*r r3# Wbm IPI m $ N4G5 848d & lA D*1 IB re m p . V mswm mm m mm YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the COLLECTION OF OXFORD BOOKS made by FALCONER MADAN Bodley’s Librarian il 'IADVERTISEMENT. The following tale is not intended as a work of con- troversy in behalf of the Catholic Religion; but as a description of what is understood by few, viz. the course of thought and state of mind,—or rather one such course and state,—which issues in conviction of its divine origin. Nor is it founded in fact, to use the common phrase. It is not the history of any individual mind among the recent converts to the Catholic Church. The prin- cipal characters are imaginary; and the writer wishes to disclaim personal allusion in any. It is with this view that he has feigned ecclesiastical bodies and places, to avoid the chance, which might otherwise occur, of unintentionally suggesting to the reader real individuals, who were far from his thoughts. At the same time, free use has been made of say- ings and doings which are characteristic of the time and place in which the scene is laid. And moreover, when a general truth or fact is exhibited, as in a tale, in individual specimens of it, it is impossible that the a. 24 ADVEBTISEMENT. ideal representation should not more or less coincide, in spite of the author’s endeavour, with its existing instances or champions. It must also be added, to prevent a further miscon- ception, that no proper representative is intended in this tale, of the religious opinions which had lately so much influence in the "University of Oxford. Feb. 21, 1848.LOSS AND GAIN. PART I. CHAPTER I. Chables Reding was the only son of a clergyman, who was in possession of a valuable benefice in a mid- land county. His father intended him for orders, and sent him at a proper age to a public Bchool. He had long revolved in his mind the respective advantages and disadvantages of public and private education, and had decided in favour of the former. “ Seclusion,” he said, “ is no security for virtue. There is no telling what is in a hoy’s heart: he may look as open and happy as usual, and be as kind and attentive, when there is a great deal wrong going on within. The heart is a secret with its Maker; no one on earth can hope to get at it .or to touch it. I have a cure of souls; what do I really know of my parishioners ? nothing; their hearts are sealed books to me. And this dear boy, he comes close to me; he throws his arms round me; but his soul is as much out of my sight as if he were at the antipodes. I am not ac-6 LOSS AND GAIN. cusing him of reserve, dear fellow; his very love and reverence for me keep him in a sort of charmed soli- tude. I cannot expect to get at the bottom of him: ‘ Each in his hidden sphere of bliss or woe, Our hermit spirits dwell.’ It is our lot here below. No one on earth can know Charles’s secret thoughts. Did I guard him here at home ever so well, yet, in due time, it would be found that a serpent had crept into the heart of his inno- cence. Boys do not fully know what is good and what is evil; they do wrong things at first almost innocently. Novelty hides vice from them; there is no one to warn them or give them rules; and they become slaves of sin, while they are learning what sin is. They go to the University, and suddenly plunge into excesses, the greater in proportion to their inexperience. And besides all this, I am not equal to the task of forming so active and inquisitive a mind as his. He already asks questions which I know not how to answer. So he shall go to a public school. There he will get dis- cipline at least, even if he has more of trial: at least he will gain habits of self-command, manliness, and circumspection; he will learn to use his eyes, and will find materials to use them upon; and thus will be gradually trained for the liberty which, any how, he must have when he goes to College.” This was the more necessary, because, with many high excellences, Charles was naturally timid and retiring, over-sensitive, and, though lively and cheerful, yet not without a tinge of melancholy in his character, which sometimes degenerated into mawkishness. To Eton, then, he went; and there had the good fortune to fall into the hands of an excellent tutor,LOSS AND GAIN. 7 who, while he instructed him in the old Church-of- England principles of Mant and Doyley, gave his mind a religious impression, which secured him against the allurements of bad company, whether at the school itself, 'or afterwards at Oxford. To that celebrated seat of learning he was in due time transferred, being entered at St. Saviour’s College; and he is in his sixth term from matriculation, and his fourth of residence, at the time our story opens. At Oxford, it is needless to say, he had found a great number of his schoolfellows; but, it so happened, had found very few friends among them. Some were too gay for him, and he had avoided them; others, with whom he had been intimate at Eton, having high connexions, had fairly cut him on coming into residence, or, being entered at other Colleges, had lost sight of him. Almost every thing depends at Oxford, in the matter of acquaintance, on proximity of rooms. You choose your friend, not so much by your tastes, as by your staircase. There is a story of a London tradesman who lost custom after beautifying his pre- mises, because his entrance went up a step; and we all know how great is the difference between open and shut doors when we walk along a street of shops. In a University, a youth’s hours are portioned out to him. A regular man gets up and goes to chapel, breakfasts, gets up his lectures, goes to lecture, walks, dines; there is little to induce him to mount any staircase but his own; and if he does so, ten to one he finds the friend from home whom he is seeking; not to say that freshmen, who naturally have common feelings and interests, as naturally are allotted a staircase in common. And thus it was that Charles Ending was8 LOSS AND GAIN. brought across William Sheffield, who had come into residence the same term as himself. The minds of young people are pliable and elastic, and easily accommodate themselves to any one they fall in with. They find grounds of attraction both where they agree with one another and where they differ; what is congenial to themselves creates sympathy; what is correlative, or supplemental, creates admiration and es- teem. And what is thus begun, is often continued in after-life by the force of habit and the claims of memory. Thus, in the selection of friends, chance often does for us as much as the most careful selection could have effected. What was the character and degree of that friendship which sprang up between the freshmen, Reding and Sheffield, we need not here minutely explain: it will be enough to say, that what they had in common was fresh- manship, good talents, and the back staircase; and that they differed in this: that Sheffield had lived a good deal with people older than himself, had read much in a desultory way, and easily picked up opinions and facts, especially on controversies of the day, without laying any thing very much to heart; that he was ready, clear- sighted, unembarrassed, and somewhat forward: Charles, on the other hand, had little knowledge as yet of prin- ciples or theirbearings,but understood more deeply than Sheffield, and held more practically, what he had once received; he was gentle and affectionate, and easily led by others, except when duty clearly interfered. It should be added, that he had fallen in with various religious denominations in his father’s parish, and had a general, though not a systematic, knowledge of their tenets. What they were besides, will be seen as our narrative advances.LOSS AND GAIN. 9 CHAPTER II. It was a little past one, p.m., when Sheffield, passing Charles’s door, saw it open. The college-servant had just entered with the usual half-commons for luncheon, and was employed in making up the fire. Sheffield fol- lowed him in, and found Charles in his cap and gown, lounging on the arm of his easy chair, and eating his bread and cheese. Sheffield asked him if he slept, as well as ate and drank, “ accoutred as he was.” “ I am just going for a turn into the Meadow,” said Charles; “ this is to me the best time of the year: nunc formosis- simus annus; every thing is beautiful; the laburnums are out, and the may. There is a greater variety of trees there than in any other place I know hereabouts; and the planes are so touching just now, with their small multitudinous green hands half opened; and there are two or three such fine dark willows stretching over the Cherwell; I think some Dryad inhabits them: and as you wind along, just over your right shoulder is the Long Walk, with the Oxford buildings seen between the elms. They say there are dons here who recollect when it was unbroken, nay, when you might walk under it in hard rain, and get no wet. I know I got drenched there the other day.” Sheffield laughed, and said that Charles must put on his beaver, and walk with him a different way. He wanted a good walk; his head was stupid from his lec- tures ; that old Jennings prosed so awfully upon Paley, it made him quite ill. He had talked of the Apostles as neither “ deceivers nor deceived,” of their “ sensible mi- racles,” and of their “ dying for their testimony,” till he did not know whether he himself was an ens physiobgi-10 LOSS AND GAIN. cum ox a totummetaphysicum, when Jennings had cruelly asked him to repeat Paley’s argument; and because he had not given it in Jennings’ words, friend Jennings had pursed up his lips, and gone through the whole again; so intent, in his wooden enthusiasm, on his own analysis of it, that he did not hear the clock strike the hour; and, in spite of the men’s shuffling their feet, blowing their noses, and looking at their watches, on he had gone for a good twenty minutes past the time; and would have been going on even then, he verily believed, but for an interposition only equalled by that of the geese at the Capitol. Por that, when he had got about half through his recapitulation, and was stopping at the end of a sen- tence to see the impression he was making, that un- couth fellow, Lively, moved by what happy inspiration he did not know, suddenly broke in, apropos of nothing, nodding his head, and speaking in a clear cackle, with, “ Pray, sir, what is your opinion of the infallibility of the Pope ? ” Upon which every one but Jennings did laugh out; but he, au cantraire, began to look very black; and no one can tell what would have happened, had he not cast his eyes by accident on his watch, on which he coloured, closed his book, and instanter sent the whole lecture out of the room. Charles laughed in his turn, but added: “ Yet, I as- sure you, Sheffield, that Jennings, stiff and cold as he seems, is, I do believe, a very good fellow at bottom. He has before now spoken to me with a good deal of feel- ing, and has gone out of his way to do me favours. I see poor bodies coming to him for charity continually; and they say that his sermons at Holy Cross are excel- lent.” Sheffield said he liked people to be natural, and hated that donnish manner. What good could it do ?LOSS AND GAIN. 11 and what did it mean ? “ That is what I call bigotry,” answered Charles; “I am for taking every one for what he is, and not for what he is not: one has this excel- lence, another that; no one is every thing. Why should we not drop what we don’t like, and admire what we like ? This is the only way of getting through life, the only true wisdom, and surely our duty into the bargain.” Sheffield thought this regular prose, and unreal. “We must,” he said, “ have a standard of things, else one good thing is as good as another. But I can’t stand here all day,” he continued, “when we ought to be walking.” And he took off Charles’s cap, and placing his hat on him instead, said, “ Come, let us be going.” “Then must I give up my Meadow?” said Charles. “Of course you must,” answered Sheffield; “youmust take a beaver walk. I want you to go as far as Oxley, a village some little way out, all the vicars of which, sooner or later, are made Bishops. Perhaps even walking there may do us some good.” The friends set out, from hat to boot in the most ap- proved Oxford bandbox cut of trimness and prettiness. Sheffield was turning into the High Street, when Beding stopped him : “ It always annoys me,” he said, “ to go down High Street in a beaver; one is sure to meet a Proctor.” “ All those University dresses are great fudge,’(’ answered Sheffield; “ how are we the better for them ? they are mere outside, and nothing else. Be- sides, our gown is so hideously ugly.” “ Well, I don’t go along with your sweeping condemnation,” answered Charles; “ this is a great place, and should have a dress. I declare, when I first saw the procession of Heads at St. Mary’B, it was quite moving. Pirst— ” “Of course the pokers,” interrupted Sheffield—“ Pirst the organ,12 LOSS AND GAIN. and every one rising; then the Vice-Chancellor in red, and. his bow to the preacher, who turns to the pulpit; then all the Heads in order; and lastly the Proctors. Meanwhile, you see the head of the preacher slowly mounting up the steps; when he gets in, he shuts to the door, looks at the organ-loft to catch the psalm, and the voices strike up.” Sheffield laughed, and then said, “Well, I confess I agree with you in your instance. The preacher is, or is supposed to be, a person of talent; he is about to hold forth; the divines, the students of a great University are all there to listen. The pageant does but fitly represent the great moral fact which is before us; I understand this. I don’t call this fudge; what I mean by fudge is, outside without inside. Now I must say, the sermon itself, and nottlibleast of all the prayer before it—what do they call it ? ” “ The bidding prayer,” said Eeding. “ Well, both sermon and prayer are often arrant fudge. I don’t often go to University sermons, but I have gone often enough not to go again without compulsion. The last preacher I heard was from the country. Oh, it was wonderful! He began at the pitch of his voice, ‘ Ye shall pray.’ What stuff! ‘ Ye shall pray;' because old Latimer or Jewell said, ‘Ye shall praie,’ therefore we must not say, ‘ Let us pray.’ Pre- sently he brought out,” continued Sheffield, assuming a pompous and up-and-down tone, “ ‘ especially for that pure and apostolic branch of it established,’—here the man rose on his toes, ‘ established in these dominions.’ Next came, ‘ for our Sovereign Lady Victoria, Queen, Defender of the Paith, in all causes and over all persons, ecclesiastical as well as civil, within these her dominions, supreme ’—an awful pause, with an audible fall of the Bermon-case on the cushion; as though nature did notLOSS AND GAIN. 13 contain, as if the human mind could not sustain, a big- ger thought. Then followed, ‘ the pious and munificent founder,’ in the same twang, ‘of All Saints’ and Leicester Colleges.’ But his chef-d'oeuvre was his emphatic recog- nition of ‘ all the doctors, both the proctors,’ as if the numerical antithesis had a graphic power, and threw those excellent personages into a charming tableau vi- vant.” Charles was amused at all this; but he said in answer, that he never heard a sermon, but it was his own fault if he did not gain good from it; and he quoted the words of his father, who, when he ohe day asked him if so and so had not preached a very good sermon, “ My dear Charles,” his father had said, “ all sermons are good.” The words, simple as they were, had retained a hold on his memory. Meanwhile, they had proceeded down the forbidden High Street, and were crossing the bridge, when, on the opposite side, they saw before them a tall, upright man, whom Sheffield had no difficulty in recognising as a ba- chelor of Nun’s Hall, and a bore, at least of the second magnitude. He was in cap and gown, but went on his way, as if intending, in that extraordinary guise, to take a country walk. He took the path which they were going themselves, and they tried to keep behind him; but they walked too briskly, and he too leisurely, to al- low of that. It is very difficult .duly to delineate a bore in a narrative, for the very reason that he is a bore. A tale must aim at condensation,but a bore acts in solution. It is only on the long-run that he is ascertained. Then, indeed, he is felt; he is oppressive; like the sirocco, which the native detects at once, while a foreigner is often at fault. Tenet, occiditque. Did you hear him make but one speech, perhaps you would say he was a14 LOSS AND GAIN. pleasant, well-informed man; but when he never cornea to an end, or has one and the same prose every time you meet him, or keeps you standing till you are fit to sink, or holds you fast when you wish to keep an engagement, or hinders you listening to important conversation,— then there is no mistake, the truth bursts on you, appa- rent diroe facies, you are in the clutches of aborg. You may yield, or you may flee; jou cannot conquer. Hence it is clear that ashore cannot be represented in a story, or the story would be the bore as much as he. The reader, then, must believe this upright Mr. Bateman to be what otherwise he might not discover, and thank us for our consideration innotproving as well as asserting it. Sheffield bowed to him courteously, and would have proceeded on his way; but Bateman, as became his na- ture, would not suffer it; he seized him. “ Are you dis- posed,” he said, “ to look into the pretty chapel we are restoring on the common ? It is quite a gem—in the purest style of the fourteenth century. It was in a most filthy condition, a mere cow-house; but we have made a subscription, and set it to rights.” “We are bound for Oxley,” Sheffield answered; “ you would be taking us out of our way.” “ Hot a bit of it,” said Bateman; “it’s not a stone’s throw from the road; you must not refuse me. I’m sure you’ll like it.” He proceeded to give the history of the chapel—all it had been, all it might have been, all it was not, all it was to be. “ It is to be a real specimen of a Catholic chapel,” he said; “ we mean to make the attempt of getting the Bishop to dedicate it to the Boyal Martyr—why should not we have our St. Charles as well as the Bomanists ?—and it will be quite sweet to hear the vesper-bell tolling over the sullen moor every evening, in all weathers, and amid all theLOSS AND GAIN. 15 changes and chances of this mortal life.” Sheffield asked what congregation they expected to collect at that hour ? “ That’s a low view,” answered Bateman; “ it does not signify at all. In real Catholic churches the number of the congregation is nothing to the purpose; service is ior those who come, not jor those wnostay away.” “Well,’’ sard" Sheffield, “I understand what that means, when a Soman Catholic says it; for a Priest is supposed to offer sacrifice, which he can do without a congregation as well as with one. And, again, Catholic chapels often stand over the bodies of martyrs, or on some place of miracle, as a record ;_but our service is ‘ Common Prayer,’ and how can you have that without a congregation r Bateman replied that, even if members of the Univer- sity did not drop in, which he expected, at least the bell would be a memento far and near. “ Ah, I see,” re- torted Sheffield, “ the use will be the reverse of what you said just now; it is not for those that come, but for those who stay away. The congregation is outside, not' in- side; it’s an outside concern. I once saw a tall church- tower—so it appeared from the road; but on the sides you saw it was but a thin wall, made to look like a tower, in order to give the church an imposing effect. Do run up such a bit of a wall, and put the bell in it.” “There’s another reason,” answered Bateman, “for re- storing the chapel, quite independent of the service. It has been a chapel from time immemorial, and was con- secrated by our Catholic forefathers.” Sheffield argued, that this would be as good a reason for keeping up the Mass as for keeping up the chapel. “We do keep up the Mass,” said Bateman; “ we offer our Mass every Sunday, according to the rite of the English Cyprian, as16 LOSS ATTD GAIN-. honest Peter Heylin calls him; what would you have more ?” Whether Sheffield understood this or no, at least it was beyond Charles. Was the Common Prayer the English Mass, or the Communion-service, or the Li- tany, or the sermon, or any part of these ? or were Bate- man’s words really a confession that there were clergy- men who actually said the Popish Mass once a week ? Bateman’s precise meaning, however, is lost to posterity; for they had by this time arrived at the door of the chapel. It had once been the chapel of an almshouse; a small farmhouse stood near; but, for population, it was plain no “ church accommodation” was wanted. Before entering, Charles hung back, and whispered to his friend that he did not know Bateman. An introduction,in con- sequence, took place. “ Reding of St. Saviour’s—Bate- man of Nun’s Hallafter which ceremony, in place of holy water, they managed to enter thechapel in company. It was as pretty a building as Bateman had led them to expect, and very prettily done up. There was a stone altar in the best style, a credence table, a piscina, what looked like a tabernacle, and a couple of handsome brass candlesticks. Charles asked the use of the piscina,—he did not know its name,—and was told that there was al- ways a piscina in the old churches in England, and that there could be no proper restoration without it. Next he asked the meaning of the beautifully wrought closet or recess above the altar; and received for answer, that “ our sister churches of the Roman obedience always bad a tabernacle for reserving the consecrated bread.” Here Charles was brought to a stand: on which Sheffield asked the use of the niches; and was told by Bateman, that images of saints were forbidden by the canon, but that his friends, in all these matters, did what they could.LOSS AND GAIN. 17 Lastly, he asked the meaning of the candlesticks; and was told that, Catholicly-minded as their Bishop was, they had some fear lest he would object to lights in ser- vice—at least at first: but it was plain that the use of the candlesticks was to hold candles. Having had their fill of gazing and admiring, they turned to proceed on their walk, but could not get off an invitation to break- fast, in a few days, at Bateman’s lodgings in the Turl. CHAPTER III. Neither of the friends had what are called mews in re- ligion ; by which expression we do not here signify that neither had taken up a certain line of opinion, though this was true also; but that neither of them—how could they at their age ?—had placed his religion on an intel- lectual basis. It may be as well to state more distinctly what a “view” is, what it is to be “viewy,” and what is the state of those who have no “ views.” When per- sons, then, for the first time look upon the world of po- litics or religion, all that that they find there meets their mind’s eye as a landscape addresses itself for the first time to a person who has just gained his bodily sight. One thing is as far off as another; there is no perspec- tive. The connexion of fact with fact, truth with truth, the bearing of fact upon truth, and truth upon fact, what leads to what, what are points primary and what se- condary,—all this they have yet to learn. It is all a new science to them, and they do not even know their ignorance of it. Moreover, the world of to-day has no connexion in their minds with the world of yesterday; time is not a stream, but stands before them round and B18 LOSS AND GAIN. full, like the moon. They do not know what happened ten years ago, much less the annals of a century; the past does not live to them in the present; they do not understand the worth of contested points; names have no associations for them, and persons kindle no recollec- tions. They hear of men, and things, and projects, and struggles, and principles; but every thing comes and goes like the wind, nothing makes an impression, nothing penetrates, nothing has its place in their minds. They locate nothing; they have no system. They hear and they forget; or they just recollect what they have once heard, they can’t tell where. Thus they have no con- sistency in their arguments; that is, they argue one way to-day, and not exactly the other way to-morrow, but indirectly the other way, at random. Their lines of argument diverge; nothing comes to a point; there is no one centre in which their mind sits, on which their judgment of men and things proceeds. This is the state of many men all through life; and miserable politicians or Churchmen they make, unless by good luck they are in safe hands, and ruled by others, or are pledged to a course. Else they are at the mercy of the winds and waves; and, without being Radical, Whig, Tory, or Conservative, High Church or Low Church, they do Whig acts, Tory acts, Catholic acts, and heretical acts, as the fit takes them, or as events or parties drive them. And sometimes, when their self-importance is hurt, they take refuge in the idea that all this is a proof that they are unfettered, moderate, dispassionate, that they ob- serve the mean, that they are no “ party menwhen they are, in fact, the most helpless of slaves; for our strength in this world is, to be the subjects of the reason, and our liberty, to be captives of the truth.LOSS AND GAIN. 19 Now Charles Reding, a youth of twenty, could not be supposed to have much of a view in religion or politics; but no clever man allows himself to judge of things sim- ply at hap-hazard; he is obliged, from a sort of self- respect, to have some rule or other, true or false; and Charles was very fond of the maxim, which he has al- ready enunciated, that we must measure people by what they are, and not by what they are not. He had a great notion of loving every one—of looking kindly on every one; he was pierced with the sentiment which he had seen in a popular volume of poetry, that “ Christian souls, .... Though worn and soil’d with sinful clay, Are yet, to eyes that see them true, All glistening with baptismal dew.” He liked, as he walked along the road, and met labourer or horseman, gentleman or beggar, to say to himself, “ He is a Christian.’ ’ And when he came to Oxford, he came there with an enthusiasm so simple and warm as to be almost childish. He reverenced even the velvet of the Pro.; nay, the cocked hat which preceded the preacher had its claim on his deferential regard. With- out being himself a poet, he was in the season of poetry, in the sweet spring-time, when the year is most beauti- ful, because it is new. Novelty was beauty to a heart so open and cheerful as his; not only because it was novelty, and had its proper charm as such, but because when we first see things, we see them in a “ gay con- fusion,” which is a principal element of the poetical. As time goes on, and we number and sort and measure things—as we gain views—we advance towards philo- sophy and truth, but we recede from poetry. When we ourselves were young, we once on a time20 LOSS AND GAIN. walked on a hot summer-day from Oxford to Newington —a dull road, as any one who has gone it knows; yet it was new to us ; and we protest* to you, reader, believe it or not, laugh or not, as you will, to us it seemed on that occasion quite touchingly beautiful; and a soft me- lancholy came over us, of which the shadows fall even now, when we look back on that dusty, weary journey. And why ? because every object which met us was un- known and full of mystery. A tree or two in the dis- tance seemed the beginning of a great wood, or park, stretching endlessly ; a hill implied a vale beyond, with that vale’s history; the bye-lanes, with their green hedges, wound and vanished, yet were not lost to the imagination. Such was our first journey; but when we had gone it several times, the mind refused to act, the scene ceased to enchant, stern reality alone re- mained ; and we thought it one of the most tiresome, odious roads we ever had occasion to traverse. But to return to our story. Such was Reding. But Sheffield, on the other hand, without possessing any real view of things more than Charles, was, at this time, fonder of hunting for views, and more in danger of tak- ing up false ones. That is, he was “viewy,” in a bad sense of the word. He was not satisfied intellectually with things as they are; he was critical, impatient to reduce things to system, pushed principles too far, was fond of argument, partly from pleasure in the exercise, partly because he was perplexed, though he did not lay any thing very much to heart. They neither of them felt any special interest in the controversy going on in the University and country about High and Low Church. Sheffield had a sort of contempt for it; and Reding felt it to be bad taste to be unusual orLOSS AND GAIN. 21 prominent in any thing. An Eton acquaintance had asked him to go and hear one of the principal preachers of the Catholic party, and offered to introduce him; but he had declined it. He did not like, he said, mixing himself up with party; he had come to Oxford to get his degree, and not to take up opinions; he thought his father would not relish it; and, moreover, he felt some little repugnance to such opinions and such people, un- der the notion that the authorities of the University were opposed to the ‘whole movement. He could not help looking at its leaders as demagogues; and towards demagogues he felt an unmeasured aversion and con- tempt. He did not see why clergymen, however respect- able, should be collecting undergraduates about them; and he heard stories of their way of going on, which did not please him. Moreover, he did not like the speci- mens of their followers whom he fell in with; they were forward, or they “ talked strong,” as it was called; did ridiculous, extravagant acts; and sometimes neglected their college duties for things which did not concern them. He was unfortunate, certainly: for this is a very unfair account of the most exemplary men of that day, who doubtless are still, as clergymen or laymen, the strength of the Anglican Church; but in all col- lections of men, the straw and rubbish (as Lord Bacon says) float on the top, while gold and jewels sink and are hidden. Or, what is more opposite still, many men, or most men, are a compound of precious and worthless together, and their worthless swims, and their precious lies at the bottom.22 LOSS AND GAIN. CHAPTER IY. Bateman was one of these composite characters: he had much good and much cleverness in him; but he was absurd, and he afforded a subject of conversation to the two friends as they proceeded on their walk. “ I wish there was less of fudge and humbug every where,” said Sheffield; “ one might shovel off cart loads from this place, and not miss it.” “ If you had your way,” answered Charles, “ you would scrape off the roads till there was nothing to walk on. We are forced to walk on what you call humbug; we put it under our feet, but we use it.” “ I cannot think that; it’s like doing evil that good may come. I see shams every where. I go into St. Mary’s, and I hear men spouting out common- places in a deep or a shrill voice, or with slow, clear, quiet emphasis and significant eyes, as that Bampton preacher not long ago, who assured us, apropos of the resurrection of the body, that ‘ all attempts to resusci- tate the inanimate corpse by natural methods had hitherto been experimentally abortive.’ I go into the place where degrees are given—the Convocation, I think—and there one hears a deal of unmeaning Latin for hours, graces, dispensations, and Proctors walking up and down for nothing; all in order to keep up a sort of ghost of things passed away for centuries, while the real work might be done in a quarter of an hour. I fall in. with this Bateman, and he talks to me of rood-lofts without roods, and piscinae without water, and niches without images, and candlesticks without lights, and masses without Popery; till I feel, with Shakespeare, that‘all the world’s a stage.’ Well, I go to Shaw, Turner, and Brown, very different men, pupils of Dr.LOSS AND GAIN. 23 Gloucester—you know whom I mean—and they tell us that we ought to put up crucifixes by the wayside, in order to excite religious feeling.” “Well, I really think you are hard on all these people,” said Charles; “it is all very much like decla- mation ; you would destroy externals of every kind. You are like the man, in one of Miss Edgeworth’s novels, who shut his ears_tfl_lJifijaiLsigJ- that he might ljjjgha^jje^ancggg^’ “ What is the music to which I close my ears ? ” asked Sheffield. “ To the meaning of those various acts,” answered Charles; “ the pious feeling which accompanies the sight of the image is the music.” “ To those who have the pious feeling, cer- tainly,’’ said Sheffield; “ but to put up images in Eng- land in order to create the feeling, is like dancing to create music.” “ I think you are hard upon England,” replied Charles; “ we are a religious people.” “ Well, I will put it differently: do you like music?” “You ought to know,” said Charles, “ whom I have frightened so often with my fiddle.” “Do you like dancing?” “ To tell the truth,” said Charles, “ I don’t.” “ Nor do I,” said Sheffield; “ it makes me laugh to think what T have done, when a boy, to escape dancing; there is something so absurd in it; and one had to be civil and to duck to young girls who were either prim or pert. I have behaved quite rudely to them sometimes, and then have been annoyed at my ungentlemanlikeness, and not known how to get out of the scrape.” “ Well, I didn’t know we were so like each other in any thing,” said Charles; “ oh, the misery I have endured, in having to stand up to dance, and to walk about with a partner!— every body looking at me, and I so awkward. It has been a torture to me days before and after.”24 LOSS AND GAIN. They had by this time come up to the foot of the rough rising ground which leads to the sort of table-land, on the edge of which Oxley is placed; and they stood still a while to see some equestrians take the hurdles. They then mounted the hill, and looked back upon Ox- ford. “ Perhaps you call those beautiful spires and towers a sham,” said Charles, “because you see their tops and not their bottoms ? ” “ Whereabouts were we in our argument ?” said the other, reminded that they had been wandering from it for the last ten minutes; “ Oh, I recollect; I know what I was at. I was saying that you liked music, but didn’t like dancing; music leads another person to dance, but not you; and dancing does not increase but diminishes the intensity of the pleasure you find in music. In like manner, it is a mere piece of pedantry to make a religious nation, like the English, more religious by placing images in the streets; this is not the English way, and only offends us. If it were our way, it would come naturally without any one telling us. As music incites to dancing, so religion would lead to images. But as dancing does not improve music to those who do not like dancing, so ceremonies do not improve religion to those who do not like cere- monies.” “Then do you mean,” said Charles, “that the English Romanists are shams, because they use cru- cifixes?” “Stop there,” said Sheffield; “now you are getting upon a different subject. They believe that there is virtue in images; that indeed is absurd in them, but it makes them quite consistent in honouring them. They do not put up images as outward shows, merely to create feelings in the minds of beholders, as Gloucester would do, but they in good downright earnest worship images, as being more than they seem, as being not aLOSS AND GAIN. 25 mere outside show. They pay them a religious worship, as having been handled by great saints years ago, as having been used in pestilences, as having wrought miracles, as having moved their eyes or bowed their heads; or, at least, as having been blessed by the priest, and been brought into connexion with invisible grace. This is superstitious; but it is real.” Charles was not satisfied. “ An image is a mode of teaching,” he said; “ do you mean to say that a person is a sham merely because he mistakes the particular mode of teaching best suited to his own country ?” “ I did not say that Dr. Gloucester was a sham,” answered Sheffield; “ but that that mode of teaching of his was among Protestants a sham and a humbug.” “ But this principle will carry you too far, and destroy itself,” said Charles. “ Don’t you recollect what Thompson quoted the other day out of Aristotle, which he had lately be- gun in lecture with Vincent, and which we thought so acute—that habits are created by those very acts in which they manifest themselves when created? We learn to swim well by trying to swim. Now Bateman, doubt- less, wishes to introduce piscinae and tabernacles; and to wait, before beginning, till they are received, is like not going into the water till you can swim.” “ Well, but what is Bateman the better when his piscina is univer- sal?” asked Sheffield; “what does it mean? In the Romish Church it has a use, I know—I don’t know what—but it comes into the Mass. But if Bateman makes piscinae universal among us, what has he achieved but the reign of a universal humbug ? ” “ But, my dear Sheffield,’ ’ answered Reding, “ consider how many things there are, which, in the course of time, have altered their original meaning, and yet have a meaning, though a26 LOSS AND GAIN. changed one, still. The judge’s wig is no sham, yet it has a history. The Queen, at her coronation, is said to wear a Roman Catholic vestment, is that a sham ? Does it not still typify and impress upon us the ‘ divinity that doth hedge a king,’ though it has lost the meaning which the Church of Rome gave it ? Or are you of the number of those, who, according to the witticism, think majesty, when deprived of its externals, a jest ? ” “ Then you defend the introduction of unmeaning piscin® and candlesticks?” “I think,” answered Charles, “that there’s a great difference between reviving and retain- ing ; it may he natural to retain, even while the use fails, unnatural to revive when it has failed; hut this is a question of discretion and judgment.” “ Then you give it against Bateman,” said Sheffield. A slight pause ensued ; then Charles added, “ But perhaps these men actually do wish to introduce the realities as well as the externals: perhaps they wish to use the piscina as well as to have it. . . . Sheffield,” he continued abruptly, “ why are not canonicals a sham, if piscin® are shams ?” “ Canonicals,” said Sheffield, as if thinking about them; “ no, canonicals are no sham; for preaching, I suppose, is the highest ordinance in our Church, and has the richest dress. The robes of a great preacher cost, I know, many pounds; for there was one near us, who, on leaving, had a present from the ladies of an entire set, and a dozen pair of worked slippers into the bargain. But it’s all fitting, if preaching is the great office of the clergy. Next comes the Sacrament, and has the surplice and hood. And hood,” he repeated, musing; “ what’s that for ? no, it’s the scarf. The hood is worn in the University pulpit; what is the scarf? it belongs to chaplains, I believe, that is, to persons ; ILOSS AND GAIN. 27 can’t make a view out of it.” “ My dear Sheffield,” said Charles, “ you have cut your own throat. Here you have been trying to give a sense to the clerical dress, and cannot; are you then prepared to call it a sham ? Answer me this single question—why does a clergyman wear a surplice when he reads prayers ? Nay, I will put it more simply—why can only a clergyman read prayers in Church P why cannot I?” Sheffield hesi- tated, and looked serious. “ Do you know,” he said, “ you have just pitched on Jeremy Bentham’s objection. In his Church of Englandism, he proposes, if I recollect rightly, that a parish-boy should be taught to read the Liturgy; and he asks, Why send a person to the Uni- versity for three or four years at an enormous expense, why teach him Latin and Greek, on purpose, to read what any boy could be taught to read at a dame’s school ? What is the virtue of a clergyman’s reading ? Some- thing of this kind, Bentham says; and,” he added slowly, “ to tell the truth, I don’t know how to answer him.” Reding was surprised, and shocked, and puzzled too; he did not know what to say; when the conver- sation was, perhaps fortunately, interrupted. CHAPTER V. Eveby year brings changes and reforms. We do not know what is the state of Oxley Church now; it may have rood-loft, piscina, sedilia, all new; or it may be re- formed backwards, the seatson principle turning from the Communion-table, and the pulpit planted in the middle of the aisle; but at the time when these two young men walked through the churchyard, there was nothing very28 LOSS AND GAIN. good or very bad to attract them within the building; and they were passing on, when they observed, coming out of the church, what Sheffield called an elderly don, a fellow of a college, whom Charles knew. He was a man of family, and had some little property of his own, had been a contemporary of his father’s at the Univer- sity, and had from time to time been a guest at the par- sonage. Charles had, in consequence, known him from a boy; and now, since he came into residence, he had, as was natural, received many small attentions from him. Once, when he was late for his own hall, he had given him his dinner in his rooms; he had taken him out on a fishing expedition towards Faringdon ; and had pro- mised him tickets for some ladies, lionesses of his, who were coming up to the Commemoration. He was a shrewd, easy-tempered, free-spoken man, of small de- sires and no ambition; of no very keen sensibilities or romantic delicacies, and very little religious pretension; that is, though unexceptionable in his deportment, he hated the show of religion, and was impatient at those who affected it. He had known the University for thirty years, and formed a right estimate of most things in it. He had come out to Oxley to take a funeral for a friend, and was now returning home. He hallooed to Charles, who, though feeling at first awkward on finding himself with two such different friends and in two such different relations, was, after a time, partially restored to himself by the unconcern of Mr. Malcolm; and the three walked home together. Yet, even to the last, he did not quite know how and where to walk, and how to carry himself; particularly when they got near Oxford, and he fell in with various parties who greeted him in passing. Charles, by way of remark, said they had been lookingLOSS AND GAIN. 29 in at a pretty little chapel on the common, which was now in the course of repair. Mr. Malcolm laughed. “So, Charles,” he said, “you're bit with the new fashion.” Charles coloured, and asked, “What fashion?” adding, that a friend, by accident, had taken them in. “You ask what fashion,” said Mr. Malcolm; “why, the newest, latest fashion. This is a place of fashions; there have been many fashions in my time. The greater part of the residents, that is, the boys, change once in three years; the fellows and tutors, perhaps, in half a dozen; and every generation has its own fashion. There is no principle of stability in Oxford, except the Heads, and they are always the same, and always will be the same to the end of the chapter. What is in now,” he asked, “ among you youngsters ? drinking or cigars ? ” Charles laughed modestly, and said he hoped drinking had gone out every where. “ Worse things may come in,” said Mr. Malcolm ; •“ but there are fashions every where. There was once a spouting club, perhaps it is in favour still; before it was the music-room. Once geo- logy was all the rage; now it is theology ; soon it will be architecture, or medieval antiquities, or editions and codices. Each wears out in its turn; all depends on one or two active men; but the secretary takes a wife, or the professor gets a stall; and then the meetings are called irregularly, and nothing is done in them, and so gradually the affair dwindles and dies.” ' Sheffield asked whether the present movement had not spread too widely through the country for such a termination ; he did not know much about it himself, but the papers were full of it, and it was the talk of every neighbourhood; it was not confined to Oxford. “ I don’t know about the country,” said Mr. Malcolm,30 LOSS AND GAIN. “ that is a large question; but it has not the elements of stability here. These gentlemen will take livings and marry, and that will be the end of the business. I am not speaking against them; they are, I believe, very respectable men; but they are riding on the spring- tide of a fashion.” Charles said it was a nuisance to see the party-spirit it introduced. Oxford ought to be a place of quiet and study; peace and the Muses always went together; whereas there was talk, talk, in every quarter. A man could not go about his duties in a natural way, and take every one as he came, but was obliged to take part in questions, and to consider points, which he might wish to put from him, and must sport an opinion when he really had none to give. Mr. Malcolm assented in a half-absent way, looking at the view before him, and seemingly enjoying it. “ Peo- ple call this county ugly,” said he, “ and perhaps it is ; but whether I am used to it or no, I always am pleased with it. The lights are always new; and thus the land- scape, if it deserves the name, is always presented in a new dress. I have known Shotover there take the most opposite hues, sometimes purple, sometimes a bright saffron or tawny orange.” Here he stopped: “ Tes, you speak of party-spirit; very true, there’s a good deal of it. . . No, I don’t think there’s much,” he continued, rousing ; “ certainly there is more division just at this minute in Oxford, but there always is division, always rivalry. The separate Societies have their own interests and honour to maintain, and quarrel, as the orders do in the Church of Rome. No, that’s too grand a com- parison ; rather, Oxford is like an almshouse for clergy- men’s widows. Self-importance, jealousy, tittle-tattleLOSS AND GAIN. 31 are the order of the day. It has always been so in my time. The two great ladies, Mrs. Vice-Chancellor and Mrs. Divinity-Professor can’t agree, and have followings respectively: or Vice-Chancellor himself, being a new broom, sweeps all the young masters clean out of Con- vocation House, to their great indignation; or Mr. Slaney, Dean of St. Peter’s, does not scruple to say in a stage-coach that Mr. Wood is no scholar; on which the said Wood calls him in return ‘ slanderous Slaney;’ or the elderly Mr. Barge, late Senior Pellow of St. Mi- chael’s, thinks that his pretty bride has not been received with due honours; er Dr. Crotchet is for years kept out of his destined bishopric by a sinister influence; or Mr. Professor Carraway has been infamously shown up, in the ‘ Edinburgh ’ by an idle fellow whom he plucked in the schools ; or (majora movemus) three colleges in- terchange a moral vow of opposition to a fourth ; or the young working masters conspire against the Heads. Now, however, we are improving; if we must quarrel, let it be the rivalry of intellect and conscience, rather than of interest or temper; let us contend for things, not for shadows.” Sheffield was pleased at this, and ventured to say that the present state of things was more real, and therefore more healthy. Mr. Malcolm did not seem to hear him, for he did not reply; and, as they were now approach- ing the bridge again, the conversation stopped. Shef- field looked slyly at Charles, as Mr. Malcolm proceeded with them up High Street; and both of them had the triumph and the amusement of being convoyed safely past a Proctor, who was patrolling it, under the pro- tection of a Master.32 LOSS AND GAIN. CHAPTER VI. The walk to Oxley had not been the first or the second occasion on which Charles had, in one shape or other, encountered Sheffield’s views about realities and shams ; and his preachments had begun to make an impression on him ; that is, he felt that there was truth in them at bottom, and a truth new to him. He was not a person to let a truth sleep in his mind, though it did not vege- tate very quickly ; it was sure ultimately to be pursued into its consequences, and to affect his existing opinions. In the instancebefore us, he saw Sheffield’s principle was more or less antagonistic to his own favourite maxim, that it was a duty to be pleased with every one. Con- tradictions could not both be real: when an affirmative was true, a negative was false. All doctrines could not be equally sound : there was a right and a wrong. The theory of dogmatic truth, as opposed to latitudinarianism (he did not know their names or their history, or suspect what was going on within him), had, in the course of these his first terms, gradually begun to energise in his mind. Let him but see the absurdities of the latitudinarian principle, when carried out, and he is likely to be still more opposed to it. Bateman, among his peculiarities, had a notion that bringing persons of contrary sentiments together was the likeliest way of making a party agreeable, or at least useful. He had done his best to give his breakfast, to which our friends were invited, this element of per- fection ; not, however, to his own satisfaction; for with all his efforts, he had but picked up Mr. Ereeborn, a young Evangelical Master, with whom SheffieldLOSS AND GAIN. 33 was acquainted; a sharp, but not very wise freshman, who, having been spoiled at home, and having plenty of money, professed to -be (Esthetic, and kept his college authorities in a perpetual fidget, lest he should some morning wake up a Papist; and a friend of his, a nice modest-looking youth, who, like a mouse, had keen darting eyes, and ate his bread and butter in absolute silence. They had hardly seated themselves, and Sheffield was pouring out coffee, and a plate of muffins was going round, and Bateman was engaged, saucepan in hand, in the operation of landing his eggs, now boiled, upon the table, when our flighty youth, whose name was White, observed how beautiful the Catholic custom was of making eggs the emblem of the Easter-festival. “ It is truly Catholic,” said he ; “ for it is retained in parts of England, you have it in Russia, and in Rome itself, where an egg is served up on every plate through the Easter-week, after being, I believe, blessed; and it is as expressive and significant as it is Catholic.” “Beautiful indeed! ’ ’ said their host; “ so pretty, so sweet; I wonder whether our Reformers thought of it, or the profound Hooker,—he was full of types,—or Jewell. Tou recol- lect the staff Jewell gave him: that was a type. It was like the sending of Elisha’s staff by his servant to the dead child.” “ Oh, my dear, dear Bateman,” cried Sheffield, “you are making Hooker Gehazi.” “ That’s just the upshot of such trifling,” said Mr. Ereebom; “ you never know where to find it; it proves any thing, and disproves any thing.” “That is only till it’s sanctioned,” said White; “ when the Catholic Church sanctions it, we’re safe.” “Yes,we’re safe,” said Bate- man; “it’s safe when it’s Catholic.” “Yes,” con- o34 LOSS AND GAIN. tinued White, “ things change their nature altogether, when they are taken up by the Catholic Churcb: that’s how we are allowed to do evil, that good may come.” “ What’s that ?” said Bateman. “ Why,” said White, ‘‘ the Churcb makes evil good.” “ My dear White,” said Bateman gravely, “ that’s going too far; it is in- deed.” Mr. Freeborn suspended his breakfast opera- tions, and sat back in his chair. “ Why,” continued White, “ is not idolatry wrong ? yet image-worship is right.” Mr. Freeborn was in a state of collapse. “ That’s a bad instance, White,” said Sheffield; “there orcpeople in the world who are uncatholic enough to think image- worship is wrong,as well as idolatry.” “ A mere Jesuiti- cal distinction,” said Freeborn with emotion. “ Well,” said White, who did not seem in great awe of the young M.A., though some years, of course, his senior, “ I will take a better instance: who does not know that baptism gives grace ? yet there were heathen baptismal rites, which, of course, were devilish.” “ I should not be disposed, Mr. White, to grant you so much as you would wish,” said Freeborn, “ about the virtue of bap- tism.” “Not about Christian baptism ?” asked White. “It is easy,” answered Freeborn, “to mistake the sign for the thing signified.” “ Not about Catholic baptism ?” repeated White. “ Catholic baptism is a mere deceit and delusion,” retorted Mr. Freeborn. “ Oh, my dear Freeborn,” interposed Bateman, “nowyou are going too far; you are indeed.” “Catholic, Catholic; I don’t know what you mean,” said Freeborn. “ I mean,” said White, “ the baptism of the One Catholic Church, of which the Creed speaks: it’s quite intelligible.” “ But what doyou mean by the Catholic Church ? ’ ’ asked Free, born. “The Anglican,” answered Bateman. “TheLOSS AND GAIN. 35 Roman,” answered White; both in the same breath. There was a general laugh. “ There is nothing to laugh at,” said Bateman; “ Anglican and Roman are one.” “ One ! impossible,” cried Sheffield. “ Much worse than impossible,” observed Mr. Freeborn. “I should make a distinction,” said Bateman: “ I should say, they are one, except the corruptions of the Romish Church.” “That is, one except where they differ,” said Sheffield. “ Precisely so,” said Bateman. “ Rather, /should say,” objected Mr. Freeborn, “ two except where they agree.’* “ That’s just the issue,” said Sheffield; “ Bateman says that the Churches are one except where they are two; and Freeborn says that they are two except where they are one.” It was a relief at this moment that the cook’s boy came in with a dish of hot sausages; but though a re- lief, it was not a diversion; the conversation proceeded. Two persons did not like it; Freeborn, who was simply disgusted at the doctrine, and Reding, who thought it a bore; yet it was the bad luck of Freeborn forthwith to set Charles against him, as well as the rest; and to re- move the repugnance which he had to engage in the dispute. Freeborn, in fact, thought theology itself a mistake, as substituting, as he considered, worthless intellectual notions for the vital truths of religion; so he now went on to observe, putting down his knife and fork, that it really was to him inconceivable, that real religion should depend on metaphysical distinctions, or outward observances; that it was quite a different thing in Scripture; that Scripture said much of faith and holi- ness, but hardly a word about churches and forms. He proceeded to say that it was the great and evil tendency of the human mind to interpose between itself and its36 LOSS AND GAIN. Creator some self-invented mediator, and it did not matter at all whether that human device was a rite, or a creed, or a form of prayer, or good works, or com- munion with particular churches—all were but “ flatter- ing unctions to the soul,” if they were considered neces- sary ; the only safe way of using them was to use them with the feeling that you might dispense with them; that none of them went to the root of the matter, for that faith, that is, firm belief that God had forgiven you, was the one thing needful; that where that one thing was present,everything else was superfluous; that where it was wanting, nothing else availed. So strongly did he hold this, that (he confessed he put it pointedly, but still not untruly), where true faith was present, a person might be any thing in profession ; an Arminian, a Calvinist, an Episcopalian, a Presbyterian, a Sweden- borgian—nay, a Unitarian—he would go further, look- ing at White, a Papist, yet be in a state of salvation. Ereeborn came out rather more strongly that in his sober moments he would have approved; but he was a little irritated, and wished to have his turn of speaking. It was altogether a great testification. “ Thank you for your liberality to the poor Papists,” said White; “it seems they are safe if they are hypocrites, professing to be Catholics, while they are Protestants in heart.” “ Unitarians, too,” said Sheffield, “ are debtors to your liberality; it seems a man need not fear to believe too little, so that he feels a good deal.” “ Rather,” said White, “ if he believes himself forgiven, he need not be- lieve any thing else.” Reding put in his word; he said that in the Prayer-book, belief in the Holy Trinity was represented, not as an accident, but as “ before all things ” necessary to salvation. “ That’s not a fairLOSS AND GAIN. 37 answer, Reding,” said Sheffield ; “what Mr. Freeborn observed was, that there’s no creed in the Bible ; and you answer that there is a creed in the Prayer-book.” “ Then the Bible says one thing, and the Prayer-book another,” said Bateman. “No,” answered Freeborn; “ the Prayer-book only deduces from Scripture ; the Athanasian Creed is a human invention; true, but human, and to be received, as one of the Articles expressly says, because ‘ founded on Scripture.’ Creeds are useful in their place, so is the Church; but neither Creed nor Church is religion.” “ Then why do you make so much of your doctrine of ‘ faith only ? ’” said Bateman; “ for that'is not in Scripture, and is but a human deduction.” “My doctrine!” cried Freeborn; “why it’s in the Articles; the Articles expressly say that we are justi- fied by faith only.” “ The Articles are not Scripture any more than the Prayer-book,” said Sheffield. “ Nor do the Articles say that the doctrine they propound is necessary for salvation,” added Bateman. All this was very unfair on Freeborn, though he had provoked it. Here were four persons on him at once, and the silent fifth apparently a sympathiser. Sheffield talked through malice; White from habit; Reding came in because he could not help it; and Bateman spoke on principle; he had a notion that he was improving Free- born’s views by this process pf badgering. At least he did not improve his temper, which was suffering. Most of the party were undergraduates; he (Freeborn) was a Master; it was too bad of Bateman. He finished in silence his sausage, which had got quite cold. The con- versation flagged; there was a rise in toast-and muffins; coffee-cups were put aside, and tea flowed freely.33 LOSS AND GAIN. CHAPTER VII. Ereeborn did not like to be beaten; he began again. Religion, he said, was a matter of the heart; no one could interpret Scripture rightly, whose heart was not right. Till our eyes were enlightened, to dispute about the sense of Scripture, to attempt to deduce from Scrip- ture, was beating about the bush : it was like the blind disputing about colours. “ If this is true,” said Bate- man, “ no one ought to argue about religion at all; but you were the first to do so, Ereeborn.” “ Of course,” answered Ereeborn, “those who have found the truth are the very persons to argue, for they have the gift.” “And the very last persons to persuade,” said Sheffield; “for they have the gift all to themselves.” “ Therefore true Christians should argue with each other, and with no one else,” said Bateman. “But those are the very persons who don’t want it,” said Sheffield; “reasoning must be for the unconverted, not for the converted. It is the means of seeking.” Ereeborn persisted that the reason of the unconverted was carnal, and that such could not understand Scripture. “ I have always thought,” said Reding, “ that reason was a general gift, though faith is a special and personal one. If faith is really rational, all ought to see that it is rational; else, from the nature of the case, it is not rational.” “But St. Paul says,” answered Freeborn, “ that ‘ to the natural man the things of the Spirit are foolishness.’ ” “But how are we to arrive at truth at all,” said Reding, “except by reason? it is the appointed method for our guidance. Brutes go by instinct, men by reason.” They had fallen on a difficult subject; all were some- what puzzled except "White, who had not been attending,LOSS AND GAIN. 39 and was simply wearied; lie now interposed. “It would be a dull world,” he said, “if men went by reason: they may think they do, but they don’t. Really, they are led by their feelings, their affections, by the sense of the beautiful, and the good, and the holy. Religion is the beautiful; the clouds, sun, and sky, the fields and the woods, are religion.” “ This would make all re- ligions true,” said Freeborn, “ good and bad.” “ No,” answered White, “ heathen rites are bloody and impure, not beautiful; and Mahometanism is as cold and as dry as any Calvinistic meeting. The Mahometans have no altars or priests, nothing but a pulpit and a preacher.” “Like St. Mary’s,” said Sheffield. “ Very like,” said White; “ we have no life or poetry in the Church of England; the Catholic Church alone is beautiful. You would see what I mean if you went into a foreign ca- thedral, or even into one of the Catholic churches in our large towns. The celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon, acolytes with lights, the incense, and the chanting—all combine to one end, one act of worship. You feel it is really a worshipping; every sense, eyes, ears, smell, are made to know that worship is going on.. The laity on the floor saying their beads, or making their acts ; the choir singing out the Kyrie; and the priest and his assistants bowing low, and saying the Conjiteor to each other. This is worship, and it is far above reason.” This was spoken with all his heart; but it was quite out of keeping with the conversation which had preceded it, and White’s poetry wras almost as disagreeable to the party as Freeborn’s prose. “ White, you should turn Catholic out and out,” said Sheffield. “ My dear good fellow,” said Bateman, “think what you are saying. You can’t really have gone to a schismatical chapel.40 LOSS AND GAIN. Oh, for shame!” Freeborn observed gravely, that if the two churches were one, as had been maintained, he could not see, do what he would, why it was wrong to go to and fro from one to the other. “ You forget,” said Bateman to White, “ you have, or might have, all this in your own church, without the Romish corrup- tions.” “As to the Romish corruptions,” answered White, “I know very little about them.” Freeborn groaned audibly. “ I know very little about them,” re- peated White eagerly, “very little; but what is that to the purpose ? We must take things as we find them. I don’t like what is bad in the Catholic Church, if there is bad, but what is good. I do not go to it for what is bad, but for what is good. You can’t deny that what I admire is very good and beautiful. You try to introduce it into your own church. You would give your ears, you know you would, to hear the Dies irae." Here a general burst of laughter took place. White was an Irishman. It was a happy interruption; the party rose up from table, and a tap at that minute, which sounded at the door, suc- ceeded in-severing the thread of the conversation. It was a printseller’s man with a large book of plates. “Well timed,” said Bateman; — “put them down, Baker: or rather give them to me ;—I can take the opinion of you men on a point I have much at heart. You know I wanted you, Freeborn, to go with me to see my chapel; Sheffield and Reding have looked into it. Well now, just see here.” He opened the portfolio ; it contained views of the Campo Santo at Pisa. The leaves were slowly turned over in silence, the spectators partly admiring, partly not knowing what to think,partly wondering at what was coming. “ What do you think my plan is?” he continued. “You twitted me, Shef-LOSS AND GAIN. 41 field, because my chapel would be useless. Now I mean to get a cemetery attached to it; there is plenty of land; and then the chapel will become a chantry. But now, what will you say if we have a copy of these splendid medieval monuments round the burial-place, both sculp- ture and painting ? Now, Sheffield, Mr. Critic, what do you say to that?” “A most admirable plan,” said Sheffield, “ and quite removes my objections. ... A chantry! what is that? Don’t they say Mass in it for the dead ?” “ Oh, no, no, no,” said Bateman, in fear of Freeborn; “we’ll have none of your Popery. It will be a simple guileless chapel, in which the Church service will be read.” Meanwhile Sheffield was slowly turning over the plates. He stopped at one. “ What will you do with that figure ?” he said, pointing to a drawing of the Madonna. “ Oh, it will be best, most prudent, to leave it out; certainly, certainly.” Shef- field soon began again: “ But look here, my good fellow, what do you do with these saints and angels ? do see, why here’s a complete legend; do you mean to have this ? Here’s a set of miracles, and a woman in- voking a saint in heaven.” Bateman looked cautiously at them, and did not answer. He would have shut the book, but Sheffield wished to see some more. Mean- while he said, “ Oh, yes, true, there are some things; but I have an expedient for all this; I mean to make it all allegorical. The Blessed Virgin shall be the Church, and the saints shall be cardinal and other vir- tues ; and as to that saint’s life, St. Banieri’s, it shall be a Catholic ‘ Pilgrim’s Progress.’ ” “ Good! then you must drop all these Popes and Bishops, copes and chalices,” said Sheffield ; “ and have their names written under the rest, that people mayn’t take them for saints42 LOSS AND GATN. and angels. Perhaps you had better have scrolls from their mouths, in old English. This St. Thomas is stout; make him say, ‘ I am Mr. Dreadnought,’ or ‘ I am Giant Despair;’ and, since this beautiful saint bears a sort of dish, make her ‘Mrs. Creature Comfort.’ But look here,” he continued, “a whole set of devils; are these to be painted up ?” Bateman attempted forcibly to shut the book; Sheffield went on : “ St. Anthony’s tempta- tions ; what’s this ? Here’s the fiend in jthe shape of a cat on a wine-barrel.” “ Really, really,” said Bateman, disgusted and getting possession of it, “you are quite offensive, quite. We will look at them when you are more serious.” Sheffield indeed was very provoking, and Bateman more good-humoured than many persons would have been in his place. Meanwhile Freeborn, who had had his gown in his hand the last two minutes, nodded to his host, and took his departure by himself; and White and Willis soon followed in company. “ Really,” said Bateman to Sheffield, when they were gone, “ you and White, each in his own way, are so very rash in your mode of speaking, and before other people too. I wished to teach Freeborn a little good Ca- tholicism, and you have spoilt all. I hoped something would have come out of this breakfast. But only think of White! it will all out. ’Freeborn will tell it to his set. It is very bad, very bad indeed. And you, my friend, are not much better; never serious. What could you mean by saying that our church is not one with the Romish ? It was giving Freeborn such an advantage.” Sheffield looked provokingly easy; and, leaning with his back against the mantelpiece, and his coat-tail almost playing with the spout of the kettle, replied, “ Tou had a most awkward team to drive.” Then he added, look-LOSS AND GAIN. 43 ing sideways at him, with his head back, “And why had you, 0 most correct of men, the audacity to say that the English Church and the Eomish Church were one ?” “ It must be so,” answered Bateman; “ there is but one church—the Creed says so; would you make two ?” “ I don’t speak of doctrine,” said Sheffield, “ but of fact. I didn’t mean to say that there were two churches ; nor to deny that there was one church. I but denied the fact, that what are evidently two bodies were one body.” Bateman thought awhile; and Charles employed him- self in scraping down the soot from the back of the chimney with the poker. He did not wish to speak; but he was not sorry to listen to such an argument. “ My good fellow,” said Bateman, in a tone of instruc- tion, “ you are making a distinction between a church and a body, which I don’t quite comprehend. You say that there are two bodies, and yet but one church. If so, the church is not a body, but something abstract, a mere name, a general idea ; is that your meaning ? if so, you are an honest Calvinist.” “You are another,” answered Sheffield; “for if you make two visible churches, English and Eomish, to be one church, that one church must be invisible, not visible. Thus, if I hold an abstract church, you hold an invisible one.” “ I do not see that,” said Bateman. “ Prove the two churches to be one,” said Sheffield, “and then I’ll prove some- thing else.” “ Some paradox,” said Bateman. “ Of course,” answered Sheffield, “a huge one; but yours, not mine. Prove the English and Eomish Churches to be in any Bense one, and I will prove by parallel arguments that in the same sense we and the Wesleyans are one.” This was a fair challenge. Bateman, however, sud- denly put on a demure look, and was silent. “ We are44 LOSS AND GAIN. on sacred subjects,” he said at length, in a subdued tone, “ we are on very sacred subjects ; we must be reverent,” and he drew a very long face. Sheffield laughed out, nor could Reding stand it. “ "What is it ?” cried Shef- field ; “ don’t be hard with me; what have I done ? "Where did the sacredness begin ? I eat my words.” “ Oh, he meant nothing,” said Charles, “ indeed he did not; he’s more serious than he seems ; do answer him; I am interested.” “ Really I do wish to treat the sub- ject gravely,” said Sheffield; “I will begin again. I am very Borry, indeed I am. Let me put the objec- tion more reverently.” Bateman relaxed: “My good Sheffield,” he said, “ the thing is irreverent, not the manner. It is irreverent to liken your holy mother to the Wesleyan schismatics.” “ I repent, I do indeed,” said Sheffield; “ it was a wavering of faith ; it was very unseemly, I confess it. What can I say more ? Look at me; won’t this do ? But now tell me, do tell me, how are we one body with the Romanists, yet the Wesleyans not one body with us ?” Bateman looked at him, and was satisfied with the expression of his face. “It’s a strange question for you to ask,” he said; “I fancied you were a sharper fellow. Don’t you see that we have the apostolical succession as well as the Roman- ists?” “ But Romanists say,” answered Sheffield, “that that is not enough for unity ; that we ought to be in communion with the Pope.” “ That’s their mistake,” answered Bateman. “ That’s just what the Wesleyans say of us,” retorted Sheffield, “ when we won’t acknow- ledge their succession; they say it’s our mistake.” “ Their succession!” cried Bateman ; “ they have no succession.” “ Tes they have,” said Sheffield; “ they have a ministerial succession.” “ It isn’t apostolical,”LOSS AND GAIN. 45 answered Bateman. “ Tes, but it is evangelical, a suc- cession of doctrine,” said Sheffield. “ Doctrine! Evan- gelical !” cried Bateman ; “ who ever heard ! that’s not enough; doctrine is not enough without bishops.” “And succession is not enough without the Pope,” answered Sheffield. “They act against the bishops,” said Bate- man, not quite seeing whither he was going. “And we act against the Pope,” said Sheffield. “¥e say that the Pope isn’t necessary,” said Bateman. “And they say that bishops are not necessary,” returned Sheffield. They were out of breath, and paused to see where they stood. Presently Bateman said, “ My good sir, this is a question oifact, not of argumentative cleverness. The question is, whether it is not true that Bishops are neces- sary to the notion of a Church, and whether it is not false that Popes are necessary.” “ No, no,” cried Shef- field, “ the question is this, whether obedience to our Bishops is not necessary to make Wesleyans one body with us, and obedience to their Pope necessary to make us one body with the Romanists. You maintain the one, and deny the other; I maintain both. Maintain both, or deny both: I am consistent; you are inconsistent.” Bateman was puzzled. “ In a word,” Sheffield added, “succession is not unity,any more than doctrine.” “Not unity ? What then is unity ?” asked Bateman. “ One- ness of government,” answered Sheffield. Bateman thought awhile. “ The idea is preposterous,” he said: “ here we have possession ; here we are estab- lished since King Lucius’s time, or since St. Paul preached here; filling the island; one continuous Church; with the same territory, the same succession, the same hierarchy, the same civil and political position, the same churches. Yes,” he proceeded, “we have the very same fabrics, the memorials of a thousand years, doc-46 LOSS AND GATN. trine stamped and perpetuated in stone; all the mystical teaching of the old saints. What have the Methodists to do with Catholic rites ? with altarB, with sacrifice, with rood-lofts, with fonts, with niches ? they call it all superstition.” “ Don’t be angry with me, Bateman,” said Sheffield, “ and, before going, I will put forth a parable. Here’s the Church of England, as like a Pro- testant Establishment as it can stare ; bishops and peo- ple, all but a few like yourselves, call it Protestant; the living body calls itself Protestant; the living body ab- jures Catholicism, flings off the name and the thing, hates the Church of Rome, laughs at sacramental power, despises the Eathers, is jealous of priestcraft, is a Pro- testant reality, is a Catholic sham. This existing reality, which is alive and no mistake, you wish to top with a filagree-work of screens, dorsals, pastoral staffs, croziers, mitres, and the like. Now, most excellent Bateman, will you hear my parable ? will you be of- fended at it ? ” Silence gave consent, and Sheffield proceeded. “ Why, once on a time, a negro boy, when his master was away, stole into his wardrobe, and deter- mined to make himself fine at his master’s expense. So he was presently seen in the streets, naked as usual, but strutting up and down, with a cocked hat on his head, and a pair of white kid gloves on his hands.” “Away with you! get out, you graceless, hopeless fellow!” said Bateman, discharging the sofa-bolster at his head. Meanwhile Sheffield ran to the door, and quickly found himself with Charles in the street below. CHAPTER VIII. Sheffield and Charles may go their way; but we must follow White and Willis out of Bateman’s lodg-LOSS AND GAIN. 47 ings. It was a Saint’s day, and they had no lectures; they walked arm in arm along Broad Street, evidently very intimate, and Willis found his voice : “ I can’t hear that Freeborn,” said he, “ he’s such a prig; and I like him the less because I am obliged to know him.” “ You "knew him in the country, I think ?” said White. “ In consequence, he has several times had me to his spiri- tual tea-parties, and has introduced me to old Mr. Grimes,a good, kind-hearted o\Afogie,but an awful evan- gelical, and his wife worse. Grimes is the old original religious tea-man, and Freeborn imitates him. They get together as many men as they can, perhaps twenty freshmen, bachelors, and masters, who sit in a circle,- with cups and saucers in their hands and hassocks at their knees. Some insufferable person of Capel Hall or St. Mark’s who hardly speaks English, under pretence of asking Mr. Grimes some divinity question, holds forth on original sin, or justification, or assurance, monopo- lising the conversation. Then tea-things go, and a por- tion of Scripture comes instead; and old Grimes expounds; very good it is doubtless, though he is a lay- man. He’s a good old soul; but no one in the room can stand it; even Mrs. Grimes nods over her knitting, and some of the dear brothers breathe very audibly. Mr. Grimes, however, hears nothing but himself. At length he stops; his hearers wake up, and the hassocks begin. Then we go; and Mr. Grimes and the St. Mark’s man call it a profitable evening. I can’t make out why any one goes twice; yet some men never lhiss.” “They all go on faith,” said White: “ faith in Mr. Grimes.” “Faith in old Grimes!” said Willis; “an old half-pay lieutenant!” “Here’s a church open,” said White; “ that’s odd; let’s go in.”48 LOSS AND GAIN. They entered; an old woman was dusting the pews as if for service. “ That will be all set right,” said Willis ; “ we must have no women, but sacristans and servers.” “ Then, you know, all these pews will go to the right about. Did you ever see a finer church for a function ?” “Where would you put the sacristy ?” said Willis; “that closet is meant for the vestry, but would never be large enough.” “ That depends on the number of altars the church admits,” answered White; “each altar must have its own dresser and wardrobe in the sacristy.” “ One,” said Willis, counting, “ where the pulpit stands, that’ll be the high altar; one quite behind, that may be Our Lady’s ; two on-each side of the chancel—four already; to whom do you dedicate them ?” “ The church is not wide enough for those side ones,” objected White. “ Oh, but it is,” said Willis; “ I have seen, abroad, altars with only one step to them, and they need not be very broad. I think, too, this wall admits of an arch—' look at the depth of the window ; that would be a gain of room.” “ No,” persisted White ; “ the chancel is too narrowand he began to measure the floor with his pocket-handkerchief. “ What would you say is the depth of an altar from the wall ?” he asked. On looking up he saw some ladies in the church whom he and Willis knew—the pretty Miss Boltons—very Ca- tholic girls, and really kind, charitable persons into the bargain. We cannot add, that they were much wiser at that time than the two young gentlemen whom they now encountered; and if any fair reader thinks our account of them a reflection on Catholic-minded ladies generally, we beg distinctly to say, that we by no means put them forth as a type of a class; that among such persons were to be found, as we know well, the gentlest spiritsLOSS AND GAIN, 49 and the tenderest hearts; and that nothing short of se- vere fidelity to historical truth keeps us from adorning these twoyoung personsin particular with that prudence and good sense with which so many such ladies were endowed. These two sisters had open hands, if they had not wise heads; and their object in entering the church (which was not the church of their own parish) was to see the old woman, who was at once a subject and instrument of their bounty, and to say a word about her little grandchildren, in whom they were interested. As may be supposed they did not know much of mat- ters ecclesiastical, and they knew less of themselves; and the latter defect White could not supply, though he waB doing, and had done, his best to remedy the for- mer deficiency; and every meeting did a little. The two parties left the church together, and the gentlemen saw the ladies home. “We wrere imagining, Miss Bolton,” White said, walking at a respectful dis- tance from her, “ we were imagining St. James’s a Ca- tholic church, and trying to arrange things as they ought to be.” “ What was your first reform?” asked Miss Bolton. “I fear,” answered White, “it would fare hard with your protegee, the old lady who dusts out the pews.” “ Why, certainly,” said Miss Bolton, “ because there would be no pews to dust.” “ But not only in office, but in person, or rather in character, she must make her exit from the church,” said White. “ Impos- sible,” said Miss Bolton; “ are women, then, to remain Protestants ? ” “ Oh, no,” answered White, “ the good lady will reappear, only in another character; she will be a widow.” “ And who will take her present place ?” “A sacristan,” answered White; “a sacristan in a cotta. Do you like the short cotta or the long ? ” he50 LOSS AND GAIN. continued, turning to the younger lady. “ I ?” answered Miss Charlotte ; “ I always forget, but I think you told us the Roman was the short one; I’m for the short cotta.” “ You know, Charlotte,” said Miss Bolton, “ that there’s a great reform going on in England in ecclesiastical vestments.” “I hate all reforms,” answered Charlotte, “ from the Reformation downwards. Besides, we have got some way in our cope; you have seen it, Mr. White ? it’s such a sweet pattern.” “ Have you determined what to do with it ?” asked Willis. “ Time enough to think of that,” said Charlotte; “it’ll take four years to finish.” “Eour years!” cried White; “ we shall be all real Catholics by then; England will be converted.” “ It will be done just in time for the bishop,” said Charlotte. “ Oh, it’s not good enough for him,” said Miss Bolton; “ but it may do in church for the Asperges. How different all things will be!” con- tinued she; “yet I don’t quite like, though,the idea of a cardinal in Oxford. Must we be so very Roman ? I don’t see why we might not be quite Catholic without the Pope.” “ Oh, you need not be afraid,” said White, sagely; “ things don’t go so apace. Cardinals a,re not so cheap.” “ Cardinals have so much state and stiff- ness,” said Miss Bolton: “ I hear they never walk with- out two servants behind them; and they always leave the room directly dancing begins.” “ Well, I think Ox- ford must be just cut out for cardinals,” said Miss Char- lotte ; “ can any thing be duller than the President’s parties ? I can fancy Dr. Bone a cardinal, as he walks round the parks.” “ Oh, it’s the genius of the Catholic Church,” said White; “you will understand it better in time. No one is his own master; even the Pope cannot do as he will; he dines by himself, and speaksLOSS AND GAIN. 51 by precedent.” “ Of course be does,” said Charlotte, “ for he is infallible.” “ Nay, if he makes mistakes in the functions,” continued White, “he is obliged to write them down and confess them, lest they should be drawn into precedents.” “And he is obliged, during a func- tion, to obey the master of ceremonies, against his own judgment,” said Willis. “Didn’t you say the Pope confessed, Mr. White?” asked Miss Bolton; “it has always puzzled me whether the Pope was obliged to con- fess like another man.” “ Oh, certainly,” answered White, “every one confesses.” “ Well,” said Charlotte, “ I can’t fancy Mr. Hurst of St. Peter’s, who comes here to sing glees, confessing, or some of the grave Heads of houses, who bow so stiffly.” “ They will all have to confess,” said White. “All?” asked Miss Bolton; “ you don’t mean converts confess ? I thought it was only old Catholics.” There was a little pause. “ And what will the Heads of houses be ?” asked Miss Charlotte. “Abbots or superiors,” answered White; “ they will bear crosses; and when they say Mass, there will be a lighted candle in addition.” “ What a good portly.abbot the Vice-Chancellor will make!” said Miss Bolton. “ Oh, no; he’s too short for an abbot,” said her sister; “ but you have left out the Chancellor him- self : you seem to have provided for every one else; what will become of him ? ” “ The Chancellor is my difficulty,” said White gravely. “ Make him a Knight- Templar,” said Willis. “ The Duke’s a queer hand,” said White, still thoughtfully; “there’s no knowing what he’ll come to. A Knight-Templar—yes ; Malta is now English property; ‘ he might revive the order.” The ladies both laughed. “ But you have not completed your plan, Mr. White,” said Miss Bolton: “ the Heads of52 LOSS AND GAIN. houses have got wives ; how can they become monks ? ” “ Oh, the wives will go into convents,” said White: “ Willis and I have been making inquiries in the High Street, and they are most satisfactory. Some of the houses there were once university-halls and inns, and will easily turn back into convents: all that will be wanted is grating to the windows.” “ Have you any notion what order they ought to join?” said Miss Charlotte. “ That depends on themselves,” said White : “ no com- pulsion whatever must be put on them. They are the judges. But it would be useful to have two convents— one of an active order, and one contemplative: Ursuline, for instance, and Carmelite of St. Theresa’s reform.” Hitherto their conversation had been on the verge of jest and earnest; now it took a more pensive, or even tenderer tone. “ The nuns of St. Theresa are very strict, I believe, Mr. White,” said Miss Bolton. “ Yes,” he made reply; “I have fears for the Mrs. Wardens and Mrs. Principals who undertake it.” “ Perhaps younger persons,” she said timidly, “ might more fitly lead the way.” They had got home, and White politely rang the bell. “Younger persons,” said White, “are too delicate for such a sacrifice.” She was silent; presently she said, “And what will you be, Mr. White?” “I know not,” he answered ; “ I have thought of the Cis- tercians : they never speak.” “ Oh, the dear Cister- cians ! ” she said ; “ St. Bernard, wasn’t it ?—sweet, heavenly man, and so young! I have seen his picture: such eyes!” White was a good-looking man. The nun and monk looked at each other very respectfully, and bowed ; the other pair went through a similar cere- mony ; then it was performed diagonally. The two ladies entered their home; the two gentlemen retired.LOSS AND GAIN. 53 We must follow the former up-stairs. When they entered the drawing-room,they fo und their mother sitting at the window in her bonnet and shawl, dipping into a chance volume in that unsettled state which implies that a person is occupied, if it may be so called, in waiting, more than in any thing else. “ My dear children,” she said as they entered, “ where have you been ? the bells have stopped a good quarter of an hour: I fear we must give up going to church this morning.” “ Impossible, dear mamma,” answered Miss Bolton; “we went out punctually at half-past nine: we did not stop two minuteb at your worsted-shop ; and here we are back again.” “ The only thing we did besides,” said Char- lotte, “ was to look in at St. James’s, as the door was open, to say a word or two to poor old Wiggins. Mr. White was there, and his friend Mr. Willis; and they saw us home.” “ Oh, I understand,” answered Mrs. Bolton; “ that is the way when young gentlemen and ladies get together: but, at any rate, we -are late for church.” “ Oh, no,” said Charlotte, “ let us set out directly; we shall get in by the first lesson.” “ My dear child, how can you propose such a thing?” said her mother: “ I would not do so for any consideration; it is bo very disgraceful. Better not go at all.” “ Oh, dearest mamma,” said the elder sister, “ this certainly is a prejudice. Why always come in at one time ? there is something so formal in people coming in all at once, and waiting for each other. It is surely more reasonable to come in when you can: so many things may hinder persons.” “ Well, my dear Louisa,” said her mother, “ I like the old way. It used always to be said to us, Be in your seats before ‘ When the wicked man,’ and at latest before the ‘ Dearly beloved.’ That’s the good54 LOSS AND GAIN. old-fashioned way. And Mr. Jones and Mr. Pearson used always to sit at least five minutes in the desk to give us some law, and used to look round before be- ginning ; and Mr. Jones used frequently to preach against late comers. I can’t argue, but it seems to me reasonable that good Christians should hear the whole service. They might as well go out before it’s over.” “ "Well, but, mamma,” said Charlotte, “ so it is abroad : they come in and go out when they please. It’s so de- votional.” “My dear girl,” said Mrs. Bolton, “I am too old to understand all this; it’s beyond me. I sup- pose Mr. White has been saying all this to you. He’s a good young man, very amiable and attentive. I have nothing to say against him, except that he is young, and he’ll change his view of things when he gets older.” “ While we talk, time’s going,” said Louisa; “ is it quite impossible we should still go to church ?” “ My dear Louisa, I would not walk up the aisle for the world; positively I should sink into the earth: such a bad ex- ample. How can you dream of such a thing?” “Then, I suppose nothing’s to be done,” said Louisa, taking off her bonnet; “ but really it is very sad to make worship so cold and formal a thing. Twice as many people would go to church if they might be late.” “ Well, my dear, all things are changed now: in my younger days, Ca- tholics were the formal people, and we were the devo- tional ; now it’s just the reverse.” “ But isn’t it so, dear mamma?” said Charlotte; “isn’t it something much more beautiful, this continued concourse, flowing and ebbing, changing yet full, than a way of praying which is as wooden as the reading desk ?—it’s so free and na- tural.” , “ Free and easy, 1 think,” said her mother; “ for shame, Charlotte! how can you speak against theLOSS AND GAIN. 55 beautiful Church service; you pain me.” “ I don’t,” answered Charlotte; “ it’s a mere puritanical custom, which is no more part of our church than the pews are.” “ Common prayer is offered to all who can come,” said Louisa; “church should be a privilege, not a mere duty.” “ Well, my dear love, this is more than I can follow. There was young George Ashton—he always left before the sermon; and when taxed with it, he said he could not bear an heretical preacher: a boy of eighteen!” “ But, dearest mamma,” said Charlotte, “ what is to be done when a preacher is heretical ? what else can be done ?