund1, Edmund", Grindal2, Edward1), m. George Blake, Feb. 3, 1852; s. at Watertown, N. Y. Children :— 1. George Aman (Blake), b. Feb. 7, 1853. 2. Mary Delinda " b. July 8, 1857. 3173. Luther Rawson7 [1978] (Ai'a6, Edmund5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Paulina Peling, in 1835 ; now r. at Pictou, Ontario, Canada. Has :— 3174—1. John A., b. 1835, at Oswego, N. Y. 3175. Elizabeth Rawson7 [1980] (Ara°, Edmund6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. James Wright, Oct. 8, 1835, at Canton, N. Y. He was killed by the cars, at Jordan, Dec. 29, 1873. She r. at Felt's Mills, N. Y. Children :— 1. Phebe Ann (Wright), b. Feb. 4, 1839. 2. Martha " b. Feb. 1, 1841. 3. Elizabeth Jane (Wright), b. Feb. 8, 1843. 4. Albert " b. June 18, 1845. 5. Lutiier " b. June 23, 1848. 6. Edmund Rawson " b. May 28, 1850. 7. Hannaii Ellen " b. July 30, 1852. 8. Mary Temperance " b. Nov. 23, 1854. 9. James Willard " b. Jan. 22, 1857. 10. Annie " b. Feb. 7, 1859; died April 28, 1860. 11. Oceanna " b. Nov. 26, 1861. 3176. Martha Raavson7 [1981] (Ara°, Edmund5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Salan C. Simons; r. at Water-town, N. Y. He is a mechanic. Children :— 1. Albert R. (Simons), b. Nov. 26, 1844; d. young. 2. Tempekance M. (Simons), b. April 2, 1848. 3. Martin L. " b. Aug. 11, 1852. 3177. Hannah E. Rawson7 [1982] (Ara8, Edmund6, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. John B. Huntley, Jan. 19, 1859. He d. in 1869. She r. at Carthage, N. Y. Has : — 1. Emma Jane (Huntley), b. April 30, 1860. 3178. George S. Rawson7 [1991] (Isaac", Joseph5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah B. Burnham, July 17, 1845, at Marlborough, Mass., where they first settled. His last residence was at Hudson, where he d. Wednesday night, March 10, 1875. He took a deep interest in the Rawson family meetings, being present at each gathering, and at the last reunion,. Sept. 15, 1874, was unanimously elected President ot the Association for the ensuing year. Although, apparently not possessed of a strong constitution, yet the doubt was not entertained that he would be spared to meet with us again.SEVENTH GENERATION. 221 The writer having but a very slight acquaintance with hiin is unable even to attempt to eulogize ; but feels perfect safety in saying that he was a quiet, unassuming, honest, kind hearted, ehristiau man, beloved by all who knew him ; that his loss must be deeply felt in the community where he lived, and especially painful to his sorely afflicted family. She died Tuesday, April 6, 1875. being worn out with the care of her husband through his last sickness; she soon fell a victim to that much dreaded disease, Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. Children:— 3179—1. George S., b. Feb. 6, 1847; d. in infancy. 3180—2. George Crosby, b. May 14, 1849; d. in infancy. 3181—3. Annie Mabel, b. June 20, 1857, at Marlboro', Mass. 3182—4. Sarah Ethel, b. March 24, 1863, at Marlboro', Mass. 3183. Diana Maynard Rawson7 [1992] (Isaac", Joseph5, Edmund1, Edmund3, Grindal'2, Edward1), m. George B. Hubbard, Nov. 28, 1844, at Holliston; now r. at Cambridgeport, Mass. Children :— 1. George Henry Edward (Hubbard), b. Dec. 24, 1844. 2. Melville Walton " b. March 20, 1846. 3. Frank Leon " b. Nov. 8, 1860. 3184. Melville Walton Hubbard8 (2), m. Elvera C. Winslow, at Boston; r. at Cambridge, Mass. Have :— 1. Ida Winslow (Hubbard), b. Feb. 18, 1868. 3185. Edward T. Rawson7 [1994] (Isaac", Joseph5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Sophia Hemenway. 2d, M. Wheeler. The first wife left two children ; r. at Holliston, Mass. Children :— 3186—1. Edward Calvin, b. Dec. 11, 1860. ""3187—2. Welby Grant, b. Dec. 12, 1862. 3188—3. Edith Diana, b. Dec. 28, 1870. 3189. Susan Ellen Rawson7 [1995] (Isaac6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Henry H. Houghton, Nov. 30, 1859, at Holliston ; now r. at Worcester, Mass. He is a merchant, in the flour and grain business. Children :— 1. Florence E. (Houghton), b. Dec. 13, 1860. 2. Grace D. " b. Dec. 27, 1866. 3. Bertha R. " b. Aug. 20, 1871. 3190. Wellington R. Rawson7 [2012] (Warren6, Seth5, Edmund4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Taplin, at Black-stone, Mass. Now resides at Valley Falls, R. I. Children :— 3191—1. Brainbridge, b. 1849. 3192—2. Elizabeth N., b. 1851. 3193—3. Salone, b. 1854. 3194—4. Emma, b 1856. 3195—5. Millard F., b. 1857. 3196—6. Susan A., b. 1864. 3197—7. Lellian M., b. 1868. 3198—8. Medora M., b. 1870.222 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3199. Alpheus Ra.wson7 [2015] (Charles6, Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Mary D. Prentice, April 3, 1821, at Northbridge, Mass. He d. July 8, 1837, at Sutton. Children:— 3200—1. Charles M., b. April 1, 1822; d. July 7, 1825. 3201—2. C. P., b. Nov. 21, 1823; d. Oct. 9, 1826. 3202—3. Silas B., b. May 31, 1825; m. Amanda M. Hunt, Jan. 1, 1867, at Oldtown, Me. 3203—4. George W. [3512], b. Oct. 5, 1827. 3204—5. William H., b. Feb. 13, 1829; d. Sept. 29, 1853. 3205—6. GuSTAVUS [3517], b. Nov. 16, 1830. 3206—7. Sarah E., b. Dec. 30, 1832; d. Jan. 24, 1833. 3207—8. Alfonso P. [3519], b. Dec. 9, 1833. 3208—9. Eze W., b. April 17, 1835; d. July 24, 1844. 3209. Sophia Rawson7 [2016] (Charles6, Silas6, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Lewis Wood, in 1833, at Uxbridge, Mass. Settled in Mendon, where she d. May 10, 1863. Had one child :— 3210—1. Alcy M. (Wood), b. July 1, 1838; m. Ezekiel P. Gaskell, Jan. 1, 1859; settled in Mendon, where they now reside. Children:— 1. Emily Sophia (Gaskell), b. April 22, 1861.. 2. Arthur Lewis " b. June 5, 1863. 3. Henry Wood " b. Jan. 14, 1867. 4. Annie Josephine " b. May 21, 1869. 3211. Mary Rawson7 [2019] (Charles", Silas6, Abner4, Edmund', Grindal", Edward1), m. George W. Seagrave of Uxbridge, Mass., and d. Jan. 23, 1848. Had a daughter:— 3212. Sophia R. (Seagrave), b. Feb. 5, 1847; m. Arnold S. Allen, May 12, 1869, at Woonsocket, R. I.; now resides at Uxbridge, Mass. Had:— 1. Arnold S. (Allen), b. Oct. 4, 1871. 3213. Silas Rawson7 [2021] (Simon6, Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Sally White, March 12, 1826, at Sullivan, N. H. Settled at Northbridge, Mass. She d. Feb. 21, 1837. 2d, Mary Dodge of Sutton, May 8, 1839. While a resident of Northbridge, Mr. Rawson was elected to represent the town at the State Legislature, as well as to occupy many other minor offices. In 1853 he was chosen Delegate to the Constitutional Convention at Boston. In 1855 moved to Barre, where he now resides, having served there also as Selectman and Assessor. 3214—1. Maria A., b. Sept. 15, 1827. 3215—2. Washington A. [3522], b. May 31, 1829. 3216—3. Emily, b. Dec. 21, 1830; d. April 1, 1831. 3217—4. Edwin F., b. April 13, 1833; in. Sarah M. Wyman, Feb. 9, 1870; resides at Barre, Mass. 3218. Charles Buffington Rawson7 [2023] (Simon6, Silas6,SEVENTH GENERATION. 223 Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary A. Seagrave, Aug. 31, 1834. 2d, Sylvia L. Wood, Jan. 19, 1870. Resides at Uxbridge, Mass., in the same house and on the same farm that was deeded to his great-grandfather, Feb. 22, 1759, and having since that time remained in the hands of his descendants. Their children:— 3219—1. George Clinton, b. July 8, 1835; ra. Lydia B. White, Nov. 17, 1864. *—2. Charles Newton, b. Oct. 28, 1836; d. Feb. 5, 1840. 3220—3. Jane Augusta, b. Jan. 10, 1840; m. Amos Arnold of Whi- tinsville, April 19, 1866. 3221. Simon Rawson7 [2024] (Simon", Silas6, Abner4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward'), m. Roxellana Aldrich, May 15, 1836, at Douglas, Mass. Settled first in Uxbridge. In 1844, he moved to East Douglas, where he now resides. He has held many offices of trust, both public and private. He is considered a man of good, sound, impartial judgment, and rather pointed in his remarks. Is a farmer and stone workman. Children :— 3222—1. John A., b. July 1, 1837; d. Feb. 5, 1840. 3223—2. Simon P. [3524], b. Aug. 27. 1838. 3224—3. Charles F. [3528], b. Nov. 2, 1839. 3225—4. John M., b. May 15, 1842; m. Zilpha M. Potter of Douglas, daughter of Nelson Potter, formerly of R. I. 3226—5. Laura L., b. July 5, 1847. 3227—6. Levi B., b. Feb. 16, 1860. 3228. George W. Rawson7 [2061] Chauncy6, Isaac5, Na^ thau4, Edmund3, GrindaP, Edward1), m. Nancy J. -, Sept. 14, 1854, at Boston, Mass. Settled at Charlestown ; now resides at Cambridge. Is of the firm of Rawson & Hittinger, manufacturers of stationary and portable engines, hydraulic presses, &c. Shops at Cambridgeport. Children :— 3229—1. George H., b. Jan. 13, 1856; d. Jan. 19, 1856. 3230—2. Nellie J., b. Feb. 3, 1857. 3231—3. Emma E., b. Nov. 7, 1859. 3232. Daniel J. Rawson7 [2070] (Abner", Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Alma F. Hall, Sept. 29, 1857, at Providence, R. I. Settled at Webster, where he now resides. Had:— 1. James Abner, b. May 30, 1866; d. Aug. 6, 1866. 3233. Esbon N. Rawson7 [2071] (Abner6, Edward5, *Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary E. Clemens, April 5, 1853, at Webster, Mass., where he settled. Has :—• 3234—1. Nathan Edward, b. April 26, 1854. # This record was corrected by Mr. Uawson after the numbering had been completed.224 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3235. Hiram Jones Rawson7 [2078] (Derring", Edward6, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. Mary Jane Cook, June 29, 1849, at Hillsborough, 111., where he first settled. Now resides at Sullivan, 111. Children :— 3236—1. Henry Davis, b. Aug. 2, 1850; d. Juue 26, 1851. 