To the Clergymen Of the United States. We take tbe liberty of sending you a copy of this book in the hope that you will read it carefully, and we also request that you will, as soon as convenient, deliver a sermon upon the subject discussed, in order that a public sentiment may be created that will aid in stopping the cruelties to, and murders of, the Jews in Russia. Yery respectfully yours, WILLIAM SULZER, Member of Congress from New York City. Rev. FRANCIS T. MCCARTHY, -S. J:, Washington, D. C. WENDELL PHILLIPS STAFFORD, Supreme Court Judge, Washington, D. C. Rev. DONALD C. MacLEOD, D; D., Washington, D. C. HENRY T. RAINEY, Member of Congress from Illinois. Col. JOHN A. JOYCE, Washington,-D. C. CHARLES A. TOWNE, Senator from New York. CHAMP CLARK, Member of Congress from Missouri. REUBEN 0. MOON, Menber of Congress from Penmaylramia.Hon. William: Sulzer,Justice for the Russian Jew. t* • An Appeal to Humanity for the Cessation of an Unprecedented International Crime Against an Outraged and Oppressed Race. being a complete stenographic repor^1 of the speeches delivered at the great mass meeting in washington, d. c.p january 21, 1906, called to protest against the murders of the jews in russia. The Truth Told in Brilliant Speeches by Eloquent Men. cofybight, 1906, by J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company. Copyrighted in Great Britain. New York: J. S. OGILVIE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 57 Rose Street.CONTENTS PAGli Publishers' Preface ............................. 7 Programme for Mass Meeting..................... The Great Meeting............................. 15 Speech of Congressman Sulzer......................................17 Speech of Rev. Francis T. McCarthy............................33 Speech of Hon. Wendell Phillips Stafford....................49 Speech of Rev. Donald C. MacLeod, D.D...................57 Speech of Hon. Henry T. Rainey..................................66 Speech of Col. Jolm A. Joyce..........................72 Speech of Hon. Charles A. Towne................................75 Speech of Hon. Champ Clark........................................79 Speech of Hon. Reuben 0. Moon....................................85 Notions of the Press.............................. 9S Teligrams from Prominent Men....................................103 Sketches of the Speakers at the Great Meeting............108 5Publisher's Preface On the eleventh day of December, nineteen hundred and five, Congressman William Sulzer, of New-York City, introduced in the House of Representatives the following resolution: Whebeas the people of the United States, animated by the sympathy of a common humanity, view with deep sorrow, heartfelt commiseration, and poignant regret the deplorable condition of the people in Russia, and especially condemn and exceedingly deplore the cruel outrages, the unspeakable brutalities, and the unwarranted and wholesale assassinations of Russia's Jewish citizens; and Whereas it is solemnly alleged, and there is a widespread and prevalent feeling throughout the 78 publisher's preface. world that it is true, that these terrible crimes, these brutal atrocities, and these willful murders of the Jews in Russia are connived at by the Russian Government, and have been incited by the Russian ruling classes, ^nc| are instig^tecl fliyectly or indirectly by high officials in Russia for political purposes, and have continued for a long time in all parts of Russia to such an extent that they have aroused the sympathies and shocked the moral sensibilities of the civilized world: Therefore, be it ResolvedThat the House of Representatives of the United States, voicing the humanitarian sentiments of the American people, deplores the terrible crimes, t\\e brutal outrages, and the uncalled-for and wanton murders of the Jews in Russia, and hereby condemns ^nd denounces these awful outages, these shocking assassinations, and these appalling atrocities as great international crimes against a common humanity that must be stopped, ^nd stopped quickly, by the Russian Government; otherwise Russia, in the opinion of mankind, will an$ jnust stand indicted before the judgiuept bar of the world as beyond the pale of its civilization.publisher's preface. 9 That resolution speaks for itself. Mr. Sulz^r promptly followed it Up by delivering an eloquent speech* on the 18th day of December, in the House of Representatives, in favor of the immediate passage of the resolution. That speech is now a part of the Congressional Record* and has gone into history; It was a terrible arraignment of Russia for her brutality and her itihumanity. It was a ringing appeal to the civilized powers of the earth to take action to stop the Russian massacres. It was a philippic against the cruelties and the atrocities going on in Russia. In that speech Mr. Sulzer said: "I tell you we can do our share to Stdp these outrages on the Jews in Russia by passing this resolution I have introduced. This resolution^ however, is only a beginning. Let us pass it; let us condemn and denounce the massacres of the helpless Jews in Russia* and that will accomplish something; and tbwi let us hold a monster demonstration of protest—here in the Capital of the Republic—here in the shadow of the White House—and demand, in the name of the American people and a colnmonio publisher's preface. humanity, that official America, in a diplomatic way, serve notice on official Russia that the murders of the Jews in Russia must cease, and that will accomplish much more, and, I believe, effectually put a stop to these atrocities and devastations." Mr. Sulzer's speech rung clear and true, and the humane and liberty-loving people of Washington responded to his bugle call in the name of justice, humanity and civilization. A meeting of the leading prominent and distinguished citizens of Washington was held at the residence of Mr. Cotter T. Bride. The meeting organized and committees were appointed, of which Hon. Wm. F. Downey was selected as chairman of the Committee on Arrangements; Mr. Cotter T. Bride, chairman of the Committee on Speakers, and Gen. Samuel S. Yoder, chairman of the Committee on Printing. Mr. David Belasco tendered his theater and the celebrated Marine Band, under the direction of Prof. W. H. San-telmann, offered its services and rendered the music; eloquent speakers volunteered to address the meeting, and all arrangements were made and completed; and the meeting was held at the Belascopublisher's preface. i i Theater 011 Sunday evening, January 21, 1906—■ the first anniversary of "bloody Sunday" in Russia. The doors of the theater were opened at 7 o'clock. The theater was quickly filled with a most representative audience and thousands of people were turned away before the speechmaking began at 7.30 o'clock. The meeting was one of the largest, and one of the most representative gatherings ever held in Washington. If the theater had been ten times as large it could not have accommodated the people who desired to testify, by their presence, their sympathy in this great cause. The press of the country gave liberal notices of the proceedings, but those most anxious to have the people of Europe and the United States know exactly what was said and done and by whom, secured the services of Mr. Irland, one of the official stenographers of the House of Representatives, who took down, stenographically, every word that was said, and subsequently transcribed it and certifies that all the proceedings of that large, enthusiastic and representative gathering are correctly set forth in this work which is now presented to the12 publisher's preface. public, with the pictures apd short biographical sketches of the men who participated in the meeting and who were most influential in getting it up and making it the success it proved to be. It is earnestly and. sincerely hoped and Relieved that the publication of the proceedings of tjiis meeting will have a f^ir-reaching effect, and a most beneficial influence in bringing about a cessation of the horrible butcheries which have been going on for the past two years in the dominions of the Czar. The Publishebs. New York, January 31, 190.6.Justice for the Russian Jew PI^QGRAM^E FO£ MASS MEETING At Belasco Theater, Sunday evening, January 21, 1906, the citizens of Washington held a mass meeting to express the sentiments of the humane and liberty-loving people of the Capital City of the United States regarding the outrages and atrocities on the Jews and Christians in Russia. Hon. Win. F. Downey called the meeting to order. Hon. Win. Suiter ^cted, as chairman.. The following distinguished speakers accessed the meeting: Rev. Frsmcis T- McCarthy, S. jr., of St. Aloysius Church; Hon. Wendell Phillips Stafford, Associate Jus.tice Supreme Court, IX C.; Hon. Henry T. Rainey, M. C., of Illinois; Rev. Donald 1314 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. C. MacLeod, D.D., Rector of First Presbyterian Church; Col. John A. Joyce, who read an original poem; Hon. Reuben O. Moon, M. C., of Pennsylvania; Hon. Champ Clark, M. C., of Missouri; Hon. Samuel W. McCall, M. C., of Massachusetts. The doors of the theater were opened at 7 o'clock. The speaking began promptly at 7.30 o'clock. The Marine Band, under the direction of Prof. W. H. Santelmann, rendered the following select music during the evening: "America"..............................Smith. March—"Liberty Bell"...................Sousa. Intermezzo—"Cavalerria Rusticana"... .Mascagni. Caprice—"Heart's Message".........Santelmann. Medley—"Gate City"...................Wheeler. March—"Stars and Stripes Forever".......Sousa. Hon. Wm. F. Downey, chairman Committee on Arrangements. Gen. S. S. Yoder, chairman Committee on Printing. Hon. Cotter T. Bride, chairman Committee on Speakers.justice for the russian jew. 15 THE GREAT MEETING The Belasco Theater was crowded to the doors at 7.30 p. 111., when the meeting was called to order by Mr. William F. Downey, who said: "Ladies and gentlemen: I am instructed by the committee to call this meeting to order, and to say to you that we are assembled here to-night at the nation's capital to give our expression of sympathy to our persecuted brethren, the Jews of Russia, and to protest against their inhuman treatment at the hands of a so-called Christian people. My heart is always interested in the cause of suffering humanity, first, because I am an Irishman and know what tyranny, persecution and cruel bloodshed have cost my race for centuries. (Applause.) Second, because I aim to be a consistent Christian, and believe that every man is my neighbor and my brother; third, because I am an American citizen and know what liberty means. That flag, the Stars and Stripes, represents true liberty. (Applause.) It represents justice and humanity to nil mcu,l6 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. "The great power of the twentieth century is public opinion. Yoiir armies and navies are only toys compared with it. (Applause.) "Three years ago the tyrannical laws of coercion prevailed in Ireland, the" prisons were filled witll patriots; even our Members of Parliament were incarcerated and treated as felons, The great national party, the United Irish League, sprang iiitb existence. Its principles were carried oh updh moral, legal ahd parliamentary lines. It aroused the sympathy of every honest man arid patriot. See the state bf political affairs ill England td-day. The Tory gtiverrtlnent is dbinpletely swept atvay. The dawh Of IreiaM'k fl'eedom and hbme-riile is nd-w in sight. The ballot dud hot the bullet i-outed the enfeiny dnd led to victory. I predict that tile same happy change will sooil take place in lius&ia, and that tHe Jews will receive just treatment. (Applause.) May the Spirit of truth arid jdstiee, tlife fatherhood of (3od and the brotherhood of mart, spi'ead throughout the world to-night. Thi3 liieating oi* representative Americans aims to contribute toward the formation of World opinion, Which willjustice for the russian jew. 17 sfectirfe justice to the downtrodden, to whom our sympathy gbefc out. (Applause.) "Ladies &hd gentlemen, I liare now the honor of presenting tb yoti the chairman of the evening, unanimously chdsen by every member of our committee to jtte&ide bter this assemblage—a gentleman whose heart, voice and hand are always ready to setve the cause of suffering humanity, whose name is & household Word on two continents—a leader for ten years in Our Congress—a gentleman who needs no introduction to any audience in America—the Honbrable William Sulzer, of New York." (Loud applause.) SPEECH OF CONCrltkSSMAN WlLLtAM SUl-ZER, OF NEW ttiftfc, ON BEINtr ME-SENTED AS t^E CAIMAN OF $HE MEETING Me. StjlZer spoke as follows: "Lddies and gentlemen: I appreciate the honor of bein.i* selected to preside offer this large^ this sym-l8 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. pathetic, and this representative gathering of the humane and