—it’s so distressing to a Catholic mind.” “ Ca- tholic, Catholic!” cried Mrs. Bolton, rather vexed; “ give me good old George the Third and the Protestant religion. Those were the times! Every thing went on quietly then. We had no disputes or divisions; no dif- ferences in families. But now it is all otherwise. My head is turned, I declare; I hear so many strange, out- of-the-way things.” The young ladies did not answer; one looked out of the window, the other prepared to leave the room. “Well, it’s a disappointment to us all,” said their mo- ther ; “ you first hindered me going, then I have hindered you. But I suspect, dear Louisa, mine is the greater disappointment of the two.” Louisa turned round from the window. “ I value the Prayer-book as you cannot do, my love,” she continued; “ for I have known what it is to one in deep affliction. May it be long, dearest girls, before you know it in a similar way: but if affliction comes on you, depend on it, all these new fancies and fashions will vanish from you like the wind, and the good old Prayer-book alone will stand you in any stead.” They were both touched. “ Come,56 LOSS AND GAIN. my dears ; I have spoken too seriously,” she added. “ Go and take your things off, and come and let us have some quiet work before luncheon-time.” CHAPTER IX. Some persons fidget at intellectual difficulties, and, suc- cessfully or not, are ever trying to solve them. Charles was of a different cast of temper; a new idea was not lost on him, but it did not distress him, if it was obscure, or conflicted with his habitual view of things. He let it work its way and find its place, and shape itself within him, by the slow spontaneous action of the mind. Yet perplexity is not in itself a pleasant state; and he would have hastened its removal, had he been able. By means of conversations, such as those which we have related (to which many others might be added, which we spare the reader’s patience), and from the diversities of view which he met with in the University, he had now come, in the course of a year, to one or two conclusions, not very novel, but very important:—first, that there are a great may opinions in the world on the most momentous subjects; secondly, that all are not equally true; -thirdly, that it is a duty to hold true opinions ; and, fourthly, that it is uncommonly difficult to get hold of them. He had been accustomed, as we have seen, to fix his mind on persons, not on opinions, and to determine to like what was good in every one; hut he had now come to perceive that, to say the least, it was not respectable to hold false opinions. It did not matter that such false opinions were sincerely held,—ho could not feel that respect for a person who held what Sheffield called a sham, with which he regarded him whoLOSS AND GAIN. 57 held a reality. "White and Bateman were cases in point: they were very good fellows, but he could not endure their unreal way of talking, though they did not feel it to be unreal themselves. In like manner, if the Roman Catholic system was untrue, so far was plain (putting aside higher considerations), that a person who believed in the power of saints, and prayed to them, was an actor in a great sham, let him be as sincere as he would. He mistook words for things, and so far forth, he could not respect him more than he respected White or Bateman. And so of a Unitarian; if he believed the power of un- aided human nature to be what it was not; if by birth man is fallen,and he thought him upright,he was holding an absurdity. He might redeem and cover this blot by a thousand excellences, but a blot it would remain; just as we should feel a handsome man disfigured by the loss of an eye or a hand. And so again, if a professing Christian made the Almighty a being of simple benevo- lence, and He was, on the contrary, what the Church of England teaches, a God who punishes for the sake of justice, such a person was making an idol or unreality the object of his religion, and (apart from more serious thoughts about him) he could not respect him. Thus the principle of dogmatism gradually became an essential element in Charles’s religious views. Gradually, and imperceptibly to himself; for the thoughts which we have been tracing only came on him at spare times, and were taken up at intervals from the point at which they were laid down. His lectures and other duties of the place, his friends and recreations, were the staple of the day ; but there was this under- current ever in motion, and sounding in his mental ear as soon as other sounds were hushed. As he dressed58 LOSS AND GAIN. in the morning, as he sat under the beeches of his col- lege-garden, when he strolled into the meadow, when he went into the town to pay a bill or make a call, when he threw himself on his sofa after shutting his oak at night, thoughts cognate with those which have been described were busy within him. Discussions, however, and inquiries, as far as Oxford could afford matter for them, were for a while drawing to an end ; for Trinity Sunday was now past, and the Com- memoration was close at hand. On the Sunday before it, the University sermon happened to be preached by a distinguished person, whom that solemnity brought up to Oxford; no less a man than the Very Rev. Dr. Brownside, the new Dean of Nottingham, some time Huntingdonian Professor of Divinity, and one of the acutest, if not soundest academical thinkers of the day. He was a little, prim, smirking, be-spectacled man, bald in front, with curly black hair behind, somewhat pompous in his manner, with a clear musical utterance, which enabled one to listen to him without effort. As a divine, he seemed never to have had any difficulty on any sub- ject ; he was so clear or so shallow, that he saw to the bottom of all his thoughts: or, since Dr. Johnson tells us that “ all shallows are clear,” we may perhaps dis- tinguish him by both epithets. Revelation to him, in- stead of being the abyss of God’s counsels, with its dim outlines and broad shadows, was a flat sunny plain, laid out with straight macadamised roads. Not, of course, that he denied the divine incomprehensibility itself, with certain heretics of old; but he maintained that in Re- velation all that was mysterious had been left out, and nothing given us but what was practical, and directly concerned us. It was, moreover, to him a marvel, thatLOSS AND GAIN. 59 every one did not agree with him in taking this simple, natural view, which he thought almost self-evident; and he attributed the phenomenon, which was by no means uncommon, to some want of clearness of head, or twist of mind, as the case might be. He was a popular preacher; that is, though he had few followers, he had numerous hearers; and on this occasion the church was overflowing with the young men of the place. He began his sermon by observing, that it was not a little remarkable that there were so few good reasoners in the world, considering that the discursive faculty was one of the characteristics of man’s nature, as con- trasted- with brute animals. It had indeed been said that brutes reasoned; but this was an analogical sense of the word ‘ reason,’ and an instance of that very am- biguity of language, or confusion of thought, on which he was animadverting. In like manner, we say that the reason why the wind blows is, that there is a change of temperature in the atmosphere; and the reason why the bells ring is, because the ringers pull them; but who would say that the wind reasons or that bells reason ? There was, he believed, no well-ascertained fact (an emphasis on the word fact) of brutes reasoning. It had befen said, indeed, that that sagacious animal, the dog, if, in tracking his master, he met three ways, after smelling the two, boldly pursued the third without any such previous investigation; which, if true, would be an instance of a disjunctive hypothetical syllogism. Also Dugald Stewart spoke of the case of a monkey cracking nuts behind a door, Which, not being a strict imitation of any thing which he could have actually seen, implied an operation of abstraction, by which the clever brute had first ascended to the general notion of nut-crackers,60 LOSS AND GAIN. which perhaps he had seen in a particular instance, in silver or in steel, at his master’s table, and then de- scending, had embodied it, thus obtained, in the shape of an expedient of his own devising. This was what had been said: however, he might assume on the pre- sent occasion, that the faculty of reasoning was charac- teristic of the human species; and, this being the case, it certainly was remarkable that so few persons reasoned well. After this introduction, he proceeded to attribute to this defect the number of religious differences in the world. He said that the most celebrated questions in religion were but verbal ones; that the disputants did not know their own meaning, or that of their opponents ; and that a spice of good logic would have put an end to dissensions, which had troubled the world for centuries, —would have prevented many a bloody war, many a fierce anathema, many a savage execution, and many a ponderous folio. He went on to imply that in fact there was no truth or falsehood in the received dogmas in theology; that they were modes, neither good nor bad in themselves, but personal, national, or periodic, in which the intellect reasoned upon the great truths of religion; that the fault lay, not in holding them, but in insisting on them, which was like insisting on a Hindoo dressing like a Fin, or a regiment of dragoons using the boomarang. He proceeded to observe, that from what he had said, it was plain in what point of view the Anglican formu- laries were to be regarded; viz. they were ov/r mode of expressing everlasting truths, which might be as well expressed in other ways, as any correct thinker would be able to see. Nothing, then, was to be altered inLOSS AND GAIN. 61 them; they were to be retained in their integrity; but it was ever to be borne in mind that they were Angli- can theology, not theology in the abstract; and that, though the Athanasian Creed was good for us, it did not follow that it was good for our neighbours; rather, that what seemed the very reverse might suit others better, might be their mode of expressing the same truths. He concluded with one word in favour of Nestorius, two for Abelard, three for Luther, “ that great mind,” as he worded it, “ who saw that churches, creeds, rites, persons, were nought in religion, and that the inward spirit, faith," as he himself expressed it, “ was all in all and with a hint that nothing would go well in the Uni- versity till this great principle was so far admitted, that they should—not indeed, give up their own distinctive formularies, no—but consider their direct contradicto- ries equally pleasing to the divine Author of Christianity. Charles did not understand the full drift of the ser- mon ; but he understood enough to make him feel that it was different from any sermon he had heard in his life. He more than doubted, whether, if his good fa- ther had heard it, he would not have made it an excep- tion to his favourite dictum. He came away marvelling with himself what the preacher could mean, and whether he had misunderstood him. Did he mean that Unita- rians were only bad reasoners, and might be as good Christians as orthodox believers ? He could mean no- thing else. But what if, after all, he was right ? He indulged the thought awhile. “ Then every one is what Sheffield calls a sham, more or less; and we need not be annoyed at any one. Then I was right originally in wishing to take every one for what he was. Let me think; every one a sham—shams are respectable, or ra-62 LOSS AND GAIN. ther no one is respectable. We can’t do without some outward form of belief; one is not truer than another; that is, all are equally true...All are true...That is the better way of taking it; none are shams, all are true. All are true! impossible! one as true as another! why then it is as true that our Lord is a mere man, as that He is God. He could not possibly mean this; what did he mean ?” So Charles went on, painfully perplexed, yet out of this perplexity two convictions came upon him, the first of them painful too ; that he could not take for gospel every thing that was said even by authorities of the place and divines of name; and next, that his former amiable feeling of taking every one for what he was, was a dan- gerous one, leading with little difficulty to a sufferance of every sort of belief, and legitimately terminating in the sentiment expressed in Pope’s Universal Prayer, which his father had always held up to him as a pattern specimen of shallow philosophism : “ Father of all, in every age, In every clime adored, By saint, by savage, and by sage, Jehovah, Jove, or Lord.” CHAPTEE X. Chables went up this term for his first examination, and this caused him to remain in Oxford some days after the undergraduate part of his college had left for the Long Vacation. Thus he came across Mr. Vincent, one of the junior tutors, who was kind enough to ask him to dine in Common-room on Sunday, and on several mornings made him take some turns with him up and down the Eellows’ walk in the college-garden.LOSS AND GAIN. 63 A few years make a great difference in the standing of men at Oxford, and this made Mr. Vincent what is called a don in the eyes of persons who were very little younger than himself. Besides, Vincent looked much older than he really was ; he was of a full habit, with a florid complexion and large blue eyes, and showed a deal of linen at his bosom, and full wristbands at his cuffs. Though a clever man, and a hard reader and worker, and a capital tutor, he was a good feeder as well; he ate and drank, he walked and rode, with as much heart as he lectured in Aristotle, or crammed in Greek plays. "What is stranger still, with all this he was something of a vale- tudinarian. He had come off from school on a founda- tion fellowship, and had the reputation both at school and in the University of being a first-rate scholar. He was a strict disciplinarian in his way, had the under- graduates under his thumb, and having some bonhomie in his composition, was regarded by them with mingled feelings of fear and good will. They laughed at him, but carefully obeyed him. Besides this he preached a good sermon, read prayers with unction, and in his conversa- tion sometimes had even a touch of evangelical spiri- tuality. The young men even declared they could tell how much port he had taken in Common-room by the devoutness of his responses in evening-chapel; and it was on record that once, during the Confession, he had, in the heat of his contrition, shoved over the huge velvet cushion in which his elbows were imbedded upon the heads of the gentlemen commoners who sat under him. He had just so much originality of mind as gave him an excuse for being “ his own party” in religion, or what he himself called being “ no party manand just bo little that he was ever mistaking shams for64 LOSS AND GAIN. truths, and converting pompous nothings into oracles. He was oracular in his manner, denounced parties and party-spirit, and thought to avoid the one and the other, by eschewing all persons, and holding all opinions. He had a great idea of the via media being the truth; and to obtain it, thought it enough to flee from extremes, without having any very definite mean to flee to. He had not clearness of intellect enough to pursue a truth to its limits, nor boldness enough to hold it in its simplicity; but he was always saying things and unsay- ing them, balancing his thoughts in impossible positions, and guarding his words by unintelligible limitations. As to the men and opinions of the day and place, he would in the main have agreed with them, had he let himself alone; but he was determined to have an intel- lect of his own, and this put him to great shifts when he would distinguish himself from them. Had he been older than they, he would have talked of “ young heads,” “ hot heads,” and the like; but since they were grave and cool men, and outran him by fourteen or fifteen years, he found nothing better than to shake his head, mutter against party-spirit, refuse to read their books, lest he should be obliged to agree with them, and make a boast of avoiding their society. At the present moment he was on the point of starting for a continental tour to re* emit himself after the labours of an Oxford year; mean- while he was keeping hall and chapel open for such men as were waiting either for Responsions, or for their bat- tel money: and he took notice of Reding as a clever modest youth, of whom something might be made. Under this view of him, he had, among other civilities, asked him to breakfast a day or two before he went down. A tutor’s breakfast is always a difficult affair both forLOSS AND GAIN. 65 host and guests; and Vincent piqued himself on the tact •with which he managed it. The material part was easy enough; there were rolls, toast, muffins, eggs, cold lamb, strawberries, on the table; and in due season the college^ servant brought in mutton cutlets and broiled hamj and every one ate to his heart’s, or rather his appetite’s, content. It was a more arduous undertaking to provide the running accompaniment of thought, or at least of words, without which the breakfast would have been little better than a pig-trough. The conversation or rather mono-polylogue, as some great performer calls, it, ran in somewhat of the following strain “ Mr. Bruton, what news from Staffordshire ? Are the potteries pretty quiet now ? Our potteries grow in im- portance. You need not look at the cup and saucer be- fore you, Mr. Catley; those came from Derbyshire. But you find English crockery every where on the Continent. I myself found half a willow-pattern saucer in the crater of Vesuvius. Mr. Sikes, I think you have been inltaly ?” “ No, sir,” said Sikes; “ I was near going; my family set off a fortnight ago, but I was kept here by these con- founded smalls.” “Your Re&pansiones,” answered the tutor, in a tone of rebuke; “ an unfortunate delay for you, for it is to be an unusually fine season, if the meteo- rologists of the sister University are right in their pre* dictions. Who is in the Besponsion schools, Mr. Sikea n Butson of Leicester is the strict one, sir; he plucks one man in three. He plucked last week Patch of St. George’s, and Patch has taken his oath he’ll shoot him; and Butson has walked about ever since with a bull- dog.” “ These are reports, Mr. Sikes, which often flit about, but must not be trusted. Mr. Patch could not66 LOSS AND GAIN. have given a better proof that his rejection was de- served.” A pause—during which poor Vincent hastily gobbled up two or three mouthfuls of bread and butter, the knives and forks meanwhile clinking upon his guests’ plates. “ Sir, is it true,” began one of them at length, “ that the old Principal is going to be married?” “These are matters, Mr. Atkins,” answered Vincent, “ which we should always inquire about at the fountain head; antiquam exquirite matrem, or rather 'patrem; ha, ha! Take some more tea, Mr. Reding; it won’t hurt your nerves. I am rather choice in my tea; this comes over- land through Russia; the sea-air destroys the flavour of our common tea. Talking of air, Mr. Tenby, I think you are a chemist. Have you paid attention to the re- cent experiments on the composition and resolution of air ? Not ? I am surprised at it; they are well worth your most serious consideration. It is now pretty well ascertained that inhaling gases is the cure for all kinds of diseases. People are beginning to talk of the gas-cure, as they did of the water-cure. The great foreign chemist, Professor Scaramouch, has the credit of the discovery. The effects are astounding, quite astounding; and there are several remarkable coincidences. You know medi- cines are always unpleasant, and bo these gases are al- ways fetid. The Professor cures by stenches; and has brought his science to such perfection that he actually can classify them. There are six elementary stenches, and these spread into a variety of subdivisions. What do you say, Mr. Reding? Distinctive ? Yes, there is something very distinctive in smells. But what is most gratifying of all, and is the great coincidence I spoke of,LOBS AND GAIN. 67 his ultimate resolution of fetid gases assigns to them the very same precise number as is given to existing com- plaints in the latest treatises on pathology. Each com- plaint has its gas. And, what is still more singular, an exhausted receiver is a specific for certain desperate dis- orders. For instance, it has effected several cures of hydrophobia. Mr. Seaton,” he continued to a freshman, who, his breakfast finished, waB sitting uncomfortably on his chair, looking down and playing with his knife— “ Mr. Seaton, you are looking at that picture”—it was almost behind Seaton’s back—“ I don’t wonder at it; it was given me by my good old mother, who died many years ago. It represents some beautiful Italian scenery.” Vincent stood up, and his party after him, and all crowded round the picture. “ I prefer the green of England,” said Reding. “ England has not that bril- liant variety of colour,” said Tenby. “But there is some- thing so soothing in green.” “ You know, of course, Mr. Reding,” said the tutor, “ that there is plenty of green in Italy, and in winter even more than in Eng- land ; only there are other colours too.” “ But I can’t help fancying,’ ’ said Charles, “ that that mixture of co- lours takes off the repose of English scenery.” “ The repose, for instance,” said Tenby, “ of Binsey Common, or Port Meadow in winter.” “ Say in summer,” said Reding; “ if you choose place, I will choose time. I think the University goes down just when Oxford Be^ gins to be most~beautTTal7 The walks and meadows are so fragrant and bright now, the hay half carried, and the Bhort new grass appearing.” “ Reding ought to live here all through the Long,” said Tenby : “ does any one live through the Vacation, sir, in Oxford ?” “Do you mean they die before the end of it, Mr. Tenby ?” asked68 LOSS AND GAIN. Vincent. “ It can’t be denied,” he continued, “ that many, like Mr. Eeding, think it a most pleasant time. I am fond of Oxford; hut it is not my habitat otit of term-time.” “Well, I think I should like to make it so,” said Charles, “ but, I suppose, undergraduates are not allowed.” Mr. Vincent answered with more than neces- sary gravity, “ No ;” it rested with the Principal; but he conceived that he would not consent to it. Vincent added that certainly there were parties who remained in Oxford through the Long Vacation. It was said mys- teriously. Charles answered that, if it was against col- lege rules, there was no help for it; else, were he read- ing for his degree, he should like nothing better than to pass the Long Vacation in Oxford, if he might judge by the pleasantness of the last ten days. “ That is a compliment, Mr. Eeding, to your company,” says Vin- cent. At this moment the door opened, and in came the manciple with the dinner paper, which Mr. Vincent had formally to run his eye over. “Watkins,” he said, giving it back to him, “ I almost think to-day is one of the Pasts of the Church. Go and look, Watkins, and bring me word.” The astonished manciple, who had never been sent on such a commission in his whole career before, hastened out of the room, to task his wits how best to fulfil it. The question seemed to strike the com- pany as forcibly, for there was a sudden silence, which was succeeded by a shuffling of feet and a leave-taking; as if, though they had secured their ham and mutton at breakfast, they did not like to risk their dinner. Wat- kins returned sooner than could have been expected. He said that Mr. Vincent was right; to-day he had found was “ the feast of the Apostles.” “ The VigilLOSS AND GAIN. 69 of St. Peter, you mean, Watkins,” said Mr. Vincent; “I thought so. Then let us have a plain beefsteak and a saddle of mutton; no Portugal onions, Wat- kins, or currant jelly; and some simple pudding, Charlotte pudding, Watkins—that will do.” Watkins vanished. By this time, Charles found him- Belf alone with the college authority; who began to speak to him in a more confidential tone. “ Mr. Beding,” said he, “ I did not like to question you before the others, but I conceive you had no particular meaning in your praise of Oxford in the Long Vacation ? In the mouths of some it would have been suspicious.” Charles was all surprise. “ To tell the truth, Mr. Beding, as things stand,” he proceeded, “ it is often a mark of 'party, this residence in the Vacation; though, of course, there is nothing in the thing itself but what is perfectly natural and right.” Charles was all attention. “ My good sir,” the tutor proceeded, “ avoid parties; be sure to avoid party. You are young in your career among us. I al- ways feel anxious about young men of talent; there is the greatest danger of the talent of the University being absorbed in party.” Beding expressed a hope, that no- thing he had done had given cause to his tutor’s remark. “ No,” replied Mr. Vincent, “ no;” yet with some slight hesitation; “ no, I don’t know that it has. But I have thought some of your remarks and questions at lecture were like a person pushing things too far, and wishing to form a system.” Charles was so much taken aback by the charge, that the unexplained mystery of the Long Vacation went out of his head. He said, he was “ very sorry,” and “ obliged;” and tried to recollect what he could have said to give ground to Mr. Vincent’s remark. Not being able at the moment to recollect, he went on.70 LOSS AND GAIN. “ I assure you, sir, I knbw so little of parties in the place, that I hardly know their leaders. I have heard persons mentioned, but, if I tried, I think I should, in some cases, mismatch names and opinions.” “ I believe it,” said Vincent; “ but you are young; I am cautioning you against tendencies. You may suddenly find yourself absorbed before you know where you are.” Charles thought this a good opportunity of asking some questions in detail, about points which puzzled him. He asked whether Dr. Brownside was considered a safe divine to follow. “ I hold, d’ye see,” answered Vincent, “ that all errors are counterfeits of truth. Clever men say true things, Mr. Reding, true in their substance, but,” sinking his voice to a whisper, “they go too far. It might even be shown that all sects are in one sense but parts of the Catholic Church. I don’t say true parts, that is a further question; but they embody great principles. The Quakers represent the principle of simplicity and evangelical poverty; they even have a dress of their own, like monks. The Independents re- present the rights of the laity; the Wesleyans cherish the devotional principle; the Irvingites, the symbolical and mystical; the High Church party, the principle of obedience; the Liberals are the guardians of reason. No party, then, I conceive, is entirely right or entirely wrong. As to Dr. Brownside, there certainly have been various opinions entertained about his divinity; still, he is an able man, and I think you will gain good, gain good from his teaching. But mind, I don’t re- commend him; yet I respect him, and I consider that he says many things very well worth your attention. I would advise you, then, to accept the good which his sermons offer, without committing yourself to the bad.LOSS AND GAIN. 71 That, depend upon it, Mr. Beding, is the golden though the obvious rule in these matters.” Charles said, in answer, that Mr. Vincent was over- rating his powers; that he had to learn before he could judge; and that he wished very much to know whether Vincent could recommend him any book, in which he might see at once what the true Church of England doc- trine was on a number of points which perplexed him. Mr. Vincent replied, he must be on his guard against dissipating his mind with such reading, at a time when his University duties had a definite claim upon him. He ought to avoid all controversies of the day, all authors of the day. He would advise him to read no living authors. “Head dead authors alone,” he continued; “ dead authors are Bafe. Our great divines,” and he stood upright, “ were models; ‘ there were giants on the earth in those days,’ as King George the Third had once said of them to Dr. Johnson. They had that depth, and power, and gravity, and fulness, and erudition; and tfhey were so racy, always racy, and what might be called English. They had that richness, too, such a mine of thought, such a world of opinion, such activity of mind, such inexhaustible resource, such diversity, too. Then they were so eloquent; the majestic Hooker, the ima- ginative Taylor, the brilliant Hall, the learning of Barrow, the strong sense of South, the keen logic of Chillingworth, good, honest old Burnet,” etc., etc. There did not seem much reason why he should stop at one moment more than another; at length, however, he did stop. It was prose, but it was pleasant prose to Charles; he knew just enough about these writers to feel interested in hearing them talked about, and to him Vincent seemed to be saying a.good deal, when in fact72 LOSS ACT) GAIN. he was saying very little. When he stopped, Charles said he believed that there werepersons in theUniversity who were promoting the study of these authors. Mr. Vincent looked grave. “It is true,” he said; “but, my young friend, I have already hinted to you that in- different things are perverted to the purposes of pa/tty. At this moment the names of some of our greatest divines are little better than a watchword, by which the opinions of living individuals are signified.” “ Which opinions, I suppose,” he answered, “ are not to be found in those authors.” “ I’ll not say that,” said Mr. Vincent. “ I have the greatest respect for the individuals in question, and I am not denying that they have done good to our church by drawing attention in this lax day to the old Church-of-England divinity. But it is one thing to agree with these gentlemen; another,” laying his hand on Charles’s shoulder, “ another to belong to their party. Do not make man your master; get good from all; think well of all persons, and you will be a wise man.” Reding inquired, with some timidity, if this was not something like what Dr. Brownside had said in the Uni- versity pulpit; but perhaps the latter advocated a tolera- tion of opinions in a different sense ? Mr. Vincent answered rather shortly, that he had not heard Dr. Brownside’s sermon; but, for himself, he had been speaking only of persons in our own communion. “ Our church,” he said, “ admitted of great liberty of thought within her pale. Even our greatest divines differed from each other in many respects; nay, Bishop Taylor differed from himself. It was a great principle in the English Church. Her true children agree to differ. In truth,” he continued, “ there is that robust, masculine, noble independence in theEnglish mind, which refuses toLOSS AND GAIN. 73 be tied down to artificial shapes; but is like, I will say, some great and beautiful production of nature,—a tree, which is rich in foliage and fantastic in limb, no sickly denizen of the hothouse, or helpless dependent of the gar- den-wall, but in careless magnificence sheds its fruits upon the free earth, for the bird of the air and the beast of the field, and all sorts of cattle, to eat thereof and rejoice.” When Charles came away, he tried to think what he had gained by his conversation with Mr. Vincent; not exactly what he had wanted, some practical rules to guide his mind and keep him steady, but still some use- ful hints. He had already been averse to parties, and offended at what he saw of individuals attached to them. Vincent had confirmed him in his resolution to keep aloof from them, and to attend to his duties in the place. He felt pleased to have had this talk with him; but what could he mean by suspecting a tendency in himself to push things too far, and thereby to implicate himself in party ? He was obliged to resign himself to ignorance on the subject, and to content himself with keeping a watch over himself in future. CHAPTER XI. No opportunity has occurred of informing the reader that, during the last week or two, Charles had acciden- tally been a good deal thrown across Willis, the umbra of White at Bateman’s breakfast-party. He had liked his looks on that occasion, when he was dumb; he did not like him so much when he heard him talk ; still he could not help being interested in him, and not the least for this reason, that Willis seemed to have taken a great74 LOSS AJTD GAIN. fancy to himself. He certainly did court Charles, and seemed anxious to stand well with him. Charles, how- ever, did not like his mode of talking better than he did White’s; and when he first saw his rooms, there was much in them which shocked both his good sense and his religious principles. A large ivory crucifix, in a glass case, was a conspicuous ornament between the windows; an engraving, representing the Blessed Trinity, as is usual in Catholic countries, hung over the fire-place; and a picture of the Madonna and St. Do- minic was opposite to it. On the mantel-piece were a rosary, a thuribulum,and other tokens of Catholicism, of which Charles did not know the uses; a missal, ritual, and some Catholic tracts, lay on the table; and, as he happened to come on Willis unexpectedly, he found him sitting in a vestment more like a cassock than a reading- gown, and engaged upon some portion of the Breviary. Virgil and Sophocles, Herodotus and Cicero, seemed, as impure pagans, to have hid themselves in corners, or flitted away, before the awful presence of the Ancient Church. Charles had taken upon himself to protest against some of these singularities, but without success. On the evening before his departure for the country, he had occasion to go towards Dolly Bridge to pay a bill, when he was startled, as he passed what he had ever taken for a dissenting chapel, to see Willis come out of it. He hardly could believe he saw correctly; he knew, indeed, that Willis had been detained in Oxford, as he had been himself; but what had compelled him to a visit so extraordinary as that which he had just made, Charles had no means of determining. “ Willis,” he cried, as he stopped. Willis coloured, and tried to look easy. “ Do come a few paces with me,” said Charles.LOSS AND GAIN. 75 “ What in the world has taken you there ? Is it not a dissenting meeting ? ” “ Dissenting meeting!” cried Willis, surprised and offended in his turn; “ what on earth could make you think I would go to a dissenting meeting ? ” “ Well, I beg your pardon,” said Charles ; “ I recollect now: it’s the exhibition room. However, once it was a chapel: that’s my mistake. Isn’t it what is called * the Old Methodist Chapel ? ’ I never was there; they showed there the Dio-astro-doxon, so I think they called it.” Charles talked on, to cover his own mistake, for he was ashamed of the charge he had made. Willis did not know whether he was in jest or earnest. “ Eeding,” he said, “ don’t go on; you offend me.” “Well, what is it?” said Charles. “You know well enough,” answered Willis, “ though you wish to annoy me.” “I don’t indeed.” “It’s the Catholic church,” said Willis. Eeding was silent a moment; then he said: “Well, I don’t think you have mended the matter; it is a dissenting meeting, call it what you will; though not the kind of one I meant.” “ What can you mean?” asked Willis. “Eather, what mean you by going to such places ?” retorted Charles; “why, it is against your oath.” “My oath! what oath?” “ There’s not an oath now; hut there was an oath till lately,” said Eeding; “ and we still make a very solemn engagement. Don’t you recollect your matriculation at the Vice-Chancellor’s, and what oaths and declarations you made?” “I don’t know what I made: my tutor told me nothing about it. I signed a book or two.” “ You did more,” said Eeding. “ I was told most care- fully. You solemnly engaged to keep the statutes; and one statute is, not to go into any dissenting chapel or meeting whatever.” “ Catholics are not dissenters,”76 LOSS AND GAIN. said Willis. “ Oh, don’t speak so,” said Charles; “you know it’s meant to include them. The statute wishes us to keep from all places of worship whatever but our own.” “ But it is an illegal declaration or vow,” said Willis, “and so not binding.” “Where did you find that get-off? ” said Charles ; “the priest put that into your head.” “ I don’t know the priest; I never spoke a word to him,” answered Willis. “ Well, any how, it’s not your own answer,” said Reding; “and does not help you. I am no casuist; but if it is an illegal engage- ment, you should not continue to enjoy the benefit of it.” “ What benefit ? ” “ Your cap and gown; a university education; the chance of a scholarship, or fellowship. Give up these, and then plead, if you will, and lawfully, that you are quit of your engagement; but don’t sail under false colours: don’t take the benefit, and break the stipulation.” “ You take it too seriously; there are half a hundred statutes you don’t keep, any more than I. You are most inconsistent.” “ Well, if we don’t keep them,” said Charles, “ I suppose it is in points where the authorities don’t enforce them ; for instance, they don’t mean us to dress in brown, though the statutes order it.” “ But they do mean to keep you from walk- ing down High Street in beaver,” answered Willis; “ for the Proctors march up and down, and send you back, if they catch you.” “ But this is a different matter,” said Reding, changing his ground; “ this is a matter of re- ligion. It can’t be right to go to strange places of wor- ship or meetings.” “Why,” said Willis, “if we are one church with the Roman Catholics, I can’t make out for the life of me, how it’s wrong for us to go to them, or them to us.” “ I’m no divine, I don’t understand what is meant by one church,’ ’ said Charles; “ but I knowLOSS AND GAIN. 77 well that there’s not a bishop, not a clergyman, not a sober churchman in the land but would give it against you. It’s a sheer absurdity.” “ Don’t talk in that way,” answered Willis, “ please don’t. I feel all my heart drawn to the Catholic worship; our own service is so cold.” “ That’s just what every stiff dissenter says,” answered Charles; “every poor cottager too, who knows no better, and goes after the Methodists, after dear Mr. Spoutaway or the preaching cobbler, she says (I have heard them), * Oh, sir, I suppose we ought to go where we get most good. Mr. So-and-so goes to my heart—he goes through me.’ ” Willis laughed; “ Well, not a bad reason, as times go, /think,” said he: “poor souls, what better means of judging have they ? how can you hope they will like ‘ the Scripture moveth us ?’ Eeally you are making too much of it. This is only the second time I have been there, and, I tell you in earnest, I find my mind filled with awe and devotion there; as I think you would too. I really am better for it; I cannot pray in church; there’s a bad smell there, and the pews hide every thing; I can’t see through a deal board. But here, when I went in, I found all still and calm, the space open, and, in the twilight, the Tabernacle, just visible, pointed out by the lamp.” Charles looked very uncomfortable. “Eeally, Willis,” he said, “I don’t know what to say to you. Heaven forbid that I should speak against the Eoman Catholics; I know nothing about them. But this I know, that you are not a Eoman Catholic, and have no business there. If they have such sacred things among them as you allude to, still these are not yours ; you are an intruder. I know nothing about it; I don’t like to give a judgment, I am sure. But it’s a tampering with sacred things; running78 LOSS AND GAIN. here and there, touching and tasting, taking up, putting down. I don’t like it,” he added with vehemence; “ it’s taking liberties with God.” “ Oh, my dear Reding, please don’t speak so very severely,” said poor "Willis ; “ now what have I done more than you would do your- self, were you in France or Italy ? Do you mean to say you wouldn’t enter the churches abroad ? ” “I will only decide about what is before me,” answered Reding; “ when I go abroad, then will be the time to think about your question. It is. quite enough to know what we ought to do at the moment, and I am clear you have been doing wrong. How did you find your way there ?” “ White took me.” “ Then there is one man in the world more thoughtless than you: do many of the gownsmen go there ? ” “Not that I know of; one or two have gone from curiosity; there is no practice of going, at least this is what I am told.” “ Well,” said Charles, “ you must promise me you will not go again. Come, we won’t part till you do.” “ That is too much,” said Willis, gently ; then, disengaging his arm from Reding’s, he suddenly darted away from him, saying, “ Good-bye, good-bye ; to our -next merry meeting— au revoir.” There was no help for it. Charles walked slowly home, saying to himself: “ What if, after all, the Ro- man Catholic Church is the true church ? I wish I knew what to believe; no one will tell me what to be- lieve ; I am so left to myself.” Then he thought: “ I suppose I know quite enough for practice—more than I do practise; and I ought surely to be contented and thankful.”LOSS AND GAIN. 79 CHAPTER XII. Chables was an affectionate son, and the Long Vaca- tion passed very happily at home. He was up early, and read steadily till luncheon, and then he was at the ser- vice of his father, mother, and sisters for the rest of the day. He loved the calm, quiet country; he loved the monotonous flow of time, when each day is like the other; and, after the excitement of Oxford, the secluded parsonage was like a haven beyond the tossing of the waves. The whirl of opinions and perplexities which had encircled him at Oxford, now were like the distant sound of the ocean—they reminded him of his present security. The undulating meadows, the green lanes, the open heath, the common with its wide-spreading dusky elms, the high timber which fringed the level path from village to village, ever and anon broken and thrown into groups, or losing itself in copses—even the gate, and the stile, and the turnpike-road had the charm, not of novelty, but of long familiar use ; they had the poetry of many recollections. Nor was the dilapidated deformed church, with its outside staircases, its unsightly galleries, its wide intruded windows, its uncouth pews, its low nunting table, its forlorn vestry, and its damp earthy smell, without its pleasant associations to the inner man; for there it was that, for many a year, Sunday after Sun- day, he had heard his dear father read and preach; there were the old monuments, with Latin inscriptions, and strange devices, the black boards with white letters, the Resurgams and grinning skulls, the fire-buckets, the faded militia-colours, and, almost as much a fixture, the old clerk, with a Welsh wig over his ears, shouting the responses out of place—which had arrested his imagi-80 LOSS AND GAIN. nation, and awed him when a child. And then, there was his home itself; its well-known rooms, its pleasant routine, its order, and its comfort—an old and true friend, the dearer to him because he had made new ones. “ Where I shall be in time to come, I know not,” he said to himself; “ I am but a hoy; many things which I have not a dream of, which my imagination cannot compass, may come on me before I die—if I live ; but here at least, and now, I am happyJkand I will enjoy my happiness. Some say that school is the pleasantest time of one’s life; this does not exclude college. I sup- pose care is what makes life so wearing. At present I have no care, no responsibility ; I suppose I shall feel a little when I go up for my degree. Care is a terrible thing; I have had a little of it at times at school. What a strange thing to fancy, I shall be one day twenty- five or thirty ! How the weeks are flying by! the Va- cation will soon be over. Oh, I am so happy, it quite makes me afraid. Yet I shall have strength for my day.” Sometimes, however, his thoughts took a sadder turn, and he anticipated the future more vividly than he en- joyed the present. Mr. Malcolm had come to see them, after an absence from the parsonage for some years ; his visit was a great pleasure to Mr. Reding, and not much less to himself, to whom a green home and a family circle were agreeable sights, after his bachelor-life at college. He had been a great favourite with Charles and his sisters as children, though now his popularity with them for the most part rested on the memory of the past. When he told them amusing stories, or allowed them to climb his knee and take off his specta- cles, he did all that was necessary to gain their childish hearts; more is necessary to conciliate the affection ofLOSS AND GAIN. 81 young men and women ; and thus it is not surprising that he lived in their minds principally by prescription. He neither knew this, nor would have thought much about it, if he had; for, like many persons of advancing not care to enter into the minds of others, did not coii- sult for them, or find his happiness in them. He was kind and friendly to the young people, as he would be kind to a canary-bird or a lapdog; it was a sort of ex- ternal love ; and, though they got on capitally with him, they did not miss him when gone, nor would have been much troubled to know that he was never to come again. Charles drove him about the country, stamped his let- ters, secured him his newspapers from the neighbour- ing town, and listened to his stories about Oxford and Oxford men. He really liked him, and wished to please him; but, as to consulting him in any serious matter, or going to him for comfort in affliction, he would as soon have thought of betaking him to Dan the pedlar, or old Isaac who played the Sunday bassoon. “ How have your peaches been this year, Malcolm ?” said Mr. Heding one day after dinner to his guest. “You ought to knowthat we have no peachesin Oxford,” answered Mr. Malcolm. “ My memory plays me false, then; I had a vision of, at least, October peaches on one occasion, and fine ones too.” “ Ah, you mean at old Tom Spindle’s, the jockey’s,” answered Mr. Malcolm; “ it’s true, he had a bit of brick wall, and was proud of it. But peaches come when there is no one in Oxford to eat them; so either the tree, or at least the fruit, is a great rarity there. Oxford wasn’t so empty once; you have old mulberry-trees there in record of better days.” “ At that time too,” said Charles, “ I suppose, the more82 LOSS AND GAIN. expensive fruifs were not cultivated. Mulberries are the witness, not only of a full college, but of simple tastes.” “ Charles is secretly cutting at our hothouse here,” said Mr. Reding ; “ as if our first father did not prefer fruits and flowers to beef and mutton.” “ No, indeed,” said Charles, “ I think peaches capital things; and as to flowers, I am even too fond of scents.” “ Charles has some theory, then, about scents, I’ll be bound,” said his father; “ I never knew a boy who so placed his likings and dislikings on fancies. Hebegan to eat olives directly he read the CEdipus of Sophocles; and I verily believe, will soon give up oranges from his dislike to King William.” “ Every one does so,” said Charles : “ who would not be in the fashion ? There’s Aunt Kitty, she calls a bonnet ‘ a sweet ’ one year, which makes her ‘ a perfect fright ’ the next.” “ You’re right, papa, in this instance,” said his mother; “ I know he has some good reason, though I never can recollect it, why he smells a rose, or distils lavender. What is it, my dear Mary ?” “ ‘ Relics ye are of Eden’s bowers,* ” said she. “Why, sir, that was precisely your own reason just now,” said Charles to his father. “ There’s more than that,” said Mr. Reding, “ if I knew what it was.” “ He thinks the scent more intellectual than the other senses,” said Mary, smiling. “ Such a boy for paradoxes !” said his mother. “ Well, so it is in a certain way,” said Charles ; “ but I can’t explain. Sounds and scents are more ethereal, less material; they have no shape—like the angels.” Mr. Malcolm laughed. “Well, I grant it, Charles,” he said ; “ they are length without breadth!” “ Did you ever hear the like ?” said Mrs. Reding, laugh- ing too ; “ don’t encourage him, Mr. Malcolm; you are worse than he. Angels length without breadth!”LOSS AND GAIN. 83 “They pass from place to place, they come, they go," continued Mr. Malcolm. “ They conjure up the past so vividly,” said Charles. “But sounds surely mor^ than scents,” said Mr. Mal- colm. “ Pardon me; the reverse as I think,” answered Charles. “ That is a paradox, Charles,” said Mr. Mal- colm ; “ the smell of roast beef never went further than to remind a man of dinner ; but sounds are pathetic and inspiring.” “ Well, sir, but think of this,” said Charles; “ scents are complete in themselves, yet do not consist of parts. Think how very distinct the smell of a rose is from a pink, a pink from a sweet-pea, a sweet-pea from a stock, a stock from lilac, lilac from lavender, lavender from jasmine, jasmine from honeysuckle, honeysuckle from hawthorn, hawthorn from hyacinth, hyacinth—” “ Spare us,” interrupted Mr. Malcolm; “ you are going through the index of Loudon ? ” “ And these are only the scents of flowers ; how different flowers smell from fruits, fruits from spices, spices from roast beef or pork cutlets, and so on. Now, what I was coming to is this —these scents are perfectly distinct from each other, and sui generis; they never can be confused ; yet each is communicated to the apprehension in an instant. Sights take up a great space, a tune is a succession of sounds ; but scents are at once specific and complete, yet indivisible. Who can halve a scent ? they need neither time nor space ; thus they are immaterial or spiritual.” “ Charles hasn’t been to Oxford for nothing,” said hi6 mother, laughing and looking at Mary; “ this is what I call chopping logic!” “Well done, Charles,” cried Mr. Malcolm; “and now, since you have such clear notions of the power of smells, you ought, like the man in the story, to be satis-84 LOSS AND GAIN. fied with smelling at your dinner, and grow fat upon it. It’s a shame you sit down to table.” “ Well, sir,” an- swered Charles, “ some people do seem to thrive on snuff at least.” “ For shame, Charles !” said Mr. Malcolm ; “ you have seen me use the common-room snuff-box to keep myself awake after dinner; but nothing more. I keep a hox in my pocket merely as a bauble : it was a present. You should have lived when I was young. There was old Dr. Troughton of Nun’s Hall, he carried his snuff loose in his pocket; and old Mrs. Vice-Prin- cipal Daffy used to lay a train along her arm, and fire it with her nose. Doctors of medicine took it as a preser- vative against infection, and doctors of divinity against drowsiness in church.” “ They take wine against in- fection now,” said Mr. Reding; “ it’s a much surer pro- tective.” “Wine?” cried Mr. Malcolm, “oh, they didn’t take less wine then, as you and I know. On cer- tain solemn occasions they made apoint of getting drunk, the whole college, from the Vice-Principal or Sub-War- den down to the scouts. Heads of houses were kept in order by their wives ; but I assure you the jolly god came very near Mr. Vice-Chancellor himself. There was old Dr. Sturdy of St. Michael’s, a great martinet in his time. One day the King passed through Oxford ; Sturdy, a tall, upright, iron-faced man, had to meet him in procession at Magdalen Bridge, and walked down with his pokers before him, gold and silver, vergers, cocked hats, and the rest. There wasn’t one of them that wasn’t in liquor. Think of the good old man’s horror, Majesty in the distance, and his own people swaying to and fro under his very nose, and promising to leave him for the gutter before the march was ended.” “ No one can get tipsy with snuff, I grant,” said Mr. Reding; “butLOSS .AND GAIN. 85 if wine has done some men harm, it has done others a deal of good.” “ Hair-powder is as bad as snuff,” said Mary, preferring the former subject; “there’s old Mr. Butler of Cooling; his wig is so large and full of pow- der, that when he nods his head, I am sure to sneeze.” “ Ah, but all these are accidents, young lady,” said Mr. Malcolm, put out by this block to the conversation, and running off somewhat testily in another direction; “ accidents after all. Old people are always the same; so are young. Each age has its own fashion: if Mr. Butler wore no wig, still there would be something about him odd and strange to young eyes. Charles, don’t you be an old bachelor. No one cares for old people. Marry, my dear boy ; look out betimes for a virtuous young woman, who will make you an attentive wife.” Charles slightly coloured, and his sister laughed as if there was some understanding between them. Mr. Mal- colm continued; “ Don’t wait till you want some one to buy flannel for your rheumatism or gout; marry be- times.” “ You will let me take my degree first, sir ? ” said Charles. “ Certainly take your M.A.’s if you will; but don’t become an old Eellow. Don’t wait till forty; people make the strangest mistakes.” “Dear Charles will make a kind and affectionate husband, I am sure,” said his mother, “ when the time comes; and come it will, though not just yet. Yes, my dear boy,” she added, nodding at him, “ you will not be able to escape your destiny, when it comes.” “ Charles, you must know,” Baid Mr. Reding to his guest, “ is romantic in his notions just now. I believe it is, that he thinks no one good enough for him. Oh, my dear Charlie, don’t let me pain you, I meant nothing serious; but some- how he has not hit it off very well with some young ladies86 LOSS AND GAIN. here, who expected more attention than he cared to give.” “ I am sure,” said Mary, “ Charles is most at- tentive whenever there is occasion, and always has his eyes about him to do a service; only he’s a bad hand at small talk.” “ All will come in time, my dear,” said his mother; “ a good son makes a good husband.” “ And a very loving papa,” said Mr. Malcolm. “ Oh, spare me, sir,” said poor Charles ; “ how have I deserved this ? ” “ "Well,” proceeded Mr. Malcolm, “ and young ladies ought to marry betimes too.” “ Come, Mary, your turn is coming,” cried Charles; and taking his sister’s hand, he threw up the sash, and escaped with her into the garden. They crossed the lawn, and took refuge in a shrub- bery. “ How strange it is!” said Mary, as they strolled along the winding walk ; “ we used to like Mr. Malcolm so, as children; but now I like him still, but he is not the same.” “ We are older,” said her brother; “ different things take us now.” “ He used to be so kind,” con- tinued she; “ when he was coming, the day was looked out for; and mamma said, ‘ Take care you be good when Mr. Malcolm comes.’ And he was sure to bring a twelfth-cake, or a Noah’s ark, or something of the sort. And then he romped with us, and let us make fun of him.” “ Indeed it isn’t he that is changed,” said Charles, “ but we ; we are in the time of life to change ; we have changed already, and shall change still.” “ What a mercy it is,” said his sister, “ that we are so happy among ourselves as a family! If we change, we shall change together, as apples of one stock; if one fails, the other does. Thus we are always the same to each other.” “It is a mercy, indeed,” said Charles; “ we are so blest, that I am sometimes quite frightened.”LOSS AND GAIN. 87 His sister looked earnestly at him. He laughed a little* to turn off the edge of his seriousness. “ You would know what I mean, dear Mary, if you had read Herodo- tus. A Greek tyrant feared his own excessive prosperity, and therefore made a sacrifice to fortune. I mean, he gave up something which he held most precious; he took a ring from his finger and cast it into the sea, lest the Deity should afflict him, if he did not afflict himself.” “ My dear Charles, if we do but enjoy God’s gifts thank- fully, and take care not to set our hearts on them or to abuse them, we need not fear for their continuance.” “ "Well,” said Charles, “ there’s one text which has ever dwelt on my mind, ‘ Rejoice with trembling.’ I can’t take full unrestrained pleasure in any thing.” “ Why not, if you look at it as God’s gift ? ” asked Mary. “ I don’t defend it,” he replied ; “ it’s my way ; it may be a selfish prudence, for what I know; but I am sure that, did I give my heart to any creature, I should be with- drawing it from God. How easily could I idolise these sweet walks, which we have known for so many years!” They walked on in silence. “Well,” said Mary, “ whatever we lose, no change can affect us as a family. While we are we, we are to each other what nothing external can be to us, whether as given or as taken away.” Charles made no answer. “ What has come to you, dear Charles ?” she said, stopping and looking at him ; then, gently removing his hair and smoothing his forehead, she said, “You are so sad to day.” “ Dearest Mary,” he made answer, “ nothing’s the matter, indeed. I think it is Mr. Malcolm who has put me out. It’s so stupid to talk of the prospects of a boy like me. Don’t look so, I mean nothing; only it annoys me.” Mary smiled. “ What I mean is,” continued Charles, “that88 LOSS AND GAIN. • we can rely on nothing here, and are fools if we build on the future.” “We can rely on each other,” she repeated. “ Ah, dear Mary, don’t say so ; it frightens me.” She looked round at him surprised, and almost frightened herself. “ Dearest,” he continued, “ I mean nothing ; only every thing is so uncertain here below.” “We are sure of each other, Charles.” “ Yes, Mary,” and he kissed her affectionately, “ it is true, most true ;” then he added, “ all I meant was, that it seems presump- tuous to say so. David and Jonathan were parted ; St. Paul and St. Barnabas.” Tears stood in Mary’s eyes. “ Oh, what an ass I am,” he said, “ for thus teasing you about nothing; no, I only mean that there is One only who cannot die, who never changes, only one. It can’t be wrong to remember this. Do you re- collect Cowper’s beautiful lines ? I know them without having learned them—they struck me so much the first time I read them —and he repeated them: Thou art the source and centre of all minds, Their only point of rest, Eternal Word. From Thee departing, they are lost, and rove At random, without honour, hope, or peace. From Thee is all that soothes the life of man, His high endeavour and his glad success, His strength to suffer and his will to serve. But oh, Thou Sovereign Giver of all good, Thou art of all Thy gifts Thyself the crown ; Give what Thou canst, without Thee we are poor, And with Thee rich, take what Thou wilt away. CHAPTEE XIII. October came at length, and with it Charles’s thoughts were turned again to Oxford. One or two weeks passedLOSS AND GAO". 89 by; then a few days ; and it was time to be packing. His father parted with him with even greater emotion than when he first went to school. He would himself drive him in the phaeton to the neighbouring town, from which the omnibus ran to the, railroad, though he had the gout flying about him ; and when the moment for parting came, he could not get himself to give up his hand, as if he had something to say which he could not recollect or master. “ Well, Christmas will soon come,” he said; “ we must part, it’s no use delaying it. Write to us soon, dear boy ; and tell us all about yourself and your matters. Tell us about your friends; they are nice young men apparently: but I have great confidence in your prudence; you have more prudence than some of them. Your tutor seems a valuable man, from what you tell me,” he went on repeating what had passed between him and Charles many times before; “ a sound, well-judging man, that Mr. Vincent. Sheffield is too clever: he is young: you have an older head. It’s no good my going on; I have said all this before; and you may be late for, the rail. Well, God bless you, my dearest Charlie, and make you a blessing. May you be happier and better than your father! I have ever been blest all my life long—wonderfully blest. Blessings have been poured on me from my youth, far above my deserts; may they be doubled upon you ! Good-bye, my beloved Charles, good-bye!” Charles had to pass a day or two at the house of a re- lative who lived a little way out of London. While he was there, a letter arrived for him, forwarded from home; it was from Willis, dated from London, and announced that he had come to a very important decision, and should not return to Oxford. Charles was fairly in the90 LOSS AND GAIN. world again, plunged into the whirl of opinions : how sad a contrast to his tranquil home! There was no mistaking what the letter meant; and he set out at once with the chance of finding the writer at the house from which he dated it. It was a lodging at the west-end of town; and he readied it about noon. He found Willis in company with a person apparently two or three years older. Willis started on seeing him. “ Who would have thought! what brings you here ? ” he said; “ I thought you were in the country.” Then to his companion, “ This is the friend I was speaking to you about, Morley. A happy meeting; sit down, depr Reding; I have much to tell you.” Charles sat down all suspense, looking at Willis with such keen anxiety, that the latter was forced to cut the matter short. “ Reding, I am a Catholic.” Charles threw himself back in his chair, and turned pale. “ My dear Reding, what is the matter with you ? why don’t you speak to me?” Charles was still silent; at last, stooping for- ward, with his elbows on his knees, and his head on his hands, he said in a low voice, “ 0 WiUia> what have you done!” “ Done?” said Willis; “ what you should do, and half Oxford besides. O Reding, I’m so happy! ” “Alas, alas!” said Charles; “but what is the good of my staying ?—all good attend you, Willis; good-bye! ” “No, my good Reding, you don’t leave me so soon, having found me so unexpectedly; and you have had a long walk, I dare say; sit down, there’s a good fellow; we shall have luncheon soon, and you must not go with- out taking your part in it.” He took Charles’s hat from him, as he spoke; and Charles, in a mixture of feelings, let him have his way. “ 0 Willis, so you have separated yourself from us for ever!” he said; “you have takenLOSS AND GAIN. 91 your course, we keep ours: our paths are different.” “ Not so,” said Willis; “ you must follow me, and we shall be one still.” Charles was half offended; “ Eeally I must go,” he said, and he rose; “you must not talk in that manner.” “ Pray, forgive me,” answered Willis; “ I won’t do so again; but I could not help it; I am not in a common state, I’m so happy.” A thought struck Reding. “ Tell me, Willis,” he said, “ your exact position; in what sense are you a Catholic? What is to prevent your returning with me to Oxford ? ” His companion interposed: “I am taking a liberty, perhaps,” he said ; “ but Mr. Willis has been regularly received into the Catholic Church.” “ I have not intro- duced you,” said Willis. “ Reding, let me introduce Mr. Morley; Morley, Mr. Reding. Tes, Reding, I owe it to him that I am a Catholic. I have been on a tour with him abroad. We met with a good priest in Prance, who consented to receive my abjuration.” “Well, I think he might profitably have examined into your state of mind a little before he did so,” said Reding; “you are not the person to become a Catholic, Willis.” “ What do you mean ? ” “ Because,” answered Reding, “ you are more of a dissenter than a Catholic. I beg your pardon,” he added, seeing Willis look up sharply, “ let me be frank with you, pray do. You were attached to the Church of Rome, not as a child to a mother, but in a wayward roving way, as a matter of fancy or liking, or (excuse me) as a greedy boy to some object of taste; and you pursued your object by disobeying the autho- rities set over you.” It was as much as Willis could bear; he said, he thought he recollected a text about “obeying God rather than men.” “I see you have disobeyed men,” retorted Charles; “I trust you have92 LOSS AND GAIN. been obeying God.” Willis thought him rude, and would not speak. Mr. Morley began: “ If you knew the circumstances better,” he said, “you would doubtless judge differently. I consider Mr. Willis to be just the very person on whom it was incumbent to join the Church, and who will make an excellent Catholic. You must blame, not the venera- ble priest who received him, but me. The good man saw his devotion, his tears, his humility, his earnest de- sire ; but the state of his mind he learned through me, who speak French better than Mr. Willis. However, he had quite enough conversation with him in French and Latin. He could not reject a postulant for salvation; it was impossible. Had you been he, you would have done the same.” “ Well, sir, perhaps I have been un- just to him and you,” said Charles; “however, I can- not augur well of this.” “You are judging, sir,” answered Mr. Morley, “ let me say it, of things you do not know. You do not know what the Catholic religion is; you do not know what its grace is, or the gift of faith.” The speaker was a layman; he spoke with earnestness the more intense, because quiet. Charles felt himself reproved by his manner; his good taste suggested to him that he had been too vehement in the presence of a stranger; yet he did not feel the less con- fidence in his cause. He paused before he answered; then he said briefly, that he was aware that he did not know the Homan Catholic religion, but he knew Mr. Willis. He could not help giving his opinion that good would not come of it. “ I have ever been a Catholic,” said Mr. Morley; “ so far I cannot judge of members of the Church of England; but this I know, that the Catholic Church is the only true church. I may beLOSS AND GAIN. 93 wrong in many things; I cannot be wrong in this. This too I know, that the Catholic faith is one, and that no other church has faith. The Church of England has no faith. You, my dear sir, have not faith.” This was a home-thrust; the controversies of Oxford passed before Reding’s mind; but he instantly recovered himself. “ You cannot expect,” said he, smiling, “ that I, almost a boy, should be able to argue with yourself, or to defend my church or to explain her faith. I am con- tent to hold that faith, to hold what she holds, without professing to be a divine. This is the doctrine which I have been taught at Oxford. I am under teaching there, I am not yet taught. Excuse me, then, if I decline an argument with you. With Mr. Willis, it is natural that I should argue; we are equals, and understand each other; but I am no theologian.” Here Willis cried out, “ O my dear Reding, what I say is, ‘ Come and see.’ Don’t stand at the door arguing: but enter the great home of the soul, enter and adore.” “ But,” said Reding, “ surely God wills us to be guided by reason; I don’t mean that reason is every thing, but it is at least some- thing. Surely we ought not to act without it, against it.” “ But is not doubt a dreadful state ? ” said Willis, “ a most perilous state ?' No state is safe but that of faith. Can it be safe to be without faith ? Now have you faith in your church ? I know you well enough to know you have not; where, then, are you ?” “ Willis, you have misunderstood me most extraordinarily,” said Charles: “ten thousand thoughts pass through the mind, and if it is safe to note down and bring against a man his stray words, I suppose there’s nothing he mayn’t be accused of holding. You must be alluding to some half sentence or other of mine, which I have forgotten, and94 LOSS AND GAIN. which, was no real sample of my sentiments. Do you mean I have no worship ? and does not worship pre- suppose faith ? I have much to learn, I am conscious; but I wish to learn it from the church under whose shadow my lot is cast, and with whom I am content.” “ He confesses,” said Willis, “ that he has no faith; he confesses that he is in doubt. My dear Reding, can you sincerely plead that you are in invincible ignorance after what has passed between us ? now, suppose for an in- stant that Catholicism is true, is it not certain that you now have an opportunity of embracing it ? and if you do not, are you in a state to die in ?” Reding was perplexed how to answer; that is, he could not with the necessary quickness analyse and put into words the answer which his reason suggested to Willis’s rapid interrogatories. Mr. Morley had kept silence, lest Charles should have two upon him at once ; but when Willis paused, and Charles did not reply, he interposed. He said that all the calls in Scripture were obeyed with promptitude by those who were called; and that our Lord would not suffer one man even to go and bury his father. Reding answered, that in those cases the voice of Christ was actually heard; He was on earth, in bodily presence; now, however, the very question was, which was the voice of Christ ? and whe- ther the Church of Rome did or did not speak with the voice of Christ ? That surely we ought to act prudently; that Christ could not wish us to act otherwise; that for himself, he had no doubt that he was in the place where Providence wished him to be; but, even if he had any doubts whether Christ was calling him elsewhere (which he had not), but if he had, he should certainly think that Christ called him in the way and method of care-LOSS AND GAIN. 95 ful examination,—that prudence was the divinely ap- pointed means of coming at the truth. “ Prudence!” cried Willis, “ such prudence as St. Thomas’s, I suppose, when be determined to see before believing.” Charles hesitated to answer. “ I see it,” continued Willis; and starting up, he seized his arm; “ come, my dear fellow, come with me directly ; let us go to the good priest who lives two streets off. You shall be received this very day. On with your hat.” And before Charles could Bhow any resistance, he was half out of the room. He could not help laughing, in spite of his vexation; he disengaged his arm, and deliberately sat down. “ Not so fast,” he said; “we are not quite this sort of per- son.” Willis looked awkward for a moment; then he said, “Well, at least you must go into a retreat; you must go forthwith. Morley, do you know when Mr. de Mowbray or Father Agostino gives his next retreat ? Reding, it is just what you want, just what all Oxford men want; I think you will not refuse me.” Charles looked up in his face, and smiled. “ It is not my line,” he said at length. “ I am on my way to Oxford. I must go. I came here to be of use to you; I can be of none, so I must go. Would I could be of service; but it is hopeless. Oh, it makes my heart ache.” And he went on brushing his hat with his glove, as if on the point of rising, yet loath to rise. Morley now struck in: he spoke all along like a gentleman, and a man of real piety, but with a great ignorance of Protestants, or how they were to be treated. “ Excuse me, Mr. Reding,” he said, “ if, before you go, I say one word. I feel very much for the struggle which is going on in your mind; and I am sure it is not for such as me to speak harshly or unkindly to you. The96 LOSS AND GAIN. struggle between conviction and motives of this world is often long; may it have a happy termination in your case! Do not be offended if I suggest to you that the dearest and closest ties, such as your connexion with the Protestant Church involves, may be on the side of the world in certain cases. It is a sort of martyrdom to have to break such; but they who do so have a martyr’s reward. And then at a University you have so many inducements to fall in with the prevailing tone of thought; prospects, success in life, good opinion of friends—all these things are against you. They are likely to choke the good seed. Well, I could have wished that you had been able to fol- low the dictates of conscience at once; but the conflict must continue its appointed time; we will hope that all will end well.” “ I can’t persuade these good people,” thought Charles, as he closed the street-door after him, “ that I am not in a state of conviction, and struggling against it; how absurd! Here I come to reclaim a deserter, and I am seized even bodily, and against my will all but hur- ried into a profession of faith. Do these things happen to people every day? or is there some particular fate with me thus to be brought across religious contro- versies which I am not up to ?* Ia Roman Catholic! what a contrast all this with quiet Hartley !” naming his home. As he continued to think on what had passed, he was still less satisfied with it or with himself. He had gone to lecture, and he had been lectured; and he had let out his secret state of mind: no, not let out, he had nothing to let out. He had indeed implied that he was inquiring after religious truth, but every Pro- testant inquires ; he would not be a Protestant if he did not. Of course he was seeking the truth; it wasLOSS AND GAIN. 97 his duty to do so ; he recollected distinctly his- tutor laying down, on one occasion, the duty of private judg- ment. This was the very difference between Protestants and Catholics; Catholics begin, with faith, Protestants with inquiry ; and he ought to have said this to Willis. He was provoked he had not said it; it would have sim- plified the question, and shown how far he was from being unsettled. Unsettled! it was most extravagant. He wished this had but struck him during the conver- sation, but it was a relief that it struck him now; it re- conciled him to his position. CHAPTER XIV. The first day of Michaelmas term is, to an under- graduate’s furniture, the brightest day of the year. Much as Charles regretted home, he rejoiced to see old Oxford again. The porter had acknowledged him at the gate, and his scout had smiled and bowed, as he ran up the worn staircase and found a blazing fire to welcome him. The coals crackled and split, and threw up a white flame in Btrong contrast with the newly-blackened bars and hobs of the grate. A shining copper kettle hissed and groaned under the internal torment of water at boiling point. The chimney-glass had been cleaned, the carpet beaten, the curtains fresh glazed. A tea-tray and tea-commons were placed on the table; besides a battel paper, two or three cards from tradesmen who desired his patronage, and a note from a friend whose term had already commenced. The porter came in with his luggage, and had just received his too ample remu- neration, when, through the closing door, in rushed Sheffield in his travelling dress.98 LOSS AND GAIN. “ Well, old fellow, bow are you ? ” be said, shaking both of Charles’s hands or rather arms with all his might; “ here we are all again; I am just come like you. Where have you been all this time ? Come, tell us all about yourself. Give me some tea, and let’s have a good jolly chat.” Charles liked Sheffield, he liked Oxford, he was pleased to get back ; yet he had some remains of home-sickness on him, and was not quite in cue for Sheffield’s good-natured boisterousness. Willis’s matter, too, was still on his mind. “ Have you heard the news ?” said Sheffield; “ I have been long enough in college to pick it up. The kitchen-man was full of it as I passed along. Jack’s a particular friend of mine, a good honest fellow, and has all the gossip of the place. I don’t know what it means, but Oxford has just now a very bad inside. The report is, that some of the men have turned Eomans ; and they say that there are strangers going about Oxford whom no one knows any thing of. Jack, who is a bit of a divine him- self, says he heard the Principal say that, for certain, there were Jesuits at the bottom of it; and I don’t know what he means, but he declares he saw with his own eyes the Pope walking down High Street with the priest. I asked him how he knew it ? he said he knew the Pope by his slouching hat and his long beard; and the porter told him it was the Pope. The Dons have met several times; and several tutors are to be discom- moned, and their names stuck up against the buttery- door. Meanwhile the Marshal, with two bull-dogs, is keeping guard before the Catholic chapel; and, to com- plete it, that old drunken fellow Topham is reported, out of malice, when called in to cut the Warden of St. Mary’s hair, to have made a clean white tonsure a-top of him.”LOSS AND GAIN. 99 “ My dear Sheffield, how you run on!” said-Beding. “ Well, do you know, I can tell you a piece of real news bearing on these reports, and not of the pleasantest. Did you know Willis, of St. George’s ?” “ I think I once saw him at wine in your rooms; a modest, nice- looking fellow, who never spoke a word.” “ Ah, I as- sure you, he has a tongue in his head when it suits him,” answered Charles: “yet I do think,” he added musingly, “ he’s very much changed, and not for the better.” “ Well, what’s the upshot ?” asked Sheffield. “ He has turned Catholic,” said Charles. “ What a fool!” cried Sheffield. There was a pause. Charles felt awkward: then he said: “ I can’t say I was sur- prised ; yet I should have'been less surprised at White.” “ Oh, White won’t turn Catholic,” said Sheffield ; “ he hasn’t it in him. He’sacoward.” “Fools and cowards!” answered Charles: “ thus you divide the world, Sheffield ? Poor Willis !” he added; “ one must respect a man who acts according to his conscience.” “ What can he know of conscience ?” said Sheffield; “ the idea of his swallow- ing, of his own free will, the heap of rubbish which every Catholic has to believe! in cold blood, tying a collar round his neck, and politely putting the chain into the hands of a priest! . . . And then the Confessional! ’Tis marvellous!” and he began to break the coals with the poker. “ It’s very well,” he continued, “ if a man is born a Catholic; I don’t suppose they really believe what they are obliged to profess; but how an English- man, a gentleman, a man here at Oxford, with all his advantages, can so eat dirt, scraping and picking up all the dead lies of the dark ages—it’s a miracle.” “ Well, if there is any thing that recommends Bo- manism to me," said Charles, “ it is what you so much100 LOSS AND GAIN. dislike: I’d give twopence, if some one, whom I could trust, would say to me: ‘ This is true ; this is not true.’ We should be saved this eternal wrangling. Wouldn’t you be glad if St. Paul could come to life ? I’ve often said to myself: ‘ Oh, that I could ask St. Paul this or that!’ ” “ But the Catholic Church isn’t St. Paul quite, I guess,” said Sheffield. “ Certainly not; but supposing you did think it had the inspiration of an Apostle, as the Roman Catholics do, what a comfort it would be to know, beyond all doubt, what to believe about God; and how to worship and please Him! I mean, you said, * I can’t believe this or thatnow you ought to have said, ‘ I can’t believe the Pope has power to decide this or that.’ If he had, you ought to believe it, whatever it is, and not to say, ‘I can’t believe.’” Sheffield looked hard at him: “ We shall have you a papist Borne of these fine days,” said he. “ Nonsense,” answered Charles ; “ you shouldn’t say such things, even in jest.” “ I don’t jest; I am in earnest: you are plainly on the road.” “ Well, if I am, you have put me on it,” Said Reding, wishing to get away from the subject as quick as he could; “ for you are ever talking against shams, and laughing at King Charles and Laud, Bateman, White, rood-lofts, and piscinas.” “ Now you are a Puseyite,” said Sheffield, in surprise. “ You give me the name of a very good man, whom I hardly know by sight,” said Reding; “ but I mean, that nobody knows what to believe, no one has a definite faith, but the Catholics and the Puseyites; no one says, ‘ This is true, that is false;’ ‘ this comes from the Apostles, that does not.’ ” “ Then would you believe a Turk,” asked Sheffield, “ who came to you with his ‘ One Allah, and Mahomet his Prophet ?’ ” “ I did notLOSS AND GAIN". 101 say a creed was every thing,” answered Keding, “ or that a religion could not be false which had a creed; but a religion can’t be true which has none.” “ Well, somehow that doesn’t strike me,” said Sheffield. “ Now there was Vincent at the end of term, after you had gone down,” continued Charles ; “you know I stayed up for Little-go ; and he was very civil, very civil in- deed. I had a talk with him about Oxford parties, and he pleased me very much at the time; hut afterwards, the more I thought of what he said, the less was I satis- fied ; that is, I had got nothing definite from him. He did not say, ‘This is true, that is false;’ but ‘ Be true, be true, be good, be good, don’t go too far, keep in the mean, have your eyes about you, eschew parties, follow our divines, all of them;’—all which was but putting salt on the bird’s tail. I want some practical direction, not abstract truths.” “ Vincent is a humbug,” said Shef- field. “Dr. Pusey, on the other hand,” continued Charles, “ is said always to be decisive. He says, ‘ This is Apostolic, that’s in the Bathers; St. Cyprian says this, St. Augustine denies that; this is safe, that’s wrong; I bid you, I forbid you.’ I understand all this; but I don’t understand having duties put on me which are too much for me. I don’t understand, I dislike, having a will of my own, when I have not the means to use it justly. In such a case, to tell me to act of myself, is like Pharaoh setting the Israelites to make bricks with- out straw. Setting me to inquire, to judge, to decide, forsooth ! it’s absurd ; who has taught me ?” “ But the Puseyites are not always so distinct,” Baid Sheffield; “there’sSmith, he never speaks decidedly in difficult questions. I know a man who was going to remain in Italy for some years, at a distance from any102 LOSS AND GAIN. English chapel,—he could not help it,—and who came to ask him if he might communicate in the Catholic churches; he could not get an answer from him; he would not say yes or no.” “ Then he won’t have many followers, that’s all,” said Charles. “ But he has more than Dr. Pusey,” answered Sheffield. “ Well, I can’t understand it,” said Charles; “ he ought not; perhaps they won’t stay.” “ The truth is,” said Sheffield, “ I suspect he is more of a sceptic at bottom.” “ Well, I honour the man who builds up,” said Reding, “and I despise the man who breaks down.” “ I am inclined to think you have a wrong notion of building up and pull- ing down,” answered Sheffield; “ Coventry, in his Dis- sertations, makes it quite clear that Christianity is not a religion of doctrines.” “Who is Coventry?” “Not know Coventry ? he’s one of the most original writers of the day; he’s an American, and, I believe, a congregationalist. Oh, I assure you you should read Coventry, although he is wrong on the question of Church-government: you are not well cm courantW\t\i the literature of the day unless you do. He is no party man; he is a corre- spondent of the first men of the day; he stopped with the Dean of Oxford when he was in England, who has published an English edition of his ‘Dissertations,’ with a Preface; and he and Lord Newlights were said to be the two most witty men at the meeting of the British Association, two years ago.” “ I don’t like Lord New- lights,” said Charles, “he seems to me to have no principle; that is, no fixed, definite religious principle. You don’t know where to find him. This is what my father thinks; I have often heard him speak of him.” “ It’s curious you should use the word principle,” said Sheffield; “for it is that which Coventry lays suchLOSS AND GAIN. 103 stress on. He says that Christianity has no creed; that this is the very point in which it is distinguished from other religions; that you will search the New Testament in vain for a creed; but that Scripture is full of principles. The view is very ingenious, and seemed to me true, when I read the book. According to him, then, Christianity is not a religion of doctrines or mys- teries ; and if you are looking for dogmatism in Scrip- ture, it’s a mistake.” Charles was puzzled. “ Cer- tainly,” he said, “at first sight there is no creed in Scripture.—No creed in Scripture,” he said slowly, as if thinking aloud; “no creed in Scripture, therefore there is no creed. But the Athanasian Creed,” he added quickly, “ is that in Scripture ? It either is in Scrip- ture, or it is not. Let me see, it either is there, or it is not. . . . What was it that Freeborn said last term ? . . . Tell me, Sheffield, would the Dean of Oxford say that the creed was in Scripture or not ? perhaps you do not fairly explain Coventry’s view; what is your impres- sion ?” “ Why, I will tell you frankly, my impression is, judging from his Preface, that he would not scruple to say that it is not in Scripture, but a scholastic addi- tion.” “My dear fellow,” said Charles, “do you mean that he, a dignitary of the church, would say that the Athanasian Creed was a mistake, because it repre- sented Christianity as a revelation of doctrines or mys- teries to be received on faith?” “Well, I may be wrong,” said Sheffield, “but so I understood him.” “ After all,” said Charles, Badly, “ it’s not so much more than that other Dean, I forget his name, said at St. Mary’s before the Vacation; it’s part of the same sys- tem. Oh, it was after you went down, or just at the end of term: you don’t go to sermons; I’m inclined not104 LOSS AND GAIN. to go either. I can’t enter upon the Dean’s argument; it’s not worth while. Well,” he added, standing up and stretching himself, “ I am tired with the day, yet it has not been a fatiguing one either; but London is so bustling a place.” “ You wish me to say good night,” said Sheffield. Charles did not deny the charge; and the friends parted. CHAPTER XV. Thebe could not have been a lecture more unfavourable for Charles’s peace of mind than that in which he found himself this term placed ; yet, so blind are we to the fu- ture, he hailed it with great satisfaction, as if it was to bring him an answer to the perplexities into which Sheffield, Bateman, Freeborn, White, Willis, Mr. Mor- ley, Dr. Brownside, Mr. Vincent, and the general state of Oxford, had all, in one way or other, conspired to throw him. He had shown such abilities in the former part of the year, and was reading so diligently, that his tutors put him prematurely into the lecture upon the Articles. It was a capital lecture so far as this, that the tutor who gave it had got up his subject completely. He knew the whole history of the Articles, how they grew into their present shape, with what fortunes, what had been added, and when, and what omitted. With this, of course, was joined an explanation of the text, as deduced, as far as could be, from the historical account thus given. Not only the British, but the foreign Re- formers were introduced; and nothing was wanting, at least in the intention of the lecturer, for fortifying the young inquirer in the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England.LOSS AND GAIN. 105 . It did not produce this effect on Reding. Whether he had expected too much, or whatever was the cause, so it was that he did but feel more vividly the sentiment of the old father in the comedy, after consulting the lawyers, “ Incertior sum multo quarn ante.” He saw that the profession of faith contained in the Articles was but a patchwork of bits of orthodoxy, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Zuinglism ; and this too on no principle; that it was but the work of accident, if there be such a thing as accident; that it had come down in the parti- cular shape in which the English Church now receives it, when it might have come down in any other shape; that it was but a toss-up that Anglicans at this day were not Calvinists, or Presbyterians, or Lutherans, equally well as Episcopalians. This historical fact did but clench the difficulty, or rather impossibility, of say- ing what the faith of the English Church was. On al- most every point of dispute the authoritative standard of doctrine was vague or inconsistent, and there was an im- posing weight of external testimony in favour of opposite interpretations. He stopped after lecture once or twice, and asked information of Mr. Upton the tutor, who was quite ready to give it; but nothing came of these applica- tions as regards the object which led him to make them. One difficulty which Charles experienced was, to know whether, according to the Articles, divine truth was di- rectly given us, or whether we had to seek it for our- selves from Scripture. Several Articles led to this question; and Mr. Upton, who was a High-Churchman, answered him, that the saving doctrine neither was given nor was to be sought, but that it was proposed by the Church, and proved by the individual. Charles did not see this distinction between seeking and proving; for106 LOSS AND GAIN. how can we prove except by seeking (in Scripture) for reasons ? He put the question in another form, and asked if the Christian Religion allowed of private judg- ment ? This was no abstruse question, and a very prac- tical one. Had he asked a Wesleyan or Independent, he would have had an unconditional answer in the affir- mative ; had he asked a Catholic, he would have been told that we used our private judgment to find the Church, and then the Church superseded it; but from this Oxford divine he could not get a distinct answer. First, he was told that doubtless we must use our judg- ment in the determination of religious doctrine; but next he was told that it was sin (as it undoubtedly is) to doubt the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity. Yet, while he was told that to doubt of that doctrine was a sin, he was told in another conversation that our highest state here is one of doubt. What did this mean? Surely certainty was simply necessary on some points, as on the Object of worship; how could we worship what we doubted of ? The two acts were contrasted by the Evangelist; when the disciples saw our Lord after the resurrection, “ they worshipped Him, but some doubtedyet, in spite of this, he Vas told that there was “ impatience” in the very idea of desiriug certainty. At another time he asked whether the anathemas of the Athanasian Creed applied to all its clauses; for in- stance, whether it is necessary to salvation to hold that there is “ unus ceternus,” as the Latin has it; or “ such as the Father, . . . such the Holy Ghostor that the Holy Ghost is “ by Himself God and Lordor that Christ is one “ by the taking of the manhood into God ?” He could get no answer. Mr. Upton said that he did not like.extreme questions; that he could not and didLOSS AND GAIN. 107 not wish to answer them; that the Creed was written against heresies, which no longer existed, as a sort of •protest. Reding asked whether this meant that the Creed did not contain a distinctive view of its own, which alone was safe, but was merely a negation of error. The clauses, he observed, were positive, not negative. He could get no answer further than that the Creed taught that the doctrines of “ the Trinity” and “ the In- carnation” were “necessary to salvation,” it being appa- rently left uncertain what those doctrines consisted in. One day he asked how grievous sins were to be for- given, which were committed after baptism, whether by faith, or not at all in this life ? He was answered that the Articles said nothing on the subject; thatthe Romish doctrine of pardons and purgatory was false; and that it was well to avoid both curious questions and subtle answers. Another question turned up at another lecture, viz., whether the Real Presence meant a Presence of Christ in the elements, or in the soul, i. e. in the faith of the recipient; that is, whether the Presence was really such, or a mere name. Mr. Upton pronounced it an open question. Another day Charles asked whether Christ was present in fact, or only in effect. Mr. Upton answered decidedly “in effect,” which seemed to Reding to mean no real presence at all. He had had some difficulty in receiving the doctrine of eternal punishment; it had seemed to him the hardest doctrine of revelation. Then he said to himself, “ But what is faith in its very notion but an acceptance of the word of God, when reason seems to oppose it ? How is it faith at all, if there is nothing to try it?” This thought fully satisfied him. The only question was, Is108 LOSS AND GAIN. it part of the revealed word? “I can believe it,” he said, “ if I know for certain that I ought to believe it; but if I atn not bound to believe it, I can’t believe it.” Accordingly he put the question to Mr. Upton, whether it was a doctrine of the Church of England; that is, whether it came under the subscription to the Articles. He could obtain no answer. Yet if he did not believe this doctrine, he felt the whole fabric of his faith shake under him. Close upon it came the doctrine of the atonement. It is difficult to give instances of this kind, without producing the impression on the reader’s mind that Charles was forward and captious in his inquiries. Certainly Mr. Upton had his own thoughts about him, but he never thought his manner inconsistent with modesty and respect towards himself. Charles naturally was full of the subject, and would have disclosed his perplexities to Sheffield, had he not had a strong anticipation that this would have been making matters worse. He thought Bateman, however, might be of some service, and he disburdened himself to him in the course of a country walk. What was he to do ? for on his entrance he had been told, that when he took his degree he should have to sign the Articles, not on faith as then, but on reason; yet they were unintelli- gible; and howcouldheprovewhathecouldnotconstrue? Bateman seemed unwilling to talk on the subject; at last he said, “ Oh, my dear Beding, you really are in an excited state of mind; I don’t like to talk to you just now, for you will not see things in a straightforward way, and take them naturally. What a bugbear you are conjuring up ! You are in an Article lecture in your Becond year; and hardly have you commenced, but youLOSS AND GAIN. 109 begin to fancy what you will or will not think at the end of your time. Don’t ask about the Articles now ; wait at least till you have seen the lecture through.” “ It really is not my way to be fussed or to fidget,” said Charles ; “ though I own I am not so quiet as I ought to be. I hear so many different opinions in conversa- tion ; then I go to church, and one preacher deals his blows at another; lastly, I betake myself to the Articles, and really I cannot make out what they would teach me. For instance, I cannot make out their doctrine about faith, about the sacraments, about predestination, about the Church, about the inspiration of Scripture. And their tone is so unlike the Prayer-book. Upton has brought this out in his lectures most clearly.” “ Now, my most respectable friend,” said Bateman, “ do think for a moment what men have signed the Articles. Per- haps King Charles himself; certainly Laud, and all the great Bishops of his day, and of the next generation. Think of the most orthodox Bull, the singularly learned Pearson, the eloquent Taylor, Montague, Barrow, Thorn- dike, good dear Bishop Horne, and Jones of Nayland. Can’t you do what they did ?” “ The argument is a very strong one,” said Charles ; “ I have felt it: you mean, then, I must sign on faith.” “ Tes, certainly, if necessary,” said Bateman. “ And how am I to sign as a Master, and when I am ordained ?” asked Charles. “ That’s what I mean by fidgeting,” answered Bateman. “ You are not content with your day; you are reaching forward to five years’ hence.” Charles laughed. “It isn’t quite that,” he said, “ I was but testing your ad- vice; however, there’s some truth in it.” And he changed the subject. They talked awhile on indifferent matters ; but on a110 LOSS AND GAIN. pause Charles’s thoughts fell back again to the Articles. “ Tell me, Bateman,” he said, “ as a mere matter of cu- riosity, how you subscribed when you took your degree.” “ Oh, I had no difficulty at all,” said Bateman; “ the examples of Bull and Pearson were enough for me.” “ Then you signed on faith.” “ Not exactly, but it was that thought which smoothed all difficulties.” “ Could you have signed without it ?” “ How can you ask me the question ? of course.” “ Well, do tell me, then, what was your ground f” “ Oh, I had many grounds. I can't recollect in a moment what happened some time ago.” “ Oh, it was a matter of difficulty ; indeed, you said so just now.” “ Not at all: my only difficulty was, not about myself, but how to state the matter to other people.” “What! some one suspected you?” “No, no; you are quite mistaken. I mean, for instance, the Article says that we are justified by faith only; now the Protes- tant sense of this statement is point blank opposite to our standard divines : the question was, what I was to say when asked my sense of it.” “ I understand,” said Charles; “now tell me how you solved the problem.” “ Well, I don’t deny that the Protestant sense is hereti- cal,” answered Bateman; “ and so is the Protestant sense of many other things in the Articles; but then we need not take them in the Protestant sense.” “ Then in what sense?” “ Why, first,” said Bateman, “we need not take them in any sense at all. Don’t smile; listen. Great authorities, such as Laud or Bramhall, seem to have considered that we only sign the Articles as articles of peace; not as really holding them, but as not opposing them. Therefore, when we sign the Articles, we only engage not to preach against them.” Beding thought; then he said: “ Tell me, Bateman, would not this viewLOSS AND GAIN. Ill of subscription to the Articles let the Unitarians into the church ?” Bateman allowed it would, but the Liturgy would still keep them out. CharleB then went on to suggest that they would take the Liturgy as a Liturgy of peace too. Bateman began again. “ If you want some tangible principle,” he said, “ for interpreting Articles and Liturgy, I can give you one. You know,” he continued, after a short pause, “what it is we hold ? Why, we give the Articles a Catholic interpretation.” Charles looked inquisitive. “ It is plain,” continued Bateman, “that no document can be a dead letter; it must be the expression of some mind; and the question here is, whose is what may be called the voice which speaks the Articles. Now, if the Bishops, Heads of houses, and other dignitaries and authorities, were unanimous in their religious views, and one and all said that the Articles meant this and not that, they, as the imponents, would have a right to interpret them; and the Articles would mean what they said they meant. But they do not agree together; some of them are diametrically opposed to others. One clergyman de- nies Apostolical Succession, another affirms it; one de- nies the Lutheran justification, another maintains it; one denies the inspiration of Scripture, a second holds Calvin to be a saint, a third considers the doctrine of sacramental grace a superstition, a fourth takes part with Nestorius against the Church, a fifth is a Sabellian. It is plain, then, that the Articles have no sense at all, if the collective voice of Bishops, Deans, Professors, and the like is to be taken. They cannot supply what school- men call the form of the Articles. But perhaps the writers themselves of the Articles will supply it ? No; for, first, we don’t know for certain who the writers112 LOSS AND GAIN. were; and next, the Articles have gone through so many hands, and so many mendings, that some at least of the original authors would not like to be responsible for them. Well, let us go to the Convocations which ratified them : but they, too, were of different senti- ments ; the seventeenth century did not hold the doc- trine of the sixteenth. Such is the state of the case. On the other hand, we say that if the Anglican Church be a part of the one Church Catholic, it must, from the necessity of the case, hold Catholic doctrine. Therefore, the whole Catholic Creed, the acknowledged doctrine of the Fathers, of St. Ignatius, St. Cyprian, St. Augustin, St. Ambrose, is thq form, is the one true sense and in- terpretation of the Articles. They may be ambiguous in themselves; they may have been worded with various intentions by the individuals concerned in their composi- tion : but these are accidents; the Church knows no- thing of individuals; she interprets herself.” Reding took some time to think over this: “ All this,” he said, “proceeds on the fundamental principle that the Church of England is an integral part of that visible body, of which St. Ignatius, St. Cyprian, and the rest were Bishops; according to the words of Scripture, ‘ one body, one faith.’ ” Bateman assented; Charles proceeded: “ Then the Articles must not be considered primarily as teaching; they have no one sense in them- selves ; they are confessedly ambiguous: they are com- piled from heterogeneous sources; but all this does not matter, for all must be interpreted by the teaching of the Catholic Church.” Bateman agreed in the main, except that he had stated the case rather too strongly. “ But what if the latter contradicts a doctrine of the Fathers ? am I to force the letter ?” “ If such a case actuallyLOSS AND GAIN. 113 happened, the theory would not hold,” answered Bate- man ; “ it would only be a gross quibble. You can in no case sign an Article in a sense which its words will not bear. But fortunately, or rather providentially, this is not the case; we have merely to explain ambiguities, and harmonise discrepancies. The Catholic interpreta- tion does no greater violence to the text than any other rule of interpretation will be found to do.” “ Well, but I know nothing of the Fathers,” said Charles; “ others too are in the same condition; how am I to learn practi- cally to interpret the Articles ? ” “ By the Prayer-book; the Prayer-book is the voice of the Fathers.” “How so ? ” “ Because the Prayer-book is confessedly ancient, while the Articles are modern.” Charles kept silence again: “ It is very plausible,” he said; he thought on. Presently he asked: “ Is this a received view ?” “No view is received,”- said Bate- man ; “ the Articles themselves are received, but there is no authoritative interpretation of them at all. That’s what I was saying just now; Bishops and Professors don’t agree together.” “ Well,” said Charles, “ is it a tolerated view ?” “ It has certainly been strongly op- posed,” answered Bateman; “but it has never been con- demned.” “ That is no answer,” said Charles, who saw by Bateman’s manner-how the truth lay. “ Does any one Bishop hold it ? did any one Bishop ever hold it ? has it ever been formally admitted as tenable by any one Bishop ? is it a view got up to meet existing difficulties, or has it an historical existence ?” Bateman could give but one answer to these questions, as they were succes- sively put to him. “ I thought so,” said Charles, when he had made his answer: “ I know, of course, whose view you are putting before me, though I never heard it114 LOSS AND GAIN. drawn out before. It is specious, certainly: I don’t see but it might have done, had it been tolerably sanc- tioned ; but you have no sanction to show me. It is, as it stands, a mere theory struck out by individuals. Our Church might have adopted this mode of interpret- ing the Articles; but from what you tell me, it certainly has not done so. I am where I was.” CHAPTER XVI. The thought came across Reding, whether perhaps, after all, what is called Evangelical Religion was not the true Christianity : its professors, he knew, were active and influential, and in past times had been much persecuted. Ereeborn had surprised and offended him at Bateman’s breakfast-party before the Vacation; yet Freeborn had a serious manner about him, and perhaps he had mis- understood him. The thought, however, passed away as suddenly as it came, and perhaps would not have oc- curred to him again, when an accident gave him some data for determining the question. One afternoon he was lounging in the Parks, gazing with surprise on one of those extraordinary lights for which the neighbourhood of Oxford is at that season celebrated,and which, as the sun went down, was colour- ing Marston,Elsfield,and their half-denuded groves with a pale gold-and-brown hue, when he found himself over- taken and addressed by the said Freeborn in propria persona. Freeborn liked a tete-a-tete talk much better than a dispute in a party; he felt himself at more ad- vantage in long leisurely speeches, and he was soon put out of breath when he had to bolt-out or edge-in hisLOSS AND GAIN. 115 words amid the ever-varying voices of a breakfast-table. He thought the present might be a good opportunity of doing good to a poor youth, who did not know chalk from cheese, and who, by his means, might be, as he would word it, “ savingly converted.” So they got into conversation, talked of Willis’s step, which Freeborn called awful; and, before Charles knew where he was, he found himself asking Freeborn what he meant by “ faith.” “ Faith,” said Freeborn, “ is a divine gift, and is the instrument of our justification in God’s sight. We are all by nature displeasing to Him, till He justifies us freely for Christ’s sake. Faith is like a hand, appropriating personally the merits of Christ, or is our justification. Now, what can we want more, or have more, than those merits ? Faith, then, is every thing, and does every thing for us. You see, then, how important it is to have a right view about justification by faith only. If we are sound on this capital point, every thing else may take its chance; we shall at once see the folly of contending about ceremonies, about forms of Church-government, about, I will even say, sacraments or creeds. External things will, in that case, either be neglected, or will find a subordinate place ” Reding observed that of course Freeborn did not mean to say that good works were not necessary for obtaining God’s favour; “ but if they were, how was justification by faith only ?” Freeborn smiled, and said that he hoped Reding would have clearer views in a little time. It was a very simple matter. Faith not only justified, it regenerated also. It was the root of sanctification, as well as of divine acceptance. The same act, which was the means of bringing us into God’s favour, secured our being meet for it. Thus good116 LOSS AND GAIN. works were secured, because faith would not be true faith unless it were such as to be certain of bringing forth good works in due time. Reding thought this view simple and clear, though it unpleasantly reminded him of Dr. Brownside. E reeborn added, that it was a doctrine suited to the poor, that it put all the gospel into a nutshell, that it dispensed with criticism,primitive ages, teachers, in short with authority in whatever form. It swept theology clean away. There was no need to mention this last consequence to Charles; but he passed it by, wishing to try the system on its own merits. “You speak of true faith,” he said, “as produ- cing good works : you say that no faith justifies but true faith, and true faith produces good works. In other words, I suppose, faith, which is certain to be fruitful, or fruitful faith, justifies. They is very like saying that faith and works are the joint means of justification.” “ Oh, no, no,” cried Freeborn, “ that is deplorable doc- trine : it is quite opposed to the gospel, it is anti-Chris- tian. We are justified by faith only, apart from good works.” “ I am in an Article lecture just now,” said Charles, “ and Upton told us that we must make a dis- tinction of this kind; for instance, the Duke of Welling- ton is Chancellor of the University, but, though he is as much Chancellor as Duke, still he sits in the House of Lords as Duke, not as Chancellor. Thus, although faith is as truly fruitful as it is faith, yet it does not justify as being fruitful, but as being faith. Is this what you mean ? ” “ Not at all,” said Freeborn; “ that was Me- lancthon’s doctrine; he explained away a cardinal truth into a mere matter of words; he made faith a mere sym- bol, but this is a departure from the pure gospel: faith is the instrument, not a symbol of justification. It is, inLOSS AN!D GAIN. 117 truth, a mere apprehension, and nothing else: the seizing and clinging which a beggar might venture on, when a king passed by. Faith is as poor as Job in the ashes: it is like Job stripped of all pride and pomp and good works : it is covered with filthy rags: it is without any thing good: it is, I repeat, a mere apprehension. Now you see what I mean.” “ I can’t believe I understand you,” said Charles: “you say ■"that to have faith is to seize Christ’s merits, and that we have them, if we will but seize them. But surely not every one who seizes them, gains them; because dissolute men, who never have a dream of thorough repentance or real hatred of sin, would gladly seize and appropriate them, if they might do so. They would like to get to heaven for no- thing. Faith, then, must be some particular kind of ap- prehension : what kind ? good works cannot be mistaken, but an ‘ apprehension ’ may. What, then, is a true ap- prehension? what is faith ?” ' “ What need, my dear friend,” ariswered Freeborn, “ of knowing metaphysi- cally what true faith is, if we have it and enjoy it ? I do not know what bread is, but I eat it; do I wait till a chemist analyses it ? No, I eat it, and I feel the good effects afterwards. And so let us be content to know, not what faith is, but what it does, and enjoy our bless- edness in possessing it.” “ I really don’t want to intro- duce metaphysics,” said Charles, “ but I will adopt your own image. Suppose I suspected the bread before me to have arsenic in it, or to be merely unwholesome, would it be wonderful if I tried to ascertain how the fact stood ?” “ Did you do so this morning at breakfast ?” asked Freeborn. “ I did not suspect my bread,” an- swered Charles. “ Then why suspect faith ?” asked Freeborn. “ Because it is, so to say, a new substance,”118 LOSS AND GAIN. —(Freeborn sighed)—“ because I am not used to it, nay, because I suspect it. I must say suspect it; be- cause, though I don’t know much about the matter, I know perfectly well, from what has taken place in my father’s parish, what excesses this doctrine may lead to, unless it is guarded. You say that it is a doctrine for the poor; now they are very likely to mistake one thing for another; so indeed is every one. If, then, we are told, that we have but to apprehend Christ’s merits, and need not trouble ourselves about any thing else; that justification has taken place, and works will follow; that all is done, and that salvation is complete, while we do but continue to have faith; I think we ought to be pretty sure that we have faith, real faith, a real apprehension, before we shut up our books and make holiday.” Freeborn was secretly annoyed that he had got into an argument, or pained, as he would express it, at the pride of Charles’s natural man, or the blindness of his carnal reason; but there was no help for it, he muBt give him an answer. “ There are, I know, many kinds of faith,” he said; “and of course you must be on your guard against mistaking false faith for true faith. Many persons, as you most truly say, make this mistake; and most important is it, all important I should say, to go right. First, it is evident that it is not mere belief in facts, in the being of a God, or in the historical event that Christ has come and gone. Nor is it the submis- sion of the reason to mysteries ; nor, again, is it that sort of trust which is required for exercising the gift of mira- cles. Nor is it knowledge and acceptance of the contents of the Bible. I say, it is not knowledge, it is not assent of the intellect, it is not historical faith, it is not dead faith: true justifying faith is none of these—it is seatedLOSS AND GAIN. 119 in the heart and affections.” He paused, then added : “ Now, I suppose, for practical purposes, I have de- scribed pretty well what justifying faith is.” Charles hesitated: “ By describing what it is not, you mean,” said he; “justifying faith, then, is, I suppose, living faith.” “ Not so fast,” answered Freeborn. “ Why,” said Charles, “ if it’s not dead faith, it’s living faith.” “ It’s neither dead faith nor living,” said Freeborn, “ but faith, simple faith, which justifies. Luther was displeased with Melancthon for saying that living and operative faith justified. I have studied the question very care- fully.” “ Then do you tell me,” said bharles, “what faith is, since I do not explain it correctly. For instance, if you said (what you don’t say), that faith was submis- sion of the reason to mysteries, or acceptance of Scrip- ture as an historical document, I should know perfectly well what you meant; that is information: but when you say, that faith which justifies is an apprehension of Christ, that it is not living faith, or fruitful faith, or operative, but a something which in fact and actually is distinct from these, I confess I feel perplexed.” Freeborn wished to be out of the argument. “ Oh,” he said, “ if you really once experienced the power of faith—how it changes the heart, enlightens the eyes, gives a new spiritual taste, a new sense to the soul; if you once knew what it was to be blind, and then to see, you would not ask for definitions. Strangers need verbal descriptions; the heirs of the kingdom enjoy. Oh, if you could but be persuaded to put off high imaginations, to strip yourself of your proud self, and to experience iu yourself the wonderful change, you would live in praise and thanksgiving, instead of argument and criti- cism.” Charles was touched by his warmth; “ But,”120 LOSS AND GAIN. he said, “ we ought to act by reason ; and I don’t see that I have more, or so much, reason to listen to you, as to listen to the Roman Catholic, who tells me I cannot possibly have that certainty of faith before believing, which on believing will be divinely given me.” “ Surely,” said Freeborn, with a grave face, “you would not compare the spiritual Christian, such as Luther, holding his car- dinal doctrine about justification, to any such formal, legal, superstitious devotee as Popery can make, with its carnal rites and quack remedies, which never really cleanse the soul or reconcile it to God ? ” “I don’t like you to talk so,” said Reding; “ I know very little about the real nature of Popery; but when I was a boy, I was once, by chance, in a Roman Catholic chapel; and I really never saw such devotion in my life—the people all on their knees, and most earnestly attentive to what was going on. I did not understand what that was; but I am sure, had you been there, you never would have called their religion, be it right or wrong, an outward form or carnal ordinance.” Freeborn said it deeply pained him to hear such sentiments, and to find that Charles was so tainted with the errors of the day; and he began, not with much tact, to talk of the Papal Antichrist, and would have got off to prophecy, had Charles said a word to afford fuel for discussion. As he kept silence, Freeborn’s zeal burnt out, and there was a break in the conversation. After a time, Reding ventured to begin again. “ If I understand you,” he said, “ faith carries its own evi- dence with it. Just as I eat my bread at breakfast without hesitation about its wholesomeness, so, when I have really faith, I know it beyond mistake, and need not look out for tests of it?” “Precisely so,” saidLOSS AND GAIN. 121 Freeborn; “ you begin to see what I mean; you grow. The soul is enlightened to see that it has real faith.” “ But how,” asked Charles, “are we to rescue those from their dangerous mistake, who think they have faith, while they have not ? Is there no way in which they can find out that they are under a delusion ?” “ It is not wonderful,” said Freeborn, “though there be no way. There are many self-deceivers in the world. Some men are self-righteous, trust in their works, and think they are safe when they are in a state of perdition; no formal rules can be given by which their reason might for certain detect their mistake. And so of false faith.” “Well, it does seem to me wonderful,” said Charles, “that there is no natural and obvious warning provided against this delusion; wonderful that false faith should be so ex- actly like true faith that the event alone determines their differences from each other. Effects imply causes: if one apprehension of Christ leads to good works, and another does not, there must be something in the one which is not in the other. What is a false apprehension of Christ wanting in, which a true apprehension has ? The word apprehension is so vague; it conveys no de- finite idea to me, yet justification depends on it. Is it, for instance, wanting in repentance and amendment?” “ No, no,” said Freeborn; “ true faith is complete with- out conversion; conversion follows; but faith is the root.” “ Is it the love of God which distinguishes true faith from false?” “Love?” answered Freeborn; “ you should read what Luther says in his celebrated comment on the Galatians. He calls such a doctrine ‘pestilensfigmentum,’ ‘ diaboliportentumand cries out against the Papists, ‘ Pereant sophistce cum sud male- dictd glossd! ’ ” “ Then it differs from false faith in122 LOSS AND GAIN. nothing.” “ Not so,” said Freeborn ; “ it differs from it in its fruits : ‘ By their fruits ye shall know them.’ ” “ This is coming round to the same point again,” said Charles ; “ fruits come after; but a man, it seems, is to take comfort in his justification before fruits come, before he knows that his faith will produce them.” “ Good works are the necessary fruits of faith,” said Freeborn ; “ so says the Article.” Charles made no answer, but said to himself, “ My good friend here certainly has not the clearest of heads ;” then aloud, “ "Well, I despair of getting at the bottom of the subject.” “ Of course,” answered Freeborn, with an air of superiority, though in a mild tone, “ it is a very simple principle, ‘ Fides justificat ante et sine charitate hut it requires a divine light to embrace it.” They walked awhile in silence ; then, as the day was now closing in, they turned home- wards, and parted company when they came to the Clarendon. CHAPTER XVII. Feeebohn was not the person to let go a young man like Charles without another effort to gain him; and in a few days he invited him to take tea at his lodgings. Charles went at the appointed time, through the wet and cold of a dreary November evening, and found five or six men already assembled. He had got into another world; faces, manners, speeches, all were strange, and savoured neither of Eton, which was his own school, nor of Oxford itself. He was introduced, and found the awkwardness of a new acquaintance little relieved by the conversation which went on. It was a dropping fire ofLOSS AND GAIN. 123 serious remarks; with pauses, relieved only by occasional “ahems,” the sipping of tea, the sound of spoons falling against the saucers, and the blind shifting of chairs as the flurried servant-maid of the lodgings suddenly came upon them from behind, with the kettle for the teapot, or toast for the table. There was no nature or elasticity in the party, but a great intention to be profitable. “ Have you Been the last ‘ Spiritual Journal ?’ ” asked No. 1 of No. 2 in a low voice. No. 2 had just read it. “A very remarkable article that,” said No. 1, “upon the death-bed of the Pope.” “ No one is beyond hope,” answered No. 2. “ I have heard of it, but not seen it,” said No. 3. A pause. “What is it about?” asked Reding. “ The late Pope Sixtus the Sixteenth,” said No. 3; “he seems to have died a believer.” A sen- sation. Charles looked as if he wished to know more. “ The ‘ Journal ’ gives it on excellent authority,” said No. 2; “ Mr. O’Niggins, the agent for the Roman Priest Conversion Branch Tract Society, was in Rome during his last illness. He solicited an audience with the Pope, which was granted to him. He at once began to address him on the necessity of a change of heart, belief in the one Hope of sinners, and abandonment of all creature mediators. He announced to him the glad tidings, and assured him there was pardon for all. He warned him against the figment of baptismal regenera- tion ; and then, proceeding to apply the word, he urged him, though in the eleventh hour, to receive the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. The Pope listened with marked attention, and displayed consider- able emotion. When it was ended, he answered Mr. O’Niggins, that it was his fervent hope that they two would not die without finding themselves in one commu-124 LOSS AND GAIN. nion, or something of the sort. He declared moreover, what was astonishing, that he put his sole trust in Christ, ‘ the source of all merit,’ as he expressed it—a remarkable phrase.” “ In what language was the con- versation carried on?” asked Reding. “It is not stated,” answered No. 2; “but I am pretty sure Mr. O’Niggins is a good French scholar.” “ It does not seem to me,” said Charles, “ that the Pope’s admissions are greater than those made continually by certain mem- bers of our own Church, who are nevertheless accused of Popery.” “ But they are extorted from such persons,” said Freeborn, “ while the Pope’s were voluntary.” “The one party go back into darkness,” said No. 3 ; “ the Pope was coming forward into light.” “ One ought to interpret every thing for the best in a real Pa- pist,” said Freeborn, “ and every thing for the worst in a Puseyite. That is both charity and common sense.” “This was not all,” continued No.2 ; “he called toge- ther the Cardinals, protested that he earnestly desired God’s glory, said that inward religion was all in all, and forms nothing without a contrite heart, and that he trusted soon to be in Paradise—which, you know, was a denial of the doctrine of Purgatory.” “ A brand from the burning, I do hope,” said No. 3. “ It has frequently been observed,” said No. 4, “ nay it has struck me my- self, that the way to convert Romanists is first to con- vert the Pope.” “ It is a sure way, at least,” said Charles timidly, afraid he was saying too much ; but his irony was not discovered. “ Man cannot do it,” said Freeborn; “ it’s the power of faith. Faith can be vouchsafed even to the greatest sinners. Tou see now, perhaps,” he said, turning to Charles, “ better than you did, what I meant by faith the other day. This poorLOSS AND GAIN. 125 old man could have no merit; he had passed a long life in opposing the Cross. Do your difficulties con- tinue?” Charles had thought over their former conversation very carefully several times, and he answered, “ Why, I don’t think they do to the same extent.” Freeborn looked pleased. “ I mean,” he said, “ that the idea hangs together better than I thought it did at first.” Freeborn looked puzzled. Charles, slightly colouring, was obliged to proceed, amid the profound silence of the whole party. “You said, you know, that justifying faith was without love or any other grace besides itself, and that no one could at all tell what it was, except afterwards, from its fruits; that there was no test by which a person could examine himself, whether or not he was deceiving himself when he thought he had faith, so that good and bad might equally be taking to them- selves the promises and the privileges peculiar to the gospel. I thought this a hard doctrine certainly at first; hut then afterwards it struck me, tfiat faith is perhaps a result of a previous state of mind, a blessed result of a blessed state, and therefore may be considered the re- ward of previous obedience; and sham faith, or what merely looks likes faith, a judicial punishment.” In pro- portion as the drift of the former part of this speech was uncertain, so was the conclusion very distinct. There was no mistake, and an audible emotion. “ There is no such thing as previous merit,” said No. 1; “ all is of grace.” “ Not merit, I know,” said Charles, “ but ” —“We must not bring in the doctrine of de condigno or decongruo,” said No. 2. But surely,” said Charles, “ it is a cruel thing to say to the unlearned and the mul- titude, ‘ Believe, and you are at once saved; do not126 LOSS AND GAIN. wait for fruits, rejoice at once,’ and neither to accom- pany this announcement by any clear description of what faith is, nor to secure them by previous religious training against self-deception ?” “ That is the very gloriousness of the doctrine,” said Freeborn, “ that it is preached to the worst of mankind. It says, ‘ Come as you are ; don’t attempt to make yourselves better. Be- lieve that salvation is yours, and it is yours: good works follow after.’ ” “ On the contrary,” said Charles, con- tinuing his argument, “ when it is said that justification follows upon baptism, we have an intelligible something pointed out, which everyone can ascertain. Baptism is an external unequivocal token; whereas that a man has this secret feeling called faith, no one but himself can be a witness, and he is not an unbiassed one.” Reding had at length succeeded in throwing that dull tea-table into a state of great excitement. “ My dear friend,” said Freeborn, “I had hoped better things ; in a little while, I hope, you will see things differently. Baptism is an outward rite ; what is there, can there be, spiritual, holy, or heavenly in baptism ?” “ But you tell me faith too is not spiritual,” said Charles. “ I tell you !” cried Freeborn, “ when r” “ Well,” said Charles, somewhat puzzled, “ at least you do not think it holy.” Freeborn was puzzled in his turn. “ If it is holy,” con- tinued Charles, “ it has something good in it; it has some worth; it is not filthy rags. All the good comes afterwards, you said. You said that its fruits were holy, but that it was nothing at all itself.” There was a momentary silence, and some agitation of thought. “ Oh, faith is certainly a holy feeling,” said No. 1. “No^ it is spiritual, but not holy,” said No. 2 ; “ it is a mere act, the apprehension of Christ’s merits.” “ It is seatedLOSS AND GAIN. 127 in the affections,” said No. 3 ; “ faith is a feeling of the heart; it is trust, it is a belief that Christ is my Saviour ; all this is distinct from holiness. Holiness introduces self-righteousness. Faith is peace and joy, but it is not holiness. Holiness comes after.” “ Nothing can cause holiness but what is holy; this is a sort of axiom,” said Charles; “ if the fruits are holy, faith, which is the root, is holy.” “ You might as well say that the root of a rose is red, and of a lily, white,” said No. 3. “ Pardon me,” said Freeborn, “ it is, as my friend says, an apprehension. An apprehension is a seizing; there is no more holiness in justifying faith, than in the hand’s seizing a substance which comes in its way. This is Luther’s great doctrine in his ‘ Commentary ’ on the Ga- latians. It is nothing in itself—it is a mere instrument; this is what he teaches, when he so vehemently resists the notion of justifying faith being accompaniedby love.” “I cannot assent to that doctrine,” said No. 1; “it may be true in a certain sense, but it throws stumbling- blocks in the way of seekers. Luther could not have meant what you say, I am convinced. Justifying faitli is always accompanied by love.” “That is what I thought,” said Charles. “ That is the Romish doctrine all over,” said No. 2 ; “it is the doctrine of Bull and Taylor.” “ Luther calls it ‘ venenum infernale,’ ” said Freeborn. “ It is just what the Puseyites preach at present,” said No. 3. “ On the contrary,” said No. 1, “ it is the doctrine of Melancthon. Look here,” he continued, taking his pocket-book out of his pocket, “ I have got his words down, as Shuffleton quoted them in the Divinity-school the other day. ‘Fides significatJidu- ciam ; in Jiducia inest dilectio; ergo etiam dilectione su- musjusti.” Three of the party cried “ Impossible;” the128 LOSS AND GAIN. paper was handed round in solemn silence. “ Calvin said the same,” said No. 1, triumphantly. “I think,” said No. 4,in a slow, smooth, sustained voice, which contrasted with the animation which had suddenly inspired the conversation, “ that the con-tro- ver-sy, ahem, may be easily arranged. It is a question of words between Luther and Melancthon. Luther says, ahem, * faith is without love,’ meaning, ‘ faith with- out love justifies.’ Melancthon, on the other hand, says, ahem, ‘faith is with love,’ meaning, ‘faith justifies with love.’ Now both are true: for, ahem, faith-with- out-love justifies, yet faith justifies not-without-hve.” There was a pause, while both parties digested this explanation. “ On the contrary,” he added, “ it is the Komish doctrine that faith-with-love justifies.” Free- born expressed his dissent; he thought this the doctrine of Melancthon which Luther condemned. “ You mean,” said Charles, “ that justification is given to faith with love, not to faith and love.” “ You have ex- pressed my meaning,” said No. 4. “ And what is con- sidered the difference between with and and?" asked Charles. No. 4 replied without hesitation, “ Faith is the instrument, love the sine qua non'' Nos. 2 and 3 inter- posed with a protest; they thoughtit “legal” to introduce the phrase sine qua non ; it was introducing conditions. Justification was unconditional. “But is not faith a condition ?” asked Charles. “Certainly not,” said Free- born ; “ ‘ condition ’ is a legal word. How can salva- tion be free and full, if it is conditional ?” “ There are no conditions,” said No. 3 ; “all must come from the heart. We believe with the heart, we love from the heart, we obey with the heart; not because we are obliged, but because we have a new nature.” “ Is thereLOSS AND GAIN. 129 no obligation to obey ?” said Charles, surprised. “No obligation to the regenerate,” answered No. 3; “they are above obligation; they are in a new state.” “But surely Christians are under a law,” said Charles. “ Certainly not,” said No. 2 ; “ the law is done away in Christ.” “Take care,” said No. 1; “thatborders on Antinomianism.” “ Not at all,” said Freeborn; “an Antinomian actually holds that he may break the law ; a spiritual believer only holds that he is not bound to keep it.” < Now they got into a fresh discussion among them- selves ; and as it seemed as interminable as it was unin- teresting, Reding took an opportunity to wish his host a good night, and to slip away. He never had much lean- ing towards the evangelical doctrine; and Freeborn and his friends, who knew what they were holding much better than the run of their party, satisfied him that he had not much to gain by inquiring into that doctrine fur- ther. So they will vanish in consequence from our pages. CHAPTER XVIII. When Charles got to his room, he saw a letter from home lying on his table: and, to his alarm, it had a deep black edge. He tore it open. Alas, it announced the sudden death of his dear father. He had been ailing some weeks with the gout, which at length had attacked his stomach, and carried him off in a few hours. O my poor dear Charles, I sympathise with you keenly all that long night, and that indescribable waking in the morning, and that dreary day of travel which followed it! By the afternoon you were at home. 0 piercing change! it was but six or seven weeks before,130 LOSS AND GATN. that you had passed the same objects the reverse way, with what different feelings, and oh, in what company, as you made for the railway omnibus ! It was a grief not to be put into words ; and to meet mother, sisters, and the Dead! . . . . The funeral is over by some days; Charles is to re- main at home the remainder of the term, and does not return to Oxford till towards the end of January. The signs of grief have been put away ; the house looks cheerful as before ; the fire as bright, the mirrors as soft, the furniture as orderly; the pictures are the same, and the ornaments on the mantel-piece stand as they have stood, and the French clock tells the hour, as it has told it, for years past. The inmates of the parsonage wear, it is most true, the signs of a heavy bereavement; but they converse as usual, and on ordinary subjects; they pursue the same employments, they work, they read,they walk in the garden, they dine. There is no change ex- cept in the inward consciousness of an overwhelming loss. He is not there, not merely on this day or that, for so it well might be ; he is not merely away, but, as tbey know well, he is gone and will not return. That he is absent now, is but a token and a memorial to their minds that he will be absent always. But espe- cially at dinner ; Charles had to take a place which he had sometimes filled, but then as the deputy, and in the presence, of him whom now he succeeded. His father, being not much more than a middle-aged man, had been accustomed to carve himself. And when at the meal of the day Charles looked up, he had to encounter the troubled look of one, who, from her place at table, had before her eyes a still more vivid memento of their common loss ;—aliquid desideraverunt oculi.LOSS AND GAIN. 131 Mr. Reding had left his family well provided for; and this, though a real alleviation of their loss in the event, perhaps augmented the pain of it at the moment. He had ever been a kind indulgent father. He was a most respectable clergyman of the old school; pious in his sentiments, a gentleman in his feelings, exemplary in his social relations. He was no reader, and never had been in the way to gain theological knowledge; he sincerely believed all that was in the Prayer-book, but his sermons were very rarely doctrinal. They were sensible, manly discourses on the moral duties. He administered holy communion at the three great festivals, saw his Bishop once or twice a year, was on good terms with the country gentlemen in his neighbourhood, was charitable to the poor, hospitable in his housekeeping, and was a staunch though not a violent supporter of the Tory interest in his county. He was incapable of any thing harsh, or petty, or low, or uncourteous; and died esteemed by the great houses about him, and lamented by his parishioners. It was the first great grief poor Charles had ever had, and he felt it to be real. How did the small anxieties which had of late teased him, vanish before this tangible calamity! He then understood the difference between what was real and what was not. All the doubts, in- quiries, surmises, views, which had of late haunted him on theological subjects, seemed like so many shams, which flitted before him in sunbright hours, brut had no root in his inward nature, and fell from him, like the helpless December leaves, in the hour of his affliction. He felt now where his heart and his life lay. His birth, his parentage, his education, his home, were great realities ; to these his being was united; out of these he grew. He felt he must be what Providence had made him. What132 LOSS AND GAIN. is called the pursuit of truth, seemed an idle dream. He had great tangible duties, to his father’s memory, to his mother and sisters, to his position; he felt sick of all theories, as if they had taken him in; and he secretly resolved never more to have any thing to do with them. Let the world go on as it might, happen what would to others, his own place and his own path were clear. He would go back to Oxford, attend steadily to his books, put aside all distractions, avoid bye-paths,and do his best to acquit himself well in the schools. The Church of England as it was, its Articles, Bishops, preachers, pro- fessors,had sufficed for much better persons than he was; they were good enough for him. He could not do better than imitate the life and death of his beloved father; a quiet time in the country at a distance from all excite- ments, a round of pious, useful work, among the poor, the care of a village school, and at length the death of the righteous. At the moment, and for some time to come, he had special duties towards.his mother; he wished, as far as might be, to supply to her the place of him she had lost. She had great trials before her still; if it was a grief to nimself to leave Hartley, what would it be to her ? Not many months would pass over, when she would have to quit a place ever dear, and now sacred to her thoughts; there was in store for her the anguish of dismantling the home of many years, and the toil and whirl of packing; a wearied head and an aching heart at a time when she would have most need of self-possession and energy. Such were the thoughts which came upon him again and again in those sorrowful weeks. A leaf had been turned over in his life; he could not be what he had been. People come to man’s estate at very differentLOSS AND GAIN. 133 ages. Youngest sons in a family, like monks in a con- vent, may remain children till they have reached middle age ; but the elder, should their father die prematurely, are suddenly ripened into manhood, when they are al- most boys. Charles had left Oxford a clever, unformed youth ; he returned a man.PART II. CHAPTER I. About four miles from Oxford, a thickly wooded village lies oh the side of a steep long hill or chine, looking over the Berkshire woods, and commanding a view of the many-turreted city itself. Over its broad summit once stretched a chestnut forest; and now it is covered with the roots of trees, or furze, or soft turf. The red sand which lies underneath contrasts with the green, and adds to its brilliancy; it drinks in too the rain greedily, so that the wide common is nearly always fit for walking; and the air, unlike the heavy atmosphere of the University beneath it, is fresh and bracing. The gorse was still in bloom in the latter end of the month of June, when Reding and Sheffield took up their abode in a small cot- tage at the upper end of this village,—so hid with trees and girt in with meadows, that for the stranger it was hard to find,—there to pass their third and last Long Vacation, before going into the schools. A year and a half had passed since Charles’s great affliction, and the time had not been unprofitably spent either by himself or his friend. Both had read very regularly, and Sheffield had gained the Latin verse into the bargain. Charles had put all religious perplexities aside; that is, he knew of course many more persons of all parties than he did before, and became better ac- quainted with their tenets and their characters; but heLOSS AND GAIN. 135 did not dwell upon any thing which he met with, nor attempt to determine the merits or solve the difficulties of this or that question. He took things as they came; and, while he gave his mind to his books, he thankfully availed himself of the religious privileges which the Col- lege system afforded him. Nearly a year still remained before his examination; and, as Mrs. Reding had not as yet fully arranged her plans, but was still with her daugh- ters, passing from friend to friend, he had listened to Sheffield’s proposal to take a tutor for the Vacation, and to find a site for their studies in the neighbour- hood of Oxford. There was every prospect of their both obtaining the highest honours which the schodis award : they both were good scholars and clever men; they had read regularly, and had had the advantage of able lectures. The side of the hill forms a large sweeping hollow or theatre just on one side of the village of Horsley. The two extreme points may be half a mile across ; but the distance is increased to one who follows the path which winds through the furze and fern along the ridge. Their tutor had been unable to find lodgings in the village; and, while the two young men lived on one extremity of the sweep we have been describing, Mr. Carlton, who was not above three years older than they, had planted himself at a farm-house upon the other. Besides, the farm-house suited him better, as being nearer to a hamlet which he was serving during the Vacation. “ I don’t think you like Carlton as well as I do,” said Reding to Sheffield, as they lay on the greensward with some lighter classic in their hands, waiting for din- ner, and watching their friend as he approached them from his lodging. “ He is to me so taking a man; so136 LOSS AND GAIN. equable, so gentle, so considerate—he brings people to- gether, and fills them with confidence in himself, and friendly feeling towards each other, more than any person I know.” “You are wrong,” said Sheffield, “ if you think I don’t value him extremely, and love him too ; it’s impossible not to love him. But he’s not the person quite to get influence over me.” “ He’s too much of an Anglican for you,” said Reding. “Not at all,” said Sheffield, “ except indirectly. My quarrel with him is, that he has many original thoughts, and holds many profound truths in detail, but is quite unable to see how they lie to each other, and equally unable to draw con- sequences. He never sees a truth until he touches it; he is ever groping and feeling, and, as in hide-and-seek, continually burns without discovering. I know there are ten thousand persons who cannot see an inch before their nose, and who can comfortably digest contradic- tions ; but Carlton is really a clever man ; he is no com- mon thinker; this makes it so provoking. When I write an essay for him,—I know I write obscurely, and often do not bring out the sequence of my ideas in due order,—but, so it is, he is sure to cut out the very thought or statement on which I especially pride myself, on which the whole argument rests, which binds every part together ; and he coolly tells me that it is extrava- gant or far-fetched—not seeing that by leaving it out he has made nonsense of the rest. He is a man to rob an arch of its key-stone, and then quietly to build his house upon it.” “Ah, your old failing again,” said Reding; “ a craving after views. Now, what I like in Carlton, is that repose of his ;—always saying enough, never too much; never boring you, never taxing you ; always practical, never in the clouds. Save me from a viewyLOSS AND GAIN. 137 man; I could not live with him for a week, present company always excepted.” “ Now, considering how hard I have read, and how little I have talked this year past, that is hard on me,” said Sheffield. “ Did not I go to be one of old Thruston’s sixteen pupils, last Long ? He gave us capital feeds, smoked with us, and coached us in Ethics and the Agamemnon. He knows his books by heart, can repeat his plays backwards, and weighs out his Aristotle by grains and pennyweights: but, for generalisations, ideas, poetry, oh, it was desolation—it was a darkness which could be felt.” “And you stayed there just six weeks out of four months, Sheffield,” an- swered Eeding. Carlton had now joined them, and, after introductory greetings on both sides, he too threw himself upon the turf. Sheffield said: “Eeding and I were disputing just now whether Nicias was a party man.” “ Of course you first defined your terms,” said Carlton. “ Well,” said Sheffield, “ I mean by a party man, one who not only belongs to a party, but who has the animus of party. Nicias did not makea party,he found one made. He found himself at the head of it; he was no more a party man than a prince who was born the head of his state.” “I should agree with you,” said Carlton; “butstill I should like to know what a party is, and what a party man.” “ A party,” said Sheffield, “ is merely an extra- constitutional or extra-legal body.” “ Party action,” said Charles, “is the exertion of influence instead of law.” “ But supposing, Eeding, there is no law existing in the quarter where influence exerts itself?” asked Carlton. Charles had to explain: “ Certainly,” he said, “ the State did not legislate for all possible contingencies.” “ For instance,” continued Carlton, “ a prime minister,138 LOSS AND GAIN. I Lave understood, is not acknowledged in the constitu- tion ; he exerts influence beyond the law, but not, in consequence, against any existing law; and it would be absurd to talk of him as a party man.” “ Parliamentary parties, too, are recognised among us,” said Sheffield, “though extra-constitutional. We call them parties ; but who would call the Duke of Devonshire or Lord John Bussell, in a bad sense, a party man ?” “It seems to me,” said CarltoD, “ that the formation of a party is merely a recurrence to the original mode of forming into society. You recollect Deioces; he formed a party. He gained influence; he laid the foundation of social order.” “Law certainly begins in influence,” saidKeding, “for it presupposes a lawgiver; afterwards it supersedes in- fluence ; from that time the exertion of influence is a sign of party.” “ Too broadly said, as you yourself .just now allowed,” said Carlton : “you should say that law begins to supersede influence, and that in proportion as it supersedes it, does the exertion of influence involve party action. For instance, has not the crown an im- mense personal influence ? we talk of the Court party; yet it does not interfere with law, it is intended to con- ciliate the people to the law.” “ But it is recognised by law and constitution,” said Charles, “as was the Dictatorship.” “ Well, then, take the influence of the clergy,” answered Carlton; “ we make much of that influence as a principle supplemental to the law, and as a support to the law, yet not created or defined by the law. The law does not recognise what some one calls truly a ‘ resident gentleman ’ in every parish. Influence, then, instead of law is not necessarily the action of party.” “ So again, national character is an influence distinct from the law,” said Sheffield, “ according to the line,—LOSS AND GAIN. 139 1 Quid leges sine moribus ?* ” “Law,” said Carlton, “ is but gradually formed and extended. "Well, then, so far as there is no law, there is the reign of influence; there is party without of necessity party action. This is the justification of Whigs and Tories at the present day; to supply, as Aristotle says on another subject, the defects.of the law. Charles the First exerted a regal, Walpole a ministerial influence ; but influence, not law, was the operating principle in both cases. The object or the means might be wrong, but the process could not be called party action.” “ You would justify, then,” said Charles, “ the associations or confraternities which existed, for instance, in Athens; not, that is, if they ‘ took the law into their own hands,’ as the phrase goes, but if there was no law to take, or if there was no con- stituted authority to take it. It was a recurrence to the precedent of Deioces.” “ Manzoni gives a striking in- stance of this, in the beginning of his JPromessi Sposi,” said Sheffield, “ when he speaks of the protection which law ought to give to the weak, as being in the sixteenth century sought and found almost exclusively in factions or companies. I don’1< recollect particulars, but he describes the clergy as busy in extending their im- munities, the nobility their privileges, the army their exemptions, the trades and artizans their guilds. Even the lawyers formed a union, and medical men a cor- poration.” “ Thus constitutions are gradually moulded and per- fected,” said Carlton, “by extra-constitutional bodies, either coming under the protection of law, or else being superseded by the law’s providing for their objects. In the middle ages the Church was a vast extra-constitu- tional body. The German and Anglo-Norman sovereigns140 LOSS AND GAIN. wished to bring its operation under the law; modern parliaments have superseded its operation by law. Then the State wished to gain the right of investitures ; now the State marries, registers, manages the poor, exer- cises ecclesiastical jurisdiction, instead of the Church.” “ This will make ostracism parallel to the Reformation or the Revolution,” said Sheffield; “ there is a battle of influence against influence, and one gets rid of the other; law or constitution does not come into question, but the will of the people or of the court ejects, whether the too- gifted individual, or the monarch, or the religion. What was not under the law could not be dealt with, had no claim to be dealt with, by the law.” “A thought has sometimes struck me,” said Charles, “ which falls in with what you have been saying. In the last half- century there has been a gradual formation of the popular party in the State, which now tends to be acknowledged as constitutional, or is already so acknowledged. My father never could endure newspapers—I mean, the sys- tem of newspapers ; he said it was a new power in the State. I am sure I am not defending what he was thinking of, the many bad things, the wretched princi- ples, the arrogance and tyranny of newspaper-writers, but I am trying the subject by the test of your theory. The great body of the people are very imperfectly repre- sented in parliament; the Commons are not their voice, but the voice of certain great interests. Consequently the press comes in, to do that which the constitution does not do, to form the people into a vast mutual-pro- tection association. And this is done by the same right that Deioces had to collect people about him ; it does not interfere with the existing territory of the law, but builds where the constitution has not made provision.LOSS AND GAIN. 141 It tends, then, ultimately to be recognised by the constitution.” “ There is another remarkable phenomenon of a si- milar kind now in process of development,” said Carlton, “ and that is, the influence of agitation. I really am not politician enough to talk of it as good or bad; one’s natural instinct is against it; but it may be necessary. However, agitation is getting to be recognised as the legitimate instrument by which the masses make their desires known, and secure the accomplishment of them. Just as a bill passes in parliament, after certain read- ings, discussions, speeches, votings, and the like; so the process by which an act of the popular will becomes law, is a long agitation, issuing in petitions, previous to and current with the parliamentary process. The first in- stance of this was about fifty or sixty years ago, when . . . Hallo !” he cried, “ who is this cantering up to us ?” “I declare it is old Vincent,” said Sheffield. “He is come to dine,” said Charles ; “just in time.” “How are you, Carlton?” cried Vincent; “how d’ye do, Mr. Sheffield ? Mr. Reding, how d’ye do ? acting up to your name, I suppose, for you were ever a reading man. For myself,” he continued, “ I am just now an eating man, and am come to dine with you, if you will let me. Have you a place for my horse ?” There was a farmer near, who could lend a stable; so the horse was led off by Charles; and the rider, without any delay—for the hour did not admit it—entered the cot- tage to make his brief preparation for dinner.142 LOSS AND GAIN. CHAPTER II. In a few minutes all met together at table in the small parlour, which was room of all work in the cottage. They had not the whole house, limited as were its resources ; for it was also the habitation of a gardener, who took his vegetables to the Oxford market, and whose wife, what is called, did for his lodgers. Dinner was suited to the apartment, apartment to the dinner. The book-table had been hastily cleared for a cloth, not over white, and, in consequence, the sole re- maining table, which acted as sideboard, displayed a relay of plates and knives and forks, in the midst of octavos and duodecimos, bound and unbound, piled up and thrown about in great variety of shapes. The other ornaments of this side-table were an ink-glass, some quires of large paper, a straw hat, a gold watch, a clothes-brush, some bottles of ginger-beer, a pair of gloves, a case of cigars, a neck-handkerchief, a shoe- horn, a small slate, a large clasp-knife, a hammer, and a handsome inlaid writing-desk. “ I like these rides into the country,” said Yincent, as they began eating; “ the country loses its effect on me when I live in it, as you do; but it is exquisite as a zest. Yisit it, do not live in it, if you would enjoy it. Country air is a stimulus ; stimulants, Mr. Reding, should not be taken too often. You are of the country party. I am of no party. I go here and there, like the bee; I taste of every thing, I depend on nothing.” Sheffield said, that this was rather belonging to all parties, than to none. “ That is impossible,” answered Yincent; “ I hold it to be altogether impossible. You can’t belong to two parties; there’s no fear of it; youLOSS AND GAIN. 143 might as well attempt to be in two places at once. To be connected with both is to be united with neither. Depend on it, my young friend, antagonist principles correct each other. It’s a piece of philosophy which one day you will thank me for, when you are older.” “ I have heard of an American illustration of this,” said Sheffield, “ which certainly confirms what you say, sir. Professors in the United States are sometimes of two or three religions at once, according as we regard them historically, personally, or officially. In this way, per- haps, they hit the mean.” Yincent, though he so often excited a smile in others, had no humour himself; and never could make out the difference between irony and earnest. Accordingly he was brought to a stand. Charles came to his relief. “Before dinner,” he said, “ we were sporting what you will consider a great para- dox, I am afraid; that parties were good things, or rather necessary things.” “ You don’t do me justice,” answered Yincent, “ if this is what you think I mean. I halve your words; parties are not good, but necessary; like snails, I don’t envy them their small houses, or try to lodge in them.” “You mean,” said Carlton, “that parties do our dirty work; they are our beasts of burden; we could not get on without them, but we need not identify ourselves with them; we may keep aloof.” “That,” said Sheffield, “is something like those re- ligious professors who say that it is sinful to engage in worldly though necessary occupations; but that the re- probate undertake them, and work for the elect.” “There will always be persons enough in the world who like to be party men, without being told to be so,” said Vin- cent ; “ it’s our business to turn them to account, to use them, but to keep aloof. I take it, all parties are partly144 LOSS AND GAIN. right, only they go too far. I borrow from each, I co- operate with each, as far as each is right, and no fur- ther. Thus I get good from all, and I do good to all; for I countenance each, so far as it is true.” “ Mr. Carlton meant more than that, sir,” said Shef- field ; “ he meant that the existence of parties was not only necessary and useful, but even right.” “Mr. Carlton is not the man to make paradoxes,” said Vincent; “ I suspect he would not defend the extreme opinions, which, alas, exist among us at present, and are progress- ing every day.” “ I was speaking of political parties,” said Carlton, “ but I am disposed to extend what I said to religious also.” “ But, my good Carlton,” said Vin- cent, “ Scripture speaks against religious parties.” “ Certainly I don’t wish to oppose Scripture,” said Carlton, “ and I speak under correction of Scripture; but I say this, that whenever and wherever a Church does not decide religious points, so far does it leave the decision to individuals ; and, since you can’t expect all people to agree together, you must have different opi- nions ; and the expression of those different opinions, by the various persons who hold them, is what is called a party.” “ Mr. Carlton has been great, sir, on the general subject before dinner,” said Sheffield, “ and now he draws the corollary, that whenever there are parties in a Church, a Church may thank itself for them. They are the certain effect of private judgment; and the more pri- vate judgment you have, the more parties you will have. You are reduced, then, to this alternative, no toleration or party; and you must recognise party, unless you re- fuse toleration.” “ Sheffield words it more Btrongly than I should do,” said Carlton; “but really I mean pretty much what he says. Take the case of the Roman Ca-LOSS AND GAIN. 145 tholics; they have decided many points of theology, many they have not decided; and wherever there is no ecclesiastical decision, there they have at once a party; and when the ecclesiastical decision at length appears, then the party ceases. Thus you have the Dominicans and Franciscans contending about the Immaculate Con- ception ; they went on contending because authority did not at once decide the question. On the other hand, when Jesuits and Jansenists disputed on the question of grace, the Pope gave it in favour of the Jesuits, and the controversy at once came to an end.” “ Surely,” said Vincent, “ my good and worthy friend, the Eev. Charles Carlton, Fellow of Leicester, and sometime Ireland Es- sayist, is npt preferring the Church of Rome to the Church of England.” Carlton laughed; “ You won’t suspect me of that, I think,” he answered; “ no ; all I say is, that our Church, from its constitution, admits, approves of private judgment; and that private judg- ment, so far forth as it is admitted, necessarily involves parties; the slender private judgment allowed in the Church of Rome admitting occasional or local parties, and the ample private judgment allowed in our Church recognising parties as an element of the Church.” “ Well, well, my good Carlton,” said Vincent, frowning and looking wise,yet without finding any thing particular to say. “ You mean,” said Sheffield, “ if I understand you, that it is a piece of mawkish hypocrisy to shake the head and throw up the eyes at Mr. this or that for being the head of a religious party, while we return thanks for our pure and reformed Church; because purity, refor- mation, apostolicity, toleration, all these boasts and glories of the Church of England, establish party action and party spirit as a cognate blessing, for which we should146 LOSS AND GAIN. be thankful also. Party is one of our greatest orna- ments, Mr. Vincent.” “ A sentiment or argument does not lose in your hands,” said Carlton; “but what I meant was simply that party leaders are not dishonourable in the Church, unless Lord John Russell or Sir Robert Peel hold a dishonourable post in the State.” “ My young friend,” said Vincent, finishing his mutton, and pushing his plate from him, “my two young friends,—for Carlton is not much older than Mr. Sheffield,—may you learn a little more judgment. When you have lived to my age” (viz. two or three years beyond Carlton’s), “ you will learn sobriety in all things. Mr. Reding, another glass of wine. See that poor child, how she totters under the gooseberry-pudding; up, Mr. Sheffield, and help her. The old woman cooks better than I had expected. How do you get your butcher’s meat here, Carlton ? I should have made the attempt to bring you a fine jack I saw in our kitchen, but I thought you would have no means of cooking it.” Dinner over, the party rose, and strolled out on the green. Another subject commenced. “Was not Mr. Willis of St. George’s a friend of yours, Mr. Reding ?” asked Vincent. Charles started; “ I knew him a little ... I have seen him several times.” “You know he left us,” continued Vincent, “ and joined the Church of Rome. Well, it is credibly reported that he is return- ing.” “A melancholy history, anyhow,” answered Charles; “most melancholy, if this is true.” “Ra- ther,” said Vincent, setting him right, as if he had simply made a verbal mistake, “ a most happy termina- tion, you mean; the only thing that was left for him to do. You know he went abroad. Any one who is in- clined t