3237—2. Francis Logan, b. April 10, 1852. 3238—3. Mary Abbie, b. July 5, 1857; d. Sept. 19, 1857. 3239—4. Merritt Agustis, ) Twins: b. Dec. ( 3240—5. Merrell E.sbun, 5 13, 1858. \ d. Aug. 1,1860. 3241—6. Lauha Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1861. 3242—7. Thankful Sherman, b. Jan. 5, 1864; d. Feb. 25, 1864. 3243—8. Hiram Eminett, b. April 9, 1867. 3244. James E. Raavson7 [2085] (George", Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Giindal', Edward1), m. Deborah H. Briggs, Nov. 9, 1851, at Dighton, Mass., where they now reside, and have the following children :— 3245—1. Mary B. 3246—2. Rebecca N. 3247—3. Nathan Edward. 3248. Joiin C. Rawson7 [2088] (George", Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Orianna A. Rawson, daughter of Wilson Rawson of Upton, Feb. 2, 1871, at Providence, R. I. Children :— 3249—1. Elmer Irving, b. May 23, 1872; d. Aug. 31, 1872. 3250—2. Newell Merritt, b. Sept. 7, 1874. 3251. Hannah C. Rawson7 [2089] (George0, Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal'2, Edward1), m. Jatnes E. Haskins, Dec. 9, 1866, at Dighton, Mass. Have :— 1. Annie M. B. (Haskius), b. Sept. 20, 1867, at Taunton, Mass. 3252. Lucy O. Raavson7 [2090] (George6, Edward5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Robert F. Phillips, Aug. 29, 1861, at North Dighton, Mass., where they settled, and have :— 1. SissoniaB. (Phillips), b. Jan. 31, 1865. 2. George B. " b. July 13, 1867. 3253. Ella J. Raavson7 [2102] (James8, .James5, Nathan4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Charles M. Hall of Uxbridge, Mass. IJas:— 1. Charles A. (Hall), b. March 29, 1866, at Uxbridge. 2. Bessie L. " b. June 1, 1870, at Milford. 3254. Joshua Rawson7 [2111] (Wilson", Joshua5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Diana Davis. 2d, Mary AnnSEVENTH GENERATION. 225 Welch, and settled first at Upton, now resides at Worcester, Mass. Children :— 3255—1. Daniel D., b. June 9, 1834. 3256—2. Levi, b. July 9,1836. 3257—3. Otis r8o31], b. Aug. 20, 1839. 3258—4. Gilbert [3534], b. Sept. 1, 1841. 3259—5. Mary Ann [3537] b. Sept. 25, 1845. 3260—6. Nancy E., b. Sept. 29, 1850. 3261. Mary B. Rawson7 [2136] (Daniel", Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mason L. Morehouse, June 17, 1858, in Bond Co., 111. She was a very successful teacher for several years. They now reside at Hillsboro', 111. Have :— 1. Rawson J. (Morehouse), b. Oct. 13, 1859. 2. Lyman D. " b. Jan. 14, 1861; d. April 10, 1861. 3262. Louisa Alice Rawson7 [2138] (Levi6, Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. George A. Field, M. D., of Lyndon, Yt., June 1, 1848. He d. in Columbia, Cal., Dec. 3, 1853. She resides at Grafton, Mass. Had :— 1. Levi Rawson (Field), b. March 22, 1849; d. Aug. 25, 1851. 3263. John Newell Rawson7 [2142] (Caleb6, Wilson6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Direxia S. Bachelor, April 25, 1833. 2d, Mary Ann Rawson of Uxbridge, Aug. 7, 1836. Settled at Upton. Had by 1st wife :— 3264—1. Betsey Ann, b. June 18, 1834; d. Nov. 10, 1834. 3265. Caleb Rawson7 [2144] Caleb6, Wilson6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), in. Annie Maria Jones. Settled at Northbridge. Had:— 3266—1. Lurajstia M. [3538], b. Sept. 24, 1841. 3267. Barnabas Aldrich Rawson7 [2146] (Caleb6, Wilson6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Jane Jefferson, Nov. 25, 1841, at Uxbridge, Mass., where they settled and now reside. Children :— 3268—1. Orrin Freeman, b. Nov. 4, 1842; d. March 30, 1870. 3269—2. Waldo Elmore, b. Oct. 6, 1852. 3270—3. Leuri Francois, b. July 17, 1855. 3271. .Wilson L. Rawson7 [2147] (Caleb", Wilson5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Marcia T. Barrett, May 12, 1847. He d. Aug. 24, 1856, at Geneseo, 111. Children:— 3272—1. Oriaxna A., b. Aug. 28, 1848, at Upton. 29226 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3273—2. Marcia B., b. Sept. 2, 1850, at Douglas. 3274—3. Laura E., b. July 28, 1854, at Northbridge. 3275. Samuel F. Rawson7 [2151] (Levi0, Artemas6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Miss A. B. Wright, Aug. 16, 1831. She d. Oct, 15, 1833, leaving two children. 2d, Sally Twitchell, March 5, 1834. Children:— 3276—1. Salisbury F., b. Feb. .17, 1832; d. Aug. 25, 1844. 3277—2. Job H., b. Sept. 30, 1833. 3278—3. Sally R., b. Dec. 1, 1834. 3279—4. Paulina, b. Oct. 19, 1836. 3280—5. Rozilla, b. March 20, 1839; d. March 16, 1840. 3281—6. Francis, b. June 3, 1842. 3282—7. Rose E., b. Sept. 5, 1849. 3283.' James Rawson7 [2178] (Artemas0, Artemas6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward'), m. Sarah P--, Feb. 5, 1863. Now resides at Boston, Mass. Has 3284—1. Edward Lincoln, b. Dec. 8, 1864. 3285—2. Frederick G., b. Jan. 10, 1874. 3286. Mark F. Rawson7 [2185] (Mark", Artemas6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Vesta Whitman, Sept. 5, 1857 and d. Dec. 29, 1863, leaving a son :— 3287—1. -, b. June 5, 1858. 3288. Virgil D. Rawson7 [2187] (Mark", Artemas5, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah M. Libby, Aug. 24, 1869. Children :— 3289—1. Mabel, b. Dec. 13, 1870. 3290—2. Minnie, b. Aug. 7, 1872. 3291—3. Olive, b. March 12, 1874. 3292. Charles Frederick Rawson7 [2192] (Samuel", Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary N. Saunders, Sept. 17, 1838, at Providence, where they settled. Children:— 3293—1. Rosalie Gramon. b. March 5, 1841; d. Oct. 2, 1842. 3294—2. William Noyes, b. March 8, 1845; d. Aug. 3, 1845. 3295. Samuel Gilbert Rawson7 [2193] (Samuel0, Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, JEdward1), m. Mary P. Cooper, Oct. 14, 1844, at Providence, where they settled. Children :— » 3296—1. Mary Nightingale [3539], b. Nov. 5, 1845. 3297—2. Rosalie Gramon [3540], b. Sept. 2, 1848. 3298—3. Allen Cooper, b. July 5, 1851. 3299—4. Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1854. 3300—5. Rhodes, b. June 2, 1856.SEVENTH GENERATION. 227 3301. Anthony Richmond Rawson7 [2198] (Samuel", Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary E. Shaw, Nov. 8, 1860, at Providence, R. I., where he d. May 5, 1864.* They had:— 3302—1. Anna Richmond, b. Dec. 24, 1861. 3303—2. Clara Eliza, b. Sept. 25, 18C3. 33 M. Eliza. Richmond Rawson7 [221)0] (Samuel6, Joseph5, Grindal1, Wilson3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Edward R. Gardner, June 30, 1863, at New Bedford, Mass., where they settled. They have:— 1. Harriet Swain (Gardner), b. Jan. 14, 1869. 2. Jane Eliza " b. March 22, 1833. 3305. Mary C. Rawson7 [2205] (William0, Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. John Wilkinson, April 3, 1859, at Foster, R. I. Children 1. Anna T. (Wilkinson), b. July 28, 1861, at Greenville, R. I. 2. John " b. Oct. 19, 1862. 3. Albert C. " b. Sept. 1, 1868, at Gloucester, R. I.; d. Sept. 24, 1869. 3306. Abby F. Rawson7 [2207] (William6, Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. George E. Cutting, Oct. 22, 1857, at Killingly, Conn. Have :— 1. Medora E. (Cutting), b. Oct. 11, 1859, at Scituate, R. I. 2. Irving M. " b. Oct. 23, 1861, at Smithfleld, R.I. 3307. Edward Dickens Rawson7 [2213£] (Grindal6, Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), was a graduate of Amherst College, class of 1851. Failing health caused him to give up his cherished plan of preparing for the ministry, and he turned his attention to teaching. He had many calls •IN MEMORIAM. Anthony Richmond, son of Samuel and Eliza Rawson, was among the first to respond to the call for troops in our country's late hour of peril, and as a member of the 1st R. I. Reg't, reported for duty in Washington. April 18, 1861. From that time forward his life was devoted to his country. After the 1st Regiment was disbanded, he was commissioned Lieutenant in the 3d R. I. Reg't, and with them had an uninterrupted service in the South for 27 months, exposed to all the dangers of the troops before Port Sumter, whether in camp or iu the field. Passing through the grades of promotion, he received a commission as Captain of the Colored troops, and was ordered to Washington for exainiuatiou, December, 1863. After the examination, being appointed Capt. 14th R. I. H. A., he was ordered to report at the Camp of the Regiment at Dutch Island, in Narragansett Bay, as bleak and dreary a spot in Winter as can well be imagined. The contrast oi climate was extreme, and in his case proved fatal. His constitution, enervated by his Southern life, and exhausted by exposure in the trenches before Fort Wagner, was unable to bear this new strain upon It, and, after a service of only three days, lie returned home sick. For four months he lingered through an Intensely paiutul illness, and then died, leaving for his little daughters the proud record of an unblemished name, suffering patiently borne and duty bravely and cheerfully done, even to the end. A Christian soldier, his lifers battle, though a short one, ended in a glorious victory, and his name goes to swell the long roll of those who were not afraid to die for their country.228 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. in that profession, classical and otherwise, the last one being that of the Public High School at Scranton, Pa., which was finished and opened under his personal supervision. While thus occupied he took occasion to visit the scene of the poet Campbell's " Gertrude of Wyoming," where he took a severe cold, which soon resulted in his death, which occurred Aug. 6, 1859, at Woodstock, Conn. At a meeting of the Barnard Society of the Conn. Normal School the following resolution was adopted:— Whereas, God, in his Providence, has again entered our circle and removed death Mr. Edward D. Rawson; Besolved, That in this dispensation we have lost one whose high purpose and Christian life made him an ornament in the profession of Teaching; and while deeply mourning his loss, let us live so that it may be said of us, as it can be truly said of him, " He hath done what he could." He m. Lucy Rebecca Say, Nov. 24, 1853, at Guilford, Conn., and left one son :— 3308—1. Edward Say, b. Aug. 25, 1858. 