liberty-loving citizens of the Capital City of the greatest Republic on earth. (Applause.) "It is a matter of great personal gratification for me to be at this magnificent meeting. It is peculiarly appropriate that we should hold this meeting in the city of Washington on the first anniversary of "bloody Sunday," and I want to say that all my sympathy is with the splendid spirit, and that every impulse of my nature is with the obvious object of this stupendous demonstration for religious freedom and the rights of man. (Applause.) "I am enlisted in this holy cause—the great cause of a common humanity—of an outraged and despoiled people, crying in the wilderness of intolerant religious oppression, superstitious race hatred and bigoted political persecution. "My heart goes out to the ravished and plundered and oppressed Jews and (ientiles -in Russia. I grieve with those who grieve for the martyred dead —they were murdered for the cause of humanity, but they have not died in vain. Prom their heroic ashes will arise a greater and a grander and a freerJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 19 Russia, where justice and liberty and equality shall prevail forever. (Applause.) "I sympathize with the terror-stricken living, and I want to do all in my power to render them such assistance as we can. I have enlisted with all my soul in this great cause, and in Congress and out of Congress I shall do all that I can to aid these unfortunate and downtrodden people to ameliorate their deplorable condition. "I am glad that I am not a bigot. I glory in the fact that I care little for creed. I rejoice that I have no race prejudice. I stand for humanity, and a man is a man to me for all that. I have struggled all my life to help those who needed help, to do something to better the conditions of the poor and the humble, to aid the oppressed and the defenseless in every clime, to raise the meek and the lowly to a higher plane, a«d to push struggling humanity a step forward in the grand march of progress and of civilization. (Applause.) I shall continue to work along my own lines. I shall pray that I may never turn back. I know my duty to my fellow-man, and it makes no^ difference to me20 JUSTICE FQB THE RUSSIAN JEW. whether he lives in the sunshine w in the shadow, in the Orient or in the Occident—whether he be Jew or whether he he Gentile—it is all the same to me. There is nothing right in all this world hut justice, and in the battle for man and for the right we cannot be wrong. (Applause.) "X long for the dawning of the brighter and the happier day when every man in every land shall have the right, as we have now, to worship his Creator according to. the dictates of his own conscience. (Applause.) "I believe in the great fundamental principles of liberty, in the irresistible power of eternal truth, and I shall fight on for the everlasting freedom of man. (Loud applause.) "I have worked unwearyingly and unceasingly for these sentiments, and my humble endeavor along these lines is an open hook. My fight is for nian, for liberty and for freedom. "I did aU I could for the Cubans in their successful struggle to break the oppressive chains of Spain. My sympathies are now, and always have been, and always will be, with the intrepid sons ofJUSTICE FOR TTIE RUSSIAN JEW. 21 dear old Erin to achieve their aspirations for home-rule and better self-government. My head and my heart were with the heroic Boers in their stupendous struggle to maintain their freedom and their independence. Wherever the mailed hand of brute force has been raised against the weak, and whenever the intrenched power of despotic oppression has been employed to crush the right, my sympathies have been with the weak and the right, and my exertions have been against the strong and the wrong. This may not be popular—but what matter —it is eternally right—and the cause of right must triumph in the end. " 'I know that the world, that the great big world, From the peasant up to the king, Has a different tale from the tale I tell And a different song to sing; But for me I care not a single fig If they say I'm wrong or I'm right, For I'll always go in, if I go in at all, For the under dog in the fight.' (Loud applause.)22 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. "We have mot to-night, to protest againsi Mie wrongs and the conditions and the outrages in Russia. We know something of the awful story of the cruelties and the butcheries that have recently been enacted in that dark and bloody land. "We have met to-night to arraign the government of the Czar before the bar of civilization for great crimes against a common humanity. (Applause. ) "What is the indictment against official Russia? The civilized world is stunned and shocked and grieved by the inhuman barbarities and appalling atrocities which have been going on for the past two years in Russia. During this short time, I am reliably informed by those most competent to testify, more than one hundred thousand innocent Jews, peaceable Catholic Poles, inoffensive Lutheran Finns, and law-abiding Christian Armenians— helpless and defenseless men and women and children—absolutely guilty of no wrong—have been cruelly, inhumanly, pitilessly and barbarously murdered and butchered to make a Russian holiday. There has been nothing like it in all the history ofJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 23 the world, not even during the horrors of the Dark Ages, and humanity to-day stands aghast—mortified and horrified. "It is simply impossible to describe the outrages on the Jews in Russia. Whole communities'have been destroyed by fire and sword. No calamity of such magnitude has ever befallen a people. All the horrors of the Inquisition, all the bigoted religious persecutions of the Middle Ages, pale into insignificance in comparison with these stupendous crimes and appalling atrocities. The terrible bloody work is too frightful to contemplate; and yet we only know but a fragment of the awful truth. "The facts—all the facts of these hideous infamies—are at present unobtainable. Russia suppresses them. In the dying throes of their official power the cruel and heartless rulers of Russia have sense enough to preclude the world from knowing the awful truth of the unprecedented barbarities that are taking place within their dominions. To their credit be it said that they have decency enough left to be ashamed to let the light of publicity beat on their infamous butcheries, But murder will out,24 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN j£W. ahd'Sboiler or later the bright light of investigation, searching fdr truth, will b&at upon their cruel crimes more fiercely • than ever, arid then, dnd riot till then; will this awful calamity be known, &hd wheri it is known I predibt that the revelation will be the most frightful blot in the hnrials of time, and the bldcke&t page in all history. (Applause.) "What a spectacle Russia presents at the dawn of the twentieth century! (Applause.) "But the brutal murders of innocent men, women and childreri go on. A veritable reign of terror exists, The blabk hand Of ignorant fkuaticisin, rkce hatred, and religious bi^btr^, has beeh raised throughout Riissia against the law-abiding, peaceable and defenseless Jews, and Finns, and Poles, dhtl Armenians, and the barbaric work of rapine, plunder, oiitrage dud assassination continues and increases until even the heattiess and hardened Cossack is Sickened by the bloody ahd rUthleSs scenes. Thousands and thousands of helpless men, worn eh and children are being Slaughtered before the very eyes of civilization, ahd iiot a power lifts its voicrf in protest, or raises a hand in condemnation. WhatJUSTICE FQIv THE RUSSIAN JEW. 25 a sfyanje! TJie facts—fsueh as we ge{;— are bloodcurdling, and fjie numbers of the dead are appalling. Nothing like it ever occurred before in all tfye fMin^ls of time. It is the m°st fyeart-rendjng Pftgq in Ijuman lustqry—a gigantic crime agWSt a common humanity—and Russia he forced to stop it. How, do you ask? J answer, tow were the butcheries ii) Turkey stopped? Efow were the cruelties in Cuba ended? WJmt did the powers do in China? Russia can? if Russia wants to do it, end these astounding atrocities in a day. They must be stopped. Tfte blood-red reign of the Ko-manoffs m^st end. (Great applause.) The great Christian powers of the world cannot look on much longer without taking some deqsiye action. These fliglitfuJ crimes against mankind are great international crimes. The victims appeal to our civilization, to the brotherhood of man, to the justice of the world- The massacres of Lod? and Odessa and I^isjbiueff cry out to high heaven, and the time ha£ come when tlie cjviliz;ed world must tejl I^sia in no uncertain tones that these wholesale crimes against the Jews and the Gen tiles "must cease, nowJUSTICE FOR Tl-IE RUSSIAN JEW. and forever, or the civilization of this day will ntand disgraced in the eyes of future generations. (Great applause.) "I say official Russia is responsible for these awful atrocities. I know official Russia can end them, and end them in a day. I say more—and I know whereof I speak—I charge on my responsbil-itv as a Member of Congress, that it is solemnly alleged, and not denied, and there is a widespread and prevalent feeling throughout the world that it is true, that these terrible crimes of rapine-and pillage and devastation, that these brutal atrocities, and that these monstrous murders of the helpless Jews, and Finns, and Poles, and Armenians in Russia, are secretly connived at by the Russian Government; that they have been incited by the Russian ruling classes—the Grand Dukes—and that they are instigated, directly or indirectly, by high officials in Russia for religious and political purposes. What a fearful indictment of Russia! (Applause.) "When the impartial history of this bloody reign of religious terrorism is written, and it will be written sooner or later, it will reveal the truth and theJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 27 whole truth of this awful charge, and I leave the substantial proof of that hideous indictment to the potent pen of unerring Time. The truth must and will prevail. But I do stand here, and I do say, that any nation that will permit, or that has permitted, these terrible assassinations to go on and continue, and makes no effort to check them, deserves the condemnation of the civilized world; and that we have the right, true to our traditions, voicing the sentiments of a common humanity, to cry out against these wholesale and willful crimes against a persecuted people; and that we would be false to ourselves, and to all that we revere and hold dear, if we did not denounce these barbarous outrages, and notify Russia that, in our opinion, unless she stops, and stops immediately, these assassinations, she will place herself, in the judgment of mankind, beyond the pale of civilization. (Applause. ) "I have given much investigation to existing affairs and prevailing conditions in the Empire of the Romanoffs, and I declare, as an impartial student of events, and allege on the strength of my training28 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. As a lawyer, that the Russian Government iss r&Spoh-Siblfe for these outrages, ahd these spoliations, aid thfese depredations, and these persecutions, and these assassinations Of her innocent and defehse-lesfe subjects. She cannot avoid the awful and tre-iiiendous responsibility. YOU khow and I know that official Russia can Stop these official murders if official Russia wanted to Stop them. These great crimes against ah oppressed people oh account of race and religion are hot local criihes; they go be-yohd state lines; they are great international crimes; they are butcheries of innocent meh and women aiid children, and in the eyes of the Master thfesg ihhOceht VictihiS are our brothers aild but sisters, and \ve Would be false to our institutions and" tc> every dictate of huttiahity, if We did hot denounce and ery out against tlieih with all the vehemence Of Oiir righteous American indignation. If Ave do not, ours will be the shame and ours the blame. The civilized world cahiiot evade its responsibility by asking: 'Am I illy brother's keeper?' (ApplaUse.) "I believe this meeting will arouse public opin-ioh on this subject throughout the land, and willJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 2Q have a tendency tb do ttiUch good, t hope what We do here, and What we say here, will reach the &ar& Of thfe cringing CfcaT and his corrupt cabal of Grand DtikeS. I trust they will read the resolutions we will adopt, and I indulge the expectation that they will to some extent put a stop to thesis outrages, these atrocities, and these massacres. ^These resolutions that we shall adopt express the sentiments of nine-tenths of the believers in humanity throughout the world, and they will be a declaration to Russia^ to