3309. David Lf.ffingwell Raavson7 [2214] (Grindar, Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), was the first cashier of Elmwood Bank, at Providence, R. I., which position he held up to the time of his death, Nov. 16, 1857. He was a man of unquestioned integrity, possessing true moral worth ; fit example for the present generation to follow. Early in life he took a manly stand in his Saviour's cause, and showed his professions by living acts. By his gentle voice and guiding hand cheering and supporting the afflicted in their hours of sorrow. He m. Sarah R. Hammond, May 26, 1852, at Providence, R. I. Left one child:— 3310—1. Annie Leffingwell, b. Sept. 29, 1856. 3311. Henry M. Rawson7 [2215] (Grindal", Joseph5, Grindal', Wilson3, GriridaP, Edward1), m. 1st, Sophia E. Drown, Nov. 24, 1850, at Foster, R. I. 2d, Harriet E. Wilmarth, Nov. 5, 1857, at Providence, R. I., where he now resides. Children :— 3312—1. Louisa Cornelia [3514], b. Sept. 30. 1851, at Foster. R. I. 3313—2. Sophia Elizabeth, b. Jan. 22. 1854, at Foster, R. I. ' 3314—3. Sullivan Florence, b. Jan. 10, 1859, at Providence, R. I. 3315—4. Harriet Newell, b. March 3, 18G2, at Providence, R. I.; d. June 1, 1862. 3316—5. Henry Grindal, b. Feb. 5, 1870, at Providence, R. I. 3317. Sarah Frances Raavson7 [2218] (George0, Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), rn. Francis D. Morse, March 7, 1855, at Thompson, Conn. Children :— 1. Walter Francis (Morse), b. May 28, 1856, at South- bridge, Mass. 2. Frederic Augustus " b. March 26,1859, at Genoa Blufl's, Iowa. 3. Elizabeth Cook " b. Jan. 13, 1863, at Genoa Bluffs, Iowa.SEVENTH GENERATION. 229 3318. John C. Rawson7 [2220] (George", Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Josephine A. Price, Aug. 1, 1844, at Providence, R. I. 2d, Annie A. Lyon, Oct. 26, 1850, at Woodstock, Conn. ; now r. at Providence, R. I. Children :— 3319—1. John Ellery, b. Aug. 27, 1864. 3320—2. Jennie Meader, b. May 2, 1866. 3321. Susan E. Rawson7 [2222] (George0, Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Andrew H. Morse, at South-bridge, Mass., Oct. 22, 1868, and d. Jan. 26, 1872, leaving:— 1. Clara W. (Morse), b. July 29, 1869. 3322. Sarah Ann Rawson7 [2228] Asa", Wilson5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Capt. George D. Coffin of Nantucket, Mass., Jan. 1, 1852. He d. Sept. 26, 1858, of consumption, at Nantucket, at which time he was master of the merchant ship Mediator, of N. Y., of the Union line of Clippers. Children:— 1. Sarah Gardner (Coffin), b. Oct. 12, 1852; d. Jan. 8, 1853. 2. Charles D. " b. Sept. 7, 1854. 3323. Charlotte Rawson7 [2229] (Asa6, Wilson6, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Capt. James Morse of Nantucket, Mass., May 11, 1845. He d. Nov. 23, 1858, on board Bark Aremeda Snow, when within four days sail of New Orleans, and was buried at sea. At the time of his death he was master of Bark Ionia of New Bedford. He left one son. 2d, Capt. Barzillai Luce, Dec. 26, 1868, at Nantucket. 1. Frederick Mitchell (Morse), b. Oct. 22, 1850. 3324. Eliza Coleman Rawson7 [2231] (Asa", Wilson6, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Joseph W. Bates of Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 28, 1848, at Nantucket, and have:— 1. William E. (Bates), b. Sept. 12, 1849; m. Mary Ann Coffin of Nantucket, Sept. 20, 1871, at Boston, Mass. 3325. Phebe Rawson7 [2232], Asa", Wilson6, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Charles R. Bunker of Springfield, Mass., Nov. 22, 1849, at Nantucket. Children :— 1. Lottie Morse (Bunker), b. Sept. 14, 1853, at Spring- field ; m. Frank E. Cooper, Oct. 8, 1873, at Springfield, Mass. 2. Lizzie Pearl (Bunker), b. Sept. 23, 1858, at Spring- field, Mass.230 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3326. George Rawson7 [2233] (Asa0, Wilson5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Harriet Bullard, Nov. 1863, at Calumet, Ind., where they settled and have :— 3327—1. Nellie Mat, b. Nov. 1869. 3328. Charles Wilson Rawson7 [2235] (Asa", Wilson5; Paul4, Wilson*, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Eugenia Goodspeed, June, I860, at Little Prairie Ronde, Mich., where they settled. Had:— 3329—1. Earnest, b. July, 1866; d. July, 1868. 3330. Edwardl Joy Rawson7 [2244] (Edward", Abel5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Ann Elizabeth Hall, Dec. 31, 1856, at Chelsea, Mass. Now r.. at N. Y. City. Children :— 3331—1. Nellie Hall, b. June 8, 1858. 3332—2. Edward Briggs, b. July 31, 1860. 3333. Lydia Rawson7 [2246] (Edward", Abel5, Paul4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Franklin H. Webb, June 29, 1853, at Hudson, N. Y., where they now reside. Have :— 1. Erank Rawson (Webb), b. July 1, 1857. 3334. Elijah Rawson7 [2296] (Nathaniel0, Nathaniel6, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1). After the death of his mother, which occurred in 1825, he lived a few months with Horace Birge of Middlebury, Vt., and also with John Prime of Bristol, at. the same time attending school; passed about six months with Dea. Nathaniel Rawson's family at Milford, Mass.; returned to Peru, Vt., and remained from the Spring of 1826 to the Autumn of 1828, when he went to Windsor, Vt., to learn the printing business, under Mr. J. C. Allen of the Vermont Chronicle. He was there about three years, during which time he joined the Congregational church. In 1831 he went to Boston, Mass., and fouud employment in the Type and Stereotype Foundry, attending divine worship at Dr. Lyman Beecher's church. In 1833, he went to Hampton, Conn., and in 1834 to Hartford, where he was so impressed at the first sight (to hirn) of the Administration of the Lord's Supper, according to the Episcopal order, that on his return to Middlebury, Vt., soon after, he received the Rite of Confirmation from Bishop Hopkins of the Episcopal Church of that place. After his marriage, and in the Winter of 1836 and '37, in partnership with G. A. Tuttle, published a paper called the " Vermont Statesman," but it was not a success. After spending two years at Plattsburgh, N. Y., a short time at Burlington and Johnson, Vt., he, in 1843, went to N. Y. City. In 1845 he went to Irasburgh, Vt., and published the " Yeoman's Record," about five years. In 1852, went again to Burlington, Vt., and remained seventeen years, part of that time as foremanSEVENTH GENERATION. 231 in the publishing office of Chauncey Goodrich. In 1870 he went to Keesville, N. Y., for three years ; from there to Champlain; but now r. at Burlington, Vt. He m. Harriet Jane Hart of Salem, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1836, at Middlebury, Vt. Children :— 3335—1. Cornelia [3542], b. June 25, 1837, at Mirldleburv. Vt. 3336—2. Julius [3543], b. June 20, 1840, at Middlebury, Vt. 3337—3. Clara, b. March 30, 1852, at Burlington, Vt.; d. April 13, 1872, at Keesville, N. Y. To show with what love and respect she was held, where best known outside of her own household, we print the following resolutions of respect: The following report, by a Committee appointed for that purpose, is.expressive of the sentiments of Keesville Lodge of Good Templars, and was accepted, and unanimously adopted:— In the death of Miss Clara Rawson, a member of this Lodge, we recognize the hand and power of the Supreme Being. That this, and all similar dispensations, are intended for ultimate good, we have no room for doubt, and have every reason to believe. That one so young should be taken, and so suddenly, is certainly a great affliction; but God is the dispenser, and our duty, and only duty, is submission. Your Committee would recommend for consideration,and adoption by the Lodge, the following resolutions: Resolved, That we feel and deplore the loss of Miss Clara Rawson, our fellow-laborer in the cause ol' Temperance, who has always been prompt in the discharge of any and every duty assigned her by the Lodge, and whose bearing at all times has been so commendable, and evinced so much earnestness in efforts for the promotion of the interests of our Order. Resolved, That we extend to the parents and relatives of Clara Rawson our deepest sympathy for the loss of a daughter and a friend beloved, and can only commend them in their sorrow to the God of all Grace for consolation and support. Resolved, That as a token of respect to the memory of our deceased sister, the Charter of this Lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the foregoing be published in the Essex County Republican, Plattsburgh Republican, Plattsburgh Sentinel, and Burlington Free Press. Fanny H. Cartek, j Nellie Hopkins, > Committee. Emma Stevens, ) 3338. Dennis Cook Ram^son7 [2299] (Nathaniel", Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. 1st, Eliza Copeland, April 21, 1846, at Hampton, Conn. She d. in 1857. 2d, Chloe Miller ; s. in Brooklyn, Conn. Now resides at Hampton, Conn. Children :— 3339—1. Royal C., b. Feb. 10, 1850. 3340—2. George D., b. June 28, 1851. 