the Czar, and to the Grand t)Uke§, Who ate directly Or indirectly responsible for these crimes, that the American people are opposed to these religious persecutions, and that the ruthless extermination of the JeWs and Finns and Poles and Armenians in Russia must cease. I believe that our protest, our condemnation and our denunciation will be heard in St. Petersburg, and that the Russian Government will see to it that the Wholesale butchery of the innocents IS stopped. (Applause.) Cannot ignore these crimes against humanity. We cannot escape oUr duty ahd our respohsi-30 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. bility. These helpless victims are our brothers and our sisters—mankind throughout the world are one. A continuing crime against one race is the concern of every other race. Can any one who believes in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man successfully deny it? " 'For mankind are one in spirit, and one instinct bears along, 'Round the earth's electric circle, the swift flash of right or wrong; Whether conscious or unconscious, yet humanity's vast frame Through its ocean-sundered fibers feels the gush of joy or shame— In the gain or loss of one race all the rest have equal claim.' (Applause.) "Now, my friends, the question before us to-night is what, are we going to do about it? I know there are a few simple-minded folk who think that America can do nothing—that the great civilizedJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 31 powers of the world are helpless—and that we must supinely look on while the pillaging and the murdering of innocent and defenseless men, women and children continues and intensifies day by day. But I differ from these gentle souls. I know what lias been done can be done. I know the voice of Christendom thundered against the unspeakable Turk and Greece was free. (Applause.) I know that civilization hurled its demands against the Yildiz Palace and brought peace to the persecuted Armenians. (Applause.) I know America sympathized with Ireland's grevious wrongs and patriotic aspirations, and home-rule followed. (Applause.) I know the allied armies of the Great Powers stamped out the massacres in fanatical China. I know that in the fullness of time the Stars and Stripes drove the yellow flag of Spain from the fairest island in the Antilles. (Great applause.) I know what has been done and can again be done; and I know if Russia will not of her own free will and accord put a stop to these malignant massacres of her subjects, that the civilized powers, spurred to their duty by the potent voice of public opinion, can make Russia2,2 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. put a stop to these frightful religious crimes and abhorrent race persecutions. We appeal to that public opinion—to the sober judgment of humanity —apd we know that once aroused it rules the destiny of the world. In this enlightened age no power cap lpng withstand the tremendous force of public sentiment, and no government wiTl long endure arrayed against the settled opinion of mankind. (Appose. ) "This jneeting is held in response to that sentiment a^d to voice that conviction. We speak here to-night fqr America, and I predict that this great gathering of humane and liberty-loving citizens will have a far-reaching effect and a most beneficial influence. If Russia will not stop these crimes, humanity inust set its face against Russia, ostracize Russia in tbe family of nations, and place Russia beyond, the pale qf its civilisation, and then Russia, and all the iniquities that official Russia stands for, will disintegrate—cease—and gradually fade away and be lost in the morass of governmental oblivion. (Applause.) "My friends, I want to say to you that Russia'sJUSTICE pQR THE RUSSIAN JEW- 33 treatment qf her Jgwjsh s^bjepts is as uncalled fpu and ^s ljflflecpsga.ry as is cvge] arjd |}ruta| anriety, lay jaqpp an4 tenacity pf Rprpq$p, they tysiyq fqpgpd TOjdly tq t^ie frqnt ip evp^y Jinp pf en-dp^yq^ they are tp-day ^s gpqd pitjpens as apy oth§r class pf people ip qx\$ country. (Applause. ) If apy one jiepe go pver to tlje densely34 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. populated great East Side of New York, where I live, and where these people live, and where there are more people to the block than in any other like space on earth, he will be convinced of all I say regarding the Jew, and he will find among the throngs of school children in the public schools that the Jewish boys and the Jewish girls are among the brightest, the neatest, the aptest, the smartest, and the most intelligent. I know well these people; they know me, and have always been my friends; and I would be false to myself, false to my convictions, and false to every impulse of my nature, if I did not sympathize with them and do my best in Congress and out of Congress to comfort and aid them in the day of their greatest sadness and affliction and calamity. (Applause.) "It is, however, unnecessary for me, or any other man, to eulogize the intrepid sons and the virtuous daughters of Israel. The Jews needs no eulogy. The heroic ages testify for him. The records of the past are his monuments. All he asks is justice. All he demands is equal opportunity and equality before the law. The annals of his race from theJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 35 dawn of time down to the present day is the history of the march of humanity along the highways of progress and the avenues of civilization. In all ages of the world the ostracized and persecuted Jew has done his share for his fellow-man, for enlightenment, for liberty, for freedom, for progress, and for civilization—and he has done it all in the face of intense adverse circumstances. In science and in art, in literature and philanthropy, the Jew, in all lands and in all times, has written his name high in the temple of human fame. In statesmanship and diplomacy, in law and in medicine, in ethics and philosophy, in research and discovery, the greatness of the Jew is and ever has been unchallenged. In commerce and in trade, in industry and husbandry, overcoming forces that would deter another, he has held his own in the vanguard of progress. Persecuted for thousands of years, he has surmounted all obstacles, shunned for centuries, he has kept in the very front of the higher and the better civilization. In trial and in triumph, in tempest and in sunshine, in war and in peace, on land and sea, in all eras and in all places, the Jew-36 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. ish fcaeie has written its enduring name and its eternal fame &11 over the pages oi human history, bivilizatioh owes hiuch to the Jew; Christianity owes niBre. Neither debt can ever be paid. Destroy what Israel has done for tile human race and you leave a VOid that cannot be filled—an abyss which eaiinot be bfcidged. ball the roll of the earth's illustrious dead dnd at leiast one name in every five will be the inimortil name bf a distinguished Jew who has stamped his indelible impress on the brightest plages of the world's history. (Prolonged appldttee.) "Notv, ladies and gentlemen, just a few words niore and 1 miter cbncliide. (Cries of " spoke as follows: "It affords me peculiar pleasure to-night to stancj before this splendid ^u^i^cp to lift up iny voice in sympathy fpf the oppress^ throughout the world, apd e$peq$l|y for the Russian Jews. And in this capacity I believe I represent nof; oply myself, but the grea£ branch of the Christian Church of which58 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. I am a minister, nay, I believe I represent this great audience and all the citizens of this great Republic. "The blackest page in human history is not that upon which is portrayed the sad story of famine, pestilence, earthquake or volcanic eruption. History's, darkest and most horrible page is that that illustrates man's inhumanity to man. 'Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn!' We stand in speechless sadness before the ruins of Pompeii, St. Pierre, or before the ravages of a Black Plague or a great London or Chicago conflagration—-but sadness passes into overwhelming and inexpressible horror and outrage when we see the gladiators dying by the sword thrusts of their fellows in the arena of the Roman Colosseum; as we behold the gardens of Nero lighted by the flaming torches of the burning bodies of innocent Christians; as we survey the Netherlands during the horrible Inquisition of Charles V and Philip II of Spain; as we look into the streets of Paris during the morning of August 24, 1572, after the cruel massacre of St. Bartholomew; as we witness the fearful holocaust of Turkish barbarities in Arme-JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 59 nia; and last and most horrible of all, as Ave see innocent and defenseless Jews slaughtered by countless thousands in the streets of Warsaw, Odessa, Kishineff and various other Eussian cities and towns, by an ignorant, supersitious, bigoted, insane and infuriated Russian 1110b in the morning of this twentieth century, that makes such eloquent boast of her enlightenment, liberty and humanity. I believe in coming days, as a fitting consummation to all the crimes of the human race, as a fitting climax to the persecutions of Nero; the Inquisition of Charles and Philip of Spain; the massacres of Charles IX and Catherine de Medici; the Armenian massacres and all other human atrocities will be mentioned with overmastering sorrow and horror the unspeakable outrages suffered by the twentieth century Jew in the Russian Empire. (Applause.) It is most fitting that in response to the pathetic cry of that oppressed, suffering and outraged people we should be assembled in this theater to-night to express to the Russian Jew our most earnest sympathy; and to lift up our voice of protest, however feeble, against the government that permits the60 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. commission of such outrages agaiiilst a Section of itfe citizens, tMt it is bound by the most solemn obligations under heaven to protect and defend. I believe, as American freemen and Christians, it we turn a deaf edr and an unrespbrisive iieatt to the cry of the pefcsiecuted Russian Jew, God wiil set us aside &iid provide deiiverdtice fi*om aiibther source. Tile same God who heard the cry of Jewish suffering in Egypt 3500 years ago, controls the destinies of tile uiiiVerse to-day. tie heelrs, with Sympathetic and respoiisivfe heart, the cr^ of this oppressed race. And if we refuse to be his messengers of synipathy and succor, somewhere in the back of some Sindiari desfert God wili find a modern Moses, who will lead his modern Israel out of Russian bondage. (Applause. ) "tn expressing my syhipathy with the Riissiari Jews to-night, and in becoming his advocate as far as t can, t do not wish to he understood as cherishing any resentment toward Russia. I do riot wish to be represented as harboring in my h^art, for a moment, in the remotest way, any sentiment but that of pity and kindness toward the Russian mob,JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 61 Mile bosfeack, tine iJussiin sbldter, th6 Russian ftiireauctac^ or tlie Rtissian C^ar. feehoiel, with all the vividness that you can, the sufferings of Hie tliisSian Jew—pour out upon him, as unstinted *is you may, the syhipathy of your soul. Yet I beliete as betivieen the tivb—the persecuted Jew ahtl the Mussiaii iJlireaucfcacy and throne—the one appealing hit tiie greatest pity is htit the Jew, in all his niiser^ble depression, biit the moi'ie miserable, tottering, bleeding, iliissian Empire. (Applause.) And as we geherousiy syihpiathize with the former, and vigorously protest to the powers tliat be, in the latter we at*e showing not; only our sympathy for the jew, biit also oiir friendship and gdod-will toward all thdt is hopeful, good and enduring in tiie futui'e tor the Riissian Empire. Go to Prance to-day and her to make one wi&h, with the assurance of its gratification, and trance will wish that the page ot the massacrb bf St. Bartholomew shall Be effaced froni her history; Spain would wish that the inquisition page might be blotted but. The Christian Chiirch would wish that her page of cruel persecution riiight be destrby'edr If Russia lias a62 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. future in God's providence, the day will come when she will be prostrated in the dust with shame for the atrocities of Kishineff and Odessa. The day will come when no sacrifice will be too great to have these pages destroyed from her history. We are doing the best Ave can for Russia's future tonight by lifting our voice in protest against her crime; and there is another aspect of this case more eloquent still. (Applause.) If there is any fact that is clearly taught in divine revelation, and eloquently corroborated in history, it is that there is such a thing as retributive justice in divine providence. When David committed his great sin against the family of Uriah, God charged him, saying that the retributive justice of God would visit upon him punishment similar in kind to that that he had visited upon Uriah. This prophecy was literally and painfully fulfilled. France, by cruel persecution, drove the Huguenots out of the country in the sixteenth century. And history tells us that in the nineteenth century the descendants of the persecuted Huguenots formed a large part of the generalship of the great German army that enteredJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 63 Paris in triumph in 1S71. God punished the French crime of 1572 on March 2, 1871. This is the testimony of divine revelation and the eloquent message of human history. We can do no greater favor to Russia than by protesting to her to let down her bloody hand of persecution and death before her cup of iniquity has been filled to overflowing, lest God, in some coming century, may lead some conquering Chinese or Japanese army through the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg as an atonement for this colossal national sin. Let me say, moreover, that Russia, by permitting this orgie of bloodshed within her borders, is outraging the conscience, moral sense and sentiment of all her people, and doing all she can to brutalize and degrade the world. (Applause.) "The Jews do not need any eulogy from me tonight. However fervid and eloquent my speech, it would fall far below the loftiness of my theme. No race of people can receive so much inspiration as they when they respond to the appeal of Saul of Tarsus, when he says: 'Seeing that we are compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses.' No6«j. JUS^ICp FQR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 1113,11 s]irveyi?ig' fhfi. galleries of the amphitheater, whipli imagination peoples ^vith the iniiportals of his rape, can he greeted with a more splendid vision ^an Jew. The Jew has made a splendid contribution to the progress of the world. The Jew has given tfte world Abraham, Moses, E>av}d, ^olqmon, aii$ tjiat other splepdid array of OJd Testament im-i$Qrta]s. (Applause.) "In modern tjmes they have given a Mendelssohn, H^ander, Heipe and an endless catalogue of names of gurpassjng greatness in all departments of human genius and humaj} activity. Yes, they have gjven to the world Jesus of Nazareth. They have deservec] froni tjie world better than they have received. Tlicir history for t^vo thousand years has heen an unceasing tragedy. The treatment qf the Jew is b|ac^e^t staii} upon the escutchep^ of our Chrj§ti*Lji civilization. This great and glorious Republic of ourg? recognizes no distinctions of race or rejigioil. ^Ve Jiaye fulfilled the prophecy- of the greg£ Christian Jew, wjiq said: 'T^ere shall be neither Jew nqr Greek.' As we have been the first to reinoye Jewish disabilities, and give the Jew liisJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 65 rightful inheritance, I believe God would have us stand to-day as the advocate of the Jew in his defense against Russian oppression before the bar of the public sentiment of an enlightened Christian world. Let us give large expression to our sympathy to-night. Let us speak unequivocally and courageously in behalf of our suffering brethren in Russia. By the unanimous and enthusiastic endorsement of the resolutions presented here tonight, let it be flashed around the world that the Christian people of Washington, in mass meeting assembled in this theater, express their deepest sympathy with the oppressed everywhere, and their vigorous protest to the Russian Government for permitting their Jewish citizens to suffer these indignities and atrocities that have shocked the whole civilized world." (Prolonged applause.) Mr. Sulzer.—"My friends, I take pleasure in presenting to you as the next speaker of the evening one of tiie most eloquent and one of the most brilliant members of Oongrss—whose, aim is in the right direction, whose sympathetic heart is in the66 justice for the russian jew. cause of humanity, and "who always has been, and always will be, a true friend of the plain people— the Honorable Henry T. Kainey, of Illinois.", (Applause. ) Mr. Rainey spoke as follows: "Ladies and gentlemen: We are here to-night because we belive in publicity among the nations. It is peculiarly appropriate that the first vigorous protest against these atrocities—the protest embodied in the resolutions which have been unanimously adopted—should come from the capital of this great nation. (Applause.) "In the last few years, yielding to the irresistible logic of events, we have become a world power in fact. America occupies to-day a commanding position among the nations. Her mighty navies have carried her flag to the remotest corners of the world, and to-day we are implanting our ideas and our form of government in the islands, of the sea, close to the cradle of the race. Separated by three thousand miles of ocean from the older civilization of the other continents, we have developed here ourJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 67 own ideas of right and wrong, and our own theories of government. We have extended our sphere of influence, until of us it can also be truly said that upon our domains the sun never sets. (Applause.) "The opening years of this new century find us reaching out and exercising an influence for peace in the remotest corners of the earth. Not many months ago, in the glorious summertime, in a quaint crld New England town, the representatives of two great nations assembled and arranged a truce—the fires of war were quenched, the awful noise of battle was stilled, and a million men marched back to their homes. All this was made possible by the fact that there went up from the great mass of the American people a solemn protest against the further useless shedding of blood. "To the broad sympathy of the American people is due the fact that the booming of cannon is no longer heard 011 Russian battlefields—that in far-off Manchuria the vultures no longer hover over fields strewn with the horribly mangled bodies of 1:11*11. We have saved the Russian Empire from the68 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. assaults of the victorious Japanese—we ought now, if we can, to save her from herself. (Applause.) "For two thousand years the great Russian nation has gradually expanded in Europe and in Asia, until to-day in the frozen north she stretches more than half way around the world and embraces wTithin her boundaries one-sixth of the earth's surface. All the other nations of Europe, yielding to popular demands, have established representative forms of government, which preserve only the semblance of the despotism of the Middle Ages; in reality the people rule. This great colossus of the north alone has been able to preserve intact the cruel despotism—the complete disregard of the rights of man that prevailed in the centuries that are gone. She alojie among the nations has apparently been able to stand out against the onward march of human progress and human liberty. "But a change is about to occur. A nation is awakening from the sleep of centuries. Just as, under the long, dreary, interminable stretches of snow7 which cover her domains to-da}' on two continents, the seeds are germinating, which will soon burstJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 6§> into life and cover with green grass and tht flowers of spring her vast stretches of plain—so, under her monotonous cruel despotism—under the ashes of ruined homes—under the blood of the murdered women and children which stains the pavements of her cities—under the dismantled barricades in her streets, there are hidden the various forms of national development. "From the ashes of ruined hopes and ambitions^ from the sacrifices of splendid patriotism, from the blood of the martyrs a new Russia is about to burst forth and to contend for a place among the free governments of the earth. (Applause.) "There is contained within her one hundred and fifty millions of population many conflicting races of men. In times of national peril it has been the policy of the government to inflame racial prejudices and incite whole sections of the population against each other; in this way diverting attention from the central government; and so, in the opening years of this the greatest of all the centuries, the Grand Dukes and their followers^ who support the tottering throne of the Romanoffs, have resorted to70 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. the old methods; and this time they are inflaming the populace against the helpless Jews—and already the blood of a hundred thousand Jews cries out for vengeance. (Applause.) "In all the centuries of Jewish persecutions no parallel can be found to the awful scenes of the last few months in western Russia. In all history there is no redder spot than this. Israel weeps for her dead. A few days ago one hundred thousand Jews, clad in mourning garb, with bowed heads, marched sadly through the streets of our greatest city, in memory of their murdered brothers and friends. "The time may be near at hand when an instrument may be raised up to execute upon the men who are responsible for these inhuman butcheries the old doctrine—an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. "The warm heart of the American people throbs in sympathy for the race so cruelly oppressed, for the men and women and children so brutally and inhumanly tortured, outraged and murdered. "It is peculiarly appropriate that, here in this his-JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. /t toric spot—under the shadow of the White House— in this city dedicated to the perpetuation of human liberty, this great convention of citizens, coming from all the States of the Union, should assemble to express sympathy for the Jews of Russia in this hour of their greatest trial—to voice a solemn protest against these brutal murders—to hold up before the nations the awful rottenness of the Russian Government. (Applause.) "May the indignant protest started here to-night spread from city to city of this great Republic, until the voice of eighty million people is heard across the sea in the camps of the Cossack soldiery of Russia and in the palaccs of trembling Grand Dukes. "May we not venture to hope that the worst of the storm is past—and may we not now place in the sky the rainbow of hope for the oppressed millions of Russia. Our mission in this new country is to bring to the nations of the world the blessings of free government. We have already yielded to the cry of an oppressed people in the great island to the south of us, and have swept from the western world the last vestige of the power of Spain. We have ac-/2 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. complished the freedom of Cuba. We have promised to the islands of the far-off Orient a free and independent form of government we have earned the right to be heard in the palaces of the Romanoffs." (Applause.) MR. SIjlzer.—"Ladies and gentlemen: We have with us to-night the Good Gray Poet of Washington —Colonel John A. Joyce. (Applause.) He has written a poem for this occasion, which he will read —a splendid phillipic denouncing the cruelties in Russia—and I take great pleasure in presenting the brave, the warm-hearted, the intrepid, the lovable, the distinguished humanitarian, Colonel Joyce— the champion of popular rights, the singer of the better and the brighter day—the poet laureate of America." (Applause.) Colonel John A. Joyce came forward and with much pathos and great dramatic effect read the following poem:JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 73 Freedom "Freedom and Truth shall never be supressed, And by these twins of glory we are blessed; They reign forever like the polar star, And surely shall destroy the tyrant Czar, Who, heartless, brutal, merciless, untrue, Still robs and kills the thrifty, honest Jew, The world to-day stands fearful and aghast To view the record of the bloody past That brutal Russia shows through all the years, With fire and sword and hunger-falling tears. Peter, Nicholas and Alexander, too, Have murdered banker, serf and patient Jew, And exiled thousands to Siberian plains, To die in mines and rot in rusty chains. Lodz, Odessa and Kishineff plainly tell The fearful story of that burning hell, Where babes in arms and women in their flight Were butchered by the Cossacks day and night. The Czar himself and every devilish Duke, More heartless than Egyptian Mamaduke, Shall soon be banished from their tyrant reign,74 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. And, as they slay, be numbered with the slain! God grant the day when Freedom from her sphere Shall reign supreme through every fleeting year; And when the nations, in their pride of power, Shall rule by love and truth from hour to hour, And law and peace and virtue ever be The watchword of the noble and the free! This great Republic marching in the van, Where millions battle for the rights of man, Must throw above the Gentile and the Jew Yon Starry Flag with field of heavenly blue, And ever move in doing greatest good To join the links of human brotherhood, And crush the tyrants in each land and clime With Liberty immortal over time!" Mr. Stjlzer.