3341—3. Mary E., b. Nov. 10, 1855. 3342—4. Joseph H., b. June 26, 1857. 3343. Elizabeth Fitch Rawson7 [2300] (Nathaniel6, Nathaniel6, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Henry Edwin Rice, March 28, 1848, at Barre, Mass., where they now reside. Children :—- 1. Olive (Rice), b. Jan. 5, 1851. 2. Fannie " b. Oct. 22, 1852. 3. Frank Henry (Rice), b. Feb. 23, 1854. 4. Lizzie Maria " b. Dec. 23, 1860; d. Oct. 16, 1862. 5. Daniel Herbert (Rice), b. Feb. 3, 1863. 6. Arthur.Louis, " b. May 14, 1870.232 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3344. Olive Rice8 (1), m. Henry Harrison Brigham; r. at Barre, Mass., and have :— 1. Francis Henry (Brigham), b. Nov. 3, 1873. 3345. Fannie Rice8 (2), in. Seymour Augustin Wheelock, March 26, 1872; now r. at Chicago, 111. Have:— 1. Bertha Calista (Wheelock), b. Jan. 9, 1873. 3346. Mart Jane Raavson7 [2301] (Nathaniel0, Nathaniel5, Thomas', William3, William2, Edward1), rn. Ephraim A. Moore, June 23, 1854; s. at Weston, Vt., where they now reside. Children :— 1. Obed E. (Moore), b. June 7, 1855. 2. Alice S. " b. Dec. 16, 1859. 3. Annie M., " b. March 7, 1862. 4. Edward N. «' b. Oct. 15, 1864. 5. Elizabeth A. (Moore), b. Dec. 10, 1866. 6. Esther Y. " b. Oct. 17, 1£S70. 3347. Eliza A. Rawson7 [2309] (Jared", Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Austin F. Putnam, April 20, 1864 ; r. at Milford, Mass. Children :— 1. Willis Rawson (Putnam'), b. July 20, 1865; d. Oct. 17, 1866. 2. Ida Eliza " b. Nov. 10, 1867. 3348. Jonathan Rawson7 [2314] (Joseph0, Joseph6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Anna Weld, Sept. 24, 1815. Settled first in N. Y. State, afterwards in Jackson, Mich. He d." Aug. 26, 1840. She d. in 1843. Children :— Sylvia, b. Aug. 21, 1816; m. William Crosby; d. Caleb, ) m„. „ ^ »„„ mon C m. Bertha Brown; d. Sarah L., * ™s; i m . Schuler Hubbard. Louise, b. Sept. 29, 1822; m. Alvin G. Whittemore; d. Feb., 1848. Piikbe Ann, b. Sept. 21, 1824; m. Robert N. Farley. Cyril, b. Julv 16, 1826; d. 1843. William, b. Feb. 2, 1829. Cynthia, b. May 22, 1331; m. Eli L. Cobb. Caroline, b. Feb. 15, 1834. 3358. Cyril Raavson7 [2318] (Joseph6, Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Lydia Smith of Vt., Sept. 30, 1829. Settled at Eagle, N. Y. Now resides at Princeton, 111. Their children :— 3359—1. Hart [3547], b. Aug. 6, 1830. 3360—2. Duane, b. March 22, 1834; d. April 18, 1856. 3361—3. Harrison, b. Oct. 7, 1836; m. 1st, Angie Herold; d. Aug., 1868. 2d, Roxie M. Boyd; d. 1873. 3362—4. Sylvia M. [3551], b. Aug. 31, 1839. 3349—1. 3350—2. 3351—3. 3352—4. 3353—5 3354—6. 3355—7. 3356—8. 3357—9. 3363. Cynthia Rawson7 [2322] (Dexter6, Joseph5, John4,SEVENTH GENERATION. 233 John', Grindal2, Edward1), m. John Bates, Sept. 24, 1825 ; d. Feb. 21, 1827. Had :— 3364—1. Elizabeth (Bates8), b. Sept. 26,1826; m. William H. Beach, and had :— 1. Willie M. 2. Ette L. 3. Jerome. 4. Geouge. 5. Merion. 6. James Otis. 3365. Rufus Rawson7 [2323] (Dexter6, Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah M. Bigelow, Nov. 18, 1840. Settled in Webster, Mass. Had:— 1. Charles D.,b. March 2, 1847; d. Nov. 18, 1853, at Norwich, Conn. 3366. Rhoda Rawson7 [2324] (Dexter6, Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. L. B. Tillinghast, April, 1827. He d. Nov. 18, 1872, at Bellingham, Mass. Had :— 1. Sarah D. (Tillinghast). 2. David N. " married Emma Newman, and had:— 1. Charles L. " 2. Eddy E. " 3. Lewis " 4. Willie " 5. Minnie " 3. Dexter B. " d. at Woonsocket, R. I., Aug., 1854. 3367. Abel D. Rawson7 [2325] (Dexter", Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal'2, Edward1), m. Hannah Smith of Douglas, Nov. 28,1837. Settled at Webster, Mass. Children:— 3368—1. Harriet F., m. GeorgeL. Simpson; d. 8369—2. Annie D., b. Dec. 3, 1853. 3370. Joseph S. Rawson7 [2327] (Dexter", Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Lucina Cad well, March, 1840. Settled at Webster. She d. Aug. 31, 1864. Had :— 3371—1. Ellen M., m. W. L. Taylor of Webster. 3372—2. Mary J. 3373. Charles Rawson7 [2328] (Dexter", Joseph6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Mary Ann Codding of Attleboro', Mass. Children :— 3374—1. Charles I. [3552]. 3375—2. Annie M., m. James Tufts of Attleboro', Mass., Nov. 27, 1873. 30234 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3376. Sarah A. Rawson7 [2329] (Dexter", Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Rufus M. Sibley of Sutton, Mass., Aug. 9, 1852. He died in Webster, Junfe 18,'1870. Had :— 1. Emory Eugene (Sibley), b. April 19,1858, at Hartford, Conn. 3377. Satira Rawson7 [2330] (Dexter", Joseph6, John4, John9, Grindal2, Edward1), m. David Kingsbury of Webster, Mass., Nov. 21, 1857, at Thompson, Conn. She d. Nov. 21, 1867. Children :— 1. Elmer C. (Kingsbury). 2. Ellen L. " d. young. 3378. Olive C. Rawson7 [2332] (Lewis6, Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. Nelson T. Albee, Feb. 23, 1834. She d. Dec. 11, 1837, at Webster, Mass., leaving two children. He then m. her sister :— 3379. Rebecca K. Rawson7 [2334] (Lewis", Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward'), March 15, 1840. She d. June 8, 1857. He enlisted in the 51st Reg't M. Volunteers. He died in hospital, at Newbern, March 14, 1863, and the body was brought home for burial. Children :— 1. George N. (Albee), b. April 4, 1835. He enlisted and served in the late war. 2. Claka C. (Albee). b. Oct. 12, 1830; m. John Simpson, Dec. 25, 1873, at Holliston, Mass. 1. Jane 0. (Albee), b. Sept. 3, 1842; m. Elbridge Yeazie, Feb. 11, 1869. 2. Lydia A. (Albee), b. Oct. 12, 1843. 3. Henry H. " b. Dec. 1, 1844; ra. Emma Kettell, May 30, 1872. He was a soldier in the 51st Reg't M. Volunteers. 4. Frances M. (Albee), b. April 17, 1846; d. Aug. 14, 1846. 5. Albert O. " b. May 8, 1848. 6. Francis E. " b. Dec. 16, 1849; d. March 4,1850. 7. Alice C. " b. Jan. 12, 1851; m. Coridon YVhitcomb, Nov. 26, 1871. 8. Alfred E. (Albee), b. Sept. 15, 1853; d. July 12, 1854. 9. Ella A. " b. Dec. 26, 1854. 10. Charles A. " b. Feb. 18, 1857. 3380. Elisha J. Rawson7 [2333] (Lewis", Nathan5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Eliza J. Bemis, Dec. 26, 1838. He removed from Thompson, Conn., to Worcester, Mass., in 1848. He began work for the Providence and Worcester R. R. Co. in Aug., 1847. Still remains in their employ (1875). Was Section Master 22 years. He is a faithful, .efficient man. Children :— 3381—1. Mary E. [3555], b. March 23, 1841, 3382—2. Sarah M. [3556], b. May 30, 1843.SEVENTH GENERATION. 235 3383. J. Lewis Rawson7 [2335] (Lewis", Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), in. Elizabeth Tanner, Feb. 12, 1851. He d. Oct. 12, 1856. She d. Dec. 22, 1856, leaving :— 3384—1. Helen, b. Nov. 10, 1851. She was adopted into a family by the name of Perrin, and is known by that name. 3385. Nathan Rawson7 [2342] (Wyman", Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Hannah P. Miller, Oct. 6, 1858, at Thompson, Conn., where they now reside. Children :— 3386—1. Frank D. W., b. Oct. 21, 1859. 3387—2. Ruth M:, b. July 28, 18(31. 3388—3. Minnie E., b. Nov. 20, 1863. 3389—4. Lena Perne, b. Sept. 14, 1866. 3390—5. Wyman V., b. May 7, 1868. 3391—6. Nathan Dane, b. April 15, 1870. 3392. Evander T. Rawson7 [2344] (Wyman0, Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Nancy Ann Sweet. Resides in Worcester, Mass. Has :— 3393—1. Charles H. 3394—2. Cora L. 3395. Alfred Rawson7 [2346] (Wyman6, Nathan5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sylvia Corbin. Resides at Jackson, Mich. Have buried three children. Have one living:— 3396-1. Jennie*Bell, b. Feb. 24, 1867. 3397. Albert Rawson7 [2347] (Wyman", Nathan6, John4, John9, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Emma J. Aldrich. Reside at Putnam, Conn. Have buried one child. Have one living:— 3398—1. InezE. 3399. Hiram Rawson7 [2348] (Wyman6, Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Susan Hall, and settled in Webster, Mass., where he died, July 24, 1863, from the effects of an injury received by the premature discharge of a cannon he was testing for the citizens of that- town. She m. John D. Plummer, May 8, 1865, and the family reside at Saratoga, N. Y. Children:— 3400—1. Fred. Worthington, b. Dec. 4, 1858. 3401—2. Ada Maria, b. Sept. 19, 1860; d. Feb. 16, 1862. 3402. Oscar F. Rawson7 [2356] (Luther", Asa6, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), ra. H. Amealia Read, Nov. 28, 1862, at Worcester, Mass., where they, now reside. He is a merchant. They have:— 3403—1. Eleanor Roweana, b. Feb. 15, 1864. 3404. Adriel A. Rawson7 [2358] (Luther", Asa6, Joel4, John3,236 rawscJn family memorial. Grindal2, Edward1), m. Sarah Louise Maguire, March 25, 1869, at Chicago, 111., where they now reside. Have:— 3405—L Mabel Ione, b. Oct. 23, 1871. 3406. Lucinda R. Rawson7 [2359] (Luther8, Asa5, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), rn. George F. Hughes, March 25, 1874, at Worcester, Mass., where they now reside. Have :— 1. John Kawson (Hughes), b. March 11, 1875. 3407. A. J. Rawson7 [2361] (Jasper6, Asa5, Joel4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Anna Marrianer, Dec. 10, 1872, at Lynn, Mass. Have:— 3408-1. Nancy M., b. Sept. 20, 1873. 3409. Otis Rawson7 [2362] (Jasper6, Asa6, Joel4, John3, Grindal9, Edward1), m. Minetta A. Wright, Sept. 29, 1869, at Worcester, Mass., where they now reside. Children:—■ 3410—1. Louis Winsoh, b. Aug. 18, 1870. 3411—2. Lucy Maude, b. July 14, 1873; d. Sept. 12, 1873. 3412. Mary Van Buren Rawson7 [2383] (Alexander8, Edmund5, Grindal4, Edmund3, Grindal3, Edward1), m. William Cummings Barrett, Sept. 8, 1844. He was b. Feb. 12, 1815, at Broadalbin, N. Y. ; bred a merchant. He held the offices of Town Clerk, Commissioner of Highways, Capt. of the Rifle Guards, and Col. of the 114th Reg't N. Y. State Militia. He moved to Saratoga Springs in May, 1854, where he has held the office of Justice of the Peace 17 years; also that of Police Justice, General Superintendent and Collector of the Village of Saratoga Springs. Children :— 1. William Cummings (Barrett), Jr., b. May 29, 1846; Clerk of the Grand Union Hotel of Saratoga Springs during Summer, and Cashier at the Sturtevant House, N. Y. City, balance of the year. 2. Mary Josephine (Barrett), b. Oct. 21, 1851. 3. Ann Elizabeth " b. Aug. 9, 1854. 4. Lulee Hawson " b. March 7, 1857. 5. Charles Sylvester " b. April 6, 1859; d. Oct. 8, 1865. 6. Hildah Sylvester " b. Oct. 4, 1861; d. Jan. 2, 1862. 7. Edmund Grindal Rawson (Barrett), b. Nov. 17,1863. 8. Mary Van Buren " b. Dec. 1, 1866, 9. Charles Sylvester " b. Sept. 3, 1869. 3413. Edmund Grindal Rawson7 [2384] (Alexander6, Edmund6, Edmund4, Grindal3, GrindaF, Edward1), m. 1st, Lura Kasson, Dec. 1, 1860. She d. Oct. 25, 1861. 2d, Eliza A. Sturges,SEVENTH GENERATION. 237 June 6, 1865, at Saratoga, N. Y., where they now reside. Their children :— 3414—1. Allie C., b. Sept. 8, 1861, at Broadalbin, N. Y. 3415—2. Edmund Grindal, b. Nov. 3, 1868, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 3416. Catherine Augusta Rawson7 [2387] (Alexander", Edmund6, Edmund4, Grindal3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Ferdinand Wiggins Fonda, Sept. 28, 1864, at Broadalbin, N. Y. Now reside at Saratoga, N. Y. Children :— 1. Ferdinand W. (Fonda), b. April 12, 1870, at Saratoga. 2. Murray Rawson " b. Dec. 26, 1872, at Saratoga.EIGHTH GENERATION. 3417. Bradford B. Rawson8 [2407] (Bailey7, Bailey6, Thomas5, William1, William3, William', Edward1), m. Luthera E. Cobb, Feb. 28, 1871 ; 3. at Jamaica, Vt. Has one child :— 3418—1. Edward B., b. May 18, 1872. 3419. Harrison R. Rawson8 [2412] Lowell7, Bailev6, Thomas6, William4, William9, William2, Edward1), m. Julia Kendall of Middlebury, Vt., at Gardner, Mass., Oct. 1842. He has quite a roaming disposition : emigrated to Wisconsin in the early settlement of that State; afterwards went to Kansas; passed through the Rebel raids in that State during the late war, then removed to Colorado ; from there to California, and now (1874) r. in Oregon; is said to have become quite wealthy. Children :— 3420—1. Oella, b. Nov. 15, 1844, at Gardner, Mass. 3421—2. Wallace K., b. Sept. 3, 1846, at Hinsdale, Vt. 3422—3. Charles A., b. Aug. 17, 1848, at Indian Territory, Wis. 3423—4. George, b. Oct. 15, 1851. 3424—5. Ida, b. March 27, 1856, at Lawrence, Kansas. 3425—6. Mary E., b. Aug. 1858, at Lawrence, Kansas. 3426—7. Abbie H., b. 1860, at Denver City, Col.; d. in 1860. 3427—8. Lincoln, b. Jan. 21, 1865, in California. 3428. George L. Rawson8 [2415] (Lowell7, Bailey6, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary G. Kendall, June 11, 1846; s. first at Worcester, Mass; now r. at So. Gardner. He is a grocer and wholesale chair dealer. Children:— 3429—1. Hellena C., b. Jan. 26, 1848; m. Joshua Cashier, Aug. 6, 1872. 3430—2. Herbert L., b. May 30, 1856. 3431. Maritta V. Rawson8 [2428] (Lowell7, Bailey6, Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Winslow A. Cole, Dec. 6, 1862, at Londonderry, Yt.; now resides at Worcester, Mass. Children:— 1. Mina M. (Cole), b. March 23, 1865. 2. Nettie I. " b. Sept. 24, 1867. 3. Georgie W. (Cole), b. July 20, 1873.EIGHTH GENERATION. 239 3432. Lauuinda Rawson* [2454] (Jason7, Gardner6, Thomas5, William4, William3, WTilliam2, Edward'), m. Dudley R. Peabody, June 9, 1866, at Corinth, N. Y. They had : — 1. Newell (Peabody), b. Aug. 1869, at Qneensbury, N. Y. 2. Numan " b. Juue, 1871, at Luzerne, N. Y. 3. Njcwton " b. April, 1874, at Luzerne, N. Y. 3433. Sanburn Rawson8 [2470] (Lowell7, Samuel0, Thomas5, William4, William", William3, Edward'), was b. at Wardsboro, Vt. ; rn. Delana Fox, at Perkins, Erie Co., Ohio ; r. at Cold-water, Mich. Children :— 3434—1. Sanburx Alton W., b. May 28, 1845; d. March 12, 1848. 3435—2. Alta Ann D. [3557], b. Dec. 27, 1847, at Bethel, Mich. 3436—3. Albern Laton, b. Aug. 7, 1858, at Coldwater, Mich. 3437—4. Alva Elton, b. May 2, 1860, at Coldwater, Mich.; died young. 3438. Caroline S. Rawson9 [2472] (Lowell7, Samuel", Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Henry C. Bowker, June 8, 1846, at iiethel, Mich., where they settled. Children:— 1. Parmelia (Bowker), b. March 5, 1847. 2. Eva ' " b. Oct. 25, 1853. 3. Meldon Rawson (Bowker), b. July 20, 1859. 4. Carlton H. " b. Dec. 18, 1863. 3439. Parmelia Bowker9 (1), m. David Holbrook, Oct. 6, 1863; s. at Bronson, Mich., and has :— 1. Carrie Alviria (Holbrook), b. Sept. 18, 1864. 2. Linnie Maud " b. Feb. 21, 1867. 3. Ethia Adell " b. Feb. 28, 1869. 4. Oatis Bowker " b. Oct. 18, 1870. 3440.. Eva Bowker9 (2), m. Adelbert Pixley, Jan. 18, 1871; s. at Coldwater, Mich., and has: — 1. Cora Pearl (Pixley), b. May 20, 1872. 3441. Samuel Newell Rawson8 [2473] (Lowell7, Samuel", Thomas5, William4, William3, William1', Edward1), ra. Cornelia Davis, March 25, 1849, at Ovid, Mich. ; s. at Bethel, Branch Co., Mich. Children :— 3442—1. Alick Augusta, b. April 3, 1851; m. Alpheus Reynolds. 3443—2. Alma Maria, b. Jan. 27, 1853; in. William Whiteker. 3444—3. Effle Cornelia, b. May 30, 1855; d. Aug. 5, 1865. 3445—4. Judson Davis, b. Nov. 5, 1861; d. Aug. 6, 1865. 3446—5. Ada, b. Feb. 21, 1864; d, July 29, 1865. 3447—6. Frank Alpheus, b. May 4, 1867. 3448. Lowell Cleveland Rawson6 [2475] (Lowell7, Samuel", Thomas5, William4, William3, William2, Edward'), m. Rebecca Ann Stevens, March 20, 1853, at Noble, Branch Co., Mich.; now r. at Riverton, Franklin Co., Nebraska. Children :— 3449—1. Orrin Lewis, b. April 9, 1860, at Bethel, Mich. 3450—2. Orrena Calista, b. Sept. 24, 1862, at Bethel, Mich.; died March 12, 1867.240 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3451—3. Lucy Augusta, b. Nov. 16, 1864, at Noble, Mich.; died March 29, 1865. 3452—4. Elmer Jay. b. Jan. 16, 1867, at Noble, Mich. 3453—5. Elva Frances, b. Feb. 16, 1868, at Noble, Mich. 3454—6. Etta May, b. Dec. 31, 1868, at Noble, Mich. 3455—7. Orra Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 187u, at Troy, Indiana. 3456. James Manning Rawson8 [2476] (Lowell7, Samuel0, Thomas', William', William3, William'2, Edward'), m. Charlotte E. Nichols, Oct,. 9, 1863, at Ceuterville, Mich., and s. at Cold-water, Mich. Children :— 3457—1. Lottie May, b. July 18, 1864. 3458—2. Grace M., b. April 5, 1867; d. Sept. 1, 1870. 3459—3. Saraii Estella, b. April 28, 1869. 3460—4. Bernice, b. May 31, 1871. 3461—5. Lillian, b. Dec. 1, 1873. 3462. Olive A. Rawson8 [2477] Lowell7, Samuel", Thomas6, William4, William", William2, Edward'), in. Elijah H. Holbrook, Dec. 4, 1861, and s. at Bronson, Branch Co.. Mich. Children :— 1. Emma L. (Holbrook), b. Nov. 21, 1862. 2. Mary E. " b. June 13, 1864. 3. Isaac Newton (Holbrook), b. June 21, 1867. 4. Effie Albixa " b. June 28, 1870. 5. Doria Alvira " b. Jan. 26, 1872. 3463. Rufus Willtam Rawson8 [2502] (Andrew7, Secretary", Perne6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Mary E. Nash, Nov. 3, 18.52, at Wardsboro', Yt. Has one child:— 3464—1. Edward Andrew, b. Aug. 29, 1862, at Brattleboro', Yt. 3465. Lydia C. Raavson8 [2510] (Paris7, Secretary8, Perne6, William4, William3, WTilliama, Edward1), m. Wells C. Halladay, Oct. 2, 1861, at Brattleboro', Vt., and has one child :— 1. Albert H. (Halladay), b. Aug. 7, 1864, at Derby, Vt. 3466. Lovisa B. Rawson8 [2511] (Paris7, Secretary", Perne6, William4, William3, William3, Edward1); m. Henry W. Downs, April 23, 1868, at Worcester, Mass., and has one child :— 1. Arthur W. (Downs), b. Feb. 11, 1870, at "Rochester, N. Y. 3467. Louisa Makia Rawson8 [2523] (Otis7, Thomas8, Perne5, William4, William3, William3, Edward1), m. Parker H. Thurston, Oct. 22, 1857, at Attleboro', Mass. Settled at Newport, R. I. Children:— 1. Benjamin F. (Thurston), b. July 22, 1858. 2. Charles R. " b. June 17, 1860. 3. Mary L. " b. Sept. 20, 1862. 4. Alice C. " b. Aug. 29, 1867. 5. Annie H. " b. Sept. 15, 1869.EIGHTH GENERATION. 241 ( 3468. Arvilla A. Rawson8 [2544] (Rufas7, William6, Perne6, William1, William3, William3, Edward1), m. J. B. Harrington, Dec. 25, 1869, at Berlin, Wis. Resides at Princeton, "Wis. Children : — 1. Ebbin Perne (Harrington), b. Oct. 8, 1871. 2. Jaman Charles " b. Jan. 10, 1874. 3469. Emma Jane Raavson8 [2547] (Rufus7, William6, Perne6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Joseph Treat of Princeton, April 6, 1872, and have :— 1. Lela Urdine (Treat), b. March 20, 1873. 3470. Orrin Rawson9 [2584] (Manning7, Simon6, Edward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Isabella Ann Gild-ard, April 23, 1867, at Cumberland, R. I. Now resides at Pontiac, R. I. Have one child :— 3471—1. Harriet Read, b. March 25, 1868, at Cumberland. 3472. Salona Aldrich Rawson8 [2587] (George7, Simon6, Edward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Ellery B. Ci 'ane, May 13, 1859, at Beloit, ^Wis. No"w reside at Worcester, Mass., where he is a lumber merchant. Have one child :— 1. Morton Rawson (Crane), b. Feb. 25, 1870, at Worcester. 3473. Charles Henry Rawson8 [2591] (Henry7, Simon6, Edward3, William1, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Sophia Davis Congdon, June 7, 1863, at Northbridge, Mass., ajid settled first at Mendon. Now reside at Milford. Children :— 3474—1. George Henry, b: April 23, 1864; d. July 23, 1864. 