—"My friends, that poem is all right. (Applause.) I will now request my friend and colleague, the former Senator from Minnesota, and the present member from New York, to read the resolutions which have been prepared by the committee having the meeting in charge; and I can truly say that no more distinguished man, and no more eloJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 75 quent friend of the cause that brings us here, could be found to offer and read these resolutions. I take great pleasure in presenting to you the brilliant gentleman from New York—Senator Charles A. Towne." (Applause.) Senator Towne came forward and read the following resolutions: RESOLUTIONS "Whereas we, the humane and liberty-loving citizens of the city of Washington, believing in the cause of a common humanity and in the brotherhood of man, and sympathizing with the outraged and the wronged and the oppressed of every land and in every clime, in mass meeting assembled, in the Belasco Theater, Sunday evening, January 21, 1906, have been addressed by eloquent prelates of our Christian churches, by eminent jurists of our courts, and by distinguished members of the Congress of the United States, in condemnation of the awful barbarities, and in denunciation of the horrible outrages inflicted on the defenseless Jews and others in Russia; and (Applause.)j6 justice for the russian jew. "Whereas the Christian world is grievously shocked, and civilization stunned and appalled by these bloody brutalities and frightful atrocities on these law-abiding and peaceable people, who are guiltless of any wrong, or any crime, and who are pillaged and persecuted and assassinated by barbaric Cossacks solely because of their race and religion, and "Whereas, it is solemnly alleged, and there is a widespread and prevalent feeling through the world that it is true, that these terrible crimes, these brutal atrocities, and these willful murders of the Jews and the Catholic Poles, and the Christian Armenians, and the Lutheran Finns, in Russia, are connived at by the Russian Government, and have been incited by the Russian ruling classes, and are instigated directly or indirectly by high Officials in Russia for political purposes, and have continued for a long time in all parts of the Russian dominions to such an extent that they have aroused the sympathies of mankind and shocked the moral sensibilities of the civilized world; (Applause.) Therefore be itJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. JJ. "Resolved, That we^ the citizens of the Capital City of the United States of America, in mass meeting assembled, hereby approve the addresses deliv* ered at this assemblage, and indorse and eommend the action of this great gathering of our people, called to protest against these cruel inhumanities, continued persecutions, and brutal murders of the peaceable and defenseless men, women and children in Russia; and we denounce these terrible atrocities as great crimes against a common humanity that must be stopp'ed, and stopped at once and for all time to come, by the Russian Government; (great applause) and be it further "Resolved, That we avail ourselves of this splendid opportunity to jJay our tribute to our chief magistrate and to heartily approve and indorse all that Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, has done, and is doing, by virtue of his good offices, to cause a cessation of these unspeakable crimes against the oppressed and the outraged Jews and Gentiles in Russia, and we respectfully urge him to continue his good work and humane efforts for universal peace aud the brotherhood of manj and/8. JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW in his beneficent endeavors for right and justice aud humanity we earnestly and solemnly pledge him the support and approval of every just, humane, liberty-loving, tolerant and patriotic citizen of our country; and be it further "Resolved, That we hereby indorse and approve and commend the resolutions heretofore introduced in the House of Representatives on the 11th day of December, 1905, by Congressman William Sulzer, of New York, and sincerely pray, and respectfully urge, the favorable adoption of the same at the earliest possible day, believing that the adoption of these resolutions by the popular branch of our Congress will have a most beneficial influence on the powers that be in Russia." (Great applause.) Mr. Sulzer.—"Ladies and gentlemen: The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. All in favor say aye. (A thundering aye from all over the theater.) Those opposed will say, no. (After a pause.) There is not a dissenting voice, and I declare the resolutions adopted unanimously." (Great applause and cheering.)justice for the russian jew. 79 Mr. Sulzer.—"Ladies and gentlemen: I am now going to present to you one of the leaders in Congress, a man whose classic face is known in two hemispheres, and whose name is a household word all over America—a man who has been to the front and on the firing line for more than a quarter of a century in every battle for humanity, for freedom and for civilization—whose eloquent voice for the past three decades has sounded the bugle call in every cause for the masses and for justice, and liberty and equality for the plain people of our land— my friend, the Honorable Champ Clark, of Missouri." (Applause.) Congressman Champ Clark,, of Missouri, spoke as follows: "Ladies and gentlemen: The Jew is the marvel of the human race. (Applause.) In all the departments of civilization he antedates all the children of men. Since Moses, the greatest law-giver that ever lived, wrote the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone, -amid the lightnings and thunders of Mt. Biwai, the Jew has been" constantly in the8q JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW public eye and has absorbed much of the attention of mankind—sometimes governing a great nation; sometimes leading mighty armies; sometimes controlling the world's commerce and finance; sometimes in religion; sometimes in the field of literature; sometimes in captivity; sometimes persecuted cruelly, having no place to rest his weary head; but at all times, in all places, under all circumstances, he is an intensely interesting and potent factor in human affairs. (Applause.) "Judaism is the oldest institution known among men. The most ancient houses of European royalty and nobility are but of yesterday when compared with the House of David. Before Greece was, Jewish civilization was old, famous and time-honored. Before the Eoman eagles plumed their wings for the conquest of the world, Solomon reigned in splendor in Jerusalem—ruled wTith such consummate ability as to win imperishable renown and to acquire the title of 'the Wise man'—a title which there is none to dispute with him even unto this day. (Applause,) Before the ancestors of present kings, emperors, princes potentates could read or' JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 8l write, the Jews had a magnificent literature, great poets, immortal philosophers and broad-minded, far-seeing statesmen. The fragments of that literature whicji have survived the ravages of time, the accidents of flood, fire and war, are rated among the priceless treasures of the world. (Applause.) "If I were banished to a desert island for life and permitted to take with me as a solace for perpetual solitude the words of three men and only three, I would unhesitatingly choose those of King Solomon, St. Paul and Lord Bacon—two of them Jews, for whatever else St. Paul was he was a Jew proud of his blood and proud of the history of his people. (Applause.) "The Jews, more than any other people, have preserved their racial integrity. They have done that under environments the most distressing, depressing and appalling for two thousand years. Wherever the Jew is, whithersoever his feet may wander, under whatever flag he lives, whatever pursuit he is engaged in, he is a Jew, glorying in his lineage and determined to preserve at all hazards the purity of his blood, (Applause.) -82 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. "In whatever land he pitches his tent, he is a good son, a good husband, a good father, a good neighbor, a good citizen. He is never in the almshouse, rarely in jail or the pentientiarv, and hardly ever dies upon the scaffold. If all others were as law-abiding as the Jews, we would have precious little use for sheriffs, contables, grand juries and criminal courts. "My experience is that of all men the Jew is the easiest to make a friend of, and that with him the saying is absolutely true, "once a friend, always a friend.' To-night my mind goes back to innumerable acts of kindness at the hands of Jews. "I consider it a healthy sign of the times that the Jew is mingling more and more in public affairs and is becoming more and more a land owner with each succeeding generation. "It is an interesting fact that in the last half of the last century the most brilliant English statesman, the most powerful French statesman and one of the most subtle American statesmen were of Jewish extraction. (Applause.) "Notwithstanding all these facts and hundreds ofJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 83 1 similar facts, the only two cuutries under the sun where there are no disabilities on the Jews are England and America. "In nearly every other country there is more or less race prejudice against him and more or less of persecution, open or covert. "This prejudice and this persecution are so intense and cruel in Russia as to attract the attention of the world. The conduct of the Russians is utterly unaccountable on any grounds of reason. It is hardly compatible wTith sanity. It has created universal horror and has elicited universal protest. "We are here to express our horror and to join in that protest. (Applause.) "We appeal to the moral sentiment of the world —that same moral sentiment which Daniel Webster invoked not in vain in 1823 in favor of the Greeks struggling heroically against the Turks—that moral sentiment which, when fully aroused, is stronger than mailed legions, than Krupp's big guns. Against that moral sentiment, when at the flood, even the gates of hell cannot prevail. (Applause.)8z{. justice for the russian jew. "We appeal to that moral sentiment here to-night. The wave will rise higher and stronger till it beats down the thick Avails of the palaces of the Czar and forees his dull intellect to understand that justice must be done to the Jews or his name will forever be an anathema among men the wide world over." (Great applause.) Mr. Sulzek.