3475—2. Nellie Sophie, b. Aug. 28, 1867. 3476—3. Etta Lucrecia, b. March 15, 1869. 3477—4. Edward Grindal, b. Dec. 22, 1872. * 3478. Ann Frances Rawson8 [2592] (Henry7, Simon0, Edward6, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Gustavus Aldrich Staples of Mendon, where they now reside. Children :— 1. Silas Aldrich (Staples), b. March 28, 1858. 2. Louisa Rawson " b. Oct. 27, 1864; d. Aug. 1, 1867. 3. Flora Rawson " b. May 24, 1866; d. July 23, 1867. 4. Abby Louisa " b. July 9, 1868. 5. Flora Rawson " b. Feb. 15, 1870. 3479. Harriet Louise Rawson8 [2595] (Liberty7, Simon6, Edward5, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. Francis 31*242 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Batchelder, at Holliston, Mass., April 6, 1869. Now reside at Everett, Mass. Children: — 1. Grace Louise (Batchelder), b. July 28, 1870, at East Boston, Mass. 2. Emily Frances " b. Oct. 14, 1872, at Everett, Mass. 3480. Sara E. Rawson" [2672] (Lewis7, Edward", David5, Elijah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Leonard B. Spencer, Nov. 11, 1864, at Worcester, Mass. Have one child:— 1. Frank Rawson (Spencer), b. July 12,1874, at Hartford, Conn. 3481. Erskinn Ebenezer Rawson" [2729] Franklin7, Simeon", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William", Edward1), in. Myra Louise Skinner, Jan. 6, 1869. Now reside at Barton, Yt. Have one child:— 3482—1. Mary Sophia, b. Aug. 27, 1871, at Barton, Vt. 3483. Mary Rawson8 [2741] (Alonzo7, Jonathan8, Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Edward Waller, March 12, 1867, at N. Y. City. Now reside at Chicago, 111. Their children :— 1. Alonzo Rawson (Waller), b. Dec. 22, 1867, at Louis- ville, Ky. 2. Edward " b. Feb. 18, 1869, at Chicago, III. 3. James Alexander " b. Feb. 1, 1871, at Chicago, 111. 4. Francis Castleman " b. Sept. 26, 1873, at Hyde Park, 111. 3484. Alonzo Castleman Rawson8 [2742] (Alonzo7, Jonathan", Josiah1, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Rebecca S. Carter, Nov. 24, 1864, at Louisville, I^y., where they now reside. Children :— 3485—1. Frank Carter, b. June 25, 1867, at Louisville. 3486—2. Emma Denny, b. Sept. 19, 1868, " 3487. George Edward Rawson8 [2743] (Alonzo7, Jonathan", Josiah6, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary Buford Crutcher, Oct. 4, 1864, at Louisville, Ky., .where they now reside. Children :— 3488—1. James Crutcher, b. Aug. 16, 1865, at Louisville. 3489—2. Fanny Castleman, b. May 30, 1867, at Louisville. 3490. Mary C. Rawson8 [2746] (Orrin7, Jonathan", Josiah5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), m, Lieut. Wm. Y. Wolfe,EIGHTH GENERATION. 243 of the U. S. A., Sept. 16, 1868. Now stationed at Atlanta, Ga. Have one child :— 1. Orrin Rawson (Wolfe), b. June 10, 1869. 3491. Harriet Larrabee Rawson8 [2756] (Ashley7, Clark8, Simeon6, Josiah1, David3, William2, Edward1), m. Rev. E. A. Bra-man, July 31, 1866, at Schroon, Essex Co., N. Y., a minister of the M. E. Church, and settled at West Lebanon, Columbia Co., N. Y., where she d. Aug. 31, 1873, a faithful and devoted member of that church, leaving two children:— 1. Ashley Jason (Braman), b. Jan. 15, 1870. 2. Sidney Thompson " b. July 10, 1871. 3492. Sidney Fuller Rawson8 [2757] (Ashley7, Clark', Simeon5, Josiah4, David3, William2, Edward1), enlisted as a private in Co. E, 118th Reg't N. Y. Volunteers. Served in that capacity to the end of the war, receiving his discharge in June, 1865. In September of that year he began the study of law in the office of Judge Byron Pond, at Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N. Y. He was admitted to the Bar at Plattsburgh, in May, 1867, at once removing to Port Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y., he commenced the practice of law, having an office there and one in N. Y. City. In 1871 he was elected District Attorney for Richmond County for the term of three years. He m. Mary Louisa Nicholson of Elizabethtown, N. Y., May 27, 1869. Children :— 3493—1. Mary Ad aline, b. March 9, 1870. 3494—2. Edward Sidney, b. March 2, 1873. 3495. Hellen J. Rawson8 [2855] (Pelatiah7, Pelatiah", Paul5, Samuel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Pedro A. Andren, Nov. 1, 1840, at Rome, N. Y. He d. Dec. 13, 1873, at Jamaica, L. I. They had :— 1. Hellen Julia (Andren), b. June 15, 1843, at N. Y. City; ra. I. Cornelius Hendrickson, Jan. 6, 1869. 2. Francis Benito (Andren), b. June 30, 1856, at Jamaica, L. I. 3496. Cornelia Rawson8 [2857] (Pelatiah7, Pelatiah', Paul5, Samuel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. William H. Sherman, June 27, 1848, at Clinton, N. Y. Now reside at Milwaukee, Wis. Have :— 1. Harriet Rawson (Sherman), b. Aug. 24, 1853, at Erie, Pa. 2. William Waterman " b. May 18. 1857, at Beloit, Wis. 3. Mary " b. Nov. 24, 1860, at Mil- waukee. 4. Julia Peck, " b. Jan. 22, 1866, at Milwaukee.244 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. 3497. Harriet S. Rawsonb [2859] (Pelatiah7, Pelatiah6, Paul5, Samuel1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. David H. Cochran, LL. D.. Aug. 7, 1851, at Clinton, N. Y. Now reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children :— 1. Allen Hinckley (Cochran), b. Sept. 23, 1853; d. Oct. 27, 1855. 2. Henry Lord " b. July 7, 1855, at Albany, N. Y. 3. Rose Johnson " b. May 31, 1857, at Albany, N. Y. 4. Thomas " b. May 1, 1861, at Albany, N. Y. 5. David Henry, Jr., " b. Jan. 29, 1871, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. 3498. Lucetta Cleveland Rawson8 [2873] (James7, Elias6, Silas5, Nathaniel1, Nathaniel3, William", Edward1), m. William Akin of Delhi, N. Y. ; s. in Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y., where they now reside. Children :— 1. James Harvey (Akin), b. June 14, 1845. 2. Eugene Adelbert (Akin), b. Feb. 25, 1847. 3. George VV. b. Dec. 1S49. 4. Erastus Alonzo " b. Nov. 12, 1851. 5. Esther M. " b. Jan. 18, 1853. James Harvey Akin9 (1), m. Ella Merwin of Portage, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1866, and have one child, a son. 3499. Ada line B. Rawson8 [2876] (James7, Elias6, Silas5, Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Munson 0. Barker, Dec. 31, 1851 ; s. in Nunda, N. Y. Children :— 1. Devillo, b. Dec. 30, 1853; d. Sept. 12, 1854. 2. Flora J., b. Nov. 11, 1855; m. Jacob S. Veeley. 3. Lillie, b. Jan. 10, 1858. 4. Herbert, b. Jan. 15, 1863. . 3500. Joseph Emerson Rawson® [3082] (Erasmus7, Luther6, David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), in. Susau Walker Hibbard, Nov. 19, 1856, at Woodstock, Conn., where they now reside. Children :— 3501—1. Alice Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1858. 3502—2. Nancy Lucy, b. Jan. 11, 1869, 3503. Nancy Ellen Rawson8 [3084] (Erasmus7, Luther6, David5, Barnabas1, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. George Tony, Dec. 17, 1863, at Woodstock, Conn. He is a carriage manufacturer, at Central Village, Plainfield, Conn., where they now reside. Children :— 1. Willis Herbert (Tony), b. Nov. 10, 1867. 2. Lucy Ellen " b. July 30, 1869. 3. Emily Isabel " b. Nov. 9, 1873.EIGHTH GENERATION. 245 3504. Luther Erasmus Rawson8 [3085] (Erasmus7, Luther6, David6, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary-Frances Bucklin of Pawtucket, R. I. Has one child:— 3505—1. Clara Isabel, b. Aug. 12, 1870, at Woodstock, Conn. 3506. William Frkdicrtck Rawson8 [3091] (Calvin7, Calvin6, David5, Barnabas4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Mary A. Ryan, Dec. 3, 1803 ; s. at Norwich, Conn. Children :— 3507—1. Calvin R., b. July 3, 1867. 3508—2. Bessie R., b. April 7, 1870; d. Feb. 7, 1871. 3509—3. Mabel T., b. Sept. 29, 1871. 3510. Martha Anstice Rawson8 [3132] (Windsor7, Hiram", Thompson6, Edward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. George Porter, April 20, 1851 ; s. at Montgomery, Vt. Children :— 1. Martha E. (Porter), b. Jan. .29, 1853. 2. Windsor R. " b. April 23, 1854. 3. Mary A. " b. Jan. 7, 1856. 4. George P. " b. June 20, 1858. 5. Hattie E. " b. Jan. 10, I860. 6. Alma " b. June 18, 1804. 7. Homer 14 b. Dec. 30, 1865. 3511. Martha E. Porter9 (1), ra. Vincent D. Taylor, Feb. 29, 1872; r. at Montgomery, Vt. Has :— 1. Malond D. (Taylor), b. Dec. 9, 1872. 3512. George W. Rawson8 [3203] (Alpheus7, Charles6, Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Susan E. Bills, Nov. 23, 1852, at Worcester, Mass.; r. at Northbridge. Children :— 3513—1. Frank A., b. Aug. 21, 1855. 3514—2. Mary B., b. July 24, 1858. 3515—3. Susan N., b. May 28, 1864. 3516—4. G. Lewis, b. Feb. 9, 1871. 3517. Gustavus Rawson8 [3205] (Alpheus7, Charles6, Silas6, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Susan R. Jackson, Feb. 25, J 851, at Westerly, R. I. He d. Sept. 25,1854. She d. 1864. Children :— 3518—1. Sarah H., b. Dec. 3, 1853; d. Aug. 25, 1855. 3519. Alfonso P. Rawson8 [3207] (Alpheus7, Charles6, Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Julia A. Hoyle, May 1, 1853, at Northbridge, Mass. ; now reside at Whitins-ville. Children :— 3520—1. Ona, b. March 26, 1858. 3521—2. Willie S., b. Aug. 23, 1861. 3522. Washington A. Rawson8 [3215] (Silas7, Simon6, Silas5, Abner4, Edmund3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Adaline C. Day.246 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. April 3, 1855 ; s. in Northbridge. He d. Dec. 7, 1873, leaving:— 3523—1. Edwin T., b. Aug. 7, 1871. 