—"Ladies and gentlemen: There is an old saw that says a Philadelphia lawyer is about the smartest individual on earth, and if there is a knotty problem presented, extremely difficult to solve, submit it to a member of the bar of the City of Brotherly Love and all will be made as clear as the noonday sun. (Applause.) I now take pleasure in presenting to you a very distinguished member of Congress from Pennsylvania, and one of the leaders of the Philadelphia bar—a man whose name is known far and wide for his brilliant accomplishments, his legal erudition, his great learning and his world-wide sympathy for struggling humanity —the Honorable Reuben O. Moon." (Applause.)JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 85 Judge Moon spoke as follows: "Jjftdiea and gentlemen: This is an impressive scene. In the Capital City of the greatest nation of the world, this great audience, voluntarily and unofficially assembled and without distinction of sect, r£ce or creed, and united by one mighty, stupendous impulse, an impulse of common humanity, of Christianity and civilization. (Applause.) We are met to raise our voices and our hands in solemn and emphatic protest against that stupendous, monumental crime that soils the opening pages of the twentieth century and stains the virgin record wih revolting horrors that dwarf the annals of the world's darkest days of barbarism. (Applause.) "The story seems impossible of belief. Without the testimony of eyewitnesses it would stagger credulity. To the American, safe under the shelter of his laws and constitution, the news from Kishinev, Odessa, Kieff and other points in Russia, seems so impossible of belief as to be yet but little understood. We look upon the dispatches and newspaper accounts more as some dark and bloody page of mediaeval history than as an actual record of the86 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. present time, and our very unwillingness to credit the existence of such horrors has made us, as a people, slow in awakening to our responsibilities. "To my own city, the city of Philadelphia, have come many refugees from this horror-stricken land. One, the sole survivor of a family of seven, has told the details of savage brutality and horrible butchery which, within the short period of a few months, has visited fifty of the principal cities of that eastern land; has killed and mutilated, with a fiendish malice unspeakable to refined ears, twenty-five thousand men, women and children, the babe in arms, the aged and helpless; an indiscriminate and terrible slaughter that palsies the imagination and shocks the centers of civilization the world over. "We are not here to act from impulse. We can accomplish nothing by rash and indiscriminate condemnation. Public sentiment can never be controlling except wrhen founded upon justice; and the friendly relations of our Government with the great nation of whom these victims are subjects demands at our hands great caution in our declarations and our action.JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 87 "The facts of the case have been fully ascertained. These Russian outrages have been arraigned before the bar of the world's civilization. They have been investigated by the intelligent, conservative wisdom of every nation in the world and the deliberate judgment of mankind, as expressed through the public press and in public meetings, has stripped from them every vestige of justification and holds them up to the condemnation of horrified humanity as shameless, wholesale murders, with all the incidents of savage and fiendish cruelty and barbarity, committed against the Jewish people wholly on account of their race and religion; that this sanguinary record of twenty-five thousand killed and over a hundred thousand injured, a record of dead and wounded that exceeds many of the most bloody battles of the last horrible war, wras the wanton, unprovoked and brutal slaughter by soldiers, policemen and conservators of the peace, of the peaceful, industrious and unoffending citizens in the principal cities of the Jewish portion of the Russian Empire. "Not only the crimes but the causes of these88 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. crimes have been made apparent by this investigation. Religious hatred in Russia results in these wholesale slaughters from the barbarity of the population, whose dominant spirit is that of militarism ; where the Church is the creature of the Government, the power to kill becomes the measure of right and law. The attitude of Russia toward the Jews is not a sudden abolition of brutal passion. The Jew has been discriminated against by their laws ever since the territory in which he lives came under Russian subjection. He is denied education; he is forbidden by law to become a tiller of the soil ; all the doors of the Government service are closed against him, and all the ordinary paths of advancement, prosperity and honor are denied him, and a sentiment of hatred against him and his race is thus engendered my governmental authority and as a result of this injustice upon the occasion of every political disturbance, is given over by the authorities to wholesale, wanton, unprovoked and brutal destruction. (Applause.) "These facts established; these horrible occurrences, these atrocious outrages transcend .theJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 89 bounds of diplomatic negotiations, rise above the limitations of international relations and appeal to our primal instincts—our instincts of humanity, our instincts of manhood and womanhood—and in that capacity, united alone bv that bond, with no official status whatever, wre, the present inhabitants of the city of Washington, gathered together from all quarters of our broad land, meet as man and woman and as American citizens to voice our united and emphatic protest against these crimes that threaten the very stability of our twentieth century Christian civilization. "We do this as American people, mindful of the great bounties and blessings vouchsafed us as a nation by Almighty God, and mindful of the great responsibilities, which, in accordance with His laws, always accompanies divine blessings—the responsibility of the weak to the strong, the powerful to the helpless. "When, now after more than a century of unexampled growth, when between the broad seas of America we have filled up the measure of our national development; when, from the position of theyo JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. world's infant Republic, we have grown to tlie fullest stature of great national manhood; and the example we have set before the civilized world has become the leaven for the regeneration of the earth; when now, grown rich and great and full with opportunity and privilege, God lays upon us the responsibility that always accompanies opportunity and privilege, the responsibility to voice this national protest, to array the influence of our great national public sentiment against these inhuman crimes; to formulate in some tangible and effective way this awakened public Christian sentiment of America, in a shape so potent and commanding that it shall reach the controlling powers at St. Petersburg, so charged with the human civilization of American people that its resistless indignation must be heeded; and that shall sound to the bloody and helpless victims of that far-off land as the voice of hope and succor from this great American nation. (Applause.) "This duty comes to us as the veritable laying on of hands by an Almighty Power, commanding us to pay our debt to divine providence.JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 91 "The United States of America has not been unmindful of this obligation in the past. A few years ago an appeal came to us from the isle of Cuba lying at our feet. The American heart was stirred throughout the land by the details of inhumanity, shameless oppression and cries for help that came from the Cuban shore. The appeal was made to us against the inhumanity of Spain, and the cry for succor and relief aroused the American nation. The events are so recent that they are remembered vividly by us all. Then it was that this great American nation girded itself for that conflict with a unanimity and power unparalleled and resistless. You will remember men, women and children gathered in villages and cities throughout this country, and in one month created a public sentiment so overwhelming and omnipotent that it went far beyond what is proposed by this meeting. It dominated the powers in Congress and resulted in a declaration of war unprecedented in&the history of any legislative body on earth. For I believe that that resolution by which we declared war against a foreign power at the appeal of our^outraged neighborsg2 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. was drafted, reported from the committees and passed by both houses of Congress within tha ?hort space of one hour. You know the result. American arms, backed by American sympathy, impelled by that tremendous, undefinable and immeasurable power of public opinion, the concentrated potency of an awakened and intensified humanity and Christian sympathy, swept with resistless power the oppressor from the American continent. (Applause.) "Our meeting here to-aight has in it, however, no thought of extreme measures like this. The great Russian nation has ever been on terms of friendly intimacy with our Government. The traditional friendship between these two great powers, which has resulted in the past to mutual advantages to themselves and to mankind, is not sought to be diminished or tarnished by this formulation of public opinion. Eussia has shown her willingness to listen to American opinion and to be guided by American influences. In tli^r last great crisis, involving the question of their national honor and her territorial integrity, in the confusion of conflicting European demands, it was to us, to our nation and to ourJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 93 President that she turned for counsel, for suggest tion and decision, and it is, therefore, safe to say that -within the present year the potential influence of American sentiment, s)f the public opinion of this country has exercised a dominating power in Russian affairs in the solution of the most momentous questions that have ever confronted her in her history. "The effect and influence, therefore, of this meeting and of hundreds of similar meetings that have been held or will be held by humane men and women in various cities of this nation, will, without doubt, reach the ears of the Czar and his counselors and that this imperative voice of human sympathy, sounding with one accord from all parts of the civilized world will call a halt to these shocking atrocities and will render the repetition of such occurrences impossible. That ruler would be blind, indeed, who did not give heed to such remonstrances. There is a power upon this earth greater than kings, greater than armies, greater than legislative bodies, greater than presidents. It is the power of awakened, intensified public indig-94 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. nation. A power that blasts the arrogant, destroys the tyrant, overthrows monarchies, enthrones the weak and feeble, that makes the cause of the oppressed and the downtrodden the cornerstone of revolution and the solid foundation of universal freedom and constitutional government. That is the power of this meeting. The power that ripens agitation into action, that through this controlling power of public opinion raises the standard of national ethics,. that makes these bloody, fanatical crimes so execrable and abhorrent as to be forever impossible." (Great applause.) Mr. Sulzer.—"Ladies and gentlemen: At this time I deem it proper to express my personal thanks and the thanks of the committee, and the gratitude of all of us, to David Belasco for the use of his theater to-night without a cent of cost. (Applause.) I also want to thank the officials of the theater—especially the general manager—for their great assistance. They have all been very kind and very courteous. (Applause.) I want to thank the distinguished Secretary of War for loaning us thejcstice for the russian jew. 95 American flags to drape tlie theater—that flag, my friends,- is all that we are, and all that we hope to be. (Great applause.) I want to thank the press of this city for its many courtesies. (Applause.) And last but not least I want to thank every member of the Marine Band—especially its distinguished leader, Professor Santelmann, for the inspiring music we listen to and enjoy at this meeting. (Applause.) The meeting is a great success—far beyond our most sanguine expectations— and I believe it will have a most beneficial influnce. Mr. Stjlzer submitted the following resolution: "Whereas the people of the United States, animated by the sympathy of a common humanity, view with deep sorrow, heartfelt commiseration, and poignant regret the deplorable condition of the people in Russia, and especially condemn and exceedingly deplore the cruel outrages, the unspeakable brutalities, and the unwarranted and wholesale assassinations of Russia's Jewish citizens; and "Whereas it is solemnly alleged, and there is a widespread and prevalent feeling throughout the96 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. world that it is true, that these terrible crimes, these brutal atrocities, and these willful murders of the Jews in Russia are connived at by the Russian Government and have been incited by the Russian ruling classes, and are instigated directly or indirectly by high officials in Russia for political purposes, and have continued for a long time in all parts of Russia to such an extent that they have aroused the sjmipathies and shocked the moral sensibilities of the civilized world: Therefore be it "Resolved, That the House of Representatives of the United States, voicing the humanitarian sentiments of the American people, deplores the terrible crimes, the brutal outrages, and the uncalled-for and wanton murders of the Jews in Russia, and hereby- condemns and denounces these awful outrages, these shocking assassinations, and these appalling atrocities as great international crimes against a common humanity that must be stopped, and stopped quickly, by the Russian Government; otherwise Russia, in the opinion of mankind, will and must stand indicted before the judgment bar of the world as beyond the pale of its civilization."JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. _ 97 This is to certify that I, Frederic Irland, one of the official stenographic reporters of the House of Representatives, attended the mass meeting in the Belasco Theater, Washington, D. C., January 21, 1906, called to protest against the Jewish outrages in Russia, and at the request of the committee took down stenographically all of the addresses and proceedings of said meeting, and I hereby certify that the same are correctly and truly printed in this book. Frederic Irland. W&shington, D. C., January 30, 1906.Notices of the Press A GREAT MEETING The mass meeting held last night at the Belasco Theater by our humane and liberty-loving people to protest against the Jewish outrages in Russia was the largest, most representative and most significant meeting of the kind that has been held in Washington since the Civil War. The speakers were well known and distinguished public men and the oratory of a very high order. In fact the entire proceedings of the meeting were on a very high plane and of a most temperate and pacific character. The speeches delivered at the meeting ought to be preserved in permanent form, and we confidently believe that the effect of the meeting will be 9SJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 99 far-reaching and most beneficial. Great credit is due for the success of this meeting to Congressman Wm. Sulzer who was instrumental in getting it up, and whose speech, on being presented as the chairman, sounded the keynote of the evening and will rank high among speeches that have been delivered on similar occasions. The speech should be carefully read by our citizens all over the land. Mr. Sulzer has done much for the oppressed in different lands, but he never did a more humane and deserving thing in his life than calling this meeting of the citizens of the Capital City of America to protest against the frightful atrocities that are going on, and have been going on, for some time in the dominions of the Czar. Other capitals of other nations in the world have held these meetings, and it was peculiarly appropriate that such a meeting should be held in the greatest Republic on earth. We congratulate Congressman Sulzer and all the members of the committee having the matter in charge, and hope and believe that the meeting will do much to ameliorate the condition of the poor people of Russia.—Washington Times.ioo justice for the russian jew. RUSSIAN CRUELTY DENOUNCED A remarkable demonstration of American sympathy for the stricken Jews and other victims of Russian bigotry and oppression was given in this city last night through the assemblage of representatives of all classes of the people at a local theater to listen to addresses and, finally, to adopt resolutions in the strongest terms denunciatory of the connivance of the Russian government in the outrages at Odessa, Kishineff and elsewhere. The meeting acquired a special significance from- the character of the speakers who addressed it. Representatives in Congress, a justice of the United States Supreme Court and ministers of Christian churches joined voices* in expressing their horror at the shameful conduct of the Russian authorities in standing idly by and permitting mobs of so-called Christians to assail inoffensive Jews in southern Russia, Catholics and JewTs in Poland and Lutherans in Finland. The question was thus broadened from the original basis of complaint that the Jews were the only sufferers from Russian re-JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. IGI prisali. The meeting demonstrated that the b$li«f i» entertained at the Capital of the United States that the government of Russia is engaged, at least passively, in a crusade against all other religionists than those identified with the official church of that country, despite the promises of the Czar to grant religious freedom to all his subjects. Such a meeting in such a place must have an effect eventually, especially as it is only one of a series of similar gatherings throughout this country. The Russian government is faced by no more urgent duty than that of guaranteeing at least freedom of worship within the wide boundaries of the empire. Apart from the civil troubles, the industrial crisis, the political upheaval, this matter of liberty of conscience is insistent in its demand for consideration.—Washington Star. A GREAT SPEECH A speech by Representative Sulzer, of New York, bristling with force and facts, marked the meeting held last night to protest, in the name of102 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. humanity and civilization, against the outrages upon the Jewish population in Russia. It breathed the spirit of conciliation and Christian feeling, and is well worth reading, as set forth in the news columns of The Post.—Washington Post.Telegrams from Prominent Men Mr. Sulzer.—"My friends: I wish, at this time, to read to you a few telegrams received from prominent citizens of our country who were invited to be present at this meeting and participate in its proceedings, but who are unavoidably prevented from being with us. I think it proper to read these telegrams, because I feel confident you will all regret that the senders are prevented from being here to-night, and I know that if they were here they would approve of all we say and are doing in the cause of humanity. "The first telegram I shall read to you is from a very distinguished Member of Congress, one of the greatest newspaper men in our land, and eminent citizen of our country, and a man who is work- 103104 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. ing for the cause of the people to accomplish something to benefit his fellow-man—my colleague in Congress from the City of New York—the Hon. Wm. R. Hearst." (Telegram) San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 20, 1906. "Hon. Wm. Sulzer, Chairman Mass Meeting, Bel-asco Theater, Washington, D. C. "It is a matter of much regret to me that my enforced trip to the Pacific Coast and consequent absence from Washington will prevent my participating in the meeting called by the humane and liberty-loving citizens of Washington to express their indignation at the outrages perpetrated upon the Jewish and other oppressed people of Russia. I am in complete accord and sympathy with the purposes of the meeting, and I hope that it will be successful in the fullest degree, and that it will accomplish much toward bringing about a cessation of thfe deplorable atrocities which have so long disgraced the dominions of the Czar. "Wm. R. Hearst."justice for the russian jew. xc>5 Me. Sulzee.—"The next telegram I shall read is from one of the foremost citizens of the great commonwealth of Illinois, a man who is known in every State in the Union and whose voice has always been raised in behalf of oppressed humanity in every land—the genial and eloquent former Senator of Illinois, Hon. William E. Mason." (Telegram) Chicago, 111., Jan. 21, 1906. "Hon. Wm. Sulzeb, Chairman Mass Meeting, Bel-aseo Theater, Washington, D. C. "I am sorry I cannot be present at your mass meeting in Belasco Theater to-night to protest against the outrages on the Jews in Russia. When you spoke to me in Washington about the meeting I thought I would remain at the Capital and be able to attend the meeting and make a brief address, but circumstances beyond my control called me hither. I wish you would express to the audience my hearty sympathy with the objects of the meeting and my inability to be present. I trust the meeting will have a beneficial effect, and I feel con-106 justice FOR the russian jew. fident it will go very far to check the barbarities in Russia, which are a disgrace to civilization. "Wm. E. Mason." Me. Sulzer.—"The next telegram is from a very distinguished divine in New York City, a man who is doing a great work along his own lines for the uplifting of humanity; a man whose sympathy is with the poor and the oppressed; a man who has always been the champion of popular rights and equality before the law; a sincere Christian gentleman and an eloquent preacher—the Rev. Dr. Madison C. Peters." (Telegram) New York, Jan. 20, 1906. "Hon. Wm. Sulzer, Chairman Mass Meeting, Bel-asco Theater, Washington, D. C. "Owing to church engagements here, it is absolutely impossible for me to attend the mass meeting to be held at Belasco Theater to protest againstjustice for the russian jew. 10/ Jewish outrages in Russia. Am very sorry I cannot be with you, and I wish to assure you that my heart is in the cause, and I hope the meeting will be largely attended and have a most beneficial influence. I feel confident that a meeting in the Capital of America to protest against the atrocities in Russia will be heard by those in authority in Russia and bring about a speedy ending of the deplorable conditions existing in that unfortunate country. "Madison C. Peters."Sketches of the Speakers at the Great Meeting SKETCH OF WILLIAM SULZER Sulzer, William, lawyer from 1884; member of the Assembly of the State of New York five consecutive terms, 1890-94; Speaker of the Assembly, 1893 (being the youngest Speaker in the history of the State); delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1896, 1900 and 1904; Representative from the Tenth District of New York to the Fifty-fourth-Fifty-ninth Congresses; was born in Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, March 18, 1863. His father, Thomas Sulzer, a native of Germany, while a student at Heidelberg, joined the patriots, engaged in the Revolution of 1848, was captured 108JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. IOQ and imprisoned, making his escape to Switzerland, and then emigrated to America, landing in New York in 1851, where he soon after married. William Sulzer attended the public schools and was graduated from the grammar school in 1877. He attended lectures at Columbia College Law School, and studied in the law office of Parrish & Pendleton in New York City. He was admitted to the bar on reaching hie majority in 1:884, and began the active practice of the law in New York City. He early achieved success as a lawyer, and soon became recognized as an eloquent public speaker and rendered effective service to the Democratic National Committee as a campaign orator in the campaigns of 1884 and 1888 and in every State and National contest since. He was elected to the New York Assembly in 188% and was re-elected each successive year for five terms, serving as Speaker of the Assembly in 1803, and as leader of the Democratic minority in 1894. He made a brilliant record during his term in the New York Assembly for honesty, ability and industry. In 1894 he was elected from the Tenth District of New York a Representative to theIIO JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. Fifty-fourth Congress, and was re-elected by an increased majority at each successive election. His present term will expire in March, 1907. His service in Congress was conspicuous for his championship of popular rights, and especially for his defense of the cause of the people against the growing evil of combinations and trusts. He pleaded the cause of the Cuban insurgents before the House in several eloquent speeches. His re-election in 1896 was by three times the majority he received at his first election, and he has always run far ahead of his ticket. In the Fifty-fifth Congress he introduced the measure by which the laboring men secured the Department of Commerce, with a secretary having a seat in the Cabinet. He also introduced a bill creating a Department of Labor, intended to regulate and control the corporations and trusts, and the bill, as originally introduced by him, made the first scientific classification of labor ever attempted in this country. He introduced the first resolution sympathizing with the Cubans, the first granting to them belligerent rights, the first favoring the independence of the Cubans, and the firstJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. Ill declaring war against Spain. lie also championed the rights of the Boers in Congress by introducing a number of resolutions of sympathy for their cause, and denouncing, in several eloquent speeches, the conduct of the war by the British. He is the author of the resolutions providing for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so that the United States Senators shall be elected by the people, and of the measure known as the eight-hour law and the anti-injunction bill. He is a forceful debater, and one of the prominent leaders on the floor of the House. It is claimed for him that he has fought more battles before the House for the various bodies of organized labor, in the face of strong opposition, than any other Representative in Congress. In national politics he was sent as a delegate from New York to the Democratic National Conventions of 1896, 1900 and 1904, and was one of the most active supporters of William J. Bryan's nomination before the convention; and when Mr. Bryan was nominated, Mr. Sulzer was one of his most eloquent and effective advocates before the people in the Presidential canvass, He was a prominent can-112 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. didate for the nomination for Governor of New York at the State Conventions of 1898 and i902, and came near receiving it. His friends assert that if he had been nominated on either occasion he would have been elected. Representative Sulzer is of large stature, standing over six feet in height, with a weight of one hundred and eighty-five pounds, which he carries with the grace of a trained athlete. During the war with Spain he organized a regiment of volunteers and was elected colonel, but, for political reasons, it was not called into active service. His rugged honesty, his loyalty to his friends, and his ability as a champion of the poor and oppressed in every land and in every clime, have made his name a household word among the people of America.