3524. Simon P. Rawson8 [3223] (Simon7, Simon", Silas6, Abner4, Edward3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. -, a lady from Ii. I., Jan. 1, I860 ; s. at Douglas, Mass. Children :— 3525—1. Estella M., b. Feb. 20. 1862. 3526—2. Emma J., b. Aug. 25, 1864. 3527—3. Oscar B., b. Sept. 14, 1870. 3528. Charles F. Rawson" [3224] (Simon7, Simon6, Silas5, Abner4, Edward', Grindal2, Edward'), m. Joanna White, March 30, 1865, at Uxbridge; s. at East Douglas, where he now resides. Children:— 3529—1. Frank Ellsworth, b. June 28, 1869; d. Aug. 26, 1869. 3530—2. Arthur Edward, b. Feb. 4, 1874. 3531. Otis Rawson8 [3257] (Joshua7, Wilson6, Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Emma Jane Sawyer, Nov. 26, 1863, at Upton, Mass., and has:— 3532—1. Frankie J., b. Aug. 27, 1864. 3533-2. Mary Emma, b. Aug. 20, 1870. 3534. Gilbert Rawson8 [3258] (Joshua7, W7ilson6, Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Dora Taft, Aug. 17, 1861, at Upton, Mass. ; r. at Worcester, and have :— 3535—1. Frank, b. Oct. 6, 1865, at Worcester, Mass. 3536—2. Myra, b. Oct. 15, 1871, at Worcester, Mass. 3537. Mary Ann Rawson8 [3259] (Joshua7, Wilson6, Joshua6, Wilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. John A. Spencer, May 28; 1868, at Upton ; s. at Milford, Mass., where they now reside. Have:— 1. Irving A. (Spencer), b. Dec. 5, 1871. 3538. Lukania M. Rawson6 [3266] (Caleb7, Caleb", Wilson5, W7ilson4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. George W. Conrad, Sept, 26, 1862 ; now r. at Capioma, Kansas. Children :— 1. Annie C. (Conrad), b. 2. George Rawson (Conrad). 3. Isabell " 4. Eunice " 5. Berton W. " 3539. Mary Nightingale Rawson8 [3296] (Samuel7, Samuel6, Joseph6, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. James Monroe, Nov. 29, 1871; r. at Providence, R. I. Have :— 1. Frederick Rawson (Monroe), b. 1872.EIGHTH GENERATION. 247 3540. Rosalie Gkamon Rawson8 [3297] (Samuel7, Samuel", Joseph6, Grindar, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward'), m. Frederick Howarth, Nov. 15, 1869, at Providence, R. I. He died July 22, 1873. Had:— 1. George F. H. (Howarth), b. 1870. 3541. Louisa Cornelia Rawson6 [3312] (Henry7, Grindar, Joseph5, Grindal4, Wilson3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Newton C. Dana, Aug. 10, 1869, at Boston, Mass. Children :— 1. Mabel L. (Dana), b. March 22, 1870, at Providence, R. I. 2. RusselN. " b. Oct. 22, 1873, at Pawtucket, R. I. 3542. Cornelia Rawson8 [3335] (Elijah7, Nathaniel", Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. John Smith Crandall, Jan. 25, 1858, at Burlington, Yt. ; s. at Milwaukee, Wis., where they now reside. Children :— 1. Stella (Crandall), b. April 27, 1859; d. Jan. 30, 1861. 2. John Julius (Crandall), b. April 23, 18'i3. 3. Myra Mitchell " b. Jan. 16, 1866. 4. Bertha " b. Sept 4, 1867. 5. Walter Smith " b. Jan. 28, 1870. 6. Fred. Rawson " b. Sept. 30, 1873. 3543. Julius Rawson9 [3336] (Elijah7, Nathaniel6, Nathaniel5, Thomas4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. MaryE. Sheldon, Jan. 30, 1867, at Keeseville ; now r. at Ausable Forks, N. Y. Children :— 3544—1. Walter Franklin. 3545—2. Julius, Jr. 3546—3. Stella. 3547. Hart Rawson8 [3359] (Cyril7, Joseph8, Joseph6, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. 1st, Mary E. Gale, Sept. 2, 1856. She d. Feb. 15, 1864, at Princeton, 111. 2d, Nancy Waters, Aug. 16, 1864, at Princeton. Children : 3548—1. Ella. 3549—2. Charles. 3550—3. William. 3551. Sylvia M. Rawson8 [3362] (Cyril7, Joseph", Joseph5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. J. M. Browne, Jan. 14, 1864. Settled at Princeton, 111. Children:— 1. Nella (Browne). 2. Carrie " 3552. Charles I. Rawson8 [3374] (Charles7, Dexter6, Joseph6,248 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Lucy Hervy of Oxford. Children :— 3553—1. "Williis H., d. young. 3554—2. Mabel G. 3555. Mary Elizabeth Rawson8 [33SI] (Elisha7, Lewis6, Nathan5, John4, John3, Grindal2, Edward1), m. Charles Goen, Nov. 27, 1867, at Worcester, Mass., where they now reside. Have:— 1. Herbert H. (Goen), b. May 30, 1874. 3556. Sarah M. Rawson9 [3382] (Elisha7, Lewis0, Nathan6, John4, John3, Grindal3, Edward'), in. Charles R. Jones, Aug. 4, 1869, at Worcester, Mass., where they now reside. Have :— 1. Harry Rawson (Jones), b. Jan. 29, 1873. NINTH GENERATION. 3557. Alta Ann D. Rawson9 [3435] (Sanburn8, Lowell7, Samuel", Thomas0, William4, William3, William2, Edward1), m. WTilliam H. Firth, Dec. 25, 1866. Settled at Cold water, Mich. Has one child :— 1. Clara L. (Firth), b. March 30, 1869.APPENDIX. 32APPENDIX. At a Generall Court of Eleccons held at Boston, 22th of May, 1650:— Edward Rawson, gent., was chosen Secretary.* Cory of the Oath Administered to Edward Kawson upon his Accepting the Office of Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Whereas, yee Edward Rawson, Have been chosen Secretary for the ensuing year' You here swear : by the Everlasting God ; that you will; truly and uprightly and faithfully searve yourself in this Office. That you will furtherwise to your best skill and wisdom ; frame all Instruments of Publick Government refered to vou duly obsearving such Documents as shall from time to time be given unto you, by the Governor and Council in this Commonwealth and faithfully and saftly keep the same, that you will not disclose the consultations of the Generall Court, When at any time you shall have express charge of Secrecy, nor that you will fail to attend to all Documents entrusted in your care, for the better information of such Persons as shall have access to the Publick Government and Generall Court of this Commonwealth. At the Session of the General Court in the month of October, 1651 :— " It is ordered that Mr. Edward Rawson, Secreitary to the Generall Court shall hencefourth be Recorder for the County of Suffolk ; and that Mr. Aspinwall shall deliver him all the records belonging to the sd County.| * Colony Records. Lib. 4, fol. 1. t Colony Records, Lib. 3, fol. 329;252 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. At the meeting of the Commissioners of the United Colonies at New Haven in September, 1651, Edward Rawson was chosen Steward and Agent " for receiving and disposing of such goods and commodities as shall be sent hither by the Corporation in England for the Propagating the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England,'' and upon accepting the office was presented with the following commission:— " Whereas you, Edward Rawson. Gentelman, are chosen and appointed by the Commissioners of the United Colinies as a Steward or agent &c which you are carefully to observe and prepare, according to the trust committed to you in the eusuing directions:— " First, You are to take notice of such goods or commodities as shall be sent you from the Corporation aforesaid ; Then safely keep and make entry thereof in a book for that purpose. " Secondly, You shall deliver and dispose of according to the directions of the Commissioners, as from two of them by S note given by their hands, and not otherwise. " Thirdly, You shall yearly give and send a true account of what you have received and disposed of to the aforesaid Commissioners, at their Annual Meeting, and at any other time, being thereunto by them required &c.* Copy ok a Letter from Secretary Rawson to Capt. John L everett. " Honored Sir: " Though I have writ to you several times, by your wife, pr Mr Garrett, tfcc, yet have received no line from you, yet cannot but by so fit an opportunity and messenger, present my best respects to you and wife, and acquaint you that our Generall Court in June last wrote a Letter to his Highness ! the Lord Protector ! in answer unto his, which however they broke up and gave me no order about it. Yet have I enclosed it with a copy thereof unto you, and desire your faithful and speedy delivery thereof as per the contents you will perceive there is need. I hope when our Court meets again in October, there will be a more full account and particular relation thereunto. There being no news with us but what the bearer, your special good friend and cousin ; Mr. Edward Tyng can ; and will ; give you more ample satisfaction in: than if I had specified the same. * Hazard's Historical Coll., pape 187.APPENDIX. 253 " Commending you in all your weighty occasions to the Lord's blessing; and guidance, rest, " Sir, yours to serve you, "Edward Rawson, " Secy. " Boston, Sept. 13, 1665."* Edward Rawson's Salary Increased from Forty to Sixty Pounds per Annum. Originally it was but Twenty Pounds. " The Court, considering that the Secretary hath served the Country for many years in that place, whose time hath altgether been taken up with the weighty occasious of the Country, which have been, and are, incumbent on him (the neglect whereof would be an inevitable and great prejudice to the publick,) and himself ofttimes forced to hire a Clerk to help him, which hath cost him some years Twenty Pounds per annum, and every year spending of his own estate a considerable sum, beyond what his estate will bear, nor is it for the honor of the Country that such ail office, so necessary, who hath also been found faithful and able in the discharge of the trust committed to him, should want due encouragement, do therefore order that the present Secretary shall have, from the eleventh of May last, [1659] the sum of Sixty Pounds per annum, to continue yearly, until this Court shall order and provide some other meet recompense." Copy of a Letter from Secretary Rawson to William Leet, Esq., Governor of New Haven Jurisdiction. "Boston, July 4, 1661. " Honored Sir : " The Council of our Jurisdiction being assembled the 4th inst. at Boston, ordered me to signify to you what lately they have received from England by Capt. Leverett, his letter bearing date 12th Apiiil, 1661, who tells us that, however," our addresses to his Majesty came seasonably, and had a gracious answer. Yet many complaints and claims are multiplied against us, and we are likely to hear from his Majesty's Committee what these complaints are, and what is expected from us; that an oath was produced against him for saying, that rather than we should or would admit to appeals here, we would sell the country to the Spaniards : which though he absolutely denied that he ever so said, and that if he * Hutchinson's Hist. Collection of Letters, page 318.254 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. should have so said, he had wronged the country very much. Some of the Committee said, the words, if spoken, they were pardoned, but they looked at the words not so much his, as the spirit of the Country, and that again, he desired that the country might not suffer in their minds for what he knew was so much and ^o far from them, as to think aught in any such respect. Yet one of them proceeded to question him, whether, if we durst, we would not cast off our allegiance and subjection to his Majesty? He answered, he did apprehend we were honest men, and had declared in our application to his Majesty the Country, and therefore could not have such thoughts of us without the breach of chaiity ; that was no less than necessary we had some able person to appear for us, well furnished to carry on our business, which will not be with out money; that the Council for Plantations demanded of him whether we had proclaimed the King, and whether there was not much opposition to agreeing of our application. He answered he knew not, only he heard Capt. Breaden say so, but humbly submitted to their consideration, that neither we nor any other were to be concluded by debates, but by our conclusion, which were sent and presented to his Majesty in our names. " They took notice, from inquiry, that it was only from one Colony, namely, Massachusetts, and have iheire considerations of other colonies' neglects, to speak most favorably thereof; thus far as to the letter. Further I am required to signify to you as from them, that the non attendance with diligence to execute the King's warrant for apprehending of Col. Whaley and Goff, will much hazard the present state of these colonies, and your own particularly, if not some of your persons, which is not a little afflictive to them. And that iu their understanding there remains no way to expiate the offence, and preserve yourselves from danger and hazard, but by apprehending the said persons, who, as we are informed, are yet remaining in the colony, and not above a fortnight since were seen there, all which will be against you. Sir, your own welfare, the welfare of your neighbors, bespeak your unwearied pains to free yourself and neighbors. I shall not add so lately, by a few lines from our Governor and myself, looking much this way, communicated our sense and thoughts of your and our troubles, and have yet received no return, but commend you to God, and his rich grace, for your guidance and direction in a matter of such moment as his Majesty may receive- full and just satisfaction, the mouths of all Opposers stopped, and the profession of Truth that is in you and us may not in the least suffer by your actings, is the prayer of " Sir, " Your assured loving Friend, " Edward Rawson, " Secretary. "In name and by order of the Council."APPENDIX. 255 " Sir : "Since what I wrote, news and certain intelligence is come hither, of Col. Whalley and Goff being at New Haven, from Saturday to Monday, and publicly known, and however it is given out that they came to surrender themselves, and pretended by Mr. Gilbert that he looked when they would have come in and surrendered, never setting a guard about the house, nor endeavoring to secure them, but when it was too late to send to Teticut, &c. Sir, how this will be taken, is not difficult to imagine, to be sure, not well; nay, will not all men condemn you as wanting to yourselves, and that you have something to rely on, at least that you hope will auswer your ends ? I am not willing to meddle with your hopes ; but if it be a duty to obey such lawful warrents, as I believe it is, the neglect thereof will prove uncomfortable. Pardon me, sir, it is my desire you may regain your peace, (and if you please to give me notice when you will send the two Colonels) tho' Mr. Wood Greene is bound hence within a month, yet, if you shall give me assurance of their coming, I shall not only endeavour ; but do hereby engage to cause his stay a fortnight, nay, three weeks, rather than they should not be sent. Expecting your answer, remain, " Sir, Your assured loving Friend and Servant " Edward Rawson."* Edward Rawson's Letter to Lord Arlington. " Right Honourable Sir, " His Majesty's Gracious Letter, directed to the Govourner and Council, Dated, yee 22d Day of February 1665, was received, and communicated to yee Court 17 of July, 1666. " We do thankful, acknowledge his Grace, in Forwarding of our danger by the French and Dutch, Nations, and to be prepared for our defence, while according to our weak ability, we have been endeavoring to fortify the coast, of Canida. The Council Genrall of Novis Scotia and St. John's who has concluded it is not at present feazeble as respects our boundry line. I will say however in respect of the difficulty and impossibility of a land mark over the Rocky Mountains and claimed by your Majesty's Government, is about four hundred miles, as the line drawn through straight, as you have expected. " His Majesty's Declaration of War against France is enclosed. It was Solemnly published through this Land by the Sound of Trumpet. We have been subject to some Loss, also to some advantage by the French and Dutch, about Shipping abroad ; and in our smaller vessels upon our coast. Whereas they really drove a Man of War upon this coast, and have taken two or * Hutchinson's Hist. Collection of Letters, page 338.256 RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. three vessels, to a considerable value— Whereupon some of Ours; by Commishion from our hands ; lately have taken Three or Four, other Pishing Ships upon the coast of the Canidas; for the future, we shall endeavor by the assistance of God to Proceed and defend the Honnour and interest of his Majesty's and the English Nation, in these parts, not to give you further trouble at present in protecting us. "Boston in New England 24. Oct. 1666. "My " Lord " Your very " Humble Servant " Edavard Rawson Secy" The capture of New York by the Dutch, in 1673, created an alarm among the English Colonies, lest their dominions might also be invaded. The Federal Commissioners met at Hartford, Conn., and recommended to the General Court of each of the Colonies to provide some means of defence ; and in accordance with the same, the Governor and Council of Massachusetts, at a meeting, August 4th, 1673, ordered that for the defence against the Dutch certain measures should be adopted, such as putting forts in order, liam Alpiionso. Page 129. 1826—2. Adilinic, read Adaline. Page 130. After the No. 1853, Arris Waterman, read Orris Wathr- man. Page 146. 2125. Amelia, read Emela. Page 150. For 2213, read 22134—1. Edward Dickens. Page 217. 3140. Horace Rawson7 [1899] (Hiram6. Thompson5, Ed-ward4, Nathaniel3, William2, Edward1), m. Sarah A. Cressey, Feb'y 23, 1851, at Montgomery, Vt., where they settled. He d. Nov. 16, 1861. The widow now r. at Westford, Yt. Children :— 1. Eugene A., b Nov. 10, 1851. 2. Otis H., b. Jan. 7, 1855. 3. Nina L., b. Aug. 13, 1858. Eugene A. Rawson (1), m. Cliattie-, Feb. 13, 1872, She d. Dec. 26, 1874, leaving a son:— 1. Chester H., b. Dec. 20, 1874. The record of Horace Rawson's family, as printed on page 217, No. 8140, was furnished us by his brother, and supposed to be correct. But July 18, 1875, too late to replace that record, we received the one printed above, and enter it here as a correction. Page 228. 3312—1, Louisa Cornelia, for [3514], re^d [3541].. Page 283. 4th line, 0. F. Livingston, read L- O. Livingston. 43334 ERRATA. The following record was taken from the Slafter Memorial, and we have been unable to obtain anything further from the family :— Daniel Franklin Rawson, who now r. at Webster, Mass., where he is a farmer, is (we understand) a son of John Rawson, see page 81, No. 1086, consequently grandson of Daniel Rawson [108")], who s. in Oxford, but d. in Webster, in 1843. He was b. Oct. 4, 1819, and m. Mary Eliza Slater, May 1, 1838. Children, all born in Webster:— 1. JonN Franklin, b. June 10, 1839. He was a member of Co. G, 51st Mass. Vols, in the late war. 2. Ira Slater, b. July 15, 1845; r. at Webster; a dealer in wood and coal. 3. Saraii Elizabeth, b. May 31, 1847. 4. Mary Ellkn, b. Jan. 1, 1850. 5. Samuel Effing, b. Jan. 18, 1854; d. Jan. 5, 1856.THE REVISED RAWSON FAMILY MEMORIAL. Any person wishing to purchase this family history, can do so by forwarding the pi'ice of the book (which for a limited time, will be at the very small sum of $2.75), to E. B. Crane, Worcester, Mass. There has been but a limited number printed, although it is hoped enough to supply the immediate demand, yet it must be thoroughly understood that when this number has been exhausted no books can be obtained without printing them anew.FAMILY KECOKD OF