—From Men of Mark of America. SKETCH OF FATHER M'CARTHY The Rev. Francis T. McCarthy, of the Society of Jesus, was born in .Pittsburg, Pa., March 17,justice for the russian jew. 113 1847. He,was educated in local school in Troy, N. Y., and in Borne, Italy, where lie was ordained to the priesthood, For the past thirty-five years he has been occupied chiefly in parish and missionary work, and is now attached to St. Aloysius Church, Washington, D. C. sketch of Wendell phiLliPs STAFFORD Wendell Phillips Stafford was born in Barre, Vermont, May 1, 1861; was educated at Barre Academy, at St. Johnsbury Academy, and the Boston University Law School (1883); practiced law in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, from 1883 to 1900; represented St. Johnsbury in the State Assembly (1892); was reporter of decisions and editor of the Vermont Reports, volumes sixty-ninth, seventieth114 justice for the russian jew. and seventy-first; was an associate judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont from July 2,1900, to June 6, 1904; since June 9, 1904, has been an associate justice of the Supreme Court for the District of Columbia. SKETCH OF REV. DONALD C. MACLEOD, D.D. Rev. Donald C. MacLeod was born in Nova Scotia, November, 1869; came to the United States, August, 1893; Scotch ancestry; parents emigrated from In-vernessshire, Scotland, to Nova Scotia in 1840; graduated from Franklin College, Ohio, June, 1895, with the degree of A. B. and A. M., in 1898; graduated from the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., in May, 1898; pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Meadville, Pa., from May, 1898, to November, 1899; accepted the pastorate ofjustice for the russian jew. iij the First Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C., November, 1899, as successor of the Rev. Byron Sunderland, D.D., LL.D., and Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-mage, D.D.; received the honorary degree of D.D. from his Alma Mater, June, 1901. SKETCH OF HENRY T. RAINEY Henry T. Rainey was born at Carrollton, 111., August 20, 1860, and has resided in the place of his birth all his life; was educated in the public schools of his native town, at Knox Academy and Knox College, Galesburg, 111., and at Amherst College, Massachusetts, from which latter institution he graduated with honors in 1883, with the degree of A. B.; three years later this institution also conferred upon him the degree of A. M. for post-graduate work. He studied law in the Union College ofIl6 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. Law, Chicago, 111.,- for two years after liis graduation fjrom A.mherst College. He graduated from the l^w school in 1885, being the valedictorian in a class of over fifty students. This institution also conferred upon him the degree of B. L. Soon afterwards he was admitted to the bar. Since that time he has practiced law at Carrollton, 111. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen, the Mutual Protective League, and the Elks. During the earlier part of his career as a lawyer he was master in chancery of Greene County, 111., for six years, resigning that position in order to attend to his increasing law practice. He was married on the 27th day of June, 1888, to Miss Ella McBride, of Harvard^ Nebr. He was nominated for Congress by the Democratic Congressional Convention for the Twentieth District of Illinois at Jacksonville on the 20th day of August, 1902, it being the forty-second anniversary of his birth, and was elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress; re-elected to the Fifty-ninth Congress.JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. ii7 SKETCH OF COL. JOHN A. JOYCE Colonel John A. Joyce was born near West Port, County Mayo, Ireland, July 4, 1842. Ia September, 1848, his parents migrated to the United States, landing in New York City and soon after went to Saratoga, where young Joyce first attended school. In 1856 the boy went to school in Owings-ville, Kentucky, and soon developed his poetic genius, and from 1856 to 1859 he attended the Highland Literary Institute of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, graduating in the classje®. In 1860 and up to September, 1861, Joyce was Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court of Bath County, Kentucky, when he resigned and enlisted for the Union in Company I, 24th Kentucky Volunteers, as a private soldier. Within a year he rose to the positions of First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant and Colonel. He was engaged in the battles of Shiloh, Perrvville, Knoxville, Resacca, Kenesaw Mountain and the fights around Atlanta in June, July, August and September, 1864. He waaIl8 JUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. wounded through the right thigh on the 27th of June, 1864, at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., and after suffering in hospital four months was mustered out of the service "on account of wounds received in action." Colonel Joyce went from Kentucky to Iowa in January, 1865, studied law and graduated in the office of Senator William B. Allison, at Dubuque, in November, 1866. In 1877 he came to Washington and engaged in newspaper and literary work. He is the author of ten books, in poetry and prose. He has written more than a thousand poems since he was thirteen years of age, and is called the Good Gray Poet of Washington. SKETCH OF CHARLES ARNETTE TOWNE Charles Abnette Towne was born in Oakland County, Mich., November 21, 1858, the son ofjustice for the russian jew. 119 Charles Judson Towne and Laura Fargo Towne, both natives of western New York; educated in common schools and the University of Michigan, being graduated Ph. B. in 1881; admitted to the bar in 1885; married Maude Irene Wiley at Lansing, Mich., in 1887; moved to Duluth, Minn., in 1890, and was elected to Congress in 1894. On the death of Hon. Cushman K. Davis was appointed by Governor Lind to the vacancy in the United States Senate December 5, 1900, and served until January 28, 1901; moved to New York City in June, 1901; was elected to the Fifty-ninth Congress. SKETCH OF CHAMP CLARK Champ Clark was born March 7,1850, in Anderson County, Ky.; educated in the common schools, Kentucky University, Bethany College, and Cincinnati Law School; 1873-74 was president of Marshall College, West Virginia, and for twenty-two years held the record for being the youngest college presi-iso justice for the russian jew. dent in the United States; worked as a hired farm hand, clerked in a country store, edited a country newspaper^ and practiced law; moved to Missouri in 1875; was city attorney of Louisiana and Bowling Green; deputy prosecuting attorney and prosecuting attorney; Presidential elector; delegate to Trans-Mississippi Congress at Denver; permanent chairman of the National Democratic Convention, St. Louis, July 6-9; 1904, and chairman of the committee notifying Judge Parker of his nomination; married Miss Genevieve Bennett; has had four children born to him: Little Champ, Ann Hamilton, Bennett and Genevieve, the two latter still living; was elected to the Fifty-third, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth Congresses, and re-elected to the Fifty-iiiiith CGhgi^s. SKETCn OF REUBEN OSBORNE MOON Reuben Osborne Moon, Republican, of Philadelphia, descended from John Moon, one of the earliestJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 121 judges of the State of Pennsylvania, who was appointed by King's Commission about 1684, was born in the State of New Jersey, son of Aaron L. Moon, one of the most successful teachers of that State; was educated under his father's instruction, supplemented by a college course, graduating in 1874; taught school, and later was a professor in a prominent institution of learning in Philadelphia; engaged in the educational lecture field; studied law, being admitted to the bar in 1884, to the supreme court in 1886, and to the United States courts in 18D0; was president of the Columbia Club, is also a member of the Penn Club, the Lawyers' Club, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and other prominent Pennsylvania associations; married Mary A. Predmore, of Barnegat, N. J., in 1876, and has two children. He was elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress November 2, 1903, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. Robert H. Foe-derer, and re-elected to the Fifty-ninth Congress.122 justice for the russian jew. SKETCH OF SAMUEL S. YODER General Samuel S. Yoder was born near Ber-ling, Holmes County, Ohio, August 16, 1841. He received a common school and academic education. In 1862 he enlisted in the Union Army; rose to the rank of General and served until the end of the war. Mayor of Bluffton in 1874. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, a Knight Templar, and 32d degree Scottish Rite Mason; also a noble of the Mystic Shrine. He was elected Judge of the Probate Court of Allen County, and served from February, 1882, to October, 1886, when he resigned, and was elected to the Fiftieth and Fifty-first and Fifty-second Congresses. SKETCH OF WILLIAM F. DOWNEY William F. Downey was born in County Limerick, Ireland, January 20, 1844. The great famineJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. I23 of 1848, the cruel laws of England, and the heartless treatment of the landlord drove his parents, with his brother and sister, to America. His brother died and was buried at sea; his father died of ship fever three weeks after his arrival in Baltimore. His mother settled in Utica, N. Y. After a struggle of two years, she was enabled to send for the subject of this sketch, who had been left with his grandparents in Ireland. He was five years of age when he arrived in this country. He attended the Christian Brothers School from eight till eleven years of age. For the last half century his university has been the world, and his study the betterment of humanity. President Roosevelt, in his recent public address, called Mr. Downey "the most useful citizen in Washington, and a good Samaritan on the highway of civilization." SKETCH OF COTTER T. BRIDE Cotter T. Bride was born in County Cork, Ireland, June 30, 1846, of Scotch-Irish parentage. In124 justice for the russian jew. 1866, after taking quite an active part in politics, be came to America and settled in Washington, where he has since remained and won distinction as one of the best-known business men and public-spirited citizens of the District of Columbia. He has always taken an active part in public affairs, and is a broad-minded, liberal-spirited citizen, having done much during recent years along charitable lines, and in the cause of humanity—especially for justice to Ireland, and the Cubans. He was chairman of the committee to receive the Boer envoys, and aided them materially in their heroic struggle. SKETCH OF FREDERIC IRLAND. Frederic Ihland, the accomplished stenographer who reported the addresses printed in this volume, has been for fifteen years one of the Reporters of Debates of the House of Representatives. He isJUSTICE FOR THE RUSSIAN JEW. 125 descended from Kevolutionary ancestry, his greatgrandfather having undergone the hardships of a prisoner of war during the occupation of New York City by the British troops. Mr. Irland was born in Michigan, educated and admitted to the bar in Detroit, where he was, previous to his Washington service, official stenographer of the Superior Court. Though a young man, fie ranks next to the senior reporter in length of service.RELIGIOUS BOOKS. We call your special attention to the following list of popu-ar Religious and Temperance Books, bound In paper cover, any of which will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. JOHN PL O UGHMAN>8 TALKS AND PICTURES. By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. Price, 25 cents. SPURGEON'S TWELVE BEST SERMONS. Bs Rev. C, H. Spurgeon. Price, 25 cents. TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM. By T. S. Arthur. Price, 25 cents. THE WEDDING RING. Sermons by Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage. Price, 25 cents. THE BATTLE FOR BREAD. Sermons by Rev. T. 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